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Illustrated -with hundreds of full-page and working drawings by the author and Norman P. Hall THE BOY CRAFTSMAN . . . Price net $2.00 HANDICRAFT FOR HANDY BOYS Price net $2.00 THE HANDY BOY .... Price net #2.00 HOME-MADE TOYS FOR GIRLS AND BOYS Priced #1.25 HANDICRAFT FOR HANDY GIRLS Price net $2.00 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Price net $2.00 LOTHROP, LEE & SHEPARD CO., BOSTON CARPENTRY & MECHANICS FOR BOYS Up'to'tne-minute Handicraft By jtkedyRtSL^ j^umorof'lnoBqv Craftsman % u "Handicraft for Handy Boys, Home-made Toys fir Girls and Boys" Handicraft for Handy Girls. "%e Handy Boy "Etc. VN^iWerssYeiUiiui^ ancLwark- ing-orawings by tnc aumor andNormanPHall BOSTON LOTHROP. LEE &* SHEPARD CO. /fa£> 'tip,* Copyright, 1918, By Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Company Published, December 1918. All rights reserved. Carpentry and Mechanics for Boys DEC I i 1918 ©CI.A506865 A boy with a hobby learns independence of thought and action. INTRODUCTORY NOTES When the author produced "The Boy Craftsman," "Handicraft for Handy Boys," "The Handy Boy," and "Home-made Toys for Girls and Boys," he presented his latest developments in handicraft. These books have been recognized generally as the most up-to-date publications of their kind. Boys' handicraft, however, has felt war's influence as has everything else. Wireless telegraphy, that most popular of boys' hobbies, has been shelved for the duration of the war, because of Government restrictions, and other activities have suffered on account of the scarcity as well as the cost of materials. But new fields of endeavor have been created. Aircraft, sea-craft, undersea- craft, and land-craft are being reproduced in miniature; in fact, there is no phase of modern warfare which boys are not investigating. With universal military service for young men established in this Country, and strong prospects of its becoming a permanent institu- tion, junior war mechanics is a hobby likely to be perpetuated. Because of boys' interest in these new lines of handicraft, the author has been persuaded to bring out "Carpentry and Mechanics for Boys." In this volume will be found plans for toy battleships, a submarine, airplanes, miniature warfare, toy artillery, a machine-gun, drill-guns, periscopes, etc. In addition to the war mechanics, Part I presents workshop ideas, including plans for household conveniences, furniture, and novelties. Part II presents plans for mechanical toys, and Part III plans for backyard and camp. Gardening has received an impetus never before known, as the result of the food situation created by the war, so a number of chapters have been devoted to plans for making garden accessories. Bird- vi INTRODUCTORY NOTES house building in which there is an ever increasing interest, is treated in six chapters. A boy's earning capacity never has been so great as at the present- time, nor has it been of so great importance. Many practical sug- gestions for earning money will be found in this new book of handi- craft. All ideas in "Carpentry and Mechanics for Boys" have been carried out successfully by boys, a test which the author requires of material used in his handicraft books. Much of the material has appeared in the author's handicraft department of "The American Boy," other material has been published in "St. Nicholas," "The Ladies' Home Journal," "Woman's Home Companion," "Suburban Life," in news- papers, and in Sunday school weeklies. Following the plan of his former volumes, the author has utilized for the construction of work described in "Carpentry and Mechanics for Boys" such materials as can be picked up at home, or procured for little or nothing. The value of encouraging boys to reduce the cost of their work to a minimum is three-fold. Of first importance, it teaches the boy to conserve material. Of second importance, it teaches him to be self reliant, to keep his material costs within his earning capacity. His handicraft activities do not become an endless drain upon father's pocket-book. Of third importance, it teaches him resourcefulness, which will be valuable to him in business life. Whether he becomes builder, manufacturer, engineer, architect, mechanic, or a follower of any one of hundreds of occupations, his success will depend largely upon how well he can utilize material, upon how much he can produce with the least expense. Providing the boy with books that show how to make things he is interested in, is undoubtedly the solution of the problem of training him to be industrious. Following the suggestions presented, he becomes handy with tools, learns to convert raw materials into finished products, gets the knack of combining brain work with hand work, develops initiative. INTRODUCTORY NOTES vii It is gratifying to the author to hear of his readers' success after they have entered business life, and it interests him to note the large percentage of readers who follow an occupation which served as a school-day hobby. At the present writing, thousands of grown "boy craftsmen" are in the service of the Government, helping win the great war overseas. The author regrets that a list of the names of these lads is unavailable, and that it is thus impossible to fly a service flag with a star thereon for each reader serving with the colors. And to the lads who have laid down their lives in the just cause for which they have fought, he wishes that he might do fitting honor. ! The author is always glad to hear from his readers, and will place upon his mailing-list the names of those who make the request, that they may receive information from time to time relating to handi- craft activities. A. N. H. Elmhurst, Illinois, May 31, 1918. PART I THE HOME WORKSHOP CHAPTER I The Home Work-Bench page 1 Work-Shop Ideas in the Author's Other Handicraft Books — An Improvised Work-Bench — The Bench Top — The Bench-Vise — A Bench-Stop — A Work-Bench with an Adjustable Vise — Bill of Material — The Framework — ■ The Bench- Vise — To Attach the Bench-Screw — Peg Supports for Work — A Bench-Stop — Tool-Cabinets and Tool-Racks. CHAPTER II Scroll-Saw Problems Saws — A Table to Cut Upon — Jig-Saw Picture Puzzles — The Best Wood — Picture Material — Mounting — How to Cut Up a Picture Puzzle — The T-Puzzle — Full-Size Patterns — The Square Puzzle — The Patterns — The Prism Puzzle — A Seven-Piece Set of Doll Furniture — Bird and Animal Cut-Outs. 14 CHAPTER III Spool Gifts Materials Required — A Candle-Stick — Finishing — A Desk Calendar — A Stationery- Rack — A Pen-Rack — A Desk Blotter — A Paper- Knife — A Paper-Spindle — A Toothpick Holder — A Ripper — A Hatpin-Holder — A Necktie-Rack. ix 33 x CONTENTS CHAPTER IV Small Gifts In Wood 41 Material — A Stain and Wax Finish — The Calendar- Board and Pen- Rack — The Post-Card Rack — The Book-Ends — The Candle-Stick — The Match-Holder and Tray — The Egg- Rack — A Desk Telephone Directory — A Time-Card Rack — A Wall Telephone Directory — A Necktie-Rack — >A Necktie- or Towel- Rack — An Electric-Lighted Watch Base — The Electric-Light Attachment. CHAPTER V A Paper-Baler 57 The Base of the Baler — The Compressor Top — The Com- pressor Lever — How the Paper-Baler is Operated. CHAPTER VI For Mother's Kitchen 63 A Kitchen Clock-Shelf — Finish for Kitchen Articles — A Tool- Rack — A Milk-Card Rack — ■ A Recipe-Cabinet — The Cabinet — The Drawer — The Envelope Containers — A Step-Ladder Stool — The Ladder — The Side Rails — ■ The Steps — The Rear Legs — The Top Step — The Struts — A Clothes-Line Reel — The Case of the Reel — The Reel — The Crank Shaft — The Clothes- Line — Hangers — Locking the Reel. CHAPTER VII For Mother's Sewing-Room. . . . . . .77 A Fancy- Work Frame — Spool-Spindles — A Sewing-Stand — Assembling — Finishing the Woodwork — A Cretonne or Denim Covering — A Waste-Basket — A Work-Bag on a Folding Support — The Bag — A Fancywork-Box — Covering the Box — A Cloth Pocket and Elastic Tapes — Spool-Spindles — A Fancywork-Box with Legs — Cretonne Covering — The Sammy Spool-Holder — A Needle Forms Sammy's Bayonet — Painting Sammy's Clothes — A Yarn-Winder — Sweater Knitting Needles — Sock Knitting Needles — Needle-Point Protectors — A Whisk-Broom Holder. CONTENTS xi CHAPTER VIII Box Furniture .......... 96 A Packing-Box Desk — Pigeon Holes — Finishing — A Desk-Stool — Upholstering — Finishing — Covering for the Seat — A Waste- Basket — Box Rockers — Warping the Barrel-Stave Rockers — A Table — A Tabouret. CHAPTER IX Small Furniture Problems . . . . . . . .111 Material — Finishing — A Waste-Basket — A Tabouret — A Plant-Stand — A Smoker's Stand — A Book-Trough and Magazine- Stand — ■ A Telephone Table and Chair — The Table — The Chair. PART II WAR TOYS AND MECHANICAL TOYS CHAPTER X A Toy Superdreadnought Battleship ...... 129 The Way to Make Simplified Models — Materials — The Hull — The Superstructure-Deck — The Funnels — The Conning- Tower — The Masts — The Wireless Aerial — Fighting-Tops — Turret Bases and Turrets — Main-Battery Guns — Secondary-Battery Guns — Flagstaff s — Deck-Rails — Keel Strips — Running-Gear — Painting — Assembling. CHAPTER XI A Toy Submarine 139 The Mechanism — The Hull and Upper Decks — The Ballast Pocket — The Trigger for Releasing the Ballast — Periscopes — Painting — Submerging the Submarine Upon Lake or Pond. xii CONTENTS CHAPTER XII A Fleet of Toy Battleships ....... 145 Fleet Maneuvers in Miniature — A Battleship — The Hull — The Superstructure-Deck — The Masts — The Fighting-Tops — Funnels — Conning-Tower — Gun Turrets — Main-Battery Guns — Second- ary-Battery Guns — Spool Wheels — Wireless Aerial — A Cruiser — The Hull — Superstructure-Deck — Gun Turrets — Main-Battery Guns — Secondary-Battery Guns — Funnels — Masts — Fighting- Tops — Assembling — Paddle- Wheel. CHAPTER XIII Toy Artillery and Miniature Warfare . . ... 156 Miniature Battles — A Field Artillery Gun — Shaping the Gun — The Plunger — Testing the Gun — Three-Eighths-Inch Shells — The Gun-Carriage — Wheels — Mounting the Gun — The Elevat- ing Device — A Siege Gun — Shaping the Gun — The Plunger — One-Half-Inch Sheels — The Gun Carriage — The Elevating Device — Painting — A Fortification — Disappearing Guns — The Flag- staff — Laying Out a Battlefield. CHAPTER XIV Sand-Motor Toys . 170 A Practical Sand- Motor — The Sand-Hopper — The Paddle- Wheel — Shafting — Pulley- Wheels — Position of the Paddle- Wheel — Sand for Motor — A Toy Trip-Hammer — A Toy Grind- stone — A Teeter Toy — The Standard — The Hopper — The Teeter — How the Teeter Toy Works — Doll Teeterers — A Sand Scoop. CHAPTER XV A Toy Derrick-Crane With Clqckwork Motor. . . . 181 Clockwork for Toy Motors — The Pulley Wheel — Pulley-Belts — Winding-Drums — The Motor-Shack — Installing the Motor — A Turntable — The Derrick — The Beam — The Mast — The Mast Pulley — The Boom — The Hoisting-Block — Cables — Tracks. CONTENTS xiii CHAPTER XVI An Electro-Magnet Traveling Crane ..... 190 Possibilities with an Electro-Magnet — ■ The Crane Carriage — Stick Tracks — The Electro-Magnet — The Switch — The Hoisting-Cable. CHAPTER XVII A Toy Machine-Gun 196 How to Have Fun with the Toy Machine-Gun — The Gun-Stock — The Barrel — The Front Sight — The Hammer Rod — The Hammer Spring — The Firing-Crank — Dowel-Stick Cartridges — The Magazine — The Tripod — Painting — A Helmet. CHAPTER XVIII Drill Guns ........... 210 Drill Clubs — A Simple Model of Drill-Gun — A Pattern for Marking out Duplicate Stocks — The Barrel — The Trigger — A Trigger-Guard — The Front Sight — The Rear Sight — Finishing — A Springfield Rifle Model — The Stock and Barrel — The Trigger and Trigger-Guard — The Front Sight — The Rear Sight — Finishing — A Sling — Weight of a Springfield — To Increase Weight of Drill-Guns — A Bayonet — A Scabbard. PART III BACK YARD AND CAMP CRAFT CHAPTER XIX Signalling .......... 220 The Two-Arm Semaphore System — A Hand Flag of Standard Size — Memorizing the Code — ■ To Attract Attention — Numerals — To Correct an Error — To Annul a Message — To Acknowledge — To Signify Readiness — To Indicate a Negative Reply, an Affirm- ative, a Question — ■ To Finish a Message. xiv CONTENTS CHAPTER XX Simple Model Airplanes ........ 225 Principles which Govern Stability of Airplanes — The Matter of Balance — The Center of Gravity and Center of Air Pressure — To Make an Envelope Glide — An Envelope Glider — A Cardboard Glider — A Sling-Shot Glider — The Sling-Shot — To Launch the Sling-Shot Glider — The Aerial Top — To Spin the Top. CHAPTER XXI Tents for Hikes and the Back Yard . ..... 235 Utilizing Materials at Hand — The "A" Shelter Tent — For the Tripod Tent — The Lean-To Tent — The Cage Tent. CHAPTER XXII Back Yard and Camp Fireplaces ...... 241 The Fireplace with Trenched Fire-Pit — The Fireplace with Circular Fire-Pit — The Fireplace with Above-Ground Fire-Pit — A Carnp Oven — A Wash-Boiler Camp Stove — A Fire Shovel — A Camp-Fire Tripod. CHAPTER XXIII Back Yard and Camp Lamps ....... 249 A Varnish-Can Lantern — A Lard-Pail Candle Lantern — ■ A Tin-Can Candle-Holder — Another Tin-Can Candle-Holder — A Candle Light-Fixture — A Bicycle-Lamp Bracket Light-Fixture — A Candle Lamp-Post — Trench Candles. CHAPTER XXIV A Bike Garage . 258 Caring for the Bicycle — Working Material for a Garage — The Floor Framework — Laying the Floor — The Side Walls — Erect- ing the Walls — The Roof — The Door • — A Cupboard — A Wheel- Rack — A Runway — Painting — Make the Garage Tighter. CONTENTS xv CHAPTER XXV A Toboggan-Slide 266 Building a Slide in Cold Weather — • An Inexpensive Slide — Building Material — The Platform Base — The Platform Railings — The Step-Railings — Setting Up the Framework — Collecting Snow for the Slide — The Platform — A Set of Steps — The Surface of the Slide — If There is a Scarcity of Snow — A Plank Slide — A More Elaborate Toboggan-Slide. CHAPTER XXVI A Bob-Sled 275 Two Ways of Building a Bob-Sled — The Material Required — The Sled Runners — ■ The Connecting Crosspieces — The Foot-Bar — The Steering-Line" — The Sled Seats — The Bob-Sled Connecting Seat — Upholstering the Seat — The Hand-Rails — Runner Shoes — Painting. CHAPTER XXVII A Snow-Fort Periscope ........ 284 Advantage of a Periscope for Defenders of a Snow Fort — How Periscope is Used — Material Required — - Cutting Out the Parts — To Assemble the Box — The Openings — Handles — Painting the Periscope Box. PART IV GARDEN CRAFT CHAPTER XXVIII A Hotbed 293 Principle of the Hotbed — Size to Make It — A Single-Sash Hotbed — The Framework — To Assemble the Framework — Digging the Pit — Filling the Pit — A Cold-Frame. xvi CONTENTS CHAPTER XXIX Seed Boxes and Paper Pots 298 Starting Plants Early — Seed-Flats — ■ Filling — Miniature Greenhouses — A Greenhouse with a Lean-To Roof — A Green- house with a Gable Roof — Painting — Paper Pots — A Pot Made From a Cardboard Box — Circular Pots. CHAPTER XXX Plant Shields and Forcers. ....... 305 Protecting Transplantings — A Paper-Funnel Shield — A Flower- Pot Shield — A Basket Shield — A Tin Can Shield and Forcer — A Plant Forcer. CHAPTER XXXI Flower-Boxes 309 Making Flower-Boxes to Sell — Material for Boxes — Finishing — A Window or Porch Box — Feet — A Plant-Tub — A Plant- Stand — A Hanging-Box — ■ Suspending the Box — Metal Liners — Removing Surplus Water — A Satisfactory Drain — Planting in Metal-Lined Boxes — A Hanging-Basket. CHAPTER XXXII Garden Accessories ......... 319 A Tin Can Sprinkler — A Dibble — An Umbrella-Handle Dibble — A Planting Trencher — A Seed Basket — Garden Markers — How to Put Up Strings for Vines — Tomato- Racks. CHAPTER XXXIII Racks and Trays for Canning Time ...... 325 Apparatus for the Cold-Pack Method of Canning — A Wash- Boiler Rack — A Rack Suspended over a Stove — A Drying- Tray to Stand upon a Stove — A Sun Dryer — A Rack for Ripening Tomatoes — Making Racks and Trays to Sell. CONTENTS xvii CHAPTER XXXIV A Lawn Roller 331 Earning Money by Rolling Lawns — Material Required for Lawn Roller — The Centering Platform — To Locate the Center for the Axle — The Center of the Flange End — The Concrete Mixture — Pouring the Concrete — The Initial Set — Removing the Tile Pipe — The Iron Pipe Handle Frame — Painting the Handle Frame. CHAPTER XXXV Bird Houses . . . . . . . . . . 336 Nature's Provision for Balance in Insect Life — Re-establishing Nature's Balance — Bird-House Campaigns — A Good All-the- Year Around Activity — The American Bird-House League — Work to be Proud Of — A Boy's Bird-House Factory — Right Dimensions for Houses — The Height Above Ground to Place the Houses — A Chart of Correct Dimensions — Materials for Bird- House Building — Finishing. CHAPTER XXXVI Wren Houses 343 Wren Requirements — Wren House No. 1 — Wren House No. 2 — Wren House No. 3 — Finishing. CHAPTER XXXVII Robin Shelters ......... 348 Robin Requirements — Robin Shelter No. 1 — Robin Shelter No. 2. CHAPTER XXXVIII Woodpecker Houses 353 Woodpecker Requirements — Woodpecker House No. 1 — Wood- pecker House No. 2. xviii CONTENTS CHAPTER XXXIX A Bluebird'House . 358 Bluebird Requirements — A Hanging-House — Doorways — ■ Assembling the House — ■ A Removable Floor — Perch-Sticks — A House on a Pole — An Iron-Pipe Support — A Permanent Way of Erecting the Pipe. CHAPTER XXXX A Martin House 364 Martin Requirements — ■ Building Material — ■ The First Story Frame — Cutting the Doorways — Nailing Together the Frame Boards — Preparing the Floor Boards — Cutting the Gable-Ends — The Roof Boards — Brackets — The Chimney — Support for the House — ■ A Concrete Base — Setting Up the Martin House. Index 373 LIST OF HALF-TONE ILLUSTRATIONS (In addition to more than 700 text illustrations) PART I Fig. 408. — Toy Machine-Gun with Magazine that Holds Twelve Wooden Cartridges Fig. 409. — Squad with Toy Machine-Gun Frontispiece OPPOSITE PAGE Fig. 8. — Kind Fig. 53. — g. T6. — 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58.' 70. 71. 72.. 73. 74.- 75.- 87.- 88.- 89.- 90.- 176. 177. 178. 201. 211. 212. 213. 214. g. ail, — Corner of the Author's Work-Shop, Showing the Right 1 of Work-Bench for a Boy to Build \ Candle-Stick Desk Calendar Stationery- Rack Pen- Rack Desk Blotter Paper-Knife Calendar-Board and Pen-Rack ' Post-Card Rack Book-Ends Candle-Stick Match-Holder and Tray Egg-Rack Telephone-Directory Necktie-Rack Necktie- or Towel-Rack Electric-Lighted Watch Base - Desk Made of Packing-Box and Lattice-Strips - Desk Stool with Box Top - Waste- Basket with Box Base Two Box Rockers, a Table and a Tabouret Waste- Basket Tabouret Plant-Stand Smoker's Stand _ xix 34 42 48 96 108 114 xx LIST OF HALF-TONE ILLUSTRATIONS OPPOSITE PAGE Fig. 230. — Book-Trough and Magazine-Stand 1 110 Fig. 231. — Telephone Table and Chair PART II Fig. 251. — A Superdreadnought Toy Battleship Fig. 268. — A Toy Submarine that Dives then Rises to the Water's } 129 Surface J F F F F F F F F F g. 30-1. — Miniature Battles Can be Fought Scientifically ] g. 305. — Field Artillery Gun 156 g. 306. — Siege Artillery Gun J g. 345. — Toy Machinery can be Operated by the Sand-Motor 1 ._„ g. 346. — Sand-Motor Teeter-Toy g. 373. — The Toy Derrick-Crane with Clockwork Motor g. 374. — Boom and Cable can be Operated Simultaneously g. 442. — Making Drill-Guns g. 443. — Squad at "Port Arms" (Equipped with Home-Made | 210 Drill-Guns and Wash-Basin Helmets) - J 182 .1 PART III Two- Arm Semaphore Signalling by a Patrol of the Author's Troop of Boy Scouts of America, Elmhurst, Illinois j 221 Fig. 518. — Using the Shelf-Bracket Camp-Stove Tripod Fig. 519. — A Varnish-Can Lantern ; ' 248 Fig. 554. — A Bob-Sled of which any Boy Might be Proud . . .276 Fig. 571. — While Protected by the Snow Fort, You Watch the ] Enemy Through the Periscope | 284 Fig. 572. — Front View of Periscope PART IV Fig. 581. — A Four-Sash Hot-Bed Fig. 711. — First Story in Place Fig. 712. — Adding the Second Story Fig. 713. — Third Story Fig. 714. — Ready for the Martins 293 LIST OF HALF-TONE ILLUSTRATIONS OPPOSITE PAGE Fig. 613.— Fig. 614. — Fig. 615.— Fig. 616.— Fig. 617.— Fig. 652. — Fig. 658.— Fig. 665.— Public 5 Fig. 669.— Fig. 670.— Fig. 671.— Fig. 671.— Fig. 672.— Fig. 684.— Fig. 685.— Fig. 686.— Window or Porch Box Plant-Tub Plant-Stand Hanging-Box Hanging- Basket Sun Dryer for Vegetables 1 A Concrete Lawn-Roller j Bird-Houses Entered in a Contest Held by the Pittsburgh Schools Wren House No. 1 Wren House No. 2 Wren House No. 3 Robin Shelter No. 1 Robin Shelter No. 2 Woodpecker House No Woodpecker House No Bluebird House 310 330 336 344 354 PART I For Workshop and Home CHAPTER I THE HOME WORK-BENCH It has been the author's custom to begin his handicraft books with several chapters on the selection, care and handling of tools, the construction of cabinets and chests to hold them, the making of handy shop equipment, the pre- paration of work, and the finishing thereof. In fact, boys who own all of the volumes have in their possession the equivalent of a school course in manual- training. If you want to know about different forms of tools, what operations they are intended for, and what tools you will require for home carpentry, you will find the information in Chapter II of Handicraft for Handy Boys, you will learn how to handle tools properly by reading Chapter II of The Boy Craftsman, you will discover handy methods of doing things in Chapter III of The Handy Boy. Chapter III of Handicraft for Handy Boys will give you instruc- tion in manual-training problems, Chapter IV of the same volume will tell you about wood finishing, and Chapter V will show you how to prepare working-drawings. The making of tool-chests, tool-cabinets and work-benches is described in The Boy Craftsman, Handicraft for Handy Boys, and The Handy Boy, and the last named volume contains plans for building a small backyard work-shop. The author knows that most of you readers of Carpentry l 2 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS and Mechanics for Boys will not be satisfied until you have added one or more of his other books to your library, and, therefore, in writing this book, he has touched but lightly upon subjects contained therein. The subject of work-benches has not been exhausted, however, so further suggestions have been brought together in this first chapter. To accomplish anything worth while in carpentry or mechanics, you must have a means of holding your work securely for planing, sawing, drilling, and other operations — a work-bench. Possibly there is no space at home available for a work-shop, possibly you are denied even enough working space in which to set up a permanent work- bench, because of living in an apartment building. Under these conditions you need not be deterred from doing home carpentry, however, even though you may have to work under difficulties. You can provide yourself with An Improvised Work-Bench like one the author used when he lived in an apartment. This bench, shown in Figs, i and 2, requires the use of mother's kitchen table, but the table is not altered or injured in any way, so there should be no reason for your not requisitioning it when it is not in the service of the culinary department, if mother does not object to your working in her kitchen. I believe that after you have demonstrated once or twice that you can and will clean up your scraps of wood, shavings, and sawdust when you are through working, leaving the kitchen as tidy as it was before you began to work, mother will have no objec- tion. You can make the work-bench attachment quickly, and THE HOME WORK-BENCH Fig. 1. - You Must Have a Work-Bench if that Bench be nothing than a Kitchen Table more Fig. 2. -A Kitchen Table with its Improvised Bench-Top Clamped 4 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS it requires but an instant to attach and detach it. Once father discovers its convenience, he probably will make constant use of it when tinkering. Figure 3 shows The Bench-Top. This is built to set over the front edge of the table (Fig. 2), and is held in position with a pair of iron curtain-stretcher clamps (Figs. 6 and 7). Make top A and apron B of boards 10 inches wide by the length of the table. Bore four or five rows of holes ^4-inch in diameter through apron B (Fig. 4). Space the rows about 12 inches apart. To get the holes in straight rows, rule lines across the board on which to locate the hole centers. The holes are provided for wooden pegs G (Fig. 3). These pegs can be adjusted to the right heights and to the right distances apart, for supporting pieces of work of varied lengths (Fig. 2). Blocks C, nailed to the back of apron B at the ends (Fig. 4), should be cut of a thickness equal to the amount of projec- tion of the table- top, so that when top A is nailed to the edge of apron B, and the two are slipped over the front edge of the table, blocks C will rest against the front table legs. The Bench-Vise fastens to the left of the apron. It is built of pieces D and E (Fig. 5). Cut strip D 3 inches wide and 10 inches long, and nail it to apron B, then cut jaw block E 6 inches long and 10 inches wide, bevel its inner right-hand edge as shown, and nail it to strip D with the beveled edge turned in and projecting. Cut the pieces with the grain running as indicated. You will see by Fig. 2 how pieces D and E form a pocket into which to slide the ends of pieces THE HOME WORK-BENCH fe<--H BENCH -TOP TABLE Fig. 7 Fig. 6 Fig. 3. Make the Detachable Bench-Top for the Table Work-Bench, like This Fig. 4. — This is how the Bench-Top is Built Up Fig. 5. — Detail of Vise Figs. 6 and 7. — The Ends of the Bench-Top are Clamped to the Table 6 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS of work, and how the work is wedged in with a beveled block F (Fig. 3). Block H (Figs. 3 and 4) is a Bench-Stop to push work against when working on the top of the bench. Make a "V ' cut in the right -hand end as shown. In Fig. 8, a corner of the author's work-shop, is shown. A Work-Bench With an Adjustable Vise. If you have MATERIAL PIECES DIMENSIONS PARTS 4 2" x4"x 2-4" LEGS A 2 X •■ X t. CROSSPIECES B 2 1" x4"x RAILS C 7 1" x4"s BRACESD&G I 1" x|CTx5'-6" APRON E 2 1 " x 4" x 4'- 0" RAILS F 3 2" x)o"x 5'-6" TOP H 1 2" x 6"x2'-4" VISE JAW I 1 3/4"x 3"x |8" SLIDING- STRIP J Fig. 9.— Bill of Material for Work-Bench room for a permanent bench, this is the right kind to build. Details of its construction are shown in Figs. 10 to 17. A Bill of Material is given in Fig. 9. Several small pieces in addition to this material will be needed, but you can probably pick these up in the kindling-wood pile. Maple makes the best top, but you will find, as the author has found, that a pine top is plenty good enough, and of course it is much less expensive. Be careful not to cut up the surface with sharp-edged tools, and the pine top will keep in good condition for a long time. You will appreciate a ~Mm -*^i its m Fig. 8. — Corner of the Author's Work-Shop, Showing the Right Kind of Work-Bench for a Boy to Build. THE HOME WORK-BENCH 7 soft wood top many times when you have occasion to drive in a nail for a temporary stop or for some other purpose. If there is no lumber yard or mill nearby, get acquainted with a carpenter and have him buy the material for you. Or, if a new building is being erected in your neighborhood, go to the carpenter foreman and see if you cannot buy from Fig. 10. — Front View of Work-Bench him what is needed. Two-by-ten floor joists will be just the thing for the top planking. The Framework is shown in Fig. 13, a front view of the completed bench is shown in Fig. 10 and an end view in Fig. 11. If you are less than 4 feet 6 inches tall, I would suggest that you make your bench 28 inches high instead CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS of the height given in Fig. n. This will mean cutting the legs 4 inches shorter than the given dimensions. The end frames of the framework H^ should be con- -r- ^ * * ~p\\ \~Hs structed first (Fig. 12). Spike cross- pieces B to the top of legs A, and nail rails C to the side of the legs 3 inches above the bottom. Test the corners formed by legs A and I l cross pieces B, and when they prove to be exact right angles, nail on the diagonal braces D. Cut these braces longer than is necessary, so that after nailing them in position you can saw off their ends flush with the sides of the legs. Having completed the frames, cut rails F and nail them to the legs on a line with lower rails C (Fig. 13). Then measure the distance between the frames at their tops, nail a board across crosspieces B to hold the tops at exactly the same distance apart as the lower ends, and after testing the end frames to see that they stand perfectly vertical, nail on the diagonal braces G. Ten-inch stuff planed upon all edges usually measures between 9^ and 9^ inches in width. Therefore, three Fig. 11. — Left-End View of Work-Bench THE HOME WORK-BENCH pieces placed side by side, with the front plank projecting % inch over the end frames, to allow for the thickness of apron E (H, Figs. 10 and n), will be of just the right width for the bench-top. Make the projections over the ends of the framework equal, and spike the planks to crosspieces B. Drive the nail heads about Y 2 inch below f the surface, so your edge tools will L not come in contact with them. Figure 10 shows how the ends of apron E should be trimmed off. Nail the apron to the bench legs. The Bench- Vise is the next portion to construct. You need an iron bench-screw like that in Fig. 15 for the vise. This can be purchased at the hardware store. You can make the rest of the vise by following the details of Figs. 11, 14, 15, 16, and 17. The jaw (I, Fig. 14) is a piece of 2 by 6. Mark it out as shown in Fig. 17, with the lower end drawn so as to be sawed off on a diagonal, the left-hand edge so as to be notched to receive the sliding-strip /, and the top so as to be beveled on the face side. The sliding-strip / is a guide for the lower end of the vise jaw. With a peg to fit in its holes, this strip provides a means for keeping the bottom of the jaw directly under the top. Without this attachment, it would be impossible to clamp work in the vise, because Fig. 12. — Detail of End Frame io CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS the jaw would push in at the bottom, and could not be made to set squarely against your work. The holes in the sliding- strip should be H inch in diameter, and they should be staggered as shown, with their centers placed i% inches Fig. 13. — Detail of Completed Framework, Showing Bracing apart. The sleeve through which the sliding-strip slides (Figs, io, ii, and 14) is made by nailing one end of a strip K to rail C, and the other end to a block L of the same thickness as C, fastened $}4 inches above rail C. Suspend a peg (M, Fig. 14) from block L by a cord tied to screw-eyes screwed into the end of the peg and block L. To Attach the Bench-Screw, slip sliding-strip J through THE HOME WORK-BENCH ii its sleeve and push the jaw up against apron E; then, 7 inches below the top of the jaw, mark the center for the hole through which the bench-screw is to turn, and cut a hole at this point through the jaw, through the apron and through the bench leg. This hole should be 1 3^ inches in diameter. Fig. 14 Fig. 16 Fig. 14. — Completed Bench- Vise Fig. 15. — Iron Bench-Screw Fig. 16. — Threaded Iron Socket and Wooden Block in which it is Mounted Fig. 17. — Detail of Vise Jaw and Sliding-Strip If you haven't an expansive-bit which can be set to cut a hole of this diameter, bore several small holes, and with a chisel connect them, making one large hole. The iron socket which comes with the bench-screw (N, Fig. 16) must 12 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS be fastened to the back of the bench leg. If the threads on the bench-screw run close to the handle end as shown in Fig. 15, the hole in the bench-leg can be enlarged and the socket set into the hole, but the threads upon some bench- screws stop 3 inches from the handle end, and, if you get one of these, it will be necessary to set the iron socket into a wooden block (0, Fig. 16), and spike this block to the back of the leg (Fig. 11); if this is not done, the vise jaw cannot be screwed up close to the face of the jaw, and the vise cannot be closed. Screw the iron collar on the handle end of the bench-screw to the face of the jaw. . The wooden handle that comes with a bench-screw (Fig. 15) is not of much account, because the constant sliding through the iron sleeve, from end to end, loosens the ends, making it necessary to glue them on every now and then. A better handle is a piece of broom-handle 16 inches long with a large screw-eye screwed into each end,' like that shown in Fig. 14. The author uses a handle of this form on his vise, as you will see by Fig. 8. Peg Supports for Work. Upon the front of the bench apron E, two rows of holes about % inch in diameter should be bored, as shown in Fig. 10, and a peg (P, Fig. 10) should be whittled to fit each row. Suspend the pegs by cords, so they will always be within reach when wanted. The purpose of these pegs is to support the right-hand end of long pieces of work; they can be adjusted to the holes which will suit the width of the piece of work placed in the vise. A Bench-Stop on the top of the bench is very useful to push the end of work against when you cannot or do not THE HOME WORK-BENCH 13 wish to place the work in the vise. A block of wood screwed to the bench-top will do (H, Figs. 3 and 4), but an adjustable iron stop can be purchased at the hardware store which will be handier. You will get some ideas for the arrangement of Tool -Cabinets and Tool -Racks from the photograph of the author's shop (Fig. 8), but, as stated at the beginning of this chapter, you are referred to The Boy Craftsman, Handicraft for Handy Boys, and The Handy Boy for instructions for making them. CHAPTER II SCROLL-SAW PROBLEMS It is not necessary to have a scroll-saw for the scroll-saw problems illustrated and described in this chapter. In fact, most of the scroll-saw work now done by boys is with a hand bracket-saw like that shown in Fig. 18, or with the Fig. 18.— A Bracket-Saw Fig. 19 — A Coping- Saw slightly different form of saw shown in Fig. 19, known as a coping-saw. The cheaper makes of bracket-saws can be purchased for 10 cents, and a dozen saw blades — you will need a dozen as they are slender and easily broken — cost 10 cents. A good coping-saw costs in the neighborhood of 14 SCROLL-SAW PROBLEMS 15 a dollar, and the blades, which are usually not as delicately made as bracket-saw blades, cost 5 cents apiece. A foot- power scroll-saw costs between $8 and $10. . Scroll-saw work may be done outside of a workshop, if Fig. 20. — Board Protection for Table-Top papers are spread to catch sawdust and wood scraps. You can use A Table to Cut Upon. The surface must be protected of course, so there will be no danger of sawing into it, and Fig. 20 shows how to protect it with a board clamped to the table top. An iron G-clamp, such as is sold for curtain- stretchers can be purchased for 5 cents. Cut two notches in the front edge of the protection board, as shown. The purpose of the notches is to provide openings for the saw. With the block to be sawed placed upon the board, the saw can be worked up and down in one notch or the other i6 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS without danger of splitting the work, because the block will be supported each side of the point of cutting. Figure 21 shows the correct position for sawing. Turn the piece of work with the left hand as the cutting progresses. If you use your work-bench vise to hold your work, you can place the work in a vertical posi- tion, and saw horizontally instead of vertically. One of the most popular scroll-saw stunts at the present time is the making of Jig-Saw Picture Puzzles, a form of puzzle with which you probably already are acquainted — thin pieces of board with pictures mounted upon them, cut up into small irre- gular-shaped pieces, which are mixed up, then fitted together in the proper manner to make up the picture. They are called jig-saw puzzles because, when made in quantity, a number of thicknesses of wood are cut at one time, and a jig-saw, or form of scroll-saw built for cutting thick material, was originally used for the purpose. The Fig. 21. — Correct Method of Using the Bracket-Saw SCROLL-SAW PROBLEMS 17 modern band-saw has superseded the jig-saw almost uni- versally. The Best Wood for scroll-saw work is white-holly veneer y s inch thick, but it is expensive, costing about 15 cents a square foot, and the wood is not easy to obtain. Next to Fig. 22. — How to Cut up a Picture Puzzle white-holly, basswood is to be preferred. You can get this wood 3/16 inch thick at most planing-mills at 4 or 5 cents a square foot, and often you can pick up waste scraps which the mill-man will let you have for little or nothing. The size of wood you can get for picture puzzles will determine the size of pictures you can use, and, likewise, the size of suitable pictures that you find will determine the size of wood mounts. Since picture blocks may warp, and large blocks will warp to a greater degree than small ones, 1 8 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS I would advise the making of small blocks. A standard size for store puzzle blocks is 3 by 5 inches, which is large enough to cut into as many as twenty-five parts, if you cut the pieces small. You will have no difficulty finding good Picture Material in magazines. Pictures in color are preferable to those in black and white. If those you select are not printed in color, you can try your hand at paint- ing them with water-colors, or tinting them with colored crayons. Mounting. Mount a picture upon each side of the blocks. This will make the puzzles more difficult to assemble and the paper will hold the wood flat and prevent its splitting. If you mount paper upon only one side, the wood will warp. For this reason, it is best to mount paper upon both sides of the blocks, even though the paper on one side is a blank piece. Use glue or shellac for mounting. Coat the surface of the block copiously, put the picture in position, press it down, and weight it until dry. To smooth out wrinkles, lay a clean piece of paper over the mounted piece, and rub the edge of a ruler over the paper. This will squeeze out surplus glue. Figure 22 suggests How To Cut Up a Picture Puzzle. You can draw out the cuts upon the mounted picture, or you can decide upon the shapes of the cuts as you work, if you wish. The saw teeth will leave a rough edge to the cuts, on one side of the block, you will find. To prevent the roughness, which would spoil the picture upon that side, back the block with SCROLL-SAW PROBLEMS 19 another thin piece of wood, and hold the two pieces firmly together while you cut. While making puzzles, let us make a model of The T-Puzzle,a famous old puzzle that is more difficult to assemble than it looks. Figure 23 shows it put to- gether. The key to the solution lies in properly placing the irregular-shaped block at the inter- section of the ver- tical and horizontal members of the ietter. Once you get the position of this, the other pieces are easily assembled. Full-Size Patterns of the four blocks are given in Fig 24. Fig. 23. — The T-Puzzle Fig. 24. — Full-Size Patterns for the T-Puzzle Blocks 20 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Make a careful tracing of them upon thin paper, and transfer the tracings upon a strip of wood. Cut out the pieces care- FiG. 25. — The Square Puzzle I PIECE -LIKE -THIS 7- PIECES LIKE THIS Fig. 26. — Full-Size Patterns for the Square-Puzzle Blocks fully, and smooth the edges with sandpaper, then fit them together, and trim up all ends and edges that require it. The Square Puzzle, shown correctly assembled in Fig. 25, SCROLL-SAW PROBLEMS 21 is another interesting puzzle to make. It requires nine blocks. Figure 26 shows FlG. 27. — Cut the Square Puzzle Blocks out of a Strip like this The Patterns. If you will trace off the patterns as shown in Fig. 27, with the blocks placed end to end, you can prepare a strip of the right width to take in the blocks and then saw it up. These blocks must be carefully finished so they will be of exactly the right size, or they will not fit together nicely to make the square. The Prism Puzzle presents one of the" most interesting of the simpler scroll-saw problems. It is easy to make. The first thing to do is to pre- pare a stick 1 Y 2 inches square. The length of the finished block will be 4.% inches, but do not cut the block to this length until after the rest of the cutting has been done (Fig. 28). If you do separate it, there will be no way of keeping the parts Fig. 28. — The Prism Puzzle 22 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS together while cutting, and there will be nothing to hold the block by. Plane the sides of the stick square and smooth, and square off one end. Mark off the distance of ^yi inches from the squared end, upon each side of the block. Then draw the curves shown in Fig. 29 upon two adjacent sides of the block, mak- ing a tracing of the pattern and transferring it to the block. In cutting, it will be best to support the block in a vertical po- sition, and cut down as shown in Fig. 30. There are two important things to do. Hold the saw so that the blade will cut horizontally and always parallel to the sides of the block, and cut exactly upon the lines. Figure 31 shows the nine blocks into which the block is separated in the process of cutting. The center piece is the only piece that is irregularly shaped on all four sides; therefore, this is the piece to begin with in assembling the block. Find two pieces that will fit upon opposite sides of it, and fit the three Fig. 29.— Full- Size Pattern for rr ' Cutting Prism Puzzle Blocks pieces together. Then find three SCROLL-SAW PROBLEMS 23 pieces that will fit together each side of the center three pieces, slip them into position, and the block will be put together. There is a trick to locking the pieces one inside another, even when the correct positions have been discovered You must get the knack of putting them together through experiment- ing. A Seven-Piece Set of Doll Furniture. You would hardly imagine that out of the little block of wood shown in Fig. 32, a seven-piece set of doll-furniture can be cut by making six saw cuts, yet this is ' ' *--—■■' the way the doll furniture shown in Figs. 37 to 43 was pre- pared. Stand the pieces of furniture upon a table, and ask a friend to fit them together so as to form a symmetrical block, and the friend will think that you are joking. By comparing the letters on the pieces of furniture, with the letters on the block shown in Fig. 32, you will see how the pieces fit within one another. The block should be free from knots and cracks. White Fig. 30. — Do not Cut the Prism Block to the Right Length until after the Other Cutting has been done. Additional Length is Needed to Hold the Separate Parts Together. 24 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS pine is best, but other clear wood will do. Cut the block to the dimensions shown in Fig. 33, planing its surfaces Fig. 31. — The Nine Blocks into which the Prism is to be Cut straight and smooth. Then upon the two faces and the two sides mark off the lines on which to cut. Draw these lines exactly as indicated. The corners of the cuts are SCROLL-SAW PROBLEMS 25 Saw the Block along the Heavy Lines; and you will have the Seven-Piece Set of Doll Furniture Shown in Figs. 37-43 shown rounded, because it is necessary to round them in turning the corners with the saw blade. The first piece to cut out is the table (Fig. 37). Figure 34 shows how this is re- moved from the block. The next step is to separate the remainder of the block into two equal parts by sawing along the heavy line indicated in Fig. 34, which will give you the two blocks shown fig. 32 in Fig. 35. By now cutting from each of these blocks first the block C (Fig. 36), then the block D, you will have produced the two chairs B (Figs. 38 and 41), the two stools C (Figs. 39 and 42), and the two ta- bourets D (Figs. 40 and 43). In Figs. 34 and 35, only one cut is indicated on each, the lines of the other cuts being omitted to save confusion of lines. Fig. 33. — Dimensions for Block 26 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Unless you do the marking and sawing very accurately, you will find it impossible to interlock the pieces except when they are turned in the direction of the positions Fig. 34. — The First Cut. Block A is the Table FlG. 35. — The Second Cut. B are Chairs Blocks originally occupied. Although it is well to do the cutting as accurately as possible, if the pieces will fit only one way you will have a puzzle all the more difficult to assemble. A fad for one's room is to have brightly colored SCROLL-SAW PROBLEMS 27 Bird and Animal Cut- Outs perched upon embroidery- hoop swings. Figure 44 shows a monkey-in-swing cut-out and Fig. 45 a parrot-in-swing cut-out, both of which are easily prepared. Fig. 36. — Each Chair Base has the Stool C and Tabouret D Cut Out of it To simplify the work of drawing the parrot and monkey, patterns are shown in Figs. 46 and 47, that can be reproduced easily to the size desired by the process of enlarging by squares. Take a piece of wrapping-paper, and cut it exactly 73^ inches wide by n inches long, being careful to get the corners square. Then with a ruler mark off %-mch divisions along each edge, and connect opposite division points with straight lines. Your sheet of paper will now be filled with squares similar to the diagram of Figs. 46 and 28 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Figs. 37-43. — The Seven-Piece Set of Doll Furniture Completed SCROLL-SAW PROBLEMS 29 Fig. 44. — The Monkey-in-the- Swing Cut-Out Fig. 45. —The Parrot-in-the- Swing Cut-Out 3 o CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS A B C O E F G H I O K L M N O P. Fig. 46. — One-Half-Size Pattern Fig. 47. — One-Half-Size Pattern for Monkey Cut-Out for Parrot Cut-Out SCROLL-SAW PROBLEMS 3i 47. There will be exactly the same number of squares, but they will be twice the size of those in the diagram. Letter the vertical lines across the top edge, and number the horizontal lines along one side, as shown. With the sheet thus prepared, it will only be necessary to locate within Fig. 48 Fig. 49 kAM A-yA^co^ A I* — I"— H Fig. 52 Figs. 48 and 49. — How the Monkey's Feet and the Parrot's Claws are Supported in the Swing Fig. 50. — Pattern for Balancing Points Figs. 51 and 52. — How the Tails are Weighted the squares what is indicated within corresponding squares on the diagram. When the large patterns have been drawn, cut them out, and trace them off upon the wood they are to be cut out of. 32 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS In sawing out the pieces, care must be taken not to split off small projections. After cutting, sandpaper the edges. Buy 1 2-inch oval embroidery-hoops for swings, and use ribbon to suspend them by. The monkey's feet do not stand upon the hoop. The balancing block A (Figs. 48 and 50) is inserted in a notch cut in the feet, and the points of this piece of wood rest upon the hoop. To make the monkey balance upon the perch, the tail must be weighted, and the best way of weighting it is by gluing a No. 3 skirt-weight to each side (B, Fig. 51). The parrot's claws grasp a balancing block (A, Fig. 49), which rests upon the hoop, and the tail is weighted like the monkey's (Fig. 52). Paint the monkey and parrot in bright colors, also the hoops. Enamel paint in colors, prepared for this sort of painting, can be purchased at paint stores, and this is pre- ferable to flat paint. Every boy has right at hand the materials necessary for making splendid Christmas gifts, in the empty spools from mother's work-basket, boards from grocery boxes, nails, and one or two other things that are to be found in every household. A handful of spools of assorted shapes and sizes will suggest a hundred possibilities for suitable gifts for each friend and relative whom you wish to remember. The illustrations in this chapter show a variety of useful articles, in the making of each of which one or more spools were used, and, once you start work upon duplicating these, you will discover quite as many more ideas for simple gifts. The Candle-stick in Fig. 53 is made by mounting a small silk-thread spool upon the end of a large ribbon spool, then mounting the ribbon spool upon a small square block. The base block may be cut from a box board. Make it about 1 inch wider each way than the diameter of the spool end, and nail it to the end of the spool as indicated in Fig. 59, with an equal projection all around the spool. Fasten the small spool to the end of the large spool with a short piece of pencil, or 33 34 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS a round peg whittled to the same size. Coat this piece of pencil or peg with glue, than push it through the hole in the small spool and down into the hole in the large spool, allowing about y 2 inch of its end to project above the top of the short spool. A hole just large enough for this peg to fit snugly in must be cut in the end of the candle (Fig. 59). Heat the top of the pencil be- fore pressing the candle upon it, to make the candle stick. Finishing. A brown stain produces a pretty finish for articles made of spools. A small quantity can be pur- chased from a paint dealer for ten or fifteen cents. Follow the directions that accompany it. An application of nothing but boiled linseed oil also makes a pretty finish. After staining the candle- stick, glue a piece of felt to the under side of the base to prevent its scratching surfaces that it is placed upon. The Desk Calendar shown in Fig. 54 requires a small calendar-pad, a block upon which to mount the c TJ= D Fig. 59. — How the Candle- Stick is Put Together Fig. 56.— A Pen-Rack Fig. 57. — A Desk Blotter Fig. 51. — A Desk Calendar ,/ Fig. 58. A Paper-Knife Fig. 53. — A Candle-Stick Fig. 55. — A Stationery-Rack SPOOL GIFTS 35 pad, and two short silk-thread spools for feet. A calendar-pad 2 inches wide and 3 inches long will cost five cents. Cut the back block out of a box-board, enough larger than the pad to make a >^-inch margin all around it. Nail spool feet to the lower edge of the back (Fig. 60), and fasten the calendar in place with small tacks. The Stationery-rack (Fig. 55) is built up of four cotton-thread spools of equal size, four short silk-thread spools of equal size, and a piece Fig. 60. — How the spool Feet are of a box board 3 inches Attached to the Calendar Board wide by 5 inches long. First, nail the piece of board to the ends of the four long spools, then nail the four short spools to the other side of the board, directly under the long spools, for feet. Bits of felt may be glued to the under side of the feet, to prevent them from scratching. The Pen-rack shown in Fig. 56 is made of a strip of wood 6 inches long, $4 inch wide, and % inch thick (Fig. 61), with a medium-sized spool mounted upon each end. Cut the strip slanted on the ends, and nail to the sides of the spools in the manner shown in Fig. 61. 36 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Only one spool is used for The Desk Blotter (Fig. 57), that one forming the handle (A, Fig. 62). The base block (B, Fig. 62) is a piece of a box- board 2y 2 inches by 5 inches in- size, and the block C is 2]/ 2 in- ches long and 1 inch wide. Get a screw long enough to ex- tend through Fig. 61. — Nail the Base of the Pen-Rack to the Sides of the Spools, like this handle A, through block C, and part way into base block B (a screw with a round head will look neat- est,) and screw the three pieces together. If the screw-head is smaller than the hole in the spool handle, support it by a small metal washer slipped over the screw. Figure 62 shows how the blotter is cut to fit the bottom of the base block, and folded up over the end of the Blotter-Pad in Place to the Center of the top. Fig. 62.— Block C holds the Blotter SPOOL GIFTS 37 The ends are held to the base by block C. To release the ends for changing the blotter, it is only nec- essary to give block C a half turn, so that it extends lengthwise of the base block. Pad the blotter with an extra piece of blotting-paper slipped between it and base block B. One end of the spool used for the handle of The Paper-knife (Fig. 58) must be whittled down until even with the sides. Cut the knife blade from a stick, and make it about 7 inches long and y 2 inch wide, with its edges whittled thin and sharp. Cut the handle end to fit the hole in the spool handle, and fasten it in this hole with glue. The Paper-spin- dle (Fig. 63) is of a convenient size for a desk. A 4-inch wire nail, a short silk-thread spool, a base block 2 inches square, and a piece of felt for the under side of the base, are the mate- rials you need to make it. Enlarge the opening in one end of the spool so the head of the nail will fit down Fig. 63, — A Paper-Spindle 38 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS into it. Then drop the nail through the hole, nail the base to the under side of the spool, and glue the felt to the base. Fig. 66. — Glue the Pencil End in the Spool Hole Fig. 67. — Bind the Razor-Blade Between the Pencil Halves Fig. 65 — The Ripper Fig. 64 — A Toothpick Holder The Toothpick Holder (Fig. 64) is large enough for eight or nine toothpicks. After staining the spool, glue felt or cardboard to one end to form a bottom to the holder. SPOOL GIFTS 39 Every woman needs A Ripper for the sewing cabinet, and Fig. 65 shows one that is easily made. One of father's safety-razor blades, a short piece of pencil, and a spool (A, B, and C, Fig. 66) are required to make it. Split the pencil into halves, remove the lead, and notch the edges in two places near one end, spacing the notches the same dis- tance apart that the holes in the razor blade are spaced (Fig. 67). Slip the blade between the pencil halves, and bind in place with strong linen thread passed through the holes and around the notches in the pencil. Then glue the free end of the pencil into the hole in the spool handle, and the little knife will be ready for use. The end hole in the blade may be used as a means of hang- ing the knife on a nail in a sewing cabinet. The Hatpin- Holder illustrated in Fig. 68 is made of . — A Hatpin- Holder Fig. 69. — A Necktie- Rack 40 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS three spools of equal size, fastened end to end with brads. Tie a loop of narrow baby ribbon to the top spool, in the manner shown, to provide for hanging the holder upon the wall. The Necktie-rack (Fig. 69) is made of a ribbon spool slipped over a stick 16 inches long, with a piece of ribbon tied to each end of the stick. The stick will be held far enough away from the wall by the spool flanges, so that neckties can be slipped over it easily. It is well to select small articles for Christmas gifts, if you are going to make a lot of them. Make articles that will require little time and material. Then the work will not become tiresome nor be expensive. The articles illus- trated in this chapter have been selected with these points in view. Much of the Material to be found in a carpenter's waste pile is good stuff, too small perhaps for him to bother with, but large enough for your purpose. Go to the nearest carpenter shop and see what you can get. A friendly sort of carpenter will give you his wood scraps, and sell you such larger pieces as you may need. White pine, whitewood, basswood, cypress and oak are easy to work. Most of the articles illustrated on the following pages were made of oak. A Stain and Wax Finish is prettiest for small articles. Stains in a variety of colors can be purchased in small quantities at the paint store, and prepared wax can be obtained there, also. Complete instructions for applying wood stains accompany them. Before finishing the wood, all surfaces must be free from saw, chisel and other tool marks, and they must be carefully 41 SMALL-GIFTS IN WOOD 43 2|lN. A" I IN .5 In. — — 1 Fig. 78. — Base of Post- Card Rack 4 IN- "H of the upright piece of the calendar-board can either be cut with a chisel or be filed round. The bevel on the top edge of the base block can be made with a plane or chisel. Center the upright piece on the base block, and fasten with brads driven through the base block. The calendar-pad should be 2 inches wide and 3 % inches long, a standard size that can be pur- chased at two for five cents at sta- tionery stores. The brass screw-hooks which screw into the front edge of the base block, to form the pen-rack, should be % inch long. The wood should be stained and waxed before the pad and the hooks are at- tached. A strip of fight- weight felt, to & ' Fig. 79. — Parts of the Book-Ends Shown in broadcloth, or other Fig. 72 44 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS heavy cloth, glued to the bottom of the base, to prevent the base from scratching surfaces it is stood upon, will complete the gift. The Post-Card Rack, shown in Fig. 71, has a pair of ends of the same shape and size as the upright of the calendar-board (Fig. 76), but its base is shorter and wider than the calendar- board base. The base is shown in Fig. 78. It is fastened between the end pieces. The Book-Ends shown in Fig. 72 make an excel- lent rack for a few books to stand on the library table or the top of a desk. There is not much cutting J iN.HOLEr to be done. Figure 79 shows dimensions for the base, upright and bracket pieces that make up an end. The dotted lines shown on the base and upright pieces in the Fig. 80. diagram, represent holes. These should be bored as indicated, and rilled with melted lead, before the pieces are assembled. The purpose of the lead is to make the book-ends heavy enough so the pressure of the books between them will not upset them. Nail the upright piece to the edge of the base piece, and the triangular bracket pieces to both the base and the upright. Use 1 -inch nails for nailing. Before nailing, coat the edges of the pieces with glue. — Parts of the Candle-Stick Shown in Fig. 73 SMALL GIFTS IN WOOD 45 The Candle -Stick shown in Fig. 73 is made up of six blocks of wood of the shapes and sizes shown in Fig. 80. The hole for the candle should be bored through the cap block and part way in the top of the upright block, before the pieces are cut down to the finished- dimensions, so there will be little danger of splitting the wood. Use glue and %-inch and i-inch brads for assembling the pieces. Nail the base block to the under side of the upright block, and the cap block to the top; then nail the three handle pieces together and fasten them to the base block. The tray of The Match-Holder and Tray shown in Fig. 74 is a tin can cover 4 inches in diameter. The author is wandering from his chapter subject "Small Gifts in Wood," in present- ing this here, because it is made of tin, but he believes that the nature of the article warrants his including it among the small gifts. A coffee-can cover is of about the right size for the tray (A, Fig. 81). The match-holder consists of a U-shaped piece of tin (B, Fig. 82), a wooden block (C), and the sleeve cover of a safety-match box (D). The sleeve cover of the match-box slips between the uprights of tin strip B, fitting down over block C. Then the safety- matches removed from the box are dropped into the open top of the sleeve, as shown in Fig. 74. Figure 82 shows the pattern for tin strip B. With an old pair of scissors, or tin-snips, cut off the ends of a tin can, then cut through the can sides, cutting parallel with the side seam, and bend out the tin into a flat strip. Upon 46 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS the strip mark out a piece of the dimensions given in Fig. 82. The dotted lines of the diagram indicate where the tin is to be folded. The ends are to be turned over upon themselves and hammered down to make stiff upper edges, the folds at the center are to be right- angle folds. In making the center folds, bend the tin over a box edge or other sharp edge. Be careful to make the distance between the center folds exactly Vz inch, as shown. Figure 83 shows the dimensions of block C. This block is of just the right size for the match- box sleeve-cover to slip over. Fasten it * — a| — **-$ Fig. 81. — Parts of the Match-Holder and Tray Shown in Fig. 74 Fig. 82. — Pattern for U-Shaped Support Fie. 83. — Pattern for Base Block to tin strip B with tacks, placing it halfway between the tin uprights. After fastening strip B to block C, place the holder on the center of the tray A and fasten with two short nails, as shown. SMALL GIFTS IN WOOD 47 r ~ A- L To complete the match-holder and tray, give it a coat of radiator bronze or aluminum paint. The Egg-Rack shown in Fig. 75 will go in mother's refrig- erator, or will stand upon her pantry shelf. Figure 84 shows a side view of the rack, Fig. 85 shows a plan of the shelf B which sup- ports the eggs, and Fig. 86 shows one of the end pieces A. Prepare end A first. To save you trouble in marking out the ends, a pattern of the hen is shown in Fig. 86, one-half full-size. It will only be nec- essary to reproduce this twice the size shown. The squares drawn checker- board fashion upon the pattern will make enlarging easy. Rule of! upon your working material a similar series of squares, but make them y 2 inch square t^Tj- Fig. 84. — Side View of Egg- Rack Shown in Fig. 75 Fig: 85. — Diagram of Shelf 4 8 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS instead of \i inch. Letter the top ends of the vertical lines, and number one end of each horizontal line, as shown. Then, upon the enlarged squares reproduce the lines exactly as they are shown upon the small squares. The letters and numbers will help you locate quickly the large squares that correspond to the small squares. Cutting out these pieces makes a good scroll-saw exercise. If you haven't a scroll-saw, a hand bracket-saw (Fig. 1 8) or coping-saw (Fig. 19) will do the work nicely. Basswood is good \% material to use for |g these pieces, but you can use any other firm piece Fig. , — Pattern of End-Pieces of Egg- Rack Shown in Fig. 75 of wood that will hold together without splitting or chipping. Figure 85 shows a diagram of the upper shelf of the rack. If you haven't a bit large enough for boring holes of the required size, bore a ring of holes with a small bit, split out the wood between the holes with a chisel, and trim up to Fig. 90. — Electric-Lighted Watch Bask. Fig 89.— Necktie- or Towel-Rack. T IOC SMALL GIFTS IN WOOD 49 siN~*-y^£ in... Am. . vV^ 8 Am 5 00 the circumference of the large hole with a chisel or jack-knife; then smooth up the hole with a rat-tail file and sandpaper. The lower shelf or brace (C, Fig. 84) need not be more than 2 yi inches wide. Fasten together the pieces with glue and finishing-nails, en sandpaper all surfaces carefully, and give the rack a uple of coats of shellac. Figure 87 shows A Desk Tele- one Directory at is handy for v Ding in readi- for instant ence, in al- betical order, names and tel- lone numbers persons called e or less fre- ently, and num- s subject to call imergencies. figure 91 shows ase A of the card- ack, upright B, ,nd the groove strips C which form the card pocket. Pieces A and B can be cut out of material 34 _mcn thick. Cut the rabbets in the edges of strips C with a chisel. Fasten upright B to the center of base A with glue and brads, and *- Fig. 91. — Parts of -|,N. A ^ Telephone Direct- ory Shown in Fig. 87 k- JA •3i IN. 5° CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS fasten strips C to upright B so the lower ends rest on base A, and so the groove rabbets are 2^5 inches apart, which will allow plenty of clearance space for the directory cards. Figure 92 is a diagram of the twenty-four directory cards. It shows the size of each card, and how to cut the index tabs. If you cannot get light-weight cards for the directory, cut up stiff writing- paper as a substi- tute. The twenty- four cards must be enough less than y% inch thick so they will slip in and out of the rack easily. This same form of rack can be used for A Time -Card Rack, to hold sub- urban time-cards for handy reference. r 1 Hcnj r t b 2 >-^ "^1— am™. B T z -loo I no_ 1 HI r_i_ 1. 1 SI T z colco •? i r_i_ TL, VI 1 WL I Fig. 92. Cards for Telephone Directory Shown in Fig. 87 Instead of preparing strips for the card pocket, you can screw four brass screw-hooks into upright B at the points indicated in Fig. 91. The hooks will hold the edges of one or two time-cards as satisfactorily as the strips would. A Wall Telephone Directory, or a wall time-card rack, can be made by reducing base A to a width of 1 inch, and SMALL GIFTS IN WOOD Si fastening a hanger at the top of upright B and another at the bottom, for fastening to the wall. The Necktie-Rack shown in Fig. 88 is an improvement upon the usual form of rack, because there is only one center support for the tie-rod, which leaves the ends open, and makes it easy to slip ties on and off the rack. iflNr- Fig. 93. — Parts of Necktie-Rack Shown in Fig. 88 Figure 93 shows diagrams of back block A, bracket block B, and tie-rod C. A carpenter's dowel-stick is required for rod C. The bevelled edge of back block A can be cut either with a plane or a chisel. Fasten the rod in the bracket hole with glue, being careful to center it exactly, and fasten a hanger to the top of back block A and another to the bottom. Small screw-eyes will do for hangers. Regular picture-frame hangers can be bought at the hardware store. 52 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS The Necktie- or Towel-Rack shown in Fig. 89 has a 16-inch tie-rod, and this is supported by a pair of brackets, each made like bracket B (Fig. 93). The back board is shown in Fig. 94, and the centers for the bracket blocks indicated on it. An Electric -Lighted Watch Base like the one shown in Fig. 90 makes an attractive little clock for chiffonier or dresser. It was designed to hold a watch from bed-time till get-up-time. A small electric-lamp, operated by a dry- battery, and controlled from the bed by a push-botton 7 ^ W. ^|,«(c fe- lflN-f- if IN.T>] *l 1 I fi Fig. 94. — Back for Necktie or Towel-Rack Shown in Fig. 89 illuminates the watch-face. With the addition of a calendar mounted beneath the electric-lamp socket, this little sentinel stands in constant readiness to give information as to the time of the day, and the day of the week and the month. Working-drawings of the parts of the battery-case are shown in Figs. 95 and 96, and Fig. 97 shows how the parts are assembled. Front piece A (Fig. 95) is grooved near the SMALL GIFTS IN WOOD 53 side edges to receive the edges of side pieces B. If you haven't an expansive-bit with which to cut the watch-face opening, bore several small holes, split out the wood between h — 4 IN.- TzzzzlMk — 3 t ,N ^dfz±r!y ^mzzzzzzzzzzzzm •*&. $Sjb Fig. 95. — Front A, Sides B, and Back C, D of Electric-Lighted Watch Base Shown in Fig. 90 the holes, and trim up to the circumference of the i^-inch opening with a chisel. Side pieces B are grooved near the rear edge to receive the sliding-back C. The edges of sliding-back C are rabbeted as shown in the cross-section of 54 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Fig. 95, to slide in the grooves in sides B. Strip B, nailed to the top of sliding-back C (Fig. 97), forms a lift for raising the sliding-back. Strip D and piece E form the top to the case. Dimensions for top piece E are given in Fig. 96, as are also dimensions for base block F. Base F is grooved to receive the lower ends of front A and sides B. The 1 1 ■ (■ Fig. 96. — Top E, Base F, Watch Support G, and Spring Attachment H, I, U, of Electric-Lighted Watch Base Shown in Fig. 90 cross-section drawing in Fig. 96 shows the size of the grooves. Cut all grooves with a small chisel. Block G (Figs. 96 and 97) forms the bottom of the watch pocket. Fasten it below the opening in the watch front, as shown in Fig. 97. The back of the watch-pocket is a circular piece of wood (H, Fig. 96). In order to keep the SMALL GIFTS IN WOOD 55 Fig. 97. — Detail Showing How Watch Base is Assembled; also Battery, Lamp, Push-Button, Cord, and Connections of Same watch close to the front of the case, there must be a spring back of it. Use a piece of the main-spring of an old alarm- clock ( U, Figs. 96 and 97). Fasten one end of the spring to the back of block H, the other end to a strip /. Fasten 56 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS strip / to the inside of front piece A (Fig. 97), at the right height to bring disk H directly back of the watch opening. Having grooved and rabbeted the parts as shown, it is not much of a trick to assemble the battery-case. Glue alone will suffice to hold grooved joints, but a brad or two in addition will not go amiss. Drive in the brads carefully, and drive their heads slightly beneath the surface of the wood so they can be concealed later with putty. After you have completed the case, it is well to put the finish on the wood before installing the lamp, battery, etc. When the finish has been applied, glue a piece of light- weight felt, or heavy cloth, to the under side of the base, as a protection to surfaces on which the watch-base will stand. The Electric -Light Attachment requires a miniature brass wall-plate {J, Fig. 97), a brass right-angle nipple (K), a miniature lamp-socket (L, M, N) , a 1 %-volt mazda lamp (0), a dry-battery cell (P), 3 yards of flexible silk-covered double- conductor lamp-cord (Q and R), and a pear-shaped push- button (S, T). The manner in which the connections are made is shown in Fig. 97. Two small holes must be bored through the front of the battery- case, as shown, the upper hole for the wires connected with the lamp to run through, the lower hole for the wires leading from lamp and battery to push-button, to run through. If your battery dry-cell fits too snugly in its case, hollow out the inside face of the sliding-back C a trifle, as indicated by dotted lines in Fig. 95. CHAPTER V A PAPER-BALER The ease with which waste-paper can be baled with a home-made paper-baler like that described in this chapter, recommends its use in every home. The baler compresses paper into compact bales that require little storage space; therefore, a large enough number of bales can be accumu- lated, before calling in the junk-dealer, to make a sale that Fig. 98.— The Paper-Baler after Binding-Cords Fig. 99.— The Paper-Baler have been Adjusted, Waste Paper Thrown in, with Front Removed. The the Compressor Board Put in Place, and the Bale is now Ready for Compressor- Lever Thrown over, Pushed Down Tying and Locked will be worth while. The possession of a baler will encourage the conservation of waste-paper, will lessen the temptation to destroy it. After you have built a paper-baler for home use, see if your neighbors would not like to have you make one for them. 57 58 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Fig. 100. —The Paper-Baler with Lever Raised and the Bound Bale Removed Figure 98 shows the baler after the binding cords have been adjusted, waste-paper has been thrown into the recep- table, the compressor board placed on top, and the com- pressor lever thrown over, pushed down and fastened. Figure 99 shows the baler with its front removed. The binding-cord should now be tied. Figure 100 shows the lever raised and the bound bale removed. Figure 101 is a longitudinal section through the baler, and Fig. 102 is a cross-section. Figure 103 shows the parts unassembled, with their relative posi- tions indicated. You will find the dimen- sions upon Figs. 101 and 102. Fig. 101. — Longitudinal Section of Baler A PAPER-BALER 59 Perhaps you can get a box of the The Base of the Baler, the parts B, and C in Fig. 103. This must be of the right size to hold newspapers folded in half. The bottom must project 1 inch beyond end pieces A, as shown. When these parts have been assembled, cut the four end strips D, and nail two to each of the end pieces A, placing the rear strips even with the back edge of board B, and the front strips with their front right size for of which are lettered A, Fig. Fig. 103. — How the Parts are Assembled 15'^ A 102. — Cross-Section of Baler edge projecting 1 inch beyond end pieces A . Cut board E (Fig. 103) to fit between the rear pair of strips D. Cut the four strips F, 1 inch square, by a length equal to the width of board E, and fasten one in each of the corners formed by board E and strips D, 6o CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS and one to each of the front pair of strips D flush with the front edge of end pieces A. The latter pair of strips com- plete the inner face of the slide for sliding-front H; the slide is completed by strips G, nailed to the front edge of strips D. Make sliding-front H to fit loosely in the slides. The Compressor Top (/, Fig. 103) is made of the right size to fit loosely between strips F. Fasten the boards together with a pair of battens (K). Fig. 106 Fig. 104 Fig. 104. — The Compressor Lever Fig. 105. — How the Compressor Lever is Pivoted Fig. 106. — How the Compressor Lever is Held Down The Compressor Lever (L, Fig. 104) is a wooden bar 1^ inches square and 3 feet long. Bore a 3^-inch hole 2 inches from one end, and pivot the bar with a 3^-inch carriage-bolt 6 inches long (M, Fig. 105), supported by a pair of screw- eyes ( N) screwed into strips D 3 inches above the top edge A PAPER-BALER 61 of end pieces A. Round off the free end of the lever for a handle (Fig. 106), attach a short piece of chain to a screw- eye screwed into it, and drive several nails into the end of the baler box opposite to that on which the lever is pivoted, to hook the chain on to (Fig. 106). This holds the lever down when the paper has been compressed. How the Paper-Baler is Operated. Cords for tying the bale of paper must be arranged inside of the baler before the paper is thrown in. These cords must be very strong so there will be no danger of their breaking. Pass the cords around rods Q in the bottom of the baler, and around rods 5 on the under side of the compressor top (Figs. 101 and 102). Rods Q slip through holes bored through the ends of the baler (Fig. 100), and the inner ends slip through screw-eyes P (Figs. 101 and 102) ; rods 6* are of the length of top 7, and they slip through screw-eyes R. After enough paper to make a bale has been compressed, and the compressor-lever has been fastened down, remove the sliding-front of the baler, and tie the binding cords, then withdraw rods Q (Fig. 101), remove the bale from the box, and withdraw rods S. The compressor top must be lifted out with the bale, because the rods S cannot be withdrawn until after the bale and top have been taken out. Crushed paper, and torn bits of paper compress into a surprisingly small bulk. A dozen times, probably, you will put into the baler what you think is enough paper to make a bale, and even after the twelfth time find room for more. When small pieces of paper are being baled, a newspaper or other large piece of paper must be placed in the bottom of 62 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS the baler, for the start of the bale, and another large piece must be placed on top, to hold in the small pieces. After a bale has been removed from the baler, tie a heavy cord around it endwise, to reinforce the other two bindings. The kitchen contrivances described upon following pages will be helpful to mother, and if they please her you will probably find that they will also please neighbors, and Fig. 107. — Kitchen Clock- Shelf Fig. 108. — Diagram of Shelf and Bracket right here open up possibilities for a profitable home manu- facturing business. What you can make out of the work will depend largely upon how much ability you have as a salesman, but your craftsmanship will count for a great deal, because attractiveness in the appearance of articles goes a long ways towaids helping sell them. 63 64 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS A Kitchen Clock-Shelf like that in Fig. 107 takes little time to make, and little material. It requires two pieces of wood (A and B, Fig. 108) y% inch thick, by the other dimensions shown. Fasten bracket B to top A at the exact center of the length, with glue and finishing-nails. Fig. 109. — A Kitchen Tool- Rack The Finish of the clock-shelf, and the following kitchen articles, is a matter to be decided by the person for whom they are made. The usual way is to shellac the surfaces, first, then apply one or two coats of varnish. But the wood can be painted with flat or enamel paint, or stained, or oiled. A stained surface should be protected with shellac and varnish, for kitchen wear. FOR MOTHER'S KITCHEN 65 The Tool-Rack in Fig. 109 is most convenient when hung directly over the kitchen work-table. The length of the hook-strip will be determined by the space in which the rack is to hang, and by the number of tools it is to accom- modate. The rack's appearance will be improved by fRY (oi _____=-_ ^1 III CITOfllKCO. || (v n ° s, jjti 1 ___ V ill • " 1 Fig. 110 _A Fig. ^ 111 Fig. 110. —A Milk-Card Rack Fig. 111. — Detail of Rack planing a bevel on the face edges of the hook-strip, also on the edges of the end blocks, as in the illustration. Use round-head brass screws, screw-hooks, or nails for hooks, and screw a screw-eye into the top edge of each end block to hang the rack by. 66 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS The Milk-Card Rack shown in Fig. no is provided with screw-eyes to hang upon hooks outside of the kitchen door. Figure in is a pattern for the board, but because milk-cards vary in size, you had better measure the card for which the board is to be used, before you begin work. The margin around the card should be Fig. 112. -Recipe Cabinet about ag ghown jrf Fig. no, which allows for beveling the edge all around. Prepare strip A (Fig. in), and fasten it with brads across the lower edge of board B for the milk-card to rest upon. Screw four screw-hooks into the board at the points indicated in Fig. in, just far enough apart for the milk-card to slip between, and screw a pair of screw-eyes into the top edge of the board for hangers. There is no question but that A Recipe Filing-Cabinet provides a handier method of keeping together recipe clippings taken from magazines and newspapers, than a scrapbook, and the envelope system used in the cabinet illustrated in Figs. 112 and 113 comes pretty close to being a perfect scheme. With an envelope provided for ea,ch group of recipes, there is no possibility of small clippings becoming lost, and when a recipe in one FOR MOTHER'S KITCHEN 67 group is wanted, it is a simple matter to lift out the envelope bearing that classification. The Cabinet can be made of cigar- box wood, the larger pieces, such as the top and bottom, of two strips glued together. As you can get cigar-boxes at any drug-store, for the asking, this material can be Fig. 113. — Drawer of Recipe Cabinet obtained easily. If you prefer to use oak, or a soft wood, and can procure thin stuff, %-inch or X-inch thick, well and good. Figure 114 shows a cross-section through the cabinet and drawer, and Figure 115 shows a longitudinal section through them. Upon these two drawings you will find every measurement necessary for marking out the pieces required. The back (A, Fig. 115) is shown 3^-inch thick. This will make a stronger cabinet than if cigar-box wood were used, and will provide a solid piece to screw the screw-eye hangers / into. Prepare back piece A, then sides B. Nail sides B to the ends of back A. Cut bottom C and fasten it between sides B, then cut top D and nail it' to the tops of back A and sides B. To make a neat piece of cabinet work, it is necessary to cut the pieces with square corners and square edges; and to make them of the exact measurements 68 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS H- y. - • : ' ■'. ■■ -^ir~z~^: :-T_: :^t ^^i^l^~z i3 1 8 r? T 5 s 6^ M B x -h given. It is also important to obtain square corners in assembling the pieces. The Drawer front (E, Fig. 115) is the first part of the drawer to prepare, then the sides F, the bottom G, and the back H. Fasten the pieces together with glue and brads, but not until you know that the drawer is going to fit. You can tack the pieces together with a few brads, temporarily, until you are through fitting and trim- ming. The drawer-knob (/, Fig. 115) is a spool-end, fastened with glue and brads. Hangers J are screw-eyes. For the Finish of the cigar-box wood cabinet, the author Fig. 114. c 2 Cross-Section of Recipe Cabinet T Fig. 115. — Longitudinal Section of Recipe Cabinet suggests several coats of boiled linseed-oil. Figure 116 shows The Envelope Containers for recipe clippings, and Fig. FOR MOTHER'S KITCHEN 69 117 shows how the tabs for classification are pasted to the face of the envelopes, in three positions. This cabinet was designed for business-size envelopes, which measure 3^ inches wide and 6 3^ inches long. A Step-Ladder Stool (Fig. 118). The ladder is of just the right height for general household use, for washing wood- work, or for reach- ing upper shelves in the pantry. It also makes an excellent kitchen stool, the lower step serving the purpose of a foot-rest. When the ladder-stool is not in use, it may be folded into the compact form shown in Fig. 119, and stood behind a door or in some other out - o - he - way place. - The Ladder con- sists of three portions, the steps (Fig. 120), the rear legs (Fig. 125), and the seat or top step (Fig. 128). The Side Rails of the steps (A, Fig. 120) should be cut of the dimensions shown in Fig. 121. Mark the ends to be cut to the angle shown, the top to be notched to receive an Fig. 116 — Indexed Envelope Con- tainer for Recipes Fig. 117 How the Envelope Index Tabs are put on 70 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS end of the crosspiece D (Fig. 120). The diagram shows the positions for steps B and C. The steps must pitch at the same angle as the rail ends. Groove the side pieces to a depth of H inch, to receive the ends of the steps (Fig. 123). You will see by Fig. 120 that the sides of the grooves must not be cut down at right angles, but at a pitch corresponding to that of the side rails, to accommodate steps B and C. Figure 122 shows dimensions for cut- ting The Steps B and C. The ends of these pieces must be beveled slightly to make them cor- respond to the angle formed by side rails A. In assembling the rails and steps, first set the ends of the steps in the grooves in the side rails, and drive screws through the projections on the ends of the steps into the front edges of the side rails, also drive screws through the side rails into the step ends. Cut crosspiece D of the width and thickness of the notch in the upper end of side MJ Fig. 118. — Step-Ladder Stool FOR MOTHER'S KITCHEN 71 rails A, and of about the length of step B; slip it into the notches, nail it to the edges of side rails A, and saw off the ends flush with the outside face of the rails. The Rear Legs (E, Fig. 125) must be spaced the same distance apart, and placed at the same angle, as the side rails A of the ladder. Cut the legs of the dimen- sions shown in Fig. 126, and the pair of cross- pieces F and G of the dimensions shown in Fig. 127. Use the steps as a guide for fastening together legs E and crosspieces F and G, so as to get them of equal width. With the steps and rear legs assembled, prepare The Top Step or seat (H) by the pattern shown in Fig. 128. Then screw one flap of a pair of hinges (/) to the inner face of crosspiece D of the steps, the flap of another pair of hinges (/) to the outer face of rear legs E, and screw the other flaps to the under side of seat H in the positions shown in Fig. 124. The Struts K prevent the legs from sliding farther apart when the ladder is opened to the position shown in Fig. 124. Cut this pair of strips of the size shown in Fig. 129, bore a screw- hole near each end, and screw the ends both to FlG - 119 * rails A and rear legs E, as shown in Fig. 118. stoo^Folded If the struts have been adjusted carefully, the step-ladder will fold into the form shown in Fig. 119, but not while a weight is upon the steps. That is to say, the CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS ladder will not fold up while you are standing or sitting upon it. 3i -jc 2" . -H. CJ Fig. 122 ± Fig. 120. — Detail of Ladder Steps Fig. 121. --Dimensions of Side Rails Fig. 122. — Dimensions of Steps Fig. 123. — How Steps and Parts are Joined Fig. 124. — Cross-Section of Step-Ladder Stool Fig. 125. — Rear Legs Fig. 126. — Dimensions of Rear Legs Fig. 127. — The Braces Fig. 128. — Top Step or Stool Seat Fig. 129. — Strut 73 74 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS The Clothes- Line Reel in Fig. 130 is intended for use upon the kitchen porch (Fig. 131), in the kitchen, bath- room, or laundry. The reel screws to the wall, where it is always ready for instant use ; and, because the clothes-line can be wound up out of the way after the dried clothes have been removed, the reel is very convenient for crowded quarters. Fig. 130. — Clothes-Line Reel Fig. 131. — The Reel in Use FOR MOTHER'S KITCHEN 75 The Case of the Reel is a tomato can with both ends removed (Fig. 132). If the ends are clinched over the can sides, cut them away with a can opener. Start holes B with a nail, and enlarge with a rat- tail file until ]/ 2 inch in diameter. File the edges of the holes smooth, so they will not cut the clothes line which is to run through them. Cut blocks C (Figs. 132 and 133) to fit snugly in the can ends. Use a scroll-saw or brack- et-saw (Fig. 18, Chap. 2) if you own one; otherwise, cut the blocks roughly with a large saw, and finish up to the circumference with a chisel and sand- Fig. 132. — Case of Clothes-Line Reel Fig. 133. — Detail of Winding-Stick Figs. 134 and 135. — Details of Crank paper. The Reel, dowel-stick J^-inch or -Ms-inch in diameter. Its length Winding-stick D of the reel (Fig. 133) is a 76 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS should be i inch longer than the can. Bore a hole through the center of each end block C, for the stick to turn in. A brad driven through one end, and the crank-shaft tacked to the other end, will prevent the stick from pulling out of the holes (Figs. 133 and 134). The Crank Shaft (E, Figs. 134 and 135) should be 2]/ 2 inches long, % inch wide, and y% i ncn thick. To prevent its splitting, it is best to bore the hole for winding-stick D, and also to screw spool knob F in position, before shaping the block to its finished width and thickness. The Clothesline should be of cotton, and should be 50 feet long. Slip the rope ends through holes B in the front of the tin can case, pass them around the winding stick D, as shown in Fig. 133, and fasten with tacks. Fasten end blocks C of the reel case with screws driven through the can sides into their edges. For Hangers screw the pair of screw-eyes G (Fig. 132) into end blocks C, as shown. Fasten the reel to a wall by driving screws through the eyes of the hangers into the wall (Fig. 130). There must be a means for Locking the Reel when as much line as is wanted has been unwound. Bore several holes through end C of the reel case (the end at which the crank is mounted), and provide a nail to stick into the holes for a locking-pin, to prevent the crank from turning. Hang the locking-pin from one of the hangers by means of a piece of string (Fig. 130). It is best to give the case of the reel two coats of paint, to keep the tin from rusting. CHAPTER VII FOR MOTHER'S SEWING ROOM Mother will not want all of the sewing-room conven- iences shown in this chapter; in fact, she could not very- well use all of them because several are designed for a similar purpose. But let her choose from among the articles those that she likes best, and make them for her as your time permits. Some of the articles can be made up for Christmas gifts, some you may find an opportunity to sell. For the most part, the articles are inexpensively made; several require nothing but materials that can be picked up at home. The Fancy-Work Frame shown in Fig. 136 hangs upon the wall. A couple of nails or hooks can be fastened securely in the wall to support it. When not in use, the drop-front is hooked up out of the way, and the contents thus made proof against dust. FlG - 136 - ~~ A Fanc y- Work Frame 77 78 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS ^ ~7 4L With the frame hooked together in this way, it can be carried conveniently, if it is desired to use it in another room or on the porch. Fig. 137 shows the construction of the framework, with dimensions of all the parts. You will note that the front and back portions are identical, except that the back has an additional strip (C), fasten- ed between end strips B midway between strips A. Hinge the front and back together as shown, then cover all surfaces of the strips with cretonne, fasten a piece of cretonne over the back of the standing part of the frame, and over the front of the hinged part, and form three cretonne pockets in the places indicated. Drive nails into the upper edge of strip C for Spool-Spindles, provide a hook for scissors, screw a pair of screw-eyes into the top of the back frame for hangers, B A 36" 7 c\j -I Fig. 137. — Detail of Framework FOR MOTHER'S SEWING-ROOM 79 and fasten a pair of hooks to the hinged front, for hooking it to the standing part. Tack the ends of a pair of heavy tapes to the hinged front and the standing part, to support the front when it has been opened. The Sewing- Stand (Fig. 138) is a manual-training problem well ad- apted both to home and school work. Four legs of the dimensions of A (Fig. 139), eight carpenter's dowel- sticks of the di- mensions of B (Fig. 140), and four pegs of the length of C (Fig. 139), are the only pieces of wood required. For covering ma- terial, a square yard of cloth is needed. Fig. 138. — Sewing-Stand 8o CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS For the legs, it is suggested that you use oak, chestnut, ash, pine, or cypress. For the round sticks, use oak or maple dowel-sticks. It does not matter whether the sticks are of the same wood as the legs or not, because they are to be concealed by the cloth covering of the sides. If you buy material at a mill for the legs, order an 8-foot piece i }/i inches square, surfaced four sides. Figure 139 shows c vn -rr_. c^n 1? p °H ^ a cross-section of the sewing-stand. Bevel the top of legs A, as shown, bore a pair of 34-inch holes, 34 inch deep, in two adjoining sides of each leg, to receive the ends of connect- ing dowel-sticks B (Fig. 140), and bore a 34 -mc h hole H inch deep in the top of each leg to receive the end of the spool spindle C. The holes must be bored accurately, otherwise it will be impossible to set up the framework square and plumb. Assembling. With the parts prepared, and sandpapered smooth, coat the ends of dowel-sticks B with glue, and drive them into the holes in legs A. Also coat the lower 1. Fig. 139. — Cross-Section of Fig. 140. — Details Framework of Sewing- of Legs and Connect - Stand ing Dowel-Sticks FOR MOTHER'S SEWING-ROOM end of the spool-spindle pegs C with glue, and drive them into the holes in the tops of the legs. The Woodwork Must Be Finished before the covering material is put on. It is suggested that you either stain the wood and then wax it, or that you white-enamel it. A Cretonne or Denim Covering is best for the sides of the sewing-stand. A square yard cut in half, making two strips }4 yard wide by i yard long, is ample. Preparing this covering will be mother's work entirely. A double hem must be made along the ends of the strips, for the upper dowels B to run through. If you have glued up the framework these hems will have to be sewed over the sticks, of course. If you want to, you can wait until the strips have been hemmed before you glue together the framework parts. Run each strip from an upper dowel-stick down to and around the lower stick on the same side, then across to the lower stick opposite, and then up to the upper dowel-stick on that side. The Fig. 141. — Waste-Basket 82 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS strips will cross each other on the bottom, therefore the sewing-stand will have a double bottom. The Waste -Basket illustrated in Fig. 141 has the same framework construction as the sewing-stand. The frame- work is shown in Fig. 142, and a cross-section with dimen- sions of the parts is shown in Fig. 143. For covering the waste-basket, you will require half a -J.JL Fig. 142 Fig. 143 Fig. 142. — Completed Framework of Waste-Basket Fig. 143. — Cross Section of Framework yard more material than was used for the sewing-stand. Cut the cloth into two strips, and put it on in the same way that the sewing-stand sides and bottom are put on. A Work-Bag on a Folding Support, like that shown in Fig., 144, has several good points in its favor. When the frames are spread, the bag is held open so its contents can be reached easily; when the frames are folded, the bag is FOR MOTHER'S SEWING-ROOM 83 closed, and in this compact form the work-bag may be hung up in a clothes-closet, or stood behind a door or in some other out-of-the-way place. The bag support (Fig. 145) is made of two frames (Fig. 146). One of these frames is enough smaller than the other to slip inside of it (Fig. 145). The frame dia- grams (Fig. 146) show the dimensions for the strips required. Tack crosspieces B and C to sticks A, so the upper crosspieces will be y% inch below the top of strips A, and so the lower crosspieces will be 8 inches above the bottom. Locate the exact center of the length of strips A, and at this point pivot the frames together on screws driven from the outer strips into the inner ones, as shown in Fig. 145. Figure 147 shows the piece of cretonne required for The Bag. Cut the cloth 32 inches square, turn over two opposite edges to a depth of 2 inches, make a hem in each for a ribbon, and make a second hem to form a heading. To fasten the cloth to the support, tie the ends of the ribbons Fig. 144. — Work-Bag on Folding Support 8 4 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS run through the hems, to the ends of upper crosspieces B and C. Then turn the unhemmed edges of the cloth over crosspieces B and C, make hems, and above each hem form a heading. The Fancywork-Box shown in Fig. 148 requires little carpentry. After you have procured a box of the size ■ — __ — c Cl "x-J-"x I3§ A A / c Fig. 145. — Folding Support of Work- Bag Fig. 146. — Details of Frames for Work-Bag Support desired, all that it is necessary to do is fasten together the cover boards with a couple of battens nailed across them as shown in Fig. 150, unless the boards have been lost or broken, in which case you will have to make a new cover. Place the battens close enough to the cover ends, and make them of the right length, so when the cover is placed on the box the battens will prevent the cover from shifting length- wise and crosswise. By making this provision, hinges will be unnecessary. FOR MOTHER'S SEWING-ROOM 85 The Box Must be Covered to conceal the roughness of the boards. A pretty figured cretonne looks well for the outside, and a plain colored lining is best for the inside. Before putting the covering on, tack a layer of cotton wadding to the wood, for padding. Screw a brass handle to the center of each end of the box. Figure 149 shows how to tack A Cloth Pocket and Elastic Tapes to the inside of the cover; also how to make Spool-Spindles by driving nails into the cover, and slipping rubber bands over the nail heads (Fig. 151) to keep the spools from dropping off. The Fancywork-Box with Legs shown in Fig. 152 requires little more work to make than the box just de- scribed. The legs are strips 2 inches wide, 1 inch thick, and from 14 to 20 inches long according to the height Of box you Want. Six- FlG . 147 _ _ Cretonne for Work-Bag teen inches is right if the box is to be used as a bench to sit on. The leg strips 86 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS must be of equal length, and they must be nailed to the box corners so the tops are even with the top of the box (Fig. 153). The cover of the fancywork-box should be wide enough and long enough to project % inch over the sides all around. Therefore you must use the cover boards from a larger box. Nail a pair of battens across the boards to hold them together (Fig. 1 54). These strips can be placed upon the under side of the boards in such a position that they will keep the cover from slipping from side to side, and from end to end, when it is placed upon the fancywork - box. By making the cover to lift off, FlG you will save your- self the trouble of putting on hinges. The Cretonne Covering. Per- haps you can get Fig. 149 Fig. 148. — A Fancywork-Box Fig. 149. — Arrangement of Pockets and Spool-Racks Fig. 150. — Howto Batten Together the Cover Boards Fig. 151. — A Spool- Rack FOR MOTHER'S SEWING-ROOM 87 a large enough remnant in cretonne for the f ancywork-box . The care with which you put this on the box will determine whether or not the box will be a success. Perhaps you had better ask mother to help you. Because grocery boxes are more or less rough, and the boards are uneven, it is Fig. 152. — A Fancywork Box with Legs best to cover the wood with some other cloth first, for a foundation for the cretonne. Stretch the cretonne over each surface neatly, and use gimp tacks for fastening it. Line the inside of the box with plain colored cambric. Figure 155 suggests how the inside of the box may be divided into compartments by cloth partitions. The Sammy Spool-Holder shown in Fig. 156 will be a delight to mother because of its novelty. Cutting out the figure of Sammy is a simple scroll-saw problem. Review what has been said about this work in Chapter II. The patterns shown in Figs. 157 and 158 have been CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Fig. 154 made full-size, for a soldier boy standing 6 inches high which is high enough for a spool-holder. You can take tissue-paper and make a tracing of the outlines, then transfer these on to your working material. Inasmuch as it was thought that you might wish to enlarge or reduce the figure, squares have been drawn checker-board fashion on the pattern. When you cut out the figure, saw just as close to the outline as possible. Be care- ful not to saw over the line. After cutting, finish the edges with sandpaper. The upper por- tion of the body (A, Fig. 157) is connected with the lower portion (B) by means of a dowel-stick (C). Glue the upper end of the stick in a hole bored in the upper portion of the body, and whittle the lower end of the stick so that Fig. 155 Fig. 153. — How the Legs are Nailed to the Box Ends Fig. 154. — The Completed Cover Fig. 155. — How the Box is Partitioned off into Compartments FOR MOTHER'S SEWING-ROOM it will fit loosely in a hole of the same size bored in the lower portion of the body (B). Sammy's feet (Fig. 158) are made large enough to give him a solid footing to stand on. Cut a slot in this block and fit the end of the legs into it. A Needle Forms Sammy's Bayonet, and a small hole must be drilled in the gun to stick it into. Paint Sammy's Clothes khaki color, his gun brown; and mark his features, and outline his clothes, with black paint. If mother knits, she will appre- ciate A Yarn-Winder like that shown in Fig. 159. It does not take long to make one. The winder arms are two wooden strips (A and B, Fig. 160), pivoted to the top of a base block (F, Fig. 165). The fingers at the arm ends are spools (D, Fig. 162). Figure 167 shows a face and an edge of an arm strip, with dimen- sions for cutting. At the exact center of each strip, bore a 3^-inch hole for the pivot bolt. To make the top surfaces flush with each other, halve them at their centers — that is, cut a piece 1 inch wide by % inch thick from each strip, so the two will fit into one another. The Fig. 156. — Sammy Spool- Holder 9° . A 2, 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SO II 92 83' (4 15 16 17 68 IS 20 21 22 23 24 CARPENTRY B C D _JE F /'I M i- 7 1 k) j > l- /vv^— 8 It Ic !nir- C " / 1 p? Hi A) c / 'Si j3j^ r -^ I . - r^' iy i 'l # b|/ frf " = 1 \ c > / . J / 1 F ■*— ,UJ. *i AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS 6 H notches must be cut of the right width and depth, to make a neat joint, so mark them out carefully on the top and edges. Cut a trifle inside of the marks, using a saw to cut the ends of the notch, and a chisel to split out the wood between and trim up the ends. The arm ends are slotted so the ringers may be adjusted for different sizes of skeins. Figure 167 shows dimensions of the slots. Bore a 34-inch hole at the slot end, then saw from the arm end as far as the hole. Trim up the slots with a chisel, then smooth with sandpaper. The end fingers (D, Fig. 162) are made of thread spools of the form shown in Fig. 163. You will need two spools for each finger. Whittle down the flange of one end of each spool, then glue together these ends of each pair of spools, and with your knife and sand- paper smooth the surface Fig. 157. — Pattern of Sammy FOR MOTHER'S SEWING-ROOM 9i ABC E F from which the flanges were removed. Stove-bolts or carriage-bolts 34 inch in diameter and 3 inches long (Fig. 164) are required for bolting the fingers to the arm ends. If you will slip the bolt through the center hole of each pair, you can screw the bolt-nut tight against the lower spool end, and thus clamp the pair of spools together until the glue has set. Fasten together the arm strips with a stove-bolt 34 inch in diam- eter and 2 inches long (C, Fig. 161). Screw the nut close against the under side of strip B, as shown, to hold the strips together. Base F (Fig. 165), on which the arms are pivoted to turn, has a projection at its base to provide for clamping it to a table top (Fig. 159). Figure 168 shows its dimen- sions. Buy a 5-cent G-clamp for clamping the base (Fig. 166). Bore a 34-inch hole in the top of base F for the bolt to turn in. You may shellac the yarn-winder, shellac and varnish it, stain and wax it, or paint it. If you want to make mother a pair of Sweater Knitting Needles, get dowel-sticks 3 4e inch in diameter. Cut them into 12-inch lengths (Fig. 169), whittle one end to a point, and in the other end drive a brass tack measuring ^i inch across the head (Fig. 170). Drill a hole for the point of the tack, so it will not . A 2T ' Fig. 158. — Sammy's Feet 9 2 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS split the stick when you drive it in. Sandpaper the needles, then shellac and varnish them. Sock Knitting Needles are shorter than sweater needles. Fig. 159. — Yarn-Winder Make them as shown in Fig. 171, 8J-2 inches long, with both ends pointed. Figure 172 shows a pair of Needle-Point Protectors, made of spools. Glue a coil of paper inside of the spool hole (Fig. 173), to make the hole small enough so the needle will fit snugly. Every sewing-room has its whisk-broom, therefore Fig. 163 Fig. 162 O B Fig. 160 Fig.166 Fig. 160. — The Winder Arm Strips Figs. 162-164. — Details of Fingers Fig. 161. — Center Connection of Arm Strips Fig.165. — The Winder Base Fig.166. — Clamp for Fastening Base to a Table 93 94 U) CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS T _._L. -KM /I6 / : -l(M If) K* w .J_u H-F^f 3" Fig. 167. — Detail of Winder Arm Strips -Icm CO L-b:fc K-3" f'Vi|ij 8 8 Fig. 168. — Detail of Winder Base Fig. 173 Fig. 172 Fig. 170 Fig. 169. — Dowel-Stick Sweater Needle Fig. 170. — A Brass Tack is Driven into the End of the Sweater Needle Fig. 171. — Dowel-Stick Sock Needle Fig. 172. — Needle-Point Protectors Fig. 173. — Spool Point Protector A Whisk -Broom Holder like that shown in Fig. 174 should be one of the things that you make for mother. FOR MOTHER'S SEWING-ROOM 95 The holder illustrated requires a single board of the dimensions shown in Fig. 175. In laying this out, first draw a center-line upon the board, then lay off the measure- ments for one-half of the board to one side of the line, make Fig. 174.— Whisk-Broom Holder Fig. 175.— Detail of Board Back a tracing of this half, reverse the tracing, and transfer the outline upon the opposite side of the center-line. In cutting out the piece, saw a trifle outside of the outline, so that you will have enough margin for smoothing up the edge. Bore a pair of holes near the top of the board, in the positions shown, to slip over wall hangers. Have you ever tried your hand at making box furniture? If not, you are unaware of the possibilities of such work. Every shape of box, every size of box, suggests some prac- tical article. Material is easily obtained, because grocers generally have a good assortment on hand, and will be glad to let you have what you need at the price the second-hand man pays, which varies from ten cents to twenty-five cents, according to size. As a suggestion as to what to make, a number of designs are presented upon the following pages, and the author knows that when you have made some of these pieces of furniture, other ideas will suggest themselves to you. Some of the pieces will be just the thing for the porch and garden. Every boy needs a desk. After a bed, chiffonier, and chair, the desk is probably the most essential thing to have in your 9 6 ffl T2 — U U U — Cf ffl Fig. 179. — Front View of Desk Shown in Fig. 176 Fig. 176. — Desk Made of Packing-Box And Lattice-Strips. ■* Fig. 177. — Desk Stool with Box Top. Fig. 178.— Waste-Basket with Box Base. BOX FURNITURE 97 room. If you do not own a desk it is probably the first piece of furniture which you will be interested in making. Having learned from past experiences that the desk is among the most popular of furniture models, the author got to work the other day, and designed and built The Packing-Box Desk shown in Fig. 176 with which to begin this chapter on box furniture. You prob- ably will not be able to find a packing-box of the exact di- mensions of the box that was used in the model illus- trated, but no matter. Get a box of approxi- mately this size and alter the di- ffi Fig. 180. — Fig. 181. — Back View of Desk Side View of Desk mensions given (Figs. 182 and 183), to suit it. Don't use an ordinary grocery box. Get a heavier box than this; the kind with cross bat tens nailed to the ends is best (Fig. 184). In addition to the box, you will need several pieces of boards % inch thick, for drop-leaves, cross-strips, shelves, etc., a berry-case or two to provide thin wood out of which to construct pigeon- 9 8 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS holes, and about sixty lineal feet of lattice-strip iH inch wide for enclosing the lower portion, and for the legs. Figures 179 to 183 show, in order, a view of the front of the desk, the back, a side, and two cross-sections. Figure 184 shows the first step in preparing the packing-box, that of removing one side. When the side has been removed, cut strip A (Fig. 184) of the width shown in Fig. 183, and -2-4" Fig. 182 Fig. 1S3 Figs. 182 and 183. — Cross-Sections of Desk fit and fasten it between the box ends as shown in Fig. 184; then cut strip B (Fig. 184) of the width given in Fig. 183, and fasten it between the upper end corners of the box. Drop-leaf C can be cut out of a 12-inch board, if your box is of the size of the box used in the model illustrated. Fit this drop-leaf now, and hinge it to strip A with 1 J^-inch BOX FURNITURE 99 by 3 -inch hinges, then remove it and put it aside until after the rest of the desk has been assembled. A drawer is not the easiest thing in the world for a boy to fit properly, therefore in the desk a pocket in the lower portion has been substituted. This pocket, made the depth of board A, is covered by the boards D and E (Fig. 185). Hinge the two pieces together, the latter to open as a hinged-leaj. Fasten strips to the sides of the box (F, Fig. 184) for cleats to support boards D and E, and nail board D to the cleats. Bore a hole through board E near the front edge, for a, finger-hole, by means of which to raise the leaf. Figure 187 shows the battery of Pigeon-Holes. These are built of strips of wood from a knocked-down berry-box. The best way to assemble the partitions between the pigeon-holes is to halve the two center vertical partitions with the two center horizontal partitions — that is, saw slots in their edges as shown in Fig. 1 88, so they will interlock. Nail the end, top, and bottom pieces to the ends of these interlocked partitions, and cut and fasten in position the remaining intermediate partitions. Before putting on the desk-top, build the base. The packing-box's dimensions, and Fig. 182, will determine the size of this. Figure 189 shows the way to assemble the end lattice- work legs. When you have prepared the two sections, nail the upper ends to the ends of the desk. Care must be taken to get the legs of equal length, so the desk will stand evenly. Cut the lower shelf and fasten it between ioo CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS the lattice-strips as shown (Figs. 182 and 183), and cut and fasten the back strips to the back edge of the shelf, and to the back of the box. (Fig. 180). A strip corres- ponding to the back strips, lapped over the front edges of the desk, and the edges of the side strips (Figs. 176 and 179) will form a finish to the desk front. A block fastened between each of these strips and the bottom shelf, will give support to the lower end of the front strips, and will brace the side strips (Fig. 176). After you have hinged the front drop-leaf in place, nail a strip to the inner face of strip B, allowing it to project as a stop for the drop-leaf to strike against. Attach a spring- catch to the center of the top of the drop-leaf, and attach a check-chain at each side of the drop-leaf, to screw-eyes (Fig. 183), to prevent the leaf from dropping farther than the position shown. The top boards should now be fitted in place. Cut them of the right dimensions to make pro- jections of the width shown. (Figs. 182 and 183). Finishing. Rub down all of the woodwork with sand- paper before applying a finish. You can stain the wood- work with a stain made of oil paint thinned with turpentine, or you can paint it, or you can shellac and varnish it. If the wood is in good condition and of uniform color, you can shellac and varnish it; otherwise, do not attempt this method. If the wood is not good, painting will afford the best opportunity for concealing knots, cracks and other defects, because after the first coat of paint has dried, you can fill in putty, and the second coat of paint will cover it. Putty sticks best after one coat of paint has been Fig. 184 Fig. 189 Fig. 188 Fig. 187 Fig. 184. — First Step in Preparing Packing-Box for Desk Fig. 185. — Top to Pocket Fig. 186. — Drop-Leaf for Desk Front Figs. 187-188,— Details of Pigeon-Holes Fig. 189.— End Lattice-Strip Legs 102 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS applied. White enamel makes a good finish for a bedroom desk. After you have completed your desk, you will want to make A Desk Stool. Of course you can use an ordinary straight- back chair to sit on, but a stool designed along the lines of the desk will be more in keeping. Figure 177 shows a stool_designed to go with the desk. You will notice that the designs of the two are similar. The stool legs have been made heavier than the desk legs, which is necessary, of course, because the stool will receive rougher usage, and it must be strong enough to withstand it. A grocery-box forms the top of the stool, the legs and their braces are cut out of a K-inch board, and the finishing-strips are pieces of lattice-strips or laths planed smooth, 3^-inch thick and i^ inches wide. The box used in the model was FlG 190 9 inches deep, 1 1 inches wide, and 15 inches long. Top Box with Sides Cut Down. of Stool Shown in Fig. 177 The width and length were exactly right, but it was necessary to saw 3 inches from the sides and ends (Fig. 190) to make the box of the right depth of 6 inches. Square a line around the sides and ends, remove any nails that happen to come in the way, and saw off the portion above the line. BOX FURNITURE 103 Fig. 192 The legs are shown in place, in Fig. 191. Their upper ends must be cut as shown in Fig. 192 to fit over the ends of the box, so their outer edge will come flush with the box ends. The length of the legs should be such that the measurements from the floor to the top of the stool will be 18 inches (Fig. 193). Cut the leg strips Vs inch thick by 2 inches wide, fasten them in the box corners, as shown, with nails driven through the box bottom into their ends and through the box sides and ends into their faces and edges. Cut the leg braces (B, Fig. 191) Vs inch square to fit between the legs 3 inches above the lower ends. Strips C (Fig. 193) are lattice- FlGS " 191 and l 92 - H ™ * he L ^ g Strips are Cut and yo J rastened in Box Corners strips or laths. Nail them to the box sides with their top edges even with the box bottom (Fig. 195). Fit finish strips D to the edges of the legs as shown, butting their upper ends against strips C. Cut the pair of end strips E to extend from strips C to a point 3^2 incn below braces B and fasten them so the spaces between the strips, and from strips to Fig. 191 io4 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS legs will be equal (Fig. 177). Cut strips F to fit upon the corners of the box where shown (Fig. 193) ; their purpose is to balance the design; they correspond to leg strips D, except that they project only 1J4 inches below the box. Cut rail H of the right length to reach from one leg brace B to theother(Fig. 193). Strips G (Figs. 193 and 194) form a ledge around the upholstering filling. If you can get some quarter- round moulding it will save your planing the tops round as shown. When you have nailed the strips in place, trim off the ends to make round corners . Upholstering. Fill in between the strips G with dampened excelsior. Pack this in solid, and let it project 3^2 inch or so above the top of the strips. Cover the excelsior with a layer of cotton to prevent its showing through the covering material, then cut a piece of cambric or other strong goods, place it over the cotton, and tack it along one edge; draw the cloth tight over the stool top, and tack along the opposite edge (Fig. 197). The low places will now show up, and Fig. 193 Fig. 193. — Detail Showing Stool Ready for Up- holstering Fig. 194. — Strip for Forming Ledge around Up- holstering Material BOX FURNITURE i°S Fig. 195 ,CUOTH- COVERING - COTTON -EXCELSIOR these must be filled with excelsior and cotton until a nicely formed top is obtained. At the corners especially, it will be necessary to build up by filling in additional excelsior. Give plenty of time to this work. Bear in mind that unless the upholstering is well done, the entire appearance of the stool will be spoiled. When you are satisfied that the top has been filled as well as you can fill it, pull the covering material down over the ends, tack it in place, and trim off the edges. Finishing. — The woodwork of the stool should be sand- papered next, then painted or stained to match your desk. Colored cretonne makes a pretty Covering for the Seat, but you can use denim or any of the imitation leather material sold for upholstering and wall coverings. Place the material over the stool top, tack along one side, smooth out all wrinkles, and tack the opposite side, then tack the end edges (Fig. 195). Care- fully fold over the lapping corners to make as neat a looking piece of work as possible. After the edges have been tacked, finish them off with a piece of gimp braid, fastening Fig. 196 Fig. 195. — Section Through Corner of Stool Figs. 196 and 197.— Details of Upholstering. io6 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Fig. 200 8^ T"8"*l Fig. 199 Fig. 198 the braid with round-head tacks placed at equal distances apart, as shown in Fig. 177. If you have used imitation leather, you can get tacks with heads to match. The edges of this material can be turned under, and tacked with small- head tacks. Then the large-head tacks can be placed so as to cover the heads of the small-head tacks. The Waste- Basket in the photograph of Fig. 178 has a grocery-box foun- dation (A Fig. 198) and sides built up of short lengths of lattice- strips or of laths planed smooth upon both sides or of strips ripped out of box boards. It is suggested that you get a box of about the size used in the model, 7 Yz inches deep 8 inches wide and 12 inches long. The box the author used was too long for the purpose so had to be cut down. If your box needs alteration you will not find the work much of a trick. Fig. 19S. — - Cross-Section of Waste Basket Shown in Fig. 178 Fig. 199. — Detail of Tops of Side Strips Fig. 200. — Detail of Handle BOX FURNITURE 107 Prepare all side and end strips at one time, the corner strips longer than the intermediate strips, as shown. Trim the upper corners with a small saw or chisel, as shown in Fig. 199. Tack the corner strips in place first. Be careful to get the projections of the lower ends equal, and to get Fig. 202 Figs. 202 and 203. Fig. 203 Rockers with Box Seats and Barrel-Stave Rockers Shown in Fig. 201. them parallel to and H inch away from the box corners (Fig. 198). Divide the spaces between the corner strips equally. Figure 200 shows how the handles are made of a strip A and two blocks B. Nail the strip A to blocks B, then fasten the blocks to the ends of the basket (Fig. 198). The basket will now be ready for finishing. It is sug- gested that you finish the wood in one of the ways suggested for the stool. CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Fig. 204 The Box Rockers in Fig. 201 are made of soap boxes, with barrel-stave rockers, and backs made of strips cut from box boards or any other boards that may be at hand. The seat of each chair is made of CjV-^i M^>\ two soap boxes placed with their open tops to- gether. In the case of one chair, that shown in Fig. 202, the boxes are held to- gether by means of a pair of strips nailed to the front and by means of another pair about 3 feet long (forming the uprights of the chair back) nailed to the back. A board fastened to the uprights at their top completes the chair back. The rocker shown in Fig. 203 has its boxes held together with strips fastened to the front corners, and a pair of strips long enough to form the chair-back uprights fastened to the box ends at the back. A diagram of the uprights is given in Fig. 204. When you have nailed the uprights of the chair back to the boxes, fasten a board across them at the top. Warping the Rockers. Barrel-staves are not warped Fig. 204. — Detail of Chair Back Upright Fig. 205. — Warping Barrell-Staves for Rocker Fig. 206. — How the Rockers are Attached BOX FURNITURE, 109 enough for rockers. To increase the warp, place the staves in a wash-tub filled with hot-water, and allow them to soak for a half hour or so. Then rest the ends of the staves on boxes or piles of bricks, and weight down the center with a pile of bricks or other weight, as shown in Fig. 205. Make the warp greater than is wanted, because when the weight has been removed the stave will straighten out somewhat. Figure 206 shows how the rockers are attached. Nail a strip, measuring ij£ inches thick, across the chair bottom at the center, then nail the staves to this strip and to the box, allowing several inches of the staves to project beyond the chair front, the remainder of the length at the rear. FlG ' 207 - ~ Box Table Shown in Fig ' 201 One of the simplest ways to make A Table is shown in Fig. 207. The box used is inverted so that the bottom becomes the table top. The legs are strips 3 inches wide and 28 inches long. Fasten one leg in each corner of the box. Measure the distance between each end pair of legs, cut a pair of strips of a length equal to this distance, and fasten a strip between each end pair no CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS of legs 4 or 5 inches from the ends, for braces. Cut another strip of the right length to fit between these leg braces, and fasten it to them for an additional brace. Fig. 210.— Leg Crosspeices Fig. 208. — Tabouret Shown in Fig. 201 Fig. 209. — Framework of Tabouret The Tabouret in Fig. 208, also shown in Fig. 201, has a top made of a cheese-box cover. The legs are 1^ inches wide by a length to be determined by the height of tabouret you want. Twenty-one inches is a medium height. The legs are connected by two pairs of crosspieces (Fig. 209), each notched at the center as shown in Fig. 210, so that the strips will interlock one another. The diameter of the cheesebox-cover will determine the length of the strips. Nail the legs to the ends of the braces, then nail the cover to their tops. The description of home-made furniture in this chapter has been confined to the making of the smaller pieces. Some of you boys may be disappointed not to find designs for a library-table, book-case, clock, Morris chair, and pieces of similar proportions, but letters received from readers since the publication of the handicraft book pre- ceding this one, would indicate that small pieces are the more popular. Many boys cannot make large pieces of furniture because of the cost of material. The Material to use in furniture making will be deter- mined largely by what the local market offers. Perhaps you can get any kind of wood that you want. The quantity required for the furniture shown upon the following pages is small, and the difference in costs between the finer and commoner woods will be so little as to be almost negli- gible. The wood used in the models shown in this chapter is oak. Red oak and white oak are standard woods for furniture just as are mahogany and walnut. If you intend to finish the work with stain, nothing is better than oak or chestnut. Of the softer woods, white-pine, western-pine, cypress and whitewood are easily worked. With tools nicely sharpened, and, of course, no good workman uses tools that are not, hard woods are as easily worked as soft woods. ii2 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Finishing. The kind of finish to put on work will be determined by the kind of wood. If you use oak, chestnut, or other hard wood, having a pretty, open grain, do not paint it, because paint will conceal the grain markings. Instead, apply a finish that will accentuate the markings. The best method is to stain the surface, then shellac and varnish it, or simply wax it after staining. If you varnish the wood after staining it, the open grain must be filled with wood-filler before the varnish is applied, so the wood will present a smooth glassy surface. If you stain and wax the surface, filler is not necessary. Filling the grain conceals the markings to a certain extent. You can buy ready-prepared wood stains in any colors wanted, at most paint stores. If you wish to, however, you can make up a stain that will answer the purpose every bit as well as a boughten stain, by thinning oil paint with turpentine. Pretty effects can be produced by rubbing oil paint of one color into the grain, then wiping the surface clean, and applying a turpentine stain made of oil paint of a contrasting color. The author does not want you to try out any such schemes as this on a completed piece of furniture, however. Use a waste piece of wood to exper- iment on, and be satisfied that you will like the results before applying stain to your work. Soft wood has a close grain. If it has a well-defined grain, like cypress, stain will make a pretty finish. Shellac- ing and then varnishing is a method of finishing commonly applied to soft woods. When it comes to finishing furniture with paint, white- SMALL FURNITURE PROBLEMS 113 enamel makes a most desirable finish. Give the surfaces two coats of flat-white paint, then one coat of white-enamel. One difficulty with white-enamel is that unless the best grade is used it soon turns more or less yellow. Never thin white-enamel paint with linseed-oil, because this is bound to make it turn yellow; use turpentine as a thinning medium. Painting makes it possible to conceal defects to a certain extent, but do not do careless work with the idea that you can cover up with paint and putty and get away with it. You can't do it. You are not a good enough camouflage artist to hide defects in work that is to be inspected at close range. Putty is to be used as a means of filling nail holes, over the heads of countersunk nails, and for filling in around joints. Work it in after the first coat of paint has dried. It holds better then, because the holes and joints are partly filled with paint. Before you apply any finish to work, be certain that all surfaces have been gone over thoroughly with sandpaper and made smooth. In the furniture designs shown in Figs. 211 to 214, you will notice that there is a similarity in parts. This dupli- cation of parts will simplify marking out the work, if you make up the several pieces of furniture, because having one part in each shape, you can mark around them in laying out like pieces. The number of pieces of wood required for The Waste -Basket shown in Fig. 211, and their dimen- sions, are indicated in the material bill (Fig. 215), patterns for the pieces are given in Figs. 216 and 218. The Irame ii4 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS around the top of the basket (Fig. 217) must be of the exact width and length of base A. Cut strips B and C of the sizes given in Fig. 215, but, in nailing them together MATERIAL -for -WASTE-BASKET! pieces! dimensions PARTS I 1 ^4"X7 3 /4"X7%" A 2 5/fl"x 1 Vo" X7 3 /4" B 2 5/ 8 " x| !/2" x6'/2" C 8 V4"X \VA" XI8" D 8 , k"xl!4" XI7J&" E Fig. 215 Fig. 216 Fig. 219 Fig. 215. — Material Reauired for Waste-Basket Shown in Fig. 211 Fig. 216. — Detail of Base Fig. 217. — Detail of Top Frame Fig. 218. — Detail of Side Strips Fig. 219. — Assembling use the base board as a guage, so as not to get the frame larger or smaller. Side strips D (Fig. 218) project l / 2 inch below the base board of the waste-basket; side strips E (Fig. 218) come Fig. 214. — Smoker's Stand. Fig. 213.— Plant-Stand SMALL FURNITURE PROBLEMS "5 MATERIAL FOR TABOURET PIECES DIMENSIONS PARTS 2 3/4"x73/ 4 "x73/ 4 A 8 '/4" x IV4 M X 18 B Fig. 220 3" CO B flush with the bot- tom of the base board. The pro- jecting lower end of strips D form feet. Cut off the corners of the upper ends, and the corners of the lower ends of strips D, as shown. Fasten the side strips to the edge of the base board, and to the sides of the upper frame, with round-head blued iron Jinish- ing-screws^ %-inch in diameter. Use i -inch screws for the lower ends, and %-inch screws for the upper ends. Drill large enough holes through the side strips so the screw shanks will fit loosely in them, and if you have used hard wood, drill holes a trifle smaller than the screws part way into the edges of the base board and the top frame. When driving screws into hard wood, coat the threads with soap to make driving easier. I Fig. 221 Fig. 222 Fig. 220. — Material Required for Tabouret Shown in Fig. 212 Fig. 221. — Plan and Section of Base Block Fig. 222. — Face and Edge of Side Strips n6 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS it* The Tabouret shown in Fig. 212 is made of pieces similar to those used in the waste-basket, but it does not require as many kinds of pieces, or as many of each kind. Figure 220 shows a list of material and Figs. 221 and 222 show the dimensions. The Plant-Stand in Fig. 213 is made of pieces of three shapes (Fig. 223). For the material list, see Fig. 224, for patterns of the pieces, see Figs. 226 to 228. The base board has its upper edge beveled (Fig. 226); the edges of the shelf board are left square. Brackets C require careful marking out and sawing. Use a bracket-saw or coping-saw (Figs. 18 and 19, Chap. II) for cutting the curves. Be careful to get all four brackets alike. In fastening them to center- post B, use glue and round-head screws, unless the wood is soft, in which case the brackets can be fastened with finishing nails. Screw down through the lower bracket end into the base board, and up through the upper bracket end into the shelf. Be careful to center the base board and shelf board on the center post, and also one exactly over the other. If you don't center them you will have a poor looking piece of work. Fig. 223. — Parts Required for Plant-Stand Shown in Fig. 213 SMALL FURNITURE PROBLEMS 117 Fig. 224 Fig. 225 MATERIAL --FOR-PLANT-STAND PIECES DIMENSIONS PARTS 2 3/4"X7 3 /4"x7 3 / 4 " A 1 |3/ 4 "x |3/4" X 12" B 4 3/4"X2/4"xl2" C MATERIAL- FOR ■ SMOKER'S-STAND PIECES DIMENSIONS ^ARTS 3 3/ 4 "x7 3 /4"x7 3 /4" A 1 |3/ 4 "x l^4"X 12" B 4 3/4" X2'/4"X 12" C 8 '/4"X l!/4"X)4" D .3" 'Square' ^A ki> Fig. 226 Fig. 229 1 Fig. 228 Fig. 227 Fig. 224. — Material Required for Plant-Stand Shown in Fig. 213 Fig. 225. — Material Required for Smoker's Stand Shown in Fig. 214 Fig. 226. — Plan and Section of Base and Shelves A Fig. 227. — Detail of Base Center Post B Fig. 228. — Side and Edge of Base Brackets C Fig. 229. — Side and Edge of Side Strips D The Smoker's Stand in Fig. 214 is a development of fthe plant-stand design. It is just like it, with the addition of a second shelf supported by side strips screwed to the edges n8 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS of the two shelves. Figure 225 gives a list of material. Figure 229 shows a pattern of side strips D. The Book-Trough and Magazine -Stand shown in Fig. 230 makes a most convenint piece of furniture for a library or living-room, to hold books and magazines of recent issue. Figure 232 shows a material list. Only five pieces of boards are required, two end pieces (A), two trough strips (B), and a shelf (C). If you order i-inch boards planed upon both faces, known as surf aced-two-s ides (s-2-s), they will measure between % inch and 13 /fe inch thick when "you get them, because i-inch boards are sawed about 14 inch thick, nowadays, and about % i ncn is taken off in surfacing. In the case of this piece of furniture, and the pieces preceding it, ^-inch stock will be in better proportion than thicker material. Figure 233 is a cross-section of the completed trough and stand, with dimensions, Fig. 234 is a side view, Fig. 235 is an end view, and Figs. 237 and 238 are patterns of the shelf and trough boards. You will find upon the detail drawings every measurement necessary for preparing the parts. The ends should be cut first. Saw these to the right length and width, and cut the side edges to the right taper. Then make a card- board pattern, or templet, of the lower end, with the curve carefully laid out (Fig. 236), and mark out around this upon each piece of board. With a bracket-saw or coping- saw cut the curve, sawing close to the lines, and with a chisel and sandpaper smooth up the edge. With the end pieces cut, mortises to receive the ends of >k-Tkough and Magazine-Stand Fig. 231.— Telephone Table and Chair. A [!•*— 9g — »il ] < 36 *1 B A * A Fig. 234 ~T A ,4,= k--ll£--»j Fig. 235 I.J -iOO Fig. 237 MATERIAL- LIST NO. PIECES DIMENSIONS PARTS 2 3 /4."x|2"x28-S-2-S ENDS 2 « x4"x36" •• TROUGH 1 .. x|0"x » M SHELF Fig. 232 Fig. 232.— Material Required for Book-Trough and Magazine-Stand (Fig. 230) Fig. 233.— Cross-Section Fig. 234.— Side View Fig. 235.— End View Fig. 236.— Bottom of End Pieces Fig. 237.— Shelf Fig. 238.— Trough Board i2o CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS the trough and shelf boards must be marked out and cut. Upon the accuracy of this work depends the perfect fitting together of parts. The mortises for trough strips B must be placed at right angles to each other, and all mortises must be y% inch less than the board-end measurement, on all sides. Cut them 3^ inch deep. Tenons must be prepared upon the board ends to fit the mortises, as indi- cated upon the diagrams (Figs. 237 and 238). The shoul- ders of these tenons will lap over the edges of thejnortises when the parts are assembled, and will conceal them; they will also help to brace the work. The mortises must be cut y% inch deeper than the tenons, and the tenons must be made to fit loosely enough so that when they are coated with glue, previous to assembling the parts, they will drive in easily, yet be tight enough to make a snug fit. Use a chisel with which to cut the mortises. Cut down along the sides, first, then chip out the wood between, and smooth off the bottoms. Cut the shoulders with a fine-tooth saw. With the mortises and tenons carefully prepared, the book-trough and magazine-stand can be glued up. Glue alone will hold the work, but screws must be driven in to reinforce the joining. Four screws driven through each end, one into each of the book-trough strips, and two into the shelf board, as indicated in Fig. 235, will be sufficient. Locate the holes in the positions shown, and with a gimlet or wood-bit drill holes through the end pieces, and into the ends of boards B and C, making the holes in the end pieces a trifle larger than the screw shank, the holes in the ends of boards B and C a trifle smaller than the screw shanks. SMALL FURNITURE PROBLEMS 121 Buy round-head blued iron finishing-screws %-inch in diameter and 2 inches in length, for the work. A Telephone Table and Chair are two serviceable pieces of furniture which a handy boy can easily make. If there is no telephone in the house, the table and chair will be useful in the front hallway — the table to hold a card-tray, the chair for the stranger who is awaiting mother or father. The Table, shown in Fig. 231, has a shelf on which to keep the telephone directory. This shelf is placed at the right height so the chair seat will slide underneath it, and the chair back has been made low enough to slide under the edge of the table top, so the chair can be kept entirely under the table when not in use. Figure 239 shows a bill of material for the table. The table top is 16 inches square, therefore it will have to be made of two pieces. Unless you already have had exper- ience in glueing up work, the author advises you to have this piece glued up at a mill. It will not cost much. How- ever, if you want to do the work yourself, Fig. 245 shows how to go about it. Make the top of two pieces of equal width. The first thing to be certain of, after planing up the pieces, is that the faces are straight and true, and that the joining edges are exactly square, lengthwise and cross- wise. With these conditions met, place the pieces back to back in your bench-vise, with the joining edges even with one another, and square lines across the edges at the center and near each end, to mark the positions for dowel-pin holes. At the center of these lines bore ^-inck holes about 1 H inches deep, being careful to bore them exactly at right JZ CD t cm L.U a 'A B I r 1 1 1 J-' ll 2 Fig. 240 MATERIAL PIECES DIMENSIONS PARTS 4 |'/4"xl^4"x2-5J'4 LEGS A 2 3/4" x 2"x|2J4" RAILS B 2 •• * - x||l/2 » C 2 •• x •• x|2&" - D 2 .. x 8"* 16" TOP E 1 • *9&x|3%" SHELF F Fig. 239 r -ICVJ CD _L D D I" 2" Fig. 241 Fig. 239. — Material Required for Telephone Table Shown in Fig. 231 Fig. 240. — Side View of Table Fig. 241. — Cross-Section of Table Fig. 242. — Plan of Table Top E Fig. 243. — Detail of Rails B and D 122 SMALL FURNITURE PROBLEMS 123 angles to the edges. Get a dowel-stick to fit the holes, and cut dowel-pins from it a trifle shorter than the combined depth of a pair of the holes. Coat the pins with glue, also Fig. 244 Fig. 244. — Detail Showing Mortise-and-Tenon Joints of Legs and Rails Fig. 245. — Detail of Table Top Fig. 246. — Detail Showing Legs, Rails and Top Assembled both edges of the boards, then drive the pins into the holes. Put the work in clamps, and allow it to remain until the glue has set. Now, if you have done the work correctly, you will have a perfectly joined top. Figure 240 shows a side view of the table, and Fig. 241 shows a cross-section with the principal dimensions. Rails 124 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS B and D have tenons cut upon their ends (Figs. 243 and 244), and mortises for these to fit in are cut in the legs (Fig. 244). Rails C are not tenoned; they fit between the legs. Top E and shelf F are screwed in place, the screws passing through the rails into them. As it would require very long screws if you ran them entirely through the rails into the table-top and into the shelf, holes are bored halfway through the rails (Fig. 244), and then holes a trifle larger than the screw shank, but smaller than the heads, are drilled through the rest of the way, so screws about i}4 inches long can be used. Provide two screw-holes for each rail, one near each end (Fig. 246). To assemble the table, after having cut every piece of the correct size, and prepared the leg mortises and rail tenons, first coat the mortises and tenons with glue, and drive the tenons into the mortises. Then upon the under side of top E mark out the positions for the legs, and screw rails B to the top; coat the ends of rails C with glue, slip them between the legs, and screw them to the top. Screw rails D to shelf F in a similar manner. In Fig. 247 is specified the material required for The Chair. The legs are mortised to receive the ends of the rails, in the same manner as those of the table are mortised. That is to say, mortises are made for the ends of rails C, D, E, F, G, and /. Mortises for side rails H would cut into those for rails C and F, so rails H are not tenoned, but are cut to fit between the legs. You will see by Fig. 249, which is a plan view of the chair, that seat / is notched at the corners to fit around legs B; also, that A D r Fig. 250 I* 11- Fig. 249 Fig. 247 Fig. 248. — Front View MATERIAL PIECES DIMENSIONS PARTS 2 IK4"XI!/4"xW4" LEGS A 2 •• x2%"x2 1 5" •• B 1 3A" x 2" x 8 3/f RAIL C 1 •• x 3/4"x - - D I •• x 2" x9l/4" E 1 x •• X •• F 1 •• X 3/}."x •• G 2 •• x2"xl0k8 RAILS H 2 •• x3/4"x|0%' I 1 •■ x ||" x |3" SEAT a Fig. 247 Material Required for Telephone Chair Shown in Fig. 231 Fig. 249. — Plan Fig. 250. — Cross-Section 125 - 126 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS legs B are set y% inch farther apart than legs A, which makes it necessary to run rails H into the center of the width of legs A, and into the inside half of legs B. Bore one hole through the center of the edge of rails C, F, and H, in the same manner as holes were bored through the table rails (Fig. 244), to provide for attaching the chair seat. (Fig. 250). In assembling the chair, drive the tenons on rails C and D into the mortises cut in legs A, then drive the tenons of rails E, F, and G into the mortises cut in legs B. Connect legs A and B by means of rails /, and, finally, screw rails C, F, and H to the under side of the seat. When you have assembled your table and chair, you may find that the legs are a trifle uneven. The way to correct this is to stand the table, then the chair, upon a surface known to be level, and note the short leg. Cut a block of wood of the right thickness to slip under this leg. Then slide this block around each side of the other legs, marking where its top comes on each face of each leg. Trim off the legs_at these points. PART II War Toys and Mechanical Toys Fig. 268.— A Toy Submarine that Dives then Rises to the Water's Surface (See Chapter 11). Fig. 251.— A Superdreadnought Toy Battleship (See Chapter 10). CHAPTER X A TOY SUPERDREADNOUGHT BATTLESHIP To make a model that would be an exact reproduction of a modern battleship , you would not only have to possess a set of scale drawings of the ship, but an abundance of patience, and a willingness to devote lots of time to the work. The author would be glad if you could make an exact model, because he knows that you would get a great deal of enjoyment and practical experience out of the work, but he suggests that your first model be simple. You can elaborate upon a second model as much as you please. The way to make a simplified model of a battleship, building, piece of machinery, or any other structure, is to get a picture of it, or to look upon the object itself, and pick out the half dozen or so parts which determine its contour; then reproduce these parts in as nearly the correct propor- tion as you can. Take the author's model, shown in the photograph of Fig. 251, for example. The essential parts are not many. They are the hull, deck, masts, funnels, main-battery guns and turrets, and the secondary-battery guns below the deck. The deck-rails, fighting-tops, and wireless aerial might be omitted without destroying the lines which give the ship its form. Details other than those shown upon the model illustrated can be added if you wish to spend more time upon the work. 129 13 o CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Materials. The best material for model making is white pine, but cypress, spruce, or any other soft wood, will serve the purpose. For the hull of the battleship model shown in Fig. 251 a piece of 2 by 4 is of the right width and thick- ness. The funnels, turrets, and fighting-tops also can be cut out of a 2 by 4. A board % inch thick is required for the superstructure-deck. The masts require a narrow strip of wire cloth with 34-inch mesh, and four spools. The deck rails are also made of wire cloth. Spools are used for wheels to mount the model on. The guns are cut from dowel-sticks 3^ inch and % inch in diameter, the small gun mounts are cut from a ^-inch dowel-stick. The pins con- necting the various parts are cut from 34-inch dowel-sticks. Button-moulds 1% inches in diameter fit over the ends of the gun turret pivots. -5- k 5 • f- FlG. 252. — Plan and Side Elevation of Hull Figure 252 shows a plan and side elevation of The Hull, with all of the dimensions necessary for cutting it out. Figure 253 shows the completed hull. The curves of the ends should be alike, and the best way to get them A TOY SUPERDREADNOUGHT BATTLESHIP 131 alike is to draw a center-line lengthwise, and another center- line crosswise of the block; then mark out one-half of the outline of one side, drawing the straight line with a ruler, the curved line freehand. Trace this much upon tissue- paper, reverse the paper, and transfer the line each side of the center-lines, to complete the outline. First, cut out the block roughly with a saw, then finish up close to the outline with a plane, and sandpaper the edges smooth. Fig. 253. —The Completed Hull The Superstructure- Deck (B, Figs. 254 and 255) may be marked out by placing the hull block upon a board % inch thick, and marking out around its sides. The deck 17" — ■3i -Fi — -*— b : ^ 5 ri B Eg s&ls 4- -fii'f iif iif iff-iff i|'H Fig. 254. — Plan and Side Elevation of Superstructure-Deck piece is a trifle more than two-thirds of the length of the hull. The dimensions are on the diagrams (Fig. 254). i 3 2 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Openings for the guns must be cut in the deck piece along the side edges. The openings are made by boring 3^-inch holes y 2 inch deep (Figs. 251 and 255). They are located in Fig. 254. The centers are placed y% inch inside of the Fig. 255. — Detail Showing How the Superstructure-Deck, Funnels, Masts, Fighting-Tops, Gun-Turrets, and Wireless Aerial are Assembled edges, so that brads can be driven through the centers for pivots for the guns. Bore the holes before cutting out piece B, so there will be no danger of splitting the edges. Be care- ful to bore all holes of equal depth. A TOY SUPERDREADNOUGHT BATTLESHIP 133 ."T - OiO OiO K M E .1 D D T -Icj <3" Funnels C, conning-tower E, fighting-tops K, turret bases M, and turrets N (Fig. 255) are most easily prepared as shown in Figs. 256 and 257. If you can get round sticks of this diameter — rug-poles or portiere poles, — use them; otherwise, plane up two blocks, one i}4 inches square, the other \% inches square, describe a circle with the given radii upon the ends of the blocks, and whittle or plane the edges until the blocks are round. Finish up the surfaces with sandpaper. With the blocks prepared, it is an easy matter to saw them up to the lengths required. The tops of The Funnels will look better if bored out for a depth of 3^ inch or so (Fig. 255). Bore the holes before rounding the block the funnels are to be cut out of, to prevent splitting. The funnels are fastened to the deck with dowel-pins D (Fig. 255). Bore the pin holes in the deck where located in Fig. 254, and in the center of the funnel ends. Coat -|CM i Fig. 257 Fig. 256 Fig. 256. — Detail of Funnels Fig. 257. — Detail of Conning- Tower, Fighting-Tops, Turret Bases and Turret 134 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS the dowel-pins and funnel ends with glue, before driving the dowel-pins into the holes. Flatten two opposite sides of block E (Fig. 257) for The Conning-Tower,by cutting away a section of each side, as shown in Fig. 255. Peg this block to the deck with a dowel- pin driven into a hole bored at the point located in Fig. 254. The Masts are built up of strips of wire cloth (G and H t (Fig. 258) rolled into cylinders with a spool inserted in each end (I and /, Fig. 255). The strips of wire cloth can be rolled around the spools. Turn in the raw side edges of the wire strips so the wire cylinders will hold their shape. The sticks running through spools / (Fig. 255) are crosstrees from which the wire- less-telegraph aerial ( U) is suspended. Peg spool I of the foremast to block E with dowel-pin F, and peg spool I of the aftermost mast to the deck where the dowel-pin hole is located in Figs. 254 and 255 with another dowel-pin (F). Make the spreaders of The Wireless Aerial (Fig. 255) out of slender sticks, and use black thread for the wire strands ( U). h Fig. 258. — Pattern for Cutting Wire Cloth for Masts A TOY SUPERDREAD NOUGHT BATTLESHIP 135 Fighting -Tops K are fastened to mast spools / by means of dowel-pins L, which are driven into the spool holes. The Turret Bases and Turrets. Holes must be bored through the center of turret blocks N, turret base blocks M, and into the o ^ decks (Figs. 251, ^.Jj,—--— ^^ 1" ^Jh^ f^X.' 253 and 255), for ^^r^^j 4 -illJ ' & dowel-pin pivots r^"" ^4 ~~ *> **~*Q P to run through. Fig. 259 Fig. 260 • These holes are Fig. 259. — Main-Battery Guns located in FigS. Fig. 260. - Secondary- Battery Guns 252 and 254. Make the pivots out of 3^-inch dowel-sticks, or whittle sticks to this diameter. Glue the lower ends of the pivots in the holes bored in the decks, whittle the upper ends to fit the holes in button-moulds measuring 1 % inches in diameter (Q, Fig. 255), and glue the button-moulds to the pivot ends after the turret base blocks and turret blocks have been slipped over the pivots. Holes must be bored in the side of the turret blocks for the guns to run into. To lessen the danger of splitting the blocks while boring, it is best to bore the holes before sawing the blocks from the stick from which they are cut. Figure 257 shows the location of the holes. The Main Battery Guns (0, Fig. 255), mounted in the turrets, are shown in detail in Fig. 259. Take a 34-inch dowel-stick, or a stick whittled to this diameter, and cut from it eight pieces of the length shown (Fig. 261), then with a small wood-bit or drill, start a hole for the bore in the muzzle end of the guns, and with a jack-knife carefully i3 6 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Hit- ' "■■ 7 CM --* C\| n v i CM •;1 HOD "i -103 -100 -100 "-loo -103 4 -loo fOlco •-*■ roico • + fOico ■•+ CO icO I— *- COKO I. jt. Fig. 2G2 1 Fig. 261 Fig. 263 Fig. 261 — Detail Showing How to Cut the Main-Battery Guns from a J^-inch Dowel-Stick Fig. 262. — Detail Showing How to Cut Secondary - Battery Gun Mounts from a ^-inch Dowel-Stick Fig. 263. — Detail Showing How to Cut Secondary-Battery Guns from a V^-inch Dowel-stick taper the guns from end to end, as shown in Fig. 259. Smooth up the guns with sandpaper. Glue them in the holes in the turret blocks. The Secondary-Battery Guns are mounted in the round blocks R (Fig. 255). Cut four- teen of the blocks from a yi- inch dowel-stick (Fig. 262). With a small bit or drill make a pivot hole through the center of the ends of each block, and another hole in the side of the block to run the gun into. Prepare the guns of the shape shown in Fig. 260. Cut them from a dowel-stick y% inch in diameter (Fig. 263). Start a hole in the muzzle end of each gun for the bore. The Flagstaff s {V, Fig. 255) are 3 inches long. Drill holes for them at the bow and stern of the decks. The Deck-Rails are made of strips of wire cloth. Cut two strips Y 2 inch wide, one for the superstructure deck, the other A TOY SUPERDREADNOUGHT BATTLESHIP 137 for the lower deck. Drive ^-inch brads into the decks close to the sides (W, Fig. 264), bend the wire strips around the brads, and with wire bind them to the brads. By fastening Keel Strips X (Figs. 265 and 266) to the bot- tom of the hull, and mounting wheels upon ax- els run through screw-eyes screwed into the keel strips (Fig. 266), for A Running- Gear, your toy battleship will both float upon water and run upon land. Cut off the ends of a pair of spools for wheels ( F, Fig. 267), and fit 34-inch dowel-sticks into them for axles (Z). T^__^_ mmm __ MM __ mm ____^ „ Painting. With all work Fig. 264. — Detail Showing How the Deck- Rails are Fastened to Deck X t"t X -f'TW ■-4 3:: done as directed, the dread- nought will be ready for its coat of battleship - grey. The author suggests that you paint all parts before assembling. It will be easier, and the parts can be allowed to become thoroughly dry before they are assembled, which Fig. 265. — Side-Elevation and Plan of Keel Strips 138 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS will prevent the sticking of such pivoted parts as the gun- turrets and rapid-fire gun mounts. Surfaces marred while Assembling can be touched up afterwards. There is not much work to putting the model together, when all parts have been properly fitted. In mounting the secondary- Fig. 266 Fig. 267 Fig. 266. — Details of Keel Strips and Running-Gear Fig. 267. — Detail of Spool Wheels battery guns, slip the fourteen gun mounts into the holes bored in the deck piece, then nail the deck piece to the hull, and drive brad pivots down through the deck and gun mounts, into the hull. Figure 255 indicates very plainly where the funnels, masts and other parts go, and fastening them in place is for the most part simply a job of glueing. The toy submarine described on the following pages is a model recently devised by the author. A photograph of this toy is shown in Fig. 268, on the page facing page 129, a side elevation is shown in Fig. 269, and an end elevation is shown in Fig. 270. This toy submarine dives, then returns to the surface. The Mechanism is best understood by referring to the \^ Fig. 269. — Side Elevation of Completed Toy Submarine Shown in Fig. 268. (See photo- graph facing Page 129) diagrams of Figs. 269 and 270. The central section D is a tin can filled with sand, for ballast. One end is supported upon a brad, the other end upon the trigger E. Trigger E is held by catch J, which slips into a notch cut in the edge 139 i 4 o CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS of E. Can D is of sufficient weight when filled with sand, to sink the submarine. When the submarine reaches the bottom of the bath-tub — a tub furnishes a good "zone" for operations — nail F in trigger E comes in contact with the tub bottom with sufficient force to throw trigger E out of position and release catch /. Catch J is sprung out of the way by rubber-band K, trigger E is sprung out of the way by rubber-band G (see dotted lines in Fig. 269), and can D is released. Relieved of its ballast, the submarine rises to the surface. To make the boat dive again, it is but necessary to attach the tin can and reset the trigger. Instead of having the submarine dive, discharge its weight, and instantly rise to the surface, you can make the trigger mechanism less delicate, so that it will not be sprung by slight contact. Then a gentle submersion to the tub bottom will not bring about the springing of the trigger, and the boat will remain upon the bottom. With a stream of water from a bath-spray forced against the stern, the boat may be propelled for- ward, and by directing the force of the stream against different portions of the boat you can cause the boat to go through all sorts of maneuvers, even to rising fig. 270.— End Eieva- nearly to the surface. Finally, by driving tion of ToySubmarine the contact point forcibly against the foot of the bath tub, or against an obstruction placed on the tub bottom, the trigger may be sprung, and the boat, relieved of its weight, will rise to the surface. A TOY SUBMARINE 141 The simplicity of the work in making this mechanical toy will surprise you. Figure 271 shows a pattern for Fig. 271. — Pattern for Hull and Upper Decks Fig. 272. — Pattern for Deck Pieces The Hull and Upper Decks (A), which are made in one piece. Radii for describing the arcs for the bow and stern of the hull are not given, because after you have located the points for the beginning and end of these curves, as shown, you can easily draw them free-hand. The cutting can be done with a saw and chisel. Cut the ends of the pocket for the tin can weight with a saw, then split out the wood between the saw cuts, or kerfs, with a chisel. Taper the sides of the bow as shown in Figs. 268 and 273. CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Fig. 275 Fig. 273. — Detail of Hull, Decks and Periscopes Fig. 274. — Detail of Deck Side Pieces Fig. 275. — Tin Can Filled with Sand, - -,. for Submerging Ballast Fig. 276 pjr^ Figs. 276 and 277. — Detad of Trigger *" and Catch Figure 272 shows a pattern for deck pieces B. Lay these out in one piece, as indicated, cut out the piece, saw it in half, and nail the halves to the sides of block A in the posi- tions shown (Figs. 269, 270, and 274). Strips C (Fig. 269) are fastened each side of block A (Fig. 270), di- rectly below deck pieces B, to complete Fig. 278. — Detail of Ballast-Pocket Strips A TOY SUBMARINE 143 Wa> The Ballast Pocket for can D. Figure 278 shows a pattern for these pocket strips. For the can ballast procure a 3^-pound baking-powder can. Pack this full of sand, and if the cover fits loosely, coat the edge with paint to make it stick fast. Figures 276 and 279 show details of The Trigger for Releasing the Ballast. Drive the nail F, a 3- inch finishing-nail, into the edge of the trigger at the angle shown. Figures 277 and 280 show how 1 \ ^L -*-^Att- 4 the trigger catch J is made. The bow of the hull must be slotted to receive the upper ends of trigger E and catch /, as indi- cated in Figs. 271 and 273. The sides of the slot can be sawed down to the depth indicated by a dotted line in Fig. 271, then the wood between the saw kerfs can be split out with a chisel. Use brads for pivoting the trigger and catch blocks between the sides of the slot. Positions for the pivots are located in Fig. 271. Figure 269 and Figs. 273 to 277 explain the assembling and adjustment of the trigger and catch blocks, also of the rubber-bands for springing them. Rubber-band G extends from contact nail F to a screw / in the bow (Figs. 273 and 276). To keep it from interfering with rubber-band K, which extends from a brad in the lower end of catch / to screw / (Figs. 273 and 277), rubber-band G is run up and over a pair of brads ( H) driven into block A upon opposite sides, then over to screw / (Fig. 273). Fig. 279. — Trigger Fig. 280. — Trigger Catch 144 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS When you have connected the trigger mechanism, you will probably find slight readjustments necessary to bring about a nicety of operation. To support the stern end of the tin can, drive a brad into block A in the position indi- cated in Fig. 273. The projecting rim on the can bottom will rest upon the head of this brad. This type of submarine has two Periscopes. Two brass screw-hooks 2 inches in length (L, Fig. 269) answer the purpose. Screw a round-head screw (M, Figs. 269 and 273) into the bow end of the second deck. Painting. Use a battleship-grey in painting the toy submarine. Remove the rubber-bands, to keep them from being gobbed with paint, and sandpaper all surfaces smooth. Submerging the Submarine Upon Lake or Pond can be done successfully, if provision is made for recovering the tin can ballast. Try this scheme. Connect one end of a line to the tin can, and retain the other end of the line in your hand. After the ballast has been released, it will be easy enough to pull it out of the water by means of the line. CHAPTER XII A FLEET OF TOY BATTLESHIPS Make a fleet of toy battleships and submarines, and you will be able to have all sorts of fun. With them mounted on wheels, you can work out your fleet maneuvers on the Fig. 281. — A Simple Toy Battleship floor. In conjunction with the fort and toy cannon described in the following chapter, you can stage wonderful land and naval engagements that will take hours to fight out to a finish. If you have never played at miniature warfare with 145 7 Fig. 282. — Detail Showing How the Hull (A), Superstructure- Deck (B), Masts (C), Fighting-Tops (D and E), Funnels (G), Conning-Tower (H, I,) Gun Turrets (K), Main-Battery Guns (L), Secondary Battery Guns ( TV), Running Gear (P, Q, R), and Aerial (5, 7\ Z7) are Assembled 146 A FLEET OF TOY BATTLESHIPS 147 ships, forts, cannon, and paper and lead soldiers, you don't know what exciting fun you have missed. In building the ships for a fleet, you probably will not want to make them all of the form shown in Fig. 251 of Chapter X. Several of that size will do. Make the others simpler, of the cruiser types shown in Figs. 281 and 293 of this chapter. Fig. 283. — Plan and Side Elevation of Hull Figure 282 shows a detail of every part required for The Battleship shown in Fig. 281, with an indication as to how each part is assembled. Dimensions for the parts are given in the detail working-drawings of Figs. 283 to 292. If you build several ships alike, you will save time by making all of the parts for one ship, first, and then using these parts as patterns. Mark out and cut the hulls {A) for all the other boats, then the decks (B), then the masts (C), and so on. Use soft pine, cypress, or other soft wood, for the models. 148 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS In marking out The Hull (.4, Fig. 282), draw a center-line upon the working material, as shown in Fig. 283, and lay off the measurements each side of this, to get the sides alike. The Superstructure-Deck (B, Fig. 282) extends three- quarters of the length of the hull, and it is of the same shape and dimensions as that portion of the hull (Fig. 284); therefore, it can be marked out with the hull as a pattern. The holes shown along the edge (Fig. 284) are made to receive the guns of the secondary-battery, the holes in the upper face are made to receive the masts, funnels, etc. _ _ 6" >j 1" * r* 1"+ r+ r*l 9 H Fig. 284. — Plan and Side Elevation of Superstructure-Deck The Masts (C, Figs. 282 and 285) can be whittled out of sticks, or dowel-sticks can be used. The Fighting-Tops (D and E, Fig. 282) are button-moulds of the sizes shown in Figs. 286 and 287. The larger one (D) must have its hole enlarged so it will slip over the mast, the smaller one (E) rests on the mast- top, and is held in place by the nail F driven into the mast (Fig. 282). A FLEET OF TOY BATTLESHIPS 149 "Q Fig. 286 Fig. 287 I I Jfl. Figs. 286 and'287. — Fighting-Tops -IN Figure 288 shows a detail of The Funnels (G). Use a dowel-stick if you can get one, otherwise whittle a stick to the given diameter. The Conning-Tower is made of two square blocks (H and I, Fig. 282). Figure 289 shows the sizes of the blocks. Nail the blocks together, and peg the lower one (H) to the deck with dowel-pin / (Fig. 282). The Gun Turrets (K, Fig. 282) are small pieces of dowel-stick (Fig. 290). The Main-Battery Guns (L), mounted in holes bored in the sides of the turrets (Fig. 290), are small pieces of dowel-stick cut of the shape shown in Fig. 291. Drill a small hole through the center of the ends of each turret, through which to drive the nail pivot M (Fig. 282). The Secondary-Battery Guns [(N, Fig. 282) are the ends of burnt matches. Figure 292 shows the length to cut them. f6 7 (6 JL Fig. 285.— Mast TXFig. 288 V CM 1 C\! H Fig. 289 F 4« Fig. 288. Fig. 289. kf« US 8 Funnel Details of Conning Tower This toy model is mounted upon wheels so that it can be run upon the floor, as well as floated upon water. Use i 5 o CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS JUL. Fro. ^^VK Fig. Spool Wheels (P, Fig. &====? 291 l^^^J 290 282 ) , cut tne stick axles ■ (? to fit snugly in the i N s= |k. I -" q spool holes, and support k-^'V ^iS; '^3'L the axle ends with screw- 4- 292 ^4 eyes R, screwing these Fig. 290. — ■ Turret and Guns . . Figs. 291 and 292. — Guns into the hull. The Wireless Aerial is suspended between the mast- tops (Fig. 282). Use toothpicks for spreaders S and thread for wire strands T and end loops U. The Cruiser shown in Fig. 293 is propelled by a paddle- wheel operated by a twisted rubber-band. The rubber- band untwists rapidly, so that the boat does not travel far before a re-twisting is necessary, but boys who have made this model have been satisfied with the results, so the author believes that you will be satisfied, also. Figure 294 shows a plan of the completed ship. The method of construction is quite similar to that of the battle- ship just described, so read over the instructions for making that model before beginning work on this one. The Hull (A) is shown in plan in Fig. 295. After marking this out and cutting it, in the same way as described for the other model, prepare the blocks which form The Superstructure-Deck (B and C, Figs. 296 and 297). Cut block B out of material %-inch thick, by the width and length given. Bore the turret openings along the sides before cutting out the block, to prevent splitting it. Make these openings 1 inch in diameter. You will find the location of their centers shown upon the diagram. Holes E Fig. 293. — Toy Battleship with Propeller Fig. 294. — Plan of Completed Toy Battleship T TT 7!? '-** 1w« l: I -L.\ 7 — Fig. 295. — Plan of Hull 151 152 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS are for the funnel ends to fit in. Make them Y% inch in diam- eter. Holes F are for the mast ends to fit in. Bore them inch in diameter. L % a longitudinal sec- tion of the gun. The tube is made of two pieces {A and B), and Figs. 326 and 327 show the dimen- sions of the blocks out of which to cut them. Bore a 5 A- inch hole through the center of block FlG * 324 - ~ DetaI1 of Siege ArtilIer y Gun A, from end to end, and a hole of the same size through all but 34 inch of the length of block B; then with a 34-inch bit bore a hole through the remaining 34~i ncn of the length of block B (Fig. 327). Care must be taken to bore the holes absolutely straight, else the bore of the gun will not be straight, and the toy shells will lose momentum before leaving the muzzle of the gun. The first step in Shaping the Gun is similar to that of shaping the field artillery gun. Whittle off the edges of blocks A and B as shown in Figs. 328 and 329. The sides of block B must be kept straight; the sides of block A must taper to a smaller diameter at the muzzle end. Figures 330 and 331 give the diameters for the finished ends. In trimming up block i6 4 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS A, cut the flange at the muzzle end to the same diameter as the opposite end (i-inch), then taper the wood from the opposite end towards the flange, making the thickness over the bore directly back of the flange, not much more than the thickness of paper. Round block B at both ends, as shown in Fig. 331. The pieces will then be ready for sand- papering. Pieces A and B are connected by the tube C, a spool (Fig. 332) with its flanges cut off, and its sides whittled to fit snugly in the bores of A and B (Figs. 325 and 332). Before joining the gun-tube sections, however, The Plunger for projecting the toy shells (D, Fig. 325) must be prepared, and be fastened in place in the breech end of the bore. Drill a hole through rod Dij^ inches from one end, stick the end of a piece of spring-brass wire through the hole (Fig. 333), and wrap several turns of the wire about the rod to form a spiral spring (Fig. 334). With the spring prepared, stick the rod through the breech opening, and fasten a spool-end upon it with glue and a brad (E, Figs. 325 and 335). When you have tried out the gun and found it to fire satisfactorily with One-half Inch Shells (Fig. 336), cut out of dowel-sticks in the way that the shells for the other gun were made, glue together parts A, B, and C. The Gun Carriage is shown in detail in Fig. 337. Cut carriages A in one piece, out of %-inch stuff (Fig. 338), then saw in hah for the pair. Drill a hole where indicated, through which to run the trunnions on which the cannon is Fig. 331 Fig. 332 Fig.333 Fig. 325. — Longitudinal Section of Gun Shown in Fig. 324 Figs. 326 and 327. — Wooden Blocks Required for Tube of Gun Figs. 328 and 329. — How the Blocks are Bored and Shaped Figs. 330 and 331. — Tube Blocks Completed Fig. 332. — Spool Connector Figs. 333-335. — Details of Plunger Fig. 336. — Half-inch Shell 165 i66 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS to be mounted. Cut base block B to the dimensions given in Fig. 339, nail the carriages to its sides, and drive lever C into a hole bored in one end. Cut turntable base D of the size shown in Fig. 340, bore a screw-hole through its center and drive a screw through the hole into base B of the gun carriage. The trunnion screws on which the gun is mounted, can be screwed through the holes in carriages A directly Fig. 338 -2-q sMq— * — lg- L, 2-H C Fig. 339 Fig. 337. — Detail of Gun-Carriage H Fig. 340 Fig. 339. — Carriage Base Fig. 338. — Pattern for Carriages Fig. 340. — Turntable Base into tube B of the gun, because the thickness of the wood around the bore is yi inch. Do not drive the screws deeper than one-half of this thickness. The Elevating Device is the same as that provided for the other gun (Fig. 337). TOY ARTILLERY AND MINIATURE WARFARE 167 You can leave your guns without Painting, but a coat of black or grey paint will much improve their appearance. Do not attempt to paint the inside of the bores; in fact, be careful not to let any paint run into them, for this would gum them up, and possibly spoil the action of the plunger. Figure 341 shows A Fortification made out of a piece of 2 by 4. Figure 342 shows how to mark out the embrasures, or openings for guns. Fig. 341. — Fortification Cut down the sides of the embrasures with a saw, and split out the wood between the saw kerfs with a chisel. Pieces cut from a 3^-inch dowel-stick, 2^ inches long, with a hole started in one end of each (Fig. 343), will answer admirably for play Disappearing Guns. Drive a tack into the breech end I of each gun, and another into the fortification, beneath each embrasure, then connect the tacks with pieces of string (Fig. 341). The purpose of the strings is merely to keep the guns from becoming separated from the fort, and getting lost. 168 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS A Flagstaff is mounted in the center embrasure of the fortification, instead of a gun (Fig. 341). Stick a small flag in a block of wood, set the block in the embrasure, and connect a string to tacks driven into the block and into the fortification. As the flag is to be fired upon, don't use an American flag. That would be an act of disloyalty. 7T7 TT ra y4£Mhhjhhk^iWhU#ih£iti*-3£\ ■-v '4- Z" Fig. 343 '€&^ Fig. 344 Fig. 342. — Pattern for Fortification Fig. 343. — Detail of Gun Fig. 344. — Flagstaff You can make a small flag by fastening a piece of cardboard to the end of a stick, as shown in Fig. 344. Suggestions for Laying Out the Battlefield will be obtained from the photograph of Fig. 304. Books piled up along a wall of a room, and covered with a rug, will give elevation and perspective to the background. Notice that the borders of the rug used in the battle scene shown in Fig. 304 make roads. Hang a sheet from tacks driven into the picture- moulding, for a sky background. Build small houses, churches, and other buildings out of cardboard. Use TOY ARTILLERY AND MINATURE WARFARE 169 evergreen twigs for trees. Make tents out of small pieces of cardboard folded V-shape. The author wishes that he might show some of the other battle scenes he has modeled, with hills, valleys, streams, bridges, etc., but space does not permit it. There are many ways of waging miniature wars. You can make and develop your own rules for righting, and for determining the victors. Mr. H. G. Wells, the English author, literary critic, and war correspondent, wrote an interesting volume several years ago, entitled "Little Wars ," which, if you can procure at your local public library, will give you many valuable suggestions for operating on both a large and a small scale. Mr. Wells has spent several days at a stretch, with friends, in working out miniature war manuevers, and you will find his descriptions of battles won and lost, intensely interesting. The author's miniature battles, participated in by his brother, and his chum Captain David Ross Fraser, U. S. A., will always be remembered by each as among the most thrilling of their boyhood pastimes. Battles were fought out to a finish, until every gun on one side had been silenced, every man slain. CHAPTER XIV SAND-MOTOR TOYS You can do more with a sand-motor than operate the paddle-wheel. It is about as powerful as a small electric- motor, and there are many pieces of toy machinery and other devices which can be rigged up and operated by it. In the photograph of Fig. 345 you will see A Practical Sand-Motor rigged up to run a toy trip- hammer and a toy grind-stone. When you have learned the way to connect up these toys, you will have no difficulty in devising other pieces of toy machinery; in fact, you can equip a miniature machine-shop. Figure 347 shows a longitudinal section of the completed toy. You can make the base any size that you want. That for the model illustrated (A), is 6 inches wide and 22 inches long. The Sand-Hopper (B) is an 8-inch tin funnel, costing 5 cents. Cut the hopper supports (C, Fig. 348), 20 inches long, bevel the top of each as shown in Fig. 349, to fit the sides of the funnel, tack the funnel to the beveled surfaces, and nail the lower ends of the uprights to the base. Figure 347 shows a cross-section of The Paddle-Wheel. Figures 350 to 353 show details of the wheel's construction. The wheel hub (D f Fig. 353) 170 Fig. 345. — Toy Machinery can be Operated by the Sand-Motor. SAND-MOTOR TOYS 171 is a spool, the wheel ends (E) and the paddles (F) are of cardboard. Cut the wheel end pieces of the size shown in Fig. 351, the paddles of the size shown in Fig. 352. To assemble the wheel, tack one end piece to the spool hub at its exact center, and fasten the paddles to that end by means °T% Fig. 347. — Longitudinal Section through Sand-Motor Toy of pins run through it into the edges of the paddles. Rule lines across the end piece so as to divide it into eight equal parts; then you will have no difficulty in spacing the paddles equidistantly. When the paddles have been fastened to one end piece, tack the other piece to the hub, and fasten it likewise to the paddle edges with pins. For Shafting, use carpenter dowel-sticks }£ ' mc ^ i* 1 diameter. For Pulley-Wheels use spools. Fasten a spool pulley to each side of the paddle-wheel, slip a piece of dowel-stick through the spool holes, for a shaft, and support the shaft 172 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS ends in screw-eyes driven into a pair of uprights (H, Fig. 350) fastened next to the sand-hopper supports (Fig. 347). Drive brass upholstering- tacks into the shaft ends to prevent them from pulling through the screw- eyes. The Position of the Paddle-Wheel must be as shown in Fig. 347, so the falling sand will strike upon the ends of the paddles. A tomato can (/, Fig. 347) catches the sand after it passes over the paddles of the wheel. It is best to have a pair of these cans, so that as soon as one fills it may be removed, and the second can quickly be slipped into its place. The filled can may then be emptied back into the sand-hopper. The paddle-wheel will throw forward part of the sand; therefore, to catch this sand, it is a good plan to make a cardboard chute similar to K (Fig. 347), and fasten its turned up edges to the hopper supports, and suspend its outer end by means of string run from it to the edge of the Fig. 348 Fig. 348. — Cross-Section Looking toward Sand- Hopper and Paddle- Wheel Fig. 349. — Detail of Hopper Support 91 SAND-MOTOR TOYS 173 hopper. In the photograph (Fig. 345), the chute was removed so as not to obstruct the view of the paddle-wheel. A small proportion of sand will spill even with the chute in position. To keep this from running off the base onto the floor, it is a good plan to make a ledge by nailing the strips L (Fig. 347) to the base edges. An opening at one corner (Fig. 345) will provide an outlet through which to pour out the spilt sand occasionally. Sand for Motor. If you can get beach sand for the hopper, get it. If you cannot, take coarser sand (builder's Fig. 350 Fig. 351 Fig. 352 Fig. 353 Fig. 350. — Sand- Motor Wheel Fig. 351. — End Piece of Wheel Fig.352. — Paddle Fig.353. — How End, Paddle and Spool Hub are Assembled torpedo sand, or any kind you can get) and screen out the finer particles through a piece of screen wire. Sand too coarse to go through screen-wire will clog the hopper outlet. If the sand is damp, it must be dried out to prevent caking. The Toy Trip -Hammer. Uprights M at the end of the base opposite to that on which the sand-motor is mounted 174 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS (Figs. 347 and 354), support shafting and pulleys operated by belts from the paddle-wheel. One of the shafts operates Fig. 355 Fig. 354 Fig. 356 Fig. 354. — ■ Cross-Section Looking Toward Framework Supporting Toy Trip-Hammer Figs. 355 and 356. — Details of Spool Pulleys, and Trip-Hammer the trip-hammer. The trip-hammer consists of a piece of pencil or dowel-stick (N, Figs. 347, 354 and 356), which slides up and down through a pair of screw-eyes screwed SAND-MOTOR TOYS i7S into one of the uprights M. A screw-eye in the top of the trip-hammer stick provides a point of attachment for the hoisting-cable; a round-headed tack in the lower end forms the hammer head, and a second round-headed tack driven into the base serves as an anvil. The hoisting-cable attached to the top of rod N must run up to and be tied around a beam (0) fastened across the tops of supports M (Fig. 354). This cable must be tripped by means of a tripper finger (P), a piece of tin folded in half and inserted in a slot cut in the side of a spool (Q, Fig. 355). Fasten this spool and another spool (R) upon a shaft (S), and mount this shaft upon screw-eye bearings screwed into Fig. 357 Fig. 358 Figs. 357 and 358. — Details of Toy Grindstone, Belt and Pulley the outer face of uprights M in the positions shown. Once during every revolution of the shaft, tripper ringer P will strike the hoisting-cable and raise the hammer as shown in Fig. 347, releasing it in passing, and letting the hammer drop upon the anvil. Run a string belt from spool pulley R over to one of the spool pulleys G on the paddle-wheel (Fig. 348). 176 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS The Toy Grindstone. Spool pulley T on the lower shaft V (Fig. 354) is belted to the second spool pulley G on the paddle-wheel, and spool-pulley U on shaft V is belted to Fig. 359. — Detail of Standard for Teeter Toy Shown in Fig. 346 Fig. 360. — Detail of Sand-Hopper Fig. 361. — Detail of Teeter a toy grind-stone built as shown in Figs. 357 and 358, with a base block W, uprights X, stone Y, and spool pulley Z. Mount the wheels in the same way that the other wheels are mounted. SAND-MOTOR TOYS 177 The Teeter Toy. This sand toy, shown in Fig. 346, is built with a sand-motor of its own. The Standard supporting the teeter is shown in detail in Fig. 359. Cut uprights A of the size shown in Fig. 362, base B of the size shown in Fig. 363. Fasten the uprights to the base 3 inches apart. ;t Fig. ~<& 366 Fig. 363 H-4--H k 8- fig. r 365 t --a- -16"- Fig. 362. — Pattern of Standard Upright Fig. 363. — Pattern of Base Fig. 364. — Pattern of Hopper Sides Fig. 365. — Pattern of Teeter Fig. 366. — Pattern of Teeter Sand- Pocket The Hopper is made of four pieces (D and E, Fig. 360). Cut a square piece of 3^-inch board of the size shown in Fig. 364, and saw it in half from corner to corner, for side pieces D\ cut end pieces E 2 inches wide by the length of the short edges of the side pieces. Lap the end pieces, and nail together, then nail sides D to their side edges. Bore a hole through the center of the hopper bottom (Fig. 360) for a sand outlet, then fasten the hopper between supports A, so the bottom is 3 inches below the top of the supports. i 7 8 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS The Teeter must be light in weight, and must be delicately balanced, so it will respond quickly to the overbalancing action of sand dropping into the pockets at the center. In making his first model, the author used a thin stick for the teeter plank, but found that it was too heavy. In the model shown in Fig. 346, a strip of card- board folded in three was used (F, Fig. 361), and the weight of this is just right. Cut the strip of cardboard of the size shown in Fig. 365, score it from end to end, % inch from each edge, as indi- cated by dotted lines in the pattern, and bend over the edges. By bending the strip in this way, it will be stiffened sufficient- ly to carry the weight of the sand dropping upon it FlG> 367 _ Boy for Teeter at the Center, and the Fig. 368. — Pattern of Boy's Body weight of the cardboard l 1G - »?■ ~ P attern ° f f *??'* Jf£ ° Fig. 370. — Pattern of Girl's Body dolls On the ends. The Fig. 371. — Pattern of Girl's Leg SAND-MOTOR TOYS 179 center sand-pockets are formed with the piece of cardboard G (Fig. 361), cut of the shape and size shown in Fig. 366, and the separator block H, which is \i inch thick, 1 inch wide, and 2 y 2 inches long. Tack the folded piece of card- board G to the sides of block H, and glue the teeter-board strip F, at its center, to the under side of the pockets. The teeter must be fas- tened between the supports so there will be y 2 inch space between the top of block H and the outlet in the hopper, and so the outlet will be exactly Over the Center of Fig. 372. - Tin Can Sand Scoop the top of block H. Use nails for pivots, and drill holes through uprights A a trifle larger than the nails, so the nails will turn easily Use halves of spools for washers (I, Fig. 361), to fill the space between the sides of the sand-pockets and the uprights. Strips C (Fig. 359) are nailed to the side edges of uprights A to act as bumpers. Their purpose is to prevent the teeter from tilting too far. In the model shown in the photograph, the strips are placed 1% inches below the level of the nail pivots. Adjust the strips on your model so as to have the teeter tilt to whatever angle you want it to go. How the Teeter Toy Works. When the sand-hopper is filled with sand free from pebbles and dirt that would clog the outlet, the teeter is set in motion. The sand pours into whichever sand pocket is tilted uppermost, until the weight is sufficient to cause an overbalance, then the end of the 180 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS teeter board on that side of the center drops until the bumper C is struck. As soon as the teeter tilts in this direction, the sand empties out of the pocket, and the sand from the hopper pours into the other pocket, now upper- most, until the weight again overbalances, and the teeter inclines in the other direction. Once begun, the teetering movement continues as long as sand remains in the hopper. The teeter toy requires a couple of Doll Teeterers. In Fig. 367 you will see how to make a boy doll. The pattern of the body in Fig. 368, and pattern of the legs in Fig. 369, are shown full-size. Make a tracing of each pattern, and transfer the tracing upon light-weight cardboard or heavy note-paper. Glue the legs to the sides of the body as shown in Fig. 367. Figure 370 shows a pattern for the body of the girl doll, and Fig. 371a pattern for the legs. Glue only the tip ends of the legs to the body. Slot each end of the teeter, slip the end of the doll body into the slot, and bend out the legs to straddle the teeter, as shown in Fig. 346. A Sand Scoop for throwing used sand back into the hopper, can be made by cutting away part of the side of a tin can, and nailing the can bottom to the end of a stick handle, as the scoop shown in Fig. 372 is made. CHAPTER XV A TOY DERRICK-CRANE WITH CLOCKWORK MOTOR All boys are interested in making things that "run," yet, surprisingly, few who have not had the possibilities demonstrated to them through the author's handicraft books and articles, think of utilizing clockwork for motive power. Those of you readers who have built the models described in The Boy Craftsman, Handicraft for Handy Boys, and Home-Made Toys for Girls and Boys, know that clockwork toys are among the best of home-made mechanical toys. You will not need to be told that the derrick-crane illustrated in Figs. 373 and 374 is well worth the time and effort required to make it. One of the good points about using Clockwork for Toy Motors is that any boy can obtain a set. The lifetime of the common form of alarm-clock is short enough to make discarded clocks plentiful, and all that a boy has to do, in case there isn't a worn-out clock at home, is to make inquiry of a friend or relative. Almost every one would be glad to have turned to account the clock that has become useless to him. Figure 375 shows a clockwork converted into a motor for the toy derrick-crane. Besides removing the clock hands, it is necessary to remove the balance-wheel (A, Fig. 181 182 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS 376) and the little lever (B) pivoted next to it. This is done to increase the speed of the clockwork. The wheel and pivot can be flipped out of their positions after the nuts which hold the frame together have been loosed. ^TOMAST jf PULLEY K-r 1 -*! z Vro -BOOM PULLEY Fig. 377 Fig. 376 Fig. 375. — Detail of Clockwork Motor. Rubber-Band Belts, Spool Pulleys and Drums Fig. 376. — Balance-Wheel and Lever to be Removed from Clockwork Fig. 377. — Detail of Drum Frame Upright The Pulley Wheel for belting up the clockwork motor to the toy is a short silk- thread spool (C, Fig. 375), fastened to the pivot from which the clock hands were removed. This spool may be fastened either with sealing-wax or solder. Lay the clockwork upon its back, center the spool on the pivot, and pour in the melted wax or solder; but be A. Fig. 373.— The Toy Derrick-Crane with Clockwork Motor. A TOY DERRICK-CRANE 183 sure to protect the surrounding wheels by placing a piece of paper over them, especially if you use solder, otherwise you are likely to spill the solder on the wheels and unite them into a solid mass. For Pulley-Belts, buy a couple of rubber-bands % inch wide and 2% inches long (D, Fig. 375). The purpose of one of the rubber-band belts is to turn the drum on which the cable is wound that raises the derrick boom; the purpose of the other rubber-band belt is to turn the drum on which the hoisting-cable is wound. The belts run from the spool pulleys F joined to the spool drums E, to the spool pulley C on the clock work motor (Figs. 375 and 378). By the two- belt arrangement, one or both winding-drums can be turned at a time, by slipping one or both belts upon pulley C on the clockwork motor. When only one belt is connected up, the other is slipped over the nail / (Fig. 375) to lock the winding-drum which it turns. By giving the belt a half twist before slipping it over the pulley, as shown in Fig. 375, the drum will turn in the direction opposite to that in which it turns when it runs straight over the pulley; there- fore, the winding and unwinding of the drums depend upon whether the belts run straight or are twisted. Five opera- tions can be controlled. The cable can be wound upon one drum while the other drum is locked (Fig. 375), or it can be unwound, both cables can be wound or unwound simul- taneously, and one cable can be wound while the other cable is being unwound. Also, both belts can be thrown off the motor pulley, and looped on to the nails / (Fig. 378), to lock the drums and allow the motor to run free. 184 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS The Winding- Drums are common thread spools (E, Figs. 378 and 379), the pulleys on their ends (F) are short silk spools. Nail the pulley spools to the drum spools with brads. Cut the axle for mounting the drums and pulleys enough smaller in diameter than the spool holes so the spools will turn easily (G, Fig. 379). The axles are mounted on supports H (Fig. 378), a pattern for which is given in Tig- 377- The axle holes are located on the pattern. The Motor Shack is shown in detail in Fig. 380. Patterns for the floor (/), end walls (K), and side wall (L), are _,. _ „ J n Fig. 378. — Drum and Pulley Frame given in Pig. ^8$. Cut floor Fig. 379. — Spool Drum, Pulley and J and ends K out of %-inch shaft wood, and use a piece of cigar-box wood for side L. The roof is shown in pattern M (Fig. 383). This is also a piece of cigar-box wood. The roof piece must be soaked in water, to prevent its splitting, before it is bent over the rounded ends K. The notch in the front edge of the roof piece is provided to admit the derrick mast. The notch in the front wall K is provided to admit the beam Q, (Fig. 384), and the hole bored to one side of the notch is made for the hoisting-cable to run through. Fig. 379 A TOY DERRICK-CRANE 185 Install the Motor before attaching the roof to the shack. Place the clockwork against wall L, mark the points where the pivots touch the wood, and bore holes through the wall at these points for the pivots to stick through. One of the 7 Fig.380 Fig. 381 Fig. 382 Fig. 380. — Detail of Motor Shack Figs. 381 and 382. — Details of Turntable Truck Fig. 383. — Patterns for Parts of Shack and Truck projecting pivots is for the alarm-winding key, another is for the time-winding key. Screw these keys onto their pivots, and they will hold the clockwork to the wall. Nail the winding-drum supports H to floor / and to front wall K. ^R <4V Fig. 389 oj / 6 u T Fig. 386 K |x^*xl2" % ^3" x 3" x ,2 n Fig. 385 Fig. 384 Fig. 390 Figs. 387 and 388 Fig. 389. — Pulley Supports Fig. 384. — Derrick Beam Fig. 385. — Derrick Mast Fig. 386. — Spool Pulley and Axle How Pulley is Made Fig. 390. — Derrick Boom 186 A TOY DERRICK-CRANE 187 The motor shack is pivoted upon a base (N, Fig. 381), to turn as A Turntable, so that the derrick-crane may be swung around in any direction, and the base N is mounted on spools (O, Fig. 382), to form a truck that can be moved along a track (Figs. 373 and 374). Pivot the shack with a screw slipped through a hole bored through the center of board N and screwed into the center of floor J. Slip the center portion of a spool (P) between floor J and board N. The Derrick is the next portion to construct. First prepare The Beam Q by the diagram of Fig. 384, with one end notched on each side to fit between the lower ends of the boom (Fig. 390). Slip the beam through the notch in the front wall of the shack, and nail it to floor /. Then prepare The Mast R of the size shown in Fig- 385. At the upper end of this is fastened The Mast Pulley T (Figs. 385 and 386). The pulley-wheel is Fig. 392 Figs. 391 and 392.— Details of Hoisting- Block Fig. 393. — Detail of Hoisting-Cable 1 88 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS made of the ends of a spool (Fig. 387). The easiest way to saw off the ends of a spool is to drive three spools onto a stick whittled to fit tightly in their holes (Fig. 388), and then hold onto two of the spools while you saw off the ends of the third spool. Cut an axle to fit the pulley- wheel (U, Fig. 386), and prepare a pair of supports with a hole in each to receive the axle ends (S, Fig. 389). Nail the supports to the mast end as shown in Fig. 385. The Boom (Fig. 390) has two side sticks (V), two sepa- rators (W), and a pair of pulleys (T). Make the pulleys like the mast-top pulley. Assemble the boom parts as shown. The lower ends of sticks V are pivoted to the end of beam Q, so the boom can be raised and lowered. Bore holes through strips V for screw pivots to run through. The Hoisting-Block (Fig. 391) consists of a spool-end pulley (T), a frame made of two axle supports (S, Fig. 392), a separator (T^), and a screw-hook (X). Assemble the parts as shown. Heavy cotton wrapping-twine is best for The Cables. Attach the cable for raising and lowering the boom to a small double-pointed tack driven into the upper separator W of the boom ( F, Fig. 390), then run it over the pulley on the top of the mast, run it down through a hole in the roof of the shack, and tie it to the upper winding- drum. Tie the hoisting-cable to a double-pointed tack driven into the under side of the upper separator W (Z, Fig. 393), pass it completely around the pulley of the hoisting-block, then run it up and once around the upper pulley of the A TOY DERRICK-CRANE 189 boom, then down to and once around the lower pulley of the boom, and then through the hole in the front wall of the motor shack, and tie to the lower winding-drum. A drop of glue will hold the string cables fast to the winding- drums. Tracks for the derrick truck to run upon can be made of a pair of long sticks, and these can be nailed to the tops of boxes, or placed across the tops of chair backs. An electro-magnet is one of the most interesting of the simpler, easily constructed pieces of electrical apparatus which a boy can make. In the author's book The Handy Boy, are shown several things to make with electro-magnets. In this chapter an electro-magnet is shown incorporated in a toy traveling crane (Fig. 394) The crane travels back and forth upon a track supported on chair backs, and the electro-magnet, raised by a cord cable that winds upon a spool drum, will lift as many as two hundred and fifty brads at a time. One of the author's readers who built an electro-magnet derrick like the one described in The Handy Boy, writes that by making a trifle longer electro- magnet than that shown in the model, he was enabled to lift a weight of 1 pound 2 ounces. The traveling crane is easy to make. The Crane Carriage (Fig. 395) is a simple frame built up of two pairs of wooden strips (A and B), mounted upon a pair of ribbon spool wheels (C), with a third spool (D) mounted between for the cable winding-drum Bore three 34-inch holes through strips A (Fig. 396) for the spool axles. Cut the axles to fit snugly in the holes of the spool wheels and winding-drum (Figs. 397 and 398), and cut 190 AN ELECTRO-MAGNET TRAVELING CRANE 191 their ends to fit loosely in the holes in strips A. Crank F (Fig. 399) is to be fastened to axle E. A similar crank must be fastened to one end of one of the wheel axles (Fig. Fig. 394. — The Electro-Magnet Traveling-Crane 395). A long brad forms the crank-handle. The handle for the winding-drum crank should fit loosely, and several small holes should be drilled in stick A in the correct posi : tions so the crank handle can be pushed into them to lock the winding-drum at any point desired (Fig 395) The crank on the wheel axle moves the crane carriage along its tracks. 192 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS To Switch To BATTERY- Make the Tracks of Sticks heavy enough to support the carriage and loads to be hoisted, without bending. Nail strips across the ends of the track sticks to hold them at the proper distance apart (Fig. 394). The Electro- Magnet has a core of soft iron encased in a coil of wire. When an electric current passes through this coil, the core be- comes a magnet, but it retains its mag- netism only as long as the current continues to pass through the wire. In using an electro - magnet, therefore, the elec- tric current must be passed through the coil continuously while a load is being lifted, and shut off when the load is to be dropped. Figure 40O shows FlGS - 396 ' 399 - _ Details of Crane Carriage the completed electro-magnet. A carriage-bolt about 2^ inches long and \i inch in diameter is needed for the magnet Fig. 395. — Detail of Crane Carriage and Electro-Magnet Fig. 399 Fig. 396 Fig 397 AN ELECTRO-MAGNET TRAVELING CRANE 193 core, insulated electric-bell wire for the coil, cardboard, paper, and a dry-battery cell. Cut three cardboard washers of the diameter of the bolt- ToHoisting-Cable Fig. 400 Fig. 401 Fig. 402 Fig. 400. — The Electro-Magnet Fig. 401 and 402. — Detail Showing Magnet Winding head (Fig. 401), slip them over the bolt, and screw on the nut (Fig. 402). Then slip one end of the wire between the upper two washers, and, starting at that end, wind the wire around the bolt, pushing each turn close to the preceding turn. When the head of the bolt is reached, wind back to i 9 4 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS the starting point; then wind back to the head again, and so on until four or six layers have been wound on. Slip the second end of the wire between the cardboard washers, and screw the nut tight to hold the coil in position. Figures 394 and 395 show how one wire end of the coil Fig. 405 Fig. 403 -TO- MAGNET-" * / -TOBATTERY y Figs. 403 and 404. — Switch Open and Closed Fig. 405. — Details of Binding-Post and Contact Plates Figs. 406-407. — Details of Switch Fig. 404 is connected by wire with a dry-battery cell, how the other end is connected with a switch on the crane carriage, and how a third wire connects the battery with the switch. The Switch for opening and closing the electric circuit is shown in Figs. 403 and 404. Make the contact plates A out of tin or brass (Fig. 405), and punch holes through AN ELECTRO-MAGNET TRAVELING CRANE 195 them for screw-eye binding-posts B, for brass tack contact point C, and for the lever screw. Make lever D (Figs. 406 and 407) of tin or brass, with turned up tips on one end to tack to the wooden knob E. The Hoisting -Cable cord is to be attached to the top of the magnet, then run up and over the winding-drum spool, and glued to it. CHAPTER XVII A TOY MACHINE-GUN If you will carefully follow the instructions and working details given in this chapter, you will have in your possession after a few hours' work, the toy machine-gun shown in Fig. 408. This gun will fire twelve wooden cartridges in as short a time as it takes to turn the firing-crank twelve revolutions. It will wipe out an army of toy soldiers in no time at all. If you want to, you can organize a machine- gun squad and drill out in the open as the boys in the photograph of Fig. 409 are doing. A pamphlet on machine- gun drill can be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Figure 410 shows a detail of the completed machine-gun, and the tripod mount. Figures 411 and 412 are longitudinal sections through the stock, barrel, and cartridge chamber and magazine, showing the hammer and firing mechanism. Figure 413 shows a longitudinal section of the gun-stock. This is the first part of the gun to prepare. It is made of three parts {A, B, and C). Figure 414 shows dimensions of the blocks required for parts A and B. After planing up these blocks square and true, and of the given dimen- sions, draw diagonal lines across both ends of block A, and across one end of block B, to locate the centers. Then 196 Fig. 410. — Detail of Machine-Gun and Tripod 197 198 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS with a %-inch bit bore a hole through the center of block A from end to end, and another hole through the center of B for a distance of 7 inches. These holes are for the barrel (F, Figs. 411 and 417), a piece of brass-tubing y 2 inch in diameter. The reason for boring the hole larger than the Fig. 411. — Machine-Gun before Hammer has been Drawn Back barrel is so that the barrel can be mounted straight even though the hole runs a trifle off center. This will allow for only a slight correction, so you must bore the holes accurately. The brass tubing used for the barrel must not be forced into a crooked hole, as it will bend easily, and a bent bore would make a poor gun. It is best to bore from both ends of block A halfway through the length. When the holes have been bored, round off the top of block A from end to end, as shown in Fig. 415, and shape off the top of block B at the A TOY MACHINE-GUN 199 end through which the barrel hole has been bored, so when blocks A and B are joined their ends will match. Two mortises must be cut in block B, one mortise down through the top as far as the barrel bore, the other up through the bottom as far as the bore, The mortises are located, and Fig. 412. — Machine-Gun with Hammer in Position for Firing their sizes are indicated, on Figs. 413 and 415. Mark out the mortises carefully. Bore several }4-inch holes inside of the mortise lines, boring them as deep as the barrel bore, then cut out the wood between the holes with a chisel, and square up the mortises. When blocks A and B have been prepared, fasten them together with plate C (Fig. 413). Cut this of the same width as the blocks, and 10 inches long, and lap it as shown. Handle E on the breech end is a wire coat-hook. Mark out side pieces D of the stock frame by the pattern shown in Fig. 413 Fig. 416 Fig. 413. — • Longitudinal Section of Machine-Gun Stock Figs. 414 and 415. — ■ Details of Stock Fig. 416. — Detail of Stock Frame 200 A TOY MACHINE-GUN 201 Fig. 416. The easiest way to prepare these parts so they will be alike is to tack together two 24-inch boards, mark out the outline upon one board, and then saw out the two pieces at one time. Plane up and sandpaper the edges, before separating the pieces. Also, bore the holes shown in Fig. 416 — four 3^-inch holes near the top edge, and four holes of the sizes marked, in the positions located. Use for these holes will be shown later. The piece of tubing for The Barrel must be free from corrosion on the inside, it must be straight, and its ends must be reamed out with a file if burrs remain on the inside edges from the cutting of the pipe. The author used a piece of iron gas-pipe in his first model, but found that brass tubing is better as it presents a smoother inside surface, it is easier to cut, also. You can get brass tubing at almost any machine-shop. If they haven't a piece of the right size at hand, they will likely get a piece for you, or be able to tell you where you can get it. A piece 20 inches long is required. Figures 417 and 418 show how the chamber end of the barrel must be slotted for a length of 2 inches, and how the upper half of the tubing must be cut away for a distance of 4 inches. You can cut the slot with a flat file y% inch thick, using it edgewise, and making the slot equal in width to the thick- ness of the file. The upper part of the tubing can be cut away by using the file flatwise. The pair of small holes shown pierced through the tubing near its end are provided for anchoring the barrel in the gun-stock by driving a finishing-nail through the gun-stock and through the holes. 202 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS The Front Sight (Z, Fig. 410) is a strip of tin of the size shown in Fig. 419, bent to fit over the muzzle of the barrel, with the tip of one end of the strip hammered over on to the other end (Fig. 420). The wire for The Hammer Rod (G, Figs. 411 and 412) must be of No. 6 gauge. Figures 421 and 422 show the correct shape and size. To make the turns at the point for pivoting, bend the wire around a bolt or dowel-stick. Spools H Fig. Fig. Fig. 417 420 419 fc t4-2- 20" ■ — 1 — — — _ - ^ ).?£! Holes Fig. 418 Figs. 417 and 418. — ■ Details of Tubing for Machine-Gun Barrel Figs. 419 and 420. — Details of Front Sight i (Fig. 421) are used to keep the rod centered half way between sides D of the gun-stock frame. Cut off as much of the end of each spool as is necessary to make the pair of the right length to fill the space each side of the rod. A ^-inch bolt 3 inches in length is required for the hammer-rod pivot (/, Fig. 421). The Hammer Spring is a screen-door spring (/, Figs. 411 and 421). Pull out several turns of one end as shown in Fig. 421, and slip them over the upper end of the hammer- rod. Pin the other end of the spring between pieces D A TOY MACHINE-GUN 203 with the nail K (Figs. 410 and 41 1), slipping the nail through the holes in the fore end of pieces D. It may be necessary to break off an inch or so of one end of the spring, to make it short enough so it will be held in tension when its ends are fastened. The Firing Crank (L, Figs. 410 and 411) is made of wire of the same thickness as that used for the hammer-rod. Fig. 422 Fig. 423 Fig. 421 Figs. 421 and 422. — Details of Hammer-Rod and Pivot Fig. 423. — Detail of Firing-Crank Figure 423 shows dimensions for bending the piece. The loop bent in this piece of wire acts as a tripper on the hammer- rod end, as you will see by looking at Figs. 410 and 411. The hammer-rod, spring, and firing-crank must be mounted in the gun-stock frame between side pieces D before the Fig. 426 Fig. 427 F '-l(M L M JL ±i 8 H Fig 428. T- — ' \r „,"?>eolco In i """"7 J — *^ _ ^ _ N- Fig. 424 Fig. 425 Fig. 424. — Detail of Cartridge Fig. 425. — ■ Magazine Filled with Cartridges Figs. 426 and 427. — ■ Details of Magazine Fig. 428. — Weight for Holding Cartridges in Position 204 A TOY MACHINE-GUN 205 latter are fastened to the stock. Figure 411 shows the right position for the hammer tip when the hammer-rod has been released, and Fig. 412 shows the point to which the hammer must be drawn by the firing-crank rod tripper before being released. If you have bent the hammer-rod and firing-crank rod as shown in the drawings, the hammer tip should come at the two points shown. If it does not, bending the wires at slightly different angles will bring about the proper adjustment. Before proceeding further with the construction, it will be well to test out the machine-gun with Cartridges. These are pieces of dowel-sticks Yz inch in diameter, cut to the length shown in Fig. 424, with one end whittled cartridge-shape. Sandpaper the cartridges smooth, then wax and polish them. To make the bore of the barrel as smooth as possible, pour oil into it, and then, with a piece of soft rag on the end of a slender stick, spread the oil and remove the surplus. Give plenty of time to testing the firing efficiency of the gun, and adjust and readjust the hammer-rod and firing-crank rod until you are satisfied with the results obtained. The Magazine (Fig. 425) is fastened to the gun-stock directly over the upper mortise, so that the cartridges dropped into it will slip into the chamber beneath. Figure 426 shows how to cut the piece of tin required for the magazine, from the side of a tin can. Leave the turned- over edge on the can side, as shown, to reinforce the upper edge of the magazine. Figure 427 gives the dimensions for cutting and folding the piece of tin. Bend the lower 206 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS edge to form flanges through which to drive tacks for fastening the magazine to the top of the gun-stock. The weight shown in Fig. 428 is necessary to hold down the cartridges so the bottom cartridge will always be in Fig. 435 H!"K 5=S IE Fig. 437 \lf S V KM \ Fig. 429 Fig. 432 Fig. 433 Fig. 431 Fig. 429. — Machine-Gun Tripod Figs. 430-434. — Details of Tripod Figs. 435-437. — Details of Yoke for Mounting Gun on Tripod the right position in the chamber for the hammer to strike. A piece of solder, or a piece of almost any kind of metal, will do. If you use solder, a screw-eye can be set into one A TOY MACHINE-GUN 207 side, to which to attach a piece of string as a means for lifting out the weight after the last of the cartridges has been fired, preparatory to refilling (Fig. 425). The slot in the side of the magazine is made wide enough so the finger can be slipped along it to guide the cartridges dropped into the magazine. Figure 410 shows The Tripod mount for the machine-gun, and Figs. 429 to 434 show details of its construction. Prepare the head block P of the dimensions given in Fig. 430, and cut three notches in the edge, of the sizes shown, and spaced equi- distantly, for the legs. Bore the center hole to receive the yoke spindle V (Fig. 436). Cut the front pair of legs R and the rear leg S of the sizes shown in Fig. 431. Bore a ^-inch hole through each leg i34 inches from the upper end, and cut off the corners of the lower end as shown. To mount the legs, screw a screw-eye into the tripod head each side of each notch (T, Fig. 432), then cut the dowel-pin pivots U (Fig. 433), and drive them through screw-eyes T and through the holes in the legs (Fig. 429). Cut socket block Q of the size shown in Fig. 434, bore a hole through its center to receive the yoke V, and fasten it to the exact center of tripod head P. Prepare yoke V and lever W (Fig. 435) of the dimensions shown in Figs. 436 and 437. Cut the spindle on the lower end of yoke V to fit the hole in socket block Q, and bore a hole through the upper end of the yoke through which to drive the axis bolt for pivoting the gun, to provide for 2 o8 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Fig. 441 Fig. 439 Fig. 438. — Wash-Basin Helmet Figs. 439-441.— How to Attach Rings and Straps to Wash- Basin changing elevations. Use the thumb-bolt X and wing-bolt F(Fig. 410) for making this connection. Paint all parts of the gun black or grey. To make them less conspicuous in the field, it is com- mon practice to paint guns by what is known as the "rainbow smudge" system. But you will not want to dabble in the art of cam- ouflage when finish- ing yourtoy machine gun. To be an up-to- date machine gun- ner, you must wear A Helmet like that the boys in Fig. 409 are wearing. A detail of this helmet is shown in Fig. 438. It consists of a A TOY MACHINE-GUN 209 tin wash-basin 11 inches in diameter (Fig. 439) with a pair of rings bent out of wire (Fig. 440) soldered to the inside, through which to run the chin-strap (Fig. 441). Stitch the strap to the rings, to keep the basin from slipping sidewise. CHAPTER XVIII DRILL-GUNS Every boy wants to belong to a drill-club, and if instruc- tion from a man with military training can be obtained, there is no reason why a boys' club or class should not organize a drill club. The handbook Infantry Drill Regulations, which can be purchased for 50 cents, should be obtained as a reference book, and should be followed closely. Its instructions will be understood more easily after drill movements have been demonstrated by the drill master. When the author was a lad, the neighborhood boys organized a drill-club, and commissioned him to make guns. These must have fallen far short of standard speci- fications, because there were no dimensioned drawings in the woodshed "arms plant" to work by; but, as the author recollects, the guns were fearsome looking weapons, with long tinfoil-covered stick bayonets, which, by the way, were "fixed" at all times — which is strictly against regula- tions, but unknown to the boys at that time. You can make better guns than these were, for this chapter presents all of the working details necessary. The Simple Model of Drill-Gun shown in Fig. 444 has a stock cut in one piece. A pattern for this, ruled off into Fig. -±i3.— -Squad at "Port Arms" (Equipped with Home-Made Drill- Guns and Wasii-Basin Helmets) . DRILL GUNS Fig. 444 — A Simple Model of Drill-Gun squares measuring y% inch each way, each square repre- senting i inch, is shown in Fig. 445. To lay out a full-size pattern, draw a similar set of squares, 1 inch square, upon a piece of paper, and reproduce the outline exactly as it is shown upon the small squares. Saw out the piece, round the edges, and sandpaper the wood. This will provide A Pattern for Marking Out Dupli- cate Stocks. You will save time by marking out at one time as many of the stocks as you will require. The Barrel is made of a broom-handle (Fig. 447). Cut a shallow groove along the top edge of the stock for the barrel to fit in, and fasten the barrel with screws and wire bands. For a Trigger, drive a bent nail (C, Fig. 448) into the stock at the point indicated in Fig. 446, and for A Trigger-Guard fasten a plumber's pipe-strap (D, Fig. 448) to the stock, covering the trigger. For the Front Sight, bend a piece of tin into the shape of E (Fig. 449), for FlG> 445- L P l ttern of The Rear Sight (F, Fig. 450) cut a Stock of Drill-Gun Shown in Fig. 444 2i2 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS piece of tin of the shape shown in Fig. 451, bend it in half, turn up the ends, and bend down the tips of these. Tack the sights to the barrel in the positions shown in Fig. 444. Zj Fig. 447 Fig. 446 Fig. 446. Fig. 447. Fig. 448 Fig. 451 Fig. 450 Fig. 449 - Stock Fig. 449. — Front Sight - Barrel Fig. 450 and 451. — Rear Sight Fig. 448. — • Trigger and Trigger-Guard The gun will now be ready for Finishing. Give the stock a coat of stain or paint of a walnut color. Stain is preferable to paint. When the stain has dried, apply a coat of shellac, then a coat of flat varnish. Paint the barrel black; also the trigger, trigger- guard, and sights. Fig. 452. — Springfield Model of Drill-Gun The drill-gun shown in Fig. 452 is A Springfield Rifle Model. Its stock requires consider- able more work to cut than the stock of the simpler model, but most boys prefer it for drilling because its lines more nearly approach the lines of the modern army rifle. Enlarge the pattern for DRILL-GUNS 213 The Stock and Barrel, shown in Fig. 453, in the manner directed for the other model's stock. Be careful in enlarging this pattern to locate the various points correctly. Before cutting out the piece, it will be well to check up your measurements to be certain that you have made no errors. The barrel end may be either a piece of 34- inch dowel-stick, or 3^-inch gas-pipe, 6 inches long (B, Fig. 454). Bore a hole 2 inches in depth in the barrel and drive the piece B into it. Fasten with nails if a dowel-stick is used, or with a screw driven through a drilled hole, if iron pipe is used. The Trigger and Trigger-Guard (C and D) are the same as those of the other model of gun (Fig. 448). The Front Sight (E) is shown in detail in Fig. 454. Figure 455 shows the shape and size to cut the strip re- quired. A piece of a tin can will do. Trim off the ends of the strip as shown, bend the piece to fit around the barrel, and hammer the ends together. The Rear Sight is made to fold flat against the top of the barrel (F, Figs. 452 and 456). When laid down, the — ■ r— — -i 4 1 I r . v 1 : ^A- -F5 t L_ L_ 5 t £ X V4 -CJ r T _\ r~ Y j ^_ - - I.. o CO Fig. 453. — Pattern of Stock and Barrel of Drill Gun shown in Fig. 452 2i 4 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS position is known as battle sight', when raised, the semi- circular notch in the upper edge is known as the open sight, the hole beneath it is known as the peep sight. Cut a piece of tin of the s ze V a n l] Fi G. 454 1 rof^j f-CG — 6" if X^ th Fig. 454. — Detail of Front Sight Fig. 455 Fig. 455. — Pattern of Front Sight J i. ■H Fig. 457 Figs. 456-458.- Fig. 458 Fig. 45G Details of Rear Sight Drop-Leaf Fig. 460 Figs. 459 and 460. shown in Fig. 457, for leaf F, and turn the lower end over a piece of wire (G, Fig. 458). Bend the ends of the piece of wire into loops, and tack these loops to the sides of the gun-stock (Fig. 456). The leaf will turn up and down with the wire as an axis. Tack H (Fig 456, driven close to the hinge of the leaf, will act as a stop when the leaf Fig. 459 Details of Sling is raised, and can be used as the rear sight when the leaf is laid flat. Finish the Drill-Gun in the manner suggested for the other model. Then it will be ready for The Sling (/, Fig. 452), without which it would not be complete. An excellent sling that will resemble more or less closely a modern rifle sling, can be made of an old pair DRILL-GUNS 215 U.UjJu. of suspenders. Figure 459 shows a sling so made. Separate the suspenders where crossed (Fig. 460), cut off the button- hole tips on the rear ends, and sew the two lengths together. The snaps on the front ends will then snap over the eyes i", screwed into the stock (Fig. 452), and the slide-buckles can be used to shorten the straps. For the eyes use bent-over screw- eyes (I, Fig. 452). Stain the sling with walnut stain, to make it look as nearly like leather as possible. The Weight of a Spring- field is 8.69 pounds. Your drill-gun, even if made of heavy wood, will be ex- tremely light by comparison. To Increase the Weight of Drill-Guns, the author has found it a good scheme to bore several holes in the stock and barrel, and pour these full of melted lead. In doing this, be careful to keep the center-of-balance at about the position of the rear-sight leaf. A Bayonet is easily made out of wood (Fig. 461). Cut Fig. 461.— Bayonet Fig. 462. Scabbard 216 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS the blade of the shape and size of A (Fig. 463), and build up the grip end with the blocks B. Bend a piece of heavy wire into a double loop, like C (Fig. 465) for the guard, and cut a groove across the inner face of blocks B for the wire U — -4" — *i Fg. 463. — Detail of Bayonet Fig. 465 Fig. 464 Figs. 464-466. — How Grip of Bayonet Attaches to Gun Fig. 467. — Gun with Fixed Bayonet to fit into (Figs. 463 and 464) . Cut a slot 2 inches long in the end of the blade (Fig. 464). Nail the grip blocks to the end of the blade, and then shape the assembled grip as shown in Fig. 467. If the loops of the guard have been bent properly, they will slip over the muzzle of the barrel. To hold the end of the grip, fasten the metal strip D (Fig. 466) to the stock, to fit in the slot cut in the end of the blade (Fig. 464). Finish the bayonet by first sandpapering the wood very carefully, making the edge sharp and straight. Then paint DRILL-GUNS 217 the blade with aluminum paint, and finish the grip with walnut stain. A Scabbard for the bayonet is shown in Fig. 462. Make this out of two pieces of cardboard, glued together along the edges, with a covering of khaki-colored cloth. Make the top loop large enough for your belt to run through. PART III Backward and Camp Craft Two-Arm Semaphore Signaling by a Patrol of the Author's Troop of Boy Scouts of America, Elmhurst, Ills. Every boy ought to know how to converse by means of one of the several signal systems in common use. About the simplest system to learn, and one which makes rapid sending possible, is the two-arm semaphore system; there- fore, the way to make a pair of hand signal flags, and the signal-code, is shown in this chapter. It is not necessary to own a pair of flags to learn the code, since the positions of the arms of the boy signalling determine the code letters. The flags serve to amplify the hand positions, and of course this is necessary when sending from a distance. It is easiest to learn the code without the flags, because then you need concern yourself only with the positions of your arms in forming the letters. As soon as you have memorized the positions, and can send at a rate of at least thirty letters a minute, you will be so proud of your achievement that you will want to own a pair of flags at once. A Hand Flag of Standard Size is shown in Fig. 468, its dimensions are given in Fig. 469, and the size of its staff is shown in Fig. 470. The flag is divided diagonally into two parts, one of which is made of red muslin, the other of white. Cut the cloth enough larger than shown to 222 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS allow for turning over % inch of each edge for a hem. If you have mother or sister do this stitching on the sewing-machine, it will be the best way of getting a good job done quickly. Cut the staff stick of the size shown, round the edges, and sand- paper all surfaces smooth. Then shellac it, and when the shellac has dried tack the flag to one side. Memorizing the Code is not difficult, but it requires continuous prac- tice to get to the point where one can send rapid- ly. The following sug- gestions will help you "get the hang" of it, and probably you will be able to work out schemes of your own that will help you remember the for- mation of certain letters. Observe, first of all, Fig. 468. — Hand Flag Fig. 469. — Pattern for Hand Flag Fig. 470. — Staff for Hand Flag SIGNALLING 223 that the positions of the arms in forming the letters of the alphabet are eight in number, and correspond to the posi- tions of the hour-hand of a clock when at 6 o'clock, 7 30, g o'clock, 10:30, 12 o'clock, 1:30, 3 o'clock, and 4:30. Observe, also, that the arms advance clockwise, in going through the alphabet. In forming letters A to D, the left hand is placed in the position of a clock's hour-hand when at 6 o'clock, the right- hand is placed successively at 7:30, 9 o'clock, 10:30, and 12 o'clock. In forming letters E to G, the right hand is substituted for the left hand, and the left hand is advanced from 1:30 to 4:30. For letters H and /, the left hand is held at 7:30, the right hand is placed at 9 o'clock, then at 10:30. Letters K to N are formed with the right-hand held at 7:30, the left hand is placed successively at 12 o'clock, 1 :3o, 3 o'clock, and 4:30. For letters P to S, the right hand is held at 9 o'clock, the left hand is placed successively at 12 o'clock, 1:30, 3 o'clock, and 4:30. For letters T, U, and Y, the right-hand is held at 10:30, the left hand is placed at 12 o'clock, 1:30, and 3 o'clock. For letters / and V, the right hand is held at 12 o'clock, the left hand is placed at 3 o'clock and 4:30. For letters W and X, the left hand is held at 1 :3o, the right hand at 3 o'clock and 4:30. For letter Z, the left hand is held at 3 o'clock, the right hand at 4:30. Remember that the letter U is like a letter U., that letter N is U inverted (same as small letter n is letter u inverted) ; letter Y is like a letter Y except that the left-hand is dropped one position; letter X is really the left-hand side of a 224 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS letter X. Opposite letters are A and G, B and F, C and E, H and Z, / and X, / and P, K and V, O and W (think of and "double-yo"), M and S, and Q and Y. Perhaps you will find it helpful to associate these letters in this way. INTCRROGAfOKY w ACKNOWLCD&C Fi(j. 471. — Signal Code To Attract Attention, before starting to signal, shake the flags above your head in the positions indicated for attention. Before sending numerals, cross the flags over head as shown for numerals. Use letters A to J for numbers. Spell out numerals when they come in the body of a message. If you make an error, signal A. To annul a message, make N. To acknowledge that the message has been understood, make R. To signify readiness, send L. Indi- cate a negative reply by K, an affirmative reply by P, a question by O. Finish a Message with a chop-chop motion of the flags at "the right, as indicated for "end." Abbreviations will not be confused with letters, by the receiver, if the sender follows them with the interval. CHAPTER XX SIMPLE MODEL AIRPLANES Before you can build successful model airplanes, you must know the principles which govern their stability, and the best way to learn these is with gliders like those shown in this chapter. When you have experimented with these, you will be so interested in the work that you will want to make motor-propelled models, and for models of this type the author refers you to his handicraft book, The Handy Boy, in which are presented instructions for building record- breaking models, for making propellers and rubber-band motors, for a motor- winder and flight-distance measuring apparatus. For gaining an understanding of The Matter of Balance , take a business-size envelope. Drop this flat, straight down, and it will land upon the ground without upsetting; but give it a forward move- ment and it will upset. Its upsetting in the one case but not in the other is due to the action of two forces, the force of gravity which pulls it groundward, and the air pressure beneath which buoys it up. In order to have it balance, the centers of these two forces must coincide. The Center of Gravity and Center of Air Pressure. The center of gravity is always the center of weight, the balancing 225 Fig. 472 /' If // /■■ Us 1 1 y \ t l l t 1 1 II V i A VJ /I I ■if » / Fig. 473 '***.. Fig. 474 Fig. 476 Figs. 472-476^ — Diagrams in Explanation of the Matter of Balance 226 SIMPLE MODEL AIRPLANES 227 point. The center of air pressure varies. When the envelope is dropped straight down, flat (Fig. 472), this center of pressure (P) comes at the same point as the center of gravity (G),and there is perfect balance. When the envelope moves forward while dropping, how- ever, the center of air pressure shifts forward, the front edge is forced up, and the envelope upsets (Fig 473). To Make An Envelope Glide without upsetting it is necessary to shift the center of gravity to a point Figs. 477 and 478. — An Envelope Glider which will coincide with the center of pressure. This can be done by adding weight to the forward edge. Try a paper-clip, slipping it over the envelope as shown in Fig. 474. If, with the clip in place, the envelope darts head-on to the ground, the clip is too heavy, and has caused the center of gravity to shift beyond the center of pressure (G and P,Fig. 474). Slide the clip back and forth until the weight is so adjusted that the envelope will first dip nose- 228 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS down for a distance, then straighten up and glide horizon- tally, as shown in Fig. 475. If an air current strikes the envelope sidewise, it will cause the center of pressure to shift and the envelope to upset. Bend the envelope along its center so that the Fig. 479. — A Cardboard Glider ends will tilt up (Fig. 476), and the danger of upsetting will be lessened. The tilted surface allows the air to slip off of the ends more readily than a flat surface does. Con- sequently, when a side current strikes end A (Fig. 476), lifts it up, and turns end B down, as indicated by dotted lines, the envelope glider quickly rights itself because the air slips out from under tilted end A and the air pressure forces up flat end B. Figure 477 shows An Envelope Glider made by opening all pasted flaps of an envelope (Fig. 478), and slipping a paper clip over the folded over gummed flap. SIMPLE MODEL AIRPLANES 229 Fig. 480 Figure 479 shows A Cardboard Glider. The framework, or fuselage (A), connecting the planes, is a cardboard strip of the dimensions shown in Fig. 480, folded where indicated by dotted lines, into the shape shown in Fig. 481. Main plane B and elevator plane C are pieces of cardboard of the size shown in Figs. 482 and 483. Cut a notch at the center of each of the long edges of each plane as shown. The planes must be centered on the fuselage. Cut slots in the fuselage strip, as indicated, to slip the planes through, and when you find by testing FlGS - 48 °- 483 - out the glider that the ends of the planes balance, fix the planes in position with pins run through from the under side of the fuselage (Fig. 481). In launching the model, turn it so that elevator plane C is in front. The advantage in making the glider type of model air- Fig. 482 -Detail of Parts of Cardboard Glider 23 o CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS plane is that it requires neither motor nor propellers, which are the most difficult parts of model airplanes to make. The glider will not go a great distance, but if you will shoot it into the air by means of a rubber-band sling shot you can send it several hundred feet. Fig- ure 484 shows A Sling-Shot Glider. Cut stick A (Fig. 485) of the proportions shown, and with a saw slit one end for a dis- tance of 2 3^2 inches to receive keel B (Figs. 486 and 488). Cut keel B out of heavy cardboard, of the dimensions given in Fig. 489, then fasten it in the slots with brads. The hook upon the bow (C, Fig. 486) is provided for the loop of the sling-shot to slip over. Make it out of a heavy hairpin. Bend the pin into a straight piece, then bend one end into a hook (Fig. 487). Make a small hole through stick A 1 inch from the bow end, slip the straight end of the wire up through the hole, and bend Fig. 484 — A Sling-Shot Glider SIMPLE MODEL AIRPLANES 231 it down against the top of the stick as indicated by dotted lines in Fig. 487. Bind the hook to stick A by wrapping with thread (Fig. 486). Elevator plane D and main plane E (Fig. 485) are made of heavy cardboard. Figures 490 and 491 show diagrams for marking them out. In mounting place them so stick A crosses their centers, and bind each to the stick with a strong rub- ber-band, passed beneath the stick and looped over the plane ends (F, Figs. 48 5 and 486). Rest the forward edge of plane D upon hook C (Fig. 486) to give it the proper tilt. The Sling-Shot. It is not necessary to tell how to make this of looped together rubber-bands joined to a tree-crotch, because every boy knows how. To Launch the Sling-Shot Glider, hold the tail end of the glider with the right hand and the sling-shot with the left Fig. 486. Fig. 487. Fig. 487 Side Elevation of Sling-Shot Glider - Detail of End Hook Fig. 489 Fig. 488 Fig. 490 E 10"- Fig. 491 Figs. 488-491. — Details of Glider Planes and Keel Fig. 492. — An Aerial Top 232 SIMPLE MODEL AIRPLANES 2 33 hand, as shown in Fig. 484, and release the glider in the same way that you shoot an arrow from a bow. Slide the planes backward and forward until you find the positions which give the model perfect balance while in flight. Fig. 495 B > m IC ^w T H l \ Fig. 494 Fig. 493. — Detail of Completed Aerial Top Fig. 494. — Detail showing Hub Stick and Shaft Connections Fig. 495. — Detail of Propeller Blades The Aerial Top shown in Fig. 492 is one of the most fas- cinating of the simpler aerial toys. By means of its spinning cord, it can be made to rise a distance of one hundred feet or more before returning to the ground. 234 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS The top requires a stick shaft {A, Fig. 493), a hub-stick (B), for which a carpenter's dowel-stick or a flagstaff may be used, two cardboard propeller-blades (C), and a large spool {D) . With a saw, slot the ends of hub B a distance of % inch, to receive the propeller-blade (Fig. 494). Cut the slots at an angle that will give the blades the pitch shown in Fig. 493, and be careful to get the angle of the slots alike. Bore a small hole through the hub-stick, and taper the shaft to fit snugly in thia hole (Fig. 494). Whittle the opposite end of the shaft to fit loosely in the spool hole. Plug up the lower end of the spool hole. Figure 495 shows the dimensions for the propeller-blades. Fasten the blades in the hub ends with brads. To Spin the Top, wind the cord about its shaft, spinning- top fashion, then hold the spool and string as shown in Fig. 492, and pull the string. When the string has unwound, the top will rise in the air. CHAPTER XXI TENTS FOR HIKES AND THE BACK YARD Old awnings, draperies, sheets, quilts, potato sacks, in fact, almost any kind of material large or small, torn nnnn Fig. 496. — "A" Shelter Tent or worn, can be cut, pieced, or mended, for a back-yard tent; and almost any kind of easily packed material can be made into a good enough shelter for sleeping out when on a hike. Four ways of utilizing such material as the above are shown in the illustrations in this chapter. Other plans 235 236 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS PT>R BOYS Fig. 496. — Tripod Tent for tent making — for making an "A" and a wall tent of standard proportions — are presented in the author's book Handicraft for Handy Boys. The "A" Shelter Tent shown in Fig. 496 is about as simple a tent as you can make. The ridge-pole, for which a rake-handle or pole of about that size, may be used, is supported at one end by blocks of wood nailed to a fence or tree in the form of a bracket. The other end is suspended from the fence top or tree trunk by ropes. The tent mate- rial, after being thrown over the ridge-pole, can be tied at the sides to stakes driven into the ground, or the side edges can be tacked to wooden strips fastened to stakes, as shown in Fig. 496. The latter arrange- ment makes a neater appearing tent. Fig. 497. — Diagram of Cloth _ ,-..,«, l. for Tripod Tent For the Tripod Tent shown in Fig. 498. — Lean-To Tent 14-0- i*- - 4 , -9"_4: — 4'-6" — *- -A'-B' 1 —* Fig. 499. — Diagram of Cloth for Lean-To Tent 237 2 3 8 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Fig. 496, you will need a piece of covering material 7 feet square, and three poles. The cloth must be folded in half from corner to corner, as indicated by dotted lines in Fig. 497, and the poles must be set up tripod fashion so that the cloth will enclose two sides as shown. Tapes should be sewed to the cloth, or pinned on with safety-pins, for fastening the cloth to the pole supports. -~«C~ ~' / '~V..._.'.'/-..iv l . Fig. 500. — Cage Tent The Lean-to Tent shown in Fig. 498 is best made of a piece of cloth of the dimensions shown in Fig. 499. The dotted lines show how the cloth must be folded. Portion A forms the top of the tent, portions B the sides, and corners C turn under and lie flat on the ground. The illustration shows the tent supported between trees, with a single pole supporting the front edge of the top. If no trees are at hand, support the ends of the pole on uprights. Tie or sew tapes to the corners of the tent, and drive stakes into the ground at the points for tying. The Cage Tent in Fig. 500 makes a good close-to-the TENTS FOR HIKES AND THE BACK YARD 239 Figs. 501 and 502. — Details of Framework for Cage Tent ground shelter tent. Prepare four hoops to support the covering material out of No. 8 or No. 9 wire, cutting this into 5-foot lengths, and bending these pieces into arches 2 feet in diameter (Fig. 501). The tent framework should measure about 5 feet from end to end. Place the arches 20 inches apart, and push the ends several inches into the ground. The three poles across the top of the arches keep the 240 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS covering material from sagging between the arches. Cut them long enough to project several inches beyond the end arches. Connect them with cords of the right length to let them hang at the distance apart shown (Fig. 502). Figure 500 shows how to bring the covering material to a point at each end, and tie it to a stake, to enclose the tent. CHAPTER XXIII BACK YARD AND CAMP FIRE- PLACES The place to learn how to make a camp fireplace and how to cook, is at home, and as good a spot as any to build the fireplace is the back yard. A small campfire can be built in the yard with safety if a pit is made to hold the fire. On the following pages will be found suggestions for building fireplaces, an oven, and a camp-stove. The Fireplace with Trenched Fire-Pit, shown in Fig. 503, will keep the fire within a confined area. Remove the sod from a piece of ground several feet in length, 3 inches wide at one end, and 12 inches wide at the other end, running this trench in the direction of the prevailing wind. Each side of the trench, pile the sod removed and spread several inches of earth on top, to make banks as shown in Fig. 503. Properly banked, you can stand a coffee-pot over the narrow end of the trench, larger utensils over the center, and still larger utensils over the wide end. Pots may be hung over the fire by fastening a wire above it in the manner shown, then bending pothooks similar to that shown in Fig. 504, out of wire, by which to suspend the pots. The customary way of hanging pots over a cooking fire, at camps, is by means of forked sticks suspended from a horizontal pole that is supported in the crotch of a crotched 241 242 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Fig. 504 Fig. 503 Fig. 503. — Fireplace with Trenched Fire-Pit Fig. 504. — Wire Pothook •Iff / . Fig. 505. — Fireplace with Circular Fire-Pit pole erected at each end of the fire-pit. The Fireplace with Circular Fire- Pit, shown in Fig. 505, differs from the fireplace just described only in the shape of the fire-pit. A piece of sheet-iron can be placed across the fire-pit to stand utensils on. The Fireplace with Above- Ground Fire -Pit. shown in Fig. 506 must have its walls built of moist earth or clay, so that the material can be packed together nicely. Tin cans are placed in the walls, three on a side, as shown in BACK YARD AND CAMP FIREPLACES 243 Fig. 507, to sup- port the cross wires that extend from side to side for u t e n s i 1 s to stand upon. Tin cans exposed to a fire will soon Crumble to pieces, Fig. 506. — Fireplace with Above Ground Fire-Pit therefore several inches of earth should be piled up against the cans inside of the fire-pit to pro- tect them. Figure 508 suggests how you can use stakes instead of tin cans for sup- porting the cross wires. The Camp Oven shown in Figure 509 is started in the same way as the fireplace in Fig. 506, ex- cept that a pit Fig. 508. — Another Scheme for Utensil Support Fig. 507. — Fireplace Utensil Support 244 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS 5 or 6 inches deep is hollowed out in addition to building the above-ground fire-walls. Figure 511 shows how the oven shelf is supported on tin cans; also, how a piece of Fig. 510. — Sheet-Iron Front Fig. 509. — Camp Oven stovepipe is stood erect at the rear end of the fire-pit, for the chimney. Pile up earth around the base of the stove-pipe, and build up the sides of the oven with earth moistened enough to make it pack together firmly. At a height of 12 or 14 inches above the oven shelf, level off the sides, and across them set a piece of sheet-iron to support the top of the oven. Then cover this top to a depth or 3 or 4 inches with earth. Bank up earth around the base of the oven to make the BACK YARD AND CAMP FIREPLACES 245 Fig. 511. — Oven Fire-Pit, Smoke-Pipe and Shelf f3Bfc walls solid, and protect the tin cans that support the shelf- wires, with a covering of earth, so that the fire will not burn them through. The oven front (Fig. 510) is a piece of sheet- iron with wire loops fastened to the upper edge to provide for hang- ing it from the oven top. Rest a stick across the side walls of the oven, and hang the sheet-iron front from nails driven into it To cut down the draft, pile up bricks in front of the fire-pit open- ing, or, lacking bricks, use a. piece of sheet- iron. A damper can be set in the smoke-pipe to help check the draft, or a piece of sheet-iron can be laid across the top of the pipe. A Wash-Boiler Camp Stove. Every time the author ■fftp&iz mm® Fig. 512. — Wash-Boiler Camp Stove 246 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS sees a discarded wash-boiler in a vacant-lot or scrap heap, he wonders why some boy hasn't seen possibilities in it, and taken it home. You can make a dandy camp-stove like that shown in Fig. 512, out of a boiler, and there are other ways of making good use of one. In addition to the boiler, you will need a section of 4-inch stovepipe, a damper, and some tin cans. Cut three openings in the wash boiler bottom, 4 inches in diameter, one for the stove-pipe, the other two for cooking utensils to stand over; and in the end of the boiler farthest from the stove-pipe cut an opening for a fuel doorway. The cutting can be done best with tinsnips,but a can-opener will answer the purpose if you haven't a pair of snips. The piece of tin removed from the fuel doorway must be made into a door (Fig. 513) by fastening strips of tin to its edges (B and C, Fig 514) to make it wide enough to overlap the edges of the doorway. Attach the strips with carpet tacks. Punch holes in the tin to drive the tacks through, and clinch the tack ends. Hang the door with hinges made of pieces of wire (D, Fig. 513), passing the wires through holes punched through the edge of the door and edge of the boiler, and twisting the ends together. A simple catch for the door is made of a screw-hook (JS, Figs. 513 and 515), and a P0 Fig. 513 Figs. 513-515. Fig. 515 Fig. 514 — Details of Door for Camp Stove BACK YARD AND CAMP FIREPLACES 247 section of a broom-handle (F). Punch a hole through the stove door for the shank of the screw-hook to slip through, close enough to the front edge so when the hook is turned horizontally its tip will catch upon the inside surface of the boiler. Screw the screw-hook into knob F. Fig. 516. — Camp-Fire Tripod Spread Fig. 517. —Tripod Folded Make stove covers out of tin cans, and for A Fire Shovel, fasten a piece of tin in the slotted end of a stick. Just such a shovel as this is shown in front of the stove, in Fig. 512. It makes an excellent shovel for removing ashes. There are all sorts of patented camp-fire grates and racks, made collapsible to simplify transportation, but The Camp-Fire Tripod shown in Fig. 516, made of three 248 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS io-inch iron shelf -brackets bolted together as shown in Fig. 517, is all that a boy could wish for a one-receptacle fireplace. Figure 516 shows the tripod spread, Fig. 517 shows it folded for transporting, and the photograph of Fig. 518 shows the stove in use. You can use the tripod fireplace in the backyard or at camp. Fig. 519.— A Varnish-Can Lantern (See Chapter 23;. Fig. 518.— Using the Shelf-Bracket Camp-Stove Tripod (See Chapter 22). CHAPTER XXIII BACK YARD AND CAMP LAMPS Whether you camp out in the woods or in the back yard, you will find the lamps, lanterns, and other light fixtures shown in this chapter well worth having. The Varnish-Can Lantern shown in Fig. 519 is a dandy candle lantern. You can procure a varnish-can or oil-can from almost any painter. Perhaps it will be a dirty old can gobbed up inside and out with hardened oil or paint That does not matter in the least. If the can is not too badly dented, accept it. Dried oil or paint can be removed by stuffing the can with paper or excelsior, then taking the can outdoors anxi lighting the contents. It is best to leave the burning until after the lantern lens opening has been cut, so there will be plenty of draft to keep the paper burning. Two openings must be cut, a circular opening in the front of the can for the lens, (Fig. 520), and a slot in the top, close to the front, and extending from side to side through which to slide the lens (Fig. 520 and 523). The cutting is most easily done with a can-opener. If mother has the improved kind of can-opener, with a center point that you jab into the can, and a cutter that you adjust to the diam- eter of opening you want to cut, then swing about the center, you will not have to describe a circle in pencil to 249 250 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS locate the circular lens opening. But if mother's can- opener is of the old-fashioned kind, it will require only a little more care to make it follow the circumference of a described circle. Ragged edges left by the cutting can be made smooth with a file. The can-opener will only separate the tin, it will not cut any away; there- fore, after cutting the slot in the can top, you must take a pair of pincers and pinch the front raw edge of the tin tight against the can front, because the slot must be wide enough for a piece of glass to slip through. A 5-by-7 camera plate is of the Fig. 522 Fig. 520 FlG. 520. — Detail of Varnish-Can Lantern Shown in Fig. 519 Figs. 521 and 522. — Detail of Handle BACK YARD AND CAMP LAMPS 251 right size for the lantern lens for a gallon-can. If you cannot get such a plate, you probably can find a piece of glass that can be cut down to these dimensions. With a 10-cent glass cutter cutting is easy. You should own one of these, because it will be of frequent use in your workshop. Guides must be provided for the glass to slide be- tween {A, Fig. 523). These are made of strips of tin % inch wide and 7 inches long, cut from a tomato can, and they are bolted in position with stove- bolts H inch long (Z?,Fig.523). Punch the holes for the bolts through the lantern front, and through the guide strips, with a nail or brad-awl. Space the holes so they will come towards the ends of theguide strips, and place them at the right Fig. 523. — Detail Showing Inside of Lantern 252 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS distance apart width wise of the can so the glass lens will slide between the stove- bolts. Screw one nut on to each stove- bolt, to come be- tween the lantern- front and guide strip A, then slip the guide strips on to the bolts, and fasten in position with nuts screwed on to the stove-bolts. Stove- Fig. 524 Fig. 525 Figs. 524 and 525. — Details of Candle-Holder Fig. 527 Figs. 526 and 527. — Lard- Pail Candle Lantern bolt C (Fig. 523) forms a lug for the bottom edge of the glass to rest upon. Place it about 6 3^ inches below the top of the can, so when the glass is in position its top edge will BACK YARD AND CAMP LAMPS 253 Fig. 528. — Tin-Can Candle-Holder project far enough above the lantern top to be easily gripped by your fingers, when you open the lantern for lighting or ex- tinguishing the candle. The candle- holder is made of a piece of tin cut the shape of D (Fig. 524), with a hole pierced through its center through which to slip the nail F (Fig. 525). Nail F must be driven through the center of a stick E (Figs. 523 and 525), cut of the right length to fit widthwise across the inside of the can bottom, and its point must be filed sharp like a tack point, because the candle is to be pushed down upon it. The holder is completed by tacking the tin piece D to strip E, placing a tack each side of nail F, then bending up the four ears at the proper points to make a pocket that will hold a candle of standard size. Fasten strip E in the lantern bottom by driving nails through the can sides into the stick ends. The spout of the can forms the lantern chimney, and needs no alteration. For ventilation, punch several holes Fig. 529.— Another Tin-Can Candle- Holder Fig.530.— How Can Bottom is Cut to Receive Candle 254 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS through the lantern sides, near the bottom, as indicated. A varnish-can has a tin handle, but it would become too hot to hold; and, because it is soldered in place, it would pull off if the solder is heated to the melting point. There- fore, it is best to break off the handle, and sub- stitute a bale like that shown in Fig. 521. This is made of a parcel han- dle (Fig. 522), and a piece of heavy wire 24 inches long. Remove the hooked wire of the parcel handle, and in its place slip the long piece of wire. Bend the wire ends to the shape shown in Fig. 521, slip them through holes punched through the lan- tern-top and ends (Fig. 520), and bend up and over the standing part of the wire (Fig. 519). The first step in mak- ing The Lard -Pail Candle „ coo _,. . T Lantern shown in Figs. Fig. 532. — Bicycle-Lamp e °. Bracket Light- Fixture 526 and 527 Consists in Fig. 531. — Candle Light-Fixture BACK YARD AND CAMP LAMPS 255 BK y° u can locate the proper positions for the cor- ner posts A. Dig the post holes 18 inches deep. Be cer- tain that the posts line up correctly before you fill in around them. They may look right, yet be enough out of 202 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS the way to throw the entire framework out of square. The proper way to do is to fasten pieces B in the notches in the tops of the posts, after the posts have been dropped Fig. 543. into the holes, then fasten pieces C to their ends, with one nail driven part way in. Test the corners one at a time with a square, and, when you have corrected any error that you may find, nail a temporary diagonal brace across the tops to hold the pieces rigid. When all corners are correct, spike all members in place. Lay the Floor short- ways of the frame- work. With it in place, build the walls. Make The Side Walls in sections like that shown in Fig. 545. Cut the plate D and Fig. 544. Corner of Foundation A BIKE GARAGE 263 corner uprights E and F, of the dimensions indicated, and place them flat upon the ground; block up the ends and center, if necessary, to make them level. Spike together the ends of these pieces, then nail about four of the side boards to them. Trim off the tops of uprights E and F so top plate G will rest squarely upon them, and spike the top plate in place. Then finish nailing on the remaining wall Fig. 545. — Side Wall boards. Having completed one wall, turn it over so the framework members will be uppermost, place the frame- work members of the opposite wall upon them, nail on the siding, and you will have the second wall a duplicate of the first, only reversed. Erecting The Walls. When the two side walls have been completed, stand them erect upon the shed floor, in their right positions, hold them in position with temporary braces, and spike the floor plates to the floor. Cut end plates H 264 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS and / of the right length to fit between side wall plates G, and spike them in place. Then nail on the rear-wall siding. Figure 542, a cross-section taken through the shed at the point 0-0 (Fig. 541), shows how The Roof is put on in two layers, the upper layer overlapping the edges of the lower layer. Fill in the pieces / between the ends of the lower boards (Fig. 541 and 542). Figure 546 gives dimensions for The Door, and shows how to batten together and brace the boards. Trim up the doorway with a board across the head, and a strip down each jamb. Cut the trimming boards of the right widths to leave a M-inch clearance around the door edges. Hinge the door on the edge indicated in Fig. 546, and fit Fig. 546. — Door A BIKE GARAGE 265 it with a strong lock. A box can be fastened to the inside of the door for A Cupboard in which to keep miscellaneous tools and supplies, as shown in Fig. 541, provided you use heavy enough hinges in hanging the door to prevent sagging. Make a Wheel-Rack to support the bicycle when it is in the garage (Fig. 541) Make this as shown in Fig. 547. Cut the piece of 2-by- 4 if of the right length to fit between the side walls of the shed, and nail the blocks N to it at the center 2 inches apart. Fasten the rack in the shed at the right height to catch the top of the rear wheel of the bicycle. A Runway from the ground to the floor level, built as shown in Figs. 540 and 541, will complete the carpenter work on the garage. Paint the Bike Garage two coats of oil paint to protect it from the weather. It will look best if you paint the tr'mming pieces a different color from the body color. To Make the Garage Tighter, you can cover the inside of the walls and roof with building paper well-lapped and tacked. Fig. 547. — Rack for Rear Wheel CHAPTER XXV A TOBOGGAN SLIDE A frame toboggan-slide is a simple structure for boys to build, but the matter of expense frequently prevents them from undertaking the work, or the idea does not occur to them until after the first snow-storm has arrived, — and any boy who has tried outdoor carpentry in cold weather, with gloves and heavy clothing to hamper the movements of hands and limbs, knows that it cannot be done satisfac- torily. Such conditions often cause the abandonment of the idea of building a slide or a postponment until the following autumn. The plans in this chapter will enable you boys to build a small toboggan-slide with little or no expense, and you can put it up in cold weather because there is little carpentry connected with the work, and part of that may be done indoors. Besides, as there are no heavy pieces of lumber to handle, you can tackle the job without assistance. Building Material. Figure 548 shows the completed toboggan-slide, and Figs. 549 and 550 show how it is con- structed out of a packing-box, a few wooden strips, and snow. Of course, such a slide as this may be built entirely of snow, but, unless it is placed in the corner of the yard where there will be a high fence on each side of the platform 266 K 267 268 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS EOR BOYS to protect the coasters, there should be a railing to prevent any one from slipping off the top of the slide and possibly injuring himself. A packing-box is used for The Platform Base. Get a large packing-box, or, if you cannot find one, take a number of small boxes and Fig. 549. — The Completed Platform and Railings bind them together with strips. The length of the box, or the length of the combined boxes, should be at least 3 feet, as there should be this much space between the platform railings. The Platform Railings are fastened to the ends of the A TOBOGGAN-SLIDE 269 box (Fig. 550). Nail the pair of uprights A and B to each end of the box, then fasten the crosspieces C to their tops. The railing should come at least 30 inches above the finished toboggan-slide platform; and, as the top of the platform may be built up of snow 12 inches or more higher than the top of the box, to make a higher slide, this height must be settled before cutting the railing uprights, in order to get them of the right length. Figure 549 shows how The Step -Railings are fas- tened in place, and Fig. 551 shows how the uprights D are connected and braced. First cut uprights D about 18 inches shorter than uprights A (Fig. 549), then cut the board E (Figs 549 and 551) about 3 feet longer than the packing-box, and nail it to the edges of up- rights D at their lower ends, placing the uprights the same distance apart as uprights A. Cut the braces F 3 or 4 feet long, and nail their ends securely to board E and uprights D. After making this piece of framework, set it about 30 inches away from the packing-box platform base, with uprights D directly in line with uprights A (Fig. 549) , and con- nect the uprights with the cross-pieces G and the handrails H. Fig. 550. — • How the Platform Railings are Put On 270 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Setting Up the Framework. With the framework of the platform and steps completed, select a good location for your toboggan-slide; then place the framework upon a sled and pull it over to that spot and set it in position. One good thing about this form of framework is its compactness, and Fig. 551. — Supports for Step-Railings the ease with which it may be taken from one place to another. You may build a toboggan-slide in your own back yard one time; then another time, if you decide that conditions are better in your chum's back yard, all you will have to do will be set the framework upon your sled and haul it over to his yard. While you have been making the platform framework, your companions should have busied themselves with Collecting Snow for the Slide. The snow is gathered most easily by rolling it into balls, starting with small balls some distance away from the position selected for the toboggan-slide, and gradually working them over toward that spot as you roll them. Each boy may start a ball and roll it until it becomes too heavy for him to manage alone; 271 272 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS then two or more boys should work together, and, when the balls are of the right size, roll them into position. The size of the balls should diminish in the proportion necessary to give the proper slope to the slide. Fill in the spaces between the balls with snow, and tamp it down with a stick; then level off the tops. If the snow is too dry to pack well, pour water over the slide as you con- struct it. The more compact you make the slide, the more substantial it will be, and the longer it will last. The Platform. Pile upon the packing-box the amount of snow necessary to make the platform of the height desired; then build A Set of Steps as shown in Fig. 548. Make the steps broad, and pitch them slightly toward the back. Do not pour water on them, because it will make them slippery. They will wear down, of course, but they can be repaired quickly. If a board is built into the top of each step, they will be more durable. The Surface of the Slide should be made slippery by pouring water upon it, but, before this is done, tracks should be formed by running a sled down the slide a few times. Make these tracks wide enough so that sleds of different widths will fit them. It is a good idea, also, to bank up the snow along each side of the slide to form a ledge, so there will be no possibility of a sled running off of the slide in case it leaves its tracks. If There is a Scarcity of Snow, much may be saved by filling in a portion of the base of the slide with a barrel or with boxes. The snow placed upon the top of the barrel A TOBOGGAN-SLIDE 273 or boxes will form an arch over them that will make the slide as firm as though it were built entirely of snow. A Plank Slide. A couple of planks may be used for the upper portion of the slide, to save snow (Fig. 552). These may be either 10-inch or 12 -inch planks of whatever length you can get. Fasten them together with wooden battens placed about 3 feet apart, as shown in Fig. 553, and nail a Fig. 553. — How to Batten Together Planks for Upper Part of Toboggan-Slide strip to each edge, as shown, to form a guard with a 3 or 4-inch projection. If 10-inch planks are used, they may be placed 2 or 3 inches apart, in order to make the slide that much wider (Fig. 5.53). The width of a sled is greater than that of one plank, so the runners could not possibly run into the opening left between the planks. Nail a board across uprights B of the platform framework (Fig. 552) to support the upper end of the planks. Then build up a snow slide at the end of the planking, as shown in Fig. 552, to make the slide as long as is desired, and embed the end of the planks in the snow. These ideas have been worked out in a very simple form, but if any of you want to build A More Elaborate Toboggan-Slide, longer, and with a higher platform, you will readily see that its construction 274 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS will be similar. A number of packing-boxes may be fastened together to make the platform as large as is desired, while several lengths of planking may be used for the slide, sup- ported at the ends on snow piers — just as a long bridge is supported upon piers of masonry. If several packing-boxes are fastened together for a large platform, they should be bound with wooden strips. If the top boxes are made of thin wood, a flooring of boards should be nailed across them to distribute the weight of the coasters who are to stand upon them, and thus prevent the possibility of breaking through the boxes. CHAPTER XXVI A BOB-SLED There are two ways of building a bob-sled. One way- is to knock together a pair of coasters out of any sort of material that happens to be at hand, and connect the pair with a plank or board, in the shortest time possible; the other way is to use the best material that you can get, and assemble this so as to produce the most substantial sled you know how to make, regardless of the time the work requires. The first method is all right for a rough-and- ready bob, but the latter method is the one to follow if you want a sled that will serve not only through the winter season of the current year, but for years to come. In building the model shown in the photograph of Fig. 554, the author worked out every detail with strength and durability uppermost in mind, and if you will carefully follow the working-drawings and instructions your com- pleted bob-sled will be something of which you can be mighty proud. The Material Required will not cost a great deal; possibly you have the right sort of stuff at hand for the greater part of the sled. The model in the illustration is upholstered, with a top covering of imitation leather. Upholstering is such an easy thing to do that I would advise you to upholster 27s 276 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS your bob-sled; however, you can use cheaper material than imitation leather. Oilcloth, burlap, or a strip of carpet will answer the purpose. Two boards 10 inches wide and 12 feet long, out of which to cut sled runners, crosspieces, seats and hand-rails; and a piece of 2-by-4 for connecting blocks, will be all of the lumber that you will need. Then, in addition, you will have to have eight corner irons for bracing the sled runners, a 24-inch carriage-bolt 7 inches long with which to pivot the bob-sled seat to the bow sled, a pair of 4-by-4-inch steel hinges for hinging the bob-sled seat to the stern sled, fourteen stove-bolts 1 inch long and eight 2 inches long, for bolting the hinges and hand-rails in position, %-inch and ji^-inch screws, 13^-inch and 2-inch common nails, four pieces of half -oval iron strips for runner shoes, a piece of iron jack- chain 2 feet long with which to check the bow of the rear sled, and four %-inch screw-eyes. For upholstering the bob-sled seat, you must have excelsior, covering material, and tacks. Figure 555 shows a detail of the completed sled, with one-half (the bow) drawn in section, and the other half (the stern) drawn in elevation. All parts are lettered on this detail, and correspondingly lettered on the smaller working details (Figs. 556 to 570), to make clear the assem- bling. The Sled Runners should be prepared first of all (A, Fig. 558). Figure 561 shows a pattern, with the ends ruled off into squares to simplify the laying out of the curved bow and stern. Take a cardboard box-cover, and make similar f ' ( A BOB-SLED 277 patterns for the bow and stern, ruling off the same number of squares, 1 inch square, then locating on the lines separating the squares points corresponding to points at which the curve intersects the lines on the pattern illustrated. With the points located, it will be an easy matter to connect them with a curved line. Locate the pair of notches in the top edge, for the connect- ing crosspieces B (Fig. 558), and carefully cut out the TOP- COVERING / /UNDER COVERING < / /E XCELSIOR Fig. 556 Fig. 555. — Side View and Longitudinal Section Fig. 556. — Detail of Runner Shoe pattern. Splice two pieces of cardboard end to end if you cannot get a long enough piece of single length for the HAND-RAIL *_1 Fig. 557. — Plan of Under Side of Bob-Sled Seat 278 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS pattern. With a saw, cut out the ends, sawing to within about y% inch of the line, then finish up to the line with a plane, and sandpaper. Cut the sides of the notches with a saw, and split out the wood between the cuts with a chisel. Cut The Connecting Crosspieces B of the length shown in Fig. 560, by the width of the notches, and nail them in place. Then brace the ends of each with the corner irons D (Fig. 559), screwing these to the runners and to the crosspieces, in the positions shown. Fig. 559 Fig. 560 Fig. 558. — Detail of Bow and Stern Sleds Fig. 559. — Cross-Section Fig. 560. — Runner Connecting Crosspieces Crosspiece C on the bow sled (Fig. 558) is The Foot-bar. Cut it 18 inches long. The boy who steers the bob-sled rests his feet against the projecting ends A BOB-SLED 279 of the foot-bar. After nailing the bar in place, drive a screw-eye into each end, as shown in Fig. 568. Tie The Steering-Line ends to the foot-bar just inside of the runners, then run them over to and up through the screw- eyes, as shown. By this arrangement, the feet of the boy who steers will be kept from slipping off of the foot-bar by the steering-lines. r3'i+|fp"3^ 30 ^ 3 :u^ Hl v- i -/- 1 1 1 , 7 Z J A «*- ^ L_ r^ ^ 5^ —™«— """' Fig. 561 Fig. 561. — Pattern for Sled Runners Fig. 562. — Pattern for Sled Seats Figure 562 shows a pattern for The Sled Seats. The stern end may be left square if you like, but rounding it as shown will give it more style. Nail the seats in place, using long enough nails to clinch upon the under side of the braces. With the sleds completed, prepare 28o CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS The Bob -Sled Connecting Seat (F, Fig. 563) of the size shown, then the connecting blocks G, H, I and J (Figs. 563, 564 and 565). Make blocks G and H in one piece (Fig. 566), bore a %-inch hole through the piece at the center of its length, for the king-bolt, and rip in half as indicated by dotted lines. Nail block H to the under side of seat F, and block G to the seat of the bow sled. Bore a hole through seat F directly over that in block H. Figures 563 and 564 indicate how the king-bolt runs down through Fig. 565 Fig. 564 Fig. 563. — Detail of Bob-Sled Seat Fig. 564. — How Bow Sled is Bolted to Seat Fig. 565. — How Stern Sled is Hinged to Seat seat F and block H, then through two iron washers, through block G, seat, E, a third washer, and the nut. Block i" is beveled upon its side edges to make it fit across the stern seat at the angle shown in Fig. 565. Nail it securely to the seat, then brace it with the block /, beveling the edge of J so it will fit squarely against block /. Block / must be hinged to seat F by means of 4-by-4-inch hinges. Bolt the hinges in place with stove-bolts of the length A BOB-SLED 281 specified. The stern sled is hinged to make it rise and fall independently of the bow sled when the bob-sled runs over uneven ground, or when it has reached the foot of a coasting hill or toboggan-slide. Connect the bow of this sled to the under side of the bob-sled seat, with check-chains (Figs. 554 and 555), driving screw-eyes into crosspiece C and into the under side of seat F, to connect the chains to. HOLE Fig. 567. — Blocks for Connecting Stern Sled to Bob-Sled Seat Fig. 566. — Blocks for Fig. 568. — How to Connecting Bow Sled to Attach Steering-Line to Bob-Sled Seat Foot-Bar Upholstering the Seat. If you upholster the bob-sled seat,you must nail strips K and L (Figs. 569 and 570) to its edges, to hold in the upholstering material. Cut these strips 2 inches wide, and round the outer edge of the top of each, as shown in Fig. 570, to give a rounded edge to the upholstering. Miter the ends of the strips, to make mitered corners. Spare neither time nor pains in packing in the excelsior padding, because only with painstaking care, adding here and there in low places, and removing from high places, will you get a good job. Dampen the excelsior to make it pack solidly. When you are satisfied that all is in readiness for 282 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS the covering material, get a piece of ticking or other heavy material, and spread it over the excelsior; then examine the work, and you will be surprised to find low places that you did not notice before. The excelsior must be packed in tightly along the side edges, so that the edges of strips K and L cannot be felt, and along the center to make it higher there than along the edges. With the low places filled out, tack the covering along the remaining sides. Then spread the top covering over this under covering, bring its Fig. 569 Fig. 570 Fig. 569 and 570. Details Showing Strip around Edge of Seat to Hold in Upholstering Material edges down over the sides, and tack to the under side of seat board F (Fig. 557). In the photograph of Fig. 554 you will see how the edges of the upholstered seat can be improved by the addition of upholstering-tacks. If you use an imitation leather cover- ing, you can buy tacks with heads that match If you use other material, you can buy tacks with large brass heads. Space the tacks about 2 inches apart (Figs. 555 and 557). With the upholstering completed, prepare The Hand -Rails M (Fig. 557) of the size shown, and round off their edges with a plane to make them easy to grip. Then prepare the cross-pieces N (Fig. 557) 3 inches wide, by the length shown. The hand-rails must be bolted A BOB-SLED 2S3 to the crosspieces in the positions indicated in Fig. 557, with the 1 -inch stove-bolts specified in the list of material. Use care in boring the bolt holes, to get them in correspond- ing positions. After bolting the rails to the crosspieces, remove the king-bolt, and the hinge bolts, thus releasing the seat, and screw crosspieces N to the under side of the seat. Runner Shoes. Buy half-oval iron strips % inch wide, long enough to turn up and over the bow and stern as shown in Fig. 556, for runner shoes, and have a couple of holes drilled through each, near each end, for screws, for screwing to the under side of the sled runners. Painting. With the bob-sled's construction completed, protect the wood with paint. The author suggests that you select red for the color. This and a green upholstering material, such as was used upon the model illustrated, make a mighty striking sled, and if your workmanship is good, you will have a job which will make envious all of the boys in your neighborhood, and all around town, who have not built similar sleds. CHAPTER XXVII A SNOW-FORT PERISCOPE When you defend a snow-fort, or "snow-trench" to be modern, you not only want to keep the enemy's attacking party at a distance by well-a' ed snowballs, but also to escape from being hit by their snowballs. By building the walls of your fort or trench breast high, you need expose only your head and shoulders when throwing, and you can quickly "duck" behind the wall when you see a snowball coming. But the author well remembers how the lads attacking a snow fort used to wait for the defenders' heads to appear — in fact, got to know just when they would appear, — and "soaked" them before there was a chance to get into a throwing position. Probably you have had the same experience. Although this adds excitement to a snow fight, the fun is all on the side of the boys attacking. By the use of periscopes, however, the defenders can have the advantage on their side. With a periscope, you know, a soldier sees what is going on outside of the trench, or other fortification, without exposing his head to the enemy's fire. Just so with the home-made snow fort periscope. With its top projecting above the wall of your snow fort, as shown in Fig. 571, you watch the enemy while fully protected by the fort, 284 Fig. 572. — Front View of Periscope. Fig. 571.-While Protected by the Snow Fort, You Watch the Enemy Through the Periscope. A SNOW-FORT PERISCOPE and you expose yourself only when you see that no- body is prepared to throw at you. One periscope will serve several boys if one boy acts as observer and di- rects the "fire." Figure 571 shows a rear view and Fig. 572 a front view of the home-made peri- scope in use, Fig. 573 shows a work- ing detail of the completed peri- scope, and Fig. 577 shows a ver- tical section. Material Re- quired. Boards %-inch thick were used in making the periscope model illustrated, but even thinner Fig. 575 Fig. 57 Fig. 573.— Complete Periscope. Fig. 574 and 575. — Detail of Screened Front Fig. 576. — Handle 286 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS boards than this will do. The lighter the weight is, the easier it will be to handle the periscope. Per- haps you can find a packing-box made of ^-inch boards which you can break up for the purpose. Two mirrors are needed. Those used for the model were bought at 5 cents apiece at a 5-and-io- cent store. They are 5 inches wide and 6 inches long. Get the mirrors be- fore you construct the periscope box, because if they don't measure 5 inches wide and 6 inches long you will have to alter the dimen- sions of the side pieces to suit them. Fig. 577. — Vertical Section Fig. 578. — Mirror A SNOW-FORT PERISCOPE 287 Cutting Out the Parts. After cutting side pieces A, the front and back pieces B 3 and the ends C (Fig. 573), by the patterns of Fig. 579, cut eight narrow strips (D, Fig. 579) for cleats on which to support the edges of the mirrors. «-e ar"-H r • T lojco 10 ♦ c '*- 5*-» t i i CO c\l 1 1 i B Fig. 579. — Patterns for Sides, Front, Back and Ends of Periscope These strips may be cut out of cigar-box wood. Fasten the strips with brads to sides A at an angle of 45 degrees, placing a pair at each end, just far enough apart so the mirrors will slip between them, and so the ends will be far enough away from the edges of sides A to allow for the 288 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS thickness of the front, rear, and end boards which are set against them. It is absolutely necessary to place the strips at one end exactly parallel with the pair at the opposite end, so that the reflecting surfaces of the mirrors will be parallel with one another, and, also, to place the strips on one board at the same height as those on the other board. Fasten the strips to one board, first, then use the same mea- surements for locating the strips upon the other board. To Assemble the Box, first nail sides A to the edges of back B (Fig. 580), then to the edges of front B. Notice that the back piece comes even with the tops of the sides, and that the front piece comes even with the bottoms of the sides. With pieces A and B nailed together, fasten ends C between them. These pieces will hold the mirrors in posi- tion. The Openings. The opening in the back of the periscope box is the one that you look into, the one in the front is turned toward the object you wish to view. As the upper mirror will be exposed it must be protected from snowballs Fig. 580. — How to Assemble the Periscope Parts A SNOW-FORT PERISCOPE 289 by a piece of screen wire tacked over the opening (F, Fig. 574). A frame of narrow wooden strips (Fig. 575) tacked over the edges of the wire will hold the wire in place. Handles nailed to the lower portion of the box (G, Fig. 576) will complete the periscope. Paint the Periscope Box white so that it will be invisible from a distance, against the snow background. PART IV Garden Craft 291 ■r-Sash Hot-Bed (See Chapter 28). Fig. 711.— First Story in Place. Fig. 712.— Adding the Second Story. Fig. 71H. — Third Story. Fig. 714.— Ready for the Martins. See Chapter 40.) CHAPTER XXVIII A HOTBED The growing season never arrives early enough for the enthusiastic boy gardener, so he provides himself with a hotbed, by which' means it is possible to have radishes, lettuce, and other early vegetables a month before they can be raised outdoors. Now, a hotbed is such a simple piece of garden equipment to make, and so easily operated, that there is no reason why every boy who goes in for gar- dening should not have one. A hotbed is in reality a small greenhouse, heated by fermenting manure. It consists of a pit from 2 to 3 feet deep, rilled with manure to within 6 inches of the ground level, with a 6-inch top dressing of garden soil. The front wall of the frame extends 6 inches above ground, the rear wall 12 inches, the sides slope from the height of the front wall to the height of the rear wall, and the open top is protected by glazed sash. The Size to Make the Hotbed will be determined by the size and number of sash at hand. Storm-sash or old window sash will do. Regular hotbed sash can be purchased at a door-and-sash mill, and from dealers handling garden accessories, in size 3 feet wide and 6 feet long. " A Single -Sash Hotbed is shown in Fig. 582. If a larger 293 294 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS bed is wanted, the frame can be made two or three times as wide, and two or three sash used. Figure 581 shows a four-sash hotbed. The Framework. Figure 583 shows a longitudinal section of the hotbed frame and pit. Corner posts A of the framework (Fig. 584) are 2 -by -4s, side boards B and end boards E and F (Fig. 584) are cut from i-by-8s, and boards C and G are i-by 6s. Rip a triangular strip from the upper edge of boards B, as shown in Fig. 585, so one end will Fig. 582. — Single-Sash Hotbed bo measure 1% inches wide, the other end 7% inches wide. The framework must be made enough narrower than the sash so the sash will lap over the sides, and 2 or 3 inches longer than the sash to allow for the strip H (Fig. 583), which is nailed across the top as a hinge-strip to screw the sash hinges to. Side pieces B will be of the right length for sash 6 feet long, if cut as shown in Fig. 585. To Assemble the Framework nail side boards B and C to corner posts A, then connect the two frames thus formed A HOTBED 295 with boards E, F, and G. Batten the side boards at their centers with pieces D. Dig the Hotbed Pit of the right depth so the lower edge of framework boards C, E, and G will come 2 inches below the ground surface. Filling the Pit. Procure enough horse manure to fill the pit to a depth of 2 feet (Fig. 583). Pile it up in a heap Fig. 583. — • Longitudinal Section of Hotbed Fame and Pit beside the hotbed, sprinkle it with water, and allow it to remain exposed to the air for two or three days, so the fer- menting process will get well under way. Then throw the manure into the hotbed pit, and close down the sash. The action of the sun's rays passing through the glass will increase the fermenting, and the temperature within the hotbed will be raised considerably above 100 degrees. Before the top soil is spread over the manure, the temper- ature must be reduced to about 90 degrees, which temper- 296 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS ature must be taken with a thermometer. To reduce the temperature, raise the sash. Make the top dressing 6 inches in depth. Use the best garden soil that you can get. If Fig. 585. 6 - O" — Fig. 584 Fig. 584. — Detail of Hotbed Frame Fig. 585. — Detail of Upper Side Piece of Frame your soil is heavy, add a little sand to it. Bank up earth around the outside of the hotbed frame for insulation. The temperature of the soil must not be too great, else the plant roots will burn out. This must be regulated care- fully by raising the sash when necessary, to allow excess A HOTBED 297 heat to escape. Raising the sash will also provide the plants with necessary fresh air, but you must use judgment in opening the sash, lest you freeze your plants. Keep the sash closed at night during severe weather, and cover it with pieces of carpet or with straw mats, for additional protection. Water the hotbed regularly, after the seeds have sprouted, doing this about mid-day so the leaves will dry off before sundown. A Cold-Frame differs from a hotbed only by the omission of the manure heating-agent. Sunlight alone is depended upon for heat. Consequently, the cold-frame can be depended upon only for forcing plants after the severe weather has passed. You can use the hotbed as a cold- frame after the manure has cooled. CHAPTER XXIX SEED BOXES AND PAPER POTS Plants raised from seed started indoors during late winter or early spring can be brought to maturity so many weeks ahead of plants started outdoors when the season is far enough advanced to permit doing so, that it is a prac- FiG. 586. — Seed-Flat tice well worth while to use seed boxes and paper pots if you haven't built a hotbed. Radishes, lettuce and other early vegetables can be started in, these boxes, and you can raise your tomato plants, and have them ready to set out the minute danger from frost has passed. Two or three grocery boxes filled with earth are all that you require for seed boxes, or SEED BOXES AND PAPER POTS 299 Fig. 587. — A Miniature Greenhouse with a Lean-to Roof. Seed-Flats— as the green-house man calls them. Most grocery boxes are too deep, but it is a simple thing to cut them down. Four inches is just about right. Figure 586 shows a seed-flat. Drill several holes through the box bottom near the center, for drain- holes,and nail blocks to the bottom at the corners for feet, to raise the box enough above the surface it is to Stand upon SO a Fig. 588. — The Dotted Lines Indicate Where 1 v „~J to Cut the Box Sides. tin can be slipped lo ut . beneath to catch the water that will run out of the dram- holes. Screw a pair of handles to the box-ends. Give the box two coats of paint inside and out, to preserve the wood and fill up Fig 589. —The Cut-down Base Ready for . . Glass Roof joints. 300 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Filling. Seeds will germinate in almost any kind of wet soil, but in order to have them develop into sturdy plants, the soil must be pre- pared with care. Soil from last summer's garden, enriched with leaf -mold, or pre- pared fertilizer, will be just right. Over Fig. 591. — A Greenhouse with a Gable Roof the bottom of the box, spread a layer of coarse stone, to insure good drainage. Then fill in the soil over this to a depth of 3 inches. Level off the top surface with a small block of wood, before planting. Plant as directed on the seed packages. With a ruler and nail you can scratch lines in the surface, for planting rows. Of course you can plant the seeds thick- ly for the purpose of germinating them, then transplant them into other boxes as soon as the second true leaf has appear- ed. Keep the soil moist,while the seeds are germinating, but never puddle it, and keep a newspaper over the box until the leaves show above the surface. Fig. 592. — The Dotted Lines Indicate Where to Cut the Box Sides Fig. 593. — The Box with Sides Cut Down SEED BOXES AND PAPER POTS 301 A novel arrangement for starting seeds indoors is to make Miniature Greenhouses like those shown in Figs. 587 and 591. Starch boxes, are of about the right size for these. It is better to use small boxes than large ones because it will be easier to put on the glass roofs. Figure 587 shows the simpler model — ^ A Greenhouse with a Lean -To Roof. Cut the top of the Fig. 594. — Put on the Gable Ends Like This starch-box ends slanted so that the front edge is about 2 y 2 inches high and the rear edge 5 inches high, and cut down the front and back even with the edges of the ends, as indicated by dotted lines in Fig. 588. With the cutting done, get a piece of glass large enough to fit over the top and project a trifle over the front and ends. Possibly you can find an unused picture-frame with a glass of the right size, or several camera plates that can be fastened together with adhesive-tape to make a piece large enough to cover the box; if not, a painter will sell you a piece. Hinge the glass with strips of adhesive-tape, (Fig. 587). 302 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Fig. 595. — Hinge the Halves of the Glass Roof Like This The Greenhouse with a Gable Roof, shown in Fig. 591, looks more like a florist's greenhouse. The starch-box which forms the foundation must be cut down as indicated by dotted lines in Fig. 592, so the remaining depth will be about 2 y 2 inches (Fig. 593). With the box thus prepared, cut two end pieces out of thin box boards (A, Fig. 594), and tack these to the box ends. Make the peak of each end piece 8 inches above the bot- tom edge. The box may be stood on end upon the boards for the purpose of marking out the lower portion of end pieces A. When the board ends have been marked out, cut, and tacked to the box ends, procure two pieces of glass of the right size to project over ends A and the sides of the box, as shown in Fig. 591. Join these two pieces (B and C, Fig. 595) at the peak with a strip of adhesive-tape lapped over them (D, Fig. 595). Unless the boxes are metal lined, they are likely to leak after you water the planted seed, so it is a good idea to place beneath each a cake-tin Fig. 596. — Paper Pot for Seedling Transplantings H-2' 2"-f- 2"-*j T ■+■ 4 I s Fig. 597. — Pattern for Paper Pot 1 1 » 1 1 1 SEED BOXES AND PAPER POTS 303 to catch drippings (Fig. 591); also, it is well to attach spool feet at the corners to keep the box bottoms high and dry. Paint the Greenhouses with a couple of coats of green paint, or with two coats of white paint and one coat of white enamel. Paper Pots are extensively used for seedling transplant- ings (Fig. 596). The seedlings are transplanted from seed- Fig. 599. — How to Make Pot out of Box Corners Fig. 598. — Pot Made from Card- board Box Fig. 600. — How to Cut away the Box Corners flats to these earth-filled paper pots, and then, when they are large enough to set outdoors, the pots are planted without disturbing the roots of the seedlings. Paper pots can be made of heavy wrapping-paper. Small pots may be 1% inches square, large pots 4 inches square. Figure 597 shows a pattern for a 2-inch pot. Cut along the heavy lines, fold along the dotted lines, and paste the over- lapping surfaces. 3 o 4 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Figure 598 shows A Pot Made From a Cardboard Box. A box will furnish material for two pots. Cut the box as indicated by dotted lines in Fig. 600, and place the corners together as shown in Fig. 599. Fasten by gluing strips of paper over the Fig. 601 Fig. 603 Fig. 602 Figs. 601-603. — Circular Pots Made from Cereal Carton edges, then reinforce the corners by sewing with heavy linen thread. Circular Pots can be made from cereal cartons (Figs. 601 and 602). One carton will produce two pots. Glue and stitch the cover on to the carton, then cut a pot from each end, as indicated in Fig. 603. It is necessary to protect transplantings from the sun until they have taken root and are able to stand the Fig. 606 Gig. 604 Fig. 605 Figs. 604 to 606. — Three Methods of Shielding Transplantings until they have Taken Root. heat without wilting, and for early Spring transplanting before the season has become far enough advanced to make frost an impossibility, it is necessary to provide frost protec- tion. The protectors shown upon the following pages have 3°5 3° 6 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Fig. 607. — Tin Can Shield and Forcer proved practical for these purposes, and you will find them easy to make. The Paper-Funnel Shield shown in Fig. 604 is so rolled that one side, left open, can be turned away from the sun to admit light and air. Make the funnels out of pieces of heavy wrap- ping-paper. The Flower-Pot Shield (Fig. 605) is commonly used for short plants, because flower-pots are almost always at hand. The Basket Shield shown in Fig. 606 is a good type of sun shield because, while it gives protection, it admits lots of light and air. Of the three shields, the paper-funnel shield is the one to use if you have a great many trans- plantings to protect. fl^The Tin Can Shield and Forcer shown in Fig. 607 is useful not only to protect transplantings from frost and the sun, but also as a small cold-frame to force a plant's growth in the early Spring while the weather is yet cool. The sun's rays passing through the glass top of the forcer will carry heat to the plant in the same way that heat is carried to the plants in the cold-frame. Fig. 608 Fig. 609 TA, Figs. 608 to 609. — Tin Can Shield and Forcer in Use PLANT SHIELDS AND FORCERS 3°7 Tomato cans are of the best size for the tin can forcer, and 4 -by -5 inch camera plates are of the right size for the glass tops. If you cannot get used camera plates, any broken pieces of glass that you can find will do. If the can ends are crimped on, as most cans are now made, cut the ends open with a can opener. Punch a nail-hole in opposite sides of the can near one end, place the glass on the can, pass a a piece of wire over it, and stick the wire ends through the holes; twist the wire ends as shown in Fig. 607, and the wire will hold the glass in place. Nail the side of the can to a stake whittled to a point on its lower end. Fig. 610. — A Plant Forcer Fig. 611 \* M i.V "■ — * — 4k"— -*l Fig. 612 Fig. 611. — Cross-Section of Plant Forcer Fig. 612. — Patterns of Pieces Required 3 o8 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Figure 608 shows the forcer set close to the ground; Fig. 609 shows it raised for ventilation When the nights are cold, spread heavy paper over the plant, then set the can down over this, for extra protection When the weather warms up, and you wish to shield the plant from the sun, slip a piece of paper under the glass top The Plant Forcer in Fig. 610 requires more time to make than the tin-can forcer. It has the advantage of being roomier. The size of glass you obtain will determine the size of the parts. In the model shown, I used a 6 j^-by -Sc- inch camera plate, and the dimensions on the pattern of Fig. 612 are correct for glass of this size. Go to a paint shop and see what you can get in small pieces of glass. Possibly you can get scraps that will not cost much. The cross-section (Fig. 611) shows how the pieces go together. Prepare end pieces A and front and back strips B by the patterns (Fig. 612), and nail them together. Then cut back piece C to fit, and nail it to end pieces A. The glass rests upon front strip B, and it is held in place by four nails (£), driven into the edges of the end pieces A so the heads overlap the glass. The screw-eye F in the top edge of piece C helps hold the glass in place. When you have completed the forcer, give it a coat of paint. Green is the best color for garden accessories, but if you have another color on hand, make it do. CHAPTER XXXI FLOWER-BOXES Have you ever made flower-boxes to sell? It is an excellent way to earn money in the Spring, for then every- body is planting them, and there is so much demand for boxes of various types that there is not much trouble in making sales. An energetic boy usually can dispose of all of the boxes that he has time to make. Boxes of good design and proportions are almost as pleasing to look upon as the plants and vines which they contain. They require more care in the making than the square-cornered grocery-box type, but the work is simple, and you will find a readier sale for them among garden lovers. Material for Boxes. Cypress, often spoken of as "the wood eternal" because it is so little subject to decay, is the best flower-box material obtainable. Florists use it for their greenhouse boxes and troughs, it is used in the con- struction of greenhouses, and it is extensively employed in every form of building for parts exposed to moisture. The grain of cypress is exceedingly pretty, especially when the wood is stained with one of the modern wood finishes. Finishing. There are several ways to finish the wood of a flower-box. You can use an oil-stain made by mixing 309 310 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS oil-paint with turpentine or kerosene, or you can buy ready- mixed stain; you can white-enamel the wood or paint it the color your customer selects; or, if the wood has a pretty grain, like cypress, you can leave it in its natural color, and finish with a coat of white shellac and an- other of varnish. A Window or Porch Box. The long box with taper- ing sides shown in Fig. 613 is of a pleasing design for a window-sill or porch- rail. The cross-section of Fig. 618 shows the pattern for the end pieces (A), and shows the positions for the sides (B), and the bottom (C). Be careful to get the end pieces alike. Lay out one piece accurately, then use it for a pattern for g marking out the other piece. With the ends cut out, cut the side pieces and fasten them between the ends. Then cut the bot- tom board to fit between the sides. The length of the sides and bottom will Fig. 619. — Three Forms of Feet for Boxes Fig. 618. — Cross-Section of Window or Porch Box Shown in Fig. 613 Fig. 613. Window or Porch box. Fig. 615.— Plant-Stand. § FLOWER-BOXES 3ii be determined by the size of box wanted. Cut the sides 7% inches wide. The edges of the bottom board must be beveled to make them fit squarely against the side pieces. If you will mark out the positions for the side pieces upon the end pieces, it will simplify the matter of assembling. Nail the pieces to- gether with finish- ing-nails and set the nail-heads be- low the surface. Feet. It not only adds to the appear- ance of a flower-box to provide it with feet, but makes pro- vision for a circula- tion of air beneath it, which will keep dry the bottom, and the railing or win- dow-sill upon which the box stands. The screw-eye foot (A, Fig. 619) answers very well; foot B is a rubber-tipped base knob such as is used to screw into baseboards for doors to strike against; and foot C is a spool attached by means of a long screw run through its center hole. If the box is to be placed upon Fig. 620. — Detail Showing Assembling of Plant-Stand Shown in Fig. 615 3i2 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS a ledge too narrow for all four feet to stand upon, the feet must be omitted. A Plant -Tub (Fig. 614). This short box with tapering sides owes its substantial appearance to the wide band around its top. It is of a good de- sign for a box built for the top of a balustrade post. No dimensions have been shown for this box, because you will want to make it of the right size to fit the post it is to stand upon. Eight inches is deep enough. To get the right! taper for the sides, make the bottom edge of each side piece 2 inches shorter than the top edge. Mark out one side, saw it out, and use it as a pattern for marking Fig. 621. — Corner Hook and Chain for Hanging-Box Shown in Fig. 616 the ends of the other side pieces. Lap the sides over the end pieces. When the sides and ends have been nailed together, cut a bottom board to fit between. By fastening this bottom board about 3^2 mcn above the bottom edges, there will be a good chance for water to drain from the box. Holes may be bored through the bottom, to facilitate drainage. Pieces of broken flower- Fig. 622. — How Chains Fasten to a Hook Screwed into Ceiling FLOWER-BOXES 313 pot placed over the holes will keep the earth from washing out. The Plant-Stand shown in Fig. 615 was made 29 inches high, or table height. If the one you build is to stand in front of a window, make it of about the same height as the window-sill. The detail drawing (Fig. 620) shows how the plant-stand is built with a grocery-box as a foundation. The pairs of strips A and B are nailed together to form the legs. Cut strips A 1 y 2 inches wide, strips B 2 inches wide. The tops of the legs are finished off with the blocks C, which are cut of the right size to project about V 2 inch over the sides of the legs; and the top edges of the box are finished with strips cut of the right length to fit between the corner blocks, and of the right width to pro- ject 3^2 inch over the box sides. If the box used for the stand is g^dS^ 12 inches wide or narrower, the lower shelf can be a single board, cut the exact width and length to fit in the corners formed by the leg strips. The shelf will brace the lower ends of the legs. Conceal the edge of the box-bottom boards with a narrow strip of wood cut to fit between the corner strips. The Hanging -Box shown in Fig. 616 is another example of how a grocery box can be used advantageously in the construction of plant boxes. The hanging-box is made ' by nailing a band of wooden strips around the top edge of 314 CARPENTRY AND MECHNICS FOR BOYS a box, even with the top, and another band around the bottom, then fitting strips between the bands, at the box corners. Make the bottom band project about 3^ inch below the box bottom. This band conceals the edges of the box-bottom boards, and the corner strips cover the edges of the box-side boards. Cut the upper and lower band strips out of boards %-inch thick, making the lower strips 2}^ inches wide, and the upper strips 3 inches wide. Cut the corner strips out of boards ^-inch thick, making one strip of each pair Y% inch narrower than the other, to allow for the lapping edges. Nail the corner strips together, then nail them to the box. Suspend the Box by chains attached to screw-hooks screwed into the top edge of the box at the corners (Fig. 621), and hooked onto a screw -hook screwed into the porch-ceiling or wherever the box is to hang (Fig. 622). Buy hooks 3 inches in length, and No. 12 Iron jack-chain. The bright iron hooks and chain may be enameled with screen- wire enamel to prevent rusting. Metal Liners. As a grocery box is loosely made, one used for a hanging-box will leak more or less after each watering. If the position in which the box is to hang Fig. 624. — Cross- Section of Box Fitted with Metal Liner and Faucet for Drainage FLOWER-BOXES 3i5 makes this objectionable, a galvanized-iron liner like that shown in Fig. 623 should be provided. You can get a liner made at almost any hardware store. The liner should be just a trifle smaller than the box so that it will drop in without forcing, and the upper edge should be bent over, as shown, to form a projecting rim all around that will rest upon the top edge of the box (Fig. 624). When a box is provided with a metal liner, care must be taken not to pour too much water upon the soil at one time, else the Surplus Water Will Be- come Stagnant in the bot- tom of the box, and prob- ably result in loss of the plants. The nursery man will tell you that the proper way to do is to pour on just enough water so the top soil will be damp, not puddly. A Satisfactory Drain, for taking care of the surplus water in the bottom of a metal-lined flower-box, can be provided as shown in Fig. 624. Get a 34-inch brass air-cock and get a threaded piece of brass tubing to fit it. Cut the tubing of the right length to run through the box bottom, and solder it in a hole cut through the liner. Be careful to get the hole in the box bottom directly under the hole in the liner. Fig. 625. — Side View of Hanging- Basket Shown in Fig. 617 316 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Before Planting Metal-Lined Boxes, cover the bottom to a depth of i inch or so with coarse gravel or small pieces of crushed stone. Surplus water percolating through the stones will be freed of earth particles, and when drawn off through the faucet will be clear. This will prevent stoppage. The Hanging -Basket shown in Fig. 617 was designed for a potted fern. Omit the chain hangers, and screw four base-knobs into the bottom for feet, and you will have an excellent low pedestal box. Lengthen two opposite sides, and you will have a box suitable for a porch-rail or window. If plants are to be placed in the hanging- basket, pedestal box, or window box, without a pot, a moss lining must be pro- vided to keep earth from falling through the spaces between the side sticks. The moss can be procured from a florist if you cannot find it in the woods. By the side view of Fig. 625, and the top view of Fig. 626, you will see that the sides of the hanging-basket are built log-cabin fashion. Figure 627 shows a pattern for the bottom, which, as you will see, is hexagonal-shaped. Cut the piece out of a board f/i inch thick. Probably you know how to mark out an inscribed hexagon by describing a circle, then laying off the radius dimension six times upon the cir- Fig. 626. — - Top View of Hanging- Basket Shown in Fig. 617 FLOWER-BOXES 3i7 cumference, and connecting the points with straight lines. Figure 627 shows the method. When you have marked out the piece, saw it out a trifle outside of the lines, and finish up the edges with a plane. At each corner of the bottom piece, bore a hole through which to run the wire connecting rods (Figs. 627 and 630). Make the holes V^ inch or ^ inch in diameter, and locate them exactly where shown. The side sticks, of which you will need thirty-five, should be of the dimensions given in Fig. 628. If you can get several strips of a square moulding, you will , . •,, Fig. 627. — Pattern of Only have tO Saw them up Bottom for Hanging-Basket TI kjl jj 5g — -^HJH •ML. i Z3-J I ©i': — —4 into pieces of the right length, smooth up the ends and edges, and bore holes for the connecting rods. Though of slightly different proportions than those given, parting- strips, used for window- frames, will serve the pur- pose nicely. You can get them at any planing-mill. If you make a number of these boxes, it will pay you to buy these stock strips, or have strips ripped up and surfaced. With the strips care- Fig 628 Fig. 630 Fig. 628. — Pattern of Side Sticks of Hanging-Basket Fig. 629 Fig. 629 and 630. — Details of Corner Connecting Rods 318 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS fully marked out upon a board, there is no trick to ripping out enough for one or two boxes. It is best to rip long strips, then cut these into short lengths. The positions for the holes are indicated in. Fig. 628. Upon the care with which these holes, and the holes near the corners of the bottom board, are bored, depends the nicety with which the box fits together. Make a marker out of a strip of cardboard, and use this for locating each pair of holes. In boring the holes, be careful to bore them straight. Cut the six corner connecting rods out of No. 8 galvanized wire, of the length shown in Fig. 629. Bend one end of each rod into an eye. Slip a rod through each of the corner holes in the bottom board, then slip the side sticks over the wires, piling them log-cabin fashion. When six sticks have been stacked up on each of the six sides, bend over the upper end of each rod into an eye, thus binding all sticks close together. Attach chain hangers to four of the six rod ends. Number 1 2 iron jack-chain is the right kind to buy. CHAPTER XXXII GARDEN ACCESSORIES Lacking a sprinkling-can, one of the best substitutes the author knows of is a tin can with perforated bottom, Fig. 631. — Tin Can Garden Sprinkler and a stick handle fastened to the side (Fig. 631). For some purposes 3!9 3 2o CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS A Tin Can Sprinkler like this is handier than a regular sprinkling-can. Because it is so simple to make, every gardener might own several. The number, size, and Fig. 633 Fig. 632 Figs. 632 and 633. — Dibbles Fig. 634. — Using a Planting Trencher Fig. 635. — Detail of Trencher location of the perforations can be regulated to suit the kind of spray wanted. Use the point of a nail or awl for making holes. Drive nails through the can into the stick handle. GARDEN ACCESSORIES 321 Many gardeners prefer. A Dibble to a hoe or rake, for making holes for large seeds, for planting bulbs, and for transplanting seedlings. Figure 632 shows one easily made. Whittle a stick handle like that shown, and drive a 16-penny nail (a nail 33^ inches long) through it near the end. This is a good form of dibble for seed planting. An Umbrella-Handle Dibble like that shown in Fig. 633 is excellent for making holes for bulbs and transplant- ings. Cut off about one-half of the length of the rod. For making trenches preparatory to planting rows of seed, or trans- planting, A Planting Trencher like that shown in Fig. 634 is handy. This requires the runner A (Fig. 635), 16 inches long, the stick handle B, 3 feet long, and the pair of braces C, by which the handle is fastened to the runner. With this little tool you can make trenches quickly. A Seed Basket, made of a fruit basket supported upon Fig. 636.— Seed Basket Figs. 637 and 638. — Garden Marker Fig. 639. — How to Put Up Strings for Vines Fig. 640. — Use Clothespins with which to Pin Vine Strings to the Ground Fig. 641. — Tomato- Racks 322 GARDEN ACCESSORIES 323 the rod of an umbrella as shown in Fig. 636, holds the seed packages within convenient reach for planting. Punch a hole through the basket bottom for the rod to run through, and tie the basket handle to the umbrella rod and handle. Garden Markers. Clothespins are useful for pinning the names of seeds planted, to the tops of stakes used for garden markers (Fig. 637). Cut the stake top thin enough for the clothespin to slip over. Tear the bot- tom out of the seed envelope, slip the envelope over the stake, and slip one prong of a clothespin down over the stake top (Fig. 638). Figure 639 shows How to Put Up Strings for Vines planted alongafence. Instead of running a separate string for each vine, the method illustrated, which is a saver of time, consists in starting where the first vine is planted, and tying the end of the string to a nail driven into the fence top directly over the vine, then running the string down to and tying to a stake driven into the ground beside the vine, crossing over Fig. 642 Fig. 644 Figs. 642-644.— Details of Folding Tomato-Rack 324 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS to and tying to a stake driven into the ground beside the next vine, running the string up to and over a nail in the fence top directly above the vine, over to a nail in the fence top directly above the next vine, down to a stake driven close to that vine, and continuing in this manner until a string has been provided for each vine. Figure 640 shows how clothespins can be used for pinning down the strings to the ground. By using these it is not necessary to tie the strings. If you will make your Tomato-Racks so they can be folded up for storing during the winter season, they will last indefinitely, and in the long run you will be repaid for the time you spend now in making them. Figure 641 shows a row of folding racks. Use laths for the vertical and cross strips A and B (Fig. 642), and buy j^-inch stove-bolts for fastening them together. Bore holes through the strips near the ends, for the bolts to slip through (Fig. 643), and drive a double-pointed tack into the ends of crosspiece B, and another into the side edge of vertical pieces A. Point the lower end of strips A so they will push into the ground with little resistance. Figure 641 shows the racks in position, with string braces tied to the double-pointed tacks. Additional strings can be fastened to the racks if found necessary. CHAPTER XXXIII RACKS AND TRAYS FOR CANNING TIME Probably you do not know anything about the canning and drying of vegetables, but mother does, and you can help her to the extent of making the necessary racks and trays. For the cold-pack method of canning, the usual home- made equipment for sterilizing fruits and vegetables is a wash-boiler fitted with a wooden rack on which to stand the filled jars (Figs. 645 and 646). Figure 647 shows a detail of A Wash-Boiler Rack made of laths. Dimensions for the strips are not given on the diagram because wash-boilers vary in size, and you must make the rack to fit the bottom of the wash-boiler that it is to be used in. Make the rack enough shorter and narrower than the boiler so it will fit loosely in it. Cut strips A of equal length, also strips B. Cross strip A with strips B, spacing them at equal dis- tances apart, not to exceed 2 inches. Nail with nails long enough to go through the over-lapping strips and bend over. Cut side strips C and nail them to strips A at the ends. Then trim off the ends of the strips as indicated, to make the rack fit the round ends of the wash-boiler. For drying corn and sliced vegetables, 32s 326 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS A Rack Suspended Over a Stove (Fig. 648) is much used. The screened tray is easy to make. For a medium-sized gas-range, a tray of the dimensions shown in Fig. 649 is about right for use over a single burner Lap the ends of the side strips over the ends of the end strips. Tack screen wire to the bottom edges of the tray. One screw-hook in Fig. 646 Fig. 645 Figs. 645 and 646. — Wash-Boiler Rack for Cold-Pack Method of Canning Fig. 647. — Detail of Rack for Wash- Boiler the ceiling directly over the center of the gas-burner is sufficient to support the swinging tray, provided you screw the hook into one of the ceiling joists, and of course you must do that to fasten the hook securely. Screw a pair of screw- eyes into each end of the tray, and attach a chain to each screw-eye long enough to extend to the ceiling hook when the tray is suspended 12 inches or so above the burner. A Drying-Tray to Stand Upon a Stove must have metal legs. Figure 650 shows a tray with shelf-bracket legs, and Fig. 651 shows how to attach these. The sun-drying method of preserving vegetables is extensively used. Figure 652 shows RACKS AND TRAYS FOR CANNING TIME 327 A Sun Dryer, consisting of two screened frames, one inverted over the other (Fig. 654), supported on a rack (Fig. 656). The vegetables to be dried are spread out upon the screen wire of the lower frame, and the upper frame covers them and protects them from flying insects. Crawl- ing insects can be kept away by standing the legs of the dryer-rack in tin cans filled with water (F, Fig. 653). Fig. 648. — Suspended Tray for Drying Vegetables Fig. 649. — Detail of Drying-Tray Make the pair of screened frames, first, then the rack of the right size to accommodate the frames. Figure 655 shows the dimensions of side strips A and end strips B, used for the frames of the author's dryer shown in Fig. 652; and Fig. 657 gives the correct dimensions for legs strips C, and connecting crosspieces D and E of the rack. If you make the frames of different proportions than these, you can 328 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS figure out the length dimensions for the crosspieces of the rack after the frames have been put together. Figures 653 and 656 show how the rack members are assembled. Set crosspieces D 4 inches below the tops of Fig. 651. — How the Shelf-Bracket Legs are Fastened on legs C, so the upper screened frame will come even with the tops of the legs. The frames rest upon crosspieces D, and crosspieces E and the upper ends of legs C hold the frames in place. Before covering the frames with screen- wire, give them and the rack a coat of green paint. Galvanized screen- wire : is better than Japanned wire for covering the frames. Two yards of wire 24 inches wide will be required. Stretch the RACKS AND TRAYS FOR CANNING TIME 329 Fig. 657 30" Fig. 655 IX 25g- D 38£" if K - 36" H a A. I ^A H 23£" 2 1 B B^^ji ^-B i Fig. 654 Fig. 656 Fig. 653 Fig. 653. — Cross-Section of Sun Dryer Shown in Fig. 652. Fig. 654. — Screened Frames Fig. 656. — Dryer Rack Fig. 655. — Frame Strips Fig. 657. — Rack Strips wire tight over the frames, and after tacking it in place, cover its edges with the narrow moulding used upon window and door screens. Fasten this moulding with brads. Instead of screening the upper frame, you can glaze it. 33 o CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Glass intensifies the sun's heat, and thus speeds up the drying process. But if you do glaze the upper sash, cut openings in the side edges of the frames to permit a free circulation of air over the vegetables. Besides serving as a dryer, this apparatus can be used in the Fall as A Rack for Ripening Tomatoes that have been picked green to save them from frost. Making Racks and Trays to Sell. If you have time and want to earn money, the author suggests that you canvas among gardeners of your community for orders for dryers. If you own a wagon, you can take your dryer with you as a sample; or, if you do not want to bother doing this, you can make a miniature model of a size handy to carry under your arm. Fig. 658. — A Concrete Lawn-Roller (See Chapter 34). CHAPTER XXXIV A LAWN ROLLER If you will take the time to make a concrete lawn-roller like that shown in the photograph of Fig. 658, you will find no end of employment next spring, and in following springs. Owners of well-kept lawns have them gone over to roll out uneven places, caused by the action of frost, and newly planted lawns must be rolled, also, to make the surface level and compact. If you will happen round at the right time, you will probably be able to land the jobs. Take your chum into partnership. You will be able to cover twice as much territory in soliciting work, and you will need his additional fraction of horse-power to add to your own to operate the roller. The Material Required will be as follows: One 2-foot length of 12-inch tile sewer-pipe {A, Fig. 659), one piece of 1 34-inch iron pipe 26 inches long (B), two pieces of 24-inch iron pipe 27 3^2 inches long (C), two pieces of %-inch. iron pipe 4 feet 6 inches long (D), two go-degree elbows (E), two street elbows (F) and two unions for %-inch pipe (G). Pipe is known by its inside diameter. Three-quarter-inch pipe, is % inch in diameter, inside, 1 inch in diameter, out- side. The ends of lengths of pipe C and D must be threaded. 331 332 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS You can get them cut and threaded at any plumbing shop, and you can procure the fittings there. For the concrete mixture for the tile pipe, you will require about one wheelbarrow of crushed stone (3^-inch or %-inch), three-quarters of a wheelbarrow of torpedo sand, and one- quarter sack of Portland cement. You can procure this material from a builder in your vicinity. „rD ■£ B 4—90° ELBOW Union - 'Street- ELbow Fig. 659. — Detail of Parts Required for Lawn-Roller In addition to the above, you will need some boards out of which to make centers for centering iron pipe B within tile pipe A, and for making a concrete mixing-platform. Figure 659 shows a detail of all of the parts required for the roller. Figure 660 shows the tile pipe with the pipe axle-casing centered ready for pouring the concrete, and Fig. 661 shows The Centering Platform. Making the platform is the first operation. Fasten together several boards with the pair of battens H, placing the battens so they will fit close against the sides of the small end of the tile pipe when the pipe is stood upon the boards. Nail the pair of blocks / A LAWN ROLLER 333 to the platform so they will fit close against the sides of the pipe, also. The next thing to do is To Locate the Center for the Axle, upon the platform, between battens H and blocks /. This must be the exact center, else your roller axle will be off center and your roller will not run evenly. The center can be located by a pair of dividers, ruler, or piece of string. When you are abso- lutely certain that you have located the center correctly, cut a hole 1 34-inch in diameter for the end of iron pipe B (Fig. 664) to fit in. If you haven't an expansive-bit, bore several small holes and trim up to the larger diameter with a chisel. The Center of the Flange End of the tile pipe is located by means of the crossed strips / and K (Fig. 660). Cut these strips to fit inside of the tile pipe at the center of the end, of the right length to rest upon the inside shoulder of the flange. Cut a i>4-inch hole, through the exact center of each strip, then halve the' two pieces together in the manner shown in Figs. 662 and 663. A^Ii Fig. 660. — Tile Pipe with Pipe Axle-Casing Centered Ready for Pouring the Concrete 334 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS With the tile pipe placed in position, and the iron pipe axle-casing B fitted in the centering holes, all will be ready for pouring the concrete. The Concrete Mixture should be made in the proportions of i part cement, 3 parts sand, and 4 parts stone. You can use a pail for measuring. Mix the sand and cement together, first, by shoveling the two over and over. Then add the stone and mix thoroughly, then add enough water to make a fairly sloppy mixture that will pour readily. Pouring the Concrete. Pour the concrete mixture into the tile pipe, be- Fig. 663 Fig. 664 tween strips J and K, and with a stick tamp the ma- terial down solid. Be careful to have all spaces between the stone particles filled; also to get the sand and cement between the stone and the Fig. 661 sides of the tile . m pipe. Fill the tile pipe to the level of the under side of Fig. 661. — Detail of Centering Platform Figs. 662 and 663. — Detail of End Strips for Cen- Stnps J and K. tering Axle-Casing End mi t •*.• * c* j. F IG - 664. — Pipe Axle-Casing The Initial Set of cement usually occurs within an hour's time after pour- 1 f==htf=\ Fig. 662 J A LAWN ROLLER 335 ing; but allow the concrete- filled pipe to stand for several days before disturbing it. Removing the Tile Pipe. The tile pipe may be removed by cracking it off, but the author suggests that you leave it on, as it makes the roller larger in diameter, and will give it a smooth surface that will last a long time. When the tile does crack, you can break it off. The flange must be removed, of course, as soon as you are ready to complete the roller. This can be broken off, and the end chipped off level with the concrete, by the careful use of a cold-chisel. The Iron Pipe Handle Frame is shown in detail in Fig. 659. In this detail you will find the relative positions for the pieces of pipe, and for the fittings included in the material list. Screw elbows E onto the ends of one of the pieces of pipe C; slip the other length of pipe C through pipe B, and screw street elbows F onto its ends. Screw pieces of pipe D into elbows £, and screw unions G onto their ends and onto elbows F. Paint the Handle Frame to keep the iron pipe from rusting. CHAPTER XXXV BIRD HOUSES Nature provided our native birds to keep the proper balance in insect life, but, because we have neglected to afford necessary protection, the birds have decreased and insects have increased to an alarming extent. It is our patriotic duty, therefore, to work for a re-establishment of nature's balance, and one way to aid in bringing this about is to give the birds all possible protection during the nesting season, by providing houses for those that nest in houses, and by making war upon bird enemies. Bird-House Campaigns. The bird-house campaign has developed into a national movement, so much so, in fact, that the school which cannot boast of bird-house building activities is reckoned unprogressive. In a recent campaign in Pittsburgh, the boys of the public schools built more than 6,000 bird houses. An exhibit of some of the houses is shown in the photograph of Fig. 665. It is estimated that more than 15,000 houses were made in one year by the boys of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania; in St. Paul, nearly 4,000 houses were entered in a contest held by the Board of Education; in Seattle, enough houses were disposed of by 336 p a o w M a £ t> H M S BIRD HOUSES 337 one school to make possible the purchase of a first-class printing outfit and many other good records have come to the author from schools, communities, and individuals to whom his bird-house plans have been supplied. If your community has not had a bird-house building contest, write to the editor of your newspaper and ask him to start a campaign. He will recognize in this feature material that will interest a large percentage of readers, and, if his space will permit, he may comply with your request. Public-spirited business men are generally „ r ° J Fig. 666. — League glad to donate prizes for the best houses Button entered in contests, and of course prizes stimulate interest, for what boy will not "work his head off" to win a prize? Bird-house building is A Good All -the -Year Around Activity. It is never too late or too early to put out houses. If too late for the nesting season, the houses at least improve the appearance of the home grounds. Weathering not only makes the houses fit in better with the surroundings, but also renders them more acceptable next season to the birds. Besides building bird-houses yourself, you can serve the birds by encouraging others to do likewise. In fact, you can get other boys to work with you. For the purpose of enlisting every bird-lover in the work, the author founded The American Bird-House League,* and the league's slogan "A home for every native house-nesting bird" gives *It you or your teacher would be interested in full particulars concerning the American Bird-House League, a stamp sent to A. Neel> Hall, Elmhurst, Illinois, will bring you a copy of "Handicraft News," which tells all about it. 338 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS promise of a goal not beyond the possibility of attainment, for already it has a widespread membership covering nearly every section of the United States and Canada. Work To Be Proud Of. When you have enlisted your services in the national bird conservation movement, by building bird-houses and encouraging others to build them, think of your pride when you walk about town after your Praia Tta Ento Feathered Friends Bird House Factory Dcf fienoct, Iow% houses have been erected, and point them out every- where. Father will be mighty proud of his boy craftsman, your friends will envy you, and you will gain a reputa- tion as an expert bird-house builder. It's lots of fun u m j • i_ • j i Fig. 667. — Print your Stationery Like This building bird-houses and it's lots of fun selling them because they sell readily among bird-lovers. You can establish A Boy's Bird -House Factory with the certainty of enjoying the work and of earning lots of money, as others among the author's readers have done. The following two letters from BIRD HOUSES 339 boys who have followed the author's suggestions are con- vincing: Clessand V. Mulholland of Birmingham, Michigan, writes: "I sold about forty houses last spring from thirty cents up, and would have sold more only I sprained my ankle. We sold about twenty-three of one model at fifty cents, and it cost about two cents to make. Your plans helped us immensely. We made the large twenty-eight-room martin house and this caused considerable atten- tion around town. We won three first prizes and two second prizes in contests. As to selling bird houses, it was easy. The Woman's Club helped push our business along. We have planned next spring's campaign, and have use of a prominent store window for our display. We are making posters telling how much good the birds do. People are always ready to buy as they know they are helping the birds as well as us." Vernon Hoi, and his brother Harold, proprietors of "Feathered Friends' Bird-House Factory, Des Moines, Iowa," report: "We have had good success selling our houses at prices from 50 cents to $1.50, mostly wren houses. We did not get started until late last year, so we are going to go after business right this year, as we know there is big money in it. We are getting out a catalog of bird houses, also circulars and post cards and personal letters, and we will make a personal canvas of each house. The daily papers have written us up and helped us wonderfully." Vernon and Harold own a printing-press, and their stationery, shown in Fig. 667, is a sample of the business-like manner in which they are handling their bird-house pro- position. 34Q CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Among the many requests which the author receives from readers for bird-house plans and building information, are those for The Right Dimensions for Houses. It is necessary to know these, of course, before starting a house, because the proportions will vary for different species. Little fellows like the house-wren prefer small houses, and the doorway should be about the size of a quarter. Therefore, when planning a wren home, don't consider a 20-room palace, such as you would provide for martins; and don't make a larger doorway than the size mentioned above, because it will admit the English sparrow. The Height Above Ground to Place the Houses is also of great importance. A wren, for example, prefers a house placed between 6 and 10 feet above the ground, while a martin's house must have a height of from 15 to 20 feet. The United States Department of Agriculture has issued A Chart of Correct Dimensions for houses to accommodate every bird known to accept house nesting places, compiled from data supplied by our best-informed naturalists, and this chart is presented in Fig. 668 so that you will know exactly what dimensions to use for the species of birds you wish to house. Materials for Bird-House Building can be found in every household. Tomato cans, apple and sugar barrels, fish-kegs, nail-kegs and white-lead kegs, ! cheese-boxes, butter- firkins, wooden pails, flower-pots, and small boxes such as soap and starch come in, will furnish all the material necessary for building many kinds of houses. You will find plans in BIRD HOUSES 34i Dimensions of Nesting-boxes for Various Species of Birds (From Farmers' Bulletin 609) Species. Floor Depth Entrance Diam. of of above of cavity. cavity. floor. entrance. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 5 by 5 8 6 m 6 by 8 8 C 1 ) C 1 ) 4 by 4 8 to 10 8 m 4 by 4 8 to 10 8 1M 4 by 4 8 to 10 8 m 4by 4 6 to 8 lto 6 A 4 by 4 6 to 8 lto 6 1 4 by 4 6 to 8 lto 6 m 6 by 6 6 1 3 5 by 5 6 lto 6 m 5 by 5 6 1 to 6 m 6 by 6 6 C 1 ) i 1 ) 6 by 6 6 1 2 l A 6by 6 6 ( 2 ) ( 2 ) 6 by 6 6 4 2 6 by 6 6 C 1 ) C 1 ) 6 by 6 8 to 10 8 2 7 by 7 16 to 18 16 2V2 6 by 6 12 to 15 12 2 6 by 6 12 to 15 12 2 6 by 6 12 to 15 12 m 4 by 4 8 to 10 8 1M 8 by 8 12 to 15 12 3 8 by 8 12 to 15 12 3 6 by 6 10 to 12 10 2V 2 10 by 18 15 to 18 4 6 10 by 18 10 to 15 3 6 Height above ground. Bluebird Robin Chickadee Tufted titmouse White-breasted nuthatch House wren Bewick wren Carolina wren Dipper Violet-green swallow . . . Tree swallow Barn swallow Martin Song sparrow House finch Phoebe Crested flycatcher Flicker Red-headed woodpecker Golden-fronted woodpecker Hairy woodpecker . . Downy woodpecker . Screech owl Sparrow hawk Saw-whet owl Barn owl Wood duck Feet. 5 to 10 6 to 15 6 to 15 6 to 15 12 to 20 6 to 10 6 to 10 6 to 10 lto 3 10 to 15 10 to 15 8 to 12 15 to 20 lto 3 8 to 12 8 to 12 8 to 20 6 to 20 12 to 20 12 to 20 12 to 20 6 to 20 10 to 30 10 to 30 12 to 20 12 to 18 4 to 20 1 One or more sides open. 2 All sides open. Fig. 668. — To Win the Birds to your Houses Follow the Above Dimension 342 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Handicraft for Handy Boys for houses made of the above materials, and you will find other plans that admit their use, in the chapters following this one. Finishing. The usual method of finishing bird-houses is with a wood-stain. You can use a ready-made shingle stain, or you can make up your own stain by mixing oil paint with turpentine or kerosene. Green and brown are the colors generally used. Some people prefer to have the houses painted white. If you finish the houses with paint, use two coats. Give the inside one coat of stain or paint as a wood preservative. Putty nail-holes and cracks to keep out the rain. =r~r '._ CHAPTER XXXVI WREN HOUSES Wrens raise two broods each year, and for each brood an apartment is required, because wrens do not use the same nest twice. In fact, the second nest is begun before the FlG. 673. — Cross-Section of Wren House Shown in Fig. 669 young birds of the first brood are ready to fly. If you build one-compartment houses, you must provide two houses for each pair of birds, if you wish to keep them with you during the entire nesting season. Wren houses are often built with several compartments, but not more than one family at a time will take up quarters there because wrens are 343 344 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS quarrelsome and do not colonize as martins do. The only- advantage of the house with several compartments is that it allows the birds a choice of quarters, and it provides for their two broods. I - 5"- H c D c MFH -2"H H£»i 8i" Fig. 674. — Details of Parts of Wren House Shown in Fig. 669 In the table of dimensions shown in Fig. 668, you will see that the house wren builds its nest usually at a height of between 6 and 10 feet. Bear this in mind when putting up wren houses. Also, place the houses so that the opening faces the East, as that seems to be the preferred exposure. NHHfi ra Pig. 672. Robin Shelter No. 2 Fig. 670. Wren House No. 2. Fig. 669. Wren House No. 1. Fig. 671. — Robin Shelter No. 1. Fi^. 671 — Wren House No. 3. WREN HOUSES 345 Make the opening H inch in diameter. This is plenty large enough, and will keep out the English sparrow. Such details as these may seem trivial to you, but they are important enough to spell failure for the boy who neglects to consider them. Wren House No. 1, shown in Fig. 669, is to be suspended from a tree limb. Figure 673 shows a cross-section, and Fig. 674 shows dimensions for the parts required. Box boards 3^ inch thick are good enough working material. Bore the doorway where located in front piece A, and bore a 34-inch hole below it for the perch-stick. The rear wall is of the same size as front A ; side B is of the same size, also. Side CD is 3^ inch shorter than B, be- cause B laps over its edge; it is sawed into three parts, the outer pieces ( C) to be nailed in place, the cen- ter piece (D) to be slipped between and € Fig. 675. — Cross-Section of Wren House Shown in Fig. 670 held at the top by a block (G, Fig. 673), and at the bottom by a button ( H) made of a scrap of tin. Roof board F is the same as board E (Fig. 674), but is y 2 inch narrower to allow for the lapping edge of board E. . Nail the parts together with i-inch finishing-nails. Use Fig. 676. — Details of Parts for Wren House Shown in Fig. 670 346 Fig. 677. — Details of Parts of Wren House Shown in Fig. 671 WREN HOUSES 347 heavy wire for a hanger, and run it through holes bored through the house ends just below the roof. Make the holes large enough to serve as ventilators. Wren House No. 2 (Fig. 670) is shown in cross-section in Fig. 675, and Fig. 676 shows dimensions for the parts. Bevel the top edge of front piece A, as shown, so the roof will fit it squarely, bore a ^-inch doorway in the position indicated, and bore a hole below it for the perch-stick. Assemble the pieces as shown in Figs. 670 and 675. Hinge back E to the edge of roof board D, to give access for cleaning the house. It is not necessary to provide a fastener for the hinged back, because when the house is hung upon a tree trunk by passing wires through holes bored through sides B, as indicated in Fig. 675, running these around the tree, and fastening them, the back cannot open. Wren House No. 3 (Fig. 671) is made of a tomato can (A, Fig. 677), a tin funnel 53^ inches in diameter (B), a wooden framework made of three strips (C and D) and two dowel-sticks (£), and a hanger stick and screw-eye (F). Sticks D provide a means for fastening the funnel roof. Bevel their tops to correspond with the pitch of the funnel, and punch a pair of holes through the funnel, through which to drive screws into the sticks. Bore two ^-inch holes through stick C, for perch sticks E. Cut hanger peg F to fit the funnel spout, drive a screw-eye into its top, and fasten the peg with a brad driven through the spout. Finish the Wren Houses as described in Chapter 35. CHAPTER XXXVII ROBIN SHELTERS Robins build their nests on partially sheltered ledges, as well as in trees and shrubbery. They do not take to inclosed houses. You must build nesting places for them, therefore, exposed upon two or more sides, of the type shown in the photographs of Figs. 671 and 672 (Chapter 36). They will readily accept these shelters, placed in secluded locations in the garden, or strapped to tree trunks, or fastened to the outside walls of buildings. Robins nest at heights of 6 to 15 feet, but it is advisable to place shelters at the latter rather than the former height, because it makes the nests less accessible to four-footed enemies. Robin Shelter No. 1 (Fig. 671) requires a tin pan that measures 83^ inches across the rim. If you cannot find a worn-out pan at home, probably you can get one from a neighbor. The pan may be a trifle larger than this, but you will have to increase the size of ""he roof board ac- cordingly (A, Fig. 679). Figure 678 shows a cross-section of the shelter, and Fig. 679 shows a top view. Mark out top board A by the pattern of Fig. 680, saw off the corners as indicated, and plane up the edges. Bore a ^-inch hole through the center of five 348 ROBIN SHELTERS 349 adjacent edges, in which to drive perch-sticks E (Fig. c 679). Prepare three sup- ports B by the pattern of Fig. 680, cut off the lower corners as indicated,and cut a groove from side to side 4 inches below the top, parallel to the top. Cut the sides of the groove with a saw, and split out the wood between with a chisel. The rim of the tin pan is to fit in the grooves. Bore a hole near the lower end of the side supports to run perch-stick F through (Fig. 678). Figure 679 indicates the positions for supports B; the distance apart to place them will be determined by the diameter of the pan. Block C (Fig. 678) should be of the thickness of the projection on the back edge of roof A. It blocks out the rear sup- port to make the shelter ^3«te^ |p Fig. 678. — Cross-Section of Robin Shelter No. 1, Shown in Fig. 671 (Chapter 36) Fig. 679. —Top View of Robin Shelter No. 1, Shown in Fig. 671 (Chapter 36) 350 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS I*— -II"— --M k—3* Fig. 680. — Details of Parts of Robin Shelter No. 1, Shown in Fig. 671 (Chapter 36) fit squarely upon the tree or wall you hang it upon. Cut perch-stick F io inches long. Paint the tin pan with two coats of paint, to keep it from rusting. The woodwork can be finished as suggested in Chap- ter 35. When the painted pan is dry, fasten it to the rear support with a screw driven through a hole pierced just below the rim (Fig. 678). Punch several holes through the pan bottom, for rain- water drains. Robin Shelter No. 2 (Fig. 672) may be made of grocery-box . fPrtK;n J . . Fig. 681. — Cross-Section of Robin boards. Material f-g inch thick Shelter No. 2, Shown in Fig. 672 (Chapter 36) ROBIN SHELTERS 351 J -7" J ^ f"H - +4"- — 4 I CD 1 c 9" - ,T m\rf <\J 1_ * D Fig. 682. — Details of Parts for Robin Shelter No. 2, Shown in Fig. 672 (Chapter 36) Fig. 683. — How to Cut the Two Side Pieces at One Time was used in the model shown in the" photograph, and the dimensions for the parts required, given in Fig. 682, allow for material of this thickness. The cross-section of Fig. 681 shows how the parts fit together. Nail together, temporarily, the two boards out of which side pieces A are to be cut, lay out the outline upon one board, cut out the two pieces at one time (Fig. 683), and then separate them. A hand bracket-saw (Fig. 18, Chapter 2), or a coping-saw (Fig. 19), is best for cutting the center circular opening. The small hole shown in the upper right- 352 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS hand corner of the side pieces is provided to run a wire through for hanging up the house. The holes in the bottom board C (Fig. 682) are drain holes. Having cut the parts to the given sizes, and planed them smooth, you will have no difficulty in assembling them, with Figs. 672 and 681 before you to follow. CHAPTER XXXVIII WOODPECKER HOUSES 5 Houses for woodpeckers must be made with deep cavities like the hollowed tree-trunks in which they nest. The dimensions will vary for different members of the wood- pecker family. Little downy woodpecker requires a cavity 4 inches square at the bottom, extending about 8 inches below the doorway. The doorway must be j% inches in diameter. The hairy woodpecker's house should have a cavity extending 12 to 15 inches below the doorway, measur- ing 6 inches square at the bottom, and a doorway 1 3^ inches in diameter. The red-headed woodpecker requires the same size cavity as the hairy woodpecker, but an entrance 2 inches in diameter. The flicker's house should have a cavity extending between 16 and 18 inches below the doorway, and a doorway 2^ inches in diameter. You will find all of the necessary dimensions given in the "List of Dimen- sions" of Fig. 668, Chapter 35. The houses in the photographs of Figs. 684 and 685 are designed for flickers. You can reduce the dimensions given, to suit other species of woodpeckers. Figure 687 shows a detail of the framework of Woodpecker House No. 1 (Fig. 684). First prepare 353 354 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS top and bottom pieces A by the pattern in Fig. 688. It will simplify matters to nail two pieces of ^s-inch board together, mark out the outline upon one board, and cut out the two pieces at one time. A hand bracket-saw or coping saw can be used for sawing out the curved ends, and notching them. Make connecting strips B square, of the dimensions given in Fig. 688. Fasten them in the notches in top and bottom pieces A, as shown. The curved front of tht house is inclosed with tin. The sides of five tomato cans, with edges lapped % inch, will do. Tack the tin to strips B with carpet tacks. Prepare side pieces C (Fig. 687) after the front has been inclosed. In one piece cut the doorway in the position shown in Fig. 688. Cut roof board D (Fig. 687) by the pattern in Fig. 688, and nail it to top Fig. 687. — Detail of Framework of Woodpecker House No. 1, Shown in Fig. 684 piece A with equal projections at the sides, and a rear pro- jection to cover back board E. Prepare back board E by the pattern in Fig. 688, and hinge it to the rear edge of roof piece D with a pair of hinges. Figures 689 and 690 show details of the perches. Sticks ^ma*BmaKm^mnsm Fig. 686.— Bluebird House. / Fig. 684. — Woodpecker House No. 1. No. 685. — Woodpecker House No. 2. Fig. 690 k-er— I Fig. 688. — Detail of Parts for the Wood- pecker House No. 1, Shown in Fig. 684 Fig. 689 Figs. 689 and 690 Details of Perch Fig. 691. — Cross-Section of Woodpecker House No. 2, Shown in Fig. 685 355 356 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS F and / are -Hs-inch dowel-sticks. Cut blocks G and H of the dimensions given in Fig. 690. Bore a hole in bottom piece A to receive stick F, and nail through G into A. ~YT Fig. 692.— Detail of Parts of Woodpecker House No. 2, Shown in Fig. 685. Woodpecker House No. 2 (Fig. 685) is shown in cross- section in Fig. 691, with all parts lettered in a manner cor- WOODPECKER HOUSES 357 responding to that used on the patterns in Fig. 692. Front and back boards A may be made of J^-inch stuff, sides B, roof boards C, floor D, and blocks F and G, should be cut out of ^-inch stuff. Cut the main parts before starting to Fig. 695 assemble. First, nail the four sides together, then add the roof. Roof boards C must be mitered, or one piece must be lapped over the other, at the ridge. Cover the joint with a strip of tin. Fasten floor D be- tween the sides with screws, so it may be removed at house-cleaning time. Fig. 694 Fig. 693 There are six brackets F to sup- Fig. 693.- Detail of Bracket P ort boards E(Fig. 691). The for Woodpecker House No. 2 positions for them are shown in Fig. 694 and 695. — Details tl. . . of Knob for Base rig. 685 and a pattern is shown in Fig. 693. The knob on the under side of the base, made up of spools H and the block G (Figs. 694 and 695,) is held by nail / driven through the center into base D (Fig. 691). [Miter shelf boards E at the corners. Add screw-eyes for hangers, then the house will be ready for finishing with stain or paint. CHAPTER XXXIX A BLUEBIRD HOUSE Bluebirds require houses a little larger than the wrens, with larger doorways. The floor space should be at least 5 inches square, the doorway i y% inches in diameter. The height to place the house above the ground is from 5 to 10 feet. Comply with these requirements, see that the house is not disturbed by cats and other unwelcome intruders, and it is almost certain that Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird will be perfectly contented with their new quarters, and, with good fortune, will raise their customary two broods. Bluebird houses can either be hung from a tree limb, or be supported upon a pole. Figure 686 (Chapter 38) shows a hanging bluebird house, and Fig. 696 shows the same house mounted upon an iron-pipe support. If you hang the house, fasten it close up to a tree limb so that it will not swing much, for a swinging house does not strike the fancy of the average pair of bluebirds. The house mounted upon a pole seems to be preferred. The two-compartment bluebird house shown in the illus- trations makes an attractive little structure for the garden or lawn, and it is simple to build. 358 A BLUEBIRD HOUSE 359 In the cross-section of Fig. 697, which is a cross-section of The Hanging-House, each piece is lettered, and in Fig. 698 you will find patterns of all the parts, similarly lettered. Walls A and center partition E should be cut out of material yi inch thick, the other pieces may be cut out of box boards H inch thick. Prepare walls A first. If you will draw a center-line, then upon one side of this line draw one- half of the piece, you can take a piece of thin paper, Fig. 696. Bluebird House Supported on Iron Pipe make a tracing of the half, and transfer it to the other side of the center-line to complete the piece. By doing this you will find it easy to get both sides alike. Fasten together two pieces of board with several nails driven part way in, draw the outline of the wall upon one board, and saw out the two pieces at one time. Both pieces will then be alike. wmmammimmmm!msmfm^Bmme^^^mii^^^B^^^^^sss=BSB^^^^^^m^^^^^^^^^^^~^^^^^^^^^^^———^^^^^^^mii^ii^gQ 360 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS Before separating the 'cut-out pieces, plane up their edges. With walls A prepared, cut out center partition B, walls C, roof moulding D, roof boards E, ridge-piece F} and floor G. The Doorways. If you haven't an expansive-bit that can be adjusted to cut holes 1 1 / 2 inches in diameter, for the doorways, bore several small holes in walls C, and cut out the wood between them to make i^-inch open- ings. The tops of walls C must be bevelled to correspond with the pitch of the roof, as must also the tops of moulding strips D. Ridge-piece F must be grooved to fit over the roof ridge, as indicated in Figs. 697 and 698. In Assembling the House, first fasten partition B between walls A, then nail moulding strips D to walls C, and fasten walls C between walls A, close up against strips D. tCare must be taken to get walls A exactly opposite, else the entire structure will be lopsided. Next, fasten roof boards E in place, being careful to get the end pro- jections equal. With the roof nailed on, fasten ridge-piece F to it. The Floor is Made Removable so that the compartments will be accessible for the annual house-cleaning. The floor board (G, Fig. 697) slides in between walls A, above perch- sticks H, and is held in position by nine wooden wedges (K, Fig. 697) wedged in between it and the perch-sticks. Bore ^-mdi holes through walls A, about % inch below the floor, to receive The Perch-Sticks H. Dowel-sticks may be used. The A BLUEBIRD HOUSE 361 bottom perch-stick H runs through a pair of blocks / cut to the dimensions shown in Fig. 698 and hangers J (Fig. 698) run into holes bored through the corners of blocks /, and into holes bored in the center of the bottom edge of walls A (Fig. 697). Fasten the pieces with brads. Fig. 697. — Cross-Section of Hanging Bluebird House Shown in Fig. 686. (Chapter 38) The Bluebird House on a Pole, shown in Fig. 696, is built in the same way as the hanging-house, up to the point of attaching the perch-sticks. The center perch-stick H (Fig. 697) is omitted, also the perch-stick suspended beneath it. These must be left off to make room for The Iron-Pipe Support (Fig. 699).. Get a piece of i-inch or 134-inch iron pipe 10 or 12 feet in length, and have a 6" H Hs- Fig. 698.— Details of Parts for Bluebird House Shown in Fig. 686 (Chapter 38). A BLUEBIRD HOUSE 363 plumber thread one end of it (M, Fig. 700). Also get a threaded floor-flange (N, Fig. 700) to fit the pipe. Cut a piece of pi-inch, board to fit against the under side of the floor of the house (L, Fig. 699), and fasten it to the floor, then screw the floor- flange to the board, in the right place to make it come exactly under the center of the house; and screw the end of the pipe into the flange (Fig. 701). In a clay soil the pipe support will stand erect if driven several feet into it, but in a sandy soil it will be necessary to run some wire stays from the top of the pipe down to stakes driven into the ground several feet away from the base of the pipe. A Permanent Way of Erecting the Pipe, is to set it in a hole and then to fill the hole with concrete^ Fig. 699. Fig. 700 Fig. 701 Fig. 699. — Cross-Section of Bluebird House Supported on Iron Pipe Figs. 700 and 701. — Details of Iron Pipe Support CHAPTER XL A MARTIN HOUSE Martins are very sociable birds, and prefer to nest in colonies. They are not content with one or two com- partment houses if larger houses are obtainable. A thirty- room house like that shown in Fig. 702 is none too large. This house has been designed so as to be of the simplest possible construction. The floors and roof are built in sections (Fig. 703), so the house can be erected easily, and so it may be taken apart for cleaning. Building Material. In building a house of the proportions of the martin house, where there are so many small parts exposed to the weather, it is worth while to buy good lumber. The best wood for the work is cypress, and the best thickness to use is ^-inch stuff. Thicker stock will do, but it will make a heavier house, and that means more to lift when erecting it. The author's martin house, from which the drawings have been made, measures 24 inches wide, 30 inches long, and 35 inches high. First, build The First Story Frame out of boards 4 inches wide (A and B, Fig. 703), then the second story frame out of 8-inch boards (C and D, Fig. 703), and then the third story frame 364 A MARTIN HOUSE 365 out of 8-inch boards {E and F, Fig. 703). Cut boards A, C, and £ 29 inches long, and boards B, D, and F 24 inches long. "*\Cut the Doorways before nailing the frames together. Fig. 702. — A Thirty-Room Martin House Mark off the positions for the partitions, which must divide the frame into nine compartments of equal size (Fig. 703), and then locate the doorways opposite the centers of the compartments. There will be one round doorway in boards A, and three in boards B, 2% inches 366 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS in diameter. Unless you own an expansive-bit which can be set to bore holes 2^2 inches in diameter, describe the circles with a pencil-compass, bore several holes inside of each circle, and cut out the wood between the circles, and trim up the edges, with a chisel. There is one square doorway in boards C and E, and three in boards D and F, of the second and third story frames, each 2 inches wide and 3 inches high. After marking them out with a pencil, bore a hole at each corner, and cut from one hole to another with a small saw. Trim up the edges of the openings with a chisel. After cutting the doorways, Nail Together the Frame Boards, then cut and fasten the partitions in place in the positions shown in Fig. 703. You can cut two partitions of a length equal to the inside length of the frame (G), and six shorter partitions to fit between them (H); or you can cut two partitions of a length equal to the inside length of the frames, and two of a length equal to the inside width of the frames, and halve them together. They will be halved in the same way that the pigeon-holes of the writing-desk shown in Chapter 8 are put together (Figs. 187 and 188). Prepare Floor Boards / to fit the first-story frame (Fig. 703), floor boards / to form a 3-inch projection upon all sides of the second-story frame, floor boards K to form a 2-inch projection upon all sides of the third-story frame, and floor boards L to fit the third-story frame. A hole must be sawed through the exact center of floors /, /, and K to admit the post support V (Fig. 708), which A MARTIN HOUSE 367 I : d I Fig. 703. — Build the Martin House in Sections as above (For Dimensions of Parts See Text) extends through the first, second and third stories. Nail floor boards /, /, and K to the under side of the first, second, and third-story frames. These sections need not be fastened 368 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS to one another, because the center post support will tie them together when they are slipped over it. Cut the Gable -Ends M and partition N (Figs. 703 and 704) out of 1 2 -inch boards, making the angle at the peak 90 degrees. Bore three 23^-inch doorways through ends M, in the positions shown. Nail floor boards L to the bottoms of gable-ends M and partition N, then cut parti- tions (Fig. 704) 4 inches wide, to fit between ends M and partition N, and fasten floor P on top. Fig. 704. — Detail of Top Section Cut the Roof Boards long enough to project 6 inches over the gable-ends and side walls, fasten them together in two sections with battens, and fasten them to the tops of the gable-ends. Cut two triangular pieces like S (Fig. 705), and nail one to the center of each end of floor L. Prepare a pair of Brackets of the shape of U (Fig. 706) to fit under each of the pieces S, and sixteen of the same size to fit under the A MARTIN HOUSE 3 6 9 third-story ledge, four on each side of the house. Cut sixteen brackets of the shape of bracket T (Fig. 705), and fasten these below the second-story ledge, four on each side of the house. Cut The Chimney blocks Q and R of the shape shown in Fig. 707, nail them together, and fasten to the center of the peak of the roof. Fig. 707 Fig. 706 Fig. 705 Figs. 705 and 706. — Details of Shelf Brackets Fig. 707. — Chimney f The Bird-House Support is built up as shown in Figs. 708 to 710. Center post V is a 2-by-6, pieces W are 2-by-2S (Fig. 709), brackets X are cut out of a 2-by-6 (Fig. 710), and the shoulder blocks Y and Z are cut out of a piece of 2-DV-4. You will see by Fig. 709 that one of the triangular brackets X is spiked to each of the edges of the 2-by-6 V, so the tops are on the same level. Shoulder cross-pieces Y are then spiked to upright V, and to brackets X, even with the tops of brackets X. Two-by-two W is spiked to each side of 2-by-6 V, with the top butting against the under side of shoulder crosspiece F. Another bracket 370 CARPENTRY AND MECHANICS FOR BOYS X is then spiked to each of the pieces W, with its top even with the tops of the other brackets. Shoulder blocks Z are cut to fit against brackets X and crosspieces Y. Center member V of the support should project far enough above the bracket, so the first-, second-, and third-story frames will slip over it, and the top floor will rest upon it. Fig. 708 Fig. 709 A Concrete Base. Because a martin house must have a height of from 15 to 20 feet above the ground, the base of the support must be made very solid to prevent its blowing over in a heavy wind-storm. The best method is to dig a hole about 30 inches deep, 20 Fig. 710 inches wide, and 20 inches long, stand the support in the center, and fill in around it with concrete. Mix up the concrete in the way described for making the mixture for the concrete lawn-roller (Chapter 34). To Set Up the Martin House, after the support has been erected, will require two persons. Build a temporary scaffolding around the support, to stand upon, and raise Figs. 708 to 710. — Details of Post Support for Martin House A MARTIN HOUSE 371 and set in place one section of the house at a time. Figures 711 to 714 in the Frontispiece to Part 4, opposite page 293, show how the author rigged up a ladder scaffolding for set- ting up his martin house; also how the sections were as- sembled. INDEX "A" shelter tent, 236. Aerial, wireless, for toy battleship, 134; 150. Aerial top, 233 ; to spin the, 234. Airplanes, simple model, 225; matter of balance, 225; the center of gravity and center of air pressure, 225; to make an envelope glide, 227; an envelope glider, 228; a cardboard glider, 229; a sling-shot glider, 230; the sling-shot, 231; to launch the sling-shot glider, 23 1 ; the aerial top, 233 ; to spin the top, 234. Artillery and miniature warfare, toy, 156; a field artillery gun, 157; shaping the gun, 159; the plunger, 159; testing the gun, 160; ^g-inch shells, 160; the gun carriage, 160; wheels, 162; mounting the gun, 162; elevating device, 162; a siege gun, 162; shaping the gun, 163; the plunger, 164; J^-inch shells, 164; the gun carriage, 164; the elevating device, 166; painting, 1-67; a forti- fication, 167; disappearing guns, 167; flagstaff, 168; laying out the battle- field, 168. B Back yard and camp fireplaces, 241; a fireplace with trenched fire-pit, 241; a fireplace with circular fire-pit, 242; a fireplace with above-ground fire- pit, 242; a camp oven, 243; a wash- boiler camp stove, 245; a fire shovel, 247; a camp-fire tripod, 247. Back yard and camp lamp, 249; a varnish-can lantern, 249 ; a lard-pail candle lantern, 254; a tin-can candle- holder, 255; another tin-can candle- holder, 255; a candle light-fixture, 255; a bicycle-lamp bracket light fixture, 256; trench candles, 256. Back yard tents, 235; the "A" shelter tent, 236; the tripod tent, 236; the lean-to tent, 238; the cage tent, 238. Baler, a paper-, 57; base of, 59; com- pressor top for, 60; compressor lever for, 60; how to operate, 61. Ballast pocket for toy submarine, 143; trigger for releasing, 143. Barrel, toy machine-gun, 201; drill-gun, 211; Springfield model drill-gun, 213. Barrel-stave rockers for box chairs, 108. Basket, a hanging-, 3 16. Basket, a seed, 321. Basket, a waste, 82; a box, 106; another design of, 1 13 . Battery guns, toy battleship main, 135; 149; 152; secondary, 136; 149; 152. Battlefield, laying out a miniature, 168. Battleship, a toy superdreadnought, 129; materials for, 130; the hull, 130; the superstructure-deck, 131; the funnels, 133; the conning-tower, 134; the masts, 134; the wireless aerial, 134; the fighting-tops, 135; the turret bases and turrets, 135; the main battery guns, 135; the secondary- battery guns, 136; the flag-staffs, 136; the deck-rails, 136; the keel strips, 137; a running-gear, 137; painting, 137; assembling, 138. 373 374 INDEX Battleships, fleet of toy, 145; a battle- ship, 147; hull, 148; superstructure- deck, 148; masts, 148; fighting-tops, 148; funnels, 149; conning-tower , 149; gun turrets, 149; main-battery guns, 149; secondary-battery guns, 149; spool wheels, 150; wireless aerial, 150; a cruiser, 150; hull, 150; superstructure-deck, 150; gun tur- rets, 152; main-battery guns, 152; secondary-battery guns, 152; funnels 153; masts, 153; fighting-tops, 153; assembling, 153; paddle-wheel, 154. Battle sight, 214. Bayonet for drill-gun, 215. Bench, work-, 1; an improvised, 2; top for, 4; vise, 4; bench-stop, 6; a, with adjustable vise, 6; bill of material, 6; framework, 7, bench-vise, 9; bench-screw, 9; to attach bench- screw, 10; peg supports for work, 12; bench-stop, 12; tool-cabinet and tool-racks, 13 ; a table work-, 15. Beveled-siding, 260. Bicycle-lamp bracket light-fixture, 256; Bike garage, 258; working material, 259; the floor framework, 261; the side walls, 262; erecting the walls, 263; the roof, 264; the door, 264; a cup- board, 265; a wheel-rack, 265; a runway, 265 ; painting, 265 ; to make the garage tighter, 265. Bird house, a bluebird, 358; bluebird requirements, 358; the hanging- house, 359; the doorways, 360; assembling the house, 360; the re- movable floor, 360; perch-sticks, 360; the bluebird house on a pole, 361; the iron pipe support, 361; a permanent way of erecting the pipe _ support, 363. Bird house, a martin, 364; martin re- quirements, 364; building material, 364; the first story frame, 364; cutting the doorways, 365; nailing together the frame boards, 366; the floor boards, 366; the gable-ends, 368; the roof boards, 368; brackets, 368; the chimney, 369; the bird- house support, 369; a concrete base, 370; to set up the house, 370. Bird houses, 336; bird-house campaigns, 336; a good all-the-year-round activity, 337; the American Bird- House League, 337 ; work to be proud °f» 33&> a boys' bird-house factory, 338; the right dimensions for houses, 340; the height above ground to place the houses, 340; a chart of correct dimensions, 340; 341; mate- rials for bird-house building, 340; finishing, 342. Bird houses, robin, 348; robin require- ments, 348; robin shelter No. 1, 348; robin shelter No. 2, 350. Bird Houses, woodpecker, 353; wood- pecker requirements, 353; wood- pecker house No. 1, 353 ; woodpecker house No. 2, 356. Bird houses, wren, 343; wren require- ments, 343; wren house No. 1, 345; wrenhouse No. 2, 347; wren house No. 3, 347; finishing, 347. Blotter, a spool desk, 36. Bluebird house (see Bird House, a blue- bird). Bob-sled, 275; material, 275; the sled runners, 276; the connecting cross- pieces, 278; the foot-bar, 278; the steering-line, 279; the sled seats, 279; the bob-sled connecting seat, 280; upholstering the seat, 281; the hand- rails, 282; runner shoes, 283; paint- ing, 283. Book-ends, 44. Book-trough and magazine-stand, 118. Boom for clockwork derrick, 188. Box, fancy-work, 84; covering, 85; a cloth pocket and elastic tapes, 85; spool spindles, 85. INDEX 375 Boxes, flower, 309; material for, 309: finishing, 309; a window or porch box, 310; feet, 311; a plant-tub, 312; a plant-stand, 313; a hanging-box, 313; suspending the box, 314; metal liners, 314; surplus water, 315; a satisfactory drain, 315; before plant- ing metal-lined boxes, 316; the hanging-basket, 316. Boxes, seed, 298; seed flats, 299; filling, 300; miniature green houses, 301; a greenhouse with a lean-to roof, 301; a greenhouse with a gable roof, 302; painting, 303. Box furniture, 96; a packing-box desk, 97; pigeon-holes, 99; finishing, 100; a desk stool, 102; upholstering, 104; finishing, 105, covering tor stool seat, 105; a waste-basket, 106, box rockers, 108; warping the rockers, 108; a table, 109; a tabouret, no. Bracket-saw, 14. Cabinet, a recipe filing-, 66; the cabinet, 67; the drawer, 68; finish for, 68; envelope recipe containers, 68; cabinet, a tool, 13. Cables for clockwork derrick, 188; for electro-magnet traveling crane, 195. Cage tent, 238. Calendar, a spool desk, 34. Calendar-board and pen-rack, 42. Camouflage, the rainbow smudge, 208. Camp fireplaces, 241; a fireplace with trenched fire-pit, 241; a fire-place with circular fire-pit, 242; a fire- place with above-ground fire-pit, 242; a camp oven, 243 ; a wash-boiler camp-stove, 245; a fire shovel, 247; a camp-fire tripod, 247. Camp lamps, 249; a varnish-can lantern, 249; a lard-pail candle lantern, 254; a tin-can candle-holder, 255; another tin-can candle-holder, 255; a candle light-fixture, 255; a bicycle lamp bracket light fixture, 256 ; trench candles, 256. Candle-stick, a spool, 33 ; another design of, 45- Canning time, racks and trays for, 325; a wash-boiler rack, 325; a rack sus- pended over a stove, 326; a drying- tray to stand upon a stove, 326; a sun dryer, 327; a rack for ripening tomatoes, 330; making racks and trays to sell, 330. Carriage, toy artillery gun, 160; 164, wheels for, 162. Cartridges for toy machine-gun, dowel- stick, 205; magazine for, 205. Centering platform for concrete lawn- roller, 332. Chain, jack, 314. Chair, a telephone, 121. Chairs, box rocking-, 108; warping the barrel-stave rockers, 108. Clock-shelf, 64. Clockwork motor derrick-crane, 181; clockwork for toy motor, 181; pulley-wheel, 182; pulley-belts, 183; winding-drums, 184; motor shack, 184; installing the motor, 185; turn- table, 187; derrick, 187; beam, 187; mast, 187; mast-pulley, 187; boom, 188; hoisting-block, 188; cables, 188; tracks, 189. Clothes-line reel 74; case, 75; reel, 75; crank shaft, 76; clothes-line, 76; hangers, 76; locking the, 76. Clubs, drill, 210. Code, signal, 222. Cold-frame, 297. Concrete base for the bird-house support, 370. Concrete mixture, 334; pouring, 334; initial set, 334. Conning-tower, a toy battleship, 134; 149. Containers, recipe, 68. 376 INDEX Coping-saw, 14. Crane, an electro-magnet traveler, 190; the crane carnage, 190; stick tracks, 192; the electro-magnet, 192; the switch, 194; the hoisting-cable, 195. Crane with clockwork motor, derrick-, 181; clockwork for toy motors, 181; pulley-wheel, 182; pulley belts, 183; winding-drums, 184; motor shack, 184; installing the motor, 185; turn- table, 187; derrick, 187; beam, 187; mast, 187; mast pulley, 187; boom, 188; hoisting-block, 188; cables, 188; tracks, 189. Crank, firing, for toy machine-gun, 203. Cupboard for bike garage, 265. Cut-outs (see Scroll-saw Problems). D Deck, toy battleship, 131; 148; 150. Deck rails, toy battleship, 136. Decks, toy submarine, 141. Derrick-crane with clockwork motor, 181; clockwork for toy motors, 181; pulley wheel, 182; pulley-belts, 183; winding-drums, 184: motor shack, 184; installing the motor, 185; turn- table, 187; derrick, 187; beam, 187; mast, 187; mast pulley, 187; boom, 188; hoisting-block, 188; cables, 188; tracks, 189. Desk, a packing-box, 97; pigeon-holes, 99; finishing, 100. Desk blotter, a spool, 36. Desk calendar, a spool, 34. Desk calendar-board and pen-rack, 42. Desk paper-knife, a spool, 37. Desk paper-spindle, a spool, 37. Desk pen-rack, a spool, 35. Desk stationery-rack, a spool, 35. Desk stool, 102; upholstering, 104; finishing, 105 ; covering the seat, 105 . Desk telephone directory, 49. Dibble, 321; an umbrella-handle, 321. Doll furniture, a seven-piece set of, 23. Doll teeterers for sand-motor teeter toy, 180. Door, a batten, 264. Drill clubs, 210. Drill guns, 210; a simple model, 210; pattern for marking out duplicate stocks, 211; the barrel, 211; trigger, 211; trigger-guard, 211; front sight, 211; rear sight, 211; finishing, 212; a Springfield rifle model, 212; the stock and barrel, 213; trigger and trigger-guard, 213; front sight, 213; rear sight, 213; battle sight, 214; open sight, 214; peep sight, 214; finishing, 214; the sling, 214; weight of a Springfield, 215; to increase weight of drill-guns, 215; a bayonet, 215; finishing, 216; a scabbard, 217. Drop-siding, 260. Drums, winding, 184. Dryer, a sun, 327. Drying-tray, 326. E Egg-rack, 47. Electric-lighted watch base, 52 . Electro-magnet traveling crane, 190; the crane carriage, 190; stick tracks, 192; the electro-magnet, 192; the switch, 194; the hoisting cable, 195. Enamel paint, 32. Envelope glider, 228. Expansive-bit, 11. Fancywork-box, 84; covering, 85; a cloth pocket and elastic tapes, 85; spool spindles, 85. Fancywork-box with legs, 85 ; covering, 86. Fancy-work frame, 77; spool spindles for, 78. INDEX 377 Field artillery gun, a toy, 157; shaping the gun, 159; the plunger, 159; test- ing the gun, 159; %-inch shells, 160; gun carriage, 160; wheels,i62; mount- ing the gun, 162; elevatingdevice, 162. Fighting-tops, toy battleship, 135; 148; 153- Filing-cabinet, a recipe, 66; the cabinet, 67; the drawer, 68; finish for, 68; envelope recipe containers, 68. Finish, enamel paint, 32; for spool gifts, 34; stain and wax, 34; for kitchen contrivpnces, 64; for sewing-room contrivances, 8 1 ; for cigar-box wood, 68; for box furniture, 100; for small furniture, 112; for toy battleship 137; for toy submarine, 144; for toy artillery guns, 167; for toy machine- gun, 208; for drill-guns, 212; for bayonet, 216; for bike garage, 265; for bob-sled, 283; for snow-fort periscope, 289; for seed-fiats, 299; for miniature greenhouses, 303; for flower-boxes, 309; for lawn-roller frame, 335; for bird houses, 342. Firepit, a trenched, 241; a fireplace with circular, 242; a fireplace with above- ground, 242. Fire shovel, a camp, 247. Fireplaces, back yard and camp, 241; a fireplace with trenched fire-pit, 241; a fireplace with circular fire-pit, 242; a fireplace with above-ground firepit, 242; a camp oven, 243; a wash-boiler camp stove, 245; a fire shovel, 247 ; a camp-fire tripod, 247. Firing-crank, toy machine-gun, 203. Fixture, a camp candle light-, 255. Flag for signalling, hand, 221. Flag, staffs, toy battleship, 136. Flats, seed-, 299; filling, 300. Fleet of toy battleships, a, 145; a battleship, 147; the hull, 148; the superstructure-deck, 148; the masts, 148; the fighting-tops, 148; the funnels, 149, the conning-tower, 149; the gun turrets, 149; the main- battery guns, 149; the secondary- battery guns, 149; spool wheels, 150; the wireless aerial, 150; a cruiser, 150; the hull, 150; the superstruc- ture-deck, 150; gun turrets, 152; main-battery guns, 152; secondary- battery guns, 152; funnels, 153; masts, 153; fighting-tops, 153; assembling, 153; paddle-wheel, 154. Flower-boxes, 309; material for, 309; finishing, 309; a window or porch box, 310; feet, 3 1 1 ; a plant-tub, 312; a plant-stand, 313; a hanging-box, 313; suspending the box, 314; metal liners, 314; surplus water, 315; a satisfactory drain, 315; belore plant- ing metal-lined boxes, 316; the hanging-basket, 3 16. Foot-bar, a bob-sled, 278. Forcers, plant, 306; 308. Fortifications for miniature warfare, 167; disappearing guns for, 167; flagstaff, 168. Frame, a cold-, 297. Frame, a fancy-work, 77; spool spindles for, 78. Funnels, toy battleship, 133; 149; 153. Furniture, a seven-piece set of , 23. Furniture, box, 96; a packing-box, desk, 97; pigeon-holes, 99; finishing, 100; a desk stool, 102; upholstering, 104; finishing, 105; covering for stool seat, 105; a waste-basket, 106; box rockers, 108; warping the rockers, 108; a table, 109; a tabouret, no. Furniture problems, small, in; mate- rial for, in; finishing, 112; a waste- basket, 113; a tabouret, 116; a plant-stand, 116; a smoker's stand, 117; a book-trough and magazine- stand, 118; a telephone table and chair, 121 ; the table, 121; the chair, 124. 378 INDEX Gable-ends, 368. Gable roof, 301. Garage, a bike, 258; working material, 259; the floor framework, 261; the side walls, 262; erecting the walls, 263; the roof, 264; the door, 264; a cupboard, 265; a wheel-rack, 265; a runway, 265; painting, 265; to make the garage tighter, 265. Garden accessories, 319; a tin-can sprinkler, 320; a dibble, 321; an umbrella handle dibble, 321; a planting trencher, 321; a seed basket, 321; garden markers, 323; how to put up strings for vines, 3 23 ; tomato-racks, 324. Gifts, spool, 33; a candle-stick, 33; a desk calendar, 34; a stationery-rack, 35; a pen-rack, 35; a desk blotter, 36 , a paper-knife, 37 ; a paper-spindle, 37; a toothpick-holder, 38; a ripper, 39; a hatpin-holder, 39; a necktie- rack, 40. Gifts in wood, small, 41; material for, 41; stain and wax finish for, 41; calendar-board and penrack, 42; post-card rack, 44; book -ends, 44; candle-stick, 45; match-holder and tray, 45 ; egg-rack, 47 ; desk telephone directory, 49; time-card rack, 50; wall telephone directory, 50; necktie- rack, 51; necktie- or towel-rack, 52; electric-lighted watch base, 5 2. Glider, an envelope, 228; a cardboard, 229; a sling-shot, 230. Gravity, center of, 225. Greenhouses, miniature, 301; with a lean-to roof, 301; with a gable roof, 302; painting, 303. Grindstone operated by sand-motor, a toy, 176. Guard, drill-gun trigger, 211, 213. Gun, a toy machine-, 196, what you can do with it, 196; the parts, 196; the stock, 196; the barrel, 201; the front sight, 202; the hammer rod, 202; the hammer spring, 202; the firing crank, 203; cartridges, 205; the magazine, 205; the tripod, 207; painting, 20S, a helmet, 208. Gun carriage, toy artillery, 160; 164; wheels, 162. Guns, drill-, 210; a simple model, 210; pattern for marking out duplicate stocks, 211; the barrel, 211; the trigger, 211; the trigger-guard, 211; the front sight, 211; the rear sight, 211; finishing, 212; a Springfield rifle model, 212; the stock and barrel, 213; the trigger and trigger- guard, 213; the front sight, 213; the rear sight, 213; battle sight, 214; open sight, 214; peep sight, 214; finishing, 214; the sling, 214; weight of a Springfield rifle, 215; to increase weight of drill-guns, 215; a bayonet, 215; finish for bayonet, 216; a scabbard, 217. Guns, toy battleship main battery, 135, 149, 152; secondary battery, 136, 149, 152. Guns for miniature fortifications, dis- appearing, 167. H Hammer rod, toy machine-gun, 202; spring for, 202. Hand fla.g for signalling, 221. Hand-rails for bob-sled, 282. Hangers, flower-box, 314. Hanging-box, 313; suspending the, 314. Hatpin holder, a spool, 39. Helmet, a wash-basin, 208. Hike tents, 235; the "A" shelter tent, 236; the tripod tent, 236; the lean-to tent, 238; the cage tent, 238. Hoisting-block for clockwork derrick, INDEX 379 Holder, a stationery, 35; a toothpick-, 38; a hatpin-, 39; a match-, 45. Holder, a tin-can candle-, 255; another, 255- Holder, a Sammy spool-, 87. Holder, a whisk-broom, 94. Hopper for sand toys, 170, 177. Hotbed, 293; size to make a, 293; a single-sash, 293; the framework, 294 ; assembling the framework, 294; digging the hotbed pit, 295; filling the pit, 295; a cold-frame, 297. House, a bluebird, 358; bluebird require- ments, 358; the hanging-house, 359; the doorways, 360; assembling the house, 360; the removable floor, 360; perch-sticks, 360; the bluebird house on a pole, 361 ; the iron pipe support, 361; a permanent way of erecting the pipe support, 363. House, a martin, 364; martin require- ments, 364; building material, 364; the first story frame, 364; cutting the doorways, 365; nailing together the frame boards, 366; the floor boards, 366; the gable-ends, 368; the roof boards, 368; brackets, 368; the chimney, 369; the bird-house support, 369; a concrete base, 370; to set up the house, 370. Houses, bird, 336; bird-house campaigns, 336; a good all-the-year around activity, 337; the American Bird- House League, 337; work to be proud of, 338; a boy's bird-house factory, 338; the right dimensions for houses, 340; the height above ground to place the houses, 340; a chart of correct dimensions, 340, 341 ; materials for bird-house building, 340; finishing, 342. Houses, robin, 348; robin requirements, 348; robin shelter No. 1, 348; robin shelter, No. 2, 350. Houses, woodpecker, 353; woodpecker requirements, 353; house No. 1, 335; woodpecker house No. 2, 356. Houses, wren, 343; wren requirements, 343; wren house No. 1, 345; wren house No. 2, 347; wren house No. 3, 347; finishing, 347. Hull, toy battleship, 130; 148; 150; toy submarine, 141. Initial set of cement, 334. Jack-chain, 314. Jig-saw picture puzzles, 16; wood for, 17; picture material, 18; mounting, 18; how to cut, 18; the T-puzzle, 19; the square puzzle, 20; the prism puzzle, 21. K Keel for toy battleship, 137. Kitchen, for mother's, 63 ; a clock-shelf, 64; finish, 64; a tool-rack, 65; a milk-card rack, 66; a recipe filing- cabinet, 66; the cabinet, 67; the drawer, 68; finish for cigar-box wood, 68; envelope recipe containers, 68; a step-ladder stool, 69; the ladder, 69; the side rails, 69; the steps, 70; the rear legs, 71; the top step, 71; the struts, 71; clothes-line reel, 74; case of reel, 75; the reel, 75; the crank-shaft, 76; the clothes-line, 76; hangers, 76; locking the reel, 76. Knitting needles, sweater, 91; point protectors for, 92; sock, 92. Ladder, a stool step-, 69; the ladder, 69; the side rails, 69; the steps, 70; the rear legs, 71; the top step, 71; the struts, 71. 3 8o INDEX Lamps, back-yard and camp, 249; a varnish-can lantern, 249; a lard -pail candle lantern, 254; a tin-can candle- holder, 255; a candle light-fixture, 255; a bicycle lamp bracket light- fixture, 256; trench candles, 256. Lantern, a varnish-can, 249; a lard-pail candle-, 254. Lawn roller, $3 1 ; material required, 331; the centering platform 332; locating center for the axle, 333; the center of the flange end, z^y, the concrete mixture, 334; pouring the concrete, 334; the initial set, 334; removing the tile pipe, 335; the iron pipe handle frame, 335; painting, 335. Lean-to roof, 301. Lean-to tent, 238. Light-fixture, a camp candle, 255. Liners, flower-box metal-, 314; surplus water, 3151a satisfactory drain, 315; before planting metal-lined boxes, 316. M Machine-gun, a toy, 196; what you can do with it, 196; the parts, 196; the stock, 196; the barrel, 201; the front sight, 202; the hammer rod, 202; the hammer spring, 202; the firing- crank, 203; cartridges, 205; the magazine, 205; the tripod, 207; painting, 208; a helmet, 208. Magazine for toy machine gun, 205. Magazine-stand and book-trough, 1 18. Martin house, 364; martin requirements, 364; building material, 364; the first story frame, 364; cutting the door- ways, 365 ; nailing together the frame boards, 366; the floor boards, 366; the gable ends, 368; the roof boards, 368; brackets, 368; the chimney, 369; the bird-house support, 369; a concrete base, 370; to set up the house, 370. Main battery guns, toy battleship, 135, 149, 152. Markers, garden, 323. Mast, the clockwork derrick-crane, 187; pulley for, 187. Masts, toy battleship, 134, 148, 153. Matched boards, 260. Match-holder, 45. Milk-card rack, 66. Model airplanes, simple, 225; matter of balance, 225; the center of gravity and center of air pressure, 225; to make an envelope glide, 227; an envelope glider, 228; a cardboard glider, 229; a sling-shot glider, 230; the sling-shot, 231; to launch the sling-shot glider, 231; the aerial top, 233; to spin the top, 234. Monkey-in-swing cut-out, 27. Motor, clockwork, 181; installing the, 185. Motor shack, clockwork, 184. N Necktie-rack, a spool, 40; other designs of, 51, 52. Needles, sweater knitting, 91; sock knitting, 92; point protectors for, 92. O Open sight, 214. Oven, a camp, 243. Paddle-wheel for toy battleship, 154; for sand-motor, 170. Painting, jig-saw cut-outs, 32; kitchen contrivances, 64; sewing-room con- trivances, 81; box furniture, 100; small furniture, 112; toy battleship, 137; toy submarine, 144 ; toy artillery guns, 167; toy machine-gun, 208; drill-guns, 212; bayonet, 216; bike INDEX 38i garage, 265; bob-sled, 283; the snow- fort periscope, 289; seed-flats, 299; miniature greenhouses, 303; flower- boxes, 309; lawn-roller, 335; bird- houses, 342. Paper-baler, 57; base of, 59; compressor top for, 60; compressor lever for, 60; how to operate, 61. Paper-knife, a spool, 37. Paper spindle, a spool, 37. Parrot-in-swing cut-out, 27. Parting-strips, 317. Peep sight, 2 14. Pen -rack, 42; a spool, 42. Periscope, a snow-fort, 284; material, required, 285; cutting out the parts, 287; assembling the box, 288; open- ings, 288; handles, 289; painting, 289. Periscopes for toy submarine, 144. Perch-sticks, bird-house, 360. Picture puzzles, 16. Pigeon-holes for desk, 99. Pipe handle frame for lawn-roller, 335. Pit for a hotbed, digging a, 295; filling, 295- Plant boxes, 309; material for, 309; finishing, 309; a window or porch box, 310; feet, 311; a plant-tub, 312; a plant-stand, 313; a hanging-box, 313; suspending the box, 314; metal liners, 314; surplus water, 315; a satisfactory drain, 315; before plant- ing metal-lined boxes, 316; the hanging-basket, 3 16. Planting trencher, 321. Plant-shields and forcers, 305; the paper-funnel, shield, 306; the flower- pot shield, 306; the basket shield, 306; the tin can shield and forcer, 306; a plant forcer, 308. Plant-stand, 116, 313. Plant-tub, 312. Platform, a toboggan-slide, 268, 272. Plunger, toy artillery gun, 159, 164. Pocket for fancywork-box, 85. Porch flower-box, 310; feet, 311; metal liners, 314; surplus water, 315; a satisfactory drain, 315; before plant- ing metal-lined boxes, 316. Post-card rack, 44. Pots, paper, 303; cardboard box, 304; circular, 304. Prism puzzle, 21. Pulley-belts, rubber-band, 183. Pulley-wheel, a spool, 182. Puzzle, the T-, 19; the square, 20; the prism, 21. Puzzles, jig-saw picture, 16; wood for; 17; picture material, 18; mounting, 18; how to cut, 18. R Rack, a tool-, 13; a spool stationery-, 35 ; a spool pen-, 35 ; a spool necktie-, 40; a pen-, 42; a post -card, 44; an egg-, 47; a time-card, 50; a wall telephone directory, 50; a necktie-, 5 1 ; a necktie- or towel-, 5 2 ; a kitchen tool-, 65; a milk-card, 66; a bicycle, 265. Racks, tomato-, 324. Racks and trays for canning time, 3 25 ; a wash-boiler rack, 325; a rack sus- pended over a stove, 326; a drying- tray to stand upon a stove, 326; a sun dryer, 327; a rack for ripening tomatoes, 330; making racks and trays to sell, 330. Railings, a toboggan-slide platform, 268; step-, 269. Rails, toy battleship deck-, 136. Rainbow smudge camouflage, 208. Recipe filing-cabinet, 66; the cabinet, 67; the drawer, 68; finish, for 68; envelope recipe containers, 68. Reel, clothes-line, 74; case, 75, crank- shaft, 76; clothes-line, 76; hangers, 76; locking the, 76. Ripper, a spool, 39. „-■-. — --. 3 82 IXDEX Runners, bob-sled, 276; shoes for, 2S3. Running-gear for toy battleship, 137. Robin shelters, 34S; robin requirements, 34S; robin shelter No. 1, 34S; robin shelter Xo. 2, 350. Rockers, box, 108; warping the barrel- stave rockers, io3. Roller, a lawn, 331: material required, 331; the centering platform, 332; locating center for the axle, ^33 > the center of the flange end, S33'< the concrete mixture, 334; pouring the concrete, 334; the initial set, 334; removing the tile pipe, 335; the iron pipe handle frame, 335 ; painting, 335. Roof, a lean-to, 301; a gable, 301. Sammy spool-holder, S7; a needle bayonet, S9; painting Sammy's clothes, So. Sand-motor toys, 170; a practical sand-motor, 170; a sand-hopper, 170; paddle-wheel. 170; shafting, 171; pulley-wheels, 171; position of paddle-wheel, 172; sand for motor, 173; a trip-hammer, 173; a toy grindstone, 176; a teeter toy. 177; the standard, 177; the hopper. 177; the teeter, 17S; how the teeter toy works, 179; the doll teeterers, 1S0: a sand scoop, 180. Sash for hotbed, 293. Saw, scroll-, 14; bracket-, 14; coping-, 14; jig-, 16; band-, 17. Scabbard for drill-gun bayonet, 217. Screw, bench-, 9. Scroll-saw problems, 14; saws for, 14, table to cut upon, 15 ; jig-saw picture puzzles, 16; the best wood, 17; picture material, iS; mounting, 18; how to cut picture puzzles, iS; the T -puzzle. 19; full-size patterns, 19; the square puzzle. 20; patterns, 21; the prism puzzle, 2 1 ; seven-piece set of doll furniture, 23 ; bird and animal cut-outs, 27. Secondary-battery guns, toy battleship, 136, 140, 152. Seed basket, 321. Seed boxes and paper pots, 298; seed- flats, 299; filling, 300; miniature greenhouses, 301; a greenhouse with a lean-to roof, 301; a greenhouse with a gable roof, 302; painting, 303 ; paper pots, 303; pot made from cardboard box, 304; circular pots, 3°4- Set of cement, the initial, 334. Sewing room, for mother's, 775a f ancy- work frame, 77; spool spindle, 78; a sewing-stand, 70; assembling, 80; finishing the woodwork, 81; a cretonne or denim covering, Si; a waste-basket, 82; a work-bag on a folding support S2; the bag, 8s; a fancywork-box, 84; covering the box, 85; a cloth pocket and elastic tapes, 85; spool spindles, 85; a fancywork-box with legs, 85; cre- tonne covering, S6; a Sammy spool- holder, 87, a needle bayonet, 89; painting Sammy's clothes, 89; a yarn winder, S9; sweater knitting needles, 91; sock knitting needles, 92; needle-point protectors, 92; a whisk-broom holder, 94. Sewing-stand. 79. Shelf, a clock-, 64. Shells for toy artillery guns, 160, 164. Shelters, robin, 34S; robin requirements, 348; shelter Xo. 1. 34S; shelter No. 2, 35o. Shelter tent, an "A," 234. Shields and forcers, plant, 305; the paper-funnel shield, 306; the flower- pot shield. 306; the basket shield, 306; the tin can shield and forcer, 306; a plant forcer, 30S. Shiplap, 259. INDEX 383 Shoes, bob-sled runner-, 2 83. Siding drop-, 260; beveled-, 260. Siege gun, toy artillery, 162; shaping the gun, 163; the plunger, 164; 3^- inch shells, 164; the gun carriage, 164; elevating device, 166; painting, 167. Sight, toy machine-gun front, 202; drill- gun front, 211; 213; drill-gun rear, 211, 213; battle, 214; open, 214; peep, 214. Signal code, 222. Signalling, 221; hand flag for, 221; memorizing the code, 222; to attract attention, 224; to finish a message, 224. Sled, a bob-, 275; material for, 275; the sled runners, 276; the connecting crosspieces, 278; the foot-bar, 278; the steering-line, 279; the sled seats, 279; the bob-sled connecting seat, 280; upholstering the seat, 281; the hand-rails, 282; runner shoes, 283; painting, 283. SHde, a toboggan-, 266; building material, 266; the platform base, 268; the platform railings, 268; the step-railings, 269; setting up the framework, 270; collecting snow for the slide, 270, the platform, 272; a set of steps, 272; the surface of the slide, 272; if there is a scarcity of snow, 272; a plank slide, 273; a more elaborate toboggan-slide, 273. Sliding-strip, a bench-vise, 9. Sling, a drill-gun, 214. Sling-shot glider, 230; the sling-shot, 231; to launch the, 231. Smoker's stand, 117. Snow-fort periscope, 284; material re- quired, 285; cutting out the parts, 287; assembling the box, 288; open- ings, 288; handles, 289; painting, 289. Snow toboggan-slide, 266; building material, 266; the platform base, 268; the platform railings, 268; the step-railings, 269; setting up the framework, 270; collecting snow for the slide, 270; the platform, 272; a set of steps, 272; the surface of the slide, 272; if there is a scarcity of snow, 272; a plank slide, 273; a more elaborate toboggan-slide, 273. Spindle, a paper-, 37. Spindle, a spool, 78, 85. Spool gifts, ss; a candle-stick, 33; a desk calendar, 34; a stationery-rack, 35; a pen-rack, 35; a desk blotter, 36; a paper-knife, 37; a paper- spindle, 37; a toothpick-holder, 38; a ripper, 39; a hatpin-holder, 39; a necktie-rack, 40. Spool-holder, a Sammy, 87; a needle bayonet for, 89; painting Sammy's clothes, 89. Springfield rifle model of drill-gun, 212; the stock and barrel, 213; the trigger and trigger guard, 213; the front sight, 213; the rear sight, 213; battle sight, 214; open sight, 214; peep sight, 214; finishing, 2T4; the sling, 214; weight of a Springfield rifle, 215; to increase weight of drill-gun, 215- Sprinkler, a tin-can, 320. Square puzzle, 20. Stain and wax finish, 41. Stand, a book-trough and magazine, 118. Stand, a plant-, 1 16, 313. Stand, a sewing-, 79. Stand, a smoker's, 117. Stationery-rack, a spool, 35. Steering-line, a bob-sled, 279. Step-ladder stool, 69; the ladder, 69; the side rails, 69; the steps, 70. Steps for toboggan-slide, 272. 384 INDEX Stock, toy machine-gun, 196; pattern for drill-gun, 211. Stool, a box desk, 102; upholstering, 104; finishing covering for seat, 105. Stool, a step ladder, 69; the ladder, 69; the side rails, 69; the steps, 70. Stop, bench-, 12. Stove, a wash-boiler camp, 245. Struts, 71. Stucco, 260. Submarine, a toy, 139; the operating mechanism, 139; the hull and upper decks, 141; the ballast pocket, 143; the trigger for releasing ballast, 143 ; the periscopes, 144; painting, 144; submerging the, 144. Superdreadnought battleship, a toy, 129; materials for, 130; the hull, 130; the superstructure-deck, 131; the funnels, 133; the conning-tower, 134; the masts, 134; the wireless aerial, 134; the fighting-tops, 135; the turret bases and turrets, 135; the main-battery guns, 135; the second- ary-battery guns, 136; the flagstaff s, 136; the deck-rails, 136; the keel strips, 137; a running-gear, 137; painting, 137; assembling, 138. Superstructure-deck, toy battleship, 131, 148, 150. Support for bird-house, iron pipe, 361; a permanent way of erecting, 363 ; a post 363; a concrete base for, 370. Sock knitting needles, 92. Sweater knitting needles, 91; point protectors for, 92. Switch for electro-magnet traveling- crane, 194. Table, a box, 109; a telephone, 121. Table work-bench, 2; top for, 4; vise, 4; bench-stop, 6. Tabouret, a box, no; another design of, 116. Teeter toy, a sand motor, 177; the standard, 177; the hopper, 177; the teeter, 178; how the teeter toy works, 179; the doll teeterers, 180; a sand scoop, 180. Telephone directory, a desk, 49; a wall, 5°- Telephone table and chair, 121. Tents for hikes and the back yard, 235; the "A" shelter tent, 236; the tripod tent, 236; the lean-to tent 238; the cage tent, 238. Toboggan-slide, 266; building material, 266; the platform base, 268; the platform railings, 268; the step- railings, 269; setting up the frame- work, 270; collecting snow for the slide, 270; the platform, 272; a set of steps, 272; the surface of the slide, 272; if there is a scarcity of snow, 272; a plank slide, 273; a more elaborate toboggan-slide, 273. Time-card rack, 50. Tomato ripening-rack, 330. Tomato-vine racks, 3 24. Tool -cabinets, 13. Tool-racks, 13 ; a kitchen, 65. Toothpick-holder, a spool, 38. Tongued-and-grooved boards, 260. Top, an aerial, 233 ; to spin the, 234. Tops, fighting-, toy battleship, 135, 148, 153- Towel-rack, 52. Toy artillery and miniature warfare, 156. Toy battleship, 1 29, 147, 150. Toy derrick-crane with clockwork motor, 181. Toy electro-magnet traveling crane, 190. Toy fleet, 145. Toy machine-gun, 196. Toy submarine, 139. Toys, sand-motor, 170. Tub, a plant-, 312. INDEX 385 Turntable for clockwork derrick-crane, 187. Turrets, toy battleship, 135, 149, 152. T-puzzle, 19. Tracks for clockwork derrick, 189; for electro-magnet traveling crane, 192. Tray, vegetable drying-, 326; making trays to sell, 330. Trench candles, 256. Trencher, a planting, 321. Trigger, drill-gun, 211, 213. Trigger-guard, drill gun, 211, 213. Trip-hammer operated by sand-motor, 173- Tripod, a camp-fire, 247. Tripod, toy machine-gun, 207. Tripod tent, 234. Trough and magazine-stand, a book, 118. U Upholstering a bob-sled seat, 281. Upholstering a desk stool, 104. Vine strings, 323. Vise, an improvised bench-, 4; an adjustable bench-, 9. W Warfare and toy artillery, miniature, 156; a field artillery gun, 157; shap- ing the gun, 159; the plunger, 159; testing the gun, 160; %-inch shells, 160; the gun carriage, 160; wheels, 162; mounting the gun, 162; the elevating device, 162; a siege gun, 162; shaping the gun, 163; the plunger, 164; i^-inch shells, 164; the gun carriage, 164; the elevating device, 166; painting, 167; a forti- fication, 167; disappearing guns, 167; flagstaff, 168; laying out the minia- ture battlefield, 168. Wash-boiler camp stove, 245. Wash-boiler rack for cold-pack canning, 325- Waste-basket, 82; a box, 106; another design of, 113. Watch base, an electric-lighted, 52. Wax finish, 41. Wheel-rack, 265. Whisk-broom holder, 94. Winder, a yarn, 89. Winding-drums, 184. Window flower-box, 310; feet, 311; metal-liners, 314; surplus water, 315 ; a satisfactory drain, 315; before planting metal-lined boxes, 316. Wireless aerial, toy battleship, 134, 150. Woodpecker houses, 353; woodpecker requirements, 353; woodpecker house No. 1, 353; woodpecker house No. 2, 356. Work-bench, the home, 1; an improvised 2; top for, 4; vise, 4; bench-stop, 6; a, with adjustable vise, 6; bill of material, 6; framework, 7; bench- vise, 9; bench-screw, 9; to attach bench-screw, 10; peg supports for work, 12; bench-stop, 12; tool- cabinets and tool-racks, 13; a table, IS- Work-bag on a folding support, 82; the bag, 83. Work box, fancy-, 84; covering, 85; a cloth pocket and elastic tapes, 85; spool spindles, 85. Work box with legs, 85; covering, 86. Work frame, fancy-, 77; spool spindles for, 78. Wren houses, 343; wren requirements, 343; wren house No. 1, 345; wren house No. 2, 347; wren house No. 3, 347; finishing, 347. Writing-desk, a packing-box, 97 ; pigeon- holes, 99; finishing, 100. Y Yarn winder, Practical Plans for Work and Play with Many Ideas for Earning Money By A. 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