)^'^: vf£- CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK. Season of 1906-7. President : Secretary : Mrs. ROBERT ABBE. Mrs. DATUS C. SMITH. Treasurer: MiSS H. C. ABBE, 5 East 82d Street. Corresponding Secretary: MRS. HORACE SEE, 23 West 44th Street. Office hours, 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. to i v.yi. Superintendent : FRANK BERGEN KELLEY, Ph.D., 23 West 44th Street. Office hours, Tuesday, 3 to 5 P.M. Object. — " The City History Club has for its object the study of the history of the City of New York, in the hope of awakening an interest in its traditions and in the possibilities of its future, such educational work being for the improvement, uplifting and civic betterment of the community." SUMMARY OF THE REPORT FOR 1905-6. During the past season there were 1,358 enrolled members grouped in 26 paid classes and 35 volunteer classes. Of these, 35 classes were in settle- ments, 6 in churches, 5 in high schools, 6 in other schools and 4 in private houses. There were 31 classes of boys, 15 of girls, 10 of both sexes and 5 of adults. These classes were taught by 6 paid and 28 volunteer teachers. There were 16 supporters of paid classes with a total contribution of about $650. An exhibit of Club work was sent in June to the Milan Exhibition for which the President of the City History Club has been awarded a col- laborator's bronze medal in recognition of her services in promoting the work of the Club. /z? ■ d f]^ The eleventh year of the Club opens with bright prospects, but, as always, there is need of new volunteer teachers. Professional teachers or students taking post-graduate or teacher training courses are urged to aid in carrying on the work by conducting one or more volunteer classes. Additional financial support is also needed. $25 will pay for an afternoon class meet- ing weekly and S35 for an evening class. Scholars' Supplies for volunteer classes are furnished for 25 cents per set or $5 for a class of 20 or more. Settlements or churches desiring to institute any city history- work are re- quested to communicate with the superintendent. Historical guides for parties of adults or children can be provided. Lantern slides may be hired at §2 per set. Public school teachers are advised that they can secure for themselves and their classes a " Teacher's Handbook," 8 historical excursion leaflets and a set of 45 historical illustrations through the Supply List of the Board of Education. (Nos. 3,778. 3.967, 3.968.) I MEMBERSHIP. Founders, one payment of Sioo- Life, one payment of $50. The annual dues are: Associate members $10 00 Sustaining " 5 00 Contributing " 2 00 Active " 50 Junior " 05 For additional information and the Annual Report address the Corre- sponding Secretary. 25 F1907 ANNOUNCEMENTS. Teachers' Meetings will be held on Mondays at 4 P. M., at 1 1 West 50th Street, on October 29th, December 3d, February 4th and March i8th. These meetings are open to all adult members. Junior District Meetings composed of delegates chosen by the classes will be held early in December. All members are welcomed. Six illustrated lectures by Mrs. Frank Bergen Kelley, arranged by the League for Political Education in co-operation with the City History Club, will be given on Thursday mornings at 1 1 o'clock in the lecture room of the League at 23 West 44th Street as follows : November 8. — The City below Wall Street. 15.— From Wall Street to City Hall, " 22. — The Bowery and the East Side. December 6. — Greenwich Village. " 13. — From Fourteenth Street to Harlem. " 20. — Upper Manhattan. Tickets for the cottrse are free to fnembcrs of the City History Club. Evacuation Day exercises will be held at 2 P.M. on November 24th in connection with the unveiling of a tablet by the City History Club at Fort Clinton, at McGown's Pass, Central Park. All members are invited. Teachers' Saturday Afternoon Excursions will be announced later. These are free to all members Paying %2.oo or more. To others ^oc. each. The Annual Entertainment for the Juniors will be held February 22d at 2 P.M. in the auditorium of the Educational Alliance. Admission only by ticket. The Annual Exhibition will be held at 23 West 44th Street during the week after Easter. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 014 432 801 2 % 1 PUBLICATIONS OF THE CITY HISTORY CLUB. City History Club Map of New York in the English Period. 5 cents. Club Song (with music). 35 cents. Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on New York City. 25 cents. ♦Teachers' Handbook : Outlines of a Course of Study in Local Geogra- phy, History and Government. 25 cents. "Graphic Views of Government" (to illustrate the relations of our National, State and City Governments), to cents (revised 1906). Syllabus of the (lOvernment of N. Y. City, 25 cents (in preparation. HISTORICAL EXCURSION LEAFLETS, 5 cents each. *No. L— City Hall to Wall Street (Revised 1905). * No. H. — Greenwich Village and Lispenard's Meadows (Revised 1906). * No. III. — The Bowery and East Side (Revised 1906). * No. IV. — Central Park to Kingsbridge. * No. V. — The 19th Century City : 14th Street to i loth Street. * No. VI. — Fraunces' Tavern. * No. VII. — South of Wall Street (Revised 1905, with new hiaps). * No. VIII.— Historic Brooklyn. No. IX. — Historic Bronx (1906), price 10 cents. No. X. — " Richmond (1907), price 10 cents. * Supplement B. — Additions and Corrections, 1906. CLUB GAME.— 25 cents. *ILLUSTRATION.S.— The Club publishes 45 small pictures of the famous men, buildings and events of local history. 25 cents per set. ILLUSTRATED LECTURES on City History and Government may be arranged for children or adults at from $3.00 to $10.00 per lecture plus lantern expenses. Rei^alar classes may also be arranged. LANTERN SI/IDES to illustrate local history and government maybe hired at $2.00 per set. They should be ordered ten days in advance and may be kept three days. The Club has recently acquired several hundred rare views. HISTORICAL GUIDES may be secured, the price ranging according to the size of the party and the distance covered, the minimum fee being 83.00. Address City History Club, 23 W. 44th St., N. Y. City. Office hours: 2-5 i\ M., Sat. 9-1 ; October to May. * On the Supply List of the Bo.-xrd of Education. New Vork City. ;Nos. 3778, 3967. 3968 » r6403.)