/ Class IDJ ^tlS. Book. Copyright }J°. COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. Good Things to Eat Being a collection of recipes which have passed the crucial test of experience, they are therefore presented with absolute confidence in their merits. BY LADIES' AID SOCIETY OF THE High Street United Brethren Church Dayton, Ohio 1916 "We may lite wiOtoul poetry, music and art; We may live without conscience and lice without heart; We may live without friends, we may live without boolis: But civilized men cannot live without cool^s." THE OTTERBEIN PRESS. Dayton, Ohio Copyright, 1915, by Ladies' Aid Society of the High Street United Brethren Church Dayton, Ohio DEC I! i9l5 (S)CI.A418012 CONTENTS Page Beverages 61 Bread and Bolls 35 Cakes 46 Candies 66 Chafing Dish Delicacies 55 Eggs 54 Fish 14 Household Hints 69 How to Cook a Husband 4 Ices 63 Meats 16 Pies 41 Puddings 58 Eelishes 33 Rules for Serving 10 Salads 28 Sandwiches 31 Small Cakes 52 Soups 11 Table Etiquette 7 Table of Weights and Measures 6 Table Setting a. HOW TO COOK A HUSBAND In selecting your husband you should not be guided by the silvery ap- pearance, as in buying mackerel, or by the golden tint, as if you wanted a salmon. Be sure and select him yourself, as tastes differ. Do not go to the market for him, as the best are always brought to your door. It is far better to have none unless you will particularly learn how to cook him. A preserv- ing kettle of the finest porcelain is best, but if you have nothing but an earthen pipkin, it will do, with care. See that the linen in which you wrap him is nicely washed and mended, with the required number of buttons and string nicely sewed on. Tie him in the kettle with a strong silk cord, called comfort, as the one called duty is apt to be weak. They are apt to fly out of the kettle and get burned and crusty on the edges, since, like crabs and lobsters, you have to cook them while alive. Make a clear, steady fire out of love, neatness, and cheerfulness. Set as near this as seems to agree with him. If he sputters and fizzles do not be anxious ; some husbands do this until they are quite done. Add a little sugar in the form of what confectioners call kisses, but no vinegar or pepper on any account. A little spice improves them, but it must be used with judgment. Don't stick any sharp instruments into him to see if he is becoming tender. Stir liim gently, \ratch the while lest he lie too flat and close to the kettle, and so become useless. You cannot fail to know when he is done. If thus treated you will find him very digestible, agreeing nicely with you and the children ; and he will keep as long as you want, unless you become careless and set him on too cold a place. — Selected. HOW TO PRESERVE A HUSBAND Be careful in your selection. Do not choose too young, and take only such as have been reared in a good moral atmosphere. When once decided upon and selected, let that remain forever settled, and give your entire thought to preparation for domestic use. Some people insist in keeping them in a pickle, while others are constantly getting them into hot water. This only makes them sour, hard, and sometimes bitter. Even poor varieties may be made sweet, tender, and good by garnishing them with patience, well sweetened with smiles and flavored with kisses to the taste. Then wrap well in the mantle of charity, keep warm with a steady fire of domestic devo- tion, and serve with peaches and cream. When thus prepared, will keep for years. Home Phone 2600 Bell Main 600 F. W. BERK'S SON Undertaker and Embalmer Dayton, Ohi lO The Prettiest Cut Flowers at Horlacher's 919 Alberta Ave. Both Phones OPTICIANS DIAMOND EXPERTS Atnan & Co. Je\velers Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry Fine Repairing 17 E. Fifth Street Dayton, Ohio THE McCABE-SHEPHERD-COE CO. O. P. McCABE, President JANE A. COE, Vice President BRUCE C. SHEPHERD, Secretary-Treasurer SECOND FLOOR, REIBOLD BUILDING 'OUr^r^ac^ BELL 526 and 787 r noneb home 4728 and 3150 Representing Leading Fire, Casualty and Bonding Companies Prompt and Experienced Service in all Insurance Companies PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS TABLE OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Two tablespoonfuls of flour 1 ounce One tablespoonf ul of butter 1 ounce One pint of liquid 1 pound Two cups of granulated sugar 1 pound Two and one-half cups powdered sugar 1 pound Four cups of flour 1 quart or 1 pound Two heaped cups oL' butter 1 pound Four tablespoonfuls 1 wane glass Two wine glasses 1 gill Four gills , 1 pint Butter size of an egg 2 ounces Eight tablespoonfuls 1 cup of sugar TIME TABLE. BREAD AND CAKES. Eolls and biscuit 15 to 20 minutes Loaf bread 40 to 60 minutes Gingerbread 20 to 30 minutes Graham gems 30 to 35 minutes Pie crust 30 to 40 minutes Plain cake 30 to 40 minutes Fruit cake 2 to 3 hours Cookies 10 to 15 minutes Custard 15 to 20 minutes SUMMER VEGETABLES. Corn 30 minutes Green peas 30 minutes Potatoes 30 minutes AsparagTis 30 minutes Beets 1 hour Squash 1 hour String beans 2 hours Turnips 1 hour WINTER VEGETABLES. Baked sweet potatoes 1 hour Beets 3^ hours Cabbage 3 hours Carrots 1^ hours Parsnips 1 hour Potatoes (Irish) 30 minutes Potatoes (Baked) 1 hour 6 Potatoes (Sweet) 45 minutes Squash 1 hour Turnips 1^ hours MEATS AND FISH. Bacon per pound 15 minutes Beef per pound 12 to 15 minutes Chicken baked, 3 to 4 pounds 1 to 1^ hours Fish (small) 25 to 30 minutes Fish (large and thick) 6 to 8 pounds. . . .1 to 1^ hours Lamb per pound, well done 15 minutes Mutton (leg) per pound 10 to 12 minutes Pork per pound, well done 20 to 30 minutes Turkey (10 pound) 3 hours Veal per pound 18 to 20 minutes TABLE ETIQUETTE. "The table is the touchstone of the gentleman; a man may hide his ignorance everywhere but at the table." It is proper to stand behind 3^our chair at the table until all guests are ready to be seated. The napkin should not be spread out to its full size, but placed double across the lap. Soup should be taken into the mouth noiselessly, from the side of the spoon, never from the point. Do not place knife or fork on the tablecloth, or with points resting on the edge of the plate during a meal, but keep them on the plate. When a plate is passed for a second helping, the knife and fork should be placed side by side at the right, on the plate. ISTever use a knife to convey food to the mouth. Use the fingers in helping yourself to bread, celery, radishes, olives, pickles, and cheese. When individual salt cups are not provided, and salt is passed, place a small quantity on the butter-plate, or on the place-plate. A slice of bread should ])e broken in two, and one half spread with butter, resting the bread on the plate, never on the cloth, nor on the hand; broken pieces of bread should be placed upon the plate, unless bread and butter plates are provided. At the end of the meal, the napkin should he placed upon the table un- folded, unless you expect to return for the next meal. Before drinking from a glass at table, the lips should be wiped with a napkin. 7 HEINZ & COMPANY Dry Goods, Notions and Furnishings Corner Fifth and Samuel Sts. Dayton, Ohio OUR SPECIALTY COAL and ICE Fruits and Vegetables Quality - Service - Satisfaction Fresh from the markets every morning Buy Coal Efficiency, not "High Price" Excuses THE EAST END MARKET Sajovitz Brothers The Otis F. Lake Coal & Ice Co. Home 6/47 Fifth and McClure Sts. East 46 3rd & Montgomery Sts. Home 2046 Harry O'Donel Bell 1377 Phone Home 3377 Groceries and Fred W. Schantz Meats Choice Meats and Fancy Groceries Stall No. 24 Central Market Corner Richard and High Sts. Bell Phone, East 2035 1425 East Fifth Street Dayton, O. FOR BEST RESULTS= Telephone for our Quality Products with the Best of Service The Dayton Pure Milk & Butter Co. Clarified and Perfectly Pasteurized Dairy Products. Distributors of Moraine Farm Certified Milk PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS After stirring cream or sugar into coffee or tea, remove the spoon from the cup and place it upon the saucer. Toothpicks must not be used at the table; if unavoidable, it should be used behind the napkin. TABLE SETTING. "There is a best way of doing even the smallest things. Mastery of these best ways constitutes civilization." Use absolutely clean linen. Have the cloth long enough and wide enough to hang well around the table. Under the linen cloth have a silence cloth of some soft and heavy material, to protect the table, to give the cloth a more brilliant whiteness, and to prevent noise when placing dishes on the table. Place the center of the cloth in the center of the table, having the folds straight with the edge of the table. Decorate by placing in the center of the table a vase of flowers, a small plant, or a dish of fruit. RULES FOR PLACING DISHES. Arrange dishes symmetrically, although not necessarily in straight rows. When there are no warm dishes to be served, place a plate, right side up for each person, having them even with the edge of the table. If plates are decorated with a crest or monogram, place the plate with the decoration toward the middle of the table. Place knife on right side, sharp edge toward plate. Place fork at left side, with tines up. Place soup spoon at right of knife, bowl up. Place teaspoons in front of plate, handle to the right, bowls up. Place tumbler, top up, at right of point of knife. If additional glasses are required, group them around tumbler. Place butter plate at the left of knife. Place open salt cellar at point of fork. Place napkin at the left of fork, neatly folded. Place soup ladle in front of hostess, the handle to the right, bowl up. Place the carving set in front of host. Place several large spoons at each end of the table. Place dishes that are to be served at table directly in front of server. When finger bowls are used, put them on dessert plates, with a doily underneath the bowl, place at the left side of each person. Where the hostess pours the tea or coffee, arrange the service neatly in front of her. Arrange chairs at a sufficient distance from the table so they need not be d^a^vn out when people are to be seated. 9 RULES FOR SERVING. Cold food should be served on cold dishes, hot food on hot dishes. Wlien passing a dish, hold it so that the thumb will not rest upon the upper surface. In passing dishes from which a person is to help himself, pass always to the left side, so that the food may be taken with the right hand. In passing individual dishes, such as coffee, etc., set them down care- fully at the right side. When the dishes are being served by a person at the table, the waitress should stand at the left, hold the tray low, and near the table. Take on the tray one plate at a time, and place before the person for whom it is intended, setting it down from the right side. When one course is finished, take the tray in the left hand, stand at the left of the person, and remove with the right hand the soiled dishes, never piling them on top of each other. Soiled dishes should be first removed, then food, then clean dishes, then crumbs. Fill the glasses before every course. Never fill glass or cup more than three-fourths full. Before the dessert is served, remove crumbs from the cloth, either with a brush, crumb knife, or napkin. Do not let the table become disorderly during the meal. The hostess should serve soup, salad, dessert, coffee, and at a family dinner the vegetables and entrees. The host serves the fish and meat. 10 Soup " 'T is not enough to have the art Savory dishes to prepare; The cooks must know his master's heart His every wish and taste must share." SOUP STOCK. Select a soup bone costing five or ten cents. Cut off the meat from the bone and stir it over the fire with a little hot butter until brown. Place all in a soup kettle, cover well with cold water and place over a slow fire where it will require about one hour to bring it to a boil. Simmer gently four hours, then add one small turnip, two carrots, one onion, a few celery tops, and leaves or root ; a few cabbage leaves, one bay leaf, one blade macp, six cloves, one quarter teaspoon pepper corns, one half a red pepper, one teaspoonful salt to each quart of stock. Simmer one hour longer and cool. MACARONI SOUP. To a rich beef or other soup, in which there is no seasoning otlier than salt or pepper, take a half a pound of small pipe macaroni^ boil it in clear water until it is tender, then drain it and cut it in pieces an inch long, boil it for fifteen minutes in tbe soup and serve. CHICKEN CREAM SOUP. Boil an old fowl in four quarts of cold water, until there remains but two quarts. Take it out to cool. Cut off the breast, chop very fine. Mix with pounded yolks of two hard-boiled eggs. Cool, skim, and strain soup into a soup kettle. Season, add the chicken and Qgg mixture, simmer ten minutes, and pour into the tureen. Then add a small cup of boiling milk and serve. CREAMED TOMATO SOUP. Always use fresh tomatoes when in season. Put one quart of stewed tomatoes through a fine colander or sieve to remove all hard lumps and seeds. Bring to the boiling point, add one and one-half pints cold milk. Be sure the milk is fresh or it is apt to curdle. Turn the milk into the tomatoes as quickly as possible, and stir rapidly; this will avoid curdling. Bring to the boiling point again, stir in one rounding tablespoonful of flour 11 (Burst's Best) that has previously been rubbed smooth with a little milk, add one tablespoonful of butter, and serve. This is a delicious soup and can be made in a very few minutes. POTATO SOUP. Having selected, washed, and pared some nice potatoes, cut them into small pieces, and boil them until they melt away. While they are cooking, brown two tablespoonfuls of flour (Burst's Best) in a skillet over a slow fire and stir constantly ; then stir into the potato broth, season with butter, salt, and pepper. OYSTER SOUP. Two quarts of oysters, one quart of milk, two tablespoonfuls of butter, one teacup of hot water ; pepper, salt. Strain all the liquor from the oysters, add the water and heat. When near the boiling point add the seasoning, then the oysters. Cook about five minutes from the time they begin to simmer until they "ruffle." Stir in the butter, cook one minute, and pour into the tureen. Stir in the boiling milk, and serve. DUMPLINGS FOR SOUP. One cup of flour (Burst's Best), one-quarter teaspoonful of salt, one tea- spoonful of baking-powder sifted together. Add one-third cup of lard and enough milk to make a stiff dough. Make into dumplings the size of marbles, drop into soup, cover, and boil ten minutes. NOODLES FOR SOUP. To one beaten egg add as much flour (Burst's Best) as it will absorb, a little salt; roll thin as a wafer and let dry one and one-half hours; dusl lightly with flour (Burst's Best) ; roll in a large roll; slice thin from end; shake out loosely; put in boiling broth and boil ten minutes, stirring often. CROUTONES. Cut pieces of stale bread into cubes and brown in the oven. Can be used the same as dumplings. 12 "V^HEN we tell you that a METROPOLI- TAN Style at $20 will serve you faith- fully and heighten your attractiveness that's enough. WE KNOW. VHe QtwJitV Corner Ltidlow a* IbiiHli. ^ "Our m»4JomM T^U ' L«dlt Engravings for Weddings, Etc. Pictorial Review Patterns, Fine Stationery, Score Cards, Bibles, Globe-Wernicke Sectional Book Cases, Desk Lamps, Desks, Chairs, Filing Cab- inets, Mosler Safes. . _ - . _ The Everybody's Book Shop Company 21-23 West Fifth Street C. W. SCHAEFFER FRANK J. HOEFLER GEO. H. GENGNAGEL PHONES ]«-J^Eas^t^33 ANTHRACITE ^^^ /^ \ T BLACK RAVEN POCAHONTAS f j I I /\ I v BLOCK COKE ^^ ^^^ -*■ ^ -■-' S. & G. OHIO Schaeffer, Gengnagel & Company Main Yard South Park Yard West End Yard 812 East First St. Alberta and D. L. & C. R. R. First St. and Dale Ave. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Fish Fisli are good when the gills are red, eyes are full, and the body of the fish is firm and stiff. After washing them well, they should be allowed to remain for a short time in salt water sufficient to cover them ; before cook- ing, wipe them dry, dredge lightly with flour (Burst's Best) and season with salt and pepper. Salmon, trout, and other small fish are usually fried or broiled ; all large fish should be put in cloth, tied closely with twine, and placed in cold water, when they may be put over the fire to boil. Wlien fish are baked, prepare the fish the same as for boiling, and put in the oven on a wire gridiron over a dripping pan. BAKED HALIBUT. Two pounds of halibut, one cupful of tomatoes, two tablespoonfuls of flour (Burst's Best), two tablespoonfuls butter, three-fourth teaspoonful salt, one-eighth teaspoonful pepper. Clean flsh, season with salt and pep- per, dredge with flour, place in buttered baking pan, pour over tomatoes, and dot with butter. Bake in a moderate oven, basting often. SALMON FRITTERS. Eemove skin and bones from a pound can of salmon, mince and add an equal quantity potato that has been mashed and mixed with butter and cream; work the mixture into little patties and fry in a little butter. SALMON LOAF. One can salmon, two eggs, eight or ten crackers. Season some, beat eggs, add to salmon and put in crackers, form into a loaf, spread butter on top, put a little water into a pan and bake until done. SALMON CROQUETTES. Cook one cup of rice, beat well together two eggs, then add the rice and stir well. Mix one can of salmon well; season; then add to the rice and eggs, make into little croquettes, then fry in butter. BAKED WHITE FISH. Inside Dressing. Eoll crackers, one-third sour school pickle, one-half an onion. Juice of half a lemon, butter size of a walnut, salt, and pepper. Bake one hour. 14 Outside Dressing. Brown one tablespoonful of butter and two table- spoonfuls of flour, one cup of milk, yolk of one egg. Add a little more milk, add onion, rest of lemon juice, salt, pepper. Beat white of egg stiff and fold in rest of dressing. PLANKED FISH. Clean and split a three-pound shad or white fish, put skin side down on an oak plank one inch thick, and a little longer and wider than the fish, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and brush over with melted butter. Bake twenty-five minutes in hot oven. Remove from oven, spread with butter, and garnish with parsley and lemon. The fish should be sent to the table on the plank. SCALLOPED OYSTERS. One pint of oysters, four tablespoonfuls of oyster liquor, two table- spoonfuls of milk or cream, one-half cup of stale bread crumbs, one cup of cracker crumbs, one-half cup melted butter, salt and pepper. Mix bread and cracker crumbs, and stir in butter. Put a thin layer in the bot- tom of the buttered shallow baking dish, cover with oysters and sprinkle with salt and pepper; add one-half each oyster liquor and cream. Eepeat, and cover top with remaining crumbs. Bake thirty minutes in hot oven. Never allow more than two layers of oysters for scalloped oysters; if three layers are used, the middle layer will be under done, while others are properly cooked. FRIED OYSTERS. Clean, and dry between towels, selected oysters. Season with salt and pepper, dip into flour (Dursfs Best), egg, and cracker or stale bread crumbs, and fry in deep fat. Drain on brown paper, garnish and serve. OYSTER PATTIES. Make some rich puff paste and bake it in very small tin pans; when cool, turn them out upon a large dish ; stew some large fresh oysters with a few cloves; then add the yolk of one egg, boiled hard and grated; add a little butter, and enough oyster liquid to cover them. After stewing a little take them out of the pan to cool. When cold lay two or three oysters in each shell of puff paste. 15 Meats I love it, I love it, And who shall dare To chide me for having my Meat cooked rare. CREAMED BEEF OR VEAL. Take cold roast beef or veal cut into small squares. Put one pint of milk on to boil. Mix two tablespoonfuls of flour (Burst's Best) with two of butter; add salt and pepper and stir into the boiling milk. Let boil for a few minutes then pour over the squares of beef or veal. Place some squares of buttered toast on a hot platter; pour the creamed beef over this and serve. HORSE RADISH SAUCE. One pint horse radish sauce. Juice of one lemon, one teaspoonf ul sugar^ one teaspoonf ul salt, one-half cup vinegar. YORKSHIRE PUDDING. Two cups milk, two cups flour (Burst's Best), one-half teaspoonful salt, four eggs. Beat eggs; add flour and salt, gradually; continue beat- ing. Add milk and continue beating flve minutes. The mixture should be perfectly smooth. One-half hour before meat is done, pour this mixture into dripping pan under meat and baste when basting meat, turning pan that pudding may be golden brown throughout. DRIED BEEF WITH CREAM. One-fourth pound smoked dried beef, thinly sliced, one cup scalding cream, one and one-half tablespoonful flour (Burst's Best). Eemove 16 skin and separate meat in pieces, cover with hot water, let stand tea minutes and drain. Dilute flour with enough cold water to peur easily, making a smooth paste; add to cream, then cook in boiler ten minutes. Add beef, and reheat. BREADED LAMB OR MUTTON CHOPS. Prepare loin or French chops as for broiling. Dip in crumbs, egg and crumbs, and fry in deep fat. Drain on brown paper and serve. SPARERIB POT PIE. Cut spareribs once across and then in strips three or four inches wide; put in kettle with hot water to cover, stew until tender, season with salt and pepper, and turn out of kettle; replace a layer of spareribs in bottom, add a layer of few potatoes (quartered if large), some bits of butter, small squares of baking-powder dough, roll quite thin; season again, put in an- other layer of spareribs, and so on until kettle is two-thirds full, leaving the squares of crust for last layer; then add the liquor in which spareribs were boiled, and hot water if needed. Cover and boil half to three-quarters of an hour, being careful not to boil dry, adding hot water if necessary. The crust can be made of light biscuit dough, without egg or sugar, as follows : Eoll thin, cut out, let rise, and use for the pie, having plenty of water in the kettle, so that when the pie is made and the cover on, it need not be removed until dished. If after taking up, there is not suffi- cient gravy, add hot water and flour (Durst's Best), and butter rubbed together; season to taste, and serve. To warm over pot pie, set it in a dripping pan in the oven, add lumps of butter with graw\' or hot water, and more squares of dough may be laid on top. CHICKEN PIE. Dress, clean, and cut up two chickens. Put in a stewpan with one- half onion, sprig of parsley, and bit of bay leaf; cover with boiling water, and cook slowly until tender. When chicken is half cooked, add one-half tablespoonful salt, and one-eighth teaspoonful pepper. Kemove chicken, strain stock, skim off fat, and then cook until reduced to four cups. Thicken stock with one-third cup flour (Durst's Best), diluted, and with enough cold water to pour easily. Place a small cup in center 17 of baking dish, removing some of the larger bones; pour over gravy and cool. Cover with pie crust in which several incisions have been made, that there may be an outlet escape of steam and gases. Wet edge of crust and put around a rim, having rim come close to edge. Bake in a moderate oven until crust is well risen, and brown. Eoll remnants of pastry and cut in diamond shape pieces, bake, and serve with pie when reheated. If puff paste is used, it is best to bake top separately. JELLIED CHICKEN. Boil chicken until it will slip easily from the bones, let the water be reduced to about one pint in boiling ; pick the meat from the bones in good- sized pieces, taking out all gristle, fat, and bones; place in a wet mold, skim the fat from the liquor, add a little butter, pepper and salt tO' the taste, and one-half ounce of gelatine. When this dissolves, pour it hot over the chicken. The liquor must be seasoned highly, for the chicken absorbs. ROAST DUCK. Wash and dry the duck carefully, make a stuffing, season with sage and onion ; insert and sew up that the stuffing may not escape. If tender, ducks do not require more than one hour to roast. Keep them well basted, and send to table with a good brown gravy poured over them. Accom- pany with currant jelly, and if in season, green peas. ROAST TURKEY. After drawing and washing off turkey, stuff it with bread, oysters, or any other stuffing desired, then sew it up, truss and rub with butter and sprinkle with salt, pepper and flour (Burst's Best). Put in hot oven to roast ; reduce the heat when browned all over, and put two cupb of water into the dripping pan. Baste frequently and each time dredge with flour, roasting twenty minutes to the pound, and twenty minntes extra. OYSTER DRESSING. Eemove the crust from a small loaf of baker's bread, crumb very fine ; pour on hot water enough to moisten it; and cover it tight. Chop one large onion and one quart of oysters, take one-half cup of melted butter, one teaspoonful of powdered sage, and salt to taste ; mix all together, and if the oyster liquor does not make it moist enough, add a little hot water. IS FROGS. Only the hind leos of frogs are used, and these are considered a great delicacy. Tliey must be skinned and blanched before cooking, as follows: Drop them in siiltcd boiling water to which some add a little lemon juice, boil three or four minutes, put in cold water a few minutes, then take out and drain. Trim and clean. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in crumbs, egg, and crnmlis again, then fry three minutes in deep fat, and drain. SWISS STEAK. Get round steak about three inches thick. Season and pound in as much flour (Burst's Best) as the meat will take up. Put in irymg pan and brown well on top of the stove, then put in the oven and bake about two hours. Baste. HAMBURG STEAK. Chop finely one ]iound lean, raw beef; season highly with salt, pepper, and a few drops onion juice. Shape, cook, and serve as meat cakes. A few gratings of nutmeg and one egg slightly beaten may be added. CODDLED STEAK. Take round or the cheaper cuts of steak. Cover the bottom of the pan with a thin layer of steak, salt, cover with crumbs. Add alternate layers of steak and crumbs, salt each laj^er of meat. A little minced onion or powdered sage may be added in the way of seasoning, if desired. Place in a steam cooker and steam until tender. Will require from forty-five minutes to two hours according to amount and quality of meat. (Most wholesome and delicious.) STUFFED BEEFSTEAK. This can be prepared from a round steak and is as nice for dinner as a more expensive roast; pound well, season with salt, pepper and bits of butter, then spread with a nice dressing made of one egg, bread crumbs, pepper, sage and a little cream or butter; roll up and tie closely with twine; put in kettle with quart boiling water, and a lump of butter, if desirable, and boil slowly one hour; take out and place into dripping pan, 19 adding water in which it was hoiled, basting frequently until a nice brown, and making gravy of the drippings. It is delicious sliced cold. This is known also as MocJc Duck. CURRIED LIVER. Cut the liver in small, thin pieces, and for every pound take four tablespoonfuls butter, two slices of onion, two tablespoonfuls flour (Burst's Best), speck of cayenne, salt, pepper and teaspoonful of curn' powder. Heat butter in frying pan, cook the liver in it slowly five minutes, then add flour and other ingredients; cook two minutes, stirring all well, and serve. HAM OMELET. One cup of cold ham cut fine, two beaten eggs, and enough mashed potatoes to thicken enough to make into small cakes or patties and fry in hot lard. VEAL OR BEEF OMELET. Two and one-half pounds chopped veal or beef, one-half pound salt pork chopped, one cup rolled crackers, two eggs beaten, one-half cup cream, one and one-half tablespoonfuls salt, one teaspoonful pepppr. Mix well, form into one or two loaves and bake one and one-half hours. Bast- ing with hot water and butter. VEAL BIRDS. Wipe slices of veal from leg cut as thinly as possible, then remove bone, skin, and fat. Pound until one-fourth inch thick, and cut in pieces two and one-half inches long by one and one-half inches wide, each piece making a bird. Chop trimmings of meat, adding for every three birds a piece of salt pork fat cut one inch square and one-fourth inch thick; pork also to be chopped. Add to trimmings and pork one-half their measure of fine cracker crumbs, and season highly with salt, pepper, cayenne, poul- try seasoning, lemon juice and onion juice. Moisten with beaten egg and hot water, or stock. Spread each piece mth a thin layer of mixture and avoid having mixture come close to the edge. Eoll and fasten with skewers. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and fry in 20 hot butter until a golden brown. Put in stewpan, add cream to half cover meat, cook slowly twenty minutes, or until tender. Serve on small pieces of toast, pouring cream remaining in pan over birds and toast, and garnish with parsley. A thin white sauce in place of cream may be served around birds. POT-ROAST OF BEEF. Put a rather thick piece of beef in a wide, flat bottomed kettle with some fat or slices of pork, or suet, and a sliced onion or two if liked, and fry brown, turning to brown on all sides; four hours before needed pour on just boiling water enough to cover; cover with a closely fitting lid, boil gently, and as the water boils away add only just enough from time to time to keep from burning, so that when meat is tender, the water may all be boiled away as the fat will allow the meat to brown without burn- ing; turn occasionally, brown evenly over a slow fire, and make a gravy by adding hot water if necessary to the drippings and thicken with browned flour (Burst's Best). Season the meat with salt an hour before it is done. ROAST BEEF. Prepare for the oven by dredging lightly with flour (Burst's Best), and seasoning with salt and pepper; place in the oven, and baste fre- quently while roasting. Allow quarter of an hour for every pound of meat, if you like it rare ; longer if you like it well done. 21 MARY A. CARTER Notions, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings 1422 East Fifth Street Opp. Dutoit Street For Reliable Jewelry go to A. Moser & Co. Jewelers 12 NortL Main St. Dayton, Okio For the Best f^f^ A T Home 6939 V>Wi\L> Bell, East 2404 E. H. FAUVER Cor. Third and Dutoit Streets MORRIS WETZEL Dealer in Fresh and Smoked Meats Cash 1933 E. Third St. TELEPHONES: Bell Private Branch E. 745 Home 5152 Out Mollo—"Co-opcralion }or Mutual Benefit' The Lindner Bros. Sanitary Milk Company "LINDNER BROS. QUALITY BRAND" Milk, Cream, Butter and Ice Cream Plant Open for the Inspection of yisitors at All Times 719-723 E. May St. Dayton, Ohio PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Vegetables MASHED POTATOES. Potatoes are not good for mashing until they are full grown; peel them and lay them in water for an hour or more before boiling for mash- mg. Put them in a stewpan with enough water to cover them, cover and boil until done. Pour off the water and place them in a heated earthen vessel. Use a vegetable press for masliing, as then there will be no lumps appear. Season with salt and butter and heated milk or cream. Beat well and serve. BAKED POTATOES. Into a moderate oven place the required number of medium-sized Irish potatoes. "\^Tien done take from the oven, remove one end of potato and scoop out the interior. Season with salt, pepper, butter, and cream, beat well and place inside of the peeling; return to the oven until the meal is ready to serve. FRIED POTATOES. Peel the potatoes with a potato peeler. Slice them on a slaw-cutter, so as to have them thin and all the same size. Have some bacon grease hot in a frying pan to receive the slices, season with salt and pepper. When one side is brown, turn with a cake turner; when other side is done, serve very hot. These are delicious with rump steak. POTATO CROQUETTES. Cold mashed potatoes mixed with two beaten eggs and rolled in flour (Burst's Best) or bread crumbs. Shape into patties and fry in hot lard or bacon grease. Make a quick meal. CREAMED POTATOES. Peel potatoes and cut into squares and place into a stewpan, cover with milk, season with salt, and cook over slow fire. 23 ESCALLOPED POTATOES. Mis two cups potato cubes witli two cups white sauce, cover with bread crumbs and bake thirty minutes in hot oven. A few drops onion juice may be added. POTATOES AU GRATIN. Put creamed potatoes in buttered baking dish, cover with buttered crumbs, and bake on center grate until crumbs are brown, DELMONICO POTATOES. To Potatoes Au Gratin, add one-third cup grated mild cheese, arranging potatoes and cheese in alternate layers before covering with crumbs. SWEET POTATOES BOILED. Peel very tliin six medium-sized sweet potatoes, (Jerseys) are best. Place on fire with one-half enough water to cover, one teaspoouful salt, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, lard or butter the size of an egg, and let boil dry, and brown the potatoes in this syrup. The secret is not to place too much water in the pan. A little more water can be added if necessary. TURNIPS. 1. Turnips Alone. 1. Boil until tender, mash and 2. Turnips with Meat. season with butter, pepper, salt, and a 3. Turnips and Potatoes. little rich milk or cream. 2. Turnips boiled with a piece of beef and seasoned with salt and pepper are delicious. 3. Turnips and potatoes boiled and mashed, same as mashed potatoes, are relished by some, who dislike turnips. SWISS CHARD. This plant belongs to the beet family, but is prepared and cooked the same way as spinach; but is relished by some who do not care for spinach. SPINACH. An excellent way to serve spinach is to first look it over carefully, wash it in two or three waters. If the stocks are not perfectly tender, cut the leaves from the stock. Place over a slow fire and enough juice will be drawn out to cook until tender. Sprinkle the leaves with salt, 24 then put on the stove. Serve with mayonnaise dressing, garnish with hard-boiled eggs, cut in slices or rings, that is, with the yolk removed and the rings of white only left. ESCALLOPED CORN. After cutting the grains through the center, remove from the cob. Put into a pan, one layer of corn, a layer of cracker crumbs, pieces of butter, season with salt and pepper; pour one and one-half pints of milk, put on top cracker crumbs, and bake brown. CORN AND CHEESE PUDDING. One tablespoonful of butter, one tablespoonful chopped green pepper, one-fourth cup of full flour (Burst's Best), two cupfuls of milk, one cupful of chopped corn, one cupful of grated cheese, three eggs, one- half teaspoonful salt. Melt the butter and cook the pepper thoroughly in it. Make a sauce out of the flour, milk, and cheese; add the corn, yolks, and seasoning; cut and fold in the whites beaten stiffly; turn into a buttered baking dish and bake in a moderate oven over thirty minutes. CORN FRITTERS. Eemove the corn from one dozen ears of corn, when it first comes, or one-half dozen after it is grown. Mix well with the yolks of two eggs, one-half cup of sweet milk, a lump of butter, the size of a walnut, pinch of salt, and pepper, and a small cup of flour (Burst's Best) ; lastly, beat to a stiff froth the whites of four eggs. Fry brown on both sides in a frying pan vrith fresh lard, and serve hot. CREAMED CAULIFLOWER. Boil in salted water until tender, then put in one cup of milk or cream and a very little thickening ; season with butter, pepper, and salt. CREAMED ONIONS. Cook same as cauliflower. ASPARAGUS. Leave it in bundles and boil in a light salt water until soft, then take a lump of butter in a stewpan and when melted add a tablespoonful of flour (Burst's Best), mix well, and add some of the water the asparagus 25 was boiled in, stirring all the time. Have ready in a dish a well-beaten yolk of an egg, stir this butter gravy into it, and lay the asparagus around the dish into the gravy, tops down. BAKED TOMATOES. Wash five or six little tomatoes, cut a piece from the stem end, the size of a twenty-five cent piece; put a salt spoonful of salt, half as much pepper, and a bit of butter the size of a nutmeg in each. Set them in a dish or pan and bake in a moderate oven for nearly an hour. STUFFED TOMATOES. Cut a slice from the stem ends of the tomatoes, scoop out the seeds and a portion of the hard centers. To each six good-sized tomatoes, one pint of bread crumbs, one tablespoonful of chopped parsley, a table- spoonful of grated onion, a level teaspoonful of salt, a pinch of pepper, and two tablespoonfuls of melted butter; mix, stuff this into the tomatoes, heaping it slightly. Stand them in a baking pan, add one-half cup of water. Bake them in a slow oven for three-quarters of an hour, basting once or twice with melted butter. STRING BEANS. String, snap, and wash two quarts of beans, boil in plenty of water about fifteen minutes, drain off and put on again in about two quarts of boiling water. After having boiled a piece of salted pork one hour, add beans and boil an hour and a half. For shelled beans boil half an hour in water enough to cover and season with salt, pepper, and one and one- half tablespoonfuls of butter. BAKED BEANS. Pick one quart of beans from stones and dirt. Wash and soak in cold water over night. In the morning pour off the water, cover with ho*" water, add a little salt and bacon or ham, cook until they begin to split open. Pour about half of the beans in a deep earthen crock, then put in the bacon and finally the remainder of the beans. Mix one teaspoonful of mustard, one tablespoonful of molasses with a little water. Pour this over the beans and then add boiling water to just cover. Bake slowly ten hours. Add a little water often. 26 FRIED EGG PLANT. Peel and cut them in one-half inch slices; sprinkle with salt and pepper, pile them and place a weight over them for one hour or more, so the juice may drain away. Dry each slice and season with pepper and salt and dip in flour (Burst's Best). Fry crisp in plenty of lard and butter. PIMENTO AND CHEESE ROAST. Two cupfuls of cooked Lima beans, one-fourth pound of cream cheese, three cans pimentoes chopped, bread crumbs. Put in the first three in- gredients, mix thoroughly and add bread crumbs until it is stiff enough to form into a roll. Brown in the oven, basting occasionally with butter and water. VEGETARIAN ROAST. One cupful of grated bread crumbs, one cupful of grated peanuts, one-half cupful of grated walnuts, one cupful of corn pulp, one-half cupful of cheese, two eggs, one tablespoonful grated onion, one heaping tablespoonful of minced parsley, one-half cup of entire wheat flour (Burst's Best), salt to taste. Mix the ingredients well together, press in small bread pan or baking dish, and bake or steam for one hour, st<3am- ing preferred. MACARONI AND CHEESE. One cupful macaroni broken into small pieces; two quarts of boiling salted water; one cupful milk; two tablespoonfuls of flour; one-fourth to one-half pound of cheese; one-half teaspoonful salt; speck of cayenne pepper. Cook the macaroni in boiling salted water, drain in a strainer and pour cold water over it to prevent the pieces from adhering together. Make a sauce of flour, (Burst's Best) milk, and cheese. Put the sauce and macaroni in alternate layers in a buttered baking dish, cover with buttered eruni])s, and heat in the oven until the crumbs are brown. 27 WALDORF SALAD. Two apples, one banana, one-half cup English walnuts, one-half cup celery cut in pieces. Peel and dice the apples, and the bananas, chop the walnuts, cut celery in small pieces. Squeeze over this the juice of the lemon and mix with mayonnaise dressing. FRUIT SALAD. One cup Malaga grapes, one cup celery, one cup English walnnts, three oranges. After seeding the grapes, cut walnuts, celery, and oranges. Line a salad bowl with crisp, tender lettuce leaves and heap with mayonnaise over the fruit; nuts and celery. This salad is delicious as well as orna- mental. CHICKEN SALAD. Boil one chicken tender; chop moderately fine the whites of twelve hard-boiled eggs and chicken; add equal qiiantities of chopped celery and cabbage; mash the yolks fine, add two tablespoonfuls of butter; two of sugar, one teaspoonful mustard; pepper and, salt to taste; and lastly one cup good cider vinegar. Pour over the salad and mix thoroughly. If no celery is at hand, use chopped pickled cucumbers or lettuce and celery seed. This may be mixed two or three days before using. POTATO SALAD. One cup cider vinegar with a little salt and a little water, one-half cup granulated sugar, boil one tablespoonful flour (Burst's Best), one teaspoonful mustard, one large tablespoonful butter, rub all together to a smooth paste with water; stir all into the vinegar; beat up one egg and stir in after fire is turned off; put to cool. Thin with cream or milk. Boil the potatoes and let cool, cut up in dice; add celery and onion to taste. Salt. Use white pepper. 28 Home Telephone 4842 Bell. East 42 MORRIS & SONS Funeral Directors Automobile and Horse Drawn Vehicles Coaches for All Occasions Chapel in Connection 1809 East Third Street Dayton, Ohio Matthews the Florist ^JTnDi^Q /Phillips Hotel Greenhouses and Nurseries in Riverdale His Slogan— " It Pays to Please" Phone Main 2567 Miss Tiffany Waists, Blouses, Neckwear, Handker- chiefs, Hosiery, Laces, Veilings, Chiffons, Nets, Trimmings. 43 Fourth St. West, Dayton, O. AMERICAN Loan and Savings Association Davies Building, Third Floor For more than forty years this association has paid to its depositors regularly every six months the highest dividends that could be earned through prudent business. In that time no man has lost a dollar of his money entrusted to us, and no one has been put to expense or suffered loss in obtaining his money when it was wanted. We loan on first mortgages, only, have a Safety Fund ample for protection under any conditions, and consider our certificates as good, for all practical purposes, as Government Bonds. Samuel W. Davies, Pres. Frank M. Compton, Sec'y & Atty. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS PINEAPPLE AND CHEESE SALAD. Take nice crisp lettuce leaves ; place sliced canned pineapple cut in rings on the leaves. Fill the center with cheese and celery cubes, mixed with mayonnaise dressing. Sprinkle with English walnuts, and serve. SALMON SALAD. One can salmon; take out the bones and mash well. Chop eight small pickles ; chop one cup cabbage ; eight butter crackers rolled fine ; four hard- boiled eggs. Dressing. One tablespoonful flour, two tablespoonfuls sugar, two table- spoonfuls prepared mustard; a lump of butter the size of a walnut. Mix well, then add one-half cup of vinegar. Put in vessel; let it boil; stir all the time, and then pour this over the salad; mix well. Salt and pepper to taste. COLD SLAW. Beat the yolks of two eggs, one-half pint cream, two tablespoonfuls of vinegar, one tablespoonful of celery seed, one teaspoonful salt, a little pepper, a piece of butter the size of a walnut. Mix together and put in a sauce pan; stir until it boils; chop cabbage fine and pour the mixture over while hot. Let stand until cold before serving. / Dressings for Salads MAYONNAISE DRESSING. One egg, one small teaspoonful salt, one small teaspoonful mustard ; three large tablespoonfuls of sugar, one-half cup of vinegar, butter the size of a walnut. Beat the egg well with the sugar, mustard, salt and stir in vinegar slowly; butter drop by drop. Cook in double boiler and stir constantly. CREAM DRESSING FOR COLD SLAW. Two tablespoonfuls of whipped sweet cream, two of sugar and four of vinegar; beat well and pour over the cabbage, previously cut very fine and seasoned with salt. SALAD DRESSING. One egg beaten fine, one-half cup sugar, one-half cup vinegar, butter size of a big walnut; cook all together. 30 Sandwiches LETTUCE SANDWICHES. Cut thin slices of bread and butter lightly; have fresh, crisp lettuce leaves spread with mayonnaise dressing, and spread between layers of bread. HAM SANDWICHES. One-half pound boiled ham ; four hard-boiled eggs ; chop fine ; season with a little onion juice and a dash of cayenne pepper; add vinegar enough to spread; place between layers of bread. NUT SANDWICHES. Thin slices of entire wheat bread cut circular and buttered. The fill- ing should be made of chopped, roasted and salted peanuts mixed witli sufficient mayonnaise to spread. CLUB SANDWICHES. Three slices of bread thinly cut in any desirable shape, toasted and buttered, are the basis of the club sandwich. Place a lettuce leaf on the lower slice, and on its top put slices of chicken breast, then put another slice of toast on top of that with another leaf of lettuce, followed by thin slices of breakfast bacon, topped with a third slice of toasted bread. Finish the sandwich Math thin slices (lengthwise) of small pickles on top of the last slice of toast. The toasted bread and the breakfast bacon should be hot. OLIVE SANDWICHES. Thin slices of bread, evenly buttered, cut hexagon shape. Between each two slices place a layer of ISTeufchatel cheese mixed to a paste with equal quantities of cream and salad dressing and covered thickly with chopped olives. 31 KIMONO SANDWICHES. Three pimentoes, two hard-boiled eggs, one-half pound New York cream cheese, one teaspoonful chopped onion, one-fourth teaspoonful red pepper, one-half teaspoonful salt. Chop all fine and mix with a dressing made of one tablespoonful of sugar, one egg, one tablespoonful of butter, four tablespoonfuls vinegar, one-half cup sweet milk, one tablespoonful (Burst's Best) flour. Boil, spread between thin slices of buttered bread. DEVILED HAM SANDWICHES. Three boxes of deviled ham, the five-cent boxes ; three hard-boiled eggs : four sweet pickles ; two spoonfuls of prepared mustard. Mix well and serve between fresh buns or bread. Use lettuce leaves if you have them. RIBBON SANDWICHES. Take three square, thin slices of white bread and two corresponding slices of entire wheat. Butter them and place between each two slices, the white bread being on the outside, a filling made of eggpaste. Take a sharp knife and cut crosswise into thin slices, each five (3 white, 2 entire wheat) slices of bread cut into six sandwiches. Eggpaste is prepared by mashing the yolks of three hard-boiled eggs to a paste and adding two tablespoonfuls of salad dressing and pepper and salt to taste. APPLE SANDWICHES. Two thin slices of bread buttered. Between them place a thin slice of a tart apple, which has been steeped for an hour in a mixture of lemon juice and sugar. CHICKEN SALAD SANDWICHES. Between two thin, oblong slices of bread, buttered, place a layer of chicken-salad on a lettuce leaf. In making chicken-salad for sandwiches, chop the chicken and celery much finer than for ordinary purposes. 32 Relishes CHILI SAUCE. Eight quarts of tomatoes, three cups of peppers, two cups of onions, three cups of sugar, one cup of salt, one and a half quarts of vinegar, three teaspoonfuls of cloves, same quantity of cinnamon, two teaspoon- fuls each of ginger and nutmeg; boil three hours; chop tomatoes, pep- pers, and onions very fine; bottle up and seal. COLD CHILI SAUCE. One-half peck of ripe tomatoes, scaled and peeled; twelve medium- sized onions, nine red peppers, four cups of sugar, four cups of vinegar, one-half cup Shaker salt, two tablespoonfuls ground cinnamon, two table- spoonfuls ground allspice, one tablespoonful ground cloves. Mix all to- gether and put vinegar in last. It is then ready for use. It will keep without sealing. CORN SALAD. One dozen ears of com, twelve mangoes, eight onions, one head of cab- bage, one stalk of celery, three pints of vinegar, two cups of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of mustard seed, one teaspoonful turmeric powder, one table- spoonful salt. Boil twenty minutes. TOMATO RELISH Chop one peck of green tomatoes, add one-half cup salt and drain. Add two cups chopped celery, six onions, four green peppers, two cups sugar, two ounces of white mustard seed, one quart of vinegar. Do not cook if to be kept in a dark place. Will not need to be air tight. GREEN TOMATO PICKLES. One gallon of green tomatoes sliced. Let them stand in salt over night. In the morning strain and heat to the boiling point. One quart of vinegar, two pounds sugar, cinnamon and cloves to taste. Cook until tender and seal. 33 MIXED MUSTARD PICKLES. Four quarts each cucumbers and onions; two large cauliflowers; two pounds brown sugar; one-fourth pound mustard; one gallon vinegar; five cents turmeric powder; one cup flour. Soak vegetables over night in salt water, breaking the cauliflower in small pieces. If cucumbers and onions are small do not cut. In the morning drain and cook until tender, in equal parts of vinegar and water. Put two quarts of vinegar and water on to heat; mix the mustard, flour, and tumeric powder to a smooth paste with one pint of cold vinegar. Stir into the scalding vinegar; drain the pickles from the mixture in which they were cooked. Put them in the mustard mixture as soon as it thickens, but do not boil. Just let all come to the boiling point; remove from the fire and put into jars while hot. Other vegetables may be added as liked. CHILI CON CARNL One can tomatoes; one can kidney beans; eight onions fried with one pound of hamburger; salt and red pepper. One-half bottle catsup. COLD PICKLES. One-half gallon of vinegar, one-half cup salt, scant, one-half cup ground mustard, ten cents' worth of saccharine. Wash and wipe pickles dry, pack in jar, add above ingredients. Make a paste with mustard before adding all the vinegar. A piece of horse radish may be added. PEPPER HASH. Eight red m^angoes, eight yellow mangoes, eight green mangoes, one dozen onions, two heads cabbage, three hot red peppers. Grind and salt over night. Press through sieve, add one and one-half pints of sugar, four tablespoonfuls celery seed, four tablespoonfuls mustard seed, three pints of vinegar. Bottle cold. TOMATO CATSUP. Boil one bushel of tomatoes. Let them stand all night, then take through a sieve. Add one pint of vinegar; two pounds sugar; one-half cup salt; five cents whole mixed spice; five cents ground cloves, allspice, and cinnamon mixed; eight large onions ground; red pepper to suit taste, boil down one half. Tie spices in a bag. 34 Bread and Rolls "This week my husband has been heavy, sour and sad, Kinsman to grim and comfortless despair, And now I find the cause therefor — • The bread was bad." — Shakespeare. SALT RISING BREAD Stir two tablespoonfuls corn meal and one-half teaspoonful salt into one-half pint of hot water. Cover the dish and set in a warm water bath at about 160 degrees Fahrenheit, and keep it thus for five or six hours. Then scald one quart of milk and let it get lukewarm ; add one teaspoonf ul salt and enough flour (Burst's Best) to make a batter that will drop from the spoon. Beat well, pour in the salt and meal rising, beat, cover and set in a pan of warm water about two hours. Then mix in flour (Burst's Best) to make a dough thick enough to knead. Knead until smooth and elastic. Mold into loaves, (this recipe will make four) cover with a clotli and let rise in a warm place. Bake about an hour in a moderately quick oven. PLAIN WHITE FAMILY BREAD. In the evening, soak one cake of Fleischmann's Yeast half an hour in i cup of water warmed. Peel and boil one pint of sliced potatoes in one quart of water. When done, pour water over one pint of sifted flour (Burst's Best) mixed with one handful of salt and one-half cup of sugar. Mash the potatoes and stir in the above mixture. When cool, stir in the cup of yeast, and put in a warm place until morning. Sift some flour (Burst's Best) in a bread pan, empty the sponge which was made the previous evening and knead until it does not cling easily to tlie hands.. 35 R. J. CONNELLY, President JOS. M. GEYER, Sec. and Treas. The P. M. Harman Co. Carpetlngs, Rugs, Draperies, Wall Papers, Frescoing, Furniture, Etc., Etc. -:- -:- 30-32 N. Main Street Dayton, Ohio SATISFACTION A good meal together with the knowledge of having a Savings Account with interest compounded at The Market Savings Bank Wayne Avenue and Richard Street Dayton, Ohio A. HO Druggist BOTH PHONES 314 Xenia Avenue, Corner Viot Street DAYTON, OHIO Home Phone 2942 Bell Phone 20M LEONARD DAUT Meats and Provisions S. W. Cor. McLain and Allen Streets DAYTON, OHIO PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Cover with a cloth and let rise until it doubles itself. Make into loaves, allowing room for each loaf to double itself and let rise again, and bake one hour in a moderate oven. PARKER HOUSE ROLLS. Three cups scalded milk; four tablespoonfuls butter; three tablespoon- fuls sugar; one teaspoonful salt; eight cups sifted flour (Burst's Best), one cake Fleischmann's yeast; dissolved in one-fourth cup liikewarni water. Pour scalded milk over the salt, sugar, and butter. When lukewarm, beat in four cups of flour. Mix well and add the dissolved yeast. Cover closely and let rise in a warm place. When light add enough flour to knead (four cups). Cover, let rise until light. Boll out to one-half inch thickness. Shape with a biscuit cutter; brush each shape with melted butter; crease through the center, fold over and press the edges together. Place in a but- tered pan, one inch apart and let rise until very light ; then bake in a brisk oven fifteen minutes. CORN BREAD. One pint of sour milk ; two eggs, one-half teacup of sugar, one-half tin cup flour (Burst's Best), one teaspoonful soda, one teaspoonful salt, butter size of an egg, finish with corn meal. Bake thirty minutes. MUFFINS. Sift two cups of flour (Burst's Best), one-half teaspoonful salt, twn teaspoonfuls baking-powder, one teaspoonful sugar, one cup milk. Rub in the hand one teaspoonful butter. Beat two eggs very light without separating. Add the milk; pour over the dry ingredients; beat well and bake in muffin pans about twenty-five minutes, in quick oven. LOVERS' KNOTS. One cup scalded milk, two tablespoonfuls sugar, one-half teaspoonful salt, one-half cake Fleischmann's Yeast dissolved in four tablespoonfuls of lukewarm water, two tablespoonfuls of melted butter; one end on top of cake. 47 CRUMB CAKE. Two cups flour, one cup sugar, two teaspoonfuls baking-powder. Sift all together. Eub with hand butter size of an egg. Take out one-half cup of mixture or crumbs. Then add two well-beaten eggs and enough sweet milk to make cake dough. Put in two cake pans. Sift one-half cup of crumbs on top and bake. CLOTH OF GOLD. Five eggs, one coffee cup sugar, one cup sifted flour (Burst's Best), one tablespoonful lemon juice, one-half teaspoonfiil lemon extract. Beat the whites and yolks separately and thoroughly. Put the lemon juice in the yolks and stir well and sugar in the whites, and put the eggs together. Add flour, and last the flavoring. Start Avith oven as for bread and bake forty-flve minutes. ANGEL FOOD CAKE. ^^^lites of eleven small eggs or nine large ones, one and one-half cups fine granulated sugar, one cup sifted flour (Burst's Best), four times with one teaspoonful of baking-powder, one teaspoonful of vanilla. Whip the whites to a firm stiff froth, put in lightly the sugar, then the flour mixed with the baking-powder, lastly the vanilla. Pour into an ungreased pan and bake in a moderate oven forty minutes. SCRIPTURE CAKE. Four and one-half cups First Kings, IV-22; (Flour) One cup of Judges, V: 25, last clause; (Butter) Two cups of Jeremiah, VI: 20; (Sugar) Two cups of First Samuel, XXX: 12; (Raisins) Two cups of Nahum, III: 12; (Figs) Two cups of Numbers, XVII: 8; (Almonds) Six cups of Jeremiah XVII: 11; (Eggs) One cup of Judges, IV: 19, last clause; (Milk) Six tablespoonfuls First Samuel, XIV : 25 ; (Honey) Two teaspoonfuls Amos IV: 5; (Baking-Powder) A pinch of Leviticus, 11:13; (Salt) Season to taste of Second Chronicles, IX: 9; (Spice) 4g EGOLESS, BUTTERLESS, MILKLESS CAKE. One cup raisins, one cup water, one cup sugar, one-half cup lard. Put on stove and let come to a boil. Set aside to cool. When lukewarm, put in two cups of flour (Burst's Best), one-half teaspoonful soda, one-half teaspoonful each of cloves, cinnamon, and salt. Flavor to taste. Bake in moderate oven one hour. SAUSAGE CAKE. One pound raisins, one pound brown sugar, one pound fresh sausage, one teaspoonful nutmeg, one teaspoonful soda. Boil raisins ten minutes and take one cup of water from the raisins. Put soda in this water. Three cups of flour (Burst's Best). Bake one hour in a slow oven. SPICE CAKES. One and one-fourth cups of sugar, one-half cup shortening, one egg, little salt, one cup sour milk, one teaspoonful soda, one cup chopped raisins, one teaspoonful each of cinnamon, allspice, and cloves. Flour (Burst's Best) enough to thicken. GINGERBREAD. One cup of sugar, one teaspoonful salt, one tablespoonful ginger, one tablespoonful soda, three and one-half cups flour (Burst's Best), one cup Orleans molasses, three eggs, one cup hot water, three-fourths cap lard or butter. Mix together sugar, salt, and ginger, then the shortening. Add molasses, and mix again. Then the eggs well beaten. Add flour and lastlj' the hot water in which dissolve the soda. Bake in small pans. 49 Bell Phone East 232 Home Telephone 3613 Jackson & Whitmer Funeral Directors Private Motor Ambulance Motor or Horse Drawn 1802 East Third Street - - Equipment - - DAYTON, OHIO Martin's Pharmacy Ice Cream, Candies, Drugs Home Phone 3148 Cor. 5th and LaBeile Sts. HERMAN SOEHNER Sole Agent for — — "GARLAND" STOVES AND RANGES ALSO "STEWART" FURNACES Special attention given to Roofing, Spouting and Jobbing Bell Phone Main 820 112 S. Jefferson St. Home Phone 3820 Dayton, Ohio -:- H. N. GAGEL - Seeds -:- Implements and Hardware, Cyphers Incubators, Poultry Supplies, Bee Sundries. EVERYTHING FOR THE FARM No. 212 E. Third St. Bell Main 1182 Home Phone 3182 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS frostings CARAMEL FROSTING. One pound brown sugar, three tablespoonfuls water, boil until it spins a thread. Have beaten whites of two eggs; add S3^rup very slowly, stirring the eggs very quickly all the while. Beat thoroughly and spread on cake quickly as possible. ICING WITH CREAM. Two cups of granulated sugar, one-half cup of cream or rich milk and butter. Boil together and stir while boiling, until it will ball in cold water. Beat hard when taken from the fire and spread between and on top of cake. WHITE FROSTING. One cup granulated sugar, one-half cup water, boil until it spine a thread. Have beaten white of one egg; add syrup very slowly; beat thor- oughly and spread on cake. 51 Small Cakes OATMEAL GEMS. Two cups brown sugar, heaping cup shortening, two eggs beaten, one- half cup milk (buttennilk or sweet milk), two and one-half cups of rolled oats, scant two and one-half cups flour (Burst's Best), scant level teaspoon- ful soda in the flour; heaping teaspoonful baking-powder, one-half pound Griffin's Raisins, one teaspoonful cinnamon, one-half cup rolled nuts if desired. Bake in gem pans or drop them in large pan and bake slowly. DOUGHNUTS. Two large coffee cups buttermilk or sour milk, three eggs, two cups of sugar, three-fourths cup shortening, one teaspoonful salt, one teaspoonful soda, one-half teaspoonful of lemon or cinnamon, flour to roll. Cut with doughnut cutter and fry in hot lard. This will make seven dozen. FRUIT JUMBLES. Three eggs, two cups of sugar, one cup butter, one-half tup milk, three cups flour (Burst's Best), three teaspoonfuls baking-powder, one cup of currants, one-half nutmeg. Spread in shallow buttered tins, one- half inch thick. Cut in squares while warm. SUGAR CAKES. Two and one-half cups sugar, one cup butter and lard, three eggs, one sifter full of flour (Burst's Best), one tablespoonful baking-powder, one pint sour cream, one teaspoonful soda and flavoring. Bake in slow oven. EGGLESS GINGER CAKES. One quart Orleans molasses, two teacupfuls of sour cream, one teacup- ful of butter, one teaspoonful soda, two tablespoonfuls ginger, and a pinch of salt and flour to roll. 52 CHRISTMAS COOKIES. One pound flour (Burst's Best), one-half pound butter, one-fourth pound sugar, six eggs, one teaspoonful rose water. Mix, roll about as thick as finger. Cut into strips three inches long and form into an "S." HICKORY NUT COOKIES- One and three-fourths cups sugar, stirred into well-beaten yolks of four eggs, and then into the beaten whites. Two cups of flour (Burst's Best), one heaping teaspoonful baking-powder, two cups of hickory nut kernels, cut in small pieces and rolled in flour. Mix quickly and thor- oughly, and drop in small spoonfuls upon buttered and floured pans. Bake moderately twenty minutes. SPICE COOKIES. Two cups of sugar, good one-half cup butter, two level teaspoonfuls cinnamon, scant one-half teaspoonful cloves, one-half small nutmeg, two well-beaten eggs, one cupful milk. Sift in two and one-half cups flour (Burst's Best) with two heaping teaspoonfuls of baking-powder until it is sticky enough to roll into balls. Eoll them in granulated sugar and bake in a moderate oven. 53 Eggs FRIED EGGS. Heat omelet pan. Put in one tablespoonful butter; when melted, slip in an egg, and cook until the white is firm. Turn it over once while cooking. Add more butter as needed, using just enough to keep egg from sticking. POACHED EGGS. Fill a saucepan three- fourths full with water; add salt and vinegar, stir the boiling water vigorously. Break egg in cup and drop deftly into eddy formed by swift stirring of water. When white is firm, remove with buttered skimmer, trim and serve. EGGS A LA GOLDENROD. Three hard-boiled eggs, one tablespoonful of butter, one tablespoonful flour (Burst's Best), one cup of milk, one-half teaspoonful of salt, one- NOTES n NOTES 78 NOTES 79 THE FARADOR A remedy for every curable disease. No drugs—no battery. First cost the only cost— lasts a lifetime. Call, write or phone for free circulars and investigate our drugless method of healing. Hundreds of home testimonials. PHONES: Bell. 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