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They are feeble means : feeble indeed, against prejudice and passion ; yet they are all we have and we must try them. They will be jury-masts if we are ship-wrecked. FiSHEB Axes, ALBANY: PRJNTED by E. 5t E. HOSFORD 1815. [Cofiy right 8ecured.~\ 0^3 'Of^ PREFACE. For twenty-five years the spirit of party has raged in this count»ryj to che disturbance of its peace, the rui!> of its interest, and the dishonor of its name. The new actors in the political drama, and they are tlie principal or at least the most active ones, seem to have taken it for granted, that the quar- rel among tlie leaders was well begun, and it is their duty to fight en, un» Ml the triumphs of party are consummatedo Since tJie commencement of tlie present war, experience has taught us that in times of great and common danger no measure can succeed, with- out more union among the people : and that will never happen unless the people will impartially review their political conduct, and re-examine the grounds of their political prejudices. Unless these can be removed, the Author of the ensuing pages has long believed they will eventually lead to civil war and the ruin of liberty. This to him is a sufficient apology, for an attempt at this time, to leave for a moment, the contest about measures, and to call back the attention of his fellow-citizens from the commotions and ruins which surround them, to the^rst causes of their political prejudices : to enquire =who it was that enkindled the flames of civil discord among lis, and why we are a divided people. THE CRISIS WRITTEN TOWARD THE CLOSE OF THE LATE WAR Courage may purchase liberty, But wisdom and virtue must perpetuate its duration. To the People of the United States. IpaiENDS AND Fellow Citizens, THERE are certain periods in the course of human events, when the affairs of civil government excite an extraordinary inte- rest in the public mind. Such a period has commenced. And in a free republic like ours, when a blind confidence in rulers could never be a virtue, it would at the present time be criminal. When the public wealth is wasting, and its credit sinking in tiie dust ; when the horrors of a ruinous and hopeless war are spreading around us devastation and misery ; shall we, whose an- cestors have purchased for us our libertie-s at the expense of their blood and treasure, amidst the thunders of contending nations, shall we their descendants stand still, and in stupid silence see the mighty fabric of our freedom trembling to its base, without one bold and manly effort to avert its ruin ? We believe still, that among our unalienable rights are those of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ; and to secure these rights and for this purpose only, governments are instituted among men. In 1774 we remonstrated against the administration of the British government because as we believed, it became destruc- tive of these great ends of its institutian. And to provide for our- selves a constitution which should secure to us a remedy against the abuse of power, we appealed to arms, and after a conflict of eight long years, we victoriously triumphed. This mighty revolution was effected, this dreadful sacrifice of Wood and treasure was suffused, to secure to the people of the United States the right of changing the councils of the nation, whenever their interests or happiness should require it. But we have as yet ouly learned from this event that oppressed man possesses the power of becoming free : that a bold and har- dy race like that which achieved oiir independence, may by a Ipng aeries of abuses and usurpations, be roused from the lethargy of oppression, shake off their fetters, fly to arms, destroy their op«_ pressors, and rise to liberty and to glory. But to perpetuate the blessings of liberty, the wisdom and the efforts of man have hi= therto been exhausted in vain. Although we have seen the long and dismal train of fallen re- publics pass in awful review before us and consigned to the wretched dominion of despotic power ; we yet indulge the hope that a constitution written on paper, will preserve our liberties entire, amidst the conflicts of contending factions, of passion, of vice and error ! Vain and delusive hope. Man by his courage and physical power may acquire liberty, but wisdom and virtue must render its duration perpetual. But if the seeds of dissolution arc implanted in the constitution of our republic, and death must be its fate, it is a duty which we owe to the memory of our illustrious fathers and heroes, who purchased it for us with their blood, which we owe to ourselves, our country and posterity, to strain every nerve, exhaust the last power of intellect, and if necessary to surrender even life itself, to protract its dying nature, and from its expiring convulsions snatch the spirit of liberty, and render its reign on earth immortaL The boasted liberties of Greece and Rome could not survive the coiifiicts of contending faction ; they have perished, and whatever remained of the spirit of real liberty in modern Europe, has found an asylum only in the United States. In the political as well as the natural or moral world, the prin" ciple that like causes will produce like effects, is equally impor- tant and true. And the history of republics has taught us, that such a state of things as ijow exists, has always preceded, and been as it v/ere the precursor of their ruin : And in every age and nation in which rational liberty has existed and been lost, they have proved the tocsin of civil war, its final catastrophe. Men who are born, and educated in the same pommon country? do not fall to killing each other without edtne powerful pretext* A quarrel must precede; strong prejudices must be excited^ the angry and. malignant passions must first be put in motion, tc/ prepare m6n to comm^ence the business of robbery, devastation and murder. These passions and prejudices have already been engendered in the conflicts of party dissensions, and have so increased in mag- nitude and in virulence, that their influence seems to bid defiance to the dominion of reason. Cool and dispassionate disquisitions have given place to the asperity and malignity of party zeal : the interest and glory of our country are absorbed in the views of pri- vate ambition: a spirit of hatred, of malice and revenge has ar- rayed every man against his fellow : the discordant murmur of the multitude swells in every breeze, and like the terrific sound which precedes the earthquake, admonishes us of an approaching convulsion : The last republic on earth is divided against itself and trembles to its fall I And is thei'c no remedy? Or has the history of fallen repub- lies been recorded for us in vain ? Have the evils which surround us, resulted from an imperious and inevitable necessity ? Many of you my fellow citizens, well remember that happy period of our history, when all hearts were united in the choice of the first chief magistrate, who presided in the councils of the republic. The first organization of our government was hailed by all classes of our citizens, as the triumphant morning of a millennial day ; never was there a more perfect union of sentiment exhibited on earth, than by the freemen of the United States, in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine, in the choice of their rulers. And never did the legislators of a free people com- mand more confidence from their constituents, than those who at that time, administered the government. But only twenty-five years have passed away, and how changed is the scene ; how por- tentous the prospect before us I All confidence in our rulers lost, all confidence in each other. No un\on among our citizens, except in the belief of this one solemn truth, that our disunioi: will soon put an end to our liberties. Those party dissensions which palsy the arm of government overwhelm the wisdom and defeat the councils of tha republic, have had their origin. Tfie present distracted state of things, has evidently been produced by a certain chain of events, which can as easily be traced to their original cause, as our rivers to tfeeir source; and it is just as absirrd, to think of changing it fo: the better without removing that cause, as to stop the flowing of the stream while its source remains. It is not necessary to consult the oracles of inspiration for proof of this important truth, that a house divided against itself cannot stand : or that this maxim is equally applicable to a political state, as to a more domestic compact. Experience that unerring precept has taught us, that the influence of party spirit has been the principal cause of our present national calamities; and this it IS which presents an awful barrier in the way of that relief, which not only our present necessities, but the very existence of our re- publican institutions imperiously demand. The present war which has brought on our defenceless frontiers on every side, an invading and powerful foe, calls for the united energies of every class of citizens. To have insured to us a suc- cessful and glorious termination of the present contest, the whole spirit of the republic should have been wrought up to a degree qf enthusiasm and ardor in support of the cause. In a free state where every thing depends on the dispositions of the people ; measures of gyeat and awful magnitude like that of war, Which is to put at hazurd, life, liberty, and property, should correspond with the views, and wishes of the people. With a frontier on the shores of the Atlantic, of more than fourteen hundred miles, exposed to an enemy who had at her com- mand a thousand ships, completely manned and fitted for hostile operations, with about the same extent of territoiy on the we*t and north, bordering on numerous nations of the savage and mer- ciless tribes, who might easily be engaged in the contest against us ; and with a population of only about seven millions, tiiinly scat- tered over an immense territory, without a navy, \vithout fortifi- cations, without disciplined troops ; under such circumstaneesr to declare war without an assurance that the people would unite heart and hand in support of the cause, must be worse than stu- pidity, it must be folly and madness in the extreme. And had the authors of the present war this assurance ? No, fellow-cititens, you well know they had not. No sooner was it knov/n that war was declared against Great-BrUain, than one ge- neral expression of disapprobation and of anxious solicitude for the event, pervaded all classes. An a free republic which has virtue for its base, and the generai happiness for its supreme object, the people uninfluenced oy padi* Bion or prejudice, will never believe it to be wise or expedient) to make war, even when the cause would justify resistance, un* less there is at least some ground to hope that the injured nation will be able thereby to redress her wrongs. The idea that the conquest of Canada, could it be effected, would compel Great-Bri- tain to yield to our claims on the ocean, is too ridiculous to ad- ipit of any consideration : and no one who had much knowledge of her political state, believed she would give up the right she claimed to impress her native seamen when found in neutral ships, to any one except her conquerors ; and to become her con- querors the people had neither a disposition, nor confidence in their power. The rulers of a free people would never hazard their populari- ty, by disregarding the great and fundamental maxims of their go- vernment, while they believed that cool and unprejudiced reason v.as predominant in the public mind. But have we not reason to fear that happy period of our exis- tence is passed, never to return, « In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, it should be enlightened/' But when I ask were the people enlightened, when consulted, when were they called upon to deliberate seriously upon the expediency of making war on the British nation, for the purpose of compelling her to yield her right of impressment. Never until war was resolved upon, was it pretended that in the year 1312, this cause would justify resistance ; or even if it would, that it was wise or expedient to declare war at that time. The British Orders in Council were equally with the French Milan and Berlin Decrees, considered by the people as the only causes which could justify resistance. These obnoxious Orders and Decrees it was believed were intend- ed by the two great belligerents of Europe to annoy each other, lather than to be aimed at our neutral commerce. When it was known in this country that the obnoxious Decrees of France were repealed, the people believed, they had good rea- »on to believe, that the British Orders in Council would soon be revoked. When, therefore, the administration had recommended an immediate appeal to firms, and the federalists tiieu in Con> gre&s, saw the torrent of calamities about to burst upon tlie coun- try, they warned, they intreated them to delay, even for a few days, until despatches from Great-Britain could arrive, ^hich might announce the revocation of the Orders in Council ; and if war was inevitable, they urged them to delay a measure of such awful magnitude, until the country could be better prepared to meet the event But in vain ; the war was proclaimed, contrary to the views and wishes of the people, not of that class only who are called federalists, but the great body of freemen, who have to hazard their lives and property in the contest. Before Great-Britain could have any knowledge of this e'vent, and within eight days after it happened, her Orders in Council were revoked, and that as soon as she had knowledge of the re- peal of the Milan and Berlin decrees. This was an event which our rulers must have anticipated. No sooner had a knowledge of the revocation of the Orders in Council reached this country, than the people expected an armistice, and an immediate end put to hostilities. They did not believe the administration were se- riously resolved on a war at that time, to compel the British to yield their right of impressment, as they well remembered that Mr. Monroe, who Mr. Madison had employed to settle that bu» siness, had declared that the propositions made by the British commission, and the explanation which accompanied it, was both honorable and advantageous to the United States : and that it contained a concession in their favour on the part of Great-Bri- tain, on the great principle in 'contestation, never before made by a formal and obligatory act of their government, which was highly favorable to their interests. Therefore, with respect to that the people did not believe all hope of settlement by treaty had failed, notwithstanding what Mr. Madison had said to the con- trary. The public opinion had not been enlightened on any subject relative to the causes of the war, except the Orders in Council^ so far as to induce the people to indulge for a moment a confi- dence, that any other cause existed at that time which could jus- tify offensive hostilities. But their expectations were disappoint- ed. No armistice was to take place, none was ever contemplated by our rulers, but, only by the honest freemen who wished for it,, who wished for peace. Tills hopeless and ruinous war must go on ; a war which has already driven from our defenceless frontiers the helpless and peaceable inhabitants; which has laid in ruins our flourishing; towns and villages, which has filled our land with widows and or- phans, with suffering, with sorrow, and with tears ; and which has already entailed on posterity, a debt, which Will inflict on genera- tions yet unborn, years of toil and of pain. And after all this, our administration will be forced to accept of a disgraceful peace, if they can get any. I am sensible there is a large class of citizens among us, on whom argument would be lost ; who would shut their eyes agaittst the light, and their ears to truth ; who would rather see the last vestige of republican liberty in ruin, than see their leaders forced' to resign the power which they have abused ; in whose breasts the interests and the love of party has extinguished every glow of patriotism : To such men I do not appeal ; but to those who. would yet, to the paltry views of party, prefer the durable inte- rests and glory of their country ; to them I appeal, and to their candid and serious consideration I submit — whether the present war, and the ruinous policy which has led to it, has not been pro- duced by councils founded in corruption and error. On the nineteenth day of June 1812, could the voice of the peo- ple been heard in the capitol, would it not have thundered its so- lemn veto on the proceedings of that awful day ? Could they for a moment have exercised the powers of legislation, would they not have indignantly annulled an act, engendered in the Court of St. Cloud, and recorded in letters of blood ? It is not necessary for me at this time to present to your vision . all that fornvidable array of evils, which are fast gathering around us, and which have evidently been produced by the weak and cor- rupt policy of the last fourteen years, to convince you that the councils of the nation ought to be changed. The fact is acknow- iedged : not by the authors of this policy : not by those who have, or who expect to derive ertioluments from their agency in the present administration : but by the honest freemen, who hold no office under the administration, and who expect none. They with the frankness and sincerity becoming republicans, who wish to perpetuate the duration of their liberties, they now declare they believe the present policy must be changed, to save from ruiii the interests and the glory of our republic. But these good j;nd honest citizens, have not as yet discovered the means by v/hich this all important change can be effected. Tiiey have hoped, and hoped in vain, that the men or the friends and advocates of these very men, who have produced the present state of things will change it for the better. A strange fatality seems always to have marked the course of republics. Events happen, « and we are astonished, as if they were miracles." One would suppose that our citizens had alrea- dy lost sight of the great object of our republican institutions. Recollect for a moment v.'hat were your sentiments respecting a remedy for national calamities fourteen years ago. You then held it as a principle that power long exercised had a corrupting influence on the conduct of rulers: that whenever through cor- ruption or error an administration had adopted a system of policy destructive to the interests of the nation, it was expedient to change that administration, by placing it in the hands of others, Kot of those who had advocated and supported such destructive policy, but of those who had opposed and condemned it. You then professed to believe that in a republic like ours, the admin- istration should have no views, no object or no interests opposed to the views and wishes of the people. And you professed to believe, v/hether you had or had not grounds for your belief, that the federal administration had produced evils to remedy which a change was necessary. You called on your friends and fellow- citizens to aid you in effecting a change of rulers by their suffra» ges : they gave you their aid. Thousands at that time sacredly pledged themselves that they had nothing in view at that time, in wishing for a change of rulers^ but the interests and glory of their country. That whenever they found themselves disappointed in the result of new measures, they would aid in restoring the pow- er of the former administration. And your new measures have now been tried for more than four= teen years, and beyond all endurance. And now you ask what can be done to save the republic. The united energies and the whole resources of the country Vive put in requisition, and we are a divided people. One pulls 13 this way and another that: the wheels of government roll heavily on and our enemies triumph. You fellow-citizens who are advocates for the present policy, •until very lately professed to believe that an opposition to the Bieasures of the majority had a salutary effect on the administra- tion: that it tended to keep alive the spirit of liberty, and awaken the people to a sense of the dangerous encroachments of abused power. Had the leaders of the party in power opposed measures only, you might at this time have gloried in the privileges of an elective government, and would long before this, have arrested the progress of those evils which have brought us to the present alarming crisis. But their opposition was not confined to measures. Federalists have been proscribed, and denounced, as dangerous men, ene- mies to our republican constitution, tories and British partizans, unworthy the confidence of a free people. And this accusation has been repeated so many millions of times that many of the honest electors really believe it must be true. They tell you that it is in vain to question the truth of what has been believed for twenty-five years. It is indeed a lamentable fact, that so many of our best citizens should after fighting and suffering eight years to establish an elec- tive government, wish to erect on its ruins an hereditary monar- chy : but our good republican rulers tell us, it is so, and we can- not doubt the truth of it. In those countries where the structure and administration of the government is leased on the ignorance and abject condition of the people, it is not strange that the arts of deception and false- hood should prevail agdnst reason and common sense : but that a majority of the enlightsned citizens of the United States, should fall the victims of the most absurd and fatal delusion, in the very infancy of that republic which their wisdom, their virtue and he- roic deeds had but just achieved, is one of those political phe- jnomenons, which prejudice alone can divest ot mystery. One would suppose that many of our citizens had utterly despaired of saving the republic, and seeing the road to ruin inevitable, had resolved to shut their eyes against the light of tiuth, thinking that like asses they can travel " best in dangerous roads with blinders OQ," For I ask what evils may not the leaders of the party in pow- er inflict with impunity, so long as they assume the name of republican ? Notwithstanding they have seen Napoleon under that assumed name enslave and oppress thirty millions of delu- ded P'renchmen, and on the ruins of liberty, erect a despotism so horrid and so stupendous, that nothing but the conflagration of Moscow could stop its progress to ihe ruins of a world I Yet in the United States this word republican has acquired a magic, a resistless, charm. One who assumes that appellation attaches to his character, all those admirable rjualities, which constitute the pure patriot, the exclusive friend of an elective government, and the rights of man. While the man who has the misfortune to be called a federalist, is not only proscribed as a tory and dangerous citizen, but becomes thereby absolute- ly disfranchised. For as it respects the evils which may result to society or individuals, by excluding from office a large por- tion of our most respectable citizens, it is the same whether they are excluded through the influence of fraud and delusion, or by power of the constitution. When during the French revolution, the deluded citizens of that devoted country, believed there was no way to regain their " long lost liberties," but by cu*,tingofi the heads of their best citizens, the error proved as fatal to the poor victims of the guilloiincand to the liberties of those wlio escaped it, as though tiiey had suffered by virtue of authority derived from a consti- tution of civil government. When prejudice becomes deep rooted, so as to gain an entire ascendency over the mind, it has the power of, a law upon the conduct and becomes even a more invariable rule of action. For men are sometimes disposed to violate the law, and when they can with impunity, will do it ; whereas, they never feel disposed to act against their invete- rate prejudices. When in an elective government such prejudices have armed one part of the citizens against the other, and all confidence in each other is lost, the minority are thereby rendered ineligible to office, they are in effect disfranchised so long as such prejudices are predominant. The republic in such a state partakes of an ar- istocracy, in proportion as the number of proscribed citizens, re- duces the number of those who only can administer the goverr- ^ent. Suppose then we have in the United States, one million of free white male citizens, about five hundred thousand of these have the misfortune to be called federalists ; and are denounced as ene- mies to our free constitution and to republican liberty. It is acknow* ledged these men are at least equally respectable, for their talents, their information, their wealth and useful habits. Among the re- maining five hundred thousand, composing the party in power, the leaders of that party will not select and recommend to the peo- ple as candidates for office; more than one to fivp hundred, so that in the present state of parties, the electors who support the present policy by their suffrages, under the influence of these in- veterate prejudices, which exclude federalists from a participation in the administration, have to select those who are to direct and controul our great national concerns, from less than one thou- sandth part of the freemen. And among these it will be acknow- ledged a great number are more distinguished for their party zeal, than by those important qwalifications which the high re- spectability of their trust requires. So long as the influence of these prejudices continues to blind and delude so many of our citizens, the leaders of the party in power may rest secure in the patronage of their constituents, un- til they shall establish an aristocracy on the ruins of liberty. If it is said the electors are not bound to regard a nomination made by the leaders of a party, it may be answered, it iS equally true, that under the influence of party spirit and inveterate preju- dice, its usual concomitant ; it is certain they always have, and always will regard it. When therefore, it becomes an irrevocable principle with a bare majority of the people to exclude from the administration, a cer- tain class of citizens, to be designated by a particular appellation, and comprising only a minority of the freemen, the leaders of that majority, may with impunity sacrifice the interests of their constit- uents, to the advancement of their own. For suppose you dismiss from their places in the national legislature, the leaders of the majority, and appoint others of the same party in their stead, it is evident a combination may still exist among the few well inform- ed and influential leaders, of the party both in and out of office, for the purpose of promoting their own views, ia opposition to the 16 views and wishes of the people ; for so long as they assume to themselves the right name, call it republican or what you please, they may rest assured that the majority will support them. And it is generally true, that the members of the national legis- lature, at the expiration of their term, if they are not re-elected, are still provided with some snug office, and go out among their constituents faithfully pledged to support that policy which they have been instrumental in establishing. From the nature of man and from the invariable effects of the influence of party spirit on his political conduct, it will always be found, that to change the policy of an administration, in an elective government, where all the electors are divided into two great par- ties, a revolution of those parties is absolutely necessary. Fede- ral measures would never have been changed by federal men. This truth you once believed. And those of you who pledged yourselves to restore the power cf the federal administration, whenever you found yourselves disappointed in the result of new measures, would now, it is believed, gladly change the present ruinous policy by restoring to power federal men, had not your prejudices usurped the throne of cool and dispassionate reason. You are convinced tliat the merits of an administration of civil government shouid be adjudged by its fruits and not by a name-. And yet when the policy of our present rulers has involved us in scenes of calamity from which they have not power to extricate us, you persist in proscribing and denouncing as unworthy of your confidence one half of your fellow freemen, because they are called federalists. But there are times when the triumphs of political delusion, over a minority must come to an end, when the errors of rulers can* not be practised with impunity. Such are times of great national ca- lamity, when life, liberty, and property are put at hazard. Then it is that the errors of an administration, sheds on community its dire effects and awakens the spirit of inquiry into the causes of the evils which surround them. Such is the present crisis.-— Un- til the commencement of the present war, the advocates for the late measures of the administratian, have affected to view our po- litical dissensions with great indifference : to consider a faction in a free state as a necessary appendage of liberty. But no soon- er were hostiruies proclaimed between this country and Great 17 Britain, than the minority were called upon to join heart and hand' in support of the contest, or submit to the inriputation of being identified with the enemies of our country. Thus was the oppo- sition to be hushed into silence, and the liberty of speech and of the press, those great bulwarks of freedom, prostrated in the dust. A powerful minority is no longer considered as a harmless faction. The affairs of the republic have come to a crisis, in which union has become indispensable to prevent a disastrous and inglorious termination of the present contest. But it is in vain to talk of union without just and correct views of the causes of our disunion. The advocates of' the present policy are disposed at last to ascribe to our political dissensioqs, the present calamitous state of things, and to the federalists the first blameable cause. If our misfortunes should lead us to retrace our stepsy and un- influenced by passion to review our poliiical conduct, and impar- tially to investigate the causes of our divisions, we might still profit by them. The lessons of history are before us, and they have taught us that thus far we have travelled step by step, the downward course of fallen republics. The evils which the im? mortal Washington, warned us would^'be the effects of party spi^ rit, have already completed half their work of ruin. They have distracted the public councils, and enfeebled the public adminis- tration : they have agitated the community with ill founded jea- lousies and false alarms : they have kindled the animosity of one part against another : they have fermented occasional riot and in- surrection : they have opened the door to foreign influence and corruption, which have found a facilitated access to the govern* ment itself, through the channels of party passions, and the policy and will of this country has thereby been subjected to the policy and will of another, C It Is it not then our highest wisdom, while beset on every side by i foreign and powerful foe, to inquire with deep solicitude who it 88 that hath enkindled the flames of civil discord among ourselves. The present war will probably come to an end, at no very dis- tant period of time : And we have too much reason to fear that the issye will be disastrous if not inglorious. But the event of it or of any of our foreign relations, can never secure to us durable peace and prosperity, so long as we are dis- tracted with domestic animosity and dissension. In a free republic like ours, where all may possess the same means of knowing the state of public concerns, and are equally interested in the general welfare, it is impossible that a mere dif- ference of opinion should divide them into two great parties.— Other causes have operated to create our fatal divisions. These must be examined. It may hot yet be too late. Those who lir&t excited ill founded prejudices among the citi- zens were their worst enemies. Search them out then, and let them know by the indignant voice of your disapprobation, that you will hereafter consider those who shall without a cause, ex- cite party dissensions, a% more dangerous to your liberties, and more fatal to your peace and safety, than myriads of mercenary troops, the miserable tools and slaves of foreign despots. That will be the most important crisis in the history of our re- public when it shall be recorded of us, that our reason and wis- dom triumphed over passion and prejudice. Not that period when by our courage we purchased liberty, but when by our vir- tue we stamped on its existence, immortal duration if No. 2. That will be the most important CRISIS in the history of bur republic, when it shall be recorded of us, that our reason and wis- dom triumphed over passion and prejudice : not that period when by our courage we purchased liberty, but when by our virtue we stamped on its existence, immortal duration. WRITTEN TOWARD THE CLOSE OF THE LATE WAR To the citizens of the United States, Fkiends and Fellow Ciixzeits. IN great and important revolutions which change either the form of government, or the policy of an administration, the peo- ple soon lose sight of the first link in the chain of events, by which it is produced^ That ardent love of power so generally, if not universally pre- dominant, operates on the passions, and disposes men to investi- gate the means by which they may retain it, rather than those by which they have been elevated- But if by any means weak or corrupt men gain the ascendency in the councils of the nation, no great or at least no very durable evils, need be apprehended from their political errors, provided their constituents seek for correct information, and remain uncor- rupted by the influence of party interests. There are men enough in every free state, who, to acquire power, are ever ready to put in their claim, to the exclMsive title 36 to patriotism ; who to acquire wealth, would acquire political con^ sequence. It must therefore depend pn the wisdom and virtue^ the elec-t tors, composed of the great mass of useful citizens, to select such rulers as will best secure the perpetuation of liberty. But it un- fortunately happens in popular governments, that the electors from local or other causes, are often involved in the same vor- tex of error and misguided zeal, with their rulers. It is not strange that men who have not much either of wisdom or virtue, to boast of, should in the exercise of power commit errors, and even per- severe in them, when they a^e thereby deriving immediate emol- uments to themselves. But that the electors* who derive no benefits from the adminis- tration of civil government, but what result from the influence of wise and equal law?, that they should persist with persevering obstinacy, to support those, whose political conduct has been oppo- sed to their views and wishes, and whose measures have disappoin- ted their most sanguine hopes, cannot be accounted fqr in any other way than by supposing they are actuated by t^ie influence of delusion and prejudice. Our error and our misfortune has been, that while we have seen and suffered the effects of party dissensions, we have not re- traced our steps to the first cause. According to the usual course of republics, we have progressed from bad to ^yovse, un- til at last, the evils resulting from the policy of thq last fourteen years appear to be fast approaching to a remediless crisis. It has been well observed by a distinguished writer, « that the * The author would apply his remarks throughout this address, particu- larly to that class of electors, who make no pretensions to the qualifications TcquLsite to the duties of public ofhce, and wlio, whenever they could discern. fhe best interest of theij* country, would pursue it. 21 people are never in such danger as when placing a blind confi- dence in their representatives ; who, acting in a body, divide the sense of shame or disgrace among each other, and do things from which a single individual, however dissolute, would shrink with disgust." The electors may be said to act under the influence of such a confidence, when they support by their suffrages the authors of measures, of which they disapprove by whatever political name their representatives may be called. But, say the supporters of the present policy, although it ap- pears to us that the present war, and the measures \Vhich led to it, are ruinous to the interests of the country, and might have been avoided, yet our representatives have a better view of the whole ground, than we can be supposed to have, and therefore -we must conclude they have done what was best, although we had other views of our political state; and it is our duty quietly to submit to the will of the majority. The representatives of that majority may however sanction measures opposed to'your will. In that event you have but one constitutional remedy ; by electing other men, who condemn such measures, and will change them . This you will not do ; no matter by what motives you are actuated, as it respects the evils which re- suit to the minority and to our country ; unless you will remove them by a wise use of your right of suffrage, they must be endu- red. By the exercise of this right, the mmority cannot remove them^ although the proportion of their numbers to that of the majority shall be as ninety -nine to in hundred, and although the evils re= suiting Irom such measures should fall with tenfold greater weight on that minority, tham on the majority. This is not a mere chimerical view o{ the wretched condition to which a free republic may be reduced. For there is no degree of degradation and misery, to which a minority may not be reduced by a dominant party, acting under the dominion of infuriated pas- sion, or inveterate prejudice. But have you forgotten that there was a time when the leaders of a minority encouraged an open and violent resistance to mea- sures of which they disapproved. In 1792 under the administra- tion of President Washington, the execution of the laws imposing a duty on spirits distilled within the United States was resisted ; and that resistance was encouraged by the very men who were then the leaders of a minority, but who now direct the destinies of our country. If resistance could be justified then ; so it could at the present time with equal reason. Many of you who support the men in power at this time, did not then think, it was the duty of the peo- ple quietly to submit to the will of the majority; if that will was as you professed to believe, destructive of the great end of civil government. When you were the legitimate subjects of Great Britain in IVTSt you disclaimed the right of the British parliament to tax you with- out your being represented ; you would not submit to it. You would no longer be subjected to the evils of an administration, which you could not change. You are now represented in the councils of the nation, and when your representatives tax you conti-ary to your wishes, and wantonly spread around you devasta- tion and misery, you presume they have done well, because they are men of your own choice. But does the right of suffrage, give impunity to the errors or crimes of rulers ? 23 You endured the privations and sufferings of an eight ycar'a war, because you would not submit to the absurd maxim, that the King can do no wrong : And by a blind confidence, by an ob- stinate adherence to a certain class of citizens, you would adopt a maxim equally absurd and fatal to liberty. The privileges which the citizens are to derive from the right of suffrage, do not con- sist in the power which the freemen possess of exercising that light, but in the actual exercise of it by a majority of the elec tors, in a manner best calculated to promote their political inte- rest and happiness. Suppose a bare majority of the electors have established it as an irrevocable principle, that they will never elect to office, any one who shall be nominated by the minority ; what benefits do that minority derive from the right of suffrage ? You say they en- joy the benefit of laws made by the men who are chosen by the majority, which is all they can expect from an elective govern- ment. But suppose that majority elect men, who pursue a poli- cy ruinous to the interest and happiness of the people, and should persist in supporting such men ; ought such a policy to demand 9ur confidence and cordial submission, because the authors of it enjoy the right of suffrage ? If the rights of the people are to be invaded with impunity ; if our liberties are to perish, is it a privilege of which freemen should boast, and in which they ought to exult, that they have the right of choosing the men who are to be the instruments o£ their ruin ? But it is said, the representatives who are chosen by a majority of a free and enlightened people, will, it is to be presumed, best un- derstand, and be disposed to pursue, the best means to promote the public good. This was not the reasoning of the party in power seventeen 24 rears ago. At that time they arraigned at the bar of public opin- ion, and condemned the measures of the representatives of a great majority of the electors. You who now advocate the present policy, had not then adopt- ed the absurd maxim, that the representatives of a free people can do no wrong. You then ^oried in the privileges of an elec- tive government, because it authorized you to change the coun- cils of the nation, by removing those who had deceived your con- fidence. You then complained of the measures of federalists, bev- cause they imposed unnecessary and oppressive taxes. But our republican rulers have imposed a tax on lands, houses, carriages, waggons, harness, licenses, auctions, stills, leather, boots, hats, caps, ladies* hats, sugar, tobacco, snuff, segars, bar iron, roll'd iron, pig iron, cut nails, brads, sprigs, umbrellas, furniture, pa- per, candles, playing cards, saddles, bridles, ale, porter, and a §tamp tax, a double postage tax, and all to support a war which the people believed was unnecessary, and might with a liitle pru- dence have been avoided : and you have become silent as the gi-ave upon the subject of federal measures : for if they chastised us ■with whips, it can no longer be concealed, that our republican ru^ Jers are now chastising us with scorpions. The people there- fore have exhibited some symptoms of a disposition to exercise the right of suffrage, by restoring to power those men who have invariably warned them, that the policy of the last fourteen years, would lead to the present disastrous state of things. But no sooner has the result of an election exhibited to public view, some evidence of an inclination in the electors, to consult their eyes rather than their ears, in forming their opinions of po- litical characters, than the old cry of British influence, monarchist, and tory, is raised with i-edoubled efforts j so glaringf is the dis- crimination between republican and federal measures, in fiivour oi; the latter, that there is danger, that even the « moles will be cured of their blindness/* If the federalists committed errors in their administration four- teen years ago, they are no longer considered as obstacles to their restoration to power, since in that respect the little finger of Mr. Madison, has become thicker than the loins of Washington or Adams. The republican leaders, twenty-five years ago, were well aware tliat the test of experience might eventually expose the fallacy of their new policy ; and thereby restore to confidence and to power, the proscribed federalists. It was not therefore against federal measures only, or principal- ly, but against federal men, that the efforts of the first opposition were directed. They were denounced as dangerotis men, attach- ed to monarchical principles, and inimical to republican liberty. These accusations, unceasingly urged, have excited prejudices which have grown so inveterate as to become a rule df action, an inviolable law. And it is no longer a question whether they ought not quietly to submit to any evils which may result from the vices or errors of their republican leaders, rather than trust their poli= tical concerns to the controul of federalists. We now see a few individuals, who claim the exclusive title to patriotism and re- publican virtue, chosen from less than one thousandth part of the freemen, set at the helm, exulting in the triumphs of delusion and prejudice, over reason and truth : Our territory iovaded by a powerful foe, and nearly one half of our citizens disfranchised, and identified with the enemies of our country. Such a state of things cannot long continue. Our political state must be regenerated, A revolution in the public opinion is indispensable. Whatever may be the event of the present war, m the prescui state of the world, we cannot expect any very long an(^ uninter- rupted state of peace. In times of common danger, we have found from recent expe- rience, that union is the great bulwark of our safety. In the midst of surf ounding commotions and ruins, pause then, fellow-citizens, for a moment, and review the motives of your politic*\l conduct, and with the integrity of virtuous freemen, examine the evidence upon which you have founded your political prejudices. In the long conflict for power which has engaged the two great political parties in this country, it is evident the great mass of eiec» ^ tors, who would at this time exclude from office federal men, have lost sight of the origin of our political dissensions. You now believe that those of your fellow-citizens, who are called federalists, are enemies fo republican liberty, and friends tp an hereditary monarchy. But where is your evidence of the fact? There are but two modes of proof, by which we can attest to the sentiments of oth- ers i one of which we derive from their professions, and the other from some overt act, the nature of which clearly evinces to the mind, the principle which must have produced it. And has any federalist, whose political opinions have been thought to merit public consideration, ever announced to his fel- low-citizens, in any communication of his political sentiments, either public or private, his predilection to a monarchy, or hi» attachment to the British nation ? If so, who was that federalist? when and on what occasion, and to whom was such a communica. tion made ? If there had been one such instance of republican degeneracy, would not the fact admit of proof, and the evidence have been distinctly announced to the public through the medium of the press \ But no such evidence has ever been exhibited, lor this plain rciison, that it never did exist. But on the contrary, whenever the sentiments of federalists on this subject have bceo disclosed, they have invariably evinced a strong predilection to our republican constitution as the only form of government which could best promote the happiness of the people. Fisher Ames, whose character for political science, and pure morality, stands unrivalled in our history, about ten years ago wrote a dissertation on the " Dangers of American Liberty,'* and sent it to a friend for his perusal, who returned it with an expec* tatibii that it would have been published at that time. In that in- teresting work we find the following remarks which cannot be thought impertinent to our present object. "This is certain, the body of the federalists were always and yet are essentially democratic in their political notions, The truth Is, the American nation, with ideas and prejudices wholly demo- cratic, undertook to frame, and expected tranquilly and with en- ergy and success, to administer a republican government. It is^ and ever has been my belief, that the federal constitution was as good or very nearly as good as our country could bear; that the attempt to introduce a mixed monarchy was never thought of, and would have failed if it had been made ; and could have pro^ ved only an inveterate curse to the nation if it had been adopted cheertully, and even unanimouslyby the people," The manu- script which contained these remarks, remained in the possession of Mr. Ames about three years, and until his death ; which clear- ly shows that he had no anxiety that it should have been publish- ed. That great and good man who had no enemies but what were created by party influence, never indeet believed it was necessa^ ry, or yh% c^wty of ps^triotism, to use % single argument througl - the whole of his writings, to convince the people that the federal- ists were friends to republican liberty: and thought as he expres- sed himself, tliat the assertions to the coiitrary were « impudent falsehoods,*' made only to gull the unsuspecting freemen out of their confidence in fcdei*al men. It is a fact, that since the commencement of our political dis- sensions, only two men have been designated among the whole body of federalists, as having publicly announced sentiments fa- vorable to a monarchical government. One of these, and the first, who was denounced as one, whose sentiments had a dangerous influence was John Adams, late Pre- sident of the United States. — When I say he was the first, I speak in the language of those citizei-»s who have been deceived with re- spect to the origin of our political dissensions. If truth can pre- Tail over falsehood and prejudice, and they will hear it — it will convince them that the opposers of federalism, directed their first efforts against Washington and his policy. But so uncliiangeable was the confidence, of the great body of the people in his talents and his character, l^th as a hero and statesman, such their un- bounded admiration of his wisdom, his virtue and disinterested patriotism, that the torrent of calumny and abuse, which issued from the democratic presses at that time, against him and his po- licy, had no effect, in withdrawing the confidence of the peopld iVom the man on whom they had rested their hopes through the trying stenes of the revolution. It wotjk! nave been indeed an Herculean task, to have destroy- ed the credit of an administration over which Washington presid- ed. It uuRt indeed have been a work of much time, and have required arrangements, difficult in their execution, to operate 19 with success against an administration, which commenced under the most flattering auspices, and which had inspired our citizens with the most flattering hopes. A considerable time had elapsed, before those papers, which were the vehicles of slander against federal men and measures,- %vere extensively circulated. And those who might have early discovered the calumnies against Washington, must have conclu- ded they were the effect of some invisible and mysterious policy. Slot founded in a disposition hostile to his character or conduct- Although that opposition to federalists, which has ended in fix- ing the present inveterate prejudices of our citizens, began with the first operations of the government, certain it is, that the great mass of electors, who by their suffrages support the men now in power, trace the origin of their party prejudices, no farther back than to the administration of Mr. Adams, who it was said, was disposed to extend the influence of his principles botli by his precepts and example ; that he was a dangerous man, because he thought the British constitution better than our own. Where is the evidence of this fact to be found ? Did he ever make any declaration, either directly or indirectly, that such were his sentiments ? You have said they were to be found in his wri- tings. It will be recollected that after the establishment of our inde- pendence, the people were free to form for themselves, civil con- stitutions, according to their own ideas of liberty, independent of any foreign power. The then thirteen states, therefore chose and established for themselves, constitutions of government, foun- ded on principles similar to that which the United States have Ince adopted. 30 Mr. Turgot, a Frenchman, in a letter* to Dr. Price, acknovv* hedges that he was not satisfied with those constitutions, and ob- serves, that " by most of them, the customs of England were imi- tated, without any particular motive. Instead of collecting all authority into one centre, that of the nation* they have established different bodies— a body of representatives, a council and a gover- nor, because in England, there i? a house of commons, a house of lords, and a king I" Against this attack of Mr. Turgot on the American constitutions, Mr. Adams wrote and published a de- fence ; a defence of those very principles of a republican form of government, which are recognized in our present constitutions. It has been the peculiar province of a few leaders of democracy iu the United States, to discern in this celebrated defence of repub- lican principles, a predilection in the author to an hereditary mo- narchy. This work of Mr. Adams, is now before me, from which it appears that those who have represented his writings-as jproof of his predilection for a monarchy, have either misunderstood, or misrepresented them. The question between Mr. Adams and Mr. Turgot was not whether a republican form of government was preferable to a monarchy, but what form of government was best calculated to secure the duration of republican liberty. Both * This letter of Mr. Turgot and the principles contained in it, had beyond a doubt, a great influence on the conduct of the democratic party, in oppo- gin^ the constitution in its present form- "The respective states had in tlifeir constitutions provided, that there should be three departments or branches of the legislature, a governor, senate, and house of representatives, and un- der such constitutions, had formed their political prmciples and habits. lii must be ascribed to French influence, that in forming our present constitu- tion, those who professed an excessive partiality for France, were for abol- ishing theoflSce of chief magistrarc and senate or council. The object of Turgol*s letter was evidently to influence the conduct of the Americans in forming their present constitution. Fi-ench influence is of no recent dat^ in the councils of the nation, 31 agreed that the people were the source of all legitimate powi^r, and had a right to choose for themselves, such a form of govern* iTient as they believed would best comport with the great ends of ijs institution. Mr. Adams contended in his book against Mr. Turgot's opin« ion, that a chief magistrate, and senate or council, as provided in the American constitutions are indispensable to constitute that equilibrium of power, necessary to secure the rights of the peo- ple in every free state. He believed that the British nation had improved on the science of government, by introducing three se- parate and independent branches into her constitution to support that equilibrium. But to prove him a monarchist his writings have been*misquo<« ted, garbled and misconstrued. As evidence of his predilection for a monarchy, the following part of a sentence has been often quoted as his sentiment, from the 70th page of the first volume of his Defence : " The Eng- lish constitution is the most stupendcJus fabric of human in- vention.*'* But does this prove that he prefered this stupen- dous fabric to that which the American Convention erected in forming our own constitution ? On the succeeding page of the same volume, Mr. Adams has disclosed his sentiments relative to our republican institutions, in expressions which cannot be mistaken. " They, meaning the Americans, says he, have not made their first magistrates hereditary, nor their senators : here they differ from the English constitution and with great propri- ety. The agrarian in America is divided into the hands of the Common people in every state, in such a manner that nineteen- * The whole sentence reads as follows, " I only contend that the EngKsh constitution is in theory, the most stupendous fabric of human invention, boifh ft>r the adjustment of the balance, and the preventioa of its vibratione . twentieths of the property would be in the hands of the com- mons, let them appoint whom they could for chief magistrate and senators: the sovereignty then in fact, as. well as morality, must re-side in the whole body of the people ; and an hereditary kin^ and nobility, who should not govern according to the pub- lic opinion, would infallibly be tumbled instantly from their pla- ces ; it is not only most prudent then, but absolutely necessary, to avoid continual violence, to give the people a legal, cbnstitu- tional, and peaceable mode of changing their rulers whenever they discover improper principles or dispositions in them.'* In another part of his writings* on this subject, he makes the fol- lowing remarks:—*' It is become a kind of fashion among wri- ters to aflniit as a maxim, that if you could be always sur^ of a wise, active and virtuous prince, monarchy would be the best of governments. But this is so far from being admissible, that it will forever remain true, that a free government has a great advantage over a simple monarchy. The best and wisest prince by means of a freer communication with his people, and the greater opportunities, to collect the best advice from the best of his subjects, would have an eminent advantage in a free state> more than in a monarchy." But it is unnecessary to quote farther from his writings, to convince my fellow-citizens, that many of them have been de- ceived with respect to their import. It is true that Mr. Adams like every other man who has any knowledge of the history of republics, well knew that the election of chief magistrate, and other great officers of state, had in every great nation, been at- tended sooner or later, with violence, anarchy and every spc- ' Vol. I. p. 8, cie3 of corruption i and was apprehensive that such mrgKt ^, our misfortune, when it n>ight be necessary to resort to that remedy provicl^i in the constitution, by calling a convention: But even in such an event he exults in. the reftection that " such, a convention may still prevent the first magistrate fromi>ecom? ing absolute as well as hereditary.''* I have quoted some sen- timents of his fi'om his writings, to present to the public view one of those absiird falsehoods, on which that stupendous sys« tern of delusion and prejudice has been erected, by which fed- eral men have been driven from the councils of the nation. The truth is, the writings of Mr. Adams have been repre- sented as evidence of his monarchical principles, by those who iiever read them, and who knew nothing of their contents J and thousands have received such representations as truth j and have therefore infered that those who would confide in him i^ execute the important trust of chief magistrate, must have |)eca iUached to the same principles by which he was influenced. While he was writing his celebrated Defence of our repulJ-i '.can institutions in England, the Convention framed our pre^ cnt Constitution, which came to his knowledge, when he was -ibout drawing his work to a conclusion : upon which he mad^ he following remarks % " It is now in our power to bring this\ vrork to a couclusion with unexpected dignity. In the course ■'A the last summer, two authorities have appeared, greater than ;iny that have been quoted, in which the principles we have/at- tempted to defend, have been acknowledged. The firstly aii ^)rdinancc of Congress of the 13lh of July, 1787, for the g^V- srnment of tl\e Territory of the United States Northwest ^f- " ^re Adiim?' Dpfcnce, Vo\. IIL p. 2^. F thp Ohio; the second is, the feport of the Convention at Fhi iadelphia, of the irth of September, 1787. The former con- federation of the United States was formed upon the model and example of all the confederacies, ancient and modern, in which. Ijie federal council was only a diplomatic body : even the Lycian^ which is thought to have been the best, was no more. The magnitude of territory, the population, the wealth and com- merce, and especially the rapid growth of the United States have shewji such a government to be inadequate to their wants; and the new system, which seems admirably calculated to unite their interests and a5*ections, and bring them to an uniformity of principles and sentiments, is equally well combined to unite their wills and forces as a single nation. A result of accom- modation cannot be supposed to reach the ideas of perfection of any one ; but tlkC conception of such an idea, and the delib- erate union o£ so, great and various a people in such a plan, is, without all partiality or jirejudice, if not the greatest exertion of human understanding, the greatest single effort of national deliberation that the world has ever seen. That it may be im proved is not to be doubted, and provision is made for that purpose, in the report itself. A people who couM conceive, and can adopt it, we need not fear will be able to amend it, when by experience, its inconveniences and imperfections shall' Ijie seen and felt " Thus end tke writings, oi- IM-v. Adams, with the strongest expressions of his approbation of that very constitution which he was accused of wishing to subvci t.* Because he had dis,- * It is a well known fact, that i'.ncc Mi'. Ad.irns has expressed some Qpinions m favoiu' of the late measures of the present adminisiraticn, tlie repubiiccvns hiive spoken of his politiciil c!:aracter in x^z strongest tc/msor -ernment to discover the dangers to which republican iibei:^^ v/as exposed, and had wisdom to point us to a remedy, he has Loen denounced as an enemy to republics. The delusion which has been practised upon the honest frec» raen of this country respecting the political principles of Mr. Adams, may yet convince them that if they would preservfe their rights, they must become their own guardians, and not trust to a constitution written on paper .• nor to-a blind confidence in men whose title to patriotism is evidenced only by their professiotis. Perhaps no one thing has had more agency in effecting that chan^ge ©f men and measures in this country, by which the pres^ent policy was introduced, than the pre valency of an opin ion among the people, that Mr. Adams was hostile in his prin- ciples to republican liberty, and that he hoped by the influence df his measures, gradually to undermine our republican insti- Hitions, antl erect on their ruins, a monarchy. What man is there then, among us, who believes that wis- dom and virtue are essential requisites, to support and perpet* rate the privileges of a free coustituticn, who has not reason tc be alarmed for the existence of our own ? When it is considered that in this enlightened age, and in this free republic, where the means of correct information arc as well provided, as the condition of man, and the course of hu» man affairs will admit ; even here it is found on a review of our political state, that a large portion of the honest freemen, have approbation : which proves that they never had any apprehension as they pretended, from the dangerous influence of his monarchical principles, for they mrkc no pretcriSion that these have hi any degree changed. Let a maw approve of the conduct of the men in power, ?jid there is no danger of bis •:re<1Uection fov a iTvOnarchy ; he is orlliodox. Aji the great concerns, which relate to the securrty fcf their dear- est nght5> acted under the influence of as absurd and barefaced falsehoods as were ever in>posed on the wretched and degraded votaries of despotic power. And that those who have been the giuthors of sQch falsehoods, and who have given them currency, Vith the seal of enthusiasts, and tire malignity of fiends, have 'thereby become the guardians of our rights, and the disposers of our national wealth, and fortunes 1 1 I Men ^ho to acquire power would violate the truth, and si- lence the voice of reason, will never fail to tyrannize and oppress whenever they can do it with impunity. Mr. Adams has remarked in his book, dh the subject of cor- i-upt elections, that '' mankind have universally discovered that 'chance ^as preferable to a corrupt choice, and have trusted providence Yather than themselves." And this, mankind aUvayis Vill discover Tor this very obvious reason, that chance may sofnetinies do that Torus which is best c whereas a corrupt choice i^nust inevitably do that for us v/hich is worst. But we hope and believe that the public morals are not yet ■so far corrupted, that we have no longer any ground to hope, chat olir elections may yet be restored to their original purity, ff reasoV. and truth will riot convince us, our misfortunes may, 1:hat if we suffer ourselves to be deceived in the choice of our rulefs, we shall have to pay for our folly, by a surrender of our property and our rights. Ale:j!:afid€r Hamilton whose name « would have honored Greece ^n ^h^ ftge of Aristides," has been also designated from among tHc federal larik? as a monarchist, and as having possessed prin- '<" b!€s liostile to republican liberty, His enemies haveiittempted if to adduce proofs of this from remarks he made -while a mcinb^r' of the convention ■which framed our present constitutiot]. Dur- ing the debates on that occasion he expressed opinions in favour of a system of government which should render the executive and senate, though elective, more permanent than they are by •iiie constitution which was finally adopted by the people. Bi:t it is not known that he ever escplained the extent of the duration which he would have fixed upon for those depanmenfs. His ene» mies have said that he would have had the president and senate ]^old their offices during good behaviour. And this is the high- est accusation that even his enemies have raised against him. iBut even this is not true, and if it had been, it wou'd prove no- thing of his predilection for a monarchy. It is well kn^.vn tha^t he afterwards supported the constitution, as framed, with great ability, and contributed esseutiaily to its adoption. He migiit without the spirit of prophecy, have looked forward to such a state of things as now exists : when it mii^ht oecom-e :necessary that Congress shoukl possess the power more effectu- ally of controuling the sovcveignties and commanding tne resour^ cCs of the respective states. There was a gjeat diversity of opinior* among tne inemoers of the Convention respecting the extent and duration of the power ■which should be vested in the chief magistrc t', and the senate. The leaders of those who advocated these opuuon'^ were Mi\ Hamilton and Mr. Jcffersono %j°' To the difference of opinionj* which arose on this sub= * It is not necessary to trace the ciAises oi cur polrtical futsensions far- ther than to that difference of opinion bexv/een Mr, Hatti^U;!'-aM'. '^.'ir. Jef- fisrson, on the subject of the constitution : to sLow the Ciigiii v/^ the two parties which ^^ distinguished by ths names oi fedwai and repubkcar*; 38 Ject, may be distinctly traced the organization of those tw© par* ties called federal and republican, which have since agitated an^ shaken the foundations of our republic to its centre. The animosity, which might have been created on that occasion, ought not to have survived the adoption of the constitution. For it vas finally unanimously adopted by the convention, and the irf« strument itself inclosed in a letter signed by the president : in which, he remarked that the « constitution was the result of a spiritof amity and of that mutual deference and concession, which the peculiarity of their political situation rendered indispensable*, that it will meet the full and entire approbation of every State is rot to be expected : but each will doubtless consider, that had her interest been alone consulted the consequences might have been particularly disagreeable or injurious to others : that it is as liable to as few exceptions as could have been reasonably expect- ed, we hope and believe ; that it may promote the lasting welfare of thst country so dear to us all, and secure her freedom and hap- Direus, la our most ardent wish." T h^vp: rr -ntioned this hap,py result of the convention to show •a ij.tcry motives by which the members of that body, appear to j ave been Actuated, were siicli, that they ought not, t i'-' . 'J d sound policy, or any principle of real patriotism for a ivicmeDt admit, that they should ever after, have been ar- raigned at the "bar of public opinion. Yet notwithstanding the ?.nd to show that tJie prejudices which were soon after excited against the ff derahsls were founded entirely in falsehood and delusion. The origin of o'.r dissensions may be traced to a disposition which was apparent among the people soon after the termination of the revolutionary war. It is hoped th;.t a full view of this important subject may yet be presented to the peo- ple of the United States, before the errors which result from mistaken con- ceptions of our political state shall prodace evils remediless r.nd fata! lo r-: publican liberty. Jwppy result of the convention, and the subsequent adoption of the constitution ; immediately after the organization of our go°, vernment under President W^hington— a party made its appear- ance in Congress, and uniformly opposed almost every measure of great national concern ; and from the opinions of Mr. Hamil- ton on the subject of the constitution, attempted to adduce argu- ments, to prove that both Hamilton himself, and the advocatcji for his policy, were influenced by monarchichal principles. Mr. Hamilton, it is true, openly avowed the opinion, that tho j>Teates.t danger, to which the constitution was exposed, arose from its imbecility ; and that our liberty had more to fear from the encroachments of the great states, than from those of the j^eneral government. In the event of a foreign war which we now experience, he doubtless believed, that those states which might not approve of the policy which produced it, would not render those essential aids, which migjht be necessary to insur* its success:, and it is not impossible but that he might have pre- ferred a constitution which would vest in Congress that power ty command the military forces of the respective states, which they have attempted to exercise in the present war, without ajiy au- thority derived from the constitution. But while a member c£ the convention, or on any other occasion, it is not known, that he ever expressed a sentiment which evinced his predilection for an hereditary government, or ^tttachment to the British nation Those thousands of republicans who knew his transcendant worth and had seen and fislt the influence of his wisdom and beneyolenccj witnessed their love and admiration, of his personal virtue, and excellence, in the effusions of their indignation against the base author of his final catastrophe, and the profound respect, witi. TrVhich they paid their last sad honors to his remain? 4G, Itjs true that distin^^uished men of both political parties, havt, in privatf" conversation, ejfpressed their apprehensions that our. repubiir an constitution would not long endure the attacks of fac= tlon, of passion, of vice, and error. And such expressions when utterred by federalists, have been construed into principles, and represented as proofs, of a disposition to phange our government for a nionarchy. During the presidency of Mr. Jefferson, the writer of this ad- dress well recollects, that Mr. Granger, late post-raaster gene- ral, in a conversation relating to the dangers of republican liber ty, remarked, that he did not think the period very remote, when a despotic government would he established on the ruins of cur republic. But that gentleman like all others, who have made similar remarks, doubtless founded his opinion on his knowledge of political events, the nature of man, and the usual course, ancl fate of republics. But the man who would receive such opinions as proofs of a predilection for a monarchy, cannot be competent to exercise the right of suffrage. Attempts are not made to practise imposition, relative to thi- subject, on those who know the history of our political concern'^ Mr. Jefferson at the time of his inauguration, must have known, that many of the freemen throughout the Union, had receivedi false impressions, respectliig the motives and principles of fede- ral men. But surrounded as he was, at that time, by the officers of government, and others distinguished for political science, he "would not risque his reputation, by making a false discrimination between the political principles of those who were his advocates andopposers. A sense of the dignity and high responsibility at- tached to ^be characters of those who are pbced at the head of 4i the respective departments, and who in reality direct the desti- nies of our country, presents a motive too vast, too irresistible, to admit the supposition that they could prevaricate in announcing facts, which are to constitute a public and official document. On that occasion he announced to the public and to the world the truth, when he said we have called by different names, brethren of the same principle. « We are all republicans, we are all fedei ralists." And again, recall to your recollection fellow-citizlns, his farther remarks on that occasion. « Let us then" said he,, " with courage and confidence pursue our own federal and repub- lican principles.** Had a suggestion escaped him that his political 6pponents had a predilection for the British government, he knew too well, the ridicule and contempt to which it would have exposed him. No, fellow-citizens, it is not known that Mr. Jefferson himself ever pretended to any one, that a difference of opinion with respect to the choice of a government, was the origin of our political dissen- sions. But he well knew that great numbers of the freemen had been duped by political quacks and impostors, into a belief, that federalists were attached to monarchical principles ; and that to those fals'e prejudices he owed his elevation. Had he believed that certain influential leaders of the federals ists, entertained principles opposed to our republican form of go- vernment, and to the uuion of the States, it would have been his du- ty to have publicly announced this information to Congress, and to have warned the people to avoid the influence of such men, and denounced them as dangerous citizens. But although such a measure might have been highly gratifying to the deluded vota- ries-of his power, it would have excited among the people a call on him for his proofs of the existence of such principles. The republican chief was not to be caught in such a dilemma. The triumphs of delusion, over truth and reason, were not thus to be » defeated^ Let it not be forgotten, thai after every effort had been made by the friends of Mr. Jefferson, which cunning or hypocrisy could devise, to establish in tlie public mind a difference between the principles of those who were called federalists and republicans, in favour of the latter, the first act of his administration was to de- clare, there was no difference. For this act of treachery towards his copatriots, it was thought at that time he might be justified, even in dispensing with the old maxim, " honor among thieves," when he thereby excited such flattering hopes of his intention to break down that spirit of party? which had disgraced the country, and threatened the ruin of her interests and happiness. But subsequent events soon taught us, that the man who owed his elevation to dissensions among the people, was not destined to unite them. I have presented to your view the evidence that has been ex- hibited to the public, to prove from the writings or declarations of John Adams and Alexander Hamilton, that they were monar- chists. And do you, as you pretend, believe in the political character and policy of Washington ? Then let me tell you that he never, on any occasion, on which it was proper for him to notice their principles or measures, neglected to give them his entire approba« tion and perfect confidence. Mr. Hamilton, after having been falsely- accused by the repubrtean party, of accumulating great wealth by illicit means, was finally urged by necessity, to resign the office of 43 Secretary, which he held under Washington ; having spent in the public service a great part of the fruits of his former labours. Mr. Adams, at the end of his presidential term, retired at the request of the republicans, to make room for Mr. Jefferson, who at that time declared the government was in the full tide of sue* cessful experiment : And I need not tell you, it is now overwhel. nied with suffering and disgrace. Towards the close of the presidential term of Mr. Adams, the views which Washington had at that time of his measures, and the political state of the country as it respected our relations with France, are concisely stated in a letter addressed by him to Mr. Adams, of which the following is an extract : — << It was not possible forme to remain ignorant of, or indifferent to recent transactions. The conduct of the directory of France towards our country ; their insidious hostility to its government ; their various practices to withdraw the affections of the people fi-om it ; the evident tendency of their arts and those of their agents, to countenance and invigorate opposition ; their disregard of solemn treaties and the laws of nations ; their war upon our defenceless commerce ; their treatment of our ministers of peace and their demand, amounting to tribute, could not fail to excite in tne sentiments corresponding with those my countrymen have so generally expressed in their affectionate addresses to you. Be<^ lieve me, sir, no man can more cordially approve the wise and prudent measures of your administration. They ought to inspire universal confidence." Yet that party who assumed the name of republican, that party which Washington called the French party, and which he said were the curse of this country,, and the source of all the evils it 44 had to encounter ;* liad it seems withdr?iwn their confidence from Mr. Adams, and the measures of his administration, and denoun- ced them as hostile to republican liberty. And your republican leaders, even to this time, would have you believe, that your pre- judices against federal men commenced with the administration of Mr. Adams. But let the voice of reason and truth be heard. You havB been deceived; you was jealous of your liberty ; in an unguarded moment you yielded to the dominion of passion; y< u did not con- sider the fatal tendency of ill founded prejudices; and you have arraigned and condemned the poliiical characters and principles of a great portion of your fellow citizens, against reason, truth and justice. I have observed, that there are but two modes of proof by which we can attest to the sentiments of others, either by their profes- sions or some overt act, the nature of which clearly evinces to the mind the principle which must have produced it. But feder- alists from the greatest to the least, profess a strong predilection * " The following extract of a letter from General Washington to Charles Carrol of Maryland, dated Mount-Vernon, August 2d, 1798, several months after passing all those laws, which seem so obnoxious to the party now in power, will show wliat right they have to claim any advantage from the po- pularity of his name." "Although,'* sa}s Gen. Washington, "I higlily approve of tlie measures taken by the government, to place this country in a posture of defence, and even v.'isji they had hcen more energetic, and shall be ready to obey its call, undei' the reservations I have made, v/henevcr it is made : yet I am not with- out hope, mad and intoxicated as the French are, that they will pause before they take tlie last step. That they have been deceived in their calculations on the division of the people, and the powerful support they expect from their party, is reduced to a certainty, though it is somewhat equivocal still, whedier THAT PARTY who have been THR CURSE OF 1 HIS COUN- TRY and the SOURCii OF IHE EXPENSES WE HAVE TO ENCOUN^ TER, may not be able to continue THEIR DELUSlON.—WIuit a pity :t Tj the expense could not be taxed upon tlicm,'" 45 {or our republican constitution ; they say they are republicans, one and all, and Mr. Jefferson has also said the same, and nothing they have ever said or written, which has ever come to the know- ledge of the public, has furnished any evidence to the contrary. And here permit jme to ask you, who claim the exclusive title to the appellation of republican, what other proofs have you to evince to the mind the republicanism of your principles, than your professions ? Were you to reason with an ancient christian on this subject, he would probably say to you ; shew me your principles without your works, and I will shew you my principles by my works. If it would not^ive offence in this enlightened age, to ask the same question, the answer would be the same now as then. Principles are not of themselves objects of vision, but fundarnental truths, which exist in the mind, and are the source from which actions are produced. It is impossible therefore to show to the world that your principles are republican, except by measures, which are the natural result and effect of such principles; unless the name republican is to be considered as evidence of the principles of him who is pleased to assume the appellation. This kind of proof however will not pass current unless it k> among mad men and ideots. It reminds one of the limner who before he exhibited his pic. turcs to public view, took care to designate the respective an= imals which he would represent, by writing directly over each •ne its proper name, that the spectator might not mistake the lion for the lamb. If the artist wanted either skill or disposition to exhibit any other evidence of the nature of the animal he would represent than the name, he was blameless, provided he taxed the. people nothing for his exhibition. 46 Should this be considered a digression from the subject, I hope it will be pardoned; for I confess I feel an irresistible inclination to treat the subject of distinguishing political principles by names, with contemptuous levity. If names are hereafter to be admitted as evidence of principles, I would beg leave to suggest a mea- sure of convenience to prevent mistakes in future. Let Mr. Mad- ison appoint one or more persons in each county throughout the union, whose business it shall be to go about and investigate the qualifications of those who shaU assume the name of republican, and baptize them only, who shall be found orthodox, in the name of the God of liberty and equality ; who shall thereupon be enti- tied to a red cap with the word republican, written in large capi- tals on the front, to be provided at the expense of the govern- ment, and direct that i. shall be worn on all days of election. This would have a tendency to exclude impostors from assuming that honorable title, and enable the people thereby to discern and duly appreciate their real friends. Should such a regulation take place, there would still be found a great number of citizens, who although they profess their attachment to republican principles, vet do not claim an exclusive title to that appellation, and there- fore would not be entitled to the red cap. They believe that men who are governed by certain principles, may be designated by a ■particular name, but that name constitutes no kind of evidence that such principles do exist. I should not have made these remarks, was it not evident, tlmt the plainest dictates of reason and common sense, have been dis, regarded, in making political discriminations among our citizens. It is time to look about us, and examine the evidence which has given to names a magic influence, which in the old world has 47 overwhelmed courts and cabinets and churches, and in our own country, has dissolved the endearing ties, which bind together so- ciety, and bless the condition of man : and like the horrid din of the tocsin, arrayed the fiends of misguided passion, against the laws of heaven and nature, and would erect for its votaries, a throne on the ruins of liberty. If those who are called republicans have no other or greater evidence, by which they can prove themselves to be the friends of our constitution and republican liberty, our party distinctions at once are at an end; and the only inquiry respecting the qualifications of candidates for office will in future relate only to their wisdom and integrity, and not the insignificancy of a name. If then political names do not furnish any evidence whatever, that the principles they are designed to designate do in fact exist ; it follows of course that the man who assumes upon himself the name of republican, is entitled to no confidence in his attachment to an elective government by virtue of his name. Neither docs the appellationof federalist, furnish any evidence whatever, that he who is called by that name, is under the influence of monarchi- cal principles. And as to the professions of men, if they are to be admitted as proofs of their principles: federalists have equal and the same evidence that they are attached to an elective govern- ment, as those who are called republicans. But the truth is, the professions of men respecting their principles can no farther be admitted as competent evidence to prove what are their real principles, than their actions which result therefrom, correspond with their professions. If then you would form correct opinions respecting the political sentiments of your fellow-citizens, you must derive your evidence Tram a pure source ; from some overt act, some political measure 4S the nature of which clearly evinces to the mmd the principle which must have produced it. It will be recollected that although the members of the Con*- vention which framed our constitution, were divided in opinion on the subject of ihe constitution, it was finally unanimously adopted. But Mr. Hamilton or any others who might at that time have had objections to the constitution similar to those which he had suggested, did not suppose after it was adopted, they could be justified in making that instrument which had be- come the great bulwiirk of our liberties, auy longer a subject of political dissension. They were, and continued to be, its firm and uniform supporters. But there was a party throughout the United States who were" opposed to the constitution even in its present form : they would have had neither a chief magistrate cr senate, but the whole legislative body to consist of an assembly of representatives similar to that which was established iv. France afier the de- struction of their monarchy. This party had charged the ad- vocates of our present constitution with a desire to establish a monarchy on the. ruins of republican liberty: and the constitu- tion itself it was alledged, contained principles which would prove the truth of this charge. The leaders of that party had therefore been ready from the instant the government came into operation, to discover m all its measures, those monarchical tendencies, which they had perceived in the instrument they opposed.* They insisted that the constitution bore a strong resemblance to that of Grcu" Britain : and that some of the first measures of the 5un;u • ^- Mur^liair i TAR' of Washbg^vo?., Vol. V. p. SoC tiQii, also \^cl'C ioundfcl in a policy similar to that wliich tha; country had adopted. By refering to the Journals of the Con- ventions of the respective States, vhich weve called to discuss the merits of the constitution, and to reject or adopt it, ^it will be found, that those very men throughout the United States, who were opposed to the adoption of th'e constitution, were the men who commenced the opposition to the administration of Washington. The first great and principal leader of that opposition was Thomas Jefferson, then Secretary of State, And between him and Alexander Hamilton who was then Secretary of the Treas- ury, there was a difference of opinion on those great national questions, the decision of which completed the organization of those two parties which at this time are agitating and confound- ing the councils of the republic. Mr. Hamilton in pursuance of the duty pertaining to his of- fice, digested and reported various plans for establishing the credit of the United States, by providing for the payment of the public debt. These were approved of by Washington and a great majority of his administration, and passed into laws, and constituted what was called the Funding System, similar in somf^ respects to that which existed in Great-Britain. It should here be recollected that our ancestors who establish- ed for us our republican institutions, derived all their science in the policy of legislation from Great-Britain. ^ In that country, as in others on the eastern continent, the bu= siness of taxation has been practised in almost every possi- ble ferm, no one of which ever did, or ever will give entire -iatisfaction, in that or any other country> But it could not b& Q 50 *i_Kpccled that a syatero of taxation could ever be devisea in the United States, which would not bear some strong resemblance to those of Great-Britain. It is not necessary therefore Lo at- :tcmpt an investigation of the nature or effects of those laws, to show that no evidence whatever could be derived from them, which could in any way evince a disposition in the authors, fa- vourable to a monarchy, or to the British nation. If in a free state laws are made whicli are unequal in their operations and unnecessarily burdensome to the people, such laws may fur- nish evidence that the authors of them are destitute either of talents or integrity ; but the most devoted partizan, the most jealous guardian of our liberties, could never believe, that such laws of themselves, could furnish any proof, that the author?. of them were monarchists or enemies to republican liberty ; the idea is too absurd to admit of any consideration. But the opposers of the administration, at that time, arraign- ed and condemned at the bar of public opinion all those mea» sures which had originated with the Secretary of the Treasury, as well as many others of great national concern, alf which ■were finally adopted, with the entire approbation of Washings ton. The authors of these measures were censured, because they, m the first place, bad been instrumental in forming a constitu- tion, which it was said must have been the result of monarchi- cal principles, from the resemblance it had to the British con- atiiution : alleging that similar powers were vested in the Pre- sident, Senate and House of R ^presentatives, to those which by tlie British constitution were vested in the King, Lords and Commons. There was perhaps no measure of Washington's admini&tra- .ion more pointedly and strenuously opposed than the fundir^ ay stem, by which provision was made for payment of the pub- lic debt which had accrued during the revolutionary war. The republican party contended that the funding system furnished conclusive evidence that the authors of it were actuated by mo* narchical principles, and British influence ; because in Great Britain they have a funding system, and the government of Great Britain is a monarchy. And because our federal rulers established a funding system, they must therefore have been attached to a monarchy. But it was contended that this mea« sure war> also founded in bad policy. The original creditors many of them had parted with the certificates which contained the evidence of their respective debts, at a great deduction from the nominal value : and it was said those creditors had thereby aianifested their willingness to add to their other sacrifices this deduction from their demand upon the nation : and therefore the purchasers of that debt, ought not to receive any more than what they had paid the original creditor. Those who were in favor of the system contended, that it was subversive of every principle on which public contracts are founded, for a legislative body to diminish a debt the amount of which had been ascertained, and for the payment of which, they considered the property and sacred honor of the peo.- p!e of the United States was pledged. Of the justice or policy of that measure let the people judge : but permit me to remind you that some of those very men who opposed that measure, and many others who have been the firm supporters of their po- licy and power, are at thi« time, purchasing of the poor sol- dier; his claims ©n the government, at prices reduced beiovr the nominal vuiuc, m proporiion to the pressure of his neces- sity, occasioned by the ruin of that policy which had given to the funding system life and vigor. But it was not these laws only which constituted the funding system, by which the re- publican party, attempted to excite prejudices against Wash- ington and his administration : the opposition was soon direct- ed against almost every measure, and the authors of them ac- cused of being the enemies of rep^iblican liberty. " The sala- ries allowed to public officers, though so low* as not to afford a decent maintenance to those who resided at the seat of govern- ment, were declared to be so enormously high, as clearly to manifest a total disregard of that simplicity and economy, which were the characteristics of republics." "The levees of the President, and the evening parties of Mrs. Washington, were said to be imitations of regal institu- tions, designed to accustom the American people to the pomp and manners of European courts. The Indian war they alleged was misconducted and unnecessarily prolonged for the purposes of expending the public money, and of affording a pretext for augmenting the military establishment and increasing the re- venue. All this prodigal waste of the people's money was to keep up the national debt, which united with standing armies and immense revenues, would enable their rulers to rivet the chains which they were secretly forging/'f It was not long • The salary of the Secretary of State which was the highest, was three thousand five hundred dollars. Mr. JeflTerson himself patronized the press at that time which denounced federal men for high salaries. — He and his co-r patriots have doubtless', become since convinced of their error, iu that ro spect, as we have heard nothing of that complaint for fourteen years. I See Marshall's Lite of Washington, vol 5, p.S50 Sec iilso tlic .Tair- *'als (tnd debater of Congress at that time 53 After the commencement of Washington's administration, that a clerk in the office of the Secretary of State, became the editor of a certain newspaper, called the National Gazette, which was patronised by Mr. Jefferson, and soon became Ihe vehicle of calumny against the most important measures of the first ad- ministration, and the men who proposed arid supported them. It was through the medium of the press only, that the base slanders, the most outrageous abuses of the conduct and cha^ racter of Washington and his policy, came to his knowledge. The republicans have been told millions of times, and they have as often denied, that Washington and his political friends^ were the men against whom the first efforts of democracy were directed. But in this they have been deceived.* Uiey have de- rived the evidence on which are founded tiieir political preju- dices from an impure source. So violent and unceasing was tlie opposiuon to the measures of Washington's administration, that he was filled with the most painful sensations for the event. As proof of this fiict, I refer you to a letter* which he addressed to Mr. Jefferson on the 23d day of August, in the third year of his administration, in which he wrote as follows j *' How unfortunate and how much is it to be regretted, that while we are encompassed on all sides with avowed enemies and insidious friends, internal dissensions should be harrowing and tearing our vitals. The last to me is the most serious, the most alarming, and the most afflicting of the two ; and without more charity for the opinions of one another, in governmental matters, or some more infallible criterion by v,'hich tlie trutli of speculative opinions, before they have undergone 'e h--.- ' ^ceMwshalVs Lifpof Washinj^on, vol 5. n 1.-;" 54 Qf experience, are to be forejudged, than has yet fallen to the lot of fallibility, I believe it will be difficult, if not impractica- ble to manage the rcjins of government, or to keep the parts of it together : for if instead of laying our shoulders to the ma~ chine, after measures have been decided on, one pulls this way and another that, before the utility of the thing is fairly tried, it must be inevitably torn asunder ; and in my opinion, the fair- est prospect that ever was presented to man, will be lost, per- haps for ever.'* But all his endeavours to conciliate the opposition to his mea- sures, were unavailing. On the 2 1st day of July, the next year after the letter of which the above is an extract was written, Washington addressed a letter to Gen. Lee, then Governor of Vir^ ginia, on the subject of the opposition to his administration, which was made through the medium of the press — from which letter the following is an extract : — ^^ The arrows of malevolence, there- fore, however barbed and pointed, can never reach my most vulne- rable part ; tb.ough whilst I am up as a mark, they will be con- tinually aimed at me. The publications inFreneau'sandBache's* papers are outrages on cc.nmon decency; and they progress in that style in proportion as their pieces are treated with contempt and passed over in silence by those, against whom they are di- rected. Their tendency however, is too obvious to be mistaken by men of cool and dispassionate minds, and in my opinion ought to alarm them ; because it is difficult to prescribe bounds to their i^ffect.'* Will you ask, how do the calumnies against Washington, and lie measures which he approved, furnish evidence that our pre- * Bache was a Clerk in the office of the Secretary of State, and liis p^ipcr patronized by IVTr. Jfffewon. judices against federal men are ill founded ? In answer to this, ie' me enquire of you, how you came by them ? Through what chan» nel did you derive your evidence that federal men are under the influence of monarchical principles, and therefore dangerous men ? They, as I before observed, have made no professions of such principles. No : they tell you, they prefer an elective gc vernraent ; and to prove it, they refer you to what they have done and suffered to acquire such a government : to their blood and treasure, and that of their fathers and friends, which hr-sbeen free- ly expended in the acquisition : and they tell you they are stilf ready to fight and to die in defence of that Constitution, whicJi by their courage and wisdom they have achieved. They point yow to the field of battle, to which they have flown to victory and to death, that they might repel an invading foe, which your roisera- bl6 policy has brought upon our borders, and which your dastard- ly efforts cannot repel without their aid. The question returns then, how came you by your prejudices ? They are not the creatures of a day. That sudden impulse, by which we are led to resist or to oppose another for some suppcp sed offence or intended injury, is the effect of passion. Prejudice is a sentiment or judgment formed without examining the groAinds or evidence necessary to support it. Judgments or sentiments therefore, that are founded in prejudice, can never be considered as any evidence of themselves, that the facts on which they are supposed to be founded do exist. That you entertain prejudices against federal men, you do not deny : and that these prejudices are producing serious evils among us is certainly true ; and it is seriously believed that unless the differences among the people, which have been created by these prejudices, can be reconciled, they will end in the ruin of our republic. d6 You are tbereiore, at this alarming crisis, urged by the duty which you'owe to your country and to posterity, to examine the evidence on which your prejudices have been founded. And to this end your attention has been invited to tiie calumniators of Washington and his policy; as the men, from whom, on a revtew of the subject, ypu must be convinced that you have derived the evidence, to which your present prejudices, owe their origin j evidence which will be found on examination, totally incompe- tent, in its very nature, to decide the most unimportant civil right. Strictures en the administration of government are made through the medium of the press, and through that channel com municated to the people, by those individuals who approve them Those presses which arc established at ihe seat of government, where measures originate, and where it is believed the real vie^vs and principles of their authors are best known, are the first to eivc them currency. Tlic National Gazette to which I have al^ iuded, and other papers became the vehicles of the calumnies Ao-ainst Washington and his administration, soon after the govern- inent went into operation ; and those, or their contents copied in to other papers, were circulated among the people. It must therefore be through the medium of democratic papoi's, first published at the seat of government, that you derived your first information, that your liberties had been entrusted with dan- gerous men. This is evident. There is no othcT mode by which the motives, views, and principles of men, so far removed from the great body of the electors as those who reside at the seat of government, couW be communicated. To exteud the circulation of these papers, and thereby communicate what were called re- publican sentiments, a democratic society was formed at Philadel- pbia, on the SOtli day of May 1793, which was tlie fifth year of Washington's administration, and soon after the arrival of Mr, Genet, the French minister. " Tiiese societies were the resolute champions of ail the encroachments attempted by the agents of the French republic on the government of tlie United States, and the steady defamers of the views and measures of the American executive."* By this society a corresponding committee was appointed^ through whom they might communicate with other societies es- tablished on similar principles, throughout the Union. It was through the aid of this society, that the calumniators of Wash- ington and his measures, extended their mfluence to the great body of the people. It was from this source, then, and no other, that you have derived your evidence, that federal men are under a dangerous influence, and Washington himself was never made an exception to the number of those, who we«e marked for pro scription and doomed to exile. This is evident, if you believe what he has written on the sub- ject. And of his integrity you never doubted. He was one of those rare characters, whom the temptations of earth could not corrupt, and who by uniting in himself, every virtue, was desiiiued to bless his country by uniting every heart. By a long series of illustrious actions, and by an unrivalled display of disinterested patriotism, that great and good man had so eng ravened himself on the affections of his fellow-citizens, that his very name palsied th^ tongue of slander, and his transcendant influence rendered abo^f tive the efforts of his detractors. In that long catalogue of illustrious patriots, heroes and states- men, who have adorned and blessed our country, and who would have honored any age or nation, it was our lot to enjoy one, and v/e have reason to exult in the proud recollection, that among that number, even one could be found, who alone was destined by Hea- ven to command the undivided confidence of his fellow-citizens. Win you ask, who then are his enemies ? he had none. Why then had he traducers I Thousands of our citizens will still indig- nantly answer, he had none : he lived only to bless and serve his country, and died in her service. And could that country raise * Marshall's Life of Washingtonj v. 5. p, 427. H iigamat herbeneractor, the voice of delraccion ? Itcoaid. Wasl*- jtn^ton was traduced; by a few indeed, a despicable fe\^' of his fellow-citizens. And had not his hand recorded the evidence of their degeneracy, you never would have believed it. It was re- served for him alone to transmit to us for the benefit of our coun- try, the evidence of the degen-eracy of the c^ge in which we live, as a warning against that fatal system of delusion and falsehood, which he saw was prcparin.c^ to entangle us in the corrupt poji-^ tics of foreign courts, and to enkindle among us the flames of civil discord. Notwithstanding every effort wliicli wa-^ mude by President Washington to restore haruKmy and to reconcile his opposers, the democratic party continued with ujiabating zeal, to publish the grossest and most insidious misrepresentations against every act of his administration. In the third year of the second term of his presidency, he evidently discovered that strong sensibility which the unqualified abuse of his opposers could not fail to excitCo In a letter to Mr. Jefferson on this subject, he has the following remarks: — ^" Until the last ^ear or two, I had no conception, that parties would or ever could go the lengths I have been witness to ; nor did I believe until lately, that it was within the bounds of probability — hardly within those of possibility, that while 1 was using my utmost exertions to establish a national character of odr own, independent, as far as our obligations and justice would per- mit, of every nation of the earth ; and wished, by steering a stea- dy course, to preserve this country from the horrors of a deso° lating war, I should be accused of being the enemy of one nation, and subject to the influence of another ; and to prove it that eve- ry act of my administration would be tortured, and the grossest and most insidious misrepresentations of them be made by giving one side only of a subject, and that too in such exaggerated and indecent terms as could scarcely be applied to a Nero-— to a no- torious defaulter, or even to a common pick-pocket." And who were the men that tortured every act of Washington's administration to prove that he v/as an enemy to France, and sub- ject to the influence of Great-Britain ? They were the mjcn who directed and supported th^ National Gazette and other presses ivhich first denounced federal men : Tl\cy were the ntien from whom you derived your evidence that Mr. Adams and Mr. HamiN 59 ton were monarchists, and their political friends tories and British partizans. You say you believe in the integrity and republican virtue of Washington. Well you may: no one ever doubted of them. For lie appeared to belong to, (if I may be permitted to use the expres'>«on) an higher order of beings t and actuated by motives purely disinterested, and in this respect distmguished from any, and cV€ry otherman whose life has been recorded. I well know therefore it must be mortifying to huinan^ride, to be forced to acknowledge that your political prejudices, have been founded on opinions and sentiments, the evidence of which you have derived from the very men who, to bring into discred^ It awd disrepute, his political character and conduct, tortured every act of his administration, to induce the people to believe that he v/as partial to Great -Britain, and an enemy to France, and who to effect their diabolical purpose, have made the most insiduous misrepresentations of his measures, by giving only one side of asubjectj and that too in the most exaggerated and indecent terms. But history will be faithful to posterity. And however humil- iating to the pride of Americans^ and to the dignity of man, the truth will be recorded, and transmitted to future generations '.hrough the long annals of ages to come, that the fljimes of CiVIL DISCORD were first enkindled among the people af the United States by the calumniators of Washington. But how comes it to pass that these men gained credit among the people, and succeeded in all their efforts to bring into dis- credit federal men and measures, except those which were di- rected against Washington? For they certainly denounced him. and his policy with as much zeal, and apparent pretences to sin- cerity, as they did others ? The truth is, with respect to him you could not be deceivedo Your sentiments respecting his political character were im- moveably fixed : you did not, you would not consult the opin- ions of others respecting his integrity— his wisdom, or the pu- rity of his motives. But with respect to others who were the authors of federal measures, you had no other source of in- formation on which you chose to rely for evidence of their pri- vate views and principles, but the declarations of those whoop- po'^ed these measures, or from the nature and effects of their 60 political conduct. Could you have known that those who first sounded the alarm, and excited your jealousy against federal men and measures, were the very men who were the revilers of Washington, the men who were making the most insidious misrepresentations of him and his views and policy, you cer- tainly would have doubted respecting, either their intogrity of the correctness of their views. You must indeed have held them in disrepute and utter contempt, as men without integrity, without honor, and without correct views of political measures, or you must have discarded Wii^hingion himself, and consider- ed him as no longei entitled to your confidence, your gratitude or your respect. The authors of the present policy and its advocates, will at- tempt in vain to acquit themselves of the imputation of having been the political enemies of Washington and instrumental in subverting Iiis policy and discarding his councils. Do they ex- pect it, by saying their political prejudices originated under the administration of Mr. Adams ? But Washington has publicly an- nounced to them and to the world, that he most cordially approv- ed of the wise and prudent measures, as he is pleased to call them, of Mr. Adams' administration, and declared that, in his opinion, they ought to inspire universal confidence. Discard the wisdom and councils of Washington then, and erase them for ever froni the record of your memory ; and to be consistent with yourselves you must be forced to do it ; and tell the world, that federalists lost your confidence, by the vices and errors of their political con- duct, during the presidency of Mr. Adams. In what did their vi- ces and errors consist ? They imposed taxes which were burden- some to the people, and you then said they were unnecessary. But suppose they weie ; the representatives of a majority then thought otherwise. You displaced them and have introduced new men called republicans, who have introduced different mea- sures and a new order of things. Your new men tax the people without measure, and it may almost be said without mercy. You say it is necessary — the minority think otherwise : and it cannot be concealed at this time, that even a majority of the electors are of that opinion, although they may not openly avow it ; and our republican rulers themselves acknowledge that they ha.ve indeed been unfortunate in their policy, but mbhl that, if they have com- 61 mitted errors, they have been honest ones ; and above all evHs warn you against that of confiding your national concerns to fede- ral men. They remind you of the sedition act, which in contempt of its authors, has been called the gag-law ; and this ought not to be passed over in silence. For in no one measure have the views and principles of federalists been more perverted than in the construction of this law ; and the eifect of that perversion has been extensive and fatal. This was said to have for its object the abridgement of the liberty of speech and of the press ; and every attempt to execute it, was considered as proof of a disposition in- fluenced by the principles of despotic power. The electors were told by their republican leaders, that the object of that law was to prevent the people from exposing the vices and errors of their rulers. Barefaced as this falsehood is, it was, and even to this day is believed by thousands of honest freemen, who never had any knowledge of the law or its object, but what they have deriv- ed from those, whose political efforts were made only to betray, mislead and excite ill founded jealousies, and thereby elevate themselves to power. The object of the act of congress, called ihe sedition act, was so far from abridging the liberty of speech and of the press, that express provision was made in the act, that if any person should be prosecuted for writing or publishing any libel against the goverment, it should be lawful for the person who was so prosecuted, upon trial of the cause, to give in evidence, in his defence, the truth of the matter contained in Ihe publication, charged as a libel : And the jury who should try tlie cause, had a right to determine the law and the fact, under the direction of the court, as in other cases. The act made it crimi- nal to publish any false, scandalous, and malicious writing against the government for the purpose of destroying the confidence of the people in their rulers : and of bringing them into disrepute and contempt ; but prevented no one from speaking, writing and publishing the truth. Since Mr. Jefferson came into office, that law has not been in force ; but the old common law principle lias been adopted in prosecutions for libels against the government which makes it criminal to writb or publish any thing which shall tend to bring the government into discredit and disrepute, how- ever true the facts may be, that are thus written and published. Under the ''>!»ditioft act, the citiacns had perfect liberty to \yr\f(^ «r. 6<; publish the truth respecting- their rulers ; but to do the same noNv, by the common law, which is the only rule in such cases, is crim- inal, and exposes those wlio shall do it, to punishment. Plad ihc electors exaiiuned the nature and object of this law before they had condemned it, it would have had no effect in exciting prejudi-' ces against its authors ; and this may be said with truth, respect- ins: all the measures of the federal administration. It is evident the people of this country did not duly consider the importance of making every effort to guard against the evils of party dissensions in the infancy of our i-^pubUc. They did not wisely weigh the consequences of creating against any considerable portion of their fellow-citizens, prejudices, which might be interminable in their duration and fatal in their effects. Since the dominion of party spirit commenced its progress over the minds of the republicans, they have been apprehensive of no danger but what resulted from the possibility that the per- secuted federalists might eventually prevail in the councils of the nation. Never Was the world cursed with a more fatal or more mysterious delusicd^ than that which has prevailed in this enlightened republic, within the last 25 years. And this has been the result of the abuse of that great bulwark of our liberty; the freedom of speecli and of the press. The most important facts relating to our national concerns have been either conceal- ed, misconstrued or misrepresented. The people were at liber- ty to place their confidence in such men as they chose. They have placed, it is to be feared, a blind confidence in certain fa- vorites who have deceived them, and who still have an interest in continuing^the delusion. In the first slumbers of the revolu- tion, the minds of the people seem to have been prepared for the reception of that fatal system of delusion and falsehood, which at that time was cunningly devised. When our govern- ment first went into operaiiowj a general sentiment inspired our citizens with an unconquerable attachment to an electiire go- vernment, and an abhorrence of monarchy equally strong. The few individuals who opposed the revolution were called tories, were held in contempt and considered by the great body of thfe people as traitors and enemies to their country. The war which terminated in 1783 Uad left also in the bosorrts of Americans a strong attachment to France : the services w hich had been rendered us by that country iix our revolutionary aLiuggic were fresh ia cur vecollection, nnd inspired our citi zcns with sentiments oi afjTection and gratitude. But there was a difference of opinion respecting the influence vvhich ought, to be allowed to those sentiments over the politi- cal conduct of the nation. With such evident sentiments of partiality to France and such deep-rooted enmity to Great-Bri- tain, it required all the energy and wisdom of the administra- tion to prevent the nation from inconsiderately precipitating itself into the war which had broken out between those two powers. In such a state of the public mind, the ingenuity of man could not have invented a more effectual and fatal excitement of the prejudices and the malignant passions against any of our citi- zens than by inducing the people to believe that they were mo* narchisis, and had a predilection for the British government. Soon after the organization of the government, it was found that the opposers of the administratioii were disposed in our commercial regulations, to make discriminations between France and Great Britain in favor of the former ; v,'hiie the whole ca- binet council except Mr. Jefferson ; and also a great majority of congress were of the opinion, that no such discrimination ought to be made — " that trade ought to be guided by the judg- ment of individuals'* — and that it was our duly as a wise i>eople *o adopt the maxim that with respect toother nations, we ought ' in war only to be enemies, in peace, friends." Happily sepa- rated as we are from the belligerents of Europe, by a wide ocean, and having established a government on principles en- tirely different from theirs, and peculiar to our own modes and habits of thinking and acting, it was thought that no considera- tion either of duty or interest would require us to pursue any measure, which should have a tendency to " entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition — rivalship — in- terest — humor or caprice." Such were the views of the administration, with respect to our relations with Great Britain and France, when the war be- tween those powers commenced. Those men, therefore, who had been for a discrimination in favor of France, were of the opinion, that such were our obligations to that country, wt: could not be 'justified in taking a neutral ^position. But subsequent 64 events have taught us, how highly we ought to appreciate that policy which saved us from the wretched condition, in which we must inevitably have been involved by an alliance with France, at that time ; or by granting to her those favors for which the opposition contended. Yet no sooner was it known that the administration had determined on a neutral position, and the president had issued his proclamation of neutrality ; than they were denounced as the enemies of republican liberty —the friends of monarchy and the obsequious devotees and das- tardly hirelings of despotism. It is evident that no measure could have contributed more to our national prosperity than that neutral policy, to which the federal administration ever inflexibly adhered. Yet this mea^ sure, as well as every effort made by the administration of Wash- ington, to save us from the horrors of a foreign war, were re- presented as the effect of a criminal attachment to Great Bri- tain, and ungrateful hostility to France. During the administration of Mr. Adams, the French with- out any pretext of right but what they derived from their des- potic power, indiscriminately captured and destroyed our ves- sels, and would not even condescend to treat with us, unless we would first pay them tribute money, for the privilege of humbly requesting them to desist from plundering our defence- less commerce, and, to add insult to injury ; ordered Mr. Pink- ney, our minister then in Paris, to depart from that city, in forty eight hours. This was tantamount to a declaration of war ; and to defend ourselves against their aggressions, and to redress our wrongs, a few troops were raised. The extraordi- nary expense, which this measure rendered indispensable, was represented by the democratic party as unnecessary and oppres* sive ; and our differences with France at that time, which gave rise to it, were ascribed to an undue attachment to Great Bri- tain, and a disposition hostile to France and to republican liberty. The views which Washington had, at that time, of the war with France are stated in his letter* to Mr. Adams, on his accep- tance of the appointment of commander in chief of the armies. It will be found by an examination of this subject, that our differences with France at that time^ and the evih * See his letter page 43 tvhich resulted from them, may be ascribed to the confidence which the French had, in the aid ihcy expected to derive from their party in this country, which was opposed- to the adminis- tration, and to the neutral policy which it had endeavoi'ed to maintain.* It is a truth which cannot be concealed, that ever since the first organization of the government, the opposers of federal men and measures, have been disposed to palliate the injuries which have been inflicted upon us by the French, while they have exaggerated those of the British beyond the bounds of rea- son and truth. The efforts of both Washington's and Adams' administration were exerted to counteract the effect of this unwise disposition, tending in its consequences to embroil us in foreign contests, and to defeat the great objects of that system of neutral policy, which they had adopted and w ere determined to support. Yet every effort that has been made for this purpose, has been repre- sented as the effect of a dangerous British influence in the coun- cils of the nation. In the vast and complicated system of delusion, of intrigue and of falsehood, by which the men in power have gained their ascendency, and created those inveterate prejudices against federal men, the imputation of British influence among them, has had no unimportant effect. That allegation brought against the federalists, with such bare-faced impudence and supported with such persevering obstinacy, however glaring and improb- able the falsehood, has been attended with effects pernicious in the extreme. Like the pestilential mists of Hades, it has blighted into deformity that which was beauteous; it has darken- ed the prospects, and prostrated the energies of our once happy country. It had been the firm resolution of the federal admin- istration not to involve us in a war with cither of the belliger- ents, until all hope of reconciling any differences, which might exist had failed. With such views the administration under Mr. Adams, did not commence hostile operations against France, until that gov- ernment had ordered cur minister to depart from that country, under circumstance!s highly insulting to the dignity of ourgov^ •ernmcnt. • See "^Va-shin^on's letter to CLoi-Ies Carrol, p- 44. I Tlu'ou;^li tlie wliuie itnn of Washington's administration, Frarxe by her ministers and agents in this country had been indefatigable in her efforts to influence our government to adopt a system of policy partial to her interests. And after the war had broken out between that country and Great Britain, Mr. Genet the French minister, soon after his arrival in the United States evinced his determination to treat this country, as one which was in alliance with his own, and thereby virtually involve us in their contest with Great Britain. Immediately after his arrival, even before bein^ recognized by our government as the French minister, " he undertook to authorize the fitting and arming vessels in our ports, enlisting men, and giving commissions to cruise, and commit hostilities on nations with whom the United States were at peace.'* About this time an event took place that places on the record of our history the most conclusive evidence of the falsehood of the asser- tion that the federal administration have been influenced by mo- lives partial to the interest of Great Britain, and of their fixed determination to adhere to that neutral policy which they con> sidered as the surest pledge of our future peace and prosperity. A British merchantman called the Little Sarah, had been captured by a French frigate^and brought into the port of Phil- adelphia where she had been armed and equipped as a privateer. Being completely armed and manned, partly by Americans, she was about to sail on a cruize under the name of La Petit Demo - crat. In pursuance of the l^gulations which had been made by the President to prevent the fitting out armed vessels in our ports, Mr. Secretary Dallas was sent to prevail on Mr. Genet to desist from such a proceeding, and thereby prevent the employ- rnent of force to compel an acquiescence in our fixed regulations. On receiving the message he peremptorily refused a compli- ance with the requisition ; and said that if any attempt was made to seize the vessel, she would unquestionably repel force by force. In consequence of this positive refusal to comply, a suf- ficient portion of the militia were ordered out by the governor foy the purpose of taking possession of the vessel; and the case was communicated by him to the executive. The next day- Mr. Jeff*erson waited on Mr. Genet, in the hope of prevailing on him, if not to desist entirely, from the prosecution of his at- tempt, at least to defer it till the arrival of the President, who was then at Mount Vernon. After much outrageous and abusive <5/ language, he concluded by making some remarks which gave to Mr. Jefferson an impression, that the vessel would not sail un- til the arrival of the President. This interview with Mr. Ge^tjet he imparted to governor Mifflin, in consequence of wh^qh he di^ missed the militia. Yet notwithstanding the favorable hopes and expectations that had been excited, the Little Democrat sailed before the ar- rival of the President, and before the government could inter- pose its authority, and in contempt of our laws, proceeded on, lier cruize. The President immediately arrived and- eonveneii his cabinet, and while they were deliberating on m.easures pro- per to be taken relating to the Little Democrat,. thment, when adnalnistered by (edcral m^n, deal with Great Britain, while tlic mi;w?ster of France insultcd^ the ofncers of our government, and the majesty of the people ,:ij and openly set at defiance, our laws, and regulations, with^ ijiJ^j pui^Iiy. The rulers of. France iiajjg 9jUi«e been changed^ ^but^ 'heir policy and their object, \Yhich has been the attainment of universal dominion, has never b^en changed. The same poli- cy!*fihc, same unwarrantable and lawless presiimpti<^, \v,hich clkaixrxtcrizcd that government, whether administered by a na- tibnul Directory era consular cabinet, has marked its progress 5Vom the reign of the unfortunate Louis, to that of its impierial tyrant. Neither has the attachment of many of our citizens, to French republicans, in any degree abated. ' The object of a war with England, which should end in the destruction of that government and open the way to universal dominion for the pretended friends of liberty in America and France has never, been abandoned. And may the honest hopes of those who an- GS ticipnte and who would perpetuate the universal dominion of re- publican liberty, not be disappointed. But it ever has been found and it is believed, that experience always will teach mankind, that, althouglv by couraj^e they may purchase liberty, yet without wisdom and virtue, its duration cannot be perpetual. But has wisdom, has virtue marked the course and proi^ress of our republic thuds' far ? Are our liberties secure, because we possess the power of remaining free ? So thout^ht Greece ; but wfiere are her liberties now ? The Romans also might have been free : but where arc they ? Their freedom too, has perish- ed.*— Frenchmen thought they were free, and that their liber- ties-were immortal :' but where are they ? ask Napoleon: and lio too is a republican ! and once possessed the power of ma- king millions free. Ask Frenchmen: they will tell you, that they have been ruled by successive factions, until the last more powerful than the rest, triumphed by the sword. And do you, Illy fello\V-citiz6r»s, believe, that your republican liberties are secure, because there is wisdom and virtue among the people ? But'haivc our wisest and best citizens, always directed the des- tinies of our country ? it will be acknowledged they have not. And it is said, that in a frefe republic, where all enjoy equal rights, those who are less wise and virtuous than others, ought sometimes to participate in the exercise of the sovereign pow- er j and should any evil result from a weak or vicious adminis- tration, we may alwaysiind a remedy, in the good sense of the nation. But suppose the majority of the people are under the absolute dominion of passion and prejudice! neither good bcnse, nor even common sense can prevail — -neither can the voice of truth or reason be heard. While parties exist, the m^jbrity will contend that their vorce is ihe good tsense of- the nation. The Romans boasti^d of their liberties, while they suf- fered' under the despotism of the m6sl despicable tyrants, that evef cursed the condition of 'man. AndCiccro himself, with all- Tils boasted tftlcnts and good sense, pleased the Roman pcoplo by telling them only feix montiis before Octavius overturned the commonwealth, " that it was not possible ior the people of Rome to be slaves, whom the gods had destined to the command of ail nations.'* By taking a review of the history of our republic, it will ea- sily be seen whether the wisdom, the virtue, or good sense ^ ihe nation has prevailed thus far over foIly> vice and absurdity. 69 Some evidence has been adduced in the preceding^ pages, t© show that the charge of British influence against federalists is false and absurd. For proof of this, it might have been sufficient to appeal to the common sense and reason of tiiankind. That the very men, who achieved our independence, and who, in the acquisition of it, had patiently endured the privations and suf- fering's of a long and bloody conflict — who had also made eve- ry eff*ort in their power, to form a constitution of civil govern- ment, agreeable to their own views and wishes, and which was itself the surest pledge for the security of their dearest rights and those of their posterity : that these men should, without any discoverable motives, at once lose their attachment to those principles, which they had so strenuously labored to defend, and become the devoted partizans of that monarchy from which they had solemnly absolved themselves, is contrary to the plain- est dictates of reason and common sense. And yet thousands of our honest citizens have believed, and even yet believe it to be true. But in this monstrous tissue of deception and absurdity, who are the witnesses ? The very men who bring forward the accu- sation ; — and it is evident, from subsequent events, that those men had a deep interest in bringing into discredit, those they accused ; that they might, thereby acquire to themselves, the emoluments of office. You, fellow-citizens, who have believed, that federalists were monarchists and British partiz^s, have never had any other evidence of the fact, than that which you have derived from the declarations of those who have brought forward the accu- sation. Those who have spread ill founded jealousies and false alarms against the federalists, and thereby enkindled the flames of civil discord among the people to elevate themselves to pow- er, must have been destitute of both wisdom and virtue. You, who haA'e been the honestiind unsuspecting dupes of this gross and fatal delusion, are indeed the subjects of compassion— And it is to you that we would most cheerfully lend our aid in yoxxc attempts to break through the thick, dark cloud of error and falseheod, which has long intercepted your view of the truth ; and which even now threatens with destruction your fair- est hopes and your best interests, in the final extermination of republican liberlf; For it ii> QU )'uu, icUow-cilizcns, that \vc iciy, foi the, cieva- tion of ir.en to office, who possess wisdom and virtue ; without v/hicl;, it is believed, republican liberty cannot be long perpe- tuated. ,. . And can you, on cxainination of the subject, believe that it, i|5 in such men, that you have placed your confidence and con- fided the destinies of your country : You have already. seen from facts, which cannot be doubted and from, evidence, which is irresistible, that the men to whom, by your sufTragcs, you have entrusted the sovereign power, have grossly deceived and v/ickcdly betrayed you. You every day witness the evils, whicn their miserable policy has inflicted on your suflfering,, bleeding country — You see your government, in consequence of that policy, alreadv far advanced in the downward road of fallen re- publics. And can you yet think that these men possess that wisdom and virtue, so necess'ary to the preservation of our safety, and llie perpetuity of our civil institutions ? You must indignantly answer, No, they are not only unworthy of our con- fidence, but they merit our execration. That one half of our citizens should array themselves against, the other, and with-the most inveterate prejudices, excited by falsehoods the most improbable and absurd, an^d should reward the authors of those falsehoods by their most unbounded cpnfi-. dencc, in bestov/ing upon them, the first offices of rcspor^sibili- tv and trust, can be ascribed to nothing but tlie power of a delusion, the most mysterious and fatal. Striking is this delu- £>ion in its resen^blancc, and more fatal in its effects^ than that ^vhich doomed to an ignominious death, thv^ wretched iuhabj- tants of Saleni, for the supposed crime, of w^tqhcraft., It,>yili doubtless be recollected by some Of cur, reader^, tha.tii) an.e^r-, iy.pericd of our history, .'soil^e of the, good people,p,fr,^ale|3^^ in the then colony of Massachusetts, discgyered that that, town was infested Aviiii witches-r— and to^prevc it, sai/i they had seen them, and sufi'eredv by their v/itchcpfis. In that period, of, our history , it- -appears, that the evidence of die accuser was admitted as competent on the trial of these un- fortunate victims of delusion ; am] on such evidence only, great numbers of the most respectable citizens of that town were con- signed to death for the supposed crime of witchcraft. But so of- ten and so indiscriminately were these strange accusations made, ■^^lat it led to an apprehension, that, in. that mysterious business. ilierc might be « something rotten in the e,tatc of !:)eniT/ark ;' and on a review of the origin and progress of liiat event, it was found that no evidence but that of the accuser had ever been ex- hibited against the unfortunaie victims who had suffered, and thar, no other person had ever seen witches in Salem. The scales fell from the eyes of the judges, the people were enlightened, and tlie delusion and horrors of Salem witchcraft came to an end. Neither has any other evidence ever been exhibited, to prove that our country is infested with monarchy -loving federalists, but that of those by whom these unfortunate citizens have been accused ; on the evidence of those, whom subsequent events have shewn, liad an interest in denouncing them : neither has any other persou ever discovered them. I would not be thought disposed to treat the great concerns which relate to the public peace and welfare, with the leas:t degree of leyity. But it is a duty which we owe to the honor of our country, and to the dictates of reason and truth, to expose in all their deformity, the absurd falsehoods of those who have distract- ed and ruined the councils of tr.is once happy republic, by the ri- diculous story of British influence. The vices and errors which have marked the course of our re- public thus i'c.v, must be abandoned, or we are lost. If we disre- gard the great and immutable principles, to which republics ne- cessarily owe their existence, and duration, we cannot expect to perpetuate our own. It was an unparalleled display of v^^isdom and virtue that gavt; to the constitution of our republic, its existence ; and v/hen ever that wisdom and virtue shall become extinct, or yield their influence to the dominion of vice and error, the ties which hi^^d that constitution to the affections of the people will instantly diL solve, and anarchy will succeed, and despotism finally triumpii. It has been, observed thai thus far we have travelled step by step the downward course of fallen republics. To the truth of this let history attest. No republic has ever fallen, without being first torn asunder by party dissensions. Washington, when he made his last, address to his country was deeply impressed with this truth, and warned the people in the- most solemn manner, against the baneful effects of party spirit. It is evident he had seen and felt the mischiefs resulting fron* party dissensions, when, in his letter to Mr. Jefferson, written five years before, he remarked that. « if instead of laying our shoui- dcrs to the miichine after measures are decided on, one pulls thrs way, and anoihcr that, before the utility of the thing ib icurly tried, it must inevitably be tol'n asunder ; and in my opinion the fairest prospect that ever was presented to man, will be lost per- haps for ever."* Thus it is that the administration is enfeebled and exposed to foreign influence, corruption, and eventual ruin. When a party, to gain popularity, and acquire the ascendency in the councils of the nation, have arraigned and condemned the measures of government, to be consistent with their professions, after they have succeeded in getting the power of the state into their hands, they must change the policy of their predecessors : Thus, before the utility of former measures are fairly tried, and which perhaps have been adopted at great expense, a new policy must be introduced, equally expensive, and uncertain too with respect to its operation, and always liable io be ruined in its very infancy, by the next successful faction, which is continually ex- erting itself to defeat its operatjoas. Such a state of things en- courages foreign aggression, insult and violence ; and in the event of a foreign war, one party will always be charged with the crime of adhering to the common enemy ; and if accused wrongfully, they will be impelled by a just sentiment of indignation to bring into contempt and discredit their accusers : and their efforts to effect this, if their numbers are considerable, will obstruct, if not entirely defeat the operations of government against the common enemy. Suth events have ever marked the course of fallen re* publics, and thus far have marked our own. From the first moment our government went into operation, the political conduct of the party in power, has throughout been distinguished by one prominent feature which has imposed an in- fluence, resistless thus far in its progress, and fatal to the peace, the happaiess, and glory of our infant republic. Those who have directed the anti-federal administration, have from the beginning evinced a disposition to favor the views of the French nation against her enemies ; to justify this disposition they have sought for motives in considerations of gratitude for her services rendered us in the revolutionary war : in a union of sentiments and pursuits, between that country and our own, and as resulting from these, a just and interminable hostility against Great Britain, her most formidable rival. This disposition the federalists never have, for a moment indul- ' * See ^aqfo '^''•, ged, but ever have, and will, while tliey have life and reason, Op* pose by all lawful mtans within their power. None of these motives, ought to influence the political views of an American, who understands, ablic good for its object, and be purged of the dregs of sophisticated republicanism. V%« Republic of ^neiica^M-Jiy the alliance formed between her and France acquire vigor with age, and that man be branded as the enemy of Jiberty who shall enyith Washington, and who are Still ready to fight and to die, in support of that policy which he recommended. And while they « at the call of the law, would fly to the standard of the law, and would meet invasions of the public order as their own personal concern,'* they will with equal zeal oppose by all lawful means, the weak or wicked policy ot our own rulers whenever it shall tend to subvert the great ends of government, and bring misery and ruin on the present and future generations. The policy of the last fourteen years has been gradually though «nceash)gly drauiing the sources of our wealth, reducing the strength, and impairing the credit of the nation. But since the commencement of the present war, it has progressed to our ruin •with bold and rapid strides : and the toil and wealth of an age has been sav rificed to the administration of a year. Yet such a sacri- fice great as it is» would cheerfully be made to advance the glory and interest of the republic. When federalists humbly ask, in what way present measures are to advance this interest of our country, our rulers tauntingly reply, we are not accountable to the mmority : when they ask what gloi^ is to be advantage, but had much to fear from taking a part in their con test. France equally with Great-Britain had violated our neu- tral rights. Those rights we shamefully surrendered to France; by selecting the latter for our enemy, and thereby violated the pure maxim " equal and exact justice to all nations." Besides n doing it wc could not avoid an entangling alliance with France But supposing by uniting our efforts with France, wc had sue- -.ceded, even in subjugating the power of Great-Britain, and Na- poleon had taken possession of her thousand ships. Would ho have given liberty to the seas, and peace to our country i Praised je the ruler of the universe, that we have escaped the horrible :^rasp of his iron hand. But when it is considered that the unbounded ambition of Na- j.oleon, had driven the nations of Europe to madness, it was not difficult to foresee that the event of his downfall was more than probable, and that, in such an event, we should be left to contend alone, with the most powerful nation on the globe. Such was the rondilion to which we were reduced. 00 you not see then, feilovz-citizens, that our administration Lad staked tlic success of their arms eventually} on the success L o£ Napoleon, and thereby entangled us in the destructive policy of the belligerents of Europe ? Of this you ir^ust be convinced when you recollect the fact, that Mr. Madison rejected rhf prof- fer of dn armistice made by Greai-Briuin, on any other terms than that she would first yield the very point in issue with regard 40 impressment ;* a point which he well knew she would not • There is no daiibt but that the subjects of thegovernmentof GreatBritarn^ in many instances abuse the right wh ich they claim, to impi'ess then native sea- men, when found m neutral sh^ps. — But the great qucs'aon is, how far the exer- cise of the right of impressment in the sense they contend for is an intV.nge- mentof our national sovere.gnt) and mdepiendence. Great Brniimfoun JcAions of his native country. And in this the government of the United Siates, oi" Great Britain, and France concur. There has been one case in which chis principle has been the subject of legal adjudication, in the Supreme Court of the United States. "In 1792, one Wilhams was commissioned by the French Consul-General residing m America, as a lieutenant on board the 3.e community shall protect its members, and on the part of the membcr.s, that they will at all times be obedient to the laws of tlie community and faithful in its defence. Tins corapdct disfmguishes our g-overnment from tliose which are founded in violence or fraud. It necessa- rily results that a member cannot d>ssohe tJiis- compact, without the consent or default of the community. There has been lio consent— no default. Default is not pretended. Express consent is not claimed; but it has beeu argued that the consent of the community is imjilied by its policy — its con- dition — and its acts, iiv countries so crowded with inhabitants, that the means of subsistenc? are diiScuk to be obtaincc3> it is reason and poLcy to permit emigi-atioii ; but our policy is diOerent ; for our country is but scarce*- ly settled, and we have no inhabitants to spare- " CoNsiiNT has been luvued from the condition of the country, because w-.^ were in a state of peac^. Rut though we were in peace, the w'ar had ooir.- menced in Europe.— W^e ^vished to have ijptliiiig to do with the war ; bu" the war would liave soniething to do with us. It hus been cxtrojoely difii cult for us to keep out of this war ; the progress of it has threatened to in- "olve us. It tias hrc^. nfccssary fcr our government to be vigilant in re- yield to any but her conquerors: and that this very point was yielded by him, this mighty sine qua non, this insurmountable obstacle to peace was removed on the 27th day of June, about one week after the news of Bonaparte *s abdication had reached this country v) a shape so authentic, that it could no longer admit of a doubt. At the event of Napoleon's defeat, the federalists rejoiced, be- cause they saw through it the approaching termination of an ex- ecrable war. Federalists have no pretensions to the powers of prophecy,but they have firmly believed and predicted, that the excessive par- tiality to France and hostility to Great-Britain which has been the distini^uisliing feaiure through every per. d of the republican administration, would eventually end in disaster and disgrace. straining: our own citizens from those nets which would involve us in ho»» tilit;e3. Tiie most viyionary writers on this subject do not contend for the principle m the unlimited extent, that. a citizen may at any, and at all times, renounce his own, and join himself to a foreig-n country. " CoxsKSThas beenarg-ued, from the acts of our g-overnment permitting the naturalization of foreigners. When a foreigner presents himself here, and proves himself to be of a good raorul character, well affected to thft constitution and government of the United States, and a friend to the good order and happiness of civil society , if he has resided here the lime pre- scribed by law, we grant him ; he privileges of a citizen. We do not en- qua-e what his i-elation is to his own country ; wc have. not the means of knowincT, '"nd tlie enquiry would be indelicate ; we leave him to judge of tlrnt. if h'^ embarrasses himself by contracting- contradictory obLgaiions, :.he fault and the folly are his own ; but this implies no consent of tlie go- . e-rnmeut, that our own citizens should expatriate themselves. ** It Is therefore my opinion, that the facts which the prisoner offers to rove in his defence, are totally irrelevant ; they can have no opendion in law, .and the jury ought not to be embarrassed or troubled with them ; h\it ty tile constitution of the court, the evidence must go to the jury.'' " The cause and the evidence were accordingly committed to the jury. riic jury soon agreed on a verdict, and found the prisoner GUILT V. " Tlie court sentenced him to -pay a fine of 1000 dollars, and to suffer 'bur months imprisonment," IJut it is said that when a citizen of Great Britain becomes natui-alized by our laws, her right to claim the services of such citizen ceases. Our law relative to naturalization bad its origin subsequent to that by which Great Britain claims the right to the service?; of !ier natiAc subjects. How far one independent nation has a riglit by a Riunicipal regulation to interfere with a pre-existing national right, of any other indei>endent nation, although such national right as claimed, may be tliought an infringement of natural right, is a great national question. I have made these renuirks, and cited tivc case of Williams, to shew tliat it is not certain that even the Britisli right of impressment which our administration woukl resist, at the hazard of our peace and happiness, would readily be yielded by our own govern- ment, was our condition similar to that of Great Britain. — Federalists would not sanction tlie abiise of power, in any other nation, when it infringes on the rights of tiieir own : neither would they sacrifice theii- national wealth i.-r^ pro.spcrit}^ in a hopeless pursuit of what is falsely caVled national honor. B4, And to complete the climax of insult, of abuse, of suffering, .iind of delusion, we are told that,, from tkis war threat and import- ant advalitat^es have been derived to the country ! I And what is niore a matter of astonishment, many of our good and honest electors, either do, or at least pretend, to believe what is thus told them ! ! ! It has been truly remarked that " the greatest evils arc not ar- rived at their utmost period, until those who are in poM'cr have lost all sense of shame; at such a time, those who should obey shake off all respect and subordination ; then is lethargic indo- lence roused, but roused by convulsions." Andhave we not rea- son to fear that such a period has already commenced. After a ■war of more than two years, declared by our own government, in Nvhich thousands and thous?.nd3 of our fellow-ciilzeus have fal- len by the sword and by pestilence : have been subjected to disr case and to death : in which our land has been filled with widows, with orphans, with sufferings and with tears. And a debt oi mil- lions entailed en posterity which cac be paid only by years of toil and pain, and when every object of this war had been yielded to the enemy, we have seen our chief magistrate in an official and public cotnmunication,* congratulating the representatives of the peoplCj that peace was restored at a period when the causes of v/ar had ceased, and under circumstances that the nation could review its conduct without regret, and that thereby the govcm- ment had demonstrated the ehiciency of its power of defence : and recommending to the beneficence of the people the military and naval departments, which a.s he asserts, had contributed es- sentially to the restoration of peace I ! At the time this communication was made, neither at any time since, has the British practice of impressment, nor the cause which produced it ever ceased. Neither could it be said that the achievements of our armies contributed essentially to the * See President INfr Jison's ^Messag-e to Congress Feb. 20lh, 1815. The foUowin!^ is an extract from Mr. Madison's instructions to our minis- ters, before Bonaparte's defeat—" But the busnicss of impi-essments cannot be waved, nor postponed, nor informally arranged. It cannot be waved, be^ cause it involves an infringement of the national sovereignty and indepen- dence. It cannot be postponed, because being one of the main grounds of the \yar, the government cannot answer to the people, since the rejection of Admiral Warren's proposition for a suspension of Hostilities, upon the basis of the repeal of the Orders in Council. It cannot be the subject of an in- formal arrangement, because the experience of Messrs. Monroe and Pinck- ne.y*s an'angemcnt has taught us, that such un understanding cannot be re- aicd upoH; i'oT any practical purpose.'^ 85 3ioratioii of peace, when our peace is not better secured or bet- ter enjoyed than before the war. To say nothing of the incalcula- . ble miseries which this war has occasioned. And is it no matter of regret, that these miseries have been in- :-icted without any adequuie object^and to no purpose ? And is it matter of congratulation that in a war declared by our own government, we have evinced our pov/ers of defence against the enemy ? But the necessity ot caUhig these powers of defence into exercise, we imposed on ourselves by commencing hostJiities. Nothing which relates to the war can be a cause of congratu- lation, unless it is the attainment of some object of the war : one of which was, if Mr. Madison is correct, toevince, that we were able to defend ourselves against the enemy 1 ! And suppose vrc; havf proved by tlie late war, that we are able, to defend, and have actually defended ourselves against the power of Great Britain, at the expense only of about ten thousand of the lives of our fel- low-citizens, and one or two hundred millions of dollars. No one wh.o has much knowledge oi our resources, or the character of Americans, ever doubted of our ability to do this, without ma^ king this dreadful sacrifice to prove it. And could the chief ma- gistrate of a free and enlightened people atiempt this imposition on the common sense of tl;c people, had he noi lost all sense of shame ? Or can rulers v/ho are thus insensible of shame, and re- gardless of the honor ?.nd interest of their country, expect still to command the people's respect ^-^-Is it not rather to be feared, that the time is not far distant, v.'hcn an injured and indignant peo- ple will throw off all respect, and till subordination to men, who under the specious name of republican, would thus abuse their confidence and sport with their dearest rights. Why does the chief magistrate attempt to make a false impression on the public mind with respect to the event of the late v/ar ? Why did he not in the frank and honest language of a real republican, tell the people that the defeat of the ruler of France had disappointed iris hopes >vith respect to the powerful aid he expected to derive from that country, and that thereby the objects of the war had been de- feated and the country unhappily involved in difficulties and dis- tress, from which their virtue and patriotism alone could extri- cate them ? Can patriotism or sound policy, can the best interests of our . ouniry require, that the people should be deceived with respect ro the object or tendency of measures, with respect to the impor- tant concerns which relate to the welfare of the country ? And has -t become necessary, in order to secure the confidence of a wise and free people, to betray them into a belief that real injuries, that the most teyrible national calamities are blessings in embryo, in which they should exult. Is this the policy which is to light our way to the millennial glories which Columbus saw in vision ? Whither, O my fellow-citizens, whither has fled that stern in- tegrity, that firm and disinterested patriotism, that once seemed to win a short lived popularity, at the expense of our immortal glory ? Is this the country in which republican virtue has claimed the triumphs of an immortal existence ? Yes, in this once happy country, destined by heaven, as we had fondly hoped, to illustrate the splendid achievements of her he- rocs, and the wisdom of her sages, in the examples of their sons, we have seen that duplicity, hypocrisy and intrigue, have consti- tuted ^he only effectual passports to preferment and to power ! ! "' Unprized ai-e, her sons, till they Jearn to betray, Undistinguish'd they live, if they shame not their sires ; And the torch that would light them to dignity's way, Must be caught from the -pile where their country expires/' Xhe people in this country well know what were the pretended libjccts of the war ; and those who have read the late treaty of t>eacc* between this country and Great Britain, know also that not GUI e of those objects ha\e been thereby obtained. And many of the electors v/ho support the men in power, have even had the honest CiiiKlor to acknowledge, that they could discover nothing b-ut disaster in the event of the present war. But no sooner was the magic influence of Mr. Madison's mes- sage diffused among the people, than, this war of misery and dis- grace, is at once transformed into a national blessing ! their optics are endued at once with nev/ powers.: the scales fall from their eyes, and they see advantages resulting from the war, of which be- ibre they had no conceptions. There is not at this time a country on earth, however despotic, * For the benefit of those who liave not read the late treaty, it is hereto nunexed. It is hoped the people will read and judge fcr thcnsclves hoA^" ?Ruch caise of congratulution it ccatain?. •*?'l\erc rulers have a more absoiutQ contrcul over the rights r-' the people, than in our own. The popularity with which they have conducted the late war, renders it evident, that there are no evils which they may not in flict upon the people with impunity. The federalists can neither controul nor change the councils cV the nation, and the republicans with their present prejudices wiyl not. Should Napoleon again re-establish himself in power, wr may well conclude his continental system would be revived, anxT ;ve again involved in the vortex of his policy. With our present rulers at helm, our peace cannot be durable. By tlie late treaty nothing has been settled. The officers of the late army are urging their claims on the gratitude and patronage of the government ; and arc dissatisfied with the late peace. A host of the unfortunate sufferers in the late war are also putting in their claims for pensions, and will doubtless, obtcin tiiein to an enormous amount, which the people must pay : and they are al- ready taxed to the extent of their abilities, and even beyond. But if you would duly estimate the result of the late war, if you would know what we have lost by it, lay aside For a moment Mr. Madison's message, and ask the thousands of weeping widows, and mothers who have been thereby left destitute and comfortless, to a merciless world : ask the thousands of orphan children who have been theieby deprived of their only protector and support °. ask the miserable beings, mangled and maimed by wounds, and remlered useless to themselves jaid to the world, and who must either starve, or subsist on the scanty pittance of a pension ! go to the hospitals, those abodes of misery ; and ask the wretched beings who have been transferred thither from the field of battle, covered with blood and distorted with the agony of their wounds - ask them ; ask the poor fugitives who have been driven from their burning dwellings, and reduced in an hour, from a state of com- iortablc competency, to want, and even beggary : and while you reflect en this miseraole assemblage of suffering humanity, ascer- tain if you can, the millions of expense at v/hich these evils have; bec'.^ purchased. Lock then at the late treaty with Great Britain., and compare the end and object of the war, and its final event with the means which have been employed in its prosecution, and thf- policy which has kd to it ; and if you will then give the sanction of your approving voice to the political conduct of those who direct S8 the public concerns of our country, it may indeed be said, it vvu'. be sau) by an impartial world, that in the United States, political delusion is triumphant. This is at present our condition. Such' scenes of suffering, so wantonly inflicted on a free, and generous people, were never before exhibited on earth ! What then can be done to save the republic ? Truth and argu- ment are our only mei\ns : with these the present policy, and the authors of it will be opposed by federalists while they have life and reason. If our republic must fall, as it certainly must, under such an administration as the present, and probably very soon ; " Let the federalists clinij; to it, while it has life in it, and even longer than there is hope. Let ihem be auxiliary to its virtues ;" and if death must be its fate, let them strain every nervfe,and exhaust the last power of intellect, and if necessary, surrender even life itself, that they may protract its dying nature, and from its expiring convul- sions snatch the spirit of liberty, and render its reign on earth im- niortaL District of J'^'ew-Yorh, ss. BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the seventli day of Aii-ust, in Iht. iortleth yea:- of tiie indepeiKlejice of the United States of Amciica, E. and E. IIosFORD, of the said District, hath deposited in tliis oiTce tlie tiUe of ;• ijook, the rijrl^.t whereof they claim as proprietors, in the Vv'ords followmg, ^o wit : " The Crisis : on the origin and consequences of our political dissensio7i.-- To which is annexed, tlie late treaty between the United States and Great Bi'itain. By a Citizen of Vermont. In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled "■'■ An Act lor the encouragement of Leai-ning-, by securmg the co])ies of Maps, Chai'ts, and Books to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the time thei ein mentioned." And aiGO to an Acl , entitled " an Act, supplementary to an Act, entitled an Act for tlic cncour.agement of I/carning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, ic^nd Books to the au- Uiox-s and proprietors of sucli copies, during' tlie times therein mentioned, raid extending the benefit.s thfer^of to the arts" of designing^- engraving and "(chMig hi^i.oricnl xnd other prints." TIIEROX RUDD, C'rrw of i^v. fiov.tJiern District fif ^'ezs-Yorlr : 40 JAMES MADISON^ President of the Ujiited States of AmericQ. To all and singular to whom these presents shall came, -erecting : WHEREAS a treaty of Peace and Amity between the United States of America, and his Britannic Majesty was signed at Irhenl, on the 24th day of December, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, by Plenipotentiaries respectively appointed Ic r tiiat purpose ; and the suid Treaty having been by and with the advice ^ and consent of the Senate ofthe United Scutes, duly accepted, rati- ^ Sed and confirmed, on the seventeenth day of February, one thou- sand eit^ht hundred and fifteen, and ratified copies thereof having been exchanged agreeably to the tenor of the said treaty, which Is in the words following to wit. TJREATY OF PEACE AKD AMITY, BETWEEN HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTY AND THE UNITED STATES OP AMERICA:.^ His Britannic M jesty and the United States of America, desi- rous of terminating the war which has unhappliy subsisted be- tween the two countries, and of restoring, upon priiiciplts of per- fect reciprocity, peace, friendship and good undersiiinding, be- tween them, have, for that purpose, appointed their respective Plenipotentiaries, that is to say : 'His Britannic Majesty, on his part, has appointed the Right Honorable James Lord Gaivibier, late admiral of the white, now admiral of the red squadron of His Mi'.jesty's fleet, Henry Goulburn, Esquire, a Member of the Imperial Parliament and under Secretary of State, and William Adams, Esquire, Doctor of Civil Laws : — And the Prtsidtnt of tht United States, by and with the advice and consent of ih^ Sen- ate thereof, has appointed John Quincy Adams James A Bay- ard, Henry Clay, Jonathan Russel. and Albert Gallatin, citizens of the U^nited States, who, a^ter a reciprocal communicdtiom of their respective full powers, have agreed upon the following ar- ticles \ article the first. • There shall be a firm and universal ^eace between His Britan- nic Majesty and the United States, and between their respective countries, territories, cities, towns, and people, of every degree, without exception of places or persons. All hostilities, both by- sea and land, shall cease as soon as this Treaty shall have been ra- tified by both parties, as hereinafter mentioned. All territory, places, and possessions, whatsoever, taken from either party, by the Other, during the war, or whiph may be taken after the signing M 90 of this Treaty, excepting only, the Islands hereinafter mentioned^ shall be restored without delay, and without c using any destruc- tion, or c rrying away any of the artillery or other public property originally captured in the said forts or places, and which shall re- main therein upon the exchange of the ratificati6n of this Treaty, or jny slaves or other private property. — And all archives, re- cords, deeds and papers, either of a public nature, or belonging to private persons which in the course of the war, may have fallen in- to the hands of the officers of either pariy, shall be as far as may be practicable, forthwith restored and delivered to the proper au- thorities and persons to whom they respectively belong. Such of the Islands in the Bay of Passamaquoddy as are claimed by both parties shall remain in the possession of the party in whose occupation tliey may be at the time of the exchange of the ratifi- cations of this treaty, until the decision respecting the title to the said islands shall have been made in conformity with the 4th arti- cle of this treaty. No disposition made by this treaty, as to such possession of the islands and territories claimed by both parties, shall in any manner whatever, be construed to affect the right of either. ARTICLf; THE SECOND. Immediately after the ratification of this treaty by both parties, as herein mentioned orders shall be sent to the armies, squadrons, officers, subjects and citizens, of the two powers to cease from all hostilities: And to prevent all cause of complaint which might arise on account of the prizes which may be taken at sea after the said ratification of this treaty; it is reciprocally agreed, that all vessels and effects which may be taken after the space of twelve days from the said ratificatioiis upon all parts of the coast of North America, from the latitude of twenty-three degrees north, to the latitude of fifty degrees north, and as far eastward in the Atlan- tic ocean, as the thirty-sixth degree of west longitude from the meridian of Greenwich, shall be restored on each side : That the time shall be thirty da) sin all other pans of the Atlantic ocean j north of the equinoctial \me or equator, and the same time for the British and Irish Channels, for the Gulf of Mexicoj and all parts of the West-Indies : >orty days for the North Seas, for the Baltic, and for all parts of the Mediteri'anean : Sixty days for the Atlantic ocean south of the 'equator as far as the latitude of the Cape of Good Hope : Ninety days for every part of the world south of the equator : And one hundred and twenty days for all other parts of the world, without exception. ARTICLE THE THIRD. All prisoners of war taken on either side, as vD'ell by land as by sea, shall bo restored as scon as practicable after the ratificatioti 9i oi' this treaty, as hereinafter mentioned, on their paying the debts %vhich they may have contracted during their captivity. — The two contracting parties respectively engage to discharge in specie, the advances which may have beei^made by the other for the suste- nance and maintenance of such prisoners. ARTIpJLE THE yOURTH, Whereas, it was stipulated by the second article of the treaty of peace, of one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, be- tween his Britannic Majesty and the United States of America, that the boundary of the United States should comprehend all islands within twenty leagues of any part of the shores of the United States, and lying between lines to be drawn due east from the points where the aforesaid boundaries, between Nova Scotia, on the one part, and East Florida, on the other, shall respectiv-e- ly touch the Bay of Fundy, and the Atlantic Ocean, excepting such islands as now are, or heretofore have been, within the li- mits of Nova Scotia; and whereas, the several islands in the Bay of Passamaquoddy, which is part of the Bay of Fundy, and the island of Grand Menan, in the said Bay of Fundy, are claimed by the United States as being compre^.ended within their aforesaid boundaries, which said islands are claimed as belonging to his Britannic Majesty, as having been at the time of, and previous to, the aforesaid treaty of one thoi^and seven hundred and eigh- ty-three, within the limits of the province of Nova Scotia. — In order, therefore, finally to decide upon these claims, it is agreed that they shall be referred to two commissioners, to ,be appointed in the following manner, viz: One commissioner shall be ap> pointed by his Britannic Majesty, aini one by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and the said two commissioners, so appointed, shall be sworn, impartially to examine and decide upon the said claims according to such evidence as shall be laid before them on the part of his Britannic Mujesty and of the United States respec- tively. The said commissioners shall meet at St. Andrews, in the province of New-Brunswick, and shall have power to adjourn to such other place or places.as they shall think fit. The said Commissioners shall, by a declaration or report, under their hands and seals, decide to which of the two contracting parties the several islands aforesaid do respectively belong in conformity with the true intent of the said treaty of peace ot one tiiousand seyen hundred and eighty-three. And if the said commissioners shall agree in their decision, both parties shall consider such de- cision as final and conclusive. It is further agreed, that in the event of the two commissioners difieiing upon all or any of the iSiatters so referred to them, or in the event of both or either of the said commiesioners refusing, or declining, or wl^ullv cmFt- ting to act as such, tliey shall make jointly dr separately, a report, or reports, as well to the government of his Britannic Majesty as to that ot the United States, statinjr in detail the points on which they differ, and the grounds upon which their respective opinions have been formed, or the grounds on which they, or either of them, have so refused, declined, or omitted to act And His Britannic Majesty, and the Government of the United States, Leieby agree to refer the report, or reports, of the said commis- aioners, to some friendly sovereign or state, to be then named for that purpose, and who shall be requested to decide on the differ= ences which may be stated in the said report or reports, or then the report of one commissioner together with the grounds upon ■which the other commissioner shall have refused, declined, or omitted to act, as the case may be. And if the commissioner so refusing, declining, or omitting to act, shall also wilfully omit to state the grounds upon which he has so done, in such manner that the said statement may be referred to such friendly sovereign or state together with the report of such other commissioner, then such sovereign or state shall decide ex-part upon the said report alone. And his Britannic Majesty and the Government of the United States, engage to consider the decision of some friend- ly sovereign or state to be such and conclusive on all the mattera zo referred. ARTICLj; THE FIFTH. Whereas neither that point of the high lands lying due north from the source of the river St. Croix, and designated in the for- mer treaty of peace between the tvv© powers as the north-west angle of Nova Scotia, now the north-westernmost head of Con- necticut river, has not yet been ascertained ; and whereas that part of the boundary line between the dominion of the two pow- ers, which extends from he source of the river St. Croix di- rectly north to the abo-ementioned north-west angle of Nova ScO" lia, thence along the said highlands which divide those rivers which empty themselves into the river Si. Lawrence from those -whicli fall into the Atlantic ocean to the nortn-wcstermost head of ConnecUcut river, thence down along the middle of that river to the forty -fifth degree of north latitude ; thence by a line due west on said latitude until it strikes the river Iroquois or Catara*- gu)', has not yet been surveyed ; it is agreed that for these seve- ral purposes, two commissioners shall be appointed, sworn, and authorised, to act exactly in the manner directed vvith respect t6 those mentioned in the next precedmg article, unless otherwise specified in the present article. The said commissioners shall meet at St. Andrews in the province of New Brunswick, and shall have power to adjourn to such other place as tliey shall think fil. The said commissioners shall have power to ascertain and determine the points aboyementioned, in conformity wjth the 9:^ jDvovisions of the said treaty of peace of one thousand seven huti" dred and cighty-thice, and shall cause the boundary aforesaid, from the source; of the river Si. Croix to the river Iroquois or Cataraguy, to be surveyed and marked according to the said j ro- visions. The said commissioners shall make a map of the said boundary, and annex to it a declaration under their hands and seals, certifying it to be the true 'map of the said boundary, and particularizing the latitude and longitude of the nortrwest angle of Nova Scotia, of the northwesternmost head of Connecticut river, and of such other points of the said boundary as they may- deem proper. And both parties agree to consider such map and declaration as finally and conclusively fixing the said boundary. And in the event of the said two commissioners dift'ering, or both or either of them, refusing or declining, or wiifuily omitting to act, such reports, declarations, or statements, shall be mad*; by them, or either of them, and such reference to a friendly sove- reign or state, shall be made, in all respects as in the latter part of the fourth article is contained, and in as full a manner as if the same was herein repeated. ARTICLE THE SIXTH. Whereas by the former treaty of peace, that portion of the boundary of the United States from the point where the fort} -fifth degree of nor.h latitude strikes the river Iroquois or Cataraguy, to the Lake Superior, v^^as declared to be " along tne midulc of said rivei into Lake Ontario, tnrough the middle of said lake, until it strikes the comaiunicatioa by water between that lake and Lake Erie, thence along the middle oi said communication into Lake Erie, througn the middle of said lake until it arrives at the ■water communication into the L ke Huron, tiience thiocrgh the middle of said lake to the water communication between that lake and Lake Superior." And whereas, doubts have arisen what Avas the middle of said river, lakes and water communications, and whether certain islands lying in the same, were within tue domi- nions of his Britannic Majesty or of the United Siates : In oriK;r, therefore, finally to decide these doubts, they siiail be reterred to two commissioners, to i)e appointed, sworn, and authorised loifc act exactly in the manner directed with respect to thos\. mcciun- ed in the next preceding article, unless otherwise specihed in liiis present article. The said comuiissioners shail meet in tiiC hist instance, at Albany, in the S.aie ot New-York, and shail h«ve power to adjourn to such other place or pxaccb, as they shaii iM.ik £t: the said commissioners shaii by a rtrport or deciaiatirni, \[i\~ di^r their hands and seais, desii^na-c tnc boundaiy throu.^n liie said river, lakes, and water comuiuiiiv.aiions, diiu uecide ^^ \-i.ich of the two contracant^ panics tlic bevtial isiai.cs iyi>ig vvIl.v- the said river, lakes and water commumcations, do respeciiveiy be- 94 )ong:, in conformity with the true intent of the said treaty of one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three. And both parties agree to consider such designation and decisions as final and can- clusive. And in the event of the said two commissioners differ- ing, or both, or either of them, refnsing, declining, or wilfully omitting ""to act, such reports, declarations or statements, shall l3e made by them, or either of them, and such reference to a friendly sovereign or state shall be made in all respects as in the latter part of the fourth article is contained, and in as full a man-» ner as if the same was herein repeated. ARTICLE THE ^SEVENTH. It is further agreed that the said two last mentioned commis- sioners, after they shall have executed the duties assigned to them in the preceding articiC, shall, be, and they are hereby authorized, upon their oaths, impartially to fix and determine, according to the true intent of the said Treaty of Peace, of one thousand seven Iiundred and eighty-three, that part of the boundary between the dominions of the two powers, which extends from the water com- munication between Lake Huron and Lake Superior, to the most north-western point of the Lake of the Woods, to decide to which of the two parties the several islands lying in the lakes, water communications, and rivers, forming the said boundary, do re- spectively belong, in conformity with the true intent of the said Treaty of Peace, of one thousand seven hundred and eighty- three ; and to cause such parts of the said boundary, as require it, to be surveyed and marked. The said commissioners shall, by a report or declaration under their hands and seals, designate the boundary aforesaid, state their decision on the points thus re- ferred to them, and particularize the latitude and longitude of the iripst north western point of the Lake of the Woods, of such other part of the said boundary as they may, deem proper. And both parties agree to consider such designation and decision as final am: onpxlusive. And^ in the event of the said two commissioners differi'ig, or both, or cither of them refusing, declining, or wilful- ly omitting to act, sucii reports, deciarAlions, or statements, shaU be made by them, or either of them, and such reference to a friendly sovereign or slate, shall be made in all respects, as in the latter part of the fourth article i& contained, and in as full a man- ner as if the same was herein repeated. ARTICLJi: THE EJGHTH. The several boards of two commissioners mentioned in the four preceding articles, shaU respectively have power to appoint a se- cretary, and to employ such surveyors or other pciscjns as r!..cy shall judge necessary. Duplicates of all their respective reports, declarations, siatements and decisions, jtid of their accounr:., and of the journal ot their procee4iings shall be delivered by tncm to 9^ the agents of his Britannic majesty, and to the agents of thfe Uni- ted States, who may be respectively appointed and authc vized t© manage the business on behalf of their respective ^overrments. The said commissioners shall be respectively paid in sixh iran- ner as shall be agreed between the two contracting parlies, such agreement being to be settled at the time t.f the exchange of the ralificationsof the treaty. And all other expenses attending the said commissioners shall be defrayed equally by the two parties. And in the case of death, sickness, resignation or necessary ab- sence, the place of every such commissioner respectively shall be supplied in the same manner as such commissioner was first ap» pointed, and the new commissioner sh^ll take the same oath or affirmation, and do the same duties. It is fui ther agreed between the two contracting parties, that in case any of the islands men- tioned in any of the preceding articles, which were in the pos- session of one of the parties prior to the commencement of the present war between the two countries, should, by the: decision of anv of the beards of commissioners aforesaid, or of the sove- reign or state so referred to, as ia the four next preceding articles contained, fall within the oominions of the other party, all grants of land made previous to the commencement of tlie war by the party having had such possession, shall be as valid as if such island or islands, had by such decision or decisions, been adjudged to be within the dominions of the party having such possession. ARTICLE THE NINTH. The United States of America engage to put an end fmme- diately after the ratification of the present treaty to hostilities with all the tribes or nations of Indians, with whom they may be at war at the time of such ratification ; and forthwith to restore to such tribes or nations, respectively, ail the possessions, rights, and privileges, which they may have enjoyed or been entitled to in one tho\isand eight hundred and eleven, previous to such hostili- ties ; Provided alivaya, that such tribes or nations shall agree to desist from all hostilities against the United States of America, their citizens and subjects, upon the ratification of the present treaty uenig notified to such tribes or nations, and shall so desist accordingly And his Britannic Majesty engages, on his part, to put an end immediately after the ratification of the present treaty, to hostilities with all the tribes or nations of Indians with whom he may be at war at the time of such ratification, and forthwhh to restore to such tribes or nations respectively, all the possessions, Tights and privileges, which they may have enjoyed or been enti- tleu to, in one thousand eight hundred and eleven, previous to such hostilities: Provided always^ that such tribes or nations shall agree to desist from all hostilities against his Britannic Ma- jesty, and his subjects, upon the ratification of the present treaty- being notified to such tribes or nations, and shall so desist accord- ingly- &iJ ARTICLE THE TENTH. Whereas the traffic in slaves is irreconcileable with the princi- ples of humanity and justice, and whereas both his Majesiy aud the United States are desirous of continuing their efforts to pro- mote its entire abolition, it is hereby agreed that both the con- tracting parties shall use their best endeavours to accomplish so desirable an object. ARTICLE THE ELEVENTH. This treaty, when the same shall have been ratified on both sides, without alteration by either of the contractin ^ parties, and the ratifications nnutuaily exchanged, shall be bindinp^ onbctb -par- ties, and the ratifications sliall be exchanged at WashingtE.n, in the space of four months from this day or sooner if practicable. In faith whereof, we the respective Phiinpotentiaries iiave signed this treaty, and have thereunto affixed our s-als. Done, in triplicate, at Ghent, the twent> -fourth day of De*- ceraber, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen. (l. s.) GAMBIER, (L. s.) HENDRY GOULBURN-, (l s.) WILLIAM ADAMS, ;^:-^ (L. s.) JOHN -QULNCY AUA%S> (l. s.) J. A. BAYARD, (L. s.) H. CLAY, (l. s.) JON A. RUSSELL, (L s.) .. ALBERT GALLATIN. Now, therefore, to the end that the said Treaty of Peace and Amity may be observed with good faith, on tne pan of the United States, I, James Madison, President as aforesaid, have caused the premises to be made public; and I do hereby enjoin ail persons bearing office, civil or military, within the United Stat s, and all other citizens and inhabitants thereof, or bemg within the same> faithfully to observe and fulfil the said treaty and every clause and article thereof. In testimony whereof, I have caused the seal of the United (seal) States to bo affixed to these presents, and signed the same ^ith my hand. Done at the city of Washington, this eighteenth day of Fe- bruary, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun- dred and fifteen, and of the sovereignty and indepen- dence of the United States the thirty-ninth. JAMES MADISON 3y the President, JAMES MONROE, Jcting Secretary of Siate> ». 89 f ^^'% ■« \^^^ ♦ O H o ^ ^ -4* ♦* » A ^0-n*. =■-.9^' .^ ... ..:.'^^^. • % ^^* -- \s G^?viiie;PA \P<5 aV^^.