2.^:^^ Library of Congress. Chap.. Shelf.. Es ^^9^! J^° STATES OF AMERICA., v^^^m Sir Walter Scott. SHIE WAILTEIE T% MAm ^ <|pnfpnniBlf #ffpring. 1771—1871. LIFE Sir Walter Scott; WITH REMARKS UPON HIS WRITINGS, ERAKCIS TURNER PALGRAYE. WITH AN ESSAY ON SCOTT, BY DAVID MASSON, M.A. AND DRYBURGH ABBEY: A POEM. BY CHARLES SWAIN. PHILADELPHIA: / PORTER & C GATES. 1871. OAXTOK PRESS OF SHERMAN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. SIR WALTER SCOTT. TTIIIN that small number of our country- men who have been known and admired throughout the civilized world during this century, three hold a place of unrivalled pre-eminence, — Wellington, Scott, and Byron. Each of the three kingdoms claims one of these heroes; but although Ireland and England may also point to something distinguishably national in the genius of their sons, yet it will not be disputed that Scot- land is far more exclusively and fully represented by Marmion and the Heart of Midlothian, than the spirit of England by Childe Harold, or that of Ireland by the Peninsular campaigns. We read in the early ages of the world how whole nations sprang from, and were known by the name of some one great chief, to whom a more than human rank was assigned by the poetry and the gratitude of later generations. Doris and Ionia were personified in Ion and Borus. It ap- pears not altogether fanciful to think similarly of Scott: in the phrase employed by the historians of Greece, he might be styled the eponymous hero of Scot- land. He suras up, or seems to sum up, in the most conspicuous manner, those leading qualities in which his countrymen, at least his countrymen of old, differ from their fellow Britons. No one human being can, however, be completely the representative man of his race, and some points may be observed in Scott which do not altogether reflect the national image. Yet, on the whole, Mr. Carlyle's estimate will probably be accepted as the truth: "No Scotchman of his time was more entirely Scotch than Walter Scott; the good ( 5 ) 6 LIFE OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. and the not so good, which all Scotchmen inherit, ran through every fibre of him." The first and best reason for attempting the sketch of a poet's life is to throw light upon his poetry. In the case of Scott, whose verse forms only the earlier half of his writings, such a sketch would in strictness end with his forty-fifth year. It would be unpleasant, however, to break off thus : and the story of his career, even if he had not been author of "Marmion" and " Old Mortality," is in itself one of the most interest- ing which we possess. An eminently good and noble- hearted man, tried by almost equal extremes of for- tune, and victorious over both, — the life of Scott would be a tragic drama in the fullest sense, moving and teaching us at once through pity, and love, and terror, even if he had not also, in many ways, deserved the title of greatness. The aim of these pages will hence be to present a biography, complete in its main points, and including some remarks on Scott's position as a writer, which the accompanying narrative will, it is hoped, render easily intelligible. Scott's life may be conveniently divided into three periods: that of the child and the youth who had not yet found where his strength lay (1771-1799): that of his poetry, whether edited and translated by him, or original (1799-1814) : that of his novels, his wealth and his poverty (1814-1832). The time when his powers were full}' matured, and his happiest years, would lie about midway across the second and third of these periods; for the full "flower of his life" was fugitive in proportion to its brilliancy. A perceptible air of unity marks the lives of most poets. The char- acter and circumstances of Scott, on the contrary, present a crowd of singular contrasts ; there is a deep underlying harmony, which it is the main object of LIFE OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. 7 this sketch to trace, but at first sight he is a strikingly complex creatui-e; the number of antitheses about him, which aid in making him so representative a Scotchman, is the first and one of the main points which the reader should bear in mind. An antithesis of this kind meets us at once in the story; indeed, preceding the poet's birth, it exercised perhaps the most marked influence amongst the circumstances which moulded his career. Both in its position and its traditions, his family was eminently typical of much that we associate with his country. Though a solicitor of moderate means, at a time when the pro- fession had not won its way to a liberal standing in popular estimation, Scott's father, also Walter, reck- oned sociullj^ as of '^gentle blood," in virtue less of his high character than of his Border descent, which was traced through the Scotts of Harden to the main stem (now holding the ducal honors of Buccleuch), in the fourteenth century. The coarse plundering life of this and other clans, whose restlessness and rovincr warfare were long the misfortune and misery of the "Marches," has received from Scott all the tints which poetry could throw over an age softened by distance; the romance which it had in his eyes may have been increased by the curious resemblance which the energetic anarchy of the Border families estab- lishes between them and the clans, more correctly so called, of the Highlands; yet, if we turn from ballads to the actual story of the frontier raids, it is that com- mon tale of unholy ravage and murder which rather deserved the curse, than the consecration of poetry. Eemark also that the forays, so dear in the poet's eyes, do not belong to the warfare for the independence of Scotland; that they had very little political coloring, and were, in fact, picturesque fragments of a barbar- 8 LIFE OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. ous time raaiiitaincd long after date, through the mu- tual jealousy of the two neighbor kingdoms. They exhibit the law of hand against the law of head; or, again, from a more poetical point of view, they may be regarded as bold protests in favor of individuality, atrainst the monotonizini^* character of civilized and peaceful existence. Like much that we shall have to note in Scott's own career, the border clans were, in a certain sense, practical anachronisms, whose very likeness to the wild Highlanders of the north placed them in striking contrast to the love of law and peace- ful thrift which lies deep in the Scottish nature, and, until a few years before Scott's birth, led the Low- landers to regard their Celtic fellow-countrymen with a contempt and hatred, in effacing which it was the noble mission of his own genius to be the main instru- ment. These family details are here dwelt on, because they bear upon that quality which is peculiar to Scott's genius, and makes at once its strength and its weak- ness. It would be ditiicult to name another instance of a mind so habitually balanced between the real and the unreal. There have been those who had, for example, a stronger grasp of past ages ; but they have either comprehended them without regretting, as Hal- lam and Macaulay; or have distinctlj^ preferred them and adopted their ways of thought. Poets, again, have manifested as great a power as Scott over the actual and the present, as Burns and Crabbe, — but thej'- had no sympathy with the past : or have chosen their subjects in the past, as Drydcn in his Fables, and By- ron in his Plays, — but theirs was a simple poetical expedient, not a sympathetic revival of former times : or they have lived in an ideal world, as Shelley, — but then that world was their own creation, and entirely LIFE OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. 9 absorbed them : or they have believed in and repro- duced their own age, together with one long anterior, as Milton, — but then their older subject-matter was religion : or, in another way, as Shakespeare, they have recast all ages in their own mind ; or were barely conscious of the difference between the ages, as Chau- cer and Dante. But it will strike every reader how decidedly Scott's poetical conception of the past, and bis relations to the present, differ from those just enumerated. As a child of the critical eiijrhteenth century, and the son of a shrewd Scotch solicitor, Scott was, on one side, a born skeptic in romance, the Middle Ages, and Jacobitisra, — as a cadet of the Scotts of Harden, and a man of the strongest imaginative temperament, he was likewise a born believer. Now, not only his writings, which in the strictest sense re- produce himself, but his life and character, present a continual half-conscious attempt at a real and practi- cal compromise between these opposing elements. In the details, what struck his contemporaries was plain but genial common sense; in the whole, what strikes the later student is the predominance of the poetical impulse. Whilst the peculiar blending of the elements is what gives Scott his place in our literature, and renders him singularly interesting as a man, it cannot be concealed that it carried certain weaknesses with it : he had les defauts de ses qualites. And in this com- promise between past and present, romance and prose, which he attempted, beside that great and long-con- tinued error which ruined his worldly prosperity, and dispossessed him of the castle of his dreams, one may note some minor inconsistencies, which have exposed him to censure from those who did not observe the peculiarity of his nature. Thus, although naturally one of the most independent of men, we find him treat- 10 LIFE OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. ing the Prince Eegent with an almost servility of def- erence, when offered the Poet Laureateship ; although a Lowland Scot, only distantly and dimly sharing in Highland blood through a Cami^bell ancestor (the clan, we may remark in passing, towards which his writings show a marked dislike), when the Prince, then George IV, visited Edinburgh, Scott gave the pageantry of the reception a completely Celtic char- acter, — forgetting at once not only that national feud between Lowlander and Highlander which he had been the first to set forth before the whole world, but even the historical proprieties of the occasion. He appeared himself in Highland dress, whilst the heir of the Hanoverian line wore the '* Steiiart tartan !" Scott's Border sympathies, again, led him to regard the profession of arms with a somewhat extreme ad- miration; but when his son desires to enter the army, he regrets the choice. In his politics we observe the same uncertain direction; whilst feeling in the strongest way for the poor, and by nature hostile to the violence and unfairness of party, we find him ever and anon lowering himself to the petty interests of the Toryism of Edinburgh, or abetting the coarse re- pression of popular spirit which discredited the Ad- ministrations of the time : and then, with a fitter sense of his vocation in life, adding a '-so much for politics — about which, after all, my neighbors the Blackcocks know about as much as I do" (Lockhart's "Life of Scott," iii, 209; the edition of 1S56, in ten volumes, is that quoted). That the reader may understand the kind of character who will be presented to him, these points are noted here ; they will be illustrated by the details which follow. But is not Scott, in all this an- tithetically blended nature, shrewdness in details, ro- mance in the whole, — minor inconsistencies, with a LIFE OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. 11 general unity and individuality of character, — a per- fect type of the common sense combined with the ingenium perfervidiun Scotorum, a true representative of the great race amongst which it was the dearest pride of his heart to be numbered? I. *' Every Scotchman.*' says Sir Walter Scott in his brief Autobiography, •• has a pedigree." We need not trace his back in detail beyond his great-grand- father, the staunch old Jacobite known as Beardie, who died in 1729. Beardie's second son, Eobert, a Whig, drove and sold the cattle which had been the plunder of his reiving ancestors; at other times farm- ing the small estate of Sandy-knowe or Smailholme, midway between Melrose and Kelso. By marriage with a Haliburton, Eobert Scott became for a time pro- prietorof Dryburgh Abbey. The eldest son, Walter, born 1729, settled in Edinburgh as a '-Writer to the Signet ;" and in that city, after the loss of several in- fants, Walter, third son of six children who survived, was born, August 15, 1771. His mother, AnneJRuth- erford, was daughter to a distinguished professor of medicine in the University, and a lady of the ancient family of Swinton ; and '"joined to a light and happy temper of mind, a strong turn to study poetry and works of imagination." Beyond these indications, little is known of Scott's mother to support the pop- ular fancy which ascribes filial distinction to maternal qualities; in fact, the father, a man of fine but singular disposition, fills a far larger space iu the reminiscences of the poet's earlier years, and was. long after, painted by him with loving fidelity in " Eedgauntlet." A fever in infancy rendered Walter lame in his right leg, and he was sent for recovery to his grandfather 12 LIFE OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. Robert, at Sandj-knowe. From this place, where Scott was nursed for about two years, dated his earliest recollections. Tales of the Jacobite risings, and of Border life and its heroes, neither as yet too distant for genuine tradition, were soon taught him ; " Merrj^- men all," he says, "of the persuasion and calling of Eobin Hood and Little John ;" and one can imagine the romantic disguise under which the violent deeds of " auld Watt of Harden" and the rest, were pre- sented by family pride to the child who was to im- mortalize them. Visits to Bath and elsewhere were made for the sake of Walter's health, and he so far threw oif the weakness of limb that, until the early decay of his constitution, it hardlj^ disqualified him from any vigorous exercise. Scott's lameness, like Bj^ron's, impelled his eager and courageous disposi- tion to a more than average displaj^ of physical energy; one may trace to it, in some degree, the rather over- strained emphasis laid by Scott on field sports and volunteer drill whilst his strength lasted ; excess in which, not improbably, was one reason wh}' he found himself an old man before fifty. Ingenious excuses are never wanting to give the body more than its due share; and when there is activity of mind also, as in Scott and Byron, it takes its revenge in premature decay. On the other hand, the boy's lameness had a nobler result; giving him leisure for a large range of reading, — miscellaneous indeed, but lying in those imaginative regions, the air of which strengthens the higher nature within us. He entered the Grammar School of Edinburgh in 1778. A letter written by a gifted lady presents an excellent picture of the child as he was at six, — indeed, of Scott as he remained through life: " boy forever," in Shakespeare's phrase, with the lasting childhood and sensitiveness of genius. LIFE OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. 13 " I last night supped in Mr. Walter Scott's. He has the most extraordinary genius of a boy I ever saw. He was reading a poem to his mother when I went in. I made him read on ; it was the description of a shipwreck. His passion rose with the storm. He lifted his eyes and hands. There's the mast gone, says he; crash it goes ! — they loill all perish ! After his agi- tation, he turns to me : That is too melancholy ; I had better read you something more amusing. I preferred a little chat, and asked his opinion of Milton and other books he was reading, which he gave me wonder- fully. . . . When taken to bed Uist night, he told his aunt he liked that lady [Mrs. Cockburn, the writer], for 1 think she is a virtuoso like myself, — Bear Walter, saj^s Aunt Jenny, ivhat is a virtuoso f — .Do7i't ye know ? Why, it's one who wishes and will know everything^ Those about Scott may have been already im- pressed, like Mrs. Cockburn, with his mental energy and determination to "know everything." But in the Autobiography he adopts another tone, which re- appears in his later letters. He was conscious that industry had not come to- him without a struggle. About one of his brothers he remarks, that he had " the same determined indolence that marked us all.^ No description could, at first sight, appear less appli- cable to himself. If there be one constant attribute of real genius, it is vast capacity for and enjoyment of labor. Genius often makes us feel that it is almost synonymous with patience, as Buffbn and Eeynolds called it. And it would be difficult to find a man of genius whose recorded works, — never more than a por- tion of the man's whole work, — are more extensive and varied than Scott's. He had, in the highest de- gree, another charming quality, often, though not so essentially an attribute of intellectual excellence — 14 LIFE OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. Modesty. Hence, throughout his life he undervalued himself, and thought little of his own energy. Yet we cannot doubt that this -'determined indolence," like the irritability of temper which he so subdued that few suspected its existence, was a real element in his nature. At school (1T7S-1783), Scott's zeal for study is inferior to the ardor of Shelley ; he takes not the slightest interest in what is not only the most per- fect, but the most essentially '-romantic" of litera- tures. — that of Greece ; even in Latin going only far enough to set the highest value upon the modern verse of Buchanan, and after him, on Lucan and Claudian. He was satistied with a working knowledge of French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Perhaps the family failing expended itself in confining his studies to the circle marked out by strong creative impulse, the his- tory, manners, romances, and poetry of mediaeval and modern Europe. Looking back now at the result, the Poems and the Xovels, one is inclined to say that Scott in all this followed the imperious promptings of na- ture. This, however, was not his own judgment. He regretted nothing more bitterly than his want of the severe classical training. '* I forgot the very letters of the Greek alphabet," he says in the Autobiography of 1808, " a loss never to be repaired, considering what that language is, and who they were who em- ployed it in their compositions." And again, "I would at this moment give half the reputation I have had the good fortune to acquire, if by doing so I could rest the remaining part upon a sound foundation." Within the range noticed, however, his '• appetite for books was as ample and undiscriminating as it was indefatigable ; few ever read so much," he adds, " or to so little purpose." Spenser, Tasso's "Jerusalem" in the English, "above all, Bishop Percy's IJeliques of LIFE OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. 15 Ancient Poetry/' are specified ; and although throug-h- ont his life Scott exhibited a reluctance to employ his powerful mind on subjects requiring hard thought, and was disposed to defer any work upon which he was engaged to the last, yet in the main we may re- gard the "determined indolence'' as absorbed into the meditative atmosphere (if we may use the word) of the poetical nature : as the undersoil whence so many masterpieces of imaginative writing were des- tined to grow. There is a strong general likeness on this point between Scott and the greatest of his con- temporaries in poetry : and the words in which Wordsworth described himself would have borne an equal application to his friend : My whole life I have lived in pleasant thought, As if life's business were a summer mood. "My life," Scott himself says, in one of the most remarkable passages of his Diary (Dec. 27, 1825), "though not without its fits of waking and strong exertion, has been a sort of dream, sjDent in Chewing the cud of sweet and bitter fancy. I have worn a wishing-cap, the power of which has been to divert present griefs by a touch of the wand of imagination, and gild over the future by prospects more fair than can be i^alized." Scott's character was essentially formed and finished in early youth, and these words may be considered the key to his whole career and character. Worldly wisdom, love of social rank, passion for lands and goods; — these are the motives by which it has been often assumed that he was guided. Mr. Carlyle even appears in his re- IG LIFE OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. markable Essay to regard Scott as unentitled to the claim of greatness, because be did not throw his strength into grasping the problems of modern life or the eternal difficulties of human thought, — and treats him as an eminently genial and healthy man of the world, whose writings were rather pieces of skilful and rapid manufacture for the day, than likely to prove " heirlooms forever." But so " antithetically mixed " was his nature, that at the same time he was in the spirit hidden away with poetry and the past, and moving among romantic worlds of his own cre- ation. Viewed from one side, Scott, as printer and lawyer, with " a thread of the attornej" in him," as "laird" and man of societ}^, appears in unromantic contrast to most of his " brothers in immortal verse :" viewed from another, it may be doubted whether any of his contemporaries lived the life of the poet so com- pletely. A strong capacity for such work as his nature se- cretly preferred, and towards which he was uncon- sciously finding his way, marks the boyhood of Scott. This found its main exercise at first in a love for in- venting and relating marvellous tales which amounted to real passion. '^ Whole holidays were spent in this pastime, which continued for two or three years, and had, I believe, no small effect in directing the turn of my imagination to the chivalrous and romantic in poetry and prose." "He used to interest us," writes a lady who was then his playmate, " by telling us the visions, as he called them, which he had lying alone. . . . Child as I was, I could not help being highly de- lighted with his description of the glories he had seen. . . . Recollecting these descriptions," of which we cannot but regret that she preserved no memorial, " radiant as they were, I have often thought since, LIFE OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. 17 that there must have been a bias in his mind to su- perstition — the marvellous seemed to have such power over him, though the mere offspring of his own imagi- nation, that the expression of his face, habitually that of genuine benevolence, mingled with a shrewd inno- cent humor, changed greatly while he was speaking of these things, and showed a deep intenseness of feel- ing, as if he were awed even by his own recital." Scott, as he was throughout life, is again before us in this little delineation ; the kindness, the superstition, the shrewdness: and one already sees '' Waverley" and "Lammermoor" in their infancy. Meanwhile that other element of poetry which is only second in Scott's writings to the picture of hu- man life, — the natural landscape, — began to assert its influence over him. Actors were thronging fast with- in the theatre of his imagination ; the first sketches of the background and scenery for the drama were now supplied. From a visit to Kelso, " the most beauti- ful, if not the most romantic village in Scotland," Scott traced his earliest consciousness of the magic of Nature. Wordsworth's passion was for the Visions of the hills And Souls of lonely places. The passion of Scott differed from this through the leading place which historical memories held in his heart. " The romantic feelings w^hich I have de- scribed as predominating in my mind gradually rested upon and associated themselves with the grand fea- tures of the landscape around me ; and the historical incidents or traditional legends connected with many of them gave to my admiration a sort of intense im- pression of reverence, which at times made my heart feel too big for its bosom. From this time the love of 18 LIFE OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. natural beauty, more especially when combined with ancient ruins, or remains of our fathers' piety or splen- dor, became with me an insatiable passion, which I would willingly have gratified by travelling over half the globe.'' Scott's transfer from the Edinburgh High School to the College (1TS3-17S6), probably gave him the first freedom to indulge this impulse within bounds which, though narrow in themselves, were of inex- haustible interest to his sj'mpathetic imagination. Without ''travelling over half the globe" he could create a i*ealm of his own, sufficient for himself and for his readers. It is astonishing to look at the map, and observe within how small a radius from Edin- burgh the hundred little places lie which he has made familiar names throughout the whole civilized world. We have noticed that Scott's father (with himself in youth), is painted in --Eedgauntlet." Nothing was ever better contrasted in a romance than these two characters; and one sees that the real Alan Fairford was already beginning at college those adventurous ways which may have made the old Writer to the Sig- net feel that the wild moss-trooping blood of Harden was once more at work within the veins of his gallant boy. A wise confidence left Walter free. He wan- dered for days together over the historical sites of the neighborhood, and when at home, in lieu of devotion to the prosaic mysteries of the Scottish law, was able to please his fancy by founding that collection of way- side songs and historical relics which filled so large a space in the innocent happiness of his after-years, and was not less a necessary of life to him than his cabi- net of rocks and minerals is to the geologist. The mode in which Scott observed ^'ature is strictly parallel to his representation of human life. As he rarely enters into the depths of character, pre- LIFE OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. 19 ferring to exhibit it through action, and painting rather the great general features of an age than dwelling on the details for their own sake, so he mainly deals with the landscape; two or three ad- mirable pictures excepted. Compare his descriptions with those hy Wordsworth, Keats, or Shelley, and the difference in regard to the points noted will be felt at once. Scott was aware of this. ''I was un- able." says the Autobiography, '• with the eye of a painter to dissect the various parts of the scene, to comprehend how the one bore upon the other. . . . I have never, indeed, bt;en capable of doing this with precision or nicety." A curious testimony is borne to the truth of this remark by Scott's failure (like Goethe's) to master even the rudiments of landscape drawing. '-Even the humble ambition, which I long cherished, of making sketches of those places which interested me, from a defect of eye or of hand was totally ineffectual." But this absence of power over landscape forms was compensated for by a singularly fine perception of color, examples of which have been given by ^r. Euskin in the interesting criticisms on Scott contained in his •• Modern Painters." Scott's almost total want of ear for music was a calamity which he shared with a large number of great poets; the strong sense of the melody in words and the harmonies of rhythm appearing to leave no space in their organization for inarticulate music. — Heard melodies are sweet, but those anhear-i Are sweeter ; if true at all, is true only of the poet. Beside the irresistible impulse which directed Scott's reading to •• romantic" and poetical literature, to story-telling, and to country wanderings, he was 20 LIFE OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. seriously impeded by illness from pursuing his college studies. And by the time the x\cademical course was concluded, the passion which governed his youth, and perhaps secretly colored the complexion of his future life, had already fallen upon him. Little has been told of this early love : force of feeling, and force to repress the signs of feeling, are two of the principal elements in Scott's character; he under- goes evil with a pathetic simplicity; he suffers in silence. From what, however, we can learn, it is Datural to read in the '• love that never found his earthly close " the true source of that peculiar shade of pensive melancholy which runs like a silver thread through almost everything he wrote, is heard as a '•'far-off ^olian note" in all his poetry, and breaks out at last during his later years of misfortune with strange power in his " Journal." This strong passion kept him safe from " the ambush of young days," and threw over his whole life the halo of a singular pur- ity. Meantime the first result was probably to rec- oncile him to work for his livelihood, and even pre- pare for following his father's profession, — alien from Scott's nature as a conveyancer's office must have been. He was bound apprentice for four years (1786- 1790). An acquaintance with Scottish law, which he used with effect in some of his novels, was the chief fruit of this apprenticeship; for we can hardly reckon as a gain that half-introduction to business habits on which he afterwards relied with so fatal a security. It was not, however, as a '-Writer to the Signet" that Scott finally entered the law (1792); having been turned towards the more liberal career of an Advocate by the influence of the gently-born intel- lectual society with which he now became familiar. Burns, of whom he has l^t a striking description, he LIFE OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. 21 only saw; but with most or all of the remainiDg eminent Scotchmen of the time he was acquainted. Clerk of Eldin, Corehouse, JeffreT, and before long the dearest of his early friends. William Erskine. are prominent amongst many other names; for men lived together then after the most social fashion in Edin- burgh (that excellent feature in life which is lost when capital cities grow large), and clubs and con- viviality of all kinds abounded. This was a brilliaat stage in Scott's career; perhaps the most essentially happy: love, fearful yet warm with hope; open, numerous, and equal friendships; the first introduc- tion to the literature most congenial to his nature, that of Germany; last, not least, the first sight of the Scottish Highlands. These regions, the romantic manners of which were to be so brightly painted in his writings, by one of the curious contrasts which are frequent in his life, he entered on a leoral visit to evict certain Maclarens; — as he was afterwards the first to carry a gig, Mr. Carlyle's symbol of modem '• respectability,'' into the depths of Liddesdale. This district, under the name of which the best of the Scottish Marches are apparently included, lay within view of Scott's future home, and was the true nursing-ground of his genius. Great as he is in describing scenes from Scottish history, great in his pictures of the Highlands, great in delineating life in Edinburgh, or Perth, or Glasgow, he seems to move with the largest and freest step, when his tale or song is of the Border. For several successive years (1792-1798) he appears to have made excursions thither (partially under the excuse of professional business), when he explored the wild recesses, and observed the wilder life of a race who had not yet been civilized into uniformity: drinking in enjoy- ^2 LIFE or SIS WALTER SCOTT. ment at everr pore, •• feeling his life/' as Words- worth savs of the child, "in every limb;" and as the friend who guided him through the land truly ob- servoi. makin' hhnsdl a the time. This friend, ALr. Shortreed, was of no small value to Scott. Already he t»egan to show one attribute of genins, that of attracting others to co-operate with him. The old ballads, in collecting which he was assiste