^ x^ : 05-n, : x°°- %£. * ') v \V V. 'ill i , ,- ./- ' w &r *»;>'" W ~- ::':-^...-; a - '^,.x = - -:.-^. ' «*' r A^"% "bo X°°<, $ % \r°^ .0° ,** > .0 ,0 %** ,** *b_ x ^. *fe o^' tf CJ, v d J >, ■ \ o * y■'&*€:"' yHumri. , ■•' "#»mm" : COPYRIGHT 1899, BY F. TENNYSON 'On Guard." What is he thinking of, home, sweetheart or sharpshooters? The gun at his right is a rapid-firing magazine used by the Utah Light Battery during their engagement, at the Manila waterworks and "Deposito," Feb. 26, 1899. 42 COPYRIGHT 1B99, BY F. TENNYSON NEELY. Deposito. " A general bivouac of the troops. This is the place where the water is settled before delivery to the disbursing res- ervoir and supplied to the city of Manila. It was also used by General Hale as his headquarters. 43 The steel railroad bridge across the Pasig can be seen here with its barricaded entrance. It was fortified by the insurgents to prevent the crossing of the American troops during the advance on Malolos. It was captured with but little difficulty. 46 : - :i ■■ i mill mi in I nil COPYRIGHT 1899. BY P TENNYSON NEEl-Y. General MacArthur and staff with Signal Corps Detachment halting for rest on the Novaliches road while on their way to Malo- los. Theirs was the most dangerous and heroic work of the early days of the war. 47 This scene gives a good idea of the intrenchmeiits and breastworks, built and occupied by the Kansas regiment and a section of the Utah light battery. Here was fought the battle of Caloocan, February 10, 1899. 50 This is an army supply train en route to Malolos. The wagons are hauled by a species of buffalo peculiar to the Philippines. It is a patient animal somewhat livelier than the American ox. It does the hard labor of the islands. 51 COPYRIGHT 1899, BY F. TENNYSON NEEt-Y. This shows part of General MacArthur's command, the 4th Cavalry and a detachment of the Signal Corps, on an expedition along Novaliches road, preparatory to advance on Malolos. Sharpshooters and dangers of ambush kept them constantly alert. 54 COPYRIGHT 1399, . TENNYSON NEELY Company H. of the 22nd infantry, at mess in the trenches of the south lines of Manila, April 15, 1899. At these times the boys generally remembered the table at home with a better appreciation of its comforts. 55 COPYRIGHT 189V, BY F. TENNYSON NEELY "Ready." A group of the Utah battery on McCloud Hill, Sunday morning, Feb. 5. It was not known what instant a volley would be poured in on them, but the boys were ready and the result was disastrous to the enemy. 58 These are the loyal natives, cared for by the army after losing their homes and property by the burning of the Tondo district, at the time of the uprising in that portion of Manila, by the insurgents. 59 COPYRIGHT 1899 This shows an Engineer's detachment building a pontoon bridge across the Bigaa river after the surrender of the insurgents at that place. The bridge is constructed of immense bamboo poles, strong enough to support an entire company. 62 COPYRIGHT 1899. BY The desperate character of the insurgents is shown in this wanton destruction of Malolos church. It was fired hy them as they fled before the Americans just entering the town. It was done partly in revenge against the religious orders. 63 We, the undersigned, hereby subscribe our names and agree to pay for the number of copies of Neely 's Color Thotos indicated opposite our names beloiv. NO. COPIES I AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS DATE OF DELIVERY '' 1 .1 ! 'i ' \ NO. COPIES AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS DATE OF DELIVERY i _^^ I : J -[ i I I NO. COPIES AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS DATE OF DELIVERY ; NO. COPIES AMOUNT NAME r ADDRESS DATE OF DELIVERY ! I 1 ! i ■ ■■ : 1 . i NO. COPIES AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS DATE OF DELIVERY I 1 1 i ' ,1 . .. NO. COPIES AMOUNT ■ "- NAME ADDRESS DATE OF DELIVERY i I 1 i 1 | 1 i NO. COPIES AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS DATE OF DELIVERY NO. COPIES AMOUNT 1 NAME ADDRESS DATE OF DELIVERY | : j 1 J ! > [ . . %# t ry Q ^p§ A * * v ►- o°'< : S < { .•»"■