S^tHICS: ( ' andTheorie . - .- ;X; 0T ; I V V ■ CiassBF l jS fe i Book> S S c /813 psychics: facts and theories, BY REV. MINOT jf SAVAGE. Author of " The Irrepressible Conflict between Two World-Theo- ries" " The Religion of Evolution" " The Morals of Evo- lution" " Christianity the Science of Manhood" " The Modern Sphinx," " Bluflton," "Social Problems" etc. A beam in darkness : let it grow." Tennyson. BOSTON, MASS. ! COPLEY SQTJAEE. 1893. 1 1^3 Copyrighted, 1893 BY ARENA PUBLISHING CO. All rights reserved. By Exchai Army And Navy Arena Press, TO WILLIAM JAMES, Doctor of Philosophy and Professor in Harvard University. My Dear Professor, — After having worked with you on the problems that Psychical Research seeks to solve, I am glad and proud to associate your name with mine in this little volume. If all seekers'were as unprejudiced as you are, and the jury for the decision of these questions were as fair-minded, we might hope not only_de, the author, is a vivid and vigor- ous thinker, and before the publication of this book, which has made his name as f imiliar in the religious world as that of any contemporary religious teacher, he had made a reputation as the author of " The Natural System of Elocution and Oratory.'" "Christ the Orator" has already awakened widespread interest, and received high endorsement from leading editors, preachers, scholars and thoughtful laymen everywhere, representing every phase of Christian thought. Its earnest spirit, sympathetic and finished style and lofty purpose, render it a welcome guest in every family. Mr. Hyde is a vivid writer and a vigorous thinker. His mind eviden ly does not run in the old theological grooves, though we conclude that he is sufficiently conservative. His attempt to prove Christ an orator is at least unique. His book is suggestive, full of bright and beautiful sayings, and is quite worth a careful reading. — New York Herald. For sale by all newsdealers, or sent postpaid by Arena Publishing Co., Boston, Mass, From the press of the Arena Publishing Company. fiction : Social, Economic an6 Reformatiue* E. Stillman Doubleday A story of the Struggles of Honest Industry under Present Day Conditions. Charles S. Daniel K Story of the Transformation of the Slums Price, paper, 50 cents-, cloth, $1.25. JUST PLAIN FOLKS. A novel for the industrial millions, illustrating two stu- pendous facts : — 1. The bounty and goodness of nature. 2. The misery resulting from unjust social conditions which enable the acquirer of wealth to degenerate in luxury and idleness, and the wealth producer to slave him- self to death, haunted by an ever-present fear of starva- tion when not actually driven to vice or begging. 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The brotherhood of man and various sociological and philan- thropic ideas, such as the establishment of a college settlement and the social regeneration of Old Philadelphia, are a few of the topics discussed in " Ai," a novel by Charles Daniel, whf calls it " A Social Vision." It is alternately grave and gay; am the intellectual freshness reminds one constantly of Edward Everett Hale's stories, with which "Ai" has much in common. This is a clever book, and, what is much more important, one whose influence is for good. — Public Ledger. From the fir ess of the Arena Publishing Company. Ihe Latest Social Uision. Byron A, Brooks Richmond, Va. Star Chicago Times Review of Reviews Lyman Abbott's Paper, The Outlook Nashville, Tenn. Banner Price, paper, 50 cents ; cloth, $1.25. EARTH REVISITED. The New Utopia, " Earth Revisited," is the latest social vision, and in many respects the most charming work of this character which has ever appeared. In it we see the people, the state and the church under true civilization, and the new psychology is introduced in such a manner as to interest students of psychical research. Here are a few press opinions : — " As a story, it is very interesting." " Worthy of consideration for its study of the social and other questions involved." "The story is written in an autobiographical form and pic- tures the social, industrial, religious and educational America of 1992. As a work of fiction the volume embodies in a fanciful way a view expressed in the closing words : ' To live is to love and to labor. There is no death.' The style is clear and direct." " Mr. Brooks is an earnest man. He has written a religio- philosophical novel of life in the coming century. The hero of this story has lived the life of the average man and at length, when he finds himself dying, he wishes that he might have a chance to live his life over. The wish is granted and he is born again on the earth a century later. 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