■0^ T * ■%^ " • • * 4 o <« A> "Oa ^.'^^f'. _ -^ ••• .V- <>. '»•** A^ ^-^^ /: ^- '° '°'" %/ ;^^^;^ \,^ :) .40 0^- ? '^^, ;^ •vy "o •."^-,- 4 o •*b^. -■e.- « »>* <"^ " o ^Ov^ .-^m^^"^; .^q. o V .0^, ^y/t O M O ^^./>v^:. <^ 4 o .^" CO. "^^ ' * * " .<&> ' . L . , ^ • *^^$^ •Ao^ *\./*;?i"^V^o * ,0 -%. ' .^*^ .* • » * \ ' .0^, K**°- • / ■« .-«-' ^* X 4 ^?T Si /.' ¥4 t" i-t ' Racine Scliool Furniture 139 Waba«Ii Aveuue, Cliicago. Manufacturers of the celebrated "Perforated" FoM- ing and Lock Desk, and dealers in school merehan-^:. dine generally. ■ ' 1 Es. r>-^:E=L.^^x>3:®, ma '. O. miartiliall, Lyon Co., :TIian. M. B. DRKAV^, l^'ir.sl Mort pcaore^. J^oaiis and MARSHALL, MINN. WAKEMAN'S DRUG STORE. MARSHALL, MINNESOTA- PREPARED PAINTS, & WHITE LINSEED, CASTOR, SPERM AND LARD OIL, Olieaper tl:i.a ^ w O d^ JC p^ ;-2 > r— I 03 a r^i 'O w rj O _. CT- pj We carry a large assortment of ini ? isl is, Eais 8; Cap. -OUR STOCK OF- DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS IS UNSUKPASSED. A large line of Boots and Shoes, on which we save our patrons 25 per cent, spring stock for 1884 was bought cheap. Always go to the Boston Store to save money. Respectlully, AC. chittp:nden. II 1 HISTORY OF LYON COUNTY. In this unpretentious work we shall not attempt to connect Lyon County historically with the Garden of Eden or trace back its geographicalrelations farther than the history ot the state which it ornaments. Prior to 1866 the territory which is now embraced by this and sereral other counties, was a part of Blue Earth county. At the date above mentioned the wild western portion of Blue Earth became Brown county. In 1857, Cotton- wood, Murray, Pipestone, Nobles and Jackson were taken out of Brown, and in 1865 Redwood county was taken from Brown. The territory thus taken embraced what is novv Yellow Medicine, Lac qui Parle, Lyon, Lincoln and Kedwood In 1869 Lyon county was subtracted from Redwood. It then also embraced Lincoln county whicli was taken from Lyon in 1873, Two Indian reserrations had been establised within the territory of Red- wood county, one at Minnesota City in what is now Yellow Medicine county, the other six or eight miles east of the present site of Redwood Falls. These were called respectively the Upper and Lower Sioux Agencies. Througli hu- manitarian ideas an attempt had been made to civilize and make farmers of these Sioux, for which purpose houses had been built by government, farms opened and a very pretty system inaugurated. It resulted, however, in fail- ure, and the terrible Sioux massacre of 1862 killed all romantic ideas about the "poor Indian" and put a dead stop to immigration to western Minnesota. Prior to the massacre, settlement in this latitude had stopped at the eastern limit of the reservaticn, and only an occasional trader, who saw large profits in the exchange of poor whiskey and other poor goods for furs, ventured far- ther west. Thre^ of these trading stations existed before the massacre within the section set off as Lyon county. One was at Lake Benton, one in Lynd and Lyons, and another at Saratoga in the town ot Custer. vc\t 12 LYON COUNTY. As earl}' as 1857 and probably a little before that date, a man by the name of Lynd had a trading station on the Redwood riyer, probably on sectiou 5 in Lyona, and on section 33 in Lynd as stated in the special histories of those towns. Near that locality there were groves of timber which made an at- tractive camping place for the Sioux. In those times the Indians found very little trouble in getting food, the streams and lakes aboundmg with fish, and there was plenty of game in the woods and on the prairie, besides the wealth of fur that was yielded by the many lakes in these parts. It is i probable that these, the first settlers of Lyon county, so far as we know, lived as easy and perhaps as contented lives as the present settlers. The red pipestone quarry, which was holy ground to them, lay only twelve or fifteen miles from Lyon county as it now stands, and the Indian trails between that and the Minnesota river ran through this county. This section became an Indian tramping ground, and the groves of the Redwood and Cottonwood were familiar and frequented spots. At the time of the massacre in 1862 there were no settlers and no tradmg posts in the count}'. It is fortunate that such was the case. At lake Shetek in Murray county there was a settlement of whites who were slaughtered by the blood-thirsty savages. Mr. Everett, who alterwards became one of the firm who first opened a store here, was then living at Shetek. He was shot, and saw his wife and two children killed and scalped, while a third child a daughter was carried off, but afterward rescued. Mr. Everett, after intense suffering from wounds, escaped and moved to Waseca. After the massacre much ol the land formerly Avithin the Sioux reservation Avas surveyed and thrown open for settlement. In 1865 emigration began to get across the Minnesota. Redwood Falls and Minnesota City had settlers as soon as 1865, and in 1867 the settlement of Lynd in Lyon county commenced as given in the history of that town. Custer and Stanley received settlei's in 1868 and that year and the next two or three years there was quite a rapid immigration that forever extinguished the huntin": srrounds of the Indian and o o o to rendered unto Ceres the things that were hers. The county was everyway fitted by nature for a rich agricultural section. The level prairie with its wealth of nutritious grass, the many streams and lakes, stocked with fish, the scattered groves, and, above all, the deep rich soil ofi"ered inducements that overcame even the fear of Indian fickelness, and the home seekers of the east flocked to our prairies to plant here the germs of future agricultural wealth and advanced civilization. Before this the tide of immigration had swept across the slates south of us, and though coming here a little later, it came rapidly, making a populous county in three or four years out ot tenantless plains. LYON COUNJ'Y. 13 The settlement of Lynd ia 1867 was the controlling settlement in the county for two or three years, and beeame the county seat when the county was or- ganized in 1872. There was found the only postoflice or store in the county till one was started in 1871 by Wagner & Co. at Lake Uenton. This store was sold m 1873 to Dr. G. "\V. Whitney who before this had a store in Lynd in the old log house formerly used as an Indian trading post. The hrst settlers at Lake Benton were Wm. Taylor and Chas. Schintle who went there in the spring of 1868. The former was afterward lost and frozea to death in the blizzard ol Jan. 1873. In the same storm James Robinson and a Mr. Ebersol of Lincoln county, the latter from Lake Hendricks, weio lost and perishinl. The ¥ox family, from near Marshall were lost at the same time and tlirt^e of them died as mentioned in the historj" of Lake Marshall. This is S'lid by old settlers to have been the worst blizzard experienced by whites here. Chas. Taylor, a son of the Wm. Taylor who perished in this storm at Lake Benton, was afterw.ird lost in a blizzard between Marshall and Lake Benton and was also frozen, to death. With the then almost unbrokeu prairie for many miles nearly houseless and roadless, these terrible winter storms were likely to overtake those who ventured from home, ^and to be so 'overtaken was extremely hazardous. It is a wonder that the mortuary record of the countj^ for those early years does not show more deaths from freezing than it does. The population of Lyon county was rather sparse in 1869 when the county was set off from Redwood county, though scant settlement had been started at Marshall, Stanley, Custer, Amiret, Lake Benton, Lynd and the town ot Lyons. In December of "69 the governor appointed A. W. Muzzy, L, S. Kiel and E. C. Horton as commissioners. Owing to absences ot the commissioners which prevented a meeting no oifieial action was taken till August 1870. The first meeting of the commissioners was held Aug. 12, 1870, at L. Tickner's, Upper Lynd. Mr. Muzzy was chosen chairman; K. Holland was made auditor pro tern by the board, D. M. Taylor elected auditor, and Chas. Hildreth sherifl". The board then adjourned till Oct. 8. E Lamb was then chosen auditor and the board prepared for the flrst county election by making the following elec- tion precincts: Saratoga precmct, towns 107, 110, range 40 and -41. /.Ferguson and (Jeo. Robinson were appointed justices and Joseph Wagner, J:is. Mitcliell ami C'lar- ence Avery judges of election, which was to be held at llie house ol Geo Rob- inson. 14 • LYON COUNTY. Marshall precinct embraced towns 111 and 112, ranges 40 and 41, with W. S. Reynolds and C. H. Wliitney, justices; C. H. Upton, Josoph Carter and L. Lanf^fdon, judges ot election, to be held at house of C H. Whitney. Upper Yellow Medicine precinct was town 113, ranges 40, 41, 42, 43 and 44, with Frank Nelson and Mr. Morse, justices. Lynd precinct embraced towns 111 and 112, range* 42 and 43 with 109 and 110 ot same ranges attached. A. VV. Muzzy, A. R. Cummings and L. Tickaer were judges of election. No justices were appointed. Lake Benton pre-inct embraced the rest of the county. Ross and Bently were made justices and Wm. Taylor, Dau'l Williams and John Birmingham judges of election to be held at house of Daniel Williams. At the subsequent election the following officers were elected, 78 votes being east: Timothy Eastman, Joseph Wagner and Daniel Williams, commissioners; Geo. E. Keyes, auditor; A. R. Cummings, treasurer; W. H. Langdon, register of deeds; Jas. Cummings, sherift; A. D. Morgan, clerk of court; A. W. Muz- *y» judge of probate; W. M. Pierce, county attorney; Jas. Mitchell, Sr., court commissioner. At a subsequent commissioners meeting in 1871 G. W. Whit- new was appointed superintendent of schools. The commissioner and assess- ment districts were made as follows: No. 1, all east of ran^e 42. No. 2, i-ange 42. No. 3, all west of range 42. The location of the county seat at this time was at Upper Lynd, at which place it remained for about two years, when Lower Lynd, having stolen the thunder of its upper rival, took the county seat also. These were times of frontier experience to the tew settlers ot this count}'. The luxuries of lile then were few and far between only so far as an active imagination surrounded with Si couleur de rose the com^noneT things of lite. The elasticity of the human mind makes i^leasures out ot privations, and it IS not improbable that some of these early settlers enioyed themselves better then than now. They were not here for immediate wealth, and society's demands were not very burdensome. Logs for houses could be had with little trouble, or if not, sod was always plentj'. Firevvood could be had lor the chopping, there then being no strin- gent laws against cutting on government land. The railroad grant was not then made. Provision was not so easy to provide as very littie land was in cultivation and wholesale stores were nearly a hundred miles off. Merchan- dise, what little was used, was brought from New Ulm, St. Peter cr Mankato by team, a long trip, especially in winter. li lumber was »vanted logs had to be hauled fifty milesjto Redwood Falls, where there was a saw mill. A saw mill was, however, in operation near Upper l^ynd in the winter of 18G9, which LYOxV COUNTY. 15 afforded a great relief to the settlers of these parts. Going to mill for flour was as bad as tor lumber. The saw mill haTing failed to be very remunera- tive was changed to a grist mill alter about three years service in making na- tive dumber. Fishmg and hunting iu these early times were good, and trap- ping in some places was a not unimportant source ot income. The lakes in the county at that time were the homes oi a good many tur auimairf, iiicludinu- some of the more valuable furs. Trade began in a small way, first with the Indians lor ponies, fur, feathers, &c. There were then plenty of Indians i-oam- ing around the county in the earlier years of its settlement, though they were always peaceful and anxious to trade what they had for what they hadn't. Frequent dances at which everybody knew everybody and formality was un- necessary and unobserved, an occasional meeting and Sunday -school, visits to the store where the old settlers met to exchange lies and express admiration of Ellis's kicking mule, with the annual elections made up about all the social history ot tbe times. The first deal in merchandise that could without too dangerous a stretch of the idea be called a store, was ny D. M. Taylor, who kept a stock ot goods at the P. O. at Upper L,ynd, when he was postmaster from June 1868, for sale to the settlers. The next store was opened by G. W. Whitney. Ellis went into trade in 1871. The settlers of these times were mostly men and their families who were at- tracted here by the government offer of free land. Usually all tiiat the law al- lowed was taken as claims, and the holders patiently waited for the tidal wave of immigration to make their possessions valuable. No very great ef- forts at farming were made. The aim and expected end of most ot these fron- tier settlements was speculation in land. The public lands of Iowa had been swept over and the original holders made wealthy with no efforts ot their own. Our early settlers waited for the same experience. Some of them are waiting yet. Many of them lelt comfortable homes farther east and melted away their small wealth nourishing the hope of coming opulence. Some have partially realized those hopes, and some have got off their nests without any incubation and gone farther west to speculate anew, or back east to tell the hardships of frontier life. The natural hope of the Lynd settlements was that they could keep the county seat, eventually become a railioad town, and thus gain the adyantages attached to suih conditions. Their locaiion near the center of the county on the Ilcdwooil river and iu the best groves of the countj' seemed to make this probable, and it ought to have been so. But tiie hind grant to the W. & St. r. R. R. of all the odd sections for ten miles each side the road wherever it should be built, was an inducement to make the road as long as 16 LYON (BOUNTY. possible aud to run it where 'it would take in the best lands. Instead ol ruu- nnino- anywhere near in a straight line west it therefore ran northwest from one corner of the county to the other leaving Lynd ten miles or so south of the road. This broke up the metropolitan prospects of Lynd, at least until some other railroad shall reach that locality. The railroad reached the Redwood river in 1872 aud the next year a vote was taken to divide the county, making the west three tiers of towns into Liucoln county, and to move the county seat from Lynd to Marshall. By this lime settlement had scattered all over the county, aud Lynd was no longer able to hold its former political influence. The fact that Marshall was centrally located and on the railroad, the only railroad point of any importance in t!ie county at Ihat time, together with the combination made by Marshall with the west end ot the county to make a new county seat, outweighed the claims ot Lynd, and though the old settlement made the best light they could, there was a majority in favor of removal aud Marshall became the capital of the new county of Lyon. The rote cast at this election on the question ol removal was 397 for, 99 against. The election of 1872 left the following county officers: Auditor, O. C. Gregg; treasurer, A. 11. Cummiugs; register ot deeds, W. H. Langdon; sherift", Jas. Cummings; clerk of court, A. D. Morgan; judge of probate, Orin Drake; county attorney, W. M. Pierce; court commissioner, Jas. Mitchell; supt. of schools, R. Wait; county surveyor, T. W. Caster; coroner, L. Tickner. J. W. Blake oi Marshall was also elected representative. The politics of the county prior to the county seat removal in 1873 was about lour to one republican. The removal made a division of pai-ties here, and the Greeley move comipg on at that time was endorsed by many former republi- cans. In the campaign of 187-i a people's party was formed which put in nomina- tion the following ticket: (). C. Gregg, auditor; J. W. Williams, treasurer; G. M. Durst, register; L. Turner, attorney; F. Holritz, clerk; J. Mitchell, Sr., judge of probate, T. W. Ga.ster, coroner; J. N. Johnson, court commissioner; 0. L. Van Fleet, sur- veyor; T. W. Caster commissioner 8d district and J. S. G. Houner ot Redwood Falls, seaator. There were 453 votes cast in the county giving the following returns: For senator, J, W. Blake, 274, J. G. Ilonner, 169; auditor, O. C. Gregg, 248, S. Truax, 205; treasurer, J. Rouse, 213, J. W. Williams, 229; sherifi', S. Webster, 252, IL Tripp, 197; register, S. Grosbeck, 193, G. M. Durst, 149, W. Clemens, 0(5; attorney, W.Wakeman, 210. L. Turner, 197; surveyor, C. L. A^an Fleet, 360; clerk, O. H. Dahl, 325, F. Holritz, 92; judge of probate, E. B. LYON COUNTY. 17 Jewett, 264; J, Mitchell, 180; court commissioner, J. N. Johnson, ITS, C. A. Edwards 149; coroner, D. M. Taylor. 199, T. W. Caster, 127; commissioner 1st district. Jas. Mitchell Jr., 97, Jones 18; 3d district, H. T. Oakland, 9G, T. VV. Caster, 25. This election was carried through with considerable acrimonj-, the begin- ning of which was the county seat tight, and enmities were made that were several years appearing m county politics. Since that time the vote ot the county has been largely republican on general issues and important offices with two or three slips ol a local character and from local causes. In 187G the district, though largely republican, elected J. VV. Williams of Marshall who was born and bred a democrat, to the office of representative. This was ow- ing to a party division in Lincoln county, the republican candidate, J. G. Br3'- an, not being popular. County offices have also occasionally been filled by democrats. GRASSHOPPER YEARS. The settlers of Lyon county had become numerous enough by 1884, and ao-- riculture had become fashionable enough to have by the assessors' rent rfs 4,245 acres of wheat sown in the county. This at forty bushels to the acre, the advertised yield which this county was subject to, would have made the farm- ersof the county well fixed, and have opene da considerable business tor oi-ain elevators, &c., if there had not been a new affliction iu the germ that was des- ined to cloud the the sky of western Minnesota and check the immioratiou movmeent now in full development. The railroad had brought manv of the comforts of lite, had given the earlier settlers neighbors, a o-ood market and the adjuncts of civilization; the first hardships of jMoneer life seemed passino- away, and hopes of a prosperous future budded and bloomed under the stimu- lus of the growing boom, and Lyon county's glorious destiny was almost man- ifest when from the land of the west wind came the omniverous hopper. The crop of Lyon county was reduced to an average of not much above ten bushels per acre during the visitation ot '74. The eouth part of the county was rather badly cut, and other portions were visited enough to frighten the settlers and ' I'aise a barrier to immigration. It was thought when the hoppers left iu July that no eggs had betm left be- hind, and hopes were again raised that this affliction was at an end. lull crops were sown in the spring of 1875, though they were sown in the shadow ot a great fear which soon became realized. In many places eggs hatched out, but t he loss from home-bred grasshoppers was small compared with the de- struction brought later by the flying millions from the western hatchino^ 18 LYON COUNTY. grounds. A few weeks before harvest time the air was filled uitli tiiem, and the grain fields also. Plans for destroj'ing them were devised, published and tried, but it was like sweeping back the tides of the ocean, a never failing sup- ply .<^eemipg to be beyond us ready to take the place of those destroyed Many settlers gave up the fight and sought the means of living farther oast, iState appropriations were made tor the destitute , and£the government made laws enabling settlers under homestead laws to leave their lands without for" feitureof their rights. This act, though undoubtedly in many cases a medium for fraud, Avas a great help to many worthy settlers and saved lands that must otherwise have been lost. Bnt the loss to the county in tne stoppage of enu- meration and the permanent desertion of settlers was very great, and it did not recover from the eflects of the grasshopper ?'aid for sevei'al years. These pests coming fiom the hatchmggi'ounds on the dried up slopes of the Rocky Moun- tains came in search of food, and stopped when they found it. The country east of us was very little hurt, and it is improbable, even should a series ot dry years again occur to cause flights of hoppers, that this county will again bo reached to receive severe damage, as settlement and cultivation has now ex- tended west of us beyond the Missouri river. Lyon county, however, lived through this jjeriod of insect afflictions better Jhan most of the counties around it. Very little state aid was asked for or ta- ien here. The peojDle were poor, to be sure, and some business men failed ilrying to carry grasshopper sufferers. County orders also became of slow sale at sixt}' cents on the dollar. This last, however, was as much the result of former bad expenditures as anything else. A debt of about two thousand dol- lars had been saddled onto the county for mostly useless county books, by the Artistic manipulation of a St. Paul agent and the ignorance ot the county's needs on the part of county commissioners. This with other expenses had jnultiplied and increased until it later became necessary to bond the county for some fifteen thousand dollars, and a rigid reform was inaugurated with a de- termination to keep receipts and expenditures equal. Since that reform the debt of the county has only been increased some five or ten thousand dollars; and was this spring deemed light enough to safely cover with a $40,000 bond Toted in aid of the Duluth, North Shore and Southwestern railroad, which bond, however, has not yet been issued, and is under an injunction suit. Within the last few years a large immigration has swelled the population ot Jie County to nearly 7,000, much of the railroad land has been .sol d , and all the government land taken and largely proved up, so that the county's revenues will hereafter be much larger than heretofore. This, however, is a historical digression. LYON (X)UNTY. 19 In 1874 a grange of Patrons of Husbandry was organized bj the farmers of the county, but never accomplished much more than ordinary farmers' clubs. A county agricultural society was also organized, and the first fair held at Marshall. It was said to be a very respectable county fail-. The society held fairs yearly after that w ith the exception of one or two grasshopper years, when it had nothing to show, and has now leased a permanent fair ground and put up buildings in Marshall for fair purposes. An event of '74, also was a grand reunion of soldiers at Marshall, at which it was ascertained that a large part of the claim holders of the county had been soldiers. This element now supports a large G. A. R. post here. AN INDIAN SCARE. Two or three families of Norwegians living near Medary started this scare in July of 1874, and were probably the victims of a practical joke. They came to Lake Benton with the story that Fort Wadsworth, sixty miles from Lake Kampeska, had beed captured by the Indians, who had massacred 200 whites, and were on their way to Lake Benton were thpy might be expected next day. That Flandreau was in flames and everybody fleeing before painted savages. Such a report, seemingly well backed up, created a commotion at L& Judd, Winona Mill Co., D. H. Evans. * Coal — Van Dusen. S. J. Randall. Saloons — J. J. Haitigan, Fred Lehman, Martin Hose, C. Anderson. Beer depots — Aug. Schell, C. & J. Michel, Hartigan & Armstrong. Wholesale liquors — E. H. Roach & Co. Physicians — C. M. P'erro, Mrs. L. Ferro, S. S. Jones, H. M. Workfnan, O. E. Case. Attorneys— C. W. Main, Van Buskirk & Brown, John Lind, also receiver of U. S. land oiFic H. S. Adams, wagon shop; J. P. Watson, hardware store; Mrs. E. Burrall, milliner; A. O. Underhill, contectionerj', &c. ; Langdon & Laythe, lumber yax\l; J. W. VVilliaais, hardware; J. Bagley, meat market; Turner & Loojje, lumber, furnitnre and machinery; E. Fuller pliotographs; J. W. Blake, agent of townsite company. C. H. Whitney burned a kUn of 85,- 000 brick this season. The kiln was at the northeast end of Third street. The Congregational society put up a building for a church on Main street, the one now owned by Geo. E. Johnson. The public school was taught there by Mis.s D. Wheeler, now Mrs. G. M. Durst. W. M. Todd went into partnership with Coleman & Co. L. Nichols opened a livery. H. J, Tripp was in the machine business. A Masonic lodge was formed. J. F. Reichert built his brick block of two store buildings in the fall of this year. In 1874, Kendall's mill was built, Blake started a cheese factory, B. A. Grubb opened a harness shop, Groesbeck sold his interest in the drug store to Whit- ney, who also became P. M. The store ^d postoffice v.'ere burned in Dec. L. F. Pickard ran a tin shop, A. Bean was a lightning rod agent, M, M. Mar- shall opened a fui-niture store and built a -grain 'v/arehouse, C. A. Edwards ran a lumber yard. Fuller & Co. a feed store, D. F. Weymouth a law office, Lock-- cy & Yates became a firm for masons' work, J. Goodwin & Co. builders, Dr. Burgoyne arrived, a brass band was organized, Marcej'es and Reichert being its managers. Rev. Galpin, assisted by Rev. E. Goodman conducted tlie M. E. church, and Rev. Simmons the Congregational society. Alexander Sauder.s was killed by lightning in August on Norton Billing's place. A dramatic so- ciety was formed and the play of the People's Lawyer successfully produced. A literary society was also organized. The spring of 1875, having been preceded by a winter of much .snow, oj)ened with a tloodf An ice gorge was formed below the village, and ihe lower parts of the town were under' water so much that several families had to be helped out with boats. 30 LYON COUNTY. The Prairie Schooner was sold this year to the writer of this book, and the name changed in September to the Marshall Messenger. The octagon part ot the present school house was built in the spring, Addison & Tripp formed a machine partnership, I. i'. Farrington opened a general store, Joe Sears a shoe shop, Dr. Newell a dentisfs office, J. A. Hutchins a blacksmith shop, Whitney & Webster an insurance office. Everett sold his interest in the store to Addi- son & Mott. Geo. Nichols built a brick building, now the court room. A dou- ble brick block was built by marshall, Coleman & Co. and C. F. Case at the head of Third street. In 1876 we find among the new business houses, Keyes & Blake, blacksmiths; P. F. Wise, farm machinery; O. Pehrson, general merchandise; Burgoyne & Jewett, drugs, which afterwards tell into the hands of C. M, Wilcox; Edwai'ds, feed mill; B. F. Jellison, shoe shop; I. Burrall, carpenter; M. M. Marshall, drugs; B. Gibbs and D. Crowley, meat markets; Mrs. Clemens and Mrs. Un- derbill, milliners; S. J. Watkins, machinery; H. B. Gary, Edwards and Addi- son & Mott had grain warehouses. W. M. Todd bought out Coleman and op- erated the store alone. In 1877 came E. H. Puffer, who sold his goods and disappeared like the morning dew, so much ahead of his wholesale men. D. Bell went into the ho- tel. W. M. Todd sold out to C. B. Todd, who took W. H. Lynn- into partner- ship and afterward lailed. M. E. Wilcox bought out the bankrupt stock of I. P. Farriiigton's and after running it a year or so, also tailed. D. Mclntyre • went into partnership with J. Andrews Jin furniture, McCormick opened at meat market, C. A. Haskel a gunsmith shop, Horton & Hamilton a lumber yard with W. M. Todd agent. 1878 saw Bennett & Hunt in the sale of blooded horses. Hunt afterwards bought the hotel which Bell had be«n trying to run. A. C. Chittenden bought the Todd stock and opened a store. Griswold »& Hillyer put in the Wisconsin store. Thos. Watson built and opened the Marshall House. McNiven Bros, stated a livery stable. Drs. Persons, Andrew and Houston, and attorneys Chittenden, Forbes, Seward and Gove looaled here (r. A. Tracy opened a furniture store, was succeeded by Thos. Wookey. Jewellers W. H. Wright, W. C. Kayser, and J. Lohmiller were in business. Aldrich & Houston bought out Marshall's drug store. Owen & Dibble opened the Bank of Marshall. The Messenger block, six brick stores, was built and occupied by Lyon Co. Bank, Schutz & Kyle, dry goods, E. L. Healy, groceries, S. Keyser, clothing, C. M. Wilcox, drugs, J. H. Snyder, books, &c. The lust was bought by C. F. Case in a few weeks, and clothing store soon passed to Chambers Bros. E. D. Allison also occupied rooms as a dentist. Three brick yards were run by Crooker, LYON COUNTY. U Whitney and Lockey. L. Larake opened a market, having been displaced aa R. R. agent. Robt Waldron also opened a store, In 1879 we find Laythe & Tripp, machinery; F. Weikle and Lohmiller, mar- kets; J. W. BJake lumber yard; F, S. Wetherbee, store; J. F. Remore, machin- ery; King & Wakeman, drugs; W. L. Watson, machinery; Youmans & Co, with M. Sullivan, agent; Mathews & Andrews uud M. Q. Drew, ullurueys; E. J. Harrison, marble-cutter; La3-the & Pehrson, store. VanDusen & Co. built an elevater. Todd & Edes started a second paper, the Lyon Co. News. By the census ot 1880 the village had a populaticu of about 1,000. Some changes have since occurred Blake built an extesive wind grist mill, which was traded to Geo. Welch, blown to pieces in the blizzard of Oct. 1880, and, af- terward burned. It was fully insured, however. John Berry built a large steam mill, and ran it a few months, when it was also burned in the winter of 1881. A constant shower of tire from it came near burning the whole town. The first religious services in the village were by Rev. E. H. Alden of Was- eca in 1872, in a tent every other week. Between times the tent was used for a saloon. The village was incorporated in 1876, but a defective charter caused a .sec- ond incorporation in 1881. The incorporation includes sections 4, 5, and 9. The Marshall school is now a graded school with four departments and about 200 pupils. There are two church buildings, Methodist and Congregational, the latter a line chui'ch. The county owns three buildings in the village, two offices and one used for a court room. The Marshall postoffice in a Presidential office. W. Coleman .succeeded Whitney in 1875, C. F. Case followed in 1878, and S. D. How in 1883. There are 17 two story brick buildings and several fine residences. The W. & St. P. R. R. Co. have a general land othce. The population ot the town is mostly American, and intellectually and so- cially the equal ot any community in the west. The stores in the village mostly carry exceptionally jlarge stocks of goods, and are doing a prosperous trade. The present business of the village is as follows: Mercantile — A. C. Chittenden, J. Schutz, F. S. Wetherbee, O. Pehrson. Edwards & Co., general stores; E. L. Healy, Humphrey & Gail, J. W". Wil- liams, groceries and crockery; J. P. Watson, R. M. Addison, (hardware and machinery; Youmans Bros, and Horton Lumber Co., lumber; Louis Janda boots and shoes; C. M. Wilcox, W. Wakeman, A. B. Sweet, drugs; S. But- turfi, furniture; W. C. Kaiser, books, stationery and tobaccos; M. Hooker, stationery and tobaccos; Mrs. Hillycr, midinery; J. Price, John Russell, 32 JvYON COUNTY. Mrs. Hicks, bakery and restaui'ant; Fred Watson, harness; Woodruft" & Wilber and F. Weikle. meat markets; Parsons it Wise, exclusive clothina:. Trades— E. J. Harrison, marble cutter; Arthur M. Nichols, R. B. Vonder- smith, B. Vosburg, painters; J. McGandy, photographs; M. H. Gibson, Geo. Heinmiller, C. J. Price, 11. Curtis, blacksmiths: S. Marshall, wagon maker; J. B. Murray, O. C. Philips, barbers. Professions— C. E. Pei-sons, J. Armington, A. Poaps, physicians; E. D. Alli- son, dentist; Forbes & Seward, M. E. Mathews, M. B. Drew, D. F. Weymouth, E. B. Jewett, E. A. Gove, attorneys; Revs. J. B. Fairbank, Congregational, and J. W. Powell, Methodist; Geo. M. Durst, Miss Mikkelson, Miss Downie, Mrs. Durst, teachers. MisCETXANEOUS — Messenger, C. F. Case; News. C. C. Whitney; elevatoi'S, Van Dusen & Co., E. Frick, agent; Porter Milling Co., W. A. Hunter, agent; T. King, grist mill; L. Nichols, livery; ^Y. Keith, W. Simmons, H. Hoyt, ho- tels, Geo. E. Johnson, cattle buyer; B. Wright, wind feed mill; Peterson & Co., tailors; D. G. Stewart, sewing machine agency; C. M. Wilcox, express agent; H. M. Burchard railroad land agent; T.A.Woodruff, railroad agent; Van Winkle, telegraph operator; Chas Kent, collection agent. Straight & Co. havt a large creamery. Woodbury & Frick, own a skating rink. Having the county seat, one railroad, and a pretty sure prospect ot two otJi- ers, Marshall's future is as bright as that of any town in western Minnesota. TOWN OF LUCAS. In the noi'th-east corner of the county, and bounded north by Yelk)\v Medi- cine and east by Redwood counties, lies the town of Lucj*s; a rich agricultu- ral district, and one ot the fairest and best of Lyon County's twenty township;^. The ideal Minnesota town, in the minds of those >.vho have paid attt ntiou to the topography of our state, is one where rolling pran-ies and sparkling lakes alternate with frequency, thus giving, as it were, a dappled scenery no- where iound in such pei'fection as in the Gopher State. Lucas is one of t ho; e towns. While the prairie is mostly dry, arable land with occasional tine mead- ows of rich native grass, free from sloughs and swamps, the water suppl}' of the town is ample without permanent rivers or creeks, in its many beautiful lil.- tle lakes which are scattered over the whole area of the town. There are sev- en clear-water lakes ot respectable size, with high banks, dry beaches, well stocked with fish and the resort of thousands ot water-fowl, furnishing va- riety and beauty to the prairie scenery, and unparalelled attractions lo ihe set- tler and the sportsman. In section 3 is Sham Lake, not very large, nor very d«ep, but a pretty little body ot water. In sections 4, 5, 8 and 9 a much larger body of water is found, called Cottonwood Lake, from several large cottonwood trees on the east cud There is also a grove of timber on the north shore. In section 11 is Lake Hamre, named from E. T. Harare, a settler near it. It has a little timber on the south side. In section 17 a small lake is named Lake Susan on the rail- road maps, but called Bogus Lake by the Lucasites. On section 20 and 21 is Lady Shoe Lake named from its supposed resemblance to that ariicle. There 34 LYON COU>iTY. 38 some timber on the north side. In sections 23, 24, 25 and 26 Lady Slipper Lake, somewhat the shape of the last named, but larger, sleeps amid banks bare of timber. Just why the larger should be called a slipper and the small- er a shoe is one ol those curiosities ot nomenclature that no fellow successfully tries to find out. In seotion 36 is School Grove Lake, getting its name, proba- bly from its being on a school section and having a grove on its east end. These lakes are not, like the lakes of the country south of Minnesota, sur- rounded by swamp, but have beaches of sand, gravel and stone. There is us- uall}' a deposit of bouhiers aroua'd a part of them. The lakes, too, make very little waste land. I^ucas has scarcely any waste land, but is considered one of the best towns for agricultural purposes in the west. The W. & St. P. R. R.[Co. appreciated this fact to such an extent that they fixed the price of their lands in this town higher than in other towns equally distant from the railroad. Since then they have withdrawn from market about half their lands there, reserving, for purposes best known to themselves, the land in the northeast half oi the town. The crops ot Lucas have uniformlj^ been good, even in grasshopper years. Mr. R. H. Price states that his lowest average of wheat, even in those times was nine bushels per acie. In 1883, according to the assessor's returns, there were 2,187 acres of wheat sown, 698 acres of oats, 362 acres of corn, 127 acres of barley, 20 acres of potatoes, and other crops sufficient to make up a total acreage under cultivation of 3,418. By the same report the town had 191 milch cows, 153 sheep witii ayield of 1,268 pounds of wool. These last faijures were considerably increased during tlie summer of 18S3. There are 132 acrea of forest treej planted and growing, and 317 rods set out on highways. This promises well for the future fuel supply of ttie town, and it is an industry that will be more largely' entered into in coming years. The benefits ot cultivated limber on our praiiies, both m furnishing luel, beauiifying the tarm and en- hancing real estate values, is becoming better recognized and acted on each year. The chief obstacle to the rapid settlement and development of Lucas hereto- fore has lain in its distance from railroad markets. This has been cousidera- blv overlooked because of its superiority of soil and lake attractions, and ttie town makes a good showing in its farm and home improvenients, but with a near railroad it would liave been much more sought alter and have made a much better record than it hae. This want ot the town is now in a fair way to be remedied. A line of railroad from the south via Worthington and Tracy was given a preliminary survey in 1883, and will probably run into or very near Lucas. This is one of the projected lines ot the Rock Island system. LYON COUNTY. 86 and will probably be built to a northern connection with Fargo by the way of Big Stone Lake, [f built soon it must in all events, greatly benefit i..(iS Ix)88es incurred and pai(i R. Ivenson and S. John- aUianson on stables; cause, prairie dre, f2o. 00 All other expenses. . 91.76 Balance on hand, 77-89 $192.Go $192.65 Dec. ol, 1881. Members 74, policies 74, amount ol' insurance in torce $71,381. Receipts for the year, $114.00 Balance in treasury from previous year, 77.89 Jjosses incurred and paid G. Torberg and Knud Kjorness 1 cow and 1 heifer; cause lightning, $41.00 All other expenditures, 63.47 Balance on hand, 98.29 • $192.76 $192.76 Dec. 31, 1882. Numbers of members 96, policies 96, total amount of insur- ance $86,060. Received during the year, $217.2.') Cash from previous year, 98.29 Losses incurred and paid, K. Thompson, one horse, $100.00 All other expenditures, 70.78 Balance in cash, 144.76 $315.54 $315.54 Annnual report, Dec. 31, 1883. Number of members 112, policies in force 112, amount ot insurance in force $105,477. Receipts foii the the year, $313.19 Balance from previous year, 144.76 Losses paid, S. Hognasou and A. Lee, stables, $59.00 All other expenditures, 63.90 Balance in treasury Jan. 1, 1884, 335,05 $457.9.) $457.95 In 1881 the money received for membership and 8 cents per 100 dollars m- sured paid all loss and expense. In 1882 the receipts for membership and 15 cents per 100 dollars settled all loss and evpense for that year. In 1883 the money received from membership and 12 cents [per 100 dollars settled all claims against the company for that year. The present board of directors is as follows: E. K. Kjorness, president; Ole L. Orsen, secretary; I. L. Kolhei, treasurer; O. Simimdson. S. llognason, IL B. Nilsen, Ole Johnson, directors. . TOWN OF CLIFTON. Clitton is on the east side of the county, joiaiug Redwood county, witii Stan- ley north. Am iret south and Lake Marshall west. It is town 111, range 40. Its surface is all prairie with very little standuig or running water. The oat- let to Lake Marshall cuts the southwest corner, and is its only sti'eam. Oq section 28 and some adjoining territory a rather swampy lake called Goose Lake is found, and constitutes the town's lake inventory. The prairie soil of Clifton, however, is unsurpassed for fertility, and its meadows and grazing lands are among the best in the county. While the town has no native tim- ber, there are numerous thrifty groves of cultivated forest [trees, some very fine, but a lew years hence the monotony ot prairie scenery will have disap- peared in one of nature's pleasantest landscapes, ptairie and grove combined. The lands of Clifton are almost free from waste pieces, and it will in time, when its coming rich farais are opened and improved, become one ol Lyon county's best agricultural townships. The first settlers who located homes in Clifton came in 1872. J. A. Dillman, a native Nova Scotia, who lives on section 30, took the first claim in June 1872, although he did not move his.famil}' tliere till the next May. He came from Hennepin county. In 1872, also, settlement was made on section 6 by li. D. Barnes and C. A. Cook, from Iowa and G. P. Ladenburg, from Hennepin Co., on section 18. The next two or three years brought in several settlers, and the town was organized in 1876, the 100th birth year of the U. S. Like the naming of a new child the christening ot Clifton was arrived at through nuicb 58 LYOJT COUNTY. discussion. Tho town Grsfc caaght the name of Edenview, a name couceiyed with June landscapes and an active imagination as a basis, but through the more practical ideas ot Christopher Dillman was changed to Clitton. This name of course, means a cliff town, and is appropriate lor this town because there isn't anything that the most vivid ideality could distort into a cliff within twenty miles or so ot it. The cliffs of Clifton are not a foot high, and raise rutabagas and wheat in immense quantities. The tirot town meeting, Oct. 6, 1876, elected as the first town officers, A. J. Waite, chairman; G. P. Ladenburg and Christopher Dillman, supervisors; R. D. Barnes, cleric; J. A. Dillman, assessor; C. A. Cooke, treasurer; G. W. Mossman J. Lynn, justices; H. J, Newhouse and W. B. Franlilm, constables. Miss Ida Mead taught the first public school m the town in 1876. There arc now thrie organized school districts with school buildings on sections 8, 11 and T3. , The first public religious services in the town at which preaching was done M'ere conducted in 1875 by llev. H, C. Simmons, a Congregational minister ot Marshall, and a church society has since been organized tliere preaching be- ing supplied from the church in Marshall. Services are still held in the school house. In 1883 Clifton bad reported 2,205 acres under plow; 1,115 wheat, 605 oats, 308 corn, 116 barley, 18 potatoes, 11 beans, 23 tlax. The vote of tfie town in 1882 was 31. The inhabitants of (jlillon can be found as follows: Section 2, ne C. Marks; se C. J. Spong; sw Wm. Marks. Section 3, H. C. Meehl. Section 4, so G. Metzelder; sw B. Snyder, Section 5, ne ('. Rock. Section 6, se C A. Cook; w.} ne and el nwR. D. Barnes; w.} nw B. Grubh. Peetion 8, nw H. J. Newhouse; nw P. I.Truax; se H. Mead, Section 10, nw A. Adler and C. M. Gary; sw D. C. Ackerman; ne F. H. Fligge; se A. Mead. Section 12, nw B. Hassinger; se W. Mossman; ne V. Rowley. Section 14, se M. C. Humphrey: ne F. Bedhury. Section 18, se G. P. Ladenburg; wi J. Lynn. Section 19, se J. i'leraming. Section 20, s/; J. A. Dillman; center ^ Christopher Dillman; n^ nw Geo. Dillman. Section 22, nw V>. \\ . Shaw; sw D. A. Keys; se J. Pierard. Section 24, nw VV. 11. DiUy; sw G. W. Selover, LYON COUNIT. 59 Section 26, ne J. Durkee; nw A. Mianeseng and J. Freiheit. Section 28, ne F. Hawkins; s} L. Nichols. SectioaSO, sw J. 3. Brown; nj Seymour, Sabin & Co. Section 32, nw F. Shake; ne E. C. Knieff. Section 34, nw L. Nichols; sw J. C. Brown; se W. S. Rader. TOWN OF LAKE MARSHALL. This township, in which is located the village of Marshall, the couuty seat, is named from a lake which lies in the southeast part ot the town. It is six miles west of Redwood county and iwelve miles sou'ih ol Yellow Medicine, and is town 111, ran^e 41. The town was the first organized town of the county, though its settlement is ante-dated by that ot Lynd. The first settlement was made in 1869, W. H. Langdon, now of Lynd, locating a claim on section 8 in June of that year. C. H. Whitney and C. H. Upton located the same summer on section 4, tho former on the southeast quarter, and the latter on the northeast quarter, both now embraced in the village incorporation. In the fall of '69 L. W. Langdon and his sou, E. B, Langdon, located in the town, on sections 18 and 8 re- .spectively. In 1870 the town gained several settlers, among whom were M. D. Morse, Oren Drake, Mrs. U. S. Stone, G. M. Durst, C. T. and Charles Bel- iingham, Josiah l"tlie coun- ty, joining Yellow Medicine county on the north, Lincoln county on the west and the towns of Westerheim and Nordland on the east and south. The first settlement is said to have been made by Nels Torgerson in June 1H71. The same year Swend Peterson and Ole Esping took claims and set- tled there. An organization was efl'ected in 1873, and the first election held Sept. 20, electing the following officers: H. T. Oakland, chairman; Nels Torgerson and A. Amundson, supervisors; John Coleman, clerk; O. B. Ringham, assessor, Swend Peterson, treasurer: H. D. Friuk, justice; O. H. Esping and G. Amundson, constables. In 1878 Mr. Frink opened a store west of the present village of Minneota. He had been appointed postmaster of the postolllee of Nordland in 1872, and continued in that office till 187.3, when it was transterred to N. W. L. Jager and moved to the present site ofMinneota on the southwest quarter of section 25. Mr. Jager had opened a store in 1874 at the old site of Nordland and had moved it to the new site in 1875, this being the first store there. The second store was started in Nordland in 187.5 by Dr. T. D. Seals. Christian Lee ran a blacksmith shop on section 20 tor two years previous to this. In 187G the railroad company laid out the present village ot Minneota, which, however, went by the name of Nordland till it was changed by act ot legislature in 1878 to its present name. Rev. J. Berg held the first religious services in Kids void in the section hous« LYON COUNTY. g,^ at Nordland. The services were LnU.oran. Tlir-re are now two Nonvegian Lutheran and one leelandin Lutheran organizations. The tir.st public school was taught by O. H. Dahl, a railroad section house being us.al Ibr school purr.osps till 1 S?9 wiien a school ouildiug- was put up at Minneota. The first marriage was that of J. J. Wall-a and Annie Olson, Oct. 2i, 1874. The first t5irth was made a good omen lor the town in a pair of twin girls to Swend Peterson and wife in 1871. The death of a daughter of Ole Peterson in 187'3 was the first death. In 187J) Bishop li eland made a purchase of the railroad company of a large tract of land in Eidsvold and adjoining towns, and located a Citholic ■coionv there. A consi(ierable pordon of this first purchase was in Eids old, and the population of the town wa, at once increksed by an iuimigration nf Eno-Iish and Irish Catholics, under spiritual charge of Father M.J Hai, \rst • priest of the colouy. These im.uigraMts were, as a rule, too nnskiiied in tiie business of western furming to make a suddenly large sueeess oi this coloniza- tion scheme and many of the tirst iniinigranrs after a time left ,nv for other pursuits; but new and better etloris were. i.jade by R-.v j. ^udey and bis successor, Rrv. Louis Cornells, and a cla^s ot more pra-tieal agneuifurists were soon gathered inti, the colonv from England, Ireland. Canud" and Bel- gium, and Kev. Cornells built a chuj-ch and parsonage at Minneota. the only Catholic chui'ch in the count- . riie coi(jny IS now divided into two branches with two pi'itsts, Father Lee at Minneota and Father Devos at Glient, some seven miles east of Mumeota, and numbers about one hundred members wh.. are fast becoming tiirilty and pr^=j perous farmers. The Wiin^na & St. Peter R. E. cuts through the town of Eidsvold diagonally from southeast to northwest, giving the town the advantage of a near market and -trading point in Minneoia. and greatly enhancing the valuati.m of the real estate ol the town. »' The two branches of the Yellow Medicine river How through the town, the south branch from south to north and the north branch fiom west t.> east, with a branch from the s'ouih in tiie west part ol the town. Tliis makes Ei.ls- vold exceptionally well watered, and gives it rich meadows and valuabl .• graz- ing fields as well as unsurpassed farming lands. The grain crop ot Eidsvld has almost always been a large 31. Id, and the town is cue oJ the most f rtila districts of the west. ^ The assessor's report for 1883 gave for the town 1.812 acres in wheat. 5 3-3 iu k 5at8, 278 corn, 60 barley, z2 potatoes 2 flax, and a total acreage under cultiVA- tion ot 2,735. It had also 60 acres of lorest trees growing. m LVON COUN I'Y. Tho Ia.-!t aasessod "jiltiation of the town was $6«).7(il, aiitl il;s liigliest record- ed vote, that of 1882, was lOi. School district No. 5'">, organized in 18S"2 has a good school house and an (m - rolled Rcliolarsliip of 40. S'"'hool district No. Ml) ha? tho s.\nio enrolled soholar- .ship and is in the north east part ol'tlie tttvvn. (Inc nf liid curiosities of Eidsyold is a fossil trcse tonnd on the north branch (i)f tlic Yellow IMedicine rivtu* by Ole (). Svonnes m Dee 187.3. The larger piece is now in the yard oi Samuel Hovland in section 1. It is 2.3 inches in di- arnelcr ;iiivi;r seen there bcfori'. ()ni> is claimed to hav(^ been a I'odlish. It w;is a tresli i>ih'. Houses ol residents are tound as follows: Section "2. ne O. A. Svennes; nw K. tlelgi^sen; sw K i-'odnes. iSeclioii 1, ne F, ISIcMahon; sw W. 1*. Ruggles and V. R. Adams. Section (i. nw A.Conijee: sw !>. Vosburir. Section S, w?, .1. Abeni: e] E. liinkley. Section IC. nw L. P. Johnson; ne iv. Knudson: s\tr K. Fodnes, se K. O. Bak- kcn and Torgcr Stcne. Section 12. n] Thor Rye and H. Bo'vden; se K. Knudson; svv Ole Espiug. Section 1 I. nc E. Syver.son; se II. '1'. Oakland; nw K. Tvambek; sw Malone. Section IS, se F N. Welch; nw 1!. Agiicrs. Section 20, sw John McCormick. Section 22, nw .J. E Kaas: ne J. I'cunmirton and ('. Hansen: Knud Rye and i\. Rvc; sw 15. Wallcn. Section 21. nw K. K. Kjoines; ne E. K. Kjnrnes; aw A. Annudson; se I. Ol- son and Didvicr. Section 21). no (',. Thompson; nw <). 1',. Ringham; sw H. 11. Roe: se <>. rhoinp.-«oii and J. Wilham.s. Section '28. nc VV. Salmon; e| L. Anderson; sw E. McDonald. Section ;io, nw Henry Canstens; sw A. Ratke find Wra. Mohr. Section;'.!, nw E. O'lJrien and Nels Torgerson; se K. O. Dovrc; sw Ole 5este. TOWN OF NORDLAND. Nordlaud is situated on the west line of the eounty aud six miles from the north line. The surface of tlie town is rolling prairie watered by the soutk branch of the Yellow Mtdieine river, which fiowrf throii' crooked passa2:e, leaving it on the north line near the center. This o:ives some very Hue meadow lands, aud makes the town well adapted to stock raising aud dairying w'hieh is bein^; largely entered into. The soil, like ail the soil ot I-.yon county, is unsurpassed, and there are many thrifty farms Jotting the prairie. The (own was first settled by Frederick Holrit/,, who located on section 10- in 1870. In 1873 the town was oi'ganized, an election being held at the house of T. H. Hume March 10. Tlie following were the first town officers: Ole O. Grofl", chairman: Ole O. Rear and Nils Anderson, supervisors; Fred- erick llolritz, clerk; T. i). Loftsgaarden, assessor; A. O. Strand, treasurer:; J. O. Fangen and Holritz, justices; Tliroud Helverson and W. K. Hovden, con- stables. The fiist scDool was tauiihtin l^^li, districts 24 and 25 being organized thafe 3 ear. Privatt'. houses are still used for school purposes. The nearest market town of Nordland is Minneota, though considerable of the trade of the town goes to Marshall. The population of the town is entirely Scandinavian, no other uatiouality be- ing found we think unless perhaps a few Icelanders. The even sections are fairly well settled. Very little settlement has vet been made on the railroad sections, 68 LYON COUNTY. On the farm of Albert Ilalvcrsoii in the scuth i)art of section 28 is said to be the hiiihcst Hliitude in Lyou counlv. It is siiid that, li-ora there one 'can see Dearly siU over the county. Tiie residents of the town who have houses arc loeaied as follows: Section 2, ne Halver Olson; nw J. B. Johnson, se Thos. Olson; sw W. K. Hovden. Section 3, se lloht. Cultshaw. Section 4, ne John Ohnn; nvv Seven Jeraniansen; sw John Jhotf; se S. Se- Vertson and John Josephson. Section G, n^ E. C. Getske; se S. G. DahMi. Section 8, n] S, Gilbi^rtson; se Neis Nelson; sw Chris Johnson. Section 1), nw Teeta Tolff; ne A. Strand; se Sever Tergland. Section 12, nw H. Verpe; sw Ole Rear; ne Olo GrofF; se Arny Larson, Section 13, nw Ole Bjerska; se N. T. Dahl. Section 14, ne T. Flume; nw A. Larson; se Nels M3^re; sw Ole Severson, Section 18, ne Charles Anderson; se Lars Jerpbak. nw Aslak Hang; sw Ole Stear. Ssction 20, sw Saru'l Hanson; ne F. Holritz; se Ole M3'^nck. Section 22. ne K. Melbo; nw Ole Nordba; sw J. G. Gellumd; se G. ^ mnnd- son. Section 24, aw T. Johnson; sw G. St^enerson; se Ole Ladel; ne F. R'jniberg and Ole S. Kj^elud. Section 28, neNels Halveroon; nw Andrew and Albert Halversou; sw LouLs Leeland. Section 30, ne S. Anderson; sw Trancv Tobias. Section 82. nw M. Bradason; ne B. Johnson. Section 34, nw Ole Borsnes; L. E.>t; se Joltn Larson. TOWN OF GRAND VIEW. Graudview, town 112. range 42 is located six miles from tliel north and west lines of the county. It is one of the b^st prairie towns in the county, atid is being rapidly settled up. The Belgian branch of the Catholic colony has ta- uten a considerable portion of the town within the last two years, and bids fair to take more. Th»i (irst settler in Grandview was O. McQuestion, who located on section 34 in Aug. 1871. He did some breaking that summer and erected the first bouse, a slab "dug out" covered "with sods. Tnis was the year before the railroad reached Marshall and building material was scare? and dear. In August 1873 the first town meeting was held at the house of J. Thomaa, and there weve then elected the first officers, T. J. Barber, chairman; S. B. Green and J.M.Collins, supervisors; A. L. Baldwin, clerk; Geo. Chamber lain, assessor; J. M. English, treasur«'r; O. McCiueslion and H. B. Lioomis, justices; G. A. Wirt and C. Cotterell, constables. The first birth in the town was that of Lilly, a daughter of O. McQuestion, Dec. 16, 1871. The first death was that of a child of Joseph Chaniberhiip. The first school was taught in 1876 by Sarah Constant. The town now has four school houses. The first preaching was by Rev. W. S. Williams, Methodist, who it is said al.'='0 preached the first sermon in Fairvievv in Seth Johnson's blacksmith shop. Tills was in 1872, during which year there was quite an emigration to the town. 70 l.YON COUf^TY. The W. wheat, 2()1 oa ts, 80 corn, 1.3 barley, 20 potatoes, 8 lla.x. The crops have been uniformly as good as those ol any section of the county. A canvas made by by Mr. Vaugh this winter gives over 3,800 acres of inii)roved land, about 500 cattle and 225 horses. The town has no natural timljer, but is reported as havnig 44 acres ol culti- vated forest liees, some of the groves being ver}' thrifty and promising ones. The last assessed valuation of Graudview was .SG.5,725, which will show a large increase in tliis spring's assessment, real estate not having been assessed lor two yea)-s. The houses of residents are to be found a.s lollows: Section 1, e^ Victor LeBeau. Section 2, )i\v II. ("halmers; sji F. Del>aud. Section ;}, ne J. Cavanagh. Section 4, nw H. B. Loooiis; se Theo Carron: sw C Foulon and G. Verghote. Section 5, se John Ford. Section C, ne M. Ellefson; se G. A. Aal; nw \i. Jacobson; sw Ole Rotuuui. Sections, w.^ nw A. Amuudson; ej- nw J. M. Vaughn; sw R. L. Greenslitt; ne II. Maarten.s; se L. DeCock. S(jetion f), sw David Vaq Hee. Section 10, ne H. Prineen. Section 11, s.^ B. F .lellison. Section 12, ne F. (ioodrieh and K. A. DeLand, sw a Paradis; sw W. S. Goodrich. Section 14, ne A. Graham; nw Mrs. Collins. Section' 10, nvr C. Me.ssme. Section 17, e.] A. Van llee; nw S. Van Hee. S.M'Mou 18, nV (Christian Lei«; hw S. Ladel. . S ■elion 2'1. ik-.J. i-tiiM-ier au.l J. Liriil)'-:-!: se .\. A. V.iv.n ■r:\\'. \V. T. .Maxon. \ LYON (-OUKTY. 71 Se<^^lion 21, svv L. E. Bates; se Isaac Riirnier. Section 22, sw Char,. Cotterell and S. Pj.flrtHMi; so T. I, r.;ubi>r; nnJ. Tbom- jis and A. L. Baldwin. Section 24, sw J. M. Eno-li.sh; ne(i. Carpenter aud E. Lord. Section 20, ne Frank Baldwin; ri\f S. Coleman; sw J. Biitson. Section i37, nw Frier Schmitz; sw C Schmity:. Section 22, ne F. Laythe; sw \V. T. Maxon. Section 30, John Sheldrii; so Jolm Nelson; nw A. J. Ladle; hw O. -(. Ila- Qum. Section o2, sw J. Lambert; se >L Fuller; ne L. Story. Section ']^, w.] A. Penislon. Section oi, nw Wm. Goodell; ne J. G. Cook'; s.] O. Mc Question TOWN OF'AMIRET. Amirot, town 110, rangu 4D, lies on the east line of the county and one mile from the isoiith lin^. Th« town was organized March 10, 1874, and narniid Madison. T e uiuc- tion held nt that, tinij at th« store of Wm. Coburi gave as the first officers of the town, Jas. Milcdiell J>\, chairman; L. Grower and D. Hxnks, superrisars; Wra. Coburn, clerk; J. H. Williams, assessor; S. S. Truax, treasurer; John Taylor, jusiice; L. Mason, constable, Tlie hrst permanent settlers were Charles and Lifayette Grovor, who took clairaH there in 1868. and James Mitchell in 1859. Tlie W. & St. P. li. R. b'Mn^ built tnroujfh the county in 1372, a store was opened on section 32 by Wm. Coburn and a postoffije established with Cobura as postmaster. The railroad company put in a switch here and the postoffice nnd station was called Coburo;. . The Indian trading station of Sarato^ja, which had been established by Lynd about 1857 or belore that tima and which gave that name to the whole settlement on the C )otonwood, was further south, claimed by some have been on section 1 in Caster. In 18 M 111 '. railroad company m)ved their station about a mile northwest and laid out the town of Aiuiret on railroad land in section 19. The name it is said was given in honor of the wife of one of the railroad officials. The name of the township was changed by legislative enactment to correspond with that of the station. Mr. Coburn mjved his store to the new site and continued in bu'siness for two years. In 1873 the Congregational society built a churca on section 22, but the LYO^T COUNTY. 73 build in 2^ was movod to thfi town of Cn^t.nr in 1S75. Tiir; first religious services held in tlie trrwn were conducted byRffv. J. Rees in 1872. The first school was taught by Mr?. Warnick in a board bhanty in the sam. mer of 1873 on section 31. The firvst death vvas that of a daughter of L.' Mason in 1872. The first birth a dauarhter to Wtn. Cobnrn and vviif^ in 18G3. The first marriage was that of J. A. Hunter of Marshall to Miss C. A. Mitchi'll. June 3. 1875. Both branches of the Cottonwood flow through Amiret, the north branch draining lake Mar-shall and Goose lake and flo^ving through the north sections of the town, while the southern and JMrger branch flows from the southwdoIe; sw D. Tucker. Section r>(), nw J. VV. Ni(;h. II. Thurston. Section M, se J. Burns; sw W. Riddell; nw Robt. Riddell. Section 28, ne S. W. Galbraith; se L. Jones; nw C. E. Dresser and C. L*. Wagner. Section 80. ne D. T\ Fellon; se J. VanSchoick; nw L. P. Knapp. Section 32, sw W. Carlaw; se C L. VanFleet. Section 34, nw C. E. Rice; ne T. Graham; se L.Mitzner: sw E. Jones. Section 85, nw E. Schmitz; ue J. Mitzner; sw Teufel. In 1883 there were accoi'ding to the assessor's returns 2.118 atres of cultiva- ted land, 824 wheat, 67G oats, 363 corn, 1G7 barley, 21 potatoes, 43 flax. There were also 43 a::res of cultivated forest trees. Rush lake, near the central part of the town, is well known t(^ the hunters of water fowl, but is not a very attractive lake otherwise. The settlers of Lyons are mostly Americans, and are among the best and thritiest ot Lyon county's population. There are several model farms, aud the future of the town is that of a rich agricultural and dairy district. The Duluth, North Shore and Southwestern R. R, will undoubtedly run througli the town next year. TOWN OF LYND. Lynd lies west of tlie town of Lako Marshall aud is town It 1, ranire 42. The history of L5'nd is ancient liistory in its relation to Lyon connty, this town beino; tlie site of the county's earliest settlcmont. There was a trading station for the Indian trade established here by James W. Lynd probably as eai'ly as 185") or \57. His store was located, it is said, on the norllieast quarter of section Ik!. This statement is contradicted by some who claim tliut it was on the southeast quarter of section 5 in Lyons. In I lie latter place the early settlers foimd the remains of a building that had been bui'ned, and in the spring ot 1880 Mr. (roodell in plowing his garden half a mile north of this spot plowed up a tub full of tools, consisting of handsaws, chisels, an auger, hoes, a hand axe, a f.at iron, a tea cup and saucer. Tho tub was wholly rotted, leaving oidy the impression, and the tools were nearly destroyed by use. The ludian.s, it is said, point out section five of Lyons as the first trading post. On section 3;'. the lirst settlers found a log building still standincr, which L. Tickner u>ed as a residence for a short time. It was later used as a scliool house; then as a store by G. VV^. Whitney. It is (piite probable that Lynd's post may liav" been moved to this ()oinl from si^elion 5 iu Lyons after a burn out, or for other reasons. The first pcrnianent settlement in Lynd w,n. It was made of logs with floor and root of native soil. Another churah was partly built in Upper Lynd, and used one summer when it was moved to Low- er Lynd for a residence. Lydia Cumraings taught the first school in 1869, bt'iiig paid by subscripti -n. The school was taught in the old log buiklinir u.sed in former years for aii Indi- an trading post. A postofKce was established at Upper I^ynd in .June 18;>3 with U. M. Taylor P. M. It was held by him over four years. He also kept a grocery store the first part of liis lei-m. L. Tiekncr opened a hotel at Lynd in 18G8. The travel Through Lyml at this time cou'dii't have been very large or reirular. Bands ot Flandrciu Indians camped in the woods occasionally aiul a few travelers trom Redwood Falls now and then stopped there as imtnigraiits or on their vv.iy to s<'ttleineMts be- 3'ond. Between Lynd and Redwood Falls there was but one house. Lumber used was h;iuled 50 miles, gr-nerally from logs hauled the same distance to mill. Pro\isuin8 not raised at hi>me had to be briuiglii from St. Pe er or New Ulm. The fii St regular mail carried to Lynd from Red ^voofl Falls and the first in the county, probably, was by C. Hildrcth. The contract was soon after let LYON COUNTY. 81 to Wm. Jackson; who was the first white child born in St. Paul. James Cum- mings and J. Rouse built a saw mill at Upper Lyntl in 1868. It was changed to a grist mill about 1872 by Smith, Ellis & Rouse. This is now known as the Camden mill, and is owned by V. M. Smith. It hast hree runs of stone. H. R Marcyes also built c^three run mill on section 23. It is now the property of B. F. Link. Chas. Hildreth commenced the building of a mill on section 17 about 1873. A substantial dam was made and for good reasons,, probably, the scheme was then abandoned. The village of Lynd was laid out by Mr. Muzzy on the south side of the Red- wood river on section 33. In 1871 he sold out to W. T. Ellis who put up sev^- eral buddings. Lower Lynd was laid out in ,1871 by A. R. Cummings and A. D. Morgan. A hotel was built and run there by Morgan and Kiel, and the former started a store there. Ellis moved his business there from Upjier Lynd, and the P. O. was also moved there. About 1874 the P. O. at Camden was established with Ellis as P. M. The older citizens of the county will remember Ellis as a character. Gov- erned mostly by impulse he was always ready to preach a sermon, run horses lor the whiskey, conduct a Sunday school or beat his best IVic^nd in a trade. Since leaving here he became the moving factor in a church row to such au ■ extent as to get his portrait in t!ie Police News. While nere he was an ener- getic, fervid efTervescent citizen who did considerable to build up the church and secular interests of Lynd, and develop its latent possibilities. He opened a store at Lynd and bought goods for it sufficient to stobk several suoh settlements. His goods had to be brought by team from New Ulm, aud were caught in a heav}' rain storm on the way. It is said the dried apples s welled so that all the other goods in that load were shoved overboard, and his load of codfi»5h, bought at ton rates, probably on time, had to be spread over the hills of Lynd to dry till the air of that settlement, it is claimed, reached the i'lan- dreau Indians and seventy bucks went on the war path thinking they sraelled the camp ot another tribe. The first marraige in the town was that of W. H. Langdon and Zilplia Cum- mings in 1868, Rev. C. F. Wright officiating. The first horses in the county were owned by E. B. Langdon, first mules oy M. V. Davidson, first chickens and turkeys by L. W. Langdon, first hogs l)y L. Tickner, first dog by J. Cummings. L. Tickner plowed the first gromid tor crop in spring of 1868. The first wheat raised was by A. R, Cummings in 1869 Fourth of July was first celebrated at Lynd in 1868, and a merry celebration it was. » There are now two postoffices in Lynd, one at Camden with J. Rouse, P. M. 82 LYON COUNTY. the other at what was tormerly known as Lower Lynd^ with L. S. Kiel, P. M. Both Upper and Lower Lynd were for a time the county seat. The Redwood river flows through Lynd, and a considerabh; body of timber is found along its banks, though the fuel demands of hard^ winters have made lieavy inroads on it, and small quantities are now being' marketed. Three Mile Creek cuts the northwest corner of the town, and small branches of the Redwood make the water supply of the town ample. The f prairie portions of the town are excellent soil and the agricultural status ot Lynd is fully up to the standard. The town ot Lynd was organized Snpt. 4, 1873, but no election was had. The county board appointed as its first officer J. Rouse, chairman; A. K. Cura- mmgs and J. Stark, supervisors: N. Davis, clerk; G. E. Cummings, treasurer. At the special election in aid ot the Duluth railroad, Feb. 23, 1880, Lynd cast 72 votes, all in favor ot bonding the county. In 1883 it had 3,823 acres under cultivation, ot which 1,G42 were wheat, 896 oats, 650 corn, 210 barley, 41 potatoes, 18 beans, 246 flax. Its last assessed valuation was $103,997. Its population is mostly Americans and intelligent, tlirifty and desirable cit- izens. There are five school houses in the town, and church services are held at Lynd and Camden ' The houses of the present settlers are located as follows: Section 1, Youmania farm. Section 2, nj J. Goodwin; se P. B. Fezler; sw C. and P. C. Farnham. Section 3, se J. Peterson. Section 4, se J. Myers. Section 6, ne R. Spates; sw F. Peterson. Section 8, nvv W. Williams; ne Jas. Lockey; sw A. P. Wells. Section 9, nw 0. S. Foster; sw A. and F. JMellentine. Section 10, nw C. Morton; sw J. Anderson. Section 11, n^ Larribee & Sons; sw Wm. Acheson; se Otto Anderson; ne "Ulias. Pearson. Section 12, nw O. A. Hawes; sw Co. poor farm; ne W. S. Eastman; se I. V. 2astman. Section 13, nw, A. Nelson. Section 14, ne C. Acheson and C. Nelson; se A. Nelson; sw Orla Nash and fV. Wonderleigh; nw P. MuUany, Section 18, ne H. Rolph; se Philip Snyder; nw A. C. Tucker; sw H. Rath- snell. LYON COUNTY. 83 Section 20, nw H. Tucker; sw G. A. Wonderleigh; ue L. E. Fellows aud Alex Burr; se W. and B. Sykes. Section 22, ne Jas. Cummings. Section 23, sw L, Marcjes; ne Geo. Link and Link's mill. Section 24, nw B. F. Link*; sw A. L. Randall; ne B. Heath; se Angel, Section 25, nw C. E. Rice. Section 2Q, ne L. Gilman; sw Z. O. Titus and H. Smith. Section 27, ne W, L. Watson; nw C. E. Rice, L. S. Kiel and Lynd P. O., sw Rioe and S. VanAlstine. Section 28, ne A. R. Cummings; seD. C. Pierce; nw J. Dryden. Section 29, ne C. M. Damuth. Section 30, ne O. Gregg; nw O. C. Gregg; se H. G. Ward; sw L. A. Gregg. Section 32, ne C. Shilliam and W. H. Langdon; sw V. M. Smith; se Camdea mill, J. Rouse. Gregg's store and Camden P. O. Section 34, sw Mrs. Pierce, TOWN OF ISLAND LAKE. . Town 111, range 43, was organized m 1878, the first election being held in March 1879, electing Robt. Gardner, chau*man; L. Grow and Geo. George, su- pervisors; J. R. King, clerk and assessor; D. A. Kennedy, treasurer; J. H. Sykes, constable. The town takes its name from a lake in the south part of the town. The is- land in Isl?,nd Lake has an area of two and a half ov three miles, and is cover- ed with a substantial growth of trees. The lake, covering probably over 200 acres, has^no outlet except in high water,' when it runs into Three Mile Creek. It is fed by springs. Mr. J. R. King, living near the lake, has a fine spring of soft water. The chores of the lake are drj-. There are not many fish in the lake, but efforts have been made by Mr. King and others to stock it with pike and otiier fish, and before many years this defect will undoubtedly be reme- died. Goose lake, a short distance west, abounds in fish. It covers about 160 acres, has high i"ocky banks, and is an attractive lake. North of the lakes Three Mile Creek crosses the town from west to east. On the creek in section 24 there is a grove of natural timber, consisting of four or five acres. A branch of the Yellow Medicine runs across the northwest cor- ner of the town, and has some timber on its banks, The surface of the town is not as level as that ot some of its sister towns, a narrow range of the couteaus, gravel and stone hills, crossing the town from southeast to northwest. This couteau section interferes somewhat with the LYON COUNTY. 85 agricullnral value of the town, but the valleys of the couteaus have been found to make the best grazing district in the county. The washings from the hills probably enrich them. At least the growth of grass is remarkably large and very nutritious. The rolling character of the pasture is said to make health- ier stock than on level fields. A glacial period or a drift from some other cause has deposited along these couteaus boulders and small ledges of lime rock. The latter is often found in large pieces, apparently dropped from some overhanging vehicle, sometimes standing on edge, Mr. King ran a lime kiln lor some years there on this sup ply, and abandoned it on account of coef of luel. The soil outside the couteaus is as good as that of any other part of the county, and produces large crops. The first settlement of the town was made by Rev. Williams on section 24, about the year 1870. In 1871 Lafayette Grow and Mr, Fort settled on the Yellow Medicine, and in 1872 John R. Ring settled on section 84, and kept the half way house between Marshall and Marshfield. For some years after the town did not settle very fast, but it is now fairly settled up with vigorous and thrifty ^farmers. Nearly every farmer has planted a grove of timber, which now begins to afford protection in winter, and gi'eatly improves the summer landscape. The first marriage of parties in the town was J. R. King, Dec. 24,1878 to Elizabeth Milner. The first child born was Ethel Hodgkins. The first school was taught by Ada Kennedy in 1879. First religious services at house of J. R. King by a Mr. Dewey from Chicago, The reported acreage cultivated in 1883 was 1,601, 887 wheat, 370 oats, 173 corn, 139 barlej', 20 potatoes, 10 beans. There were 59 acres of forest trees and 7o0 rods set on highways. 39 votes wei'e cast in Island Lake at the special election, Feb. 23, 1883, to bond the county for f 40,000 in aid of the Duluth, North Shore and South- western railroad, which proposes to run through the county from Shelburne to Lucas. All were tor bonding. The last assessed valuation was $30,396. The houses of settlers are situated as follows: Section 2, ne Aug. Meehl, nw John Olson; se Peter Jacobson; svr Ole Fer- guson. Section 3. se John WiUson. Section 4, ne Peter Ferguson; se K. Ferguson; nw H. Oleson; sw G. Rue. Section 6, ne B, Knutsou; se E. Tibbelts and L. Grow; sw A. R. Snow. Section 8, n] C. F. Tibbetts, T, Jacobson, M. W. Roberts; sw H. Nelson. 86 LYON COUNTY. Section 10, nw M. Ferguson; sw H. Ferguson; se Jacob Willsou. Section 13. n] J. Paulson; se Mary Cornisti, E. llolph; sw J. P. Christian- son. Section 13, se Geo. Boston. Section 1-1, ne R. Pliillips; nw John Lauuing; se R. W. Phillips; sw Homer Sparks. Section 18, e^ C. Willman; nwM. McDonald. Section 20, nw John Albright; ne O. Morns. Section 22, sw C. Bohlm an and John Dyke; se W. Van Buren; ne Paul Po- lasky. Section 24, nw C. Pocharl; ne E. Bai*nes; se Geo. George. Section 26, ne J. Peterson; nwT. H. Russell and D. W. Kennedy; sw D. A. Kennedy. Section 28, ej Robt. Gardner. Section 30, sw*S. PVeese. Section 32, nw John Foulds; se A. Pochart, Section 34, nw J, C. Beach; ne C. J. Falk; se J. R. King. There are school houses in section 4 and section 34. TOWN OF COON CEEEK. The town of Coon Creek lies on the west line of the county and six miles from the south line. It is town 110, range 43. The .town was organized in 1882. The name of Garfield was first proposed, but as the state already had a town of that name it was changed to Stowe. This name not being satisfactory, was again changed in 1873 to Coon Creek a name that is as appropriate as Walrus Island would be for the equator. If there was ever a coon in the town it must have come with the south wind. The name, however, has one merit, individualty. There is no other town of that name in this latitude. There is a creek called Coon Creek rising on section 6 which runs in a southeasterly course, striking the east line of the town on section 24. It emp- ties into the Redwood river. This creek has some timber on its banks near its' junction with the Redwood. The large quantity of school and university land in the town has been a bar to rapid settlement. The greater part of the improvement has been made within the last year or two. Wood Lake, given as lake Marguerite on some maps, lies in the north pai't of the town and is a beautiful little lake frinofed with timber. The drainao-c of the town is into the Redwood river, wliich flows across the southeast comer and near the east line after leaving it. There is some timber alono- the river, and wood has been sold in Marshall from Coon Creek, but the supply is limi- ted and not suflicient for the future demands of the town. Last year's asses- sor's report gave 17 acres of cultivated forest trees and 2.30 rods on highways. 88 LYON COUNTY. The town was first settled by D. S. Burt who took laud on section 24, in May 1870. J. R. Burgett came in June 1871, locating on section 4 on the bank of Wood Lake. H. H. Hodgkins and F. T. Burt came in about the same time. Very little settlement was made in the town for a year or two after. The first sermon was preached by Rev. R. Wait in 1875. The first marriage was that of Thos. Milner and Ella Knapp, Nov. 28, 1877. The first birth was William, a son of Samuel Starrett, born at the house of Mr. Burt in 1870. The first death was that of a babe of Mr. and Mrs. Burt, November 1876. A portion of the town is cut by t^e coteau range, making some rough and wasteland. There are, however, fine farming and dairy lands in the town, and several thrifty farms have been opened by an enterprising class of settlers. Houses of residents are found as follows: Section 2, se F. Mungerson; sw B. F, Bement and Nels Anderson; nw C. A. Johnson. Section 3, W. M. Rice. Section 4, se F. Porter, Section 6, no Siemer; uvv P. Sonei'ty; sw C. Cupp. Section 8, ne M. Milner; se G. O. Rask. Section 9, se W. W. Herrick. • Section 10, nw F. Willard. Section 11, se A. Johnson. Section 12, sw Wm. ]\IcCarty. Section 14, nw John Cleland. Section 18, se L. Larson; sw John Johnson. Section 20, sw T.Joy; se A. Joy; no Wm. Lem:n)ii, Section 22, sw J, Fuller; se L. Ilildreth; nc H. H. Hodo-kins. Section 24, nw D. S. Burt; se F. Ihda. Section 29, si R. Taylor. Section 30, nl J. J. McDonald. TOWN OF CUSTER. Custer lies on the south line of the county and six miles from the east line, and is town 109, range 41. The Cottonwood river flows aci'oss the north end ot the town irom west to east, and had some years ago considerable timber along its banks. This fact, which is an attraction m all new prairie countries, brought white traders to this section before the Indian massacre of 1862. A German some time before this opened an Indian trading station on the Cottonwood river it is said on section 1. It was called Saratoga. Trouble with a halt breed by the name of Joseph Campbell led to the murder of the trader by Campbell who was after- ward hung by a mob atMankato for the murder of the Jewett family. Xo settlement was made after this till 18G8, when H. C. Masters, John Aveiy, Horace Randall and G. S. Robinson took claims in the town. The town was oi'ganized in 1876, the lirst town meetmg, Oct. 14th of that year, be- ing held at the school house on section 2. The first ticket elected was L. D. Lewis, chairman; W. H. Huglies and Wm. Shand, supervisors; B. F. Thomas clerk and treasurer. The other tovvn offices were not filled till the succeeding spring election. Jane Mitchell taught the first school in a log house on section 2 in ihe win- ter of 1870. The district then combined the present towns ot Custer, Monroe, Amiret and Sodus. Custer now has three school districts and comfortable school buildings. Rev. Riley, a Methodist preachen conducted theurst religious service in tlia 00 LYON COUNTY. town in 1870. The next yeai* a Presbyterian society of 16 members was or- ganized under Rev. Joseph Rees- A church was built in 1873, but was burned in 1878. The Congregational society now have a church on section 13, Rev. Peregerine being pastor. A considerable portion of the population of Custer is of Welch extraction and the census of the town would probably give about 240 people, the spring election ot this year showing a poll of 48 votes. In the south part of the town are two lakes, Lake of the Hills and Long lake. Along the Cottonwood ai-e some line groves of natural timber, though large ti*acts have been cut off for fuel purposes. There are many pleasant home- steads and rich thrifty farms in the town. The assessor's report ol 1883 gave 3,142 acres improved, 1,456 of which were wheat, 917 oats, 260 corn, 260 bar- ley, 35 potatoes, 6 beans, 90 flax. The town also had at that time 87 acres of cultivated forest trees. The Dakota Central runs through the south part of the town, but, as yet, has no station in Ihe town. The nearest markets are, Tracy, four miles east; Balaton, 2] miles west; Amiret, 3 miles north; Marshall, 10 miles north. Resident's houses are located as follows. Section 1, se G. S. Robinson. Section 2, ne C. M. Goodrich and David Morgan; se E. H. Cutts; sw S. DeLong. Section 4, ne B. F. Thomas; se B. B. Thomas; nw Layfayette Alden; sw A. Booth. Section 8, ne C. Anderson. Section 10, ne John Avery; se Margaret Jones; w] W. W. HaiTison. Section 12, nw Jas Morgan; sw J. Rees and R. H. Hughes; e^ D. C. GrifHths. Section 13, sj J. H. Cutler. Section 14, se W. H. Hughes, sw Wm. Shand; nw J, H. Hughes. Section 18, ne P. Fedde and W. W. Gilford; se D. D. Jones; sw Jas. Elliott: nw Geo. L Glotfelter. Section 20, nw C. Whitmus and J. W. Whitraus; ne C. Whitmus. Section 22, nw J. Steele; ne Daniel WilUord; sw K. K. Olson; se L. Soward and A. G. Bumford. Section 34, nw T. L. Harris; sw J. L. Harris; ne H. H. Williams; se S. Evans. Section 2."), ne L. B. Woolfolk. Section 26, ne R. Owens and R. R. Owens; se E. H. Cutts; sw J. Owens. Section 28, ne J. P. Jones; nw M. Nelson; sw John Svvenson. Section 30, ne Wra. Parks; wi C. W. Caudee. Section 32, nw S. Soward. Section 34, ne H. Peterson; nw Hans Jacobson se; C. Helleson; sw T. Nel- son. TOWN OF ROCK LAKE. The township of Rock Lake, which is town 109, range 42, lies on the south line of the county- and one mile from the west line. It fl«rives its name from a lake which lies in the northwest corner of the town, the name of which was given it by the early settlers on account of the character of its banks which in some places are nearly walled up with boulders. It is a beautiful little lake with some timber on its shores, deep Avater and stocked with fish It is a favor- ite picnic ground and one of the attractions ot the town. The bown was first settled in the spring of 1871 by the McNabbs from Cana- da, who located on section 14 on the north shore ot lake Yankton. This lake is smaller than Rock Lake and not so deep, but is an attractive body ot pure water, and furnishes much pleasure to the people of Balaton which is built on its south shore. In 1872 W. and E, Hamm, G. W. Linderman, C. Osborn, J. W. Lester, J. A. Van Fleet, J. T. Crouch, A. Town, Mr. McKay and Miss Lina Bishop were residents of the town. Other early settlers were W. Livingston, L. Town, G. A. Glotfelter, E. R. Weeks, L. Nichols, J. Abernethy, O. E. Per- sons and H. L. Gifiord. The town was organized in Oct. 1876, and the following officers elected: W.Livingston, chairman; W. Hamm and Jas. Abernethy, supervisors; A. N. Daniels, clerk; G. W. Linderman, treasurer; J. A. Van Fleet and Geo. A. Glotfelter, justices; E. R. Weeks and A. McNabb, constables. This election was held at the school house on the land owned by -F. Abornothy, now in 'school district No. 60. 92 LYOi\ COUNTY. The fii-it marriage occurred in Oct. 1879, C. M. Eichler and Cora Hamni. The ceremony was performed by justice O. E. Per.«;ons. The first death was that of Geo, A. Glotfelter, June 21, 1878. The first birth that of a son to one the McNabbs. There have been since the town was organized 52 births and 16 deaths. Rock Lake postoffice was established in 1874, R. Weeks, postmaster. The office was kept at Weeks' house in Lyons, however. He was succeeded by A. C. Dann in 1875, and during the same year J. A. Van Fleet was appointed, and removed the office to his house in Rock Lake. He was properly the first post- master in the town. The office was discontinued in 1881, Balaton having sprung up with the building ot the D. C. railroad through the town, and the postoffice at tliat town supplying the territory heretofore supplied by the Rock Lake P. O. There are four school districts in the town and two substantial school build- ing's, one on section 8 and one on section 23 at Balaton. Religious services are held in both these houses by the Presbyterians and Methodists. There are sixty voters and about 250 inhabitants in the town. The assessor's report for 1883 gives Rock J^ake 1,596 acres under cultivation, of which 801 were wheat, 494 oats, 181 corn, 102 barley, 18 potatoes. There were also 39 acres of cultivated forest trees. ^ The last assessed valuation of the town was $64,391. As real estate has not been assessed for two years, there will probably be a large increase»iri the next assessment. The surface of Rock Lake is rolling prairie, containing the usual amount of rich meadows and fertile farming land. The Dakota Central railroad, a branch of the C. & N. W. which runs from Tracy to Pierre on the Missouri river, passes through Rock Lake from east to west, giving the town one station in Balaton. The Duluth road when completed will undoubtedly give the town a competing market in a station near hy on the west. The Cottonwood river takes its rise in or near this town, and flows across it giving drainage, water supply and rich meadows. The population cf Rock Lake is mostly one ot intelligent, thrifty and pros- perous Americans. No town in the county can chiim a better class of settlers. There are tjiree lakes in the town. Rock Lake and Yankton, before mention- ed, and McKay lake on sections 3 ard 4. The houses of settlers are found as follows: Section 2, nw T. Lochman; sw J. Golts. Section 3, ne T. Luedkee; sw G. Golts. LYON COUNTY. 93 Section 4, nw M. S. Fawcett and J. A. Van Fleet. Section 6, se Mrs. Crouch; sw Geo. Carlavv; nw O. E. Persons. Section 8, sw J. Abernethj; se G. W. Linderman. Section 11, J. O'Garee; se G. W. Rowe. Section 12, nw Geo. W. Root; sw M. Randall; ne'O. S. Carlisle. S-ection 13, n] J. W Wolverton. Section 14, ne A. McNabb; nw C. A. Giotfelter. Section 18, ne E. R. Weeks; nwR.W. Taylor; sw S. Flint. Section 20, ne T. L. Terry. Section"31, se O. E. Merrimau. Section 22, sw L. Town; ne Mrs. McErlain; se A. Town. Section 23, A'illage of Balaton. Section 24, nw N Truedson and E. W. Gifford; sw Mrs. Trotter; se Wm, Hamm. Section 26, ne J. H. Moore; se H. L. Gifford; sw A. W. Bean. Section 28, ne C. Town; se H. C. Howard; nw N. Terry. Section 30, nw P. Russell; se T. Skoag. Section 32, nw J. M. Johnson; sw C. K. Bengston. Section 34, sw O. O. Laff; ne E. M. Hamm; se J. P. Davis. TOWN OF SHELBURNE. The town of Shelburne is situated in the southwest corner of the county. It was tirst settled in 1871 by E. K. Ronuing, C. P. Myran and Christopher John- son, JSorweoians. The town was organized Sept. 6th 1879. The first town of- ficers were P. C. McCann, charman; D. A. Aurandt and W. F. Randall, super- visors, W. N. Olin, town clerk; 1. W. Howard assessor; E. Peterson, treasur- er; E. F. Dickson and H. P. Sandeen, justices; Charles Howard and Andrew Gilbertson, constables. The first religious services were held in the fall of 1876 by Rev. Mr. Eglaud a Norwegian Lutheran. That society built a frame church on section 20 in the fall of 1880. The society sold the tirst church building to school district No. 58, since which they have built a large and very commodious church, which is an ornament to the town. The first school district was organized in 1880, including the whole town. The first school was taught by Miss Sadie Uartlett in 1881, The town has now three school districts. Shelburne has one railroad running through it, the Dakota Central. A sta- tion has been established about 60 rods west ol the Redwood river, called Red- wood. The surface is rolling prairie, splendid soil, as good as can be found in the state, and is well adapted tor dairying or stock raising. Hay is plenty and can be put in the stack to cost not exceeding one dollar per ton. The town is watered by the Redwood River and numerous small lakes. By digging from lo to 25 feet good water can be obtained. LYON COUNTY. 95 The westei'n part of the town is settled by Norwegians, a very industrious classs of people who are acquirino^ fine homes. The eastern part is settled mostly by people from the New Eu^^land states. With th« completion of the Duluth R. R. Shelburne is quite likely to o-et a station near its cast line, which will give it the best of market taeilities. The Redwood river flows through the town Irom south to north near the center of the town. Shelburne is a new town and rather scantily populated. The last rote of the town, that on the question ot aiding the Duluth railroad, was 23, of which 20 were for the bonds. This should give the town a probable population ot about 130. The last assessed valuation of Shelburne was $27, 791. The 'assessor's report for 1873 gave the town 1241 acres of improA^ed land, of which 540 were wheat, 313 oats, 89 corn, 255 barley, 20 potatoes, 18 flax. The residents of the town are found as follows: Section 2, sj Allen Spink and John Olson. Section 4, se C. Dean; sw W. F. Randall. Section 6, ne P. Simenson; nw O. Kelson; sw A. G.Hangerud. Section 14, ne VV. H. Shafer; nw W. N. Ofln; sw John Murphy. Section 18, se E. K. Ronning; sp J. P. Myran. Section 20, nw H. P. Sandeen; sw C. Peterson; ne Peter Anderson; seC- Johnson. Section 22; nw P. C. McCann; sw P. McDonnell; e} Ralph Hatton. Section 24, sw E. F. Dickson; se C. Fellows. Section 26, ne E. Peterson; se N. Hommoberg; sw S. Goseth; nw D. N. Aurandt. Section 30, e| H. Jorgerson; sw E. A. Blegen; nw M. L. Blegen. Section 32. sw P. Ronning; »e I. L. Blegen. Section 34, ne P. McGinnis; seN. Lilaquist; sw J. Limblum. TOWN OF MONROE. Monroe is the southeast town of the county and is town 109, i-ange 40. The surface of the town is level prairie with nothing to obstruct the vision. There is scarcely any waste land, and the soil is of the best quality. In the assessor's report for 1883 the town is given 3,410 acres under cultivation, of which 1,105 were wheat, 946 oats, 780 corn, 310 barley, 43 potatoes, 218 flax. In 1871 the lirst settlements were made by David Stafford, E. W. Healy, and George White. In 1872 J. L. Craig, Ole llialson, E. L. Starr, Edward Glynn. and perhaps a few others came into the town. The town did not improve very rapidly lor two or three years though tie VV. & St. P. R. R. was built through the town m 1872 and located a station near the east line, called She- tek Station, lake Shetek lying a few miles south in Murray Co. and the ship- I)ing of that settlement being then made here. The postollice of Shetek Sta-^ tion was first in the township of Summit in Redwood Co. The station for a time appeared on the maps as Summit. The station was moved to section 23 in 1874, and that and the postoffice changed in name to Tracy in February 1877. The first school in the town was taught by Stella Cleveland in tlie summer of 1875 in the Presbyterian church at Tracy. This church had been built that . spring by a society organized by Rev. Ransom Waite who became pastor. The fiist religious organization in the town was a Congregational Sabbath school in 1874. Before the building of the Presbyterian church those of that persuasion had held servicej at the house of E. L. otarr, as far back as 1873 under direction of Rer. Waite. 97 LYON COUNTY. By an enactment of the town early in its history all the section lines are laid out foi^ roads. There are now two school buildiu^.s in the town outside of Tracy. The first birth in town was a son of George White, June 17, 1872. He died Sept. 10, 1872, the first death Thp town was organized in Jan. 1875, the first election being at the store of H. N. Joy. There are thi'ee lakes in the town, two of them being so near together, on section 19 and 30 that the name of Twin Lakes covers both. On section 34 is lake Sigel, which by pipes supplies the railroad water tank in Tracy. There is no natural timber in the town.] Tracy will be treated of in another article. Resident's houses in Monroe are located as follows. Section 1, sw C. Reggie. Section 2, sw E. Ladd. Section o, se J. Jones. Section 4, ne Jessup & Walsh; sw C. W. VauDusen; nw W. Northrup. Section 5, ne Jas. Thompson; sw J. W. Tyson. Section 6, se P. Peregerine; sw B. R. Bass; nw E. W. Glynn and I. Grayer. Section 8, nw J. Glynn; sw F. Durst; ne J. P. Dayis; se Rees Davis. Section 10, nw R. Lawrence and.M Larson; sw G. Larson: ne E. Jones; se T. Larson. Section 11, se Mevius Bros. Section 12, ne J. R Mullen; se J. B. Mullen. Section 14, ne J. B. Deal; se J. L. Craig; nw J. C. Tweet; s\vr R. Cavanagh. Section 15, sw N. H. Starr. Section 17, se G. Mendiking. Section 18, se W. Moulton; sw H. Hughas; nw R. Price. Section 20, nw W. H. Morgan; sw O. Amundson; se O. Olsen. Section 21, Chas. C. Warren. Section 22, nw A. EUinson; sw L. Rialson; ne S. D. Peterson and T. Lewis, se Ole Rialson. Section 23, village of Tracy. Section 24, nw W. S. Moses; sw W. Henning; ne J. Moline; se J. S. Wil- marth. Section 25, nw H. H. Tilus. Section 26, ne L. Montgomery; nw O. Johnson. Section 27, J. J. Randall. Section 28, ne C. Cnristianson; se Ole Anderson; nw Ole Helgerson; sw A Christianson. Section 29, no Mrs. R. Sessions. Section 30, nw E. D. Evans; sw G. O. Miller. Section 32, nw A. Amundson; sw H. Amundson; se J. Jacobson. Section 34, nw H. Molme; sw E. Anderson. Section 36, ne J. Retz; nw Schmitz. YOCMANS FARM, NEAR MARSHALL. HU u, It you want the best goods that the market affords call ou us. CROOSCERY, GLASSWARE, STONEWARE. We make a specialty of handliDg nothing but first-class goods that we can guarantee. MAHSALL MAHBLE WOHKS. DEALER IX Monuments and Head Stones, Table Tops, Shelves and iriARBIil^; POSTS. Foreign and American granite furnished on application. LofC.y BEST PLACE TO TRADE IN MARSHALL ! ■ >■■. Attractions in all lines. Dr; hk hm, Clo% Eats I lif, Gloves, Boots k Slioes, Hosiery, fe. Carpets and Upholstering Goods. A mammoth stock of everything needed by farmers and townspeople, filling first and second floors. Don't get your supplies till you have visited the store of O. PEHRSON, IWARSHALL, lUINN. V- ^*°'^^>i'.J:^. Y ? a Why do j^oii throw away your old iP* Sewing Machines, or exchange them for new ones [which is little better than throwing them away,] when they are simply out of order, and not worn out ? ii^ I have reimired many machines in the last 12 years, and have never been able to find one worn out. There are no worn out sewing machines. Get the worst old sewing ma- chine you can find, bring it to me, and if the necessary parts are in market, I will put it in order or forfeit $20. I have never failed to successfully repair one yet. Permanent residence, Marshall, Minn. Leave orders at McGandy's art gallery. ARTH UR M. NICHOLS. S!iST..Sk-'.^Xj!X03E3::ElX3 lie lOTS. Subscription price $1.B0 a year. C. F. CASE, Editor and Proprietor. 1873-ESTABljISiaE»— 1873. ^. s^. "v^.A.i"sc>r«j, -DEALER IN- irg, his, ! ron, mm FENCE WIRE, Window Glass, Paints, Oils, Guns, Amunition, FARM IMPLEM'MTS, M^ain St., l^arshalB, Minn. J. p. WATSON. A. R. CHACE. WATSON & CHACE, — DEALEKS IN- FARM MACHINERY, SULKY PLOWS, WALKlXfi PLOWS, DRAfiS, SEEDERS, WAGONS, FEED MILLS, TWLNE B!«DERS, IRON MOWERS, HARVESTERS, * Reapers, Sulky Rakes, Horse Corn Planters. Above is a partial list of Machinei'y and Implements carried in stock, all first" class and waiTanted. C.-'eitii-X'^— .^'>L- CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, MARSHALL. ,;5jjja^ils,/f f bridge on Second street, Marshall. Ljon Co. Minn M.SULLIVAN, Agent. PARSONS &: W^ISE, i 1 J We always keep a largo as- sortment of men's and boys' suits, trunks and valises, hats and caps of every style, gloves and hosiery, underwear, o. 5^^ '^y^^^^^^ • 1 1 • ° « o ' aO V^ * « , > • c,^ O • o , ' ,0 '^ * ' . ^ • .•<;' .^^r S^X. *^ * ° - 'To V^ O (TT, ' T ■ i- 9^ . C" ♦ 0' *-_-J^-, '''\^ \f^^Y<'' . *^'"'^* . '•-?^.-' >'"% •'^»^'-' -'^'"-^- • .<- .* V .'« . r\- .St- L^^X. f^ •y ♦ ^^' ^^ I I .^<^Xv c o „ o ' ,0 " "-^0^ V^ .s\ M!B Z&