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Carroll Judson, in th"^ Cierk's Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsyh Transferred to Moss & Brother. Stereotyped by Slote & Mo one r, Philadelphia, Kite he heights that had been surmounted by Wolfe and formed them wear the memorable plains of Abraham. The city had become so well fortified that the summons to surrender was treated with con- tempt. To attack with so small a force would be a reckless waste of human life. In a few days he marched to Point aux Trembles twenty miles above Quebec to await the coming of Gen. Montgomery who arrived on the first day of December. A siege upon the city was immediately commenced which was successfully resisted. On the morning of the 31st of that month a simultaneous assault was made on two sides of the city in which Montgomery was killed and Arnold severely wounded in the leg. Officers and men behaved with great gallantry. No other assault was attempted-the blockade was con- tinued to May 1776. On the 18th of June Arnold withdrew from Canada. He subsequently commanded the small fleet on Lake Cham- pilain and exhibited great skill and bravery. In August, 1777, he relieved Fort Schuyler, then besieged by Col. St. Leger with an army of near 1800 men. At the battle near Still- water on the 19th September he fought like a tiger for four hours. After the British had been driven within their lines in the action of the 8th of October, Arnold pressed forward under a destructive fire 5 34 THESAGESANDHEROES and assaulted their works, forced their entrenchments and entered their Hnes with a handful of desperate followers and only retreated upon his horse being killed and himself severely wounded again in his unfortunate leg. For desperate bravery on the field of battle he had no superior. He seemed enchanted with danger and infatuated with miUtary glory. But this was not his ruling passion. He was licentious, voluptuous, amorous and epicurean. The want of means to fully pamper these ruinous propensities, which had destroyed all sense of moral rectitude-solves the problem of his treason. Being disqualified by his wounds for field service he was put in command of the garrison at Philadelphia, He made the house of Gov. Penn his headquarters which he furnished in princely style and commenced a course of extravagant living and equipage far beyond his salary. To raise funds he laid violent hands upon all property belonging to those who did not enter fully into the cause of the pa- triots. He oppressed, extorted, used public money and property for private purposes and made his public accounts more than duplicate. He rushed into unsuccessful trading speculations and made himself amenable to a series of grave charges and was summoned to appear before the commissioners of accounts who rejected more than half the amount of his charges against government. He appealed to Congress whose committee confirmed the report of the commissioners with the remark that Arnold had been allowed too much. So violent was his language and conduct towards his superiors that he was arraigned before a court-martial and sentenced to be reprimanded by Washing- ton. This sentence was sanctioned by Congress and promptly executed. His mortification had now reached its zenith. He was bankrupt in means-his reputation wounded-his pride lacerated. He became sur- charged with fell revenge-treason was the best panacea for that dark passion. He was quick to see that West Point would command the most money and inflict the deepest wound upon the cause of liberty. He suddenly professed deep repentance and applied to the New York delegation in Congress to obtain for him the command of that impor- tant post. Through Gen. Schuyler the same application was made to Washington who was anxious to have his services in the field but wilhng to comply with his wishes. Early in August, 1779, Arnold repaired to the camp of Washington and made the application in person without apparent anxiety, stating that his wounds disqualified him for field service. With full confidence in his fidelity he received the desired command. It has been intimated by some writers that the plan of treason was OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 35 suggested to Arnold by an English courtesan with whom he was ulti- mate. It is true that he wrote to Col. Robinson of the British army upon the subject before he applied for the command. That letter opened to him a correspondence with Sir Henry Clinton who sanc- tioned the project and probably fixed the price of the base deed. On the conclusion of these preliminaries the traitor solicited the appoint- ment he received. He repaired to the garrison at West Point and opened an ostensible mercantile correspondence with Major Andre the British agent to consummate the nefarious plot. The names assumed were Gustavus and Anderson. For convenience of escape the British sloop of war Vulture was moved up the river at a distance not to ex- cite suspicion. An interview was arranged for the night of September 21, 1780. Andre was landed below the garrison under a pass for John Anderson. Arnold received him at the house of a Mr. Smith within the American lines in violation of his sacred promise not to do so to avoid the penalty of a spy-showing the reckless daring of the traitor. The sun rose upon them before their plans of operation were com- pleted. Andre remained with Arnold during the day. When ready to leave in the evening it was found the Vulture had been compelled to move too far down the river for him to reach her with a boat. He exchanged his regimentals for a plain suit-received a pass from Arnold and proceeded by land for New York. On the 23d he ha-d proceeded so far that he felt perfectly secure when one of a militia scout suddenly seized the reins of his bridle and brought him to a stand. Instead of producing his pass he asked the man where he belonged. He an- swered-" below." " So do I" was the response and declared himself an English officer on urgent business and wished not to be detained. At that moment two others of the scout came up when the spy dis- covered his true position. He offered a purse of gold and his gold watch to let him pass. To those patriot soldiers the offer was an insult. He then offered them any amount they would name in money or dry goods, with himself as a hostage until the amount should be received. Fortunately for the cause of freedom, British gold could not purchase these honest men in humble life. They had met the tempter and had moral courage to repel all his assaults. Their virtue para- lyzed the treason of the only traitor in the American army. Let their names be handed down to posterity with profound veneration. John Paulding, David Williams and Isaac Vauwert secured Andre and foiled Arnold. Williams lived respected and died regretted in my native neighborhood. Often have I heard him relate the minute cir- cumstances of that important capture. He claimed to be the one who 36 THE SAGES AND HEROES first arrested the spy. These three men proceeded to examine their prisoner and found concealed in his boots an exact account of the gar rison at West Point in detail in the handwriting of Arnold. They took him to Lieut. Col. Jameson who commanded the scouting par- ties. Anxious to save the traitor, he persisted in the character assumed and shrewdly asked that Arnold should be informed that Anderson was taken, who would explain and make every thing satisfactory. The ruse succeeded-an express was sent to the garrison which enabled Arnold to escape on board the Vulture on the 25th of September, a few hours only before Gen. Washington reached West Point. He proceeded to Sir Henry Clinton at New York where he received j$50,000 and the commission of brigadier general in the Britisii army- the price of his base treachery. Although the foul transaction was tolerated by the Enghsh government, all honorable men in England detested the traitor and his treason. This was frequently manifested after his location in that country at the close of the Revolution. Lord Lauderdale expressed his disgust on seeing Arnold seated on the right hand of the king and exclaimed-" His majesty is supported by a trai- tor." Lord Surry rose to speak in the House of Commons and on perceiving the traitor in the gallery sat down and exclaimed-" I will not speak while that man is in the House." In addition to the money paid and the disgrace of associating with this vile man-the British army lost one of its brightest ornaments in the death of Maj. Andre. Contrary to his sacred pledge Arnold made him a spy by taking him within the American lines. He was tried, convicted and hung. Washington would gladly have warded off the dreadful sentence could he have found any excuse for doing so. The law demanded the sacri- fice-it was made from the necessity of the case. The news of Arnold's treason created surprise and indignation among the people of his native country. At Philadelphia his effigy was made large as life and drawn through the streets at night in a cart with a figure of the devil at his side holding a lighted lantern to liis face and the inscription in large capitals-TRAITOR ARNOLD. The cart was followed by a dense crowd with martial music playing the rogue's march. The principal being absent the representative was hung and then burnt. Arnold had become so hardened by a long indulgence in improper practices that he was apparently steeled against all reflection upon the past. Soon after he commenced his murderous career in the British service, Washington remarked of him in a pri- vate letter-" I am mistaken, if, at this time Arnold is undergoing a mental hell. He wants feeling. From spme traits of his character OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 37 which have lately come to my knowledge, he seems to have been so hackneyed in crime-so lost to all sense of honor and shame, that while his faculties still enable him to continue his sordid pursuits there will be no time for remorse." An ingenious, bold but unsuccessful attempt was made to abduct him from New York before the execution of the unfortunate Andre. He made a hair-breadth escape. The baseness of Arnold's treason was increased in blackness by his subsequent conduct. He had the assurance to write to Washington the day he escaped on board the Vulture, stating that he was, acting for the good of his country and requesting the commander-in-chief to protect his wife and pass her and his baggage to him. Mrs. Arnold was immediately forwarded to New York with her effects and those of her husband. Arnold professed to his new companions in arms to be radically changed to a staunch loyalist. The Declaration of Inde- pendence he declared a treasonable paper-its authors a company of ambitious rebels seeking power to enslave the people. He wrote a threatening letter to Washington relative to the execution of Andre and assured him of a fearful retaliation unless a reprieve was granted. He published an address to the people of America fully justifying his treasonable conduct. He then issued an artful tirade of insulting sophistry for the purpose of inducing others to plunge into the same quagmire of disgrace with himself-calling it a proclamation with the following caption. " To the officers and soldiers of the Continental array who have the real interests of their country at heart and who are determined no longer to be the tools and dupes of Congress or of France." All his vile paper demonstrations deepened his infamy, increasing the boiling indignation of the American people without inducing a single one to desert the cause of his country. To do this was a part of the consideration of the Arnold purchase. Sir Henry Clinton was deceived by the traitor and egregiously mistaken in the stern integrity of the patriots. Finding his Proteus brigadier powerless over the minds of his former companions, Sir Henry deducted ^100,000 from the ^150,000 which was the stipulated price for West Point and the traitor and despatched him to Virginia to act upon the persons and property of the obstinate rebels. In January 1781 Arnold entered Chesapeake Bay with a protecting naval force and landed with about 1700 men. His cruelties, ravages and plunders along the unprotected coast could not be surpassed by a band of practised pirates. Revenge seemed to be the motive power of his action. During one of his pre- datory excursions he captured an American captain of whom he 38 THESAGESANUHEROES inquired what the Americans would do with him if he fell .into theii hands, to which the officer replied-" If my countrymen should catch you I believe they would first cut oif that lame leg '^hich was wounded in the cause of freedom and bury it with the honors of war and after- wards hang the remainder of your body in gibbets." After returning from Virginia he was sent on an expedition against New London where he first breathed the vital air. He landed his troops in two detachments-one on each side of the harbor. He led one against Fort Trumbull which could make but a feeble resistance. Fort Griswold made a spirited defence against the other division com- manded by Lieut. Col. Eyre but was compelled to yield to an over- whelming force. When the Americans surrendered but seven men had been killed within the lines-after the surrender a murderous slaughter was commenced by the British and about 100 killed and wounded. On entering the fort an English officer inquired who com- manded the garrison. Col. Ledyard presented his sword and an- swered-" /did-but you do now." His sword was taken by the officer and immediately plunged through his heart. In the attack the enemy had 48 killed and 145 wounded. Arnold commenced his favorite work of plunder-loaded and sent away 15 vessels mostly freighted with private property-fired the place and reduced 60 dwelling-houses and 84 stores to ashes and in his haste four of his own ships were burned. He completed this work of destruction and was absent from New York only eight days. Such expeditions afforded the richest ali- ment for the black heart of this traitor. He continued the scavenger of the British army to the close of the war and then removed to Lon- don where he died in 1801. To the lasting disgrace of the British government Arnold received a liberal pension to the time of his death which is continued to his descendants and is frequently complained of by the British press. With the blackness of eternal disgrace resting upon his character this traitor has had apologists among American writers. They attri- bute lite treason to a want of liberality on the part of our government. I have said the want of means to give full scope to his sordid passions was the cause. A want of liberality does not appear upon the record. He was allowed more than justice demanded-more than other officers under like circumstances. He was unsound at the core-void of moral rectitude-was proved dishonest before the commissioners of accounts- the committee of Congress and the court-martial. His name should then have been erased from the roll of officers regardless of conse- quences. That would have saved him from the treason he perpe- OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 39 trated-the accomplished Andre from the scaffold and thousands from the ravages subsequently committed by the reckless traitor. All apo- logies for Arnold are sophisms. His name is stamped with a lasting infamy that blots out the noble deeds that preceded his Lucifer-fall. JOSHUA BARNEY. The navy of a nation is justly termed the right arm of its strength. The life of a mariner is full of romance-often spiced with thrilling events-sometimes fraught with danger. The sons of the main are a hardy, noble, generous, bold class of men. None but those who have rode upon the green mountain waves of old ocean when lashed to a foaming fury by mighty wind, can fully appreciate the perilous service of a seaman. The importance of increasing our navy is felt but by a few of our legislators and not urged by them. Americans are the favorite sons of Neptune, With shamefully limited means they have fought their way to the temple of fame. With a maritime force far inferior to the resources and magnitude of our prosperous and expansive country-far inferior to that of the enemy whom they met and conquered-they have snatched the laurels of victory from the mistress of the seas and placed them upon their own manly brows. Had our government been as forward in providing ships of war as our naval officers and noble tars have been in courting danger, shedding their blood and sacrificing life in defence of the star spangled banner-the combined forces of the old world would dread our power more than they now respect our flag. By an equal force our seamen cannot be conquered. History points to a long list of heroes-sons of America-who have carved their names as high on the temple of fame as Sidney and Nelson. Among them is that of Joshua Barney-born in Baltimore, Maryland on the 6th day of July 1759. His father was a respectable farmer cultivating the soil now within the city limits. His son was sent to a common school until he was ten years of age and was then placed iu a retail dry goods store at Alexandria. In 1771 he revealed to his parents his long nursed vision of a seaman's life. Reluctantly his father obtained for him a place on board a pilot boat commanded by an intimate friend. After a few months service he was apprenticed to Capt. Drisdall whose brig was bound to Ireland. After a long and rough passage the vessel reached the cove of Cork. From (hence the Captain proceeded to Liverpool where he sold his cargo and brig. 411 THE SAGES AND HEROES Young Barney returned home by the way of Dublin. Soon after his arrival his father was killed by the accidental discharge of a pistol in the hands of a young son but seven years of age. Joshua subse- quently made a voyage to Cadiz and Genoa. In 1775 he sailed to Italy. On arriving there the mate was discharged, the captain taken sick which put Barney in command of the ship. He was not then six- teen years of age. In July of that year he joined an unsuccessful Spanish expedition against Algiers. In October 1776 he arrived in Chesapeake Bay where he was boarded by the officers of the British sloop of war King Fisher and plundered of all his letters and arms. He there first received intelligence of the battle of Bunker Hill. He was at length permitted to proceed to Baltimore where his vessel was laid up. He had been her captain eight months-had passed through many perils with courage and skill that would have done credit to a man ripe in years and experience. He had earned the fame of a skilful navigator and judicious commander.' He was not long in choosing whom he should serve for the future. He was born a patriot. The fire of lib- erty illuminated his soul. Freedom pointed him to the service of his beloved country. He was appointed master's mate on the sloop of war Hornet under Capt. Stone. Com. Hopkins presented him with a flag which he mounted on a staff-obtained martial music-beat up for volunteers and in one day raised a full complement of men for the sloop. He was the first one who unfurled the star spangled banner in Maryland. In November the Hornet and Wasp sailed for the Delaware to join Com. Hopkins. The British fleet was in Hampton Roads to intercept them but could' not bag the game. On their arrival the fleet of the Commodore consisted of two small frigates, two brigs and four sloops. With this infant navy just bursting into life he sailed for the Bahama Island New Providence-took the fort without opposition-secured the military stores-treated the people and private property with due re- spect and returned safely to the Delaware with his booty. Soon after his return Barney was stationed on board the Wasp under Capt. Alex- ander who was ordered to conduct the ship beyond the capes that conveyed Benjamin Franklin to France. On its return the Wasp was closely pursued by two British ships carrying 72 guns and escaped by running into Wilmington creek. The next morning Com. Hazel- wood went down from Philadelphia with several row galUes and boldly attacked the Englishmen which enabled the Wasp to come out aud take part in the action. This little schooner stung the British brig OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 41 Tender so severely that she surrendered in a short time and was im- mediately taken to the Jersey shore. On his return to join the gai.ies amidst a dense fog, Capt. Alexander came in close contact withi the fleet of the enemy. He met with a warm reception and returned the salutation promptly and effectually. After an exchange of the most impressive compliments he returned to the gallies. A brisk fire was kept up during the day which convinced the creatures of the crown that the infant navy was not to be trifled with. During the action young Barney went on board another vessel that was not fully man- ned. His bold and noble daring on that occasion elevated him in the esteem of his superiors and companions in arms. Robert Morris, then President of the Marine Committee, presented him with a lieutenant's commission and put him in command of the sloop of war Sachem. He was then but seventeen years of age. Shortly after receiving his commission Lieut. Barney participated with Capt. Robinson in a severe action of two hours which resulted in the capture of an English brig. A large sea turtle, designed as a present to Lord North, was one of the delicacies of the prize. It was presented to Robert Morris. In a few days after his return Lieut. Barney spread the canvas of his little craft in company with the Andrew Dorin with fourteen guns and the Lexington-all under the command of Capt. Barry and sailed for the West Indies. On their return they fell in with the British sloop of war Race Horse-tender to Admiral Parker's fleet, which he had sent out from Jamaica on purpose to capture these American " small craft." After a sanguinary action of two hours the English nag was cut in pieces, distanced and surrendered at discretion. Shortly after that brilliant victory the British sloop of war Snow was captured and Lieut Barney placed on board as prize-master. He was overtaken by a gale that threatened to land all hands in Davy Jones' locker-was badly crippled and captured by the Perseus of twenty guns. During the passage young Barney was insulted by the purser of the Perseus and knocked him down the hatchway for which he was commended by the British captain. On their arrival at Charleston an exchange of prisoners took place which enabled Lieut. Barney to return to Phila- delphia with fresh laurels on his youthful brow. In the spring of 1777 he joined the squadron for the defence of the Delaware composed of the Delaware-32 guns-the Sachem, Andrew Dorin and several smaller vessels-all under the command of Com. Hazlewood. They were stationed near Fort Mifliin and bravely maintained their position until the next autumn when the little fleet and fort were compelled to yield to a superior force. Lieut. Barney 6 42 THESAGESANDHEROES was then ordered on board the frigate Virginia at Baltimore com- manded by Capt. Nicholson. In an attempt to run her to sea at night the pilot brought up on the opposite shore where she and her crew fell an easy prey to the enemy. In August the ensuing year Lieut Barney was exchanged-proceeded to Baltimore-took command of a small schooner with two guns and eight men and was again captured in an attempt to run out of Chesapeake Bay. He was soon exchanged and joined his old friend Capt. Robinson at Alexandria on board a vessel with 12 guns, 35 men and but a small supply of ammunition. On the third evening after leaving port they fell in with the British privateer Rosebud-fuUy manned and eager for action. A running fight was continued during the night. Daylight revealed a rapid open- ing and expansion of the Rosebud-she hauled off with 47 of her men killed and wounded. Capt. Robinson had none killed and but one man wounded. He then sailed to Bordeaux-mounted eighteen guns- shipped 70 men-took in a cargo of brandy and sailed for home. On his way he captured a valuable prize-placed it in charge of Lieut. Barney who arrived with it at Philadelphia in October 1779. He was received with great enthusiasm and applause. Lavished praises did not inflame his youthful mind. Vanity had no resting-place in his noble soul. Pomp and parade had no charms for him. He bore his prosperity with the calm dignity of a Socrates. He steered clear of the alluring quicksands of vice-the rocks of sinful pleasure on which many young men founder and are lost forever. His manly conduct gained the esteem of the great and good-his fame was based on substantial merit. Familiarity with scenes of blood and carnage- the rage of battle and the clash of arms did not enervate the exalted powers of his refined sympathies and softer passions. These were commingled with those of an accomplished daughter of Alderman Bedford of Philadelphia and were consolidated in one at the hymeneal altar before he left the city of brotherly love. After basking in the rays of the honey-moon for a few days he proceeded to Baltimore. On the way his money was stolen from the box of his carriage where he thought it more safe than in his pocket. He returned to Philadel- phia-concealed his loss- went to sea in the Saratoga of 16 guns under Capt. Young. Their first prize was a vessel carrying 12 guns. In a short time they came in contact with an English ship mounting 32 guns with 9C men accompanied by two brigs. Under the disguise of British colors Capt. Young ran alongside the ship. In a few brief moments the star spangled banner was floating in the breeze upon the three Eng- OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 43 lish vessels. Lieutenant Barney was put in charge of one of them. Becoming separated from the others he was captured by the seventy- four Intrepid commanded by Capt. Malloy and treated with great cruelty. On arriving at New York Lieut. Barney and 70 other priso- ners were placed on board the ship of war Yarmouth by Admiral Rodney. They were confined under five decks in a dark filthy apart- ment but three feet between floors-twelve feet by twenty in area and ordered to England. They were 53 days performing the passage. Eleven of the prisoners died on the way-the survivors were scarcely able to walk. They were covered with vermin and when landed could not bear the light for some time. They were sent to Mill prison where they found nearly three hundred of their fellow-countrymen sharing the same tender mercies with themselves. Soon after this new accession of rebels preparations for escape were discovered. Lieut. Barney was suspected-loaded with heavy irons and thrown into a dungeon for thirty days. By the assistance of a soldier he made his escape from prison on the 18th of May 1781-was discovered and remanded. In a second attempt he succeeded-visited Bristol, London, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and the Hague, He reached Phila- delphia in March 1782 amidst the heart-felt congratulations of his family and numerous friends. His suflerings had been aggravated and heart-rending. He had almost tasted death. The barbarous treatment of the American prisoners on board the English prison-ships is without a parallel. It has left a stigma on the Christian escutcheon of the British nation that time or angels' tears can never expunge-a foul blot, lasting as the pages of history. My strong language may be excused when I inform the reader that one out of eight of my patriot uncles was literally suffocated and starved to death on one of those ships in the port of New York. Were I to draw a full picture of the demoniac cruelties heaped upon the American prisoners in the loath- some dungeons of these floating Pandemoniums-a horror too painful to be borne would oppress the aching heart of the reader. As a manifestation of the high value placed upon the services of young Barney, the State of Pensylvania presented him with a cap- taincy and placed him in command of the Hyder Ally of 16 guns with 110 men. In a few days he proceeded down the Delaware as a convoy. On the 8th of April 1782 he was anchored in Cape May road waiting for a more favorable wind. At 10 A. M. he dis- covered four vessels making all sail towards him. On nearing they proved to be a British frigate, ship, brig and sloop of war. About noon the frigate made for Cape Henlopen channel-the other vessels 44 T 11 ESAGES AND HEROES Steering for Cape May. Capt. Barney weighed anchor and sailed up the bay to elude pursuit. At 1 P. M. the ship and brig came into the bay by Cape May channel-the frigate coming round under Cape Henlopen. The following account of the action is from a gentleman who was a volunteer on board the Hyder Ally. " At one P. M. prepared for action-all hands to quarters. At three quarters past one the brig passed us after giving us two fires. We reserved our fire for the ship then fast coming up. We received very httle damage from the brig which stood after our convoy. She mounted 16 guns and was formerly the Fair American privateer com- manded by Capt. Decatur and equal to us in force. At 2 P, M. the ship ranged upon our starboard quarter and fired two guns at us. We were then at good pistol shot. We attempted to run her on board by laying her across the starboard bow-at the same time poured in our broad-side from great guns and small arms. Our fire was briskly kept up for twenty-six minutes when she struck her colors. Immediately sent our first lieutenant on board and stood up the bay- the frigate being in chase under all sail and the brig ahead in pursuit of our convoy. We again prepared for action and stood for the brig. On perceiving this she tacked for the frigate and got aground. We were obliged to pass her as the frigate was gaining upon us. At 4 P, M, the frigate came to anchor in the bay-as we supposed for want of a pilot. We then spoke the prize for the first time and learned that she was his majesty's ship Gen, Monk-Capt. Rodgers-with 20 7iine- pounders-136 men of whom 30 were killed and 53 wounded, including 15 out of 16 officers," The Hyder Ally had four killed and eleven wounded-mounted 12 six and 4 wme-pounders-a little more than half the weight of metal carried by the Gen. Monk-with a crew of 110 men and 5 volunteers who went on board as a matter of recreation. Capt. Barney proceeded to Philadelphia with his prize-treating his conquered foe with great kindness, soaring above retaliation for the recent base treatment he had received when a prisoner. On his arrival at Philadelphia the welkin rang with plaudits of praise from the multitude who hailed him as one of the deliverers of their oppressed country. For his gallantry the legislature of Pennsyl- vania voted him a splendid sword which was presented to him by the governor with appropriate ceremonies. The General Monk was pur- chased by the U. S. government-fitted for a cruise and placed in com- mand of Capt. Barney. He sailed for Paris in November of that year with despatches to Benjamin Franklin. His naval fame had preceded him in France and prepared the way for an enthusiastic OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 45 reception at her proud metropolis. On his return he brought the loan that had been obtained by Franklin for the United States. That voyage closed his useful, adventurous, brilliant revolutionary career. Subsequent to the revolution Capt. Barney purchased a tract of land in Kentucky for the purpose of a permanent residence. During 1786-7-8 he travelled through the West, the Carolinas and Georgia. He was a strong advocate of the Federal Constitution and freely ex- pressed his views on all proper occasions. In 1789 he was in poor health and joined with another gentleman in the purchase of a brig. They sailed to Carthagena, South America and returned by the way of Havana. In 1792 he was at Cape Francois when the town was burned. Being on shore he was compelled to fight his way to his ship and brought off with him about sixty distressed women and children. On his return he was captured by an English privateer and all his crew taken from him except his carpenter, boatswain and cook. Three officers and eleven men were put in charge of the prize and ordered to New Providence. Capt. Barney was treated with cruelty because he refused to surrender the keys of his iron chest. Having secreted several loaded guns he and his three men retook the vessel, wounding two of the officers and compelling the Englishmen to work the ship into Baltimore. The little sleep Capt. Barney obtained up to the time his craft was moored at the monumental city was in his arm-chair on the quarter-deck. The next year he repeated his visit to Cape Francois and on his way home was captured by a British pri^ vateer-taken to Jamaica-his ship condemned and he confined in prison. It was acts like this that hastened the war of 1812. In 1794 Capt. Barney was again restored to his family. In company with James Monroe he visited the transient Republic of France in 1795 and was the bearer of the star spangled banner to the French convention. So delighted were the members with the veteran captain that they prof- fered him a command in their navy. The ensuing year he accepted the offer and arrived at Norfolk with two frigates where he was a long time blockaded by a British squadron. He offered to measure skill with an equal force which was prudently refused. In 1800 he surrendered his command without having had an action with the enemy. In 1805 he declined the offered command of the Navy Yard at Washington. In 1806-8 he was an imsuccessful candidate for Congress-the interests of party having become paramount to the sub- stantial merit and righteous claims of a candidate who was not politi- cally available although covered with scars and wounds received in 46 THE SAGES AND HEROES the purchase of our Hberty-endowed with sterHng talents matured by cool reflection and long experience-with a pure and honorable repu- tation in all respects-deficient in one thing only-a political gum- elastic conscience. In 1812 he removed to Elkridge with his family. On the declara- tion of war against Great Britain in June of that year he was imme- diately called into service. He was first commissioned to cruise in a privateer and succeeded in speedily capturing eighteen British vessels- several of a superior force to his. In 1813 he was invited to take command of the armed flotilla in Chesapeake Bay. On his arrival at Washington he was surprised to find a letter to the Secretary of the Navy from a merchant in Baltimore derogatory to his character. He at once called the writer to an account and settled the matter by the inverse rule oi false honor by probing his breast with a blue pill which did not prove mortal. With the rank of Commodore, Barney took command of the flotilla in the spring of 1814. It consisted of twenty- six barges and nine hundred men. He first intended attacking the enemy at Tangier Island. On his way he met the British squadron off" Patuxet and was compelled to run in there. During the summer he annoyed the enemy constantly-captured several of their smaller vessels and several times boldly attacked their frigates-materially injuring them-then retreating quickly into shoal water beyond their reach. On the first of July he was called to Washington to aid in devising the best plan of defence against the contemplated attack by the enemy. On the 3d he returned and moved the flotilla farther up the river. On the 16th of August the British fleet entered the Patuxet in full force. An express was despatched to the Secretary of the Navy apprising him of the movement. On the 21st Com. Barney landed most of his men-marched for Washington and joined Gen. Winder and Capt. Miller with his marines and five pieces of artillery. The marines were put under the command of the Commodore. On the 23d the troops were reviewed by the President and looked fine. On the 24th the enemy halted within three miles of the American camp. Skirmishing occurred between small advance parties. Com. Barney proceeded to the city and took station at the marine barracks deter- mined to defend the bridge to the last extremity. Being advised of this the British changed their route by way of Bladensburg. The main body of the American troops met them there on the 25th about 11 A. M. At a late hour Com. Barney obtained permission from the President to join them. Within a mile of that town he found the Ame- ricans formed in irregular detached parties engaged in battle. His troops OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 47 were nearly out of breath-having ran-not marched to the scene of action under the burning rays of an August sun. He had scarcely formed and brought his guns to bear when the militia broke in confusion and ran for dear life. The whole British army then advanced upon the Spartan band of Barney. He saw no hope of rallying the mushroom troops that were flying but determined not to be shot on the wing himself and fill a coward's grave. He reserved his fire until the enemy came within a few yards when a discharge of round and grape shot left the front ranks struggling in death. A second time the English veterans ad- vanced-a second time their front ranks fell like grass before a scythe. The British then left the road and approached from another direction by fording the creek then very low. All the so-called American troops had left the Commodore and his brave phalanx. Still he stopd his ground against an overwhelming force of the veterans of Waterloo. Although simultaneously charged on the right and left, he repulsed them several times with great slaughter. He had received a ball in his thigh which was bleeding profusely. At the same time his horse was killed under him. To add to his chagrin the mushroom militia had ran ofl" with his ammunition wagon. On being nearly surrounded by the enemy and Capt. Miller severely wounded, he ordered those to retreat who were able to do so. He was carried a few yards by three of his officers and fell from loss of blood. Two of them he ordered to conduct the retreat of his gallant men. Gen. Ross and Admiral Cockburn were conducted to him and treated him kindly. They ordered him and Capt. Miller to be carried to a house in Bladensburg where their wounds were dressed and they made as comfortable as circumstances would permit. The British left 80 of their killed and wounded on the battle ground-who had fallen through the bravery of the bold sailors and marines who stood like men and fought like lions. The Americans had 60 killed and wounded 50 of whom were those who nobly defended the star spangled banner of the brave Barney and Miller, showing how early in the action the shrimp militia entered leg bail and distanced all pursuit-only ten being shot on the wing as they were courageously flying from the field of glory. Had they fought as did Barney and Miller with their ocean band they would have repelled the invading foe and saved the capital of our nation from desecration. The means for success were as for- midable at Bladensburg as at Baltimore and New Orleans. After having committed the most wanton waste at the shamefully deserted city of Washington Gen. Ross retreated on the 26th with a loss of over 1000 men. He could boast of having visited and devas- 48 THE SAGES AND HEROES tated the capital of a great nation filled with defenceless females and children left to his mercy and generosity by most of their gallant hus- bands and fathers. The whole transaction as conducted by both armies does not reflect the highest honor on any concerned but the brave Commodore and his con)panions in arms. The day after the battle Mrs. Barney, a son and the family physi- cian repaired to Bladensburg to aid and comfort the Commodore. It was impossible to extract the ball from his thigh which remained through life. In a few days he was able to ride home in a carriage. On the 7th of October he was so far recovered as to visit the British fleet for the purpose of exchanging prisoners. For his gallantry on the battle ground of Bladensburg the state of Georgia voted him hearty thanks-the city of Washington presented him with a splendid sword. On the 15th of October he resumed the command of the flotilla-still suftering severely from the pressure of the ball. During the ensuing winter he prepared for a vigorous spring campaign. Peace put an end to further military operations. He sailed on a mission to Europe on the 25th of May 1815 and returned on the 19th of the ensuing Oc- tober. So much did his wound disable him that he was compelled to send his despatches from Baltimore to Washington. He was conveyed to his family at Elkridge and subsequently removed to Baltimore. In 1816 he visited his lands in Kentucky in company with his lady. They were received with marked attention on their whole route. So highly pleased were they with the noble bearing, open frankness and proverbial hospitality of the Kentuckians, that they resolved on re- moving there at the earliest time possible. In 1818 the arrangements were completed and the journey commenced. He started his men and effects in advance and met them at Brownsville on the Monongahela. Owing to low water he was detained for some time before reaching Pittsburgh. At that place he was detained from the same cause. When the water rose he went on board with his family in the evening for the purpose of an early start the next morning. During the night he was taken ill and was removed on shore. His disease increased- his wounded thigh became highly hiflamed-death did its work. On the 1st day of December 1818 Com. Joshua Barney was numbered with the silent dead. He breathed his life calmly away and de- scended to the tomb in peace. He was buried by the sympathizing citizens of Pittsburgh with all the honors of sepulture in the grave- yard of the first Presbyterian church where his remains reposed until 1849 when they were removed to the splendid Alleghany Cemetery three miles from Pittsburgh. After the funeral obsequies were ovei OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 49 and the widow and her family had partially recovered from the shock of their sudden bereavement they proceeded to their place of destina- tion and located upon their land in Kentucky. As a small compensa- tion for the valuable services of her husband, Congress granted Mrs. Barney a pension for life. But few men have lived whose web of life has been filled with as many exciting events and sudden changes as was that of Com. Bar- ney. His was a life of industry and usefulness without reaching the lofty summit of fame on which many have perched whose substantial worth was inferior to his. He discharged every duty that devolved upon him with the strictest fidelity-with an eye single to the good and glory of his country-without parade, pomp or vain show. Such men should elicit the gratitude of our nation as much as those who have filled a higher rank but have not been more useful. In all the relations of public and private life Com. Barney stood ap- proved, admired and beloved. He lived respected and died regretted. JOSIAH BARTLETT. UNION-enchanting word-a harmonious euphony vibrates from its sound. It is the most mellow word in our language. It was the watchword in Heaven before this mighty globe was spoke into exis- tence-its melody will be chanted there through the rolling ages of eter- nity. This magic word has rallied millions to deeds of noble daring both for good and evil. No language thrills through the soul of a patriot Hke the watchword of '76-" OUR UNION." Is this still the watchword of the great mass of the American people ?-or is the un- holy leaven of Dissolution working its fearful progress from demagogues and factionists ? Shall our UNION be preserved to millions yet un- born .'' or will we follow in the awful wake of nations who once were but now are not ? Will the bone and sinew of our dear America suf- fer patriotism to be basely strangled by party spirit and internal dis- sensions } These are questions big with importance and should be promptly answered by every friend of the UNION in a voice of patri- otic thunder that shall carry terror into the heart of every fanatic and disorganizer in our land For years too little attention has been given to the mental and moral qualifications of our legislators. Available to the party has been the watchword in most cases. Cliques nominate-electioneer and hood- wink the dear people so that the destinies of our nation are emphati- 7 50 THE SAGES AND HEROES cally placed in the hands of a meagre minority and many of this mi- nority men of just seven principles-two loaves and five fishes. People of the United States ! awake to a sense of impending danger ! Return no man to a legislative hall whose uniform conduct has not proved him to be a pure patriot and no one a second time who deals in bil- lingsgate, legislates by force of arms or favors dissolution. Unless Union is his watchword he cannot be trusted. UNION was the glorious rallying v/ord of the Sages and Heroes of the American Revolution among whom was Josiah Bartlett born at Amesbury, Mass. in November 1729. He was the son of Stephen Bartlett a man of sterling merit and liberal principles. Josiah received a good academic education which he completed at the early age of sixteen. He then commenced the study of medicine under Dr. Ordway and pursued it with great industry for five years. He then entered upon a successful practice at Kingston, New Hampshire, where he gained the confidence and esteem of the community. Two years after he commenced practice he was reduced very low by a fever and given up by his attending physicians. More consistent than some physicians he experimented upon himself and saved his life. He commenced taking small and frequent doses of cider-a free perspiration ensued- the fever left and he soon recovered. From that time he watched the mdications and wants of nature more closely in his patients and often made judicious and successful deviations from the old beaten path of practice. Dr. Bartlett was the first physician who boldly assumed the position that the angina maligna tonsillaris [canker] was putrid and not itiflam- matory and first gave Peruvian bark for this distressing disease. He also introduced the successful practice of using antiphlogistic remedies for cynanche maligna [sore throat] at that time terrific among children- four being sometimes buried in one grave from the same family. By the skill of this able physician this awful scourge was checked and stripped of its terrors. These improvements in his practice resulted from a close study and investigation of the laws of nature, ever in operation, which may be aided but never controlled by artificial means. Let doctors remember this fact and govern themselves accordingly. Dr. Bartlett held several important offices under Gov. Wentworth both civil and military. Enjoying the confidence of the people he was elected to the New Hampshire Assembly where he became a promi- nent opposer of the infringements of the crown upon chartered rights Republican blood only flowed in his veins. With an Argus eye he watched the movements of the British ministry and the royalists J OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 51 around him. In granting charters for towns the royal governors had uniformly reserved for the ostensible use of the Episcopal Church the cream of the location. This was one of the bones of contention be- tween the people and the governors. Taxation for illegitimate pur- poses was the vertebra of the hated animal. In effecting their settle- ments the colonists had conquered the wilderness and the savage unaided by the mother country. They were unwilling to be robbed of their hard earnings by those who desired to roll in luxury at their expense. Resistance was natural-was right. Taxation and repre- sentation are inseparable principles that cannot be divorced. They were incorporated in the eternal code of Nature and like the Siamese twins must journey together where intelligence and social order pre- dominate. Kingly power adopts the unholy aphorism that might makes right. Upon this sandy foundation the British ministers based their policy towards the American Colonies. They put the Revolu- tionary ball in motion-its rebounding force demolished the superstruc- ture of their power over our hardy ancestors. At the commencement of their oppressions, so prompt was resistance that the king loosened the screws for a time. But under his old preceptor, Lord Bute, backed by Lord North, he was bound to court ruin and affiance it. Most effectually did he perform his plighted vows which were freely sanc- tioned by the patriots of America. Gov. Wentworth thought to secure Dr. Bartlett by making him a member of the judiciary. But there was no gift within the power of monarchy that could seduce him from the path of liberty. As the crisis was urged on by the hirelings of the crown his opposition increased in an equal ratio. A circumstance occurred that made him at once con- spicuous. The favorite measure of securing a majority in the Assembly at all hazards was resorted to by the Governor. He obtained the king's writ for three new members from towns that were then fully represented. This open violation of the known law of the land roused the indignation of the Doctor who carried with him others who had not before come out in favor of freedom. The three new members were expelled-opposi- tion to the governor rose like a July thunder gust. He was obliged to take refuge from the popular fury on board the man-of-war Fowey. His Excellency proceeded to annul the power of all liberals under com- mission from him. By using this air-pump too freely he produced a vacuum that caused an irreparable collapse of his own power. The line of demarcation was drawn-the war cry was raised. Dr. Bartlett was elected to the Congress of 1774 but on account of the recent destruction of his house by fire was unable to attend. In Septem- 52 THE SAGES AND HEROES ber 1775, he took his seat and was at once placed upon several important committees. About the same time he was made colonel of a regiment of provincial troops. In Congress his duties were arduous. That body met at nine in the morning and continued in session until four in the afternoon. After tliat hour most of the business of the committees was faithfully attended to. At this day of inglorious ease no one can fully appreciate and but few bestow a thought upon the immense labor, trea- sure and blood that our UNION cost. When we learn from the historic page the difficulties that surrounded the Continental Congress-a tremen- dous storm bursting over their heads-retreating before a relentless foe from place to place-their country bleeding at every pore-without resources- their army nearly annihilated-we are led to wonder and admire and ask why their well formed resolutions were not shaken when the yawning gulf of destruction seemed open to devour them. To my mind the solu- tion is plain. A majority of the Sages and Heroes of that eventful period were truly pious and put their trust in Him who directs the desti- nies of nations. Their trust was well founded. In 1776 Dr. Bartlett was again a member of Congress and took a decided stand in favor of severing the maternal cords of allegiance to the mother country and declare the child capable of self government. Many zealous patriots feared it was yet too weak. Much discussion occurred and a majority pledged themselves to take the nursling in charge. On the 4th of July 1776 the contract was signed which relieved mother Britain from further responsibility. When the final question was taken the name of Josiah Bartlett was first called. W^ith his eyes raised to Heaven he responded in a loud voice- Fea and Amen! Echo caught the words from his lips and carried them on wings of wind to the remotest bounds of a nation of freemen. They ran through the dense crowd of spectators hovering around the Hall of Independence who made the welkin ring with long and repeated responses- Fca and Amen ! ! ! Worn down by fatigue the health of the Doctor became impaired and prevented his further attendance in Congress for two years. During that time he was able to aid his state in organizing her new government and in raising troops for the northern army. He served in 1778 and took a final leave of the National Legislature that he might gather up the scattered fragments of his ruined fortune and aid his own state in her effort to advance the glorious cause of national freedom. He was appointed Chief Justice of the Common Pleas and muster master of the troops then enlisting. In 1782 he was made a justice of the Superior Couil and in 1788 was appointed Chief Justice. His marked usefulness OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 53 did not close with the war. The ushering in of peace made a false impression upon the great mass. Few understood the herculean task of rising from the paralysis of a seven years contest with a powerful foe- the formation of a government entirely different from the one which had stamped its customs upon the people. In my view the wisdom of the sages of the revolution was more severely taxed in perfecting our system of government than in driving the Britons from our shores. It often requires more wisdom to retain and enjoy, than to obtain an object. In the new work of preparing the people for the rational enjoyment of the Independence they had achieved Dr. Bartlett took an active part. Numerous conflicting interests were to be reconciled-an enormous debt was to be paid-many abuses and corruptions were to be corrected-a con- cert of feeling and action to be produced — the art of self government to be acquired. Storm after storm arose that threatened to throw our nation back into primeval darkness. It required the combined sagacity and wisdom of the boldest sages to preserve the laurels of victory, the trophies of freedom and the chart of our liberty. Long and arduous were the labors that effected a confederated consolidation. During the time this subject was under consideration several of the states were shook to the very centre by internal commotion. That concert of feeling and action which had carried the people through the perils of the war was now lost in the whirlpool of self. UNION was no longer the rallying word with the mass. Fortunately for our country those who stood at the helm during the revolutionary storm were still at the post of duty. Reason slowly resumed her sway-wise counsels prevailed-order was restored- liberty was saved. Dr. Bartlett was a member of the Convention of N. H. that adopted the Federal Constitution and gave it his zealous support. In 1789 he was elected to the U. S. Senate-the next year President of N. H. and in 1793 was elected the first governor of the state under the new order of things. He enjoyed the universal esteem of his constituents and dis- charged the duties of the numerous offices he filled with so much dignity, wisdom and prudence that envy and slander could find no crevice for an entering wedge. Worn down with toil-old age ploughing deep furrows in his face for the last seed time-the confines of a brighter world just before him, he resigned his authority and closed his public career on the 29th of January 1794, covered with living honors and not a spot to tarnish tlie glory of his fair escutcheon. He then retired to private life full of hope- anticipating the domestic enjoyments always desirable to those who accept of public office for the sake of their country-not for the sake of 64 THE SAGES AND HEROES the loaves and fishes. But these long desired enjoyments were of short duration. Disease fastened its relentless grasp upon him. On the 19th of May 1795, his happy spirit left its tenement of clay-ascended to Him who gave it-leaving a nation to mourn the loss of one of its brightest ornaments-one of its noblest patriots. In his private character he fulfilled the duties of citizen, friend, husband, father and Christian. No man was more generally esteemed-no man more richly deserved it. In his whole life we have one of the fairest pictures drawn upon the easel of history. His public career was of that solid character that imparts substantial usefulness. Without dazzhng, his course was right onward in the cause of universal philanthropy. He could look back upon a life well spent-he stood approved at the stern tribunal of conscience. He nobly fulfilled the design of His creation- discharged his duty to his country, his fellow men and his God. He left examples that stand as beacon lights to erring man to guide him safely through this vale of tears-to statesmen and patriots to induce them to put forth their noblest powers to preserve our UNION. CARTER BRAXTON. Men who forget right and abuse power often undermine the founda- tion of their own citadel. In reaching after more authority and larger enjoyments improperly, they are often shorn of what they have. Thus it was with England when she imposed unwarranted taxes and restric- tions upon the American Colonies. Previous to the causes that produced the Revolution the plan of an independent government was ideal and had entered the minds of but few. With these it was only a nursling in theory not practically anticipated. When the impolitic measures of the British ministry were first reduced to practice the Colonists stood upon the firm basis, the broad platform of their chartered rights clearly defined and well understood and believed their grievances must and would be redressed when respectful petitions should be laid before the king. These were repeatedly forwarded to him couched in allegiate and eloquent language to which he turned a deaf ear, thus forging the first link in the revolutionary chain. Parliament wa? vainly appealed to. Remonstrances formed the next Hnk in this chain. These were treated with contumely. A formal demand to desist from oppression in bold but still respectful language-every word breathing allegiance to the king was the third link in this chain but all to no purpose. The ministerial horse leech cry- ^ive-GivE-GIVE-came rushing across the broad Atlantic from Albion's OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 65 shore and pierced more deeply the wounded hearts of the imploring sup- pliants. Resolutions of non-importation formed the fourth link. These were answered by threats and menaces. Preparations to resist formed the fifth link. These resulted in an open and wanton attack upon American citizens on the heights of Lexington when the great seal of allegiance was dissolved in blood. The sixth link was the war cry which roused millions to resolve on liberty or death. The Declaration of Rights was the seventh and swivel link to the golden chain of Liberty forged by the patriots of '76 which formed an impassable barrier to the power of Great Britain over the colonies. The broad ring of the Federal Constitution perfected this mighty chain which has thus far held the ship of state safely to her moorings amidst the storms that have been raised by foreign foes and internal traitors. Among those who aided in forging this golden chain of Liberty was Carter Braxton son of George Braxton a wealthy planter who resided on the north bank of the Mattapony river, where he owned a large tract of valuable land situated in the county of King and Queen in Virginia, At this delightful place Carter was born on the 10th of September 1736. His connections were numerous, wealthy and of the first respectability. "Several of them were crown officers at various periods. Carter was raised amidst the splendor of opulence without the tender care of a mother to correct his childish foibles or the wise counsels of a father to guard him against the errors of youth. The former died when he was but seven days old-the latter when he was a small boy. He was liberally educated at the college of William and Mary. At the age of nineteen he married the beautiful and amiable Judith Robinson who was very wealthy. He entered into full possession of his large estate, which, united with that of his wife, constituted a princely fortune. She survived but a brief period leaving two daughters, the youngest but a few hours old. Borne down by grief Mr. Braxton visited England where he remained nearly three years and added greatly to his previous stock of know- ledge. He became familiar with the feelings and designs of that king- dom towards his native country. His rank and fortune gave him access to the nobility from whom he obtained much valuable information rela- tive to the ministerial conclave then concocting plans to support royalty in Great Britain by forcing money from the hardy pioneers of America. Although his relatives and friends were many of them favorites of the King and everything around him was calculated to foster aristocracy and bind him to those in power, he became a bold opposer of British usurpations and a warm advocate of liberal principles and equal rights. In 1760 he returned from Europe and was elected to tlie House of 56 THE SAGES AND HEROES Burgesses and became an active and proniinent member. His know- ledge of the intentions of tiie mother country to impose increasing burdens upon the Americans enabled him to fully understand every movement Of the monarchical hirelings around him. In 1765 he was in the House of Burgesses and was a warm supporter of the bold resolu- tions offered by Patrick Henry relative to the Stamp Act. He was in the House in 1769 when the proceedings of the members excited the ire of Gov. Bottetourt so highly that he dissolved them without cere- mony. They immediately repaired to a private room in Williamsburg and entered into a solemn agreement not to import any articles from the mother country until their chartered rights were restored. The same members were elected to the next session. Being aware of the kind of material he had to manage the shrewd Governor lulled them into a more quiet mood by the siren song of promises of redress. They had yet to learn that deceit is an important part of political machinery. Still cherishing hopes that their rights would be restored they waited in respectful but watchful silence. In the House there were seven standing committees-on courts of justice, public claims, elections, privileges, trade, grievances, proposition and on religion. Of the three last Mr. Braxton was uniformly a member. In 1771 Governor Bottetourt died and was succeeded by Lord Dun- more. Being fresh from the fountain of high notions and ministerial corruption he dissolved the turbulent Assembly then in commission and issued his king's writ for a new election. Mr. Braxton was then sheriff" of the county and could not serve in the House. Promises of redress were renewed with apparent sincerity. The people lived on hope until the 27th of May 1774, when the House of Burgesses again took a bold stand against oppression and were unceremoniously dissolved by the Governor. By this act he dissolved the original contract in view of the people-they became enraged and doffed their allegiance instanter. Im- mediately after the dissolution, eighty-nine of the members and many other bold patriots formed themselves into an association of resistance. From these live sparks the fire of freedom rose in curling flames. In August of that year a convention met at Williamsburg to devise plans for future action of which Mr. Braxton was an efficient member- Seven delegates were elected to meet the Congress at Philadelphia and an agreement made to act in concert with the people of Boston in the common cause against the common enemy. Lord Dunmore had a new set of members elected to the House but being displeased with their proceedings prorogued them several times. On the night of the 7th of June ^.775 the people in turn prorogued his lordship who took his OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 57 final exit on board the arnned ship Fowey never again to wield his iron rod of despotism over the freennen of America. He took up quarters on board this ship and occasionally issued his mandates which came to the people as talismanic messengers to invigorate their patriotism. In April following he caused the powder to be removed from the magazine under a pretence that it would be needed in another part of the pro- vmce to repel an expected insurrection of the blacks. The enraged people assembled in large numbers with a determination to take this important item into their own keeping. Through the persuasion of Peyton Randolph they dispersed. Some being still discontented a Spartan band assembled headed by Patrick Henry and proceeded to Williamsburg determined to have the powder or its equivalent. An armed force was sent from the Fowey to sustain the governor's orders. This was like adding bitumen to a blazing fire. The fury of the patriots was about to be poured out upon the minions of the crown— blood was about to flow when Mr. Braxton and others interfered-the powder was paid for by a crown officer-Mr. Henry gave his receipt for the money and his young Spartans returned home. For a time the government of Virginia was managed entirely by the Committee of Safety of which Mr. Braxton was an active member. On the 15th of December 1775, he was elected to the Continental Con- gress and entered upon his duties with great zeal. He advocated, voted for and signed the Declaration of Rights that formally dissolved the maternal ties that bound the pilgrim fathers in slavery. On his return from Congress the next year Mr. Braxton took his seat in the first legislature of his state convened under the new form of govern- ment. A formal vote of thanks to him and Thomas Jefferson for their faithful services in Congress was entered upon the records of that body on the 12th of October 1776. From that time to his death he was almost constantly a member of one or the other branch of the legisla- ture and but four days previous to his decease had taken his seat in the Council. He had lost a large portion of his princely fortune by the British and after the war closed was the child of adversity. For a time his friends assisted him in the prosecution of several speculative projects, all of which proved abortive, injuring them without benefiting him. He finally sunk under a ponderous weight of affliction which produced paralysis, a second attack of which closed his useful and eventful career at Richmond, Virginia, on the 10th of October 1797. Under all these adverse and trying circumstances his reputation did not suffer. He was known to be an honest man and poverty then was 8 58 THESAGESANDHEROES not an unpardonable sin or even prima facie evidence of dishonesty. He lost none of his well-earned fame as an able and faithful public servant and worthy upright man. His private character was pure. He fulfilled all the relations of life with fidelity. He was one of tht; most polished gentlemen of the old school. His name is justly placed high upon the list of enduring fame. He was a faithful sentinel in the cause of freedom and contributed largely in consummating the Inde- pendence we now enjoy, the Freedom we inherit, the Liberty we are bound to cherish, protect, preserve and perpetuate with our lives, for- tunes and sacred honors and transmit it to our children in all the beauty of pristine purity. ZEBULON BUTLER. Wyoming Valley is the Paradise of Pennsylvania. Captivating in its location-rich in its soil-irrigated by the crystal Susquehanna- bordered with magnificent scenery of romantic grandeur-enlivened by beautiful farm-houses and productive fields-crowned with the dour- ishing town of Wilkesbarre-ornamented by several small villages of tasteful neatness-refreshed by cooling springs and mountain streams filled with sportive trout-evergreen forests adjacent towering to the clouds and full of game-graduated hills on every side rich with mine- rals and reaching to the mountains-a healthful atmosphere rendered pure by the untiring operations of nature's laboratory-inhabited by intelligent, enterprising, hospitable people-it is one of the most beau- tiful and delightful valleys in our expansive country. Its early history renders it sacred to the philanthropist and is read with thrilling sensa- tions of painful sympathy. It has engaged the pens of our best histo- rian s-our ablest poets. It has been painted with the finest touches of our boldest artists. When strangers pass the narrow confines of the majestic mountains on the south and are ushered into this grand am- phitheatre of creative wisdom-they gaze with pleasing surprise and wonder at the weakness of the most vivid descriptions they have read, compared with the sublime reality of the enrapturing view before them. In this far-famed valley Zebulon Butler acted a conspicuous, brave and noble part. He was born at Lyme, Conn, in 1731. He received a good common school and religious education. The New Testament was then an approved school-book. He early planted himself on the firm basis of moral rectitude and primitive religious truth. Without OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 59 these the laurels of the liero are less fragrant-the talents of the legisla- tor less brilliant-the noblest attributes of man less perfect. By these remarks I do not mean Pharisaical religion, poisonous fanaticism noi blighting sectarianism. It is the honest, consistent, Golden Rule man I admire. Such a man was Zebulon Butler, He was one of the first patriots who opposed British tyranny and dared to be free. He en- tered early into the Provincial service and served the mother country through the French war. He commenced his military career an En sign and soon rose to the rank of Captain. He participated in the memorable hardships of the campaign of 1758 on the frontiers of Ca- iiada-at Fort Edward, Lake George, Ticonderoga and Crown Point. In 1762 he was at the protracted siege of Havana. On his way he was on board one of the six vessels that were shipwrecked. All on board narrowly escaped a watery grave. They were on the beach nine days before they were relieved. On the 9th day of August the last of the fleet arrived before Havana. The defence was obstinate- the sufferings of the besiegers great. Capt. Butler shared largely in the dangers of the attack-the glories of the victory. He sailed for his long absent home on the 21st of the ensuing October in the Royal Duke. He encountered many perils during the voyage. On the 7th of November the ship began to leak so rapidly that it was with difficulty that her crew were transferred to another vessel near by before she went to the bottom. He arrived at New York on the 21st of December and once more met the warm embrace of anxious relatives and friends. He had won enduring lau- rels-he stood high as a brave and skilful officer-an esteemed and valued citizen. He then left the army and enjoyed the peaceful plea- sures of private life until the revolutionary storm began to concentrate 'ts fearful elements. He was ready to brave its pitiless peltings. He had rendered arduous and valuable service to the mother country-he was well qualified to repel her ungrateful conduct and render efficient aid in the defence of his native soil. The goadings and insolence of British hirelings had deeply penetrated his patriotic soul and prepared him for bold and noble action. When the tocsin of war was sounded from the heights of Lexington he promptly tendered his services-was appointed a lieutenant-colonel in the Connecticut line and repaired to the post of honor and danger. He was actively engaged in the cam- paigns of 1777-S-9. During the last year he was commissioned colo- nel of the 2d Connecticut regiment. He was with Washington in New Jersey and greatly esteemed by him. A short time previous to the revolution he was one of a company 60 THE SAGESAND HEROES from his native place that had purchased Wyoming Valley from the Indians for a fair consideration. Many settlers had located there and cleared up much of the forest. Although fully remunerated for theii lands pursuant to contract made with the Chiefs in grand council assembled-the red men were unwilling to leave a place so enchanting and congenial with their views of happiness. In that salubrious vale, fringed with hills and mountains on all sides, they fancied the Great Spirit had his dwelling-place and gave them audible audience as echo reverberated their stentorian yells from hill to mountain and back tc the shores of the majestic Susquehanna. As the towering forest fell before the axe of the white man the Indians murmured and designed the extermination of the pale faces. In this they were encouraged by the British and black-hearted tories-most of the inhabitants having declared for liberty. Most of their effective force of near 200 men was in the American army. Soon after the departure of these troops the savages assumed a menacing attitude-manifesting a disposition to violate the terms of peace they had solemnly sanctioned when paid for their lands. Several stockade forts were erected-a company of rangers organized and placed under the command of Captain Hewitt. Every precaution was taken to guard against surprise-the movements of the red men were narrowly watched, their apparent designs closely observed. It soon became evident that they were preparing for a bloody sacrifice. An express was despatched to the board of war representing the approaching danger requesting the return of the troops who had recently joined the army-leaving their homes exposed to all the horrors of savage cruelty rendered more awful by the more blood-thirsty tories. The request was promptly granted but too late to ward off the fatal slaughter and carnage that took place when these brave men were within two days' march of their murdered wives, children and friends who slumbered in death deeply gashed with the tomahawk. About the 1st of June 1778, a number of canoes were discovered descending the river just above the valley filled with Indian warriors. They attacked a party of the inhabitants who were at work on the bank of the Susquehanna-killing and making prisoners of ten. They were evidently concentrating their forces for the purpose of an attack upon the settlement. At that critical juncture Col. Butler arrived. A large body of the savages had assembled at the mouth of the Lackawanna at the head of the valley. The militia under the command of Col. Dennison assembled in the fort at Wilkesbarre on the 1st of July. They scoured the borders of the valley-discovered the bodies of those OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 61 who had been massacred a few days before-killed two Indians and returned. Not supposing danger so near each man repaired to his own house for provisions. On the 3d most of the men able to bear arms assembled at the fort amounting to about 350. Some remained ill the smaller forts with their families presuming on the delay of an attack. The command of the troops was given to Col. Butler. They were poorly armed and had but a small supply of ammunition. But few of them had ever been engaged in battle and were not familiar with military tactics. In a few moments after Col. Butler had assumed the command news was brought that the enemy had entered the upper end of the valley and were advancing rapidly. Fort Wintermote and another stockade fort was then in flames and their inmates weltering in blood and struggling in death. A council of war was held and an unfortunate resolve made to march out and attempt to arrest the savages in their career of desolation and carnage. The troops pro- ceeded some distance from the fort and took an advantageous position on the bank of a creek where they supposed the enemy would pass on their way to the principal fort. There they remained for half a day without seeing the foe. Another council of war was held which resulted in adding to the error of leaving the fort that of attacking the enemy in their position contrary to the opinion of several officers who were as brave but more judicious than those who urged the fatal movement. The order to advance was given. They had not pro- ceeded more than a mile when the advanced guard fired upon several Indians who were firing a house. The force of the enemy was con- centrated at fort Wintermote amounting to near 1000 eiTective men commanded by Brandt, an Indian half-blood and Col. John Butler-not a relative of Col. Zebulon Butler as some writers have erroneously stated. Echo returned the demoniac yells of the savages from the surrounding hills-the forest resounded with the appalling war whoop. Another serious error was committed by the ill-fated Americans. Not until they were upon the battle-ground did they learn the superior force of the revengeful foe. As the little band approached they found the Indians and tories formed in a line-the right resting on a swamp commanded by Brandt-the left reaching to fort Wintermote headed by Col. John Butler. Col. Z. Butler led the right and Col. Dennison the left of the Americans to the attack. So determined was this Spartan band on victory that the left of the enemy gave way in a few minutes closely pursued by Col. Butler. In consequence of part of the Indians passing the swamp to gain his rear Col. Dennison ordered his men to fall back. Many supposing he had ordered a retreat the line became C2 THE SAGES AND HEROES confused and broken. At that unfortunate juncture Brandt rushed upon it with such fury that it could not be ralhed. At that critical moment Col. Butler rode towards the left and first learned the mis- fortune of Col. Dennison and saw his men retreating in disorder. He was then between two fires and near the advancing enemy. Before the troops on the right were apprised of the fate of the left they were nearly surrounded by the savages and compelled to retreat precipi- tately. The route was general-the slaughter horrible-the scene terrific. But about 50 survived among whom were Colonels Butler and Den- nison who were more exposed than most of the others. The few who escaped from the dreadful carnage of that fatal day assembled at Forty Fort. So heart-rending was this defeat that the surviving inhabitants were willing to submit to any terms to save their lives. The enemy refused to treat with any officer of the continental army as unques- tionably advised by the hyena tories. Nor would they give them or regular soldiers any quarter but insisted on their being delivered up 10 the Indians at discretion. Col. Butler at once left and proceeded to Gradenhutten on the Lehigh. On the 4tli of July Col. Dennison en- tered into a capitulation with Col. John Butler and Brandt to surrender the Fort on condition the lives of the survivors should be preserved and not further molested in person or property. These conditions were solemnly agreed to by tory Butler and Brandt but most disgrace- fully violated. As the Indians marched in they commenced an indis- criminate plunder. Butler was appealed to and replied he could not control them-walked out and left them to finish their work in their own way. The man who could urge the savages on to murder could leave them to rob the helpless, regardless of his sacred pledge of honor. Finding themselves still at the mercy of the Indians the inhabitants fled to the nearest settlement towards the Delaware about 50 miles distant through a dense wilderness and over rugged mountains. So rapidly did they fly on the wings of terror that numbers became ex- hausted from over fatigue and hunger and were carried on the last day by the stronger ones. After their departure the savage tories and red men laid waste the town of Wilkesbarre and most of the houses in the valley-plundering or destroying all the property they could find. They then drove the cattle and horses to Niagara. They had fully satiated their thirst for blood-desolation was completed-vengeance was gorged-nature mourned over the dismal scene. From Gradenhutten Col. Butler communicated the sad intelligence of the bloody massacre to the Board of War and then proceeded to Stroudsburg then in Northampton county, where he met the returning OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 63 Wyoming troops and a few of those who had escaped on the day of the unfortunate battle. In August he was ordered to return with such force as he could collect and take possession of Wyoming valley. On his arrival he found a few Indians who were collecting the cattle that the main body had left. They fled precipitately without their plunder. Col. Butler erected a new fort at Wilkesbarre and established a well regulated garrison which he commanded until the winter of 1780- keeping the tories and savages at bay-not risking a general action but killing them off in detail by scouting parties of sharp-shooters whenever they approached the settlement. The expedition of Gen. Sullivan in 1779 paralyzed the Indian power upon the Susquehanna and restored a good degree of confidence in the inhabitants. In December 1780 Col. Butler was ordered to join the continental army and left Capt. Alexander Mitchell in command of the fort. After serving his country faithfully to the close of the war of Independence the Colonel returned to the vale of Wyoming to enjoy the fruits of his perilous toils and the gratitude of the inhabitants whom he had nobly aided and protected. He subsequently filled sundry civil offices with credit and fidelity. He lived to see his loved Wyoming bloom with the fruits of industry-its inhabitants peaceful, prosperous, happy. He was amply rewarded for the perils and hardships of the past by the full fruition of the enjoyments of the present. His happiness was as com- plete as it could be made this side of heaven. Dearly beloved by his immediate friends, esteemed by all who knew him-the waning years of Col. Butler were crowned with the most refined comforts of social and domestic life. He glided down the stream of time smoothly and calmly to the 28th of July 1795, when he threw off his mortal coil- resigned his quiescent spirit into the hands of its Creator-fell asleep in the arms of his Lord and Master deeply mourned and sincerely lamented. His career closed as brightly as it had been glorious and useful. He was an amiable companion, a virtuous citizen, a consistent Christian-a brave, noble, worthy, honest man. A creditable monument has been erected on the battle ground in memory of those who fell on the memorable 3d of Julv 1778 in the far famed valley of Wyoming. CHARLES CAUROLL OF CARROLLTON. The fond and faithful parents who have guided to manhood a family of sons whose every action is a source of pleasure and delight-who 64 THE SAGES AND HEROES walk in wisdom's ways-who prove virtuous, generous, bold, brave and patriotic-whose lives shed new lustre on the worid-whose achievements on the battle field or in the senate chamber stamp their names with enduring fame-enjoy a rich consolation, pure as the etherial sky- refreshing as evening zephyrs. More especially do their souls become enraptured with love if these sons deliver them from the iron grasp of a merciless tyrant-disenthrall them from the chains of slavery and make them free and independent. All this was done for our country by her valiant sons who graced the memorable era of '76. Like a blazing meteor bursting from the clouds amidst the gloom of midnight darkness, they illuminated our nation with light-the world with glory-raised the star spangled banner and planted the tree of Liberty deep in the soil of Freedom. Noble sons of Columbia! Sages and heroes of the American Revolution! Your names will be held in grateful remembrance through the rolling ages of time. Millions yet unborn will chant your brilliant achieve- ments, your triumphant victories, your unsurpassed wisdom, your god- like actions. Among the sons of noble daring-champions of their injured country, was Charles Carroll of Carrollton, born at Annapolis on the 20th of September 1737. He was the son of Daniel Carroll who came from King's county Ireland and was named for his grandfather Charles Car- roll. The elder Carrolls were highly charged with liberal principles and planted them deeply in the minds of their sons. Nor did the pre- cious seed fall on barren ground. Obeying the precepts and imitating the examples of his patriotic sire, young Charles Carroll proved worthy of the high source from which he sprang. He was emphatically one of the same stamp. At the early age of eight years his embryo talents shone so brightly that his father determined on giving them an opportunity to bud, blos- som and expand amidst the literary bowers of Europe. He was first sent to a seminary in France. His untiring application to his studies and manly deportment at the different seminaries through which he passed, gained for him a finished education and the esteem of all his acquaintances. At the age of twenty he commenced the study of law in London, England, where he ripened into manhood and returned to his native State in 1764 with a rich fund of useful knowledge, prepared to act well his part through life. The subject of oppression upon the Americans by the British min- istry was freely discussed in England before he left and had prepared his mind for the exciting crisis that awaited the colonies. On his re- OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 65 lurn he became an unflinching and able advocate for freedom. He possessed a clear head and discriminating mind. In action he was cool, deliberate, firm and decisive. His writing talent was of a high order. This was admirably developed in 1772. The governor had issued a proclamation derogatory to the constitutional rights of the people. In a series of essays published in the public papers, Mr, Car roll triumphantly vindicated the cause of his insulted constituents-con- clusively answering and confuting the combined arguments of the governor and his cabinet in favor of the unwarranted pretensions of their master. So fully did these essays convince the people that the governor aimed at illegitimate power that they hung his proclamation upon a gallows and bid defiance to the minions of despotism. Before the writer was known the people instructed their representatives to record a vote of thanks to the author. When it was ascertained that Mr. Carroll was the champion who had bearded the British lion, they repaired to his house in great numbers and made the welkin ring with plaudits of thankful praise. From that time he became a prominent leader of the liberal party- an espouser of equal rights-a stern opposer of ministerial wrongs. His benign influence radiated its genial rays upon the hearts and confirmed the wavering minds of many in the glorious cause of Liberty. In bold and glowing colors he portrayed the aggressions of the king, the corrupt designs of his ministers and the humiliating consequences of tame submission to their arbitrary demands. He was among the first to kindle the flame of resistance and light up the torch of Indepen- dence. He was among the first to sanction the Declaration of Rights- the last of the noble band of sages who signed it who lived to see 1832. On the 18th of July 1776 he was a member of the Maryland Con- vention convened to elect delegates to the Continental Congress. He was selected for that important station-took his seat on the 2d of Au- gust and signed the Declaration of Independence. His talents and zeal were highly appreciated by the members of Congress. He had previously endeared himself to them by a voluntary mission to Canada in conjunction with Franklin, Chase and Bishop Carroll. The object of their visit was to persuade the people of the Canadas to unite with the Colonies in throwing off the yoke of bondage imposed by the mo- ther country. The Messrs. CarroUs were Roman Catholics, the pre- vailing religion of the Canadians. The other two gentlemen enter- tained universal charity for all good men irrespective of manufactured creeds. It was fondly hoped their mission would be crowned with 9 66 THE SAGES AND HEROES succv .s. The defeat of the American troops at Quebec and the death of Gen. Montgomery had thrown so much darkness over the future prospects of the American cause that they refused to enter the com- pact. The consequences of that course have been fearfully developed for years and the time is not far distant when the Canadas will be free from England to the mutual benefit of both countries. On his return he was surprised to find that the Maryland delegates in Congress had been instructed by a vote of the Assembly to oppose the Declaration of Independence. His influence caused the rescinding of that vote and a reversal of the instructions. He felt a strong desire that his native state should do full service in the cause of freedom. To effect this he spent more time in her legislative hall than in Con- ffress. In the formation of her constitution and laws he rendered efii- D cient aid. From 1788 to 1791 he was a member of the U. S. Senate. From that year to 1801 he served in the senate of his own state. He then retired from the great theatre of public action in the rich enjoy- ment of the esteem of a nation of freemen. For thirty years he was spared to enjoy the cheering comforts of domestic felicity and survived all the others who had placed their names upon the Chart of our liberty. In his retirement he delighted in beholding the onward march of this favored country, prospering under the care of an all-wise Provi- dence-populated by a free and independent people-in rank second to no nation on earth-in enterprise traversing the globe-in genius eclips- ing the old world-in talent equal to the best. Like a majestic oak that had long braved the raging tempest, he stood alone as a signer of our Magna Charta calmly awaiting the time when he should be riven and gathered to his fathers. Gradually the world lost its former charms. More and more his mind became fixed on anticipated scenes of future and ])urer bliss. He seemed to ascend the ladder of faith and reach out his hand for that crown of unfading glory prepared for him by his Lord and Master. In this beatific state his soul was sum- moned from its tottering, trembling, falling tenement of clay on the 14th of November 1832. Calm and resigned he entered Jordan's iflood-angels escorted his immortal spirit to Immanuel's peaceful shores whilst his grateful country deeply mourned and strongly felt the loss of one of her noblest sons-society one of its brightest ornaments-his relatives one of their dearest kinsmen. Charles Carroll vv^as a man of consistency in everything. He was a devoted Christian in communion with the Roman Catholic Church but decidedly opposed to a want of charity and kind feeling. He deprecated OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 67 a spirit of persecution by one sect of Christians towards another. He was one of the few who reasoned correctly and acted wisely upon this important subject. It is a fact known to but few at this late day that the Roman Catholics of Maryland were the first who placed religious tolera- tion on a statute book in America. [See laws of Maryland 1647.] Jt is also a fact that the Protestants first introduced proscription there. After the restoration of Charles II. in 1761, they obtained an order from him prohibiting all Roman Catholics from holding any office, which was in violation of the charter granted to Lord Baltimore by Charles I. upon which the colony was based. Still more. The Protestants having become the bride of the state, continued to draw more tightly the cords of persecution by authority from William III. The Catholics were taxed to support the churches of their oppressors. By an act passed in 1704, the celebration of mass or the instruction of youth by a Catholic insured him transportation to England. In the land of the Puritans, the Baptist and Quaker sects were treated more rigorous, being persecuted even unto death and by those too who fled from the very persecution they practised the moment they obtained the power. So it ever has been-so it ever will be until mankind become fully and feelingly sensible that sectarimiism is not religion — is not a child of Heaven-that charity is the crowning attribute of Deity-the brightest star in the Christian's diadem. During the excitement in Maryland upon the unhallowed connection of church and state, the Carrolls used their best exertions to eflfect a reconciliation between the parties which was never fully done until the revolution compelled sectarianism to hide its hydra head by uniting all sects in the common cause against the common enemy and forever banishing its power from our land by the adoption of our Federal Con- stitution. Men are as prone to abuse power as the sparks are to fly upward. In the life of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, we have examples rich with instruction for youth, manhood and old age-for the lawyer, the statesman, the patriot and the Christian. His career was guided by pru- dence and virtue. His every action was marked with frankness and honesty. He richly merited and freely received the esteem and venera- tion of a nation of Freemen. His private and public career were prompted and directed by a purity of motive that never fails to render a man useful in life-triumphant in death- 68 THE SAGES AND HEROES SAMUEL CHASE. Ostracism was the title of a law once in full and practical force in the Republic of Athens. It required the banishment of any citizen when six thousand of the people voted for his expulsion-there being about twenty thousand voters-thus violating the fundamental principle of a republican government-^/ie majority must rule and he obeyed. Ruin was the natural result. Each voter wrote the name of the citizen that was to be banished on a shell called in Gxee\i-Ostrakon. These were deposited as are ballots at our elections and were counted by persons appointed by law. To the ruin of Athens, envy, jealousy and intrigue caused the banishment of several of her most illustrious sages and heroes who loved their country more than they did political corruption. Among them was Aristides-a* noble patriot, statesman and general. When the people were voting in his case he mingled with the crowd and met an illiterate peasant who did not know him, who asked him to write Aristides upon his shell. What injury has Aristides done you 1 The peasant quickly answered- JVbwe at all hut I am tired of hearing him called the just. Without reveal- ing himself the patriot wrote his own name upon the fatal shell and handed it back to the deluded voter. He bowed submissively to his sentence of banishment for ten years and invoked a blessing on his enemies as he departed. A species of political persecution practically analogous to the law of ostracism commenced its career in our country as early as the American Revolution. Political cliques and venal presses have been the execu- tioners. No one of the sages or heroes of that eventful period was so severely persecuted by party ostracism after the formation of our republic as Samuel Chase who was born in Somerset County, Maryland, on the 17th day of April, 1741. He was the son of Rev. Thomas Chase who came from England to that province and became pastor of St. Paul's Parish in Baltimore, then a new country village and destitute of good schools. At the age of two years Samuel was deprived of the tender care of his mother by her premature death. Under the instruction of his father he became an accomplished classical scholar. At the age of eighteen he commenced the study of law under the direction of John Hammond and John Hull of Annapolis. At the age of twenty he was admitted to the bar of the Mayor's Court and two years after to that of the County Court and the Court of Chancery. He located at Annapolis OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 69 and filled up the rib vacuum by marrying the worthy and intelligent Ann Baldwin-a very sensible and fair business transaction. Mr. Chase was not long in acquiring the reputation of a sound law- yer and able advocate. He was of a sanguine temperament-bold, fearless, undisguised, independent in mind, language and action but honest, patriotic, and pure in his motives-immovable in his purposes- qualities that dignify a man if prudently balanced and prepare him for just such times as the Revolution-qualities that often rouse the spirit of ostracism in those who aim to ruin those they cannot rule. These leading traits, constitutional with Samuel Chase, with the times and circumstances that influenced his judgment and governed his actions must be kept constantly in view to enable the reader to form a just esti- mate of his character which I will impartially and plainly portray. On the flood tide of a prosperous business-celebrated for his legal acumen and forensic fame-in the full enjoyment of domestic felicity and social intercourse with friends-Mr. Chase glided smoothly along until his country began to writhe under kingly oppression. The Stamp Act, the first born of the scrofulous revenue system devised by the putrescent British ministry, met with a hostile reception at Annapolis. Mr. Chase and a band of kindred spirits under the cognomen of "Sons of Liberty," forcibly seized and destroyed the newly imported stamps and burned in efligy the stamp distributer. No further violence was then committed. The king's officers opened a newspaper battery against this "furious mob" directing their whole artillery against Mr. Chase complimenting him with the courtly names-" busy restless incen- diary-ringleader of mobs-foul mouthed inflaming son of discord and faction-a common disturber of the public tranquillity-a promoter of the lawless excesses of the multitude" and other similar emphatic appella- tions-conferring upon the young patriot a diploma of distinction little anticipated by them. His answers to these vituperations were manly, charged with strong and conclusive logic-keen and withering sarcasm. The attack brought him fairly into the political field. So delighted were the people with the manner he handled the hirelings of the crown that they elected him to the colonial assembly. There he took a con- spicuous part and became the uncompromising opposer of all measures that were not within the pale of the constitution or were tinctured with oppression. So strongly was he in favor of liberal principles that he gave his whole influence and vote in favor of the repeal of the law that compelled the people to support the clergy by which the stipend of his father was reduced one-half Pursuant to the law of primogeniture then in force this was voting money out of his own pocket. His bold 70 TPIE SAGES AND HEROES and independent course made him a subject of persecution with the creatures of the crown and an object of pride and admiration with the people. His enemies found him a. bramble full of the keenest thorns and were awfully scarified every time they approached him. His tongue, pen, logic, sarcasm-all were blighting as a sirocco wind. After the repeal of the Stamp Act a calm in the public mind ensued but it was a calm of delusion such as precedes a tornado. The inquisi- torial rack of the ministry was again put in motion-fresh impositions commenced-the fire of discontent was again blown to a blaze. The Bill closing the port of Boston with directions to the King's officers to seize and send to England for trial those who dared resist the royal authority-roused the indignation of colonies that had been rather pas- sive. The Congress of 1774 was then devised of which Mr. Chase was a member. The deep solemnity, unparalleled wisdom and patient deliberations that marked the proceedings of that Congress-shed a lustre upon the cause of liberty then in embryo that forced applause from its most violent opposers. Had not the cabinet of Great Britain been blinded by sordid avarice, mad ambition and political delusion-had not the King been a mere automaton, scarcely a moving, walking, talking machine-the loyal and logical appeals from that august body of sages would have been treated with merited respect and quiet restored. The colonists asked for nothing but what was clearly right and asked in the most respectful and even suppliant manner. Ministers were left without excuse for their subsequent course. Their sacrilegious hands broke the areat seal of the social compact-//ie/r agents sowed the seeds of rebel- Vion-their cruelty kindled the flame that devoured them-their visionary policy severed the cords of maternal affection-//ie?r treachery spread the mantle of righteousness over the cause of the Revolution. We justly censure them for their corrupt designs but rejoice in the glorious result of their plans. Haman erected his own gallows. Grenville and North destroyed their own power. In 1775 Mr. Chase was returned to Congress with instructions to pursue a conciliatory course contrary to his judgment but which he implicitly obeyed. He was active and persevering on committees and took a deep interest in every measure proposed in favor of freedom. He was returned to Congress the next year still trammelled with instructions which he truly predicted would soon be removed. In the spring of 1776 lie was associated with Messrs. Franklin, Charles and Bishop Carroll on a mission to Canada to induce the people there to join in the struggle for liberty. They wanted courage to be free and still wear the yoke of bondage. On his return he was delighted to find the OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 71 question of final separation from mother Britain under consideration and boldly advocated the measure. It was the very proposition to animate the soul of Samuel Chase. His instructions became burdensome as the discussion increased. They were removed just in time for him to record his vote in favor of that imperishable instrument that has im- mortalized the names of the signers and is the pride of every true American. The act of signing the Declaration of Rights gave him more joy than any public duty he had ever performed. A short time previous to the glorious 4th of July Mr, Chase discovered that a Judas was among them in the person of Rev. Dr. Zubly of Georgia who was clandestinely corresponding with the enemy. So bold and so suddenly did he expose the traitor on the floor of Congress that " the gentleman from Georgia " plead guilty and suddenly retired. His arrest was ordered but when the officer went to his cage the bird had flown and was never bagged. As an able statesman recently remarked, he was left in the very worst company-with himself. Mr. Chase was all industry in every position in which he was placed. In the discussions upon the Articles of Confederation he took a deep interest and active part. He considered their adoption indispensable in carrying on the good work of political regeneration. The basis of representation and the mode of voting were the two great points at issue that consumed the most time in argument. In the fall of 1776 Messrs. Chase, Wilson, Clymer, Stockton and Smith were made a committee to take charge of the War Department- then the most important of either. Mr. Chase was upon the commit- tee for suppressing internal enemies and became a terror to the tories and certain Quakers in and adjacent to Philadelphia who were circu- lating papers adverse to the American cause and were in communica- tion with the enemy. A report, with documents proving the charge was submitted to Congress. Several leading members of the Society of Friends were confined-the seditious papers suppressed and a re- spectful neutrality induced on the part of that very respectable Society whose creed opposing war had led some of its members into an erro- neous interference. The tories took shelter under the wings of the British army. The course pursued by Congress was then deemed harsh hy some and will still appear so to a casual reader who is not familiar with the rules of war. Agreeably to the martial code of other nations-then the precedent guide for Congress-the punishment would have been much more severe. The mildness of the sentence was an antepast of a more enlarged liberty under the new form of government. By the religious tenets of the Friends it can never be sanctioned-by 72 THE SAGES AND HEROES every friend of liberty the necessity of such a case is always regretted. Each social compact and individual in every government must be sub- ject to the laws of the land-must submit to the ruling power that order may be maintained. In 1778 the Brhish Parliament devised a stratagem by which they hoped to create a division among the patriots. Printed papers were circulated among the people containing conciliatory and flattering pro- positions and announcing the appointment of commissioners to perfect these inglorious terms of peace. So ingeniously were these papers worded that it was deemed necessary to prepare an answer. This important task was imposed upon Mr. Chase. Most ably did he per- form his duty. He unmasked the base hypocrisy of the scheme-ex- posed the delusive gull-trap to the consuming fire of sarcastic logic- poured upon it the burning lava of ridicule and raised the indignation and scorn of the people against it to ninety degrees above zero. So well was it received by Congress that a larger number than usual was ordered printed and a resolution passed recommending all the clergy to read it to their congregations after service on Sunday. Like all the other plans the British ministers devised to enslave the colonies-it recoiled upon their own heads with all the force of fearful reaction. This brilliant display of talent closed the congressional labors of this devoted friend of liberty. He retired crowned with the rich honors of an able statesman, sage, patriot and honest man. He had stood firm at his post-a faithful public servant, a bold advocate for freedom, a safe counsellor in every emergency, a fearless champion when dan- ger pressed, an ornament to his country, a terror to the enemies of liberty. As a working man he had no superior-as a debater he had few equals. Without the mellifluous elocution of a Cicero-free from pleonastic parade-he spoke forcibly, reasoned closely, demonstrated clearly, deduced conclusively. He sought to inform the judgment, enhghten the understanding and convince by sound argument. Until the close of the struggle for freedom he continued to render efficient service to the glorious cause and then resumed his profession in the full enjoyment of the confidence of his constituents and the consolation of an approving conscience. Soon after the close of the Revolution Mr. Chase was employed by the state of Maryland to prosecute a claim for bank stock in England and obtained for it six hundred and fifty thousand dollars. His journal shows that he was a minute observer of men and things. His high legal attainments, scholastic and legislative reputation, gentlemanly deportment, thorough business habits-combined to make a favorable OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 73 impression upon parliament, the English courts and barristers gene- rally. He was absent less than a year and accomplished more busi- ness than some would have done in five. On his return he again took his place at the Bar. In 1786 his worthy friend, Col. Howard, conveyed to him a square of ten lots in the city of Baltimore near the site of the public buildings, on condition of his locating there. He accepted the proposition and changed his residence to that city. This square is bounded by Eutaw, Lexington, Fayette and Paca streets. The mansion-house, built by Mr. Chase is still owned by his descendants. In 1788 he was ap- pointed Chief Justice of the new criminal court organized for the county of Baltimore. The same year he was a member of the Mary- land Convention that ratified the Federal Constitution. In 17.91 he was appointed Chief Justice of the General Court of Maryland. In 1796 he was appointed an Associate Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States by President Washington which dignified station he filled with great ability to the time of the illness which terminated his life. He was considered one of the ablest judges upon the bench, When he presided in the lower courts his decisions, when carried up to the higher legal tribunals, were seldom reversed. His expositions of law and charges to juries were plain, learned, luminous, logical, profound. His manner was forcible, impressive, commanding. With all this lustre clustering around him, encircled by the sacred halo of great and acknowledged services in the cause of Independence, still green and fresh in the memory of millions-Judge Chase was placed in the crucible of unrelenting ostracism prompted by political animosity created by the lofty independence of thought and expression constitu- tional with him and which prompted him to act a bold and conspicu- ous part when the vials of British wrath were poured out upon our bleeding country. As I shall attempt carrying him through his perse- cutions unscathed the critical attention of the reader is requested. He was a federalist-I am an old school democrat and go for the compro- mises and our UNION. In January 1804, John Randolph obtained the passage of a resolu- tion in the House of Representatives of the United States instituting an inquiry into the official conduct of Judge Chase. As a hypocritical salvo the name of Judge Peters was joined with his. No one was more competent and no one could be more persevering than was Mr. Randolph in his gigantic efforts to destroy Judge Chase. The com- mittee to which the resolution was referred reported on the 6th day of the ensuing March, acquitting Judge Peters and recommending the 10 74 THE SAGES AN DHEROES impeachment of Judge Chase, the real object of political revenge. On the 26th of the same month articles of impeachment were reported based upon the following premises. In 1800 Judge Chase presided on the bench of the U. S. Circuit Court at Philadelphia, assisted by Judge Peters of the District Court of Pennsylvania when and where John Fries was put upon his trial a second time for high treason against the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania, owing to some informality in his previous trial before Judges Iredel and Peters. Having been fully informed of the points of law at issue and of the proceedings at the first trial, Judge Chase had pre- pared an elaborate exposition of the law upon treason without referring to a single fact in the case. With the approval of Judge Peters he furnished a copy to the counsel for defendant, the District Attorney and reserved one for the jury after the trial should be completed. Messrs. Lewis and Dallas, counsel for the prisoner, affected to consider this a pre-judgment of the case and permitted Fries to be tried without the aid of counsel-unquestionably intending and successfully succeed- ing in creating a general sympathy that procured his pardon imme- diately after conviction. Fries subsequently called on Judge Chase and thanked him for his impartial and generous course upon the trial. Tlie whole matter was then looked at in its true light-a ruse of inge- nious counsel. No one attributed bad motives to the bench. The approval of honest clear-headed Judge Peters is conclusive proof that Judge Chase was judicially right-^rmrt/aczc evidence that his motives were pure. He had written an opinion upon the law-woi upon the facts of the case. This he had frankly furnished to the counsel-not to the jury before the trial. He was bound to explain the law to the grand jury before they should proceed to their business-to the traverse jury when he gave them their charge. This constituted the first charge in the articles of impeachment. Shortly after the trial of Fries he presided at Richmond, Virginia, when and where one Callendar was tried under the Sedition Law for publishing a libel upon the President. During the trial Judge Chase refused the admission of certain testimony offered on the part of the prisoner which exasperated those who were opposed to the law in question. He honestly believed the law salutary as a check upon the venality of the press-others thought differently. Right or wrong-his oath of office bound him to act under the law so long as it remained m force. That his decision was legally correct must be presumed from the fact that under the great excitement then existing no writ of OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 7b oxYov was taken in the case. Tliis formed tlie foundation of the second f^hargc. From Pichmond he proceeded to New Castle, Delaware, where he presided, aided by Judge Bedford. In his charge to the grand jury he gave his views frankly upon the Sedition Law that they might fully understand what constituted a breach of its provisions, knowing that one or more cases of its violation would come before them. As an illustration he alluded to certain matter published in a high-toned party paper printed in that district that violated the provisions of this law. This gave great offence to the opposite party. The allusion to the paper was legal under any circumstances by way of explanation but may be considered uncourteous until we understand that it went immediately into the hands of the grand jury as testimony which made it in all respects a legitimate document to be alluded to by him. Ingenuity could not then nor with its prolific growth could it now con- strue the act into a pre-judgment of the case. The publication was before him-he alluded to that but to no individual. It was clearly a violation of the meaning and intent of the law-who published it was left for the jury to determine if they could. This constituted the ground of the third article of impeachment. In delivering his charge to the grand jury in 1803, Judge Chase made sundry remarks upon the politics of the day reflecting upon cer- tain acts of the democratic party. This was a surplusage of duty but not cause for impeachment. It resulted from his sanguine tempera- ment, the great poUtical excitement of that period-not from any im- purity of motive. He believed laws had been passed for party purposes that were unconstitutioual. If he was in error then, his position has often been verified since. Freedom of speech is a constitutional privi- lege-he used the same liberty practised by his opponents and which was not then trammelled by the obnoxious Sedition Law. It was not a proper time or place to read a political lecture but it does not follow that his designs were corrupt or his conduct criminal. The ermine of a judge is not beautified by being powdered with the farina of politics- his right to think and speak upon the subject none will question. If he speaks at an improper time and place it is an error-not a crime. He animadverted upon the change of the right of suffrage in the con- stitution of his own state to which he had strong objections. With him many of the devoted patriots of the revolution deemed the elec- tive franchise unsafe with ignorant men who did not fully comprehend and appreciate their rights. The reasons for this opinion grow less as intelligence increases. In some of the states a property qualification 76 OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIOJV. is Still necessary to entitle a man to vote and in others he must be a freeholder to entitle him to hold certain town offices. An anxiety to preserve the government pm-e unquestionably pervaded the bosom of Judge Chase. In concluding his charge he spoke strongly against the changes that had been made in the judiciary system of the United States. He attri- buted them to party politics-deemed them personal in their object and not conducive to public good in theii* operations. As these related to his official duties they were legitimate points for remark. It was a mat- ter of course that a man like him should comment freely and severely upon what he conceived a personal and public wrong. He never dined at the half-way house. In all that has been presented I can find nothing to impugn the honesty of his intentions or the purity of his motives. Upon these premises six articles of impeachment were framed at first and at the next session of Congress two more were added-the natural increase of a year. On the 2d of January 1805 Judge Chase was arraio-ned before the Senate of the United States. A majority of the members were politically opposed to him but amongst them w-ere men who loved justice more than party. The herculean powers of John Randolph were brought to bear upon him in the full plenipotence of their force. The trial continued until the first of March except a short recess. A portion of this time the Judge was confined by illness. He was ably and successfully defended by Messrs. Martin. Hopkinson, Harper and Key. Of five of the charges he was acquitted by a majority of the Senate. A constitutional number could not be obtained to convict him on the others-he stood approved, acquitted, triumphant over his enemies at the highest tribunal of his country-looking upon his collossal van- quished political foes, with mingled pity and contempt. He had never doubted the favorable result and properly regarded the prosecution as a political bagatelle. From that period to the time of his last illness his peace was undis- turbed. He continued to be an ornament to the judiciary, an honor to his country, the faithful friend of human rights and equal justice. On the 19th of June 1811, surrounded by his family and friends, he bade a last farewell to sublunary things and died peaceful and happy. A large number of relatives, an extensive circle of friends and a grateful nation mourned his loss. In the character of this great and good man we find no corruption to condemn-many strong and brilliant traits to admire. As a revolutionary patriot he stood on a lofty eminence-as a statesman he rendered many and important services-as a lawyer he enjoyed a high reputation-as a OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 77 judge he sustained an exalted position. All the charges against him have been faithfully spread before the reader. The result of their inves- tigation caused his powerful enemies to weave for him a higher eulogium than language can express. I find no evidence of guile in his heart. He felt strongly-expressed his opinions freely and acted sincerely so far as we can judge from the record. Against his private character slander and malice never directed an arrow. He was in all respects above suspicion. He was a kind husband, an affectionate father, a warm friend-an open, honorable, scarifying opponent. His sanguine temperament was calculated to gain strong friends and violent enemies. He handled his political opposers with great severity which accounts for the mighty effort made to ostracise him from the Bench. He possessed a noble and benevolent disposition- was a friend to the poor and needy, to education and to everything that enhanced the happiness of those around him and the human family. Under his benefaction the celebrated William Pinkey was educated and made a man. He often referred gratefully to his benefactor in after life. He was an active member of St. Paul's church and did much to promote practical piet}^ sound morals and social order. His force, vigor, decision of character and stern integrity were well calculated for the period in which he lived. If he sometimes offended by soaring above the non- committal system of technical politics, it resulted from the strong com- bination of conflicting circumstances that uniformly attend the period of a revolution, the formation of a new government and the asperity of high toned party feeling operating upon the sensitive feelings of an ardent, patriotic, honest, independent mind. ABRAHAM CLARK. A large proportion of the most substantial and useful men who have filled the measure of their country's glory and enrolled their names on the scroll of fame, were not ushered into public notice under the streamer of a collegiate diploma fluttering in the fickle wind of popu- larity. A clear head, strong common sense, an investigating and analyzing mind, with a judgment matured in the school of experience, are the grand requisites to prepare a man for sterling usefulness. With- out these you vainly pour upon him the classic stream. It is like water poured upon the interminable sand-it invigorates for a moment, then sinks and leaves the surface dry and unproductive. If there is no sub- stratum to retain the appliances of irrigation, the soil is not worth the 78 THESAGESANDHEROES labor. I do not undervalue high seminaries of learning and highly appreciate a liberal education. I only wish to correct the opposite extreme that is gaining rapidly among us, of placing too high a value upon them, making a classical course the grand requisite of prospective usefulness. I also wish to encourage those who have talent and only a good English education, to expand their wings of usefulness and imitate the examples of Franklin, Sherman, Abraham Clark and others who have graced the theatre of human action without the aid of a col- legiate education. If they do not soar like eagles they may still be useful for there is more good to be achieved and more need of labor in low life than high. An humble bird saved Rome. Abraham Clark was born at Elizabethtown, Essex county. New Jersey on the 15th of February 1726. He was the only son of Thomas Clark who held the office of Alderman, at that time a dignified station filled by men of merit. He was a farmer, a man of strong common sense and instilled into the mind of his son the enduring principles of moral rectitude that governed his actions through life. He received a good English education and was designed for the ennobling pursuit of aoriculture. Of a slender frame and feeble constitution he was unable to endure hard labor but continued to superintend the improvement of the paternal domain left him by his father. He was an accomplished mathematician and was extensively employed in surveying and con- veyancing. He was also an elementary lawyer and a safe gratuitous counsellor. He often saved his friends from the vexatious labyrinth of litigation by assuaging the angry elements of passion and leading them to the pure fountain of equal justice. He was called the poor man's counsellor and did much to allay disputes and promote harmony among his neighbors. He enjoyed the blessing pronounced on peace makers. His decisions were based on correct legal principles and impartial justice. He was often selected an arbitrator in different counties to settle disputed land titles. His knowledge and legal acquirements, united by an acute judgment, became so highly appreciated, that he was appointed by the Assembly to settle the claims to undivided com- mons. He filled the office of sheriff-was appointed clerk of the Legis- lature-doing credit to himself and dignifying every station he occupied. As he became known to the public his talents were more highly appre- ciated-not because they kindled to a blaze calculated to excite the huzzas of the multitude one day and possibly receive their execrations the next-but because they exemplified unwavering rectitude, strict justice, moral worth and disinterested patriotism. When the vials of oppression were poured upon his native colony by OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 79 the mother country Mr. Clark was among the first to contend for liberal principles and equal rights. Cool, reflective and deliberate-he had the confidence of his fellow citizens and exercised a wise and salutary influence over them. His actions flowed from the pure fountain of a good heart guided by a clear head and a mature judgment. He weighed impartially and felt most keenly British injustice towards the colonies. He was an active and bold leader in primary meetings firmly opposing the unreasonable claims of the crown. He was a prominent member of the Committee of Safety and did much to consoHdate that phalanx of sages and heroes which stood firm and unbroken amidst the storms of wrath poured on them for seven years. He had a peculiar talent to rouse his fellow citizens to action on all proper occasions, always moving within the orbit of sound discretion. Jn June 1776 he took his seat in the continental Congress where he fully sustained his previous high reputation for patriotism and good sense. To such men as him we owe the liberty we now enjoy. Revo- lution is too often the offspring of faction. When so, the successful actors, after annihilating the power assailed often plunge into tenfold corruption. Demagogues may rouse the angry passions of the multi- tude to a curling flame but it requires such men as Franklin, Sherman and Clark to ride upon the whirlwind, direct the tornado and rule the storm of passion. They could guide the liquid streams of mental fire and conduct them harmless in their course. Although the American Revolution did not originate in fanaticism- the centrifugal zeal of many of its able advocates carried them beyond the orbit of prudence. Upon such men Mr. Clark exercised a happy influence. Although they may not be able to make a flowery speech of three hours or three days at the expense of thousands to our nation- yet it is to such men we must look for the perpetuity of our UNION. It is for them to steer the ship of State clear from the rocks and shoals of error and avoid the breakers of rashness, intrigue and corruption. They are the neutralizers of the inflammatory gases that fly from the fiery craniums of many of our legislators who are more classical than discreet-more in the forum than in the committe room-more anxious to advance their party than the good of their country. Mr. Clark was warmly in favor of the Declaration of Independ- ence. For this strong and important measure he had long been pre- pared from a strong conviction that no reasonable or honorable terms would be sanctioned by the ambitious and haughty ministry of Great Britain. He believed that abject slavery awaited the colonists unless the gordian knot of allegiance was cut at one bold stroke. On the 4th 80 THE SAGES AND HEROES ^ of July 1776, his affirmative vote and signature upon the chart of Liberty proved his sincerity and gained for him the approval of his conscience and the approbation of admiring millions. He was continued in Congress for seven consecutive years, except spending one session in the state legislature. Owing to his naturally strong and highly cultivated mind, great industry and extensive fund of practical knowledge, he was one of the most useful members of the national legislature. From 1783 to 1788 he was a member of the legislature in his own state. So great was his influence that every act that excited public attention was attributed to him. Mr. Clark was a strong advocate for the Convention that framed the Federal Constitution. He was appointed a member but extreme illness prevented his attendance. In 1788 he was again elected to Congress. At the next congressional election he was defeated for the first time. This reminds me of the law of Ostracism in the Republic of Athens under which many of its citizens were banished by the iiame demagogue party spirit that has banished many of our best men from the political arena. Mr. Clark was then appointed to the import- ant station of commissioner to settle the state accounts with the general government. At the ensuing election the people, upon a sober second thought, again elected him to Congress of which he remained a member up to the time of his death. He died in June 1774 from the effects of coup de soliel [a stroke of the sun] in two hours from the time he was taken ill. Mr. Clarke was truly pious, a pure patriot and an honest man. He was a faithful public sentinel, a kind and aflectionate friend, an honor- able and generous opponent. His death was deeply mourned by our nation and most keenly felt by his numerous personal friends. His fame is worthy of the highest encomiums-his example should be more closely imitated. GEOEGE CLYMER. Learning makes the man, is an adage too old to be used as a quo tation but which time or angels can never stamp with truth. Unless the man is made by the Creator of all good, learning cannot do it The mental powers of man are as diversified as the soils of earth and as well deserve classification. Upon the minds of some we may pour a continued stream from the fountain of knowledge but like the desert of Sahara they are barren of fruit or flower. Upon other minds OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 81 laborious efforts produce an improvement but never enrich them Their upper crust is too light-their substratum too porous to retain the fructifying substances lavished upon them. Others yield a liberal harvest by good culture and become valuable by use. Like the allu- vial prairies, others are adorned with fruits and flowers. They only require the introduction of seed to afford all the rich varieties of products that may be desired. Expose them to the genial rays of the sun of science-the germs of genius will immediately spring up-the embryo forms will bud and blossom like the rose. The mental powers of George Clymer were composed of a deep and prolific mould capable of producing the richest fruits. Fortunately for our country it was not appropriated entirely to ornamental flowers and blooming shrubbery but to the substantial fruits that invigorate and support life. He was born in Philadelphia, Pa. in 1739. His father removed to that city from Bristol, England and died when George was but seven years old. William Coleman, his maternal uncle, took him into his family, treated him as a son and made him heir to most of his property. Being a literary man he gave his nephew every facility for the acquirement of a good education. He had an extensive library and rejoiced to see it explored by young George who manifested an early taste for reading and investigated critically every subject that came before him. He traced it through all its meander- ings to its primeval source. This trait in his character rendered him vastly useful in the momentous concerns of his subsequent life. He dug deep and laid firmly the foundations of his education-the super- structure was on a firm basis. From the seminary George went into the counting-house of his uncle and became thoroughly acquainted with the mercantile business in which he finally embarked. This calling was too precarious to suit his equipoised mind. He was opposed to sudden gains or losses- the one elated the mind too much-the other depressed it too low- destroying the divine equilibrium calculated to impart the greatest happiness to man and assimilate him to his Creator. He believed a virtuous equality in life more conducive to the prosperity of a nation than to have the majority of wealth wielded by a favored few. The former tended to republicanism-the latter to aristocracy. He was in favor of equal rights, a patriot of the Roman school, a philanthropist of the first water-opposed to all monopolies. His genius was of that original order, that, like some comets, visit our world only at long mtervals. It traversed the circuit of human nature, metaphysics, phi- losophy, physiology, ethics and general science without an apparent 11 82 THE SAGES AND HEROES effort-drawing from each conclusions peculiarly its own. He was a virtuoso, an amateur, a deep logician and an acute mathematician. A love of liberty was innate with him. His mind was richly stored with the history of other times and nations-he was well versed in the principles of law and government-he understood the chartered rights of his country and felt, most keenly, the increasing infringements upon them by the very power that was bound by the laws of nature, man and God to respect them. He was among the first to resist the oppres- sors of his country and proclaim to his fellow-citizens the principles of freedom. At the tea meeting held by the people of Philadelphia on the 16th of Oct. 1773, his powerful reasoning, deep sincerity, ardent zeal and enthusiastic patriotism-commanded the admiration of all who heard him. Free from pedantry and naturally retiring-his powers of mind were known only to his immediate friends. From that time his talents were claimed as public property. He was compelled to sur- render possession without the formality of a mandamus, quo ivarranto certiorari or appeal. When the final crisis arrived-when the shrill war-cry came rushing through the air from the heights of Lexington, Mr. Clymer took com- mand of a company under Gen. Cadwalader and repaired to the tented field He was a member of the Council of Safety and had served on most of the committees to prepare petitions, remonstrances and other measures of redress. On the 29th of July 1775 Congress called him from the camp to aid Michael Hillegas in managing the public trea- sury. He subscribed liberally to the loan raised for the public service and placed all the specie he could raise into the public chest and took in return ephemeral paper. His examples and influence caused many to rush to the rescue regardless of consequences. In July 1776 he was elected to Congress after the 4th and on taking his seat placed his name upon the Declaration of Independence. A part of the preceding delegation from Pennsylvania, finding the Declaration of Rights would be adopted, were seized with crown fits and nothing but absquatu- lating powders promised any relief to the spasmodic attack. As secu- rity for the payment of this medicine they put in leg bail and vanished. The people promptly filled their places with men who dared to be free. In September of that year Messrs. Clymer and Stockton were sent by Congress to visit the northern army and confer with Gen. Wash- ington upon ft^iture arrangements. In December of the same year Congress retired to Baltimore in consequence of the approach of the enemy, then devastating New Jersey. Mr. Clymer was one of the OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 83 committee left to superintend the public interests and brave the perils that were rushing on like a tornado. He was re-elected to Congress and in April 1777 was again upon a visiting committee to the army to confer with Washington upon all subjects that required prompt atten- tion which were neither few, small or far between. In the autumn of that year a fresh momentum was given to the patriotism of Mr. Clymer. He had removed his family and goods to Chester county. Immediately after the battle of Brandywine the tories led the British to his house who destroyed a large amount of his property. His family fled just in time to be saved the worse than savage tortures inflicted upon every prominent patriot's wife and mother they could seize. This sacrifice upon the altar of liberty strengthened him in the cause of freedom imparting fresh vigor to his exertions. Such conduct on the part of the British operated as a talisman in consolidating the colonies in one solid phalanx of unyielding opposition. Its eloquence soared above all words-it was action-action-action-demoniac action. In December 1779 Mr. Clymer was one of a committee sent to Fort Pitt to induce the Indians to desist from hostilities. The mission con- sumed four months and was principally executed by him alone, nar- rowly escaping the tomahawk during his absence. It was found ne- cessary to carry the war into the Indian settlements. During the year after his return he devoted his time in raising supplies for the army then in a very destitute condition. In 1780 he was again returned to Congress and served until November when he was associated with John Nixon in the organization of the Bank of North America which contributed largely in raising the prostrate credit of the government and yet stands upon a firm basis with fair prospects of surviving whilst our Republic continues. In May 1782 he was associated with Mr. Rutledge on a mission through the Southern States to induce them to meet more promptly the requisitions for supplies. During the entire period of the Revolution he devoted his whole time to the ser- vice of his country and discharged every duty faithfully. He stood high as an able and efficient co-worker in the vineyard of Liberty and when the harvest was past and the war ended, he retired from the field crowned with living honors enduring as the historic page. When peace was proclaimed he removed to Princeton, N, J. for the purpose of resting from his toils and educating his children. The en- suing year he was persuaded to return to Philadelphia. He was im- mediately elected to the legislature and contributed largely in cutting from the old Constitution and laws of his native state the obnoxious branches of tyranny that still clustered around them. He stripped the 84 THE SAGES AND HEROES penal code of its inquisitorial features and originated and successfully advocated the abolishment of death in all cases except for murder in the fir§t degree. He was the father of the salutary penitentiary sys- tem now in full force at Cherry Hill near the city of Philadelphia- solitary confinement and labor. It may not be known to every reader that prisoners were formerly compelled to labor in chains, often in public places. The superiority of solitary confinement over all other modes of punishment has been fully demonstrated and is in a slow course of adoption throughout the confines of civilized humanity. The mind of Mr. Clymer was prolific and happy in plans of useful- ness and utility. To benefit his country and better the condition of mankind was his constant aim. To effect this he saw the necessity of reducing every department of government to system and order. Ame- rican Independence was achieved-to preserve it by reconciling con- flicting interests, green-eyed jealousies, incongruous clamors and ima- ginary evils, was a herculean task only in embryo. He hailed with joy the convention to form the Federal Constitution and had the plea- sure of being a member. The result of the labors of that body was charged with a deeper interest than the war-struggle for victory over the invading armies of England. It involved the fate of our infant Republic-then trembling on the verge of ruin. One more plunge and it would have been lost in the gulf of primeval chaos. The conflict was between members of the same family who had fought the enemy in one solid unbroken phalanx-now this band of brothers were sepa- rated by local interests and sectional jealousies. To bring the issue to a safe termination it required the deepest sagacity, the acutest wisdom, the most matured judgment, the profoundest legal learning, the most disinterested patriotism, the most exalted charity and the purest spirit of conciliation. Happily for our country and the cause of liberty these noble principles predominated-the glorious work was accom- plished in which Mr. Clymer participated largely. This noble patriot was elected to the first Congress that convened under the Federal Constitution. He was a stern republican in every thing. He was very properly opposed to tacking any titles to the name of any public man except that of the office which he held. Excellency, Honorable, &c., he considered to be what they really are-shadows of a shadow, too vain and imbecile for a freeman. He was wisely opposed to the right of instruction from his constituents because they must decide without hearing evidence or argument and were themselves uniformly directed by a few designing men actuated by motives based on prejudice or ignorance. He could not be made the passive tool of demagogue OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 85 power or the automaton of party spirit. We greatly need many more of the same sort at the present time. In the organization of the general government he took a very active part. Every subject presented to Congress he analyzed with the acumen of a sage, philosopher and states- man. He was continued a member until 1790, when he made an effort to close his public career. But this he was not permitted to do. Under the Act of Congress passed in 1791, imposing a duty on distilled spirits Mr. Clymer was appointed to enforce its collection in his own state. In Pennsylvania this law produced the whiskey rebellion which required military force to restore order. No display of force could prevent Mr. Clymer from the performance of his duty. He appointed collectors in the different counties, advising the people to submit to the law whilst in force and pursue the constitutional remedy for its repeal if they believed it wrong. During the height of the excitement he mingled freely with the mobocracy when but few men would have been spared if clothed with the same office. When order was restored he resigned his situation. The last public service he consented to render was in conjunction with Colonels Pickens and Hasskins in negotiating a treaty with the Creek Indians which was consummated on the 29th of June 1796. He then retired to enjoy the fruits of his labors without any to disturb or make him afraid. He had periled his life, fortune and' honor for his country- he had been her fearless advocate amidst the storms of revolution, civil discord and open rebellion-in his retirement he saw her peaceful, pros- perous and happy with the illustrious Washington directing her destiny to fame and glory. The measure of his ardent desires was filled-he asked no more. Although retired from the more prominent public arena, Mr. Clymer did not seek for inglorious ease-he remained active through life. He took a deep interest in every kind of improvement and to many extended his fostering care. He was a friend to the laboring classes and became familiar with the principles of agriculture and the mechanic trades. Among his private papers are many drawings of plans for bridges, canals, and various kinds of machinery and implements of husbandry with numerous recipes relative to the fine arts. Like Franklin he extended his researches to almost every subject within the grasp of man and extracted the essential oil from each. He always sought for solid substance that was of substantial use. He was opposed to pedantry, pomp and parade. He was what would now be called a plain blunt man. His bluntness was not of an offensive kind to common sense men. It consisted in laconic truth dressed in republican simpUcity-a garb that was much admired then but is quite out of fashion wozc-a change oi 86 THE SAGES AND HEROES rather doubtful utility Although he originated many important measures in the national and state legislatures, he seldom spoke in the forum anc. was often unknown to the public when the author of wise and salutary propositions. He was ambitious only to do good and was not anxious that his name should be wafted on the breeze of popular applause or sounded in the high places of the earth. To be instrumental in benefitting tiie human family was the ultimatum of his soul. When the importance of a subject induced Mr. Clymer to rise in deba e he was listened to with profound attention. As a speaker his example is worthy of all imitation. Without any effort at refined eloquence he expressed in strong language what he strongly felt. He came directly to the point-adhered closely to it in a strain of keen, cutting, conclusive and laconic reasoning avoiding recrimination-was always brief, often casting into the shade in a few moments the labored and finely dressed speeches of his opponents that had cost them days, perhaps weeks to prepare and hours to deliver. He aimed his blows at the syllabus of their finely spun arguments and often demolished their ornamented super- structure at one bold stroke with the damask blade of sound logic drawn from the scabbard of plain common sense and wielded by the vigorous arm of lucid reason. This useful man closed his earthly career at the residence of his son in Morrisville, Berks County, Pa., on the 23d of January 1813-most deeply mourned by those who knew him best. He was of the middle size, well formed, fair complexion, with a countenance attractive, intel- ligent, ingenuous, pleasing and expressive of a strong mind. In the private walks of life he was a model of human excellence. He was pro- verbial for punctuality in all things, if only to take a walk with a friend or present a promised toy to a child. In conversation he was agreea- ble and instructive-illuminating and enlivening the social circle with apothegms, aphorisms and pungent anecdotes-imparting pleasure and intelligence to all around him. In all this he was modest, chaste and discreet-avoiding any'appearance of superiority, never making personal allusions even to his opponents. He spoke ill of no one and rebukea slander whenever he discovered it. His morals were of the purest order- his philanthropy of the loftiest kind. As a public servant, a private citi- zen, a kind husband, a faithful father, a warm friend, an honorable opponent and a noble patriot-George Clymer had no superior. He visited the widow and the fatherless in their distress and relieved them. He kept fiimself unspotted from the world and did all the good in his power. His were the fruits of primitive Christianity as taught by the Apostles. Let his examples be imitated by all-then our UNION is safe. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 87 JOHN DICKINSON. Frugality is an old fashioned virtue that is deeply covered with the alluvion of modern extravagance. With a large proportion of the com- munity-economy is no longer a governing principle. More generatly is this the case with public bodies and associations. When we look at the enormous and worse than useless expense of public buildings a large proportion of them are marked with an extravagance far from republican simplicity-large expenditures without enlarging comfort or convenience. Girard College is an example in point. A large portion of the money expended on that too splendid structure, was diverted from its legitimate channe\-the support and education of the poor orphan. It is a tolerated- not an excusable error. So with many other public buildings erected with money drawn directly and indirectly from the hard earnings of the people. As inconsistent as it is-professing Christians have adopted this error with a vengeance-although the great Author of Christianity was born in a stable-cradled in a manger and preached his thrilling soul- cheering sermons in the open air. As churches are now conducted-how great the change-how alarming the contrast. The landmarks of primi- tive Christianity are buried by the alluvion of human inventions. Mil- lions are expended in building extravagant edifices-furnishing them with velvet, damask or other cushions-the congregation involved in debt-the poor necessarily excluded-when half the amount contracted would have been sufficient and the other half should have been expended to alleviate the wants of the suffering poor and in sending the Gospel of Peace to the destitute. Extravagant professed followers of the lowly Jesus-think of this when you rise from reposing-perhaps sleeping on your gaudy church cushions. Think of the birth place of your Lord-of his life of poverty-his friendship to the poor-his constant efforts to do them good— of the habits and limited comforts of his disciples-and more-think how destitute you are of the very foundation of true religion-HUMiLixv. How will you answer for these things at the searching tribunal of the great Jehovah 1 Even your funerals are marked with an extravagance that should be reduced to an amount that would leave a sum sufficient to make your poor neighbors comfortable for a long time. If you would honor the religion of the immaculate Redeemer-learn and practice frugality-enlarge your charity and adorn your conduct with consistency. With the true patriots of the American Revolution frugality was pro- verbial. Independence Hall, built of plain brick and mortar, was deemed 88 THE SAGES AND HEROES sufficiently splendid for the accommodation of the master spirits of that eventful era. A plain yard, with native forest trees for an ornament, was satisfactory. Now nothing but a marble structure, surrounded by exten- sive highly ornamented pleasure grounds, at an expense of millions, will answer for the legislators of this anti-republican era. The dear people are no longer consulted relative to the expenses of our government-to pay is their only privilege. Imported extravagance-imported customs- apish imitations of European usages-are fast driving republican sim- plicity from our once happy land. If the people tamely submit to these gross innovations they will ultimately reap the bitter fruits of their culpa- ble neglect of duty. Among the sages of the American Revolution, John Dickinson figured conspicuously. He was born in Maryland in 1732. After i acquiring a good education he read law and had a lucrative practice in the city of Philadelphia. He was elected to the legislature at an early age and became a prominent member-an eloquent speaker and ready writer. He was a member of the General Congress in 1765 when he boldly exposed the unwarranted conduct of crown officers urged on by corrupt ministers. In 1767 he published a series of letters- boldly exposing the unconstitutional features of sundry acts of parlia- ment. They contributed largely towards preparing the people for that resistance which resulted in freedom. Mr. Dickinson was a member of the important preliminary Con- gress of 1774 and wrote the lucid petition to the King that emanated from that body. He was the author of the declaration published by the Congress of 1775 which ably set forth the causes that impelled the down-trodden colonists to take up arms and resolve on victory or death. The second petition to the King was from his pen and adopted by Congress. All his writings were well suited to the occasions that induced them and were eminently calculated to advance the cause of the patriots. He was slow to believe England could not be brought to see and relinquish her suicidal course. He believed the Declaration of Independence premature and did not vote for it. He had great confidence in his own persuasive powers. His opposition to the De- claration of Rights caused his constituents to give him leave of absence. He subsequently sanctioned it and repented of his error. In 1779 he was again elected to Congress and became a zealous, active, useful member. The following extract from an address, adopted by Congress on the 26th of May 1779, is from his pen. " Infatuated as your enemies have been from the beginning of this «;ontest do you imagine they can flatter themselves with a hope of con- OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 89 quering you unless you are false to yourselves ? When unprepared, undisciplined and unsupported-you opposed their fleets and armies in full conjoined force-then, if at any time, was conquest to be appre- hended. Yet, what progress towards it have their violent and inces- sant efforts made ? Judge from their own conduct. Having devoted you to bondage and after vainly wasting their blood and treasure in the dishonorable enterprise-they deigned at length to offer terms of accommodation with respectful addresses to that once despised body- the Congress-whose humble supplications, only for peace and safety, they had contemptuously rejected under pretence of its being an un- constitutional assembly. Nay more-desirous of seducing you into a deviation from the paths of rectitude from which they had so far and rashly wandered, they made most specious offers to tempt you into a violation of your faith given to your illustrious ally." " Foiled again and stung with rage, embittered by envy-they had no alternative but to renounce the inglorious and ruinous controversy or to resume their former modes of prosecuting it. They chose the latter. Again the savages are stimulated to horrid massacres of wo- men and children and domestics to the murder of their masters. Again our brave and unhappy brethren are doomed to miserable deaths in jails and prison-ships. To complete the sanguinary system-all the * EXTREMITIES of War' are denounced against you by authority. * * Rouse yourselves, therefore, that this campaign may finish the great work you have so nobly carried on for several years past. What na- tion ever engaged in such a contest under such a complication of dis- advantages so soon surmounted many of them and in so short a period of time had so certain a prospect of a speedy and happy conclusion. We will venture to pronounce that so remarkable an instance exists not in the annals of mankind. * * * Consider how much you have done and how comparatively little remains to be done to crown you with success. Persevere and you insure peace, freedom, safety, glory, sovereignty and felicity to yourselves, your children and your children's children." * * * " Fill up your battalions-be prepared in every part to repel the in- cursions of your enemies-place your several quotas in the constitu- tional treasury-lend money for public uses-sink the emissions of your several states-provide effectually for expediting the conveyance of supplies for your armies and fleets and for your allies-prevent the pro- duce of your country from being monopolized-efiectually superintend the behaviour of public officers (what a poser if the dear people should do this imperious duty now) diligently promote piety, virtue, brotherly 12 90 THE SAGES AND HEROES love, learning, frugality and moderation and may you be approved before Almighty God-worthy of those blessings we devoutly wish you to enjoy." Here is a bright specimen of the republican principles that governed the public officers and people of the Revolution. They are too simple for the present portentous era of imported extravagance and customs- too pure for the politicians of our time. They will be read with ap- proving admiration-but few will put them in practice. Mr. Dickinson filled the office of President of Pennsylvania and sub- sequently removed to the state of Delaware and there filled the same chair. His political writings were collected and published in 1810 making two volumes octavo. His famous " Farmer's Letters to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies" were so highly prized by the astute Franklin that he had them republished in London and sent a French translation to Paris. But few of the sages did as much with their pen as this patriot. He lived to enjoy the fruits of his labors to a good old age. He resided at Wilmington, Delaware, for a long time where he closed his earthly pilgrimage on the 15th of February 1808. He was a member of the Society of Friends. His private character was without reproach. WILLIAM ELLERT. Contracts fairly entered into by parties competent to make and consummate them should be sacredly fulfilled in the minutest particu- lars. Individuals and social compacts from the common business firm up to the most exalted national engagements are bound by the laws of God, man and honor to keep inviolate their plighted faith. A devi- ation from the path of rectitude in this particular is uniformly attended with evil consequences and often with those most disastrous. The party that violates its obligations without a justifiable reason and espe- cially if it attempts to advance its own interests regardless of, perhaps injurious to those of the other, comes to court with a bad cause. I have repeatedly remarked that the American Revolution resulted from a violation of colonial chartered rights by the mother country. To enter into a full exposition of the relations between the two high con- tracting parties would require more space than can be allowed in this work. Reference to some of the cardinal points in a single charter will give the reader a clue to them all. Some of a later date are OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 91 rather more limited in privileges than that of Rhode Island to whicli I refer. This charter secured religious freedom, personal liberty, personal rights in property-excluding the king from all interference with the local concerns of the colony and was virtually republican in its provi- sions. One of the early Acts of Parliament referring to Rhode Island contains the following language. " That no person within the said colony at any time hereafter shall be in any way molested, punished, disquieted or called in question for any difference of opinion in matters of religion that does not actually disturb the civil peace of said colony." The loyalty of the inhabitants up to the time oppressions commenced was unquestionable. The ancient records give full evidence of the fact. The addresses to the king begin thus. " The general Assembly judgeth it their duty to signify his majesty's gracious pleasure vouch- safed to us." Extract of a letter written to Sir Henry Vane in Eng- land. " We have long drunk of the cup of as great liberties as any people we can hear of under the whole heavens. We have not only been long free, together with all English, from the yokes of wolfish bishops and their popish ceremonies against whose grievous oppres- sions God raised up your noble spirit in parliament but we have sitten down quiet and dry from the streams of'blood spilt by war in our na- tive country. We have not known what an excise means. We have almost forgotten what tythes are, yea or taxes either to church or common weal." In addition to other declaratory acts of Parliament sanctioning and continuing chartered privileges generally in all the colonies, one was passed in March 1663, involving the very hinge upon which the ques- tion of the Revolution turned. Extract-" Be it further enacted- ZZtaf no taxes shall he imposed or required of the colonies but by the consent of the General Jlssemblf -meaning the General Assembly of each colony separately and including the whole. This single sentence of that decla- ratory act, based upon a cardinal point in the British constitution and guarded by the sanctity of charter contracts that could not be annulled but by the mutual consent of the high contracting parties, solves the problem of the Revolution. Having lived in the full enjoyment of char- tered privileges which had become matured by the age of more than a century, the colonists would have been unworthy the name of men had they tamely submitted to their annihilation. To the unfading honor of their names— they did not submit. A band of sages and heroes rose m ail the majesty of man-met the invaders of their rights and drove them from Columbia's soil. 92 THE SAGES AND HEROES Among them was William Ellery, born at Newport Rhode Island on the 2d of December 1727. His ancestors were from Bristol, England. He was the son of William Ellery a graduate of Harvard College and an enterprising merchant. He filled many public stations and became one of the first men in the colony. Pleased with the docility of his son he became his instructor and prepared him for college. He entered Harvard and became a close and successful student. He was delighted with the classics and was enraptured with the history of the ancient republics. So great was his veneration for ancient authors that he con- tinued his familiarity with them to the moment of his death. He was one of the most lucid classic philologists of that age. He graduated at twenty and commenced the study of law. In that ever expanding field of labor he was all industry and was admitted to the bar with brilliant prospects before him. Located in one of the most delightful towns on the Atlantic, surrounded by a large circle of friends who desired his success, blessed with superior talents improved by a refined education, esteemed by all who knew him-his situation was truly agreeable. He possessed an amiable disposition, a strong mind, a large share of wit and humor, polished manners and a vivid animation in conversation that dispelled ennui from every circle in which he moved. With these accomplishments he spread his sails to the public breeze. He commenced a successful practice at the bar of Newport and realized the fond anticipations of his friends. He was highly honorable in his course and had the confidence of the citizens, the respect of his professional brethren and the esteem of the courts. To make more complete his standing and importance in community he entered into partnership with a most estimable lady until death should them part. The firm proved prosperous and happy. Up to the time British oppres- sion commenced, his days passed peacefully and quietly along with an accumulating fortune flowing in. When the revolutionary storm loomed up from the horizon he became roused. A new impetus was given to his mental and physical powers. His townsmen were the first who had dared to beard the British lion. On the 17th of June 1769, in consequence of the oppressive conduct of her captain, the revenue sloop Liberty belonging to his Britannic majesty was forcibly seized by a number of citizens in disguise who cut away her masts, scuttled her, carried her boats to the upper part of the town and committed them to the flames under the towering branches of a newly planted Liberty Tree. This act was followed by another on the 9th of June 1772 in which blood was shed-that of seizing and burning the British schooner Gaspee. This was made a pretext for more severe measures by the UJ? THE AMERICAN KEVOLUTION. 93 Hirelings of the crown who recommended to Parliament the disfran- chisement of the colony. The revolutionary ball was in motion at Newport. In ihe midst of these turmoils Mr. Ellery was with the people and for freedom. He went for the preservation of rights that had become sacred and venerable by age and had the high sanction of the laws of man, of nature and of God. In 1774 he approved a sug- gestion made in a letter from Gen. Greene-that the colonies should de- clare themselves independent. This spirit took fast hold on the people of Rhode Island at the very inception of the Revolution. In 1776 Mr. Ellery was elected to the Continental Congress. His constituents left him to act free as mountain air. He stood up to the post of duty boldly and became an active member. He was fully pre- pared to advocate and sanction the Declaration of Independence. An agreeable speaker, master of satire, sarcasm, logic and philosophy-he exercised a salutary and judicious influence. He was appointed on several important committees and rendered efficient service. Upon the marine committee he was the leading man. He was a strong advocate for the navy. Many of his constituents were bold mariners. He felt a just pride in referring to his fellow citizen-Commodore Ezek Hopkins, as the first commander of the little fleet of the infant repub- lic. It was he who took New Providence by surprise-seized a large amount of war munitions amongst which were one hundred pieces of cannon-took the royal Governor, Lieutenant Governer and sundry others of his majesty's officers prisoners and gave an earnest of the future glory to be achieved by Yankee seamen. When the time arrived for the final question upon the momentous instrument that was to be a warrant of death or the diploma of free- dom, Mr. Ellery was at his post and fearlessly gave it his approving vote and sanctioning signature. With his usual vivacity he took his stand by the side of the Secretary, Charles Thomson, for the purpose of observing the apparent emotions of each member as he came up and signed the important document. He often referred to this circumstance in after life and said an undaunted resolution was observed on every countenance. He was continued a member of Congress until 1785- full evidence of the high estimation in which he was held by his con- stituents. In 1777 he was upon the committee that originated the plan of fitting out seven fire ships to annoy the British fleet and had the credit of suggesting and perfecting it. When the enemy obtained possession of Newport their vengeance against this noble patriot was manifested by burning all his property within their reach. This did not move the equanimity of his mind 94 THESAGESANDHEROES only to make him more zealous in the glorious cause of liberty. In 1778 he strongly advocated a resolution making it death for any citizen- alias tory who should betray or aid in delivering into the hands of the enemy any of the adherents of the cause of freedom or give any intel- ligence that should lead to their capture. He spent nearly his whole time in Congress and toiled incessantly. In 1779 he was on the com- mittee of foreign relations which had the settlement of some very unpleasant difficulties between the United States and the foreign com- missioners. He was chairman of a committee to provide provisions for the inhabitants of Rhode Island who were destitute of the neces- saries of life. From year to year he was arduously employed on most of the standing and many other important committees. Marine difficulties occurred between the general government and some of the states arising from a difference of opinion relative to the powers con- ferred by the Articles of Confederation. A committee was appointed to define those powers of which Mr. Ellery was the leading member. This committee determined that all disputed claims were subject to appeal from the Court of Admiralty to Congress where the facts and law were to be fully settled. On all occasions and in all situations he was diligent and punctual. When he discovered any long faces or forlorn countenances in Congress the artillery of his wit and humor was sure to pour a broadside upon them and often dispelled the lower- ing clouds that hung gloomily over the minds of members. In 1782 he was an efficient member of the committee on public accounts the duties of which were large and perplexing. Speculation and peculation had rolled their dark waves over the public business of the nation-to do justice to all who presented claims was a problema- tical matter. In 1784 he was upon the committee to act upon the definitive treaty with Great Britain. He was upon the committee to define the power of the Treasury Board-the one upon Foreign Rela- tions and the one upon the War Office. To crown his brilliant labors in Congress with resplendent glory, he advocated the resolution of Mr. King to abolish slavery in the United States. His whole force was brought to bear upon this subject in a strain of forensic eloquence and powerful logic that added fresh lustre to the substantial fame he had long enjoyed. Then the subject was legitimate for Congress-noic it belongs to each state interested. In 1785 Mr. Ellery retired from political life and repaired to his now peaceful home to replenish his ruined fortune and enjoy the blessings of the Independence he had so much aided in consummating. In the spring of 1786 Congress made him commissioner of the National OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 95 Loan Office for Rhode Island. Shortly after he was elected Chief .Justice of the Supreme Court of his native state. On his accession to the Presidential chair, Washington appointed him Collector of Cus- toms for Newport which station he ably filled until he took his tran- quil departure to a brighter world. The evening of his life was as calm and mellow as an Italian sunset. Universally esteemed-he enjoyed a delightful intercourse with a large circle of friends. Honest, punctual and correct-he had the confidence of the commercial com- munity in his official station. During the thirty years he was Collec- tor of Customs, a loss of only two hundred dollars upon bond accrued to government and upon that bond he had taken five sureties. He spent much of his time in reading classic authors and in corresponding with eminent men. But three weeks before his death he wrote an essay upon Latin prosody and the faults of public speakers. His bible was a favorite companion from which he drew and drank the living waters of eternal life. Always cheerful, instructive and amus- ing-his company was a rich treat to all who enjoyed it. His writings combined a sprightliness and solidity rarely found. His death was as remarkable as it was tranquil and glorious. It was that of a Christian and philosopher. On the morning of the 15th of February 1820 he rose in usual health and seated himself in the flag-bottom chair which he had used for fifty years and which was a relic rescued from the flames when the enemy fired his buildings. He commenced reading Tully's Officiis in his favorite Latin without the aid of glasses the print being no larger than that of a pocket bible. During the morning the family physician called in and seeing him very pale felt his wrist and found his pulse had ceased. He administered a little wine which gave a transient impetus to the purple current. The phy- sician spoke encouragingly to whom Mr. Ellery replied-" It is idle to talk to me in this way. I am going off" the stage of life and it is <* a great blessing that I go free from sickness, pain and sorrow." Be- coming extremely weak his daughter helped him on the bed where he sat upright and commenced reading Cicero de Officiis with the same composure as if in the full vigor of life. In a few moments his spirit left its tenement of clay without a motion, groan or sigh-his body still erect with the book under his chin as if asleep. William Ellery was dead-relations and friends wept-our nation mourned. Thus usefully lived and happily died one of the brightest specimens of human excellence. His whole career presents a rare and rich pic- ture upon which the imagination may feast with increasing delight and which cannot be rendered more beautiful or interesting by the 96 THE SAGES AND HEROES finest touches of the pencil of fancy dipped in the most brilliant colore of romance. He was of the middle stature, well formed, with a large head, an intelligent and expressive countenance, moderate in his phy- sical movements and with all his vivacity generally had a grave aspect. He was temperate, plain and uniform in his habits and dress and could seldom be induced to join in chase after the ignis fatuus-T ashion. For many years before his death his wardrobe was of an order be- longing to a by -gone generation. His courtesy and hospitality were always conspicuous-the whole frame-work of his character was em- bellished with all the rich varieties of amiable and good qualities- uniting beauty with strength which ever gain esteem in life and tran- quillity in death. Reader contemplate this bright picture until its im- press is so deeply fixed upon your mind that nought but death can erase it. WILLIAM FLOYD. Lexicographers define ambition to be an earnest desire of power, honor, preferment, pride. Some who study party politics more than philosophy, physiology or ethics, call all the laudable desires of the heart AMBixioN-aiming to strip the monster of its deformity that they may sail under false colors and play the pirate whenever an opportu- nity ofters. The power that is gained by ambition is held by a slen der tenure-often a mere rope of sand. Its hero may receive the hom age of the multitude one day and be the victim of their fury the next. The summit of vain ambition is often the depth of misery. Based on a volcanic foundation it is in constant danger of an eruption. Inflated by a gaseous thirst for power, like a balloon with hydrogen, it is liable to an explosion from the very material that elevated it. Predicated on self-it spurns philanthropy, banishes charity, tramples on justice, despises patriotism, deals largely in the corrosive sublimate of false- hood, the elixir vitriol of revenge-the assafoetida of duplicity. Like a kite, it cannot rise in a calm and when up, is subject to fly from its fastenings and be rent by the cross currents ever in motion. The ful crum of ignorance and the lever of party spirit form its magic power. Some European writers have charged the patriots of the American Revolution with selfish ambition. They may be excused for this sup position from the fact that this is the motive power of their actions and they can understand no other. Very different was the fact. Private virtue, broad charity, genuine philanthropy, undisguised patriotism OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 97 were marked characteristics of those who achieved our Liberty. They were actuated by pure and honest motives-not by wild ambition and pohtical frenzy. Noisy partisans and intriguing demagogues were not the favorites of the people at that trying period. The man of genuine worth and modest merit was the one they delighted to honor and trust. In the character of William Floyd these qualities were happily blended. He was born at Suffolk county, Long Island, State of New York on the 17th of December 1734. He was the son of Mr. NicoU Floyd and the grandson of Richard Floyd who came from Wales in 1680 and settled at Setauket, Long Island. During his childhood William was remarkable for frankness, truth, docility and pleasing manners. He was an industrious student and acquired a liberal edu- cation. During the prosecution of his studies he devoted a short pe- riod almost daily to his gun in pursuit of game which gave him health- ful exercise and a strong frame. His father died before William arrived at his majority leaving him an ample fortune. This he managed with prudence and economy. From his youth he had been the advocate of Hberal principles. At manhood he became a prominent opposer to the innovations of the British ministers upon the chartered rights of Americans. As oppression increased his patriotic feelings were more frequently and freely expressed. He was an active and zealous mem- ber of the Congress of 1774. He had the unlimited confidence of his constituents-the esteem of all who knew him. His cool deliberation and calm deportment were well calculated to preserve an equilibrium among those of a more fiery temperament and rashness in action. That Congress was remarkable for clear and unanswerable argument, calm and astute discussion, wise and judicious plans-reasonable but firm purposes. The course pursued operated powerfully and favorably upon the minds of reflecting men whose influence it was important to secure. Mr. Floyd had command of the militia of the county in which he lived. When the British attempted to land at Gardner's Bay he promptly assembled the yeoman troops and repelled the invading foe. In 1775 he was again at his post in Congress and became one of its very eflicient members. He was a working man and almost con- stantly engaged on important committees. During his absence the enemy obtained possession of Long Island and compelled his family to flee to Connecticut for safety. His property was materially injured- his house converted into a military barrack and for seven years he was deprived of all resources from his farm. In 1776 he was a warm 13 98 THE SAGES AND HEROES advocate of the Declaration and with great satisfaction placed his name upon that sacred instrument. In 1777 he was elected to the first Sen- ate of the Empire State convened under the new order of things. He was a leading member and rendered important services in forming a code of republican laws. In January 1779 he again took his seat in Congress and entered vigorously upon the work before him. In August of that year he resumed his seat in the New York Senate. Much important business was before the legislature, requiring experience, energy and unity of action. To raise the pecuniary credit of the state was of great import- ance. Mr. Floyd was at the head of a joint committee on this subject and reported a plan that proved him an able financier-a man of deep thought and investigation. It was based upon gradual, equal and just taxation. In October of that year he was one of three delegates ap- pointed by his legislature to meet a convention of the Eastern States for the purpose of perfecting a system of furnishing supplies for the army without being compelled to suffer the enormous shaves of avari- cious monopolists. On reading the account of the awful sufferings and privations of the army at certain periods of the Revolution and in view of the glory of the cause and the limited means of carrying on the un- equal struggle, an honest man can scarcely believe men then existed who would speculate-yes movG-peculate upon suffering humanity. So was the fact to an alarming extent-at least three millions a year. Avarice knows no mercy-seldom any honesty. On his return from this convention he repaired to Congress. On the 3d of December he was elected one of the Board of Admiralty and on the 13th a member of the Treasury Board. By incessant application his health became impaired and in the ensuing April he obtained leave of absence. In June he took his seat in the New York Senate and was appointed upon a joint committee to act upon resolutions of Con- gress involving the important relations between the state and general government. He unsuccessfully opposed making bills of credit a legal tender but lived to see the law repealed. In September he was one of a committee of the senate to prepare a reply to the governor's message. To effect a proper organization of the general government was a desideratum with all the states. To this important subject the governor had specially referred. To confer upon Congress all neces- sary power clearly defined, was considered the only safe policy to insure future harmony and safety. This committee reported several resolu- tions upon this subject which were adopted and forwarded to Congress for consideration. They recommended the enactment of laws that I OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 99 should impose an equal responsibility on each of the states to bear its pi^o rata proportion of the war expenses in the way and manner prescribed by the general government. In 1780 he again took his seat in Congress. An important and delicate duty devolved upon the New York and New Hampshire members under legislative acts-the subject of disputed territory com prising the present state of Vermont. The question was submitted to Congress, the members of each state advocating the claim for their constituents. In this matter Mr. Floyd rendered great service. During the same session he introduced a resolution for the cession of the western territories to the United States. On the 10th of August he nominated Robert L. Livingston to be Secretary of Foreign Affairs whose nomination was immediately confirmed. He was continued a member of Congress up to 1783 when he joined in the general soul- cheering peace and the freedom of his beloved country. He then retired and took possession of his once flourishing plantation amidst the sincere congratulations of his numerous friends, all animated by the resplendent glories of Liberty. That he might repair the ruir of his home he declined the urgent solicitations of his friends to return to Congress. He continued to serve in the senate of his native state up to 1788 when he was elected to the first Congress imder the Fede- ral Constitution. Worn out in the service of his country he retired from the public arena at the end of the term. Owning a large tract of valuable wild land upon the banks of the Mohawk river he commenced gradual improvements upon it and ir 1803 removed there. He was often urged to return to Congress but declined all legislative labors. With the exception of serving one year in the state senate and in the convention for the revision of the New York Constitution in 1801, he kept aloof from the turmoils of political life. He was four times a member of the Electoral College of his state for the election of President and Vice President. So ardent were his feelings in his old age that he travelled two hundred miles in the dreary month of December 1806 to give his vote for his old com- panion and friend-Thomas Jefferson. He continued to improve his new home until he became surrounded by happy neighbors all basking in the clear sunshine of that freedom he had largely aided in acquiring. In all things he was systematic and practical-free from pomp and vanity-strong in his purposes and persevering in their accomplishment. He was blessed with a clear head, vigorous mind, good heart, sound judgment, great experience and a close knowledge of men and things. As a politician he was 100 THE SAGES AND HEROES free from selfish ambition and went for his coimtry-his whoiC couniry and the UNION for ever. He spoke but seldom in public assemblies and rarely entered into debate. Brighter would be the prospects of our UNION if we now had more men like William Floyd who would talk less and work more. Long and often electioneering speeches hang over our legislatures like an incubus and prevent the few who are well-disposed from doing the business of the people promptly. General Floyd was of middle size, well-formed and commanding in his appearance. He was dignified in his deportment-affable in his manners. His physical powers were remarka^ble when in his prime. In all the relations of private life he was a model as worthy of imita- tion as that of his public career. He was warm in his friendship and rigidly honest. His morals were pure, his religion practical, his charity broad-his philanthropy co-extensive with the human family. For the last two years of his life his health was not good and on the 20th of August 1821 he was seized with general debility and on the 25th of that month, folded his arms quietly, closed his eyes peacefully and met the cold embrace of death with the fortitude of a sage, patriot and Christian. Although Gen. Floyd did not possess the Ciceronean eloquence of a Lee or the Demosthenean powers of Adams and Henry, he was one of the most useful men of his day and generation. He marked out his path of duty from the reflections of his own mind and pursued it strictly and fearlessly. For more than fifty years he enjoyed the con- fidence of his fellow-citizens as a public man and but one year before his decease was made a member of the Electoral College. His exam- ple and his labors shed a lustre over his character as rich and enduring as those who were conspicuous in the forum. He was an important link in the golden chain of Liberty. He was a working man-work- ing men were then properly appreciated. The congressional speakers of that day were also more highly appreciated than nine-tenths of them are now for the very good reason that they were laconic on all subjects. Long speeches were as uncommon as they are now frequent • and useless. If we desire the prosperity of our country and the per- petuity of our UNION let us imitate the examples of the patriots whose actions we delight to rehearse and preserve in its prist me purity the rich boon of liberty they have transmitted to us. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 101 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. A man who is self-made and by his own exertions and untiring indus- try becomes a great man, often excels the mere student of the college in mental vigor as much as the hard fisted mechanic excels him physically. The former, usually without tlie means and often without the advan- tages of paternal or maternal care, is compelled to become familiar with men and things, without a knowledge of which, the classics are a mere toy and the high branches of science only an ornament. With the nev^r ending every day concerns of life where usefulness holds her dominion they have little to do. A man of letters who is unacquainted with the routine of business transactions is incapable of protecting his own interests-of course he cannot be useful to community until he goes through another and more important course of study. A great change is neces- sary in most of our colleges to make full men of students. Hence the blasted hopes of many a fond father who is led astray by the popular error-that colleges mould all their students into men. A large majority of the most useful citizens of our country, from its first settlement to the present time, never enjoyed a collegiate education. Especially was this the case with many of the sages and heroes of the Revolution whose memory we delight to honor and perpetuate. Such was the case of Benjamiin Franklin, born at Boston on 17th of January 1706-exactly ninety years before the writer. His father was among the Puritans who fled from persecution and sought repose in the wilds of Massachusetts. His parents were poor but honest and respecta- ble. This may seem paradoxical to the aristocracy of the present day- but is unquestionably true. The time was when poverty was not a cri7n,e nor wealth a mask for corruption. Honesty and industry were formerly the brightest stars on the escutcheon of fame. At an early age Benjamin Franklin exhibited a mind of superior cast and a strong desire for improvement. His pious parents advanced his education as far as their limited means would enable them being anxious to see this son prepared for the pulpit. At the age of ten years his father was compelled to take him from school to aid him in the chandler busi- ness. This did not arrest the onward course of his genius. Original in every trait of his character, eccentric in his manner, the child of bold experiment, he commenced the study of natural philosophy in the midst of candle wicks, tallow and soap. He first ascertained the precise quantity of sleep and food requisite to sustain nature and the kind of io^ THE SAGES AND HEROES aliment most conducive to health. At that early age he adopted a sys- tem of temperance, frugality and economy, worthy the imitation of men. He accustomed himself to meet every disappointment without a murmur. He continued to improve his mind by reading during every hour he was not at labor. Nothing passed by him unnoticed. His expanding intel- lect drew philosophy from nature, things and men. He reasoned, analyzed, moralized and improved from everything he saw. Hence the vast and rapid expansion of his towering genius that ultimately com- manded the awe of kings and the admiration of -the world-comprehending the philosophy of mind, nature, science, art, government-all the relations of creation from the dust under his feet-the myriads of animalculse in a drop of water, up to the bright seraphs in the skies and up to Nature's God. A mind like his would not long be confined in a chandler shop. Open and honest at all times and under all circumstances, he apprised his father of his wish to change his occupation. He was bound to his brother to learn the art of printing. His industry enabled him to master his profession rapidly. All his leisure moments were employed in study, thus preparing himself for a useful and glorious career through future life-leaving a bright example worthy the imitation of every apprentice in our country. So intently bent on the acquisition of knowledge-he often preferred his book to his meal and studied whole nights-defying the commands of Morpheus. He was paid a weekly sum for his board and adopting a simple vegetable diet was enabled to save money for the purchase of books. He selected them with reference to substantial usefulness. He studied with enthusiasm the Memorabilia of Xenophon and found a model in Socrates which he delighted in imitating. About this time he was seized with the scribbling mania. Committing the usual error of youthful authors-he offered his first sacrifice to Cal- liope the goddess of heroic poetry. The production was applauded but his father ti-ned his rhyming propensity into ridicule and encouraged him to write prose. Fearing the shafts of criticism, he had several articles published in the paper edited by his brother, in so clandestine a manner that the author was not suspected. Finding that they were admired, he says his vanity did not long keep the world ignorant of the writer. Flattery from others caused him to assume an air of importance that soon resuhed in an open rupture between him and his brother. For some time he endured a course of harsh treatment and at length resolved to free himself from the chains of bondage. He embraced the first OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 103 opportunity for New York. Not being able to obtain business there he proceeded to Philadelphia on foot and alone. On his arrival he had but one dollar-was a stranger only seventeen years of age and knew not where to go. On entering Market street his eccentric appearance excited the gaze of the multitude as much as his gigantic talents subse- quently did the gaze of the world. He had a roll of bread under each arm and proceeded to the margin of the Delaware river and partook of his bread and pure water. His pockets were enormously enlarged with the various articles of his wardrobe rendering him a fair representation of old Boniface. There were then but two printing offices in Philadelphia. In one of these he obtained the situation of compositor. He now reduced his theories of economy to successful practice maintaining himself at a trifling expense-pursuing a correct and industrious career which gained for him the esteem of all his acquaintances. Among others, his talents attracted the attention of Sir William Keith, then Governor of the pro- vince, who invited him to his house and treated him with great kind- ness. The Governor was a man whose liberality in promises went beyond the dust in his purse. Anxious to see his young friend placed in more prosperous circumstances by his benefaction he proposed to set him up in business. He at once gave him letters to London. On his arrival there, Franklin found that no pecuniary arrangements had been made for him by his tongite benefactor. He was in a strange land, without money to pay his return passage. He took a new lesson in the school of experience in which he delighted to study. Disappointment did not deject him. He soon obtained employment and gained the con- fidence and esteem of his new acquaintances. At the end of eighteen months he embarked for Philadelphia. On his passage he digested a set of rules for future action substantially as follows. I resolve to be frugal— to speak truth at all times-never to raise expectations not to be realized-to be sincere, industrious, stable-to speak ill of no man-to cover rather than expose the faults of others and to do all the good I can to my fellow men. Upon this foundation, formed of the unadulterated materials oi primi- tive Christianity, he raised a superstructure, more beautiful and as enduring as the proudest memorials of Greece and Rome. When the whole human family shall adopt and fully exemplify these rules, we may hope to see millennial glory eclipse the meridian sun and cover the earth with one broad sheet of celestial light. i He arrived at Philadelphia on the llth of October 1726 and became the clerk of the merchant who owned the goods brought over by the 104 THE SAGES AND HEROES ship in which he took his passage. His proverbial industry made him as successful in the counting house as at the press-showing a rare ver- satility of talent. His future prospects in this new sphere of action brightened as time rolled on but were suddenly blasted by the death of his employer. He then returned to the types— worked a few months for his old patron where he found a partner with more money than skill and with him commenced a lucrative business. His industry and artistic talents were now put in full requisition. He manned his wheel- barrow in collecting material for business-put nature on short allow- ance and by punctuality and perseverance gained many valuable friends and money enough to purchase the interest of his partner who had become worthless and embarrassing to the firm. Up to this time Franklin had been fortune's foot-balk His life had been a complete checker board of changing vicissitudes, blasted hopes and keen disappointments. Amidst all the stormy trials that had tossed his youthful bark on the surges of misfortune-surrounded by the foam- ing breakers of vice in all its delusive and borrowed forms-he never became tarnished by corruption or the commission of a bad or mean action. The moral and religious principles deeply planted in his mind during childhood by parental instruction-were as lasting as life-a happy illustration of the' faithfulness of parents towards their children. Fathers and mothers think of this and govern yourselves accordingly. Having become liberated from his business partner, he felt the neces- sity and propriety of choosing one that would fill up the vacuum in his side and share with him the joys and sorrows flesh is hdir to. In 1730, he entered into partnership for life with a widow lady whose maiden name was Read, for whom he had contracted an attachment previous to her first marriage. In him she found a kind husband-in her he found an agreeable and discreet companion. Philanthropy predominated in the heart of Franklin. To better the condition of his fellow men gave him exquisite pleasure. The rules governing the "Junto" formed by him and now merged in the " Philo- sophical Society," exhibit a superior knowledge of human nature-illus- trating clearly the duty of man to the creature and Creator. They breathe universal charity, kindness, benevolence and good will to all mankind. Among them is onS for the suppression of intemperance-a prophetic prelude to the exertions of the present day in this noble cause. He had profited by the experience of the past which enabled him to steer clear of the rocks and quicksands of error on which many are ruined and lost. His bark had outrode many a storm-prosperity was his future lot. His new partner smiled upon him, his friends OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 105 esteemed him, a life of usefulness was before him-in the pleasures of tlie present, past pains were lost. In 1732 he commenced the publication of the "Poor Richard's Al- manac" which he continued up to 1737, circulating 10,000 copies an- nually. Although under a humble title it was a work of great merit and usefulness-being replete with maxims and rules calculated for everyday use in the various relations of life-rules and maxims of the highest importance to be known and practised but not learned in high seminaries. So highly was it prized in Europe that it was translated into several languages. He also commenced the publication of a news- paper which was conducted with great ability-free from all personal abuse and scurrility-a messenger of truth and wholesome instruction. Would to God the same could be said of all the present public prints. Franklin continued to pursue his studies-mastering the French, Italian, Spanish and Latin languages. By the " Junto" a small library was commenced which was the nucleus to the present large collection in the city of Philadelphia. He wrote and published a highly interest- ing pamphlet on the necessity of paper currency. He added to his literary fame by the production of essays on various subjects written in his peculiar style. He filled successfully the office of state printer, of clerk to the Assembly and of post-master in Philadelphia. He used unwearied exertions to perfect the municipal regulations of the city. He was the father and patron of the Philosophical Society, the Penn- sylvania University and Hospital. All the enterprises in the city and province, of that time, were either originated by him or were advanced by his wisdom and counsel. In 1741 he commenced the publication of a General Magazine filled with much useful matter but less acceptable than his former produc- tions to many-probing, as it did, litigated points in theology. It was too universal in its charity to suit sectarians. Let these barriers be removed-then the gospel will have free course-run and be glorified. The mechanic arts were also improved by him. He brought to their aid philosophy, chemistry and a combination of science, economy and the laws of nature. He improved chimneys-constructed a stove and proposed many useful and economical corrections in domestic con- cerns from the cellar to the garret-from the plough to the mill. Sci- ence bowed to his master spirit, the arts hailed him as a patron, the lightning obeyed his magic rod and nature was proud- of her favorite son. In 1744 he was elected to the Assembly and continued a member for ten consecutive years. Although not a popular speaker, his clear 14 106 THE SAGES AND HEROES conceptions of correct legislation and the duties of a statesman gave lo him an inflaence over that body before unknown. In all his proposi- tions he was listened to with profomid attention. During the period he was serving his province in the Assembly he explored the fields of experimental philosophy-explaining many of iLe mysterious phenomena of nature which spread his scientific fame to the remotest bounds of the civilized world. His discoveries in elec- tricity were sufficient to have immortalized his name. He is the first man on record who imparted magnetism to steel-melted metals-killed animals and fired gunpowder by rneans of electricity. He was the first who reduced to practice the method of conducting the electric fluid from the clouds to the points of steel rods and by them harmless to the ground. All the elements-fluids, air, sea and land with their millions of various substances, passed in review before him. In 1753 he was sent to Carlisle, Pennsylvania, to conclude a treaty with the Indians. In 1754 he was a delegate to the Congress of Com- missioners which met at Albany to devise means of defence against the anticipated hostilities of the French and savages. He then sub- mitted a plan that was unanimously approved by the Congress but was too republican for the creatures of the king. On the decease of the Deputy Postmaster-General of America, Franklin was appointed to fill the vacancy and raised the department from embarrassment to a fruitful source of revenue to the crown. Difiiculties arose between the proprietaries and government of the province of Pennsylvania, which were referred to the mother country for adjustment. Dr. Franklin was sent by the province to guard its interests and embarked for England in June 1757. He executed the duties of his mission with his usual ability and address-the difficulties were settled and in 1762 he returned. He was then variously em- ployed-regulating the Post-Office Department-making treaties with the Indians and devising means of defence on the frontiers. New troubles arose between the proprietaries and assembly and in 1764 Dr. Franklin again sailed for England, with instructions to ob- tain the entire abolishment of proprietary authority. On his arrival he was called upon to perform more important and perilous duties. The plan for taxing the colonies had been long agitated and was now matured by the British ministry. This project he had boldly opposed at the threshold and was now arraigned to answer numerous accusa- tions brought against him by the enemies of liberty. On the 3d of February 1766, he appeared before the House of Com- mons to undergo a public examination. He was found equal to the OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 107 task-his enemies were astounded at liis boldness, logic, dignity and skill, whilst his friends were filled with admiration at the able manner he confuted every accusation and defended the rights and interests of nis native country. Amidst the attacks of artifice and insolence of power he stood unawed-unmoved-firui as a granite rock. He re- mained in England eleven years as the agent of the colonies, opposing the encroachments of the ministry upon the rights of Americans. During the whole time the combined efforts of flattery, malice and intrigue could not intimidate or ensnare him. He well understood the etiquette, corruptions and devices of diplomacy. He never bowed his knee to Baal or kissed the hand of a king. The relations between the two countries had now arrived at a point so significant that Franklin returned to his long neglected home. His person was not safe in England— his services were needed in his now suffering country. He arrived in Philadelphia early in May 1775. He was received with great enthusiam and immediately elected to the Con- tinental Congress. To this august body he added fresh lustre and dignity. In England he had exhausted every source of prospective reconciliation between the two nations. He feared the colonies were too weak to achieve their Independence but his course was right onward with his col- leagues-resolved on LIBERTY OR DEATH. The talents of Franklin were put in constant requisition. He was always selected to meet the agents of the crown who were at various times commissioned to offer terms of inglorious peace. He always proved himself the uncompromising advocate of Liberty-the shrewd and wary politician-the bold and zealous defender of the rights of his bleeding eountry-the unflinching friend of universal freedom. The disasters of the American army during the campaign of 1777, induced Congress to apply to France for aid. All eyes were turned on Franklin to execute this important mission. In October 1777 he embarked to perform this delicate embassy and succeeded in concluding a treaty of alliance with that nation on the 4th of February 1778, to the great joy of himself and his suffering countrymen. When the news of the alliance reached England, the ministry was much alarmed and despatched messengers to Paris to endeavor to induce Franklin to enter into a com- promise with Great Britain. The terms rendered the effort too abortive to make him the bearer of even a message to Congress. To Mr. Hutlon and others who came to him with the olive branch of peace, wreathed with scorpions, he replied-" I never think of your ministry and their abettors, but with the image strongly painted in my view of their hands red and drop- {ung with the blood of my countrymen, friends and relations. No peace 108 THE SAGES AND HEROES can be signed with those hands unless you drop all pretensions to govern us — meet us on equal terms and avoid all occasions of future discord." He met all their intrigues at the threshold and convinced them that the hardy yoemanry of America could not be dragooned, flattered or driven from the bold position they had assumed. During the several interviews he had with these commissioners, Franklin was cautioned by Mr. Heartley to beware of his personal safety which had been repeatedly threatened. He thanked his friend and assured him he felt no alarm- that he had nearly finished a long life and that the short remainder was of no great value and ironically remarked-" Perhaps the best use such an old fellow can be put to is to make a martyr of him." If it required all the skill and energy of a Franklin to ncgutiale a treaty of alliance with France, it required the combined skill of all Con- gress to preserve it. The French is the most effervescent nation known to history. A republican form of government is ever repugnant to kingly power. That the French officers and soldiers in the American army would drink freely at the fountain of liberal principles no one could doubt. That the thrones of Europe would be endangered on their return was truly predicted. By this very natural course of reasoning the British ministry exerted a powerful influence against the continuation of the alliance. Franklin and his colleagues anticipated all their dark intrigues- penetrated and frustrated them up to the time Great Britain was com- pelled to comply with the terms of an honorable peace and acknowledge the Independence of the United States of America by a definitive treaty of peace concluded at Paris on the 3d of September 1783. Ahhough anxious to be discharged from further public service it was not until 1785 that Franklin was permitted to return to his beloved country where he could breathe the pure air of republican FREEDoM-no longer polluted by kingly power. During his stay he concluded treaties of commerce between the United States and the Kings of Sweden and Prussia. On his departure from Europe every mark of respect was paid to him by Kings, courts, literati and by all classes of society whose adulation the loftiest ambition could desire. He was beloved by the millions-his departure was deeply regretted by all. His reputation was the personification of purity. At the age of eighty years, borne down by disease, he returned to Phila- delphia. He was hailed with enthusiastic joy, affection, esteem and venera- tion by all the friends of liberty-from the humblest citizen up to the illus- trious Washington. He had been a pillar of fire to the American cause- a pillar of smoke to the enemies of human rights. As Thurgot truly observed-" He snatched the thunder bolt from Jove and the sceptre from OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 109 Kings." He stood-the Collossus of Liberty among the monarchs of Europe and wrung from them the homage due to a nation that dared to be FREE. Notwithstanding his advanced age and his ardent desire for retire- ment, he was placed in the gubernatorial chair of Pennsylvania and in 1787 elected a delegate to the Convention that formed the Federal Constitution. Many of the bright traits of that important instrument received their finishing touch from his master hand. He was anxious to see his long nursed theory of a republican government reduced to as perfect system as its infancy would permit. He well knew, that for its manhood and old age additional provisions would be required. As necessary as this now is, so sacred has that instrument become that the mass would deem it sacrilege to disturb its long repose. It might be made to meet more fully the wants of an expanding country in some particulars but if once disturbed might be polluted by the apoplectic touch of party spirit and never recover from the shock. Caution is the parent of safety. Early in 1790, Dr. Franklin was confined to his room by his infirmi- ties but his mental powers remained in full vigor. Some of the strongest and most soul-stirring productions from his pen were written during his confinement. Early in April he began to fail more rapidly. He was fully sensible that he stood on the confines of eternity and that he should soon go to his final rest. On the 17th of April 1790, calm and resigned-cool and collected-peaceful and happy-he commended his spirit to Him who gave it-quitted this vale of tears with a full assurance of rising to a glorious immortality at the final resurrection and slumbered quietly and sweetly in the arms of death with a full assurance that his Lord and Master would rebind him in a new and more beautiful edition fully revised. By his will he prohibited all pomp and parade at his funeral. He •was anxious that the mournful obsequies of his burial should be marked with republican simplicity. He was laid in his grave on the 21st of April. It is in the northwest corner of Christ Church yard in the City of Philadelphia, where a plain marble slab-once even but now below the surface of the earth, shows where his ashes repose. By the side of his moulders the dust of his amiable wife. His death was deeply lamented throughout the civilized world. Con- gress ordered mourning to be observed throughout the United States for thirty days. The event was solemnized in France and many elo- quent eulogies pronounced. The national Assembly decreed that each of its members should wear a badge of mourning for three days. The no THE SAGES AND HEROES sensation produced there by his death was similar to that evinced by our country on the death of La Fayette. In the recapitulation of the life of this great and good man we are charmed with a versatile richness that has no parallel on the historic page. He filled every sphere in which he moved to the remotest lines of its orbit. No matter how bright the galaxy around him he was a luminary of the first magnitude. He entered upon the stage of action at a time when the world needed just such a man and continued upon it just long enough to complete all he had commenced. He was found equal to every work he undertook and always stopped at the golden point-when he had finished. He was emphatically the architect of his own fortune. No chartered college can claim him as a graduate-no patron rendered him gratuitous aid. Let the young men of our country imitate his examples that they may become useful-let our public men who have in charge our national destiny imitate them that they may be wise— let old men imitate them that they may be revered-let us all imitate them that we may do all the good we can to our fellow men in life and be happy in death. HORATIO GATES. War is a calamity to be deprecated at all times. Its history, from its sanguinary embryo to the present time, has but a few bright spots on which the philanthropist can gaze with admiring delight. The back-ground of most of these is so vividly shaded with crim- son that the eye grows dim and the heart sickens on too close a scrutiny. We have many among us who preach loudly against war without delineating the innate materials in human nature that cause it. We have anti-war societies that have originated from motives pure as heaven but are planted on the abstract foundation of ills-futile as the baseless vision. Its evils may be portrayed in colors clear as the sun- beams of living light and enforced by all the arguments of human logic and Holy Writ without removing the smallest particle from the cause that produces this fearful calamity. This and the best remedy are not fully defined by the preamble, constitution or by-laws of any society within my knowledge and where partially explained are not always practically carried out by the members. They sometimes en- gage in a fierce personal war. The cause exists in the nature of man influenced by the baser pas- OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Ill sions. Retaliation is among the first developments of the child. Self is a relentless tyrant. Revenge is as natural as our respiration. Anger, envy, jealousy, malice-all combine to perpetuate a disposition for war and lead men from the sublime destiny of immortal bliss. The only remedy exists in the universal sway of that love inculcated by our immaculate Redeemer. It is under the melting influences of ^he religion of the Cross, stripped of all dogmatical illusions, that sul- lied human nature must be brightened-its tarnished lustre renovated- its pugnacious character changed and man prepared for peace and heaven. Let broad and universal charity pervade the whole human family-then a blow will be struck against war that will resound through the wilderness of mind and cause it to bud and blossom as the rose. The war of the American Revolution stands pre-eminent in point of justification. Among those who took a conspicuous part in its perils was Horatio Gates who was born in England in 1728. In early life he rose to the rank of major and was the aid of the British com- mander at the capture of Martinico in 1747. In 1748 he was sta- tioned at Halifax where he continued for a considerable time. He was relieved from the monotony of a garrison in time of peace by the French war which resulted in the conquest of Canada. Under Brad- dock he was captain of infantry and fought by the side of the illus- trious Washington and was saved by him in the judicious retreat of the survivors of that memorable day. He was severely wounded and for a long time unfit for duty. In 1763 he visited England with a high military reputation. He returned and located on a plantation in Virginia. He had the esteem and confidence of Washington and was warmly recommended by him to Congress as worthy of a conspicuous station in the Continental army. He was appointed Adjutant General with the rank of Brigadier in 1775. The ensuing year he was invested with the command of the troops destined to act against Ticonderoga and Crown Point. In the spring of 1777 he and Gen. Schuyler were appointed to the command of the northern army. For a short time he was superceded by Gen. Schuyler. Burgoyne was then advancing with his victorious army. The Americans were driven from Ticon- deroga, Fort Ann and Skeensborough. From that point obstacles were thrown in his way by Sinclair, Schuyler, Stark and their companions in arms. Bridges were demolished, the navigation of Wood Creek obstructed-the roads filled with fallen trees-the cattle and other sup- plies removed which caused the British army a delay of twenty-five days before reaching Fort Edward on the Hudson. Gen. Burgoyne 112 THE SAGES AND HEROES then supposed his embarrassments at an end. His reckoning was wrong. St. Leger failed in capturing Fort Schuyler-many of the Indians and Canadian militia took their back track-scanty suppHes were obtained with great difficulty-his army was decreasing-the Americans were rallying-every day made his condition more perilous- his prospects more gloomy. Everything was prepared to insure his capture. At this fortunate juncture for him, Gen. Gates superceded the inde- fatigable Schuyler and took the command on the 2lst of August 1777. Anticipating aid from Sir Henry Clinton at New York, Burgoyne passed the Hudson and encamped at Saratoga. Gates advanced to Stillwater determined to oppose the further progress of the enemy. The British general resolved to open a passage with the sword and bayonet and on the 17th of September the armies were only four miles distant from each other. On the 19th a pretty general engagement occurred, which resulted in a drawn battle. Seeing no prospect of assistance from New York and the impossibility of then retreating with his cannon, Burgoyne resolved to fortify his position and act on the defensive. On the 8th of October the Americans made a vigorous attack and repulsed the British in every charge, occupying a part of their lines. Burgoyne hastened to his former camp at Saratoga in the night and meditated a retreat without artillery or baggage. He found every avenue securely guarded-the lion was caged-retreat he coulu not. Knowing that the British army had but a short supply of pro- visions. Gen, Gates well knew an attack upon his well fortified posi- tion or a surrender must speedily take place. He was well prepared for either. Finding it only a waste of human life to further engage the Americans in battle, Burgoyne surrendered on the 16th of October. Over 5000 prisoners, a park of fine artillery, 7000 muskets, a large amount of clothing, with all the camp equipage and military stores and the evacuation of all the frontier fortresses-constituted the spoils of this victory. What was of more vital importance-it imparted fresh lustre to the American arms and gave a vigorous impetus to the languishing career of Independence. It destroyed British power in the north-encouraged France to close the treaty of alliance and greatly deranged the equanimity of mother Britain. If impartially analyzed, it will be found the most important victory during the war of Inde- pendence and in closer alliance with that of Trenton than the final triumph over Cornwallis. Although Gen. Gates had escaped the hard service of that campaign, he was the fortunate commander at its termination and was crowned with OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 113 the laurels of a conquering hero in accordance with military usage and re- ceived the plaudits of his grateful countrymen-the thanks of Congress and a gold medal. As a further testimony of high esteem, he was placed at the head of the Board of War-a station next to that of commander-in- chief. He retired from that to his home in Virginia and for a time enjoyed domestic life. On the 15th of June 1780 he was put in com- mand of the Southern army. The conquering troops of Cornwallis were sweeping over the Carolinas like a tornado-the few American soldiers were flying before them-towns were burning-everything seemed. rapidly drawn towards the vortex of ruin. When Gen. Gates consented to go to the field an army of 15000 men, with complete supplies, was repre- sented to him on paper, concentrating from the Carolinas and Virginia. When he arrived at head quarters he found about 1500 undisciplined troops, poorly armed, worse clad, with little food. Elated with his bril- liant victory over the Northern army he was over anxious to meet the enemy and strike an effective blow. Contrary to the advice of those who better understood the country and the means of obtaining supplies on the march by taking a circuitous route-he selected a shorter road through a dismal district of pine thickets and swamps pregnant with disease and destitute of almost any kind of food except cattle occasionally found in the forest. Many of his men perished on the way-others were rendered unfit for duty by sickness. He ultimately reached Clermont from which Lord Rawdon had withdrawn and was joined by a few North Carolina militia and a small company under Capt. Potterfield. Troops continued to arrive from Virginia and other points until the army of Gen. Gates amounted to about 4000-mostly undisciplined militia unaccustomed to standing fire or steel. Rawdon and Cornwallis con- centrated their troops at Camden amounting to less than 2000 men but all of the highest order of soldiers. Gen. Gates resolved on an attack. On the 16th of August the two armies met in mortal combat. The militia under Gen. Gates were quickly thrown into confusion-the regulars over- whelmed and the whole completely routed. This defeat of the Americans had no parallel during the war. Among those who did not trace effects to causes the fame of the Hero of Saratoga sank below zero. His error consisted in risking a battle with an army of British veterans opposed by the rawest kind of militia-not in any want of military skill in time of action. He was superceded on the 5th of the ensuing October-subjected to a court of inquiry-honorably acquitted and re-instated in 1782. The time had then passed for him to renovate his military laurels. The battles for Independence had been fought-the crowning victory won- LiBERTY achieved-FREEDON secured. 15 114 THE SAGES AND HEROES Gen. Gates retired to his plantation in Virginia where he remained seven years when he liberated his slaves and removed to the vicinity of the city of New York where he lived respected until the 10th of April 1806, when he threw off his mortal coil and slumbered in death. In person Gen. Gates was well formed-in his manners, polished and urbane-in disposition, mild and amiable-in his intercourse, just and honorable. In 1800 he served in the New York Legislature and enjoyed the confidence and esteem of all around him. He was an ardent patriot, a good citizen, a perfect gentleman, an honest man. ELBRIDGE GERRY. Gambling has become a fearful scourge in our expanding country. It is practised upon the humblest watercraft that floats upon our canals-the frail flatboat that descends our streams-the majestic steam- boat that traces our mighty rivers. It lurks in the lowest groggeries that curse community-is tolerated in some of the most fashionable hotels. Its victims are found in all classes from the hod carrier in his bespattered rags up to the members of Congress in their ruffles. The gambling room is the enchanted ground of destruction. Once within its serpentine coils-a centripetal force rushes its votary to the vortex of ruin. Interested friends may kindly warn-the tender wife may- entreat with all the eloquence of tears-children may cry and sob for bread-if within the fatal snare the infatuated mortal is seldom extri- cated in time. He combines the deafness of the adder with the des- peration of a maniac. At the gambling table men and youth have been prepared to commit deeds registered on the black catalogue of crime. In blazing capitals RUIN is marked over the outer door of every gambUng den. On the inner door is written in bold relievo- CASTLE OF DESPAIR. WrECKS OF FORTUNE AND DEMONS MADE HERE. One of the wicket gates that leads thousands into this labyrinth of misery consists in fashionable circles where games are played as an innocent amusement. It is there that many young men of talent, education and wealth, take the entered apprentice degree that leads them to the knight templars of destruction. Without any knowledge of a game but few would venture money at a gambling table. The gaming examples of men in high life have a baneful influence and practically sanction the high handed robberies of the finely dressed boa-constrictor black legs. The gambling hells tolerated and patron- ized in our cities are a disgrace to any nation bearing a Christian name OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 115 and would be banished from a Pagan community with a Vicksburg vengeance. To the honor of the members of the Continental Con- gress they placed a veto upon this heaven provoking, soul destroying, reputation ruining, wealth devourmg, nation demoralizing vice. Among those who abhorred this practice was Elbridge Gerry, born at Marblehead, Massachusetts, on the 17th of July 1744. His father was an enterprising merchant and bestowed upon this son a classical education. He graduated at Harvard University in 1762 with a high scholastic reputation. Judging the tree by its fruit, the seed from which it sprang must have been of the purest kind and its vegetation not retarded by the absorbing and poisonous weeds of vice. Its in- cipient pruning must have been performed by a master hand to pro- duce a specimen of so much symmetry of proportion, beauty of form and richness of foliage. After having completed his collegiate studies Mr. Gerry entered the counting house of his father and ultimately became one of the most enterprising and wealthy merchants of his native town. In his kind of business he was amongst the first to feel the weight of the impo- litic and unconstitutional revenue system. From the nature of his composition he was amongst the first to meet oppression at the thres- hold. A man of deep reflection and philosophical investigation-he examined closely the extent of American rights and British wrongs. He made himself acquainted with the principle and structure of govern- ment, international, civil, common, statute and municipal law, political economy, home and foreign policy. No one was better informed upon the natural, legal and practical relations between the mother country and the colonies. He was prepared to act advisedly and firmly. His extensive influence, decision of character, sound discretion and exalted patriotism-made him a master spirit to guide the public mind. He participated in all the movements in favor of liberty. On the 26th of May 1773 he commenced his official career as a member of the Assembly of Massachusetts Bay then called the Gene- ral Court. That body and the royal governor took a strong issue upon rights and wrongs. The unconstitutional acts of parliament were sanctioned by the latter and fearlessly censured by the former. A standing committee was appointed to scan the proceedings of ministers and parliament and to correspond with the other colonies relative to the important concerns of the nation. Mr. Gerry had been in that Dody but two days when he was made a member of this important committee. He became one of the principal actors on the tragic stage of tlie revolution, the drama of peace, and formation of the Federal 116 THE SAGES AND HEROES government. He walked shoulder to shoulder with Samuel Adams and John Hancock in the bold measures that roused the lion from his lair-the people to their duty. At the Boston tea party-in the opposi- tion to the Port Bill-the impeachment of the crown judges-the con- troversy with Gov. Hutchinson-non-intercourse with Great Britain- Mr. Gerry stood firm as the granite shores of the Bay State. Nor did he waver when Gov. Gage took the helm with a military force to do his will and pleasure. When it was found that reason, appeal, remonstrance-all fell upon his adamantine soul like dew upon the desert of Sahara, the legitimate source of a righteous government was resorted to-THE PEOPLE-who nobly sustained their leaders in the hour of peril. Severe measures were adopted by parliament-the charter of Massachusetts was altered by ex parte legislation-illegal taxes were increased-the hirelings of the King became more insolent-the indig- nation of the people rose like a tornado-colonial blood flowed-the war cry was raised-the clash of arms commenced-the fury of battle raged- the strug'gle was terrific-the lion was conquered-AMERicA was free. In all the thrilling scenes that passed in Massachusetts before his election to Congress, Mr. Gerry took a leading part. He was an effi- cient member of the Committee of Safety and Supplies that were for a t'ime virtually the government. In April 1775 he narrowly escaped the ^rasp of his foes. The night previous to the battle of Lexington [Messrs. Gerry, Lee and Orne were at Cambridge through which the British passed on their way to the opening scene of hostilities. When opposite the house where these gentlemen were in bed a file of soldiers were suddenly detached and approached it rapidly. The patriots barely escaped by the back way in their linen. After the military had left they returned for their over clothes and immediately roused the people to resistance. The night previous to the death of his intimate friend, the brave Warren, Mr. Gerry lodged with him. The anxiety they felt for their country induced them to concert plans for future action rather than sleep. The lamented hero of Bunker Hill appears to have had a presentiment of his premature fate as indicated by the last words he uttered as they parted. " It is sweet to die for our country." In July 1775 the government of Massachusetts adopted a new form of government. A legislature was organized and a judiciary es- tablished. Mr. Gerry was appointed Judge of the Court of Admiralty but declined that he might do more active service. On the 18th of January 1776 he was elected to the Continental Congress. Fearless, '^autious, prudent-he was the kind of man to meet the momentous OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 117 crisis of that eventful era. Standing on a lofty eminence of public reputation he was hailed as an able auxiliary in the cause of freedom. He had a place upon the most important committees and performed his duties strictly. To speculators and peculators that prowled around the public offices and army he was a terror during the war. He intro- duced into Congress many salutary guards against dishonest men who prey upon government like promethean vultures. With its age and experience our republic is now occasionally tapped at the jugular and gets a cut under the fifth rib-producing a laxity of the sinews of power. When the Declaration of Independence was proposed in Congress the soul of Mr. Gerry was enraptured in its favor. He had long been prepared for the measure and gave it his ardent support. When the thrilling moment arrived for final action upon this important question he sanctioned it by his vote and signature and rejoiced in the fulfilment of prophecy-./? nation shall he horn in a day. He was continued in Congress and faithfully discharged his duties with unabated zeal. The committee rooms and the house were alike benefitted by his intelligence and extensive experience in general business. He rendered efficient aid in reducing to system every branch of the new government. He took a conspicuous part in the debates upon the Articles of Confederation and was listened to with great attention. He spoke well, reasoned closely-demonstrated clearly. He was truly republican and opposed to everything that did not bear the impress of sound sense, practical usefulness-equality of operation. For these reasons he opposed a resolution of thanks to his bosom friend, John Hancock, for his services as President of Congress. He said his friend Hancock had done no more than to ably perform his duty-all the members had done the same. It would be a singular entry upon the journal to record a vote of thanks to each. Etiquette prevailed over sound logic-the vote of thanks was passed-introducing a custom in the new government that has long since lost all efficacy by too frequent use on occasions of minor importance. Mr. Gerry was on the committee that devised the plan of operations for the Northern army that resulted in the capture of Burgoyne. He was upon the one to obtain supplies for the army and visited the camp of Washington in the winter of 1777. These multiform duties strictly discharged are stronger encomiums upon his talents, energy and patriotism than a volume of panegyric from the most accomplished writer. It has afforded me great pleasure to be able to frequently refer to the religious and moral character of the members of the Continental Con- 118 THE SAGES AND HEROES f^ress. The fact is illustrated in the history of the men and corrobo- rated by the records of that body and responded to by the States. In 1778 a resolution was passed in Congress recommending them to adopt decisive measures against " theatrical entertainments, horse racing, gaming and such other diversions as are productive of idleness, dissi- pation and a general depravity of principles and manners." Another resolution strictly enjoined upon the officers of the army-" to see that the good and wholesome rules provided for the discountenancing of profaneness and vice and the preservation of morals among the soldiers are duly and punctually preserved." A third one was passed that would be a sweeper if revived at the present day. It arose from a dis- position on the part of a few officers to disregard the one first cited and was a supplement to that. " Resolved-That any person holding an office under the United States who shall act, promote, encourage or attend such plays-shall be deemed unworthy to hold such office and shall be accordingly dismissed." Mr. Gerry supported and voted for all these resolutions and for those recommending days of fasting, humihation and prayer. Sectarianism never polluted the members of the Continental Congress. Charity was the bright star in their diadem of fame. He was upon the grand com- mittee of one from each State to examine foreign affairs and the con- duct of foreign commissioners particularly that of Mr. Deane. This committee used the probe freely and recommended Congress to use the amputating knife upon every limb affected by the gangrene of political corruption. O ! Jupiter ! what a slaughter such an operation would make at the present time. On the 14th of October 1779 Mr, Gerry proposed the expedition against the Indians which was successfully executed by Gen. Sullivan. He proposed a resolution designed to guard against inducements to' corrupt influence-" No candidates for public office shall vote in or otherwise influence their own election— that Congress wi.' not appoint any member thereof during its time of sitting or within six months after he shall have been in Congress, to any office under the States for which he or any other for his benefit may receive any salary, fees or emolument." It was then lost but he revived and carried it in 1785. The principle has since been partly adopted under the Federal Constitution. As a member of the Committee of Finance he stood next to Robert Morris. In 1780 he retired from Congress after an arduous and faithful service of five years. In all situations and at all times he was energetic, zealous and active in the cause of liberty. When his duties called him to the army if there was auy fighting on the tapis whilst he was in camp he always took an active OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 119 part. In the battle of Chesnut Hill he shouldered a musket and entered the ranks. When Gen. Kniphausen engaged the American army at Springfield Mr. Gerry took his station by the side of Washington who invested him with a volunteer command during his stay. The second year after his retirement he again took his seat in Con- gress. The business of the nation was then more perplexing than in the heat of the war. An empty treasury, a prostrate credit, an enormous debt presented a fearful aspect. To aid in bringing order out of chaos he was of great service. Committee labors were piled upon his shoulders as if he was an Atlas to carry the world or an Atalanta in the celerity of business. The local feelings and interests of the states had become effervescent. The half pay for life guaranteed to all officers who remained in the army during the war was satisfactory to but a few. This was settled by compounding the annuity for five years full pay. In 1784 he was on the important Committee of Foreign Relations-on the one to revise the Treasury Department. The same session he presented a resolution for the compensation of Baron Steuben who had rendered immense services by introducing a system of military tactics and dis- cipline into the American army by which it was governed and which was strictly adhered to long after the Revolution. It was warmly sup- ported by Mr. Jefferson and others but was lost, charity would suggest, in consequence of the embarrassed state of the finances. In 1785 Mr. Gerry closed his services in Congress and retired to Cambridge near Boston, with all the honors of a pure patriot crowned with the sincere gratitude of a nation of freemen. Time soon developed to the sages of the Revolution that the Articles of Confederation that bound the colonies together when impending dangers and one common interest created a natural cement-were not sufficient to secure the liberty they had. achieved. Local interests engendered jealousies, these produced dissatisfaction and this threatened to involve the government in anarchy. To remedy these evils Mr. Madison made a proposition that each state send delegates to a conven- tion which convened in May 1781 at Philadelphia and framed the Federal Constitution in which Mr. Gerry took a very active part. He was amongst those who did not sanction or sign that instrument. For this act, dictated by his conscience, he was liberally abused by out door cynical partisans-not by the noble minded statesmen who differed with him in opinion-all honest in their views and patriotic in their motives. They soared above the acrimonious scurrility of venal party spirit. After the constitution was adopted no one adhered to it more strictly than Mr. Gerry-always holding sacred the great republican principle- 120 THE SAGES AND HEROES the majority must rule and he obeyed. He was a member of the fiist Congress under it and did much toward raising the beautiful superstruc- ture now towering sublimely upon its broad basis. He served four years and again sought retirement. This was transient. In 1797 the relations between our country and France had assumed a portentous aspect. President Adams determined on sending an able embassy to that government-to make a strong effort to conclude an amicable arrangement of difficulties before appealing to arms. Gen. Pinck- ney was then there. Mr. Gerry and Mr. Marshall, since Chief Justice of the United States, were appointed to join him, each empowered to act collectively or separately as a sound discretion should dictate. On their arrival the French Directory refused to recognize them. To prevent an immediate rupture-prudence and patriotism were necessary. After many fruitless attempts to enter upon a negotiation Messrs. Pinckney and Marshall were peremptorily ordered home and Mr. Gerry recognized as the official organ of the United States. By his discreet, firm and manly course he effected a settlement and prevented a war that seemed inevitable. In 1805 he was a member of the electoral college. Although his state was decidedly federal he was elected governor in 1810 by the republican party by a large majority-conclusive evidence of his great popularity. He never entered into partisan feelings. In his first message he lucidly portrayed the danger of high toned party spirit. He felt and acted for his whole country. For many years he had anxiously desired to be excused from public duties but no excuse was accepted. In 1813 he was inaugurated Vice President of the United States. He discharged the duties of the office with great ability and dignity. His impartiality, correctness and candor gained for him the esteem of the elevated body over which he presided to the last day of his eventful and useful life- teaching by example his favorite precept-" It is the duty of every citizen though he may have but one day to live to devote that day to the service of his country." At the city of Washington a beautiful monument .5 »>rected to his memory with an inscription as follows. The tomb of ELBRIDGE GERRY, Vice President of the United States, who died suddenly in this city on his way to the Capitol, as President of the Senate, November 23d, 1814, Aged 70. OF THE AMERICiN REVOLUTION. 121 In the review of the Ufe of Elbridge Gerry the pure patriot finds much to admire-the Christian nothing to condemn. Partisans may- censure because he kept aloof from high toned party spirit-the mael- strom of nations that once were but now are not. His examples of devotedness to the good of his country, his untiring industry, his intel- ligence, his moral worth-are all worthy of imitation and shed a rich unfading lustre upon his character. He discharged all the duties of private life with the strictest fidelity. He was useful in every station where duty called, no perils retarded his onward course towards the goal of RIGHT. His purposes were deliberately formed and boldly executed. He was an honor to our country, the cause of freedom and enlightened, philanthropic and liberal legislation. He was a noble specimen of unalloyed patriotism-a patriotism that must be widely diffused among the increasing masses of our expanding country-then our UNION will be preserved-our land continue to be what it now is— THE LAND OP THE BRAVE-THE HOME OF THE FREE. NATHANIEL GREENE. The history of the American Revolution will be read with intense interest through all time whether presented as a ponderous whole or in sections. Its most attractive form to the impatient and romantic reader is the delineation of noble and god like individual action. Numerous bold exploits were performed-hair-breadth escapes made by the private soldier that had an exciting ephemeral history worthy of record which is now buried, with the meritorious actor and his immediate acquaint- ances. Some thrilling stories will have a more protracted existence in the annals of tradition but will ultimately lose their freshness, wither and die. Truthful hving tradition belongs to the red man-not to us. In all nations-from the barbarous up to the refined civilized, the glory of the battle field has been awarded to the leaders who planned-not to the soldiers who executed. In our republican land of professed equality partial inroads upon this rule have been made. In our com- mon militia and volunteer companies the soldier is often equal and sometimes superior to his commanding officer in point of talent and weight of character. This can rarely be the case among an oppressed people and still more rarely would the existing fact be admitted. During the revolution merit was clothed with its true dignity more than now. Many who stood upon this first legitimate stepping stone to office ascended from the ranks of the army to high commands-from 16 122 THE SAGES AND HEROES the retired walks of life to the legislative halls and posts of honor in the various departments of government. The frame-work of the most liberal military system is adverse to the recognition of individual merit below the officer. The case must be very extraordinary to be offi- cially announced. Hence large standing armies bind in the fetters of ignorance a vast amount of intellect that would be brought into mellow life and usefulness in a free enlightened republican government like our own. Among the Heroes of the American Revolution whose merit brought him into notice was Nathaniel Greene, born at the town of Warwick, Rhode Island, in 1741. His parents were respectable members of the Society of Friends-of course opposed to the profession of arms. His father was an anchor manufacturer and gave his son a limited chance to obtain a common education. With this the mind of Nathaniel was not content. He pursued his studies every leisure hour and with his extra earnings purchased books. He mastered the Latin with but little aid from an instructor. The history of military chieftains he read with great delight. When he arrived at manhood he was a good mechanic and a bright scholar. For a time he followed the business of making anchors for vessels but was soon called to the more important work of aiding in the construction of the sheet anchor of freedom. At an early age he was elected a member of the legislature where he became a conspicuous advocate of equal rights and boldly opposed the usurpa- tions of mother Britain. His course obtained for him an expulsion from the Society of Friends and the esteem of every patriot. I respect the Quakers but not this paradox in their creed. They profess to love liberty-but few of them are willing to pay its price in coin-none of them can bear arms without excommunication. On his return from the Assembly Nathaniel enrolled himself a private in a military corps that was suggested and formed by himself and char- tered under the title of the Kentish Guards, It was placed under the command of Gen. Varnum. In 1775 the little patriotic state of Rhode Island raised three regiments-in all sixteen hundred rank and file-officered by the most distinguished military characters of the colony. No one could have been more surprised than young Greene on receiving the com- mission of Brigadier General. He was put in command of this small brigade and immediately marched them to head quarters at Cambridge, Mass. He applied himself closely to the study of military tactics and soon became an excellent disciplinarian-an able officer. For correctness of evolution, subordination and good order-his was a model brigade. His merits were quickly discovered by the acute Washington who often OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 123 consulted him with confidence in cases of doubt and difficulty. This confidence he communicated to Congress. It arose from two strong points-Greene had superior talents and was a Christian. On the 26th of August 1776 Greene was commissioned a Major General of the regular army of the United States and put forth his noblest exertions to promote the interests of his bleeding country. At the battles of Trenton and Princeton he exhibited great skill and judicious conduct. At the battle of Germantown he commanded the left wing of the army and received the unqualified approbation of Washington for his coolness and bravery. In March 1778 he accepted the appointment of Quarter Master General retaining his rank and right to command in time of action according to the seniority of his commission. At the victorious battle of Monmouth he commanded the right wing of the army and led his troops to the onset with the terrific force of an avalanche. In the siege of the British garrison at Newport, R. I. he served under Gen. Sullivan. When it was found necessary to retreat in consequence of the dispersion of the French fleet by a storm which prevented it from rendering the contemplated aid, the army was greatly indebted to the judgment and skill of Gen. Greene in extricating it from a perilous position. The British power being measurably paralyzed in the north Lord Cornwallis turned his attention to the south where the defences were less-the plunder more. On the 26th of December 1779 he commenced his movement and landed thirty miles from Charleston, S. C. on the 11th of February ensuing. He then commenced the work of destruction and brutality with increased rigor. JNo respect was paid to private property, religious sanctity or defenceless females. After a spirited defence Charleston was compelled to surrender. The British carried dismay, victory and death in their whole course. Plunder, rapine and murder were the order of the day. Booty and beauty were the watch words of his most Christian majesty's officers and soldiers. Under these heart rending circumstances Washington directed Gen. Crreene to take command of the Southern army. In company with the brave Morgan he arrived at Charlotte on the 2d of December 1780. The so called army numbered 970 reguIars-1013 militia, destitute of military stores, unpaid, nearly naked, poorly fed and no government supplies nearer than two hundred miles. Opposed was a powerful army rich in plunder, flushed with victory, liberally paid, abundantly fed, well clothed and amply supplied with military stores of every kind. The front view of the picture was dark and gloomy-on the back ground Greene and Morgan saw the rays of hope shedding their cheering beams on the 124 THE SAGES AND HEROES spire of Liberty. Gen. Greene went to woriv for dear life. By his amiable deportment he gained the love and confidence of iiis soldiers-the esteem and respect of the inhabitants. From the surrounding country he gained short supplies and raised a few recruits. He despatched Gen. Morgan with a small force to the western part of the state which gave fresh courage to the patriots of that section. By a falling into the ranks the force of Morgan increased so much that Cornwallis ordered Col. Tarle- ton to disperse this band of rebels and put all to the sword who did not surrender at discretion. On the ITth of January 1781, Tarleton came up to this rough and ready party at the Cowpens. Although his force was inferior in numbers and two-thirds raw militia, Gen. Morgan deter- mined to stand fire. Sure of an easy victory the proud Britons rushed on to action and were as much astonished to meet with an unbroken line streaming with fire as if they had been brought up all standing against an unperceived wire fence across the high way. Tarleton roared, foamed, raved and commanded his men to charge. Again the blazing streams of fire illuminated the lines of Morgan whose troops rushed upon the broken ranks of the enemy with the fury of a tornado. The struggle was short, the victory complete, the amazement of Tarleton paralyzing. Besides the killed, over five hundred of the enemy were taken prisoners and a convenient amount of the munitions of war fell into the hands of the victors. Supposing he had crushed the rebel power in the south Cornwallis was astounded at the result of this hasty recreative expedition. He immediately marched in pursuit of Morgan determined to rescue the prisoners and wipe out the disgrace Tarleton had brought upon the British arms. The hero of the Cowpens was too old a fox to be easily caught. He could do some things as well as others. He was as skilful in retreat as he was desperate in battle. He knew when, where and how to fight. He was courageous, not rash-bold, not imprudent and as watchful as an Argus. He effected a junction with Gen. Greene on the 7th of February. The chagrined Cornwallis advanced rapidly determined to annihilate the little American army at one fell swoop. Greene retreated into Virginia where he added to his numbers and sup- plies. So confident was the British general of overtaking him that he destroyed his heavy baggage to accelerate his movements. The patriots were not thus encumbered. Many of them had only their arms and remnants of tattered garments, being obliged to place tufts of moss on their shoulders to prevent the friction of the cartouch straps. To the Dursuing enemy the Americans seemed an ignis fattius-ohen to be seen but never reached. The chase was abandoned. In turn Greene annoyed Cornwallis by cutting off" his supplies, capturing foraging parties and OF THE AMERICAN KEVOLUTION. 125 constantly watching all his movements. His situation became perilous, his numbers were constantly growing less by capture, desertion and disease. His supplies cost blood as well as treasure-the force of Greene was constantly augmenting-the tables were turned-he retreated to Hills- borough where he endeavored to raise new recruits by liberal offers of British gold. The yellow dust had lost its magic charm on Americans- patriotism was the more current coin. Unwilling to be long separated from the noble lord, Green paid him a visit on the 15th of March. The interview took place at Guilford court house between one and two o'clock P. M. and continued nearly two hours. Owing to the militia that formed the front line flying at the sight of the red coats the Americans were obliged to give ground and make it a drawn battle-but the meeting was a sad one for Cornwallis. His loss was 532 killed, wounded and missing, among whom were several of his most distinguished officers. So crippled was the British army that a pecipitate retreat to Wilmington was ordered leaving those of the wounded who were not able to march. The loss of Gen. Greene was about 400 killed and wounded. Corn- wallis claimed the victory-one not very auspicious to his military glory or royal master. Gen. Greene commenced offensive operations. He determined on attacking Lord Rawdon who was strongly fortified at Camden S. C. with 900 men. The American forces amounted to only 700 and encamped within a mile of the British lines cutting ofi" all supplies from the enemy. Anticipating a reinforcement to the little army of Gen. Greene and being on short allowance his lordship made a sally on the 25th of April and boldly attacked the offending invaders. For some time victory perched upon the brow of Greene-his cavalry had taken over two hundred prisoners. One of his regiments made a move which compelled him to retreat with a loss of about 200 killed, wounded and prisoners. The loss of Lord Rawdon was 258. So flushed was the British general with this dear victory that he fled from Camden leaving his sick and wounded to the care of those who he knew would care for them. The back handed victories of Guilford and Camden so paralyzed the enemy that they soon aban- doned a number of small fortifications-large quantities of military stores and concentrated a considerable force at the strong garrison of Ninety Six. On the 22d of May Greene commenced a siege upon that place but modestly retired to give place to three regiments of strangers fresh from England. Before doing this he made an unsuc- cessful assault at a cost of about 150 men. But for the reinforcements the garrison would have shortly surrendered. 126 THE SAGES AND HEROES During the ensuing two montiis nothing but skirmishing occurred. On the 9th of September the army of Gen. Greene had increased to 2000 men. The division of the British army under Col. Stewart was posted at Eutaw Springs. An immediate attack was made by the Americans in the following order. As he approached the enemy Gen. Greene formed his troops in two lines-the first composed of Carolina militia under Generals Marion, Pickens and Col. de Malmedy. . The second was composed of regulars under Gen. Sumpter, Lieut. Col. Campbell and Col. Williams. Lieut, Col. Lee covered the right flank with his legion-Lieut. Henderson covered the left with the state troops. The cavalry under Col. Washington and the Delaware troops under Capt. Kirkwood were held in reserve. Scarcely was the line of battle completed when the British rapidly advanced. The Americans met the onset with the bravery of veterans but were compelled to give .way. The battle raged with fearful fury. All depended on a sudden and desperate movement. Gen. Greene ordered the Virginia and Maryland regulars to advance with trailed arms-facing a shower of musket and grape shot. The order was instantly obeyed-they broke the lines of the British and drove them some distance to a thicket of trees and brick houses where they rallied and took a stand. The Americans took over 500 prisoners and remained on the field of battle. Under cover of night Col. Stewart retreated towards Charleston leav- ing 70 of his wounded and 1000 stand of arms. His total loss in men was near 1200-that of Greene 500 in killed and wounded. The Eng- lish had the largest force in action. For this display of skill and bravery Congress presented Gen. Greene with a British standard and gold medal. What was dearer to him than all else-he received the high approbation of Washington and his country. From that time the torch of kingly power rapidly decreased until its last flickering light expired. For a time Charleston was occupied by the crown troops-offensive operations they dare not undertake -only by small and transient booty and beauty squads. It may seem mysterious to the young readers why soldiers fought so valiantly who were poorly paid, scantily fed and scarcely clothed. Hundreds of them were entirely naked at the Eutaw battle. Their loins were galled severely by their cartouch boxes. It was considered a great favor to obtain a folded rag to lay on the scarified part. Their food was often a scanty supply of rice or a few roasted potatoes. The officers suffered alike with the common soldiers. Gen. Greene was in the southern field seven consecutive months without taking off his clothes to retire for a night. Love of liberty and love of their leading OF THE AMERICAN EEVOLUTION. 127 general and his brave officers kept these soldiers together and rendered them desperate on the field of battle. This removes the mystery. If all could be made to realize the price of our Liberty, political asperity and party spirit would hide their polluting forms under the mantle of shame and retire to the peaceful shades of oblivion. Reader-never forget the blood, treasure and anguish your Liberty cost. Finding that the wary Greene could not be conquered by force of arms British gold was once more put in requisition by the enemy. Several native foreigners had deserted to the English and were induced to form a plan to deliver up Gen. Greene and his principal officers. A sergeant and two domestics attached to the person of the General were bribed and in correspondence with the British. A time was fixed to deliver him and every officer of rank to the enemy. As usual a guardian angel was there. A female heard some unguarded expres- sions from the sergeant and promptly informed Gen. Greene. The troops were at once ordered on parade-the sergeant was arrested-con- fessed his guilt, was condemned and shot. When led to execution he warned all not to sully their glory or forego the advantages they would speedily realize from the successful termination of the war and if a thought of desertion was in their bosoms to banish it at once and for ever. He acknowledged the justice of his sentence-distributed his little all among his comrades-gave the signal and paid the penalty of his crime. Thus was a base and cowardly plot detected by angelic woman-the ringleader executed and the southern army saved from probable destruction. Not a single native American was concerned m this conspiracy. Another circumstance occurred shortly after this that marred the happiness of Gen. Greene for a little time. The appointment of Col. Laurens to a command in their little army gave great umbrage to the officers generally who immediately tendered their resignation to the General. He affectionately recommended them to appeal to Congress for redress and not desert the noble cause of Liberty prematurely. They seemed determined in their course— he reluctantly received their commissions. On being separated from him their attachment was fully revealed to them. They found it impossible to leave their beloved General-again took their commissions and followed his advice. No officer could gain the affections of those under him more fully than did Gen. Greene. Kindness and even handed justice to all were amongst his marked characteristics. He shared the hardship and glory of the field with his soldiers. He did all in his power to supply their wants and alleviate their distress. By example and precept he taught his 128 THE SAGES AND HEKOES men to meet calamity with heroic fortitude, pointing to the goal of liberty as a final rest from the toils of war-to realms of bliss beyond the skies as the eternal rest of the virtuous and good. Early in October the last lion was caged at Yorktown. There the struggle closed-there the victorious Cornwallis-the pride of mother Britain, was humbled, the shouts of victory and the clarion of freedom sounded and the sons of Columbia crowned with laurels of enduring fame. The battles of Gen. Greene were finished. He had served his country long and faithfully. He had surmounted the mighty barriers that opposed him-he had contributed largely in breaking the chains of slavery-Liberty had triumphed over despotism-his country was free, and was acknowledged independent by the power that had long sought to enslave it. Gentle peace shed fresh lustre on the care-worn counte- nances of the sages and heroes and diffused her refulgent rays from the shores of the broad Atlantic to the silver lakes of the far west. On his way home Gen. Greene was hailed with grateful enthusiasm in every town through which he passed. On his arrival at Princeton Congress was in session there. As a testimony of respect for his valu- able services that body presented him with two pieces of ordnance taken from the British army. The state of Georgia presented him with a valuable plantation near Savannah. The State of South Carolina con- veyed to him a large tract of rich land which he sold to enable him to pay debts contracted to obtain supplies for his soldiers. In the autumn of 1785 he removed to his plantation in Georgia anticipating all the enjoyment of domestic felicity. This was of short duration. On the 12th of June 1786 he was attacked with inflammation upon his brain caused by a stroke of the sun and on the 19th of that month his spirit returned to the bosom of his God. Thus closed the brilliant career of one of the most distinguished sons of the Revolution. From his child- hood to his grave he was the pride of his friends, a shining light to his country-a blessing to our nation. He was a prudent and brave general, an accomplished gentleman, a good citizen, an honest man, a consistent Christian. His character was pure as the crystal fountain-his fame enduring as the records of time. His examples are models for imita- tion, his history is full of instruction, his merits worthy of our highest admiration. His faults were completely eclipsed by the brilliancy of his superior worth. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 129 BUTTON GWINNETT. False honor like false religion is worse than none. They both lead to destruction and are deprecated by all good men. The one is a relic of the barbarous ages-the other is older, having first been innposed on mother Eve amidst the amaranthine bowers of Eden. Inconsistency is an incubus that assumes numerous forms. In some shape it hangs over every nation and most individuals. It is human nature to err-but some errors are so plainly a violation of reason and common sense that it is passing strange sound men do not avoid them. Yet we often see those of high attainments rush into the whirlpool of inconsistency with a blind infatuation that the fine spun rules of the acutest sophistry can- not justify. One of the fallacious and opprobrious inconsistencies that now dis- graces our nation is duelling. Many in this country boast of our in- tellectual light and mourn over the ignorance of the poor untutored red man. In turn he can point us to a dark spot on our national character that never tarnished the name of a western or eastern Indian. This bohun upas thrives only in communities that claim civilization. In no country has it been tolerated with so much impunity as in our own. By our law it is murder. In no instance has this law been enforced. Widows may mourn, orphans languish, hearts bleed, our statesmen perish and the murderer still run at large and be treated by many with more deference than if his hands were not stained with blood. This foul stigma upon the American name should be washed out speedily and effectually. Let the combined powers of public opinion, legisla- tive, judicial and executive action be brought to bear upon it with the force of a rushing avalanche. Flagrant crimes are suppressed only by strong measures. Among the victims of this barbarous practice was Button Gwinnett, a man of splendid talents and a patriot of the American Kevolution. He was born in England in 1732. His parents were respectable but not wealthy. Being a boy of promise they bestowed on him a good education. At his majority he commenced a successful mercantile career at Bristol in his native country. Surrounded by a large family he resolved on changing his location and came to Charleston S. C. in 1770, where he pursued merchandizing two years. He then sold out his store, purchased a plantation on St. Catharine Island, Georgia, to which he removed and became an enterprising agriculturist. He pos- 17 130 THE SAGES AND HEROES sessed an active mind and was a close observer of passing events Having resided in England during the formation of the visionary and impolitic plan of taxing the colonies, he understood well the framework of the British cabinet. From the course he promptly pursued it is plain he was a Whig in England. The subject of raising revenue from the colonies of the new world had been fully and abl}^ discussed in Great Britain. Many of her profound statesmen had portrayed, with all the truth of prophecy, the result of the blind unjust course of minis- ters towards the Americans. The most sagacious English statesman then in Parliament, Lord Chatham, exerted his noblest powers to bring the cabinet to a sense of common justice-the only path of safety. Mingling with intelligent men at Bristol, Mr. Gwinnett had become well informed upon the litigated points in controversy and was well acquainted wuth the relative feelings and situation of the two countries. When the question of liberty or slavery was placed before the people of his adopted land he declared in favor of freedom. Knowing the superior physical force of Great Britain and the weakness of the colo- nies, a successful resistance seemed to him problematical. His doubts upon the subject were removed by the enthusiasm of the patriots gene- rally and especially by the lucid demonstrations of Lyman Hall, a bold and fearless advocate of equal rights with whom he became intimate. Convinced of the justice and possible success of the cause he at once became a champion in its favor. He had counted the cost, he had re- volved in his mind the dangers that would accumulate around him and truly predicted his property would be destroyed by the devastating enemy-yet he nobly resolved to risk his life, fortune and honor in de- fence of chartered rights and constitutional franchises. He enrolled his name among the leaders of the patriotic movements- became a member of several committees and conspicuous at public meet- ings. In her colonial capacity Georgia was the last to come to the rescue. Some of her noblest sons had become shining lights in the glorious cause. Patriotism was extending-oppression increasing, eyes opening, ears listening, minds working, hearts beating and those who were perching on the pivot of uncertainty were fast losing their balance. At length the cry of blood was heard from Lexington. The work was done. Georgia started from her lethargy like a lion roused from his lair and prepared for the conflict. Like green wood-she was slow to take fire but gave a permanent heat when ignited. On the 2d of February 1776 Mr. Gwinnett was appointed to the Con- tinental Congress and took his seat on the 20th of May ensuing. Although his constituents were determined to maintain their rights at all OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 131 hazards most of them loked upon the plan of Independence as a project of visionary fancy-ideal, not to be hoped for or attempted. It gained strength by discussion and emerged from its embryo form. At this junc- ture a colleague of Mr. Gwinnett, the Rev. Mr. Zubly with a Judas heart, wrote a letter to the royal governor of Georgia, disclosing the con- templated measure, a copy of which was in some way obtamed and placed in the hands of Mr. Chase who immediately denounced the traitor on the floor of Congress. The Iscariot at first attempted a denial by challenging the proof but finding that thebetrayer had been betrayed he fled pre- cipitately for Georgia in order to place himself under the protection of the governor who had just escaped from the enraged patriots on board a British armed vessel in Savannah harbor and had enough to do to protect himself without rendering aid or comfort to a traitor. He was followed by Mr. Houston one of his colleagues. Swift was the pursuit but swifter the flight. On the wings of guilt he flew too rapidly to be overtaken. When the proposition came before Congress for a final separation from the mother country Mr. Gwinnett became a warm advocate for the measure. When the trying hour arrived, big with consequences, he gave his approving vote and aflixed his name to the important document that stands acknowled by the civilized world the most lucid exposition of human rights upon the records of history-the Declaration of American Independence. In February 1777 he took a seat in the convention of his own state convened to form a constitution under the new govern- ment. He at once took a leading part and submitted the draft of a con- stitution which was slightly amended and immediately adopted. Shortly after this he was elevated to the Presidency of the Provincial Council, then the first office in the state-rising in a single year from private life to the pinnacle of power in Georgia. At this time an acrimonious jealousy existed between the civil and military authorities. At the head of the latter was Gen. Mcintosh against whom Mr. Gwinnett had run the pre- vious year for Brig. General and was unsuccessful. His elevation and influence annoyed the General. The civil power claimed the right to try military officers for offences that Gen. Mcintosh contended came only under the jurisdiction of a court martial. Mr. Gwinnett had planned an expedition against East Florida and contemplated having the com- mand. Gen. Mcintosh conferred it upon a senior lieutenant-colonel. The expedition was a failure. The General publicly exulted over his hated enemy and gloried in the misfortune. Under the new constitution a governor was to be elected on the first Monday of the ensuing May. Mr. Gwinnett became a candidate. His competitor was a man far inferior to him in point of talents and acquirements but w-as elected. 132 THE SAGES AND HEROES Gen. Mcintosh again publicly exulted in the disappointments that were overwhelming his antagonist. A challenge from Mr. Gwinnett ensued- they met on the blood stained field of false honor-fought at four paces- both were wounded, Mr. Gwinnett mortally and died on the 27th of May 1777, the very time he should have been in Congress. Comment is need- less-reflection is necessary. Aside from this rash error the escutcheon of Mr. Gwinnett was without a blot. He was a splendid figure, commanding in appearance, six feet in height, open countenance, graceful in his manners and possessed of fine feeling. He was a kind husband, an affectionate father, a good citizen and an honest man. LYMAN HALL. Decision gives weight to character when tempered with prudence and discretion. The individual who is uniformly perched on the pivot of uncertainty and fl.uttering in the wind of indetermination can never gain public confidence or exercise an extensive influence. To be truly beneficial decision must receive its momentum from the pure fountain ')f our own matured judgment and not depend upon others to point us to the path of duty. When the child becomes a man he should ihink and act as a man and draw freely from the resources of his own immortal mind. He may enjoy the reflective light of others but should depend upon the focus of his own, made more clear by reflec- tives. The man who pins his faith upon the sleeve of another and does not keep the lamp of his own understanding trimmed and burn- ing, is a mere automaton in life and never fills the vacuum designed by his creation. When he makes his final exit from the stage of action he leaves no trace behind-no rich memento to tell that he once lived, moved and had a being upon the earth or bore the moral image of his God. The Sages and Heroes of the American Revolution left bright examples of self-moving action and decision of character. Among those who were roused to exertion by the reflection of their own minds was Lyman Hall, born in Connecticut 1731. He graduated in Yale College at an early age, studied medicine, married a wife before he was twenty-one, removed to Dorchester, S. C. in 1752 and commenced the practice of medicine. After residing there a short time he joined a company of some forty families, mostly New Eng- landers and removed to Med way in the parish of St. John, Georgia. He became a successful practitioner and was esteemed for his prudence, OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 133 discretion, clearness of perception, soundness of judgment-united with refinement of feeling, urbanity of manners, a calm and equable mind and great benevolence. He had only to be known to be appreciated. As years rolled peacefully along Dr. Hall became extensively ac- quainted and greatly beloved. He took great interest in the happi- ness of those around him and in the welfare of the people at large. He was a close observer of men and things-understood well the phi- losophy of human rights and the principles of the tenure by which the mother country held jurisdiction over the colonies. When the marked bounds of that jurisdiction were passed he was one of the first to meet the aggressors and point his countrymen to the innovations. As en- croachments increased his patriotism grew warmer-enthusiastic zeal followed, tempered by the purest motives-guided by the soundest dis- cretion. The indecision and temporizing spirit of Georgia, for a time, wjLs painful to her truly patriotic sons who early espoused the cause, of Liberty. It was extremely annoying to Dr. Hall but only tended to increase his exertions in the work of political regeneration. Over the people of his own district he exercised an unlimited-a judicious influ- ence. He attended the patriotic meetings held at Savannah in 1774-5 tmd contributed much in promoting the glorious cause just bursting into life. His immediate constituents were with him in feeling and action. All the other colonies had united in defence of their common country determined to resist the common enemy. St. John being a frontier settlement and more exposed than any other in the province, he prudently laid the subject before his people and called upon them to choose whom they would serve. They promptly decided against domination of royalty and declared for Liberty. They at once sepa- rated from the other parishes-formed a distinct political community- applied for admission into the confederation of the other colonies- passed resolutions of non-intercourse with Savannah so long as it remained under kingly authority except to obtain the absolute neces- saries of life and organized committees to carry these patriotic and decisive measures into efiect. Placed on such an eminence they were welcomed into the general compact as men worthy of freedom. In March 1775 they elected Lyman Hall to the Continental Congress to represent the parish of St. John that stood like an isolated island of granite in the ocean regardless of the waves of fury that were foam- ing around it. This example had a powerful influence on the other parishes. From this lump of liberty-leaven the whole mass became rapidly impregnated-rose beautifully and was admirably baked in freedom's oven and soon fit for use. In July following Dr. Hall had 134 THE SAGES AND HEROES the proud satisfaction of seeing Georgia fully represented by men honest and true-always excepting Judas Iscariot alias Zubly. To Dr. Hall may be justly attributed the first impetus given to the revolu- tionary ball in his district which was formed into a new county in 1777 and named Liberty. On taking his seat in Congress Dr. Hall was hailed with enthusiasm as the nucleus of patriotism that would eventually draw to one com- mon centre the people of his province. He was a valuable acquisition to the various committees on which he was placed and gained the esteem of all around him. On the floor he was listened to with pro- found attention. He reasoned closely and calmly, confining himself to the question under consideration without any eff'ort to shine as an orator. His known patriotism, decision of character, purity of purpose and honesty of heart-gave him a salutary influence that was sensibly felt, fully acknowledged and judiciously exercised. In 1776 he again took his seat in Congress and became decidedly in favor of cutting loose from the mother country. He had induced his own district to present a miniature example that stood approved by every patriot He felt the justice of the cause of Liberty. He believed Providence would direct a successful result. He was fully convinced the set time had come to free the colonies. With such feelings he hailed the birth day of our Independence as the grand jubilee of Liberty. He cheer- fully joined in passing the mighty Rubicon-aided in preparing the sar- cophagus of tyranny and signed the certificate of freedom with a joyful heart. He was continued in Congress up to 1780 when he took his final leave of that body where he had rendered faithful and important ser- vice. In 1782 he returned to his own Slate and aided in rendering more perfect the organization of her government. The enemy had destroyed his property and wreaked a special vengeance on his district generally. His family had been compelled to fly to the North and depend on the bounty of others for support. In 1783 he was elected Governor of Georgia and contributed largely in perfecting the super- structure of her civil institutions and in placing her on the high road to peace and prosperity. This accomplished he retired from public life under the broad banner of an honest and well earned fame. He then settled in Burke County where he was again permitted to pursue the even tenor of his ways and enjoy the highest of all earthly plea- sure-fhe domestic fireside with his own dear family. Calmly and quietly he glided down the stream of time until 1790 when he closed his eyes upon the transitory scenes of earth-entered the dark valley OF THE AMERICAN KEVOLUTION. 135 of death and disappeared from mortals to enjoy a blissful immortality. He was deeply mourned by his relatives and numerous acquaintances and by every patriot in our nation. His name is perpetuated in Geor- gia by a county being named after him as a tribute of respect for his valuable services. Dr. Hall was among those who do good for the sake of goodness- not to be seen of men and applauded by the world. In person his appearance was prepossessing. He was full six feet in height with a graceful deportment and benignant countenance. His examples are worthy of imitation. Without the luminous talents that tower to the skies in a blaze of glory that dazzles every eye-he rendered himself substantially and widely useful. He was like a gentle stream that passes through a verdant field producing irrigation in its course with- out overflowing and tearing up its banks. Decision of character, pru- dence in action and discretion in all things marked his whole career. Not a stain tarnishes the bright lustre of his public fame or private character. He lived nobly and died peacefully. With such men oui UNION is safe. JOHN HANCOCK. The thrilling history of American Independence is ever a subject of deep interest to the patriot and philanthropist. It has no parallel in the history of nations. Its causes, progress and successful termina- tion combine to throw around it a sacred halo that fills the reader with wonder and admiration. The noble spirits who planned and achieved it command the profoundest respect over the civilized world. As time advances that respect is ripening into veneration. The names of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, like those of the twelve Apostles, are surrounded with a refnlgent glory-unfading and enduring as the planetary system. Among them was John Hancock, born near Quincy, Mass., in 1737. His father was a clergyman of eminent piety, highly esteemed by his parishioners. He died when this son was an infant, leaving him under the guardian care of an uncle, who bestowed upon him all the attention and tenderness of a father. He graduated at Harvard College in 1754, with great credit to himself and satisfaction to his numerous friends. His uncle was a wealthy and thorough merchant and placed his nephew in his counting house that he might add to his collegiate ac- quirements a more important acquisition-a knowledge of men and 13§ THE SAGES AND HEROES things. In 1760 he was sent to England-saw the mortal remains of George II. laid in the tomb and the crown placed upon the head of hrs successor. He continued in the employment of his uncle until 1761, who then died, leaving this nephew his entire estate, supposed to be the largest of any one in the province at that time. John Hancock was long one of the Selectmen of Boston. In 1766 he was elected to the General Assembly. He there exhibited talents of a high order as a statesman, at once gaining the esteem and admi- ration of his colleagues. He also gained the particular attention of a certain clique, who determined to rule or ruin him. They placed him in the crucible of slander, from which he came like gold seven times tried-triumphant and unscathed. In the Assembly he was uniformly chairman of the most important committees. He was also elected speaker but the Governor, jealous of his rising popularity and liberal principles, put his veto upon the election. He was a man of deep thought, general intelligence and strong mind. He had thoroughly investigated the laws of God, of nature and of man. He well understood that men are endowed by their Creator with certain inherent privileges-that they are born equal and of right are and should be free. He drank largely at the refreshing fountain of liberal principles and was among the first to expose the blind and cruel policy of the . British ministers. He contributed largely in rousing his fellow sufferers to a sense of impending danger. Although deeply interested in commercial business and more exposed to the wrath of kingly power than any individual in the province-he boldly placed himself at the head of the association prohibiting the im- portation of goods from Great Britain. The other provinces caught the patriotic fire from these examples and became prepared to act their part in the tragic scenes that resulted in the emancipation of the pilgrim fathers from monarchical domination. As a mark of special attention to this uncompromising patriot, the first seizure that was made by the revenue officers under pretence of some trivial violation of the laws was one of his vessels. So great was the excitement produced by this impolitic transaction, that large num- bers were speedily collected to rescue the property. It was placed under the guns of an armed ship ready to open a broadside upon any who should dare to reclaim the vessel. Th^ populace rose like a thunder cloud-rushed to the onset-brought away the vessel-razed to the ground some of the buildings occupied by the custom house offi- cers and committed to the flames the boat of the collector. For a time OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 137 this fire was arrested by the strong arm of power but it was never ex- tinguished-it was the fire of Liberty. It only required to be fanned by that ministerial oppression that ultimately blew it into curling flames. To prevent the recurrence of a popular outbreak several regiments of British troops, with all their loathsome vices fresh upon them, were quartered upon the inhabitants. This was like pouring bituminous coal tar upon a lurid flame. The independent spirits of Boston were not to be awed into subjection. The consequences were tragical. On the evening of 5th of March 1770, a party of these soldiers fired upon and killed five and wounded others of the citizens who had collected to manifest their indignation against those they hated more than they feared. Had the town been placed in the terrific cradle of an earth- quake and its foundations moved to the centre, the agitation could not have been greater. Had it been melting before the burning lava of a volcano the commotion could not have been increased. The tolling of bells-the groans of the dying and wounded-the shrieks of mothers, widows and orphans-the flight of soldiers-the rush of the inhabitants- the cry of revenge-popular fury rising into a tornado of vengeance-all combined to create a scene of consternation and horror at which ima- gination recoils, description quails, sympathy trembles, humanity bleeds. It is a commentary, eloquently strong, upon the gross impropriety of quartering soldiers upon citizens-of enforcing civil law by military force-of invading the sanctity of domestic peace and private enjoy- ment. On the following day a meeting was called composed of the concen- trated talent and virtue of Boston. Strong but discreet resolutions were passed. A committee was appointed to wait upon the governor to request him to remove the troops from the town, at the head of which were Samuel Adams and John Hancock. His excellency at first re- fused but finding that discretion was the better part of valor, at once ordered the soldiers to the castle. He also gave a pledge that the offenders should be arraigned and tried and thus restored transient tranquillity. The solemn and imposing ceremony of interring those who were killed was then performed. Their bodies were deposited in the same grave. Tears of sorrow, sympathy, regret and indignation were min- gled with the clods as they descended upon the butchered bodies of those victims of tyranny. For many years the sad event was com- memorated with deep and mournful solemnity. A hymn was sung to their memory and the torch of Liberty re-illumed at their tomb. 18 138 THE SAGES AND HEROES At one of these celebrations during the progress of the Revolution John Hancock delivered the address. A few brief extracts will be read with interest. " Security to the persons and property of the governed is so evi- •dently the design of civil government that to attempt a logical demon- stration of it would be like burning a taper at noonday to assist the sun in enlightening the world. It cannot be either virtuous or honora- ble to attempt to support institutions of which this is not the principal basis. Some boast of being friends to government. I also am a friend to government-to a righteous government, founded upon the principles of reason and justice-but I glory in avowing my eternal enmity to lyranny." He then portrayed vividly the wrongs inflicted by the mother coun- try and urged his fellow citizens to vindicate their injured rights. On speaking of the massacre his language shows the emotions of his heav- ing bosom-the feelings of his noble soul. " I come reluctantly to the transactions of that dismal night, when, in quick succession we felt the extremes of grief, astonishment and rage- when Heaven, in anger, suffered hell to take the reins-when Satan, with his chosen band opened the sluices of New England's blood and sacri- legiously polluted her land with the bodies of her guiltless sons. Let this sad tale be told without a tear-let not the heaving bosom cease to burn with a manly indignation at the relation of it through the long tracts of future time-let every parent tell the story to his listening chil- dren till the tears of pity glistens in their eyes or boiling passion shakes their tender frames." " Dark and designing knaves-murderous parricides ! how dare you tread upon the earth which has drunk the blood of slaughtered innocence shed by your hands ! How dare you breathe that air which wafted to the ear of Heaven the groans of those who fell a sacrifice to your accursed ambition ! ! But if the laboring earth doth not expand her jaws-if the air you breathe is not commissioned to be the minister of death-yet hear it and tremble ! the eye of Heaven penetrates the darkest chambers of the soul and you, though screened from human observation, must be arraigned-must lift up your hands, red with the blood of those whose death you have procured, at the tremendous bar of God." So bold had Mr. Hancock become that the adherents of the crown put every plan and artifice in operation that could be devised to injure him. His worst enemy, the governor, nominated him to the Council, knowing that his acceptance would turn the populace against him. The plan was just as feasible as to think of baking griddle cakes on the moon. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 139 By a prompt refusal he put his enemies to shame and increased the confi- dence the patriots reposed in him. He was at this time Captain of the Governor's Guard and was immediately removed. His company ■was composed of the first citizens of Boston. As a testimony of respect to him the members promptly dissolved. The dread crisis finally came. The war car was put in motion on the heights of Lexington. American blood was again shed by British soldiers. The people heard the dread clarion of Revolution-multitudes rushed to the conflict-the hireling troops fled in confusion-messengers of death met them on the whole route-retribution pressed on them at every corner-the trees and fences were illuminated with streams of fire from the rusty muskets of the native yoemanry and many of Briton's proud sons slumbered in their gore on that eventful day. The watch- word was then fixed— Liberty or Death. On the reception of this news the governor issued his proclamation in the name of his most Christian Majesty, George the III. declaring the , Province in a state of rebellion but graciously offering a pardon to all returning \>Qn\\en{s-excepting John Hancock and Samuel Adams. A secret attempt was made to arrest them but was foiled by information sent by Gen. Warren. They were preserved to aid in the glorious cause they had boldly and nobly espoused and to become shining lights in the blue canopy of FREDDOM-bright examples of patriotism for future generations. Their proscription by the royal governor endeared them still more to the people and their personal friends. They asked no pardon-desired no royal favor. In 1774 Mr. Hancock was unanimously elected President of the Massachussetts Provincial Congress and in 1775 he was called to pre- side over the Continental Congress. It was with great diffidence he accepted this high mark of esteem, many of its members possessing towering talents and were much his seniors in age. He discharged the duties of his station with fidelity, great ability and to the satisfaction of the members and the country. His was the only name affixed to the Declaration of Independence when first published and stands, in bold relievo, at the head of the list of that noble band of fearless patriots who bearded the BritisJi Lion in his den and drove him from Columbia's soil— whose names are enrolled on the historic sunbeams of unfading light, there to remain in living brightness to the remotest ages of time. Impaired in health and worn down by fatigue, Mr. Hancock resigned his responsible station in Congress in October 1777, having presided over that body for two and a half years with a credit highly gratifying to his numerous friends and advantageous to the cause of human rights. 140 THE SAGES AND HEROES Soon after his return he was elected to the convention of his native • state to form a constitution for its government. His talents and experience v^-ere of great service in aiding to produce a truly republican instrument. In 1780 lie was elected the first governor under the new constitution and continued to fill the gubernatorial chair five years when he resigned. At the expiration of two years he was again elected to that oiiice and continued to fill that important station during the remainder of his life. During his administration there were many difficulties to overcorae- many evils to suppress. The devastation of the war had paralyzed every kind of business-reduced thousands from affluence to poverty- polluted the morals of society and left a heavy debt to be liquidated. Conflicting interests were to be reconciled-restless spirits subdued and visionary theories exploded. A faction of 12,000 men threatened to annihilate the new government. Riots were of frequent occurrence-the civil authority was disregarded and it became necessary to call out the military to enforce order. By the prudence, decision and wise conduct ' of the Governor and those acting under him, all difficulties were adjusted-the clamor of the people hushed-order restored and but few lives sacrificed at the shrine of treason. By his firm and determined course the Governor incurred the dis- pleasure of many prominent men for a time-but when reason resumed her station and prosperity alleviated the burdens that had been so strongly felt, their better judgment gained the ascendency, the sour feelings of party spirit lost their rancor-admiration and esteem for his sterUng virtues and useful talents-the long and arduous services he had rendered his State and country-disarmed his enemies of their resentment and produced uniform love and respect. None but those who then lived can fully appreciate the Alpine barriers the patriots had to surmount to preserve the Independence they achieved and reduce to practice the long nursed vision of a Republican goverimient. To recount them would require a volume. Let them slumber in the shades of oblivion. Gov. Hancock was strongly in favor of the adoption of the Federa-. Constitution and left his sick bed in the last week of the session of the Assembly and did much by his advice and influence to induce his State to sanction that important instrument of confederation which has thus far withstood the assaults of demagogues-the thunder gusts of parly spirit and held us in the bonds of Union, strength and power. Para- lyzed be that arm that would cut the smallest fibre of the cord of our UNION. Silenced be that voice that would whisper the word disso- OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 141 lulian even to a zephyr. If we are true to ourselves we are destined to become the greatest nation known to history. We are appointed by the sages and heroes of the Revolution executors in perpetual suc- cession of tlie richest estate ever bequeathed to a nation-LiBERXY in its pristine purity. Let us see well to its preservation that when we meet the testators in the realms of bliss, we may find our account approved and passed in the high court of heaven. John Hancock lived to see prosperity shed the benignant rays of happiness over the broad expanse of the infant republic. He saw her institutions, laws, trade, manufactures, commerce, agriculture-all based on the firm pillars of purchased freedom and eternal justice. His Pierian vision was reduced to a happy reality-he could then die peace- ful and happy. His ill health continued until the 8th of October 1793 when sud- denly and unexpectedly his soul left earth and returned to Him who gave it to join the kindred spirits that had gone before and entered upon the untried realities of the eternal world. Governor Hancock M^'as a man of elegant person and accomplish- ments-amiable and pure in all the private relations of life-highly honorable in all his actions-a polished gentleman in his manners- fashionable in his dress and style of living-charitable and liberal-a friend to the poor-a visitor of the widow and orphan-diligent in busi- ness-open and frank in his disposition-a faithful companion-a con- sistent patriot-an honest man. BENJAMIN HARRISON. Coolness, united with sound discretion, deep penetration, wisdom to plan and energy to execute, is an important quality. In times of high excitement it is indispensably necessary in those who wield the destiny of a community. When the fires of passion, burning in the bosoms of an enraged multitude, unite in one cyclopean volume, the mental rod of cooling discretion is necessary to regulate, guide and direct it to a proper destination. If all were alike charged with boiling desperation in times when angry commotions disturb the public peace, the holiest cause would lose its efficacy and be overwhelmed by the murky waters of fell revenge. The cool deliberations of the first Continental Congress, writhing under the lash of oppression, shed upon it a lustre that attracted the admiration of a gazing world, the smiles of angels and the approval of Heaven. The mother country 142 THE SAGES AND HEROES was left without an excuse or just reason for the continuation of her suicidal course. To the cool and discreet conduct of the Sages and Heroes of the American Revolution we may attribute the liberty we now enjoy. No one among them demonstrated more fully this quality combined with firmness of purpose and boldness of action than Benjamin Har- rison a native of Berkley, Virginia, supposed to have been born about 1730, the precise time not being a matter of record. His family de- scended from a near relative of Gen. Harrison, a bold leader in the revolution of the English Commonwealth who was sacrificed on the scaffold for his liberal principles. This relative settled in Surrey, Vir- ginia, about 1640. His descendants sustained the high reputation of their ancestors and filled many important stations in the colony. It is recorded of Benjamin Harrison, son of the ancestor that located in Surrey, that "he did justice, loved mercy and walked humbly with his God," leaving a memento of character that forms the crowning excellence of human attainments. Benjamin Harrison, the father of young Benjamin now under review, was killed by lightning with two of his daughters. At that time this son was prosecuting his stiidies at the college of William and Mary where he finished his education at an early age. Before he arrived at his majority he had the manage- ment of a large estate left him by his father. As good sense dictated and as in duty bound, he shortly after married Elizabeth, the accom- plished daughter of Col. William Bassett and niece to Lady Wash- ington. She possessed all the high requisites of a wife. Before he arrived at the age then required by law, he was elected to the House of Burgesses and became a leading member. His talents were of the peculiar kind calculated to lead without an apparent de- sire to command. His magic wand was sound discretion coolly and firmly exercised, enlivened by a good humor and sprightliness that mellowed his otherwise stern qualities. Wielding a powerful influence, the creatures of the crown were particularly courteous to him just previous to the revolution and proposed to confer upon him the highest official dignity in the colony-except governor-who must be a native of the mother country. Mr. Harrison was too republican and far seeing to be caught in the silken web of ministerial intrigue or royal cunning. With all his wealth and influence he was a plain common sense man opposed to the pomp of courts and the flourish of high, pretensions. He went for his country and the people. He scorned to be the hireling or slave of a king. As early as 1764 he was on the committee in the House of Burgesses that prepared an address to the OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 143 crown, a memorial to the House of Lords and a remonstrance to the House of Commons of Great Britain predicated upon the Virginia Resohitions anticipating the odious Stamp Act. These documents as reported were then too hard metal in view of a majority in the House and were transmuted to soft solder by the process of political alchemy well understood by the creatures of the king. The time rolled on rapidly when hard metal was made the order of the day. As British oppression increased Virginia indignation kindled to a flame that illuminated the old Doniinion to its utmost bounds. Mr. Harrison was a member of the convention that met at Williamsburg on the 1st of August 1774 and passed a series of strong resolutions in favor of equal rights-sanctioned the measures of opposition adopted by New England and appointed seven delegates to the general Congress, Mr. Harrison being one. The benefits resulting from the labors of that Congress may not now be apparent to many young readers as a deaf ear was turned to the dignified proceedings by the mother country. They were twofold. 1. The true position of the two countries was clearly defined and held up to the world leaving England without au excuse for her subsequent course. 2. A personal acquaintance and free interchange of views served to establish mutual confidence and produced a concert of action between the colonies. On the 20th of March 1775 Mr. Harrison was a member of the convention that met at Richmond and passed the bold resolutions otFered by Patrick Henry. Many had the royal film removed from their eyes at that time and came to the rescue. Anticipating the ap- pointment of delegates to a second Congress, Lord Dunmore issued his proclamation forbidding the procedure affecting to treat the con- vention as a mere bagatelle. Royal proclamations had lost their original efficacy. The delegates were elected, among whom was Mr. Harrison. He repaired to his post which was then more imposing than the year preceeding. A crisis had arrived big with consequences. Amidst the flashes and roar of the gathering storm cool deliberation pervaded his bosom. Mr. Randolph, the President of the first Con- gress being absent, Mr. Hancock was elected to fill the vacancy. When his name was announced he seemed overcome with a modest diffidence and did not move. Mr. Harrison took him in his gigantic arms and placed him in the chair saying-" We will show mother Bri- tain how little we care for her-by making a Massachusetts man our President whom she has excluded from pardon by public proclama- tion." Action-noble and god-like action became the order of that eventful 144 THE SAGES AND HEROES era. Each gale from the north brought tidings of fresh outrages and increasing aggressions on the part of mother Britain. Congress pre- pared for the worst although many of the members turned a wilHng ear to the siren song of peace. Mr. Harrison was one of the committee appointed to devise ways and means for defence and to organize the mihtia throughout the colonies that were represented. After laboring arduously for a month the plan of mihtary operations was reported that carried the American Colonies through the war. Mr. Harrison was the military man of Congress. He had the unlimited confidence of Wash- ington. In September of that year he was one of the committee of three to consult with the Commander-in-chief and with the authorities of the regenerated colonies relative to a preparation for vigorous action. On, the 29th of INovember he was made chairman of the committee of five to take charge of the foreign correspondence. On the 2d of December he was sent to Maryland to aid in organizing a naval armament to repel the predatory warfare of Lord Dunmore along the shores of the Chesa- peake. On the 17th of January 1776 he laid before Congress a plan for the recruiting service which was adopted. On the 21st of the same month he was placed upon the committee to organize the War Depart- ment. On the 23d he went to New York with Messrs. Lynch and Allen to aid Gen. Lee in devising plans and means of defence and for erecting fortifications upon the two confluent rivers. On his return he was placed on the committee for organizing the military departments of the middle and southern Colonies. On the 6th of March he was placed on the Marine Standing Committee-bestowing on him labor in proportion to his physical as well as mental powers. He was found equal to the task imposed. On the 26th of March 1776 Congress published a full preface to the Declaration of Independence, setting forth the contempt with which the petitions, remonstrances and appeals for relief had been treated-portray- ing in lively colors the constitutional and chartered rights of the Ameri- can people and the manner they were trampled under foot and steeped in blood by British hirelings. The same document authorised the colonies to fit out vessels of war to meet the mistress of the seas on her own element. Mr. Harrison was chairman of a committee to select and have fortified one or more ports for the protection of these vessels and such prizes as they might take. In May he was made chairman of the committee on the Canada expedition. After consulting Generals Washington, Gates and Mifflin, he laid a plan of operations before Con- gress which was adopted. On the 2Glh of the same month he was made chairman of a commiitee of fourteen to confer with the general officers OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 145 of the army relative to the plan of operations for the ensuing campaign. When matured he laid it before Congress and during its consideration was chairman of the committee of the whole. With slight amend- ments the report was adopted. On the 15th of June he was made chairman of the Board of War and continued in that important station until he retired from Congress. In his discharge of its duties Judge Peters remarks of him-" He was chairman when I entered upon the duties assigned me in the War Department. This gave me an opportunity of observing his firmness, good sense and usefulness in deliberation and in critical situations and much use indeed was required of these qualities when everything around was lowering and terrific." Mr. Harrison became very popular as chairman of the committee of the whole. If in the House he uniformly presided when important ques- tions were under consideration. He was in the chair during the discus- sion of the Declaration of Independence. He presented the resolution that recommended the formal preparation of that sacred document and on the glorious 4th of July 1776 sealed his heart felt approval with his vote and signature. At the thrilhng moment when the members were signing what many called their death warrant, as the slender Mr. Gerry finished his signature Mr. Harrison pleasantly remarked to him " when the hanging scene commences I shall have all the advantage over you. It will all be over with me in a minute but you will be kicking in the air half an hour after I am gone." During the protracted discussions upon the Articles of Confederation Mr. Harrison was uniformly in the chair. From August to the 5th of November he was engaged in the service of his own state in the formation of the new government when he again returned to his place. He was one of the committee to advise in the movements of the northern army. When the members of Con- gress were compelled to fly from Baltimore to Lancaster, where they remained but one day and from there to York, Pa. he remained firm at his post. The enemies of Liberty predicted a final dissolution but proved false prophets. They even reported that Mr. Harrison was about to desert the American cause. His coolness and deliberation were often made useful in softening down hasty and harsh propositions. When the question was agitated relative to punishing the Quakers he interfered in their behalf In after life one of them often remarked of him-" He saved us from persecution. He had talents to perceive the right and firmness enough to pursue it however violently opposed." At the close of 1777 Mr. Harrison resigned his seat in Congress and returned to the bosom of his family. No one member had performed more labor than him-no one was more highly esteemed and honored. 19 146 THE SAGES AND HEROES He was emphatically a working man-a colossus in the cause of liberty and human rights. He returned home to enjoy repose. This was of bu* short duration. He was immediately elected to the Virginia Legislature and made -Speaker, which station he ably filled for five consecutive years. During that period the revolutionary storm spent its fury upon the Old Dominion. The traitor Arnold and the tyrant Cornwallis were tinging its streams and saturating its soil with the blood of its noble sons. Fire, sword, murder, rapine, ruin and destruction marked their savage course. Her legislature was driven from Richmond to Charlotteville-to Staunton- to the Warm Springs and found but a transient rest at either place. During these rapid removes Mr. Harrison remained cool, collected and firm and was prolific in the best measures to ward off impending dangers. He did much to rouse the people to action and dispel the terrors of their minds. He knew no " fugitive fear"-the assertion of another writer to the contrary notwithstanding and without any foundation in fact, for the purpose of raising his own hero above his proper level by climbing upon the shoulders of the towering reputation of Mr. Harrison. This fictitious capital will not answer even at this late day. Records speak for the dead in a voice that paralyzes the slanderer like the hand writing that shook the sturdy frame of Belshazzar. In 1782 Mr. Harrison was elected Governor of Virginia and assumed a herculean task. The recent devastations of the British army aided by tories who remained on the soil, had thrown everything into one chaotic mass. He entered upon the discharge of his duties with an energy that showed no " fugitive fear" and became one of the most popular chief magistrates that ever filled the gubernatorial chair of the Old Dominion. He was re-elected twice and was then inelhgible by the constitution and once more sought retirement, Without his knowledge or consent he was immediately after nominated for the le- gislature and for the first time defeated. This was effected by a cun- ning device of his opponent. When Governor he had ordered the militia to level the embankments at Yorktown which was the first and last unpopular act of his life. This was the political hobby-horse on which his opponent gained the race. Mr. Harrison removed into the adjoining county of Surry and was returned to the same Legislature with his successful competitor. To add to the chagrin of his oppo- nents he was elected Speaker of the House. Before the year expired he was urged to return to his former residenee. Old age and declining health induced him to permanently retire from public life. In 1788 he was a member of the Convention of his State to which the Federal Constitution was submitted and was chairman of the first OF THE AMERICAN KEVOLUTION. 147 committee — that of privileges and elections. He opposed the docu- ment in some of its details as being too indefinite in definmg the powers of the General and State Governments but approved U as a whole with certain amendments that were returned with it. So strong was the opposition to its adoption by nearly half of the delegates that this large minority held a private meeting in the night for the purpose of adopting plans of opposition that were calculated to produce the most fatal consequences. Fortunately this cool and deliberate patri- arch of Liberty gained admittance and prevailed upon them to submit to the majority of nine and pursue the legal remedy for obtaining amendments after it became the law of the land. This noble and patriotic act formed the crowning glory of his public career. In 1790 he was nominated for Governor but declined serving and used his utmost influence in favor of Mr. Randolph and induced his own son to vote against him who was a member of the House which elected the Chief Magistrate. Mr. Randolph was unpopular with some of the members who were confident of defeating him could they prevail upon Mr. Harrison to consent to be used as a party man. His Roman integrity and influence prevailed and Mr. Randolph was made Governor. During the next year his health declined rapidly. Shortly after his unanimous election to the Legislature he was prostrated by a severe attack of the gout which terminated his long- and useful life in April 1791, leaving a large family of children to mourn the loss of a kind father-his country to lament the exit of a favorite son and noble patriot. He was the father of the late President Harrison who sur- vived just one month after his inauguration. Mr. Harrison was a man of great muscular power-above the mid- dle height, graceful but plain in his manners with an intelligent coun- tenance indicating strength of mind and decision of character. During the latter part of his life he became quite corpulent in consequence of a quiet mind and good dinners. His private character was above reproach. His wit and humor made him a pleasant companion-his intelligence and good sense made him an instructive one. His cool head, good heart, sound judgment and agreeable temperament made him an important public servant just suited to the times in which he lived. Were all our legislators of the present day like him-fanaticism and ultraism could not flourish-our UNION would be safe. 148 THE SAGES AND HEROES JOHN HART. No occupation is so well calculated to rivet upon the heart a love of country as that of agriculture. No profession is more honorable-but few are as conducive to health and above all others it insures peace, tranquillity and happiness. A calling independent in its nature- it is calculated to produce an innate love of Liberty. The farmer stands upon a lofty eminence and looks upon the bustle of mechanism, the din of commerce and the multiform perplexities of the various lite- rary professions, with feelings of personal freedom unknown to them. He acknowledges the skill and indispensable necessity of the first-the enterprise and usefulness of the second-lhe wide spread benefits of the last-then turns his mind to the pristine quiet of his agrarian domain and covets not the fame that clusters around them all. His opportuni- ties for intellectual improvement are superior to the two first and in many respects not inferior to the last. Constantly surrounded by the varied beauties of nature and the never ceasing harmonious operation of her laws-his mind is led to contemplate the wisdom of the great Architect of worlds. The philosophy of the universe is constantly pre- senting new phases to his enraptured view. Aloof from the commov- ing arena of public life but made acquainted with what is passing there through the medium of the magic PRESs-he is able to form deliberate opinions upon the various topics that concern the good and glory of his country. In his retired domicil he is less exposed to that coiTupt and corrupting party spirit that is raised by the whirlwind of selfish ambi- tion and often rides on the tornado of faction. Before he is roused to a participation in violent commotions he hears much, reflects deeply, re- solves nobly. When the oppression of rulers becomes so intolerable as to induce the yeomanry of a country to leave their ploughs and peaceful firesides and draw the avenging sword-let them beware and know the day of retribution is at hand. Thus it was at the commencement of the American Revolution. When the implements of husbandry were exchanged for those of war and the farmers joined in the glorious cause of Liberty, the fate of England's power over the Colonies was hermetically sealed. The con- centrated phalanx of commingling professions was irresistible as an avalanche in the full plenipotence of force. Among the patriots of that eventful era who left their ploughs ana rushed to the rescue was John Hart, born at Hopewell, Hunterdon County, N. J. about the year 1715. The precise time of his birth is OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 149 not a matter of record-his acts in the cause of Liberty are. He was the son of Edward Hart, a brave and efficient officer who aided the mother country in the conquest of Canada and participated in the epic laurels that were gained by Wolfe on the heights of Abraham. He raised a volunteer corps under the cognomen of Jersey Blues-an ap- pellation still the pride of Jerseymen. He fought valiantly and was recompensed with praise-not the gold of the mother country. John Hart was an extensive farmer, a man of strong mind improved by reading and reflection, ever ambitious to excel in his profession. In Deborah Scudder he found an amiable and faithful wife. In the affec- tions and good conduct of a liberal number of sons and daughters he found an enjoyment which bachelors may affect to disdain but for which they often sigh. Eden's fair bowers were dreary until Heaven's first best gift to man was there. Known as a man of sound judgment, clear perception, liberal views and pure motives, John Hart was called to aid in public business long before the Revolution. For twenty years he had served in various stations and was often a member of the legislature. He took a deep interest in the local improvements necessary in a new country. He was a warm advocate for education, was liberal in donations to semi- naries of learning. He was a friend to social order and did much to produce an equilibrium in the scales of justice. In organizing the mu- nicipal government of his county he rendered essential service. He looked on public business as a duty to to be performed when required- not as a political hobby-horse to ride upon. The public men of that day said but little. They despatched business promptly with an eye single to the general good. Sinecures were unknown-office hunters few and far between. Industry, frugality and economy in public and private matters were marked characteristics of the pilgrim fathers. Golden days ! when will ye return in the majesty of your innocence and banish from our land the enervating follies, the poisonous weeds, the impugning evils that augur the destruction of our far famed Republic. Mr. Hart was quick to discern the encroachments of the British ministry upon the chartered and constitutional rights of the colonies and prompt to resist them. The passage of the Stamp Act on the 22d of March 1765 was followed by a commotion that indicated a slender tenure of kingly power in America. This odious Act was repealed on the 18th of March 1776. But the ministerial alchemists were madl.y bent on new experiments. The colonists had borne the yoke of artful and increasing restrictions upon their trade and industry for fifty years. 150 THE SAGES AND HEROES It was presumed iheir necks were hardened so as to bear a heavier burden. Deluded alchemists-they little understood the kind of meta. put in their crucible. Direct taxation without representation was no part of the English constitution. This violation could not be tamely submitted to. The second edition of the revenue plan revised and ste- reotyped in 1767 by Charles Townshend, Chancellor of the Exchequer, imposing a duty on glass, paper, pasteboard, tea and painters' colors- kindled a flame in the Colonies that no earthly power could quench. Public meetings against the measure-resolutions of the deepest censure, remonstrances of the strongest character, arguments of the most con- clusive logic were hurled back upon the ministry. Boston harbor was converted into a teapot and all the tea afloat used at one drawing. Non-importation agreements, committees of safety, preparations for defence, non-intercourse, bloodshed, war and Independence followed. In all these movements Mr. Hart concurred and firmly opposed the en- croachments of the crown. In 1774 he was elected to Congress and entered upon the high duties of his station with a deep sense of the responsibilities that rested upon that body at that particular time. Mild, deliberate, cautious, dis- creet and firm in his purposes-he became an important member in carrying out the measures then contemplated-reconciliation and a restoration of amity. On the 10th of May 1775 he again took his place in Congress. The cry of blood, shed on the 19th of the pre- ceding April at Lexington, had infused a spirit among the members widely different from that which pervaded their minds at the previous meeting. It was then that the cool deliberation of such men as Mr. Hart was indispensable. Tiie ardor and impetuosity of youth had passed away-propositions and arguments were placed in the balance of reason. Causes, effects, objects, ends, plans, means, consequences- all were put in the scales of justice and honestly weighed. In this manner every act was performed with clean hands, the cause of Liberty honored, prospered and crowned with triumphant success. At this time Mr. Hart was a member and Vice President of the Assembly of New Jersey and shortly after had the proud satisfaction of aiding m the funeral obsequies of the old government and joined in the festivi- ties of forming a new one upon the broad platform of republicanism. On the 14th of February 1776 he was again elected to the Conti nental Congress and when the Chart of Liberty was presented he care- fully examined its bold physiognomy-pronounced its points, features, landmarks, delineations and entire combinations wortliy of freemen gave it his vote, his signature and his benediction. At the close of th* OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 151 session he retired from public life and declined a re-election. As he anticipated, the British drove away his family, destroyed his property and after he returned hunted him from place to place and several times had him so nearly cornered that his escape seemed impossible. His exposure in eluding the pursuit of the relentless foe brought on illness that terminated his life in 1780. He was a worthy member of the Baptist church-a devoted Christian-an honest man. PATRICK HENRY. Genius is one of the indefinable attributes of man. We may think, see, talk and write upon this noble quality, rehearse its triumphant achievements, its magic wonders, its untiring efforts-but what is genius ? that's the question-one that none but pedants will attempt to answer. The thing, the moving cause, the modus operandi can no more be comprehended and reduced to materiality than the spirit that animates our bodies. The man who can do this can analyze the tor- nado, put the thunder cloud in his breeches pocket and quaff lightning for a beverage. Metaphysicians, physiologists and craniologists may put on their robes of mystery, arm each eye with a microscope, each finger with the acutest phrenological sensibility, whet up all their men- tal powers to the finest keenness, strain their imagination to its utmost tension, tax specnlation one hundred per cent, and then call to their aid the brightest specimens of this occult power-the combined force could not weave a web and label it genius that would not be an insult to common sense. Genius is the essential oil of mental power. No frost can freeze it, no fog can mildew it, no heat can paralyze it, no potentate can crush it. In all countries and climes it springs up spon- taneously but flourishes most luxuriantly and attains a more perfect symmetry and greater strength when nurtured by intelligence and free- dom. So versatile is this concentrated essence of mental power that we can form no rule to pre-deterraine its personal locality, its time of development, its measure of strength or the extent of its orbit. Like a blazing meteor-it bursts suddenly upon us as in the darkness of night, illuminating the world and like the lightning thunder bolt- shivers every obstacle that stands in its way. Thus it was with Patrick Henry born at Studley, Hanover County. Virginia, on the 29th of May 1736. His father was a highly reputa- ble Txian of Scotch descent-his mother was the sister of Judge Wins- ton who was justly celebrated as an eloquent speaker. During hi» 152 THE SAGES AND HEROES childhood and youth Patrick was remarkable for indolence and a love Df recreation. He arrived at manhood with a limited education an Trinity Church in Boston. He was a man of high accomplishments, a finished scholar, a learned theologian, an eloquent preacher, a devoted Christian, a useful and beloved pastor. Being of a slender constitution William received the first rudiments of his education from his father. At the age of seven he entered the school of Mr. Lovell where he remained eight years. He then became a student of Harvard University. His talents were of a high order-his industry untiring. JTe was ever averse to tleeting pleasures and trifling amusements. During vacation he explored his father's library instead of indulging in a relaxation from study and mingling in the convivial circle. He had a great taste for the classics and belles lettres. He paid close attention to elocution and composition. He aimed at refinement in everything. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 183 He graduated in 1760 and commenced the study of law under James Otis one of the most distinguished counsellors of that time. From the piety he had exhibited from his youth his father had hoped he would incline to the pulpit but freely yielded to his choice. He was a thorough law student and was admitted to the Bar richly laden with the elements of his profession. By several wealthy connections residing in Wilming- ton, North Carolina, he was induced to locate at that place where he soon obtained a lucrative business. To convince the people that he con- templated a permanent residence and a fulfilment of all the noble designs of his creation-he married Anna Clark, a lady of unusual accomplishments, strength of mind and high attainments. His legal fame rose rapidly upon a substantial basis. In 1768 he was employed to conduct several important public trials which he managed with so much skill and address as to place him in the first rank of able advocates. He was treated with marked attention by Governors Tryon and Martin and by Chief Justice Howard. His estimable character, superior talents and extensive influence were worth securing for their royal master. The ulterior object they had in view it required no Daniel to interpret. Mr. Hooper was one who had no price. He was not a man of principle according to his personal interest but a noble patriot of the first water. He had received his legal education in Boston where the designs of the British ministers had been probed for years. He had imbibed liberal views, was a friend to equal rights and had planted himself upon the firm basis of eternal justice from which flattery could not seduce or dangers drive him. Previous to the Revolution he gave a sample of his moral and per- sonal courage worthy of record. In 1766 a danf^orous association was formed in North Carolina called Regulators-composed mostly of poor, ignorant, desperate men who were led by those of more intelli- gence but with baser hearts who promised them large rewards in the end. They had increased so rapidly that in 1770 they amounted to three thousand. They opposed the civil authorities-drove the judges from the bench, committed personal outrages and threatened to destroy all order, defying civil and military power. Mr. Hooper took a bold stand against them-advised a prompt attack by the military-his plan was approved-a severe battle ensued-the insurgents were dispersed and quiet restored. In 1773 he was elected to the Assembly of his province at the very time the creatures of the crown attempted to throw a ministerial coil around the people. In William Hooper they found a troublesome customer-a bold, fearless, eloquent, un- compromising opponent to their schemes of tyranny. In the legis- 184 THE SAGES AND HEROES lative hall he met them with unanswerable arguments. By a series of essays he spread their designs before the people. He was no longer flattered by the crown officers but became a favorite with those he esteemed more highly-the people who returned him again to the Assembly. A question came before that body that tested the powers of Mr. Hooper. The statute creating the judiciary had expired. In framing a new one an attempt was made to model it so as to meet the designs of the British cabinet. So powerful was the influence of this friend of the people that he kept his opponents at bay and the province was a year without courts. He was then fully before his constituents the champion of equal rights. By the people he stood approved and admired. On the 25th of August he was elected to the general Congress in which he rendered efficient services. He was one of the important committee that prepared a statement of the rights of the colonies, the manner these rights had been infringed and the most probable means of effecting their restoration. He was one of the committee that reported the statutes that affected the trade and manufactures of the colonies. Upon the report of these two committees the proceedings of that Congress were based which raises a fair presumption that the very best men were placed upon them. The next year he was re- turned to Congress and was chairman of a committee to prepare an address to the people of Jamaica relative to British oppression. It was written by him in a bold and vigorous style and proved conclu- sively that ministerial insolence was lost in ministerial barbarity-that resistance or slavery had become the issue. On the 12th of June 1775 Mr. Hooper offered the following pream- ble and resolution which were passed by Congress, corroborating the intimation in the exordium to this article. " It is at all times an indispensable duty devoutly to acknowledge the superintending providence of the great Governor of the world, especially in times of impending danger and public calamity-to rever- ence and adore His immutable justice as well as to implore his mer- ciful interposition for our deliverance-therefore Resolved-That it is recommended by Congress that the people of the American Colonies observe the 20th day of July next as a day of public humiHation, fasting and prayer." The zeal and exertions of this ardent patriot in the glorious cause of freedom were constant and vigorous. He served industriously in committee rooms and was greatly esteemed as a forcible debater in the House. In the spring of 1776 he was a member of the conventions OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION- 185 that convened at Hillsborough and Halifax in N. C. and was one of the leading and most eloquent speakers. He also prepared an address to the people of the British empire which was written with great nerve and energy. He then took his seat in Congress and boldly sup- ported the Declaration of Independence. He had long been convinced of its necessity and rejoiced to find his views so warmly supported by the ablest men of that eventful era. When the thrilling moment arrived to take the final question his vote and signature sanctioned the bold measure. In February 1777 he obtained leave of absence from Congress and returned to his family. When the news of the defeat of Washington at Germantown reached him he was surrounded by a circle of his friends who seemed dismayed at the intelligence. He rose calmly from his seat and earnestly remarked-" We have been disappointed but now that we have become the assailants there can be no doubt of the issue." Before his return from Congress his property at Wilming- ton had suffered from royal vengeance. His personal safety was ther in jeopardy-he was compelled to flee to the interior to avoid the hemp. His family had removed several times. He and all the signers had made arrangements with the French minister to remove to one of the French West India islands in the event of the failure to maintain Inde- pendence. He did not return to Wilmington until it was evacuated by the enemy in 1781. During his absence his family remained ex- posed to the proverbial insults of his Christian majesty's officers and soldiers. He remained in the province for the purpose of rousing the people to action and was an efficient member of the new government. In 1782 he removed to Hillsborough for the purpose of resuscitating his long neglected private affairs and again took his place at the Bar. In 1786 he was appointed by Congress a member of the court organ- ized to determine the controversy between New York and Massachu- setts relative to disputed territory which was amicably settled by the parties. Mr. Hooper continued to aid in the legislation of his adopted state and pursue his profession until 1787 when his health became impaired which compelled him to retire from public life and the bar and seek that repose in domestic enjoyment that had always been more conge- nial to his mind than public stations however lofty. In his retirement he carried with him the esteem of his fellow citizens and the gratitude of a nation of freemen. Not a blemish soiled the bright escutcheon of his public character or private reputation. He had served his country faithfully and sacrificed his fortune on the altar of liberty. With the 24 186 THE SAGES AND HEROES strictest fidelity he had discharged tiie duties of husband, father, Inend. citizen, lawyer, patriot, statesman. From the high eminence of con- scious integrity he looked down upon a life well spent. With the eyes of faith he looked forward to a crown of unfading glory. In October 1790 he closed his eyes in death and returned to the bosom of that God whom to fear is the beginning of wisdom. Dear relatives, ardent friends and a grateful nation mourned his premature death. Mr. Hooper was of the middle height, slender and elegant in form, gentle- manly and engaging in his manners, with strangers rather reserved, with his friends frank and familiar, free from affectation, of a serious turn, at all times candid and sincere. His countenance beamed with intelligence and benignity, his powers of conversation were pleasing, instructive, chaste and classical. His habits were in strict accordance with the religion he exemplified. His disposition was benevolent, hos- pitable and kind. As a public speaker he was eloquent, logical, per- suasive, sometimes sarcastic. As a whole he was among the best spe- cimens of man as he comes from the clean hands of the Creator. Whilst we admire his virtues let us imitate his examples. SAMUEL HUNTINGTON. Consistency is the crowning glory of meritorious fame. It is a bright jewel in the escutcheon of a name. It sheds a radiating lustre over the actions of men. " Be consistent" was a Roman motto and once guided its sages, heroes and literati in the path of duty-the surest path of safety. Consistency dignifies the man and prepares him for noble and god-like deeds. It is based upon wisdom and discretion-the pilot and helm of the bark of life in navigating the ocean of time. Without it the breakers of chaos, the sand bars of folly-the rocks of disaster cannot be avoided. Without it the brightness of other talents and attainments of a high order are often eclipsed by the clouds of error and obscured by the breath of ridicule. With it-mediocrity shines and enables the plough-boy of the field-the mill-boy of the slashes-the apprentice of the shop to reach the pinnacle of enduring fame and leave the indiscreet classical scholar to sink into a useless gilded ornament in the world. Dr. Young has truly said-" With the talents of an angel a man may be a fool." Consistency is susceptible of cultivation and should be kindly and earnestly pressed upon youth by parents and teachers. It is of more importance than the entire con- OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 187 tents <)f the magazine of classic lore combined with an eloquence thai could move the world of mankind. The sages of the American Revolution were remarkable for con- sistency. Many of them rose from the humble walks of life to emi- nence by the force of their own exertions guided by this darling attri- bute and became the most useful men of that eventful epoch. Among this class Samuel Huntington held a respectable rank. He was born on the 2d of July 1732 at Windham, Connecticut. He was the son of Nathaniel Huntington a plain farmer, who gave this son only a common English education whilst three of the others graduated at Yale College, all of whom became ministers of the gospel, one of them attaining a fair eminence as a theological writer. Their pious mother led them to the pure fountain of gospel truth and had the pleasure of seeing the four walking hand in hand towards the goal of unfading joy. Samuel followed the plough until he was twenty-two years of age. He was remarkable for industry and sterling honesty. He was an exten- sive reader and a close observer of men and things. His native talent was strong, his judgnient clear, his reflections deep. From his child- hood to his grave consistency chastened every action. This was his strong forte and insured his success through life. It was a passport beyond the power of a college to give. Samuel Huntington went from the plough to the study of law in his father's house, loaning books from Zedekiah Elderkin of the Norwich bar. With astonishing rapidity he mastered the elementary books- was admitted and opened an oflice in his native town. His reputation as an honest and consistent man was already on a firm basis. His fame as a safe counsellor and able advocate soon added another story to this superstructure. He did not aim at Ciceronean power or De- mosthenean eloquence but closely imitated Solon and Socrates. His manner was plain but marked by a deep sincerity that seldom fails to impress the minds of a court and jury favorably-often foiling the most brilliant displays of forensic eloquence. With his other strong quali- ties he combined the motive power of business-puNcxuALixY. Although he had gained a lucrative practice in his native town he removed to Norwich in 1760 where a wider field opened before him. Carrying out the principle of consistency, in 1762 he emerged from the lonely regions of celibacy with Martha, the accomplished daughter of Ebe- nezer Devotion and entered the delightful bowers of matrimony-thus giving him and her an importance in society unknown to single bles- sedness. Martha proved an amiable companion-blending the accom- 188 THE SAGES ANl; HEROES plishments of a lady, the industry of a housewife, the economy that en- riches, the dignity of a matron-the piety of a Christian. In 1764 Mr. Huntington was elected to the Assembly and made a very efficient member. In 1765 he was appointed king's attorney and performed the duties of that office until the pestiferous atmosphere of monarchical oppression drew him from under the dark mantle of a cor- rupt and impolitic ministry. In 1774 he was elevated to the bench of the Superior Court and the next year was a member of the Council of his state. When the all important subject of American rights and British wrongs came under discussion he threw the whole force of his influence in favor of the cause of equal rights. In October 1775 he took his seat in the Continental Congress and became a prominent and useful member. In January following he again took his seat in the Hall of Independence and fearlessly advocated the necessity of cutting the Gordian knot that held the Colonies to England. The solemnity of his manner, the strong force of his reasoning, the lucid demonstra- tions of his propositions and the unvarnished sincerity of his patriotism- were calculated to carry conviction to every heart and impart confi- dence to the wavering and timid. He was present at the birth of our nation on the 4th of July 1776 and aided in presenting the admired infant at the sacred font of Liberty and became a subscribing witness to the imposing ceremonies of that eventful day. He was continued in Congress until 1781 when ill health compelled him to retire for a season. He was a man of great industry, honesty of purpose, profound re- search, clearness of perception and had acquired a large fund of prac- tical knowledge. Human nature he had studied closely. He was well versed in general business, political economy, principles of government and rules of legislation which gave him a place upon important com- mittees. He succeeded Mr. Jay as President of Congress and so ably discharged the duties of that responsible station that when compelled to retire from ill health a vote of thanks was placed upon the record. Hoping that he might be able to return the chair was not permanently filled for a long time. During a part of the interim of his absence from Congress he presided on the bench and was a short time in Council. In 1783 he returned to Congress and at the termination of the session declined a re-election. He had aided in finishing the mighty work ot national frecdom-the star spangled banner was floating in the breeze of Liberty-his country had triumphed over a merciless foe-her politi- f'al regeneration had been consummated-America was disenthralled and ne desired retirement from public life. This he was not pennitif.d OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 189 lo enjoy. In 1784 he was appointed Chief Justice of his state-the en- suing year Lieutenant Governor and the next year was elected Gover- nor of Connecticut, which office he held until the 5th of January 1796, when death took him from earth and its toils. He had lived the life of the righteous man-his last end was like his. He was a ripe shock full of corn-uniformly beloved in life-deeply mourned in death. Mr. Huntington was a man of middle stature, dark complexion, keen eyes, countenance expressive, with a deportment calculated to make a favorable impression at first sight. In his life we find much to admire- nothing to condemn. His superior virtues and uniform consistency eclipsed the frailties of his nature. In the performance of all the duties of public and private life he was a model worthy of the closest imita- tion. From the plough in the field through his bright career to the presidential chair in Congress-to the chief magistracy of his own state- his every action was marked with consistency. His fame is based upon substantial merit-he rendered his name dear to every freeman. The history of his examples should exercise a salutary influence over the mind of every reader capable of appreciating the high importance of being consistent in all things and of perpetuating our UNION through all time. WILLIAM IRVINE. MoBocRACY is a fearful spirit that is roused to action by a greater variety of elements than either of the unfortunate propensities of human nature. Based upon the boiling anger of those -who put this ball in motion-reason is dethroned-reflection paralyzed-justice unheeded- mercy banished-the laws disregarded-power defied. It is the volcano of human society-the earthquake of social order-the whirlpool of bru- tality-the vortex of destruction. It is fanned by fell revenge-inflamed with burning fury -propelled by reckless impulse-delights in human gore-revels in demoniac confusion-rides on the tornado of faction- snuffs the whirlwind of discord and provokes the indignation of all peaceful citizens. Occasions, rarely occur to justify these sudden demonstrations of dis- order and more rarely result in good. Deliberate action is usually the best to remedy evils that exist in fact-most certainly the best to cure those that are only imaginary. Thus reasoned the Sages and Heroes of the American Revolution and governed themselves accordingly. After petitions and entreaties for redress failed to remove the wrongs 190 THE SAGES AND HEROES heaped upon ihem-a systematic and dignified mode of resistance was adopted-not mobocracy. They could then appeal to Heaven for the justice of their cause and elicited the admiration of gazing nations in the course they pursued. Among those who put forth their noblest exertions to advance the interests of the cause of equal rights was William Irvine who was born near Enniskillen, Ireland, in 1742. His ancestors removed from the north of Scotland to the Emerald Isle. His grandfather was an officer in the corps of grenadiers that fought so desperately at the battle of the Boyne. The grandfather of General Wayne was a brave officer in the same service. The noble descendants of both were in the same corps in the glorious cause of American Independence. After completing his school education Mr. Irvine became a student of the celebrated Dr. Cleghorn and proved to be an excellent surgeon and physician. On the completion of his studies he was appointed a surgeon on board a British man of war where he served for several years with great diligence and success. In 1763 he came to America and located at Carlisle, Pennsylvania. His eminent talents-professional acquirements and large experience, soon gained for him a liberal prac- tice and proud reputation. Having no innate love for mother Britain, he was prepared to meet the fearful crisis of the American Revolution, There were numerous powerful influences in Pennsylvania adverse to war with England. There was a large number of the Society of Friends opposed to war under all circumstances, although quick to seize the benefits resulting from it. The Proprietary interests were very extensive and in favor of the crown. To rouse the people to resistance was a herculean task. In this work Mr. Irvine was active and successful. He was a member of the several preliminary conven- tions in the colony and became extensively influential in preparing the people for action. In January 1776 he was commissioned to raise and command a regi- ment which duty he performed promptly. On the 10th of the following June he joined Gen. Thompson's brigade with his troops near the vil- lage of Trois Rivieres. A disastrous attack was immediately made upon the vanguard of the British army stationed at that place. Gen. Thompson, Col. Irvine and near two hundred subordinate officers and privates were taken prisoners and sent to Quebec. An exchange was not effected until April 1778. On his return Gen. Irvine was put in command of the second Pennsylvania brigade and continued in that position until 1781. He was then transferred to Pittsburgh and assigned to the important and delicate duty of guarding the north-western fron- KVORAVEO Br r.B IfELCH.FBOMA FOnitmTBr C STUAHJ OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 191 tier. It was important because difficult to obtain supplies and was menaced with British and Indians. It was delicate because there ex- isted strong animosities between the first inhabitants of that region and those from Western Virginia who claimed the territory occupied. Under these circumstances the appointment was a high compliment from the sagacious Washington. The happy results were a strong eulogy upon the wisdom of both. Gen. Irvine succeeded in reconciling the two contending factions-brought order out of confusion and restored harmony and good feeling among those who had long been at vari- ance. This augmented his strength against the enemy and increased the confidence of the people in that entire section of country. He was continued in that command until the war closed and the star spangled banner waved triumphantly over the United States of America. In 1786 Gen. Irvine was elected to Congress and proved an efficient and valuable member. He was active and useful in the board to settle the accounts between the states and the general government. He was a member of the Pennsylvania convention that sanctioned the Federal Constitution. In 1796 he was one of the commissioners who were despatched to visit the whiskey boys and endeavor to bring them back to reason, duty and safety. When it became necessary to order out a military force to quell the insurrection Gen. Irvine was put in com- mand of the Pennsylvania troops. A short time after he rendered this last service in the tented field he removed to Philadelphia. He there received the appointment of In- tendant of military stores which office was subsequently long and ably filled by his son Callender. He was also President of the Society of Cincinnati. Peacefully and calmly Gen. Irvine glided down the stream of time until the summer of 1804 when he closed his active and useful career and took his departure for " that country from whose bourne no traveller returns." He had lived highly respected-his death was deeply mourned. His public and private reputation were untarnished-he per- formed all the duties of life nobly and fulfilled the great design of his creation. THOMAS JEFFERSON. Genuine moral courage is a sterling virtue-the motive power of the true dignity of man. It invigorates the mind like a refreshing dew falling gently on the flowers of spring. It is a heavenly spark- animating the immortal soul with the fire of purity that illuminates 192 THE SAGES AND HEROES ibe path of rectitude. It is an attribute that opposes all wrong and propels its possessor right onward to the performance of all right. Based on virtue and equity, it spurns vice in all its borrowed and de- lusive forms. It courts no servile favors-fears no earthly scrutiny. No flattery can seduce it-no eclat allure-no bribe purchase-no tyrant awe-no misfortune bend-no intrigue corrupt-no adversity crush-no tortures can subdue it. On its breastplate is inscribed in bold relievo- Fiat justitia-ruat codum. [Let justice be done though the heavens fall.] Without it, fame is ephemeral-renown transient. It is the saline basis of a good name that gives enduring richness to its memory. It is a pillar of light to revolving thought-the polar star that points to duty, secures merit and leads to victory. It is the soul of reason-the essence of wisdom-the crowning glory of mental power. It was this that nerved the leaders of the American Revolution to noble and god- like action. In the front rank of this band of patriots stood Thomas Jefferson, who was born at Shadwell, Albemarle County, Virginia, on the 24th of April 1743. His ancestors were among the early pioneers of the Old Dominion and highly respectable. They were Republicans to the core-in affluent circumstances and exercised an extensive and happy influence. Thomas was the son of Peter Jefferson, a man much esteemed in public and private life. The liberal feelings imbibed from him by this son were conspicuous at an early age. From his childhood the mind of Thomas Jefferson assumed a high elevation took a broad and expansive view of men and things. He was educated at the college of Wilham and Mary and was always found at the head of his class. Untiring industry in the ex- ploration of the fields of science marked his collegiate career. He analyzed every subject he investigated, passing through the opening avenues of literature with astonishing celerity. His mind became enraptured with the history of classic Greece and republican Rome. Improving upon the suggestions of liberal principles found in the clas- sics, he early matured his political creed and opposed every kind of government tinctured with the shadow of monarchy, hierarchy or aristocracy. After completing his collegiate course he commenced the study of law under Chancellor Wythe, whose liberal views were calculated to mature and strengthen those already preponderating in the mind of Jefferson. With regard to the oppressions of the mother country-the justice and necessity of resistance by the Colonies, their kindred hearts OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 193 Deat in unison. By a thorough investigation of the principles of law and government, Jefferson became rapidly prepared to enter upon the great theatre of public life-the service of his injured country. Plant- ing himself upon the broad basis of Magna Charta-encircling himself within the pale of the British Constitution-he demonstrated most clearly that the ministry of the crown had long been rapidly advanc- ing beyond the bounds of their legitimate authority-exercising a tyranny over the Colonies not delegated to them by the constitution of the monarchy they represented. So luminous were his expositions of chartered rights on the one hand and accumulating wrongs on the other, that he became the nucleus of a band of patriots resolved on LIBERTY OR DEATH. At the age of twenty-two he was elected to the legislature which enabled him to disseminate his liberal principles throughout the Colony. He proclaimed himself the unyielding advocate of equal rights and had engraved upon his watch seal-" Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God." By his eloquence and unanswerable arguments he kindled the flame of opposition in old Virginia which increased as tyranny advanced. In 1769 a resolution was passed by the legisla- ture-wo^ to import a single article from Great Britain. In the advocacy of this proposition by Mr. Jefferson, the adherents of the crown were astonished at the boldness and firmness with which he exposed and laid bare the venal corruption of the British cabinet. It gave a fresh impetus to the cause of Liberty just bursting into life. With ample pecuniary means-with talents equal to the work he had undertaken, his soul illuminated with the fire of patriotism-his indig- nation roused against the hirelings of the king-his sympathies excited by the sufferings of his country-his moral courage raised to the zenith of its glory-Mr. Jefferson was amply armed for the conflict and be- came one of the master spirits of the Revolution-a gigantic champion of universal freedom-a pillar of fire, flashing terror and dismay into the ranks of the foe. He wrote " A Summary View of the Rights of British America"- addressed it to the king respectfully but very plainly pointed to the true position of the two countries and the final result of the policy of minis- ters. The following is an extract. " Open your breast, sire, to liberal end expanded thought. It behooves you to think and act for your people. The great principles of right and wrong are legible to every reader. To perceive them needs not the aid of many counsellors. The whole art ef government consists in the art of being honest." The art of being ho?iest in matters of government is a knotty problem 25 194 THE SAGES AND HEROES for some modern politicians to solve. Were they all honest a political millennium would illuminate our country-bring us back to primitive tangible landmarks and unmask multitudes of political vi^olves cun- ningly dressed in sheep's clothing. "So exasperated was Lord Dunmore on perusing this article from the pen of Jefferson that he threatened to arrest him for high treason. Finding most of the members of the legislature, then in session, quite as treasonable in their views he at once dissolved that body. The following year the British ministry, in answer to petitions for redress of grievances, sent to the legislature of the Old Dominion a series of propositions that they termed conciliatory but which added insult to injury. Their fallacy was exposed by Mr. Jefferson in such a masterly strain of eloquent burning logic and sarcasm, that conviction was carried to a large majority of his colleagues. They were referred to a committee which reported an answer written by him and was very similar to the Declaration of Independence. This reply was immedi- ately adopted. The ball of resistance was put in motion-the electric fluid of patriotism commenced its insulating powers in the north and south-extending from sire to son, from heart to heart, until the two streams of fire met in the centre-then rising in grandeur, formed the luminous arch of Freedom-its chord extending from Maine to Geor- gia-its versed sine resting on the city of Penn. Under its zenith at Philadelphia, Mr. Jefferson took his seat in the Continental Congress on the 21st of June 1775. Although one of the youngest members of that venerated assembly of patriotic sages, he was hailed as one of its main pillars. Known as a man of superior intelligence, liberal sentiments, strict integrity, stern republicanism and unbending patriotism-his influence was strongly felt and judiciously exercised. Fi'om the beginning he advocated a separation from the mother country and ably met every objection urged against it. In his view, oppression, not recognised by Magna Charta, had dissolved all alle- giance to the crown-that the original contract had been cancelled on the heights of Lexington by American blood. Submission was no longer a virtue-the measure of wrongs had been overflowing for years -public sentiment demanded the sundering of the Gordian knot-a v:.'ce from Heaven proclaimed in tones of thunder-" Let my people go." The following year the Declaration of Independence was proposed. Mr. Jefferson was appointed chairman of the committee to prepare this momentous document. The work was assigned to him by his col- leat^ues. He performed the task with a boldness of design and beauty OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 195 of execution before unknown and yet unrivalled. The substantial result of his labor has long been before the world. Admiring nations have united in bestowing the highest encomiums upon this sacred in- strument. As a masterpiece of composition-a lucid exposition of the rights of man-the principles of a free government-the sufferings of an oppressed people-the abuses of a corrupt ministry and the effects of monarchy upon the destinies of man-it stands unequalled. Pure in its origin-graphic in its delineations-benign in its influence and salutary in its results-it has become the chart of patriots over the civilized . world. It is the ne plus ultra [nothing more beyond] of a gigantic mind raised to its loftiest elevation by the finest touches of creative Power-displaying its noblest efforts-brightest conceptions-holiest zeal- purest desires-happiest conclusions. It combines the attributes of jus- •tice-the flowers of eloquence-the force of logic-the soul of wisdom. It is the grand palladium of equal rights— the polar star of rational LiBERTY-the Magna Charta of universal freedom and has crowned its author with laurels of enduring fame. In the autumn of 1776 Mr. Jefierson was appointed a commissioner to the court of France in conjunction with Messrs. Franklin and Deane for the purpose of forming a treaty of alliance. Ill health of himself and family and an urgent necessity for his services in his native state, induced him to decline the proffered honor and resign his seat in Congress. He was immediately elected to the first legislature of his state con- vened under the new Constitution. On taking his seat in that body his attention was at once dii'ected to the demolition of the judicial code which had emanated from the British Parliament. The work of rear- ing a new superstructure was mostly performed by him. The first bill he introduced was aimed at the slave trade and prohibited the farther importation of negroes into, Virginia. This is a triumphant refutation of the accusation often reiterated against Mr. Jefferson-//ia/ he was an advocate of slavery. To its principles he and a large majority of the South were always opposed and submitted to it practically by entail. It is a fact beyond dispute that he struck the first blow in the Colonies at the unhallowed trade of importing human beings for the purpose of consigning them to bondage. That this was the first great step towards a correction of the most cruel feature of this system, originated by phi- lanthropic England, is equally true. To transfer those negroes, born in the United States, from one section of this country to another, bears no comparison in cruelty to the heart-rending barbarity of forcing the African from his native home-even should he fall into the hands of 196 THE SAGES AND HEROES those emancipalors who, instead of returning him to his native shores- put him an " apprentice" to hard labor on their own plantations. Con- sistency thou art a jewel rather rare. Common humanity forbids the sudden emancipation of the slaves as proposed by emissary Thomp- son and his converts. Mr. Jefferson next effected the passage of bills destroying entails- primogeniture-the church as established by England and various others-assimilating the entire system of jurisprudence in the state to . its republican form of government. He reported one hundred and twenty-six bills, most of which were passed and constitute the present much admired statutory code of Virginia. In 1779 Mr. Jefferson was called to the gubernatorial chair of his native state, then surrounded by perils. The British troops, led on by the proud Tarleton and the traitor Arnold, were spreading death and de-' vastation over the Old Dominion and contemplated the capture of the governor. Terror seized the more timid patriots-the boldest were alarmed at the approach of the merciless foe. The energy of the go- vernor was equal to the emergency. He rallied the bone and sinew of old Virginia, who " with hearts of oak and nerves of steel," checked the enemy in their bold career of indiscriminate slaughter. He im- parted confidence and vigor to the desponding and roused them to bold and noble action. He dispersed the black cloud that hung over his bleeding state and inspired the friends of liberty with cheering hopes of ultimate success. So highly were his services appreciated during the eventful term of his administration that the legislature entered upon their records a unanimous vote of thanks to him for the able and effi- cient manner he had discharged his public duties-highly complimenting his talents, rectitude, moral courage and stern integrity. In 1783 he again took his seat in Congress-one of the brightest lumi- naries in the galaxy of statesmen. The chaste and m-oving address to Washington when he surrendered his commission, was from the soul- stirring pen of Jefferson. He was chairman of the committee to form a territorial government for the extensive regions of the then far west. True to his long cherished desire to ultimately emancipate the negro, he introduced a clause prohibiting slavery in any of the territories or the states that should be formed from them after 1800. In May, 1784 he was a minister plenipotentiary in conjunction with Dr. Franklin and John Adams, with power to negotiate treaties of commerce with several European nations. In July he embarked for France and arrived in Paris on the 6th of August. During his absence he visited several foreign courts but spent most of his time in France. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 197 IJe commanded the highest respect and was made a welcome guest in the halls of literature, legislation and jurisprudence. Kings and cour- tiers treated him with profound deference and were convinced intelli- gence and talent were not exclusively confined to the old world. He was in Paris when the French Revolution commenced and was often consulted by the leading members of the national convention relative to the best course to be pursued in order to establish their go- vernment upon the Republican basis. So far as was proper he gave his opinions freely in favor of rational Liberty. He returned on the 23d of November 1789 and was received with great enthusiasm and kindness by his fellow citizens. Soon after his arrival he resigned his ministerial commission and became Secretary of State under President Washington. The appointment was a com- pliment to the matured judgment of the chief magistrate and proved a lasting benefit to our country. Familiar with every principle of government-comprehending the requisites necessary to perfect and perpetuate the new confederation-he proposed amendments to the constitution, which, with some suggested by John Adams and others, were adopted. He did much towards reducing the new order of things to harmonious system. Well versed in diplomacy, international law and the policy of European courts-he was prepared to plant the permanent land marks of foreign intercourse which stand as beacon lights to guide our nation safely in its onward career. A reciprocity of commerce and honorable peace with other governments-a rigid neutrality with belligerents-a careful avoidance of entangling alli- ances were some of his leading principles. To submit to nothing that was clearly xcrong-io ask for nothing that was not clearly right-wdiS a doctrine of Jefferson forcibly inculcated in his able correspondence with the French ministers during the brief period of their Republic. This motto has been handed down from sire to son and is firmly nailed to the flag staff" of the star spangled banner. To the domestic concerns of our country he devoted a laudable and laborious attention. He recommended the adoption of a uniform system of currency, weights, measures and many other things de- signed to advance the best interest of the infant Republic. He urged the importance of protecting our fisheries and of encouraging enter- prise in all the branches of industry. He demonstrated the advan- tages of every species of commerce and the necessity of preventing others from monopolizing the sources that legitimately belonged to the United States. He exhibited a masterly exposition of existing facts, showing the increasing policy of European courts to restrict the inter- IDS THE SAGES AND HEROES course of America that they might engross trade. He submitted to Congress an elaborate and able report relative to the privileges ana restrictions of the commercial intercourse of this with other countries, which showed great foresight, close observation and thorough investi- gation. It received great attention and was the foundation of a series of resolutions introduced by Mr. Madison, embracing the doctrines it contained-forming tlie great line of demarkation between the old school federal and democratic parties. It would require a skilful engineer to trace the original line tww in consequence of the rapid growth of under brush. Having served his country long and faithfully and contributed largely in placing her on the great highway of freedom and pros- perity, Mr. Jefferson retired from public life on the 31st of December 1793 enjoying for a season the more peaceful and substantial comforts of life at Monticello. He imparted comfort to all around him-treated his slaves in the kindest manner, reducing to practice the mode of treatment he always recommended to others. The education of his children-the cultivation and improvement of his land and the resump- tion of his scientific researches, gave to him an exhilarating conso- lation he had long desired and could never enjoy in the arena of public business and political turmoil. His manner of life at the time alluded to is happily described by the Duke de Liancourt who visited him during this brief time of repose. " His conversation is of the most agreeable kind. He possesses a stock of information not inferior to any other man. In Europe he would hold a distinguished rank among men of letters and as such he has already appeared there. At present he is employed with activity and perse- verance in the management of his farms and buildings and he orders, directs and pursues, in the miimtest detail, every branch of business relating to them. I found him in the midst of harvest from which the scorching heat of the sun does not prevent his attendance. His ne- groes are nourished, clothed and treated as well as white servants could be. Every article is made on his farm-his negroes being cabinet makers, carpenters and masons The children he employs in a nail manufactory and the young and old negresses spin for the clothing of the rest. He animates them all by rewards and distinctions. In line, his superior mind directs the management of his domestic concerns with the same ability, activity and regularity, which he evinced in the conduct of public affairs and which he is calculated to display in every situation of life." During his recess from the toils of public life Mr. Jefferson was OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 199 unanimously elected President of the American Philosophical Society with which he was highly gratified. It afforded him much pleasure to occupy the chair which had been ably filled by his revered friends- the illustrious Franklin and philosophic Rittenhouse. After a repose of three years he was again called to the theatre of public action. President Washington had announced his determina- tion to retire to the peaceful shades of Mount Vernon. The people had become divided in two political parties, each determined to nomi- nate a candidate for the high and responsible office about to become vacant. The federalists nominated John Adams-the democrats Thomas Jefferson. The former was elected President-the latter Vice President of the United States. As the presiding officer of the Senate Mr. Jef- ferson discharged his duty with dignity and impartiality. Familiar with parliamentary rules, he was prepared to decide questions promptly and uniformly to the satisfaction of members. At the next Presidential Election he was again opposed to Mr. Adams. The mountain waves of party spirit rolled over the United States like a sweeping torrent. Each party presented a bold front regardless of danger pressed on by a rear rushing to conflict. The two candidates were bosom friends. Honest political differences did not interrupt their private good feelings. Not a word fell from the lips of either disparaging to his opponent. They regretted the fever heat of their partisans during the canvass but could not allay it. The Democrats carried tlie election and returned an equal number of votes for Mr. Jefferson as President and Col. Burr as Vice President. This singular circumstance imposed the election of the Chief Magistrate upon the House of Representatives. To defeat the election of the great leader of the popular party, several of his opponents voted for Col. Burr. A very spirited contest ensued. Thirty-five ineffectual ballotings were made. The ambition of Burr for promotion induced him to omit doing at once what propriety dictated and that which would have rendered him popular and perhaps saved him from the vortex of disgrace into which he subsequently plunged-ihe im- mediate withdrawal of his name. This he was finally compelled to do and on the thirty-sixth ballot Mr. Jefferson was duly elected President by a majority of eight votes and Col. Burr Vice President. I have long been convinced that the Federal Constitution should be amended with reference to the election of these two officers. The votes for each should be confined to each office independent of the other. The election should never go to the House of Representatives, especially as political honesty is constantly deteriorating. The history of all time shows clearly, that as a government grows older corruption increases 200 THE SAGES AND HEROES uhtil it finally dissolves the state. Let the President be elected for four years and until another shall be elected in his place and let this be done directly by the people. Reckless party management would then be stripped of half its horrors. Better pay the expense of two elections than have one unworthy incumbent in the Presidential Chair. The following extract from the Inaugural Address of Mr. Jefferson should be committed by every man and boy in our country-the principles would then be better understood and perhaps more generally exemplified in practice. " Equal and exact justice to all men of whatever state or persuasion- religious or political-peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations-entangling alliances with none-the support of the state govern- ments in all their rights as the most competent administrations for our domestic concerns and the surest bulwarks against anti-republican ten- dencies-the preservation of the general government in its whole constitu- tional vigor as the sheet anchor of our peace at home and safety abroad- a zealous care of the right of election by the people-a mild and safe cor- rective of abuses which are lopped by the sword of revolution when peaceable remedies are unprovided-absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the majority, the vital principle of Republics from which there is no appeal but to force-the vital principle and immediate parent of despotism- a well disciplined militia our best reliance in peace and for the first moments of war till regulars may relieve them-the supremacy of the civil over the military authority-economy in public expenses that labor may be lightly burthened-the honest payment of our debts and sacred preservation of the public faith-encouragement of agriculture and of com- merce as its handmaid-the diffusion of information and arraignment of all abuses at the bar of public reason-freedom of religion, freedom of the press and freedom of the person under the protection of the habeas corpus and trial by juries impartially selected. These principles form the bright constellation which has gone before us and guided our steps through an age of revolution and reformation. The wisdom of our sages and blood of our heroes have been devoted to their attainment. They should be the creed of our political faith, the text of civic instruction, the touch stone by which to try the service of those we trust and should we wander from them in moments of error or alarm, let us hasten to retrace our steps and to regain the road which alone leads to peace, liberty and safety." Here is a statesman's chart drawn by one of the ablest navigators that ever stood at the helm of government. His soundings were frequent-his observations were made with mathematical precision-he combined science and experience and traced his lines with boldness and truth. To follow its directions is to ensure safety. Its delineations are not designed OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 201 for partisan use but for our whole country and the freemen of the world through all time. Based upon these principles practically, the administration of Jefferson became popular, peaceful and prosperous. He understood the reasona- ble desires of the people and exerted his noblest powers to gratify them. He knew that the art of governing harmoniously consisted in honesty and governed himself accordingly. He anticipated the future wants of the rising and expanding Republic and proposed in his annual and special messages to Congress wise and politic measures to meet them. So fully was his course approved that he was re-elected by a majority of one hundred and forty-eight. His second inaugural address reiterated the same magnanimous principles of his first, manifesting a deep and growing interest in the prosperity and welfare of our common country. As he has been repeatedly charged with infidelity by those who de- scend so low as to desecrate the ashes of the illustrious dead and the charge repeated but a few days ago in a prominent print in the city of New York, I insert the following extract from his annual message, which sentiment is found in all his writings where the subject is alluded to. I have recently read two of his unpublished letters to a gentleman who is now a member of the New Jersey Senate, in which the same view is expressed. " I shall need, too, the favor of that Being in whose hands we are, who led our forefathers, as Israel of old, frpm their native land and planted them in a country flowing with all the necessaries of life-who has covered our infancy with his Providence and our riper years with his wisdom and power." Washington and Adams said no more. If all who piofess the religion of the Cross discarded sectarianism and honored unsophisticated ■practical religion as much as did Thomas Jefferson, the prospect of christianizing the world would burst upon us with refulgent brightness. The partition walls of various creeds, claimed to be drawn from the same pure fountain, would be dissolved by heaven-born Charity and the superstructure of the Redeemer's king- dom would rise in majesty sublime. Soon after Mr. Jefferson entered upon the duties of his second term, a portentous storm darkened the horizon of our country, charged with the lightning of discord. In consequence of being disappointed in riding into the presidency on the whirlwind of confusion he created at the lime he was made'Vice President and at the end of four years-dropped like a traitor as he was, Aaron Burr mounted upon the tornado of his wild ambition and attempted the formation of a new Republic in the Spanish Provinces on the Mississippi, aiming at an ultimate division, if 26 202 THE SAGES AND HEROES not dissolution of the Union. He was arrested and tried for high trea- son but being a man of great foresight, consummate genius and deep cunning-no overt act could be proved against him within the technical meaning of the law and he was acquitted-yet the dark stigma is marked upon the splendor of his brilliant talents in traces so deep, that time nor angels' tears can ever remove it. Like a comet propelled by its own centrifugal force from its constitutional orbit, he fell to rise no more- our country was saved from his Cataline grasp by the Cicero of our nation. About the same time France and Great Britain were at war-both of whom and more especially the latter-had repeatedly insulted the American flag under various but false pretences. Redress was promptly demanded and measures pursued to obtain it. Anxious to preser\e peace but determined to vindicate our rights and dignity-Mr. Jefferson simultaneously prosecuted a negotiation and prepared for war. He well understood the importance of the importing and exporting trade to England. Among the means used to bring her to honorable terms, lie recommended to Congress the embargo law which was passed on the 22d Dec. 1807. This measure was violently assailed by those op- posed to his administration. As he anticipated, it had a salutary effect upon the British government and caused propositions to be made by England for an honorable adjustment of all differences. Thus were the foreign relations of the United- States situated when the second term of Mr. Jefferson closed. He then bid a final farewell to public life and consigned the destinies of his beloved country into other hands. He had been an efficient and faithful laborer in the vine- yard of American Liberty nearly forty years. He left it richly covered with green foliage and fruit-in the full vigor of health-enclosed by the palisades of truth and honesty— adorned with the crowning glories of philanthropy and patriotism. From that time he declined all public honors and remained in peace- ful retirement to the day of his death-seldom leaving his sweet home- the beautiful Monticello. Unlike too many with ample means he did not lead a life of inglorious ease. The same innate activity that had marked his brii^ht career from youth-the same nobleness of mind and energy of character that raised him to the loftiest pinnacle fame could rear, still prompted him to action. He reduced his time to a harmo- nious arrangement-his business to perfect system. He uniformly rose before the sun and held a supervision over all the concerns of his plan- tation. The various productions of his pen during the period of his retirement, show that he labored arduously in the fields of science and OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 203 philosophy. For the promotion of literature and general intelligence, he opened an extensive correspondence with men of letters in this country and Europe. He considered the diffusion of knowledge among the great mass of the human family the greatest safeguard against tyranny and oppression-the purest source of earthly bliss-the surest passport to freedom and happiness. Acting from this impulse, he submitted the plan of a University to the legislature of Virginia to be erected at Charlottesville, situated at the foot of- the romantic mountain in front of his mansion. It was to be built with funds raised by donations from individuals in the state, himself to be a liberal contributor. The plan of the buildings and course of instruction were drawn by him and so much admired and approved by the members of the legislative body that an act was passed to carry into effect the design and Mr. Jefferson was appointed Rector. For the completion of this object he spent all necessary time and more money than strict justice called for. It became the doating object of his old age. His best efforts were exerted in its accomplish- ment, which were crowned with success and the University filled with students to whom he paid great attention. The course of instruction was designed to prepare youth for the general routine of business, public and private and was not strictly classical. The library w^as selected by him with great care, being composed entirely of solid use- ful books, treating on subjects important to every citizen in preparing him to discharge properly the duties he owes to his God, his family, his country and himself. A catalogue, written by Jefferson, is still there in a good state of preservation. He exercised a parental care over this institution until his physical powers failed. Much of his time was devoted to visitors to whom he was hospita- ble and kind. Thousands of his own countrymen paid their grateful respects to him-Europeans of distinction thought their tour in this country incomplete until they took by the hand the patriot, sage, phi- losopher and philanthropist of Monticello. He was ever anxious to please, delight and instruct. He was familiar with every subject. His mind united the vigor of youth with the experience of age. The broad expanse of the universe-the stupendous works of nature-the Pierian fields of science-the deep recesses of philosophy and labyrinthian ave- nues of the intellect of man-seemed spread before him Hke the map of the world. He was an encyclopsedia of the age he adorned-a lexicon of the times he enlightened-one of the brightest diadems in the crown of his country's glory. With a calm and peaceful quietude Mr. Jefferson glided down the 204 THE SAGES AND HEROES Stream of time toward the ocean of eternity until he reached tne eighty-fourth year of his age. Forty-four years had passed away since his amiable companion had been laid in the tomb. She was the daughter of Mr. Wayles, an eminent lawyer of Virginia. One of two interesting daughters was also resting in the grave. The charms of earth were receding from him-he felt sensibly that he stood on the confines of another and a better world. The physical powers and me- chanical structure of his frame were fast decaying-the canker worm of disease was doing its final work-the angel of death hovered over him with a keen blade awaiting Jehovah's signal to cut the silver cord of life and set the prisoner free. Early in the spring of 1826 his bodily infirmities increased. From the 26th of June to the time of his death he was confined to his bed. He then remarked to his attending physician-" My machine is worn out and can go no longer." His friends who attended him thought he would again recover but he was convinced that his voyage of life was about to close and that he would soon cast his anchor in the haven of rest. To those around him he said-" Do not imagine that I feel the smallest solicitude as to the result. I do not indeed wish to die but I do not /ear to die." Do infidels die thus calm and resigned? Echo answers-Do infidels die thus? On the second day of July his body became extremely weak but his mental powers remained as clear as a crystal fountain. He called his family and friends around him and with a cheerful countenance and calm dignity gave direction for his funeral obsequies. He re- quested that he might be interred at Monticello without pomp or show and that the inscription on his tomb should only refer to him as " The author of the Declaration of Independence-of the Statutes of Virginia securing religious Freedom and the Father of the University." He then conversed separately with each of his family. To his surviving daughter, Mrs. Randolph, he presented a small morocco case which he requested her not to open until after his death. It was found to contain a beautiful and afl^ectionate poetic tribute to her virtues. The next day, being told it was the 3d of July, he expressed a desire that he might be permitted to inhale the atmosphere of the fiftieth anni- versary of our national freedom. His prayer was granted-the glorious 4th of July 1826 dawned upon him-he took an afl^ectionate leave of those around him and then raising his eyes upward articulated dis- tinctly, "/ resign myself to God and my child to my couvt7'y"-and ex- pired as calmly as an infant sleeps in its mother's arms. Thus lived and thus died Thomas Jefferson, universally esteemed in lif'e-deci iy OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 205 mourned in death by a nation of freemen-sincerely lamented by every patriot in the civilized world. In person he was slender and erect-six feet two inches in height- light and intelligent eyes-noble and open countenance-fair complexion- yellowish red hair and commanding in his whole appearance. In all the relations of public and private life he was the model of a great and good man. His whole career was calm and dignified. Under all cir- cumstances his coolness, strong moral courage-deliberation and equa- nimity of mind, placed him on a lofty eminence and enabled him to preserve a perfect equilibrium amidst all the changing vicissitudes and multiform ills flesh is heir to. He kept his passions under complete control and cultivated richly the finer qualities of his nature. His charity, the brightest star in the Christian diadem, was as broad as the human family-his sympathies co-extensive with the afflictions of Adam's race. He was created for usefulness-nobly did he fulfil the design of his creation. * If his were not the fruits of practical Christianity, the immaculate Redeemer and the Apostles did not truly describe them. You who basely charge Thomas .Jefferson with infidelity, remember- O ! remember, that his last words were those uttered by many of the martyrs-" I resign myself to God and my child to my country." BARON DE KALB. A LOVE for the land of our birth is natural-commendable. A con- tinued oppression from those in power may drive us from that land- compel us to seek an asylum under a more congenial government-still the associations of our native spot are a source of frequent and pleas- ing thought never to be entirely eradicated from our minds. No man should ever adopt a new country and government without a full determination to become a good and useful citizen and submit im- plicitly to the laws as they are until he shall find himself in a majority of the virtuous who rise in their majesty to change for the better. With this principle for a polar star-foreigners who seek a peaceful asylum in our country may become as staunch supporters of our na- tional Constitution and Union as native born patriots. If they cannot- they should retrace their steps quickly and return to the iron blessings of monarchy. We want none among us who do not love our country and her noble institutions. An open door-a hearty welcome awaits every foreign patriot that comes to this land of the brave and home of 206 THE SAGES AND HEROES the free. We have an overplus of native demagogues, fanatics, ultra- isls, disunionists and bigots-without importing any from Europe. During the American Revolution a number of illustrious and nobl^ patriots of high standing came from the old world to aid in planting the tree of Liberty in the new. Among them was the brave Baron de Kalb, a native of Germany. Of his early history we have no record. He was a brigadier-general in the French army and had earned a high military reputation. He was a knight of the order of Military Merit and highly esteemed by his fellow officers. A philanthropist of high order-imbued with liberal principles-in favor of a Republican form of government-familiar with the oppressions of England in America— ac- quainted with the noble efforts of the oppressed to free themselves from tyranny— Baron de Kalb at once resolved to be the companion of the patriotic La Fayette. On his arrival he was commissioned a major- general in the Continental army and placed in command of the Mary- land division. He readily gained the esteem and confidence of all who made his acquaintance. He was a man of strong common sense-great experience-a close observer of men and things— an admirable discipli- narian-a brave and prudent officer. With a robust frame and iron cphstitution-he was able to endure the proverbial fatigues and priva- tions of the American army. He was remarkably abstemious-living mostly on bread and water. His industry and zeal in the glorious cause he had espoused were worthy of 'all praise. He was up early and late and spent all his leisure from official duty in writing in some re- tired place. Unfortunately his writings were lost and the subject matter was known to no one but himself. The brilliant career of this noble patriot soldier was closed at the battle of Camden, S. C. He there commanded the right wing of the American army composed of regulars. The left wing was composed of militia who fled at the sight of the red coats advancing with fixed bayonets-as terrified as young horses at a locomotive. Not so with the right wing. Although contending against overwhelming numbers they stood their ground and fought like tigers. In his last desperate attempt to seize the laurels of victory-the Baron fell helpless with ele- ven wounds. In this prostrate condition a base attempt was made to pierce him with several bayonets which wafe prevented by one of his aids-Chevalier de Buysson-who threw himself over the fallen hero and received the bayonets in his own body-exclaiming " Save the Baron de Kalb!" The British officers interfered-saved him from instant death and made him their prisoner. He was kindly treated by his captors and survived but a short time. To an officer who expressed his sor- OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 207 row for his sufferings he replied-" 1 thank you for your sympathy-1 die the death I always prayed for-the death of a soldier fighting for the rights of naan." In his last monnents he dictated a letter to Gen. Smallwood who suc- ceeded him in comnaand of his division. He expressed his ardent affec- tion for his officers and men-lauded their bravery which had forced fidmiration from their enemies-urged them to persevere in the glorious cause of freedom until triumphant victory should perch upon their manly brows. He then invoked a benediction on his beloved division- reached out his trembling hand to Col. de Buysson-resigned his soul to God and closed his eyes in death. In that battle both armies suffered severely. Several others of the American officers were killed-among them Col. Potterfield who was a favorite of the whole army. Baron de Kalb was a man of amiable disposition-modest and unas- suming in his manners-frank and generous in his intercourse-strictly moral and temperate in his habits-was highly esteemed by all who knew him and died deeply lamented. He was buried at Camden. His memory is cherished by every friend of liberty. Some years after he had slumbered under the clods of the valley, Gen. Washington visited his grave. He contemplated it thoughtfully for a few moments and remarked-" So there lies the brave De Kalb- the generous stranger who came from a distant land to fight our battles and to water the tree of our liberty with his blood. Would to God he had lived to share its fruits." In 1780 Congress caused a monument to be erected to his memory in Annapolis, Maryland, with the following inscription, ' Sacred to the memory of the BARON DE KALB, Knight of the royal order of Military Merit, Brigadier of the armies of France, and Major General In the service of the United States of America. Having served with honor and reputation For three years, He gave a last and glorious proof of his at- tachment to the liberties of mankind And the cause of America, In the action near Camden in the State of South Carolina 208 THE SAGES AND HEROES On the 16th of August 1780, Where, leading on the troops of ihe Maryland and Delaware lines Against superior numbers And animating them by his examples To deeds of valor. He was pierced with many wounds And on the nineteenth following expired In the 48th year of his age. The Congress Of the United States of America, In gratitude to his zeal, services and merit, Have erected this monument. GILBERT MOTTIER DE LA FAYETTE. Patriotism is one of the noblest attributes of man. It is the soul of freedom-the fulcrum of liberty-the lever of independence. It soars sublimely above self-is prompted by honest motives-aims at glorious ends. It is the motive power of philanthropy and would gladly con- solidate the human family in one harmonious universal brotherhood by the heavenly law of love which can fraternize the world. It is opposed to all oppression-abhors all tyrants-rejoices in the promulga- tion of liberal principles. Its desires to do good are diffusive as the sun light-it is not confined to country-nation or caste. No secta- rianism can swerve it-no monarch suppress it-no obstacle paralyze it. The patriot may be crushed in person by illegitimate power-the prin- ciple-neuer. Chains and dungeons will kindle it to a brighter flame- persecution will increase its volume. The history of all time proves the truth of these assertions-they form a corollary firm as the per- petual hills-incontrovertible as the problems of Euclid. The man who is destitute of this noble attribute is a mere automaton. There is a vacuum in his soul which nature abhors and all despise-except kings, aristocrats and demagogues. Patriotism is the dread incubus that hangs over thrones. The true patriot delights to see all basking in the refulgent rays of rational liberty and is ever ready to peril life and fortune in the cause of equal rights whenever the people of any nation rise in their native dignity to reclaim them from oppressors. Thus it was with Gilbert Mottier de La Fayette, born on the 6th of September 1757 at the castle Chavaniac in Auvergne. Soon after OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 209 the birth of this son, his father fell at the battle of Minden. As childhood dawned upon young La Fayette he exhibited talents of unusual strength and vigor. Under the genial rays of science they rapidly burst from embryo-budded, blossomed and ripened into fruit of the most perfect kind. At the age of seven years he was piaced in the college of Louis le Grand at Paris. His rapid progress in the elements of his education exceeded the fondest anticipations of his numerous friends. By his modesty, urbanity and innate goodness of heart he gained the esteem of all who knew him. He graduated at an early age and was made a page to the queen and soon rose to the rank of a commissioned officer-an honor then conferred upon none but those presumed to possess superior merit and talent. At the age of seventeen he married the Countess Anastatic de Noailles-one of the most beautiful and amiable ladies of France. With kindred spirits they united splendid fortunes sufficient to support them in princely style through a long life. They were in the enjoyment of all the pleasures earth could give-favorites at the gayest court in Europe-caressed and beloved by those they held most dear-an ornament to every circle in which they moved. Mutual esteem gave a rich zest to every enjoy- ment-their social felicity was complete. All things combined to rivet La Fayette to his happy-his enchanting home. Nothing but the loftiest patriotism-the purest philauthrophy could have induced him to burst these infatuating bands and peril his life, fortune and sacred honor in the cause of human rights in a foreign country. Amidst the fascinating allurements that surrounded him, this noble youth paused, reflected and reasoned. Through the bright vista of the future Columbus saw the cheering vision of a new world. Through the same clear mirror La Fayette saw the sun of freedom reflecting its refulgent rays over Columbia's prolific land. A band of patriots had sounded the clarion of liberty. Echo had wafted it from Bunker's bloody mount to the ears of this young hero. The thought that there was a remnant left in the world who dared to assume their native dignity and strike for their just rights enraptured his soul. Contrary to the wishes of his friends and the King of the French, he resolved to fly to the aid of the oppressed Americans and participate m the unfading glory of planting the standard of freedom in the western hemisphere. Nor did he split on the rock of resolves and re- resolves where many waste away their lives. He at once proposed to the American Commissioners, then in Paris, to enter the army of Washington. They informed him of the recent adverses of those who were struggling for Liberty. They could present no bright picture tu 27 210 THE SAGES AND HEROES induce him to hope for laurels or emolument. It was not necessary. Nobler motives incited him to action. He still resolved to go. Anxious as were Messrs. Franklin, Dean and Lee to secure his services, they had not the means to convey him to the scene of action. Obstacles of various kinds were vainly thrown across his path. Impelled to an onward course by the noble impulses of patriotism-no difficulties were too great for him to surmount-no hardships too severe for him to en- dure, no sacrifice of wealth too large for him to make. Embarrass- ments strengthened the resolution he had formed to enroll his name with the brave and the free, even should he perish in the attempt. He immediately fitted out a vessel at his own expense-freighted it with munitions of war and clothing-received letters of high commen- dation from the American commissioners to the Congress of their bleeding country and embarked secretly for the land of the pilgrim fathers in the winter of 1777. He then looked forward with anxious solicitude to that happy day when he should aid in unfurling the banner of freedom-in planting deep the tree of liberty in a soil con- genial to its growth and take by the hand those bold and daring sages and heroes who had thrown the stars and stripes to the breeze in de- fiance of despotism-resolved on freedom or death. Nothing short of a deep, strong, inherent devotion to liberal principles could have in- duced La Fayette to leave his native country under the existing cir- cumstances and peril everything in behalf of strangers- In vain we search history for a benevolence so broad and disinterested. Call it ambition if you please. Would to God the same laudable ambition reigned triumphant in the breast of every human being. We should then see tyrants trembling-thrones crumbling-crowns falling-fetters bursting and the grand jubilee of freedom celebrated amidst the ex- piring groans of monarchy-the chaotic ruins of tyranny. Call it a thirst for glory. Would to God that all who have figured largely on the grand theatre of public action could have the same glory embla- zoned on the escutcheon of their names. A purer, fairer sheet of biography would then meet the eyes of the present and generations to come. On the 25th of April 1777 Lafayette and his companions landed in South Carolina near Charleston and were warmly welcomed by Gen. Moultrie, Major Huger and the little band of veterans around them. The destitute condition of the American soldiers excited the sympathy of the Marquis. He distributed clothing to those under Gen. Moultrie and a sword to each of his officers. From Charleston he hastened to Phila- delphia and delivered his letters and despatches from the American Com- OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 211 missioners to Congress. He offered himself as a volunteer-desiring to enter the army with no remuneration except the proud satisfaction of enrolling his name with the brave heroes whose motto was-LiBERXY or Death. His unassuming manners, patriotic sentiments, stern resolution, devotedness to the cause and dignified bearing-combined to inspire con- fidence in all who made his acquaintance. In July Congress passed a resolution accepting his services and commissioned him a Major-General in the Continental army. He immediately placed himself under the supervision of Washington and commenced a brilliant career that gained increased lustre during a long life of usefulness. Shortly after he entered the service he acted a conspicuous part in the battle of Brandywine where he was wounded and disabled for six weeks. In the battle of Germantown he proved himself a cool, brave and skilful officer. He soon gained the full confidence of Washington and was put in command of a choice corps of daring young men selected by himself and was entrusted with several expeditions which he conducted with great pru- dence and success and to the entire satisfaction of Washington and Con- gress. On all occasions he exhibited talents of the highest order. Discretion-the strong helm of human action, guided him in all his actions. At that period the question of maintaining American Independence w-as truly problematical. Prospects darkened as time rolled on. The general gloom was an impetus to this young patriot that impelled him to more vigorous exertion. In the autumn of 1778 he returned to France and exerted his influence in favor of a treaty of alliance and greatly aided in consumating that desideratum. This imparted fresh courage to the American army-then writhing under privations and distress that truly tried the souls and bodies of men. Nothing short of an Almighty hand could have sustained the Sages and Heroes of the Revolution and nerved them to persevere in their noble undertaking until crowned with triumphant victory. La Fayette returned in the spring of 1780 and was followed by a French naval force in July which came to the rescue. A new impetus was thus given to the cause of human rights in America. La Fayette was put in command of the expedition against Lord Corn- wallis in Virginia. He found his troops in a naked, forlorn condition and Congress without means to furnish them with the common comforts of an army. Upon his own credit he borrowed money from merchants in Baltimore-purchased a portion of the necessary supplies-appealed to the fair daughters of the monumental city who responded nobly to the call. Their eyes and needles brightened as they made up garments for the brave soldier boys-soon the Marquis saw his men comfortably clad, 212 THE SAGES AND HEROES fully equlpped-eager to drive the minions of tyranny from their blooQ stained soil. La Fayette took the field with a force far inferior to that of Cornwallis who was the pride of his king and acknowledged no superior in the science of military tactics. In the wary and sagacious " boy" as La Fayette was termed by the veteran British General, Cornwallis found a leader too formidable to be treated with contempt-too cautious to be easily ensnared. He was constantly annoyed without being able to bring his antagonist to a general action. Chagrined and disgusted he retired to Yorktown and commenced formidable fortifications. As his army was now the bulwark of England in America, the combined forces of the United Colonies and France lost no time in concentrating in front of his entrenchments. A vigorous siege was commenced on the 29th of September 178L The British General felt that an awful crisis had arrived. By a surrender-the Colonies were lost. A tremendous responsi- bility rested upon him. His resistance corresponded with these high considerations. His spirited defence was worthy of a better cause. On the 14th of October it was found necessary to silence two redoubts that were pouring a destructive fire into the works of the besiegers. This was to be done with the bayonet. The young Marquis was selected to lead the assault. The order was no sooner received than obeyed. He led his men to the charge with the impetuosity of a tornado. Like a mighty avalanche, rushing from the mountain top with the fury of Mars -they bore down all opposition. Although the enemy were double in number-so sudden and irresistible was the onset that they were all killed or taken prisoners but six. Against such troops fighting for Liberty, Cornwallis found it useless to contend. The injured Colonists had risen in their might-a fearful retribution awaited him. The last ray of success was expiring in the socket of hope-his cruel military career was about to close in the new world. Keen and blighting anguish seized his tortured soul in view of outrages committed upon an oppressed people. The cries of murdered innocents rang through his ears-his courage lost its equili- brium and was supplanted by despair. On the 18th of October the proud hero of Britain surrendered his whole army to the illustrious Washington and the brave La FAVEXTE-the champions of liberal principles and human rights. That signal victory closed the long, bloody, doubtful struggle. Se- veral nations promptly acknowledged the Independence of the United States. The ensigns of royalty were banished from our shores-the star spangled banner waved triumphantly over the land of the brave and free. Washington and La Fayette mingled tears of gratitude and OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 213 thankfulness for their preservation, success and final deliverance. They richly merited and freely received the plaudits of the American people and of admiring nations. A gazing w^orld looked upon them with extatic delight as they stood on the loftiest pinnacle of fame in all the sublime majesty of republican simplicity. They were among the brightest of the dazzling luminaries of emancipation-the terror of ty- rants-the hope of freemen. The consummation of Liberty was then and there proclaimed to grateful and happy millions. Seraphs listened to the cheering news with thrilling joy-carried the glad tidings to the unerring chancery of the great Eternal where they received the sanc- tion of Jehovah's high authority and were recorded on the unfading pages of the book of lasting renown in letters of gold by the Grand Scribe of Heaven. Echo caught the talismanic sound and wafted it to the remotest bounds of every nation on wings of mighty wind. Having accomplished all in his power to establish the Independence of our country La Fayette prepared to return to the bosom of his anxious family in France. He had served more than six years and expended one hundred and forty-seven thousand dollars in the glorious cause he had nobly, ardently, successfully espoused. He asked no pe- cuniary emolument at the commencement of his services-he demanded no pay-presented no account at their termination. He had a richer reward, more precious than gold-more valuable than rubies-//?e grati- tude of the American nation deeply felt and strongly expressed. He had the invaluable satisfaction of having contributed largely towards pre- paring a nursery for freemen-an asylum for the oppressed. His con- duct stood approved at the dread tribunal of conscience. " The man wtio stands acquitted at that fearful bar Holds the first round prize the world has to give. 'Tis like Heaven's sunshine — priceless." At his departure he received the highest tokens of respect from Con- gress, the officers of the army and our nation at large. The richest blessings of a kind Providence were invoked for him. He w^as received with great enthusiasm on his arrival at home. He was hailed as u prominent hero of the new world-the tried friend of Liberty-the un- yielding advocate of universal Freedom-the spotless patriot-the brave and skilful officer-the hope of the down-trodden and oppressed in the old world. The success of the United States in shaking off the yoke of bondage had its influence on the nations of Europe as a natural consequence. That the people of France felt it most is not surprising. The French 214 THE SAGES AND HEROES army had drank freely at the fountain of Liberty that had gushed out in the United States. The holy flame of freedom was burning in their bosoms and was soon communicated to their brethren at home. The insulating fire of patriotism ran through the mass and they too resolved to be free. Unfortunately for the cause of human rights they seized upon the abstract principles of Liberty without learning the art of self- government. They plucked the fruit before it was ripe-it disorganized their system producing a raging fever and wild delirium. So rapidly did the excitement rise that it was found necessary to convene the States General-an assembly that had slumbered 172 years-the dernier resort of that nation to suppress internal commotion. It consisted of deputies chosen by the nobility, clergy and common people. So ter- rific was the storm of passion that this august body trembled like a reed shaken by the wind. Anarchy mounted its desolating car-mad ambi- tion rolled its mountain waves over reason and justice-malicious jeal- ousy sought its victims in every avenue-Jacobinism reared its hydra head-the fountain of mercy was dried up-the bloody guillotine did its fearful work. Civil war raged in all the plenipotence of exterminating revenge-cruelty ceased only for the want of victims-the streets were deluged with the purple current. Such are the outlines of the first French Revolution. The picture is filled with darker shades. Amidst this scene of dreadful cai'nage-this tornado of angry pas- sions-La Fayette stood calm and undismayed. He commanded the military and had their confidence. At one bold stroke he might have cut off" the cold hearted Robespierre-the cruel Mirabeau-the treacher- ous Duke of Orleans-the ambitious Paine-the bloody Nex'o-Murat. Under Washington and from his own innate goodness he had learned to soar above revenge and practice humanity. For some time he para- lyzed the efforts of the various factions and succeeded in giving France a constitution approximating towards republicanism. But the typhoid of faction had become too firmly fixed on the body politic to be arrested in its sanguinary career by this panacea. It gathered new strength as it advanced. The awful whirlpool of boiling passion was fast drawing La Fayette to its vortex of destruction. The National Assembly yielded and became subservient to the Jacobins. Plans were suggested by which to rid themselves of the man they most dreaded. At this alarming crisis he exhibited moral and physical courage without a parallel. He repaired to the National Assembly and in language bold and strong portrayed the conduct of those whose wild ambition had brought upon France threatened ruin and impending destruction. His dignified manner, unanswerable logic, powerful eloquence, stern inte- OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 215 grity, open frankness, anxious solicitude and noble boldness Slled the delegates and leading Jacobins with awe and astonishment. They be- lieved he had an armed force within call to protect him. When he had finished his address he immediately withdrew and resumed the com- mand of the army then marching against the Austrian Netherlands. Learning that he had gone, the National Assembly became so courageous that they proscribed him and set a price upon his head. Finding the wild disorder of his country beyond his control and his life in jeopardy, he resolved to fly to the United States. With an aching heart he left, with seven companions. In their flight they fell into the hands of the Prussians and were delivered over to the Austrians. After enduring every indignity and insult La Fayette was thrown into a loathsome dungeon at Olmutz where a bed of rotten straw, a broken chair and an old table constituted all the furniture of his wretched apartment. There he suffered by privations and disease-neglected and alone until he was so reduced that the hair fell from his head and death seemed sure of an early victim. At the same time his estate was confiscated by the Jacobins and his amiable wife thrown into prison. To advocate him in France was a sure passport to the bloody guillotine. England, the United States and several other governments looked upon the incarceration of La Fayette as a violation of the laws of nations, of common justice and humanity. Washington and many others made great exertions to obtain his release. The Emperor of Austria was inexorable. The staple of his mind was adamant-he de- lighted in human misery. He had caged the European Eagle of Li- berty determined to immolate him slowly but surely on the altar of revenge and crush the embryo' buds of liberal principles in the old world. A bold but unsuccessful attempt to rescue the prisoner was made by Col. Huger and Dr. Bollman of South Carolina. Its history is full of thrilling interest and does great credit to the heads and hearts of its persevering and ingenious authors. The amiableness and dignity of Madame La Fayette forced respect from the bloodthirsty Jacobins who ultimately released her. Learning the forlorn condition of her husband her native tenderness rushed upon her noble soul like a mighty flood. She at once resolved to fly to him and share in all the vicissitudes that awaited him. With her two daughters she left France in disguise and arrived safe at Olmutz. Ilei application to see her husband could not be granted unless she con- sented never to leave the prison after entering it. With this inhuman decree she cheerfully complied. The most brilliant imagination can but faintly conceive-the strongest language can never portray to the 216 THE SAGES AND HEROES life the thrilling-the melting scene that followed. The sunburnt cheeks of the soldiers who guarded the prison were flooded with the tears of sympathy and compassion. With the two pledges of their love Madame La Fayette passed the grating iron doors. The next moment she was clasped in the arms of the companion of her youth. My hved hushand- was all she could utter. My dear father-hursi from his angelic daugh- ters as they clung around his emaciated form. My dear wife-my lovely daughters-TpsiSsed his trembling lips in broken accents-a flood of tears from each told a tale of mingling woes and joys in the language of that mute eloquence which casts words into the shade. That scene can never be presented in full original force by the finest touches of the painter's pencil-lhe boldest stroke of the poet's pen-the loftiest flights of historic eloquence. At that meeting with his family the situation of La Fayette in prison was more enviable than that of a king of nations or a conqueror of worlds. The ministering angel-woMAN-can convert a dungeon into a paradise and light up a smile in the deepest aspect of woe. Without her earth would be desolate-man miserable-a savage. With Christian fortitude and heroic patience this affectionate family bore their privations and sufferings. Madame de Stael has well ob- served-" Antiquity offers nothing more admirable than the conduct of Gen. La Fayette, his wife and daughters in the prison of Olmutz." Fresh exertions were made to obtain the release of these innocent sufl'erers. The question was agitated in the United States Congress and in the House of Commons in England. Nothing could move the obdurate heart of the tyrant who held them. They seemed doomed to waste away their lives in that loathsome dungeon. God had otherwise determined. The time was rolling on rapidly when they should be re- stored to liberty, their friends and their home. The conquering Bona- parte humbled the proud and cruel Emperor and compelled him to re- lease these illustrious prisoners. In the treaty of Campo Formio in 1797 it was expressly stipulated that all the French prisoners at Ol- mutz should be immediately liberated. The Emperor of Austria at- tempted to impose restrictions on the future conduct of the Marquis. Amidst all his sufferings his dignity and liberal principles remained un- impaired. He spurned all conditions of a restrictive nature. His unconditional release occurred on the 25th of August 1797 when he and his family again inhaled the exhilarating atmosphere of Freedom. He had been in prison five years. His noble wife and afllectionate daughters had shared with him the miseries of a damp dungeon twenty- two months. The release of these prisoners is one of the brightest stars in the diadem of Bonaparte. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 217 When the French nation became more tranquil La Fayette and his family returned to the land of their birth. He located at La Grange and soon gained a salutary influence over those around him. He did all in his power to promote the interests of his country and the cause of human rights. Although he was truly grateful to Bonaparte for his release from a gloomy dungeon he believed he owed a duty to his nation paramount to all private considerations. He opposed all his measures that he considered dangerous to the prosperity and happiness of France. From the time of his return to that of his last illness, La Fayette took a conspicuous part in the civil and miHtary departments of his country. With an Argus eye he watched her destinies through all her convulsing changes. The smiles of princes and the huzzas of the muhitude could not flatter him-the miseries of a dungeon and frowns of tyrants could not depress him. Without those brilliant talents that dazzle and captivate every beholder, like his revered Washington he possessed an uncommon share of sound common sense, a clear head, a good heart, a discriminating judgment that gave him a more universal influence than any man then in Europe. His magic power over the enraged populace of Paris during the Three Days' Re- volution of 1830 has no parallel when we consider the effervescent nature of the French people. In the short period of seventy-two hours he restored tranquillity-formed a new government and commenced a new era in the history of that impulsive nation. He could then have been crowned King of France. To him crowns were empty bubbles, expanding only to burst-airy phantoms, formed to allure for a time- then vanish in abdication, chaos or blood. When he visited our country in 1824 his reception at every point was an earnest of the deep feeling of gratitude that pervaded the bosoms of our people. The presence of no man ever elicited more enthusiastic joy 'n any country. During his stay party spirit retired to its lair-all united in paying the profoundest respect to the benefactor of our nation-the companion of Washington-the noble philanthropist. In every crowd La Fayette sought his surviving companions in arms who had fought and bled by his side in the glorious cause of American Independence. When he met them the scene was always interesting-sometimes affecting. In some instances a simultaneous rush to each other at the moment of recognition and the eloquent tears that rolled down their veteran cheeks told what was passing in their kindred hearts more strongly than words can express. It affords me great pleasure to state-that the finances of our government were such at that time and the liberality of Congress in such a state of expansion that La Fayette was remunerated for his 28 218 THE SAGES AND HEROES services and the large amount of money expended in obtaining our Inde- pendence-reversing the adage—Republics are always ungrateful. Wher. he departed from our shores-bid a last farewell to his American friends and our country—he left a painful vacuum in the hearts of millions that was not speedily supplied. He was emphatically a man whom the people admired, loved, and delighted to honor. He arrived safely in France and continued to watch over her interests until the 18th of May 1834 when he took a violent cold in following on foot the remains of the patriot Dulong, to Pere le Chaise, or Garden of the Tombs. So violent was his illness that it baffled all medical skill and ended his eventful and useful life on the 21st of May 1834. He died in full faith of a blissful immortality in a better and brighter world He expired at his hotel in Paris. The pageant of his funeral was of the most imposing character. He was a member of the Chamber of Deputies at the time of his decease. The marked attention and mingling tears of the members of that body— the deep lamentations of the French and American people—the demon- strations of grief by every civilized nation on receiving intelligence of his death-combined to show the high estimation in which he was held by the old and new world. The grateful memory of La Fayette is held sacred by every friend of Liberty. His history has no parallel on the Eastern continent. His career was not tarnished with bold strides of misguided ambition or base attempts at self-aggrandizement. He was consistent to the last- Compared with his-all borrowed greatness is an empty show. Unblem- ished virtue marked his bright career-philanthropy his whole course- integrity his entire conduct-justice his every action. A calm resignation to the will of God under all circumstances and a confiding trust in His wisdom added a more brilliant lustre to all his noble and amiable qualities. Unborn millions will read his biography and sing the praises of this great and good man. He has left examples of human conduct worthy the contemplation and imitation of all who move in the private or public walks of life His influence did not terminate with his existence. Ages to come will be benefited by the rich fruits of his useful and monitory life. The sweet incense of freedom will continue to ascend from his hallowed grave in cerulean perfumes with increasing fragrance until the old world shall be revolutionized, regenerated and free. Coming genera- tions will gaze upon the bright picture of his history with enrapturing delight-the holy flame of patriotism and the pale torch of Liberty now glimmering in the old world will be replenished at the sacred tomb of La Favette. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTU^. 219 FUANCIS LIGHTFOOT LEE. The actions of men cannot be well understood without a thorough knowledge of human nature. We must trace the map of the immortal mind, learn the avenues of its circuit, follow it through the regions of revolving thought, become familiar wiih the passions that influence and control it-learn its natural desires, innate qualities, springs of action-its multifarious combinations. We must understand its native divinity, earthly frailty, malleability, expansions, contractions and its o^'iginal pro- pensities. In addition to all this knowledge, to judge correctly of the actions of an individual we must know the predominants and exponents of his mind-the impress it has received from education, the motives that impelled him to action, his propulsive and repulsive powers, the ultimatum of his designs and his ulterior objects. With all these guides we m&y still become involved in error unless we move within the orbit of impar- tiality, divest ourselves of all prejudice and have our judgments warmed by the genial influence of heaven-born charity. With all these lights we should never pass judgment of censure upon any person unless the good of community requires it or a court of justice demands it. Could this rule be strictly adhered to by individuals and the press-rays of mil- lenial glory would burst upon the wilderness of mind and cause it to bud and blossom as the rose. A peaceful and quiescent rest would calm the angry feelings and boiling passions of men, daily lashed to a foaming fury by the unnecessary and often erroneous expressed opinions of others. On this point the Sages and Heroes of the American Revolution were examples worthy of imitation. Each one held most sacred the reputa- tion of his co-workers. The few violations of this principle were frowned upon with an indignity that gave the recusants the Belshazzar trembles. Among them no one was more tender of character than Francis Light- foot Lee. He was the son of Thomas Lee-born in Westmoreland county, Virginia, on the 14th of October 1734. He was the brother of Richard Henry Lee whose eloquence rose higher but whose reflections were no deeper than those of Francis. In childhood he was admired for his docility and amiable deportment-in youth he was the pride of every circle in which he moved and when manhood dawned upon him he exhibited a dignity of mind and maturity of judgment that all delighted to honor. He was educated by the Rev. Mr. Craig a Scotch clergyman of 220 THE SAGES AND HEROES high literary attainment and profound erudition. Under his tuition the germs of knowledge took deep root in the prolific mental soil of young Lee and produced plants of rapid and luxuriant growth. The Scotch literati are remarkable for deep investigation, thorough analyzation and lucid demonstration. I have never met one who was a pedant, a vain pretender or a superficial scholar. Under such an instructor the intel- lectual powers of Francis assumed a vigorous and healthful tone that placed him upon the substantial basis of useful knowledge and enduring fame. He was delighted with the solid sciences and spent less time in the bowers of Belles Lettres than his Ciceronean brother. The history of classic Greece and Republican Rome enraptured his mind with the love of liberty and liberal principles. He read closely, thought deeply and investigated thoroughly. He prosecuted his studies with untiring industry and became an excellent scholar without the advantages of European seminaries to which most of the sons of wealthy men were then sent to complete their education. Imitating the examples of his elder brothers who had received the highest polish of English gentilesse and French etiquette he became a polished gentleman in his manners. Raised in the midst of affluence, actuated by the purest ethics, free from a desire to participate in the follies of the world, living in the peaceful enjoyment of those refined pleasures that promote felicity without enervating the body or corrupting the heart, the favorite of his numerous acquaintances-his earthly happiness was of the purest kind. His mind richly stored with scientific theory and with correct moral and religious principles, he entered the school of experience and became emphatically a practical man. Possessed of an ample fortune he could devote his time to what he deemed most useful. Having early imbibed a love for rational liberty and having fully canvassed the conduct of the British ministry towards the American Colonies, Mr. Lee resolved to oppose the encroachments of the king upon the rights clearly guaranteed by the English constitution. He could not consent that the trappings of the crown, the pomp of the courts, the extravagance of the ministry and the expenses of the Parliament of Great Britain should be borne by the yoe- manry of America who were eloigned from the protection and fraternal feeling of that power, deprived of participating in legislation, subject to the caprice of every new cabinet created by the King, dragged from their native homes to be tried by a foreign jury, oppressed by the insolence of hireling officers, driven from under the mantle of constitutional rights and treated as mere vassals of the mother country. In 1765 he was elected to the house of Burgesses to represent Loudoun county where his estate was situated. He at once took a OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 221 bold Stand in favor of rational Liberty. Blessed with a strong and investigating mind, a deep and penetrating judgment, a clear and acute perception, a pure and patriotic heart, a bold and fearless disposition- he became one of the most efficient advisers in the legislative body. He continued to represent Loudoun county until 1772 when he married the estimable Rebecca-daughter of Col. Taylor of Richmond county where he located permanently. The same year he was elected from his new district and continued to do good service in the house of Bur- gesses until he repaired to the Continental Congress. Amidst the gathering storm of the Revolution and the trying scenes that accumu- lated thick and fast around him-he stood unmoved and undismayed. He advocated every measure calculated to promote the independence of his country and was prolific in plans for the accomplishment of that much desired object. As a member of committees he had no superior. He was familiar with every form of government and understood well the rights conferred by Magna Charta and the British constitution. He was prepared to act advisedly and was resolved to resist unto blood the illegal advances of the designing and avaricious ministry. He made no pretensions to oratory, seldom spoke in public but when so highly excited as to rise he poured upon his opponents a flood of keen and withering logic that often made them quail. On the 15th of August 1775 Mr. Lee was elected to the Continental Congress. A more expansive field was then opened before him. To do or die-to live in chains or peril everything for Liberty had become the dilemma. Columbia's soil had been saturated with the blood and serum of Americans shed by the very men who had been cherished by their bounty and fed by their labor. The dim flickerings of hope for redress and conciliation were fast expiring in the socket of for- bearance. The great seal of the compact had been broken by the British ministry-the last petitions, addresses and remonstrances were prepared-the final course for the Colonies to pursue was soon to be determined. Inglorious peace or honorable war were the two propo- sitions. In favor of the last Mr. Lee put forth the strong energies of his mind. Eternal separation from England and Independence fo'* America could only satisfy his views. Being upon numerous commit- tees his influence was strongly felt. Liberty had become a desidera- tum with him. When the proposition of final separation from the mother country was submitted by his brother his soul was raised to the zenith of patriotic feeling. When the Declaration of Rights was adopted his mind was in an ecstacy of delight. His influence, vote and signature told how pure and strong were his desires in its favor. 222 THE SAGES AND HEROES He rendered essential aid in framing the Articles of Confederation that governed Congress and the Colonies during the Revolution. This was a subject of great delicacy and labor. Besides the work ot the committee it passed through thirty-nine discussions in the House. He contended that the rights of contiguous fisheries and the free naviga- gation of the Mississippi river should be incorporated in the claims of the United States in all propositions of peace. The wisdom and saga- city of his position are now fully demonstrated. It was then opposed by some and not duly appreciated but by few. Mr. Lee was continued in Congress up to 1779 when he declined a re-election and retired from the public arena to scenes more congenial to him but less beneficial to the deliberations of the august body he had long graced with his wisdom. His enjoyment of domestic life was transient. Contrary to his wishes he was elected to the legisla- ture of his native state and repaired to the post of duty. After aiding in removing the perplexing difficulties that embarrassed the govern- ment of the Old Dominion he again retired to the peaceful retreat of private life where he remained until April 1797 when he was sum- moned to appear forthwith at the Bar of the God he loved and had honored through life. Calm and resigned he bowed submissively to the messenger who bore the mandate-bid his friends an affectionate farewell and took his departure triumphing in faith with a full assur- ance of a joyful reception in a brighter and better world. He died of pleurisy and was followed in a few days by his wife. They had no children but their graves were moistened by the tears of numerous relatives and friends. In public life Mr. Lee was eminently useful-his private worth shone with equal brilliancy. Always chaste, cheerful, amusing and instruc- tive-he delighted every circle in which he moved. Wealthy, benevo- lent and liberal-he was the widow's solace, the orphan's father and the poor man's friend. Kind, affectionate and intelligent-he was a good husband, a faithful companion and safe counsellor. Polished, urbane and gentlemanly-his manners were calculated to refine all around him. Moral, discreet and pious-his precepts had a salutary influence upon the minds of all who heard them and were not callous to good advice. He spurned the slanderer, kindly reproved the vicious and by counsel and example disseminated the principles of morality and reli- gion. He was a bright model of human excellence. It has been erroneously stated that he was unfriendly to Washing- ton. The mistake of the writer probably arose from incorrectly asso- ciating Gen. Charles Lee, who came from Wales in 1773, with the OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 223 Lees of Virginia and who was suspended from his command one year for disobedience to orders at the battle of Monmouth. He was a brave officer and only made a small mistake which he deeply re- gretted. The approval of the sentence was voted for in Congress by Francis. After the adoption of the Federal Constitution he was asked his opinion upon it. His answer shows his confidence in Washington. « I am old and do not pretend to judge these things now but one thing satisfies me it is all right-General Washington is in favor' of it and John Warden is opposed to it." Warden was opposed to our Inde- pendence. Let the shining examples of Mr. I^ee be reflected forcibly on our minds and lead us to do all the good in our power whilst we live and prepare for a peaceful and happy exit from the abysm of time. RICHARD HENRY LEE. Rhetoric, as defined in the lexicons, as taught in the schools, as prac- tised in times of peaceful leisure-is not the kind that graced the forum during the American Revolution. No studied or written speeches were then crowded upon the audience to kill time or gain popularity. Judge McKean remarked just before his death-" I do not recollect any formal speeches, such as are made in Parliament and our late Congresses. We had no time to hear such speeches-little for deliberation-action was the order of the day." School eloquence is very different from native heart-thrilling soul- stirring rhetoric. The former is like the rose in wax without odor-the latter like the rose upon its native bush perfuming the atmosphere with the rich odors distilled from the dew of heaven. The former is the finely finished statue of a Cicero or Demosthenes, more perfect in its lineaments than the original-the latter is the living man animated by intellectual power-rousing the deepest feelings of every heart-electrify- ing every soul as with vivid lightning. The former is a picture of the passions all on fire-the latter is the real conflagration pouring out a stream of impassioned words that burn like liquid flames bursting from a volcano. The former brings the fancy of an audience into playful action-the latter sounds an alarum that vibrates through the tingling ears to the soul and drives back the rushing blood upon the aching heart. The former moves the cerebral foliage in waves of recumbent beauty like a gentle wind passing over a prairie of tall grass and flowers-the latter strikes a blow that resounds through the wilderness 224 THE SAGES AND HEROES of mind like rolling thunder through a forest of oaks. The fornrier fails when strong commotions and angry elements agitate the public peace- ihe latter can ride upon the whirlwind of faction, direct the tornado of party spirit and rule the storm of boiling passion. This was the only Kind of eloquence practised by the Sages and Heroes who achieved our Independence. At such times school elocution is a mockery-a vain show that disgusts men when the fate of millions is suspended by a single hair. At such a crisis the deep fountains of the soul are broken up and gush out in living streams of natural overwhelming eloquence. Among the powerful orators of '76 was Richard Henry Lee, son of Thomas Lee, born in Westmoreland County, Virginia, on the 20th of January 1732. His ancestors were among the early settlers of the Old Dominion and were prominent in directing the destiny of the Colony. They were men of liberal principles and at all times promptly resisted every encroachment upon their rights. The arbitrary power exercised by Charles L over his European subjects which hurled him from his throne, was resisted by the Lees. When Cromwell assumed the crown he was never recognised by Virginia. The mandate that proclaimed the second Charles King-originated with Lee and Berkley of the Old Dominion. The plan of ultimate Independence was che- rished by the elder Lees. Through the bright vista of the future they contemplated the millennium of Freedom in America. So strongly impressed was the father of Richard Henry with this idea that he fixed in his mind the location of the seat of government and purchased lands in the vicinity of Washington. By some historians this act is called a paradox that philosophy has been perplexed to explain. To my mind the solution has no perplexity. A man of deep reflection and large intelli- gence does not draw his conclusions alone from present appearances. He compares the past with the present and makes deductions for the future. The historic map of the world is covered with the rise, pro- gress and extinction of nations, kingdoms and empires. From the causes and effects delineated upon the same map, it was the natural conclusion of a penetrating mind that the expansive territory of this country, with all the bounties of nature lavished upon it, must eventu- ally become so densely populated that its physical force would be too powerful for any European country to hold dominion over it. The geographical centre was also plain as the settlements were then pro- gressing. This prophecy, as it has been termed, was the result of deep thought arriving at conclusions drawn from the unerring laws of nature, showing that Mr. Lee possessed an analyzing mind that moved in an extensive orbit. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 225 Richard Henry Lee commenced his education at Wakefield, York- shire, England and remained in that kingdom until he completed it. He returned a finished scholar, an accomplished gentleman with a re- putation untarnished by vice or folly. From his childhood honesty and morality were his darling attributes-he delighted in reposing under the ethic mantle. During his absence his innate republicanism did not be- come tinctured with the farina of European courts or the etiquette of aristocracy. In classic history he found the true dignity of man per- trayed-his inalienable rights delineated. In the philosophy of Locke he saw the rays of light reflected upon human nature-the avenues of the immortal mind opened to his enraptured vision. In the Elements of Euclid the laws of demonstration were presented to his delighted understanding and gave fresh vigor to his logical powers. Endowed with these qualifications he was prepared to enter upon the great theatre of public action and adorn the circle of private life. His first public act was in raising a company of troops and tendering his services to Gen. Braddock. That proud Briton considered the Pro- vincials puerile and declined the proffered aid. His fate is a matter of history. In 1757 Mr. Lee was appointed a Justice of the Peace and President of the Court. Shortly after he was elected to the House of Burgesses and made himself thoroughly acquainted with the laws of legislation and government-the true policy and various interests of the colony and with the rules of parliamentary proceedings. Retarded by an almost unconquerable diffidence, he took very little part in debate at first. It was not until he became excited by a subject in which he felt a deep interest that his Ciceronean powers were developed. A bill was before the House imposing a duty on the importation of slaves into Virginia-virtually amounting to a prohibition. It was strongly opposed by several inffuential members. Mr. Lee became roused and poured upon his astonished audience such a flood of burning eloquence against the importation of human beings to be made slaves, that his op- ponents trembled as they listened. In vivid colors he painted the cru- elties of Cortes in South America, the Saracens in Spain and passed through the dark catalogue of monsters who had disgraced humanity with barbarism-then pointed his colleagues to the darker blot-the more barbarous practices that branded with infamy the unhallowed slave- trade then monopolized by mother Britain. He pointed to the bloody scenes of other times when the physical force of the slaves had ena- bled them to rise and crush their masters at one bold stroke. By stop- ping the traffic, the evil entailed upon them might be provided for and the certain and dreadful consequences of a constant influx from Africa 29 226 THE SAGES AND HEROES be warded off. His eloquence was applauded but his philanthropic views were voted down by the friends of the crown. The trade was virtually originated and long continued by Great Britain, now so loud in complaints against us for not at once providing for an evil entailed by her. Had this bill passed, her revenue would have been less and thousands of Africans left at their peaceful homes. O ! shame where is thy blush ! This powerful effort raised Mr. Lee to the rank of the Cicero of America. The exposure of the base corruptions practised by Mr. Rob- inson, then treasurer of the Colony, was the next important service rendered by him. As this was an attack upon the aristocracy, it re- quired much skill, boldness and sagacity to introduce the probe suc- cessfully. This he did in a masterly manner and proved clearly that the treasurer had repeatedly re-issued reclaimed treasury bills to his favorite friends to support them in their extravagance by which the Colony was robbed of the amount by their payment a second time with- out a quid pro quo [equivalent.] For this bold act Mr. Lee was ap- plauded by every honest man-hated and dreaded by public knaves. When Charles Townshend laid before the British Parliament the odious and more extensive plan of taxing the American colonies which Mr. Grenville called the philosopher's stone, Mr. Lee was among the first to sound the alarm. Within one month after the passage of the preliminary Act in Parliament followed by a revolting catalogue of unconstitutional arid oppressive laws, he furnished his London friends with a list of arguments against it sufficient to convince every reason- able man of the injustice and impolicy of the measure. When Patrick Henry proposed his bold resolutions against the Stamp Act in 1765 Mr. Lee gave them the powerful aid of his eloquent and unanswerable logic. He was very active in the formation of associations to resist the encroachments of the crown. He aided in compelling the collector of stamps to relinquish his office, deliver up his commission and the odious stamp paper. The people were advised not to touch or handle it. His pen was also ably used and produced many keen, withering, lon-ical, patriotic, pungent essays that had a salutary influence upon the public mind. He corresponded with the patriots of New York and New England. According to the testimony of Col. Gadsden of S. C. and the public documents of that eventful era, Mr. Lee was the first man who proposed the Independence of the colonies. He had unques- tionably imbibed the idea from his father whose ancestors had predicted it for the last hundred years and had probably handed it down from sire to son. In a letter from Richard Henry Lee to Mr. Dickinson OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 227 dated July 25th 17G8 he proposes upon all seasonable occasions to impress upon the minds of the people the necessity of a struggle with Great Britain ""^for the xdtimate establishment of independence— that pri- vate correspondence should he conducted hy the lovers of liberty in every jjrovince.'" His early proposition in Congress to sever the maternal ties was considered premature by most of the friends of Liberty. He had long nursed this favorite project in his own bosom-he was anxious to transplant its vigorous scions into the congenial bosoms of his fellow patriots. Soon after the House of Burgesses convened in 1769, as chairman of the judiciary committee, Mr. Lee introduced resolutions so highly charged with liberal principles calculated to demolish the Grenville superstructure and reduce to dust his iSiWsmanic philosophei'^s stone, that they caused a dissolution of. the House and concentrated the wrath of the British ministry and its servile bipeds against him. The rich frdits of their persecution were the formation of non-importation associations, committees of safety and correspondence and the disaffection of the English merchants towards the mother country in consequence of the impolitic measures calculated to prostrate their importing and export- ing trade. Lord North now assumed the management of the grand drama of oppression and laid more deeply the revenue plan. By caus- ing a repeal of the more offensive Acts he hoped to lull the storm of opposition that was rapidly rising and prepare for more efficient ac- tion. Had the Boston Port Bill been omitted his dark designing trea- chery might have succeeded more triumphantly. This fanned the burning flame of resentment to a white heat. It spoke in language too plain to be mistaken-too strong to be endured. In 1774 Mr. Lee was a delegate to the Congress convened at Phila- delphia. At that memorable meeting he acted a conspicuous part. After Patrick Henry had broken the seal that rested on the lips of the members as they sat in deep and solemn silence, he was followed by Mr. Lee in a strain of belles-lettres eloquence and persuasive reasoning that took the hearts of his audience captive and restored to a calm the boiling agitation that shook their manly frames as the mountain torrent of Demosthenean eloquence was poured upon them by Henry. He was upon the committee that prepared an address to the king-the people of Great Britain and to the Colonies. Those documents were written by him and adopted with but few amendments. He was upon the committee that prepared the address to the people of Quebec and upon the committee of rights and grievances and non-intercourse with the mother country. In the warmth of his ardor he proposed several 228 THE SAGES AND HEROES resolutions that were rejected because considered premature at that time-not that the purity of his motives were doubted. Many of the members still hoped that timely redress of grievances would restore peace. They had clearly and forcibly set forth their complaints and desires and could not yet be persuaded that ministers were madly bent on ruin. For solidity of reasoning, force of sagacity and wisdom of conclusion-the proceedings of that Congress stand without a parallel upon the historic page. So thought Lord Chatham, Burke and many of the wisest English statesmen at that time. In 1775 Mr. Lee was unanimously elected to the Virginia Legisla- ture where the same zeal for Liberty marked his bold career. He re- ceived a vote of thanks for his noble course in Congress and was made a delegate for the next session. A more congenial field now opened for this ardent patriot. Temporizing was no longer the order of the the day. Vigorous action had become necessary. His zeal and in- dustry had ample scope. With all his might he entered into the good work. Upon committees-in the house, everywhere he was all activity. In 1776 he was a member of Congress. In obedience to the instruc- tions of the Virginia Legislature and his long nursed desires, on the 7th of June he rose amidst the assembled patriots of the nation in the Hall of Liberty and offered the resolution for the adoption of a Decla- ration of Independence This resolution he enforced by one of the most brilliant and powerful displays of refined and forcible eloquence ever exhibited in our country. On the 10th of the same month he was called home by the illness of his family which prevented him from taking his place as chairman of the committee upon his resolution agreeably to parliamentary rules. Mr. Jefferson was put in his place. The wrath of British power against him was now at its zenith. Dur- ing his short stay at home an armed force broke into his house at night and by threats and bribes endeavoured to induce his servants to inform them where he could be found. He was that night a few miles distant with a friend. They were told he had gone to Philadelphia. In August he returned to Congress and most gladly affixed his name to that sacred instrument upon which his imagination had feasted for years. He continued at his post until June 1777 when he returned home to confute a base slander charging him with unfaithfulness to the American cause in consequence of having received rents in kind instead of Continental money. He was honorably acquitted by the Assembly and received a vote of thanks from that body for his fidelity and indus- try in the cause of freedom-rather a cooler to his semi-tory enemies. During the two ensuing years his bad health compelled him to leave OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 229 Congress several times, but his counsel was at the command of his col- leagues at all times. Nothing but death could abate his zeal in the good cause. The portals of military glory were now opened to Mr. Lee. He was appointed to the command of the militia of his native county and proved as competent to wield the sword and lead his men to action as he was to command an audience by his powerful eloquence. Defeated in the north the British made a rush upon the Southern States. Whenever they approached the neighbourhood under the charge of Mr; Lee they found his arrangements a little too precise for their convenience and abandoned their visits entirely. In 1780—1—2 he served in the Virginia legislature. The proposition of making paper bills a legal tender-of paying debts due to the mother country and of a general assessment to support the Christian religion-were then before the House and excited great interest. Mr. Lee advocated and Mr. Henry opposed them. From the necessity of the case he was in favor of the first. L^pon the sacredness of contracts he based his arguments in favor of the second and from ethics he drew conclusions in favor of the last. He said re- finers might weave reason into as fine a web as they pleased but the experience of all time had shown religion to be the guardian of morals. He contended that the declaration of rights was aimed at restrictions in the form and mode of worship and not against the legal compulsory support of it. In this Mr. Lee erred. He probably had forgotten that Christ declared his kingdom was not of this world and that the great Head of the Christian religion had for ever dissolved the bans of church and state by that declaration. In other respects the position is untena- ble in a republican government and can never promote genuine piety in any. In 1784 he was again elected to Congress and chosen President of that body. At the close of the session he received a vote of thanks for the faithful and able performance of his duty and retired to the bosom of his family to rest from his long and arduous toils. He was a member of the Convention that framed the Federal Constitution and took a deep interest in the formation of that saving instrument. He was a U. S. Senator in the first Congress that convened under it and fully sustained his previous high reputation. Infirmity at length com- pelled him to bid a final farewell to the public arena. His last public services were rendered in the legislature of his own state. On his retirement a most flattering resolution of thanks for his numerous valuable services was passed by that body on the 22d of October 1792. He then retired to the peaceful shades of Chantilly in his native county 230 THE SAGES AND HEROES crowned with a chaplet of amaranthine flowers emitting rich odors lasting as time. There he hved-esteemed, beloved, respected and ad- mired until the 19th of June 1794 when the angel of death liberated his immortal spirit from its clay prison-seraphs conducted his soul to realms of bliss there to enjoy the reward of a life well spent. Mr. Lee was a rare model of human excellence and refinement. He was a polished gentleman, scholar, orator and statesman. In ex- ploring the vast fields of science he gathered the choicest flowers-the most substantial fruits. The classics. Belles Lettres-the elements of civil, common, national and municipal law-the principles of every kind of government were all familiar to his mind. He was ardently patriotic, pure and firm in his purposes, honest and sincere in his mo- tives, liberal in his principles, frank in his designs, honorable in his actions. As an orator the modulatiori of his voice, manner of action and mode of reasoning were a fac simile of Cicero as described by RoUin. He richly merited the appellation-CicERo of America. His private character was above reproach. He possessed and exer- cised all those amiable qualities calculated to impart substantial hap- piness to all around him. To crown with enduring splendor all his rich and varied talents-he was a consistent Christian-an honest man. As his dust reposes in peace let his examples deeply impress our hearts and excite us to fulfil the duties of life to the honor of ourselvesj our country and our God. FRANCIS LEWIS. The patriotic sages and daring heroes of the American Revolution were from different countries and of various pursuits. One feeling pervaded the bosoms and influenced the actions of all-the love of Liberty. This main spring of action was confined to no business or profession. All classes who loved their country and hated chains flew to the rescue. Self interest lost its potent powers and thousands pledged their lives and fortunes to defend their bleeding country against the merciless oppression and exorbitant demands of an unyielding mo- narch. No class of men better understood the injustice of the mother country than those engaged in commerce. Many bold spirits rushed from the counting house to the forum and the field, resolved on victory or death. Among them was Francis Lewis, born at LandafT, in the shire of Glamorgan, South Wales, March 1713. His father was an Episcopal OE THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 231 clergyman, his mother was the daug' ter of the Rev. Dr. Pettingal of tne same sect who officiated at Cseniarvonshire in North Wales. Francis was an only child and lost both his parents when only fif- teen. A maternal aunt, named Llawelling, became his guardian. She had him early instructed in the Cymraeg language which he never lost. He was subsequently sent to a relative in Scotland where he was taught the original Celtic language. From there he entered the Westminster school at London and became a good classical scholar. He then entered a counting house and became thoroughly acquainted with the entire routine of commercial transactions which prepared him to enter into business understandingly and with safety. . When arrived at his majority he inherited a small fortune which he laid out in merchandize and embarked for New York where he arrived in the spring of 1735. He found his stock too large for that city-en- tered into partnership with Edward Annesley, leaving with him a part of his goods, proceeding with the balance to Philadelphia, At the end of two years he settled permanently in New York and married Elizabeth Annesley, sister of his partner in trade. To these ancestors may be traced the numerous and respectable families of the same name now residing in and about New York. Commercial transactions frequently called Mr. Lewis to the prin- cipal ports of Europe and to the Shetland and Orkney Islands. He was twice shipwrecked on the coast of Ireland. His great industry, spotless integrity and skill in business, gave- him a high position in commercial circles, showing clearly the great advantage derived from a thorough apprenticeship in business before a young man sets up for himself. At the commencement of the French war he was the agent for sup- plying the British army with clothing. At the sanguinary attack and reduction of Oswego by the French troops under Gen. Dieskau, Mr Lewis was standing by the side of Col. Mersey when he was killed. He was taken prisoner and held a long time by the Indians enduring the severest sufferings. As a small compensation the British government granted him five hundred acres of land. Mr. Lewis was among the early and determined opposers to the unjust pretensions of the British ministers. He was a distinguished and active member of the Colonial Congress that assembled in New York in the autumn of 1765 to devise and mature measures to effectuate a redress of injuries. A petition was prepared to the King and House of Conmions and a memorial to the House of Lords. The language was respectful but every line breathed a firm determination no longer to yield to injury 232 THE SAGES AND HEROES and insult. The chrysalis of the Revolution was then and there formed The eruptions of the volcano occasionally subsided but as the lava of insubordination would again burst out the crater was enlarged and the volume increased until the whole country became inundated by the ter- rific flood of war, red with the blood of thousands. In 1771 Mr. Lewis visited England and became familiar with the feel- ings and designs of the British ministry. From that time he was fully convinced that the infant Colonies in America could never enjoy their inalienable rights until they severed the parental ties that bound them to the mother country. On all proper occasions he communicated his views to the friends of freedom and did much to awaken his fellow citizens to a just sense of impending dangers. When it was determined to convene the Continental Congress Mr. Lewis was unanimously elected a member by the delegates convened for that purpose on the 22d day of April 1775. He immediately repaired to the Keystone city and entered upon the important duties assigned him. The following year he was continued in Congress and recorded his name upon the chart of Independence. His great experience in commer- cial and general business united with a clear head, a patriotic heart, a matured and reflecting mind richly stored with intelligence-rendered him a useful and influential member. As an active and judicious man on business committees he stood pre-eminent. As a warm and zealous advocate of his country's rights he had no rival. He was continued a member of Congress to April 1779 when he obtained leave of absence. He had suffered much in loss of property which was wantonly destroyed by the British troops. Time or angel's tears can never blot out the damning stigma that rests upon the escutcheon of Great Britain for personal abuse and the wanton destruction of private property during the Revolutionary War. Talk of savage barbarity. He is a Pagan and knows none but his own mode of warfare. England has professed to be the conservatory of Christianity for centuries. Compared with the brutality of her armies in America, looking at her in the light of even a civilized nation, savage barbarity is thrown in the distance so far that it could not be seen through a micros- cope of a million power. Not content with destroying the property of Mr. Lewis, the British seized his unprotected wife and placed her in close confinement without a bed-a change of clothes-almost without food and exposed to the cowardly and gross insults of wretches who were degraded so far below the wild man of the wilderness, that could an Archimedian lever of com- mon decency have been applied to them with Heaven for a fulcrum and OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 233 Gabriel to man it, they could not have been raised, in a thousand years, to the grade of common courtesy. No true American can trace the cruelties of the British troops during the times that verily tried men and women's souls, without having his blood rush back upon his aching heart- his indignation roused to a boiling heat. Mrs. Lewis was retained in prison several months and finally exchanged, through the exertions of Gen. Washington, for a Mrs. Barrow, the wife of a British paymaster retained for the express purpose but treated in the most respectful manner and made perfectly comforta- ble with a respectable family. The base imprisonment of Mrs. Lewis caused her premature death. At the close of the war Mr. Lewis was reduced from affluence to poverty. He had devoted his talents, his property to the cause of Liberty and what was infinitely more-the wife of his youth-the mother of his children had been brutally sacrificed by the hyenas of the crown. Not- withstanding these heart rending misfortunes the evening of his life was made comfortable by his enterprising children and on the 30th day of December 1803, calm and resigned, peaceful and happy, he closed his eventful and useful life. He left a well earned fame that will survive, unimpaired, the revolu- tions of time. His private character was a fair unsullied sheet as pure and valued as his public life was useful and illustrious. As a man of business he stood in the front rank. He was the first merchant who made a shipment of wheat from America to Europe. He was the pioneer in the transporting trade. He was a full man in all that he undertook. His shining examples are worthy of our imitation in all the walks of a good and useful life. PHILIP LIVINGSTON. Men often originate designs and engage in transactions that produce results in direct opposition to their desires. Religious persecution scattered the primitive Christians to various parts of the world and in- stead of annihilating the doctrines of the Cross they were thus more widely spread over the earth. For the enjoyment of the liberty of con- science the emigrants to New England left their native homes. For the same reason the Huguenots of France fled before the blighting edict of Nantes in 1685, many of them settling in the city of New York. To the persecuted and oppressed-America was represented as a land of rest. Immigrants poured in upon our shores from France, Holland, 30 234 THE SAGES AND HEROES Germany, England, Ireland and Scotland-among whom were many eminent for piety, intelligence and liberal principles. They were also men of courage and fortitude, at that time considered necessary requi- sites in the perilous undertaking of leaving the old for the new world. Among those who came to our country were men of all the learned professions, the liberal arts and sciences, trades and occupations. Robert Livingston was the son of an eminent Scotch divine who died in 1672. Robert then came to this country and obtained a grant for the manor along the Hudson River. He had three sons-Philip, father of the present subject-Robert, grandfather of Chancellor Living- ston, and Gilbert, grandfather of the Rev. Dr. John H. Livingston. Philip, the subject of this brief sketch, was born at Albany on the 15th of January 1716. He was one of the few who enjoyed a colle- giate education at that period. After his preparatory studies he en- tered Yale College and graduated in 1737. He had strong native talent improved by the lights of a liberal education. Religion and moral rectitude prepared him for a career of usefulness. In those days of republican simplicity and common sense the graduates of an American college did not believe themselves licensed to ride rough shod over those whose literary advantages were less-nor did they be- lieve themselves exonerated from the field, the shop and the counting house and destined only for the learned professions. They thought it no disparagement to apply themselves to agricultural, mechanical and commercial pursuits and wear apparel spun and wove by the hands of their noble mothers and hale sisters. An enervating change is visible. Mr. Livingston engaged extensively and successfully in mercantile business in the city of New York and became noted for punctuality, honesty and fair dealing. Reposing full confidence in his integrity, ihen a necessary passport to public honors, his fellow citizens elected him an alderman in 1754, which office he filled for nine consecutive years, doing much to promote the peace and prosperity of the city. In 1759 he was elected to the colonial assembly which had important business on hand. Great Britain was at war with France which brought the northern Colonies in contact with the French and Indians. Twenty thousand men were to be raised by the colonists to guard the frontier settlements and carry the war into the Canadas. The province of New York raised 2680 men and 250,000 pounds to aid in the pro- posed object, Mr. Livingston took an active and judicious part in these delibera- tions. He introduced laws for the advancement of commerce, agricul- ture and various other improvements-manifesting a sound judgment y OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 235 and liberal views. He was an active member on the Cominittee of Foreign Relations that wisely selected Edmund Burke to represent the interests of the Colony in the British Parliament. Through the lucid communications of Mr. Livingston that celebrated statesman and friend to America was made thoroughly acquainted with the situation, feelings and interests of the colonists. After the dissolution of the Assembly by the death of George II. Mr. Livingston was elected to the one organized under tiie new dynasty. In 1764 he wrote an answer to the message of Lieutenant Governor Col- den, pointing out, in bold but respectful language, the oppressions and infringements of the British ministry upon colonial rights. He at once became the nucleus around which a band of patriots gathered and formed a nut too hard to be cracked by the sledgehammer of monar- chy. The governor uniformly dissolved the Assembly at the com.- mencement of its session if he found a majority of the members were liberals. In 1768 the Assembly consisted of the brightest luminaries of talent then in the Colony. Mr. Livingston was unanimously elected Speaker. Discovering that a majority of the members were not pliant enough for tools nor submissive slaves, Governor Moore dissolved them and or- dered a new election. He succeeded in obtaining a majority of creep- ing things but patriots enough were elected to hold the minions of the crown in awe. Disgusted at the tyranny of the governor, Mr. Living- ston declined a re-election in the city but was returned to the Assem- bly by the people upon his manor. On mature deliberation he took his seat but w^as objected to because not a resident of the district for which he was elected. The Argus eyes of the patriots quickly disco- vered that by this very plan the governor had succeeded in obtaining a majority in his favor— most of his creatures being in the same predica- ment. To save their own glass houses from a smash they withdrew their objection to Mr. Livingston. During the session he offered a re- solution setting forth the grievances of his countrymen and the viola- tion of chartered rights. This gave great umbrage to the adherents of the crown and they determined to expel him from his seat on the ground of his non-residence in the district he represented. This was done by a vote of 17 to 6, a very large majority of the members being in the same situation. This blind act was on par with the whole course of the infatuated ministry and their hirelings. It constituted a thread in tie web that England wove to make a straight jacket for herself. A wider field now opened for Mr. L. He was elected to the first 236 THE SAGES AND HEROES Congress at Philadelphia and became a brilliant star in the galaxy of national patriots. He was one of the committee that prepared the spirited address to the British nation and roused from their lethargy those whose attention had not been turned to the all important subjects then in agitation-involving a nation's rights and a nation's wrongs. He was continued a member of Congress and when the grand birth- day of our nation arrived-aided in the thrilling duties of the occasion- invoked the smiles of Heaven upon the new swathed infant and gave the sanction of his name to the Magna Charta that secured to our na- tion a towering majesty-a sublime grandeur before unknown. In 1777 he was a member of the convention that framed the consti- tution of New York. He was elected to the Senate and attended the first legislature of the empire state. The same year he was elected to Congress, then in session at York, Penn. having been compelled to flee before the conquering foe. Deeply afflicted with hydro-thorax [dropsy of the chest] he felt that his labors must speedily close. It was in the spring of 1778 when the dark mantle of gloom hung over the bleeding Colonies. Under these circumstances he was willing to devote his last hours to the interest of his beloved country. He had freely given her his best services and a large portion of his pecuniary means. His familv had fled to Kingston on the approach of the enemy. He repaired there to arrange his private business in the best possible manner. He wrote a valedictory letter to his friends at Albany-urged them to remain firm in the cause of Liberty-trust in God for deliverance and bade them an afl'ectionate-a final farewell. He then clasped his lovely wife and dear children to his bosom for the last time on earth-com- mended them to Heaven's guardian care-gave them a look of tender- ness-a fervent kiss and was gone. On the 5th of May he took his seat in Congress, exhausted and feeble, but determined to remain at his post until the lamp of life should burn out. « Although standing on the confines of eternity, his zeal in the cause of human rights shone brightly to the last. For himself he could not anticipate the enjoyment of the fruit of his numerous and protracted toils but for his family and his countrymen he felt deeply-hoped ar- dently. He had full confidence that Independence would be sustained and that a glorious Republic would rise upon the ruins of monarchy. In June his health failed rapidly and on the 12th of that month, 1778 he yielded to the monarch Death to whom he owed a momentary alle- (riance-paid the debt-took a release and a passport to mansions in the skies. He was buried the same day with all the mournful \\ouovs due OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 237 lo his great worth-deeply lamented by all the friends of freedom. His amiable wife was not with him but he had a friend that sticketh closer than a brother-one that had been his stay and support in every hour of trial and smoothed the pillow of death-RELicioN. Angels waited for the transit of his immortal soul-opened wide the gates of Heaven to let the patriot in-the King of glory decked him with a robe of white, en- rolled his name in the book of life and crowned him with that peaceful rest which is the reward of a pure heart and a virtuous life. The private character of Mr. Livingston was a continued eulogy upon virtue, philanthropy, benevolence, urbanity, integrity, nobleness, honesty, patriotism, consistency and all the leading qualities that render man dignified on earth and fit for Heaven. His public career was an exemplification of all the noble qualities that render a patriot complete and endear him to a nation of freemen. With such men to wield the destiny of our expanding nation-our coun- try is safe-our UNION secure. THOMAS LYNCH Jr. The prudent man soars in peerless majesty above the trifling vani- ties and corrupting pleasures of this world and lives in constant readi- ness to enter the mansions of bliss beyond this vale of tears. He regards the past, present and future in the light of Revelation and meets the dispensations of Providence with calm resignation. He views mankind in the bright sunshine of charity-exemplifies the golden rule in his intercourse with the world. He investigates impar- tially, reasons logically-condemns reluctantly. Prudence is not the necessary result of shining talents, brilliant genius or great learning. A profound scholar may astonish the world with scientific discoveries- pour upon mankind a flood of light-enrapture the immortal mind with theological eloquence-point erring man to the path of rectitude and render himself powerless by imprudent conduct. One grain of prudence is of more value than a cranium crowded with unbridled genius or a flowing stream of vain wit. Dangers gather thick around the frail bark of man without it and hurry him to destruction. It is the real ballast of human life. So thought and so acted the Sages of the American Revolution, else their eflbrts would have been vain, their exertions powerless. Among them stood the young patriot Thomas Lynch Jr. born on the plantation of his father on the bank of the North Santee river in 238 THE SAGES AND HEROES the parish of Prince George S. C. on the 5th of August 1749. His paternal ancestors were of Austrian descent and highly respectable. The direct ancestor of young Thomas removed to Kent in England, from thence to Ireland, a son of whom, Jonack Lynch, removed from Connaught to South Carolina in the early time of its settlement. He was the great grandfather of the subject of this short sketch-a man of liberal views and pure morals. In childhood Thomas Lynch Jr. was deprived of his mother by death. At the proper age he was placed at the Indigo Society School at Georgetown, S. C. where some of the most eminent sages of the south were educated. Warmed by the genial rays of science the mind of young Lynch soon burst from its embryo state and exhibited a pleasing and luxuriant growth. His progress was rapid and highly gratifying to his anxious father whose only child he was. At the age of thirteen he entered the far famed school at Eton, Buckinghamshire, England, founded by Henry VI. At that school he commenced his classical studies. After completing his course there he was entered as a gentleman commoner in the University of Cambridge where he be- came a finished scholar and polished gentleman, esteemed and respected by his acquaintances. lie then entered the law temple and became well versed in legal knowledge and general science and was well pre- pared to enter upon the great theatre of action. During his stay he cultivated an extensive acquaintance with the whigs of England and became familiar with the designs of British ministers upon the Colonies. He investigated closely the relative situation of the two countries and came home in 1772 prepared and determined to oppose the oppressions of the crown and strike for LIBERTY. As the dark clouds of the Revolution loomed up from the horizon and increased in fearful blackness the firmness of his purpose increased. These were fostered by his patriotic father and responded to by the people of the parish. Hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder did the sire and son march to the rescue resolved to put forth their noblest efforts to throw off the chains of tyranny. The first attempt of this young patriot to speak in public after his return was at a large town meeeting in Charleston. His father had just addressed the assembled multitude on the subject of British oppres- sion and sat down amidst the enthusiastic cheers of his fellow citizens. His youthful son then rose. A profound silence ensued. The eyes of the dense mass were fixed upon him. For a moment he paused. The blood rushed back upon his aching heart. It returned to its thou- sand channels-his bosom heaved-the struggle was over-an impassioned OF THE AMERICAN K EVOLUTION. 239 Strain of eloquence burst from him that carried the insulating fluid of patriotism to the hearts of his astonished and delighted audience with irresistible force. Tears of joy ran down the furrowed cheeks of his father-bursts of applause from the enraptured multitude made the welkin ring. Such meu could not remain slaves. When the crisis arrived for physical action he was among the first to offer his services. In July 1775 he received a captaincy and re- paired to Newbern, N. C. where he unfurled the star spangled banner and in a few weeks enlisted a full complement of men. ' His father objected to his acceptance of so low a grade to whom his affectionate son modestly replied-" My present command is fully equal to my ex- perience" - a reply worthy the consideration of every young man who desires to build his fame upon a substantial basis. If a man is suddenly placed upon a towering eminence to which he is unaccus- tomed, the nerves of his brain must be unusually strong if he does not grow dizzy, tremble, totter-fall. If he ascends gradually-pauses at different points of altitude as he advances, he may reach the loftiest spire, preserve his equilibrium and stand in safety. Sudden elevations often prove disastrous. On his way to Charleston with his company Capt. Lynch was pros- trated by the bilious fever from which he never entirely recovered and was not able to join his regiment for several months. Soon after this he received intelligence of the dangerous illness of his father-then a member of Congress at Philadelphia. He applied to Col. Gadsden for permission to leave for that city which was refused on the ground that his services were paramount to all private considerations. His unex- pected election to Congress to succeed his father, by a unanimous vote of the Assembly, enabled him to leave at once. With great diffidence he took his seat in the Congress of 1776 amidst veteran sages and statesmen whose combined talents and wisdom are without a rival on the pages of history. On his arrival at Philadelphia he found his revered father partially relieved from a paralytic attack and in August started with him for home. They only reached Annapolis where the venerable sage died in the arms of his son. On entering the national legislature Capt. Lynch became a bold and eloquent advocate for the Declaration of Independence and soon con- vinced his senior colleagues that he had a full share of wisdom to con- ceive, patriotism to impel and prudence to guide him in the glorious cause of freedom. He cheerfully and fearlessly affixed his name to the Magna Charta of our rights and did all in his power and more than 240 THE SAGES AND HEROES his feeble health would warrant to advance the best interests of his ex coriated-bleeding country. He was finally connpelled to yield to in- creasing ill health and relinquish his honorable station. Medical skill proved futile and as advised by his physicians, he and his accomplished wife embarked for Europe at the close of 1779 with Capt. Morgan, whose vessel was never heard from after she had been a few days at sea and then from a Frenchman who left her from some cause unexplained and went on board another vessel. Soon after he left her a violent gale came on and beyond all doubt the vessel went down with all on board. Previous to embarking he made a will be- queathing his large estate to three sisters in case of the death of him self and wife, having no children. The private character of this worthy man was pure and in all respects amiable. Had his valuable life been spared his eminent talents and great zeal promised important services to his country and an elevated rank among the sages and patriots of the eventful era at which he com- menced his brilliant but transient career. Short as was his public tenure he did enough to immortalize his name. Although his bright morning sun did not reach its meridian, its splendor contributed largely in illuminating the horizon of Liberty and shed a rich lustre over his name that will render his memory sacred through all future time. The brief career of Thomas Lynch Jr. admonishes us that life is held by a slender cord and that exalted talents and splendid accomplish- ments, like some rich flowers, often bloom just long enough to be gazed at and admired-then close up their petals and hide their beauties for ever from our enraptured sight. THOMAS McKEAN. Great designs require the deep consideration of strong, vigorous and investigating minds. Imposing events open a wide field for fame and bring to view powers of intellect that would never unfold their beauties under ordinary circumstances. Hence the brilliancy of talent that illuminated the glorious era of the American Revolution. Many who became eminent statesmen and renowned heroes during that me- morable struggle would have remained within the sphere of their par- ticular occupation in time of peace. The public gaze would never have been fixed upon them-they would have passed away with a rich mine of undeveloped mental powers. Hence the erroneous expression OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 241 I have heard from men who do not analyze all they read, hear and see- that we have no men among us now with the exalted talents ot ihe sages of '76. Just such an occasion would explode the error. That many of the patriots of that eventful period were men of unu- sual ability and acquijrements-I freely-proudly admit. That the mo- mentous transactions that engaged their attention served to add an un- equalled lustre to their names is emphatically true. The perils that encompassed them -the dangers that surrounded them -the mighty work they conceived, planned and consummated-all combine to shed a sacred halo around their well earned fame. Prominent among them was Thomas McKean, a native of Chester County, Pennsylvania, born on the 19th of March 1734. He was the son of William McKean who immigrated from Ireland at an early age. He placed this son under the tuition of Rev. Francis Allison then principal of the most popular seminary of the province. He was a gentleman of profound erudition and science. The intellect of Thomas budded and bloomed like the rose of spring. He was a close student-his rapid attainments gave an earnest of a bright future. He left the seminary a thorough linguist, a practical mathematician, a moral philosopher, a finished scholar, an accom- plished gentleman-esteemed, respected and admired by his numerous friends. He then commenced the study of Law under David Kinney, of New- castle, Delaware. He explored the interminable field of this science with unusual success and was admitted to the bar under the most fa- vorable auspices. He commenced his professional career at New- castle-soon acquiring a lucrative practice and proud reputation. He extended his business into his native province and was admitted to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in 1757. His strict attention to busi- ness and superior legal acumen made him extensively and favorably known. He avoided the modern error of too many young lawyers who suppose an admission to the bar closes the toils of the student. Fatal mistake my young friends. You are at the very threshold of your reading. Relaxation is professional suicide. This is a rock on which many have been shipwrecked in all the learned professions. The laws of nature demand a constant supply of food in the intellectual as well as in the physical economy. The man requires more and stronger food than the child. The corroding rust of forgetfulness will mar the most brilliant acquirements of science if laid upon the shelf of neglect. Much study is required to keep up with the march of mind and the ever varying changes produced by the soaring intellect and reaching 31 242 THE SAGES AND HEROES genius of man. It has been said that the basis of law is as unchangea- ble as a rock of adamant. Of elementary law this is true. It does not follow, a priori, that the superstructure is so. Precocious legislators have made that a labyrinthian maze. They use a political kaleidoscope in legislating and that not skilfully. It puzzles competent judges to arrive at a satisfactory construction of statute laws. The incompetent -not few and far between-use the instrument above named carelessly if not politically. Hence no lawyer can succeed without an endless round of reading. In 1762 Mr. McKean was elected to the Delaware Assembly from Newcastle county and continued in that body for eleven consecutive years. He then removed to Philadelphia. So much attached were the Delawarians to him that they continued to elect him to their As- sembly for six years after his removal although he could not serve them in that. Under the old regimen, he was claimed by both Delaware and Pensylvania and served them conjointly in the Continental Con- gress. In 176.5 he was a member from Delaware to the Congress in New York. He was upon the committee that drafted the memorable ad- dress to the House of Commons. His patriotism, love of liberty and firmness of purpose were fully demonstrated in that instrument and by his subsequent acts. He was republican to the core-despised the chains of political slavery-the baubles of monarchy and the trappings of kingly courts. He struck high for Liberty and scorned to be a slave. On his return from New York he was appointed Judge of the Com- mon Pleas, Quarter Sessions and Orphans' Court of Newcastle county. The Stamp Act was then in full life but not in full force in Delaware. Judge McKean was the first judicial officer who put a veto on stamped paper-directing the officers of the courts over which he presided not to use it, as had been ordered by the hirelings of the crown. He set them at defiance and was sustained by the people of the nation. That cir- cumstance, trifling as it may now seem to superficial readers, was big with consequences. It was one of the entering wedges to the Revolu- tion that made an awful opening in the monarchical mass that was ulti- mately split into atoms and annihilated by the wedges and malls of the hard-fisted sons of America. From that time Judge McKean was hailed as one of the boldest champions of Freedom-one of the able?* defenders of his country's Rights. He was a prominent member of the Congress of 1774. He had talent to design-energy to execute and at once made himself useful. \ OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 243 He was the only man who served in the Continental Congress during the whole time of its duration. He was a strong advocate for the De- claration of Independence and promptly put his name to that revered instrument. When it came up for final action, so anxious was he that it should pass unanimously-ihat he sent an express for Mr. Rodney who arrived just in time to give an affirmative vote. Notwithstanding the arduous duties that devolved on him as a mem- ber of Congress-of several important committees and Chief Justice of Pennsylvania-so ardent was his patriotism that he accepted a colonel's commission-took command of a Philadelphia regiment and marched to the aid of Gen. Washington, remaining with him until a new supply of recruits was raised. During his absence his Delaware constituents had elected him to a convention to form a constitution. On his return he proceeded to Newcastle, put up at a tavern and without consulting men or books, hastily penned the constitution that was adopted by the convention. Understanding the feelings and wants of the people-well versed in law and republicanism-a ready writer, he performed the labor in a few hours that has required a large number of men nearly a year to accomplish in more modern times. How changed are men and things since the glorious era of '76. How changed the motives that impel many politicians to action-how different the amount of useful labor performed in the same time and for the same money. Then all were anxious to listen-now nearly all are anxious to speak. Then legis- lators loved their country more and the loaves and fishes less than at the present day. I do not blame the politicians-it is their trade and living. Office seeking has become a card game in which the applicants are the pack-demagogues the players and the dear people and govern- ment the table played upon. The bone and sinew of our country can and should block this ruinous game at once. We have as good men as lived in '76 and a few of them on duty. There should be no others selected. They will not seek office but we should be careful to seek them and cleanse the temple of our Liberty from political peculation and venality. If our country is ruined it will be the fault of the mass. On the 10th of July 1781, Judge McKean was elected President of Congress but declined serving in consequence of his duties as Chief Jus- tice of Pennsylvania. He was then urged to occupy the chair until the court should commence the next term. To this he assented and made an able presiding officer. On the 7th of November he vacated the chair and was complimented by the following resolution :-" Resolved-Tha.t the thanks of Congress be given to the Honorable Thomas McKean, late President of Congress in testimony of their approbation of his conduct in 244 THE SAGES AND HEROES the chair and in the execution of public business." His duties upon the Bench of the Supreme Court commenced in 1777 and were extremely onerous. He did not recognize the power of the crown and held himself amenable only to his country and his God. An able jurist-an unbending patriot-at the hazard of his life he punished all who were brought before him and convicted of violating the laws of the new government. No threats could intimidate-no influence reach him when designed to divert him from the independent discharge of his duty. His profound legal acquirements-ardent zeal-equal justice-vigorous energy and noble patriotism-enabled him to outride every storm and calm the raging billows that often threatened to overwhelm him. He marched on triumphantly to the goal of Liberty and hailed the star spangled banner as it waived in grandeur from the lofty spire of the temple of Freedom. He beheld, with the eye of a sage, philosopher and philanthropist, the rising glory of Columbia's new world. He viewed, with emotions of pleasing confidence, the American eagle descend from the ethereal regions beyond the altitude of a tyrant's breath and pounce upon the British lion. With increasing vigor and redoubled fury the mighty bird continued the awful conflict until the king of beasts retreated to his lair and proclaimed, in a roar of thunder-AMERICA IS FREE ! Angels rejoiced-monarchs trembled-patriots shouted a loud-AMEN ! ! ! The torch of England's power over the Colonies expired in its socket-the birth of a new nation was celebrated by happy millions basking beneath the genial rays of the refulgent glories of the sun of Liberty. The harvest was past-the summer ended-our country saved. The stupendous work of political regeneration was accomplished-the Independence of the United States acknowledged-an honorable peace consumated. Judge McKean then sat down under his own fig tree to enjoy the full fruition of the comforts resulting from his faithful labors in the cause of equal rights. He continued to discharge the important duties of Chief Justice up to 1799 illuminating his judicial path with profound learning, sound discre- tion and impartial decisions. His Supreme Court opinions, based, as they generally are-upon equal justice, correct law and strict equity- delivered when the form of government was changed, the laws unsettled, the state constitution just formed, the Federal Government under its Con- stitution bursting from embryo-are monuments of legal fame enduring aa social order-revered, respected-canonized. He was a member of the convention that formed the constitution of Pennsylvania adopted in 1790 and exercised a salutary influence in thai body. In 1799 he was elected Govornor of the Keystone state and con- OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 245 tributed largely in adding new strength and beauty to the arch of our Union. For nine successive years he directed the destinies of the land of Penn-commencing at a period when the mountain waves of party spirit were rolling fearfully over the United States with a fury before not dreamed of. Amidst the foaming and conflicting elements, Governor JVIcKean stood at the helm of his commonwealth calm as a summer morning-firm as a granite rock and guided his noble ship through the whirling storm-unscathed and unharmed. He proved himself a safe and skilful pilot. For elegance and force of language-correct and liberal views of pulicy-a luminous exposition of law and the principles of government- his annual messages to the legislature stand unrivalled. The clamors of his political enemies he passed by as the idle wind. The suggestions of his friends he scanned with the most rigid scrutiny. Neither flat- tery or censure could drive him from the strong citadel of his own matured judgment. The fawning sycophant-the designing demagogue he spurned with contempt. By honest means only he desired the advancement of the party that had elevated him to a post of honor. Open and avowed prin- ciples-fully proclaimed and strictly carried out were frankly and without prevarication or disguise submitted to the people by him. He was a politician of the old school when each party had plain and distinctive landmarks, significant names and fixed principles. Political chemists had not then opened shop and introduced the modern mode of amalgamation- producing a heterogeneous mass that defies the power of analysis, analy- zation or scientific arrangement. No one of the yclepped classes is homogeneous- Governor McKean respected those who honestly differed from him in politics and had among them many valued friends. He was free from that narrow minded policy based upon gelf, which is too prominent at the present day among those who assume the high responsibility of becoming the arbiters of the minds of their fellow men. His views were expanding liberal-broad-charitable. He aimed at distributing equal justice to all-the rich and poor, the public officer and private citizen. He preferred future good to present aggrandizement. To lay the deep foundations of increasing and lasting prosperity in his own state and through our nation was the object of this pure patriot, enlightened statesman and able jurist. The vast resources of our country, her wide spread territory, majestic rivers, silvery lakes, mineral wealth, rich valleys, majestic moun- tains, rolling uplands, beautiful prairies, extensive sea board, enterprising sons and her virtuous daughters-were all arrayed before his grasping 246 THE SAGES AND HEROES mind and passed in grand review. He was firmly convinced that our people have only to be wise and good to be great and happy. With this end in view he embraced every opportunity in public and private life to inculcate those great principles of moral rectitude, inflexible virtue, purity of motive and nobleness of action-that alone can preserve a nation. He cast a withering frown upon vice in all its deluding forms. He exerted his strongest powers to arrest the career of crime. He was a terror to evil doers and inspired confidence in those who did well. In 1808 he retired from public life. He had devoted forty-six years to the faithful service of his country and had earned an imperishable fame. He stood approved at the bar of his country-his conscience and his God. He had acted well his part and contributed largely in raising our country to a proud elevation among the nations of the earth. He outlived all the animosities that a faithful discharge of duty too often creates. On the 24th of June 1817 he resigned his immortal spirit to Him who gave it and fell asleep in the arms of death as peace- fully as a babe slumbers. He died at Philadelphia. The private character of Judge McKean was unsullied as the virgin sheet. His person was tall and erect-his countenance intelligent, bold and commanding-his manners urbane, gentlemanly and affable-his feel- ings noble, generous and humane-his actions open, frank and republi- can. He was a refined philanthropist, a sterling patriot, an acute phi- losopher, an enlightened statesman, a profound lawyer, an impartial judge, an able magistrate and a truly good man. Legislators, states- men, magistrates and judges-imitate the bright examples of this friend to his country-then our Republic is secure-our UNION safe. FRANCIS MARION. The patriots of '76 proved the purity of their motives in the pursuit of emancipation more by acts than words. They were a united band of brothers who aimed at the general good of their whole country- pledged to make her free or perish in the effort. No local interests-no sectional jealousies-no fire-brands of discord could ihen disorganize the phalanx of sages and heroes who struck for liberty. Under the guidance of Heaven they were crowned with victory. They purchased FREEDOM with torrcuts of blood and millions of treasure. That sacred boon they transmitted to us in pristine purity. Do we all fully appre- ciate this priceless legacy ? Far from it. For years it has been the foot-ball of reckless demagogues-the neglected nursling of our people. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 247 Many talk loud and long of their patriotism-sing the paeans of our FREEDOM-laud the dear sovereign people to the skies-whose acts too plainly show that they look upon our UNION as a mere rope of sand and not as an invaluable treasure to be preserved at all hazards. They look upon the people as a mass of hood-winked worshippers at the shrine of party spirit-not as those who can, should and must banish them from our councils or be plunged into the vortex of fearful destruction. People of America ! open your eyes to our true position ! Look at the mighty struggles, the herculean labors, the gigantic eflbrts of the few pure patriots in our national council who have nobly warded off the lightning thunderbolts of the disorganizers. See the upheaving throes of the volcano that is rocking us in the consuming cradle of civil dis- cord ! Ponder well the danger of concentrating men in Congress whose boiling passions cannot be restrained by the safety-valve of reason- men who do not prize our UNION above all other considerations- whose burning zeal for local measures-party success and self interest would be their ruling passion amidst the smoking ruins of the temple of our LIBERTY. Pcoplc of America ! it is for you to perpetuate this expanding Republic. You can and should preserve it. Banish all questions that can place it in jeopardy-permit all agitators to remain at home-let the people of each state strictly observe the eleventh com- mandment-then we may fondly hope that our course may be onward and upward for centuries to come. Among those who acted a noble part in the American Revolution and exemplified patriotism by his acts-was Francis Marion who was born in 1733 near Georgetown in South Carolina. His early inclina- tion led him to embark on board a vessel bound for the West Indies at the age of sixteen. During the voyage the vessel was upset in a gale and nothing saved but the boat in which the crew and a dog took re- fuge. They had no provisions but the raw flesh of Carlo and wereuDut a week during which time several of them died. The sufferings and perils then endured cured Marion of his partiality for Neptune. As soon as possible he planted himself on terra firma and devoted his time to agriculture until 1759 when he received the commission of a lieu- tenant under Capt. Moultrie who was engaged in the expedition against the Cherokee Indians conducted by Gov. Lyttleton. Two years sub- sequent Marion was raised to the post of captain and served under Col. Grant in a second attempt to chastise the Cherokees. At the com- mencement of the Revolution of Independence he was on hand and ready for action. He was soon raised to the rank of major and served under Col. Moultrie in uis gallant defence of the fort named in honor 248 THE SAGES AND HEROES of that officer. He was then promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel and commanded a regiment at the siege of Charleston. In the early- part of the siege one of his legs was fractured which saved him a jour- ney to the Spanish Castle in Florida where all the unwounded prisoners were sent. On his recovery he proceeded to North Carolina and was commis- sioned a Brigadier General of the militia and became one of the severest scourges the enemy had to encounter. He was enthusiastic in the cause of freedom and imparted this enthusiasm to all who ral- lied under him. He was remarkably shrewd, bold, energetic and persevering. With a small chosen band around him he retired to the intricate retreats in the low grounds of the Pedee and Black rivers, from which he would suddenly erherge and strike a sanguinary blow into the ranks of the enemy at an unexpected moment and retreat so quickly that they knew not from what direction he came or where to follow him. Even his friends were often ignorant of his location for days. He became a terror to the British army and led detached par- ties into many a quagmire where they frequently surrendered at dis- cretion-knowing him to be as humane and generous as he was brave and wary. Col. Horry relates the following pleasing incident of Ma- rion. " About this time we received a flag from the enemy in Georgetown S. C. the object of which was to make arrangements about the ex- change of prisoners. The flag, after the usual ceremony of blindfold- ing, was conducted into Marion's encampment. Having heard great talk about Gen. Marion, his fancy had naturally enough sketched out for him some stout figure of a warrior, such as O'Hara or Cornwallis himself, of martial aspect and flaming regimentals. But what was his surprise when led into Marion's presence and the bandage taken from his eyes, he beheld in our hero, a swarthy, smoke-dried little man with scarcely enough of thread-bare homespun to cover his nakedness and instead of tall ranks of gay dressed soldiers, a handful of sun burnt, yellow legged militia-men-some roasting potatoes and some asleep, with their black firelocks and powder horns lying by them on the logs. Having recovered a little from his surprise, he presented his letter to Gen. Marion, who perused it and settled everything to his satisfaction. " The officer took up his hat to retire. ' Oh no'-said Marion-' it is now about our time of dining and I hope, sir, you will give us the pleasure of your company at dinner.' " At the mention of the word dinner, the British officer looked around him, but to his great mortification, could see no sign of a pot, OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 249 pan, Dutch oven, or any other cooking utensil that could raise the spirits of a hungry man. " ' Well Tom'-said the General to one of his men-' come give us our dinner.' The dinner he alluded to was no other than a heap of sweet potatoes that were snugly roasting under the embers and which Tom, with his pine stick poker soon liberated from their ashy confine- ment-pinching them every now and then with his fingers, especially the big ones, to see whether they were well done or not. Then, having cleansed themof the ashes, partly by blowing them with his breath and partly by brushing them with the sleeve of his old cotton shirt, he piled some of the best on a large piece of bark and placed them be- tween the British officer and Marion on the trunk of the fallen pine on which they sat." " ' I fear sir^-said the General-' our dinner will not prove as palata- ble to you as I could wish-but it is the best we have.' " The officer, who was a well bred man, took up one of the potatoes and affected to feed, as if he had found a great dainty-but it was very plain he ate more from good manners than good appetite. Presently he broke out into a hearty laugh. Marion looked surprised. ' I beg pardon General'-said he-' but one cannot, you know, always com- mand one's conceits. I was thinking how drolly some of my brother officers would look if our government were to give them such a bill of fare as this.' " 'I suppose'-replied Marion-' it is not equal to their style of dining.' " ' No, indeed'-quoth the officer-' and this I imagine is one of your accidental dinners-a sort of han yan. In general, no doubt, you live a great deal better.' "'Rather worse '-answered the General-' for often we don't get enough of this.' " ' Heaven !' rejoined the officer-' but probably what you lose in meal you make up in maft-though stinted in provisions you draw noble ■pay.' " ' JVot a cenV-Sdad. Marion-' not a cent' " ' Heavens and earth ! then you must be in a bad box. I don't see. General, how you can stand it?' " ' Why, sir-replied Marion with a smile of self approbation-' these tiungs depend on feeling.' " The Englishman said-' he did not believe it would be an easy matter to reconcile his feelings to a soldier's life on Gen. Marion's terms-all Jightiyig, no pay and no procisions hut potatoes.^ " ' Why sir'-answercd the General-' the heart is all and when tha* 33 250 THE SAGES AND HEROES is much interested a man can do anything. Many a youth would think it hard to indent himself a slave for fourteen years. But let him be over head and ears in love and with such a beauteous sweetheart as Rachel and he will think no more of fourteen years servitude than young Jacob did. Well now this is exactly my case. 1 am hi love and my sweetheart is liberty. Be that heavenly nymph my champion and these woods shall have charms beyond London and Paris in slavery. To have no proud monarch driving over me with his gilt coaches-nor his host of excisemen and tax gatherers insulting and robbing-gloriously preserving my national dignity and pursuing my true happiness-planting my vineyards and eating their luscious fruit-sowing my fields and reaping the golden grain and seeing mil- lions of brothers all around me equally free and happy as myself. This, sir, is what I long for.' " The officer replied ' that both as a man and a Briton he must cer- tainly subscribe to this as a happy state of things.' " ' Happy'-quoth Marion-' yes, happy indeed. I would rather fight lor such blessings for my country and feed on roots, than keep aloof though wallowing in all the luxuries of Solomon. For now, sir, I walk the soil that gave me birth and exult in the thought that I am not unworthy of it. I look upon these venerable trees around me and feel that I do not dishonor them. I think of my own sacred rights and rejoice that I have not basely deserted them. And when I look forward to the long-long ages of posterity, I glory in the tliought that I am fighting their battles. The children of distant generations may never hear my name but still it gladdens my heart to think that I am now contending for their freedom with all its countless blessings.' " I looked at Marion as he uttered these sentiments and fancied I felt as when I heard the last words of the brave De Kalb. The Eng- lishman hung his honest head and looked, I thought, as if he had seen the upbraiding ghosts of his illustrious countrymen-Sidney and Ham- den. On his return to Georgetown he was asked by Col. Watson why he looked so serious ? " 'I have cause, sir, to look serious.' " 'What! has Gen. Marion refused to treat]' " ' No, sir.' " ' Well then, has old Washington defeated Sir Henry Clinton and broke up our army?' " ' No sir, not that neither-but worse.' "'Ah! what can be worse?' '"Why sir, I have seen an American General and his officers without OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 251 pay and almost ivithout clothes, living on roots and drinking vatcr-aW for Liberty ! What chance have we against such men?' It is said Col. Watson v^^as not much obliged to him for his speech. But the young officer was so struck with Marion's sentiments that he never rested until he threw up his commission and retired from the service." It would be well if more of our own countrymen were as deeply impressed with the sentiments of Marion as was that honest Briton. It ■would be a new and glorious era in the later history of our Republic if the unadulterated patriotism of Marion could be revived in the bosoms of the increasing millions of our land. Then our national council would not be disgraced by wrangling, pugnacious, reckless demagogues. They would be left to blow off their explosive gas in retirement instead of exerting their thunder for nearly a year at a time at the capitol at an enormous expense and with less sense and benefit than boys exhibit with fire crackers in the streets. Gen. Marion continued in active service until that Liberty was won with which he was so deeply in love. He then retired to private life, had the good sense to marry an amiable lady and continued to enjoy the fruits of iiis toils in the camp until February 1795 when an arrow from the quiver of death pierced the shining mark and consigned his mortal remains to the peaceful tomb. In life he was beloved by all who knew him—in death he was deeply mourned. His whole course had been marked by a stern integrity-an untarnished virtue-a lofty patriotism— that ever command sincere respect and merited admiration. He was small in stature but large in soul. Strong common sense guided him in every action. He rarely said or did what was not absolutely necessary and for the best. Few men have lived who were as free from all sur- plusage. Let every reader ponder well the useful career of the noble Marion and profit by his examples. Then our UNION will be safe. ARTHUR MIDDLETON. A careful examination of the history of England-of her Magna Charta and Constitution-of the rights by them secured and of the gross violation of those rights at various periods will show the reader why so many men of high attainments and liberal minds came to America. Disgusted with oppression at home they sought Liberty abroad. They fled from religious and political persecution as from a pestilence. The same cause that induced them to leave their native land prompted them to « 252 THE SAGES AND HEROES vigorous action when imported tyranny invaJed their well earned privileges. The mind of every man and w'oman who came to this asylum of the oppressed for the sake of freedom was as well prepared to meet the crisis of the Revolution as were our native citizens. The feelings created by remembered injuries which drove them from the mother country rendered them as formidable opponents to the unjust pretensions of the crown as those who had never breathed the atmosphere of Europe. In tracing our own history back to the early settlements we find frequent struggles between the people and the officers sent by the king to rule them-the former claiming their inherent rights-the latter often infringing them. The time finally arrived when forbearance was no longer a virtue. Among those who espoused the cause of inalienable rights at an early period was Edward Middleton the great grandfather of the younger Arthur. He came from England to S. C. near tl^ close of the 17th century. He left a son Arthur who imbibed the liberal views of his father. In 1719 he headed an opposition that boldly demanded and obtained the removal of the insolent crown officers then in power. He left a son Henry, one of the same sort who was the father of the subject of this sketch and took an active part at the commencement of the Revolution by rousing his fellow citizens to action. His son Arthur was born at Middleton place on the bank of Ashley rivers S. C. in 1743. His mother was the daughter of Mr. Williams a wealthy planter and was faithful to her children. She lived until 1814, esteemed in life-lamented in death. Arthur was the eldest child and received the best advantages of an early education. At the age of twelve years he was placed in the celebrated seminary at Hackney near London ' and two years after entered the classic school of Westminster. His industry was unremitting-his conduct unexceptionable. At eighteen he became a student in the University of Cambridge and at the age of twenty-two graduated. He was a profound scholar and untarnished in his morals. Trivial amusements and dissipation had no charms for him. Although liberally supplied with money economy was a governing prin- ciple, wisdom his constant guide. Students of our country will do well to imitate his example. After the completion of his education he made the tour of Europe. Familiar with the Greek and Roman classics he enjoyed great pleasure in visiting the ancient seats of learning. He was well versed in all the technicalities of sculpture and architecture and had an exquisite taste for poetry, music and painting. He took notes of all he saw-improved by all he learned. After travelling for two years he returned to his native home and OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 253 bosom of his family and friends. His education completed he took the next wise step of a young man about to enter upon business and mar- ried a worthy daughter of WaUer Izard. The next year the happy pair visited their relatives in England-spent some time in France and Spain-returned in 1773 and took possession of the old paternal man- sion which his father had conveyed to him placing him in affluent cir- cumstances. Possessed of an observing mind his knowledge of English policy and of the principles of monarchy was of a superior order. The effects of this policy and of these principles were painfully visible throughout the American Colonies. Rocked in the cradle of patriotism by his father- tracing its fair lines in the history of his genealogy-LiBERxy was to him an heir-loom. Everything around him prompted his onward course towards the goal of freedom. He boldly espoused the cause of the people which^is uniformly the cause of right. The Middletons were the nucleus of the opposition to tyranny in South Carolina. Their influence reached over the entire province. Although wealthy, aristocracy found no resting place with them. They were Republi- cans of the first water. They freely and promptly pledged life, fortune and honor in behalf of rational liberty. Arthur Middleton was upon the various committees of the people to devise means of safety. He was one of the committee of five that de- cided a recourse to arms and led the people into the royal magazine who removed tiie deposits in defiance of the threats and growls of the British lion. This occurred on the 17th April 1775. On the 14th of June following the provincial Congress appointed a Committee of Safety composed of thirteen of which Arthur Middleton w^as one. This committee was fully authorized to organize a military force and adopt such measures as might seem most expedient to arrest the mad career of the royalists. During the session of the first provincial Congress of South Carolina Lord William Campbell, the new governor, arrived fresh from the British office mint. He was to reduce the rebels at one bold stroke. At first he was all mildness and did not pretend to justify the oppres- sions of which the people complained. To prove the insincerity of which Mr. Middleton believed him guilty, Adam McDonald, a member of Council, was introduced to him as a Tory from the upper country who seemed anxious to have the rebels put down. The governor re- quested him to keep quiet a short time as troops would soon arrive to put a quietus upon the newfangled authorities. When this report was made known to the Council Mr. Middleton moved to have the gover- 254 THE SAGES AND HEROES nor arrested although nearly related to him by marriage. His col- leagues were too timid then for such a measure, but so rapidly did their courage increase that his excellency soon retired on board a sloop of war to avoid the popular fury. In a few days Sir Henry Clinton and Sir Peter Parker arrived with an armed fleet and troops to enforce the authority of Lord Campbell and teach peace to the rebels. An immediate attack was made on Fort Moultrie which was a perfect failure. The governor was wounded and Sir Peter had the nether part of his silk unmentionables badly mutilated by an unpolished rebel cannon ball. On the 11th February 1776 Mr. Middleton was one of the committee that drafted the first constitution of his native State. Soon after he was elected to the Continental Congress and became a conspicuous member. He boldly advocated and by his signature sanctioned the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. He used but few words in debate briefly presenting the strong points of the subject under dis- cussion. He was always heard with attention and had great influence. He stood at the head of the delegation of his State. He exemplified strong common sense-attending to the business of his constituents and the good of his country. He was an intimate friend of John Hancock who held him in high estimation. In 1778 he was elected governor of his native State without his knowledge, advice or consent. The mode of election was by the legislature and secret ballot. Caucuses, insulated with intrigue and corruption, were then unknown. Love of Liberty and country, exem- plified by the acts of freemen, were all the "pledges" required. He declined accepting the office for the reason that a constitution was be- fore the legislature not as republican as he desired and if adopted re- quired the assent of the executive. Believing it would be sanctioned and could be amended at some future time he preferred not placing himself in the way. Rawlin Lowndes was then elected who approved of the constitution on the 19th March 1778. Political honesty was a marked trait in the character of Arthur Mid- dleton. No inducements could turn him from the path of rectitude and duty. He weighed measures, men and things in the unerring scales of justice. He went with no man unless he believed him clearly right. He was sound at the core. His mind was pure and free as mountain air-his purposes noble, bold and patriotic. In 1779, when the British troops were devastating S. Carolina, he took the field with Gov. Rut- ledge and cheerfully endured the privations of the camp. At the attack upon Charleston by Gen. Provost, he manifested great coolness and OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 255 courage. His family was driven away by the destroying enemy and his property plundered. Several valuable paintings were mutilated in the most shameful manner. At the surrender of Charleston in 1780, he was among the prisoners sent to the Spanish Castle at St. Augus- tine, Florida and manfully endured the cowardly indignities there im- posed upon the Americans. In July 1781 a general exchange of pri- soners took place when he returned to Philadelphia. He was again elected to Congress and resumed the important duties of legislation. Soon after this the last important act of the revolutionary'tragedy was closed at Yorktown, where the Heroes of the revolutionary stage took a closing benefit at the expense of British pride and kingly ambi- tion. With the surrender of Lord Cornwallis the last hope of the crown in America expired in all the agonies of mortification. In 1782 Mr. Middleton was again returned to Congress where he continued until November when he returned to his long neglected home. He declined remaining in Congress that he might serve his own state. He did much towards restoring order, harmony and sta- bility in the new^ government of South Carolina. He was several times a member of her legislature and used his best efforts to advance her prosperity. At intervals he improved his desolated plantation and looked forward to years of domestic felicity. But alas ! how uncertain are all sublunary things. In the autumn of 1786 he was attacked with the intermittent fever which terminated in serious disease and caused his death on the first day of January 1787, leaving a wife, tw^o sons and six daughters to mourn their irreparable loss. He w^as deeply la- mented by the nation at large. He was held in great veneration by every friend of freedom in the country. He had only to be known to be loved and admired. He was a consolation to his friends, a shining .ight in the cause of freedom, an ornament to society, a good and honest man. The examples of such a man are living epistles, worthy to be known and read by all who desire the happiness of our beloved country and the perpetuity of our glorious UNION. LEWIS MOEKIS. A MILITARY despotism is a national curse, a blighting sirocco, a foe to liberty. Laws that require the bayonet to enforce them for an ex- tended length of time are bad or the people for whom they are made are unworthy of freedom. Moments of excitement do occur in the best organized communities arising from a sudden local impulse that require 256 THE SAGES AND HEROES a show of military power and even its force-but in a little tinme reason resumes her sway, the spirit of mobocracy subsides, the soldier again pecomes the peaceful citizen and rests for security upon the strong arm of civil power. Quartering the military upon the citizens of a community is full of danger. After having enjoyed the bounty and hospitality of the inhab- itants let that military be directed to enforce laws that are obnoxious to the people-an indignation is roused that is increased tenfold from the circumstance of previous familiarity. The citizen conceives he has bestowed a special favor upon the soldier. He looks upon the attempt to force unjust laws upon him as base ingratitude-the blackest crime out of pandemonium. Favors forgotten and ingratitude displayed add desperation to revenge. Previous to the American Revolution the military were quartered upon or drew their support directly from the people. The Colonies had contributed largely in money and blood to aid the mother country in conquering her most inveterate foe in Ame- rica-the French in Canada. No return was asked but the quiet enjoy- ment of chartered privileges guarantied by the constitution. This was denied them. Petitions were treated with contumely-remonstrances were laughed to scorn. Then it was that a band of Sages and Heroes rose in all the majesty of man's native dignity and vindicated their ina- lienable rights. Among the boldest of the bold was Lewis Morris, born at Morrisa- nia in the vicinity of the city of New York in 1726. The preserved documents of this family trace their genealogy back to Rhice Fitzge- rald. Rhys or Rhice Fitzgerald was a Cambrian chieftain who carried his military operations and conquests into Ireland during the reign of Henry II. By his valor and success he obtained the name of Maur [great] Rhice and the penultimate Fitzgerald being dropped gives us the name in plain English-Morris. In tracing genealogy we find names more changed than this. Genealogy and the origin of names is an amusing study-if you have leisure try it. Lewis was the son of Judge Morris of the same Christian name who retained possession of the paternal estate formerly purchased by his grandfather, Richard Morris, who was a leader under Cromwell and came from Barbadoes in 1663 and purchased a tract of land near Har- laemonYork Island. He left an only son, Lewis, who was Chief Jus- tice of New York and subsequently governor of New Jersey. After his preparatory studies Lewis entered Yale College at the age of sixteen. From the President, Dr. Clap, he imbibed a relish for moral and religious principles and became a good scholar. In 1746 OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 257 he graduated-returned to his estate and became extensively engaged in agriculture. At that period the Colonies were free, prosperous and happy. The mother country had not discovered the philosopher's stone of taxing her distant children to support royalty. They were left to pursue their own course-enjoy the fruit of their labors and repose in peace. In this delightful retirement Mr. Morris continued to improve his farm and mind. By his suavity of manners, moral rectitude and honorable course he gained the confidence and esieem of all who made his acquaintance. He was the nucleus to a circle of friends of the highest attainments and respectability. He became a great favorite among the people and did all in his power to improve their condition and promote general good. He was a philanthropist and patriot. The time rolled on rapidly when colonial repose was to be plucked up from the roots and perish under the burning heat of British oppres- sion. The treasury of England had been drained by extravagance and war-her national debt had become frightfully large. The story of prosperity and wealth in America had been told to Mr. Grenville by an evil person in an evil hour. The plan of imperious taxation was devised. The Stamp Act was passed as a feeler. The descend- ants of the pilgrim fathers thought its feeling rather rough and re- coiled from the touch with amazement. They loved their king but they loved their chartered privileges and country more. Legal reme- dies were resorted to. A Congress was convened at New York and several Colonies ably represented. Powerful addresses to the throne and people of Great Brhain were prepared breathing the purest alle- giance conditioned on the restoration of constitutional rights. The Stamp Act was repealed only to give place to a more voracious and obnoxious budget of Acts. The ministry bent all their force to accom- plish their impoUtic designs. They did more to prepare the people of America for Independence than the combined energies of the Sages could have eifected without their co-operation. In devising a great evil they consummated a great good. Mr. Morris took a deep interest in passing events-at first only as an adviser. Although Massachusetts took the lead in resisting oppres- sion New York was not tardy in coming to the rescue. In 1767 an Act was passed by Parliament compelling the people of that Province to furnish the British soldiers that were quartered among them with provisions. By this order the burden fell upon certain portions of the inhabitants exclusively and not -pro rata upon the whole. It was a direct invasion of personal rights and was most severely felt by the 23 258 THE SAGES AND HEROES citizens of the city of New York and its vicinity. Tiiis measure brouglit Mr. Morris out. He publicly proclaimed it unconstitutional and tyrannical and contributed largely towards influencing the legisla- ture to place a veto upon it. Might triumphed over right and enforced the contribution from the citizens. Spirits like that of Lewis Morris were not to be subdued. An unquenchable fire was only smothered to gather volcanic force under the brittle crust that covered it. It was constantly increased by supplies of fuel from Mr. Grenville and his more subtle successor Lord North, The statute of Henry VHL was revived which doomed the disobedient to be sent to England for trial. Its eldest daughter-the Boston Port Bill was ushered into life and other screws of the rack tightened. The last petitions and remonstrances in the magazine of patience were finally exhausted. It was speedily replenished with materials more weighty than paper. Mr. Morris had become a prominent leader, a bold and substantial whig, rather too highly charged for the conciliatory Congress of 1774. The time came on apace when the people required just such a man and in April 1775 elected him to the Continental Congress. Even then most people attributed their sufferings to the venal ministry and hoped the king would cease to be an automaton and prove himself a man worthy of the high station he occupied. But hopes were vain- the olive branch withered beneath the scorching rays of corrupted power. The virtues of steel, powder and lead were Ihen to be tried. Already had the purple current of Americans saturated the streets of Boston and heights of Lexington. Already had the groans of dying citizens, slain by the hands of those whom they had fed-pierced the ears of thousands. Already were widows weeping for husbands wel- tering in blood and orphans for fathers covered with gore. If imagi- nation sickens-if language fails, if history is impotent in conveying but a faint idea of the consuming anguish, the bitter grief, the palsying terrors, the boiling revenge, the deep resolves of those dark hours- how heart breaking-how overwhelming must have been the dreadful reality to living witnesses. Soon after he took his seat in Congress Mr, Morris was placed upon a committee of which the illustrious Washington was chairman to devise measures to obtain the munitions of war. This was a deside- ratum rather problematical. Comparatively a sling and a few smooth stones were all the patriots had with which to combat the British Go- liah. But the battle of Bunker Hill convinced all parties that rusty guns in hands with nerves of steel guided by hearts of oak could do good service and that men resolved on liberty or death were not to he OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 259 tamely yoked without a desperate effort to be free. Mr. Morris became an active member and advocated strong measures. The year previous he was considered rash-the time had arrived when all saw the neces- sity of pursuing the course he had marked out. He became early convinced that an honorable arrangement could not be had under Great Britain-nothing but a triumph over her would restore the equilibrium of justice. He was one of a committee to visit the Indian tribes to persuade them not to enlist under the blood stained banner of England. But British gold was stronger than the most eloqilent reasoning. To the eternal disgrace of those who were then wielding the destinies of the mother country, a premium w^s given for scalps not for prisoners. So dark, so deep, so damning a blot rests not upon the escutcheon of any other nation upon earth. Why ? Because that kingdom had been the proclaimed conservator of the peaceful, humane religion of the Cross for centuries-the crowning glory of which is love. The foul deed was committed in the full blaze of Gospel light and boasted civiliza- tion. There were noble souls in parliament at that time and millions of British subjects who looked upon the horrors of that demoniac policy with as much indignity as an American can. Mr. Morris also visited the New England States for the purpose of maturing plans to raise supplies and commence concentrated vigorous action. In 1776 he again took his seat in Congress and was pleased to find the general pulse beating in unison with his ovvn-a determination to sever the Gordian knot and proclaim an eternal separation from a nation that held power only to abuse it. He was on many important committees-was all activity in and out of the House. In his native neighborhood he had a herculean task in rousing the people to a sense of their true position. Gov. Tryon mingled the poison with the wisdom of the serpent-affected to be harmless as a dove and exercised a pow- erful influence over the people of the city of New York in favor of the crown. He pointed them to the certain destruction of the commercial interests by a war-the inequality of the two powers-the impossibility of Whig success and construed self interest into self preservation. To paralyze his influence required great exertion. Mr. Morris and his friends put forth their noblest energies in the mighty work. What they could not effect, British oppression and the powder and ball of Gen. Howe soon accomplished. When the Declaration of Independence was proposed Mr. Morri? became one of its ardent supporters. At that very time his large estate was within the power of the enemy. He well knew that his sig- nature to the proposed instrument would be destructive to ail his pro- 260 THE SAGES AND HEROES perty within the reach of British hirehngs. Most faithfully was the work executed. Even his extensive woodlands of a thousand acres were subjected to axe and fire-his family driven from home and every species of devastation resorted to that malice could invent, hatred de- sign, revenge execute. But Liberty was dearer to this devoted patriot than earth and all its riches. He boldly sanctioned and fearlessly affixed his name to the great certificate of our national birth and rejoiced in freedom illumined by the conflagration of his own Elysian Morrisania. His family and himself sufiiered many privations during the remainder of the war. They endured every hardship with heroic fortitude with- out regret for the past and with buoyant hope for the bright future. In 1777 he resigned his seat in Congress and rendered important ser- vices in the legislature of his native State. He also served in the tented field and rose to the rank of major-general of militia. He was a good disciplinarian and reduced the state troops to an excellent or- ganization. In every situation he ably and zealously discharged all his duties and did not leave the service of his country until the Ameri- can arms were triumphant and the Independence of our nation ac- knowledged by Great Britain. Then he retired to his desolated plan- tation-converted his sword into a pruning hook-his musket into a ploughshare and his farm into a delightful retreat where his friends from the city often visited him to enjoy his agreeable society-talk of times gone by and rejoice in the consolations of blood-bought Liberty. Peacefully and calmly he glided down the stream of time until Janu- ary 1798 when his immortal spirit left its frail bark and launched upon the ocean of eternity in a more substantial vessel. He died serene and happy surrounded by an affectionate family and kind friends. His re- mains were deposited in the family vault upon his farm under the honors of an epic and civic procession. The private virtues and public services of Mr. Morris rendered him dear to all who knew him. His appearance was in every way com- manding. A noble and graceful figure, a fine and intelligent face, an amiable and agreeable disposition, a warm and ardent temperament, a benevolent and generous heart, an independent and patriotic soul- crowned with intelligence, refinement and goodness-he was in all re-, spects worthy to be admired and beloved. His examples illustrate the ])atriotism that impelled to action during the Revolution. He had everything that could be destroyed to lose if successful-if not-death was his probable doom. Previous to the war he was a favorite of the king-his brother Staats was a member of Parliament and a general officer under the crown. But few made as great personal sacrifices OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 261 and no one made them more cheerfully. Like Marion-he preferred a morsel of bread, a meal of roasted potatoes with Liberty-to all the trappings of royalty and all the honors that could be conferred by a king. So long as this kind of patriotism finds a resting place in the bosoms of a respectable majority of Columbia's sons-our UNION is safe. Let this be banished by the majority as it is by a fearful mino- rity-the fair temple of our Liberty will perish in flames kindled by its professed guardians. Freemen of America ! I warn you to preserve, in original purity, the freedom purchased with the rich blood of our fathers. ROBERT MORRIS. Self is the Sahara of the human heart where all the noble powers of the soul are buried in its scorching sands. We may pour upon it floods of human woe and streams of melting kindness without producing the least appearance of sympathy or gratitude. The blighting sirocco of cold indifference sweeps over this desert mind, increases the powers of absorption-annihilates all that is cheering and lovely. The keenest miseries of a fellow man cannot move it-the mournful obsequies of his death cannot shame it. It is one of the foul blots imprinted on human nature by Lucifer and should be hurled back to Pandemonium. It dwells only in little minds and pinches them as dandy boots do the feet -covering them with excrescences as painful as corns and chilblains. He who is a slave to self could calmly look on the " wreck of matter and the crash of worlds" if it would add one item to his sordid gains. Man was created a social being-benevolent, sympathetic, kind, afl'ec- tionate-quick to feel and prompt to alleviate the misfortunes of his fel- low man. But for the soul-killing influence of self these noble germs of human nature, as originally cast in the mould of creative wisdom, would bud and blossom as the rose and crown the human family with millennial glory. On the pages of history we find many bright spots of self sacrifice •and blooming benevolence. Individuals have lived who banished self and devoted their lives, fortunes and sacred honors to promote the best mterests of the human race-men whose motives, impelHng them to action, were chastened by purity, who aimed to promote public good and personal happiness. In the history of the American Revolution we find a cheering cata- logue of such philanthropists whose memories we deliglit to honor. 262 THE SAGES AND HEROES ]No one among them did more to accomplish the great end in view than Robert Morris. He was born at Liverpool, Lancashire, England on the 20th of January 1734. His father was a respectable merchant and settled at Oxford on the eastern shore of Maryland in 1746. He tnen sent for this son who arrived at Oxford at the age of thirteen. He received only a good commercial education. At the age of fifteen he lost his father by death. He was then in the counting house of Charles Willing one of the most thorough and enterprising merchants of Phila- delphia After having served a faithful apprenticeship Mr. Willing set him up in business and remained his fast friend and adviser. For several years he prospered alone but finding the cares of life pressing upon him ne wisely resolved to take a partner to accompany him in his pilgrimage through this vale of tears. That partner was the merito- rious Mary, daughter of Col. White and sister to the pious and learned Bishop White. She possessed every quality that adorns her sex and renders connubial felicity complete. What is now more than then considered by too many heartless bipeds a sine qua no7i-she brought with her— WEALTH. This desideratum is often a blighting substitute for genuine affection-too often the corroding mildew of matrimonial happi- ness. No man or woman with a good heart, clear head and sound dis- cretion-ever married riches instead of the person. It is the quintessence of self. Not so with Mr. Morris and his partner. Their richest treasure was mutual esteem flowing from the pure fountain of their kindred hearts anxious to promote the reciprocal happiness of each other and the felicity of all around them. Nothing occurred to mar their refined enjoyments until the revolutionary storm burst upon the Colonies. Mr. Morris was a sterling patriot and did not look upon the commov- ing political elements with indifference. He had inhaled the atmosphere of inherent freedom-his soul was roused to god-like action-he resolved to hold his life and fortune subject to the drafts of Liberty. If self had held her withering sway he would have remained a loyal slave. His interests were entirely commercial-his wealth was exposed to the destruc- tive power of the mother country. He amassed it only to do good. He was not fastidious as to the manner it was distributed so that his noble aim might be accomplished~the salvation of his country. He was a member of the Congress of 1774 and took an unflinching stand against British oppression. Extensively and favorably known- his influence was of high importance to the friends of justice. Being an able financier he was hailed as the most efficient manager of the mone- tary department. To provide ways and means he was fully authorized. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 263 Most nobly did he discharge his duty. Unfortunately no office of finance was then created to enable him to control the disbursements. The money he continued to provide-often from his private funds. When Congress fled before the conquering foe to Baltimore in 1776 Mr. Morris remained in Philadelphia some days after his colleagues left, for the purpose of raising government funds. In so doing he periled his life, as he had placed his name upon the Declaration of Independence-then sneer- ingly called the death warrant of the signers by the Tories and their coadjutors-the British. During his stay it became necessary for Con- gress to raise a specific sum. The treasury was empty. Notice of the wants of the army was communicated to him. Shortly after he met a member of the Society of Friends whose confidence he had. " What news friend Robert ?" " The news is-I am in immediate want of of dollars hard money and you are the man to obtain it for me. Your security is to be my note of hand and my word of honor." " Robert thou shalt have it." The money was promptly forwarded to Washington which enabled him to meet the enemy at Trenton with signal success. Mr. Morris made no parade or vain show in the performance of his duties and often furnished funds through agents under the injunction of secrecy who then had the credit of affording relief on their own account. When Gen. Greene took command of the troops in S. C. they were deplorably destitute of food, clothing and ammunition. To the agreeable astonishment of the army and people Mr. Hall of that stale advanced the money to purchase supplies and enabled the General to commence vigorous operations. After the war had closed the accounts of disburse- ments showed that Mr. Hall had acted under Mr. Morris who furnished the needful from his private purse and saved the army from dissolution. On being made acquainted with the fact at the finance office, General Greene was at first displeased with the act but on analyzing it applauded the wisdom of this secrecy and said-" If I had known that I might have drawn on Robert Morris I should have demanded larger sums and effected no more than was accomplished with the means placed in my hands." His advances to the Southern army nearly produced his pecuniary ruin. As a financier his genius was of the most prolific kind. When he found every government resource exhausted-lhe credit of the infant Re- public paralyzed-the army writhing under the keenest privations-had his mind been of ordinary calibre he would have abandoned the ship of state amidst the breakers that were dashing over her and reported her to the underwriters as wrecked. But he had resolved never to desert her so long as a plank remained upon the hull or a beam retained its fastenings 264 THE SAGES AND HEROES upon the keel. His own resources were large and his credit upon a firm basis. These were thrown in the breach and warded off the threatened destruction. To save himself and his country he proposed the plan of establishing the Bank of North America. This was sanctioned by Con- gress and a charter granted on the 7th of January 1782. This bank has ever stood firm amidst all the pecuniary panics and revolutions that have occurred to the present time. As astounding as the fact may appear the office of Finance was not created until 1781. Up to that time there was no disbursing agent and large sums of money were placed in the hands of irresponsible agents and never reached their legitimate destination. When established it was placed under the control of Mr. Morris who reduced the expenditures of military operations three millions in a single year, showing that self can convert ostensible patriots into knaves no matter how sacred the cause engaged in or how binding the obligation to do justice. Avaunt ! thou thing infernal ! Had the office of Finance been established at the commencement of hostilities and Mr. Morris made the disbursing aorent, the means of prosecuting the war would have been ample-our army would have been full and saved from the dreadful privations endured- our country would have been saved from a large portion of the devasta- tions committed by the enemy-the struggle would probably have been terminated in half the time and the government been able ta redeem every dollar of its paper issues. With so much concentrated talent and wisdom as were in the Continental Congress at all times, the problem of this disastrous omission cannot be solved by any approved rules of govern- ment or legislation. I have ever looked at it with deep regret and sur- prise. ' Mr. Morris was the Roman Curtius of America, pledging his own fortune to save his country and deliver her from worse than Egyptian bondage. As a demonstration I will particularize one other Instance of supplies furnished upon his private credit, which was the means of closing the unequal contest. When the expedition against Cornwallis was planned by Washington the government treasury was empty and her credit shivering in the wind. The army was in a destitute situation and without the means of prosecuting a siege. Impressed deeply with the importance of the plan Mr. Morris undertook the herculean task of providing supplies for the expedition upon his private credit. Such confidence had Washing- ton in this able financier that he at once took up the line of march. In the short space of four weeks he furnished near eighty pieces of batter- ing cannon and one hundred pieces of field artillery with other neces- OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 265 sary supplies not furnished by the South. Although aided by the patriotic Richard Peters he gave his own notes to the amount of one million four hundred thousand dollars which were all paid at maturity. This enabled the Americans to triumphantly close the long and bloody struggle of the Revolution and lay firmly the foundations of the pros- perity and government we now enjoy. There was disinterested bene- volence crowned with all the majesty of pure devotion to the interests of country and the human family-as free from self as angels are. Under cover of the firm in which he was a partner-Willing, Morris & Co. many important and advantageous transactions were made for government although apparently for the firm, the large profits of which were placed to the credit of the public treasury. This was conclu- sively shown by an investigation instituted in Congress on motion of Mr. Laurens at the instance of Mr. Morris in order to repel base slanders put in circulation against this pure and honest patriot. All the accusations that have been brought against Robert Morris before and since his death, charging him with peculation or speculation in government funds or of any improper conduct towards his country as a public agent are without foundation in fact and out of the record. From the numerous documents I have examined, I am fully convinced that Robert Morris was one of the most disinterested patriots of the Revolution and one of the most efficient instruments in consummating that glorious enterprise. He was so considered by the illustrious Washington-the Continental Congress and by all who were and are properly posted on the subject. General Greene was one of his most ardent admirers, whose biographer-long after the sage and the hero had gone where none but slanderers dare rake up the sacred ashes of the dead, published a tirade of abuse against Mr. Morris that has im- paired his dignity as an impartial writer so as to render his envy abor- tive-his malice powerless. His extracts from public documents are garbled-his conclusions are based on false premises-his inuendoes are ungenerous-his attack gratuitous and has justly recoiled upon the proud escutcheon of his literary fame. The shafts of slander can never mar the fair reputation of this bene- factor of our country although hurled like lightning thunderbolts from the whole artillery of malice and revenge. Upon the enduring records of our nation his acts are written. There they stand in bold relievo, bright as the moon, clear as the sun and as withering to his enemies as the burning sand of Sahara. Congress elected Mr. Morris Superintendent of Finance on the 20th of February 1781. It was only from a deep sense of duty he could be 34 266 THE SAGES AND HEROES urged to accept the office. It was at a dark and fearful period of the Revolution. His duties were onerous and multiform. He immediately instituted an examination of the public debts, revenue and expenditures- reduced to economical system the mode of regulating the finances and disbursing the public funds-executed the plans of Congress relative to monetary affairs-superintended the action of all persons employed in obtaining and distributing supplies for the army-attended to the collec- tion of all monies due the United States-held a supervision over all the contractors for military supplies-provided for the civil list-corresponded with the Executive of each state and with ministers of our government in Europe and transacted business with all the public departments. Through the agency of the Bank of North America and with his own proverbial responsibility he improved the national credit so far that money was obtained from Europe on loan and a brighter prospect opened before the desponding patriots. He introduced rigid economy through all the avenues of public operations. He boldly entered the ^gean stable and was the Hercules to cleanse it. Corrupt agents and corrupting speculators fled before his searching scrutiny-hissing like serpents disturbed in their dens. Perfect system pervaded all his trans- actions reducing them all to writing so that he was able to produce a conclusive voucher for each and every public act during his term of service. He believed system to be the ballast, main-mast and helm of business. At the time of his resignation he placed himself in the crucible of an examining committee of Congress before whom he exhibited a sche- dule of all his public transactions. The report of the committee placed him on a lofty eminence as an able and skilful financier-a palriotic and honest man. President Washington tendered him the office of Secre- tary of the Treasury, which he respectfully declined. He was a mem- ber of the convention that framed the Federal Constitution and a Sena- tor in the first Congress that convened under it. He seldom spoke in debate but when he did he was eloquent, chaste and logical. He was heard with profound attention and had great influence with his col- leagues. He possessed an inexhaustible store of useful information applicable to all the relations of public and private life. When the peace of 1783 was consummated Mr. Morris again entered largely into commercial business. He favored every kind of improvement and did all in his power to promote general good and individual happiness. He first introduced ice and hot-houses in our country. He was a rare specimen of industry, system, punctuality and honesty. After spending a long life in skilfully wielding a capital of millions OF THE AMERICAN 11 EVOLUTION. 267 lie at last foundered upon the rock of land speculation and closed his eventful career in poverty on the 8th of May 1806 at the city of Phila- delphia sincerely mourned by his country and most deeply lamented by those who knew him best. He met the grim messenger of death with resignation and calmness-bid a cheerful farewell to friends, the toils of earth and all sublunary things. Mr. Morris was a large man with an open countenance, pleasing in his manners and agreeable in all his associations. His private charac- ter was as pure as his public career was illustrious. Dying poor, no marble monument is reared to his memory but his name is deeply en- graved upon the tablet of meritorious fame and will be revered by every true American and patriot until the historic page shall be blotted from the world-social order submerged by chaos. JOHN MORTON. Courage and perseverance, unaided by wisdom and sound discretion, often lead men into unforeseen and unanticipated difficulties. Com- bined-they are the fulcrum and lever of action. Guided by a wise dis- cretion, with talent to conceive and boldness to execute, the weak be- come strong and effect wonders at which they look with astonishment after the mighty work is accomplished. To these combined qualities of the Sages and Heroes of the American Revolution we owe the bless- ings of liberty we now enjoy more than to the physical powers of our nation at that time. Compared with the fleets and armies of the mo- ther country at the eventful era when the Declaration of our Indepen- dence was adopted, the available force of the Colonies dwindles to insignificance. The one a giant in the pride of his glory-the other an infant just bursting into life. The one a Goliah clad in bristling armor- the other a pioneer boy with a puerile sling. The one with a veteran army and navy armed in panoply complete, well clothed, fed and paid- the other with scattered fragments of raw recruits, a few light vessels— the men poorly equipped, sparingly fed, worse clothed and seldom paid. Without referring the successful termination of the revolutionary struggle to the wisdom and perseverance of the patriots, who, under God, conceived, planned and executed the noble work it would be an unsolved enigma. * John Morton was proverbial for his discreet, wise, courageous and persevering course of life. He was a posthumous child born in Rid- ley, Delaware conntv, Pennsylvania, in 1724. His ancestors came 268 THE SAGES AND HEROES from Sweden at an early period and settled on the bank of tne Dela- ware river near Philadelphia. John's father, of the same Christian name, married Mary Richards when he was very young and died before his majority. The widow subsequently married with John Sketchly an intelligent Englishman who proved a good husband and kind step-father. To him John was principally indebted for his sub- stantial English education, having enjoyed the advantages of a school but three months. Being a good mathematician and skilful surveyor, his step-son became perfect master of this important branch of science, which, more than any other, is calculated to lead a man into precision of thought and action. Based on invariable truth and lucid demon- stration, never resting on false premises, always arriving at incontro- vertible conclusions, it gives a tone to the mental powers calculated to produce the most salutary results. Education is incomplete wathout mastering mathematics. Young Morton continued with his faitliful guardian until manhood dawned upon him, aiding in the business of agriculture and surveying, constantly storing his mind with useful knowledge-testing theory by practice. In 1764 he was commissioned a justice of the peace and shortly after was elected to the Assembly of his native state. He soon became conspicuous and was subsequently speaker of the House dur- ing several sessions. He took a deep interest in the welfare of his country and was a member of the Congress assembled at New York in 1765 to concert measures for the repeal of the odious Stamp Act. He concurred in the strong and bold appeals of that body which virtually kindled the fire of the Revolution. Although smothered for a time it was never extinguished until it consumed the last vestige of British power in America and expired for want of fuel. In 1767 he became the sheriff of his county which station he ably filled for three years. He was then appointed president judge of his district and gained ihe admiration and esteem of the entire community. About this time he performed a very sensible act by marrying Anne Justis of the State of Delaware who was worthy to be the wife of a patriot and contributed largely to his happiness through life. When the dread clarion of war was sounded from the heights oi Lexington the indignation of the people in his neighborhood was so roused that they at once raised a battalion of volunteers and elected Judge Morton colonel. He was compelled to decline the epic honor having been recently appointed a judge of the Supreme Court of Penn- sylvania. In July 1774 he was made a member of the Congress that convened in Philadelphia the following September. The grand object OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 269 of that Congress was to make a last and noble effort to effect a recon- ciliation between the two countries and heal instead of increasing the unfortunate breach. To this end men of cool deliberation, deep mought, matured judgment, profound wisdom and pure patriotism were selected for this important work on which depended the destiny of themselves and unborn millions. When the delegates assembled a deep and awful solemnity seemed to pervade every mind. No noise was heard but the still murmuring of the rushing blood, the beating of anxious hearts and the quick respiration of those who had congregated. The proceedings were opened by prayer. Every soul seemed to com- mune with the spirits of another world as by vesper orisons. After the address to the throne of grace the same awful silence reigned. Still nothing was heard but the rush of the purple stream and the throb of anxious hearts. Trembling tears and quivering lips told the emotions of many a bosom-too full to be expressed, too deep to be fa- thomed, too strong to be endured. At length the mighty spirit of Pat- rick Henry burst forth in all the sublimity of its native majesty and broke the mighty spell. In bold and glowing colors, shaded with dig- nified sincerity-painted upon the canvas of eternal justice with the pencil of unerring truth-he delineated American rights and British wrongs. When he closed every patriot responded a hearty-AMEN. Their mouths were opened, their burdens lightened-they breathed more freely. In May 1775 Judge Morton took his seat in Congress and was re- elected in November. In July 1776 he closed his congressional career. Before leaving, he placed a brilliant star upon the bright escutcheon of his name by voting for and signing the chart of our Liberty-the mani- festo of freemen against the usurpations of tyranny. During the time he was in Congress he was highly esteemed as a cool deliberate discreet man-purely patriotic and anxious to do all in his power to promote the righteous cause of his bleeding country. He weighed well the conse- quences of severing the bonds that bound the Colonies to the mother country. Unsustained, the Declaration of Independence was probable death to many-a more severe slavery for the survivors. To all human appearance the patriots must be crushed by the physical force of their enemies then pouring into the country by thousands and sweeping everything before them like a mighty torrent. There were five dele- gates from his colony. Two of them were bitterly opposed to the measure and two in favor, which gave him the casting vote. On him depended the enhanced misery or happy delivery of his country. When the final moment arrived he cast his vote in favor of the import- 270 THE SAGES AND HEROES ant instrument that should prove cither the death warrant or the di ploma of freedom. Some of his old friends censured him severely for the bold act and were so strongly tinctured with toryism that they would not be reconciled to him when he lay upon the bed of death. Such were the strong party feelings during the Revolution. His dying message to them was worthy the sage and Christian. " Tell them that they will live to see the hours when they shall acknowledge it to have been the most glorious service that I have ever rendered to my coun- trv." The truth of his prophecy has been most happily verified so far as his services were concerned-if the other part has not do not go in mourning for its failure. When the Articles of Confederation were under discussion in Con- gress Judge Morton was frequently chairman of the committee of the whole and presided with great ability and dignity. In April 1777 he was attacked with a highly inflammatory fever which terminated his life in a few days in the midst of usefulness with fresh honors awaiting him as time rolled onward. His premature death was deeply mourned by his bereaved companion, eight children, a large concourse of bosom friends, the members of the bar, his associate judges, the State legisla- ture, Congress and by every patriot of his country. As a private citizen Judge Morton possessed an unusual share of esteem. He was endowed with all the amiable qualities that enrich the domestic circle and social intercourse. As the crowning glory of his fair fame he professed and adorned the religion of his Lord and Master and died triumphing in faith. His dust reposes in the cemetery of St. James' Church in Chester, Pa. His examples are worthy of the closest imitation-his brief career admonishes us of the uncertainty of human life-his happy death is an evidence of the truth of unvarnished piety. THOMAS NELSON. Honesty is a virtue that commands universal respect. Like many others this term has lost much of its original force. When Pope pro- nounced an honest man the noblest work of God-he included purpose, word and action in all things, under all circumstances, at all times. He alluded to a man whose purity of heart placed him above every temptation to violate the original laws of integrity that emanated from the high Chancery of Heaven. He referred to a man whose every action through his whole life should pass the scrutiny of Omni- science unscathed and stand approved by the great Jehovah. Such a OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 271 inan is a noble work indeed worthy of the highest admiration and closest imitation. He would not take an umbrella or a newspaper from the owner without liberty. He is honest for tlie sake of this virtue-not from policy, the essential oil of dishonesty in disguise. Honesty that is based only on self interest is as unsafe as a keg of powder in the fire room of a steamboat. We have too much policy in morals and religion It is cunning without wisdom, cowardice with hypocrisy, fear of mat -not of God. The devil preaches religion from policy and the man who is honest only from policy is no better. Anec- dote to the point. The Chinese philosopher Confucius met an insane woman with a pitcher of water and faggot of fire and asked her how she intended to use them. She replied-" With the fire I will burn up heaven-with the water I will put out hell-we shall then know who are good for the sake of goodness." The Sages and Heroes of the American Revolution who persevered to the end were remarkable for integrity and freedom from self interest. None of them were more so than Thomas Nelson, born at Yorktown, Virginia, on the 26th of December 1738. He was the son of William Nelson whose father came from England at an early period and located at Yorktown. The father of Thomas was a wealthy merchant and planter. He filled many public stations with great ability. During the interval between the administration of Lord Bottetourt and Lord Dunmore, he presided over the Colony ex officio, being then President of the Executive Council. At the age of fourteen Thomas was placed under the tuition of Mr. Newcomb whose school was near Hackney, England. He graduated at Trinity College under Dr. Beilby Porteus, the bright literary orna- ment of that time and afterwards Bishop of London. Guided by the master genius of this finished scholar, accomplished gentleman and pioug divine, Mr. Nelson traced the fair lines of science and explored the avenues of literature. The principles of strict virtue and stern integrity were deeply impressed upon his mind and governed his actions through life. After spending eight years at the classic fountain in England he returned to his native home highly improved in mind and person. He entered upon the enjoyment of a large real estate and over one hundred and thirty thousand dollars in money. Not selfish at heart-unwilling to enjoy so much alone, as in duty bound he led to the hymenial altar Lucy-daughter of Philip Grimes of Bran- don and settled happily and quietly at his native place. His house became the seat of domestic felicity and hospitality. For a long time great intimacy existed between the leading men of 272 THE SAGES AND HEROES Virginia and England. This arose from consanguinity and the wealth that enabled the most prominent men of the Old Dominion to educate their sons in the mother country. For more than a century an inter- change of good feelings and kind offices were kept up. The sons who were educated in Great Britain imbibed the same ideas of Independ- ence as those which were the boast of the noblemen of that kingdom and very properly felt themselves entitled to as much confidence from the King as a native resident of Albion. For this reason, when the British ministry put the car of oppression in motion in Virginia, her wealthy and noblest sons were the most vigorous opposers of regal power. The very fact of former intimacy charged this opposition with stronger bitterness. The very chivalry that the proud Britons had taught the sons of the Old Dominion was brought to bear upon the hirelings of the crown with the force of an avalanche. In 1774 Mr. Nelson was elected to the House of Burgesses and took a bold stand in favor of liberal principles. He was one of the eighty- nine members who assembled at a tavern the day after Lord Dunmore dissolved them and formed themselves into an association of non-in- tercourse with Great Britain. At the next election he was again returned. He was a member of the two conventions that appointed Congressional delegates in 1774-5. He supported the bold measures proposed by the daring Henry from which many of the patriots at first recoiled with terror and amazement. He had no ear for the siren song of peace when the shores of his country were darkened by foreign fleets and armies. At the convention in March 1775 the fol- lowing resolutions were proposed by Patrick Henry and passed. The first germ of our militia system then burst from embryo. " Resolved-That a well regulated militia, composed of gentlemen and yeomen, is the natural strength and only security of a free government- that such a militia in this colony would forever render it unnecessary for the mother country to keep among us, for the purpose of our de- fence, any standing army of mercenary soldiers, always subversive of the quiet and dangerous to the liberties of the people and would ob- viate the pretext of taxing for their support. That the establishment of such a militia is at this time peculiarly necessary by the state of our laws, some of which have already expired and will shortly be so and that the known remissness of government in calling us together in legislative capacity renders it too insecure in this time of danger and distress to rely that opportunity will be given of renewing them in general Assembly or making any provision to secure our inestima- OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 273 ble rights and liberties from those further violations with which they are threatened. Resolved-That this Colony be immediately put in a state of defence and that be a committee to prepare a plan for embodying, arming and disciplining such a number of men as may be sufficient for that pur- pose." These resolutions were warmly supported by Mr. Nelson regardless of the certain destruction of a large portion of his property in case of an open rupture with mother Britain. The resolutions were carried and iuly fixed for the division of the Colony into military districts. From Uiat time Virginia presented a bold front against the unwarranted pre- tensions and insolent assumptions of power on the part of the crown officers. In July the Convention again assembled and divided the Colony into sixteen military districts-the Eastern to immediately raise a regiment of six hundred and eighty men rank and file, the others to raise a bat- talion of five hundred men each-all to be at once armed and held in readiness to march at any moment. The Convention further directed the raising of two regiments of regulars of one thousand and twenty privates each-the first to be commanded by Patrick Henry, the other by Thomas Nelson. Virginia stands number one in the organization of a military system independent of mother Britain-a system that now per- vades the United States. On the 11th of August this Convention met again and elected Mr. Nelson and others to the Continental Congress in which he took his seat on the 13th of September following. He was an industrious and efficient member of many important committees but rarely took part in debate. By the following extract from his letter to Gov. Page dated 22d January 1776 it appears he was one of those who early agitated the question of Independence. "I wish I knew the sentiments of our people upon the grand points of Confederation and Foreign Alliance-or in other words- of Independence-for we cannot expect to form a connexion with any foreign power as long we have a womanish hankering after Great Britain and to be sure there is not in nature a greater absurdity than to suppose we can have any afl^ection for a people who are carrying on the most savage war against us." On the 13th of February following he wrote to the same gentleman in the following strong language-" Inde- pendence, Confederation and foreign alliance are as formidable to some members of Congress-I fear a majority, as an apparition to a weak enervated woman. Would you think we have some among us who still expect honorable proposals from the administration! By heavens! I am an infidel in politics for I do not believe were you to bid a thousand 35 274 THE SAGES AND HEROES pounds per scruple for honor at the court of Great Britain that you would get as many as would make an ounce. We are now carrying on a war and no war. They seize our property whenever they find it either by land or sea and we hesitate to retaliate because we have a few iiicnds in England who have ships. Away with such squeamishness say I." By this language we can judge of the ardent feelings that moved this friend of equal rights to noble and god-like action. It was the pure fire of patriotism fanned to a brilliant flame by a just indignation against a tyrannical and insolent foe. It was a fire that reflected a genial heat upon those around it and increased in volume as time rolled onward. Like separate particles of metal in a crucible, one member after another yielded to the power of the patriotic flame until all were united in one liquid mass and on the 4th of July 1776 the mould of Liberty was filled. When opened to the admiring view of a gazing world a new and purely original table of law and government was presented enriched with the embossments of equal rights and equal justice. On this fair tablet, more beautiful than mosaic work, Mr. Nelson engraved his name in bold relievo. Here we might leave him with glory enough for one man. But he had then just entered the vestibule of his useful career. His whole soul and body were enlisted in the glorious cause. . He worked on, hoped on and hoped ever. He was again returned to Congress but was compelled to retire in May in consequence of a dangerous attack of brain fever that for a time threatened to impair his mental powers. Fortunately for the cause of Independence his health was restored. During the ensuing August the British fleet entered the capes for the purpose of chastising the rebels of the Old Dominion. A general rally of the military was the immediate consequence. Mr. Nelson was made Brig. General and commander of all the Virginia forces. The appoint- ment was popular-the incumbent competent. His appearance among the people inspired confidence. The troops rallied around him like affectionate children around a fond parent. Learning how the land lay the fleet went its way for that time and waited for a more convenient season. The soldiers again became citizens. In October of that year Gen. Nelson took his seat in the legislature of bis state and took an active part in the deliberations of that body. During the session a bill was brought before the House sequestering British pro- perty and authorizing those of the Colonists who were in favor of Liberty and owed subjects of Great Britain, to pay the amount into the public treasury. If tiie wives and children of such subjects remained in the state the Governor was authorized to pay them certain portions of this money for their support. With all his indignity against mother Britain, OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 275 his sense of justice induced hinn to oppose the bill because it violated individual contracts. He becanne roused and made an able and eloquent speech against the measure and closed with the followiug emphatic lan- guage-" For these reasons I hope the bill will be rejected-but whatever be its fate-so help me God I will pay my debts like an honest man." On the 2d of March 1778 Congress made an appeal to the patriotism of the wealthy young men of the several states urging them to raise a troop of light cavalry at their own expense. When this proposition was received in Virginia Gen. Nelson sent a circular to all the young gentlemen of fortune in the state recommending them to rush to the rescue in person and to open their purses to other high-minded young men who were poor in money but rich in patriotism. A company of seventy was promptly raised in that state and elected Gen. Nelson to command them. He proceeded with his charge to Baltimore and re- ported his youthful band to the brave Pulaski who received the young volunteers with admiration and delight. From that place the company proceeded to Philadelphia where the General and the young gentlemen soldiers received the applause and thanks of Congress. As their ser- vices were not needed at that time they returned home. Their ex- penses were principally paid by Gen. Nelson without any charge to government. For his services during the war he took no pay and expended a large portion of his fortune in the cause of freedom. On the 18th of February 1779 he again took his seat in Congress and labored so intensely in the committee rooms that he brought on another attack similar to the former and was compelled to return home in April. Relaxation from business and domestic quiet soon restored his health. In May the British made a descent upon Virginia and marked their course with relentless cruelty and destruction. Gen. Nel- son at once took the field and marshalled his troops near Yorktown. The enemy dared not approach him and filed off". During that short campaign he was a father to his soldiers and supplied them with food from his own funds. He distributed his laborers and servants among the poor families of the militia from his neighborhood to labor during the absence of the men. He was as benevolent as he was patriotic and brave. For the state he raised large sums upon his own credit for which he was remunerated but in part. This was done freely without any noise or boasting. He was good for the sake of goodness-honest for the sake of honesty-not from policy or to be seen of men. In the spring of 1781 Virginia was the scene of murder, rapine and ruin. Judas Arnold and Lord Cornwallis were sweeping over the state like a tornado. Gen. Nelson was constantly in the field doing all in 276 THE SAGES AND HEROES his power to arrest the savage career of the merciless foe. He became the hero of the Old Dominion. In June of that year he was elected governor of the state. He at once entered upon the duties of his office and bent his whole energies on raising troops to resist the enemy. About that time La Fayette arrived with a body of regulars. Gov. Nelson joined him in the field and placed himself and his troops under command of the Marquis. Everything in his power he grasped to aid his bleeding country. He placed his work horses and negroes in the public service. In the midst of these struggles a circumstance occur- red that was exceedingly trying to his noble soul. By the constitution the governor could act only in concert with the Council. Two of that body had been taken prisoners by Tarleton-two had resigned when most needed. A quorum could not be raised. The crisis required prompt and decisive action. In this dilemma he proceeded to act as if a quorum of the Council was present. Long after he had retired to private life and at a time when he was sinking under disease, some ■wretches, who would be only scavengers in Pandemonium, made this a ground of complaint against him. A just legislature put the matter forever at rest by passing a special law sanctioning every act of the governor during his administration under the circumstances alluded to. Ingratitude is the prime minister of Satan-revenge its secretary. By the vigilance of Governor Nelson and La Fayette Lord Corn- wallis was snugly ensconced in Yorktown. A dark cloud hovered over his military fame. Awful forebodings haunted his blood-stained imagination. Retributive justice pierced his guilty conscience with a thousand viper stings. The cries of widows and orphans-the curling flames of hospitable mansions-the sweeping destruction of villages and towns-the dying groans of innocent victims-the damning fruits of his savage career, preyed upon his agonized soul like a promethean vulture. The die was cast. The siege was commenced. Washington was there. At the head of the Virginia troops was Governor Nelson-cool, brave, fearless, vigorous. His native town-his own mansion and pro- perty were now to be razed to the ground. At first he observed the American batteries carefully avoid his house. The principal British officers had made it their head quarters for this reason. Learning it was out of respect for him he directed the gunners to point their cannon at his mansion. The first discharge after this order sent several shot through it-killed two of the officers and frightened the rest from a table well spread with edibles and wines. They were at dinner and feared no danger. The result of the siege was glorious and closed the war of the Revolution. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. ' 277 The following extract from the general orders of the illustrious Washington of the 20th of October 1781 will best inform the reader of the estimate placed upon the services of Governor Nelson at that me- morable siege. " The General would be guilty of the highest ingratitude-a crime of which he hopes he shall never be accused, if he forgot to return his sincere acknowledgments to his excellency Governor Nelson, for the succors which he received from him and the militia under his com- mand, to whose activity emulation and bravery the highest praises are due. The magnitude of the acquisition will be ample compensation for the difficulties and dangers they met with so much firmness and patri- otism." The fatigues of this campaign and his arduous gubernatorial duties proved too much for the physical powers of Governor Nelson. He again sunk under disease and resigned his office on the 20th November 1781 and retired from the public arena to private life. He spent the remainder of his days on a small estate he had gathered up from the wreck of his princely fortune, situated at Offly in the county of Hano- ver. His health continued to decline until the 4th of January 1789 when he was numbered with the dead. His obituary, written by his bosom friend Col. Innes, fully portrays the character of this devoted patriot and will best close this annal. " The illustrious Nelson is no more ! He paid the last debt of nature on Sunday the fourth day of the present month at his estate in Hanover. He who undertakes barely to recite the exalted virtues which adorned the life of this great and good man will unavoidably pronounce a pane- gyric upon human nature. As a man, a citizen, a legislator and a pa- triot, he exhibited a conduct untarnished and undebased by sordid and selfish interests and strongly marked with the. genuine characteristics of true religion, sound benevolence and liberal policy. Entertaining the most ardent love for civil and religious Liberty, he was among the first of that glorious band of patriots whose exertions dashed and de- feated the machinations of British tyranny and gave to united America freedom and independent empire. At a most important crisis during the late struggle for American Liberty, when this State appeared to be designated as the theatre of action for the contending armies, he was selected by the unanimous suffi'age of the legislature to command the virtuous yeomanry of his country. In this honourable employment he remained until the end of the war. As a soldier he was indefatigably active and coolly intrepid. Resolute and undejected in misfortune, he towered above distress and struggled with the manifold difficulties to 278 THE SAGES AND HEROES which his situation exposed him with constancy and courage. In the memorable year of 1781 when the whole force of the southern Britisli army was directed to the subjugation of this State, he was called to the helm of government. This was a juncture which indeed ' tried men's souls.' He did not avail himself of this opportunity to retire in the rear of danger, but on the contrary took the field at the head of his countrymen and at the hazard of his life, his fame and individual for- tune. By his decision and magnanimity he saved not only his country but all America from disgrace if not from total ruin. Of this truly pa- triotic and heroic conduct the renowned commander-in-chief, with all the gallant officers of the combined armies employed at the siege of York, will bear ample testimony. This part of his conduct even con- temporary jealousy, envy and malignity were forced to approve and this, more impartial posterity, if it can believe, will almost adore. If, after contemplating the splendid and heroic parts of his character we shall inquire for the milder virtues of humanity and seek for the man, we shall find the refined, beneficent and social qualities of private life, through all its forms and combinations, so happily modified and united in him, that in the words of the darling poet of nature, it may be said, ' His life was gentle, and the elements So mixed in him, that nature might stand up And say to all the world-ruis is a man.' " JAMES OTIS. Death is a source of terror to most persons. It should be a source of anticipated joy to evory reasonable being. Death is viewed as the great enemy of man. He is our best friend. Many Christians tremble at the thought of being folded in the arms of this friend who performs for us the last-lhe greatest kind office that can be awarded this side of eternity. Why should we treat death as an enemy ? Is he an enemy who dehvers us from pain, disappointment, folly, error, misery and all the ills of our earthly pilgrimage? Is he an enemy who transfers us from the land of delusive dreams, the region of phantoms and corrod- ing cares-to an Elysium of substantial joys and enduring bliss? It is a libel on death to call him a foe-a king of terrors-an enemy. Frail man comes into this world crying-cries on through life and is always seeking after some earthly object he intends to christen happi- ness when obtained. When he reaches the bubble it often bursts at the OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 279 slightest touch-it never imparts unalloyed comfort. He is often mourn- ing over the misfortunes that lie thickly along the road of life. He is forced to learn there is nothing pure but Heaven. Within the restless mortal body there is an immortal soul that requires more than earth can give to satisfy its lofty aspirations. This soul hails death as the welcome messenger to deliver it from its ever changing decaying prison of clay-called man-oh which time wages an exterminating war until DEATH breaks the carnal fetters-sets the prisoner free-opening the door of immortality-returning the redeemed spirit to its original abode of refulgent glory to go no more out for ever. To be terrified at the thoughts of death is to endure unnecessary fear and add to the discom- forts of life. We should be in constant readiness to give this friend a hearty welcome. All who are wise will do so. It is evident the Sages and Heroes of the American Revolution did not quail at the thought of sacrificing their lives upon the altar of Liberty. By the British and Tories the Declaration of Indepen- dence was called the death warrant of the signers. Had the first open opposers of the crown fallen into the hands of the royalists their lives would have been terminated in a summary manner. Among these was James Otis who was born at Barnstable, Mass. in 1725. He graduated at Harvard College when but eighteen years of age. He read law with Mr. Gridley-settled in Plymouth and became one of the most brilliant lights of the profession. He was an uncompromising and fearless opposer of British wrongs-an able and unwavering advo- cate of American rights. In 1761 he appeared before the judges of the Supreme Court in defence of the people against the writs of assistance. His logic, eloquence and boldness astonished all who heard him. He insulated the people with patriotic fire that all the powers of mother Britain could never extinguish. Among others he was listened to by John Adams who often remarked-" Independence was then and there born." By the patriots of that day he was called the originator of the Revolution. He was the first man who placed his name to a bold and vigorous pamphlet which he wrote and published-exposing the innova- tions of the British ministry upon the chartered rights of the Colonies. He was threatened with arrest which only roused him to more vigilant action in defence of human rights. He was a member of the Congress that convened in New York in 1765. During that year he wrote his " Rights of the Colonies Vindicated"-which was a masterly production and published in London. He was of a warm temperament-impulsive -if hard pressed was sometimes harsh in his language. He was lashed severely by the ministerial organs which caused him to publish pungent 280 THE SAGES AND HEROES Strictures upon the conduct of several of the crown officers. Soon after these appeared he was attacked in a public room by a band of British ruffians led on by custom house commissioner Robinson, who nearly took his life. This occurred on the 5th of September 1769. So much was he injured that his reason soon fled for ever. He may appropriately be called the first mover and the first martyr of the American Revolution. He obtained a judgment of $20,000 against Robinson for the base assault and on receiving a written apo- logy relinquished it. His towering mental powers broke rapidly until he became a mental wreck. The repeated blows upon his head had permanently deranged his brain. Occasional lucid flashes would pass over his mind like bril- liant meteors and pass as quickly away. He had often expressed a wish that he might be killed by lightning. That desire was granted on the 23d day of May 1783 while leaning on his cane at the door of Mr. Osgood. His body was taken to Boston and buried with every mark of respect attended by an unprecedented concourse of sympa- thizing freemen. No patriot of the Revolution merits our reverence, admiration and gratitude more than James Otis. He commenced that opposition against tyranny which resulted in the emancipation of the new conti- nent-prepared an asylum for the oppressed and set an example for patriots worthy of imitation through all future time and over the civi- lized world. WILLIAM PACA. Creative wisdom has not designed every man for a Demosthenes or a Cicero but every man of common sense is designed to be good and useful. If all were alike gifted with splendid talents the mono- tony would become painful. Variety, the spice of life, would lose its original flavor. If all our legislators were eloquent orators and were aflected by the mania of speech making as most of our public speakers are at the present day, we should be constantly as we are frequently, overwhelmed with talk and have but little work commenced and less completed. No one admires true eloquence more than the writer but not too much of this good thing at the expense of the dear people. Business is of higher importance. Like our bodies that end in a narrow cell-the long, elaborate and in some instances-sensible and eloquent speeches of our legislators receive their finale in the approv- OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 281 ing-Aye-or the emphatic-JVb. Although based upon the purest mo- tives-dictated by the most enlightened understanding-strengthened by the soundest logic-embellished with the richest flowers of rhetoric- illumined by the most brilliant intelligence-./^z/e or JVo decides the most gigantic efforts of every speech maker. I indulge no desire to extin- guish these intellectual lights or to snuff them too closely. Their wicks should be cut shorter and the volume of their flame diminished so as to emit less smoke. Brevity is the _soul of wit-despatch the life of business. In the committee room every man can be useful. The responsibilities of a vote bear equally upon all. Let the importance of no man be undervalued by himself or compeers because he was not born with a trumpet tongue. If his head is clear and his heart right he can do good and be useful. Among those who rendered essential service in the cause of the American Revolution in a retiring and unassuming manner, was Wil- liam Paca born at Wye Hall on the eastern shore of Maryland October 31st 1740. His father was an estimable man. He gave this son a good education and planted deeply in his mind the principles of virtue and moral rectitude. He graduated at the college in Philadelphia and in 1758 commenced the study of law at Annapolis in his native state. He applied himself closely to the investigation of that branch of science that unfolds the nature and duty of man in all the relations of life- shows what he is and what he should be under all circumstances-un- veils his passions, his propensities and his inclinations-carries the mind back through the abysm of lights, shadows and darkness to pristine happiness and illuminates the understanding more than any other course of reading. Law is a compound of all the sciences in theory and practice. An honest lawyer who is actuated by principles of strict justice, pure ethics, equal rights and stern integrity-can do more to sustain social order and promote human happiness than a man pur- suing either of the other professions. A lawyer is not complete until he understands at least the theory of all the practical sciences, profes- sions, trades and the whole routine of business and the nature of man. The acquisition of elementary law is only the vestibule to a full prepa- tion for practice. Upon the firm basis of an honest lawyer Mr. Paca commenced a successful business and built an enduring fame. He was esteemed for his clearness of perception, purity of purpose, decision of character, prudence of action and substantial usefulness-all exhibiting a clear light but not a dazzling blaze. Upon a mind like his the oppression of the mother country made a gradual impression that was deepened 36 282 THE SAGES AND HEROES by the graver of continued violations of right until it became so firmly fixed that all the powers of earth could not efface, deface, erase or expunge it. As constitutional privileges were more openly in- fringed his soul became more strongly resolved on liberty or death. He was on intimate terms with Mr. Chase who possessed all the powers to command whilst Mr. Paca was endowed with the indispen- sable requisites of a safe and skilful helmsman. With qualities thus differing these two patriots simultaneously commenced their voyage upon the boisterous ocean of public life destined for the same port- the haven of liberty. Soon after he commenced practice at the bar Mr. Paca w^as elected to the Maryland legislature and became a very useful member. In 1771 he was one of the committee of three that prepared a letter of thanks to Charles Carroll for his able advocacy of the cause of freedom in a written controversy with the royal governor and his subordinates. In that letter the committee expressed a determination never to submit to taxation without representation or to the regulation of taxes by the executive authority-thus furnishing the crown with an index of the public mind in advance of the text. Mr. Paca was a member of the Congress of 1774 which was rendered illustrious by proceedings of propriety and wisdom emanating from minds like his. Upon such men we can always rely in times of peril. They view everything in the calm sunshine of reason and justice being never overwhelmed by sudden emotions or angry passions. Ever upon the terra Jirma of pru- dence ready for action they are prepared to render assistance to those whose loftier barks often run into the breakers and need a cable from on shore to haul them in. Mr. Paca was continued in Congress until 1778 and rendered valu- ble service to his country. In 1775 he joined Mr. Chase in furnishing a new military corps with rifles to the amount of nearly a thousand dollars from their private funds. He devoted his time, talents and fortune to the cause of freedom. His examples had a powerful influ- ence upon reflecting men. All had unlimited confidence in his opinions -always deliberately formed. When the Declaration of Independence was proposed his feelings and views were decidedly in its favor but his instructions were opposed to it. The Maryland members of Assem- bly considered the project wild-believing the power of the mother country would crush all opposition in embryo. Redress they fondly but vainly hoped for. The British authorities soon furnished argu ments steeped in blood that removed all restrictions and left Mr. Paca and his colleagues to act freely. The first decided vote in favor of OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 283 Stringent measures was on the 28th of May 1776 at which time the Chaplain of the Maryland Assembly was directed not to pray for the King. As trifling as this may now appear it then had a favorable and potent influence upon the people. When the glorious day arrived to decide the fate of the Chart of Liberty Mr. Paca was at his post and enrolled his name with the apostles of freedom whose fame will continue to rise in peerless majesty until the last trump of time shall sound its closing notes and assemble the world of mankind in one grand army for the final inspection of the great Jehovah. In 1778 Mr. Paca retired from Congress and was appointed Chief Judge of the Superior Court of Maryland. In 1780 his duties were increased by his appointment to preside over the Prize and Admiralty Court. He stood approved as an able statesman-he was an ornament to the judiciary. The acumen of his mind and legal acquirements made him a strong judge-his honesty and impartiality made a popular one. In 1782 he was elected governor and discharged the duties of the office with great usefulness. He was a devoted friend to relio-ion and education and did much to render them prosperous. He incul- cated principles of economy and morals and held a parental supervision over every department of state that came within the pale of his execu- tory or advisory jurisdiction. His wise and judicious administration rendered malice powerless, paralyzed slander and left no loop for jeal- ousy to hang upon. At the end of his term he retired to private life which he enjoyed until 1786 when he was again called to direct the destinies of his native state. In 1789 President Washington appointed him Judge of the U. S. District Court of Maryland which office he ably filled up to 1799 when he was summoned to appear at the Bar of God to render an account of his stewardship. He cheerfully obeyed the summons, launched his immortal spirit on the ocean of eternity and disappeared from earth. He had lived the life of the righteous-his last end was like his. Mr. Paca was a man of polished manners, plain and dignified in his deportment with an intelligent and benignant countenance. His course in life demonstrated clearly that moderation and mildness joined with discretion and firmness govern more potently than authoritative dicta- tion. His memory is revered-let his examples be imitated. 284 THE SAGES AND HEROES ROBERT TREAT PAINE Virtue affords the only sure foundation of a peaceful and happy government. When the wicked rule corruption accumulates. Not that rulers must be members of some visible church-but they should venerate religion and be men of pure morals and political honesty. Disease affects the body politic and produces dissolution with the same fearful certainty that it destroys the physical powers of man. If the head is disordered the whole heart is sick. If the political fountain becomes polluted its dark and murky waters will rapidly impregnate every branch of the body politic with their contagious miasma. The history of all time proves the truth of this proposition. The passing events of the present exciting era are fruitful with demonstrations of the baneful effects of intrigue, peculation, political fanaticism and dis- union. Without virtue our UNION will become a mere rope of sand-a spoil for knaves and the sport of kings. Self-government will be an unsolved enigma, rational liberty a paradox, a republic the scoff of monarchs. With Argus eyes the crowned heads of Europe are watching our ca- reer and embracing every opportunity to weaken our government. Each year of our prosperous existence endangers their power. • The Elysian story of our liberty is enrapturing their subjects and preparing them for freedom. The tenure by which they hold their thrones is becoming weaker as time rolls onward. If we are true to ourselves, if virtue predominates-if patriotism, discretion and an enlightened honest policy guide our rulers-the American Republic will increase in beauty, strength and grandeur- and become the nucleus of Liberty for the world. Freemen ! look to this matter in time and nobly perform your whole duty. Obey the precepts and imitate the examples of the Sages and Heroes who wisely conceived and boldly achieved the Inde- pendence we now enjoy. They were virtuous, many of them devotedly pious-all of them politically honest. Holding a conspicuous place among them was Robert Treat Paine, born at Boston, Mass. in 1731. He was blessed with truly pious pa- rents. His father performed the duties of a clergyman until his health compelled him to leave the sacred desk. He then commenced the mercantile business. The mother of Robert was the daughter of the Rev. Robert Treat, an eminent divine of Eastham. From these reli- gious parents he imbibed those virtuous principles that guided his OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 285 course through life. Were there no other blessings flowing from Christianity than its salutary influence upon social order and harmony of society, mankind would be richly paid for obeying its precepts. This consideration alone should close the mouth of every infidel let the conclusions of his mind be what they may with reference to its origin and reality. No other system has ever been devised that confers as much happiness upon the greatest number. At an early age Robert Treat was placed in the classical school of Mr. L'ovell in Boston where his embryo talents expanded into a rich and luxuriant growth. At the age of fourteen he entered Harvard College. When he graduated his parents had become so reduced in circumstances as to need pecuniary aid. To provide ways and means he at once com- menced teaching a public school-an occupation of more importance and dignity than is generally awarded to it. When Greece and Rome flourished-teaching took the front rank in professions. For a single course in rhetoric, one hundred Athenean scholars paid Isocrates fourteen thousand eight hundred dollars. It is not surprising that the highest order of talent was employed to advance literature in Greece. The same liberality would effect wonders in our country. From the avails of his school Mr. Paine supported his parents and a maiden sister in poor health and at the same time pursued his profes- sional studies. He commenced theology but subsequently read and entered upon a successful practice of law. For a time he continued at the Boston Bar but ultimately settled at Taunton where he acquired a substantial reputation as an active, sound and discreet lawyer. He enjoyed the confidence and esteem of his numerous acquaintances and became celebrated as an advocate. He was among the first to oppose the innovations of the crown and promulge liberal principles. He was a member of the Convention called by the citizens of Boston in 17G8 to devise measures for the preservation of their sacred rights and which Governor Bernard vainly attempted to disperse before the members had completed their deliberations. At the instance of Samuel Adams he was employed to conduct the prosecution against Capt. Preston for ordering his men to fire upon the people of Boston on the 5th of March 1770. Upon that trial he exhibited great zeal and ability. During the accumu- lation of the revolutionary storm he was uniformly in the conventions and upon the important committees of the people. Many of the boldest resolutions that were adopted came from his pen. In 1773 he was elected to the Assembly of his Province and was one of the members who conducted the impeachment of Peter Oliver, then Chief Justice, who was accused of acting under the dictation of the king 286 THE SAGES AND HEROES instead of the Assembly. In the prosecution of that trial Mr. Paine manifested strong talent and great professional skill. In 1774 he was again returned to the Assembly and boldly warned the people against the dangers to be apprehended from the appointment of Gov. Gage to succeed Gov. Hutchinson. It was plain to his mind that the nefarious designs of the British ministry were to be enforced by the bayonet unless the people tamely submitted to slavery. An awful crisis was approach- ing. A larger committee than at any previous time convened at Boston, which proposed and urged the plan of a General Congress to be con- vened at Philadelphia. Gov. Gage sent an order for them to disperse but his orderly was refused admittance. Five delegates were appointed to meet the General Congress of whom Mr. Paine was one. This mea- sure was originated in Massachusetts in 1765 and was strongly urged in a circular in 1768. The set time to favor Liberty had now come. The galling yoke had become painful-most of the colonies approved the plan. By the originators of this proposition a separation from England was not contemplated-a restoration of chartered rights was all that was asked and this in the most loyal and respectful language. With this object in view the Congress convened. When the delegates compared notes they were astonished at the wide spread system of abuses that was on the flood tide of advancement throughout the Colonies. Each had supposed his own constituents most oppressed. Indignation increased but wisdom and deliberation stamped every transaction with a manly dignity. The proceedings were calm as a summer morning but firm as the rock of ages. The delegates appealed to the king, to Parliament, to the British nation, to the American people-to a gazing world for the justice of their claims-the equity of their demands. But appeals were vain, cries useless, remonstrances unheeded. They were answered by legions of hireling troops in all the panoply of war with the shrill bugle grating harshly upon the ear. They saw the glittering steel of the foe dazzling in the sun beams. Open resistance or servile submission were the alternatives. Mr. Paine was a member of the Provincial Congress convened in Concord, Mass. in October 1774. He superintended the preparation of a spirited address to the people of England which put many in the mother country right and did much to rouse the Colonists to a just indignation towards the overbearing ministry. In 1775 he was a member of the Continental Congress and was placed upon many important committees. He was chairman of the committee on the manufacture of arms and for furnishing the army. He was indefatigable in his labors in the glorious cause of Liberty. He often said-" I fear we shall become slaves because OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 287 we are not industrious enough to be free." Mr. Paine was one of the committee to prepare a constitution for his native state and had the credit of framing that instrument. In 1776 he was a member of the Continental Congress. He was on the committee with Messrs. Jefferson and Rutledge who prepared the rules that governed the action of that body. He was one of the committee to inquire into the causes of the disasters of the campaign in Canada. When the glorious 4th of July 1776 dawned upon Columbia's sons like smiling Heaven and the Eagle of Liberty soared in peerless majesty over their blood-stained soil-Mr. Paine was at his post. With a buoyant heart and firm hand he wrote his name upon that matchless instrument which is the consolation of freemen-the consternation of tyrants. He did much to rouse his friends to action by his letters written in the most happy style. In his native State he stood high in the temple of fame-in Congress he was esteemed by all its members. He was continued in that body for several years and when he could be spared served in the legislature of his State. In 1777 he was speaker of the House of Representatives. The same year he was. appointed attorney- general by the unanimous vote of both branches of the legislature. He was a prominent member of the committee that formed the Act re- ducing the price of labor and goods to a standard of equality. In 1779 he was elected to the Executive Council. The numerous duties imposed upon him he discharged to the satisfaction of his constituents. He was continued in the office of attorney-general until 1790. He then declined in order to pursue some more lucrative business to provide for the increasing wants of a large and destitute family. He had expended all his earnings in the cause of freedom but a scanty support. He was then appointed a judge of the Superior Court. He continued on the bench until 1804 when ill health compelled him to resign. He dis- charged his judicial duties with justice and ability and did much to ad- vance the interests of religion, social order and a sound state of soci- ety. On his resignation he was appointed a counsellor of the common- wealth and continued to impart his salutary advice and shed around him a benign influence until the king of terrors closed his useful career on the nth of May 1814. Calm and resigned he slept in death. He entered Jordan's flood with a full assurance of being hailed with the joyful sentence-" Well done good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joys of thy Lord." If the bright examples here presented fail to benefit the reader his virtue and patriotism are paralyzed. In the life of Judge Paine we have a picture which the Christian, patriot, jurist and statesmen may contemplate with delightful pleasure 288 THE SAGES AND HEROES Because he administered the laws strictly some called him harsh but no one dared accuse him of injustice. His integrity was beyond the reach of slander and the assaults of malice. From his solicitude to di- rect a wayward son in the paths of rectitude he was reported unkind to his family. The tale was as false as the heart was base that originated it. He was all kindness and affection. His anxiety for the welfare and usefulness of this very son is proof of the deepest paternal regard. He was a friend to common school education and the sciences. He was the founder of the American Academy of Massachusetts in 1780. The degree of LL.D. was conferred upon him by the Cambridge Uni- versity. Mr. Paine was a striking example of the happy results of persever- ance and industry. He became greatly useful and acquired his fame without the aid of patrons in early life-rising by his own exertions and supplying the wants of his destitute and aged parents to the day of their death. His career in public and private life was marked with the purest integrity, the loftiest patriotism, the strictest morality, the most refined consistency and the most exemplary piety. His life was a con- tinued round of usefulness-his labors a blessing to mankind-his death a loss that was keenly felt by his personal friends and the nation at large. A review of his bright examples affords the highest eulogy that can be pronounced upon his character. They will be held in veneration to the remotest period of truth-telling time by all who revere virtue and love Liberty. JOHN PENN. A FEDERAL republican government is an unlimited partnersnip of the noblest character. Based upon an equality of original representative stock, an equality of interest in the welfare of the firm devolves upon each individual of the compact. Unlike monopolizing corporations that often make the poor poorer and the rich richer-each stockholder has a right to speak, vote and act upon all questions in primary meet- ings irrespective of the number of shares held. The specie of the firm consists in equality of representation, natural rights, protection in per- son, property and freedom. These precious coins cannot be dimin- ished in quantity or reduced in quality by alloy without courting dan- ger. To aid in preserving them pure is the duty of all and should not be entrusted to the aspiring/ewj. Separately and collectively each and the whole are solemnly bound to pursue all honourable means to ad- OF THE AMERICAN KEVOLUTION. 289 vance the general good. Each one is bound to bring every talent into use-to leave none in the dark quarry of ignorance, the quagmire of negligence or to rust by inertness. The unfaithful steward that had but one talent was condemned because he did not put it to use. Who can tell what his talents are until he brings them to the light ? Rich ores often lie deep. Many men have passed their majority without rismg to mediocrity in point of developed intellect and have then sud- denly risen, like a blazing meteor and illuminated the world. By seve- ral of the signers of the Declaration of Independence this was beauti- fully demonstrated. Among these was John Penn, born in Caroline county, Virginia, the 17th of May 1741. He was the only child of Moses Penn who mar- ried Catharine, the daughter of John Taylor. The education of the son was confined to the commonest of common schools-the only kind then in his neighbourhood. A little learning has been called a danger- ous thing but the amount taught in some common schools at the pre- sent era of light is too small to be dangerous-too limited to do much good. The most important branch of the education of that era his parents attended to themselves. By example and precept they taught him the principles of religion, social virtue and moral honest3^ Upon a farm young Penn labored with his sire who had but few books and did not desire more. When John was but eighteen years of age his father died and left him a small fortune. He had an increasing thirst for knowledge but no library fountain at which he could drink and drink again until he should have within himself a living stream of mental light. He communicated his ardent desire to improve his edu- cation to his neighbor and relative, Edmund Pendleton who was a pro- found lawyer and an able statesman. Convinced that young Penn possessed strong native talent he made him welcome to his valuable library and became deeply interested in his improvement. After ex- ploring the fields of general science this young philomath commenced the study of law with his relative and brought out mental ores from his long neglected intellectual quarry of a rare and rich variety. Mr. Pendleton was delighted with his pupil and the pupil delighted in pleas- ing him. Mr. Penn surmounted the barriers that lay before him with an aston- ishing rapidity. Before some of his friends supposed he had mastered the elementary principles of Blackstone he presented himself at the court for examination-was admitted to the Bar and at once exhibited the bright plumage of a successful lawyer. But three years previous his now soaring talents were buried deep in their native quarry-un- 37 290 THE SAGES AND HEROES known anH unsuspected-a strong admonition to every reader under similar circumstances to examine closely the quarry of his own im- mortal mind. The professional eminence of Mr. Penn rose as rapidly as his appearance in the forum was surprising. He gained the confi- dence of the community, the respect of the courts and the esteem of his senior brethren. In 1763 he doubled his original stock in the firm of the social compact by leading to the hymenial altar the amiable and accomplished Susannah Lyme-thus avoiding the hyemal frost that creeps chillingly over lonely bachelors. In 1774 Mr. Penn removed to North Carolina. Carrying with him a high legal reputation he soon obtained a lucrative practice. He had participated largely in the patriotic feelings that were spreading over the Colonies like an autumn fire on a prairie. He had fully imbibed the principles of his venerable preceptor who was one of the boldest of the bold Virginians in the vindication of chartered rights and was a member of the general Congress of 1774. The liberal views and splen- did talents of Mr. Penn were soon appreciated by his new acquain- tances. On the 8th of September 1775 he was appointed to the Conti- nental Congress and repaired to the post of duty and honor the ensuing month. He became an active and prominent member of that vene- rated assembly of sages whose wisdom, sagacity and intelligence em- blazoned the historic page with a new and more brilliant lustre. He served on numerous committees and acquitted himself with great credit in the discharge of every duty that devolved upon him. In the com- mittee room, in the House, among the people-in every situation in which he moved he made the cause of liberty his primary business. So highly were his services appreciated by his constituents that they con- tinued him in Congress until the accumulating dangers that were threatening his own state induced him to decline a re-election in 1779. He was an early and warm supporter of the Declaration of Indepen- dence. When the joyful day arrived to take the final question he most cheerfully and boldly sustained it by his vote and signature-enrolling his namewith the brightest constellation of illustrious statesmen that ever illuminated a legislative chamber. South OaroUna had been devastated by Lord Cornwallis who was preparing to carry destruction to North Carolina. Emissaries from the British were already within its precincts to prepare the way for the triumphant entry of the cruel foe. Already had the friends of royal power received instructions to seize the most prominent whigs and the military stores with an assurance of immediate support. The cruelties that had been practised in South Carolina carried terror to all OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 291 but hearts of oak. The sacrifice of Col. Hayne at Charleston iu that state, will give the reader a faint idea of the spirit of demoniac revenge that characterized some of the refined and christianized British officers. When that city fell into his hands, Lord Cornwallis issued a procla- mation promising all who would desist from opposing the authority of the king the most sacred protection of person and property on condition that each should sign an instrument of neutrality which obligated the signers not to take up arms against the mother country and exonerated them from serving against their own. Being a prisoner and separated from his wife and six small children then residing in the country-his lady confined with the small pox-Col. Hayne fiitally signed the fatal instrument with great reluctance upon the solemn assurance of the highly civilized and professedly christianized English officers and James Simpson-intendant of British police, that he should never be required to bear arms in support of the crown. Like Bishop Cran- mer, Col. Hayne subscribed to that which his soul detested that he might fly to the relief of his suffering family. As in the case of Bishop Cranmer his enemies pursued him with a relentless persecution that nothing but death could allay-a persecution that would have made the untutored Indian shudder at broken faith and weep tears of blood over violated vows. It was a total disregard of law, justice and humanity. Soon after his return to his dying wife and little ones the British called at his house and ordered him into the army of the mother coun- try and threatened him with close confinement if he refused. In vain he referred them to the conditions upon which he so reluctantly signed the article of neutrality. In vain he claimed protection under the pro- vincial militia law that imposed a fine when a citizen chose not to render personal service. To his relentless oppressors all was a dead letter. He pointed them to the wife of his bosom-the mother of his children-sinking under the small pox and rapidly approaching another world. Their sympathy was sealed-their compassion frozen up. In a few short hours Mrs. Hayne closed her eyes in death. She rested in peace. A different fate was in reserve for the afflicted husband. The order to enter the British army must be obeyed or immediate imprison- naent would follow. By the violation of the pledges made to him on their part he correctly considered himself absolved from all obligations to the officers of the crown. He at once entered the American army, preferring death to the ranks of the invaders. A brilliant but short career in the service of his country awaited him. He was soon made a prisoner and sent to Charleston where Lord Rawdon, a general of his most Christian majesty, loaded him with irons-submitted him to 292 THE SAGES AND HEROES a mock trial-ex parte in its proceedings and conclusions-based on re- venge and cruelty, resolved on the speedy and ignominious death of his victim. Col. Hayne was sentenced to be hung. Amazement and dis- may, nidignation and surprise were strongly manifested by all classes. A large proportion of the friends of the crown deemed the transaction a species of murder. A petition-headed by the royal governor and numerously signed by persons of high standing who still adhered to the mother country was presented to Lord Rawdon in behalf of the unfor- tunate prisoner but all in vain. " Still revenge sat brooding on his dark and sullen brow And the grim fiends of hell urged his soul on to murder." The ladies of Charleston-wives and daughters of royalists and whigs, then united in a petition couched in the most moving language-praying that the life of Col. Hayne might be spared. This met with a cold reception and peremptory refusal. As a last effort to rescue their father from the gallows-his infant children, dressed in deep mourning and bathed in tears, were led before Lord Rawdon. Upon their knees, with their suffused eyes fixed upon him, they addressed the monster in a strain of heart-moving eloquence that none but infant innocents can express- none but fiends resist. " Our mother is dead-spare ! ! spare our dear father ! ! ! ■' But still he stood unmoved, Hard as the adamantine rock, Dark as a sullen cloud before the sun." So melting was this scene that veteran soldiers wept aloud and all were astounded at the demoniac course of the blood thirsty and relentless Rawdon. A request was then made that Col. Hayne might be permitted to die as a military officer and not hung as a felon. This was also denied. As a devout Christian the martyr resigned himself to his cruel fate and prepared his mind for the approaching crisis. His little son was permitted to visit him in prison. When he saw his father loaded with irons he burst into tears. The parent remarked to him, " Why will you break my heart with unavailing sorrow 1 Have I not often told you that we came into this world to prepare for a better? For that better life, dear boy, your father is prepared. Instead of weeping, rejoice with me that my troubles are so near an end. To-morrow I set out for im- mortality. When I am dead bury me by the side of your mother." No imagination can fully conceive-no fancy can truly paint-no pen clearly portray, no language can half express the heart rending reality of that OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 293 last sad Interview between the father and his son. When upon the fatal drop with the accursed halter around his neck-Col. Hayne shook hands with his friends-bade them an affectionate farewell-urged them to perse- vere in the glorious cause of freedom-recommended his children to the protection of three gentlemen present and the next moment was struggling in death. The sight was too much for his son-his brain became dis- ordered-his reason fled-he died insane. With his expiring breath he faintly whispered-" ./¥y mother is dead .'-Spare! 0! spare my dear father!! r Fortunately for North Carolina the efficient and sagacious Greene with his brave officers and half clad soldiers checked the triumphant and murderous career of the British army. The operations of this brave General were greatly accelerated by Mr. Penn. In 1780, when Lord Cornwallis penetrated the western part of the state to Charlottetown, the crisis became alarming and this bold patriot was placed at the helm of public affairs with almost unlimited power. He was authorized to seize supplies by force and do all things that he deemed necessary to repel the invading foe. He proved equal to the emergency. He knew his duty and performed it with such discretion and prudence that no complaints of injustice were heard. The state was saved from a merciless enemy- Tarleton was humbled-Ferguson killed and Cornwallis put on his back track at double quick time. After discharging the duties imposed by his own state Mr. Penn retired to private life and the pursuit of his profession. In 1784 he was appointed Receiver of Taxes for North Carolina-a high encomium upon his reputation for integrity. Fatigued with public service he resigned this office in a few months. He then bid a final farewell to the perplexing duties of political life and took his exit from the public arena decked with a civic wreath of unfading honor. He again entered into the soul- cheering enjoyments of domestic felicity which were soon exchanged for those of another and brighter world. In September 1788 he was gathered to his fathers and laid in the silent tomb there to await the resurrection of the great day. He was cut down just as he began to enjoy the fruits of his labors-in the prime of life and left a vacuum in society not readily filled. His grave was moistened with tears-a nation mourned his loss. In all the relations of private life and public action Mr. Penn was a model of rare perfection. As a counsellor and advocate he stood on a commanding eminence. His forensic eloquence was strongly pathetic. The court and jury were often suffused with tears when listening to his appeals. As a patriot and statesman he stood approved bv his country. 294 THE SAGES AND HEROES His disposition was mild and benevolent-iiis purposes pure and firm. He was a good and iionest man. Let the young men wiio are just step- ping .on the stage of action imitate John Penn in his successful efforts to be useful. Banish the doctrine that power shall be monopolized by a few. This principle should never gain credence in a republican govern- ment where every individual is equally interested in the cardinal points o^ heedom— personal liberty equally secured-personal rights equally enjoyed. So long as these points are fully exemplified our UNION is safe. JOSIAH QUINCY. The magic power of the press cannot be too highly appreciated nor its abuses too deeply deprecated. The newspapers of the day have become the controlling power of public opinion. No course of reading so fully presents the present aspect of society. Were all our editors governed by lofty patriotism, sound logic, strict justice, enlarged philanthropy, universal charity, moral courage, sterling integrity and undeviating courtesy-a harmonious tone would be given to community that would usher in the day-spring of transporting harmony. But few of the editorial corps seem to feel the high responsibility resting upon them. Too many are the automatons of political parties and issue sheets not calculated to improve the mind, correct the head or better the heart. The politics of the present day have become disgusting to genuine patriots who deem the good of their country paramount to party triumph. Demagogues discard the old landmarks of '76. Many of our laws are based upon party principles without reference to the good of our country- a very sandy foundation. Let editors banish all party control and venality from the press and send forth rays of living light that will purify our political and moral atmosphere-then our government will be health- ful, vigorous and strong. The silken cords of our Union have been strained to their utmost tension several times. We have an accumulating mass of combustible materials in our midst. Our bond of Union has been put at issue by the meddlesome and sensitive-the fanaticism of the one part and the boiling passions of the other are encouraged by demagogues-the virtue of the people can alone preserve it. A little more steam upon the loco- motive of disunion-a little more fuel from the north and fire from the south may burst the boiler and destroy the beautiful engine of our. Li- berty. More than any other class-editors can insure the perpetuity of our UNION. Let conductors of the public press soar above all OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 295 selfish and demagogue influences and become shining examples of pu- rity in the broadest sense of the term. Tlien our tree of Liberty will continue to rise in majesty sublime and as it towers upward will send forth flashes of light upon the oppressed millions of the old world who will yet rise in all the might of their native dignity-demolish the thrones of monarchs-sing the requiem of tyrants and strike for FREEDOM-the crowning glory of man. All the patriots of the American Revolution whose opinions we know, deprecated the venality of the press. Among the pioneer sages was Josiah Quincy who was born in Boston, Mass. in 1745. In child- hood he manifested unusual talents which were highly cultivated in Harvard College where he graduated with high honors. He then read law and became an ornament to the Boston bar. His eloquence was of that commanding kind that at once rivets the attention of an audience. His logic was forcible, his demonstrations clear, his argu- ments convincing, his conclusions happy, his action captivating. A bright career was apparently before him which gave promise of exten- sive usefulness to his country and honor to himself. He was among the first to espouse the cause of the oppressed Colo- nies. He was one of the boldest champions of the people. He had their confidence, esteem and admiration. Although surrounded and threatened by the myrmidons of the crown he fearlessly and pub- licly opposed the unrighteous pretensions of the British ministry. He lucidly pointed out the various innovations upon chartered rights that had become sacred by long enjoyment and repeatedly sanctioned by declaratory Acts of Parliament. Had the colonists tamely surrendered themthey would have been unworthy of the rights of freemen. Thank God— they did not surrender them. Anxious to maintain them peacea- bly, they sent Mr. Quincy to England in 1774 for the purpose of reconciling existing difficulties. Among the people he found many who deprecated the course of ministers-a respectable minority of the eminent British statesmen considered the advisers of the king visionary in their plans-unreasonable in their demands. Finding that mother Britain was madly bent on ruin Mr. Quincy left for his native land. He reached Cape Ann Harbor on the 25th of April 1775 and died the same day deeply mourned by a nation just bursting into life. His course was brilliant but transient. Like some rich flowers that bloom at distant periods only for a short time-so bloomed this distin- guished patriot-then disappeared for ever from the human gaze. He bloomed long enough to richly perfume the atmosphere of patriotisni around him and rouse those to action who inhaled the rich perfumes of 296 THE SAGES AND HEROES Liberty emitted from his noble soul. With such men as Josiah Quincy our Press would be pure-our UNION safe. GEORGE READ. When an individual is presented with both horns of the dilemma- Liberty or slavery-the one to be obtained with blood-the other a tame submission to chains-if he is worthy the name of MAN-his mental and physical powers are at once roused to action. He does not stop to ex- plore the avenues of obtuse metaphysics, speculative dogmas or fasti- dious etiquette. He flies to first principles and strains his reason and genius to their utmost tension to aid him. He puts forth his mightiest efforts-boldest exertions-strongest energies to extricate himself from surrounding difficulties-impending dangers. He performs astonishing feats rather than become a serf and surmounts the cloud-capped sum- mit of an Alpine barrier that he would have never reached under ordi- nary circumstances. The same proposition may be extended to a nation. The history of the American Revolution demonstrates it most clearly. The colonists were placed upon the piercing horns of an awful dilemma-apparently doomed to slavery or death. By their unparalleled efforts, crowned with the blessing of God, they were ultimately delivered from their perilous situation and survived the gores and bruises received in the unequal conflict. This was effected by men of strong intellect, clear heads, good hearts and sound judgments-men of strong moral courage who could reason, plan, execute. The Jloicers of literature were not then culled to form a boquet for legislative halls. Plain common sense, sterling worth, useful knowledge, practical theorems, honesty of pur- pose, energy of action-all based upon pure patriotism and love of Li- berty were the grand requisites to ensure popular favor. All these were concentrated in George Read who was the son of John Read a wealthy and respectable planter who came from Dublin, Ireland and located in Cecil County, Maryland, where George was born in 1734. The father subsequently removed to Newcastle County, Delaware and placed this son in a school at Chester, Pennsylvania, where he received his primary tuition. From there he was transferred to the seminary of Rev. Dr. Allison who was eminently qualified to mould the mind for usefulness by imparting correct and liberal princi- ples, practical knowledge and general intelligence fit for every day use- combining the whole with refined classics and polite literature. Under OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 297 this accomplished teacher Mr. Read completed his education and at the age of seventeen commenced the study of law under John Moland a distinguished member of the Philadelphia bar. So astonishing was his proficiency that he was admitted to the practice of his profession at the age of nineteen with a better knowledge of the elements of law than some practitioners obtain through life. He was also well prepared to enter upon the practice of his profession, having had the entire charge of Mr. Moland's business for several months. He was one of those rare geniuses that seemed endowed with intuition. He commenced a successful practice at Newcastle in 1754 and at once grappled with old and experienced counsellors. His thorough knowledge of the primary principles of law, his acuteness in pleading, his urba'nity of manners, his noble and courteous bearing in court, gained for him the esteem and confidence of the judges, his senior brethren and of the community. As a natural consequence his prac- tice soon became lucrative. His forte did not consist in a flowery show but in a deep-toned and grave forensic eloquence that informs the un- derstanding and carries conviction to the mind. He rarely appealed to the passions of court or jury-preferring to stand upon the legitimate basis of the law clearly expounded-the testimony honestly stated. On the 13th of April 1763 he was appointed Attorney General for the three lower counties of Delaware and held the office until called to the duties of legislation. The same year he led to the hymeneal altar an amiable, pious and accomplished daughter of the Rev. George Ross of Newcastle-thus adding largely to the stake he held in the welfare of his country-enhancing his earthly joys and giving him an influence and rank in society unknown to lonely bachelors. She fully supplied the vacuum abhorred by nature and proved a consolation to him amidst the toils, perils, pains and pleasures of subsequent life. Mr. Read was a republican to the core. From the commencement to the close of the Revolution he was a bold and unyielding advocate of equal rights and liberal principles. When the questions in dispute assumed the form of serious discussion between the two countries he at once resigned the office of Attorney General held under the crown. In 1765 he was elected a member of the Delaware Assembly and was instrumental in laying deep the foundations of the superstructure of Liberty. He was prudent, calm and discreet in all his actions-but firm, bold and resolute. He was a member of the committee of the Delaware Assembly that so ably addressed the king upon the subject of grievances and redress. He was in favor of exhausting the maga- zine of petition and reinonstrance-if to no purpose then to replenish 38 298 THE SAGES A. N D HEROES with powJer and ball. He did not nor did any of the Signers of the Declaration originally contemplate a dissolution of the ties that bound the Colonies to the mother country. They could not believe until " the death" forced the truth upon them-that ministers would commit politi- cal suicide. This done, as Americans are proverbial for humanity and decency the compound felo de se was interred with a calm dignified solemnity. Mr. Read and his coadjutors understood the rights secured by Magna Charta and the Constitution of England and knew that those rights were trampled upon by the hirelings of the crown. To vindicate them was his firm resolve. He knew and weighed well the superior physical powers of the oppressors but he believed the majesty of eternal justice and the kind aid of Heaven would be vouchsafed to sustain the patriots in their struggle to sustain their inalienable rights. He believed the project of taxation without representation to pamper royal corruption to be so heinous that the scheme would be crushed by the blighting curse of an offended Deity. Nor did he err in his reasonable conclu- sions. That curse came with the force of a sweeping avalanche-Brit- ish power was annihilated in America. On the 17th of August 1769 he published an appeal to his constitu- ents, calling upon them to resist the encroachments of tyranny. Its language was bold and forcible, portraying in colors deep and strong their rights and wrongs, pointing out the path of duty so plain that a tory need not have erred therein. This talismanic production sealed the fate of British power in patriotic Delaware-small in size but a giant in action. The hirelings of the crown saw the writing upon many walls and were suddenly attacked with a Belshazzar tremor and found no balance in America to restore an equilibrium. Mr. Read sanctioned the various non-importation resolutions passed by his own and other Colonies. This was the first measure adopted to negative the designs of ministers by refraining from the use of all taxa- ble articles whether of luxuries or daily consumption. Had the colo- nists not presented so bold a front at the onset the non-importation resolutions would have probably been paralyzed by an Act of Parlia- ment compelling them to use the taxable articles in quantities so large that the accruing revenue would have enabled the cabinet to revel in profligacy. He was chairman of the committee of twelve appointed by the people of Newcastle on the 29th of June 1771 to obtain subscriptions for the Boston sufferers, then writhing under the lash of the infamous Port Bill passed by Parliament for the purpose of chastising the refractory "re- OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 299 bels" of that patriotic city. In February following he had the exqui- site pleasure of remitting nine hundred dollars to them. The receipt was eloquently acknowledged by Samuel Adams who was one of his faithful correspondents. Mr. Read was a member of the Congress of 1774 and continued a member during the Revolution. He was also President of the Conven- tion that formed the first Constitution of Delaware in 1776, He was a member of the Delaware Assembly for twelve years in succession and a portion of that time Vice President of the state. In the autumn of 1777 President M'Kinley fell into the hands of the enemy which com- pelled Mr. Read to leave Congress for a season and perform the duties of Chief Magistrate of his state. On his way home with his family he was compelled to pass through Jersey. In crossing the Delaware from Saleni his boat was discovered by those on board the British fleet then lying just below. An armed barge was sent in pursuit. Mr. Read's boat stuck in the mud and was soon overtaken. By effacing the marks upon his baggage before he was boarded and having with him his wife and children he convinced those from the fleet he was a country gen- tleman on his way to his farm and solicited their assistance to put him and his family on shore. They cheerfully complied with his request and landed him and his precious charge safely on the Delaware side of the river. The open frankness and calmness of himself and lady saved them from the horrors of a prison-ship and probably him from an exhi- bition upon the yard-arm of a man of war. The duties of Chief Magistrate of his state were very imposing at that time. Internal dissensions were to be reconciled-an intercourse by many of the inhabitants with the British fleet to be broken up-ways and means for his own and the general government to be provided and some plan devised to procure the release of the President. A conquer- ing foe was flushed with victory In all directions. In the midst of all these perils he stood firmly at the helm and outrode every storm. He proved equal to every emergency and added fresh lustre to his growing fame. When the Declaration of Independence was under discussion he be- lieved the measure premature but when adopted he cheerfully placed his name on this monument of fame. In 1779 ill health compelled him to retire from the public arena for a year when he again resumed his legislative duties. In 1782 he was appointed a judge of appeals in the Court of Admiralty. In 1785 he was one of the commissioners to settle the boundary line between New York and Massachusetts, The next year he was a delegate to the convention of states convened at 300 THE SAGES AND HEROES Annapolis to regulate the Commerce of the Union. In 1787 he was one of that talented convention that framed the Federal Constitution. He was a Senator in the first Congress convened under that Constitu- tion and served six years. He was Chief Justice of Delaware from 1793 to the time of his death. Upon the Bench he had few equals and no superior. In all these responsihle stations he acquitted himself nobly and did honor to his country and the cause of rational freedom. The person of Mr. Read was above the middle size, well formed with a commanding and agreeable deportment. He was scrupulously ho- nest, rigidly just. When he arrived at his majority he assigned his portion of the paternal estate to his brothers, deeming the expenses of his education equivalent to his share. He was systematic even in the smallest concerns of life. He abhorred vice of every kind. He en- joyed good health in his old age up to the autumn of 1798 when, after a sudden and short illness, he closed his eyes on terrestrial scenes and resigned his spirit into the hands of the wise Disposer of all events. As a civilian, statesman, magistrate, patriot, philanthropist, gentle- man, husband, father, citizen and public benefactor-George Read was a model worthy of all admiration and the exactest imitation. All who imitate his noble career will go for the UNION forever. C^SAH RODNEY. Genealogy was once a kind of titular idol hel^ in great veneration. The biographer made it his first stepping-stone-one of the main pillars of his superstructure. In countries where the iron sceptre of mon- archy is still swayed-where titles of honor create lineal dignity with- out regard to merit-where blood is analyzed by political chemistry and all the precipitants are rejected but the carbonate of noble and royal pedigree-where the crown descends upon a non compos mentis incum- bent with the same certainty that it reaches a man of good intellect- genealogy is still measurably the criterion by which to determine the importance and weight of character. As light and intelligence shed their benignant rays upon mankind the deference paid to this titular phantom will be diminished. Where rational liberty reigns triunnphant merit alone creates dignity. The man is measured by his actions-not by the purple fluid in his veins or conduct of his relations. In our free country genealogy is a matter of curiosity-not of veneration. The son of a coal cracker or cobbler can rise to the highest station within the gift of the people by the force of talent and merit. I am aware that the OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 301 aristocracy of wealth is a noxious weed that spreads its deleterious branches through our cities and large towns but not yet so widely and luxuriant as to prevent merit and genius from acquiring a rapid and healthful growth. In times of danger and peril its power will be les- sened in the same ratio that these increase. In an atmosphere purely republican it withers and dies. But few families in these United States' can trace their ancestors so far back as the Rodneys of Delaware. They came into England with the Norman queen Maud [Matilda] in 1141 and were among the bravest military chieftains who led in the Norman conquest. At all subsequent periods they were prominent in directing the destinies of Britain. To those who are conversant with the history of the various periods of public commotion in that kingdom-the name of Sir Walter de Rodney is familiar, with many others of the same lineage. They were able in council and war. They were conspicuous in the civil, military and naval departments and received the highest honors that could be awarded to their rank by kings and queens. They were marked for magnanimity and liberal views. Under the auspices of William Penn William Rodney came to Phila- delphia who was a branch of this ancient family. He was the son of William Rodney of England and settled in Kent, Delaware. His mo- ther, Alice, was the daughter of Sir Thomas Caesar a wealthy English merchant. William Rodney left one son, Caesar, who was the father of the subject of this biographette. This son was born at Dover, Kent county, Delaware in 1730. He received a good education and inher- ited a large real estate from his father. He possessed a strong and penetrating mind, firmness of purpose, decision of character, an abun- dant share of keen wit and good humor, a large stock of experimental intelligence and practical knowledge with discretion to know how, when and where to bring these important qualities into action. With endowments like these Mr. Rodney spread his canvass to the popular breeze and commenced his voyage of public life. His cabin stores were purely republican and liberal in quantity. In 1758 he became high sheriff of his native county and discharged his duties in a manner that gained for him the confidence and esteem of the citizens generally. At the expiration of his term he was appointed a Justice of the Peace and a judge of the lower courts. In October 1762 he took his seat in the Legislature at Newcastle and became an active and influential member. He was one of the committee that prepared the answer to the message of the governor and was on other important com- mittees. At the close of the session he was put in possession of the 302 THE SAGES AND HEROES great seal to be affixed to the laws that had been passed at that term. When the rights of the Colonies were infringed by assumptions of arrogated power on the part of mother Britain, Mr. Rodney was among the first who took a bold stand in favor of justice. He was a member of the Congress that convened at New York in 1765 to remonstrate against the Stamp Act and other threatened innovations upon the privileges of the Colonies that had been long enjoyed and were guarantied by the social compact between the king of Great Britain and his " dutiful and most loyal subjects in America." After the Stamp Act was repealed Messrs. Rodney, M'Kean and Read were appointed a committee to pre- pare an address to the king expressive of the joy produced throughout the Colony by this event. It is substantially the same as those prepared bv the other Colonies and shows clearly the feelings of loyalty that per- vaded the people at that time. The following is the body of the address. " We cannot help glorying in being the subjects of a king that has made the preservation of the civil and religious rights of his people and the established constitution the foundation and constant rule of govern- ment and the safety, ease and prosperity of his people his chiefest care- of a king whose mild and equal administration is sensibly felt and enjoyed in the remotest part of his dominions. The clouds which lately hung over America are dissipated. Our complaints have been heard and our grievances redressed-trade and commerce again flourish. Our hearts are animated with the warmest wishes for the prosperity of the mother country for which our affection is unbounded and your faithful subjects here are transported with joy and gratitude. Such are the blessings we may justly expect will ever attend the measures of your Majesty pur- suing steadily the united and true interests of all your people throughout your wide extended empire assisted with the advice and support of a British Parliament and a virtuous and wise ministry. We most humbly beseech your Majesty graciously to accept the strongest assurances that having the justest sense of the many favors we have received from your royal benevolence during the course of your majesty's reign and how much of our present happiness is owing to your paternal love and care for your people. We will at all times most cheerfully contribute to your majesty's service to the utmost of our abilities when your royal requisi- tions, as heretofore, shall be made known-that your majesty will always find such returns of duty and gratitude from us as the best of kings may expect from the most loyal subjects and that we will demonstrate to all the world that the support of your majesty's government and the honor OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 303 and interests of the British nation are our chief care and concern, desiring nothing more than the continuance of your wise and excellent constitu- tion in the same happy, firtn and envied situation in which it was dehvered to us from our ancestors and your majesty's predecessors." With the feelings expressed in this address the conclusion is irresis- tible that nothing but the most cruel oppressions could have driven the American people to a revolution. A similar expression of feeling was sent to the king from ail the Colonies. " Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad." So with the British ministry-they were madly bent on reducing their American brethren to unconditional subjection and after a short interval commenced a system of oppression upon a broader, bolder scale. Again* the people appealed to their king-but appealed in vain. Mr. Rodney was upon the committee that prepared a second address to his majesty just before the Revolution in the following language : " The sense of our deplorable condition will, we hope, plead with your majesty in our behalf for the freedom we take in dutifully remon- strating against the proceedings of a British Parliament-confessedly the wisest and greatest assembly upon earth. But if our fellow subjects of Great Britain, who derive no authority from us, who cannot, in our humble opinion, represent us and to whom we will not yield in loyalty and affection to your majesty, can, at their will and pleasure, of right giye and grant away our property-if they can enforce an implicit obedience to every order or act of theirs for that purpose and deprive all or any of the Assemblies on this continent of the power of legislation for differing with them in opinion in matters which intimately affect their rights and interests and everything that is dear and valuable to English- men-we cannot imagine a case more miserable-we cannot think we shall have the shadow of Liberty left. We conceive it to be an inherent right in your majesty's subjects, derived to them from God and nature- handed down by their ancestors-confirmed by your royal predecessors ' and the constitution, in person or by their representatives, to give and to grant to their sovereign those things which their own labor and their own cares have acquired and saved and in such proportions and at such times as the national honor and interest may require. Your majesty's faithful subjects of this government have enjoyed this inestimable privilege uninterrupted, from its first existence till of late. They have at all times cheerfully contributed to the utmost of their abilities for your majesty's service as often as your royal requisition was made known and thev cannot, but with the greatest uneasiness and distress of mind, part with 304 THE SAGES AND HEROES the power of demonstrating their loyalty and affection for their beloved king." .Addresses similar to this were laid before the king from all the Colo- nies and from the Congress of 1774. The struggle between loyal allection and a submission to wrongs was truly agonizing. This affec- tion and the physical weakness of the Colonies are proof strong as holy writ that British oppression was raised to the zenith of cruelty. The history of the American Revolution should be a striking lesson in all future time to those in power not to draw the cords of authority too tightly. It affords a cheering example to all persons to resist every en- croachment upon their liberty. In 1769 Mr. Rodney was chosen speaker of the Assembly of Dela- ,ware and continued to fill the chair for several years with honor and dignity. Among other things he introduced an amendment to a bill relative to slaves, prohibiting their importation into the Colony. So ably did he advocate this humane proposition that it was lost only, by two votes. The same philanthropic feeling was increasing through the slave states until England, by her emissary Dr. Thompson, sowed the seeds of abolition broadcast in our country for the express purpose of dissolving our Union and of destroyirfg the only republic Europe fears. Digging around the roots of a decaying tree often revives it. Honest men may err. As the specks of war began to concentrate Mr. Rodney became one of the most active opposers of British tyranny. Excepting a short interval he was a member of Congress from 1774 to 1776 and took a conspicuous part in the general business and discussions of that august body. In his own province he had much to do. The royal attach- ments were deeply rooted. It required greater exertions to thwart the intrigues of foes within than to repel the attacks of enemies without. In addition to his duties of speaker of the Delaware Assembly and member of Congress those of brigadier-general of militia devolved on him. His numerous messages to his legislature and letters to his officers urging them to decisive action manifested great industry, clear- ness of perception, firmness of purpose and patriotic zeal. He was in favor of the Declaration of Independence from its first inception. The day previous to the final decision upon this important measure he was in Delaware devising means to arrest the career of certain Tories in the lower end of the province. Mr. McKean informed him by express of the approaching crisis. He immediately mounted his horse and ar- rived at Philadelphia just in time to dismount and enter the hall of Con- gress and give his vote for Liberty and affix his name to that bold OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 305 instrument that dissolved allegiance to England's king and created a compact of freemen. In the autumn of 1776 the Tories defeated his election to Congress. With increasing zeal he entered the field of military operations. He repaired to Princeton soon after the brave Haslet and Mercer fell, fighting for the cause of justice and freedom. He remained with the army two months and received the approval of Washington expressed in the following letter written from Morristown, N. J. on the 18th of February 1777. " The readiness with which you took the field at the period most cri- tical to our affairs-the industry you used in bringing out the militia of Delaware State and the alertness observed by you in forwarding troops to Trenton-reflect the highest honor on your character and place your attachment to the cause in the most distinguished point of view. They claim my sincerest thanks and I am happy in this opportunity in giving them to you." On his return he was appointed a judge of the Supreme Court orga- nized under the new order of things. He declined serving believing he could be more useful in some other sphere. About that time an open insurrection broke out in Sussex County in his State. He immediately repaired to the scene of insubordination and quelled it with only the appearance of force. At the time the British were preparing to march from the Chesapeake to the Brandywine he was stationed south of the American army for the purpose of throwing his force between the enemy and their shipping. In the field and in the legislative hall he was alike active. In December 1777 he was again elected to Congress. The legisla- ture of his State being in session he concluded to remain until it rose. Before its adjournment he was elected President of Delaware which prevented him from serving in the national legislature. His services in his new station were of great importance. His exertions in raising supplies for the army were of the most vigorous character-especially during the winter and spring of 1779 when the troops were often on half allowance and the magazines so bare that it seemed impossible to sustain the army a single week. During the four years he directed the destinies of Delaware he had many refractory spirits to manage-many difficult questions to decide that brought into useful action his prudence, wisdom and firmness. Upon his own matured judgment he relied. So well did he balance the scales of justice that he gained the admiration of his friends and the approval of his enemies. The affairs of the State were never in better hands. 39 306 THE SAGES AND HEROES Mr. Rodney was remarkably fond of a good joke if inoffensive and chaste. He often exhibited brilliant displays of wit but was extremely careful of personal feelings. When in Congress Mr. Harrison had often called Virginia the Dominion of the Colonies. When threatened with invasion by the enemy he asked immediate aid to protect her from the approaching foe. When he sat down Mr. Rodney rose with as- sumed gravity and apparent sympathy and assured the gentleman that the powerful Do7mnion should be protected-'* Let her be of good cheer- she has a friend in need-Dehware will take her under protection and insure her safety." The portly Harrison and the skeleton Rodney both enjoyed the hit which convulsed the other members with laughter. In view of the great amount of business performed by Mr. Rodney and his proverbial cheerfulness and playful good humor the reader will be astonished to learn that he was afflicted with a cancer upon his nose from his youth which spread over one side of his face and compelled him to wear a bandage over it for many years before his death. It so reduced his flesh that he was a walking skeleton. It terminated his active and useful life in 1783. He met death with calm submission and Christian fortitude and died rejoicing in the bright prospects that were dawning upon the country he dearly loved and had faithfully served. Mr. Rodney was naturally of a slender form with an animated coun- tenance, easy and polished manners and very agreeable and gentle- manly in his intercourse. From his writings he appears to have held religion in high veneration and practised the purest morals-producing the fruits of righteousness in richer abundance than many who make loud pretensions to piety but do not prove their faith by their works. He was liberal, kind, benevolent and so strongly sympathetic that he was obliged to avoid scenes of physical suffering if possible. He could not endure to be in the room of a dying friend or relative. The poor, the widow, the orphan, his relatives and friends, his country-all deeply mourned the loss of C^sar Rodney. GEORGE ROSS. Idleness is the tomb of a living man-the progenitor of want, the sub- stratum of misery-the fountain of crime. It was scarcely known and never countenanced by the pilgrim fathers or revolutionary patriots. We now have many among us who had rather be pinched with hun- ger and shine in rags than labor. A more numerous and dangerous class is composed of gentlemen idlers who pass down the stream of OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 307 time at the expense of those who constantly pull at the oar. They live upon the best, dress finely by borrowing and spunging and when these fail they take to swindling, stealing, gambling, robbing and often pass on for years before justice overtakes them. So long as they can keep up fashionable appearances and elude the kind hearted police whose good will they generally have, they are received into the company of the upper ten exquisites with marked complacency. By virtue of a fine coat, lily hand and graceful bow, which cover more sins than modern Christian charity, many an idle knave has been received into fashionable circles with eclat and walked rough-shod over a worthy young clerk, mechanic or farmer who had too much good sense to act the monkey flirtations of an itinerant dandy. When the counting-house, the me- chanic shop, the plough and the kitchen fall into disrepute and are sub- merged by vain show, pomp and parade-the sun of our country's glory will set to rise no more. When the republican simplicity of Greece and Rome receded before imported fashions, luxuries and rules of eti- quette-when they ceased to call men from the shop and the plough to the cabinet and the field-when the women exchanged the kitchen for the drawing-room and plainness for extravagance of dress-corruption supplanted virtue-the genius of Liberty veiled her face and fled-disso- lution followed-RUIN closed the dreadful scene. Industry and plainness were marked characteristics of the Sages and Heroes of the American Revolution. Among them George Ross stood conspicuous. He was born at Newcastle, Delaware, in 1730. He was the son of Rev. George Ross, pastor of the Episcopal church at that ancient town. Under the instruction of his father the strong na- tive talents of George unfolded their richness. At the age of eighteen he was a good classical scholar. He then commenced the study of law in Philadelphia with an elder brother, John Ross, where he was admitted to the Bar in 1751. To have elbow room he located at Lan- caster, Pennsylvania-then on the confines of civilization bordering on the far west. Noble in his disposition, plain and agreeable in his man- ners, learned and diligent in his profession, candid, honest and just in his course-he gained the confidence and love of the people and a lucra- tive practice. To plant himself more firmly in his new location and give additional proof of his good sense, he married Ann Lawler a Highly esteemed lady who proved an affectionate and worthy com- panion. He built his legal fame on the genuine basis-close application to his professional business unconnected with public politics. Unfortunately for themselves man} young lawyers enter the political arena for the 308 THE SAGES AND HEROES purpose of obtaining professional notoriety and business. This error has prevented many talented young men from rising to legal eminence in modern times. The Revolution was a different matter. Liberty or death was then the issue. Now it is a feigned one. If a young attor- ney becomes pledged to a political party he has not a client but a master that exacts the most abject, humiliating services with a contingent pro- mise to pay in bogus coin. Either his legitimate business or that of the party must be neglected. Reflecting men know this. Aware that it requires close application to become learned in the law they keep aloof from young political lawyers. A few high toned partisans, whose tools they are, may employ them in small cases but when they have an important one-the studious industrious counsellor who has not inhaled the corrupting atmosphere of modern politics is the one employed. A word to the wise should be sufficient. It was not until long after his location at Lancaster that Mr. Ross entered upon his legislative course. The time had arrived when the people began to feel the smart of British oppi'ession and became more particular in selecting men of known worth and talents to guard their interests against the machinations of an avaricious and designing mi- nistry. He was elected to the Colonial Assembly in 1768. His repu- tation stood high as an able lawyer and a man of liberal views, sound judgment and decision of character. His influence was sensibly felt- his labors highly appreciated. At that time the legislative body replied to the message of the governor in extenso. At his first session Mr. Ross was appointed to reply to this document. In respectful but bold language he objected to every proposition that he considered impolitic or in opposition to the best interests of the people. He was a fearless sentinel, a powerful champion in the cause of Liberty. In every lead- ing measure in favour of freedom he was a leading man. He was con- tinued in the Assembly until he took his seat in Congress in 1774. He was upon the committee that reported in favor of sending delegates and the man who prepared the instructions of the Assembly to the congres- sional delegates. As these are substantially the same as those that were given to all instructed delegates I insert them that the reader may see that redress of grievances was all that was asked or then antici- pated. •' The trust reposed in you is of such a nature and the modes of ex- ecuting it may be so diversified in the course of your deliberations, that it is scarcely possible to give you particular instructions respecting it. We shall therefore only in general direct-that you are to meet in Con- gress the committees of the several British Colonies at such time and OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 309 place as shall be generally agreed on, to consult together on the present critical and alarming situation and state of the Colonies and that you, with them, exert your utmost endeavors to form and adopt a plan which shall afford the best prospect of obtaining redress of American griev- ances, ascertaining American rights and establishing that union and harmony which is most essential to the welfare and happiness of both countries. And in doing this you are strictly charged to avoid every- thing indecent or disrespectful to the mother state." Under instructions like these the first general Congress convened and acted. The Colonies used all honorable means to restore harmony- more than the British Constitution and common justice required. No- thing but an infatuation that makes men blind, deaf and dumb could have resisted the appeals and unanswerable arguments in favor of chartered rights, showing their violations-that were poured upon the king. Parliament" and people of Great Britain from the deep translucent fountain of intelligence concentrated in the Congress of 1774. The members were determined to clear their own skirts of blood and not draw the bow of physical opposition until their arrows were barbed with divine wisdom and dipped in the refining fire of eternal justice. Mr. Ross was continued in Congress until 1777 when ill health com- pelled him to retire. He had rendered great service on numerous com- mittees and was listened to with marked attention when he spoke in debate. When he could be spared from his place he served in the legis- lature of his State where his salutary influence was strongly felt. For some time the royal governor and his friends presented a formidable opposition. Mr. Ross put his whole weight on the people's end of the po- litical lever with his popularity for a fulcrum and greatly aided in hoist- ing the tree of monarchy from its deep bed of alluvial corruption. He was a member of the convention of his State that commenced the new government and on the committee that prepared the declaration of rights. He was chairman of the committee that organized the govern- ment and of the one that prepared the declaratory ordinance defining high treason and misprision of treason and the kind and measure of pun- ishment to be inflicted. His high legal knowledge rendered him an important member upon such committees. Immediately after he closed hjs legislative career the citizens of Lan- caster County passed the two following resolutions with great unani mity. ** Resolved-That the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds out of the county stock be forthwith transmitted to George Ross [' Honorable' was not then republican] one of the members of the Assembly for this county 310 THE SAGES AND HEROES and one of the delegates for this Colony in the Continental Congress and that he be requested to accept the same as a testimony from this county of their sense of his attendance on public business to his great private loss and of their approbation of his conduct. " Resolved-That if it be more agreeable, Mr. Ross purchase with pari of the said money a genteel piece of plate, ornamented as he thinks proper, to remain with him as a testimony of the esteem this county has for him by reason of his patriotic conduct in the great struggle for American Liberty." Here is old fashioned republican simplicity in language and sentiment flowing from its native fountain-gratitude strongly felt and plainly expressed. It forms a rebuking contrast with the fulsome, hypocritical, heartless flattery of modern times showered upon our statesmen by fawn- ing sycophants whose gratitude is based alone upon the loaves and fishes of favor and office. Mr. Ross declined accepting the gift, assuring the committee that waited upon him that he had performed no more than his duty and that at such a period all were bound to exert their noblest energies to secure that Liberty which would aflbrd a reward more pre- cious than gold-more valuable than diamonds. On the 19th of July 1779 Mr. Ross was appointed Judge of the Court of Admiralty for Pennsylvania. He continued to discharge his duties ably until confined by a sudden and excruciating attack of the gout which terminated in death the same year he was appointed judge. In the full career of life and usefulness-rising on the wings of fame-flushed with hopes of Liberty for his country-pressing right onward toward the goal of freedom-an arrow from the quiver of death pierced his patriotic heart and consigned him to the insatiate tomb near the close of 1779. His dust reposes in peace whilst the lustre of his living examples will continue to shine and enlighten millions yet unborn. In private as in public life Judge Ross stood appro^'ed. admired and beloved. No blemish rests upon the fair escutcheon of his name. He soared above the vanities of this world and dignified his bright career with purity of motive, firmness of purpose, wisdom in action and useful- ness to his fellow men and beloved country. Could the lofty patriotism that impelled him to enter the thorny arena of politics be imparted to all the public men of the present day-tho Federal Constitution would be venerated-our government safe-our UNION preserved. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 311 BENJAMIN RUSH. Benevolence is a celestial quality imparting consolation to its possessor and the recipient of benefits bestowed. It renders its favors valuable by the delicacy with which they are conveyed. Those who most merit the aid of the benevolent are usually possessed of fine feeling. The subjects of real misfortune-they are the keenly sensitive and dread the approach of those who carry a speaking trumpet or a public scroll to proclaim to the world the alms they have bestowed. Pure benevolence falls upon its object like the dew on drooping flowers- not at the blaze of noon day but in the stillness of night. Its refreshing effects are felt, seen and admired— not the hand that distilled it. It flows from a good heart and looks beyond the skies for an approving smile. It never opens but seeks to heal the wounds of misfortune. It never ruffles but seeks to calm the troubled mind. Like their Lord and Master-the truly benevolent go about doing good. No parade-no trumpet to sound their charities-no press to chronicle their acts. The gratitude of the donee is a rich recompense to the donor-purity of motive refines the joys of each. Angels smile on such benevolence. It is the attribute of Deity-the moving cause of every blessing we enjoy. So thought Benjamin Rush, a native of Bristol, Bucks County, Penn. born on the 24th of Dec. 1745. His ancestors came to this country under the auspices of William Penn in 1683. His father was a respect- able farmer and died when this son was a child. At the age of nine years Benjamin was placed under the tuition of his maternal uncle, Rev. Dr. Samuel Finley. He continued under his instruction five years when he entered Princeton College, then under the direction of Presi- dent Davis. Like an expanding flower courting the increasing warmth of spring the talents of this young freshman rapidly unfolded their rich and varied hues as they were brought into mellow life by the genial rays of the sun of science. At the end of the first year he received the degree of Bachelor of Arts. During his brief stay at Princeton he was highly esteemed and was considered one of the most eloquent speakers among the students. At the age of sixteen he closed his collegiate studies and commenced reading medicine with Dr. John Redman, then one of the most eminent practitioners in the city of Philadelphia. The same industry that had marked his previous course made him a favorite son of iEscu- lapius. The same urbanity and modesty that had made him a welcome guest in every circle in other places, gained for him good and influential friends in his new location. 312 THE SAGES AND HEROES After pursuing his studies with great industry for six years under Dr. Redman he entered the Medical University at Edinburgh, Scot- land, where he reaped the full benefit of the lectures of the celebiated Munro, CuUen, Black and Gregory. In 1768 he received the degree of M.D. having toiled severely for seven years to prepare hinnself to take in charge human life. As in the study oflaw, theology and most of the professions and trades-how great the change in numerous instances. I have known so called doctors made in a month-lawyers in six months and preachers in a single night-sprouts of quackology to be Rure-but they pass in these days of humbuggery and often distance the man of acquirements and real merit who is too modest to make a bragadocia dash. Self-assurance and brazen impudence are performing wonders in this enlightened age. As elementary and practical books increase terms of study decrease. When Cheselden's Anatomy and Cullen's Materia Medica stood almost alone in this country, students were longer at their studies. The lectures you may reply have shortened the term. True-but why so few Rushes, Physics, &c. among the flood of modern M.D.'s ? On receiving his diploma he went to London and was admitted to practise in the hospitals of that city where he remained nearly a year and became eminent as a bold and successful operator-a skilful and judicious physician. He then visited the hospitals of Paris and returned to Philadelphia in the spring of 1769, where he met the warm embrace of his connections and friends and commenced his useful career in that city. His professional fame had preceded him and his superior acquire- ments were immediately had in requisition. In addition to a rapidly increasing practice he performed the labors of a Professor in the Medi- cal School that had been recently organized by Drs. Bond, Kuhn, Mor- gan and Shippen. He was elected to that important station a few months after his return. Upon a substantial basis he continued to build an honest and enduring fame-participating in all the passing events that concerned the good and glory of his country and his fellow men. Although a close student of medicine and surgery, it was soon dis- covered that he well understood the relative situation of the mother country and the American Colonies. He had closely examined the un- warranted pretensions of the former and the aggravated grievances of the latter. His benevolent soul was touched by the sufferings of op- pressed humanity and warmed by the patriotic fire of Freedom. He at once became a bold and able advocate in the cause of LiBERXY-a firm and fearless opposer of British tyranny-a strong and energetic sud- OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 313 porter of equal rights. Mingling with all classes through the medium of his profession, his influence was as extensive and multiform as it was useful and salutary. The Independence of his country was the ultimatum of his desires. To see her regenerated and free was the anxious wish of his heart. So conspicuous was he in the glorious cause, that he was elected a member of the Congress of 1776 and had the proud pleasure of placing his name upon the chart of Freedom. The year following he was appointed Surgeon General of the Mili- tary Hospital for the middle department and rendered himself exten- sively useful during the entire period of the Revolution. He was ever ready to go where duty called and exerted his noblest powers in the glorious cause he had espoused until he saw the star spangled banner wave in triumph over the land of the brave and free and the incense of Liberty ascending to Heaven in cerulean clouds from the altar of Freedom. ^ ^ The Independence of his country secured-he desired no occupation but that of his profession. For a time his services were diverted from this channel in the Convention of his state to take into consideration the adoption of the Federal Constitution. Having carefully read the published arguments as they progressed in the National Convention, he was fully prepared to enter warmly into the advocacy of the adoption of that instrument. Wtien this was adopted by the states, the measure of his political ambition was filled and hermetically sealed. He retired from that arena of turmoil crowned with the evergreen laurels of fame that will bloom with living freshness until patriotism shall be lost in anarchy and the last vestige of Liberty be swept away by the tornado of faction. The only station he ever consented to fill under govern- ment subsequently was Cashier of the U. S. Mint. During the remainder of his life his time and talents were devoted to his profession, the improvement of medical science and the ameliora- tion of the ills of afflicted humanity. In 1789 he was elected Professor of the Theory and Practice of Physic. In 1791 he was appointed Pro- fessor of the Institutes of Medicine and Clinical Practice. In 1806 he was honored with the united Professorships of the Theory and Prac- tice of Physic and Clinical Medicine, the duties of which he ably dis- charged until sickness and death closed his useful career. Besides the multiform duties already enumerated he was an efficient member of various benevolent associations. He was President of the American Association for the Abolition of Slavery-Vice President of the Philadelphia Bible Society-President of the Philadelphia Medical Societ) -a Vice President of the American Philosophical Society and a 40 314 THE SAGES AND HEROES .nember of several other philanthropic institutions in this country and in Europe. For many years he was a physician of the Pennsylvania Hos- pital and did much to promote its prosperity. He was ever anxious to be useful in counsel, influence and action. To soothe the troubled bo- som heaving with anguish-to alleviate the suffering patient writhing under pain-to aid the poor and needy sinking under misfortunes-to visit the widow and the fatherless in their distress-afforded Dr. Rush a richer pleasure than to have reached the loftiest pinnacle of political fame-a ho- lier joy than to have been the triumphant chieftain of a conquered world. Although his duties were onerous and various he arranged his time with such system and order that a harmonious routine was produced. His professional duties, his books, his pen each had their specific time.' He wrote numerous literary, moral and philosophical essays-several volumes on medical science among which were his " Medical Inquiries and Observations" and a " History of the Yellow Fever." He spent much time in the investigation of that alarming disease-endeavoring to arrive at the best mode of treatment. In this, as in many other cases of disease-the lancet was his anchor of hope. His theory and practice in this particular have fewer advocates now. The theory and practice of medicine have virtually turned a somerset within the last half cen- tury in the regular departments of the science-to say nothing of the locust swarms of quackologists who are making awful havoc on the foliage of human life. During the prevalence of any disease his exertions to arrest its pro- gress and alleviate distress were unremitting. He obeyed the calls of the poor as promptly as those of the rich. He was particularly atten- tive to those in adverse circumstances who had employed him when in affluence. He put a veto on sunshine friends by precept and example. A pious and consistent Christian-he often cheered the desponding heart where medicine failed to save the body from the grave. His counsels were full of wisdom and benevolence and saved many a frail bark from shipwreck. His enlivening presence and soul-cheering advice drove despair from many an agonized mind-imparting fresh vigor by admi- nistering the elixir of hope and the tonic of fortitude. This is an im- portant talent in a physician-often more potent than any chemical. Blessed with a vigorous cnnstitution-Dr. Rush was active until a short time previous to the 19th of April 1813, when he rested from his labors and was numbered with the dead. As the news of his death spread, a universal sorrow pervaded all classes-funeral sermons were preached-eulogies pronounced and processions formed throughout the United Stales as a just tribute to the memory of the departed sage, OF THE AMERICAN KEVOLUTION, 315 patriot, scholar and philanthropist. Ilis goodness had decked his name with the rich garniture of profound esteem. When the sad tidings reached England and France, the same demon- strations of respect were manifested there. The tears of sympathy suf- fused many European eyes. In the halls of science on both sides of the Atlantic, Dr. Rush was well known and higiily appreciated. By our own country his loss was most keenly felt-by the civilized world deeply lamented. The graves of but few men have been moistened by as many tears from the rich and poor-high and low-as that of Dr. Rush. His fame is based upon substantial merit. His name is engraved in deep and indelible traces on the hearts of our countrymen. His untar- nished reputation is written on the monument of history in letters of gold by the pen of justice dipped in the font of gratitude and will en- dure, unimpaired, until the last trump shall proclaim to the astonished millions on this whirling planet-xiME shall 'be no longer ! ! ! The private character of this great and good man was as unsullied and pure as his career was brilliant and useful. His heart overflowed with the milk of human kindness-his benevolence often carried him be- yond his prolessional income. He was temperate in his habits-neat in his person and dress-social and gentlemanly in his intercourse-urbane and courteous in his manners-interesting and instructive in his conver- sation-modest and unassuming in his deportment. He was a warm and aflectionate companion-the widows' friend and the orphans' father. He was a little above the middle height-rather slender but a good figure. His mouth and chin were well formed-his nose aqueline-his eyes blue and animated-his forehead high and prominent. The diame- ter of his head from back to front was unusually large. His combined features were commanding and prepossessing, his physiognomy indi- cating a gigantic intellect. When attacked by the disease which terminated his life he was aware a rapid dissolution awaited him. He was fully prepared to enter upon the untried scenes of the other and brighter world. He could look back upon a hfe well spent. He had run a noble race-was ready to finish his course-resign his tabernacle of clay to its mother dust-his immortal soul to Him who gave it. In the history of this great and good man we see nothing to censure but much to admire. To be useful and do all the good in his power was his constant aim. No blanks appear on the record for the apologist to fill up. But few men have perform 3d as much-no one performed more in the same time. If such examples as his, spread out in bold relievo on the historic page, will not exercise a salutary influence on the reader-if his 316 THE SAGES AND HEROES devotion to his country-benevolence and unsurpassed virtues do not mellow your heart-you cannot be a patriot or a philanthropist-you do not realize the priceless value of our UNION. EDWARD HUTLEDGE. The name of every patriot, sage and hero who aided in gaining the Liberty we now enjoy, is repeated with veneration and respect. But a few of those noble spirits who breasted the storm of the Revolution are hngering on earth. All who were prominent leaders have paid the debt of nature and gone to their permanent and final home. A particular veneration is felt for those whose names are enrolled on that bold and soul-stirring production-the Declaration of Independence. Their names, with many o4:hers, will glide down the stream of time on the peaceful waves of admiration and gratitude until merged in the consummation of this whirling planet-" the wreck of matter and the crush of worlds." Among the names of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, is that of Edward Rutledge, born in Charleston S. C. in November 1749. He was the son of Dr. Rutledge, a native of Ireland, who married Sarah West, a lady of refined accomplishments, piety and good sense. Edward lost his father at an early age and like those of many great and good men, his mind was happily moulded by his accomplished mother. After passing through the usual routine of an education he commenced the study of law with an elder brother who stood high at the Charleston bar. As a relaxation from Coke and Bacon he occa- sionally entered the bowers of elocution. In 1769 he went to England, became a student at the ternple-made himself familiar with tlie courts, rules of parliament, the policy, designs and feelings of the British ministry and cultivated an acquaintance with the celebrated orators and statesmen-Chatham, Mansfield and others. He returned in 1773, richly laden with stock for future use. He commenced a successful practice-uniting an expressive counte- nance, a good voice, a rich imagination, elegance of action, an honor- able mind and a good heart-with strong native talent improved by superior advantages and great industry. He soon acquired a well earned eminence as a bold, discreet and able advocate. He was ever ready-the spur of the moment made him shine most conspicuously His lamp was always trimmed and burning. With true Irish zeal he OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 317 was always ready to enter the arena where duty called-especially if it was to defend the weak-aid the oppressed or reUeve the distressed. It was self-evident that with a soul and talents Hke his, he could noc remain an idle spectator of the elements of revolution that were in motion. He was the kind of man to rouse the popular fury when circumstances would justify and required it. Warm-hearted, zealous, bold and daring-he was a necessary part in the political machine of that time to put the more sluggish parts in motion. He was an admi- rable fireman, a safe engineer, a good pilot and a popular captain. Liberal in his views, republican in his principles, a stickler for equal rights — he was among the first to strike for Liberty. He was elected a member of the first Congress in 1774. None but men of superior merit, known fortitude and pure patriotism were selected to represent their country's rights and repel the wrongs of monarchy. Such a man was Mr. Rutledge. His open frankness and bold exposure of the corruptions of the British ministry-preying upon the Colonies like canker worms, rendered him obnoxious to the adhe- rents of the crown-the very thing to rouse such a man to determined action. Opposition seemed to kindle in his manly bosom a brighter flame of patriotic fire which he imparted to the friends of freedom without stint or measure. With his ardor and zeal he united prudence and discretion-was a friend to order and cool deliberation. He acted from enHghtened principles-aiming to build every superstructure on the firm basis of reason and justice. To this nobleness of design-conceived and adhered to by all the signers of the Declaration, may be attributed that lofty dignity which pervades that unique document. Revolution is a tornado rarely chastened by prudence or discretion to neutralize its baneful effects. Up to the time of the American Revolution history claims no body of men to compare with those who constituted the Continental Congress-men who commanded the whirl- wind of passion to stay its fury-who conducted the lightning of revenge by the silken thread of reason to the goal of deliberation. Mr. Rutledge was made a member of several important committees. He was appointed, in conjunction with Benjamin Franklin and John Adams to meet Lord Howe when he came to offer terms of ministerial peace. They were received with marked attention and respect by the royal messenger. He only had power to pardon repenting rebels- these were not to be found. His insulting proposition was repelled with indignation. The committee disclaimed all allegiance to the crown-it had been sacrificed at the shrine of an ambitious and oppres- 318 THE SAGES AND HEROES sive ministry. Freedom was their motto-LiBERTY their watchword- their lerms-lNDEPENDENCE or Death. They had nobly resolved '' to do or die." As a sound, judicious and able statesman, Mr. Rutledge was highly appreciated. He had also earned laurels in the battle field. He had long commanded a company in the ancient battalion of artillery. When the British landed at Port Royal in 1779, he led his company to the attack with the skill and courage of a veteran. At no Revolu- tionary battle was more personal bravery displayed than at this-nor was the enemy at any time more chagrined at a total defeat by raw militia. It was a mystery to them to find in the same man the states- man and the hero. He was subsequenly elected colonel. During the investment of Charleston in 1780, he was again on military duty-taken prisoner-sent to St. Augustine and was not exchanged for nearly a year. Before his return the dark clouds began to recede before the rays of rising hope and the day star of Liberty. He returned to his native state and aided in restoring the civil govern- ment to order and systematic arrangement He was a member of the enraged Assembly at Jacksonborough in 1782. With his recent personal injuries pressing upon him and those of his friends bleeding fresh before him, he was induced to sanction the bill of pains and penalties, which, under other circumstances he would have opposed. During the time it remained in force he smoothed its roughness as much as possible. Among those who had been tortured by persecution was his venerable mother who had been taken from her quiet home in the country and confined in Charleston then occupied by the British-because she was the mother of one of the rebels who had signed that burning instrument-the Declaration of Independence-a high compliment to her talents and patriotism-placing her on the list of fame with the noble matrons of Greece and Rome. During the entire period of the unequal struggle with Great Britain, Mr. Rutledge rendered all the aid in his power to his injured country. At the final termination of hostilities-in a free land and with a free heart he returned to the bosom of his friends and the labors of his profession. His private worth, urbanity of manners and persevering industry in busi- ness, gained for him the confidence and esteem of community. In the organization of the government of the state he took a con- spicuous and useful part. Many difficulties were to be surmounted- clashing local interests reconciled and laws adopted to restore to order and harmonious system the confusion consequent upon a change oi government. A great commotion existed between debtors and creditors. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 319 Specie was not to be had-the paper currency was nearly annihilatea- many who had periled life for Liberty and shaken off the foreign yoke felt that they were again in cruel bondage. Many avaricious creditors were as destitute of mercy as the pirate is of compassion. Such bipeds still live, move and have a being-but thanks to the philan- thropy and good sense of our legislatures, they are disarmed in many of the states from the most barbarous feature of their power-that of thrust- ing a poor debtor into prison for the crime of poverty. I am pained to own that tfiere are instances on record in our country where veterans, who bled for our boasted freedom, have been incarcerated by the cold inquisitorial creditor for a sum so trifling that the miser would blush to name it. As a panacea for this malady a law was passed making land a lawful tender for debts-a law purely republican but obnoxious to avarice and aristocracy. Mr. Rutledge did much to effect the adoption of this mea- sure, imperiously demanded by the then existing circumstances of the community. He also advocated the instalment law and used his best exertions to ameliorate the condition of the poor and do justice to the rich by salutary and humane legislation. He took an active part in the public business generally. When the Federal Constitution was presented to his state for consideration he was in favor of its adoption although it con- tained some objectionable features in his mind. He was always opposed to slavery deeming it a national curse entailed by England. If slavery did not exist in the South and the people knew its evils as they only can know and feel them, a very large majority would oppose its introduction. I have recently travelled in most of the southern states and speak from the record. Two-fifths of the white population of those states do not own a slave. The institution is one of a domestic nature to be governed and regulated by themselves. But for the unfortunate inter- ference of our northern brethren, many, but not all of them prompted by philanthropic motives, gradual emancipation would have commenced years ago and left no food for demagogues and disorganizers to gorge themselves upon. Should the South interfere with any of the domestic con- cerns of the North, resistance would be instantaneous. I am no advocate of slavery-but understanding its origin, progress, present condition and practical operation and the feelings of the South-I repeat, that the inter- ference of the North is a misfortune to the slave and the peace of our common country. But for this, four of the slave states would now be free. This Bohun Upas was dying a natural death-digging around it has renewed its age fifty years. The plan was conceived and put in operation by England through her emissary Dr. Thompson, as a 320 THE SAGES AND HEROES dernier resort to destroy the only republic hated and feared by the crowned heads of Europe. Let the South alone to correct their own evils. Let the subject be consigned to the capulet tombs rather than it should for a moment disturb the harmony of our glorious UNION. To the slave-sudden emancipation would be an irreparable injury. The question is one oi fact rather than law-oi imperious expediency rather than abstract reasoning. The slaves of the South are better bred, fed and clothed and more intelligent than the great majority of free negroes in free states. Although partial to the French, when difficulties arose between that nation and England, Mr. Rutledge strongly censured the conduct of M. Genet and the French Directory for the stringent measures adopted. He was a moderate-not an ultra party man and always acted from a sense of duty and a pure desire for the good of the whole. His was a stern unflinching moderation-calculated to awe a mob, paralyze a fac- tion and preserve pure and undefiled that lofty patriotism which com- mands esteem and respect and leads to peace and safety. In 1798 Mr. Rutledge was elected governor of his native state. Soon after he entered upon the imposing duties of his office, disease suddenly seized and handed him over to the King of Terrors in the bright career of his gubernatorial term. During the legislative session of 1800, his health failed so rapidly that he felt a full assurance that his dissolution was fast approaching. He was anxious to return to Charles- ton that he might yield up his breath where he first inhaled the atmo- sphere. The constitution required the presence of the governor during the session of that body and so scrupulous was he to fulfil its letter, that he determined to remain unless both branches passed a resolution sanctioning his absence. The subject was submitted and becoming a matter of debate he at once withdrew it and remained until the ad- journment. He was barely able to reach home when he laid down upon the sick bed and yielded to the only power that could conquer him-Death-on the 23d of January 1800. The same fortitude that had characterized his whole life was fully exemplified during his illness and dying hour. His loss was keenly felt and deeply mourned by the entire community of the state and by the friends of freedom throughout the nation. South Carolina had lost one of her brightest ornaments-one of her noblest sons. Governor Rutledge stood high as an orator. He was familiar with the machinery of human nature-knew when to address the judgment and when the passions. In exciting the sympathy of a jury he had no equal at the Charleston Bar. He knew how, when and where to be OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 321 logical and what is all important in public and private life-he knew now, when and where to speak and what to say and stopped when done. His private worth and public services were an honor to himself, gratifying to his friends and beneficial to his country. His usefulness continued to the close of life-his fame is untarnished with error-his examples are worthy of imitation-his life had no blank. He married for his first wife, Harriet, daughter of Edward Middleton his colleague in the Continental Congress. By her he had a son and daughter-the latter settled in Charleston-the former, Maj. Henry M. Rutledge, was one of the pioneers of Tennessee. God grant that his descendants may imitate the virtues of their ancestor and fill the blank occasioned by the death of the wise, judicious, benevolent, patriotic and high-minded Ed- ward Rutledge. ROOER SHERMAN. The man who has been rocked in the cradle of letters from his child- hood-who has become familiar with general science, the classics and the philosophy of the schools-who has had a wealthy father to aid and doting mother to caress-who has enjoyed an uninterrupted course in some far-famed college and the most refined society-such a man is ex- pected to mount the ladder of fame and become a shining light to those whose advantages have been limited to a primary school or no school. If, with all these advantages lavished upon him he sinks into obscurity, the fond anticipations of his doting parents and anxious friends set in gloom. Such has often been the case. When we see a man whose opportunities of acquiring an education during ciiildhood and youth carried him not far beyond the spelling- book-a man who had no father to aid him by wealth-warn him against the quicksands of error or point him to the temple of science-his intel- lect encased in the rude quarry of nature at the age of twenty-when we see such a man bursting the fetters that bind his mental powers- throwing off the dark mantle of ignorance-by a mighty effort unveihng his dormant talents and shining in all the beauty of intelligence and greatness, we are filled with admiration and delight. Such a man was Roger Sherman, the great grandson of Capt. John Sherman, who came from England to Watertown, Mass. in 1635. Ro- ger was the son of William Sherman, born in Newton, Mass. on the 19th of April 1721. His father was a respectable farmer with means too limited to educate his son and bound him an apprentice to a shoe- 41 322 THE SAGES AND HEROES maker. At the age of nineteen he left his master to seek his fortune His genius had become restless in embryo and pressed for enlargement No shop could confine-no obstacle deter, no impediment prevent its expansion. The course of his mind was onward and upward like a blazing star, illuminating the horizon of his intellect as it rose. Nature designed him to be great and good-he obeyed her kind commands. He went to New Milford, Conn, where he followed his trade for three years, devoting every leisure moment to his books, often having one open before him when using his lap-stone. Every obstacle to the pursuit of knowledge was removed by his untiring industry-he ascended the hill of science with a steady pace. He lived within the strictest rules of economy, appropriating a part of his earnings to the support of a widowed mother with a family of small children. The education of these children also received his attention. In June 1743 he removed his mother and children to New Milford and entered into the mercantile business, still improving every leisure hour in the acquisition of an education. He rapidly stored his mind with a fund of useful information that ultimately enabled him to com- mence a public career of usefulness. He also became a member of the church and adorned his profession through life. In 1745 he was ap- pointed surveyor of Litchfield County, having mastered mathematics. Like his cotemporary and friend Benjamin Franklin, he made the cal- culation for an almanac for several years for a publisher in New York. At the age of twenty-eight he married Elizabeth Hartwell of Staugh- ton, Mass. who died in 1780 leaving seven children. He subsequently married Rebecca Prescott who had eight children. His fifteen children were carefully trained in the paths of wisdom and virtue. He also supported his mother and a maiden sister until death relieved them from the toils of life. In the prosecution of his literary pursuits he turned his attention to the study of law in which he made astonishing proficiency. In 1754 he was admitted to the bar, better prepared to enter into this arduous profession and do justice to his clients than many who are ushered into notice with great eclat under the high floating banner of a collegiate / brave feUorm-onwa?'d !" burst from him in stentorian accents. He requested his aids to carry him into the fort that he might die amidst the music shouts of victory. The garrison made a deter- mined resistance at every point of attack. Of the forlorn hope of the twenty led by Lieut. Gibbons seventeen were killed. The wounded and killed of the Americans amounted in all to ninety-eight. After en- tering the fort had the Americans opened a fire the slaughter would have been dreadful. Gen. Wayne preferred setting an example of hu- mane treatment towards his conquered foes, proving himself as magna- nimous as he was brave and victorious. He scorned retaliation al- though the dying groans at the Paoli massacre' were still ringing in his ears. Within an hour after the surrender, writhing under his severe wound, Gen. Wayne addressed the following laconic letter to Gen. Washington. "Stony Point, July 16, 1779, 2 o'clock A. M. " Dear GENERAL-The fort and garrison with Col. Johnson are ours. Our officers and men behaved like men determined to be free. " Yours most sincerely, " Anthony Wayne. " Gen. Washington." Here is a model letter worthy the imitation of the elaborate epistle manufacturers of the present prolific era of verbosity, ambiguity and repetition. It should serve as a modest hint to our speech-makers and induce them to say less and do more. Millions would then be saved to the States and our nation. So highly did Congress appreciate the capture of Stony Point that on the 26th of the same month the House passed a series of resolutions highly complimentary to Gen. Washington for conceiving and to Gen. Wayne and his brave companions in arms for planning and accom- plishing the capture of that important post. The amount of the mili- tary stores was divided amongst the officers and men and the rewards 38^ THE SAGES AND HEROES offered promptly paid. The letter of Mr. Jay, tlie President of the Continental Congress to Gen. Wayne enclosing a copy of these reso- lutions, shows the concise and systematic mode of doing business at that time. " Philadelphia July 27, 1779. "Sir — Your late glorious achievements have merited and now receive the approbation and thanks of your country. They are con- tained in the enclosed act of Congress which I have the honor to transmit. This brilliant action adds luster to our arms and will teach the enemy to respect our power if not to imitate our humanity. You have nobly reaped laurels in the cause of your country and in the fields of danger and death. May these prove the earnest of more and may victory ever bear your standard and Providence be your shield. " I have the honor to be &c. " John Jay, President." Here is another multum in parvo worthy of imitation. Plain com- mon sense plainly and briefly told-every line gemmed with the puretst patriotism. Gen. Wayne was blessed with great presence of mind in sudden emergencies. When in the vicinity of James river, Virginia, he was incorrectly told that the main body of the British army had passed to the opposite side. He advanced with only 800 men for the purpose of capturing the rear guard but found the whole force of Lord Corn- wallis formed in line of battle. He%nmediately commenced a vigorous attack and then retreated in good order. Believing this to be an ambuscade stratagem the British dared not pursue him. In 1781 he was put in command of the forces in Georgia. After several san- guinary engagements he expelled the enemy from the state and planted the standard of freedom upon the ruins of tyranny-upon the firm basis of eternal justice. As a reward for his services that state presented him with a valuable plantation reversing the adage-republics are ungrateful. He continued in active service up to the close of the siege of Yorktown, a bold, prudent, skilful and reliable patriotic ofiicer. He remained in the army until the Independence for which he had fought and bled was fully recognised by mother Britain when he retired to the bosom of his family crowned with the highest military honors he desired and with the rank of Major General of the American army. But few of the Heroes of the Revolution did as much hard service as Gen. Wayne and no one did it up more brown. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 385 In 1789 he was a member of tlie Pennsylvania convention to which was submitted the Federal Constitution, He warmly advocated its adoption. In 1792 he succeeded Gen. St. Clair in command of the army operating against the predatory Indian tribes in the far west. Gen. Wayne formed an encampment at Pittsburgh and thoroughly disciplined his troops preparatory to future action. So determined were the red men to maintain the rights that God and nature had bestowed upon them that many of the powerful tribes combined their war forces to resist their common enemy-the Christian white man. To meet them on their own ground and adopt their mode of warfare was the only way to insure success. For such a service it required time to prepare and energy to execute. In the autumn of 1793 Gen. Wayne had led his army to Greenville six miles from fort Jefferson where he established his winter quarters. He fortified his camp and built fort Recovery on the ground where the whites had been defeated on the 6th of November 1791. He collected the bones of those who then fell and had them buried under the honors of war. The presence of the army kept the Indians quiet during the winter. For the want of supplies the army did not reach the junction of the rivers Au Glaiz and Miami until the 8th of August where a fort was erected for the protection of military stores. Thirty miles from that place the English had erected a fort near which the Indians were in full force. On the 18th the army reached the Miami rapids. There a fortification was erected for the protection of baggage and the position of the red men examined. They were found in a dense forest five miles distant advantageously posted. On the 20th the attack was arranged and the troops advanced. When reached the fire from behind trees was so effective that the front, led by Major Price, was compelled to fall back. At that moment-/ra// ar7ns-advance-Yan through the ranks with electric velocity and effect as it thundered from the strong lungs of Wayne. In a few brief moments the conquered red men were flying in every direction closely pursued by the victorious troops for two miles. So rapid was their retreat that Scott, who was ordered to turn their left flank, found naught but trees like men standing but not like men run- ning for dear life. Gen. Wayne had 33 men killed and 100 wounded. From this defeat the injured red men never recovered. They fled before fire and sword-their corn fields and villages were destroyed, their power paralyzed and a chain of forts established which kept them in constant awe and compelled them to relinquish their rightful domain after having struggled nobly to maintain their inalienable rights. True they were savages. Newton, Shakespeare, Washington, Henry- 49 386 THE SAGES AND HEROES savages born-savages would have died. The Indians have their fixed customs-we have ours. They had their rights-the white men took them forcibly away. Justice, money, time, or angels' tears can never expunge the wrong. This is my opinion-others have the same right to theirs-if different it will be easier to plead justification than to prove it. The result of the vigorous operations of Gen. Wayne was a general and definitive treaty with many of the different tribes of Aborigines who were compelled to bury the tomahawk and smoke the pipe of peace. This treaty was ratified on the 3d of August 1795. Tranquil- lity then spread her cheering mantle over our country from the shores of the Atlantic to the inland seas of the west. General Wayne con- tinued in the field of operations for the purpose of completing the ex- tended chain of forts proposed and planned by him. No one was better calculated for that arduous service. He continued to prosecute the work until December 1796, when he was cut down by disease in the flood-tide of his eventful career, deeply mourned and widely lamented. He died far from his family in a hut on Presque Isle, a peninsula in Erie county, Pa. that extends into Lake Erie, where he was buried and remained until 1809 when his son Isaac removed his remains to his native county and deposited them in the cemetery of St. David's church. The Pennsylvania State Cincinnati Society has erected a beautiful white marble monument over his grave with the following inscription on the south front. In honor of the distinguished Military services of Major General ANTHONY WAYNE, And as an affectionate tribute of respect to his memory This stone was erected by his companions in arms The Pennsylvania State Society of Cincinnati, July 4th, A. D. 1809, Thirty-fourth anniversary of The Independence of The United States of America, An event which constitutes the most Appropriate eulogium of an American Sc 'H and Patriot. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 387 On the north front is the following inscription. Major General ANTHONY WAYNE Was born at Waynesborough in Chester County State of Pennsylvania A.D. 1745. After a life of honor and usefulness He died in December, 1796, at a military post On the shores of Lake Erie, Commander-in-chief of the army of THE United States. His military achievements are consecrated In the history of his country, and in The hearts of his countrymen. His remains Are here deposited. Although stricken down at the age of fifty-one years Gen. Wayno lived long enough to fill his measure of glory and see the star spangled nanner wave triumphantly over his native land. Far from his family as he was and in a rough cabin, he died peacefully. His spirit ascended to reap the rich reward of his labors in the cause of rational freedom and equal justice- He was a large, portly man of commanding military mien, with an open bold countenance. All the relations of private life he honored with the most rigid fidelity. In the legislative hall as in the field he was active and decisive. As a citizen he was esteemed in life and legretted in death. WILLIAM WHIPPLE Jr. That knowledge is of most importance that leads us in the shortest path to truth. A thorough common education, like common sense, is most useful. By a close observation of the laws of nature in full ope- ration around us, of things as presented to our understandings, of men as they move and act before us-we obtain a treasure of knowledge not 388 THE SAGES AND HEROES always taught in the high schools and seldom hinted at-much less ex- pounded in modern books. Without this the classic scholar is arioal without a rudder. This is the kind that best answers the definition of the adage-KnoivIedge is power. In the great store-house of literature the quantity of fancy goods has, for some time past, far exceeded the coarser Kmd fit for everyday use. Whether this is an advantage to the intehect of man calculated to increase its strength and volume-oi like luxurious diet, enervate and weaken, is a problem worthy the solu- tion of every reader. Certain it is our hardy ancestors were not men- tally or physically pampered with knick-knacks that now supplant much solid matter. Certain it is that many of the patriots of the Revo- lution were self-made practical men and shone as conspicuously in the galaxy of sages as those whose early literary advantages were greater- conclusive evidence that there is a shorter path to truth. Among them William Whipple Jr. vv^as conspicuous. He was the eldest son of William Whipple-born at Kittery, Maine, in 1730. At a common English school he was taught reading, writing, arithmetic and navigation. These he mastered at an early age and was then entered a cabin boy on board a merchant vessel in accordance with his father's wishes and his own inclination. Before he reached his majority he became captain of a vessel and made several successful voyages to Europe. Some ignoramuses have vainly attempted to stigmatize his fair reputation at that era in his life because he participated in the in- human slave-trade. If they will learn the true state of feeling at that time upon this subject their anathemas will evaporate in thin air. The trade was then sanctioned by Great Britain under whose government Capt. Whipple acted and according to her laws-TAe King can do no wrong. The correctness of the trade was not then doubted but by a few philanthropists and its first cousin, the .Apprentice System, is still a favorite project with England. Time and reflection caused Captain Whipple to see the impropriety of the traffic and entirely abandon it at an early day. He also manumitted the only slave he owned who would not leave him during the war and fought bravely for the liberty of our country. If every man is to be condemned for the licensed or unli- censed errors of youth whose riper years are crowned with virtue, the list of fame will require many bold erasures and would be robbed of some of its proudest names. He who would do it must belong to the big crowd ignorant of human nature. In 1759 Capt. Whipple relinquished his oceanic pursuits and com- menced the mercantile business in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. He also added the swivel link to his chain of earthly happiness by marrying OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 389 Catharine Moffat. Every farmer, sailor and blacksmith knows the im- portance of this link in the common chain. The wise Creator designed it in the chain of life and no man should be without it. If of the right metal, it will save him from many a dangerous twist and often from a break. A word to the wise should be sufficient. During his numerous voyages Capt. Whipple had treasured up a large fund of useful knowledge. He was a close observer of men and things- an analyzing reader and mingled with the best and most intelligent men when in port. In England he had listened to the unwarranted preten- sions of ministers-in America-to the increasing complaints of the Colonists. He was familiar with the chartered rights of his own country and with the tyranny of the infatuated step-mother. He was prepared for action and took a bold stand in favor of freedom. He took a con- spicuous part in public meetings and became one of the Committee of Safety. He rose rapidly in public esteem-the former cabin boy became a leading patriot. In January 1775 he represented Portsmouth in the Provincial Con- gress at Exeter convened for the purpose of choosing delegates to the Continental Congress. On the 6th of the next January he was made a member of the Provincial Council of New Hampshire. On the 23d of the same month he was elected a member of Congress then in session at Philadelphia and continued actively and usefully engaged in that impor- tant station until the middle of September 1779. He was present at the adoption of the Declaration of Independence and affixed his name to that bold instrument with the same fearless nonchalance as if signing a bill of lading. He was emphatically a working man and rendered him- self extremely useful on committees. As a member of marine and com- mercial boards, his practical knowledge gave him an advantage over his colleagues. He was one of the superintendents of the commissary and quarter masters' department and did much towards correcting abuses and checking peculation. He was untiring in industry, ardent in zeal, philosophic in views, pure in purposes and strong in patriotism. When he retired from Congress to serve his country in a more perilous sphere, he had the esteem and approbation of his co-workers in the glorious cause of Liberty. In 1777 he became Brigadier General Whipple and took command of the first brigade of the Provincial troops of New Hampshire acting in concert with Gen. Stark who commanded the other. Gen. Burgoyne was on the flood tide of military glory-rushing down upon the north like a herd of wild buffaloes over a prairie-spreading consternation far and wide. He was first checked in his triumphant career by Gen. Stark at 390 THE SAGES AND HEROES Bennington, Vermont. Gen. Whipple joined Gen. Gates about the same time and was in the bloody battles of Saratoga and Stillwater where the pairn of victory was measurably attributed to the troops under his com- mand. To the consummation of the brilliant victory over the British army Gen. Whipple contributed largely. Col. Wilkinson and himself were the officers who arranged and signed the articles of capitulation between the two commanders. He was one of the officers who conducted the conquered foe to Winter Hill near Boston. His faithful negro partici- pated in all the perils of his old massa and could not have been more elateo with the victory had he been the commanding general. In 1778 Gen. Whipple was with Gen. Sullivan at the siege of New Port which was abandoned for want of the aid of Count D'Estaine whose fleet was injured by a gale. A safe retreat was eflected in the night. In 1780 Gen. Whipple was appointed a Commissioner of the Board of Admiralty which he declined, preferring to serve in the legisla- ture of his own state in which he continued for years. In 1782 he was appointed Financial Receiver for New Hampshire by Robert Morris. The office was arduous, unpopular and irksome but in his hands lost much of its odiousness. At the end of two years he resigned. On the 20th of June 1782 he was appointed a judge of the Superior Court. On the 25th Dec. 1784 he was appointed a Justice of the Peace and Quorum throughout the state which latter office he held to the day of his death. He was one of the commissioners on the part of Connecticut to settle the controversy between that state and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relative to lands in Wyoming valley. In all the multiform duties that devolved upon him in the various public stations he filled he acquitted himself nobly. He possessed a strong analyzing mind, deep penetration of thought, a clear head and good heart. During the latter part of his life he suffered much from disease in his chest which terminated his useful career on the 28th of Nov. 1785. At his request before death, his body underwent a post mortum examination. His heart was found ossified. The valves were united to the aorta and an aperture not larger than a common knitting kneedle was all that remained for the passage of the blood. This explained the reason of his faintness under sudden emotion. In all the relations of private and public life-from the cabin boy up to the lofty pinnacle of a well earned fame. Gen. Whipple was a model of consistency and virtue. He left a reputation pure as the virgin sheet. His career demonstrated clearly that in our country fame is confined to no grade in life and that practical knowledge, crowned with strong com- mon sense, enables a man to be substantially useful to his country and OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 391 fellow men. Citizens of America of only a common education-you can and should be useful. Look at this bright example and govern yourselves accordingly. WILLIAM WILLIAMS. Infidelity, in all its multiform aspects, is a legitimate child ol inconsistency. The man who has impartially read the Bible-who understands physiology, the philosophy of mind-the minutiae of anatomy, the unerring laws of nature, the powers of reason-the revolv- ing circuit of his own immortal soul and denies the existence of Him who spake and it was done-who commanded and it stood fast-dis- robes himself of the noblest power bestowed by creative Wisdom and forfeits the high dignity of a man. All things, from the leaf that vibrates in the gentle breeze to the etherial sky spangled with stars, proclaim the existence of a God. Most assuredly there is a Supreme Being who rules, with unerring wisdom, in the kingdoms of Nature, Providence and Grace. Beyond all cavil this position is most condu- cive to the happiness of the human family in this life. The super- structure of the Infidel is clustered with present misery. If its foundation should prove sandy he curses himself in this world to be more wretched in the next. Aside from the question of its divinity- Religion is the substratum of social order and human felicity. Infidelity is the destruction of both. History is crowded with demonstrations of this position. Banish the Bible and religion from our Republic- remove this firm foundation upon which the Sages of the Revolution based it-anarchy would ensue and we should rush into the same vortex of ruin which engulphed the French Republic. By many of our Revolutionary patriots religion was exemplified- by all it was venerated. Among those of them who enjoyed its full fruition through life was William Williams born at Lebanon, Wind- ham County, Connecticut, on the 8th of April 1731. He was the son of Rev. Solomon Williams whose paternal ancestor came from Wales in 1630. Solomon was pastor of the Congregational church at Lebanon for fifty-six years. He was a man of consistent and uniform piety-of liberal and expansive views and believed religion to be the foundation of rational liberty. His own soul enraptured with the substantial joys of practical piety-he strongly desired his children might inherit the same blessing. His prayers were answered. Of a large family of sons and daughters-all consecrated iheujselves to the Lord of glory 392 THE SAGES AND HEROES and became exemplary members of the church over which their father presided. After completing his preparatory studies William entered Harvard College and graduated in 1751. He sustained a high reputation for correct deportment untiring industry and scholastic lore. His father then directed his theological course preparatory for the sacred desk. But his talents were too diversified for a clerical life. He had a taste for classics, architecture, mechanics, mathematics and general science. He was also inclined to travel. In 1755 he accepted a commission in the staff of Col. Ephraim Williams a kinsman of his and founder of Williams College at Williamstown, Mass. Sir William Johnson, who commanded the English troops, detached Col. Williams with 1100 men to reconnoitre the army of Baron Dieskau composed of a large force of French and Indians. After proceeding some four miles the detach- ment was attacked by a superior force lying in ambush. Col. Williams fell in the early part of the engagement bravely fighting for the mother country. His troops then retreated in good order until the main body came up and repulsed the enemy The French war cost the Americans much blood and treasure. It was a matter of allegiance-not of interest. The Canadas were won by the Colonies for Great Britain. The pilgrim fathers were long treated and used as vassals of the English crown. Blended with the unparalleled cruelties of the hired minions of the mother country was damning ingratitude-the concentrated essential oil of Pandora that drives back the rushing blood upon the aching heart. During the campaign Mr. Williams became disgusted with the hauteur of the British officers towards native Americans who were by far the most efficient troops against the Indians and French, whose mode of warfare they better understood. Released from the army, he resolved never again to submit to such indignities. He returned home and commenced the mercantile business. Soon after, he was elected town clerk, a member of the assembly and appointed a justice of the peace. These were unsought favors-purely a tribute to merit. For a long time he was either speaker or clerk of the House of Representatives in which he served nearly one hundred sessions. For fifty years ne faithfully served in a public capacity. When the Revolutionary storm began to darken the horizon of public tranquillity he boldly met its raging fury. Extensively and favorably known-his salutary influence had a wide range. When the tocsin of war was sounded he closed his commercial concerns and devoted his whole time to the glorious cause of equal rights and rational OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 393 Liberty. His learning, piety, honesty of ^ nrpose, energy of action and large experience-combined to give great weight to his character. He was an active member of the council of safety and on the second Thursday of October 1775, was appointed a delegate to the Continental Congress. He entered zealously into the deliberations of that revered body and made himself truly useful. He was ever ready to go as far as any one to obtain the liberation of his suffering country from the serpentine coils of tyranny. He was in favor of bold and vigorous measures and advocated the Declaration of Rights from its incipient conception to its final adoption. He was greatly instrumental in dis- pelling the doubts of many whose motives and desires were as pure but whose moral courage was less than his. He was well versed in the different forms of government, international law and the routine of legislation. When he spoke in public he was listened to with pro- found attention. He was a member of Congress in 1776-7 and when the final vote was taken upon the Magna Charta of our Liberty William Williams responded a thundering-AYE-that told his boldness and his zeal. That vote stands confirmed by his signature-a proud memento of his unalloyed patriotism-a conclusive proof of his moral firmness. He was free from that aspiring ambition that is based on self and nurtured by intrigue. His motives emanated from the pure fountain of an honest heart. To promote the glory of his country was the ulti- matum of his earthly desires. Upon the altar of Liberty he was will- ing to sacrifice his property and life. To vindicate the cause of Free- dom he was willing to spend his latest breath. He used every honora- ble exertion to rouse his fellow citizens to a sense of danger and induce them to enlist in the common cause against the common enemy. At the time Congress was compelled to flee from Philadelphia he risked his life to rescue Colonel Dyer from the fangs of the British who had planned his arrest. They both made a hair-breadth escape. When the government treasury was drained of its last dollar, Mr. Williams threw in what he termed a mite of hard money, being over two thousand dol- lars for which he took continental money only to die in his hands. How emphatically things are changed. Now the public treasury dis- tributes mint drops profusely upon many whose pretended services are as worthless as continental rags-in some instances absolutely injurious. He was remarkably active and fortunate in obtaining private dona- tions and necessaries for the army. He went from house to house, leceiving small parcels of any and every article that would alleviate 'ihe wants of the destitute soldiers. At different times he forwarded to 60 394 THE SAGES AND HEROES them more than a thousand blankets. During the winter of 1781 he gave up his own house for the accommodation of the officers of the legion of Col. J-aurens and did all in his power to render officers and soldiers comfortable. His industry was equal to his patriotism seldom retiring until after twelve and up again by the dawn of day. Mr. Williams was a member of the convention of his state when the Federal Constitution was adopted and gave it his hearty sanction. He was never permitted to retire from the public arena until prostrated by disease which terminated his useful career on the 2d of August 1811. He had lived the life of a good man-his end was peaceful, calm and happy. He was a fine figure of the middle size, dark complexion and hair, piercing black eyes, an aquiline nose, an open and ingenuous counte- nance, a stentorian voice and strong physical powers. He was blessed with a clear head, a noble heart, a sound judgment, an acute perception and a logical mind. Not a blot could be found upon the fair fame of his public or private character. During the latter part of his life he was troubled with an increasing aeafness and spent much of his time in Christian devotion. But few men have served their country as much and no one more faithfully than did William Williams. JAMES' WILSON. The history of party spirit is red with blood. Its career has been marked with desolation and ruin. It often rides on the whirlwind of faction or on the more dreadful tornado of fanaticism. It has blotted kingdoms and empires from existence, consumed nations, blighted the fairest portions of creation and sacrificed millions upon its sanguinary altar. Confined to no time or place-it has taken deep root in our own country. Its poison has contaminated our political and religious atmo- sphere most fearfully. It has had its victims of blood in this land of republican and Christian professions. Its miasma has reached our bal lot boxes, violated the peaceful fireside, traduced private character, in- vaded patriotism, induced perjury, countenanced forgery, corrupted our elective franchise and produced mobocracy in its most direful aspect. Great and good men have been victimized by reckless partisans who stop at nothing and stoop to everything to accomplish their purposes- right or wrong. They look at the end regardless of means. In recurring to the eventful period of the American Revolution those who are not familiar with the history of the local politics of that day OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 395 may naturally conclude that party spirit found no place in the bosoms of those who were engaged in a common cause against a common enemy. Far different was the fact. Many of the best men of tnat trying period were scourged, lacerated and for a time paralyzed by reckless party spirit. Among its victims was James Wilson, born of respectable parents near St. Andrews, Scotland, in 1742. His father was a farmer in mo- derate circumstances which he moderated still more by rushing into the whirlpool of speculation-an unfortunate propensity that adhered to this son. He graduated at St. Andrews, Edinburgh. This done he took lessons in rhetoric under Dr. Blair and in logic under Dr. Watts. He then came to Philadelphia and obtained the situation of usher in the college of that city. His moral worth, strong talents and high literary a tainments gained for him the esteem and marked respect of Dr. Rich- ard Peters, Bishop White and many others whose friendship and influ- ence were most desirable. Those who knew him best admired him most. He subsequently studied law under John Dickinson and settled at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, where he rose rapidly to the head of the Bar. A powerful exhibition of Ciceronian eloquence and legal acumen at the trial of an important land case between the Proprietaries and Samuel Wallace gained for him an early professional celebrity. The Attorney General, Mr. Chew, fixed his eyes upon him soon after he commenced his argument and gazed at him with admiring astonishment until he closed his lucid speech. He was immediately retained in another im- portant land cause and was considered equal to any member of the Pennsylvania Bar. He removed ultimately to Annapolis, Maryland and at the end of a year to Philadelphia where he was liberally patron- ised but rushing occasionally into the whirlpool of speculation his cir- cumstances were uniformly embarrassed. As an evidence of his good- ness of heart, amidst the most keen reverses he remitted money regu- larly to his poor widowed mother in Scotland to the day of her death using every means in his power to smooth her path to the tomb. With the intolerant commencement of British oppression the politi- cal career of Mr. Wilson began. He boldly spoke and ably wrote in favor of equal rights and liberal principles. He was an early and zeal- ous advocate of the American cause. Of a consistent and reflecting mind he sometimes censured the rashness of others which brought upon him malicious slanders which enabled his enemies several times to en- velope him so completely in the dark fog of party spirit as to partially 396 THE SAGES AND HEROES paral}ze his exertions until the sun of truth would rise and dispel the vapors of calumny. He was a member of the Provincial Convention of 1774, convened for the purpose of devising plans for the redress of grievances imposed by England. During the session he was nominated to the Congress soon to meet. He was bitterly opposed by Mr. Galloway but was elected by a handsome majority. He was continued a member of Congress until 1777 when his enemies succeeded in their long nursed machinations against him. At the commencement of hostilities he was commissioned colonel and appointed a commissioner to treat with the Indians. On the 4th of July 1776 he proved his sincerity in the cause of Liberty by a fearless vote and a bold signature in favor of the De- claration of Independence. In the minds of all who were not blinded by party spirit his action on that day refuted the base slanders that had been promulged against him. At the shrine of this dread monster the brightest subjects of purity have often been sacrificed. No goodness of heart-no brilliancy of talent-no exalted worth-no sanctity of cha- racter can shield a public man from the base assaults of party spirit-be he benefactor, philanthropist, saint, sage or hero. Even Washington writhed under the ostracism of this withering scourge. Some men are born demi-gogs and live under the influence of Gog and Magog during their deleterious existence. Mr. Wilson was an esteemed and active member of the Continental Congress. Born a Scot he would not have exemplified the marked trait of his nation had he not been cool and cautious in everything. He, with many others, opposed the immediate adoption of the Declara- tion of Independence-not because they doubted its justice but because they believed the Colonies were not in a physical condition to sustain it. His patriotism and republicanism both stood forth in bold relievo when the question was finally put. He venerated the instrument and was bound by principle to submit to the will of the majority in what he believed to be clearly right although he believed it premature. His opposition was based upon the single fact of the physical weakness of the Colonies clearly expressed, yet his partisan enemies branded him with a want of patriotism. The people were not long deceived and esteemed him the more for his candor. In 1782 he was again elected to Congress and was hailed as one of its most efficient members. The same year he was appointed one of the counsellors and agents of Pennsylvania to meet the commissioners who convened at Trenton, New Jersey, for the final settlement of the protracted controversy between Connecticut and that commonwealth OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 397 relative to certain lands in the Wyoming Valley. The luminous and unanswerable arguments of Mr. Wilson had a controlling influence over the commissioners who decided in favor of Pennsylvania and closed an unpleasant litigation of years. During the i7iterbn when he was not in Congress he held the office of advocate-general for the French which led him to a close investiga- tion of national and maritime law. For this service the French king gave him 10,000 livres. He was at the same time a director in the Bank of North America and had the full confidence of Robert Morris as a safe and able financial adviser. As an active and discreet member of important committees he stood in the front rank. He traced the lines of every subject with the conipass of wisdom and closed its bearings and measurement with mathematical precision. He arrived at the de- sired goal with less show but with more certainty than some whose zeal was more impetuous but not more 'pure than his. He sought more to bestow lasting benefits on his country than to elicit the huzzas of the multitude. He well knew that effervescent popularity was not an index of that substantial usefulness which lives long after that transient vapor consigns its ephemeral subjects to the mellow repose of peaceful obli- vion. Balloon politicians may become inflated by the hydrogen of party spirit and rise in the political atmosphere followed by the eyes and elated by the shouts of thousands. A single spark of fire from the furnace that created the gas will show most of them to be treacherous and unsafe gasometers. Modest worth avoids ethereal excursions. It stands like a rock of granite on the terra Jirma of deep thought, calm reflection and sound discretion. Nothing but a sense of imperious duty can induce the very men who should be there to enter the whirling vortex and thorny arena of politics. How many such men are now in public stations guarding the rights and directing the proper destiny of our nation is a subject worthy of careful and anxious inquiry. If the people in mass are not true to themselves demagogues will not be true to them. Mr. Wilson was one of the most useful members of the Convention that formed the Federal Constitution. He strongly opposed the popu- lar project of the appointment of members of Congress by the legisla- tures of the States and was mainly instrumental in placing their election in the hands of the people. This principle should have been applied to every office named in that instrument not subject to the control and supervision of the President and Senate. Mr. Wilson was one of the committee that put the Constitution in form and reported it to the Con- vention. When completed by amendments and presented to his own 398 THE SAGES AND HEROES State he was its most powerful advocate and bore down upon the op- position with a sweeping torrent of eloquence and logic that was irre- sistible. He was also a member of the Convention of Pennsylvania to amend its Constitution, in which he took a decided stand in favor of placing the elective franchise in the hands of the people. The last ves- tige of aristocracy trembled before him and the last whisper of slander against the purity of his republicanism died upon the lips of echo. The boldest features of liberal principles in the old revised Constitution of that State were penned by James Wilson. Had his views been fully incorporated in that instrument I presume a second revision would not have been made. When the Supreme Court of the United States was organized Wash- ington selected Mr. Wilson for one of its judges. This high office he filled with great ability up to the time of his death. In 1790 he was appointed the first professor of the Law College in Philadelphia. When that and the University of Pennsylvania were united he filled the chair. As a learned and eloquent lawyer he had no superior at the Philadel- phia bar. He was honored with the degree of LL.D. and during the first year of his professorship delivered an admirable course of lectures to the law students. Like most of the Scotch literati, towards them he was distant and reserved. His writings were vigorous and logical. In 1774 he wrote a spirited essay on the assumptions of the British Parliament not warranted by Magna Charta and portrayed the bless- ings arising from a republican form of government in such fascinating colors that it exercised a wide and salutary influence. To the unini- tiated in party politics it may seem strange that any one accused James Wilson of aristocracy or a want of patriotism. A purer friend of his country or a more ardent advocate of the cause of freedom could not be found among the sages of '76. He passed through the ordeal of party persecution several times but truth-telling time forced his enemies to retrace their steps disgraced and shamed. On the 28th of August 1798 this venerable sage, eminent lawyer, able statesman, profound jurist and impartial judge took a final leave of earth and closed his eyes in death. He died of strangury whilst ab- sent on his circuit. Fortunately he was with his friend Judge Iredell in Edenton North Carolina where his ashes repose in peace. During his last illness he realized the proverbial hospitality of the south and was cared for in the kindest manner. The private character of Judge Wilson was beyond reproach. He was a warm friend, an affectionate husband, a faithful father, a conso- lation to the widow and the fatherless, an upright and honest man. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 399 In reviewing the history of this worthy man no one can doubt his patriotism and purity. No room is left to question his devotion to the American cause and his firm opposition to British oppression. Influ- enced by noble motives, guided by liberal principles-it is painful to re- flect that he was often wounded in the house of his professed friends by those who had sworn to support the same cause he so ardently and ably espoused. The solution of this paradoxical problem may be found in the present state of things without travelling back to that time of times, when party spirit should have withdrawn its hydra head into its legiti- mate Pandora box. We have those among us who live under the pro- tective mantle of the Federal Constitution and the laws based upon it, who denounce that Constitution and refuse obedience to statutes ac- cording with it unless those statutes advance their interests and chime with their revolutionary views. They are cancers on the body politic loathsome to the sight of every friend of our country-to every advocate of our Union. It would promote our safety and their happiness to colonize them beyond fifty-four forty. JOHN WITHERSPOON. The man who makes the Bible his counsellor-the polar star of his actions, will not go far astray. Divine in its origin, the sublimity of its language caps the climax of composition. As a history of the grand epoch when God said-" Let there be light-and there was light"-it stands alone clothed in all the majesty of Divinity. As a chronicle of the crea- tion of man after the moral image of Deity-of his ruinous fall-of the glorious plan of his redemption-it must remain unrivalled. As a chart of human nature-human rights and wrongs and of the attributes of the great Jehovah-in precision, fullness and force of description it far exceeds the boldest strokes, the finest touches of the master spirits of elocution in every age. As a system of morals and religion-the efforts of men to add to its transcendent beauty-its omnipotent strength-are as vain as an attempt to bind the wind or imprison the ocean. As a book of poetry and eloquence-it rises in grandeur above the proudest production of the most brilliant talents that have illuminated and enraptured the classic world. As a book of Revelation-it cast a flood of light upon the wilder- ness of mind that shed fresh lustre upon reason, science and philosophy. As a book of counsel-its wisdom is profound, boundless, infinite. It meets every case in time and is a golden chain reaching from earth to Heaven. It teaches our native dignity-the duties we owe to our God, 400 THE SAGES AND HEROES families, parents, children and our fellow men. It teaches us how to live and how to die-arms the Christian in panoply complete-snatches from death its painful sting-from the grave its boasted victory and points the pious soul to its crowning glory-a blissful immortality beyond the skies. The man who is led by this sacred book to lean upon the Supreme Ruler of revolving worlds, has a sure support that earth cannot give or take away. When we can rightfully appeal to Heaven for aid in our undertakings, faith, bids us onward and fear no danger. A large portion of the most prominent patriots of the American Revo- lution were pious men. I am not aware of one who did not believe in an overruling Providence. Several of them were devoted ministers of the gospel. Among these was John Witherspoon, born in the parish of Yester near Edinburgh, Scotland, on the 5th of February 1722. He was a lineal descendant of John Knox the celebrated reformer. The father of John was minister of Yester parish and moulded the mind of this son in the ways of wisdom, virtue and science. At an early age he placed him in the Haddington school where the rare beauties of his young mind unfolded like the flowers of spring. He soared above the trifling allurements that too often lead childhood and youth astray. His studies were his chief delight. He exhibited a maturity of judgment, clear- ness of perception and depth of thought-seldom maifested in juvenile life. He entered the Edinburgh University at the age of fourteen and fully realized the anticipations of his friends in his educational advancement. Especially did he excel in theology. He passed the ordeal of his final examination at the age of twenty-one and was licensed to proclaim to his fellow men the glad tidings of the Gospel of Peace. He immediately became the assistant of his revered father-a favorite among their parish- ioners-an eloquent preacher of plain practical Christianity. On the 17th of January 1746, he was a " looker on in Vienna" at the battle of Falkirk and with many others whose curiosity had led them to the scene of action, was seized by the victorious rebels and imprisoned in the castle of Doune. After his release he resided a few years at Beith, subsequently at Paisly-rendering himself very useful as an exem- plary and faithful minister. During his residence at the latter place he received urgent calls from Dublin, Rotterdam and Dundee He also had an invitation to fill the presidential chair of the College of New Jersey in America to which he had been elected on the 19th of November 1766. This was done at the suggestion of Richard Stockton. A general demurrer by his friends and a special demurrer by his relatives were entered against his acceptance. Ingenious arguments were used to sustain the pleas put in. The delights of his native home-the horrors of OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 401 the. western wilderness were placed before him in fearful contrast. A very wealthy bachelor relative offered to will him his large estate if he would remain. For a year he declined the proffered chair. During that time his lady caught "the missionary fever" and became anxious to embark for the new world-removing every obstacle with the ingenuity and perseverance peculiar to woman when bent upon the accomplish- ment of a noble object. On the 9th of December 1767 Mr. Stockton had the pleasure of communicating his acceptance to the trustees of the college which was most joyfully received. Early in the ensuing August he arrived with his family and was inaugurated at Princeton on the 17th of that month. His literary fame had been spread through the Colonies and caused an immediate acces- sion of students-a new impetus to the institution-a renovation of the empty treasury of the college. He introduced a thorough and har- monious system in all its departments and fully answered the most sanguine anticipations of his warmest friends. His mode of instruction was calculated to expand the ideas of his students and launch them upon the sea of investigation. He expelled the dogmatical and bewildering clouds of metaphysical fatality and mystic physiology that rendered darkness visible in the old schools. He illuminated the minds of his students with the mellow rays of scien- tific truth based upon enlightened philosophy, sound reason, plain com- mon sense and liberal principles. He taught them to explore the laby- rinthian avenues of human nature-the vast circuit of their own immortal minds. He raised before them the curtain of the material, moral, phy- sical and intellectual panorama-lucidly demonstrated their harmonious unity of action-perfected by the great Architect of this mighty ma- chinery made for man. He pointed them to the duties they owed to themselves, their fellow men, their country and their God. He awa- kened in their souls the living energies of charity that assimilates man to Deity and prompts him to noble god-like action. He taught them how to live and be useful-how to throw off this mortal coil when the journey of life should end. His instructions were luminous andenrich- ing-his precepts fertilizing as the dew of Hermon. On the flood tide of a high literary and theological fame he floated peacefully along until the revolutionary storm drove him from the col- lege and the pulpit of his church to a different sphere of action. Before coming to America he understood well the relations between the mo- ther country and the colonies. He was master of civilian philosophy, international law, monarchical policy and the principles of rational free- dom. The enrapturing beauties of Liberty and the hideous deformity 51 402 THE SAGES AND HEROES of tyranny passed in review before his gigantic mind. In the designs of creative Wisdom he saw the equal rights of man and resolved to vindicate them. He at once took a bold stand in favor of his adopted country. With an eagle's flight he mounted the pinnacle of political fame-with a statesman's eye he surveyed the mighty work before him. The plan of political regeneration stood approved by Heaven-he deter- mined to give his aid to the glorious cause. Most nobly did he dis- charge every duty assigned him. From the commencement of revolutionary agitation he was a mem- ber of various committees and conventions formed for the purpose of seeking redress from the k'mg-peaceably if possibIe-;/brc?6/y if neces- sary. He was a member of the Convention of New Jersey that framed the new Constitution in 1776. On the 20th of June the same year he was elected to the Continental Congress and most ably and eloquently advocated the Declaration of Independence to which he affixed his name, appealing to his God for approval-to the world for the justice of the cause he espoused. He was continued a member of Congress up to 1782 with the exception of one year and contributed largely in shed- ding lustre over its deliberations. With a mind and intelligence able to grasp, comprehend and expound the whole minutiae of government and legislation, he combined a patriotic zeal and holy devotion for his country-unsurpassed by any of his colleagues. His labors were inces- sant, his industry untiring, his perseverance unyielding-his patriotism as clear as the crystal fountain-pure as the pellucid stream. During the time he served in the legislative halls he did not neglect the higher honors of the vineyard of his Lord and Master. He was often at the family altar, in the closet and the pulpit. He was one of the most able, eloquent and profound preachers of that eventful period. He was one of the brightest ornaments of the religion of the Cross-one of the strongest advocates in the cause of Liberty. As a speaker he was listened to with deep interest-as a systematic and logical debater he had few equals. His arguments were a posteriori, a priori and a/or- iion-leading the mind from effect to cause, from cause to effect ana deducing the stronger reason. His corollaries were often of the most thrilling character. He sometimes resorted to syllogism with great effect. His speeches would be a syllabus to many of modern times upon the same subjects. His memory was remarkably retentive, his perceptions clear, his judgment acute. He was a member of the secret committee of Congress the duties of which were delicate and arduous. He was a member of the committee to co-operate with Gen. Washington in replenishing and regulating the OF THE AMERICAN R I VOLUTION. 403 army-of the commitlee of finance and upon several other working com- mittees. The eloquent appeals to the people from Congress, recom- mending days for fasting and prayer were from his nervous pen. The Durning and melting manifesto, protesting against the inhuman treat- ment of the American prisoners confined on board the filthy prison- ships at New York, was supposed to emanate from him. Dr. Witherspoon was prophetic in his mode of reasoning when point- mg out the results of propositions laid before Congress and opposed all those he believed would terminate unfavorably. He strongly remon- strated against the issue of continental money. His predictions of sud- den depreciation were too fully realized. It took a rapid downward course and soon reached the ruinous discount of one hundred and fifty dollars of paper for one of silver and then took a fatal leap and plunged into the abysm of worthlessness. So deeply did he probe every subject that he investigated, that his powers of penetration became proverbial. Most of the measures he proposed when he entered the legislative arena that were adopted proved successful and those he opposed and were adopted uniformly proved disastrous. In the halls of classic literature, the ecclesiastic courts or on the floor of Congress, he was a shining light to those around him. His literary, theological and political writings were numerous, of a high order and are justly celebrated here and in Europe. They exhibit a pleasing and rich variety of thought-a strong and chaste imagination-a luminous and flowing fancy-a keen and sarcastic wit-a brilliant and fascinating style-broad and liberal views-philosophic and logical propositions- clear and convincing conclusions-all mellowed with the rich freshness of living charity and universal philanthropy. In 1779 he resigned his seat in Congress in consequence of ill health. His son-in-law. Rev. Dr. Smith was Vice President of the college and relieved him from the most arduous duties of President. The next year he was again elected to Congress and resigned finally in 1782. The trustees of the college then persuaded him to embark for Europe for the purpose of raising funds for the institution. As he predicted before he left, his efibrts were unsuccessful. He returned in 1784 and retired to his country seat a mile from Princeton, there to enjoy the blessings of peace and the golden fruits that had been richly earned by years of peril and toil. Surrounded by relatives and friends, enjoying the praise and gratitude of a nation of freemen-his name immortalized as a scholar, divine, civilian, statesman and patriot-he sat down under the bright canopy of a clear conscience-an approving Heaven-antici- pating a crown of unfading glory beyond the skies. 404 THE SAGES AND HEROES In this manner he glided down the stream of time peaceful and happy until the 15th of November 1794, when he fell asleep in the arms of his Lord and Master, calm as a summer morning, serene as a cerulean sky-welcoming the messenger of death with a seraphic smile. He was buried at Princeton. A review of the life of this great and good man affords an instruc- tive lesson for every considerate reader. He was endowed with all the qualities calculated to ennoble and dignify man and assimilate him to his Creator. His superior virtues and endowments eclipsed his frailties and placed him on a lofty eminence beyond the reach of envy, malice or slander. His fame is clustered with refulgent beauty that will spread a lustre over his name that will brighten and shine until the death knell of Liberty shall be sounded and social order rush back to original anarchy. In all the relations of public and private life. Dr. Witherspoon stood approved, admired, revered. Let all strive to imitate his examples that our lives may be useful in time-our final exit tranquil and happy-ever remembering that virtue is the crowning glory of talent. . OLIVER WOLCOTT. The unrestrained oppressions of imperial and kingly power, long exercised with impunity, have been receding before the light of intelli- gence with an ominous but rather unsteady pace for the last few cen- turies. As the genial rays of Liberty illuminate the crowding millions of the human family the tenure of thrones will become more slender- monarchies more limited if not annihilated. In Europe kingly power has been vibrating for years in the cradle of a political earthquake. The love of freedom has never been extinguished in the old world. The same motive power that prompted the pilgrims to court the dangers and privations of this western hemisphere, still pervades the bosoms of those held in bondage by military force. Volcanic erup- tions occasionally occur-new craters open-the time is rolling on rapidly when these craters will rush together and deluge kingly and imperial power with one broad sheet of liquid fire. In thunder tones of retri- bution the people will proclaim their Fr'eedom. When our ancestors planted themselves on the granite shores of America they had clear conception of a republican form of government as organized by Greece and Rome. Many of them had read the ihrilling history of the rise, progress and fall of those republics in the OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTCON. 405 original languages where none of the beauties or force are lost by translation. They were prepared to improve upon those governments by avoiding their errors and preserving all that was valuable. With these lights the pilgrim fathers appear to have been illuminated when rearing the incipient superstructure of a more pure republic than any before known. At first, articles of association were entered into by the people of a single or contiguous settlements, based upon the broad platform of equal rights and universal Liberty circumscribed only by eternal justice and sterling honesty. Among the earliest of these miniature republics was that consolidating Windsor, Hartford and Weathersfield in Connecticut. The articles of association adopted by this infant Colony were penned by Roger Ludlow. The revised constitution of that state is either substantially copied from the instru- ment drawn by Ludlow or the ideas of republicans must run in a channel that has no change. Among those who directed the destiny of the pioneers of the new world the name of Wolcott stands conspicuous. Henry Wolcott, the patriarch ancestor, removed from England to Dorchester, Mass. in 1630. In 1636 he founded the town of Windsor, Connecticut. During the perils of the Indian wars-the difficulties with the Canadian French and through all the various vicissitudes that have pervaded New Eng- land down to the present time, the descendants of Henry Wolcott have acted a conspicuous part. They were ready to go where duty called- to the field or legislative hall. Oliver Wolcott, the subject of this brief sketch, was the son of Roger Wolcott who was appointed Governor of Connecticut in 1751. This son was born on the 26th of November 1726 and graduated at Yale College in 1747. The same year he was commissioned to raise and command a company which he marched to the defence of the northern frontiers where he remained until the peace of Aix la Chapelle. He then returned and applied himself to the study of medicine until he was appointed the first sheriff of Litchfield County formed in 1751. In 1755 he married Laura Collins a discreet woman of great merit. In 1774 he was appointed counsellor which station he filled for twelve consecutive years. He was also chief judge of the Common Pleas Court and for a long time a judge of the Probate Court. In the mili- tary field he rose from the grade of captain to that of major-general. In the summer of 1776 he commanded the fourteen regiments raised by Gov. Trumbull to act with the army in New York. He headed his division at the memorable battle that resulted in the capture of Bur- goyne and revived the drooping spirits of those who were engaged in i06 THE SAGES AND HEROES the glorious cause of equal rights. He was uniformly consulted on im- portant military movements and listened to with great confidence. From its commencement he was a zealous and efficient advocate of the cause of freedom and stood firm amidst the revolutionary storm undaunted by the roaring of the British lion. In 1775 Congress made him commissioner of Indian affairs for the Northern Department then an important trust. During the same year he effected much towards reconciling disputes between Colonies rela- tive to their boundaries. Amiable and persuasive in his manners-im- bued with a clear sense of justice, he was an admirable mediator. He merited the blessing pronounced on peace-makers. In 1776 he took his seat in Congress and remained until he affixed his signature to that Declaration of Rights which burst the chains of maternal bondage-gave birth to our nation in a day-astonished gazing millions-shook the British throne to its centre and gave us a Republic that surpasses all Greek-all Roman fame. He then returned to the field and on all occasions proved a brave, skilful and prudent officer. When he deemed his services more useful in Congress than in the army he would take his seat in that body, which he did at intervals up to 1783. In 1785 he was associated with Arthur Lee and Richard Butler to conclude a treaty of peace with the Six Nations of Indians. The year following he was elected lieutenant- governor and performed the duties of that office with great ability and dignity up to the time of his death which occurred on the 1st day of December 1797. He died regretted by the nation at largo, but most by those who knew him best. His numerous public services were highly appreciated. They were promptly and judiciously performed without any parade, pomp or vain show. His private character was adorned by all the richness of purity- purpose and action, that render a man an ornament among the virtuous. He possessed all the sterling virtues-was a devout and consistent Chris- tian-a useful and honest man. In the hands of such men Our govern- ment is secure-our UNION safe. GEOKGE WYTHE. To be born rich is oftener a misfortbne than a blessing. Action is designed by the great Creator-noble and god-like action. Riches are prone to produce inertness. With the young, who are left to the bent of their own inclinations either by the erroneous indulgence of parents OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 407 or for the want of parents or an efficient and kind guardian, an abun- dance of riches often proves their ruin. A thousand emissaries are abroad to lead them into the purlieus of vice and hurry on their sure destruction. Money attracts attention in all circles. Although the love of it is the root of all evil-still it commands undue attention. Thousands live who will not earn, but must have it. These sharks are ever on the lookout for young men of fortune and too often succeed in plucking every feather from their newly fledged wings.. The poor young man is in less danger. He has no attractions for fashionable blacklegs-the vilest things that creep on earth. Necessity impels him to action. He labors industriously-studies economy-saves his earnings and eventually becomes rich. Many of the most wealthy men of our country commenced without a dollar. Few who are left large fortunes retain them and but few who have lost them in profligacy have moral courage to break the fetters of vice, spurn the demons who have robbed them, return to the paths of rectitude, redeem a lost fortune-a shattered reputation and again stand up like men. We wonder and admire to behold such instances-rare to be sure-but they have occurred. This was fully exemplified by George Wythe born in Elizabeth City, Virginia, in 1728. His father was a wealthy planter-his mother a woman of unusual talents, learning and worth. To her this son was indebted for his education and early impressions of the correct and noble principles that actuated him after he assumed the dignity of a man. From her he acquired the Greek and Latin languages and gene- ral science. Unfortunately for him both his parents were snatched away by death nearly at the same time, leaving him a buoyant youth without a hand to guide or a voice to warn him against the allurements of vain pleasure or the seductions of ruinous vice. His father left him a fortune which was sufficient to have made a prudent man in easy circumstances for life. Like too many only sons, he had been put to no business. He was a stranger to labor and had no inclination to make its acquaintance. He was soon led away by idle company, became dissipated and pursued the road to ruin until he was thirty years of age, neglecting study and business and spending all his substance. Like the prodigal he then came to himself-returned to the paths ol virtue, studied the profession of law, was admitted to the Bar and be- came one of its brightest ornaments. During the remainder of his life he walked in the ways of wisdom most scrupulously and proved to his friends and the world that a young man may be led astray by the prowling wolves of vice-be torn and lacerated by the demon robbers 408 THE SAGES AND HEROES that are permitted to prey upon the community 'by the official guardians of our cities and towns and yet recover from his wounds, redeem his character and become a virtuous and useful member of society. God grant that this example may influence thousands to go and do like- wise. No man ever dignified his profession more than D'.. Wythe. He was rigidly honest and would not proceed in a en ase until convinced justice required his services. If drawn into a cause by misrepresenta- tion that was tinctured with wrong, he would abandon it the moment ne discovered that fact and return the fee. His virtuous habits, ex- treme fidelity, legal acquirements and untiring industry, gained for him the esteem and confidence of his friends and the people at large. He was a member of the House of Burgesses for a long time and under the new government was appointed Chancellor of the State, which office he filled with great ability to the time of his death. He was highly esteemed as a legislator for integrity, talent and independence. In poli- tics he was guided by his own matured judgment irrespective of party. On the 14th of November 1764 he was appointed on a committee to prepare a petition to the king, a memorial to the House of Lords and a remonstrance to the House of Commons on the impropriety and injus- tice of the proposed Stamp Act. The remonstrance was from the able pen of Mr. Wythe and was drawn in language so bold and strong that it alarmed many of his col- leagues and underwent a modification to divest it of what they deemed a tincture of treason. He understood and properly appreciated the true dignity of man and did not live to quail at the tyranny of a haughty monarch or corrupt ministry. He was a prominent member of the House of Burgesses in 1768, when Virginia blood and Virginia patri- otism were roused and passed the memorable resolutions asserting their exclusive right to levy their own taxes-accused ministers and Parlia- ment of violating the British Constitution and denied the right of the crown to transport and try persons in England for crimes committed in America. In passing these resolutions parliamentary rules were dis- pensed with, the members anticipating the proroguing power of the governor, who, on learning their tenor, immediately dissolved the House. He was half an hour too late-they had passed their final read- ing-were entered upon the records and beyond his power to veto or expunge. This action of the governor was unfavorable to the interests of the crown-the people took the helm as they should do now and re- turned all the old patriotic members to the next session with severa' new ones of the " same sort." OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 409 Among the new members was Thomas Jefferson who had been a law student under Mr. Wythe-was charged with the same rebel prin- ciples and was a bold and fearless champion of Liberty and equal rights. The atmosphere was becoming rather too highly charged with patriotic fire to be comfortably inhaled by the governor and the bipeds of the crown. It was rather too caloric for the free respiration of mo- narchical lungs. The people, awakened to their true position-saw the path of duty and pursued it. With an enlightened mass there is safety. From that time Mr. Wythe continued to oppose parliamentary and ministerial oppression and boldly vindicated the rights of his injured country. At the commencement of the revolutionary movements he joined a volunteer corps, determined to vindicate in the field the prin- ciples he had advocated in the legislative hall. He lived up to the motto-" we do what we say." In August 1775 he was elected a member of Congress and took a high rank in that body-then the observed of all observers. When the proposition of Independence was made it met his warm approbation. He was to the hilt in this measure. When the day arrived for final action he put his name to that bold instrument that he knew must prove the Chart of Liberty or the death warrant of the signers. In all the majesty of conscious dignity these master spirits of freedom shook off the corroding rust of kingly power, planted deep the tree of Liberty and proved to a gazing world that a nation can be born in a day and live. Language can never portray nor imagination fully conceive the enthusiastic joy that marked the promulgation of the Declaration of In- dependence among the people. The bells sounded a requiem and tolled the funeral knell of monarchy-illuminations and roaring artillery con- veyed the glad news from the central arch of the Union to its remotest bounds-the replenished torch of Liberty rose, a pillar of fire to guide the patriots in their onward march-on the wings of thanksgiving and praise the happy tidings were carried to the throne of Heaven, received the sanction of Jehovah's high authority and were recorded in the book of everlasting fame by the hand of justice with an angel's pen. In November 1776 Messrs. Wythe, Pendleton and Jefferson were appointed to revise the laws of Virginia. Although much other busi- ness devolved upon them they prepared and reported one hundred and iwenty-six bills by the 18ih of the ensuing June. The new code com- menced the revision at the time of the revolution in England and brought it down to and in accordamce with the new government. In 1777 Mr. Wythe was chosen Speaker of the House of Delegales- 52 410 THE SAGES AND HEROES the same year a Judge of the High Court of Chancery and subsequently Chancellor. A naore impartial judge never graced the Bench. No- thing could induce him to swerve from strict justice. He was a pro- found jurist and a lucid expounder of the law. He graced the law pro- ' fessorship in the College of William and Mary until other duties com- pelled him to resign. He was a member of the legislature when Vir- ginia sanctioned the Federal Constitution. He put in full practice his principles of Liberty by the emancipation of his slaves and providing them with the means of support. He tried the experiment of education upon one so far as to teach him Latin and Greek when he suddenly died. He was extremely anxious to see a development of African intellect that its calibre might be more clearly known. Chancellor Wythe died suddenly on the 8th of June 1806, believed to be from the effects of poison administered by George Wythe Sweny, a grandson of his sister, for the purpose of arriving immediately at the enjoyment of a part of his estate which was fortunately prevented by a codicil made just before his decease. Although there was not proof to convict the ungrateful demon, circumstances were so strong against him that the public verdict stamped upon him the damning stigma- murderer* In his private character Chancellor Wythe was amiable, modest, cha- ritable and humane. He sought to improve the society in which he moved and used great exertions to guard young men against the pur- lieus of vice. He was industrious, temperate, frugal but liberal and proverbial for charity and a practical Christian. Jefferson, in delineating the character of his law instructor-remarks- " No man ever left behind him a character more venerated than George Wythe. His virtue was of the purest kind-his integrity inflexible and his justice exact. Of warm patriotism and devoted as he was to Li- berty and the natural and equal rights of men he might be truly called the Cato of this country without the avarice of a Roman, for a more disinterested person never lived. Such was George Wythe-the honor of his own and a model for future times." ROBERT YATES. Time is wasted by many persons as if it had no limit and they were to live for ever. But few place a proper value upon it-but a small portion oi these reduce it to an advantageous system. If every person * After publishing my first edition, I was credibly informed the poison was only intended for two emanci- pated slaves, who were legatees in the will, both of whom died a few hours before their beneiactor. Mort»» cation, from being co-heir with them, is the cause assigned for the murder.— Author. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 411 realized that " time is money" and ends in eternity-it would be used very differently by many-not by all. The instances are very rare where a man of fifty can look back upon his career and not see that he has squandered a large portion of his time in senseless vacuity or improper appropriation. If he then realizes, its full worth he will gaze upon the past with keen regret and vainly wish he could live his life over again-a wish that the illustrious Washington said he did not in- dulge. If no one of the human family wasted or improperly used time, earth would be a Paradise-Pandemonium a fable. If all would assign a due portion of time for each class of incumbent duties-rigidly adhere to the one and promptly perform the others-a harmony in action and an amount of labor would be produced that would effect a change in the social, religious and business departments that would astonish the most visionary theorist of system and order. Profligacy of time too often commences in childhood-increases in youth and is made bankrupt in manhood. Let all feel more deeply the importance of a judicious arrangement and wise improvement of precious time. Its whirling wheels are rolling us on rapidly to " that country from whose bourne no traveller i-eturns." It is a boon from our Creator-to Him we must render an account of every hour from the moment our reason assumed and presided over its empire. Let all be prepared to render that ac- count with a joy that shall increase in ecstacy through the ceaseless ages of ETERNITY. In perusing this history of the Sages and Heroes of the American Revolution the reader has learned that all of them were industrious- several of them bright models of perfect system in the distribution of their time. No one was more diligent in the performance of his duties than Robert Yates who was born in the city of Schenectady, N. Y. on the 27th day of January 1738. The early developments of his mind were of unusual solidity and free from that frivolity that too often re- tards the course of boys in their preparation for manhood. Let my young readers remember this and become men in conduct during your minority. You will then be prepared to appear upon the stage of action with credit to yourselves and usefulness to our common country. Im- prove your minds by storing them with useful knowledge. If the tree has no blossoms in spring we gather no fruit in autumn. If your youth is barren of healthful culture-if the vain allurements-the trifling amuse- ments of this deceiving world exclude from your immortal minds salu- tary improvement-your mental powers may darken with age and rush you into the murky waters of lasting disgrace-perhaps ruin you for ever. Soon the mighty concerns of our country will devolve on you. 412 THE SAGES AND HEROES In your hands will be placed the destiny of our nation. Some of you must fill up the swelling ranks of the professions-the arena of politics and posts of honor and profit. Let these reflections raise you above the trifles that amuse without benefitting you. Learn to be men when you are boys-you may then be intellectual giants when you reach manhood. Remember your Creator-study the Bible and let it be deeply impressed upon your minds that to become eminently great you must be truly good. Robert Yates commenced his classical education in the city of New York and completed it at an early age. He then read law with William Livmgston of that city and became an ornament to the profession. He located at the city of Albany-obtained a lucrative practice-the high esteem of his numerous acquaintances and a title of honor too rare and priceless-" the honest lawyer." An additional proof of his good sense was exhibited by his leading to the hymeneal altar the amiable Miss Jane Van Ness who proved worthy of the noble man of her judicious choice. They sailed buoyantly, prosperously and joyfully on the flood tide of domestic felicity until the angry elements of an oppressed people were concentrated by British oppression and raised the rough storm of the Revolution. Mr. Yates was a whig of the first water-bold, fearless, calm, prudent and firm as the iron mountain of Missouri, No one better understood the relative condition of the two countries-the powers and rights of each and the law of nations. He was conversant with the liberal principles of Magna Charta as granted by King John and as im- proved and confirmed by King Henry III. in the ninth year of his reign. He was familiar with the provisions of the British Constitution-the Char- ters of the Colonies and the various declaratory Acts of Parliament defining the rights of the American people which had grown sacred by long and peaceful enjoyment. To see them now rudely trampled upon by a venal ministry roused the patriotism and indignation of Mr. Yates. He wrote and published several pungent essays exposing the usurpations of the British Cabinet. He took an active part in the public meetings of the people that prepared them to strike for liberty. At that time he ivas a member of the corporation of Albany and attorney for that board. He was a leading member of the Committee of Safety when it was virtually the supreme government of the empire state. The toriei greatly feared and most sincerely hated this bold champion of equal rights. His ardent zeal was tempered with a discreet moderation and equal justice to all. He never passed the orbit of legitimate power nor hesitated in performing his whole duty regardless of consequences. He was an active member of the first Provincial Congress of New York- OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 413 cliairman of the committee to organize the miHtary and did much towards producing a concert of action against the invading enemy. In 1777 he was an efficient member of the Convention that framed the first constitution of his native state. Under that constitution he was appointed a judge of the Supreme Court. His acceptance raised him to the zenith of rebelUon in view of the creatures of the crown. He was menaced by them and threatened by the tories. He promptly assumed the duties of his responsible station and boldly performed them. Stern justice, tempered with charity, directed his course. Officially he favored no friend-persecuted no enemy. His courts were held in the midst of bitter foes. No dangers could intimidate-no threats deter him from the faithful discharge of all the duties devolving upon him. When tories were arraigned before the court the overcharged zeal of jurors sometimes paralyzed their sense of right. On one occasion he sent out a jury of this kind four times with a direction to change their verdict of " guilty" which was not warranted by the testimony. The legislature talked loudly of calling him to an account for this act but on a sober second thought wisely determined to permit the old Roman to pursue the even tenor of his ways. His salary was far below the income of his practice at the Bar. To advance the interests of his country was above all pecuniary considerations. His salary for one year was paid in paper apology for money which depreciated so much in a few days that it took the whole to buy a pound of tea. This did not disturb his equanimity or abate his zeal in the glorious cause of Independence. After the close of the Revolution Messrs. Robert Yates, Alexander Hamilton and Chancellor Livingston were chosen to represent the state of New York in the Convention that framed the Federal Constitution. His services on that important occasion were highly appreciated. He was opposed to some features of that sacred instrument but voted for its adoption when it came before the Convention of his own state. When it became the supreme law of the land he was one of its firmest supporters. In his first charge to the grand jury after it had been legally sanctioned he used the following language which I implore the reader to ponder well and let it come home with all the force of living truth proclaimed from the tomb of a departed patriot. ^' The proposed form of government for the Union has at length re- ceived the sanction of so many of the States as to make it the supreme law of the land. It is not therefore any longer a question whether or not its provisions are such as they ought to be in all their diflerent branches. We, as good citizens, are bound implicitly to obey them. The united wisdom of America has sanctioned and confirmed the act 414 THE SAGES AND HEROES and it would be but little short of treason against the Republic to hesi- tate in our obedience and respect to the Constitution of the United States of America. Let me, therefore, exhort you gentlemen-not only in your capacity as grand jurors but in your more durable and equally respectable character as citizens-to preserve inviolate this Charter of our national Rights and safety-a Charter second only in dignity and importance to the Declaration of our Independence. We have escaped, it is true, by the blessing of divine Providence, from the tyranny of a foreign foe-but let us now be equally watchful in guarding against worse and far more dangerous enemies— domestic broils and intestine di- visions." Would to God this patriotic language of Judge Yates could be writ- ten in flaming capitals of living fire raised in bold relievo on plates of burnished gold and suspended in every court room, legislative hall, church, school-house and public place in our land. It should be circulated by every press in our country and committed to memory by every child. Judge Yates was one of the Commissioners to settle the boundary question between New York and the States of Massachusetts and Con- necticut. He was subsequently employed to prosecute claims of his native State against Vermont. In 1790 he was appointed Chief Justice of the Empire State and presided with great dignity until the 27th of January 1798 when his age reached the constitutional limit and closed his long, useful, arduous and brilliant judicial career. He had been an ornament to the Bench for twenty-one years. Not a stain had soiled his official ermine. He then resumed the practice of law and was ap- pointed by the legislature of his state to settle disputed titles in the military tract which office he held until the Act creating it expired. In comparative poverty and JDeace he glided down the stream of time until the 9th day of September 1801 when an arrow from the quiver of death pierced the shining mark-released his noble soul from its earthly prison and returned it to its original home of enduring bliss. He had exemplified primitive Christianity-his last hours were bright with hope, strong in faith, calm, peaceful and happy. He was greatly beloved in life-deeply mourned in death. In the performance of all the multiform duties of pubJic and' private life he stood approved by his friends, his country, his conscience and his God. He was an admired model of system in all the concerns of life-arranged his time judiciously, improved it wisely and earned a lofty fame that will endure while vir- tue is esteemed and patriotism lives. In the hands of such men our Republic will continue to rise in majesty sublime until its burning light shall illuminate the world and become too brilliant for the vision of all those who do not love and support our UNION. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 416 PART II. ALLEN ETHAN was a native of Salisbury, Connecticut and re- moved to Vermont vt^hen a boy. He was a man of strong mental pow- ers which were improved by a close observation of men and things-not by a school education. He took an active part in public affairs from an early age to the time of his death. He was emphatically a " Rough and Ready." When the revolutionary storm commenced he was the kind of man to brave its fury. He was then a militia colonel and at once rallied a brave band of Green Mountain boys around him. Soon after the battle of Lexington he received orders from the general As- sembly of Connecticut to make a descent on Ticonderoga and Crown Point. About that time Arnold had been charged by the Massachusetts Committee to raise 400 men for the same purpose. On his arrival he found Col. Allen prepared to march with 300 men and became his aid in the expedition. On the 9th of May 1775 they arrived at the lake opposite Ticonderoga and with great difficulty landed 83 men near the garrison during the night. As day was approaching the Colonel deter- mined on an immediate attack. He led his Spartan band to the wicket gate where a sentinel snapped his gun at the bold intruders and fled into the fort closely followed by the Green Mountain boys who rushed in and formed on the parade ground facing the two barracks and made the welkin ring with three loud huzzas. One of the guard who begged for quarter pointed out the apartment of the officers. Col. Allen entered with his sword drawn and demanded the surrender of the fort from the astonished Capt. De la Place who was in command. He jumped out of bed, rubbed his eyes and asked by whose authority the demand was made. The Colonel quickly replied-" / demand it in the name of the great Jehovah and the Continental Congress." The summons was promptly obeyed. Crown Point surrendered the same day and shortly after, the only British sloop of war, which gave Col. Allen the mastery of Lake Champlain. In the fall of that year Col. Brown pledged him- self to act in concert in an attack upon Montreal but failing to meet him Col. Allen was overwhelmed by numbers and taken prisoner, loaded with irons and treated with proverbial British cruelty-a mistaken policy on the part of the crown officers that did much towards rousing the Americans to resistance. He was sent to England with a strong pro- mise of a halter on his arrival. In 1776 he was returned to N. York and was not exchanged until the 6th of May 1778. Bad treatment had ruined his iron constitution. A base attempt was made to bribe him which he resented with the dignity of an honest freeman. He wrote a history of the cruelties, uniformly practised upon the American prison- 416 THE SAGES AND HEROES ers. During his confinement in N. York he estimated that over 2000 perished by hunger, cold and disease produced by the impurity of the prisons and prison ships. Col. Allen was highly esteemed as a stern patriot, a good citizen-an honest man. He died suddenly at his home in Colchester, Vermont, on the 13th of February 1789. ALLEN EBENEZER a brave subaltern officer who was witli Col. Allen at the capture of Ticonderoga. At the head of only 40 of his Spartan comrades he took the fortress on the hill Defiance without the loss of a man. At the brilliant affair near Bennington he headed the small division that was stationed behind a ledge of rocks and kept the enemy at bay until Gen. Stark could form his men to drive back the reinforcement that came up before he could properly dispose of the large number of prisoners he had taken. Mr. Allen closed his mortal career in 1805. ALLEN MOSES was born in Northampton, Mass. on the 14th of September 1748. He graduated at Princeton college-prepared for the ministry-became pastor of the Presbyterian church at Medway, Georgia-advocated the cause of equal rights in the pulpit and when mingling with the people. In 1778 the British under Gen. Provost made a descent upon Medway-laid in ashes the meeting house and most of the private dwellings. Mr. Allen was made chaplain of the Georgia brigade-repaired to Savannah-was there taken prisoner-sent on board a ship of war-was treated with great cruelty-attempted an escape by swimming to the shore and was drowned on the 8th of February 1779. ALEXANDER WILLIAM was born in the city of New York in 1726. He was a Major General in the Continental army-fought bravely at the battle of Long Island on the 27th of August 1776 where he was taken prisoner. At the battle of Germantown his brigade was a part of the reserve. At the battle of Monmouth he commanded the left wing of the American troops and did himself great credit as a brave, discreet and accomplished officer. This noble veteran died at Albany, New York on the 15th of January 1783. ARMSTRONG JOHN was early enrolled with the list of heroes that periled life for Liberty. He was one of the brave officers who so nobly defended fort Moultrie against the desperate attack of Sir Peter Parker when he visited Charleston harbor on a belligerent pleasure excursion. He was raised to the rank of Brigadier General and dis- tinguished himself at the battle of Germantown and other places. After the Revolution he located in Pennsylvania and was elected to Congress from that state. He was in all respects a worthy man and took his final leave of his friends in 1795. BARRY JOHN was born in the county of Wexford, Ireland in 1745 and came to Philadelphia, Pa. when he was but 15 years of age. Previous to the American Revolution he became a skilful mariner and rose to the rank of captain of a large merchant vessel. In February 1776 Congress put him in command of the brig Lexington with 16 guns with which he made several successful cruises. In 1777 the British attacked the little American Navy in the Delaware, then under the command of Commodore Barry and destroyed it at White Hall. He subsequently took charge of the Raleigh of 33 guns and was run OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 417 DH shore in Penobscot Bay by the enemy and lost his ship. He was then transferred to a ship commissioned with letters of marque and reprisal and cruised among the West India Islands with success. On his return he was put in command of the Alliance frigate and left Boston in February 1781 for France with John Laurens, American minister to that kingdom. When returning he came in contact with the British ship Atlanta and brig Treposa on the 29th of May and captured them both after a severe engagement. In February 1782 he had what the British captain called a drawn battle with a|i English frigate of equal metal with his own but could out sail her. The enemy had 37 killed and 50 wounded-Com. Barry but 3 killed and 11 wounded. Lord Howe offered him 20,000 guineas and command of the best frigate in the British navy if lie would turn traitor. This base proposition was repelled with contempt. When war seemed inevitable with France he was put in command of the frigate United States and cruised on the West India Station. He was noble in spirit, Juimane in discipline, discreet and fearless in battle, urbane in his man- ners, a splendid officer, a good citizen, a devoted Christian and true patriot. He died in Philadelphia on the 30th of September 1803. BEATTY WILLIAM born in Frederick county Maryland on the 19th of June 1758. In 1776 he was commissioned an Ensign under Col. Griffith and served under Gen. Washington at New York. The next year he was commissioned Lieutenant and in a few months was raised to the rank of Captain and ultimately transferred to the renowned 1st Maryland regiment of regulars under Col. Giniby wliich was ordered south and performed astonishing feats of noble daring at the battle of Cowpens and at Guilford court house on the 15th of March 1781. He there engaged in single combat when the battle was raging with the fury of desperation and pierced his antagonist through the heart. That battle was emphatically fought hand to hand like those of Chippewa, Luiidy's lane and Bridgewater during our last war with mother Britain. At the battle near Camden South Carolina on the 25th of the next April, Captain Beatfy tell mortally wounded as he was gallantly leading on his company to the charge. His loss was keenly felt. He was in all respects a noble man and an officer of great promise. In his report Gen. Greene remarked-" Among the killed is Capt. Beatty of the Maryland line one of the best of officers and an ornament to his profession." BIDDLE NICHOLAS was born in the city of Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania ni 1750. He became a seaman when but 14 years of age and gave great promise of becoming one of the noblest sons of the main. He and his shipmates were cast away on a barren island on the 2d day of January 1766 two remaining there with him for nearly two months in a state of extreme suffering. In 1773 he and Horatio- afterwards Lord Nelson, doffed their uniforms and shipped before the mast on board the Carcase bound on a voyage to the north pole and penetrated to 81° 39' north latitude. At the commencement of the American Rev )lution Capt. liiddle was put in command of the Camden galley on the Delaware. He was subsequently transferred to the Andrew Dorin of 14 guns with 130 men and attached to the infant fleet of Commodore Hopkins, destined for the Island of New Provi- 53 418 THE SAGES AND HEROES dencc. On arriving at the capes the small pox became general among the other crews-disease obliged the fleet to run into New London. After replenishing his numbers Capt. Biddle was ordered to cruise off the banks of Newfoundland where he was so successful in capturing British ships that when he arrived in the Delaware lie had but five of his original crew, the others having been put on board the prizes. On his return he was placed in command of the frigate Randolph of 32 guns and sailed from Philadelphia in February 1777 with a crew partly made up of English seamen. Shortly after he got to sea he was overtaken by a gale which carried away nearly all the masts of his frigate, lie then steered for Charleston to repair. On the way mother Britain's children formed a plan to dispatch the Americans and take the ship although they were shipped upon their own urgent solicitation pro- fessing to sustain the cause of Independence. They were promptly put down and sullenly returned to duty. When thoroughly repaired he again put out to sea. On the third day he fell in with four English vessels, one the True Briton with 20 guns, all of which he captured. He took several other prizes and returned to Charleston. So higHy did the citizens of that city esteem Capt. Biddle as an officer and gentleman that they fitted out the ship General Moultrie-the brigs Fair American, Polly, and Notre Dame and placed on board the Randolph fifty men from the first regiment of the South Carolina infantry to act as marines- the whole of which were placed under command of Capt. Biddle. His ihtle fleet continued cruising and capturing prizes until the night of the 7th of March 1778 when it came in contact with the English two decker ship Yarmouth of 64 guns, Capt. Vincent. At 8 P. M. a severe action commenced. Capt. Biddle was severely wounded in the thigh but continued on deck encouraging his brave tars. His fire was inces- sant-at least three broad sides to that of one from the enemy. In 20 minutes after the commencement of the fight the Randolph blew up-the brave, accomplished, intrepid and gallant Biddle was launched into eternity. The Yarmouth was so badly crippled that she permitted the other vessels to depart unmolested, BLAND THEODORIC was born in Virginia in 1742. He was one of the early patriots and left a lucrative medical practice and took com- mand of a regiment of dragoons. In several actions he proved himself a brave and efficient officer. In 1779 he was put in command of the convention troops at Albemarle barracks. The next year he was elected to Congress. He was a member of the Virginia Legislature when the Federal Constitution was adopted and voted with the minority for the same reasons that induced Patrick Henry to oppose it. When adopted he was its firm adherent and was a member of the first Congress that convened under its broad mantle. He died on the 1st of June 1790 while a member of the House of Representatives, He was a good, discreet and honest man, BLOUNT THOMAS was born in North Carolina in 1760. He entered the Continental army at the age of 10 and served faithfully to the close of the war. He was subsequently made a major-general of the militia of his native state. He was a valued member of Congress for many years. He vas a man in the full sense of the word. He died on the 8th of February 1812 while at his post in the national legislature. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 419 BOUDINOT ELIAS was ushered into life on the 2d day of May 1740 in the city of Philadelphia. He read law with Richard Stockton, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. In 1776 Congress appointed him Commissary General of prisoners. The next year he was elected lo the Continental Congress and proved an able and efficient member. In 1782 he was elevated to the presidential chair of that bright galaxy of sages and had the high honor-the untold pleasure of signing the treaty of peace forced from mother Britain. In 1789 he was elected a member of Congress under the new constitution. In 1795 President Washington placed him at the head of the Mint at Philadelphia which office he filled for 12 years. He then retired from the public arena and settled at Bordentown, N. J. where he died on the 24th of October 1821. He was a noble, generous, talented and good man. He was the first Presi- dent of the American Bible Society and rr*ade liberal donations to that and several other benevolent institutions. BOWDOIN JAMES first breathed the vital air in Boston, Mass. in 1727, He became a prominent public man at an early age-was a bold and sterling whig-opposed the usurpations of the crown-was one of the trio of the committee that bearded Gen. Gage, who ostracised him, Dex- ter and Winthrop from the General Assembly. Mr. Bowdoin was elected to the first General Congress in 1774 but was prevented from attending by ill health. He was President of the Convention that framed the first constitution of Massachusetts under the new order of things. In 1785-6 he was Governor of his native state. He was an able statesman, a firm patriot, a devoted Christian-an honest man. He died at Boston on the 6th of November 1790. BRADFORD WILLIAM was born in the city of Philadelphia, Pa. on the 14th of September 1755. In the spring of 1776 he was made brigade-major under Gen. Roberdeau who commanded the flying camp. He subsequently commanded a company of regulars under Col. Hamp- ton lor a short time and was then appointed Deputy Paymaster General and served two years when he left the military service-resumed the study of law-was admitted to the Bar in 1779 and in 1780 was made Attorney-General of the Keystone state. On the 22d of August 1791 Gov. Mifflin raised him to the Bench of the Supreme Court of Pennsyl- vania which office he filled with great dignity until the 28th of January 1794 when he was appointed Attorney-General of the United States, which office he held up to the time of his death. He performed all the duties of public and private life with great ability and strict fidelity. He stood approved by his country, his conscience and his God. He died at Philadelphia on the 23d of August 1795 in full hope of an unfading crown of glory. BROAD HEZEKIAH was born in Massachusetts in 1748. He was a man of strong common sense, great moral courage, stern integrity- discreet and consistent in all things. He early and firmly opposed British oppression. He was a member of the Provincial Congress in 1774 and a delegate of the Massachusetts Convention that framed the state consti- tution in 1779. He filled various public offices with honor to himself ^.nd usefulness to his constituents. He died at Nantick, Mass. on the 17th of March 1824. BROOKS ELEAZER was first introduced to his friends in Con- 420 THE SAGES AND HEROES cord, Mass. in 1726. He was a man of bright intellect and untiring perseverance. Without the advantages of a school he became a man Gi extensive information by studying books, men and things. In 1774 iie was elected to the General Court and remained a distinguished mem- bex of the different branches of the Legislature for 27 years. He was an uncompromising enemy to all tyranny. At the battle of White Plains in 1776 he commanded a regiment with the skill of a veteran soldier. At the ba'tle of Still Water on the 7th of October 1777 his cool and determined courage was the subject of general remark. He lived esteemed and died lamented at Lincoln, Mass. on the 9th of No- vember 1806. BROOKS JOHN was first presented to the human family in Med- ford, Mass. in 1752. He was well educated-became a physician and commenced a successful practice in the town of Reading near his na- tive place. When the revolutionary storm commenced its fury he ex- changed his amputating knife for a sword. His noble bearing and skill in military tactics attracted the attention of Washington. He was soon promoted to the grade of lieutenant-colonel and rendered important ser- vice in the capture of Burgoyne. At the close of the war he resumed the practice of medicine at Medford. He became major-general of mi- litia and commanded the military that put down the insurrection in Massachusetts in 1786. During the last war with mother Britain he was the adjutant-general of Gov. Strong and succeeded him as chief magistrate of the State. He performed all the duties of public and pri- vate life with a well tempered zeal and unquestioned integrity. He died in Medford, Mass. in 1825. BROWN ANDREW was one of those brave spirits who seized their rusty muskets, powder horns and slugs and met the enemy on the heights of Lexington. At the noted battle of Bunker's and Breed's Hill he was among the last who left the entrenchments for want of " a little more grape." He removed to Philadelphia when his war-toils were over and conducted the Federal Gazette in Chestnut Street. On the 27th of January 1797 his office and dwelling house were consumed by fire. His wife and three children perished in the flames. In an attempt to rescue them he was so severely injured that he expired on the 4th of February following. BROWN JOHN was born in Providence, Rhode Island in 1736. He led the party that dared to resist the crown task-masters and de- stroyed the I3riti'sh sloop of war Gasper in Narraganset Bay in 1772. That was the second kick the Rhode Islanders gave the revolutionary ball. He was an enterprising merchant-at one time member of Con- gress-a friend to education and public improvements, a good citizen and worthy man. He died at Providence, R. I. in 1803. BROWN MOSES was welcomed to earth in 1741 at some place in New England-of the precise location we have no record. He was a bold mariner-never liked old England-became an active patriot-com- manded several privateers with great success and did good service for his country until he saw her free and independent with the white, red and blue floating in the breeze of Liberty. He lived respected and died regretted in 1803. BROWN ROBERT was born in Northampton County, Pa. in 1745. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 421 He was among the first officers who entered the field against the in- vading foe and was taken prisoner at the unfortunate afiair on Long Island. Being a man of fine sense, pleasing manners and good address, he was not closely confined and was permitted to work at his trade of blacksmith and distributed his earnings among the destitute prisoners. He was subsequently raised to the rank of brigadier-general of militia in his native State-filled many civil stations-was member of Congress for sixteen years-voted for the war in 1812-lived to see mother Britain flogged a second time-spent his last years in the full sunshine of quies- cent peace-died at Allentown, Pa. in 1823 most deeply mourned by those who knew him best. BRYAN GEORGE was a native of Ireland-when he came into the world and made his final exit the record saith not. He came to Phila- delphia soon after he reached his majority and became a wholesale merchant and highly respected citizeu. He had imbibed no love for England during his youth-in manhood he sternly opposed her innova- tions upon the chartered rights of his adopted country. He was a member of the Continental Congress in 1775. He was subsequently made Vice President of Pennsylvania and in 1778 filled the presiden- tial chair of that State. He adorned every station he occupied with becoming dignity and usefulness. He was a Christian, gentleman and scholar. BURD BENJAMIN was born at Fort Littleton, Bedford County, Pa. in 1755 and was made a lieutenant in Col. Thompson's regiment of riflemen at the age of twenty. He was in several fights near Boston in 1775. He was at the disastrous battle of Long Island and behaved with great gallantry. In 1777 he was commissioned captain in the 4th Pennsylvania Regiment-was at the battles of Trenton, Princeton, Bran- dy v/ine, Germantown and Monmouth and in every instance stood highly approved by his superior officers. At Germantown he acted as major. In 1779 he was with the detachment that dispersed the Indians up the Hudson and burnt their towns. After the war he located at Fort Lit- tleton-subsequently removed to Bedford where he lived highly esteemed for his past noble services, uniform virtue and correctness in the dis- charge of all the duties of a life well spent. He died at Bedford on the 5th of October, 1823. BURR AARON commenced his remarkable life in Newark, N.J. in 1756. As manhood dawned upon him his genius rose in all the bright- ness of the sun on a cloudless morning. He was hailed as a brilliant luminary to light up the pathway to the goal of Liberty. He was a powerful advocate in the cause of freedom and exemplified his precepts by feats of noble daring in the battle field. He was aid to the brave Putnam and rose to the rank of lieutenant-colonel. At the close of the Revolution he stood on a lofty eminence and coinmanded the adinira- tion of the populace. His towering genius was fast ascending to high meridian in refulgent glory. He was elected to the United States Se- nate where his giant intellect became more conspicuous-his thirst for power more prominent. He was next elected Vice President and made a desperate attempt to supplant Thomas Jefierson as President. He made an unsuccessful Calaline grasp at the presidential chair which blotted out his political sun for ever. Alexander Hamilton made some 422 THE SAGES ANDHEROES prophetic remarks upon the prospective danger shadowed by his reach- ing demonstrations and uUerior designs. He planned and consummated the death of that illustrious statesman. The commingled clouds of wild ambition, consuming malice and fell revenge eclipsed the sunbeams of his genius. A blacker cloud spread its ebony mantle over these. The charge of TREASON veiled the bright morning of Aaron Burr in darkness im- penetrable and paralyzed his day-spring of usefulness. His great legal acumen and consummate shrewdness saved him from its technicality— not from the burning curse of a nation of freemen. To render this darkness more visible he was the Promethean vulture that devoured blooming innocence-the blighting sirocco that withered the bowers of domestic felicity. Like an isolated majestic oak with its green foliage seared by lightning fire-he stood alone for nearly half a century ex- posed to the scorching heat of bitter scorn-the chilling blasts of cold neglect-a fearful warning to those who wander from the path of wis- dom-the only path of safety. He died on Stateu I. 14th. Sept. 1S36. BUTLER RICHARD is first introduced by the record as a brave lieutenant-colonel in Morgan's rifle corps. For his correct deportment at all times and noble daring on various occasions at the south under La Fayette, he was raised to the rank of colonel. He was next in command under Gen. St. Clair in his unfortunate expedition against the western Indians in 1791. At the sanguinary and disastrous battle of the 4th of November of that year Col. Butler commanded the right wing of the army with the rank of general and repeatedly led his men to the charge and for a time seemed certain of victory. Bleeding from seve- ral wounds he retired for surgical aid and in a few moments was rushed upon by an Indian warrior who gave him a mortal wound with his to- mahawk. He immediately killed the savage with his pistol-they slum- bered in death together. BUTLER THOMAS was introduced into the great family of man in 1754. He was brother to Col. Richard Butler just mentioned. There were five brothers engaged in the Continental army. They ap- pear to have been natives of Pennsylvania. Thomas was a law student under James Wilson of Philadelphia at the commencement of the Revo- lution. In 1776 he exchanged the law otiice tor the camp and proved a brave and efficient officer. He had command of a company to the close of the Revolution and was in nearly every severe battle in the middle States. At Brandywine he received the thanks of Gen. Wash- ington on the field of battle through his aid Gen. Hamilton, for rallying a detachment of flying troops and giving the enemy a severe check. At the battle of Monmouth he received the thanks of Gen. Wayne for defending a defile while Col. Richard Butler removed his regiment from a perilous position. He had command of a battalion under Gen. St. Clair on the memorable 4th of Nov. 1791 and behaved with great coolness and intrepidity. Mounied on his horse he led his men to the charge after his leg was broken by a ball. His surviving brolher-Capt. Edward Butler, had great difficulty in bringing him from the field. In 1794 he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel and put in com- mand of the 4th sub legion. He commanded at Pittsburgh and by his undaunted courage more than by the numerical force of his troops he prevented the whisky insurgents from taking possession of the garri OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 4'i1^ son. He was continued on the peace establishment-made several trea- ties with the Indians-was persecuted by jealous enemies-charged with misconduct-tried by a court martial-honorably acquitted and died the 7lh of September 1805. CADWALADER THOMAS was ushered into this world in 1743 in the city of Philadelphia, Pa. At the commencement of the struggle for Liberty he was in the front rank of the brave revolutionary generals and enjoyed the unlimited confidence of the illustrious Washington. At the beginning of the war he commanded a corps called the " Silk Stocking Company'-rather a problematical name for patriot soldiers as they were-for so perfect was this corps in military tactics that nearly all of its members were made commissioned officers. He was soon made a brigadier general and put in command of the Pennsylva- nia troops. During 1776-7 he was constantly on duty-participated in the battles of Princeton, Brandywine, Germantown and Monmouth- displaying great courage, skill and prudence on each occasion. He loved Washington better than his own life. When Gen. Conway slan- dered the commander-in-chief he was at once challeniged by Gen. Cad- vvalader and was dangerously wounded. Supposing he might nut sur- vive, he wrote to Washington acknowledging he had done him great injustice. Gen. Cadwalader was an ornament to the age in which he lived. In him the soldier, statesman, gentleman and scholar were all harmoniously blended. In public and private life he filled up the mea- sure of a good man and crowned the design of his creation with an imperishable fame. His career was a continued round of usefulness. CASWELL RICHARD is first introduced by the record in the ca- pacity of Governor of North Carolina previous to the Revolution. He was an esteemed member of the Bar and remarkable for his kindness to the poor. He was a staunch whig and member of the first general Congress in 1774. In 1776 he commanded a regiment and proved himself a brave and skilful ofiicer. With 1000 minute men he engaged Gen. McDonald with a force of 1.500-killed and wounded 70 of his men-took him prisoner with 1500 rifies. This victory gave a fresli impeius to the glorious cause of Independence in North Carolina. This bold patriot ultimately reached the rank of major-general of militia. He was President of the Convention that framed the first Constitution of his State and governor for four years under that Constitution. He was President of the Senate at the time of his death. His life wus> nobly spent, his usefulness extensive, his reputation unsullied, his deaih deeply lamented. He died at Fayetteville, N. C. on the 20th of No- vember 1789. CHAMPE JOHN was introduced on this whirling planet in I>.oudoun county, Virginia, in 1752. He was naturally a soldier. In 1776 he was appointed sergeant-major of Lee's legion of cavalry and gained a high reputation for bravery and noble daring. He was engaged in the hazardous enterprise of apparently deserting to the enemy at N. York for the purpose of capturing and returning Arnold to the Auiencan camp that the life of Andre might be saved. Arnold changed his (juar- ters on the very evening fixed for his abduction and thus saved himself and sacrificed one of the brightest ornaments of the British army. Had Sir Henry Clinton complied with the request of Washington and ex- 424 THE SAGES AND HEROES changed Arnold for Andre, justice would have been vindicated-huma- nity honored and England relieved from supporting a base traitor and his present descendents. Champe went south with the enemy -returned to his corps the first opportunity and met with a warm reception from his old companions, Washington rewarded him liberally and dis- charged him from the service for fear he might fall into the hands of the British and be treated with a halter. He removed to Kentucky where he died in 1797. CHRYSTIE JAMES was born near Edinburgh, Scotland, 1750. At the age of 15 he came to Philadelphia and the next year received the commission of Lieutenant in the Continental army. He was soon put in command of a company and held the commission of Captain to the end of the war. He was one of Washington's favorites. No one better deserved his esteem. He was a brave soldier, a firm patriot, a good citizen, an honest man and a consistent Christian. The time of his death is not on the record. Lieutenant Colonel James Chrystie of the 15th regiment of U. S. Infantry, who fought so desperately at Queenston and other places during the last war with England, was his son and worthy of his noble sire. CLARK GEORGE ROGERS is first introduced to us as a colonel in the service of the state of Virginia and the pioneer warrior of the then far west. No man ever understood better the Indian character and mode of warfare and no man did as much hard service on the frontier as Col. Clark. He was the protecting father of all the early settlements in Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and south western Pennsylvania. He became a terror to the red men. During the whole time of the Revolution he had command of the small forces on the western frontier and was commissioned a Brigadier General of the Continental army in 1781. In all respects Gen. Clark was well quali- fied to perform the hazardous duties that devolved upon him and did more than the acutest human sagacity dared anticipate. After a general peace took place with mother Britain and ultimately with her savage ally-the red men-Gen. Clark settled near Louisville, Kentucky to enjoy the fruits of his long and arduous toils. He was looked upon as the father of that broad section of country. Respected, beloved and honored-he glided down the stream of time until 1817 when his noble spirit went to its final rest. CLINTON CHARLES father of James and George, was born in Longford, Ireland in 1690. On the 20th of May 1729 he embarked for America and after a tedious passage with a ruffian captain who compelled the passengers to give him a large sum of money above the price of their passage, he landed at Cape Cod instead of Philadelphia according to agreement. Mr. Clinton ultimately located in Ulster County New York, then a dense wilderness filled with wild beasts and savages more wild than them. He became a prominent public man and opposed the first indications of British oppression. He diffused liberal principles among his neighbors and planted them deep in the minds of his sons who did honor to their noble sire. He lived long enough to see the lurid clouds that portended the Revolutionary storm- just long enough to prepare his brave sons and neighbors for the ap- proaching crisis. He was an honest man and a Christian. He died OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 425 at his original residence in Ulster County on the 19th day of Novem- ber 1773. CLINTON GEORGE, a brother of James, born in Ulster county, New York, on the 26th of July 1739. They were sons of Col. Charles Clinton who was a native of Ireland. George was liberally educated, possessed a strong mind, great decision of character and highly charged with original-not modern demagogue patriotism. He was a member of the Congress of 1775-6. He was present and voted for the Decla- ration of Independence but being a Brigadier General of the Conti- nental army he was compelled to leave before that sacred instrument was prepared for signatnres-the reason why his name is not enrolled with the other sages. In April 1777 he was elected the first Governor of the State of New York under the new order of things and filled that olfice 18 consecutive years when ill health compelled him to decline. He commanded at Forts Clinton and Montgomery on the Hudson when they were taken by an overwhelming force after a most des- perate resistance of several hours. The British force amounted to 4000-the American to only 500 within a very imperfect fortification. The works were stormed in the night which enabled the governor and many of his officers and men to escape through the defiles in the mountains. In ISOl he was again elected Governor of New York and in 1805 Vice President of the United States in which office he continued until the time of his decease which occurred at the city of Washington on the 20th of April 1812 when Congress was in session.' A nation mourned the loss of one of her noblest sons, his friends one of their best companions, his kinsmen one of their dearest relatives. The closing sentence on his monument at Washington speaks volumes. '•While he lived, his virtue, wisdom and valor were the pride, the orna- ment and security of his country and when he died he left an illustrious example of a well spent life worthy of all imitation." CLINTON JAMES was first announced to his friends on a bright Thursday-the 9th of August 1736 in Ulster County, New York. He was by nature a military genius-by heritage a stern patriot. With an iron constitution and great physical powers he united an accomplished education, great military experience acquired in the French war of 1756 and the subsequent border wars up to the time the American Revolution commenced. In 1775 he was appointed colonel by the Continental Congress and fought by the side of the brave Montgomery when he fell at Quebec. On the 9th of August 1776 Congress raised him to the rank of Brigadier General. He was at the desperate de- fence of Fort Clinton in October 1777 and was severely wounded and escaped after the enemy had stormed the imperfect works with 4000 regulars against 500 soldiers mostly raw militia. He commanded a division under Gen. Sullivan in his expedition down the Susquehanna against the Indians and was one of his most reliable officers. He was raised to the rank of Major General and closed his brilliant military career at the siege of Yorktown. He subsequently filled several civil stations. In all the duties of public and private life he acquitted him- self nobly and with great usefulness to his country. He died on the 22d of December 1822 near his native place. COMS rOCK ADAM was first introduced to his relatives in 1743, 54 i26 THE SAGES AND HEROES He was a soldier by nature-powerful in body, of undaunted courage, an enthusiastic patriot and good disciplinarian. He had the confidence of Washington who raised him to the rank of Colonel in the Conti- nental line. At the brilliant victory at Red Bank he was the officer of the day. Alternately with Gen. Smith of Maryland he commanded at the successful defence of Mud Fort. After the war he filled various civil stations and was many years a member of the New York Legis- lature. His long and arduous services are a matter of history-no higher Eulogy need be pronounced. He died at his home in Saratoga County, New York on the 10th of April 1819. COWARD JOSEPH was a native of Monmouth County, New Jersey. In view of this cognomen we may well exclaim-" What's in a name my lord ?" He was a Coward and yet one of the bravest of the Revolutionary captains. He was a great terror to the refugees alias lories. At the battle of Monmouth and several other places his un- daunted courage was conspicuous. When the British fleet lay off Sandy Hook, one of the supply ships ran too near the shore and stuck fast. With a few men Capt. Coward captured her in defiance of two barges manned with superiors numbers that were sent^to the rescue. At the close of the war he returned to his farm-became the esteemed citizen and fully exemplified the noble attributes of an honest man. CROGHAN WILLIAM was born in Ireland in 1752 and came to America at an early age. He had imbibed no love for mother Eng- " land in his native country-he detested her tyranny in America. At the commencement of the Revolution he pledged his life in favor of equal rights. In 1776 he received the commission of Captain in the Continental army and took command of a company of Infantry in the Virginia line. He was in the battles of Brandywine, Germantown and Monmouth and received the high approbation of his superior officers. When the enemy invaded the south he was ordered to that field and raised to the rank of Major. At Charleston he was among the prisoners surrendered by Gen. Lincoln and was not exchanged during the war. He returned on parole and was a looker on at the siege of Yorktown but could wot participate in that glorious victory. In the spring of 1784 he located at Locust Grove, Jefferson County, Kentucky, where he lived respected until September 1822 when he departed to the spirit world deeply mourned by his numerous friends. CROPPER JOHN was born in Virginia in 1746. He was a captain in the 9th Virginia Regiment at the age of 19 which joined the northern army in December 1776. He was soon raised to the rank of major in the 5th Virginia Regiment which was literally cut to pieces at the battle of Brandywine. He retreated with those who could march and lay concealed in a thicket until after midnight and then proceeded to Ches- ter with a red handkerchief upon a ramrod for a flag. His friends were no less astonished than rejoiced to see him and his brave remnant of soldiers, supposing they had fallen or were prisoners. He was subse- quently raised to the rank of colonel and commanded the 11th Virginia Regiment until the 30th November 1782 when he returned to his long neglected home. When Commodore Whaley was attacked in the Che- sapeake Bay by five British barges and was deserted by the three that were wilh him at the commencement of the fight, Col. Cropper was in OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 427 the barge with him. The Commodore and half of his men being killed the Colonel continued the action and for some minutes defended himself against two white men and a negro of liis own who was the means of saving his life. The moment he discovered it was liis young master he cried out-" Save 7f)y r/ou?2g 7iiaster .'''-tor which Col. Cropper "-a ve nim his freedom and settled him comfortably in Baltimore. The Colo- nel was ultimately promoted to the rank of general-lived highly esteemed at Bowrnan's Folly until the 15th of January 1812 when he departed in peace to the upper world leaving an untarnished reputation and a well- earned fame on the records of history. CUSHING THOMAS was ushered into life at Boston, Mass. in 1725. He received a good education and commenced a useful public career soon after reaching his n)ajority. in 1763 he was chosen speaker of the General Court of Massachusetts and was continued for several years. He was with Adams, Hancock and the other bold Whigs in all the measures of that eventful period. He was a member of the Continental Congress in 1774-5 and continued active and unwa- vering in the cause of freedom until it was consummated. He tilled various legislative and judicial stations after the Revolution and pei- fnrmed all the duties of public and private life with ability and hdelity. He adorned the Christian character. He was lieutenant-governor when he died on the 28fh of February 1788. DALE RICHARD was born in Virginia in 1756. In 1776 he was made a midshipman on board the Lexmgion. The next year he was taken by the enemy and sent to the celebrated Mill Prison in England. At the end of a year he escaped to France and joined Paul Jones on board the American armed ship Bon Homme Richard and was made tirst lieutenant. He was in the desperate action with the British iri- gate Serapis. In 1794 he became a captain in the United Stales navy. In 1801 he was put in command of the American squadron that sailed to the Mediterranean and humbled the insolent Bashaw of Tripoli by battering down his castle. On his return in 1802 he located in Phila- delphia where he lived in peace and plenty until 1826 wiien he made his final bow to the king of terrors and launched upon the ocean of eter- nity. He earned an enduring reputation for bravery, skill and humane discipline as a naval officer. As a citizen he sustained an unblemished character. DARKE WILLIAM made his first appearance on earth in the county of Philadelphia, Pa. in 1736. His parents removed to Virginia when he was a child. He was with Braddock at his memorable defeat in 1755. At the commencement of the Revolution he entered the Con- tinental army with the commission of captain and served faithtully to the close of the war when he had reached the rank of major. In 1791 he was put in command of a regiment under Gen. St. Ciair-lost a son in the disastrous battle of the 4th of November of that year and had several hair-breadth escapes himself. His latter years were peaceful and happy. He died at his seat in Jelierson County, Virginia, on the 26th of Nov. 1801. He left an unsullied reputation. DAVJE RICHARDSON WILLIAM came into the world under the auspices of the crown of Britain at Egremont, England, on the 20th of June 1756. In 1763 his father brought him to North Carolina 428 THE SAGES AND HEROES and left him with the Rev. William Richardson a maternal uncle, who adopted him as a son and gave him a liberal education. At the com- mencement of the Revolution he resolved to join the patriots in the de- fence of equal rights. He was soon put in command of a company of dragoons and annexed to the legion under Count Pulaski. In a few months Capt. Davie was promoted to brigade major of cavalry. When Gen. Lincoln attempted to dislodge Lieut. Col. Maitland at Stono, Maj. Davie was severely wounded and disabled for five months. After his recovery he raised a corps of one company of dragoons and two of mounted infantry and spent the last shilling of a large estate in furnish- ing equipments and supplies for the service. He participated in the trying scenes of the southern campaigns under Generals Gates, Greene and others, until the foe was conquered and Independence secured. No officer of his grade did more to promote the cause of Liberty. After the war he became an eminent lawyer. He was a member of the Con- vention that framed the Federal Constitution. Every station he occu- pied in public and private life he filled with dignity and integrity. He w^as major-general of militia-governor of his State and minister to France in 1799. On his return his amiable wife was ill and soon died. He then removed to South Carolina and died at Chestei in 1820. In life he exemplified all those high qualities that adorn the man and the Christian. He never united with any church because he considered manufactured creeds too dogmatical and sectarian lines drawn too closely for the growth of charity which he considered as broad as the human family— as diffusive as mountain air. DAVIDSON WILLIAM was first presented to his fond parents in Lancaster County, Pa. in 1746 and when but four years of age removed with his father to Rowan County, N. C. At an early age he enlisted under the star spangled banner and was presented with the commision of major in one of the first regiments raised in North Carolina. Under Gen. Nash he repaired to the main army then in New Jersey. In 1779 he returned south, colonel of his regiment. By calling a few days at his home he escaped being made prisoner at the surrender of Charleston. He was very efficient in raising troops and supplies in his own state. In an engagement at Colson's Mills he was severely wounded and disabled for five weeks. On the last day of January 1780 Gen. Greene detached him with 300 men to prevent the enemy from passing the Catawba river. His corps was too small to repel the overwhelming force of Lord Corn- wallis. He made a desperate defence and was instantly killed at his post. Col. Hall and several more of the British fell at the same time. In life Col. Davidson was greatly beloved and was an officer of great promise. His loss was keenly regretted and sincerely mourned. DICKINSON PHILEMON was ushered into blooming life at Dover, Del. on the 5th of April 1739. Previous to the Revolution he located on a farm near Trenton, N. J. where he soon became prominent in public affairs. As in duty hound he boldly opposed the arrogant assumptwns of mother Britain. He was a member of the Convention that formed the first constitution of his adopted slate. He was made Commander-in- chief of the militia of N. J. and was very active in promoting the glorious cause of Independence. When stationed at Somerset Court House in January 1777 with only 300 plough boys of the true blue, Lord Corn- OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 42? wallis sent a foraging party of 400 regulars to a mill on the opposite side of Millstone river. Gen. Dickinson and his men forded the cold river which was up to their hips and rushed upon the enemy with such impetuosity that the red coats ran for dear life leaving their field pieces, nearly 50 wagons and over 100 English draft horses with a considerable number of cattle and sheep. So rapid was the flight that but 10 prisoners were taken. A number of killed and wounded were carried away in light wagons. Gen. Washington reported the brave act to Congress. Gen. Di(;kinson possessed great energy of character. When Red Bank was in jeopardy the Governor refused to order out the militia because his time had just expired and the election had passed through his own default. The General assumed the responsibility and brought them into the field in good time. He rendered essential service at the battle of Monmouth. He performed all the duties of life with promptness and fidelity. He was a member of the Senate of the U. S. He died at his residence in February 1809. DRAYTON WILLIAM HENRY commenced his infantile career at some place in South Carolina in 1742-atwhat point the record saith not. He was educated in England but did not fall in love with the prin- ciples of monarchy. He was among the first, boldest, ablest and most energetic patriots of his native state. He did much with his pen to open the minds of the people to a sense of their true condition politically. In 1774 he addressed a pamphlet to the Continental Congress under the title of " Freemen" which raised him to a prominent position among the patriots. It contained a bill of American Rights which was substantially adopted by that Congress. In 1775 he was President of the Provincial Congress and issued the first official order to oppose the enemy by force of arms. It was addressed to Col. William Moultrie directing him to '* oppose the passage of any British naval armament that may attempt to pass Fort Johnson." This marked his boldness and his zeal. He passed through several judicial offices up to Chief Justice of the state. In April 1776 he used this remarkable language in his charge to the grand jury- remarkable in point of time and the then existing circumstances of the Colonies. " The Almighty created America to be independent of Britain. Let us beware of the impiety of being backward to act as instruments in the Almighty hand now extended to accomplish his purpose." So long as South Carolina can produce such men she will not secede from the UNION but leave the fanatics of the north to blow ofl' their harmless gas in their political deploys at home. In 1778-9 Mr. Drayton was a member of the Continental Congress and died at his post in Philadelphia in September 1779. He was cut down in the prime of life and in the midst of a bright career of usefulness. He had earned an imperishable fame and stood approved by his country-his conscience and his God. DYER ELIPHALET commenced his first stage of human life at Windham, Conn, on the 28th of September 1721. He was liberally educated and became a sound lawyer. He took command of a Con- necticut regiment in 1755 and served ungrateful mother Britain faithfully during most of the French war. In 1763 he went to England on business and there became thoroughly acquainted with the base designs of the ministry upon the American Colonies. On his return he was prepared to warn the people of approaching danger. He was an ardent whig-a 430 THE SAGES AND HEROES fearless opposer of tyranny. He was a member of the Congress of 1766- 74. He was Chief Justice of his state for many years and retired from public life in 1793. He adorned the prominent virtues that dignify a man and make him useful in life-happy in death. He closed his earthly pilgrimage in 1807, ELLSWORTH OLIVER was born at Windsor, Conn, on the 29th of April 1745. He graduated at Princeton College, N.J. and became an eminent member of the Bar. He was a firm advocate of chartered rights-a stern opposer of British wrongs. He used his noblest exertions to induce the people to strilie for liberty. In 1777 he was elected to the Continental Congress. His commanding talents, stern integrity, power- ful eloquence, keen perception, conclusive logic, lucid demonstrations-all combined to render him an efficient and highly appreciated member. He was a useful delegate of the Convention that framed the Federal Constitution. In 1789 he was elected to the U. S. Senate-in 1796 appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States-in 1799 Envoy Extraordinary to France and dignified each of these high stations. Owing to ill health he resigned his seat at the head of the Supreme Bench in 1800. Several high offices were subsequently ten- dered to him which he respectfully declined. His whole life was chastened with a republican simplicity and primitive purity seldom found among those in high life at the present ominous era. All admire his brilliant examples-too few will imitate them. Judge Ellsworth slumbered in death on the 26th Nov. 1807. FORREST URIAH was ushered into life in the county of St. Mary, Md. in 1756. In his youth he was commissioned a lieutenant in one of the Maryland regiments and soon gained the reputation of a brave and skilful officer. He rose rapidly to the rank of lieutenant-colonel. He acted a brilliant part in the battle of Germantown where he lost a leg which closed his active military career. A man of strong intellect improved by a good store of useful knowledge-he had a bright career before him. He was a man of unbounded popularity and influence- filled various public stations in his native State-was a member of the Continental Congress-of the Legislature of Maryland and a member of Congress under the Federal Constitution. He was for many years major-general of the Maryland militia. In all his public stations he ac- quitted himself nobly-in private life he had the esteem of a large con- course of friends. The time of his final exit is not upon the record. GADSDEN CHRISTOPHER was born in South Carolina in 1724. He was the originator of the Liberty tree in America. To cut loose from mother Britain was a cherished project in his penetrating mind long before the Revolution. He did not join in the general joy caused by the repeal of the Stamp Act. He looked upon it like the transient calm in a storm that often precedes the increased fury of the elements. As early as 1762 he frequently said that nothing but open resistance would ever obtain justice from Great Britain. Upon these matured conclusions he continued to act until his long nursed vision became a happy reality and was eclipsed by the more refulgent glories of the De- claration of Independence. He was a member of the Congress con- vened at New York in 1765 and of the one at Philadelphia in 1774. Ho was also a general of militia. He was of great service in rousing OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 431 the people to action. He was among the prisoners at the city of Charles- ton and then lieutenant-governor. Being ill he was paroled. On the 27th of August 1780 he was dragged from his sick bed-put on board a prison ship and taken to the castle at St. Augustine in violation of the rights of prisoners on parole. He was there treated with great cruelty. A parole for the town was oiTered him at St. Augustine which he indig- nantly refused, saying he could place no dependence on any promise from a British officer. When Mnj. Andre was executed Gen. Gadsden was tauntingly admonished to prepare for death as he would be made the retaliatory sacrifice. He firmly replied-" I am always prepared to die for my country." A more inflexible patriot, a more noble spirit, a more ardent friend of Liberty never came from the clean hands of the Creator. Gen. Gadsden had the love, sympathy, confidence and admi- ration of every friend of the American cause. He died in 1805. GANSEVORT PETER entered upon the first stage of human life at Albany, N. Y. on the 16th of July 1749. His taste for military tactics was manifested in his boyhood. When he arrived at manhood he raised a coinpany of grenadiers that elicited the admiration of every beholder. Not one of its members was under six feet-Capt. Gansevort was six feet three. In point of discipline and martial appearance, this company had no superior. Being a firm Whig Capt. G. was ready to do good service for his country at the commencement of the Revolu- tion. He was appointed a major by Congress on the 19th of July 1795. On the 19th of the next month betook command of the second battalion of the New York forces and shared the perilous campaign with Gen. Montgomery which terminated the lite of the latter. Congress made liim lieutenant-colonel on the 19th of March 1776 and on the 21st of November of that year appointed him colonel of the 3d Regiment in the Continental army. His defence of Fort Stanwix in August 1777 was one of the most brilliant achievements of the American Revolution. It was besieged by a large body of British, Tories and Indians, com- manded by Col. St. Leger, who threatened summary vengeance unless an unconditional surrender was made. He soon found he had waked up the wrong passenger. He was promptly informed that Col. Ganse- vort never surrendered. The fort was defended until aid was sent when Col. St. Leger was conipelled to leave suddenly. For this brave act Congress recorded him a vote of thanks on the 4th of October of that year. In 1778 he was ordered to Albany-the next year accompa- nied Gen. Sullivan in his expedition against the Indians and with a chosen band of kindred spirits surprised and took the lower Mohawk castle and a large number of prisoners. In 1781 an arrangement was smuggled through Congress by improper influences that legislated this officer and several other gallant men out of the army to the great mor- tification of Washington. His native State made him a major-general of militia. After the war he held the office of sheriff' in Albany County- was commissioner to fortify the frontier posts-make treaties with the Indians-military agent of the Northern Department and in 1802 was commissioned a brigadier-general in the army of the United States which he held until the 2d of July 1812 when he was suddenly called from time to eternity at the moment our country needed just such men to conduct the second war of Independence. Gen. Gansevoort was 432 THE SAGES AND HEROES endowed with an unusual share of the noble qualities that dignify a man in pubHc and priv^ate life all of which were purified by a life of practical piety. GIBSON JOHN was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania on the 23d of May 1740. At the age of 18 he was an excellent classical scholar. He was in service under Gen, Forbes when Fort Dii Quesne [now Pittsburgh] was taken from the French and Indians. He settled there in 1763 for the purpose of trade. In a short time he was taken prisoner by the Indians and had his life saved by an old squaw who adopted him in the room of a lost son. He was detained several years-became familiar with the language of several tribes-with the general habits of red men which prepared him for future duties. On gaining his liberty he returned to Pittsburgh and served under Lord Dunmore in his ex- pedition against the Shawnee Towns which resulted in a treaty with the children of the forest. Gen. Gibson was the mediator and inter- preter. To him alone was the celebrated speech of the noble hearted Logan delivered in a copse a short distance from the council ground. By him it was communicated to the other Chiefs and to Lord Dunmore. At the commencement of the Revolution Gen. Gibson commanded a regiment in the regular army-served a short time in New York and New Jersey-was then transferred to his more appropriate place upon the frontiers to keep in check the Indians, After the war he filled various civil stations and was appointed Secretary of Indiana in 1800 and filled the office until the state was formed. He then took up his residence with George Wallace, near Braddock's Field, who had mar- ried his daughter with whom he lived until the 10th of April 1S22, when his immortal spirit returned to Him who gave it. GIBSON GEORGE first made his appearance among his friends at Lancaster, Pennsylvania in 1747. He was well educated-became a clerk to a merchant in Philadelphia-sailed to the West Indies several times as supercargo and finally went to his brother John at Pittsburgh. There he was employed in a trading voyage down the Ohio and was unfortunate. He changed his location and business several times up to the period of the Revolution when he raised a company of the border men who were not of polished manners but would fight like tigers. With them he joined the Virginia troops at Willianisburgh, Virginia. They were all sharp-shooters of which Lord Dunmore became con- vinced on the 25th of October 1775 when he attacked Hampton with a naval force and was driven back by this company with considerable loss. Capt. Gibson performed a perilous journey to New Orleans for the purpose of obtaining powder for the army from the Spanish which was a very delicate mission and was performed with skill and success. He returned through the wilderness and Indian tribes and travelled 1800 miles on foot. Wonder how many public functionaries we have now who would perform a similar journey for the sake of fheir country- even if they should get their mileage, hot toddy, roast beef and ^8 per day. On his return he was put in command of a Virgiania regi- ment and joined Lee's division of the Continental army at New York. This division covered the retreat of the main army and formed a junc- tion with it on the west bank of the Delaware. At the battle of Trenton Col. Gibson served under the direct command of Washington. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 435 He continued with him and participated in the battles, privations and sufferings of that forlorn hope of American Freedom up to 1779 when the term of his regiment expired. He was then put in command of the prison station near York, Pennsylvania, where he contmued to the close of the war. In 1791 he commanded a regiment under Gen. St. Clair and acted a most gallant part in the unsuccessful sanguinary battle of the 4th of November of that year where his regiment was nearly annihilated and himself mortally wounded. He lingered in great pain at Fort Jefferson until the 11th of December following when death relieved him from his sufferings. While living he was the delight of every circle in which he nioved-noble, generous, warm hearted, persevering, brave, prudent, just and honest. His well earned fame is enduring as history. GREENE CHRISTOPHER commenced his earthly career at War- wick, Rhode Island in 1737. He received a good English education- became familiar with mathematics-was partial to military tactics and became a member of the " Kentish Guards" at an early age and was made their Lieutenant. In May 1775 he was commissioned a Major in the brigade under his kinsman Gen. Nathaniel Greene. At the attack on Quebec he conmianded a company in the division of Gen, Montgomery and headed the party that entered the town and was taken prisoner. Soon after he was exchanged he was put in com- mand of the regiment previously commanded by Gen. Varnum. In 1777 Washington placed Fort Mercer, at Red Bank on the Delaware, in his charge with only 500 men. This was attacked soon after the battle of Brandy wine by Col. Donop on the Jersey side with 1200 men. The enemy were repulsed with great slaughter-Col. Donop. Lieut. Col. Mingerode and several other officers were killed and 400 of their soldiers killed and wounded. At the same time the British fleet and a battery on the Pemisylvania side opened a heavy fire on the contiguous Fort Mifflin, tlien called Mud Fort, and succeeded in having their favorite ship Augusta, of 64 guns, blown up with a part of her crew and the armed ship Merlin burned-glory enough for one day. Col. Greene received the thanks of Congress and was voted a splendid sword which was presented to his son Job in 1786. In 1781 Col. Greene was posted in advance of the army near Croton river above New York and had quartered his men in several farmhouses. On the night of the 13th of May of that year he was suddenly attacked by a superior force of refugees alias tones. They broke into the room of the Colonel who despatched a number of them with his sword but was eventually overpowered and cut up in the most horrid manner. Maj. Flagg was also murdered with every soldier they could find. No officer fell during the Revolution more deeply lamented-no one of his grade better deserved the gratitude and esteem of his country. GRAEFF GEORGE was born in Lancaster, Pa. in 1755. He was a brave captain in the Continental army and did good service in the cause of Independence. He acted a gallant part at the battle on Long Island in 1776. Subsequent to the war he filled several civil offices with credit and usefulness. He was emphatically an honest man. He died at his native town on the 13th of November 1823. GRIFFIN CYRUS was one of the bold Virginians who early 55 434 THE SAGES AND HEROES advocated the glorious cause of Independence. He used every energy to rouse the people to a sense of impending danger. He ably filled various public stations-was a member of the Continental Congress and one of the Presidents of that august assemblage of Sages. He lived in the esteem of his country and associates until 1810 when he made his exit to the spirit world. GURNEY FRANCIS was first introduced on this whirling planet in Bucks County, Pa. in 1738. His military genius became early developed. He entered the service of mother Britain at the age of 18 and braved the perils and hardships of the French war from its com- mencement to its close. His reputation for bold enterprise and noble daring he carved high on the temple of epic fame. At the capture of Cape Breton he acted a conspicuous part. At the taking of Guadaloupe his bravery was a subject of general remark. At the close of these arduous services he commenced a successful career in the mercantile business in the city of Philadelphia. There he was when the revolutionary storm loomed up. He looked upon the conduct of mother England as basely ungrateful. He snuffed the breeze of Liberty and struck for Free- dom. His noblest energies were roused to action. His large military experience and keen perception enabled him to point out those who were best calculated to make efficient officers. Mifflin, Cadwalader and others were first recommended by him. His zeal and activity in the cause of sutlering humanity were above all praise. Believing he could render more service out of thearmythaninit-hedeclined a commission until the 25th of May 1775 when he took command of an infantry company of volunteers. The next year he entered the regular service with the com- mission of lieutenant-colonel in the 11th regiment of the Pennsylvania Line. He was in the battle of Iron Hill, Brandy wine and Germantown where he fully sustained his reputation for daring bravery. The wire- working system of promotions that was early introduced and injuriously pursued did not comport with his fine sense of military usage which caused him to resign. This did not abate his zeal in the cause-he con- tinued to advance the best interests of the patriots until he saw his country tree from bondage. After the Revolution he resum.ed his business at Philadelphia-filled many municipal and legislative stations-commanded a regiment in the army of 1794 which put down the whiskey insurgents- became brigadier-general of militia-performed every duty that devolved upon him in public and private life with ability and fidelity-was in all respects a man who commanded the confidence and esteem of all who made his acquaintance-adorned the Christian character and slumbered in death at his country seat near Philadelphia on the 25th of Mav 1815. GWINN WILLIAM was born in Ireland in 1748. In 1772 lie came to Pennsylvania and from that time to the close of his life manifested a deeo interest for the welfare of his adopted country. During the Revolu- tion he served in the stafT of Gen. Mifflin and was highly esteemed *v" his faithful performance of every duty and his uniform zeal in the cause of Independence. After the war he removed to Monkton Mills, Baltimore County, Md. where he lived highly respected until the 1st of October 1819 when he died deeply mourned by his numerous friends. HALE NATHAN entered upon his eventful career of life at Coventry, Conn, at what time we have no word. He was liberally educated-a OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 435 young man of great promise and entered the army at the coirimence- ment of the Revolution in command of a company under Col. Knovvlton. He was at the battle of Long Island on the 27th of August 1776 and one of the 9000 who effected a retreat during the night to the great chagrin of the British who were encamped not over 600 yards from the Americans. Shortly after that disastrous affair Washington employed Capt. Hale to enter the English camp as a spy. Unfortunately he was detected and executed the next morning by order of Sir William Howe under circum- stances of fiendish barbarity that left a black spot upon the escutcheon of that proud officer that time or angel's tears can never expunge. He was denied a clergyman and a bible and the letters that he wrote to his widowed mother and relatives were destroyed. He died a brave and willing martyr to the cause of Liberty and lamented with his last breath that he had but one life to sacrifice for his country. How great the contrast between the course our country has pursued in memory of this young hero and that of England towards Andre. In point of talent and exalted character, Hale was equal to him. The one was engaged as a simple spy-the other was in league with a base traitor on a grand scale. The one has no extended notice in our history-the other has been lauded to the skies by the historians of both nations. Not a stone marks the resting place of Capt. Hale-a splendid monument has been erected by England sacred to the memory of Andre. The family of the one was neglected by our government-that of the other pensioned in a princely manner. ThQ fact that our nation was then just bursting into life is the only apology to be offered. HAMILTON ALEXANDER was born on the Island of Nevis in 1757. His father was an Englishman, his mother an American and brought him to New York in 1773 *and placed him in Columbia college. His towering genius burst upon the world like a blazing meteor in the darkness of night. At the age of 17 he grasped the mighty concerns that were then rocking; England and America in the cradle of fearful I • i_ J commotion. He then wrote several essays upon the rights and wrongs of the two nations that were attributed to Mr. Jay. College walls could not keep him from the field of glory. At the age of 19 he commanded a company of artillery and was ever ready for a little more grape when it could be used to advantage. He soon attracted the attention of the penetrating Washington who appointed him one of his aids in 1777 with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. A selection was never more judiciously made-no commander could be better served. From that period to the close of the war our country was benefited by the combined wisdom and noblest efforts of two of the brightest constellations of genuius that have ever illuminated our world. In every battle where Washington com- manded Col. Hamilton was at his post regardless of danger. When the two destructive redoubts were carried at the siege of Yorktown facing a storm of iron hail he led the advanced corps under La Fayette. Not a gun was fired-the charge was like a rushing avalanche. The surrender of that garrison closed his Revolutionary services. His manly brow was decked with epic laurels that can never lose their amaranthine freshness whilst patriotic fire glows or history endures. In 1782 he was elected to Congress and shed fresh lustre on that au- gust body of sages. He grasped every subject with a gigantic mental 436 THE SAGES AND HEROES power that filled the more experienced members with astonishment and admiration. He originated measures with a surprising facility and wisdom that were truly beneficial. He was a member of the Conven- tion that framed the Federal Constitution. He was in favor of what he considered a stronger government than the one formed-one that some would call ultra federal. At the final organization under the new Constitution he was placed at the head of the Treasury Department.- To the surprise and joy of all concerned he raised the credit of the na- tion rapidly from the lowest depths of depreciation to a lotty eminence of credit. At the end of six years he resigned and resumed the prac- tice of law in the city of New York. When the provisional army was raised in 1798 in anticipation of a war with France, he was placed next in command to Washington and proved one of the most efficient disciplinarians that ever graced the profession of arms. On the dis- banding of this army he again resumed his profession at the bar. In 1804 he was challenged by Col. Burr and sacrificed his life on the bar- barous field of false honor contrary to his better judgment and finer feelings. He was mortally wounded on the 11th of July 1804 and died the next day. So opposed was he in principle to duelling that he fired his pistol in the air. He died deeply regretting the sad error, with full faith in the merits of his Saviour to wash every stain from his noble soul and present him with a crown of unfading glory. His sudden death and the manner his bright career was terminated spread a mantle of gloom over our country and the civilized world. His transcendent talents had attracted the admiring gaze of Europe and America. He was in all respects a remarkable man. His flashes of genius were like vivid lightnino- that startles-their force like crashing thunderbolts that shiver every obstacle in their way.' He mastered everything in the course of his business by talismanic intuition. He filled the orbit of every station he occupied-he illuminated his pathway with a brilliancy that dazzled. He left a pillar of living light on the bright pages of his- tory that will reflect its mellow rays on the horizon of Liberty through all time. HA]\HLTON PAUL was one of the unflinching native patriots of South Carolina who resolved on Liberty or death. He filled a large space in the public mind and performed many public duties with ability and fidelity. He was governor of his Stale-Secretary of the Navy under President Madison and dignified every station he occupied. He bid farewell to his friends, earth and its toils in 1810. HATHAWAY BENONI was born in New Jersey in 1754. He was among the first who boldly struck for Liberty. He did not wail until the iron was hot before he raised his hammer but heated it by continuous and heavy blows. He commanded a company of citizen rangers that became a terror to the scouting and foraging parties of the enemy and frequently captured them and the sentinels of their main camp in the darkness of night! When Gen. Kniphausen was encamped at Elizabelhtovvn with his Hessians his most bewitching hours were often interrupted by this sleepless company. At one of these attacks Capt. Hathaway was wounded in the iiead by a musket ball and was unconscious for several hours but recovered and continued his guerrilla warfare until the last loyal Briton made good his retreat across the OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 42r7 great heron pond. He was highly esteemed through life and met death with Christian fortitude at Newark, N. J. on the 19th of April 1823. HAWKINS NATHAN was first introduced to the human family in Rhode Island in 1749. His patriotism grew with his growth and strengthened with his strength. When a mere youth he was the dele- gate of South Kingston to carry assistance to the citizens of Boston when reduced to distress by the infamous Port Bill. The war-cry from the heights of Lexington broke his slumbers at the hour of midnight-in less than twelve hours he was leading a brave volunteer corps to the rescue. He served faithfully during the whole period of the Revolu- tion-acted a gallant part in several battles and is fully entitled to a place upon the records of enduring fame. When the war closed he lo- cated and closed his life at Charlestown, Mass.-filled several civil offices -was highly esteemed by his fellow citizens-sustained the noble reputa- tion of an honest man-died October 3d 1817. HAWLEY JOSEPH entered upon his earthly pilgrimage in North- ampton, Mass. in 1724. He was one of the first who opposed the usur- pations of the crown officers and the patriot who wrote to John Adams just as the Congress of 1774 closed and used the truly prophetic lan- guage-" AFTER ALL WE MUST FIGHT." He was a man ot strong intellect, great penetration of mind, a close observer of men and things, an in- flexible friend to the cause of equal rights. In public meetings, in the legislature, in his social intercourse-at all proper times and places-he sowed the seeds of Liberty broadcast. When told the Colonies were too weak for resistance he replied-" We must put to sea-Providence will bring us into port." He was a lawyer of eminence and strongly opposed to accepting public office although he served his State in the Legislature several times. He exemplified the Christian religion by a life of primitive piety but was an uncompromising foe to fanaticism, bigotry, sectarianism and the dogmatical creeds of men. His charity spread its broad mantle over the whole family of man. He held the commission of major of militia but owing to his frequent and sudden attacks of illness he did not serve in the tented field. He enjoyed the esteem and confidence of every friend of freedom and passed peacefully from earth on the 10th of March 178G. HAYNE ISAAC-[see the Biography of John Penn in Part I.] I can find no record of his birth. HEATH WILLIAM was born in Roxbury, Mass. in 1737. He left his plough in the furrow the moment the war-cry reached him and has- tened to the field of epic glory. He was constitutionally a military man. Congress conferred upon him the commission of brigadier-gene- ral in 1775. The next year Congress raised him to the rank of major- general. He commanded a division at the battle of King's Bridge in 1776 and next year was placed over the Eastern Department with his headquarters at Boston and filled that arduous station until November 1778. Burgoyne and his army were under his charge as prisoners of war and at first gave him much trouble. The haughty Bntish general and his oflicers supposed General Heath a novice in the rules of mili- tary etiquette and put on airs that induced insubordination among the English soldiers. In this they were mistaken. Gen. Heath had been a close military student from his boyhood. He had nothing new to learn 438 THE SAGES AND HEROES from these high dignitaries but an insolent assumption of importance that he soon cured and reduced them to their proper level. With the humanity of a philanthropist and the polish of an old school gentleman he united the firmness of a Rom.an, the courage of a hero and the dig- nity of a nobleman. In the summer of 1780 he was master of ceremonies at Rhode Island on the reception of the French fleet under the command of Admiral de Ternay with the troops that were sent to aid in sustaining our Inde- pendence. A mutual pleasure was experienced on that occasion which matured into lasting friendship. In 1781 Gen. H. was successfully em- ployed at the east in raising supplies for the army. When Gen. Wash- ington repaired to Yorktown Gen. Heath was left in command of the northern and eastern branches of the army that remained to sustain the garrisons upon the Hudson and Atlantic. At all times and under all circumstances he acquitted himself nobly and received a letter of sin- cere thanks from Washington at the close of the war for his zeal and promptness in the performance of the long and arduous services that had devolved upon him. After the war closed he filled various legisla- tive and judicial stations with dignity and ability. He was elected lieutenant-governor in 1806 but refused to serve. He had earned a lasting fame-was beloved by his countrymen at large and glided down the stream of time peacefully until the 24th of January 1814 when his spirit returned to its original happy home. HESTON EDWARD was ushered into Hestonville, county of Philadelphia, Petmsylvania in 1745. He was one of the brave farmers who exchanged the plough for the sword. He entered the army as Captain and rose to the rank of Lieut. Colonel. By his vigilance in watching Lord Cornwallis when in Philadelphia he saved the brigade of Gen. Potter from being captured. The day previous to the battle of Germantown, with a few bold spirits he faced a heavy fire and suc- ceeded in cutting the rope at the middle ferry to prevent the communi- cation of the enemy with Philadelphia. In a skirmish with a party of British he received a severe sword cut on the back of his head, was taken prisoner and sent to Long Island where he was detained for seven months. After the Revolution closed he was an active member of the legislature of his native state and was esteemed through life for benevolence, charity, patriotism and rigid honesty. He died at his residence in Hestonville on the 14th day of March 1824. HOLDEN LEVI was born in New Jersey in 1754. He entered the Continental army as Captain in 1776 and served faithfully until mother Britain relinquished her maternal care over the Colonies and left her froward child to act its own will and pleasure-a prudent course for the old lady and a fair business transaction. For three years Capt. Holden was attaclied to Washington's life guard and was highly esteemed by him. After the war he located at Newark, New Jersey where he enjoyed the esteem of the community for 30 years and descended to the tomb on the 19th day of April 1823, ripe in years and rich with honors. HOUSTON JOHN was one of the nucleus of patriots who put the Revolutionary ball in motion at the Liberty Pole meeting in Georgia. Himself and Mr. Bullock were among the few who dared express their OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 439 opinions at that meeting. Before it adjourned the fire of patriotism was kindled in so many bosoms that royal power trembled at the probable result. Mr. Houston was a member of the Continental Congress in 1775 and performed his duty nobly. He was subsequently a judge of the Supreme Court and governor of his state. He was a man of fine talents, great energy, sterling integrity and devoted patriotism. He enjoyed the full fruition of the love of his country and friends until 1796 when he passed peacefully from time to eternity. HOWARD JOHN EAGER commenced infancy in Baltimore Md. in 1752. He resolved on Liberty or death at the commencement of that long and doubtful struggle that resulted in Freedom to America. He was among those who dared snatch the laurels from the proud sons of mother Britain and place them upon their own manly brows. He entered the army with the conirnission of Captain and was raised to the rank of Lieut. Colonel in 1779. He was one of the bravest of the brave. At the victory of Cowpens he held the swords of seven British officers at one time who had surrendered personally to him. His skill and bravery were exhibited at the battles of Germantown, White Plains, Monmouth, Camden and Hobbick's Hill. So highly were his services appreciated by Gen. Greene that he used this strong language- " As a patriot and soldier Col. Howard deserves a statue of gold no less than the Roman and Grecian Heroes." This short sentence is the crowning capital of the climax of eulogy. At the close of the Revolu- tion Col. Howard returned to his large real estate in the city of Balti- more. Subsequent to the formation of the Federal govenmient he was a member of the United States Senate and Governor of Maryland. No man was more beloved by his fellow citizens-no one better deserved their esteem. He died at his residence in 1827. HUMPJiREY DAVID commenced his career of life in Derby, Conn, on the — of July 1752. He was a graduate of Yale college and fre- quently danced attendance to the muses. He was a staunch friend of his country and entered the army a Captain. In 1773 he was aid to Gen. Putnam and in turn aid to Parsons, Greene and in 1780 became an aid to Gen. Washington with the rank of Lieut. Colonel with whom he re- mained until Lord Cornwallis fired his last gun at Yorktown. On all occasions Col. Humphrey acted a brave and noble part. His cliivalrous conduct at the siege of Yorktown induced Congress to vote him an elegant sword. In 1784 he was the secretary of Mr. Jefferson then minister to France. In 1786 he retired to his native place and was elected to the legislature. In 1788 he was placed in command of a regiment raised for the western service. In 1790 he was appointed ambassador to the Court of Portugal and in 1797 minister plenipotentiary to the Court of Madrid. On his return from Spain he introduced the Merino sheep into the United States and deserves great credit for his successful exertions in the improvement of wool and its manufacture. In ail the multiform duties of his active lite Col. Humphrey had the full approbation of his country. In private life he exeni[)litied the virtues that make a' good citizen. He closed his useful career at New Haven Connecticut on the 21st of February 1818. HUNTINGTON JEDEDL'^H was born in Norwich, Connecticut in 1743. He was a graduate of Harvard College, an enterprising rner- 440 THE SAGES AND HEROES chant and a whig of the first water. He led his regiment to the Y ead quarters of the army at Cambridge early in 1775. His activity, eal, courage and efficiency in the field gained the admiration of Washington who procured his advancement to the rank of Brigadier General. He rendered his best services to promote the glorious cause of Indepen- dence and remained in the field during the whole period of the war. He subsequently filled various civil offices. He was appointed Collec- tor of the Port of New London by Washington and performed his duties faithfully during four consecutive administrations. He enjoyed the profound respect of the very intelligent citizens of New London until the 25th of September 1818 when he took his departure to the spirit world. IRVINE ANDREW was a native of Ireland, brother to Gen. Wil- liam Irvine spoken of more at length in Part I. Dr. Matthew Irvine of Charleston, South Carolina was a third brother and served in the Continental army. Andrew entered the regiment of his brother Wil- liam as Lieutenant and was engaged in the Canada service under Gen. Wayne, He was in every action with that General up to the mas- sacre of Paoli where he received seventeen bayonet wounds and miraculous as it was, recovered and was actively engaged in the northern and southern campaigns. No officer of his rank did more service-no one could do it in a more heroic manner. After the war he lived in the esteem of the citizens of Carlisle, Pa. where he died on the 4th of May 1789. IRWIN JARED was born in Mecklinburg, North Carolina in 1751. At the age of seven years he became a resident of Georgia. At the com- mencement of the Revolution he was a pioneer in one of the frontier settlements adjacent to the Indian tribes where he became the leader of his neighbors in keeping the red men at bay and teaching the tories salutary lessons. In that department he rendered himself eminently use- ful during the war. He was a member of the first legislature of Georgia under the new government which convened at Savannah in 1784. From that time forward he became emphatically a leading public man. He was long a member of the Georgia Senate and for many years its presi- dent. He was repeatedly Governor of the state. He filled every station in a manner that gained the unqualified approbation of his constituents. His public life was adorned by those private virtues that are indispensable to render a man truly great. He died at Union, Washington County, Georgia, on the 1st of March 1818. JACKSON ANDREW commenced his brilliant life in the Waxhaw settlement, S. C. in 1767. He was constitutionally a patriot, soldier and statesman. He enlisted in the Continental army at the age of 14 and performed feats of noble courage that would have honored manhood. When fighting bravely for his country he was wounded and taken prisoner. After much suffering he was exchanged and at the close of the war prosecuted his studies and became a respectable member of the Bar. He commanded a successful expedition against the southern Indians-in 1820 was the commissioner to receive the Floridas from Spain-was made governor of that territory and performed many public duties with great energy. He was a major-general during the last war with mother Britain. His defence of New Orleans against the veteran '^-VORAVED Br rn WELCff.FHOMj^ UnAWNG BYJ.B.£OWGAaiiE. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 441 army of Gen. Packenham has no parallel in nnodern warfare. In 1828 Gen. Jackson was elected President of the United States and served two ternns. He was emphatically a man of the people. In point of physical and moral courage he had no superior. He was stern in his integrity, honest in his purposes, unbending in his resolves-determined in his course of action. When time shall absorb the bitterness of party spirit that his bold administration created-the historian will trace the fair lines of the career of Andrew Jackson and present a picture to after generations that will command their profound admiration. He lived a patriot-he died a Christian in 1845. JACKSON JAMES first inhaled the atmosphere at Moreton Horn- stead in the County of Devon, England, on the 21st of September 1757. His father was a strong whig and brought him to Georgia in 1772 and left him with his friend John Wereat, Esquire. James Jackson did not fancy hereditary monarchy or purse-proud aristocracy. His very nature was republican. At the dawn of the Revolution he was ready to peril his life in the cause of equal rights. The war cry that came rushing on mighty wind from the blood stained heights of Lexington he hailed as the day-spring of FREEooM-the morning star of liberty. At the age of 18 he was a volunteer in the party of bold spirits that made a descent on Savannah. At the attack on Tybee his dauntless courage attracted the attention of Archibald Bullock who was the acting head of the patriots. In a short time Jackson was in command of a volunteer company of light infantry. In 1778 he rose to the rank of brigade-major of the Georgia militia. At the storming of Savannah his gallantry could not be excelled. He was in the battle of Blackstocks on the 20th of August 1780. After Tarleton had retreated Major Jackson was put on his track and brought back 30 horses. At the battle of Cowpens the Major received the thanks of Gen. Morgan on the battle field. When in service under Gen. Pickens his noble daring was particularly noticed in the reports of that officer. About this time he was made a Colonel with the privilege of raising his own regiment, which he quickly accomplished. He com- manded at the capture of the British fort at Ogechee, the post at Butler's White house and seemed to court danger whenever an opportunity pre- sented. In his victory over Col. Brown on the 21st of May 1782, Gen. Wayne awarded great praise to Col. Jackson. On the 12th of July of that year the British surrendered Savannah and by arrangement delivered the keys to this brave Colonel who continued to command it until the close of the war. He then commenced a successful practice of law and stood on a lofty eminence of merit. He was hailed as one who had con- tributed largely towards achieving the Liberty all then enjoyed. He was raised to the office of major-general of militta-was a member of the legis- lature-quorum of the state and a member of the U. S. Senate. He was found equal to every station he was called to fill. He died at Washington city while at his post in the Senate on the 19th of January 1806. JAMES JOHN was born in Ireland in 1732. His father and several of his neighbors came to Virginia in 1733 and settled at Williamsburg which name they gave to the place in honor of King William. They had all imbibed an unconquerable dislike towards England. At the commencement of the Revolution all their descendants were prepared to oppose her unjust pretensions. No one amongst them was a more 56 442 THE SAGES AND HEROES determined opponent than John James. Familiar with border warfare he was prepared to act efficiently. He had long been a captain of militia under the crown and at once resigned his commission. His com- pany all declared for Liberty and retained him in command. In 1776 he left his plough and marched his men to the defence of Charleston where he remained for some time. He was soon promoted to the rank of major and became one of the most active officers in service. He was with Gen. Moultrie when he was closely pressed by Gen. Provost. At the skirm- ish at Tulifinny he commanded the rifle corps. He acted a brave part at the battle of Eulavv. His riflemen expended 24 rounds of cartridges on the enemy and rarely wasted any ammunition. He was the original nucleus of Marion's brigade. He performed many bold exploits-had numerous hair-breadth escapes. At one time he was alone and attacked by two British dragoons who were in advance of their comrades. As they drew their sabres to cut him down he brought them to a sudden halt by drawing an empty pistol and then leaped over a chasm a little too broad for Tarleton's sportsmen. Just previous to the close of the war he returned to his rusty plough and lived in the high esteem of a grateful country and his numerous acquaintances until 1791 when he closed his useful career in death. He was a member of the Virginia legislature and filled several civil offices with credit and fidelity. JASPER WILLIAM was a brave sergeant in the division of Gen. Moultrie. For personal bravery and shrewdness he had few equals. In the heat of the attack upon Fort Moultrie the flag stafl" was shot off' by a cannon ball. The banner fell outside of the works. Amidst a storm of iron hail Jasper leaped from one of the embrasures, recovered the flag, mounted it on his spontoon staflT and unfurled it to the breeze. He was promoted to the highest rank he would accept-a roving com- mission and the privilege of selecting his companions to aid him in his bold and romantic enterprises. He often brought in prisoners before Gen. Moultrie was aware of his absence. On one occasion several prisoners were ironed and put under a guard of eight soldiers with a corporal and sergeant and started for Savannah with a fair prospect of the hemp. One was a Mr. Jones whose young wife was in great agony on his account and followed him with their oiily child-a lovely boy five years of age. Jasper and his kindred spirit Sergeant Newton, resolved on their rescue. Within two miles of Savannah in a copse of wood is a spring of excellent water about six rods from the road. There Jasper and Newton lay in ambush. When the party arrived eight of them laid down their guns in the road and went to the fountain to drink, leaving two to guard their prisoners. The next moment the two on guard slumbered in death-the rest of the British party were all made prisoners-the Americans released and the whole arrived at the American camp the next morning at Perrysburg. The distressed wife had no intimation of the heroic adventure until the crack of the two guns from Jasper and Newton. The next moment she clasped her fond husband to her convulsed bosom. Her joy may be faintly imagined- not described. Gov. Rutledge presented Jasper with an elegant sword for his nuble daring at Fort Moultrie. Soon after the brave defence of Fort Moultrie Mrs. Elliott presented a splendid stand of colors to Col. Moultrie's regiment that composed ilie force in that action. At the OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 443 Storming of Savannah two officers fell in an attempt to plant these colors upon a redoubt of the enemy. When a retreat was ordered Jasper was mortally wounded while in the act of rescuing this standard from the enemy. After the retreat Maj. Horry called to see him and ■was made the bearer of the following message. " I have got mv fur- lough. That sword was presented to me by Governor Rutledge fur my services in defence of Fort Moultrie. Give it to my father and tell him I wore it in honor. If the old man should weep tell him his son died in hope of a better life. Tell Mrs. Elliott 1 lost my life in sup- porting the colors she presented to our regiment. Should you ever see Jones, wife and son-tell them Jasper is gone but the remembrance of that battle which he fought for them brought a secret joy in my heart when it was about to slop its motion for ever." In a few moments after he closed this message his noble soul suared to heaven. JxlY JOHN was born in the city of New York in 1745. He was one of the noble sages who dared to be free. He took an early and decided stand in favor of Liberty. He was of great service in rousing the people to a sense of their true intei'ests. He was elected to Con- gress and took his seat in that body the latter part of 1776 and presided in the presidential chair for some time. In 1778 he was minister to Spain-in 1782 he was one of the commissioners to negotiate a treaty with Great Britain. In 1795 he was elected governor of the Empire State. He was an able public ofHcer-a valuable private citizen. His soul joined its kindred in the spirit world in 1829. JOHNSON FRANCIS was born in Pennsylvania in 1749. At the commencement of the conflict with mother Britain he was enjoying a lucrative practice at the bar. He well understood the merits of the high contending parties and enlisted under the banner of freedom. He commenced his military career with Gen. Wayne with the commission of lieutenant-colonel in the first regiment raised by that brave uthcer. He shared with him all the fatigues and glory of the numerous expedi- tions and battles in which he was engaged up to the time Gen. Wavne went south. He succeeded him in the command of the 5th Pennsylvania regiment. His services were ably and zealously rendered and highly appreciated. He ventured his hie and spent his fortune for Liberty After the close of the Revolution he was elected sheriti'of the city and county of Philadelphia as a tribute of merit awarded by both political parlies. No man could be more generally beloved-no one better de- served'it. He died in Philadelphia on the 22d of February 1815. JOHNSON SAMUEL was one of the most talented and ardent pa- triots of the chivalric south. From the dawn of the Revolution lie boldly espoused the cause of equal rights. He was a member of Con- gress and after the adoption of tlie Federal Constitution he was made a United States Senator. He was a judge of the Supreme Court of North Carolina and governor of that State. He discharged the duties ot public and private lite with energy, ability and scrupulous fidelity. His career of life was closed in 180G. JOHNSON WILLIAM SAMUEL was a native of Connecticut and a zealous friend of the cause of Independence. He was a man of strong native talents improved by a sound education. He exercised a salutary influence over his constituents and served them faithfully in various 444 THE SAGES AND HEROES public capacities. He was a member of the old Congress-a delegate to the Convention that framed the Federal Constitution and the first United States Senator from his native State. He lived in the esteem of his numerous friends until 1819 when his lamp of life went out. JONES JOHN PAUL commenced his remarkable life in the district of Galloway, Scotland, in 1747. His original name was John Paul and Jones was added when he came to America in 1775. He had been a mariner from the age of 15 and was master of his profession. He left England in disgust in consequence of improper treatment by the autho- rities relative to his quelling a mutiny on board his ship, in doing which he was compelled to kill the ringleader, for which he was tried and ac- quitted and was threatened with a second trial. In the expedition of Com. Hopkins against New Providence he was a lieutenant and exhi- bited a dauntless spirit that at once placed him on the list of the brave. On his return he was placed in command of a sloop with 12 guns. In a short time he captured a British vessel with 18 guns. He then cruised boldly along the coast of Scotland-made several landings and a few contributions and proceeded to the Irish coast where he found the Eng- lish armed vessel Drake in the harbor of Watertbrd-gave her a chal- lenge-she entered the list of combat-was quickly flogged and hastened back to her old moorings crippled and her commander mortified, in the summer of 1779 he was put in command of the Bon Homme Richard of 40 guns and 415 men with some small craft. After visiting France he sailed from there on the 14th of August of that year-took several vessels of war and merchantmen and proceeded in search of the Baltic fleet which he discovered on the 22d of September at 2 P. M. ofi" Flam- borough Head under convoy of a frigate and sloop of war. He at once prepared for action. Just as the moon was rising, at quarter before 8 P. M. one of the most desperate naval actions commenced that can be found recorded on the pages of history. When the two larger ships came within pistol shot the British frigate opened the bull with a brisk fire from her upper and quarter deck. Jones returned the compliment with the grace of a naval hero. At the onset three ot ins six 18 pound guns burst and killed those around them. He ordered the other three not to be used. This accident induced him to grapple with the frigate and come to close quarters which he accomplished so completely that (he muzzles of the guns of each were in contact. The rage of battle then commenced with all the desperation of gladiators. The English- aian had nailed his flag to the mast-Jones never surrendered. His ship was the most crippled-more of his guns silenced than on the frigate. This preponderance of metal was soon changed by a brave tar advanc- ing over the frigate on the main yard of the American ship with a basket of hand grenades and lighted match. He dropped these messen- gers of death among the enemy and through the scuttles-killing many and setting the cartridges on fire in every direction. The fight raged on-the frigate was several times on fire-the Bon Homme Richard was leaking from shots between wind and water-all her guns silenced but four and not until both ships took fire was the fury of the contlict re- linquished for a moment. When the flames were extinguished the car- nage was renewed. Jones had taken over 100 prisoners and put them to the pumps under the direction of Lieut. Dale who was severely OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 445 wounded. The English flag was at last torn down by the captain of the frigate which proved to be the Serapis mounting 50 carriage guns commanded by Capt. Pearson. All hands were removed on board the prize and at 10 the next morning the Bon Homme Richard went to the bottom. Capt. Pearson had 137 men killed and 76 wounded. Capt. Jones had 165 killed, 137 wounded. It is supposed many of his men were killed and wounded by one of his own vessels that fired into him some time by mistake at pistol shot. At the commencement of the action he received the fire of both British vessels until he closed with the frigate. The next morning the Pallas, Capt. Cotineau, attacked the British sloop of war and after a severe battle of over two hours com- pelled her to surrender. She was the Countess of Scarborough. Capt. Jones then proceeded home with his prizes and prisoners and was hailed with an enthusiasm that none but freemen so ardently feel and so strongly express. On the 14th of April 1781 Congress passed a strong resolution expressive of their high appreciation of his valuable services. A more skilful, daring and resolute man never commanded a ship. After the termination of the Revolution he visited Russia and held a naval commission for a time under the Empress Catharine. From there he went to Paris in France where he died in 1792.* KENNARD NATHANIEL was born in Massachusetts in 1755. He was a volunteer in one of the first regiments raised in Massachu- setts. In that he served one year and then entered on board a private armed vessel-was taken prisoner-taken to England and confined in Mill Prison for 27 months with a standing threat he should be hanged. He 'was finally sent to France and shipped on the Bon Homme Richard and was in the action described in the preceding article. He was put on board one of the prizes and ordered for France-was again taken prisoner-put on board the British frigate Unicorn and compelled to do duty until he found an opportunity to escape on the Island of Jamaica and reached home just before the close of the Revolution. During the war of 1812 he commanded a Revenue Cutter, From that period he was Inspector of Customs at Portsmouth N. H. up to the time of his death which occurred on the 24th of June 1823. KING RUFUS commenced his life career in New York in 1755. In his youth he was an ardent friend to the cause of Freedom and a patriot in action. He was a member of Congress when convened at Trenton New Jersey in 1784. He was a very.eflicient member of the Convention in 1787 that formed the Federal Constitution and was soon after elected to the United States Senate. From 1796 to 1803 he was minister at the Court of St. James. In 1813 he was elected a United States Senator and was minister to England during the administration of John Quincy Adams. All his public and private duties were per- formed with a single eye to the glory of his country, the good of the human family and the preservation of our glorious UNION. He bid farewell to earth, its toys, toils, griefs and joys in April 1827. KIRKWOOD ROBERT was a native of Newcastle county, Dela ware. When the oppression of mother Britain became so intolerable that forbearance was no longer a virtue, Robert Kirkwood exchanged the implements of agriculture for the sword and entered the Delaware regiment under Col. Hazlet with the commission of Lieutenant. He * Com. Jones's remains are expected here shortly on board the Frigate St. Lawrence. 446 THE SAGES AND HEROES was in tliirty-two battles during the war and received the highest praise from every general officer under whom he served. At the battle of Camden fought by Gen. Gates, the Delaware regiment was reduced to 195 men who were formed into a company under the com- mand of Capt. Kirkwood. A particular history of his bold exploits would fill a respectable volume. At the close of the war lie was brevet Major. He was a universal favorite and richly deserved to be so. He fell fighting under Gen. St. Clair on the 4th of Novem- ber 1791. KNOWLTON THOMAS was a native of Ashford Connecticut and one of the first brave spirits that entered the field and among the first martyrs in the cause of Freedom. He commanded a regiment at the battle of Long Island in August 1776 which formed the van of the American army. In September following he came in contact with Gen. LesUe with a superior force and fell while gallantly leading his men to the charge. The command then devolved on Major Leitch of Virginia who was severely wounded but drove the enemy from the field. Col. Knowlton was an officer of great promise, an esteemed cltizen-an honest man. KNOX HENRY was born in Boston, Mass. on the 25th of July 1750. He was created a freeman and nobly fulfilled the design of his creation. In early life he became familiar with the engineer depart- ment of mihtary tactics. He was among the first Major Generals appointed by Congress and directed the ordnance operations during tlie whole period of the Revolution. The practised veterans of mother Britain were often compelled to admit that he had no superior in the management of artillery. His skill was effectually illustrated on every battle field where he was present. The victory at Monmouth over superior numbers was attributed by the enemy to the artillery of Gen. Knox. Washington referred to the fact in his report to Congress. From the commencement of his useful military career at Cambridge to its brilliant close at Yorktown, this brave and accompHshed General stood on a lofty eminence of fame, admired and beloved by the com- mander-in-chief, by the whole army, by Congress and by our nation. He succeeded Gen. Lincoln in the War Department after the close of the Revolution and was the first Secretary of War under the Federal Constitution. On retiring from public life he settled at Thomastown, Maine, where his death was occasioned by a chicken bone lodging in his throat on the 25th of October 1806. In the private walks of life he exemplified those virtues most prominently that best adorn the man and assimilate him to his Creator. . KOSCIUSZCO TH ADDEUS commenced his noble existence in 1 746 in the palatinate of Brescia, Lithunia, once an independent grand duchy containing 60,000 square miles which was united to Poland in 1569 and now forms the Russian provinces of Wilna, Grodno and Minsk. When reading the classics in his youth this noble patriot became enraptured with the vision of a Republic. He completed his education by a military course that he might be better prepared to battle for Liberty. When the story of the American Revolution reached him he at once resolved to enroll his name with those who dared to make an effort to be free. On his arrival, Washington appointed OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 447 him a Colonel of engineers and one of his aids. His undaunted bravery on all occasions, his patriotic zeal, his amiable disposition, his purity of life, his noble bearing-all combined to endear liim to the army and to every friend of freedom. He returned to his native land at the close of the Revolution and left his name carved high on the temple of our Liberty Having aided in achieving the Independence we now enjoy, he saw nis long nursed vision of a Republic reduced to a happy reality. His own countrymen were groaning under a bondage more servile; than that which had oppressed the Americans. He longed to see them free. A few noble spirits were prepared to strike for Liberty. The time arrived for action. Kosciuszco was made commander-in-chief in 1789. Five years passed in preparation. In 1794 his army was attacked at Raslavice by the Russian General Denisoff who was de- feated with great slaughter. For six months he kept at bay the com- bined forces of Rnssia and Prnssia. On the 4th of October of that year, the officer who commanded the advance position of the Polish army proved a traitor and permitted the enemy to occupy it without opposition. This effected the ruin of the liberating army-Kosciuszco fell covered with wounds and was incarcerated in a dungeon at St. Petersburg until Alexander was crowned who at once restored him to freedom. He then visited the United States and landed at Phila- delphia where he was made a welcome guest. He subsequently spent some time in France. From thence he went to Solence in Switzerland where he died on the 16th of October 1817. LACY JOHN was born in Bucks County, Pa. on the 4th of February 1755. His paternal ancestor came from the Isle of Wight under the auspices of William Penn. John's ancestor and all his descendants belonged to the Society of Friends. The love of Freedom predominated over the anti-war creed of John and he made up his mind to obtain it, peaceably if he could-forcibly if he must. He took the commission of captain from Congress on the 6th of January 1776 and was at once thrown over the fence by his Quaker brethren. He left his home, his society and his mill to do battle for his country. He served under Gen. Wayne in Canada and performed the hazardous duty of carrying an express from Gen. Sullivan to Arnold when before Quebec. On his return the next year he resigned in consequence of a difficulty with Gen. Wayne. He was then appointed by the legislature of Pennsylvania to organize the militia in Bucks County. He was soon elected colonel. He was now in the midst of tories and Quakers who were acting in concert with the enemy and threatened him with personal vengeance. These threats he disregarded as the idle wind. He brought his regiment into the field and performed feats of valor that at once raised him to a high standard on the list of heroes. His conduct was particularly noticed by Washington and he was honored with the commission of brigadier- general on the 9th of January 1778 and ordered to relieve Gen. Potter. He was then but 22 years of age. Probably influenced by his refugee neighbors-the British in Philadelphia determined on taking him dead or alive. His duties were onerous, his watchfulness untiring. On the 1st of the ensuing May he was stationed at what is now Hatborough with less than 500 men, mostly raw militia. Owing to the negligence of the officer of his picket guard his little camp was surrounded just at the dawn 448 THE SAGES A X D H E HOES of morning by about 800 British infantry, rangers and cavalry. He formed his men quickly and cut his way through with such impetuosity that he threw the enemy into confusion and escaped with the loss of only 26 killed with a few wounded and prisoners who were treated with a barbarity that casts savage warfare so far in the shade that their most cruel tortures would appear as refulgent sun light in comparison. This bold mancEuvre of Gen. Lacy and his brave Spartans was a matter of applause throughout the country. He was constantly employed by Gen. Washington on hazardous enterprizes and in every instance received his unqualified approbation. After the evacuation of Philadelphia Gen. Lacy was made a member of the legislature and served three consecu- tive sessions. In 1781 he closed his military career and like a good citizen, married an amiable daughter of Col. Reynolds of New Jersey and commenced a successful career of domestic felicity. He filled various civil offices, lived in the esteem of every patriot (not of all his Quaker relatives) and died at the village of New Mills, Burlington County, N. J. on the 17th of February 1814. LAURENS HENRY was ushered into the world at Charleston, S. C. in 1724. Hp was one of the first in his state to put the revolutionary ball in motion. He was President of the Provincial Congress of South Carolina that convened in June 1775. He prepared articles of associa- tion that demonstrated how clearly he perceived-how strongly he felt the oppressions of mother Britain. In November 1777 he succeeded John Hancock in the Presidential chair of the Continental Congress. In 1780 he was comissioned to proceed to Holland to negotiate a loan and form a treaty with the United Netherlands. On his passage he was captured by a British war vessel and on the 6th of October was committed to the tower in London under the charge of high treason. He was there con- fined for 14 months and treated with the proverbial cruelty that has left a dark stain upon the names of the British ministers then in power, that if they were linen the concentrated powers of a thousand suns could not efface it in a million of years. Many stratagems were devised to obtain from him concessions and promises that would lessen his sufferings and apparent danger but which did not honor his country. They were spurned with an indignity that none but freemen can so burningly exhibit. When his son was sent to the court of France the father was requested to write and request him to desist from his mission or the life of his parent would be taken. He promptly refused and replied-" My son is of age and has a will of his own. I know him to be a man of honor. He loves me dearly and would lay down his life to save mine but I am sure he would not sacrifice his honor to save my life and I applaud him for it." The indignation of the Americans and many in the mother country was roused against those who held Mr. Laurens in bondage. The authorities found themselves in a tight place. They dare not try and con- demn him as a rebel. For this a swift retribution awaited them. Burgoyne and many other high functionaries were prisoners of war. The old patriot could not be moved from the position of a freemen. He correctly considered himself only a prisoner of war-his own countrymen and other nations were of the same opinion. After much ado about a plain simple matter the king's counsellors had him bound, with Messrs. Osu'ald and Anderson as sureties, to appear at the Easter term for trial after being OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 449 compelled to strike from the recognizance the words " our sovereign lord the king." Before leaving he was entirely released and requested by Lord Shelburne to hasten home to assist in consummating a peace. Before leaving he received a commission from Congress to repair to Paris and act in conjunction with Messrs. Franklin, Adams and Jay and had the proud satisfaction of signing the preliminaries of peace on the 30th of November 1782. His cruel deprivations during his imprison- ment laid the foundation of disease which terminated his life near Charleston, S. C. on the 8th of December 1792. His name is enrolled with the patriotic, the virtuous and the good. LAURENS JOHN was the noble son of Henry before alluded to. He was one of the bravest of the brave. He entered the army in 1777 with the rank of lieutenant-colonel and was a member of the military family of Washington. At Germantown he was severely wounded in an attempt to dislodge the enemy from Chew's house. He gained lau- rels at Rhode Island, Monmouth, Savannah, Charleston and at several other points of desperate conflict. He was among the first to enter the lines at Yorktown. He courted danger ardently-his courage was im- petuous-he knew no fear. Dr. Ramsay said of him-" A dauntless bravery was the least of his virtues and an excess of it his greatest foible." His love for Washington knew no bounds. He challenged Gen. Charles Lee for speaking disrespectfully of the father of our coun- tr}^ and marked him for life. He was asked how young Laurens be- haved and replied-" I could have hugged the noble boy he pleased me so." His mission to France in 1781 to effect a loan was successful. His private virtues were as bright as his public career was brilliant. He was a high-minded, honorable, accomplished gentleman. At a tri- fling skirmish after the war was virtually closed this noble young man was killed in 1782. LED YARD WILLIAM was born in Connecticut in 1738. He was a murdered martyr in the glorious cause of Liberty. After bravely defending Fort Griswold at New London against an overwhelming force under the traitor Arnold he was compelled to surrender [see the Life of Arnold]. A British oflicer entered and asked who commanded the fort. Col. Ledyard replied-" I v. He was one of the first who rushed to the battle field in 1775. At the siege of Boston-on the heights of Dorchester-in every place where duty called him he acted a bold and noble part. He was soon raised to the rank of brigadier-general and ordered to Canada to take command of the troops who had survived the fatigues of the campaign under Arnold and Montgomery where he fell a victim to the small pox. His great experience, ardent patriotism, known courage, untarnished character- all combined to render his loss a great misfortune to his country and his friends. THOMAS THOMAS was born in the State of New York in 1745. He was among the first and most devoted patriots. He was a briga- dier-general and commanded a body of troops in 1776 at the battle of Harlaem Heights and White Plains. In the autumn of that year the British burnt his house and carried his aged father to New York where their proverbial inhumanity soon produced his death. Gen. Thomas was a severe scourge to the enemy— ever on the alert-energetic, bold and shrewd. He was subsequently taken prisoner, stripped of his regi- mentals and hat and marched through the streets of New York in the most disgraceful manner. He was at length placed on parole and per- mitted the limits of Brooklyn. After he was exchanged he sought every opportunity to make up lost time until the foe was driven beyond the great heron pond. He then removed to the town of Harrison, Westchester County, New York where he lived respected and died deeply regretted in July 1824. He was several times a member of the legislature of his State. TRUXTON THOMAS took his station on this rolling planet at Rhode Island in 1755. He was delighted with old Ocean from his boy- hood and became an expert mariner at an early age. He loved Liberty and was willing to pay its price without discount. He was placed in command of an armed vessel in 1775 and continued capturing prizes during the whole period of the Revolution without a single reverse of fortune. He made constant inroads on the commerce of Great Britain and was too wary a fox to be trapped, cornered or run down by the celebrated British sportsman of the seas. In 1794 he was put in com- mand of the frigate Constitution. In 1799 the French government be- came ripe for naval exercise and quite belligerent in its manners. The frigate L'Insurgent made battle with Commodore Truxton and after a brief action surrendered. The French ship of war La Vengeance then met the Constitution and after passing the very significant salutes usual at hostile meetings surrendered at discretion to Com. Truxton. On his return to the United States he retired to Philadelphia where he lived in the esteem of our nation and his friends until 1822 when his cable of life was cut and his soul launched on the ocean of eternity. WADS WORTH JEREMIAH was a native of Connecticut and early in the field to do battle for his loved-his injured country. He rose to the rank of general and was remarkable for great energy, undaunted courage, ardent patriotism and untiring industry. He was a member of Congress for some time. In public and private life he adorned the virtues that ever dignify the man and passed from the stage of life peacefully in 1804. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 475 WARD ARTEMUS was born in New England in 1727. He was a :nan of fine parts, strong common sense, thorough education, a zealous patriot. He was the first major-general commissioned by the Continental Congress, his commission bearing date the 7th of June 1775. At the siege of Boston he commanded the right wing of the army resting on Roxbury. His feeble constitution induced him to resign the ensuing April. In a legislative capacity he continued to serve his country faith- fully. He was repeatedly a member of the old and new Congress. A more incorruptible man never came from the clean hands of the Creator. He patiently endured a lingering illness for years and was relieved from the toils and pains of earth on the 28th of October 1800. WARD HENRY was a valued citizen of Rhode Island and stood in the front rank of her noble and daring patriots. He did good service in the tented field-was Secretary of his state-filled up his measure of usefulness and called his friends to mourn over his final exit and perform the last rites of sepulture in 1797. WASHINGTON WILLIAM was a native of Staflx)rd County, Va. He was a distant relative of George Washington and among the first of the chivalric sons of the Old Dominion to respond to the thrilling war cry- Liberty or death. He commenced his military career in command of a company of infantry in the 3d regiment of the Virginia line commanded by Col. Mercer. Captain Washington first distinguished himself for undaunted courage at York Island and in New Jersey. When Gen. Washington attacked Col. Ralle in command of the Hessians at Trenton, Capt. Washington led the advance of one of the columns. He received a musket ball through one of his hands which was not menioned by him until afier the enemy had surrendered. Soon after the brilliant affair at Trenton and Princeton he was transferred to Col. Baylor's regi- ment of cavalry with the rank of major and proceeded to Virginia with the regiment to increase its strength with fresh recruits. In 1775 this regiment was surprised by a superior force under Maj. Gen. Grey and nearly annihilated. Major Washington escaped and was then put in command of the consolidated remnants of the cavalry regiments of Cols. Baylor, Bland and Maylan and ordered to report himself to Gen. Lincoln in South Carolina. He was in constant service from the time of his arrival. His corps suffered at the battle of Monk's Corner and at Le- neau's Ferry. He then proceeded with Col. White to North Carolina for the purpose of raising recruits. This laudable object was not approved by Gen. Gates for reasons not explained which formed a link in his chain of disasters. Col. Washington proceeded to replenish his regiment and resumed field service under Gen. Morgan. At Covvpens, Hobbick's Hill, Eutaw, Guilford Court House-Col. Washington gained increasing epic laurels for himself and Spartan corps. At the battle of Eutaw he was unfortunately taken prisoner and not exchanged until after the sur- render of Yorktown. In 1782 he led the amiable and accomplished Miss Elliott to the hymeneal altar and located at the ancestral seat of his wife at Sandy Hill in South Carolina. He there enjoyed life with his family and friends in the happy way that Virginians well understand and fully exemplify. A braver soldier, a more noble and generous man than Col. Washington did not exist in the human family. He made his final exit in 1810. 476 THE SAGES AND HEROES WINDER LEWIS was a resident of Maryland and a brave soldie: of the Revolution. In the struggle for Independence the best men were not office seekers but sought the good and glory of their country. Many soldiers in the ranks were men of strong intellect and substantial educa- tion. So with this veteran. After the close of the war toils he fillecf various public stations and became governor of his state. He enjoyed the esteem of his country and friends until 1819 when he slumbered in death. WHEELOCK JOHN was a favorite son of Massachusetts and one of the noble patriots who left the halls of literature and periled their lives in defence of chartered rights. He was an active officer in the army and had the esteem of his countrymen. He was subsequently a popular President of Dartmouth College. He made himself extensively useful until 1817 when he took his journey to " that country from whose bourne no traveller returns." WILLIAMS OTHO HOLLAND was ushered into life at the county of Prince George, Md. in 1748. At the commencement of the Revolution he resigned a lucratrve office under the crown to teach the man who dishonored that crown that Americans dared to assert their rights at the cannon's mouth as well as in paper essays. He was lieutenant in a rifle corps under Capt. Price and marched to head quarters at Cambridge in 1775. In 1776 he was raised to the rank of major in the rifle regiment under Col. Stephenson. He was in the garrison of Fort Washington when attacked by the overwhelming force of Sir William Howe and was taken prisoner. When exchanged he was placed in command of the 0th regiment of the Maryland line and ordered to South Carolina with Baron de Kalb. He was raised to the grade of adjutant-general under Gen. Gates and shared the keen reverses of that general. Under Gen. Greene he was retained in the same office which he bravely filled to the close of the struggle for Liberty. At Guilford, Hobbick's and Eutavv his efficient services were warmly acknowledged by the judicious Greene, whose bosom friend and constant adviser he was. At all times and under all circumstances he nobly performed his duty in public and private life. At the close of the war he was corhmissioned a brigadier- general as a compliment to his high merit. Subsequent to the Revolu- tion he was appointed Collector of the Port of Baltimore where he died in July 1794. WOLCOTT ERASTUS was a favorite son of Connecticut of com- manding talents-a strong lawyer-an ardent patriot-a good citizen-a brave officer-an honest man. He rose to the rank of brigadier-general and subsequent to the Revolution was elevated to the Bench of the Superior Court of his state. His measure of i>sefulness became full in 1798 when the hermetical seal of death closed his bright career. WOOSTER DAVID was born in Stafford, Conn, in 1711. Although frosted with near 70 winters when the Revolution commenced, he was eager to share in the glory of repelling an insolent foe from his native land and in making that land the happy abode of the brave and the free. In 1775 he was made a brigadier-general by Congress and put in com- mand of the Connecticut troops. This commission he resigned and became a major-general of the militia of his state. On the 27ih of April 1777 he was mortally wounded in leading on his troops against a British OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 477 force at Ridgefield and died on the 2d of May. His fall was ieeply lamented by Congress and our nation. He had all the ardor of youth united with the experience of age. Such men were greatly needed in such a contest as the American Revolution-uniting the sage, hero, citizen and honest man in a harmonious whole. WYLLIS SAMUEL was a citizen of Connecticut-a major-general of great promise-a man of sterling merit-a patriot of great zeal-a citi- zen of great worth and was killed by a party of British in 1777 on a predatory " beauty and booty" excursion. Thus closes a condensed view of the most prominent Sages and He- roes of the American Revolution. I have aimed at an object of greater importance than the relation of historical incidents-an illustration of the heaven-born principles-the god-like actions of the patriots of '76. If these are not cherished and practised by the present and coming gene- rations of our expanding Republic-the Liberty— the priceless freedom we now enjoy will be buried in the smoking ruins of the Elysian temple of our iNDEPENDENCE-now towcriug in majestic grandeur. I have ho- nestly and frankly expressed what J strongly feel relative to the vital interests of our beloved country. My conclusions are based upon labo- rious investigation, close observation and large experience. In com- mon with every true friend to our government I feel a deep interest in the portentous question of slavery which has so recently rocked our nation in the volcanic cradle of civil discord. I jiave taken full notes of its whole course from its embryo inception to the present time. I have listened to the arguments of the ablest men in each of the high contending parties. I have read all I could find upon the subject of West India emancipation. So far as the^British politicians were con- cerned I am satisfied that act was a bold stroke of ulterior policy-not of philanthropy. I have made myself familiar with the practical ope- rations of the slave system in our own country by leisurely visiting all the cities, large towns, most of the small ones and numerous plantations in all the slave States except Florida and Texas. Without such a tour no man can well form a correct conclusion upon this momentous sub- ject. He can only make an imaginary chamber survey-not the best evidence to present in court. I am not an advocate for the principle of bondage-but few can be found in the slave States who are. I look at slavery as it is-not as represented on the high colored charts of ultra abolitionists. It was forced upon the American Colonies by mother Britain. It is here by entail-not from original choice [see the Pream- ble of the Virginia Constitution.] This charges George the Third with " prompting our negroes to rise in arms among us-those very negroes, whom, by an inhuman use of his negative he hath refused us permission to exclude by law." Its present form in the south is infinitely more humane than the cunningly devised apprentice system of England. In- stead of rescued Africans being returned to their native land by that arrangement they are put to hard labor on the British Islands for a season and may then be sent adrift at the pleasure of the employer. A provision for life is insured to all the subjects of bondage in the slave States. There the free man may be stripped of the means of support by process of law-the slaves never. They are practically the most 478 THE SAGES AND HEROES potent freeholders in those States. A large majority of the slaves there are better cared for than the same proportion of the colored population in the free States, both mentally and physically. Larger numbers of them enjoy religious instruction and become cliurch members.* Immediate emancipation would involve these slaves in the keenest misery unless they were provided with means of support far beyond the resources of their owners and the abolitionists combined. Huma- nity would recoil with horror at the practical workings of the proposed abolition system. It was originated in Europe for the express purpose of destroying our Union. Its paternity is illegitimate-its object our ruin-its tendency chaotic. Its tare seeds were first sown broadcast in our country by Thompson-a hired emissary from Great Britain who is now in our midst a second time on the same demoniac mission. His breath is pestilence-his pathway is marked with the fomenting scum of a meddlesome demagogue. In addition to his salary paid by England he is filling his pockets from the hard earnings of our people whom he blinds to destroy. The Syracuse Journal states that after the meeting this member of the British Parliament addi'essed at that place a short time since ^^ had passed resolutions against tlic Union the remainder of the time was consumed in receiving subscriptions to support Mr. Thompson in his anti-slavery itineracy. Thus the anti-slavery agitators are obliged to call in paid British assistance to help them break up the Union." At the same meeting this vile emissary made this startling assertion in substance-You have* not famine and pestilence but what is worse you are cursed with 30,000 recreant priests. No American would be per- mitted to pursue this course in Europe a moment. If we tolerate such foreign interference we are inworthy of freedom. When 1 speak of abolition I refer to ultra political abolilion-that which tramples upon our Constitution as an unholy thing and would rejoice at the dissolution of our Union and urge the slaves on to murder. I have no sympathy for ultraism in any section or in any cause. We must look at slavery as it exists in our country. Time has planted it too deeply to be eradicated by the caustic of abolition. Fine spun arguments upon the Declaration of Rights-the Federal Constitu- ti6n-the Missouri Compromise-free soil and philanthropy cannot re- move it. The question is local and belongs exclusively to the slave States. As well may the south interfere with the internal policy of the north as for us to dictate to the high minded slave owners who might have been gained by the talismanic power of love-never by threats or coercion. As a whole, a more humane, noble, generous people never came from the clean hands of the Creator. They can be led by a single hair of kindness-fanatical power may crush but can never drive them. But for the unfortunate issue of abolition raised by the foreign emissary alluded to-gradual emancipation would long before this have been on the flood tide of progress in several of the slave States. I write from the record. A violation of the eleventh commandment has added greatly to the perpetuity of slavery in our country. For these reasons and others I would name if space permitted, I ve- rily believe the abolition issue fraught with more danger to our Inde- pendence than any that has yet been conceived and promulged by the * The lietter condition of these slaves is fully proved by the fact, that the ratio of their increase, within the lti5t ten years is 3 to 1 over that of the colored population of the free States,— Author. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 479 enemies of our Libei'ty. It Is like cutting off the head of a man to cure a cancer on his face. The preservation of our glorious Union is para- mount to all other considerations which have yet engaged the attention of our nation. Could the following advice from the Farewell Address of the illustrious Washington be carefully read and implicitly obeyed Dy all in our land-then our freedom would be safe-our UNION pre- served. " In contemplating the causes which may disturb our Union, it occurs, as a matter of serious concern, tliat any ground should have been fur- nished for characterizing parties by geographical discriminations- northern and southern-atlantic and western-whence designing men may endeavor to excite a belief that there is a real difference of local interests and views. One of the expedients of party to acquire influence within particular districts, is to misrepresent the opinions and aims of other districts. You cannot shield yourselves too much against the jealousies and heart burnings which spring from these misrepresenta- tions. They tend to render alien to each other those who ought to be bound together by fraternal affection. " To the efficacy and permanency of your Union a Government for the whole is indispensible. No alliances, however strict, between the parts can be an adequate substitute. They must inevitably experience the infractions and interruptions which all alliances in all times have experienced. Sensible of this momentous truth, you have improved upon your first essay by the adoption of a Constitution of Government better calculated than your former for an intimate union and for the efficacious management of your common concerns. This government, the offspring of our own choice, uninfluenced and unawed, adopted upon full investigation and mature deliberation, completely free in its principles, in the distribution of its powers, uniting security with energy and containing within itself a provision for its own amendment, has a just claim to your confidence and your support. Respect for its authority, compliance with its laws, acquiescence in its measures, are duties enjoined by the fundamental maxims of true liberty. The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and alter their constitutions of government. But the constitution which at any time exists, till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole people, is sacredly obligatory upon all. The very idea of the power and the right of the people to establish government presupposes the duty of every individual to obey the established government. " All obstructions to the execution of the laws, all combinations and associations, under whatever plausible character, with a real design to direct, control, counteract or awe the regular deliberation and action of the constituted authorities, are destructive of this fundamental prin- ciple and of fatal tendency. They serve to organize faction-to give it an artificial and extraordinary force-to put in the place of the delegated will of the nation the will of a party, often a small but artful and enter- prising minority of the community and according to the alternate triumphs of different parties to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels and modified by mutual interests. 480 THE SAGES AND HEROES, &C. *' Pfowever combinations or associations of the above description may now and then answer popular ends, they are Ukely, in the course of tune and things, to become potent engines by which cunning, ambitious and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion. " Towards the preservation of your government and the permanency of your present happy state, it is requisite, not only that you steadily discountenance irregular oppositions to its acknowledged authority but also that you resist with care the spirit of innovation upon its prin- ciples however specious the pretexts. One method of assault may be to effect in the forms of the constitution, alterations which will impair the energy of the system and thus to undermine what cannot be directly overthrown. In all the changes to which you may be invited, re- member that time and habit are at least as necessary to fix the true character of governments, as of other human institutions, that ex- perience is the surest standard by which to test the real tendency of the existing constitution of a country-that facility in change upon the credit of mere hypothesis and opinion exposes to perpetual change from the endless variety of hypothesis and opinion and remember, especially that for the efficient management of your common interest in a country so extensive as ours, a government of as much vigor as is consistent with the perfect security of liberty is indispensable. Liberty itself will find in such a government, with powers properly distributed and ad- justed, its surest guardian. It is, indeed, little else than a name where the government is too feeble to withstand the enterprises of faction, to confine each member of the society within the limits prescribed by the laws and to maintain all in the secure and tranquil enjoyment of the rights of person and property. " Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me fellow citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government. " In offering to you, my countrymen, these counsels of an old and affectionate friend, I dare not hope they will make the strong and lasting impression I could wish-that they will control the usual current of the passions or prevent our nation from running the course which has hitherto marked the destiny of nations! but if I may even flatter myself that they may be productive of some partial benefit, some occasional good-that they may now and then recur to moderate the fury of party spirit-to warn against the mischiefs of foreign intrigue- to guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism-this hope will be a full recompense for the solicitude for your welfare by which they have been dictated." Note — In a recent speech the emissary Thompson used this most specific language : — " I do not believe there is one minister in the United States who believes what he says. I know enough of ministers in that country to believe that they preach wilfully and designedly what they know to be false ! These men deliberately go to their closets, and, for purely political and pro-slavery purposes, write sermons for the Sabbath-day, which they all the while know to b» palpably and damnably untrue !" ^' ! \ \ r ' .0- .v^ .^ O^ -n. -. V^^ v>^^ ^vv "^. .%'' ^ A^ .'?■' .i' "^^ v-^' '.,^' .^'^^.. '.;^c, " V>^ .■?- .S -7-, V" ■ 0' ^^^ ''^^ '> ,,^^ V o. ^ " " ,^ •^ .A' •^ '' / ' '.^ ^ .A •>.••./, '^•- V*' ;. % ^^^' ,,^^%. -v^ •S^^" x^^ % A- •^^ V > -<• V, N^^ '"^-- • o.^' ^c S>o.