^^ A O , o " °iKNj^ ^^^ • \.^^ o Si' O^ ay ^\]j. ^ aP *' ^^,'*^^\/ ^^^•^O'^ ^^/^!^\/ "O^^^-'Z 'f * .■^'^- TINY FOLK OF WINTRY DAYS NEW ILLUSTRATIONS IN COLORS AND IN MONOTINT BY MAUD HUMPHREY Illustrator ofBahes cf the }e,i-r" J3 NEW VERSES BY EDITH M.'^THOMAS A utlior of " Babes of the Year " NEW YORK Cflpyrii^ht, 1889, hy FREDERICK A. STOKES & BROTHER MDCCCLXXXIX C0>n'Ri(iHT,l699 By fBtOERICK *.SIO«€S > 0»OTH£«. Zhc IRueeian Cbilb. Xittlc subject ot tbe Csar, Uell us wbat ^our projects are. "®b, beneatb tbe siuoiuci piue If will builD a palace fiue Bll of sparlUiuii suow au^ ice, Becked witb manv? a ricb device! Unti Til not be tbere aloue, Jfor H'll buil& a ro\?al tbroue, Hu^ 11 'II mal?e a Csar of suow Hut) triui courtiers bowiug low. ®u bis bea^ a crowu be' 1 1 wear, Hu bis bau& a sceptre bear ! Ubeu, a ouarC> of suow H'll set, Mitb au ic\? ba>:ouet, Ht tbe boor, to Ueep afar Hll wbo plot aoaiust uiv? C3ar." —EDITH M. THOMAS. ^\\ -^^^ ^ - Dutch Cbilb. ®b, a 5tur&Y> little pilcirim Hll tbe wav? trom 1f30llow=Xan&, IKIlitb ^our C03CV cap an^ muff, Hn^ i^our £?!^atc3 in bauM 1ft IT tric^ to catcb aii& \\i5S 1^011 TRol5*pol\?, roun^, au^ £5\vcct, If suspect tbat vow ^voul^ tie TllHiiicjs upon vour teet. Bwap, a\va\? von will be flitting H)own tbe river smootb as ijlass ; If, upon tbe Mn% will tbrow If^isses as \?ou pass. -EDITH M. THOMAS. ^l"^-^ BV FREDERICK <*.S10HES S 5 H Xittlc HMgblanbcv. Ibere's a brave la& troiii tbc bicjblaiiDs an^ beatbcr— IfDere's a true ia& witb tartan an^ featber,— Ifull ot tbe jo^ of tbe wilD spriiuj wcatber! /IDarcb ! /IDarcb ! Wibo witbitt t>oor3 witb &uU care wolU^ be stamina Mben tbe winb, tbrougb tbe naheb treetops stra^iuo, SOUU&S Ii!?e a pibrocb tbat minstrels are plavino ? /IDarcb ! /IDarcb ! Ibere's a blitbc bcart as liobt as tbe swallow, •ffDere's a bolt) cbieftatn— wbo'll follow, wbo'll follow, ©ver tbe nteabow, up bill an^ ^own bollow? /IDarcb ! /IDarcb ! —E DI TH M. THOMA S. Hfe^ .§■■■ COPfRIOHr.lSSS.BV FRCOERICK A.STOKCS i eROTHER Hmerican (Tbilb. ^be l^oluntccr Speaks, l^es, II am vcn^\j to be H solMer b\? lal^^ or sea, fov mv beart is warm anb true ; 1f am m\? CountriVs l^nujbt, peace will H l?eep — or ficibt— 5u5t as sbe bi^s mc &o ! —EDTTHM. THOMAS. \ ^' W' C01>»RISnr,l88S,BV fHEDEflICK /,.STO«£S » SRr,l, Swebisb Cbilb* ir met a little SweMsb cbil^, Un^ 6eep anC) tboiuibtfiU were ber e^s; m^ williuo tancv? 5be beouile^ Mitb maiig a leoeu5 straiuje aiit) wilt). Sbe tol& ot witcbino water^sprites, ®t nimble ^warfs an& oiants cjrim, ^'\ /.'^.:.A "' v-o^ 4 o .' .0^ "^^^ -