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It is not to be supposed that all who use this vol- ume will read the preface, but I am sure that I speak the wish of my colleagues when I appeal to their kinsfolk of the name and blood to receive this word, and in their names (the names of Gardner Asaph Churchill, son of Asaph [No. 702], and Nathaniel Wiley Churchill [Ko. 440]) I send the greeting which they would have sent had they lived to this time- GEORGE M. BODGE. A SKETCH OF THE PROGRESS OF THE WORK. The work, the completion of which now results in this volume, entitled "The Churchill family in America," was begun, in the Plymouth branch, in 1852, by Charles M. S. Churchill, of Milton, Mass. [No. 704], who collected much information in relation to the Plymouth branch, which otherwise would have been lost. This was preserved in manuscript, but was not published until after many years later, when his nephew, Gardner A. Churchill, received the material and began to utilize and add to it, with the purpose of pub- lishing a genealogy of the Plymouth branch of the family. The present writer's first acquaintance with this work was soon after this, about 1882, when Gardner A. Churchill, then a parishioner and intimate friend of the writer, came to advise with me as to the form and matter of a genealogical circula' of inquiry to be sent out to the Churchill kindred in America. Mr. Churchill published (iii) iv PREFACE and sent out several thousands of these blanks, to Churchills all over the country, and received answers from about one-third of those who received them. About one-half of the answers received gave the desired information, and many had to be appealed to again and again before satisfactory accounts could be obtained. Yet small as the returns were, the blanks then received have been, later, of great service. Mr. CUiurchill in the following years put a great amount of time, personal research, and money into the work of gathering material. His research was mainly by correspondence? searching of published historical works and records available in Boston and vicinity. Soon after 1882 Mr. N. W. Churchill became actively associated with him, and the work received in his person a great impulse, because he was deeply interested in the pursuit, had a remarkable memory and a marvellous capacity for gathering and recording facts and statistics, and then his business for many years was that of a travelling salesman, and as such he visited nearly all the cities in the northern States. I have at hand some forty of his business memorandum-books, which show that he filled in the first part of each book with orders for goods, while the opposite end was filled up with genealogical notes made at personal visits at the homes of Churchills or allied families, or records copied at town, church, and county offices. At the saine time N. W. corresponded with many whom he had visited and aroused to interest, who, later, sent him the results of their personal inquiries. This friendly partnership and cooperation of G. A. and IST. W. went on for many years, even until the death of G. A. in 1806 ; N. W passing over all the material he gathered to G. A., who recorded the same, and, wherever possible, arranged it in order, but kept a copy of all and returned the original notes and correspondence to N. W., and at the same time submitted to him his own collections, so that each had all the material, while G. A. had his mostly digested, arranged, and indexed for use, and N. W. had his undigested, but partially arranged in bundles of letters and note-books, numbered and labelled so that he could refer at once to any family of either branch. For many years the plan of the work had contemplated only the Plymouth branch, while it was found that a vast amount of matter was collect- ing relating to the Connecticut branch. So it was decided to place that in order so far as it could be readily collected, and publish it in connection with the other. Some time before his death G. A. made a statement of the progress and condition of the work, which he intended as an outline of a preface to the volume, and which fur- nishes in part the material of this present sketch. That shows that it was not intended to follow the female lines beyond the mention of PREFACE V their names and marriages ; and also that it was then thought that the Manhattan branch was an offshoot of one of the other branches, or of the Virginia family. "In 1887 G. A. had compiled and pub- lished in pamphlet form a brief account of his own line of the Plymouth branch, for private distribution, and some time before his decease he had decided to publish the material already in hand and had arranged it in order for that purpose. Eor two years after his death the work ceased, except that the correspondence was kept up by IST. W. with the families already interested. In November the writer, having returned to the vicinity of Boston, at the wish of the family of G. A. Churchill, became actively engaged in the work as editor and assistant compiler, associated with Mr. Asaph Churchill, son of G. A., who became the business head of the enterprise representing his father's family, and with N. W. Churchill as col- league. Thus we joined in the design to arrange and publish the six generations of the Plymouth, and all the material in hand of the Connecticut branches ; but after a brief survey of the field and the material, it was found that nearly all the living Churchill kin- dred belonged in the seventh to the tenth generations, and that, in order to make the book at all satisfactory, it would be necessary to add as much as possible of these generations. So the plan of the work was changed in extent, and it was also found to be desirable to add the families of the daughters as well as the sons of Churchills, as these allied families have been found in most cases more interested in their Churchill ancestry than many bearing the name. These changes vastly increased the work and of course extended the time and added immensely to the cost of the volume, the price of which, however, remains the same as for original sub- scribers. A prospectus of the volume was issued, with subscription- application attached, and subscriptions were soon received sufficient to warrant the issuing of the work, which it was supposed might be completed within a year, or two years, at least. But it was found necessary for IST. W. to go all over his vast mass of letters and notes in order to bring the work to conformity with the new plans. He had to do all this personally, as no one understood his notes or corres- pondence except himself, and when the writer issued a new set of inquiry blanks and these were sent out to all of the name who could be reached, an enormous additional correspondence was at once imposed upon both IST. W. and the editor. Mr. Churchill was conducting an exacting business in Boston, and could devote little time during the day, but worked late into the nights often, and far beyond his strength. This work went on thus until the summer of 1901, when Mr. Churchill's health broke down and he was vi PREFACE obliged to abandon the work entirely, and the completion of the volume thus devolved upon the writer, with the irreparable loss to all of the vast amount of valuable personal information w hich Mr. Churchill held in his memory about the men and women, their places of residence, business, characters, etc., which he intended to give the writer, after the outline of the plan should be completed. He never prepared anything of biography, but gave the names and dates of birth, marriage, and death, in his manuscript, while many times in his conversations about the people he would give vivid and interesting descriptions of their homes, oc- cupation, habits, and personal appearance. Thus the writer has been obliged to depend upon information derived from correspond- ence with later members of the families for sketches of the head of each family, which in many cases have not been obtainable. The great mass of Mr. N. W. Churchill's notes and correspondence was turned over to me in the fall of 1901, and I was obliged to go over every note and letter, and arrange the same in indexed files, in order to make proper comparison, and to make additions and cor- rections. This proved to be a prodigious task and, together with the increasing correspondence and final preparation of the matter for printing, greatly delayed the work. For this delay also the members of the family, many of them, who have failed to respond to our earnest and repeated appeals for the simplest information about their own immediate families, are largely responsible. Our correspondence with the kindred in all the branches has been mainly pleasant, and both my colleagues greatly prized the cordial approval and ready help received from their kinsfolk. From some lines it has been learned that among them a profound indifference and ignorance as to their ancestry had prevailed till their interest had been excited by news of this enterprise. Some have, for a time, misled our com- pilers by returning as authentic information what afterwards was found to be only hearsay, and without any foundation in fact. G. A. Churchill speaks of the notion that he found prevailing in some directions, as to the descent of the emigrant Churchills, John of Plymouth, and Josiah of Connecticut, from the Duke of Marl- borough, and points out the absurdity of the claims from the simple fact that the duke was not born until 1650, many years after the emigrants were settled and married in this country. After a very exhaustive search with the best heraldic authority in England and America he was satisfied that American Churchills, with the excep- tion of the Virginia family, descendants of William, have no claims whatever to a coat-of-arms, even if it were possible for an American to receive an English coat-of-arms. Coats-of-arms do not descend PREFACE vii by inheritance, except to the heirs of the person to whom such coats have been granted by the king. It is to be regretted that our senior compiler was misled by an English correspondent, W. H. Churchill, who sent him a book-plate copy of a coat-of-arms of a Churchill line, which copy was photographed and sent out to many of the family. Mr. Churchill sent it, he said, as a sample of what one of the English connection had worn, and a reference to the committee on heraldry very quickly showed it to be of recent granting, and of no particular interest to American Churchills. Indeed, the photograph shows it to be a composite, made up for some Churchill who had married into a name having a coat-of-arms of more importance than his own. Mr. G. A. Churchill, in the remarks on the family above alluded to, says : Those who shall, from family interest or general curiosity, peruse the follow- ing pages will find little that is marvellous, brilliant, or grand, in the history of those whose names are recorded. They will find rather, illustrated, the virtues of the honest artisan, the peaceful tiller of the soil, the hardy seaman. They were mostly Christian men and women, self-reliant, courageous, and determined. In three wars our ancestors have borne an honorable part, and in the late Civil War many of the name or kindred have served with credit on land and sea. For myself, I am abundantly satisfied that the character of our ancestors in America needs no lustre borrowed from any foreign patent or title of nobility. In addition to what our compilers have done in the Plymouth branch, it may be stated here that in the Connecticut branch Amos Churchill of Hubbardton, Vt. [see page 386, No. 105, Conn.], col- lected much material concerning his own line, from his grandfather down to his own generation, and published a series of articles in the "A^ermont Historical Gazetteer'' in 1851, containing much valuable information about that line, though his traditions of the ancestry back of his grandfather were entirely erroneous, showing that he never consulted the records in Connecticut or elsewhere, and depended solely upon his own memory of the traditions in his father's family. In the Manhattan or New York branch nothing has been pub- lished and no research had been made until N. W. Churchill dis- covered, about 1897 or '98, that this was a distinct branch ; and as the old records of that colony are very meagre and irregular, the results of our investigations are rather unsatisfactory. At the time of the death of N. W. he had made but little progress in the compilation of this branch, and among his last words to me was the charge " do the best you can with the papers, for there are many excellent families whose records we have not yet filled." I have tried loyally to fulfil that injunction, with what result may be seen. viii PREFACE The movements of the generations of the Churchill family are illustrative of the migrations of the New England families in general. Three generations remained comparatively near the coast, while the fishing, lumbering, and ship-biiilding interests afforded occupation sufficient for the rapidly increasing families of sons and daughters, and while the farming lands were yet plenty, near at hand ; but when the old settlements were all taken up and it became necessary for the younger generations to purchase land, they began to reach out for free homesteads. Western Massachu- setts became a goal for both the Plymouth and Connecticut branches, and later, when the lands of Vermont were opened up, we find both branches represented there; and then, a generation later, when Northern New York and a little later the rich lands of the " Hol- land Purchase'' were offered, we find families from many lines of each branch among the settlers, and thence to the middle West went many sturdy settlers of the Churchill blood, after the War of 1812, in which they bore an honorable part. When the eastern timber lands of Maine and the cheap homesteads of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick were offered, many from the Plymouth branch removed thither and settled, as will be seen. Now descendants of all lines of the three great branches are scattered far over the continent, from ocean to ocean, and from Upper Canada to Mexico. EXPLANATION^ OF PLAN ; ARRANGEMENT OF MATTER, ETC. The system adopted for this volume is that of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, in its regular publication, the " Reg- ister," slightly modified in the numbering to suit the needs of this more extensive work. The emigrant ancestor in each branch is numbered 1, and his sons, 2, 3, and 4. The small figure at the right, and above these names, as in John,^ William,- etc., indicates the generation of each. The names enclosed in parentheses, following the name of each head of a family, show his line of ancestry. The Roman numerals opposite the names of the children show the order of birth, while the Arabic nuiubers opposite some of these names show the possible heads of Churchill families, and, wheii so found to be, are carried forward with the names, to the proper place in the next generation. In some cases names have been found to represent families, after the general enumeration was completed, so that it was necessary to designate their place by adding the letters, a, b, c, etc., as, for instance, 260, 260a, 260b, etc. In a few cases, for the same reason, such numbers have been assigned to daughters, when A PREFACE ix their families have been found too late to be placed in the regular order. In general, as will be noted, the families of the daughters are carried one generation under the family of their fathers. In the exceptional cases above mentioned, they are assigned numbers and carried forward, like the sons, to the next generation. The index will rectify these irregularities. A very few abbreviations have been used, as b. for boru, hpt. for baptized, m. for married, d. for died, dau. for daughter, etc. The effort has been to make the record the plainest possible, and the index has been prepared with the utmost care so as to involve the least confusion and trouble in the use of the book. The Connecticut and Manhattan branches have been marked along with the running title, to facilitate the work of tracings families. ACKXOWLEDGMKNTS OF ASSISTANCE. Among the many whose courtesy and kindly help have greatly aided the making up of this volume, I make mention here of a few in behalf of my colleagues and the family of Mr. G. A. Churchill, who undertook the publication in respect to his memory and his known wishes, and express their gratitude to their kindred and friends throughout the country. I will say that many of those who may have assisted, by personal interviews, are now unknown to me, as no list was written down, but many were held by both the compilers in grateful memory. I have only the letters and notes to show the names of those most helpful up to the time of my association in the work. Some of these I will mention. Norman Churchill, of Galesburg, 111. [No. 148, page 418], and later his son-in-law. Professor Comstock ; Mr. Isaac Bradford Church- ill, Glen Ellyn, 111. [No. 616, page 277] ; Hon. John C. Churchill, of Oswego, N.Y. [475, page 239] ; Mrs. Angeline J, (Churchill) Johnson, of Holden, Vt. [daughter of No. 607, page 268], and her brothers, Charles H, and Columbus C. ; Mr. George D. Seymour [see under No. 140, page 410, and 360a, page 511] ; Robert H. Churchill, Marinette, Wis. [No. 532, page 484] ; Charles S. Churchill, Roanoke, Va. [No. 670, page 541] ; Mrs. Almira (Churchill) Ross, Binghamton, N.Y., and her sister, Mrs. Lucy M. (Churchill) Hull, of Monroeton, Pa. [see No. 437, page 542] ; Mr. Frank Farns- worth Starr, of Middletown, Conn., the well-known genealogist ; Rev. Frank Churchill Scoville, Greenwich, N.Y. [see page 196, No. 377] ; Mrs. Susannah Badger (French) Tenney, of Newmarket, N.H., great granddaughter of Thomas Churchill [No. 25, page 20] and wife of Perley W. Tenney; both of her grandmothers were X PREFACE Churchills, viz., Lydia (Churchill) French, and Susannah (Churchill) Badger, her parents, Reuben French and Sally True Badger, being cousins. She was greatly interested in this volume and gave much valuable assistance. Mr. M. V. Tillson, South Hanson, Mass. ; Miss Josephine Hill Churchill, daughter of N. W. Churchill, our senior compiler, who, since his death, has given much time and assistance to the work ; Mr. James Wells Hull of Pittsfield, Mass., grandson of Rev. Jesse Churchill [No. 46, see page 360] ; Mrs. Alice (Carter) Stephenson [page 110, under No. 181], of Portland, Me. ; and Mrs. Mabel (Churchill) Jones [page 224, under No. 429], also of Port- land ; Mr. George W. Boyer, Hartland, N.B. [see No. 406b, page 212] ; Mr. Calvin Churchill, Lakeville, N.B. [see No. 173, page 102] ; William P. Churchill, Brooklyn, N.S. [page 253, under No. 526] ; Rev. Anson Titus, Medford, Mass. ; Mr. Alfred Cole, Buck- field, Me. ; Marlborough Churchill, Sing Sing, N.Y. [No. 463, page 235] ; Miss Agnes Fetters Churchill of Amesbury, Mass. [daughter of No. 202, page 121]. Many others deserve mention, and some have received notice in the body of the work, and the names of others were held only in the memory of my colleagues. THE CHURCHILL FAMILY IN ENGLAND. While the compilers of this genealogy of the Churchill Family in America wish to avoid the appearance of intention to claim near kinship with the lines of Churchills in England which have received and transmitted the titles and perquisites of nobility, they deem it proper, and indeed expedient, to embody the facts of the early history of the name, at least, which is an inalienable inheritance, in Anglo-Saxon usage. Both my colleagues devoted much time and careful study to this matter, and both were in substantial agreement in the accounts which each personally prepared. G. A. Churchill adopted entire the account by Lediard, the biographer of John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough ; while N. W. carried the line a little farther back in the details of the earliest traditions, according to the English writers on heraldry, from whom Lediard made up his accounts, viz. : Guillim, Anderson, and Collins. Many critical works have been produced in later times, bringing the fallacies of early heraldic writers under the clear light of modern investigation, but I give the account practically as my colleagues prepared it. We have numerous letters from members of the Churchill kindred who seem to have exceedingly vague ideas of heraldry and the relations of American families to " coats-of-arms," and of what constitutes the proper right or claim of those whose ancestors, bearing a name which has been known in English heraldry, have yet no positive PREFACE xi evidence of descent from any family to which " arms " have been granted. To such, who have not the opportunity to consult standard works on heraldry, I would suggest a careful reading of the article on this subject in the Encyclopedia Brittaunica, and also the many references to John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, under the latter title, " Domes-day Book," which contains the records of surveys in England up to 1086 A.D., showing the grants of " William the Conqueror " to his followers, with conditions of said lands, etc., con- tains the name of Roger de Courcil, who is said to have been the ancestor of the English and American Churchills. Armorial bearings or coats-of-arms were first known about 1120 A.D. The name Churchill is found in English records as Courcelle, Courcil, Curichill, Chercile, Churchil, Churchall, Churchell, and Churchill, the last being the accepted form for many generations. THE CHUKCHILL COAT-OF-AKMS. Sable. A Lyon rampant, Argent, debralsed with a hendlet Gules. I have not been able to find just when or to whom this coat-of- arins was granted, but in " Collins' Peerage," Vol. I., page 365 (foot- note), it is said to have been claimed by Sir John Churchill, son of Jasper, of Bradford, No. 16. The records of Herald's College, England, confirm this claim. He may have inherited it from ances- tors generations back, for all evidence I have found, possibly from Bartholomew (No. 5), who was knighted under King Stephen. ORIGIN OF THE NAME AND LINEAGE OP THE FAMILY CHURCHILL. OF A township in France called Courcil, now Courcelles, in Lorraine, was given as a manor to Waudril De Leon, son of Gitto De Leon, of a noble family, and himself a famous soldier, as early as 1055 A.D. He had two sons, Richard and Waudril. The first became xii PREFACE the feudal lord of Montalban ; married Yoland, Countess of Luxem- burg, and from them descended the noble house of De Leon in France, at the p^-esent day. 1. Wandbil Dk Leon took the name of his manor, and became Lord of Courcil ; married Isabella De Tuya, and had two sons, Roger and Rouland de Courcil, and thus became the founder of the Courcil (Churchill) family. 2. Roger de Courcil followed William, Duke of Normandy, known as " William the Conqueror," into England in 1066 A.D., and when William became king, received for his services lands in the counties of Dorsetshire, Somersetshire, Wiltshire, and Shrop- shire. In "■ Domes-day Book," in the survey for Wiltshire, we read : " Roger De Courcelle holds Fisertone of the King. Bondi held it in the time of Kinir Edward and it paid 10 hides. The land is 10 Carucates. Of this there is in Demesnes 5^ hides, and there are 3 Carucates ; and there are 16 Villans and 12 Bordars and 14 Cottars with 7 Carucates. There is also a Mill paying 20 shillings, and 12 aCres of meadow and 10 acres of wood. The pasture is half a mile long and as much broad. It was and is worth £25." The meaning of the old words is somewhat obscure. Cariicate means, in a general way, as much land as one plow would cultivate, varying with situation, soil, etc., from sixty to one hundred acres ; " hide " had about the same meaning, but without reference to the plow, meaning, perhaps, " a holding." " Demesnes," the feudal lord's own reservation, not held by his tenants ; Villans, Bordars, and Cottars were the tenants or serfs, of different classes, rated, I think, in the order of mention. Roger de Courcil married Gertrude, daughter of Sir Guy de Torbay, and took up his residence in Somersetshire. He had three sons, John, Hugh-Fitz-Roger, and Roger- Fitz-Roger. These younger sons married into landed families and assumed the names of the lands or failiily-titles to which they succeeded, dropping the name Courcil. 4. John de Courcil, eldest son of Roger, married Joan de Kilrington, by whom he had a son, 5. Bartholomew, who was knighted under King Stephen [1135- 1154] as Sir Bartholomew de Cherchile, and who was made Master of the Castle at Bristol, holding it for the king. He married Agnes, daughter of Ralph Fitz Ralph of Tiverton, and had son, 6. Pagan de Cherchile, who married ( ) and had a son, 7. Roger de Cherchile, who married ( ) and had a son, 8. Elias de Chirchil, who married the daughter of the ancient house of Columbers, and by her had three sons, Jolm and Giles, neither of whom left male issue, and PREFACE xiii 9. AViLLiAM Churchill, the third son, who assumed that form of the name, resided at Eockbear in Devonshire, married ( ) and had a son, 10. Giles Churchill, who married ( ) and had a son, 11. Charles Churchill, who married Margaret, only daughter and heiress of Sir William Widville, who brought him considerable estate. They had a son, 12. Thomas Churchill, who married Grace, daughter of Thomas Tylle, of Tylle House in Cornwall, and by her had a son, 13. William Churchill, who married Mary, eldest daughter of Richard Creuse of Wicroft Castle in Devonshire. They had three sons : llofjer, who settled in Catherston, William in Corton, both in the County of Dorsetshire, and John, who settled in Muston in the same county. 14. Roger Churchill, married Jane, widow of Nicholas INIeggs, and daughter of Sir William Reverell, of Bradford, (Jounty of Yorkshire, by whom he had issue. 15. Matthew Churchill, who married Alice Gould, daughter of Jaujes Gould of Dorchester, County of Dorsetshire, by whom he had issue. 16. Jasper Churchill, of Bradford, married Elizarkth Chap- let, daughter of John, of Harrington, in Dorsetshire, and had two sons, John and Jasper (the latter married and had four daughters). 17. John Churchill, eldest son of Jasper, became a celebrated lawyer, a member of the Middle Temple, and by an extensive prac- tice considerably augmented his estate. His residence was at Min- tern in Dorsetshire. He married Sarah Winston, daughter of Sir Henry Winston of Standon, in Lincolnshire, and his wife, Dionese Bond, daughter of Sir Thomas Bond. They had two sons, William and Winston. The latter succeeded to the title and estate. 18. Sir Winston Churchill, born in 1620, had his residence at Wooten Basset, in Wiltshire, and married Elizabeth Drake, daughter of Sir John Drake, of Ashe, in Devonshire, and had seven sons and four daughters, as follows: (1) Winston, b. 1646; d. in infancy. (2) Arabella, b. March 16, 1648 ; d. Feb. 23, 1714. (3) John, b. May 24, 1650 ; d. June 16, 1722. (4) George, b. Feb. 29, 1653 ; d. May 8, 1710, unmarried. He was Lord High Admiral of the British Navy. (5) Charles, b. Feb. 2, 1656 ; d. Dec. 29, 1714, married, but had no children. He was a general in the British Army, and was at the taking of Quebec, under Major-General Hill. (6) Montjoy, d. in infancy. (7) Jasjjer, d. in infancy. (8) Theo- bald, became a clergyman of the English Church, and died unmar- xiv PREFACE ried Dec. 3, 1684. (9) Dorothy. (10) Mfirij. (11) Barbara. All three of these youngest children died in infancy. 19. John Churchill, second sou of Sir Winston, was born May 24, 1650. at Ashe in Devonshire, and died near Windsor, June 16, 1722. He was the famous English general and statesman. He was educated in part at St. Paul's school. At the age of fifteen he was appointed a page in the household of the Duke of York, afterwards James II. of England. (His sister Arabella was maid of honor to the Duchess of York, where she became a court beauty of renown, and a favorite of King James II.) By the favoritism of James, the influence of his sister, and his own ability, John Churchill was advanced to places of command in the army, by successive steps, until he became commander-in-chief, and one of the most renowned of British military generals, as well as an adroit and successful statesman. He received the highest rank in the peerage in 1702 as Duke of Marlborough. He married in 1678 Sarah Jennin-gs, daughter of Richard Jennings of San- dridge, in Hertfordshire, the favorite attendant of Princess Anne, a lady of beauty and grace, and of energy and ambition equal to his own. They had children : (1) Henrietta, b. July 19, 1681 ; m. Francis, only son of Lord Sydney Godolphin ; (2) Anne, b. 1683 ; m. Charles Spencer only son of Robert Spencer, Earl of Sunderland ; (3) John, b. 1685, d. Feb. 20, 1703, aged eighteen years ; (4) Elizabeth, b. 1683 ; m. Scroop Egerton, Earl of Bridgewater ; (5) Mary, b. 1688 ; m. Viscount Mountheimer, son of Ralph, Earl of Montague ; (6) Charles, b. 1690, d. in infancy. The duchess outlived her husband twenty-two years, in the enjoy- ment of the vast wealth which was left her by the duke. She was a person of power and great influence in the politics of England. Neither of the duke's sons lived to have children, so that the title would have passed to the son of the oldest daughter, Henrietta, wife of Lord Godolphin, had he lived, but he died before the duke's death, and so the title passed to the famil}' of Anne, second daughter of the duke, and wife of Charles Spencer, the third earl of Sunderland. Robert, the first son of Anne, having died, the second son, Charles, succeeded to the title and became second Duke of Marlborough, in 1733. The title was now held in the Spencer family name and the suc- cession simply is given here. George Spencer, third duke, born Jan. 26, 1739. George Spencer Churchill, fourth duke, born March 6, 1766. He was allowed in 1807, upon petition to the crown, to assume the name Churchill. PREFACE XV George Spencer Churchill, fifth duke, born Dec. 23, 1793. John Winston Spencer Churcldll, sixth duke, born June 2, 1822, and succeeded to the dukedom July 1, 1857. George Charles Spencer Churchill, seventh duke, born May 13,1844. Charles Richard John, eighth duke, born Nov. 13, 1871. He married Consuelo Vanderbilt, daughter of William K., of New York, granddaughter of Cornelius, the founder of the Vanderbilt family of Kew York in its present station of power and wealth. Sir Randolph Henry Churchill, the third son of, the seventh duke, was born Feb 13, 1849, became a leader in English politics of considerable note. He married Jennie Jerome, daughter of Mr. Leonard Jerome, of New York, April 15, 1874. Their son, Winston Churchill, achieved considerable notoriety in the lioer war, and was in 1902 a member of Parliament. A COKJECTURE AS TO THE ANCESTRY OF AMERICAN CHURCHILLS. Referring to William Churchill, No. 13, it is found that he made his will March 12, 1599, making his youngest son, John, his sole executor, though, of course, the estate and title passed to the eldest son. John Churchill, the youngest son, born, it is thought, between 1540 and 1550, married Elenor Meller, daughter of John Meller, of Kyme, in Dorsetshire, and settled at Muston in the same county, and was there a gentleman of respectable estate and position. They had nine sons and four daughters, viz. : (1) George; (2) Richard; (3) Johy, died soon ; (4) John ; (5) Robert ; (6) Maximilian ; (7) Thomas ; (8) Jasper ; (9) Matthew ; (10) Edith ; (11) Sarah ; (12) Jane ; (13) a child, died unnamed. The conjecture is that one of these nine sons was the father or grandfather of Joseph Churchill of London, who, in 1628, was a merchant in Fleet Lane, and was supplying Governor Endicott of Massachusetts Bay Colony with arms and other articles of outfit. / It is possible that this Joseph was the father of John of Ply- mouth, or Josiah of Connecticut, perhaps of both. Both these emigrant settlers named their oldest son Joseph, according to the old custom. There is no evidence of any relationship of Joseph of London to John of Muston, or of any connection between the emigrant settlers and the said Joseph, or of any kinship between the said settlers, one with the other. FIRST GENERATION. 1. JOHX CHURCHILL, the emigrant ancestor of the Plymouth branch of the family in America, was born in England and first appeared at Plymonth in Massachusetts, in 1G43, and died there Jan. 1, 16G2/3. It is a matter of regret that up to the completion of this volume nothing has been found to give even a clue to the birthplace, par- entage, previous residence, or occupation of this emigrant ancestor of such a large posterity. He was not in the tax-lists of Plymouth in 1632, but appears in 1643 in the list of the male inhabitants between sixteen and sixty years old, who are " able to bear arms." Diligent research through many ways and for many years has failed to add any authentic information to the bare fact that he was at Plymouth in 1643. In addition we have the following items : He married Hannah Pontus, Dec. 18, 1644 ; bought a farm of Richard Higgins, Aug. IS, 1645; was propounded freeman, June 4, 1650, and admitted June 5, 1651. He bought, Oct. 20, 1652, of Xathaniel INIasterson, then of Manchester, in INIassachusetts, ten acres of up- land lying at Wellingsley, in the township of Plymouth. In this deed Mr. Churchill is called " Planter." Mr. William T. Davis, in " Ancient Landmarks of Plymouth," page 331, has the following pertinent reference, which we quote verbatim : John Churchill, the progenitor of the Churchill family, who appeared in Plymouth in IGilJ, settled at Hobshale. His land was on the easterly side of the street, and extended from the southerly line of tlie field oppo- site to " Jabez Corner " to a point thirty feet distant from the souther^ line of the estate of Branch Blackmer. Here he lived and died, ^~\t ■■■ tradition exists concerning' the precise spot on which his house . ... situ- ated. There are some indications, however, in the records, that the old house owned by Thomas B. Sears and Amos Leshure, which was built by Elkanah Churchill, the grandson of John, occupies the site of the ancient dweUing. After the death of Mr. Churchill, the estate fell into the hands of his son Eleazer. In Mr. Churchill's will, given below, we note that he had acquired, by grant or purchase, quite a large land property. At his death, his 2 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY eldest son, Joseph, was about sixteen years old. The widow, with her six children, lived, evidently, in the " new honse," which he mentions as designed for Joseph, after the mother's death, while if Joseph marries before that event he is to have " the old dwelling- house." The widow was left the use of his whole property during her life. It is proper here to give some account of this wife and mother. Hannah (Pontus) Churchill was the daughter of William Pontus, who was at Plymouth as early as 1633, and was born in Holland or England in 1623. Very little appears in the records of Plymouth concerning William Pontus, although he was a land- owner and a citizen of some prominence and influence in the colony, and a member of the Court 1636-1638 inclusive. It is therefore gratifying to the editor of this volume to be able to add something to the sum of our knowledge of the parents of Hannah Pontus, the ancestress of the numerous lines of this Plymouth branch of the Churchills. In the notes of Mr. Charles B. Eichardson, gathered in his researches, in the Records at Leyden, and published in the " Historical Magazine," London and New York, December, 1859, Vol. III., page 358 — lists of the names and occupations of some of the company of the Pilgrims who did not embark in the " Mayflower " are found. Among these are John Robinson, minister, from England ; William Pautes (Pontus), fustian- worker, from Dover. On page 263 of same volume William Brewster is mentioned a witness on behalf of " William Pautes, fustian-worker, from near Dover on his marriage with Wybra Hanson, maid, on the 4 December, 1610." Now Mary Pontus, the sister of Hannah, married, Oct. 31, 1645, James Glass, and in the Plymouth Colony Records, Vol. VIII. , page 7, is found the birth of Wybra Glass, daughter of James and Mary, born Aug. 9, 1649. This name Wybra, so uncommon, would seem to indicate a close relation between Wybra (Hanson) Pautes (Pontus), of Leyden, and this granddaughter of William Pontus. The wife of Mr. Pontus was living in 1633, but she is mentioned as " Good- wife Pontus.'^ See " Mayflower Descendants," Vol. I., page 160. They lived, probably, near the southwestern limits of the " Mile and a half tract," as by maps of 1701. He died Feb. 9, 1653, leaving his small estate by will of 1650 to his two daughters. Mrs. Hannah (Pontus) Churchill married, June 25, 1669, Mr. Giles Rickard, as his third wife, and survived him six years. She died at Hobb's Hole, Dec. 22, 1690, " in her sixty-seventh year." FIE ST GEXEKATION 3 The Original Churchill Homestead. From " Old Colony Memorial Deeds "Vol. VIII. , p. 111. Memorandum the 18"^ of August \CAb. That Richard Iliggins doth acknowl- edge, that tor and in consideration of the sum of twelve pounds, to be payd in manner and forme following by John Churchwell, That is to say, five jiounds the first of March next, fourfj' shillings that tyme twelve months, and fourty shillings the first of March 1647, and the remayning three pounds the first of March in the year of our Lord, 16-1:8, all which payments are to be made in corne or cattell or other current payment of the country as they will then passe from man to man at the said time of payment, — Hath freely and absolutely bargained and sold unto the said John Churchwell, all that his dwelling-house, out-houses and buildings, with the garden and orchard situate neere Browne's Rock, together with the uplands thereunto adjoining, and all his lands at Woe- berry together with his meddow at South Ponds and at Colebrook ineddowes towards Agawam, and all the fencing in and about any part of the x'remises, and all his Right title and Interest of and into the said premises with tlieir ap- purtenances and every part and parcell thereof, — To have and to hold, etc., etc. . . . Provided that it shall be lawful for the said Richard Higgins to take away the borus that lyne the inward roome, and the bedstead and boards overhead, and some fruit trees in the said orchard, so that he leave the said John thirty good fruit trees in the said orchard, and the forsaid payments to be made at Plymouth. October 2!), 16-19. Received by me, Richard Higgins full satisfaction from John Churchwell upon all accounts from the beginning to the present. Richard Higgins. The Will of John Churchill. The Will nuncupative of John Churchill Sen'^., late deceased, exhibited before the Court held at Plymouth the Z<^ of March 1662 attested upon oath as fol- low eth. Abigail Clarke, aged twenty three years, or thereabouts, being deposed saith that on Tuesday 2-l"i of December last past before the date hereof, her kins- man, viz. John Churchill Senf, being ill at . . . but of perfect memory, did express himself in manner as folio weth, that his mind and will was that his son Joseph Churchill and his son Eliezer Churchill shall have and enjoy all his lands both uplands and meadows within the township of Plymouth excepting only fifty acres of land granted to him by the Towne, lying at Mannonnett ponds, which he gave them unto John Churchill his son, moreover that his will was that his son William shall have his purchase land at Punckatusett, viz. his share towne's land therfe ; further that he did express himself that his son Joseph shall have his new house at his wife's death and for the use of all the lands aforesaid that they shall bee for the use and improvement of his wife as long as she lives and that he also said that in case Joseph should marry or bee for himself, that then he should have the use of the old dwelling house and some land to make use of. And as for his estate remaining he said that he knew not whether there would be anything left when his children were brought up or not, but if his wife could spare it, then that Joseph should have a yoake of oxen, and Eliezer a yoake of oxen, and Hannah a cow if not two; and in case anything should be left at his wife's decease, that then such of his children as have nothing in particular as above given them should have what is left, in equable proportion, to equallize what is given them forenaraed as far as it will goe. The oath of Abigail Clarke taken in the Court held at Plymouth the third day of March 1662 Attested p'' me Nathaniel Morton Att the Court of his Maj'''^, held at Plymouth in New England on the 2°". S. Eussell, Keeper of Said Records. An Inventory of the goods and chattels of John Churchill, late de- ceased, APPRAISED BY THOSE UNDERWRITTEN, THE 11 FEBRUARY, AND exhibited to THE CoURT HELD AT PLYMOUTH THE THIRD OF MaRCH, OnE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY' THREE AS FOLLOWETH, £. S. d. Imps 4 oxen 16 00 00 Item, 2 cowes 05 00 00 " 2 heifers supposed to be witli calf . . . . . 05 00 00 "■ 2 steers of 2 yrs. old and one heifer of 2 yrs old . . 07 00 00 " a Yearling steer . . 01 00 00 " 2 steer calves 01 10 00 2 Sows & three Piggs 01 10 00 2 feather bed tickes not full 03 10 00 4 Blankets 01 10 00 3 Pair of Sheets 02 00 00 2 pillows and 4 pillow beers . . . . . , . . 01 00 00 5 napkins and a Tablecloth 00 06 00 his wearing clothes . . . . . . . . . 06 00 00 Stokens and shoes & an home made coat . . . . . 01 00 00 a hatt . . . 00 08 00 3 Shirts 00 12 00 Bands and handkerchiefs 00 08 00 a great brass Kettle 01 00 00 a Bellmettle skillett 00 02 00 2 great iron Potts 01 10 00 an old Kettle and an iron skillett 00 05 00 Pothooks and pot hangers and an old iron ladle . • . , . 00 04 00 1 plough share and Coultre 00 08 00 3 Scythes & 3 Sickles 00 10 00 a pair of tongs and a fire shovel . . . . . . . 00 02 00 4 pewter planters 00 12 00 2 pewter basons & drinking pot and seven alcomy (Alchymy) simoons 00 05 00 on Earthen Ware " . . . 00 08 00 2 Trays, 7 trenchers & some other Wooden vessels . . . 00 04 00 2 hogsheads, 4 Barrells . . 00 10 00 2 Beer Barrells & a churn & a Washing tubb 00 08 00 a trundle bedstead, 2 chairs & 2 old tables 00 10 00 2 axes, a morticing axe & 2 hatchetts . . . . . . 00 08 00 2 pickaxes, 3 hoes 00 06 00 2 Augurs and some other small iron tools . . . . . 00 03 00 5 Wedges and a beetle-ring . . . . . . . . 00 05 00 2 guns 05 10 00 a sword and sliot pouch, 2 lbs powder 4 lbs shot . . . . 00 12 00 2 spring wheels and 3 pair of cards . . . . . . 00 10 00 Meale baggs & sacks & a sifting trough 00 10 00 1 fan, 2 corn sieves, & 2 meal sieves . . . . . . 00 10 00 2 cow bells 00 01 00 a cart & wheels 01 00 00 2 chains, a bolt and shackle 00 08 00 1 Wainhead yoke, the ring & staple 2 Ring yokes with hooks and staples 00 10 00 in Books 00. 06. 00 in old Lumber 00. 05. 00 . . . . 00 11 00 74 14. OS FIRST GENERATION 5 Debts due from the Estate £ s. d. Item, to Robert Finney 6. 00. 00 '' in other small debts 1. 00. 00. Plymouth Ss. Oct. 20, 1G52. A true copy from the Book of Wills 2°^. Part Volume 2^, page 83 Attest Wm. E. RUSSELL Keeper- of the P. Colony Record. John- Churchill married at Plymouth, Dec. 18, 1644, Hannah PoNTus, the daughter of Mr. William Pontus, of Plymouth. She survived her husband and married a second husband, Giles Richard (or Reccord), June 25, 16G9. Children of John and Hannah Churchill. 2 I. Joseph,' b. 1. May 9, 1739; m. .Molly Bradford, of Plympton, April 4, 1771. 8. JOSEPH 3 CHUECHILL (Josepk,^ John i). Born in Ply- mouth, January, 1692 ; lived in Sandwich ; married Abiah Black- well, of Sandwich, Dec. 13, 1716. Children born in Sandwich. I. Abiah," b. Oct. 9, 1717; ni. James Cornish. (lie was the son of Samuel and Susanna.) II. Margaret," b. Jan. 18, 1718/9; ra. Ezekiel Rider, son of Samuel, 1737. Children horn in Plymouth. 1. Keziah Rider, b. Dec. 12, 1737. 2. Joseph Rider, b. March 22, 1739 ; m. Abigail Atwood, dau. of John. 3. Deborah Rider, b. July 20, 1740. 4. Samuel Rider, b. Oct. 18, 1741 ; m. Jane Swift, about 1765. 5. Lenmel Rider, b. July 24, 1743; d. Aug. 4, 1.743. 6. Patience Rider, b. Jvily 7, 1744. 7. Lemuel Rider, b. July 7, 1745. 8. Ezekiel Rider, b. Dec. 21, 1746; d. Jan. 24, 1746/7. 9. Margaret Rider, b. March 15, 1749. 10. Ezekiel Rider, b. Jan. 14, 1751. 11. Sarah Rider, b. Nov. 14, 1752. 12. Joshua Rider, b. June 22, 1755. 13. Ezra Rider, b. March 6, 1757; m. Hannah Howland. 28 III. Joseph." b. July 14, 1722; m. Agnes Fetters, in Boston. 2^ IV. Samuel," b. June 24, 1724; m. Hannah Fllis, in Boston. V. Joshua," b. July 4, 1726. No further record. VI. Sarah," b. July 2, 1728; m. Seth Blossom, Jan. 8, 1747. 12 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Child. ChurchilP Blossom, b. Oct. 15, 1749. Mrs. Sarah (Chnrcbill) Blossora died, and Seth Blossom married Abigail Crocker and bad four children by her; viz.: (1) David, b. Jan. 12, 175.5; (2) Peter, b. Dec. 4, 1756; (3) Hannah, b. Aug. 15, 1766; (4) Lini, b. April 15, 1772. VII. Mercy, ^ b. July 27, 1733; d. in infancy. VIII. Mekcy,^ b. March 28, 1736, 9. ELIEZERs CHURCHILL (Eliezer,- John^). Born in Ply- mouth in 1682, and lived there, a farmer. Died Sept. 21, 1754, aged 72. From Mr. Davis's '• Landmarks of Plymouth " we learn that after the death of Eliezer the second, in 1754, the remainder of the original land was divided between his sons Jonathan and Eleazer. Jon- athan taking what is now the Ichabod Morton estate and Eleazer what is now the Edwin Morton estate. He married Hannah Bartlett, daughter of Robert, who was born 1691, and died Sept. 19, 1757. Children born in Plymouth. I. Anson," b. May 12, 1712; d. July 21, 1712. 30 II. Eliezer," b. Feb. 26, 1714; m. Sarah Harlow, Oct. 19, 1738. 31 III. JosiAH," b. July 20, 1716; m. Patience Harlow, Dec. 1, 1741. 32 IV. Jonathan," b. Oct. 19, 1720; m. Hannah Worcester, Aug. 27, 1742. 10. STEPHEN 3 CHURCHILL (Eliezer = John^). Born at Ply- mouth, February, 1684. Died 1750. Married 1708, ExrERiENCE Ellis, daughter of Matthias, of Sandwich. Children horn in Plymouth. 33 I. Ephraim," b. Oct. 15, 1709; m., March 27, 1730, Priscilla Man- chester. 34 II. Nathaniel," b. Dec. 19, 1712; m., Jan. 2. 1733, Mary Curtis. III. Mary," b. April 29, 1716; d. Dec. 13, 1716. 35 IV. Stephen," b. Aug. 24, 1717; m., July 4, 1738, Hannah Barnes, dau. of Jonathan. V. Zacheus," b. Oct. 30, 1719; d. Nov. 18, 1732. 3(> VI. Benjamin," b. Aug. 19, 1725; m., Nov. 3, 1746, Ecth Delano. ELKANAH'' CHURCHILL (Eliezer,^ John^). Born 1690. After his death, in 1764, the half of the original Churchill estate, which belonged to him, was divided between his sons Amaziah * and Elkanah,'* the first taking the southerly half, the other the northerly. Died 1764, Married, Dec. 24, 1720, Susannah Manchester. THIRD GENERATION 13 Children born in Plyynov.th. 37 I. Amaziah," b. Nov. 29, 1721; m., Oct. 31, 1745, Elizabeth Syl- vester. II. Mariah,'' b. Nov. 29, 1721; m. Jabez Mendall, of Plynipton. One Child. 1. Samuel Mendall, b. 1747. 38 III. Elkanah,'* b. April 10, 172G; m., March 8, 1747/8, Scsannaii Bart- LETT. JOHN' CHURCHILL (Eliezer,- Joiix'). Born in Plymouth, Sept. 12, 1698, but removed iu youth to Portsmouth, N.H., and there spent his life, and died Oct. 7, 1769, aged 71 years 14 days. The inventory of his estate, taken Oct. 28, 1769, was £129.18.9. His widow, Elizabeth, sold her dower for £15, in 1770. A very interesting and precious letter, from his own hand, written some time in the year 1764, is still preserved in the hands of his descendants. It is the source of nearly all we know of his own family, and we regret that he did not tell more about himself. This letter was copied from a copy made from the original, by her grandfather Joseph, by Mrs. Mary W. (Churchill) Bailey, of Dysart, Iowa, in 1886. Letter written by Johx ^ Churchill of Portsmouth, N.H., 1764. When my son John was born, I wanted four days of being twenty-one years .old. I was born the 12tli day of Sept. 1(J98. My son John was born the Sth d;iy of Sept. Tuesday morn, 1719. Daniel was born Thursday Oct. 12, 1721. IMary, Born Wednesday March 4, 1724. Ebenczer Born Sabbath June 6, 1726. Arthur Born Monday Nov. 25, 1728. William born Tuesday March 14, 1732. Sanford, born Sabbath day May 20, 1733, Tobias born Sabbath, January 26, 17.':5. Martha born Satur<]ay Oct. 15, 1737. Elizabeth born Tuesday April 10, 1740. Benjamin, born Tuesday Oct. 13, 1741. Joseph born Monday March 25, 1744. Mary died Sept. 21, 1743, aged 19 years 6 months 17 days. My wife died 27 of Dec. 1745. My son Daniel died in 1745. He sailed out of Boston, Master of a large ship in Nov. before bound for Loudon, and the hands perished for the ship foundered. He was married in Boston and had one child that is dead also. Arthur left me the 26th of March 1744, and went to sea, he left me the next day after Joseph was born and I have not seen him for more than six years and God knows whenever I shall. My son John was married in New York to his second wife and sent for his son John that lived with me and I sent him to his father. My Sons John and Ebeuezer both died sometime in 1751 with Small Pox at one time. As for John's children I know nothing about, Eb- enczer never married. I pray the Lord to t^anctify their death to me their father for the good of my soul, knowing that in a short time I shall go to them for they cannot return to me. My son Arthur after he first left me had the opportunity to come to Boston tvvice, and then sailed to England two voyages. The second voyage he was taken sick. I received a letter from him dated 3 of Oct. 17.">2, from London, then he wrote me word that he designed to go to the West Indies and from there to Piscataway to see me if God gave him oppor- tunity but being led away by bad company he was tripanned by some means [ can't give account of, that he was obliged to go to the East Indies as a soldier for two years, when I first heard of it I was greatly troubled to think one v.^ith so good sense and learning as he had and as good a sailor as need cross the sea, should take no more care of himself, but be led away in so unhappy condition. 14 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY It has been a great trouble to me and ever will be, for day nor night never passes but that I think of him. for I am out of all hope of ever seeing him again. I hope God will be with him and help him and give him a heart of grace to return from all his evil ways. My son Arthur left me the day after Joseph was born, and I have heard from one Brewster, that he had got mate of an Indiaman, and in the year 1763 he enquired after him and heard that he was dead. Tobias died the 3 of August 1756 aged '21 years 3 mos and 17 days, and was buried in Tiiomas Cotton's orchard, his bearers were Samuel Hale, Benjamin Luce, Samuel Jackson, Joseph Jackson, Jonathan Long, and Edmund Loud, he was the first of my sons that died at home. My son William Sailed out of New- bury in the year 1755. I have heard one time aliout two years after that he was in lihode Island and I have not heard whether he is living or not, he has been gone nine years. Sanford died July 3, 1733, aged 6 weeks 2 days. Mrs. Bailey writes tliat the above John Churchill left valuable family records in the hands of his youngest son Joseph, her grand- father. These records she states went back to the time " our fore- father left England," but her grandmother told her, about 1861, that the records had been taken from the old chest where they were kept, and were destroyed or lost. John Churchill, of Portsmouth, appears in many property transactions, and is then designated " cord- wainer." His three sons, John, Benjamin, and Joseph only, of all his children, survived him, and evidently inherited his estate, as we find deeds from them disposing of their third parts of his property. John'' Churchill, of Portsmouth, married 1st, in Portsmouth, Mary Jackson, daughter of Daniel. She died Dec. 27, 1745, and he married 2d, Mrs. Elizabeth Cotton, widow of Thomas. Children of the First Wife, ho7'n in Portsmouth. 39 I. John,'' b. Sept. 8, 1719; m. Mary Noble, of Portsmouth, 1741. II. Daniel,'' b. Oct. 21, 1721; m. Sarah Rogers, Boston, April 2, 1744, by Rev. James Sewall. He died in 1745, leaving widow and one child who died young. III. Mary,'' b. March 4, 1724; d. Sept. 21, 1743, aged 19 years 6 months 17 days. IV. Ebenezer,^ b. June 6, 1726; d. unmarried, 1751. "V. Arthur,'' b. Nov. 25, 1728; never married; d. abroad, probably at sea. VI. William,* b. March 14, 1732; never married. Vn. Sanford,'' b. May 20, 1733; d. July 3, 1733. VIII. Tobias," b. Jan. 26, 1735; d. Aug. 3, 1756, unmarried. IX. Martha," b. Oct. 15, 1737. X. Elizabeth," b. April 10, 1740; d. Dec. 5, 1740, aged 7 months 20 days. 40 XI. Benjamin," b. Oct. 13, 1741; m. 1st, Abigail Deverson, dau.- of Thomas; m. 2d, Elizabeth Clark, dau. of Thomas. 41 XII. Joseph," b. March 25, 1744; m. Elizabeth Cotton. 13. WILLIAM '^ CHURCHILL (William,-^ John ^). BorninPlymp. ton, Aug. 2, 1685. Lived in Plympton at a place called " Rocky Gutter." Both himself and wife were members of the church in THIED GENERATION 15 Plyrapton. He was a man of character and influence, and several times a representative to the General Court. He died in Plympton, Feb. 3, 1760. Married, Jan. 4, 1704, Ruth Bryant, daughter of John. She died in Plympton, May 17, 1757, aged 72. Children born in Plympton. 42 '^RENEZER,'' b. Oct. 18, 1705; m. Leah ( ). II. Haxnah,'* b. Oct. 23, 1707; m. Hopestill Bisbee, Nov. 25, 1731. He was the son of .Tohn and Joanna (^Brooks) Bisbee, of Marsh- field. They lived at Plympton. Children born in Plympton. 1. Abner Bisbee, b. June 16, 1739 ; m. Batbsheba Palmer, of Halifax. 2. Hopestill Bisbee, b. May 28, 1741; m. Abigail Churchill, dau. of Nathaniel Churchill, of Plympton, Sept. 4, 1766, and had children, born in Plympton. (1) Abiijail Bisbee, b. Oct. 21, 1768; (2) Hopestill Bisbee, b. Oct. 11, 1769. They removed to Rochester, Mass., and had there (3) Sylvanus Bisbee; (4) Josiah Bisbee; (5) Ansel Bisbee, who settled in Buckfield, Me., no children; (6) Levi Bisbee; (7) Susannah Bisbee; (8) Hannah Bisbee. 3. Issachar Bisbee, b. April 3, 1744; m. Mary Harlow, dau. of Thomas, April 28, 1768. 4. Sarah Bisbee, b. March 7, 1747. 5. Hannah Bisbee, b. Feb. 20, 1752. 43 III. David,^ b. Nov. 4, 1709; m. Mart Magoon. IV. liEBECCA,'* b. Jan. 8, 1712; m. Amos Ford, at Plympton, Nov. 25, 1731. Children. 1. Noah Ford, b. Aug. 29, 1732. 2. Ruth Ford, b. Oct. 4, 1734. V. William,* b. Dec. 15, 1714; d. unmarried, March 7, 1739. VI. KuTH,^ b. Sept. 14, 1716; m. Ebenezer Cole, 1733, in Plympton. They lived in Plympton for a while, but he died in Chesterfield, Mass., about 1790. They bad one child born in Plympton. 1. Joanna* Cole, m. Nathl. Bryant of Plympton. 44 VII. Nathaniel,* b. May 11, 1718; m. Susannah McFarland, June 4, 1759. VIII. Abigail,* b. July 11, 1720; m. John Bryant, of Plympton, Feb. 10, 1740. She died in 1820. 45 IX. IcHABOD," b. Sept. 24, 1722; m. 1st, Rebecca Curtis; m. 2d, Susanna Gibbs. X. Sarah,* b. Feb. 7, 1725; m. Josiah Marshall, Nov. 16, 1749. XI. Joanna,* b. May 22, 1727; d. April 16, 1728. 14. SAMUEL 3 CHURCHILL (William,- John '). Born in Plymp- ton, April 15, 1688, and lived there in a house a few rods east of the house in which Micah Bryant lived in 1826. He was deacon of the church in Plympton. Was a farmer. Married 1st, Joanna Bryant, daughter of John. She died in Plympton, April 15, 1746 ; and he married 2d, Mrs. Marcy Ellis (widow). 16 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children of First Wife. I. Marct," b. March 1, 1714. II. Mpdhitabel,'* b. Nov. 5, 1717; m. James Morton, of Plymouth, 1736. He was the son of John Morton. III. Alice, * b. Jan. 18, 1719 ; ra. Jupe Leach, 1738. 15. ISAAC CHURCHILL (William,^ John'). Born in Plympton, Oct. 4, 1693. Lived there, on the side of the brook, east of his father's honse. He and his wife were members of the church in Plympton. He died in Plympton, April 8, 1778, aged 84 years 6 months 4 days. Married, Dec. 29, 1720, Susannah Leach. She died in Plympton, Jan. 11, 1790, in her 89th year. Children born in Plympton. I. Isaac, ^ b. Oct. 1, 1722; d., aged 3 days. II. AvERiCK,'' b. Sept. 15, 1723; m. by Thos. Croade, J.P., Ebenezer Standish, Jr., a son of Zachariah, Dec. 27, 1739. Children. 1. Mary Standish, b. 1740. 2. Ebenezer Standish, b. 1741. 3. Avericli Standish, b. 1744 ; m. Ziulock Thomas. 4. Shadrach Standish, b. 1746; m. Mary Churchill, dau. of David. III. Susannah,^ b. Dec. 3, 1726; m. David Weston. Children. 1. Rebeckah Weston, b. June 7, 1746. 2. Mary Weston, b. Nov. 28, 1748. 3. Rufus Weston, b. April 25, 1751. 4. David Weston, b. Feb. 15, 1754. 5. Abner Weston, b. Dec. 10, 1756. 6. Jabez Weston, b. Feb. 26, 1759. IV. Isaac," b. April 4, 1730; d. Dec. 11. 1734. V. Mary," b. 1733; d. Aug. 31, 1738. VI. Elizabeth," b. June 4, 1737; m. Luke Perkins (son of Josiahj, May 27, 1757. Children. 1. Daniel Perkins. 2. John Perkins. 46 VII. Isaac," b. July 16, 174! ; m. Eunice Ripley, Jan. 21, 1764. ir>. BENJAMIN'^ CHURCHILL (William,- JohnI). Born in Plympton, 1695, and according to the gravestone in the burying- gronnd at Carver, died Dec. 6, 1771, in the 67th year of his age. While residing in Plympton, Benjamin and wife Mary occupied the house in which John Bonney lived in 1849, in the north part of the town. It is said that Benjamin removed from Plympton into THIRD GENERATION 17 the border of Middleboro, near to " Pope's Point Eurnace," in Carver. A letter from Mr. Bradford, town clerk of Plympton, says that the family lived much nearer to the meeting-house in Carver than to that in Plympton, and attended church in the former place. Married, Dec. 15, 1717, Mary Shaw. Children. I. Mary,^ b. April 17, 1720; m. James Drew (it is said). 47 II. Perez,'' b. Middleboro, Oct. 15, 1722; m. Deborah Thayer. III. Elizabeth,'' b. April 15, 1725; m. Dea. Benjamin Thomas of Mid- dleboro, Mass. She died Dec. 2fi, 1804. They had five children. 4r8 IV. James, ^ b. Dec. 30, 1726; in. 1st, June 8, 1848, Martha Blackwell; m. 2d, Mercy Cobb; 3d, Widow Mary Gorham. 49 v. Benjamin,'' b. Jan. 31, 1728; m. Thankful Wood. VI. Susannah,'' b. April 2, 1733, 17. JOSIAH 3 CHURCHILL (William,- Johx ^). Born in Plymp- ton, Aug. 21, 1702. Lived in Plympton in the house in which his father had lived. Afterwards his brother Isaac bought the home place, and lie|removed. with his family to Easton, on the west of Bridgewater, and was -engaged in the work of the foundry there. Married, May 16, 1723, Jemima Hamblin. Four Children horn in Plympton, the Rest in Easton. 50 I. Jabez,* b. Jan. 21, 1724; m. Alice Briggs. II. Gershom,'' b. 1725. No further record, perhaps d. young. 51 III. Israel,'' b. 1727; m. Hannah ( ). 52 IV. JosiAH,"* b. March 6, 1730; m. Bathsheba Curtis. Settled in Stockbridge. No issue. 63 V. William,'' b. 1733; in. Meribah Gibbs, Nov. 9, 1757. 54 VI. Samuel,'' b. 1735. Enlisted in the army in 1757, in the expedition for the relief of Fort William Henry. No further record. VII. Jemima,'' b. 1738; m. Joseph Daggett, of Attleboro; m. Jan. 26, 1758. o5 VIII. Joseph,'' b. Oct. 2, 1741; m. Anne Daggett, of Attleboro. 56 IX. Jacob, ^ b. Nov. 3, 1744; m. Lillis Read. 18- SERGEANT JOHN'" CHURCHILL (John,- John'). Born in Plymouth, Nov. 29, 1691, and lived there. He died Feb. 25, 1730, aged 39 years. Married, Feb. 16, 1720, Bethiah Spooner, daughter of Ebenezer. (After her first husband's death, in 1730, she married, in 1732, Josiah Carver, son of the third John, and as his second wife.) Children horn in Plymouth. 57 I. Ebenezer,^ b. Nov. 6, 1721 ; in. Mercy Branch, dau. of Thomas, of Marshfield. II. John," b. Oct. 24, 1723; d. Sept. 28, 1725. 68 III. John," b. April 15, 1727; m. Sarah Cole, 1750. FOURTH GENERATION. 19. SAMUEL* CHURCHILL (John,^ Joseph,^ John'). Born in Plymouth, March 8, 1703. Settled in Stockbridge. With his wife he joined the church in Stockbridge, June 5, 1763. Married, 1732, Hannah Curtis, who was born Sept. 15, 1710. Childi-en horn in Stockbridge. 69 I. Samuel, Jr.,* b. 1733; m. Elizabeth Curtis, dau. of Elnathan and Rose (Weller). ^ II. Sarah,* b. 1735 ; m. John Gaines, and had a son, 1. Daniel Gaines, killed while serving in the Revolutionary army in 1777, while on picket duty at Fort Edward. 60 III. Daniel,* b. 1738. He was unmarried and lived with his mother at Stockbridge until October 1780, when he enlisted in the army and was killed at the battle in the Mohawk Valley. IV. William,* b. 1740; unmarried. Killed at the battle in the Mohawk Valley. 30. BARNABAS* CHURCHILL (Barnabas,^ Joseph,^ JohnI). Born in Plymouth, Oct. 19, 1714, and lived there. Married, Nov. 13, 1744, Lydia Holmes, daughter of Eleazer. She was born in 1716. Children horn in Plymouth. I. Elizabeth,* b. Jan. 16, 1746; m. Robert Davis, Nov. 13, 1766, eon of 1st Thomas. Children. 4. Elizabeth Davis, m. Josiah Carver. 5. Lydia Davis, b. 1775; m. Ezra Harlow. 1. Samuel Davis, b. 1766 2. Robert Davis, b. 1768 3. Ichabod Davis, b. 1771 61 II. Barnabas,* b. Nov. 25, 1747; m. Sarah Faunce, dau. of Thomas, Oct. 11, 1780. III. Job,* b. Jan. 15, 1751; d. Jan. 14, 1753. 62 IV. Samuel,* b. Jan. 9, 1753; m. 1st, Sarah , who died, 1791; m. 2d, Elizabeth , who died, 1839. No further record. 63 V. Seth,* b. Oct. 1, 1754; m. Elizabeth Sylvester, July 6, 1783. 64 VI. Job,* b. Aug. 17, 1756; m. Hannah Harlow, Dec. 21, 1808. VII. Lydia,* b. Dec. 16, 1758; m. William Rider, 1780. FOURTH GENERATIO:^ 19 31. WILLIAM * CHURCHILL (Bar.n-abas,^ JosEPn,^ John ^). Born Dec. 25, 1716, in Plymouth. Married, Nov. 13, 1746, Susannah Clark. Children. I. Rebecca,* b. Oct. 31, 1747: m. Stlvanus Holmes, Dec. 23, 1784. II. MoRDECAi,* b. April 24, 1749. III. William.* b. Jan. 24, 1751. IV. Susannah,* V. ^j'^^^™"'^} twins, b. April 23, 1753. 22. JOSEPH^ CHURCHILL (Barnabas,^ Joseph,- John'). Born in Plymouth, May 14, 1721. Married, Sept. 23, 1745, Mariah Rider, daughter of Samuel, of Plymouth. After the death of Joseph, the widow married Archippus Puller, and removed with her children to Woodstock, Vt. Children. 65 I. Ichabod.* b. Aug:. 9, 1746; m. Sarah Tinkham, Nov. 7, 1771. 66 II. Joseph,* b. July 14, 1748; m. Sarah Cobb, of Middleboro', dau. of Gershoni. March 21, 1771. III. Lucy,* b. Aug. 22, 1750; unmarried. 23. LEMUEL ^ CHURCHILL (Barnabas,^ Joseph,^ John i). Born in Plymouth, July 12, 1723, and lived there until 1764, when he removed to Chebeague, Nova Scotia. Married, 1st, Oct. 13, 1747, Lydia Sylvester, daughter of Solomon. She was born 1726, and died Sept. 20, 1751 ; married 2d, Nov. 4, 1752, Abigail Ridek, daughter of Joseph and Abig^ail- (Warteu). Rider, born 1726. v^^inT ;■■- ■ \-- Children of First Wife, lorn in Plymouth. 67 I. Nathaniel,* b. March 29, 1749; m. 1st, Elizabeth Riber, Dec. 24, 1770; m. 2d, Elinor Metcalf, Nov. 20, 1800; m. 3d, Eliza- beth Geeen, Jan. 6, 1814. Children of Second Wife. II. Lemuel,* b. June 9, 1754; drowned near Causo, June 20, 1773, un- married, aged 21. III. Abigail.* b. Feb. 5, 1756; m. 1st, Abijah Crosby, Dec. 13, 1775; m. 2d, Marcus Ring, Aug. 31, 1781. 68 IV. Ezra,* b. Oct. 11, 1758 ;m. Mart Roberts, of Argvle, Nova Scotia, May 6, 1779. V. Lydia.* b June 14, 1760; m. George Ring, 2d, Dec. 16, and d. April 11, 1847. 24. ISAAC* CHURCHILL (Barnabas,^ Joseph,^ John i). Born May 3, 1726. Followed the sea and became captain of a vessel. He 20 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY removed to Boston in 1757, and died in 1761. Married in Plymouth, Oct. 14, 1756, Sarah Cobb, daughter of Seth and Sarah (Nelson) Cobb, born May 17, 1739. After her husband, Isaac's, death she married Charles Churchill, son of Ephraim, q. v. Children of Isaac* and Sarah Churchill, horn in Boston. I. Mart Beekman,^ b. 1757, d. Aug. 1, 1765. 69 II. Isaac* b. July 19, 1758; m. Sarah Morton. 70 III. Seth,* b. June 4, 1760; m. Elizabeth Sylvester. No further record. 35. THOMAS* CHUECHILL (Barnabas,^ Joseph,^ John ^). Born April 30, 1730, and lived in Plymouth until after 1759, when he removed to Newmarket Plains, N.H. He settled upon a farm, and raised a large family of sons and daughters, worthy and re- spected in their day. Married, May 5, 1758, Mary Ewer, daugh- ter of Nathaniel and Mary (Stewart) Ewer, born Aug. 7, 1737, at Barnstable. Children, the first born in Plymouth, the rest in Newmarket, N.H. I. Gamaliel,* b. Aug. 30, 1759 ; d. unmarried, aged about 50. II. Polly,* b. Aug. 23, 1760; m. Wiggin Doe; lived in Newmarket. Children of Wiggin and Polly {Churchill) Doe. 1. Mary Doe, b. Feb. 20, 1783. 2. John Doe, b. Aug. 22, 1784. 3. Thomas Doe, b. July 29, 1786. 4. Andrew Doe, b. May, 1789; d. aged one year. 5. Andrew Doe, b. April, 1791. 6. Desire Doe, b. April 15, 1793. 7. Joseph R. Doe, b. Dec. 7, 1794. 8. Deborah Doe, b. Oct. 2G, 1796. 9. Lydia Doe, b. Jan. 16, 1799. 10. Zebulon Doe, b. May 26, 1801. 71 III. Thomas,* b. 1762; m. Alice Creighton, dau. James. 72 IV. Ichabod,* b. June 24, 1764; m. 1st, Elizabeth Doe; m. 2d, Leah Allen. V. Lydia,* b. Jan. 10, 1766; m. Reuben French. Children of Reuben and Lydia (Churchill) French. 1. Thomas French, b. July 17, 1786; m. Betsey Foss, and d. in 1864. 2. Lucy French, b. June 22, 1788; m. Ezekiel James, and d. 1866. 3. Mary French, b. Feb. 13, 1790; m. Timothy Joy, and d. 1869. 4. Lydia French. 5. Reuben French, b. June 3, 1792; m. Sally Badger. 6. Lydia French, b. Aug. 13, 1794; m. Ezra Shepard, and d. 1869. 7. Olive Wyman French, b. 1797; m. Eben Huckins, and d. 1868. 8. Sally French, ~1 b. Feb. 27, 1800; m. Jonathan Langmaid, and I d. 1862. 9. Betsey French, | b. Feb. 27, 1800 ; m. Daniel Murray, and d. J 1825. FOUETH GENERATION 21 10. William French, b. April, 1802; d. 1834. 11. Edmund French, b. Sept. 20, 1805; m. Martha Brackett. 12. Bradstreet French, b. July 22, 1807; m. 1st, Olive Gilman ; m. 2d, Mary J. Baker. 73 VI. Joseph,* b. May 7, 1768; m. Sally Tash, in Newmarket. VII. Susanna,* b. Aug. 18, 1770; m. Samuel Badger; lived in Deer- field, N.H. Children. 1. Samuel Badger, b. Sept. 18, 1794; m. Alphia Fernald. 2. Mary Ewer Badger, b. 1796; m. David Marston. 3. Sally True Badger, b. 1797; m. Reuben French, her cousin. 4. Thomas Badger, b. 1799; m. Mary Goss. 5. Susan Churchill Badger, b. 1801; m. Ist, Simeon Goss; m. 2d, Michael Libby. 6. William Badger, b. 1804; m. Mary Joy. - 7. Elizabeth Rice Badger, b. 1806; m. Abner Burbank. 8. Emily Badger, b. 1812; m. 1st, Rev. Mark Shepard; m. 2d, Rev. Mark Fernald; m. 3d, Robert Crosby. 74 VIII. Nathaniel,* b. March 31, 1772; m. 1st, Patience Tash; m. 2d, Polly Jackson. IX. John,* b. 1774; d. soon. 75 X. John,* b. May 11, 1776; m. Sally True. XI. Desire,* b. March 27, 1778; m. John Stevens. Children. 1. Ann Stevens, b. Feb. 14, 1800; m. Moses Butler. 2. Mary Stevens, b. Sept. 4, 1801; m. Hiram Jones. 3. Joan Stevens, b. Jan. 29, 1S03; m. Hiram Jones. 4. Hubbard Stevens, b. July 25, 1805; m. Harriet Brackett. 5. Thomas Stevens, b. Nov. 1, 1810; d. July 28, 1812. 6. John Stevens, b. May 13, 1812; d. June 8, 1812. 26. EBENEZEE^ CHURCHILL (Barnabas,' Joseph,- John^). Born Nov. 9, 1732. Lived in Plymonth nntil about 1775, when he removed to Plymptou, and thence about 1779 to Pittsiield, where he died. Married, May 5, 1755, Jean Fisher, daughter of Archibald and Betsey (Bacon) Fisher. Children born in Plymouth. I. Ebenezer,* b. Oct. 5, 1755; served in Revolution from Plympton, and died as prisoner, on British man-of-war, of small-pox. II. Timothy,* b. Jan. 21, 1757; d. in New York of yellow fever con- tracted in the war of the Revolution. III. John,* b. Feb. 4, 1759; d. Aug. 3, 1760. IV. Jean,* b. Jan. 6, 1761; m. John Snow, of Pittsfield, and died Jan. 8, 1849. They lived in Pittsfield. He was a blacksmith. A daughter, Betsey Bacon Snow, married Dr. N. B. Mead in 1815. 76 V. John,* b. June 23, 1763; m. Mehitable Hubbard, of Pittsfield, 1788. VI. Martha,* b. Jan. 10, 1767; m. Alcott Chapman, and d. Nov. 12, 1849. 27. JOHN * CHURCHILL (Barnabas,^ Joseph,^ John '). Born in Plymouth, May 9, 1739, and lived there until about 1779, when he 22 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY removed to Pittsfielcl, Mass. Married, in Plympton, Marcli 9, 1771, Molly Bradford, daughter of John, born 1746. Children horn in Plymouth and Pittsfield. I. Sarah,* b. Oct. 19, 1771 ; m. 1st Trcstrum Leferons, no cbiklren; m. 2d, Amos Squire; ("hildren by second husband, (1) Henry- Squire, (2) Asabel Squire, (3) Frank Squire, (4) Almeda Squire, (5) Polly Squire, (6) Addie Squire. 77 II. Lemuel,* b. Feb. 9, 177.3; m. Mindwell Tillotson, 1802. III. Molly,* b. June 17, 1775; m. Elijah Bagg, and had the following children: (1) Truman Bagg, (2) Elijah Bagg, (8) WiUiam Bagg, (4) John Bagg, (5) Polly Bagg, (6) Sarah Bagg, (7) Pauline Bagg, (8) Betsey Bagg. IV. Lydia,* b. Jan. 11, 1777; m. Henry Burhans, son of Harry and Zerviah (Hall) Burhans, b. June 22, 1766; m. 1797. She died March 2, 1847. He died Sept. 18, 1848. Children. 1. Liertius Burhans, b. April 13, 1799 ; m. Eliza Ann Westcott, May 19, 1825; d. Sept. 14, 1875. 2. Maria Burhans, b. Oct. 6, 1800; m. Zopher "Wicks, April 7, 1727; d. Dec. 5, 1859. 3. Minerva Burhans, b. Sept. 11, 1802; m. Levant Sloan, Feb. 27, 1822; d. July 21, 1855. 4. Henry Burhans, b. April 22, 1804; d. unmarried July 12, 1828. 5. Melancthon Burhans, b. Feb. 20, 1806; m. Patty Saxton; d. June 1, 1863. 6. Abigail Burhans, b. Dec. 29, 1807; m. Eli D. Halbert; d. Sept. 11, 1887. 7. Lydia Burhans, b. July 14, 1809 ; m. Lucian Woodford, Sept. 10, 1833; d. April 28, 1882. 8. Tryphena Burhans, b. April 12, 1811; m. Asel Ingraham, Nov. 19, 1829; d. about 1888. 9. Spencer Churchill Burhans, b. July 11, 1813; m. Ruth Tibbetts, Jan. 4, 1838; d. Feb. 7, 1849. 10. Daniel Burhans, b. Nov. 29, 1815; m. Nancy Carpenter, June 7, 1838; d. June 22, 1887. 11. Mary Burhans, b. Feb. 7, 1818; m. E. Tibbetts, M.D. V. Elizabeth,* b. Dec. 8, 1778; m. Dr. John Kennedy. 78 VI. John,* b. in Pittsfield, Mass., March 27, 1780; m. Hulda Brown, in Pittsfield, 1815. Vir. Olive,* b. in Pittsfield, Mass., Dec. 16, 1781 ; m. Bentley. Vni. Cynthia,* b. Aug. 22. 1784; d. unmarried. 79 IX. Bradford,* b. Sept 13, 1786; m. Selinda Robbins, of Pittsfield. 80 X. Spencer,* b. June 10, 1789; m. Clarissa Murphy, Nov. 11, 1740. 38. JOSEPH ^ CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ Joseph,^ John ^). Born in Plymouth, July 14, 1722. He lived in Boston and Salem. Died in Boston, April 27, 1780, aged 58 years. Married, in Boston, Agnes Fetters, who was born in Holland in 1722, and died in Boston, Oct. 9, 1798, aged 76 years. Child.ren. 81 I. Joseph,* b. in Boston, Sept. 19, 1745; m. Anne Northy, dau. of David, 1768/9. 82 II. John,* b. in Salem, 1748; m. Sarah Stagey, of Salem, 1773. FOURTH GENERATION 23 III. Dorothy,* b. in Salem, 1751 ; d. unmarried. There seems to be something of a romance connected with this Dorotliy. In the town records of Salem, under " Intentions of Marriage," appears the following, under date of March 16, 1771 : " Samuel Chipman and Dorothy Churchill, both of Salem, intend marriage." This marriage did not take place, and thirty years later Samue Chipman, still a bachelor, married, January, 1803, Elizabeth Obear, of Beverly, who died in 1807, and he married, as second wife, Feb. 7, 1809, Elizabeth Fowler, of Beverly, who died Aug. 29, 1852, leav- ing two children. This last from records at Essex Institute. From the " Salem Gazette," at the Institute, is taken the following item : " Whereas, there has been some disputes between Joseph Chip- man and Dorothy Churchill, both of Salem, as to a marriage con- tract, made between them. And those disputes being amicably settled. Therefore, that the said Dorothy may not be in the least injured by any suspicions, mistakes, or rumors concerning the said disputes and settlement, I, the said Joseph Chipman do now sin- cerely and voluntarily declare that neither tiiose disputes, nor the said settlement, nor any of my conduct in this matter, have been owing to any objections which I have or had to her moral character, and that I think that there hath not been any just foundation for any such objections by any one." Dated Sept. 11, 1771, Signed, Joseph Chipman. A true Copy of the Original. IV. Deborah,' b. in Salem, Sept. 13, 1754; d. July 29, 1782, un- married. 39. SAMUEL ' CHURCHILL (Joseph," Joskph,- Johx '). Born in Boston, June 24, 1724. Died Sept. 28, 1759. Married, in Boston, Hannah Ellis, daughter of Samnel. After the death of Samuel she married Thomas Grant, of Lancaster, Eeb. 7, 1760. Children of Samuel Churchill, horn in Lancaster. 83 I. Samuel,* b. Oct. 31, 1749; m. Rubecca Wilder, of Sterling, March G, 1781. II. Abiaii,* b. Aug. 31, 1759; m. Amaziah Currier. Cliildreyi. 1. Samuel Churchill Currier, b. Jan. 1, 1791; m. Submittance Greenman. Said to have had five sons and five daughters. 30. ELIEZER* CHURCHILL (Eliezer,^ Eliezer,^ John i). Born Feb. 26, 1713/14, in Plymouth, and lived there. He sold his share of estate, inherited from his father, in 1777, to Solomon Sylvester, whose heirs sold it, in 1786, to George Watson, and the old house was afterwards converted into the shop, subsequently used by L. and E. Morton. Married, Oct. 19, 1738, Sarah Harlow, daughter of "William and Mercy, born 1715. 24 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY Children horn in Plymouth. I. Hannah,* b. July 14, 1739; d. Aug. 13, 1739. II. Hannah,* b. June 5, 1740; m. Jeremiah ( ). III. Sarah,* b. Dec. 1, 1741; probably d. young. IV. Marcy,* b. April 27, 1743; m. Robert Hosea. 84 V. Eliezer,* b. Oct. 31, 1744; ni. 1st, Jane Rider, Sept. 27, 1764; m. 2d, Abigail Bartlett. 85 VI. James,* b. Jan. 9, 1747; m. 1st, Ltdia Nichols, April 9, 1774; m. 2d, Ltdia Snow, Nov. 8, 1778, in Bridgewater. No record. VII. Asa,* b. Dec. 20, 1748. VIII. Sylvanus,* b. July 6, 1750; d. Jan. 29, 1754. IX. Sarah,* b. March 29, 1755; m. George Bartlett, Jan. 16, 1776. 86 X. Josiah,* b. July 3, 1757; m. Sarah Rogers, of Bridgewater, Feb. 1, 1781. No further record. XI. Phebe,* b. June 9, 1759; m. 1st, William Hunt, Aug. 20, 1798; m. 2d, Arnold Hunt. 31. JOSIAH^ CHURCHILL (Eliezer,^ Eliezer,^ John i). Born July 20, 1716 ; d. in N.S. abt. 1800. He lived in Plymoiith until about the time of the Revolution, when having lost his property he removed to Nova Scotia and lived at " Ragged Islands," now Lock- port. His wife did not go to Nova Scotia with him. Married, 1741, Patience Harlow, daughter of Eleazer and Hannah (Pratt) Harlow, of Plympton. Children horn in Plymouth. I. Josiah,* b. Oct. 23, 1742; d. Oct. 25, 1742. II. Josiah,* b. Nov. 28, 1743; d. young. 87 III. THADDEus,*b. Nov. 29, 1745; m. Asenath Delano, Dec. 3, 1774. IV. Patience,* b. Nov. 23, 1747; m. Ellis Churchill, son of Ephraim, 1764. V. Eliphaz,* b. Feb. 10, 1750. VI. Alpheus,* b. .June 30, 1753. 88 VII. Samuel,* b. July 10, 1754; m. Elizabeth Churchill, dau. of Ama- ziah, 1776. 89 VIII. Enos,* b. March 10, 1759; m. Mart Paine, R.I., 1780. 90 IX. Sylvanus,* b. Jan. 23, 1766; m. Lydia Churchill, dau. of Wilson, 1798. 33. JONATHAN * CHURCHILL (Eliezer,^ ELrEZER,^ John ^). Born Oct. 19, 1720. He lived for some years in Hingham, on Ship Street. Married, Aug. 27, 1742, Hannah Foster, daughter of Joseph and Rachel (Bassett) Foster, of Sandwich, born June 17, 1718. Children. 91 I. Jonathan,* b. May 18, 1744-5; m. Lydia Gilbert in Hingham, Nov. 26, 1767. 92 II. Jesse,* b. Oct. 30, 1746; m. Abigail Worcestbr in Newburyport. III. Samuel,* b. Jan. 15, 1750; d. May 20, 1754. IV. Josiah,* b. March 18, 1753, in Hingliam; d. June 8, 1754. V. Samuel,* b. March 9, 1755; d. May 25, 1755. VI. Hannah,* b. Jan. 3, 1760; d. June 1, 1760. FOURTH GENEEATION 25 93 VII. Francis,^ b. June 1, 1761; m. Phebe Leathers, of Charlestown, June 17, 178(>. VIII. Hannah,^ b. March 8, 1763; d. young. A beautiful girl. 94 IX. Redbbn,^ b. Aug. 1, 1765; ru. Hannah Sampson, Aug. 11, 1787. They lived in Hingham. No further record. 33. EPHRAIM ^ CHURCHILL (Stephex,^ Eliezer,^ John '). Born in Plymouth, Oct. 3, 1709 ; died Dec. 14, 1749. Married, March 27, 1730, Priscilla Manchester. She died Dec. 17, 1749. Children horn in Plymouth: I. Mary,* b. Aug. 14, 1730; m. James Drem', 1750. 1. Hannah Drew, b. 1751. 2. James Drew, b. 1754. 3. William Drew, b. 1755. 4. Mary Drew, b. 1757. 5. William Drew, b. 1760. 6. Sarah Drew, b. 1762. 7. Priscilla Drew, b. 1765. 8. Lvdia Drew, b. 1767; m. Matthew Gushing. 9. Betsey Drew, b. 1769. 95 II. Charles,* b. April 25, 17;^3; m. Sarah (Cobb), widow of Isaac Churchill, son of 1st Barnabas, 1765. Zaccheus,* b. Feb. 20, 1735; m. Mart Trask, Sept. 16, 1754. Ephraim,* b. July 2, 1738; m. Jemima Bryant, Nov. 28, 1751. Priscilla,* b. Jan. 8, 1740; ui. John Rider, April 25, 1758. Ellis,* b. Nov. 25, 1742; m. Patience Churchill, dau. of Josiah,* 1764. Ansel,* b. March 29. 1745; m. Bethia Holmes. July 17, 1765. John,* b. July 16, 1748; m. 1st, Olive Cobb ; m. 2d, Mrs. LucT Pratt, Bridgewater, Dec. 27, 1776. No further record. 34. NATHANIEL 4 CHURCHILL (Stephen,^ Eliezek,^ John^). Born in Plymouth, Dec. 19, 1712. Married, Jan. 2, 1734, Mart Curtis, born 1714. Children. I. Experience,* b. Aug. 27, 1735; m. Jabez Harlow. Children born in Plymouth. 1. Jabez Harlow, b. Feb. 9, 1754. 2. Experience Harlow, b. April 3, 1756. 3. Nathaniel Harlow, b. Jan. 27, 1758; m. Mary Shaw. 4. Rebecca Harlow, b. Jan. 17, 1760; d. April 10, 1766. 5. John Harlow, b. April 14, 1762. 101 II. Eliezee.* b. July 31, 1737. No further record. III. Mart,* b. July 17, 1740. 102 IV. Nathaniel,* b. Dec. 13, 174-. No further record. 35. STEPHEN * CHURCHILL (Stephen,^ Eliezer,^ John '). Born in Plymouth, Aug. 24, 1717; died Sept. 5, 1751. Married, July 4, 1738, Hannah Barnes, daughter of Jonathan and his wife. Widow 96 III. 97 IV. V, 98 VI, 99 VII. 100 VIII 26 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Mercy (Doten) Barnes. She was born 1718, and after the death of Stephen married Jeremiah Howes, and died 1793, Children horn in Plymouth. I. Sarah,* b. July 18, 1739; m. Nathaniel Carvek, 1764. Children horn in Plymouth. 1. Nathaniel Carver, b. 1766. 2. John Carver. 3. Josiah Carver. 4. Mercy Carver, b. 1770; m. William Barnes. 5. Lucy Carver, m. Rufus Sherman. 6. Sally Carver, m. Barnabas Faunce. 7. Betsey Carver, b. 1774; m. Barnabas Faunce. 8. Polly Carver, m. David Bartlett. II. Mercy,' b. July 18, 1739. III. Stephen,* b. July 17, 1741; d. Sept. 14, 1742. 103 IV. Stephen,* b. June 7, 1743; m. Lucy Burbank, dau. of Timothy, 1766. V. Hannah,* b. Feb. 14, 1745; m. John Otis, of Barnstable, b. 1743. Children born in Plymouth. 1. Temperance Otis, b. 1766. 2. Hannah A. Otis, b. 1768; m. Thomas Nicholson. 3. Abigail Otis. 4. Grace Hayman Otis, m. John Goddard. 6. John Otis, b. 1774; d. in Plymouth, 1822. 104 VI. Zadock,* b. July 16, 1747; m. Bathsheba Rider, dau. Joseph, Oct. 7, 1773. VII. Peleg,* b. July 9, 1749; d. Sept. 5, 1750. 36. BEN"JAMm* CHURCHILL (Stephen,^ Eliezer,^ John '). Born in Plymouth, Aug. 19, 1725. Married, jSTov. 3, 1746, Ruth Delano. She died Aug. 22, 1798, aged 73. Lived in Plymouth. Children. 105 I. Wilson,* b. April 23, 1747; m. Lydia Darling, dau. of Jonathan, Dec. 12, 1772. 106 II. Benjamin,* b. Nov. 17, 1748; m. Phebe Tinkham Randall, Jan. 13, 1782. III. Abner,* b. April 8, 1750 ; said to have gone to New York. No further record. .IV. Abigail,* b. 1752; m. Samuel Rogers (b. 1752), Feb. 8, 1776. Children horn in Plymoutlfi. 1. Betsey Rogers, m. Eleazer Holmes. 2. Samuel Rogers, m. Betsey Babb. 3. Ruth Rogers, m. Simmons. 4. Stephen Rogers. 5. Abigail Rogers, m. John Chase. V. Stephen,* d. in West Indies. VI. Nathan,* d. in West Indies. VII. Bathsheba,* m., Nov. 17, 1785, Benjamin Washburn, b. in 1761. FOURTH GE^^ERATION 27 Child. 1. Joanna Washburn, m. Benjamin Weston. VIII. Joanna,* m. Nathaniel Carver, Oct. 4, 1789. Children. 1. Stephen Carver. 2. Nathaniel Carver, b. 1791 ; m. Betsey Woodward, 1812. 3. Sally Carver, m. Seth F. Nye, of Sandwich. 4. Nancy Carver. 5. Mary Carver. IX. Ruth,* b. 1760; m. Thomas Bartlett. 37. AMAZIAH ' CHURCHILL (Elkanah/ Eliezer,^ John ^). Born Nov. 29, 1721. Married, Oct. 31, 1745, Elizabeth Sylvester, daughter of Solomon. Children. 107 I. Caleb,* b. May 15, 1747; m. Mrs. Patience Nelson, March 4, 1775. No further record. II. Elizabeth,* b. Feb. 1, 1749; d. March 31, 1749. 108 III. Amaziah,* b. April 12, 1750; m. Betty Bartlett, dau. of Samuel and Betsey (Moore) Bartlett, March IG, 177<'). IV. Faith,* b. March 13, 1753; m. Ezickiel Morton, Jr., Dec. 16, 1776. Children horn in Plymouth. 1. Freeman Morton, m. Rebecca Harlow, 1806. 2. Caleb Morton, ni. Hannah Leonard. 3. Mary Morton, ni. Aniasa Clark. 4. Lucy Morton, m. Elkanah Finney. 5. Hannah Morton, ni. Ephraitu Bradford. V. Elizabeth,* b. March 21, 1755; m. Samuel* Churchill, son of Josiah. VI. Lucy,* b. Jan. 3, 1757; in. Lewis Weston, Dec. 1, 1782. Children. 1. Benjamin Weston. 2. Hannah Weston. 3. Lewis Weston, m. Martha Bartlett Drew, dau. of Benjamin and Sophia, 1818. 4. Lucy Weston, b. 1785. VII. Mary,* b. Oct. 3; 1758; m. William Weston, 1778. Children. 1. Lewis Weston, b. 1778; m. Betsey Lanman, 1798. 2. Harvey Weston, m. 1st, Lucy Harlow, 1816; 2d, Sarah Church- ill, dau. of Daniel. 3. Alinira Weston, m. 1st, Judson W. Rice; 2d, N. C. Lanman. 4. Polly Weston, m. Lazarus Syinmes. 5. Betsey Weston, m. Lewis Finney. 6. William Weston. 7. George Weston, b. 1790; m. Polly Holmes, dau. of Joseph, 1813. VIII. Mendall,* b. July 27, 176?l; unmarried. Served in the Revolution in Capt. Wm. Weston's Co., from July 1, 1776, to Nov. 19, 1776. Company stationed at the Gurnet, for the defence of Plymouth Harbor. 109 IX. Solomon,* b. July 27, 1762 ; m. Betsey Bartlett, dau. of Thomas, Nov. 28, 1783. 28 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY X. Sarah,* b. Feb. 1, 1766; ra. *Ichabod Morton, a fisherman and trader, Oct. 13, 1787. Children. 1. Sarah Morton, b. 1788; m. Lemuel Stephens. 2. *Ichabod Morton, Jr., b. 1790; m. Ist, Patty "Weston; m. 2d, Betsey Ilolbrook. 3. Hannah Morton, b. 1792. 4. Mary Morton, b. 1794; m. Elkanah Bartlett. 5. Abigail Morton, b. 1796; d. 1847. 6. Betsey Morton, b. 1802; m. 1st, Joseph Whiting; m. 2d, William Clark. 7. Edwin Morton, b. 1804; m. Betsey Towey Harlow. 8. Maria Morton, b, abt. 1806; m. William Churchill, No. 253. 38. ELKANAH* CHURCHILL (Elkaintah," Elieze^ John^). Born, in Plymouth, April 10, 1726. Lived upon that part of the original Churchill estate which he inherited from his father, includ- ing the old house. After his death his son Jabez ^ received the estate. He was drowned with his son Elkanah Sept. 6, 1775. Married at Plymouth, March 8, 1748, Susannah Bartlett. Children born in Plymouth. I. Susanna,* b. June 16, 1749; m. Nicholas Smith, March 8, 1770. Child horn at Plymouth. 1. Nicholas Smith, m. Rebecca Sears. II. Mariah,* b. Oct. 17, 1751; m. William Holmes. III. Elkanah,* b. Aug. 8, 1754; never married. Was drowned with his father in 1775. 110 IV. Jabez,* b. Oct. 2, 1756 ; m. Merct (Sylvester) Bartlett, widow of Judah. V. Andrew,* b. Jan. 20, 1758; died young. VI. Abigail,* b. July 14, 1760; m. Charles Bartlett, Dec 4, 1785. VII. Andrew,* b. Jan. 7, 1763. Lost at sea; unmarried. 111 VIII. Nathaniel,* b. 1768; m. Susanna Harlow, Feb. 3, 1798. 39. JOHN* CHURCHILL (John," Eliezer,'' John ^). Born in Portsmouth, Sept. 8, 1719. Settled first in Portsmouth, N.H., but removed soon to Boston, and thence, in company with his kinsman, Samuel Doty, to New York. He died in New York of small-pox, 1751. Married, 1st, Mary Noble, of Portsmouth, 1741 ; 2d, at New York ( ). Child of First Wife. 112 I. John,* b. 1743; m. Hannah Smith. * Ichabod Morton, Jr., b. in 1790; was a shipbuilder by trade, and was a sturdy Abolitionist and temperance reformer. By liis first wife he had Abi- gail, who married a Diaz, our well-known Abby Morton Diaz. FOURTH GENEEATION 29 40. BENJAMIN ^ CHURCHILL (John,^ Eliezek,^ John '). Born in Portsmouth, Oct. 13, 1741. JMarried, 1st, Abigail Deverson, daughter of Thomas, who died October, 1795 ; and he married, 2d, Elizabeth Clark, daughter of Thomas. Childreji . I. Betty, ^ bapt. Jan. 8, 1709; d. in infancy. 113 II. Samdel Clark, ^ b. Feb. 17, 1770; m. Susannah Cowen. 41. JOSEPH* CHURCHILL (John,^ Eliezer,^ John i). Born in Portsmouth, March 25, 1744. He is called " Mariner " in a mort- gage in which he gives one-third part of a lot of land on Pickering's Neck, " late belonging to John Churchill deceased on which his house now stands," etc. Date is Jan. 3, 1770, and Joseph is then of Ports- mouth. Married Elizabeth Cotton, of Portsmouth. Children. Mart,* m. Moses Thompson. JoHN,^ b. May 26, 1770; m. Mercy Hutchins. William,* b. July 9, 1776; m. Mary Hutchins, March, 1799. Daniel,* ni. Lucy Fletcher. Tobias,* b. June 12, 1780; m. Jane Everett, who was b. March 12, 1786. Benjamin,* b. 1782; m. Cynthia Parker, of New Portland, Me. Betsey,* m. James McFadden. Martha,* b. Oct. 19, 1788; m., April 1, 1809, Benjamin York, b. April 1, 1785, son of Robert. They first settled in New Portland, Me. In the spring of 1812, in company with his parents, bis three brothers, and some fifteen other families, with his wife and one child, he migrated to New York State, and settled in Wayne County, that part which they occupied at that time being almost a wilderness, in what is now Huron, on the west side of Sodus Bay, Lake Ontario. After years of frugal fare and severe toil, they became a prosperous commun- ity, and the locality is known to this day as the " York Settle- ment." Benjamin died May 20, 1850, and his wife Martha died Jan. 14, 1878. Children born, the first at New Portland, Me., the rest in N. Y. 1. John York, b. Aug. 23, 1810, in New Portland, Me.; m. Sarah Butler, March 1.3, 1832. They lived in " York Settlement" and had five children : (1) Martha York, (2) Mary York, (3) Samuel York, (4) John York, (5) Warren. 2. Irena York, b. June 2, 1812, in N.Y. State; m. 1st, Asa Wilder; m. 2d, Henry Marquatt. Children: (1) Elizabeth Wilder; (2) Cyrus Marquatt. 3. Lovilla York, b. Jan. 25, 1814; m., July 7, 1842, Warren Churchill, son of Daniel,* q. v. i. Lovina York, b. May 3, 1818; m. Aaron Wingate. Three children: (1) Benjamin Wingate, who became a Methodist minister of distinction, and Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions, in Chicago; (2) Achsa Wingate; (3) Lovilla Wingate. These sisters lived (1901) at "York Settle- ment," Alton P.O. I. 114 II. 115 III. 116 IV. 117 V. 117a VI. VII. VIII. 30 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 6. Benjamin York, b. Nov. 23, 1825; m. Minerva Miller, Feb. 7, 1850. They lived (1901) in Alton, Wayne Co., N.Y., and have had four children : (1) Imoijene York, m. Robert Kelley ; (2) Eliza York, m. "Wm. A. Mitchell, 1894; (3) Josephine York; (4) Christiana York. 6. Emmeline York, b. June 6, 1829; m. Myron P. Lyndall, Sept. 1, 1851. They lived (1901) at Walcott, N.Y. Children. 1. Caroline Lyndall, b. July 21, 1852; m. George C. Mitchell. They live in Wolcott, N.Y., and have one son, Charles H. Mitchell. 2. Eev. Henry M. Lyndall, b. July 21, 1855; m. Phebe A. Mitchell, Jan. 31, 1877. He became a minister of the Presbyterian fellowship, and served at Iron Mountain, Mich., five years, and tlaen in 18'J2 became associate pastor in the Brown Street Tabernacle, N.Y. City, to inaugurate the missionary work known as the " People's Tabernacle in N.Y. City, in which work he is still (1901) engaged. Children of Rev. Henry M. Lyndall. (1) Mabel E. Lyndall, b. Sept. 29, 1878; (2) (;;arlton H. Lyndall, b. March 28, 1880; (3) Paul H. Lyndall, b. Aug. 10, 1887, d. June 18, 1888; (4) Ruth M. Lyndall, b. Aug. 16, 1890. 3. Rev. Charles H. Lyndall, b. July 31, 1857; m. Jessie Van Auken, 1885. He is a Presbyterian minister, served at Esca- naba, Mich., '85-'89 ; pastor of the Browne Street Taber- nacle, N.Y. City, '89-95, and since 1897 pastor of the Reformed Church at Mt. Vernon, N. Y. His children are: (1) Gertrude Lyndall, b. 1888; (2) Helen Lyndall, b. 1892; (3) Dorothy Lyndall, b. 1895. 43. EBENEZER* CHURCHILL (William,'^ William,^ John^). Born in Plymouth, Oct. 18, 1705 ; lived in Plympton. Married Leah ; she d. April 13, 1771. He died May 7, 1751. Children born in Plympton. I. Joanna.* b. April 28, 1730; d. May 14, 1730. 118 II. John,* b. Nov. 14, 1731 ; m. Joanna Bisbee, of Bridgewater, Feb. 12, 1756. III. Ebenezer,* b. April 26, 1734; d. April 10, 1738. 119 IV. Isaac,* b. Feb. 11, 1735; m. Meletiah Bradford, of Plympton, Aug. 1, 1765. V. Rebecca,* b. April 20, 1738; m. Sylvanus Holmes. VI. Leah,* b. April 17, 1740; m, Ebenezer Atwood, Nov. 25, 1762. 120 VII. Joshua,* b. Feb. 23, 1742; m. Elizabeth Bonnet, Feb. 4, 1768. VIII. Ruth,* b. Feb. 12, 1744; m. Jonathan Whitman, of Bridgewater, Sept. 21, 1775. He was born 1751, and died in 1777. Child, (1) Leah Whitman, b. 1778 ; m. Sylvester Briggs. IX. Hannah,* b. May 17, 1747. FOURTH GENERATION 31 43. DAVID- CHURCHILL (William,'^ William,- John ^). Bom in Plympton, Nov. 4, 1709. He is said to have built the house in Plympton where, in 1827, William Bradford lived. He died Sept. 27, 1785. They lived in Plympton. Married, 1729, Mary Magoon. She died May 18, 1785. Children born in PlymjJton. 121 I. David,^ b. Aug. 9, 1729; m. Jane Ellis, Feb. 20, 1750. II. Hannah," b. June 17, 17:^3; d. March 17, 174-1. 122 III. William,* b. Nov. 28, 1739; m. Sarah Rider, Nov. 29, 1759. IV. Elias,* b. Aug. 7, 1742; d. June 3, 1751. 123 V. James,* b. May 29, 1746; in. Triscilla Soule, Oct. 31, 1765. 44. NATHANIEL^ CHURCHILL (William,^ William,- John^). Born in Plympton, May 11, 1718. He served in the Revolution, in Capt. Thos. Loring's Company, Alarm of April 19, 1775, <' Marched to Marshfield, 1. day." Married, 1st, June 4, 1741, Susanna McFarland, who died June' 22, 1785 ; 2d, Mrs. Lydia (Bryant) Sampson, widow of Thomas. Children by First Wife, born in Plympton. I. Abigail,* b. May 10, 1744; m. Hopestill Bisbee, Jr., Sept. 4, 1766. They settled first in Plympton, but in 1771 removed to Rochester. Children, the first two born in Plymvton, the others in Rochester. 1. Abigail Bisbee, b. Oct. 21, 1768; m. Jonathan Hall. 2. Hopestill Bisbee, b. Oct. 11, 1769; removed to Middleboro. 3. Sylvanus Bisbee. 4. Josiah Bisbee, never married. 5. Ansel Bisbee, removed to Buckfield, Me.; no children. 6. Levi Bisbee. 7. Susanna Bisbee. 8. Hannah Bisbee. 124 II. Nathaniel,* b. May 10, 1746; m. Debor.'»h Wright, Dec. 27, 1770. III. Lydia,* b. March 17, 1748; m., 1st, Ammittai Barlow, of Roches- ter, Juhe 6, 1781; m., 2d, Noah Hammond, of Rochester, Nov. 9, 1786. Children by Second Husband. ' 1. Noah Hammond, b. July 4, 1787; m. Martha Mayhew Dexter. 2. Ammittai Hammond, b. Aug. 30, 1789; m. Lucinda White, July 15, 1823. 3. Israel Hammond, b. Feb. 13, 1792; m. Joanna Burgess, July, 1880. IV. Samuel,* bapt. May 12, 1751 ; d. young. V. Stephen,* b. June 27, 1752; d. unmarried. VI. Sylvanus,* b. May 10, 1755; d. unmarried. VII. Susanna,* b. June 18, 1757 ; m. Thomas Haklow. 32 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 45. ICHABOD^ CHUECHILL (William/ William,^ John ^). Born Sept. 24, 1722. Died Aug. 24, 1808. Lived in Plympton. Married, 1st, Eebecca Curtis. She died Dec. 19, 1753. 2d, Susanna GiBBS, Feb. 6, 1755. Children by First Wife. 125 I. Ebenezer,^ b. March 1, 1744; m. Lucy Palmer, July 17, 1764; d. in. 1824. II. Joanna,^ b. Jan. 27, 1747; m. Silas Tillton, Not. 28, 1765. III. Deborah,* b. Jan. 7, 1749; m. Ichabod Phinnet, of Plympton. 126 IV. Ichabod,* b. Sept. 7, 1751; m. Abigail Doten, Oct. 12, 1775. V. Kebecca,* b. Dec. 9, 1753; m. Ebenezer Cushman, Apri 14, 1771. Children of Rebecca. 1. Hannah Cushman; d. unmarried. 2. Lydia Cushman, b. 1773; m., Oct. 20, 1797, Reuben Bisbee. 3. Zenas Cushman, d. at Demarara, Sept. 22, 1799. 4. Levi Cushman, d. unmarried. 5. Ebenezer Cushman, b. 1779; d. February, 1793. 6. Daniel Cushman, b. July 4, 1780; m. Priscilla Bassett, May 5, 1805. 7. Rebecca Cushman, b. Sept. 2, 1781. 8. Peleg Cushmiin, d. unmarried. 9. Valetta Brewster Cushman, b. May 27, 1786; d. 1842. Children by Second Wife, Susanna. 127 VI. Thomas,* b. March 7, 1756; m. Mart Holmes, dau. of Zacheus, 1778. VII. Sarah,* b. March 9, 17.^8; d. July 27, 1848. 127a VIII. William,* b. Feb. 18, 1761; m. Catharine Tilton, of Easton, (?) n N.Y.; he d. Dec. 18, 1818. IX. Eunice,* b. Jan. 20,. 1765; m. Joseph Churchill (No. 214), q. v. 46. ISAAC CHURCHILL, Jr. (Isaac,^ William,- John i). Born July 16, 1741. Died Oct. 23, 1826. Lived in Plympton, and was a large landholder and accounted rich. Soldier in Revolution, private, Capt. Thos. Loring's Company, at Lexington Alarm, April 19. Married, Jan. 21, 1764, Eunice Ripley, daughter Timothy and Eunice (Coomer) Ripley. She died April 6, 1821, aged 81 years 10 months. Children born in Plympton. I. Timotht,* b. Dec. 3, 1764; d. Sept. 19, 1794, af Martinique. II. JosiAH.* b. July 23, 1766 ; d. Sept. 4, 1766. 128 III. Daniel,* b. Aug. 4, 1767 ; m. Luct Churchill, dau. of Ebenezer. 129 IV. JosiAH,* b. Jan. 19, 1770; ra. Deborah Phinnet. V. Simeon,* b. Feb. 2, 1772; d. Sept. 22, 1777. VI. Susanna,* b. Oct. 1, 1774; d. May 4, 1785. 130 VII. Seth,* b. Sept. 29, 1777; m. Rebecca Phinnet. 131 VIII. Isaac, Jr.,* b. April 26, 1782 ; m. Mart Grozier, in Province- town, 1806. FOUETH GENERATION 33 47. CAPT. PEREZ ^ CHURCHILL (BenjamiXj^Villiam,- John i). Born in Middleboro', Oct. 15, 1722, died Oct. 2, 1797. He lived at Pope's Point Furnace, in Middleboro'. He served in the war of the Revolution, first as corporal in Capt. James Keith's Company, Col. Paul Dudley Sargent's Regiment. Enlisted July 12, 1775. Service, twenty days. Commissioned captain of 9th Company of Fourth Plymouth County Regiment, May 9, 1776. Also captain in Col. Ebenezer Sprout's Regiment. Served three days. May 6 to May 9, 1778, on an alarm at Dartmouth. Also in Colonel Daggett's Regi- ment, Aug. 25 to Sept. 2, 1778, at Rhode Island. Again in C^ol. Ebenezer White's Regiment, marched to Rhode Island on the alarm of Aug. 1, 1780, and served nine days. He is buried in the Lakenham burial-ground, with his two wives. His gravestone was standing in 1857. Married 1st, in Middleboro', 1741, Dekokah Thayer, of Carver. She died April 27, 1788, aged 64 years. He married 2d, Persis Record, daughter of James Harlow, and widow, first of Isaac Shaw, and second of Lemuel Record. No issue by this marriage with second wife, who died Aug. 28, 1802. Children of Perez '^ and Deborah, born in Middleboro' . I. Deliverance,* b. Dec. 29, 1742 ; m. as 2cl wife, Ebenezer Wright, of Plympton, Feb. .1, 1776. 13"2 II. Zebedee,* b. Aug. 19, 1745; m. Sarah Cushman, dau. of Caleb, Maj 24. 1764. III. Deborah,* b. Dec. 29, 1747 ; ra. Timothy Cobb, of Carver, April 16, 1765. Children. 1. Deliverance Cobb,b. 1766. 2. Timothy Cobb, b. 1769; ni. Rebecca Fuller. 3. ZabdielCobb, b. 1771. 4. Deborah Cobb, b. 1774. 5. Elizabeth Cobb, b. 1776. 6. Mary Cobb, b. 1778. 7. Nathaniel Cobb, b. 1780. 8. Thomas Cobb, b. 1782. 9. Elizabeth Cobb, b. 1785. 10. Alvan Cobb, b. 1787. 133 IV. Perez,* b. April 26, 1753; m. Patience Wood, Oct. 1, 1778. V. LvDiA,* b. June 20, 1756; m. Heman Crocker, Oct. 13, 1774. Heman died at sea, Sept. 5, 1801 ; Lydia, the mother, died in Carver, Oct. 22, 1843. Children. 1. Daniel Crocker, m. Mercy Pratt. 2. Perez Crocker, b. 1779; m. Freelove Thompson. 3. Eliezer Crocker, m. Lucy Nelson. 4. Heman Crocker, m. Rebecca Pratt. 5. Ebenezer Crocker, m. Abigail Edson. 6. Elizabeth Crocker, m. Israel Dunham. 7. Deborah Crocker, m. Icliabod Hovvland. 8. Lydia Crocker, m. Levi Sherman. 9. Rebecca Crocker. 34 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 134 VI. Isaac, ° b. Nov. 2S, 1758; m. Betsey Raymond, dau. of James. 135 VII. Joseph,* b. April 23, 1761; m. Alice Drake, in Middleboro', March 8, 1785. 48. LIEUT. JAMES * CHURCHILL (Benjamin,^ William,- John '). Born Dec. 30, 1726, in Middleboro'. Removed to Barnstable. Mentioned as lieutenant in Capt. Josiali Dunbar's Company, 1762 (Mass. Arch., Vol. 99, p. 217). Married 1st, 1748, Martha Black- well, of Sandwich, daughter of Samuel. Married 2d, Jan. 10, 1751, Mabcy (Baker) Cobb. She died Sept. 30, 1756. No issue. Married 3d, Feb. 30, 1757, Mrs. Mary (Cobb) Gorham, widow of Capt. Isaac, of Barnstable. Mrs. Mary Churchill, the third wife, was born June 14, 1721, and died at the age of 92 years in Yarmouth, where she was living with her daughter, Mrs. Thacher. Child by First Wife. I. Sarah,-^ b. Sept. 23, 1749. CJiildren by Third Wife. II. Mary,-'' b. Jan. 8, 1758; m. Col. Thomas Thacher. Children. 1. Armen Lewis Thacher, b. Dec. 3, 1788; d. unmarried. 2. Mary Thacher, b. April 28, 1791 ; d. unmarried. 3. Thomas Thacher, b. Dec. 29, 1793; d. young. 4. Thomas Thacher, b. July 25, 1795; d. March 3, 1863. 5. George Churchill Thacher, b. Dec. 30, 1796; d. in Dorchester, Oct. 21, 1856. 6. Sarah Thacher, b. May 13, 1800; d. young. III. Edward,^ b. Oct. 25, 1761. IV. James,^ b. July 13, 1766. 49. BEKJAMIN^^ CHURCHILL (Benjamin,' William,- John^). Born Jan. 3, 1728. Lived in Middleboro' until 1801, when he moved to the town of Hartford, Me. He settled there with his son Jabez. Married Thankful W^ood. Children horn in Middleboro' . 136 I. Jabez, ^ m. Louisa Lucas. II. James, ^ d. unmarried in Livermore, Me., aged 80. 137 III. William,* m. Lydia Maxim, of Wayne, Me. 138 IV. Joseph,* m. Williams, of Scituate, E.I. 139 V. Nelson, 5 m. Eunice Shaw, Jan. 12, 1786. VI. Dinah. 5 50. JABEZ* CHURCHILL (Josiah,' William,- JohnI). Born Jan. 21, 1723/4. Lived in North Bridgewater and died there in 1882. After his death, the widow, with her family, moved to Hebron, Me. Married, in North Bridgewater, Alice Briggs. FOURTH GENERATIOK 35 Mrs. Murch, a granddaughter, says that in the spring of 1784 or 1785, the widow, Alice, sold her only remaining cow, and with the proceeds paid the passage of herself and family on a schooner to Yarmouth, Me., and thence made her way to the home of her eldest daughter, who had settled in Hebron some years before. She brought six children along with her. She died three years later and is buried on Greenwood Hill. Children born in North Bridgewater. 139a* I. Alice,* b. Feb. 23, 1753; m. Elias Monk, of Bridsrewater, Feb. 10, 1772. 189b II. Rachel,* b. Oct. 7, 1754; m. Thaddeus Pratt, of Bridgewater, July 23, 1772. Removed to Hebron, Me. 140 III. Jabez,* b. 1759 ; m. Maria Benson. 140a IV. Susan,* b. 1760; m. Philip Mason. 141 V. JosiAH,* b. 17ti2 ; m. Lydia Orr. 142 VI. Benjamin,* b. 1765; m. Sally Benson. 142a VII. Charlotte,* b. 176'J; ni. Ephraim Barrows. 142b VIII. Celestia,* b. 1772; m. 1st, Benson: m. 2d, Besse. IX. Rebecca,* b. April 20, 1774; m. Daniel Faunce. Children. 1. Sally Faunce, m. .loseph Swift. 2. Olive Faunce, m. Richard Hathaway. 3. Daniel Faunce, m. Hannah Graves. 4. Rebecca Faunce, m. Edmund Dean. 5. Ira Faunce, m. Sally Holmes. . 6. Eliza Faunce, ra. John Lewis. 7. Hannah Faunce, m. Joseph Murch. 8. Alden Faunce, m. Olive Atkins. 9. Polly Faunce, b. May 29, 1815; m. Benjamin Murch. Aug. 24, 1834. X. Polly,* b. 1776; m. John Bird. Children. 1. John Bird. I 3. Lyman Bird. 2. Benjamin Bird. | 4. Asaph Bird. 143 XI. Asaph,* b. 1775; m. 1st, Betsey Dean; m. 2d, Polly Merrill. 51. ISRAEL ' CHURCHILL (Josiah,^ William,- John '). Born in Plympton, 1727. He settled at Tribes Hill, in the Mohawk Valley, IST.Y, (Tribes Hill was in Amsterd.am Township.) In his old age he removed to Canada with his sons and daughters, and died there. It has seemed impossible to gain any more than this meagre infor- mation about this family. Married, at Tribes Hill, N.Y., Hannah ( )■ *■ The families of the first five daughters carried forward to numbers 139a, etc. 144 V. 145 VI. 146 VII. VIII. IX. 147 X. 36 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children, all horn in the Mohawk Valley. I. Mark,^ never married. II. Patience,^ id. George Bates. III. Dolly, ^ ai. ( ) O'Regan. IV. Thankful,* m. ( ) Gillet. JoHN,^ m. Anna Hewitt. Joseph,* m. Abigail Hawley. Solomon,* m. Mrs. Rachel Bitts. Elinor,* m. ( ) Lillie. Elizabeth,* in. {- ) Hubbard. Cornelius,* b. June 27, 1789; m. Charlotte Barry, April 29, 1810. XI. Ezra * married, it is said, but we have no record. 55. JOSEPH * CHURCHILL (Josiah,^ William,- John '). Born in Easton, Oct. 2, 1741. Married, in Attleboro, 1762, Anne Daggett, of Attleboro', daughter of Nathaniel and Lydia (Tiffany) Daggett, born Jan. 14, 1744. Children. 148. I. Jacob,* b. 1763; m. Abigail Turner, in Gloucester, li. I. II. Samuel,* b. 1764; d. unmarried in 1850. III. Nathaniel,* b. 1769; d. at Comstock's Landing, Fort Anne, 18-10. 149 IV. Benjamin,* b. 1778; m. Temperance Perry, Putney, Vt., Oct. 6, 1799. 56. JACOB 4 CHURCHILL (Jostah,^ William,^' John '). Born in Easton, Nov. 3, 1744. Settled in Stockbridge. Married Lyllis Reed, who joined the church in Stockbridge in 1783. Children born in Stockbridge, exact order of birth not found. I. Phebe,* ra. 1st, Miles Curtis, son of Jonathan, of Lenox, June 17, 1793. He died, and she married 2d, Elias Hubbard, of Pompey, N.Y. By the first marriage she had two children. 1. Miles Curtis. | 2. Nancy Curtis. By second marriage. 3. Elias Gilbert Hubbard. 150 II. Alva,* m. Ist, Arvilla Andros; m. 2d, Anne Mott. III. Sybil,* m. 1st, Comfort Hart; ni. 2d, Isaac Ball. IV. AiJNis,* b. Sept. 20, 1782; m. 1st, Alanson Dewey, Nov. 29, 1802; m. 2d, ( ) Warner. Settled in Newark Valley, Tioga County, N.Y. V. Nancy,* b. Oct. 11, 1783; m. Samuel Dresser, Dec. 14, 1809. He was born July 11, 1781. and died at Waterford, Ohio, Sept. 25, 1857. She died June 13, 1855. They lived at Stockbridge, and had nine children. 1. Julia Dresser, b. March 23, 1811. 2. Edwin J. Dresser, b. Dec. 12, 1813. 3. Marshall Dresser, b. April 9, 1816. 4. Samantha P. Dresser, b. Sept. 19, 1820. 5. Emily A. Dresser, b. June 9, 1822. 6. Sarah Dresser, b. June 7, 1824. FOURTH GENERATION 37 7. Jane Dresser, b. March 9, 1826; d. June, 182G. 8. Nancy Lovina Dresser, b. April 6, 1828. t). Samuel Dresser, b. June 23, 1830. VI. Olive,* m. Isaac Perry Bali.. CJiildren. I. Emnieline Ball. | 2. Lucy Ball. | 3. George Ball. 151 VII. Seymore,= m. Rebecca Palmer, Jan. 4, 1810. 152 VIII. Daniel, = m. Experience Stafford. IX. Amanda,* m. Aaron Brown. Two Children. 1. Gilbert Brown. | 2. Henry Brown. 153 X. Jacob Miles,* b. May 10, 1799; m. Lucinda Thompson. 57. EBENEZER^ CHURCHILL (Joim,^ John,- John'). Bom in Plymouth, Nov. 6, 1721. Married 1st, Nov. 23, 1747, Mercy Branch, daughter of Thomas. Married 2d, Feb. 13, 1775, Patience Faunce. Children of First Wife. I. Ebenezer,* b. June 20, 1749; m. Jane Bartlett, Sept. 10, 1772. She m. 2il, Wji. Doty, 1784. No furtlier record. 154 II. Branch,* b. Dec. 17, 1751; m. Mary Churchill, Sept. 28, 1778. He served in the Revolution in Capt. Jesse Harlow's Company, Minute-men, April, 1775 ; also in Captain Mayhew's Company three months eight davs. No record of children. III. Bethiah,* b. Sept. 13, 1753; d. Dec. 28, 1753. IV. Bethiah,* b. Nov. 24, 1754; m. Zephaniah Holmes, April 4, 1796. One child, John Calderwood Holmes, b. 1797. ' V. Rebecca,* b. Nov. 1, 1756; d. Aug. 12, 1760. VI. Mercy,* b. April 19, 1759; d Sept. 9, 1760. 155 VII. George,* b. April 18, 1761 ; m. Elizabeth Harlow, April 2, 1786. VIII. Mary,* b. Nov. 10, 1763; m. John Washburn, Nov. 25, 1784. 58. JOHN ' CHURCHILL (John,^ John,'- John ^). Born at Plym- outh, April 15, 1727, died, 1759, aged 32. Married, at Plymouth, 1749, Sarah Cole. Child born in Plymouth. I. Sarah,* b. June 11, 1750; m. William LeBaron. Children . 1. William LeBaron, b. 1775. 2. Sarah LeBaron, b. 1776; m. Thomas Jackson. 3. Mary LeBaron, "tb. 1778. 4. Lucy LeBaron, j b. 1778 ; m. Thomas Mayo. ■ 5. Priscilla LeBaron, b. 1781; m. Gideon S. Alden, of New Bed- ford. 6. Eliza LeBaron, b. 1785. 7. William LeBaron, b. 1787. FIFTH GENERATION 59. SAMUEL 5 CHUECHILL, JR. (Samuel/ John/ Joseph/ John ^). Born in Stockbridge, 1733. With his wife he joined the church in Stockbridge, by profession, May 22, 1763. Married, at New Preston, Conn., 1761, Elizabeth Curtis, his cousin, daughter of Ehiathan and Rose (Weller) Curtis, who was born March 23, 1738, at Woodbury, Conn., and died at Owego, N.Y., Aug. 17, 1818. Children. I. LccY,« bapt. May 22, 1763; m. Henry Moore, Nov. 12, 1782. He was born Nov. 2, 1762. II. Olive, ^ bapt. April 8, 1764; in. 1st, Asa Leonard; m. 2cl, Perry Ball, Nov. 28, 1799. Child. 1. Chester Leonard. III. KosANNA,** bapt. Aug. 17, 1766; m. Abraham Parker, Feb. 24, 1785. He was born July 13, 1766. 156 IV. Asahel,<^ bapt. Aug. 6, 1769; m. Polly Hart, Feb. 4, 1785. 157 V. Samuel,*^ bapt. Jan. 19, 1772; m. Phebb Seward, Feb. 25, 1796. VI. Elizabeth,^ bapt. Oct. 23, 1774; m. Ebenezer Cook, April 3, 1793. He was born Sept. 18, 1774. VII. Solomon,* bapt. Nov. 17, 1776; d. in infancy. 158 VIII. Daniel,^ bapt. June 7, 1778 ; m. Jerusha Willard, May 25, 1795. She was born Jan. 31, 1778. 61. BARNABAS ^ CHURCHILL (Baknabas,^ Barnabas,^ Joseph,- JoHN ^). Born in Plymouth, Nov. 25, 1747. Lived in Plymouth, and died Aug. 29, 1821. Married 1st, Oct. 8, 1780, Sarah Faunce, daughter of Thomas. She died Nov. 9, 1801, aged 48 ; 2d, 1803, Lydia Cole, widow of Samuel H. She died Jan. 19, 1825. Children born in Plymouth. I. Barnabas,^ b. Oct. 19, 1784; d. Sept. 14, 1785, aged 10 months. 159 II. JoB,« b. March 2, 1787; m. Hannah T. Harlow, Dec. 18, 1808. III. Barnabas," b. Feb. 5, 1789; d. Sept. 8, 1789, aged 7 months. 63. SETH 5 CHURCHILL (Barxabas," Barnabas,^ Joseph," John '). Born in Plymouth, Oct. 1, 1754, and died Jan. 15, 1798. Married, July 6, 1783, Elizabeth Sylvester; she was born 1762, and died Sept. 5, 1814. (38) EIFTH GENEEATION 39 Children. I. LuCT,« b. July 2, 1789; d. September, 1791. II. David,« b. December, 1790; d. Sept. 30, 1791. III. Seth,« b. May, 1794 ; d. Sept. 24, 1795. 65. ICHABOD° CHURCHILL (Joseph/ Baknabas,^ Joseph," JoHN^). Born in Middleboro', Aug. 9, 1746, and lived there till near the close of the Revolution. Removed from Middleboro' to Woodstock, Vt., about 1779/80, where he resided on what was known as " the road to Rutland." He served in the Revolutionary war as sergeant in Capt. Amos Wade's Third ^Middleboro' Company of Minutemen, on Alarm of April 19, 1775; marched to Marshfield, three days* service. Later same year, same company, served three months. Married, Nov. 7, 1771, Sarah Tinkham, of Halifax, Mass. ; married by Rev. Ephraim Briggs. Children boi-n in Middleboro'. 160 I. IcHABOD,^ b. July 21, 1772; m. Priscilla Meacham, of Bridg- water, Vt. 161 II. NoAH,^ b. May 29, 1774; m. Folly Marshall, of Waterbury, Vt., May 29, 1798. 162 III. William,^ b. Nov. 12, 1776; m. Eunice Badger, of Bridgwater, Vt., June 1, 1802. 163 IV. Joseph,'' b. Dec. 25. 1777; ra. Dorothy Marshall, of Waterbury, Vt., Dec. 25, 1803. V. Eunice,^ b. Oct. 10, 1779; m. Nathan Kelsey, of Stowe, Vt. They lived in Stowe. She died Aug. 26, 1827. He died Aug. 1, 1861. Children horn in Stowe, Vt. 1. Mary Kelsey, m. John A. Upham. 2. Benjamin F. Kelsey, m. ( ) Kimball, of Woodstock, Ohio. 3. Roxanna Kelsey, m. Luke Atwood, of Stowe, and moved to Illinois. 4. Harrison Kelsey, m. ( ) lived in Minonk, III., in 1870. 5. Elias Kelsey, m. (- ) Spaulding, of Morristown. 6. Hiram Kelsey, m. ( ) Town, of Cady's Falls, Morristown. VI. Sarah,'' b. Aug. 10, 1781; m. ( ) Doubleday, of Pomfret, Vt. VII. Ruth,'' b. March 24, 1783; m. Ebenezer Barrows, of Stowe, Vt. Childre7i. 1. Ebenezer Barrows, m. (^ ) Russell. 2. Ruth Barrows, m. Edwin Thomas, of Stowe, Vt. 3. Hannah Barrows, m. Adrian Thomas, of Stowe, Vt. 4. Thomas A. Barrows, d. unmarried. Lived in California. 5. Dr. Albert Barrows, m. ( ) Daniels, of Woodstock, Vt. VIII. Mary," b. Dec. 1, 1784; m. Elijah Royce, of Woodstock, Vt. Child. 1. Almira Royce, m. ( ) Royce (a cousin), of Woodstock. IX. Ellen," b. Dec. 19, 1786; d. Jan. 17, 1787. X. Salome," b. March 28, 1788; m. Bartlett Elms, of Stowe, Vt. They lived in Stowe, Vt., till about 1S40, when they removed and settled on the old Churchill homestead, in Woodstock. 40 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children born in Siowc. 1. Osro J. Elms, b. 1820; ra, ( ) Tracy, of Stowe, Vt. 2. Salome Elms. XI. AsA,^ b. Marcb 14, 1790; m. Betsey Davenport, Oct. 26, 1815. They lived in Dublin, N.Y. He was in the war of 1812. No children. 164 XII. Jesse,^ b. May 8, 1792; m. Mary Washbcrx, of Woodstock, at Plymouth, Vt., March 1, 1819. XIII. Nathan T.,« b. May 17, 1795 ; ra. Elizabeth Raymond, of Bridg- water, Vt., April 4, 1823. He was a man of large influence, and held many high offices. He left no children. 66. JOSEPH^ CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ Baexabas,^ Joseph/ JoHJ< ^). He was born in Plymouth, July 14, 1748. After the death of his father, and his mother's marriage to Archippus Fuller, and removal to Woodstock, Vt., he was brought up by Mr. Daggett, of Middleboro', and lived with him until he was twenty-one years of age. He served in the war of the Revolution, in Capt. Isaac Wood's Company, Minute-men ; was then a corporal, afterwards sergeant. He marched to Marshfield, April 19, 1775. He served in other companies in 1777-1779, mostly in Rhode Island. He lived in Middleboro' till the close of the war when he removed to Woodstock, Vt., and settled there, on the north branch of the Queechey River, two and a half miles west of "The Green." Married, March 21, 1771, in Middleboro', Sarah Cobb, daughter of Gershom. She was born Sept. 20, 1747, and died in Stowe, Vt., in 1836. Children. 165 I. Levi,^ b. in Middleboro', April 24, 1772; ra. 1st, Priscilla Sim- mons, at Woodstock, Vt., 1798; m. 2d, Keziah Fletchek, March 24, 1800. II. Miriam, b. in Middleboro', Aug. 16, 1774; ra. 1st, Benjamin DiMMOCK. He d. in 1797; m. 2d, E.xperience Raymond, 1806. Child of First Husband. 1. Benjamin Churchill Diramock ; d. unmarried. Children of Second Husband. 2. Joseph Churchill Raymond. 3. Sarah Raymond. III. Sarah,^ b. in Middleboro', April 13, 1777: m. Dea. Asa Raymond, of Stowe, Vt. No children; d. Dec. 13, 1859. IV. LucY,^ b. at Woodstock, Vt., March 24, 1779; m. Capt. Daniel LoTHROP, of Stowe, Vt. ; d. at Williston, Vt., Feb. 5, 1853. Children. 1. Nancy Hyde Lothrop, b. Dec. 11, 1793; m. Ellet Perkins, Nov. 10, 1816. 2. Priscilla Lothrop, m. 1st, Daniel Robinson; m. 2d, Isaac Alger. FIFTH GE:N^EKATI0N 41 3. Sarali Lotlirop, v,\. Noah Kaymoml. 4. Armenia Lothrop, m. Curtis (or Cliarie^?) Col)l). 5. Daniel Lothrop, ra. Philena l^ow. 1(>() V. Joseph,'' b. in Woodstock, July 7, 1781; ni. Mrs. Clara Eddy Mkecham, of Woodstock, February, 1818. 107 VI. Sylvester,^ b. Aug. 2, 1783; ni. at Windsor, Lucy Hunter, Aug. 30, 1812. 168 VII. Isaac," h. Feb. 18, 1788; m. Julia Arnold, Oct. 18, 1824. VIII. SU.SAN W., b. July 19, 1793; m. Harper 1). Sears, of Stowe, Vt. They lived in Stowe, Vt., and had children. She died Aug. 2, 1865. Children . 1. Lucy H. Sears, b. Jan. 1."., 1824; m. Wni. Morrison, Dec. 20, 1846. 2. Elizabeth R. Sears, b. June 16, 182.5. 3. Nathan R. Scars, b. April 1, 1827. 4. Sylvester C. Sears, b. Feb. 5, 1829. o. Julia C. Sears, b. Aiig. 27, 1830. 6. Harper D. Sears, b. Feb. 20, 1832; d. July 3, 1834. 7. Fred M. Sears, b. Oct. 4, 1836. in Morristown, Vt. 8. Stephen D. Sears, b. May 3, 1838, in Morristown, Vt. 07. NATHANIEL ' CHURCHILL (Lemuel/ Barnabas,^' Joseph,-' JoHK ). Born iu Yarmouth, N.S., April 9, 1748. Lived iu Yar- moutli, N.S. Married 1st, Dec. 24, 1770, Betsey Ryder. She died Jan. 7, 1794 ; 2d, Nov. 20, 1800, ELmoR Metcalf (" Mid- kiff"); no children by second wife, who died July 25, 1813; 3d, Jan. 6, 1814, Elizabeth Green. The father of this large family died Dec. 8, 1820. Children by First Wife horn in Yarmouth, X.S. Betsey," b. Nov. 1, 1771. Nathaniel," b. Nov. 22, 1773; ni. Eunice Kinney, 1797. Lemuel," b. March 22, 1776. No further record. Lydia," b. Sept. 7, 1778. Bartlett," b. Jan. 7, 1781. No further record received. Hannah," b. Feb. 14, 1783. Stephen," b. Dec. 22, 178.5. No further record. Jekusha," b. April 23, 1787. Ben.tamin," b. Feb. 4, 1790: in. Elizabeth Everett, July 15, 1813. X. Mary," b. May 25, 1793. Children of the Tliird Wife. XI. Matilda," b. Dec. 17, 1814; m. ( ) Estey. XII. Fanny," b. May 3, 1816; m. ( ) Kitchen. XIII. John MuLBURY,"b. Jan. 3, 1818; d. in infancy. XIV. William," b. July 4, 1819; d. in infancy. The above record is copied from the old family Bible of Nathaniel ^ Churchill, now owned by his descendant, Charles W. Whitfield, of Langford, South Dakota. 68. EZRA ^ CHURCHILL (Lemuel," Barnabas," Joseph,-' John '). Born in Plymouth, Mass., Oct. 11, 1758; died Nov. 24, 1843. Lived in Yarmouth, N.S. Married, May 6, 1779, Mary Roberts, of Argyle, N.S. I. 169 II. 170 III. IV. 171 V. VI. 172 VII. VIII. 173 IX. 42 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children horn in Yartaouth, X.S. I. :Mauy,^ b. Aug. 21, 1780; m. Jonathan Crosby, son of Ebenezer. Children. 5. Neheniiah Crosby. 6. Abiel Crosby. 7. Melinda Crosby. 1. Eben Crosby. 2. John Crosby. 3. Margaret Crosby. 4. Mary Crosby. II. Lemuel,® b. July 10, 1781 ; d. young. 174 III. Ezra,® b. May 17, 1782; m. Elizabeth Trefry. 175 IV. Nehemiah,® b. 1786; m. Elizabeth Cann. 176 V. Benjamin,^ b. 1788; m. 1st, Lucy Ring; m. 2d, Mrs. Lydia (But- ler) Moses. 177 VI. Lemuel,® b. Aug. 7, 1790; in. Lydia Gardner. VII. Abigail,® b. Aug. 28, 1792. 178 VIII. John,® b. Sept. 4, 1797; m. Abigail Rogers, 1818. IX. Lydia,® b. Oct, 26, 1799; m. William Cokfran, son of William. Children of Lydia and William Coffran. 1. Maria Coffran, m. William McKay, of Newburyport, Mass. 2. Lucy Coffran, m. John Parfitt. 3. Mary Coffran, m. Robert Weston. 4. Martha Coffran, m. Thomas Avery. 5. Whitman Coffran, m. 1st, Rosanna Hersey, Nov. 10, 1861 ; m. 2d, Mrs. Mary Crosby, widow. 6. Ezra Coffran, lost at sea. 7. Emily Coffran, in. James Riley. 8. Lydia A. Coffran, m. Zenas Eldridge, July 23, 1863. X. Nancy,® b. June 4, 1806; m. 1st, Samuel Hibbard; 2d, "Watson Baker; 3d, Patrick Roach, Sept 30, 1842; 4th, John Craw- LET,-March 19, 1859. Children of Nancy {Churchill) and Second Husband, Watson Baker. 1. Ezra Baker, d. young. 2. Elmira Baker, m. Eben Scott. 3. Frederick Baker, ni. Lucy Ann Weston. Feb. 14, 1856. 4. Ann Baker, m. Stephen Butler, Nov. 25, 1852. 6. Watson Baker, lost at sea; unmarried. Children hy Third Ilushand, Patrick Roach. 6. Ezra C. Roach, m. Mary A. Churchill, Jan. 16, 1868. 7. Matthew Roach, m. Phebe Whitman, Oct. 13, 1874. 8. Benjamin Roach, died unmarried. XL Elizabeth,® m. Nathaniel Currier.; no issue, 69. ISAAC 5 CHURCHILL (Isaac/ Barnabas,'' Joseph,- John '). Born July 19, 1758, in Boston. He was a sea-faring man and was lost at sea with his son Isaac, aged 16 years. Married Sarah Morton. She was born in 1757, and was descended from John ^ Churchill and Desire Holmes, through Priscilla,* who married Thomas Rogers, and had daughter Ruth, who married Samuel Morton, and had this Sarah. FIFTH GENERATIOX 43 Children horn at Plyrnouth. I. Isaac," b. 1781. Lost at sea with his father at the age of 10. II. Sarah,^ b. Feb. 11, 1783; m. Jacob Curtis, of Duxburv, Oct. 15, 1805, and d. Oct. 13, 1837. Children of Jacob and Sarah Churchill Curtis. 1. Sarah M. Curtis, b. Oct. 19, 1806; m. Perez (or Percy) Cliurchill, of E. Pembroke. 2. Rebecca Churchill Curtis, b. in Duxburv, March 20, 1808; m. James Ford, of Marshfield, and d. 1868. 3. Nancy Elizabeth Curtis, b. in Pembroke, July 27, 1809; in. Natl. Morse, of Duxbury, Feb. 12, 1835. He died in 1884, and she died in 1883. 4. Isaac C. Curtis, b. in Penibrok?, May 28, 1811; m. Henrietta Churchill, Nov. 11, 1834. 5. William S. Curtis, b. in Pembroke, Jan. 31, 1813; m. Nancy S. Hunt, March 2, 1834, and d. 1872. 6. Jacob Curtis, b. in Duxbury, Dec. 23, 1814. Lost at sea, 1833. 7. James Bird Curtis, b. March 25, 1817; m. 1st, Eliza T. White; m. 2d, Eveline T. Whiting, of Pembroke. James died in J^ew Orleans, 1803. 8. Geo. R. Curtis, d. in infancy. 9. Meriiiali K. Curtis, b. in Duxbury, February, 1820; m. John T. Hunt, of Duxbury, November, 1838. 10. Hannah Curtis, b. Feb. 23, 1822; m. Briggs Paulding, of Dux- bury, 1843. 11. Elizabeth R. Curtis, b. April 11, 1825; m. Daniel Delano, Aug. 31, 1847. 179 III. Timothy,^ b. 1785; m. Olive Curtis, of Marshfield; married in Duxbury, 1807. IV Rebecca,^ b. Oct. 17, 1787. Lived in Plymouth; d. unmarried, in Sandwich, Sept. 2, 1872. 180 V. Seth,« b. 1790; m. Sarah S. Johnson, and d. 1816. VI. Nancy. ^ b. July 19, 1792; m. Samuel Chipman, of Barnstable, April 25, 1815. They were married in Plymoutli and lived in Barnstable. She d. April 4, 1883. Children born in Barnstable. 1. Nancy Chipman. d. in infancy. 2. Elizabeth Chipman, b Oct. 10, 1817; m. Lemuel Nye, of Sandwich, Dec. 6, 1838 : no issue. 3. Nancy Chipman, b. April 16, 1820; m. John S. Fiske, of Sand- wich, Oct. 10, 1844. 4. William Churchill Chipman, b. Feb. 27, 1822; m. Love E. Nye, Jan. 4. 1849. 5. Samuel Chipman, b. Dec. 22, 1823; unmarried. 6. Isaac Kimball Chipman, b. March 9, 1826; ni. MelindaN. Fiske, of Sandwich, Nov. 29, 1849. 7. James Chipman, b. Jan. 2. 1828; d. in Sandwich, April 20, 1850. VII. William," b. 1794; d. unmarried about 1816. 71. THOMAS 5 CHURCHILL (Thomas,* Barxabas/ Joseph,- John ^). Born at Newmarket Plains, N.H., 1762, and lived there. He served in tlie war of the Revolution in the Company of Capt. Jacob Webster, Colonel Reynolds' Regiment of N.H. militia. He 44 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY is credited with service in 1778 and again from Sept. 25 to Nov. 25, 1781. Por the first term of service, he in common with other soldiers received from the New Hampshire authorities " twenty-five bushels of corn per month in full for three months' service." He died in 1807. Married, at Stratham, N.H., 1786, Alice Ceeigh- Tox, daughter of James, born Oct. 13, 1767, and died April 10, 1850. Children born in Newmarket. 181 I. James Creighton,^ b. April 24, 1787; m. Eliza Walker Os- borne." II. Thomas,® b. April 4, 1791 ; d. unmarried in early manhood. III. Elizabeth H.,® b. Sept. 2, 1799 ; m. Solomon Pendergast, Nov. 1, 1821. He was of Newmarket and they lived there. Their Children born at Neivmarket. 1. Nathaniel Pendergast, died, leaving no family. 2. Roswell H. Pendergast, b. Jan. 10, 1832; m. Helen L. Parker, April 16, 1858. They removed to the West, and settled at Newton, Iowa. Children, (1), Alice E. Pendergast, b. Feb. 10, 1860; d. Sept, 21. 18G3; (2) Allan E. Pendergast, b. Jan. 3, 1862; d. Sept. 27, 1862; (3) Nettie M., b. April 6, 1863, d. Aug. 23, 1863; (4) Frederick N. Pendergast, b. July 8, 1864; (5) Charles Riley Pendergast, b. Sept. 4, 1865, d. Sept. 21, 1865; (6) Nellie B. Pendergast, b. Dec. 21, 1866; (7j Charles L. Pendergast, b. May 12,^1873, d. Aug. 2, 1873; (8) Herbert L. Pendergast, b. April 11, 1878, d. Aug. 14, 1878; (9) Roy H. Pendergast, b. Feb. 10, 1880, d. Aug. 5, 1880. ICHABOD^ CHURCHILL (Thomas/ Baknabas,^ Joseph,^ JoHjf^). Born at Newmarket Plains, N.H., June 24,1764. He lived at Parsonsfield, Me., a farmer and shoemaker. " The Oxford County Record," published at Kezar Falls, Me., in the issue of Dec. 26, 1885, has a sketch of •' Father Churchill," from which account it appears that he settled at Parsonsfield as early as 1798, and cleared and cultivated the farm, which his grandson Nathaniel Churchill owned and occupied in 1885. He is described as a push- ing, prosperous man, kind and benevolent, but withal somewhat eccentric. He was quite notable for his peculiar religious ideas and practices. He believed that he was under the special guidance of the Holy Spirit and, it is said, obeyed every impulse promptly, with- out consulting his reason. The sketch contains several amusing anecdotes illustrative of his peculiar traits. He died Sept. 15, 1855. First wife died Nov. 23, 1809. Second wife died Sept. 3, 1858. Married 1st, Elizabeth Doe, born 1769, and 2d, Leah Allen, Oct. 2, 1810. No children by last. FIFTH GENERATION 45 Children of the First Wife. I. Nicholas,^ b. June 3, 1790; d. unmarried, Aug. 10, 18-45. II. Betsey,'* b. March 27, 1793; d. unmarried, Murch 30, 1877. III. John," b. Sept. 22, 1795; d. unmarried, Oct. 5, 1873. 182 IV. Thomas,« b. Jan. 20, 1798; m. Mary Banks, March 14, 1830; d. Oct. 16, 1878. V. Mary,'' b. Jan. 24, 1801; m. Robinson Blaisdell, of Eaton, N.II., Dec. 29, 1830. Mary d. May 4, 1865. He d. Feb. 27, 1867. They had three Children. 1. Nicholas Blaisdell, b. March 29, 1,S3-'; ni. Martha C. Hood, of Somerville, Feb. 21, 1867. 2. Elizabeth Ann Blaisdell, b. Sept. 5, 1834. Lives in Boston, Mass. 3. Mary Melvina Bhiisdell, b. Sept. 11, 1^39; d. unmarried, Dec. 4, 1863. VI. Nancy. ^ b. Oct. 9, 1803: m. Greexleaf Smith, of Cornish, Me. They lived at Cornish. lie was a tanner. He d. 1867; she d. 1877. Children horn in Cornish. 1. Thomas Churchill Smith, b. Aug 14, 1825; m. Mary Louisa Trafton, May 30. 1847. 2. John Franklin "Smith. b. July 26, 1828; m. Mary Barker Chad- bourne, March 4, 1852. 3. Henry Hyde Smith, b. Feb. 2, 1832; m. Mary Sherborn Dana, Dec. 24, 1861. 4. Roscop Greenough Smith, b. .April 4, 1836; m. Sarah Pingree Robinson, July 6, 1861. 5. Annie Clark Smith, b. Dec. 28, 1841 ; d July 19, 1846. 73. JOSEPH 5 CHURCHILL (Thomas/ Barxaba.s,^ Joseph,- JoHJ^^). Born ill Newmarket, N.H., May 7, 1768 ; died in Brook- field, N.H., March 4, 1824. He was a farmer in Newmarket and Brookfield, N.H. Married, in Newmarket, 1794, Sally Tash, of Lee, N.H. Children, the first three born in Newmarket, the rest in Brookfield., N.H. 183 I. John Tash,® b. Aug. 6, 1796; m. Mehitable Gilman Willey, March 5, 1817. 184 II. Joseph Tash," b. April 18, 1798; m. Martha M. Wiggin, Sept. 1, 1824. 185 III. Thomas Tash,'' b. Aug. 26, 1800; m. 1st, Ann Wentworth ; m.2d, Eunice King. 186 IV. Ebenezek Chapman,'' b. Nov. 11, 1802; m. Ann E. Gove, of Portsmouth. V. Sarah Tash," b. March 4, 1805; m. Rev. Samuel Nutt. 187 VI. Nathaniel," b. April 2, 1807; m. Sophia K. King. VII. Mary A.," b. March 26, 1809; unmarried. 188 VIII. Daniel," b. Dec. 3, 1811 : m. Eleanor Longley, of Lee, N.H. 189 IX. Charles." b. April 3, 1814; m. Irene Purington. X. Betsett Tash," b. May 14, 1816; m. Cyrus C. Pickering, New- market, N.H. They lived at Manchester, N.H., and had Child. 1. James W. Churchill Pickering, b. Sept. 1, 1844; m. 1st, Julia T. Dow, at Woburn, Mass., and had children (1) Herbert Dow Pickering, b. April 23, 1870; (2) Josephine Belle Pick- 46 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY ering, b. June 24, 1872; (3) Harry Edward Pickering, b. Nov. 18, 1874; (4) Nellie Gertrude Pickering, b. March 28, 1876; Co) James William Churchill Pickering, Jr., b. May 21, 1878; d. Dec. 16, 1880. Mr. Pickering, Sr., m. 2d, Mary E. Bacon, of Waltham, but had no children by this marriage. 190 XI. James Monroe,^ b. Jan. 3, 1819; m. Elizabeth Perkins, of Exeter, N.H. 191 XII. William," b. Aug. 8, 1821; m. Elizabeth Kittredge, of Lowell, Mass. 74. NATHANIEL ' CHURCHILL (Thomas/ Barxabas,' Joseph,- JoHN '). Born March 31, 1772. He lived in Brookfield and Eaton, N.H. He was a farmer and a deacon of ,the church. Married 1st, Patience Tash (sister of Sally, his brother Joseph's wife) ; Pa- tience died May 13, 1803 ; 2d, Polly Jackson. Children of First Wife. I. HoLLis," b. Aug. 20, 1801 ; m. Mary J. Lathers ; no children. II. Polly,** b. Feb. 24, 1803 ; d. in infancy, buried with her mother, in Brookiield. Children of Second Wife. III. James, E.", b. Nov. 16, 1805; m. Caroline March, 1829; both d. October, 1831. One daughter, Mary Emmeline, was reared by her grandparents. 192 IV. Thomas C^b. Feb. 26, 1807; m. Emmeline S. Bailey, Bridg- " ton, March 20, 1834. V. Sally," b. Oct. 9, 1809; m. 1st, J. Langdon March; m. 2d, Amos Towle. Children. 1. John L. March, b. June 12, 1831. 2. Abby March, d. young. 3. Edwin March, d. young. 4. Mary Ann March, d. young. By the Second Husband. 5. Elizabeth Towle. | 6. Sarah Towle. 193 VI. John," b. June 17, 1811; m. Melissa Colby or Crosby. 194 VII. Nathaniel," b. July 1, 1818; m. Elizabeth Goldthwait, Nov. 4, 1841. 195 VIII. Ichabod D.," b. Sept. 29, 1845; m. 1st, Clara Quint ; m. 2d, Sarah D. Lord. 75. JOHN ^ CHURCHILL (Thomas,* Barnabas,=^ Joseph,- John ' ). Born May 11, 1776. They lived in Deerfield, N.H. Married, Nov. 14, 1799, Sally Tkue. Children. 196 I. William Graves," b. July 29. 1809 ; m. Sally Mead Page. II. John T. B.," b. Sept. 23, 1816; d. unmarried in Washington, D.C., 1841. He died from the effects of a wound received in the war of the Rebellion. FIFTH GENEKATION 47 76. JOHNS CHURCHILL (Ebenezer/ Baknabas/ Joseph,- JoHis" '). Born in Plymouth, June 23, 1763. His boyhood was passed at Plymouth, where he was engaged with his elders in fish- ing in the season. The year he was aged ten he earned $36.67 as his share of the catch of codfish. He was industrious and frugal, making the most of his chances of work and education. xVt fifteen years he went to Pittsfield and there worked on a farm by the month for three years, and then bought a farm of forty acres of Mr. James. He was strenuous, honest, and of good judgment, and these qualities made him a man of property and influence in the commu- nity, and he represented his town many times in the General Court of Boston. He died in Pittsfield, June 8, 1849. Married, 1788, in Pittsfield, Mehitable Hubbard, of that town, born Dec. 17, 1767, and died Aug. 29, 1843. Their Children born in Pittsfield. I. Martha.® b. Aug. 20, 1789; m. Capt. Daniel Merriman, of Pitts- field, Dec. 4, 182(). Captain Merriman was born in Dalton, Mass., June 23, 1777, and died in Pittsfield, June 3, 1850. They lived in Hinsdale for some years and their children were born there, viz. : 1. John Churchill Merriman, b. May 2, 1828; d. Dec. 21, 1849. 2. Clark Spencer Merriman, b. Sept. 26, 1829; ni. Harriet Maria Mullen, of Binghamton, N.Y., b. March 22, 1832, and had, (1) Fannie Myra Merriman, b. at Osborn Hollow, N.Y., April 6, 1854; m. Lyman Chester Beebe, of Union, N.Y., May G, 1873, and had two children born in Alton, Iowa: Clark Talmadge Beebe, b. Sept. 24, 1874, and Frank Chester Beebe, b. April 3, 1879. 3. Daniel Watson Merriman, b. Feb. 18, 1831; d. in Pittsfield, Nov. 4, 1849. 4. Wheelock Seymour Merriman, b. May 20, 1833; m. Mary E. Smith, of Pennsylvania, 1866. II. John,® b. July 5, 1791 ; d. Aug. 2, 1791. III. Sophia," b. July 25, 1792; m. Linus Parker, Oct. 12, 1815. Mr. Parker was born in Lenox, Oct. 30, 1790. They lived in Pitts- field where he was a farmer and proprietor of a sawmill. He d. April 7, 1872, and Sophia d. March 14, 1872. Their children, born in Pittsfield, were : 1. Adelia Mehitable Parker, b. June 16, 1817; m. Buel B. Bull, of Kent, Conn., Sept. 14, 1833, and had at Pittsfield, (1) James Bull, b. May 10, 1838; (2) Mary Ellen Bull, b. March 28., 1842; d. in Lenox, Aug. 30, 1878; (3) Ulyssa Sophia Bull, b. April 22, 1850; m. Anthony Stewart, and had Wayne B. Stewart, Florence A., and Francis T. Stewart; (4) Jane Adelia Bull, b. July 19, 1853; m. Martin Sears, of Lenox, March 8, 1864, and had Frederick DeWitt Sears, Albert Eugene Sears, Robert L. Sears James Buel Sears, and Clarence Luther Sears, all born between 1863 and 1874, in Lenox. 2. John Churchill Parker, m. 1st. Sarah Fulton, of Milan, N.Y., Sept. 4, 1848. She d. in Milan, Aug. 3, 1855, leaving three children, viz. : John Dwight Parker, b. April 9, 1850; Fulton Churchill Parker b. AugT 31 , 1851 ; and Sarah Fulton Parker, 48 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY b. June 2G, 1855, who died nine days after the mother, Aug. 12, 1855. Mr. Parker ni. 2d wife, Lydia Goodrich, of Pitts- field, Dec. 8, 1856, and liad one child, Carrie Goodrich Parker, b. March 13, 1861. 3. Jane Elizabeth Parker b. May 26, 1823; m. Nathl. B. Williams, of Lebanon, Conn., May 1, 1845, and had children born in Lebanon, Conn., viz. : (1) Ellen Cornelia Williams, b. May 12, 1846, and (2) Mary Sophia, b. May 3. 1854. 4. Mary Sophia Parker, b. Sept 30, 18:.'4; m. Dr. John Manning, of Lebanon, Conn., May 2, 1844. Their children were (1) John Henry Manning, b. in Ellington. Conn., July 23, 1846; m. Grace LeBaron Washburn, of Lenox, Mass., June 1, 1870, and had Love LeBaron Manning, b. in Lenox, Nov. 11, 1871; Franklin Washburn Manning, b in Pittsfield, July 28, 1874; Anna Parker Manning, b in Pittsfield, Nov. 25, 1875, and John Parker Manning, b. in Pittsfield, March 23, 1879; (2) Mary Ellen Manning, b. in Ellingrton, Conn,, July 30, 1848; (3) Emily King Manning, b. in Pittsfield. Sept. !), 1856; (4) Jennie Augusta Manning, b. April 18, 1858. 5. Edwin Linus Parker, b. July 24, 1827: m. Jane Eliza Green, of Pittsfield, Oct. 14, 1855. Lived in Pittsfield, and had chil- dren born there, viz. : (1) George Dwight Parker, b. June 11, 1857; (2) Lemuel Green Parker; and (3) Linus Eoot Parker, twins, b. June 3, 1858 (the latter d. Sept. 27, 1858) ; (4) Jf^nnie Sophia Parker, b. Aug. 14, 1859; d. Sept. 27, 1859 ; (5) Fannie Jane Parker, b. April 2, 1861 ; (6) Ella Gertrude Parker, b. June, 1867; (7) Sarah Churchill Parker, b. July 15, 1873. 6. James Dwight Parker, b. Aug. 31, 1829; d. Dee. 30, 1837. 7. Marilla Frances Parker, b. May 15, 1831; m. Henry Chapman, of Pittsfield. Jan. 31, 1850. They had born in PittsSeld, (1) Henry Temple Chapman, b. Jan. 21, 1852; m. Lucy Lapham, of Adams, August, 1871. , She d. in 1875, and he m. 2d, Mary Overhalster, of Peach Grove, Tenn., in 1877. 8. Frederick Sereno Parker, b. May 29, 1833; m. Cynthia Bourne, of Lenox, Jan. 1, 1856, and had children born in Pittsfield, viz. : (1) Frederick Bourne Parker, b. May 10, 1860; d. Aug. 9, 1860; (2) Susan Cutting Parker, b. Oct. 3, 1861; (3) Minnie Adelle Parker, b. April 19, 1864; (4) Frederick Bourne Parker, b. June 24, 1865; d. Aug. 15, 1865; (5) Dwight Bourne Parker, b. May 20, 1870; d. Aug. 2, 1871; (6) Alice Bell Parker, b. March 20, 1873. 9. Ella Maria Paiker, b. April 23, 1836; d. Dec. 31, 1837. 15)7 IV. Charles,^ b. Feb. 25, 1796 ; m. Ch.velotte M. Francis, Dec. 4, 1826. V. Laura,® b. July 5, 1797; m. Wells FoWler, of Fowlersville, N.y., 1839. No further record found. VI. LucT," b. June 12, 1799; m. Almeron D. Francis, of Pittsfield, April 29, 1829. They lived in Pittsfield and had children born there. 1. Lucy Maria Francis, b. June 12, 1830; d. Jan. 29, 1838. 2. Henry Martin Francis, b. Aug. 3, 1835; d. June 20, 1845. 3. James Dwight Francis, b. Dec. 23, 1837; m. 1st, Martha J. Tower, June 5, 1859 ; m. 2d, Annie M.Fabricius, Sept. 29, 1886. They lived in Pittsfield and had children born there, viz. : (1) Henry Almeron Francis, b. Oct. 6, 1861; (2) George Dwight Francis, b. Jan. 22, 1866; d. March 27, 1886; (3) Frederick Tower Francis, b. Nov. 21, 1869; (4) Clifford Francis, b. March 3, 1872 ; (4) Robert Talcott Francis, b. Dec. 7, 1873. VII. Jane," b. Nov. 8, 1800; d. unmarried Sept. 22, 1822. VIII. Frederick,^ b. Aug. 15, 1802; d. September, 1802. IX. Sarah Fowler," b. Jan. 27, 1809 ; m. James Francis, of Pitts- field, June 14, 1832. They lived in Pittsfield and their children were born there, viz. : FIFTH GENERATION 49 1. Edward Stillman Francis, b. Dec. 20, 1835; m. 1st, Elinor H. Tucker, Jan. 13, 1857 ; m. 2d, Mrs. Delia Buell, of Utica, N.Y. Children, (1) Edward Norman Francis, b. in Shelburne Falls, Dec. 24, 1857; (2) Nellie Agnes Francis, b. in Shelburne Falls, April U, 18G1. 2. James Henry Francis, b. May 5, 183!) ; m. Francis Porter, of Coventry, Conn., May 8, 1873. They lived in Pittsfield and had (1) Thomas Porter, b. June 8, 1875; d. Aug. 14, 1875 (2) John Ernest Porter, b. Dec. 18, 1877. 3. Charles Churchill Francis, b. Dec. 11, 1841; m. Hattie A Wood, of New York, March 11, 1868. They lived in Syra cuse, N.Y., and had one daughter, fl) Daisy Wood Francis b. Dec. 3, 1878. 19S X. Samuel Adams," b. Sept. 28, 1810; m. Esther Brooks, of Lenox, Sept. 23, 1870. 77. LEMUEL 5 CHURCHILL (John/ Barxabas,^ Joseph,- John '). Born in Pittsfield, Mass., Feb. 9, 1773. Removed in 1803 to Trux- ton, N.Y. They moved in an ox-cart, when Sally, the first child, was about six months old, and located on a farm of one hundred acres about three miles north of what is now Truxton Village. He died March 3, 1813. Married, 1802, Mindwell TiLlotson, of Lanesboro', born 1773. She died March 6, 1828. Children., all bid first born in Truxton., N. Y.; first bora in jVassachusetts. I. Sally," b. Sept. 9, 1803; d. unmarried, Sept. 27, 1850. II. John," b. Aug. :i6, 1805 ; d. Oct. 18, 1822. III. Eliza," b. Sept. 16, 1807; m. Erastus Holley, Oct. 27, 1831. Childre?} horn in Truxton., N. Y. 1. Curtis D. Holley, b. Sept. 25, 1832. 2. Arminda E. Holley, b. Feb. 24, 1836; m. Jason W. Crandall, of Truxton, Oct. 22, 1862. Lived in Homer, N.Y. 3. Frances E. Holley, b. May 8, 1840; d. May 2, 1851. 4. Marietta Holley, b. June"'22, 1846; m. Michael Wiegand, Feb. 8, 1870. They lived at Truxton, N.Y. He was a farmer, son of Charles T. and Clara (Herbert) Wiegand. Children born in Truxton. 1. Hattie Arminda Wiegand, b. Dec. 19, 1870; d. Feb. 25, 1871. 2. Charles Erastus Wiegand, b. Jan. 24, 1872; m. Grace Jones, April 20, 1898. 3. Minnie Eliza Wiegand, b. July 8, 1874. 4. Alena Mav Wiegand, b. Dec. 8, 1879; d. March 31, 1880. 5. Elmer Jason Wiegand, b. Oct. 11, 1881. 199 IV. Orrin," b. Feb. 16, 1809; m. 1st, Emmeline Pope, Feb. 1, 1832; m. 2d, Jane L. Porter, Nov. 2, 1843. She died Nov. 16, 1854; m. 3d, Frances E. Richardson, at Buciianan, Mich., Nov. 3, 1855. V. Anna," b. Sept. 4, 1811 ; d. unmarried in December, 1856. 78. JOHN^ CHURCHILL (John," Barnabas,^ Joseph,' John^). Born in Pittsfield, Mass., March 27, 1780, and lived there. Married, 1815, in Pittsfield, Hulda Brown. 50 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY children born in Pittsjield. 200 I. Lemuel B.,'' b. Nov. 24, 1816; m. Lydia Bradford, of Conway, Mass. II. Thomas P.,« b. Feb. 18, 1818; unmarried, living in Pittsfield. III. John B.,® b. March 2, 1819; unmfirried, living in Pittsfield. IV. Sarah A.,® b. May .5, 1820; m. Elisha Jenks ; no children. V. Mary," b. June 11, 1821 ; d. Jan. 19, 1835. VI. HuLDA,6 b. Aug. 29, 1822; d. October, 1879; m. 1st, Obadiah Kelley, of Pittsfield; m. 2d, Rufus Richmond, of Adams, Mass. Child by First Husband. 1. Huldah Kelley, died in a few hours. Children by Second Husband. 2. Mary J. Richmond, b. 1877. 3. Clara K. Richmond, b. Oct. 25, 1879. VII. Clarissa,® b. May 2, 1825; m. Alonzo Goodrich. No children. 79. BRADFOED^ CHURCHILL (John/ Baknabas," Joseph,- JoHN ^). Born in Pittsfield, Sept. 13, 1786. Removed to Truxton, N.Y., in 1804. Was a carpenter, and built the Baptist church in Truxton, from the steeple of which he fell and was killed. Married Selinda Robbins, of Pittsfield. Children. 201 I. Alanson,^ b. Sept. -t, 1S12; m. Eliza Burlingame, of Lanesboro'. II. Almira,'' m. Caleb Warren, of Dalton. Child. 1. Ciileb Warren, Jr. III. Lemuel,^ unmarried. 80. SPENCERS CHURCHILL (Joh< Barnabas,^ Josep< JoHN^). Born in Pittsfield, Mass., June 10, 1789. Married, Nov. 11, 1820, Clarissa Murphy, of Pittsfield. Child. I. Harriet,^ b. Feb. 9, 1822; m. Eli V. Beals, Nov. 2, 1841. Children. 1. Robert S. Beals, b. Aug. 12, 1842; d. Aug. 31, 1843. . L-rbraB^atl'^-^^^^-^'^^^^- 81. JOSEPPI ' CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,^ John '). Born in Boston, Sept. 19, 1745 ; died in Boston, Dec. 21, 1807. They settled first in Salem, about 1768, but before 1774 removed to Wells, Me. At Wells he raised a company, at his own expense. FIFTH GENERATION 51 and joined Benedict Arnold in the expedition to Canada, but having some trouble with Arnold, he withdrew his company. He after- wards served as lieutenant in Capt. James Hubbard's Company, Col. Ephraim Doolittle's Regiment. Company's return dated at camp on Winter Hill, Oct. 10, 1775. In 1783 he removed to Boston, and kept a public house on Exchange street. He was a Freemason, and Master, for a time, of CJolumbia Lodge, of Boston. He married Anne Northy, daughter of David, of Marblehead. She was born 1745, and died in Bristol, R.L, July, 1822. Children. I. Joseph, ** b. in Salem, 1771/2. Went to sea and never returned. II. Nehemiaii, b. in Salem; died young. 202 III. Benjamin King, b. in Wells, Me., July 13, 177-1 ; m. 1st. Clarissa Eaton; m. 2d, Elizabeth Holman. IV. David Northy, b. in Boston. Probably lost at sea. 82. JOHN 5 CHURCHILL (Joseph,'' Joseph,-' Joseph,' John i). Born in 1748, in Salem, and lived there until 1775/6. Then settled in New Salem. Is said to have served in the war of the Revolution. Perhaps he was in Lieut. James Hubbard's Company, Aug. 17 to Aug. 23, 1777. In 1796 he removed to Benson, Vt., where he died Aug. 23, 1798. Married, 1773, Sarah Stacy, of Salem. She was born in 1752, and after the death of her husband moved from Benson, Vt., to Mooers, N.Y., with her family, and there died. May 29, 1830. Children horn, the first in Salem, the rest in New Salem. 203 I. John,^ b. March 27, 1774 ; m. Hannah Schriver, dau. of Frederick, of Hemingford. Can. 204 II. Joseph,^ b. Jan. 18, 177G; m. Susannah Bailey, in Chazy, N.Y. III. Mary,^ b. Dec. 21. 1777; m. Daniel SouTinvicic, of Benson, Vt., Oct. 5, 1797. They removed to Mooers, N.Y., in 1802. She died there March 31, 1831. Mr. Southwick was born June 11, 1773, and died Jan. 15, 1839. Children born at Mooers, N. Y. 1. Philetus E. Southwick, b. Nov. 7, 1S02 ; m. Eliza Stacey, of Benson, Vt., 1827, and d. 1864. 2. Maria M. Southwick, b. Aug. G, 1804; m. Abel Knapp, of Mooers, N.Y.. Aug. 13, 1820; d. Aug. 25, 1874. 3. Almeda Southwick, b. July 4, 1810 ; m. Solon Knapp, 1838, and moved to Ottawa, 111. 4. Royal Southwick, b. Fel). 7, 1813; m. Lydia R. Child, of Som- erset, N.Y.. June 13, 1841. IV. Sarah, ^ b. May 17, 1780; m. Joshua C. Bosworth, in Mooers, N.Y., 1800. "she died in Mooers, March 3, 1853. He was born June 25, 1775, and died Feb. 14, 1860. 52 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children born at Mooers, N. Y. 1. Franklin C. Bosworth, b. 1809. 2. Chester Bosworth, b. Dec. 24, 1819. Two daugliters died in infancy. 205 V. Samuel,^ b. Aug. 8, 1782; m. Martha L. Bosworth, Feb. 8, 1814; d. Feb. 23, 1865. 200 VI. Jeremiah,^ b. 1785; m. Mary Frost. VII. Elizabeth, ** b. 1787; ra. ( ) Ptnchon. She died leaving one daughter, but the father removed to the West with her, and all trace is lost in her mother's family. VIII. Agnes,6 b. April 21, 1789; m. Isaac Fitch, 1806. She died April 3, 1868. He was born Aug. 2, 1786, and died Oct. 1, 1851. Children horn at Mooers, N. Y. 1. James Fitch, b. 1807; m. Harriet Perry, of Chaniplain. Children. Marcellus, Emmett, Elmer, Katharine, Wilmer, Francis. 2. Jabez Fitch, b. Aug. 18, 1809; m. and settled in Ottawa, 111. ; d. 1851. 3. Jeremiah Fitch, b. July 7, 1811 ; d. 1811. 4. Julius Fitch, b. Aug. 21, 1812; settled in llockford, 111. ; d. 1879. 5. Joel Fitch, b. May 7, 1815; settled in Clinton, la. 6. Matilda C. Fitch, b. Aug. 20, 1817; m. Rev. Hiram Dunn. 7. Isaac Fitch, b. Jan. 20,^1820; d. February, 1843. 8. Maria Fitch, b. Jan. 21, 1822; ni. ( ) Brewster; lived in Ottawa, 111. ; d. 1890. 9. Pliny Fitch, b. Jan. 22, 1824; d. February, 1850. 10. Aurelia Fitch, b. April 9, 1826; d. June 9, 1832. 11. Alvah Fitch, b. Feb. 15, 1828; settled in Franklin Grove, 111. 12. Susannah Fitch, b. Nov. 13, 1830; m. Dr. Joel Chandler; d. in 1875, and left ten children. IX. Deborah,^ b. Nov. 11, 1794; m. Jonas Parker, Sept. 1, 1810; she d. Feb. 2, 1879. Children born in Mooers, X. Y. 1. Sophia Parker, b. Dec. 11, 1812; m. John Henry, Feb. 15, 1838. Lives in Keene, N.Y. 2. Eliza Parker, b. Feb. 7, 1815; m. Joseph Dumont, Sept. 10, 1833. 3. Chauncy Parker, b. April 30, 1817 ; m. Melissa Eaton, 1840. 4. Isaac F. Parker, b. Nov. 4, 1818; m. Julia A. Tracy, Dec. 13, 1842. 5. Edgar Alonzo Parker, b. Oct. 4, 1820; m. Mary E. Brewster, Oct. 5, 1845. 6. Jeremiah Churchill Parker, b. Aug. 4, 1823; d. unmarried, Nov. 6, 1849. 7 Paschal Pevlah Parker, b. March 10, 1826; m. 1st, Miriam Mc- Ewer, Nov. 19, 1850; m. 2d, Martha McEwer, Jan. 7, 1852. 83. SAMUEL 5 CHURCHILL (Samuel/ Joseph,^ Joseph,- John ^). Born in Lancaster, Oct. 130, 1749. He served in the Revolution, in the Lancaster Company, Capt. Samuel Sawyer, Col. John Whit- comb's Regiment Minute-men, 1775. Corporal also under same FIFTH GENERATION 53 captain, marched to New York in Col. Jonathan Smith's Regi- ment, July to December, 1776. Married, March 6, 1781, Rebecca Wilder, of Sterling. Children . 207 I. John," b. July 7, 1782; m. Dolly Mears, of Sterling, Dec. 12, 1813. II. Rebecca, * b. June 2, 178(i; m. Levi Wellington, of Worcester, Aug. 16, 1819. Child. 1. Samuel Torrey Wellington. III. Samuel, Jr.,'' b. Oct. 24, 1788; d. unmarried, Jan. 31, 1827. IV. Sally," \). Oct. 31, 1791 ; m. John Burgess, of Groton, Jan. 1, 1833. She died Jan. 12, 1862, leaving no issue. 84. ELIEZER^ CHURCHILL (Eliezek,* Eliezek,^ Eliezek,^ John ^). Born in Plymouth, Oct. 31, 1744. Lived in Bridgewater and Abingtou; was a shoemaker. Married 1st, Sept. 27, 1764, Mrs. Jane (Sylvester) Rider ; married 2d, Feb. 12, 1776, Abigail Bartlett. Children by First Wife. 208 I. Eliezer," b. 176G; m. Lucy Otis, of Scituate, Jan. 27, 1788. II. Charles,® m. Jedidah Hawes, May 24, 1794. No record. III. Deborah," m. Eliezer Alden, Jan. 1, 1797. Children. 1. Lewis Alden. I 8. Rebecca Alden. 2. Isaac Alden. | Child by Second Wife. IV. Jane," b. 1777; m. 1st, Eusha Lincoln, Nov. 13, 1803; m. 2d, ( ) Haskell; lived in South Bridgewater. 87. THADDEUS^ CHURCHILL (ELmzER,^ Eliezer,^ Eliezer,^ JoHN^). Born Nov. 29, 1745. Lived in Plymouth, probably in the south part of the town. In 1803 he owned a half of old house known as the '' Chandler House."' Married, Dec. 3, 1774, Asenath Delano. Childreti born in Plymouth. 20}> I. Thaddeus," b. March 23, 1776; m. Mercy Fuller, Nov. 11, 1798. II. Patience," m. Solomon Finney, Nov. 9, 1797. Moved to Chilli- cothe, O. III. William," m. Mrs. Martha (Albertson) Harlow, May 24, 1807. She was the dan. of Jacob Albertson and the widow of Amaziah Harlow. 210 IV. Joseph," b. 1782; m. 1st, Mercy LeBaron Goodwin, July 28, 1804; m. 2d, Lydia LeBaron Goodwin, Oct. 19, 1823. V. Asenath," m. Capt. John Paty, March 25, 1802. 54 THE CHUKCHILL FAMILY 88. SAMUEL ' CHURCHILL, (Josiah/ Eliezee,^ Eliezer;' Johx '). Born in Plymouth, July 10, 1754. Served in the war of the Revo- lution, probably in Capt. Jesse Harlow's Company of Minute-men on Alarm of April 19, 1775. Perhaps the pensioner of 1831. Married, Dec. 14, 1776, Elizabeth Churchill, daughter of Ama- ziah (No. 37). Children. 211 I. Samuel,*^ b. May 3, 1779; m. Nancy Covington, Nor. 8, 1801. 212 II. Caleb, •* b. March 25. 1782; m. Lydia Greenold. III. Mendall,'' b. April 13, 1786; m. Mary ( ). Lost at sea. IV. Lucy," b. June 24, 1788; m. Zechariah Rhodes, Nov. 6, 1804. They removed to and resided in Maryland. ;'■' Child. 1. Lucy Rea Rhodes, b. Oct. 28, 1822, at Joppa Mills, Md.; m. Wm. S. Thompson, M.D., at Catonville, Md. V. Henry," b. July 29, 1790; d. young; unmarried. VI. Deborah," b. Aug. 12, 1793; m. Joseph Vose, of Stoughton, Nov. 30, 1815. Children. 1. Henry Clay Vose, b. Oct. 6, 1816; m. Rachel Wild Faxon, of Braintree, Nov. 6, 1839. Children of Henry C. and Raxhel Vose. 1. Francis Henry Vose, b. at Taunton, Aug. 9, 1840; d. Sept. 27, 1840. 2. Clifton Henry Vose, b. at Rochester, April 1, 1842; d. in Rebel Prison, SC, Oct. 27, 1864. 3. George Mendell Vose, b. Watertown, May 22, 1847; d. April 1, 1849. 4. Thomas French Vose. b. Watertown, Jan. 24, 1849; d, Feb. 13, 1850. 5. Edwin Faxon Vose, b. Watertown, Oct. 17, 1850. 6. Albert Churchill Vose, b. Clinton, N.Y.. April 26, 18.53. 7. Frederick Parkhurst Vose, b Marion, Mass., Jan 13, 1855; d. Feb. 23, 1880. 8. Agnes Allen Vose, b. Marion, Mass., Jan. 13, 1855; d. Feb. 23, 1880. 2. Almira Churchill Vose, b. May 5, 1818 ; m. Stephen A. Cornish, of Taunton. Children. 1. Henry A. Cornish. 2. Oscar W. Cornish. 3. Emma Cornish. 4. Ellen Cornish. 5. Esther A. Cornish. 3. Elizabeth Churchill Vose, b. Aug. 6, 1820; m. Samuel Bennett, of New Bedford. Children. 1. Elizabeth Churchill Bennett. 2. Carrie Morton Bennett. FIFTH GENEEATION 55 4. Jeremiah Mendall Vose, b. Oct. 9, 1822; m. Eliza Frances Calder, of Providence, Aug. 5, 1856. They lived in Provi- dence. He died in Providence, Nov. 6, 1896, and she died there April 21, 1895. Children. 1. Annie Hill Vose, b. March 5, 1857; d. June 27, 1857. 2. "William Calder Vose, b. June 5, 1858 ; d. Jan. 22, 1865. 3. Joseph Mendall Vose, b. Oct. 5, 1860. 4. Alice Cliurchill Vose, b. Sept. 5, 1863; m. Frank Smith, Jan. 25, 1899. 5. Eliza Spencer Vose, b. Nov. 18, 1865. 6. Eleanor Calder Vose, b. June 8, 1871; d. July 29, 1871. 5. Esther Collins Vose, b. Nov. 24, 1824; m. Albert Johnson, of Stoughton. One child only, who died in infancy. 6. Lydia Vose, d. young. 7. Lydia Churchilf Vose, b. Feb. 4, 1829; m. Putnam D. Nichols, of Taunton, and had Edwin Vose Nichols and Louisa Putnam Nichols. 8. Seth Morton Vose, 'b. Aug. 5, 1831; m. Mary Branch, of Provi- dence, Feb. 2, 1854. They lived in Seekonk, Providence, and South Attleboro' and had Children. 1. Mary Lee Vose, b. in Seekonk, May 9, 1855; ni. Wilmot L. Warren, of Springfield. 2. Lizzie Churchill Vose, b. in Providence, June 24, 1857 ; d. June 20, 1863. 3. Carrie Morton Vose, b. in Providence, April 26, 1859: d. I ', June 30, 1863. . 4T^]Y[attie Edwards Vose, b. in Providence, July 6, 1864; m. Horace Churchill Thompson, of Plicenix, Md., June 8, 1887. 5. Robert Churchill Vose, b. South Attleboro', Sept. 12, 1873. 6. Nathaniel Morton Vose, b. South Attleboro',' May 5, 1879, 9. Joseph Alonzo Vose, b. M;iy 13, 1833; m. Maria Allen, of Providence. Children. 1. Isabella Morton Vose. 2. Frederick Churchill Vose. 3. Philip Mendelsohn Vose. 4. Clifton Henry Vose. 5. Grace Vose. VII. Esther,* b. March 17, 1795; m. Samuel Aveey Collins, Oct. 7, 1816. They lived in Easton, Randolph, and Taunton, Mass. Children. 1. George Thacher Collins, b. in Easton, Jan. 13, 1819; m. Soph- ronia Tougce, of Warwick, R.I. 2. Lucy Rhodes Collins, b. in (Randolph, Feb. 20, 1821 ; m. John Tilton Carter, April 26, 1843. Children. 1. Melinda Eliot Carter, b. May 18, 1845; d. March 11, 1847. 2. John Avery Carter, b. June 18, 1847 ; m. Elizabeth Frye Kil- born ; no children. 3. Annie .Weston Carter, b. Dec. 14, 1852; m. James Edgar Cook, May 28, 1879 4. George Tilton Carter, b. Feb. 13, 1855; m. Elizabeth Bertha Matthews, Dec. 19, 1884. 56 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 3. Adelia Collins, b. April 15, 1823; d. young. 4. Samuel Avery Collins, b. Aug 18, 1826; m. Mary Covington, of Middleboro'. He was a minister, and (May 16, 1877) lived in Cincinnati. 6. Adelia Relief Collins, b. July 22, 1829; m. James Powers Ship- ley, of Taunton, July 22, 1852. 6. Caleb Collins, b. March 13, 1831 ; ni. Laura Augusta Walker, of Dighton, Dec. 5, 1855. 7. Mary Elizabeth Collins, b. in Taunton, Oct. 2, 1834; m. John S. Pinkerton, of Central Falls, K.I., May 29, 1860, and had Children. 1. Henry William Pinkerton. 2. Elizabeth Esther Pinkerton. 8. Henry Erastus Collins, b. March 1, 1837; m.Mary Perry, July, 1860. Children. 1. Clara Collins. I 3. E.lward Collins. 2. Marion Collins. | 89. EN0S5 CHURCHILL (Josiah/ Eliezek,^ Eliezer,^ John'). Born at Plymouth, Mass., March 10, 1759. Died 1834. Married, March 13, 1792, Mary Paine, at Ragged Islands, Nova Scotia. She died in 1857. Children. 213 I. ENOs/b. at Ragged Islands, April 9, 1797; m. Abigail Locke, of Ragged Islands. II. Elizabeth.* III. Mart.6 IV. Patience.* 90. SYLVANUS^ CHURCHILL (Josiah,^ Eliezer,^ Eliezer,- JoHN 1). Born in Plymouth, Jan. 23, 1766. Died April 25, 1847. Married, Sept. 22, 1797, Lydia Churchill, daughter of Wilson (Ko. 105). She died Aug. 13, 1854. Children. I. SiLVANUs,* b. Jan, 23, 1802; d. in infancy, Sept. 25, 1802. 214 II. SiLVANUs,* b. Sept. 25, 1805; m. 1st, Lydia Russell, of New Bedford, 1836 ; m. 2d, Eliza W. Gifford, of New Bedford, 1843. III. IIiEAM,* b. Oct. 10, 1807; m. Elizabeth Ashley, of New Bedford, no issue. IV. Thomas Gilman," b. Dec. 30, 1809; m. Ist, Mercy J. Wells, of Wells, Me. ; ra. 2d, Margaret Greenwood; no issue. V. Benjamin,* b. April 23, 1812; unmarried. VL JosiAH W.,« b. March 23, 1815; d. unmarried, Jan. 18, 1885. 215 VII. John D.,* b. Nov. 8, 1817; m. 1st, Maria J. Holmes, dau. of Thomas, April 1840; m. 2d, Julia A. Hawley, December, 1883. 91. JONATHAN 5 CHURCHILL (Jonathax," Eliezer,' Eliezer,- JoHN ^). Born May 18, 1744, in Plymouth. He served in the Revolu- tion in Captain Wadsworth's Company, May 2, 1775, to Aug. 1, 1775, FIFTH GENERATION 57 three montlis, and again in Capt. Nathaniel Goudwin's Company, 1777 ; both companies in Colonel Cotton's Plymouth Ilegiment. In the United States pension files he is reported as having received a pension of .^96 a year from April 16, 1818, to Dec. V>, 1830, when he died, aged 87 years. Married, Nov. 26, 1767, in Hingham, Mass., LvDiA Gilbert, and their home was in or near Hingham until after the war, when they removed to West Fairlee, Vt., where he spent the rest of his days. Children born at or near Ifingham . I. Olive, '^ b. Oct. 2G, 1768. II. Mercy,« b. July 22, 1770. III. Gilbert.^ He lived in later years at Burlington, Vt., unmarried, and is reported by an aged person of that town who knew him as having been a remarkable man. IV. Hannah, m. Jonathan Woods. V. John, died unmarried. No furtlier account of this family lias been obtained. — Editor. 93. JESSE 5 CHUECHILL (Jonathan," ELiEZEii,^ Eliezeii,^ John '). Born in Plymouth, Oct. 30, 1746. He was a " master mariner.' He served in the Revolution in Company of Capt. Nathaniel Goodwin, Colonel Cotton's Plymouth Regiment, Sept. 25, 1777, to Oct. 31, 1777. Service, one month six days, on a secret expedition to Newport, R.I. He lived at Plymouth till quite late in life, when he removed to Ohio, and there died, probably near Cincinnati, Dec. 16, 1831. Married, in Newburyport, Oct. 5, 1770, Abigail Wokcestek, born July 12, 1750, and died Aug. 27, 1826. Children born in Plymouth. I. Jesse,6 b. Nov. 10, 1772; d. Nov. 12, 1772. II. Jesse, ^ b. Nov. ^0, 1773; unmarried; a cabinet-maker. 21(> III. Lemuel,*^ b. Dec. 5, 1775; m. Sarah Sumner, of Roxbury, Mass., March 21, 1803. IV. Abigail Worcester. « b. June 25, 1778; d. Sept. rt, 1778. V. Joseph,'' b. Oct. 10, 1770. Said to have settled in New Orleans, La. No further record. VI. Abigail,^ b. March 23, 1782; d. July 24, 1783. VII. David,« b. July 30, 1784; d. Jan, 1, 1788. 217 VIII. Simeon,** b. June 25, 1786; m. Caroline Hunt, of Baltimore. IX. Hannah," b. March 24, 1789; died unmarried, Nov. 6, 1811. 218 X. David,** b. July 1(5, 1705; ra. Frances Ann Clifton McKin, Feb. 22, 1825. 93. FRANCIS ° CHURCHILL (Jonathan,* Eliezek,^ Eliezer,- JoHN '). Born in Plymouth, June 11, 1761. He served in Capt. Jesse Harlow's Company, coast guards, at Plymouth, as fifer, seven months in 1776. Settled in Charlestown, and was there a large landholder, but o8 THE CHUPvCHILL FA.AilLY disposed of his property tliere before 1790, and removed to West Fairlee, Vt., wliere he lived thereafter. Died Oct. 27, 1841. He was a carpenter and painter by trade. Was captain of a militia company in Fairlee. Married, Sept. 24, 1786, Phebe Leathers, daughter of William, of Somerville. She was born Feb. 11, 1769, and died May 8, 1852, at Nashua, N.H. at John E. Churchill's ; buried at Fairlee, Vt. Childo-en born, the two oldest in Charlestoivn, the rest in W. Fairlee, Vt. 219 I. William Leathers,^ b. March 22, 1787; m. Eliza Lampiiire, of W. Fairlee. 220 II. Francis Worcester,^ b. Feb. 9, 1789; ni. Millicent Whit- comb. 221 III. David Carroll,'' b. Dec. 16, 1790; m. Polly Franklin, of Lynn. IV. Robert Wallace,* b. Nov. 2C, 1792; m. ( ) Stretton ; d. without issue, in 1834, in Franconia, N.H. 222 V. Simeon Richardson,** b. Dec. 9, 1794; m. Mary Ann Doane ; d. in Syracuse, N.Y. 223 VI. Samuel Stillman,'' b. May 2G, 179(3; m. Sally Coburn, of Post Mills, Vt. 224 VII. Joseph Warren,« b. Feb. 2, 1798; ra. Sarah N. Doane, Feb. 2, 1825; d. Jan. 12, 1875. 225 VIII. Reuben Edward,** b. Oct. 26, 1799. Lived in Paw Paw, Mich., and died there. 226 IX. Thomas Worcester,*' b. Sept. 20, 1802; in. Polly Brown, of Lowell, Mass. X. Phebe Leathers,® b. June 19, 1804; ra. Nathan Haskell, of Clielsea; no issue; d. April 21, 1863. XI. Mary Frothingham,® b. Feb. 14, 1808; m. Wm. F. Lawrence, in Chelsea, and lived in Nashua, N.H., in 1832; she died Dec. 3, 1858 ; he died March 22, 1856. Children. 1. Morgianna Lawrence, b. Nov. 1, 1833; d. Dec. 23, 1834. 2. Georgianna Lawrence, b. Feb. 5, 1835. 3. Mary L. Lawrence, b. April 7, 1836; m. Spencer C. Vose, Sept. 4, 1862; lived in Providence, R.I. 4. Sarah L. Lawrence, b. April 1, 1838; m. George E. Jaques, of Boston, in 1862. 227 XII. John Emery,« b. July 20, 1811; m. Eliza Ann Coburn; lived in Nashua, N.H. 228 XIII. George Washington,^ b. Nov. 4, 1813; in. 1st, Elizabeth Mil- liken, in Troy, N.Y. ; m. 2d, ( ), in Port Mills, Vt. ; m. 3d, Mrs. Lydia Ann (Wharff) Shaw. 95. CHARLES 5 CHURCHILL (Ephraim,^ Stephen," Eliezer,- JoHisr ^). Born in Plymouth, April 2o, 1733, ■ and lived there. Served in the war of the Revolution in Capt. Nathaniel Goodwin's Company, Col. Theophilus Cotton's Regiment, service Sept. 25, 1777, to Oct. 31, 1777, one month and six days, on a secret expedition against Newport, R.I. He died Oct. 10, 1797. Married Mks. Sarah (Cobb) Churchill, widow of Isaac (No. 24), q. v. She died Feb. 17, 1803. FIFTH GENERATION 59 Children of Charles and Sarah. 229 I. Charles,® b. Oct. 8, 1767; m. Hannah Nye, ofWareham. II. Joseph,® h. Nov. 15, 1701); d. at sea, August, 1803, aged 33 years. 230 III. RuFUS,® b. April 12, 1772; m. Eunice Covington, March 10, 1797; (1. April 20, 1820. 231 IV. Samuel,® b. Sept. 23, 1771; m. Bathsheba Collins, Nov. 11, 1798. V. Elkanah,® 1>. March 10, 1777; m. Eunice Finney, Sept. 5, 1801. He d. at sea, Oct. 7, 1804. No further record. VI. Sarah,® b. Nov. 12, 1779; ra. Seth Finney, Nov. 15, 1798. They lived at Plymouth, and had Children. 1. Seth Finney, m. Betsey D. Whitinij, 1821. 2. Elkanah Churchill Finney, m. Hannah Ilowiand, 1829. 3. Hannah Finney, ra. Ephraini Howard. 4. Mary Otis Finney, m. .Vugustus Burgess. 232 VII. Ephraim,® b. May IG, 1782; m. Sally Finney, March 2, 180-t. 96. ZACCHEUS^ CHURCHILL (Ephraim/ Stephe^ Eliezer,' JoHX ^). Born in Plymouth, Feb. 20, 1735. ^Married, in Plymouth, Sept. 6, 1754, Mary Trask, daughter of Elias and ^lary (Bolter) Trask. Children. I. Elizabeth,® b. Jan. 24, 1755/0; m. Paul Doten, Nov. 0, 1774. II. Zaccheus,® b. Dec. 1, 1757. III. Mary,® b. Nov. 24, 1758 ; m. William Hceston (or Huston), Aug. 8, 1777. Children. 1. William Hueston. 2. Hannah Hueston, m. Henry McCartey. 3. Nathaniel Hueston, b. 1786. 4. Elizabeth Hueston, m. Thomas Covington. 5. Priscilla Hueston, m. Edward Morton, 1810. 233 IV. Ephraim,® b. September, 1759 ; m. Asenath Hibbard, in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. 234 V. Thomas,® m. Mary Kief, of Boston, May 23, 1777. 235 VI. RuFus.® No further record. 236 VII. Nathaniel.® No further record. VIII. Priscilla.® No further record. 97. EPHRAIM 5 CHURCHILL (Ephraim," Stephen,^ Eliezer,- JoHN^). Born in Plymouth, July 2, 1738. They lived in Bridge- water, Mass. Perhaps he served in the Revolution in Captain Dean's Company, Bridgewater, instead of his son Ephraim, or per- haps both served in same company, April 19, 1775. Married, in Halifax, Mass., Nov. 28, 1752, Jemima Bryant, of Halifax. Died Dec. 13, 1817. 60 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children born in Bridgewaier. I. Ephraim,^ b. Jan. 7, 1753; m. Silence French, dau. of Depend- ence, of Stoughton, 1787; no children. Probably served in the Revolution in Capt. Josiali Hayden's Company, May 1, 1775, to Aug. 1, 1775. II. Hannah,"^ b. Feb. 5, 1755; m. Calvin Snow, 1784. III. Dorcas," b. May 21, 1759; m. Eliab Snow, 1787. Ohildren . 1. Anson Snow, m. Sally Trask. 2. Olive Snow, m. Apollo Dodge. 3. Lydia Snow, m. Dennis Libbj' 4. Churchill Snow, b. Aug. 11, 1794; m. Eunice Bolton, Sept. 9, 1820. IV. Jemima,® b. Oct. 14, 1761; m. James Packard, 1778. V. James," b. Aug. 17, 1764; m. 1st, Ltdia Snow, 1788. She died April 4, 1790; no issue; m. 2d, Mart Gurnet, dau. of Zech- ariah, 1794. He died Jan. 12, 1846; no children. VI. Sarah," b. June 13, 1767; d. unmarried, April 12, 1801. VII. Susanna," b. Aug. 7, 1770; m. Elijah Drake, 2d, 1800. 1. Jabez Drake. 2. Hannah Drake. 3. Eniilv Drake. Children. 4. Charles Drake. 5. Jonathan Drake, b. Nov. 9, 1814. 6. James Drake. 98. ELLIS 5 CHURCHILL (Ephraim," Stephen,^ Eliezer,- John^). Born at Plymouth, Nov. 25, 1742. Served in the Revolution several terms. First in Sergt. Enos Dean's Guards over the British prison- ers in Taunton jail, December, 1776, nineteen days. Also enlisted in regular army First Company, Third Regiment, for three years, March 21, 1781. Description at this latter date : " Age, 39 years ; resi- dence, Taunton ; stature, 5 feet 6 inches ; complexion, dark ; hair, brown ; eyes, gray ; occupation, cordwainer." Another term, July 27 to Oct. 31, 1780, may have been his or that of his son Ellis. Married 1st, Oct. 18, 1764, Patience Churchill, daughter of Josiah '* (No. 31). She died Sept. 11, 1772 ; married 2d, Sarah Ball. Children. I. Ellis," b. June 24, 176.i ; d. unmarried. Probably in the Revolution, private. Captain Gifford's Company, July 12 to Nov. 27, 1781. Service at R.I. 237 II. Lewis," m. Nanct Mitchell, March 24, 1792. 238 III. Charles," m. Jedidah Hawes, May 24, 1794. No further record. By Second Wife. 239 IV. William," b. Dec. 12, 1780; m. Sallt Rounds, 1805. 99. ANSEL 5 CHURCHILL (Ephraim," Stephen,^ Eliezer,- John ^). Born in Plymouth, March 29, 1745. Married, July 17, 1765, Bethia Holmes. MARIA (CHURCHILL) SHAW. (Under No. 103, page 61.) FIFTH GENEKATIOX 61 Children. I. Ansel. ^ Removed to Rhode Island ; no further record. II. Priscilla,^ m. Benjamin SAMPSoNTAug. 29, 17S6. III. Patience,^ m. John Calderwood. Oct. 4, 1792 240 IV. JoHN,^ b. 1775; ni. Nancy Jackson, dau. of Isaac, June 6, 1801. V. Bethia,^ m. Zephaniah Holmes, April 4, 1796. 103. STEPHEN^ CHUPvCHILL (Stephe.x/ Stepiien,=^ Eliezer,- JoHN^). Born in Plymouth, June 7, 1743, and lived there. Served in Revolution. Lieutenant in command of Plymouth Company at Lexington Alarm ; first lieutenant Fifth Company, First Plymouth Eegiment, June 6, 1776 ; captain of Seacoast Company, April 8, 1778, stationed at " the Gurnet " ; captain in Colonel Cotton's regi- ment, Newport, R.L, March, 1781. ^Married, July 10, 1766, Lucy BuKBANK, daughter of Timothy, born 1745. Children. I. Lucy,'* b. Jan. 12, 1767; m. Samuel Bradford, Nov. 24, 1785. Children. 1. Samuel Bradford, m. Lucy Gibbs. 2. Stephen Bradford, m. Hannah Wadsworth. 3. Hannah Bradford, m. Stephen Mason Burbank. 4. Lucy Bradford, m. Bartlett Bradford. 5. Ellen Bradford, ni. Charles Brewster. G. Harvey Bradford, m. Wealthy Hathaway, of Rochester. 241 n. Stephen.*^ b. May 7, 1768 ; m. 1st, Elizabeth Gray, June 4, 1791 ; m. 2d, Nancy (Jackson) Churchill, widow of John (No. 240;. 242 III. Peleg,6 b. Aug. 11, 1769; m. 1st, ( ) Bradford; m. 2d, Hannah Hosea, April 14, 1791. 24.'> IV. Heman,** b. March JO, 1771; m. Jane Churchill, Jan. 1, 1795. 244 V. Daniel,« b. Feb. 5, 1773; m. !st, Sallt Collins, Nov. 12, 1797; m. 2d, Mrs. Nancy Brewster, widow, Oct. 8, 1837. VI. Otis,® b. Sept. 6, 1774; d. unmarried. VII. Hannah," b. June 30, 1776; m. Lewis Harlow, April 15, 1796. Childre7i. 1. Levels Harlow, m. Betsey Holmes, 1821, dau. Barnabas. 2. Lucy C. Harlow, m. Isaac Barnes. 3. Hannah Harlow, m. Charles Goodwin. 4. Betsey Harlow, ra. Jabez Harlow. 5. John Harlow, m. Jane C. Bradford. VIII. Mariah." b. March 20, 1778 ; m. Southworth Shaw, Oct. 14, 1798. Children. 1. Betsey Shaw, b. 1799. 2. Southworth Shaw, b. 1801; m. Abby Atwood Slmrtleff, of Boston, dau. of Benjamin, 1826. 3. Ichabod Shaw, b. ISn:!. 4. Betsey Shaw, b. 1805; m. William Bramhall. 5. Samuel Shaw, b. 1808; ra. Mary Gibbs Dike, dau. of Simeon. 6. Maria Shaw, b. 1811. 7. George Atwood Shaw, b. 1813. 8. George Atwood Shaw, b. 1816. 9. James R. Shaw, b. 1820; m. Susan Einney, dau. Ephraim. IX. Nancy,6 b. July 10, 1780; m. John Atwood, Nov. 3, 1799. ry2 THE CHURCHILL FAjLILY Children horn in Plymouth. 1. John Atwood, m. Hannah Wiswall, 1828. 2. William Atwood. 3. Maria Shaw Atwood, m. Ignatius Tierce. 4. Mary Ann Atwood, m. Ephraim Holmes. 5. Nancy Atwood. X. Sally,« b. May 8, 1782; m. David Drew, 1803. Children born in Plymouth. 1. Ellis Drew, m. Sarah Dickson. 2. David Drew, m. Ann D. Burgess. 3. Lucinda Drew, m. William T. Drew. 4. Sarah Drew, m. Lewis Perry. XI. Elkanah,*' b. May 23, 1783; d. young. XII. PoLLT,« b. Jan. 21, 1786; ra. Samuel Dickson, 1803. Cliildren. 1. Samuel Dickson. 2. David Dickson. 3. Mary Dickson, m. Benjamin Bullard. 4. James Dickson. XIII. Elizabeth, ** b. May 5, 1788; m. Jesse Robbins, 1804. Children born in Plymouth. 1. Heman C. Robbins, m. Mary Ann Spear, 1832. 2. Betsey Otis Robbins, m. James Burgess. 3. Augustus Robbins, m. Mary C. Turner, dau. of Ezekiel C. 104. ZADOCK^ CHURCHILL (Stephen/ Stephen,^ Eliezer,- JoHN^). Born in Plymouth, July 16, 1747. He served in the war of the Revolution as sergeant in Capt. Jesse Harlow's Com- pany upon Alarm of April 19, 1775; service, seven clays. He is credited with several later terms of service in 1777 and 1778. Married, Oct. 7, 1773, Bathsheba Rider, daughter of Joseph. Child. I. Bathsheba,*^ b. March 26, 1776; m., March 21, 1795, Thomas Long, the son of Miles Long and Thankful (Clark) Long, his wife. Bathsheba Churcliill is said to have been beautiful both in mind and person. Her parents both died when she Avas a child. Children born in Middlebord' , Mass. 1. Betsey Long, b. Aug. 31, 1796; m. Isaac Ellis. 2. Thomas Long, b. July 25, 1798; m. Mary Ann Dunham, of Plymouth, 1822. *3. Zadock R. Long, b. July 28, 1800; in. Aug. 31, 1824, at New Gloucester, Me., Julia Temple Davis, b. at Falmouth, Me., Feb. 17, 1807. *Tliis couple lived in Buckfield, Me., and there, Oct. 27, 1838, the youngest of their four children, John Davis Long, the eminent scholar, jurist, and statesman was born. As member of Congress, governor of Maspachusetta, and Secretary of the Navj- in the cabinet of President McKinley, in the trying period of the Spanish and Philippine Wars, he has won and will ever hold a place of high honor among the most illustrious sons of the American Republic. — Editor. FIFTH GETTER ATION (53 4. Sally Long, b. April 7, 180-'; tit. Lucius Lorins. 5. Miles Long, b. June 8, 1804; m. Ann Bridghani. 6. Harriet Long, \ b. in Buckfield, Me., April ti, 1811 ;d. young. 7. Washington Long, j b. in Buckfield, Me., April 6. 1811. 8. Bathsheba Churchill Long, b. Jan. 21, 1813; m. Isaac Bearse. 9. Thankful Clark Long, b. Sept. 15, 1818; m. William Bacon. 105. WILSON 5 CHURCHILL (Benjamin,* Stephen ,3 Eliezeb,^' John '). Born in Plymouth, April 23, 1747. Served in Revolution in Lieut. Stephen Churchill's Company, April 19, 1775. Marched to Marshfield April 20. Service seven days. Also in regular array, Aug. 9, 1780. Age, 34 ; height, 5 feet 8 inches ; complexion, ruddy ; residence, Plymouth. Marched from Springfield under Captain Lunt. Also other service in 1777, with Captain Goodwin. Married, Dec. 12, 1772, Lydia Darling. She was the daughter of Jonathan and Martha (Bramhall) Darling, and born 1750. Childreii. I. Lydia, ^ b. Aug 6, 1775; ra. Sylvants Churchill (No. 90), Sept. •>•>. 1797. q.v. 245 II. Wilson, « b. 1778; m. 1st, Ruth Hinckley, Dec. 9, 1804; m. 2d, Susan Lucas, May 25, 1816. III. Hannah,*^ b. Dec. 2, 1780; ni. James Howard, 1800. He was born Oct. 14, 1777. Children. 1. Hannah Howard, b. April 22, 1805; m. William D. Winsor, of Kingston. 2. James H. Howard, b. Nov. 9, 1807. 3. Cordelia Howard, b. Oct. 10, 1809; m. Thomas May. 4. Ellen Howard, b. Dec. 11, 1812; m. William Congdon. 5. John Wilson Howard, b. March 20, 1815; d- in two weeks. 6. Curtis Cushman Howard, b. April 16, 1816; m. Iloxanna Hatch. 106. BENJAMIN = CHURCHILL (Benjamin,* Stephen,^ Eliezek,- JoHN ^). Born in Plymouth, Nov. 17, 1748. Served in the Revo- lution, Captain Goodwin's Company, September and October, 1777, one month six days ; on secret expedition against Newport, R.I. ^lar- ried, Jan. 13, 1782, Mrs. Phebe (Tinkham) Randall, widow of Enoch and daughter of Ebenezer Tinkham. Children. 246 I. Nathan,** ") b. Dec. 16, 1785; m. Elizabeth Sylvester, Aug. V 29, 1804. II. Benjamin,^ J b. Dec. 16, 1785. Lost at sea, unmarried. 108. AMAZIAH^ CHURCHILL (Amaziah,* Elkanah,'' Eliezer,- John ^). Born in Plymouth, April 12, 1750. Served in the Revo- lution, as a private in Lieut. Stephen Churchill's Company, Minute- (U THE CHURCHILL FAMILY men, April 19, 1777. Marched to Marshfield, April 20, seven days. Married, March 16, 1776, Betty Bartlett, daughter of Samuel and Betsey (Moore) Barlett. Children. 247 I. AMAZiAH,^m. 1st, Martha Doten, June 26, 17!i9; m. 2d, Mar- garet Wallace, of Newbern, N.C.; m. 3d, Mart Harlow, April 8, 1805. 248 II. Edmond,6 m. Mary Houston, Oct. 10, 1801. III. Betsey,« ni. 1st, George H Robbins, Sept. 12, 1806; m. 2d, Henry Robbins (as his 2d wife), 1831. Children by First Husband. 1. George Edwin Robbius, b. 1809; d. young. 2. Elizabeth Robbins, b. 1812; m. Isaac L. Wood, 1838. 3. Harriet N. Robbins, b. 1814; m. Levi Robbins. 4. Thomas Robbins. 5. Samuel B. Franklin Robbins, b. 1818. 6. George Edwin Robbins, b. 1820; m. Sarah Byron, of Taunton. 7. Amasa Robbins, b. 1822; m. Susan Bates, of Braintree. IV. Harriet,^ m. George Bradford, Oct. 27, 1807. Children . 1. George Bradford. I 3. Lemuel Bradford. 2. Edmond Bradford. | 4. Harriet Bradford. V. Ellen, ^ unmarried. 109. SOLOMON^ CHURCHILL (Amaziah,* Elkanah,^ Eliezeb,^ John ^). Born in Plymouth, July 27, 1762, and lived there. He received a pension in 1831 of ^40 per year for services as a private in the war of the Revolution. This is recorded in the U. S. Senate Documents for 1835, and a pension certificate is still presei*ved by one of his descendants. His name does not appear on the printed Rolls of Massachusetts soldiers and sailors. On one old document, an annuity bond of 1835 from his son William, he is described as " formerly mariner," and this may indicate that his service was at sea. He died April 10, 1835, at Perry Township, Ohio, while on a visit to his son Solomon and his family. Married, at Plymouth, Nov. 28, 1783, Elizabeth Bartlett, born Nov. 3, 1766, and died Oct. 26, 1811. Children born in Plymouth. 249 I. Solomon,** b. Aug. 26, 1788; m. Mary Pritchard, March 16, 1818. II. Mendall,** b. Nov. 8, 1789. No record of any marriage. He served in the war of 1812. Probably on the sea. Died in New York Jan. 22, 1832. III. Elizabeth, « b. July 4, 1792; died in 1793. IV. Sylvanus,** b. Aug. 30, 1795; died in 1796. V. William,^ b. July 13, 1798 ; m. Mary Myrick, of Nantucket. VI. Elizabeth,^ b. March 10, 1800; d. 1802. VIL Mariah,6 b. Oct. 26, 1801 ; d. 1802. FIFTH GENERATION 65 110. JABEZ^ CHURCHILL (Elkanah,^ Elkanah,^ Eliezer,^ John ^). Born in Plymouth, Oct. 2, 1756. He inherited from his father that part of the original Churchill homestead upon which the first house stood. Here he lived, and his shop standing on the lot gave the name " Jabez Corner '' to the location. He died in 1843- His grandson Jabez, Jr., sold the site to the town in 1S71 for the present schoolhohse. Married, April 23, 1803, Mercy (Sylvester) Baktlett, widow of Judah. Cliildreyi. I. Mercy, ** m. William Sears, son of Eleazcr. Children born in Plymouth. 1. William Henry Sears, b. 1833. 2. Andrew Churchill Sears, b. 1836. 3. Everett II. Sears, ni. Angelina R. Tripp. 4. Herbert Sears, b. 1841. 251 II- Jabez, Jr.,*' b. June 30, 1806; m. Charlotte W. Keene, Sept. 25, 1832. III. Lydia,^ m. Gilbert Hay'nes, of Lowell, 1831. NATHANIEL 5 CHURCHILL (Elkanah," Elkanah,^ Elie- ZER,- JoHx'). Born at Plymouth, 1767. Lived and died there. He died August, 1834. Married, Feb. 3, 1798, Susanxah Harlow, of Plymouth. Children born in Plymouth. I. Susannah,^ b. 1800; m. Ichabod W. Thompson, of Plympton. 252 II. Nathaniel,^ m. 1st, Lucy Morton; m. 2d, Almira Bartlett, of Plymouth. III. Rebecca,'' d. unmarried, aged 22 years, IV. Abigail W.," b. Jan. 28, 1808; m. Simeon Thompson, Sept. 27, 1833. She died in Abington, Aug. 31, 1853. He died in Abing- ton ]\Iay 1, 1858, aged 51 years. Children . 1. William Austin Thompson, b. in Plympton, July 13, 1834. 2. Abby Washburn Tliompson, b. in Plympton, June 24, 1835. 3. Sarah Burgess Thompson, b. in Abington, Nov. 21, 1849. 253 V. William,^ m. Maria Morton, June 30, 1833. VI. Sarah,'' b. Dec. 5, 1813; m Capt, Lewis Burgess, Aug. 9, 1838. Children born in Plymouth. 1. Lewis Warren Burgess, b. May 17, 1841; d. in Plvmpton, Aug. 16. 1841. 2. Susan Harlow Burgess, b. Oct. 8, 1842. 3. Charles Lewis Burgess, b. Jan. 20, 1845 ; d. at sea, April 29, 1871. He became captain of a ship, and died on his first voyage as captain, aged 26 years. VII. Simeon,'' b. 1815. Went to Alabama in 1837, and died there, un- married, soon after. 66 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 113. JOHK^ CHURCHILL (JoH^V Johx,^ Eliezer,- Johx '). Bom in Portsmouth, 1743. After his mother's death he lived in the family of his grandfather Churchill until his father married a second wife, in New York, and there sent for him. Of his subse- quent history we know nothing save the record below. He lived in New Hackensack, N.Y. He was killed by falling from a barn- frame. Married Haknah Smith, born July 22, 1745. Children born in New Ilackensacli, N. Y. 254 I. JoHN,'^ b. May 26, 1769; ni. Anna Letster. 255 II. Benjamin,^ b. Dec. 4, 1770; m. Mart Bloom. III. Mary,<^ b. Sept. 28, 1772; m. Thomas Wood. Child. 1. John Wood, b. July 3, 1794. IV. Samuel,® b. Sept. 9, 1774: il, in infancy. V. Elizabeth,® b. Oct. 17, 1776; ni. Levi Simmon.s, of Seneca County, N.Y. 256 VI. William,® b. Sept. 20, 1779; m. Cornelia Van Nostrand, Nov. 19, 1790. VII. Rebecca,® b. Aug. 18, 1781. VIII. Amelia,® b. May 10, 1783; ni. Dr. Isaac Ward. CJiildren. 1. John Churchill Ward, b. Oct. 2, 1804; m. Hannah Shuguland, 1825. Childien. 1. Aaron S. Ward,b. Jan. 13, 182G; m. 1st, Maria Shufelt ; m. 2d, Kebecca Shufelt; and d. August, 1855. 2. Amelia Ward, b. Jan. 18, 1829; d. April 24. 1849. 3. John Ward, b. Dec. 24, 1830; m. Harriet Pearse. 4. Rachel Ward, b. Sept. 22, 1832; d. Sept. 12, 1832. 5. Hannah M. Ward, b. March 5, 1834; m. Marshall William- son; d. March 27, 1873. ■ . 6. Gerrett D. Ward, b. Nov. 4, 1837; d. in infancy. 2. Mary Ward, b. December, 1805; m. John Shutter, and d. April, 1891. 3. Hannah Ward, b. Feb. 2, 1810; ra. Jacob Baidaux; d. 1863. 4. Sarah Ward, b. April 11, 1818; m. Jacob Van Duza. 5. Isaac Ward, b. May 22, 1820; d. unmarried, May 22, 1845. 6. Amelia Ward, b. Nov. 14, 1825; m. W. N. McHench. 257 IX. Samuel,® b. May 10, 1785; m. Sallie ( ), of New Hacken- sack. X. Hannah,® b. May 7, 1787; m. William Pollock. Children . 1. John Pollock. 2. Joseph Pollock, 3. Phebe Pollock. 4. Isaac Pollock. 5. Benjamin Pollock. 6. James Pollock. 7. Anne Pollock. 8. Jane Pollock. XI. Joseph,® m. Rebecca ( ). FIFTH GE^^ERATIOK 67 113. SAMUEL CLARK ^ CHURCHILL (Bexjamin/ John,^ Eliezee,-^ Joiiisr^). Born in Portsmouth, N.H., Feb. 17, 1770. They lived in Augusta, Me. Married, October, 1795, Susannah Cowen, born Oct. 20, 1772. Children born in Augusta, Me. I. Abisha,^ b. April 10, 1707. 25S II. Samuel Clark," b. Feb. U, 1790; m. Lucy Savage, May 8, 1823. 259 III. Alfred Delura,^ b. June 23, 1801; m. Jane Chamhers, Dec. 28, 1828. '2GS) IV. Edgar M.,« b. Feb. 10, 1804; m. ( ), and had William, wlio changed his name from Churchill to Lewis. No furtlier record. V. Paulina," b. July 0, 180G; m. Jeremiah Bean, Oct. 25, 1832. Children . 1. Homer S. Bean, b. ] 3. Orland Bean. Dec. 2, 1833. ! 4. Eunice Bean. 2. George M. Bean. 114. JOHNS CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ Jokx,^ Eliezkr,- John'). Born in Portsmouth, N.H., May 26, 1774. He settled in New Port- land, Me. A farmer. Married Mercy Hutciiins, who Avas born July 9, 1774. Children horn in New Portland, Me. 261 I. JoHN,'^ b. June 10, 1703; m. Mart Dennis, May, 1818, in Sodus, N.Y. 262 II. Joseph," b. June, 1705; m. Hannah B. Sisson. III. Polly," b. May 18, 1707; m. Daniel Fling, August, 1818. Children. 1. Daniel Fling, b. May 11, 1810. 2. Lydia Fling, b. May 13, 1821. 26?> IV". James," b. July 4, 1700; m. Clarissa Thompson. 264 V. Sanford," b. July, 1801; m. Thankful Eames. VI. Lavinia," b. April 30, 1803; m. Joseph L. Boynton, April 13, 1838. CJiildren . 1. George R. Boynton, b. Jan. 17. 1840; m. 1st, Eliza A. Goodwin. She died w'ithout children, July 21, 1872; m. 2d, Abbie R. Lansing, of Lewiston, Me. Children of Second Wife. 1. Cora Boynton, d. 3. Walter A. Boynton. soon. 4. John L. Boynton. 2. Herbert C. Boynton. 2. Amanda M. Boynton, b. March 21, 1841. 3. Lydia F. Boynton, b. Oct. 0, 184 2. 4. Sarah L. Boynton, b. July 16, 1843; m. Amos Norton. Child. Delmont Norton, m. Florence Berry, of Lexington, Me. VII. Olive," b. September, 1806; m. Nathaniel Page. 68 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children. 1. Cyrus Page. 2. Llewellyn Page. 3. Sewall Page. 4. Charles Page. 5. Sylvia Page. 6. Olive F. Pa^t. VIII. Elvira,^ b. Jan. 4, 1809; m. John Knapp, May 6, 1835. Children. 1. James Knapp, b. April 3, 1836. 2. Owen Knapp, b. July 4, 1837. 3. John Knapp, b. Dec. 8; m. Zenas Smith, in Middleboro', and lived there until May, 1809, when they moved to Pittsford, Vt. , and settled on a farm, where they spent the remainder of their lives. She died July 15, 1835, and he died Aug. 15, 1833. Children born, four in Middleboro', Mass., and one in Pittsford, Vt. 1. Sarah Smith, b. Middleboro', May 5, 1803; m. Lebbeus Good- rich, of Brandon, Vt. They removed to Rome, Mich., where she died March 7, 1885, and he died Sept. 13, li)01. 2. George Smith, b. probably at Middleboro', Dec. 3, 1805 ; m. Sylvia Churchill, dau. of Caleb. 3. Lydia Smith, m. Elijah Heeler, of Brandon Vt. 4. Joseph Smith, d. at Pittsford, Vt., Sept. 20, 1817, aged 13 years. 5. James Smith, d. Nov. 24, 1829, aged 22 years. 119. ISAACS CHUKCHILL (Ebenezer,-' William,^ William,^ John'). Born iu Plympton, Feb. 22, 173G. He lived thereuntil 1 785, when he removed with his family to Chittenden, Vt. He was called " Isaac, the Good," to distinguish him from another of the same name. I find no reference to Kevolutionary service in the quite full information received from his descendants, while the pub- lished rolls, having several Isaac Churchills, do not sufficiently identify him to justify a claim of such service. He died in Chit- tenden, Feb. 25, 1826. Married, Aug. 1, 1765, Mklatiah Brad- ford, of Plympton, daughter of Joshua and Hannah (Bradford) Bradford. It is said that her parents were killed by Indians, and herself, struck by a tomahawk, bore the scar through life. She died in Chittenden, Aug. 15, 1826, aged 82 years. Children born in riympion, except two last. 281 I. MicuAKL,6 b. Jan. 26, 1766; m. Lucy Dodge, of Brandon, Vt. II. Zekuiah,*^ b. March 16, 1767; m. John Bullex. III. Rachel,'' b. Jan. 4, 1769 ; m. Freeman Eggleston. 282 IV. WiNSLOw,'' b. Dec. 30, 1770; m. Mercy Dodge, November (Thanksgiving Day), 1796. 283 V. Seth,6 b. June 28, 1773; m. Eunice Durkee, Feb. 14, 1793. VI. Israel,'' b. May 5, 1775; died young. VII. Hannah,^ b. March 28, 1777; m. Freeman Eggleston. VIII. Israel,'' b. Oct. 30, 1779; m. Widow (Haskins) Blakesley. He settled in Lyons, N.Y., where he owned a small place and lived alone unmarried many years and worked at the carpenter's trade. In 1854 he moved to Rose, N.Y., where he married as above. He was then about 75 years old. His wife had a daughter then about 12 years old who afterwards married Walter Winchell. Mr. Churchill died in 1884, and is buried iit Rose. After his death, his widow, with her daughter and Mr. Winchell, removed to Deer- field, Mich. 284 IX. Elisha," b. Aug. IG, 1781; m. Lydia Lackey. X. Drusilla,® b. Aug. 16, 1783; m. Jacob Atwood. XI. Christiana,^ b. Sept. 14, 1789: m. Asa Hutchinson. 72 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 120. JOSHUA 5 CHURCHILL (Eisenezer,^ William,'^ William,^' John '). Born Feb. 23, 1742, and died Oct. 17, 1831. Served in Capt. Thomas Loring's Company, Alarm of April 19, 1775, to Marshfield. Also Capt. John Bradford's Company. Enlisted May 3, 1775. Served three months six days. Also Capt. Thomas Turner's Company, Col. Gamaliel Bradford's Regiment. Enlisted May, 1778. Service eight months. Also enlisted for town of Plympton in Capt. James Harlow's Company, Colonel Gates' Regi- ment. Service nine months to Jan. 1, 1779. Lived in Plympton till 1800, when he moved his family to Hartford, Me. He drew a pension from 1818. Married, Feb. 4, 1768, Elizabeth Bonxey, in Plympton. She was born April 21, 1746, and died July 18, 1820. Children bo7~n in Plympton. 285 I. Joshua,*' ) b. Feb. 1, 1769 ; m. Sylvia Churchill, dau. of David, \ Jr. (No. 121), q. v., and Jennie (Ellis) Cimrchill. II. Elizabeth,"] b. Feb. 1, 1769; m. Lemuel Keene, Jan. 16, 1800. III. Alexander," b. Nov. 22, 1770; d. j'oung; unmarried. 286 IV. Andrew," b. Nov. 18, 1772; m. Polly Oldham. V. Olive," b. Feb. 22, 1774/5; ni. Samuel Churchill. VI. Phebe," b. Jan. 18, 1779; m. Oliver Cummings. Children. 1. Betsey Bailey Cummings, b. Dec. 3, 1804; d. at the age of 12. 2. Lamed Cummings, b. Aug. 13, 1806; m. Nancy White, May 27, 1837. Children. 1. Julia Ann Cummings, b. July 4, 1838, m. Caleb Thomas. 2. Whitney Cummings, b. Feb. 14, 1841; d. at the age of 14 years. 3. Marilla J. Cummings, b. May 16, 1849; never married. 4. James Lamond Cummings, b. June 1, 1854; m. Clara Washburn. 3. Whitney Cummings, b. Dec. 18, 1808; m. Mary Hart Prentiss, March 27, 1833. Children. 1. Isabella Cummings, b. April 15, 1834; m. Joseph S. Ingra- ham, Nov. 10, 1852. 2. Prentiss Cummings, b. Sept. 10, 1840; ra. Anna I). Snow, Feb. 25, 1880. 3. Mellen Cummings, b. Sept. 27, 1847; d. March 23, 1855. 287 VII. Ezra," b. Sept. 25, 1780; m. Bethia Mehurin, b. in. Jay, Me., May 25, 1783. VIII. Polly," b. Sept. 30, 1784; m. Oliver Cummings, Jr. IX. Bethany," b. Jan. 1, 1789; never married. X. Lucinda," b. July 31, 1793; m. Calvin Harding. Children . 1. Luther Harding, b. April 4, 1816; d. March 6, 1844. 2. Calvin Harding, b. Feb. 24, 1818; m. 1st, Lydia 0. Keene; m. 2d, Ruby White. 3. Lizzie, b. Aug. 29, 1820; m. Washington Bates. 4. Mary, b. Jan. 1, 1823; d. May 24, 1847. 5. Lvdia, m. Samuel Crockett, FIFTH GENEEATION 7:5 131. DAVID 5 CHURCHILL, Jr. (David/ William/ William/ JoHisr'). Born in Plympton, Aug. 4, 1729. Lived in Plympton, and late in life in Hingham. He served in the Revolution, Capt. Thomas Loring's Company, Alarm of April 19, 1775, marched to Marshfield. Married 1st, Feb. 20, 1750, Jane Ellis. She died Aug. 21, 1775. Married 2d, Lurana McFarland. He died Feb. 23, 1812, aged 82 years. Cliildren horn in riyniptoii . I. Hannah.'^ b. June 14, J752; m. Elkanaii Ccshmax, May 17, 1770. She died at Kingston, Feb. 4, li2'). He died at Plympton, 1787. Child. 1. Ezra Cushman, b. July 29, 1771 ; drowned at Kingston, July 24, 1797; unmarried. II. Molly,® b. July 21, 1754; m. Siiadrach Standish, of Plympton. Children born in Phjwpton. 1. Averick Standish, b. 1772; m. John Averv Parker, of Xew Bedford. 2. Ellis Standish, b. 1774 ; m. Pollv Bradford, settled in Sumner, Me. 3. Jane Standish, b. 1777. 4. Shadrach Standish, lb. 1779; m. Mehitable Clark. 5. Levi Standish, ) b. 1779 ; ni. Lucy Kandall. (!. Abigail Standish, b. 1781. 7. Marv Standish, b. 1783. s. Sarah Standish, b. 1788. III. Jane,® b. Aug. 30, 1756; ra. Daniel Pipley. 288 IV. Elias,® b. Jan. 26, 1759; m. Hannah Cush.man. V. Levi,® h. July 4, 1761 ; d. Aug. 18, 1775. VI. Patte,® b. March 12, 1764; d. Sept. 25, 1775. VII. Sylvia,® b. Feb. 21, 1767; m. Joshua Churchill (No. 285), 7. v. VIII. David,® b. May 18, 1771 ; d. Sept. 18, 1775. Children of Second Wife, Lurana McFarland. 289 IX. David,® b, June 11, 1778; m. Mary Herskv, of Boston. 290 X. Levi,® b. Feb. 20, 1780; m. Cynthia Packard, of East Bridge- water. XI. Thaddeus,® b, Marcli 18, 1782. He was a seaman, lived in Hing- ham. 291 XII. Jesse.® b. Aug. 28, 1784; 111. Anna Barrell, of Scituate. XIII. AsABA,® b. Feb. 19, 1787. 292 XIV. KuFus,® b. Oct. 10, 1789; m. Eunice Lewis, of Hingham, Jan. 4, 1818. XV. Lydia,® m. ( ) MoTT, of Hinghanj. XVI. Otis,® d. young. No record. WILLIAM-^ CHURCHILL (David,^ William,' William,^ John '). Born in Plympton, Xov. 25, 1739, and lived there. He probably served in the war of the' Revolution, from Plympton. Several of the names are on the published rolls, either one of proper 74 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY age, and no document or information to identify them. Died March 7, 1824. Married, Isoy. 29, 1750, Sarah Eider. She died June 16, 1826. Children born in Plympton. 293 I. Samuel, '■ b. June 29, 1760; m. Deborah Wright. 25)4 II. Joseph, b. Oct. 24:, 1761; m. Eunice Churchill, dau. of Ichabod'' (No. 45), q V. III. Elizabeth,^ b. ^larnh 24, 1763; d. Deo. 4, 1785, unmarried. IV. Sakah,*^ b. Feb. 15, 1765; d. Oct. 2;», 1785, unmarried. 205 V. William, 8 b. March 8, 17G7 ; m. Margaret Tilton, of Easton, N.y. VI. Marcy,^ b. Feb. 2, 1769; m. Jonathan Holmes. 1. Caleb Holmes. 2. Eliezer Holmes. 3. Mercy Holmes. 4-. Sally Holmes. 5. Jonathan Holmes. 6. Gamaliel Holmes. Children. 7. Esther Holmes. 8. Lydia Holmes. 9. Zenas Holmes. 10. William Holmes. 11. Harriet Holmes. VII. Zenas,*' b. May 28, 1771; ra. Abigail Washburn, dau. of Seth, of Kingston, said to liave been lost at sea. No further record. VIII. Hannah, b. Sept. 8, 1773; m. Isaac Cushing, 1795. IX. Molly," b. July 20, 1777; m. Barnabas Phinney, 1797. 123. CAPT. JAMES 5 CHURCHILL (David,* William,'' William,^ John'). Born May 29, 1746. Lived in Plympton. He served in the Revolutionary War as sergeant in Capt. Thomas Loring's Com- pany, April 19, 1775, also ensign and lieutenant in Capt. Jesse Harlow's Company. Commissioned as lieutenant Jan. 16, 1776. Service at Plymouth, seacoast defence, Feb. 29, to May 31, 1776. Died March 12, 1803. Married 1st, Oct. 31, 1765, Priscilla Soule, daughter of Benjamin, b. April 1, 1745 ; died in Plympton, Oct. 9, 1837, aged 92 years 5 months 27 days. Her grandfather, Benja- min Soule, married Sarah, the daughter of Alexander, son of Capt. Miles Standish. George Soule, the Pilgrim, was also her ancestor. He married 2d, Rebecca Crocker. Children of First Wife born in Plympton. 29G I. Oliver,« b. April 21, 1766; m. Saba Soule, 1793. II. Priscilla,® b. April 30, 1768; m. Lieut. Joseph Wright, son of Jacob, of Plympton. She died Nov. 7, 1863. Said to have had five children ; names not found. 297 III. James,*^ b. Feb. 26, 1771 ; m. S.\rah Soule, dau. Ebenezer, Feb. 16, 1794. He d. Nov. 1, 1803. IV. Isaiah, s b. Oct. 5, 1773: d. in Demerara, Sept. 23, 1799. V. Jane.*^ b. March 21, 1776; m. Francis Woods, Sept. 22, 1799. VI. Christiana,® b. Sept. 10, 1788. VII. Clara,® b. June 15, 1782; ni. 1st, Joel Ellis, April, 1802; m. 2d, Peleg Chandler, of Duxbury, April 28, 1817. FIFTH GENERATION 75 VIII. Harriet,* b. March 25, 1785; died young. IX. Sophia,^ b. Nov. 3, 17S7; m. Marwick Ellis, of Plympton, 1807. X. Harriet,* b. June 18, 1791; m. Prince Bradford, b. Dec. li), 1783, a direct descendant of Governor William Bradford in the seventh generation. Children. 1. Gershom Bradford, b. 1816. 2. Perez Bradford, b. 1818. 3. Harriet Bradford, b. 1821. 4. Otis Bradford, b. 1823. 5. Hannah Bradford, b. 1825. 6. Lydia Bradford, b. 1827. 7. Susan Bradford, b. 1832. Children of James Churchill and Second Wife. XI. Edwin.® XII. Alice,* m. Luther W. Savery. 134. NATHANIEL 5 CHURCHILL (Nathaniel,^ William,^ Will- iam,- JoH^r '). Born in Plympton, ^lay 10, 1746. Served in the Revolution. On the alarm of April 19, 1775, marched to ^farsh- tield, and again, July 25, 1776, was drafted into the service, on the day on which his son Levi was born. He lived in Plympton, and died Nov. 18, 1784. Married, Dec. 27, 1770, Deborah Wright, daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Brewster) Wright. Children born in Plymj^ton. 298 I. Lewis,* b. Dec. 12, 1771 ; m. 1st, Desire Barker Brewster, in Corinth, N.H. ; m. 2d, Patty Thurston; m. 3d, Ruth Quimbt, 1826. 299 II. Hosea,* b. Feb. 21, 1774. No further record. 300 III. Levi,* b. July 25, 1776; ni. Lydia Ripley, Nov. 3, 1799. 301 IV. Stephen,* b. April 19, 1779. He is said to have married and lived in Taunton, and to have had four children. The name of one of the children only has come to us, and this information is from jVIrs. Deborah (Churchill) Hyde, of Glenmore, N.Y., aged 95 in 1901, a daughter of Joseph *. The name was Deborah. 302 v. Joseph,* b. Dec. 13, 1781 ; ni. Hannah Woodward, of Thompson, Conn. 303 VI. Nathaniel,* b. Mav 13, 1784, married and lived in Grantham, N.H. 135. EBENEZER5 CHURCHILL (Ichabod,^ William,^ William," JoHX '). Born in Plympton, March 1, 1744. Lived in Plympton. Served in the Revolution from Plympton in Capt. Thomas Loring's Company, April 19, 1775. Marched to Marshfield. Also several other longer terms of enlistment in other commands during 1775 to 1777. Died in 1824. Married, July 17, 1764, Lucy Palmer. 7() THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children born in Plyrnpton. 304 I. Prince,^ b. Aug. 23, 17G5; m. Mus. { ) Randall, wiilow. No further record. 305 II. Jacob,'^ b. Dec. 21, 1766; m. 1st, Eunice Sturtkvant; ni. 2d, Joanna Sturtevant. 30() III. Ebenezer,® b. July i*, 1768. No furtlier record. IV. Samuel,® b. Aug. 2!», I77U. No further record. 307 V. Alford," b. Feb. 19, 1773; m. Lyuia Cushman. VI. LucY,*^ b. Feb. 20, 1776; m. Daniel Churchill (No. 128), q. v. VII. Rebecca,® b. September, 1778. 308 VIII. Cornelius,® b. Nov. 4, 1780; m. Desire Litchfield. IX. Bathsheba,® b. Aug. 29, 1784; m. Elmah Vickery. 309 X. Ansel,® b. Aug. 22, 1787; ni. Lois Caswell, of New Bedfonl. 136. ICHABOD^ CHURCHILL (Ichabod,* William,^ William,' John '). Born Sept. 7, 1751. He lived at Plymptou until after 1784, when he removed to Middleboro', and thence to Poinfret, Yt., where he died May 7, 1813. He was a farmer. He served in the Revolution as private in Capt. James Harlow's Company, Colonel Cary's Regiment, January, 1776. Also Capt. Nathaniel Goodwin's Company in September and October, 1777. Died May 7, 181.3. Married, Oct. 12, 1775, Abigail Doteist, daughter of Edward and Joanna (Whiting), b. Plyrnpton, Jan. 28, 1755, O.S. She married 2d, JosiAH Babcock, who died soon after. She died in Woodstock, Yt. Children, first three horn in Flymiiton. I. Edward.® b. Sept. 1, 1770. No further record. II. Joanna,® b. Oct. 20, 1779; m. Josiah Crocker, Jan. 11, 1798. Moved to Canada. Child. 1. Heman Crocker, and perhaps others. III. Serviah,® b. Sept. 20, 1781; m. 1st. Samuel Colwell, Dec. 10, 1801; m. 2d, Simeon Dunham, Sept. 7, 1814. Shed. Jan. 25, 1840. Children of Serviah by First Husband. 1. Seth Colwell I 3. Harriet Colwell. 2. Mary Colwell. | By Second Husband. 4. Pattie Dunham. I 6. Horace Dunham. 5. Simeon Dunham. | 310 IV. Zebedee,® b. May 15, 1784; m. Sarah B. Colwell, about 1809; d. 1827. V. Abigail,® b. about 1790 ; m. Abel Sanders; no children. 3il VI. Seth Washburn,® b. 1797; m. riiEBE Darling, of Woodstock, Vi. FIFTH GENERATION 77 137. THOMAS^ CHURCHILL (Ichabod/ William/ William,- Joiin'). P)Orn in Plymouth, March 7, 17o(i ; died Feb. 26,1826. Lived in Plynipton and Plymouth. Served in the Revolution, Capt. Seth Stower's Company, July 1, 1777, six months at Rhode Island. Married Mary Holmes, daugliter of Zaccheus. She died July 12, 1835. Children, ike four oldest born in Flympion, the rest in Plijniouth. 312 I. Zacchecs,* b. 1779; m. Alice Duxckler, of Dnnvers. II. Na>-cy.® b. 1781; m. John Atwood, 17y'.i. Children. 1. John Atwood, in. Hannah Wiswall, 1828. 2. William Atwood, m. Lydia (^Holmes) Savary, dau. George Holmes. 3. Maria Shaw Atwood, m. Iij;natius Pierce. 4. Mary Ann Atwood, ni. Ephraim Holmes. 5. Nancy Atwood. III. Temperance,'' b. June 30, 1783; m. William Atwood, 1804. Children. 1. William Atwood. 2. Nancy Atwood, m. 1st, Branch Johnson; m. 2d, Anthony Morse. 3. Thomas C. Atwood. 4. Henry Atwood. 5. Isaac Atwood, m. Ann Brown. 6. Eunice Atwood, m. Charles Raymond. IV. PoLLY,6 b. Dec. IS, 178G. 313 V. Charles,'' b. Sept. 10, 1792; m. Abigail Russell, VI. Thomas,'' b. Aug. 4, 179G. Drowned at sea, June 8, ISKJ. 138. DANIEL 5 CHURCHILL (Lsaac,^ William,^ William,^ Jomx i). Born Aug. 4, 1767, in Plympton, and lived there. Died June 7, 1858. Married Lucy Churchill, daughter of Ebenezer ° (No. 125). She died Decembei-, 1858. Children born in Plympton. I. Eunice," b. April 1, 1798; d. March 7, 1799. 314 II. Daniel," b. June 19, 1800; m. Rerecca W. Soule. 315 III. Harvey," b. April II, 1805; ra. Eliza Vose, June, 1843. 139. JOSIAH^ CHURCHILL (Isaac,* Isaac,^ William,^ JoH>f^). liorn in Plympton, Jan. 19, 1770, and lived there. Died Dec. 14, 1844. Married Deborah Piiinney (daughter of Ichabod, of Plympton, and his wife Deborah Churchill, daughter of Ichabod), b. Sept. 21, 1776. She died March 5, 1853. •78 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children born in Plympion. I. SosANNA,^ b. Aug. 20, 1795; m. 1st, Joseph Nte; rn. 2l1, John Delano. She'd. March 31, 1861. 316 II. TiMOTHT,*^ b. Aug. 7, 1797; m. Ruth Soule, of Plympton. 317 III. Pelham,^ b. March 14, 1800; m. Eunice T. Simmons, of Ply- mouth. 318 IV. Simeon,'' b. May 25, 1802; m. Mrs. Sally (Bisbee) Cdshman, March, 1830. V. Svlvanus,^ b. Dec. 15, 1804; m. Abbie Billings, of Vermont. , JSTo children. 319 VI. Alexander,^ b. April 3, 1807; m. Lydia Bosworth, of Halifax, Mass. VII. Joanna,*' b. May 27, 1812; unmarried. 320 VIII. Albert Smith,*' b. April 19, 1815; m. Priscilla S. Simmons, at Plymouth, 1841. 130. SETH^ CHURCHILL (Isaac,* Isaac,^ William,- Johx'). Bom Sept. 29, 1777, in Plympton. Died June 4, 1849. Married Rebecca Phinney, daughter of Ichabod. Slie died Sept. 16, 1854. Children. I. Eunice,^ b. March 22, 1808. II. Deborah.*' b. Feb. 3, 1810; m. ( ) Sturtevant. III. Sally,*' b. Eeb. 13, 1813. IV. Rebecca.*' b. Nov. 23, 181C.; d. July 22, 1S20. 131. ISAAC ^ CHURCHILL (Isaac,* Isaac," William,- Johk^). Born in Plympton, April 26, 1782. Lived in Plympton and Abing- ton, to which latter place he removed about 1820. Died in Abing- ton, Aug. 7, 1842. IMarried, in Provincetown, 1806, IMary Grozier. Children horn in Plympton and Ahington. I. IsAAC,^ b. Oct. 14, 1807. II. Mary Grozier,'' b. June 9, 1809; m. Hector Foster, Nov. 30, 1828. She was living in So. Ahington in 1896. Children born in Abington. 1. Mary M. Foster, b. Oct. 25, 1829 ; m. 1st, B. Frank Hutchinson, March 2, 1848; m. 2d, James A. Bates, Nov. 20, 18G5. 2. Rolinda Holmes Foster, b. Oct. 31, 1831 ; d. April 2, 1834. 8. Thomas Foster, b. June 9, 1333; m. Mary Hutchinson, May 27, 1853, and d. Jan. 12, 1860. 4. Samuel Foster, b. July 22, 1835; m. Abigail P. Porter, Oct. 15. 1857. 5. Rolinda Holmes Foster, b. March 14, 1837; m. Henry West, July 17, 1853. 6. Sophia Wade Foster, b. Dec. 30. 1839 ; d. Jan. 8, 1844. 7. John Albert Foster, b. Sept. 13, 1845 ; d. as soldier in First Regi- ment Artillery, Mass. Vols., May 19, 1864. 8. Arthur Waldo Foster, b. May 12, 1850; d. Sept. 14, 1801. III. Sophia.*' b. April 29, 1810; m. Orkin Wade, at Plympton, Aug. 24, 1834. FIFTH GENE RATION Children. 1. Allen Wade, b. June 14, 1835; m. Sarah Smith, Nov. 22, 1862. 2. Isaac E. Wade, b. Aug. 12, 1839; m. Martha A. Hunt, Nov. 26, 1862. IV. William Grozier,^ b. Nov. 17, 1811. 321 V. IIeuben,6 b. May 30. 1813; ra. Maria Crockett, Oct. 27, 1847. 322 VI. FREE.MAN Grozier,*^ b. Jan. 2, 1815; m. Elizabeth Winslow, June 2, 1836. VII. Jane,** b. Julv 6, 1816; m. Thomas Drayton, of Brid^ewater, May 3, 1840. - ^ . Children born at Bridgeivater. 1. Charles Drayton, b. July 2, 1843; m. 1st, Georgianna Osgood, Nov. 21, 1866; m. 2d, Mary Jane Latuck, June 3, 1882. 2. Frank Otis Dravton, b. Dec. 29, 1846; m. Jane E. Taggart, Mav 22, 1878. VIII. Emily,s b. Aug. 10, 1818; m. Jared Vining. of Weymouth, Dec. 8, 1837. Children horn in Weymouth. 1. Jefferson Vining, b. Aug. 29, 1839; m. a Brazilian woman in 1867. 2. Geo. Henry Vining, b. March 16, 1847; m. a Texan woman. 3. James Vining, b. June 19, 1850; m. Jennie Vogel, in 1850. 4. Emma C. Vining, b. April 3, 1854; m. Reuben I). Burrell in 1870; d. 1877. 5. Laura Vining, b. July 19, 1856; m. Edward Paine, May, 1876. IX. Ruth Dyer,^ b. Mav 12, 1820, at Abington; m. Spexcer Gloyd, May 22, 1844. She d. April 3, 1862. Children horn in Abington. 1. Sophia Wade Gloyd, b. Oct. 13, 1845; m. Sihis Warren Hall. Nov. 28, 1867. 2. Henry Glovd, b. Oct. 25, 1846; m. Ruth A. Orcutt, July 20, 1871 ; d.'Feb. 4, 1872. 3. Geo. Spencer Gloyd, b. Sept. 30, 1848. 4. Andrew Gloyd, b. Aug. 31, 1850. 5. Betsey Jane'Glovd, b. Nov. 30, 1852. 6. Ruth Alice Gloyd, b. Jan. 14, 1854. X. Ezra,« b. May 21, 1821; d. Jan. 17, 1827. XL Eunice RiplJey," b. April 15, 1823; d. June 11, 1823. XII. Almira,*^ b. Feb. 21, 1825: m. William Belcher, of Randolph, June 21, 1840. Children born in Randolph. 1. Almira Jane Belcher, b. Nov. 27, 1842; d. Dec. 1, 1842. 2. Jane Belcher, b. Oct. 29, 1843; m. Jonathan Hopkins, March 24, 1862. 3. AVilliam B. Relcher, b. Oct. 1, 1847; m. Laura E. Blanchard, Nov. 13, 1867. 4. Allen W. Belcher, b. Nov. 27, 1849 ; d. March 4, 1850. 5. Caroline Belcher, b. Oct. 31, 1852; m. Calvin Orcutt, May 13, 1869. 6. Almira Anna Belcher, b. A[)ril 10, 1855; m. Roscoe Childs, May 17, 1872. 7. Laura Etta Belcher, b. March 11, 1857: d. March 26, 1857. 8. Lillian Belcher, b. Dec. 24, 1859; m. C. U. Turner. Dec. 24, 1876. 9. Emily Louisa Belcher, b. Nov. 25, 1861 ; ra. N. H. Small, Julv 16, 1879. 10. Irene Estella Belcher, b. Aug. 27, 1866; d. March 23, 1869. 80 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY 323 XIII. EzRA,s b. Jan. 18, 1827; m. xMyea Jane Bosavorth, of Belling- ham. Oct. 20, 1856. 324 XIV. Otis," b. Oct. 6, 1828; m. Mary A. Temple, of Marlboro'. 132. ZEBEDEE^ CHUECHILL (Perez,* Bexjamix,^ William,- JoHN^). Born Aug. 19, 1745, in Middleboro'. Lived in Middle- boro', probably at Pope's Point Furnace. Married at the age of 19, he died at 22, Dec. 13, 1767. Married, May 24, 1764, Sakah CusHMAx, daughter of Caleb. She was born Nov. 12, 1743, and after the death of her first husband, Zebedee, she married Samuel Cobb, of Middleboro', Sept. 24, 1772. She was then of Ware- ham. She died in -Middleboro', March 14, 1834, aged about 91 years. Children bo7-n in MidcUeloro' . 325 I. Asaph,* b. May 5, 17G5; m. Mary Gardner, dau. of Edward. II. Zebedee,® d. young. 133, PEEEZ^ CHUECHILL (Pep.ez,* Benjamin,^ William," JoHN '). Born April 26, 1753. Lived in Middleboro'. Served in Eevolution, in his father's company. Colonel Sprout's Eegiment, first as private and later as a sergeant, in 1778 and 1780. Married, Oct. 1, 1778, Patience Wood. Childre7i born in Middleboro'. 326 I. Asaph," b. March 7, 1789; m. Khoda J. Atwood, 1819. II. Lydia,® m. ( ) Tubes. III. Patience,® m. ( ) Jackson. IV. Deborah," m. ( ) Markham. V. Benjamin," d. unmarried; drowned at sea. VI. Edmund," d. unmarried. 134. ISAACS CHUECHILL (Perez,* Benjamin,^ William,- JoHN '). Born in Middleboro', Nov. 23, 1758. Lived in Middle- boro' until about 1795-8, when they removed to Pomfret, Vt. He probably served in the Eevolution, but I cannot identify him in the rolls. Perhaps in Capt. John Gibb's Company, 1778. He died in Pomfret, Jan. 5, 1803. Married, Jan. 21, 1777, Betsey Eaymond, daughter of James, of Middleboro'. Children lorn in Middleboro'. 327 I. Joseph," b. June 6, 1778; m. Margaret Gardner, Nov. 6, 1817. 328 II. Zebedee," b. Feb. 19, 1779; m. Azubah Cheedle, Nov. 4, 1809. III. Martha," b. Feb. 9, 1782; m. Zebulon Thomas, Marcli, ISOi. Lived in Montgomery, Vt. , in 1857. FIFTH GENERATION 81 IV. Betsey,^ b. Dec. 2fi, 1784; m. John Thompson, of Bridgewater, Vt., Dec. 21, 1803. 329 V. Isaac, ^ b. June 30, 178f! : m. Lydia Rogers, December, 1804, and lived in Urbana, 111., 1859. VI. RnTH,6 b. March 8, 1789; m. Elisha Watkins, July, 1818. Childreii born in Pomfret, Vt. 5. Harriet Watkins. 6. Henry Watkins. 7. Jane Watkins. 8. Betsey Watkins. 1. Charles C. Watkins. 2. Frank W. Watkins. 3. Cliauiicy Watkins. 4. Mary Watkins, m. Boy n- ton. 330 VII. Phineas.6 b. April 28, 1793; ra. Akvilla Grow, 1815. 331 VIII. Jacob," b. April 5, 1795; m. Betsey Howard, April 4, 1821. 135. JOSEPH ' CHURCHILL (Pekez," Benjamin," William,^ John ^). Born April 23, 1761. Lived first in Middleboro'. Moved later to Hebron, Me., but soon after to Paris, Me., and settled in the Swift neighborhood. Joseph, about 1809, went on a visit to Dunstable, Mass., and died there. The mother, Alice, died in Paris, Me. Mar- ried, March 8, 1785, Alice Drake, in Middleboro'. Children. 332 I. Spragde,^ b. April 28, 1787; ra. Harriet Holmes. II. Polly," b. April 3, 1790; m. Daniel Dudley, June 9, 1835. She was his second wife. 333 III. William," b. May 21, 1792; m. 1st, Polly Bird; m. 2d, Rebecca Churchill, of Buckfleld, Me., dau. of No. 142. IV. Sally," b. 1795; m. Shadrach Keen, of Suumer, Me. 334 V. Sullivan," b. 1798; m. Martha Smith. VI. Sophia," b. April 12, 1801 ; m. Nathaniel Libby, Dec. 2, 1819. Children born in Greenwood, Me. 1. Alice Jane Libby, b. Feb. 15, 1823; m. Albert Winslow, July 3, 1841. 2. Joseph Lamoine Libby, b. April 30, 1827; m. Evelyn J. Stuart, Harrison,- Me., Nov. 4, 1857. Live in So. Paris, Me. 3. Sarah Sophia Libby, b. Sept. 20, 1832 ; m. Stetson L. Gordon, Sept. 2, 1853. 4. Nathaniel William Libby, b. June 24, 1834; m. Effie A. Nelson, of Cynthiana, Ky. VII. Burudel," b. April 17, 1805; m. Jason Hammond. VIII. MiLLicENT," b. April 25, 1808; m. 1st, Levi Frank; m. 2d, Ben- jamin Bacon. 136. JABEZ^ CHURCHILL (Benjamin,* Benjamin,'^ William,- JoHN '). Born in Middleboro', 1754, Served in the Revolutionary War, in Capt. Perez Churchill's Company, Colonel Sproutt's Regi- ment. Credited as company clerk. Company marched to Dart- mouth on two different alarms. His youngest daughter, Lucinda, was living in Augusta, ^le., in 1889, and our senior compiler, Mr. N. W. Churchill, visited her. She was nearly ninety years old, but 82 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY still clear and bright of mind and memory. Several letters from her are before me. In one she says that her father served in the wsiT four years, and while the records do not substantiate the state- ment, it is probable that she had good foundation for it. She says in the same letter that her parents " were married in Mass. before the Dark Day," and their children were born in Middleboro', Mass. Her father was paid off for his services in the war in " bad money." He removed, in 1801, to Hartford, Me., bringing his father and mother along with him. He died Dec. 20, 1840. Married, before May 19, 1780, Louisa Lucas. Children born in Middleboro' . I. Mary,^ b. February, 1782; d. aged 2 years. 336 II. JoAB." b. March 2. 1784; m. Philena Hayford, Feb. 26. 1789. III. Louisa,^ b. Feb. 20, 178fi; m. James Keene. One of their chil- dren was Zilpah Keene, who married Nathan ® Churchill (No. 338). IV. KizpAH,* b. Jan. 20, 1789 ; m. Reuben Bartlett. Had seven children. V. Hannah,^ b. March 13, 1792; d. unmarried. VI. Zilpah.^ b. May 2, 1794; d. aged 16 years. VII. Polly, ^ b. 1796; m. James Keene. 336 VIII. Jabez,« b. March 14, 1797; m. Phebe Hazleton. IX. Ldcinda,^ b. April 25, 1800; m. John Savage; no children. They lived at Augusta, Me. She died there in 1889, aged 89 years 10 months. 137. WILLIAMS CHUECHILL (Benjamin," Benjamin,^ William,- JoHN ^). Born in Middleboro* in 1755, and lived there until after the war of the Eevolution, in which he served, in the Company of Capt. Calvin Partridge, Lieut.-Col. Samuel Pierce's Eegiment. Marched May 21, 1779, and was stationed at Little Compton, E.I. Some time before 1784 he settled in Buckfield, Me. About 1796 or 1797 he removed to Wayne, Me. He drew a pension for his service in the Eevolution, according to the account of one of his grandsons. Married, in Middleboro', Mass., Ltdia Maxim. Children, four born in Buckfield, two in Wayne, Me. I. Lydia," b. Dec. 13, 1784; ra. Samuel Dinsmore ; both of Wayne. Intentions, July 15, 1809. They removed to Ohio. II. Mary,^ b. June 1, 1788; m. James Decker, of Temple, Me. Children. 1. Benjamin Decker. 1 3. Lucy Decker. 2. Rosella Decker. | 4. Hannah Decker. III. Benjamin,* b. July 22, 1791 ; d. unmarried in the " Florida War." 337 IV. William,^ b. Aug. 5, 1796; m. Phebe Maxim, both of Wayne. Intentions May 24, 1817. V. Hepsirah,* d. unmarried. 338 VI. Nathan,^ b. March 23, 1807; m. Zilpah Keene, Oct. 19, 1834. FIFTH GENERATION 83 138. JOSEPH 5 CHURCHILL (Benjamin/ Benjamin/' William/ John ^). Born in Middleboro'. He served in the war of the Revo- lution, three brief terms of enlistment in the year 1779, viz., March 14, for thirty days, under Captain Wilmarth at Howland's Eerry ; from May 20 to July 1, at Tiverton, R.I., and from Aug. 13 to Sept. 13, 1779. It is supposed that after the war he settled in Rhode Island at either Gloucester or Scituate. In 1792 he had a deed of land from Jabez Williams, of Gloucester, and was himself of Gloucester. One of his grandsons, writing of him in 1900, says he was a poor man and did not keep his family together. So it seems that they scattered early, and settled later, in different localities. Three of the sons removed to Pennsylvania, as will be seen, while the daughters, it is said, married and lived in central Massachusetts. He married in Rhode Island ( ) Williams, a descendant of Roger. Children. 339 340 341 342 343a No record II III Abraham,* m. and settled in Rhode Island, it is said. found. Pardon,* b. about 1793; ni. Abigail Williams. Williams,* b. March 21, 1795; m. Batiisheba Williams. IV. Cyril,* m. and settled at Susquehanna, Pa. Lived and died there. V. Asa.* No further record found. VI. AsHA,* b. July 11, 1799; m. William Jepherson. He was a farmer and lived near Webster, and had a family. Children. 1. Abel Jepherson, b. Oct. 1, 1819; ra. Eunice Bown. 2. Elizabeth Jepherson, b. Aug. 3, 1821 ; m. Amos Morse. 3. George Jepherson, b. Aug. 30, 182- ; m. Mary D. Scarborough. 4. Willis Jepherson, died at the age of 15 years. 5. Amos Jepherson, died at the age of 17 years. 6. William Jepherson, died at the age of 2 weeks. 7. William Jepherson, ra. Sarah ( ). 8. Esther Jepherson, died at the age of 6 years. 9. A daughter died in infancy. 10. Sabia Jepherson, died at 17 years. 11. Melvin Jepherson, died at 17 years. VII. Phebe,* b. 1802; m. Simon Fairfield. Children. Bathsheba Fairfield. James Marshall Fair- field, b. Nov. IG, 1823. Charles Fairfield. Enos W. Fairfield. 5. John Nelson Fairfield. 6. Clark Fairfield. 7. Albert Fairfield. 8. Asa Churchill Fairfield. 9. Maria Fairfield, died in infancy. 139. NELSON 5 CHURCHILL (Benjamin/ Benjamin/ William,- JoHN^). Lived in Middleboro' and Carvei', until 1802, when they removed to Colerain, Mass. Settled on a farm on " Catamount 84 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY Hill." He was a farmer and a fine scholar. In his youth he was a molcler. He died in Rowe, Mass. Married, Jan. 12, 1786, Eunice Shaw. Children horn in Middleboro' . 343 I. Artemas.** b. July 5, 1786; m. Ruth Maxim, March 6, 1812. 344 II. Nelson,*' b. March 2, 1788; m. 1st, Nancy Lake; m. 2d, Lucy Willis Maxim, of Charlemont. III. Ruth,*' b. Nov. 29, 1790; m. James Bell, of Colerain. Children. 1. Thomas Bell. I 3. Emily Bell. 2. Edward Bell. | IV. Lovina,^ b. May 12, 1797; m. Alden Willis. 346 V. Alvin,^ b. September, 1799 ; m. Emily Willis, of Charlemont, Dec. 2, 1825. 139a. ALICES (CHURCHILL) MONK (Jabez,^ Josiah,^ William,^ JoHN^). Born in North Bridgewater, Feb. 23, 1753. Married Elias Monk, of Bridgewater, Feb. 10, 1772. Mr. Monk served in the Revolution, first on the Lexington Alarm, April 19, 1775, in Capt. Peter Talbot's Company, Col. Lemuel Robinson's Regiment, seven days ; and in various enlistments under different officers, cov- ering almost the entire period of the war. He is said to have been of Stoughton. They removed, about 1781 or 1782, to Hebron, Me., and settled on a farm. Mrs. Alice Monk died Aug. 15, 1806, and Elias Monk died Dec. 17, 1842. Children, the first born in Bridgewater, the rest in Hebron. I. Lewis ^ Monk, b. Sept. 14, 1779. II. James ^ Monk, b. Dec. 12, 1782; m. Polly Jordan, of Hebron, May 9, 1802. III. Martha® Monk, b. Aug. 24, 1784; m. James Farris, Jr., of Hebron, Aug. 2, 1806. IV. Alfred'' Monk, b. Sept. 8, 1786; m. Relief Irish. V. Rebeckah® Monk, b. Sept. 7, 1788; m. Moses TwiTCHELL. Lived in Paris, Me. VI. Betty® Monk, b. April 4, 1791. VII. LoviNA® BisBEE Monk, b. Oct. 17, 1792; m. Joseph Penley. VIII. Melatiah" Monk, b. Oct. 28, 1794. 139b. RACHEL^ (CHURCHILL) PRATT (Jabez,^ Josiah,^ Will- iam,^ John ^). Born in North Bridgewater, Oct. 17, 1754. Mar- ried there, July 23, 1777, Thaddeus Pratt, son of Barnabas and Isabella (Downey) Pratt, of Bridgewater, born in 1755. Mr. Pratt served in the Revolution, first on the Lexington Alarm, April 19, 1775 ; marched from Bridgewater ; served twelve days in the com- pany of Capt. Josiah Hayden, Colonel Bailey's Regiment of Minute- FIFTH GENERATION 85 men. He was in other companies in various service later, and in a " Descriptive list of the men raised in Plymouth County to serve in the Continental Army " he is described as, " Age, 24 years ; stature? 5 feet 7 inches ; complexion, dark ; residence, Bridgewater ; delivered to Capt. L. Bailey." This last enlistment \yas on July 23, 1779, for nine months, and he was discharged April 23, 1780. He removed to Hebron, Me., in 1782, where he is said to have been the tenth settler of the new town. Children of Thaddeus and Rachel (CJiurchill) Pratt. I. WiLi-iAM ® Pratt, b. March 12, 1779; m. Martha Gurnet, July 1, 1804. II. Josiah'^ Pratt, b. May 3, 1783; m. Sibyl GnRNEr, 1807. III. Barnabas « Pratt, b. July 13, 1785; d. March 12, 1790. IV. Rachel^ Pratt, b. Feb. 9, 1788; ni. Eliphalet Sturtevant, March, 1807. She died March 11, 1817, at Hebron. V. Barnabas^ Pratt, b. March IS, 1790. Never married. VI. Susanna ^ Pratt, b. June 1, 1793. VII. Polly ^ Pratt, b. July 5, 1795; m. Eliphalet Sturtevant, April 23, 1818. She died Nov. in, 1833. VIII. Cyprian^ Pratt, b. Aug. 8, 1797; m. Betsey Dunham, June 24, 1819. IX. RubyS Pratt, b. Feb. 14, 1801. 140. JABEZ 5 CHURCHILL (Jabez,* Josiah,' William,^ Johx '). Born in Bridgewater, Mass., 1759. He enlisted in the Revolution- ary service, as private in Capt. Henry Prentiss's Company, Col. Thomas Marshall's Regiment, June 8, 1876 ; discharged Dec. 1, 1776. Service five months twenty -four days. Again enlisted March 27, 1777, in Capt. John Porter's Company, Col. Michael Jackson's Regiment ; age, 18 years ; residence, Bridgewater ; term of enlistment three years. One of his descendants claims that he served four years and nine days. About 1782 he went to Hebron, Me., and resided there afterwards. Married, 1785, Maria Benson. Children born in Hebron^ Me. 346 I. Shepard,6 I b. 1786/7; m. Polly Dudley, Oct. 6, 1808. She was V of Hebron. 347 11. JosiAH," j b. 1786/7; m. Rachel Curtis, of Woodstock, Me. 348 III. Bela," m. Sarah Dudley. 349 IV. Matthew," b. March 20, 1792; m. Dorothy Hall, of Falmouth. V. Ruhamah,^ b. Feb. 1, 1794; ra. Amos Winslow, Sept. 11, 1813. She d. in Buckfield, Dec. 10, 1877. He d. in Buckfield, Jan. 6, 1855. Children born in Buckfield. 1. Amos Winslow, d. young. • 2. Hannah Winslow, d. young. 3. Solomon Winslow, b. Aug. 21, 1820. 4. Hiram Winslow, b. March 12, 1822. 5. Stephen Winslow, b. Feb. 19, 1824. 86 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 6. Maria Winslow, b. Dec. 22, 1826. 7. Miranda Winslow, b. Aug. 17, 1829. 8. George Clinton Winslow, b. July 12, 1832. 9. Amos Kendall Winslow, b. July 28, 1834. 350 VI. Jabez,^ m. TiRZAH Dudley. VII. Maecena,^ m. John Bicknell. 141. JOSIAH ' CHURCHILL (Jabez/ Josiah,'^ William/ Johx '). Born, 1762, in Bridgewater, Mass. It is probable that he served in the Revolution in 1779 among the nine months' men. It is a tradi- tion in the family that he went to Hebron before the others, but after a few years removed to Yarmouth or Falmouth, Me. Mar- ried Lydia Orr. She died April 11, 1790, aged 25 years. Child. 351 I. JosiAH.^ No record. 143. BENJAMIN^ CHURCHILL (Jabez,^ Josiah,-^ William,^ John ^). Born in Bridgewater about 1765, and removed with his mother and her family to Hebron in the spring of 1783 or '84 ; married 1st, Sally Benson. * Children born in Hebron, some, perhaps, elsewhere. I. Sally,® tn. Nathan Dudley. They lived at Oxford, Me., and had children. 1. Benjamin Dudley. 2. Caleb Dudley. 3. Nathan Dudley. 4. Samuel Dudley. 5. Simon Dudley. 6. William Dudley, d. in 1854. II. RuTH,^ m. Ebenezer Dudley, May 18, 1824, of Hebron, Me., in Hebron. Children. 1. SethB. Dudley, b. 1825. 2. Sarah Dudley, b. 1829. 3. Jane Dudley, b. 1831. 4. Daniel Dudley, b. 1834. 5. Harrison Dudley. III. Celia,® m. Benjamin Witt, of Norway. Children. 1. Daniel Witt. | 3. Cyrus Witt, m. Angle Bird. 2. George Witt. | 4. Betsey Witt. IV. PoLLY,*^ m. ( ) BiGELOW, of Worcester. One child. 1. Harriet Bigelow. V. Rebecca,® m. William® Churchill (No. 333), g. v. VI. Miranda,® b. 1813; d. 1886, aged 73; m. John Witt, of Norway. VII. Olive,® m. RufusBriggs, of Norway. * Note — I am not sure that the above is the proper order of births. — Editor. FIFTH GENERATION 87 Children. 1. Sarah Briggs, m. Albert Moss. 2. Emmeline Briggs, unmarried. 3. Ellen Briggs, m. Hiram Moore. 4. Charles Briggs, lives in Indianapolis. 5. Ada Briggs, married in Dallas, Texas. 142a. CHARLOTTE^ (CHURCHILL) BARROWS (Jabez,'* Jo- siAH,^ William,'- John^). Born in North Bridgewater, Mass., Nov. 1, 1767. Married Ephbaim Barrows, of Hebron, born Aug. 14, 1762. Served in the Revolution, from Plympton, Mass., June, 1778 ; age, 16. Died May 2, 1838. Children. I. Jabez ^ Barrows, b. Jan. 16, 1786; d. in Foxcroft, Me. II. Abigail^ Barrows, b. July 15, 1787; m. Reuben Chandler. III. Ephraim '^ Barrows, Jr., b. Nov. ;j, 1789; d. in Bangor, Me. IV Benjamin^ Barrows, b. Sept. 2, 1792; d. in Norway, Me. V. Mary*^ Barrows, b. June 25, 1794. VI. JoEL*^ Barrows, b. May 17, 1796; d. in Sumner, Me. VII. Charlotte^ Barrows, b. Oct. 2, 1798; never married. VIII. IvEziAH ^ Barrows, b. April 27, 1801 ; never married. IX. LuciNDA^ Barrows, b. Sept. 25, 1803; m. Richard Houghton. X. Hiram ^ Barrows, b. May 7, 1805; d. in Otisfield, Me. XI. Miranda'' Barrows, b. Dec. 8, 1808; d. April 26, 1815. 142b. * SILENCE 5 (CHURCHILL) BESSEY (Jabez,* Josia< William,- John^).. Born in North Bridgewater, Mass., in 1772. Moved to Hebron, Me., with her mother in 1784-5. Married 1st, Jepthah Benson, who was born Sept. 4, 1763. Married 2d, John Bessey, as his second wife. We have found no record of children of first husband, but by riccond husband she had three children born in Paris, Me. Children hy Second Husband. I. Joshua® Bessey, b. May, 1802. II. Charity'^ Bessey, b. M irch, 1804; ru. John Thurlow, of Wood- stock. III. Mahala ® Bessey, b. May, 1806; m. Sumner Stearns, of Bethel. 143. ASAPH s CHURCHILL (Jabkz," Josiah,- William,- John'). Born in 1775 in Bridgewater, and lived in Hebron and Paris, Me. Married 1st, Betsey Dean : married 2d, 1806, Polly Merrill. * The name referred to this number was given incorrectly Celestia, and printed so before the error was discovered. One informant wrote the name in that way. No record of the family of Susan (140a) has been found. — Editor. 88 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Child of First Wife, born in Buckfield. 352 I. Asaph,'' b. July 31, 1803; m. 1st, Sally Peterson, 1825; m. 2d, LoviNA Moody, 1842. Children of Second Wife, horn in Buckfield. 353 II. HiRAM,^ b. Aug. 20, 1808; m. 1st, Margaret Tarbox; m. 2d, Melinda S. Rockwell. 854 III. Nathaniel,^ b. May 28, 1810; m. Abby W. Stevens, of Shap- leigb, Me. 355 IV. Elbridge,*' b. Jan. 28, 1812; m. 1st, Mary Peterson; m. 2d, Abbie Cole. V. Betsey,^ b. Jan. 22, 1814; m. Martin Chcrchill.(No. 732), q.v. 3oG VI. Albert,'' b. May 21, 1816; m. Mercy Freeman. VII. Polly,^ b. May 26, 1818; m. Hanson Ham, of Saco. She had two children who died in infancy. She died at the age of 48 years. Children born, probably, in Paris, Me. VIII. LucY,6 b. March 4, 1822; m. 1st, ( ) ( ); m. 2d, Isaac SCAMMAN. Child. 1. Child by first husband died in infancy. children by Second Husband. , 2. Lizzie P. Scamman, b. in Portland, Sept. 14, 1852; m. Fred C. Merrill. 3. Mary E. Scamman, b. in Porthind, Sept. 2, 1854; m. John T". Smith. 4. Charles L. Scamman, b. in Presque Isle, June 28, 1858 ; m. Vira Packard. 5. Helen Amanda Scamman, b. in Presque Isle, March 12, 1860; d. Dec. 18, 1860. IX. Nancy,« b. Feb. 8, 1824 ; m. John F. Emery, Dec. 10, 18-^ Children. 1. Lyman C. Emery, b. April 6, 1846, in Alfred, Me.; d. Sept. 2, 1847, in Portlani\ Me. 2. Infant son, b. July 10, 1848, in Portland, Me; d. July 18, 1848. 3. John C, b. Sept. 16, 1850, in Saco, Me.; d. Oct. 17, 1851. 4. Howard, b. Oct. 3, 1^53; m. Elizabeth A. Sanborn, June 15, 1885. 5. Herbert, b. Oct. 10, 1856, in Saco, Me.; d. Dec. 17, 1863. 144. JOHNS CHURCHILL (Israel/ Josiah,^ William/ John i). Born (probably) at Tribes' Hill, in the Mohawk Valley, and settled at Yonge, Leeds County, Ont. Married Anna Hewitt. Children born in Yonge, Ont. I. Nancy, ^ b. 1802 ; m. James Nicholson. II. Jane,® b. 1805; m. John Chapman. 357 III. David Russell,* b. 1808; m. Jane McVeigh. IV. Mary Ann,^ b. 1810; m. John Bdi.nes. V. William,^ b. 1812; never married. VI. RuHAMA,® b. 1814; m. John Cowan. FIFTH GENERATION 89- 358 VII. JoHN,6b.]81G; m. 1st, ( )( ); m. 2d, Sophia Tompkins. "VIII. Edward Sydney,^ b. 1818; never married. IX. Elizabeth,^ b. 1820; never married. X. Eleanor,® b. Sept. 15, 1822; m. Peter Kellet. XI. Maria.® b. 1824:; m. Omar Cook. 359 XII. Jones,® b. 1829; m. Elizabeth Forrester. XIII. Charles Stuart,® never married. 145. JOSEPH 5 CHURCHILL (Israel," Josiah/ William/ John '). Born at Tribes Hill, probably. Settled at Yonge near Farmers- ville, Out. Married Abigail Hanley. Children born at Yonge. I. EzRA,®b. 1800. No further record. II. Hannah.® III. EzEKiEL.® No further record. 360 IV. Jehiel,6 b. Feb. 9, 1807; m. Sarah Shanard. No record. V. Lucy Ann,® m. ( ) Beebe. VI. Lewis.® No further record. VII. Albert.® No further record. VIII. Dorcas,® m. ( ) Beebe. 147. CORNELIUS PHILLIPS 5 CHURCHILL (Israel/ Josiah,^ "William,- John '). Born in the JNIohawk Valley, June 27, 1789. Settled at Pickering, Canada. Married, April 29, 1810, Charlotte Barry. He died at Pickering, Ontario County. When married they were both of the Township of Yonge, County Leeds, District of Joh Jstown, Canada West. Children born in Yonge. 861 I. Levius,® b. Jan. 29, 1812; m. Delilah Betts, Nov. fi, 1836. II. Almira,® b. Nov. 12, 1814; m. David Hogle. April 21, 1842. III. Eleanor,® b Dec. 23, 1818; m. William Marr, of Pickering, Nov. 3], 1839. IV. Harriet,® b. Feb. 20, 1826; m. Thomas Hubbert, Oct. 21, 1843. 362 V. Charles,® b. Oct. 8, 1828; m. Jane Major, May 10, 1848. 148. JACOBS CHURCHILL (Joseph,* Josiah,^ William,^ John^). Born in Gloucester or Scituate, R.I. Lived in Gloucester till after 1790, then near Providence, and thence moved to Williamstown, Vt. He was a nail maker. He died in Sterling, N.Y., in 1847. Mar- ried, 1788, at or near Bellows Falls, Vt., Abigail Turner, of Gloucester, R.I. Abigail died in Vermont about 1830. Children. 363 I. William T.,® b. June 21, 1790; m. Isabel Gilbert. II. Susan,® b. 1794; m. Timothy Claflin. 90 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY Child. 1. Maria Claflin, m. Van Allen. 364 III. Aktemas,^ b. Aug. 4, 1797; m. Annie Mattison, Dec. 31, 1820. IV. Lydia,^ unmarried. V. Olive, ^ b. 1799; m. Eli Boctelle. VI. Gardner,* never married. 365 VII. Palmer,'' b. 1805 ; m. Susan Henry. 3<>6 VIII. Otis,« b. Oct. 10, 1808 ; m. Maria Vaughn. 367 IX. Jacob,« b. July 13, 1810; m. Clarissa Vaughn, 1830. X. Abigail,® m. David Fish. XI. Sophia,® m. George Vanderwater. 149. BENJAMIN^ CHUECHILL (Joseph,* Josiah/ William,^ John ^). Born in Bristol County, Mass., 1778. Settled with his brothers, Samuel, Nathaniel, and William, in Westminster, Vt., some time before October, 1799. Lived for a time at Putney, and then in Westminster. He may have removed to Washington County, N.Y., where his oldest brother Jacob lived at Fort Edward, and Nathaniel at Fort Ann. Married, at Putney, Oct. 6, 1799, Temperance Perky, of Putney, Vt., by Asa Washburn, Justice of the Peace. Children born in Putney, Vt. 368 I. Sylvester,® b. March 6, 1801 ; ni. Fanny Davenport. II. Temperance.® ' III. Araminta.® 369 IV. Erastus,® b. Dec. 13, 1809; m. Almira Churchill. 370 V. Charles Perry,® b. March ^9. 1812; ni. 1st, Amelia Ann Daven- port, March 20, 1834; m. 2d, Elizabeth Van Sheick, Sept. 12, 1856. VI. Irena.® 371 VII. James,® m. 1st, Charlotte ( ); m. 2d, ( ). 150. ALVA 5 CHUECHILL (Jacob,* Josiah,^ William,- John^). Born in Stockbridge. Joined the church there in 1803. Settled at first in Stockbridge, but after the first wife's death removed to Lenox, thence to ISTew Marlborough, and lived there till 1817, when the family removed to Pennsylvania. Married 1st, Arvilla Andrus, daughter of Elisha, of Great Barrington ; 2d, Ann Mott. Children of First Wife, first three horn in Stockbridge. I. Achsah,® m. Dunham Ross. He died during the Civil War. She died in 1852, leaving a family of six children, viz. : (1) Dunham Ross, (2) Develon Ross, (3) Dennis Ross, (4) Lillis Ross, (5) Phebe Ross, (6) Amanda Ross. 372 II. Calvin W.,® b. July 23, 1809; m. 1st, Luna Holcomb, Nov. 8, 1832 ; m. 2d, Mehitable Gee. FIFTH GENERATION 91 III. Amanda,^ m. Hakry Bailey. Five cliiklren, viz. : (I) Festus Bailey, (2) Sybil Bailey, (o) Persons Bailey, (4) Lution Bailey, (5) Arvilla Bailey. 373 IV. La Fayette, « b. June 22, 1828; m. Susanna Vrooman, Dec. 21, 1847. 151. SEYMOURS CHURCHILL (Jacob/ Josiah,^ William,^ John ^). Born in Stockbridge, and lived and died there. Married Rebecca Palmer. Children horn in Stockbridge. 374 I. RoswELL Palmer,® b. Sept. 14, 1818; m. Maria Knapp. II. William Pitt, ^ d. young; unmarried. III. Charles Seymour,® d. at the age of 18. 153. DANIEL 5 CHURCHILL (Jacob/ Josiah/ William,- John '). Born in Stockbridge. Lived at Newark Valley, N.Y. We have not been able to find anything further about this family. Married Experience Stafford. Children. I. Mary.® II. Seymour.® Said to have been a physician in Oswego, N.Y. 153. JACOBS MILES CHURCHILL (Jacob,^ Josiah,^ William,- JoHN '). Born in Stockbridge, May 10, 1799. Lived in Delhi, N.Y. He died Jan. 14, 1876. Married Lucinda Thompson, at Stockbridge, Mass., where she was born May 30, 1800. She died Oct. 5, 1880. Children. I. Pamelia,® b. Feb. 18, 1826; m. 1st, Alfred Fitch, at Delhi, May 22, 1849. Mr. Fitch died Sept. 23, 1854; m. 2d, Joseph II. FooTE, May 21, 1856. He was a physician, at Franklin, N.Y. Child by First Husband. 1. Helen B. Fitch, h. April 3, 1850; d. Nov. 8, 1865. Children by Second Husband. 2. Julia Foote, b. April 8, 1858; d. April 26, 1858. 3. Stella Foote, b. July 1, 1850. 375 II. Charles F.,® b. in Delhi, N.Y., May 20, 1837; ra. Harriet F. Armstrong, June 14, 1876. III. Helen,® b. Oct. 1, 1844; d. May 15, 1845. 92 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 155. GEORGE 5 CHURCHILL (Ebenezer,^ Joh^ John/ JohnI). Boru in Plymouth, April 18, 1761. Served in Revolution in Capt. Ebenezer Washburn's Company, Col. Eleazer Brook's Regiment. Enlisted Nov. 7, 1777 ; served to Feb. 3, 1778 ; in regular army, 1779. Descriptive list says 18 years old, stature, five feet eleven inches ; complexion, dark ; residence, Plymouth. He died at Martha's Vineyard, Sept. 14, 1796. Married, April 2, 1786, Eliza- beth Haklow. Children. 376 I. Ebenezer,^ b. March 19, 1787; m. Elizabeth Peabodt. II. Elizabeth,^ b. July 25, 1789. III. Branch, 6 b. Aug. 23, 1792. IV. Sarah Warren," b. July 15, 1795. SIXTH GENERATION. 156. ASAHEL « CHURCHILL (Samuel/ Samuel/ John/ Joseph/ JoHN^). Born in Stockbridge, jVIass., Jnly 3, 1769; baptized Aug. 6, 1769. After marriage removed to New York State and settled on the Susquehanna River, about nine miles above Oswego, now Apa- lachin. The family removed from that place about 1809, came down the river into Pennsylvania, across the country to the Ohio River, and then down that stream to Cincinnati, at that time a small village. The party consisted of Asahel's family, including his daughter Sarah and her husband, Mary, Daniel, Olive, and Samuel. From Cincinnati they went into Indiana and settled at Brookville in Franklin County, then scarcely more than a wilder- ness. The Indians were not friendly, and the families, for security, gathered into block-houses at night. About two years after the settlement there, Asahel, the father, died, leaving the family in destitute circumstances. The mother lived to be 95 years old, and died in 1864. Married, Feb. 4, 1785, Polly Hart, who was born July 3, 1769. ' Children. I. Sarah,' m. George Giltner. Children. 1. Asahel Giltner, b. July 16, 1809. 2. Milton Giltner, . , . o A 1 n-ii. V twins. 3. Amanda Giltner ,}' 4. Pamelia Giltner. 5. Hamilton Giltner. 6. William Giltner. 7. John Giltner. II. Mart,' ra. ( ) Mount. III. Olive.' IV. Asahel ' Jr., d., aged 9 years. 377 V. William,' b. 1795; m. Hannah Freeland. 377a VI. Samuel,' m. 1st, ( ) Abernath ; m. 2d, Mrs. Snowdon. 378 VH. Daniel,' b. 1800; m. 1st, Nancy Street; m. 2d, Julia Street. 157. SAMUEL « CHURCHILL (Samuel/ Samuel,"* John/ Joseph/ JoHN^). Born in Stockbridge, Jan. 9, 1772. Married, Feb. 25, 1796, Phebe Seward, who was born Dec. 10, 1771. (93) 94 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY Children . I. Frederick Seward,' b. Sept. 9, 1797; d. at 20 years. 379 II. Lyman,' b. Sept. 17, 1799; m. Charlotte Dewey, Sept. 20, 1826. III. Phebe,' b. Jan. 14, 1803; m. Henry Curtis, Dec. 14, 1824. IV. Caroline,' b. April 30, 1805; m. Federal Whittlesey, Dec. 15, 1824. V. Jerdsha,' b. Jan. 3, 1808; m. Albert Broavn, Oct. 10, 1827. Children born in Stockhridge, Mass., and Schenectady, N.Y. 1. Theodore Backus Brown, b. July 20, 1828; m. Julia E. Strong. 2. Emily Brown, b. May 30, 1830; d. in infancy. 3. Henrietta Brown, b. July 17, 1832; d. young. 4. Clinton C. Brown, b. Jan. 16, 1835; m. Anna Eamsay, Oct. 20, 1869. 5. Emily W. Brown, b. Nov. 22, 1836. 6. Mary G. Brown, b. Nov. 30, 1841 ; m. Clark Brooks. 7. Alice Seward Brown, b. April 7, 1844. 380 VI. Henry,' b. July 7, 1812; m. Sarah Dewey, May 20, 1835. 158. BANIEL« CHURCHILL (Samuel/ Samuel,* John,^ Joseph,^ John ^). Born in Stockbridge, June 7, 1778, and lived there or in the vicinity. Married, May 25, 1799, Jerusha Willard, who was born Jan. 31, 1778. Children horn in Stockbridge or Vicinity. I. Mary,' b. 1800. II. Abbie,' b. 1803; m. ( ) Cooper. 381 III. William C.,' b. July 7, 1810; m. 1st, Eliza S. Ariel; m. 2d, Jane W. Leonard ; m. 3d, Caroline Sherrill. 382 IV. Samuel,' b. 1811 ; m. Mary Taylor, of Lee, Mass., Oct. 14, 18.35. 159. JOB« CHURCHILL (Barnabas,^ Barnabas," Barnabas,^ Joseph,- John ^). Born at Plymouth, March 2, 1787, and lived there. Married, Dec. 18, 1808, Hannah T. Harlow, daughter of Jesse, of Plymouth. Children horn in Plymouth. 383 I. Barnabas,' b. Sept. 30, 1809 ; m. Eliza Eddy, March 10, 1833. II. Job,' b. Jan. 17, 1812; ra. 1st, Jane D. Reed, Oct. 27, 1833; m 2d, Widow Susan Rogers, September, 1853; m. 3d, Widow Nancy J. Stetson, Oct. 10, 1863; no children. 384 III. Sylvanus H.,' b. Feb. 23, 1815; m. Lucretia Ann Bacon, Oct. 10, 1837, dau. of Captain George. IV. Hannah Faunce,' b. Jan. 1, 1817; m. Allen Holmes, March 17, 1840. She d. Feb. 12, 1884. Children horn at Plymouth. 1. Susan Augusta Holmes, b. May 16, 1841 2. Allen Turner Holmes, b. Dec. 18, 1844. 3. Frank Holmes, b. September, 1846. 4. Esther Holmes, died in infancy. SIXTH GENERATION 95 V. Sally,'' b. Dec. 14, 1819; d. Feb. Ifi, 1821. VI. Sally,'' b. Nov. 23, 1821 ; d. April 20, 1823. 385 VII. Cornelius Bradford,' b. March 26, 1824; m. 1st, Sarah F. Gushing, Nov. 15, 184G ; m. 2d, Carrie R. Taylor, of Natchez, La., Dec. 6, 1856. He d. at New Orleans, Nov. 6, 1879. 160. ICHABOD« CHURCHILL (Iohabod/ Joseph,^ Babnabas,^ Joseph,- John^). Born in Middleboro', Mass., Jnly 21, 1772. Lived in Bridge water, Vt., was a farmer, and died in Stowe, Vt., 1834. Married Prisctlla Meacham. She was born April 30, 17S0, and died in Stowe about 1840. Children born in Bridgeivaier, Vt. I. Salome,' b. April 3, 1807; m. Jonathan Barrows, of Stowe, Vt. 38(} II. Joseph,' b. Aug. 26, 1811; m. Eliza Ann Russell, of Stowe, Vt., Feb. 28, 1833. III. Abigail.' 161. NOAH 6 CHURCHILL (Ichabod,^ Joseph,* Barnabas,^ Joseph,- John ^). He was born in Middleboro', Mass., May 29, 1774. but went to Woodstock, Vt., in his father's family, at an early age. He lived in Stowe, and was one of the leading men of that town, first selectman of the town, and representative to the Legislature. He was the first man married in town, — the "Intentions of Marriage " being published by the town-clerk, Josiah Hurlburt, at the " rais- ing " of James Town's barn. " The clerk stood on one of the plates of the frame and cried aloud, ' Hear ye ! Hear ye ! marriage is in- tended between Noah Churchill and Polly Marshall,' " giving the date and adding the usual ascription, " God save the people ! " He died Nov. 4, 1843. Married, May 29, 1798, Polly Marshall, of Waterbury, Vt. She was born in Dudley, Mass., August, 1782, and died in Stowe, Jan. 5, 1849. She was the daughter of Amasa and Tamar Marshall. Children horn in Stowe., Vt. I. Hiram,' b. June 4, 1799; d. Sept. 4, 1803. II. Sarah,' b. March 23, 1801 ; d. Sept. 30, 1803. III. Minerva,' b. Oct. 23, 1802; d. June 1, 1815. IV. Almira,' b. Feb. 7, 1805 ; m. Kendrick Jenney, Dec. 4, 1830. She d. 1843. Children . 1. Harriet Jenney. 3. Ann Jenney. 2. Edwin C. Jenney, d. 4. Lucia Jenney. at 20 years. 5. George Jenney. V. Noah,' b. June 8, 1806; d. May 23, 1809. VI. Hiram Noah,' b. Aug. 27, 1807; d. Aug. 11, 1810. VIL Milan,' b. Jan, 5, 1811; d. Sept. 26, 1811. 96 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 387 VIII. Stillman,' b. Sept 13, 1812; ni. Roxa Ann Marsh, of Mont- pelia, Vt., May 20,»l.s41. 388 IX. Edwin,' b. Jan. 4, 1815; m. Mary M. Robinson, of Stowe, March 5, 1837. 389 X. Heman Allen,' b. July 27, 1816; m. Mariette L. Benson, of Stowe, May 1, 1844. XI. Harriet E.,' b. March 30, 1823; d. Sept. 4, 1824. 163. WILLIAM « CHURCHILL (Ichabod/ Joseph,^ Barnabas,^ Joseph,- Johx '). Born in Middleboro', Mass., Nov. 12, 1776. He lived in Stowe, Vt., a farmer, and died about 1830. Married 1st, Jan. 1, 1802, Eunice Badger, of Bridgewater, Vt. ; married 2d, Orinda Badger. Children born in Stowe, Vt. 31)0 I. John,' b. Oct. 2, 1802; m. Experience Hale. II. Lyman,' b. Feb. 12, 1804; died young. 391 III. William,' b. Aug. 16, 1805; m. Adaline H. Darling, of Water- bury, Vt., Aug. 15, 1830. IV. Lucy,"' b. Sept. 3, 1807; m. William Small, of Morristown, Vt. 392 V. Norman,' b. Jan. 15, 1811; ra. Eliza Spaulding. VI. Jefferson,' b. Sept. 12, 1815. Children of Second Wife. VII. Eunice,' m. William Jenkins. VIII. Orinda.' 163. JOSEPH 6 CHURCHILL (Ichabod,^ Joseph," Barnabas,^ Joseph,- John '). Born in Middleboro', Mass., Dec. 25, 1777. Was taken with his father's family to Woodstock, Vt., in 1780, and there grew to manhood, working on the farm and attending the public school. He was five feet ten inches in stature, light com- plexion, gray eyes, dark hair. He was a farmer and lived in Stowe, Vt., until after 1830, when he removed to the West and settled for a time in Illinois. He died in Benton City, Iowa, March 21, 1857. Married 1st, in Stowe, Vt., Dec. 25, 1803, Dorothy Marshall. She died in Stowe, Vt., May 2, 1829. Married 2d, in Champaign, 111., May 2, 1832, Betsey Parker. Children horn in Stowe, Vt. I. Emily,' b. June 18, 1805; d. March 12, 1820. 393 II. Almond M.,' b. April 24, 18U8 ; m. Anna Lovejoy, March 24, 1834. III. Adaline,' b. July 27, 1812; m. John W. Sessions, in Stowe, Jan. 22, 1832. Mr. Sessions was a cabinet-maker, but they removed to Wood- stock, Ohio, and he was there settled as a minister. After his death she lived in North Lewisburg, Ohio, and died there in 1897-8. IV. Sophronia,' b. Jan. 27, 1817; d. Aug. 22, 1817, in Stowe, Vt. V. Sdsan,' b. Jan. 16, 1823; d. March 6, 1823, in Stowe, Vt. SIXTH GENERATION 97 164. JESSE" CHURCHILL (Ichabod,^ Joseph,^ Barnabas/^ Josii:PH,- JoHN^). Born in Woodstock, Vt., May 8, 1792, and was brought up there on his father's farm, attended the district school, and learned the trade of wheelwright. He served in the war of 1812. He lived in Woodstock, Vt., where he was a farmer as well as a wheelwright. Married, at Plymouth, Vt., March 1, 1819, Mary Washburn, of Woodstock. She died March 14, 1859. Children horn in Woodstock. 394 I. Alden p./ b. July 8, 1822; m. Euzabeth M. Oilman. 395 II. Horace M.,' li- Auij. 8, 1824; ni. Maky Ann Flynn, in Fitchburg, Mass., Nov. 1, 18(!0. Enlisted in the 53(1 Ucgiment Massachusetts Volunteers in Civil War. Served v^'ith the army in Louisiana, and died in the service from exposure. No record of children. 30(> III. Jesse F.,^ b. Dec. 16, 1826; nv Saiuia Cakter, at Bellows Falls, Vt., Aug. 2, 1854. LEVI" CHURCHILL (Joskph,^ Joseiii,' Barnabas," Joseph,- JoHN '). ])orn in Middleboro', Mass., April 24, 1772. Lived in Woodstock, Vt., and died there. May 4, 1845. He was a farmer. Married 1st, at Woodstock, Vt., 1798, Pimscilla Simmons. She died 17'.**.), without issue; 2d, 180- Keziah Fletcher; she died June 4, 184*). Children of Second Wife, horji at Woodstock, Vt. I. Priscilla E.,' b. 1807; d. unmarried in 187G. II. Oramel W.,' b. 1809; d. unmarried in 1878. 397 III. EoMDND Fletcher,^ b. 1811; m. Maria Marble, at Ilartland, Vt., Sept. 25, 1844. 39S IV. Levi,- b. Sept. 16, ISlo; m. Elizabeth M. Proctor, Oct. 2, 1844. V. Harriet,' b. 1S1.">; m. George Merrifield. No children. 1G6. JOSEPH" CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Barnabas,'- Joseph,- John'). Born in Woodstock, Vt., July 7, 1781. Lived in Woodstock, Vt. ; was a painter by trade, and died Aug. 25, 187.3. Married, Eeb. 24, 1813, Mrs. Clara (Meecham) Eddy, widow of Stafford Eddy. She died in 1870. Children horn at Woodstock, Vt. I. Laura Meecham,' b. Oct. 18, 1814; d. unmarried, Oct. 27, 1885. II. Mary Eddy,' b Jan. 18, 1816. Living unmarried in Elizabeth- town, N.Y , 1896. 98 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY III. Elizabeth Palmer,' b. March 17, 1818 ; m. Stafford Eddy Hale, Sept. 23, 1843. She d. March 8, 1871. Children. 1. Frederick Churchill Hale, b. June 24, 1844; m. Mary Louise Kenicutt, June, 1878, at Wlieeling, 111. 2. Clara Lucinda Hale, b. Jan. 12, 1851. Lives at Elizabethtown, N.Y. 3. Joseph Churchill Hale, b. Sept. 6, 1855. Lives at Leadville, Col. IV. Frederick Meecham,' b. 1820; d. at Woodstock, Oct. 3, 1835. V. Sarah,' b. Jan. 20, 1822. Liveil at Elizabethtown, N.Y. VI. Joseph,' b. June, 1828; d. unmarried at Woodstock, Oct. 15, 1882, 167. GEN. SYLVESTER « CHURCHILL ( Jo.seph,^ Joseph/ Bar- nabas," Joseph,- John '). Born at Woodstock, Vt., Aug. 2, 1783. He was reared in that town and received his education in the public schools there. He early showed somewhat of the fibre and calibre of his mind and ambition. He found time and means of training for leadership of men. At the age of twenty-five we find him pub- lishing a weekly newspaper at Windsor, Vt., called the "Vermont Republican," which he continued until 1812, during which time he was largely instrumental in changing the politics of his State from Federal to Democratic. He was active in military affairs, and upon the outbreak of the War of 1812 he was appointed captain of infantry, but declined, and, having recruited a company of light artillery, received a commission as first lieutenant of artil- lery in the army. Under General Dearborn, and later, he rendered distinguished service with this company, which under his drill became very efficient. It was his company which constructed the battery at Burlington, Vt., under whose protecting guns Commodore McDonough's storm-crippled and weakened fleet took shelter from the furious attacks of the British, till the necessary repairs were made. He was promoted to captain and served in the Chateaugay campaign under General Wade Hampton, and soon after was ap- pointed inspector general with rank of major, Avhich position he held till the close of the war, serving on the staffs of General Wil- kinson, General Izard, and General McComb, successively. He still retained his office as inspector-general, and was stationed at differ- ent points on the Northern frontier and Atlantic coast. He was called to active service in the Creek Indian war of 1836, where he won distinguished honor by his administration, and was promoted to a colonelcy, to succeed General Wool, promoted in 1841. In 1845, by President Polk's clumsy attempt to reduce the army roster, Colonel Churchill was retired with honor, but upon the reassembling SIXTH, GENERATION^ 99 of Congress lie was at once restored to his rank and position. In 1846, by General Wool's special request, Colonel Churchill went with him to Mexico, and, as most of the forces were raw recruits, his work of directing the training and drilling, and rigidly holding officers and men up to a proper military standard of efficiency, was very arduous, and at first made him unpopular, but soon afterwards resulted in his becoming one of the most honored and beloved officers in the army. At the battle of Buena Vista his heroism and wise post- ing of troops in the temporary absence of the general officers un- doubtedly saved the whole army from disaster, and resulted in a victory. His horse was shot under him, but he escaped without wounds. For his gallant services in this battle he was promoted to brigadier-general by brevet. After the Mexican war he retained his position, being engaged for many months mustering out the returning troops. Then up to 1856 he was engaged in the duty of inspecting the army posts, travelling at least 10,000 miles a year to all the frontier outposts. In 1856 a long-continued and confirmed lameness demanded his release from his arduous duties, and he was retired with high honor from his post. He died in Washington, D.C., Dec. 7, 1862, in his 80th year. General Churchill married, at Windsor, Vt., Aug. 30, 1812, Lucy Hunter, daughter of William and Mary (Newell) Hunter, born at Windsor, Vt., July 17, 1786, and died at Carlisle, Pa., Sept. 6, 1862. Children. I. Helen Susan,' b. at Governor's Island, N.Y., May 29, 1817; d. Sept. 27, 1818. 399 II. William Hunter,' b. at Fort Wood, Bedloe's Island, July 8, 1819 ; m. Elizabeth M. Cuyler, of Savannah, Ga., 1844. III. Mary Helen,' b. at Windsor, Vt., Aug. 30, 1821 ; ra. Spencer F. Baird, at Carlisle, Pa., Aug. 8, 1846. He was born Feb. 3, 1823, and died at Wood's Holl, Mass., Aug. 19, 1887. Mrs. M. H. Baird died at Washington, D.C., Dec. 22, 1891. Child. 1. Lucy Hunter Baird, b. at Carlisle, Pa., Feb. 8, 1848. Resides in Philadelphia, Pa. IV. FitANKLiN Hunter,' b. at Fort Hamilton, April 22, 1823; d. un- married at Newport, R.I., May 24, 1889. He was educated as a lawyer and practised for years in Brooklyn, N.Y. He prepared and published a sketch of his father's life in the later years of his own life. V. Capt. Charles Courcelle,' b. at Allegheny Arsenal, Pittsburgh, Pa., July 18, 182.^. He received a thorough military education, and was appointed captain of Third Artillery, U.S.A. ; m. at Port- land, Me., April 22, 1868, Alice Dow, dau. of William H. and Delia L. He resides, in 1903, at Newport R.I. C/r» 100 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 168. ISAAC « CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ Joseph/ Barnabas,' Joseph, JoHN-i). Born in Woodstock, Vi, Feb. 19,1787. Lived there, a merchant, and died Dec. 7, 1870, in the 84th year of his age. Married, at Woodstock, Oct. 18, 1824, Julia Arnold, daughter of Isaac and Sarah (Howe) Arnold, born in Manslield, Conn , Nov. 12, 1797, and died at Woodstock, Vt., Sept. 18, 1879. Children of Isaac and Julia Churchill, horn at Woodstock. I. Maria Frances,' b. Sept. 21, 1825; m. Edward Johnson, son of Eliakim and Mary (Hall) Johnson, b. Sept. 18, 1823, at Walling- ford, Vt., and died at Port au Prince, Hayti, Sept. 15, 1864. Children of Edward and Maria F. {Churchill) Johnson. ' 1. Julia Churchill Johnson, b. at Woodstock, Jan. 19, 1855, m. Edwin A. Vaughan. They settled at Princeton, 111., and had one child, Marjorie Vaughan, b. Sept. 25, 1885. 2. Frederick Churchill Johnson, b. at Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 3, 1858, and died there April 10, 1860. 3. Philip Edward Johnson, b. at Woodstock, June 7, 1861. II. Delia Arnold,' b. Sept. 4, 1833; m. Ward A. Thompson, who was born at Bridgewater, Vt., April 24, 1835, son of Ovid and Waitstill (Shurtleff) Thompson. Children of Ward A. and Delia A. {ChurcMll) Thompson. 1. Arthur Churchill Thompson, b. at Woodstock, July 8, 1864, and died there Sept. 30, 1883. 2. Mary Thompson, b. at Woodstock, May 8, 1866. 169. NATHANIEL" CHURCHILL (Nathaniel,'' Lemuel,^ Bar- nabas,'' Joseph, - John ^). Born in Yarmouth, N.S., Nov. 22, 1773, and lived there until 1831. They, with most of their sons and daughters, in 1831 removed to Ontario and settled in the vicinity of what is now Bealton. He died at Townsend, Ont., 1850 Married, at Mangersville, 1797, Eunice Kinney, born April 19, 1782 ; married by Parson Basley. She died in Buford, Out., in 1859. Childre7i. 409 I. Nathaniel,'' b. May 0, 1799; m. Jerusha Freeman, July 30, 1822. 401 II. Jesse,'' b. Jan. 7, 1801; m. 1st, Phebe Barlow; m. 2(1, Mary Hart. 402 III. Charles,' b. Jan. 1, 1803; m. Mary J. Dumphy. IV. Eliza,' b. M;irch 19, 1805; m. Daniel Kinney. Children. 1. Daniel Kinney. I 5. Jesse Kinney. 2. Rhoda Kinney. | (5. Stephen Kinney. 3. Cyrus Kinney. 7. Israel Kinney. 4. Eunice Kinney. | 8. Susan Kinney. Said to have been three nice children, names not received. SIXTH GENERATION 101 403 V. Isaiah,' b. Feb. 6, 1807; m. Mary Freel. VI. Rhoda,' b. Dec. 22, 1809; m. John Schneider. Children. 1. Jolin Schneider, Jr. I 3. Rhoda Schneider. 2. Winslow Schneider. | 4. Nathaniel Schneider. VII. Susannah,^ b. Dec. 23, 1811 ; in. Frederick John Vv'hitfield, Dec. 24, 1828. He wa.s born in Woolwich, England, May 9, 1800; m., as above, in Wakefield, N.B. They lived in varions towns of Canada, as the birtlis of the children show. Died in Paris, C.W., Oct. 21, 1865. She died in Keen, Mich., July 21, 1862. This family moved from New Brunswick to Ontario in 1831. Children. 1. Mariah Whitfield, b. Wakefield, N.B., March 19, 1830; d. in Upper Canada, Oct. 13, 1831. 2. Dr. George Frederick Whitfield, b. in Hamilton, C.W., Nov. 30, 1832; m. Phebe Brant. Dr. Whitfield was a prominent physician in Grand Rapids, Mich., and furnished valuable help upon this line of the family. 3. John Isaiah Whitfield, b. in Selfleet, C.W., Fob. 23, 1835; m. Kate Knapp. 4. Charles Watts Whitfield, b. in Selfleet, C.W., April 17, 1837; m. 1st, Orphia White; m. 2d, Phebe Fletcher. 5. Thomas Nice Wliitfield, b. in Burford, C.W., Oct. 29, 1830; d., Baltimore, Md., Dec. 6, 1863, in Marine Hospital. 6. Nathaniel Churchill Whitfield, b. in Norwich, C.W., May 7, 1843; m. 1st, Julia Wooil ; m. 2d, Amelia M. Atkins, 7. Henry Allen AVhitfield, b. in Burford, C.W., May 14, 1845; m. Minnie Wead. 8. Rebecca Carr Whitfield, b. in Burford, C.W., July 23, 1847; m. Orrin T. Fuller. 9. James Carr Whitfield, b. in Burford, C.W., June 11, 1849; d. June 25, 1849. 10. Zenas FUiot Bliss Whitfield, b. July 1, 1854. Israel,' b. March 13, 1813; m. Eliza Dumphy. Elias Winslow,' b. Jan. 26, 1817. No further record. Eunice,' b. Sept. 26, 1818. Maria,' b. July 20, 1823; m. Thomas Gardner. Children. 1. Eliza J. Gardner, b. Norwich, Can., Feb. 17, 1843. 2. John W. Gardner, b. Brantford, Oct. 19, 1844. 3. Martha M. Gardner, b. Brantford, Oct. 26, 1846. 4. Ethelyn Gardner, b. Keen, Mich., Oct. 18, 1848. 5. Julia Gardner, b. Keen, Mich., Feb. 6, 1851. 6. Wellington Gardner, b. Keen, Mich., May 1, 1853. 7. Annie May Gardner, b. Keen, Mich., Feb. 25, 1856. 8. Charles Gardner, b. Keen, Mich., Aug. 17, 1858. 9. Thomas W. Gardner, b. Keen, Mich., Dec. 3, 1860. 10. Neadora Gardner, b. Keen, Mich., Dec. 16, 1862. 406 XII. Richard Watts,' b. July 19, 1826; m. 1st, Mary C. Taylor; m. 2d, Mahala Beal. 170. LEMUEL « CHURCHILL (Nathaniel/ Lemuel,'* Barnabas," Joseph,- John '). Bom in Yarmouth, N.S., Eeb. 20, 1777. The information relating to this family is meagre and very late in com- 404 VIII. 405 IX. X. XI. 102 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY ing, so that in the first mention we had to report '' no further record," but since that have received the few items below. He lived in New Brunswick, Carlton County, removed to Niagara Township, Upper Canada. My informant, Mr. George W. Boyer, of Hartland, K.B., is able to give but little account of his after life. He died Dec. 14, 1859. Married 1st, Lois Foster, who was born April 21, 1783 ; married 2d, Mary Brown. Children by First Wife, born in New Brunswick. 406a I. James C.,' b. Feb. 18, 1805. He had three wives, as will appear. 40(>b II. Amos,' m. Eleanor Sinclair. III. Stephen.' Drowned while crossing St. John's river. 40Gc IV. Chloe Ann,' m. George K. Boyer. Children by Second Wife, horn in New Brunswick. 406(1 V. Daniel.' 406e VI. Edward ' 406f VII. Rebecca,' m. David Phillips, of Ontario, 1836. 406g VIII. Betsey.' 173. BENJAMIN « CHURCHILL (Nathan iel,^ Lemuel,* Barna- bas,'' Joseph,- John ^). Born at Kingston, N.S., Feb. 4, 1790, and died Dec. 29, 1871. The record of births of this family is from Mr. Calvin Churchill, of Lakeville, N.B., and he furnishes mostly the other items. No returns have been received from the families of the daughters. Married, July 15, 1813, Elizabeth Everett, who was born Feb. 16, 1793, and died Aug. 2, 1879. Children. I. Hannah,' b. May 28, 1814; m. W. B. Estey, b. Nov. 10, 1804. Children. 1. William E. Estey, b. July 30, 1833. 2. Joseph E. Estey, b. Dec. 11, 1835; died. 3. Charles L. Estev, b. Oct. 17, 1837. 4. Benjamin F. Es'tey, b. Oct. 19, 1839. 5. Hannah E. Estey, b. Aug. 4, 1841. 6. George H. Estey, b. Sept. 12, 1843. 7. Mary H. Estey, b. Dec. 22, 1845. 8. Aaron S. Estey, b. Dec. 28, 1847. 9. Henrietta A. Estey, b. March 1, 1850. 10. Frederick M. Estey, b. March 28, 1852. 11. Alice M. Estey, b. Sept. 9, 1854. 12. Jane H. Estey, b. Nov. 10, 1857. II Mary Ann,' b. Oct. 15, 1815, at Wakefield, N.B.; m. Michael Campbell, Oct. 24, 1833. They lived at Wakefield, N.B., until 1895, when they removed to Washburn, Me., to live with their son Benjamin, and she died there Sept. 3, 1895. He was born at Queensbury, N.B., Aug. 28, 1808, and died at Washburn, Me., Nov. 15, 1901. SIXTH GENERATION 103 Children born in Wahefitld, N.B. 1. Benjamin Campbell, b. Dec. 15, 1834; m. Frances Jane Estev, Feb. 7, 1857. 2. George Campbell, b. July 10, 1837; m. Sophronia Tracy, Aug. 28, 1858. 3. Elizabeth Campbell, b. Nov. 6, 1838; m. Hiram Smith, Aug. 23, 1859. 4. Thomas Campbell, b. March 26, 1840; m. Sarah Beardsley, March 15, 1862. 5. Mary Hester Campbell, b. July 14, 1843; d. April 23, 1846. 6. William Harrison Campbell, b. March 12, 1845; d. Jan. 25, 1866. 7. Sarah J. Campbell, b. March 18, 1848; m. Charles W.Plummer, March 5, 1873. 8. Hannah Ann Campbell, b. May 8, 1850; m. J. H. Seely, Nov. 3, 1867. 9. James Todd Campbell, b. May 3, 1852; m. Mary H. Corson, April 11, 1878. 10. John Calvin Campbell, b. March 3, 1856; m. Adelia A. Little. 11. Jarvis Campbell, b. July 10, 1858; d. same day. 407 111. John Russell,' b. Aug. 22, 1817; m. Margaret B. McIntosh. IV. (Jeorge Lathrop,' b. Oct. 25, 1819; m. Mary Watson. They had no children. They lived in Portland. He died there Jan. 2, 1889. V. Elizabeth,' b. Dec. 19, 1821 ; m. Alexander Sharp. They had three children, viz.: (1) Joel Sharp; (2) Alonzo Sharp; (3) Melissa Sharp. The mother died many years ago. VI. Calvin,' b. Jan. 3, 1824; m. 1st, Ann Loomer, September, 1846, and she d. April 22, 1854; ra. 2d, Elizabeth A. Corbette, Oct. 2, 1856. 408 VII. Benjamin,' b. Jan. 11, 1826; m. Rachel Howard, "in the States." He died in Ohio, leaving one daughter, Ella. No further known. VIII. Thomas,' b. April 26, 1828; m. 1st, Nancy Watson, who died ■without children. He removed to Texas and m. 2d, name un- known, and had several children. No more heard from the family. 409 IX. William,' b. March 21, 1830; m. Jane Good. He died before 1889. In 1889 his family lived in Jacksontown, N.B., his son George Churchill being one. X Jarvis,' b. Oct. 5, 1832. Went to California and died there un- married. XI Sarah Estey,' b. March 11, 1835; m. Leonard Watson. They lived in Jacksontown, Carlton County, N.B., and had children, of whom George Watson, a son, was living there in 1889. 174. EZRA « CHURCHILL (Ezka,^ Lemuel," Barnabas,^ Joseph,^ John '). Born at Yarmouth, N.S., May 17, 1784. He was a sailor, and was lost on the brig " Hibernia," wrecked on the " Mud Islands," on a voyage from New York to Yarmouth, Oct. 16, 1807. Married, 1802, Elizabeth Trefry, of Hantsport, N.S., daughter of Joshua P. After the death of Mr. Churchill the widow removed to Hants- port, and married Mr. Eaulkner, 104 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Cliildren. 410 I. Ezra,'' b. Nov. 1, 1804; m. 1st, Anne Davidson, of Falmouth, N.S.; m. 2c1, Rachell Burgess, of Billtown, N.S.; d. April 14, 1870. II. Elizabeth,' b. July 2, 180(!; m. Benjamin Davidson, Sept. 21, 1825, Their home wa« in Halifax. He died at " "West River," Neb., 1870, and she died at Halifax, June 8, 1874. Children horn in Halifax, N.S. 1. Edgar Davidson, b. July 13, 1826; d., at Halifax, Nov. 8, 1846. 2. Churchill Davidson, b. Sept. 18, 1827; m. Martha M. Gruber, June 24, 1852. 3. Cyrena Davidson, b. May 22, 1829; m. Joshua E. Hall, of Cleveland, Ohio, June 17, 1851. Live in Australia. 4. Leander Davidson, b. Aug. 16, 1831; d. Aug. 26, 1873; m. Tibbie Burton, of Ilantsport, Nov. 16, 1858. Moved to California. 5. Learchus Davidson, b. Dec. 24, 1833; d. June 30, 1886; m. Sophia A. Mcllrcath, Halifax, Oct. 11, 1858. 6. Ezra Davidson, b. Sept. 4, 1836; m. Mary F. McPherson, June 6, 1867. Lives at Halifax. 7. Almira Davidson, b. Nov. 21, 1838; m. Francis A. Beamish, of Halifax, Nov. 20, 1861. 8. Louisa Davidson, b. April 10, 1841; d. March 16, 1880; m. George A. Tupper, of Halifax, June 25, 1872 9. Andrew Davidson, b. Aug. 3 1842; m. Abbie Murphy, Dec. 22, 1877. 10. Lewis Davidson, b. Sept. 11, 1845; unmarried, lived in Cali- fornia. Lost at sea. 175. NEHEMIAH" CHURCHILL (Ezra/' Lemuel/ Barnabas/ Joseph/ John ^). Born in Yarmouth, IST.S., 1786, and lived there. Married Elizabeth Canx, daughter of Hugh. Children. I. Mart,' m. 1st, Edmund R. Wyman; m. 2d, Thomas O'Brien. Children . 1. Nehemiah C. Wyman, lost at sea, 1855. 2. William Jesse Wyman, m. Elizabeth Crosby. 3. Hannah Alice Wyman, m. James W. Shaw, Dec. 30, 1862. 4. Elizabeth Wyman, d. unmarried, Oct. 8, 1895. 5. Edmund R. Wyman, m. 1st, Drusilla Shaw, Dec. 30, 1862; m. 2d, Harriet Strickland. 6. George Wyman, m. Letitia Mayer, of St. John's, N.B. 7. Jacob Wyman, d. unmarried, aged 20 years. 8. James Wyman, settled in the United States. II. Elizabeth,' b. 1813; m. Levi Eldridge. Children. 1. Nathaniel Eldridge, m. Victoria Crosby . 2. Harvey Eldridge; b. 1842; d. March 22, 1854, aged 12 years. 3. Wallace N. Eldridge, m. Thankful Crosby, July 10, 1875. 4. Levi Eldridge, m. in England. SIXTH GENERATION 105 5. Laura Ann Elizabeth Eldridge, b. March, 1855; d. Jan. 1, 1856, aged 10 months. III. Cynthia,' b. 1815; m. William Doane. Children. 1. Augustus Doane, d. unmarried. 2. William Doane. Lost at sea, April 21, 1856 ; unmarried. 3. James Doane. 4. Harvey Doane, m. Elizabeth Crowell, dau. of Enoch. 5. Elizabeth Doane, ra. 1st, Samuel Winter, Nov. 20, 1859; m. 2d, Simeon Ryerson. 6. Sabra Doane, m. Edward Fletcher, Nov. 7, 1866. 7. Martha Doane, m. 1st, Thomas Crowell; m. 2d, James Killam. 8. Mary Doane, m. Isaiah Crosby, son of John. 9. Ellen Doane, m. George Buclianan, of Boston. 411 IV. James,' m. Elizabeth Byrne, Jan. 31, 1839. He d. Dec. 28, 1892. V. Edith,' m. 1st, Capt. James Durkee, son of Amasa, Sept. 12, 1842; m. 2d, Joseph Hurlburt, Jan. 21, 1856. ClMdrciu 1. Anna Durkee, m. ( ) Ray, of Weymouth. 2. Maria Durkee, unmarried. Lives in Boston. VI. SoPHRONiA,' m. 1st, Cyrus Moses, Nov. 5, 1844; in. 2d, George McCoNNELL. Children. 1. Cyrus Moses, m. Adelaide Landers. VII. Jane,' m. Richard Tedford, March 9, 1847. Children. 1. Henry Ashlon Tedford, b. November, 1854; d. April 25, 1855, aged 5 months. •>. Richard B., b. May, 1856; d. Sept. 19, 1856, aged 4 months. VIII. Ann.' 412 IX. Nehemiah,' m. 1st, Sarah II. Kinney; m. 2d, Amanda Kinney. 413 X. William,' m. Matilda Allen. XI. Asenath.' 176. BENJAMIN « CHURCHILL (Ezra/^ Lemuel,' Barnabas,^ Joseph,- John'). Bom in Yarmouth, July 2(), 178S, and died Dec. 18, 1849. Married 1st, Lucy Ring, who was born Dec. 18, 1788, and died Sept. 25, 1825; married 2d, Mrs. Lydia Ann (Butler) Moses. Children by First Wife. I. Coleman,' b. Aug. 5, 1812; d. at sea, unmarried. May 16, 1840. II. Emily,' b. Sept. 2(!, 1814; m. William Fletcher. Children . 1. George Fletcher, b. 1840; lost at sea, March 2, 1867. 2. Edward Fletcher, m. Sabra Doane, Nov. 7, 1866. 3. Coleman Fletclier, m. Mary Titman, dau. of Nelson. 106 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 4. Emily Fletcher, m. Ebenezer Clark, March 8, 18fi7. 5. Elizabeth Fletcher, m. Amniiel R. Brownson, son of Cliarles. 6. Lalia Fletcher, m. William Lamont. 7. Rachel Fletcher, m. John Gowdy. 8. Mary Fletcher, unmarried. III. George,' b. Aug. 3, 1816; d. single, Nov. 6, 1842. 414 IV. EzRA,'b. Dec. 30, 1817; m. Mary Crosby, Feb. 1, 1842. 415 V. Benjamin,' b. July 7, 1819; m. Abby Dunham. VI. LucT,' b. May 29, 1821 ; m. Elias Crosman, Jan. 8, 1846. Children. 1. George N. Crosman. 2. Sarah J. Crosman, b. Jan. 5, 1854; m. Isaiah Crosby, Feb. 2, 1879; she d. Sept. 2, 1881. VII. Lydia,' b. Jan. 2, 1823; m. John Winter, April 17, 1850. Children. 1. ( ) Winter, m. James Clements. VIII. Mary,' b. Feb. 26, 1824; m. James Cleland. Children. 1. James Cleland, m. 1st, Emmeline Saunders; m. 2d, Margery L. Cann. 2. Jane Cleland, m. Henry W. Crowell. 3. Jacob Cleland. 4. Margaret Cleland, m. Cliiford Locke, of Lockport. 5. George Cleland, m. Margaret A. Moses. 6. William Cleland, m. Alice L. Moses. 416 IX. Edson,' b. July 29, 1825; m. Sarah Jane Carver. Children by Second Wife. 417 X. John,' b. Aug. 21, 1833; m. Eliza Redding, dau. of Joseph. 418 XI. Lewis,' b. March 16, 1835; ra. Sarah Durkee. XII. Nathaniel,' b. Nov. 1, 1837; m. Wealthy Porter. No children. 177. LEMUEL « CHURCHILL (Ezra,^ Lemuel,^ Barnabas,-' Joseph,'-' John '). Born in Yarmouth, N.S., Aug. 7,1790, and lived there. Married, Dec. 25, 1809, Lydia Gardner, who was born August, 1788. Children. I. Abigail,' b. Jan. 27, 1811; m. Charles Brown, Jan. 10, 1828. Children. 1. Mary Brown, b. Nov. 28, 1828 ; m. Gabriel Trefry, Dec. 8, 1846. 2. Agnes Brown, b. July 7, 1833; m. Nathaniel Ward, Dec. 16, 1849. 3. William Brown, b. July 7, 1833; m. 1st, Sarah Murray, Aug. 2, 1856; m. 2d, Emma Wyman, April 3, 1865. 4. Ammiel R. Brown, b. Oct. 1, 1849; m. Elizabeth Fletcher. 5. Lydia C. Brown, b. June 25, 1851; m. James T. Currier. II. Mary,' b. Aug. 7, 1812; m. Thomas Nickerson. SIXTH GENERATION 107 Children. 1. Maria Nickerson, m. Edward R. Perry, son of Capt. Joseph. 2. Lemuel C. Nickerson, m. Elbertine ( ). 3. diaries Nickerson, unmarried ; lost at sea. 4. Rufus S. Nickerson, m. Mary Whitman, dau. of Rev. Jacob ; lost at sea. 5. Theodore Nickerson. «). 'J'homas Nickerson, m. Lydia Perry, dau. of Capt. Joseph. 7. Stephen Nickerson, m. ( ) Goodnow. 419 III. Theodore,^ b. Aug. 14, 1814; m. Martha Jeffrey, dau. of Matthew, 2d. IV. Elizabeth,^ b. June 1, ISlfi; m. Heman Rogers. V. Lemuel,' b. May 'J, 1819; d. July 18, 1831. VI. Lydia Ann,' b. Feb. 19, 1823; m. Thomas C. Trefrey. VII. Bethiah,' b. Dec. 20, 1826; m. Benjamin Richards. Children. 1. Margaret A. Richards, b. March 30, 184G; m. Thomas B. Crosby, Sept. 6, 1864. 2. Ammiel Rogers Richards, b. 1847; d. May 16, 1848. 3. Thomas Barnard Richards, b. 1849 ; m. Jessie Brown Kirby. 4. Edson Churchill Richards, b. 1852; d. May 3, 1854. 5. Benjamin Franklin Richards, b. 1857; d. Sept. 13, 1866. 6. Martha Ellen Churchill Richards, b. 1863; d. April 8, 1863. 178. JOHN'' CHURCHILL (Ezra,^ Lemuel/ Barnabas,'^ Joseph,- JoHN '). Born in Yarmouth, Sept. 4, 1797. They lived in Yarmouth, N.S. Married, 1817, Abigail Rogers, daughter of John. Children. I. Dorcas,' b. Marcli 19, 1818; m. Nathan Weston, son of Zadoc. Children born in Yarmouth. 1. Matilda Weston, m. 1st, William F. Brown ; m. 2d, W. T. Lent. 2. Frederick Weston, ni. Martha Jenkins. 3. Robert Weston. 4. Elinor Weston, b. February, 1841 ; d. Sept. 13, 1841. 5. Lydia E. Weston, b. 1844; m. Josiah Ross. 6. Jacob Weston, m. ( ) Eldredge. 7. Lemuel Weston, m. Elizabeth Hatfield. 8. Norman J. Weston, m. Sophie Jenkins, dau. of George. 9. George Weston, m. Leoni Kelley. II. Almira,' b. June 19, 1819; m. Andrew McGray, April 5, 1838. Children. 1. Fanny McGray, m. William Morrill, of Westport. 2. Mary McGray, m. Joseph Durkee. 3. Albert McGray, lost at sea. 4. Andrew McGray, Jr., m. Julia Perry. 5. Benjamin McGray. 6 Frederick McGray, ni. Elvira Devilla. 7. Almira McGray, m. Nathan Tlmrber, of Westport. 420 III. John,' b. March 6, 1821 ; m. Marv A. Taylor, Dec. 29, 1844. IV. Chloe,' b. Feb. 16, 1823. 421 V. Joseph,' b. Sept. 15, 1824; m. Caroline Archer, Nov. 15, 1843. 108 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 422 VI. Freeman,' b. April 4, 1826; m. Martha Purdy. 423 VII. Jacob,' b. Jan. 29, 1828; m. 1st, Martha Pitman; m. 2d, Ada Earlb. 424 VIII. Samuel,' b. Jan. 27, 1831 ; ra. Hannah Churchill, July 8, 1858. 425 IX. Lemuel,' b. September, 1832; m. Adahne Hemeon, Oct. 28, 1861. X. Eliza,' b. Jan. 29, 1835; m. Thomas Perry. Children. 1. Martha Perry, m. T. R. Hogan. 2. Ida May Perry, m. Wellington W. Perry. 3. George Perry, m. Alice Cook. 4. William E. Perry, unmarried. 5. Ellen H. Perry, m. Henry R. Moody. 6. Alvin Perry, unmarried. XI. Israel,' b. Feb. 12, 1837; unmarried. 179. TIMOTHYS CHURCHILL (Lsaac,^ Isaac/ Barnabas/ Joseph,- John^). Born at Plymouth in 1785. Married in Dux- bury, 1804, Olive Curtis, of Marshfield. Children. I. Nancy,' b. in Plymouth; d. in infancy. II. Henrietta,' b.May 2, 1812; m. Isaac Curtis, of Pembroke, Nov. 11, 18o4. One Child horn in Pembroke. 1. Albert W. Curtis, b. Nov. 9, 1840; m. Hannah M. Taylor, of Duxbury, March 18, 1864. III. Hannah W.,' b. in Duxbury, April 26, 1816; m. Warren T. Whiting, Nov. 5, 1834. She died 1862. He died in 1882. Children born in Pemhroke, Mass. 1. Sarah M. Whiting, b. November, 1835; m Hiram Delano, of Pembroke, May, 1859; d. 1867. 2. Olive F; Whiting, b. December, 1837; m. Peleg B. Ford, of Pembroke, 1868. 3. George W. Wliiting, b. January, 1840; m. Louisa Glover, of Duxbury, April, 1864. 4. Franklin T. Whiting, b. March, 1842; m. Ida Sprague, of Marshfield, June, 1866. 5. William H. Whiting, b. October, 1843; m. Martha Pratt, of Weymouth, 1865. 6. Ida J. Whiting, b. August, 1847; d. November, 1862. 7. Rosilla E. Whiting, b. November, 1849; d. 1865. 180. SETH« CHURCHILL (Isaac,'^ Isaac,^ Barnabas,^^ Joseph,^ John'). Born in Plymouth, 1790. He was a seaman, a privateer, in the War of 1812, and died in 1816. Married Sarah S. Johnson. Children. I. Eliza,' b. in Plymouth, 1812; m. Alfred Chubbuck, of Valley Falls, R.I., where she died Sept. 4, 1889. HON. JAMES CREIGHTON CHURCHILL. (No. 181, page 109.) SIXTH GENEEATION 109 Child. 1. William Chubbuck, lived in Valley Falls in 1890. 426 11. Benjamin,' b. Jan. 6, 1814; m. Betsey Bumpcs, Nov. 12, 1835. 427 III. James W.,' m Sarah Ann Carr. Said to have lived in Atlanta, Ga., and to have died there, leav- ing one son, Augustus R. Cliurchill, who was living in Atlanta in 1890. 181. JAMES CREIGHTON« CHURCHILL (Thomas,^ Thomas/ Barnabas/ Joseph,- John '). Born in Newmarket, N.H., April 24, 1787. Died in Portland, Me., Nov. 20, 1865. His early life was passed in his native town where he received the usual common- school edncation of that day. He evidently had experience also on ship-board, as he was in command of a vessel in his early manhood. He learned the trade of ship-carpenter and later engaged in ship- building at Portland, Me. In the War of 1812 he served as a ser- geant, in the 34th U.S. Infantry, Capt. David Sherman's Company. Was later appointed quartermaster, serving two enlistments con- secutively, from May 13, 1814, to June 15, 1815, when he was honorably discharged at Portland, Me. After engaging in ship-build- ing for a few years he became interested in the trade with the West Indies, then just beginning to attract the attention of ISTorthern mer- chants. After a few voyages of investigation he combined with several associates and bought some sugar plantations near Cardenas, Cuba, which was soon made a port of entry, and established there the beginning of the large and prosperous business which later made Portland one of the most important seaports on the coast. He was thus a pioneer and leading spirit among the notable old-time Port- land merchants. He was public-spirited and influential in many directions. In 1828 he was elected one of the presidential electors, in the bitter contest waged between the parties, and he was known long after as " the star of the East," because of his solitary persis- tent vote for Andrew Jackson. In the political upheaval of 1834 he was Whig candidate for Congress, but the party was in the minority and he failed of election. In 1844 he was elected mayor of Portland, and is remembered as one of the ablest and most popu- lar of the city's old-time rvilers. He was a natural organizer of commercial enterprises, and in the agitation of the plan to connect Portland and Montreal by a railroad he was chief actor, and be- came treasurer of the old " Portland Company," organized for the manufacture of locomotives, cars, and railroad machinery, furnish- ing much of the rolling stock and running material of the old " At- lantic and St. Lawrence Railroad," now a part of the " Grand no THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Trunk " system. He held the position of treasurer of the railroad till a short time before his death. He was also chiefly instrumental in organizing the " Casco Iron Works/' of which he was treasurer, while for many years he conducted an extensive insurance business, and to his last days attended promptly and faithfully to all his official duties. He was a prominent Mason, a member of <' Ancient Landmark Lodge No. 17, of Free and Accepted Masons." Was a Past Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Maine. He is remembered in all his public relations and in his personal life as one of Portland's most useful and honored citizens. His funeral service was held in the Pearl Street Universalist Church, of which society he was an honored member, and was attended by a great concourse of his fellow-citizens. Masonic brethren, and members of city. State, and national governments. Three of his personal friends, and prominent clergymen, officiated at the service : Revs. Dr. Bolles, George W. Quimby, and I. M. Atwood. He married, in Portsmouth, at her father's house, Jan. 8, 1809, Eliza Walker Osborne, daughter of Rev. John Osborne, a P>aptist minister, who officiated at the marriage ceremony. They lived for some time after mar- riage at Lee, and New Market, N.H., where their eldest child was born, and, after 1815. at Portland, Me. Children of James Creighton and Eliza W. Churchill. I. Jane Alice,' b. March 30, 1810; m. Caleb S. Carter, of Portland, Aug. 23, 1805. They lived in Portland, where he died Dec. 18, 1855, and she died Aug. 20, 1865. They had Children horn in Portland. 1. Alice Eliza Carter, b. April 19, 1831; m. William Henry Ste- phenson, May 3, 1853. He was born Jan. 12, 1824, and died Aug. 21, 1882. Mrs. Stephenson was greatly interested in the compilation of this volume of Churchill history and has been a ready and able helper in this Portland line. She died March 3, 1903, at Portland. Children: (1) William Stephen- son, b. March 3, 1855. He served as brigade-surgeon, with rank of major, in the Spanish war, on the staif of Gen. Fred. D. Grant; (2) Marian Stephenson, b. Jan. 15, 1857; (3) Marion Alice Maud Stephenson, b. May 4, 1858; (4) Henry Stephenson, b. March 30, 1865; (5) Mabel Stephenson, b. May 17, 1868; d. in Portland, Dec. 5, 1897. 2. James E. Carter, b. June 14, 1833, unmarried. 3. Mary Georgianna Carter, b. Aug. 18, 1834; m. William O. Fox, Portland, June 12, 1862. She d. March 25, 1895. He d. June 4, 1899. They had children : (1) James Fox, b. April 1, 1864; (2) Selden Connor Fox, b. Feb. 16, 1866; (3) William L. Fox, b. April 27, 1867; d. Dec. 3, 1887; (4) Arthur Churchill Fox, Sept. 29, 1868; d. Feb. 2, 1869; (5) Sidney Fox, b. July 10, 1870; d. July 4, 1887. SIXTH GENERATION HI 4. Jane Adelaide Carter, b. Aug. 9, 1836; ni. Henry Evans, Nov. 24, 1859. She d. Oct. C, 1875. They had children: (1) Mildred Evans, b. Dec. 18, 1860; (2) Jane Evans, b. Aug. 13, 1862; (3) George Evans, b. February, 1864; d. young; (4) Edwin, d. young; (5) Adelaide May Evans, b. May 2, 1868; m. Dr. Joseph L. Goodale, Aug. 30, 1893, and has three children. 5. Caleb Thomas Carter, b. May 7, 1841 ; d. June 20, 1842. 6. Ada Celestine Carter, b. Sept. 13, 1842; d. Oct. 7, 1876. 7. Caleb Stoddart Carter, b. Feb. 23, 1844; d. Jan. 1, 1846. 8. Plenry Theophilus Carter, b. June 4, 1845; ni Hannah J. True, of Portland, Dec. 17, 1868. He d. Jan. 14, 1878. They had children: (I) Clara C. Carter, b. Dec. 13, 1869; d. Dec. 11, 1875; (2) Philip Greenleaf Carter, b. Oct. 29, 1871. 428 II. Edwin,'' b. March 15, 1812; m. 1st, Mary P. Carter, Sept. 29, 1834; m. 2d, Anna IIoole, June, 1865. III. Thomas,' b. Oct. 2, 1814; m. Ecnick Dyer. They had no chil- dren. He died at sea, June 15, 1838, and she died in Portland, Nov. 17, 1838. 429 IV. JAME.S Morrill,' b. in Portlnnd, June 11, 1816; m. Harriet E. HooLE, Dec. 30, 1838. V. John Osborne,' b. April 26, 1818; d. in infancy. 430 VI. George Albert,' b. Dec. 25, 1820; m. Sarah Allen Lunt, Aug. 26, 1856. VII. Henry Hill Boouy', b. June 15, 1823; died unmarried. VIII. Eliza Clara,' b. July 15, 1826; m. Marshall P. Wilder, Jr., of Boston. No children. IX. William Creighton,' died young. 431 X. Frederick Augustus,' b. May 5, 1834; m. Annie L. Levering, of St. Louis, June 20, 1860. 183. THOMAS 6 CHURCHILL (Ichabou,- Thomas,^ Barnabas, Joseph,- John'). Born in Parsonstield, Me., Jan. 20, 1798, and lived there. A farmer. Married IsL, at Parsonsfield, Me., March 14, 1830, Mary Banks, born Jnly 9, 180G ; married by Rev. John Buzzell. Married 2d, Mrs. Olive B. Roberts, of Whites- town, N.Y. Children horn in Parson fjieh/. 432 I. Thomas S.,' b. May 6, 1831; m. Mary A. Dixon, Jan. 1, 1855. She was born Oct. 2, 1833. 433 II. Otis B.,' b. Nov. 5, 1832; m. Susan E. Ferrin, Jan. 2, 1861; b. Jan. 14, 1839. 434 III. John C.,'b. Dec. 11, 1834; m. Annie Burk, Oct 18, 1869. IV. Mary Reliance,' b. Feb. 12, 1837; m. Nehemiah T. Libby, Feb. 23, 1860. Children. 1. Emma A. Libby, b. Nov. 2, 1862. 2. Walter D. Libby, b. Nov. 8, 1864. V. Nathaniel,' b. May 8, 1839; unmarried. VI. Elizabeth A.,' b. March 15, 1841 ; d. March 17, 1844. VII. Joseph,' b. 1843; d. Oct. 18, 1844. VIII. Lydia F.,' b. March 15, 1851; m. John Colcdrd, of Cornish, Me., May 5, 1880. Child. 1. Lura M. Colcord, b. Aug. 31, 1882. 112 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 183. COL. JOHN TASH« CHURCHILL (Joseph,-^ Thomas/ Bak- NABAs/ Joseph/ John'). Bom in Newmarket, N.H., Aug. 6, 1796, and lived there and at Brookfield. He was a farmer, drover, merchant, and hotel keeper. He was colonel of a regiment of New Hampshire militia. He died at Brookfield, N.H., Dec. 6, 1873. Married, March 5, 1817, Mkhitable Gilman Willey, of Brook- field, N.H. She was born Dec. 15, 1795, and died July 15, 1869. Children lorn at Newmarket. 435 I. John,' b. May 19, 1818; m. Eliza Lang. 486 II. Gkoiuse Harris,' b. Nov. 7, 1819; ni. Maky Emily Daniels, of Durham, May 10, 1849. 437 III. Thomas Lindsay,' b. April 16, 1822; ni. 1st, Sarah Stackpole, March 2, 1847; m. 2d, Nancy Seward. 438 IV. Alfred,' b. Nov. 24, 1823; m. Louisa W. Giles'. 439 V. Joseph,' b. Sept. 10, 1825; m. Mercy Anne Bailey. 440 VI. Nathaniel Wiley,' b. Oct. 12, 1827; m. Martha J. Wiggin, March 10, 1852. VII. Henry,' b. Nov. 21, 1829; d. Jan. 21, 1831. VIII. Harriet Em.meline,' b. March 25, 1831 ; m. W. K. Lindsay. IX. Henry,' b. June 26, 1834; m. Annie E. Noyes. No children. He was a lieutenant in the Thirteenth New Hampshire Regiment, in the War of the Rebellion. X. Charles Edwin,' b. .Tune 30, 1836; d. April 1, 1837. 184. JOSEPH TASH6 CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ Thomas,^ Barna- bas,'^ Joseph,- John^). Born April 18, 1798; died Oct. 17, 1875. Born in Newmarket ; lived in ( 'ornish. Me., a farmer and drover, a man of influence, selectman, and representative to Legislature. Married, Sept. 1, 1824, Martha M. Wiggin. She was born May 7, 1803, and died Feb. 44j^l881^- Children born at Brookfield, N. II. I. Noah Wiggin,' b. March 26, 1826; d. Jan. 27, 1852. II. Luther,' b. April 1, 1828; d. Sept. 16, 1833. ■ III. Alexander,' b. Aug. 15, 1830; d. Sept. 15, 1833. IV. Susan,' b. July 16, 1832; d. Sept. 16, 1833. V. Susan A.,' b. July 5, 1834; d. Aug. 23, 1839. VI. Mary A.,' b. April 3, 1837; d. Aug. 16, 1839. VII. Martha,' b. Sept. 16, 1840; m. Henky H. Oilman, June 3, 1877. VIII. Joseph,' b. June 30, 1843; unmarried; living. IX. Charles,' b. Dec. 30, 1845; unmarried; living. X. George A.,' b. April 13, 1852; unmarried; living. 185. THOMAS TASH« CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ Thomas,^ Bar- nabas,'^ Joseph,-' John '). Born in Newmarket, N.H., Aug. 6, 1800. Married 1st, Ann Wentworth, daughter of Thomas, of Wakefield, N.H. ; m. 2d, Mrs. Eunice (King) Hoyt, widow. SIXTH GENERATION^ 113 Cliildren of First Wife. 1. Julia Ann,' b. March 29, 1823; d. unmarried. II. Sarah,' b. March 27, 1824; m. John H. Chapman, May 13, 1846. Children. 1. George Elbridge Chapman, b. July 1, 1847. 2. Nellie Ann Chapman, b. July 27, 1851. 3. Frank Dudley Chapman, b. July 4, 1853. 4. Susan Maria Chapman, b. April 4, 1859. 5. Henry Jay Chapman, b. March 10, 1863. III. Thomas Charles,' b. 1827; d. in infancy. IV. Abby Stone,' b. 1829; d. in infancy. V. Susan Maria,' b. 1832; m. George Robinson, of Newmarket. No issue. VI. Jay,' b. 1834; d. unmarried, 1861. Children of Second Wife. VII. Eunice Ellen,' b. Oct. 25, 1843; m. Willis K. Plummer, b. in Mason, N.H., July 5, 1838. They lived at Newmarket, N.H. Children. 1. Frederick C. Plummer, b. in South Lawrence, Mass., Feb. 6, 1867. 2. Harry Churchill Plummer, b. in South Lawrence, Mass., Jan. 29, 1883. VIII. Arabella,' b. June 15, 1846; m. Alfred S. Horne, of Lowell. Children horn in Lowell. 1. Edward Alfred Horne, b. Aug. 7, 1872; d. June 20, 1890. 2. Samuel Churchill Horne, b. Aug 17, 1878; m. Grace Varnum, June 28, 1900. IX. LuELLA Frances,' b. Oct. 2, 1848 ; m. Edgar L. Lowell. Child. 1. George Elbridge Lowell: drowned. 186. EBENEZER CHAPMAN " CHURCHILL (Joseph/ Thomas," Barnabas,-' Joseph,- John '). Born in Brookfield, N.H., Nov. 11, 1802. Married, 1827, Ann Langdon Gove, of Portsmouth, N.H. Children. I. Hannah Langdon,' b. Sept. 30, 1828; m. Isaac Townsend Clark, of Wakefield, N.H., March 4, 1850. Children. 1. Mayhew Clark, b. Jan. 3, 1853. 2. Ellen I. Clark, b. Nov. 25, 1855. 441 II. Albert,' b. April 13, 1830; m. 1st, Belinda Colbath, 1863; m. 2d, Hannah J. Bailey, of Plymouth, N.H., 1870. III. Mary Jane,' b. May 15, 1832; m. William Colbath, Nov. 19, 1855. 114 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children. 1. Charles William Colbath, b. Aug. 13, 1857. 2. Emily Jane Colbath, b. July 13, 1859; d. Oct. 13, 1859. 3. Edwin Churchill Colbath, b. Oct. 8, 1862. 4. Annie Laura Colbath, b. March 21, 1864. 5. George Colbath, b. May 1, 1869. 6. Albert Fayson Colbath, b. Nov. 26, 1874. 7. Irving Colbath, b. Jan. 16, 1877. 442 IV. Eben,^ b. March 2, 1834; ra. Emma Bowen, dau. of William. V. LvDiA Ann,' b. Jan. 2, 1836; m. Charles Brewster. No chil- dren. VI. Sarah Elizabeth,' b. Sept. 7, 1837; m. William Sims. Children. 1. Frank Sims. | 2. William Sims. VII. Helen,'! b. March 23, 1839; d. in infancy. VIII. Ellen,' / b. March 23, 1839; d. in infancy. IX. RoENA A.,' b. Nov. 8, 1840; d. unmarried, aged about eighteen years. A lovely girl both in person and character. 443 X. Joseph Edward,' b. Aug. 1, 1842; ni. Anna Harmus, Sept. 20, 1871. XI. Rockwell Plummer,' b. May 14, 1844; m. Lucy Jenness, of Wolfborough, March 7, 1872. No children. 444 XII. Woodbury Langdon,' b. Aug. 9, 1847; m. Mary A. Nason. No children. 187. NATHANIEL 6 CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ Thomas," Barnabas,^ Joseph,- John'). Bom in Brookfield, N.H., April 7, 1807. Lived in Exeter. Married, May 20, 1830, Sophia King. She was born Jan. 6, 1808 ; died Aug. 18, 1885. Children born in Exeter. 445 I. Addison,' b. May 27, 1831; m. Jennie Isabella Green. II. RosiNA,' b. Oct. 6, 1832; d. Aug. 18, 1834. 446 III. Almander,' b. July 14, 1834; m. 1st, Clara F. Taylor; m. 2d, Catharine C. Parkhurst. 447 IV. Nathaniel,' b. Aug. 17, 1836; m. Elizabeth A. James, Dec. 21, 1858. V. Jasper Hazen,' b. Sept. 17, 1838; d. June 12, 1841. VI. Sylvester Edwin,' b. March 25, 1841; d. Sept. 6, 1846. VII. Sophia Helen,' b. Aug. 14, 1842; d. Aug. 14, 1843. 448 VIII. Jasper Hazen,' ) b. Nov. 25, 1844; m. Ella A. Porter, May 31, \ 1877, at Exeter, N.H.; d. Oct. 6, 1879. IX. Sophia Helen,'] b. Nov. 25, 1844; d. July 1, 1845. X. Sylvester Edwin,' b. March 19, 1847; d. unmarried. May 15, 1870. 188. DANIEL « CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ Thomas," Barnabas,''' Joseph,- John'). Born in Brookfield, N.H., Dec. 3, 1811; died March 23, 1884. Married, May 5, 1834, Eleanor Longley, who died Eeb. 18, 1880. SIXTH GENERATION 115 Children. 449 I. Sheldon W.,' b. Feb. 14, 1835; m. 1st, Olive A. Wiggin, May 14 1861; m. 2d, Clara B. Douglas. II. Orissa Jane,' b. Jan. 29, 1838; m. Orrin Murray, of New- market, N.H., Feb. 25, 1862. Children. 1. Fred H. Murray, b. July 15, 1864. 2. Frank C. Murray, b. April 11, 1868. 3. Harry E. Murray, b. March 12, 1870. III. Sarepta,' b. July 7, 1840; ui. Charles E. Wiggin, Nov. 25, 1870. Children . 1. Kissa May, b. March 16, 1872. 2. Alice C, b. April 7, 1874. IV. Mart A.,' b. Dec. 16, 1850; m. Charles Jay, Nov. 15, 1883. 189. CHARLES « CHURCHILL (Joseph,' Thomas," Baknabas,- Joseph,- John '). Bom iu Brookfield, N.H., April 3, 1814, died Nov. 2, 18G6. Married, July 6, 1837, Hykona Folsom Purinton, born June 26, 1816. Children. I. Almena Augusta,' b. March 17, 1839; m. James Dana Hart- well, May 5, 1857. Children. 1. Emma Belinda Ilartwell, b. March 14, 1859; m. James B. Rud- dick, June 21, 1880. 2. Charles Churchill Ilartwell, b. Sept. 18, 1860; m. Rosa A. Ryder, Sept. 21, 1884. 3. George Washington Hartwell, b. June 29, 1862 ; m. Ida Lennox Harriman, June 29, 18S7. 4. Jennie Louise Ilartwell, b. Aug. 7, 1864; d. Feb. 7, 1887. II. Irena,' b. Sept. 17, 1841; d. Sept. 19, 1841. III. Jennie Adelaide,' b. March 10, 1844; m. Solomon Augustus Lenfest, Dec. 7, 1865. IV. Ella Frances,' b. Nov. 5, 1848; m. William Pitt Canning, Feb. 8, 1871. Children. 1. Edith Almena Canning, b. May 24, 1875. 2. Alice Churchill Canning, b. Feb. 13, 1878. 3. Edward Weeks Canning, b. Sept, 30, 1880. V. Emma Irene,' b. Oct. 3, 1850; d. unmarried, Sept. 22, 1873. 190. JAMES MONROE « CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ Thomas,^ Barna- bas,^ Joseph,- John^). Born in Brookfield, N.H., Jan. 3, 1819. Married, March 3, 1852, Elizabeth Perkins, of Exeter. Child. I. Elizabeth,' b. Sept. 30, 1865; unmarried. 116 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 191. WILLIAM « CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ Thomas," Barnabas,^ Joseph/ John ^). Born Aug. 8, 1821. Married Elizabeth Kit- TREDGE, of Lowell, Mass. Children. I. Herbert,'' b. June 10, 1849; d. unmarried, April 10, 1870. II. Ernest,' b. May 11, 1855; m. Ada Upham ; no issue. III. Frank,' d. in infancy. 192. THOMAS C.« CHURCHILL (Nathaniel,^ Thomas," Barna- bas,=' Joseph,- John^). Born Feb. 26, 1807, at Eaton, N.H. He was living, in 1895, at Murphy, Calaveras County, California. Mar- ried, March 20, 1834, Emmeline Stevens Bailey, daughter of Richard G. and Emma Bailey, of North Bridgton, Me. She died at North Bridgton, Dec. 20, 1873. Childo-en. I. Ellen Maria,' b. at Waterford, Me., March 19, 1835; d. at San- bornton Bridge, N.H., Sept. 3, 1819. 450 II. Algernon Howe,' b. at Wilton, Me., June IG, 1837; m. Martha Helen Stinchfield Nov. 9, 1861, at Lewiston, Me. III. Margaret Ann,' b. Sept. 13, 1839, in Wilton, Me., and died there June 27, 1841. IV. Estelle Maria,' b. at Sanbornton Bridge, N.H. , Dec. 23, 1851; d. at No. Bridgton, Aug. 16, 1872. V. Frances Ilsley,' b. at No. Bridgton, Aug. G, 185G; d. there Aug. 12, 1858. 193. JOHN« CHURCHILL (Nathaniel,^ Thomas," Barnabas," Joseph,- John '). Born June 17, 1811. Married, October, 1834, Melissa Colby. She was born June 27, 1813. Children. I. Mary Ann,' b. Jan. 20, 1837; d. Oct. 13, 1864. II. Nancy C.,' b. March 31, 1839; d. Nov. 30, 1852. 451 III. John Henry,' b. July 1, 1844; m. Irene Gertrude Canfield. IV. Charles Frederick,' b. April 22, 1847; d. Dec. 2, 1852. 194. NATHANIEL « CHURCHILL (Nathaniel,^ Thomas," Bar- nabas," Joseph,'- John '). Born July 1, 1818. Lived in Madison, N.H. Married, Nov. 4, 1841, Elizabeth Goldthwait. Childi-en. 452 I. Nahum B.,' b. Jan. 8, 1843; m. Lydia A. Moore, June 8, 1867. II. Sarah E.,' b. May 24, 1847; unmarried. III. Edwin N.,' b. April 6, 1848; deceased. IV. Mary Ellen,' b. July 6, 1852; unmarried. SIXTH GENERATION 117 195. ICHABOD D.« CHURCHILL (Nathaniel/ Thomas," Bar- nabas,^ Joseph,- John '). Born Sept. 29, 1845. Lived in Madi- son, N.H. Married 1st, Dec. 30, 1847, Clara Quint. She died March 24, 1865. Married 2d, Sept. 8, 1866, Mrs. Sarah D. Lord. Children by First Wife. I. Miranda C.,^ b. May 21, 1851; m. Freeman Johnson, March 3, 1872. II. Sarah A.,' b. April 14, 1856; m. Frank Wentworth, June, 1878, and died 1883. 463 III. Nathaniel I.,' b. Dec. 28, 1857; ni. Carrie Loud, Dec. 7, 1880. No further record. IV. IcHABOD F.,'' b. Aug. 6, 1859; d. March, 1865. V. Ltdia,'' b. Dec. 23, 1863. By Second Wife. 454 VI. Herbert C.,^ b. May 12, 1878. No further record. 196. WILLIAM GRAVES « CHURCHILL (John,^ Thomas," Bar- nabas,^ Joseph,- John ^). Born July 29, 1809. Married, June 20, 1831, Sally Mead Page. She was born May 12, 1809, and died A.ug. 6, 1868. Children . 455 I. William Alvah,' b. June 4, 1832; m. Martha Folsom Robin- son, of Greenland, b. Jan. 30, 1831. II. Mary Mead,' b. Aug. 28, 1834. 197. CHARLES « CHURCHILL (John,* Ebenezer," Barnabas,"' Joseph,- John'). Born in Pittsfield Feb. 25, 1796. Lived in Pittsfield; representative in Legislature, 1855. Died Dec. 23, 1881. Married, Dec. 4, 1826, Charlotte M. Francis, of Pittsfield. Children horn in Pittsfield. I. Jane Charlotte,' b. Jan. 7, 1828; m. William Watt, May 27, 1857. Their Children horn in Pittsfield. 1. Charles Adams Watt, b. May 28, 1858; m. MoUie O'Donald, June 3, 1885. 2. William Edward Watt, b. July 8, 1859. 3. Clara Maria Watt, b. March 5, 1861. 4. Mary Kate Watt, b. Oct. 7, 1863; m. George E. Ferguson, Oct. 6, 1880. Had John C, b. 1882. II. Frederick Augustus,' b. Oct. 20, 1829; d. June 30, 1830. 456 III. Frederick Augustus,' b. Sept. 6, 1831 ; m. Clara P. Butler, Sept. 11, 1861. Lives in Pittsfield. 457 IV. Edward Payson,' b. Aug. 6, 1834; m. Dora Kettell, of Pitts- field, Jan. 3, 1870. Died Sept. 28, 1874. V. Maria Francis,' b. April 28, 1840; d. Aug. 3, 1863. 118 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY 198. SAMUEL ADAMS « CHURCHILL (John/ Ebenezer/ Bar- nabas,^ Joseph,^ John ^). Born in Pittsfield, Sept. 28, 1810. Lived in Pittsfield. Married, Sept. 22, 1840, Esther Brook, of Lenox, Mass. Children born in Pittsfield. I. Jane C.,' b. Feb. 18, 1842; m. William Henry Thompson, Nov. 13, 1867, of Chatham, N.Y. Children. 1. Mary Churchill Thompson, b. in Greenbush, N.Y., Jan. 19, 1869. 2. Emily Churchill Thompson, b. in Chicago, Sept. 4, 1875. 458 ir. John B.,' b. Dec. 12, 1844; m. Mart Belden, April 8, 1868, of Lenox. 199. ORRIN « CHURCHILL (Lemuel,^ John," Barnabas,^ Joseph,^ John '). Born in Truxton, N.Y., Feb. 16, 1809. In 1833 he went to Buffalo by the Erie canal, thence by boat to Detroit, and walked across Michigan to Berrien County, where he took up a government grant of land in the heavily wooded section, where deer, wol^s, and bears were very abundant. Making such improvements for occu- pancy as he was able, he returned in the fall to his home in New York, and the following spring, taking his family and effects in an ox-cart, he made the journey to his new home, opening up a large farm, but later settled in what is now Buchanan, Mich., in the hard- ware business, the farm being in the same town, but some distance from his store. He died Sept. 13, 1881, at Buchanan, Mich. Married 1st, in Truxton, N.Y., Feb. 1, 1832, Emmeline Pope, who died in 1842 ; married 2d, in Buchanan, Mich., Nov. 2, 1843, Jane L. Porter, died Nov. 16, 1854 ; married 3d, in Buchanan, Mich., Nov. 3, 1855, Frances E. Richardson. Children of First Wife, born in Truxton, N. Y. I. Lemuel,' b. Oct. 27, 1832; d. Oct. 14, 1842. 459 II. George,' b. April 12, 1834 ; m. Elizabeth Halsted, July 15, 1856 ; d. 1900. III. Caroline,' b. March 24, 1837; d. Dec. 6, 1855. 460 IV. Owen,' b. April 24, 1840; m. Elora Adams, Dec. 20, 1869. Children of Second Wife, born at Buchanan, on the farm. 461 V. John Porter,' b. Dec. 2, 1846; m. Harriet Moore, Oct. 12, 1873. VI. Almira Louisa,' b. Feb. 12, 1848; m. 1st, David Cassler, April 29, 1866 (divorced) ; m. 2d, Michael Harner. CAPT. BENJ. KING CHURCHILL. (No. 202, page 119.) THE CAPT. CHURCHILL HOUSE, BRISTOL, R.I. (Page 119.) SIXTH GENERATION 119 Child by First Husband. 1. George B. Gassier, b. Feb. 4, 1867. Children by Second Husband. 2. Willard A. Harner, b. 1878. 3. Orrin C. Harner, b. 1879. 4. Murray P. Harner, b. 1880. 5. Alfred L. Harner, b. 1882. 6. Orne C. Harner, b. 1884. 7. Alma Bessie Harner, b. 1885. 8. Roy Harner, b. 1886. VII. Lenora,' b. Aug. 18, 1850; m. Frank Munson, Dec. 25, 1867; d. June 10, 1868. VIII. Orrin L ,' h. Dec. 10, 1852; unmarried. He is a merchant, firm of Churchill, Webster &Bolinger, James- town, North Dakota. 300. LEMUEL « CHURCHILL (John/ John," Barnabas/ Joseph/ John '). Born in Pittsfield, Nov. 24, 1816, and lived there. Mar- ried Lydia Bkadford, of Conway, Mass. Children. I. Susan Anne,' b. June 7, 1855; unmarried, in Pittsfield. II. John B.,'' b. Aug. 11, 1858; unmarried, in Pittsfield. 301. ALANSON« CHURCHILL (Bradford,"' John,' Barnabas/ Joseph/ John'). Born in Truxton, N.Y., Sept. 4, 1812. Married Eliza Burlingame, of Lanesboro', N.Y. Children. I. Harriet,' b. Oct. 18, 1835; m. George Murdock. II. Marietta,' b. March 4, 1837. III. Ellen,' b. Jan. 25, 1839. IV. Bradford,' b. Feb. 1, 1840; never married. V. Helen.' VI. Robert,' d. young. 462 VII. George Clinton,' b. Dec. 27, 1847; m. Eunice Follansbee. 303. BENJAMIN KING^ CHURCHILL (Joseph/ Joseph/ Joseph/ Joseph/ John '). Born July 13, 1774, in Wells (or Kennebunk), Me. He went to sea young, and, it is related, was captured by an English press-gang, and made to serve for two years . on a British man-of-war. With another sailor, while the ship was near the coast of Cuba, he jumped overboard and swam to the 120 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY shore. From Cuba he returned in an American ship to his home, resumed his sea-faring life, and became captain of a ship as early as 1800. He commanded the privateer"" Yankee Lass," in the War of 1812, and was second in command of the privateer " Yankee," which took five valuable prizes. Captain Churchill's share of the prize-money was quite large. In one of the battles at sea he was wounded and lost a leg. He settled in Boston at the time of his marriage, then lived at Salem a while, but removed to Bristol, R.I., as early as 1813. He is mentioned as living in the " Capt. Jonathan Mason House" in Salem, on the road from North Street to near ''Mack's Hill." (Coll. Essex Inst., Vol. 31, p. 122.) He died in 1858. Married 1st, Clarissa Eaton, of Boston; married 2d, March, 1822, Mrs. Eliza (Holman) Norris, widow of Capt. H. L. Children horn in Boston. I. Ann Northy/ b. June 28, 1798; m. Rev. Alexander Jones, of Providence, R.I., Nov. 3, 1819. Children horn in Providence, R.I. 1. Clara Churchill Jones, b. May 31, 1821; m. Alexander P. Crittenden, April 24, 1838. 2. Alexander Jones, b. Aug. 5, 1822; m. Mary Lee. 3. Benjamin Churchill Jones, b. Aug. 23, 1824; m. Josephine McGreal. 4. Mary Farquhar Jones, b. July 26, 1826; m. Amos Joliffe, Nov. 16, 1848. 5. George Wardwell Jones, ] b. June 11, 1828; m. 1st, Louisa I Adams Carrington ; m. 2d, . ( )( V 6. Joseph Jones, | b. June 11, 1828; m. Courtney J Bowdoin. 7. Charles Christian Jones, b. Jan. 23, 1830; d. unmarried. 8. William Marlborough Jones, b. Jan. 28, 1832; m. Mary Lam- bert McMurdo. 9. Rebecca Churchill Jones, b. Dec. 11, 1833; m. Col. William P. Craighill. 10. Anne Northy Jones, b. Sept. 26, 1835; m. Dr. Johnson Price, of Kentucky, 11. Larran Farquhar Jones, b. Nov. 9, 1837; m. Matilda Fontain Berkeley. 12. Henry Holman Jones, b. Feb. 26, 1839; d. aged 20 years. 13. Margaretta Brown Jones, b. Dec. 22, 1840; d. Jan. 10, 1841. II. Rebecca Jenks,' b. November, 1800; m. George Wardwell, of Providence, April, 1819. Children. 1. Caroline Churchill Wardwell, b. June 23, 1824; m. Samuel D. Wyeth, Sept. 11, 1844. 2. Edward Wilkinson Wardwell, b. 1826 ; d. in infancy. 3. Annie Jones Wardwell, b. Jan. 28, 1828; d. April, 1851. 4. George Marlborough Wardwell, b. 1832; d. in infancy. III. Harriet,' b. 1802; d. unmarried. IV. Benjamin King, Jr.,' b. Nov. 14, 1805; d. unmarried in 1832. V. Clara Eaton,' b. 1808; m. George W. Little, of Charlestown, Va., Oct. 11, 1831. SIXTH GENERATION 121 Children. 1. Ann Churchill Little, b. Julv 31, 1832; d. unmarried. 2. Jane Craighill Little, b. April 25, 1834; d. Oct. 15, 1885. Children born in Bristol , R. I. VI. Sarah King,'' b. 1813; m. Capt. H. L. Norris, Nov. 2, 1837. She d. Oct. 9, 1840, leaving no children. 463 VIL Marlborough,' b. February, 1816 ; m. Elizabkth Louise Voris, 1837. VIIL William Ezra,' b. 1818; d. unmarried. IX. Caroline Electra,' b. 1820; d. in infancy. Children hy Second Wife. X. Agnes Fetters,'' b. Dec. 25, 1822. Living, unmarried, in 1805. 464 XI. Samuel Holman,' b. July 13, 1826; ni. Adelaide M. Norris, Sept. 17, 1858. He d. in 1856. No further record. 203. JOHN« CHURCHILL (Joseph/ Joseph/ Joseph,^' Joseph,^ JoHN^). Born in Salem, March 27, 1774, and died in Mooers, N.Y., May 2, 1858. Removed to the west side of Lake Champlain, where the Southwick Brothers, of Benson, Vt., had purchased a large tract of land, and settled what was then Champlain, but in 1804 became the town of Mooers. All of his brothers and sisters settled, lived, and are buried there. JVEarried Hannah Schkiver, daughter of Frederick, Esq., of Hemmingford, Can. She was sister of Col. John Schriver, M.P. Children born in Mooers, N. Y. I. Clarissa,' b. March 19, 1803; m. Albert Belden, and d. 1837. No children. 465 II. Warner,' b. July 16, 1808; m. Almira Schriver, Feb. 13, 1835. 466 III. Gilbert,' b. May 18, 1810; m Elizabeth ( ). IV. Julia Ann,' b. Aug. 20, 1811; m. 1st, Jabin Fitch; m. 2d, Alex- ander Ferry, of Albaugh, Vt Children of First Husband. 1. Susan Fitch, d. early. 2. Harlow Fitch, d. early. 3. George Fitch, d. early. 4. Harrison Fitch, m. Addie Twombly, of Chazy, N.Y. 5. Martha Fitch, m. Daniel McLaughlin, of Anoka, Minn. 6. Henderson Fitch, d. young. -- V. Polly,' b. Oct. 10, 1813; d. at Mooers, in 1814. VI. Harriet,' b. June 26, 1815; m. Alonzo Stacy, Sept. 7, 1836, at Mooers. Children. 1. Hiram Stacy, d. April 30, 1840. 2. Mary Stacy, m. George Dixon, .luly 9, 1859. 3. Eleanor Stacy. 4. Frederic Stacy. _ 5. Emily Stacy. VII. Violetta,' b. July 9, 1817; d. March, 1833. 122 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 467 VIII. John,' b. Jan. 30, 1820; m. Harriet ( ). Said to have had a family and to have lived in Greenville, Mich., but we have no record. 468 IX. Theodore,' b. May 25, 1822; m. Lucy Frost. X. Sarah,' b. July 25, 1824; m. David Waterman. Live in Bath, N.H. Children. 5. Nellie Waterman. 6. Stella Waterman. 7. George Waterman. 1. Frederic Waterman. 2. Julia Waterman. 3. Emma Waterman. 4. Charles Waterman. XI. Frederick,' b. Aug. 30, 1826; d. Sept. 2, 1850. XII. Hannah M.,' b. Feb. 16, 1829; d. January, 1837 204. JOSEPH « CHURCHILL (Johx/ Joseph,* Joseph^ Joseph,- JoHN^). Born in New Salem, Mass., Jan. 18, 1776, and died in Mooers, N.Y., Jan. 25, 1848. He also settled in Mooers, and lived there near his brothers and sisters, whose farms, it is said, extended in an almost unbroken line, for five miles, through the centre of the town, from the Canada border. Married Susanna Bailey, in Chazy, N.Y. She was born in Windsor, Vt., Nov. 1, 1792, and died in Morrison, III, Nov. 25, 1884. Children horn in Mooers, N. Y. I. Eliza,' b. Oct. 24, 1810; d. Oct. 29, 1829. II. Caiista,' b. Sept. 28, 1812; d. Nov. 8, 1833. III. Joshua B.,' b. Nov. 1), 1814; d. March 5, 1815. 469 IV. Benjamin Levery,' b. Feb. 7, 1816; m. Maria Fassett, Dec. 7, 1844; d. in army, March 14, 1865. V. Jekemiah,' b. May 4, 1818; m. Eliza Vasburgh, Nov. 23, 1840. They were drowned in Lake Michigan, April 1, 184'.). 470 VI. Joseph B.,' b. June 23, 1820; m. Eliza Tdrnbull, Dec. 11, 1841. 471 VII. George ,W.,' b. April 10, 1825; m. 1st, Abigail Hitchcock, Sept. 26, 1852; m. 2d, Ellen F. Strong. 472 VIII. Sylvester S.,' b. Nov. 6, 1827; m. Jane R. Ransom, Oct. 19, 1853. IX Susanna E.,' b. Oct. 9, 1830; m. M. S. Heaton, Feb. 27, 1861. They live in Morrison, 111., and have one child. Child. 1. Nellie Churchill Heaton, b. Sept. 6, 1868. 473 X. Charles C.,' b. June 15, 1836; m. Harriet A. McKibben, April 7, 1866. 205. SAMUEL" CHURCHILL (John,^ Joseph," Joseph,^ Joseph,'^ JoHN^). Born in New Salem, Aug. 8, 1782. Settled in Mooers, N.Y., in 1806. He was there prominent and respected, and always active in all matters of public interest and welfare for more than a half century. His wife was a woman of rare intelligence and of lovely character. He died Feb. 23, 1865. Married, Feb. 8, 1814, SIXTH GENERATION 123 Martha Louisa Bosworth, daughter of John, Esq., of Sandisfield, Mass., where she was born Jan. 25, 1796. She died May 15, 1844. Children horn at Mooers, N. Y. I. Louisa Hannah,' b. May 10, 1815; m. Rev. Stephen House Williams, Aug. 6, 1844. Children. 1. John Charles Williams, b. May 15, 1845. 2. Sidney Phoenix Williams, b. Aug. 16, 1847. o. Mary Louisa Williams, b. Feb. 26, 1850. 4. Samuel Harvey Williams, b. July 28, 1851. 5. James E. Williams, b. Feb. 10, 1856. 11. Emmeline Amelia,' b. Feb. 20, 1817; m. John Shedden, 1860. Live in Mooers ; no children. 474 III. Samuel Harvey,' h. Jan. 24, 1819; m. Emeline H. Knapp, of Berlin, Vt., Feb. 19, 1851. 475 IV. John Charles,' b. Jan. 17, 1821; m. Katharine T. Sprague, Sept. 11, 1849. V. Mary Eliott,' b. Oct. 16, 1822; lives unmarried in Mooers, N.Y. 476 VI. James Guilford,' b. Jan. 4, 1825: d. at Alma, Parke County, Colo., Sept. 18, 1879. No further record. VII. Pliny Fisk,' b. April 15, 1830; d. unmarried, Oct. 1, 1857. VIII. Caroline Martha,' b. Dec. 10, 1833; ra. Hon. Samuel C. Win- GARD. Live at Walla Walla, Wash. 306. JEREMIAH •"' CHURCHILL (John,« Joseph," Joseph,^ Joseph,- JoHN '). Born in New Salem, 1785. Settled in Mooers, N.Y., 1802. He was a lieutenant in the War of 1812. He died Aug. 8, 1817, in Mooers, N.Y. ; married Mary Frost. Child. I. Sarah Sophronia,' b. Nov. 11, 1815; m. Charles R. Rood, of Mooers, Oct. 27, 1842. Thev live at Gardner Plain, Whiteside County, 111. He was born July 20, 1813. Their Children. 1. Almira A. Rood, b. Aug. 12, 1845. 2. Albert Lawrence Rood, b. Oct. 11. 1847; d. Jan. 3, 1848. 3. Helen Electa Rood, b. Nov. 12, 1848. 4. Julia Elva Rood, b. March 11, 1856. 207. JOHN« CHURCHILL (Samuel,^ Samuel," Joseph,^ Joseph,^ John '). Born in Sterling, July 7, 1782. Lived in Boston, and later in Chelmsford, Mass. Died in Chelmsford early in 1825, and his estate there Avas administered upon July 13, 1825. Married, in Sterling, Dec. 12, 1813, Dolly Mears. She was born Jan. 14, 1777, and died in Clinton, Aug. 30, 1864. 124 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Child born in Boston. I. Jane,' b. Nov. 20, 1815; m. Horace Jewett, in Lowell, Dec. 17, 1832. Mr. Jewett was born April 10, 1809. Children. 1. Mary Jane Jewett, b. in Lowell, Sept. 28, 1834; m. William Lawrence. 2. George Horace Jewett, b. in Sterling, May 1, 1837; m. Eliza J. Taylor, .S. John Stewart .Jewett, b. in Lancaster, Sept. 12, 1839; single. 4. Sarah Churchill Jewett, b. in Lancaster, Sept. 25, 1842; m. William Mirick. 5. Emily Louisa Jewett, b. in Lancaster, Dec. 11, 1844; m. Palmer Fitts. 6. Erastus Jewett, b. in Lancaster, Jan. 26, 1847; m. Annette Holland. 7. Ella Josephine Jewett, b. in Sterling, Feb. 14, 1850; m. George Hall. 8. Annie Maria Jewett, b. in Sterling, April 26, 1852 ; m. Levi H. Wiggin. 9. Wilfred Emery Jewett, b. in Sterling, Nov. 13, 1854; single. 10. Eugenia Olive Rebecca Jewett, b. in Sterling, Dec. 27, 1856; m. Edward S. Crocker. 11. Flora Mabel Jewett, b. in Clinton, March 28, 1865; d. Jan. 20, 1866. 308. ELIEZER" CHURCHILL (Eltezer,^ Eliezek," Eltezek/ Eli- EZER,^ JoHN^). Born in 1765. They lived in West Bridgewater. Died suddenly in 1818. Married, Jan. 27, 1788, Lucy Otis, of Scituate, born Jan. 27, 1769. Children born in West Bridgewater. I. Sophia,'' b. July 1, 1789; m. Bethdel Pennyman, of Abington, Feb. 16, 1814. He was born May 8, 1787. Children. 1. Sophia Pennyman, b. Aug. 18, 1810. 2. Lucy Ann Pennyman, b. March 2, 1813. 3. Mary Pennyman, b. Dec. 11, 1814. 4. Eliza Pennyman, b. Jan. 9, 1817. 5. Bethuel Pennyman, Jr., b. Feb. 11, 1819. 6. William Pennyman, b. March 5, 1822. 7. Addison Pennyman, b. April 29, 1827. 8. Samuel Pennyman, b. Sept. 27, 1829. 477 II. Charles,' b. Aug. 17, 1791; m. Dorcas Pratt Hawes, July 28, 1814. III. Mary Otis,' b. March 26, 1794 ; m. James Nash, of Abington, Oct. 29, 1812. She died Oct 27, 1864, and he died March 18, 1858. Children. 1. James Otis Nash, b. Feb. 2, 1814; d. Dec. 27, 1880. 2. Merit Nash, b. Oct. 10, 1815. 3. Mary Ann Nash, b. Nov. 4, 1817; d June 18, 1864. 4. Sylvanus Nash, b. Sept. 14, 1819; d. Feb. 5, 1882. 5. Eleazer Dexter Nash, b. Jan. 23, 1821. SIXTH GENERATION 125 IV. Deborah,' b. May 2G, 1796; d. in infancy. V. Lucy,' b. May 21, 1798; m. David Jenkins, Aug. 31, 1817; he was born Jan. 15, 1790. She died Oct. 13, 1834. He died Jan. 7, 1881. Children. 1. Spooner Jenkins, b. in Southbridge, Sept. 11, 1819. 2. David Jenkins, Jr., b. in Southbridge, June 5, 1822; d. June 17, 1848. 3. Lucy Otis Jenkins, b. in New Bedford, July 22, 1829. VL Joshua,' b. 1800; d. in infancy. VII. Harriet,' b. Sept. 18, 1802; m. John Reed, Jr., Jan. 28, 1819. VIII. Deborah,' b. June 29, 180i; m. Comfort Whiting, of New Bedford. IX. Hannah Otis,' b. May 15, 1806; ni. George Douglas. X. Rhoda,' b. July 16, 1808; m. Samuel Keene, of East Bridge- water. XI. Jane,' b. Sept. 11, 1811; m Valentine Erskine, of Abington. 309. THADDEUS « CHURCHILL (Thaddeus,^ Eliezer," Eliezer,^ Eliezer,- John '). Born March 23, 1776, in Plymoutli, and died Sept. 10, 1832. Married, Oct. 11, 1798, Mercy Fuller, daughter of Captain John, of Kingston. She was born Oct. 16, 1776, and died April 8, 1861. Children. I. William,' b. July 22, 1799; d. Sept. 22, 1799. 478 II. AViLLiAM,' b. Nov. 25, 1800; m. 1st, Mary C. Fuller, Sept. 27, 1828. Shed. June 22, 1829; m. 2d, Beulah Orton, Aug. 28, 1830. She d. Dec. 18, 1851; m. 3d, Jane R. Squires, Aug. 28, 1852. 479 III. Henry,' b. Nov. 18, 1802; m. Maria B. Swift, Aug. 2, 1832. IV. AsenathD.,' b. Aug. 5, 1805; m. James Fuller, May 11, 1830. Children. 1. Mary Fuller, ni. George Collingwood. 2. James A. Fuller, unmarried. 3. William H. Fuller, m. Clarissa Burns. Lives in Cambridgeport. 4. Lucia C. Fuller, m. John Brown. Lives in Haverhill. 5. Arabella J. Fuller, m. Horace Page. Lives in Haverhill. 6. Chester H. Fuller, unmarried. Lives in Kingston. V. Maria,' b. Oct. 14, 1807; m. Edwin Powers, December, 1839. Lived in Kingston. Children. 1. Maria E. Powers, m. Asa U. Bray. 2. Charles T. Powers, unmarried. VI. Elizabeth F.,' b. Mav 12, 1811; ra. Dr. Frakcis Barker, August, 1839. She d. August, 1883. Immediately after marriage they went as missionaries to the Shoshone Indians for thirteen years, when they settled in Lawrence, Kansas, and spent the remainder of life there. Children. 1. William Barker, m. in Kansas. 2. Sophronia Barker, m. in Kansas. 3. Mary F. Barker, m. William H. Miles, of So. Hanson. 12r) THE CHURCHILL FAMILY VII. Marcia,' b. Dec. 1, 1813; m., Jan. Ifi, 1868, Dea. Thomas Potter, of New London, Conn. No children. VIII. Lucia R.,' b. Aug. 2«, 1816; d. Jan. 3, 1835. IX. Lewis,'' b, Feb. 18, 1819; d. Sept. 21, 1835. 210. JOSEPH « CHURCHILL (Thaddeus,^ Eliezer," Eliezer,^ Eliezer,- John ^). Born about 1782. He sailed out from Boston in 1836, aged fifty-four years, and was never heard from afterwards. Married 1st, July 28, 1804, Mercy LeBaron Goodwin, daughter of Thomas. She died Oct. 2, 1822. Married 2d, Lydia LeBaron Goodwin, sister of Mercy. Children horn in Plymouth. 480 I. Joseph Lewis,' b. Aug. 21, 1805; m. Abigail Merrill Goodwin, of Falmouth, May 27, 1830. He died at sea, August, 1842. II. Amelia,' b. Feb. 7, 1807; d. Sept. 12, 1807. III. Edward,' b. Dec. 13, 1808; d. Jan. 3, 1809. IV. George,' b. Aug-. 2, 1811; d. Oct. 2. 1811. V. GusTAVOS,' b. Dec. 27, 1814; unmarried; lost at sea between Boston and Bangor. VI. Marcia,' b. June 15, 1817; d. unmarried in 1839. VII. Charles Thomas,' b. April 21, 1820; d. Feb. 13, 1825. 211. SAMUEL 6 CHURCHILL (Samuel,^ Josiah,^ Eliezer,'^ Eliezer,- John '). Born in Plymouth, May 3, 1779, and lived there. Married, Nov. 8, 1801, Nancy Covington. After the death of Samuel, the widow married Benjamin Dillard, as his third wife. Children born in Plymouth. 481 I. Samuel,' b. Aug. 31, 1802; m. Rachel Capen, Jan. 1, 1827. 482 II. Ezra,' h. March 10, 1805; m. Mehitable Porter, June 29, 1830. III. Francis,' died at sea. » IV. Pollt,' m. William Raymond, of No. Bridgewater. V. Nancy,' b. Feb. 6, 1814; m. Avery Capen, of Stoughton. Children horn in Stoughto7i. 1. Arabella Capen, b. Dec. 22, 1836; d. Dec. 20, 1841. 2. Nancy Arabella Capen, b. May 11, 1843; m. Charles Tucker, ' June 29, 1865; d. Sept. 18, 1867. 3. Avery Augustus Capen, b. May 9, 1844; killed at Fredericks- burg, Dec. 13, 1862. 4. Elizabeth Churchill Capen, b. Aug. 15, 1853; m. William E. Hayward, of Oxbridge. 483 VI. Jacob,' m. Maria Mosier, of New Bedford. 484 VII. John E.,' m. Eleanor Shuman. 212. CALEB <= CHURCHILL (Samuel,^ Josiah,^ Eliezer,=* Eliezer,' John '). Born in Plymouth, March 25, 1782. Married, Nqv. 21, 1801, Lydia Greenold. SIXTH GENERATION 127 One Child. I. Eliza, ^ m. John Briggs, of Berkeley, Mass. Children. 1. John C. Briggs. 2. Eliza Ann Briggs, ni. Reuben Richmond, of Taunton. 3. Lydia Southworth Briggs, tn. 1st, Dr. ( •) Larkin, of Wrentham; m. 2d, Rev. ( ) Sheff, of Wrentham. 313. ENOS « CHURCHILL (Enos,^ Josiah," Eliezer,^ Eliezer,= John'). Born at Ragged Island, Nova Scotia, April 9, 1797. Mar- ried, Dec. 19, 1822, Abigail Locke. Children . 485 I. Lewis P.,'' b. Nov. 8, 182(;; ra. Ann Locke. II. Elizabeth.' m. John Locke. III. Trtphenia,' 111. Andrew C. Congdon. IV. Priscilla.' V. Louisa.' VI. Emily,' in. Henry Studley, M.D. VII Cecilia.' VIII. Augusta.' 314. SILVANUS« CHURCHILL (Silvanus,^ JosiaV Eliezer,^' Eliezer,- John '). Born Sept. 25, 1805. He died July 26, 1879. Married 1st, 1836, Lydia Russell, of New Bedford ; 2d, 1843, Eliza W. Gifford, of New Bedford. One Child by Second Wife. 486 I. Robert, b. in New Bedford, Dec. 13, 1848. No further record. 315. JOHN DARLING" CHURCHILL (Silvanus,' Josiah,''Eliezer,3 Eliezer,- John '). Born in Plymouth, Nov. 8, 1817, and lived there. Married 1st, April 11, 1840, Marcia J. Holmes. She died May 22, 1882. 2d, Dec. 30, 1883, Julia A. Hawley. Children. 487 I. John Franklin,' b. Jan. 11, 1841; ni. Clara Finney, Dec. 30, 186G. Born in Plymouth and lived there till the close of his school- days, when he received the appointment of cadet at the Annapolis Naval Academy, by the suggestion of Congressman Robert B. Hall. Upon graduation he entered the merchant service until the opening of the Civil War, when he was appointed ensign in the navy, and served on the U.S. man-of-war " Yautic." He was attached to Admiral Porter's floet with Dewey and Schley, and was engaged in both battles at Fort Fisher. At the close of the war he returned to Plymouth and entered the store of his uncle, and con- tinued in the business until he became secretary of the " Mixter 128 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Saw Gummer Company," of whose Eastern interests he had charge until his death, March 29, 1903, at his honoe in Plymouth. He was a member of the Masonic order. No children. 488 II. Feed Lee," b. Feb. 8, 1846; m. Mary N. Dimon, June 7, 1874. 48y III. JosiAH Darling,' b. Oct. 24, 1853; m. Martha Tillson, Oct. 6, 1876. 216. LEMUEL 6 CHURCHILL (Jesse/ Jonathan/ Eliezer/ Eliezer," John^). Born Dec. 5, 1775. He settled, after marriage, at Richmond, Va. Married, March 21, 1803, Sarah Sumner, of Roxbury, daughter of Deacon Samuel. Children horn, some at Roxbury and the younger at Richmond, Va. I. Elizabeth,' b. 1804; d. unmarried. II. Eliphalet Porter,' d. unmarried. III. Hannah,' d. in infancy. 490 IV. GusTAvus Vasa,' b. 1809; m. Sophia Prescott. Had one son Harry ; d. in infancy. No further record. V. Abigail,' d. young. VI. Mart Ann,' b. 1813; m. Jonathan Bdffinton. 491 VII. William Worcester,' m. 1st, Caroline Gore Woodman; m. 2d, Mrs. Hurll. 317. SIMEON *= CHURCHILL (Jesse,' Johnathan,^ Eliezer,'' Eliezer,- John^). Born June 25,1786. Lived in Cincinnati, a cabinet-maker. Married Caroline Hunt, of Baltimore. Children. 492 I. Frederick Augustus,' b. in'Baltimore, Aug. 13, 1811 ; m. ( ) ( )• They had four children, viz. : 1, William ; 2, Frederick A. ; 3, Elizabeth; 4, Caroline. All of these died without issue, and we have no record. II. Hannah Hunt,' b. in Cincinnati, Jan. 29, 1813. III. Alonzo Wooster,' b. in Cincinnati, Jan. 9, 1816; m. Ellen Sand; no children. IV. Laura Spencer,' b. in Cincinnati, March 23, 1819, d. in infancy. 318. DAVID '^ CHURCHILL (Jesse,^ Jonathan,^ Eliezer,^ Eliezer,- JoHN ^). Born July 16, 1795. He lived in Cincinnati ; was a cabi- net-maker. He was a very large man, six feet two inches in height, and weighed three hundred pounds. Died May 17, 1853. Married, Feb. 22, 1825, Frances Ann Clifton McKin. Children horn in Cincinnati. I. Abigail Wooster,' b. 1826; unmarried. II. George Washington,' b. 1828; never married. III. Franklin,' b. 1880: never married. 494 II. III. IV. 405 V 49 li VI, SIXTH GENERATION 129 219. WILLIAM LEATHERS « CHURCHILL (Francis,' Jona- than/ Eliezer/ Eliezer,- John ^). Born March 22, 1787. Lived at West Eairlee, Vt. Held a captaiu's commission in War of 1812. Married Eliza Lamphire, of West Eairlee, Vt. Children born in West Fairlee. 493 I. William Leathers, Jr. J b. Sept. 5, 1811 ; m. Minerva Nichols, of Corinth. Vt. . Austin Finlet,' b. Oct. 6, 1813; d. unmarried Jan. 26, 1823. Chaunct Carroll,' b. Sept. 2fi, 1815; m. Pamelia Sarin, of Amesbury, jMass. Eliza Jane,' b. June, 1818; m. Asa Southworth, of West Fair- lee. She d. in Boston. Benjamin Pixley,' b. Sept. 2, 1822; m. Susan Thompson. He d. in Fairlee, Aug. 14, ISfi-l. VI. Francis Vennell,' b. Dec. 6, 1827; m. Marinda E. Munn, Jan. 31, 1854. 220. CAPT. FRANCIS W^ORCESTER « CHURCHILL (Francis,^ Jonathan,^ Eliezer,^ Eliezer,- John ^). Born Feb. 9, 1789. Lived in East Fairlee, Vt. He was a carpenter and architect, and was captain of a cavalry company in the War of 1812. Married Millicent Whitcomb. CJiildren. I. Launcelot,' no record. 497 II. James Monroe,' b. April 3, 1813; m. Kuth E.Tilden, of Thetford, Vt., 1844. No further record. III. Orlanzo,' d. at 10 years. IV. Sarah Adeline,' b. July 29, 1815; m. Moody Coffin, of Haver- hill, Mass. V. Caroline Houghton,' b. Julv 29, 1817; m. Phineas E. Davis, Sept. 3, 1839. VI. Mary Marion.' VII. Helen Mar,' b. in Lowell about 1830; d. in East Fairlee, Vt. 221. DAVID CARROLL 6 CHURCHILL (Francis,^ Jonathan,^ Eliezer,' Eliezer,"- John^). Born in East Fairlee, Vt., Dec. 16, 1790. Lived in Fairlee, Vt. ; a man of ability and influence. He was for years sheriff of Grafton County, N.H. He was judge of the county, and several times representative from his town to the Legis- lature. Married, Jan. 3, 1816, Polly Franklin, of Lyme, N.H, Children. L Maria,' b. April 11, 1817; d. May 29, 1838. II. Jonathan Franklin,' b. Feb. 8, 181H ; d. Sept. 28, 1827. 498 III. David Carroll, Jr..' b. April 12, 1821; m. Lydia Ann Perry, Oct. 20, 1847. 130 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 499 IV. Charles Henry,' b. Aug. 21, 1824; m. 1st, Mart Jane Turner, of Oberlin, O., Nov. 28, 1846; m. 2d, Henrietta Vance, of Lima, Ind., Oct. 10, 1859. 600 V. Lewis Franklin,' b. June 1, 1826; m. Harriet Augusta Drew, Dec. 31, 1849. VI. Lucretia,' b. Aug. 9, 1828; m. Thomas L. Nelson, of Elyria, O. She d. in childbirth. Child. 1. Lucretia Nelson, m. Rev. ( ") Butler, of Sunderland, Mass. 501 VII. Jonathan Franklin,' b. June 26, 1833; m. Laura A. Chandler, of Oxford, N.H. VIII. Mart,' b. July 3, 1839; m. A. W. Dimmick, of Watertown, Mass. One child, which, with the mother, died at the birth. 222. SIMEON RICHARDSON'^ CHURCHILL (Fraxcis/ Jona- than,^ Eliezer/ Eliezer,- John ^). Born in East Eairlee, Vt., Dec. 9, 1794. Died in Syracuse, N.Y. Married, 1821, Mart Ann Doane, of Troy, N.Y. Children. I. Mart Ann,' d. in infancy. II. Charles,' b. March 11, 1823; d. unmarried. III. Cleopatra,' b. April 17, 1825; d. young. IV. Mart Ann,' b May 1, 1827; m. Edward Seabury, of Troy. 502 V. Francis,' b. March 20, 1829; m. 1st Charlotte StIats ; m. 2d, Mart Kibbe, March 16, 1854. Lived in Batavia, N.Y. VI. Cleopatra,' b. April 3, 1831; m. John M. Kirk, April 16, 1851. Lived in Rochester, N.Y. Children born in Rochester, N. Y. 1. Lilian Kirk, b. Feb. 11, 1852. 2. Ida M. Kirk, b. Nov. 30, 1853. 3. Charles LeGrande Kirk, b. Aug. 1, 1856. 4. Ella Kirk, b. Nov. 6, 1858. 5. Henry Richardson Kirk, b. Aug. 31, 1860. 6. Gertrude Kirk, b. April 26, 1868; d. in infancy. VII. LoviNA,' b. Aug. 10, 1833; m. Amos Gould, Sept. 4, 1850. Lived in Buffalo. Children. 1. Cynthia Gould, b. July 9, 1858. 2. Grace Gould, b. Jan. 22, 1871 ; d. at the age of 4 years 10 months. 3. George C. Gould, b. Oct. 27, 1875. 4. Mortimer Gould, b. Feb. 29, 1879. VIII. Elizabeth,' b. June 26, 1836; m. James Girard. Lived in Michigan. No children. IX. Ctnthia,' b. May 24, 1841 ; m. Henrt H. Warner, Jan. 12, 1860. Lived at Rochester, N.Y. Children. 1. Jennie Elizabeth Warner, b. Jan. 10, 1861. 2. Charles Shattuck Warner, b. May 18, 1863. 3. Henry Plato Warner, b. Aug. 24, 1864. 4. William Thomas Warner, b. Aug. 14, 1876. X. Sarah,' b. May, 1844; m. Washington Perkins. SIXTH GENEEATION 131 1. Arthur Perkins. 2. Maude Perkins. 3. Carl Perkins. Children. 4. Blanche Perkins. 5. Harry Simeon Perkins. 223. SAMUEL STILLMAN" CHURCHILL (Francis/ Jonathan/ Eliezeb," Eliezer,- John ^). Born at East Fairlee, Vt., May 26, 1796. Lived in Tlietford, Vt., Lowell, Mass., and Eairlee, Vt. Married Sarah C. Coburn, of Fairlee, Vt. Born Aug. 3, 1797. Children. I. Rodney,' b. in Thetford, Vt., Sept. 20, 1820. 503 II. Stillman,' b. in Lowell, Mass., July 28, 1823; m. Lucinda Hathorn, Oct. 13, 1848. III. Josephine,'' b. in Thetford, Vt., Aug. 22, 1825. 504 IV. Samuel,' b. June 19, 1829, in Lowell, Mass. No further record obtained. 505 V. Henry,' b. Sept. 15, 1831, in Lowell, Mass. No further record obtained. VI. Robert Wallace,' b. Jan. 7, 1834, in Fairlee, Vt. No further record obtained. 506 VII. George Webster,' b. June 5, 183C, in Fairlee, Vt. No further record obtained. 507 VIII. Mary Lawrence,' b. July 20, 1840, in Fairlee, Vt. No further record obtained. 224. JOSEPH WARREN « CHURCHILL (Francis,' Jonathan,^ Eliezer,'' Eliezer,- John ^). Born at Fairlee, Vt., Feb. 2, 1798. He was a merchant and lived in Troy from the age of twenty-one years to his death. He died Jan. 12, 1S75. Married, Feb. 2, 1825, Sarah N. Doane. Children horn in Troy. I. Jane,' b. Dec. 23, 1825 ; m. Nelson Penfield, Jan. 18, 1842. 508 II. George,' b. Aug. 18, 1827; m. Anna L. Sullivan, Feb. 14, 1859. Said to have had one child, but no record found. III. Watts,' b. Feb. 13, 1831 ; d. Aug. 8, 1831. 509 IV. Lee,' b. April 20, 1836; m. Ella Higgins, Sept. 20, 1871. 510 V. DeWitt,' b. .Tune 10, 1838. No further record. VI. Jay,' b. May 20, 1840; d. June 20, 1842. 225. REUBEN EDWARD « CHURCHILL (Francis,' Jonathan,^ Eliezer,'' Eliezer,- John ^). Born at Fairlee, Vt., Oct. 26, 1799. Settled in Paw Paw, Mich. He died Dec. 29, 1856. Married, Dec. 1, 1823, Mary Goodin, born April 6, 1803 ; died Dec. 4, 1884. Children. I. Lorenzo Goodin,' b. Aug. 29, 1824; d. Oct. 16, 1868. No further record. II. Alonzo Perry,' b. March 1, 1826; d. Feb. 18, 1847. No further record. 132 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY III. Mart Melissa,' b. Aug. 19, 1828 ; d. Sept. 10, 1830. No further record. IV. Sally Melissa,' b. Nov. 28, 1832; d. Jan. 20, 1880. No further record. V. Mary Lodisa,' b. May 1, 1887; d. Jan. 5, 1874. VI. George Washington,' b. Nov. 9, 1840; d. in Andersonville prison, September, 1864. VII. Hannah Malinda,' b. Sept. 15, 1844; ra. James Frederick Bul- LARD, June 30, 1866. Children. 1. Edwin Lerov Bullard, b. July 14, 1868. 2. Frederick Irwing Bullard, b. Feb. 14, 1881 ; d. June 20, 1881. 236. THOMAS WOECESTER^ CHURCHILL (Francis/ Jona- than,^ Eliezer," Eliezer/ John^). Born in East Fairlee, Vt., Sept. 20, 1802. Lived in Utica, N.Y. Married, in Exeter, N.H., Sept. 8, 1827, Polly Brown, of Lowell, Mass. Childo-en horn in Utica. 611 I. Franklin Green,' m. 1st, Amelia Layman; m. 2d, Ida Hall. We have the name of one child. Child. 1. Frank Albert, b. in Dundee, N.Y. No further record. II. Sarah E.,' m. Joseph W. Gushing, March 8, 1843. 227. JOHN EMERY" CHURCHILL (Francis,' Jonathan," Eliezer,^ Eliezer,- John ^). Born in East Fairlee, Vt., July 20, 1811. Lived in Nashua, jST.H. Married Eliza Ann Coburn. Children horn in Nashua, N.H. 512 I. John Wesley,' b. May 26, 1839 ; m. Mary J. Donald, of Fairlee, Vt. II. Eliza Jane,' b. June 14, 1840; m. Stephen Cook, Oct. 17, 1871. No children. III. Phebe E.,' b. Aug. 30, 1842; unmarried. IV. Mary Esther,' b. Nov. 14, 1845/6; m. Reuben Webber Swift, of Provincetown, Dec. 26, 1871. They were married in Nashua, N.H., but lived in Provincetown, where were born their chil- dren. Children. 1. Jennie C. Swift, b. Jan. 16, 1873; m. Frank G. Westwood, of Newton, Sept. 18, 1895. 2. Georsje W. Swift, b. May 31, 1875. 3. Edith T. Swift, b. May 29. 1879. 4. Helen M. Swift, b. July 24, 1882; d. Sept. 26, 1882. 513 V. George Francis,' b. Oct. 6, 1846; m. Ella G. Holbrook. VI. MoRGiANA Francelia,' b. Oct. 25, 1848; unmarried; d. in Boston, Dec. 12, 1887. VII. William H.,' Aug. 11, 1851; d. July 18, 1852. 514 VIII. Elbert Lawrence,' b. at East Cambridge, April 13, 1857 ; m. Gertrude A. Taylor, April 9, 1884. SIXTH GENERATION 133 228. DR. GEORGE WASHINGTON « CHURCHILL (Francis.^ Jonathan/ Eliezer,^ Eliezer,^ John ^). Born in Eairlee, Vt., Nov. 4, 1814. He was a physician. Married 1st, in Troy, N.Y., Elizabeth Milliken ; 2d, in Post Mills, name not obtained ; 3d, Mrs. Lydia Ann (Wharf) Shaw. One Child by First Wife. I. Mary Jane.' No record. 239. CHARLES 6 CHURCHILL (Charles,^ Ephraim," Stephen,^ Eliezer,^ John ^). Born at Plymouth, Oct. 8, 1767. Married Hannah Nye, of Wareham, jMass. Children. 515 I. Charles,' b. Aug. 2fi, 1797. No further record. II. Betsey,' b. Dec. 9, 1799. 516 III. Nelson.' No record. 517 IV. Joseph,' b. Jan. 1, 1805; m. Betsey Ellis. 518 V. Elkanah,' b. 1809; m. Ly'dia Sherman, of Carver, dau. of John. 330. RUFUS« CHURCHILL (Charles,^ Ephraim," Stephen,^ Eliezer,^ John ^). Born in Plymouth, April 12, 1772. He died April 26, 1826. Married, March 10, 1797, Eunice Covington. Children . 519 I. Isaac Covington,' b. Nov. 28, 1797; m. Mary T. Jenney, Dec. 16, 1820. II. RuFDS,' b. May 25, 1799; d. Nov. 1, 1799. III. Eunice,' b. March 14, 1803; m. Richard Pope. Children. 1. Richard Pope, unmar- ried ; settled in Cal- ifornia. 2. William Pope, settled in California. 3. Rufus Pope. 4. Joseph Pope. 5. Lydia Pope. 6. Eunice Pope. 7. Lucy Ann Pope. 8. Adrianna Pope. 520 IV. Rufus,' b. March 9, 1806; m. Lucy W. Nte, dau. of William, and d. April U, 1828. 521 V. William,' b. Nov. 25, 1816; m. Emily Tribble, Jan. 3, 1841. Lived in Plymouth. 331. SAMUEL « CHURCHILL (Charles,^ Ephraim," Stephen,^ Eliezer,^ John '). Born at Plymouth, Sept. 23, 1774. Died March 1, 1803. Married, Nov. 11, 1798, Bathsheba Collins. She died Aug. 30, 1803. 134 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY One Child. 522 I. Samuel,' m. Calista Pool, dau. of Perez. No record. 232. EPHEAIM« CHUECHILL (Charles,^ Ephraim,^ Stephen,^ Eliezer,^ John^). Born May 16, 1782. He left his family many years ago and went to Ohio, and never returned. Married, March 2, 1804, Sally Einnet, daughter of William. One Child. 623 I. Ephraim Finney,' m. Martha H. Whiting. They lived in Chiltonville. No further record. 233. EPHRAIM « CHURCHILL (Zaccheus,^ Ephraim,^ Stephen," Eliezer,- John"^). Born September, 1759. Perhaps served in Revolution, Captain Packard's Company, Colonel Cary's Regiment, alarm on July, 1780, eleven days in R.I. Settled, about the close of the Revolution, in Yarmouth, IsT.S., and there died March 22, 1826. They lived just south of the village. Married, in Yarmouth, I*^.S., AsENATH HiBBARD. She was born 1768, and died February, 1830. Children born in Yarmouth, U.S. 524 I. Zaccheus,' b. Feb. 23, 1786; m. Susannah (Rose) Killam; d. Yarmouth, May 23, 1861. Stephen,' b. April 15, 1789. Lost at sea. Thomas,' b. June 6, 1791; m. Mary Harris; d. Yarmouth, Nov. 7, 1847. RuFus,' b. May 19, 1793; ra. Gertrude Flint, Dec. 10, 1816; d. Yarmouth, Aug. 25, 1865. Nathaniel,' b. July 1, 1795; m. Abigail Valpey. Maky,' b. Sept. 1, 1798; m. David Flint, Jan. 26, 1819. She died in Yarmouth, Oct. 4, 1891. Children. 1. William Flint, b. Jan. 12, 1820; m. Emmeline Vickery, dau. of Moses. 2. Samuel S. Flint, b. March 18, 1822; m. Elizabeth Walker, De- cember, 1844. 3. Mary Ellen Flint, b. Aug. 19, 1823 ; m. 1st, Alfred Morrill, son of Capt. Moses; m. 2d, Robert Spiers. 4. Catharine Flint, b. May 24, 1825; m. Robert Spiers. 5. Asenath Flint, b. April 10, 1827; d. June 28, 1828. 6. David Flint, b. Oct. 8, 1828; m. Emma Rusco, of Cornwallis. 7. Jacob Flint, b. Sept. 28, 1832; m. 1st, Margaret Harding, May 21, 1886; m. 2d, Anne H. Haley. 8. John E. Flint, b. July 27, 1836; d. unmarried. VII. William,' b. Dec. 17, 1800; m. 1st, Mary Corning, Dec 28, 1828; no issue; m. 2d, Letitia Durkee, April 21, 1855; no issue. VIII. Elizabeth,' b. May 10, 1803; m. 1st, Ebenezer Corning; no issue; m. 2d, Abraham Killam. 525 II. III. 526 IV. 527 V. VI. SIXTH GENERATION 135 Children. 1. Harriet N, Killam, b. 1831; m. Capt. George R. Doty. 2. Ebenezer C. Killam, l b. 1833; m. Lois R. Moses, Nov. 25, I b. 1833; m \ 1863. j b. 1833; d. 3. Abram Killam, ) b. 1833; d. Feb. 21, 1843. 4. William Killam, b. 1834; d. May 5, 1835. 5. Elizabeth Killam, b. 1837: m. William G. Sims, Nov. 20, 1862. 6. Martha Killam, b. 1838 ; m. James McConnell. 7. William A. Killam, b. 1844; m. Sarah J. Moses, dau. of Capt. Nathan. 528 IX. Walter,' b. June 3, 1805; m. 1st, Sarah Flint; m. 2d, Elsie Murphy. X. Hannah,' b. Sept. 9, 1807; m. Thomas Byrnes, Oct. 29, 1826. Children . 1. William Byrnes, b. Dec. 24, 1827; d. unmarried March 1, 1858. 2. Eben Corning Byrnes, b. Jan. 18, 1829; m. 1st, Lois E. Perry, Nov. 27, 1856; m. 2d, Marie Curry. 3. Ann Byrnes, b. March 30, 1831 ; m. Capt. Thomas Perry. 4. Martha Greenough Byrnes, b. Aug. 18, 1833; d. young. XI. Ephraim,' b. July 29, 1809; d. young. XII. AsENATH,' b. March 30, 1812; m. John W. Scott. Children. 1. Hugh Scott, b. Sei)t. 3, 1840; m. Lovina Barker, of Clinton, Me., Sept. 2, 1^79. 2. Mary Scott, b. Sept. 2, 1842 ; m. William Harris, of Dixmont, Me., 1865. 3. Amelia Scott, b. May 5, 1844; m. Norman Brown, March, 1870. 4. William Scott, b. Sept. 17, 1846 ; d. unmarried, 1880. 629 XIII. John,' b. Sept. 23, 1814; m. 1st, Betsey Flint, Feb. 4, 1832; m. 2d, Maria Anne Haskell; m.3d, Almira (Gouday) Sanders; no issue. 337. LEWIS « CHURCHILL (Ellis,^ Ephraim,* StephexX,^ Eliezer,^ John ^), Place and date of birth not found. Married, Oct. 21, 1792, Nancy Mitchell. Children. 630 I. Lewis,' b. Feb. 12, 1794; m. Hannah Covington, at Plymouth, July 28, 1817. No record obtained. 531 II. Sylvands,' b. July 25, 1796; m. Betsey Carver. No further record. III. Mary,' b. July 1, 1798; ra. Zacchecs Barnes, August, 1821, in Plymouth. One Child. 1. Nancy Paty Barnes; m. Ozen Bates. 532 IV. Joseph,' b. June 8, 1804. No further record. 136 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 239. WILLIAM « CHURCHILL (Ellis/ Ephraim/ Stephb.V Eliezer,^ John ^). Born in Plymouth, Dec. 12, 1780. Lived in Plymouth, and died May 15, 1870. Married 1st, 1805, Sally Rounds. She died May 16, 1823 ; married 2d, Abigail I^nopp. She died in 1867. Children of First Wife. I. Ellis,' b. 180(5; d. March 29, 1835; unmarried. II. William,' b. 1808; d. 1850; unmarried. III. Sarah,' b. Nov. 11, 1810; m. Dexter Packard, 1835. Mrs, Packard d. April ]3, 1885. Children. 1. William D. Packard. 2. Hiram R. Packard. 3. Amelia Packard. IV. Nancy E.,' b. April 10, 1813; m. 1st, John Adams, Oct. 5, 1831; m. 2d, Leonard Burt, Dec. 30, 1863. Children. 1. John S. Adams, b. April 15, 1831; d. in California. 2. Oscar C. Adams, b. March 20, 1847; d. April 25, 1894. Two other children died young. V. Amanda,' b. March, 1816; d. unmarried, July 18, 1848. 533 VI. Simeon R.,' b. Feb. 23, 1819; m. Abigail Eddy, and d. July, 1865. A daughter, it is said, married Alden Lee. No further record. 340. JOHN « CHURCHILL (Ansel,^ Ephraim," Stephen,^ Eliezer,^ John ^). Born in Plymouth, 1775, and there lived, and died Oct. 14, 1841. Married, June 6, 1801, Nancy Jackson, of Carver. ChildjVen horn in Plymouth. I. Hannah,' b. 1802; m. Bartlett Ellis, of Plymouth, 1821. Children. 1. Nancy Ellis, m. Willard Wood. 2. Nathaniel Ellis. , 3. Hannah E. Ellis, m. Charles Ryder. 4. George Ellis. 5. Charles Ellis. 534 II. George,' b. 1803; m. Martha C. Holmes, March 5, 1826. III. John,' b. June, 1805; d. May 15, 1806. IV. Bethia,' b. April 12, 1807; m. Thomas B. Bartlett, Nov. 26, 1829. Children. 1. Charles Bartlett, h. July 3, 1831 ; m. Lucy A. Pratt. 2. Mary A. Bartlett, b. May 10, 1836; m. Capt. Charles C. Doten. 3. Thomas Bartlett, b. Jan. 6, 1840; m. 1st, Emmeline Savery ; m. 2d, Ruhamah D. Raymond. 4. Priscilla Sampson Bartlett, b. Dec. 7, 1845. SIXTH GENEEATION 137 V. Nancy, 7 b. 1808; d. in 1822, aged U. VI. Sally Ann,' b. Aug. 26, 1811; m. Alden Winsor, of Duxbury, February, 1835. They lived in Lynn. She d. May 12, 1892. Alden d. Aug. 15, 1868. Children horn in Lynn. 1. Henry A. Winsor, b. April 25, 1837. 2. Maria E. Winsor, b. Nov. 17, 1839. 3. Harriet G. Winsor. b. October, 1841 ; d. Nov. 30, 1863. 4. Sarah A. Winsor, b. Sept. 8, 1845. 5. Charles E. Winsor, b. April 18, 1852. "VII. Lillis Barton,' b. Nov. 22, 1813; ra. Joshua B. Loud, of Abington, Nov. 2, 1837. She d. Sept. 16, 1871. He d. Feb. 13, 1873. Children. 1. Isabel F. Loud, b. April 6, 1839. 2. John M. Loud. b. Feb. 3, 1S41. 3. Millard E. Loud, b. July 25, 1851. 4. George Churchill Loud, b. Dec. 31, 1854. 341. STEPHEJ^e CHUECHILL (Stephex,^ Stephen,* Stephen,^ Eliezer,^ John ^). Born in Plymouth, May 7, 1768. Lived in Duxbury. Married 1st, June 4, 1791, Elizabeth Gray. Married 2d, Mrs. ISTanct (Jackson) Churchill, widow of John (No. 240). One Child. I. John Stephen,' b. in Duxbury, April 24, 182G. 342. PELEG« CHURCHILL (Stephen,^ Stephen," Stephen,^ Eliezer,- John ^). Born in Plymouth, Aug. 11, 1769. Lived in Duxbury. He died in 1810 and his widow married Studley Sampson, of Duxbury, and died Nov. 24, 1848, aged 76 years. Married 1st, ( ) Bradford. Married 2d, April 14, 1791, Hannah Hosea. Children born in Duxbury. I. Harriet,' b. Oct. 4, 1791; m. Prince Bradford, son of Samuel,* b. Dec. 19, 1783. Children born in Duxbury. 1. Gershom Bradford, b. 1816. 2. Perez Bradford, b. 1818. 3. Harriet Bradford, b. 1821. 4. Otis Bradford, b. 1823. 5. Hannah Bradford, b. 1825. 6. Lydia Bradford, b. 1827. 7. Susan Bradford, b. 1832. 535 II. Peleg,' m. 1st, Lucy Sprague; m. 2d, Jane Pease. III. Eliza,' b. 1795; m. Joseph Chandler. Children. 1. James Chandler. 2. Joseph Chandler. 3. Albert H. Chandler. 4. Peleg C. Chandler. 5. Ezra Chandler. 138 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 636 IV. William,' b. May 18, 1798; m. Mary Holmes, Oct. 5, 1823. 537 V. Otis,' m. Esther Harlow. 538 VI. Ezra,' m. Susan Allen. 243. HEMAN« CHURCHILL (Stephen,^ Stephen/ Stephen," Eliezer/ John^). Born in Plymouth, March 10, 1771. Lived in Plymouth. Died Nov. 22, 1840. Married, Jan. 1, 1795, Jane Churchill ; she died April 2, 1848. Children horn in Plymouth. I. Mart Anne,' b. 1795. She was living in Plymouth in 1888. II. Lemuel,' b. 1797; d. Oct. 1, 1802. III. Patience,' b. 1799; m. Capt. William Randall, in 1819. Children. 1. William Randall, b. 1820. 2. George Randall, b. 1822. 3. Charles Randall, b. 1824. 4. James Randall, b. 1826. IV. Heman,' d. Oct. 1, 1802. V. Jane,' d. June 11, 1808. VI. Heman,' b. 1805; d. April 6, 1808. VII. Jane,' b. 1809/10; d. April 26, 1812. 344. DANIEL 6 CHURCHILL (Stephen,^ Stephen,* Stephen,^ Eliezer,- John^). Born at Plymouth, Feb. 5, 1773. He died March 5, 1855. Married 1st, 1796, Sarah Collins; she died Nov. 3, 1836. Married 2d, Nancy (Holmes) Brewster. Children. I. Sallt,' b. Nov. 17, 1799; d. Aug. 16, 1801. II. Sally,' b. Aug. 1, 1801; m. Harvey Weston. 539 III. Daniel,' b. Sept. 9, 1803; m. Mary Briggs Brown, 1826. IV. Lois Collins,' b. Oct. 22, 1805; d. Aug. 14, 1806. V. Lois Collins,' b. June 19, 1807; m. William F. Soule. VI. Jane,' b. July 27, 1809; m. George Ryder, Aug. 14, 1881. Children. 1. Sarah Jane Ryder, b. May 17, 1832, 2. Helen M. Ryder, b. Sept. 10, 1833; d. Feb. 6, 1866. She married William H. Winsor, and had four children. 3. George S. Ryder, b. April 27, 1835; d. Dec. 13, 1877. 4. Julia Rvder, b. Feb. 17, 1837; d. Feb. 23, 1837. 5. William" E. B. Ryder, b. March 10, 1838. 6. Charles E. Ryder, b. Feb. 11, 1841. 7. Harriet J. Ryder, b. Oct. 27, 1843. 8. Alfred H. Ryder, b. Sept. 29, 1848; d. Feb. 11, 1872. VII. Eleanor,' b. Jan. 15, 1811; m. Albert Leach, 1830. 540 VIII. Heman,' b. May 1, 1816; m. Almira Holmes. No further record. IX. WiNSLOw Bradford,' b. June 26, 1819; d. April 12, 1820. SIXTH GENERATION 139 245. WILSON « CHURCHILL (Wilson,^ Benjamin,* Stephen,^ Eliezer,- John '). Born in Plymouth, December, 1778. Married 1st, Dec. 9, 1804, Ruth Hinckley, daughter of Jabez, of Barn- stable ; 2d, May 25, 1816, Susan Lucas. Children of First Wife. I. Ruth Hinckley,' b. 1812; m. William L. Finney, 1834. Children. 1. William Finney. 2. Ruth H. Finney, m. M. F. Holmes. II. Deborah Hinckley,' m. Ephkaim Finney. Children of Second Wife. 541 III. Ansel R.' No record. 542 IV. Wilson.' No record. V. Susan,' b, 1820; m. Ephkaim Finney. 246. NATHAN « CHURCHILL (Ben.jamin,^ Benjamin," Stephex,^ Eliezer,- John '). Born in Plymouth, Dec. 16, 1785, and lived there ; was alive in 1881, it is said. INIarried, Aug. 29, 1804, Eliza- beth (Sylvester) Tinkham, Avidow of Enoch Tinkhara. Children horn in Plymouth. I. Betsey',' m. Abuot Drew, 1823. Children. 1. Mary Drew, b. 1827; m. Benjamin F. Pierce. 2. Ann Russell Drew, b. 1830; m. Robert D. Fuller. 3. Francis Abbot Drew, b. 1832; m. Margaret Coates, of Morris- town, Pa. 4. George Franklin Drew, b. 1835; m. Lucy Pettingill, of Lynn. 5. Josiah Russell Drew, b. 1839 ; m. Hatty Whitten. 6. Adaline Drew, b. 1841. 7. Helen Augusta Drew, b. 1844; m. Gideon F. Holmes. II. Mary Sylvester,' m. John Persons. 543 III. Nathan.' No record. 544 IV. Solomon Sylvester,' b. April 4, 1817; m. Ruth Nelson Cobb, April 23, 1840. V. Charlotte Sylvester,' m. James A. Sylvester. Children born in Plymouth. 1. Catharine Sylvester. 2. Charles Sylvester. 247. AMAZIAH 6 CHURCHILL (Amaziah,^ Amaziah,* Elkanah,' Eliezer/ John^). Born in 1772. Lived in Plymouth. Married 1st, Jan. 26, 1799, Martha Doten ; married 2d, Margaret Wal- lace, of Newbern, N.C. ; married 3d, April 8, 1805, Mary Harlow. 140 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children of First Wife. I. Martha,' b. Oct. 12, 1799 ; unmarried. II. Betsey,' b. July 17, 1802; m. Henry Robbins. Children. 1. Edward L. Robbins, b. 1836. 2. Martha Robbins, b. 1839. 3. Harry H. Robbins, b. 1840. 4. Margaret H. Robbins, b. 1843. Child of Seco?id Wife. III. A Son; died soon. Children of Third Wife. IV. Louisa,' b. Feb. 18, 1809; m. Thomas Bartlett Sear8. Children born in Plymouth. 1. Louisa Frances Sears, b. Dec. 25, 1831. 2. Thomas Bartlett Sears, b. July 2, 1834. 3. Amasa Churchill Sears, b. July 22, 1886. 4. Walter Herbert Sears, b. Dec. 8, 1847. 5. Francis Dana Sears, b. Aug. 30, 1851. 545 V. Amasa,' b. June 12, 1811; m. Leonice Harlow. No further record. 248. EDMOND« CHUECHILL (Amaziah,^ Amaziah/ Elkanah,^ Eltezer,- John ^). No dates or other particulars about this family- have been found. Married, Oct. 10, 1801, Mary Hueston. Children. I. Mary.' m. Albert Thomas, of Middleboro, June 22, 1831. II. Harriet B.,' ni. Joseph Barden, of Middleboro, Oct. 9, 1833. III. Eliza W.,' m. Cephas Simmons, Oct. 18, 1832. 349. SOLOMON*' CHUECHILL (Solomon/' Amaziah/ Elkanah,^ Eliezer,- John '). Born in Plymouth, Aug. 26, 1788. He fol- lowed the sea in early life, and,became captain of a vessel. Later he settled in Union Township, Lawrence County, 0., and died March 14, 1835, at Portsmouth, 0. Married, at Union Township, March 16, 1818, Mary Pritchard, daughter of Nathaniel and Comfort, born at Milton, N.Y., Sept. 16, 1800, and died at Portsmouth, 0., March 20, 1873. Children. 1. Elizabeth Bartlet,' b. Sept. 20, 1820; m. Elisha B. Greene, Dec. 27, 1838, at South Point, O. Children. 1. Charles William Greene, b. March 20, 1841 ; m. Isabel Block- som, of Zanesville, O., Jan. 20, 1876. 2. Albert Edward Greene, b. Sept. 20, 1843; d. May 26, 1844. SIXTH GENERATIO]S^ 141 3. Mary Ellen Greene, b. June 20, 1845; m. J. J. Gist; and died Jan. 16, 1881. 4. Elisha Barton Greene, b. May 12, 1849; m. Virsrinia S. Moore, March 11, 18t»5. 5. Albert Edward Greene, b. Jan. 24, 1851 ; d. Nov. 3, 1854. 6. Cyrus Dwight Greene, b. July 14, 1854; livinsi in Zanesville. 7. Elizabeth B. Greene, b. Feb. 1, 1858; d. Nov^. 10, 1860. 8. Fred Churchill Greene, b. March 2, 1862. II. Charles William,'' b. Nov. 22, 1822; d. unmarried at Quartzburg, Cal., July 13, 1855. III. Melissa,' b. Sept. 18, 1827; m. 1st, Joseph F. Wheeler, Sept. 15, 1844; b. at Burlington, O., Dec. 24, 1823; d. there Oct. 18, 1851; m. 2d, Dk. C. C. Bronson, at Ironton, O., March 31, 1856. Children horn at Burlington. 1. Edward Churchill Wheeler, b. Aug. 26, 1846: d. Aug. 12, 1851. 2. James Snow Wheeler, b. Oct. 26, 1848. 3. Joseph Franklin Wheeler, b. May 27, 1851. 545 IV. Mendall,' b. July 23, 1829; m. Mary Carlisle Loughry, Nov. 28, 1861. No children. Born in Union Township, Lawrence County, O. His father dying in middle life he was early thrown ujion his own resource.*, with limited opportunity for school, but he made the most of his chances at the common school, and attended two terms at the County-seat Academy. He worked in a country store during his boyhood and youth, and at twenty-one gained the position of store-keeper and book-keeper at the Keystone, O., iron works, which he held until the breaking out of the Civil War, when he enlisted as a private, but was soon chosen captain of Company E, 27th Regiment. Ohio Volunteer Infantry. In December, 1862, he was appointed major and afterward rose to be lieutenant-colonel and colonel of the regi- ment, and then was commissioned as brigadier-general by brevet for meritorious service. The 27th Ohio was a fighting regiment, and was engaged in many battles, first in the Army of Missouri, then in the Army of the Mississipi.d, and last in the Army of the Tennessee. In the battle of Atlanta, July '.'2, 1864, his regiment had one hundred and fifty men killed or wounded. Colonel Churchill himself being wounded September, 1864, with his health much impaired, he resigned. Later he engaged in the iron business at Zanesville, O , and became one of the leading iron men of that sec- tion, until 1891, when he retired, and enjoyed his well-earned com- petency in extensive travel. He held many positions of honor and trust, was an ardent Republican in politics, a presidential elector in 1880, and a member of the national convention in 1888. He was a warm personal friend of Mr. McKinley. His wife died in 1886. He spent his last years in Coronado, Cal., where he died Oct. 28, 1902. V. Julia,' b. Feb. 25, 1832; ra. Dr. Edwin H. Griswold, June 6, 1853, at Gallipolis, O. They had one child who died in infancy. Dr. Griswold died in Portsmouth, O., June, 1859, and she died there March 15, 1871. 546 VI. Solomon.' b. July 19, 1834; m. Mrs. E. L. Keys, at Logan, O., Feb. 20, 1878, and died April 21, 1886. No further record. 350. WILLIAM « CHURCHILL (Solomon,^ Amaziah," Elkanah,^ Eliezer,- John^). Born in Plymouth, July 13, 1798. He became a merchant in New York, of the lirm of Churchill & Collamore, 142 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY dealers in chinaware, a very prominent and prosperous firm. He died in Brooklyn, N.Y., Jan. 13, 1861. Married Mary Myrick Haden, who was born in Nantucket, Sept. 21, 1803, and died in Smithson, L.I., February, 1850. Children. 547 I. William,' b. in Boston, Feb. 4, 1825; m. Ist, Luct C. Averill, July 28, 1847; m. 2d, Sarah J. Starkweather, Oct. 6, 1858. II. Mary Elizabeth,' b. in Staffordshire, Eng., Jan. 23, 1831 ; m., March 6, 1856, Henry Hdngerford, b. in Seymour, Conn., June 21, 1825. Children. 1. Harry Hungerford, b. in Brooklyn, Feb. 9, 1857. 2. Hattie Churchill Hungerford. b. in Brooklyn, Oct. 5, 1858. 3. Churchill Hungerford, b. in New Haven, Nov. 25, 1867. 4. Mai Hungerford, b. in New Haven. 351. JABEZ6 CHURCHILL (Jabez,^ Elkanah,* Elkanah,^ Eliezer,- John ^). Born in Plymouth, June 30, 1806. Died Oct. 19, 1841, of yellow fever, on voyage from West Indies. Married, Sept. 25, 1832, Charlotte W. Keen. Children. 548 I- Jabez,' b. June 26, 1835; m. Abby A. Barnes, of Stockton, Cal., and lived there. No further record. II. Sylvester,' b. April 24, 1838; d. unmarried in 1858. III. Charlotte,' b. Feb. 3, 1.840; d. Aug. 21, 1844. 549 IV. William Keen,' b. Feb. 21, 1842; m. Sarah E. Nelson, of Plymouth. In 1888 they were living in Walpole, Mass. No further record. 252. NATHANIEL « CHURCHILL (Nathaniel,^ Elkanah," El- KANAH,^ Eliezer,^ John ^). Born in. Plymouth. Married 1st, Lucy Morton ; married 2d, Almira Bartlett. Child of First Wife. I. A Daughter; d. in infancy. Children of Second Wife. II. Nathaniel,' b. July 5, 1832; unmarried. III. Almira B.,' b. in Plymouth, Oct. 25, 1834; m. Stephen Pember, June 20, 1851. They lived at Plvmouth and Walpole. He was b. in Randolph, Vt., Aug. 28, 1827; d. Feb. 7, 1881. Children, first nine horn in Plymouth. 1. Henry S. Pember, b. Jan. 1, 1853; d. Jan. 1, 1877. 2. Howard Pember, b. June 17, 1855. 3. Mabel Pember, b. Oct. 17, 1856. 4. Florena Pember, b. Nov. 22, 1860. 5. John Pember, b. Nov. 24, 1862. 6. Charles Pember, b. Aug. 10, 1863. SIXTH GENEKATION 143 7. Walter Stephen Pember, b. July 16, 1865; d. Dec. 22, 1883. 8. Myra Pember, b. Nov. 28, 1866". 9. Nathaniel Churchill Pember, b. Pec. 10. 1873. 10. Harry Edgarton Pember, b. Dec. 10, 1842. 253. WILLIA:^! « CHURCHILL (Nathai^iel/ Elkaxah/ Elkanah,^ Eliezer,'' Johx^). Born in Plymouth, 1811. He died Sept. 8, 1839. Married, Jime 3, 1833, Maria Mortox, daughter of Ichabod, Jr. She died Oct. 9, 1841. Children horn in Plymouth. 55 \) I. William,'' b. Feb. 19, 1835; m. Mary Ash, March 2, 1864. II. Hannah,' b. June 7, 1838; d. Feb. 11, 1839. 254. JOHN 6 CHURCHILL (Johx,^ John," Johx,^ Eliezer,^ Johk '). Born in New Haekensack, N.Y., May 26, 1769. Married Anna Letster. CJiildren. I. Maria,' b. July 17, 1789. 551 II. John.' No record. 552 III. Benjamin.' No record. IV. Catherine Leyster,' b. Aug. 4, 1799. Y- Hetty,' b. Jan. 10, 1801. 255. BENJAMIN « CHURCHILL (John,^ John," John,^ Eliezer,' John ^). Born Dec. 4, 1770, in New Haekensack, N.Y. He died Feb. 21, 1848, aged 77 years 2 months 17 days. Married, June 21, 1795, Mart Bloom, who was the daughter of Sylvester Bloom, and born Aug. 18, 1778. Children. I. Mary,' b. Nov. 7, 1796. II. Susannah.' b. Jan. 24, 1799. III. Hannah,' b. Jan. 29, 1801. IV. Phebe,' b. Feb. 12, 1803 554 V. John B.,' b. March 26, 1805; m. Jane Green. VI. Sarah,' b. April 15, 1807. VII. Jemima,' b. July 17, 1809. VIII. Laura,' b. March 13, 1812. 555 IX. Benjamin,' b. April 8, 1814. No further record. X. Elenor Ann,' b. March 9, 1817. XI. Ruth,' b. Feb. 28, 1819; m. John Oakxey, Nov. 19, 1840. 556 XII. Sylvester,' b. Jan. 1, 1822; m. Jane Depney, of Middleport, N.Y., in 1844. No further record obtained. 256. WILLIAM « CHURCHILL (John,^ John," John,^ Eliezer,^ John '). Born Sept. 26, 1779, in New Haekensack, N.Y., and lived there. Married Cornelia Van Nostrand, born Nov. 19, 1793. 144 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children born in New I/ackensack, N'. Y. I. John,' b. Dec. 8, 1810. II. Caroline,' b. Aug. 10, 1812; unmarried. III. Sarah Ann,' b. Nov. 5, 1814; unmarried. IV. Hannah Eliza,' b. Nov. 22, 1816; unmarried. V. Catherine,' b. Feb. 6, 1819; m. John W. Leavitt. 1. John Leavitt. Children. 1 2. Grace Leavitt, and several more. VI. Jane Doty,' b. June 18, 1821; m. 1st, Samuel H. Smith; m. 2d, Samdel Stewart. Children. 1. Jane Emily Stewart, b. Oct. 22, 1839. 2. Frederick Stewart, b. Dec. 19, 1841. 3. William Stewart, b. March 25, 1844. 4. Cornelia Stewart, b. Jan. 2, 1847; died in infancy. 5. Harry Stewart, died in infancy. 557 VII. Cornelius,' b. Oct. 30, 1823; VIII. Harry,' d. in infancy. m. Elizabeth Knapp. 257. SAMUEL « CHURCHILL (John,^ John/ John/ Eliezer/ John ^). Born April 7, 1785, in New Hackensack, N. Y. Married, in New Hackensack, Sallie ( ), of New Hackensack. Children. Vv'iLLiAM.' No record. Isaac' No record. Henry.' No record. Charles.' No record. Said to be two daughters whose names are not received. 558 I. 559 II. 560 III. 561 IV. 258. SAMUEL « CLARK CHURCHILL (Samuel,« Clark,^ Ben- jamin,* JoHN,^ Eliezer,- John ^). Born in Augusta, Me., Feb. 14, 1749, and lived there. Married, in Augusta, Me., May 8, 1823, Lucy Savage, born Aug. 5, 1799. Children horn in Augusta, Me. I. Lucy Ann,' b. May 17, 1825; m. Daniel Moore. They lived in Augusta, Me., and had Children. 1. Esther Moore, b. July 4, 1844; m. Henry Potter. 2. Sylvester Moore, b. Jan. 21, 1846; d. April 2, 1847. 3. Silas Moore, b. April 16, 1848; d. July 4. 1850. 4. Paulina M. Moore, b. Sept. 5, 1849; m. Humphry P. Webber. 5. Daniel F. Moore, b. Feb. 15, 1853. 6. Nellie R. Moore, b. Sept. 7, 1861. 7. Ida M. F. Moore, b. Dec. 26, 1864. SIXTH GENERATION 145 562 II. Samuel Clark J b. July 11, 1827; m. 1st, Eliza J. Morrill, July 8, 1861; m. 2d, Anna J. McCldre. 563 III. CoLUMBtrs,' b. Nov 12. 1829; m. Elsie Jane White. IV. Susannah Elizabeth,' b. Mav G, 1833; unmarried. V. Helen Mark,' b. Ai)ril 28, 183G; d. Nov. 5, 1854. VI. Lorenzo Wesley,' b. Oct. 21, 1846; unmarried. 259, ALFEED DELUEA« CHURCHILL (Samuel Clakk,^ Ben- jamin/ John/ Eliezer,- John '). Born in Augusta, Me., June 23, 1801, and lived there. Married, Dec. 28, 1828, Jane Chambers, of St. John, N.B. Children horn in Augusta, 3fe. I. Paulina,' b. Sept. 23, 1829; m. Lewis Ward. II. Angeline.' b. Aug. 13, 1833; d. Dec. 23, 1848. III. Roselle,' d. in infancy. 3G1. JOHN« CHURCHILL (Joiin,^ Joseph,* John,' Eliezer,- JoHN^). Born in Xew Portland, Me., June 10, 1793. Married, May, 1818, Mary Dennis. Children. 564 I. George W. D.,' b. May 24, 1819; m. 1st, Cynthia Carter; ra, 2d, Elmira Caliss. II. Sanford,' b. July 29, 1821; d. in 1842. 565 III. Cyrus,' b. May 21, 1823; m. Eliza Mellen. IV. Charles W.,' b. Aug. 25, 1825; m. Talista Cleveland. No chil- dren. V. Lavina,' b. January, 1830; m. George W. Stewart. VI. RociLDA,' b. 1832; d. 1836. VII. Eliza,' b. 1834; d. in infancy. 263. JOSEPH « CHURCHILL (John,^ Joseph,* John,"' Eliezer,-' John '). Born June, 1795, in New Portland, Me. Married Han- nah B. SiSSONS. Children . 566 I. Jason,' b. April 24, 1819; m. Jane Gunn. 567 II. Joseph,' b. Oct. 20, 1821. 568 III. Burdeck,' b. 1824. IV. Elizabeth,' b. Dec. 15, 1831; m. Washburn Campbell. 263. JAMES « CHURCHILL (John,^ Joseph," John,^ Eliezer,^ John^). Born in New Portland, Me., July 4, 1799. Married, Nov. 25, 1816, Clarissa Thompson. Child. I. Ellen,' b. Oct. 9, 1817. 146 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY 264. SANFOED 6 CHUECHILL (John/ Joseph," Johx,^ Eliezer/ JoHN^). Born in New Portland, Me., Jnly, 1801. Settled in Stark, Me. Married Thankful Fames, of Madison, Me. Children horn in Stark, Me. 568a I. DiADEMA.' 568b II. Irene.' 569 III. Cyrus.'' 570 IV. Mollis Hutchins.'' 570a V. Ctrena EAMEsJm. ( ) Perkins. 570b VI. LuciNDA.' 571 VII. John.' 572 VIII. Elias HuTCHiNS,' b. July 25, 1833; m. Nancy Greenleaf, Sept. 21, 1858. 572a IX. Marcia Ann.' 266. SAMUEL « CHUECHILL (John,^ Joseph," John,^ Eliezer,^ John'). Born in New Portland, Me., March 19, 1816. ]\tarried Lydia Small. Children. 573 I. John.' 574 II. George M.,' b. Dec. 22, 1845. 575 HI. Emery S.,' b. July 21, 1847. 576 IV. Isaac' b. 1849. 577 V. Joel,' b. Dec. 20, 1851. 578 VI. Edsie,' b. April 2, 1853. 267. WILLIAM « CHUECHILL (William,^ Joseph," John," Elie- ZER,- JoHN^). Born in New Portland, Me., Feb. 13, 1803, and lived there. Married 1st, 1826, Nanct Walker, who died Dec. 24, 1841. Married 2d, Jan. 12, 1843, Asenath S. Newell. Children of First Wife born in New Portland^ Me. j I. Tabitha,' b. July 22, 1827; d. Nov. 6, 1833. II. Mary,' b. Oct. 26, 1829; d. April 29, 1849. j III. Nancy,' b. April 29, 1832; d. Nov. 30, 1855, 579 IV. John William,' b. Sept. 13, 1835; m. Hannah Bailey. V. Joseph,' b. March 13, 1838; d. Jan. 18, 1839. VI. Elizabeth,' b. March 15, 1841; m. James Dobbins. They lived at Farmington, Me., and had six children. Children. 1 . Maria. 2. Elvira. 3. Harriet. 4. Katharine. 5. Daniel. 6. John. Children of Second Wife. VII. Sarah,' b. Nov. 7, 1843; m. Abel Thompson, of New Tortland, Oct. 22, 1860. SIXTH GENEEATION 147 Children horn in Ne%o Portland. 1. Ida M. Thompson, b. April 25, 1861 ; m. Alvarus Churchill, son of No. 580. 2. Charles L. Thompson, b. April 18, 1870; m. Jennie Greenwood, June 16, 1891. Children: (1) Hazel Thompson, b. March 31, 1894; (2) Evan G. Thompson, b. May 19, 1896; (3) Melvina Thompson, b. May 2, 1898. VIII. Martha S.,' b. July 26, 1845; m. Henry J. Whitman, of Turner, Me. IX. Delphina,' b. March 1, 1849; m. Asburt Soule, of Lewiston, Me., Nov. 29, 1873 One child, Elmer Linwood Soule, b. June 1, 1882. X. Ella,' b. May 8, 1852; m. 1st, William Parlin; m. 2d, Edwin Martin, of Lewiston, Me. 268. TILSON « CHURCHILL (William,^ Joseph," John,^ Elie- ZER,- John'). Born in Xew Portland, Me., Jan. 29, 1810, and lived there. Married Sally Elliott. He died Sept. 5, 1833. Cliild horn in New Portland. 580 I. William Tilson,' b. Sept. 30, 1833; m. Abigail Luce. 3G9. DANIEL « CHURCHILL (Daniel,^ Joseph," John,^ Eliezer,-' John'). Born in Bingham, Me., April 20, 1800. Brought vip on his father's farm, his school advantages were very limited, yet in the practical hard work which was his " school," he gained the knowledge which made a self-reliant and successful business man. At twenty-seven years he settled on a farm at the forks of the Kennebec. He afterwards became extensively engaged in the lum- ber trade in Maine and somewhat in Canada. He removed to Solon, Me., in 1837, and then in 1856 he was one of the many who removed to the attractive farm and timber lands of the Great West. He settled at Symco, Wis., where he kept up his business of farming and lumbering. He lived to a good old age, and died at Symco, Nov. 24, 1887. Married Caroline Baker, who was born Oct. 8, 1811. Children horn, the first seven at the Forks., the others at Solon. I. Mart,' b. Feb. 22, 1828 : died in six days. 581 II.- Albert,' b. Oct. 29, 1829; m. Irena Berry, 1854. III. OcTAViA,' b. July 2, 1831 ; d. March 22, 1834. 582 IV. Abel,' b. May 3, 1833; m. Lydia M. Berry. V. Julia Ann,' b. May 14, 1835; m. 1st, James Ricker, 1854. No children; m. 2d, A. T. Stevens. There were eight children by the second marriage, names not received. 148 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY VI. Lewis,' b. April 19, 1837; d. June 20, 1855. VII. Dorcas Foster,' b. May 25, 1839; m. 1st, H. C. Eastman, 1860; m. 2d, J. H. Baker, 1888. One Child by First Husband. 1. Julia Ellen Eastman, b. 1861; m. Herbert H. Jenkins, 1881. They had two daughters, Cora and Cleora. 584 VII. Daniel Foster,' Jan. 6, 1842; m. Lucena I. Dame. IX. Warren,' b. Feb. 17, 1844; d. Aug. 6, 1846. 685 X. Warren,' b. Sept. 6, 1846; m. 1st, Clara E. Woodbury; m. 2d, Ada Hill. XI. Mary Caroline,' b. Jan. 6, 1849; m. 1st. Amos Churchill (No. 591); m. 2d, Charles Jenkins. Children by 2d husband, William, Leslie, Floyd, and Ray H., Jenkins. XII. Melvin,' b. Dec. 20, 1851; unmarried. XIII. Hannah E.,' b. April 26, 1854; m. 1st, Homer W. Carpenter, Dec. 25, 1873; m. 2d, William H. Potts, June 3, 1899, of Plainfield, Wis. Children by First Husband. 1. Avril C. Carpenter, b. in Union, Wis., Oct. 6, 1874; m. Charles Lawson, April 30, 1899. 2. Lewis Lester Carpenter, b. in Lanark, Wis., Feb. 21, 1876. 370. ASA« CHURCHILL (Daniel,^ Joseph," John,^ Eliezeb,^ JoHN^). Born in Litchfield, probably,' 1802. Lived at Moose River, Me., where he died Aug. 7, 1847. Married Mary Holden, of Moose River, Me. After Mr. Churchill's death the widow mar- ried John Doyle, of Moose River. She died at Manton, Mich., March 4, 1878. Children born at Moose River. I, Josephine,' b. March 8, 1832 ; m. Spencer Colby, April 7, 1855. Mr. Colby was born at Embden, Somerset County, Me., April 12,- 1835; son of Ambrose. This family removed to Kent City, Mich., in 1867. Mrs. Josephine CoUiy was living in Marquetta, Neb., in 1901. The First Six Children born at Moose River, Me. 1. Sumner E. Colby, b. Feb. 26, 1856. Killed by a falling tree, Feb. 8, 1875. 2. Laura Colby, b. Jan. 16, 1858. 3. Ansel 8. Colby, b. May 31, 1859. 4. Webster W. Colbv, b. April 28, 1861. 5. Mary J. Colby, b. Sept. 17, 1862. 6. Asa W. Colby, b. Sept. 15, 1864, 7. Alice J. Colbv, b. Jan. 13, 1867, at Pleasant Ridge, Me. 8. Mvra T. Colby, b. Sept. 9, 1868, at Kent City, Mich. 9. Hartwell C Colby, b. Jan. 15, 1871, at Kent City, Mich.; d. in infancy. 10. Willard D. Colby, b. Aug. 21, 1872. II. Clarissa,' b. March 28, 1834; m. Jonas Holden Colby, of Emb- den, Me., Dec. 4, 1854. Mr. Jonas H. Colby was born May 5, 1833. Mrs. Clarissa Colby was living at Moose River, 1901. SIXTH GENERATION 149 Children. 1. Emily Adelia Colby, b. June 19. 1S5G. 2. Elmer Enrique Colby, b. June 13, 1859. 3. Viola May Colby, b. Sept. 20, 1861. 4. George Boomer Colby, b. March 25, 1864. 5. Calvin Herbert Colby, b. July 26, 1868. 5,S6 III. John,' b. June 6, 1836; m. Harriet L. Parker, Sept. 27, 1870. oK7 IV. Harrison,' b. May 2, 1841 ; m. Dora Oliver, March 12, 1886. 5S8 V. Horatio,' b. April 1, 1843; m. 1st, Melinda H. Keliher, Dec. 10, 1874; m. 2d, Mary H. Hodgetts, Sept. 12, 1881. 589 VI. Hartwell,' b. Feb. 2, 1845; m. Lydia E. Pratt, Jan. 13, 1870. AMOS« CHURCHILL (Daniel/ Joseph,'* John/ Eliezer/ JoHN^). Born in Bingham, Me., March 27,1805. They lived on a farm in Madison, Me. Married Ellen Chase. 690 I. Luther,' m. Elizabeth Palmer. One daughter Francelia. II. Eunice,' m. David Hunnewell. III. Ellen,' m. Charles Bean. They bad five children, names not obtained. IV. Flora,' m. Mr. Scribner. V. Mary.' No record. 691 VI. Amos,' b. Sept. 6, 1845; m. Mary Caroline Churchill. 692 VII. Joel.' No record. VIII. Almeda,' m. Mr. Davenport. IX. Sarah,' m. Walter Pearson. They had one daughter, name not obtained. X. Emma,' no record. XI. LiLiE,' m. Mr. Siter. 212. ELI « CHURCHILL (Daniel,'' Joseph,^ John/ Eliezer,- John >). Born in Bingham, Me. Married Rachel Steward. Children. I. Daniel.' II. Eber.' 373. WARREN « CHURCHILL (Daniel,^ Joseph," John,3 Eliezer,* JoHN^). Born in Bingham, Me. Removed to the " York Settle- ment," N.Y., and settled among his kindred. He was killed by an explosion in a sawmill about 1860. Married, at Huron, N.Y., July 7, 1842, LoviLLA York (his cousin), who was born Jan. 25, 1814, and died December, 1846. Child. 597 I. Cyrus,' b. Nov. 8, 1846; m. 1st, Emma A. WooLEY, Feb. 7, 1867; m. 2d, Sarah Allen, July, 1880. He was taken by his grandmother York after his mother's death, and brought up. Removed in early manhood to Wisconsin, near his uncle Daniel Churchill's, and settled on a farm in Helvetia, Wis. He d. May 5, 1889, at his home, Ogdensburg, Waupaca County, Wis. 150 THE CHURCHILL EAMILY Children born in Helvetia, Wis., of First Wife. 1. Louis L. Churchill, b. Jan. 26, 1869; m. Arvilla B. Mowry, May 31, 1896, and has one son Lawrence E. Churchill, b. March 5, 1901. Child of Second Wife. 2. Clyde Churchill, b. February, 1885. 274. WILLIAM FLETCHERS CHURCHILL (Daniel,^ Joseph/ John/ Eliezer,- John^). Born in Bingham, Me., Feb. 1, 1814. He died Feb. 9, 1869. Married 1st, at Bingham, Me., Sarah Chase, of Bingham, who died Jan. 3, 1849 ; married 2d, Eunice York, of Brighton, Me. ; married 3d, Emma Boise, of Skowhegan, Me. Children of First Wife. I. Charles,^ d. in infancy. II. Climena,' m. 1st, Augustus Hunnewell, d. in 1889; m. 2d, Oliver Moulton. III. Marden,^ d. in infancy. IV. Cordelia,' b. Jan. 31, 1844; m. John B. Taylor, April 7, 1892. Children of Second Wife. V. Sarah, ^ m. Daniel Denmon. VI. William,' d. young. Child of Third Wife. VII. Lillian,' m. Fremont Dresser. 275. TOBIAS « CHURCHILL (Tobias,^ Joseph,* John,^ Eliezer,' JoHN^). Born at New Portland, Me., Jan. 23, 1807. Married Irene Walton, who was born Dec. 16, 1809. Children. 598 I. Byron.' b. March 11, 1828. II. EosEA,'b. July 14, 1829, III. Tobias,' b. November, 1830; d. at 2 years. IV. Irene,' b. Jan. 23, 1838. 599 V. Tobias Bertram,' b. March 14, 1840. VI. Parthenia,' b. Nov. 9, 1842. 277. JESSE 6 CHURCHILL (Ben.jamin,^ Joseph,* John.^ Eliezer,* John ^). Born in ISTew Portland, Me. (probably), in 1809. No further records relating to this family have been obtained. Married Clymena Walton, of New Portland, Me. CALEB CHURCHILL. (No. 280, page 151.) SIXTH GENERATION 151 Childreti. 600 I. Marcellus,' b. 1834; m. Zelinda Ditson. 601 II. Joel,' b. Sept. 20, 183(i; m. Lorinda Chase. III. Ruth,'' b. 1839; m. Josiah Chase. 602 IV. Myron,' b. 1841; m. Elizabeth Taylor. 603 V. Charles,' b. 1844; m. Villa A. Boynton. 604 VI. Benjamin,' b. 1851; m. Edith W. Hutchins. 605 VII. Forest F.,' b. 1858; m. Mary Stalker. 280. CALEB « CHURCHILL (John,^ Ebenezer," William,^ Will- iam,^ John ^). Born in Plynipton, April 4, 1757, and lived there until the age of twenty -live years, when, with his father, he removed to Chittenden, Vt. He served in the war of the Revolution, Capt. Thomas Sampson's Company, from Plympton ; Col. Theophilus Cotton's Regiment ; General Palmer's Brigade, September and Octo- ber, 1777 ; thirty-two days on a secret expedition to Newport, R.I. Also in Captain Curtis's Company Oct. 13 to Dec. 1, 1779, at Rhode Island. Enlisted March 14, 1781, and served in Rhode Island, three days ; discharged March 17, 1781 ; roll dated at Plympton. His father's family was the third settling in the town, which was then called Philadelphia, Vt. He purchased or "took up" a farm and lived upon it until his death. He was a respected citizen, with large influence for good in the town and community ; a member of the Congregational Church in Pittsford, Vt., from 1817 to the close of his life. His mind remained clear and his memory good to the last. He died Sept. 15, 1856, aged 99 years 5 months and 11 days. He married at Chittenden (then Philadelphia, Vt.), Nov. 14, 1788, Sarah Hawley, of Pittsford, Vt., whose father, Nathan Hawley, was one of the first settlers of Pittsford about 1780. She was born in New Milford, Conn., Nov. 3, 17(38, and died in Chittenden, Nov. 12, 1842. Children horn in Chittenden. I. Betsey,' b. April, 24, 1789; m. Anson Manlet, Nov. 8, 1807. He was of Brandon and they lived there and had Children. 1. Abigail Manley. b. July 10, 1809; m. Samuel Lackman, Feb. 6, 1834. 2. Dan P. Manley, b. May 10, 1811; m. Mrs. Martlia Farmenter, April 13, 1834. 3. Laura Manley, b. Feb. 25, 1813; m. Harry Sessions, Dec. 23, 1830. 4. Betsey M. Manley, b. March 29, 1822; m. Joseph Bushey. 606 II. John,' b. Dec. 12, 1790; m. Lois Latham, Nov. 26, 1818. Lived in Brandon. III. Leah,' b Dec. 9, 1792; ni. Thomas Rogers, of Brandon, Vt., March 6, 1821. She died at Leicester Vt., Feb. 1, 1S64. and he died there April 1, 1859. They lived in Brandon, and had there seven children, viz. : 152 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children. 1. Sarah M. Kogers, b. March 13, 1822; m. William Wood. 2. Thomas S. Rogers, b. Sept. 14, 182.3 ; d Sept. 24, 1833. 3. Hannah M. Rogers, b. July 24, 1825; m. 1st, Reuben Martin, April 22, 1846; m. 2d, Joel Baird, Nov. 29, 1849. 4. Caleb A. Rogers, b. July 3, 1827; m. Martha C. Simons, Jan. 1, 1857. 5. George T. Rogers, b. Jan. 12, 1830; m. Mary A. Handy, Feb. 1, 1853, at Fairhaven, Mass. 6. Mary E. Rogers, b. May 24, 1832; m. Thomas Hendry, Aug. 1, 1850. 7. Alonzo M. Rogers, b. Oct. 31, 1834; m. Delia Bump, Oct. 7, 1860. Lived in Chittenden. 607 IV. Caleb,' b. Dec. 15, 1794; m. Miriam Parmelee, Dec. 19, 1832. V. Sarah,' b. March 10, 1797; m. Ebenezer Nutting, Nov. 23, 1817, of Brandon, Vt. She died in Pittsford, Vt., July 12, 1876; and he died April 14, 1876. They lived at first in Chittenden and later in Brandon. Late in life they went West and settled for a few years at Fond du Lac, Wis., but returned to Pittsford, Vt., and lived with their son William. Children horn in Chittenden or Brandon, Vt. 1. William J. Nutting, b. Sept. 7, 1818; m. Esther L. Manley, Aug. 7, 1856. 2. Willard Nutting, b. Sept. 2, 1822; d. April 28, 1823. 3. Albert Nutting, b. July 2, 1824; m. Helen C. Stewart. 4. Edmond D. Nutting, b. June 19, 1826; m. Caroline H. Parme- lee, Feb. 22, 1842. 5. John A. Nutting, b. July 22, 1829; d. June 1, 1845. 608 VI. Zaccheus H.,' b. March 29, 1799; m. Hannah M. Bacon, Dec 4, 1827. He settled near Erie, Penn. No further record obtained. 609 VII. Nathan H.,' b. June 11, 1803; m. 1st, Dorothy Sheldon, Oct. 4, 1825, She d. March 10, 1838; m. 2d, Nancy Lyon, March 10, 1839. Lived in Chittenden. 610 VIII. AzEM,'b. Nov. 13, 1805; m. Mercy M. Manley, of Chittenden, Aug. 29, 1831. IX. Joanna,' b. March 26, 1808; d. March 31, 1814. X. Mariah,' b. May 29, 1810; m. 1st Stephen H. Sparks, Jan. 27, 1831; m. 2d, ( ) ( ) ; m. 3d, Graham Rogers, April 25, 1833. Lived near Buffalo, N.Y., and later in Pennsylvania. No record of children. XI. Sylvia,' b. Aug. 1, 1814; m. George Smith, son of Zenas and Leah (Churchill) Smith, April 25, 1833, at Chittenden. She died at Brandon, Vt., June 8, 1895. He died at Brandon, Dec. 31, 1876. He was a farmer, lived in Pittsford and Chittenden, and last in Brandon. Children born., three in Chittenden, two in Pittsford. 1. Jane D. Smith, b. November, 1834; d. April 8, 1835. 2. George W. Smith, d. June 26, 1862, at New Orleans, La., in the army. Company D, Seventh Regiment, Vermont Volunteers ; date of his birth not received. 3. Otis E. Smith, b. April 7, 1837; d. unmarried at Brandon, Jan. 19, 1897. 4. Julia N. Smith, b. Dec. 25, 1839 ; m. Willard S. Johnson, Dec. 1, 1858. 5. William H. Smith, b. Jan. 17, 1842; m. 1st, Mrs. Martha A. Sprague, Feb. 13, 1867 ; m. 2d, Mrs. Cynthia A. Clark, Jan. 1, 1896. DEACON WINSLOW CHURCHILL. (No. 282, page 153.) SIXTH GENERATION 153 281. MICHAEL « CHURCHILL (Isaac/ Ebexezer/ William,'^ William,^ John '). Born in Chittenden, Vt., 1767. Settled in St. Lawrence County, N.Y. After much research I have just found a probable descendant of the eldest son of this family at Brasher Falls, N.Y. (May 29, 1903). Married Lucy Dodge, of Brandon, Vt. Gil Childi-en, probably not in proper order ■ of birth I. Isaac' II. Lucy.' III. Sarah.' IV. Molly.' V. Anna ' VI. Diana.' VII. Rachel.' VIII. Mercy.' IX. William.' 612 383. DEACON WINSLOW« CHURCHILL (Isaac,^ Ebenezer," William,^ William,^ John '). Born in Plympton, Mass., Dec. 30, 1770, and removed with his father to Chittenden, Vt., in 1785. He became a farmer and also exercised the mason's vocation. In 1804 he removed with his young fajnily to Camillus, Onondaga County, N.Y., where he piirchased a farm, which he cultivated for thirty years. The Erie canal was afterwards cut through his farm, and he built and " ran " a boat called " The Growler " on the canal. As a member of the New York militia he was called into service for a time in the War of 1812. May 6, 1834, he re- moved West with his family, going by the canal as far as Buffalo, thence by sail-boat on the lake to Chicago, where he arrived June 4, 1834, and bought an ox-team, and started out to locate a new home. With him on his journey were his children, viz., Lurana, Seth, Betsey, Winslow, Jr., Amanda, Isaac, Bradford, and Hiram. William and Christiana joined him some four years later. After a somewhat prolonged search for a location, he finally chose a claim in the north-east corner of Milton township (as it was then called), Du Page County, 111. The log-house which he built at the time of his settlement is (1900) still standing. He cultivated and improved this farm during the remainder of his active life. He became a member of the Presbyterian church in early life, and in that communion was deacon and chorister for many years. Upon his settlement in the West he joined the Congregational church, and when the Methodists came and established religious services in a school-house in the town Deacon Churchill often 154 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY officiated, in the absence of the regular minister, his son, Isaac B., reading a sermon selected from some authorized book. In politics Mr. Churchill was an ardent Whig, though never seeking office. He was public- spirited and patriotic, diligent and earnest in what- ever he undertook. He won the respect and confidence of all, and holds an honored place among the pioneers of Du Page County. He died Sept. 18, 1847. "Milton Township" became Babcock Grove, and, the name was later changed to Danby, then Prospect Park, and later, still to Glen Ellyn, the present name. Married, Thanksgiving Day, November, 1796, Mercy Dodge, who was the daughter of William and Mercy, of Rutland, Vt., and was born June 15, 1774, and died Feb. 21, 1863. Children, the first fo\ir born in Chittenden, the rest in Camillus, N. Y. 612 I. William,' b. Aug. 16, 1797; m. Mrs. Polly Hand, widow, at Camillus. II. Melinpa,' b. July 24, 1799; m. Sylvester Ketchum, d. Nov. 8, 1877 ; no issue. III. *LuRANA,^b. Feb. 15, 1802; m. John D. Akerman, at Camillus, N.y. Children horn, four at Camillus, the last at Glen Ellyn. 1. Winslow Akerman, m. Pamelia Holmes. 2. Elbyron Akerman, m. ( ) Russell. 3. Miles Akerman, m-. Mary J. Cox. 4. Erastus Akerman. 5. Alonzo Akerman. IV. * Christiana,' b. Feb. 15, 1802 ; m. 1st, Erastus Ketchum ; m. 2d, David Christian. Settled at first at Camillus, later at Glen Ellyn. Child of First Husband. 1. Erastus Ketchum, b. Feb. 15, 1826, m. Mary J. Churchill, dau. of No. 613. * These names deserve more than the above brief record. They were still living in the town of Glen Ellyn, Feb. 15, 1893, at the age of 91 years, a-id said to be then " the oldest twins in the world." Born in Chittenden, Vt., as above noted, they spent their girlhood and young womanhood in Camillus, N.Y. A Chicago paper of February, 1893, commenting upon the celebration of their ninety-first birthday at Glen Ellyn, on the 15th of the month, mentions several interesting jjoints. There has never been more than a mere family re- semblance between them, their tastes have never been similar, they have never dressed alike. They were born in a log-house, common to pioneers of the then wild country, and have preserved some rare bits of household ware and kitchen furnishings of those early days. The correspondent of 1893 says: "They are now two quaint little old women, slight and frail, with placid, kindly faces and snow-white hair drawn smoothly down under black lace caps." Mrs. Ackerman dresses in black, Mrs. Christian in gray, but the soft old-fashioned silk kerchit f , folded around the neck and crossing upon the breast, is worn by both. Tiiey delight to tell over the reminiscences of their early days and the labors and en- joyments of those primitive times. Their younger brother, Isaac Bradford Churchill, lives near them at Glen Ellyn, and in September, 1891, celebrated, with his wife, his own golden wedding. MRS. CHRISTIANA (CHURCHILL) CHRISTIAN. MRS. LURANA (CHURCHILL) AKERMAN (See Note under No. 282, page 154.) SIXTH GENERATION 155 Children of Second Husband. 2. Wesley Christian, b. 1835. 3. William Christian. 613 V. Seth,' b. May 25, 1805; m. Roxana Ward. 614 VI. Major,' h. July 8, 1807; m. Mart A. Delano, Dec. 31, 1835. VII. Betsey,'' b. Aug. 4, 1809; ni. Samuel Mahaffi", at Babcock's Grove. They live at Palos, Cork County, 111. He is a farmer. Children born at Palos. 1. Samuel Mahaffy, d. in infancy. 2. William Mahaffy, d. in the army in the Civil War. 3. Winslow Mahaffy. 615 VIII. Winslow, Jr.,' b. June 13, 1812; m. 1st, Juliette Morton, of Babcock's Grove; m. 2d, Sarah A. Nichols; m. 3d, Margaret Willard; m. 4th, Elizabeth Evans. IX. Amanda,' b. May 6, 1814; d. unmarried, June 12, 1835, in Illinois. 616 X. Isaac Bradford,' b. April 22, 1818; m. Angeline Barker, Sept. 15, 1844. 617 XI. Hiram,' b. April 7, 1820; ni. Drusilla Miller. He was killed near Fort Carney on his way to California in 1849. 283. SETH « CHURCHILL (Isaac,^ Ebenezer,* William,' Will- iam,- John ^). Born in Plympton, June 28, 1773 ; reared in Chitten- don, Vt. Settled with his brother Winslow in Milton Township, now Glen Ellyn, 111. Married, Feb. 14, 1793, Eunice Durkee, who was born April 28, 1772. Children horn at Chittenden, Vt. I. Stephen,' b. Sept. 27, 1793; d. young. II. Jerusha,' b. March 16, 1796; m. Seth Warren, about 1818, in N.Y. State. 618 III. Bradford,' b. Aug. 23, 1800; m. Mary Adams. IV. Alzina,' b. Jan. 10, 1805; m. Ira Balch, and d. in Wisconsin, June, 1881. 619 V. Enos,' b. March 13, 1807; m. Nancy Searles. 384. ELISHA « CHURCHILL (Isaac,^ Ebenezer,^ William,' Will- iam,^ John ^). Born in Plympton, Mass., Aug. 4, 1781. He was reared in Chittenden, Yt. ; settled in East Swanton, Vt. He was a farmer and carpenter, and lived an industrious, upright, and hon- orable life. In stature he was six feet four inches. He was strictly temperate in habits and language, and was highly respected in his community. He died Sept. 1, 1831. Married, 1806, Lydia Lackey, b. 1784 ; d. April 9, 1827. Children born in Swanton, Vt. 620 I. Elisha Bradford,' b. June 14, 1807; ra. Miranda Barber, 1833. II. Augustus,' b. Aug. 10, 1808; m. Widow Betsey (Chapman) Caswell, Aug. 28, 1831. No issue. III, AvALiNA,' b. Oct. 3, 1809; d. unmarried, Sept. 22, 1846. IV. Sarah,' b. July 23, 1811; d. unmarried, Aug. 17, 1839. 156 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 621 V. Luther,' b. Aug. 6, 1812; ra. Chloe Barber, 1833. She died July 1, 1842. They lived first at St. Albans, Vt., but moved to Milwaukee, Wis., in 1837. He was a merchant. They had a family, but all died young ; no record found. 622 "VI. Horace,'' b. Dec. 14, 1814; m. Alsista Italy Bowen. VII. Lucretia,' b. Aug. 25, 1817; m. H. O. Green, at St. Albans. Vt., 1834. They lived first at Highgate, Vt., but moved to Milwau- kee, Wis. She died Dec. 21, 1878. Children horn in Highgate, Vt. 1. Willard Owen Green, b. June 7, 1837; m. Imogene Bates, Ken- ellville, Ind., May, 1862. 2. Charles Fay Green, "b. July 27, 1839 ; m. Ursula Adams, of Mil- waukee, Wis., 1875. 3. Sarah L. Green, b. Jan. 28, 1841 ; m. Edgar Martin, of Milwau- kee, Wis., 1861. 623 VIII. Seth Warren,' b. Mav 17, 1821; m. Sophia Mat, Dec. 31, 1854. 624 IX. Henry,' b. Sept. 23, 1823; m. Miranda Gates, Sept. 28, 1847. X. Philander,' b. June 29, 1825. We have no record of marriage; d. at North Hammond, N.Y., May 14, 1899. 385. JOSHUA « CHURCHILL (Joshua,^ Ebenezer,^ William,' William/ John ^). Born in Plympton, Feb. 1, 1769. Moved with his father to Hartford, Me., in 1800. Lived in Salem, Mass. He died in Sumner, Me., in 1870, aged 101 years. Married Sylvia Churchill, daughter of David, Jr. She was born Feb. 21, 1767. Children horn in Salem, except the first. I. Infant, b. Jan. 31, 1795; d. in Buckfield, Me., Feb. 8, 1795. II. Ellis,' b. Sept. 10, 1796. Never married. III. Harvey,' b. Feb. 23, 1801 ; died voung. IV. Maria,' b. March 31, 1803; d. Jan. 31, 1836. V. Lebbeus,' I). Aug. 23, 1805; m. Mrs. ( ) Sturtevant. No record. VI. AcHSAH,' b. Sept. 2, 1808; m. Samuel Churchill, April, 1834. Son of Ezra (287). ANDREW 6 CHURCHILL (Joshua,^ Ebenezeb,* William,' William,- Johx ^). Born in Plympton, Nov. 18, 1772. Removed with his father's family to Hartford, Me., and was there brought up, and lived there and at Sumner, Me., where he died, Oct. 22, 1821. Married, April 15, 1831, in Sumner, Polly Oldham, who died May 7, 1863. One child. 625 I. Andrew Jackson,' b. June 12, 1821 ; m. Nancy Wyman. 387. EZRA « CHURCHILL (Joshua,^ Ebexezer,^ William,^ Will- iam,- John i). Born in Plympton, Sept. 25, 1780. Moved with his father to Hartford, Me., in 1803, and settled, after marriage, SIXTH GENERATI01>r 157 in Sumner, Me. Moved afterward to Montville Centre, IVIe. Married Bethia Mehurin, born in Jay, Me., May 25, 1783. Children born in Sumner, Me. I. Deborah,' b. April 28, 1800; m. Joseph Palmer, Nov. 6, 1825. Children. 1. Adeline Palmer, b. Nov. 4, 1826. 2. Ira Palmer, b. Oct. 17, 1829. 3. Deborah Palmer, b. Sept. 15, 1831. 4. Joseph Palmer, Jr., b. Jan. 31, 1835. 5. Emily Palmer, ) . . o T\ • I T3 1 y twins. 6. Daniel Palmer, J 7. Ezra Palmer, b. Nov. 23. 1843. 626 II. Alexander,' b. April 11, 1802; m. Margaret Davis. No further record. III. Bethany,' b. Oct. 17, 1804; ra. Sewall Curtis. No children. IV. Olive,' b. Dec. 6, 1807; m. Daniel Phillips. One son, Augustus Phillips. 627 V. Samuel,' b. Aug. 15, ISIO; m. 1st, Achsah Churchill; m. 2d, Nancy Penney, March 15, 1808. 628 VI. James A.,' b. Sept. 13. 1812; m. Polly Thompson. 629 VII. Ezra, Jr.,' b. Sept. 18, 1814; m. Keziah Mitchell. No further record. VIII. Phebe C' b. Aug. 17, 1817; m. 1st, Daniel Davis; m. 2d. Asa Thompson. No children by second husband. Children by First Husband. 1. Elbridge Davis. | 2. Otis Davis. IX. Bethia,' b. Nov. 1, 181!); m. Asa Mehurin, March 28, 1837. He died April 1, 1871. Children. 1. Achsa J. Mehurin, b. May 7, 1843. 2. Alvarado F. Mehurin, b. Nov. 30, 1847. 3. Ellen E. Mehurin, b. Jan. 16, 1853. 4. Winfield S. Mehurin, b. Feb. 22, 18G1. 630 X. Barnard,' b. April 17, 1822; m. Charlotte Thomas. 631 XI. Otis M.,' b. Nov. 3. 1824; m. Eliza J. Phillips. XII. Narcissa,' b. Feb. 3, 1828; m. William Bracket. Children of William and Narcissa Churchill Bracket. 1. Phebe C. Bracket, b. March 15, 1852. 2. Narcissa S. Bracket, b. Nov. 30, 1853. 3. Joseph W. Bracket, b. Feb. 2, 1856. 4. Emma F. Bracket, b. March 19, 1858. 5. Orrington A. Bracket, b. Jan. 26, 1860. 6. Ida B. Bracket, b. Aug. 13, 1863. 7. Loring E. Bracket, b. May 4, 1865 ; d. April 12, 1872. 8. Lottie J. Bracket, b. April 2, 1867. 9. Oscar M. Bracket, b. Dec. 25, 1870; d. April 25, 1872. 10. Oscar L. Bracket, b. Aug. 29, 1874; d. Jan. 21, 1876. 28S, CAPTAIN" ELIAS « CHURCHILL (David,^ David," William,' Willi AM,2 John ^). Born in Plympton, Jan. 26, 1759, and lived 158 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY there until about 1800, when he removed to Duxbury and there died May 3, 1829. Married Haxj^ah Cushman, daughter of Elkanah, b. July 2, 1759, and died at Duxbury, Feb. 12, 1828. Children born at Plympton. I. Levi,' b. Aug. 14, 1779; d. Aug. 28, 1779. II. Patty,' b. May 10, 1782; m. Luther Sturtevant. III. Elias, Jr.,' b. Nov. 4, 1785; d. May 28, 1786. IV, Jane,' b. Aug. 19, 1787; m. John Standish. They lived in Plympton, Halifax, and later (in 1857) in Stough- ton, Mass. Children. 1. Elias Ellis Standish, b. June 29, 1806; m. Rachel Rickard. 2. John Ellis Standish, b. 1808; d. young. 3. Alexander Standish, b. Oct. 29, 1809; m. 1st, Sarah W. Dean; m. 2d, Elizabeth S. Wright. 4. Erastus Warren Standish, b. 1812; died young. 5. Jane Ellis Standish, b. in Plympton, Jan. 25, 1816; m. Ellis Delano. 6. William Henry Standish, b. 1818; d. young. 7. Joseph Warren Standish, b. 1820 ; d. young. 8. Benjamin William Standish, d. young. 9. Lewis Weston Standish, b. 1822; d. young. 10. Laura A. Standish, b. in Middleboro', May 5, 1823 ; m. Isaac Thayer. Sept 20, 1847. 11. George Washington Standish, b. in Middleboro', April 27, 1826; m. Mary J. Thompson, 1847. V. Hannah,' b. Feb 20. 1790; m. Lewis Weston. VI. Esther,' b. Oct. 2,1792; m. 1st, Nathan Morton; m. 2d, Samuel Weston. VII. Clarissa,' b. July 30, 1796; m. Otis Weston, of Marshfield. Lived in Charlestown in 1857. 632 VIII. Ivory,' b March 18, 1799; m. Mary Eleanor Clark, of Boston, 1823. IX. Earl,' b. May 14, 1801; d. July 15, 1801. X. Eliza Ellis,' b. March 17, 1803; m. Rufus Weston; d. in Dux- bury. 289. DAVID « CHURCHILL (David,^ David,* William,^ William,^ JoHN^). Born in Plympton, June 11, 1778. Lived in Boston after marriage. He was a brickmaker by trade. He died in Plympton, September, 1806. Married Mary Hersey, of Boston. Children horn in Boston. 633 I. Solomon,' b. 1799; m. Esther Shepard. No further record. 634 II. David, Jr.,' b. 1801; m. Arabella Cooper. Had a family, it is said, but we have no record of them. He died aged 80. III. Mary Salo.me,' b. 1803; d. young. 635 IV. Otis,' b. in Plympton, Jan. 12, 1805 ; m. 1st, Mary Russell, May 30, 1831; m. 2d, Belinda Russell, Dec. 14, 1.S42; m. 3d, Mary L. (Calkins) Pomeroy, widow of Charles B. Pomeroy, Dec. 17, 1862; d. at Watertown. Wis. SIXTH GEKERATION 159 290. LEVI « CHURCHILL (David,^ David/ William,^ William,- JoHN^). Born in Plympton, Feb. 20, 1780. Lived in Hingham. He died 1843. Married 1st, Sept. 19, 1799, Cynthia Packard, of East Bridgewater. She died 1832. Married 2d, Oct. 20, 1833, Adaline C. Wright, of Plympton. Children of First Wife. I. AsABA,^ b. Aug. 9, 1801 ;'in. Lewis Keith, 1819. He was born April 12, 1799. Children. 1. Harriet L. Keith, b. Feb. 24, 1820. 2. Eliza A. Keith, b. July 2, 1822; d. Jan. 12, 1823. 3. Eliza A. Keith, b. July 18, 1823; d. Feb. 17, 1851. 4. Lurana Keith, b. March 11, 1825; d. April 4, 1844. 5. Marcus M. Keith, b. March 20, 1827; ni. Mary A. Bailey, June 18, 1857. 6. Adaline C. Keith, b. March 22, 1829; d. July 31, 1845. 7. Lewis Keith, b. July 4, 1831 ; d. April 3. 1859. 8. Nahum Keith, b. May 29, 1833. 9. Maria B. Keith, b. June 26, 1835; d. April 12, 1846. 10. Joshua S. Keith, b. April 25, 1837; d. Dec. 29, 1879. 11. Elizabeth C. Keith, b. Feb. 8, 1839; d. Sept. 20, 1839. 12. William H. H. Keith, b. April 1, 1840; d. May 5, 1870. 636 11. Levi,' b. March 5, 1803; m. Ldcretia Keen, of E. Bridgewater, Sept. 10, 1828. III. Lurana,' b. April 17, 1804; unmarried. 637 IV. Luther,' b. April, 1805; m. Eveline Blanchard. 638 V. Aeisha S.,' b. Oct. 13, 1807; m. Mercy L. Whitman. VI. Cynthia,' b. Jan. 27, 1809; m. Joshua Bennett, 1825. Children. 1. Maria Miles Bennett, b. 1826; d. at age of 5 years. 2. Edwin Scott Bennett, b. Sept 15, 1828. 3. Andrew J. Bennett, b. Dec. 15, 1832. 4. James H. Bennett, b. January, 1834. 5. George W. Bennett, b. January, 1837 ; d. aged 8 years. VII. Sarah C.,' b. in Boston, March 9,1811; m. Elijah Scott, of Ludlow, Vt. Children. 1. Elizabeth A. Scott, b. Sept. 29, 1839; m. Charles H. Merrill. 2. Henry L. Scott, b. Jan. 16, 1841; unmarried. 3. Annie C. Scott, b. Oct. 17, 1843; m. Frank Lihby. 4. Josephine F. Scott, b. Jan. 8, 1845; m. Montville Graves, June 20, 1877. 5. Clementine Scott, b. Dec. 12, 1847; d. Nov. 20, 1855. 6. Walter W. Scott, b. Jan. 23, 1854; m. Hattie Perham. VIII. David,' b. June, 1812; d. unmarried, aged 36 years. 689 IX. William Morton,' b. Aug. 24, 1814; m. Mary R. Tribeau. No further record. X. Bethia,' b. May 11, 1816; m. Nicholas Vella, who was b. May 25, 1812. 160 THE CHUPvCHILL FAMILY Children. 1. Joseph F. Vella, b. July 30, 1835. 2. William Wallace Vella, b. March 19, 1837. 3. Valanca Vella, b. Nov. 8, 1840. 4. Henry Washington Vella, b. May 10, 1842. 5. Levi Churchill Vella, b. July 10, 1845. 6. Samuel Vella, b. Nov. 17, 1847. XI. Elizabeth,' b. Jan. 6, 1818. XII. Benjamin Pierson,' b. February, 1820; m. Amanda N. Bancroft, 1845. No children. XIII. George,' b. May 5, 1821; ra. Julia Soule, of Lynn, Mass., Feb- ruary, 1846. No children. By Second Wife. 04:0 XIV. Ethan S.,' b. Jan. 11, 1835; m. Adaline Wright. No further record. 391. JESSE « CHURCHILL (David,^ David/ William,^ William,- JoHN ^). Born in Plympton, Aug. 28, 1784. Lived at West Hingham. He was a soldier in the War of 1812. He was a stone- mason by occnpation. He died Sept. 20, 1853. Married, 1805, Anna Barrel, of Scituate. She died July, 1861, aged 76 years. Children horn in Hingham. 641 I. Jesse,' b. Jan. 30, 1806; m. Christiana Cushing, Oct. 20, 1833. 042 II. James,' ^ b. Feb. 5, 1808 ; m. Cynthia Humphrey, of Hingham, > November, 1834. He died in Hingham in 1870. 643 III. Thomas,' j b. Feb. 5, 1808; ni. Sally Sprague. 644 IV. Charles,' b. July 10, 1810; m. 1st, Morgiana Gill, 1833; m. 2d, Sarah Nichols, of Boston. V. Martha Ann,' b. Dec. 12, 1812; m. Loring Hersey, April 10, 1831. Children. 1. George Loring Hersey, b. July 18, 1832; m. Mary A. Bates, Dec. 21, 1851. 2. Charles Churchill Hersey, b. May 3, 1836; m. Lucy J. Hjiskell, of Hallowell, Me., May 10, 1857. 3. Francis Henry Hersey, b. Feb. 16, 1840; d. Nov. 3, 1842. 645 VI. RuFDS,' b. April 23, 1815; m. Lucy Burr. VII. Polly Barnes,' b. Jan. 1, 1818; d. May 4, 1819. VIII. David,' b. June 8, 1820; ra. Mary Eliza Pitts, of Boston, March 1, 1851 ; d. in Boston, 1869. No children. 646 IX. Thaddeus,' b. Feb. 27, 1823; ra. 1st, Margaret M. F. Green, 1844; m. 2d, Mary Jane Hersey, b. Jan. 7, 1837. 293. RUFUS « CHURCHILL (DAvir),^ David," William,^ William,- JoHN ^). Born in Plympton, Oct. 10, 1789. Lived in Hingham, on Main street ; was a master mariner. Married, 1818, Eunice Lewis, of Hingham. She died 1871. SIXTH GENERATION 161 Children born in Ilingham. I. Susan,'' b. 1821; m. Samuel B. Lincoln. [March 29, 18-11. She d. 1841. II. Elizabeth L ' ni. Blosso.m Sprague, Nov. 29, 1843. III. William,'' b. 1825; d. at Calcutta, 1855. IV. Maria,'' b. 1830; in. Edwin Toaver, Jan. 1, 1851. No issue. 393. SAMUEL « CHURCHILL (William,^ David," William,^ Will- iam,- JoHX '). Born in Plympton, June 29, 1760. Married Debo- rah Wright, daughter of Jacob. ChildreJi. (Ml I. Zadock,' b. July 13, 1780; m. Betset Palmer. II. Desire,' b. Sept. 21, 1782; d. in childhood. III. Deborah,' b. April 12, 1785; m. Seth Bosworth. Children. 1. Martin Bosworth. | 2. Sarah Bosworth. IV. Elizabeth,'' b. Oct. 14, 1788; d. in childhood. V. Merct,' b. Oct. 4, 1791; m. Stillman Pratt. Child. I. Harriet Pratt. VI. Ruth,' b. Sept. 27, 1795; never married. 648 VII. Samuel,' b. May 24, 1804, m. 1st, Saba Churchill, dan. of Oliver, No. 29(; ; m. 2d, Sarah Sturtevant, April 30, 1837. 294. JOSEPH" CHURCHILL (William,^ David," William,^ William,^ John^). Born in Plympton, Oct. 24, 1761, and lived there. Married Euxice Churchill, daughter of Ichabod, No. 45. Children born at Plympton. I. Susannah,' b. April 11, 1784; m. Peter Tower; b. April 14, 1787, died in Belmont, Me., Sept. 80, 1865. Children of Peter and Susannah Toioer. 1. Martin Windsor Tower, b. Nov. 10, 1806, in Plympton ; m. Elenor Spencer. 2. Malachi Tower, b. June 30, 1808 ; m. Ruth Hunt. 3. Eunice Churchill Tower, b. May 12, 1810; m. Nathaniel Elmes. 4. Sarah A. Tower, b. Nov. 12, 1812; unmarried. 5. Warner C. Tower, b. Jan. 2, 1814; m. Mary Jones. 6. Peter Tower, b. April 24, 1816; m. Hulda Frohock. 7. Elbridge Gerry Tower, b. March 29, 1818; m. Mary Edge- comb. 8. Susan Gibbs Tower, b. Dec. 16, 1819; m. Nathaniel Warren. 9. Nehemiah Hayward Tower, b. July 31, 1822; in. Mary ( ). 10. Jerome A. Tower, b. Nov. 7, 1823 ; d. unmarried in Belmont, Me., Aug. 10, 1872. II. John Crosby Tower, b. April 24, 1825; m. ( ) Clark. II. Sally,' b. June 13, 1786. 162 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 649 III. Joseph,' b. Aug. 10, 1788; m. Rebecca Dunham Moret, of Plymouth. IV. Stlvanus,' b. March 9, 1790. 650 V. HosEA,' b. Aug. 24, 1792 ; m. Eunice Moret, of Plymouth. VI. Mary,' b. Aug. 20, 1794; m. Ichabod Morey; he died in 1816 ; she died Dec. 25, 1895. They had two sons, names not obtained. 651 Vll. Zenas,' b. June 28, 1797. No further record. 652 VIII. Hiram,' b. Sept. 1, 1800. No further record. 653 IX. George,' b. Oct. 29, 1802; m. Lydia Morton. 654 X. John,' b. Aug. 15, 1804; m. Margaret Tilden. 295. WILLIAM 6 CHURCHILL (William/ David," William,^ William/ John^). Born in Plympton, March 8, 1767; followed the sea and rose to command a vessel. Afterwards was a stone- mason and bricklayer. He died in Bainbridge, N.Y., where they lived after marriage. Married Joanna Tilton, of Easton, N.Y. Children born at Easton, N.Y. 655 I. William,' b. May 22, 1795; m. Minerva Luther, who was born March 1, 1800. II. Catherine.' III. Margaret.' IV. Zena^.' 296. OLIVERS CHURCHILL (James/ David/ William/ Will- iam/ John ^). Born in Plympton, April 21, 1766. Died Nov. 24, 1851. Lived in Plympton. Married Saba Soule, who was born Jan. 16, 1773, and died Jan. 31, 1839. Children born in Plympton. 656 I. Oliver,' b. Nov. 19, 1794; m. 1st, Sally Bradford, in 1826; m. 2d, Mary Ann Loring, of Plympton. She d. 1873. II. Frances,' b. Aug. 28, 1797; m. Stephen Bonney, Nov. 17, 1822. Children. 1. James S. Bonney. 2. Thomas Bonney, d. September, 1861. III. Saba/ b. July 5, 1800; m. James Churchill, of Halifax. He d." 1884. She d. 1836. No children. 657 IV. Isaiah,' b. Oct. 10, 1806. He d. May 19, 1877; m. 1st, Polly Stevens Parker; m. 2d, Jane Bradford Hayward; m. 3d, Angeline Standish, dau. of John. V. Mary Magoon,' b. June 16, 1811; m. Martin Bosworth, of Halifax. She d. 1838. Children. 1. Seth Bosworth, b. Feb. 15, 1830; d. March 26, 1831. 2. Mary Elizabeth Bosworth, b. March 15, 1835. 3. Saba Soule Bosworth, b. Jan. 24, 1837; m. Bradley F. Durphy, of Sharon, Mass. SIXTH GENERATION 163 VI. Jane HudsonJ b. June 22, 1817; m. Charles W. Engleslid, Sept. 9, 1850. He was born in Sweden. They had three children. 1. Norman Engleslid, b. July 7, 1852. 2. Jane Engleslid, b. May 5, 1855. 3. Charles A. Engleslid, 'b. May 28, 1857. 297. JAMES « CHURCHILL (James,^ David,^ William,^ Will- iam,- John '). Born Feb. 26, 1771, in Plympton, ]\La.ss., and lived there. Died March, 1803. Married, Feb. 16, 1794, Sakah Soule, daughter of Ebenezer. After the death of first husband she married Jeftha Delano, of Duxbury. Cliildren horn in Plympton. I, Olive Soule,' b. Feb. 11, 17!)5; m. Lemuel Sturtevant, Aug. 17, 1817. II. Sarah Hudson, b. May (J, 1797; m. Jabez Fuller, of Bridge- water, 1815. 398. LEWIS « CHURCHILL (Natiiaxiel,^ Nathaniel," William,^ William,- John '). Born Dee. 12, 1771, in Plympton, Mass. Lived in Plymouth until after January, 1797, when he moved to Cornish, N.H. He was a farmer, very active and agile even to old age. When 83 years of age he used to mount his horse and ride a distance of ten miles, as well as a young man. He died in Cornish, July 15, 1855, aged 83 3^ears 7 months 3 days, and there lies buried with his three wives. He married 1st, Desire Barker Brewster ; 2d, Patty Thurston, daughter of Stephen and Keziah (Cheney) Thurston, born in Rowley, April, 1784 ; 3d, 1826, Ruth Quimby. Children of First Wife. I. Deborah,' b. Oct. 22, 1794, at Plymouth, and died May 3, 1803. II. HosEA,' b. Jan. 18, 1797, at Plymouth; m. Polly Hardv. Lived in Sempronius, N.Y. Had no jhildren. 658 III. .Nathan,' b. April 17, 1799, at Cornish, N.H. Lived in Iowa. No record. 659 IV. LouLs,' b. Jan. 15, 1802, at Cornish, N H. ; m. Rosamond Record. V. Edna,' b. Aug. 14, 1804, at Cornish, N.H. VI. Deborah,' b. March 24, 1807; m. Anskl Barnes, June, 1832, in Milibury, Mass. Mr. Barnes was born iu Hardwick, Mass., and soon after marriage settled in his native town, and lived there until after their four eldest children were born, when they moved to Pelham, Mass., and spent the rest of their lives there, and there died, — Mrs. Barnes Feb. 14, 1868, and Mr. Barnes Aug. 12, 1878. 164 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children. 1. Susan E. Barnes, b. March 6, 1833 ; m. Ziza Hanks, Nov. 26, 1850. 2. Lewis Churchill Barnes, b. April 9, 1835; m. Jane Boynton, May 2G, 1857. He died Oct. 14, 1857. 3. Lucretia Barnes, b. Sept. 27, 1837; d. June 29, 1840. 4. Martha Ann Barnes, b. Feb. 26, 1840; d. Nov. 6, 1848. 5. Dexter Randall Barnes, b. Oct. 8, 1842; ra. Jennie Kellogg, Oct. 17, 1868. Lives in Granby. 6. Harriet Louise Barnes, b. Oct. 29, 1845; m. Albert Avery, Oct. 27, 1869. 7. Lois Maria Barnes, b. Aug. 23, 1848; m. Levi Gold, Jan. 26, 1870. Lives in Barkhamstead. 8. Hosea Ansel Barnes, b. Jan. 29, 1854. Unmarried. 660 VII. Nathaniel,' b. April 12, 1809; m. Maria ( ). Lived in California and Pennsylvania. Had a daughter married a Mr. Dick. No records received. Chilch-en of Second Wife, lorn at Cornish. 661 VIII. Barker Brewster,' b. Feb. 4, 1815; m. 1st, Mart A. Angier; m. 2d, Mrs. Mart J. (Westgate) Britton, Jan. 31, 1867. IX. Ltdia,' b. June 1, 1819; m. Ephraim Nelson, March 26, 1844. They settled in Croyden, and their children were there born; Lydia, the mother, d. Oct. 9, 1881. Children. 1. Mira A. Nelson, b. Feb. 11, 1845 ; m. John Lear, March 4, 1867, 2. Marietta Nelson, b. Sept. 4, 1846; m. Charles Upton, Feb. 22, 1898. 3. Rial Flanders Nelson, b. Feb 4, 1848 ; m. Ida L. Farr, Oct. 11, 1876. 4. John Lewis Nelson, b. April 6, 1850; m. Sarah E. Farr, Oct. 11, 1876. 5. Jane Patty Nelson, b. Sept. 8, 1853; m. 1st, Brooks Burns, of Hollis, July 5, 1887 ; m. 2d, John Trow, of Sunapee, April 11, 1896. 6. Sylvia Hardy Nelson, b. April 8, 1855; d. June 5, 1865. X. Emilt,'' b 1821 ; d. at the age of twelve years. Child of Third Wife. XI. Sarah,' b. 1830; d. May 12, 1874; m. Lemuel Benwat, of Cornish, N.H. Child. 1. Arthur L. Benway, b. May 18, 1860; m. Sarah J. Tandy, Nov. 16, 1880. Have one child, Lucy E. Benway, b. Sept. 21, 1881. 300. LEVI« CHURCHILL (Nathaniel,^ Nathakiel,^ William,^ William,- John ^). Born July 25, 1776, in Plympton. He was a farmer. Removed from Massachusetts to Croydon, N.H., and later settled in Stowe, Vt. About 1816/17 lie removed to Union County, Ohio, and later to Missouri, and died there in 1845. Married, Nov. 3, 1799, Lydia Ripley. She died in 1847. 6(>2 I. 663 II. 664 Ill SIXTH GENERATION 165 Children. Phflander,' b. Sept. 20, 1800; ra. Dorothy Feuebout. No further record. Levi,'' b. Oct. 17, 1802, in Croydon County, N.H. ; m. Nancy A. Sprague, March 28, 1827. David Ripley,^ b. 1805, in Stowe, Vt. ; m. Mary A. Pekew, April 24, 1829, in Ohio. IV. Jane,' b. Oct. 13, 1807, in Stowe, Vt. ; m. 1st, Joseph Geer, April fi, 1823, in Ohio; m. 2d, Garet Tease. One child of first hus band, died young. V. Lydia Deborah,' b. Jan. 25, 1811; m. John George. VI. Hannah,' b. April 14, !817, in Union County, Ohio; d. unmarried. 301. STEPHEN « CHURCHILL (Natiianiel,^ Nathaniel/ Will- iam, '^ AViLLiAM,- John ^). Born in Plynipton, April 19, 1779. Lived in Taunton, Mass. Since passing this number, 301, we have received the name of another of the cliiklren of Stephen, but we have not learned the name of his wife. Of their four children, born in Taunton, we have only two names. Children. I. Deborah.' No further record. 665 II. Nathaniel.' No further record. 303. JOSEPH « CHURCHILL (Nathaniel,'^ Nathaniel," William,=^ William,- John ^). Born in Plynipton, about 1781. He removed to Thompson, Conn., where four of his children were born. Between 1S15 and 1825 he removed to Annsville, N.Y., Avhere his Avife died about 1855, and he died about 1862. Married at Thompson, Conn., 1804/5, Hannah Woodward, of Thompson, Conn. Children . I. Deborah,' b. May 4, 1800; m. Waterman Hyde, of Annsville, N.Y., 1830. Children, dates of hirth not received. 1. Mary Hyde. , 2. Ezra Hyde. Killed at Gettysburg. 3. Harriet Hyde. 4. Niles Hyde. Mortally wounded at Gettysburg. 5. Joseph Hyde. 666 II. Nathaniel,' b. April 23, 1810; m. Nancy Mowers. 667 III. Orrin,' b. Dec. 18, 1812; m. Sarah E. Spragoe. 668 IV. George,' b. June 7, 1815; m. 1st, Sarah Powers Clark, April, 1842; m. 2d, Mrs. Lucinda Monell, 184(j. 669 V. Edwin Lewis,' b. in Annsville, N.Y. ; m., 1825, Charity Collins, of Annsville. 166 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 303. NATHANIEL « CHURCHILL (Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* William,^ William,- John ^). Born in Plympton, May 13, 1784. Settled in Grantham, N.H., a farmer. He was killed by being thrown from his horse while riding across a brook, Jan. 4, 1808, aged about 24 years. Married ( ) Hardy. After his death his widow married Mr. Clifford. One Child. I. Alice, ^ b. in Cornish, N.H., Aug. 5, 1808; ni. Varncm Stone, March 24, 1830, and lived for a time in Grantham, but in Septem- ber, 1833, removed to Palermo, Me., wliere they lived thirty-five years, and then, April 1, 1868, moved to Fairfield, Me., where Mr. Stone, who was born in Granthnm, .June 9, 1806, died May 14, 1883. The widow, Alice Churchill Stone, died in Fairfield, April 7, 1888. Children. 1. Vesta A. Stone, b. in Grantham, Feb. 7, 1832; m. Josiah Foye, and had one son, Dana W. Foye, who lives at Fairfield, Me., where Vesta, the mother, died Nov. 29, 1890. 2. Willard Rawson Stone, b. in Palermo, Me., June 1, 1834. He was living in Augusta, Me., in December, 1899. 305. JACOB « CHURCHILL (Ebenezer,^ Ichabod," William,* William,- John ^). Born in Plympton, Dec. 21, 1766. Was of Plympton, Oct. 15, 1787, when his marriage intentions were pub- lished. We have not been able to get any further information about this family. He died at sea. Married 1st, Eunice Stukte- VANT, of Halifax, Mass. ; d. March 7, 1789. Married 2d, Joanna Sturtevant ; d. March 28, 1843. Child of First Wife. 670 I. Jacob,' b. March 14, 1788. No further record received. Children of Second Wife. 671 II. Cyrus,' b. May 3, 1793. No further record received. III. Rebecca,' b. Sept. 9, 1797. IV. Joanna,' b. March 14, 1801. 307. ALrORD« CHURCHILL (Ebenezer,^ Ichabod," William,* William,^ John^). Born in Plympton, Feb. 19, 1773. Married Ltdia Cushman. She died Jan. 27, 1840. Children. 1. Ltdia,' b. Nov. 18, 1793. II. Nancy,' b. Aug. 25, 1798. III. Lucy,' b. Nov. 8, 1805. IV. Abigail,' b. Nov. 6, 1809 ; d. Feb. 26, 1821. SIXTH GENERATION 167 308. CORNELIUS « CHURCHILL (Ebexezek/ Ichabod," William,^ William,- John-'). Born in Plymptou, Nov. 4, 1780, and died Dec. 10, 1833. Married Desire Litchfield. She died March 18, 1813. Children . I. Olive,' b. Feb. 21, 1801. II. CoRNELins,' b. Nov. 22, 1802. Ephraim,' b. Nov. 3, 1804. Charles,' b. July IG. 1807; ra. Mary B. Wales. John,' b. July 9, 1809. VI. Bethany,' b. April 21, 1812. 309. ANSEL « CHURCHILL (Ebenezer,^ Ichabod," William,^ William,- John^). Born in Plympton, Aug. 27,1787. Married Lois Caswell, of New Bedford. Children. 676 I. Ansel,' b. Dec. 23, 1809; m. Sarah P. Delano. II. Eliza,' b. May 10, 1811; ra. Smith Fuller. 672 II 673 III 674 IV 675 V Children. 1. Ansel Fuller. 2. Eliza Fuller. 3. Nathan Fuller. 4. Hannah Fuller. 5. Ann Fuller. 677 III. Henry,' b. Jan. 13, 1813; m. Esther Shaw. 678 IV. James,' b. July 5, 1815; m Rebecca Crocker. 679 V. George Lewis,' b. Sept. 15, 1817; m. Louise Bonney. VI. Marcia,' b. Aug. 18, 1819; ra. Samuel Fuller. Children. 1. Maria T. Fuller. I 3. Waldo Fuller. 2. Lois F. Fuller. \ VII. Mercy Seekins,' b. Jan. 25, 1823; ra. Robert Weston. Children. 1. Robert Weston. 2. Charles Weston. 3. Mercy M. Weston. 4. William Weston. 5. Lucy Weston. 310. ZEBEDEE« CHURCHILL (Ichabod,^ Ichabod,* William,'^ William,- John ^). Born at Plympton, May 15, 1784. Soon after marriage he moved to Pomfret, Vt. He was a builder by trade. He died about 1827. Married Sarah B. Caswell, of Middleboro' ; she died in Taunton, July G, 1814. Children. I. Lebbeus C.,' b. in Woodstock. Vt., April 25, 1811; m. Malaney J. Hart, of Taunton ; no children. They lived in Middleboro'. 168 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY II. Lydia,'' b. in Pomfret, Vt., June 13, 1813; m. Roswell Hill. They live at Milton Junction, Wis. III. George W. C.,' b. at Pomfret, Vt., July 14, 1816; m. 1st, Chloe Jones, June 3, 1837; slied. witliout children. May 17, 1877; m. 2d, Jane Moore, Oct. 10, 1880; no issue. IV. Susan B.,' b. at Woodstock, Vt., 1820; m. George Wilbur, of Dighton, Mass. They lived in Taunton. Children. 1. George E. Wilbur. | 2. Francis M. Wilbur. 680 V. Oramel H.,' b. at Woodstock, May 20, 1825; m. Sarah C. Smith, of Middleboro', Sept. 16, 1848. 311. SETH WASHBURK6 CHURCHILL (Ichabod,^ Ichabod,^ William/ William,^ John ^). Born in Plympton, 1797. Lived in Woodstock, Vt., a farmer. Married 1st, Phebe Darling, in Wood- stock, Vt. She died there Dec. 2, 1833. Children horn in Woodstock, Vt. I. Maria,' b. July 13, 1815; m. 1st, John Wait ; m. 2d, Volney Bradley, of Woodstock. 681 II. IcHABOD Sylvester,' b. 1817; in. Adeline Dickerman, of Chico- pee, Mass. 682 III. Joseph Henry,' b. Sept. 28, 1820; m. Caroline Sikes, of Aga- wam, Jan. 29, 1843. 683 IV. Seth Doten,' b. May 5, 1823; m. Eliza Tinkham, of Westfield. V. Hannah Crawford,' b. 1826; m. John G. Daniels, of Springfield, 1850. Children. 1. Clara Daniels, m. ( ) Wait; lives in Springfield. 2. William Daniels. 3. George Daniels. VI. Nancy Eveline,' b. November, 1831 ; m. Lyman C. Frost; lives in Springfield, Mass. Children. 1. Frank P. Frost, b. July 5, 1854. 2. Edgar Lyman Frost, b. Sept. 9, 1856. 3. Henry Lyman Frost, b. March 9, i860. 4. Lizzie Amelia Frost, b. Sept. 2, 1862. 5. Ella Jean Frost, b. Jan. 29. 1865. 6. Charles Lyman Frost, b. Oct. G, 1868. 7. Arthur B. Frost, b. Aug. 2, 1871. 8. Harold Lewis Frost, b. May 13, 1881. Of Second Wife. 684 VII. Daniel Brainard,' b. Dec. 20, 1838; m. Lydia Gray, of Prov- idence, E.I., July 11, 1858. He was captain of a company in the War of 1861. Lives in Brook- lyn, N.Y. 313. ZACCHEUS« CHURCHILL (Thomas,^ Ichabod,^ William,^ William,- John^). Born in Plympton, April 20, 1779. He was a house and ship joiner, and lived in Salem. JMarried Alice DuNKLER, of Danvers. SIXTH GENEEATION 1()9 Children horn in Salem. 685 I. Zaccheus,' b. 1799 ; m. Elizabeth Gilbert, of Magnolia, 1819. II. Nancy,^ b. Nov. 12, 1805; in. William McLean, April 29, 1829, of Salem. 086 III. William,' b. June 10, 1807; ni. Sarah L. Curtis, Jan. 13, 1828. IV. Mart,' m. Jonathan Horton, in Salem, Aug. 21, 1825. V. Abigail M.,' b. Nov. 11, 1813; m. Francis Phelps. Children. 1. Abby Churcliill Phelps, b. March 2, 1834: m. Moses Wingate, Oct. 4, 1837. 2. Alice Hunt Phelps, b. Nov. 10, 1841. 313. CHARLES « CHURCHILL (Thomas,^ Ichabod," William,'' William,-' John '). Bom in Plymouth, Sept. 10, 1792, and prob- ably lived there. Married Abigail Russell. Chiklren. I. Mart E.,' d. in infancy. 687 II. Charles Otis,' b. Feb. 25, 1821. III. Betset Russell,' m. Nathaniel Wood. IV. Catharine Bridgham,' d. at 12 years. V. Rebecca Twiner,' d. in infancy. 314. DANIEL « CHURCHILL (Daniel,^ Isaac," William,^ Will- iam,- John'). Born in Plymouth, June 19, 1800. Married 1st, Rebecca Soule. Children . I. Ruth H.,' b. Aug. 17, 1821; m. Nelson Wright, March 3, 1837. No children. II. Rebeccas.,' b. May 8, 1825; m. 1st, Ira Sumnkr, February, 1841 ; ra. 2d, Orrin Clarke, 1865. III. LucT A.,' b. Aug. 22, 18J7; m. Otis W. Phtnnet, October, 1842. IV. Eunice R.,' b. Nov. 1, 1832; m. Calvin II. Bryant, Oct. 8, 1850. 315. HARVEY 6 CHURCHILL (Daniel,^ Isaac," William,' Will- iam,2 John'). Born in Plymptoii, April 11, 1805. Married Eliza Vose, June, 1843. Children. I. Eliza J.,' m. Joshua Churchill, of Abington. No children. II. Eunice R.,' m. Lawrence Fklch, of Boston, 1872. 316. TIMOTHY '5 CHURCHILL (Josiah,^ Isaac,-^ Isaac,' William,- JoHN '). Born in Plympton, Aug. 7, 1797. Died Nov. 23, 1869. Married Ruth Soule, of Plympton. 170 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY Children. I. Sarah,'' b. Dec. 20, 182(>; m. William Rounds. II. Delia,^ b. Oct. 3, 1829; m. George H. Sherman. 688 III. JosiAH,' b. Sept. 19, 1833; m. Anna Ashley. IV. Maria,' b. June 24, 1837; m. John Matthews. 317. PELHAM 6 CHUECHILL (Josiah,^ Isaac,* Isaac/ William,^ JoHN^). Born in Plyrapton, March 14, 1800. Lived in Newport, E.I., and Plymptou. He was an invalid for many years. Died Feb. 1, 1861. Married Eunice T. Simmons, of Plymouth. Children born at Neivport. 689 I. Pelham F. R.,'b. Dec. 11, 1828; m. Charlotte M. (King) Ben- son, Jan. 8, 1863. 690 II. Lemuel P.,' b. April 2, 1831; m. Priscilla F. Perkins. 318. SIMEON « CHUECHILL (Josiah,^ Isaac," Isaac,"^ William,^' JoHN^). Born in Plympton, May 25, 1802. Married, March 7, 1830, Mrs. Sally (Bisbee) Cushman. She was the daughter of John Bisbee and Priscilla (Eipley) Bisbee, his wife, and was born Oct. 9, 1805. Cliildren. I. Ann Janet,' b. May 13, 1831 ; m. William Perkins, of Plympton, June 6, 1850. 691 II. Leander Scott,' b. Dec. 19, 1832; unmarried. III. Priscilla Ripley,' b. Oct. 24, 1835 ; m. Martin Ricard. IV. Bartholomew Cushman,' b. Nov. 23, 1837; unmarried. V. Charlotte,' b. July 20, 1840; d. July 10, 1842. 319. ALEXANDEE" CHUECHILL (Josiah/ Isaac,* Isaac,'' William,- John ^). Born in Plympton, April 3, 1807. Married Lydia Bosworth, of Halifax, Mass. Children. 692 I. Asa Lyman.' II. Susan L.' 320. ALBEET SMITH" CHUECHILL (Josiah,^ Isaac,* Isaac;' William,- John^). Born in Plympton, April 19, 1815. Lived in Halifax, Mass. He died Sept. 18, 1882. Married, 1841, Priscilla S. Simmons. Children horn at Halifax. I. Helen,' b. March 30, 1843; m. Elmer Joscelyn. 693 II. JosiAH,' b. Feb. 14, 1845; m. Mary H. Willis, October, 1867. SIXTH GENEEATION 171 331. EEUBEN" CHURCHILL (Lsaac,^ Isaac,^ Isaac," William,- John'). Born in Plympton, May 30, 1813. Married, Oct. 27, 1847, Maria Crockett, at Abington. Cliildren. I. Mart,' b. Sept. 14, 1848; ni. Harrison A. Wadk, July 2. ISfiG. II. Chastina,' b. Sept. 24, 1850; m. George H. Merrill, Dec. 15, 1875. III. Ella,' b. May 26, 1854; d. Oct. 2, 1854. 694 IV. Nelson,' b. May 12, 1856; m. .Amy Reed, Aug. 11, 1877. 695 V. Edward Clinton,' b. Aug. 16, 1864; d. Oct. 22, 1864. 333, FREEMAN GROZIER" CHURCHILL (Isaac,^ Isaac," Isaac,'' William,- Johx^). Born at Abington, Jan. 2, 1815. Married, Jime 2, 1836, Elizabeth Wikslow, daughter of Thomas, of Han- over. Children. 696 I. Joshua Freeman,' b. Jan. 1.3, 1837; m. Josephine Churchill, July 6, 1864. II. Isaiah Jenkins.' b. April 2:5, 184.3; d. Aug. 31, 1843. 697 III. Isaiah Thomas,' b. April 19, 1844; m. Jane French, Nov. 29, 1865. 698 IV. George Quinct,' b. May 25, 1852; m. Agnes Howard, Sept. 27, 1876. 699 V. Franklin Newton,' b. Nov, 24, 1853; d. Sept. 13, 1854. VI. Louise Fleeda,' b. Nov. 3, 1857; d. Sept. 9, 1858. 333. EZRA" CHURCHILL (Isaac,^ Tsaac,^ Isaac,^ William,- John'). Born in Plympton, Jan. 18,1827. Lived in Worcester. Married, Oct. 20, 1855, Myra Jane Bosworth, of Bellingliam. Childre?i born in Worcester. I. LiLLiE Eliza,' b. Feb. 26, 1859 ; d. Sept. 11, 1859. II. Nellie Evelyn,', b. Jan. 11, 1861; m. Sidney P. Harding, of Worcester, July 28, 1880. III. Fannie Hart,' b. Sept. -JO, 1863. 700 IV. GEORciE BosAvoRTH,' b. Oct. 24, 1866. V. Florence Aline,' b. Dec. 30, 1871. 334. OTIS" CHURCHILL (Isaac,^ Isaac,^ Isaac,' William,- JoHN^). Born in Plympton, Oct. 6, 1828. Lived in Abington. Married Mary A. Temple, of Marlboro'. 172 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children. I. Ellen SophiaJ b. Dec. IS, 1851; d. Dee. 2, 1870. II. Alice Louise,' b. Oct. 15, 1854; m. Edgar S. Dodge, of Natick, April 15, 1880. III. Idella Francis,' b. June 22, 1856. IV. Abbey Pierce,' b. June 9, 1859. 701 V. Charles Otis,' b. May 31, 1861. 325. ASAPH" CHURCHILL (Zebedee,^ Perez,^ Bexjamin,' William,- John^). Born in Micldleboro', May 5, 1765. His father died when he was about two years old, and his mother soon married again. ISTothing is known of his childhood, until in his early youth he told of working in an iron-foundry, at six and one-quarter cents a day, and living on corn-bread and milk and fish, the latter then very plentiful. The facts of those early years are not known, but it is certain that he had an ambition to break away from his narrow surroundings, and conceived the idea that the way out was by means of an education. Prom some one he learned about Harvard College, and that to be admitted there one must have at least the rudiments of Greek and Latin. From some source he secured the books and the instruction, and one day, in the summer of 1785, he took his little bundle of earthly belongings, including his only pair of shoes, and started out into the world alone to "try his fortune." He walked from Middleboro' to Cambridge, barefoot, to save the wear of the shoes. He presented himself, was examined and admitted, and was graduated, well up in his class, in 1789. By teaching, and, it is said, preaching, as was the custom of graduates of that day, he gained the means of pursuing the study of the lavv\ He studied for a time with the Hon. John Davis, and was admitted to the Plymouth County bar, Aug. 13, 1793, at the age of 28 years. He soon after settled in Boston, and about 1805 began practice in Milton, where he continued until his death. He was one of the ablest lawyers in Norfolk County. Mr. Churchill was a very industrious student, a diligent reader of the French classics, reading and speaking the language with fluency. He had almost a passion for the acquisition of land, and became an extensive owner in Milton and vicinity. He served a brief enlistment in the War of 1812. He represented the town of Milton in the General Court for the years 1810 and 1812. Mr. Churchill was a man of public spirit and enterprise, but of independent disposition and strong individuality. He took great pains in the training of his children, seeking to shield them from the hardships which he had endured. He sought to leave them a competency, as well as an education fitting them for ASAPH CHURCHILL. (No. 325, page 172.) ASAPH CHURCHILL. (No. 702, page 296.) GARDNER ASAPH CHURCHILL. (No. 1165, page 297.) ASAPH CHURCHILL. (Page 298, under No. 1165.) FOUR GENERATIONS. .SIXTH GENERATION 173 useful aud happy lives. He was a member of the Third Church in Dorchester. In 1810 he purchased the fine estate, on jMiltou Hill, known as " the Governor Eobbins place," and there established his home Avith a lady of distinguished beauty and lovely character as his wife. ]Married, in Charlestown, May 5, 1810, Mary Gakdner, daughter of Dr. Edward, of Charlestown. She died in Milton, Jan. 21, 1859. Mr. Churchill died in 1841. Children horn in Miltoti. I. MARYjb. April 12, ISll; d. Feb. U, 1828. II. Juliet,' b. Dec. 13, 1812; d. unmarried, May 30, 18G2. 702 III. Asaph,' b. April 20, 1814; m. 1st, Mary Buckminster Brewer, May 1, 18;!8; in. 2d, Mary Ann Ware, of Milton, 18()2. IV. Sarah,' b. Feb. 1, 1816; d. unmarried, June 28, 1.S8G. V. Charles Marshall Spring,' b. April 25, 1819; d. Oct. 9, 1822. 703 VI. Joseph McKeen,' b. April 29, 1821; m. Augusta Phillips Gard- ner, of Richmond, Va., June 6, 1861. 704 VII. Charles Marshall Spring,' b. May 1, 182.5; m. Susan E. Spooner, dau. of Dr. Jolin P. Spooner, of Dorcliester, April 6, 1853. 32(5. ASAPH « CHURCHILL (Perez,^ Perez,^ Benjamin,"' William,- JoHx ^). Born in Middleboro', March 7, 1789, and lived there until his death in ISGl. Mr. Churchill learned and followed the dyers' trade for some years, but settled down to farming later. Married, at Middleboro', Jan. 6, 1819, Ehoda Johnson Atwood, daughter of John and Rlioda Atwood, born in Bridgewater, Aug. 30, 1798. When she was four years old her parents removed to Middleboro', and she always lived there afterwards. On the occasion of her one hundred and first birthday, sketches appeared in Massachusetts papers, telling something of her life. She lived in her later years with her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Waterman, on Spring street, Middle- boro'. Aug. 30, 1899, she was still bright and active, retaining her faculties remarkably, especially her memory. She was very fond of recalling the incidents of her girlhood, remembering distinctly the marching of the soldiers in the W^ar of 1812, as they marched through Middleboro' to Plymouth for the protection of that port. Neither of her parents lived to old age, her mother dying of con- sumption at the age of thirty-nine years, and her father at sixty- three years. She has lived a simple, hard-working, cheerful, and healthy life. She died Sept. 7, 1902, aged 104 years and 8 days, retaining her mental faculties to the end. Children born in 3Iiddleboro' . 705 I. George Atwood,' b. Sept. 26, 1819; in. Amarantha J. Burgess, March 2, 1842. II. Charlotte Augusta,' b. May 26, 1821; m. Edmond Pope. 174 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY One child. 1. Henry Freeman Pope, b. July 5, 1843; d. June 11, 1895. III. Rhoda Johnson,' b. Sept. 16, 1823; m. George S. Savory. She died in Middleboro', Jan. 7, 1899. No children. IV. Julia Allen,' b. Oct. 11, 1827; ni. James H. Waterman, Nov. 28, 1855. They lived in Middleboro' and had three children. Children. 1. Mary Isabella Waterman, b. Sept. 17, 1850; m. Edward S. Gay. 2. Julia Ann Waterman, b. June U, 1858; d. .Jan. 8, 1864. 8. Rhoda Savory Waterman, b. June 17, 1869; m. Harrison B. Ellis, June 9, 1892. 706 V. Charles Asaph,' b. Nov. 6, 1835; m. Hannah D. Drinkwater. 337. JOSEPH « CHUECHILL (Isaac/ Perez/ Benjamin/ William/ John ^). Born in Middleboro', June 6, 1778. Lived there, and later in Pomfret, Vt. Married, Xov. 6, 1817, Margaret Gardner. She died Nov. 11, 1830. Children. I. Matilda,' b. 1818. 707 II. Daniel,' b. 1820. No further record. III. Clarinda,' b. 1830. Four other children, whose names are not received, died young. 328. ZEBEDEE « CHUPvCHILL (Isaac/ Perez,^ Benjamin,^ Will- iam/ JoHN^). Born in Middleboro', Feb. 19, 1779. Settled in Pomfret, Vt. Married, at Pomfret, Vt., Nov. 4, 1809, Azubah Cheedle, of Pomfret, Vt. Children born in romfret. I. Rachel,' b. Aug. 21, 1810; ra. Edward Brown, April 22, 1832. They lived in Bridgewater, Vt. , where she died Dec. 20, 1857. A son, James Brown, was living in Plymouth, Vt., in 1H87. II. Isaac 0.,'b. Marcli 27, 1812; never married; d. Oct. 1, 1886. III. Asaph W.,' b. March 16, 1814; m. Mrs. Olivia M. Jackman, March 20, 1844. No children. They were living in Pomfret, Vt., in 1887. IV. Marv Ann, b. Feb. 11, 1816; m. Zenas Adams, at Pomfret, Vt., Nov. 25, 1837. They were living in Florida in 1888. Children. 1. Martha L. Adams, b. Nov. 27, 1839. 2. Milo P. Adams, b. Oct. 8, 1841. 3. We;illhy B. Adams, b. Nov. 13, 1843. 4. Zenas Adams, b. Feb. 22, 1849. 5. Frank Adams, b. Jan. 19, 1855. ;\ -2 -'-^^ i^V^^ r'^flj! I/' ^* •»-i ; (tti ^"^ 1' -I*! J^ CHURCHILL HOUSE MILTON. MASS. Built 1740 SIXTH GENERATION 175 708 V. Zebedee p.,' b. May 15, 1818; m. 1st, Orleana Boutwell, June 1, 1846; m. 2d. Emily Okdwat. VI. Frances Maria, ^ b. May 22, 1820; m. Alvin Perham, May 14, 1849. They lived, in 1857, at Barnard, Vt. She died May 3, 1867. VII. Fidelia,' b. March 3, 1822; m. Lyman Perkins, May 1, 1849. They lived, in 1857, in Bridgewater, Vt. A son, Lyman Perkins, was living in Taftsville, Vt., in 1887. 339. ISAAC" CHURCHILL (Isaac,^ Perez,^ Benjamin^MVilliam/ John'). Born at Middleboro', June 30, 1786, and moved to Pomfret, Vt., with his father's family. He served in the War of 1812, and his wife was with liim at Plattsburgh, and one of their childreii was born in camp during the battle. In 1857 they lived at Mt. Anna, 111., and he died about 1869. Married, December, 1809, in Vermont, Lydia Rogers, who was born in Lynn, Conn. Child7-en. I. Arethi-sa,' b. July 10, 1811. 709 II. Liberty,' b. at battle of Plattsburgh, Sept. II, 1814. 710 HI. Daniel H.,' b. March 1, 1818. 711 IV. Lorenzo Dow,' b. May 3, 1820; m. Lovisa Jane Hackett. This man was living at Mellette, S. Dak., in 1887, and wrot° t o letters, but made no mention of having any children. V, Malentiia,' b. Aug. 22, 1823. 330. PHINEAS " CHURCHILL (Isaac,^ Perez,^ Benjamin,'^ Will- iam,- JoHN^). Born in Middleboro', April 28, 1793. Lived in Pomfret, Vt., and later in Barnard, Vt. He died August, 1886. Married, 1814, Arvilla (Grow) Watkins. Children lorn in Pomfret. I. Arabella E.,' b. Aug. 19, 1815; m. Obed Adams, in Woodstock, Vt., Nov. 23, 1834. Children. 1. Martin V. Adams, b. Aug. 29, 1835; unmarried. 2. Austin V. Adams, b. May 26, 1837. 3. Edgar A. Adams, b. July 26, 1840; d. Jan. 3, 1863; un- married. 4. Owen O. Adams, b. Sept. 30, 1841; m. 1st, Sarah Gibbs, Sept. 17, 1867; ra. 2d, Alice Perry, Nov. 13, 1873. 5. Celestia Adams, b. April 22, 1843; m. Morillo M. Whipple, Feb. 16, 1871. 6. Willis C. Adams, b. May 18, 1845; m. Ollie Norcross, July 10, 1883. 7. James D.Adams, b. May 28, 1846; m. Effle Dana, Sept. 7, 1873. 8. Annette Adams, b. Feb. 18, 1848; m. Henry L. Stevens, Sept. 5, 1867. 9. Millard O. Adams, b. July 6, 1850; d. March 22, 1852. 10. Martha A. Adams, b. Sept. 11, 1851 ; d. March 27, 1852. 176 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY II. Adeline,' b. June 27, 1817; m. Maverick Adams. III. James,' b. Oct. 15, 1819 ; d. unmarried at the age of 64 years. IV. Elvira,' b. July 22, 1822; ni. Charles Howard, of Bethel, Vt. 712 V. Orlando,' b. Oct. 23, 1825; m. Temperance Holmes, at Little Falls, Minn. VI. Arvilla,' b. June 15, 1829; m. Horace Dewey. VII. Henry,' b. July 30, 1832; d. aged 11 years. VIII. Martha,' b. Aug. 17, 1834; m. Allen Kendall. 331. JACOB '■■ CHURCHILL (Isaac/' Perez,' Benjamin/ William/ JoHN^). Born in Miclclleboro', April 5,179-. Lived in Pomfret, Vt. Married at Pomfret, April 4, 1821, Betsey Howard. They had one Child. I. Emily,' no record received. SPRAGUE*^ CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ Perez/ Benjami^ William," Johx ^). Born in Middleboro', April 28, 1787. Moved with his father's family to Paris, Me., and settled on the lot, now the homestead of his son, Kingman Chnrchill. Married Harriet Holmes, daughter of Captain Lemuel. Children horn in Paris, Me. 713 I. William,' b. Sept. 5, 1814; m. Mary Libby, Nov. 30, 1841. II. Harriet,' b. Sept. 28, 1816; m. 1st, Wright Barrett; ra. 2d, SoLOMAN Chase. III. Polly,' b. April 26, 1819; d. Oct. 12, 1838; unmarried. IV. Clara,' b. June 24, 1821; m. 1st, Joseph C. Tuttle, Eeb. 19, 1851, in Paris, Me.; m. 2d, America Bisbee. Children. 1. Walter H. Tuttle, b. April 22, 1856; d. March 2, 1859. 2. Clara F. Tuttle, b. Feb. 6, 1858; m. George P. Downing, of Norway, Me., Dec. 24, 1887. 714 V. Kingman,' b. June 18, 1823; m. Loretta Andrews, dau. of David. 333. WILLIAM'' CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ Perez,^ Benjamin/ William,- John ^). Born in Oxford County, Me., May 21, 1792. He was a soldier in the War of 1812. He lived in Bucbfield. Mar- ried 1st, Polly Bird. No children. Married 2d, Rebecca Churchill, of Buckfield. She was born Oct. 9, 1802, and died in Norway, July 9, 1880. Children of Second Wife. 716 I. Joseph,' b. Feb. 2, 1828; m. 1st, Betsey Moody, of New Glouces- ter; m. 2d, ViANA Perham, of Woodstock. II. Calista,' b. March 22, 1833; ni. Calvin Richardson, of Green- wood, Oct. 13, 1856. SIXTH GENERATION 177 Children born in Norway. 1. Herbert Richiirdson, b. Nov. 27, 1857. 2. Emma RicliarJson, b. Aug. 14, 1861. 3. Hattie Richardson, b. April 21. 1864. 4. Levi Richardson, b. Feb. 1'6, 1868. 717 III. William," b. Jan. 22, 1837; m. Mary Perlet, of Norwav. Dead. IV. Ellen,' b. Jan. 1, 1839; m. John Gerry, of Norway, Me., IMarch 13, 1860. Mr. Gerry was born in Fermoy, Munster County, Ireland, Aug. 3, 1826, and died in Norway, Me., May 12, 1877. Lived in Greenwood and Norway, Me. Children. 1. Cora Gerry, b. in Greenwooil, Feb. 18, 1864; d. in Norway, May 1, 1879. 2. Ina Gerry, b. in Norway, Nov. 12, 1867. 3. William Gerry, b. in Norway, Oct. 29, 1875. 334. SULLIVAN'' CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ Perez/ Ben-jamix,' William,- John '). Born in 179S. Lived in Oxford County, Me. Married Martha Smith. One son. I Horace P.,' said to have lived in Gorham, N.H., in 1900. No further record obtained. 335. JOAB« CHURCHILL (Jakez,'' Benjami^V Ben.jami.V Will- iam,- JoHN^). Born in Middleboro', Mass., March 2, 1784. W^ent with his father's family to Hartford, ^Nle., about 1800. Died April 12, 1857. He lived in Hartford, Me. Married, Feb. 2G, 1809, Philexa Hatford. Children horn in Hartford, Me. I. JiLiA French,^ b. June 7, 1810; m. Daniel Thurston Stevens, Dec. 3, 1834. She d. Nov. 16, 1860. II. Philena Haykoud,' b. June 12, 1812; m. Brownell M. Bicknell, Dec. 7, 1834. She d. Feb. 19, 1841. III. Maria,' b. May 19, 1814; d. Aug. 23, 1814. IV. Nancy Harmon,' b. May 9, 1816; m. Rev. Charles P. Bartlett, May 6, 1840. 336. JABEZ« CHURCHILL (Jabez,^ Bex.jamix,^ Benjami^ William,- Johx^). Born in j\[iddleboro', March 14, 1797. Re- moved with his father's family to Hartford, Me. He settled first in Parkman, Me., later in Portland and Hallowell. Died in Stockton Minn., 1876. Married Phebe Hazelton. Children . I. Mary D.,' b. Aug. 18, 1823; m. Albert Thomas. 178 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children, 1. Fred A. Thomas, b. in Hallowell, Me., June 2, 1854. 2. Charles F. Thomas, b. in Hallowell, Me., Aug. 2, 18.56. 3. Walter U. Thomas, b. in Stockton, Minn., Nov. 20, 1859, 4. Alberta Thomas, b. in Winona, Minn., July 30, 1869. 718 11. Chauncey,' b. March 28, 1830, in Parkman, Me. III. LucT Ellen, ^ b. Jan. 2, 1834, in Portland; m. Jesse Tuck. Child. 1. William A. Tuck, b. in Hallowell, Me., Dec. 26, 1864. 719 IV. Charle.s E.,' b. May 22, 1836, in Portland, Me. V. Sarah F.,^ b. May 16, 1839, in Hallowell, Me. 720 VI. WiLLL\M H.,' b. Oct. 10, 1841, in Hallowell, Me. 337. WILLIAM ^ CHURCHILL (William/ Benjamin/ Ben.jamin/ William/ John^). Bom in Buckfield, Me., Aug. 5, 1796, but re- moved soon with his father's family to Wayne. He was of a roving and adventurous nature and followed the sea for many years, return- ing to his family in Wayne after his voyages. He related many wonderful adventures at sea. He was once wrecked and with one companion swam to a wild shore where they were captured by the natives and made slaves, but escaped to a passing vessel and so got home. On another voyage he was captured by pirates, and on their capture of a prize they paid him five hundred dollars, and he soon after made his escape while the ship was in a West Indian port taking fuel and water. He lived on his farm in Wayne later. He was a large and powerful man, active in hunting and fishing. He was drowned in Wayne Pond, Dec. 3, 18.32, while skating across in pursuit of some wild ducks which had lighted in an open place. He skated into a hole, while his three eldest children stood on the shore watching, but unable to help. They ran to call a neighbor, but their father crawled out and came nearly to the shore Avhen the ice again gave way, and he was so exhausted and chilled that he sank down before help could reach him. Married in Wayne (intentions pub- lished May 24, 1809), Phebe Maxim, of Wayne, who was born Aug. 5, 1795. Children born in Wayne, Me. I. Florinda W.,' b. Oct. 8, 1817; m. Charles Gordon, at Monmouth, May 20, 1838. He was the son of Jonathan and Sarah (Pettingill) Gordon, died July 1882. She died May 21, 1886. Children horn in Leeds, Me. 1. Phebe J. Gordon, b. July 21, 1845; m. Hezekiah Gordon, Jan. 1. 1868. 2. Charles W. Gordon, b. Jan. 15, 1849 ; m. Annie Burrell, of Mil- ford, Mass., Jan. 1, 1868. 3. Lydia A. Gordon, b. Nov. 10, 1850; m. Herbert Millett, of Leeds, 1871. SIXTH GENERATION 179 721 II. Thomas Wilsox,' b. June 28, 1821; m. Sarah Ireland. 722 III. Lewis,' b. March 2, 1823; m. Rith Pettingill, of Presque Isle, Me., Feb. 19, 1850. IV. William,' b. May 1, 1825; m. Mary J. Gordon, of Leeds, Me., 1852. V. Jemima,' b. July 6, 1827; m. Lyman Seabfuy. Child. I. Mary Seabury ; m. Frederick Flanders, of Monmouth. VI. Lydia,' b. April 16, 1829; d. unmarried, June 30, 1845; aged 1(5 years. VII. Emily,' b. April 27, 1831; d. March, 1883. VIII. Emily A.,' b. March 19, 1833; m. Daniel H. Peaslee, at Lewis- ton, Feb, 13, 181rlt. He was the son of Jonathan and Sally (Ilook) Peaslee, and was borninWeare, N.II., March 15, 1818. He acquired a good busini'ss education; he was a farmer in Springfield, N.H., a respected and influential citizen, and died Jan. 1, 1877. Children of Daniel H and Emily {Churchill) Peaslee. The first born in Monmouth, Me., the rest in Springfield, JV.U. 1. Emily Amanda Peaslee. b. Dec. 13, 1849 ; m. William Sever- ance, of Grafton, N.H., Oct. 20, 1869. 2. Alice Alta Peaslee, b. Nov. 24, 1852; d. unmarried, Oct. 31, 1869. 3. Ida Irene Peaslee, b. Aug. 3, 1854; m. Frank Sargent, of Graf- ton, N.H., Nov. 29, 1876. 4. Lewis Churchill Peaslee, b. Sept. 30, 1856; m. Minnie True!), of Corni.sh, N.H. 5. Phebe Ellen Peaslee, b. Nov. 3. 1857; m. George II. Cross, Nov. 22, 1885, of Springfield, N.H. 6. Daniel Hook Peaslee, Jr.. b. Aug. 13, 1859; m. Abbie M. Hardie, of Springfield, Nov. 10, 1882. 7. Carrie Peaslee, b. June 8, 1861 ; m. Henry G. Gordon, of Wayne, Me., Nov. 11, 1884. 8. Ernest Peaslee, b. March 13, 1 CHUECHILL (Jabez," Jabez,* Josiah,'^ William,^ JoHN^). Born in Hebron, Me. Lived in Buckfield, Me. Married Sarah Dudley. Children horn in Buckfield. I. Jane,' b. Jan. 8, 1814; m. Daniel Dudley. II. Maria,' b. May 9, 1817; m. Demeric Swan (his second wife). Children. 1. Sarah Swan, b. 1840; m. Ethiel Bumpus. 2. Catharine Swan, b. 1842; ra. Charles Wight, of Oxford. 3. Ambrose Swan, b. 1845; m. Frances Taylor. 4. Lorinda Swan, b. 1847; m. Adelbert Jordan, of Buckfield. 5. Orphia Swan. b. 1849; ra. Greenleaf Furness, of Buckfield. 6. Henry Swan, b. 1855. III. Orphia,' b. 1818; m. James N. D. Churchill, son of Matthew, April 7, 1836. See No. 737. 349. MATTHEW" CHUECHILL (Jabez,' Jabez," Josiah," Will- iam,-, John ^). Born in Hebron, March 20, 1791. Lived in Xorth Eaymond, Me. He was a farmer, a leading citizen of the town, a man of wide and good influence in the community, a justice of the peace. Married Dorothy Hall, of Falmouth, born Feb. 11, 1788. Children. 737 I. James N. D.,' b. in Falmouth. Me., March 25, 1815; m. 1st, Orphia Churchill, dau. of Bela, April 7, 1836. She d. April 14, 1854. He m. 2d, Hannah White. II. Maria Benson,' b. in Falmouth, Jan 14, 1817; m. William Morrill, Jr., of Raymond, Nov. 30, 1837. SIXTH GENERATION 185 Children horn in Raymond. 1. Manjaret E. Morrill, b. Julv 9, 1838; m. Stephen R. Small. 2. Mary A. Morrill, h. July 13", 1840; d. March 22, 1843. 3. Matthew C. Morrill, b. Nov. 5, 1842; m. 1st, Mary Brown, Jan. 12, 1867; m. 2l1, Mary J. MoConkey, Jan. 17, 1874. They lived in Gray, .Me. Mr. Morrill was a soldier of the Civil War, Second Maine Cavalry. Has served in the Maine Legislature, two years in the House and four years in the Senate* The children of first wife were all born in Gray, and were (1) Hugh r., b. Dec. 3, 1808; m Dora S. Brown, Feb. 8, 1893; d. June 7, 189G; (2) John, b. June 8, 1870; d. Aug. 7, 1872; (3) Mary B., b. Oct. 9, 1872; m. Isaiah Hawkes, March 19, 1894, and d. Nov. 26, 1895. The children of second wife were (4) AdaE., b. Feb. 27, 1876; d Jan. 27, 1880; (5) John \V., b. July 7, 1878; m. Bessie W. Anderson, Sept. 20, 1899; (6) George A., b. June 7, 1880; (7) True C, b. July '-'3, 1881 : d. Aug. 3, 1884; (8) True C, b. May 3, 1885; (9) Margaret E., b. May 29, 1895; d. Jan. 7, 1896. 4. Marv A. Morrill, b. Feb. 16, 1845; d. Aug. 10, 1848. 5. A.sa>. Morrill, b. Jan. 26, 1847; m. 1st, Lydia A. Morrill; m. 2d, Eunice H. Powers. 6. William Morrill, b. Nov. 29, 1>'^48; m. Alice Doughty. 7. Mary A. Morrill, b. Dec. 6, 18.">0; d. March 2, 18(i9. 8. Maria Morrill, b. July 8, 1852; m. Benjamin Haskell, of Gor- ham. May 12, 1877. 9. Anna F. Morrill, b. Feb. 15, 1855; m. Nelker D. Haskell, Aug. 17, 1873. 738 III. Silas H.,' b. in Falmouth, Jan. 19, 1819; m. Ardella H. Tobie, of New Gloucester, xVpril 10, 1853. 739 IV. Matthew,' b. in Raymond, Jan. 11, 1821; m. Sarah Abigail Adams, in Boston, Nov. 13, 1851. v. Haxnah N.,' b. in Raymond, Oct 27, 1823; m. Bei.a Latham, of Raymond, Oct. 19, 1841. He was born Feb. 15, 1819. Children born in Raymond. 1. Lucv A. Latham, b. Aug. 9, 1841; d. March IG, 1842. 2. Bela E. Latham, b. March 16, 1845; d. in U.S. Army, Aug. 23, 1864. 3. Charles H. Latham, b. April 19, 1847; m. Adeline E. Ilutchins, Aug. 11, 1870. 4. Pheba J. Latham, b. Aug. 13, 1850; m. James H. Leach, Sept. 24, 1868. VI. Sarah Ann,' b. in Ravmond, April 25, 1825; m. William Small, of Gray, March 26, 1845. VII. Persis M.,' b. in Raymond, Sept. 17, 1827; m. Samuel Hodgdon, Dec. 27, 18.50. Children. 1. Lucy Hodgdon, d. in infancy. 2. Elizabeth Hodgdon, b. Sept. 30, 1856; m. Horace Strout. 3. Samuel Hodgdon, b. Sept. 9, 1859; m. Fannie McNally. 4. Ellen Hodgdon, b. Sept. 5, 1861; m. Hadley Hunt. 5. Mabel Hodgdon, b. May 23, 1863; m. Zenas Haines. 6. Alfred Lyman Hodgdon, b. June 6, 1865. 740 VIII. Joseph Warren,' b. in Raymond, Aug. 9, 1829; m. Mary J. Doane, of Durham, Me., July 8, 1849. IX. LorisA S.,' b. in Raymond, June 17, 1831; m. Lltiier Edwards, of Casco. 186 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY 350. JABEZ" CHURCHILL (Jabez,' Jabez/ Josiah/' Williams- John '). Born in Hebron, Me. ; m. Tirzah Dudley. Child. 741 I. Osgood B.' No record. 351. JOSIAH« CHURCHILL ( Josiah,"' Jabez,^ Josia^ William,^ John ^). The place and date of his birth have not been found. By a mistake of an informant, the name of his wife was given as his father's wife. We do not know the name of his father's wife. He settled in New Gloucester and married Lydia Orr. Intentions published in New Gloucester, Me., Dec. 17, 1808. Children born in New Gloucester and Raymond. 741a I. JosiAH,' b. May 22, 1809; ra. Katharine Hilton. II. Jerathmeel,'' b. April 26, 1811 ; d. soon. III. Jerathmeel,' b. May -i, 1813; d. soon. IV. .Joseph Fessenden,' b. .June 4, 1815. V. Sally Rogers,' b. July 31, 1817. VI. Olive,' b. March 19, 1819. VII. Asaph,' b. Nov. 28, 1821; d. April 9, 1822. VIII. Lydia R.,' b. Dec. J 3, 1825; d. March 7, 1826. 352. ASAPH « CHURCHILL (Asaph,' Jabez,^ Josiah,^^ William,- JoHN 1). Born in Backfield, July 31, 1803, and lived there. Died 1876. Married, 1st, in 1825, Sally Peterson. She died in 1840. Married 2d, Lovina Moody, in 1842. Children of First Wife. 742 I. Richard,' b. Jan. 28, 1828; m. Sarah Daniels, April 19, 1854. II. Francis,' d. young. III. Edwin,' d. young. 743 IV. George,' b. Sept. 4, 1837; m. Annie H. Dwyer, Dec. 12, 1866. Children of Second Wife. 744 V. Allen Moody,' b. July 21, 1842; m. Mary S. Newbegin, Oct. 4, 1866. VI. Fabyan,' b. March 17, 1844; killed in battle during the Civil War. VII. Celeste,' b. Nov. 11, 1845; m. Metcalf Andrews. VIII. Adelbert,' b. September, 1847; killed in battle during the Civil War. IX. Ella,' b. May 6, 1849; m. Humphrey Herrick. X. Edgar Ensign,' b. March, 1851 ; d. in infancy. XI. A SON, not named, b. April, 1852; d. in infancy. XII. Hannah,' b. March 16, 1853; m. Edmund L. Bailey. 745 XIII. Augustus Eugene.' b. April 28, 1856. 740 XIV. Sherman,' b. April 21, 1801. SIXTH GENERATION 187 353. HIRAM « CHURCHILL (Asaph,^ Jabez," Josiah,^ William,- JoHN 1). Born in Paris, Me., 1808. Died Jan. 5, 1882. Married 1st, Margaret Tarbox. Married 2d, July 14, 18G1, Melinda S. Rockwell. She was born Jan. 13, 1842. Children of First Wife. I. Ellen,' d. unmarried. Children of Second Wife. 747 II. George Hiram, '^ b. Oct. 4, 1864, at Charlestown, Mass. 748 III. Frederick Augustus,' b. Dec. 21, 1867, at Charlestown, Mass. IV. Nettie Augusta,' b. April 3, 1870, at Charlestown, Mass. 749 V. Edward Everett,' b. Feb. 3, 1873, at Charlestown, Mass. 354. NATHANIEL « CHURCHILL (Asaph,^ Jabez," Josiah,^ William,- Johx '). Born in Paris, >[e.. May 28, 1810. Lived at Emory's Mill, .Ale. He died May 18, 1866. Married, Nov. 6, 1843, Abby W. Stevexs, of Shapleigli, Me., born Sept. 3, 1819. Children. I. Belle G.,' b. Aug. 23, 1845; m. George L. Prescott, Nov. 5, 1870. 750 II. Roger Williams,' b. Au^. 30, 1847; m. Maggie A. Archibald, Dec. 13. 1883. III. RuFus S.,' b. Dec. 6, 1856; d. March 9. 1857. 751 IV. Edgar W.,' b. Dec. 15, 1858; unmarried in March, 1889. 355. ELBRIDGE« CHURCHILL (Asapii,^ Jabez,^ Josiah,^ Will- iAM,2 JoHx^). Born in Paris, Me., 1812. Married 1st, Maky Sophia Peterson. She was born Sept. 27, 1824 ; married 2d, Abbie Cole. She was born Sept. 22, 1824. One Child by First Wife. I. Nancy,' d. ageil 2 j'ears 6 months. Children by Second Wife. II. Nancy,' b. Nov. 8, 1844. TIL Mary Sophia,' b. Sept. 22, 1846. IV. Asaph,' d. in infancy. V. Marilda,' d. in infancy. VI. Annette,' d. in infancy. VII. AMERicus,'d. at the age of 15 vears. 752 VIII. Ferguson, ',b. April 1, 1859. IX. Maria,' d. in childhood. 753 X. Albert,' b. Oct. 7, 1866. 356. ALBERT « CHURCHILL (Asaph,^ Jabez," Josiah,^ William,- JoHN 1). Born in Paris, Me., May 21, 1816. Married, 1842, Mercy Ereeman. 188 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children. I. Angeroxe,' b. 1843; d. unmarried, 1882. II. Ellen A.J b. Dec. 25, 184G ; m. Jasox McLeod, July 8, 1871. Ch ildren . 1. Malcolm McLeod, b. June 23, 1872; d. Feb. 4, 1885. 2. Albert Churchill McLeod, b. March 22, 1874. 3. Arthur James McLeod, b. Aug. IG, 1878. 4. Nettie Winfred McLeod, b. June 23, 1880. 5. Mabel Angie McLeod, b. March 12, 1883 6. Ethel McLeod, b. Aug. 5, 1888. III. Albert F.,' b. 1850; d. March, 1852. IV. Winnie,' b. 1856. V. Ada F.,' b. 1861. 754 VI. Edwin P.,' b. 1865. 357. DAVID EUSSELL ^ CHURCHILL (JoH>r,5 Israel/ Josiah/ William/ John '). Born at Yonge, Ont., January, 1813. Married, at Yonge, Jane jNIcVeigh. Children horn at Yonge, Leeds County, C. W. 755 I. Arza," b. March 8, 1835; d. in Detroit. 756 II. Malcolm,' m. Harriet Hamblen, settled in North Dakota. III. Adeline Adella,' m. William Bradley. 757 IV. William Murray,' ra. LrcY Scott, at Elizabeth, Ont. V. Lavinia,' no record. VI. Ann Eliza,' m. William H. Moulton. They had a son, J. H. Moulton, who lived at Westport, Ont., April, 1901. VII. Diantha Jane,' died young. VIII. Sarah Diantha,' died young. 758 IX. Benjamin McVeigh,' m. 1st, Mary Whalen, in Westport, Ont. ; m. 2d, ( ) ( ), in East Saginaw; m. 3d, ( ) ( ), in East Saginaw. 358. JOHN« CHUECHILL (John,^ Israel/ Josiah/ William,^ John ^). Born in Yonge, Ont., in 1816, and died in 1860. Married 1st, ( ) ( ) ; married 2d, in Oshawa, Wliitly County, C.W., Sophia Tompkins, July 28, 1847. Children hy First Wife. 759 I. William Henry,' b. April 11, 1844; m. Alice Titus, who was b. Jan. 30, 1848. --^ Children by Second Wife. II. Sarah Ann,' b. in Oshawa, May 24, 1848 ; m. Williaji Lamb, of Oshawa, 1868. They had three children, names not received by us. III. Minerva,' b. in Oshawa, Feb. 29, 1852 ; m., in 18"70, Charles Rob- inson, of Highland Creek, Ont. They had five children, names not received by us. 7 2- ^^y^"*'^ Oberlender. 3. Jennie L. Oberlender. 4. Fred Oberlender. 5. Mildred Oberlender. 6. Jeannette Oberlender. SEVENTH GENEEATION 205 817 V. Peter Lovejoy.^ b. Nov. 29, 184G; d. unmarried, Feb. 25, 1872. 818 VI. Frank M.,^ b. Aug. 29, 1850; m. Laura Linderman, Oct. 25, 1876. They lived at Bannister, Mich., and had, it is said, nine children, but we have not been able to get the names. 819 VII. Omar A.,» b. May 17, 1853; m. Sallie E. Ditton, Feb. 6, 1876. They are said to have had four children; names not received. He died Dec. 15, 1887. VIII. LiLLis Nevada,* b. at Shellsburg, Iowa, .Tune 18, 1855; m. Samtel F. Negley, Jan. 1, 1880, at Wahoo, Neb. He was the son of James S. and Jane Negley. He was a farmer and mechanic, and lived at Wahoo, Neb., where they had seven children, viz. : Children. 1. Feme Anna Negley, b. Jan. 1, 1881. 2. Floyd Carroll Negley, b. Aug. 8, 1884. 3. Grace Marshall Noglev, Oct. 20, 1887. 4. Noel Ardis Negley, b.>eb. 27, 1889. 5. Doris Opal Negley, b. Sept. 7, 1892. 6. Marjorie Thankful Negley, b. July 2, 1895. 7. Bernice Winifred Negley, b. Sept. 26, 1899. IX. Harry E.,^ b. July 16, 1861 ; m. Isabella Vax Osdall, at Gene- see, 111., June G, 1882. Born at Shellsburg, Iowa. Educated at Coe Institute, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Western College. Lived at Toledo, Iowa. Practised law, and was deputy auditor and treasurer of Tama County, Iowa; removed before 1889 to Greeley, Col., where he is an emi- nent member of the bar. Childreyi. 1. Flossie Estollc, b. May 26, 1883, in Toledo, Iowa. 2. Harry Van Osdall, L. May 10, 1886, in Toledo, Iowa. 3. Isabel Lovejoy, b. Feb. 4, 1889, in Greeley, Col. 394. ALDEN P.' CHURCHILL (Jesse,« Ichabod,^ Joseph,^ Bar- nabas,' Joseph,- John ^). Boru in Woodstock, Vt., July 8, 1822, and lived with his uncle, Nathan T., until manhood. Married Eliza- beth M. GiLMAN. Children. I. Horace H.,« b. May 3. 1847; d. Sept. 2, 1848. II. JiLiA E.,« b. May 11, 1850; d. Jan. 8, 1860. IIL Edwin A.,* b. July 10, 1854; d. Aug. 12, 1854. 396. JESSE F." CHURCHILL (Jesse,^ Ichabod,^ Joseph,^ Barna- BAs,3 Joseph,- John'). Born in Woodstock, Yt., Dec. 16, 1826. Lived at Fitchburg, Mass. Married at Bellows Falls, Aug. 2, 1854, Sabra Carter. 20G THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children. I. Charles F.,« b. May 2, 1854; d. March 5, 1874. II. LlLLIAN,8 b. Oct. 13, 1860. III. Julia E.,» b. Dec. 24, 1862. IV. Sarah G.,^ b. May 5, 1866; d. Sept. 4, 1866. V. ADAW.,«b. Dec. 5, 1867; d. Aug. 9, 1868. 397. EDMUND FLETCHER' CHURCHILL (Levi,« Joseph,^ Jo- seph/ Barnabas/ Joseph,- John ^) . Born at Woodstock, Vt., 1811. He died at Proctorsville, \t., Aug. 13, 1846. Married at Hartlaud, Vt., Sept. 25, 1844, Maria Marble, who was born in Charlestown, Mass., Jan. 14, 1814. Child born at Proctorsville, Vt. I. Elizabeth Keziah,^ b. Sept. 29, 1845 ; ni. Edwin Ellis Woodman, at Munroe, Wis., May 10, 1871. They resided in St. Paul, Minn. He was born in St. Louis, and was captain of the Thirteenth Wisconsin Vohmteers in the Civil War. 398. LEVI^ CHURCHILL (Levi,« Joseph,^ Joseph,* Barnabas,^ Joseph,- John^). Born Sept. IG, 1813, at Woodstock, Vt. He moved to the West, and lived a while in Minnesota and then in St. Louis, Avhere he died in 1857. His widow lived there in 1895. Married, Oct. 2, 1844, Elizabeth M. Proctor, at Proctorsville, Vt. One Child born in Proctorsville, Vt. I. Nelly,® b. June 7, 1849; d. at Stillwater, Minn., Aug. 22, 1850. 399. CAPT. WILLIAM HUNTERS CHURCHILL (Sylvester,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,* Barnabas,^ Joseph,- John^). Born at Bedloe's Island, July 8, 1819. Graduated at West Point, 1840 ; died in 1847, at Point Isabel, Tex. Married, at Savannah, Ga., 1844, Elizabeth Margaret Cutler. Child born in Savannah, Ga. 821 I. Richard Cuyler,^ b. Dec. 12, 1845; m. Josephine Young, of Brooklyn, N.Y., 1866. They lived at Fort Delaware, West Point, and Assining, N.Y. Children. 1. William Hunter, b. at Fort Delaware, Sept. 12, 1867; unmar- ried. 2. Annie Mason, b. at Fort Delaware, March 15, 1869; m. Bertram Dawson Coleman, of Lebanon, Peun. SEA^ENTH GENERATION 207 3. Maud, b. at West Point, July 12, 1872; m. DeLancy NicoU, Dec. 11, 18!)0. Mr. NicoU was district attorney of New York City from fall of 1890 to I89X>. 4. Elizabeth Margaret, b. at Assiuing, N.Y., May 22, 187-1 ; d. in infancy. 5. Richard Randolph Curler, b. Nov. 2, 1877, at Assining, N.Y. 400. NATHANIEL" CHURCHILL (Nathaxiel,«Nathaxiel,^ Lem- uel/ Barnabas,^ Joseph,- John '). Born iu Wakefield, N.B., May|^9, 1799. Lived first at Andover, N.B., and then settled in Washburn, Me., about 1824, and lived there. Married 1st, July 30, 1822, at Andover, N.B., Jerusha Freeman, born July 24, 1803, and 2d, Melinda Hoyt, at St. John, N.B. Children. 822 I. JoB,s b. at Andover, N.B., May 20, 1823; m. Ann Crouse, at Maysville, Me., March 18, 1855. Children. 1. J. Allen, b. Feb. 20, 1857. 2. Mary A., b. Dec. 11, 1858. 3. Jesse P., b. Dec. 31, 1859. 4. Amos F., b. Sept. 4, 1861. 5. Lucinda J., b. July 1, 1863. 6. Nathaniel G., b. Auir. 31, 1804. 7. William C. b. Nov. 16, 1800. 8. Minna A., b. Sept. 29, 1868. 9. Samuel J., b. March 13, 1870. 10. Abbie C, h. March 25, 1872. 11. Frank E., b. Feb. 14. 1874. 12. Miles G., b. July 1, 1876; d in infancy. 13. Miles G. (2d), b. June 10, 1877. 14. Marshall E., b. July 22, 1878. 823 II. Nathaniel W.,- b. in Washburn, Me., March 23, 1825; m. Irene Grant, of Southampton, N.B. Children. Dates and Places of Birth not Received. 1. Charles W. 2. Eva. 3. Isadore. 4. Allen. 5. Theodore. 6. Allen, 2d. 7. Alniira. 8. Esther. 9. Jane. 10. Mary J. III. Mary Jane,^ b. Oct. 6, 1827, in Washburn, Me. ; m. 1st, John L. Grant, in Fredericton, N.B. ; m. 2d, in Southampton, Samuel Fox. The names of her children not received. IV. Elizabeth A.,** b. March 10, 1829, at Washburn, Me.; m. Amos Fox, in Southampton. No further data of tliis family furnished. V. Einice J.,» b. March 23, 1831, at Washburn, Me. ; m. William Miller. They were living in 1887 in Providence, R.I., but no further record has been received. VI. Samuel J.,* b. in Washburn, Me., April 6, 1833; unmarried in 1887. 208 THE CHURCHILL FAIMILY Children of Second Wife. VII. C. F.,8 b. at Bear Island, N.B., April 29, 1837; ra. Annie Evans, April 30, 1862, at Washburn, Me. VIII. Pkudence H.,^ b. in Washburn, Me., June, 1839; m. William Ckodse. IX. AsENATH.^ b. in Washburn, Me., October, 1841 ; m. Isaiah Sharpe. X. Joseph A.,^ b. in Washburn, Me., Dec. 24. 1847; m. 1st, Cassie Irving; m. 2d, Velina Norton; m. 3d, Jane Taylor. 401. JESSE" CHURCHILL (I^athaxiel,« NATHAyiEL.^ Lemuel," Barnabas,^ Joseph/^ Johx '). Born in Yarmouth, N.S., Jan. 7, 1801. Removed to Ontario in 1831. Married 1st, Phebe Barlow, who died in New Brunswick ; married 2d, Mary Hart. We have been disappointed that we cannot get any further record of thi§ family. We learned that Jesse's eldest son, Elias, lived at Paris, Brant County, Out., in 1890, but we could get no answer to our inquiries. Later we learn that Mr. Elias Churchill died soon after receiving our inquiries. He has a grandson, W. F. Churchill, at Paris, Out. 403. CHARLES L." CHURCHILL (Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Lem- uel," Barnabas,^ Joseph,^ Johis" ^). Born in Yarmouth, Jan. 7, 1803. Married, at Kingston, N.B., Mary J. Dunphy. Children. 826 I. Nathaniel," b. September, 1830; m. Mary Ebbett. 827 II. Samuel Lothrop,** b. in Wakefield, N.B., Oct. 1, 1832; m. Mart E. Van Wart, Oct. 1, 1857. III. Emma.Louise,^ b. July 22, 1834. IV. Mary Ann,8 b. Sept. 22, 1836; m. Abner Veset. 828 V. George Milford,** b. Sept. 18, 1839 ; m. Sadie Baker. 829 VI. Charles Rice,** b. Sept, 1, 1845; m. Julia Ann Marra, March 3, 1878. VII. Maria Eliza, ^ b. Dec. 16, 1848; m. Matthew Stephenson. 403. ISAIAH^ CHURCHILL (Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Lemuel," Barnabas,^ Joseph,'^ Johx '). Born in Yarmouth, N.S., Feb. 6, 1807. Removed in 1831, with the larger part of his father's family, to Ontario. The information about this family came from Amos Churchill, the eldest son, in 1890, and from Richard Watts Churchill, of Bealton, Ontario, in 1889. He died June 1, 1874. Married, in Yarmouth, July 9, 1838, Mary Freel, born Oct. 31, 1807. Slie died July 21, 1856. SEVE^'TH GENEEATIOK 209 Children born in Ontario. I. Amos,'^ b. Nov. 28. 1839; m Maria Vyse, April 7, 18^8. They lived in Kidgetowu, Out. They have no children. II. Isaiah,^ b. Feb. 9, 1841; ra. Eliza Collison, Dec. 8, 1870. Family lived, 189'J, at ilighgate, Ont. Children. 1. Samuel Jones, b. Sept. 29, 1871. 2. Jedediah Nathaniel, b. Sept. 13, 1873. 3. Mary Ann. b Nov. 18, 1875. 4. John Wesley, b. Aug. 29, 1881. III. Mart Alemath,® b. Sept. 12, 1842; m. Abisha DtjNxiNG, Feb. 14, 1859. IV. Eunice,* b. May 16, 1844; ra. Johk H. DeWitt, April, 1865. They lived, in 1890, in Nepawail, Manitoba. V. Samuel J.,- b. Feb. 13, 1846; m. Mart Jane Bothwell, October, 18G8. VI. Mahaleth Ann,^ b. Sept. 2, 1848; m. Jesse Harrison, March, 1868. The mother died March 1, 1875. Tivo Children. 1. Mary Ellen Harrison. | 2. John Harrison. VII. Nathaniel,'' b. Jan. 7, 1851; m. Hannah Holmes, Dec. 6, 1834. They lived in Nepawa, Manitoba. VIII. Richard Franklin,* b. June 12, 1853; d. Aug. 15, 1854. 404. ISRAEL^ CHURCHILL (Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Lemuel/ Barnabas,^ Joseph,^ John '). Bora at Wakefield, N.B., March 13, 1813. Settled at Woodstock, where he was a deacon of the Baptist church for many years. He was a painter by trade. Married, at Douglas, N.B., Eliza Dunphy, born in Douglas, IS'.B., daughter of Andrew and Annie (Foster) Dunphy. Children born, the first two at Victoria Corner, the rest in Woodstock, N.B. I. Elethea,* b. March 9, 1834; m. Rev. J. C. Bleaknet, at Wood- stock, Dec. 17, 1860. She died at Woodstock, Jan. 19, 1900. They lived in Woodstock, and had one child. Child. 1. Leila Blanche Bleakney, b. in St. John, July 7, 1863; m. Dr. J. W. N. Baker, August, 1884. II. Sarah Eliza,* b. May 16, 1835; m. Rev. Peter R. Knight, Oct. 10, 1856. They lived at Woodstock, and later at Lower French Village, N.B. He was a clergyman. They had Three Children born in Woodstock. 1. Clara Blanche Knight, b. July 15, 1860; m. Manasseh Dunphy, October, 1892. 2. Eliza Knight, b. June 28, 1865 ; m. Judson H. Dunphy, Novem- ber, 1889. 3. Herbert Knight, b. July 27, 1875; lu. A. Dunphy, of Winnipeg. 210 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY III. Israel Gekow, 8 b. Feb. 22. 1837; m. Elmira Williams, Feb. ]4; 1859; d. in Woodstock, Jan. 22, 190<>. T ey had seven children, viz., (1) Anna Maria, (2) Mary Eliza, (3) Winnie J., (i) Ella, (5) Rhoda Alma, (6) Charles Israel, (7) Joseph E. IV. Charles Bartlett.* b. Dec. 25, lSi5S; m. 1st, Lavixia Smith; m. 2d, Mrs. Jaxe (Reid) Cokron. They had four children, viz., (1) Eliza, m. 1st, Mr. Baker and 2d, Thomas Reid; (2) Alma, m. Frank C. Foster; (3) Madeline, m Freeland McKenzie; (4) Nellie, m. George Dohertv. V. Dr. Es^bon,^ b. April 17, 1841; m. Susan Mills, Feb. 17, 18GC,, at Woodstock. He is a physician at Woodstock, N.B. They had four c ildren. viz., (1) Lillie Maud, m. William Kendall; (2) Walhergia, ni. John Orchard; (3) Bruce, b. June, 188-'; (4) Carey, b. 18s4. VI. James Edavard.** b. Feb. 1, 1843; d. at Woodstock, Aug 17, 1854. VII. Louisa Jaxe,* b Nov. 30. 1845; m. 1st, Abiathar Johnston, who died; m. 2d, Stephen Taylor; m. 3d, Joseph Churchill. They lived in Washburn and Jacksonville, Me. Children of First Husband, born at Jacksonville. 1. Horace Johnston, b. Aug. 9, 1865; m. Ada Dickinson, of Houl- ton. Me. 2. Wilmot Johnston, b. Dec. 1, 1867; m. Jennie Davis, Sept. 23, 1899. 3. Ella May Johnston, b. Nov. 30, 1870; m. William Ernest Pud- dington, Feb. 27, 1890. VIII. Frances Mary," b. March 1, 1847; m. C. N. Scott, at Woodstock, Jan. 4, 1869. Mr. Scott was the son of Murray and Mehitable Jane (Merrithew) Scott. He graduated at the Normal School at St. John's, and at Collegiate School, Fredericton, N.B. He has been a teacher, and later an accountant. They live at Woodstock, N.B. Children lorn, the first at Campbellton, the rest at Woodstock. 1. Charles George Coster Scott, b. Oct 23, 1870; d.Nov. 25, 1875. 2. Frances Mary Scott, b. July 21, 1872; d Oct 7, 1872 3. Walter Scott, b. Aug. 6, 1873; d. Feb. 18, ISSl. 4. Clara Meta Scott, b. Nov. 17, 1877. 5. Lina Mae Scott, b. Sept. 11, 1882. 6. Bertha Scott, b. Sept. 5, 1884; d. Aug. 23, 1900. IX. Joshua Todd.^ b. Feb. 22, 1849; m. Henrietta Estey, Jan. 5, 1868. He died at Newburgh, Oct. 18, 1883, from an accident. They had two children, viz., (1) Ada, m. William Austin; (2) Havelock. X. Anna JMaria," b. March 3, 1853; m. 1st, E. B. Jewett, at Wood- stock. Nov. 26, 1868; m. 2d, E. M. Smith, July 8, 1902. The family resides, in 1903, at Houlton, Me. Children of First Husba.nd born, three at Woodstock, and Ella at Prince William. 1. James Edward Jewett, b. Feb. 26, 1873; m. Mary Lois Good- speed, June 22, 1898. 2. Ella Blanche Jewett, b. July 15, 1875; m. Rev. Miles S. Traf- ton, Sept. 21, 1897. 3. Grace Jewett, b. June 26, 1877; m. Herbert Story, of St. John, June 26, 1902. 4. Lulu May Jewett, b. Aug. 15, 1881 ; d. Dec. 25, 1883. SEVENTH GENERATION 211 406. RICHAED WATTS " CHURCHILL (Nathaxiel," Nathaniel/ Le3iukl,^ Barxabas," Joseph,- John^). Born in Yarmouth, N.S., July 19, 1826. Removed in early manhood to New York State, and lived, in later years, at Bealton, Ont., where he was living Nov. 2o, 1899. He has given much of the information we have of his father's family. Married 1st, in Cambour County, N.Y., May 27, 1847, Catharine Taylor; she died leaving three children, and he married 2d, May 29, 1855, Mahala Beal, of Bealton, N.Y. Children of First Wife, Catharine. I. Arthur VV.,* b. June 26. 1848; d. in infancy. II. Rhoda C.,^ b. June, 1850: m. 1st, Charles McGreagor, of Mich- igan; ni. 2cl, John Anderson. There were children, one daughter by the first husband, and three sons and two daughters by the second. The Andersons live in Bealton. III. Olive C..** b. March 29, 1852; m. Lyman Sleight. They live in Brantford and have three children. Children of Second Wife, Mahala. IV. Mary E.,* b. July 13, 1856; m. Lemuel Kitchen. She died leav- ing one child. Child. 1. Mary E. Kitchen, b. April 4, 1873, who was adopted by her grandparents, R. W. and Mahala Churchill. V. Reuben W. S,* b. May 31, 1858. VI. William W. C.,« b. Dec. 28, 1860. VII. Chahles H. V.,» b. June IG, 1862. 406a. ^ CHLOE ANN '(CHURCHILL) BOYER (Lemuel," Nathaniel,^ Lemuel,* Barnabas,' Joseph,- John '). Born at Lincoln, Sunbury County, N.B., 1801. Lived in Wakefield. When a young child she removed with her parents to what is now Lower Brighton, Carl- ton County, where her mother died, and she went to live for some ten years in the family of her aunt, wife of Mr. Elias Hauey, thence she went to Wakefield where she was married. She was a devout and consistent Christian woman, wife, and mother, and a beloved member of the First F. C. Baptist Church in Wakefield, N.B. She died Nov. 22, 1882. Married George R. Boyer, of Wakefield, N.B. Mr. Boyer was a manufacturer of leather and shoes. He was deacon of the F. C. Baptist Church for a long series of years, and in every way was an upright and much respected man. He died at Wakefield (Victoria Corner), June 10, 1886, aged 86 years. 212 THE CHURCHILL PAMILY Children horn at Wakefield, now Victoria Corner. I. George Greenleaf ^ Boter, died young. II. George W.® Boyer. b. Jan. 22, 1834; m. Axna M. Kimball, Sept. 2, ISofi. who died Aug. 14, 18.S6. They adopted a daughter, Josie, who married George M. Davis, of Hartland. III. James William* Boyer, b. 1836; m. Sarah Lovely, who died Feb. 18. 1902. Mr. Boyer was a manufacturer of iiarnesses and boots ; a man of large influence and excellent character. Lived at Victoria Cor- ner; and died Feb. 18, 1892. Children born at Victoria Corner. 1. George R. Boyer, d. in infancy. 2. Samuel R. Boyer, m. Miss Dewett. 3. Frederick J. Boyer, m. Miss McLoud. 4. Ann J. Boyer. ni. J. B. Bowser, of British Columbia. 5. Ada Boyer, m. McAnn Barrester. 6. Ella Boyer. IV. Amos L.** Boyer, m., about 1859, Hannah Mills, of Victoria Cor- ner. They removed to Denver, Col., where he was engaged in mining. They had one son. Child. 1. Burzil Boyer, who married in Denver. j V. Elizabeth^ Boyer, m. Duncan Dickinson. VI. Lois ^ Boyek. VII. Pamelia F.^ Boyer, m. William Taylor. No children. VIII. Caroline^ Boyer, m. Moses P. Orsen. Had three daughters. Children. 1. Lois. I 2. Minnie. | 3. Chloe. IX. Susanna- Boyer, d. young. 406b. JAMES C." CHURCHILL (Lemuel," Nathaniel/ Lemuel,^ Baenabas,^ Joseph,^ John ^). Born in Fredericton, N.B., Feb. 18, 1805. Removed with his father's family later to Lower Brighton, N.B. He lived in Bangor, Me. He appears in Boston Directory at 256 Hanover street, in 1845, and from 1846 to 1850 kept a restaurant at Traverse, corner Haverhill street. His name does not appear in 1851-1853, but from 1854 to 1860 he kept a grocery store at 84 Charlestown street, and lived at No. 82, next door. In 1861 his name is not in Directory, but from 1862 to 1867 he kept a liquor store on Traverse, corner Charlestown street, and lived at Cambridgeport. From 1870-1874 he had a grocery store in Charles- town at 38 Medford street, and lived there. On May 19, 1858, he sailed from Boston to Liverpool on the steamer " Europe," Captain Leach, commander, the passage being made in eleven days five hours. His passport was signed by Lewis Cass, LTnited States SEVENTH GEXEEATION 213 Secretary of State. Mr. Churchill travelled on the continent, through France, Germany, and back through England, Scotland, and Ireland and Wales, and from Liverpool home to Boston, where he arrived Oct. 14, 1858. On the back of his passport he wrote out a full list of the chief places he visited, and this document has been loaned me by his nephew, George W. Boyer, of Hartland, N.B. In this paper he is described at five feet nine and three-quarter inches in height, light complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, etc., age 53 years. Married 1st, in Bangor, Me. ( ) Kose, from whom he separated. Married 2d, in Millstream, King's County, X.B., Elizabeth Haney, his cousin, daughter of Elias. Married 3d, in Wakefield, X.B., Ruth Shaw. One Child hij First Wife. I. Armine.* Two Children by Second Wife. II. Josephine A..^ b. in Boston, Aug. 24, 1845; m. ( ) Mansfield. Two children were born of this marriage, names not known. III. James L.^ One Child by Third Wife. IV. Byron,- b. in Boston. No further record. 400^. L AMOS ^ CHURCHILL (Lemuel,^ Nathaxiel,^ Le^iuel," Bar- nabas,^ Joseph," Johx ^). Born in 1809 in Fredericton, N.B., but later removed with his father's family to what is now Lower Brighton. Here his mother died while he was a child. He lived in Bangor in 1843 on Boyd street, and in 1846 on Grove street. A shoemaker. He died at Brewer, Me., Feb. 22, 1846, aged 37 years. Married Eleaxor Sixclair. She died in Brewer, Oct. 13, 1847, aged 33 years. Children. I. George Boyer. ^ m. 1st, ( ) Kenney; ni. 2d, Sarah Emily Howard. He was a music-teacher and millwright, and lived at Brewer, Me., where he died Sept. 12, 1867, aged 30 years. One Child by First Wife. 1. William, d. aged 3 months. One Child by Second Wife. 2. Frances Lenore, b. in Brewer, Me., Nov. 30, 1867; ra Samuel Hart Furber, at Snohomish, Wash., April 8, ]S97. Mrs. Furber graduated from the University of Washington at Seattle in 1889. Samuel H. Furber is a lawyer and court reporter at Seattle. They live at Seattle, No. 312 1st avenue N. They have one Child. 1. George Churchill Furber, b. in Seattle, Feb. 21, 1898. 214 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY II. William,** d. Oct. 13, 1854, in Brewer, Me., aged 16 years. III. Charles Israel,^ b. in Bangor, Me., Dec. 7, 1844; m. Elvira D. Howard, at Brewer, Me., Sept. 1, 1872. She was the dau. of Willard and Sarah T. (Johnson) Howard, and a sister of his brother's. George B.'s, wife. They lived at Merrimac, Mass., where he is a wheelwright. He was a soldier of the Civil War, in Company A, 31st Regiment Maine Volunteers. They have one Son. 1. William H., b. in Merrimac, March 29, 1880. Note. Of Lemuel^ Churchill (No. 170) and his family by the second wife, Mary Brown, much new information has been received since the family sketch was passed in the regular course, and printed. The second family is therefore here revised with corrections and additions. After the death of his first wife, Mr. Churcliill continued to live in Carlton County, N.B., where he married a second wife, Mary Brown, and by her had nine children. About 1833 he removed with his family to Upper Canada, and settled for a while at Niagara and Saltfeet townships, but removed later to Sweaburg, Oxford County. Children of Mary Brown, the Second Wife, horn i7i N.B. 406d v. Bexjamin,' m. Anne Secord, of Walsingham, Out. No children. 40()e VI. Betsey,^ m. Palmer Chamberlain, in Oxford County. 406f VII. Rebecca,' b. in 1818; m. David Phillips, at Sweaburg, Out., 1836. 406g: VIII. Lemuel,'' m. Emily Bennett, of Brantford. IX. Charles,'' died unmarried, at Gait, Ont., aged 22 years. 40(>h X. Edward,' m Charity Cook, of Houghton, Ont. No children. 406i XI. Susan,'' m. Thomas Phillips, of Houghton, Ont. ; died in Hough- ton, aged 40. 406] XII. Damel,'' b. April Si, 1830; m. Mary Ann Kelly, of Tilsonburg, Ont. 406k XIII. George,' m. Sarah Goodlin, of Simcoe, Ont. No children. 406e. BETSEY^ CHURCHILL (Lemuel/ Kathaniel,^ Lemuel," Barnabas,"' Joseph,- John ^). Born in Carlton County, N.B. Mar- ried Palmer Chamberlain, in Oxford Coviuty, Ont., and lived there. He was a farmer. Children. I. Oliver^ Chamberlain, m. Miss Kelly. They live in Petrolia. II. Hester^ Chamberlain, m. Edward Becker. III. Asios ® Chamberlain, died unmarried. IV. Theodore** Chamberlain, m. Mary Fenton. They live in Toronto. V. Hannah ** Chamberlain. VI. Harvey ** Chamberlain. VII. Adeline*^ Chamberlain. 406f. REBECCA' CHURCHILL (Lemuel,^ Nathaniel,^ Lemuel," Barnabas,^ Joseph,- John^). Born in Woodstock, N.B., and lived there until fifteen years old, As^hen she removed with her father's family to Upper Canada. Married, Sept. 27, 1836, at E. Oxford, Ont., David Phillips, of the same town. In 1846 they removed with their SEVENTH GEXERATION 215 family to Dereham, then an almost unbroken forest, and settled near the then small hamlet of Ingersoll. Here they spent the remainder of their long and useful lives. She died March 31, 1900, aged 82 years. Mr. Phillips died Oct. 7, 1896. Their home was on the fourth line in the fine district between what are now the villages of A'erschojde and Mount Elgin. Mr. Phillips was a farmer. They had Eleven Children, born in Oxford County, Ont. I. RiTH® Phillips, b. July 27, 1837; m. Simeon Maree, Sept. 28, ].s(;3. They had children, viz.: (1) Alice Mabee, (2) Julia RIabee, (3) Carrie Mal)ee. II. Charles W.^ Phillips, b. Jan. 8, 1839; m. Emily Vance, at Houghton, Ont., Sept. l-'fi, 1861. They had children, viz.: (1) Minnie Phillips, '2) Cliarles Phillips. (3) Emily Phillips, d. 18^^2. III. David L.^ Phillips, b. Feb. 2, 1841 ; m. Maria Fraxcis, at Hough- ton, Ont., Dec. 22, 1870. They lived at Mt. Elgin, and had chil- dren : (1) Edith Phillips, b. May 14, 1872; m. Ambrose Hobson ; (2) Ella Phillips, b. Feb. 14, 1877; m. Harman Moultim, 1900; (3) Clare E. Frances Phillips, b. Oct. 18, 1880; (4) Charles Cecil Phillips, b. Jan. 9, 18s(5. IV. Almira - Phillips, b. Sept. 3. 18J:3; m. D. A. Mitchell, at Vers- choyle, May 5, 1864. Children: (1) Elizabeth Churchill Mitchell; m. Charles Tague ; (2) Levange ; m. Dr. S. D. Barnes, of Bridgeport, Tenn. Mrs. Almira Phillips died at Ingersoll, Aug. 16, 1869. V. Mary Elizabeth^ Phillips, b. Nov. 29, 1845; m. D. A. Mitchell, as his second wife, Sept. 11, 1872. VI. Susan ^ Phillips, b. Julv 26, 1848; d. May 21, 1883. VII. Anna M.^ Phillips, b. Feb. 24, 1851; d. May 17, 1879. VIII. Sarah Ella ^ Phillips, b. Aug. 6, 1853; d. Feb. 1. 1883. IX. Alexander S.* Phillips, b. Feb. 27, 1856; m. Mary Whaley, at Cadillac, Mich., November, 1877. He died Oct. 12, 1882. They had children : (1) Archie, (2; Alexander. X. George Whitfield- Phillips, b. Jan. 2, 1859; m. 1st, 1884, Densie Snivel!', and 2d, Anna Briggs, at Minneapolis, in 1890. XI. Manshman Havelock® Phillips, b. June 9, 18iil ; m. Harriet Smith, at Lomlon, Out., Sept. 28, 1887. Children : (1) Mabel Phillips, (2) George Phillips, (3) Cecil Phillips. LEMUEL^ CHURCHILL (Lemuel,'' Nathaxiel/ Lemuel,^ Barnabas,^ Joseph,- Johx^). Born in N.B. Married Emily Bennett, at Oxford, Ont. Children. I. "William.^ No record. II. Miriam.^ Nothing further received. 406i. SUSAN' CHURCHILL (Lemuel,'' Nathaniel,"' Lemuel,^ Barnabas,^ Joseph,- John '). Born in X.B. Married Thomas Phillips, of Houghton, Ont. 216 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children. I. Galdsha* Phillips. II. Edward* Phillips. III. George'* Phillips. IV. Melissa^ Phillips. V. Susan * Phillips. VI. Victoria* Phillips. VII. Daniel * Phillips. 406j. DANIEL" CHURCHILL (Lemuel,^ Nathaniel,^ Lemuel/ Barnabas,^ Joseph,- John^). Born in New Brunswick, April 9, 1830. Removed with his father's family to LTjjper Canada about 1833. Attended school in West Oxford, Lived at South Norwich, and Springford, Ont., a farmer. Married, April 25, 1856, at Tilson- hnrg, Mary Ann Kelly, daughter of Michael and Ann (Tomlin- son) Kelly. Children born at South Norwich. I. Charles H.,^ b. Jan. 12, 1857; m. Kate Kellet, 1889. II. Marietta.^ b. May, 1859. She was killed by a horse at the age of 3 vears 6 months. III. Cecilia A.,* b. July 23, 1S60; m. Norman Watson, of Cornell, ISSl. IV. James R.,** b. Oct. 5, 1862; m. Anna Sen, 1900. V. Edward,* b. Jan. 1, 1866 ; m. Florence Harris, of South Norwich, June, 1892. VI. Katherine,* b. Aug. 1, 1868; m. Martin Simonson, of Portland, Ore.. Feb. 14, 1891. They live in Brooklyn, N.Y., where Mr. Simonson isi staff- captain in the Salvation Army. VIII. Gertrude,* b. Nov. 11, 1870. 407. JOHN RUSSELL^ CHURCHILL (Benjamin,^ Nathaniel,^ Lemuel,^ Barnabas,^ Joseph,- John ^). Born at Kingston, N.S., Aug. 22, 1817. Married, Dec. 24, 1840, Margaret Burns McIn- tosh, b. Aug. 6, 1824, and died in 1866. Children. I. George Frederick,* b. April 15, 1842. II. Hannah Jane,« b. Oct. 10, 1843; d. Oct. 24, 1847. III. Ludlow,^ b. July 28, 1845; d. Aug. 18, 1901. IV. Frances Maria,* b. June 10, 1847; d. Aug. 31, 1848. V. Mary Elizabeth,* b. Aug. 25, 1849; m. A. L. Manning. VI. Emma Olivia,* b. March :.'5, 1851; m. E. R. Johnson. VII, Luella Ann,* b. Jan. 12, 1853; d. March 22, 1853. Vill. Benjamin Franklin,* b. Aug. 16, 1854. 410. EZRA ' CHURCHILL, 3d (Ezra,« Ezra,^ Lemuel,* Barnabas,^ Joseph,- John ^). Born May, 1804. Lived at Hantsport, N.S. He was the largest shipowner in Nova Scotia. He represented SEVENTH GENERATION 217 Hants County in the House of Assembly. After the confederation he ^vas appointed senator. He was thrown from a carriage and killed Aug. 20, 1869. Married 1st, Axne Davidson, of Ealmouth, N.S. ; married 2d, Rachel Burgess, of Billtown, N.S. ; died April 14, 1879. Children of First Wife. I. Ann Eliza,** b. April 27, 1827; m. Dennis Sheriff, of Ontario, 18G3. II. Joanna," b. May 20, 1830 ; m. Gideon Reid, of Horton, N.S., 1850. III. Mahy Jane,* b. July 18, 1832; m. 1st, E. McKinnon ; m. 2d, Capt. Ahthcr Campbell, of New York; m. 3tl, Thomas Woodwohth. 835 IV. George Washington,® b. March 3, 1835; m. Susannah Davidson, of Hantsport, July 1, 185C. V. Rhoda,* b. FalmoiMh, N.S., Aug. 1, 1837; ni. Jedidiah E. New- comb, of Cornwallis, N.S. 836 VI. John Wilej,« b. Falmouth, May 29, 1840; m. 1st, Emmeline Burgess, 18fi4; m. 2d, Mart Messenger, of Kingston, N.S. VII. Elizabeth,® b. at Falmouth, Aug. 22, 18-42; m. Douglas B. WooDwoRTH, of Canning, Me. ; live at OttaAva. VIII. Rebecca,*' b. at Falmouth. July 4, 1845; m. Dr. J. B. Black, of St. Stephens ; live at Winsor. 837 IX. Cyrus Warren,® h. at Falmouth, April 15. 1848; d. in 1853. X. Regina,® b. Dec. 21, 1852; m. John W. Wolaver, May 25, 1872. Children by Second Wife. 838 XI. William Burpee,® b. Sept. 17, 1863. 839 XII. Joseph Reginald Earle,® b. Oct. 5, 18G5. 840 XIII. Ezi;a.® 841 XIV. Thomas.® JAMES ^ CHURCHILL (Nehemiah,« Ezra,^ Lemuel,-" Barna- bas," Joseph,- Johx '). He died Dec. 28, 1892. Married, Jan. 31, 1839, Elizabeth Byrne, daughter of Thomas. Chikh-eri. 842 I. Henry,® drowned while skating, Dec. 16, 1857. II. Eleanor T.,® m. Capt. Thomas K. S. Duane, Sept. 11, 1862. She died Oct. 22, 1891. Children. 1. Annie Starr Doane, b. June 9, 1863; m. Dr. Henry Churchill, November, 1887. 2. George H. Doane, b. Jan. 11, 1865. 3. Miriam Churchill Doane, b. April 28, 1866. 4. Harriet Guest Doane, b. April 6, 1868; m. Arthur S. Everett, Dec. 12, 1892. 5. Thomas K. S. Doane, b. Dec. 9. 1870. 6. Frank Edmund Doane, b. July 22, 1875. 843 III. Rev. George,® ra. Matilda Falkxer, dau. of William. 844 IV. William.® V. Lydia.® VI. Alice.® VII. Elizabeth.® 218 THE CHURCHILL FA:\riLY 413. WILLIAM ' CHCJRCHILL (>sTehemiah,6 Ezra/ Lemuel,* Bar- nabas,"' Joseph,- John ^). JMarried Matilda Allen, daughter of Thomas. Children. I. Benjamix Hanlet,** b. 1841 ; d. May 10, 1860, aged 19 years. 846 II. Frederick.® No further record. 414. EZRA^ CHURCHILL (Ben.tamin,« Ezra,^ Lemuel," Barna- bas,'' Joseph,- John^). Born in Yarmouth, E'.S., Dec. 30, 1817. Died June 14, 1881. Married, Feb. 1, 1842, Mary Crosby, born Aug. 28, 1818. Children. I. Benjamin, 8 b. Jan. 20, 1844; m. Mary J. Churchill, b. May 20, 1850. Children of Beiijamin and Mary J. Churchill. 1. Harry W., b. Nov. 10, 1872. 2. Luelia M.. b. June 30, 1875. 3. Arthur R., b. June 24, 1880. 4. Jennie F., b. Aug. 28, 1882. 5. Effie, b. May 19, 1886. II. Ltdia,® b. Jan. 19, 1847; m. George Bell Porter. III. William H.,« b. Feb. 1, 1849. IV. Lucy A.,® b. Oct. 17, 1851. V. Harriet A.,^ b. Sept. 14, 1855; iii. Walter W. Harris. VI. Altha E.,® b. Sept. 6, 1856. VII. Mary Z.,^ b. April 19, 1862. VIII. Georgia,** b March 6, 1864. 415. BENJAMIN" CHURCHILL (Ben.jamin,'' Ezra,'' Lemuel," Barnabas,'" Joseph," John ^). Born in Yarmouth, July 7, 1819. Married, Nov. 23, 1850, Abby Dunham, of Digby County, daughter of Captain Jonathan. Children. I. LrcY,** m. Thomas Wyman, son of Henry, 1874. 84" ' II. George,* ra. Ly'dia Jenkins, 1887. 848 III. Edward,® m. Florence Hlbbakd, 1895. IV. Sarah,* m. Capt. Edmund Ritchie. 1885. 849 V. Benjamin,* m. Mary Murray, of New York. 1887. 850 VI. Adelbert.* 111. Lizzie Murray, of New York, 1896. VII. Eva C* ni. Enos Cook Ryder, Oct. 4, 1896. 416. EDSON^ CHURCHILL (Benjamin,^ Ezra,^ Lemuel," Barna- bas,''' Joseph,^ John^). Born in Yarmouth, July 29, 1825. He died July 24, 1897. Married, Dec. 31, 1853, Sarah Jane Cann, daughter of Lyman. SEVENTH GEXEEATION 219 Children. I. Joanna H.,** m. Fitz Homer, son of Andrew W. II. Sarah Elizabeth,® m. M. Pickles Cook, son of George. III. Nellie G.,* unmarried. 417. JOHN" CHURCHILL (Benjamin,^ Ezra/ Lemuel," Barna- bas/ Joseph,- John '). Born in Yarmouth, Aug. 21, 1833. Married, Nov. 15, 1855, Eliza Redding, daughter of Joseph. Children. I. Lykia,® m. Ebenezer Churchill, son of John, of Chegogirin. II. Arabella,** unmarried. III. Georgianna,'^ m. Hiraji Goudy, son of Zebina. 851 IV. Harvey G..» m. Emily Crosby, Jan. 2, 1895. 852 V. Charles,® m. and lived in New Hampshire. VI. Lois,** m. Bland Cousins, of Diyb}-. VII. Josephine S.,- m. Samuel N. Fatten, March 15, LS86. VIII. George,** unmarried, a professor of music. IX. Watson/ unmarried. 418. LEWIS C.' CHURCHILL (Benjamix,« Ezra,"' Lemuel," Barnabas,^ Joseph,- John '). Born IMarch 16, 1835. Married, Dec. 30, 1857, Sarah Durkee, daughter of Robert. Children . 853 I. Osborne,* m. Julia Ida Patten, Nov. 11, 1885. II. Frances,* m. Melzar Spinney. III. Jane,* m. Hoavard Tinkham. IV. Martha.* m. Joseph D. Shaav, 1889. V. George,* unmarried. 410. THEODORE" CHURCHILL (Lemuel,'' Ezra,"' Lemuel,^ Bar- nabas," Joseph,- John ^). Born xVug. 14, 1814, in Yarmouth, N.vS. Married Martha Jeffery, daughter of Matthew. Children . I. Hannah.* b. Nov. 12, 1837; m. Capt. Samuel Chukchill (No. 424) July 8, 1858. II. Lemuel,* b. Dec. G, 1840; m. Addie Nickerson, of Liverpool, N.S. III. Ellen,* b. Nov. IG. 1842: unmarried. IV. Margery A.,* b. Feb. 1, 1844; m. Jonathan Horton, Julv 24, 1862. Children. 1. Arthur W. Horton, b. June 18, 186.3. 2. Grace E. Horton, b. July 15, 1866. V. George,* b. April G, 1847; d. unmarried, June 9. 1874. VI. Theodore,* died in infancy. 220 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY VII. Annie L.,^ b. May 23, 184^9 ; m. William H. Sterritt, son of James A. Children. 1. George W. Sterritt, b. Feb. 4, 1878. 2. Donald B. Sterritt, b. Oct. 5, 1879. 3. Mary E. Sterritt, b. Jan. 8, 1882. 4. Grace Evelyn Sterritt, b. Oct. 16, 1884. 5. James Percy Sterritt, b. Dec. 1, 1885. VIII. Elizabeth,^ b. April, 1854; d., aged 17 years, Feb. 8, 1879. 420. JOHK^ CHURCHILL (John,« Ezka/ Lemuel,^ Barnabas,^ Joseph,- John^). Born iu Yarmoutli March 6, 1821. Died Dec. 30, 1896. Married, Dec. 29, 1844, Mary Ann Taylor. Children. I. Alvinia a.,® m. Ansel Kinney, Sept. 4, 1865. 854- II. John.* No further record. 855 III. William,* m. Caroline B. Crowell. 856 IV. Henry.* No record. V. Ann,* m. George Hatfield. VI. Ltdia,* m. Charles Carey. VII. Clara,* m. Arthur Bingham, of Boston, Mass. VIII. Harriet,* m. Hartley Hurlburt. IX. Emma,* m. Arthur Fader, of Boston, Mass. 421. JOSEPH ' CHURCHILL (John,« Ezra,^ Lemuel," Barnabas,^ Joseph,- John ^). Boni Sept. 15, 1824. Lived at Cliebogue, iST.S. Married Caroline Archer, daughter of Joseph T., of Chebogue, Nov. 15, 1843. Children. I. Almira,* b. 1845; m. Gilbert Bennett, of Digby. 857 II. Charles,* b. 1S47 ; m. Anna Horton, of Cumberland. 858 III. James Edward,* b. 1843; m. Adelaide Lepord. 859 IV. Joseph,* died young. V. Margery A.,* b. 1850; m. Capt. Bradford R. Hilton, July 21, 1871. VI. Delia,* m. James Griffith, of England. 870 VII. Alfred,* b. 1855 ; died young. VIII. Florence.* 871 IX. Arthur.* 872 X. Frank.* 422. FREEMAN ' CHURCHILL (John,^ Ezra,' Lemuel," Barna- bas,' Joseph,- John^). Boru April 4, 1826. Married Marth PuRDY, daughter of Samuel. SEVENTH GENERATION 221 Children. I. Ella.^ II. Ida.'* 873 III. WiLLARD.'* 423. JACOB ^ CHURCHILL (John,« Ezra/ Lemuel/ Barnabas/ Joseph,- John ^). Born Jan. 29, 1828. Married 1st, Martha PiTMAx, daughter of William; married 2d, Ada Earl, daughter of Abram. Child by First Wife. 874 I. Jacob, ^ m. Mart Haley, dau. of Captain Joseph. Children. 1. Charle.s. 2. Henry. 3. Benjamin. II. George L.® 4. George. 5. Sarah. By Second Wife. 424. SAMUEL^ CHURCHILL (Johx,« Ezra,' Lemuel,^ Barxabas,^^ Joseph,^ John i). Born Jan. 27, 1831. Married, July 8, 1858, Hannah Churchill, daughter of Theodore (No. 419). Children. 876 I. Oscar D.,* b. April 25, 1859; killed on board ship at age of 17. 877 II. Frank R. ,8 b. July 31, 1867. 878 III. George Ernst. * b. July 1, 187G. 425. LEMUEL ' CHURCHILL (John,« Ezra,'' Lemuel,^ Barnabas,^ Joseph,- John^). Born in Yarmouth, September, 1832. Married, Oct. 28, 1860, Adaline Jane Hemeon, daughter of Captain Eleazer. Children 879 I. Ernst. ^ 880 II. Murray.* 881 III. Robert.* IV. Ada.* V. LUELLA.* 882 VI. George.* 883 VII. Adolphus.* VIII. Jane.* IX. Isabella * 222 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 426. BENJAMIN ' CHURCHILL (Seth,« Isaac/ Isaac/ Baknabas/ Joseph,- John \) . Born in Plymouth, Jan. 6, 1814. Lived in Wareham, Mass. Married, Nov. 12, 1835, Betsey Bumpus. Children. I. Ann Carr,* b. July 4, 1836. She was living, unmarried, in Ware- ham, in 1890. II, Betsey Louisa,^ b. Nov. 1, 1838; d. March 26, 1839. III. Benjamin, Jr.,^ b. March 23, 1840; d. April 2, 1840. 428. EDWIN ' CHURCHILL (James," Thomas,^ Thomas,* Barna- bas," Joseph,- John ^). Born in Newmarket, N.H., March 15, 1812. He was concerned with his father in business, and lived in Port- land, and for a time in Cuba, where he established a branch of the Portland firm of Churchill & Carter. Later he turned over this business to his brother, James, Jr., and returned to Portland, where he became the head of the new firm of E. Churchill & Co. He was a member of Ancient Landmark Lodge of Free Masons, Portland, from Sept. 1, 1845. He died in Portland, March 19, 1875. Mar- ried 1st, in Portland, Sept. 29, 1834, Mary Phipps Carter, born May 16, 1812, and died May 3, 1863. Married 2d, Weltha A. Jenkins Hoole, June, 1865. Children of First Wife born, the Second and Third in Cuba, the rest in Port- land. I. Henrietta Jane,* b. Aug. 30, 1836; m. Theodore Kinsey, Dec. 27, 1865. They live in Savannah, and have six children whose names we have not obtained. II. Mary Matilda,* b. in Cardenas, Cuba, 1839, and died in 1842. 884 III. James Edwin Placido,^ b. in Regla, Cuba, 1841 ; d. 1844. IV. Mary Stuart,* b. Aprils, 1844; m. Willard Libby, June 13, 1866. He died in 1887. They had no children. 885 V. Edward Spaulding,** b. April 2, 1846; m. 1st, Emma Blaine, Jan. 30, 1871. They were married in St. Louis, and lived there. She died in 1872. One Child. 1. Winston Churchill. Born in St. Louis, Nov. 10, 1871, who, upon the death of his mother, was taken by her sister, Mrs. James Brading Gazzam, and brought up by her. He was educated at the Smith Academy in St. Louis, and at the age of seventeen was appointed from one of the St. Louis districts to the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, where he was graduated in 1894, and was assigned to the cruiser " San Francisco." In February of that year he resigned that office to take an editorial position on the " Army and Navy Journal" of New York. In February, 1895, he was appointed assistant editor of the "Cosmopolitan" magazine, (Under No. 428, page 222.) SEVENTH GENERATION" 223 and in June following became managing editor. Later the same year he resigned that position, in order to devote himself exclusively to the writing of books. He published " The Celebrity," February, 1898, and 'Richard Carvel" in June, 1899. The latter work at once won a place for the author in the front rank of American novelists, and was one of the must notable books of the year. " The Crisis," Mr. ChurchiU's latest novel, has added greatly to his high standing among American authors. Mr. Churchill, in 1899, purchased a tract of land in Cornish, N.H., and built a fine house overlooking the Connecticut river, and resides there. Married, in St. Louis, Oct. 27, 1895, INIabel Harlakenden Hall, a lineal descendant of Mabel Har- lakenden, sister of Roger, who came from Earles Colne, Essex, England, in the " Defence" in 1635, and settled at Cambridge, Mass. She married Gov. John Haynes, of Hartford, Conn., as his second wife. Winston and Mabel H. Churchill have one cMld, Mabel Harlakenden Churchill, b. July 9, 1897. VI. Isabella," b. Dec. 1, 1853; unmarried, resides in Portland, Me. Children of Second Wife. 886 VII. Heber Bishop,'* b. Dec. 1, 1866. VIII. Laura,^ b. May 21, 1868. 429. JAMES MORRILL" CHURCHILL (James C./' Thomas,' Thomas,^ Barnabas,' Joseph,- John'). Born in Portland, June 11, 1816. He was brought vip in his native town, and educated in the schools there. In 1825-27 he was attending the school of Master Albert Winslow, kept then on the corner of Newmarket and Newbury streets, afterwards removed to Eree street, where Kilborn's carpet store now stands. He went to sea early, and was master of one of the fine ships of his father's firm at twenty-one, and after- wards had charge of the West India branch of the business, in Cuba, where he spent the winters for many years. He was senior partner of the firm of Churchill, Brown & ^Nlanson, in Portland, in 1866, at the time of the great fire. After this he went to Cuba and remained there, residing at Cardenas. Under President Cleveland he received the appointment of United States commercial agent. He died at Cardenas, April 4, 1890, and was buried in the tomb of his grand- daughter, on their estate at Navajas, Cuba. He was a member of Ancient Landmark Lodge of Free Masons, at Portland, from Oct. 6, 1847, to his death. Married, in Portland, Dec. 20, 1838, Harriet E. HooLE, daughter of Joseph and Huldah (Fisher) Hoole, born m Portland, Sept. 21, 1818 ; died Jan. 5, 1894, in Cambridgeport, Mass., and buried in Evergreen (.'emetery, Deering, Me. Children of James M. and Harriet E. (Hoole) Churchill. I. Mary Louisa,* b. Oct 22, 1839: m. Miguel de Satrlstequi, Oct. 4, 1858. She died at Portland, March 12, 1886. He died at \iatamoras, Mexico, Jan. 5, 1882. 224 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children . 1. Enriqueta Satrustequi, b. Sept. 14, 1864, in Cadiz, Spain ; m. William Santa Maria, in Boston, Sept. 14, 1885. They lived at Cardenas and Navajas, Cuba. Children: (1) Luis Adolfo Santa Maria, b. May 13, 1888; (2) Maria Alicia Santa Maria, b. June 24, 1889; (3) Enrique Miguel Santa Maria, b. at Navajas, Dec 30, 1892. William Santa Maria died Jan. 3. 1895. The widow, Enriqueta, came with her family to the States, and lived for a time in Cambridge, and later in Phila- delphia, where she married Leonardo de Barros. May 1, 1897. Of this second marriage were born (4) Leonardo Satrustequi de Barros, April 18, 1898. Family lives in New York, 1902. 2. Eugenia Ynez de Satrustequi, b. Nov. 13, 1869; d. June 23, 1870. II. Harriet Eliza, ^ b. Jan. 30, 1842; m. Samuel S. Boyd, Oct. 5, 1863. He was born in Portland, May 16, 1837, and died in St. Louis, March 5, 1883. . Children born in St. Louis. 1. Louie Churchill Boyd, b. May 12, 1865 ; m. Edward Ward Corey, in Cambridge, Oct. 22, 1884. 2. Margaret Churchill Boyd, b. Feb. 13, 1868; m. Edwin L. Stanwood, Jr., Oct. 3, 1894. 3. James Churchill Boyd, b. Aug. 19, 1871 ; m. Ada Yerxa, of ;<^;«f> Smyrna, Me. 4. Samuel S Boyd, b. Feb. 12, 1874; m. Gertrude A. Peckham, Nov. 2, 1897. 5. Alice Churchill Boyd, b. Sept. 9, 1875. 6. Robert Southgate Boyd, b. May 6, 1877. III. Alice Creighton,* b. May 6, 1844, in Portland. IV. Julia Edith,® b. in Cardenas, Cuba, Mav 22, 1854; m. Arthur S. Bird, M.D., May 22, 1877, in Portland. She died in Stockton, Me., July 31, 1883. Child. 1. George Emerson Bird, Jr., b. June 9, 1878; d. Oct. 25, 1878. V. Grace Cora,* b. in Portland, Sept. 13, 1856 ; m. James H. O'Donnell, Sept. 4, 1879, and had two children. Children. 1. Churchill O'Donnell, b. June 8, 1880. 2. Arthur Bird O'Donnell, b. July 11, 1881. VI. Mabel, ** b. March 8, 1859 ; m. Philip Ingraham Jones, in St. Louis, April 13, 1882. They lived in Portland. Children. 1. Lawrence Churchill Jones, b. Feb. 7, 1885. 2. Helen Creighton Jones, b. Feb. 5, 1888. 3. Harold Jones, b. Feb. 7, 1891, Saturday, and died the follow- ing Monday. 430. GEORGE ALBERT^ CHURCHILL (James C.,« Thomas,^ Thomas,* Barnabas,^ Joseph,^ Johx ^). Born in .Portland, Me., Dec. 25, 1820. Died in Washington, D.C., Jan. 30, 1890. Tliey JAMES MORRILL CHURCHILL. (No. 429, page 223.; SEVENTH GEXEPvATION 225 lived in Portland until after ISGl, when they removed to Washing- ton, D.C. Married, in Portland, Aug. 26, 1S56, Sarah Ellex Luxt. Children. 887 I. James Creightox,* b. Sept. 17. 1857: m. Virginia Reed Madi- son, in St. Louis, Dec. 17, 1879. They lived in New Mexico, Washington, D.C, and Portland, Me. Children. 1. James Madison, b. at Las Vegas, N.M., Oct. 3, 1880. 2. Creiiihton, b. at Mineral Citv. N.M.. Dec. 28. 1881. ^ 3. Sarah Eleanor, b. at Washington. D.C. April 28, 1884. 4. Henrv, b. April 8, 18(51. at Portland, Me. ; d. in Washington, July 21, 1862. 5. William Pitt Fessenden, b. Jan. 3, 18(58, in Washington. 431. FREDEEICK AUGUSTUS' CHUECHILL (James C," Thomas,^ Thomas/ Barxabas,-" Joseph,- Johx '). Born in Port- land, Me., May 5, 1834. Lived in St. Louis, Mo. He attended the public schools of Portland, and studied law, and began practice in St. Louis. In March, 1862, he joined the army of the Potomac at Washington, as a topographical engineer, with the rank of captain on the staff of General IMcLellan, and served until he was super- seded by General Burnside, when he was transferred to the ncAv command and served until General Hooker succeeded to Burnside's place, when he resigned, and went to St. Louis, when the governor of ]\[issouri appointed him to a colonelcy, with power to raise a regiment of cavalry, but he declined the appointment, and resumed his business. He has been a lawyer, eminent and prosperous, for many years. Married, at St. Louis, June 19, 1860, Axxie Laura- sox Leverixg, who was born in St. Louis, July 16, 1839, and died Jan. 25, 1882, at St. Louis. Children born in St. Louis. I. Alice Laurasox,'* b. Feb. 15, 1863; m. Arthur F. Garesche, of St. Louis, Nov. 18, 1885. Chiklren. 1. Frederick Cmrchill Garesche, b. Nov. 2, 1886; d July, 1890. 2. Francis Van Zant Garesche, b. July 10. 1888. 3. Albert Levering Garesche, b. November, 1891. IL Katie,* b. May 8, 1865; d. Feb. 16, 1871. 888 III. Creighton.- b. Sept. 9, 1866; m. Sarah Stevens Newton, April 2, 1902. IV. Brianna,-^ b. May 21, 1868; ra. Herbert McNamara Dix, of St. Louis, May 20, 1891. They have no children. 889 V. Frederkk a., Jr.,^ b. Oct. 26, 1870. He served in the Spanish- American war, in 1898; stationed at Guayauio, Porto Rico, under Colonel Sharpe. 226 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 433. THOMAS SMITH ^ CHURCHILL (Thomas,« Ichabod/ Thomas/ Barnabas,^ Joseph,- John ^). Born at Parsonsfield, Me., May 6, 1837. Lived there. Educated at Parsonsfield Acad- emy. He purchased the farm of his father-in-law. He was a man of sound judgment and strict integrity, a worthy citizen, a true friend. Married 1st, at Parsonsfield, Jan. 1, 1855, Mary A. Dixon, daughter of William D. Dixon, born Oct. 2, 1833; married 2d, at Whitestown, N.Y., Mrs. Olive B. Roberts. Children, I. EvA,^ b. Dec. 19, 1856; ni. 1st, Joseph Boothbt, of Parsonsfield, June, 1876 ; m. 2d, Rev. Jeremiah Bullock, Dec. 22, 1880. She d. Sept. 12, 1883. Child. 1. Lillian R. Boothby, b. Sept. 15, 1878. 890 II. William, D.D.,* b. Oct. 6, 1858; m. Mabel Sweat, dau. of Dr. Moses E. Sweat, Dec. 2, 1880. They live in Cornish, Me. Mr. Churchill is of the Rural Telephone Company, Lord & Churchill. One Child. 1. Henry W., b. Dec. 29, 1884. III. Thomas G.,^ b. Nov. 20, 1863; died unmarried, Nov. 13, 1878. 433. OTIS BAXKS' CHURCHILL (Thomas," Ichabod,^' Thomas,"" Barnabas,^ Joseph,- John^). Born at Parsonsfield, Nov. 5, 1832. Married, Jan. 2, 1861, Susan E. Fbrren, of Freedom, N.H., born Jan. 14, 1839. Children. 891 I. Charles C^ b. June 2, 1863. II. Sarah Mat,^ b. June 8, 1865. 434. JOHN C. ' CHURCHILL (Thomas," Ichabod,' Thomas," Barnabas,^ Joseph,- John ^). Born Dec. 11, 1834 ; married, Oct. 18, 1869, Annie Burk. Children. 892 I. Frank P.,^ b. Nov. 24, 1872. 893 II. Preston," b. April 21, 1876. 894 III. Lindset,^ b. Dec. 18, 1881. IV. Eulala,^ b. April 5, 1883. SEVENTH GENEKATION 227 435. JOHN '' CHURCHILL (John T.,'> Joseph/ Thomas/ Barna- bas/ Joseph,- John '). Born in Newmarket. N.H., May 19, 1818. Lived at Brookfield, N.H. ^Married, Feb. 23, 1840, Eliza Lang, daughter of Samuel Lang, Esq. Children horn at Brookjield, N.H. 895 I. Edwin,* b. April 30, 1843; m. Vesta A. Crowell, Jan. 20, 1865, at Lawrence. Children horn in Lawrence, Mass. 1. Helen C, b. Nov. 13, 1867; d. in infancy. 2. Helen E., b. Aug. 14, 1869. 3. Edwin. Jr., b. April 10, 1881. II. Helen F!.,® b. June 14, 1846; m. 1st. Albert D. Swan, May 10, 1866; d. 1885; m. 2d, Edwin W. Barton, Jan. 10, 1887. No children. III. John,** b. June 14, 1858; d. in infancy. 43G. GEORGE HARRIS' CHURCHILL (John T.," Joseph,^ Thomas,'' Barnabas,-' Joseph,- John ^). Born in Newmarket, N.H., Nov. 7, 1819. Lived at Lawrence, JNIass. Married, May 10, 1849, Mary Emily Daniels, daughter of Joseph, of Newmarket. Children horn in Newmarket. I. Georgia E.," b. Aug. 19, 1851 ; m. Charles W. Bridge, Nov. 21, 1877. Children. 1. William D. I. Bridge, b. in Lawrence. Nov. 26, 1878. 2. Ethel May Bridge, b. in Fall River, Feb. 10, 1883. 3. Carl Churchill Bridge, b. in Haverhill, Aug. 26, 1891. II. Eva M.,* b. Jan. 13, 1853; m. Charles Henry Everett, Nov. 5, 1873. Child. 1. Grace Everett, b. in Lawrence, Jan. 26, 1875; d. Dec. 19, 18'.»5. III. Cora G.,* b. Sept. 13, 1854; d. June 5, 1857. • IV. Lucius I. ,8 b Jan. 6, 1858; d. April 7, 1859. V. John L.,* b. June 2, 1660; d. Oct. 4, 1864. 437. THOMAS LINDSAY" CHURCHILL (John T.,« Joseph,' Thomas,' Barnabas," Joseph,'- John'). Born at Newmarket, N.H., April 16, 1822. Lived at Brookfield, N.H. Married 1st, March 2, 1847, Sarah A. Stackpole, of Rollinsford, N.H. Married 2d, Nov. 27, 1867, Nancy M. W. Seward, of Boston, Mass. 228 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children of First Wife. I. AzELiA C.,* b. June 2, 1848; m. George H. Lucas, of Farmington, N.H. Child. 1. Ethel Churchill Lucas, b. May 15, 1879. 896 II. Clarence Edgar, ^ b. Sept. 5, 1849; m. Ellen Webster, in Lawrence. Child. 1. Lotta Belle, b. March 9, 1883. 897 IIL Herbert H.,'^ b. Sept. 2, 1853; m. Flora G. Jack, of Gardiner, Me., June 3, 1880. They live in Lawrence, Mass. Children. 1. Amv Phebe, b. April 2!), 1881. 2. Herbert Leon, b. Aug. 29, 1884. 8. Chester Lindsay, b. Oct. 21, 1891. IV. Esther Annette,^ b. Dec. 22, 1854; m. 1st, Dr. George W. Peavet, Aug. 6, 1878; m. 2d, Charles Hovey; m. 3d, Caleb Saunders. No children. 898 V. Lester Lincoln,^ b. Nov. 2, 1859 ; m. Hattie Burlet Ferguson, Nov. 1, 1882. They were married at Portsmouth, and lived in Brookfield, N.H., and had there Children. 1. Guy Lester, b. June 5, 1885. 2. Gladys Ferguson, b. Jan. 24, 1890. VI. Sarah,^ b. Nov. 1, 1863. Children of Second Wife. 899 VII. Charles I.,« b. Oct. 31, 1868; m. Manda Ellen Place. They lived in Brookfield, and had Children . 1. Agnes Marilla, b. Oct. 21, 1893. 2. Catharine Marjorie, b. Aug. 18, 1896. 438. ALFRED" CHURCHILL (John T.,« Joseph,' Thomas,^ Barnabas,^ Joseph,^ John ^). Born in Brookfield, N.H., Nov. 24, 1823. Married, May 12, 1844, Louisa Wentworth Giles. Children. I. Ellen Annette,** b. Nov. 6, 1845; m. James A. Morse. They had one child, a daughter, name not received. 900 II. Frank Giles, ^ b. June 18. 1852; ra. Lillian A. Austin, of Law- rence. Lived in Lawrence. Children. 1. Ethel Austin, b. Dec. 13, 1884. 2. Kenneth, b. Aug. 2. 1901. SEVEXTH GEXERATION 229 439. JOSEPH' CHUECHILL (Johx T./' Joseph/' Thomas/ Bar- nabas/ Joseph/ Johx^). Boru hi Brookfield, X.H., Sept. 10, 1825. Married, Dec. 29, 1846, Mercy Ann Bailey, of Plymouth, KH. Children. I. Harriet Anna,- b. April 24, 1848; m. Arthur "Warren Knowl- TON, of Newburgh, Me. No chilJreu. 901 II. Orlando Fitzland,- b. May 24, 1850; m. Mart Barbara West, of Lawrence, May 3, 1873. Child. 1. Estelle, b. July 2, 1876. 902 III. Frederick Arthur,® b. Aug. 12,18(51; m. Ella M. Allen, of Warren, Me., Oct. 17, 1880. Child. 1. Arthur Warren, b. Aug. 14, 1881, in Lawrence. 440. XATHANIEL WILEY" CHUPvCHILL (Col. John T./ Joseph/ Thomas/ Barnabas/ Joseph,- John^). Born at Brook- field, X.H., Oct. 12, 1827. Died in Dorchester, Mass., May 8, 1903. Mr. Churchill was a chief compiler of " Churchills in America," and will receive a more complete notice in the introductory section of this volume. His childhood and boyhood were spent in his native tovv-n, where he attended the public schools, and passed through the common experiences of boys on Xew England farms. A term at South Berwick Academy, Maine, and another at Wakefield Acad- emy, New Hampshire, completed his education. He taught a winter term in a district school, and then entered business life as a clerk in a dry-goods store in Dover, N.H. Later he succeeded to the business as principal. He later engaged in the same business at Lawrence, Mass., and Concord, N.H., for about eight years, when he sold out, and removed to Boston, forming a partnership, which, after a time, proved so unsatisfactory that he withdrew and en- tered upon a career as a travelling salesman, in which business he achieved great success. He entered the employment, largely, of New York firms, and his territory covered nearly the whole of the northern part of the United States, including also Delaware, Mary- land, Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, and the District of Columbia. After many years of this constant travelling, he settled down to business in Boston, in the line of manufacturing knit shawls and worsted goods, for some eighteen years, and up to his retirement in May, 1902, he continued in this business. I have been carefully 230 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY through his note-books and correspondence, and while I find little previous to 1883 and 1884, I judge that his tastes had always in- clined him to genealogical investigation. In his travels I find his note-books, from ISSl on, filled at one end with his business orders, and at the other with his genealogical notes. In nearly all the cities and towns he visited he evidently copied the names and ad- dresses of Churchills in the directories, or obtained the names from the post-ofiices, and then, if possible, called upon such as he found to represent different families. Indeed, he has told me of this method of collecting material. In this way he collected a vast amount of data and became personally acquainted with a great number of the Churchill kindred, and his luemory of them and their conditions and characteristics was marvellous. It is a matter of regret that he did not put any of this valuable information into written form. He was eager to get the facts of birtlis, marriat/es, and deaths, which he deemed the most important part, and often spoke to me of going over the names in review, ^' sometime," w^hen he could give me, from his memory, a biography, or some facts about each one. The " sometime " never came. We were so busy getting the vital facts that we never found time to make any attempt to formulate any of these sketches. It was only by earnest and continued urging that I was able, sometime after his retire- ment, to secure from him a brief statement of his own business career, just the bare facts. Mr. Churchill was of fine presence and genial manners, warmly attached to his home and family, and devoted in his friendships. Of his association with Mr. Gardner A. Churchill, of Dorchester, and their co-operation in this work until the death of the latter, the story will be given elsewhere, as well as my own connection with him, as editor and assistant compiler. For many years much of his energy, time, and interest have been devoted to the gathering and recording of material for this volume, and his loss has been a great calamity to its completion. From scores of the kindred scattered over the country who have known him, either by personal interview or correspondence, we have received letters of regret and tribute. Mr. Churchill was a member of the Massachusetts Society of Colonial Wars, in the eighth gener- ation from Capt. John Gilman, and also in the sixth degree from Isaac Allerton. He married, March 10, 1852, Martha J. Wiggtn, of Dover, N.H., daughter of Capt. Benjamin and Mar}^ (Dow) Wiggin. Mrs. Martha J. Churchill died Jan. 28, 1895. Children . I. Isabella,^ b. at Dover, Dec. US, 1852 ; died, aged fourteen months. II. Jennie Russell,* b. Aug. 31, 1855; m. John Woodburi', Feb 18, 1885. SEVENTH GENERATION 231 Mr. Woodbury is the son of John P. Woodbury, of Boston. He graduated at Harvard in 1880 in the class with President Roosevelt. Graduate also of Harvard Law School. Practised law until 1x96, when he was appointed secretary of the Metropolitan Park Com- mission of Massachusetts, which position he still holds (1903). They live in Lynn. They have no children. III. Josephine Hill,- b. Oct. 23, 1865. Unmarried, lived with her father until his deatii. 441. ALBERT" CHURCHILL (Ebexezer Chapman/' Joseph,^ Thomas/ Barxabas,'^ Joseph,- John ^). Boru April 13, 1813, probably in Portsmouth, N.H. Married 1st, 1863, Belinda Col- bath, of Dover, N.H. She died 1869, aged 35. Married 2d, 1870, Hannah J. Bailey, of Plymouth, X.H., daughter of Joseph and Hannah. Children of First Wife. 903 I. Albert Rockwell,^ b. April 7, 1866. Children of Second Wife. II. Lottie Mat,» b. Sept. 22, 1872; d. Aug. 12, 1873. III. Jennie Lulu,* b. March 7, 1875. 442. EBEN ' CHURCHILL (Ebenezer Chapman,*^ Joseph,' Thomas,^ Barnabas,^ Joseph,- John ^). Born March 2, 1834, at Portsmouth, probably. Married Emma Bowen, daughter of William. ChildA-en. 904 I. Edwin,* b. 1861. II. RoENA A.,« b. March 28, 1862; m. Cyrus E. Udell. III. Dora E.,« b. 1865. 905 IV. FRANK.^b. 1867. 906 V. Joseph,* b. 1874. 443. JOSEPH EDWARD^ CHURCHILL (Ebenezer Chapman," Joseph,'* Thomas,* Barnabas,^ Joseph,- John ^). Born at Ports- mouth or Dover, Aug. 1, 1842. ^Married, Sept. 20, 1871, Annie Harmus, of Wakefield, Mass. Children. 907 I. Charles Lewis,^ b. Oct. 23, 1874. 908 IL AViLLiAM Edward,* b. Dec. 1, 1876. 909 III. Walter Erving,* b. July 18, 1878. IV. Laira Mabel,* b. Sept. 8, 1883. 444. WOODBURY LANGDOX ' CHURCHILL (Ebenezer,'' Joseph,' Thomas,* Barnabas,^ Joseph,- John'). Born in New Hampshire, Aug. 9, 1847. 232 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY The names of children were found after the name was passed on page 115. Married Mary A. Nasoi^. Children. I. Ella M.,^ b. Aug. 26, 1878. II. Emma T.,^ b. Nov. 3, 1880. 445. ADDISON' CHUECHILL (Xathaxiel,^ Joseph,^ Thomas,* Barxabas,^ Joseph,- John ^). Born in Exeter, N.H., May 27, 1831. Married Jexnie Isabella Green, born May 17, 1833, Children. I. Minnie. 8 b. May 28, 1856; d. May 31, 1856. II. Charles Sidney,^ b. .July 4, 1857; d. June 18, 1866. 910 III. Addison,^ b. Oct. 4, 1860. IV. LeForest E.,s b. Nov. 9, 1862; d. May 4, 1863. 446. ALMANDEE ' CHUECHILL (Kathaxiel,^ Joseph,^ Thomas," Barnabas,^ Joseph,- Johx^). Born at Exeter, N.H., July 14, 1834. Married 1st, Clara F. Taylor ; married 2d, Catharine C. Parkhurst. Child of First Wife. I. Clara S.,^ b. March, 1856. Children of Second Wife. II. Carrie R.,^h. March 31, 1858. 911 III. Frank A.« 912 IV. Fred S.^ V. James Louis, ^ d. in infancy. VI. Blanche C.,^ d. in infancy. VII. James Louis, 2d,* d. in infancy. 447. NATHANIEL ' CHUECHILL (Nathaniel," Joseph,^ Thomas,^ Barnabas,' Joseph,^ John ^). Born at Exeter, N.H., Aug. 17, 1836. Married, Dec. 21, 1858, Elizabeth A. James, who was born in Hampton, N.H., Nov. 9, 1837. Children. I. Alice,'* b. May 26. 1860; m. William T. Wilder, April 30, 1884 II. Walter J., 8 b. Aug. 18, 1862; d. Sept. 27, 1863. 448. JASPEE HAZEN' CHUECHILL (Nathaniel,^ Joseph,"' Thomas," Barnabas,'' Joseph,-' John ^). Born at Exeter, N.H., Nov. 25, 1844; died Oct. 6, 1879. Married at Exeter, N.H., May 31, 1877, Ella A. Porter. SEVENTH GENERATION 233 Child. 913 I. Joseph Porter,^ b. March 17, 1878. 449. SHELDON W.' CHURCHILL (Daniel,« Joseph/ Thomas,^ Barxabas,^ Joseph,- John ^). Bora in New Hampshire, Feb. 14, 1835. Married 1st, May 14, 1861, Olive A. Wiggin ; slie died Oct. 31, 1873 ; married 2d, Nov. 10, 1875, Clara B. Douglas. Children of First Wife. I. Ellixor G.,« b. June, 1862; d. Jan. 7, 1864. II. IsABELLE,^ b. February, 1865; d. June 13, 1879. III. Frank S.,^ b. August, 1869; d. May U, 1873. IV. Olive A.,« b. October, 1873; d. April 27, 1874. Children of Second Wife. V. Ellinor M.,* b. August. 1876. VI. Clara L.,' b. July, 1878. 914 VII. Daniel,^ b. January, 1881. 450. ALGERNON HOWE' CHURCHILL (Thomas C," Nathax- lEL,"' Thomas,^ Barxabas,' Joseph,- Johx '). Born at Wilton, Me., June 16, 1837. He served in the Civil War, in Company K, First Maine Regiment. Married, Nov. 9, 1861, Martha Helex Stixch- field, of Clinton, Me. Children horn., first in Leioiston, J/e., second in Salem, Mass. I. Adella Ashley,* b. Sept 9, 1862, d. Jan. 30. 1865. II. Mabel Gertrude,* b. Oct. 7, 1867, m. Charles O. Farrar, Sept. 30, 1889. 451. JOHN HENRY ' CHURCHILL (Johx," Nathaxiel,"' Thomas,^ Barxabas,^ Joseph,- Johx '). Born July 1, 1844. He was a physician at Cross Rivers, N.Y. They lived at Middleton, Conn., and Cross Rivers, N.Y. Married, Feb. 9, 1868, Irexe G. Caxfield, of Middleton, Conn. Children. I. Irexe,* b. at Middleton, Conn., Oct. 19, 1869. 915 II. Pail,* b. at Cross Rivers, N.Y., Aug. 25, 1871. 453. NAHUM B.' CHURCHILL (Nathaxiel,'' Nathaxiel,"' Thomas,^ Barxabas,^ Joseph,- Johx '). Born Jan. 8, 1843. Lived in Lynn, Mass. Married, June 8, 1867, Lydia A. Moore. One child. I. Alberta S.,* b, Oct. 16, 1876. 234 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 455. WILLIAM ALVAH ' CHURCHILL (William G.,'' Nathaniel,' Thomas/ Barnabas,' Joseph,- John'). Born June 4, 1832, prob- ably in New Hampshire. Married Martha Folsom Robinson, of Greenland, who was born Jan. 30, 1831. Children. I. Charlotte Ann,^ b. Dec. 23. lf*53. 916 II. Horace MANN.^b. Aug. 21, 1855. III. Harriet Beecher,^ b. April 18, 1857. IV. Alice Bell.« b Oct. 6, 1859. 917 V. WiNFiELD ScoTT,"^ b. Oct. 28, 1861. VI. Etta Myrtilla,^ b. Sept. U, 1864. VII. Florence Mat.^ b. June 24, 18G7. 918 VIII. Arthur Leslie,* b. Oct. 21, 1871. IX. Grace Edna,^ b. Aug. 31, 1874. 456. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS ' CHURCHILL (Charles,'"' John,' Ebenezer,^ Barnabas,'^ Joseph,- John '). Born in Pittsfield, Sept. 6, 1831. Married, Sept. 11, 1861, Clara Butler, of Pittsfield. Children. I. Charlotte Maria,* b. Dec. 8, 1863; m. William Barrows, of Pittsfield. March 13, 1884. 919 II. Charles Edward,* b. Dec. 5, 1865. 457. EDWARD PAYSON' CHURCHILL (Charles," John,' Ebenezer,^ Barnabas," Joseph,- John^). Born in Pittsfield, Aug. 6, 1834. They lived in Pittsfield. He died Sept. 28, 1874. Married, at Pittsfield, Jan. 3, 1870, Dora Kettell. They had one son. Child. I. George,* b. Nov. 7, 1870; d. July 22, 1S71. 458. JOHN B.' CHURCHILL (Samuel A.," John,^ Ebenezer," Bar- nabas,^ Joseph,-' John '). Born in Pittsfield, Dec. 12, 1844. Mar- ried, April 8, 1868, Mary Belden, of Lenox. Children born in Pittsfield. 920 I. Samuel Belden,^ b. May 22, 1872. II. Jennie Esther.* b. Nov. 13, 1876; d. April 11, 1880. III. Eva Belden,* b. Jan. 15, 1884. SEVENTH GENERATION 235 459. GEORGE' CHURCHILL (Orrin,« Lemuel,^ John," Barnabas,^ Joseph/- JoHx^). Born April 12, 1834. Lives at Buchanan, Mich. Married, July 16, 1856, Elizabeth Halsted. Children. 921 I. WiM.iAM,« b. Dec. 25, 1858. 922 II. Hakkt.'* b. Feb. 21, 1862. 460. OWEN ' CHURCHILL (Orrix,« Lemuel,^ Johx,-* Barnabas," Joseph,- John'). Born in Truxton, N.Y., April 24, 1840. Lived at Three Oaks, Mich. Married, Dec. 20, 1869, Flora Adams. Ch ildren . 923 I. Lemuel.8 II. Emma.^ 924 III. JOHN.8 461. JOHN PORTER' CHURCHILL (Orrin,«. Lemuel,^ John," Barnabas,^ Joseph,"^ John '). Born at Buchanan, Mich., Dec. 2, 1846, and lived there. Married, Oct. 12, 1873, Harriet Moore. CJnldren. I. Mertie,' b. Julv 25, 1874; d. Ausr. 26, 1878. 925 II. Clyde,« b. July 30, 1879. III. Leonora,^ b. Mav 18, 1881. 926 IV. GoY.s No record. 462. GEORGE CLINTON' CHURCHILL (Alanson,« Bradford,^ John,* Barnabas,'' Joseph,- John '). Born Dec. 27, 1847. Lived in Fittsfield. Married Eunice Toll ans bee. Chdd.ren. 927 I. George.5 928 II. Robert. 8 929 III. Raymond.8 930 IV. Bradford. « 463. MARLBOROUGH' CHURCHILL (Benjamin K.,« Joseph,^ Joseph,* Joseph,^ Joseph,- John '). Born in Bristol, R.I., February, 1816. Graduated at West Point in 1836. Appointed assistant in- spector of artillery, under General Anderson. Resigning, he was made engineer of Croton Water Works in 1842. Afterwards he was appointed superintendent of a military school at Sing Sing. Married, Sept. 2, 1837, Elizabeth Louise Voris. 236 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children. I. Mart,* b. September, 1848 ; unmarried. II. Marlborough, Jr. j'^ b. .January, 1856; unmarried. 465. WAENER" CHURCHILL (John," Joseph/ Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,- John ^). Born in Mooers, X.Y., July 16, 1808. Settled for a time in Hemmingford, Canada. He removed to Michigan in 1843, and lived at Onion, in that State, where he was a merchant, and where he died, Dec. 24, 1858. Married at Hemmingford, Canada, Feb. 18, 1835, Almira Schriver, who was born Nov. 12, 1812, and died June 21, 1886. Children horn, except the youngest, in Michigan. I. William Asher,** b. Nov. 26, 1835; unmarried. He served in the Civil War, and was killed in the battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. II. CHARLES.^b. Oct. 14, 1837; d. Feb. 27, 1867. III. JoHN,5 b. June 15, 1839; d. unmarried Jan. 29, 1870. 931 IV. Warner, Jr.,« b. Jan. 11, 1841 ; m. Sarah Harris, Feb. 25, 1864. They lived in Mt. Pleasant, Mich. He served in the Civil War four and one-half years. Then "farmed" for eight years, and for twenty-four years has been engaged in a flourishing flour business. 932 V. James H.," b. April 5, 1844; m. Catherine Simpson, April 14, 1875. They lived in Pontiac, Mich., and had Children. 1. Edward H., b. Feb. 19, 1876. 2. Charles, b. Feb. 14, 1878; d. Aug. 30, 1893. 3. Jennie, b. April 15, 1880. 4. Fannie, b. Nov. 2, 1882. 5. Warner A., b. June 1, 1886, 6. Sarah E., b. Nov. 29, 1891. 466. GILBERT ' CHURCHILL (John," Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,- John ^). Born in Mooers, N.Y., May 18, 1810. Died in Wallace, Ont., Sept. 6, 1858. Married Elizabeth ( ). Children. I. Lavina.* II. Harriet.* III. Almika.* IV. Mary Ann,^ V. Jennie.® VI. Lizzie. * 468. THEODORE ' CHURCHILL (John," Joseph,' Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,- John^). Born in Mooers, IST.Y., May 25, 1822, and lived there. Married Luct Frost. SEVENTH GEXEEATIOX 237 Children. I. Jessie.^ 933 II. Lccius.^ 469. BENJA^AIiy LEASEE Y" CHURCHILL (Joseph/' John/ Joseph/ Joseph/ Joseph/ Johx '). Born in jNIooers, X.Y., Feb. 7. 1816. Served in Civil "War. Died at Point of Eoeks, Va.. ^lareh 14, 1865. Married Maria Eassett. Children horn in Mooers, X.Y. 934- I. Malcolm S.,* b. Jan. 9, 1845; m. Carrie Henderson, April 23, 1879. II. Benjamin M.,** b. Aug. 22. 1847. III. Calista M.,^ b. Sept. 21, 1849: d. March 29. 1807. 935 IV. Alanson B.,** b. June 27, 1853; m. Emma Lake. June 17, 1884. V. Lucy M.,* b. Mav 18. 1856: m. Robert E. INIarkee, JuIv 4. 1871. VI. Nellie M.,*^ b. Sept. 6, 1858; d. June 23. 1864.' VII. Harriet S.,** b. Feb. 9, 1862. VIII. LiLLTE F..^ b. April 13. 1864; m. Flint A. Conket. of Windom, Minn.. Dec. 27, 1883. 470. JOSEPH B.' CHUECHILL (Joseph," Johx,"' Joseph/ Joseph,'^ Joseph,- John ^). Born in Mooers, X.Y., June 23, 1820. Lived in Clintonville and Mooers, N.Y., and St. Croix Ealls, Wis. Married, Dec. 11, 1841, Eliza Tukxball. Children. I. Charles Henry,'" b. at Clintonville, N.Y., May 19. 1843; d. at Fetersburg, Va., Dec. 17, 1866. II. Marcia Maria/ b. at Clintonville, N.Y., June 7, 1844; ru. Fhin- EAS B. Lacy, Oct. 7. 1861. III. Lemuel Thomas.® b. at Clintonville, N.Y., Oct. 11, 1845; drowned at St. Croix Falls, Wis., in 1857. IV. Amanda A.,^ b. at Mooers, N.Y., July 8, 1847 ; m. Joseph Rogers, May 11. 1865. V. Olive L.,« b. at Mooers, N.Y., Dec. 9. 1850; d. at Hadran, Mich., Jan. 25, 1883. 936 VI. George "W.,® b. at Mooers, N.Y., May 5, 1852; m. Rebecca Orr, July 3, 1878. VII. Jerome B./ b. at St. Croix Falls, Wis., Mav 28. 1855: d. Oct. 25, 1855. VIII. Eleanor S.,« b. at St. Croix Falls, Wis., Nov. 12, 1856; d. Aug. 31, 1858. 937 IX. William A.,« b. at St. Croix Falls, Wis., Sept. 26, 1859; ra. Anna A. Payne, of Taylor's Falls, Minn., in 1882. X. Martha S.,^ b. at St. Croix Falls, Oct. 12, 1862. 471. GEOEGE W.' CHUECHILL (Joseph," Johx/ Joseph,^ Joseph/ Joseph/ John^). Born at Mooers, N.Y., April 10, 1825. Married 1st, Sept. 26, 1852, Abigail J. Hitchcock. She died without issue in 1854. Married 2d, Ellex F. Strong, of Downer's Grove, 111. 238 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children by Second Wife. 938 I. George W.,» b. Dec. 11, 1862. II. Minnie B.,» b. March 16, 1864. III. Kate F.,« b. Aug. 5, 1868. 472. SYLVESTER S.' CHURCHILL (Joseph/' John^ Joseph," Joseph/ Joseph/ John ^). Born in Mooers, N.Y., Nov. 6, 1827. He died in Mooers, N.Y., in 1884. Married, in Chazy, IST.Y., Oct. 19, 1853, Jane R. Ransom. Children. I. Dora M.,^ b. at Mooers, N.Y., May 17, 1857; m. John W. Haven, April 29, 1883. II. Willis Phillips,^ b. at Burlington, Vt., Nov. 6, 1861 ; d. April 26, 1868. III. Estella M.,8 b. at Mooers, N.Y., Feb. 13, 1866. IV. Jane Ransom,* b. at Mooers, N.Y., Feb. 14, 1871. 473. CHARLES C' CHURCHILL (Joseph," John,^^ Joseph,* Joseph,^ Joseph,- John^). Born at Mooers, IST.Y., June 15, 1836. Lived in Georgetown, Col. Married, at Taylors ville, Iowa, April 7, 1866, Harriet A. McKibben. Children. I. Kate E.,* b. at Taylorsville, May 7, 1868. 939 II. Charles Frederick,* b. May 16, 1871; d. Oct. 7, 1877. III. Fannie G.,* b. June 2, 1873; d. July 17, 1874. IV. Le Roy,s b. March 2, 1875; d. April 20, 1880. V. La Roe," b. Nov. 13, 1878; d. April 14, 1880. 940 VI. Henry C.,** b. at Georgetown, Col., April 1, 1881. 474. SAMUEL HARVEY ' CHURCHILL (Samuel,^ John,' Joseph,* Joseph,^ Joseph,- John ^). Born Jan. 24, 1819, at Mooers, N.Y. Married, Feb. 19, 1851, Eveline H. Knapp, Children. I II III IV 941 V 942 VI Ella.s Katharine Spragoe.* Frances,^ d. in infancy. Caroline,* d. in infancy. Pliny Fisk.* John Charles.' HON JOHN CHARLES CHURCHILL OSWEGO, N.Y. (No. 475, page 239.) SEVENTH GEXERATION 2a<) 475. HON. .JOHN CHARLES ' OHURCHI*LL (Samuel," John/^ Joseph,^ Joseph/ Joseph,- John '). Born in Mooers, N.Y., Jan. 17, 1821. Attended the common schools of his native town, and completed his college preparation at Burr Seminary, Manchester, Vt. He graduated at Middlebury College in 1843. He became a teacher, first at Castleton Seminary and later in Middlebury College, attended a course in the Harvard Law School, and entered the office of Joshua A. Spencer, of Utica, where he was associated with the , late Eoscoe Conkliu and Hon. Albertus Perry, formerly of Oswego. Mr. Churchill was admitted to the bar in July, 1847, and com- menced the practice of his profession. In 1848 Mr. Churchill opened an office in OsAvego, where he has since resided. He has been called repeatedlyby his townsmen to fill places of public honor and trust. He was elected in 1857 county attorney of Oswego, and 18(>0, county judge. In 1866, and again in 1868, he was elected representative to Congress from his district, Avhere he served with distinguished ability and honor. He has been a trusted leader in politics, influential as a member of the Cincinnati convention of 1876, and presidential elector-at-large in 1880 of the convention which nominated Mr. Garfield. In 1881 Mr. Churchill received the high honor of being appointed judge of the Supreme Court, which place he filled until 1892, the end of the constitutional age limit. He was on the faculty of the College of LaAv, in Syracuse, many years, up to February, 1897, when ill-health forced him to resign. After his retirement from the bench he resumed the practice of the law in company Avith his son, LaAvrence W. Churchill, under the firm name of J. C. & L. W. Churchill. The degree of LL.D Avas conferred npon him by Middlebury College in 1874, and the same honor Avas received from Hamilton College in 1882. Judge Churchill married, at OsAvego, N.Y., Sept. 11, 1849, Katharine Thomas Sprague, daughter of Dr. LaAvrence Sprague and his wife Katharine, and born at Wiscasset, Me., Ma}^ 21, 1821. Children of Hon. John C. and Katharine T. Churchill. I. Lawrence Spkague,** b. June 21, 1850; d. at Oswego, April 6, i8(;2. II. Katharine Sprague,^ b. Sept. 6, 1853; d. Aug. 2, 1899, at _ , Oswego, N.Y. ^\ ■ ■ ' -^ 1 943 III. John Charles,® b. Sept. 10, 1856; m. Mary B. WESTBROoKr— -^. /•=? 31 of Ogdensburg, N.Y., Dec. 10, 1887. He graduated at La Fayette College, 1878. Lives in Oswego, a civil engineer. They have three children : (1) John Westbrnok, b Feb. 5. 1889; (2^ Law- rence S., b. June 10. 1890; (3) Walter Allen, b. May 10," 1893; (4) a daughter, d. in infancy. v: 240 THE CHURCHILL FA.MILY IV. Martha Eliot,® b. Nov. 3, 1858 ; m. Dr. Walter K. Fisher, Oct. 7, 1886. Dr. Fisher was a surgeon in the United States army, and died at Fort Mead, South Dakota, June, 18'J6. , Mrs. Fisher lives with her father in Oswego. V. Alice,* b. Sept. 26, 1«60; d. Sept 25, 1895, at Oswego," N.Y. 1)44 VI. Lawrence William,® b. Sept. 7, 1862; m. Ida C Lilley, of New York, June 7, 1899. He graduated at Yale College in 1886, and is now in the practice of the law, with his otnce at No. 2 Wall street. New York. 477. CHAELES' CHURCHILL (Eliezer/' Eliezer/ Eliezer/ Eliezer,^ Eliezer,^ Johx ^). Born in West Briclgewater, Aug. 17, 1791. Lived in Weymouth and West Bridgewater. Married, July, 28, 1814, Dorcas Pratt Hawes. Slie was born Dec. 12, 1795. Children. I. Lucy,® b. in Wevmouth, April 19, 1816. - II. Lydia,® b. in Weymouth, Dec. 13, 1818. III. Harriet,® b. in West Bridgewater, Nov. 14, 1820. IV. Charles,® b. in West Bridgewater, Jan. 23, 1823 ; d. aged 3 months. 945 V. Charles Edward.® b. in West Bridgewater, June 1, ls24. VI. Elizabeth,® b in West Bridgewater. June 2, 1827. VII. Mary Porter,* b in West Bridgewater, June 9, 1831. VIII. DoKCAS Axx,® b, in West Bridgewater, Feb. 11, 1834. f)46 IX. Rodney,® b. in West Bridgewater, May 12, 1837. })-l7 X. Newton,® b. in West Bridgewater, April 13, 1839. 948 XI. George,® b. in West Bridgewater, March 9, 1844. 478. WILLIAM ' CHURCHILL (Thaddeus," Thaddeus,^ Eliezer,^ Eliezer,''' Eliezer,- John^). Born, probably, in Kingston, Nov. 25, 1800. Died Jan. 16, 1862. Married 1st, Sept. 7, 1828, Mary C. Fuller. She died June 22, 1829 ; no children. Married 2d, Aug. 28, 1830, Beulah Orton. She died Dec. 18, 1851 ; no children. Married 3d, Aug. 28, 1852, Jane R. Squires. Died Feb. 24, 1887. She was born in New London, Conn. One Child by Third Wip. I. Charles W.® Unmarried. In 1900 was living in New London. 479. HENRY' CHURCHILL (Thaddeus,'^ Thaddeus,'' Eliezer,^ Eliezer,^ Eliezer,- Johx ^). Born, probably, in Kingston, Nov. 18, 1802. They lived in Kingston, Mass. Married, Aug. 2, 1832, Maria B. Swift. Children born i?i Kingston. 949 I. Henry L.** Lived in North Camliridge. II. LrciA M.® Lived in New Hampshire. SEVENTH GENERATION 241 480. CAPT. JOSEPH LEWIS' CHURCHILL (Joseph/' Thad- DEUs/ Eliezer/ Eliezer/ Eliezer,- Joh^t^). Born in Plymouth, Aug. 1, 1805. He was a sailor, and died at sea, Aug. 18, 1842, on board the brig "Androscoggin," of Portland, on the passage from Wilmington, N.C., to Jamaica. Married, May 27, 1830, Abigail Merrill Goodwin, of Falmouth, Me. She died August, 1846. Children. 950 I. Charles Thomas, ^ b. .June 16, 1833. II. Louisa Le Baron, ^ b. June 22, 1835; m. Benjamin F, Dyer, Feb. 22, 1854. III. Sarah Ann,® b. Nov. 2, 1837; m. George F. Merrill, Jan. 3, 1856. IV. Abby LE^VIs,s b. Sept. 12, 1839; m. David Hall, Aug. 4, 1856. V. Helen Harvey,^ b. Oct. 15, 1841; d. Aug. 30, 1842. 481. SAMUEL' CHURCHILL (Samuel,« Samuel,' Josiah,^ Elie- zer,^ Eliezer,- Johx^). Born in Plymouth, Aug. 31, 1802. Mar- ried, Jan. 1, 1827, Rachel Capex, who was born July 25, 1804. Children. I. Elizabeth Capen,^ b. Sept. 2, 1827; d. June 27, 1847. II. Sarah Frances,** b. Anril 29, 1829; m. Henry B. Crane, Dec. 12, 1848. III. Martha Ann,* b. March 10, 1831 ; m. Massena Ballou, Nov. 4, 1849. IV. Laura Aurelia,^ b. March 18, 1833; m. Charles Upham, Nov. 12, 1852. V. Infant, not named, died soon. VI. Ellen Covington,^ b. May 19, 1837; m. George P. Reynolds, April 18, 1868. VII. Samuel Henry, ^ d. in infancy. VIII. Mary Elmira,^ b. Dec. 24, 1842; m. Alfred Upham, Dec. 25, 1861. IX. Alice Isabel, "* b. Jan. 26, 1846; m. Nathaniel F. Foster, Jan. 25, 1865. 482. EZRA ' CHURCHILL (Samuel," Samuel,^ Josiah," Eliezer,^ Eliezer,- John ^). Born in Plymouth, March 10, 1805. He died April 17, 1850. Married, June 29, 1830, Mehitable Porter, who was born in Stoughton, Dec. 3, 1808, and died Dec. 28, 1863. Children. I. Mary Eliza,*" b. Oct. 11, 1832; d. Sept. 28, 1853; unmarried. II. Frederick,® b. Jan. 5, 1839; d. unmarried (lost at sea), 1860/61. III. Catherine Porter,® b. Oct. 21, 1843; d. Oct. 29, 1845. 951 IV, Ezra Khodes,® b. April 4, 1847, at North Bridgewater; m. Ella Jane Thayer, April 2, 1870; b. March 4, 1850. 242 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 484. JOHN E.' CHURCHILL (Samuel,^ SamueLj^ JosiaHj^Eliezer/ Eliezer,^ John- ^). Born in Stoughton, 1814. Married Eleanor Shuman. Children born iyi Plymouth. 952 I. Francis H.,^ b. July 6, 1840. 953 II. Samuel E.,^ b. Aug. 31, 1842. III. A Daughter, d. in infancy. IV. A Daughter, d. in infancy. 485. LEWIS P.' CHURCHILL (Exos,« Enos,^ Josiah,^ Eliezer,^ Eliezer,^ John^). Born Nov. 8, 1826. Married Ann Locke, in Lockport, N.S. ChildreJi. 954 I. Enos.s b. Sept. 6, 1852. II. Tryphenia,^ b. Oct. 5, 1854. 955 III. Edmund,^ b. Aug. 7, 1856. IV. rLORENCE,8b. Sept. 11, 1858. 956 V. Archibald,^ b. Dec. 9, 1860. 957 VI. Lewis,8 b. March 2, 1863. 958 VII. Henrt,» b. April 7, 1865. 959 VIII. Erank,« b. Jan. 14, 1867. 960 IX. JoHN,« b. Jan. 1, 1869. X. Josephine,^ b. Sept. 15, 1871. 488. FRED LEE' CHURCHILL (John D.,« Silvanus/ Josiah,* Eliezer,^ Eliezer,- John ^). Born at Plymonth, Feb. 8, 1846. Married, June 7, 1874, Mary IST. Damon. Children. 961 I. JoHx Darling,' b. June 4, 1875. 962 II. Frederick,' b. June 11, 1884. 963 III. Thomas Oilman,' b. Sept. 30, 1886. 489. JOSIAH DARLING^ CHURCHILL (John D.,« Silvanus,^ JosiAH,* Eliezer,^ Eliezer,^ John ^). Born at Plymouth, Oct. 24, 1853. Married, Oct. 6, 1876, Martha Tillson. Child. I. Marcia J.,' b. Aug. 26, 1877. 491. WILLIAM WORCESTER' CHURCHILL (Lemuel,^ Jesse,^ Jonathan,* Eliezer,^ Eliezer,- John ^). Born at Richmond, Va., 1819. Married 1st, Feb. 13, 1850, Caroline Gore Woodman, who died Dec. 31, 1860. Married 2d, Mrs. ( ) Hurll. Children of First Wife. I. Caroline,' b. Jan. 6, 1851 ; m. Frank Bancroft, May 7, 1872. II. William Worcester, Jr.,' b. Aug. 29, 1858; unmarried. SEVENTH GENEEATION 243 493. WILLIAM LEATHERS^ CHURCHILL, Jr. (William L.,^ Fkaxcis,^ Jonatha]v,* Eliezer/ Eliezer/ John ^). Born in West Eairlee, Vt., Sept. 5, 1811. Married Minerva Nichols, of Corinth, Vt. CJiildreJi. I. Sophia.^ II. Emilv Howard.^ III. Pamelia.® 494. CHAUNCEY CARROLL' CHURCHILL (William L.,« Fran- cis,^ Jonathan,* Eliezer,^ Eliezer,- John ^). Born at West Fairlee, Sept. 26, 1815. He was treasurer of Norfolk County for thirty- four years, and died April 18, 1889. Married Permelia Sarin, of Araesbury, Mass. Children born in Dedham. I. Isadora M.,^ b. Nov. 9, 184G ; ni. Charles H. Leland. 963a II. Chaincev Sabix,^ b. Aug. 7, 1854; m. Grace A. Churchill at Hyde Park, April 17, 1879. She was the daughter of Ethan Stetson Churchill and Anuie M., his wife. Children horn in Dedham. 1. Grace Ethel, b. April 25, 1881. 2. Marion Sabin, b. Aug. 9, 1882. 3. Chauncey Carroll, b. June 23, 1887. 495. BENJAMIN PIXLEY ' CHURCHILL (William L.,« Francis,^ Jonathan,* Eliezer,' Eliezer," John ^). Born at West Fairlee, Vt., Sept. 2, 1822. He died in Fairlee, Aug. 14, 1864. Married Susan Thompson, of West Fairlee, Vt. Children. 064 I. Fraxcis C.^ 965 II. William A.^ 496. FRANCIS VENN5:LL '' CHURCHILL (William L.,^ Francis,^ Jonathan,* Eliezer,' Eliezer,- John ^). Born at West Fairlee, Dec. 6, 1827. Lives at Bradford, Vt. Married Marinda E. Munn, Jan. 31, 1854. Child. I. John Frank,^ b. Sept. 7, 1868; d. July 22, 1873. 498. DAVID CARROLL ' CHURCHILL, Jr. (David C.,« Francis,^ Jonathan,* Eliezer,'^ Eliezer,'- John^). Born in Lyme, N.H., April 13, 1821. Married, Oct. 20, 1847, Lydia Ann Perry, who was born July 17, 1823. 244 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children. I. Caroline Perry, ^b. Nov. 6, 1852; m. Peyson E. Fairfield, Nov. 6, 1875. II. Harriet Maria,^ b. Aug. 19, 1854; d. July 5, 1863. III. Julia Gray,** b. Jan. 13, 1857; d. May 10, 1865. IV. Emma Franklin, s b. May 8, 1861; m. Edwin D. Chase, Oct. 10, 1884. V. Alice Gray,^ b. April 29, 1865; m. Horace W. Otis, April 8, 1898. 499. CHARLES HENRY ^ CHURCHILL (David C./ Erancis,^ Jonathan/ Eliezeb,^ Eliezer,^ John^). Born in Lyme, N.H., Aug. 24, 1824. Lives in Oberlin, 0., and is a professor in Oberlin College. Married 1st, Nov. 26, 1846, Mary Jane Turner, of Oberlin, 0. ; married 2d, Oct. 10, 1859, Henrietta Beach Vance,. of Lima, Ind. Children horn in Oberlin, 0. 966 I. Charles Carroll,* b. December, 1847. 967 II. Henry Franklin,* b. September, 1852. 968 III. Frederick Arthur,* b. December, 1856. IV. Mary Lucretia,® b. May, 1858. Children of Second Wife. 969 V. Edward Payson,* b. September, 1860. 970 VI. Alfred Vance,* b. August, 1864. VII. Lewis Nelson,* b, May, 1869 ; d. May, 1869. VIII. Mary,* b. June, 1871. 971 IX. David Carroll,* b. March, 1873. 500. LEWIS FRANKLIN ' CHURCHILL (David C.,« Francis,^ Jonathan,* Eliezer,^ Eliezer,- John^). Born in Lyme, N.H., June 1, 1826. Died in 1899. He lived in Rutherford, N.C., and was a lawyer of good standing. Married, in Washington, D.C., Dec. 31, 1849, Harriet Augusta Drew, who was born July 10, 1830, in Charleston, S.C. Child. 972 I. Harry Augustus,* b. Aug. 15, 1853. 503. FRANCIS ' CHURCHILL (Simeon R.,« Francis,^ Jonathan,* Eliezer,^ Eliezer,- John ^). Born March 20, 1829. Lived in Batavia, N.Y. Married 1st, March 16, 1854, Charlotte Staats. She died Feb. 19, 1881. Married 2d, July 10, 1883, Mrs. Mary (Atwood) Kibbe. Children. I. Georgia,* b, Jan. 30, 1855. II. Jennie Frances,* b. 1859. 973 III. Frank,* b. July 30, 1861. SEVENTH GENERATIO:^ 245 503. STILLMAN' CHURCHILL (Samuel Stillman,« Fraxcis,^ •Jonathan/ Eliezer,^ Eliezer,^ John ^). Born iu Lowell, Mass., July 28, 1823. Married, Oct. 13, 1848, Lucixda Hathorn, of West Henniker, N.H. Children. I. Clarence Elmore,* b. Aug. 20, 1851. 974 II. George Sumner," b. April 9, 1S5»>; m. Harriet J. Stowell. 975 III. Edward Everett,* b. Dec. 9, 1864; m. Lena M. Bradford. 509. LEE ' CHURCHILL (Joseph W.,*' Francis,' Jonathan,^ Eli- EZER,^ Eliezer,^ John '). Boru at Troy, April 20, 1836. Married, Sept. 20, 1871, Ella Higgins. Cliildren, 976 I. Le Grand,** b. Sept. 9, 1872. II. Warren-,* b. Jan. 20, 1875; d. Jan. 9, 1880. III. Nellie,* b. July 10, 1881. IV. Akthcr,* b. Sept. 11, 1884; d. Oct. 12, 1892. 513. PROF. JOHN WESLEY' CHURCHILL (John E.," Francis,^ Jonathan,'* Eliezer,'^ Eliezer,- John '). Born in Fairlee, Yt., May 26, 1839. He removed in boyhood to Nashua, IST.H., where he received his early schooling, which was closed with a course at Appleton Academy. He planned to follow the profession of civil en- gineer, and obtained an engagement as a mechanical draughtsman on the bridge across the Mississippi river at Davenport, Iowa. Friends in Davenport discovered that he was destined for a different career, and he soon returned East and took a preparatory course at Phillips Andover Academy, and then took a four years' course at Harvard College where he graduated in 1865. He then returned to Andover for a final course at the Theological Seminary, where he graduated in 1867. He immediately received the appointment of Jones Pro- fessor of Pulpit Oratory, in Andover, Avhich position he held until his death. In 1896 he was appointed Bartlett Professor of Homiletics, and proved a worthy successor to illustrious prede- cessors. The special work of Professor Churchill at the seminary was to teach the young men who were preparing for the ministry to preach to the people so that the people would be glad to listen to them. In this he was peculiarly successful. But he grew to be more than the teacher of elocution. He became the wise counsellor, the sympathetic friend, the inspirer of new hopes in cases of dis- 246 THE CHUKCHILL rA:\IILY couragement and doubt. Hundreds of graduates, scattered over the whole country, attest his wonderful influence as teacher, adviser, and friend. He became a preacher of high ability and power, as well as a writer of note, in the line of religious thought and culture. Many other institutions besides Andover enjoyed his instruction, at different times ; among these, Dartmouth, Amherst, Brown Univer- sity and Wellesley, Smith and Mt. Holyoke ; while, since 1890, he had been instructor of elocution in Harvard Divinity School. He was best known to the great public by his marvellous power as a public reader. In this field, in the great lecture courses, some twenty -five years ago, Professor Churchill's evening was the popular feature of the course. In his power of expression, and range of voice and tone, his taste and adaptation, he stands unrivalled. He was a public-spirited and popular citizen in his own town. Pro- fessor Churchill died at Andover, Mass., April 13, 1900. His funeral services at Andover were attended by a great congregation of his towns-people and his friends from far and near, and a notable procession of professors and students and distinguished educators of many different institutions of New England followed him to his grave. The clergymen ofiiciating were Dr. Donald, his brother-in- law. Dr. McKenzie, Cambridge, and Dr. Bancroft. He married, at Andover, July 27, 1859, Mart J axe Donald, daughter of Will- iam C. Donald, who survived him. Tlieir Childre?! horn at Andover. 977 I. Donald,* b. May 20, 1870. He is a resident physician at the Ehode Island General Hospital. 978 II. Marlbokodgh,* b. Aug. 11, 1878. Graduated at Harvard College, 1900. 513. GEOEGE FEANCIS' CHUECHILL (John E.,'^ Frakcis,^ Jonathan,'* Eliezer,'^ Eliezer,- John ^). Born in Nashua, N.H., Oct. 6, 184.6. Married, Oct. 16, 1873, Ella Gertrude Holbrook. One Child. I. Gertkude,^ b. Oct. 28, 1876. 514. ELBEET LAWEENCE^ CHUECHILL (John E.,« Francis,^ Jonathan,^ Eliezer,^ Eliezer,- John ^). Born in Nashua, April 13, 1857. Married, April 9, 1884, Gertrude Abbt Taylor, daughter of Mrs. Abby Smith (Stewart) Taylor. Children born in Ahington. I. Marion,^ b. Feb. 2, 1885. 979 II. Kenneth,^ b. Feb. 15, 1890. SEVENTH GENERATION 247 517. JOSEPH^ CHUECHILL (Charles,'' Charles,^ Epheaim/ Stephen,^ Eliezee,- Johx^). Born Jan. 1,1805. jMarried Betsey Ellis, daugliter of William. Cliildren. I. Reenette Elizabeth,^ b. Dec. 27. 1830; m. Charles F. Harlow. II. Hannah Nelsox," b. Sept. 10, 1834. 080 III. Frederick Ellls,** b. July 23, 1837. IV. Ann Maria,** b. Sept. 2, 1838; m. Nathaniel Barnes, of Ply- mouth ; no issue. V. Betsey Harlow,- m. Benjamin Weston, of Plymouth. 981 VI. Joseph Luthrop,^ b, June 12, 1842. VII. Ann.« VIII. Mary.s 518. ELKANAH^ CHURCHILL (Charles,'"' Charles,^ Ephraim,^ Stephen,^ Eliezer,- John^). Born in 1809. ^Married, Jan. 29, 1835, Lydia Sherman, of Carver, daughter of John. Children. I. Charles Henry, * b. Dec. 21, 1835; d. unmarried. II. Lydia Ann,^ b. Sept. 22, 1837; d. unmarried, 1853. III. Ellen Barnes,* unmarried. 519. ISAAC COVINGTON^ CHURCHILL (Rufus,'' Charles,^ Epheaim,^ Stephen,^ Eliezer,- John^), Born Nov. 28, 1797. Married, Dec. 16, 1820, Mary T. Jenney. Children. 982 I. IsAAC,-^ b. Oct. 18, 1822; m. Sarah E. Ryder, Sept. 29, 1859. II. Franklin,* b. Sept. 24, 1824; d. Oct. 3, 1825. III. Mary Ann,* b. Feb. 2, 1831 ; m. John Spaulding, May 2, 1852. IV. Elizabeth T.,* b. Aug. 6, 1834; d. September, 1834. V. Elizabeth T.,* b. Aug. 10, 1836; d. Jan. 25, 1839. VI. RuFus,* b. 1838; d. September, 1838. VII. Benjamin F.,* b. Nov. 2, 1840; d. Aug. 29, 1841. 530. RUFUS' CHURCHILL ( Rufus,'' Charle.s,' Ephraim,'' Stephen,^ Eliezer,^ John ^). Born March 9, 1806. He died April 14, 1828. Married Lucy W. Nye, daughter of William. Children. I. William Crocker,* m. ( ) Holmes; no children. 984 II. RuFUs Hinklet,* no record. Lived, it is said, in Los Angeles, Cal. 531. WILLIAM^ CHURCHILL (Rufus,« Charles,^ Ephraim," Stephen,^ Eliezer,- John'). Born Nov. 21, 1816. Lived in Plymouth. Married, Jan. 3, L841, Emily Tribble. 248 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children. 985 I. William E.,^ b. April 28, 1843. II. Emily F.,^ Aug. 4, 1845. III. Mart H.,^ b. Dec. 6, 1848. 986 IV. Herbert,** b. Sept. 27, 1857. 987 V. Alfred G.,^ b. Jan. 22, 1861 ; m. Ada Phillips. 533. EPHRAIM EINNEY^ CHURCHILL (Ephraim,« Charles,' Ephraim/ Stephen,^ Eliezer,^ John '). Born in Plymouth Married Martha H. Whiting, Oct. 17, 1827. Tliey lived in Chiltonville, Mass. Children. I. Ephraim F.^ II. Martha A.® III. Almira C.« IV. WiNSLOw "W.,^ m. Mart A. Burgess, May 20, 1863. Children. 1. Carrie R. 2. Josephine W. 3. Rebecca F, 4. Mary A. 5. Evelyn B. 6. Almira H. 534. ZACCHEUS ' CHURCHILL (Ephraim,« Zagcheus,^ Ephraim," Stephen,^ Eliezer,- John ^). Born in Yarmouth, IST.S., Feb. 23, 1788, and lived there. In early life he taught school, and later was appointed government surveyor of land. Married 1st, Mrs. Su- sannah (Rose) Killam, widow of Abraham. She died November, 1831, aged 52 years. Married 2d, Miriam Doane. She died May 9, 1882, aged 86. Children born in Yaj-mouih. I. Drusilla,^ b. Jan. 3, 1810; m. Benjamin Redding, 1832. They lived in Yarmouth and had children born there. Children. 1. Susan Redding, b. Oct. 18, 1834; m. Calvin Frost, of Yar- mouth. 2. Zaccheus Redding, b. March IS, 1837. He was drowned Jan. 26, 1848. 3. John Redding, b. Oct. 10, 1838; m. Asenath S. Gallie, March 28, 1862. 988 II. Stephen,^ b. Oct. 11, 1811 ; m. 1st, Elizabeth Blanet, of Yarmouth, Dec. 22, 1835; m. 2d, Mrs. Julia (Phillips) Porter, widow of Capt. Horace. They lived in Yarmouth. He was a farmer. Children of First Wife. 1. Elizabeth A., b. Oct. 1, 1836; m. Harvey Cann, of Yarmouth, May 24, 1860. 2. Amos B., b. Sept. 12, 1838; d. July 3, 1860. SEVENTH GENERATION 249 3. Annie R., b. Oct. 5, 1841 ; m. Capt. Samuel F. Stanwood, Feb. 5, 1868. 4. Nathan, b. March 22, 1843; d. June 2, 1865. 5. Stephen B., b. Nov. 29, 1844; m. Annie Brown, Nov. 1, 1866. 6. George W., b. Feb. 10, 1847; m. Martha \V. Huntington, April 21, 1875. 7. Susan E., b. July 27, 1849; m. Edward Knight, Nov. 22, 1882. 8. Sarah J., b. July 17, 1853; m. Capt. C. Hemeou, Oct. 25, 1886. III. Hannah,* b. Oct. 14, 1813; m. William Murphy, of Yarmouth, 1833. They lived in Yarmouth and had children. Children. 1. William Murphy, b. Sept. 11, 1834. 2. Emily H. Murphy, b. Sept. 10, 1837. Drowned in Yarmouth, Sept. 10, 1841. 989 IV. Zaccheu.s,^ b. July 1, 1815; m. 1st, Susan P. Saunders, April 23, 1840; m. 2d, Drusilla (Earle) Shaw, July 13, 1859. They lived at Yarmouth, where he was a school-teacher. Children of First Wife, bo7-n in Yarmouth. 1. Caroline C, b. May 6, 1841; m. 1st, John Bain, July 14, 1861; m. 2d, Thomas Dane, Sept. 10, 1886. 2. Sarah C, b. June 3, 1843; m. Robert Thurston, Nov. 19, 1864. 3. John S., b. Feb. 22, 1847; m. Sarah R. Wyman, July 19, 1874. Children of Second Wife. 4. Augusta, b. May 1, 1861. 5. Elizabeth, b. July 12, 1863; m. Arthur AV. McKinnon, May 1, 1889. 990 V. Richard,** b. Feb. 19, 1818; m. Deborah Crosby, Dec. 28, 1841. They lived at Yarmouth and had children. Children. 1. Charles, b. Oct. 26, 1842; m. Lucy J. Rodney. 2. William M., b. March 8, 1846; m. Isabel Rodney, Nov. 10, 1870. 3. Lewis, b. June 17, 1848; m. Matilda Thurston, March 81, 1872. 4. Eliza A., b. Aug. 11, 1851. 5. Albert, b. May 20, 1853. Lost at sea, September, 1874. 6. Amanda, b. June 1, 1856; m. Augustus Williams, Feb. 5, 1878; d. Lynn, March 25, 1882. 7. Matilda, b. July 26, 1858. 8. Amos B., b. Dec. 14, 1860; m. Laura Eldridge, Nov. 15, 1886. 9. Henry D., b. Dec. 14, 1860; m. Annie Doane, Nov. 1, 1887. 991 VI. Nathan.^ b. Aug. 14, 1820; m. Martha Doane; b. Nov. 25, 1845. They lived in Yarmouth. He was a farmer. They had children. ChiUlren. 1. Elmira, b. May 7. 1846; m. Jolm Saunders, May 7, 1863. 2. Lydia Ann, b. Sept. 22, 1848; m. Joseph Eldridge, April 29, 1871. 3. Miriam, b. June 29, 1850; m. Howard Thurston, Dec. 14, 1864. 4. Calvin E., b. Sept. 30, 1857; m. Anna C. Churchill, March 9, 1881. 5. Charles E., b. Aug. 1, 1865; m. 1st, Sadie R. Ellis; m. 2d, Mary R. Wyman, Julv 17, 1891. 6. Ada A., b. Jan. 14, 1864; d. July 19, 1864. 250 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY 525. CAPT. THOMAS' CHURCHILL (Ephraim,« Zaccheus/ Ephraim/ Stephen,'^ Eliezer,- John^). Born in Yarmouth, N.S., June 6, 1791, and lived there. Married, at Yarmouth, Nov. 22, 1815, Mart Harris, daughter of William. She died June 2, 1890, aged 96 years. Childrca boom in Yarmouth, 992 I. Eleazer,* b. April 6, 1817, m. Lois Axnie Trask, of Yarmouth, Jan. (3, 1841. She was b. April 18, 1820, and d. in Yarmouth, June 29, 1896. Children born in Yarmouth. 1. Jonathan, b. June 2, 1843; d. Sept. 15, 1850. 2. Mary A., b. Feb. 6, 1845; m. Ezra Roach, Jan. 1(5, 18G3. 3. Eleazer, b, July 26, 1846; m. Catherine Crowell, Sept. 10, 1870. 4. Sophia, b. July 26, 1846; d. Sept. 15, 1850. 5. Edna, b. Aug. 15, 1849; m. Joseph Cook, Nov. 24, 1870. 6. Henry, b. Oct. 3, 1852; m. Susan Clark, March 31, 1877. 7. Clement, b. May 15, 1855; m. Carrie Trask, May 29, 1877. 8. Harvey, b. Oct. 3, 1857; m. Annie Vickery, March 12, 1882. 9. Fannie, b. July 11, 1860; m, Edgar Rundlett, May 15, 1881. 993 II. David,^ b. Sept. 14, 1818; m. 1st, Sarah Strickland, Jan. 19, 1845; m. 2d, Mrs. Elizabeth (Shaw) Durond. Child born in Yarm,outh. 1. Joseph M., b. March 27, 1850; m. Sarah B. Symonds, of Yar- mouth, Sept. 9, 1873. 994 III. Thomas, » b. Aug. 20, 1820; m. Phebe Shaw, March 31, 1842. She was the dau. of Capt. Moses Shaw, and d. in Yarmouth Dec. 11, 1879. Children. 1. Thomas W., m. Ruby Crocker. 2. Annie B., m. George W. Raymond. 3. Ephraim E., m. Inez Lent. 4. George W., m. Annie Goudey. 5. Ralph O., m. Emma Rose, Dec. 1, 1876. 6. Gilbert F., m. Alice Collins. 995 IV. William,** b. May 29, 1822; m. Sarah Crosby, of Yarmouth, dau. of William Crosby. They lived in Yarmouth. He was a sea captain. Children born in Yarmouth. 1. Lois, b. Sept. 27, 1849; m. Aaron Churchill, July 4, 1874. 2. Norman B., b. Aug. 9, 1854; m. Annie Tedford, Dec. 19, 1882. 3. Mary A., b. July 30, 1866. V. Edith,^ b. June 29, 1824; m. 1st, Amasa G. Rodney, Oct. 5, 1845; m. 2d, Isaac R. Chute, Feb. 5, 1858 ; m. 3d, Chapman P. Doty, April 9, 1898. Child by First Husband. 1. Alma G. Rodney, m. Capt. George R. Vickery. seve:ntth generation 251 Child by Second Husband. 2. May Edith Chute, b. March 18, 1869; m. Edward F. Cann, of Yarmouth. 996 VI. Jesse,* b. Nov. 28, 1826; m. Joanna Jeffrey, at Yarmouth, Dec. 30, 1851. She was the dau. of David Jeffrey. They lived at Yarmouth. He was a sea captain. Children. 1. David Jeffrey, b. Jan. 4, 1854; m. Elizabeth Clark, June, 1875. 2. Letitia, b. July 18, 1856; d. July 3, 1863. 3. Annie A., b. Dec. 12, 1858; m. Calvin Churchill. ■4. Irving F., b. June 3, 1868; m. Jessie F. Shaw, June 30, 1894. VII. AsENATH.s b. July 2, 1829; m. John S. Rose, May 16, 1848. Children. 1. Caroline Rose, b. July 19, 1850; m. William Ritchie, July 27, 1869. She d. Nov. 1, 1872. 2. Asenath Rose, b. June 26, 1852; m. WiUiam Ritchie, as second wife, Sept. 25, 1874. 3. Emma Rose, b. July 5, 1854; m. Ralph Churchill, Dec. 1, 1876. 4. Ella Rose, b. Aug. 19, 1859; m. John Thome, Nov. 22, 1887. 997 VIII. Nathan, « b. Oct. 12, 1832; m. Ruth Ann Wyman, December, 1857. They lived in Yarmouth. He was a farmer, and their cliildren were born in Yarmouth. Children . 1. Nelson, b. Oct. 6, 1858; m. Margaret Lamont, Dec. 20, 1891. 2. George E., b. April 12, 1860. 52G. RUFUS' CHURCHILL (Ephraim,'' Zaccheus/ Ephraim/ Stephen,'^ Eliezer,- John^). Born in Yarmouth, N.S., May 19, 1793. Millwright, shipbuilder, and farmer. Married, at Yarmouth, Dec. 10, 1816, Gertrude Flint, daughter of Captain David. She died July 30, 1881, aged 85 years 11 months. Children. I. Martha,** b. Dec. 17, 1817; m. Moses S. Crosby, Nov. 26, 1839. She d. in Denver, Col., July 13, 1887. Children born in Yarmouth, N.S. 1. Annie Flint Crosby, b. June 21, 1841 ; m. Fred Jones, Dec. 24, 1864. 2. May Corning Crosby, b. March 21, 1844; m. James A. Bell, Sept. 30, 1862. 3. Herbert H. Crosby, b. March 15, 1846; m. M. Jane Kimball, June 22, 1866. 4. David O. Crosby, b. Jan. 30, 1850; m. 1st, Annie Goudey, Dec. 5, 1871 ; m. 2d, Elizabeth L. Crosby, Dec. 29, 1891. 5. Emma J. Crosby, b. April 10, 1853; m. Josiah S. Karney, July 31, 1870. 998 II. RuFus,8 b. Aug. 2, 1819; m. Emily Kendrick, Dec. 23, 1845. They lived in Yarmouth, N.S. He was a contractor. 252 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Childo-en born in Yarmouth. 1. Delilah, b. Sept. 22, 1846; m. Samuel Corning, March 18, 1868. She d. Jan. 22, 1879. 2. Norman, b. June 17, 1848; m. Sadie G. Gillis, of Montreal, July 17, 1879. 3. Aaron, b. May 19, 1850; m. Lois Churchill, July 4, 1874. 4. Maria P., b. July 18, 1852 ; d. in Yarmouth, Feb. 20, 1877. 5. Major W., b. Nov. 1, 1855; m. Frances Dervan, of Boston, May 15, 1874. 6. Margery F., b. April 3, 1858. 7. Eraeline R., b. June 9, 1860. 8. Annie F., b. April 17, 1862. III. Maet,* b. June 14, 1821 ; m. Zechariah Corxing, March 14, 1841. They lived in Yarmouth. He was a farmer. Children hor7i in Yarmouth. 1. Mary E. Corning, b. Dec. 19, 1841 ; m. Thomas Sullivan, Feb. 21, 1865. 2. Hannah Corning, b. Sept. 21, 1843; m. Augustus Goudey, June 7, 1871. 3. Harriet G. Corning, b. May 4, 1846; m. Samuel Burrill, May 4, 1882. 4. Letitia Ann Corning, b. March 10, 1850. 5. llufus C. Corning, b. March 11, 1857; m. Ada Corning, Oct. 31, 1880. 999 IV. David,s b. Feb. 20, 1823; m. Martha William.s, Jan. 30, 1849. They lived in Yarmouth, and St. John's, N.B. He was a sea captain. Children horn in Yarmouth. 1. Henry D., b. October 1856; d. at sea. 2. John, b. 1858; d. at St. John's. 3. David. 4. Robbins. 5. Adena. V. Sarah, 8 b. Dec. 31, 1824; m. Samuel M. Killam, Nov. 26, 1848. They lived in Yarmouth, N.S. Children horn in Yarmouth. 1. Catharine Killam, b. Sept. 27, 1849; m. John Cann, Sept. 10, 1875. 2. Gertrude Killam, b. Feb. 10, 1851; d. July 18, 1874. 3. Evangeline Killam, b. May 14, 1853; m. Amos Gray, November 1873. 4. Samuel F. Killam, b. Oct. 7, 1855; m. Marv Cavanagh, July 6, 1882. 5. Melvaretta Killam, b. Jan. 19, 1858; d. in Yarmouth, Jan. 19, 1879. 6. Marietta Killam, b. Oct. 9, 1860; m. Frank Farnham, of Mass., August, 1886. 7. Rufus C. Killam, b. May 19, 1864; d. in Yarmouth, Feb. 10, 1895. 8. George Killam, b. April 26, 1866. VI. Harriet,* b. Oct. 15, 1826; m. Benjamix Pitman, Jan. 7, 1851 Lived in Yarmouth, N.S. He was a farmer. Children horn in Yarmouth. 1. Israel Pitman, b. Oct. 12, 1851 ; m. Annie C. Hatfield, of Yar- mouth, Sept. 23, 1884. 2. Harriet R. Pitman, b. June 14, 1853. 3. Warren Pitman, b. April 21, 1855; m Sarah A. Perry, of Yar- mouth, July 7, 1879. SEVENTH GENEEATION 253 4. Elizabeth M. Pitman, b. Dec. 17, 1857; d. April 21, 1873, 5. George W. Pitman, b. Nov. 26, 1859; d. April 15, 1873. 6. Jane^C. Pitman, b. Oct. 18,1801; d. Dec. 6, 1888. 7. Amos C. Pitman, b. Sept. 30, 186-1. 8. Henry D. Pitman, b. Oct. 28, 1866. 9. Emily H. Pitman, b. Oct. 1, 1870. VII. Nancy,"* b. Aug. 30, 1828; m. Charles Walkee, of Yarmouth, Oct. 3, 1850. They lived in Calais, Me. Children. 1. Fanny Walker, b. Yarmouth, Feb. 1, 1852; m. Nathaniel S. Jordan, of Maine, April, 187't. 2. J. Ernest Walker, b. Calais, .Me., July 16, 1859; m. Frances E. Jones, of New York, Oct. 7, 1890. 3. George Walker, b. Calais, Me., May 3, 1861; m. Ella Hardista, Portland, Ore., June, 1885. 4. Harry Walker, b. Calais, Me., Aug. 1, 1863; d. young. 1000 VIII. Alvin,s b. May 1, 1830; m. Jane Carey, Dec. 16, 1852. They lived in Yarmouth. He was a farmer. Children horn in Yarmouth. 1. Letitia, b. Feb. 18, 1855; m. Pasco Allen, Yarmouth, May 4, 1877. 2. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 22, 1857; m. Frank Foote, in Yarmouth, June 9, 1880. 3. Alvin, b. Nov. 10, 1859; ra. Ella Arthuro, Colorado, July, 1891. 4. Israel L., b. July 4, 1862. 5. Charles L., b. Sept. 17, 1865; d. Oct. 21, 1805. IX. Hannah,^ b. Oct. 4, 1832; m. LiDovic Chipman, Yarmouth, Dec. 19, 1850. They lived in Yarmouth. Children born in Yarmouth. 1. Lois Chipman, b. Sept. 26, 1851; m. Benjamin W. Gillis, Yar- mouth, 1874. 2. Charles W. Chipman, b. July 18, 1853; m. Ada F. Perkins, Essex, Mass., Aug. 5, 1875. 1001 X. George W.,* b. Dec. 18, 1835; m. Louisa Smith, Portland, Me. June 16, 1860. They lived at Yarmoutli. He was a sea captain. Children horn in Yarmouth. 1. Louisa, b. April 13, 1867; m. Joseph Kinney, Yarmouth, Nov. 16, 1888. 2. Hannah E., b. May 7, 1869; m. James Frost, Yarmouth, Oct. 31. 1890. 3. M. Gulielma, b. March 2, 1873; m. Edward Porter, Yarmoutli, June 20, 1894. 1002 XL William P.,^ b. June 11, 1839; m. Catharine Doucette, Feb. 18, 1860. She was the daughter of Mark and Helen (Melanson) Doucette. They lived in Yarmouth, N.S. His business was lumbering. Children horn in Yarmouth. 1. Rupert G., b. March 12, 1862; m. 1st, Rachel Doane, March 12, 1885 ; m. 2d, Annie Thomes. 2. Laleah J., b. Feb. 27. 1864; m. Clarence Phalen, Boston, April 29, 1891. 3. Byron L., b. Nov. 22, 1805; m. Emily King, Yarmouth, Feb. 18, 1888. 4. Catharine, b. Dec. 3, 1807; m. Attllia Amorosa, April 2, 1894, Boston. 254 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 5. Walter, b. Dee. 13, 1869; m. Sarah W. Pitman, Yarmouth, May 1, 1889. 6. Rufus, b. Sept. 5, 1872; d. Sept. 13, 1872. 7. Fannie, b. Dec. 5, 1873; d. Dec. 16, 1873. 8. Charles H., b. Dec. 10, 1875. 9. Grace D., b. Sept. 6, 1879. 527. NATHANIEL" CHURCHILL (Ephraim,*^ Zaccheus,' Eph- raim/ Stephen/ Eliezer/ John^). Born in Yarmouth, N.S., July 1, 1795. Lived in Yarmouth, a farmer. Married Abigail Valpet, of Yarmouth, daughter of Capt. John Valpey. Children born in Yarmouth. I. Eleanor,'' b. Feb. 19, 1819; m. Nathaniel Travis, Yarmouth, March 9, 1840. She died June 3, 1896. Children born in Yarmouth. 1. Nathaniel Travis, b. Dec. 22, 1841 ; d. Jan. 6, 1842. 2. Nathaniel Travis, b. April 18, 1843; m. Harriet Ring, Yar- mouth, Aug. 11, 1863. 3. Abner A. Travis, b. Nov. 23, 1844. 4. Elkanah Travis, 1 b. Oct. 19, 1846; m. Elizabeth Randall, [ Yarmouth, Dec. 31, 1868. 5. Daniel R. Travis, [ b. Oct. 19, 1846. He was killed in a mine J in Nevada, June 26, 1880. 6. James H. Travis,) b. Oct. 23, 1849. 7. Alice A. Travis, V b. Oct. 23, 1849; m. William Reid, Yar- J mouth, Dec. 9, 1872. 8. Abigail C H. Travis, b. Oct. 21, 1851; m. Fred. R. S. Mildon, Yarmouth, Sept. 9, 1873. 9. Delight C. Travis, b. June 12, 1854; m. David Greenlaw, East Boston, June 27, 1880. 10. Sabina J. Travis, b. Feb. 16, 1859; m. William S. Mildon, Eastport, April 2, 1884. 11. Sarah A. Travis, ") b. April 21, 1861; m. Edgar E. Patten, \ Great Falls, N.H., Jan. 5, 1893. 12. Letitia W. Travis, J b. April 21, 1861. 1003 II. Nathaniel,® b. Dec. 1, 1821; m. 1st, Lydia Ann Crosby, Dec. 1, 1846; m. 2d, Sarah C. Hatfield, Oct. 17, 1850; m. 3d, Mrs. Rebecca ( ) Ccshing, Nov. 22, 1884. They lived in Yar- mouth, N.S. Children of Second Wife, all born in Yarmouth. 1. Emmeline V., b. April 7, 1852; m. Dr. C. M. Tolles, Clare- mont, N.H. 2. William A., b. Nov. 10, 1859; d. June 5, 1863. 3. Alice, b. Dec. 27, 1860; d. Feb. 18, 1861. 4. William Edgar, b. July 27, 1864; m. Sadie Caskey. III. Sarah,** b. Jan. 13, 1823; m. John Harding, Jan. 4, 1844. Children. 1. Sarah Harding, m. Nathaniel Simmes. 2. Albert Harding, m. Capt. Robert Crowell. 3. John Harding, m. Alma Tedford. 4. Lillian Harding. 5. Robert Harding. 6. Elizabeth Harding SEVENTH GENEEATIOK 255 IV. Elizabeth,* b. Sept. 30, 1825; m. William J. Hatfield, Dec. 25, 1854. She died Nov. 12, 1895. Children borti in Yarmouth. 1. Fred S. Hatfield, b. March 26, 1850; m. Annie S. Wyman, Nov. 25, 1885. 2. Fannie C. Hatfield, b. in Plymouth, Sept. 23, 1861 ; m. Charles J. Cragg, Sept. 25, 1885. V. Delight,* b. June 12, 1827; ra. 1st, Douglas Thorpe, Sept. 12, 1857; m. 2d, James Cishing. VI. Abxek,* b. Aug. 30, 1829; d. in Liverpool, Eng., Feb. 28, 184:8. VII. Benjamin,* b. Aug. 1, 1831; d. April 3, 1889. VIII. Abbie,* b. Nov. 11, 1833: m. E. W. Darlixg, Mass., 1862. IX. Faxnie,** b. Feb. 29, 1835; unmarried; d. Jan. 5, 1890, at Portland, Ore. 52S. WALTER" CHUECHILL (Ephraim/' Zaccheus,^ Ephraim,^ Stephen/ Eliezer,- Johx '). Born June 3, 1805, in Yarmouth, N.S. Married 1st, 1828, Sarah Flint. Married 2d, Elsie Murphy. Children of First Wife. I. John,* b. 1827 ; d. unmarried, in California in 1854. II. Israel Harding,* b. 1829; d. unmarried, April, 1850. III. Mary,* b. 1831 ; m. Henry Pitman, no issue. IV. Elizabeth,* b. 1833; m. John Trask. V. Hannah,* b. 1835; m. George W. Ware. Moved to the States. VI. Sarah,* b. 1837; d. in infancy. Children of Secoyid Wife. VII. Sarah,* b. Aug. 3, 1841 ; m. Jefferson Corning, March 28, 1865. VIII. Alice,* b. March 26, 1843; m. Alexander McKinnon, son of Randall. IX. Ltdia,* b. May 3, 1844; m. Capt. Herbert H. Cann, son of Samuel. X. Asenath,* b. May 12, 1848; m. James Porter, son of Enoch. 529. JOHN^ CHUECHILL (Ephraim,'"' Zacchelt.s,^ Ephraim," Stephen,^ Eliezer,- John ^). Born in Yarmouth, N.S., Sept. 23, 1814. Married 1st, Eeb. 4, 1832, Betsey Flint. Married 2d, Maria Anne Haskell. Married 3d, Mrs. Almira (Gooday) Sanders. Children of First Wife. 1004 I. Warren Flint,* b. Nov. 22, 1838; m. Fannie Tinkham. Childreyi. 1. Charles, m. Bertha B. Killian. 2. Thomas, m. Grace M. Allen. 3. Belle, m. Abner Porter. 4. Norman, died. 5. Cora, died. 1005 II. William,* b. Oct. 7, 1840; m. Mary Haskell. III. Charles,* b. July 2, 1843; d. June 1, 1859. 256 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children of Second Wife. IV. Mercy Jane,^ b. July ol, 1847; m. James K. Eose. V. Anna Arabella,^ b. Oct. 17, 1848; m. Charles Blake, Amesbury, Mass. 1006 VI. Ebenezer,** b. Oct. 11, 1850; m. Lydia Churchill, daughter of John. VII. JoHx,^ b. May 16, 1855 ; unmarried. 534. GEOEGE ' CHURCHILL ( John,« Axsel/ Ephraim/ Stephen,^ Eliezer,^ John^). Born at Plymouth and was a baker by trade. He died June 16, 1871. Married, March 5, 1826, Martha C. Holmes, daughter of Joseph. She died Sept. 26, 1868. Children. I. Martha, 8 b. Jan. 21, 1827; d. Sept. 26, 1827. 1007 II. JoHN,8 b. July 6, 1828; ni. Martha J. Bagnell. III. Martha,^ b. Oct. 10, 1835; m. 1st, George Sampson; m. 2d, John McAdams. IV. George,8|^ J, j^ 28, 1846, and d. March 1, 1846. V. James,** j 535. PELEG ' CHURCHILL (Peleg,« Stephex,^ Stephen,* Stephex,^ Eliezer,^ John ^). Born in Duxbury. Married 1st, Lucy Sprague ; married 2d, Jane Pease. Children of First Wife. I. Eunice,® m. ( ) Tufts. II. Lucy* m. Frederick Benson. 1008 III. Peleg,^ m. Amelia Kent, of Boston. 1009 IV. William,** m. Sarah Clark, of Amherst. V. Eliza Bigelow,* m. George M. Bacon, of Newton. 1010 VI. Henry Perket,** b. April 12, 1833 ; m. Annie Jeffreys Washburn, May 28, 1857. VII. Harriet Newell,^ d. in infancy. Child of Second Wife. VIII. Harriet Newell,** ra. ( ) Mason. 536. WILLIAM' CHURCHILL (Peleg,« Stephex,^ Stephen,* Stephen,^ Eliezer,^ John '). Born in Duxbury, May 18, 1798. Married, Oct. 5, 1823, Mary Holmes, born in Plymouth, May 13, 1804, died June 26, 1883. Children . I. Hannah Hosea,^ b. Aug. 1, 1824; m. 1st, Martin Wilder, May 20, 1847. He died May 9, 1863; m. 2d, James S. Beal, of Hingham, Jan. 10, 1867. No issue. He died October, 1883. SEVENTH GENEEATION 257 Children. 1. Daughter, b. Feb. 19, 1848; d. soon. 2. Martin Wilder, Jr., b. July 9, 1849; d. young. II. Mary Holmes,* b. Feb. 3, 1826; m. George W. Haven, May t-'S, 1849. Children. 1. Albert C. Haven, b. May 16, 1850. 2. Mary L. Haven, b. June 20, 1852. 3. Carrie A. Haven, b. Nov. 13, 1855. III. Jane Heman,^ b. July 28, 1828; m. T. Henry Perkins, Feb. 1, 1849. She died, and he married her sister, Lucy S. Churchill. Chiklren. 1, Infant daughter, b. November, 1849; d. soon. 2. Ella J. Perkins, b. June 16, 1851. 1011 IV. William Otis,® b. June 26, 1830; ra. Sarah C. Gerry, June 24, 1852. Children. 1. Adrianna, b. Oct. 3, 1853; d. April 8, 1881; m. Charles A. Sawtelle, May 17, 1874. 2. Sarah Alice, h. Dec. 31, 1854; m. A. D. Rutherford, July 7, 1878. 3. William Herbert, b. Sept. 5, 1858; m. Laura Conners, Jan. 19, 1884. They were divorced and he m. 2d, Eva Upton. 4. Charles Wilder, b. Aug. 4, 1860; m. Annette Chamneys, Dec. 25, 1885. 5. Charlotte Belle, b. Jan. 14, 1867; m. J. Weller Reed, Oct. 1, 1887. 6. Miriam Wilder, b. Nov. 5, 1868. 7. George Knox, b. Nov. 21, 1872; d. Oct. 9, 1873. V. Adrianna, « b. Feb. 4. 1832; d. Ma\ 15, 1837. VI. Infant daughter, unnamed, b Nov. 23, 1834; d. Dee. 12, 1834. VII. Lucy S.,® tu Nov. 25, 1835; m. T. Henry Perkins, as his second wife. VIII. Adrianna,* b. Aug. 16, 1838; d. Sept. 9, 1838. IX. Eliza A.,» b. Jan. 30, 1841 ; m. Albert H. Bird, Nov. 10, 1864. 101*2 X. Algernon B.,* b. Sept. 15, 1844; m. Mary Beal, June 5, 1867. Children. 1. James B., b. March 27. 1869. 2. Frank M., b. Sept. 5, 1872. 3. Harry B., b. June 5, 1878. 537. OTIS' CHURCHILL (Peleg,'' Stephen,"' Stephex,-* Stephen,^ Eliezer,- Johx ^). Born in Duxbiiry. Married 1st, Sakah Cobb. No issue. Married 2d, Esther Harlow. Married 3d, Marion LivERMORE. No issue. Children by Second Wife. I. Sarah Otis,* b. May 17, 1831. 1013 II. Howard Malcolm,* b. May 15, 1833. 258 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 538. EZRA ' CHURCHILL (Peleg," Stephen/ Stephen/ Stephen/ Eliezer/ John ^). Born in Duxbuiy. Married Susan Allen. One Child. I. Susan/ m. Daniel Currier. 539. DANIEL^ CHURCHILL (Daniel/^ Stephen,' Stephen/ Stephen/^ Eliezer/ John^). Born in Plymouth, Sept. 9, 1803. Married, 1826, Mary Briggs Brown. Child. 1014 I. Daniel,^ b. March 20, 1828 ; m. Eliza Hudson. 544. SOLOMON" SYLVESTER' CHURCHILL (I^athan/ Ben.ja- MiN," Benjamin/ Stephen/ Eliezer,- John ^). Born in Plymouth, April 4, 1817. Lived at Plymouth till 1856. They removed and lived at North Bridgewater and Brockton from 1857 on. He was a wood-turner by occupation. Married, April 23, 1840, Ruth Nelson Cobb, daughter of JohnKempton Cobb and Polly (Nelson). Children born in Plymouth. 1015 I. Solomon Sylvester.^ b. March 31, 1841; m. Olive Augusta Hatward, at Boston, Aug. 6, 1866. She was the daughter of Bela Baylies Hayward and Olive Porter (Copeland) Hayward. They lived in Brockton. He was foreman in a shoe manu- factory. He was educated in the public schools, and served one year in the U. S. Navy during the Civil War. He died Oct. 13, 1889. Children horn in Brockton. 1. Fred Sylvester, h. Sept. 26, 1867; m. Lillie C. White, of Hol- brook. May 29, 1892. She was the daughter of Cornelius L. and Elizabeth (Hodge) White. They lived at Brockton. Children: Fred Loring, b. Dec. 13, 1893, and Forest White, b. Aug. 13, 1895. 2. Amy Hayward, b. Feb. 24, 1873; d. at Brockton, June 6, 1891. II. Maria Isabella.^ b. at Plymouth. May 19, 1843; d. June 14, 1846. III. Elizabeth, 8 b. at Plymouth, Feb. 14, 1845. Married Henry H. Billings, March 15, 1870, son of Jesse. Children. 1. Grace Holmes BiUings, b. at No. Bridgewater, May 23, 1871; m. Fred G. Doyle, April, 1891. 2. Mary Ellen BiUings, b. at Brockton, Sept. 14, 1873; m. George H. Wade, May 30, 1896. 3; Bertha Billings, b. at Brockton, Jan. 2, 1876; m. Lester Green, Dec. 31, 1897. 1016 IV. Charles Augustus,^ b. at Plymouth, April 27, 1847; m. Luthera E. Packard. Jan. 19, 1867. V. Henry Melville,^ b. at Plymouth, Feb. 14, 1853; d. Feb. 6, 1854. VI. Anna Isabelle,* b. at North Bridgewater, Nov. 16, 1857 ; m. Arthur E. Kendrick. SEVENTH GENEEATION 259 547. WILLIAM' CHURCHILL (William,^ Solomon,^ Amaziah/ Elkanah/^ Eliezer,- John '). Born in Boston, Feb. 4, 1825. He died at Montclair, N.Y., June 7, 1873. Married 1st, at Woodbury, Conn., July 28, 1847, Lucy Caroline Averill, daughter of Augus- tine. She was born at New Utreclit, K.Y., June 17, 1826, and died at West Point, July 13, 1856. JMarried 2d, Oct. 6, 1858, at Middle- town, Conn., Sarah Jane Starkweather. Children by First Wife. I. Mart Cakolixe,^ b. New York City, July 16, 1849 ; m. George H. Ripley, Nov. 9, 1870, II. Florence,'^ b. at Brooklyn, April 21, 1851; m. William L. Ger- RiSH, Jr., Oct. 19. 1875. III. William, 8 \ b. at Peekskill, Aug. 9, 1853 ; d. Aug. 9, 1853. IV. Lucy,'* J b. at Peekskill, Aug. 9, 1853; d. Sept. 30, 1853. By Second Wife. 1017 V. William,' born in Brooklyn, N.Y.. Oct. 5, 1859. 1018 VI. Arthur HowARD,M). in Brooklyn, N.Y., April U, 1862. 1019 VII. Clarence,* b. in Smithtown, Mav 21, 1865. VIII. Percy,* b. in Brooklyn, Dec. 1, 1868; d. Aug. 9, 1869. IX. Ethel,* b. in Brooklyn, June 1, 1870; d. Feb. 19, 1871. 550. WILLIAM' CHURCHILL (William,'' Nathaniel," Elkanah,* Elkanah,"' Eliezer,-' John '). Born in Plymouth, Feb. 19, 1835. Married, in DePau, Ind., INIarch 2, 1864, Mary Ash.' Children. I. Martha J.,* b. Aug. 19, 1866. 1020 II. George W.,* b. Nov. 20, 1868. III. Nancy M.,* b. Dec. 1, 1871. IV. Laura B.,» b. Feb. 17, 1874. V. Abbt a.," b. June 27, 1877. VI. Mary G.,* b. Feb. 25, 1880. 1021 VII. Robert E.,« b. Dec. 24,1882. 1022 VIII. Raymond,* b. July 26, 1885. 554.. JOHN B.'^ CHURCHILL (BenjaxMin,« John,^ John,* John,^ Eliezer," John^). Born in Pataukunk, March 26, 1805, and lived there on the old homestead, a farmer. He died April 27, 1900. Married, at Pine Bush, N. Y., June 28, 1838, Jane Green, daughter of William, of Pine Bush, N.Y. She died June 3, 1847. Children born at Pataukunk. I. Edgar,* b. May 27, 1839 ; d Oct. 4, 1843. II. Amelia,* b. Aug. 29, 1841; d. unmarried, April 6, 1896. 1023 III. Benjamin B.,* b. Nov. 14, 1844; m. Akvilla DuNN.dau. of Anthony and Sarah (Terwiliger) Dunn. Lived on the old homestead, Pataukunk, N.Y. ; a farmer. 260 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children. 1. Ralph J., b. Jan. 11, 1889. 2. Maud E., b. Aug. 26, 1890, 3. Leroy E., b. July 18, 1893. 4. Elson, b. July 19, 1897, 5. Llovd, b. July 13, 1898. 6. Howard D., b. March 13, 1900. 7. Ruth, b. March 21, 1901. IV. Harriet M.,® b. April 30, 1847 ; m. Isaiah Davenport, of Accord, ■ N.Y., Dec. 26, 1888; d. Nov. 28, 1894, at Pataukunk. 556. JOHN^ CHURCHILL (William,^ John,^ John/ John/ Eliezer,- John^). Born in New Hackensack, iST.Y., Dec. 8, 1810. Married a wife whose name has not been ascertained. Children, names not in proper order probably. 1024 I. William.^ He was engaged with P. T. Barnum for years. II. Isaac* He was in the army in the Rebellion and died there. III. Charles.** He was in the army also and died from wounds received in battle. IV. Sarah, ^ m. Joseph Kramer. V. Cornelius.* He was in the army in the Civil War and was killed in battle. VI. Mart,® m. a Mr. Hacket. 1025 VII. Clarence,** m. ( ) Sthtson. 557. CORNELIUS ' CHURCHILL (William/ John/ John/ John/ Eliezer/ John^. Born Oct. 30, 182.3, in New Hackensack, N.Y. Married Elizabeth Knapp, born in Yorktown, N.Y., 1837. Children. I. Emma Adelia/ b. Oct. 6, 1849; m. William McDonough. 1026 II. Hkrbert Remson,^ b. Feb. 23, 1851; m. Nellie Brush. Live in Brooklyn, N.Y. Children. 1. Clara Nellie, b. Oct. 23, 1873. 2. Herbert R., Jr., b. Dec. 24, 1875. 3. Juliette, b. Sept. 13, 1878. 4. Frank Homer, b. 1881. 5. Ethel May, b March 15, 1884. 6. Elbert Knapp, b. Aug. 15, 1886. 7. Cornelius Irving, b. Dec. 25, 1887; d. Sept. 17, 1888. 8. Cedlia Emma, b. Aug. 2, 1889. 9. Charles Brush, b March 17, 1891. 10. Walter Howell, b. Dec. 20, 1892. 11. Lottie Bell, b. May 23, 1894. III. Margaretta Bell,^ b. June 29, 1854; unmarried. IV. Cornelia/ b. June 14, 1857; d. unmarried about 1880. SEVENTH GEKEEATION 261 562. SAMUEL CLARK ' CHURCHILL (Samuel,^ Samuel,* Benja- min/ JoHN,^ Eliezer,^ John^). Boru at Augusta, Me., July 11, 1827. Married 1st, July 8, 1861, at Augusta, Eliza J. Morrill. Married 2d, March 30, 1872, at Augusta, Anna J. McClure. Children of First Wife. I. Nettie Eliza,^ b. July 7, 1862. II. Harrikt Elizabeth,* b. Nov. 8, 18fi3. Child of Second Wife. III. Maude M.,® b. May 7, 1877. 565. CYRUS' CHURCHILL (John,« John,^ Joseph,* John," Elie- ZER,- John'). Born in New Portland, Me., ]\Iay 21, 1823. Mar- ried Eliza Mellen. Children. I. Ella Maria,^ b. July 7, 1853; m. George Haskin, July 12, 1876. II. George W.,* b. Dec. 23, 1857; m. Ida Frank Thompson; no children. 566. JASON ^ CHURCHILL (Joseph,« John,^ Joseph,-* John,^ Eliezer,- Johm '). Born April 24,1819. Married, April 9, 1845, Jane Gunn, who was born Oct. 20, 1822. Children. 1. Sophia,' b. March 22, 1846; m. Edward McGrechin. II. Martha J.,^ b. Sept. 20, 1847; d. Aug. 8, 1848. III. Sarah E.,-* b. Oct. 27, 1848; died August. 1849. IV. Mary,* b. Jan. 21, 1852; m. Homer De Witt. 1027 V. Jason,* b. Jan. 24. 1854; in. Catharine Manning. VI. Sarah Jane,* b. Dec. 13, 1860. 568a.* DI ADEMA ' CHURCHILL (Sanford," John,' Joseph,^ John,^ Eliezer,- John '). Born in Embden, Me., July 29, 1822. Died in Solon, Me., Dec. 4, 1900. Married, at Stark, Nov. 16, 1849, William H. NoTTAGE, of Stark, a farmer. They lived at Stark and Bingham, and had children born at Stark. Children. I. Sanford J. Nottage,* b. July 23, 1852; m. Ada E. Steward. Live in Bingham, Me. II. Mary L. Nottage,* b. June 9, 1854; in. George Henderson, June 15, 1881. Live in Solon, Me. *NoTE. These records, from No. 568a to 571, aud also 572a, were received by the kind- ness of Mrs. Serena Perkins, but too late to be printed in the regular form, under No. 264, and 80 are placed in order here. 262 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY III. LiBBY G. NoTTAGE,^ b. March 26, 1856; m. Cad Joice. Live in Bingham. IV. Henry Nottage,® b. Feb. 14, 1858; m. Sakah Oilman. Live in Bingham. V. Joan S. N(»TTAGE,-b. April 8, 1861; m. Charles G. French. Live in Solon, Me. VI. John Nottage,® b. Aug. 16, 1862; m. Belle A. Squire. Live in Solon, Me. 568b. lEEXA W.' CHURCHILL (Sanford/' John/ Joseph/ John,^ Eliezer,- JoHN^). Born in Stark, Me., Sept. 29, 1823. Died Aug. 25, 1887. Married, at New Sharon, Me., James Chapman. They lived in XeAv Sharon, where he was a farmer. They had no chiklren- 569. CYRUS' CHURCHILL (Sanford,*^ John,-^ Joseph,* John/ Eliezer,- John ^). Born in Stark, Me., April 3, 1825. Married, at Stark, Me., Betsey Seeman, daughter of Alexander and Mercy (Young) Seeman, of Stark. He served three years in the Civil War. He was a farmer. They had six children, of whom we have no record. 570. HOLLIS HUTCHINS" CHURCHILL (Saxford,« John,^ Joseph/ John,^ Eliezer,- John '). Born in Stark, Me., June 24, 1826. Married, at Stark, Nancy W. Seeman, daughter of Alex- ander and Mercy (Young) Seeman, of Stark. He was a farmer. They had Children born in Stark. I. Charles S.,** b. March 30, 1849; ra. Emma E Wentvtorth, at Wilton, Me., March 20, 1875; d. Dec. 16, 1890. II. Lorenzo L..® b. June 8, 1852; m. Mary Withee, at Augusta, Me., Oct. 22, 1881. Live in Stark. III. MANLEY/b. May 2, 1859; m. Sara M. Smith, at Stark, Dec. 9, 1890. 570ca. SERENA EAMES ' CHURCHILL (Sanford/ John/ Joseph,* John/ Eliezer,- John^). Born in Stark, Me., Feb. 16, 1828. Married, at Norridgewock, 1853, John W. Perkins, son of Joseph and Rachel (^latthews) Perkins. He was a farmer, at Industry and Wilton, Me. Children born at Industry, Me. I. Joseph W ^ Perkins, b. Dec 4, 1853. Living unmarried in Wilton. Me. (1903). II. Hattie J.^ Perkins, b. May 5, 1855; m. Nathan Fogg. Live in Industry, Me. III. Cleveland W.* Perkins, b. Jan. 18, 1858; ra. Serena E. Look, at South Dakota, June 25, 1882. Tliey live in Groton, South Dakota. SEVENTH GENERATION • 2()3 570b. LUCINDA B.' CHURCHILL (Sanford," John/ Joseph,^ John,' Eliezer,- JohxI). Bom in Stark, Me., Nov. 22, 1829. Married, at Stark, Me., Alvin S. Chapman, of Stark. He was a farmer. They lived in Stark and Industry, Me., and had chiklren. Children. I. Emery* Chapman, b. Jan. 2C, 1861; m. Georgia A. Wing, Aug. 27, 1887. II. Stlvester* Chapman, b. June 20, 18G3 ; m. Octavia 0. Safford, Jan. 7, 1887. There were eight or nine children, of wliom we can obtain no record. 571. JOHN' CHURCHILL (Sanford,*' John,"^ Joseph,^ John,^ Eliezer,- John ^). Born in Stark, Me., Feb. 27, 1831. Married, at Stark, Me., Loverna Greenleaf, daughter of John and Lydia. They lived at Stark. He was a farmer. Children born in Stark. I. Rose.- m. Alexander Horton. They live in Stark. II. Olive, » b. Nov. 10, 1874 ; m. Tavey Grant, Nov. 10, 1892, at Anson. III. Zoe,** b. March 21, 1878; m. John Hdtchinson, of Stark, and live there. 572. ELIAS HUTCHINS' CHURCHILL (Sanford,« John," Joseph,* John,^ Eliezer,- John^), Born in Stark, Me., July 25, 1833. Lived in New Sharon and Stark, Me. This information from Mrs. Nancy G. Churchill, of Stark, Me., 1903. Married, at Stark, Me., Sept. 21, 1850, Nancy Greenleaf. Mr. Churchill died Oct. 7, 1902. One Child born in Stark., Me. I. Alzada,® b. Oct. 6, 1860; m. Frederick W. Smith, of New Sharon, Me., in 1887, and had two children : (1) Harry E. Smith, b. Eeb. 27, 1890; (2) Robert H. Smith, b. April 14, 1893. 572a. MARCIA ANN' CHURCHILL (Sanford," John,^ Jo.seph,* John,^^ Eliezer,- John ^). Born in Stark, Me., March 18, 1835. Married Benjamin F. Greenleaf, at Stark, Me. They had five children whose names we have not been able to obtain. 264 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 579. JOHN W.^ CHUECHILL (William,* William/ Joseph," JoHN,'^ Eliezer,- John^). Born in New Portland, Sept. 13, 1835. He died Nov. 21, 1890. Married 1st, Hannah Bailey. Married 2d, Mary Luce. Cliildren of First Wife. I. EsTELLE,* m. John Jordan. Had two children: (1) Clarence Jordan: (2) Koss Jordan. II. Hannah,^ unmarried. Children of Second Wife. 1028 III. Edward,* m. Mabel Porter. One son. IV. Belle, * m. Frank Trask. Had a son and daughter. V. Effie.- VI. Clinton.^ VII. CORA.8 VIII. Harriet.^ 580. WILLIAM TILSON^ CHURCHILL (Tilson,« William,^ Joseph,* John,^ Eliezer,** John^). Born in New Portland, Me., Sept. 30, 1833, and lived there. Married Abigail Luce. She died Sept. 8, 1899. Children horn in New Portland. 1029 I. Delbert, 8 b. July 31. 1862; m. Sarah F. Fletcher. One child, Merrill E. Churchill, b. Aug. 12, 1897. 1030 II. Alvarus.^ b. Oct. 31, 1865; m. Ida Thompson, Dec. 24,1891. One child, Florence, b. Jan. 14, 1897. 581. ALBERT' CHURCHILL (Daniel,« Daniel,' Joseph,^ John,^ Eliezer,- John ^). Born at the Forks of the Kennebec, Me., Oct. 29, 1829. Died March 25, 1902. Married Irena Berry, 1854. Children. I. Irena, ^ m. J. H. Davls, of Skowhegan, Me. Children. 1. Albert L. Davis. I 3. John Davis. 2. Fannie Davis. | 4. Mahlon Davis. II. Caroline A.,* m. Almon H. Carl, Madison, Me. Children. 1. Daisy May Carl. I 3. Maud Carl. 2. Vesta Carl. | 4. Alice Carl. 1031 III. Abel.* IV. Lulu,* m. Milton Phillips. V. Alice. ^ SEVENTH GENERATION 265 583. ABEL' CHURCHILL (Daniel," Daniel,' Joseph," John,' Eliezer,- John'). Born at the Forks of the Kennebec River, May 3, 1833. Married Lydia M. Berry, 1854. Children . I. JnLiA Mat,^ m. Rev. F. W. Sherwin. II. Caruie Viola.* ni. C. H. Mead. III. Alice, ^ m. George Wood. 584. DANIEL FOSTER" CHURCHILL (Daniel,^ Daniel,^ Joseph,-* JoHN,'^ Eliezer,- John^). Born at the Forks of the Kennebec River, Jan. 6, 1842. Married Lucena I. Dame. Children. 1032 I. Albert .« 1033 II. Andrew. « 1034 III. Milton." 585. WARREN ' CHURCHILL (Daniel,*"' Daniel,^ Joseph/ John,' Eliezer,- John '). Born in Solon, 3Ie., Sept. 6, 1846. He died April 20, 1900. Married 1st, Clara E. Woodberry ; 2d, Ada Hill. Child. 1035 I. Bertram Daniel,® m. Sarah Perkins. Probably other children, but names not received. 586. JOHN' CHURCHILL (Asa," Daniel,^ Joseph," John,' Eliezer,- JoHN^). Born at Moose River, or Embden, Me., June 6, 1836. Removed to the West, and, in April, 1901, was living at Augusta, Kan. Married, Sept. 27, 1870, Harriet L. Parker. Child. 1036 I. Asa Emery,® b. Dec. 3, 1873. 587. HARRISON^ CHURCHILL (Asa,^ Daniel,' Joseph," John,' Eliezer,- John ^). Born at Moose River, May 2, 1841. Mr. Churchill was living at Dewey, Mont., April, 1901. Married, at New Diggings, Wis., March 12, 1886, Dora Oliver. Children. 1037 I. Warren 0.,® b. Oct. 30, 1887. 1038 II. Russell H.,® b. April 6, 1889. III. Mildred H.,» b. Feb. 15, 1891. IV. Marjorie M.,« b. April 27, 1893. 266 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY 588. HORATIO' CHURCHILL (Asa,« Daniel/ Joseph,^ Johx,^ Eliezer,- John^). Born at Moose River, Me., April 1, 1843. He was adopted by Ozias McFaden, of Embden, Me., and brought up in that town. He went West and settled at Buda, 111., April 4, 1867. He has carried on the brick and drain-tile business many years. He has been somewhat in public office and is a Past-master in Free- masonry. Mr. Churchill and family were living in Buda, 111., April, 1901. Married 1st, Sept. 12, 1874, Melinda H. Kealiher of York, Neb. Married 2d, Sept. 8, 1881, Mary H. Hodgetts, of Kewanee, 111. First wife died Feb. 7, 1881. Children of First Wife. 1039 I. Daniel Lewis,* b. Feb. 3, 1876. 1040 II. Oscar Warre.n.s b May 20, 1877. Children of Second Wife. III. Nellie Mat,** b. Sept. 12. 1883. IV. Bessie E.,« b. Jan. 16, 1885. V. Hazel M.,^ b. May 5, 1890. 589. HARTWELL' CHURCHILL (Asa,^ DAmEL,^ Joseph," Johx,» Eliezer,- John '). Born at Moose River, Me., Feb. 2, 1845. He is a minister of the Baptist fellowship, and, Feb. 22, 1901, lived at Ashland, Mich. Married, Jan. 13, 1870, at Skowhegan, Lydia E. Pratt, of Skowhegan, Me. Children. I. Bertha L ,** b. June 20, 1871. II. L. Myrtella,^ b. Nov. 6, 1873. III. Lulu A.,« b. March '28, 1879. IV. Lillian P.,** b. Oct. 5, 1880. V. Addie E.,« b. Oct. 11. 1883. VI. Grace M.,^ b. Oct. 17, 1886. o91. AMOS^ CHURCHILL (Amos,« Daniel,^ Joseph/ John,^ Eliezer,^ John ^). Born in Madison, Me., Sept. 5, 1845. Lived at Symco, Wis. He died June 23, 1883. Married, at Symco, Wis., Sept. 18, 1866, Mary Caroline Churchill, daughter of Daniel, No. 269. After Mr. Churchill's death his widow married again as noted below. Children. 1041 I. William O..^ b. Oct. 8, 1867. n. Gladys M ,» b. Aug. 7, 1873; d. Aug. 14, 1884. 1042 III. Leslie L. ,8 b. Aug. 16, 1877. 1043 IV. Floyd W.,^ b. July 5, 1880. 1044 V. Amos R.,s b. May 29, 1883; d. Oct. 3, 1883. Mrs. Mary Caroline Churchill married 2d, January, 1x86, Charles A. Jenkins. See No. 269. SEVENTH GENERATION 2G7 603. CHARLES^ CHURCHILL (Jesse,« Bexjamix,^ Joseph/ JoHx,^ Eliezer,^ Johx ^). Born 1844. Married Villa A. BOYNTON. 1045 I. BioN,8 b. 1866. 1046 II. Alton,^ b. 1868. Children . 606. JOHN^ CHURCHILL (Caleb,« John/ Ebenezer," William,^ William,- Johx '). Born at Chittenden, Vt., Dec. 12, 1790. Lived in Brandon, Vt. He was a farmer. He died at Goshen, Vt., Feb. 26, 1867. Married, Nov. 26, 1818, Lois Latham, born at Springfiehl, Vt., 1797, and died at Goshen, Dec. 8, 1875. Children of John and Lois (Latham) Churchill, born at Brandon, Vt. I. Harvet G.,^ b. Dec. 1, 1820. He was a farmer. Died at Goshen, Vt., unmarried, April 17, 1894. 1047 II. ALViyJ.,^b. Aug. 22, 1822; m. 1st, Marietta E. Davison, Nov. 21, 1849; m. 2d, Mrs. Hannah Wiggin He was a physician, and died at Udall, Kun., Oct. 30, 1888. 1048 III. Simeon L.,« b. Nov. 2, 1824; m. Mary MaR( ella Davison, of Pittsford, Vt., Jan. 8, 1851. She was born at Ludlow, Vt., and died at Goshen, April 8, 1868. He was a farmer. Children horn in Brandon. 1. Marion A., b. June 12, 1856; m. 1st, William B. Catlin, of Ticonderosa, N.Y.. Sept. 5, 1874. He died at Goshen, Vt., Dec. 22, 1883; m. 2d, G. W. Holdridge, of Wichita, Kan., March 8, 1899. 2. Ida M., b. Oct. 3, 1859; m. Orrel T. Severy, Aug. 30, 1881. They lived in Goshen, and had children: (1) Walter H. Severy, b. Oct. 1, 1882; (2) Ralph T. Severy, b. Aug. 2, 1886. IV. Betsey L.,*^ b. Jan. 20, 1827; m. Isaiah Carlisle, of Goshen, Jan. 8, 1851. She died in Randolph, Wis., Feb. 6, 1862. V. Lois C.,« b. Jan. 22, 1829; died young. VI. A daughter, not named, b. Feb. 24, 1830; died in infancy. 1040 VII. Caleb W ,» b. April 6, 1831 ; m. Anna H. Peters, Feb. 18, 1867. They lived at Salt Lake City. No further record received. 1050 VIII. Lewis C.,* b. April 6. 1836; m. Julia Norton, at Ticonderot:ja, N.Y., March 21, 1864 . Children born, three at Goshen, Vt., and the youngest at Leicester, Vt. 1. John A., b. March 5, 1865; m. Florence Friend, of Butler, Mo., at Udall, Kan., April 16, 1890. They removed to Oklahoma, in 1894, where he is a farmer. They have children: (1) Alma B. ; (2) Velma W. ; (3) Vera B. ; (4) Lewis M. , 2. Berton L., b. Aug. 15, 1866; m. Minnie M. Elliott, of Pittsford, Sept. 29, 1887. Children: (1) Roy W.; (2) Curtis B. ; (3) Clarence E. ; (4) Percival L. 3. Mary L., b. May 23, 1868; m. Lincoln A. Schoppe, at Udall, Kan., Jan. 24, 1888. She died at Udall, Jan. 23, 1898, leav- ing two sons and two daughter^;. 4. Winnifred C, b. in Leicester, Mav 4, 1871. 268 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY IX. Columbia L. .* b. March 25, 1«38 ; m Rev. John Blanchard, April 27, 1887. Mr. Blanchard was born at Roxbury, Mass., in 1823. She died at Goshen. Aug. 10, 1898. X. A DAUGHTER, Hot uaoied, b. Jan. 21, 1841; d. in infancy. 607. CALEB' CHURCHILL, Jr. (Caleb," John/ Ebenezer,^ William,'^ William,- John ^). Born in Chittenden, Vt., Dec. 15, 1794. He lived in Chittenden, a farmer. Married, Dec. 19, 1832, Miriam Parmelee. Children born at Chittenden, Vt. I. Joanna Miriam,** b. Sept. 8, 1833; d. unmarried, aged 17 years. II. Almira Parmelee,^ b. September, 1884; d. unmarried, aged 31 years. 1051 III. Edwin Ruthven,* b. June 13, 1836; m. Clara Record, in Bethany, Mo., Dec. 25, 1867. He served as priva'e in the Civil War in Company H, First Vermont Cavalry, from November, 1863, to the close of the war. He then settled first in Bethany, Mo., and later in Kearney, Neb., where he was living in 1903. He was a teacher in the public schools for many years, and is also a mechanic. He lived awhile at Mankato, Kan. Children of Edwin R. and Clara (^Record) Churchill. 1. William T., b. at Bethany, Mo., Oct. 23, 1869; d. there Dec. 17, 1878. 2. Thirza P., b. at Bethany, Mo., July 17, 1871; m. Erastus Fairchild, April 4, 1895. Children of Erastus and Thirza {Churchill) Fairchild, horn at Kearney, Neh. (1) Cecil M. Fairchild, b. Jan. 17, 1896; (2) Harold E. Fair- child, b. Jan. 30, 1899; (3) Zoe Fairchild, b. Oct. 30, 1900; (4) Ovillin P. Fairchild, b. March 3, 1903. 3. Althea M., b. at Bethany, Mo., Sept. 3, 1872; m. David M. Taton, Aug. 13, 1890. Children born, two at Cheyenne, Wyoming, a?id the last at North Platte, Neb. (1) Hettie L. Taton, b. Sept. 20, 1891; (2) Althea S. Tat.m, b. Oct. 15, 1893; (3) Helen M. Taton, b. Sept. 25, 1899. 4. Charlotte H., b. March 11, 1875; m. Charles W. Holliniished, at Kearney, Neb., Feb. 10, 1890. They lived at Henderson, Ky., in 1903. No children. 5. Norah M., b. Jan. 5, 1877, at Bethanv, Mo.; d. at Mankato, Kan., Aug. 29, 1879. 6. Grace C, b. at Mankato. Kan., Oct. 20, 1879; m. Silas E. Pickeral, at Kearney, Neb., Dec. 20, 1898. They live at Kearney, Neb., and have children: (1) Beulah M. Pickeral, b. Jan. 22, 1899; (2) Onie E. Pickeral, b. April 1, 1900; (3) Ethel H. Pickeral, b. Oct. 30, 1902. 7. Mary A., b. at Mankato, Kan., Oct. 2, 1882; m. Thomas E. Jeffres, Aug. 20, 1900. They live at North Platte, Neb., and have (1) Genevieve M. Jeffres, b. Nov. 14, 1901. 8. Charles E., b. at Mankato, Kan., March 13, 1885. 9. Harrv C, b. at Mankato, Kan., May 25, 1888. 10. John R., b. at Kearney, Neb., Feb. 18, 1891. SEVENTH GENEEATION 269 1052 IV. Wilson Barlow,* b. Jan. 5, 1838; m. 1st, at Brandon, Vt., Mary S. Wright, who ilied July 1, 1896; m. 2d, Mattie Smith, July 28, 1897. Mr. Churchill served nine months in the Civil War, in the Fourteenth Regiment, Vermont Volunteers. Enlisted in 1862. They hve in Brandon, Vt. Children of Wilson B. and Mary S. ( Wright) Churchill. 1. Eugene, b. at Chittenden, Vt., Jan. 8, 1861; m. Ella J. Nutting, at Merrill, Wis., March 28, 1884. They live in Idaho. 2. LiUian V., b. at Brandon, Vt., Jan. 12, 1863; m. A. J. Jones, at Brandon, Aug. 15, 1893. 3. Clayton,] b. March 10, 1867, at Sparta, Wis.; d. there, aged I one month. 4. Carlton, }' b. March 10, 1867, at Sparta, Wis.; d. there, aged J six months. 5. Delmont 0., b. Sept. 14, 1875, at Sparta, Wis. ; m. Ist, Ada Easton, at Brandon, Vt., July 29, 1897, who d. at Castleton, Vt, Feb. 14. 1900; m. 2d, Susie Walker, of Benson, Vt. They live at West Granville, N.Y., and have one child, (1) Alma L., b. at Castleton, Vt , Jan. 7, 1900. V. Angeline J.,* b. at Chittenden. Vt., Sept. 14, 1840; m. William R. JoHNsox, at Chittenden, Oct. 26, 1857. Mr. Johnson was born at Massena. N.Y., Nov. 5, 1836. He enlisted at Fairhaven, Vt., Aug. 8, 1862, in Company C, Eleventh Regiment, Vermont Volunteer Infantry, but was later transferred to the Heavy Artillery, and was discharged at Burlington. Vt., July 6, 1865. He is a mechanic. To i\Irs. Angeline J. (Churchill) Johnson the credit is due for the conijjlete and accurate account which has been furnished the editor of this volume. While she has been in somewhat frail health for years, her interest has not failed and her labors, in research and correspondence, have been unremit- ting and exceedingly appreciative of the material needed. The present residence of this family is Holden, Vt. Children of William R. and Angeline (Churchill) Johnson. 1. Abbie M. Johnson, b. at Chittenden, Sept. 20, 1858; m. Denni- son R. Fassett, at Forestdale, Vt., March 19, 1876. 2. Nellie E. Johnson, b. in Brandon, Vt., July 27, 1861 ; m. William A. Nutter, at New York City, Feb. 12, 1887. They lived in Brooklyn, N.Y., where she d'. July 10, 1897. 3. Bertha D. Johnson, b. in Chittenden, March 20, 1868 ; m. Ernest J. Whitcomb, of Chittenden, at Forestdale, Vt., Dec. 31, 1888. She d. May 14, 1896. 4. Oliver E. Johnson, b. in Chittenden, Dec. 6, 1870; d. at Brandon, Vt., Feb. 23, 1876. 5. Mabel A. Johnson, b. in Brandon, Nov. 13, 1873; m. Herbert A. Ingalls, at Chittenden, April 22, 1891. They lived at Pittsford, Vt , on a farm. 6. Leon H. Johnson, b. at Rochester, Vt., Jan. 2, 1879; m. Caro- line M. Howard, at Rutland, Vt., April 12, 1902. They live at Chittenden, Vt. 1053 VI. Ch.vrles Henry, s b. at Chittenden, Vt., Feb. 10, 1843; m. 1st, Amanda M. Churchill, dan. of Azem (610), at Sudbury, Vt., Jan. 2, 18G8; m. 2d, Mrs. Harriet M. (Graham) Tomlinson, at Pittsford, Vt., Nov. 12, 1900. She was the dau. of John Graham. Mr. Charles H. Churchill enlisted in Company H, First Ver- mont Cavalry. Nov. 30, 1863, and served till the close of the Civil War. They live in Holden on a farm, and have children. Mr. Churchill has been deeply interested in the progress of this volume, and has given much valuable assistance in compiling this branch. 270 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children, 1. Azem B., b. in Chittenden, Feb. 1, 1869; d. July 1, 1884. 2. Charles H., Jr., b. at Sudbury, Vt., May 25, 1871; m. Laura F. Herrick, at Danby, Vt , Feb. 23, 1892. They have children : (1) Edna L., (2) Ruth E., (3^ Eeba, (4) Ella, (5) Lena, (6) Vina, (7) Kate. 3. Bela, b. at Sudbury, Vt., Dec. 4, 1872; m. Alice Huntoon, at Rutland, Vt., Dec. 8, 1896. They live on a farm in Chuten- den, Vt., and have children: (1) Pearl A., (2) Azem C, (3) Warren L. 1054 VII. Columbus Caleb,** b. in Chittenden, Vt., March 12, 1844; m. Elmira L. Bump, at Middlebury, Vt., Sept. 10, 1866. She was b. Jan. 27, 1846. He was educated at the public schools and two years at an academy. He served in the army in the Civil War, two years, in Company K, Twenty-Second Regiment, New York Volunteers, and then re- enlisted Nov. 30, 1863, in Company C, Tenth Vermont Volunteers, and remained in service till the close of the war. He was taken prisoner at the second battle of Bull Run in 1862, was exchanged and returned to his regiment in the field. He was severely wounded at the battle of Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, 1864. After mar- riage he settled on a farm in Chittenden for twenty years, but in 1887 entered the ministry as an itinerant Methodist preacher, which calling he followed for ten years, retiring to his farm in 1897, on account of failing health. He gave interest and help to this volume. Children born in Chitienden, except last. 1. Emma L., b. March 13, 1868 ; m. Charles J. Wheeler, at Hague, N.Y., Dec. 31, 1889. She d. at Pittsford, Vt., May 19, 1S96, leaving children: (1) Fred A. Wheeler, b. at Pittsford, Dec. 29, 1890; i,2) Grace E. Wheeler, b. at Pittsford, Aug. 9, 1892. 2. Waldo H., b. July 31, 1869; m. Mary M. Brewster, of West Rutland, Vt., Jan. 22, 1896. They live at Rutland, and have (1) JohnB., b. Oct. 26. 1896. 3. Lewis B., b. Feb. 10, 1872; m. Fanny Dudley, at Bath, N.Y., Nov. 2, 1898. He is a minister at Houghton, N.Y., and they have two children : (1^ Leslie D., b. Nov. 18, 1899 ; (2) Mary A., b. Dec. 8, 1901. 4. Anna B., b. Jan. 22, 1876; m. Rev. Willard C. Boardman, at Houghton, N.Y., July 24, 1895. They sailed from New York Feb. 5, 1902, for Sierra Leone, as missionaries, and he died there March 27, 1902, soon after his arrival. Mrs. Anna (Churchill) Boardman remains at Sierra Leone as a mis- sionary. 5. Martha M.. b. May 19, 1880; m. Jerome Fuller, of Rochester, Vt., at Warren, Vt., Sept. 18, 1899. He is a farmer at Rochester. 6. Miriam L., b. Dec. 27. 1881. 7. Abbie L., b. at Johnsburgh, N.Y., Aug. 10, 1889. 1055 VII. Oliver Erastus,** b. Dec. 4, 1846; m. Mary R. Sherburn, at Bolton, Vt., March 31, 1871. He enlisted in Company C, Eleventh Regiment Vermont Volun- teers, Aug. 1, 1862, and served until the close of the Civil War. In 1867 he removed to Missouri, where he remained some years, but later settled in lUinois. He was a teacher in tlie public schools for many years, working as a mechanic in vacations. They lived in Liberty ville. 111., in 1903, and have childien. SEVENTH GENERATION 271 Children . 1. Alfred H., b. at Bethany, Mo., June 21, l.s73 ; m. Daisy A. Gaylord. He is a physician in Oswego, III. 2. Rolla W., b. at Bethany, Mo., June 10, 1875. He is a lawyer in Chicago. 3. Nola E., b. at Bethany, Mo., Sept. 10, 1877; m. Dr. William J. McQuaig, and they live in Chicago, HI.; have one child: (1) Malcolm C. McQuaiij. 4. George S., b. at Kingwood, HI., Marcli 24, 1880; d. there Feb. 18 18*^2 5. Flora A., b. at Liberty ville, HI , Dec. 29, 1889. 1056 IX. John Quincy,^ b. Feb. 20, 1848; m. Electa D. Durgy, Aug. 22, 1868, at Chittenden, Vt. They live at Brandon, Vt. He is a mechanic. They have Children. 1. George M., b. July 22, 1869, at Chittenden; m. Grace Delphy, of Lincoln, Vt.'jan. 3, 18'.)6. 2. Clara J., b. at Chittenden, Vt., May 29, 1871. She is superin- tendent of nurses at Mary Fletcher Hospital. Burlington, Vt. 3. John Q., b. at Brandon, Vt., March 9, 1874; m. Susan Stevens, at West Rutland, Vt. Thev live at Brandon, Vt., and have one child : (1) Ruth E., b. Jan. 4, 1900. X. Flora Amklia,* b. Nov. IL', 1851; m. 1st, Charles F. Seg.vr, at Brandon, Nov. 24, 1874. ^Ir. Segar served as a soldier in the Civil War, and died at Marengo, 111., Feb. 6, 1878, and Flora M. (Churchill) Segar m. 2d, Rev. James R. Wylie, July 2, 1888, at Chittenden, Vt. He is now (1903) pastor of the Methodist Church in Dyke, N.Y. Child of Charles F. and Flora A. (^Churchill) Segar. 1. Carrie M., b, in Chittenden, May 1, 1876; m. Elmer Franks, of Ontario, N.Y., March 17, 1898. They live at Williamson, N.Y., where he is a farmer. G08. ZACCHEUS H." CHURCHILL (Caleb," Johx,^ Ebexezer," William,'' William,- Johx '). Born in Chittenden, Vt., March 29, 1799. Of Zaccheus and his family we have been able to learn vexy little. Mrs. Johnson, of Holden, has tried to get the record, but np to the time of this account going to press we have received very little. He married Hannah N. Bacon, Dec. 4, 1827, and removed to Pennsylvania. Mrs. Johnson has a letter received from her brother, Edwin R., years ago, in which he says that "when I visited Uncle Zaccheus Chnrchill, in 1866, he was living some twenty-five miles south of Erie, Penn., and had five children." There were two sons and two daughters, and one other, he did not remember whether a son or daughter. He remembered the names of two of the children, the oldest son, Simeon, who was married and had eight children. The youngest son was Azem. All the children were married. 272 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 609. NATHAN HAWLEY^ CHURCHILL (Caleb,« Joh^V Ebexe- ZBR,* William,^ William,^ John-^). Born in Chittenden (then called Philadelphia), Vt., June 11, 1803. He was a farmer and settled first in Chittenden, but about 1810, after his second marriage, he removed to Brandon, and took up a new section of seventy-two acres of land, upon which he built a rough log-house at first. Being a shrewd and industrious man, he began to speculate a little, in land and cattle at first, and later in lumber and various commodities. He set up a distillery for getting out " Winter-Green Oil," and after- wards built a saw-mill and conducted a wheelwright and blacksmith establishment. He died at Brandon, Jan. 12, 1884. Married 1st, at Reading, Vt., Oct. 4, 1825, Dorothy Sheldon, daughter of Jacob, of Reading. She was born at Reading, Vt., Jan. 19, 1804, and died March 10, 1838. Married 2d, March 10, 1839, at Pitts- ford, Vt., Naistcy Lyon, daughter of John and Polly Carry Lyon. Nancy was born Dec. 9, 1819, and died Oct. 18, 1901. Children of First \yife. I. Dorothy Chaklotte.^ b. Oct. 20, 1826; d. Oct. 28, 1827. II. Joseph Lorenzo,* b. Oct. 4, 1828; d. Jan. 7, 1852, unmarried, on the voyage to the Sandwich Islands. III. Julia Caroline,*' b, June 18, 1830; m. 1st, Caleb Briggs, about lt^52. He went to California, never returned. She obtained a divorce, and m. 2d, B. G. Clow, of Reno, Nevada, April 14, 1871. 1057 IV. German Sheldon,* b. Oct. 15, 1832; m. Marietta F. Swain, of So. Reading, Mass., 1857. He was a druggist at Wakefield, Mass., and died in 1864. 1058 V. John A.,* b. July 20, 1835; m. Mart Ann Conlon, Dec. 25, 1860. They lived at Council Bluffs, Iowa. He was a merchant. Two children. Dorothy, d. at 9 years and a son d. in infancy. Children of Second Wife, Nancy (Lyori) Churchill. VI. Dorothy Charlotte,* b. May 27, 1840; d. Dec. 19, 1845. 1059 VII. Nathan W.,* b. Dec. 9, 1842 ; m. Frances L. Rogers, of Brandon, Dec. 9, 1866. He served from Sept. 15, 1864, to June 21, 1865, in the Civil War, in Company H, First Vermont Cavalry; d. July 5, 1886. He was a farmer and carpenter at Brandon, Vt. Children. 1. John R., b. Jan. 2, 1870; m. at Council Bluffs, Iowa, but wife's name not obtained. He was a dentist, and died Feb. 22, 1896, at Los Angeles, Cal., leaving one child, Barbara. 2. Nathan H., Jr., b. Dec. 5, 1871. He married and lives in San Francisco, Cal., but we have no further information of him, except that he was a horsedealer. VIII. Jane L.,* b. March 15, 1844; m. Horace Smith, April 2, 1864. Mrs. Smith d. June 30, 1887. SEVENTH GENERATION 273 Children born in Virginia City^ Nevada. 1. Grant H. Smith, b. April 13, 1865; m. and lives in Salt Lake City. 2. Stuart Smith, b. June, 1869. He is a banker in San Francisco, 3. Herbert L. Smith, b. Dec. 27, 1871. An architect, Oxnard, Cal. 4. Jay Miles Smith, b. Aug. 28, 1874. Lives near San Francisco. 5. Hawley Smith, b. Oct. 5, 1880. Lives near San Francisco. 1060 IX. Royal M.,^ b. Oct. 27, 1846; m. Abbie E. Johnson, Oct. 27, 1866. They lived in Brandon, Vt. He served in the war of the Re- bellion three years, 1862 to 1865, in Company H, Eleventh Regi- ment, Vermont Volunteers, enlisting when fifteen years old. He was a moulder by trade, also a lumberman. He d. May 24, 1880. Children . 1. Nancy J., b. at Brandon, June 14, 1870; m. Henry H. Horner, April 9, 1886, and d. Jan. 12, 1900. 2. Joseph R., b. at Brandon, May 25, 1874. He is a grocer in Brandon, Vt. 3. Grace F., b. in Chittenden, June 22, 1876; d. in Brandon, June 13, 1888. 4. Hugh H., b. in Chittenden, May 2, 1878 ; m. Annette I. Smith, April 3, 1901, in Fitchburg. 5. Daisy A., b. in Chittenden, Aug. 16, 1879; m. George J. Bacon, of Brandon, Sept. 15, 1902. lOGl X. Riley V.,» b. May 13, 1851 ; m. Mary A. Phillips, June 28, 1887. He went West and worked in the mines and quartz-mills in Cali- fornia, Nevada, and Utah, but finally settled in Neola, Iowa, as a farmer. Children. 1. George H., b. Dec. 30, 1887. 2. Riley V., Jr., b. Aug. 21, 1889. 3. Amelia M., b. Dec. 30, 1890. 4. Howel E., b. Feb. 2, 1892. 5. Phillips v., b. Oct. 24, 1894. 6. Victoria, b. March 25, 1897 ; d. April 20, 1897. 1062 XI. George H.,^ b. Dec. 27, 1852; m. M. J. Sargent, dau. of Dr. A. J. and Ruth (Edmunds) Sargent, Oct. 4, 1876. She was born in Danby, Vt., Dec. 7, 1852. They lived on the old homestead of Nathan Hawley Churchill, in the present town of Forest Dale, Vt. Mr. Churchill is a farmer, lumberman, and manufacturer. Children. 1. Fred W., b. Sept. 3, 1877; m. Ida V. Le Rean. He is a drug- gist, Brandon, Vt. 2. LeoR., b. Nov. 2, 1881. 3. Ruth Fern, b. Jan. 6, 1889; d. Feb. 5, 1889. 4. Andrew Hawley, b. Aug. 19, 1891. 610, AZEM ^ CHUECHTLL (Caleb,^ John/ Ebenezer," William,^ William,^ John ^). Born in Chittenden, Vt., Nov. 13, 1805. He was a farmer in Chittenden, Vt. He died Sept. 11, 1877. Married, Ang. 29, 1831, Mercy M. Manlet, born at Chittenden, Jan. 19, 1814, daughter of Seth. She died at Chittenden, May 27, 1873. 274 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY Children born at Chittenden. I. Janet H.,* b. Dec. 28, 1832; m. Cyrus Barnard, of Chittenden, Jan. 15, 1851. He was in the army, lost at sea from transport while enroute from New Orleans to New York, Dec. 22, 1863. Children . 1. Eugene A. Barnard, b. May 1, 1853; m. Annie E. Wetmore, Aug. 18, 1880. 2. Nettie A. Barnard, b. Dec. 8, 1854; m. John Tarbel, at Pitts- ford, Vt., Dec. 8, 1872. II. Sylvia," b. Sept. 11, 1833; m. Nelson Parmblee, of Pittsford, March 13, 18(J0. They settled first in Pittsford, but removed in a few years to Fon du lac. Wis., and later to Grand View, Tenn., where Mr. Parmelee d. Aug. o, 1899. Children. 1. Mertie A. Parmelee, b. Feb. 24, 1862; m. E.T. Phillips, Grand View, Tenn., July 16, 1882. 2. John A. Parmelee, b. March 24, 1871. Lives at Iron Mountain, Minn. III. Elsie A.,^ b. June 22, 1835; m. Homer M. Hewitt, Nov. 12, 1853. They lived at Chittenden and Pittsford, Vt., where he d. April 12, 1899. Children. 1. Merritt H. Hewitt, b. June 23, 1856; d. Sept. 13, 1859. 2. Elmer E. Hewitt, b. Jan. 27, 1861; m. Millie J. Wood, June 12, 1889. 3. Ella A. Hewitt, b. Jan. 15, 1872; d. Feb. 22, 1885. IV. Rachel M.,^ b. June 16, 1837; m. Sylve.ster C. Tarbel, March 10, 1864, at Whitehall, N.Y. Children. 1. Wilson H. Tarbel, b. Feb. 3, 1867; m. Hattie M. Cotting, Aug. 17, 1890. 2. Mercy M. Tarbel, b.'July 16, 1868; m. Elam French, Jan. 15, 1903, at Chittenden, Vt. V. LucELiA M.,^ b. Nov. 30, 1839; m. Albert Fletcher, of Pitts- ford, Vt., at Hampton, N.Y., Sept. 1, 1864. They settled first in Pittsford, Vt., but removed some time after 1879 to Aberdeen, So. Dakota. Children. 1. Azem O. Fletcher, b. Nov. 18, 1866; d. in So. Dakota, Oct. 17, 1886. 2. Bertha M. Fletcher, b. April 26, 1869 ; m. C. E. Douglas, Feb. 17, 1895. 3. Emma L. Fletcher, b. Oct. 25, 1872; d. in So. Dakota, Nov. 6, 1894. 4. Guy C. Fletcher, b. June 28, 1879; m. Mary Oleson, Sept. 4, 1899, at Aberdeen, So. Dakota. VI. Amanda M.,^ b. April 22, 1841; m. third son of Caleb, Jr., Charles H Churchill, Jr., Jan. 2, 1868. 1063 VII. Azem B.,» b. Jan. 8, 1843. He was a member of Company G, Twelfth Regiment, Vermont Volunteers, and died of fever, at Wolf Shoals Run, Va. , April 12, 1863. VIII. Alzina,^ b. Dec. 19, 1844; m., April 27, 1873, Rev. George Niles, who d. in Brandon, Feb. 27, 1889. She d. April 26, 1885. No record of children received. IX. Adelia E.,« b. March 31, 1854, d. Oct. 19, 1854. SEVEIS^TH GENERATION 275 613.* WILLIAM" CHUECHILL (Winslow,« Isaac,^ Ebenezek,* William,^ William/^ John ^). Born in Chittenden, Vt., Aug. 16, 1797, attended Nine Mile Creek school. A farmer, and lived at Camillus, N.Y., later at Glen Ellyn. No further account of this family has been obtained. Married at Camillus, Mrs. Polly Hand. Children. I. Diana.* She married seTeral times, it is said, but we have not been able to obtain any further account. She was living in Des Moines, Iowa, and her address was given as Mrs. Diana Coffin, but no answer was received. II. Christiana.** 1064 III. Israel,® d. young. IV. Martha.® V. Mary.® 613. SETH" CHURCHILL (Winslow,« Isaac,^ Ebenezer," Will- iam,^ William,- John'). Born at Camillus, N.Y., May 25, 1805. He was reared on the farm, attended the common school, and settled on a farm in his native town, but removed later to Babcock's Grove, 111., and there took up a claim and settled a farm. Married, at Jordan, N.Y., Oct. 9, 1828, Roxana Ward. Children born, the first three at Camillus, the others at Babcock's Grove. I. Mary Jane,® b. 1829 ; m. Erastus Ketchum, Jr. 1065 II. Horace,® b. Dec. 9, 1831; m. Matilda Crum, March 24, 1851, at York, 111. He was a farmer at Milton Township, 111., but started for Cali- fornia in the spring of 1852, and was never heard from afterwards. One Child. 1. Horace Albert, born Dec. 10, 1852; m. Lucy Idella Headly, of Toulon, 111., Dec. 31, 1876. They lived in 1884 at 331 Illi- nois street, Chicago, and had then two children: (1) Ada S., b. at Prospect Park, 111., Jan. 16, 1878; (2) Horace Alex- ander, b. at same place, Oct. 29, 1880. 1066 III. Myron,® b. April 23, 1834; m. Hannah Driscol. He died near Fort Carney, on his way to California. IV. Emily,® b. .\ug. 17, 1838; m. Oscar Johnson, in 1861. 1067 V. Henry William,® b. July 17, 1840; m. Mrs. Matilda (Crum) (Churchill) Sherman. She was the widow of his brother Horace, and, later, widow of Hiram Sherman. 614. MAJOR ' CHURCHILL (Winslow,« Isaac,^ Ebenezer," Will- iam,^ William,- John '). Born in Camillus, N.Y., July 8, 1807. Reared as a farmer's boy, he remained a farmer. Educated in the * Nothing has been obtained concerning Isaac,' No. 611, nor of William', mentioned on page 153, and, by mistake, numbered there, 612. 276 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY common schools. He settled at Somerset, IsTiagara County, N.Y. He died at Eidgeway, N.Y., April 4, 1888. Married, at Yates, Orleans County, N.Y., Dec. 31, 1835, Mary A. Delink, daughter of John and Anna (Lott) Deline. Children horn in Somerset^ Niagara County, N. Y. I. Jane E.,^ b. Nov. 20, 1836; tn. 1st, Egbert Bawden; m. 2d, William D. Hott, Jan. 20, 1881. Children by First Husband born in Medina, N. Y. 1. Willie Bawden, b. Nov. 10, 1861; d. July 2, 1862. 2. Anna W. Bawden, b. Aug. 5, 1864; d. Nov. 15, 1882. II. Lavinia,** b. March 4, 1840 ; m. Mathew Corser. They lived at Somerset, Niagara County, N.Y. He was a farmer and school-teacher. Children born at Somerset. 1. Clara Corser, b. 1863; m. 1st, George Lobbett; m. 2d. Robert Perfit. 2. Robert Corser. 3. Willie Corser, m. Addie Perfit. III. Nelson, s b. Sept. 29, 1843; d. aged 3 years. IV. Mercy, ^ b. July 11, 1849; m. Theodore Merchant, July 4, 1868; d. without issue', Feb. 7, 1869. 1068 V. Wellington M.,^ b. Aua;. 16, 1851; m. Elvira Chase, of Middle- port, N.Y., Jan. 3, 1877. She was the daughter of Ansel and Almira ( ) Chase. They lived at North Ridgeway, N.Y. He was a farmer. They had two children. Children. 1. Jessie, b. Nov. 1, 1877. 2. Roy, b. Oct. 22, 1885. VI. RosE,^ b. April 25, 1855; m. William J. Lobbett, at North Ridge- way, N.Y., Dec. 20, 1876. He was the son of Joseph H. and Blessing B. (Gardner) Lobbett, . was a farmer and they lived at North Ridgeway. 615. WINSLOW' CHURCHILL, Jr. (Winslow," Isaac,' Eben- p:zer,^ William,'' William,- John^). Born in Camillus, N.Y., June 13, 1812. Removed with his father's family to Milton Town- ship, now Glen Ellyn, 111. Settled later at Downer's Grove,' and lived there and at Lombard, 111., afterwards. He was a farmer. He died May 28, 1899. Married 1st, at Glen Ellyn, May 5, 1838, Juliette Morton, she died May 29, 1853 ; married 2d, at Glen Ellyn, Nov. 10, 1853, Sarah x\.nk- Nichols, who died Oct. 25, 1858 ; married 3d, Dec. 25, 1858, Margaret Willard, who died Nov. 1, 1882 ; married 4th, June 4, 1885, Elizabeth Evans. Children., all bornmn Lombard, III. I. Olive,® b. April 20, 1839; m. Harvey Church, at Lisle, 111., Dec. 16, 1874. They lived at Wichita, Iowa. II. Orson,^ b. June 12, 1840; d. at Lombard, Nov. 1, 1854. III. Orscena,^ b. Jan. 16, 1842, unmarried. Lived at Downer's Grove, 111. ISAAC BRADFORD CHURCHILL AND WIFE. (No. 616, page 277.) SEVENTH GENERATION 277 IV. Esther,^ b. July 12, 1S44; d. Feb. 20, 1845. V. Philindia,** b. July 4, 1846; m. Edward Lawrence, July 25, 1872, at Lisle, 111. She died at Aurora, 111., Oct. 28, 1S74. VI. Harriet,^ b. May 28, 1849; m. Samuel Guanis. Lived at Lom- bard, 111. 'VII. Elvira,** b. March 0, 1851; m. Frank Stadebakek, Feb. 16, 1878, Aurora, 111. 1069 VIII. 1070 1071 IX. Children of Second Wife. b. Nov. 22, 1854; m. Julia Davis, Aurora, 111. Nov. Henry W., 2, 1878. Lived at Aurora, 111. James W.,* b. Sept. 23, 1856; m. Magdalene Mayer, at Iowa, Oct. 13, 1887. Lived at Lamberton, Minn. Isaac B.,** b. Oct. 24, 1858 ; m. Matilda Timpkie, at Downer's Grove, 1887. Lived at 244 W. Huron street, Chicago, 111. Children of Third Wife. XI. Orilla,* b. Oct. 27, 1859; m. Asa Townsend, at Lisle, Dec. 25, 1878. Lived at Downer's Grove. XII. Rosella.s b. Oct. 27, 1859; m. Frank Lacey, April 16, 1884, at Downer's Grove. Lived at Lisle, 111. XIII. Annis H.,» b. Oct. 3, 1862; unmarried. Lived at 118 Cortlandt street, Chicago. XIV. Louisa C.,"^ b. Dec. 25, 1864; m. Charles Smith, at Downer's Grove, Dec. 22, 1886. Lived at 118 Cortlandt street, Chicago. 616. ISAAC BRADFORD' CHURCHILL (Winslow,'' Isaac/' Ebenezer,"' William," William,- John ^). Born in Camillus, N.Y., April 22, 1818, and was brought up on his father's farm. He attended the coinmon schools of his native town, and at the age of sixteen removed with his father to the West, and settled in what was then Milton Township, now Glen Ellyn, 111., and there, when he was of age, he entered upon a claim next to his father's, which he now lives upon, and which at the present time is a well-improved farm of two hundred and thirty acres. He is a man of well-earned prosperity and influence, and has been interested and very helpful in the compiling of this volume. Married, Sept. 15, 1841, Angelina Barker, daughter of Zelotus and jMargaret (Mason) Barker. Children horn at Glen Ellyn. 1072 I. Amos,8 b. March 29, 1842; m., Nov. 26, 1866, Marilla Bronson, dau. of David and Rhoda (Page) Bronson, of Naperville, 111., where she was born, March 10, 1846. Amos Churchill spent his early years on the farm, and received a conmion school education and prepared for college. He enlisted in Company D, Eighth Illinois Cavalry, Sept. 1, 1861, and was sent forward to Washington soon after. His regiment joined the army of the Potomac under General C. McLellan, arriving at Hampton in time to witness the battle between the " Monitor" and " Merrimac." Mr. Churchill was engaged in all the battles of the Army of the Poto- mac, from March 1, 1862, to June, 1863. He served as orderly to General Sumner up to the battle of Chancellorsville. He was engaged in the great battles of South Mountain, Antietam, Chancellorsville. 278 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY On June 1, 1863, he was severely wounded in the arm in a desper- ate skirmish with the enemy, near Beverly's Ford, and his horse was shot, but lived long enough to bear him to the hospital at Brandy Station. Mr. Churchill's wound was so severe that he was discharged, and arrived home Oct. 1, 1863. He resumed his studies and entered Wheaton College, until the spring of 1864, when the President called for recruits for one hundred days, and he enlisted in Company H, One Hundred and Forty-first Regiment, Illinois Volunteers, and was elected lieutenant of the company. His command was used mainly for garrison duty to relieve veteran troops, at Columbus, Cairo, and Paducah, Ky. On Oct. 10, 1864, Lieutenant Churchill, with his company, was mustered out at Chicago, and immediately resumed his studies until the spring of 1865, when upon the call of the President, he raised a company, and took them to camp, where they were mustered in, but on account of his wounded arm the surgeons would not pass him at tlie muster, and he returned again to his studies. He served in many offices of trust in his native town, on the board of education and in other re- lations. He engaged in farming and dealing in grain, etc., and in 1883 formed a partnership with W. H. Luther, in the coal and grain and agricultural tools business, which business in 1890 was dissolved, and continued by Mr. Churchill under the firm name of Churchill & Newton. Mr. Churchill has been always a self- reliant worker, a public spirited and influential citizen. He is a past commander of Post No. 513, G.A.R., and deacon of the Con- gregational Church. Their children, born at Glen Ellyn. 1. Jessie M., b. June 19, 1868 ; m. Benj. B. Curtis, June 19, 1886. One child : (1) Esther M. Curtis, b. Nov. 28, 1899. 2. Jennie E., b. Sept. 14, 1870; m. Lewis D. Townsend, April 22, 1891. One child: (1) Richard D. Townsend, b. March 27, 1902. 3. Josie M., b. Nov. 29, 1872 ; m. George H. Whittle, June 2, 1891. Twins, Marilla B. and Harriett J. Whittle, b. Aug. 6, 1902. 4. Julia Almeda, b. May 21, 1875; d. Aug. 23, 1875. 5. Adeline Barker, b. Dec. 19, 1877. 6. Fannie Bell, b. Dec. 9, 1880; m. Clarence A. Rowland, June 18, 1901. One child: (1) Ora E. Rowland, b. June 17, 1902. 7. Rhoda V., b. Oct. 2, 1885. 8. Amos, b. Dec. 28, 1888. II. Wealthy Irena,^ b. Dec. 5, 1843; m. 1st, Manly Brown; m. 2d, Stephen Standish, Feb. 11, 1867. 1073 III. Andrew Zelotus," b. March 1. 1846; m. Celia Kernan, Dec. 21, 1870. They live at Oak Park, 111. Mr. Churchill's boyhood and youth were spent on the home farm, and in attendance upon the public school. He enlisted as a private in the Civil War, May 15, 1864, and was discharged with his company, Oct. 10, 1864. Children horn in Oalc Park. 1. Angeline Edna, b. Dec. 27, 1872; m. Bert C. Davison, Oct. 18, 1893. 2. Arthur Bradford, b. July 10, 1879; d. Jan. 7, 1902. He was in the high school in his native town when the Spanish War broke out, and enlisted in the Illinois Naval Reserves, and was mustered May 24, 1898, upon the U.S.S. "Fern," and was present at the battle of Santiago. After returning from the war he took a course at a business college, and then for two years filled a position in a large firm with credit, when his health failed, and for recovery he was sent to Arizona, but he died there, at Tucson, early in January, 1902. His body was embalmed and brought AMOS CHURCHILL. (No. 1072, page 277 ) SEVENTH GENEEATION 279 home, where a public funeral was held Jan. 14, 1902. He was a fine and promising young man, and popular with all the community. 3. Florence Celia, b Jan. 5, 1884. IV. Isaac Bradford, Jr.,^ b. Feb. 14, 1849; d. Sept. 16, 18.50. V. George Perry,** b. Sept. 29, 1851. Killed by the cars at Wheaton, Feb. 24, 1868. VI. Nettie,** b. July 29, 1855 ; m. Joseph Clarke, at Glen EUyn, Nov. 24, 1881. They lived at Glen Ellyn and had children. Children. 1. Nellie Louise Clarke, b. Oct. 5, 1882; d. 1884. 2. Bessie Marilla Clarke, b. April I, 1884; m. L. W. McDonald, Feb. 8, 1901. 3. Perry J. Clarke, b. July 17, 1886. 4. Agnes Ellen Clarke, b. June 25, 1889. 5. Isaac Bradford Clarke, b. Feb. 27, 1893. 6. Ruth Nettie Clarke, b. Aug. 8, 1895. VII. Hattie,^ b. Dec. 8, 1857; m. Charles Weinpress, Dec. 22, 1880. One Child. 1. Margaret Weinpress, b. June 24, 1882. 617. HIRAM ' CHURCHILL (Winslow/ Isaac,^ EbexVezek," Will- iam," William,- Johx '). Bora at Camillus, N.Y., April 7,1820. He was brouglit up on the farm, and attended the common school. Removed with his father's family to Illinois in 1834. He learned and followed the trade of carpenter. Lived at Milton, 111., till May, 1852, when he started for California, overland, in a company which included Horace Churchill, son of Seth. Neither of these was heard from after passing Council Bluffs, and it is supposed that they were attacked and killed by the Indians near Fort Carney. Married, at Glen Ellyn, Nov. 1, 1840, Drusilla Millek, b. Sept. 22, 1820. Children horn at Glen Ellyn. I. Mercy,* b. Aug. 23, 1841; m. Frank Wadsworth, 1870. One daughter. 1 . Mamie Clara Wadsworth. II. Wellington,** b. Jan. 5, 1843; d. unmarried, in the army, June 30, 1862. III. Sarah Lucinda,* b. July 3, 1844; d. Aug. 24, 1844. 1074 IV. Byron,8 b. March 6, 1846; m. Rhoda Miles, Jan. 11, 1868. 1075 V. James Edwin,** b. July 12, 1848; m. Mary Green, March 17, 1871. VI. Hiram Wallace,** b. Dec. 3, 1850; d. April 14, 1858. 618. BRADFORD ^CHURCHILL (Seth,« Isaac,^ Ebenezer,* Will- iam,'' William,- John '). Born at Chittenden, Vt., Aug, 23, 1800. Moved to Leroy, N.Y., in 1830, to Dane County, Wis., in 1845, and thence, about 1805, to Fort Dodge, Iowa. He died in Iowa, March 31, 1881. Married, March 23, 1825, Mary Adams. 280 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children. I. Eno,s,« b. March 26, 1826; d. in infancy. II. Eunice Rosetta,^ b. March 29, 1829; living unmarried in 1900. 107G III. Enos Albert,^ b. Sept. 24, 1831 ; m. Laura J. Powers, Feb. 1, 1855. Their only surviving child is Dr. C. H. Churchill, b. in Dane County, Wis., May 21, 1858. Educated at Cornell College and Rush Medical College, in practice at Fort Dodge; m. Cora A. Bond, 1880, and they have children: (1) Charles P. B., b. Oct. 20, 1887. (2) Glenwood B., b. Aug. 15, 1890. IV. Sarah Jerusha,^ b. Oct. 19, 1835; living unmarried in 1900. V. Judith Axn,^ b. Dec. 11, 1839 ; living unmarried in 1900. 619. EKOS^ CHURCHILL (Seth,« Isaac,^ Ebenbzer,* William/ William,- John ^). Born at Chittenden, Vt., March 13, 1807, and lived there, and died Oct. 21, 1884. Married, in 1826, Nancy Searles. Children. I. Sarah,* b. April 13, 1831 ; d. in infancy. II. Mary,« b. June 26, 1834; d. at the age of 16 years. III. Eunice,** b. Oct. 23, 1839; m. Hiram Corey, July 4, 1859. 620. ELISHA BRADFORD ' CHURCHILL (Elisha,« Isaac,' Eben- EZER,* William,"' William," John ^). Born in Swanton, Vt., June 14, 1807, and lived in Burlington, Vt. Married, at Burlington, Vt., 1833, Miranda Barber. Children horn at Burlington, Vt. 1077 I. John Bradford,® b. May 23, 1834 ; in. Susan M. Abbott, Nov. 18, 1857; married at Northampton, Mass. He died about 1878. II. Chloe Alvina,® b. Aug. 30, 1835 ; m. Dr. Henry R. Hoeman, July 16, 1856. They lived at Cincinnati, O., Kansas City, Mo., and Denver, Col., and in 1884 at Worcester, Mass. Children. 1. Fred. Augustus Churchill Holman, b. Cincinnati, June 11, 1857; d. at Kansas City, June 25, 1859. 3. Carrie Maud Holman, b. Kansas City, Sept. 2, 1859 ; m. F. W. Marshall, Worcester, Mass., Jan. 29, 1884. 3. Frank Foster Holman, b. Kansas City, Oct. 17, 1861; d. March 2, 1862. 4. Charles Henderson Holman, b. Kansas City, Dec. 2, 1862; m. Ida Louise Bessel, New York, February, 1896. 5. Frederick Ralph Holman, b. Denver, Col., March 15, 1874. III. Ellen Eliza,* b. June 15, 1838 ; d. Aug. 11, 1856. 623, HORACE ' CHURCHILL (Elisha,« Isaac,^ Ebenezer,* Will- iam,^ William,^ John ^). Born in Swanton, Vt., Dec. 14, 1814, and died at Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 28, 1849. Married, 1835, in Sheldon, Vt., Alsista Italy Bowen, who died June 28, 1848. SEVENTH GENERATION 281 Children horn in Michigan and Wisconsin. I. Horace W.,^ b. April 23, 183G; drowned Sept. 9, 1800, on Lake Michigan, in the wreck of the " Lady Elgin." II. Mary Italy,^ b. April 17, 1838; m. I. T. Branch, Sept. 25, 1857. They lived in Milwaukee, Wis., where she died Dec. 27, 1864, leaving two sons. Children born in 3Iilwaukee, Wis. 1. Walter Tenney Branch, b. July 25, 1859; m. Millie Belle Campbell, July 28, 18()3. They live in Denver, and have two sons, Carlton and Walter. 2. Vernon Harris Branch, b. Feb. 3, 1863; m. Luella Brown, Oct. 20, 1885. They live in Wichita, Kan., 1003, and have one child, Hazel Branch, b. at Concordia, Kan., Oct. 1, 1886. Mr. Branch, the father, married again, and in 1886, was Hying in Orwell, Vt. III. Ettnice C.,8 b. May 16, 1841; d. 1862. IV. WARREN,8b. Feb. 10, 1846; d. in Racine, Wis., 1878. 633. SETH WARREN ' CHURCHILL (Elisha,« Isaac,^ Ebenezek/ William,'^ William,- John'). Born at Swanton, Vt., May 17, 1821. Reared at Swanton, and received a common school education in his iiative town. He removed West, and settled at Milwaukee, Wis., where he kept a hotel from 1844 to 1852. He was a passen- ger on the " City of Pittsbitrg," through the Straits of Magellen. The ship was burned in the harbor of Valparaiso, Chili, Oct. 24, 1852, and Mr. Churchill took passage to Panama by steamer, and thence to San Francisco, Dec. 14, 1852. He removed to San Jose, Cal., in 1864, and there kept the " Auzerais House " for twelve years, since which he has been engaged in the insurance business with his residence at San Jose. Mr. Churchill has been interested in the progress of this volume, and has helped very much in the compiling in his own life. Married, at Marysville, Cal., Dec. 31, 1854, Sophia J. May, daughter of George and Sophia (Smith) May, born Feb. 3, 1835. Children. I. Clara Isabella,^ b. at Marysville, Cal., Oct. 30, 1855. II. May,» \b. at Young's Hill, Cal., Jan. 11, 1857; d. Feb. 7 and 21, III. Mary,^/ 1857. 1078 IV. Harry Howard,* b. Oct. 5, 1859, at Marysville; m. Mary J. Meigs, Jan. 9, 1886, at San Francisco. Died at San Jose, Dec. 29, 1896. 1079 V. George May,^ b. at Marysville, Sept. 6, 1861; m. Nellie Wood- ward, at San Diego, Oct. 22, 1888. They had children, but the names have not been received. VI. LucY,s b. at San Jose, Aug. 12, 1865. VII. Jennie,^ b. at San Jose, March 7, 1868 ; m. Mild S. Baker, San Jose, July 14, 1897. 1080 VIII. Seth Warren, Jr.,8 b. San Jose, July 24, 1871; m. Marian D. Burt, at San Jose, Dec. 5, 1898. Child. 1. Florence May, b. Jan. 22, 1899. IX. Ada May,* b. at San Jose, Jan. 22, 1876; m. Komayne S. Hun- kins, of San Jose, Jan. 1, 1900. 282 THE CHUKCHILL FAMILY 634. HENRY ^ CHURCHILL (Elisha,^ Isaac/ Ebenezer/ Will- iam,^ William,- John ^). Born in Swanton, Vt., Sept. 23, 1823, and died May 19, 1879. Mariied, Sept. 28, 1847, Miranda Gates, who died March 4, 1899. Children. 1083 I. Helen Lucretia,^ b. July 28, 1848 ; d. Dec. 16, 1852. II. Augustus Waeken.^ b. June 3, 1850. He lived in Cliieo, Cal., in 1885. III. Seth Erastus,* b. Feb. 9, 1852; unmarried in 1885. IV. Clara, ^ b. June 1, 1856; ra. William Singer. V. Fred,» b. Jan. 15, 1860; d. Sept. 21, 188i. 1084 VI. Frank.8 In 1885 was at Rocklin, Cal. 625. ANDREW JACKSON" CHURCHILL (Andbew,« Joshua,^ Ebenezer,^ William,'^ William,- John^). Born June 12,1821. He lived in West Peru, Me. The date of the marriage of his parents, Andrew ® Churchill and Polly Aldham, as given on page 156, is incorrectly given. Married Nancy Wyman. Children. I. Nancy.s b. May 7, 1849 ; d. Oct. 2, 1864. II. Phebe,^ b. July 3, 1850; m. A. L. Gowd, April 4, 1870. 1085 III. Andrew J., Jr.,^ b. Dec. 12, 1852. 627. SAMUEL^ CHURCHILL (Ezra,« Joshua,^ Ebenezer,'' William,^ William,- John ^). Born in Sumner, Me., Aug. 15, 1810. Settled first in Sumner, but removed to Montville, Me. Married 1st, April, 1834, Achsah Churchill, daughter of Joshua (No. 285), who was born in Salem, Mass., Sept. 2, 1808, and died May 27, 1866. Married 2d, March 15, 1868, Nancy Penney. Child of First Wife horn in Sumner., Me. I Maria M.,^ b. April 29, 1837; m. George H. Thompson, of Searsport, Me. One cbild, Leslie G. Tbompson, b, in Searsmont, Me., May 12, 1861. Child of Second Wife, Nancy Penney. 1086 II. Ulysses Grant,^ b. in Montville, Me., Oct. 23, 1869. 632. IVORY ^ CHURCHILL (Elias,« David,^ David," W^illiam,^ William,^ John ^). Born at Plympton, March 18, 1799. Married, June 30, 1823, Mary E. Blake, of Boston. SEVENTH GENERATION 283 Children. 1087 I. Henry Cushm.vn,^ b. Jan. 26, 1825; lu. Mart D. Allen, of Brookfielcl, Mass. 1088 II. Edward Blake,* b. Dec. 18, 1828; m. Aravesta Smith, of Lynn, May 28, 1852. III. Sarah Simpson,^ b. Feb. 27, 1832; accidentally killed. May, 1851. IV. SosAN Ann,8 b. May 30, 1839; m. Samuel , March 30, 1859. 635. OTIS^ CHURCHILL (David,« David,^ David/ William,'' William,- John '). Born in Plympton, Jan. 12, 1805. Lived in Ashfield, Mass., till 1811, then Avent to New York in the family of his step-father, Captain Warren; fled with them from the British and Indians in 1812, in the war on the borders, which robbed the fami- lies of homes and property. He remained with his step-father until twenty-one years of age, and then worked at carpenter trade and wagon-making for eighteen years. In 1845 he moved to Niagara Falls, and engaged in house building for eight years, and then moved to Milwaukee, Wis., in 1854. He settled soon in Brook- field, Wis. Finally he with his two boys took up 80-acre lots in Rock Elm, Wis., and settled down to farming. He died Sept. 16, 1886. Married 1st, May 80, 1831, Mary Russell, born Jan. 5, 1813 ; she died May 10, 1842. Married 2d, Dec. 14, 1842, Belinda Russell, born Sept. 16, 1820 ; died June 18, 1859, daughters of Joseph and Ruth. Married 3d, Dec. 17, 1862, Mrs. Mart L. (Calkins) Pomerot, widow of Charles B., born Oct. 5, 1832. Children of First Wife, born at Lewiston, N.Y. I. Eliza,** b. June 2, 1832, at Lewiston, N.Y. ; d. unmarried at Niagara Falls, Feb. 20, 1855. II. David Henry,» b. Sept. 13, 1834; d. Nov. 14, 1862, in the hospital at Baltimore. III. Mary Jane,^ b. Jan. 20, 1837; d. July 12, 1841. IV. Ruth Ann,^ b. Sept. 30, 1838; d. July 19, 1841. 1089 V. Jame8,8 b. Feb. 20, 1842; m. Hattik M. Barnes, in Brookfield, Wis., .July, 1860. He is a railroad official, So. Minneapolis, Wis. They had six children. Names not obtained. Children of Second Wife, horn at Niagara Falls and in Wisconsin . 1090 VI. William Otis," b. Jan. 25, 1844 ; m. Sarah E. Putney, in Wau- kesha, Wis., Dec. 7, 1871. He is a farmer at Eock Elm, Wis. They have two children. 1091 VII. Wesley Russell,^ b. Aug. 30, 1845; m. Carrie E. Pomeroy. He is a physician. In 1887 was at Reedsburg, Wis. Has one child, Altie P. Churchill, b. 1879. VIII. Mary Sophia,** b. Oct. 17, 1847; d. June 21, 1854. IX. Sarah Jane,« b. Oct. 28, 1849; d. Sept. 6, 1856. X. Harriet Mellissa,** b. Aug. 21, 1852; d. Sept. 20, 1853. 1092 XI. Franklin B.,^ b. Aug. 26, 1854; m. Florence N. Dawson, Nov. 14, 1884. A farmer, and owns a sawmill. Has fine stock of cattle and horses. No children. Lives at Rock Elm. 284 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 1093 XII. Wilbur T.,^ b. Jan. 27, 1857; ni. Jennie Whipp, Oct. 7, 1886, Rock Elm, Wis. Has a general merchandise store and a small farm. 636. LEVI^ CHURCHILL (Levi,« David/ David/ William/ William/ John ^). Born in Hingliam, May 5, 1803, and lived there. Married, Sept. 10, 1828, Lucretia Keen, of East Bridge- water. She died Jan. 1, 1897, aged 90 years. CJiildren. I. Celia,» b. Feb. 4, 1830; d. 1833. II. Cynthia Makia,^ b. Sept. 7, 1832 ; d. 1833. 1094 III. Warren Keen,'^ b. Feb. 24, 1834; m. Elizabeth H. Josseltn, Nov. 19, 1863. They lived at Elmwood, Plymouth County, Mass., where he was a grocer, and had held the position of postmaster from the time it was established in 1863 until his death, March 2, 1898. Ho was the oldest living past master of Fellowship Lodge of Free- masons in Bridgewater. He was an influential and respected citizen. He helped about this volume. Children. 1. George M., b. Jan..^, 1874. 2. Asaba W., b. July 5, 1875. IV. Bethia,® b. Aug. 10, 1838; unmarried. V. Andrew,^ b. Nov. 9, 1841 ; d. April 8, 1844. 1095 VI. Newton,** b. April 7, 1844; m. Abby W. White. Children. 1. Harry N., b. Sept. 14, 1868; d. August, 1878. 2. Percy M., b. Jan. 5, 1873. VII. Asaba,« b. June 16, 1846; d. 1848. 637. LUTHER^ CHURCHILL (Levi/ David/ David/ William,-* William,- John ^). Born in Hingham, April, 1805. Married Eveline Blanchard. Children. 1096 I. Luther, Jr.,« b. March 2, 1828. 1097 IL Benjamin F.,» b. Jan. 22, 1832. 109S III. Elias P.,« b. Oct. 24, 1836. 1099 IV. Caleb S.,« b. 1840. 1100 V. Thomas J., «b. 1842. VI. Lizzie T..^ b. 1846. VIL Evaline,« b. 1848. 638. ABISHA S.' CHURCHILL (Levi/ David/ David/ William/ William/' John^). Born in Hingham, Oct. 13, 1807; died Dec. 9, 1890. Married Mercy L. Whitman. Children. I. Hattie P.,^ m. George Benson, .Tune 18, 1850. SEVENTH GENERATION 285 Children. 1. George H. Benson, b. July 14, 1851. 2. Fred L. Benson, b. Sept. 2, 1855. 3. Walter L. Benson, b. Aug. 5, 1858. 1101 II. Frederick S.,® b. Nov. 19, 1838; ui.Fhancelia A. White, Oct. 8, 18(53. He was a shoe manufacturer in Boston, and died in Neponset, Sept. 23, 1897. Children. 1. Hattie P., b. April 23, 18fi5. 2. Viola S., b. Nov. 22, 1876. 640. ETHAN STETSON" CHURCHILL (Levi,« David,^ David," William,'* William,- John '). Born Jan. 11, 1835, at East Bridge- water, Mass. He Avas a piano-maker. Lived at Dedhani. He served in the Civil War, as a musician in a band. He died at Dedham, March 19, 1896. Since passing this name, on page 160, we have received new information. Married, at Weymouth, Sep- tember, 1859, Annie Matilda Cook, daughter of Samuel and Mary (Hunt) Cook. Mrs. E. S. Churchill died at Dedham, April 1.3, 1902. Children born at Weymouth. I. Grace A.," b. Oct. 9, 18G1; m. 1st, Chauncey S. Churchill, of Dedham; m. 2d, Waldo Chase. II. M. Gertrude,* b. April 3, 18G3 ; m. Cleveland Cox, April 4, 1883. One Child. 1. Harold Augustus Cox, b. June 27, 1884. 641. JESSE ^ CHURCHILL, Jr. (Jesse,« David,^ David," Will- iam,'' William,- John ^). Born in Hingham, Jan. 30, 1806. Died Oct. 24, 1870. Married 1st, Oct. 20, 1833, Christiana Cushing, daughter of Elnathan. She died Nov. 13, 1840, aged 23. Married 2d, Betsey A. Jenkins, of Boston, Nov. 7, 1841. She died in Hingham, Jan. 13, 1867. Married 3d, Mrs. Sophronia W. (Beal) Low. First Wife's Children born in Hingham. I. Catharine Cushing,** b. Nov. 15, 1834; m. Silas H. Cobb. II. Christiana,* b. Nov. 30, 1837; m. Henry S. Ewer. Second Wife's Children. III. SrsAN Lincoln,* b. March 15, 1843; m. John W. Eldridge, Feb. 3, 18(14. IV. Martha Ann,* b. July 4, 1847; ni. Charles Daniels. 286 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY 643. JAMES ^ CHUECHILL (Jesse,^ David,^ David/ William,^ William/ John '). Born in Hingliam, Feb. 5, 1808. He died in Hingliam, Feb. 17, 1869 or '70. Married Cynthia Humphrey French. On page 160 surname is incorrect. She died in Hingliam, Jan. 20, 1866. Children born in Hingliam. 1102 I. James Thomas.^ II. Cynthia," m. ( ) Mdrch. III. Emmeline.^ 643. THOMAS C.^ CHUECHILL (Jesse/ David,^ David," Will- iam/ William,- John '). Born in Hingham, Feb. 5, 1808, and lived there. He enlisted in the Civil War, and died at Harrison's Landing, Va., Aug. 7, 1862. Married, at Hingham, Sept. 13, 1829, Sarah Sprague, born in Hingham Oct. 23, 1810 ; died April 13, 1891. Child. I. Amelia Sprague,^ b. October, 1831 ; m. Dr. James M. Daly, of Boston, March 11, 1852. Children. 1. Grace A. Daly, b. January, 1853; d. September, 1853. 2. James Harlow Daly, b. June 30, 185"> ; m. Clara Bussey Ken- drick, April 23, 1881. They have children: (1) Harlow B., b. Dec. 1, 1883. (2) Clara E., b. July 4, 1886. 644. CHAELES^ CHUECHILL (Jesse,^ David/ David,^ Will- iam/ William/ John^). Born in Hingham, July 10, 1810. Married 1st, Oct. 20, 1833, Mehitable Gill. She died May 25, 1835. Married 2d, November, 1838, Sarah Nichols, who was born at Boston, Sept. 7, 1812. Child of First Wife. I. Helen Maria, ^ b, Sept. 12, lS3i; m. Sidney Sprague, of Hingham. Children of Second Wife. II. Charles E.,^ b. in Boston, 1839; d. unmarried. 1103 III. William Henry,* b. Feb. IG, 1841; m. Rosamond Janette. Lived in Boston and had children: (1) Edwin Francis; (2) Nettie E. ; (3) Janette; (4) William H. ; and (5) Elmer Ware. IV. Edwin,* died in infancy. SEVENTH GENERATION 287 645. RUFUS^ CHURCHILL (Jes.se,« David/ David/ William/ William/' John '). Born in Hingham, April 23, 1815. Married, Aug. 18, 1845, Mrs. Lucy A. (Bukr) Kimball. He died April 11, 1872. Children. I. Imogene.^ 1105 II. MosE,s.« 646. THADDEUS ' CHURCHILL (Jesse,« David/ David,^ Will- iam,'' William,^ John^). Born in Hingham, Feb. 27, 1823. Lived in Boston. Married 1st, Margaret M. Green, b. Jan. 7, 1837. Married 2d, Mary J. Hersey. Child of First Wife. I. Margaret Sideks,* m. Mr. Chandler. Child of Second Wife. 110(> II. Russell Thater,^ b. Aug. 6, 1872. 647. ZADOCK " CHURCHILL (Samuel/ William/ David/ Will- iam,^ William,'- John '). Born July 13, 1780. Married Betsey Palmer. Child. I. Betsey/ m. Barnabas Bryant. 648. SAMUEL^ CHURCHILL (Samuel,^ William/ David/ William,^ William,- John '). Born May 24, 1804. Lived in Halifax, Mass. Married 1st, Saba Churchill, daughter of No. 296. Married 2d, April 30, 1837, Sarah Sturtevant. One Child by Second Wife. 1107 I. Edmund W.,« b. March 13, 1838. Lives in Halifax, Mass. 649. JOSEPH' CHURCHILL (Joseph/ William/ David/ Will- iam,^ William/ John^). Born in Plympton, Aug. 10, 1788. Married Mrs. Rebecca (Dunham) Morey, of Plymouth. Children. I. Rebecca,^ m. Reuben Dickey. II. Eunice,* unmarried. 1108 III. JOSEPH.8 1109 IV. George Henry, ^ m. Mary Ness. V. Sebrina.** 288 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY 650. HOSEA^ CHUECHILL (Joseph," William,^ David/ Will- iam,^ William,- John ^). Born in Plympton, Aug. 24, 1792. Mar- ried Eunice Morey, of Plymouth, 1811. Children horn in Plymouth. 1110 I. HosEA,« b. 1813. II. Betset W.,s b. 1815. 1111 III. Silas M.,« b. 1817. 1112 IV. Bartlett,* -I i , ,.22 1113 V. Henrt,« jtwins, b. 1822. 1111 VI. John Claek,« b. 1827. 653. GEORGE T CHUECHILL (Joseph," William,^ David,^ Will- iam,^ William,- John ^). Born in Plympton, Oct. 29, 1802. Married Lybia Morton. Children. lllla I. William,* b. 1822 ; m. Arkam Dickey. They removed to California. No record received of any children. II. Madison,* b. 1827 ; never married. 1114b III. Jonathan,* b. 1835; m. Nellie M. Gate. Children . 1. Fannie, b. 1866; m. Walter K. Terry. Lives in Flandreau, So. Dakota. 2. Percy, b. 1874. Lives in Flandreau, So. Dakota. 1114c IV. Thomas,* b. 1838; m. Mary Ellen Tovter, in Belmont, Me. Children, 1. Helen L., b. March 30, 1862; d. at 3 years. 2. Fred T., b. Dec. 6, 1866. lllld V. Wesley,* b. in Corinna, Me., March 11, 1841 ; m. Adelia Heale, of Lincolnville, Me., 1865. She d. April 1, 1896. They lived in Swanville, Minn. He was a farmer. One Child. 1. William, b. in Hancock, Minn., Sept. 1, 1881. 654. JOHN ^ CHUECHILL (Joseph,^ William,^ David,'' William,^ William,- John '). Born in Plympton, Aug. 15, 1804. Married Mary Ann Tilden. Children. I. Mary Ann,* b. 1824; m. Benjamin Albee. II. Sarah,8 b. 1826. 1115 III. John,* b. 1830; m. Thankful Scammon. 1116 IV. Daniel,* b. Aug. 4, 1832; m. Carrie B. Tower. 1117 V. Elbridge F.,* b. 1834; m. Frances A. Clark. 1118 VL James F.,* b. April 23, 183G; m. ( ) Towek. SEVENTH GENERATION 289 1119 VII. Elihu T.,8 b. 1839; m. Harkiet M. Clark. 1120 VIII. Henrt,8 b. 1841. IX. Adrianna,* b. 1842; d. aged 17 years. X. Ltdia,* b. 1844; m. ( ) Dudley. 655. WILLIAM^ CHURCHILL (William,^ Wii-liam,^ David, William/' William,- John '). Born in Bainbriclge, N.Y., May 22, 1795. Married Minekva Luther. She was born March 1, 1800. Children. I. Betsey, s b. Oct. 30, 1818; m. John Stag. 1121 II. Leroy W.,^ b. Dec. 8, 1820; m. Isabel Cuthbert ; no children. III. Catherine,** b. Sept. IG, 1822; m. James Wells. 1122 IV. William,'* b. Nov. 15, 1823; m. Sarah A. Kenyon. V. Lorentine,^ b. July 16, 1826; d. April 1, 1828. VI. Margaret, s b. Sept. 1, 1828 ; m. James Fort. VII. Anson,^ b. May 29, 1830; d. next day. 1123 VIII. Jackson V.,^ b. May 1, 1831; m. Mary Roman. IX. Clerentine,** b. May 30, 1833; d. Aug. 16, 1843. X. Daniel,* b. April 9, 1835; d. July 1, 1839. XI. Eliza," b. July 15, 1838; ra. Richard Evans. XII. Frances,** b. April 12, 1841; d. Sept. 18, 1841. XIII. MoRiLLA,** b. May 25, 1844; in. Thomas Stone. 656. OLIVER ' CHURCHILL (Olivek,'' James,'' David,^ Willi am,^ William,- John '). Born in Plympton, Nov. 19, 1794. Married 1st, 1826, Sally Bradford. No children. She died 1826. Mar- ried 2d, Mary A. Loring, daughter of Ezekiel. She died 1873. Children of Second Wife. 1124 I. Thomas Loring,'* b. April 3, 1834; m. Helen H. Briggs, Dec. 20, I8G4. He died Dec. 17, 1900. One child: (1) Alice Bradford, b. May 2, 1866. 1125 II. James Oliver,* b. July 5, 1835. III. Mary Hudson,** d. at Flympton, Oct. 11, 1868. 657. ISAIAH ' CHURCHILL (Oliver," James,"' David,^ William/ William,- John '). Born in Plympton, Oct. 10, 1806. Married 1st, Polly Stevens Parker, daughter of Jonathan. Married 2d, Jane Bradford Hayward. Married 3d, Angeline Standish, daughter of John. Children of First Wife. I. Charlotte Farker," b. June 6, 1835 ; m. David S. Flummer, Meredith, N.H. 1126 II. Granville Mellen,* b. Sept. 24, 1836. III. Mary Granville,® b. Oct. 10, 1838. 290 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY 1127 IV. Frederick Stephen,® b. March 18, 1840. Reserved in Company H., Third Regiment, Mass. Volunteers, and later Eighteenth Regi- ment, and was killed at second battle of Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862. 1128 V. Isaiah Frederick, ^ b. Feb. 21, 1842; ra. Annie K. Loring, March 23, 1868. He served two terms of enlistment in the Civil War. 1129 VI. Edmund Findley,® b. Feb. 21, 1842. He served in Eighteenth Mass. Regiment in the Civil War; was color bearer. 1130 VII. Theodore Parker,* b. May 3, 1844. He served in Company A, Thirty-third Mass. Regiment, in the Civil War, and died in camp near Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 14, 1862. 659. LOUIS' CHUECHILL (Lewis," Nathaniel/ Nathaniel/ William/ William/' John ^). Born in Cornish, N.H., January, 15, 1802. Eemoved to the West and lived in Iowa. Married EosAMOND Eecord. We have the names of two children only. No further record. Children. 1131 I. WlLLIAM.8 1132 II. Luther. 8 661. BAEKEE BEEWSTEE^ CHUECHILL (Lewis," Nathaniel/ Nathaniel/ William,'' William,- John'). Born Feb. 4, 1815. Born in Cornish, N.H. He was a carpenter by trade, and removed from the old homestead to Cornish Flat in 1861. He enlisted for the Civil War Aug. 29, 1864, and was honorably discharged Sept. 11, 1865. After the war he continued at his trade until his death, Oct. 15, 1879. He married 1st, Maky A. Angiek, 1842 ; 2d, Jan. 31, 1867, Mrs. Mary J. (Westgate) Britton. Children of First Wife. 1133 I. Edgar A., 8 b. Aug. 29, 1847; unmarried. He is a farmer ; lives in Cornish. Served in the Civil War. Has been selectman of his native town several terms. II. Mary E.,* b. April 20. 1850; m, Lovell B. George, of Newport, N.H., Aug. 29, 1874. III. Children. 1. Jennie B. George, b. July 20, 1875; m. John C. Wiggins, Aug. 29, 1894. They lived in Sunapee, N.H., and have children: (1) Her- man L., b. July 20, 1895; C2) Edgar J., b. July 23, 1896; and Harold J., b. Sept. 1, 1898. 2. Albert W. George, b. March 5, 1879; m. Alice B. Reed, Jan. 13, 1901. One child: Blanche May George, b. Sept. 4, 1902. Jennie, 8 b. Dec. 31, 1855; m. William F. Waite, of Worcester, July 11, 187G. She died May 25, 1891. He died Sept. 19, 1889. SEVENTH GENERATION 291 Children. 1. Rosie May Waite, b. May 22, 1877 ; d. Nov. 23, 1893. 2. Nettie Bell Waite, b. Feb. 13, 1879. 3. Kate J. Waite, b. Nov. 5, 1880; m. William C. Smith, 1901. And have one child : Ethan Allen Smith. 4. Frank E. Waite, b. Oct. 23, 1882. 5. Ernest W. Waite, b. Feb. 28, 1889. Child of Second Wife. ■ IV. Nkttie B.,« b. Feb. 20, 1868 ; m. M. B. Lindsay, of Cornish, Sept. 27, 1896. Child. 1. Helen M. Lindsay, b. July 25, 1898. 663. LEVI" CHURCHILL (Levi," Nathaniel/ Nathaniel/ William/ William/' John '). Born in Croydon, N.H., Oct. 17, 1802. Married, March 28, 1827, Nancy Ann Sprague, who was born May 27, 1804. Children. 1134 I. James Miller,^ b. Feb. 19, 1828; m. Nancy Jones. 1135 II. David Ripley,'^ b. Jan. 2(), 1830; m. Sophia G. Bkown, May 2, 1857. She was born May 6, 1836. III. Lucy Ann,*^ b. June 28, 1834. 1136 IV. Levi,8 b. Aug. 7, 1837; in. Elizabeth J. Forbs. V. Lydia,s b. Aug. 7, 1837; d. Nov. 24, 1851. 1137 VI. Thomas Sprague,*" b. Dec. 25, 1842 ; died at the age of 21 years. 664, DAVID EIPLEY^ CHURCHILL (Levi,« Nathaniel/ Na- thaniel,* William,' William/ John ^). Born in Stowe, Vt., 1805. Settled in Knox County, Ohio. Married, April 24, 1829, in Ohio, Polly Perew, b. Oct. 7, 1807. Children horn in Knox County, Ohio. I. Rosamond,^ b. July 25, 1830; m. Alexander Scott, Sept. 17, 1848. 1138 II. Levi,^ b. April 27, 1833; m. Rebecca Clemens, June 18, 1858. 1139 III. Henry,« b Ffb. 7, 1836; m. Sarah Brown, at Highland, Kan., Oct. 25, 186G. Went to school at Fillmore, Mo. He served in the Union army, a private, three years and eight months. He is a farmer and lives at Phillipsburg, Kan. Children all horn in Highland, Kan.., except Charles R. and Ilattie E., born Phillipsburg. Kan. 1. Mary F., b. Aug. 4, 1867; m. G. H. Tucker, Jan. 27, 1889. 2. George F., b. March 27, 1869; m. Minnie A. Runnion, Feb. 13, 1900, 292 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 3. Annie M., b. Dec. 13, 1870; m. Edward Newton, Aug. 14, 1887; d. Dec. 16, 1888. 4. William L., b. April IG, 1873; m. Mary Cobbey, March 7, 1900. 5. Viiinie L.,b. Jan. 11,1875; m. Yalman Ferguson, Dec. 17, 1895. 6. Charles R., b. Sept. 21, 1876. 7. Clarence E., b. Nov. 4, 1878; d. Nov. 18, 1883. 8. Hattie E., b. Feb. 23, 1881. IV. Melissa Jane,^ b. Feb. 15, 1839; d. June 14, 1839. 1140 V. George,^ b. March 14, 1845; m. Ruth Craig. 666,* ^ NATHANIEL ' CHURCHILL ( Josbph,^ Nathaniel/ Na- thaniel/ William/ William,- John^). Born in Thompson, Conn., April 23, 1810. They lived in Vienna, Oneida County, N. Y., for a short time, and afterwards in Annsville, same county. He died September, 1868. Married, in Annsville, N.Y., Oct. 24, 1833, Nancy Mowers, b. in Danube, Herkimer County, N.Y., Sept. 1, 1805, and died August, 1880. Children. I. Rhoda A.,« b. Oct. 4, 1834; m. 1st, Oct. 17. 1854, John Leonard Brewster, b. in Parish, N.Y., April 2, 1831; d. Sept. 16, 1857; in. 2d, Feb. 6, 1867, Robert Staoe, b. in England, Jan. 7, 1827; d. 1898. Children of First Husband. 1. George Henry Brewster; b. Sept. 12, 1855. 2. Marietta Brewster, b. Dec. 12, 1857. Children of Second Husband. 3. Nellie Stace, b. Nov. 26, 1867; d. Dec. 12, 1867. 4. Cynthia Stace, b. Oct. 28, 1868; d. Jan. 19, 1885. 5. Melvin Stace, b. July 17, 1870. 6. Aaron James Stace, b. March 9, 1873. 7. Anna Stace, b. Jan. 10, 1876. II. Martha, « b. Sept. 4, 1836; d. April 21, 1839. 1141 III. Wilson B.,'* b. Nov. 9, 1838; in. Annetta Raine, in Oriskany, N.Y., Jan. 4, 1865. He was living in 1899, in Camden, N.Y. Four Children. 1. Nora. I 3. Frank. 2. Jessie. | 4. Howard. * Mrs. Deborah (Churchill) Hyde, sister of Nathaniel, appears on page 165, but much information has been found since which deserves place here. She married Asa Waterman Hyde, in Glenmore, NY., Oct. 28, 1834. He was born Sept. 28, 1808, and died June 16, 1860. They lived in Glenmore. Their children were : (1) Ezra J. Hyde, b. Noven)ber, 1835. He was a soldier and died at Gettysburg, just after the battle, unmarried. (2) Asa Niles Hyde, b. Aug. 11, 1838; m. Hannah Seaton, Dec 29, 1860, and d April 12, 1864, in the army, leaving one child, Celia Hyde, b. April 7, 1863; d. Sept. 13, 1865. (3) Celia M. A. Hyde, b. March 27, 1842; m. Schuyler Bemis, April 10, 1865, and had one child, Netlie Bemis. (4) Harriet L. Hyde. b. May 21, 1844; m. Eugene Barber, April 4, 1875, and had two children, Frederick W. and Lena May Barber. (5) Joseph Asher Hyde, b. May 21, 1851; m. Delphine McKee, and had one child, George C. Hyde. SEVENTH GENEEATION 293 667. ORRIN^ CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ Nathanie^ Nathaniel/ William,^ William,- John '). Born in Thompson, Conn., Dec. 1, 18h8. 117G VI. Orlando,^ b. Dec. 20, 1856. VII. Ida E.,» b. Nov. 28, 1857; m. William L. Dcntley, Nov. 30, 1882. They lived in Lynn, Mass., and had children. Children. 1. Joseph I. Duntley, b. June 17, 1884. 2. George E. Duntley, b. Aug. 22, 1885. 3. Edgar L. Duntley, b. Nov. 4, 1886. VIII. Florence A.,« b. Aug. 24, 1863. 70G. CHARLES ASAPH ^ CHURCHILL (Asaph,« Perez,^ Perez,^ Benjamin,^ William,'- Johx '). Born in Middleboro', Nov. 6, 1835. He settled first in Middleboro', but later removed to Brock- ton, where he was engaged in shoemaking. While his children were young he left his family and has not been heard from since. Mar- ried, June 4, 1859, Hannah D. Drinkwater. 302 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children. I. Rhoda Melvina,^ m. Fred Brett, of Brockton. II. ArDELLA S AVERY,* 111. J. MiTCHELL, of BrocktOIl. She is now (1903) a widow, and has three children. 708. ZEBEDEE P.^ CHURCHILL (Zebedee,« Isaac/ Perez,* Ben- jamin,' William," John ^). Born in Pomfret, Vt., May 15, 1818. Lived in Pomfret and Woodstock, Vt. Married 1st, June 1, 1846, Orlena Boutwell. She died June 26, 1854. Married 2d, Eeb. 25, 1855, Emilt Ordwat. Children by First Wife. I. Ellen E.,* b. March 30, 1847; d. Dec. 8, 1875. II. Albert B.,« b. Jan. 31, 1849; d. March 3, 1851. III. Olive 0.,« b. Nov. 15, 1851; m. Webster L. Sawyer, Feb. 23, 1875. Child. I. Dora E. Sawyer, b. Dec. 22, 1875. IV. Hannah E.,* b. Feb. 10, 1854; d. March 22, 1864. Children hy Second Wife. V. Emily M.,^ b. March 6, 1856; m. Frank L. Hoisington, Sept. 21, 1875. Children. 1. Ella A. Hoisington, b. Oct. 30, 1876. 2. Ella L. Hoisington, b. Aug. 31, 1879. Mrs. Emily M. Hoisington died April 27, 1880. 1177 VI. Mark Z.,^ b. July 30, 1858. VII. Etta A.,^ b. Jan. 24, 18G1 ; d. June 13, 1874. VIII. Addie B.,^ b. Nov. 4, 1863; m. Edgar D. Crowell, June 18, 1885. Children. 1. Arthur E. Crowell, b. July 15, 1886. 2. A son, name not given, b. Nov. 30, 1888. IX. Edna M.,^ b. Aug. 13, 1866; m. Frank W. Bradley, May 16, X. Lucy I.,^ b. May 5, 1870. 713. WILLIAM ^ CHURCHILL (Sprague,« Joseph,^ Perez,^ Ben- jamin,^ William,- John ^). Born in Paris, Me., Sept. 5, 1813. Lived in Sumner, Me. He died Jan. 2, 1889. Married, Oct. 30, 1840, Mary Libby, who was born Jan. 13, 1821. Children. I. Nancy,** b. Aug. 20, 1841 ; m. William S. Dunham. II. Harriett,® b. March 15, 1843; ra. B. R. Doble. They live in Weymouth and have children. SEVENTH GENERATION 303 Children. 1. Albert L. Doble, b. Feb. 19, 1861. 2. Isaac Loring Doble, b. Jan. 27, 1863. 3. E. Francis Doble, b. Feb. 12, 1865. 4. Eolus Randall Doble. b. Sept. 24, 1867. III. Adeuni:,^ b. Jan. 24, 1845; m. Samuel E. Loud, Sept. 28, 1868. Cliildren. 1. Cora Loud, b. 1870. 2. Eugene Coolidge Loud, b. 1879. 1178 IV. William,** b. April 19, 1848; m. Flora Merrill. 117*) V. Alm^on,^ b. Nov. 24, 1861 ; m. Anna H. Fletcher. Children. 1. Alma Fletcher, b. Aug. 30, 1884; d. Aug. 19, 1888. 2. Annie Beryl, b. April 27, 1891. 3. Lovel Israel, b. Dec. 31, 1895. 714. KINGMAN '' CHURCHILL (Sprague," Joseph; Perez/ Ben- jamin,^ William,^ John'). Born in Paris, Me., June 18, 1823. Lived in Paris, on the old homestead farm. Married Loretta Andrews, daughter of Daniel. Children. I. Fannie W.,' b. June 26, 1852. II. Emma A.,* b. June 27, 1856. III. Abbie J. ,8 b. Aug. 16, 1859. 1180 IV. Charles.^ V. Ellen.s 716. JOSEPH" CHURCHILL (AVilliam,^ Joseph,' Perez,* Benja- min,^ William,"^ John '). Born Feb. 2, 1828. A merchant tailor. Lived at Bryant's Pond and Norway, Me. Died at Norway, Aug. 16, 1881. Married 1st, Betsey Moody, of Casco, Me. She died Oct. 20, 1853. Married 2d, Sept. 3, 1855, Viana Perham, daugh- ter of Joel, of Woodstock. One Child by Second Wife. 1181 I. Walter,® b. Dec. 6, 1858, at Bryant's Pond ; m. Linda Rawson, of Paris, Me., Sept. 6, 1891, and have one child. Child. 1. Walter Albert, b. June 14, 1893, at Portland, Me. 717. WILLIAM" CHURCHILL (William,^ Joseph,^ Perez,* Ben- jamin,^ William,^ John '). Born in Buckfield, Me., Jan. 22, 1837. He died at Norway, Sept. 26, 1873. Married Mary Penley, of Norway. 304 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children. I. CoRA,8 b. March 26, 1859 ; d. April 29, 1861. II. Hakrt.s b. June 19, 1865; d. Jan. 9, 1881. III. Mart,8 b. Feb. 13, 1871; d. May 7, 1898. 730. WILLIAM H.^ CHURCHILL (Jabez,« Jabez,^ Benjamin/ Benjamin,^ William,- John^). Born in Hallowell, Me., Oct. 10, 1841. He removed West and settled at Stockton, Minn. Married, but wife's name not received. Children born in Stockton, Minn. I. J. Louise,^ b. April 8, 1869. 1182 II. Arthur,^ b. Sept. 2, 1872. 1183 III. Harry M.,^ b. Feb. 28, 1874. 731. THOMAS WILSON^ CHURCHILL (William,^ William,^ Benjamin,* Benjamin,^ William,- John ^). Born in Wayne, Me., June 28, 1821, and lived there until after 1842, when he removed to Presque Isle, Me., where he spent his life. He was a farmer, an upright and respected man. He died Jan. 1, 1900. Married 1st, at Presque Isle, Me., June, 1849, Sarah Ireland, daughter of Silas and Celia (Chubbuck) Ireland. Married 2d, Mrs. Eliza- beth Frost. Children by First Wife, born in Presque Isle, Me. I. Emily,* b. Dec. 28, 1849 ; m. Sylvanus S. Richardson, Presque Isle, May 11, 1876. He was the son of Samuel and Lydia (Stover) Richardson, of Sullivan, Me. They live in Presque Isle (1903), where he is a farmer. Children born in Presque Isle. 1. Ida M. Richardson, b. March 19, 1877; m. Rufus W. Fenla- son, Caribou, Me., Dec. 8, 1897. 2. Olive Richardson, b. June 3, 1879. 3. Lucille M. Richardson, b. Aug. 8, 1885. II. William, « b. 1851; d. Jan. 13, 1852. III. Annette,** b. 1853; m. Daniel Chase, December, 1887, Presque Isle; d. July, 1879. 1184 IV. Frank,* b. 1855; m. Sarah Maria Frost, Presque Isle, 1880. She is dead. They lived on his father's homestead at South Presque Isle. Four children. Children. 1. Harry. I 3. Harvey. 2. Lizzie. | 4. Edward. 1185 V. Floraman,* b. 1857; m. Elsie Clark, Peaeham, Vt., September, 1898. SEVENTH GENERATION 305 Child. 1. Francis. VI. Nellie,® b. Jan. 16, 1859 ; m. Darius McGuiee, Presque Isle, August, 1883. VII. Alma.s b. May, 9, 1861 ; d. September, 1870. VIII. Hattie,® b. March 26, 1863; m. George W. Thompson, Presque Isle, 1882. Child. 1. Flora Thompson. IX. Albert," b. May, 1865; d. Jan. 19, 1887, at Richmond, Me. X. Katie," b. June 8, 1869. 1186 XI. Elmer," b. March, 1872 ; m. Mabel E. Browx, Presque Isle, May, 1891. The wife died, leaving two children. Children. 1. Albert. | 2. Harold. 723. LEWIS ^ CHURCHILL (WilliaiV William/ Benjamin,'' Benjamin/ William,- John^). Born in Wayne, Me., March 2, lc<23. Attended the schools in his native town until about thirteen y t ars old, when he went to live in Winthrop, his mother having sold the farm. He attended school in Winthrop two years, and then lived at his sister Florinda's, in Leeds, until twenty-one years old. Lives at Leeds, a farmer. Married at Leeds, Me., Feb. 19, 1850, Ruth Pettingill. They had no children born to them, but adopted two, who took the Churchill name, viz. : 1. Mary A. Cushman, who took the name Churchill, b. March 7, 1855, being adopted by Lewis and Ruth, when seventeen months old. Married Wesley Welch, at Wayne, Me., April 30, 1877. They live at Oakhind, Me., where he is a marble cutter and engraver. Their children born at Leeds, Me., are: (1) Carrie Alice Welch, b. July 31, 1878; m. Bert Haley, at Oakland, Me., May 10, 1891); (2) Lewis Churchill Welch, b. Aug. 11, 1880; (3) Mary Louise Welch, b. at North An- son, Feb. 13, 1882; d. Feb. 21, 1902; (4) Annabel Welch, b. at Leeds, April 30, 1884; (5) William W. Welch, b. March 1, 1886; (6) Gerald Cushman Welch, b. June 19, 1888; (7) Earle Dunham Welch, b. Jan. 28, 1893; d. Feb. 18, 1899, at Oakland. 2. Loring Lyman, Avho took tlie name Churchill, b. July 14, 1871, being adopted when an infant; m. Maria A. Gulliver, Read- field, Me., Nov. 24, 1892. They live in Leeds with the parents by adoption, and have three children (in 1903) : (1) Harriet Ruth Churchill, b. Sept. 18, 1894; (2) Merton Edwards Churchill, b. Nov. 7, 1897; d. Oct. 19, 1899; (3) Stella May Churchill, b. Sept. 1, 1899. 724. ADDISON H.^ CHURCHILL (Nathan," William,^ Benjamin,* Benjamin,'' William,- John '). Born April 23, 183G, in Avon, Me. We have not succeeded in obtaining anything further in regard to 306 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY the children of this family. Married, September, 1867, Mary Tebbetts, of Avon, Me. Children. 1187 I. George.8 II. Flora.^ III. Lydia.» IV. Alta.8 1188 V. William. 8 1189 VI, Addison.8 725. ■ WILLIAM W.' CHURCHILL (Natha-^,« William,^ Benjamin,* Benjamin,® William,^ John^). Born in Avon, Me., Oct. 1, 1846. He was a mill-man and lived in Phillips, Me. Married, Jan. 1, 1878, Cora M. Ranger, of "Weld, Me. Children. 1190 I. Harrt,8 b. Nov. 18, 1878. 1191 II. Erne.st,^ b. Dec. 12, 1879. III. Mary A.,^ b. Sept. 17, 1881. 1192 IV. Frank A.,^ b. Aug. 30, 1888. 725b. ABRAHAM ' CHURCHILL (Williams,^ Joseph,' Benjamin,'' Benjamin," William,^ John ^). Born in Herrick, Pa., Jan. 16, 1821. Lived at Lenoxville, Pa. Married, in Susquehanna County, Pa., Feb. 26, 1845, Margaret Clarkson, born Feb. 2, 1825. Children . 1193 I. Carvasso,^ b. Dec. 5, 1845. II. Abraham Williams,** b. Aug. 22, 1847; d. July 30, 1850. 1194 III. WoosTER Beach,** b. Oct. 11, 1849. He was living at Tresoo, Pa., in 1899. IV. Isabella Bathsheba," b. Jan. 18, 1852. 1195 V. Abraham Williams,* b. Dec. 22, 1855. VI. Malvina Ella,8 b. Feb. 3, 1864; d. May 8, 1872. 725c. JOSHUA WILLIAMS ' CHURCHILL (Williams,'"' Joseph,^ Benjamin,^ Benjamin,® William,- William '). Born Dec. 31, 1825, at Herrick, Pa., lived at Clark's Green, Pa., a farmer. He is a strong temperance man, and an active worker for the cause. A member of the Methodist church for sixfcy-eight years, up to May, 1903. Married 1st, 1850, Sarah Gill ; she died 1855. Married 2d, 1859, Louisa R. Treat, who died 1879. Children by First Wife. 1196 I. Norman E..* married, and it is said has four children, but we have no account of them. Lives, in 1908, at Puget Sound, Wash. 1197 II. Martin,* married, it is said, and has a family in Wyoming County, Pa. SEVENTH GENERATION 307 725d. ELISHA ' CHURCHILL (Nathaxiel/- Nathaniel/' Lemuel/ Barnabas,^ Joseph/ John '). Born at Herrick, Pa., Dec. 28, 1827, and died at Tunkhannock, July 23, 1886. They lived at Tunk- bannock. Pa. He was a contractor and builder. Married, at Brook- lyn, Pa., Oct. 7, 1831, Sarah C. Baker, daughter of Daniel and Juliette (Case) Baker. Children, first three horn at Herrick. I. Cora A.,^ b. Sept. 18, 1854; m. G. H. Sheldon, Lynn, Pa., May 1, 1875. II. EosE E.,» b. Nov.. 28, 1856; m. Ikwin Duce, Lynn, Pa., Sept. 27, 1876. III. Ada E.,® b. Nov. 17, 1858; m. Eugene Bartree, Tunkhannock, Marcli 24, 1880. 1108 IV. Frank N.,« b. in Sullivan County, Pa., May 7, 1862; m. Flora Owen. 1191> V. Norman E.,* b. in Tunkhannock, June 27, 1868; m. Lena Saun- ders. 1200 VI. Carl,» b. Nov. 19, 1877, in Lynn, Pa. 735f. CHARLES' CHURCHILL (Williams/ Joseph/ Benjamin,^ Benjamin,^ William,^ John '). Born in Herrick, Pa., June 12, 1834, and lived at Herrick and Susquehanna, Pa., where he was proprietor of the Marble and Granite Works. Married, at Susque- hanna, Pa., Oct. 11, 1860, Esther Jane Rogers, daughter of John and Esther (Smith) Rogers. Children horn at Herrick, Pa. I. Verna Asenatha,^ b. Oct. 27, 1861 ; m. Anton A. Garner. They lived at Binghamton, N.Y. 1201 II. Jesse L.,« b. Dec. 10, 1864; m. Maud A. Platt, June 24, 1896. Mr. Churchill was educated in the public schools of Susquehanna, and entered his father's business. In 1887 he established the Horseheads Monumental Works, at Horseheads, N.Y., of which he is proprietor. He is a Freemason of prominence and ability. They have one child. Child. 1. Rogers Platt Churchill, b. Sept. 14, 1902. III. Louisa Mat,« b. May 18, 1872 ; d. March 27, 1875. SILAS OWEN" CHURCHILL (Williams," Joseph/ Ben- jamin/ Benjamin/ William,- John '). Born in Herrick, Pa., July 15, 1844. A farmer, lived on the old homestead, now Union- dale, Pa. Married, March 10, 1868, Helen E. Carpentek, who was born Nov. 21, 1849. 308 THE CHUKCHILL FAMILY Children born at Uniondale, 1202 I. Ira S.,« b, June 9, 1869; m. Mart J. Carpenter, April 23, 1890. They live at Uniondale, Pa. 1203 II. Albert M.,«b. Dec. 28, 1871; ra. Edith Curtis, Nov. 30, 1898. They live in Lestershire, N.Y. III. Jennie A.,^ b. Nov. IG, 1873; m. Joseph F. Fletcher, May 24, 1898. They live at Forest City, Pa. IV. Edith M.,s b. Aug. 16, 1878; m. Frank R. Dickey, Nov. 28, 1895. They live at Burnwood, Pa. 1204 V. Harry W.,« b. March 29, 1883. ^ 1205 VI. Clarence F.,^ b. May 21, 1892. 737. CHANDLER' CHURCHILL (Nelson/ Nelsoi^/ Bexjamin,* Benjamin/' William,- John '). Born in Coleraine, July 23, 1826. MaiTied, in Charlemont, Nov. 8, 1849, Lucy Elagg. Cliildren. 1206 I. Ashley T.,^ b. 1850. II. LucyE.,*' b. 18.53; d. 1860. III. Angie B.,8 b. 1861. HORACE^ CHURCHILL (Alvin," Nelson,-' Benjamin,^ Ben- jamin,^ William,- John^). Born in Coleraine, Mass., Jan. 1, 1833. Married, Sept. 18, 1862, Cynthi i J. Chaffin, of Heath, Mass. Child. I. Anna R.^ 739. EREDERICK' CHURCHILL (Alvin/' Nelson,' Benjamin,* Benjamin,'' William,- Joiin^). Born in Charlemont, Nov. 8, 1839. Married, Dec. 30, 1870, Josephine Willis, at Charlemont, Mass. Children. 1207 I. Charles Sumner,^ b. Feb. 23, 1874. 1208 II. Wallace Eugene,« b. Feb. 8, 1877. 1209 III. Arthur Walton, ^ b. Aug. 2, 1879. IV. Bertha Philena,« b. Feb. 1, 1882. 1210 V. Merritt Hilton, 8 b. July 13, 1885. 730. ANSON IRVING' CHURCHILL (Alvtn," Nelson,^ Ben- jamin,'' Benjamin,'' William,- John^). Born in Charlemont, Nov. 2, 1849. Married, at Charlemont, Nov. 28, 1874, Anna CiLLEY. SEVENTH GENERATION 309 Children. 1211 I. Fred Alvin,* b. Aug. 8, 1875. 1212 II. George Edward,** b. March 10, 1877. 1213 III. Henry Anson,^ b. Feb. 10, 1879. IV. Nellie Bell.^ b. Feb. 2, 1881. 1214 V. Bert Horace,^ b. July 25, 1884. 731. SAMUEL ' CHUECHILL (Shepard,^ Jabez/ Jabez/ Josiah,^ William/ John ^). Born April 1, 1809, in Buckfield, and lived there, a farmer. Married Lovina Packakd. Cliildren. I. Cordelia, » b. Aug. 31, 1833. 1216 II. Ezra F. ,» b. March 23, 1839. Enlisted in the army in the Civil War, and died in service. III. Charles C.,** b. Dec. 23, 1840. He was in the Civil War. IV. Elizabeth E.,» b. Jan. 7, 1846. V. Julia,8 b. Sept. 13, 1849. 733. MARTIN ' CHURCHILL (Shepard,« Jabez,' Jabez/ Josiah,=' William,'' John^). Born in Buckfield, April 12, 1811, and lived there. JNlarried Betsey Chukchill, daughter of Asaph ° (No. 143, q.V.). Children born in Buckfield. 1216 I. Nathaniel,^ b. April 6, 1834; m. Anjja Barnes. (No issue.) II. Hannah,** b. Jan. 24, 1836; in. Seth B. Dudley, Dec. 24, 1854. Children horn in Buckfield. 1. Nellie M. Dudley, b. July 31, 1856. 2. Jennie Dudley, b. March 28, 1858; m. James Lewis, May 8, 1880. 3. Cyrus K. Dudley, b. Jan. 23, 1860. 4. Albert C. Dudley, b. March 10, 1863. 5. Minerva Dudley, b. Nov. 19, 1865; d. Aug. 20, 1892. 6. Harry Dudley, b. Sept. 10, 1867. 7. John Dudley, b. Nov. 24, 1870. 8. Perien Dudley, b. Nov. 20, 1874. 9. Herbert Dudley, b. April 8, 1877. III. Emily,» b. Dec. 16, 1838; m. Simox Dudley. They had two children, names not received. IV. Amanda,® b. Aug. 15, 1840; m. Ezekiel Burns, of Oxford. V. Martin V. B.,® b. Aug. 1, 1842; d. Jan. 4, 1849. VI. Clara,^ b. March 4, 1845; in. Millett Shedd. Child7'en. 1. Charles Shedd. 2. Silas Shedd. 1217 VII. A8Aph,8 b. March 4, 1848; m. Fannie Murch, Dec. 4, 1870. He was born in Buckfield, and lived there. Children born in Buckfield. 1. Fannie M., b. Nov. 3, 1871. 2. Asaph C, b. Feb. 3, 1874. 3. Jennie M., b. Oct. 26, 1875. 310 THE CHURCHILL FAJVIILY 4. Howard L., b. July 25, 1877. 5. Ernest B., b. Nov. 11, 1880. (5. Fred C, b. Nov. 25, 1882. 7. Harriet L., b. Feb. 9, 1885. 8. Flora Belle, b. April 2, 1887. 9. Lizzie, b. Dec. 23, 1888. VIII. Rose,* b. April 16, 1850; m. James Rowlet. Lived at Provincetown, Mass. Children. 1. Ernest Rowley, b. Aug. 28, 1872. 2. Ada Rowley, b. July 5, 1877. 3. Flora Rowley, b. June 20, 1878. 4. Mildred Rowley, b. Oct. 24, 1894. IX. Flora,** b. Dec. 28, 1851; m. Charles Hannaford. Lived at North Bridgton, Me. Child. 1. Frederick Hannaford. X. Reuben,^ b. Sept. 12, 1856 ; d. March, 1858. XI. Mart,* b. July 18, 1858; unmarried. 733. NATHAN ' CHURCHILL (Shepard/ Jabez/ Jabez/ Josiah/ William,- John ^). Born in 1819, and lived in Buckfield, Me. A farmer. Married Harriet Thomas. Children. I. Almira.* " II. Annette,* m. George Mason. 1218 III. Edwin.* 1219 IV. Alberton.* V. A CHILD. 734. JOSIAH^ CHURCHILL (Shepard," Jabez,^ Jabez," Josiah,^ William,^ John ^). Born in Buckfield, Me., Dec. 4, 1825, and lived in South Paris. Married Tryphena Holt. Children. I. Nellie,* m. Caleb Dudley. 1220 II. Clifford.* 737. JAMES N. D.^ CHURCHILL (Matthew,*' Jabez,' Jabez," Josiah,-' William,^ John^). Born in Falmouth, Me., March 15, 1815. Married 1st, April 7, 1836, Orphia Churchill, daughter of Bela, No. 348. Married 2d, Hannah Keene White. Children of First Wife. I. Phebe,* m. RuEL Philllps, of Auburn, Me., 1860. He died Dec. 29, 1891. SEVENTH GENERATION 311 Children. 1. Orlando Phillips, b. Dec. 27, 1863; d. Oct. 21, 1882. 2. Ida S. Phillips, b. June 3, 1808; m. Robert 0. Dunning, Oct. 19, 1887. Three children : (1) Orland Dunning. (2) Grace Dunning. (3) Ralpli Dunning. 1221 II. Bela,'* removed to Pennsylvania, and married, and in 1902 was living witli his family in Pine Mills, Texas, but did not answer our letters of inquiry. 1222 III. Elisha P.,« b. in Raymond, April 28, 1845; m. Hannah G. Tor- ret, of Dixfield, Me., Oct. ItJ, ISt^G. Childreii. 1. Henry P., b. Dec. 31, 1867; m. Jennie M. Littlcfield; lives in Strong, Me. 2. Elury D., b. June 9, 1869; d. in infancy. 3. Elury W., b. Oct. 27, 1871; d. July 9. 1892. 4. Clara L., b. June 1, 1887, in Hallowell. 1223 IV. Demekic Swan,^ b. July 3, 1847; m. Minnie A. Blake, June 17, 1877. Lived at Mechanics Falls, Me. Children. 1. Harry Wilber, b. June 9, 1878. 2. Nellie Isabel, b. Jan. 7, 1880. 3. Eva Maria, 1 u a no ioqi , r^ r • >b. Aug. 23, 1881. 4. George Lewis, J " 5. Orphia, b. March 18, 1884. 6. Arthur, b. March 23, 1886. 7. Winfield, b. Oct. 11, 1888. V. Dennis,® unmarried. Children of Second M'ife. VI. Okphia,* b. May 12, 18o6; m. 1st, Harry Wells; no children; m. 2d, MiNOT Fadnce. Children by Second Husband. 1. James E. Fauuce. 2. Maurice F. Faunce. 1224 VII. Reuben,^ b. Oct. 28, 1858; m. Alice Campbell, of Pictou, August, 1886. Child. 1. Ernest, b. Oct. 30, 1887. 738. SILAS H.^ CHURCHILL (Matthew/ Jabez/^ Jabez,'' Josiah,'' William/ John '). Born in Raymond, Jan. 19, 1817. Settled in Eaymond at first, and later in life in New Gloucester. A farmer and teacher in tlie public schools. He died Oct. 4, 1898. Married, April 10, 1853, Ardella H. Tobie, of New Gloucester, daughter of Thomas H. and Mary (Harris) Tobie. Children born in Raymond. 1225 I. Frederick Tobie,s b. April 10, 1854; m. 1st, Laura E. Verrt, Mt Vernon, Ohio. 1889; m. 2d, Harriet E. Clark. They live in New Gloucester, lie is a farmer. They have two children. 312 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children. 1. Cecil Verry, b. at Kearney, Neb., 1890. 2. Velina D., b. in Raymond, Me., 1894. II. RosiLLA ToBiE,8 b. Nov. 2, 1855; d. in Raymond, Sept. 16, 1858. 12'i5a III. Walter E.,* b. May 8, 1858; m. Ida L. Blodget, Colebrook, N.H., 1884. She was the daughter of James and Emily Blodget. They lived in Berlin, N.H., and had three children, viz. : Children. 1. Peleg Walter, b. July, 1885. 2. Wendell H., b. October, 1887. 3. Sally, b. October, 1895. Mr. Walter E. Churchill is a merchant. IV. Lerot,® b. July 16, 1860; ni. Alice A. Atherton, of Colebrook, N.H. She was the daughter of Edward and Mary Atherton. They lived at Colebrook, N.H. He was postmaster there. Died in 1893. Their children were : Children. 1. Eva Hammond, b. in Colebrook. 2. Blaine Leroy. 1226 V. Wendell A.,^ b. April 20, 1863; unmarried in 1901, and lived in Des Moines, Iowa. 739. MATTHEW^ CHURCHILL (Matthew/ Jabez,^ Jabez,'' JosiAH,^ William,- John ^). Born in North Raymond, Jan. 11, 1821. He died April 3, 1883. Married, in Boston, Nov. 13, 1851, Sakah Abigail Adams, who was born in North Boothbay, Me. Children. 1227 I. Ralph,* b. Sept. 5, 1852 ; m. Nellie M. Moody, in Winchester, Mass., Nov. 29, 1872. II. Cynthia Adams,® b. March 4, 1855 ; m. Arthur Fessenden Ellis, of Hyde Park, Mass., Nov. 17, 1875. No children. 740. JOSEPH WARREN^ CHURCHILL (Matthew," Jabez/' Jabez,^ Josiah,^ William,^ John'). Born in Raymond, Me., Aug. 9, 1829. Lived in his native town. A farmer, educated in the public school at home. Married, at Raymond, July 8, 1849, Mary Johnthena Doane, daughter of John Randall and Lucy Doane. Children horn at North Raymond. I. Jeanettb Bailey," b. Oct. 13, 1850; m. Orrin Peterson, at Harrison, Me., March 28, 1866. Childo'en. 1. Edgar S. Peterson, b. Poland, Sept. 11, 1866. 2. Mabel M. Peterson, b. Auburn, March 6, 1868. 3. Josephine M. Peterson, b. Upton, Mass , June 20, 1872. 4. Matthew A. Peterson, b. Uptqn, Aug. 31, 1874. 5. Arvilla P. Peterson, b. Upton, Sept.l2, 1877. 6. Alice B. Peterson, b. Holliston, Oct. 5, 1879; d. Oct. 7, 1883. SEVENTH GENERATION 313 1228 II. John Eandall,^ b. Nov. 10, 1851 ; m. 1st, Hattie E. Sheldon, April 5, 1884; m. 2cl, Clemina M. Darst, Jan. 7, 1895. Children of First Wife, horn at Kearney, Neb. 1. Mary Pearl, b. April 3, 1885. 2. George Warren, b. Dec. 2, 1887. Children of Second Wife. 3. Ruth Floe, b. at Perry, Oklahoma Territory, Oct. 12, 1895. 4. Jeanette Modes, b. Nov. 13, 1897. 5. Darrell Dale, b. at Pedee, Oklahoma Territory, May 28, 1900. Mr. Churchill is a farmer at Pedee. III. Josephine Boxaparti:,** b. Oct. IG, 1854; m. Charles Franklin NiCKERSON, of Lewiston, Me., 1873. IV. Matthew,^ b. March 28. 1857; d. at Raymond, May 28, 1874. 1229 V. Warren Levi,* b. March 24, 1860; m. Elizabeth Parker, April 26, 1884. VI. Jennie Small,* b. at New Gloucester, June 24, 1867; m. James W. Krepps, at Boston, April 3, 1889. They live in Brooklyn, N .Y. No children. Mrs. Krepps has assisted much in the compiling of this Raymond family. 1230 VII. George Samuel,* b. Feb. 21, 1873; m. Mart Ellen Ballard, Lynn, Mass., 1894. 741a. JOSIAH^ CHURCHILL (Josiah," Josiah/ Jabez,-* Josiah,^ William,- Johx '). Born iii New Gloucester, Me., May 22, 1809, and lived there and at Raymond, and Harrison, Me. Childre7i. I. Sarah,* b. in New Gloucester, Me., Oct. 10, 1833; m. Nicholas Jordan. II. Lydia,* b. Nov. 13, 1834, in New Gloucester. 1231 III. Joseph Fessenden,* b. in Raymond, Me., July 1, 1838; m. 1st, Sarah Smith, of Auburn, Me. ; m. 2d, Emma F. Latham, of New Gloucester. Children of Joseph F. and Emma (Latham) Churchill. 1. Walter F., b. March 30, 1875. 2. Edith, b. 1877. 3. Olive, b. 1881. 4. Ralph, b. 1887. IV. Hannah,* b. in Raymond, Aug. 21, 1839. V. Marshall,* b. Sept. 25, 1842; d. March 10, 1843. VI. LoANN,* b. May 26, 1844. VII. Maria.* VIII. LiDA A.,* b. in Harrison, Me. Unmarried. Miss Churchill removed in childliood to New Gloucester, and there received the usual common-school instruction, but being of studious habits and high ambition she gained far more than the usual common-school education. By the diligent pursuit of her pur- pose to attain literary ability, she has overcome many obstacles and achieved an honorable place among the leading autliors of Maine. Besides her brilliant and popular society sketches in various maga- zines she has published two volumes, entitled "My Girls" and "Interweaving." She is now, 1902, on the editorial staff of the " Success" magazine in New York City. 314 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY 743. RICHARD FOSS^ CHURCHILL (Asaph/ Asaph,' Jabez/ JosiAH,^ William,'- John '). Born in Minot, Me., Jan. 28, 1828. Lived in Lowell, Mass. Married, April 19, 1854, Sarah Daniels, who was born in Dover, N.H., Nov. 28, 1830. He died Feb. 14, 1875. Children born in Lowell. I. Edward,® b. June 15, 1856; d. Aug. 19, 1858. II. Emma J.,® b. April 3, 1859; d. July 26, 1859. III. Annie L.,« b. July 9, 1860, d. Dec. 9, 1862: IV. William A.,» b. Feb. 21, 1864; d. March 6, 1864. V. A.,s b. at Lawrence, Mass., Dec. 19, 1866; d. Dec. 27, 1868. VI. LiLLA,® b. at Lov^ell, Mass., Jan. 31, 1870. 743. GEORGE^ CHURCHILL (Asaph,'' Asaph,-' Jabez,^ Josiah,'^ William,- John ^). Born Sept. 4, 1837. Married, Dec. 12, 18G6, Annie H. Dwyer ; she was born June 3, 1845. Children. 1232 I. George Arthur,^ b. Jan. 29, 1868. 1233 II. Walter Asaph.^ b. May 27, 1875; d. Oct. 27, 1875. 747. GEORGE HIRAM "' CHURCHILL (Hiram,« Asaph,^, Jabez," JosiAH,^ William,- John ^). Born in Charlestown, Mass., Oct. 4, 1864. Married, at Charlestown, Dec. 29, 1886, Ella Connor. One Child. I. Frances Gertrude, b. Nov. 10, 1887. 748. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS' CHURCHILL (Hiram," Asaph,^ Jabez,* Josiah,^ William,- John^). Born in Charlestown, Mass., Dec. 21, 1867. Married, at Charlestown, March 24, 1888, Mar- garet May Tufts. One Child. I. Grace Vivian, b. Aug. 30, 1889. 750. REV. ROGER WILLIAMS^ CHURCHILL (Nathaniel,^ AsAPH,^ Jabez,^ Josiah," William,- John '). Born at Emery's Mills, York County, Me., Aug. 30, 1848. Studied law in the office of Copeland Edgerly, Great Falls, N.H., and was admitted to the bar, but took a course at Bates Theological Seminary, and became minister of the Free Baptist Church at Richmond, Me. Married, at SEVENTH GENEEATION 315 Mechanics Falls, Me., Dec. 13, 1883, Maggie A. Archibald. We have not been able to obtain any further record. 759. WILLIAM HENRY' CHURCHILL (John," John,^ Israel,^ JosiAH,^ William,- John ^). Born April 11, 1844. Mr. Churchill was living July 2G, 1887, when he wrote this account of his family from Woburn P.O., Ontario. Married, Dec. 11, 186C, Alice Titus, who was born Jan. 30, 1848. Children. I. MiNERTA,8 b. March 21, 1868. 1234 II. Frederick,* b. July 22, 1870. III. Christiana,* b. March 28, 1872. 1235 IV. WlLLIAM,8 b. AVL%. 27, 1874. V. Jennie,* b. Nov. 27, 1875; d. Feb. 28, 1886. VI. Harriet,* b. Aug. 28, 1877. VII. Mabel,* b. Aug. 3, 1879; d. Aug. 12, 1881. VIII. Lilla,* b. Dec. 14, 1882. IX. John Harold,* b. Dec. 22, 1884; d. Feb. 24, 1886. 760. GEORGE FREDERICK' CHURCHILL (John," John,^ Israel," Josiah,^ William,- John^). Born in Oshawa, Canada, Dec. 19, 1854. Married, Oct. 10, 1876, Lizzie M. Addy, of Chicago. Cliild. 1236 I. Edward Patson,* b. June 27, 1878, in Chicago. 764. CURTIS M.^ CHURCHILL (William T.,« Jacob,^ Joseph," JosiAH,^ William,- John '). Born in Vermont, May 3, 1815. Iti 1884 he lived at 590 Ashland avenue, St. Paul, Minn. A builder and contractor. Married 1st, Sept. 20, 1838, Jane Ann Gilchrist, who died May, 1847. Married 2d, July 27, 1848, Mary C. Bun- nell. Children of First Wife. I. Ophelia Viola,* b. Oct. 9, 1839; m. Jerome Closser, LaPorte, Ind. II. Evelyn Augusta,* b. Oct. 15, 1845. Unmarried. She is an M.D. III. Louise,* d. in infancy. IV. Jane Ann,* d. in infancy. Children of Second Wife. V. Flora,* d. in infancy. ^ VI. Louisa Evanza,* b. May 7, 1853. VIL Frederick William,* b. 1857. Drowned Oct. 11, 1873, at Hast- ings, Minn., aged 16. 1237 VIII. Warner Leman,* b. Sept. 18, 1868. 316 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY 765. JOEL GILBERT' CHURCHILL (William T.,« Jacob/ Joseph/ Josiah/ William/ John ^). Born, July 26, 1819. Mar- ried, August, 1842, 1st, Margaret Hewett, who was born April 15, 1824, and died Aug. 7, 1857. Married 2d, Mary Joplin. Child by First Wife. I. Mart Elizabeth,^ b. July 11, 1844; m. 1st, George A. Patter- son, April 20, 1860; m. 2cl, Jeremiah S. Wright, Jan. 29, 1878. By Second Wife. II. Isabel,^ b. Oct. 1, 1863; m. John Patterson, 1886. 7GG. CARMI D.^ CHURCHILL (Artemus," Jacob,' Joseph,* JosiAH,^ William,- John ^). Born in Oswego County, N.Y., Dec. 7, 1821. Settled in Scriba, N.Y. A farmer. Married, Feb. 10, 1850, Celia Kimball, in Hannibal, Oswego County, N.Y. Children. I. Alice, ^ b. May 26, 1853; m. John Sneller, of Cicero, N.Y. II. Laura, ^ b. March 10, 1855; in. George Whitford. She died June 5, 1884. 1238 III. Henry C.,^ b. July 9, 1857; unmarried in 1887. Lived at Bing- hamton, N.Y. He was engaged in a fruit raising, cooperage, and wholesale produce business. IV. Atwood M.,'*b. Dec. 25, 1860; d. unmarried. May 3, 1886, in Scriba. 767. CHARLES R.' CHURCHILL (Artemus," Jacob,^ Joseph,* JosiAH,'" William,- John'). Born in Kingsbury, N.Y., Nov. 24, 1824. He was a carpenter. He was a soldier in the Civil War in 1861. He died May 31, 1883. Married, Mt.y 10, 1854, Mary J. Asseltine, in Briton, Canada. Children. I. Artemus A.,^ d. at 16 years. 1239 II. Mattison.8 1240 III. Charles.* 769. JULIUS B." CHURCHILL (Artemus,*' Jacob,'^ Joseph," JosiAH,'^ William,- John '). Born in Kingsbury, March 5, 1832. He lived in Scriba, N.Y., where he is a fruit farmer and hop-raiser, Married, June 18^ 1859, Eliza Knight. Children. I. Cakrie M.8 II. Genevieve Leona.* SEVENTH GENERATION 317 771. ^ HENRY PALMERS CHURCHILL (Palmer,^ Jacob/' Joseph,* JosiAH,^ William,- John '). Born Aug. 11, 1830. Married 1st, June, 1853, Maria Brown ; married 2d, Dec. 18, 1879, Clarissa Meade. CJiildren by First Wife. 124-1 I. Charles,^ b. December, 1854. 1242 II. William,* b. July, 185G. III. Ida," b. July 12, 18(51 ; m. Walter Plastridge, January, 1880. 1243 IV. Edwin, « b. June 10, 18G3. V. DoRA,8 b. July 27, 18G7. VI. Belle," b. April 1, 1870. 773. FRANK AL ANSON' CHURCHILL (Otis,« Jacob," Joseph," JosiAH,^ William,- John ^). Born Aug. 9, 1838. Lived in Sandy Hill, N.Y., and South Adams, Mass. Married, Oct. 4, 1864, Mary L. Shaffer. Children. I. Etta M.," b. in South Adams, Mass., Aug. 18, 1865. 1244 II. George," b. in Saudy Hill.N.Y., May 16, 1867. 773. CHARLES PALMER' CHURCHILL (Jacob," Jacob,^ Joseph," JosiAH,'^ William,- John^). Born in Kingsbury, Washington County, N.Y., July 26, 1832. Enlisted in the army in the Civil War in 1861, and served three years as a drummer. He was in thirteen battles ; was wounded twice. Discharged April 29, 1865. He came home, and died May 12, 1867. Married, in Hartford, N.Y., July 3, 1854, Emeline Beebe. No further record. 774a. CHARLES HAMILTON ' CHURCHILL (Erastus," Benjamin,' Joseph," Josiah,'' AVilliam,- John'). Born at Manlius, N.Y., but removed to Waukesha with his father. Lived at Clear Lake, Wis. Married Elizabeth Regular. Children. I. Isadora ," d. young. 1245 II. Chester." 774b. HIRAM DeFORREST' CHURCHILL (Erastus,« Benjamin,^ Joseph," Josiah,^ William,- John '). Born at Manlius, N.Y. Living, in April, 1900, at AuClaire, Wis. Married Mary Ann Howard. 318 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY *s Children. I. Lydia.* II. Jennie." III. Ida.« IV. Fanny." 1246 V. HiRAM.8 774c. WILLIAM NELSON' CHURCHILL (Erastus, Benjamin/ Joseph/ Jos i ah/ William,- John '). Born at Manlius, N.Y. Married, at Waukesha, Wis., May 14, 1862, Elizabeth S. Taylor, born at Waukesha, Nov. 18, 1847. Children. I. Nettie Irene,* b. July 10, 1863; m. 1st, William Baggs (she was divorced from Baggs) ; and m. 2d, J. H. Phillips. First Husband's Children. 1. Georgiana Baggs, b. Feb. 22, 1882. 2. Charles W. Baggs, b. Aug. 24, 1883. Second Husband's Children. 3. Ervin James Phillips, b. 1888. 4. Elsie Pearl Phillips, b. May 6, 1894. 5. Adelbert Harold Phillips, b. Feb. 1, 1900. II. Alice Mae,^ b. Feb. 5, 1879. She lives at Waukesha, and has furnished the account of the family of Erastus, her grand- III. Mabel,** b. Oct. 23, 1881; died. 1247 IV. Warren Norman,* b. Nov. 1, 1884. 774cl. CHARLES HAWLEY^ CHURCHILL (Charles P.,*^ Benja- min,'^ Joseph,* Josiah,^ William,- John'). Born Feb. 20,1835. He died in the Hospital of St. Helena, Ark., March 8, 1863. Mar- ried, March 1, 1857, Sarah Van Sheick. Children born in Waukesha.^ Wis. I. Frances Marion,* b. Aug. 7, 1858. 1248 II. William Ellsworth,* b. Nov. 5, 1860. 1249 III. Charles Hawlet,* b. March 21, 1863; m. Mary Alta Rogers, Aug. 1, 1888. She was born near Marengo, 111., June 15, 1869. 774f. ALPHONZO T.^ CHURCHILL (Charles P.,« Benjamin,' Joseph,* Josiah,^ William,- John ^). Born at Waukesha, Wis., March 13, 1858. Mr. Churchill completed his education at the SEVENTH GENERATION 319 State Normal School, River Falls, Wis. He was a teacher for some years, and for two years a professor at Deer Park, Wis. He then established the " Clear Lake Herald," a large weekly news- paper. He is now (1900) editor and publisher of " The River Falls Times," at River Falls, Wis. Married, at Deer Park, Wis., Lulu ElCHMERE. 774g. MELBOURNE^ CHURCHILL (LaFayette," Alva,^ Jacob," JosiAH,^ William,- John '). Born in Pennsylvania, Sept. 12, 185G. Married, Feb. 25, 1879, Bridget Custy, who was born Dec. 14, 1860. Children. I. Susan Agxes,^ b. May 13, 1880; d. July 1, 1880. II. Nellie Mae,^ b. Nov. 21, 1882. III. Jennie Edna,« b. May 29, 1887. 1250 IV. Francis Melbourne,** b. June 17, 1889. V. Anna,* b. Sept. 10, 1892. VI. Margaret Catharine,* b. Oct. 13, 1895. VII. Josephine,* b. Sept. 4, 1900. ELMER ' CHURCHILL (LaFayette," Alva,*^ Jacob," Josiah,^ William,- John '). Born in Pennsylvania, July 31, 1868. Mar- ried, April 15, 1890, Ignatia Storrs, who was born Feb. 26, 1872. Children. 1251 I. Ellert LaFatette,*' b. Sept. 12, 1891. II. Minnie Dora,* b. Feb. 5, 1893. III. Carrie Blanche,* b. Aug. 9, 1895. IV. Vesta Grace,* b. March 16, 1899. 774i. JOHN PITT^ CHURCHILL (Roswell P.,« Seymour,-' Jacob," JosiAH,'' William,- John ^). Born Dec. 13, 1858. Married Eliz- abeth Phreun. Children.^ 1252 I. Edward Palmer,* b. Oct. 9, 1878. II. Camklia,* b. Nov. 14, 1882. 1253 in. Harry Garfield,* b. March 24, 1885. 776. REV. GEORGE W.' CHURCHILL (Ebenezer," George,' Ebenezer," John,^ John,- John'). Born in Middletown, 0., June 27, 1830. Received his education in the public schools. He became 320 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY a Baptist preacher, and, in succession, preached at Cokmibiana, Marietta, Beverly, Brookfiekl, Cumberland, and Cambridge, in Ohio, at the latter place eight years, his longest pastorate. In 1880 he removed to Leon, Kan., where he preached, as also at Augusta and Derby in the same State, and later at Pawnee and Perkins, Okla- homa, where he died, Dec. 18, 1896. Married 1st, Sept. 28, 1850, Elizabeth George, born Sept. 14, 1830 ; died at Leon, Kan., Feb. 27, 1880. Married 2d, at Leon, Kan., Nov. 2, 1880, Mrs. Eliza- beth Galliher ; died Dec. 10, 1898. Children, all of First Wife. 1254 I. John F.,^ b. Columbiana, 0., Sept. 18, 1851; m. Emma A. Black, of Cambridge, O., Oct. 27, 1874. He was a pliotograpber at Leon, Kan.; d. 1898. Children: (1) Mary, (2) Minnie, (3) Frank. The two daughters live at their grandfather Black's, in Cambridge, O. The son is somewliere in the far West. II. Melvina,* b. at Columbiana, June 10, 1853; m. John Albright. She died at Frederictown, 0., 1890. They had one son, (1) George Albright, b. in 1879. In 1902 the father and son lived at Hillsboro. III. LiBBiE,^ b. at Columbiana, Sept. 30, 1855; m. Rev. N. Edgar Bennett, Bethel, O., Jan. 5, 1880. They live at Wilmington, 0. He is a minister of twenty-two years' standing. 1255 IV. Jonathan K.,« b. Marietta, O., April 20, 1858; m. Callie McCoy, Dallas, Texas. 1886. They live at Kansas City, Mo. He is a book-keeper for the Appletons. 1256 V. Edwin S.,^ b. Beverly, O., May 17, 18G0; m. Orra Hotchins, in the State of Washington. He is now (^1902) in Douglas, Alaska. He is a mine insnector. VI. George Haelan,^ b. Beverly, O., July 10, 1863; d.Jan. 16, 1880, at Leon, Kan. VII. Mary C,** b. Brookfield, 0., Jan. 6, 1866; m. A. T. Gray, New Kichmond, O., Jan. 6, 1886. They live at Crawfordsville, Ind. Two children: (1) Helen Gray, b. 1889, (2) Charles Gray, b. 1897. 1257 VIII. Warren Richard,« b. Cumberland, O., Oct. 9, 1869; m. Ivah Jones, Chicago, 111. They live at Chicago, 111. He is a book-keeper. 777. BENJAMIN PEABODY ' CHURCHILL (Ebenezer," George,'' Ebenezer,'* John,^ John,- John ^). Born in Middletown, O., Aug. 4, 1832. Married, 1854, Evelene E. Bradfield, of East Fair- field, 0. Children. I. George J.^ In 1887 he was living in Pittsburgh, Penn., but we could get no answer to our letters, so we have no farther record of this last family of the line of the youngest son of John and Hannah (Pontus) Churchill, and the last son, so far as known, in this junior line, in the Plymouth branch. THE CONNECTICUT BRANCH THE CHURCHILL FAMILY DESCENDANTS OF JOSIAH CHURCHILL OF WETHERSFIELD FIRST GENERATION. 1. JOSIAH 1 CHUECHILL * (or Cliurchell, as he himself spelled the name) makes his first appearance in Wethersfield, Conn., on the occasion of his marriage. He may have been there some time before that event, and probably had been, but we have found no evidence of his presence until then. We have found no evidence of his par- entage, birthplace, or previous condition. There is no evidence that he was related to either John of Plymouth, who was near his own age, nor to William, the ancestor of the New York branch of the family. Some hints or suggestions of a possible solution of the question of his nativity will find mention in the prefatory part of this volume, but since they are purely speculative, we do not place them here. The first entry relating to his real estate in Wethersfield is the following record : The 2d month & 28th rlaie 1641 the lands of Josias Churchell lying in Wethers- field on Connecticutt river. One pece whereon his howse standetli con : six arr^ more or less. The ands (the enils) abutt against the hie wale west & great Mea : east. The sids against the waie into the great mea : South & the house of John Jessiope ( Jessup) North. (Town Records, B. 1, p. 204.) This homestead was on the east side of High street, on the north corner of an ancient road leading to the " Great Meadow," and the river. It faced the southern extremity of the Common, which stretched north from his house to the river. But he did not reside here all his life, for, under the date December, 1659, we find this entry in the records : The Horn lot of Josias Churchell which he bought of Mr. Tantor (Taintor) which was (lildersleeves formerly living in Weathersfield, on Connecticot River. (Town Records, B. 1, p. 205.) This homestead of Richard Gildersleeve was on the west side of High street, a few doors south of Mr. Churchill's earlier home. * The old records have the name Churchell for the first three generations, but we have adopted the later, general form, in this and in other names. 324 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut It is difficult to glean biographical material from the meagre and matter-of-fact records of our forefathers. In Hinman's genealogical account of the early Connecticut settlers, he says of Josiah Churchill, " He was a gentleman of more than a medium estate for the time in which he lived, and of reputation in the Colony." He was active and useful in public affairs, though not holding the highest positions. He was a juror of the Particular Court iu 1643, 1649, and 1651, at the Quarter Court, 1664 and 1665, and at the County Court, 1666, 1670, and 1675. He was chosen a constable in 1657 and 1670, and was elected one of the two town surveyors in 1666 and 1673. He executed his will on the 17th of November, 1683, and died before January, 1687. The inventory of his estate was taken Jan. 5, 1687, by James Treat and John Buttolph, selectmen of Wethers- field, and was found to amount to 618 pounds 12 shillings and 6 pence. This inventory shows that at his death he owned two home lots and two hundred and ten acres of land. He left his son Joseph " that house and home lott he now lives on," together with " all other buildings thereon." He left to Joseph also several other pieces of land, and a fifty-acre lot, " at y*" west end of Weathersfield bounds," in the newly settled tract which later became the parish of Newingtou. He left to his son Benjamin a number of pieces of land, and the old homestead, at the decease of his mother. According to the custom of the times his daughters were given cer- tain shares of " moveable estate." Among the items in the invent- ory are " a great chist," and " 2 bibells and other books." This " great chist " probably reappears in the inventory of his son Joseph, which specifies a chest with the initials " J. C," as well as a piece of " turkie work." Mention is made of his children Joseph, Benjamin, Mary Church, Elizabeth Buck, Anne Rice, and Sarah Wickham. JosiAH Churchill, above mentioned, married Elizabeth FooTF,, daughter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Deming) Foote, who died at Wethersfield, Sept. 8, 1700, aged about eighty-four years. Children of Josiah and Elizabeth (^Foote) Churchill, born in Wethersfield. 1. Mary,- b. March 24, 1639; m. Samuel Church, son of Richard, of Hadlev, Mass. Thev settled in Hadley about 1659. He died April 13, 'l 684. She died in 1690. Children of Samuel and Mary {Churchill) Church. 1. Mary Church, b. Jan. 23, 1665; m. Samuel Smith. 2. Samuel Church, b. Aug. 19, 1667. He lived in Hadley. 3. Richard Church, b. Dec. 9, 1669; m. Sarah Bartlett, Jan. 24, 1696. He was slain by the Indians, Oct. 15, 1696. Branch.] MEST GENERATION 325 4. Mehetabel Church, b. Jan. 11, 1672; m. Ncheiniah Dick- inson. 5. Josiah Church, b. April 10, 1673; married, it is said, and had a family at Hadley, but we have no records. 6. Joseph Church, b. Slay 26, 1678; d. unmarried in 1721. 7. Benjamin Church, b.' Sept. 1, 1680. Lived in Hadley. No record. 8. John Church, b. Dec. 2-1, 1682. Perhaps he is the settler at E. Hadley. II. Elizabeth,^ b. May 15, 1642; m. Henry Buck, of Wethersfield, Oct. ol, 1660. Mr. Buck was the youngest of two brothers who came to Wethersfield in 1647. He was born in England in 1626, as we learn from the record of his death, July 7, 1712, at the age of eighty-six years. He w as granted lands in Wethersfield in 1658, and acquired quite an estate later on, and became a citizen of influence and ability, filling the town oflices, and being elected a deputy to the General Assembly in 1667. Children of Henry and Elizabeth {Churchill) Buck, born in Wethersfield. 1. * Henry Buck, b. 1662; ra. Rachel ( ). 2. Samuel Buck, b. Feb. 2, 1664; m. Sarah Butler, Jan. 23, 1690. 3. Martha Buck, b. Oct. 15, 1667; m. Jonathan Deming, Oct. 27, 1687. 4. Elizabeth Buck, b. June 6, 1670. 5. Marv Buck, b. March 12, 1673; m. Benjam.in Smith, March U, 1700. 6. Sarah Buck, b. July 25, 1678. 7. Rutli Buck, b. Dec. 4, 1681. 8. Mehitable Buck, b. Jan. 4, 1684; m. Ebenezer Alexander. III. Hannah, 2 b. Nov. 1, 1644; m. Samuel Royce, of New London, January, 1667. She died early, leaving no children. IV. Ann, 2 b. 1647; m. Mr. Rice^ as shown by her father's will. / We have found no further mention of her 2 ^ V. Joseph,- b. Dec. 7, 164',); m. Mary ( ), May 13, 1674. 3 VI. Benjamin,"'' b. May 16, 1652; m. Mary ( ). VII. A SON, who died, aged one year. VIII. Sarah,2 b. Nov. 11, 1657; m. Mr. ( ) Wi< kham. The name of her husband is upon the authority of her father's will. Hinman says she married Thomas Wickham, l>ut Mr. E. S. Welles, an expert genealogist, has investigated the records, and finds that the wife of Thomas Wickham, and the mother of six of his children, was named Mary. * Henry and Rachel Buck removed with the " Fenwick Colony, " about 1692, and settled in Fairfield. Salem County, N.J. Their son, Jeremiah Buck, had a wife, Mary, and a son, Jolin Buck, wlio married Lorana Whitacor, about June, 1761, and these parents had a daughter, Mary Buck, avIio married Samuel West- cott, and their son, George B. Westcott, married Mary A. Hynson, and liad a daughter, Harriet Louisa Westcott, born Oct. 3, 1838, who married Thomas Hill, of Baltimore, Md. They have three children: (1) Anna Byrant Hill, (2) Malcolm Westcott Hill, and (3) Norman Alan Hill. Mrs. Thomas Hill is State Regent of the Maryland Daughters of the Revolution, and the above informa- tion is furnished bv her. [Connecticut SECOND GENERATION. 2, JOSEPH 2 CHURCHILL (Josiah^). Born in Wethersfield, Conn., Dec. 7, 1649. He was one of the beneficiaries named in the "will of his maternal grandmother, Elizabeth (Deming) (Foote), widow of Governor Thomas Welles. In an indenture dated Nov. 30, 1668, he is styled " husbandman." He lived in Wethersfield, on land inherited from his father ; probably the home lot described December, 1659, as belonging to Josiah Churchill, in terms as fol- lows : On pece a hom lot wheare on a house standeth containing three ac (acres) more or less the ends abutt against the streat east and Mr. Wells weast the sids against the Hom lot of Sam Welles South and John Hubburd North. In the inventory of his estate his home lot is mentioned as con- sisting of three acres, which would indicate that he passed his life on the homestead bequeathed by his father. That he was a man of ability and influence is shown by his gradual advancement to places of trust and influence. The Wethersfield Records show that at the age of thirty he was choseu one of the town surveyors ; three years later he was one of the assessors, and next year, 1684, he was made collector of taxes ; in 1689 was chosen constable, assessor again in 1695, and at the annual meeting, held Dec. 27, 1697, " Sergt." Joseph Churchell was chosen " Selectman," and again re- elected in 1698, and was still holding that office when he died, April 1, 1699, at the age of forty-nine years. The above date of death appears in the heading of the inventory. His estate was valued at four hundred and sixty-one pounds, and his heirs, according to a memorandum at the end of the inventory, were the relict, Mary, Nathaniel, Mary Edwards, Elizabeth Butler, Dinah, Samuel, Joseph, David, Jonathan, and Hannah. Married, at Wethersfield, May 13, 1674, Mary ( ). Long and diligent search by many different investigators has not brought to light the surname of Joseph Churchill's wife. She survived him and lived to advanced age. She is mentioned as " Widow Mary, Senior," in the settlement of her son, Nathaniel's, estate, April 2, Branch.] SECOND GENERATION 327 1728. An estate, apparently hers, was inventoried July 4, 1738. This indicates that she died that year. Children of Joseph and Mary Churchill. I. Mart, 3 b. April 6, 1675; m. Josiah Edwards, April, 1699. Mr. Edwards died some time before the birth of the twins. Children of Josiah and Mary (Ch7irchill) Edwards. 1. Josiah Edwards, b. March 17, 1700. 2. Churchill Edwards, b. April 17, 1703. 3. Jonathan Edwards, b. .Jan. 13, 1704. 4. William Edwards, b. 1706. 5. David Edwards, b. April 6, 1707. 6. Mercy Edwards, b. Sept. 24, 1710. 7. Nathaniel Edwards, b. April 12, 1713. 8. Mary Edwards, b. April 12, 1713; m. Capt. Zebulon Peck, of Bristol, Conn., July 10, 1735. They lived in Bristol, where he died Jan. 13, 1795, and she died May 23, 1790. 4 II. Nathaniel,^ b. July 9, 1677; m. Mary Hurlbdt. III. Elizabeth,^ b. 1679; m. Richard Bdtlkr. IV. Dinah,-' b. 1680; ra. Jacob Deming, Nov. 3, 1709. They lived at Wethersfield and had children born there. Children. 1. Dinah Deming, b. Oct. 18, 1710; d. Nov. 13, 1710. 2. Joseph Deming, b. Nov. 24, 1711. 3. Jacob Deming. 4. Moses Deming; m. Sarah Norton, and lived at New Briton, Conn. 5. Anne Deming. 6. liUcy Deming. We are not sure of the order of birth of the last four children. 5 V. Samuel,^ b. 1688; m. Martha Boardman, June 26, 1717. 6 VI. Joseph,' b. 1690; m. Lydia Dickerman, Jan. 12, 1714. 7 VII. David,'^ b. 1692; m. Dorothy ( ). 8 VIII. Jonathan, => b. 1692; m. Mrs. Sarah Deming. IX. Hannah,^ b. 1696 ; d. unmarried. 3. LIEUT. BENJAMIN 2 CHURCHILL (Josiah i). Born in Wethersfield, May 16, 1652, and lived there. The records of his native town show that Mr. Churchill was early recognized as of ability and enterprise. At the age of twenty-three he was elected a surveyor, and soon after held successively the offices of collector, assessor, and constable. At the age of thirty-seven years he was chosen selectman, and for years served in that office. He was a surveyor of some note beyond his own town and often served on committees of survey for other towns by appointment of the Gen- eral Assembly. May 8, 1701, he was elected lieutenant of the " Trainband," for the north precinct of Wethersfield. He was living in April, 1728, but the tax-list of 1730 does not contain his name, and the probability is that he died before 1730, though the date of his death is not found on the records. Married, July 6, 328 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut 1676, Mart ( ). The surname of the wife of Benjamin as well as that of his brother Joseph's wife has been a matter of much careful research without avail. Children of Benjamin and Mary Churchill. 9 I. JosiAH,^ b. Jan. 8, 1676/7; m. Elizabeth Touset, May 8, 1706. II. Prudp:nce,^ b. July 2, 1678 ; m. Col. David Goodrich, of Wethersfield, Dec. 1, 1698. Colonel Goodrich was born May 4, 1667. He was a very able and enterprising man, especially prominent in military affairs, in the Indian troubles from 1701 on. He was advanced successively from sergeant to captain, and in the Indian war of 1709 he was actively engaged as captain, adjutant, and quartermaster of the troops raised for the relief of Hampsiiire County. Again in 1723 he commanded a company, and was a member of the Colonial War Committee. In 1725 he ranked as colonel. He was a justice of peace and, except for a year, he represented Wethersfield as deputy to the General Court from 1716 to 1740. He died Jan. 23, 1755. Prudence, his wife, died May 9, 1752. Children of Col. David and Prudence {Churchill') Goodrich. 1. Hezekiah Goodrich, b. Jan. 28, 1700. 2. Prudence Goodrich, b. June 8, 1701. 3. Sarah Goodrich, b. March 12, 1703. 4. Mary Goodrich, b. Dec. 15, 1704. 5. Hannah Goodrich, b. Aug. 7, 1707. 6. Jeremiah Goodrich, b. Sept. 9, 1709. 7. Anne Goodrich, b. Feb. 14, 1712. 8. Zebulon Goodrich, b. Nov. 22, 1713. * 9. Benjamin Goodrich, b. Nov. 13, 1715. 10. Abigail Goodrich, b. Jan. 18, 1718. 11. Charles Goodrich, b Aug. 7, 1720. 12. Millicent Goodrich, b. Jan. 23, 1723, III. Abigail,^ b. Feb. 18, 1680; m. Thomas Wright, Nov. 3, 1715, No issue. IV. Anne,^ m. Benjamin Belden, Jan. 29, 1713/14. Children. 1. Mary Belden, b. Dec. 9, 1715. 2. Benjamin Belden, b Feb. 9, 1717/8. 3. Charles Belden, b. March 13, 1719/20. Branch.] THIRD GENERATION 4. NATHANIELS CHURCHILL (Joseph,- Josiah i). Bom in Wethersiield, July 9, 1G77. He lived in Old Wetliersiield until about 1719, when he removed with his family to the westermost precinct of the town, near Farniington bounds. He was active in public matters, in the land interests particularly in that local- ity, and his name is found on petitions to the General Court in 1715, and as member of a committee of citizens April 7, the same year. His will was probated later in 1715. He left a double portion to his son Nathaniel, viz., one hundred and thirty pounds, and to his younger sons, John, Daniel, and Josiah, sixty-five pounds. The inventory of his estate, Feb. 2 twins, b. April 12, 1748. 10. Hannah Butler, J 11. George Butler, b. Feb. 22, 1750. II. Prudence," b. Deo. 20, 1710; m. William Deming, Jan. 22, 1730. III. Hezekiah,'' b. Aug. 20, 1712; d. June 24, 1714. ^IV. Mary,'' b. Oct. 6, 1714; m. Jonathan Warner. V. Sarah,"* b. June 15, 1716; m. Thomas Butler, Nov. 22, 1737. Children. 1. Chloe Butler, b. Jan. 31, 1739. 2. Huldah Butler, b. Feb. 15, 1741. 3. Khoda Butler, b. Jan. 7, 1743. 4. Josiah Butler, b. Nov. 12, 1745. 5. Sarah Butler, b. Feb. 1, 1747. 6. Elisha Butler, b. Dec. 2, 1748. 7. Elizabeth Butler, b. Aug. 19, 1753. 24 VI. JosiAH,-* b. June 28, 1720; m. Eunice Deming, May 2, 1751. Branch.] FOURTH GENERATION. 10. NATHANIEL^ CHURCHILL (Nathaniel,' Joseph,^ JosiAH ^). Born Oct. 29, 1703. Married Rebecca Griswold. Cliildren. I. Abigail,^ b. Sept. 28. 1727. II. Mary,* b. Aug. 22, 1729; d. in infancy. 25 III. Nathaniel,* b. June 25, 1731; m. 1st, Elizabeth Sage; m. 2d, Jane Bushnell. IV. Rebecca,' b. Feb. 10, 1734. V. Lucy,* b. Mav 3, 1730. 26 VI. Janna,* b. Feb. 20, 1739; in. Mus. Sarah (Mix) Foster, widow of Thomas. 27 VII. Amos,* b. March 5, 17+3; m. Lydia Cowles, Feb. 4, 1768. VIII. Mary,* b. June 30, 1746. 27a IX. JosiAH,* b. July 1, 1748; m. ( ) ( ) ; no children. X. Hannah,* b. July 15, 1750. 11. JOHN^ CHURCHILL (Nathaniel,'^ Joseph,^ Josiah ^). Born in Wethersfield, Jan, 19, 1706. Went to Middletown with his father in 1719. Settled in Portland, Conn., about 1725. He was one of the organizers of the Congregational Church, in Portland. Married, at Middletown, June 8, 1727, Bethia Stocking, who was the daughter of George and Elizabeth Stocking, of Middletown, and was born April 12, 1703, and died July 20, 1779. Children born in Portland. I. Mary,* b. March 18, 1728; m. George Cooper. He was the son of Thomas and Abigail (Whitiuore) Cooper, of Middletown. She died July 30, 1798. Children. 1. Abigail Cooper, bapt. June 9, 1749; d. 1751. 2. Abigail Cooper, bapt. June 7, 1752. 3. George Cooper, bapt. Jan. 20, 1754. 4. Mary Cooper, bapt. May 23, 1756. 5. Elizabeth Cooper, bapt. Nov. 11, 1766. II. John,* bapt. Jan. 25, 1730; d. June 2, 1753. No record. III. Hannah,* bapt. April 11, 1731 ; m. Josiah Pelton, of Saybrook, son of John and Jemima, b. 1714/15, and died Feb. 2, 1792. She died June 12, 1810. s 334 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Children. 1. Jemima Pelton, bapt. 1751. 2. Josiah Pelton, bapt. Jan. 21, 1753. 3. Prudence Pelton, bapt. April 9, 1755. 4. Hannah Pelton, bapt. 17t;0. 5. Moses Pelton, bapt. 1762. 6. Phebe Pelton, bapt. July 28, 1764. 7. A child, bapt. March 30, 1765. 8. Marchall Pelton, bapt. Oct. 16, 1768. 9. Josias Pelton, bapt. April 5, 1772. 10. John Pelton, bapt. April 5, 1772. 28 IV. Joseph,^ bapt. Jan. 27, 1734; m. Prudence Trton, Sept. 4, 1754. V. Ltdia,* bapt. May 23, 1737 : d. in infancy. VI. Elizabeth,* bapt. June 16, 1747. VII. Ltdia,* bapt. June 16, 1747; m. Nathaniel Olcot, Feb. 4, 1767, VIII. Prudence, ° bapt. June 16, 1747. IX. Sarah,* b. 1744; d. Sept. 11, 1828; m. Eli.sha Hurlburt, Feb. 16, 1761, son of David, Jr., and Ruth (Belden) Hurlburt. Children. 1. Jehiel Hurlburt, bapt. Sept. 10, 1762. 2. Asa Hurlburt, bapt. Feb. 19, 1769. 3. Charles Hurlburt, bapt. Feb. 19. 1769. 4. John Churchill Hurlburt, bapt. July 5, 1772. 5. Seth Hurlburt, bapt. May 21, 1775. 6. Sarah Hurlburt, bapt. June 1, 1777. 7. Bethia Hurlburt, bapt. April 23, 1780. 8. Jared Hurlburt, bapt. Oct. 13, 1782. 12. DANIEL* CHUKCHILL (Nathaniel,^ Joseph,- Josiah i). Born in Middletown, Conn., Nov. 3, 1710. Settled in Chatham. Removed to Exeter, Otsego County, N.Y., arriving May 10, 1795. Married, June 16, 1735, Abigail White, daughter of Nathaniel. Children. I. Ruth,* b. Oct. 20, 1736; m. Stephen White. He was probably son of Deacon Joseph and Abigail (Butler) "White, who was born Jan. 17, 1731, and died 1813, having outlived all her children. Child of Ruth Churchill and Stephen White. 1. Dr. Joseph White, b. Sept. 26, 1763; m. 1st, Olive Hall, 1787, b. Oct. 15, 1768 ; d. Sept. 20, 1792 ; m. 2d, Deborah Hall (sister), b. Feb. 21, 1774; d. Aug. 23, 1821. Children of Dr. Joseph White and Olive, his wife. 1. Dr. Delos White, b. Oct 20, 1788. 2. Dr. Menzo White, b. Oct. 19, 1793. 3. Leventia White, b. Nov. 15, 1795; m. Jacob Livingston. 4. Joseph White, b. Sept. 3, 1801. 5. George W. White, b. Aug. 27, 1810. II. Sarah,* b. April 5, 1739; d. April 30, 1739. III. Abigail,* b. March 16, 1740; d. March 29, 1743. IV. Elisha,* b. Aug. 24, 1742. V. William,* b. March 2, 1745; d. July 4, 1749. Branch.] FOURTH GENERATION 335 29 VI. Benjamin,* b. Feb. 5, 1747; m. Elizabeth Hdrlbut. 30 VII. Daniel,* b. Oct. 2, 1750; m. Eunice Saxton. VIII. Abigail,* b. May 2, 1753; never married. IX. Sarah,* b. Nov. 25, 1757; m. Benjamin Hodge, April 9, 1780. He was born in Chatham, Conn., Jan. 1, 1753. He served in the Revolution. They lived in Glastonbury until 1793, when he moved to Richfield, N.Y. Children horn in Glastonbury, except three last. 1. William Hodge, b. July 2, 1781. 2. Clarissa Hodge, b. Sept. 25, 1782; d. Jan. 20, 1790. 3. Philander Hodge, b. Oct. 26, 1784; drowned Dec. 11, 1808, in French Creek, Penn. 4. Alfred Hodge, b. Jan. 26, 1787; d. Dec. 9, 1789. 5. Lorin Hodge, b. April 6, 1789. 6. Sarah Hodge, b. Oct. 29, 1791; d. Feb. 28, 1792. 7. Clarissa Hodge, b. Dec. 26, 1792; m. Mr. Aylesworth. 8. Alfred Hodge, b. in Richfield, N.Y., May 9, 1795; m, Sophia English. 9. Benjamin Hodge, b. April 26, 1797; m. Mrs. Davis. 10. Velorus Hodge, b. March 26, 1800. 13. GILES* CHURCHILL (Samuel," Joseph,^ Josiah '). Born June 18, 1718. He settled about 1751 on the forks of the Dela- ware river, upon the grant made to William Penn. Died in Florida, N.Y., 1771. We have not ascertained the name of his wife. Children horn at the forks of the Delaivare river. 31 I. Elijah,* b. Sept. 4, 1755; m. Elinor Nooney, March 10, 1777. 32 II. Stephen,* b. April 15, 1758; m. Esther Lloyd, Dec. 14, 1780. III. Sarah* IV. Olive,* m. Joseph Steel. V. Giles.* 14. SAMUEL* CHURCHILL (Samuel,^ Joseph,^ Josiah '). Born in the West Parish of Wethersfield, now Newington, April 27, 1721. He settled first in Sheffield, Mass., about 1746, where he married next year, and labored industriously at his farm as well as occa- sionally at the making of shoes. Here he remained until his family had increased to ten children, six sons and four daughters, when he removed to Vermont. The story of his subsequent career in the new home and his stirring adventures in the border warfare in the Revolution has been published many years ago by his grandson, Amos Churchill, son of Joseph, in sketches of the history of Hub- bardton, Vt. (The sketches were published first in the '•'Vermont Historical Gazetteer," Vol. III.) We quote the account from the time of the removal from Sheffield. My grandfather having a large family, most of them boys, and some mar- ried and beginning to have families, he was anxious to provide for them farms if possible. And, as land was cheap in the then new State of Vermont, he sold his 336 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut farm in Sheffield, estimated at three tliousand dollars (83,000), to a man by the name of Hickok (who pretended to own a lar^'e quantity of land in the town of Hubbardton, Rutland County, Vt ), and took a quitclaim deed of three thou- sand (3,000) acres of land lying in Hubbardton aforesaid. He had previously been through the town with Hickok and others. The next season he came on with his surveyor, and located his three thousand (3,000) acres in a differ- ent part of the town, chose his place of residence, cleared a piece of land,- built a log house, and moved on in the spring of 1775, and went to clearing up his farm. He had been in possession for a little more than two years, and was still attending to his business, when a detachment of soldiers arrived on the morning of the 7th of July, 1777, warning him of danger, and advising him to escape. They were two miles north of Warren's encampment. Upon receiving the information they started off as fast as possible, the women and children mounted on three horses and the men on foot. They had gone but a little on their way when the firing commenced. They all pushed on as fast as possible until they were among the bullets, and two of their horses were wounded The old lady, when she saw that her horse was wounded, jumped from his back, ex- claiming, " I wisii I had a gun, I would give them Avhat they want." They all retreated except John and Silas who were in the battle. Silas was taken pris- oner, but John made his escape and went back to their house. Here they were all surprised, and were taken prisoners by a Tory captain named Sherwood, with a party of painted Tories and Indians who had been lurking on the hills east of the house during the battle. After plundering the house of all the provisions, most of the clothing, and everything else that they could make use of, the bar- barous wretch ordered the women and children to leave the house or he would burn the whole together ; at any rate the house should be burnt. One of the young women taking her bed in her arms proceeded with a heavy heart to the door, let it fall, saying, " You have taken all our men prisoners, and all our pro- visions, and now how can you be so cruel as to burn our house? " So saying she fainted. This, with the tears and entreaties of the others, so softened his savage heart that he left them their shelter, but deprived them of their provisions and much of their clothing. My grandfather was taken some distance from the house into the woods by the Indians and tied to a tree and dry brush piled around him, they often saying to him, " Tell us where your flour is, you old rebel.'* Sherwood suspected that he had some concealed which they had not yet found. After keeping him here for two or three hours, questioning him about his flour, threatening and taunting hiiu, and he constantly asserting that he had none, that they had taken it all, etc., and while in the act of setting fire to the brush, Sher- wood came forward and ordered them to desist, being thoroughly convinced that he had none. His cattle and hogs were all killed and all such parts as they could use were taken, each one being ordered to take as much as he could carry. William was lame, having cut his foot a few days before, and could not travel, and they released him. Ezekiel being a small boy, they sent him back. The others were marched off to Ticonderoga. The prisoners, inhabitants of Hub- bardton, were Samuel Churchill, the father, John and Silas, his sons, Messrs. Uriah Hickok, Henry Keeler, and Elijah Kellogg. The women and children being left destitute of provisions could not remain there. The British Tories and Indians being south, they feared to take a southern direction. One of their horses being lame from the wound he had received, could not travel. They, with what clothing they had left, started off as well as they could with their two horses. The company consisted of four women, two boys (one thirteen years old being lame, and the other eleven years old), two small children (one three years old, and the other but a few months). Those who could not walk were mounted on the two horses with what baggage they liad. Thus equipped, this desolate family started off on their dreary and wearisome journey for the place of their former residence in Sheffield. But, instead of taking a southern direc- tion through Bennington, etc., which they feared to do on account of the ene- my, they took an eastern direction through the wilderness, across the Green Mountains to the Connecticut river at No. 4, now Charlestown, N.H. ; then down the river south to Springfield, then across the mountains again to Sheffield, the place of their former residence, a distance as they travelled of more than three hundred and fifty (350) miles. Most of the way there were no roads, and but few inhabitants. Their progress was slow and distressing, but the old lady, being a resolute woman, generaled the expedition with much fortitude and perse- Branch.] FOURTH GENERATION 337 verance. The first night they stopped at Col. Benjamin Cooley's, in Pittsford. He was very kind, and refreshed them with such as his log house afforded. The second day they arrived at the fort in Rutland. Here they were fur- nished with some provisions. The third night they encamped in the woods on the mountain. The fourth night they arrived at Captain Coffin's, in Cavendish. Here they stopped two days, and were the recipients of his hospitality. And so on, from place to place, until in about three weeks the}^ arrived safely at the place of their destination, among their friends in Sheffield. The men, prisoners at Ticonderoga, were put to work in the daytime where they could be with safety, and at night were confined in cells. My grandfather and Mr. Hickok were set to boating wood across the lake. At first, for a while, a number of British soldiers would go with them, but they, working faithfully and manifesting no discontent, were at length sent off with but one soldier. They persuaded him to go with them, and fastening their boat on the eastern shore of the lake they all left. My grandfather and Mr. Hickok went to their places of residence in Hubbardton. Here they found nothing but desolation and putrefaction. On the floor of Mr. Ilickok's house lay the putrid body of a dead man. That they buried, and then, proceeding over the battle-ground, they could discover nothing but a promiscuous mass of scattered fragments of men, clothing, firearms, and direful desolation. Proceeding still further to the place of my grandfather's house where he had left his family, and all that he held dear on earth, what a heart-rending scene did he behold ! Nothing was to be seen but death, desolation, and destruction. Here, where a few weeks before was a happy family, and all in health and prosperity, now no living creature could be found. The carcasses of his animals were lying here and there in a state of putrefaction; his harvest had ripened and was perishing; and nothing was left but what was heart-sickening to the sensitive feelings of two escaped, hungry, weary, and desponding searchers of consolation. The whole town was searched, and not a solitary being was left of whom to inquire. They left this dreary, heart-sickening scene, and proceeded to Castleton. Here Mr. Hickok found his family, but my grandfather, not finding his, and gaining no intelligence of them, wended his weary way, on foot and alone, to the south, one hundred and thirty (130) long miles, through dangers that beset him on every side, to the place from which he had formerly moved. Here he found, with a grateful heart, that they had arrived some days before, safe and all in good health. His two sons, John and Silas, remained prisoners until October, when Silas was re- taken by Colonel Brown. In the fall, after the capture of Burgoyne, my grand- father moved his family back to Castleton, ten miles from his home. He saved some of his corn and potatoes, cut and laid up some poor hay for his horses, and in the winter moved to his place. Here he remained without interruption until the close of the war. When the town began to be infested with land claimants almost as destructive as the Tories and Indians, on examining his title, he found it worthless, as the man of whom he bought it had no good title to any land in the town. He had given his children each a lot of one hundred (100) acres, and on ten lots they had made a beginning. These were held by the " quieting act." Six more he bought the second time. The rest were given up. He built the first frame barn and the second frame house. The boards for the barn were drawn twelve and one-half miles on an ox sled, and the nails were picked up from the ruins of Fort Ticonderoga after it was burnt. His children, all but one, settled in the town, where they all lived until after his death, except Samuel, who died before. After settling his children, he retired from business and lived a number of years, enjoying a competence, to the advanced age of eighty years. Married, 1747, Thankful (Hewit) Seager, the young widow of Joseph, of Newington. Children of Samuel and Thankful Churchill. I. Martha,^ b. Jan. 14, 1748 ; m. Abdiel Webster. They are reported to have had two sons and a daughter, but the names have not been received. Mrs. Webster died in Hubbard- ton, at advanced age, having been a widow for many years. 34 II. Joseph,* b. Feb. 14, 1750; m. Amy Stiles, Dec. 7, 1773. V. 35 VI. 36 VII. 37 VIII. 38 IX. 39 X. 338 THE CHUKCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut III. Ltdia,* b. June 1, 1751; m. Abner Ashley. They are said to have had a son and six daughters, whose names we have not ascertained. Lydia (Churchill) Ashley died in Bethany, N.Y,, a widow, aged eighty-two years. IV. Lois,^ b. May 30, 1753; m. David Baldvtin. They are said to have had three sons and two daughters, whose names we have not obtained. Lois (Churchill) Baldwin died in New Marlborough, Mass,, aged eighty-three years. Thankful,^ b. March 7, 1755; d. unmarried at great age. Samuel,^ b. May 20, 1756; m. Anna Camp. John,* b. March 12, 1758; m,. Martha Baldwin. Silas,* b. June 18, 1760; m. Elizabeth Culver. No children. William,* b. Feb. 10, 1763; m. Eunice Culver. EzEKiEL,* b. June 24, 1765; m. Elizabeth Dyer. 15o CAPT. CHAELES* CHURCHILL (SAMufiL,^ Joseph/ JosiAH ^). Born iu Newingtou Parish, Dec. 31, 1723, and died there Oct. 29, 1802. A detailed sketch of the life of Capt. Charles Churchill would-be almost the same as a history of the Newington Parish for the last half of the eighteenth century. He was notably a leading citizen in the parish, of high patriotic spirit and excel- lent abilities. For thirteen years in succession he was a member of the Newington Society Committee, and after 1781 he was the presiding officer until 1801, the year before his death. To many public offices of trust and responsibility was added that of deacon of the church, to which he was chosen Aug. 31, 1786. At the session of the General Assembly, May, 1762, he was appointed captain of the Tenth Company or " trainband," in the Sixth Connecticut Regi- ment, which office he tilled for twenty years. At the beginning of the Revolutionary War he was on the first committee appointed at the town meeting convened June 16, 1774, to consider the resolution passed by the Colonial House of Represen- tatives, on the second Thursday of May preceding, concerning the impending war. In all the stirring events following, he was among the fore- most of the citizens in his unselfish endeavors and sacrifices for the good of his people and country. The records of the town, and traditions in the family, show that he was untiring in his efforts to raise men for the service and to procure food and clothing for them, and for their families while they were in the field. It is related that he several times entertained his company at his fine old house, and on these occasions the five great baking ovens were kept going at once, and that in the largest oven, in the cellar, they roasted a whole ox. In the " Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution " he is listed as captain of one of the militia companies which turned out SAMUEL CHURCHILL (No. 42, page 354.) MRS. MERCY (BOARDMAN) CHURCHILL, (Wife of No. 42, page 354.) THE CAPT CHARLES CHURCHILL HOUSE NEW NGTON CONN 1740 (No. 15, page 338 ) Branch.] FOURTH GENERATION 339 to repel Tryon's invasion of New Haven, July 5, 1779, and lie also appears in his office as captain in active service in the Sixth Regi- ment, but unfortunately we have no other particulars of his service in the field, evidently much of his time in active service. It is related that at one time when he was in camp with three of his sons, his wife Avrote him of the difficulty she found in carrying on the farm without their aid. " But," answered the captain, "I have left you Joseph and Benjamin," meaning his youngest sons, Silas and Solomon, and showing the spirit of the loyal patriot. During the last twenty years of his life, his name appears on the records of the Society with the title " Esquire," showing that he had taken up the dignity and duties of a justice of the peace, in place of his military duties. He collected a library of law books as a necessary adjunct to his practice, some of which are still in exist- ence. His will, a document of considerable length, is entirely in his own hand. His estate was appraised at $3,834.80, by Abel Andrus and Lemuel Whittlesey. Besides managing a farm of one hundred and twenty acres, Captain Churchill conducted a tannery, which in the tax lists was liberally assessed as a " faculty," or trade. It is to be regretted that there are no portraits of Captain Charles or of his wife. Enough is known of him, however, to give the pict- ure of a strong, brave, and manly life, forceful and efficient in all that made for a free and righteous government. The place he made for himself in the community of his day, the family he reared, the good name he left, and the things he accomplished, make his general character portrait, while the details may in part be filled in by hints here and there of peculiar traits or eccentric tendencies, — the touch of humor in likening his sons to Jacob's, in the answer to his wife quoted above, and the tradition that in his family devotions lie always prayed standing in front of the " bowfat " cupboard, in the north room, as the wainscotted parlor in his house was called. Of his wife, Mr. George J). Seymour, a descendant, writes : Some leaves sewed into a little book, found with other papers in Samuel Churchill's house, contain the following entry which, in a way, takes the place of other portraiture. I do not identify the handwriting, and the entry is incomplete, but from the context I feel sure that these tributes were written by one of Samuel Churchill's children : "March 25, 1805. Feb. 10th, Sunday, Grandmother came over to our house, said she did not feel very well, & wanted that I should make her some tea, most of the family had gone to meeting. I was very glad to please her in anything that she required, because that she was always so very good to us all — she drank some tea, thanked me for my trouble and went home. I think that was the last time that ever she came into our house ; she was taken sick pretty soon after; she died March 19. She never spoke after Sunday afternoon till she died, Tuesday night (three o'clock) but was in the utmost distress that could be. Grandmother had six children 39 grandchildren and great grandchildren when she died. Oh may all follow her pious example, and walk in the paths of virtue as she walked, whose loss we mourn. O what a kiml, kind mother we 340 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut have lost. I think she was as tender of her grandchildren as own mothers are. Oh how often have I experienced her goodness, but not only me but all of her dear offspring. Oh how often has she spoken kindly to rae, — and took my hand and told me, that I was born to hard fortune. (She said my hands indicated hard labor.) I think I shall never forget my dear Grandmother, nor my Grand- father neither, — I think of him many times, — and particularly I have heard him read, — and in his prayers — he used to have that passage ' Man Loveth Darkness rather than light because" his deeds are evil,' and many more passages, when I hear mentioned brings my Grandfather to mind. Oh that his Children were as good, as kind, as Charitable to the poor as their parents were. It is striking that they had six Children living at their death, & only one that ever made any public profession of Religion, that one a minister, altho a minister he will not save his brethren from," — The writing here breaks off. The minister referred to was the Rev. Silas. The intimation of the grandmother's interest in palmistry gives a natural toijch to this simple and affectionate picture of her last days. Capt. Charles Churchill married, Nov. 19, 1747, Ltdia Belden, born May 1, 1730, daughter of Josiah and Mabel (Wright) Belden, and a lineal descendant of Richard Belden, of Wethersfield, the emigrant, while her paternal grandmother was Dorothy Willard, a descendant of Major Simon Willard, one of the founders of Concord, Mass., and notable as a magistrate, and a military officer, in the early annals of the Colony of Massachusetts. They were married as above, by the Rev. Joshua Belden, a kinsman of hers, of Newington. She died March 19, 1805. Children of Capt. Charles and Lydia {Belden) Churchill, born in Newington. I. Hannah,^ b. Jan. 11, 1749; d. aged three days. 40 II. Levi,* b. May 20, 1752; m. Elizabeth Hurlbdt, daughter of Joseph, Jr. III. Mary,=^ b. Sept. 22, 1753; d. Sept. 27, 1753. 41 IV. Charles, Jr. ,* b. May 3, 1755; m. a southern woman, name not received. 42 V. Samuel,* b. April 5, 1757; m. Mercy Boardman, March 31, 1806. VI. Hannah,* b. Dec. 28, 1758; m. 1st, Seth Kilbourn, April 27, 1786. He died Oct. 27, 1802 ; m. 2d, Stephen Webster, June 8, 1806. She died Jan. 25, 1838; 43 VII. Solomon,* b. July 29, 1764; m. 1st, Lucretia Marsh, of New Hartford;' m. 2d, Chloe Deming. 44 VIII. Rev. Silas,* b. April 5, 17G9; m. 1st, Rhoda Belden, Oct. 12, 1797; m. 2d, Sarah Sargent. 16. JESSE \ CHURCHILL (Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah >). Born in Newington, Aug. 31, 1726. Lived in Newington (except for a short time, when he was at Bristol) until 1775, when he removed to Hub- bardton, Vt., and there took up a farm, and began clearing it, built a log-house, and with several of his children settled near by, pre- pared to make this his permanent home. When the war of the Revolution, in 1777, involved Vermont, he, being too old to engage actively, withdrew to Wethersfield, his former home. He was Branch.] FOURTH GENEEATION 341 deacon of the First Clmrch in ISTewington many years ; a farmer, prosperous and respected. He died in Wethersfield (Newington Parish), May 7, 1806, aged eighty years. Married 1st, in Farming- ton, Conn., Nov. 8, 1750, Jerusha GAYiiORD, of Farmington. Mar- ried 2d, Nov. 29, 1769, Sarah (Boardman) Cadt, widow of Nicholas, and daughter of Sergt. Nathaniel and Ruth (Parker) Board- man. JMarried 3d, June 15, 1778, Elizabeth ( ) Belden. No children by this marriage. Norman Churchill writes, in 1880, that his grandfather " married the rich widow Belden." She died July 3, 1794, at the age of fifty-eight years. Children of First Wife, horn in Newington. I. Martha,** b. Oct. 1, 1731 ; m. Benaijah Boardman, Dec. 22, 1774, She was his second wife (the first, Lucy Price, of Wethersfield, m. 1772, who d. soon after, May 17, 1773). Mr. Boardman was born at Newington, May 14, 1749, son of Isaac. He settled first at Newington, but removed some time before July, 1777, to Hubbard- ton, Vt. In the battle at Hubbardton, on July 7, 1777, it is said that the soldiers of the British force (largely made up of Tories and Indians) took possession of that part of the town in which their house was situated, and \!rs. Boardman, having been left alone in the house with two small children, concealed herself with them un- der a feather bed on the floor. The house was soon made a tem- porary hospital tor the wounded soldiers, and "she suffered so much from fright and the smothering and heat that afterwards she lost many of her fingernails." Mr. Boardman was a soldier in the Revolution, was a sergeant in the company of Capt. Elijah Wright, Col. Enos' Regiment. He was in service on the Hudson in 1781, engaged for three months. About 1788 he removed to Ovid, N.Y., where he built a saw- mill in 1793, the first saw-mill in that town. He afterwards removed to Canoga, N.Y., where he built the first saw-mill in that town. He was widely known and very influential in his time. Children, the first two born at Newington, and the four eldest were baptized there, the two youngest of these were said to have been " brought down from Arlington,'' probably Vermont. Child of the First Wife. 1. Meekins Boardman, b. May 17, 1773. Children of the Second Wife. 2. Samuel Boardman, b. Feb. 17, 1780; m. 1st, Julia Ward; m. 2d, Lydia Kirby. 3. Jesse Churchill Boardman, b. Aug. 20, 1781; m. 1st, Mary Rungar ; m. 2d, Mrs. Elizabeth Larned. 4. Rebecca Meekins Boardman, b. June 10, 1783; m. William Hall, 1798. 5. Jerusha Boardman, b. May 22, 1785 ; m. James Huff, Sept. 15, 1804. 6. Elizabeth Boardman, b. Feb. 11, 1787; d. at Fayette, N.Y., Sept. 22, 1801. 7. Sarah Boardman, b. April 17, 1789; m. Daniel Tooker, De- cember, 1804. 8. Lucy Boardman, b. Nov. 23, 1791; m. Ganet Arnold, May 22, 1813. 9. Benaijah Boardman, Jr., b. Oct. 14, 1793; m. Laura A. Hurd. Benaijah, Jr., was the first white child born between the Seneca and Cayuga lakes, 342 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut 46 II. Samuel,* b. June 7, 1753; m. Rebecca Woodruff. They lived in Wethersfleld. Had no children. He was born in Newington. Removed with his father to Hubbardton, where he took up and began clearing a farm. He was in the battle of Hub- bardton, after which he returned permanently to Wethersfleld. III. Elizabeth,* b. March 29, 1755; m. Francis Deming, Aug. 21, 1782. They lived in Wethersfleld. No children reported. 46 IV. Jesse, Jk.,* b. March 18, 1757; m. 1st, Hannah Boardman ; m. 2d, Olive Tilden; m. 3d, Mrs. Anna Eggleston. 47 V. Levi,* b. Dec. 15, 1759; ni. Hannah Belden. VI. Jerusha,* b. Nov. 6, 17G1; m. Benjamin Boardman. VII. Giles,* b. Dec. 17, 17G3; died in youth. Children by Second Wife. 48 VII. Ithamar,* b. Nov. 1, 1772 ; m. Sarah Blinn. IX. Sally,* m. Cyrus Ranger. They lived in Hubbardton many years, but removed finally to Oswego Village, N.Y. Children. 1. Orilla Ranger. 2. Sally Ranger; m. Mr. Connor, and lived in Woodville, Wis. 49 X. Nathaniel Cady,* b. Oct. 20, 1776. 17. BENJAMIN^ CHURCHILL (Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah i). Born in Newington Parish, April 10, 1729. He died in Southing- ton, and in his will mentions his wife Hulda, daughter of Lydia Churchill and Abigail Way ; sons Asahel, Benjamin, Ira, Jedediah, and grandsons, Chauncy, Joseph, and Anson, sons of Jedediah ; and Major, son of Ira. Married 1st, April 19, 1753, Abigail Barnes ; married 2d, Hulda Beeoher. Children hy First Wife. 50 I. Asahel,* b. May 1, 1754; ni. Eunice Pinet. II. Lydia,* b. Sept. 13, 1756. 51 III. Benjamin,* b. March 16, 1759. 62 IV. Samuel,* b. Aug. 7, 1761; m. Hannah Barnes, Feb. 22, 1787. 63 V. Ira.,* b. April 9, 176-1; m. Eunice Payne. 54 VI. Jedediah,* b. May 27, 1766. VII. Abigail,* b. Aug. 15, 1770; m. ( ) Way. Children. 1. Philena Way. 2. Fannie Way. 3. Levi Way. 4. Abigail Way. 5. Joseph Way. 6. Lydia Way. 7. Anna Way. 8. Henry Way. 9. Franklin Way, d. in infancy. 18. WILLIAM* CHUECHILL (Samuel,'' Josep< Josiah i). Born at Newington Parish, Nov. 6, 1732. Lived at Farmington, Conn., until about 1769, when he removed with the large numbers I. 55 II. III. 56 IV. V. VI. 57 VII. VIII. Branch.] FOURTH GENERATION 343 who settled in the Wyoming Valley, Pa. He was there with his family in the time of the massacre in 1778, but escaped, and reached what is now Elmira, N.Y., and thence to New Jersey, and there made their home. Married 1st, Sept. 25, 1760, in Farmington, Conn., Ruth Tryon, who died, 1776 ; married 2d, Abiah Wild man. Children of First Wife, horn in Farmington, Conn. Jemima,^ b. April 15, 1761; never married; d. April 13, 1836. David, ^ b. Dec. 20, 1762; m. Sarah Ai.cott. Phebe,* b. April 27, 1764; m. Samuel Martin, of Coventry, N.Y. Lemuel, ° b. March 4, 1766; m. Patience Gildersleeve. Ruth,* b. Dec. 13, 1767; m. Lucius Cooke, of Wallingford, Conn. Martha,* b. Oct. 25, 1761); m. 1st, Charles Tryon; ra. 2d, Ben- jABtiN Deming. William,* b. Dec. 26, 1771; ra. Jane Dell. Mary,* b. July 6, 1773; m. Lucius Atwater, of Berlin, Conn. They lived in Bristol or Berlin. He died in Berlin, in 1867, aged ninety-four years. Children. 1. Carlos Atwater, b. Feb. 2, 1797; m. Hannah Larkin. 2. Lucius Atwater, b. April 24, 1798; m. Angelina Norton, of Bristol, Conn. 3. Rhoda AtAvater, b. Nov. 16, 1800; m. Allen Burnell, of Bur- lington, Conn. 4. Nelson Atwater, b. Aug. 10, 1803; unmarried; d. July 21, 1872. 5. Mary Atwater, b. Dec. 4, 1805; m. Sheldon Twichell, of Oxford, Conn. 6. Emily Atwater, b. June 25, 1808; m. Coe Hart, of Litchfield, Conn. 7. Julia Atwater, m. John Crandall, of Burlington, Conn. 8. William Atwater, m. Elizabeth ( ). Children by Second Wife. 58 IX. Samuel,* b. May 22, 1778; m. Anna McCarthy. 50 X. Asa,* b. July 12, 1780; m. Hannah Norton. XI. Abiah,* b. Dec. 17, 1782; m. 1st, Heman Root; ni. 2d, Silas Hub- bell Children by First Husband. 1. Eliza B. Root, b. 1811 ; m. Alpheus Strong, Jr., 1828. Children: (1) Elias Strong, b. 1831 ; m. Jerusha A.Perkins, 1852; (2 and 3) Twins, Eliza and Alpheus Strong, b. May 9, 1838. Eliza m. George D. Hannon in 1856; and Alpheus d. in 1864; (4) Ellen J. Strong, b. Dec. 17, 1843; m. Rufus W. Robinson, 1859. 2. Betsey Maria Root, b. at Montgomery, Mass., May 10, 1822; d. April 10, 1840. 3. Silas Root Hubbell, son of second husband, b. at Montgomery, Mass., April 17, 1826. 19. JOSEPH^ CHURCHILL (Joseph,' Joseph,- Josiah i). Born in Bolton, Conn., Nov. 23, 1714. Married, but the name of his wife is not found by us. One Child reported. 60 I. Joseph,* b. 1750; m. Rhoda Goodrich, dau. of Benjamin, b. March 25, 1750, and married Sept. 11, 1777. I. 63 II. 64 III. IV. V. 65 VI. 66 VII. VIII. IX. 67 X. 344 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut JONATHAN^ CHURCHILL (Jonathan/ Joseph,^ Josiah i). Born afr Wetliersfield, Conn., 1724. Married Lydia Smith. Children. Oliver,* b. Feb. 14, 1748; d. Jan. 2, 1749. Jonathan,* b. Nov. 25, 1749; m. 1st, Sarah Burgess; ra. 2d, Comfort Woodcock. Hezekiah,* b. Feb. 2, 1752; m., name of wife not received. Josiah,* b. Feb. 25, 1754. Died during the war of the Revohition. Lydia,* b. July 5, 175G. Moses,* b. Dec. 1, 1759; m. Mary Crosby. Oliver,* b. April 15, 1762; m. Eunice Barnes. Rebecca,* b. July 20, 1764: m. Solomox Ranney. Abigail,* b. Dec. 2, 1766; died at four years of age. Amos,* b. Oct. 19, 1769; m. Deborah Thornton. 33. WILLIAM* CHURCHILL (Jonatha^ Joseph,- Josiah i). Born Nov. 5, 1727. Lived, it is said, at Litchfield, Conn. Married Chloe Brown. Children, William,* b. 1766; m. Polly Merriman, at Walllngford, Conn. David,* b. March 17, 1768; m. Zerviah Leach, March 6, 1797. Stephen.* Chloe,* m. David Dougal. Child. 1. Truman Dougal. 71 V. Edwin.* 72 VI. Samuel,* b. April 18, 1775; m. Rebecca St. John, Feb. 22, 1798. 73 VII. Levi,* b. 1777; m. Mary Haven. VIII. Anna,* m. Ambrose Pero. No children. IX. LcciNDA,* m. Joseph Grant. 68 I. 69 II. 70 III. IV. Branch.] FIFTH GENERATION 35. NATHANIEL 5 CHURCHILL (Nathaniel,'' Nathaniel,^ Joseph,- Josiah'). Born June 25,1731. Married 1st, Sept. 25, 1755, Elizabeth Sage ; married 2d, Jane Bushnell. Children of First Wife. 77 I. Nathaniel,^ b. March, 2, 175G: m. Mrs. Ltdia (Osgood) Pen- field. II. Bettt,* b. Nov. 18, 1757; m. Stephen Williams, Feb. 18, 1781. III. Abigail,^ b. Dec. 5, 1759. — Children of Second Wife. 78 IV. Stephen,^ b. Nov. 19, 1761 ; m. Polly De Wolfe. 79 V. Sage,^ b. Dec. 13, 1763; m. Elizabeth Mather, ). ]>orii at Wetliersfield, Conn., May 28, 1752. He lived at Newing- ton until 1802, when lie removed with his family to Booneville, N.Y., where he settled. He died Feb. 12, 1836. Married 1st, Oct. 30, 1771, Elizabeth Hurlbut, daughter of Joseph ; married 2d, RuTii Merrills. Children of First Wife, born at Neivington. I. Elizabeth," b. June 27, 1773; m. Leonard Hobbaud, Feb. 18, 1799, as his first wife, and had one child, Abigail Deming Hub- bard. II. Lydia." b. July 14, 177G; m. Mr. Smith. III. Noble," b. Nov. 11, 1779; m. Olive Stoddard, Oct. 12, 1801. 132 133 134 135 IV. Children of Second Wife. Charles Belden," b. Sept. 27, 1785; m. Elizabeth Hubbard, Feb. 4, 1807. V. OcTAviA," b. Dec. 14, 1786; m. Josiah B. Chdrchill (No. 141). VI. Calvin," b. Dec. 14, 178G. VII. Silas," b. Sept. 9, 1790. VIII. Carolus," bapt. in Newington, Jan. 5, 1800; d. in Galesburg, 111. Benjamin," b. May 3, 1792. Hannah." Sophia " Mary." IX. X. XI. XII. 41. CHARLES 5 CHURCHILL (Charles," Samuel,« Joseph,-' Josiah ^). Born in Newington, Conn., May 3, 1755. Lived near Newbern, N.C., at Chappell Hill. He died Sept. 16, 1818. The 136 I. 137 II. III. IV. 138 V. VI. 354 THE CHUKCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut family later removed to New Orleans, La. Married a Southern woman, name not obtained. Children. Chappell McClure,^ b. in Newbern, N.C. Claudius Belden,^ m. Louisiana Hollidat Clinton Greene.* CONSTANTINE WoODS.® Crispen Osborne.* Cleopas Washington.* SAMUEL 5 CHURCHILL (Charles," Samuel,^ Joseph,^ JosiAH ^). Born in Newington, April 5, 1757, and died there Dec. 10, 1834. He was a farmer, and lived across the road from his father's, in a house built for him by his father. He was a man eminent for his piety, with which, perhaps, was mingled a sense of quiet humor ; for instance, it is said that he was accustomed to read oftener than any other the Psalm which reiterates " For his mercy endureth forever," Mercy being the name of his wife. Married, July 16, 1778, Mercy Boardmax, daughter of Jonathan and Mar- tha (Hurlbut) Boardman, born in Eocky Hill, Conn., Aug. 2, 1757, and died Jan. 24, 1834. Children. Chislieu,* b. Dec. 4, 1779; ra. Celinda Hurlbut, March 31, 1806. *Mary Ann,* b. Aug. 25, 1782; d. unmarried Feb. 18, 1848. John,* b. April 11, 1785; m. Laura Wells, Sept. 9, 1811. He died Sept. 17, 1823. JosiAH B.,* b. Aug. 29, 1787; m. 1st, Octavia Churchill (see No. 41) ; m. 2d, Phebe Maria Thompson. Charles,* b. Sept. 12, 1790; m. Matilda Johnson. VI. *Mercy,* b. Nov. 10, 1792; d. unmarried May 7, 1866, aged sev- enty-three. VII. Samuel,* b. Nov. 10, 1792; d. in infancy. VIII. *Charlotte,* b. Dec. 3, 1795; d. unmarried April 7, 1864, aged sixty-nine. IX. *Harriet,* b. Feb. 12, 1798; d. unmarried July 12, 1825. X. *LucY,* b. Feb. 6, 1801 ; d. unmarried March 30, 1883, aged eighty- two years. 43. SOLOMON 5 CHUECHILL (Charles," Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah^). Born in ISTewington, July 29, 1764, and spent his life there. He was a farmer, a man of excellent character and standing in the community. Though he did not make profession of religion until late in life, he was of undoubted piety and especially strict in * These sisters formed a quintet of maiden ladies who lived and died on their father's liomestead. Of the number Charlotte is said to have been in every way the most accomplished. She was what the people in her day called a " dressy " person, and seems to have been a woman of unusual charm and good breeding. Lucy, the youngest, lived on alone at the old home, with " no one to lean on," as she was accustomed to say. 139 140 I II. Ill 141 IV. 142 V Branch.] FIFTH GENERATION 355 his regard for the Sabbath. It is said that he forbade even " the cracking of nuts " on the Lord's day, and a grove of butternut trees near his house gives a touch of probability to the tradition. With him regular attendance on divine worship was one of the chief con- cerns of life, and he would face the fiercest snow-storms of the winter, which blocked in even good Parson Belden, who, on one occasion, discovered Mr. Churchill in front of the parsonage on horseback, floundering in the snow-drifts, and shouted the question, " Where are you going, Mr. Churchill? " " To meeting," replied the sturdy parishioner. "Well, come in here, then," answered the parson, "as I am not going out in this storm." His grandson, Leonard Church- ill Hubbard, in 1903, describes him thus, as he appeared about 1820: '-'He was of medium height, a rather stocky-looking man, round face, kind-spoken, and jovial for one of his years." He died June 16, 1842. Married 1st, Oct. 28, 1789, Lucretia Marsh, daughter of Job, of New Hartford. She died, Nov. 2, 1811, aged forty-eight years, and he married 2d, Chloe Deming, a maiden lady of fifty years. Children of Solomon and Lucretia (Jfarsh) Churchill. t. Julia, « b. Jlay 31, 1792; d. unmarried, Sept. 16, 18-'2. This woman deserves more than the notice of birth and death. In the family she was long ago canonized as its saint. Every family tradition testifies to her pure piety and her fortitude in affiiction, as she was a life-long invalid. Her voluminous journal, running tiirongh many years, records her gentle and pious charac- ter. It holds little except her account of the sermons, heard from Sunday to Sunday, and her own religious experiences. Some valuable references occur liere and there, like her statement as to the beginning of the Newington Sunday-school, on June 20, 1819. at which time she writes : " Attended church in the daytime and in the evening. This day hath been solemn. A Sabbath-school was establislied in this ])lace. Four little cliiidren were committed to my care to instruct on the Sabbath. O Lord, help me to do my duty toward them, and wilt thou touch their young and tender minds by the influences of thy Spirit! " In August, the same year, she writes that her class has increased to seven, and notes in her prayer that they are only four and five years old. Nov. 4, 1819, she writes : " The Sunday-school is now out, and this day the scholars received their premiums. I commit my little class to thee, () Lord. Bless them, I pray thee, O Lord; prepare them for Heaven." These brief extracts, Mr. Seymoiir says, are a fair sample of the journal of this devout and devoted woman and illustrate tlie spirit which animated her, and probably the other founders of the Sunday- school. She has been described as " fervently prayerful." She also wrote verses addressed to different members of the family, and elegies lamenting the death of local worthies. The making of verses, indeed, seems to have been characteristic of the Newington Churchills of this generation, and, apparently, was one of the few diversions allowed by the stern Calvinism of the times. A pam- phlet of the semi-centennial celebi'ation of the Wethersfield and Berlin Sunday-school Union states that, " The Sunday-school in Newington, in its beginning, was the voluntary enterprise of some young ladies of the church." 356 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut II. Nancy," b. March 17, 1795; m. Leonard Chester Hubbard, of Newington, April 23, 1826. Mr. Hubbard was the son of Tim- otby and Abigail (Deming) Hubbard, born May 9, 1793, and died Sept. 20, 1838. For his first wife he married Elizabeth Churchill, daughter of Deacon Levi, whose only child died young. Nancy, the second wife, was a person of very strong individuality. After her mother's death she was forced to as- sume the chief duties of the household, her older sister, Julia, being an invalid, until the time of her marriage. Mr. Seymour, to whom we are indebted for most of the biographical matter re- lating to the family of Capt. Charles Churchill, says that " she was a woman of great decision of character, brought up her family in the fear of God, and lived to great age. In her later years she was tenderly cared for by her family, but she never re- linquished her authority, nor gave up the strict Sabbath day observ- ance to which she had been bred in her lather's household." He describes her as having "jet black eyes and hair and unusually white skin." He recalls one Sabbath he passed in the home of her son Leonard, with whom she was living, and well remembers the austere character of the day, all secular conversation being avoided, and the reading of tlie Bible occupying the chief atten- tion. She seemed to him like an ancient prophetess. They lived at Newington until after the birth of their children, when they removed to Berlin. Children born at Newington. 1. Leonard Churchill Hubbard, b. Jan. 15, 1828; m. Mary J. Ar- nold, at Berlin, Oct. 6, 1859. Mr. Hubbard was educated at Wesleyan Academy, Wilbrahara, Mass. Lived at Berlin, Conn., a farmer. Sometime deacon of the Congregational Churcli at Berlin. Childre7i. (1) Leonard Clarence Hubbard, b. Jan. 24, 18fi5 , m. Louisa Junge, of New York, March 19, 1898; (2) Eleanor Ar- nold Hubbard, b. March 1, 1870. 2. Kasson Hubbard, b. Dec. 6, 1831; d. April 6, 1834. 3. Elizabeth Hubbard, b. Jan. 25, 1835; m. Henry Francis, Dec. 6, 1855. They lived at New Britain, Conn., and had children. Children. (1) James H. Francis, b. Nov. 1, 1800; (2) Grace E.Fran- cis, b. April 9, 1862; m. John D. Garvie, of New Britain. 4. Abigail Hubbard, b. Oct. 31, 1837; d. at New Britain, April 20, 1898. 143 III. Chester,** b. May 6, 1798; m. Lucretia Olmsted, Aug. 24, 1826. IV. Cynthia,^ b. Oct. 30, 1801 ; m. Cyrus Webster, of Newington, Nov. 22, 1822. They settled at first at Newington, where their children were born, but later removed to Berlin, where he was a farmer. She died at Berlin, May 11, 1869. Children of Cyrus and Cynthia (^Churchill) Webster. I. Chester Churchill Webster, b. Nov. 10, 1825; m. Marilla Rich- ards, and had children. Children. (1) David C. Webster, ("2) Oliver Webster, (3) Charles Web- ster, (4) Nellie Webster. Branch.] FIFTH GENERATION 357 2. Chauncy Webster, b. May 26, 1828; lu. Mary Johnson, 1853, at Canton, III. 3. Charles Selah Webster, b. Nov. 22, 1834; m. Julia S. Higgins, Oct. 12, 1853. Children. (1) Harriet Churchill Webster, b. at Berlin, March 20, 1870; m. Hon. Frank L. Wilcox, of Berlin. Jan. 19, 1898 ; (2) Cyrus Webster, b. Sept. 3, 1874; d. at Berlin, Sept. 5, 1891. V. Jemima,® b. Nov. 19, 1805, and died unmarried, at New Britain, June 9, 189!>, while on a visit to her niece, Mrs. Francis. She Avas born in the " Great House " built by her grandfather, Capt. Charles Clmrchill, and had many stories of the old days. She lived a usefnl life spent mostly in the families of her sisters. Mr. Seymour remembers her as " a very smart" old lady, erect in carriage, prim without severity, scrupulous as to the details of her old-fashioned dress, and pleasant-spoken. Like her father, she set great store on divine worship, and rarely failed to go to meeting to the end of her days. 44. REV. SILAS 5 .CHURCHILL (Charles,* Samuel,*^ Joseph,^ Jostah'). Born in Newington, Conn., April 5, 1769. Graduated at Yale College in the class of 1787, studied theology with his father-in-law to be, and settled in the ministry in the Presbyterian church in New Lebanon, N.Y. He served in this, his only pastor- ate, faithfully for almost fifty years. He died in New Lebanon, March 1, 1854. Married 1st, Oct. 12, 1797, Rhoda Belden, daughter of Rev. Joshua, of Newington. She was born May 29, 1766, and died May 28, 1823. He married 2d, Sarah Sargext, 1825. Children of First Wife, horn in Nevj Lebanon, N. Y. I. Joshua Belden,® b. Nov. 2, 1798. He was a farmer in Oregon; d. there, unmarried, 1874. 144 II. Silas." b. June 5, 1800; m. 1st, Clarissa Avery, Oct. 27, 1825; m. 2d, Cornklia S. Lyndes, Oct. 27, 1836. III. Clarissa,® b. May 2, 1802; died aged four years. IV. Mary Ann.® b. 1801; unmarried. V. Rhoda,® b. 1806; m. Rev. E. A. Beach. 145 VI. Charles,® b. Sept. 2, 1808. Children of Second Wife. VII. Sarah,® b. May, 1829. VIII. John,® b. 1832. 46. REV. JESSES CHURCHILL (Jesse,* Samuel,^ Joseph,^ JosiAH ^). Born in Wethersfield, Conn., March 18, 1757. The tra- dition in the family is that, at the outbreak of the Revolution, he tried to enlist, but was rejected at first on account of his boyish appearance, but he succeeded later, and served in the company of Capt. Jonathan Hale, of Glastonbury, and was stationed at Boston January to March, 1776. He reenlisted in the company of Captain 358 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Welles, and served in New York, His regiment was at the battles of Long Island and White Plains. He evidently acquired a fair edu- cation, and perhaps became a teacher in the succeeding years. After his first marriage he settled for a time in Glastonbury, where his first child was born. About 1790 he removed to Hubbard ton and occupied the farm which his father had taken up in 1775, but had abandoned when Vermont became involved in the border warfare. He lived for some years in the old log-house built by his father. On this old homestead his seven children by the first wife were born, and here she died, leaving him with a family of seven children. Mr. Churchill then fitted himself for the ministry. It is said that he studied at Andover Theological School, and by his Church Covenant, dated at Andover, June 2, 1784, now in possession of a grandson, J. W. Hull, of Pittsfield, it seems that he was then a student. He probably took a special course. His son Norman writes us, in 1885 : " After the death of my mother my father took an abbreviated course in theology, was ordained in 1807, and began to preach as a Congregational minister." He removed to Litchfield, N.Y., the same year. He was settled awhile at New Lebanon, N.Y. He was chaplain of the Twenty-seventh Regiment, New York militia, from 1810 to 1822, and served in the War of 1812, under Colonel Bel- linger, in the Black River campaign, his son Norman going with him as his waiter. His last pastorate was at Winfield, N.Y. He died at Morrisville, N.Y., Sept. 29, 1828, and was buried at Winfield. He married 1st, in Wethersfield, Nov. 2, 1786, Hannah Board- MAx, daughter of Charles and Abigail (Stillman) Boardman. She died at Hubbardton, Dec. 10, 1804. Married 2d, Aug, 28, 1807, Olivp: Tildkn, daughter of John, and sister of Elam Tilden, the father of Samuel J. Tilden, the Democratic presidential candidate of 1876. Married 3d, JMarch 23, 1823, Mrs. Anna Eggleston, in Batavia, N.Y. She was a widow with a family of children, one of whom Norman Churchill married. Childi-en of Rev. Jesse Churchill and First Wife, first two horn at Glastonbury^ the others at Ifuhhardton. I. Elizabeth,® b. Dec. 1, 1787; m. Elijah Woodruff, son of Elijah, b. at Farmington, Conn., Sept. 9, 1778. Married at Winfield, N.Y., Feb. 21, 1817. Lived at Sheldon, N Y. He was a farmer, and died Feb. 28, 1828. She died at Buffalo, N.Y., March 22, 1848. Childrefi of Elijah and Elizabeth {Churchill) Woodruff, born in Sheldon, N. Y. 1. Mary Woodruff, b. Nov. 23, 1817; m. Benjamin Zimmermann, May 27, 1840, and lived in Grinnell, Iowa. 2. Almira Woodruff, b. June 15, 1822; d. unmarried, at Tabor, Iowa, Oct. 22, 1897. 3. Aurelia Stillman Woodruff, b. Feb. 1, 1825; m. John Hailam, at Tabor, Iowa. Branch.] FIFTH GENERATION 359 4. Corinna Woodruff, b. Aug. 25, 1827; m. Cbarles Hobart, at Buffalo, Oct. 22, 1845. Lived at Sterling, 111. They have four children: (1) Charles W. Hobart, (2) George C. Hobart, ;^3) Henry M. Hobart, (4) Mary Hobart. II. George,^ b. Oct. 11, 1789. Never married. He died at Troy, 111., Aug. 11, 1872. He was brought up on the old farm in Hubbard- ton, and received the common school education in his native tovirn. On the removal of his father's family to New York State, he went to Albany, and became an apprentice in a printing office, served his time, and then worked as a journeyman printer until he was able to purchase a half interest in a small i)rinting office, which he soon after sold out, and started \'>'est. He obtained a situation in Louisville, Ky., in the " Courier " office, and worked there a while, and, in 1817, located in St. Louis, Mo., and being attracted by the fertile lands of Illinois, bought a tract of land a few miles southeast of Edwardsville, in that State, where he lived the remainder of his life. In order to raise money for the improvement of his farm, he worked at his trade in the office of the "Missouri Gazette," in St. Louis. While connected with that paper he wrote a series of articles, advocating the admission of Missouri as a free State. He assisted in establishing a newspaper, in Edwardsville, " Tlie Spectator," and was a con- stant contributor to its columns, especially in 1822-1824, while the contest was on to make Illinois a slave State. In the final defeat of this attempt he bore a prominent part. He was elected to the General Assembly of Illinois in 1822, and was reelected in 1824, showing that the people api)rove(l his course. He served by reelection till 1832, and in the Senate in 1838, and again in the House in 1844, serving in all sixteen years. He was well versed in the English language and literature. A diligent col- lector of historical documents. III. GiLE.s,« b. Dec. 20, 1791, at Ilubbardton, Vt. He removed to the West, and taught school; and, about 1817, went South to New Orleans, it is said. No account of his subsequent career has come to us. 147 IV. William Boardman," b. March 4, 1794; m. 1st, Almira Humes; m. 2d, Mrs. Jane ( ) Kingston; m. 3d, Mrs. Lura (Hill) Roberts. V. PoLLY,6 b. April 12, 1796; m. Lewis Weeks, at Litchfield, N.Y., by her father, llev. Jesse Churchill, Feb. 1, 1816. Mr. Weeks was born Aug. 7, 1790. They lived at Slielden, N.Y., where seven of their children were born; but before 1835 removed West, and settled at Ridge Prairie, 111. She died at Afton, Iowa, Nov. 28, 1881. He died at Galesburg, 111., Nov. 10, 1864. Children of Lewis and Polly {Churchill) Weeks. 1. George Churchill Weeks, b. Sept. 13, 1817 ; d. at Ridge Prairie, 111., Aug. 9, 1835. 2. Hannah Amelia Weeks, b. Nov. 5, 1819; m. James R. Perrigo, Jan. 26, 1842. 3. Horace Belknap Weeks, b. March 14, 1822; m. 1st, Diadema (Hyde) Sharman ; m. 2d, Mary A. Daniels, September, 1856. 4. William Wallace Weeks, b. June 11, 1823; m. Ruth Vaughn, Jan. 25, 1848. 5. John Lewis Weeks, b. Sept. 14, 1827; m. Emily Finch, Gales- burg, Sept. 7, 1849; d. Oct. 31, 1849. 6. Charles Boardman Weeks, b. Jan. 29, 1830; m. Elizabeth J. Alexander, Oct. 1, 1860. 7. Mary Churchill Weeks, b. May 13, 1832; m. Jonathan C. Gar- wood, Oct. IS, 1852. 8. Cyrus Edward Weeks, b. at Ridge Prairie, III., Feb. 4, 1836; d. Aug. 26, 1838. 360 THE CHUKCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut 148 VI. Norman,* b. Nov. 5, 1799; m. Anna Eggleston, in Batavia, N.Y. VII. Levi Gatlord,« b. July 28, 1802; d. unmarried, in Troy, 111,, Dec. 3, 1851. He is buried at Collinsville, 111. Child of the Second Wife, Olive ( Tilden) Churchill. VIII. LucENA Ann," b. at Nevr Lebanon, N.Y., Jan. 31, 1809; m. Charles Williams Hdll, Sept. 10, 1834. He was the son of Jeremiah and Keturah (Williams) Hull, b.' at Stonington, Conn., Dec. 3, 1798 They were married at New Lebanon, N.Y., by Rev. Silas Churchill. After her father's death, Lucena was taken to live with her uncle, Elam Tilden, until her marriage. She d. April 5, 1890. Children of Charles Williams and Lucena Ann (Churchill) Hull^ horn at New Lebanon, N. Y. 1. Charles Williams Hull, b. Aug. 5, 1836; m. Julia Tubbs, at Brattleboro, Vt., Oct. 3, 1869. 2. George Frederick Hull, b. June 14, 1838 ; m. Amy Doty, of Hancock, Mass., Oct. 16, 1862. 3. Edwin Augustus Hull, b. March 3, 1840. Soldier in Civil War, Company B, Forty-fourth Regiment, N.Y. Volunteers. Died at Alexandria, Va., July 25, 1862. Unmarried. 4. James Wells Hull, b. Sept. 20, 1842; m. Helen Edwards Plunkett, Pittsfield, Mass., in 1876. They live in Pittsfield, Mass., where he is secretary of Berk- shire Life Insurance Company. Member of Massachusetts Board of Health from 1893. They have tive children, born in Pittsfield: (1) Helen Edwards Hull, b. Nov. 3, 1877; (2) Rosa- mond Hull, b. April 29, 1879; (3) Norman Churchill Hull, b. Aug. 5, 1881; (4) Edward Boltwood Hull, b. Feb. 3, 1884; (5) Carolyn Kellogg Hull, b. Sept. 19, 1891. 5. Henrietta Tilden Hull, b. Oct. 8, 1846; d. at New Lebanon, April 25, 1848. 6. Anna Lucena Hull, b. Sept. 14, 1848; unmarried. 47. LEVI' CHURCHILL (Jesse,'' Samuel,^ Joseph/ JosiahI). Born at Newington, Dec. 15, 1759. Lived at Wethersfield. . Mar- ried, Jan. 5, 1785, Hannah Belden. Children born at Wethersfield. I. Jertisha Gaylori),* b. April 7, 1786; d. unmarried July 1, 1849, II. Samuel,* b. Jan. 3, 1788; d. Feb. 17, 1791. 149 III. Simeon,* b. Jan. 3, 1788 ; m. Anna Coleman. IV. Mabel,* b. Jan. 9, 1790; d. unmarried, 1879. V. Rebecca,* b Oct. 4, 1792; d unmarried, Sept. 16, 1865. VI. Elizabeth,* b. Jan. 29, 1795; m. Jacob Griswold, January, 1818. 160 VII. Levi Belden,* b. March 24, 1797; m. Abigail Griswold, June 27, 1816. VIII. Sally,* b. Oct. 14, 1799; m. Samuel Coleman, IX. Hannah Belden,* b. July 17, 1805; m. Capt. John Hanmer, Jan, 14, 1833, Captain Hanmer was born in Wethersfield, Feb. 11, 1801, Additional Note on Rev. Jesse Churchill. — Our authority for statements above are letters of Norman Churchill, of Galesbui-g, 111., his son; letters from Professor Comstock, of Galesburg, 111.; Mrs. Lucena A. (Churchill) Hull, his youngest daughter, in tlie application of James W. Hull, her son, for membership in the Sons of the American Revolution, in 1889; Conn. Hist. So- ciety Collections, Vol. 8, p. 137; " Connecticut Men in the Revolution," p. 385; Military Minutes of Council of Appointment of New York. In 1814 his regiment was stationed at Fort Pike, near Sackett's Harbor. Branch.] FIFTH GENERATION 361 Children of Capt. John and HanJiah Belden (^Churchill) Hanmer. 1. Caleb J. Hanraer, b. Nov. 25, 1833; m. Ellen N. Dix, May 3, 1851). Children: (1) Lizzie Hanraer, b. Aug. 16, 1860; d. March 2fi, 18G3. (2) Nellie N. Hanmer, b. Sept. 2, 18(;2; m. Eugene Kendall, May 26, 1887. (3) Frederick C. Hanmer, b. Oct. 24, 1864; m. Nellie T. Ridgeway, Oct. 25, 1892. (4) Gertrude M. Hanmer, b. June 13, 1870; m. John L. Way, Oct. 15, 1891. 2. Elizabeth Hanmer, b. Oct. 18, 1835; unmarried. 3. Mary Ann Hanmer, b. Aug. 8, 1837; m. Elijah Stillraan Good- rich, Oct. 9, 1859. Children: (1) James Raymond Goodrich, b. Aug. 20, 1860; m. Lizzie Horton Judd, Feb. 4, 1897, and had two children, James Stillman and William Judd. (2) Mabel Edith Goodrich, b. May 3, 1867; m. George Hills Oilman, of Hartford, April 20, 1898. 4. Charles Henry Hanmer. b. Oct. 18, 1839; m. Clara E. Way, of Gilead, Conn., November, 1865. Children: (1) Alfred Wells Hanmer, b. Mav 13, 1867; m. Nellie E. Talcott, Sept. 10, ls90. (2) Charles Henry Hanmer, b. Nov. 5, 18G9; m. Lila Case. (3) John Way Hanmer, b. Nov. 26, 1872; d. February, 1896. (4) Edward Shaw Hanmer, b Fel). 21, 1876. (5) William Ellis Hanmer, b. Oct. 7, 1879. 5. Felicia Ilemans Hanmer, b. Sept. 6, 1842; m. Dudley Wells, Oct. 15, 1862. Children : (1) Mary Anna Wells, b. Oct. 9, 1865; ra. Hosmer B. Redfield, June 13, 1888. (2) Hannah Churchill Wells, b. April 11, 1868. (3) Gideon Wells, b. April 4, 1871; m. Adah Adams, Oct. 27, 1897. (4j James Dudley Wells, b. May 3, 1875. 6. John Hanmer, b. May 16, 1849 ; m. Fannie R. Buckley, Jan. 28, 1874. Children: (1) Alice Elizabeth Hanmer, b. Nov. 6, 1874; (2) Fannie Buckley Hanmer, and (3) Mary Goodrich Hanmer, twins, b. Oct. 6, 1878. 48. ITHAMAR 5 CHURCHILL (Jesse," Samuel,^ Joseph/ Josiah '). Born at Newington, Nov. 1, 1772. About 1793 he removed to Hub- bardton and occupied the house and lot which had been abandoned by his brother SaniueJ. He removed to Pennsylvania about 1818. He died Sept. 24, 1852. Married, .Sept. 12, 1797, Sarah Blinn, born May 12, 1774, and died Aug. 17, 1831. Children horn in Ilubhardton, Vi. 151 I. James, « b. Aug. 17, 1798; m. Phkbe Marvin, April 3, 1828. . II. Harriet.^ b. July 7, 1801 ; m. John Pkll, 1821. 152 III. Horace, « b. Oct. 20, 1806; m. Rebecca Brown. 153 IV. Lorenzo,^ b. Dec. 6, 1809; m Nancy M. Wright. V. Laura, ^ b. March 9, 1812; unmarried. In January, 1889, she was living in the family of her nephew, Almond, in Woonsocket, Dakota. 154- VI. Levi B.,« b. Nov. 26, 1816; m. Louisa Northrup, May 26, 1842. 50. ASAHEL6 CHURCHILL (Benjamix," Samuel,^ Joseph,^ JosiAH^). Born May 1, 1754. He died Dec. 25, 1839. Married, 362 THE CHURCHILL FAJVIILY [Connecticut at Southington, Conn., Nov. 12, 1778, Eunice Piney, who was born June 25, 1750, and died Oct. 18, 1839. CJiildren. 155 I. Isaac,® b. Sept. 8, 1779 ; married, but name of wife not obtained. II. Abel K.,« b. April 22, 1781 ; d. Oct. 18, 1805. III. AsAHEL,« b. June 21, 1783. 15(} IV. Ira,8 b. May 27, 1785; m. Sakah Hyde, at Whitestown, N.Y., June 6, 1809. V. Salmon,® b. March 1, 1787; d. April 14, 1811. 157 VI. Benjamin,® b. Dec. 11, 1789. He was last heard of in 1858, in Newbern, N.C. VII. Oken,® b. July 8, 1791 ; m. Betsey Corey. They lived at Pierpont, O., where he died April 14, 1871, and she in 1869. No children. VIII. Jonathan,® b. Nov. 9, 1793; d. March 9, 1814. IX. Lydia,® b. Oct. 7, 1796; m. Alpheus Wilson. They lived at Watertown, N.Y., and had the following children born there : Children. 1. RichB. Wilson, b. Nov. 22, 1822; m. Lucy A. Collins, March 13, 1850, and had children. Children: (1) May E. Wilson, b. May 13, 1854; d. Nov. 9, 1860. (2) John R. Wilson, b. Sept. 5, 1857. (3) Norah M. Wilson, b. June 8, 1866; m. George Goutremont, May 14, 1893. 2. Joel Wilson, b. May 18, 1825; d. young. 3. Huldah Wilson, b. July 13, 1827. 4. Buckley Wilson, b. July 29, 1830; m. Mary Barney. He d. July 31, 1893. 168 X. Elisha,® b. Aug. 16, 1798. XI. Polly,® b. Sept. 25, 1800. 53. SAMUEL 5 CHURCHILL (Benjamin," Samuel,^ Josep< JosiAH^). Born at Bristol, Conn., Aug. 7, 1761, and died in Moreau, N. Y., Marcli 26, 1817. He removed sometime before 1800, it is said, to Moreau, N.Y., where he afterwards lived. Married, Feb. 22, 1787, Hannah Barnes, who was born March 4, 1765, and after Mr. Churchill's death married a Mr. Hamlin, and lived at Glenn's Falls, N.Y. Children of Samuel and Hannah {Barnes) Churchill, horn, five at Bristol and the others at Moreau. 159 I. Chester,® b. Feb. 22, 1788 ; m. Mercy Carl. II. Nancy',® b. Sept. 14, 1790; ra. George Shoemaker, at Moreau, N.Y., Jan. 9, 1814. They lived in Moreau till about 1820, when they moved to Green- field, N.Y. He died April 8, 1838, and she died April 23, 1868. Their Children, the first three horn in Moreau, the rest in Greenfield. 1. Walter Shoemaker, b. Nov. 2, 1814; m. Nellie B. Crandel, Jan. 2, 1837. They had two children : (1) George E. Shoemaker, m. Mary Branch.] FIFTH GENERATION 363 Williams, and (2) Jennie L. Shoemaker, m. Mr. Ellis, of Boston. 2'. George Shoemaker, Jr., b. Jan. 13, 1817; d. unmarried, July 19, 1842. 3. Ann Eliza Shoemaker, b. March 13, 1819; m. Robert Gillis, Jan. 2, 1840. They had children. Children: (1) George H. Gillis, (2) Harriet Gillis, (3) John R. Gillis, (4) a daughter, d. young. 4. Hiram Shoemaker, b. April 7, 1822; m. Mary E. Ford, at Milton, N.Y., Sept. 17, 1848. They removed West, and settled in Neenah, Wis., the same month of their marriage, and have lived there. They had cliildren. Children : (1) Henry Kirk Shoemaker, b. July 19, 1849. He fitted for the ministry and began his work, but died at the age of twenty-two years, Feb. 17, 1872. (2) Ella Jane Shoemaker, b. Jan. 24, 1853. She became a teacher of music, but died, un- married, Jan. 2, 1875. Mrs. Mary (Ford) Shoemaker died Sept. 2('>, 1885. Mr. Hiram Shoemaker has assisted the editor greatly in getting this account of the familv of Samuel Churchill. 5. Charles Shoemaker, b. Feb. 12, i82G; m. Lucy Y. Towle, at Saratoga, March 2, 184G. Tliese parents died leaving two sons and two daughters, names not obtained. 6. Maria Shoemaker, b. Nov. 8, 1829; m. Daniel Curtis, at Sara- toga, N.Y. She d. June 0, 1858, leaving one son, Rev. Charles H. Curtis, of Watervliet, N.Y. 160 in. Daney,6 b. Nov. 24, 1792; m. Minerva Burnham. IV. Hannah,® b. Aug. 8, 1794; m William Billings. They lived in AVestern New York, and had a son and daughter, names not obtained. V. Electa,® b. May 22, 1797; m. Joseph Merrill. They lived in Michigan, where slie died March 1, 1808, leaving children, of whom only one name is obtained, viz., Eveline Merrill, who married Mr. Ilorton. 161 VI. Charles,® b. Oct., 17, 1800; m. Laura Curtis. 162 VII. Samitel, Jr. ,6 b. July 4, 1804; m. Eliza Culver. 163 VIII. Ithuel,® b. Aug. 2, 180G; ra. 1st, Ruth Arminda Whitman; ra. 2d, Lydia Marston. 164 IX. PuiLO Clark,® b. Jan. 11, 1812; m. 1st, Sophronia Whedon; m. 2d, Anna Aldrich; m. 3d, Mrs. Elizabeth (Johnson) Titus. 53. IRA ' CHURCHILL (Benjamin,^ Samuel,^ Joseph,^ Josiah '). Bom at Bristol, Conu., April 9, 1764. Lived there until 1820, when he removed and settled in Greene, 0., of which township he was among tlie early settlers. He cleared and worked a home- stead farm. Two sons with their families settled near him in the new township. He died June 14, 1834. Married, at Bristol, Conn., June 17, 1790, Lois^Muisrsox, born in Southington, Conn., March 25, 1770, and died in Greene, Trumbull County, 0., Feb. 27, 1845. Children born in Bristol, Conn. 165 I. Barnabas,® b. March 21, 1791; m. Polly Root, Dec. 25, 1815. 166 II. Ma-jor,® b. Sept 6, 1792; m. Eunice Payne, April 17, 1818. 167 III. Bryan,® b. March 11, 1795; m. Mary P. Hadsell, April 24, 1817. 168 IV. Ira, Jr.,® b. Dec. 19, 1796; m. Betsey Matthews. V. Martin,® b. July 25, 1801 ; d. Aug. 21, 1801, at Bristol, Conn. VI. Ammi,® b. Sept. 'so, 1802; d. unmarried, in Pennsylvania, July 8, 1822. 364 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut VII. Lois Delia, ^ b. Feb. 2, 1805; m. John Hickok, in Greene, O., Jan. 1, 1824. Mr. Hickok was born in Franklin, N.Y., Feb. 24, 1798, and d. at Greene, O., Aug. 12, 1869. They settled first at Mecca, O., but later on the farm with Mrs. Churchill's parents, and at their death inherited the homestead. Mrs. Hickok died Feb. 6, 1880. Children. 1. Ammi Leoline Hickok, b. at Mecca, O., April 28, 1826 ; m. Mary Underwood, March 2, 1848. They lived at Colebrook, O. No children. She d. at Greene, March 2.5, 1876. 2. Bethunia Eunetia Hickok, b. Nov. 21, 1831, at Mecca, O. ; m. Jepthah Gorham. 3. Aurilla Almarine Hickok, b. at Greene, 0., Sept. 6, 1844: m. George Clark, May 31, 1862. She d. March 23, 1869, at Greene, leaving two boj^s who went West with their father, and were lost trace of by the mother's family. 169 VIII. Ceylon Munson,^ b. June 10, 1812; m. Frances Richards, October, 1848. 54. JEDEDIAH^ CHURCHILL (Benjamin/ Samuel,^ Joseph,- JosiAH^). Born May 27, 1766, probably at Southington, Conn. We have not succeeded in getj^ing any complete account of this family. Married, at Southington, July 24, 1791, Sarah Hayford. Children. I. Orkin,* d. young. II. RuTH,6 m. Gates Miller, April 23, 1823. She d. June 26, 1856, He d. April 16, 1881. Children. 1. William Henry Miller, b. Sept. 25, 1824; d. Aug. 16, 1840. 2. Mary Olive Miller, b. June 2, 1835; m. John Becker. III. Chaunct,^ b. 1796. He was a sailor, and was lost at sea, it is supposed. IV. Ltdia,^ m. Henky N. Halsted. 170 V. Joseph Hayford,^ b. Aug. 6, 1803 ; m. Sarah Lovina Stevens, of Rutland, Vt. 171 VI. An.sonJ.6 VII. Infant,^ d. soon. DAVID 5 CHURCHILL (William,^ Samuel," Joseph,- JosiAH ^). Born in Farmington, Conn., Dec. 20, 1762. Lived in Bristol, Conn. Was by occupation a tin peddler, and very widely known. Married Sarah Alcott, daughter of Jesse, Children horn in Bristol, Conn. I, Ruth,® b. Aug. 31, 1787; d unmarried. II. Clara, 6 b. .Jan. 8, 1789; d. young. III. Ithamar,® b. May 15, 1790; d. without issue. 172 IV. Lewis.'' b Oct. 8, 1793; m. Sarah Caroline Tuttle. V. Polly.« b. Aug. 29. 1795. VI. Sally,« b. Julv 3, 1798. Branch.] FIFTH GENERATION 365 VII. Milton,*^ b. 1801. 17.') VIII. Alfred,^ b. May 12, 1804; ni. Rosetta Alcott. IX. Almira,s b. May 12, 1804. X. Albert,^ b. May 12, 1804; d. Aug. IG, 1804. 56. LEMUEL s CHURCHILL (William," Samuel,^ Joseph/ JosiAH '). Born March 4, 1766, at Farmingtou, Conn. Went to the Wyoming Valley with his father's family, and shared their experiences there. We have not been able to find any further in- formation in regard to this family. He died Aug. 27, 1848. Mar- ried, Oct. 25, 1791, Patience Gildersleeve, born April 24, 1766. She died May 31, 1836. Children. I. Susannah,^ b. Nov. 8, 1793; d. April 7, 1807. 174 II. William Trvox,® b. March 23, 1795; m. Elizabetu Hopper, Jan. 15, 1820. III. Jemima,« b. June 19, 179G; d. Sept. 22, 1799. 175 IV. Asa Gilderslekve,^ b. March 11, 1798; m. Lucy Clark. 176 V. John L.,^ b. June 13, 1800; m. 1st, Famelia Chase; m. 2d, Maria Hazlet. 177 VI. Charle.s,^ b. Dec. 5, 1802; m. Elizabeth Bctler Cornell, April 25, 1831. VII. RuTn,« b. May 14, 1805; m. Luke Clark. VIII. Julia Ann,^ b. March 9, 1807. 57. WILLIAM 5 CHURCHILL (William,* Samuel,^ Joseph,^ JosiAH ^). Born in the Wyoming Valley, Dec. 26, 1771. Went with his father's family to New Jersey. About 1798 he moved to Homer, N.Y., arid then to Scipio, Cayuga County, N.Y., where he lived fourteen years, then settled near Marietta, 0., for nineteen years, and then to Michigan, and lived there until his death. He was a deacon in the Baptist church for fifty years. He died March 4, 1863, aged ninety-one years. Married, 1796, in New Jersey, Jane Dell. She died April 1, 1839. Children. 178 I. Jo.sEPH Dell,^ b. July 29, 1797 ; m. Lucretia Bocock, March 28, 1827. He d. Aug. 9, 1851. II. Ruth, 6 b. April 29, 1799; d. Aug. 6, 1823, unmarried. III. Anna,6 b. March 11, 1801; d. IMaroh 9, 1814. 179 IV. Silas, s b, Feb. 5, 1803; m. Elizabeth Gray, Feb. 7, 1829. V. Lydia,6 b. Aug. 16, 1804; d. Sept. 15, 1804. 180 VI. Adna,» b. Aug 24, 1805; m. Sallie A. Hamilton. VII. A Sox,« b. Aug. 24, 1805; d. same day. VIII. Martha, 6 b. Nov. 19, 1807; d. March 9, 1814. 181 IX. Randell,^ b. Nov. 2, 18u9 ; m. Jane Hamilton, May 14, 1834. X. William Hubbard,^ b. Dec. 13, 1811; d. March 16, 1814. XL AsA,« b. Jan. 27, 1815; d. July 10, 1816. XIL Rhoda,« b. May 19, 1817; m. William F. Arnold, May 15, 1834. She d. Oct. 7, 1854. 366 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Children. 1. Lydia Arnold, b. Feb. 28, 1835; d. Nov. 28, 1842. 2. Lucy Arnold, b. Sept. 1, 1836; d. Oct. 7, 1854. 3. Cornelia Arnold, b. Dec. 1(5, 1838. 4. Sarah Arnold, b. Jan. 12, 1841. 5. Philo Arnold, b. July 4, 1843. 6. Edwin P. Arnold, b. April 20, 1845. 7. Frank M Arnold, b. Sept. 7, 1847. 8. James O. Arnold, b. Oct. 6, 1850; d. March 21, 1872. 182 XIII. James, s b. April 18, 1819; m. Maila Harwood, May 4, 1846. SAMUEL 5 CHUECHILL (William," Samuel,' Joseph,^ JosiAH^). Born in the Wyoming Valley, May 22, 1778. He was about two months old when the Indians and Tories, under Major Butler, drove the people from their pleasant and prosperous homes. He was brought up in New Jersey. Married Anna McCarthy. Children. 183 I. Albert,^ b. Jan. 6, 1802; m. 1st, Harriet Dresser; m. 2d, Anna FOSDICK. II. Anna,'^ b. April 9, 1804; m. Daniel Hopkins, Jan. 9, 1820. Children. 1. Anna Hopkins, b. Sept. 29, 1821. 2. Lovina Hopkins, b. Aug. 14, 1823. 3. Phebe Hopkins, b. Sept. 18, 1825. 4. Daniel Hopkins, b. April 3, 1828. 5. Charles Hopkins, b. March 21, 1831. 6. Mary Ann Hopkins, b. July 27, 1834. 7. Martha M. Hopkins, b. April 4, 1837. 8. Morton Hopkins, b. July 27, 1839. 0. Wilson S. Hopkins, b. July 11, 1842. 10. Edward Hopkins, U^j^ ^ ^^^^ 3^ ^g^^ 11. Edgar Hopkins, J 184 III. Samuel,^ b. Aug. 8, 1806; m. Mary Fosdick. 185 IV. AsA,« b. Jan. 16, 1809; m. ( ) Dorrell. V. Mary,*^ b. Oct. 29, 1811; m. Joel Butts. VI. CiNDERiLLA," b. May 22, 1814; m. Samuel Brass. 186 VII. Thomas,* b. Aug. 5, 1815; m. Aurelia Woodward. VIII. Mehitable,* b. June 17, 1819; m. Green Parker 187 IX. John Hubbard,* b. May 23, 1821; m. Lucy Fosdick. 188 X. Truman," b. March 21, 1823; m. Charlotte Davis. XI. Lauua," b. April 21, 1826; m. Barnard Cram. 59. ASA 5 CHURCHILL (William," Samuel/ Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born in New Jersey, July 12, 1780. Married, 1802, Hannah Norton, of Bristol, N.Y. Children. I. Nancy,* b. March 27, 1804; m. Edward Jones, of Meredith, N.Y. Child. 1. Almira Jones; m. ( ) Stebbins. Branch.] FIFTH GENERATIOK 367 II. Joel Norton,* b. Oct. 21, 1805; m. Abigail Allex, of Bristol. No issue. 189 III. Willis,"^ b. March 10, 1810; m. Amelia Bradley, Aug. 21, 1834. IV. Meltnda,* b. May 14, 1812; m. Samuel Brown, of Harwinton, Conn. Children. 1. Ellen Melinda Brown, b. May 30, 1833; m. John E. Lewis. 2. Antoinette Brown, b. Sept. 15, 18o5; m. Lewis Humphrey. 3. Edgar Julius Brown, b. Oct. 1, 1837; m. Mary C. Alfred. 4. Beiden Samuel Brown, b. Feb. 27, 1839; m. Adeline Alfred. 5. Juliette Brown, b. March 10, 1841; m. DeWitt Hull. V. Alexander," b. Nov. 19, 1814; d. Sept. 26, 1815. 190 VI. Levi,* b. March 26, 1817; m. 1st, Mary Camp, dau. of Johnson; m. 2d, Mrs. Cynthia Taylor. VII. Charles,* b. May 26, 1820; d. Oct. 26, 1821. 60. JOSEPH s CHURCHILL (Joseph/ Joseph/ Joseph/ Josiah ^). Born in Newington, 1750, and lived there in the old " Red House," known as the " Dowd House " later. He owned and operated a grist-mill, and his sons followed him in that business. He died April 26, 1812. Married, Sept. 11, 1777, Rhoda Goodrich, born March 25, 1750. She was the daughter of Benjamin, and she died Feb. 24, 1827, aged seventy-seven. Children born in Newington. I. Sarah,* b. 1778; m. Charles Alcott. Children. 1. Sallie Alcott, b. October, 1809; d. in infancy. 2. Calvin Alcott, b. Nov. 22, 1815; d. young. 3. Sarah Jane Alcott, b. June 26, 1819 ; m. Harrison O. Gillette. 191 II. Joseph,* b. 1780; m. Anna Allen Judd, 1804. 192 III. James,* b. March 28, 1782; m. Clarissa Steel, dau. of David. G3. JONATHAN « CHURCHILL (JoxathaV Jonathan,^ Joseph,^ Josiah ^). Born at Woodbury, Conn., ISTov. 25, 1749. Served in the Revolutionary War, in Capt. Hezekiah Leach's Compan}^ A letter dated November, 1776, is preserved among his descendants, which he wrote from " Saw-pits in Rye," meaning " rifle-pits " in a rye-field. Married 1st, Sarah Burgess ; 2d, Comfort Woodcock. Children of First Wife I. Sally,* b. June 18, 1775 ; d. Oct. 8, 1795. 193 II. Josiah, * b. Jan. 11, 1777; m. Olive Odell. III. Lucy,* b. May 11, 1779; unmarried. 194 IV. Leman,* b. Dec. 6, 1780; m. Folly Demills. V. Polly,* b. April 8, 1784; m. 1st, David Taylor; m. 2d, Amasa Cook. No children reported of either marriage. VI. Irene,* b. Feb. 14, 1786; m. Phineas Cook. VII. Phebe,* b. Feb. 28, 1791 ; m. Daniel Taylor. 368 THE CHURCHILL FA.MILY [Connecticut Children of Second Wife. 195 VIII. Daniel,^ b. Nov. 14, 1798; m. Catharine Davis. IX. Abigail,* born July 26, 1806; unmarried. X. Patty Emily,* b. May 13, 1808 ; never married, probably. 64. HEZEKIAH * CHURCHILL (Jonathan/ Jonathan,' Joseph,^ JosiAH ^). Born at Woodbury, Conn., Feb. 2, 1752. Settled in Bethlehem, Conn. Married, but we have not received the name of his wife. Ckild. 196 I. Samuel,* who married a wife whose name is not obtained, and they had a daughter who married Thomas Spropl, and we have no further record of the family. 65. MOSES* CHURCHILL (Jonathan," Jonathan,' Joseph,^ Josiah '). Born at Woodbury, Conn., Dec. 1, 1759. Married Mary Crosby. Children. I. Mary Axx,* b. 1787; m. Samuel Curtis. II. Betsey,* b. 1789; m. Benjamin Sparks. 197 III. Moses, Jr.,* b. 1791 ; m. Anna Hubbard. IV. LucY,*b. 179H; m. ( ) Sampson. V. Major,* b. 1795; d. in infancy. VI. Polly,* b. 1797; m. Solomon Phillips. VII. Rebecca,* b. 1799 ; d. at the age of fourteen years. VIII. Infant Daughter,* b. 1801; d. at Cornwall. IX. Samuel,* b. 1803; d. single, 1838, aged iliirty-five years. 66. OLIVERS CHURCHILL (Jonathan,* Jonathan,' Joseph,^ Josiah '). Born at Bethlehem, Conn., April 15, 1762. He lived at Pawlet, Vt., the greater part of his life. Married, 1788, Eunice Barnes, daughter of Abel, born at Litchfield, Conn., 1764. She died at Pawlet, Vt., June 14, 1809. Married 2d, in 1810, Lydia Goodrich. Children of First Wife. 198 I. Gilbert,* b. Sept. 25, 1789; m. Abigail Davis, of Bergen, N.Y. Children of Second Wife, born at Pawlet, Vt. 199 II. "WiLLiAM,*b. March 6, 1812; m. Charity Russell, of Monroe, N.Y. III. Almina,* b. Nov. 15, 18U. IV. Mari',* b. Jan. 10, 1817; m. William Cook. Mrs. Cook d. Jan. 15, 1870. Mr. Cook d. Feb. 26, 1867. Children . 1. Ebenezer Cook, b. Feb. 21, 1840; d. April 23, 1841. 2. Ebenezer Cook, b. Aug. 14, 1842. 3. Amy Cook, b. June 17, 1845. Branch.] FIFTH GENERATION 369 4. Stephen Cook, b. March 24, 1848; d. young. 5. Charles Cook, b. May 22, 1851 ; d. Jan. 24, 1852. 6. Lydia Cook, b. July 10, 1853; d. March 21, 1865. 7. David Cook, b. Dec. 25, 1855; d. March 13, 1865. 8. Seth Cook, b. Julv 11, 1858. 9. Eunice Cook, b. Nov. 28, 1861. V. Laura,'' b. Aug. 20, 1818 ; m. Theodore Cranmer. No issue. 200 VI. Oliver,^ b. June 21, 1821. 201 VII. Hiram,^ b. March 25, 1825 ; unmarried. A school teacher. 202 VIII. Charles,« b. May 20, 1828; d. at Bergen, N.Y., Dec. 25, 1849. 67. AMOS 5 CHURCHILL (Joxathax," Jonathan,^ Joseph,- JosiAH '). Born at Bolton, Canada, Oct. 19, 1709. Lived in Bolton, Canada, and Bedford, Mass. He owned and worked a stone- quarry. An honest and straightforward man. He died May 8, 1857. Married, Oct. 25, 1795, Deborah Thornton, who was born Dec. 26, 1776, and died Feb. 25, 1860. Children . I. Electa. 6 b. Dec. 14, 1796. 203 II. Leman,* b. May 6, 1798; m. Minerva Anderson. 204 HI. Hiram,** b. Dec. 5, 1800; m. Abigail Betsey Ingalls. IV. Constant, « b Nov. 2, 1802. 205 V. Oliver,'' b. Jan. 28, 1805; m. a Miss Clark, it is said, and had a son Charles, b. in 1839, who m. a Blanchard. VI. Harriet,* b. March 6, 1808, and d. June 18, 1879. No further record. 206 VII. Oti.s,« b. May 28, 1810; m. Susan P. Raymond, May 4, 1837. VIII. Deborah,^ b. May 6, 1812. IX. Harlo\v,6 b. Aug. 12, 1814. 207 X. Amos," b. Dec. 31, 1816; m. Lucretia Rowe, Sept. 27, 1842. 68. WILLIAM 5 CHURCHILL O^^lliam," Joxathan,=' Joseph,- JosiAH '). Born at Litchfield, Conn., 1766. Settled in Fairfax, Vt., about 1798, but removed, in 1812, to Randolph, Portage County, Ohio. Married, at Wallingford, Conn,, 1794, Polly Merriman. Children. 208 I. Stephen Major," b. Dec. 4, 1796; m. Maria Beach. II. Diana," m. William Hyliar. III. Polly,* d. unmarried. IV. Jdlia,® m. ( ) Desthick. V. Esther," ni. Isaac Hargett. VI. Charlotte," m. John McGowan. 209 VII. Philo,*^ m. Electa Merriman. VIII. Emily," m. Truman Case. IX. Clarissa," m. 1st, Hibbard Case; in. 2d, Almon Carlton. 210 X. Lyman," m. Emily Adams. 69. DAA'ID^ CHURCHILL (William,^ Jonatha^ Joseph,- JosiAH^). Born at Litchfield, Conn., March 17, 1768. Married Zerviah Leach, March, 1797. She was born Oct. 14, 1772. 370 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Children. I. Matilda,® b. January. 1798; m. David T. Norton. 211 II. Carmel,* b. June 4, 1799; m. Elizabeth Stoat. 212 III. David, « b. Feb. 2, 1801 ; m. Zoa Eggleston, 1828. IV. Hannah,'^ b. October, 180?; ni. William Young. 213 V. Cyrus," b. July 6, 1804; m. Mart Phelps, Sept. 4, 1827. 214 VI. Levi,6 b. Aug. 24, 1806; m. Mary Pine, March 4, 183Q. VII. Sally,« b. Nov. 20, 1807; m. 1st, Miles Cody, Dec. 9, 1832; m. 2(1, RuFus Welthy, Aug. 15, 1850. Children, all hy First Ilushand. 1. Lyman Codv, b. April 14, 1834. 2. Joseph Cody, b. April 30, 1837. 3. Elijah Cody, b. March 13, 1840. 4. Philo Codv, b. Oct. 5, 1842. 5. Warren Cody, b. Oct. 26, 1846. 216 VIII. Tedman,* b. April 21, 1809; m. Charlotte Chadwick. IX. William,® b. 1810; d. aged eight months. 216 X. William," b. Aug. 24, 1812; m. Susan Pine. 217 XI. John," b. March 17, 1814; m. Anne Walker. XII. Charity Sophia," b. Oct. 29, 1815; m. 1st, Daniel Pine, July 5, 1835 ; m. 2d, John Monroe, Oct. 14, 1849. Children of Fiist Ilushand. 1. Levi Charchill Pine, b. July 20, 1838. 2. Infant, d. without name. 3. Mary Matilda Pine, b. July 29, 1841; ni. Mr. Hall. 4. Malvina Pine. b. June 11, 1844. No record of children of second husband. 72. REV. SAxMUEL^ CHURCHILL (William/ Jonathan,^ Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born at Litchfield, Conn., April 18, 1775. He early showed a strong desire for a liberal education, and at fourteen years attracted the attention of Dr. Rice, of Litchfield, who took him to his home where his education was completed. He became a fine scholar, especially in the classic languages and Hebrew. He was ordained to the Baptist ministry in 1797 and preached several years in Connecticut, before his settlement in Whiting, Vt. Some- where about 1814 he removed to Elizabethtown, N.Y., where he preached thirteen years. In 1827 he removed to Williamsville, N. Y., and thence, in a year, to the town of Louth, Canada, and thence two years later to Springfield, Pa., and thence in 1838 to Hayfield, wliere he filled out his last pastorate, and died, Feb. 18, 1842. Married, at Norwalk, Conn., Feb. 22, 1798, Rebecca St. John, daughter of Peter St. John, o£ Norwalk, Conn. She died in Louth, Canada, Oct. 29, 1828. Children. I. Betsey," b. April 1, 1799; m. Ansel Knapp, .May, 1816. Branch.] FIFTH GENERATION 37 1 Children. 1. Samuel Knapp, b. August, IS 17. 2. Alanson Knapp, b. September, 1821; d. 1832. 3. Alniira Knapp, b. September, 1825; d. June, 1833. 4. Sophronia Knapp, b. October, 1827; m. Andrew Williams, 1845. 5. Horace Knapp, b. October, 1837; m. Jane Thompson. II. EzEKiEL St. John.'* b. 1802; d. in 1811, aged nine years. III. Almira,« b. Nov.2a, 1804; m. Key. Paul Scott Richards, July 8, 1824. Children. 1. Almira Richards, b. April 10, 1827. 2. Clarkson Howard Richards, b. May 10, 1829. 218 IV. James HoiT,6 b. Dec. 7, ISOG; m. 1st, Lena Skeixey, March 9. 1830; m. 2d, L0VI8A Adams, March 24, 1836. V. Rebecca,^ b. April 22, 1809; m. John W. Senciiord, March, 1828. They had no children; she died in 1833. VI. Irene Rich,« b. May 3,1813; m. William Carrincer, Jan. ">» 1838. Children. 1. Philena Elizabeth Carrinijer, b. Oct. 31, 1838; m. John S Green, April 8, 1863 2. Phidelia Churchill Carringer, b. Nov. 8, 1840; ra. Andrew Patrick, Oct. 9, 1«58. 3. Almira Lucy Carringer, b. Jan. 11, 1843; m. Hiram A. Knapp, March 21, 1862. 4. Olive Maria Carringer, b. Nov. 16. 1845 ; m. Andrew Patrick, March 14, 1865 Vll. Sarah Ann,« b. Nov. 3, 1816; d. July 21, 1835; unmarried. VIII. Nancy Judson," b. June 3, 1819; lii. Allan IIarkoun, Oct. 29, 1839. She was born in Elizabetlitown, N.Y., June 3, 1819. She was educated in the schools of her native town, with a yc.Tr at Mrs. Norman Nicholson's Seminary, and a private academy at Williams- ville, N.Y. In 1828 she went with her father's family to Louth, Canada, where her mother died, and she soon after went to live with her older sister, Mrs. Richards, at Forestville, N. Y., where she finished her schooling at the private academy of Mrs. Charles Labatte In the fall of 1833 she returned to her father's home, then at Sheakleyville, Pa. Here she began her experience in school-teaching, which lasted until her marriage. Her husband was the son of Capt. Eliott Harroun, of Pembroke, N.Y., where he was born. Two children were born to Mrs. Harroun here, but died in infancy. They removed to Wisconsin in 1844. and settled in the township of Rosendale, being the fourth family to settle there, but within a few months were joined by a score of families, mostly from the East. Tiiey removed a little later to Sparta, Wis. Here they prospered, as the town grew rapidly, and Mr, Harroun, being a carpenter, found profitable ein|)loyment; but the fever of the West was still strong and so they removed again, in 1856, to Kansas, with their four children, the oldest about thirteen years. They found themselves in the midst of the war of "Border Ruffian- ism," and after two years were glad to get back to the North, and settle among civilized people, in Dodge County, Wis. Here their eldest boy died, and the husband met with an accident which ren- dered him unfit for work for some years, so that Mrs. Harroun was forced to resort to teaching again for her family's support. This teaching she continued twelve years, while her children grew up and became helpful as teachers, and her husband recovered in part, and the family prospered again. Mr. Harroun died April 23, 1889. Mrs. Harroun has been a diligent helper in the compilation of her grandfathoir's line of the family. 372 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut 219 IX. Children of Allan and N. J. {Churchill) Harroun. 1. Child, name not given, died in infancy. 2. Child, name not given, died in infancy. 3. Levi Clarkson Harroun, b. Jan. 12, 1842; d. in Wisconsin, Nov. 18, 1857. 4. James Ansel Harroun, b. in Wisconsin, Oct. 4, 1845; m. Katie McKay, June 26, 1878. He is in business in Luverne, Minn. He has one child: (1) Ella Harroun, b. May 26, 1883. 5. Alpha Harroun, b. Nov. 4, 1848; m. Morris Welliver, Nov. 4, 1868. 6. Olive Adele Harroun, b. April 14, 1852; m. Henry Bowen, Nov. 28, 1872. Adonikam Judson,^ b July 15, 1821; m. Celestia Anthony, May, 1849. Samuel Stillman,® b. May 1, 1825; d. unmarried in 1854. 73. LEVI^ CHURCHILL (William/ Jonathan,' Joseph,^ Josiah '). Born, probably, in Litchfield, Conn., 1777. Married Mary Haven. Children. 220 I. Levi,^ m. Margaret Cromwell. II. LuciNDA,^ m. David Leach. SIXTH GENERATION 77. NATHANIEL « CHURCHILL (Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,'' Nathaniel,^ Joseph,'^ Josiah ^) . Born March 2, 1756. Married, April 2, 1783, Mrs. Lydia (Osgood) Penfield, widow of Na- thaniel Penfield. ^ Children. J(jS*~^ ' 221 I. Nathaniel,' b. March 20, 1784; m. Sarah Ray, 1806. \i^j^^^ 222 II. Jeremiah.' 223 III. ELifSHA.' IV. Lydia,' m. Herman Ray. V. Naomi,' in. Norman Elder. 224 VI. John Sage,' b. July 20, 1798, in Hubbardton, Vt. ; m. Narcissa White. 225 VII. Phineas Penfield,' b. Sept. 14, 1804 ; m, Marilla Guegory, Nov. 27, 1827. 78. STEPHEN « CHURCHILL (NATnANiEL,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Joseph,^ Josiah ^). Born Nov. 19, 1761. Settled in New Canaan, Conn. The following meagre record, with no dates of birth, but dates of marriage with few names of persons, is all we have been able to obtain. Married, Sept. 7, 1787, Polly DeWolfe. Children. . i — I. Fanny Fuller,' m. Mr. Sedgwick, Jan. 12, 1812. ^ II. Rhoda.' m. Leach Ireland, Jan. 29, 1812. 226 III. Jesse,' m., name not given, Feb. 20, 1814. IV. Cynthia.' m. Mr. Alden, Jan. 26, 1818. 227 V. Putnam,' m. 1st, Calista A. Taylor, March 28, 1820; m. 2d, name not given, Feb. 21, 1831. VI. MARY,'m. Mr. Alden, Nov. 23, 1825. 228 VII. William Henry,' m., name not given, Dec. 26, 1826. VIII. HuLDA,' m. Price Lake, Aug. 26, 1827. IX. Mehitable,' m., name not given, Jan. 12, 1831. 79. SAGE 6 CHURCHILL (Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel," Nathaniel,^ Joseph, 2 Josiah ^). Born at New^ Canaan, Conn., Dec. 13, 1763. Lived in Cornwall, Vt., till 1800, when he removed toElizabethtown, N.Y. He was a farmer. Died Eeb. 27, 1813, at Lake Champlain. Married Elizabeth Mather, daughter of David and Hannah (Dunham) Mather. (373) 374 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Cliildren born in Cornwall, Vt., but no dates of birth found. The church records show the first four baptized Oct. 6, 1793. I. Aaron, ^ d. young. 229 II. BUSHNELL.' III. Elizabeth,' m. Robert D. LiND.SAy. Children . 1. James E. Lindsay. Lived at Davenport, la. 2. Margaret L. Lindsay, m. ( ) Pond, lived at Crown Point, N.Y. 3. Martlia E. L. Lindsay, m. ( ) Tompkins, and lived at Neillsville, Wis. 4. Freeman D. Lindsay. IV. RoxAXA,'' m. Mr. Whitcomb. Mrs. Roxana Whitcomb died in Randolpli, Vt. Children: We have received the names of three sons. Charles Whitcomb, who in 1890 was living in Middlebury, Pa., William Whitcomb, and Horace Whitcomb. 230 V. Jesse Mather,' b. Nov. 18, 17U6, in Cornwall; m. Martha McCauley, June 31, 1822. 231 VI. Eldredge.' Mr. James E. Lindsay wrote in 1890 that his uncle Eldredge died a few years before, leaving two sons, John M., then living in Marysville, Mo., and M. B., then at Florence, No. Dakota. 232 VII. John.' 81. SOLOMON 8 CHURCHILL (Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel/ Nathaniel,'' Joseph/ Josiah '). Boru at New Canaan, Conn., April 24, 1767. Settled in Berlin, Conn. Married, Dec. 30, 1790, Selina Hart, daughter of Elijah and Sarah (Gilbert) Hart, born Oct. 30, 1770. Children. 234 I. Solomon,' b. Oct. 20, 1791; m. Candace Gilbert, Dec. 1, 1812. 235 II. Amzi,' b. Dec. 11, 1793; m. Maria White, Newton, L.I. III. PRUDENTiA.'b. 179.5; d. Sept. 24, 1798. 236 IV. Cyrus,' b. Dec. 15. 1797; m. Clarissa Bradley, Guilford, Conn. V. Selina Hart,' b. 1799; d. Nov. 17, 1799. VI. Selina Hart,' b. March 5, 1801; m. Andrew Rapelye, of Long Island, March 15, 1823. Childo'en. 1. Andrew Rapelye, b. Aug. 23, 1824. 2. Helen Selina Rapelye, b. Aug. 9, 1827. Vn. Prudentia.' b. July 15, 1804; m. Albert Webster, of West Hartford Vni. Louisa.' b. Nov. 20, 1807; d. June, 1808. IX. LouLSA,' b. Feb. 8, 1809 ; m. Ebenezer Evans, of Southington. She died soon, without children. X. James Bcshnell,' b. May 20, 1810; m. Ebenezer Evans, of Southington (as 2d wife). 237 XI. John,' b 1813, m. 1st, Emeline Cleveland, Canton, Mass., in Wallingford, Conn.; m. 2d, Lucy R. French, of Litchfield, Conn. Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 375 83. THOMAS FOSTERS CHURCHILL (Jaxna,^ Nathaniel," Nathaniel,^ Joseph,'- Josiah '). Born in Georgia, Vt., Feb. 20, 1780. He settled in Georgia, Vt., where lie was a farmer and lumber dealer. He operated a saw-mill, and was also interested in vessels on Lake Champlain. He was drowned Feb. 17, 1827, while crossing the lake on the ice, with a heavy horse-team. He was then living in Georgia, Vt. JNlarried Mary Strong, born at Southampton, Mass. She died in Ellenboro, Grant County, Wis., Nov. 6, 1864. Children, all horn (jjrobablyj in Georgia, Vt. I. Timothy Pickering,'' d. in infancy (at three months). 238 II. Timothy ClappJ m and lived at Muscoda, Wis. ; d. there, 1848, leaving one child, Lucy. III. Candace Strong,'' b 1813; m. 1st. Hervey Smith; m. 2d, E. J. Drake. She d. at riattsville, Wis., May 1.5, 1850, and left no children. 239 IV. Eben Dorman,^ b. at Georgia, Vt., Nov. C,, 1815; m. Martha E. Story, July 17, 1851, at Tlattsville, Wis. V. Stephen Mix,'' b. 1818; d. unmarried at Plattsville, N.Y., Aug. 6, 1850. VI. Mary,^ d. in Richmond, Pa., aged eighteen years. VII. Josiah Noble, ^ b. 1824; d. unmarried, at Plattsville, Aug. 11, 1850. 240 VIII. James Alfred.' b. Aug. 24, 1825; m. Julia Ann Butler, Aug. 18, 1853. 83. JOSIAH « CHURCHILL (Janna,^ Nathaniel," Nathaniel,^ Joseph,'- Josiah ^). Born March 9, 1784. Removed with his father in 1793 to Georgia, Vt. He was adopted by his uncle Josiah, who removed to Elmore, Lamoille County, Vt. Josiah re- moved West, and settled at Bethany, Genesee County, N.Y., where he became a man of influence. He served in the War of 1812, on the frontier. He was a surveyor of note, and was a justice of the peace, and town supervisor, and was representative two years. He died August 19, 1853. Married 1st, Feb. 11, 1808, Charlotte RuMSET. She died March 17, 1826. Married 2d, in 1827, Harriet WiGHTMAN, born June 28, 1803. Children of First Wife. 241 I. William R.,'' b. Dec. 22, 1808; m. Fidelia Blshnell, Oct. 31, 1833. 242 II. James M.,'' b. Nov. 15, 1810; m Elizabeth Sperry, Feb. 8, 1844 He lived in Fulton County, 111 , a trader. He wrote this account of his father's family. They had no children, and both died in Avon, 111. III. Charlotte R.,' b. May 6, 1813; m. William H. Van Epps, Jan. 4, 1836. She was thrown from a carriage, soon after birth of her only child, and killed by the fall, Aug. 23, 1848. 376 THE CHUKCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Child. 1. William H. Van Epps, Jr., b. 1848. 243 IV. JosiAH,'' b. Sept. 28, 1818; d. in infancy. V. Alta Maria,' b. June 27, 1821 ; ra. 1st, Nathaniel Peck, Feb. 10, 1841; m. 2d, Eleazer Chi rchill, Oct. 27, 1851. She d. in Akron, N.Y., 1894. Child of Second Husband. 1. Louise E. Churchill, b. Oct. 4, 1861; m. Orlando Kellogg Parker, Oct. 8, 1885. Children of Second Wife. VI. Ann Elizabeth,' b. Oct. 18, 1828; m. George G. Dixon, Oct. 3. 1850. They had one child d. in infancy. Mrs. Dixon d. March, 1852. VII. Olive Amelia,' b. Aug. 11, 1832; m. Albert G. DeShon, Feb. 11, 1858. They had no children. VIII. Charles H.,' b. Dec. 10. 1836; d. July 3, 1850. 244 IX. Albert J.,' b. Oct. 2, 1842; m. Mart E. Mailliard, Oct. 31, 1866. 84. JANNA« CHURCHILL (Jaxna,^ Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,^ Joseph,'- Josiah '). Bornin Hubbardton, Vt., Feb. 18,1786. He removed and settled in ISTew York, probably in Genesee County, where he was a farmer. He died June 11, 1861. Married, Jan. 10, 1810, Elizabeth Parsons, of Bennington, Vt. She died Aug. 7, 1863. Children. I. Adaline L.,' b. Feb. 14, 1811; ni. Samdel T. Adams, Sept. 12 1835. Children of Samuel T. and Adaline L. {Churchill') Adams. 1. John Q. Adams, b. Jan. 26, 1836; m. Susan Randall. 2. E. Marie Adams, b. May 13, 1838. 3. Helen L. Adams, b. Nov. 27, 1840; m. Henry Whitman, and d. May 3, 1883. 4. Charles C. Adams, b. May 23, 1843; d. Dec. 23, 1853. 5. Charlotte C. Adams, b. Sept. 23, 1847 ; m. Sanford Fleming. 6. Tyner Hall Adams, b. Aug. 26, 1849; m. Julia Paul. II. Eliza M.,' b. Sept. 2, 1812; m. Elijah C. Adams. 245 III. Marcellus C.,' b. March 3, 1814; m. Abbt Page. 246 IV. Charles P.,' b. Sept. 6, 1815; m. 1st, Harriet Austin; m. 2d, Harriet Perkins. V. Lucy Z.,' b. Aug. 16, 1817; d. aged seven years. 247 VI. Julius M.,' b. May 7, 1825; m. 1st, Elmira Roberts; m. 2d, Sarah Badgley. VII. Charlotte,' b. Sept. 3, 1826; unmarried. AMOS« CHURCHILL (Amos,'^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Joseph,' Josiah ^). Born in Middletown, Conn., April 14, 1775. Removed with his father's family to Broadalbin, N.Y. They lived Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 377 at Broadalbin. Married, in Middletown, Conn., about 1795, Olive Wilcox. Children horn at Broadalbin. I. Olive,' m. James Bell, of Providence, N.Y. Children of James and Olive (^Churchill) Bell. 1. Sarah Bell. 2. Ann Bell. 3. Fanny Bell. 4. Maria Bell. 5. William H. Bell. 6. Amos C. Bell. 7. Harriet C. Bell. 8. James H. Bell. 9. Jared Bell. 10. Olive Eliza Bell. 248 II. Dr. Amos,'' b. May 12, 1805, m. 1st, Ann Maria Downing; m. 2d, Lucy Hale. III. Harriet,'' b. Nov. 15, 1807; d. unmarried, at Broadalbin, Oct 24, 1842. IV. Giles Wilcox,' b. June 27, 1811; d. witliout issue, June 5, 1871. 249 V. Dr. Charles W.,' b. Oct. 10, 1814; m. Louisa Sigison, of New York, Auff. 22, 1843. VI. Elijah W.,'b. Sept. 27, 1817; m. Eliza Judson, of Mayfield, N.Y. ROSWELL« CHURCHILL (Amos,' Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,' Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born at Middletown, Conn., April 4, 1777. Settled at Mayfield, N.Y., where he was a manufacturer of merino cloth. He imported the first merino sheep sometime before 1812, and received from the State a large silver punch bowl in recognition of his manufacture of the finest merino cloth produced in the State. He was a man of fine presence and dignified manners. He was a justice of the peace in Mayfield. He removed from Mayfield to Albany, and later to New York City. Died April, 1835. Married 1st, July, 1802, at Middletown, Abigail Roberts, of that town, daughter of Ebenezer and Abigail (Dobell) Roberts. She died 1811. Married 2d, Abigail Covell, of Providence, N.Y. She died 1854. Children. I. LoRENA,'' b. at Middletown, Conn., Dec. 11,1803; m. Rev. Lemuel Covell. One Child. 1. Adelia Covell. II. Caroline,^ b. at Mayfield, NY. ; m. Solomon Whipple, Dec. 20, 1826. Children. 1. Harriet Fidelia Whipple, b. Feb. 25, 1828; m. RobertThomp- son, Nov. 19, 1855. 2. Frances Emily Whipple, b. March 30, 1830 ; d. unmarried, 1887. 3. William Wirt Whipple, b. July 4, 183-'; d. unmarried, 1887. 4. Mary Whipple, b. Aug. 20, 1834. Was living March, 1902. 5. Daniel Thornton Whipple, b. May 3, 1837; d. 1887. G. Henry Churchill Whipple, b. May 3, 1839; m. Julia Wood. 7. Abigail Whipple, b. Dec. 6, 1841; d. 1887. 378 THE CHUKCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut 8. Francis Marvin Whipple, b. April 17, 1843; d. 1887. 9. Caroline Ella Wlupple, b. March 10, 1845; d. 1887. 10. Alanson Edgar Whipple, b. Jan. 3, 1841); d. 1887. III. Emmeline,' b. at Mayfield, NY. ; m. Erastus McKenny. IV. Abigail,' b. at Mayfield, N.Y. ; d. unmarried, at Albany, Hged eighteen years. Children of Second Wife. 251 V. Alanson Covell,' b. 1813; m. Lucy Cornwall. 253 VI. Erasmus Darwin,' b. Nov. 7, 1815 ; m. Sarah E. Finch, b. Jan 27, 1817. VII William Henky,' b. 1817; in. Mary Pearson. ?52a VIII. Kensellaer Emmet,' b. Jan. 20, 1820; m. Gertrude Ramsey. 252b IX. Charles R ,' m. Lydia Bowden. X. James Edwin.' Never married. 87. JESSE « CHURCHILL (Amos,^ Nathaniel," Nathaniel,^ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born at Middletown, June 2, 1782. Eemoved to Broadalbin, N.Y., before 1809, and died there March 29, 1842. Married, 1804, Catherine Smith, of Middletown, Upxjer Houses. She died 1846. Children lorn, first two at Middletown, the rest at Broadalbin- 253 I. William Eliott,' b. Feb. 22, 1805; m. 1st, Sarah E. Cowles ; m. 2d, Louisa Terry. 254 II. Henry,' b. Feb. 17, 1807; m. 1st, Selina Burr, at GloversvlUe, Fulton County, 1831 ; m. 2d, Sybil E. Roberts, at Albany, N.Y. , June 1, 1852. 255 III. Timothy Gridley,' b. April 28, 1809; m. Patience Lawrence, of New York. IV. Mary Ann,' b. Sept. 8, 1812; m. at Hartford, Feb. 19, 1850, H. S. Smith, of Gloversville, N.Y., and lived there. They had no children. V. Lucy Maria,' b. July 16, 1813; m. Peter M. Reynolds, of Johns- town, N.Y. VI. Jane Eliza,' b. about 1816; m. George W. Root, of Hartford, June 6, 1854. No children. 256 VII. Allen Cowles,' b. July 17, 1820; m. Caroline C. Warner, at Gloversville, Oct. 2S, 1840. 257 VIII. Charles Brockway,' b. Feb. 26, 1828; m. Caroline Smith, of New York City. 89. JOSEPH « CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ John,* Nathaniel,^ Joseph,- JosiAH ^). Born May 20, 1763. He lived for a time at Cornwall, N.S., but later returned to Chatham (now Portland), Conn. Mar- ried, Oct. 28, 1790, Anna Lowden, at Cornwall, KS. Children. I. Prudence,' b. at Cornwall, N.S , Aug. 27, 1793; m. Joseph Wade, of Granville, N.S. They had no children. 258 II. Samuel,' b. at Chatham, Conn., Aug. 2, 1795; m. Eliza Willet, of Granville, N.S. Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 379 93. CHARLES « CHURCHILL (Joskph,^ John/ Nathaniel,^ Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born in Chatham, Conn., June 12, 1769. He was a ship-builder and for some years ovrned the ship-yard at Chatham, Conn., and lived there. He died April 21, 1840. Mar- ried, Oct. 29, 1788, Ruth Chipman, daughter of Ebenezer. She was born Jan. 4, 1768, and died Jan. 11, 1849. Children born in Chatham^ Conn. 259 I. John,' b. July 28, 1789; m. Emily Wilcox, July 1, 1809. II. Melantha,' b. Sept. 11, 1791; m. Benjamin Goodrich. Children. 1. Jeremiah J. Goodrich. 2. Lauretta Goodrich. 3. Frances Eliza Good- rich. 4. Benjamin Goodrich. 5. Jackson Goodrich. (5. Ralph Goodrich. 7. Alfred Goodrich. 8. Watson Goodrich. 9. Ruth Goodrich. 10. Elizabeth Goodrich. 260 III. Alfred,' b. Jan. 26, 1794; m. Sally Hall, dau. of David, of Portland, Conn., Oct. 3, 1813. IV. Laura,' b. July 25, 1797; d. June 20, 1815. V. Ruth,' b. Aug. 29, 1799; d. Dec. 30, 1818. 261 VI. Charles,' b. Jan. 29, 1802; m. Lie y Taylor, of Glastonburv. V[[. Joseph Bush,' b. July 5, 1804; d. Au-j. 11, 1805. VIII. Joseph Bush,' b. Feb. 21, 1807; d. Feb. 10, 1824. IX. Prudence,' b. Dec. 23, 1809; ra. Feb. 2(5, 1829, Erasmus Glad- win, the son of James and Margaret (Tripp) Gladwin, of Had- dam, Conn., b. Oct. 19, 1801. Children. 1. Joseph Churchill Gladwin, b. June 24, 1830. 2. Laura Gladwin, b. Jan. 13, 1833. 3. Frederick Erasmus Gladwin, b. March 20, 1839. 93. CAPT. DAVID « CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ John,* Nathaniel," Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born in Portland, Conn., May 16, 1771. Died May 19, 1821. Married 1st, Oct. 14, 1792, Jerusha Ufford, daughter of Eliakim and Christian (White) Uft'ord, of Portland. She was born April 25, 1771 ; died Oct. 6, 1805. Married 2d, Betsey Gkiffin. Children of First Wife. I. George Washington,' b. Sept. 28, 1793; d. May 9, 1801. II. Maria,' b Sept. 29, 1795; d. May 3, 1796. 262 III. Henry Ufford,' b. June 30, 1797; m. Emily Green Hall, June 30, 1817. 263 IV. David Dk kinson,' b. .Jan. 31, 1800; ra. Esther Patten Payne, .Julv 21, 1831. V. Mary,' b. May 2, 1803; d. March 27, 1868; m. Samuel Cooper Hall, of Middletown, Conn., June 25, 1826. He was the son of William C. and Olive (Cooper) Hall; b. Sept 8, 1799; d. October, 1852. No children. 264 VI. George,' b. Sept 6, 1805; m. Sarah Peck. 380 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Children of Second Wife. VII. Ebenezer,' b. 1807; d. Sept. 10, 1815. VIII. William,' b. 1811; d. Oct. 15, 1815. IX. Elizabeth Prudence,' b. Jan. 27, 1814; m. Ldcid.s Smith, Brooklyn, L.I. , December, 1840. He was b. Aug. 27, 1813. She d. Oct. 24, 1875. Children of Lucius and Elizabeth (^Churchill) Smith. 1. Sidney Churchill Smith, b. Jan. 6, 1842. 2. Virginia Eloise Smitli, b. Sept. 18, 1844. 3. Eben Griffin Smith, h. Aug. 11, 1846; d. July 22, 1875. 4. Dan DanieLson Smith, b. Jan. 3, 1849. 5. Elizabeth Milo Smith, b. Oct. 20, 1850. 6. Charles Carroll Smith, b. July 4, 1855; d. Aug. 5, 1855. X. Anna Maria,' b. Sept. 17, 1817; d. June 7, 1865; m. John Frelinghuysk.n Schenck, M.D., Oct. 9, 1850. He was of Flemington, N.J.; b. June 6, 1799. Children. 1. Griffin Churchill Schenck, b. April 10, 1852. 2. Charles Edward Schenck, b. April 20, 1855; d. April 10, 1856. 3. Mary Elizabeth Schenck, b. Sept. 21, 1858. 94. EBENEZER « CHURCHILL (Benjamia-,^ Danikl/ Nathaniel," Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born in Salisbury, Conn., April, 1791. He was a cattle dealer. Settled first in Edmundston, N.Y., and later in Sher- burne, N.Y., and died there April, 1822 ; married Sabrina Tupper, of an Irish family of quality. One Child born in Sherburne^ N. Y. 266 I. Ebenezer Delos,' b. Feb. 11, 1822; m. Hannah Lemoyne Atkins, Oct. 2, 1849. 95. CHARLES 6 CHURCHILL (Ben.jamin,^ Daniel,* Nathaniel,^ Joseph/ Josiah ^). Born in Salisbury, Conn., June 5, 1793. Lived in Utica, N.Y., where he was a lumber dealer. An upright man. Married Lois Baldwin, daughter of Isaac, born in New Milford, Conn., March 11, 1785. Children. I. Charles Baldwin,' b. April 20, 1821; d. in Chatham, Conn., 1851. II. Elizabeth Edmiston,' b. July 14, 1822. Living (1901) unmarried. III. Cornelia M.,' m. William Barton. Children. 1. Charles Barton, d. 1882. 2. Lena Barton, d. 1875. Branch.] SIXTH CxENEKATION 381 96. SELDEN« CHURCHILL (Daniel,^ Daniel/ Nathaniel,' Joseph,'^ Josiah ^). Born in Chatham, Conn., Dec. 14, 1783, and removed with his father to Eichfield, N.Y., in 1795. About 1800 he became a fur-trader at Davenport, Iowa, but his health being broken down by rheumatism, he returned to the old farm at Richfield, N.Y., to which his father had migrated from Chatham, Conn. He was a man of more than ordinary ability, a student of Shakespeare, and a humorist of local note. He was very tall of stature. Died in 1866. Married 1st, Mary Duel, daughter of Daniel, of New York ; married 2d, Lucretia Clements. CJiildren of First Wife. 266 I. Dr. Alonzo,'' b. Jan. 20, 1811 ; m. Jane Morgan, Feb. 10, 1834. II. Nancy,' m. Robert Barnes 267 III. Daniel,' m. Mary Elmina Hull. Children of Second Wife. IV. Lucretia.' V. Malvina,' never married. VI. Adelaide.' 97. ALFRED « CHURCHILL (Daniel,^ Daniel," Nathaniel,^ Joseph,^ Josiah '). Born in Chatham, Conn., Aug. 29, 1790. Settled iirUtica, N.Y., Oct. 28, 1828, and became a very prosperous and influential citizen of that city. He was proprietor at one time of the celebrated hostelry of an earlier day known as " Bagg's Hotel." He died in Utica, Jan. 10, 1865. Married Emma Derbyshire, of Hartwick, N.Y. Children. 268 I. Alfred Derbyshire,' b. in Hartwick, N.Y., Sept. 30, 1826; d. single, Dec. 27, 1843. 269 II. George Clarence,' b. in Utica, N.Y. , April 14, 1829; m. Annie Brayton. III. Charlotte D.,' b. Feb. 21, 1831 ; d. Feb. 2G, 1834. 98. JAMES « CHURCHILL (Elijah,^ Giles,* Samuel,' Joseph,^ Josiah '). Born, Chester, Mass., on the old homestead, Nov. 11, 1785. They lived in Stamford, N.Y. He died at Stamford, N.Y., Sept. 5, 1843. Married, March 2, 1815, Betsey Gilbert, who was born in Stamford, July 4, 1792, and died July 13, 1878, at Stamford, N.Y. 382 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Children horn in Stamford. 270 I. Charles Gilbert,^ b. Pec. 2, 1817; m. Ruth P. Acklet. II. Sally Ann,'' b. Oct. 12, 1821; d. Aug. 9, 1829. III. Elijah,' b. Mav 5, 1824; d. Jan. 8, 1848. No family. IV. James, Jr.,' b. May 28. 1826; d. Jan. 9, 1853. No family. 271 V. George,' b. March 2, 1830; ni. Sarah Fuller. 272 VI. Andrkw L..' b Feb. 6, 1833; m. Amelia Ackley, Jan. 4, 1855. 273 VII. Addison J.,' b. May 1,1836; m. Elizabeth Hougiitaling. 99. GILES « CHURCHILL (Elijah/ Giles,^ Samuel,^ Joseph,-' JosiAH ^). Born in Midcllefield, Mass., July 28, 1793, and lived there. Died Eeb. 7, 1864, aged seventy-five years. Married Abigail Haskins, born Sept. 26, 1796, in Simsbuiy, Conn. Children horn in Middlefield, Mass. 274 I. William,' b. April 18, 1816. 274a II. Elijah Lyman,' b. 1819. III. Abigail,' b. 1821. IV. Laura,' b. 1824. 100. CHARLES « CHURCHILL (Elijah,^ Giles," Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born in Middlefield, Feb. 16, 1796. Lived in Chester, Mass. He died Aug. 22, 1865. Married 1st, Nov. 4, 1819, Hannah Percival, who was born Oct, 6, 1799, died Dec. 17, 1835. Married 2d, April 1, 1841, Dolly W. Davis. Children horn in Chester, iMass. I. Lucy Sophia,' h. Sept. 5, 1820; ni. Lyman Johnson, Oct. 4, 1849. She d. Sept. 25, 1900. Children. 1. Jane Lucy Johnson, b. Sept. 19, 1851. 2. George Lyman Johnson, b. June 14, 1855 II. Hannah Maria,' b. Dec. 19, 1822; m. Baxter Johnson, March 2, 1844. Children born in Hinsdale, Mass. 1. Ellen Sarah Johnson, b. Aug. 29, 1846; m. Charles B. Canfield, Oct. 21, 1869. 2. Clara Maria Johnson, b. July 10, 1853; m. Clark Durant Noble, April 29, 1880. Both married in Hinsdale. IIL Sarah,' b. Nov. 6, 1824; d. Nov. 15, 1843. IV. Anna,' b July 14, 1828; m. Zadock Ingalls, of Chester, Mass , April 4, 1850. CJiildren. 1. Hannah DeEtte Ingalls, b. Nov. 28, 1851. 2. Charles Zadock Ingalls, b. April 4, 1854. 3. Sarah Ann Ingall.«, b. Oct. 17, 1855. 4. Myra Phelps Ingalls, b. Oct. 2, 1862. 5. James Thompson Davis Ingalls, b. Feb 28, 1864. 6. Clara Belle Ingalls | ^ j^.j g ^gg- 7. Carrie Belle Ingalls J Branch.] SIXTH GENETiATION 383 274:b V. Charles Elijah,' b. April 9, 1833; m. Martha Wright, Dec. 8, 1863; d. Jan. 2, 1864. No further record obtained. VI. Clarissa E.,' b. April 9, 1883; m. Milo Milton Wentwortii, April 9, 1861. She was his second wife, and d. Nov. li, 1871, at the birth of fourth child Children. 1. Ella Maria Wentworth, b. Dec. 19, 1864; m. Luther Wads- worth Bridges, Oct. 16, 1894. 2. Emma Jane Wentworth, b. Jan. 5, 1865; d. Jan. 19, 1865, aged two weeks. 3 Arthur Milton Wentworth, b. Sept. 4, 1870. 4. Ada Lillian Wentworth, b. Nov. U, 1871. VIL Hakkiet,' b. Nov. 29, 1835; d. Feb. 18, 1838. Child by the Second Wife. VIII. Harriet Eliza.' b. Dec. 28, 1846; m. George Cone, of Chester, Mass., Jan. 13, 1872, at Warren, Mass. Lived at Chester. Children horn at Chester. 1. Clayton Bishop Cone, b. Oct. 25, 1874. 2. Lew-is Nelson Cone, b. June 13, 1876; d. Aug. 29, 1883. 3. Harriet Eliza Cone, b. Jan. 28, 1881. lOlo DK. GILES « CHURCHILL (Stephkn/ Gilks," Samukl,^ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born in Cherry Valley, N.Y., March 12, 1786. He was a physician in the town of Concord, Erie County, N.Y. He died Sept. 2(5, 1873, in Concord, N.Y. Married, Feb. 7, 1813, Abigail Tooker, born in Lyme, Conn., Aug. 22, 1788 ; died March 12, 1863. Children horn in Concord. I. Eliza Ann,' b. in Concord, N.Y., Dec. 9, 1813; m. Prentice Stanbro. They lived in Springville, N.Y., where she died Aug. 22, 1869. II. Emmeline,' b. Jan. 20, 1816; d. Feb. 17, 1816. 275 III. Stephen Giles,' b. Aug. 30, 1817; m. Margaret Widrig, 1814. 27« IV. Marcus B.,' b. Nov. 9, 1825; in. Amanda Van Camp, Dec. 18, 1849. 103. SAMUEL « CHURCHILL (Stephen,^ Giles," Samuel,' Joseph,^ Josiah '). Born in Harpersfield, IST. Y., Sept. 16, 1790. Died June 26, 1857. Lived awhile in Harpersfield, but removed later to Meredith, N.Y. Married 1st, in Harpersfield, N.Y., Oct. 11, 1818, Sally C. Newcomb, born Oct. 13, 1790. Married 2d, in Andes, N.Y., May 22, 1844, Sally Shaffer. ^ Children hy First Wife. I. Mary,' b. Nov. 12, 1819; m. Augistus Chaffe. 277 II. Stephen,' b, July 10, 1821 ; m. Caroline Gatlord. 278 HI. Newcomb Gatlord,' b. Sept. 22, 1823; m. Thirza Gates. 384 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut 279 IV. Samuel Stoddard,' b. Aug. 18, 1825; m. 1st, Emily Drummond; m. 2d, Louisa J. Gates. V. Harry,' b Aug. 17, 1827. 280 VI. William,' b. Feb. 24, 1831 ; m. Corinth Abbott. 281 VII. Jedbdiah,' b. June 5, 1832; m. Adeline Frantz, b. Nov. 26, 1837. 103. DEACON ELIJAH" CHURCHILL (Stephen/ Giles/ Sam- uel/' Joseph,- Josiah^). Born in the town of Harpersfiekl, Dela- ware County, ]Sr.Y., Eeb. 3, 1797, and died there, March 24, 1878. From a brief memoir, published by some of his children in 1878, which has come into the hands of the editor of this volume since the printing of the family of his grandfather and father, we gather a few traditions, which adds a little to our knowledge of them. Giles Churchill, about 1751, settled on the Delaware river, in what is now the town of Cochecton, N.Y., though he may have chosen the west bank, as that was within the boundary of William Penn's grant. Here, in an unbroken wilderness, he built a small log-cabin, and thither, in a short time, brought his wife, and his children were born, and his cleared farm began to give back goodly harvests, while other families were settling around him Here, in 1758, Stephen, the father of Deacon Elijah, was born. The rapid settle- ment of the lands, and, doubtless, the undue encroachments of the white men, aroused "the hostility of the Indians to the desperate resolve of driving out or destroying the invaders. Although Penn's purchase was supposed to be exempt, it was not deemed to be a sure protection to any, when once the native hordes started on their raids ; so that when it was found, in 1765, that the tribes were gathering, the settlers fled, leaving their homes and farms, to find safety in the older settlements. Stephen was then seven years old, and remembered some facts concerning the flight. The Indians burned their house while they were yet within sight of the smoke of its burning. The family had a horse upon which the mother and younger children rode, while their only provisions, a bag of meal, was laid on the back of their one cow. Under such conditions they pursued their flight till they reached the limits of Massachusetts, and probably located near relatives of the husband or wife, it is not known in what town. The tradition is that the old wilderness home was " at the forks of the Delaware river,'* but Cochecton is seen to be -a long distance below the forks. Stephen Churchill, father of Deacon Elijah, now grown to manhood, located and mar- ried at some place unknown to us, but appears with a small family, about 1785, at Harpersfield, Delaware County, N.Y., cleared up and improved a farm, and there spent his life. Here Deacon Elijah was born, as above noted. He suffered the great privations of Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 385 frontier farm-life in his early years ; but despite his limited means for schooling, he obtained a better than the ordinary education, and began to teach school at an early age, working on the farm except in winter, when he was teaching. His father died when he was about fifteen years of age, and his older brother carried on the farm for some years, when his younger brother, Joseph, married and took the farm for a while, and then, at his mother's desire, Elijah bought out the interests of his brothers and sisters and settled down on the homestead farm. His sister Esther married a Mr. Webb and settled in Andes, and here, when he was about thirty- three years old, he married his wife. He was a strong and able man, a good citizen. He was a leading influence in public affairs, a consistent Christian, and an earnest promoter of education. He was very popular in the community. In his younger days was captain of the local militia. He was an ardent Whig, and became an earnest Republican. He knew how to be a good father without repressing or punishing his chil- dren, and also knew how to make a Christian home and a Christian life pleasant and attractive. He joined the First Presbyterian Church in Stamford, with many others from Harpersfield, June, 1834, at its organization, and was then elected elder, or deacon, an office which he held during his life. His funeral sermon was preached in the Presbyterian Church in Stamford, IST.Y., by his pastor, Rev. L. E. Richards, March 24, 1878. This discourse was published in connection with the memoir above mentioned. Married, at Andes, JST.Y., May 12, 1830, Sarah A. Bexedict, of Andes. Children. I. Calvin B.,^ b. Sept. 3, 1831 ; m. Adeline Hitchcock. No issue. 282 II. EpENETtTs W.,' b. Aug. 25, 1833; m. Annie Wilcox, June 1, 1863. III. Sarah A.,^ b. Nov. 25, 1838. Unmarried. IV. Dr. Stephen Elijah,' b. Sept. 7, 1841. Unmarried. Lived in Stamford, N.Y. Proprietor of the noted Churchill Hall, a summer hotel in Stamford. He was also a practising physician. V. Frances A.,' b. June 14, 1844; m. C. L. McCracken. No issue. He was the writer of a memoir of Deacon Elijah. He died June 29, 1898. VI. Esther M.,' b. Aug. 12, 1847; m. Nathan Coe, Dec. 17, 1872. Children. 1. Louis Sumner Coe, b. Oct. G, 1873; m. Gertrude Hart, Nov. 9, 1901. Both of Springfield. 2. Frances Irene Coe, b. July 9, 1884. VII. Addie Vesta,' b. June 19, 1856; m. Charles H. Wiberlt, Oct. 29, 1885. Children. 1. Irving Churchill Wiberly, b. July 29, 1890. 2. Maurice Calvin Wiberly, b. March 24, 1892; d. Aug. 27, 1892. 3. Edna Lillian Wiberly, b. July 9, 1893. 4. Marion Drummond Wiberly, b. July 18, 1896. 386 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut 105. AMOS^ CHUECHILL (Joseph,^ Samuel," Samuel,^ Joseph,- JosiAH ^). Born in Sheffield, Mass., Oct. 1, 1774. He went with his father's family, in 1783, to Hubbardton, Vt. His advantages for school were very limited. He wrote himself, '-' I had no chance at school nntil the winter after I was fifteen, when I went to school in the back room of a lo^-house, to a very ordinary teacher. I never studied any books at school but the New England Primer and Dilworth's Spelling-book ; these I learned by heart." In spite of all these limitations he acquired a fair education for his day and place. He was a man of more than common ability and intelligence, a shrewd observer of men and events, a lover of history. He had great facility in rhyming, and his brother. Rev. Alvah, used to re- ceive long letters from him, written in verse, and in his articles prepared for the " Gazetteer," mentioned below, several pieces of verse appear, touched up here and there with quaint humor. When upward of seventy-six years, he compiled a series of articles on the history of Hubbardton, for the " Vermont Historical Gazetteer," in 1851, but from notes collected many years before. These articles were later published in book form, rare copies of which can be found. The history, from his grandfather down, is fairly accurate, but before that generation he depended upon tradition, and his reck- oning is altogether erroneous. The account on pages 335-337 is quoted from his work. Mr. Churchill settled first in Pittsford, Vt., less than a mile from his father's house in Hubbardton, but on May 21, 1821, removed to Hubbardton, and spent his days there. He was a good citizen, an active member of the Baptist Church in Hubbardton. He was physically a strong man, and a very diligent worker, even to old age. He was active in promoting public improve- ments, and instrumental in raising the monument on the Hubbard- ton battleground to the memory of the patriots who fought there July 7, 1777, and on the occasion of the celebration, July 7, 1859, the anniversary of the battle, he was one of tke speakers. Mr. Churchill lived to the advanced aged of ninety-one years, and died March 2, 1865. Married 1st, Jan. 29, 1799, Nabba Haven, of Sandisfield, Mass., daughter of Nathan. She was born May 23, 1778, and died Sept. 2, 1842. Married 2d, Chloe Smith, of Bran- don, Vt., March 29, 1846. She was born Dec. 26, 1784. Children. of Amos and Nahba (^ Haven J Churchill. I. Louisa.'' b. Oct. 21, 1799; m. Ebenezer Cook, January, 1822. They settled in Pittsford, Vt., where he died Oct. 2, 1841. Branch.] FIFTH GENEEATION 387 Children. 1. Orilla Cook, ra. Chauncey W. Fray, of Pittsford. Two chil- dren: (1) Suzina Fray, and (2) Adonirara J. Fray. 2. Amos Cook, d. aged about eighteen years. 3. Elisha Cook, m. Minerva Flag. 4. Adoniram J. Cook, d. young. 283 II. Samuel S.,' b. Nov. 26, 1800; m. Mart Richardson. III. Orrilla,'' b. Sept. 23, 1802; d. Aug. 4, 1803. 284 IV. Isaac Newton,' b. July 17, 1805; m. Margaret Perry. V. Alzina,' b. July 1, 1812; d. the same day. 106. GEN. WORTHY LOVELL « CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ Samuel,* Samuel/ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born in Sheffield, Mass., May 13, 1776. He went with his father, in 1783, to Hubbardton, Vt., and there grew to manhood, working on the farm and attending, in winter, the primitive schools then procurable. He worked on the farm like other boys and young men of his day, and doubtless shared the general ambitions of young men to make good and prosperous farmers. About the time he came of age, the conditions of land settlement in Vermont had changed. The fathers of families owned all the farms, or their creditors held them by mortgage. Young men must buy except the few who remained on the homstead with their fathers. Mr. Churchill married in 1797, and began life in his native town, where he remained for several years, till three of his children were born. Then the Holland Purchase in Western New York opened iip a vast tract of fertile land, and thither, with many others from Vermont, young Churchill went. From lists of settlers, and casual references in Turner's " History of the Holland Purchase," as well as from correspondence with members of General Churchill's family, the editor has been able to glean a few facts of the busy and event- ful life of this typical pioneer of the early West. In the first list of settlers in the Holland Purchase, in Batavia Township, No. 12, Range 1, the name of Worthy L. Churchill stands first, and next William Rumsey, the names following in the order in which the land grants were assigned, so that these two were the first proprietors recorded, and the first settlers. Batavia Village was soon the centre of pioneer settlers, and the Land Office was established there and a town government formed. The first tavern was opened there. Mr. Churchill bought a large tract of land in that part of Batavia which became the town of Stafford. At the first town meeting held in Batavia, March 1, 1803, " Lovell Churchill," as he is there named, was chosen one of the overseers of the highways ; and in the following June, when a court of law was 388 THE CHUKCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut organized and the first grand jury empanelled, Mr. Churchill was a member, and next year on the traverse jury, and in 1807, at the first murder trial in the new county, that of James McLean, for the murder of William Orr, he was a juror, and with his full name? Worthy L. Churchill. In the primitive organization of the militia of the county he was active and efficient, and had passed through all the minor offices before 1812, for at the beginning of the war that year we find him in command of a regiment with the rank of colonel. He undoubtedly had part as an officer in the opening events and skirmishes along the frontiers, on the Niagara river, in the disastrous autumn compaign of 1812, A year later, December, 1813, he was in command of his regiment in the army of defence at Buffalo, and, in the battle on December 29th and 30th, in the absence of General Hopkins, the command devolved upon Colonel Warren and Colonel Churchill. The orders had been given them to attempt the impossible, to capture a strong battery, defended by a large force of well-drilled British regulars. The American troops consisted of untrained and poorly armed recruits, but they made a brave assault in the face of a deadly fire from the heavy British guns, and driven back once, they were led on in a second desperate charge, only to be overwhelmed again, and this time to be pursued and out- flanked by a large body of fresh troops and Indian allies who had unexpectedly arrived at the British lines. In the disastrous retreat which followed, the villages of Buffalo and Black Kock were de- stroyed, the houses burned to ashes, and all who could not escape were brutally massacred by the Indian allies of the British. Again in July, 1814, Colonel Churchill had a part in the defence of Fort Erie, at the head of the Niagara river. Here the tide of battle was turned by the Genesee County Militia under General Porter who gathered to protect the garrison of American regulars who were in danger of being surrounded and cut-off. By a daring and skilful outflanking move General Porter led a large body of his troops through the woods and came down unexpectedly with such an impetuous assault upon the British flank and rear that they were forced to retire from the field and the investment of the fort. In this battle Colonel Churchill was severely wounded and taken prisoner, and carried to Canada, but soon after exchanged. He was colonel of the Sixty-fourth Regiment, New York State Militia, but afterwards attained the rank of major general of the State Militia. Colonel Churchill was a surveyor of land and an extensive land- owner and dealer in land, while cultivating a large farm. He was active and influential in public affairs, and was sheriff of Genesee County from 1820 to 1825. He died May 25, 1839. Married 1st, Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 389 in Hubbardton, Vt., 1797, Ruhama Whelpley, who died in 1802. Married 2d, in Batavia, N.Y., 1804, Sophia Ktngsley, born Sept. 4, 1781, in Rutland, Vt., but removed with her father's family to Genesee County, N.Y., and died at Lake Mills, Wis., March 6, 1867. Children of First Wife, horn in Vermoyit. I. Beulah,' b. in 1798; m. Mr. Downing. No children. 286 II. Alfred,' b. May 8, 1800; m. Susan D. Wilson, September, 1821. She was b. 1800. 286 III. Joseph Whelpley,' b. Nov. 15, 1801; m. Delia S. Wilson, 1829. She was b. 1808. Children of Second Wife. IV. LovELL KiNGSLEY,' b. 1804; d. unmarried, in 1822. V. Sophia,' b. May, 1807; m. John Webber, Nov. 11, 1828. Mr. Webber was born in Devonshire, Eng., near Taunton, 1796. Came to America in 1817, and was the first of the large and flourishing colony of natives of England who settled in Stafford. This colony gave the town a distinctively English character and society. She d. June 10, 1881. Children born in Stafford. 1. Worthy Lovell Webber, b. Dec. 12, 1828; m. Mary Fox, of Niagara Falls, March 15, 18G0; and died in Syracuse, N.Y., Nov. 3, 1874. 2. Mary Sophia Webber, b. Feb. 8, 1832; m. Charles L. Gillette, March 8, 1854. She died in Batavia, Nov. 15. 1900, leaving children, who were b. in Batavia, (1) Isaac W. Gillette, b. 185(!;m. Harriet Swift. (2) Henry L. Gillette, b. 1860; m. Marietta Winn, 1891. (3) Sophia E. Gillette, b. 1863. (4) Rudolph W. Gillette, b. 1867; m. Mary Showerman, 1893. (5) John F. Gillette, b. 1868; d. soon. (6) John H. Gillette, b. 1874; d. 1897. 3 Julia Augusta Webber, b. 1834; d. unmarried, Nov. 15, 1864. 4. John Herschell Webber, b. April 15, 1837 ; m. Mary .Jane Kadley, of Stafford, Dec. 19, 1867. They Hved in Stafford. He was a prosperous farmer. They had children b. in Staf- ford : {\^ Nellie Churchill Webber, b. Sept. 30, 1871; (2) Charles Radley Webber, b. Sept. 19, 1873; (3) Clara Elizabeth Webber, b April 2, 1880. 5. George Follett Webber, b. May 17, 1847; d. Feb. 18, 1865. VI. Jane E.,' b. 1811; m. Zeciiariah Lothrop. No issue. 287 VII. James W.,' b. April 8, 1814; m. Viena Thompson, of Norwich, Conn. VIII. Alta C.,'b. 1817; m. Rev. Almon Whitman, May 28, 1848. IX. Caroline,' b. 1819; m. Rev. Almon Whitman, Jan. 26, 1841. Caroline, the first wife, died March 20, 1845, and Alta C. died at Newark, Wis., May 24, 1875. Children by Second Wife, Alta C. 1. Lovell D. Whitman, b. Feb. 28, 1849; d. Feb. 28, 1864. 2. Caroline D. Whitman, b. Oct. 10, 1851; m. William L. Porter, Jan. 1, 1885. 3. Judson F. Whitman, b. Nov. 12, 1856. 4. Irving A. Whitman, b. April 21, 1858. 5. Sophia C. Whitman, b. April 4, 1860. X. Demis Maria,' b. April 21, 1821 ; d. of consumption, 1842. XI. Morilla C' b. Dec. 6, 1824; m. Enoch Brown Fargo, Nov. 10, 1844. Mr. Fargo was born in Colchester, Conn., Feb. 18, 1821, and died at Lake Mills, Wis., Nov. 2, 1892. At the age of eleven he 390 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY [Connecticut removed with his father's family to Stafford, N.Y., and was brought up on the farm which he with his seven brothers helped to clear in the new country. The public schools and a few terms at Wyoming Academy was his fitting for his career. Entering upon trade in a small way with a brother, they later established a store at Church- ville, N.Y., but in 1845 they removed their business to Lake Mills, Wis., where, in 1848, Mr. Fargo, with partners, built the largest machine works in the State west of Milwaukee. In a few years he bought out the whole plant and several hundred acres of land about the village, which he cut up into house lots and sold as fast as the demand came. He also had a large farm upon which he conducted a creamery, and besides these branches he had a large general store. While active in these varied interests he was always public- spirited and alert for his personal duties as a good citizen. The village grew up around his busmess, and the people were largely in his employ, and he had great power over their welfare, which he ever exercised with wisdom and kindness. Children of Enoch B. and Morilla {Churchill) Fargo, born at Lake Mills, Wis. 1. Frank Brown Fargo, b. April 25, 1845; m. 1st, Emma M. Jenne, Nov. 19, 1867; ni. 2d, Louise M. Mears, Jan. 11, 1893, at Oshkosh, Wis. Mr. Fargo received a good education in the public schools and Wisconsin University, besides his business training under his father. He established the largest plant for producing dairy supplies in the United States, and besides this he owns and operates a stock and dairy farm of several hundred acres. Mrs. Emma M. (Jenne) Fargo died April, 1891, leaving one child, (1) Fannie Maria, who was born July, 1868 ; m John L. Crump, at Lake Mills, and has one ciiild, Roland Fargo Crump. Children of F. B. and Louise M. (Mears) Fargo, all born at Lake Mills: (1) Dorothy Morilla Fargo, b. July 11, 1894; (2) Stuart Mears Fargo, b. Oct. 8, 1897; (3) Frank Barber Fargo, b. June 3, 1900. 2. Sarah Fargo, b. Oct. 14, 1847; m. Levi W. Ostrander, Nov. 19, 1867. She was educated at Galesburg Female College. They removed to Olympia, Washington, where he was a banker. She died at Olympia, Aug. 8, 1894, leaving one child, (1) Harry Fargo Ostrander, b. May, 1876. 3. Enoch James Fargo, b. March 14, 1850; m. 1st, Mary Ruther- ford, January, 1876. She was born March 1, 1857, and died March 5, 1895, at Lake Mills, Wis ; m. 2d, Addie Hoyt, who d June 19, 1901; m. 3d, Mattie Hoyt, Feb. 17, 1902. Mr. E. J Fargo, educated at a commercial school, en- gaged at first with his father in general trade, and afterwards joined his brother, F. B., in the dairy goods business. He has also a large farm, where all branches of farming go on in up-to-date methods. He is an active and influential citi- zen. Children of E.J. Fargo, all by first wife: (1) Elsie Rutherford Fargo, b Dec. 1, 1876; (2) Myrtle Churchill Fargo, b. June 23, 1878 ; d. Feb. 9, 1887; (3) Mattie Pauline Fargo, b. Sept. 14, 1883. 4. Isaac Latimer Fargo, b. Oct. 22, 1851; d. May 9, 1901. He received a liberal education, finishing up at Chicago Univer- sity. He started out upon what promised to be a successful dramatic career upon the stage, but frail health prohibited the pursuit of this profession, and he was taken into the busi- ness with his brother as chemical superintendent of the color department, until ill health forced his removal to Redlands, Cal., where he died. May 9, 1901. He m. 1st, Kate L. Hoyt, Oct. 30, 1877, who died Nov. 5, 1878, without issue; m. 2d, Kate A. Mills, Dec. 25, 1883, and by her had one child, (1) Marjorie Vale Fargo, b. June 16, 1886. Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 391 5. Corydon Thompson Fargo, b. May 10, 1855; m. Emma Edger- ton, Jan. 8, 1^79. He was educated at the State University at Madison, Wis., and engaged in farming with all modern methods and improvements, combining the up-to-date dairy and stock-raising business, on a grand scale. Children of C. T. and Emma E. Fargo: (1) Gertrude Evelyn Fargo, b. July 7, 1880; (2) George Edgerton Fargo, b. June 16, 1882; (3) Marion Vienna Fargo, b. Jan. 7, 1885; (4) Jeannette Fargo, b. June 16, 1887; (5) Howard Corydon Fargo, b. Aug. 5, 1890. 6. Florence Jane Fargo, b. Oct. 13, 1865; m. Calvin Larison, at Olympia, Wash. They live at Seattle, where he is an official on the Northern Pacific R.R. They have two children, (1) Winifred Larison, b. 1891; (2) Margaret Larison, b. 1893. VII. Sarah L.,'' b. June 6, 1826; m. John Gilbert, of Albion, N.Y., a farmer. They had two sons, and she died of consumption, in 1863. One of the sons died soon after from the same disease. The other, Richard Gilbert, married and lives in Albion, N.Y. 107. CYRUS « CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ Samuel," Samuel,'^ Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born in Hubbardton, Vt., Feb. 9, 1783, and died at Ypsilanti, Mich., Ang. 18, 1860. He lived in Stafford, Lewiston, and Cambray, N.Y., for some years, bnt settled finally in Ypsilanti, Mich. Married, Feb. 23, 1813, Rachel Hustler, daughter of Thomas. Her father was a soldier in the English army, but during a battle deserted to the Americans and served in their army to the end of the war, rising to the rank of major in the Continental Army. Rachel (Hustler) Churchill died Oct. 1, 1844. Children. I. Amy K. R.,'' b. Dec. 11, 1818; never married, but lived and cared for her parents, and occupied the old home until her death, Feb. 6, 1886. 288 II. Joseph T. H.,' b. Dec. 28, 1815; m. Harriet (Hubbard) Arnold, widow of John. III. Sylvia A. J.,' b. Aug. 5, 1824; m 1st, Daniel Lockwood ; m. 2d ( ) Lacy; m. 3d ( ) ( ). Died March 18, 1892. No children. 289 IV. Lewis Marquis,' b. Oct. 3, 1827; m. Rebecca Cordelia Mapes; lived at Duck Creek, Wis., about 1860. No children. V. Elias Cass,' b. May 8, 1829; m. Jennie Terwilliger, lived at Carson City. 290 VL Alfred Wilson,' b. May 10, 1832; m. ( ) ( ). No children. He died from a wound received at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va.,Oct. 19, 1864. 108. •CHARLES « CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ Samuel," Samuel,^^ Joseph,- Josiah'). Born in Hubbardton, Vt., Dec. 10, 1787. Settled in Stafford, Genesee County, N.Y. He was killed by the Indians in the battle at Black Rock, Dec. 31, 1813. Married Polly Hyde. They had one child, who died young. 392 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut 109. DANIEL « CHURCHILL. (Joseph/ Samuel/ Samuel," Joseph,- JosiAH^). Born in Hubbardton, Vt., Jan. 4, 1792. Settled in Stafford, Genesee County, JST.Y. He removed from there to Illinois, and lived near Sparta, Ind. He was a bridge-builder, and moved from place to place as his contracts called him. He died of cholera, at Chillicothe, 0., July 20, 1833. Married 1st, in Stafford or Batavia, N.Y., about 1814, Submit Ha WES, who was born March 23, 1785, and died Sept. 15 1827 ; married 2d, in Chillicothe, 0., Mrs. Miller. Children of First Wife. I. Jeannette,' b. in Stafford, N.Y., Dec. 15, 1815; m. Martin Powell, in Sparta, Dearborn County, Ind., April 12, 1838. He d. Dec. 5, 1883, and she d. April 2, 1892. Children born in Dearborn County, Ind. 1. William Powell, b. March 16, 1839; m. Margarette Shankland, March, 1863. He lives at Mount Vernon, Mo. 2. Thomas C. Powell, b. Aug. 25, 18-10; m. Margaret Logan, March 16,1869. He lives at Williamsport, Ind. His wife d. Dec. 18, 1889. 3. John Powell, b. Jan. 31, 1842; d. unmarried, Feb. 1, 1872. 4. Mary A. Powell, b. Sept. 1, 1843; unmarried, lives in Chadron, Neb. 5. Alvah Marion Powell, b. Dec. 30, 1845 ; m. Mattie Shankland. 6. Daniel Churchill Powell, b Jan. 25, 1848 ; d. April 23, 1864. 7. Eliza J. Powell, b. Feb. 2, 1850; m, George Logan, Dec. 28, 1870. Note. — Mrs. Mary A. Stewart, who has been my chief informant in relation to Daniel Churchill, her father, relates that her mother went from Brattleboro, Vt., to Stafford, N.Y., in the family of General Worthy L. Churchill, and there, at his brother's house, Daniel met and married her. They lived a few years in Stafford, and then in company with his brother Alvah, Daniel went to the West. They took their families along, Daniel his wife and one child, and Alvah the same. Like many of the early pioneers, they floated down the Ohio river on a flat boat which held all their earthly possessions. When they reached Aurora, Ind., their brother, Joseph, who had been settled some years at Sparta, happened to be at Aurora on business, and recognized them, and run- ning down to the shore hailed them, and all stopped over with him for the time. Alvah settled two years in Kentucky, and then returned to Sparta. Daniel took up a farm in Edwards County and lived there several years, and then engaged in building bridges, mostly over the Erie canal. He was a natural mechanic, and skilful with tools even as a boy. There are pieces of furniture and spinning- wheels still in existence, it is said, which he made in his youth. Mrs Huldah Piersons, Mrs. Stewart says, had a stand which he constructed when a boy of sixteen years. Sometime before 1827 he removed with his family to Tusca- rawas, O., and there his first wife died. His second wife, Mrs. Miller, was a widow with a large family, but only the youngest daughter, about twelve years of age, came to live in Mr. Churchill's home. His death was quite sudden, and his family was left poor, the prairie farm was sold for taxes, and the children found homes for a time with strangers, but afterwards with relatives. The above information, and the account of the family of Jeannette (Churchill) Powell, have been given me by Mrs. Stewart and Miss Mary A. Powell, the latter of Chadron, Neb. — Editor. Branch.] SIXTH GENEEATION 393 291 II. Julius J b. in Edward County, 111., Dec. 20, 1820; m. Pirella M. Falkner. III. Mart Anx,' b. in Edward County, Oct. 15, 1823; m. Dr. S. S. Stewart, Cincinnati, Nov. 16, 1852. Dr. Stewart d. Jan. 18 1873. They had no children. Mrs. Stewart lives now (1903) in Moore's Hill, Ind. 110. EEV. ALVAH" CHURCHILL (Joseph,' Samuel," Samuel/ Joseph/ Josiah '). Born in Hubbardton, Vt., May ]o, 1794. He grew up on the farm, and lived the sturdy life of the farmer boys of his day^ He attended school in winter and worked the rest of the year. He managed to acquire a more than ordinary education, as he was a diligent student of such books as he could procure. He never saw a grammar until after he had finished at the district schools, and bought the first one he saw. He learned the trade of carriage-maker, and was a good carpenter. He was in service for a time during the War of 1812, but we have no definite account of the circumstances. For a few years after his marriage he lived in Hubbardton ; but in the spring of 1819 started West, and with his wife and child joined his brother Daniel at General Churchill's, in Stafford, N.Y., and with him proceeded to their future home in the far West, as has been related in the account of his brother Daniel's journey. An opportunity to teach school opening in Lexington, Ky., he went there from Sparta and taught two years, then re- turned to Sparta and lived with his brother, who was then unmar- ried ; but took up a land claim and cleared a farm meantime, within a short distance of his brother Joseph's. On his return from Ken- tucky, he was ordained as a Baptist minister, and began as a volun- teer preacher to the isolated and poor in the outlying settlements, riding away on Saturday on horseback, with saddle-bags filled with books and tracts, preaching in some church or school-house on Sun- day, and returning home on Monday, while the wife with her small family managed the home, enduring the many hardships of pioneer life. His missionary work was voluntary and free. After years of this rough life, he removed to Wilmington, Ind., in order to secure better school advantages for his children There he built a church, and filled the pulpit until the people were able to hire a pastor. He engaged also in carriage-making. He was public spirited, and very active in school affairs. He was an ardent patriot in the years preceding and during the Civil War. He was a faithful minister, an influential and upright citizen, a self-sacrificing and loyal friend of all. He was not entirely successful in his business, and never accumulated property. Although of a strong family, his strenuous hard work and exposure in early and middle life told upon his 394 THE CHURCHILL FAJMILY [Connecticut health in his later years. He died May 15, 1867. , Married 1st, at Hubbardton, Vt., in 1816, Nancy Holmes, who was born Sept. 1, 1793, and died Oct. 2, 1836, in Wilmington, Ind. Married 2d, at Wilmington, lud., in 1841, Elmika Smith, who survived her hus- band. Children of Rev. Alvah and Nancy (^Holmes) Churchill. I. Mariette,' b. Jan. 25, 1817; m. 1st, Nathan Merrill Tennet, from Maine, Nov. 19, 183B; m. 2(1, Alexander Lowe. He died Jan 18, 1854; m. 3d, R. J. B. Roberts, May 21, 1855. She died in Delaware, Ind., September, 1869. Children of First Husband. 1. Harriet Tenney, d. young. 2. Jane Tenney, d. young. Children of Second ITusband. 3. Alexina Lowe, m. Flavins C. Fox, Dec. 25, 1880. Lived at Solida, Col. Child: (1) Marie Churchill Fox, m. Maurice Blockmore Lewis, April 23, 1902. 4. Judson Lowe, d. aged sixteen years. Children of Third Husband. 5. Holmes Churchill Roberts; m., but wife's name not obtained. They lived at Cincinnati, O. (1016 West 9th street). Chil- dren: (1) Abbie Roberts; (2) Bessie Roberts; (3) William Roberts. II. Esther Ann,' b. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 3, 1819; m. 1st, John Blackmore, Sept. 3, 1840; m. 2d, R. J. Roberts, Wilmington, Nov. 4, 1869. They lived at Wilmington and Delaware, Ind. He was a farmer. Children by First Husband. 1. Alvah R. Blackmore, b. Wilmington, Ind., Oct. 4, 1841; m. Mary Sage, Delaware, Ind., Aug. 3, 1865. 2. Eliza Blackmore, b. Delaware, Ind., March 17, 1845; m. T. B. Louis, Delaware, Ind., Nov. 10, 1863. Mr. Louis was the son of Jacob and Barbara (Smith) Louis, and was a merchant at Logansport, Ind. Mrs. Olive A. (Black- more) Louis was educated at Moore's Hill College. Children born at Logansport, Ind. (1) Charles Harvey Louis, b. Aug. 22, 1864; d. Oct. 3, 1864. (2) Effie V. Louis, b. Nov. 19, 1866; m. Robert W. Mcll- vaine, Lafayette, Ind , Aug. 12, 1897. (3) Jeanette A. Louis, b. Nov. 9, 1869; m. W. J. Rosebery, Dec. 18, 1896. (4) Maurice Blackmore Louis, b. April 17, 1873; m. Marie Churchill Fox, Richmond, Ind., April 28, 1902. 3. Olive A. Blackmore, b. Delaware. Ind., Jan. 30, 1853; m. J. J. Lansing, Delaware, Ind., Sept. 17, 1874; d. Dec. 9, 1886. 292 III. John Ransom,' b. Dec. 3, 1821; m. Sarah Mayhew, Jan. 1, 1852. IV. Nancy Orilla,' b. at Sparta, Ind., March 6, ' 1824; m. Robert Delos Brown, Aug. 17, 1841. She d. April, 1847. Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 395 Children. 1. Emma Brown, m. Mr. Fiddler. Lives 119 Ramsay ave., Indian- apolis, Ind. 2. Latham Brown. Lives at Mitchell, Ind. V. Olive M.,' b. at Sparta, Ind., April 5, 1827; m. Thomas Black- more, April 5, 1849. They lived at Elizabethtown, O. Children. 1. Son, b. Feb. 15, 1851 ; d. in infancy. 2. Alice Blackmore,b. March 18, 1852. 2. Cora Blackmore, b. April «. 1854; m. Charles Curtis, Feb. 26, 1884. Child : Roy Churchill Curtis. 4. Alta Holmes Blackmore, b. Nov. 4, 1856. 5. Ida Blackmore, b. May 4, 1859. VI. William Harvey,' b. near Wilmington, Ind., Oct. 28, 1829; d. at Aurora, Aui,'. 18, 1866. He acquired a good education, and was a school-teacher for some years, until 1852. when he enlisted in the regular army as a private, at Newport, Ky., in the fifth cavalry, made up niostly of Southern men. Sidney Johnson was colonel and Robert e/Lcc, lieutenant-colonel of the regiment, which was stationed in Texas when the Civil War broke out. His officers joined the South, and he was given leave to get out of the State in" a certain time. He came North and served through the war on the Union side. He was orderly-sergeant in General Grant's cavalry escort for two years, was wounded and sent home once on furlough. He rose from the ranks to the rank of brevet major, with rank of captain. After the war, and while stationed at Warrington, Ind., his horse reared and fell upon him while on parade, and he died from the injuries received. He was a brave soldier and a loyal patriot and true friend. VII. Caroline L.,' b. near Wilmington, Ind., Dec. 2, 18;?1 ; m. 1st, Charles Webber, Aug. 2, 1857; m. 2d, Daniel Stanton, Nov. 22, 1877. Mr. Webber was born at Aurora, Ind., Oct. 4, 1824, sonof Jonaand Sarah White Webber, and died at Aurora, April 28, 1861. Mr. Stanton was born near Lynchburg, Va., April 6, 1805, son of Latham and Huldah Butler Stanton; d. at Richmond, Ind., July 15, 1894. His parents were originally from Nantucket, Mass. One Child of First Husband. 1. Mary Davis Webber, b. at Aurora, Ind., June 1, 1858; m. Clayton B. Hunt, at Richmond, Ind., Oct. 12, 1893. Mr. Hunt was b. at Richmond, Ind., Nov. 23, 1845. VIII. Susan Jane,' b. near Wilmington, Ind., Feb. 21, 1884; m. Rev. S. J. Kahler, July 21, 1859. She was thrown upon her own re- sources at an early age, owing to the failure of her father's health and business. She was obliged to work hard and econo- mize, and study diligently to acquire what her ambition demanded, a liberal education. Teaching to pay her own way, studying hard and living with close economy, she was able to graduate, in 1858, at INIoore's Hill College, with the highest honors in her class. She was appointed instructor in the Preparatory Department. Mr. Kahler was professor of mathematics at the college, having graduated from the State University of Kansas in 1858. After one year's association on the college faculty, t^Iiese two were married, and after three years in the college, Mr. Kahler began the work of an itinerant Methodist minister, which he followed eight year's in Indiana and eight years in Kansas. In 1883 he was forced to retire from the ministry on account of the failure of his voice. They removed to California, and now reside at Fernando. Mrs. Kahler has furnished the editor of this volume the facts concerning her father's life. 396 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY [Connecticut ' Children. 1. Elmer E. Kahler, b. at Moore's Hill, Ind., May 31, 1861 ;d, Aug. 24, 1862. 2. Carrie W. Kahler, b. at Star City, Kan., Nov. 3, 1863; d. Jan. 20, 1864. 3. Eugene W. Kahler, b. July 30, 1866; d. Aug. 14, 1866. IX. Alvah Makion,' b. June 8, 1836, and d. July 5, 1887. 111. JOSEPH « CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ Samuel,* Samuel,'' Joseph,- JosiAH '). Born at Hubbardton, Vt., Sept. 9, 1796, and was there bronght np on the farm. He went to the West in 1818. Stayed the first winter in Cincinnati, and the next spring located a land- claim at what is now Sparta, Ind. He became a prosperous farmer, and was engaged somowhat in laying out and building roads and turnpikes. He was a much respected and upright citizen, and was greatly interested in the development of his farm and his stock, which was the finest in the county. Mr. James 0. Churchill, of Cheyenne, Wyo., Miss Jessie Kelsey, Moore's Hill, Ind., and Miss Minnie Eoberts, of Pierceville, Ind., have assisted the editor much in the compiling of this family. He died in Sparta, Dec. 9, 1859- Married, at Napoleon, Ind., Dec, 15, 1822, Mary Henigan. Children born at Sparta. I. EvALiNE,' b. Nov. 6, 1823; m. Leander Hooper Kelsey, Sparta, June 21, 1846. They lived at Sparta, Ind., Aurora, Ind., and Moore's Hill, Ind. He was a teacher and a farmer. His parents vrere John and Suky (Taylor) Kelsey. Childre^^. 1. Oscar Kelsey, b. at Sparta, May 10, 1817; m. Tirzah E. Cope- land, Dec. '>(], 1875. 2. Joseph Kelsey, b. at Sparta, March 14, 1849; d. Aug. 5, 1840. 3. Ernest Kelsev, b. Aurora, Dec. 25, 1850; m. Laura B. Dillon, Council Bluffs, Iowa, Aug. 30, 1876. 4. Marion Kelsey, b. Aurora, Jan. 21, 1852; m. Kate Holbrook, Newport, Ky., Feb. 29, 1879. 5. Curt Kelsey, b. Sparta, June 14, 1854 ; m. MoUie Sayles, Love- land, la., Jan. 28, 1883. 6. Jessie Kelsey, b. Moore's Hill, June 18, 1856. 293 II. CHARLE.S,' b. June 24, 1825; ra. 1st, Martha Hustin, Dec. 25, 1847; m. 2d, Mary A. Hinds, Jan. 29, 1852. III. Dolly,'' b. April 16, 1827; m. Ben.jamin Burlingame, at Wilming- ton, Ind., Dec. 19, 1861. They lived at first at Wilmington, Ind., and after 1865/6, at Sparta. He was a farmer and wagon- maker. He held the office of commissioner of Dearborn County for six years. They lived on the old farm settled by Joseph Churchill in 1819. Children. 1. Mary A. Burlingame, b. Wilmington, Feb. 7, 1864; d. Aug. 2, 1864, Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 307 2. Harry Stewart Burliiigarue, b. Wilmington, July .21, 1865; m. Minnie L. Houston, dau. of John and Margaret (Beathe) Houston, Sparta, Sept. 22, 188G. He was a graduate of Moore's Hill College, and is a farmer and school teacher. Lives at Sparta. Their children: (1) Franklin Stewart, b. Jan. 27, 1889; (2) Olive Dorothy, b. Nov. 18, 1890. 3. Caroline Wood Burlingame, b. at Sparta, Nov. 4, 1867; m. Joseph E. Allen, of Sparta. IV. Burke,' b. July 28, 1828. Left home in his youth and all trace of him was lost. V. Harriet,' b. Nov. 28, 1829 ; m. Joseph Richardson, Dec 28, 1853. They lived at Sparta, Ind., where he was a cooper. Children horn at Sparta. 1. Emma Richardson; m. C. Annible, of Arkansas. 2. William Richardson VI. RoxANNA,' b. April 29, 1831 : m. D. R. Taylor, July 1, 1849. He was the son of Aaron and Mary ( ) Taylor. They lived at Sparta, Ind., and he was there engaged in coopering. Mr. Taylor served three years in the Civil War, in Company K, Sixty-eighth Regiment Indiana Volunteers. Children horn at Sparta. 1. Joseph Taylor, b. July 6, 1850. 2. Irving C. Taylor, b. March 19, 1852; d. March 13, 1868. 3. Minnie A. Taylor, b. March 30, 1854; m., at Sparta, Samuel Roberts, April 29, 1891. He was the son of Jefferson and Matilda (Hodges) Roberts. They live (1902) at Pierceville, Ind. He is a farmer and poultry-raiser. He served in the Civil War. three years, in Company F, Tiiirty-seventh Regi- ment Indiana Volunteers. Child born at Versailles. (1) Roxanna C. Roberts, b. Sept. 10, 1892. 4. Ella T. Taylor, b. Aug. 19, 1856. 5. Charles V. Taylor, b. Aug. 29, 1859; d. December, 1862. 6. Oscar F., b. Nov. 2, 1865; m. Maggie Ramsay, Aurora, April 28, 1892. 294 VII. George Vervon,' b. Nov. 20, 1832; m. Emily A. Davis. VIII. RnoDA,' b. Aug. 20, 1835; m. F. M. Johnson, September, 1855; no children. IX. Alta,' b. July 5, 1838; m. Harvey Comstock, at Santa Cruz, Dec. 21, 1876. He was the son of Louis and Elizabeth (Latin) Comstock, and was a farmer at Santa Cruz, where they lived. They had children born there. Children. 1. Paul W. Comstock, b. Nov. 8, 1877; d. May 11, 1891. 2. Marv Josephine Comstock, b. Feb. 4, 1879; d. Dec. 24, 1889. 3. Dolfie H. B. Comstock, b. March 1, 1881 ; d. May 20, 1891. X. Augusta Jeannette,' b. Nov. 9, 1840; m. George Gould, 1861. 295 XI. John F.,' b. Aug. 21, 1847; m. Anna Garner, January, 1870. 113. PHILO '^ CHURCHILL (Samuel,'' Samuel/ Samuel/' Joseph/ JosiAH '). Born in Massachusetts, and brought up in Hubbardtou, whither his fatlier moved when he was a chikl. We have not been able to obtain mucli information of him or his descendants, ex- 398 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut cept the reference made by Amos Churcliill, noted below (see 114), and other casual mention. It is said that two of his sons were mer- chants in Alexander, N.Y., in 1834. Mr. Henry E. Churchill, of Middletown, IST.Y., wrote, in 1890, that Philo lived and died in Alexander. Married ( ) Castle, a sister of his brother Zenas' wife, and had Children. I. Almond.^ II. Castle.' III. Philo, Jr.'' IV. Sarah.' 113. ZENAS •= CHURCHILL (Samuel,^ Samuel," Samuel,^ Joseph,- JosiAH^). Born in Hubbardton, Vt. Removed to Genesee County, N.Y. Married ( ) Castle. They lived awhile in Attica, N.Y., but in 1846 were living in Kane County, 111. We have as yet no further record of the family, except that Henry E. Churchill, above mentioned, says that they had a son, Castle. 114. DAVID" CHURCHILL (Samuel,^ Samuel,* Samuel,'' Joseph," JosiAH^). Born in Hubbardton, Vt., May 29, 1786. Mr. Amos Churchill, No. 105, the chronicler of the Hubbardton family, says that David, with his brothers, went West, and settled in Attica and Alexander, N.Y., and afterwards went to Kane County, 111. We have not found any further account of them Married 1st, name not obtained. Married 2d, Feb. 23, 1829, Sarah Prescott, who was born April 24, 1798. Children of First Wife. I. Elvira,' b. Nov. 2, 1813; m. Solomon Sherwin. II. Polly,' b. Dec. 27, 1815; d. j-oung. III. Mariah,' b. Dec. 1, 1816; never married. IV. Eliza,' b. Sept. 5, 1820; m. John A. Waterman. V. Nancy,' b. June 25, 1822; m. 1st, Azro Waters; m. 2d, Will- iam Hubbard. VI. William,' b. Nov. 21, 1824:; m., it is said, late in life; no children. VII. David H.,' b. Oct. 5, 1826; d. at age of six months. Children of Second Wife. VIII. Esther,' b. Aug. 16, 1831; m. R. S. A. Tarbell, July 1, 1855. Children. 1. Lillie R. Tarbell, b. July 9, 1856; m. D. F. Rockhold, March 11, 1876. 2. Myrta A. Tarbell, b. Oct. 9, 1858; m. Buzzell Wells, Feb. 26, 1880. 3. Reuben J. Tarbell, b. June 24, 1861 ; m. Laura Wood, Dec. 30, 1887. 4. Robert A. Tarbell, b. Aug. 13, 1862. Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 399 5. Menzo E. Tarbell, b. May 12, 18G4; m. Emma Reagle, May 6, 1886. 6. Marquis De La F. Tarbell, b. May 30, 1866. 7. Amy Tarbell, b. Oct. 16, 1868. 8. Amanda Tarbell, b. May 9, 1871. 296 IX. Georgk W.,' b. April 20, 1833; m. Addie E. Williams, 1865/6. 297 X. M. De Lafayette,' b. Feb. 8, 1835; m. Mart J. Campbell, July, 1, 1855. 298 XI. Oscar C.,' b. March 4, 1S37; m. Mary I. Dunbar, July 3, 1876. XII. Orson,' b. Oct. 3, 1839; d. March 3, 1841. XIII. Amanda,' b. March 14, 1841; m. Heman Goodnough. 299 XIV. Menzo,' b. Dec. 13, 1843; m. S. V. Clark, Nov. 3, 1870. 115. EUFUS6 CHURCHILL (Samuel,^ Samuel," Samuel/ Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born in Hubbardton, Vt., and was brought up there. Removed to Alexander, N.Y., and there married ( ) Strong. In 1846 they were in Kane County, 111., but we have no further account of the family. 116. JOHN« CHURCHILL (John,^ Samuel," Samuel,^^ Joseph,- JosiAH ^). Born at Hubbardton, Vt., April 15, 1787. Removed first to Homer, N. Y., and thence to Portland, N.Y. He was a farmer and lived, mostly, at Westfield, N.Y. Married, at Homer, N.Y., 1813, Mary House, daughter of Deacon John. Children. I. Phebe,' b. at Homer, 1815; m. Hamilton Cherry, in Portland, N.Y. They settled near Buffalo, N.Y, became perosperous and wealthy. She died in 1896. He died 1891. They had three sons and one daughter, it is said. IL Martha M.,' b. at Portland, N.Y., 1818; d. 1826. 117. SYLVESTERS CHURCHILL (John,^ Samuel," Samuel,^' Joseph,- Josiah^). Born at Hubbardton, Oct. 7, 1788. Came to Portland, N.Y., soon after marriage, and with his brother John, whose wife was his wife's sister, settled there. Deacon House, the father-in-law, having settled in the adjoining town of Westfield. Mr. Churchill was a farmer. In 1835 he sold out his property in Portland, and removed to Munson, 0. Married, at Homer, 'N.Y. January, 1816, Theodosia House, daughter of Deacon John. Children born at Po7-tland, N. Y. 300 I. Isaiah,' b. Nov. 1,1816; m. Eonice Morris, Franklin, O., April? 1839; d. 1851. 301 II. Orville S.,' b. Oct. 18, 1818; m. Sarah Vannankeen, Chardon, O., 1842. 302 III. Daniel,' b. July 16, 1820; m. Julia House, Westfield, N.Y., 1841 ; d. 1896. 400 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut 303 IV. Levi,' b. Dec. 21, 1822; m. Sally A. Hintston, Munson, O., Oct. 8, 1851. V. Martha,' b. Jan. 4, 1826; m. George Warner, March 4, 1847. They lived in Vida, Minn., it is said. VI. Mary,' b. May 11, 1827; m. Moses Cluff, 1848. They lived in Olmsted County, Minn., we have been told. 118. ALVIN « CHURCHILL (John,^ Samuel/ Samuel/ Joseph,- JosiAH ^). Born in Hubbardton, Nov. 7, 1794. Removed and settled in Scott, I^.Y. Alvin, tlie father, died March 26, 1878. The mother died June 23, 1864. Married Sally Seeley, born in Pom- pey, N.Y., Dec. 17, 1805. Children horn in Scott, N. Y. I. Fidelia,' b. in Scott, N.Y., Nov. 21, 1824; m. Edwin W. Pratt, March 17, 1858. They live at Homer, N.Y. No children. II. Clarissa,' b. June 26, 1826; m. Peter Curtis, April, 1856. Children. 1. Adelbert Curtis, b. March, 1857. 2. Leonardus Curtis, b. October, 1858. 304 III. Orville,' b. July 3, 1829; m. Mary Jane Rigles. IV. Philena,' b. May 28, 1831 ; d. May 16, 1833. 306 V. Samuel Lyman,' b. Feb. 15, 1834; m. Mrs. Mary A. (Alvord) Randall, Aug. 27, 1858. VI. Nelson,' b. April 20, 1841. Enlisted in the Union Army for the Civil War, vras taken pris- oner at the battle of Gettysburg, and confined at Belle Isle prison; was at last exchanged, but died in the hospital at Annapolis, Md. 119. JOTHAM« CHURCHILL (John,« Samuel," Samuel/^ Josbph,^ JosiAH^). Born in Hubbardton, Vt., Dec. 29, 1804. Removed with his father's family, to Tully, N.Y., and lived there until his marriage. Married Miss Randell, and, it is said, had a large family of children, three of whose names have come to us from Mr. Sylvester C. Churchill, of Tula, N.Y., son of Chauncey, brother of Jotham. The family settled in Iowa. Three of their Children. I. Silas.' II. William.' III. John.' 120. CHAUNCEY « CHURCHILL (John,^ Samuel," Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born at Tully, N.Y., Oct. 3, 1808. He was a farmer and lived at East Scott, Cortland County, N.Y. Married, March 17, 1834, Catharike Merry, daughter of John and Clarinda (Davis) Merry. Branch.] SIXTH GENERATIOX 401 Children horn at Scott, N. Y. 305a I. Sylvester C' b. Dec. 20, 1834; m. Helen Dowd, Oiisco, N.Y., March 28, 186(i. They lived at Tula, Cortland County, N.Y. He is a farmer. They had two adopted children, Burdette A. Rust and Inez E. Anthony. He has helped us about this family. 306 II. John VV.,' b. Aug. 13, 1836; m. Alice T. Martinie. III. Olive C.,^ b. Feb. 10, 1838; d. May 11, 1838. 307 IV. Stlvanus A.,^ b. Nov. :^fi,1839; m. 1st, Caroline Eadie, Nov. 21, 1867; m. 2d, Sarah E. VVoodwokth, Sopt. 7, 1892. 308 V. Oliver Clinton,^ b March 22. 1841 ; in. Delphine Roe, at Preble, N.Y., Oct. 26, 1865. VI. Martha Asenath,' b. Nov. 24, 1842; m. James Shawhan, Cham- paign County, 111., Nov. 8, 1871. Child. 1. Walter Shawhan, b. Jan. 18, 1873; d. Aug. 28, 1873. Martha Asenath, the mother, died Dec. 12, 1893; James, tlie father, died Dec. 25, 1891. VII. Olive C.,'' b. Aug. 6, 1844; m. William S. Kellogg, Nov. 10, 1864. They lived at Homer, N.Y., where he was employed in a manu- factory. Children. 1. Olin Clay Kellogg, b. at South Spafford, N.Y., April 20, 1870; m. Effie Wheelock. He is a graduate of Syracuse University, 1892. In 1901 in- structor in North Western University, Evanston, 111., A.B. and Ph.D. 2. Alice Lydia Kellogg, b. at Homer, N.Y., Oct. 20, 1874. 309 VIII. La Fayette M ,"> b. March 17, 1846; m. Eliza Pratt, Preble, N.Y., March 9, 1870. IX. Chloe I.,' b. Oct. 4. 1847; m. William A. Kellogg, East Scott, N.Y., Nov. 18, 1869. They lived at Homer, N.Y., and later in New York City. They had four children. Childr e7i. 1. Gertrude Amanda Kellogg, b. 1870; m. Orrie P. Curamings. 2. Edward Leland Kellogg. 3. Olive Catharine Kellogg. 4. William Kellogg. X. Catharine Helen,' b. April 10, 1849; m. George Burroughs, March 28, 1871. They lived at South Spafford, Onondaga County, N.Y. He is a farmer. Child. 1. Walter L. Burroughs, b. at East Scott, March 11, 1877; m. Nina Gilbert, Homer, N.Y., July, 1897. 310 XI. Caleb W.,' b. Nov. 27, 1850; m. 1st, Achsie Eadie, Spafford, N.Y., March 28, 1881; m. 2d, Minnie Brown, Champaign County, 111., Nov. 6, 1884. 311 XII. Benjamin F.,' b. July 30, 1852; m. Carrie Churchill, Spafford, N.Y., May 21, 1878. 312 XIII. Jason M.,' b. April 2, 1855 ; m. Jennie French, of Spafford, N.Y., Sept. 25. 1878. 402 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut 131. DARIUS « CHURCHILL (William/ Samuel,* Samuel," Joseph,^ Josiah^). Born in Hubbarclton, April 25, 1793. He removed with his father's family to Champlain, N.Y., about 1807, and lived there. Married, at Shoreham, Vt., about 1816, Tryphenia Adeline Newton, daughter of Liberty and Asintha (North) New- ton, born Oct. 1, 1796, at Shoreham, Vt. ; died at Champlain, N.Y., June 28, 1835. ' Children born in Champlain, JY. Y. 313 I. George,' b. March 22, 1818; m. Jane Jackson. II. Caroline,' b. Dec. 10, 1819; d. May 29, 1842: unmarried. 314 III. Samuel,' b. March 28, 1823; m. Jemima D. Jackson, Sept. 3, 1846. 315 IV. William,' b. Sept. 5, 1827; m. Olive Remington. 122. WILLIAM « CHURCHILL, JR. (William,^ Samuel,* Samuel," Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born in Hubbardton, Vt., March 23, 1795. Removed with his father's family to Champlain, Clinton County, N.Y., about 1807. Married, Dec. 24, 1822, Isabella Johnson, born Oct. 9, 1796. Children, horn in Clinton, N. Y. 316 I. Washington,' b. March 19, 1824; m. Mary Lucinda Converse, Feb. 25, 1847. II. Eleanor,' b. July 30, 1826; m. George F. Converse, Oct. 12, 1843.- Children. 1. Albert Benson Converse, b. Oct. 18, 1844; m. Maggie J. Taylor, April 11, 1864. 2. Samuel C. Converse, b. June 12, 1847; m. Helen M. Churchill, Oct 24, 1869. 3. Isabella L. Converse, b. May 21, 1850; m. Edward Baker, Jan. 1, 1871. 4. Viohi J. Converse, b. Jan. 19, 1854; d. Sept. 19, 1855. 5. Clara E. Converse, b. Nov. 23, 1856; m. James Linton, Jan. 3, 1874. 6. Chloe A. Converse, b. July 13, 1859. III. Clarissa,' b. April, 1828; m. Royal W. Converse, Sept. 19, 1861. Children born in Clinton, N. Y. 1. William P. Converse, b. March 22, 1865. 2. Effie Elsie Converse, b. Nov. 27, 1868. 317 IV. Benjamin,' b. Feb. 22, 1831; m. Hannah E. Pratt. 318 V. William Henry,' b. Dec. 18, 1834; m. Jane Ann Barker. VI. James Edward,' b July 14, 1837; d. Aug. 21, 1838. Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 403 135. DR. JULIUS « CHURCHILL (William,' Samuel," Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born in Hubbardton, Vt, March 20, 1802. Died in Champlain, N.Y., Feb. 7, 1881. He was only four years old when his father removed with his family to Champlain, N.Y., then a small hamlet surrounded by an almost unbroken wilderness. William Churchill, his father, bought a hundred acres of woodland and cleared a farm, known in late years as the old ''Junior Churchill Place," situated on the road to Chazy. The father was a large and athletic man, and a great worker, as Avere his six sons. They were all able men physically and mentally. Dr. Julius stayed at home working on the farm, and attending school in the winter, until the age of twenty-one, and then against the wishes and advice of his father he started out alone to acquire a medical educa- tion. He chopped wood and taught school to get money to pursue his studies. He studied with Dr. Miles Stevenson, of Chazy, and Dr. Benjamin Moore, of Champlain. In 1826-1827 he attended lecture courses at the Medical University at Castleton, Vt., and on Aug. 28, 1828, received a diploma from the Clinton County Medical Society to practise " Physic and Surgery," and soon began i)ractice in Champlain Village. In those days of wretched roads and sparse settlements, his practice soon extended over a wide range, which had to be traversed on horseback with saddlebags holding his stock of medicines. He was strong, enthusiastic, and skilful, and soon became popular, and had a very large clientage. He was fond of fine horses, and had the best in the country round. For some ten years, and up to 1840, he was postmaster of Champlain. He was an exceedingly active man, and fond of using tools, and about 1840 built himself an office with his own hands, and used this same office in his practice till his death. He was somewhat eccentric, a great collector of curiosities of all sorts, pictures, ancient arms and armor, minerals, fossils, and in one addition to his office, a sort of green- house, he had a wonderful variety of flowering plants, cactus-plants, one of which at his death was thirty-eight years old, and ten feet in height. In this greenhouse he kept, also, a lot of singing birds. Dr. Churchill was versatile, was a lover of music, and played well on the violin, cornet, and clarionet. He was intensely interested in ])hysical science, especially geology and mineralogy, and when Sir Charles Lyell, the eminent English geologist, visited America, Dr. Churchill accompanied him in his exploration of the Mississippi Valley and was of great help to him, and they were always after- wards warm friends. How he found time for all his work and his extensive readinsr and valuable collection of books was a wonder 404 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY [Connecticut to his friends, who knew he never neglected any of his home or professional duties. He was always up in the morning at four o'clock, and never idle. He was active and influential in public matters, and a popular and honored member of the County Medical Association. His scientific studies led him to very advanced con- victions in regard to religion. He was indeed a very pronounced advocate of free thought. He was opposed and denounced by many as an atheist, and some of the more bigoted church-people honestly sought to ostracize him socially as well as to boycott his practice ; but the more they persecuted and railed, the firmer he became in his convictions about religion. Theodore Parker lectured in Champlain, and the doctor found that he was in accord with the great preacher's liberal thought, and they became friends, and continued for some years to correspond. He was one of the first thinking men in America, to accept the theory of evolution. The unreasoning and ignorant bigotry of many of his friends, who, as Christian believers, turned against him, made him somewhat bitter at times, though not for long. The limits of this sketch will not admit of a full account of a very wonderful man, one of the ablest and best of all who have borne the name of Churchill. An essay on the " Life of Dr. Julius Churchill, Physician, Philosopher, and Pioneer in Kational Thought," was read before the Association for Moral and Spiritual Education, at Brooklyn, N.Y., March, 1884, by Edward J. Moore, and later published in pamphlet form. The above facts and comments have been gathered from the sketches above mentioned by the editor of this volume, who feels that so notable a member of the Hubbardton line ought to be brought to the acquaintance of his kinsfolk throughout America. The postmaster at Champlain wrote me in 1900 that none of the doctor's family remained in the town, and he knew not whether any were living or not. I have, however, just discovered his daughter, Mrs. Cornelia Traver who furnished the memoirs above noted, in 1886, and is now living m Chicago, and gives further help about her own and her brother's families. Married, in Champlain, N.Y., 1831, Nancy Fillmore, daughter of Capt. Cepta Fillmore, and a cousin of Millard Fillmore, the thir- teenth president of the United States. She was born Jan. 29, 1804, and died April 24, 1866, at Springfield, 111. Children born in Champlain, N. Y. I. AsTLEY Cooper,' b. July 6, 1832; d. July 21, 1833. 319 II. Russell,' b. July 14, 1833; m. Mart Turner. 319a III. Cornelia Schuyler,' b. Nov. 21, 1835; m. Dolphin Traver, June 15, 1853 320 IV. John Fillmore,' b. Dec. 28, 1837; ra. Catherine Wiseman, Dec. 2, 1863. V. Matilda,' b. Dec. 20, 1840; d. January, 1875. Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 405 136. JAMES 8 CHURCHILL (William,^ Samuel," Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born in Hubbarclton, Vt., Nov. 9, 1804. Married Eliza Johnsoj^. Child. 321 I. Joseph E.,^ b. Oct. 22, 1829; m. Julia Bull. 137. EZEKIEL DYER« CHURCHILL (Ezekiel,^ Samuel," Sam- uel,^ Joseph,^ Josiah'). Born at Hubbardton, Vt., July 15, 1787. Moved with his father's family to Alexander, N.Y., in 1804. He died from accidentally cutting his knee while hewing a piece of timber, Dec. 2, 1810. Married, April 3, 1810, Haxnah Baker. Child born after Father's Death. I. Amaxda,' b. 1811; m. Fidello Taylok. No children. 138. SILAS « CHURCHILL (Ezekiel,^ Samuel," Samuel,' Joseph,- JosiAH '). Born at Hubbardton, Vt., June 13, 1796. Removed with his father's family to Alexander, N.Y., in 1804. He died in Yorkshire, N.Y., Aug. 9, 1885. Married 1st, Nov. 5, 1818, Esther Parmelee ; died April 28, 1844. Married 2d, Oct. 23, 1844, Diantha Belknap ; died March 18, 1879. Children of First Wife. I. DoRLisKA,' b. Dec 14, 1819. II. Arabella,' b. June 14, 1822; d. Oct. 15, 1852. III. Emilius,' b. Jan. 14. 1824; d. 1846. 322 IV. Pembroke,' b. April 29, 1826; m. Caroline M. Clements, Noa'. 2, 1853. V. Homer,' b. June 29, 1828. VI. El Roy,' b. Sept. 14, 1830. 1! 7uT- n'T''' , I b. Oct. 14, 1832. 324 VIII. De Forest,' j IX. Cecilia,' b. May 15, 1835. X. OcTAViA,' b. April 3, 1837; d. June 13, 1876. 325 XI. Eugene,' b. Oct. 14, 1840. Child of the Second Wife. 326 XII. Pulaski,' b. March 24, 1846; d. March 18, 1879. 139. LEVI WILLIAM « CHURCHILL (Ezekiel,^ Samuel," Samuel,' Joseph,' Josiah ^). Born in Alexander, N.Y., May 10, 1804. Died in Michigan in 1892. Married Sophronia Frisbre, Novem- ber, 1824. (^ild. 326a I. Cullen.' 406 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut 130. CULLEN DYER ^ CHURCHILL (Ezekiel,^ Samuel," Samuel,'' Joseph,'-' Josiah '). Born at Alexander, N.Y., March 1, 1811. Lived there and at Ellington, N.Y. Died at Ellington, N.Y., Feb. 7, 1893. Married 1st, Feb. 25, 1836, Caroline Brown. She died May 2, 1845. Married 2d, July 22, 1845, Sarah Rublee. She died Nov. 21, 1848. Married 3d, Feb. 8, 1849, Eunice Van Duser. She died Jan. 3, 1859. Married 4th, Jan. 5, 1860, Jane Platner. Children of First Wife. I. Eunice Elizabeth,' b. Dec. 9, 18.36; m. Marcus Thacher, of Ellington, N.Y. They had no children. II. Delphine Lovisa,'' b. Feb. 3, 1838 ; m. Charles W. Heald, Aug. 2, 1859. Children. 1. Charles Roderick Brigham Heald, b. Nov. 27, 1862. 2. Mary Lizzie Heald, b. in Moline, 111., July 20, 1864. 3. Charles Cassimer, b. June 6, 1867. 326b III. Charles Carroll,' b. April 30, 1839; m. Charity Person, of Ellery, Feb. 6, 1869. IV. Cassimer Pulaski,' b. Oct 20, 1840. He was killed in the Civil War. 327 V. Albro Kuthven,' b. Sept. 13, 1843; ni. Mart J. McLees, of Davisburg, Mich., Feb. 26, 1877. Child of Second Wife. 328 VI. Homer Cullen,' b. Nov. 14, 1848; m. Rhoda Weegar, of Ran- dolph, N.Y., December, 1876. Children of Third Wife. VII. Evelyn Clinton,' b. Nov. 29, 1849 ; d. unmarried, at Randolph, N.Y., Oct. 15. 1876. VIII. Alice Ophelia,' b. Mav 28, 1851; m. Francis C. Bates, May, 1871. Children: (1) Mirth Bates, b. 1876; ra. Willis Calkins, Oct. 12, 1897. (2) Florence Bates, b. 1885. (3) Ormal Bates, b. 1886. IX. Leicester Elrot,' b. Oct. 9, 1852; unmarried. X. Harriet Cordelia,' b. Nov. 12, 1854; m. Joel D. Torrance, of Randolph, N.Y., September, 1876. No children. They lived at Randolph, where she died Jan. 19, 1894. XL Frances Marion,' b, Sept. 17, 1858; d. Sept. 30, 1859. Children of Fourth Wife. XII. Lizzie Eudora,' b. Oct. 29, 1860; d. June 26, 1864, of scarlet fever. XIII. Barden D.,' b. May 22, 1862; d. June 27, 1864, of scarlet fever. 328a XIV. Willis Fletcher,' b. July 8. 1864; m. 1st, Alice B. Lord, Jan. 25, 1893; m. 2d, Jennie Johnson, Feb. 13, 1895. 131. HENRY EZEKIEL « * CHURCHILL (Ezekiel,^ Samuel," Sam- uel,^ Joseph,^ Josiah ^). Born, Alexander, N.Y., June 29, 1813. * He changed his name, at his marriage, to Henry Ezekiel. Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 407 They lived in Alexander and Attica, N.Y. He was a dry goods merchant. Married, Nov. 23, 18.37, at Alexander, Caroline Holmes Cogswell. Children horn in Alexander, and the last in Attica. I. Orange Clark,' b. Dec. 28, 1838; d. in Aspinwall, New Granada, S.A., April 13, 18G0. II. Evelyn Adams.'' b. Aug. IG, 1842; m George S. Drew, Dec. 31, 1862. Children: (1) Cliarles H. Drew, b. Sept. 20, 18(53; (2) Eva Caroline Drew, b. Jan.4, 1865; m. Dr. Gifford, in June, 1891. III. OcTAviA Goodale,' b. Oct. 11, 1852; m. Richard M. Rortv, May 27, 1874, in Attica, N.Y., and lived in Middletown, N.Y. Children. 1. Malolm Churchill Rorty, b. May 1, 1875. 2. Philip Adams Rorty, b. Aug. 25, 1876. 3. Marian Helen Rorty, b. Dec. 11, 1878. ; 4. Ricliard Mackay Rorty, b. May 18, 1882. 5. Bertha Cogswell Rorty, b. Sept. 17, 1883. 6. Eva Winifred Rorty, b. Sept. 29, 1886. 7. James Mackay Rorty, b. March 30, 1890. 133. NOBLE '^ CHURCHILL (Levi," Charles,^ Samuel,' Joseph,' JosTAH ^). Born at Newington, Conn., Nov. 11, 1779. Settled first in New York, but removed to what is now Eaton, Preble County, 0., about 1830. Died at Eaton, 0., Jan. 28, 1866. Married, Oct. 12, 1801, Olive Stoddard. Children of Nolle and Olive {Stoddard) Chvrchill. I. Candace,' b. Oct. 9, 1804; m. Jonathan Holcomb. Mrs. Holcomb is said to have been a very hjghly gifted woman and brilliant writer. Died June, 1866. Children. 1. Son, name not known. 2. Lurania Holcomb; m. Dr. ( ) Munday. Mrs. Munday was, like her mother, highly cultured, and a gifted ■writer. II. Elizabeth,' b. Oct. 29, 1806; m. John Adams. Mrs. Elizabeth Adams died in 1877. Children. 1. John Adams, Jr. 2. George W. Adams. He lived in Oxford, O., a prosperous business man. One child: (1) Laura Adams. III. Emmeline,' b. April 6, 1809; m. Jeremiah Guild. Mrs. Guild died in 1871. 408 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Child. 1. Julia Guild. IV. Laura W.,' b. April 18, 1812; m. Prof. Ebenezer Bishop. Mrs. Bishop died in 1872. Children. 1. Georgia Bishop, m. Mr. Schaub, of Hamilton, O. 2. Alice Bishop, m. Mr. Mason, San Diego, Cal. V. Jdlia Ann,' b. June 12, 1814 ; m. 1st, Aaron Weston, of Westboro, Mass ; m. 2d, George Glass. She was highly gifted and brilliant. She died in Toledo, O., 1871. Children of First Hushand. 1. vSon, died in infancy. 2. Julia Weston, m. William Blake. Mrs. Blake was a fine actress ; at one time with Fanny Daven- port, and later starred with a company of her own. Children. 1. William Blake. I 3. Ida Blake. 2. Charles Blake. | 4. Lillie Blake. The sons live in St. Louis. Ida lives in Ohio, and Lillie in Chicago, with her cousin, Mrs. Powell. 329 VI. Gilbert W.,'b April 23, 1817 ; m. Jane Black. 330 VII. Chesterfield L.,' b. Feb. 1, 1820; m. Anne Starkweather, May, 1850. 331 VIII. John Edwin,' b. August, 1822; m. Jennie Preston. 332 IX. Charles Clinton,' b. Dec. 16, 1825; m. Mary Ashe Rivers. 133. CHARLES BELDEN « CHURCHILL (Levi/ Charles,^ Sam- uel,"' Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born at Newington, Conn., Sept. 27, 1785. He removed to Boonvilie, IST.Y., the day of their marriage, and lived there. They made their home in their later years with their son Charles B. Mr. Churchill served in the War of 1812, and received a pension for years before his death, Sept. 17, 1878. Mar- ried, in Connecticut, Eeb. 4, 1807, Elizabeth Hubbard, born in Bur- lington, Conn., May 6, 1787. She died July 21, 1867. Children born in Boonvilie, N. Y. I. Etta Maria,' b. April 8, 1808; m. William Cleveland. Child. 1. Alonzo Cleveland. 333 II. Levi Merrill,' b. Feb. 8, 1811; m. Harriet Prothrocgh, Sept. 18, 1838. 334 III. Charles Belden,' b. April 25, 1813; m. Louisa Hurlburt. IV. Abigail,' b. Aug. 20. 1815. 335 V. William Stewart,' b. March 4, 1818. 336 VI. Leonard Hubbard.' b. AjiriJ 28, 1820. 337 VII. Chester BECKLEY.'b. April 14, 1824. VIII. Elizabeth,' b. April 14, 1826. 338 IX. Martin La Fayette,' b. Sept. 1, 1832. Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 409 134. CAEOLUS^ CHURCHILL (Levi/ Charles/ Samuel/ Joseph/ Josiah '). Born in Newington, Conn., April 24, 1791. Lived in New York City and Boonville, Oneida Connty, N.Y. Removed some time between 1831 and 1836 to Trumbull, 0. ^[arried, at German Flats, N.Y., 1811, Polly Rowland. Children lorn in New York, except those noted. 339 I. Cakmi," b. Feb. 25, 1813; m. Sarah Stowe, and <1. May 9, 181)2. 340 II. John,' b. Aug. 13, 1814; m. Eleanor Bertram, of East Trum- bull, O.; il. April 6, 1897. ni. Philinda,' b. Dec. 14, 1816; m. Joshua Smith, and d in Mercer County. 111., Sept. 12. 18.54. 341 IV. Nicholas,' b. 1818, in Oneida, N.Y. ; m. Ltdia Ann Rowland, of Joliet, 111. 342 V. Calvin Webster,' b. 1820, in Oneida, N.Y. ; m. Sarah Bfgbee, 1840. 343 VI. George,' b. Oct G, 1825; ni. IMargaret Campbell. 344 VII. Ben,jamin M.,' b. May 1, 1827; m. Sarah Rowland, Peoria. 111. VIII. Artimi.ssa,' b. April 27, 1829; ni. 1st, John Palmer, Knox County, 111. ; m. 2d. Benjamin Orum, Warren County, 111. IX. Mary,' b. March 25, 1831 ; m. Hezekiah Witt, of Knox County, 111. X. Abigail,' b. Nov. 14, 1836, in East Trumbull, O.; m. 1st, Van DoREN Amy, Sept. 27, 1854; m. 2d, Calvin Routh, March 10, 1880. Mr. Amy served in the Civil War, and died in Galliton, Tenn., Jan. 22, 1863. He was in the One Hundred and Second Regiment Illinois Volunteers. The}^ lived at Henderson, and later at Alexis, 111. Mrs. Routh gave us tiie above account of her father's family. Children of First Husband, born at Henderson. 1. Charles S. Amv. b. July 30, 1855; m. Viola Rees, April 3, 1879, at lona.'lll. 2. William A. Amy, b. Nov. 1, 1859; d. June 6, 1876. 3. John W. Amy. b. Dec. 18, 1861; d. June 29, 1863. 135. BENJAMIN « CHURCHILL (Levi/ Charles/ Samuel/ Joseph,- Josiah'). Born in Newington, Conn., May 3, 1792. ^[oved with his parents to Boonville, Oneida County, N.Y., in 1802. Died Aug. 23, 1893, aged 102 years 3 months 23 days. Married, July 15, 1824, Catharine Strater, of Martinsburg, N.Y. She died Jan. 3, 1880, aged 69 years 6 months. Children . 346 I. Calvin Webster,' m. Marietta Strater. II. Marian,' m. George Harris, of Boonville. III. Caroline,' ra. Eliakim B. Williamson, Boonville, N.Y. 346 IV. Daniel,' m. Caroline Conant, in Alexis, 111. V. Elizabeth,' m. Hiram Page, in Galesburg, 111. 347 VI. Levi Henry,' m. Marian Eliza Williamson. 410 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut 348 VII. Hakvey,'' m. Nancy Routh, in Hopkins, Mo. VIII. Minerva,' m. John Brown, of Galesburg. IX. Catharine L.,' m. David A. Collins. X. Marietta,' b. Marcti 23, 1829; m. Martin Hogan. XI. Anne,' d. at the age of fourteen years. 137. DR. CLAUDIUS BELDEN « CHURCHILL (Chakles,^ Charles/ Samuel/ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born in Newbern, IST.C. The information about Dr. Churchill is very meagre, we have not been able to learn where he was educated or where he practised, or resided during his active life. He probably removed sometime in the " forties " to New Orleans. His oldest son was born in North Carolina, his youngest in Louisana. He died in 1864, in New Orleans. Married Louisana Holiday. Children. 362 I. Charles Holiday,' b. about 1830; m. Martha Thorn, October, 1864. 853 II. Sylvester Brown,' m. Malvina Bermudiz. III. Claudia Isabella,' m. James A. Ferguson, of Whately, Mass. Child. 1. Louisiana F. Ferguson, m. Peter G. Riddell. One child, (1) James F. Riddell. They live (1902) in So. Africa. 354 IV. Wylie Croome,' m. Cora Belle Mariner. 356 V. Thomas Holiday,' m. Laura K. Stirling. VI. Hannah Brown,' b. in New Orleans; m. Dr. Alex Chastant, of New Orleans. 366 VII. Zachary Taylor,' b. in New Orleans, about 1850. Died un- married in 1874. 139. CHISLIEU« CHURCHILL (Samuel,^ Charles," Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born in Newington, Conn., Dec. 4, 1779, and lived there, a farmer. He died July 9, 1857. Married, March 31, 1806, Celinda Hurlbut, born Jan. 12, 1788, and died Nov. 27, 1865. Children born in Newington. 367 I. Chauncy,' b Feb. 8, 1808; m. Abigail Webster. 358 II. Calvin,' b. March 18, 1810; m. Mary Gilstrap, Aug. 9, 1832. III. Sarah,' b. Sept. 6, 1812; m. John Shepard, April 2, 1856. No issue. IV. Mary Ann,' b. April 26, 1814; m. Flavel Wier, Nov. 26, 1834. V. Clarissa,' b. Jan. 20, 1818; m. Truman Wier, Oct. 28, 1838. 869 VI. Samuel Seymour,' b. Feb. 28, 1825; m. Louisa Hunt, Nov. 11, 1846. 140. JOHN « CHURCHILL (Samuel,^ Charles," Samuel,'^ Joseph,^ Josiah^). Born in Newington, April 11, 1785, and died there, Sept. 17, 1823, of fever, on his way home to New Hartford, Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 411 from the South. After marriage he bought a farm in New Hart- ford, where his wife's brother lived, and they settled there. Mr. Churchill was of quiet manners, medium in stature, and rather slender in build. His portrait, painted in 1812, shows that he was of attractive personality. Married, in Newington, at '' Ten Rod," the home of the bride's father, by the Rev. Joab Brace, Laura Welles, daughter of Absalom and Lorraine (Patterson) AVelles, of Newington, where she was born, July 23, 1789. She died in Bristol, July 3, 1877, and is there buried. She was a descendant, in the seventh generation, from Governor Thomas Welles. Her portrait, painted at twenty-three, shows a face, not of great beauty? but full of force and animation. She was an accomplished rider and made two journeys on horseback, before her marriage, to Lebanon, N.Y., to visit her uncle Stephen Patterson's family. She was also accomplished in dancing, and used to tell of her experience in her youth, and how, one evening, she wore through two pairs of satin slippers dancing. Her father was proud of her accomplishments, and was much more liberal in his ideas of religion than many of his neighbors, and certainly more so than her husband's people, who were very strict Calvinists. Her home was at " Ten Rod,*' and was a place of pleasant social life and generous hospitality. Left a widow when young, with only the farm in New Hartford, and with a family of five children to bring up, she showed unusual courage and re- source. Some seven years after her husband's death she removed with her family to Bristol, where her oldest daughter had settled upon her marriage. Mrs. Churchill was a woman of high spitit, and proiid of her Welles and Patterson ancestry, and while genial in disposition and forceful in character, she preserved the simple manners and quiet dignity of an earlier day. Children of John and Laura ( Wells) Churchill. I. Laura,' b. Julv 23, 1812; m. Lora Waters, of Bristol, Oct. 21, 1833. They lived in Bristol; no children. She died at Bristol, Oct. 11, 1892. Thev adopted and brous^lit up, from infancy, her own cousin, Sophia Wefls. 360 II. John,' b. Sept. 1(5, ISU; m. Ei.tza Ann Hendrick. III. Ki.ECTA,' b April 5, 1818; m. Henrt Albert Seymour. They were married at Bristol, Conn , July 28, 1844, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Waters, by Rev. R. H. Seely. Mr. Seymour was a lineal descendant of Richard Seymour, who settled in Hart- ford, as early as 1039, and he was born at New Hartford, Jan. 22, 1818. They lived at New Hartford until 184fi, when they removed to Bristol. " Mr. Seymour was a man of ability and energy, and soon after he came to Bristol became prominent in public affairs, and held many phices of trust. Upon the incorporation of the Bristol Savings Bank he became president, and held the office till his death, on April 6, 1897. Electa Churchill is described as having a brilliant complexion, dark blue eyes, and very dark brown hair. 412 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut She was vivacious and witty in conversation, a loyal, hospitable, and gracious woman, greatly beloved by her own family circle and neighbors. Children, the first horn at New Hartford, the rest at Bristol. 1. Laura Electa Seymour, b. April 5, 1846. 2. Henry Albert Seymour, b. April 2, 1847; m. Mary Marilla Leggett, Washington, D.C., Oct. 30, 1872. He was educated at Williston Academy, and Columbian Law School, Washington, D.C. Removed to Washington in 1870. He has been for years a principal examiner in the Patent Office, and law-clerk to the commissioner of patents. Their children, born in Washington : (1) Laura Leggett Sey- mour, b. Nov. 11, 1873; (2) Rae, Mortimer Seymour, b. Aug. 24, 1877; (3) Helen Welles Seymour, b. Dec. 18, 1878. 3. Mary Harriet Seymour, b. July 22, 1849; m. Miles Lewis Peck, Oct. 18, 1871. Children, born at Bristol, Conn. : (1) Josiah H. Peck, b. March 5, 1873; (2) Howard S. Peck, b. May 17, 1874: (3) Hilda M. Peck, b. April 19, 1881; (4) Rachel K. Peck, b. Jan. 6, 1883; (5) Mary M. L. Peck, b. Jan. 22, 1895. 4. Lilla Welles Seymour, b. May 10, 1852; d. Nov. 7, 1854. 5. John Churchill Seymour, b. June 5, 1853; d. the same day. 6. Grace Ella Seymour, b. July 13, 1856; m. William Shurtleff Ingraham, Oct. 11, 1881. Children, born at Bristol, Conn. : (1) Faith Allen Ingraham, b. April 30, 1886; (2) Edward Ingraham, b. Dec. 20, 1887; (3) Dudley Seymour Ingraham, b. Aug. 14, 1890. 7. George Dudley Seymour, b. Oct. 6, 1859. Educated at Hartford public schools. Graduated from the high school in 1878, and from the Columbian University Law School in 1880. Engaged in his brother's office at Washington until 1883, when he opened an office in New Haven. He de- votes himself exclusively to patents and patent law practice. He is interested in literature and the fine arts, and family history. He is (1903) secretary of the Society of Colonial Wars in Con- necticut. Mr. Seymour is unmarried. 8. Helen Welles Seymour, b. Jan. 29, 1864; d. July 12, 1866. 361 IV. Absalom Welles,' b. March'29, 1820; m. Harriet Mason Porter. 362 V. Charles,' b. May 25, 1822; m. Alice Phillips. 141. JOSIAH BELDEN6 CHURCHILL (Samuel,^ Charles," Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah^). Born in ISTewington, Conn., Aug. 28, 1787, and was there brought up, but removed, probably about 1806, to Boonville, N.Y., where he settled near his uncle Levi Churchill, whose daughter he married. He lived in Boonville until the death of his first wife, when, I learn from an account written for me by his daughter, Mrs. Wonser, in October, 1900, he took his children to Newington, and there they were placed in different homes among Mr. Churchill's former friends and relatives, so that they attended the same school. After his second marriage he removed to Sempro- nius and later to Summerhill, N.Y., and then in 1837 he removed with the younger portion of his family to Troy, Erie County, Penn. He died April 18, 1852. He served in the War of 1812. Married, Branch.] " SIXTH GENEEATION 413 in Boonville, N.Y., Oct. 14, 1808, Octavia Churchill, daughter of Levi and Ruth (Merrills) Churchill, born in ISTewington, Dec. 14, 1786, and died in Boonville, KY., July 20, 1820. Mrs. Wonser writes of her mother, " As I was but seven years old when mother died, I have only a child's recollection of her, but as I remember her she was of medium size, with very fair complexion and mild black eyes ; I thought then and think now that she was a very handsome woman." Married 2d, Phebe Marta Thompson, March 11, 1824 She was born Jan. 31, 1800. Children of First Wife horn in Boonville, N. Y. I. Celina Casson,^ b. Aui?. 4, 1809; m. Robekt Poole, Summer- hill, N.Y. She died in Cazenovia, N.Y. No further record received. II. Marcia Boardman,^ b. Feb. 26, 1811; m. Evelyn Woodford, Siimmerhill, N.Y. She was brought up in the family of her aunt, ElizabethHubbard, of Berlin, Conn. Her sister, Mrs. Wonser, describes her as resem- bling her mother, and very handsome. There seems to have been something of a romance in her story which is sad in its close. Slie was very much beloved by her relatives and friends, and especially by her aunt Elizabeth's family ; and all were bitterly opposed to the man whom she chose for a husband, but in spite of their opposition she married him. Evelyn Woodford was a tailor and was not apparently successful. After some years of futile efforts he heard of an opening in Texas, and, leaving his wife, he went ahead to get a home ready. The wife with her two small children, one an infant, followed soon after on a small schooner, that being then the only available conveyance. A terrible storm swept down on them, lasting many woful days, while the young mother lay in her small cabin-bunk, seasick, homesick, and heart- sick, with her babies, one on each arm ; but after many days they arrived at their port and found the husband. The baby died soon after, and the mother's health was completely shattered. She lived only a year or two, another child being born to her. She died at Matagorda Bay, Texas, Nov. 22, 1838, and her husband soon after married a Texas woman. Children of Evelyn and Marcia {Churchill) Woodford. 1. Milton Mozart Woodford, b. Nov. 26, 1834; m. Juliana Hitch- cock, Dec. 25, 1855. He shared the perilous voyage to Texas, with his mother, and after her deatli his step-mother, it is said, sentf him off on a return voyage, after a few years, to his uncle Samuel C, who, with other relatives, provided for him, after a fashion, until he was eighteen. Children: (1) Carrie L. Woodford, b. July 2, 1857; (2) Charlton M. Woodford, b. Jan. 2, 1861; (3) Arthur F, Wood- ford, b. Nov. 3, 1866; (4) Helen Marcia Woodford, b. May 21, 1869; (5) Bernet Woodford, h. June 25. 1871; d. Sept. 10, 1871; (6) Robert Hawley Woodford, b May 23, 1876. 2. Barnard Woodford, b. 1837 and d. Jan. 7, 1838. III. Ruth Merrills,^ b. March 12, 1813; m. M. G. Wonser, Summer- hill, NY., Aug. 12, 1832. Mrs Wonser writes in October, 1900, being then in her 87th year, " My mother, Octavia, was a very religious and conscientious woman, and a few days before her death, wanted us children to be baptized, so we stood up in a row by her bedside, and a preacher sprinkled some water upon our heads and said some words which we did not 414 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut then understand, but took it as a sort of compact that we were to be good." I regret that I do not find anywhere among the letters of Mrs. Wonser any account of her own girlhood. Married at the age of nineteen and a half years, she lived a life full of activity and showed herself a woman of remarkable force and ability. They lived a few years at Milan and Summerhill, N.Y., and then removed West and settled at Ellis ville, 111., and later at Erie, 111., where Mrs. Wonser was living with her youngest daughter Kuth, in October, 1900. In July, 1880, she wrote, " I have had a very active life, practised medicine for twenty years, but one year ago 1 fell and broke my hip, which has laid me up for a year, and will probably make me a cripple for life." She says, " In religion, I am a Bible- Spiritualist, and on the 30th of September, 18(J7, the society to which I then belonged granted me the privilege of speaking to the people and solemnizing marriages." A copy of this certificate is before the editor of this volume as he writes. It is a regular recog- nition and fellowship of her as a lawful minister. Dated at Geneseo, 111., Sept. 30, 1867, and signed by Samuel McHose, President, and John C. Moody, Secretary. Ckildren of M. G. and Ruth M. {Churchill) Wo7iser. 1. Octavia L. Wonser, b. at Milan, N.Y., June 7, 1833; m. 1st, Daniel Tift, Erie. 111., Oct. 20, 1852; m. 2d, Joseph Med- hurst, Galesburg, 111. 2. Annette E. Wonser. b. at Summerhill, N.Y., Oct. 16, 1835; m. 1st, C. E. Coburn, St. Louis, Oct 20, 1851 ; m. 2d, Edward Fenton; lives in California. 3. F. J. Mortimer Wonser, b. at EUisville, 111., May 5, 1838; m. Julia Weaver, Erie, Jan. 1, 1859 Mr. Wonser is a prosperous lawyer at Tama, Iowa, and has the following children : (1) William W. Wonser, b. Dec. 1, 1859; m. Bertie Lamb, at Sterling, 111., Sept. 7, 1881, and has two chil- dren. Feme and Marjorie; (2) Charles J. Wonser, b. July 19, 1862; m. Josephine Patterson, at St. Olaf, Iowa, March 26, 1889; (3) Flora C. Wonser, b. Feb. 5, 1865; (4) Charlotte E. Wonser, b. Nov. 18, 1866; (5) Louis Wonser, b. March 12, 1869, d. Jan. 6, 1870; (6) Fred Wonser, b. June 4, 1871; (7) Ernest Wonser. b. July 24, 1873; d. Sept. 8, 1874; (8) Vera Wonser, b Oct. 18, 1878. 4. Marcia W. Wonser, b. March 7, 1840, at EUisville; m. John Fenton, at Erie, March 14, 1859. 5. Charles Wonser, b. at EHisville, Feb. 16, 1842 ; d. Oct. 20, 1843. 6. Mileden Wonser, b. at EUisville, May 16, 1844; d. in Erie, 111., Sept. 27, 1845. 7. Charlotte E. Wonser, b. at EUisville, May 16, 1846; d. in Erie, 111., Sept. 12, 1850. 8. Kate L. Wonser, b. at Erie, 111., April 20, 1848; m. John Bushee, Oct. 1, 1866. 9. Colonel D. Wonser, b. at Erie, 111., Oct. 6, 1850; m. Marcia Kelly, Oct. 3, 1869. 10. Ruth R. Wonser, b. at Erie, 111., Jan. 3, 1853. 363 IV. Samuel Cicero,' b. Jan. 30, 1815; m. 1st, Emily North, Aug. 80, 1840; m. 2d, Sophia G. Gunn, March 27, 1843. V. Charlotte.' b. Feb. 24, 1817; m. Levinus Sperrt, April 6, 1845. She graduated from Groton Seminary, N.Y., where she remained for several years as a teacher. Mr. Sperry was a public-spirited man, an ardent Abolitionist, and very active in that direction, an excellent Christian in practical works as well as in his faith. Mrs. Wonser writes of him : " If the world were full of souls like him, it would be a beautiful world to live in." They lived at, or near, Galesburg, 111., and later at Bu.shnell, 111., where she died Feb. 2, 1856. He died April 10, 1893. In his later years he lived in Pueblo, Col. Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 415 Children. 1. Oriana J. Sperry, b. Jan. 3, 1846; d. Feb. 8, 1848. 2. Levinus Mentor Sperry, b. Feb. IG, 1849; m. 1st, Julia Churchill, dau. of Norman, June 25, 1874; m. 2d, Sarah J. Shields, Aug. 10, 1880. He graduated at Knox College, June, 1874, and on the same day, June 2,5, married his first wife, who lived only a year. 3. Charlotte Emma Sperry, b. Nov. 1. 1850; ni. 1st, Miles Hubbard, Nov. 28, 1880; m. 2d, Fremont Getman, Feb. 1, 1891. 4. Lewis Belden Sperry, b. Aug. 30, 1852; m. Bertha A. Magehe, Feb. IG. 1888. 5. Ira Peck Sperry, b. Feb. IG, 1854; d. Sept. 5, 1854. 6. Lydia Orilla Peck Sperry, b. Dec 23, 1855. VI, Julia,' b. Oct. 4, 1818; d. Oct. 18, 1818, VII, Nancy,'' b. April 26, 1820, and died the same day. Children of the Second Wife. VIII. George Thompson,' b. Nov. 26, 1824, at Sempronius, N.Y.; m. 1st, Almina Lawrence, Aug, 27, 1847; m. 2d, Sarah C, Laav- RENCE, Jan. 15, 1852. IX. Josiah Hubbard,' b, July 2, 1826, at Summerhill, N.Y. He en- listed in the army, in the Civil War, and was killed at Freder- icksburg, in the battle, Dec. 13, 1862. X, Charles,' b. Jan. 12, 1829, at Summerhill, N.Y. He enlisted in the Seventy-fifth Regiment Illinois Volunteers, and served over three years, and returned home broken in health. In 1900 he was living in Morrison, 111. 142. CHARLES" CHURCHILL (Samuel,^ Charles,^ Samuel/ Joseph,- Josiah.^) Born at Newington, Sept, 12, 1790. He went South, and settled first in Irdell County, and later in Fayette County, Tenn. He died Jan. 29, 1845, in Tennessee, Married, in Irdell County, ISr.C, Sept. 11, 1828, Matilda Johnson, daughter of James and Cassandra (ISTorthcroft) Johnson, b. Nov, 24, 1812, and died July 23, 1887, in Independence County, Ark. Children born in Irdell County, N.C. 365 I. Samuel Boardman,' b. Jan. 2, 1831; m. Sarah E. Histon, II, Harriet Julia,' b. Jan. 13, 18o3; m. Israel McGrady Pickens, of Fayette County, Tenn., Oct. 13, 1852, Mr, Pickens was killed in the Civil War, Children born in Fayette County, Tenn. 1. Charles P. Pickens, b. Sept. 4, 1854; m. Emma C. McDonald, Independence County, Ark., Sept. 25, 1879. 2. John W. Pickens, b. Aug. 23, 1856; m. Phebe J. Summers, Independence County, Ark., Aug. 15, 1878. 3. James McGrady Pickens, b. Sept. 21, 1858 ; m. Lulu E, Bennett, Independence County, Ark., Jan. 22, 1880. 4. Lulu A. V. Pickens, b. April 9, 1861, 5. Cora Katie Pickens, b. Feb. 27, 1863. 366 III. James Northcroft,' b. Jan. 12, 1835; m. Charlotte T. Hogan, 367 IV. William Prk e.' b. Dec. 24, 1836; m. Mary E. Russell. 368 V. Curtis Johnson,' b. Dec. 11, 1838; m. Amanda A. Hogan. VI. Mart Ann,' b. Feb. 2, 1841. Never married. VIII, Marcia Matilda Victory,' b. July 24, 1843; m. William H. Walden, of Fayette County, Tenn., Nov. 8, 1865, 416 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Children. 1. Ella A. Walden, b. Jan. 6, 1867. 2. Charles Henry Walden, b. Jan. 12, 1869. 3. George Curtis Walden, b. July 15, 1871. 4. James William Walden, b. Nov. 1, 1875. 5. Mary Theodosia Walden, b. Sept. 27, 1878. 6. Edgar Eldridge Walden, b. March 5, 1883. 143. CHESTER 6 CHURCHILL (Solomon,^ Charles/ Samuel,^ Joseph,- Jos i ah '). Born in Newington parish. May 6, 1798. He acquired a common school education in his native village and started out for himself at the age of eighteen. He went to Boonville, N.Y., and taught school the next year, but a little later he engaged in trade. At first he began by carrying merchandise to sell in the South, but succeeded so well that some ten years later he was able to establish a warehouse in Hartford, whence he shipped invoices of goods to different points in the South for sale. He showed great ability and with his' untiring energy a successful career was assured, but his health failed so that he was obliged to spend his winters South. On his way to Augusta, Ga., for his winter sojourn, he was taken sick at Rappahannock, Va., and died there Nov. 7, 1837, and was there buried. His nephew, Leonard Churchill Hubbard, says of him : " He was of medium build, well proportioned, pleasing in address, active and attractive." Married, Aug. 24, 1826, Lucretia Olmsted, daughter of Francis and Nancy (Judd) Olmsted, of West Hartford. She was a very accomplished person, far better educated than most women of her day, having studied Latin, surveying, navi- gation, etc., under the well-known Dr. Strong, of Hartford. She was a teacher of Latin and the higher branches in a select school in Hartford, having seventy pupils, at one time, under her tuition. After the death of her husband she resumed her former vocation for some time in Newington. She was a woman of great energy of mind, and possessed a wonderful memory. She survived her hus- band more than thirty-seven years, and died in Newington, Conn., March 8, 1875. Children of Chester and Lucretia ( Olmsted') Churchill. I. Francis,' b. July 23, 1828; d. Jan. 24, 1834. II. Julia,' b. Nov. 3, 1831; m. James Watkixs, Eisq., in the South. She was a lady of fine culture and beautiful person. She went to the South, after her father's death, to look after his landed interests, which were quite extensive, and there married. She died in Tennessee, without children, Feb. 17, 1870. III. Mary,' b, Oct. 28, 1836. She is hving (in 1903), unmarried, in Newington, in the house built by Capt. Charles Churchill for his son Samuel. Branch.] 8TXTH GENERATIOJ^^ ' 417 144. DEACON SILAS •^ CHURCHILL (Rev. Silas/ Charles/ Samuel,' Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born in New Lebanon, N.Y., June 5, 1800. He lived in New Lebanon, a respected and influential citizen. Died at New Lebanon, Aug. 9, 1878. Married 1st, at New Lebanon, N.Y., Oct. 27, 1825, Clarissa Avery, daughter of William T. and Phebe (Troop) Avery, born Oct. 31, 1793 ; died March 13, 1836. Married 2d, Oct. 27, 1836, Cornelia S. W. Lynde, at Hartford, Conn., where she was born May 5, 1806. She died August, 1896. Children horn at New Lebanon, N. Y. 369 I. Francis Elliott,' b. Sept. 12, 1826; m. Katharine Whitmore, Aug. 16, 1852. II. Mary Cornelia,' b. April 21, 1829; m. Rev. William Decker, New Lebanon, June IC. 1857, and died at Turin, N.Y., in 1899. One cbild, a daughter, born in Florida, N.Y. 370 III. William Thomas,' b. Doc. 25, 1830; m. Alice Summers, April 25, 1«83. 371 IV. Silas Payson,' b. Nov. 12, 1832; m. Mary Amelia Hoyt, Sept. 15, 1863. V. Ellen Clarissa,' b. Aug. 26, 1835; d. unmarried, June 8, 1857. Second Wife's Children. VI. Martha Octavia,' b. Sept. 1, 1838; m. Jerome McWilliams at New Lebanon, N.Y., Nov. 28, 1866. They lived on the old homestead. 371a VII. Joseph Lynde,' b. Jan. 30, 1840; m. ( ) ( ) at Oak- land, Ore., June 6. 1^74. VIII. Alfred Whittlesey,' b. Jan. 25, 1842; d. in the army in the Civil War, April 9, 1864. IX. Abbie Elizabeth,' b. April 26, 1844; d. May 30, 1856. X. Anna Rhoda,' b. Aug. 1, 1846; m. Charles Cooper, Cleveland, O., Oct. 23, 1872. They lived in Watertown, N.Y. 147. WILLIAM BOARDMAN « CHURCHILL (Jesse,^ Jesse," Samuel,'^ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born at Hubbardton, Vt., March 4, 1794. From all that I can learn of Mr. Churchill, he seems to have been either unfortunate or a poor manager. They lived at Ridge Prairie, 111., until 1840. His wife's mother lived with them, and her brother near by. In 1840 her brother moved to Wisconsin, and she, taking her five children, with her mother, went with them, leaving her husband behind. Yet she is said to have been a good and noble woman. The separation was final, however, and she settled and passed her life at Monroe, Wis. She was a faithful mother, despite her desperate step. He died at Collins ville. 111., Dec. 9, 1856, after two later marriages, by which no children are reported. Married 1st, Aug. 3, 1823, Almira Humes, born in 418 * THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Portsmouth, i^^.H., April 5, 1806, and died in Monroe, Wis., April 23, 1893. Married 2d, Mrs. Jane ( ) Kingston. Married 3d, Mrs. Lura (Hill) Roberts. Children born at Ridge Prairie, 111. I. Caroline E.,'' b. June 26, 1824; m. John Augustine Bingham, in Monroe, Wis., Nov. 25, 1843. He was born in Morristown, N.Y., Feb. 27, 1819. Children born iti llonroe, Wis. 1. Helen Maria Bingham, b. Oct. 10, 1845. 2. Horace Bingham, b. P^b. 5, 1848; d. Dec. 28, 1849. 3. Alice Bingham, b. May 4, 1851 ; m. Herbert Edson Copeland, Sept. 7, 1872. Children: (1) Edwin B. Copeland, b Sept. 30, 1873 ; member Company H, First Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteers, in Spanish War of 1898; (2) Herbert B. Copeland, b. July 24, 1875. 4. Ada Bingham, b. Feb. 6, 1854; unmarried. 5. Homer William Bingham, b Ft^bruary, 1856; m. Addie Ludlow, July 20, 1897, at Denver, Col., nml lived there, and had child, Helen Ludlow Bingham, b. in Denver, Col., Dec. 18, 1897. 6. John Herbert Bingham, b. Jan. 14, 1859; d. Jan. 23, 1881. 372 II. Jesse Norman,'' b Jan. 26, 1826; m. Ann E. Sherman, Feb. 22, 1854. 372a III. George,^ b. May 19, 1830; m. 1st, Olive Brown, Oct. 25, 1857; m. 2d, Emma Summeril, May 28, 1876. IV. LucENA Ann,' b. Feb. 14, 1833; m. William Sykes, Sept. 1, 1858. Children. 1. George Quigley Sykes, b Aug. 7, 1859; m. May Ivy, June 4, 1890. 2. Frederick Sykes, b. May 7, 1861 ; d. Feb. 7, 1863. 8. Frank Sykes, b. Sept. 17, 1864. 4. Jennie Sykes, b. Dec. 18, 1866; m Louis Erhard, Sept. 9, 1897. V. Maria,' b. April 7, 1835; m. Jeremiah Kellet, July 7, 1856. 148. NORMAN « CHURCHILL (Jesse,^ Jesse,^ Samuel,'^ Josep< JosiAH '). Born at Hubbardton, Vt., Nov. 5, 1799, and lived there until he was eight years old, and held many incidents of his early school-days there in memory. In 1807, his mother having died in 1801, he went with his father's family to Litchfield, N.Y., where his father had settled in the ministry. Here and at the other places of his father's settlement he received a good common school education, mainly by his own efforts, and he was especially well versed in the phraseology of the Bible, having a retentive memory. He wrote many letters, from 1880 to 1880, to the early compilers of this vol- ume, and to some of his kindred who have forwarded the same to us ; and these letters, made up of notes and comments on the family, give a vast deal of information about others of the name, but not enough about himself. His notes are written in a quaint, and often Branch.] SIXTH GENEEATION 419 half humorous style, but always with the purpose of imparting the facts. His many shrewd though kindly comments upon his rela- tives, living and dead, would be of much interest to his kindred, but the editor would not feel at liberty, even if there were space, to pub- lish the notes in this volume. He was with his father, who served as chaplain in the army in the War of 1812, and was his father's orderly, or servant. July 3, 1880, he wrote : " Sixty-five years ago I was a soldier at Sackett's Harbor." He learned the trade of carpen- ter and also that of hatter and also sleigh-maker. He had the Yankee faculty of doing well nearly everything that pertains to the construction of houses. He lived in Winfield, N.Y., the last parish of his father's ministry, until 1839, when he removed with his fam- ily, his wife and six children, to Galesburg, 111., having joined the colony of settlers two years before, by the purchase of a lot of land. He spent there the remainder of his honorable, kindly, and useful life. He became an influential member of the Old First Church, Presbyterian, was chosen an elder in 184(), and held that office till his death. He was a man of great strength of character, decidedly original and independent in thought, and quaint of speech, but conscientious and faithful in all the relations of life, a consis- tent Abolitionist, and an earnest promoter of all good institutions. He died in Galesburg, Sept. 20, 1886. Married, in Winfield, N.Y., March 5, 1826, Anna Eggleston. She was the daughter of his father's third wife by a former husband, and was born at Batavia, N.Y., Jan. 24, 1806, and died at Galesburg, 111., March 1, 1882. Childi-en of Norman and Antia {Egglestoti) Churchill, the first six born at Win- field, N. v., the others at Galesburg, III. I. Emily Amelia,' b. May 17, 1827; m. Rev. James Henry Warren, D.D., at Galesburg, 111., June 27, 1850. Mr. Warren graduated at Knox College in 1847, and was pastor of the Congregational Church at Nevada City, 1851 to 1858, and leaving that to become editor of " The J'aciflc," the first religious newspaper on the coast; four years then pastor at San Mateo, and then he became superintendent of the Home Missions of California for nearly thirty years. Mrs. Emily (Churchill) Warren was edu- cated at Moiiticello Academy, and was afterwards a teacher in Knox College. In June, 1899, they were living at 15-14 Taylor street, San Francisco, Cal. A letter from Mrs. Warren at that time gives this account of her family. Children of Rev. James If. and Emily (^Churchill) Warren. 1. Anna Churchill AVarren, b. in San Francisco, Feb. 21, 1851. Educated at Laurel Hall, San Mateo. A teacher many years. Lives at home. 2. Mary Stuart Warren, b. July 2, 1853, in Nevada City, Cal.; m. Dr. Marcel Pietryzchi, and lives in Dayton, Wash. 3. Clarence Harrison Warren, b. March 6, 1856, in Nevada City, Cal. He graduated from the University of California, 420 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut became a journalist, and is city editor of one of the leading dailies of California; m. Bessie Staniford. June 25, 1882. 4. Eleanor Warren, b. in Nevada City, Feb. 21, 1858. She is an artist. 373 II. George,' b. April 2, 1829; m. 1st, Clarissa Amelia Hurd; m. 2d, Adaline Heletia Hates; m. 3d, Ellen Maria Sanborn. III. Cornelia Ann,' b. March 17, 1831; m., in Galesburg, 111., July 30, 1851, Milton Lemmon Comstock, who was born in New Haven, O., Oct. 19, 1824. He graduated at Knox College, Galesburg, 111., of which institu- tion he held the professorship of mathematics from 1858 to 1898, and is professor emeritus since. Cornelia (Churchill) Comstock was educated at, and was afterwards teacher in, Cherry Grove Academy. They lived at Burlington and Kossuth, Iowa, and from 1858 Galesburg, 111. Children of Prof. 3Iilton L. and Cornelia (Churchill) Comstock. 1. Flora Ardelle Comstock, b. Sept. 20, 1852; d. Sept. 4, 1854. 2. George Erastus Comstock, b. July 4. 1854; d. May 11, 1857. 3. Cornelia Belle Comstock, b. at Kossuth, Iowa, March 12, 1858; m. William W. Hnmmond. They live at Peoria, 111., and have children: (1) Harry C. Hammond, (2) Clara Hammond. 4. Clara Emily Comstock, b. Nov. 12, 1860, at Galesburg, III. 5. Clarence Elmer Comstock, b. May 5, 1866; m. Gary l^riggs, Dec. 27, 1900. He is professor of mathematics, in the Poly- technic Institute, Peoria, 111. 6. Ada Heletia Comstock, b. Feb. 2, 1869. 374 IV. Norman,' b. July 16, 1833; m. Ann Hinsey, Nov. 21, 1860. V. Julia,' b. April 3, 1836; m. Levinus Mentor Sperry, June 25, 1874. He was the grandson of Josiah Belden and Octavia (Churchill) Churchill. Julia (Churchill) Sperry died July 1, 1875. VI. Mary Victoria,' b. Aug. 26, 1838; d. Aug. 4, 1841. VII. Elvira,' b. Oct. 17, 1841; unmarried. VIII. WiLBERFORCE,' b. Nov. 4, 1843; d. in the armv hospital at Vicks- burg. Miss., Feb. 7, 1863. IX. Isabel,' b. Jan. 6, 1846. 149. SIMEON « CHURCHILL (Levi,^ Jesse," Samuel,'' Joseph,- JosiAH^). Born in Wethersfield, Jan. 3, 1788. Lived at Wethers- field. No further facts in relation to this family than herein stated. Married Anna Colman. Children. I. Martha Ann,' b Oct. 6, 1817. II. Simeon,' b. June 9, 1819. III. Mary,' b. Oct. 11, 1822. 150. LEVI BELDEN « CHURCHILL (Levi,^ Jesse," Samuel/ Joseph,^ Josiah ^). Born at Wethersfield, March 24, 1797. They lived at Griswoldville, Conn., in 1832. Married, June 27, 1816, Abigail Gkiswold. Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 421 Children. 375 I. Justus G.,^ b. Nov. 5, 1816; m. Abigail Harris, Jan. 28, 1844. II. Prudence Wells, '^ b. April 11, 1819; m. James S. Griswold, Sept. 1, 1841. 376 III. Levi,' b. April 24, 1824; m. Mary Jane Blinn, April 10, 1861. 377 IV. Stephen Belden,' b. June 21, 1830; m. Abigail Mario, May 5, 1857. V. Abigail M.,' b. Oct. 12, 1832; m. John Newton Standish, April 4, 1855. He was the son of James Tryon Stancjish, of Wethersfield, and was for several years captain of the Governor's Horse Guards. He died at Fairfield, Conn., May 18, 1888. Children of John N. and Abigail {Churchill) Standish. 1. John Newton Standish, b. Feb. 3, 1856; m. Mary S. Simpson. 2. Miles Stephen Standish, b. Oct. 9, 1857; m. Florence May Bouton. 3. Rose Maria Stundish, b. Dec. 13, 1860; unmarried, lives at Fairfield, Conn. 4. Harriet Isabella Standish, b. Nov. 30, 1863; m. Arthur Gris- wold, Jan. 15, 1885. 5. George Welles Standish, b. Aug. 14, 1865; m. Margaret Hearn. 6. Frank Ernest Standish, b. Nov. 25, 1869; d. in Bridgeport, Conn., Feb. 19, 1881. VI. Harriet Elizabeth,' b. Oct. 1, 1836; m. Bart Elisha Blinn, Nov. 18, 1856. 151. JAMES « CHURCHILL (Ithamar,^ Jesse/ Samuel/ Joseph,- JosiahI). Born in Hubbardton, Vt., Aug. 17, 1798. He settled in Mount Vernon, Knox County, 0., a farmer, and lived there until about 1844, when he removed to Illinois, and later to Iowa. He died Oct 15, 1868. Married, in Knox County, 0., April 3, 1828, Phebe Marvin, born Dec. 1, 1808 ; died March, 1850. Childrefi. 378 I. Cyrus,' b. March 17, 1829; m. Susannah Wagner, Dec. 24, 1854. 379 II. Mattheav M.,' b. Dec. 1, 1830; m. Nancy Blosser. 380 III. Almon I.,' b. April 7, 1834 ; m. Mrs. Sarah E. (Hathaway) Lee, Jan. 30, 1869. 381 IV. Henry J.,' b. April 4, 1836; m. Margaret Ann Dugger, May 27, 1863. V. Levi D.,' b. Sept. 26, 1845; d. April 8, 1860. 153. LORENZO « CHURCHILL (Ithamar,^ Jessf^ Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah^). Lorn in Hubbardton, Vt., Dec. 6, 1809. Re- moved with his father's family to Pennsylvania in 1818, and later to Ohio. He died Sept. 17, 1857. Married, in Tioga County, N.Y., 1835, Nancy M. Wright, of Delaware County, 0. She was 422 THE CHURCHILL FA.AIILY [Connecticut born Jan. 17, 1818, in Putnam County, N.Y. ; daughter of Elijah and Adah (Evans) Wright. Children. 382 I. Norman W.,^ b. Feb. 13, 1837; m. Dulama F. Connelly. II. Ira L.J b. Sept. 13, 1840; unmarried. III. Charles P.J b. Jan. 8. 1844; d. Aug. 16, 1874; unmarried. IV. Sarah M.,' b. Sept. 25, 1851 ; d. Dec. 31, 1852. V. Mary J.,' b. June 26, 1855; unmarried. 154. LEVI BLINN« CHURCHILL (Ithamar,^ Jesse,^ Samuel,' Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born in Hubbardton, Vt., Nov. 26, 1816. Re- moved to Pennsylvania, with his father's family. Married, May 26, 1842, Louisa Northrup, born Nov. 12, 1821. Children. I. Laura Helen,' b. Marcb 3, 1843; d. Aug. 13, 1846. II. Lorenzo Lent,' b. March 4, 1845; d. Dec. 28, 1857. III. Mary LiBBiE,' b. March 17,1857; m. Charles Edgar Bartlett, of Sacramento, Cal., Nov. 24, 1880. 383 IV. Lauren Bunn,' b. Jan. 16, 1861. V. Lillian Vesta,' b. Dec. 31, 1862. 155. ISAAC" CHURCHILL (Asahel,' Benjamin,^ Samuel,'^ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born (perhaps at Southington, Conn.) Sept. 8, 1779. Settled " in the Black River Country," Jefferson County, N.Y. Married, but the name of his wife has not been obtained, nor have we been able to get any definite account of this family. He died Feb. 6, 1851. Children. 384 I. Merritt,' m. late in life and had one son, name not obtained. II. Ctnthia,' m. Mr. Saulsbury. Children. 1. Artie Saulsbury, m. John Kimball. 2. Isola Saulsbury. III. Merinda,' m. Peter Monroe. No children. IV. Artie,' m. Mr. Rose, and had three sons and one daughter, names not received. 156. ARA*' CHURCHILL (AsaheV Benjamin,'' Samuel," Joseph,- JosiAH^). Born in Connecticut, May 27, 1785. (The name is given erroneously on page 362.) Settled in Batavia, N.Y., about 1809, and lived there until 1820, and then in Alexander. He was a Branch.] SIXTH Gl^KERATION 423 farmer. He served in the War of 181-. An honest, quiet, and lov- able Christian man, and his wife was a fit " helpmeet," and a bright and capable homekeeper ; both were fond of music, and good singers. They were Baptists in faith, strong for temperance, and he was a loyal Eepublican in politics. Both were proud of their lineage and fond of their family. He died Jan. 26, 1871. Married 1st, at Whitestone, JST.Y., June 6, 1809, Sarah Hyde, daughter of Simon and Pamelia (Vaughan) Hyde, of Whitestone, IST.Y. Married 2d, Dec. 1, 1858, Mary Belinda Randall, daughter of Rev. Joseph and Lydia (Chapman) Randall. Children born in Batavia, the last five in Alexander. I. Infant,' b. June 23, 1810; d. the same day. II. EuNici:,'' b. Feb. 14, 1812; m. 1st, Nathan Meade, June 5, 1842; m. 2d, Milton Gray, Sept. 28, 1847. Mrs. Eunice (Churchill) Gray died in Toledo, O., Jan. 13, 1894. Mr. Meade was in the army in the Civil War under General But- ler, and later under General Ord. Child of First Husband. 1. Charles Nathan Don Meade, b. in Batavia, Dec. 5, 1848; m. Freedom J. Holton, at Batavia, Oct. 7, 18G8. They lived in Syracuse, N.Y., and Toledo, 0., and had children, (1) Roliert H. Meade, b. Jan. 27, 1872; (2) Florence M. Meade, b. May 10, 187(i, in Syracuse; (3) Alice C. Meade, b. May 30, 1882, d. July 12, 1882; (4) Orel F. Meade, b, Oct. 30, 1883, d. June 13, 188.5; (5) Kittle Lou Meade, b. in Toledo, June 13, 188G; d. Nov. G, 1887. 385 III. Charles Hyde,' b. April 28, 1814; m. 1st, Jane Innes, Oct. 25, 1841; ni. 2d. Mary B. Randall, Dec. 1, 1858. IV. Pamelia,' b. June 24, 181G; m. William Ennis, of Alexander, N.Y. They lived at Brooklyn, Mich., and had children born there. Children . 1. Ara Churchill Ennis. 2. Edward Ennis, m. Frances Vest. 3. Jennie Ennis, m. Park Hart, Brooklyn, Mich. V. Cctler Luther,' b. May 15, 1818; d. March 12, 1820. VI. Sarah Ann,' b. July 26, 1820; m. Sunderland P. Gardner, Dec. 28, 1842, at Alexander. She died Oct. 4, 1861. They lived at Batavia and Oakfield, N.Y., and had children. Children . 1. William Earl Gardner, b. Feb. 1, 1844, at Batavia; m. Belle Lovett, of Ea.st Penfield, Dec. 10, 1873, and had Albert, Fred, Florence E., and Lottie May Gardner. 2. Ara Dan Gardner, b. July 8, 1845; d. unmarried at Allegan, Feb. 11, 1868. 3. Charles L. Gardner, b. May 28, 1848; d. June 8, 1848, at Oak- field. 4. Sarah A. Gardner, b. May 18, 1850; m. Dr. J. F. Tubbs, of Oakfield, Sept 2, 1871. They live at Fairport, N.Y., and have two children, viz.,. Alma S. Tubbs and Belle F. Tubbs. 424 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut 386 VII. Ara Dan,'' b. Jan. 21, 1825; m, Betsey R. Stimers, Jan. 8, 1851, VIII. Mary Elizabeth,' b. Sept. 3, 1828; m. 1st, Henry Getten, Al- exander, N.Y., Dec. 17, 1846; m. 2d, Alpheos Spring, of Alex- ander, Aug. 5, 1876. They lived at Bethany, N.Y., and had children. CJiildren. 1. Oscar Fernando Getten, b. March 20, 1849; d. Aug. 29, 1865, at Alexander. 2. Helen Viletta Getten, b. Aug. 6, 1851; m. John S. Baldwin, Jan. 7, 1874, at Alexander, N.Y., where they had two chil- dren, of whom the (1) died in infancy; (2) Howard Getten Baldwin, b. Feb. 10, 1888. The mother died at West Bethany, Dec. 23, 1899. IX. Tryphosa,' b. Feb. 7, 1832; m. 1st, Hiram Cady, in 1851 ; m. 2d, R. B. Cady. They lived at Batavia, and had one child. Child. 1. Almon Cady, b. April, 1852; d. 1854. 157. BENJAMIN « CHURCHILL (Asahel/ Benjamin/ Samuel,' Joseph,- Josiah^). Born near Hartford, Conn., Dec. 11, 1789. Removed first to the Black River Country, N.Y., and thence, about 1818, to Newbern, IST.C. The account of this family has come to the editor since, the mention of Benjamin, on page 362. Married Henrietta Wood. Children, first four born in New York, the rest in North Carolina. I. Harriet.' II. Calvin,' It's III. Caroline,' / ^ • m. Lewis Woolten. 386a IV. James.Bryan,' b. April, 1817; m. Sarah Hall, 1838. 387 V. Orin,' b. Oct. 19, 1819; m. 1st, Sarah Reid, Dec. 12, 1839. She d. Sept. 12, 1846; m. 2d, Rhoda Ann Shackford, Jan. 7, 1847. VI. Eliza,' m. Joseph Young. VII. Almira.' VIII. Mary Ann,' d. early. IX. George Washington Hayman.' X. Polly Ann,' b. 1835; m. Armistbad Shackford. 158. ELISHA« CHURCHILL (Asahel,^ Benjamin," Samuel," Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born Aug. 16, 1798, in the Black River Coun- try, N.Y. Married someone whose name we have not received. Children. I. LoviNA,' m. 1st, Alfred Gowdy, of Jefferson County, N.Y. ; m. 2d, Allen Benedict, of Fairport, N.Y. Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 425 Child. 1. Josephine Gowdy, m. Frank Hadcock ; no children. II. Olive,' m. Gustavcs Champlain. Child. 1. Ernest Champlain ; d. young. 159. CHESTER « CHURCHILL (Samuel,^ Benjamin,* Samuel," Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born in Bristol, Conn., Feb. 2'2,, 1788. Lived in Batavia, N.Y., about three miles west of '' the village." He was at one time proprietor of a boat on the Mississippi river, and. lost his life there. About 1833 he was owner of two stores at Kinderhook, Pike County, 111., and had a large trade with the Indians and frontier farmers. Married, in Batavia, N.Y., Mercy Carl. Children, 388 I. Chester.' 389 II Almond.' 160. DANEY« CHURCHILL (Samuel,^ Benjamin," Samuel,'' Joseph,- Josiah^). Born in Bristol, Conn., Nov. 24, 1792. Lived at Moreau and Portland, N.Y. He died at Portland, N.Y., Dec. 8, 1856. Married, Nov. 7, 1816, at Moreau, N.Y., Minerva Burn- ham. She died at Portland, N.Y., Aug. 5, 1886. Children. I. Maria,' b. Jan. 3, 1818; in. 1st, John M. Brown, Oct. 19, 1836, who d. Dec. 24, 1879; m. 2d, Jason Bigelow, Nov. 24, 1887. Children of First Ilushand. 1. Minerva C.Brown, b. at Portland, N.Y., Feb. 7, 1838; m. 1st, at "Wheeling, Va., Oct. 19, 1859, George W. Artis, who died March 21, 1867; and she m. 2d, at Ilanley, Mich., April 15, 1883, William Whipple. They live (March, 1900) at Hender- sonville, Mich. 2. Sarah M. Brown, b. at Portland, Aug. 26, 1843; m. 1st, at Port- land, N.Y., Eleazer Swetland, April 10, 1862. He d. in the army, 1864, and she m. 2d, Willard Taylor, at Grand Rapids, Mich., Sept. 12, 1872. They live (March, 1900) at Manton, Mich. 3. Harriet J. Brown, b. at Portland, Nov. 1, 1844; d. September, 1845. 4. Ella Maria Brown, b. at New Hamburg, Penn., Dec. 11, 1848. Lived (March, 1900) in Portland, N.Y. 5. "Virginia Bell Brown, b. at Wheeling, Va., March 20, 1860; m. at Hanley, Mich., Frank B. Fay. March, 1878. Living (March, 1900) at Swartz Creek, Mich. 426 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY [Connecticut 390 II. George,'' b. July 26, 1821 ; m. Eliza J. Wade Fletcher, May 17, 1852. III. John Harvey,' b. Dec. 27, 1826; d. at Portland, May 1, 1843. IV. Mary Jane,'? b. Jan. 23, 1830; d. at Portland, Sept. 28, 1857. 161. CHARLES « CHURCHILL (Samuel,' Benjamin/ Samuels- Joseph,^ JosiAH^). Born in Moreau, N.Y., Oct, IT, 1800. He was a tailor. Settled first near Lake George, N.Y., where he lived for some sixteen years, but moved later to Bloomfield, Oakland County, Mich., in June, 1837. Here he purchased a farm, about three and a half miles from Pontiac, and went there to live with his family. In the fall of 1864 he sold his farm, and removed to Pontiac, where he bought a residence. In August, 1837, he joined the Congregational Church in Pontiac, of which he was a worthy and beloved member until his death, caused by falling from a load of wood, in his own door-yard. He died Dec. 31, 1866. He was an exemplary Christian man, a wise and devoted husband and father. Married 1st, at Glens Falls, N.Y., Dec. 30, 1821, Laura Curtis, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Andrews) Curtis. She died in 1854. Married 2d, Mrs. Sarah M. Chipman, of Fenton, N.Y., March, 1855. Children of First Wife. I. Isabella,' b. in Chester, NY., May 30, 1823; m. Hon. A. C. Baldwin, of Pontiac, Mich. Mr. Baldwin was an eminent jurist and statesman, and one of the most prominent citizens of Pon- tiac, and all that section of the State, as lawyer, teacher. Con- gressman, and judge, for some forty years. Mrs. Baldwin was a fine, cultured, and beautiful woman, a worthy wife of a noble man She died June 6, 1894. Their daughter, Augusta Isabella Baldwin, born Nov. 21, 1866, married Dr. Edmund A. Christian, Jan. 24, 1894. II. Charlotte,' b. in Ticonderoga, July 27, 1825; m. Albert A. Hubbard, Bloomfield, Mich., Jan. 9, 1849, and d. Aug. 16, 1850. III. LovjSA Maria,' b. in Schroon, N.Y., April 10, 1828; d. in Bloom- field, Mich., Sept. 11, 1851. 163. SAMUEL « CHURCHILL (Samuel,' Benjamin," Samuel/^ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born at Moreau, KY., July 4, 1804. Settled first at Batavia, N.Y. About 1835 he went West with his brother, Philo Clark, and found their brother Chester, at his stores at Kin- derhook, 111. After some months they returned and settled down at Salem Cross-roads, N.Y. We have heard that there were other chil- dren in this family, but after long and persistent effort we find only two names. Married Eliza Culver. Brandi.] SIXTH GEKERATTON 427 Children horn at Batavia, N. Y. 391 I. Darius Dana,^ b. Oct. 24, 1827; m. Emily Shadbolt, March 30, 1850. 391a II. Walter H.,' b. April 27, 1838. 163. ITHUEL« CHURCHILL (Samuel,^ Ben.tamiic/ Samuel," Joseph,- Josiah '). Born in Moreau, IST.Y., Aug. 21, 1806. He was early set to hard work, and had to win his way in the world. He became a strenuous, thrifty, and prosperous man. He stood for all good enterprises, and was a generous helper of all who seemed to him to need help. He was very strong in his convictions, and con- scientious in his decisions. He was successful in his management, and acquired what was, for his day, wealth. A generous supporter of the church, a public-spirited citizen, and ever ready to help others ; and yet the mystery and tragedy of his casting off his wife, a good, capable, and faithful woman, by divorce, — by whicft act the wife of his home and mother of his children was sent out into the world to make her way. and live her life alone, — stands out in strange contrast to his good and kindly deeds, and his strong Christian character. The fault was, perhaps, the rigid will, that could not bend from a decision once made. One of his children wrote to me some years since, that it was a mystery to her, and she thought it the one great mistake of his life, for her mother was an intelligent and capable woman, a mother whom " her children rose up and called blessed." He settled first in Portland, IST.Y., as a farmer, but in 1854 sold out his several farms and removed to Pon- tiac, Mich., and died there Sept. 5, 1861. Married 1st, at Batavia, N.Y., jNIarch, 1831, Ruth Arminda Whitman, daughter of James and Sabrina Whitman, of Batavia. They were divorced September, 1842, and she died in Ellington, N.Y., July 9, 1874. He married 2d, Lydia Marston. Children of First Wife. I. Julia Ann,^ b. at Batavia, Dec. 3, 1831 ; m. Oliver Hopson, in Portland, N.Y., October, 1850. They moved to Corunna, Mich., in 1857. She died Jan. 12, 1890. Children . 1. Leslie N. Hopson, b. Dec. 19, 1851; m. Mahala Smith. 2. James A. Hopson, b. Nov. 12, 1853; m. Ellen Butcher. 3. Frank C. Hopson, b. July 5, 1855; m. Maria Cram. 4. Carrie Hopson, b. May 3ii, 1856; ui. James Warren. 5. Nettie Hopson, m. Levi Cram. 6. Minnie Hopson, m. George Butcher. 7. Arthur Hopson^ d. 1870, aged three and one-half years. 428 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY [Connecticut II. Frances Eveline,' b. in Portland, N.Y., June 13, 1835; m 1st, Henry C. Davis, Oct. 10, 1853 ; d. in army, 1860 ; ni. 2d, Thomas Davis, 1863. They lived in Ellington, N.Y. She died April 9, 1889. Children. 1. Ella Davis, b. October, 1854; m Fred Day. 2. Mary Davis, b. May, 1856; m. William Alverron. 3. Lillian Davis, b. May, 1858; m. Frank Waith. 4. Herman Davis, b. 1860. Children of Second Husband, 5. Grace Davis, b. July, 1867; ni. A. C. Randall. Lives in Duluth, Mich. 6. Wayne Davis, b. 1870. 7. Belle Davis, b. 1873. 8. Lulu Davis, b. 1876. III. Lucy Maria,' b. at Portland, N.Y., Dec. 7, 18.39; m. 1st, in Port- land, N.Y., Nov. 23, 1857, John Quinn. Divorced in December, 1868; m 2d, in Corunna, Mich., June 14, 1870, William Ball. Lived in Portland for some years, and then moved to Neenah, Wis., and from 1870 to 1894 she lived in Duluth, Minn., and in 1899 in Walla Walla, Wash. Children of First Husband. 1. Eva L. Quinn, b. in Portland, N.Y., April 7, 1857; m. Robert Trefry, in Duluth, Dec. 17, 1879. Their children: (I) Son, b. Dec. 31, 1881; d. next day; (2) Edwin K. Trefry, b. Aug. 25, 1884; d. March, 1887; (3) Ethel M. Trefry, b. June 13, 1886; (4) Ada Mary Trefry, b. Sept. 5, 1889. In December, 1899, this family was living in Argentine, Kan. 2. Marian Churchill Quinn, b. in Neenah, Wis., Feb. 14, 1866; m. in Duluth, December, 1891, Philip Lage, and lived in Argen- tine, Kan. Children by Second Husband born in Duluth. 3. Edna B. Ball, b. June 18, 1871; m., June 18, 1891, William Barrett, in Duluth. Children: (1) William Ball Barrett, b. June 15, 1892; (2) Paul Verne Barrett, b. Dec. 3, 1894; (3) Ruth Edna Barrett, b. Aug. 19, 1896 ; (4) Harry Neal Barrett, b. Aug. 13, 1899; d. Nov. 3, 1899. This family was living, in 1899, in Walla Walla, Wash. 4. Alice C. Ball, b. Aug. 29, 1874. 5. Lucie B. Ball, b. Aug. 6, 1875. Children of Ithuel and Lydia {Marston) Churchill. IV. Olive Adell,' b. in Portland, N.Y., Oct. 8, 1846. 392 V. John Harvey,' b. in Portland, N.Y., Dec. 18, 1848; m. Estella L. Hart, May 7, 1882. 164. PHILO CLARK « CHURCHILL (Samuel,'^ Benjamin," Sam- uel,^ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born at Moreau, Saratoga County, N.Y., Jan. 11, 1812. His father died when he was six years old. His mother afterward married and removed to Glens Falls, N.Y., and at twelve years he was apprenticed to his brother Charles, to learn the tailor's trade. The boy went by stage from Moreau to White- Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 429 hall, and thence by a small sailing-boat to his brother's place, near Lake George, — a very rough passage, and a walk alone, over a high mountain. He remained with his brother until he was twenty-one years old, and then sought out a place for himself, trying various places, but after a few years, with his brother Samuel, then living at Batavia, N.Y., he went by canal and on foot to the Ohio river, and thence by boat to St. Louis, and up the Missouri river to Council Bluffs, working their way by helping to load the steamers with wood. They finally arrived at Kiuderhook, Pike County, 111., where their eldest brother, Chester, had two trading- stores for trade with the Indians and surrounding farmers. After some tiine spent at Chester's, they returned to New York State and settled at Salem Cross-roads, where he became acquainted with a young girl who was from the northern part of the State, but attending school, boarding at her brother's. This girl's name was Sophronia Whedon, and after a year's acquaintance and correspondence they were married, and lived, at first, at the home of Samuel, in Batavia, N.Y., and in Sep- tember, 1838, they started with a span of horses and emigrant wagon for Illinois, overland. They were both prostrated by chills and fever, at Canton, 111., and on partial recovery found that the doctor's bill had absorbed one horse and the wagon, leaving them helpless. The brother Chester, warned of their plight by letter, came for them and took them to his home. Clark, as he was called by his family, entered the employ of his brother as clerk, until Chester died soon after, and he then settled down to farming. Eight years after his wife died, leaving three children, the youngest three months old. He married a second wife a year afterwards, who died Nov. 2, 1859. He married his third wife in 1860, and re- moved to near Peoria, 111. His removal was on account of the per- secution of the border ruffians from Missouri, who raided the farms of Northern union men. He made his home at or near Peoria, until 1880, when he purchased a farm at Keosauqua, Iowa, where he remained until his death, April 16, 1889. Mr. Churchill was a member, and for forty years deacon, in the Baptist Church. Married 1st, May 10, 1838, Sophronia Whedon, born March 10, 1820, and died Jan. 10, 1846, at Kinderhook, 111. ; married 2d, 1847, Anna Aldrich, who died Nov. 2, 1859 ; married 3d, June 24, i860, Mrs. Elizabeth (Johnson) Titus, daughter of William Johnson, born Oct. 22, 1837, near Zanesville, 0. Children of First Wife born in Kinderhook , III. 393 I. Edwin,' b. Sept. 18, 1839; m. Carrie West, of Greenwood, Ind. 394 II. Danet Jabez,' b. Jan. 10, 1841 ; m. Martha Gates, April 13,1863. 395 III. Francis Wayland,' b. Oct. 24, 1845 ; m. Ella Shaffer, March I, 1871, 430 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Child of Third Wife. 396 IV. Robert Clark,' b. at Hilton, 111., June 4, 1866; m. Miriam Leota Park, at Leando, Iowa, Feb. 26, 1890. 165. BARNABAS « CHURCHILL (Ira,-^ Benjamin/ Samuel/ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born in Bristol, Conn., March 21, 1791, and lived there until the fall of 1820, when he removed to Ohio. The journey with his hou.seliold goods, his wife and two small children, was made in an ox-cart, and took six weeks on the road. They stopped a few months in Bristol, 0., and then in the spring of 1821 reached Greene, ivhere he bought a farm and made a per- manent home He was a public-spirited citizen, a zealous member of the Congregational Church, — of strong anti-slavery principles, and active in upholding what he believed was right. He was a tanner, shoemaker, and farmer. He served in the War of 1812. He died in Greene, May 18, 1867. Married, at Farmington, Conn., Dec. 25, 1815, Polly Root, daughter of Salmon and Sarah (Finney) Root. Barnabas Churchill and his wife and all their descendants who have died in Greene are buried in the family cemetery on the old farm. Children. 397 I. Richard Martin,' b. in Bristol, Conn., March 16, 1817; m. Isabel Miller, Dec. 2, 1843. II. Robert Barnabas,' b. in Bristol, Conn., Feb. 27, 1819; d. at Fort Wayne, Ind., Sept. 22, 1861. 398 III. Salmon Root,' b. in Bristol, 0., Feb. 25, 1821; m. Sarah HOAGLAND. IV. Sarah,' b. in Greene, O., Dec. 15, 1822; unmarried; d. in Greene, April 7, 1882. V. Betsey,' b. in Greene, 0., Dec. 2, 1824 ; m. Martin Coats, Jan. 8, 1846. Children born at 3Iecca, 0., and Greene, 0. 1. Ellen Clara Coats, b. May 2, 1847; in. George Moore, August, 1866. They lived at Forest City, Minn., where she died March 12, 1876. 2. Albert B. Coats, b. Sept. 27, 1849, at Greene. He was a clergyman, at Akron, 0., in 1901. 3. Frank Coats, b. Sept. 12, 1852,' at Mecca. VI. RoxT,' b. at Greene, Aug. 17, 1826; d. Aug. 24, 1826. VII. Ira Rodney,' b. at Greene, Sept. 30, 1827; d. Jan. 27, 1868. VIII. Hannah,' b. at Greene, Sept. 15, 1829; m. Solomon Gunn, at Greene, 0., March 31, 1852. They settled in Greene upon the old farm where Mrs. Gunn was born, and cared for the old father and mother, and an invalid brother and sister. Mrs Gunn was living there in March, 1901, with her daughter, Mrs. Winans, it being now in the town of Kenil- worth, O. Mr Gunn was educated at the Grand River Institute, Austinberg, O., and died in 1898. Mrs. Gunn helped the editor greatly in this account of her father's family. Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 431 Children of Solomon and Hannah (^Churchill') Gunn. 1. Arthur Rollin Gunn, b. Dec. 7, 1853; d. June 7, 1864. 2 Bertha May Gunn, b. Oct. 20, 1865. Living with her mother at Kenilworth, 1901. 3 Edith Jane Gunn, b. Dec. 23, 1869; m. William W. Winans, at Greene, O., Dec. 24, 1890 They live on the old homestead, and have children: (1) Mabel Maude Winans, b. in Mecca, O., Jan. 2, 1892; (2) Walter William Winans, b. in Greene, May 5, 1896; (3) Alice Verna Winans, b. in Greene, Aug. 3, 1897; (4) Aimer Arthur Winans, b. in Greene, July 12, 1900. IX. Romeo,' b. at Greene. O., Dec. 31, 1831. He enlisted for service in the Civil War, in Company C, Twenty-ninth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and died at Harper's Ferry, Jan. 13, 1863. 166. MAJOR" CHURCHILL (Ira/ Benjamin,^ Samuel," Joseph,'- Josiah'). Born in Bristol, Conn., Sept. 6, 1792. Served for several months in the War of 1812. Was engaged in the expedi- tion above Fort Erie. He settled at first in his native town, but some time about 1818-19, perhaps in company with his brother Bar- nabas, he made a journey to Ohio, took up a claim of land, and then returned to Connecticut for his family. The greater part of his journey was made on foot. It was in the winter of 1820, probably, that he again set out for the West, this time with oxen and sleds, taking along his father and mother and their younger childreuj Lois Delia and Ceylon M. The distance from Bristol, Conn., across New York State to Buffalo, in direct line, is about three hundred miles. Their journey, made with the clumsy ox-teams, probably covered in its roundabout course nearer four hundred miles. All possible of their household furnishings and provisions for themselves they carried with them. When they arrived at Buffalo the snow was nearly gone, so that they were forced to take to the ice on Lake Erie, and then, when they came to Geneva, the ice had so melted away from the shore that they had great difficulty to get to land. The rest of their journey was made by land to Greene Township, Trumbull County, 0. Here they cleared and cultivated farms, and in this town and vicinity they and their children have lived honorable and useful lives. Major Churchill was a well-educated man for his day, was an upright and influential citizen. He was postmaster of Greene for eighteen years. He died in Greene, Sept. 8, 1874. Married, at Bristol, Conn., April 17, 1818, Eui^ice Payne, daughter of Solomon and Mary (Clark) Payne. Children. I. Calista,' b. in Bristol, Conn., Oct. 28, 1820; m. 1st, Albert Percy, Oct. 20, 1836; m. 2d, Watson T. Chapman, Dec. 28, 1842. 432 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Child of First Husband. 1. Lauren A. Percy, b. at Greensburg, O., May 3, 1838; m. Char- lotte Clark. 1861. Served through the Civil War in Company B, One Hundred and Fifth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, in Fourteenth Army Corps. Children of Second Ilushand, horn in Wayne, 0. 2. Eunice May Chapman, b. Nov. 8, 1849; m. F. E. Dwight, of Marshalltown, la. 3. W. B. Chapman, b. Nov. 18, 1852; m. Sarah R. Mohler, Mar- shalltown, la. II. Mary Payne,' b. in Greene, O., May 24, 1822; m. Rev. Edwin Wakefield, May 22, 1845. Mr. Wakefield was born in Greene, 0., Oct. 24, 1818. He was educated at the Western Reserve Seminary, entered the ministry, and he served faithfully for forty years. Mrs. Marv P. Wakefield died Oct. 29, 1888, at Greensburg. Children horn at Greensburg . 1. Edmund Barrett Wakefield, b. Aug. 27, 1846; m. Martha A. Sheldon, Aug. 23, 1870. He was educated at Bethany and at Hiram College. .Served in Company G, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Twenty-third Army Corps, in all the later actions of that corps, in the Civil War. He was a member of the Geological Survey under Dr. Hayden, and has been professor of law and political science in Hiram College since 1890. 2. Dora M. Wakefield, b. May 27, 1852; m. Robert P. Crane. III. Clarls.sa Adaline,' b. in Greene, O., June 15, 1824; m. William HoKTON, D3C. 29, 1841. They lived at Greene or Greensburg, where he was a farmer and carpenter. Both now living there (March, 1901). Children. 1. Maria A Horton, b. May 22, 1843; m. 1st, Anson M. Peabody, March 24, 1861. He died in the army. 1862 ; m. 2d, Philander Wollcott, April 22, 1869. He was killed by a bull in 1883. 2. Mary Emma Horton, b. Dec. 27, 1848; m. Alfred Lamphear, Aug 13, 1868. 3. Milton Burgess Horton, b. May 24, 1851 ; m. Ida M. Greenwood, April 17, 1875. 4. Minnesota Horton, b. Sept 10, 1856; m. George W. Irwin, Nov. 29, 1876; d. Sept. 1, 1877. 5. William D. Horton, b. Dec. 7, 1858; m Carrie I. Hillman,Nov. 25, 1882. IV. Milton Ammi,' b. Dec. 11, 1828; d. July 3, 1840. V. Hester Eunice,' b. Jan. 2, 1834; d. May 12, 1884. 167. BRYAN « CHURCHILL (Ira/ Benjamin," Samuel," Joseph,- JosiAH ^). Born in Bristol, Conn., March 11, 1795. He settled in Connecticut, probably in Bristol, and lived afterwards at Plainville, Conn. Mrs. Morse, his daughter, gave us the dates and names, but nothing more. He died June 23, 1875, at Plainville. Married, April 24, 1817, Mary P. Hadsell, born Oct. 8, 1795. She died Sept. 1, 1878. Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 433 Child. I. Mary Elizabeth,' b. July 10, 1823 ; m. Lewis Morse, Sept. 1, 1844. They lived (in 1886) in Plainville, Conn. Children. 1. Lewis C. Morse, b. June 12, 1852; m. Jane E. Belden, Oct. 2, 1873. One child, (1) a daughter, name not given, b. May 15, 1875. 2. Bryan E. Morse, b. Oct. 2, 1860; m. Wealthy Pardee, March 20, 1884. 168. IRA^ CHURCHILL (Ira,'' Benjamin,^ Samuel,'' Joseph,- JosiAH '). Born in Bristol, Conn., Dec. 19, 1796, and always lived in that town. In 1886 he was living, at the age of eighty-nine years, at Forestdale, a part of Bristol, with his Avife, aged eighty-seven, in the same house where they began housekeeping at marriage, sixty- two years before. We have received no more than this meagre ac- count of the family. He died at Forestdale Oct. 15, 1886. Married, in Bristol, 1824, Betsey Matthews. They had two children, a son and daughter, but we have not received the names, and have learned that they died years ago, before the date above mentioned, 1886. 169. CEYLON MUNSON" CHURCHILL (Ira,^ BEXJAMm," Sam- uel," Joseph,- Josiah '). Born in Bristol, Conn., June 10, 1812. Removed with his parents, in 1820, to Greene, 0. He lived in Trumbull County, not far from the old home, his last residence being Bazetta Township, near Cortland. He was a mechanic and artist. He died in Bazetta, 0., March 4, 1887. Married, at Orwell, 0., October, 1848, Frances Richards, who was born Oct. 27, 1819, and died July 4, 1888. CJiildren. I. Delia Florine," b. July 20, 1850; m. Washington Hyde, June, 1872. They lived at Warren, 0., where she died, September, 1873. 399 II. Otto Burchard,' b. June 16, 1852; m. Mart Jane Craft, March 18, 1877. 170. JOSEPH'- HAYFORD (Jedediah,' Benjamin," Samuel,'* Joseph,-' Josiah^). Born at Bristol, Conn., Aug. 30, 1803. He lived in New Hartford, Oneida County, N.Y., but spetit last days in Kirkland, N.Y. He died May 11, 1880. Married, June 7, 1831, Sarah Lovina Stevens, of Rutland, Vt., where she was born Nov. 8, 1813, and died in New Hartford, N.Y., Jan. 3, 1869. 434 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Children horn in New Hartford, N. Y. 400 I. Edwin Jerome,' b. July 18, 1833; m. Ellen M. Cook, Sept. 21, 1858. 401 II. Henrt Clay,' b. April 25, 1835. III. George W.,' b. Oct. 18, 1837; d. May 6, 1843. IV. Joseph Chauncey,' b. July 18, 1840. 402 V. Benjamin W.,' b. July 6, 1843; m. Ellen M. Crumb, June 7, 1865. VI. Martha Jane,' b. Nov. 9, 1849 ; d. April 9, 1885. 171. ANSON J.*' CHURCHILL (Jedediah/ Benjamin/ Samuel/ Joseph/ Josiah^). Born in Winsted, Conn, (probably). Lived, in 1886, at West Vienna, Oneida County, N.Y. Married Sarah Malory. Children. 403 I. Jay A.' 404 II. William H.' 405 III. Joseph.' 406 IV. George E.,' m. Gertrude Nickerson. 406a V. LoviNA,' m. John Washburn. 172. LEWIS" CHURCHILL (David/ William/ Samuel/ Joseph/ JosiAH '). Born in Bristol, Conn., Oct. 8, 1793. Married Sarah Caroline Tuttle. Children. I. Eliza,' d. in infancy. II. Sarah,' d. in infancy. III. Finette,' m. ( ) Brackett. No children. IV. SoPHRONiA,' m. Luther Piper. Children. 1. Emma Piper; m. Frank Hale. 2. Eleanor Piper. V. William Milton,' b. in Walcott, Conn., Dec. 22, 1831; m. Julia M. DooLiTTLE, of Cheshire, Conn. No children. 407 VI. Franklin Dwight ' b. in Bethany, Conn., Feb. 14, 1834; m. Jane L. Blakeslee, of Prospect, Conn. 173. ALFRED « CHURCHILL (David/ William,-* Samuel,^ Joseph/ Josiah^). Born in Bristol, Conn., May 12, 1804. Our information relating to this family is very meagre So far as we can learn, there were no grandchildren. Married 1st, Rosetta Alcott; 2d, Samantha Dayton, in Litchfield. Children, all by First Wife. I. Eveline,' b. Oct. 3, 1830. 408 II. Newell,' b. July 11, 1833. 409 III. Dennis,' b. Feb. 5, 1837. Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 435 174. WILLIAM TRYON'' CHURCHILL (Lemuel,' William/ Samuel/ Joseph,- JosiAH '). Born near Elmira, N.Y., March 23, 1795. He lived there until 1824, when he removed to Tioga County, Penn., and settled in an almost unbroken wilderness, near Crooked Creek. They endured the many privations incident to pioneer life. He died in 1832, leaving a widow and five children, and the sixth was born a few months after. Married, in Tioga County, N.Y., Jan, 15, 1820, Elizabeth Hopper. After Mr. Churchill's death his widow married Mr. Joseph Neal. She died in 1887, in her eighty-sixth year. Children born, the first two in New York, the rest in Pennsylvania. I. John,' b. Oct. 19, 1821 ; m. Jane Goodell; no children. II. Olive,' b. June 2, 1823; m. Nehemiah French. III. Ruth,' b. Sept. IG, 1825; m. Geokge Champlin, April 8, 1852. Children. 1. Marion Champlin, b. Dec. 31, 1853; m. David Paris, Novem- ber, 1875. 2. Emma Champlin, b. Sept. 29, 1855 ; m Volney Gillet, July 2, 1879. 3. Nellie Champlin, b. Feb. 11, 1858; m. Joseph Allen, July 27, 1878. 4. Lizzie Champlin, b. May 24, 1860; m. William Tuttle, Novem- ber, 1879. IV. Esther,' b. Nov. 25, 1827 ; m. George Freeman. V. Elisha,' b. April 11, 1829; d. in infancy. 411 VI. William H.,' b. Feb. 27, 1833; m. Louisa Nichols, Jan. 7, 1861. 175. ASA GILDERSLEEVE « CHURCHILL (Lemuel,^ William," Samuel,'' Joseph,- Josiah'). Born near Elmira, N.Y., March 11, 1798. Mr. Churchill seems to have settled with his first wife at Wellsboro, Tioga County, Penn., where several children were born, and where he had a good farm, it is said. Some time before 1860 he started from his home on a joui-ney, his first wife having died. He had become quite a local celebrity, from his faculty of ready rhyming upon all sorts of events and topics. He went on foot to Niagara Falls, making and reciting his rhymes along the way, to get his food and lodging, and it is said that he was generally welcome to the farmers' homes, where he would gather a company of young and old about him, and amuse them by reciting poetical legends, mostly his own, or composing new ones for the locality where he happened then to be. Business advertisements in rhyme were a specialty, and obituaries, and doleful, or heroic, or tragic, or comic 436 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut events were treated " to order," and in this way he earned his living, it is said. The Huntsville, Ont., "Forester" gives a sketch of his eccentric character, unique career, and tragic end. He was known in Huntsville as '< the Muskoka poet," or otherwise as the " Old Poet Churchill." It is said that he intended to return home after visiting Niagara Falls, but that he evidently found his wandering way of life pleasant, and kept on into Canada. After several years he located at Collingwood, Out., where he married a second wife, a widow, and soon after removed to Parry Sound, where he took up and settled upon a farm, on which he lived until his second wife died, when he returned again to Huntsville, where he married, for his third wife, a German widow by the name of Albert, who, in her turn, died some five years later. In all these years the old man had not returned to, nor yet heard from, any of his children or relatives in the States. Some six weeks before his death occurred, this old man of ninety -four years started on foot from Huntsville to revisit his children, if he could find them, at Wellsboro, Penn., and had actually arrived within a few miles of his old home when he was run down by an express train, while walking on the New York, Pennsylvania, & Ohio Railroad track. It is to be regretted that we have failed to obtain answers to repeated appeals to the daughters to give their own dates and families. Married 1st, in Tioga County, Penn., Lucy Clark ; 2d, at Col- lingwood, Out., Mrs. ( ) ( ) ; 3d, at Huntsville, Out., Mrs. ( ) Albert. Children of First Wife. I. Mary Ann,' mi. Frank Clemens. II. RoxANA,' m. William Clemens. They were livitig in East Charl- ton, Penn., a few years ago. III. William.'' Died in the army in the Civil War. IV. Lemuel.' Left home in his youth; nothing further known. 176. JOHN LEMBERS0N« CHURCHILL (Lemuel,^ William," Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born near Elmira, N.Y., June 13, 1800. Lived twenty-eight miles north of Pittsburgh. A lawyer of some repute, location not given. A poet of no mean ability, and a shrewd speculator, but we have no further account. He died Aug. 7, 1879. Married 1st, Pamelia Chase ; 2d, Maria Hazlet, daughter of Rev. Samuel. She died Oct. 6, 1872 Children of First Wife. I. Jerusha Bennett,' m. John Ferguson, in Indiana, Penn., 1846, and d. March 31, 1901. Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 437 II. Julia Ann,' m. H. Leslip:. III. Samtel,' killed in battle in Civil War. IV. Clarissa,' m. Isaac Empfield V. Mary,' m. Samuel Moorhead. Children of Second I'i/e. 412 VI. John Wesley,' b. in Indiana, Penn., June 10, 1840; ra. Jennie L. Keiber. VII. Philander,' d. young. VIII. Pamelia Jane,' m. Mr. Kerl. 413 IX. James Templeton.' X. Sarah Elizabeth,' b. July 29, 1852; m. George W. Thompson. XI. Beulah Melissa.' She was at Oswego Normal School in 1886, and wrote a long letter, but gave no information about the family. 177. CHARLES*' CHURCHILL (Lemuel/ William/ Samuel/ Joseph/ Josiah '). Born near Elmira, N.Y., Dec. 5, 1802. His father's family seems to have located in Pennsylvania later on, and he settled in Tioga County, where, his son Clark writes, " He was a sort of a country doctor, a speculator in timber-lands, etc." Later in his life he resided with his son, George W. Churchill, at Bucyrus, 0., whence, on his seventy-sixth birthday, he wrote to his brother, William Tryon, Dec. 5, 1878. Married, April 25, 1831, Elizabeth Butler Cornell. Children . 414 I. Josiah Buj-ler,' b. Dec. 4, 1831; m. Catharine Kissel, Sept. 21. 1865. II. Hamilton,' b. May 26, 1834. 415 III. Clark,' b. June 17, 1836; m. Margaretha Schmidt, Oct. 12, 1864. They had no children. He went to tlie Pacific coast in early life, located first in Cali- fornia, where he studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1862. He settled in Virginia City, Nev., and became a successful prac- tising lawyer. Was chosen city solicitor in 1865. In 1880 he was appointed adjutant-general of Arizona Territory, and in 1885 became attorney-general of the territory. He has lived in Arizona, at Prescott, and Phoenix. 416 IV George Washington,' b. Nov. 16, 1838. V. Marian,' b. Jan. 23, 1831 ; ra. Charles Palmer. VI. Emily M ,' b. March 11, 1844. 178. JOSEPH DELL« CHURCHILL (William/ William/ Samuel,'^ Joseph,- Josiah^). Born near Jersey City, N.J., July 29, 1797. When about twenty-three years old he "■ went West," and settled in Arkansas, on the White river, some forty miles from Little Rock, at Pinevillp, Izard County. He died Ang. 9, 1851. Married, March 28^ 1827, Lucretia BooocKj born Oct. 28, 1803. 438 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Children. 417 I. John Silas,'' b. Nov. 24, 1828; m. Susan .Jane Taylor, Dec. 30, 1851. 418 II. James Jeffrey,' b. Dec. 30, 1829 ; m. Martha Ann Scott, Aug. 31, 1859. III. Mary Caroline,' b. May 24, 1831; m. Hartley Stephens, July 4, 1848. She died in Lance County, Ark., in 1863. IV. Lavinia,' b. Feb. 9, 1833; m. Crawford McAlister, 1871. They lived in Pope County, Ark. P.O. address, Rondo, Ark. V. Jane,' b. May 9, 1836; single. VI. Lucy Ann,' b. Feb. 24, 1838; tn. Nathan J. Langston, Sept. 1, 1851. They lived in Wideman, Izard County, Ark. 419 VII. William Walker,' b. Aug. 14, 1840; m. Delphine McAlister, 1874. VIII. Dempsia White,' b. Aug. 14, 1842; d. unmarried, 1862. IX. Infant,' b. Dec. 20, 1843; received no name; d. soon. 420 X. Joseph A.,' b. Nov. 22, 1846; m. Nancy Ann Duvall, January, 1871. 179. SILAS « CHURCHILL (William/ William/ Samuel/ Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born at Scipio, Cayuga County, N.Y., Feb. 5, 180.3. Moved to near Marietta, 0., with his father's family, when eleven years old. In August, 1884, he wrote N. W. Churchill a long letter, which gave much information about his uncles and brothers, but very little about himself. He says he was married the second time, but does not mention the second wife's name, or that of his youngest daughter, nor that of his son, his only child by his second wife. He was living, in 1884, with Mrs. Ferguson, Janesville, Iowa. Married 1st, Feb. 7, 1829, Elizabeth Gray, " who was raised near Washington, Penn.," and died in Ohio, in 1843. Married 2d, 1848. Her name not received. Children. I. Martha Jane,' m. John Ferguson. They had eleven children, but we have no names or dates. II. Eliz/Sbeth,' m. Robert Fairbdrn. They had six children, but we have no names. III. A daughter,' name not received. Child by Second Wife. IV. A SON,' name not received ; d. about 1880; unmarried. 180. ADNA« CHURCHILL (William,^ William,^ Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah^). Born at Scipio, N.Y., Aug. 24, 1805. Re- moved with his father's family to near Marietta, 0., in 1814. Lived at Fabius, Mich. He died Oct. 4, 1884. Married, May 26, 1829, Sallie a. Hamilton, born Dec. 17, 1806. Branch.] SIXTH GENEEATION" 439 Children. I. Elizabeth J.,' b. April 20, 1830; m. Mr. Jewell. They lived at Wexford, Mich., but we have not received the names of her children. 421 II. William A.,^ b. Dec. 13, 1831; m. Matilda D. Eumsey, Oct 31, 1858. She was born May 18, 1837. 422 III. JoHNH.,'b. April 5, 1834; unmarried in 1888. Lived at Eagle Creek, Ore. IV. Letitia,'' b. Nov. 13, 1836; m. John Corrine, March 14, 1858. He was born July 6, 1824, at Coxsakie, N.Y. They lived at Leonidas, Mich. Children. 1. Sarah O. Corrine, b. Jan. 6, 1859; m. Leland Millard, Jan. 6, 1876. 2. Horace A. Corrine, b. Oct. 1, 1860; m. Isabelle M. Shank, June 19, 1881. 3. Byron F. Corrine, b. Aug. 19, 1862. 4. George W. Corrine, b. July 29, 1864. 5. Leonard T. Corrine, b Sept. 1, 1866; d. May 31, 1868. 6. Anne M. Corrine, b. June 8, 1868; m. Levi Strong, May 24, 1884. 7. John M. Corrine, b. Oct. 27, 1870. 8. Marietta Corrine, b. Nov. 1, 1873; d. Sept. 6, 1883. 9. Earl Corrine, b. Sept. 24, 1875; d. June 4, 1876, 10. Matilda Corrine, b. Sept. 5, 1877. V. Joseph Adna,' b. Oct. 24, 1839; d. Jan. 9, 1840. VI. Ruth,' b. April 26, 1841 ; d. next day. VII. Rhoda Ann,^ b. June 20, 1845; d. Sept. 8, 1847. Vm. Sarah Lucretia,' b. Sept. 16, 1850; d. in 1851. 181. RANDELL" CHURCHILL (William,^ William,* Samuel," Joseph,- Josiah^). Born in Scipio, N.Y., Nov. 2, 1809. Removed with his father's family to near Marietta, 0., in 1814. He died Oct. 5, 1865. Married, May 14, 1834, Jane Hamilton, born 1811. Children. 423 I. Thomas H.,'' b. March 3, 1835; m. Rebecca Hebron, Nov. 27, 1866. 424 II. WiLMAM K.,^ b. Dec. 18, 1836; m. Mart Welch, Oct. 5, 1870. 425 III. Joseph N.,' b. Feb. 5, 1839; m. Sarah Boyd, Aug. 26, 1866. 426 IV. Joshua P.,' b. March 18, 1844; m. Martha T. Stamp, March 16, 1879. V. Mary,7 b. July 21, 1849; m. George W. Collins, Nov. 11, 1866. Children. 1. Millard Collins. 2. Randell Collins. 3. Roscoe Collins. VI. LoREN E.,' b. July 15, 1852; unmarried. He lives at Waterloo, Blackhawk County, Iowa, and is county superintendent of schools. 440 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY [Connecticut 182. JAMES" CHURCHILL (William/ William/ Samuel/ Joseph/ Josiah ^). Born in Scipio, IST.Y., April 18, 1819. He evidently went to the West, and settled in Michigan. Died Jnly 20, 1885. Married, in St. Joseph County, Mich., May 4, 1846, Maila Harwood, who was born June 4, 1819. Children. 427 I. Hiram William,' b. March 13, 1847; m. Elizabeth Rushing, Oct. 27. 1868. II. Albert Webster,' b. Feb. 12, 1849 ; d. May 9, 1849. III. Sylvia Jane,' b. March 23, 1850; ni. John Robertson, July 27, 1867. They lived, in 1902, at Rowena, South Dakota, but we have no further account. IV. Maila R.,' b. Jan. 26, 1853; m. Isaac Smith, Jan. 4, 1872. They lived at Webster City, Iowa, in 1902. Mrs. Maila Smith wrote this account of her father's and her own families. Children of Isaac and Maila R. (^Churchill) Smith. 1. Isabel E. Smith, b. Nov. 19, 1874; m. Charles Pierce, Jan. 22, 1894. One child, (1) Floyd S. Pierce. He lived with his grandparents, Smith. She died Feb. 24, 1899. Mr. Smith died a few weeks earlier. 2. Sarah M. Smith, b. July 9, 1876; m. Franklin Seamands, March 29, 1899. 3. Emma E. Smith, b. Nov. 28, 1882; m. Edward Brewer, Dec. 26, 1900. 183. ALBERT" CHURCHILL (Samuel/ William/ Samuel," Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born, probably in New Jersey, Jan. 6, 1802. Nothing more than the following list of children has been received. Married 1st, Harriet Dresser ; 2d Anna Fosdick. Children. 428 I. William.' 429 II. Asa.' 430 III. John.' IV. Patience.' 431 V. Amos,' b. in Newburg, O., July 25, 1837. VI. Child,' no name. VII. Electa.' 432 VIII. MiLo.' IX. Armitta.' X. Sarah.' 189. WILLIS" CHURCHILL (Asa/ William,* Samuel,^ Joseph/ Josiah ^). Born in Westfield, Mass., March 10, 1810. Lived for many years at Newark, N. J., but his business was in New York City, 493 Greenwich street. I find by an account received since page Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 441 366 was printed, that Asa Churchill, the father of Willis, was born at Westfield, Mass., instead of New Jersey. He manufactured knives and forks at Earmington, Conn., in 1812, but afterwards moved to Bristol and carried on blacksmithing, and died there 1833. Willis died June 4, 1880. Married, Aug. 21, 1834, Amelia Bradley, of Hamden, Conn. Mrs. Amelia Churchill was living at Newark with her daughters in 1899. Children. I. Mart,^ b. Sept. 8, 1835; unmarried. 433 II. Charles,' b. July 8, 1837, in Hatnden, Conn.; m. Charlotte Louise Lewis, March 19, 1861. III. Ellen,' b. April 30, 1839. IV. David B.,' b. Jan. 10, 1842; d. Feb. 2, 1842. V. Emma,' b. Dec. 4, 1843; d. Aug. 25, 1847. VI. Amelia,' b. May 27, 1851; m. Rev. Delevan DeWolf, April 21, 1875. VII. Alice,' b. Aug. 30, 1853. 190. LEVI" CHURCHILL (Asa,"' William,^ Samuel,^ Joseph,- JosiAH ^). Born in Bristol, Conn., March 26, 1817. Lived at Chester, and later at Haddam, Conn. Married 1st, at Southbury, Conn., Mary Camp, daughter of Johnson Camp, of Southbury. She died Sept. 13, 1868. Married 2d, Mrs. Cynthia Tyler, of Haddam, Conn. She died Sept. 9, 1883. 191. JOSEPH « CHURCHILL (Joseph^*). Born in Newington, 1780. He lived in Newington, and for some years carried on the business left by his father, in company with his brother, and then sold out to his brother. He died Feb. 28, 1829. Married, 1804, Anna Alleist Judd. She was born in New Britain, 1781; died July 27, 1823. Children horn in Newington. 1. Laora,' b. 1805. IL Rhoda,' b. 1808. 434 III. William Allen,' b. May 10, 1810; ra. Eliza Jane Francis, of New Britain, 1835. IV. Maria,' b. 1812. * We are obliged here to make an abrupt correction in the descent of Joseph,* by reason of a late discovery in the records of Bolton, Conn., to the effect that Joseph,'' son of Joseph^ and Lydia Dickerman, of Bolton, was drowned Jan. 31, 1737, and could not therefore have been the father of Joseph,* who was born in 1750, and married Rhoda Goodrich in 1777. The theory of descent was accepted by our senior compiler, N. W. Churchill, and apparently by the family, until the discovery of the record of the death above noted. As the family of Joseph,* No. 60, and Rhoda Goodrich is already printed, we let it stand, and begin the line with them, until the true descent is discovered. 442 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY [Connecticut 193. JAMES « CHURCHILL (Joseph '). Bom in Newington, March 28, 1782. He lived on the old homestead, where he operated the grist mill, which he owned for a time, with his brother Joseph, but finally bought out his interest. He died March 22, 1848. Married, Nov. 27, 1816, Clarissa Steel, daughter of David, of Berlin, Conn., where she was born Aug. 29, 1793, and died April 7, 1879 The note referring to No. 191 applies to James. Children born in Newington. I. James,' b. 1817; d. Sept. 7, 1883; unmarried. II. Clarissa,' b. 1819; m. Almond Goodwin. They had no children. She died in Newington, aged sixty years. 435 HI. LoRET,' b. June 20, 1821 ; m. Lucy Steel. 486 IV. Samuel W.,' b. June 28, 1828; m. Ellen L. Hubbard, Dec. 26, 1855. 193. JOSIAH « CHUECHILL ( Jonathan,'^ Jonathan," Jonathan,^ Joseph,- Josiah^). Born in Litchfield, Conn., Jan. 11, 1777. Settled in Franklin, Susquehanna County, Penn., as a farmer, soon after his marriage. He was a man of good business ability and methods. A good citizen. Married, in Litchfield, Conn., Olive Odell, Children horn in Franklin, Penn. I. Clarissa,' b. June 28, 1803; m. Samuel Baker, April 7, 1825, b. in Susquehanna, Penn., April 11, 1795. Children, all born in Franklin, Penn. 1. Olive Baker, b. June 22, 1827; m. Kerby French. 2. Sarah Emeline Baker, b. Dec. 3, 1830; m. Conrad Burgh. 3. Benjamin Josiah Baker, b. Sept. 15, 1832. 4. Joseph Martin Baker, b. March 4, 1837. 5. Clarissa Baker, b. April 20, 1839; m. Isaac McKeeley. fi. Phebe Lucretia Baker, b. Sept. 25, 1845; m. Wallace Haywood. II. Lucretia,' b. 1805; m. Aaron Van Vorce, 1825. Children. 1. Mary Van Vorce, m. Henry J. Carew. 2. John Van Vorce, b. Oct. 8, 1829; m. Sarah M. Bellman. 3. Francis Van Vorce, b. April 1, 1836; m. John Park, of Bing- hamton, N.Y., Feb 24, 1857. 4. Ellen A. Van Vorce, b. Sept. 30, 1838; m. John R. Laird, of Williamsport, Penn., Oct. 8, 1861. Child. (1) Herbert R. Laird, m. Mary Wilson, and had (1) Samuel Wilson Laird, and (2) Ellen Churchill Laird. 437 III. Amos,' b. Jan. 23, 1808 ; m. Abigail Hollt, March 4, 1829. Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 443 194. LEMAN« CHURCHILL (Jonathan,^ Jonathan," Jonathan,^ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born in Litchfield, Conn., Dec. 6, 1780. He went with his brother, and settled and lived in Eranklin, Penn., a farmer. He spelled his name with an " e " mostly. His name is put Lemon Churchell, on his gravestone, at Upsonville, Penn. He died July 25, 1823. Married, Nov. 4, 1810, Polly Demills, daughter of Garrett and Delmer, born in Pougkeepsie, N.Y., March 6, 1785 ; died Dec. 19, 1822. Children horn in Franklin, Penn. I. Mary Emmeltne,' b. Nov. 2, 1811; d. Feb. 15, 1815. II. Irene,' b. July 8, 1814; m. John V. Cashorons, Dec. 26, 1831. She died March 20, 1833, leaving no children. 438 III. Jonathan,' b. June 10, 1810. 439 IV. Freeborn,' b. Sept. 15, 1817; 'm. Eliza J. Clemens, March 6, 1850. V. Sarah,' b. Sept. 16, 1820; m. Henry Beebe, June 2, 1847. Mr. Beebe was born in Windsor, N.Y., Nov. 16, 1821. They lived in Franklin, Penn., and had children born there. Children. 1. Eliza Jane Beebe, b. Oct. 26, 1851. 2. Laura Amanda Beebe, b. May 20, 1856. 195. DANIEL" CHURCHILL (Jonathan,^ Jonathan," Jonathan," Joseph,- Josiah'). Born in Litchfield, Conn., Nov. 14, 1798. Married Catherine Davis, born April 10, 1810 ; died Feb. 5, 1869. Children. I. Hannah Elizabeth,' b. Feb. 29, 1829; ra. James Place. II. Lucy,' b. March 10, 1834; m. 1st, Edgar Hallock; m. 2d, Lewis King. III. Mary,' b. Nov. 20, 1836; m. 1st, LnciAN Wilson; m. 2d, Joseph Gilmore. IV. John M.,' b. March 10, 1889; unmarried. V. Ellen,' b. Feb. 11, 1841 ; d. June 19, 1843. VI. Annie,' b. Nov. 20, 1843; m. Charles Blackinson. VII. David L.,' b. Feb. 16, 1846; d. unmarried, July 17, 1863, in the army. VIII. Charles,' b. June 14, 1848; d. Aug. 6, 1864. IX. Eliza,' b. Dec. 7, 1850. 197. MOSES « CHURCHILL, JR. (Moses,* Jonathan," Jonathan," Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born June 30, 1791. He seems to have lived at Litchfield, Conn., and Sheffield, Mass. He died Aug. 30, 1862. Married Anna Hubbard. She died March 12, 1884. 444 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Children. I. LuCRETiA,' b. Dec. 24, 1816; m. Stephen Harrison, Nov. 23, 1852. Mr. Harrison was born Oct. 7, 1804, and died Dec. 2, 1880. One Child. 1. Anna Sophia Harrison, b. Dec. 29, 1853. II. Elizabeth,'' b. Oct. 16, 1818; m. John Gordon, Feb. 15, 1841. Mr. Gordon was born Jan. 25, 1807, and died Feb. 15, 1872. Children, horn in Sheffield, Mass. 1. Edward J. Gordon, b. April 9, 1842. 2. Henry A. Gordon, b. July 14, 1843. 3. Pamelia E. Gordon, b. June 21, 1845; d. Nov. 11, 1880. 4. Albert Gordon, b. Oct. 15, 1848; d. Sept. 18, 1856. III. Sophia,' b. March 21, 1821; m. George Berry, June 3, 1854, and died July 1, followin^c, less than one month after marriage, and Mr Berry married her sister Mary A. Churchill. IV. Jonathan,' b. June 21, 1824; d. unmarried, July 1854. 440 V. Norman W.,' b. April 25, 1826; m. Betsey M. Sheldon, Nov. 25, 1855. VI. George,' b. Feb. 15, 1828; d. single, Sept. 7, 1862. VII. Mary A.,' b. July 9, 1831 ; m. George J. Berry, March 27, 1856, as his second wife. Mr. Berry was born in London, Eng., June 10, 1829. They had Children, horn in Sheffield,, Mass. 1. Sophia E. Berry, b. June 9, 1857; d. August, 1862. 2. Jesse J. Berry, b. Oct. 20, 1861. VIII. Pamelia,' b. Nov. 29, 1837; unmarried She lived in Litchfield, Conn. 198. DR. GILBERT « CHURCHILL (Oliver,^ Jonathan/ Jona- than/ Joseph,^ Josiah ^). Born in Bethlehem, Conn., Sept. 25, 1789. Removed with his father's family to Pawlet, Vt. I find no correspondence or notes giving any information of Dr. Chu^rchill, his education or residence, or death. Married 1st, Abigail Davis, of Bergen, N.Y. ; married 2d, Oct. 29, 1851, Mrs. Harriet (Gris- wold) Williams, daughter of Rev. John Griswold. No children by second wife. Children by First Wife. I. Eunice,' b. May 21, 1819; d. Sept. 3, 1821. II. Eunice Barnes,' b. Sept. 9, 1824; m. George W. Miner, Aug. 24, 1854. Mr Miner died Feb. 24, 185^6. III. Abigail,' b. April 28, 1826; d. Oct. 20, 1838. IV. Louisa,' b. May 11, 1829; m. Artemas Gale, Sept. 30, 1851. V. Gilbert Barnes,' b. Sept. 22, 1833; d. June 8, 1853. VI. Sarah Briggs,' b. Oct. 25, 1836; d. Sept. 23, 1850. 199o WILLIAM'"' CHURCHILL (Oliver,^ Jonathan," Jonathan,^ Joseph,^ Josiah '). Born in Pawlet, Vt., March 6, 1812. Married Charity Russell, daughter of Elansing Russell, of Monroe County, N.Y. Branch.] SIXTH GENEEATION 445 Children born in Monroe County, N. Y. I. Helen Lucy,' m. Mr. Knapp. They lived at Logiinsport, Ind. She died in St. Louis, in 1873, while on a trip to California. No further account. 441 II. George William,' b. 1843; m. Mart J. Petersun, 1871. III. Irving Elansing.' He was a herder, and died in Montana in 1894. 441a IV. Flavics,' married and lived in Ohio, but no further record. V. Frances Jane,' b. Jan. 2, 1849; m. Rowland Saunders, Dec. 12, 1867. They lived at Mason, Mich., and had children. Children. 1. Lucv Saunders, b. Feb. 28, 18G9 ; m. 1st, Willard Kent, May 9, 18*85 ; m. 2d, Gordon S. Aldrich, June 22, 1896. 2. Artie Saunders, b. March 28, 1872; m. John Pinkerton, Dec. 11, 1888. 3. George Rowland Saunders, b. Aug. 6. 1874. 4. Sexton Saunders, b. Aug. 2, 1876; d. young. 5. Chloe Saunders, b. Dec. 11, 1878. 6. Frances Saunders, b. Jan. 13, 1881. 7. Wesley Saunders, b. Sept. 4, 1884. 8. Mary P. Saunders, b. Nov. 2, 1886. 9. Charles Saunders, b. Jan. 12. 1889; d Feb. 28, 1894. 10. Fred Saunders, b. June 17, 1891. 300. OLIVER '= CHURCHILL (Oliver,"' Jonathan,^ Jonathaj^,'' Joseph,- Josiah'). Born at Pawlet, Vt., June 21, 1821. He was living, about 1881, at Loyal, Wis. Married and had a family, it is said. 203. LEMAN« CHURCHILL (Amos,^ Jonathan," Jonathan,^ Joseph,^ Josiah'). Born at Fairfax, Vt., May 6, 1798. They lived in Bolton, Cardwell County, Ont., Can. Married, 1822, Minerva Anderson, who was boru April 8, 1800. Children horn in Bolton, Ont., Can. 442 I. Jonathan Thornton,' b. May 10, 1825; m. Emily E. Leonard. 443 II. Elias D.,' b. May 18, 1827. III. Zilpha L.,' b. June 9, 1829. IV. Persis L.,' b. March 27, 1832. V. Anise M.,' b. Nov. 15, 1833. 444 VI. Richard H.,' b. Aug. 22, 1835; m. Susan Ruddle. 304. HIRAM « CHURCHILL (Amos,^ Jonathan," Jonathan,^ Joseph,'^ Josiah ^). Born at Bolton, Can., Dee. 5, 1800. He lived at Bolton, Can., and later, at North Fairfax, Vt. He was a farmer. He died Dec. 5, 1875. Married, in St. Albans, Vt., 446 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Abigail Betsey Ingalls, of St. Albans, Vt. She died June 11, 1869. Children born at Bolton, Can. I. Constance,^ d. young. II. Abigail,'' m. Judson Brown, North Fairfax; no children. 445 III. Hiram Parker,' b. March 28, 1826; m. 1st, Mary Warner Thompson; m. 2d, Paulina (Leonard) Story. 446 IV. Oliver Joseph,' b. Oct. 17, 1827; m. Mary Ann Kimball, June 15, 1853. 206. OTIS « CHURCHILL (Amos,^ Jonathan," Jonathan,^ Joseph,^ JosiAH^). Born at Bolton, Can., May 28, 1810. We have received no further account. He died March 2, 1884. Married 1st, May 4, 1837, Susan P. Raymond ; 2d, Nov. 7, 1874, Mrs. A. (Pitman) Gibbs. Children. 447 I. Hiram W.,' b. Feb. 8, 1838. II. Susan R.,' b. Feb. 22, 1843; d. March 22, 1843. III. William H.,' b. Feb. 13, 1844; d. Sept. 9, 1844. 307. AMOS« CHURCHILL (Amos,^ Jonathan," Jonathan,^ Joseph,^ Josiah ^). Born at West Bolton, Can., Dec. 31, 1816. Removed to Vermont when young, and at twenty-one years came to Medford and learned the stone-cutter's trade. He removed to Quincy in 1849, and engaged in the stone-cutting business, later establishing the firm of Churchill & Hitchcock. He lived in Quincy until his death, March 31, 1901. Married, in Medford, Sept. 27, 1842, LucKETiA RowE, daughter of Alexander and Sally (Bean) Rowe, of Campton, N.H. She died Feb. 27, 1901. Cliild horn in Medford, Mass. I. Ellen Belinda,' b Oct. 18, 1845; m. J. Henry Emery, Oct. 1, 1868, in Quincy, Mass. He was the son of Jonathan and Nancy Emery. He is engaged in the leather business in Boston, and lives in Quincy. Children born in Quincy, Mass. 1. Alice Jacobs Emery, b. July 5, 1871 ; m. William Edwards, Oct. 22, 1891. 2. Florence Raymond Emery, b. Nov. 22, 1877. 308. STEPHEN MAJORS CHURCHILL (William,^ William," Jonathan,' Joseph,^ Josiah i). Born at Fairfax, Vt., Dec. 4, 1796. Removed to Randolph, 0., with his father's family in 1812, and lived there. We learn that his brother Philo had two sous and Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION . 447 a daughter, but no names given ; and that his brother Lyman had one son, who died at the age of ten years. Married, at Randolph, 0., May 23, 1821, Maria Beach, born Aug. 8, 1803. Children horn in Randolph, 0. 448 I. Orwell S.,' b. Feb. 25, 1822; m. Clarissa Colton, June 5, 1843. II. Olive L.,' b. Feb. 8, 1824; m. Calvin Hudson, Sept. 4, 1845, at Randolph. They lived at Randolph and Edinburgh, O. Children, first two born at Randolph, others at Edinhurgh. 1. Mina S. Hudson, b. Dec. 10, 1846; m. J. S. Gunder, April 19, 1866. Two children: (1) Josie E. Gunder, b. Oct. 27, 1867; m. Clayton M. Barnard, Nov. 16, 1893, and has Mina M. Bar- nard. (2) FrankE. Gunder, b. Feb. 12, 1870; m. Miss Harold, Nov. 25, 1896, and has Thelma Gunder. 2. Milford C. Hudson, b. Nov. 24, 1862; m. ( ) ( ), and has Roy M. Hudson, b. Sept. 18, 1883; and Clyde E. Hudson, b. May 23, 1891. III. Mart M.,' b. March 10, 1826; m. Joseph E. Jerome, Feb. 17, 1850. Children born in Randolph, 0. 1. Amelia L. Jerome, b. May 6, 1856; m. Herman Harper, Jan. 1, 1895. 2. Nettie J. Jerome, b. Dec. 1, 1861 ; d. July 16, 1884. 3. Jessie M. Jerome, b. September, 1865. ' 4. Elgin J. Jerome, b. Aug. 14, 1867. IV. William B.,'' b. Aug. 27, 1828; d. July 26, 1854, at Randolph. 449 V. J0LIDS R.,' b. June 16, 1832; m. Lucinda E. Saint, December, 1857. VI. Amelia M.,' b. May 25, 1837; d. Nov. 24, 1858, at Randolph. 311. CARMEL« CHURCHILL (David,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan," Joseph,^ Josiah ^). Born June 4, 1799, in Fairfax, Vt. Moved to Zora, Ont., with his father's family. We have not been able to get any farther account of this family than what is found below. Mar- ried, in Westminster, Ont., Elizabeth Stoat. Children. 460 I. Abraham,' b. 1827. II. Lucinda,' m. Ethan Squire. No children. III. Samuel,' d. at five years. IV. Almira,' d- young. V. Naomi,' m. Ethan Squire (as second wife). 450a VI. Elias,' m. Mary Grimshaw. VII. James,' d. at fourteen years. 312. DAVID « CHURCHILL (David,^ Jonathan," Jonathan,^ Joseph,- Josiah^). Born at Fairfax, Vt., Feb. 2, 1801. Lived at Zora, Can., till about 1835, when he removed to Berlin, Mich. Married, 1828, Zoa Edgerton. 448 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Children, three born at Zora, Can., and five at Berlin, Mich. 451 I. Peter,' b. Jan. 3, 1829; m. Charity E. Clark, at Romeo, Mich. 452 II. Warren D.,' b. March 4, 1831. III. Louisa A.,' b. Feb. 19, 1834; d. at Berlin, Mich., Sept. 21, 1875. 453 IV. Nelson,' b. Berlin, Mich., April 8, 1836. V. N. JuDSON,' b. Berlin, Mich., July 15, 1838; d. Jan. 11, 1865. VI. Cyrus,' b. Berlin, Mich., March 26, 1843; d. March 14, 1844. 464 VII. NoKviLLE F.,' b. Berlin, Mich., June 11, 1846. VIII. Ermina L.,' b. Berlin, Mich., Feb. 16, 1849. 313. REV. CYRUS « CHURCHILL (David,^ Jonathan," Jonathan,^ Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born July 6, 1804, in Fairfax, Vt. He settled first in Zora, Ont., and in 1837 in Almont, Mich., where he died Nov. 4, 1857. He was a farmer and a preacher. The account of this family was written for us in 1889. Married, Sept. 4, 1827, Mary Phelps, born in Brantford, Ont., Dec. 11, 1806, and died in Almont, Mich., October, 1889. Children horn at Zora, Ont. 456 I. James D.,' b. July 6, 1828; m. Frances P. Warner, Sept. 27, 1856. II. Lydia,' b. Sept. 22, 1829; m. Samuel Carpenter, March 17, 1847. III. Augusta,' b. July 26, 1831; m. Robert Durham, March 31, 1850. IV. Ursula,' b. April 10, 1833; m. Philo Gibbs, 1876. V. Henry,' b. Feb. 7, 1835; d. June 5, 1838. Children born at Almont, Mich. VI. Orphia,' b. Sept. 12, 1838; d. Nov. 1, 1838. VII. Irene,' b. Oct. 8, 1840; d. 1846. VIII. Caroline,' b. Feb. 28, 1842. Lived at Thornville, Mich. Un- married. IX. Angeline,' b. May 10, 1846; m. Edgar Bristol, October, 1864. X. Mary Lina,' b. April 1, 1850; m. Charles Hough, February, 1871. 314. LEVI« CHURCHILL (David,^ Jonathan," Jonathan,^ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born at Fairfax, Vt., Aug. 24, 1806. Re- moved with his father's family to Zora, Ont., and sometime about 1837 settled in Lapeer County, Mich. Our information about this family is meagre. Married, March 4, 1830, Maky Pine. Children's names, perhaps not in order of birth. • 456 I. John.' II. Malinda.' 457 III. Cyrus,' d. young. 458 IV. Lucius,' d. young. 459 V. Charles.' VI. Eliza.' VII. Orpha Jane.' 460 VIII. Theodore.' Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 449 215. TRUMAN « CHURCHILL (David/ William/ Jonathan/ Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born in Rutland County, Vt., April 21, 1809. Died in Almont, Mich., Jan. 7, 1870. He removed to Ontario, and settled in Middlesex County, and lived there until 1836, when he removed to Lapeer County, Mich. Married, in 1829, in Ontario, Charlotte Chadwick, born in St. Catherine's, Ont., Nov. 11, 1813. Children born in Ontario. 4()1 I. Barney,' b. July 22, 1832. Lived at Imlay City in 1889. 462 II. David,' b. Nov. 11, 1833; m. Mart J. Reynolds, 1857. 403 III. William L.,' b. Oct. 2G, 1839. Lived at Atlanta, Mich., 1889. 464 IV. Washington,' b. May 1, 1846. Lived at Almont, Mich., 1889. V. Sarah M.,' b March 26, 1854; m. Martin Patton, 1869; d. in Almont, Mich., Oct. 4, 1886. VI. Julia E.,' b. June 13, 1857; m. Mr. Schell. They were living at Deanville, Mich., 1889. 316. WILLIAM « CHURCHILL (David,^ Jonathan," Jonathan," Joseph,- Josiah^). Born at Fairfax, Vt., Aug. 24, 1812. Re- moved with his father's family to Zora, Ont. Married, in Ontario, Aug. 24, 1834, Susan Pine, daughter of John. Children born, the first in Ontario, the rest in Imlay City, Mich. 465 I. Walter B.,' b. March 27, 1837; m. Maria J. Best, Aug. 8. 1858. II. John H.,' b. Dec. 9, 1838; d. Dec. 10, 1838. III. Annie Pamelia,' b. March 22, 1840; m. Thomas Ridley, Oct. 6, 1860. They lived in Imlay City, Midi., where she died April 20, 1897. 466 IV. Albert,' b. Oct. 3. 1841. He served in the Civil War as a scout, was captured and killed by the enemy somewhere in Virginia. V. William Edward,' b. Aug. 15, 1843; d. May 30, 1844. VI. Willis,' b. July 10, 1845; d. the same day. 467 VII Daniel,' b. Juno 8, 1846; m. Clemantha Clark, Sept. 29, 1888. 468 VIII. Calvin P.,' b. July 28, 1848; m. Emily Kilbreth, March, 1869. IX. Mary M.,' b. Dec. 29, 1850; m. Rev. Newman Bennett Steele, Sept. 29, 1868. They lived at Imlay City and many other places whither his ministry called him. Children. 1. Lewis Steele, b. June 10, 1869; m. Carrie B. Farnsworth, and had one child, Zola Steele, b. May 6, 1897. 2. D. Howard Steele, b. May 30, 1871 ; d. Jan. 6, 1891. 3. Julia A. Steele, b. June 14, 1873; d. July 28, 1886. 4. Gertrude Steele, b. Aug. 1, 1876; m. Walter J. West, and had Evelyn Steele West, b. Sept. 10, 1903. 450 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut 5. Newman B. Steele, Jr., b. Oct. 13, 1879; graduated from Kala- mazoo College, June, 1903. 6. Blanche A. Steele, b. July 6, 1881; d. Sept. 18, 1881. 7. Bessie M. Steele, b. Feb. 3, 1884; d. April 26, 1884. 8. Marion Steele, b. Aug. 1, 1886. 409 X. William J.,' b. May 8, 1853; m. Harriet Fitch. XI. Emily Eva,'' b. Aug. 24, 1854; m. George Kinnee. XII. Charlotte Adele,' b. Dec. 19, 1856; d. Feb. 16, 1891. 4G9a XIII. Newman,' b. July 5, 1859; m. Rosa Tunk. 318. JAMES HOIT« CHUECHILL (Samuel,^ Jonathan/ Jon- athan/ Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born at Whiting, Vt., December, 1806. Eemoved with his father's family to New York State, and thence, in 1827, to Louth, Canada. He received a good education, finishing up at the seminary at Elizabethtown. He did not go to Pennsylvania with his father's family, but remained in Canada and taught school, first at Beansville, where he married his first wife. Later he located at Hamilton, Can., and, in 1853, removed to Dowagiac, Mich., where he bought a farm, and there spent the re- mainder of his busy and useful life. He died July 3, 1866. Mar- ried 1st, at Beansville, Can., March 9, 1830, Lena Skelley, b. May 14, 1812, daughter of Deacon Skelley ; and she died Aug. 10, 1834. Married 2d, March 24, 1836, Mrs. Lovisa Adams Barber. (Notice the error on page 371, where the name is given Adams, which evidently was a slip of the eye of the painstaking compiler. Two of James' children, independently, give the name Barber.) She was born March 9, 1816. Children of First Wife, born in Canada. I. Robert,' b. Dec. 29, 1831; d. July 29, 1833. II. Almira,' b. April 15, 1834; m. Henry Ruth, April 26, 1853. They lived at Elkwood, No. Dak. Children. 1. William Hervey Ruth, b. Nov. 7, 1854. 2. Walter Henry Ruth, b. March 8, 1857; d. Feb. 28, 1863. 3 Jane Ruth, b. Jan. 21, 1859. 4. Salem E. Ruth, b. Sept. 19, 1861 ; d. Feb. 2, 1863. 5. Augusta Ruth, b. Jan. 4, 1864. 6. Frank Jacob Ruth, b. July 16, 1866. 7. Ella Elizabeth Ruth, b. May 4, 1868. 8. Lena Zell Ruth, b. Oct. 31, 1870. 9. Harry Eugene Ruth, b. Sept. 18, 1872. Children of Second Wife. 470 III. Lewis A.,' b. Aug. 16, 1837; m. Eunice S. Flanders. 471 IV. Francis L.,' b. Aug. 8, 1839; m. Ltdia Dixon, Jan. 3, 1862. V. Olivia,' b. Nov. 3, 1842; m. John Graham, May 4, 1859. This family lived, in 1903, in Otsego, Mich. Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 451 Cliildren. 1. L. Orley Graham, b. Aug. 6, 1860; m. Carrie Hinckley, May 19, 1886, and had (1) Gladys Graham, b. Sept. 24, 1887; (2) Greta Graham, b. Nov. 13, 1888. 2. Arthur R. Graham, b. Jan. 7, 1864^; m. Rose Brooks, and had Rex A. Graham, b. Dec. 29, 1887. 472 VI. 0. Eugene,^ b. May 1, 1849; m. Abbie D. Sturr, April 29, 1873. 473 VII. Clarence C.,^ b May 26, 1854; m. Jane Sturr, Feb. 28, 1879. They had no children to live. They resided, in 1903, in Dowa- giac, Mich. 219. ADONIRAM JUDSON ^ CHURCHILL (Rev. Samuel,^ Jona- than,* Jonathan,'^ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born July 15, 1821, in Elizabethtown, N.Y. Removed with his father's family in their various moves until his death in Hayfield, Penn., in 1842, when he w^ent West, and settled in Fond Du Lac County, Wis. In 1903 he was living in Spring Valley, Minn. Married, May 1, 1849, in Eldorado, Wis., Celestia Anthony. Children born in Eldorado, Wis. I. Samantha Louisa,^ b. Jan. 29, 1850; m. Major George Andrus, Dec. 25, 1871. One child reported, Roy Andrus, b. Feb. 22, 1877. II. Gilbert Anthony,' b. Dec. 10, 1851. Unmarried. 474 III. Frank Delason,' b. Aug. 28, 1853; m. Harriet Allen, May, 1884. 475 IV. Cyrus William,' b. Sept. 5, 1855; m. Jennie Bailey, March, 1882. V. Caroline Celestia,' b. Sept. 28, 1857; m. Frank Bushnell, April 22, 1880. One son (1) Arthur Bushnell, b. Dec. 22, 1886. 476 VI. George Harvey,' b. May 7, 1860; m Maggie Louks, March 19, 1884. 476a VII. Albert Nathan,' b. Dec. 16, 1865. [Connecticut SEVENTH GENERATION. fv 331. I NATHANIEL^ CHUECHILL (Nathaniel/ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,' Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born March 20, I ; 1784, in Newington, Conn. Eemoved to Hubbardton, Vt., with 1 ; his father's family, and thence to Poultney, Vt., but settled^n/ Genesee County, N.Y., and was living about 1850 in Stafford, of that county. Married 1st, 1806, Sarah Ray, born Feb. 3, 1786, and died Sept. 16, 1830. Married 2d, October, 1832, Harriet BOSTWICK. Children. 477 I. Dennis,* b. March 3, 1807; m. Livonia P. Kingslet. II. LuRANA,^ b. Aug. 21, 1808; m. Ira Osgood. 478 III. Elibzer,^ b. July 1, 1810; m. Elvira Berry, April, 1834, IV. Lydia,* b. Feb. 3, 1815; m. Giles Minot. 479 v. William, 8 b. Dec. 9, 1817; m. Caroline Wheeler, of Alexandria. VI. John F.,» b. March 7, 1820. 480 VII. George W.," b. Oct. 21, 1822; m. Catharine Harvey. Child by Second Wife. VIII. Sarah,^ b. Oct. 20, 1837; m. Charles Lothrop. 333. JEREMIAH ' CHURCHILL (Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,'' Nathaniel,'^ Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born in Hubbard- ton, Vt. Lived in Essex, N.Y. He was a farmer. Married, at Elmore, Vt., April 7, 1812, Mehitable Bodfish. Child born in Elmore, Vt. I. James Addison,** b. Feb. 11, 1814; m. Zilpha E. Stroud, of Willsborough, N.Y., Aug. 5, 1832, at Essex Village. He was a safe-maker, and lived in Bethany, N.Y., Plymouth, Mich., and finally settled at Oshkosh, Wis., where he died Sept. 18, 1870. They had no children. 334. JOHN SAGE^ CHURCHILL (Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,^ Joseph,^ Josiah ^). Born in Hubbard- ton, Vt., July 20, 1798. He was a pattern designer in foundries in Poultney, Vt., until 1852, when he removed to Rockford, 111., and (452) Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 453 then in 1870 went to Nebraska City, Neb., and thence to Lincoln, Neb., in 1880, in same business. Died May 1, 1880. Married, in Troy, N.Y., Sept. 11, 1831, Narcissa White, of Poultney, Vt. Children. I. Mary Jane,® b. June 9, 1832; m. 1st, Charles Sevitz ; m. 2d, William Adams. 481 II. John Nathaniel,* b. Sept. 10, 1835; m. Sophia Demas Thayer, Sept. 21, 1857. She was born at Chittenden, Vt., May 8, 1834. He went West with his father in 1852, and settled in llockford, 111., where he lived till the opening of the Civil War, when he enlisted and served until 1863, when his capture by the enemy and confinement in Libby prison disabled him for service and he was sent home. Before the war he was engaged first in building windmills and afterwards in farming. In 1869 he removed to Nebraska City, and was employed by the Marsh Manufacturing Company, till their failure in 1884. Then he removed to Dakota, and became a real estate agent, at Canton, Dak., where he was living in August, 1884. They had one son. Child. 1. Edmund John, b. Dec. 10, 1864. 335. PHINEAS PENFIELD^ CHURCHILL (Nathaniel,^ Nath- aniel,'' Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,"' Joseph,- Josiah '). Born Sept. 14, 1804, in Hubbardton, Vt. Removed West, and settled at Rock- ford, 111. He was a prosperous farmer. Married 1st, Nov. 27, 1827, Marilla Gregory, who died. IMarried 2d, Oct. 6, 1831, in Orwell, Vt., Amanda Wright, who was born Oct. 7, 1804, One Child by First Wife. I. Henry,^ died in infancy. Children by Second Wife, born at Rockford, TIL II. Mary Maria Isabel,* b. July 16, 1832 ; m. Alta Gilbert Chap- man, May 22, 1853. They lived at Cedar Falls, la. III. Infant Son,** b. Jan. 9, 1834; d. on the tenth day. IV. Henry C.,* b. Nov. 21, 1838; d. Oct. 21, 1840. V. Daniel W.,* b. Aug. 27, 1841; d. March 22, 1844. VI. Minerva R.," b. April 14, 1844; never married. VII. Amanda A.,** b. April 15, 1846; m. John P. Kettlewell, Oct. 27, 1874, in Exeter, Neb., and lived there. 327. PUTNAM^ CHURCHILL (Stephen,* Nathaniel,-' Nath- aniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Joseph,- Josiah^). Born in New Canaan, Conn. Date of birth not received. Married 1st, March 23, 1820, Calista a. Taylor. Married 2d, Feb. 2, 1831. (Name of wife not received.) 454 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Child hy First Wife. I. Elizabeth,^ m. Mark Z. Lamprt. Children hy Second Wife. 482 II. William Sumner.^ III. Augusta.'* IV. Maria.s b. August, 1835. V. Jane Bushnell,^ b. 1837. WILLIAM HENRY ^ CHURCHILL (Stephen/ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel/ Nathaniel/ Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born in New Canaan, Conn., Jan. 1, 1816. Lived in Hartford, Farmington, and Meriden, Conn. Married, Jan. 6, 1842, Sarah Ann Sedgwick. Children, first three horn in Hartford. I. Edward W.,^ b. Oct. 24, 1842. II. Wilber S.,8 b. Nov. 25, 1844; d. unmarried, Oct. 25, 1875. III. Willis E.,* b. Jan. 20, 1847; m. Jane S. Plummer, of Rowley. Children of Willis and Jane Churchill. 1. Lydia Mason, b. Dec. II, 1878. 2. Mehitabel Helen, b. April 5, 1881. 3. Lizzie Willard, b. April 5, 1881. 4. William Everett, b. June 5, 1883. 5. Anna Frances, b. Jan. 17, 1886. IV. David H.,^ b. July 18, 1849, in Farmington, Conn.; d. Oct. 23, 1881. V. Florence Josephine,* b. March 5, 1852, in Meriden, Conn.; d. 1853. VI. Helen Augusta,^ b. Jan. 6, 1858, in Meriden, Conn. VII. Joseph Brace,* b. Dec. 31, 1860, in West Hartford, Conn. VIII. Levi Hbnrt," b. Jan. 31, 1863; m. Mrs. (Schwink) Hoagland. They lived in Waterbury, Conn. 330. JESSE MATHERS CHURCHILL (SacxE,« Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,' Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born at Cornwall, Vt., Nov. 18, 1796. He settled in Elizabetlitown, N.Y., but re- moved later to Canandaigua, N.Y., and in 1837 to Chicago, 111. In the War of 1812 he served with credit in the Elizabetlitown Regi- ment of the State Militia, through the Plattsburg campaign. At "the battle of Plattsburg the captain of his company was shot, and he was put in command of the company. Probably he was an ensign or lieutenant previous to that. He was soon after commissioned as captain, which office he held until Aug. 25, 1830, when he resigned as captain in the Thirty-seventh Regiment, Fortieth Brigade, Eleventh Division, State Militia. The acceptance of his resignation MR. JEROME CHURCHILL, YREKA, CAL. (No. 486, page 455.) Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 455 and his honorable discharge, signed by Brig. Gen. Joseph S. Weed, is now in the possession of his family. He died at River- side, 111., at the home of his eldest child, Mrs. Wesencraft, April 5, 1887. Married, at Elizabethtown, N.Y., Jan. 31, 1822, Martha McCauley. She died May 11, 1886. Children born in Elizahethtoivn, N. Y. I. Jane,^ m. Mr. Wesencraft. Their daughter, Lotta A., in 1902, lived at Riverside, 111. II. Caroline,^ m. Mr. Swartout. Lived, in 1903, in Orlando, Fla., where she died June 1, 1898. 486 III. Jerome," b. in Elizabethtown, N.Y., Feb. 11, 1826. He removed with his parents to Canandaigua, N.Y., and in 1837 to Chicago, where he received a common school education. He was self-supporting from sixteen years on, and did much to help in the support of his father's family. In May, 1849, he joined the pioneers in the rush to the " land of gold." He started with the overland company from St. Jose[>li and arrived in the Sacra- mento Valley on Sept. 11, 1849. Mr. Churchill was at this time twenty-three years old, of strong and fine physique, and both mentally and morally equipped for winning the eminent posi- tion which he gained for himself and still holds in business and society. In May, 1851, he located at Yreka, Cal., making that the centre of his trade as a merchant, while he established branch stores at various mining-camps which he supplied by pack- trains of mules, a somewhat hazardous method at that time on account of the Indians. In 1859, after eight years of hard work, he was able to retire with a good competency, and investing his money in profitable enterprises, by degrees drifted into the bank- ing business, while he has a chief interest in several large stock- ranches. He was largely interested in establishing the Yreka Railroad, of which he is president, as well as of the Siskiyou County Bank. Married, in Waukegan, 111., Nov. 14, 18fil, Julia Patterson, who was born in Lockport, N.Y. Her great- grandfather on her mother's side was Ethan Allen, hero of Ticon- deroga. Mrs. Churchill was educated at Rockford Female Seminary, 111., and occupies a position of influence in the women's associations in California. She has furnished us with this account of the Churchill family, of her husband and his father. Children horn in Yreka. 1. Carrie May, b. May 24, 1863; d. July 22, 1864. 2. Jerome Percy, b. March 1, 1866. He was educated at the California State Pharmacy and the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, and is a chemist and druggist by profession. Married, June 10, 1891, Josephine Wheeler of Oakland, Cal. Children: (1) Percy Whetler, b. Aug. 7, 1895; (2) Jerome, Jr., b. May 5, 1899. 3. Jesse .Warren, b. April 3, 1868. Took a course at the Wor- cester, Mass., School of Technology; is an electrician by profession, though engaged chiefly with his father's banking and stock-raising interests. Married, Feb. 24, 1892, May V. Wheeler, of Oakland, Cal., sister of his brother's wife, and they have one child, Dorothy May, b. Feb. 27, 1895. IV. Eliza,* b. Jan. 11, 1830; m. George Wright Patterson, in Chicago, 111., Sept. 15, 1846. They lived at Michigan City, Ind., where he was a shoe dealer and hotel keeper. 456 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Children born at Michigan City, Ind. 1. Martha Corinna Patterson, b. Feb. 27, 1850; m. James E. Lathrop. 2. Jerome L. Patterson, b. July 4, 1852; d. March 31, 1855. 3. George Henry Patterson, b. Jan. 31, 1856. 4. Carrie May Patterson, b. May 12, 1859. 234. SOLOMON' CHURCHILL (Solomon," Nathaniel/ Nath- aniel/ Nathaniel,'' Joseph/ Josiah ^). Born, probably in Berlin, Conn., Oct. 20, 1791. He died May 11, 1834. Married, Dec. 1, 1812, Berlin, Conn., Candace Gilbert, born July 12, 1791, and was the daughter of Hooker and Candace (Sage) Gilbert. Died June 9, 1835. Children. I. Laura,** b. Dec. 26, 1813. 483 II. William,* b. Jan. 6, 1816. III. Sarah." IV. Emeline.* 484 V. Gilbert." 485 VI. Cyrus," b. Dec. 11, 1826. 235. AMZI ' CHURCHILL (Solomon,® Nathaniel," Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,'' Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born, probably in Berlin, Conn., Dec. 11, 1793. Married, July 4, 1819, Maria White, of Newton, L.I., who was born Feb. 4, 1795. Children. I. Catharine Selina," b. July 26, 1820; m. Samuel Cochran, July 3, 1837. II. Michael White," b. Dec. 19, 1825; d. young. III. Hannah Maria," b. Dec. 20, 1828; m. Henry Conklin, July 3, 1847. 236. CYRUS " CHURCHILL (Solomon,« Nathaniel,' Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born at Berlin, Conn., Dec. 15, 1797. Removed to New Haven, 1848. He was a carriage maker. He was highly respected for his strict integrity and unfailing goodness. He died May 15, 1864, at New Haven. Married, April 18, 1833, at Guilford, Clarissa Bradley, of Guildford, Conn., born Sept. 17, 1804, and died at New Haven, July 27, 1900. Children. I. Sarah Cornelia," b. Feb. 5, 1834, in Springfield, Mass.; unmar- ried. Lived in New Haven, Conn. II. Mary Jane," b. March 23, 1837; m. Hiram A. Gray, Oct. 2, 1880, at Cambridge, Mass. He died at Hartford, Conn., Dec. 27, 1891. Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 457 III. Benjamin Bradley,* b. July 25, 1841; d. Aug. 13, 1844. IV. Charlbs Benjamin,* b. July 25, 1847 ; m. Corinne Hosford, daughter of Dr. Willard and Harriet (Hosford) Hosford, of Orford, N.H., Nov. 16, 1870. She was born Sept. 10, 1842. Mr. Churchill was born at Guilford, Conn., and removed with his father's family in 1848. He was fitting for college at the Hop- kins School, in New Haven, when his father's death compelled him to relinquish his purpose of a college course, and he began a business career instead in the store of his uncle, Benjamin Bradley, of Boston, a well-known old-time merchant. Later he became connected with the New Haven Clock Company and the New England Watch Company of Waterbury, Conn. Children of Benjamin B. and Corinne {Hosford) Churchill. 1. Lillian, b. at Orford, N.H., Sept. 30, 1871. Graduated from Smith College, 1895. Died at Waterbury, Jan. 31, 1900. She was a beautiful and accomplished young woman. 2. Katharine Corinne, b. at Boston Highlands, Mass., Jan. 24, 1873. She is an accomplished musician and teacher of music. 337. JOHN" CHURCHILL (Solomon," Nathaniel/' Nathaniel,* Nathaniel/ Joseph/ Josiah '). Born at Berlin, Conn., Aug. 10, 1813. Married 1st, at Wallingford, Conn., Emeline Cleveland, of Canton, Mass. Married 2d, Lucy R. French, of Litchfield, Conn. In 1866 lived in Winsted, Conn. One Child by First Wife. I. Henry,* b. Jan. 1, 1834; m. Ellen Catlin. One son, John, married and had a son who, in 1886, lived in Meriden, Conn., a telegraph operator. Name not obtained. 239. EBEN DORMAN ' CHURCHILL (Thomas Foster,^ Janna,* Natoaniel,* Nathaniel,^ Joseph,^ Josiah '). Born in Georgia, Vt., Nov. 6, 1815. At the age of twelve he left Vermont and went West to Cuyahoga Falls, later to Galena, 111., and finally settled at Platteville, Wis. He was a farmer and a miner. He died on Dec. 14, 1871. Married, at Platteville, July 17, 1851, Martha E. Story, who was born at Underhill, Vt., and removed to Platteville, Wis., in 1846. Children born in Platteville, Wis. I. Frances Ann,* b. May 6, 1852; m. Francis A. Bartle, Jan. 1, 1870. In 1886 they lived in Hurley, S. Dakota. II. Mary Ellen,* b. May 28, 1854; m. Frank M. Bonson, Platteville, Aprils, 1877. 489 III. Thomas Foster.* b. Jan. 15, 1856; m. Catharine Robinson. He was a farmer and lived at Blue Earth City, Minn., in 1896. Children. 1. Martha V., b. at Minneapolis, Dec. 16, 1894. 2. Thomas Stanley, b. at Blue Earth City, Sept. 11, 1896. 458 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut IV. Cora Eliza,* b. Jan. 29, 1858; d. May 27, 1860. V. Ralph Elmer,® b. May 3, 1860; m. Gertrude Sliver, Jan. 17, 1886. They lived at Los Angeles, Cal. VI. Jennie Cora,* b. Jan. 24, 1862; m. Willis Townsend, Nov. 1, 1884. They lived at Bosberg, Wash. VII. John Charles,* b. March 23, 1865 ; unmarried. He graduated at the State Normal School of Wisconsin in 1889 He studied law, and entered upon the practice at Lancaster, Wis. He was clerk of courts for several years for Grant County, Wis. VIII. Frank Leslie,* b. July 31, 1867 ; m. Florence Campbell, daughter of Samuel H. and Henrietta (Freed) Campbell, at Washington, D.C., July 17, 1895. He graduated at Wisconsin State Normal School, 1890, and at Columbian University, Washington, D.C., and from the Law School, LL.B., in 1895. He was employed in the Civil Service Depart- ment until 1896, when he removed to Lancaster, Wis., and began the practice of law. Children of Frank L. and Florence Churchill. 1. Martha Ella, b. July 4, 1896. 2. Frank Campbell, b. Oct. 31, 1898. IX. LucT Martha.,* b. Sept. 23, 1871 ; m. William McBride. They lived at Platteville, Wis. 340. JAMES ALFRED^ CHURCHILL (Thomas Foster,^ Janna/ Nathaniel/ Nathaniel/ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born in Georgia, Vt., Aug. 24, 1825. Settled in Ellenboro, Grant County, Wis., where he was a farmer. Married, at Waterloo, Wis., Aug. 18, 1853, Julia Ann Butler, daughter of Drury and Matilda (Coon) Butler, Children horn iti Ellenboro. I. Mary Etta,* b. June 29, 1854; m. A. D. Finnet, April 19, 1881. at Platteville. She died June 10, 1889, at Lima, Wis. II. Laura,* b. Nov. 29, 1856. * Lived in Cassville, Wis. III. Ella Florence,* b. Jan. 10, 1860. IV. Alvaretta,* b. Aug. 4, 1863; d. at Ellenboro, Nov. 29, 1863. V. Ida Matilda,* b. March 20, 1865. Lived, February, 1901, Hartington, Neb. VI Clara Alice,* b. Aug. 23, 1867 ; m. Frank A. Florine, at Ellen- boro, Jan. 24, 1894. Lived at Cuba City, Wis. VII. Martha Olive,* b. April 17, 1870; m. Charles J. McCormick. Lived at Patchgrove, Wis. 493 VIII. James Adelbert,* b. Nov. 4, 1873. Lived at Platteville, Wis. IX. Thode Stephen,* b. April 13, 1879. Lived at Hartington, Neb. 241. WILLIAM RUMSEY^ CHURCHILL (Josiah,« Janna,^ Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Joseph,^ Josiah^). Born at Batavia, N.Y., Dec. 22, 1808. He settled in Portland, Mich., where he was a merchant. He died in Portland, about 1887. Married 1st, Oct. 31, 1833, Fannie Fidelia Bushnell, b. 1816 ; 2d, Anna Knox. Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 459 Children of First Wife. I. Frances Amelia,* b. Aug. 24, 1835; m. Charles Hbnrt, Sept. 28, 1856. II. Emily Maria,* b. March 29, 1837 ; d. at sixteen years. III. Infant,* not named. IV. Infant,* not named. V. Adelaide Caroline,* b. 1843; d. young. 494 VI. James,* b. Aug. 27, 1845; m. Clara Whitlock, b. June 7, 1852. VII. Evelina,* d. young. Children of Second Wife. VIII. Anna,* d. young. IX. Harriet,* d. young. X. William,* d. young. XI. Helen,* d. young. XII. Caroline,* m. Mr. Woodworth. XIII. Mara,* m. Frank Sproul. 344. ALBERT J.' CHURCHILL (Josiah,« Janna,^ Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,^ Joseph,'- Josiah^). Born at East Bethany, N.Y., Oct. 2, 1842. He settled at Avon, 111., where he was a dealer in dry goods, notions, boots and shoes, jewelry, and silver ware, but later was engaged in the firm of Tompkins Brothers, of Avon. Married, Oct. 31, 1866, at Avon, 111., MakyE. Mailliard, daughter of one of the French retainers who came to America with Joseph Bonaparte. Children. 495 I. Julian,* b. Sept. 14, 1868; m. Lulu Mings, Oct. 12, 1892. Children. 1. Marguerite, b. Oct. 6, 1894. 2. Ross A., b. March 7, 1898. 3. Herbert Winston, b. Aug. 3, 1900. II. Annie Eugenie,* b. May 22, 1870; m. Dr. W. A. Neece, Jan. 25, 1899. They lived at Alexis, 111. Children. 1. Marjorie Neece, b. Jan. 6, 1900. 2. Bret C. Neece, b. Feb. 10, 1903. III. Clara L.,* b. Feb. 19, 1874; m. Rev. B. G. Carpenter, June 8, 1899. Child. 1. Kenneth Carpenter, b. June 8, 1899. IV. Fannie E.,* b. July 16, 1881. 245. MARCELLUS C.^ CHURCHILL (Janna,« Janna,^ Nathaniel," Nathaniel,'^ Joseph,^ Josiah '). Born in St. Albans, Vt., March 13, 1814. We have been unable to get any satisfactory account of this family. Married Abbie B. Page. 460 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Children. I. Fannie,* m. Gilbert Moffatt. II. Elizabeth,^ m. George Mater. One Son. 1. Durand Churchill Mayer. III. Florence,® m. Arthur Francis, of England. They lived at Englewood, and had one child, a son, d. young. IV. Claude Newman,** d. young. V. Sarah, ^ m. William Page. 346. CHARLES P.^ CHURCHILL (Janna,« Janna/ Nathaniel,* Nathaniel/ Joseph/ Josiah '). Born in St. Albans, Vt., Sept. 6, 1815. Removed to Genesee County, N.Y., with his father's family, but settled later in Buffalo. Married 1st, Sept. 2, 1844, Harriet Austin, born Dec. 21, 1818. Married 2d, April 7, 1852, Harriet Perkins. Children of First Wife. 496 I. Marcellus Austin,® b. 1845; m. 1st, Jennie Hott, of Pen Yan, N.Y., 1874, who died in Japan, December, 1875; m. 2d, Nellie Chesterwood, in Buffalo, 1878. In 1893 he lived in Buffalo, N.Y. Child of First Wife. 1. Charles Hoyt, b. June 10, 1875. Children of Second Wife. 2. Mary Alice, b. August, 1879. 3. Susie, b. 1882. 4. Bessie, b. March, 1884. II. Arthur Eugene,® b. Jan. 7, 1849; d. in infancy. Children of Second Wife. III. Mary Alice,® b. Dec. 27, 1852; m. Edward Carver, June 12, 1883. No children. Lived in Marshalltown, la., in 1893. 496a IV. Edward Dudley,® b. Sept. 11, 1854; m. ( ) ( ), August, 1882. They lived in Buffalo, and had four children, names not obtained. V. Martha,® b. March 25, 1856; d. at four years of age. VI. Charles P., Jr.,® b. Dec. 25, 1857; unmarried. VII. Jennie C,® b. Sept. 9, 1859; m. Frank Darrow. Lived in Min- neapolis, and had two children. Children. 1. Gertrude Charlotte Darrow. b. April 21, 1879. 2. Clayton Churchill Darrow, b. Feb. 7, 1884. VIII. Harriette Lavanch,® b. April 7, 1862 ; unmarried. 497 IX. Herbert Haddock,® b. April 7, 1862; m. Josephine Butler, August, 1883. Mrs. Josephine Churchill died May 26, 1888. Children. 1. Harriette M., b. Sept. 18, 1884. 2. Marie Josephine, b. April 26, 1888. Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 461 248. DR. AMOS^ CHURCHILL (Amos,« Amos/ Nathaniel," Nathaniel,* Joseph,- Josiah'). Born at Broadalbin, N.Y., March 12, 1805. He studied medicine, and practised in New York City, and died there Jan. 17, 1840. Married 1st, Ann Maria Down- ing, of New York City, who died without issue. Married 2d, LucT Hale, of Wethersfield, Conn. One Child by Second Wife. I. Harriet,* b. in 1838; m. Mr. Birdsall. They lived some time in Sheffield, Mass. 249. DR. CHARLES W.^ CHURCHILL (Amos,«Amos,« Nathaniel," Nathaniel,^ Joseph," Josiah'). Born at Broadalbin, N.Y., Oct. 10, 1814. He was a physician, and practised medicine at 91 St. Marks Place, New York City, from 1838. Married, Aug. 22, 1843, Louisa Siuison, of New York. They had Two Childreti whose Names we have received. I. Louisa Jane,* b. March 25, 1846. II. Olive Emma,* b. Oct. 28, 1849. 350. ELIJAH WILCOX ' CHURCHILL (Amos,« Amos,« Nathaniel," Nathaniel,* Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born at Broadalbin, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1817. Lived for some years at Broadalbin, but some time before 1855 removed to Wisconsin and settled at Waupaca. He died Oct. 8, 1876. Married Eliza Judson, of Mayfield, N.Y. Children of Elijah and Eliza (Judson) Churchill. I. Harriet A.,* b. June 2, 1844; d. Aug. 24, 1845. II. Charles J.,* b. at Broadalbin, N.Y., Dec. 24, 1846. Removed with his father's family to Waupaca, Wis. He was educated at Waupaca public schools and commercial college. He studied and practised law at Waupaca. He was clerk of Circuit Court for Waupaca County from 1870 to 1883, and has held other public offices. He m as chosen president of the Waupaca County National Bank in 1890, and still holds the position in 1904. He married, at Waupaca, Nov. 20, 1868, Ann E. Walker, daughter of Fred W. and Mary (Martin) Walker. -^ Children. 1. Lucy May, b. Nov. 19, 1869; m. Frank S. Baldwin, Sept. 8, 1891. 2. Frederick, b. July 17, 1871. 3. Herbert, b. July 9, 1875; m. Jessie Hollenbeck, Sept. 2, 1901. 4. Ned J., b. Nov. 3, 1879. 5. C. Lloyd, b. March 5, 1883. 6. Richard, b. Jan. 26, 1891. III. Edwin L.,* b. March 15, 1848; d. March 4, 1851. 462 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut IV. Sarah L.,« b. April 19, 1850; d. March 8, 1851, V. Stlvanus A.,^ b. July 4, 1853; m. Clara Hart, at Appleton, Wis., July 11, 1873. He was a farmer at Waupaca and Bloomville. Children. 1. Fannie M., b. May 7, 1877. 2. Adelbert H., b. Jan. 12, 1879. 3. Irma A., b. May 2, 1884. 4. Charles B., b. April 9, 1889. 5. Ethel L., b. Nov. 28, 1891. VI. Edward LoTHROP,^ b. March 22, 1858; m. Alice E. Humphrey, at Amsterdam, N.Y., June 15, 1884. He was a carpenter. They lived at Binghamton, N.Y. Children. 1. Lucy May, b. May 19, 1888. 2. Mildred E,, b. April 25, 1893. 351. ALANSOK COVELL^ CHURCHILL (Roswell,« Amos," Nathaniel/ Nathaniel,^ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born, probably, at Mayfield, N.Y., 1813. In a letter to G. A. Churchill, April 29, 1886, Mr. Churchill signs his name Alansing, but we hold to the regular form of the name. In this letter he gives much information upon various points, but fails to give the most important items about his own family. He says that his father, Roswell, kept a hotel at the " village of Fondasbush," until about 1825, when he moved to Albany and kept a hotel there until 1840, when he went to New York City and kept a hotel there until his death. This is much different from the account received from his younger brother, Charles R. Churchill, who says nothing about the hotels, but magni- fies the cloth business. The facts seem to be that he achieved the sheep-raising and cloth-making before engaging in hotel keeping. Alanson says he died in New York City, at the age of seventy-six years, which would show that the year given on page 377 should be 1853. At the time of this letter Alanson lived in Cedar Rapids, la., and writes on paper which has his business head, " A. C. Chur- chill and Son, Dealers in Hardware, Cutlery, Nails, etc.. Acorn Stoves and Ranges, 25 South First Street." The junior member of the firm is H. N. Churchill. Married Lucy Cornwall, daughter of Isaac and Lucy (Churchill) Cornwall, his own cousin. No dates of marriage or birth of children are given. He gives his record as follows : " I have one son and two daughters. One daughter lives in Omaha, Neb., and has three children. One son and daughter live here." The letter-heads show that the son's name is H. N. Churchill, and at the date of the letter, neither the son or the daughter at home were married. We have no later information of the family. Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 463 252, ERASMUS DARWIN^ CHURCHILL (Roswell,« Amos/ Nathaniel/ Nathaniel/ Joseph," Josiah ^). Born in May field, N.Y., Nov. 7, 1815. He settled in Stillwater, N.Y., and died there. Married Sarah E. Einch, who was born Jan. 27, 1817. Children. I. Erasmus D.,^ b. Dec. 8, 1838; d. unmarried. 498 II. JuDsoN.s b. Oct. 19, 1841; m. Sophia H. Pulkamus, June 24, 1868. She was b. March 14, 1845. No further record obtained. III. Sarah Emily,^ b. July 27, 1844; d. young. 499 IV. WiCKLiFF E.,8 b. July 27, 1847; m. Alice Spotts. No further record obtained. V. Howard,* b. Dec. 22, 1850; unmarried. 352.* WILLIAM HENRY' CHURCHILL (Roswell,« Amos,^ Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,^ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born in Mayfield, N.Y., 1817. He lived in San Francisco, Cal., in 1886, and, Alanson says, had two or three sons and two daughters. Married Mary Pearson. S-W..*- t'i-i4>. ^Vm- • »j ^ //O • 253a. RENSELLAER EMMET' CHURCHILL (Roswell," Amos,^ Nathaniel,'* Nathaniel,^ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born in Mayfield, N.Y., Jan. 20, 1820. Lived in Albany, N.Y. Married Gertrude Ramsey. Children. I. John Roswell.* Three daughters, it is said. 252b. CHARLES ROSWELL' CHURCHILL (Roswell,« Amos,^ Nathaniel,* Nathaniel/ Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born in Mayfield. He filled out one of the early blanks for G. A. Churchill, but gave no information about himself or his family. The blank was sent to him Sept. 29, 1885, but he does not give his residence, or the date of his reply, or date of his birth or marriage. He married Lydia BowDEN. We have received nothing further. 253. WILLIAM ELLIOTT' CHURCHILL (Jesse/ Amos/ Nathaniel,* Nathaniel,* Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born at Middletown, Conn., Feb. 22, 1805. Removed to Broadalbin, N.Y., with his * This number and the two following numbers were not reported at the first enumeration. 464 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut father's family previous to 1809, and became a merchant in New- York City, No. 9 East Twenty-Second street. Married 1st, at Meriden, Conn., July, 1832, Sarah M. Cowles, of Meriden, Conn., daughter of Major E. A. Cowles ; 2d, 1852, Louisa Terry, of Hart- ford, Conn., daughter of Eliphalet Terry, Esq. Children, all of First Wife. I. John Cowles,^ b. 1834; d. 1838. II. Catherine R. ,8 b. 1836. III. Sarah N.,** b. 1838. IV. Lucy C.,^ b. 1840; d. 1874. 254. HENRY ^ CHURCHILL (Jesse,« Amos,' Nathaniel,^ Nathaniel,^ Joseph,- Josiah'). Born at Middletown, Feb. 17, 1807. Settled at Gloversville, N.Y. Held the office of provost- marshal during the Civil War. Married 1st, at Gloversville, N.Y., 1830, Selina Burr, born March 15, 1808 ; died March 13, 1851; 2d, at Albany, N.Y., June 1, 1852, Sybil E. Roberts. Children of First Wife, horn at Gloversville. I. William Scott,^ b. March 28, 1831 ; d. April 12, 1835. II. Helen, 8 b. Jan. 12, 1837; m. George C. Root, April 29, 1859. III. Alice.s b. Feb. 8, 1839; m. Henry D. Moore. IV. Caroline,^ b. July 10, 1841 ; m. Warner Miller, July, 1865. He was of Herkimer, N.Y., United States Senator from New York State. 600 V. Henry,** b. June 15, 1844; ra. Ella Gilchrist. Lived in Herkimer, N.Y., in 1886, and was engaged in paper manufacture in the firm with his brother-in-law, Senator Warner Miller. Children of Second Wife. VI. Selina Burr,* b. September, 1855; d. 1876, VII. Jessie,^ b. June, 1857; m. Mr. Eggleston. VIII. CoRA,8 b. March, 1861. TIMOTHY GRIDLEY ' (Jesse," Amos,« Nathaniel," Nath- aniel,^ Joseph,- Josiah^). Born April 28,1809, at Broadalbin, N.Y. Married, June 15, 1836, Patience Lawrence, daughter of John, of New York City. Children horn at Broadalhin. I. Anna P.,* b. May 9, 1837. II. Jane Lawrence,* b. June 9, 1839 ; m. Rev. Henry Y. Satterlke, D.D., June 29, 1866. III. John Lawrence,* b. Nov. 14, 1842. He was a member of the Seventh Regiment, New York City, and enlisted in the Civil War, became a lieutenant, and aftervards colonel of a regi- ment. He was taken prisoner and sulFered so severely from the hardships of his captivity that he never recovered his health. Branch.] SEVENTH GENEEATION 465 He was a man of excellent nailitary ability and high character. After his death a mural tablet to his memory was placed in the Seventh Regiment Armory, New York City. He died in Natchez , November, 1868. IV. William Eliot,^ b. July 15, 1845; d. May 12, 1847. V. Emily Virginia,^ b. Dec. 13, 1848; m. Dr. Clarence Satterlee. 356. ALLEN COWLES ' CHURCHILL (Jesse,* Amos/ Nathaniel," Nathaniel,^ Joseph,^ Josiah '). Bora at Broadalbin, N.Y., July 17, 1820. They lived at Gloversville. Married, at Gloversville, N.Y., Oct. 28, 1840, Caroline C. Warner, of that town. She was born Dec. 29, 1820. Children born at Gloversville. I. Sarah Louisa,* b. July 9, 1843; d. December, 1843. II. Emily Louise,* b. Nov. 3, 1844; m. Eugene Hill, May 7, 1867. 501 III. William Eliot,'* b. Feb. 5, 1848; m. Emma Johnson, November, 1868. IV. Clara Bella,* b. April 13, 1852 ; m. Arthur Salisbury, December, 1868. 602 V. Allen Cowles,^ b. about 1854. VI. Stella Louisa,* b. about 1856. 602a VII. Louis Warner,^ b. about 1858. 257. CHARLES BROCKWAY^ CHURCHILL (Jesse," Amos,^ Nathaniel,* Nathaniel," Joseph,- Josiah^). Born at Broadal- bin, Feb. 26, 1828. Married Caroline Smith, of New York City, daughter of Leonard K. Smith. Children. I. Charles Brockway, Jr.,* b. June, 1859. II. Florence,* b. 1865; d. 1879. III. Leonard K.,* b. June, 1867; d. 1871. 25S. SAMUEL^ CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ Joseph,^ John," Nath- aniel," Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born at Chatham, Conn., Aug. 2, 1795. We have letters, written in 1885, from his sons Joseph and Charles, and his daughter, Mrs. Loriug, and I think Mr. N. W. Churchill, our senior compiler, visited the Lorings, at Shrewsbury, as he is urged in their letters to do, and we have much more particular records than appear in the letters, and their letters state that they have the " old Bible record." From these letters we learn some- thing more about Joseph (No. 89) than appears on page 378. The old marriage certificate corrects name of wife and place of marriage and gives date and shows that Joseph Churchill married Anna Loudon, the 21st of October, 1790, at Cornwallis, N.S., by William 466 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Manning, Rector of St. John's Church. These letters say that Joseph was a sea captain, and in 1797 sailed out of Halifax in command of the English ship " Earl of Dublin," which it is sup- posed was captured by pirates, and all on board destroyed, as noth- ing was ever heard of ship or crew afterwards. His widow was living at Chatham, Conn., with his people at the time, but got homesick, and returned to Nova Scotia, where she afterwards mar- ried and lived at Granville. Samuel was brought up at Granville, N.S., and became a tanner and currier, and lived at Cornwallis and Annapolis, until about 1840 he removed to Massachusetts and settled at Salem, where he died June 4, 1861. Married, at Granville, N.S., June 24, 1817, Eliza Willet, daughter of Walter, of Granville. She died at Durham, N.H., Nov. 2, 1884. Children born, all but the last, in Nova Scotia. 503 I- Joseph,* b. in Cornwallis, N.S., July 17, 1819; m. Frances A. Taylor, of Digby, N.S. He was adopted and brought up by his aunt, Mrs. Prudence Wade, who had no family of her own. Mrs. Wade died many years ago, but Mr. Wade, in 1885, was living at the age of almost a hundred years. Joseph became a merchant and extensive ship-owner at Digby, N.S., where he was living in August, 1885, when he wrote his letter. He says, in closing his letter, " I have two daughters and one son." Unfortunately he does not give their names or dates of birth. II. Abigail Ann,* b. Aug. 25, 1821 ; m. Stephen Saunders, of Man- chester, N.H. III. Prudence Shaw,* b. June 24, 1824; m. Hiram Woodbury, of Salem, N.H. 504 IV. Charles Sumner," b. Aug. 3, 1826; m. Ist, Phebe Rodimond, of Haverhill, N.H.; m. 2d, Henrietta Foster, of Granville, N.S., in Salem, Mass., in 1858. He was living in Rock Bottom. Mass., in 1885, a farmer. He lived at different times in Salem, Waverley, andStowe, Mass. Child of First Wife. 1. Annie E., d. in Waverley, Mass., 1871. Children of Second Wife. 2. Charles H., b. in Salem, Mass., June 27, I860. He was a merchant in Boston in 1885. 3. Eobert B., b. in Waverley, Mass., in 1867. 4. Kitty C, b. in Waverley, Mass., in 1869. 5. Samuel Lawrence, b. in Waverley, Mass., 1873. 6. Richard Foster, b. in Stowe, Mass., in 1879. V. MARy,*b. May 10, 1829; m. Charles Butler, of Methuen, Mass. She died leaving one son, John Butler. VI. William Lawrence,* b. Oct. 14, 1831 ; m. Sarah Brock. He was killed accidently while raising a steamer oif Sandy Hook, leaving one daughter who, in 1885, lived with her mother in New York City. Name not received. VII. Margaret,* b. April 8, 1833; m. John Coe. She died in Phila- delphia, leaving one child who died in infancy. VIII. Gilbert Willet,* b. May 8, 1836; d. Feb. 4, 1856. IX. Arabella Louisa,* b. Aug. 27, 1838; m. Hiram Loring, Shrews- bury, Mass. Branch.] SEVENTH GENEEATION 467 X. Harriet Sophia,* b. Sept. 30, 1840; m. Joseph William Coe, of Durham, N.H. He was a prosperous farmer at Durham. They had five children, names not received. XI. Melinda SHAW,'^b. Nov. 23, 1842; m. Walter Willet, of Digby, N.S. They lived at Digby in 1885. 359. JOHN ^ CHURCHILL (Charles,^ Joseph,^ Johx,* Nathaniel,' Joseph,^ Josiah '). Born in Portland, Conn., July 28, 1789. He was employed in his father's shipyards until the closing of that business, when he removed from Portland, Conn., to Richfield, 0., and there worked at his trade of general carpentry. He died Feb. 27, 1874. Married, in Portland, Conn., July 1, 1809, Emily Wil- cox, daughter of Asahel and Lucy (Crittenden) Wilcox, b. June 17, 1792, and died at Richfield, Sept. 13, 1879. Children horn, all except the youngest, in Portland, Conn. I. John, Jr.,* b. May 2, 1810; m. Lovina Grimmons, b. at Chatham, Conn., m at Portland, Conn., Sept. 30, 1832. Mr. Churchill was a carpenter and farmer, and settled first at Richfield, O., but afterwards, at Hinckley, O., where he died Dec. 24, 1883. Lovina, his wife, d. Dec. 1, 1871. Children born, the first at Richfield, the others at IlincMey. 1. Jane Elizabeth, b. Sept. 23, 1833; m. William S. Parker, Aug. 12, 1850. Their children : (1) Clara M.; (2) Sumner E.; (3) Nellie A.; (4 and 5) Leon and Stella L., twins. 2. David, b. Aug. 20, 1835; d. March 30, 1836. 3. Ann Amelia, b. March 26, 1837 ; m. Walter Scott Waitt, Dec. 13, 1857. 4. Mary Ellen, b. March 6, 1839 ; d. Aug. 17, 1885 ; unmarried. 5. Lucy Lovina, b. Nov. 4, 1842. She was living unmarried in West Richfield, O., in 1887, and furnished an excellent account of her grandfather's line. 6. Charles Adelbert, b. Sept. 3, 1844; m. Louise J. Myers, May 24, 1868, at Pleasanton, Mich. They lived at Bear Lake, Mich. Children: (1) Alfred F. ; (2) Mary A.; (3) John A.; (4) Otis K. ; (5) Bert, d. soon; (6) Charles B. 7. Ruth Helen, b. April 30, 1848 ; d. soon. 8. Ruth Sophia, b. July 14, 1851. IL Frederick Augustus,'* b. Aug. 21, 1812; m. Eveline Beach, of Hinckley, O., at Richfield, Oct. 15, 1832. He died at Galva, HI., July 11, 1876. She died February, 1880. Children of Frederick A. and Eveline {Beach) Churchill. 1. Charles H., b. Aug. 1, 1833; m. Josephine ( ). They lived at Mountain Grove, Mo., and Nortonville, Kan., and had children : (1) Charles Sumner; and (2) Eva Laura. 2. Ruth, d. unmarried, Dec. 11, 1852. 3. Scott. He was married and had a family, it is said. He was living in Scandia, Kan., in 1889, but we have no answer from him. 468 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY [Connecticut III. Sylvester,** b. Oct. 31, 1814; m. Elizabeth Patch, of Hinckley, O., Jan. 1, 1835. She was born at Bennington, Vt., June 23, 1813, and was the daughter of Samuel and Martha (Nichols) Patch. Sylvester was graduated at the Ohio Medical School, in 1838. He practised in Ohio, Texas, and Indiana, but settled down finally in Kirkwood, 111., where he was living June, 1885, and tilled out a blank for Mr. G. A. Churchill. Sylvester died at Kirkwood. 111., Jan. 18, 1886, and his wife died at Crawfords- ville, Ind., 1873. Children of Dr. Sylvester and Elizabeth (Patch) Churchill. 1. Sanford Lewis, b. Dec. 4, 1836; d. Aug. 14, 1839. 2. Lucy Martha, b. April 1, 1838; m. John Eaton. Feb. 19, 1861. He died Feb. 3, 1874. Children: (1) Ida O. Eaton, b. March 30, 1862; (2) Viola May Eaton, b. June 13, 1865; (3) Law- rence Joseph Eaton, b. July 14, 1873. 3. John Sanford, b. March 25, 1841 ; m. Rose E. Dummer, White Rock, Kan., Jan. 3, 1867. They had children: (1) Clara Frances Churchill, b. Sept. 28, 1868 ; d. April 7,1869; (2) William Leonard, b. Feb. 2, 1871; (3) Minnie Elizabeth, b. Sept. 16, 1873; (4) Laura lona, b. Jan. 14, 1877. 4. Lydia Ann, b. Jan. 8, 1843; m. Joseph J. Barrett, of Nolan, Tex. 5. Francis Marion, b. May 7, 1845; m. Mary Miller, of Saline City, Ind. 6. Emily Melissa, b. July 21, 1851 ; m. William Quillen, of Round Hill, Ind. 7. Joseph Sylvester, b. April 4, 1856; m. Cora A. Blanat, about 1879. They had one son, who died with its motlier soon after the birth. IV. Laura Emily,* b. May 10, 1816; m. Frederick Harmon Graves, Aug. 15, 1832. She died April 26, 1879, and her husband, Mr. Graves, died March 28, 1878. They lived at Richfield, O. They had Children. 1-2. Edward Sherman and Edwin Harmon Graves, b. Nov. 28, 1833; Edwin d. March 11, 1835. 3. Edmund Augustine Graves, b. Nov. 30, 1835. 4. Emily Maria Graves, b. Aug. 16, 1837. 5. Enoch Harmon Graves, b. Nov. 9, 1839. 6. Elbert Lewis Graves, b. July 29, 1842. 7. Elmore John Graves, b. Aug. 2, 1845; d. March 30, 1846. 8. Elvin Francis Graves, b. April 28, 1847; d. Dec. 7, 1847. 9. Martha Alice Graves, b. Sept. 29, 1848. 10. Alfred Austin Graves, b. May 20, 1851. 11. Frank Ferdinand Graves, b. Feb. 3, 1854. 12. Eva Agnes Graves, b. June 13, 1856; d. Nov. 28, 1860, at Shelbyville, Mo. The father of this family, Frederick H. Graves, d. March 28, 1878; the mother, Laura Emily Graves, d. April 26, 1879. Edward S. Graves, the oldest son, d. July 3, 1880. Miss Lucy Lovina Churchill gave the above account in 1887. V. Ldcy,» b. Oct. 31, 1818; d. unmarried, Dec. 18, 1837. VI. Ruth,* b. May 21, 1821 ; m. Henry Ingersoll, of Hinckley, 0., at Richfield, O., Dec. 24, 1845. They lived at Hinckley, 0. Children. 1. Helen Augusta Ingersoll, b. October, 1846; m. George Town- send, at Shelbina, Mo., in the fall of 1871, and d. there July, 1872. 2. Charles Ingersoll, b. July 16, 1848, and d. in Cleveland, C, July, 1864. Mrs. Ruth Ingersoll d. on the day of her son's birth. Her husband, Henry Ingersoll, d. in Cleveland, O., July, 1870. Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 469 609 VII. Joseph Blake, ^ b March 28, 1824; m. Mary Jane Clifford, of Richfield, O., April 25, 1847. They lived at Richfield, O., where he d. Jan. 17, 1883, and his wife Mary Jane d. there, Oct. 7, 1882. We have no report of any children. VIII. Emmeline Pclsifer,* b. July 24, 1826; m. Henry Wismer, of New York, at Richfield, O., Feb. 24, 1847. She d. at Richfield, O., Nov. 29, 1847, leaving no children. IX. Eunice Vienna,® b in Richfield, 0., April 4, 1832. Unmarried. 360. CAPT. ALFRED^ CHURCHILL (Charles/ Joseph,' John," Nathaniel,' Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born in Chatham, Conn., Jan. 26, 1794. Married, Oct. 3, 1813, Sally Hall, daughter of David and Lucia, of Portland, Conn., born 1795, and died Sept. 9, 1864. Children. I. Sally Maria,** d, July 14, 1836. 610 II. William H.« In 1888 we had a letter from Mr. William Hamilton Churchill, who said he was the son of William Henry, and his grandfather Capt. Alfred David Churchill, but we have received nothing further. 361. CHARLES' CHURCHILL (Charles," Joseph,' John,* Nath- aniel,' Joseph,- Josiah*). Born at Chatham, Conn., Jan. 29, 1802. It is much to be regretted that we have not received more of this family. Married Lucy Taylor, of Glastonbury, Conn. Children. I. Mary Hannah,^ d. Oct. 25, 1824. 511 II. Charles Russell.* 512 III. Edwin Franklin.^ IV. Hannah." 513 V. Joseph Miles.* 363. CAPT. HENRY UFFORD' CHURCHILL (David,^ Joseph,' John,'' Nathaniel,^ Joseph,^ Josiah *). Born June 30, 1797, in Chatham, Conn. Died March 30, 1868. Married, June 30, 1817, Emily Green Hall, daughter of Joel and Lucy (Brown) Hall, of Portland, Conn. She was born June 3, 1797, and died July 9, 1874. Children . I. Jerusha Ufford,* b. April 1, 1818. II. Emily Hall,* b. Dec. 25, 1819. III. Mary Brown,* b. Jan. 24, 1822. IV. Frances Matilda Gertrude,* b. Oct. 12, 1823. V. David,* b. March 31, 1826; d. Dec. 2, 1847. VI. Joel Hall,* b. March 5, 1828 ; d. Sept. 22, 1845. VII. Lucy Hall,* b. Nov. 2, 1829. 615 VIII. William Henry,* b. Nov. 28, 1831. Married, but wife's name not obtained. 470 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Children. 1. Henry C, m. Amelia Lugden, of Middletown, 1877. 2. John H., m. Clarissa Alice Zimmerman, at Dodge City, Kan., 1884. 3. Richard Gerard, m. Annie Whitney, of Cambridge, Mass., 1886. 4. Mary E., m. F. L. Kelsey, Middletown, Conn., 1884. 5. Wesley B. IX. George Atwood,^ b. Oct. 22, 1833; d. June 13, 1856. 263. CAPT. DAVID DICKINSON ' CHURCHILL (David,« Joseph/ John/ Nathaniel/ Joseph/ Josiah ^). Born at Chatham, Conn., Jan. 31, 1800. He died Aug. 21, 1844. Married, July 21, 1831, Esther Patten Payne, daughter of John and Hannah (Hall) Payne, of Portland, Conn. Children. I. Julia Maria,^ b. Sept. 12, 1833; d. Oct. 18, 1844. II. William Patne,^ b. April 19, 1835; d. Dec. 1, 1835. III. Ella,» b. Jan. 15, 1837. IV. Margaret,^ b. April 10, 1839. V. Elizabeth,** b. June 28, 1841; d. Aug. 28, 1846. VI. David Dickinson,^ b. April 16, 1844; d. Dec. 23, 1873. 264. GEORGE' CHURCHILL (Capt. David/ Joseph/ John/ Nathaniel," Joseph/ Josiah ^). Born at Chatham, Conn., Sept. 26, 1805. He followed the sea, and was captain of the ship " Bing- ham," in 1832. The home was at New London, Conn. He died Dec. 16, 1840, at sea. Married, August, 1830, Sarah Peck, daughter of Lyman and Betsey (Mason) Peck, of New London, born Dec. 5, 1807 ; died July 12, 1837. Children horn at New London. I. Elizabeth Peck,** b. February, 1832; d. May 10, 1833. II. Sarah Elizabeth,^ b. Jan. 1, 1834; d. June 28, 1861. 616 III. Henry Lyman,** b. Aug. 26, 1836; m. Emma V. Latimer, Sept. 17, 1862, at New London, Conn. Mr. Churchill served as acting assistant engineer in the U.S. Navy, on the U.S. warship "Memphis," in 1862, and also in 1864-1865 on the gunboats "Port Royal," " Monongahela," and " Circassian." He died March 16, 1874. Children of Henry L. and Emma V. (Latimer) Churchill. 1. Franklin Peck, b. March 13, 1864. 2. Ellen Bartlett, b. Dec. 1, 18H6; d. Dec. 19, 1868. 3. Harry Latimer, b. Jan. 24, 1869 ; d. Feb. 25, 1869. 4. May Hall, b. Aug. 7, 1872; d. March 26, 1877. 365. EBENEZER DELOS' CHURCHILL (Ebenezer/ Benjamin/ Daniel/ Nathaniel/ Joseph,- Josiah i). Born in Sherburne, N.Y., Eeb. 11, 1822. His father died when he was six weeks EBENEZER DELOS CHURCHILL. (No. 265, page 470) Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 471 old, and his mother married a second husband, who was so cruel to him that when he was eight years old he left his home and went away among strangers, where he suffered many privations, but man- aged to get on and work his way, and get some schooling, until about fifteen he found some good friends in the family of Elias Ward, of Gloversville, N.Y., with whom he lived as a son, until he was twenty-one years old. His Churchill kindred supposed that he was dead, but some property title requiring proof, his uncle, Charles Churchill, of Utica, after a long search, found him engaged in glove- making, and now grown to be a tall and sturdy young man. He was soon established in his uncle's office and lumber business at Utica. Later he became a purchasing agent for the firm, and located at Vienna, Can., for a time. His Uncle Charles, his good friend and a noble man, died in 1850 ; but Mr. Churchill still re- mained purchasing agent till 1857, when he removed with his family to Madison, Wis. They lived there for nine years. Mr. Churchill built and operated a gristmill near Madison for several years, but in 1866 removed, with several of his friends and their families of Madison, to Chenoa, 111., then a small hamlet, but located at the crossing of two thriving railroads, and a fertile and promising spot. He resumed his old business of lumber dealing for a few years, then engaged in the grain business, in which he prospered, and has built up to extensive proportions, in which now his sons, grown up and educated at school and college, are his partners. He is a public- spirited and widely influential citizen. He is a liberal and loyal member of the Presbyterian Church in Chenoa, helpful in many local charities, " a self-made man " in the best sense of that much- abused phrase. Married, Oct. 2, 1849, Hannah Lemoyne Atkins, born Jan. 13, 1832. Cliildr en, first three born at Vienna, Can. I. Anna Elizabeth,^ b. July 17, 1850; unmarried. 517 II. Charles Fordyce,^ b. Nov. 29, 1852; m. Lora M. Elder, Oct. 19, 1876. She was born Aug. 10, 1857. Married in Bloomington, 111. Children of Charles F. and Lora M. Churchill. 1. Lena Lemoyne, b. May 20, 1878. 2. Edward Delos, b. Jan. 18, 1881; d. July 30, 1882. 3. Harriet Josephine, b. Aug. 3, 1884. 4. Guy Fordyce, b. May 18, 1886. 518 III. Ebenezer Delos, Jr.,^ b. Oct. 23, 1854; m. Maria A. Farns- WORTH, June 12, 1879. She was born Nov. 15, 1854. Married at Sheboygan, Wis. Children of Ebenezer D. and Maria A. Churchill. 1. Frank Hebert, b. Oct. 17, 1881. 2. Clarence Farnsworth, b. Aug. 17, 1891. 3. Edward Fordyce, b. Dec. 25, 1895. •472 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut 619 IV. Francis Lemotne,* b. Feb. 11, 1860, in Madison, "Wis. ; m. Lillie A. McDowell, April 5, 1893. She was born June 22, 1866. Children of Francis Lemoyne and Lillie A. Churchill. 1. Fred Weaver, b. May 12, 1896. 2. Woodford McDowell, b. Oct. 23, 1897. 3. James Delos, b. Jan. 15, 1899. 4. Mildred, b. Dec. 11, 1901. 366. DR. ALONZO' CHURCHILL (Selden/ Daniel/ Daniel/ Nathaniel/ Joseph/ Josiah'). Born at Richfield, IST.Y., Jan. 20, 1811. Educated at Richfield Public School, Fairfield Acad- emy, Albany Medical School, Bellevue, N.Y. Surgeon in Tenth Regiment, N.Y. Volunteers, in the Civil War. Held the largest medical and surgical practice in Utica, and was surgeon in all the principal hospitals of Utica. He represented Utica in the Legislature in 1867. He was six feet one inch in height, and weighed two hundred and ten pounds. He died at Utica, N.Y., Dec. 28, 1896. Married, at Richfield, N.Y., Feb. 10, 1834, Jane Morgan, daughter of Walter and Delia Leach (Derbyshire) Morgan. Children. I. Charlotte Jane,* b. Jan. 20, 1842, in Richfield; m. James Edward Carmalt, at Utica, Sept. 9, 1865. He was the son of Caleb and Sarah (Price) Carmalt. They lived at Glenburn and Morton, Penn. Children horn at Morton, Penn. 1. Dr. Churchill Carmalt, b. June 15, 1866. Educated at the Utica Public Schools, Scranton, Penn., Private School, Harvard Coll., A.B. Columbia University. Surgeon, N.Y. City. 2. William Kelley Carmalt, b. 1867; d. 1871. 3. Raymond Walter Carmalt, b. 1868; d. 1869. 4. Sarah Price Carmalt, b. July 3, 1870; m. Theodore Starr, Utica, Feb. 10, 1901. 5. James Walter Carmalt, b. Oct. 24, 1872. II. Emma Derbyshire," b. at Cherry Valley, N.Y., 1850; unmarried. In January, 1897, she was living in Utica, in the old home. 267. DANIEL' CHURCHILL (Selden,« Daniel/ Daniel/ Nathaniel/ Joseph/ Josiah ^). Born at Richfield, N.Y. The information about this family is very scant. Of Daniel's half sisters we learn that Lucretia married a Henry ( ), and Adelaide married Rev. Austin Craig. He married Mary Elmina Hull. Children. I. Selden a.* II. Alfred D.* Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 473 269. GEORGE CLARENCE^ CHURCHILL (Alfred,^ Daniel/ Daniel/ Nathaniel/ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born in Utica, N.Y. April 14, 1829. He is a lawyer at Utica, N.Y. He has been much interested and very helpful in the account of his line of the Connecticut branch. Married, in Utica, March 20, 1861, Annie Sedgwick Brayton, of Utica. Children born at Utica. I. Alfred,^ b. Feb. 6, 1862; d. Nov. 11, 1863. II. Annie Bratton,* b. Oct. 30, 1863. III. Gertrude Emma,^ b. Jan. 7, 1866; d. Jan. 30, 1869. IV. George Brayton,** b. July 5, 1868; d. Sept. 24, 1868. V. Isabella,^ b. July 25, 1870; d. Aug. 6, 1882. 370. CHARLES GILBERT ' CHURCHILL (James,'' Elijah/' Giles,' Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born in Stamford, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1817. Married Ruth P. Ackley. Children . I. Elijah P.« In 1901 he was living in Prattsville, N.Y. II. MiLLA Frances, ** m. Wilmot Richtmyer, Bristol, Conn. III. Lydia Augusta,^ m. John Smith. They live at Cairo, N.Y. IV. Mart Elizabeth,^ m. 1st, Fred Clark, who died; m. 2d, David Beebe. 371. GEORGE ' CHURCHILL (James/ Elijah/ Giles/ Samuel,'^ Joseph,^ Josiah^). Born in Stamford, N.Y., March 2, 1830. Mar- ried Sarah Fuller. Two Children. I. John.* In 1901 was living in Stamford, N.Y. II. Child,** name not received. 273. ANDREW LIVINGSTON " CHURCHILL (James," Elijah,^ Giles,* Samuel/ Joseph/ Josiah ^). Born in Stamford, N.Y., Feb. 6, 1833. Lived in Stamford, N.Y., on a farm of one hundred and fifty acres, with the summer boarding house (noted below). In 1885 he was the proprietor of the summer hotel, the Cold Spring House, at Stamford, N.Y. Married, Jan. 4, 1855, Amelia Ackley. Children horn in Stamford., N. Y. I. Mary Eva,* b. 1858 ; deceased. II. Julia Adelaide,® b. 1865. III. Eliza Bell,* b. 1868 ; deceased. IV. Frederick H.,* b. 1872; m. ( ) ( ). In 1901 lived in Stamford. 474 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut 273. ADDISON JESSE ^ CHURCHILL (James,« Elijah/ Giles," Samuel/ Joseph/ Josiah ^). Born in Stamford, N. Y., May 1, 1836. Lived for a time in Durham, then at Prattsville, N.Y. ; but later located in New York City, where he was, in 1902, proprietor of Hotel St. George, on Broadway and Twelfth street. Married, Jan. L8, 1856, Mart Elizabeth Houghtalii^g, b. July 28, 1839; daughter of John Staats and Mary Ann (Fiero) Hough taling. Children of Addison J. and 31ary E. {Roughtaling) Churchill. 520 I. John Staats,^ b. in Durham, N.Y., Dec. 7, 1859; m. Katharine GiLFiLLiAN, April 19, 1893. II. Mart Elizabeth,** b. at Prattsville, N.Y., Oct. 23, 1861; m. Emory A. Chase, June 30, 1885. He was born Aug. 31, 1854. Children. 1. Jesse Churchill Chase, b. Jan. 13, 1887. 2. Albert Woodworth Chase, b, April 30, 1890. 521 III. Frank G.,* b. in Prattsville, Jan. 19, 1863; m. Nellie Gilfillian, Oct. 19, 1887. 522 IV. James E.,» b. in Prattsville, June 11, 1868. 374. WILLIAM M.^ CHURCHILL (Giles,« Elijah,^ Giles,* Samuel,"' Joseph,- Josiah'). Born in Middlefield, Mass., April 18, 1816. We have obtained very little in regard to the children of Giles Churchill. We learn from a brief letter from his son, James H. Churchill, of Springfield, written March 23, 1885, that his father was then living in New York, but he gave no further account of the family, nothing of his mother or other children of his parents except to say that he had a brother in the Civil War, and gives his own name. So the record stands. Children. I. William M.," b. May 24, 1844; served in Company G, Tenth Massachusetts Volunteers, and d. March 3, 1863. II. James H.,^ served three years in Civil War in Company G, Thirty-first Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers. James H. adds that his uncle, Elijah Lyman Churchill, " lives in Middlefield on the old homestead, aged sixty-six years," and a letter from Elijah L. himself, March 23, 1885, gives the names of his grandfather and father, but nothing more, and he does not say whether he is married or not. 375. STEPHEN GILES ' CHURCHILL (Dr. Stephen G.,« Stephen,'' Giles," Samuel,'' Joseph,- Josiah '). Born in Concord, N.Y., Aug- 30, 1817. Married, 1840, Margaret Widrig. Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 475 Children, 523 I. Harrison Tyler, ^ b. March 10, 1841 ; m. Susan E. Seavey in 1866. Children. 1. Harold. | 2. Bertha. Lives in Wisconsin. II. Lewis Milton,** b. Dec. 27, 1842; d. young. III. George Milton,^ b. March 19, 1844 ; d. young. 624 IV. Clark Eugene,^ b. Oct. 24, 1847; m. Ella L. Ferrin, Dec. 9, 1873, at Springville, N.Y. He was postmaster of Arcade, N.Y., in 1901. V. Marcus Giles,* b. Dec. 8, 1850; d. young. VI. Emma Emmeline,** b. Dec. 13, 1853; m. Charles Woodward, in 1879. They live in Wisconsin and have two children. VIL Flora G.,** b. Feb. 20, 1861; m. Albert Wells, 1885. They live in Wisconsin, and have two children. 376. MARCUS B.^ CHURCHILL (Dr. Giles," Stephen,^ Giles,^ Samuel,'^ Joseph,'-' Josiah^). Born in Concord, N.Y., Nov. 9, 1825. Lived in Concord nearly all his life, but later in Springville, N.Y., where he died Dec. 5, 1897. Married, Dec. 24, 1849, Amanda Van Camp, who was born in Onondaga County, N.Y., June 30, 1832, and died in Springville, N.Y., Feb. 21, 1896. Children horn in Concord, N. Y. I. Libbie,* b. Jan. 27, 1853; m. J. F. Clark, June 3, 1874. 525 II. Charles W.," b. .July 24, 18.59; m. Jennie L. Adams, Jan. 1, 1878. They lived in Springville, N.Y., in 1891. Children. 1. Charlotte A., b. in Springville, Dec. 8, 1881. 2. Warren H., b. in Springville, Sept. 1, 1888. Ill Emma,8 b. April 2, 1861 ; m. J. S. Widrig, May 1, 1879. 278. NEWCOMB GAYLORD^ CHURCHILL (Samuel," Stephen,* GiLEs,^ Samuel, "" Joseph,- Josiah '). Born in Meredith, N.Y., Sept. 22, 1823. Lived in Springville, N.Y., in 1888. A letter, dated at Springville, N.Y., April 30, 1888, was written for him, " per Alta L. Churchill," but gives no account of any children. Married, May 13, 1851, Thikza S. Gates, of Bennington, N.Y. 379. SAMUEL STODDARD' CHURCHILL (Samuel,« Stephen,* Giles,'* Samuel,'' Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born at Meredith, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1827. Married 1st, March 29, 1851, Emily Drummond. Married 2d, Dec. 10, 1857, Louisa J. Gates, b. June 27, 1825. 476 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Children of First Wife. I. Sarah Alice, ^ b. July 25, 1852; dq. George Russell, Dec. 23, 1872. Children. 1. Agnes May Russell, b. Mav 25, 1874. 2. Frank L. Russell, b. July 21, 1887. II. Esther Helen,** b. June 1, 1856 ; m. Eugene Farrington, Nov. 16, 1887. Children of Second Wife. 526 III. Frederick E.," b. Sept. 13, 1859 ; m. Abbie D. Sanford. They lived at Osborne Hollow. 527 IV. Augustus,^ b. Dec. 4, 1860; m., Nov. 27, 1884, Addie M. Cator, b. Oct. 14, 1862. They lived at Osborne Hollow, N.Y. Child. 1. Louisa M., b. Jan. 19, 1889. 528 V. Joseph Tracy,* b. Dec. 22, 1863; m. Maggie A. Reynolds, b. Aug. 22, 1862. They lived at Osborne Hollow, N.Y., in 1889. No children. 383. EPENETUS W.^ CHURCHILL (Dea. Elijah/ Stephen/ Giles," Samuel/ Joseph/ Josiah ^). Born in Harpersfield, N.Y., Aug. 25, 1833. Married, June 1, 1863, Anna Wilcox. One Child. I. Alice.* 383. SAMUEL SUMNER' CHURCHILL (Amos/ Joseph,^ Samuel,* Samuel,'' Joseph,^ Josiah ^). Born at Hubbardton, Vt., Nov. 26, 1800. He was a farmer and wool grower, and lived at Pittsford, Vt. He was industrious and economical, and starting with only his good health and courage, and an excellent wife, to whom he was married at the age of twenty, he succeeded in winning a fair competency in the rugged hills of Vermont, reared a family of ten children to strong and self-reliant manhood and womanhood. The mother of this family was a typical New England wife and mother of an earlier day, wise, strong, and capable. She spun, wove, and made the garments her children as well as herself and her husband wore, and taught her daughters the same home arts. Both Mr. and Mrs. Churchill were highly respected in their com- munity. He was deacon in the Baptist Church in Hubbardton, and died Jan. 23, 1845. The mother died in Sudbury, Vt., Jan. 8, 1862, aged fifty-nine years and six months. Married, March 22, 1820, Mary Richardson, Hubbardton, Vt., where she was born, June 15, 1802. Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 477 Children horn at Pittsford, Vt. I. Mary,'^ b. Dec. 27, 1820; m. at Hubbardton, May 2, 1843, Chauncey Washington Broughton, of Brandon, Vt., who was b. July 22, 1813. They settled in Brandon. He was a miller by occupation, until he removed, in 1844, from Brandon to Kaneville, 111., where he was among the first settlers to take up a section of public land. By dint of hard work and great sacrifice he accumulated a large property, and, in 1854, sold out and removed to Fayette, Iowa, but next year he returned to Illinois and settled in DeKalb County, where he bought a large tract of land and built a fine house, and here they spent the rest of their days. She died in DeKalb County, 111., May 4, 1860. Mr. Broughton m. for his second wife, his wife's sister Caroline, the eighth child of S. S. C, q. v. One child born at Brandon, Vt. 1. Charles Preston Broughton, b. Feb. 23, 1844; m. Etta Beers, Dec 22, 1875. He grew up in the new country on the farm, but received an excellent education. In December, 1867, he started out for himself and bought a large tract of land in Allen County, Kans., but in 1871 returned to assist his father in the management of his extensive farms in Illinois. In 1877 he removed to Lee's ^ummit, where he bought a large tract of land, and became one of the most prosperous and wealthy farmers of that region. One child, (1) Chauncy Preston, b. Feb. 24, 1890; d. June 6, 1890. >. II. Elizabeth,* b. April 28, 1822; m. Franklin Ward, of West Rut- land, 1841. He was the son of Aaron and Olive (Southworth) Ward. They lived for a time on the old Churchill homestead, as he was appointed administrator under the will of his wife's father, but after 1850 became manager of slate quarries in West Rutland and Fair- haven, Vt , but in 1856 he sold out and purchased a dairy farm in Oswell, Vt., where he spent the rest of his life. Mrs. Ward was well educated at Brandon Seminary, and was a successful teacher. She died June 15, 1859. Children. 1. Adelaide J. Ward, b. Oct. 10, 1842; m. Hiram B. Scott, Sept. 4, 1866. 2 Helen Ward, b. 1843; d. in infancy. 3. Annette Ward, b. Jan. 24, 1845; m. William E. Thorp. 4 Evaline, b. July 16, 1853; d. February, 1854. 5. Emaline, b. July 16, 1853; d. Dec. 17, 18G6. III. John Bower PRESTON.^b. Feb. 4, 1824; d. Dec. 25, 1844. He was a fine and promising young man, with bright hopes and a brave future. IV. Sylvia,^ b. May 29, 1826; m. Fayette Holmes, eldest son ot Pliny' and Vesta (Caldwell) Holmes, and a descendant of Gov- ernor Bradford of the Plymouth Colony, it is said. They lived in Hubbardton, and later in Sudbury, Vt., where he had a large sheep farm, until 1898, when he removed to Joliet, 111., where he continued the business, and next year went to Bus- sell, Kan. She d. in Denver, Aug. 19, lb94. Children horn in Hubbardton and Sudbury, Vt. 1. Julia Sylvia Holmes, b. July 10, 1849; m. Hiram Smith, Aug. 11, 1874. They settled at Cameron, Mo., where he was a lawyer with good practice. 478 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Two children: (1) Sherman Edwin Smith; (2) Fayetta Lois Smith. 2. Willard Clay Holmes, b. Nov. 8, 1851; m. Harriet M. Araidon, of Whiting, Vt. They live in Gibbon, Kan. He is engaged in sheep raising. Five children: (1) Louie R Holmes; (2) Robert W. Holmes; (3) Florence S. Holmes; (4) Howard R. Holmes; (5) Cora L. Holmes. 3. Carry Mary Holmes, b. Oct 16, 1853; m. Albert Smith, at Rus- sell, Kan., July 16, 1884. She was an invalid nearly all her life. They removed to Denver, where she died Aug. 12, 1894. 4. Cora Elizabeth Holmes, b. Nov. 14, 1860, at Sudbury, Vt. She was a fine scholar and a natural teacher. She was for many years the patient and loving nurse of her mother and sis- ters, and later she became a trained nurse in Joliet, 111. Un- married. V. Louisa,^ b. Jan. 14, 1828; m. Chari.es E. Ward, of West Rutland, Vt., April 25, 1848. She was ambitious and resolute, and gained an excellent educa- tion, and began teaching school at sixteen years. Mr. Ward was born in West Rutland, March 3, 1824. They settled first on a farm in West Rutland, but, in 1852, removed to DeKalb County, 111., and took up a farm on new land. Two years afterward he sold out his farm and bought out a large saw and planing mill, in which he carried on a thriving business for some twenty-three years, when the whole plant was burned, and though his loss was very severe, he built up again within a year, and resumed business. He was a ,, trusted and influential citizen. He died Sept. 4, 1877. His widow was living in Joliet in 1901. Children born in Joliet, III. 1. Abbie Churchill Ward, b. Feb. 14, 1855 ; m. Ferdinand W. Schroeder, at Joliet, July 31, 1883. They lived at Joliet, and had six children: (1) Charles Ward Schroeder, b. May 8, 1884; (2) Helen Theresa Schroeder, b. June 6, 1886; (3) Pearl F. Schroeder, b. May 10, 1888; (4) Raymond Churchill Schroeder, b. July 6, 1889; (5) Glen Wil- son Schroeder, b. Oct. 11, 1891; (6) Lloyd Schroeder, b. Feb. 7, 1898. 2. Cora Louisa Ward, b. Jan. 19, 1860; m. Joseph Handwerk, at Joliet, Sept. 6, 1882. He is a prosperous hardware merchant in Joliet. They have no children. 3. Frank Emerson Ward, b. April 8, 1866; m. Alice Sandiford, at Joliet, III., April 17, 1899. He is professor of mechanics and superintendent of the ma- chine shops at the Kansas State University, Lawrence, Kan. They have three children : (1) Charles E. Ward; (2) Dorothy Sandiford Ward ; (3) Winifred Emily Ward. 4. Ralph RoUo Ward, b. June 12, 1870; m. Alma Rogers, at Syra- cuse, Kan., Dec. 24, 1895. He graduated at Park College, Mo., June 8, 1893, and from McCormick Theological Seminary in 1896. Ordained to the Presbyterian ministry at Albion, Ind., where he preached till 1898. In 1902 he is pastor of the church at Arkansas City, Kans. No children reported. VI. Alzina Maria,* b. Jan. 20, 1830; m. George C. Knapp, at Cas- tleton, Vt., Sept. 6, 1855. Mrs. Knapp's life has been varied and full of deep interest. In- spired with a desire for an education more than the common schools afforded, she was left fatherless at the age of fifteen, but fitted herself for teaching in the home schools, and began at the age of Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 479 seventeen years. Thus enabled to attend Castleton Seminary, where, in the last half of her graduating year, a fall on the ice dis- abled her for near two years. Her class standing was maintained, however, and, on recovery, she returned to Castleton Seminary as a teacher. There, Sept. 6, 1855, she married Rev. Mr. Knapp, and with him went to Turkey to share his labors as a missionary. They were settled in Bitlis, Armenia, the pioneers in this benight- ed city. They remained forty years in the work there, the last fifteen years devoted to a training school for young men fitting for Christian teachers and preachers. Mr. Knapp died in Bitlis, March 12, 1895, and in 1896 Mrs. Knapp returned to America, but leaving a son and daughter still working as missionaries in Turkey. Mrs. Knapp now lives in Colorado Springs, Col., 1901. Children born in Bitlis, Armenia. 1. Arthur Churchill Knapp, b. Nov. 8, 1859; d. Oct. 18, 1862. 2. Mary Elizabeth Knapp, b. Feb. 23, 1861; d. Oct. 16, 1863. 3. George Perkins Knapp, b. June 13, 1863; m. Anna J. Hunt, July 2, 1890. He worked as a missionary teacher in Armenia, and in 1901 was in Harpoot. Turkey, with his family, after a sojourn of a few years in America. Their children, born in Bitlis, are : (1) Winifred Hunt Knapp, b. March 8, 1892; (2 j Addison Ely Knapp, b. Nov. 2, 1894; (3) Margaret Washburn Knapp, b. Sept. 7, 1896. 4. John Herbert Knapp, b. Oct. 24, 1865; m. Helen Hastings, of Colorado Springs. He was sent to America to receive his education ; became a civil engineer, and located at Colorado Springs, where he was living in 1901. Children: (1) Agnes Churchill Knapp, b. Oct. 24, 1892; (2) Charlotte Ha.stings Knapp, b. April 2,1894; (3) Helen Louisa Knapp, b. Dec. 22, 1895. Mrs. Helen Knapp, the mother, died Aug. 6, 1896. 5. Grace Higley Knapp, b. Nov. 21, 1870. She remained in Bitlis, Armenia, as a missionary teacher, when her mother came back to America. 6. Edith Alzina Knapp, b. Nov. 4, 1874. Siie came to America when quite young, and was educated in Jollet, 111., and Massachusetts. She lived with her brother Herbert and her mother in Colorado Springs, in 1901. A teacher of fine ability. VII. Sarah Lucinda,* b Jan. 14, 1832; ra. James Rodney Pearson,^ at Joliet, 111., Nov. 21, 1855. She was born in Pittsford, Vt. She acquired a good education in the home schools and Brandon Seminary. She was a fine singer. She went to Joliet, 111., in 1854, to visit her sister's family; met there Mr. Pearson, and was married as above noted. He was born in Rutland, Vt , April 27, 1830, and went to Joliet in 1854.' He was foreman in the planing-mill of C. E. Ward for about twenty- three years. Ho removed to Lee's Summit, Mo., and settled on a farm adjoining his wife's brother, S. J. Churchill, in 1867, but in 1872 moved back to Joliet, where he was living in 1901. Children of J. R. and Lucinda (^Churchill) Pearson. 1. Charles Royce Pearson, b. Sept. 11, 1858, at Joliet, 111. ; m. Nellie E. Porter, at Joliet, July 15, 1878. He received a good education. He became an engineer. They have children: (1) Clara Louisa Pearson, b. April 15, 1879; (2) George Edward Pearson, b. March 3, 1880; (3) Will- iam Nutt Pearson, b. Sept. 22, 1882; (4) Royce Eugene Pearson, b. March 7, 1884. 480 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut 2. Fred William Pearson, b. May 20, 1866, at Joliet, 111. ; m. Jennie Johnson, in Joliet, 111., Jan. 25, 1884. He was captain of Company B, of Illinois National Guard, Fourth Infantry, and with his company, May 7, 1898, joined the army, in the Third Regiment, Illinois Volunteers. They served in the Spanish War, and his regiment was assigned to service in Porto Rico until Nov. 11, 1898. Children: (1) Charles Harold Pearson, b. Aug. 21, 1887; (2) Fred Richard Pearson, b. March 26, 1889. VIII. Caroline Cook,* b. March 23, 1838 ; m. Chauncet W. Brough- TON, whose first wife was Caroline's oldest sister, with whom she had lived in Illinois from eight years old to sixteen. She then returned to Vermont, and lived with her sister Sylvia, and taught school until she was sent for to care for Mrs. Broughton in her last sickness, and after her death. May 4, 1860, she married Mr. Broughton, in Joliet, 111., Jan. 30, 1861, as his second wife, and he who had been a kind father to her in her girlhood was now a devoted husband. They had five children, and she died two days after the birth of her fifth child. May 27, 1871. Children. 1. William A. Broughton, b. Feb. 18, 1863; d. Jan. 6, 1866. 2. Ella Broughton, b. Jan. 26, 1865 ; m. John Woods, Jan. 30, 1895. They had children : (1) Carrie May Woods; (2) Addie Mary Woods; (3) Ruih Ella Woods; (4) Alta Rose Woods. 3. May Broughton, b. May 7, 1867; m. J. J. Kingsley, in Joliet, 111. They lived in DeKalb, on a farm. 4. Judson K. Broughton, b. April 18, 1869; d. Oct. 26, 1869. 5. Ben. Broughton, b. May 25, 1871; m. Alice Belle Cleveland, in Carlton, 111. They lived on a farm at Lake View, Iowa. They have one child, Lois Marie Broughton, b. Feb. 22, 1897. IX. RoxANNA,^ b. at Hubbardton, Vt., March 27, 1841; m. Morton J. Kinney, of Hydeville, Vt., Nov 16, 1859. She received a good education at the home schools and at Bran- don Seminary. She taught school very successfully. She died June 16, 1866, leaving no children. 629 X. Samuel Joseph, ^ b. in Hubbardton, Vt., Nov. 1, 1842; m. 1st, Adelia Holmes, at Sudbury, Vt., May 4, 1864. She died at Pleasant Hill, Kan., March 31, 1877, and he m. 2d, at Council Grove, Kan., Aug. 4, 1879, Louana Grant, b. Feb. 26, 1844, at Cooperstown, N.Y. Mr. Churchill's father died when he was two years old, and his early life was full of hardships, and his school privileges very lim- ited At fourteen he started out for himself, and soon made better opportunities by his own exertions. In August, 1861, he enlisted as private in Battery G, Second Illinois Light Artillery, and took part in the battle of Fort Donaldson, and afterwards in the impor- tant campaigns under Generals Grant and Logan, in Tennessee and Mississippi. His battery was among the first to enter Vicksburg, July 4, 1863. Mr. Churchill reenlisted in April, 1864, and receiv- ing his " veteran furlough," returned to his old home in Sudbury, Vt., and married the girl of his choice, to whom he was engaged in 1860. He returned to his battery, then at Memphis, Tenn. He was promoted to a corporal's rank, and served with distinction in his place to the close of the war ; participated in nineteen battles, and at Nashville won a medal of honor from the government for gallant conduct. Mr. Churchill has prepared an interesting sketch of his own line of tlie Churcliill family, in which he gives a very full account of his services in the war, and of his subsequent very creditable career. The limits of this volume will not admit of a Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 481 more full account, but will refer to the book which he published in 1901, pertaining to his own immediate line. Mr. Churchill was an excellent soltlier, and since the war has proved himself a strenuous and honorable citizen. In 1901 he was living in Lawrence, Kan., and occupies a place of high honor in the Grand Army of the Re- public. Children of Samuel J. and Adelia {Holmes') Churchill. 1. Adelia May, b. June 1, 1867; m. Alva Leslie Sloan, Nov. 7, 1890, in Portland, Ore. She graduated at the Kansas State University with high rank, and was a successful teacher. Mr. Sloan was an inspector and assistant engineer on the .Santa Fe System of Railroads. They have two children: (1) Winifred Newlin Sloan, b. Dec. 25, 1891; (2) Delia Marion Sloan, b. Dec. 7, 1893. 2. Frank Holmes, b. Sept. 8, 18G8; d. in Lawrence, Kan., Jan. 18, 1891. 3. EstellaMaud, b. Feb. 26, 1870; d. Aug. 9, 1870. 4. Winifred Grace, b. July 23, 1873; m. James Owen, Nov. 5, 189G, in Lawrence, Kan. Mr. Owen is a lawyer, with a large prac- tice at Cripple Creek, Col. They had Margaret Owen, b. July 25, 1899. 5. Lena Blanche, b, Oct. 12, 1874; d. July 8, 1898, after three years of hard struggle against disease, painful at times, but borne with fortitude and patience. She was finely educated ; a proraiseful and precious life. 384. DEACON ISAAC NEWTON^ CHURCHILL (Amos,« Joseph/ Samuel/ Samuel,'' Joseph/ Josiah '). Born in Hubbardton, Vt. July 7, 1805. Lived in his native town until after the death of his father and the settling up of the estate, when he sold out and bought a farm near Eairhaveu, Vt., but just across the State line, in the borders of New York. He was a farmer and well-to-do, a deacon in the Baptist Church, a good and benevolent man. He died Jan. 14, 1892. He held the valuable manuscripts of his father's historical notes, and I find several letters from him written in 1891, in answer to questions from our senior compiler, N. W. Churchill, who, I think, visited him in that year. Married Margaret Ann Perry in 1832. Children. 631 I. Milton Perry,** b. March 15, 1833; m. 1st, Emma E. Cutts, Oct. 4, 1860, who d. without issue Jan. 29, 1864; and he m. 2d, Abbie Perry, of Canton, N.Y., Oct. 17, 1864. They lived on a farm near Fairhaven, Vt. The old manuscripts of his grandfather Amos were in his possession. Children by Second Wife. 1. Corianna. b. July 10, 1865; d. in 1867. 2. Jay, b. 1871 ; d. the same year. II. Eliza Ann,^ b. Dec. 5, 1841; d. April 20, 1858. 482 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut 385. ALFRED ' CHURCHILL (Worthy L./ Joseph/ Samuel," Samuel,' Joseph,- Josiah'). Born in Hubbardton, May 8,1800. Removed with his father's family to Batavia, IST.Y., 1802, and was brought up there. He died Oct. 8, 1868, in Illinois. Married, Sep- tember, 1821, at Batavia, N.Y., Susan D. Wilson, born Sept. 24, 1800. She died Aug. 4, 1867. Children. I. Fatetta,* b. at Batavia, June 16, 1824; m. David Hanchett, Nov. 28, 1848, at Kaneville, 111. Children. 1. Louisa C. Hanchett. | 5. Charles S. Hanchett. 2. Alfred P. Hanchett. 6. John Lovell Hanchett. 3. William H. Hanchett. 7. James Churchill Hanchett. 4. Francis G. Hanchett. Mrs. Fayetta Hanchett was living at La Porte City, Iowa, January, 1894. II. Eliza Y.,^ b. May 21, 1828, at Stafford, N.Y. ; m. Samuel Hough, March 12, 1861, at King's Point, Mo., and d. at Astor, Iowa, Feb. 18, 1904. Children . 1. Fayetta R. Hough. | 2. May Emma Hough. III. Delia S.,^ b. Oct. 22, 1831, at Stafford; m. Gilbert Barber, Oct. 2, 1857, at Rockford,Ill.. and d. at Rutland, Vt., Feb. 26, 1873. IV. Susan D.,« b. Jan. 12, 1833, at Colesville, N.Y. ; d. at Batavia, June 29, 1850. V. Fannie L,,* b. July 6, 1835, at Warrensville, 111. ; m. Otto Gerst- iNG, of St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 18, 1861. She was living in St. Paul, in March, 1899. VI. Emma,* b. Sept. 15, 1839, at Geneva, 111. ; m. John Barber, at Kaneville, 111., June 4, 1865. Children. I. Agnes Barber. | 2. Clara Barber. 286. JOSEPH WHELPLEY ' CHURCHILL (Worthy L.,« Joseph,'^ Samuel,* Samuel,"' Joseph,- Josiah '). Born in Hubbardton, Vt., Nov. 15, 1801. Removed in his infancy, with his father's family, to Batavia, N.Y., and brought up on the then frontier of the United States. He was able to secure a college preparation, and graduated at Middlebury College, and studied law with Gen. Ethan B. Allen, and settled down to a successful practice of his profession in Batavia. In 1838 Mr. Churchill moved West, and settled in Kane County, 111., at a place which he named Batavia, after his home in New York. Here he practised for sixteen years, serving several terms in the Legislature with Douglas and Lincoln, and other leaders of that day, with all of whom he was on terms of intimate comradeship. Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 483 He was successful aud popular, but in 1854, having lost the use of one eye, he decided to give up the practice of the law, and to turn to stock-raising, in which his father had formerly engaged quite extensively. He moved to Davenport, Iowa, and opened a law office, however, and practised until 1864, when he removed to Bremer County, Iowa, opened up a farm and did well for four years, then sold out and moved back to Scott County, and settled on a farm in Pleasant Valley, until 1882, when he moved back to Davenport. Mr. Churchill was a man of thorough education, strict integrity, and great natural ability He died at Davenport, Oct. 2, 1884. Married, in Batavia, Sept. 29, 1829, Delia S. Wilsox, born in 1808. Children of Joseph W. and Delia ( Wilson) Churchill. I. Georgia D.,* b. May 3, 1836; unmarried, 531a II. Worthy L.,^ b. Dec. 14, 1839 ; ra. Millie Montgomery, of Chicago, 1866. Child. 1. Florence, b. 1876. 6311) III. Robert D.,^ b. Feb. 15, 1848; m. Ellen Hyde, of Pleasant Valley, Iowa, 1875. Child. 1. Howard Lee, b. 1879. 387. JAMES W.^ CHURCHILL (Worthy L.,« Joseph,^ Samuel,* Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born in Stafford, N.Y., April 8, 1814. He received a good education at the home schools and at Wyoming Academy. He was a successful school teacher in the winter terms of the public schools, and also a prosperous farmer. In 1852 he removed with his family to Lake Mills, Wis., where he resided until his death. He was an excellent scholar and much respected citizen and beloved friend. Married, at Bethany, N.Y., 1843, Vienna Thompson, of Norwich, Conn. Children born in Stafford, TV. Y. I. Mary Vienna,** b. Dec. 3, 1844; m. at Madison, Wis., Rev. John Langdon Dudley, of Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 15, 1872. He died in Boston, Mass., about 1896. They had no children. Mrs. Dudley is well known in the literary world, under the pseudonym, Marion V. C. Dudley, and in March, 1899, was at Jackson, Fla. II. Martha Jane,* b. Jan. 4, 1850; ra. Julius Hyde Keyes, of Water- town, Wis., Oct. 25, 1873. He d. about 1892, at Eau Claire, Wis. Children of J. If. and Martha J. (^Churchill) Keyes. 1. Donald Churchill Keyes, b. Jan. 6, 1882. 2. Dudley Hyde Keyes, b. Dec. 17, 1883. In 1899 Mrs. Keyes was living with her sons, at Madison, Wis. 484 THE CHUECHILL FAMILY [Connecticut 288. JOSEPH THOMAS HUSTLEE^ CHUECHILL (Cyrus,« Joseph,^ Samuel,* Samuel,^ Joseph/ Josiah^). Born in Hub- bardton, Vt., Dec. 28, 1815. Eemoved with his father's family to Ypsilanti, Mich. He left home in early manhood and went to Wis- consin, where he engaged in the lumber business for some years. At Oconto Falls he helped to construct the first saw-mill built on the Oconto river, where he was living in 1845, and to which place he had come from Chicago, by boat, to Kewanee, Wis., and thence through the forests, by way of Green Bay. After his marriage he removed to the banks of the Wisconsin river, to the vicinity of Ste- ven's Point, in the central part of the State, and here, for a time, engaged in lumbering. In 1848, in the fall, he removed to St. Louis, floating down the Wisconsin and Mississippi rivers on a lumber-raft, with his household goods, his wife, and eldest son. From St. Louis he went to Beardstown, 111., and thence, soon after, back to his old home, Ypsilanti, Mich. Thence, after a short stay, he, in company with his brother Lewis, removed to Brockway, Mich., and settled upon a tract of land in the woods, cleared up a farm which after four years they sold, and removed to Grand Traverse, Mich., where they lived for a year and then moved again to Kaneville, 111., whence after a few months they went to Green Bay, Jan. 1, 1858, and have lived in that vicinity ever since. These experiences of one of the stvirdy pioneers, as kindly furnished me by his son Eobert H., give a picturesque view of the indomitable energy and persistence of the early New Englanders, who planted the West with the pregnant seeds of the New Puritan civilization. Mr. J. T. H.Churchill was still living(1901)atAbrams, Oconto County, Wis., in hale and hearty old age. Never prominent in political or ecclesiastical matters, he had for many years been a consistent mem- ber of the Baptist Church, and a public-spirited and useful citizen. Married, at Oconto Falls, Wis., Dec. 20, 1845, Harriet (Hubbard) Arnold, widow of John. She was born July 25, 1819, and died Dec. 18, 1881. Children of J. T. II. and Harriet {Hubbard) Churchill. 632 I. Robert Hazard,** b. on the banks of the Wisconsin river, not far from Steven's Point, Wis., April 10, 1847, and shared the hardships and novelties of the family's removals from place to place. He learned the business of machinery manufacture in the Mari- nette Iron Works Company, and in 1894 set up in the saw-mill machinery and mill supply business for himself, in which he was still prosperously engaged in 1903. Mr. Churchill has been greatly interested in the genealogy of the Churchill family, and has made a diligent search in his own line, and has furnished us with all information in his power. Married Amanda Amelia Branch.] SEVENTH GENEEATION 485 Moore, at Marinette, Wis., April 14, 1874. She was born at Manitowoc Rapids, Wis., Sept. 18, 1850. Botli Mr. and Mrs. Churchill are respected members of the First Baptist Church in Marinette, and active members in the cause of temperance. Children of Robert H. and Amanda {Moore') Churchill. 1. Arthur Moore, b. Sept. 5, 1876. 2. Myron Robert, b. Sept. 9, 1879. 3. Sarah Harriet, b. Aug. 29, 1881. 4. Florence Ethel (adopted), b. April 27, 1887. II. Haswell B.,* b. at Ypsilanti, Mich., Oct. 24, 1850. He was living in Marinette, unmarried, in 1902. III. LuDROvicK M.,^ b. at Brockway, Mich., June 15, 1852; m. Sarah Jane Vaughn, Jan. 13, 1878. She was born Jan. 13, 1855. Children of Ludrovick and Sarah ( Vaughn) Churchill. 1. AlenH.,b. June 26, 1879. 2. EvaL., b. April 18, 1881. 3. Amy L., b. May 28, 1883. 4. Harold B., b. Feb. 21, 1886. 5. Robert R., b. March 21, 1888. 6. Myrtle C, b. April 27, 1890. 7. Loyal M., b. Sept. 12, 1892. 8. Laura S., b. Nov. 27, 1894. 9. Harriet S., b. March 27, 1899. IV. Eveline Elizabeth,* b. at Brockway, Mich., July 31, 1856; m. George A. Wilsox, Oct. 19, 1882. They lived, in 1902, at Abrams, Wis. They had no children. V. Angeline A.,*^ b. at Fort Edward, Wis., June 15, 1858; m. Samuel A. Wood, July 23, 1887; d. March 5, 1889, leaving no children. 291. JULIUS ' CHURCHILL (Daniel," Joseph/ Samuel," Samuel," Joseph,*^ Joj^iah ^). Born in Edwards County, Ind., Dec. 20, 1820. Settled at Cold Spring, Ind., where he took up land and made a farm, beginning with nothing except his hands, his courage, and integrity ; he gained a competency and a high position in his com- munity, for his upright dealing and honorable character. He was devoted to his family, and especially so in the training and educa- tion of his daughters, by whom he was beloved as few fathers have been. At the time of his death he left a fine farm in perfect order, and well-stocked, besides a handsome personal property. In early man- hood he was for years a teacher in the public schools. This account of the family was furnished by Mrs. Alice (Jhurchill Huntington, of Moore's Hill, Ind., and shows conditions up to Dec. 14, 1902. Mar- ried, at Cold Spring, Ind., 1842, Pirella M. Falkner, daughter of Cornelius and Lucinda (Halsted) Falkner. Children born in Cold Spring, Ind. I. Ann Jeannette,^ b. Dec. 11, 1843; m. George C. Columbia, May 10, 1877. They lived in Sparta some years, where three children were born to them, the two eldest of whom died. Mr. Columbia was appointed 486 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut recorder for Dearborn County, Ind., and removed to Lawrenceburg, where Mrs. Columbia died, Oct. 26, 1881. One daughter, Emma Columbia, survived her mother. She was born in 1879, and resided in Lawrenceburg. II. Harriet S.,« b. Dec. 30, 1845; m. J. L. Shepard, Oct. 18, 1868. at Cold Spring, Ind. They lived awhile at Cold Spring, but later removed to Booth, Kan. Children horn at Cold Spring. 1. Stella Shepard, m. Charles McMurray, at Hutchinson, Kan. 2. George M. Shepard, married, and lives at Hutchinson, Kan. 3. Irving Shepard, lives unmarried at Booth, Kan. III. Mary H.,» b. Jan. 11, 1847; d. July 24, 1849. Children. 1. Margaret Bossonc;, b. 1879 ; m. Charles Robinson, Moore's Hill, 1901. 2. Churchill Bossong, b. Jan. 12, 1886. IV. Ltdia Frances,® b. Jan. 28, 1849; m. Joseph M. Bossong, Cold Spring, Oct. 27, 1875. They lived at Cold Spring, Ind., where he was a farmer. V. Sarah L.,» b. Jan. 24, 1852; m. Milton Evans, Dec. 25, 1878. Lived at Cold Spring. Children. 1. Minnie Evans, d. in infancy. 2. Benjamin Evans, b. about 1882. VI. Alice C,® b. Jan. 13, 18.54; m. G. W. Huntington, Dec. 27, 1878. ■ They live at Moore's Hill, Ind., and have had no children. 292. JOHN RANSOM ' CHURCHILL (Alvah/ Joseph,^ Samuel,* Samuel,^ Joseph,^ Josiah ^). Born at Sparta, Ind., Dec. 3, 1821. He served two years in the war with Mexico. Died July 12, 1853. Married Jan. 1, 1852, at Delaware, Ind., Sarah Mayhew, of Maine, daughter of James and Mira (Allen) Mayhew. One Child born in Delaware, Ind. 533 I. William Holmes,* b. Oct. 20, 1853, m. 1st, Anna Belle Denley, Oct. 28, 1884; m. 2d, Anna Jones, at Kansas City, Apr. 30, 1902. They lived at Kansas City, Mo. (1904), and he was a railroad con- ductor. Children. 1. Charles L., b. Sept. 18, 1885; ni. Gertrude Frisbv, at Fort Scott, Kan., Dec. 15, 1901. 2. Henry Edward, b. Aug. 22, 1887. 3. Clifford Notman, b. Nov. 6, 1889. 4. Willis Ransom, b. Feb 27, 1903. 393. CHARLES C' CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Samuel,* Samuel,' Joseph,^ Josiah ^). Born in Sparta, Ind., June 24, 1825, and lived there till 1862, when he settled in Benville, Ind. He was proprietor of a saw-mill. He died from the effects of an accident, a Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION" 487 heavy log having rolled upon him, injuring his spine, Feb. 13, 1872. Married 1st, Dec. 25, 1847, Martha Hustin, who died July 5, 1849, and he married 2d, Jan. 29, 1850, Mary A. Hinds, daughter of James and Mary (Brumbly) Hinds. Child of First Wife. I. Infant,** d. soon after birth. Children of Second Wife, five born at Sparta, the rest at Benville, hid. II. Mary J.,'^ b. Dec. 6, 1853; m. John W. Jones, at Benville, Intl., Oct. 22, 1873. She died at Spring Creek, Mo., Dec. 26, 1900, leaving seven children, but we have not obtained the names, III. Annie F.,^ b. June 18, 1855; d. at Benville, Ind., March 12, 1860. IV. Sarah Angeline,* b. Feb. 27, 1857; m. Edward P. Delay, Jan. 1, 1879, at Benville, Ind. He was the son of Thomas and Keturah (Cupples) Delay. They lived at New Marion, Ind., where he was a farmer. Children. 1. Rosa A. Delay, b. Nov. 27 1879. 2. Lenora B. Delay, b. March 19, 1881. 3. Nellie F. Delay, b. June 30, 1881. 4. Emma G. Delay, b. May 3, 1886. 5. Thomas V. Delay, b. June 5, 1888. 6. Martha G. Delay, b. June 3, 1890. 7. Charles F. Delay, b. May 27. 1894. 8. Claudia Carmen Delay, b. July 28, 1900, and died Aug. 22, 1900. Two other children were born, but died in infancy unnamed. V. Nettie F.,» b. Feb. 15, 18.">9 ; d. Aug. 2, 18G1, at Benville, Ind. IV. Emma C.,* b. April 6, 1860; m. Charles R. Adams, April 7, 1880. They lived at Benville and Connersville, Ind., and had children. Children. 1. Minnie Isabel Adams, b. Feb. 1, 1881. 2. Clara Mabel Adams, b. Aug. 27, 1882. 3. Cora Esther Adams, b. Sept. 24, 1887. 4. Edna Florence Adams, b. Feb. 16, 1895. VII. Charles J.,^ b. Oct. 20, 1862. VIII. George C.,** b. March 10, 1865; accidentally killed at his father's mill, April 12, 1869. 534 IX. Henry T.,^ b March 20, 1867; m. 1st, Elizabeth Stevens, of Moore's Hill, Ind., Nov. 30, 1886; m. 2d, Ellen Smith, of West Lake, La., Sept. 26, 1900. Lived at West Lake, La., in 1902. One Child hy First Wife. 1. Laura M., b. at Connersville, Ind., May 25, 1889. Lived there, unmarried, in 1902. 535 X. Morton C,® b. at Connersville, May 8, 1869; m. Ellen Sheldon, of Marble Corner, Ind., June 12, 1892. They lived at Connersville and Rexville, Ind., where he was a farmer. ractised in Monroe, but later removed to Denver, where their brother Homer also lives, in 1902, a lumber dealer. Alice (Bingham) Copeland's son, Edwin B., received a liberal education, and received from Halle, Germany, Ph.D., in 181)6; was, in 11)02, professor of botany in West Virginia Universit}'. Now, 1904, he is with the Philippine Commission in Manila. (See ante p. 418.) Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 519 Children born in Monroe, Wis. 607 I. Charlks Boardman,' b. Feb. 19, 1855; m. Amelia Wood, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth Wood, b. in Monroe, Aug. 5, 1857, and married Sept. 8, 1883. Mr. Churchill carried on a large business under the firm name of Churchill & Co., plumbers, pipe-fitters, etc., with drain tile and other extensive departments. They lived in Monroe, and had children born there. Cliildren. 1. Edith E., b. June 30, 1885. 2. Charlotte A., b. June II, 1887. 3. Joseph N., b. Dec. 22, 18D3. 4. Helen P., b. Jan. 4, 1896. 5. Norma, b. Aug. 14, 1897. 11. DoLLiE,^ b. May 1, 1862; d. Dec. 15, 1864. III. KiTTiE,"^ b. May 1, 1862; d. Oct. 7, 1865. 608 IV. William Wilbkrforce,** b. Jan. 6, 1867; m. 1st, Pearl Dadmun, of Dorchester, Mass.. Sept. 29, 1894. She was the daughter of Joseph Dadmun, of Boston (Jamaica Plain), Mass., b. Feb. 22, 1871, and d. Jan. 7, 1896, in New York City; m. 2d, Lettie E. Wood, at Monroe, Wis., June 25, 1901. Mr. Churchill was foreman of the department of mechanical en- gineering in the firm of VVestinghouse, Church, Kerr & Co., of New York City, and, it is said, was chief engineer in the construc- tion of the South Terminal Station in Boston, Mass. V. Minnie Beatrkk,'* b. April 8, 18G9; m. Dr. George William (^OLE, Jan. 21, 1891. He was a physician, at Guerneville, Cal., in 1900. Child. 1. Margaret, b. June 2, 1892. VI. Erni Noemak,** b. Nov. 25, 1872; m. Edith D. Harris, at Post- ville, la., June 19, 1900. They lived in Monroe, Wis. He is a plumber. 373a. GEORGE" CHURCHILL (William Boardman," Jesse/ Jesse/ Samuel,'^ Joseph,'-' Josiah ^). Born at Ridge Prairie, 111., May 19, 1830. Married 1st, Oct. 25, 1857, Olive Brown, who died May 1, 1874. Married 2d, May 28, 1876, Emma Summeril. Mr. Churcliill is part proprietor and 'manager of a planing mill. They live in Monroe, Wis., in 1904. Child of First Wife. I. Alice,« b. Oct. 6, 1859; d. March 16, 1899. 373. GEORGE^ CHURCHILL (Norman," Jesse/ Jesse," Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah^). Born at Winfield, N.Y., April 2, 1829. He removed with his father's family to Galesburg, 111., in 1839 He received a thorough training in the preparatory department at Knox College, entered the regular course in 1847, and graduated in 1851. 520 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut After some years spent in study and teaching, he visited Europe, and while in Germany studied the system of schools, which made him later the efficient leader in the establishment of the graded schools in Galesburg, 111. In 1855 he began his real life-work as principal of the Academic Department of Knox College, with the title " professor," which position he held until his death, Sept. 10, 1899. Genial, thorough, and conscientious, he made a deep and lasting impression upon the thousands of students who came under his instruction during his forty years of service. But his influence was by no means limited to his college work, for he was alderman of Galesburg four years, city engineer for twenty-two years, besides serving on the board of education, the park commission, the library board, and director of the Mechanics and Loan Association for eighteen years. In the Eirst Church in Galesburg he was a member from 1847, deacon for thirty-six years, leader of the choir and superintendent of the Sunday school for twenty-five years. He was a true friend, a beloved and honored teacher, and a noble man. Married 1st, Aug. 7, 1855, Clarissa Amelia Hukd, daughter of Elisha and Harriet W., born in Castile, N.Y., Dec. 23, 1830, and died in Galesburg. 111., Sept. 27, 1857. Married 2d, Aug. 23, 1858, at Arlington, Vt., Adaline Heletia Hayes, born Aug. 11, 1831, and died in Galesburg, April 24, 1869. Married 3d, Dec. 22, 1869, Mks. Ellen Makia (Sanborn) Watkins, daughter of David, born in Brimfield, 111., March 17, 1841. Child of Professor George and Clarissa A. {Hurd) Churchill, born at Gales- burg, III. 609 I. Milton Erastus,** b. Sept. 5, 1856; m. Ida Post, in Waverley, Nel)., Sept. 1'.), 1883. She was the daughter of Edwin and Mary (Doolittle) Post, born in Galesburg, 111., Sept. 19, 185G. Prof. M. E. Churchill had a very thorough training, a.s shown by the following degrees re- ceived by him, viz.: A.f?., Knox College, 1877; A.M., 18.s0 ; B.D., Yale University, 1883; instructor in Latin and Greek, Knox Col- lege, 1878-80 and 1885-87; principal Emerson Institute, Mobile, 1883-85; professor of Latin, Blackburn University, 1887-91; studic'l in Germany, 1891 ; professor of Greek ancl German in Illinois College from 1891. They lived in Jacksonville, HI.. 1903, and had children: (1) Jessie Lucinda, b. Dec. 1, 1885; (2) George Milton, b. Aug. '27, 1888; (3) Delia Post, b. Feb. 14, 1892. Children of Second Wife. II. Maky Hayes, 8 b. March 28, 18G0; d. July 7, 1863. III. Chakles Edward,** b Aug. 24, 186:^: m. Margaret Schramm, at Hudson, Wis., May 17, 1890. She was b. Feb. 8, 1867, in Brooklyn, N.Y. They lived in Chicago, 1899. He was a lawyer; office, 108 Dear- born street. Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 521 (JIO IV. George B.,^ b. Aug. 16, 1865; m. 1st, Jan. 17, 1894, Martha Louise O'Connor, b. in Galesburijr, 111., Nov. 28, 1869, and she d. Dec. 7, 18'J4, leaving no children. He ni. 2d, Clara Scott Bahcock, M;;rch 12, 18'.)6 She was b. Oct. 5, 1872. Me was a prosperous hardware niercliaiit in Galesburg. They lived at Galesburg, and liad Children. 1. Lake George, b. Jan. 10, 1899. 2. Marjorie Tauline, b. Dec. «, 1900. V. Fannie Fa.ssett,® b. May 4, 1867; d. Sept. 11, 1867. Child of Third Wife. VI, William David,^ b. Dec. 13, 1876; d. July 8, 1882. 374. NORMAN" CHURCHILL, JR. (Norman,'' Jesse,"' Jesse,^ Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiaii'). Born in AVinfield, N.Y., July 16, 1833. Removed with his father's fcaniily to Galesburg, where he was brought up, and lived there. He died Sept. 14, 1901. Married, in Galesburg, Nov. 21, ISGO, Ann E. Hinsey, who was born in Tazewell County, 111., Feb. 8, 1838. Children. 611 I. Fred Warrkn,^ b. in Galesburg, Sept. L], 1861 II. Clara Adelle,** b. in Henry County, April 20, 1867. . III. Jennie Hinsev,^ b. in Galesburg, July 9, 1876 ; in. George Innes.s, April 4, 1901, and they had child: (1) Sybil Iimess, b. in Gales- burg, Oct. 0, 1902. 375. JUSTUS GRISWOLD" CHURCHILL (Levi B.,'' Levi,' Jesse,^ Samuel,-' Joseph,- Josiah '). Born at Griswoldville, Conn., Nov. 5, 181(3. He died Aug. 22, 1874. Married, Jan. 28, 1844, Abigail Harris. Children. Charles M ** Clara,® ni. Samuel Ashwell, of Kock Hill. Conn. Frank S ,® in Ella F. Williams, Kock Hill, Conn. pRi'DENCE,* m. W. K. GuiswoLD, ]\ock Hill, Conn. Winfield S.,* ni. Sarah W. Robinson, Kuck Hill, Conn. Belle, ^ d. in her fourteenth year. 377. STEPHEN BELDEN ' CHURCHILL (Levi B^.," Levi,'' Jesse,^ Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah^). Born at Griswoldville, Conn., June 21, 1830. Married, May 5, 1857, Abigail Mario. «12 I. II. Gi:} III. IV. (514 V. VI. 522 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Children. I. Alice Amelia,^ b. July 11. 1858; m. Edmond S. Smith. II. Elizabeth Maria,^ b. July 11, 1858; m. Clifford E. Clark. III. Emma Abigail,^ b. .Aug. 24, 1862; m. William S Morris. 615 IV. Levi Belden,^ b. Oct. 10, 1864; m. Grace Watrous Berry. 616 V. Stephen,^ b. Nov. 30, 1867; m. Lillian Prudence Griswold, June 15, 1892. 617 VI. Frederick Griswold,** b May 16, 1870; m. Alice Gertrude WOOLEY. VII. Nellie May,^ b. July 30, 1872; m. Edward McDonodgh, Oct. 21, 1896. VIII. Hattie Mabel,8 b. Oct. 28, 1875; m. Hiram F. Shepard, Oct. 21, 1896. 378. CYRUS B.' CHU:^CHILL (James/' Ithamak/ Jesse/ Samuel,'^ Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born in Bloomfielcl, Morrow County, 0., March 17, 1829. They lived in Boon County, 111., and later at Berrien Springs, Mich. In 1889 Mr. Churchill was conducting a watch- maker and jewelry store, with subscription and news depot, at Berrien Springs, Mich. Married, in Buchanan, Mich., Dec. 24, 1854, Susannah Waoner, born in Buchanan Feb. 23, 1834. Children horn in Boon County, III. I. Mary F.,^ b. April 3, 1856; unmarried. II. Ida,^ b. Feb. 23, 1858; m. Wightman F. Savage, who was b. in New Buffalo, Mich., Dec. 6, 1858. Children born in New Buffalo. 1. Frank P. Savage, b. Dec. 7, 1880. 2. Irving P. Savage, b. May 14, 1883. 3. Fannie A. Savage, b. Feb. 10, 1887. 379. MATTHEW MARVIN' CHURCHILL (James," Ithamar,^ Jesse,^ Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah^). Born in Bloomfield, 0., Dec. 1, 1830. He lived in Gladbrook, la., in 1884, but removed to Rushville, Neb., in 1886, and was living there in January, 1889, when he wrote this family record in a clear hand. Married Nancy Blosser. Children. I. LiLLA M.,s b. April 25, 1866. II. Emma A. ,8 b. April 24, 1868. III. Laura A ,^ b. Aug. 17, 1870. IV. Crura A.,^ b. Sept. 9, 1873. 618 V. Isaac,* b. May 23, 1876. VI. Ellen,^ b. Aug. 10, 1879. VII. Fannie.s b. May 30, 1881. VIII. Phebe,« b. Feb. 26, 1884. Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 523 380, ALMOND ITHAMAR^ CHURCHILL (James,*^ Ithamar/ Jesse/ Samuel/ Joseph,- Josiah^). Born at Mt. Vernon, 0., April 7, 1834. Lived for many years at Toledo, la. He was there a cabinet maker and painter, bnt removed later to South Dakota and lived at Woonsocket He was a county magistrate there. Married, Jan. 30, 1869, Mrs. Sarah E. Hathaway Lee, born July 9, 1840. She was the widow of Horace R. Lee, who died Dec. 1, 1867. She was born in Lewis County, N.Y. Children. I. George Hathaway,^ b. Jan. 1, 1870; d. June 14, 1872. II. Lydia Hathaway,^ b. Nov. 2'.), 1874; d. Aug. 14, 1875. III. Bkkkick L.,* b Sept. 9, 1881; ni., Jan. 16, 1901, Ralph P. Hakdy. They lived at Oelwein, la., in December, 1903. 381. HARRY J.' CHURCHILL (James," Ithamar,'^ Jesse,^ Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born at Mt. Vernon, 0., April 4, 1836 He was living at Keswick, la., in 1888. Married, May 27, 1863, JMargaret Ann Dugger, born May 30, 1837, daughter of James. Children. I. Zella I ,« b. March 19, 1864, at Toledo, la.; m. Russell Martin, at Hedrick, la. II. Laura Dell,** b. June 7, 1870, and d. at Cuba, Mo., Feb. 20, 1903; m. T. W. Netterfield, Keswick, la., June 28, 1891. Children. 1. Byron A. Netterfield, b. Oct. 4, 1893. 2. Meredith Netterfield, d. in infancy. 3. Pansy Grace Netterfield, b. Oct. 29, 1900. Gil) III. Jame.s Andrew,** b. Sept. 22, 1873; m. Ora Harding, at Keswick, la., June 30, 1896. Chihlren. 1. Margaret Lucille, b. Jan. 12, 1898. 2. Clara Waunita, b. Dec. 18, 1899. 3. Doris Gail, b. May 7, 1902. 620 IV. Norman Almond,'^ b. June 15, 1877; unmarried in 1903. 621 V. Edmond Orsemus.8 b. Jan. 13, 1881; in. Lillian Sutton, at Gimnison, Col., April 20, 1903. 385. CHARLES HYDE' CHURCHILL (Ara,'' Asahel,^ Ben- jamin,* Samuel,-' Joseph,- Josiah^). Born at Batavia, N.Y., April 28, 1814. Lived at Alexander, a farmer, a quiet and some- 524 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut what retiring man, but an excellent and respected citizen. An interesting feature of his was that one of his eyes was light gray, while the other was a keen black, the sight of each equally good. He died Jan. 21, 1893. Married 1st, at Alexander, N.Y., Oct. 25, 1841, Jane Innes, daughter of Henry and Nancy (Van de Bogart) Innes. Married 2d, Mary B. Randall, Dec. 1, 1858, daughter of Joseph and Lydia (Chapman) Randall. Children horn at Alexander. I. Jane Rosette,** b. July 7, 1843; d. unmarried at Alexander, March 4, 1891. A great sufferer for long years, but patient and un- complainlns; ; a sweet and beautiful soul. II. Delia ANN.^'b. Nov. 22, 1845; d. Nov. 11, 1851. III. Martha Louise,** b. Dec. 16, 1847; unmarried. She helped us to get a correct account of her father's family, and was living, in March, 1!;01, on the old homestead at Alexander, where she Avas born, but with post-office address at Batavia. 622 IV. John Hknky,* b. July 5, 1852 ; m. Harriet A. Witter at Alexan- der, Dec. '^9. 1881. She was the daughter of William and Mary (Perkins) Witter. They lived at Batavia, on a farm, and had one son, viz. : (1) Charles Witter, b. Nov. 2, 1882. 386. ARA DON ' CHURCHILL (Aka,« Asahel,^ Benjamin,* Samuel," Joseph,- Josiah '). Born at Alexander, Jan. 21, 1825, and settled first as a farmer, afterwards a grocer, and finally a hardware mer- chant at Fairport, N.Y. He had an excellent voice and was a suc- cessful singing-school teacher, until the death of his daughters from diphtheria, a severe blow from which he could not recover. A genial and kindly man, a respected citizen. Died Oct. 23, 1891, at Fair- port, N.Y. Married, at Darien, N.Y., Jan. 8, 1851, Betsey Root Stimers, daughter of George and Lydia (Root) Stimers. Children horn at Alexander. I. Edith Elizabeth,* b. Jan. 19, 1852; d. April 6, 1866. II. Aphia May,8 b. Dec. 22, 1859; d. April 9, 1866 III. Sarah Lydia,** b. Nov. 9, 1865; m. Audobon Frank Warren, Fairport, N.Y., May 10, 1888. 386a. JAMES BRYAN ' CHURCHILL (Benjamin,« Asahel,-^ Ben- jAMiN,"* Samuel," Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born April 18, 1817. Lived for some time in Madison, N.C., and was a tinman by trade and prosperous in earlier days. In 1899 he was living with his daughter, Mrs. Jones. Married, 1838, Sarah Hall, of ISTorth Carolina. Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 525 Children. 623 I John Henry,^ b. Jan. 3, 1831) ; d. about 1882 ; m. Mary Catherine B ROWER, daughter of Fletcher and Catherine Brewer, at Greensboro', N.C., January, 18G0. They lived at Pittsboro, where be was a luniberinan. Children born in Pittsboro. 1. Lulu Catherine, b. Nov. 30, 1861; m. William Francis Jones, June 10, 1878, at Farinington, N.C No children. 2. Thomas Benjamin, b. in 1862; d. in 1864. 3. Henry Lewis, b. 1864. 4. Virginia Brown, b. 1866; m. Frank B. Ward, January, 1803, at Faimingtoii, N.C, and died there, November, 189.'?. 624 II. BEN.JAMIN LuTnER,8 b. at Newhern, Sept. 'J, 1840; d. about 1886; m. Susan Green, at Newbern, N.(\, in 1864. They lived in Newbern. Children boi-n in Newbern. 1. Lee. 2. Thomas. 3. Benjamin. These three sons grew to manhood and died unmarried. 4. Katherine, m. Charles McGehe, at Newbern, N.C. III. Mai;tha Ann. 8 b. March 20, 1842; m. 1st, Edward Jones, in 1859, He was killed in the Civil War in 1861; m. 2d. [I. S. Pratt, in 1863. They lived at Madison, N.C. Four children it is said, but names not obtained. IV. Elias S.,'* b. Aug. 10, 1845; d. in infancy. V. Cornelia Lke,** b. April K, ]S47; m. ^I. F Pekry, of Hidgeway, N.C, and lived there in 1899. No children. 625 VI. Joseph Martin,** b. Jan. 9, 1849; d. about 1871, at Ridgeway. VII. Samuel W.,^ b. May 20, 1850; d. in infancy. VIII. Annie Eliza, ^ b. Nov. 24, 1853; m. Jerry Hudson, who died in the fall of 1889 leaving the widow with six children, the oldest, Annie Eulalia Hudson, the rest of the names not mentioned. Lived at Winston, N.C, in 1899. IX. Mahy E.stellk,** b. .Tan 5, 1856; m. George O. Jones, Oct. 26, 1873. Mr. Jones was a wholesale tobacco-merchant at Ridgeway, Va. Children. 1. George Byron Jones, b. Jan. 9, 1877. 2. John B. .(ones, b. July 8, 1879. 3. Thomas King .Jones, b. July 31, 1881. 4. James Benjamin .Tones, b. Oct. 17, 1883. 5. Mary Churchill Jones, b. April 15, 1886. 6. Daisy Jones, b. Oct. 6, 1888. 7. Gertrude Osborn Jones, b. Dec. 27, 1890. 8. Samuel Paul Jones, b. June 19, 1893, and d. March 14, 1894. X. Susan Walker.^ b. Sept. 14, 1860; m. George I. Griggs, Nov. 10, 1878. Children. 1. Katie Wills Griggs, b Sept. 4, 1879. 2. Maggie Hall Griggs, b. Dec. 25, 1881. 3. Susan Churchill Griggs, b. Dec. 12, 1884. 4. Mary Bud Griggs, b. May 4, 1887. The above family live in Ridgeway, Va. rv. 627 V. «28 VI. VII. VIII. 629 IX. 526 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut 387. REV. ORRIN' CHURCHILL (Benjamin,^ Asahel/ Benja- min/ Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah^). Born in JSTewbern, N.C., Oct. 19, 1819. He was a Baptist minister They lived in Moncure, N.C, where all the children were born. Mr. Churchill himself gave his family record, but gave no marriages or other information con- cerning his children than we give below. Married 1st, Dec. 12, 1839, Sarah Reid, who died Sept. 12, 1846. Married 2d, Jan. 7, 1847, Rhoda Ann Shackford. He died Sept. 20, 1895. Children of First Wife. I. Caroline,^ b. Oct. 19, 1842. 626 II. John Robinson," b. Sept. 2, 1844. III. Mart Ann,® b. July 23, 1846 ; d. in infancy. Children of Second Wife. Sarah A.,® b. Oct. 22, 1848. James Benjamin,^ b June 17, 1849; d. June 30, 1888. Sidney Daniel,** b. June 22, 1853. Martha Jane,® b. May 31, 1856: d. in infancy. Annie H.,®b. Aug. 7, 1858. Thomas W.,® b. July 27, 1860 ; m. Emma Harris, at Haywood, N.C. , Dec, 20, 1882. They lived at Haywood. In January, 1904, he gave me his own family, but nothing more. Children born at Haywood. 1. Ernest Coin, b. Oct. 30, 1883. 2. Mary Line, b. Aug. 20, 1885. 3. Clara Baine, b. Aug. 20, 1887. 4. liosa Emma, b. Feb. 14, 1889. 5. Orin Henry, b. July 27, 1890; d. July 27, 1890. 6. Marguerite, b. Aug. 9, 1891. 7. Lessie, b. July 17, 1893. 630 X. Charles S.,® b. Sept. 21, 1863. 388. CHESTER R.' CHURCHILL* (Chester,^ Samuel,^ Benjamin,^ Samuel,^ Joseph," Josiah '). Born in Batavia, IST.Y, He removed West and settled in Barry, 111.; a farmer. Married in 1853, at Batavia, IST.Y., Maria Horner. * Information received from Mrs. Cordelia (Churchill) Clark, of Kinderhook, 111., since page 425 was printed, adds somewhat to our meagre account of the family of Chester"^ Churchill, No. 159, on that page. We can give here the names of his children in the order of birth, but without dates: I. Mahala; II. Almon S.; III. Melvin B.; IV. Mariette ; V. Chester R. ; VI. Samcel; VII Albert; VIII. Cordelia, and IX. Cornelia. The last two were twins. • All the information given me by Mrs. Clark, besides this list, is found in the numbers from 388 to 389c inclusive. Branch.] SEVENTH GE:^^ERATION 527 Children born at Barry, 111. I. Charles.* II. Clara.8 III. Sophia. » IV. Elmer.8 V. Chester.^ VI. Ida.« 389. ALMON S.^ CHURCHILL (Chester/ Samuel/ Benjamin/ Samuel/ Joseph,- Josiah^). Born in Batavia, July 28, 1813. Lived in Batavia, IST Y., and later in Kinderhook, 111. He was a farmer. Married Louisiana Smith, in Batavia, N.Y. Children, the first horn in Batavia, the rest in Kinderhook. I. James A ,** m. Louisa Morris. II. Edward,^ m Mary Carr III. Hiram S.,** m. Martha Smith. IV. Nancy M.,» m. J. R. Fox. 3S9a. MELVIN B."^ CHURCHILL (Chester," Samuel,^ Benjamin/ Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah'). Born in Batavia, N.Y. Settled in Kinderhook, 111. Married Sarah Horner. Children horn in Kiyiderhook. I. Henry.* II. Amanda.* III. Helen.* IV. Emma.* V. Chester.* VI. Sarah.* 389b. CORDELIA' CHURCHILL (Chester/ Samuel/ Benjamin/ Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born in Batavia, N.Y. Settled and lived at Kinderhook, 111. Married, May 18, 1846, Asa Clark, farmer, then of Batavia, N.Y. Children born in Kinderhook, I. Herbert C. Clark, b. May G, 1854; m. Ella Wagg. II. LiBBiE C. Clark, b. Jan. 28, 1860; m. Aaron Bonnifield. III. Mary A. Clark, b. Jan. 4, 1863; m. Charles Wagg. IV. Frank A. Clark, b. Feb. 6, 1865; m. Etta Talbot. 389c. CORNELIA' CHURCHILL (Chester," Samuel,'^ Benjamin," Samuel,^ Joseph/' Josiah ^). Born in Batavia, N.Y. Lived and died in Corfu, N.Y. Married John Hunn. 528 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Child born in Corfu^ N. Y. I. IsABELLE^ HuNN, (lied young, in Corfu. 390. GEORGE' CHURCHILL (Daney,« Samuel/ Benjamin,* Samuel,'^ Joseph,^' Joseph '). Born in Portland, N.Y., July 26, 1821, and lived there. Married, at Portland, May 17, 1852, Eliza J. Wade Fletcher. One child horn at rortland, N. Y. I. George Daney.s [,_ March 22, 1860; d. Aug. 11, 18G4. 391. * DARIUS DANA' CHURCHILL (Samuel," Samuel,'^ Ben- jamin,'' Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born in Batavia, N.Y., Oct. 24, 1827. Settled in Batavia, N.Y., a farmer. In 1904 he was living in Daws, N.Y., and Mrs. Churchill filled out blanks which enabled me to give the following account of the family. Married, in Leroy, N.Y., March 30, 1850, Emily Shadbolt, daughter of Robert and Abbie (Wilder) Shadbolt, born March 27, 1833. The record below is corrected up to 1904. Children horn in Batavia, N. Y. I. Almeha,* b. Oct. '24, 1851; m. John O. Higley, March 11, 1874. They lived at Batavia, where he was a farmer. One child, (1) Homer D. Iligley, b. Aug. 30, 1880. II. Emily,^ b. Jan. It), 1854; m. Cleveland Wilbek, Nov. 24. 1871. They lived at Batavia, where lie was a farmer. Children. 1. George Sanford Wilber, b. July 17, 1878, 2. Earlbana Wilber, b. Nov. 10, 1877. 631 III. George B.,« b. Nov. 14, 1862; m. Clara B. Edgerton, Nov. 28, 1883. They lived at Elba, N.Y. He was a farmer. * We have additional data relating to No. 1G2 since page 427 was printed, and in this note the six children of Samuel,® whose names we had not then received, are included with such record as we have now obtained. To Darius Dana,' No. 391, and Walter H.,' No. 391a, we add: II. Sarah,' b. June 1, 1830; m. 1st, Amasa E. Dorman, Feb. 19, 1852, at Batavia. He d. July 2, 18G6, and she m. 2d, March 23, 1893, Simeon W. Hosmer, who d. December 31 of the same year. Child by first husband, (1) George E. Dorman, b. March 29, 1854, and m. Nettie Howe, March 29, 1879. III. Martha,' b. Jan. 18, 1834; m. John Kern, Aug. 14, 1853. IV. Walter H. ; see 391a. V. Elizabeth,' b. May 1, 1840; m. Joseph Adams, at Batavia, Aug. 28, 18G1. VI. Harriet,' b Sept. 3, 1842; m. William Walker, Sept. 3, 18G2. VII. Ellen,' b. March 7, 184G ; m. Henry Walker, March 23, 1864. VIII. Mary,' b. March 3, 1850; m. Otis G. Elliot, July 9, 1870. Branch] SEVENTH GENERATION 529 Children. 1. Clark B., b. Sept. 9, 1884. 2. Walter H., b. Feb. 28, 1886. •6. John S., b. Sept. 30, 1887. 4. Charles R., b. Nov. 8, 188'J 5. Emily J., b. Dec. 22, 1891. 6. Mary Meda, b Aug. 13, 1894. 7. Sarah R., b. Nov. 21, 189t>. 8. Darius D., b. July 5, 1899. 9. Hazel, b. Dec. 20, 1901. 10. A son, b. Jan. 2, 1903; d. unnamed. (}32 IV. Howard D.,** b. Sept. 6, 1866; m. Philola Edgekton, March 21, 1888. They live at Elba, N.Y., where he is a farmer. Child, (1) Helen E., b. Dec. 19, 1897. 633 V. Robert Samuel,^ b. July 8, 1872; m. Carrie S. Hubbard, Jan. 14, 1892. Thev live at Batavia, where he is a farmer. Child, (1) Ruth M., b. Dec. 4, 1893. 391a. WALTER H.' CHURCHILL (Samuel/' Samuel,' Benjamin/ Samuel,''^ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born in Batavia, N.Y., April 27, 1838. He lived in Batavia nntil abont 1869, when he removed to Michigan and settled at Shelby, where he spent the rest of his nse- fnl life. He was judge of probate of Oceana County, Mich., for years. He died June '2'6, 1900. Married 1st, in Batavia, N.Y., Jan. 24, 1859, Jane Green, who died June 10, 1868, in Shelby, jMich. Married 2d, in 1869, Lucada A. Carter, who died Dec. 23, 1872, in Shelby, Mich. I\Iarried 3d, at Whitehall, Mich., Dec. 25, 1874, Sarah A. Hamlin, who was living in Shelby, JNIich., 1903. Children of First Wife, born in Batavia, N. Y. I. Ida,^ d. young. 11. William H. j** d. young. Children of Second Wife, horn in Shelby, Mich. 634 111. Charles L.,^ b. Nov. 16. 1870; m Mollie Purcell, at Grand Rapids, Mich., Nov. 12, 1891. They lived at Shelby, and had children horn there. Children. 1. Lucada G., b. Dec. 2, 1892. 2. Walter H., b. Dec. 18, 1897. 3. Charles L., b. March 1, 1900. 4. Robert C, b. Feb. 13, 1901. IV. Walter H.,^ b. in 1872; d. in 1873. 393. JOHN HARVEY" CHURCHILL (Ithuel,^ Samuel,^ Benja- min,'* Samuel,"' Joseph,'-' Josiah '). Born in Portland, N.Y., Dec. 18, 1848. Removed with his father's family to Pontiac, Mich. In 530 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut 1886 he was living at Battle River, Custer County, Dakota, when his letter-head was '^ Dr. H. J. Churchill, dealer in drugs, groceries, notions, etc." His signature was Harvey John Churchill. In 1899 we received his address as " Hermosa, South Dakota," but our letter was not answered, and we have no news since. Married, at Dewitt, Mich., 7 May, 1882, Estella L. Hart. 393. EDWIN ' CHURCHILL (Philo C.,« Samuel,^ Benjamin,^ Sam- uel,-' Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born at Kinderhook, Pike County, 111., Sept. 18, 1839. After receiving what instruction he could get at the home school, he went to Greenwood, Ind., to attend the school there, working for his board. In the spring of 1861 he enlisted among the first of the Volunteers, in Company D, Seventeenth In- diana Regiment, and served under General Rosencrantz, in General Sherman's corps, and was engaged in many battles in that fighting division during his three years of service. At the end of his term he reenlisted and after a furlough at home, during which he married and spent some time recrtiiting for his regiment, he was commis- sioned Second Lieutenant, and rejoining his regiment at the front, served to the end of the war, going with Sherman's army " from Atlanta to the Sea." After the war he returned to Greenwood and taught school and " farmed it " for awhile, and then moved to Wol- cott, Ind. He was an earnest and consistent Christian man and did much good in the churches in Wolcott. He died March 15, 1875. Married, in Greenwood, Ind., Feb. 11, 1864, Sarah Carrie West, born Dec. 29, 1844. She was the daughter of John and Keren H (Hendricks) West. Children born, three in Greenwood and two in Wolcott, Ind. 636 I. William C.,^ b. Nov. 20, 1867; m. Maude Burton, at Goodland, Ind., April 21, 1896. They lived at Wolcott, Ind. (1904). He was a builder and contractor. Child. 1. Donald Glenn, b. at Wolcott, Ind., May 15, 1900. II. Katie A.,^ b. Oct. 23, 1869; d. May 26, 1886. III. IlAi'Pi- C ,8 b. Sept. 18, 1871; m. O. C. Peck, at Wolcott, Oct. 10, 1894. Children . 1. Virgil Peck, b. November, 1895; d. April 30, 1896, aged five months. 2. Fannie Peck, b. Feb. 3, 1898. 3. Harley Peck, b. Oct. 16, 1900. IV. Daisie L.,8 b. July 16, 1873; m. John W. Dunlop, at Wolcott, Oct. 2, 1889. Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 531 Children. 1. Charles Dunlop, b. Dec. 14, 1890. 2. Carrie Dunlop, b. Aug. 12, 1892. 3. Flora Dunlop, b. Feb. 21, 1893. 4. Virgil Dunlop, b. May 2f->, !895. .5. Helen M. Dunlop, b. Jan. 2, 1902. 636 V. John Edwin,* b. Feb. 13, 1875; so. Margaret Colmns, at Rey- nolds, Ind., Nov. 15, 1898. 394. DANEY JABEZ ' CHURCHILL (Philo C.,'^ Samuel,^ Benja- Mix/ Samuel,'' Joseph,' Josiah '). Born in Kinderliook, Pike County, 111., Jan. 10, 1841. He was an artist and. music teacher. He died in St. Joseph, Mo., Nov. 22, 1893. Married, April 13, 1863, Martha Gates. He is said to have married twice, later, but we have not the record. Children of First Wife. 637 T. Elmer.^ 63S II. Otto.^ Said to have been living in St. Joseph, Mo., in 1902, but we received no answer to our letters and circulars. 395, FRANCIS WAYLAND' CHURCHILL (Phtlo Clark," Sam- uel,' Benjamin,^ Samuel,'' Joseph,'"* Josiah '). Born in Kinder- hook, 111., Oct. 24, 1845. He was a baker by trade and was located at Kansas City, Mo., in 1904. Married at Bedford, Iowa, March 1, 1871, Ella Shaffer. Children. I. EuBT P ,^ b. in Bedford, Iowa, February, 1872. II. Ernest,- b. in Columbus, Kan., 1875; d. unmarried in 189B. III. Daney."* b in Albany, Mo., April, 1877. IV. OsTiA.^ b. in St. Joseph, Mo., 1887. V. Minnie,^ b. in St. Joseph, 1889. 396. ROBERT CLARK' CHURCHILL (Philo Clark,« Samuel,' Benjamin,'' Samuel,^ Joskph,'- Josiah '). Born in Hilton, 111., June 4, 1866. He was educated at the common school, and learned stenography, and, at the age of twenty, went to St. Louis to try^his hand at the work, but soon abandoned it, and tried various other forms of clerical work in St. Louis, and finally found employment in Keosauqua, where he worked until his marriage, when he went to farming in Iowa, for a year or more, and then removed to Oregon. I. 639 II. 640 III. IV. 641 V. 642 VI. 532 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut and, after trying several localities like Medford and Williams in that State, finally settled at Selma, where he has a farm of one hundred and sixty acres of land, conducts a store, and is postmaster. Mr. Churchill has taken an interest in our work and helped along upon his own line. Our last letter from him was on Jan. 21, 1902. Married, at Leando, Iowa, Feb. 26, 1890, Miriam Leota Park. Children. Jessie A.,* b. Dec. 17, 1890, atKeosauqua, Iowa. Carl B.,*^ b. June 23, 1893, at Seloia, Ore. Emmet C.,®b. May 16, 1895, at Selma, Ore. Florence,* b. Jan. 30, 1898, at Selma, Ore. Samuel C,* b. March 24, 1900, at Selma, Ore. Otto,* b. Dec. 9, 1901, at Selma, Ore. 397. RICHARD MARTIN ' CHURCHILL (Barnabas,« Ira,"' Benja- min,^ Samuel,"' Joseph," Josiah '). Born in Bristol, Conn., March 16, 1817. Removed with his father's family to Greene, Ohio, in 1820. He died at Vineland, N.J., May 27, 1880. Married at Mecca, Ohio, Dec. 2, 1843, Isabel Miller. Children. I. Charles Franklin,* b. in Greene, Ohio; d. before 1901. II. Horace Carter,* d. in Wayne County, Ohio. III. HoBERT,* d. in Wayne County, Ohio. IV. Lucy Adella.* V. Mary Isabel,* m. Mr. Newton, and lived some time in Oneonta, N.Y., but we received no answers to our inquiries. 398. SALMON ROOT ' CHURCHILL (Barnabas," Ira,' BenjamiisV Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah^). Born in Bristol, Ohio, Feb. 25, 1821. Lived in New Brighton, Minn., where he died March 14, 1890. We have not received answers to letters of inquiry sent to a daughter, said to have lived at New Brighton in 1901. Married, at Greene Ohio, September, 1850, Sarah Hoagland. Children. I. Laporte.* II. Agnes.* III. Emily.* IV. Amy.* 399. OTTO BURCHARD ' CHURCHILL (Ceylon,« Ira,^ Ben.jamin, Samuel,^ Joseph,^ Josiah ^). Born in Bristol, Ohio, June 16, 1852 He was reared and received his education and has always lived in o: Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 533 near Cortland, Ohio, where in 1901 he was a prosperous wholesale dealer in country produce and was one of the directors of the First National Bank in Cortland. Married at Cortland, Ohio, March 18, 1877, Mary Jane Craft, who was born in Mecca, Ohio, March 8, 1856. Children horn in Cortland. I. Marv Florine,** b. Jan. 12, 1878. II. Bessie Eve,"* b. June 24, 1882. III. Alda Burr,'' b. Dec. 5, 1884. 643 IV. Frank R.,« b. Nov. 5, 1886. 644 V.' Sealy J.,« b. July 14, 1889. 400. EDWIN JEROME ' CHURCHILL (Joseph H.,« Jedediah,^ Benjamin,^ Samuel,^ Joseph,- JosiAH^). Born in New Hartford, N.Y., July 18, 1833. Lived there and later in Kirkland, N.Y. Mr. Churchill wrote us in 1890 that his brother, Henry C, lived in Norfolk, Va., and his brother, Joseph C, in Alto, Mich., but we could not reach either by letter. Married, Sept. 21, 1858, Ellejst M. Cook. Children born in Neiv Hartford, N. T- I. Josephine Estella,* b. July 3, 1859; d. Nov. 29, 1885. II. Nettie Gertrude,^ b. Sept. 24, 18G1. 645 III. Edwin Platt,« b. June 27, 1869. IV. Allanthen Cook,* b. April 16, 1872; d. July 27, 1872. 403. BENJAMIN W.' CHURCHILL (Joseph H.,^ jEDEDrAH,^ Ben- jamin,'* Samuel,'^ Joseph,'-' Josiah '). Born in New Hartford, N.Y., July 6, 1843. This family was living, in March, 1890, in Whitesboro, N.Y., and Mr. Churchill then wrote us the account of his family. Married, June 7, 1865, Ellen M. Crumb, born Nov. 30, 1845. Children. I. Marion L.,^ b. Feb. 21, 1866; ra. F. A. Moulton, Oct. 16, 1889. 646 II. Franklin F.,» b. Aug. 7, 1867. 647 III. Joseph G..^ b. .Tan. 21, 1869. IV. Sarah J.,^ b. Sept. 20, 1871. V. William D.,» b. Sept. IS, 1873; d. March 21, 1875. 648 VI. Benjamin W.,^ b. June 26, 1876. VII. Ethel May,» b. July 16, 1885. 403. JAY A.^ CHURCHILL (Anson J.,« Jedediah,-' Benjamin,-" Samuel,'^ Joseph,^ Josiah'). Born, probably at West Vienna, N.Y., but June 16, 1886, was living at Wliitestone, L.I., and wrote 534 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut us a letter, but gave onl}^ the names of his father and brothers and their addresses at that time. William H., West Vienna, who, he says, was a soldier all through the Civil War, Rev. Joseph, who was then at West Vienna, N.Y., George E. whose address was in doubt. In December, 1904, 1 learned from the postmaster at West Vienna, N.Y., that the family have all gone from that town and, as well as he could learn, the father, Anson J., married Sarah Mallory, and that Jay A. is married and is a minister in the New York Conference, that Rev. Joseph lived at Sheepshead Bay, L.I., but our letter to that address was returned unclaimed ; that George E. married Gertrude Dickinson ; that William H. is dead ; that Mrs. Lovina Washburn's address was Oil City, Penn., but my letter to her was also returned unclaimed, so that this is all the account we have been able to obtain of the family. 407. FRANKLIN DWIGHT ' CHURCHILL (Lewis,"^ David,^ Will- iam,* Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born in Bethany, Conn., Feb. 14, 1834. This family live (1902) in Southington, Conn. Married Jane L. Blakeslee, of Prospect, Conn. Childre7i. I. Arthur James,* b. Dec. 20, 1861; unmarried. 649 II. Frank Blakeslee,^ b. Sept. 26, 1864; m. Children. 1. Maud. 2. Clyde. G50 III. William Dwight,** b. Jan. 8, 1877. 411. WILLIAM H.^ CHURCHILL (William T.,*^ Lemuel,^ Will- iam,* Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born, Feb. 27, 1833, in Tioga County, Penn. His father died a few months before he was born. When three years old he was taken and brought up by people out- side his family, his mother having married a second husband. He lived in Rensselaer, Ind., in 1886. Married, Jan. 7, 1861, Louisa Nichols, born Jan. 12, 1835. This record was obtained in 1886. Children. 651 I. William Augustus,* b. Oct. I, 1862. 652 II. Marcus Austin," b. Mav 22, 1864. 653 III. Thomas Corwin,* b. Aug. 30, 186r>. 654 IV. Fenton Orris,** b. Jan. 18, 1867. 655 V. Luther Ellsworth,** b. Jan. 24, 1869. 656 VI. Marion Atwood,^ b. May 17, 1870. VII. Cheney Osoar,« b. Feb. 16, 1872; d. May 2, 1872. 667 VIII. Herman Hott,« b. Aug. 7, 1875. Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 535 414. JOSIAH BUTLER' CHURCHILL (Dr. Charles," Lemuel/ William/ Samuel/ Joseph/' Josiah^). Born Dec. 4, 1836. Mr. Churchill was living in Lawrence, Kan., March 4, 1886, and gave us this account of his family. Married, Sept. 21, 1865, Cath- erine Kissel. Children. T. Bessie Mat,* b. May 1, 1868. 658 II. Carlie Dio/ b. June 2G, 1874. 417. JOHN SILAS ' CHURCHILL (Joseph D./ William/ Will- iam/ Samuel,-^ Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born, Nov. 24, 1828, at Pine- ville, Izard County, Ark. Married, Dec. 30, 1851, Susan Jaine Taylor. Children. 659 I. George Washington/ b. July 26, 1852; m. Kesiah Morgan. Children. 1. Rebecca, b. Sept. 23, 1875. 2. John Tliomas, b. Dec. 30, 1876. 3. Mary Lovina, b. May 23, 1879. 4. OHve Jane, b. Dec. 19, 1881. 5. William Ambrose, b. Feb. 18, 1887. II. Christy Ann,» b. July 1, 1854; d. Sept. 22, 1876. III. Sarah Elizabeth,* b. May 29, 1856; m. Jacob Henry Fitzhdgh. Children . 1. John Fitzhuph, b. Jan. 22, 1877. 2. Tildia Fitzhugh, b. Aug. 8, 1881. 3. Alexander Fitzhugh, b. July 3, 1887. IV. Louisa Jane,* b Sept. 4, 1858; m. De Leon Laport Coplin. Children . 1. John Wesley Coplin, b. Dec. 24, 1877. 2. Albert Washington Coplin, b. Dec. 13, 1879. V. William Martin," b. Nov. 19, 1860; d. Aug. 4, 1868. 660 VI. Henry Price,* b. July 13, 1863. VII. Rebecca,*), j , „ i^^q f d. Nov. 20, 1871. VIII. Lavinia,* J ''• ^"^^ '' ^^^'' \d. September, 1869. 418. JAMES JEFFREY ' CHURCHILL (Joseph Dell,*' William,' William/ Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born at Pineville, Ark., Dec. 30, 1829. He was a farmer and house builder, and lived at different times at Russellville, Glassvillage, and Appleton, Ark., and 1904, Leta, Ark. Married, at Pineville, Ark., Aug. 31, 1859, Martha Ann Scott. She was the daughter of George W. and Mary (Hill) Scott. 536 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut CMldren. 660a I. Joseph William,^ b. Sept. 9, 1860; in. 1st, Elizabeth Cacks ; m. 2d, Letht Coffman. II. James Jeffrey,* b. July 2o, 1862; d. at Russellville, Ark., 1864. III. Mary Christia,* b. Jan. 27, 1866; m. Marion Edward Coffman. 660b IV. George Washington,^ b. Feb. 13, 1868; m. Martha E. Akins. V. John Green,** b. Feb. 2, 1870; d. at Glassvillage, Ark., March 2, 1872. 660c VI. Henry Ambrose,* b. Jan. 24, 1871 ; m. Mary Vaughn. VII. Alfred Allen,* b. Aug, 11, 1873; d. at Glassvillage, Ark., Feb. II, 1874. VIII. Rev. Jasper Newton,* b. Jan. 21, 1875 ; m. Mary Frances Brunce. IX. Monroe King,* b. Oct. 17, 1877; m. Eda Kansas Story. X. Andrew Jackson,* b. Feb. 9, 1879; m. Rona May Voss. XI. Samuel David,* b. Feb. 19, 1880; d. at Appleton, Ark., Feb. 17, 1902. 419. WILLIAM WALKER ■ CHURCHILL (Joseph Dell/ Will- iam/ William/ Samuel/ Joseph/' Josiah '). Born at Pineville, Ark., Aug. 14, 1840. He was a farmer at Galley Rock, Ark., and Wbitt, Texas, from 1875 or 1876. Still living at Whitt, with wife Delphine, in 1904. Married 1st, at Galley Rock, Ark., December, 1869, Lydia Matthews, died, 1873 ; married, 2d, at Clinton, Ark., January, 1874, Delphine MoAlistek. Child of First Wife born at Galley Rock, Ark. 660d I. Elton Leeth,* b. Jan. 16, 1872; m. Laura Moreland, at Whitt, Texas, Feb. 8, 1891. Children born at Whitt, Texas. 1. Lydia Ann, b. March 30, 1892. 2. James Albert, b. Jan. 10, 189.5. 3. Jarrel Eli, b. Dec. 16, 1896. 4. Robert Raymon, b. July 3, 1900. Children of Second Wife born at Whitt, Texas. 660e II. Joseph Crafford,* b. Dec. 4, 1877; m. Bertha Lusk, at Whitt, Texas, July 15, 1898. Children born at Whitt, Texas. 1. Cula Clare, b. June 30, 1900. 2. Veracue Gladys, b. April 3, 1902. III. Sanora Florence,* b. Oct. 14, 1880; m. J. O. Taylor, at Whitt, Texas, July 29, 1899. They live at Valley Creek, Texas ; he is a farmer. Children. 1. Pearlie Beatrice Taylor, b. May 27, 1902. 2. Barbara Alice Taylor, b. Dec. 21, 1903. IV. Dempsey Monroe,* b. July 7, 1882; d. July 20, 1885. V. Pearley Arminda,* b. July 10, 1885. 660f VI. William Walker, Jr.,* b. Sept. 30, 1888. 660g VII. Frederic Lafayette,* b. Sept. 22, 1890. VIII. AvA RiLLA Angeline,* b. July 3, 1895. Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 537 420. JOSEPH A.' CHURCHILL (Joseph Dell,« William,^ Will- iam/ Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah '). Born at Pineville, Ark., Nov. 22, 1846. Lived at Oran, Texas, in 1904. He was a farmer. Mar- ried at Galley Rock, Ark., January, 1871, Nancy A. Duvall, daughter of John and Elizabeth Duvall. Child. 660h I. John William,* b. at Galley Rock, Ark., Dec. 15, 1870; ni. Laura Foster, at Whitt, Texas, Jan. 8, 1893. 421. WILLIAM A' CHURCHILL (Adna,« William,^ William,^ Samuel,'^ Joseph,- Josiah^). Born Dec. 13, 1831, near Marietta, Ohio, but removed with his father's family to Fabias, Mich., and lived there, and at Leonidas, Mich., from which latter place he wrote us May 4, 1888. Married in Fabius, Mich., Oct. 31, 1858, Matilda D. Rumsey, born May 18, 1843. ' Children horn in Fabius, Mich. I. Emma ANN,^b. March 7, 1860; m. Monroe H. Smith, at Leonidas, Mich., Oct. 10, 1882. They lived at Leonidas, and Meerdon, Mich. Children. 1. Llovd Smith, b. July 6, 1884. 2. Mildred V. Smith, b. May 25, 1886. 3. Linnie M. Smith, b. Dec. 8, 1891. 4. Carroll M. Smith, b. June 8, 1891. 661 II. John Marcellus,* b. Oct. 9, 1861; m. Zetha M. Arnold April 25, 1888, daughter of James and Sophia (Robinson) Arnold, of Leonidas, Mich. One Child. 1. Louis A. Churchill, b. March 8, 1889. III. Wilbur Adna,^ b. Jan. 24, 1870; d. Oct. 25, 1872. IV. Minnie Myrtelle,** b. Aug. 24, 1875; m. Frank Peck, at Center- ville, Mich., May 13, 1895. They lived, 1904, at Moorepark, Mich. Children. 1. Bertha R. Peck, b. April 1, 1896. 2. Verne Peck, b. Feb. 5, 1901. 3. Leon Peck, b. March 3, 1903. 424. WILLIAM R ' CHURCHILL (Randell,^ William/ William,-* Samuel,'^ Joseph,- Josiah'). Born Dec. 18, 1836, probably near Marietta, Ohio. Married, Oct. 5, 1870, Mary Welch. 538 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticat Children . I. Annie.^ 662 II. William.^ III. Martha.* 435. JOSEPH X.' CHURCHILL (Randell,^ William,"' William,^ Samuel,'' Joseph,- Josiah'). Born Feb. 5, 1839, probably uear arietta, Ohio. Married, Aug 26, 1866, Sakah Boyd, Children. I. Jane Mart.^ 663 II. Fred D.« III. Mart M.* 426. JOSHUA P." CHURCHILL (Randell,« William,"' William,^ Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah^). Born March 18, 1844. In 1888 he was living in Winslow, Iowa. Married, March 16, 1879, Martha T. Stamp. Children . 664 I. Ralph L.,« b. April 7, 1880. II. Grace,« b. June 8, 1883. 427. HIRAM WILLIAM^ CHURCHILL (James,« William,^ Will- iam,^ Samuel,^ Joseph,- Josiah') Born in Newberg, Mich., March 13, 1847. Settled first in Finehford and Parkersburg, Iowa, but later removed to Boulder, CoL, and from there, March, 1901, removed to Salt Lake City, Utah, where he died July 17, 1903. He was a farmer. Married at ISTewberg, Mich., Oct. 27, 1863, Elizabeth Rushing, daughter of William and Mary (Stevenson) Rushing. Mrs. Churchill, in 1904, lived in Salt Lake City. Children, the first born in Finehford, the rest in Parkersburg , Iowa. T. EsTELLA MAiLA/b. Jan. 3], 18fi7;clied at Parkersburg, Dec.31, 1881. II. Blanche Eliza,® b. Aug. 21, 1872; died at Parkersburg, April 17, 1873. III. Maud Esther,® b. June 8, 1874; died at Parkersburg, July 8, 1874. IV. Etta Idell,® b. March 30, 1875; m. David C. Gibson, of Boulder, Col., Feb. 3, iy04. They lived in Salt Lake City 1904. 483. CHARLES ^CHURCHILL (Willis,« * Asa,^' William," Samuel,^ Joseph,'- Josiah'). Born in Haniden, Conn., July 8, 1837. He *Froni a daughter of Willis Churchill we learn something more of his brother Levi (No. I'JO) whose, children were: 1 Jane,® m. William Lee, and had children, one of whom was William H. Lee, living in December, 1903, at Providence, R.I. ; 2, Martha A,® m. Walter Clark, and 3, Henry.® All three born at Hamden, ConiK Willis Charchill'-s widow, with their daughter, Mary, are living at 12 Vanderpool Street, Newark, N.J., in December, 1903. CHARLES CHURCHILL, LONDON, ENG. (No. 433, page 538.) Branch.] SEVENTH GENEEATION 539 lived there until the removal of his father's family to Newark, N.J., in 1861, and was educated in the public schools, and in his father's business of exporting American tools and machinery. He removed to London, Eng., in 1862, and there in 1865 established the house of Charles Churchill & Co., engineers and importers of American machine tools, which in 1903 was at 9-15 Leonard street, Finsbury. He has made frequent visits to America. Married, March 19, 1861, Charlotte Louise Lewis, born in Sing Sing, N.Y., in 1836. Children born in London. 664a I. Charles Henrt,* b. April 1, 1864; m. Margaret Sarah James, dau. of John and Amelia, July 1, 1891. Children lorn in London. 1. Harold Edwin, b. July 16, 1892. 2. Enid Margaret, b. May 25, 1896. 665 II. Willis Clark,* b. May 5, 1868. 666a III. Arthur Lyman,* b. June 12, 1872 ; m. Mart Minnie Guthrie, dau. of John Buchanan and Mary (Cree) Guthrie, of London, Sept. 3, 1898. Children. 1. Audrey Mary, b. July 9, 1899. 2. Daphne Louise, b. Nov. 7, 1902. IV. Alice Louise,* b. Oct. 12, 1878. 434. WILLIAM ALLEN" CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ Joseph'). Born in Newington, Conn., May 10, 1810. He received a common school education, and became apprenticed to William B. North, the first goldsmith and jeweler of New Britain, and himself afterwards developed and built up a great business in the same line, and which, owing to his genius and fine taste, became one of the finest houses in the country ; indeed, as Elihu Burritt, in his memorial address, said of him, " He founded here in New Britain a normal school of aisthetic culture for beautifying homes with the best artistry of nature." He had a great influence in the community by his example, first, perhaps, in making his own house and grounds beautiful, but in many other wa}s of wise citizenship and generous public spirit. The Centre Church at New Britain is a lasting monument to his devotion, taste, and genius, while in many other directions the public welfare received his loyal service. He died May 28, 1874. Married 1st," in New Britain, Conn., Sept. 14, 1835, Eliza Jane Francis, who died Jan. 23, 1837 ; 2d, in Wethersfield, Conn., Dec. 4, 1838, Sarah Wells Blinn. 540 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut One child by First Wife. I. Eliza Jane,* b. Aug. 24, 1836; m. Col. Emory Foote Strong, of Bridgeport, as liis second wife, July 28, 1858. No cliildren men- tioned. Mrs. Strong died in November, 1892. Children of Second Wife. II. Sarah Augosta,^ b. July 8, 1841; m. Frank Louis Hungerford, Dec. 21, 1869. They lived at New Britain, Conn. Children. 1. Wm. Churchill Huns?erford, b. Feb. 26, 1871; m. Charlotte Olmstead of New York City, Nov. 2, 1898. 2. Florence Hunsrerford, b. Nov. 25, 1874; d. Nov. 24, 1876. 3. Frank Mills Hungerford, b. Sept. 14. 1878; d. July 14, 1893. 4. Belle Hiingerford, b. Dec. 15, 1881; d. Sept. 11, 1887. III. Julia Isabella,^ b. Aug. 14, 1843; m. John B. Powell. No children. 666 IV. William Walcott,* b. Sept. 22, 1845. Unmarried. 667 V. Frederick Hosea,® b. March 27, 1848; m. Annie Louisii Smith, dau. of William H., born in New Britain, Conn., Nov. 5, 1874. He graduated at the high school in 1867 and at the Shef- field Scientific School, Yale College, in 1870. He then spent several years in the study of the law, and graduated from the Law School of Harvard University in 1874. He began practice in New Britain, and was very successful, but turned his attention to the study of electrical science and with intense application devoted himself to the purpose of forming an electric com- pany in New Britain. The strain of this extra study and work, added to his increasing professional labors, undoubtedly over- taxed the rather slender constitution and exceedingly sensitive, nervous temperament, till reason was temporarily unbalanced and in a moment, by his own hand, he took his own life, so prized in the community, so precious to his family. In every direction he had all, it seemed, that any one could have to live for. His home and family relations were the happiest possible, and in his business aiid social life all was proraiseful and good ; and he was very happy in all ways, especially in his beautiful home. He was a man of generous impulses, and strict integrity, and his untimely loss, just in the beginning of his prime of manhood, was widely and deeply mourned. He died March 4, 1881. Children born in New Britain. 1. May, b. Sept. 2, 1875 ; m. George Sherman Talcott, June 9, 1897, who was born in New Britain, Conn., July 27, 1879, a graduate of Yale College 1891. Child (1) Lucy Talcott, b. April 10, 1899. 2. William, b. Nov. 3, 1876; graduated at Yale College in 1897. 3. Rose, b. June 3, 1878. VI. Annie Florence,** b. Feb. 4, 1853; d. March 14, 1858. 435. LOREY ' CHURCHILL (James,« Joseph ^).^Born in Newmgton, Conn., June 20, 1821. He lived many years in Baltimore, Md. He died in New Haven at the house of his father, Samuel, May 7, 1876. Married, July 18, 1841, Lucy Steel. Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 541 Children, probably all born in Baltimore, Md. I. Louisa,* b. March 11, 1844. 668 II. Alonzo,^ b. March 11, 1846; d. young. III. LoREY.'' b. Oct. ."), 1847; d. voung. IV. LucY,« b. Dec. 20, 1848. V. James,® b. April 13, 18.50; d. very soon. 669 VI. James,* b. Sept. 8, 1851. Married, and in 1899 was living in Bal- timore, Md., but we have no further record. 436. SAMUEL W." CHURCHILL (James,'' Joseph-^*). Born in New- ington, Conn., June' 18, 1828. He grew up on the old homestead at Newington, and for a time operated the old grist-mill. About 1855 he bought a farm in New Britain, Conn., in that part known as the " Stanley Quarter.'' Later he became engaged as a contractor with the firm of 0. B. North & Co., of New Britain, and, in 1861, removed to New Haven. In 1890 he removed to Milford, Conn., where he lived with his wife and daughter, Ruby, until 1903, when the family returned to New Haven. Married, Dec. 26, 1855, Ellen L. Hubbard, born Dec. 12, 1836, at New Britain, Conn., daughter of Henry E. Hubbard. Children. 670 I. Charles S.," born in New Britain Conn., Sept. 22, 1856; m. in New Britain, Nov. 11, 1885, Anna D. Green, dau. of Robert C of Pottsville, Peon. Mr. Churchill was educated at New Haven and at Yale Univer- sity, where he graduated from the Sheffield Scientific School in 1878. Entered the railway service as civil engineer in 1879, and has been engaged continuously in that profession since, in the pro- jection and construction of some important lines in Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Virginia, West Virginia and Ohio, and is at present (1904) chief engineer of the Norfolk and Western R.R. Office at Roanoke, Va. The family live at Roanoke, Va. Mr. Churchill is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and of other important railway and technical societies. Children. 1. Mary E., b. in Pottsville, Sept. 30, 1886. 2. Ethelind, b. in Roanoke, Va., Feb. 1, 1889. 3. Robert C., b. in Roanoke, Va., Oct. 20, 1890. 4. Helen E., b. in Roanoke, Va., Jan. 6, 1893. II. Ida N.,** b. in New Britain, Conn., April 23, 1859; m. 1st, Harry Chaffee, Oct. 13, 1875. Mr. ChafPee died Dec. 2, 1880, leaving two children. Mrs. Chaffee m. 2d, Christopher T. Langley. * My search for the father of Joseph ^ has been diligent and persistent, but up to this time I have found no positive proof A tradition, coining directly from his oldest daughter, born in 1778, that her father's family was driven from their home at a place called " Three Rivers," by the Indians, seems to i)oint to Giles Churchill, who left Newington, and in 1751 settled at the Forks of the Delaware river and was driven off with his family and died in P'lorida, N.Y., 1771. He had five children born at the " Forks," but we think he had others before settle- ment there, of whom one was Joseph. See note in Appendix. 542 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Children of First Husband. 1. Herbert Chaffee, h. Aug. 26, 1877. 2. Hattie May Chaffee, b. Oct. 4, 1879; d. March 1890. Children of Second Husband. 3. Frederick D. Langley, b. Aug. 17, 1886. 4. Nellie D. Langley, b. Nov. 1, 1887. 5. Raymond Langley, b. Feb. 2, 1889; d. young. 6. Ruth C. Langley, b. Jan. 31, 1891. 7. Edwin H. Langley, b. Jan. 11, 1893; d. young. III. Hattie,* b. in New Britain, Conn., Oct. 8, 1860; d. in New Haven, Dec. 2, 1877. 671 IV. Virgil,** b, in New Haven, Nov. 3, 1865; m. Jennie E. Hubbell, New Haven, Nov. 17, 1886. They live in New Haven. He is a watchman and inspector (1904). Children. 1. Louise Estelle, b. May 14, 1887. 2. Frank Virgil, b. in Milford, Conn., Oct. 27, 1891. 3. Charles S., b. Skelton, Conn., Aug. 3, 1893. 4. Calvin Downs, b. in New Haven, Julv 12, 1895. 5. Elsie May, b. July 21, 1900, in New Haven. V. Ruby J.,^ b. in New Haven, May 5, 1878; unmarried in 1904. Living with her parents in New Haven, Conn. 437. AMOS ' CHURCHILL ( Josiah,« Jonathan,^ Jonathan/ Jona- than/^ Joseph,'^ Josiah ^ ). Born in Bridgewater, Penn., Jan. 23, 1808. He inherited the paternal homestead in Bridgewater, in that section which afterwards became Franklin. His father died when he was a child, and he was placed under a guardian, who taught him to spell his name Churehell, and this form was handed down to his children, but we retain the common form. He died in Franklin, Oct. 22, 1850. Married, at Bridgewater, March 4, 1829, Abigail HoLLEY, born near White Hall, IST.Y., and died at Franklin, Penn., Oct. 7, 1890. Children born iti the old home above noted. I. Louisa,* b. Jan. 15, 1831; m. Miles J. Hadsell, April 2, 1863. One Child. 1. Albert Josiah Hadsell, b. Oct. 26, 1864. 672 II. Edward," b. June 5, 1833; m. Jane A. Thomas, April, 1872. He died in Franklin, Penn., Aug. 5, 1876. No children. Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 543 673 III. Ur. Albert,* b. March 17, 1836; m. Mart A. Gdthrie, March 31, 1861. She was born at Carthage, Mo., Feb. 7, 1844. He was educated as a physician, and at the beginning of the war was in Missouri, and was in the midst of stirring scenes during the years of its continuance, in wliich time he " drifted " into Texas, and located for some years in Fannin and Grayson Counties, in that State. In 1867 he settled in Nevada, Mo., and has since, up to 1904, lived there. Dr. Churchill is active in other ways than his profession, and has taken great interest in many reform movements, local and general. He is an outspoken and forceful writer and has thus exerted a wide influence. Children. 1. May Bell, b. Feb. 3, 1862, in Newton County, Mo.; m. Wni. F. Norman, Oct., 10, 1883. Children: (1) Clyde Churchill Norman, b. Oct. 27, 1884. (2) Glenn Erwin Normnn, b. July 2. 1886. 2. Mary Alice, b. in AVarren, Tex., Dec 10, 1863 3. Ella Louisa, b. in Grayson County, Tex , Apr. 22, 1866. 4. Lula Viola, b. in Nevada, Mo., July 25, 1870. 5. William Albert, b. in Nevada, Mo', Sept. 14, 1872. 6. Edwin Ross, b. in Nevada, Mo., Aug. 23, 1875. 7. Frank Lee, b. in Nevada, Mo., Feb. 6, 1879. IV. Almira,8 b. July 11, 1839 ; m. Orlando J. Ross, May 1, I860. They lived in Binghamton, N.Y. Mrs. Ross has been much interested and has helpfully aided in compiling this branch of the family. Children. 1. Jennie Alice Ross, b. Aug. 30, 1865. 2. William Henry Ross, b. Aug. 31, 1868, d. Mar. 23, 1871. 3. Timothy Amos Ross, b. Oct. 30, 1870, d. Jan. 8, 1871. V. Lucy Maria,** b. June 22, 1844; m. Dr. Watson Hull, Nov. 20, 1865. They lived in Monroeton, Fenn. Mrs. Hull has been, for many years, an eflBcient ami kindly helper in the work of compiling this genealogy. Child. 1. Jennie Lucy Hull, b. July 13, 1867, at Vestal Centre, N.Y. 439. FREEBORN" CHURCHILL (Leman,« Jonathan,"^ Jonathan/ Jonathan,-^ Joseph,- Josiah ^ ). Born in Eranklin, Penn., Sept. 15, 1817. Lived at Great Bend, Penn. Married, March 6, 1850, in Bridgewater, Penn., Eliza Jane C'lemens, born Sept. 20, 1824, in New Preston, Conn. Children horn at Great Bend,, Penn. 674 I. Leman Augustus,- b. April 29, 1852. II. Kate Amelia,** b. April 15, 1859. 676 III. Elmer Judson,* b. Dec. 5, 1861. 544 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut 440. NORMAN W." CHURCHILL (Moses, Jr./ Moses,^ Jonatha^V Jonathan,^ Joseph,- Josiah^). Born in Sheffield, Mass., April 25, 1826. Lived for a time in Virginia, but returned later and lived at Sheffield, Mass. Married, in Newark Valley, N.Y., Nov. 25, 1855, Betsey M. Sheldon, born in New Marlboro', Mass., Jan. 16, 1832. Children. 676 I. George H.,** b. at Louisa Court House, Va., Aug. 30, 1856; m Mary R. Lincoln, Nov. 2(1, 187ti; d. Nov. 19, 18S2; and he married 2d, Clara E. Frisbie, of Huron, Dakota, June 25, 1885. Child of First Wife. 1. Mabel L., b. at Kirkville, Mo., Aug. 9, 1877. Child of Second Wife. 2. Clyde, b. Sept. 4, 1886. 677 II. Robert S.,^b. at Sheffield, Ma$s.,. Feb. 9, 1866. Unmarried in 1887. In 1887 he was living in Highmore, Dakota, and wrote us. III. Wilfred N.,^ b. at Sheffield, Mass., Oct. 15, 1867; d. Aug. 2, 1868, at Hudson City, N.Y. 441. GEORGE WILLIAM' CHURCHILL (William,^ Oliver,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,^ Joseph,^ Josiah^). Born in Munroe County, N. Y., 1843. He was '' bound-out," when a boy, to the age of twenty-one, with a man in Churchville, N. Y He removed to Illinois, and in 1863 enlisted in the array as second lieutenant. In 1901 he lived at Plattsville, 111., a retired farmer. Married, in Kendall County, 111., 1871, Mary J. Peterson. Children. 678 I. Rdfus J.,* born in 1874; m. Edna E. McClodd, in 1897. 679 II. Clarence G.,« b. in 1876; m. Mart A. Heap, 1896. III. Nora Mae,* b.. in 1884 ; unmarried. Living at home in Plattsville in 1901. 443. JONATHAN THORNTON' CHURCHILL (Leman,« Amos,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,^ Joseph," Josiah^). Born in Bolton, Canada, May 10, 1825. The family was living in Canton, N.Y., in 1890. Married, Oct. 19, 1847, Emily E. Leonard. Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 545 Children, the first three horn in Westford, Vt., the rest in Canton, N. V. 680 I. Alba Leman,* b. July 2, 184!); in. 1st, Abbie M. Austin; 2d, Mart Jane Edward.s. This family lived in West Brookfield, Mass., January, 1890. No children reported Charles H ," b. Dec. 23, 1851. Addison E.," b. March 21, 1854. Jonathan A ,** h Oct. H, 185.5. Emma E.,*^ b. Dec. 17, 1857. Richard E.,« b. Oct. 8, 1859. Omer V ,« b. Jan. 18, 1862. Amo.s A.,^ b. Sept. 10, 1864. Ella E.,'' b. May 4, 1866. Alice A.,« b. Nov. 5, 1868. XI. Ada I., M>. January, 1871. <>81 II. 682 III. 683 IV. V. 684 VI. 685 VII. 686 VIII. IX. X. 443. ELIAS D.' CHURCHILL (Leman," Amos,^ Jonathan/ Jona- than,'' Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born in Bolton, Ont., May 18, 1827. In 1891, it is said, lived in Fredericksburg, Iowa. He was married and had two sons and two daughters, but we have not received any further news of the family. 444. RICHARD H.' CHURCHILL (Leman,« Amos,^ Jonathan,^ Jonathan,' Joseph,'- Josiah ^). Born in Bolton, Canada, Aug. 22, 1835. Married Susan Riddle. Children . I. John L.,» b, 1860; d. in 1886. II. Susie A.,** b. 186:' ; ra. Mr. IIolroyd. They lived in Geneva, 111., in 1891 687 in. Frank Burr,'' b. 1871 ; m. Wife's name not received. Child. 1. Paul, b. in Flanigan, 111., 1891. 445. HIRAM PARKER" CHURCHILL (Hiram," Amos,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan,-' Joseph,- Jostah '). Born at Bolton, Canada, March 28, 1828. He was a farmer. Lived at North Brookfield, Mass., and North Fairfax, Vt. Married, at North Brook- field, Mass., Dec. 19, 1850, Mary Warner Thompsois, daughter of Chauncey. 2d, at North Fairfax, Vt., March 29, 1864, Mrs. Paulina (Leonard) Story, daughter of Hemau Leonard. 546 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut Children, first two born in North Brookfield, the others in Fairfax, Vt. 688 I. George O.,^ b. Dec. 7, 1854 ; m. Gertrude B. Locke, Grand Island, Neb. They lived in Fairmont and Hastings, Neb. He was a photographer. Children. 1. Leslie Parker, b. April 7, 1881. 2. Clarence Montague, h. Nov. 10, 1882. 3. Frank Oliver, b. September, 1884. 4. Leroy Edmund, b. April 3, 1886. 5. Robert Julius, b. March 25, 1889. II. Henrt E.,^ b. Aug. 13, 1857; d. at South Fairfax, Vt., June 14, 1867. III. Sarah A,,sb. July 13, 1863; d. at South Fairfax, September, 1866. Children of Second Wife. 689 IV. William L.,^ b. April 23, 1865; m. Jennie King, of Georgia, Vt., Oct. 14, 1901. 690 V. Frank E.,* b. Feb. 29, 1868. VI. Hattie E.,^ b. Sept. 11, 1870; m. Elbier Judd, of North Fair- fax, .'^pril 7, 1891. 691 VII. Hervey a. ,8 b Sept. 11, 1870; m. 1st, Kate Rankin ; 2d, Jen- nie Brigham. 692 VIII. Mtron L.,» b. July 23, 1881. 446. - OLIVER JOSEPH" CHURCHILL (Hiram,^ Amos/ Jona- than/ Jonathan/ Joseph/ Josiah^). Bom at Bolton, Canada, Oct. 17, 1827. Lived at North Fairfax, Vt., and was a farmer. Married, at North Brookiield, Mass., June 15, 1853, Mary Ann Kimball, daughter of Benjamin and Abigail (Irving) Kimball. Children born at North Fairfax, Vt. I. Anna Elizabeth,* b. May, 1854; m. Walter G. Mandell, Sept. 16, 1875. 693 II. Warren Augustus,** b. February, 1858; d. unmarried at North Brookfield, Nov. 17, 1871. III. Ella Adelaide,* b. April 11, 1862 ; m. Arthur J. Goddard, Feb. 6, 1883. 694 IV. PjLmer Addison,** b. April 11, 1862; m. Eudora F. Browning, at Rutland, Mass., July 29, 1886. She was the daughter of George Porter and Arvilla H. (Baker) Browning. Residence in North Brookfield, where Mr. Churchill is foreman in a shoe manufactory. They have had one child. 1. Leon Elmer, b. at North Brookfield July 31, 1887; d. July 31, 1894. 696 V. Herbert Hiram,* b. Jan. 2, 1866; m. Carrie E. Darling, West Brookfield, June 15, 1892. She was daughter of George A. and Amelia H. (Mosier) Darling. Children born at North Brookfield. 1. Roy Oliver, b. Dec. 28, 1893. 2. Merle A., b. March 12, 1895. 3. Warren E., b. Dec. 21, 1897. 4. Leon A., b. June 13, 1901. Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 547 448. ORWELL' CHURCHILL (Stephen M.,« William,-^ Will- iam,* Jonathan/^ Joseph,- Josiah^). Born in Randolph, Ohio, Feb. 135, 1822. He was a farmer at Randolph. iNIarried, at Randolph, June 4, 1843, Clarissa Colton, daughter of Chesley and Polly Colton. Children born oA Randolph. I. Marvin \N .,^ b. May 6, 1844; in. Malitta Merriman, Dec. 26, 1865. 696 II. Edward ,!.,» b. Dec. 1, 1848; ra. Ellen Todd, March 20, 1867, at Edinburgh. Children born at Rootstoicn and Randolph. 1. Alice B., b. May 4, 1870; ni. Charles L. GouMin, Dec. 24, 1890, Rootstown, O. They have one chilrl, Gladys I. Gonl- din, b. at Ravenna, Oct. 3, 1891. 2. Ellen L., b. Sept. 6, 1875. ;;. Walter O., b. at Randolph, Nov. 26, 1878; m. Dorothea Kemp, Dec. 25, 1901, at Ravenna. III. Clara A.,^ b. Nov. 19, 1856; ni. Frank Morrison, Sept. 5, 1879, at Ravenna. One Child. 1. Frank Morrison, b. Aug. 29, 1888, at Rockcreek, Ohio. 449. JULIUS RALPH' CHURCHILL (Stephen M.,*"- William,'^ William,'* Jonathan,^ Joseph,'- Josiah '). Born at Randol[)h, Ohio, June IB, 18,32. He lived at Lime, Ohio, where he was a tan- ner. Married, Dec. 22, 1857, Lucinda E. Saint, daughter of Levi and Mary M. (Miller) Saint. Children horn at Livie. I. Melvin,* died in infancy. II. Ladra M.,^ b. April 21, 1861; m. Charles M. Melhokn, Oct. 13, 1881, at Westminster, Ohio. 697 III. Julius A.," b. Oct. 12, 1862; m. Florence Jennings, Oct. 18, 1887, at Crookston, Minn. 698 IV. Clifford B.,« b. Aug. 25, 1864 ; m. Carrie B. Farat, June 6, 1899, at Lime. 699 V. Lee Porter,* h. Jan. 1, 1867. 700 VI. Stephen M.,* b, Sept. 27, 1873; m. Mildred Keil, Sept. 7. 1898, at Lime. 451. PETER" CHURCHILL (David,'' David,'^ Jonathan,^ Jona- THAN,'' Joseph,-^ Josiah^). Born in Zora, Ont., Jan. 3, 1829- Removed with his father's family to Berlin, Mich., in 1839. He 548 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut lived at Novesta, Mich. Married, at Romeo, Macomb County, Ont., Charity E. Clark. Children. 701 I. LoREN N.,^ b. March 19, 1860; m. 1st, Nellie Adelaide Phillips, Dec. 26, 1892, who died July 12, 1895 ; m. 2d, Mrs. Mary E. McNoTT, March 27, 1899. Child of First Wife. 1. Eveline May, b. Nov. 6, 1893. Child of Second Wife. 2. Eliott Glenn, b. April 8, 1900. 702 II. Jason N.,» b. Oct. 21, 1862. Lived at Novesta, Mich., in 1902. III. Viola Isola,- b. July 23, 1864; m Samuel J. Mitchell, Dec. 19, 1894. They lived at Shabbona, Mich. Children. 1. Gladys E. Mitchell, b. Jan. 13, 1897. 2. Harry S. Mitchell, b. May 18, 1898. IV. EvA,s b. April 20, 1868; m. Albert W. Kitchin, March 18, 1891, at Novesta, Mich. They lived at Cass City, Mich. Children. 1. Jason A. Kitchin, b. Mav 18, 1893. 2. Ray E. Kitchin, b. June' 30, 1895. 3. Alice E Kitchin, b. Jan. 16, 1897; d. Aug. 23, 1898. 703 V. WiLLARD D.,^ b. Nov. 12, 1870; m. Jennie I. Henderson, June, 13, 1894. Children . 1. Lillie M., b. July 11, 1895. 2. Daniel P., b. June 21, 1897. 704 VI. William H.,« b. Nov. 12, 1870. 705 VII. Warren H.,** b. April 20, 1876; m. Lillian Maud Milton, at No- vesta, June 18, 1902. VIII. FjRmina May,- b. Feb. 10, 1878; in. Ira R. Howey, at Novesta, June 18, 1902. They lived at Novesta, Mich. 455. JAMES D.' CHURCHILL (Cyrus," David,^ Jonathan,^ Jona- than,^ Joseph,- Josiah^). Born at Zora, Can., July 6, 1828- He removed with his father's family in 18.37 to Almont, Mich., and lived there. Married, at Almont, Mich., Sept. 27, 1856, Frances P. Warner. Children born at Almont, Mich. I. Belle,*" b. Nov. 11, 1857; m. William Spangler, of Almont July 12, 1883. Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 549 Children. 1. Neva B. Spangler, b. July 18, 1886. 2. Roy Churchill Spangler, b. May 26, 1888. 706 II. Cyrus J., « b. Nov. 27, 1859. III. Frances A.,« b. Oct. 7, 1861. IV. Flora L.,* b. May 8, 1864 ; d. May 20, 1865. 707 V. Robert D.,» b. June 11, 1867. 708 VI. Fred M.,«b. May 17, 1831. 463. DAVID' CHURCHILL (Truman,'^ David,^ William,-* Jon- athan,^ Joseph,'- Josiah^). Born in Middlesex (Jounty, Ont., Nov. 11, 1833. Removed with his family to Lapeer County, Mich., in 1836. The latest news from this famil}' was given by Mr. David Churchill himself, dated at Imlay City, Mich., Nov. 18, 1889, and given below. Married, in 1857, Mauv J. Reynolds, who was born in Northumberland County, Out., 1840. Childi-en. I. VioLETTA,* b. March 21, 1858; lu. Duncan McNevin, in 1879. II. Emma J., « b. March 3U, 1860; m. J. C. Willis, in 1879. III. Anna E.,^ b. May 20, 1838; m. W. H. Terry, in 1882. IV. LucY,« b. June 24, 1871 ; m. F. H. McClish, 1888. 709 V. Frank G.," b. June 3, 1878. 465. AV ALTER B.' CHURCHILL (William," David,"^ Jonathan,^ Jonathan,^ Joseph,"- Josiah^). Born in Oxford County, Can., March 27, 1837. Removed with his father's family, soon after his birth, to Lapeer County, Mich. He received a common school education. He engaged in business in Imlay City, Mich. He was a prosperous and influential citizen. He served in various public offices, among which were township supervisor for sixteen years, and county treasurer four years. Married, at Imlay City, May 8, 1858, Maria J. Best, daughter of John P. and Catherine (Walker) Best, of Imlay City. Children born at Imlay City. 710 I. George H.,* b. Oct. 24, 1870; m Isaline Vail, at Almont, Mich., Sept. 3, 1896. II. Maud P.,» b. Jan. 8, 1883; m. Austin Lord, Aug. 3, 1901. 470. LEWIS ABRAHAM' CHURCHILL (James H.," Samuel,^ Jonathan,'' Jonathan,-^ Joseph,- Josiah\). Born Aug 16, 1837, 550 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut in Bearsville, Can. Removed to Michigan about 1860. Mr. Churchill wrote us Feb. 17, 1890, and then lived at Pine Grove, but post-office address, Gobleville, Mich. Married, in Townsend, Can., West, 1859, Eunice Flanders, born " on Nottaway Prairie," St. Joseph's County, Mich., Aug. 17, 1840. Children. I. Florence Idelle,* b. in Volinia, Mich., Aug. 26, 1860; m. Wm. W. Patrick, June 1, 1887. 711 II. Frank F.,» b. in Pine Grove, Micli., Oct. 6, 1865; m. Eva M. VooRHEES, Dec. 25, 1886. He was a music teacher in the State Normal School ; 1903 lived in Plattsville, Mich. Children born there. 1. Floyd, b. Dec. 13, 1887. 2. Bessie, b. Jan. 1, 1889. 712 III. Charles Ci.aude,8 b. Feb. 30, 1877. 471. FRANCIS LEVI ' CHURCHILL (James H.,« Samuel,^ Jona- than,'' Jonathan,^ Joseph,'- JosiAH^). Born in Norfolk County, Ont., Aug. 8, 1839. Removed to Michigan and lived there. He died March 22, 1872. Married, Jan. 3, 1862, Lydia Dixon, of Volinia, Mich. Child. 712 I. Dixon J.,** b. Nov. 12, 1864; married, but name of wife not obtained. He finislied his education at Ann Arbor University, Mich., and settled at Plattsville, where he was a professor of music for eight years. He died, leaving a widow and one son. After his death his widow, with her husband's mother, Mrs. Lydia Churchill, and the boy, removed to California, where, in 1903, they lived on a fruit- farm. 473. ORLAND EUGENE • CHURCHILL (James H.,« Samuel,^ Jonathan,^ Jonathan,^ Joseph,^ Josiah\). Born in Norfolk County, Out., May 1, 1849. He was a teacher and later a farmer, and lived at Penn., Mich., in 1890. Married, April 29, 1873, Abbie D. Sturr, daughter of Joseph, of Volinia, Mich. y Children. 713 I. Joseph S.,^ b. Feb 3, 1875. He was a teacher in Cass County, Mich., in 1903. 714 II. Fred Pearse,* b. May 14, 1878. He was a farmer in 1903. His mother was then living with him. Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 551 474. FRANK DELASON " CHURCHILL (Adonikam J.,« Samuel,^ Jonathan/ Jonathan,^ Joseph,' Josiah^). Born in Eldorado, Wis., Aug. 28, 1853. Lived in Bushnell, South Dakota, in 1904 ; a school teacher and farmer. Married, in Webster, South Dakota, May, 1884, Harriet Allen, daughter of Lucian and Rhoda Allen. Children horn in Bushnell. I. Rhoda Celestja,** b. March 28, 1885. II. LuciAN Allen,* b. Sept. 15, 1887. 475. CYRUS WILLIxlM' CHURCHILL (Auoniram J.,« Rev. Samuel,^ Jonathan,'' Jonathan,^ Joseph,- Josiah ^). Born in Fon du Lac County, Wis., Sept. 5, 1855. Removed West and settled in Brookings County, South Dakota, a farmer. Married, at Spring Valley, Minn., March 12, 1882, Jennie L. Bailey, born in Illinois, March 10, 18G5. Children horn in Brookings County, South Dakota. I. Myrtle Louise,^ b. Aug. 4, 1883. II. Maude Ethel,^ b. Sept. IG, 1884. 715 III. Charles Jud.son,* b. Jan. 1, 1891. IV. Lyla Fern,« b. Feb. L>7, 1900. 476. GEORGE HARVEY' (mURCHILL (Adoniram Judson,« Rev. Samuel,^ Jonathan,* Jonathan," Joseph,- Josiah^). Born in Eldorado, Wis., May 7, 1860 Lived in South Dakota and at Spring Valley, Minn., where he was a farmer. Married at Spring Valley, March 19, 1884, Maggie Loitcks, daughter of Harmon and Eve Ann ( ) Loucks. CJiildren. I. Harriett,** b. Sept. 22, 1885, in Rondell, South Dakota. II. Irene C.,** b. Oct. 22, 1887, in Groton, South Dakota. III. Jay E.,** b. Nov. 5, 1889, in Spring Valley, Minn. IV. Glen R.,^ b. April 21, 1892, in Frankford, Minn. V. Charles W.,* b. June 2, 1897, in Spring Valley, Minn. VI. Doris L.,** b. Oct. 2, 1899, in Spring Valley, Minn. 477. ALBERT NATHAN' CHURCHILL (Adoniram Judson,« Rev. Samuel,*^ Jonathan,'* Jonathan,^ Joseph,- Josiah^). Born in 552 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Connecticut. Eldorado, Wis., Dec. 6, 1865. Lived at Spring Valley, Minn., a farmer. Married, at Cherry Grove, Minn., Nov. 9, 1898, Anna Kavanagh, daughter of William aud Jane ( ) Kavanagh. Child. I. Dale K.,^ b. at Spring Valley, June 20, 1900. THE MANHATTAN BRANCH THE CHURCHILL FAMILY DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM CHURCHILL OF MANHATTAN FIRST GENERATION 1. AVILLIAMi CHURCHILL, the progenitor of the Manhattan branch of the Churchill family in America, appears first publicly mentioned on the occasion of his marriage in 1672. It has been conjectured that he was the son of Joseph Churchill of Loudon, but we have found no evidence to show such relation, or that Joseph of London had any family, or, in fact, anything about him further than the mention of his name as a merchant who was trading with merchants in Salem and elsewhere in the early times of the Massachusetts colony. The compilers have found no evidence of William's parentage, birth-place, or previous condition. It seems probable that he may have been a soldier, from his after career. When, in 1689, the revolution in England placed William of Orange on the throne, the provinces immediately repudiated the royal officers of James II., and the citizens organized for self government, pending the action of the new kiug. This citizens' party included the common people, with many of the most respectable Protestant citizens, while the officers and magistrates appointed by Jauies still adhered to him. Jacob Leisler, a German by birth, and senior cap- tain of one of the five train-bands of the town, commanded by Colonel Bayard, was commissioned by King James. Leisler was a zealous opponent of the Roman Catholics, a merchant of wealth, and a man of great energy and determination. The five companies of militia and a great crowd of citizens gathered about Leisler, and clamored for him to become leader of the party until news could be received from the new king ; so he assumed the place of power. AVilliam Churchill was appoiuted lieutenant, and Joost Stoll (^'a dram-man ") was chosen ensign. Leisler was chosen ruler of the town for the time, while Nicholson and the other officers of the province took refuge at Albany. Lieutenant Churchill became the chief military officer, and figured prominently in the conduct of affairs, under Lieut. -Governor Leisler, as he was chosen and called by the people, and after the new royal governor was sent over, and Leisler, by the devices of his enemies, was seized, condemned, and executed without the authority of the king, whose cause he had so (555) 556 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Manhattan faithfully served ; Churchill shared his overthrow, but after tem- porary imprisonuieut was released. The New York Historical Col- lections, in the volume for 1868, contain full details of the Leisler ' administratioii, with his subsequent arrest, trial, and execution, with the trial of his adherents. Lieutenant Churchill was tried, and the judge, in his charge referring to him, said he was " apparently illiterate,'' and his own testimony and conduct show him to have been an honest, fearless, and popular man, however uneducated, and his independent spirit was not broken by arrest or threats by the governing powers, for in 1696 he was summoned before the court because he refused to appear at muster in arms on a training-day, being enrolled as a " Sentinell " (i.e., private) in Captain Tudor's Company, and being summoned and " commanded by the Lieut. Coll, in his own person," did give him " insolent language." " Said Churcher," when brought before the court martial, " did alledge that he had a commission for a lieutenant under Leisler, and did then say that he would not appear in arms in any inferior station, that being sufficient to discharge him." But the court did not con- cur in his opinion, and, for contempt aforesaid, did fine him ten pounds or six months' imprisonment. In 1698 William Churcher, bricklayer, was admitted freeman at New York. The lot of land in New York City upon which William Churchill lived was granted May 13, 1668, to Samuel Drissons, by Deputy Governor Richard Nicolls, and deeded by his widow Feb. 14, 1682, to Mr. Churchill, The description of this lot shows that it contained a " Spring of Water." Widow Susannah Churchill, Dec. 3, 1714, conveyed this same lot to William Prevoorst. This property is said to have been located on what is now Wall street. In the General Index to Land Records of New York is a description of a survey of land laid out to William Churchill, in 1676, eighty acres on the north west side of Staten Island, with six acres of salt meadow fronting said lot, and four acres fresh meadow in the cove, to the north of Daniel Perrin's lot. It is said that he removed to Jamaica, Long Island, about 1690, but the editor has- found no authority for the statement. Mr. Churchill made a will Sept. 19, 1702, in which, he gave the bulk, perhaps all, his property to his wife Susannah, but when this was offered for probate the authorities for some reason declared it invalid, and b}^ the custom of the English law, his estate passed to his eldest son, Charles, who it seems was a mariner, and on Sept. 25, 1714, executed a deed, conveying the property to his mother accord- ing to the terms of his father's will. William Churchill married at Manhattan, after March 10, 1672, Susannah Brayser, or Brasyer. The record of the New York Branch.] FIRST GENERATION 557 licenses for marriage reads, " William Churcher and Susannah Brasyer, March 10, 1672. Children horn in Manhattan, now New York City. I. Anne, ^ b. September, lfi73 ; d. May 15, 1691, aged 17| years. See gravestone in Trinity Churcbyard, New York. 2 II. Charles,- b. May, 1675; m but wife's name not known. III. Richard, " b. March, IBTfi; d. Aug. 5, 1681, aged hh years. 3 IV. Robert," m. Sarah ( ). 4 V. Edward,- b. 1679; m. Wentje Rtder. [Manhattan SECOND GENERATION. 2. CHARLES - CHURCHILL (William ^). Born in New York, 1675. He was a mariner and we have the account of his dealing with his mother in restoring to her the rights of property under his father's will which the law gave to him. Married ( ). Children.* I. A DAUGHTER, said to have niHrried and settled in King's County (Brooklyn), hut no further record of her is known. 5 II. John, ^ h. about 1725/6; m. Mary Taylor. III. Anna,^ m. 1st, Robert C-oker; m. 2d, Edward Abeil. Children baptized in the Reformed Dutch Church. 1. Robert Coker, bapt. June 4, 1715. The witnesses to this christening were Charles Churcher, Abiah Brazyer, and Susannah Churcher. 2. William Coker, bapt. Oct. 9, 1717. Witnesses, 'Hendrik Bras and Susannah Play. By Second Husband. 3. Edward Abeil, bapt. Dec. 25, 1719. Witnesses, Timothy Tilley and Janetje Pouwell. 3. ROBERT' CHURCHILL (William i). Born in Manhattan, now New York City. Settled at or near Fairfield, Conn. His will of Nov. 3, 1733, gives his property to his children, fifty shillings to Nehemiah, lands to Robert and daughters Elinor and Patience. Married, about 1693/4, Sarah ( ). Children born at or near Fairfield, Conn. T. Abigail,^ bapt. Feb. 17, lfi95. II. Sakah,3 bapt. Feb. 17, 1695. III. Elinor,-' bapt. Oct. 20, 1695; m. ( ) Sherwood. 6 IV. Nehemiah,* bapt. March 21, 1698; m. Martha Green May 3. 1716. 7 V. Edward,* b. about 1718; m. Esther Hdll, near Walesburg, New Haven County, Conn. 7a VI. Robert.' VII. Patience,* m. ( ) Osterbank. * It is probable that Charles Churchill had other childreii, but we have not found any positive evicjence. (558) Branch.] SECOND GENERATION 559 4. EDWARD- CHURCHILL (William i). Bovn in 1679 in Manhattan, now New York City, and was there brought up. Settled first in Jamaica, L.I., and May, 1839, at Rombout, now Fish- kill on the Hudson. He became an extensive land owner and a prominent citizen. He died between April 13 and Ma,y 13, 1757. His will, a very clear and strong document, is a type of the docu- ments of the time and place, and gives some indication of the character and disposition of the man. Thk Will of Edward Churchill. In the name of God, Amen ! I Edward Churchill of Rombout precinct, in the county of Dutcliess atid province of New York, being weak in body but of sound mind and memory and understaiidintj, tlianks be given to God for tlie same, and considering my life in danger, do make this my last Will and Testament as fol- loweth : First: I commit my precious and immortal soul to God who gave it, hoping for pardon and remission of all my sins through the merits of Jesus Clirist, my blessed Saviour and Redeemer, and my body to the earth, there to be buried in such christianlikc and decent manner as to my executors hereafter named shall seem meet and convenient. Item. I will that all my just debts and funeral charges be duly paid and sat- isfied. Item. I bequeath to Wentje, my dearly and well beloved wife, an honorable maintenance out of my real estate, and one of the small back rooms of niy house for her to live in. Hem. I give and bequeath to my well beloved son Abel, the sum of five pounds and cut him off from any farther or other right to ray estate both real and personal. Item.. 1 give and bequeath to my well beloved son John all my Real Estate during his natural life, and, after his decease I give it to his sons Joseph and PMward Churchill, to them their heirs ami assigns forever, to be equally divided between, both as to quantity and quality. I give also to my son John my Wagon and Tackling belonging to it, and my great coat, and the Book of Acts of Assem- bly of the Province of New York, and order that any of my children if they need may freely peruse said Book of Acts. hem. i give to my beloved son Robert, all and singular, my wearing clothes and apparel and my pleasure slay, and a bond he has given me, to be returned back to him again. Item. I give to my beloved daughter Anna, widow, relick of Isaac Coffin, the sum of forty-five pounds, to be deposited in the hands of my executors to be applied to her use as she shall need. Item. I give to my beloved daughter Levina, wife of John Totten, the sum of forty-five pounds. These Legacies to be paid out of my movable estate. Item. I give to my son John's son John the sum of five pounds. Item.. After all these Legacies arc paid, I will and order that in case anything remains of my personal estate that the said overplus shall be equally divided among my present grandchildren. Item. Lastly, I do nominate, constitute and appoint my son Robert Churchill, my son-in-law John Tottci^and William Roe, executors of this my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I, the said Edward Churchill, have hereunto set my hand and seal the thirteenth day of April in the thirtieth year of his ^lajesty's reign, and the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty seven. EDWARD CHURCHILL, L. S. 560 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Manhattan Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Edward Churchill to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who hereunto subscribe our names as witnesses in his presence. Chauncy Graham. DiECK Bkinkerhoff. Joseph Weight. Dutchess County ss. Be it remembered that on the thirteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty-seven, personally appeared before us. Jacobus Terbos Esqr., one of the Judges of the court of common pleas for the county assigned, and Henry Terbos and John Bailey, Esqrs., Justices of the peace in said county, Chauncy Graham and Dieck Brinkerhoff, two of the witnesses of the within last will and testament of Edward Churchill, and declared on the holy Evangelist of Almighty God that the within named Edward Churchill executed the within written instrument as his last Will and Testament by sign- ing, sealing, and publishing it to be his last will and testament in their presence, and that the said testator was of sound and perfect mind and memory according to the best of their judgment, and that Dieck Brinkerhoff further deposes and says that he saw Joseph Wright, the other witness of the said within last will and testament of the said Edward Churchill, sign his name as a witness in presence of the said testator. Sworn before us the day and year first above written. Jacobus Terbos. Henry Terbos. John Bailey. Sir Charles Hardy, Knight, Captain General and Governor-in-chief in and over the province of New York and the Territories depending thereon in America, Vice Admiral of the same, and Rear Admiral of the Blue Squadron of his Majesty's Fleet : To all to whom these presents shall come or may concern : Greeting : Know ye that at Dutchess county, on the thirteenth day of May Instant before Jacobus Terbos, Esqr., one of the Judges of the Superior Courts of common pleas for the said county, assisted by Henry Terbos and John Bailey, Esqrs., justices of the peace for snid county, and at the city of New York on the day of the date hereof before John Goldby , being thereunto delegated and appointed, the last Will and Testament of Edward Churchill, deceased, (a copy whereof is hereunto annexed) was proved, and now approved and allowed of by me. The said deceased having whilst he lived and at the time of his death Goods, Chattels and Credits within this Province by means whereof the proving and registering the said will, and the granting administration of all and singular the said goods, chattels and credits of the said deceased and any way concerning his will was granted unto John Tottcn, one of the executors in the said will named, being first sworn well and faithfully to administer the same and to make and exhibit a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the said Goods, Chattels and Credits, and also to render a just and true account thereof when thereunto required. In testimony whereof I have caused the Prerogative seal of the Province of New York to be hereunto affixed the seventeenth day of May one thousand seven hundred and fifty-seven. George Banyar, D. Secry. Edward Churchill, married, at Jamaica, L.L, March 1, 1714, Wentje (or Wanch) Ryder, said to have been the daughter of a Quaker from Rhode Island, who settled on Long Island and married a Dutch wife. Branch.] SECOND GEI^ERATION 5(U Children born , probably at Jamaica, L.I. 8 I. Abel,3 b. 1716. 9 II. JoHN,3 m. 1st, Hannah Hincke; 2d, Rebecca Sudred. III. Anna,^ m. Isaac Coffin. IV. Lavina,'^ m. John Totten. 10 V. Robert. 3 [Manhattan THIRD GENERATION. 5. JOHN 3 CHURCHILL (Charles,- William i). Born about 1725-6. Married Mary Taylor, who was born Aug. 10, 1731, and died Sept. 19, 1826, aged 95 years 1 month and 9 days. Ckildren. 11 I. James,^ b. Jan. 15, 1761; m. Hannah Dobbs. II. Stacia/ b. Feb. 2, 1770; d. unmarried Oct. 27, 1807. III. Elizabeth,^ b. 1772; m. John Applebee, 171)3. Children. 1. Elizabeth Applebee, b. 1794; m. Jasper Sherwood, 1818. Children: (1.) Eliza Jane Sherwood, b. 1819; m. A. M. Morton. (2.) Caroline Matilda Slierwood, b. 1821; m. A. M. Jacobs. (3) Andrew J. Sherwood, b. Oct 14,1828 6. NEHEMIAH s CHURCHILL (Robert,- William ^). Born at or near Fairfield, Conn., where he was baptized March 21, 1698. We have no further account of this family, except as below. Married May 3, 1716, JMartha Green. Child. I. Abigail,-* b. Feb. 17, 1718. 7. EDWARD^ CHURCHILL (Robert,- William i). Born about 1718. They lived in Greenwich, Conn. Married, in Walesburg, New Haven County, ('onn., 1741, Esther Hull, daughter of Abijah and Abigail. Children born in Greenwich, Conn. I. James,'* b. Dec. 25, 1742; d. in infancy. 12 II. John,'' b. June 3, 1744; m. 1st, ( •) Allen; m. 2d, Sarah ( )• III. Esther,^ b. May 11, 1746. 13 IV. Edward,* b. Sept. 4, 1748 ; m. ( ). V. Sarah,'* b. 1750; m. Gabriel Allen in West Haven. They had ten children, but we have not been able to obtain all the names. There were six sons and four daughters. From sev- eral letters written by one of the sons, Dr. Hull Allen, of Milford, (562) Branch.] THIRD GENERATION 563 Coni)., in 188!), wlien lie was in bis ninety-thin] ypar, we glean a few of the names. Several died in childhood. We give those we have, but perhaps not in order. Tlull Allen, b. 1797; m. and had one son and two daughlers. Betsey Allen, in. 1st, William Piatt; 2d. James Hitchcock, but bad no children. Sally Ann Allen, m. Isaac Tibbals, no children. Jos 'pb Allen died away from home. William Allen was a merchant in Westport, Conn. Edward Alleai, a clergyman in New Jersey, left two sons who became physicians. 8. ABEL ^ CHURCHILL (Edwakd,- William '). Born at Jamai- ca, L.I., probably 1716. He settled in his native place, Jamaica, L.I. iMarried (wife's name not ascertained). Child. U I. JoHN,^ m. Ua( HEL D.vvis, Nov. 30, 17fii). 9. JOHN'' CHURCHILL (Edward,- William i). Born at Ja- maica, L.I., 1718. Lived in Dutchess County, N.Y. Nov. , 1795; m. Mary Palmer. 25 III. Peter, ^ b. May 29, 1798; m. 1st, Lucinda Crane ; m. 2cl, Charity Williamson. 26 IV. James, Jr ,•' h. June 15, 1801 ; ni. Amanda Willard. 27 V. Frederick W.,'' b. April 15, 1804; m. Tabitha Willard. 28 VI. William, ■■' b. June 14, 180«; ni. Celinda P''isher, Feb. 16, 1832. He (lied Aug. 15, 1882, and she died March, 1877. No children. 29 VII. Alexander M.,' b. April 20, 1809; i". 1st, Lydia McKay; m. 2d, Jane Robertson. 30 VIII. Anson, ■■ b. Nov. 31, 1813; ni. Izabenda Bearse. 31 IX. Gilbert W.,* b. Sept. 21, 1815; m. 1st, Eleanor Rainey, who d. 1851; m. 2d, Harriet Littlefield. 12. JOHN ^ CHURCHILL (Edward,^ Robert,'^ William i). Born in Greenwich, Conn., June 2, 1744. Lived in Milford, Conn. He died Nov. 15, 1815. Married 1st, Allen ; married 2d, Sarah , born 1748. First Wife's Children born in Milford, Conn. 32 I John,'' b. Aug. 3, 1770; ni. Riihama Orton. II. Sarah,* h. March 30. 1772; m. Samuel Oviatt. 33 III. Timothy,'' b. June 23, 1776; m. Dorothy Kilborn, Feb. 24, 1803. 34 IV. William,* b. April 8, 1781 ; m. Keturah Morse. 35 V. Elias,* b. Feb. 15, 1783; d. unmarried Sept. 10, 1828. Second Wife's Children. 36 VI. Hull,* b. June 17, 1787. 37 VII. Garrett D.,* b. April 8, 1793; m. Elizabeth M. Root. (564) Branch] FOURTH GENERATION 565 13. EDWARD* CHURCHILL (Edward,^^ Robert,- William i). Born iu Greeuwich, Conn., Sept. 4, 1748. He lived in West Haven, Conn., and was a cooper by trade, and died in early manhood, leavr ing two children. Married, but we have not learned the name of his wife. Children born at West Haven, Conn., 2)rohahly. 88 I. Edward, Jr.,^ b. 1773; m. 1st, Margery Morse, 1797; m. 2d, Martha Morse. II. Abigail,^ b. Feb. 5, 1774; in. Elijah Lake. He died in 1835. She died Aug. 26, 1851. He was a farmer, and about 1811 settled in Millerton, N.Y., where Miss Louisa Lake, who furnished this account of her grandmother's family, was still living in 1902. Children horn in Millertov , X. Y. 1. Rebecca Lake, b. March 8, 1797; ni. Daniel Mosher. 2. Edward Lake, b. Jan. 17, 1800. 3. Israel Lake, b. Sept. 13, 1803; d. March, 1805. 4. Abigail Lake, b. Aug. 24, 1805; ni. Edmond Eldridge, of Mil- lerton. 5. Israel E. Lake, b. Oct. 8, 1808; ni. Cornelia Van Densen, Nov. 10, 1841. Children: (1) Sarah Jane Luke, b. Sept. 8, 1842; d. Aug. ?,\, 1856; (2) Laura E. Lake, b. Sept. 17, 1843; m. William E. Hamilton; d. Feb. 11, 1890, at Chapinville, Conn.; (3) Eliza Ann Lake, b. Nov. G, 1845; d April 20, 1847; (4) Louisa Lake, b. Oct. 1, 184G; (5) Emma Lake, b. Aug. 28, 1850; (6) Lj'dia M. Lake, b. Jan. 9, 1853; (7) Henry I. Lake, b. June 1, 1855; d. unmarried in Millerton, N.Y., Sept. 19, 1882; (8) Martha G. Lake, b. Feb. 21, 1858; m. Charles S. Davis, in Mil- lerton, Dec. 21, 1892. 6. Hannah Lake, b. May 7, 1811 ; d. in Millerton, Oct. 19, 1822. 7. Elijah Lake, Jr., b. Dec. 23, 1813; m. in Wisconsin: name of wife not received. 8. Phebe E. Lake, b. March 29, 1816; m. Josiah Wells, of Tioga County, N.Y. 9. Leonard A. Lake, b. May 26, 1819; m. Sarah Twi.ss. 14. JOHN * CHURCHILL (Abel,^ Edward,- William ^). Born at Jamaica, L.I. He joined the militia and Avent to Derby, Conn. Married, at Derby, Conn., Nov. 30, 1769, Rachel Davis, daughter of Gen. John Davis ; married by Rev. Richard Mayfield. Children. 39 I. William,^ b. Nov. 1, 1770. II. Abel.= b. Feb. 10, 1774. This man changed his surname to Church, so that we follow his line no further. 566 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Manhattan 15. JOHN ^ CHURCHILL ( John,^ Edward,- William i). Born in Dutchess County, N.Y., Jan. 25, 1746. They removed to Fairiield, Herkimer County, and he became there a prominent citizen, justice of the peace, etc. Married Jemima Kane, born Aug. 9, 1746. Children. I. Rebecca,'^ b. April 3, 1769; d. in infancy. II. John, Jr.,^ b. May 3, 1770; d. in infancy. 40 HI. Isaac, ^ b. Oct. 1, 1772; m. Hlldah Phillips. 41 IV. John,* b. Sept. 4, 1774; m. and had seven or eight children. V. Rebecca,* b. Oct. 4, 1776; m. Philip Kane. Cliildren. 1. John Kane, b. 1829; in. Betsey Nelson. Children : (1) Nelson Kane ; (2) Albert Kane; (3) Eliza Kane. 2. William Kane. 3. Nancy Kane. 4. Charles Kane. 5. Archibald Kane. VI. Catie,* b. Feb. 16, 1779; m. Ebenezek Watkins. VII. Nancy,* b. Oct. 1, 1780; m. John Pickert, Children. 1. Maria Pickert, b. Oct. 29, 1800; m. Manning Todd. Lived at Fairfield, N.Y. 2. Catherine Pickert, b. Oct. 6, 1802. 3. Levenus Pickert, b. Nov. 14, 1804. 4. Lysander Pickert, b. Oct. 16, 1806. 5. Nancy Pickert, b. Sept. 6, 1809; tn. Mr. Wooster. 6. Emilius Pickert, b. Aug. 8, 1812. 7. Sarah Pickert, b. March 29, 1815. 8. Lucina Pickert, b. July 12, 1818. VIII. Abraham,* b. June 9, 1782; never married. IX. Jemima,* b. March 31, 1785; m. Jacob Loocks. X. Philip,* b. Aug. 25, 1787; never married. XI. Sarah,* b. July 29, 1790; m. Benjamin Beckley. 16. EDWARD^ CHURCHILL (John,-* Edward,- William i). Born in Dutchess County, Feb. 2, 1749. Married Mary Eliza Ches.sman. Children . 42 I. Edward,* b. 1777; m. Phebe Ferris. II. Polly,* b. 1779; m. Caleb Van Wie. 43 III. Robert,* b. April 6, 1781; m. Rebecca Van Redsenberg. IV. Lovina,* m. Capt. ( ) Pearce. V. Rebecca,* m. Lewis Tator. VI. Phebe,* m. Jacob Backman. Branch.] FOURTH GENERATION 5G7 18. ISAAC ^ CHURCHILL (John,« Edward,- William'). Bom at Fishkill, N.Y., June 28, 1758. He served in the War of the Revolution, and was a pensioner. He lived near Little Falls, N.Y., over fifty years. Married Nancy Phillips in 1760 ; died April 13, 1847, aged 87 years. He died June 14, 1843. Children . 1. Rebecca,* m. John Lodx. II. Catherine,^ m. Abial Shetliff. 44 III. John S.,= b. 178-i; m. Ann Neely, b. 1787. 45 IV. Isaac, = b. Aug. (!, 1780; ru. Betsey Parker. V. Nancy, ^ m. Jacob Petkie. VI. PoLLT,* m. Thomas Buchanan. 4G VII. BEN.JAM1N Phillips,^ b. June, 1797; m. Cathekine Wetherwax, Dec. 17, 1817. 47 Vm. Keubbn,' b. March 5, 1800; m. Phebe Tucker. 48 IX. Henry, => b. Jan. 5, 1804; ui. Lydia Wetherwax. 19. JONAS* CHURCHILL (John,^ EdwarDj-^William '). Born at Fishkill, N.Y., Aug. 21, 1760. Removed to Little Falls soon after the close of the Revolutionary War, and lived and died there. Married Polly Sutton. Children born in Little Falls, JV. Y. 49 I- Oliver,' ni. Polly F'oster. II. Hannah,^ m. George Parker. III. Olive,' in. Mr. Cator. 50 IV. Jonas, ^ m. ( ), late in life. V. Anna,"" ni. Adam Bidleman. VI. Elizabeth,^ b. May 10, 1801 ; m. Samuel Miller. 20. HENRY 4 CHURCHILL (John,'^ Edward,- William i). Born at Fishkill, N.Y., March 6, 1763. Married Cvnthia Van Tassal. Children horn at Fishkill. 51 I. Benjamin,^ b. Jan. 7, 178.S; m. 1st, Deborah Vail, Nov. 1, 1806; lM, Rebecca Webb. II. Maria, ^ b. Nov. 5, 1792; lu. William Robinson, Jan. 30, 1813. They lived in Matteawan, where she died Feb. 23, 1879. Children. 1. Emiueline Robinson, b. Nov. 28, 1813; m. A. W. Lester, Oct. 4, 1842. She died June 18, 1844, leavini^ child (1) William R. Lester, b. Aug. 25, 1843. 568 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Manhattan 2. Cynthia Robinson, b. March 26, 1816; ni. David Ackerman, Nov. 30, 1838. Mrs. Ackerman was living near Fishkill, N.Y., in 1891. No children. 3. Henry Robinson, b. Nov. 24, 1819; m. Sarah Colville, June 5, 1851. They lived at the old homestead in Matteawan. Children: (1) Annie Robinson, b. May, 1852; (2) Carrie Robinson, b. September, 1856. 4. Mary Elizabeth Robinson, b. Sept. 9, 1821 ; died unmarried. 5. John Peter Robinson, b. May 4. 1825; m. Mary Low, of Patter- son, N.J., Oct. 11, 1854. Children: (1) Ida Robinson, b. 1855 ; (2) William Robinson, b. 1857; d. 1872; (3) Frank Robinson, b. 1860; d. October, 1875: (4) Mary Robinson, b. 1864; (5) John Peter Robinson, died in infancy. 6. Helen Louise Robinson, b. Dec. 3, 1827; m. Augustus Lester, of Troy, N.Y., May 2;5, 1848. Mr. Lester died in 1870. Children: (1) Augustus V. Lester, b. Feb. 14, 1849; d. March 22, 1850; (2) Frederic A. Lester, b. April G, 1851 ; living, unmarried, in Philadelphia in 1891 ; (3) Marie Louise Lester, b. April 10, 1853; m. 1st, E. S. Wheeler, d. 1883; m. 2d, Jud- son A. Brown, Oct. 11, 1888, and bj' the latter had child, Judson L. Brown, b. 1889; (4) George W. Lester, b. May 5, 1855; d. April 16, 1858; (5) Annie Lester, b. May 15, 1857; d. Nov. 12, 1860; (6) Carrie Lester, born March 4, 1860; d. Dec. 4, 1862. Henry, = b. Dec. 1, 1794; m. Helen Mott. John,"" b. April 1, 1799; ra. Rosanna Lton. Hannah,^ m. Daniel Moores. Rebecca,^ b. 1801; m. Daniel Phillips. Child. 1. Rebecca Phillips, m. Thomas L. Lester, of Matteawan. Children: (1) Henry M. Lester; (2) Mary L. Lester; (3) lAdelia D. Lester; (4) Elizabeth Lester; (5) Anna R. Lester; (6) Kittie S. Lester ; (7) Cornelia Lester. VII. Elizabeth,* m. Moses Nichols. VIII. Phebe,* m. Isaac Van Nostrand. 31. BENJAMIN* CHUHCHILL (John,'' Edwakd,- William i). Born in Dutchess County, N.Y., Oct. 30, 1765. Lived in Oppen- heim, N.Y. He died Nov. 26, 1862. Married 1st, Cornelia Van Tassal. Married 2d, Catherine Blaine, who was born Feb. 14, 1781, and died Jan. 30, 1868. Children of First Wife, born at Oppenheim, JV. Y. I. Rebecca,^ m, John Youran, of Oppenheim, N.Y. Children, perhaps not in order of birth. 1. Catherine Youran, m. Adam Deifeldorf. 2. Anna Youran, unmarried. 3. John Youran. 4. Sylvester Youran. 5. Benjamin Youran. 52 III. 63 IV. V. VI. Branch.] FOURTH GENERATION 569 II. William.^ III. Polly, ^ b. Dec. 20, 1792, m. Nathan Brown, who was the son of •Jdsiah and Elizabeth (Dodge) Brown, and was born at Williams- town, Mass., Jan. 23, 1787, and died at Oppenheim, March 23, 1856. Mr. Brown wa.s a widely known, prosperous, and highly respected business man. He was one of the most active of the forwarding merchants in the early days of tlie settlement of West- ern New York, and during the War of 1812 was extensively engaged in forwarding supplies and munitions of war. After the opening of the Erie Canal he became one of the proprietors of the Pilot line of boats, and at the great celebration of the completion of the canal Governor Clinton was conveyed in one of his boats and under his personal direction from Buffalo to Albany. He continued the active business agent of the company till 1830, when he retired to his farm in Oppenheim, and engaged exten- sively in agriculture. He tilled many public offices of trust with credit, and was a lifelong and earnest worker in the cause of temperance. In his private as well as public life he was a good, noble, and generous man. Children of Nathan and Polly {Churchill) Brow7i, born at Oppenheim, N. Y. 1. Elizabeth Brown, b. July 16, 1812; m. Dr. L. G. Haskins, at Oppenheim, N.Y., Sept. 4, 1834. She died at Newport, N.Y., Feb. 5, 189(). 2. Jeanette Brown, b. June '>, 1819; m. Erastus Heath She died in Rochester, N.Y., March 28, 1880. 3. Celestia Brown, b. May 3, 1821 ; m. Richard Hewitt. They lived in Johnstown, N.Y., where she died Feb. 6, 1904. 4. Mary Brown, b. Jan. 17, 1823; ni. Addison Lamberson, Dec. 11, 1845. They lived in Dolgeville, N.Y., where she died Oct. 24, 1899. 5. Ophelia Brown, b. Dec. 12, 1826; m. John W. Cook. She died in New Hartford, N.Y., Dec. 27, 1900. 6. Josephine Brown, b. July 4, 1829; m. 1st, Asa Snell ; 2d, James Brockett. She died in Dunkirk, Ind., April 22, 1903. 7. Stephen W. Brown, b. Oct. 4, 1835; ni. Electa Clark, Nov. 21, 1854. He died in Gloversville, N.Y., Sept. 5, 1898. IV. Henry,* m. Mlss Fauling, of Oppenheim, N.Y. V. L.\np:y,' m. Evalin Brown. Children of Second Wife, Catherine (Blaine) Churchill. VI. Archibald,^ b. March 22, 1804; d. April 2, 1808. VII. Enoch N.^ b. Nov. 5, 1805; m., but wife's name not received. They settled in Illinois first, but later in California, where he died. No children. VIII. Phebe,'' b. Sept. 3, 1807; m. Daniel Mosher. They had two sons and a daughter, names not received. Moved West, and all trace of the family lost. IX. Arvilla,* b. March 7, 1808; m. 1st, James Gordon, Nov. 5, 1828; m. 2d, Mr. Perkins. They lived in Oppenheim on a farm. Children, all by First Ilushand. 1. William Gordon, b. Aug. 8, 1829; d. July, 1840. 2. 'Caroline Gordon, b. March 1, 1831; m. Geo. Wilson in 1854. 3. Hiram Gordon, b. July 21, 1833; d. July, 1840. 4. Rebecca Gordon, b. March 11, 1836; d. July, 1840. 5. Armina Gordon, b. July 24, 1838; d. July, 1840. 570 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Manhattan 6. Mary Catherine Gordon, b. Nov. 1, 1840; m. I. G. H('rne. September, 1863. Was living in Bradford, Penn., May, 1904. 7. Benj. Gordon, b. April 7, 1843. Lost in the Civil War. 8. John Gordon, b. July 3, 1845; in. Matilda Seaman. 9. Robert Gordon, b. Oct. 4, 1847; m. Terrene Robinson, 1874. 10. Melissa Arvilla, b. Sept. 9, 1849; m.Geo. Malony, Jan. 1, 1868. 53a X. Joseph,^ b. Jan. 8, 1811 ; m. Lucv Pangburn, Jan. 14, 1840. XI. Adaline,'' b. Aug. 31, 1813; ra. 1st, a man who deserted his wife and child, Juliette Churchill; m. 2d, Mr. Williams and had two children, names not received. XII. Rhoda Ann,* b. Sept. 8, 1815 ; m.( ). Child. 1. Marie Antoinette, ra. Mr. Hastings, and they have two daughters, names not obtained. XIII. Benjamin,* b. Oct. 17, 1817, unmarried. About 1856 he went to California, where he became a respected and influential citizen, holding imj)ortant town and county offices. 63b XIV. John B.^* b. Nov. 7, 1819 ; in. 1st, Margaret GETMAN:2d name not obtained. XV". Almina Jane,* b. Aug. 27, 1822; m. 1st, William Sheldon Stewart, at Oppenheim, March 3, 1840. Mr. Stewart was the son of William and Abigail (Sheldon) Stewart, and was b. March 4, 1810, and d. Dec. 19, 18s4. He was a contractor and farmer, a man of ability and influenc?, a citizen respected and honored. The family resided at Oppenheim, N.Y. Mrs. Stewart m. 2d, Robert Klock, in 1887. He d. May 26, 1899. Children. 1. Stephen S. Stewart, b. Jan. 26, 1841; m. S. Fanny Lassell, Dec. 16, 1868. 2. Margaret M. Stewart, b. Oct. 2,1843; in. Charles A. Kibbe, May 12, 1868. 3. Willard Nelson Stewart, b. March 4, 1846; m. Mary M. Klock, Sept. 9, 1868. 4. John C. Stewart, b. April 3, 1847; m. Josepliine Lassell, Sept. 15, 1868. 5. Abigail E. Stewart, b. May 7, 1849; m. Philo E. Johnson, Jan. 1, 1879. 6. Adelia C. Stewart, b. Oct. 21, 1853; m. Oscar W. Krause, Aug. 25, 1880. 7. William Benjamin Stewart, b. June 17, 1856; m. Delia Healy, Dec. 6, 1882. XVI. Eliza C.,* b. Aug. 27, 1822 ; d. May 2, 1823. 33. ROBERT 4 CHURCHILL (Robert,^ Edward/- William^). Born in Jamaica, L.I. (probably). Married Jemima Ramus. Children born in Dutchess Covnty, N. Y. 64 I. Zepheniah,* m. Hannah Dates. 66 II. Stephen W.,* b. June 8, 1791; m. Margaret Dates. III. Eliza,* ni Minnard Frazer. IV. Sarah,* ni 1st, Mr. Perkins; m. 2d, James Major. They lived in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Branch.] FOURTH GENERATION 571 Child by First Husband. 1. Abner Perkins. Child by Second Husband. 2. Mary Jane Major. 56 V. Abner, ^ m. Abbey Benaway ; no issue. 57 VI. Robert, 5 m. Mary- Varney. [Manhattan FIFTH GENERATION 34. JOHN '^ CHURCHILL (James," John,=^ Charles,- William ^). Born Aug. 3, 1795. Lived at or near Auburn, N.Y. He died Feb. 4, 1867. Married Mary Palmer, born April 9,1798. Died May 31, 1858. Children born at or near Aiihurn, N. Y. I. Betsey Ann,^ b. Sept. 23, 1819; m. Thomas Swan, Dec. 25, 1843. Children horn in Auburn, La Grange County, N. Y. 1. Maria Josephine Swan, b. July 30, 1844; il. Sept. 29, 1848. 2. George An.son Swan, b. Aug. 8, 1846. 3. Mary Ella Swan, b. May 5, 1851. 4. Ernest Swan, b. Jan. 28, 1856. 5. Sarah Eva Swan, b. March 26, 1861 ; d. May 2, 1884. II. Adelia Maria,* b. Feb. 12, 1821; m. Daniel C. Gray, Nov. 26, 1846. Child. 1. William Henry Gray, b. in Cayuga County, June 10, 1862. 68 III. George Washington,'^ b. Feb. 9, 1823; m. Hannah Capron, Jan. 1, 1850. 59 IV^ Friz Henry,*-' b. Feb. 22, 1827; m. Jane Littlefiei.d, July, 1850. 60 V. William Oscar,"' b. Aug. 21, 1829; m. Morgianna Dill. VI. Mary Eliza,« b. April 16, 1833; m. Allen Dean, Dec. 2, 1859. Children born in Cayuga, N. Y. 1. Charles Henry Dean. | 2. William Oscar Dean. 61 VII. James Vaknum,« b. Sept. 25, 1835; m. Ann Cronin, Oct. 2, 18-59. VIII. John Wesley,^ b. June 28, 1838; d. unmarried, July, 1866. 35. PETER '^ CHURCHILL (James," John,^ Charles,'-^ William "■). Born, probably at Tarry town, N.Y., May 29, 1798. Lived at Spafford, N.Y. ; a blacksuiith and farmer. Married 1st, in 1825, LuciNDA Crane, who died Feb. 20, 1832 ; married 2d, in 1833, Charity Williamson, who died March 1, 1869. Children of First Wife born in Spafford, N. Y. 61a I. James," b. July 2, 1826; m. Chloe Ann Carr. 61b II. George," b. May 4, 1829 ; m. Evaline Norton. Lived in Borodino, N.Y., in 1886. (572) Branch.] FIFTH GENEEATION 573 Children of Second Wife born in Spafford, ISf. Y. III. Caroline,*' b. March 20, lS3o ; m. Theodore Gale. Lived in Summerville, Mich., in 1904, with her daughter (1) Lillian Gale; m. Kelley Patcher. No children. IV. LoviLLiE,'' b. March 15, 1843; m. George A. Fatten, Nov. 2(^ 1868. He was the son of William and Elizabeth Patten. George A. Patten was a farmer and lived in Spafford and Zealand, N.Y. He served three years in the Union Army during the Civil War. Children. 1. Alton W. Patten, b. in Spafford, N.Y., Oct. 23, 1869. 2. Flora E Patten, b. in Spafford, Oct. 11, 1872; m. E. L. Gordon, of Spafford, Sept. 21, 1892. 36. JAMES ^ CHURCHILL, JR. (James/ John/^ Chakles/ William ^). Born June lo, 1801. Married Amanda Willard. Children. I. Angeline,'' m. Harrie Barmson. II. Harriet,^ m. Jonathan Davis. They lived at Dowagiac, Mich., it is said. 37. FREDERICK W. ' CHURCHILL (James/ John,' Charles/ William^). Born in Renssalaer County, IST.Y., April 15, 1804. In 1887 Frederick and his wife were living with their daughter, Mrs. Andrew, in Dowagiac, Mich. Married Tabitha Willard, born in Otsego County, 1803. Children. <>2 I. Willard D.,* b. April 15, 1829; m. Laitriette Barrows. 63 II. Marcus D.,« b. Nov. 29, 1831; m. Phidelia Hall. 64 III. Peter P.,^ b. June 30, 18:".3; m. Lucy Ann Bishop, and died Jan. 20, 1860. IV. Mary Maria,*^ b. Feb. 10, 1840; ni. Wm. H. Besson. She died Feb. 10, 1867. V. Esther Ann,« b. March 15, 1841 ; d. June, 1841. VI. Cordelia B.,*" b. Oct. 8, 1842; m. Ltiman Andrew. This family lives in Dowagiac, Mich. Children. 1. I-ottie B. Andrew, b. Sept. 30, 1863. 2. Arthur Andrew, b. June 19, 1865. 39. ALEXANDER M.^ CHURCHILL (James,^ John,^ Charles,^ William^). Born in Renssalaer County, N.Y., April 20, 1809. He 574 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Manhattan was a farmer and lived in Spafford, N.Y. Married 1st, Lydia McKay, born March 30, 1819, and died June 13, 1843. She was tlie daughter of Augustin McKay. Alexander M. married 2d, Jane Robertson, born 1817, married 1848, and died Nov. 5, 1850. Child of First Wife. I. Ai.LAVESTA," m. H. B. SwBTLAND, Jan. 31, 1866, and d. Oct. 23, 1900. Child. 1. Milton A. Shetland, b. June 17. 1870; ra. Dora Stanton, Oct. 21, 1891, and has in March. 1904, two children, Madge Swet- land, aged ten years, and Marion Swetland, aged four years Child of Second Wife, born in Oiisco, N. Y. II. Jane,® b. 1850; m. Orlando Grinnell. He was the son of Sey- mour and Eliza Grinnell. They lived in Spafford, N.Y., where he was a farmer. Children horn in Spafford. 1. Lena Grinnell, b. July, 1872; m. William Willetts. 2. Isabel Grinnell b. August, 1874; m. Walter Tishop of Otisco, N.Y. 3. Milo A. Grinnell, b. July, 1876. 4. Marvin Grinnell, b Apr'il, 1S78. .5. Miles S. Grinnell, b. August, 1880. 6. Ira M. Grinnell, b. August, 1882. 7. Nellie F. Grinnell, b. February, 1885. 8. Alton Grinnell, b. February, 1 888. 9. Ernest Grinnell, b. March,' 1890. 10. Raymond Grinnell, b. May, 1892. 30. ANSON^ CHURCHILL (James,-* John,^ Charles,- William i). Born in Onondaga County, N.Y., Nov. 31, 1813, and lived there, a blacksmith by trade. He died Oct. 25, 1849. Married, at Spafford, IzABENDA Bearse, daughter of Aaron and Phebe (Smith) Bearse. Child born at Sjiajford. I. Jennie,« b. Aug. 17, 1847; m. Erastus E. Brown, Dec. 3, 1866. at Borodino, N.Y. He was the son of Russel and Laura Brown. Mr. Erastus Brown is a lawyer, and in 1904 is settled in Lincoln, Neb., but lived formerly in Moravia, N.Y. Child, born in Moravia. 1. Anson C. Brown, b. Aug. 2, 1867; died Aug. 2, 1868. 31. GILBERT W.^ CHURCHILL (James," John,^ Charles,- William*). Born in Renssalaer County, Sept. 21, 1815. Removed with his father's family to Spafford, N.Y., when one year old and Branch.] FIFTH GENEPvATION .575 lived there. He learned the carpenter's trade, and worked at it sev- eral years, but later bought a farm and made that his business. Died Oct. 1, 1899. Married 1st, Eleanor Rainey, who died in 1851 ; married 2d, Harriet Littlefield. Children of First Wife. I. MoRTiMEi;," b. Dec. 20, 1843; d. in Raleigh, N.C, July 25, 1873; m. Cornelia Rutzch, but left no children. II. Mary,« b. July 18, 1847; m. T. J. Wiard. Child. 1. Ward Wiard, b. Nov. 2, 1870. Children of Second Wife. III. Alvira," b. April 1, 1854; m. David Wilson. Children. 1. Jessie Wilson, b. Sept. 26, 1881. 2. Sarah Wilson, b. Sept. 27, 1884. 3. Marion Wilson, b. June 8, 1891. 65 IV. .Vnson W.,^ born June 14, 1856 ; ni. Jennie Burroughs; V. Eleanor,*' b. Feb. 28, 1858; m. Okin Root. Children. 1. Bruce Koot, b. Sept. 24, 1889. 2. Neva Koot, b. April li), 1892. 3. Harriet Root, b. Aug. 31, 1895. 4. Churchill Root, b. Oct. 21, 1898. VI. Je.'^sie L.,**b. Nov. 11, 1861; unmarried. 33. JOHN^ CHURCHILL (John,^ Edward,^ Robert,- William i). Born in Milford, Conn., Aug. 3, 1770. Settled in Litchfield, Conn. He was a shoemaker by trade, and, about 1810, removed to the " Korthfield Society," in the southeast part of the town, where he spent the rest of his life. Married, in Litchfield, Dec. 16, 1801, Ruhaima Orton, of Litchfield. Children horn in Litchfield. I. Jeanne iTE,^ b. Sept. 8, 1803; m. George Palmer, at Litchfield, May 19, 1822. They lived in Le Roy, N.Y., where Mr. Palmer was a tailor. Children born in Le Roy, N. Y. 1. Andrew Palmer, b. March 27, 1823; m. Elizabeth Hull, in Constantine, Mich. 2. Mary J. Palmer, b. Feb. 8, 1827; m. James L. Dixon, in Constantine, Mich., May 20, 1849. Children: (1) Emily W. Dixon, b. in Constantine, Mich., June 7, 1853; m. Heman H. Smith; (2) Minnie Jennet Dixon, b. at Lake City, Minn., Sept. 4, 1860; m. William F. Shaw, at Red Wing, July 3, 1898; (3) George Edward Dixon, b at Lake City, Minn., Nov. 17, 1865; d. at Lake City, March 20, 1885. 578 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Manhattan 66 II. HiRAM,« b. Dec. 30, 1804; m. Naomi Nettleton. III. Charles," b. Nov. 11, 1806. IV. Anna," I>. Aug. 28, 1800; m. Nathaniel C Alvord. They lived at Le Roy, N.Y., till after the birth of second child, when they removed to Trenton, Mich., and settled. He was a car- penter and farmer. 4. Jolin Alvord. 5. George Alvord. n. Anna Alvord; m. Martin Foy. Children. 1. Emily Alvord. 2. Ilobart Alvord. 3. Nathaniel C. Alvord, Jr. 67 V. John," b. Feb. 15, 1811; m. Caroline Peck. 68 VI. Daniel Canfield." b. Feb. 17, 1813; m. 1st, Esther Turner; m. 2d, ( ) McKinnon. VII. Sarah Ann," b. July 27, 1815; m. James Coon. Child. 1. James Churchill Coon. TWas of Detroit, Mich., December, 1887.) 69 VIII. Henry," b. March 30, 1818; m. Urania Matthews. 70 IX. Homer," 1 . » 71 X. HoBART," j ' (^ m. Jane Baldwin. 33. TIMOTHY s CHURCHILL (Joh^^,* Edward,-^ Robert/^ William '). Born in Litchfield, Coun., June 23, 1776. He lived in Litchfield and was a shoemaker by trade. This account was furnished by William Willard Churchill and Mrs. Julia A. (Churchill) Beebe, in 1884. He died Aug. 11, 1842. Married in Litchfield County, Feb. 24, 1803, Dorothy Kilbourn, of Litchfield, Conn. She died May 22, 1854, in Rochester, N.Y. Children born iti Litchfield, Conn. Lewis Kilbourn," b. Dec. 14, 1803; m. Olive Bradley. George," b. April 7, 1806; m. Mary Addis. William," b. April 20, 1808; m. Mary II. Willard Mary A.," b. July 20, 1811; m. Elliot Hitchcock. Sophia Page," b. Dec. 17, 1814; m. Joseph II. Buell, of Holly, N.Y., at Litchfield, Conn , Oct. 20, 1839. Children. 1. Daniel Hand Buell, b. Aug. 10, 1844. 2. Frances Maria Buell, b. Oct. 17, 1847; m. John B. Fuller, of Holly, N.Y., Oct. 20, 1875, and has four children: (1) William B. ; (2) Francis I. ; (3) Jennie S. ; and (4) Julia C. 3. Henry Joseph Buell, b. March 6, 1854; m. Mary McCargo, of Holly, N.Y., Sept. 12, 1878 and has children: " (1) Ann Sophia Buell, b. Nov. 26, 1879; (2) Frederick Churchill Buell, b. July 26, 1881. VI. Maria L.," b. March 10, 1818; m. Nelson Tomlinson. VII. Julia Adelaide," b. Aug. 27, 1820; m. Aram Beebe, of Holly, NY. He died at St. Johns, Mich., April 15, 1882; m. at Litch- field, Conn., Nov. 27, 1843. 72 I. 73 II. 74 III. IV. V. Branch.] FIFTH GENERATION 577 Children. 1. Horace Aram Beebe, b. June 5, l.S4(;; d. Feb. 12, 1848. 2. William Churchill Beebe, b. Dec. 12, 1859; d. Jan. G, 1860. Vlil. EiMMEHNE,6 b. July 11, 1823; d. young. IX. CiiARLKS H.," b. July 31, 182G; d. young. 34. WILLIAM 5 CHURCHILL (John/ Edwakd,^ Robekt,'^ William ^). Born in Milford, Conn., April 8, 1781. Settled in Northfield, on a farm, and built the house there in which he lived and died. Died in Northfield, Conn., Sept, 10, 1828. Married, at Northfield, Conn., Dec. 24, 1800, Keturah Morse, born Feb. 20, 1785, and died Nov. 2, 1868. Children born in Northfiehl, Conn. I. Sally,® b. April 2C, 1802 ; m. Sylvester Hine, son of Andrew, of Milford, Conn., Dec. 31, 1824. She died Feb. 23, 1878. Children. 1. William J. Hine. 2. Albert J. Hine. 3. Eliada 0. Hine. 4. Polly Sarah Hine; m. Andrew Lounsbury. 5. Catharine Emily Hine; m. Mr. Slade. 6. Julia Tyler Hine. 7. Adaline Clarinda Hme ; m. John Blakoslee. 8. Samuel David Hine. 75 II. David Morse,'' b. Sept. 2fi, 1804; m. Sally Maria Hine, June 3, 1827. III. Almira,^ b. Dec. 3, 1806; m. Joseph Hine, Aug. 6, 1826, at Northfield. She died July 30, 1885, at Fairhaven, Conn. IV. Eunice,^ b. Dec. 27, 1808; m. Jeremiah Smith, June 26, 1831, at Harwinton, Conn. Children. 1. Israel Jordan Smith. 2. Emma Jane Smith; m. Henry Iliggs. v 3. Clark Smith, who enlisted in the army in the Civil War, and died there. V. Keturah Jilia,® b. Aug. 18, 1811 ; m. Jesse Washington Tyler, March 25, 1837, at Burlington, Conn. VI. Bmily,^ b. April 22, 1813; m. Asaph Humiston Blakeslee, Plymouth, Mass., 1833. VII. LucY,^ b. Sept. 7, 1816; d. Nov. 3, 1832. VIII. Samuel Bdel,« b. Aug. 3, 1818; d. March 3, 1819. IX. Maria Buel,® b. Jan. 5, 1821 ; m 1st, Ezra Dowd, of Burlington, 1849; m. 2d, Lorenzo Cleveland, of Torrington. Child of First Husband. 1. Stanley Ives Dowd. 578 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Manhattan Child of Second Husband. 2. Edna Cleveland ; m. Clark Bronson. 75a X. AsHBEL Wesselk,*' b. Jan. 28, 1823; m. 1st, Eveline Beonson, Burlington; m. 2d, Alma Harrison, of East Morris. XI. Chloe Elizabeth,** b. Sept. 21, 1827; m. Henry Dearborn Davis, at Northfield, Oct. 1, 1847. He was the son of Jabez and Cynthia (Thwing) Davis, b. Sept. 10, 1824. Children born at Northfield. 1. Frederick Jefferson Davis, b. October, 1848 ; m. Harriet Folant in 1873. 2. Henrietta Davis, b. Jan. 20, 1851; d. Oct. 12, 1873. 3. Cynthia Isabelle, b. in Torrington, April 23, 1859 ; m. William H. Folant, Nov. 27, 1879. 37. GAERETT D.^ CHURCHILL (John/ Edward/ Robert/^ William ^). Born in Litchfield, Conn., April, 1793. Removed and settled on the west shore of Seneca Lake in 1832. Married Eliza- beth M. Root, who was born in Kent, Litchfield County, Conn., Sept. 16, 1794, and died in Tyrone, N.Y., Eeb. 1, 1879, aged 85 years. Children born near Litchfield., Conn. 11 I. Joseph,'' b. Oct. 8, 1818; m. Abigail Mather. II. Lavina,** b. May 10, 1822; m. Lewis Clark. They lived in Altay, N.Y.,in 1890. Children. 1. Serena Clark; m. Joseph Danmarter. They lived in Wisconsin and had four children. 2. Lewis Clark, d. unmarried in Wichita, Kans. 3. Ira Clark, unmarried. 4. Myron Clark; m. Ellen Cushing. 5. Emma Clark, living unmarried in Altay, N.Y., 1890. 6. Emmet Clark (twin brother of Emma) ; m. Nettie Tuttle, and lived in Binghamton, N.Y., and had two children. 7. George Clark, m. Mary Mattison, and lived at Dundee, N.Y., in 1890. 78 III. John,** b. Nov. 18, 1824; m. Louisa Townsend. 79 IV. Newton,*' b. Oct. 10, 1828 ; m. Nancy J. Smith. V. Betsey M.,^ b. Jan. 31, 1830; ni. Griffin B. Walton, of Dun- dee, N.Y. Children. 1. Griffin B. Walton, Jr. 2. William Franklin Walton. G. B. Walton, Jr., gave us an account of his grandfather's family in 1890. He married Emma Douglas of Hammondsport, N.Y., and had (1) Flora M.Walton; (2) Mabel Walton; (3) John J. Walton ; (4) Albert D. Walton. W. F. Walton m. Clara Patterson, of South Bradford, N.Y. Children: (1) Grace Walton; (2) Cora Walton; (3) Griffin B. Walton ; (4) Frank Walton. VI. Jane," b. Feb. 1, 1833; m. Simeon Forman. They lived in Monticello, Iowa. Branch.] FIFTH GENERATION 579 Children. 1. Lillie M. Foriiiiin, b. March 11, 1857, at Castle Grove, Iowa; ni. Joseph T. Minnis, Nov. 14, 1886. 2. William T. Forman, b. May 3, 1860, at Castle Grove, Iowa. 38. EDWARD 5 CHURCHILL, JR. (Edward/ Edward,^ Robert,^ William ^). Born at Hartford, or West Haven, Conn., about 1773. We have two distinct accounts, one from his sou John (born 1813), living in 1884, when he wrote us, in Springville, N.Y. He says, " M}' father's parents died when he was an infant ; he had one sister, his senior, by the name of Abigail He was bound out to a Mr. Buckingham, and suffered many hardships in his early days. In 1830 he removed to Boston, Erie County, N.Y. and there died, aged one hundred years. He was a very temperate man, honest and up- right in his dealings, a Baptist in his religious faith. He lived to see five generations of his descendants. iMy mother died fifty-eight years ago (1826), and my father married her sister Martha." The other account is from Edward's grandson, Byron A. Churchill, of Buffalo, N.Y., who gives the date of his birth as about 1767, and his death 1867, and his first wife's death as 1819. He also says that his grandfather was a farmer and shoemaker, of very small stature, never weighing more than one hundred and thirty pounds, but very energetic, even to old age, for when he was ninety-two years old he rode a horse forty-five miles in one day, and without a saddle. He accumulated a property of near .120,000. Married 1st, in Litchfield, Conn., in 1797, Margery Morse, who died before 1826 ; married 2d, in Boston, N.Y., in 1826, Martha Morse, who died in 1865. Children. I. Sarah," b. Sept. 17, 1799; m. 1st, Nathan Humphrey; m. 2d, Wheeler Drake. They lived in Concord, N.Y., from 1832 to her death in 1867. It is said that there were two children of the first husband and three of the second, but our diligent inquiries at Concord and Boston, N.Y., have failed to find any of them. II. Martha," b. Dec. 1, 1800; m. Benjamin Gregory. They lived in Bangall, N.Y. Mr. Charles Gregory of that town gave us the following account in 1886. Children horn in Bangall. 1. Mary E. Gregory, b. Oct. 19, 1817; never married. 2. Charles Gregory, b. Oct. 23, 1820; m. Mary J. Creed. 3. Eliza Gregory, b. Jan. 23, 1823; unmarried. 4. Amy A. Gregory, b. Sept. 27, 1826; m. Jarvis C. Kobinson. 5. Edward B. Gregory, b. Aug. 10, 1829; m. Julia A. Mosher. 580 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Manhattan III. Abigail,*' b. Oct. 20, 1802 ; m. Adam Gensman. They lived in Concord, N.Y., up to about 18G6, when they removed to Brighton, Mich. They are said to have had four children, but the names have not been received. 80 IV. Edward, Jr.,'' b. Feb. 25, 1805; m. Naomi Farquharson. 81 V. Levi Mors^,^ b. July 10, 1807; ni. Ist, Juliana Bowman; m. 2d, Eliza Smith. VI. Laura, ^ b. Dec. 20, 1808 ; m. George Decker. She is said to have died at Juda, Wis., whither they had removed, in 1864. They had seven children, it is said, but names have not been received. VII. AcHsiE Maria, ^ b. April 29, 1811; m. John Anthony, April 29, 1829, at Canajoharie, N.Y. He was a farmer at Boston, N.Y., town-clerk and justice of the peace. Mrs. Anthony died Oct. 11, 1890; Mr. Anthony died Aug. 21, 1890. Children. 1. Elizabeth Anthony, b. Feb. 3, 1830; m. Milo Canfield, Sept. 7, 1848. 2. Martha Anthony, b. Feb. 28, 1832; m. Walter D. Smith, June 8, 1853. 3. Gorham Anthony, b. Nov. 25, 1837; died in infancy. 4. Alraina Anthony, b. Sept. 25, 1839; m. Edwin W. Randall, May 30, 1860. 5. George Anthony, b. July 1, 1842; m. Helen Horton, Aug. 28, 1861. 6. Mary Josephine Anthony, b. Oct. 1, 1844; m. Lauren J. Drake, Dec. 22, 1863. 7. Carlos Emmons Anthony, b. Nov. 16, 1846; d. July 21, 1886. 8. Margery Gertrude Anthony, b. Jan. 20, 1849; unmarried. 9. John Anthony, Jr., b. April 20, 1851; m. Adelaide F. Good- speed, April 24, 1872. 10. Achsie Maria, b. Jan. 4, 1855; m. Tibbetts J. Soule, Feb. 5, 1873. 82 VIII. John,'' b. Dec. 17, 1813; m. Laura Wellington. 83 IX. Stephen.^ b. April 30, 1816; m. 1st, Orpha Payne; 2d, Jane Palmerton. 84 X. LuMAN B.,« b. March 3, 1819; m, Oct. 19, 1842, Mary Agard, Concord, N.Y. XI. Margery,** b. June 5, 1821 ; died in infancy. Child of Second Wife. XII. Olive, ^ m. Reuben Dye. They had three sons who survived them, it is said, but we have not been able to get the names. 40. ISAACS CHURCHILL (John/ John/ Edward/, William i) . Born in Dntcliess County, Oct. 1, 1772. We have not been able to obtain any further information than the names given below. Mar- ried HuLDA Phillips. Children. I. Calista.® 85 II. Varnum.^ III. Julia Ann. 86 IV. Morgan.^ 87 V. Riley.** 88 VI. Edgar.** 89 VII. Gaylord.^ Branch.] FIFTH GENERATION 581 41. JOHN^ CHUECHILL {Jons,' John/ Edward,- William i). Bom Sept. 4, 1774, in Dutchess County, N.Y. Married; name of Avife not received. Children. I. Betsey.® II. Nancy.* III. ROSINA.® IV. A l:\iir A.® J)0 V. Ira.8 iH VI. HENDEnSON.*^ i)-2 VII. Jerome.'' VIII. Cathakine.*' 43. EDWARD s CHURCHILL (Edavaed," John,» Edward,- Will- iam i). Born 1777. Lived in New York State. Married Piiebe Ferris. Children. 93 I- John,* m. Julia McLoud. II. Abraham," never married. -9+ III. James,'' m. but name of wife not ascertained. IV. Charles;" he wa.s adopted out of the family and took another name. J)5 V. William," m. Mary McCloud. VI. Maria," m. Col. Daniel Stinson ; no chiUlren. VII. Amy Eliza," b. May 18, 1810, m. Jesse Ketchum, of New York. They removed to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, where they lived, and she died there Sept. 7, 189!». Children. 1. Julianna Ketchum, b. Julv G, 1831 ; m. Joshua D. Loving, April 7, 1850. Children: (1) Harriet Loving ; (2) William Loving; (3) Ed- ward Loving; (4) Mary Frances Loving, b. Feb. 14, 1862; m. 1st, William George Mast, Dec. L'4, 1878, who died May 11), 1884, leaving children: George Winfield Mast, b. Oct. 8, 1879; Jesse Ketchum Mast, b. Sept. 30, 1881; and Mabel Claire Mast, b. Aug. 13, 1883. Julianna m. 2d, Dr. W. W. Hipolite, of De Vall's Bluff, Ark., whence Mabel Claire Mast, in July, 1903, sent the editor this account of her grandmother Amy Eliza (Churchill) Ketchum's family. 2. Frank H. Ketchum. 3. Jesse Ketchum. 4. Leander Ketchum. 5. Winiield Ketchum. G. William Ketchum. 7. Lyde Ketchum. 8. Harriet Ketchum. 9. Oscar Ketchum. 10. Albert Ketchum. 11. Edward Ketchum. VIII. Sarah," m. George Morris. IX. Catherine," m. John Rowe. 96 I. 97 II. III. IV. 582 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Manhattan 43. ROBERT ' CHURCHILL (Edward/ John,^ Edwakd,- Will- iam i). Born April G, 1781. Married at Rhinebeck, Aug. 20, 1802, Rebecca Van Vkadenberg, born July 8, 1785. Children. Philip B.,^ b. Jan. 11, 1805; m. Lucinua Briggs. William, "^ b. Sept. 29, 1800; m. Jane Carpenter. Lewis, ^ b. Nov. 4, 1808 ; never married. Liicius,« b. Sept. 8, 1810; d. May 31, 1811. 98 V. Thomas T.,« b. Oct. 6, 1812; m. Catherine L. Asher. VI. Blondina,'' b. May 28, 1814; m. William Asher. VII. Margaret,'* b. Dec. 28, 1817; m. Walter Joyce. VIII. Abram,^ b. Jan. 12, 1820; never married. IX. Mary,8 b. Sept. 12, 1823; m. John S. Hobbs, Oct. 29, 1846. Children born in Red Hill, Dutchess County, iV. Y. 1. Mary Ann Hobbs, b. July 80, 1847. 2. Rebecca Hobbs, b. Oct. 2, 1849 ; d. Sept. 3, 187G. 3. William Hobbs, b. Oct. 21, 1852. 4. John Hobbs, b. Aug. 10, 1854. 5. Ida Hobbs, b. Aug. 21, 1857; unmarried. X. Lavina,« b. April 5, 1825; d. July 20, 1825. XI. John Henry,® b. Jan. 1, 1828; d. young. XII. Jane Ann,^ b. Sept. 2G, 1830; m. George Cowles. 44. JOHN S.5 CHURCHILL (Isaac," John,^ Edward,^ William i). Born near Little Falls, N.Y., 1784. They lived near or in Herkimer, and at Little Falls, and Boonville, N.Y. He died in Boonville. Married Ann Neely, born 1787. She died in Boonville, N.Y. Children. Morgan Neely,® b. November, 1809; m. Catharine Maneton. Henry Mortimer," b. May 29, 1811; m. Caroline McMaster.s. Nancy,** b. 1812; m. Truman Yale. Susan," b. 1814; m. Chauncy Platt. Reuben," b. 1816; m. 1st, Augusta Peck; m. 2d, Mary Tyler; m. 3d, Ann Williams. VI. Mary," b. 1818; m. George Hammond. VII. Catherine," b. 1821; m. Chandler Phelps. 102 VIII. John," b. 1824; m. Eliza Rich. 45. ISAAC ' CHURCHILL, JR. (Isaac,* John,^ Edward,^ Will- iam'). Born Aug. 6,1786. He died July 1, 1867. Married Betsey Parker, born May 26, 1787. She died Aug. 18, 1865. Children. 103 I. Isaac P.," b. Jan. 8, 1807; m. Mary Billinger. II. Harriet," b-. Sept. 16, 1809; m. Isaac Barnes. III. Mary Ann," b. Oct. 18, 1810; m. Yale; d. May 29, 1849. IV. Emmeline," b. Sept. 24, 1812; m. Artemas Burt. 99 I. 100 II. III. IV. 101 V. Brunch.] FIFTH GENERATION 583 104 V. James,^ b, Jan. 30, 1815; m. Caroline Starin. VI. Sally,® b. April 18, 1817; m. Daniel Parks. VII. Nanct,« b. Dec. 1, 1820; iii. .Tohn Calvin. VIII. Catherine,^ b. Feb. K!, 1824; m. Audrey Watson. IX. Elizabeth,*^ b. Nov. 16, 1827; m. William Gwellner. 46. BENJAMIN PHILLIPS = CHURCHILL (Isaac/ John,^ Ed- AVARD,^ William^). Born June, 1797. This family lived at Little Falls, N.Y. Married, Dec. 17, 1817, Catherine Wetherwax. Children born at Little. Falls, N. Y. 105 I. Albhrt,*^ b. June 10, 1818; m. Susan Browning. II. Catherine," b. April 10, 1822; unmarried. This lady, in 1885, gave information of her father's family. III. Margaret," b. May 2, 1828; m. Theophilus Evans. IV. Cordelia, ** b. March 22, 1831 ; m. Daniel Arnold. V. George, * b. March 1833; unmarried. 106 VI. Jacob," b. Feb. 29, 1838 ; ra. Harriet Weeks. 47. REUBEN ^ CHURCHILL (Lsaac,^ John,'' Edward,- William ^). Born March 5, 1800. Married Phebe Tucker, of Little Falls, N.Y. Children horn at Little Falls. 107 I. Norman A., « b. Feb. 21, 1831. II. Sophia Lang," b. Feb. 17, 1835; unmarried. III. Cornelia," 1 /. • x i -vt ia -ido/. • j IV. Cordelia," | (t^'^^^)' ^- ^^v. U, 1836; unmarried. V. Elizabeth," b. April 8, 1839; m. Joab Small. VI. Henrietta," b. June 20, 1841 ; m. Nicholas Butler. 48. HENRY ^ CHURCHILL (Isaac,^ JonN,« Edward,"^ William^). Born at Little Falls, N.Y., Jan. 5, 1804, and died April 12, 1881. He was an upright and respected citizen. His sou, Henry P., writes an account of him, but omits to mention the place where he lived and died, and gives no date of death. Married Lydia Wetherwax, born April 5, 1805. Children. I. Charlotte Eleanor," b. July 17, 1832; unmarried. II. Julia," b. April 4, 1838; unmarried. 108 III. Henry Phillips," b. June 27, 1844; m. Lillie Cutler Lacey, Sept. 6, 1870. She was born April 11, 1849. They lived from 1884 to 1891 in Kansas City, Mo., where he was president of the " Safe Deposit and Savings Bank." We have numbers of letters from him to N. W. Churchill showing that he was greatly interested in the work and was willing to contribute to the ex- penses of a research in England if thought advisable. He visited Europe several times on business, and N. W. had evi- dently visited him in Kansas City. He makes no mention of having children, so that his father's line stops here. 584 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Manhattan 51. BENJAMIN ' CHURCHILL (Henry/ John,'' Edward,'^ Will- iam 1). Born at Eishkill, Jan. 7, 1783. Married, Nov. 1, 1806, Deborah Vail. Child. 108a I. William Henry,'' b. Sept. 11, 1807; m. Pamelia Clark Wight, April 29, 1830. 52. HENRY 5 CHURCHILL (Henry," John/ Edward/ William i). Born at Matteawan (Fislikill), Dec. 1, 1794. Married, April 1, 1817, Helen Mott, born Oct. 22, 1798. Children born at Matteawan. 109 I. William Doloway,^ b. June 17, 1818. II. Sarah Elizabeth, « b. Oct. 17, 1822. III. Henry Mott,'* b. March 21, 1826; d. in infancy. 110 IV. Henry Heyer,^ b. Oct. 7, 1831. V. Helen Louise, " b. July 3, 1834. 111 VI. CoLWELL Dewitt,« b. Jan. If), 1837. 53a. JOSEPH = CHURCHILL (Benjamin,^ JoHN,3 Edward,- Will- iam ^). Born at Oppenheim, N.Y., June 11, 1811. He removed to Illinois and remained until 1847, when, with his wife and two children, he crossed the plains in the company of Supt. Joel Palmer, and settled on a claim near Hubbard, Marion County, Ore. He went to the gold mines in California, but returned after much hard- ship to Marion County, where tliey remained until 1861, when they removed to Salem, Ore. November, 1861, Mr. Churchill enlisted in Company B, First Regiment Oregon Cavalry, and served three years. He also served in the war against the Indians in the Oregon country. 'He died at Salem, Ore., Sept. 22, 1892. Married in Boone County, 111., Jan. 14, 1840, Lucy Pangburn, who was born June 2, 1818, and died in Salem, Jan. 4, 1900. Children. Ilia I. Enoch Chester," b. in Boone County, 111., Sept. IG, 1841 ; ni. 1st, Maria Alvira Thomas, Nov. 1, 18G8, who died July 7, 1883; ni. 2d, Sarah E. McKenney, April 1, 1885. 111b II. Clark Nelson," b. in Boone County, 111., March 20, 1845; m. Isahella Long, Oct. 9, 1876. III. Lydia Jane," b. in Marion County, Ore., Jan. 14, 1848 ; m. N. Bier, Salem, Ore., July 28, 1868. She died in Salem, Oct. 14, 1891, leaving children. Branch.] FIFTH GENERATION 585 Children. 1. Almond A. Bier, b. Oct. 2, 1871; d. Oct. 18, 1873. 2. Lena P. Bier, b. Oct. 4, 187:?. 3. Charles E. Bier, b. Nov. 4, 1875. IV. Janetta M.,'' b. in Marion County, Ore., Dec. 8, 1850; d. Nov 11 1851. V. Mary J.," b. in Marion County, Ore., Sept. 21, 1852; m. George F. Smith, at Portland, Ore., Aug. 19, 1882. Children. 1. Frank Smith, o u 1 c "Jl^'^' I (twins), b. July 7, 1883. 2. ired Smith, j ^ ^ -^ ' Fred died Jan. 29, 1884, and Frank died May 30, 1884. 3. Chester O. Smith, b. Feb. 6, 188(;. VI. Mauette S.,* b. in Marion County, Ore., Feb. 14, 1855 ; m. Andrew U. Smith, at Portland, Ore.. Aug. 19, 1882. Children. 1. Eva E. Smith, b. April 29, 1883. 2. Frank L. Smith, b. Dec. 18, 1885. VII. John J.,'' b. in Salem, Ore., Nov. 7, 18f;i ; d. Sept. 13, 18G3. 53. JOHN^ (CHURCHILL (Henry/ John,'' Edward,MVilliam '). Born in Matteawan, N.Y., April 1, 1799, and died Deo. 9, 1849. They lived at JMatteawan, Little Britain, and New Windsor, N.Y. This acconnt was given in 1884, by Miss Cynthia E. ('hurchill, 19 Spencer place, Brooklyn, N.Y. Married, Nov. 19, 1819, at Jersey City, RosANXA Bailey Lyon, born Dee. 2, 1802, the daughter of Aaron Lyon, of Jersey City, N.J. Slie was born Dec. 22, 1802, and died July 27, 1S70. Children. I. Samuel IIalsey,*^ b. in Matteawan, November, 1820; d. November, 1841, unmarried. II. Klizaueth Lyon,® b. in Matteawan, Jan. 27, 1822; d. unmarried, June 17, 1S72. 112 III. Aaron Lyon," b. in Matteawan, January, 1824; m. Adaline Brett, of Fishkill, N.Y. IV. Harriet, « b. at Little Britain, 1827; d. 1830. V. Margaret Wilmakth,'' b. at Little Britain, April 3, 1830; ni. Lst, William Dumiston; m. 2d, Robert McDonald. 113 VI. William Wilmarth,^ b. at Matteawan, April 24, 1832; m. Char- lotte Bradley, and died .May 24, 1882. VII. (Cynthia Emmeline," b. at Matteawan, Dec. 29, 1835; unmarried. A^II. Maria Robinson,'^ b. at Matteawan, July 13, 1839; tn. Wm. H. .Barrett, of Cornwall, and died at Philadelphia, Penn., April 9, 1884, leaving four children. IX. Harriet McMartin,''' b. at New Windsor, N.Y., November, 1841 ; m. Rev. Alvin Baker, and died at Otisco, N.Y., Sept. 21, 1SG9, leaving no children. 114 X. John Augustus,'' b. at New Windsor, N.Y., Feb. 28, 1844; m. Harriet S. Hyel, Oct. 24, 18G7. 586 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Manhattan 55. STEPHEN W.5 CHURCHILL (Robert/ Robert,^ Edward,'-^ William^). Born June 8, 1791, in Dutchess County, IST.Y. They lived near Poughkeepsie. He was a farmer. After tlie death of his wife he lived with some one of his children from time to time, mostly with Zaccheus, at whose house, at Harbor Creek, Peun., he died. Married, near Poughkeepsie, Dec. 9, 1812, Margaret Dates, who was born June 2, 1793, and died Jan. 27, 1891. Children born at or near Poughkeepsie, JV. F. I. Elizabeth,^ b. Aug. 10, 1813; ra. Ebenezer Worden, at Man- chester, Oct. 5, 1831. They lived at Poughkeepsie, where he was a shoemaker. Children. 1. Charles Constantine Worden, b. March 4, 1833; d. Feb. 7, 1836. 2. William Henry Worden, b. July 30, 1835. He enlisted in the War of the Rebellion and d. July 4, 1863, in the army. 3. Charles Brodhead Worden, b. April 23, 1840. Enlisted in the war and died in the army June 10, 1864. 4. George Worden, b. Sept. 6, 1842; d. May 2, 1883. 5. James Edward Worden, b. March 16, 1846. Served three years in the Union Army, in the Civil War. 6. Stephen Worden, b. June 13, 1852. 7. Mortimer Worden, b. Sept. 16, 1854. 8. David Worden, b. Sept. 16, 1854. Lived at Harbor Creek, Penn., in 1904. II. Charlotte,*^ b. Feb. 8, 1815; m. George Wheeler, Jan. 29, 1833. They lived in Dutchess County, N.Y. Children born in Dutchess County. 1. Henry E. Wheeler, b. Sept. 20, 1835; m. Elizabeth Sherman. 2. Orville A. Wheeler, b. May 16, 1838; m. Elizabeth Ridley, of Wayne County, N.Y. 3. Margaret E. Wheeler, b. Dec. 19, 1840; m. Edward Tage, Erie, Penn. 4. Albert P. Wheeler, b. July 8, 1843; m. Mary E. Hannan, St. Clair County, Mich., Jan. 1, 1860. 115 III. George R.,^ b. Sept. 5, 1817; ra. Eliza ( ). IV. DoRiNDA,*^ b. at Manchester, N.Y., Oct. 20, 1819; m. Joseph B. Stevens, at Manchester, Jan. 4, 1849. They lived in New York City, Erie County, Penn., and Dekalb County, 111. Mr. Stevens d. Nov. 28, 1864. She d. March 11, 1896. Children. 1. Amasa B. Stevens, b Jan. 17, 1850; m. Laura B. Pfeil, Erie, Penn., Feb. 3, 1875. 2. Samuel Stevens, b. June 17, 1851 ; d. Jan. 17, 1852. 3. William W. Stevens, b. Nov. 30, 1854; m. Amelia Foster. 4. Sarah A. Stevens, b. May 1, 1857; m. Frank J. Town, Erie, Penn., Jan. 5, 1876. V. Sarah," b. Nov. 20, 1821; m. Thomas H. Foavler, April 6, 1852, at Poughkeepsie. He was the son of Richard R. and Martha (Purdy) Fowler, and was a farmer at Holley, N.Y. He was a school-teacher in early life. Branch.] EIFTH GENERATION 587 Children born in Holley. 1. Rosella E. Fowler, b. April 23, 1854; ra. at Holley, Dec. 28, 1875, Andrew Bowman. 2. Charity iM. Fowler, b. March 8, 1857; m Adelbert Knicker- bocker, Oct. 25, 187G, at Holley. 3. K. Adelaide Fowler, b Jan. 8, 1859. 4. Richard K. Fowler, b. Oct. 28, 1864; m. Elizabeth Boyce, Nov. 10, 1893, at Kendall's Mills, N.Y. 115a VI. Zaccheds,*' b. Jan. 23, 1824; m. Sabah Jane Bkakdslet, Sept. 10, 1844. VII. Coknelia,'^ b. March 22, 1826; ra. Barnard Lewis, at New York City. They lived in New York City, Ilocliester, and Poughkeepsie. Children. 1. Margaret E. Lewis, b. Nov. 25, 1853; unmarried. 2. Phebe E. Lewis, b. July 11, 1855; m. Ira Serren, April 14, 1879. 3. James B. Lewis, b. Aug. 11, 1858; m. Jennie Bayldon, Nov. 18, 1883. 4. George W. Lewis, b. May 25, 1860; m. Mary Lather, Nov. 23, 1884. 5. Ella M. Lewis, b. May 12, 1865; m. Jerome M. Sleigler, Sept. 2, 1896, at Yonkers, N.Y. VIII. Cathkrine,« b. Oct. 23, 1828; m. Allen McNamee. They lived at Bellville, Kan. No further record received. IX. Mar(;aret,« b. Feb. 5, 1832; d. Feb. 3, 1835. X. John Petek,« b. Nov. 23, 1836; d. March 4, 1838. 57. ROBERT ^ CHURCHILL (Robert/ Robep.t/^ Edward/ Will- iam i). Born in Dutchess County, N.Y. The meagre information about this family is obtained from Mr. A. B. Stevens, of Erie, Penn., in 1904. Married Mary Varney. Children. I. James," removed to Michigan; unmarried in 1904. II. Arthur,'^ living unmarried in Erie, Penn., in 1904. III. John," m. Nancy Backus. They were living in Erie County, Penn., in 1904, ;ind said to have had two sons, but the names not obtained. [Manhattan SIXTH GENERATION 58. GEORGE WASHII^^GTON « CHURCHILL (Joh^ James/ John/ Charles/ William^). Born at or near Auburn, KY., Feb. 9, 1823. Married, Jan. 1, 1850, Hannah Capron. Children horn in Cayuga County, N. Y. 116 I Franklin Harvky.'' II. Mary Angeline.^ 117 III. WiLLARD Capron.^ 118 IV. Charles Henry. ^ V. Gertrude Maria.' 59. EITZ HENRY « CHURCHILL (John,^ James/ John,^ Charles/ William^). Born at or near Auburn, N.Y., Feb. 22, 1827. Married, July, 1850, Jane Littlefield. Children horn at Seneca Falls, N. Y. 119 I. John Milton,' b. May 8, 1851. II. Laura Ann.' 60. WILLIAM OSCARS CHURCHILL (John/ James,* John/ Charles/ William^). Born at or near Auburn, IST.Y., Aug. 21, 1829. Married MorcxIAnna Dill. Children horn in Cayuga County, N. Y. 120 I. William.' 121 II. Benjamin.' III. Emma.' 61. JAMES VARNUM« CHURCHILL (John/ James/ John/ Charles,'- William^). Born at or near Auburn, N.Y., Sept. 25, 1835. Married, Oct. 2, 1859, Ann Cronin. Children horn in Auburn, N. Y. 122 I- John Lewis,' b. March 27, 1860. 123 11. EnwARD Seymour,' b. March 23, 18G2. 124 IIL William Henry,' b. June 3, 1866. (588) Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 589 61a. JAMES s CHURCHILL (rETER,^ James/ John,=^ Charles/-^ William '). Bom at Spafibvd, N.Y., July 2, 1S26. He attended the public schools at Spafford. He lived at Spafford, Onandaga Valley, and Syracuse, N.Y., a merchant. This family, for some reason, spelled their surname with an c, but we I'etain the regular form. He died ^Eay 21, 1898. Married, at Vesper, N.Y., Feb. 7, 1854, Chloe Ann Carr, daughter of Almon and Arethusa (Morse) Carr. Children born, the fast at Moitville, the rest at Spafford. I. Caruie Pj.,' b. July 25, 18511; ra. Benjamin Franiclix Churchill, May 21, 1878. See Connecticut branch No. 311. 124a II. Harlik J.,' b. June 17, 1858; ni. Lillian Cady, Oct. 21, 18!)0. III. Nellie A.,' b. May 15, 1868; m. B'rank E. Freeman, Sept. IG, 1886. She died in Syracuse, N.Y., Dec. 3, 1902. IV. Jennie M.,' b. Jan. IG, 18G5 ; in. George G. Norris, Sept. 15, IS'Jl. G2. WILLARD I).« CHURCHILL (Frederick W.,^ James,^ John,'^ Charles;^ William '). Born April 15, 1829. In 1887 he lived in Breckenridge, Col., but we have no further account than below. Married Lauriette Barrows. Child. I. MuLLIE.' 65. ANSON « CHURCHILL (Gilbert W.,^ James,'' John,^ Charles,- William i). Born June 14, 1856. This family lived in Borodino, N.Y., where Mr. Churchill is proprietor of the " Churchill House." Married, at Vesper, N.Y., Aug. 30, 1883, Jennie Bur- roughs, daughter of Seymour H. and Betsey Ann Burroughs. Chikh'eti. I. IvA,' b. June 7, 1884. II. Nina,^ b. May 5, 1888. III. KuBY K ,' b. Jan. 12, 1805. 66. HIRAM 6 CHURCHILL (John,'^ John,' Edward,-^ Robert,-^ William i). Born in Litchfield, Conn., Dec. 30, 1804. He was a shoemaker and settled in business at or near New Haven. (This is on the authority of Mr. Myron Osborne, of Litchfield, who wrote us in 1886.) Married Naomi Nettleton. 590 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Manhattan Child. 124b I. AsA.^ He was a physician at Meriden, Conn., but we have not been able to get any further information about him. 67. REV. JOHN « CHURCHILL (Johx,^ John,* Edward,^ Robert,^ William ^). Bom in Litchfield, Conn., Feb. 15, 1811. He fitted at Amherst College for Yale, in 1832 and 1833. Studied medicine at Yale 1833-1835 and then changed, and took the course in the- ology and graduated in 1839. He preached the rest of that year at Watertown, Conn., until April 22, 1840, when he was ordained as minister of the North Church in Woodbury, Conn., which office he filled until June 25, 1869, when he became acting pastor of the church in Oxford, Conn. He was a man of wide influence, and a preacher of ability. He received the degree of M.A. from Yale in 1844, and in 1868 delivered the annual address to the Alumni, which was published. He took deep interest in public questions and was elected to represent Woodbury in the Legislature in 1867 and again in 1868. He died at Woodbury, Dec. 29, 1880, after two years of failing health. Married, at New Haven, Oct. 20, 1840, Caroline Peck, daughter of Nathan and Mehitabel (Tibbals) Peck. Children born in JVetv Haven. I. HARRiKTTE,'b. May 18, 1843; m. Willis A. Strong, at "Woodbury, Oct. 11, 1882. They lived at Woodbury, where Mr. Strong was a druggist. He died there Sept. 11, 1894. Children born at Woodbury, Conn. 1. Caroline Julia Strong, b. Jan. 10, 1885. 2. Willis A. Strong, b. May 19, 1887. II. Nathan Peck,' b. July 1, 1845; unmarried. 68. DANIEL CANFIELD ^ CHURCHILL (John,^ John,"* Edward,^ Robert," William ^). Born in Litchfield, Conn., Feb. 17, 1813. He was a shoemaker by occupation, and settled in Northfield, Conn. He was also quite noted as a teacher of music. Married 1st, in Northfield, Conn., Esther Turner. Married 2d, in Bethlehem, Conn., Lucy M. Kasson, Children horn in Northfield. I. Gertrude Charlotte,' b. Feb. 3, 1867; m. Cortdon C. Gris- woLD, of North Woodbury, and lived there. He was a farmer. Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 591 Children born at North Woodbury. 1. Julia Churchill Griswold. 2. Homer Churchill Griswold. 3. Walter Emerson Griswold. , 4. Jolm Hobert Griswold. II. John Kasson,' b. July 15, 1868 ; d. at Brunswick, Ga., May 19, 1892. III. Anna Lucretia,' b. Sept. 24, 1870; m. De Loss D. Platt, at Waterbury, Conn., Feb. 26, 1895. They lived at West Cheshire, Conn. He was a metallurgist. Children. 1. Clayton Churchill Platt, b. in Brooklyn, N.Y., Oct. 2, 1896. 2. Richard Orville Platt, b. at South Coventrv, Conn., June 17, 1898. IV. Carrie Maude,' b. March 20, 1872. V. Elizabeth Kasson,' b. Aug. 1, 1874; m. George E. Pratt, at Buffalo, N.Y., Sept. 22, 1898. Children. 1. Harold Samuel Pratt, b. in Buffalo, N.Y., July 23, 1899. 2. Mary Helen Pratt, b. in Buffalo, Dec. 24, 1900. 3. Ralph Wilbur Pratt, b. in Titusville, Penn., March 24, 1903. 69. HENRY « CHURCHILL ( John,^ John/ Edward,^ Robert,^ William ^). Rom in Litchfield, Conn., March 30, 1818. Lived in Waterbury, Conn. He was a railroad contractor. Married Urania H. Matthews, daughter of Zeba and Joanna (Allen) Matthews, born July 29, 1825, at Goshen, Conn. Child born oA Waterbury., Conn. 1. Florence C.,' b. July 2, 1846; m. Alonzo B. Akins. She was a graduate of Lake Erie College, Painesvillc, Ohio. Mr. Akins was the son of Henry and Mercy M. (Wilkinson) Akins. He served in the Union Army in the Civil War of 1861, in First Ohio Light Artillery. Children born at Columbia, Ohio. 1. William Akins, b. March 27, 1869; m. Jane G. Mitchener, June 19, 1902. 2. Joseph H. Akins, b. April 28, 1872. .;. Charles F. Akins, b. Feb. 21, 1877. 4. Florence Gertrude Akins, b. Feb. 9, 1879. 5. Mercy Urena Akins, b. June 8, 1883. 6. Homer Churchill Akins, b. June 3, 1891. 70. HOMERS CHURCHILL (John,^ John,^ Edward,^^ Roijert,'- William ^). Born June 10, 1822. He was a manufacturer of church organs in Middletown, Conn. They lived in Middletown and he died there. Married, Oct. 13, 1846, Julia Ives. 592 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Manhattan Child bortL in Middletown. I. Emma A.,' b. Dec. 25, 1847; unniiirried. 71. HOBART « CHURCHILL (Jo.hn/ John,^ Edward,*^ Robert,-' William ^). Born June 10, 1822. We have heard that this family was living in Waterbury, Conn., in 1902. Married, in Seymour, Conn., April, 1851, Jane Baldwin. Children. I. Gertrude A./ b. Dec. 9, 1855; il. May 25, 186(>. ♦ II. Henry B.,' b. March 30, 1866; unmarried. 72. LEWIS KILBOURN" CHURCHILL (Timothy,^ John," Edward,^ Robert,"^ William ^). ^ Born in Litchfield, Dec. 14, 1803. He was a hatter by trade. Married Olive M. Bradley, of Litch- field, Conn. Children. I. Mary A.,'' b. Nov. 15, 1831; ra. O. A. Hubbell, Oct. 13, 1853. Children. 1. Cornelia Chnrchill Hubbell. 2. Florence Sophia Hubbell. 125 II. William,' b. April 5, 1840; m. 1st, Nellie Fearing; 2d, Mattie IIOSFORD. 125a III. Charles H.,' b. Sept. 28, 1843; m. Adelaide Buffinton. 73. GEORGE 8 CHURCHILL (Timothy,^ John,* Edward," Robert,^ William ^). Born April 7, 1806. Married Mary Addis. Child. 12G I. George,' b. 1833; ra. Sarah Shetard. 74. WILLIAM" CHURCHILL (Timothy,^ John,* Edward,^ Robert,- William *). Born in Litchfield, April 20, 1808. Learned the mason's trade and went to Rochester, IST. Y , in 1828, where, after a few years, he engaged in the lumber business. He was prosperous and influential in the affairs of the growing city, and was for ten years president of the Monroe Company Savings Bank, and was for several years an alderman in the city. Married, at Troy, IST.Y.? Nov. 2, 1837, Mary Hunter Willard, of Stockbridge, Mass. Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 593 Children horn in Rochester, N. T, I. Mary Frances,' b. Aug. 20, 1842. 127 II. William Willakd,' b. March 30, 1852. 128 III. Frederick Levi,' b. July 29, 1855. IV. Julia Jane,' b. April 5, 1858 ; m. Charles P. Fokd, Jan. 19, 1882. 75. DAVID MORSE « CHURCHILL (William/ John/ Edward,^ Robert,^ William i). Born in Eorthfield, Conn., Sept. 26,1804. Married Sally Maria Hine, of Milford, Conn., June 3, 1827. Children. I. Anna,' m. Charles Catlin. Children. 1. Luther Catlin. 2. Warren Catlin. 3. Charles Catlin. 4. David Catlin. 5. Anna Catlin. G. Frank B. Catlin. II. Alma B.;' in. 1st, Andrew Smith, who died; 2d, Wells W. Davis, Sept. 21, 1862. Child of First Ilushand. 1. Henry L. Smith, b. Aug. 17, 1857. Child of Second Ilushand. 2. William C. Davis, b. May 24, 1867. III. Lucy,' b. Nov. 11, 1833; m. Daniel Mansfield. IV. Alvin H. D.,' d. at twelve years. V. Jerry Smith,' d. in infancy. VI. Perry Oliver,' m. Sarah Woodruff (no children). 128a VII. Charles Carroll,' b. Sept. 7, 1840; m. Alice F. Dillon. VIII. Emily M.,' d. in infancy. IX. Sydney M.,' d. in infancy. JOSEPH" CHURCHILL (Garrktt D.,^ John," Edwaki),^ Robert,- William^). Born near Litchfield, Conn., Oct. 8, 1818. Removed with his father's family to New York State and settled at Bradford, in Steuben County, where he was a farmer. In 1890 he wrote giving the names of his children. In 1904 his second daughter, Mrs. Robinson of Addison, N.Y., answered my inc^uiry with a little further information. Joseph died January, 1903, at South Bradford. Married, at Barringtou, N.Y., Oct 3, 1839, Abigail Mather, who died in South ]3radford, 1885. Children. I. Daniel,' b. May 20, 1841; d. in infancy. II. Julia Maria,' b. Dec. 8, 1843; m. Charles Swarthout. They removed to Michigan, where she died, leaving two sons and a daughter, whose names are not received. 594 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Manhattan III. Mary Elizabeth,' b. Nov. 2, 184G ; m. Gilbert Robinson, at Bath, N.Y., 1875. Mrs. Robinson received a good education, and was a school- teacher for many years before her marriage. She has lived at Addison, N.Y., where her liusband is a farmer. Children horn in Addison, except the first. 1. Adelbert Robinson, b. in Bath, N.Y., Aug. 9, 1878. 2. Myrtie Robinson, b. June 13, 1879; m. William Rice, in 1897. 3. Claude Robinson, b. Oct. 10, 1882. 4. Eddie Robinson, b. April 7, 1884; d. Sept. 5, 1889. 129 IV. Heman,' b. Jan. 20, 1850; m. 1st, Etta Mather, 1874, in Law- renceville, Penn.; 2d, Lydia Leonard. Child by First Wife. 1. Mary; she lived, in 1904, in Wellsboro, Penn. 130 V. Merritt,' b Jan. 12, 1856; m. Amanda Greek, of Glenora, N.Y. He lived, it is said, near Dundee, N.Y., in 1904. One child, a daughter, who lived, in 1904, near Watkins, N.Y. 78. JOHN « CHURCHILL (Garrett D.,^ Johk," Edwakd,^ Rob- ert,'^ William ^). Born near Litclilield, Conn., Nov. 18, 1824. They lived in Watkins, jST.Y. The account of this family was given by Ml-. G. B. Walton, of Dundee, N.Y., in 1890. Mr. and Mrs. Churchill were then deceased. Married Louisa Townsend, of North Hector, N.Y. Children. I. Ida,^ m. William W. Batty. They lived in Watkins, N.Y., and had no children. II. John,' lived in Watkins, N.Y. ; unmarried, 1890. III. Eva,' m. Smedly Evarts. They lived in Watkins, N.Y., and had no children, in 1890. IV. Fred,' unmarried; lived in Newark, N.J., 1890. V. Albert,' unmarried ; lived in Watkins, N.Y. , 1890. VI. William,' unmarried; lived in Watkins, 1890. VII. KiTTiE,' unmarried; lived in Watkins, N.Y., 1890. 79. NEWTON « CHURCHILL (Garrett D.,^ John,* Edward,^ Robert,^ William ^). Born near Litchfield, Conn., Oct. 10, 1828. Married 1st, Nancy J. Smith. Children. 131 I. George,' m. ( ) Baker, of Middleville, Mich. They lived, in 1890, at Grand Rapids, Mich. Two children it is said, but names not received. 132 IT. Warren,' m. Adella Canlet, of Watkins, N.Y. They lived, in 1890, at Altay, N.Y. One daughter, name not received. 133 III. Leroy,' m. Zada Preston, of Monterey, N.Y. They lived, in 1890, at Reading, Schuyler County, N.Y. IV. Ida May,' m. James Shea. t They lived, in 1890, at Dundee, N.Y. Children. 1. Grace Shea. 2. Leroy Shea. 3. Bessie Shea. Bninch.] SIXTH GENERATION 595 80. EDWARD •■' CHURCHILL, JR. (Edwakd/ Edward,^ Edward," Robert,-^ William i). Born at Bangall, N.Y., Feb. 26, 1805. Lived, in the latter part of his life, in Springville, N.Y. He was a carpenter and lived after marriage at Boston, N.Y., and also West Fales, N. Y. He died in Springville, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1889. Married, at Cherry Valley, N.Y., April 25, 1825, Naomi Farquharson, daughter of James and Hannah (Cross) Farquharson. Children. I. Margery J.,'' b. in Montgomery County, N.Y., Jan. 26, 1820; m. William M. Siblet, M.D., at Boston, N.Y., Sept. 23, 1840. Thev lived at Collins Centre, N.Y., where he was a physician. He died Jan. 17, 1807. Children horn at Collins Centre. 1. Margery Adaline Sibley, b. Aug. 27, 1847; d. April 12, 1850. 2. William Edward Siblev, b Jan! 23, 1849; m. Louisa Shehan, in Wisconsin, 1880. Children : (1) Edward Sibley, b. at Chicago, April 30, 1881 ; (2) Joseph Sibley, b. at Chicago, Dec. 23, 1883; (3) Paul Sib- ley, b. at Watertown, Dakota, Jan. 13, 1880. 3 Irving Augustine Siblev, b. June 27, 1852; m. Cora Curtis, at Buffalo. N.Y., Jan. i", 1872. They lived at Chicago, 111., and South Bend, Ind. Children: (1) Irving A. Sibley, Jr., b. Sept. 30, 1878; (2) William C. Sibley, b. Sept. 24, 1881; (3) Frank Sibley, b. Feb. 29, 1892. II. Hannah Almira,' b. March 29, 1829; m. William H. Freeman, April, 1848. Child. 1. Helen Freeman; m. Sewell E. Glazier, of Boston, N.Y. III. Cyrus Downs,^ b. Dec. 4. 1836; d. in infancy. 134 IV. Byron A.,' b. March 10, 1841 ; m. 1st, Marion S. Glazier, March 30, 1859; m. 2d, Olive A. Smith, Oct. 25, 1800. 81. LEVI MORSE « CHURCHILL (Edward, Jr.,^ Edward,^ Edward,^ Robert,'- William ^). Born at Stamford, Dutchess County, N.Y., July 10, 1807. Removed to Green County, Wis., in 1847. Married 1st, Juliana Bowman, born at Schoharie, N.Y. Married 2d, Eliza Smith. Children. 135 I. Charles Bowman,'' b. at Schoharie, N.Y., Jan. 22, 1829; m. Betsey Ann Stephens. 136 II. Harvey,' m. Eliza Chamberlain. 137 III. Edward,' m. Ellen Jobes, IV. Mary,' m. John Clymer. 596 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Manhattan 138 V. Mason M.J b Sept. 23, 1839; m, Lucv Robinson, 1863. VI. Uriah B.,' b. April 19, 1842. Served in Civil War, from Green County, Wis. Enlisted Aug. 7, 1862. Killed at Resaca, May 15, 1864. Was in Libby Prison a while. 139 VII. Arthur Smith,' b. Feb. 2, 1844; m. Orlena C. Mcrphy, Feb. 2, 1879. 110 VIII. Howell,' b. May 13, 1849; m. Emma Robinson. IX. Harriett E ,' b. Dec. 25, 1853; m. Marshall Ogg, 1872. X. Sally M.,' b. Aug. 19, 1856; m. Edgar Scarborough. 83. JOHN^ CHURCHILL (Edward,^ Edward,^ Edward," Robert,^ William ^). Born in Bangall, N.Y., Dec. 14, 1813. He was living in Springville, Erie Connty, N.Y., Oct. 1, 1884, and wrote a letter and filled out a blank giving account of liis father's and his own families. Married Laura Wellington. She died May 26, 1884. Children. llrl I. John OzRO,'b. Oct. 1, 1837; m. Harriet Potter. 112 II. George Morse,' b. April 1, 1840 ; m. Frances Morris. III. Laura Martha,' b. Oct. 28, 1842; m. Salmon Stockkr. IV. Lovina Maria,' b. Oct. 28, 1844; d. March 28, 1846. V. Edward,' b. May 14, 1848; d. March 19, 1850. VI. Gerard,' b. July 25, 1851 ; d. Oct. 22, 1865. VII. Geraldine,' b. Feb. 24, 1854; m. Henry E. Waite. 83. STEPHEN « CHURCHILL (Edward,^ Edward,^ Edward,^ Robert,'^ William ^). Born April 30, 1816. We were unable to find any descendants from whom we could obtain information. Married 1st, 1835, Orpha Paine. Married 2d, 1848, Jane Palm- ERTON. Children of First Wife. 113 I. Elbert.' In 1886 lived in Columbus, Wis., a prosperous dentist. No further account 114 II. LuMAN B.' In 1886 lived in Springville, N.Y., a miller. No account obtained III. Daughter,' d. in infancy. Childreji of Secotid Wife. 145 IV. Edward.' V. Adelaide.' 146 VI. Carlos.' 147 VII. Ward,' 97. WILLIAM « CHURCHILL (Robert,^ Edward,^ John,^ Edward,^ William i). Born at Rhinebeck, N.Y., Oct. 29, 1807. The meagre information below was given by Mrs. Emily Churchill Tripp, of Bangall, K.Y., in 1890. Married Jane Carpenter, born 1807. Branch.] SIXTH GENERATIOK 597 Children. I. TiiiRSYETTE,'' b. 1828; m. Solomon Gritman. II. Mary Jane,' b. 1830; d. young, unmarried. III. Elizabeth,' b. 1833; m. Peter Seism. They lived in Madison County, N.C., in 1890. IV. Emily,' b March 30, 183(5; m. John P. Tripp. They lived at Eangall, N.Y., in 1890. 148 V. Benjamin,' b. June 8, 1839; m. Sarah Churchill (cousin). They lived at Bullshead, N.Y., in 1890. 149 VI. Walter E.,' b. Sept. 22, 1844; m. Mary Weeks. They lived at Little Rest, N.Y., in 1890. 150 VII. Philetus,' b. May 15, 1847; m. Hannah Kinney, 98. THOMAS TILOTSON" CHURCHILL (Robert,^ Edward/ John/ Edward,'- William i). Bom Oct. 6,1812. He died May 19, 1882. Married, April 20, 1834, Catherine L. Asher. Children. I. Cedelia,' b. Dec. 16, 1835; m. John W. IIeuzen. Children. 1. Emma Heuzen. I 3. William IIeuzen. 2. Lavina Heuzen. | 4. Robert Heuzen. 5. Sheridan Heuzen. 161 II. Charles,' b. April 19, 1838; m. Annie Maria Wagner, 18fi3. III. Robert P.,' b. July 1, 1840; d. June 14, 1863. IV. Mary Jane,' b. Oct. 9, 1842; m. John Krapser. Children lorn in Dutchess County. 1. Emma Krapser. I 3. Nettie Krapser. 2. Ira Krapser. I 4. Edward Krapser. 5. John Krapser. 162 V. John William,' b. Sept. 17, 1844; unmarried. 99. MORGAN NEELY « CHURCHILL (John S.,^ Isaac,* John/ Edward,- William ^). Born Nov. 4, 1804, at Little Falls, Herkimer County, N.Y., and when four years old removed with his father's family to Boonville, N.Y., where he lived until about 1856, when he removed to Cortland, N.Y. We have received no record of children by first wife, probably there were none to live. He died Jan. 9, 1878. Married 1st, Catherine Manston. Married 2d, March 6, 1834, Eliza Morgan, born April 5, 1812. Children of Second Wife. 163 I. James Monroe,' b. July 26, 1835. II. Martha Jane,' b. May 3, l'-i39 ; m. Dwight Foster. III. Anna Eliza,' b. Aug. 11, 1841 ; m. Mr. Terrell. They lived, in 188G, at Cortland, N.Y. She wrote this account of the family. IV. George Washington,' b. Oct. 24, 1844; d. June 14, 1845. V. Charlotte Mart,' b. Nov. 20, 1846; d. Oct. 31, 1862. VI. Jerome Neely,' b. Aug. 31, 1849; d. March 24, 1851. 598 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Manhattan 100. HENRY MORTIMER « CHURCHILL (John S.^ Isaac/ John," Edward,^ William i). Born May 29, 1811, in Herkimer, N.Y. Lived first in Boonville, N. Y., but removed about 1856 to Chautau(|ua County. He was a farmer. He died March 13, 1868, in Eredonia, N.Y. Married, in Boonville, N.Y., Caroline McMaster, born Oct. 16, 1824, in Trenton, N.Y. Children, Jive born in Boonville, N. Y. I. Demaris L.,' b. Sept. 25, 1843; m. 1st, Albert Luke; m. 2d, John Young, of Burnhams, N.Y. She died Jan. 21, 1898, in Burnhams, N.Y. II. Anna R.,' b. Jan. 18, 1845; died in Fredonia, N.Y., July 28, 1866. 164 III. Frank M.,' b. Oct. 28, 1848 ; m. Eva C Tuck, of Portland, N.Y. IV, George H.,^ b. Jan. 6, 1853; unmarried. He was a prosperous hardware merchant in Bloomington, 111. Died there April 1, 1889. 156 V. Walter S.,' b. June 29, 1855; m. Stella Siggins of Bradford, Penn. Four Children of H. M. Churchill horn in Pomfort, Chautauqua County, N. Y. 156 VI. RosELL,' b. Aug. 1, 1858; m. Mrs. Emma Ogilvie, of Decatur. Child. 1. Delmer D., b. in Bloomington, 111., May 11, 1895. VII. LiLLiE J.,' b. April 10, 18G1 ; m. Frank Billings, of Portland, N.Y. Children horn in Portland, N. Y. 1. A daughter, d. in infancy. 2. Edith Billings, b. April 1, 1889. 3. Ethel Billings, b. April 1, 1889; d. May 16, 1889. VIII. Katie,' b. Feb. 23, 1863; unmarried, lives in Portland, N.Y., with her mother. IX. Herman,' b. Jan. 27, 1865. 101. REUBEN « CHURCHILL (John S.,^ Isaac," John," Edward," William 1). Born 1816, at Boonville, K.Y., and died at Little Falls, N.Y., before 1901. Mr. Louis R. Noble, of Mattoon, 111., wrote this account of the family and tried to get further informa- tion, but could get no answers to his letters, nor any dates. Married 1st, Augusta Peck ; married 2d, Mary Tyler ; married 3d, Ann Williams. Children of First Wife. I. Lorette.' m. Platte, of Alden Creek, N.Y. II. Lorana.' Child of Second Wife. III. Mary Tyler,' b. 1857; m. Louis R. Noble, b. 1854. Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION 599 Children of Third Wife. IV. Rhoda.' 157 V. Clinton.' VI. Katharine.' 158 VII. Reuben.' 104. JAMES" CHURCHILL (Isaac, Jii.,^ Isaac/ John/ Edward,'^ William^). Born Jan. 30, 1815. Married Caroline Stakin, born 1817. Childre7i horn at Little Falls, N. Y. I. Jane.' II. Josephine.' III. Susan,' b. Nov. 24, 1842; m. Robeut McChksney, Jan. 9, 1808. Children. 1. James McChesney, b. March 0, 1870. 2. Nellie McCliesney, b. Jan. 9, 1872; ra. Stephen C. Waters, Feb. 8, 1889. 160 IV. James H.,' b. Feb. 11, 1845. V. Charles S.,' b. Aoril 11, 1848; d. Feb. 19, 1873. VI. Peter Adam,' b. Sept. 1, 1852; d. May 23, 1888. We have received no further record of the above family of James. 105. ALBERT" CHURCHILL (Benjamin P.,'^ Isaac," John," Edward,'^ William i). Born at Little Falls, N.Y., June 10, 1818. Married Susan Browning. Childreyi. I. Cornelia,' b. July 6, 1840; m. George P. Rds.«;. II. Julia,' b. March, 1842; ni. John De Ryther. III. Emma,' m. William Belden. IV. Fannie,' m. Geop.ce Waters. 161 V. Frederick,' b. June 21, 1851 ; m. Susan Agnes Ward. 106. JACOB « CHURCHILL (Benjamin P.,'^ Isaac,* Joiin,^ Edward,'^ William ^). Born in Little Falls, N.Y., Feb. 29, 1838. Married Harriet Weeks. Children. 162 I. Frank,' b. April 10, 1863 ; m. Rose Shull. 163 II. Ward,' b. Aug. 7, 1804. III. Edith,' b. Jan. 2, 1807. 164 IV. George,' b. Aug. 28, 1871. lOSa. WILLIAM HENRY" CHURCHILL (Benjamin,^^ Henry," John,'' Edward,- William ^). Born Sept. 11, 1807. Married, April 29, 1830, Pamelia Clark Wight. She died Dec. 22, 1883. ()00 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Manhattan Children of William II. and Pamelia 0. ( Wight) Churchill. I. Deborah Ann,' b. July 17, 1831. IGda II. George Henry,' b. Oct. 4, 1832. III. Clarissa Wight,' b. March 4, 1834. IV. Addison Bristo,' b. Au^. 7, 1835; d. March 31, 1857, 164b V. Charles,' b. April 3, 1838. VI. Francis Augustus,' b. Nov. 13, 1840; d. June 11, 1843. VII. Sarah Harrison,' b. Feb. 25, 1841; d. Feb. 19, 1872. VIII. Harriet Decker,' b. July 14, 1843; d. April 5, 1853. IX. Pamelia,' b. May 9, 1847; d. May 4, 1853. 164c X. William Henry,' b. Sept. 18, 1849. 109. DR. WILLIAM DOLOWAY « CHURCHILL (Henry/ Henry," John/ Edward,^ William ^). Born at Matteawan, June 17, 1818: He was a physician and the family lived at Matteawan (Fishkill), N.Y. Married, Nov. 2, 1843, Mary Jackson, born Dec. 24, 1823. Children hoi'n at Matteawan. 165 I. Sydney Fowler,' b. Sept. 18, 1844; m. but name of wife not received. Children. 1. Minnie Estelle, b. in New Haven, Conn , June 22, 1869. 2. Helen Adah, b. in Newburgh, N.Y., May 26, 1873. II. Mary Adah,' b. Dec. 17, 1846; m. 1st, John Green; m. 2d, Henry ( ). 111. COLWELL DEWITT « CHURCHILL (Henry,^ Henry,* John,'' Edward,^ William i). Born at Matteawan, Jan. 16, 1837. The meagre account below is all we could obtain. Married Mary Ferguson. Children horn at Matteawan. 166 I. Henry Leavis,' b. May 31, 1857; m. Susie Freeligh, Feb. 28, 1882. No children. II. Alice Dell,' b. March 25, 1862. III. Louise Oakley,' b. Oct. 19, 1867. IV. Joseph Burtis Peary,' b. Sept. 1, 1872; d. Nov. 1, 1875. 167 V. Frank M.,' b. Jan. 19, 1879. Ilia. ENOCH CHESTER « CHURCHILL (Joseph,^ Benjamin,* JoHN,^ Edward,- William i). Born in Boone County, 111., Sept. 16, 1841. Removed with his father's family to Oregon, in 1847. Married 1st, in Salem, Ore., Nov. 1, 1868, Mary Alvira Thomas, who died July 7, 1883. Married 2d, Sarah E. McKinney, April 1, 1885. Branch.] SIXTH GENERATION" 601 Children of Fi^st Wife. I. Inez,' b. Mav 28. 1871 ; d. June 20, 1873. 167a II. Arthur,' b.'jan. 28, 1875. III. Clara,'' b. March 16, 1877. IV. Orville,' b. June 6, 1879; d. Oct. 18, 1879. Child of Second Wife. V. Infant daughter, b. Oct. 2, 1886; d. the same day. 111b. CLAEK NELSON « CHURCHILL ( Joseph,^ Benjamin/ John,« Edward,'-^ William ^). Born in Boone County, 111., March 20, 1845. Removed with his father's family, in 1847, to Oregon. Married, Oct. 9, 187G, Isabella Long. Children. 167b I. Allen J.,' b. Nov. 26, 1877. 167c II. Ralekjh,' h. July 3, 1880. 114. JOHN AUGUSTUS « CHURCHILL (John,^ Henry," John,« Edward,^ William ^). Born at New Windsor, N.Y., Eeb. 28, 1844. He was a man of ability, integrity, and well merited prosperity. He died after a long illness, Eeb. 19, 1902. Married, Oct. 24, 1867, Harriet S. Hyel. Children. I. Gertrude,' b. Aug. 30, 1868; d. aged two and one-half years. 168 II. George Hyel, b. Oct. 19, 1809; ni. Mary Franklyn King. III. Marie,' b. Aug. 3, 1872; m. Harold Herman John Baring, of London, at New York City, at St. Thomas' Church, Oct. 24, 1898. Mr. Baring has been M.P. of London, Eng. They live at High Beach, Loughton, Essex County, Eng., at the old home of Mr. Baring's father. No children. 115. GEORGE R.« CHURCHILL (Stephen W.,^ Robert," Rohert,^ Edward,'- William ^). Born near Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Sept. 5, 1817, and lived in 18S9 at Arlington, N.Y., but we failed to get from him a full account of his family. Died Dec. 20, 1898. Mar- ried Eliza ( ). She died January, 1904. Children. _^ I. Margaret,' b. about 1841; m. Mr. Walker. They lived in Poughkeepsie in 1904 II. Mary,' b. 1843; m. Warren Lyons. They lived in Freehold, N. J., in 1904. III. John.' No further information obtained. IV. Cornelia,' b. about 1852. 602 THE CHUEGHILL FAMILY [Manhattan 115a. ZACCHEUS NEWCOMB« CHURCHILL (Stephen W.,^ Robert/ Robert,^ Edward,'^ William ^). Boru at Poixghkeepsie, N.Y., Jan. 23, 1824, removed to Harbor Creek, Penn., and settled there, and later at Erie, Penn. He served in the Civil War of 1861- 65 in the Navy, under Capt. John Bumont, of the gunboat " Macki- naw." Married, Sept. 10, 1844, Sarah Jane Beardsley, born July 12, 1824. Childien. I. Emily,' b. May 17, 1846; ni. John Schmehl, Erie, Penn. II Orreyette,' b. March 8, 1848. lG8a III. Charles B ,' b. June 5, 1850; ra. Harriet Anna Sibbetts, Port Gibson, Dec. 18. 1809. IV. Cornelia U.J b. April 1, 1851. V. Agnes,' b. July 12, 1850; m. John Anderson, Erie, Penn., March 27, 1895. 168b VI. Walter G.,' b. July 8, 1800; m. Viola E. Ruck, Feb. 28, 1889. VII. Mary Akvesta,' b. July 11, 1860; m. Kirk Oliver. Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 136. GEORGE^ CHURCHILL (George/ Timothy,'^ John," Edward,^ Robert,- William ^). Rorn in Litchfield, Conn., 1833. Married Sarah Shepard. Children . 168c I. Alvord.^ lG8d II. Geougb.8 128a. CHARLES CARROLL " CHURCHILL (David M.« William,^ John," Edward,^ Rolert,- William ^). Born near Litchfield, Conn., Sept. 7, 1840. Married, July 1, 18G9, Alice F. Dillon. Children. IGSe T. Edward,^ h. June 14, 1870. II. Alma P.,* b. March 15, 1878; d. in infancy. 168f III. David A.,>* b. Feb. 10, 1880. 134. BYRON A.'' CHURCHILL (Edward,« Edward,^ Edward," Edward,'' Robert,- W^illiam ^). Born 1841. He lived in Boston, Erie County, N.Y. He was a man of prominence, and was twice elected to the county office of Justice of the Sessions. Married 1st, March 30, 1859, Marion S. Glazier; she died Sept. 22, 18G4. Married 2d, Oct. 25, 18G6, Olive A. Smith. Child of First Wife. I. RiNDA May.** Children of Second Wife. leSg II. James A.,« b. Aug. 11, 18G7. III. H. Almira,^ b. Jan. 26, 1869. 139. ARTHUR SMITH ^ CHURCHILL (Levi Morse," Edward, Jb.,^ Edward," Edward,'^ Robert,"- William ^). Born in Erie County, N.Y., Feb. 2, 1844. Removed with his father's family to Green County, Wis., in 1847. Enlisted in the Army, for the Civil (603) 604 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Manhattan War, in the Twenty-second Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteers, Aug. 7, 1862. Was confined in Libby prison. Studied several years at the University of Chicago, and was admitted to the bar in 1878, when he removed to Atlantic, Cass County, Iowa, and practised his profession until 1885, when he settled at Omaha, Neb., Feb. 25, 1885. He wrote us this account, and we have nothing further in relation to the family. Married, Feb. 2, 1869, Olena C. Murphy. Children. I. Amy E.,« b. Nov. 16, 1869. II. ZiTTA B.,s b. Nov. 17, 1872. 141. JOHN OZRO' CHURCHILL (John," Edward,^ Edward," Edward,^ Robert,- William^). Born Oct. 1, 1837. He lived in Boston, Concord, and Springville, N.Y. Married, Oct. 28, 1858, Harriet Sarah Potter. Children. I. Ella Adel,* b. in Boston, Erie County, N.Y. ; m. Elmer Ormal Leland, January, 1887. Children. 1. Rachel Harriet Amanda Leland, b. in Springville, June 18, 1890. They live in Buffalo, N.Y. 168h II. Jesse Edwin Stanclift," b. in the town of Concord, N.Y., Dec. 14, 1864; ni. Maud Hovey, Oct. 21, 1897. Mr. Churchill is a Methodist minister. Child. 1. Doris, b. Aug. 2, 1898. III. Mary Blanche,^ b. in Springville, N.Y., Aug. 20, 1869; d. July 29, 1896. IV. Martha Belle,^ b. in Springville, N.Y., Oct 12, 1871. She graduated from Syracuse University in 1896, and in 1899 was a teacher in the Vail-Deane School at Elizabeth, N J. V. Lulu Wellington,® b. at Concord, NY., March 2, 1875. She lived in 1899 at Springfield with her parents, unmarried. 152. CHARLES^ CHURCHILL (Thomas T.,« Robert,'^ Edward," JoHN,^ Edward," William^). Born April 9, 1838. Married Annie Maria Wagner. Children born in Dutchess County, N. Y. I. Martha.* 169 II. Henry.** III. Mary.« 170 IV. Richard » 171 V. Robert. * VI. Gertrude.^ 172 VII. JOHN.8 Branch.] SEVENTH GENERATION 605 161. FREDERICK^ CHURCHILL (Alhekt/' Benjamin P.,^ Isaac,* JoHN,'^ Edward,- William ^). Born at Little Falls, June 21, 1851. He (lied in New York City. Married, Jan. 14, 18G9, Susan Agnes Wakd, born Feb. 7, 1851. Child horn in Little Falls. 172 I. Carl Fred,** b. March 12, 1872. 164a. GEORGE HENRY ^ CHURCHILL (William Henry," Ben- jamin,-' Henry,' John,-^ Edward,- William'). Born Oct. 4, 1832. Married, but wife's name not obtained. Children. 173 I. Frank Henry,** b. Feb. 6, 18G0. 174 II. Edith,' b. Jan. 18, 18G2. 164c. WILLIAM HENRY ^ CHURCHILL (William Henry,« Benjamin,^ Henry,^ John,^ Edward,'- William^). Born Sept. 18, 1849. Married, but wife's name not obtained. Children. I. John A,'* b. Sept. 21, 1873, d. May 4, 1881. II. Grace L.,^ b. Oct. 9, 1876. 175 III. Alexander,' b Feb. 28, 1881. 168. GEORGE A.^ CHURCHILL (John A.,« Joiin,^ Henry,^ John,» Edward,- William'). Born Oct. 19, 1869. Married, in New York City, Nov. 21, 1894, Mary Franklyn King. Child. 176 I. George King,* b. in New York City, Jan. 6, 1897. 168a. CHARLES BEARDSLEY^ CHURCHILL (Zaccheus,« Stephen W.,^ Robert,* Robert,^' Edward,- William i). Born at Pough- keepsie, N.Y., June 5, 1850. Lived at Geneva, Port Gibson, and East Syracuse, N.Y. He was a general mechanic by occupation. Married, Dec. 18, 1869, at Port Gibson, N.Y., Harriet Anna Sibbetts, daughter of Jonathan and Caroline (Smith) Sibbetts. 60() THE CHURCHILL FAMILY [Manhattan Children. I. Mart Sibbetts,^ b. at Geneva, Jan. 1, 1871 ; m. A. R. Goodwin, Nov. 30, 1892. II. WiNNiFRED,* b. at Waterloo, April 8, 1873; m. Charles C. RuMRiLL, November, 1899. 177 III. Oscar Benjamin,^ b. at Port Gibson, March 15, 1875; m. Minnie McGowiN, Sept. 12,1899. They live (1904) at East Syracuse, N.Y. Children. 1. Ivan Floyd, b. Nov. 24, 1900. 2. Mildred Winnifred, b. July 25, 1902. 3. Earl, b. Feb. 28, 1904. 168b. WALTER GEORGE" CHURCHILL (Zaccheus,^ Stephen W.,^ Robert/ Robekt/ Edward,- William ^). Born at Erie, Penn., July 8, 1860. Lived in his native town. Married, at Erie, Penn., Feb. 28, 1889, Viola Emily Ruck, daughter of Jacob L. and Margaret L. (Blair) Ruck. Children horn at Erie. 178 I. Carl Walter,^ b. Jan. 7, 1890. 179 TI. Blair Hennett,* b Jan. 10, 1892. 180 III. Boyd Thomas,^ b. July 5, 1894. APPENDIX APPENDIX TO THE CHURCHILL FAMILY IN AMERICA. In this volume, as well as in nearly all extensive genealogies there are found some lines bearing the family name which we have not been able to connect with ancestors in either of the great branches. Keither time nor money has been spared in our efforts to find the connection of the following unassigned families. We place each under the branch to which it probably belongs. PLYMOUTH BRANCH. Jacob Churchill and Abigail Bosworth, both of Halifax, were married by Rev. Abel Richmond, of that town, June 3, 1811. Dili- gent inqiTiries, as early as 1880, with correspondence with their descendants in the far West failed then to establish the parentage of Jacob, but later information gives the birth of Abigail Bosworth, daughter of David and Patience, born in Halifax, Oct. 22, 1793. The editor had a transcript of the Churchill items on the Halifax town records made by the clerk, in 1900, from which we learn that a Jacob Churchill married, Nov. 2, 1790, Joanna Bosworth, and that Oct. 15, 1787, another Jacob Churchill, of Plympton, married Eunice Sturtevant. The latter is identified as No. 305 of the Plymouth branch. Of Jacob and Joanna we have no further information. In the town records of Halifax for March 1, 1812, Jacob Churchill was chosen highway surveyor, and April 6, 1812, Jacob Churchill wa* chosen to keep and sweep the meeting-house for the ensuing year. It is possible that either of the above may have been the father of Jacob who married Abigail Bosworth. (See No. 305, p. 166.) Jacob and Abigail (Bosworth) Churchill removed to Ohio some time before 1823, when they lived at Point Harmer, near Marietta, 0. He was a blacksmith, and died about 1825. His wife Abigail later married Benjamin Racer. Children of Jacob and Abigail {Bosworth) Churchill. I. Eunice, m. Kev. Charles Dana, of Newport, O. Their son, Rev. Watson Dana, was living in Newport, O., in 188'J. II. Ltdia, m. Mh. Wright. (609) 610 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY III. Jacob, no further record received. IV. James M., b. at Point Harmer, O., Feb. 13, 1823; m. Cordelta Padline Tillson, at Point Harmer, , 1846. They lived at Hudson and Newport, O., and at River Falls, Wis., and Hastings, Minn , and later in Minneapolis. He was a tailor by occupation. He had no interest in this matter of family history and could not remember the name of his grandfather. Ohildren of James M. and Cordelia ( Tillson) Churchill. 1. Elizabeth Racer, b. Jan. 6, 1848. 2. Jacob M., b. at Newport, 0., April 23, 1851; m. Elinira Bur- rell Gordon. They lived at River Falls, Wis. He was a farmer. Children of Jacob M. and Elmira B. {Gordon) Churchill. {•i.) Ellen Maude, b. Jan. 4, 1874; d. March 7, 1877. (2.) Abbie Elizabeth, b. Feb. 19, 1876. (3.) Lucy Cordelia, b. April 14, 1878; d. Feb. 10, 1879. 3. Watson Dana, b. at Newport, i). 4. James Watson, b. at Newport, O. 0. Samuel Reigney, b. at Newport, O. 6. Robert Sheldon, b. at Hudson, O., Nov. 22, 1860. In 1889 was living at Minneapolis, a printer by occupation. 7. Edward Derby, b. at Hastings, Minn., Feb. 25,"' 1864. CONNECTICUT BRANCH. (Explanatory Note.) Referring here to my note under No. 436 (p. 541), I may now add that diligent research has been continued up to this time with no additional result as to the parentage of " Joseph, the Miller," of Newington. In this search I have been generously assisted by Mr. Charles S. Churchill, of Roanoke, Va., a descendant of Joseph, through his son James (No. 192). All possible sources of evidence have been tried, and much time and money expended upon this problem by the editor in the last two years, in addition to the efforts of the compilers years ago. Our senior compiler, N. W. Churchill, corresponded with Mrs. Sarah (Alcott) Gillette, born in 1819 (grand- daughter of Joseph and Rhoda), who wrote him that her mother had often told her about her father's family, but never mentioned Bolton as their old home ; on the other hand, she said that her grandfather (i.e., Joseph, the Miller) used to tell that his father's family settled at a place called •' Three Rivers," and were driven away by the Indians when the children were young. Mr. Churchill (lid not give this tradition much credit, not having then received the account of the same tradition from another branch of the family. And so the only solution seemed to be that the father of Joseph, the Miller, was the son of Joseph (No. 6) and Lydia Dickerman ; and that account I received from him, and arranged and published APPENDIX (Ul (see pp. 3.30 and 343). A more careful final examination of all his letters, papers, and manuscripts, after his decease, with letters re- ceived by me from other sources, led to the reexamination of the Bolton records by the genealogist of Newington, E. Stanley Welles, who found that the Joseph whom we had adopted from Bolton had been drowned Jan. 31, 1837, so that he could not have been the father of our Joseph, who was born, his gravestone in Newington shows, in 1750. I found in the Memoir of Deacon Elijah Churchill, of Stamford, N.Y., published in 1878, that his grandfather, Giles Churchill, son of Ensign Samuel, of Newington, left Newington and settled somewhere near Stamford, N.Y., and there married, and in 1751 removed to the forks of the Delaware river with a few other settlers, and made a rude home in the wilderness ; five children were born there. The story of the Indian invasion is told on page 384, of this volume. Putting this story with the assertion of Mrs. Gillette's mother, I am led to the conviction, in the absence of any other clue, that Giles Churchill had children older than those born at " the Porks," and my theory is that one of these was Joseph, born 1750, who married Rhoda Goodrich. I have found no positive evidence of this theory, though I have diligently sought from town clerks, county clerks, ministers of the oldest churches in the region around Stamford, N.Y., and Florida, N.Y., at which place, it is said, Giles lived in 1771. 1 have found no proof of this last statement of his residence, but, on the other hand, the Memoir of Deacon Elijah states that he came with his family after the Indian raid and " located in some part of Massachusetts." None of the descendants of Joseph, the JNIiller, have been able to give any information as to his parentage, while all have had the general impression that he was closely connected with the Newington line, and that his grandfather was Samuel. Again, the descendants of Capt. Charles Churchill, son of Ensign Samuel, have always considered the family of Jose})h, the Miller, as cousins. BRANCH NOT KNOWN. Daniel Churchill settled in Locke, Cayuga County, N.Y., early in the last century, cleared up a farm and married a woman named Clarke, whose sister married a neighbor, Lawrence Wormer. Researches, begun by the compilers in 1885 and diligently continued up to the present time, have failed to reveal his parentage or place of birth. From several letters written in 1888 I am able to glean a few references which may serve as hints to his descendants if they (U2 THE CHUKCHILL FAMILY wish to investigate further. Mr. David Curtice of La Grange, 0., son of Hosea, writes, in 1889, that his father moved from Hawley, Mass., to Pompey, N.Y., about 1795 and removed to Locke, Cayuga County, in 1803. Mr. Curtice says : " I remember Daniel Churchill very well, but I do not know where he came from, or when he came to Locke. His farm joined my father's, and they were good friends. My father, Hosea Curtice, was born in Massa- chusetts Feb. 13, 1774, and I think Daniel Churchill was six or eight years younger than my father, and he was a captain in the War of 1812. I remember Daniel Churchill from 1816 to 1826, and I think he died about the latter date. He had four girls and three boys." Philo A. Churchill, son of Daniel and Nancy (Clarke) Churchill, writes from Keeneyville, Penn., 1889, that his father said that his grandfather, Daniel Churchill, was adopted when a small boy by a man named Lowden Priest, and was brought up by him. David Curtice also speaks of Lowden Priest, who, with Daniel Churchill visited Curtice at La Grange, 0. Mr. Seymour B. Clarke, of Moravia, N.Y., a nephew of Daniel Churchill, wrote in 1888 giving testimony in agreement with that above, but giving the additional information that Daniel Churchill married a Clarke, and that the Clarke family came from Stonington, Conn., to Cayuga County, K.Y. The above material, collected by the compilers of this volume, is given in addition to the following notes furnished by Mr. Wilbur Churchill, of Sabinsville, Penn., in 1899, in the hope that the descendants may be helped by it to clear up the birth-place and parentage of their ancestor Daniel and find his proper connection in the Churchill family. Wilbur Churchill's notes are mostly with- out dates or proper order of births, but contain the names in the families from Daniel to the present generation. ACCOUNT WPvITTEN BY WILBUR CHURCHILL. First Genei'ation. 1. Daniel Churchill lived in Cayuga County, N.Y. A farmer, and was a captain in the War of 1812. I cannot learn who he married or when. (See testimony of authorities above that his residence was Locke, N.Y., that his wife's name was Clarke, and that he was brought up by Lowden Priest.) Children born at Locke, N.Y. : 2. Philo ; 3. David A. ; 4. Eliza, married Rev. Theodore McElhenney, of Watkins, N.Y., a presiding elder in the Methodist communion and raised a large family at Watkins ; 5. Lawrence ; 6. Lucy, married William Hallenbeck and settled in Iowa ; 7. Sally, married Jacob B. Doan, APPEIsTDIX 613 of Chatham township, Penn, and her chiklren were : (1) Andrew J. B. Doan; (2) Sylvester .Doan ; (3) Mary Doan ; (4) Eliza Doan ; (5) Sally Doan and (6) Jacob Doan ; 7a. Polly, married a Baptist minister and removed to the W est Second Generation. 2. Philo, son of Daniel, lived in Jamestown, N.Y. and Chatham township, Penn. ; a farmer. Died in Keeneyville, Penn. Married Sallie Maria Craft, of Cayuga County, N.Y. Children: 8. Daniel; 9. Rebecca, born at Jamestown, N.Y., married Lyman Stowell, of Tioga County, Penn., and lived at Keeneyville, Penn., no chil- dren; 10. Randolph; 11. James; 12. Mary, born in Chatham, Penn., married Mr. Heath, of New York State, no children; 13. Frank ; 14. Ruth, born in Chatham, married William Stevens, of Keeneyville, a farmer, and lived there, one child, a daughter ; 15. Eliza, born in Chatham, Penn., married Francis Church, two chil- dren, sons, names not given ; 16. Riley, married and had one daughter, but no names received. 3. David A., son of Daniel, born in Locke, N.Y. ; he was a farmer and shoemaker, and a man of good judgment and ability, holding several important local offices in Chatham, Penn., where he settled in 1843. Married Martha Buchanan, of Oneida County, N.Y. David A. and Martha (Buchaiian) Churchill died at Marion, Wis. Children : 17. Clark Latham ; 18. James Buchanan ; 19. Jerome Bonaparte ; 20. Wilbur ; 21. William (these two last twins) ; 22. Martha Jane, born in Locke, N.Y., married in Chatham, Penn., E. R. Burley, and had children : (1) Clark Burley; (2) Ida Burley; (3) Helen Burley; (4) Mary Burley; (5) Emmett Burley; (6) Ebenezer Burley; (7) Edith Burley. 23. David Cordon ; 24. Daniel ; 25. Lunette, died aged three years. 5. Lawrence, son of Daniel, born in Locke, N.Y., settled in Oswego County, married and had a family, but we have no further account. Third Generation, Descendants of Daniel Clixirchill. 8. Daniel, son of Philo, born in Jamestown, N.Y. ; in 1899 lived in Keeneyville*, Penn., a farmer and dairyman. Married Nancy Clark of Chatham, Penn. Children : 26. Philo ; 27. Chad ; 28. Charles ; 29. Morgan. These four sons of Daniel lived at Keeneyville, Penn., in 1899. 10. Randolph, son of Philo, born in Jamestown, N.Y. Settled at Chatham Valley, Penn., a farmer. Married Fanny Cloose, of Chat- 614 THE CHUKCHILL FAMILY ham. Children : 30. Francis, born in Chatham, Penn. Married Emma Strong, of Chatham. Child, Anna Churchill. 31. Willis, born in Chatham. Married Dolly Stevens, of Keeneyville, Penn. One child, name not received. 11. James, son of Philo, born in Jamestown, N.Y. Served in the Civil War. Removed to Nebraska. Married and has family, but no names of wife or children obtained. 13. Frank, son of Philo, born in Chatham, Penn. Lived in Keeneyville. Married Miranda Avery, of Chatham. Child : 32. Byron, born at Middlebury. Married Miss Starkey of same town. 17. Clark Latham, son of David A., born in Cortland County, N.Y. Married Sophia Catlin, of Charleston, Penn. Children : 33. Henderson, died young ; 34. Emmet, born in Wellsville, IST. Y. Married and had six children, but names not received. 18. James Buchanan, born in Cortland County, N.Y. Married Elizabeth Haymau. He served in the Civil War in a Wisconsin regiment. Lived in 1899 in Marion, Wis. No children. 19. Jerome Bonaparte, born in Milan, N.Y. Married Mary J. G. Burney, of Ontario, Can. Lived for twenty-five years in Canada and then moved to Sabinsville, Penn., where he died Septem- ber, 1897, and his wife died Jan 7, 1898. Children : .35. David A., born iu Canada. Married Lottie Spaulding, of Wellsfield, Penn. Lived at Brooklyn, Penn. (Jhild : Areta Churchill ; 36. Eliza ; 37. Charles ; 38. William ; 39. Erwin, No further acccount of these last four children of Jerome B. Churchill. 20. Wilbur, son of David A. and Martha (Buchanan) Churchill, born in Locke, N.Y., April 17, 1835. Settled in Tioga County, Penn., wdth his father's family, in 1843. Mr. Churchill enlisted iu February, 1864, at Sabinsville, Penn., as a private in Com- pany F, Eleventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry. He was promoted to Brigade Saddler later. At the battle of Reams' Station he was seriously injured, and was at the hospital for several months, but in the spring of 1865 was detailed as Chief Saddler at Brigade Headquarters, at Aiken's Landing, on the James river, and participated later in the battles at Blackwater and Jarrett Station, and was honorably discharged at Richmond, Va., Aug. 13, 1865. After the war he settled in Sabinsville, Penn., and engaged in the oil and gas business, in which he is still (1899) engaged, being a director and one of the heaviest stockholders in the Sabinsville (Company. Alar- ried. May 22, 1858, Sophia Octavia Beatty, born in Otsego County, N.Y., Oct. 12, 1840, daughter of John and Amanda (Walling) Beatty. APPENDIX 615 Children of Wilbur and Sophia Churchill. 40. Charles Clarexce, born at Sabinsville, Penn., married Sarah J. Cooper, of Little Marsh, Penn. Chiklren : (1 ) Clarence Laverne ; (2) Thomas, died young; (3) Jason E. ; (4) Mildred ; (5) Arthur B. ; (6) Emma J., died young. 41. Emma Jane, born at Sabinsville, Penn., married Fayette Briggs, of Gurnee, Penn., and lived there. Child : (1) Hattie May Briggs. 42. Wilbur Daniel Churchill, born at Sabinsville, married Henrietta Cisco, of Sabinsville. Three children: (1) Frank Wilbur; (2) Tressie May; (3) Neva Janette. 43. Clark Laverne, born at Sabinsville, married Almeda Douglass, of same town. Children : (1) Clara E. and (2) Douglass. i?i. William, son of David A. and Martha (Buchanan) Churchill, and twin brother of Wilbur, born at Locke, N.Y., April 17, 1835, married Betsey Sandow, in Chatham Valley, in 1858. He enlisted in the One Hundred and Forty -ninth Regiment, Pennsylvania Vol- unteer Infantry. Served two years. Was wounded in the battle of the Wildei'uess. Settled in Marion, Wis., in 18G8 and was living there in 1899. Children : 44. Lunette ; 45. Mary ; 46. Anna ; 47. Laverne; 48. Vinna ; 49. Henry; 50. James. We have no further account of this family. 2S. David Cordon, son of David A. and ^lartha (Buchanan) Churchill, born in Chatham Valley, Penn. Married Harriet Short, of Chatham. Served in the Civil War in a Pennsylvania regiment. They lived in 1899 in Marion, Wis. Children : 51. William ; 52. Ray. £4- Daniel, son of David A. and Martha (Buchanan) Churchill, born at Chatham Valley, Penn. Served in the Civil War in a New York regiment and died in the service in the Peninsula Campaign. ANOTHER UNASSIGNED FAMILY. In May, 1903, in searching for the descendants of Michael Churchill (p. 153, No. 281), I came upon Mr. Van Buren Churchill, of Elmdale, N.Y., who gave me the following account of his father's family. I am inclined to think that this family is connected with the Manhattan branch, as the grandfather first appears at Pough- keepsie, N.Y. Solomon Churchill married Elizabeth Wiley, lived near Poughkeepsie. Children : i. Mark ; 2. John ; 3. Ezra ; 4. Bar- tholomew. 4. Bartholomew Churchill, born in Poughkeepsie. Married Sarah Taylor. They settled at Nyash, N.Y., where he was a farmer. 616 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Children of Bartholomew and Mary (Taylor ) Churchill. 5. Benjamin F., born Jan. 29, 1829. Married Emily Parker Oct. 23, 1853, at Macomb, N.Y. They lived at Macomb, where he was a farmer. Children of Benjamin F. and Emily ( Parker) Churchill. (1.) Van Buren, b. May 23, 1856; m. Maggie C. Lockie, at Gouverneur, N.Y., Feb. 12, 1880. He is a farmer at above place (1903). No children. (2.) Sarah Churchill, b. Sept. 23, 1858; m. Mr. Osborn. (3.) John F., b. March 4 1860; m. Maggie Partridge. (■1.) Jennie, b. Feb. 23, 1864; m. A. Hosraer. (5.) Estella, b. Nov. 13, 1865; ra. Noel Aldoes. (6.) N. H., b. Oct. 20, 1867. 6. Nancy, born May 14, 1837. Married William Partridge. 7. Thankful, born Sept. 27, 1843. Married T. S. Atkins. NOTES OF ADDITION AND CORRECTION, PLYMOUTH . BRANCH. Page 256, No. 1007. Children of John and Martha J. (Bagnell) Churchill : 1. Emma F., born 1850, died in infancy ; 2. George, born 1851, (lied in 1855 ; 3. John West, born 1853 ; ^. Nellie Louise, born 1856; 5. George, born 1858 ; 6. Charles G., born 1861. Page 277, No. 1072. Children and grandchildren of Amos and Marilla (Bronson) Churchill : 1. Jessie M., born June 19, 1868. Married B. B. Curtis, June 19, 1886. Children : (1) Ruby B. Curtis, born Aug. 23, 1887, died Jan. 27, 1888 ; (2) Arthur B. Curtis, born June 25, 1889, died Sept. 29, 1890 ; (3) Clarence R. Curtis, born Nov. 23, 1891 ; (4) Willard C. Curtis, born Dec. 17, 1895, died Jan. 25, 1896 ; (5) Esther M. Curtis, born Nov. 28, 1899. 2.. Jennie E., born Sept. 14, 1870. Married Lewis D. Townsend, April 22, 1891. Children : (1) Julia V. Townsend, born May 13, 1892 ; (2) Rhoda M. Townsend, born July 28, 1893, died Feb. 5, 1894; (3) Douglas C. Townsend, born Oct. 8, 1894, died Feb. 9, 1895 ; (4) Lyle B. Townsend, born May 27, 1896 ; (5) Richard D. Townsend, born March 27, 1902. 3. Josie M., born Nov. 29, 1872. Married George H. Whittle, June 2, 1891. Children : (1) Marie Whittle, born April 20, 1892 ; (2) Amos M. Whittle, born Jan, 19, 1894 ; (3) Margaret H. Whittle, born Nov. 12, 1895 ; (4) and (5) Marilla B. and Harriet H. Whittle, twins, born Aug. 6, 1902. G. Fannie Bell, born Dec. 9, 1880 ; married Clarence A. Rowland, June 18, 1901. Children : (1) Ora Elizabeth Rowland, born June 17, 1902 ; (2) Clarence A. Rowland, born Oct. 4, 1903. APPENDIX 617 ADDITIONAL CORRECTIONS. Page 12, under No. 32. For Worcester, r^ead Foster. Fage 25, under No. 98. For Jostah,^ read Josiah.* Page 82, under No. 45. For No. 214, read No. 294. Page 36, under No. 55. Add to children of Joseph * and Anne Daggett, William.^ See page 90, under No. 149. Page Jf.1, under No. 166. For Clara Eddy Meacham, read Clara (Meacham) Eddy. Page Jf5, under No. 186. For Ann E. Gove, read Ann Lang- don Gove. Page 49, second paragraph. F'or Francis Porter, I'ead Frances Porter. The surname of their chiklren is Francis. Page 51, under No. 202. For Elizabeth Holman, read Eliza (Holman) Norris. Page 53, under No. 84. Marriage of Charles ''' an error. See jmge 60, No. 238. Page 56, under No. 215. For Maria, read Marcia J. Holmes. Page 76, under No. 310. For Colwell, read Caswell. Page 77, under No. 127. Nancy,*^ marriage and family an error. '^ee 2)ages 61 and 62, under No. 103. Last line on page 61. Page 81, under No. 330. For Arvilla Grow, read Arvilla (Grow) VVatkins. Page 89, under No. 145. For Abigail Hanley, read Abigail Hawley. Page 102, under No. 170. Correct by No. 406a, etc., page 211. Page 106, second line. For Brownson, read Brown. Page 106, under No. 416. For Sarah Jane Carver, read S. J. Cann. Page 111, under No. 428. For Anna Hoole, read Weltha A. (Jenkins) Hoole. Page 115, under No. 189. For Hyrona, read Irene Folsom PURINTON. Page 128, under 488. For Dimon, read Damon. Pages 144 and 260. The number of John,'' born Dec. 8, 1810, should be 556a. Page 158, under No. 632. For Clark, read Blake. Page 160, under No. 644. For Morgiana, read Mehitable. Page 160, under No. 640. For Adalink Wright, read Annie M. Cook. Page 160, under No. 642. Fur Cynthia Humphrey, read Cynthia Humphrey French. 618 THE CHURCHILL FAMILY Page 162, under No. 295. For Joanna Tilton, read Margaret TiLTON. Page 162, under No. 654. For Margaret, read Mary Ann, TiLDEN. Page 162, under No. 296. Saba '' m. Samuel instead of James Churchill. Page 176, under No. 714. For dau. of David, read dau. of Daniel. Page 177, under No. 717. For Mary Perley, read Mary Penley. Page 180, under No. 340, in ninth line of sketch. For wife's mother, read wife's brother. Page ISS, under No. 734. For Mary Holt, read Tryphena Holt. Page 203, under No. 389, fourth line. For Margette, read Mariette. Page 204, under No. 393. For Almon, read Almond M. Page 211, under No. 406, seventh line. For Catherine, read Mary C. Page 21^, under No. 406c, For side numbers 406d, etc., read 829a," 829b, etc. Page 238, under No. 474, third line. For Eveline, read Emeline. Page 250, under No. 992. Eleazer's child, Mary A., married. For 1863, rmrf 1868. Page 276, third and fourth lines. For Deline, read Delano. Page 298. To eighteenth line add second child (2) Barbara Ellen Churchill, born Nov. 21, 1903. Page 34.2, under No. 53. For Eunice Payne, read Lois MUNSON. Page 373, under No. 228. Bead b. Jan. 1, 1816 ; m. Sakah Ann Sedgwick, Jan. 6, 1842. Page 374, under No. 81, fifth line from bottom of page. For James, read Jane. Page 377, under No. 85. Give No. 250 to Elijah W. ^ Page 378, under No. 87. For Sarah E., read Sarah M. Page 399, under No. 298. For Mary I., read Mary (Baker) Dunbar. Page 423, eighth line. Leave out second marriage. See 385 below. Page 447, under 212. For Edgerton, read Egglestox. Page 486. Place Bossong children below their parents. > APPENDIX 619 Fage 488, foot-note, last line on page. Read Enos '^.Churchill, son of Zenas.*^ Page 507, under 345, For Norton M., read Norton H. Fage 53^, fifth line. For 1904, read 1903. Fage 540, under No 435, next to last line. For father, read brother Fage 576, under side number 68. For McKiknon, read Lucy M. Kasson. Fage 582, side number 99. For Maxeton, read Manston. Fage 604. Head number 152 should be 151. Fage GOo, under No. 168. For George A., read. George H. Churchill. added items. The Churchill Family of Virginia has not been published in this volume as it is known that they have a well-kept record and correct genealogy mostly published in Virginia and Kentucky local histories. William Churchill, the emigrant ancestor, ■ came from Northampton in Oxfordshire, and settled about 1669 upon the south bank of the Rappahannock river, A^a. He was a gentleman of large estate and tine culture, held an honorable position in the State in his time, and founded a fauuly which has ever been held in good repute in the later times. There are some Churchill families whose connection with either of the branches collated by us we have not been able to find, but presume that these may be descended from the lines which have eluded our search, and it is probable that a few of the name may have been late coiners through Canada and the provinces. A William Churchill, said to have lived in St. Johnstown, N.Y., and to have died at the age of nearly one hundred years, had sons, William, John, and Henry, and a daughter who married Mr. Zimmerman. Heniy, born 1794, married Polly Paling and had five children : (1) Archibald IM. ; (2) Cornelia; (3) Polly ; (4) Eliz- abeth ; (o) John The son of Archibald, Cyrus W. Churchill, was living in ('arson City in 1900, and gave us some information. INDEX OF NAMES. ■;1i*i INDEX OF NAMES. Explanatory Note. — In this inrles Roman numerals iii to xv refer to Editor's Preface; pages from 1 to ;!20 refer to the Plymouth branch of the Churchill Family; pages 321 to 552 refer to the Connecticut branch; pages 553 to 606 refer to the Manhattan branch; and pages 6U7 to 619 refer to the Appendix. Abbott, Corinth, 384. Susan M., 280. Abeil, Anna(,Churchill-Coker), 558. Edward, 558. Abernath, 93, 197. Abercrombie, Jane B. (Chur- chill), 198. Ned, 198. Ackerman, Cynthia (Robin- son), 56.8. David, 568. Ackley, Amelia, 382, 473. Ruth P., 382, 473. Ack worth, Harriet, 507. Adams, Adah, 361. Adaline L. (Churchiin, 376. Adeline (Churchill), 176. Alice (Perry), 175. Annette, 175. Arabella E. (Churchill), 175. Austin v., 175. Celestia, 175. Charles C, 376. Charles R., 487. Charlotte C, 376. Clara Mabel, 487. Cora Esther, 487. E. Marie, 376. Edgar A., 175. Edna Florence, 487. Effle (Dana), 175. Klijah C, 376. Eliza M. (.Churchill), 376. Elizabeth (Churchill), 407, 528. Emily, 369. Emma C. (Churchill), 487. Flora, 118, 235. Frank, 174. George W., 407. Helen I-., 376. James D., 175. Jennie L., 475. John, 136, 407. John, Jr., 407. John Q., 376. John S., 136. Joseph, 528. Julia Paul, 376. Laura, 407. Lillie (Witt), 507. Lovisa, 371, 450. Martha A., 175. Martha L., 174. Martin V., 175. Mary, 155, 279. Mary A. (Churchill), 174. Mary J.(Churchill-Sevitz), 453. Maverick, 176. Adams, continued. Millard 0.. 175. Milo P., 174. Minnie Isabel, 487, Nancy E. (Churchill), 136. Obed, 17.5. Ollie (Xorcross), 175. Oscar C, 1.36. Owen O., 175. Samuel T., 376. Sarah Abigail, 185, 312. Sarah (Oiljbs), 175. Susan CRaudall), 376. Tyuor Hall, 376. Ursula, 156. Walter, 507. Wealthy B., 174. William, 453. Willis C, 175. Zenas, 174. Addis, Mary, 576, 592. Addy, Lizzie M., 188, 315. Agard, Mary, 580. Akerman, Alonzo, 154. Elbyrou, 154. Erastus, 154. John D., 154. Lurana (Churchill), 154. Mary J. (Cox), 154. Miles, 154. Pamelia (Holmes), 154. Winslow, 154. Akins, Alonzo B., 591. Charles F., 591. Florence C. (Churchill), 591. Florence Gertrude, 591. Henry. 591. Homer Churchill, 591. Jane G. (Mitchener), 591. Joseph H., 591. Martha E., 536. Mercy M. (Wilkinson) ,591. Mercy Urena, 591. William, 591. Albee, Benjamin, 288. Mary A. (Churchill), 288; Albert, 436. Albertson, Jacob, 53. Martha, 53. Albright, George, 320. John, 320. Melvina (Churchill), 320. Alcott, Calvin, 367. Charles, 367. .Jesse, 364. Rosetta, 365,434. Sallie, 367. Sarah, 343, 364, 610. Sarah (Churchill), 367. Sar.ah .Jane, 367. Alden, 373. Cynthia (Churchill), 373. (623) Alden, continvetl. Deborah (Churchill), 53. Eliezer, 53. Gideon S.,37. Isaac, 53. Lewis, 53. Mary (Churchill), 373. Rebecca, 53. Roger, Capt., 351. Aldoes,F8teUa(Churchill), 616. Noel, 616. Aldrich, Anna. 363, 429. Gordon S., 445. Lucv ( Saunders-Kent) , 445. Alesworth, Clara Matilda, 198. Alexander, Ebenezer, 325. Elizabeth J., 359. Mehitable (Buck), 325. Alfred, Adeline, 367. Mary C, 367. Alger, Isaac, 40. Priscilla (LothropRobin- son), 40. Allen, 562, 564. Abigail, 367. Bethuel,496. Betsey, 563. Caroline W. (Burhngame), 397. Edward, 563. Ella M., 229. Esther, 495, 496. Ethan, 455, 482. Gabriel, 562. Grace M., 255. Harriet, 451, 551. Hull, Dr.. 562, 563. Joanna, 591. Joseph, 329, 435, 563. Joseph E..397. Leah, 20,44. Letitia (Churchill), 253. Lucian, 551. Maria, 55. Maria (Claflin),90. Mary D., 283. Matilda, 105, 218. Mira, 486. Nellie (Champlin), 435. Pasco, 253. Phebe E. (Churchill), 496. Rhoda, 551. Sally Ann, .563. Sarah, 149. Sarah (Churchill), 562. Susan, 138, 258. Thomas, 218. Van, 90. William, 663. AUerton, Isaac, 230. Allison, Abigail W. (Chur- chill), 203. Charles, 203. 624 INDEX OF NAMES Allison, continued. (Churchill), 501. Joseph, 501. Alverron, Mary (Davis), 428. William, 428. Alvord, Anna, 576. Anna (Churchill), 576. Emily, 576. George, 576. Hobart, 576. John, 576. Martha, 331. Mary A., 400,492. Nathaniel C, 576. NathanielC, Jr., 576. Samuel, 331. Amidon, Harriet M., 478. Amorosa, Attilia, 253. Catharine (Churchill), 2.53. Amy, Abigail (Churchill), 409. Charles S., 409. John W., 409. Van Doren, 409. Viola (ReeB),409. William A., 409. Anderson, x. General, 235. Agnes (Churchill), 602. Bessie W., 185. C. B., 499. Helen E. (Churchill), 499. John, 211, 602. Minerva, 369, 445. Rhoda C. (Churehill-Mc- Greagor), 211. Audrew, Arthur, 573. Cordelia B. (Churchill), 573. Lottie B., 573. Lumau, 573. Andrews, Ann (Churchill), 489. Celeste (Churchill), 1S6. Daniel, 303, 618. David, 176, 618. Elizabeth (Churchill), 68. Harvey, 489. Levi, 68. Loretta, 176, 303. Mary, 426. Metcalf, 186. Andros, Arvilla, 36, 90. Andrus, Abel, 339. Anne, 331. Anne (Churchill), 331. Benjamin, 331. Elis'ha.go. Elizabeth, 331. George (Major), 451. Loraina, 331. Roy, 451. Samantha L. (Churchill), 451. Thankful, 331. Angier, Mary A., 164, 290. Anne, Princess, xiv. Annible C, 397. Emma (Richardson), 397. Anthony, Achsie M. (Chur- chill), 580. Achsie Maria, 580. Adelaide F. (Goodspeed), 580. Almina, .580. Carlos Emmons, 580. Celestia, 372, 451. Elizabeth, 680. George, 580. Gorham, 680. Helen (Horton), 580. Inez E., 401. John, '580. John, Jr., 580. Anthony, continued. Margery (Jertrude, 580. Martha, 580. Mary Josephine, 580. Applehee, Elizabeth, 562. Elizabeth (Churchill), 562. John, 562. Archer, Caroline, 107, 220. Joseph T., 220. Archibald, Maggie A., 187, .315. Ariel. Eliza S., 94, 199. Armstrong, Harriet F., 91, 194. ."Vrnold, Benedict, 51. Cordelia (Churchill), 583. Cornelia, 366. Daniel, 583. Edwin P., 366. Frank M., 366. Ganet, 341. Harriet (Hubbard), 391, 484. Isaac, 100. James, 5.37. James O., 366. John, 391, 484. Juli.a, 41, 100. Lucy, 366. Lucy (Boardman), 341. Lydia, 366. Mary J., 356. Philo, .366. Rhoda (Churchill), 365. Sarah, 366. Sarah (Howe), 100. Sophia (^Robinson), 537. William F., 365. Zetha M., 5.37. Arthur. A. J., 517. Alice B. (Churchill), 517. Elizabeth Ann, 204. Arthuro, Ella, 2.53. ArtiB, George W., 425. Minerva C. (Hrown), 425. Ash, Mary, 143, 259. Asher, Blondina (Churchill), 582. Catherine L., 682, 597. William, 582. Ashley, Abner, 338. Anna, 170. Elizabeth, 56. Lydia (Churchill), 338. Ashwell, Clara (Churchill), 621. Samuel, 521. Asseltine, Mary J., 190,316. .^therton, .-Mice A., 312. Edward, 312. Mary, 312. Atkins, .'\melia M., 101. Hannah Lemoyne, 380, 471. Olive, 35. T. 8., 616. Thankful (Churchill), 616. Atwater, Angeline (Norton), 343. Carlos, .343. Elizabeth, 343. Emily, 343. Hannah (Larkin), 343. Julia, 343. Lucius, 343. Mary, 343. Mary (Churchill), 343. Nelson, 343. Rhoda, 343. William. 343. Atwood, Abigail, 11. Ann (Brown), 77. Drusilla (Churchill), 71. Ebenezer, 30. Eunice, 77. Atwood, continued. Hannah (Wiswall), 62, 77. Henry, 77. Isaac, 77. I. M., Rev., 110. Jacob, 71. John, 11, 61, 62, 77, 173. Leah (Churchill), 30. Luke, 39. Lydia (Holmes-Savary), 77. Maria Shaw, 62, 77. Mary Ann, 62, 77. Nancy, 62, 77. Nancy (Churchill), 61, 77. Rhoda, 173. Rhoda Johnson, 80, 173. Roxanna (Kelsey), 39. Temperance (Churchill), 77. Thomas C, 77. William, 62, 77. Austin, Abbie M., 546. Ada (Churchill), 210. Harriet, 376, 460. William, 210. Lillian A., 228. Averill, Augustine, 259. Lucy C, 142, 259. Avery, Albert, 164. Clarissa, 357, 417. Harriet L. (Barnes), 164. Martha (Coffran), 42. Miranda, 614. Phebe (Troop), 417. Thomas, 42. William T., 417. Ayer, Alice (Rote), 194. Aylesworth, 335. Clarissa (Hodge), 336. Babb, Betsey, 26. Rabcock, Abigail (Do ten - Churchill), 76. Clara Scott, 521. Josiah, 76. Backman, Jacob, 566. Phebe (Churchill), 566. Backus, Nancy, 587. Bacon, Almon, 351. Benjamin, 81. Betsey, 21. Daisy A. (Churchill), 273. David, .351. Elijah, 346. Eliza B. (Churchill), 256. Frances (Churchill), 351. George, Capt., 94, 200. George J., 273. George M., 256. Hannah, 200. Hannah M., 152, 271. Harriet (Tripp), 351. Harrison, 351. Huldah (Churchill), 346. Irena, 351. Jessie (Follansbee), 351. John, 351. Lucretia A., 94, 200. Mary E., 46. Milliccnt (Churchill), 81. Philena, 351. Ruth (House), 351. Sarah (Churchill), 351. Thankful C. (Long), 63. Warren, 351. William, 63. Badger, Alphia (Fernald), 21. Elizabeth Rice, 21. Emily, 21. Eunice, 39, 96. Mary Ewer, 21. Mary (Goss), 21. INDEX OF KA1ME8 02.") Badger, coiithiued. Mary (Joy), 21. Orinda, Uti. Sally True, x, 20, 21. Samuel, 21 . Susan Churcliill, 21. Susanna (Churchill), X, 21. Thoma.s, 21. William, 21. Badsilcy, Sarah, 376. Bagtc, Betsey, 22. Elijah, 22. John, 22. Molly (Churchill), 22. Pauline, 22. Polly, 22. Sarah, 22. Truman, 22. William, 22. Baggs, Charles W., 318. Georiiianna, 318. Nettie I. (Churchill), 318. William, 318. Bagley, Leoua, 490. Bagnell, Martha J., 2.5R,-61f5. Baidaux, Hannah (Ward), 66. Jacob, 66. Bailey, Col., 84. Amanda (Churchill), 91. Annie Mason, 513. Aryilla,91. Charles L., .'il2. Clement Perham, 69. Edmund L., 186. Emma, 116. Emmeliue Stevens, 46, 116. Festus, 91. Hannah, 146, 23T, 204. Hannah J.. 113, 231. Harriet W. (Churchill), .512. Harry, Hi. Jennie, 451, 551. John, 560. Joeeph, 231. Joseph Welles, 513. L., Capt., 85. Lution, 91. Mary A., 1.59. Mary W. (Churchill- Weth- ern), 13, 14,68. MelburnC..09. Mercy .\nne, 112, 229. Persons, 91. Richard G., 116. Sarah R. C, 69. Susannah, 51, 122. Sybil, 9i. William, 68. Bain, Caroline C. (Churchill), 249. John, 249. Bainbridge, Anna J. (Pearson), 34 9^; John, 349. Baintcr, Sue, 490. Baird, Hannah M. (Rogers- Martin), 152. Joel, 152. Lucy Hunter, 99. Mary H. (Churchill), 99. Spencer F., 99. Baker, 210. 594. Alvin, Rev., 585. Ann, 42. Arvilla H., 546. Benjamin .jo8iah,442. Caroline, 69, 147. Clarissa, 442. Clarissa (Churchill) , 442. Daniel, 307. Dorcas F. (Churchill-East- man), 148. Baker, continued. Ed\yard, 402. Eliza (Churchill), 210. Elmira, 42. Ezra, 42. Frederick, 42. Flannah, 352, 405. Isabella L. (Converse), 402. J. H., 148. J. W. N., Dr., 209. Jennie (Churchill), 281. Joseph Martin, 442. Juliette (Case), 307. Leila B. (Bloakney), 209. Lucy A. (Weston), 42. Marcy, 34. Mary, 491,618. Mary J., 21. Milo S., 281. Nancy (Ch u r ch i 1 l-IIib- bard), 42. Olive, 442. Phebe Lucretia, 442. Sadie, 208. Samuel, 442. Si.rali, 181, .307. Sarah Emeline, 442. Watson, 42. Balch, Alzina (Churchill), 155. Ira, 155. Nancy (Swan), 184. WiUiam, 184. Bald-win, A. C, Hon., 426. Augusta Isabella, 426. David, 338. Frank S., 461. Gihnan, 353. Harriet, 353. Helen V. (Getten), 424. Henry, 353. Howard Getten, 424. Isaac, 380. Isabella _((;hurchill), 426. Jane, 576, 592. Jeremiah, 353. John S., 424. Lois, 347, 380. Lois (Churchill), 338. Lucy M. (Churchill), 461. Martha, 338, 351. Wealthy (Churchill), 353. Ball, Alice C., 428. Chloe A. (Churchill), 508. Edna B., 428. Enimeline, 37. George, 37. Ira S., 5U8. Isaac, 36. Isaac Perry, 37. Jesse S., 508. Lucie B., 428. Lucy, 37. Lucy M. (C h u r c hj.l 1 Quiiin), 428. Olive (Churchill), 37. Olive (Churchill-I/eonard) , 38. Perry, 38. Sar.ah, 60. Seneca, 508. Sybil (Churchill -Hart), 63. William, 428. Ballard, Mary Ellen, 313. Ballon, Martha A. (Churchill), 241. Massena, 241. Bancroft, Dr., 246. Amanda N., 160. Caroline (Churchill), 242. Frank, 242, Banks, Maiy,45, 111. Banyar, George, 560. Barber, Agnes, 482. Barber, continued. Chloe, 156. Clara, 482. Delias. (Churchill), 482. Emma (Churchill), 482. Eugene, 292. Frederick, W., 292. Gilbert, 482. Harriet L. (Hyde), 292. John, 482. Lena May, 292. Lovisa Adams, 4.50. Miranda, 155,280. Barden. HarrietB. (Churchill), 140. Joseph, 140. Barinsf, Harold Herman John, 601. Marie (Churchill), 601, Barker, Angoline, 155, 277. Elizabeth F. (Churchill), 125. Francis, Dr., 125. Jane Ann, 402, 498. Lovina, 135. Margaret (Mason), 277. Mary F., 125. Sophronia, 125. William, 125. Zelotua, 277. Barks, Mary, 508. Noah, 508. Barlow, Ammittai, 31. Lydia (Churchill), 31. Piiebe, 100, 208. Barrason, AngcHue (Chur- chill), 573T Harrie, 573. Barnard, Annie E. (Wetmore), 274. Clayton, M., 447. Cyrus, 274. Eugene A., 274. Janet H. (Churchill), 274. Josie E. (Gunder), 447. Mina M., 447. Nettie A., 274. Barnes, Abby A., 142. Abel, 368. Abigail, 3.30, ,342. Ann M. (Churchill), 247. Anna, .309. Ansel, 163. Deborah (Churchill), 163. Dexter Randall, 164. Eunice, 344, 368. Hannah, 5, 12, 25, 342, 362. Harriet (Churchill), 582. Harriet Louise, 164. Hattie M., 283. Hosea Ansel, 164. Isaac, 61, 582. Jane (Boynton), 164. Jennie (Kellogg), 164. Jonathan, 12, 25. Levange (Mitchell), 215. Lewis Churchill, 164. Lois Maria, 164. Lucretia, 164. Lucy C. (Harlow), 61. Martha Ann, lti4. Mary (Churchill), 135. Mercy (Carver), 26. Mercv (Doten), 26. Nancy (Churchill), 381. Nancy Paty, 135. Nathaniel, 247. Robert, .381. S. D., Dr., 215. Susan E., 164. William, 26. Zaccheus, 135. Barney, Mary, 362. 626 INDEX OF NAMES Barnura, P. T., 260. Barrel!, Anna, 73, 160. Barrester, Ada (Boyer), 212. McAuii, 212. Barrett, Edna B. (Ball), 428. Ellen Brastow, 297. Harriet (Churchill), 176. Harriet (Ware), 297. Harry Neal, 428. Joseph J., 468. LydiaA. (Churchill), 468. Maria R. (Churchill), 585. Nathan, 297. Paul Verne, 428. Ruth Edna, 428. William, 428. W^illiara Ball, 428. William H., 585. Wright, 176. Barrows, Abigail, 87. Albert, Dr., 39. Benjamin, 87. Charlotte, 87. Charlotte (Churchill), 35, 87. Charlotte M. (Churchill), 234. (Daniels), 39. Ebenezer, 39. Ephraim, 35, 87. Ephraim, Jr., 87. Hamlet W., 202. Hannah, 39. Hiram, 87. Jabez, 87. Joel, 87. Jonathon, 95. Keziah, 87. Lauriette, 573, 589. Lucinda, 87. Mary, 87. Miranda, 87. (Russell), 39. Ruth, 39. Ruth (Churchill), 39. Salome (Churchill), 95. Susan R. (Churchill), 202. Thomas A., 39. William, 234. Barry, Charlotte, 36, 89. Bartle, Frances A. (Churchill), 457. Francis A., 457. Bartlett, Abigail, 24, 53. Abigail (Churchill), 28. Almira, 65, 142. Benjamin, 8. Bethia (Churchill), 136. Betsey, 27. Betsey (Moore), 9, 27, 64. Betty, 27, 64. Charles, 28, 136. Charles Edgar, 422. Charles P., Rev., 177. David, 26. Elizabeth, 64. Elkanah, 28. Emmeline (Savery), 136. George, 24. Hannah,7, 9, 12. Hannah (Churchill), 9. Hannah (Stevens), 8. Jane, 37. John, 9. Judab, 9, 28, 63. Lucy A. (Pratt), 136. Mary A., 136. Mary L. (Churchill), 422. Mary (Morton), 28. Mercy (Sylvepter), 28, 6a. Nancy H. (Churchill), 177. Polly (Carver), 26. Priscilla Sampson, 136. Reuben, 82. Bartlett, coni/niied. Rizpah (Churchill), 82. Robert, 7, 12. Ruhaa:ahD. (Raymond), 136. Ruth (Churchill), 27. Samuel, 9, 27,64. Sarah, 324. Sarah (Churchill), 24. Susannah, 13, 28. Thomas, 27, 136. Thomas B., 136. William, 9. Barton, Charles, 380. Cornelia M. (Churchill), 380, Edwin W., 227. Helen B. (Churchill- Swan), 227. Lena, 380. William, 380. Bartree, Ada E. (Churchill), 307. Eugene, 307. Basley, Parson, 100. Bas.sett, Priscilla, 32. Rachel, 24. Bates, Alice O. (Churchill), 406. Barnabas, 7. . Etta, 69. Florence, 406. Francis C.,406. George, 36. Imogene, 156. James A., 78. Job, 7. John, 6. Lizzie (Harding), 72. Lydia (Savory), 6. Margaret (Churchill), 6. Mary A., 160. Mary M. (Foster-Hutchin- son), 78. Mirth, 406. Nancy P. (Barnes), 135. Ormal, 406. Ozen, 105. Patience (Churchill), 36. Samuel, 6. Susan, 64. Thomas, 6. Washington, 72. Batty, Ida (Churchill), 594. Willi.am A., 594. Bawden, Anna W., 276. Jane E. (Churchill), 276. Robert, 276. Willie, 276. Bayard, Col., 555. Bayldon, Jennie, 587. Beach, Annie C. (Churchill), 514. B. A., Rev., 357. ■ Ellen S. (Olmsted), 514. Eunice, 202. Eveline, 467. Isaac W., 514. Maria, 3P9, 447. Rhoda (Churchill), 357. RoBwell, 0.,514. Beal, Hannah U. (Churchill- Wilder), 236. James S., 256. Mahala, 101, 211. Mary, 257. Sophronia W., 285. Beals, Abbie C, 50. Eli v., 50. Harriet (Churchill), 50. Robert S., 50. Beamish, Almira (Davidson), 104. Francis A., 104. Bean, Charles, 149. Bean, continued, Ellen (Churchill), 149. Eunice, 67. Geo. M., 67. Homer S., 67. Jeremiah, 67. Orland, 67. Paulina (Churchill), 67. Sally, 446. Beardsley, Sarah, 103. Sarah Jane, 587, 602. Bearse, Aaron, 574. Bathsheba C. (Long), 63. Isaac, 63. Izabenda, 564, 574. Phebe (Smith), 574. Beathe, Margaret, 397. Beatty, Amanda (Walling), 614. John, 614. Sophia Octavia, 614, 615. Becker, Edward, 214. Hester (Chamberlain), 214. John, 364. Mary O. (Miller), 364. Beckley, Benjamin, 566. Sarah (Churchill), 566. Beebe, 89. Aram, 576. Clark Talmage, 47. David, 473. Dorcas (Churchill), 89. Eliza Jane, 443. Emeline, 191,517. Fannie M. (Merriman), 47. Frank Chester, 47. Henry, 443. Horace Aram, 577. Julia A. (Churchill), 576. Laura Amanda, 443. Lucy A. (Churchill), 89. Lyman Chester, 47. MaryE. (ChurchillClark), 473. Sarah (Churchill), 443. William Churchill, 577. Beecher, Hulda, 330, 342. Beers, Etta, 477. Belcher, Allen W., 79. Almira (Churchill), 79. Almira Anna, 79. Almira Jane, 79. Caroline, 79. Emily Louisa, 79. Irene Estella, 79. Jane, 79. Laura E. (Blanchard), 79. Laura Etta, 79. Lillian, 79. William, 79. William B., 79. Belden, Albert, 121. Anne (Churchill), 328. Benjamin, 328. Charles, 328. Clarissa (Churchill), 121. Elizabeth, 330, 341. Emma (Churchill), 599. Hannah, 342, 360. ' Jane B., 4.33. Joshua, Rev., 340, 355, 337. Josiah, 340. Lydia, 330, 340. Mabel (Wright), 340. Mary, 118,234,328. Rhoda, 340, 357. Richard, 340. Ruth, 334. William, 599. Belknap, Diantha, 405. Bell, Amos C, 377. Ann, 377. Edward, 84. Emily, 84. INDEX OF NAMES 627 Bell, continueii. Fanny, 377. Harriet C, 377. James, 84,377. James A., 251. James H., 377. Jared, 377. Maria, 377. May C. (Crosby), 251. Olive rOhurchill), 377. Olive Eliza, 377. Kuth (Churchill), 84. Sarah, 377. Thomas, 84. William H., 377. Bellinger, Col., 358. Bellman, Sarah M., 442. Bemie, Celia M. A. (Hyde), 292. Nettie, 292. Schuyler, 292. Bemus, Lovina, .346. Benaway, Abbey, 571. Benedict, Allen, 424. Lovina (Cliurchill-Gowdy ) , 424. Sarah A., 348, 385. Bennett, Alexander 8.. 293. Almira (Churchill), 220. Andrew, J., 1.50. Carrie Morton, 54. Cynthia (Churchill), 159. Edwin Scott, lo'J. Elizabeth C. (Vose), 54. Elizabeth Chiychill, 54. Emily, 214, 215. George W., 159. Gilbert, 220. James 11., 159. Joshua, 159. Libbie (Churchill), .■^20. Lulu E.,415. Maria Miles, 159. N. Edgar, Rev., 320. Samuel, 54. Sarah P. (Churchill), 293. Bennington, Nellie, 503. Benson, Celestia (Churchill), 35. Charlotte M. (King), 170. Ellen, 190. Fred L., 285. Frederick, 256. George, 284. George H., 285. HattieP. (Churchill), 284. Jepthah, 35, 87. Lucy (Churchill), 256. Maria, 35, 85. Mariette L. ( not Margette), 96, 203, fil8. Sally, 35, Sti. Walter L., 285. Bent, Jemima (Billington), 7. Joseph, 7. Bentley, 22. Olive (Churchill), 22. Benway, Arthur L., 164. Lemuel, 164. Lucy E., 164. Sarah (Churchill), 164. Sarah J. (Tandy), 164. Berkeley, Matilda Kootain, 120. Bermudiz, Malvina, 410, 509. Berry, Elvira, 452. Emily E. (Robbins), 183. Florence, 67. George, 444. Grace Watrous, 522. Irena, 147, 264. Jesse J., 444. John T., 183. Lydia M., 147, 265. Mary A. (Churchill), 444. Berry, conihiued. Sophia (Churchill), 444. Sophia E., 444. Bertram, Eleanor, 409, 504. Bei^se, 35. Celestia (Churchill), 35. Bessel, Ida Louise, 280. Bessey, Charity, 87. John, 87. Joshua, 87. Mahala, 87. Silence (Churchill), 87. Besson, Mary M. (Churcliill), 573. ' Wm.H.,573. Best. Catherine (Walker), 549. John P., 549. Maria J., 449, 549. Beswick, Eva (Churchill), 508. Herbert, 508. Betts, Delilah, 89, 189. Bicknell, Brownell il., 177. John, 86. Marcena (Churchill), S6. Philena H. (Churchill), 177. Bidleman, Adam, 567. Anua (Churchill), 567. Bier, Almond A., 585. Charles E., 585. Lena P., 585. Lydia J. (Churchill), 581. N., 584. Bigelow, 86. Harriet, 86. Jason, 425. Maria (Churchill-Brown), 425. May (Churchill), .'J06. Polly (Churchill), 86. Reuman, 506. Billings, Abbie, 78. Bertha, 258. Edith, 598. Elizabeth (Churchill), 258. Ethel, .598. Frank, 598. Grace Holmes, 258. Hannah (Churchill), 363. Henry H., 258. Jesse, 258. Lillie J. (Churchill), 598. Lucy (Swan), 184. Mary Ellen. 258. William, 363. Billinger, Mary, 582. Billington, Abigail, 7. Abigail rchurchill), 7. Constant, 7. Francis, 7. Jemima, 7. Joseph, 7. Sarah, 7. Sukey, 7. Binder, Abrani, 493. Lena P., 498. Leroy Jeffrie, 498. Lloyd W., 498. Melinda A. (Churchill), 498. Bingham, Ada, 418, 518. Addie (Ludlow), 418. Alice, 418, 518. Arthur, 220. Caroline E. (Churchill), 418, 518. Clara (Churchill), 220. Helen Ludlow, 418. Helen Maria, 418, 518. Homer William, 418, 518. Horace, 418. John Augustine, 418. John Herbert, 418. Bird, Albert H., 257. Bird, continued. Angie, 86. Arthurs., 224. Asaph, 35. Benjamin, 35. Eliza A. (Churchill), 257. George Emerson, 224. John, 35. Julia E. (Churchill), 224. Lyman, 35. Polly, 81, 176. Polly (Churchill), 35. Birdsall, 461. Harriet (Churchill), 461. Bisbee, Abigail, 15, 31. Abigail (Churchill), 15, 31. Abner, 15. America, 176. Ansel, 15, 31. Bathsheba (Palmer), 15. Clara (Churchill-Tuttle), 176. Hannah, 15, 31. Hannah (Churchill), 15. Hopestill, 15, 31. Issachar, 15. Joanna, 30, 70. Joanna (Brooks), 15. John, 15,170. Josiah, 15, 31. Levi, 15,31. Lydia (Cushman), 32. Mary (Harlow), 15. Priscilla (Ripley), 170. Reuben, 32. Sally, 78, 170. Sarah, 15. Susanna, 31. Susannah, 15. Sylvunus, 15, 31. Bishop, Alice, 4iiS. Ebenezer, Prof., 408. Georgia, 408. Laura W. (Churchill), 408. Lucy Ann, 573. Bitts, Rachel, 36. Black, Emma A., 320. J. B., Dr., 217. Jane, 408, 501. Rebecca (Churchill), 217. Blackinson, Annie (Churchill), 443. Charles, 443. Blackmer, Branch, 1, 7. Blackmore, Alice, 395. Alta Holmes, 395. Alvah K., 394. Cora, 395. Eliza, 394. Esther A. (Churchill), 394. Ida, 395. John, 394. Mary (Sage), 394. Olive A. ,"394. Olive M. (Churcliill), 395. Thomas, 395. Blackwell, Abiah, 7,11. Martha, 17, 34. Samuel, 34. Blaine, Catherine, 563, 568. Emma, 222. Blair, Margaret L., 606. lllaisdell, Elizabeth Ann, 45. Martha C. (Hood), 45. Mary (Chnrchill), 45. Mary Melvina, 45. Nicholas, 45. Robinson, 45. Blake, Anna A. (Churchill), 256. Charles, 256, 408, Ida, 408. Julia (Weston), 408. Lillie, 408. 628 INDEX OF NAMES Blake, continued . Mary E. (not Clark), 158. 282, 617. Minnie A., 311. William, 408. Blakeelee, Adaliue C. (Hine), 577. Asaph HuiniBtou, 577. Emily (Cluircliill), 577. Jane L , 434, 534. John, 577. Blakesley (Haskins), 71. Blanat, Cora A., 468. Blanchard, 369. Cohimbia L. (Churchill), 268. Eveline, 159,284. John, Rev., 268. Laura E., 79. Blaney, Elizabeth. 248. Bleakney, Elethea (Churchill), 209. J. C, Rev., 209. Leila Blanche, 209. Blinn, Bart Elisha, 421. HarrietE. (Churchill), 421. Mary Jane, 421. Sarah, 342, 361. Sarah Wells, 539. Blockson. Isabel, 140. Blodget, Emily, 312. Ida L., 312. James, 312. Bloom, Mary, 86, 143. Sylvester, 143. BloBser, Nancy, 421, 522. Blossom, Abigail (Crocker), 12. Churchill, 12. David, 12. Hannah, 12. Lini, 12. Peter, 12. Sarah (Churchill), 11, 12. Seth, 11, 12. Boardman, Abigail (Stillraan), 358. Anna B. (Churchill), 270. Benaijah, 341. Benaijah, Jr., 341. Benjamin, 342. Charles, 358. Daniel, 330. Elizabeth, 341. Elizabeth (Larned), 341. Hannah, 342, 358. Hannah (Wright), 330. Jerusha, 341. Jerusha (Churchill), 342. Jessie Churchill, 341. Jonathan,' 354. Julia (Ward), 341. Laura A. (Kurd), 341. Lucy, 341. Lucy (Price), 341. Lydia (Kirby), 341. Martha, .327, 330. Martha (Churchill), .341. Martha (Hurlbut), 354. Mary (Rungar), 341. Meekins, 341. Mercy, 340, 354. Nathaniel, Sergt., 341. Rebecca Meekins, 341. Ruth (Parker), 341. Samuel, 330, 341. Sarah, 341. Willard C, Rev., 270. Bocock, Lucretia, 365, 437. Bodfls^h, Mehitable, 452. Bodge, George M., Lvov., iii. Bogart, 189. Delila (Churchill), 189. Boise, Emma, 69, 1.50. Bolles, Rev. Dr., 110. Bolinger, 119. Bolter, Mary, 59. Bolton, Eunice, 60. Bonaparte, Joseijh, 459. Bond, Cora A., 280. Dionese, xiii. Thomas, Sir, xiii. Bondi, xii. Bonney, Elizabeth, .30, 72. Frances (.Churchill), 162. James S., 162. John, 16. Louise, 167, 294. Stephen, 162. Thomas, 162. Bounifield, Aaron, 527. LitibieC. (Clark), 527. Bonsoii, Franlj M.,457. Mary E. (Churchill), 457. Booker, Julia Edna, 511. Boothby, Eva (Churchill), 226. Josepli, 226. Lillian R.. 226. Bormau, Richard, 330. BoBsong, Churchill, 486, 618. Joseph M., 480. Lydia F. (Churchill), 486, 618. Margaret, 486, 618. Bostwick, Harriet, 452. Bos worth, Abigail, 609. Cliester, 52. David, 609. Deborah (Churchill), 161. Franklin C, 52. Joanna, 609. John, 123. Josliua C, 51. Lydia, 78, 170, Martha Louisa, 52, 123. Martin, 161, 162. Mary Elizabeth, 162. Mary M. (Chureliill), 162. Myra Jane, 80, 171. Patience, 609. Saba Soule, 162. Sarah, 161. Sarah (Churchill), 51. Seth, 161, 162. Bothwell, Mary Jane, 209. Botsford, Mary, 514. Bourne, Cynthia, 48. Boutelle, Eli, 90. Olive (Churchill), 90. Bouton, Florence May, 421. Boutwell, Orleana, 175, 302. Bowden, Lydia, 378, 463. Bowdoin, Courtney, 120. Bowen, Alsista Italy, 1-56, 280. Emma, 114,2.31. Henry, 372. Olive A. (Harroun), 372. William, 114, 231. Bowman, Andrew, 587. Juliana, 680, 595. Rosella E. (Fowler), 587. Bown, Eunice, 83. Bowser, Ann J. (Boyer), 212. J. B., 212. Boyce, Elizabeth, 587. Boyd, Ada (Yerxa), 224. Alice Churchill, 224. Gertrude A . (Peck ham) ,224 Harriet E. (Churchill) , 224. James Churchill, 224. Louie Churchill, 224. Margaret Churchill, 224. Robert Southgate 224. Samuel S., 224. Sarah, 439, 538. Boyer, Ada, 212. Amos L., 212. Ann J., 212. AnnaM. (Kimball), 212. Boyer, continued. Burzil, 212. Caroline, 212. Chloe A. (Churchill), 102, 211. (Dewett),212. Elizabeth, 212. Ella, 212. Frederick J., 212. George Greenleaf, 212. George R., 102, 211, 212. George W., s, 102, 212, 213. Hannah (Mills), 212. James William, 212. Joeie, 212. Lois, 212. (McLoud),212. Pamelia F., 212. Samuel R., 212. Sarah (Lovely), 212. Susanna, 212. Boynton, 81. Abbie R. (Lansing), 67. Amanda M., 67. Cora, 67. Eliza A. (Goodwin), 67. George R., 67. Herbert C, 67. Jane, 164. John L., 67. Joseph L., 67. Lavinia (Churchill), 67. Lydia F., 67. Mary (Watkins), 81. Sarah L., 67. Villa A., 151, 267. Walter A., 67. Brace, Joab, Rev., 411. Bracket, Emma F., 157. Ida B.,157. Joseph W., 157. Loriug E., 157. Lottie J., 157. Narcissa (Churchill) , 157. Narcissa S., 157. Orrington A., 157. Oscar L., 157. Oscar M., 157. Phebe C, 157. William, 157. Brackett, 434. Finette (Churchill), 434. Harriet, 21. Martha, 21. Bradfield, Eveline E., 195, 320. Bradford, 61, 137. Bartlett, 61. Edmond, 64. Ellen, 61. Ephraim, 27. Gamaliel, Capt., 72. George, 64. Gershom, 75, 137. Hannah, 61, 75, 137. Hannah (Bradford), 71. Hannah (Morton), 27. Hannah (Wadsworth), 61. Harriet, 64, 76, 137. Harriet (Churchill), 64, 75, 137. Harvey, 61. Jane C, 61. John, 22. John, Capt., 72. Jo.shua, 71. Lemuel, 64. Lewis, 8, 17. Lucy, 61. Lucy (Bradford), 61. Lucy (Churchill), 61. Lucy (Gibbs), 61. Lydia, 50, 75, 119, 137. Meletiah, 30, 71. ~ INDEX OF NAMES 629 Bradford, continued. Molly, 11, 22. Otis, 75, 137. Perez, 75, 137. Polly, 73. Prince, 75, 137. Sally, 16->, 289. Samuel, 61, 137. Stephen, 61. Susan, 75, 137. Wealthy (Hathaway), 61. William, 31. William, Gov., 75. Bradley, A. L., 513. Adeline Adella ( C h u r - chill), 188. Amelia, 367, 441. Benjamin, 457. Charlotte, 5K5. Churchill Frisbie, 513. Clarissa, 374, 456. Edna M. (Churchill), 302. Frank \V., 302. Maria (Churchill-Wait), 168. Nellie A. (Frisbie- Whit- man), 513. Olive, 576, 592. Volney, 168. William, 188. Bramble, Eva, 506. Brainhall, Betsey (Shaw), 01. Martha, 63. William, 61. Branch, Carlton, 281. _ Hazel, 281. I. T., 281. Luella (Brown), 281. Mary, 55. Mary I. (Churchill), 281. Mercy, 17, 37. Millie B. (Campbell), 281. Thomas, 17. Vernon Harris, 281. Waiter, 281. Walter Teimey, 281. Brant, Phehe, 101. Bras, Hendrik, 55S. Brass, Cinderilla (Churchill), 366. Samuel, 366. Bray, Asa U., 125. Maria E. (Powers), 125. Brayser, Susannah, 556. Brayton, Annie, 381, 473. Brazer, John S., 68. Lydia K. (Carlton), G8. Brazyer, Abiah, 558. Breenan, Hope E. (Churchill), 203. William W., 203. Bremersted, Anna, 506. Martha, 505. Brett, Adaline, 585. Fred, 302. Khoda M. (Churchill), 302. Brewer, Darius, 297. Edward, 440. Emma E. (Smith), 440. Harriet (Buckminster), 297. Mary Buckminster, 173, 297. Brewster, 52. Charles, 61, 114. Desire Barker, 75, 163. Ellen (Bradford), 61. George Henry, 292. John Leonard, 292. Lydia A. (Churchill), 114. Maria (Fitch), 52. Marietta, 292. Mary E., 52. Mary M., 270. Brewster, continued. Naucy (Holmes), 61, 138. Rhoda A. (Churchill), 292. Sarah, 75. William, 2. Bridge, Carl Churchill, 227. Charles W., 227. Ethel May, 227. Georgia E. (Churchill), 227. William D. I., 227. Bridges, Ella M. ( Wentworth), 383 Luther Wadsworth, 383. Bridgham, Ann, 63. Briggs, Ada, 87. Alice, 17, 34, 35. Anna, 215. Caleb, 272. Catherine (Morse), 496. (Jharles, 87. Dora C, 4913. Eliza Ann, 127. Eliza (Churchill), 127. Ellen, 87. Emma J. (Churchill), 615. Kraineline, 87. Ephraim, Rev., 39. Fayette, 615. Hattie May, 615. Helen H., 289. Horace, 496. John, 127. John C., 127. Julia C. (Churchill), 272. Leah ; Whitman), 30. Lucinda, 582. Lydia, 184. Lydia Southworth, 127. Olive (Churchill), 86. Kulus, 86. Sarah, 87. Sylvester, 30. Brigham, Jennie, 546. Samuel, 345. Brinkerhoff, Dieck, 560. Bristol, .-Vngeline (Churchill), 448. Eds9. Abby A. (Barnes), 142. Abby (Dunham), 106, 218. Abby Lewis, 241. Abby (Paae),376, 459. Abby Stone, 113. Abby W. (Ste%'en8), 88, 187. Abby W. (White), 284. Abel, 147, 264, 265, 559, 561, 563, 565. Abel K., 362. Abernath, 93, 197. Abiah, 11, 2:;, 343. Abiab (Blackwell), 7. Abiah (Wiltlman),330,343. Abieail, 7, 15, 19, 26, 28, 31, 42, 57, 70, 76, 90,- 95, 106, 128,166, 201, 296, 328, 333, 334, 335, 342, 344, 34.),368,:;78, 382, 408,409, 444, 446. 558, 562, 565, 579, 580. Abigail (Allen), 367. Abitrail Ann, 465. Abigail B. (Ingalls), 369, 446. Abigail (Barnes), .330, 342. .•\bi<;ail (Bartlett), 24, 53. Abigail (Bosworth), 609. Abiijail (Covell), 377. Abigail (Davis), 368, 444. Abigail (Deverson), 14, 29. Abigail (Doten), .32, 76. Abigail (Eddy), 136. Abigail (Griswold), 360, 420. Abigail (Harris), 421, 521. Abigail (Ilaskins), 348,-382. Abigail (Hawley) (not Haiiley), 36, 89, 617. Abigail (Hitchcock), 122, 237 . Abigail (Holly), 442, 542. Abigail (Knopp), 136. Abigail CLocke), 56, 127. Abigail (Luce), 147, 264. Abigail M., 169,421. Abigail M. (Goodwin), 126, 241 Abigail (Mario), 421, 521. Abigail (Mather), 578, 593. Abig.ail (Roberts), 346, 377. Abigail (Rogers), 42, 107. Abigail (Russell), 77, 169. Abigail (Ryder), 11,19. Abigail (Tooker), 348,383. Abigail (Turner), 36, 89. Abigail (Valpey), 134, 254. Abigail W., 65, 203. Abigail (Washburn), 74. Abigail (Webster), 410, 510. Abigail (White) .329, 334. Abigail (Williams), 83, 180. Abigail Wooster, 128. Abigail Worcester, 57. Churchill, continued. Abigail (Worcester), 24,57. Abisha, 67. Abisha S., 159, 284. Abner, 26, 255, 571. Abraham, 83, 181, 306, 447, 566, 581. Abraham L., 492. Abraham Williams, 306. Abram, 582. Absalom Welles, 412, 512. Achsah, 90, 156, 157, 282. Achsah (Churchill), 156, 157, 282. Achsah Minnie, 494. Acbsie (Eadie),401, 494, Achsie Maria, 580. Ada, 210, 221. Ada A., 249. Ada B., 307. Ada (Earle), 108,221. Ada (Baston), 269. Ada K., 188. Ada (Hill). 148,265. Ada I., 545. Ada May, 281 . Ada (Phillips), 248. Adas., 275. Ada (Upham),116. Ada W., 206. Adaline, 96, 570. Adaline (Brett), 585. Adaline C. (Wright), 159. Adaline (Dickerman), 168, 295. Adaline H. (Darling), 96, 203. Adaline H.( Hayes), 420,520 Adaline (Hemeon), 108, 221. Adaline L., 376. Addie B., 302. Addie E., 266. Addie E. (Williams), 399, 490. Addie M. (Cator), 476. Addie (Nickerson), 219. Addie Vesta, 385. Addison, 114, 232, 306. Addison Bristo, 600. Addison Cowper, 515. Addison E., 545. Addison Gilbert, 296. Addison H., 179, 305. Addison J., .382, 474. Adelaide, 381, 472, 596. Adelaide (Buffington), .592. Adelaide Caroline, 459. Adelaide (Lepord), 220. Adelaide M. (Norris), 121. Adelbcrt, 186, 218, 492. Adelbert H., 462. Adelia, 189, 191. AdeliaE., 274. Adelia (Heale),288. Adelia (Holmes), 480. Adelia Maria, 572. Adelia May, 481. Adeline, 176, 303, 504. Adeline Adelia, 188. Adeline Barker, 278. Adeline (Frantz), 384. Adeline (Hitchcock), 3S5. Adelia Ashley, 233. Adelia (Canley), 594. Adena, 252. Adna, 365, 438. Adolphus, 221. Adoniram Judson, 372, 451. Adriauna, 257, 289. Agues, 52, .501, 532, 602. Agnes B., 495. Agnes Fetters, x, 121. Agnes (Fetters), 11, 22. Churchill, continued. Agnes Marilla, 228. Alanson, .50, 119, 237, 346. Alanson Covell,378,462,463. Alba Leman, 546. Albert, 88, 89, 113,147,187, 231, 249,264, 265,305,365, 366, 440. 449, 501, .526, 583, 594, 599. Albert, Dr., 543. (Albert), 436. Albert B., 302. Albert Cummings, 201. Albert F., 188. Albert J., 376, 459. Albert M., 204, 308. Albert Nathan, 451, 551. Albert Rockwell, 231. Albevt Smith, 78, 170. Albert Webster, 440. Alberta S., 2.33. Alberton, 310. Albro Ruthven, 406, 500. Alda Burr, 533. Alden P., 97, 205. Alen H., 485. Alexander, 72, 78, 112, 157, 170, 367, 605. Alexander M., 564, 573. Alford, 76, 166. Alfred, 112, 220, 228, 34r, 365, 381, 389, 434, 473, 482. Alfred, Capt., 379, 469. Alfred Allen, 536. Alfred D., 472. Alfred Delura, 67, 145. Alfred Derbyshire, 381. Alfred F., 467. Alfred G., 248. Alfred H., 271. Alfred Mariner, 509. Alfred Payson, 518. Alfred Vance, 244. xVlfred Whittlesey, 417. Alfred Wilson, 391. Alfreda, 505. Algernon B., 257. Algernon Howe, 116, 233. Alice, 16, 35, 75, 84, 166, 217, 232, 240, 2.54, 255,264, 265, 295, 316,441,464,476,519. Alice A., .545. Alice A. (Atherton), 312. Alice Amelia, 522. Alice B., 547. Alice B. (Lord), 406, 501. Alice Bell, 234, 517. Alice Bradford, 289. Ahce (Briggs), 17,34, 35. Alice C, 485, 486. Alice (Campbell), 311. Alice Cary, 202. Alice (Collins), 250. Alice Creighton, 224. Alice (Creighton), 20, 44. Alice D. (Witler),515. Alice Dell, 600. Alice (Dow), 99. Alice (Drake), .34, 81. Alice (Dunckler), 77, 168. Alice E. (Humphrey), 462. Alice Electa, 514. Alice F. (Dillon), 593, 603. Alice G., 200. Alice G. (Wooley), .522. Alice (Gould), xiii. Alice Gray, 244. Alice (Huntoon), 270. Alice Isabel, 241. Alice Laurason, 225. Alice Louise, 172, 494, 539. Alice M., 204. Alice Mae, 193, 318, Alice Maria, 515. 634 INDEX OF NAMES Churchil!, continued. Alice iMay, 492. Alice Ophelia, 406. Alice P. (Martinie), 401, 493. Alice (Phillips), iVi, 513. Alice (Rote-Ayer), 194. Alice S. (Woodbridge), 518. Alice (Spott8),463. Alice (Summers), 417. Alice (Titus), 188, 315. Alida Jane, 194. Allanthen Cook, 533. Allavesta, 574. Allen, 207. (AlleD),562, 564, Allen Cowles, 378, 465. Allen J., 601. Allen Moody, 186. Alma, 210, 305, 345. Alma B., 593. Alma Fletcher, 303. Alma (Harrison), 578. Alma L., 269. Alma P., 603. Almander, 114, 2.32. Almeda, 149, 528. Almeda (Culver), 182. Almeda (Douglass), 615. Almena Augusta, 115. Almeron, 510. Almeron Perry, 192. Almina, 368. Alraina Ella, 515. Almina Jane, 515, 570. Almina (Lawrence), 415, 515 Almii-a, ix, 50, 79, 89, 90, 95, 107, 192. 207, 220, 236, 310, 365, 371. 424, 447, 450, 489, 543, 577, 581. Almira B., 142. Almira (Bartlett), 65, 142. Almira C., 248. Almira (Castle), 350, 398, 489. Almira (Churchill), 90, 192. Almira (Q-ouday-Sanders) , 135, 255. Almira H., 248. Almira (Holmes), 13S. Almira (Humes), 309, 417. Almira Louisa, 118. Almira Parmelee, 2ii8. Almira (Shriver), 121,206. Almon, 303. Alraoul.,421,523. Almond (or Almon 8.), 398, 425, 488, 526, 527. Almond M. (not Almon), 96, 204, 618. Alonzo, 541. Alonzo, Dr., 381,472. Alonzo Perry, 131. Alonzo Wooster, 128. Alpheus, 24. Alphonzo Theodore, 192, 318. Alsista I. (Bowen), 156, 280. Alta, 306, 397. Alta C, oS9. Alta L., 475. AltaM. (ChurchiU-Peck), 376. Alta Maria, 376. Altha E., 218. Althea M., 268. Altie P., 283. Alton, 267. Alva, 36, 90. Alvah.Rev., 350,386,393. Churchill, continued. Alvah Marion, 396. Alvaretta, 458. Alvarus, 147, 264. Alvin, 84, 183, 253, 351. 400. Alvin H. D., 593. Alvin J., 267. Alvinia A., 220. Alvira, 575. Alvord,603. Alzada, 263. Alzina, 155,274, 387. Alzina Maria, 478. Amanda, 37, 91, 136, 155, 197, 249, 309, 399, 405, 491, .527. Amanda (Greek), 594. Amanda (Kinnej^, 105. Amanda A., ■/37,4.53. Amanda A. (Hogan), 415, 517. Amanda A. (Moore), 484. Amanda M., 269, 274. Amanda M. (Churchill), 269, 274. Amanda N. (Bancroft), 160. Amanda (Sorrells), 516. Amanda (Van Camp), 383, 475. Amanda (Willard), 564, 673. Amanda (Wrighti, 453. Amarantha J. (Burgess), 173, 301. Amasa, 140. Amaziah, 12, 13, 24, 27, 54, 63, 64, 139. Amelia, 65, 126, 259, 441. Amelia (Ackley), 3i2, 473. Amelia A. (Davenport), 90, 192. .'Vraelia Ann, 192. Amelia (Bradley), 367, 441. Amelia (Kent), 256. Amelia (Layman), 1.32. Amelia (Luaden), 470. Amelia M., 273, 447. Amelia Sprague, 286. Amelia (Wood), 519. Aniericus, 187. Ammi, 363. Amos, vii, 69,102,148,149, 208, 209, 213, 266, 277, 278, 333, 335, 344, 346, 349, 3G9, 386,398, 440,442,446, 481, 642, 616, Amos, Dr., 377, 461. Amos, Jr., 346, 376. Amos A., 515. Amos B., 248, 249. Amos P., 207. Amos R. , 266. Amy, 350, 532. Amy E., 604. Amy Eliza, 581. Amy Hayward, 258. Amy K. R., 391. Amy L., 485. Amy Phebe, 228. Amy R.,491. Amy (Reed), 171. Amy (Stiles), 337, 319. Amzi, 374, 456. Andrew, 28, 72, 156, 265, 282, 284, 489. Andrew Hawley, 273. Andrew J., Jr., 282. Andrew Jackson, 156, 282, 536. Andrew L., 382, 473. Andrew Zelotus, 278. Angelina Virginia, 510. ChurchiU, continued. Angeline, 145, 448, 489, 506, 573. Angeline A., 485. Angeline (Barker), 155, 277. Angeline Edna, 278. Angeline J., ix, 269. Angeline (Standieh), 162, 289. Angerone, 188. Angle B., 308. Anise M., 445. Ann, 105, 189, 220, 247, 324, 325, 489. Ann Amelia, 467. Ann Carr, 222. xVnii (Cronin), 672, 588. Ann (Crouse), 207. Ann E. (Sherman), 418, 518. Ann E. (Walker), 461. Ann Eliza, 188, 217, 511. Ann Elizabeth, 376, Ann (HiQsey),420, 521. Ann Janet, 170. Ann Jeannette, 485. Ana L. (Gove) (not Ann E.),45, 113,617. Ann (Locke), 127,242. Ann (Loomer), 103. Ann M. (Downing), 377, 461. Ann Maria, 247. Ann (Neely), 567, 582. Ann Northy, 120. Ann (Wentworth), 45, 112. Ann (Williams), 582, 598. Anna, 49, 153, 190, 319, 344, 345, 365,366, 382,4.59, .500, 506, .5.58,559,561,567,576, .593, 614, 615. Anna (Aldrich), 363, 429. Anna A. (Payne), 237. Anna Allen ■ (Judd), 367, 441. Anna .Vrabella, 256. Anna (Ashley), 170. Anna B., 270. Anna (Barnes), 309. Anna (Barrell), 73, 160. Anna Belle (Denley), 486. Anna (Bremersted), 506. Anna Bruce, 198. Anna C, 249. AnnaC. (Churchill), 249. Anna (Camp), 338, 350. Anna (Cilley), 183, 308. Anna (Coleman), 360, 420. Anna D. (Green), 541. Anna E., 549. Anna (Eggleston), 342, 358, 360, 419. Anna Eliza, 597. Anna Elizabeth, 471, 546. Anna (Fosdiek), 366, 440. Anna Frances, 454. Anna (Garner), 397,488. Anna (Gunit), 198. Anna II. (Fletcher), 303. AnnaH. (Peters), 267. Anna (Harmus), 114, 231. Anna (Hewitt), 36, 88. Anna (Horton), 220. Anna (Hubbard), 368, 443. Anna Isabelle, 258. Anna J. (McClure), 145, 261. Anna (.Tones), 486. Anna (Kavanagh), 552. Anna (Knox), 458. Anna L. (Sullivan), 131. Anna (Leyster), 66, 143. Anna (Loudon), 465. INDEX OF NAMES 635 Churchill, continued. Anna (Lovejoy), 96, 204. Anna (Lowden), 347, 378. Anna Lucretia, 591. Anna Maria, 210, 380. Anna (McCarthy), 343, 366. Anna P., 464. Anna Quincy, 298. Anna R., 308, 598. Anna R. (Bush), 197. Anna Rhoda, 417. Anna (Son), 216. Anna (Wickham), 510. Anne, xiv, 328, 331, 410, 557. Anne (Daggett), 17, 36, 617. Anne (Davidson), 104,217. Anne (Mott), 36, 90. Anne (Northy), 22, 51. Anne (Secord), 214. Anne (Starkweather), 408, oOl. Anne (Walker), 370. Anaetta (liaine), 292. Annette, 187, 304, 310. Annette (Chamneys), 257. Annette I. (Smith), 273 Annice, 351. Annie, 200, 443, .508, 538. Annie A., 251. Annie A. (Churchill), 251. Annie B., 260. Annie Beryl, 303. Annie (Brayton), 381, 473. Annie Brayton, 473. Annie (Brown), 249. Annie (Burk), 111, 226. Annie Charlieu, 514. Annie (Doane), 249. Annie E., 460. Annie K. (Xoyes), 112. Annie Kliza, .525. Annie Eugenie, 459. Annie (Evans), 208. Annie F., 252, 4iiifuied. Aphia May, 524. Ara, 422. Ara Dan, 424, 524. Arabella, xiii, xiv, 113, 219, 405. Ar.abella (Cooper), 158. Arabella E., 175. Ar.abella Louisa, 465, 466. Araminta, 90. .^ravesta (Smith), 283. Archibald, 242, 569. Archibald Caleb, 494. Archibald M., 619. Ardeila H. (Tobie), 185, 311. Ardella Savery, 302. Areta, 614. Arethusa, 175. Arkam (Dickey), 288. Armine, 213. Arminell, 331. Arinitta, 440. .Vrtemas, 84, 90, 182, 190. .\rtemu8 A., 316. Arthur, 13, 14, 198, 220,245. 304,311,587,601. Arthur B., 615. Arthur Bradford, 278. Arthur C, 301, 498. Arthur Clarence, 514. Arthur Eugene, 460. Arthur Howard, 259. Arthur James, 534. Arthur Leslie, 2.34. Arthur Lyman, 53.i. .\rthur Moore, 485. •Vrthur Nud, 491. Arthur R., 2 IS. Arthur Smith, 696, 603. Arthur Temple, 517. Arthur W., 211. Arthur Walton, 308. Arthur Warren, 229. Artie, 422. Artimissa, 409, 506. Arunah, 202. Arvilla, 176, 569. Arvilla (Andros), 36, 9i). Arvilla B. (Mowry), 150. Arvilla (Dunn), '259. Arvilla (Cirow-Watkina), 81, 175, 617. Arza, 188. Asa, 24, 40, 69, 83, 148, 180, 343,305, 366,440,441,590. Asa Emei-y, 265. ."Vsa Gildersleeve, 365, 435. Asa Lyman, 170. Asa Tidd, 295. Asaba, 73, 159, 284. .Vsaba W., 284. Asahel, 38, 93, 342, 347, 301, 362. Asahel, Jr., 93. Asaph, iii, v,35, 80, 87, 83, 172,173, 180,187,296,298, 309. As.aph C, 309. Asaph W., 174. Asel, 347. Asenath, 53, 105, 135, 208, 251, 255. Asenath, D., 125. Asenath (Delano), 24, 53. Asenath (Hibbard), 59, 134. Asenath O. (Wilmanh), 489. Asenath S. (Newell), 146. Asha, 83. Ashbel Wessels, 578. Ashley, T., 308. Astley Cooper, 404. Churchill, continued. Atwood, M., 316. Audrey, Mary, 539. Augusta, 127, 249, 448, 454. Augusta .Teanette, 397. Augusta P. (Gardner), 173, 299. Augusta (Peck), 582, 598. Augusta Porter, 513. AugustUJ5, 155, 296, 347, 476, 505. Augustus Eugene, 186. Augustus R., 109. Augustus Warren, 282. Aureliu (Woodruff), 366. Austin, 192. Austin Finley, 129. Ava Rilla Angeliue, .536. Avalina, 155. Averick, 16. AzeliaC.,228. Azem, 152, 269, 271, 273. Azem B., 270, 274. Azem C, 270. Azubah (Cheedle), 80, 174. (Baker), 594. Barbara, xiv, 272. Barbara Ellen, 618. Barden D., 406. Barker Brewster, 164, 290. Barnabas, 6, 7, 10, 11, 18, 25, 38, 94, 199, 363, 430. Barnabas Lothrop, 200. Barnard, 157. Barney, 449. Bartholomew, 615. Bartholomew C u s h ra a n , 170. Bartlett, 41, 288. Bathsheba, 26, 62, 76. Bathsheba (Collins), 59, 133. Bathsheba (Curtis), 17. Bathsheba (Rider), 26, 62. Bathsheba (Williams) , 83, 181. Bela, 85, 1S4, 270,310,311. Belinda, 69. Be liuda (Colbath) , 113, 231 . Belinda (Russell), 158,283. Belle, 256, 264, 317, 521, 548. Belle G., 187. Benjamin, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 26, 29, 34, 35, .36, 41, 42, 56, 63, 66, 70, 80, 82, 86, 90, 102, 103, 105, 106, 109,143,151,189, 214, 218, 221,222, 255, 329, 330, 331, 335, 339,342, 347, 363, 362, 402,409, 424, 498, 525^563, 567,568,670,584, 588, 697. Benjamin, Jr., 222. Benjamin, Lieut., 324, 325, 327. Benjamin Atwood, 301. Benjamin B., 259. Benjamin Bradley, 457. Benjamin F., 247, 284, 401, 495, 589, 616. Benjamin Franklin, 216. Benjamin Hanley, 218. Benjamin King, 51, Hit. Benjamin King, Jr., 120. Benjamin Levery, 122, 237. Benjamin Luther, 525. Benjamin M., 237, 409, 505. Benjamin McVeigh, 188. Benjamin Peabody, 195,320. Benjamin Phillips, 567, 583. Benjamin Pierson, 160. Benjamin Pixley, 129, 243. Benjamin W., 434, 633. Bernard Fisk, 514. 636 INDEX OF NAMES Churchill, cotitinut^d. Bernard Francis, 300. Bernice L., 523. Bert, 467. Bert Horace, 309. Bertha, 475, 508. Bertha A., 490. Bertha B. (Killian), 255. Bertha Eupheraia, 494. Bertha (Imbley), 489. Bertha Irene, 301. Bertha L., 260, 516. Bertha (Lusk), 5S6. Beitlm Philena, 308. Berton L., 267. Bertram Daniel, 265. Bessie, 460, 550. Bessie E., 260. Bessie Eve, 533. Bessie (Leach), 490. Bessie May, 535. Bethany, 72, 157, 167. Bethia, 31, 136, 157, 159, 284, 504. Bethia (Holmes), 25, 60. Bethia (Mehurin), 72, 157. Bethia (8tocking) , 329, 333. Bethiah,37,107, 346. Bethiah (Spooner), 9, 17. Betsey, 29, 41, 45, 64, 81, 88, 102, 133, 139, 140, 151, 355, 183,214,287,289, 309, 368, 370, 430, 581. Betsey A. (Holbrook) , 294. Betsey A. (Jenkins), 285. Betsey A. (Stephens), 595. Betsey Ann, 564, 572. Betsey (Bartlett),27. Betsey (Bumpus), 109, 222. Betsey (Carver), 135. Betsey (C h a p m a n - C a s- well), 155. Betsey (Churchill), 88, 183, 309. Betsey (Corey), 362. Betsey (Davenport), 40. Betsey (Dean), 35, 87. Betsey (Ellis), 133,247. Betsey (Flint), 135, 255. Betsey (Gilbert), 348, 381. Betsey (Griffin), 379. Betsey Harlow, 247. Betsey (Howard), 81, 176. Betsey L., 267. Betsey Louisa, 222. Betsey M., 578. Betsey M. (Sheldon), 444, 544. Betsey (Matthews), 363, 433. Betsey (Moody),, 176, 303. Betsey (Palmer), 161, 287. Betsey (Parker), 96, 567, 582. Betsey R. (Stiraers), 424, 524. Betsey (Raymond), 34, 80. Betsey Russell, 169. Betsey (Ryder), 41. Betsey (Sandow), 615. Betsey (iSeeman), 262. Betsey Tash, 45. Betsey W., 288. Betty, 29, 331, 345. Betty (Bartlett), 27, 64. Beuiah, 389. Beulah Melissa, 437. Beuiah (Orion), 125, 240. Bion, 267. Birney A., 498. Blaine Leroy, 312. Blair Bennett, 606. (Blanchard),369. Blanche C, 232. Churchill, continued. Blanche Eliza, 538. Blanche Elizabeth, 495. Bloudiua, 682. Boyd Thomas, 606. Bradford, 22, 50, 119, 155, 235, 279. (Bradford), 61, 137. Branch, 37, 92. Brianna, 225. Bridget (Custy), 194. Bruce, 210. Bryan, 363, 432. Burdeek, 145. Burdette A. (Rust), 401. Burke, 397. Burudel, 81. Bushnell, .374. Byron, 150, 213, 279, 614. Byron A., 579, 595, 603. Byron L., 253. C. P., 208. C. H., Dr , 280. C. Lloyd, 461. Caleb, 27, 54, 70, 71, 126, 151. Caleb, Jr., 152, 268, 274. Caleb S., 284. Caleb W., 267, 401, 494. Calista, 122, 176, 431, 580. Calista A. (Taylor), 373, 453. Calista M., 237. Calista (Pool), 134. Callie (Linn), 516. Callie (McCoy), 320. Calvin, x, 102, 103, 251, 3.i3, 410, 424, 501, 510. Calvin B., 385. Calvin Downs, 542. Calvin E., 249. Calvin Mallory, 194. Calvin P., 449. Calvin W., 90, 193. Calvin Webster, 409, 505, 507. Camelia, 319. Candace, 407. Candace (Gilbert), 374, 456. Candace Strong, 375. Carey, 210. Carl, 204, 307. Carl B., 532. Carl Fred, 605. Carl Walter, 606. Carlie Dio, 535. Carlos, 596. Carlton, 269. Carmel, 370, 447. Carmi, 409, 504. Carmi D., 190,316. Caroline. 70, 94, 118, 128, 144, 189, 238, 242, 377, 389, 402, 409, 424, 448, 455, 459, 464, 495, 508, 526, 573. Caroline A., 264. Caroline Amelia, 293. Caroline (Archer), 107, 220. Caroline B. (Cro well), 220. Caroline (Baker), 69, 147. Caroline (Brown) 353, 406. Caroliue C., 249. Caroline C. (Warner), 378, 465. Caroline Celestia, 451. Caroline (Conant), 409, 508. Caroline Cook, 477, 480. Caroline E., 418, 518. Caroline (Eadie), 401, 493. Caroline Electra, 121. Churchill, continued. Caroline G. (Woodman), 128, 242. Caroline (Gaylord), 383. Caroline H. (Cogswell), 353, 407. Caroline Houghton, 129. Caroline (Hunt), 57, 128. Caroline J. (Scribner) , 198. Caroline K., 204. Caroline L., .395. Caroline M., 490. Caroline M. (Clements), 405, 500. Caroline (March), 46. Caroline Martha, 123. Caroline (McMasters), 582, 598. Caroline (Peck), 576, 590. Caroline Perry, 244. Caroline (Robertson), 508. Caroline (Sherrill), 94, 199. Caroline (Sikes), 168,295. Caroline (Smith), 376, 465, 489. Caroline (Starin), 583, 599. Caroline (Wheeler), 452. Carolus, 353, 409, 504. Carrie B. (Farat), 547. Carrie B. (Tower), 288. Carrie Blanche, 319. Carrie (Churchill), 401, 495, 589. Carrie Delano, 294. Carrie E., 401,495, 589. Carrie E. (Darling), 546. Carrie E. (Pomeroy), 283. Carrie Elizabeth, 201. Carrie H., 2.32. Carrie (Haddock), 498. Carrie (Henderson), 237. Carrie (Loud), 117. Carrie M., 271, 316. Carrie Maude, 591. Carrie May, 455. Carrie R., 248. Carrie R. (Taylor), 95, 200. Carrie S. (Hubbard), 529. Carrie (Trask), 250. Carrie Viola, 265. Carrie (West), 429. Carvasso, 306. Cassie (Irving), 208. Cassimer, 501. Cassimer Pulaski, 406. Castle, 398, 489. Catharine, 253, 581. Catharine A., 198, 494. Catharine Bridgham, 169. Catharine C, 201. Catharine C. (Parkhurst), 114, 2.32. Catharine Gushing, 285. Catharine (Davis), 368, 443. Catharine (Doucette), 253. Catharine (Harvey), 452. Catharine Helen, 401. Catharine (Kissel), 437, 535. Catharine L., 410. Catharine (Manning), 261. Catharine Marjorie, 228. Catharine (Merry), 351, 400. Catharine (Robinson), 457. Catharine Selina, 456. Catharine (Strater), 409. Catharine (Tilton), 32. Catherine, 144, 162, 289, 567, 581, 582, 583, 587. Catherine (Blaine), 563, 568. INDEX OF NAI\rES ()37 Churchill, continued. Catherine (Oowell), 250. Catherine E., 49). Lovisa J. (Hackett), 175. Lovisa Maria, 426. Loyal M.,485. Lucada A. (Carter), 529. Lucada G., 529. Lucelia M., 274. Lucena Ann, 360, 418. Lucena I. (Dame), 148, 265. Lucia M.,240. Lucia R., 126. Lucian Allen, 551. Lucinda, 69, 72, 81, 82, 146, 263, 344, 372, 447. Lucinda (Briggs), 582. Lucinda (Crane), 564,572. Lucinda E. (Saiut), 447, 547. Lucinda (Hathorn), 131, 245. Ijucinda J., 207. Lucinda (Monell), 165, 293. Lucinda (Thompson), 37, 91. Lucius, 237, 448,582. Lucius I., 227. Lucretia, 130, 136, 381, 442, 444, 472. Lucretia A. (Bacon), 94, 200. Lucretia (Bocock), 365, 437. Lucretia (Clements), 347, 381. Lucretia (Holbrook), 182. Lucretia (Keen), 159, 284. Lucretia L., 200. Lucretia M. (Halliwell), 300. Lucretia (Marsh), 340, 355. Lucretia Mott, 300. Lucretia (Olmsted), 356, 416. Lucretia (Rowe), 369,446. Lucy, 19, 27, 32, 38, 39, 40, 48, 54, 61, 68, 70, 76, 77, 88, 96, 106, 125, 153, 166, 218, 240, 256, 269, 281, 333, 345, 346, 354, 367, 368, 375, 443,462,468, 541,549,577, 593, 612. Lucy A. 169, 218, 301. Lucy A. (Bishop), 573. Lucy A. (Burr-Kimball), 287. Lucy Adella, 532. Lucy Ann, 89, 144, 183, 291, 438. Lucy Augusta, 511. Churchill, conthiufd . Lucy (Burback), 26, 61. Lucy (Burr), 160, 287. Lucy C, 404. Lucy C. (Averill),142,259. Lucy Charlotte Boardman, 516. Lucy (Churchill), 32, 76, Lucy (Clark), 365, 436. l.,ucy Cordelia, 610. Lucy (Cornwell), 346,378, 462. Lucy (Dodge), 71,153. Lucy E., 308. Lucy Ellen, 178. Lucy (Flags), 183,308. Lucy (Fletcher), 29, 69. Lucy (Fosdick),366. Lucy (Frost), 122, 236. Lucy H., 203. Lucy (Hale), 377,461. Lucy Hall, 469. Lucy (Hunter), 41, 99. Lucy I., 302. Lucy I. (Headly), 275. Lucy J. (Rodney), 249. Lucy (Jeuuess), 114. Lucy Lovina, 467, 468. Lucy M., 237. Lucy M. (Kasson) (not McKlnnon), 576, 590, 619. Lucy Maria, Ix, 378, 428, 543. Lucy Martha, 458, 468. Lucy May, 461, 462. Lucy (Morton), 65, 142. Lucy (Otis), 63, 124. Lucy (E^almer), 32, 75. Lucy (Pangburn), 570, 584. Lucy (Pratt), 25. Lucy R. (French), 374, 457. Lucy (Ring), 42, 105. Lucy (Robinson), 596. Lucy S., 257. Lucy (Savage), 67, 144. Lucy (Scott), 188. Lucv Sophia, 382. Lucy (Sprague), 137, 256. Lucy (Steel), 442, 540. Lucy (Swan-Billings), 184. Lucy (Taylor), 379, 469. Lucy W. (Maxim), 84, 182. Lucy W. (Nye), 133, 247. Lucy Z., 376. Ludlow, 216. Ludrovick M., 48.5. Luella, 221. Luella Ann. 216. Luella Frances, 113. Luella M., 218. Lula Margaret, 495. Lula Viola, 543. Lulu, 264. Lulu A., 266. Lulu Catherine, 525. Lulu (Mings), 459. Lulu (Richmere), 319. Lulu Wellington, 604. Luman B., 580, 596. Luua (Holcomb), 90, 193. Lunette, 613, 616. Lura, 508. Lura (Hill-Roberts), 359, 418. Lurana, 154, 159, 452. Lurana (McFarland), 73. Lurindia, 505. Luther, 112, 149, 156, 159, 284, 290. Luther, Jr., 284. 650 INDEX OF NAMES Churchill, continued. Luther B., 203. Luther Ellsworth, 534. Luthera E. (Packard), 258. Luthera H., 497. Lutilda, 193. Lydia, x, 9, 11, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 31, 33, 41, 42, 56, 63, 65, 68, 73, 80, 82, 90, 106, 117, 164, 166, 168, 179, 189, 217, 218, 219, 220, 240, 255, 266, 289, 291, 306, 313, 318, .334, 338, 342, 344, 346, 353, 362, 364, 365, 373, 448, 452, 609. Lydia A., 496. Lydia A. (Crosby), 254. Lydia A. (Moore), 116, 233 Lydia A. (Perry), 129, 243. Lydia A. (Rowland), 409, 505. Lvdia A. (Wharff-Shaw), 58, 133. Lydia Ann, 107, 114, 190, 247, 249, 468, 536. Lydia Augusta, 473. Lydia (Beldeu), 330, 340. Lydia (Bosworth), 78, 170. Lydia (Bowdt-n), 378, 463. Lydia (Bradford), 50,119. Lydia (Briggs), 184. Lydia (Bryant), 6, 8. Lydia (Bryant-Sampson), 31. Lydia (Butler-Moses), 42, 105. Lydia (Churchill), 24, 56, 63, 219, 256. Lydia (Cole), 38.* Lydia (Cowles), 333, 346. Lydia (Cushman), 76,166. Lydia I)., 179. Lydia (Darling), 26, 63. Lydia Deborah, 165. Lydia (Dickerman), 327, 330, 441, 610. Lydia (Dixon), 450, 550. Lydia E. (Pratt), 149, 266. Lydia F., 111. Lydia Frances, 486. Lydia (Gardner), 42, 106. Lydia (Gilbert), 24, 57. Lydia (Goodrich), 368. Lydia (Gray), 168. Lydia (Greenold), 54, 126. Lydia (Harlow), 7. Lydia Hathaway, 523. Lydia (Holmes), 11,18. Lydia .Jane, 584. Lydia (Jenkins), 218. Lydia K.(Carlton-Brazer) , Lydia 126. Lydia Lydia Lydia Lydia Lydia Lydia Lydia Lydia Lydia Lydia Lydia Lydia 345, Lydia Lydia Lydia Lydia Lydia L. (Goodwin), 53, (Lackey), 71,155. (Leonard), 594. M. (Berry), 147, 265. I" McKay), 564, 574. (Mar8ton),363, 427. Mason, 4.54. (Matthews), 536. (Maxim), 34, 82. (Morton), 162, 283. (Nichols), 24. (Orr), 35,86, 186. (Osgood-Penfleld) , 373. R , 186. (Ripley), 75, 164. (Rogers), 81, 175. (Russell), 56, 127. (Sherman), 133,247. Churchill, continued. Lydia (Small), 68, 146. Lydia (Smith), 331, 344. Lydia (Snow), 24, 60. Lydia (Sylvester), 11, 19. Lydia (Walker), 70. Lydia (Wetherwax), 567, 583. Lyla Fern, 551. Lyman,- 94, 96, 198, 204, 369, 447. Lyman Alonzo, 201. M. de La Fayette, 399, 490. M. Gertrude, 285. M. Gulielma, 253. M.J. (Sargent), 273. Mabel, x, 224, 301, 315, 318, 360. Mabel E. (Brown), 305. Mabel Gertrude, 233. Mabel II. (Hall), 223. Mabel Harlskendan, 223. Mabel L., 544. Mabel (Porter), 264. Mabel (Sweat), 226. Madeline, 210. Madison, 288. Magdalene (Mayer), 277. Maggie A. (.4rchibald), 187,315. Maggie A. (Reynolds), 476. Maggie C. (Locliie), 616. Maggie (Louks), 451, 551. Maggie (Partridge), 616. Mabala, 526. Mahala (Beal), 101,211. Mahaleth Ann, 209. Maila (Harwood), 366,440, MailaR., 440. Major, 155, 275, 363, 368, 431. Major W., 252. Malaney J. (Hart), 167. Malcolm, 188. Malcolm 8., 237. Malentha, 175. Malinda, 198, 448. Malinda M., 489. Malitta (Merriman), 547. Malvina, 381. Malvina (Bermudiz), 410, 509. Malvina Ella, 306. MandaE. (Place), 228. Manley, 262. Mara, 459. Marah Mina, 194. Marcellus, 151. Marcellus Austin, 460. Marcellus C, 376, 459. Marcena, 86. Marcia, 126, 167. Mareia Ann, 146, 263. Marcia Boardman,413, 502. Marcia J., 242. Marcia J. (Holmes) (not Maria), 56,127, 617. Marcia Maria, 237. Marcia Matilda Victory, 415. Marcus Austin, 534. Marcus B., 383, 475. Marcus D., 573. Marcus Giles, 475. Marcy, 16, 24, 74. Mardeu, 150. Marette 8., 585. Margaret, 6, 11, 162, 289, 466,470, 582,583,687,601. Margaret A. (Dugger) , 421 , 523. Margaret Ann, 116. Margaret B. (Mcintosh), 103, 216. Churchill, continued. Margaret (Campbell), 409, 506. Margaret Catharine, 319. Margaret (Clarkson), 181, 306. Margaret (Collins), 531. Margaret (Cromwell), 372. Margaret (Dates), 570, 586. Margaret (Davis), 157. Margaret (Gardner), 80, 174. Margaret (Getman), 570. Margaret (Greenwood), 56. Margaret (Hewett), 190, 316. Margaret (Lamont), 251. Margaret Lucille, 523. Margaret M. F. (Green), 160, 287. Margaret M. (Tufts), 314. Margaret (Perry), 387,481. Margaret 8. (James), 539. Margaret (Schramm), 520. Margaret Siders, 287. Margaret (Tarbox), 88,187. Margaret (Tilton) (not Joanna), 74, 162,618. Margaret ( Wallace) , 64,1 39. Margaret (Widrig), 383, 474. Margaret (Widville), xiii. Margaret (Willard), 155, 276. Margaret (Willey) , 504. Margaret Wilmarth, 585. Margaretha (Schmidt), 437. Margaretta Bell, 260. Margery, 580. Margery A., 219, 220. Margery F., 252. Margery J., 595. Margery (Morse) , 565, 579. Marguerite, 459, 626. Maria, 89, 101, 125, 129, 143, 156,161,164, 168, 170,177, 184,187,313,379,418,425, 441,454, 606,667, 581. Maria A. (Farnsworth), 471. Maria A. (Gulliver), 305. Maria A. (Haskell), 135, 255. Maria A. (Thomas), 584, 600. Maria B. (Swift), 125, 240. Maria (Beach), 369, 447. Maria Benson, 184. Maria (Benson), 35, 85. Maria Buel, 577. Maria (Crockett), 79, 171. Maria Eliza, 208. Maria (Fassett) 122, 237. Maria Frances, 100. Maria Francis, 117. Maria (Hazlet), 365, 436. Maria (Horner), 526. Maria Isabella, 258. Maria J. (Best), 449, 549. Maria (Knapp), 91, 194. Maria L., 576. Maria M., 282. Maria (Marble), 97, 206. Maria (Morton), 28, 65,143. Maria (Mosier), 126. Maria P., 252. Maria (Parker), 489. Maria Robinson, 585. Maria (Vaughn), 90, 191. Maria (Vyse), 209. Maria (White), 374, 456. Mariah, 13, 28, 61, 64, 152, INDEX OF NAMES 651 Churchill, continued. Mariah (Brown), 191, 317. Mariah (Ryder), 11, 19. Mariau, 409, 437. Mariau D. (Burt), 281. Marian E. (Williaaigon), 409, 508. Marian J., 497. Marie, 601 . Marie Josephine, 460. Marietta, 119. 216, 410. Marietta E. (Davison), 267. Marietta F. (Swain), 272. Marietta (Strater) , 409, 507. Mariette, 526. Mariette L. (Benson) (not Margette),96, 203, 618. Marilda, 187. Marilla (Bronson), 277, 616. Marilla (Gregorj-), 373, 453. Marinda E. (Munu), 129, 243. Marion, 246. Marion A., 267. Marion Atwood, 534. Marion L., 533. Marion (Livennore), 257. Marion (Parker), 489. Marion S. (Glazier), 595, 603. Marion Sabin, 243. Marjorie E., 497. Marjorie M., 265. Marjorie Pauline, 521. Mark, 36, 204, 615. Mark Z., 302. Marlborough x, 121, 236, 246. Marlborough, Jr., 236. Marshall, 313. Marshall E., 207. Martha, 13, 14, 21, 29, 47, 68, 80, 112, 140, 176, 193, 219,251,256,275, 292,330, 337, 341, 343, 365, 400, 460, 528, 538, 579, 604. Martha A., 190, 248, 538. Martha A. (Scott), 438, 535. Martha ( Albertson-H a r - low), 53. Martha Ann, 160, 241, 285, 420, 524, 525. Martha Asenath, 401. Martha (Baldwin), 338, 351. Martha Belle, 604. Martha (Blackwell), 17,34. Martha (Bourdmau), 327, 330. Martha (Bremersted), 505. Martha (Buchanan), 613, 614, 615. Martha C. (Holmes), 136. 256. Martha (Doane), 249. Martha (Doten), 64, 139. Martha E. (Akins), 536. Martha E. (Story), 375, 457. Martha Eliot, 240. Martha Ella, 458. Martha F. (Robinson), 117, 234. Martha (Gates), 429, 531. Martha (Gill), 329. Martha (.Green), 558, 562. Martha H. (Stinchfield), 116, 233. Martha H. (Whiting), 134, 248. Martha (Hustin), 396, 487. Martha J., 259, 261. Churchill, conthiued. Martha J. (Baguell), 256, 616. Martha J. (Wiggin), 112, 230. Martha Jane, 434, 438, 483, 526, 597, 613. Martha (Jeffrey), 107, 219. Martha L., 487. Martha L. (Bo.sworth), 52, 123. Martha L. (O'Connor), 521. Martha Louise, 524. Martha M., 270,399. Martha M. (Hersey), 301. Martha M. (Wiggin), 45, 112. Martha (McCauley), 374, 455. Martha Minerva, 503. Martha (Morse), 565, 579. Martha Octavia, 417. Martha Olive, 458. Martha (Pitman), 108, 221. Martha (Purdy), 108, 220. Martha S., 147,237. Martha (Sinith), 81, 177, 527. Martha T. (Stamp), 439, 538 Martha (Thorn), 410, 509. Martha (Tillsou), 128,242. Martha V., 457, 492. Martha W. (Huntington), 249. Martha (Williams). 252. Martha (Wri«ht), 383. Martin, 88, 183, 306, 309, 363. Martin La Fayette, 408. Martin V. B., 309. Marvin W., 547. Mary,xiv,'5,7, 8,12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 25, 27, 29, 34, 37, 39, 41, 42, 45, 50, 51, 54, 56, 59, 66, 69, 82, 91, 93, 94, 104, 106, 130, 134, 135, 140,143,146,147,149, 162,169,171,173,181,192, 199, 236, 244, 247, 2.52, 255, 260, 261, 275, 280, 281, 295, 298, 304, 310, 320, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 332, 333, 340, 343, 346, 348, 3.53, 366, 368, 373, 375, 379, 383, 400, 409, 416, 420, 4.37, 4.39, 441 , 443, 466,477,488,503,507, 509, 528, 538, 563, 575, 582, 594,695,601,604,613,615. Mary A., 42, 4n, 112, 115, 180, 207, 248, 250, 268, 270, 306, 444, 467, 576, 592, 618. Mary A. (AlvordRandall), 400, 492. Mary A. (Angler) , 164, 290. Mary A. (Burgess), 248. Mary A. (Conlon), 272. Mary A. (Cushman), 305. Mary A. (Delano) (not Deline), 155,276, 618. Mary A. (Dixon), 111, 226. Mary A. (Doane), 58, 130. Mary A. (Flynn), 97. Mary A. (Guthrie), 543. Mary A. (Heap), 544. Mary A. (Hinds), 396, 487. Mary A. (Howard), 192, 317. Mary A. (Hoyt),417, 518. Mary A. (Kimball), 446, 546. Mary A. (Loring), 162, 289. Churchill, confhuied. Mary A. (Nason), 114, 232. Mary A. (Perew), 165. Mary A. f Phillips), 273. Mary A. (Rivers), 408, 502. Mary A. (Rogers), 318. Mary A. (Taylor) , 107, 220. Mary A. (Temple), 80, 171. Mary A. (Ware), 173, 297. Mary A. (Youngmau),197. Mary Adah, 600. Mary (Adams), 155, 279. Mary (Addis), 576, 592. Mary (Agard), 580. Mary Alemalh, 209. Mury Alice, 192, 460, 543. Mary Angeline, 588. Mary Ann, 88, 102, 116, 128, 130, 174, 183, 208, 209, 236, 247, 288, 354, 357, 368, 378, 393, 410, 415, 424, 436, 526, 582. Mary Ann (Kelly), 214,216. Mary Ann (Tilden) (not Margaret), 162, 288, 618. Mary Anne, 138. Mary Arvesta, 602. Mary (Ash), 143,259. Mary B. (Brewer), 173,297. Mary B. (Brown), 138, 258. Mary B. (Randall), 423, 624. Mary B. (Wales), 167, 293. Mary B.( West), 229. Mary B. (W^estbrook), 239. Mary (Baker-Dunbar) (not Mary I.), 399, 491, 618. Mary (Banks), 45, 111. Mary (Barks), 508. Mary (Beal), 257. Mary (Belden), 118, 234. Mary Beekraan, 20. Mary (Billinger), 582. Mary Blanche, 604. Mary (Bloom), 66, 143. Mary Brewer, 298. Mary Brown, 469. Mary (Brown), 102, 214. Mary C, 293, 320, 493. Mary C. (Brower), 625. Mary C. (Churchill), 148, 149, 266. Mary C. (Fuller), 125, 240. Mary C. (Taylor) (not Catherine), 101, 211, 618. Mary C. (Wilder), 198. Mary (Camp), 367, 441. Mary Carlisle (Loughry), 141. Mary Caroline, 148, 149, 259, 266, 438. Mary (Carr),527. Mary Charlotte, 514. Mary Christia, 636. Mary (Churchill), 37. Mary (Cobbey), 292. Mary Cornelia, 417. Mary (Corning), 134. Mary (Creuse), xiii. Mary (Crosby), 106, 218. 344, 368. Mary (Curtis), 12, 25. Mary (Cushing), 298. Mary D., 177. Mary D. (Allen), 283. Mary (Dennis), 67, 145. Mary (Doty), 6. Mary (Duel), 347, 381. Mary E., 169, 211, 290, 470, 496, .541. Mary E. (Bacon), 46. MaryE. (Ballard), 313. Mary E. (Blake) (not Clark), 158, 282, 617. 652 INDEX OF NAMES Churchill, continued. Mary E. (CheBsman), 663, 56>D. Mary E. (Daniels), 112, 227. MaryE. (Hull), 381,472. Mary E. (McNutt), 548. Mary E. (Mailliard), 376, 459. Marv E. (Pitts), 160. Mary E. (Russell), 415,516. Mary E. (Van Wart), 208. Mary (Ebbett), 208. Mary Eddy, 97. Mary Eliott. 123. Mary Eliza, 210, 241, .'i72. Mary Elizabeth, 142, 198, 216, 300, 316,424,433,473, 474, 510, 593,594. Mary Ellen, 116, 457, 467. Mary Ellen (Tower), 288. Mary Elmira, 241. Mary Emmeline, 46, 443. Mary Estelle, 525. Mary Esther, 132. Mary Etta, 458. Mary Eva, 473. Mary (Ewer), 11, 20. Mary F., 291, 522. Mary F. (Brunce), 536. Mary F. (King), 601, 605. Mary (Ferguson), 600. Mary Florine, 533. Mary (Fosdick), .366. Mary Frances, 593. Mary (Freel), 101, 208. Mary (Frost), 52, 123. Marv Frotbiugbam, 58. Mary G., 259. Mary Gardner, 299, 300. Mary (Gardner), 80, 173. Mary (Gilstrap), 410, 510. Mary (Goodwin), 131. Mary (Gorham), 17, 34. Mary Granville, 289. Mary (Green), 279. Mary (Grimshaw), 447. Mary Grozier, 78. Mary (Grozier), 32, 78. Mary (Guruey), 60. MarV H., 248, 486, 517. Mary H. (Hodgetts), 149, 266. Mary H. (Willard), 576, 592, MaryH. (Willis). 170. Mary (Haley), 221. Mary Hannaii, 469. Mary (Harlow), 64, 13 9. Mary (Harris;, 134, 250. Mary (Hart), 100,208. Mary (Haskell), 255. Mary (Haven), 344, 372. Mary Hayes, 520. Mary Helen, 99. Mary (Henigau), 396. Mary (Herseyl, 73, 158. Mary (Holden), 69, 148. Mary Holmes, 257. Mary (Holmes) , 32, 77, 138, 256. Mary (House), 351, 399, Mary Hudson, 289. Mary (Hueston) (or Hous- ton), 64, 140. Mary (Hurlbut) , 327, 329. Mary (Hutchius), 29, 68. Mary Isabel, 532. Mary Italy, 281. Mary J., 154, 190, 207, 218, 422, 487, 585. Mary J. (Asseltine), 190, 316. Mary J. (Blinn),421. Churchill, continued. Mary J. (Bothwell), 209. Mary J. (Campbell), 399, 490. Mary J. (Carpenter), 308. Mary J. (Churchill), 218. Mary J. (.Clifford), 469. Mary J. (Craft), 433, 5:'3. Mary J. (Doane), 185, 312. Mary J. (Donald), 132, -^46. Mary J. (Dunphy) (or Dumphy), 100, 208. Mary J. (Edwards), 545. Mary J. G. (Burney), 614. Mary J. (Gordon), 179. Mary J. (Hawkins), 203. Mary J. (Hersey), 160, 287. Mary J. (Lathers), 46. Mary J. (McLees), 406,500. Mary J. (Meigs), 281. Mary J. (Peterson), 445, .544. Mary J. (Reynolds), 449, 549 Mary J. (Rigles), 400, 492. Mary J. (Turner), 130, 244. Mary J. (Westgate- Brit- ton), 164. 290. Mary (Jackson), 8, 14,600. Mary Jane, 113, 133, 201, 207, 217, 275, 283, 426, 453, 456, 597. Mary (Joplin), 316. Mary Kendall, 513. Mary (Kibbe), 130, 244. Mary (Kief), 59. Mary L., 267, 499. Mary L. (Bunnell), 190, 315. Marv L. (Calkins-Pome- roy), 158, 283. Mary L. (Converse), 402, 497. Mary L. (Shaffer), 191, 317. Mary Lawrence, 131. Mary Libbie, 422. Mary (Libby), 176,302. Mary Lina, 448. Mary Line, 526. Mary Louisa, 132, 223. Mary Louise, 199, 200. Mary Lovina, 535. Mary (Luce), 264. Mary Lucretia, 244. Mary M., 447, 449, 500, 538. Mary M. (Brewster), 270. Mary M. (Davison), 267. Mary M. (Guthrie), 539. Mary M. (Robinson), 96, 202. Mary (McCloud), 581. Mary (McFarlin), 9. Mary Magoon, 162. Mary (Magoon), 15, 31. Mary Maria, 573. Mary Maria Isabel, 453. Mary Marion, 129. Mary Matilda, 222, 516. Mary Mead, 117. Mary Meda, 529. Mary Melissa, 132. Mary (Messenger), 217. Mary (Miller), 468. Mary (Murray), 218. Mary Myrick [or Mary (Myrick)] (Haden), 64, 142. Mary N. (Damon) (not Dimon), 128, 242, 617. Mary (Ness), 287. Mary (Noble), 14, 28. Mary Otis, 124. Mary P. (Carter), 111, 222. Churchill, continued. Mary P. (Hadsell), 363, 432. Mary (Paine), 24, 56. Mary (Palmer), 564, 572. Mary Payne, 432. Mary Pearl, 313. Mary (Pearson), 378, 463. Mary (Penley) (not Per- ley), 177, 303, 618. Mary (Peterson), 88, 187. Mary (Phelps), 370, 448. Mary (Pine), 370, 448. Mary Porter, 240. Mary (Pritchard), 64,140. Mary R. (Lincoln), 544. Mary R. (Sherburn), 270. Mary R. (Tribeau), 159. Mary R. (Wyraan),249. Mary (Ramsay), 200. Mary Reliance, 111. Mary (Richardson), 387, 476. Mary (Roberts), 19,41. Mary (Roman), 289. Mary (Russell), 158, 283. Mary 8. (Newbegin), 186. Mary S. (Wright), 269. Mary Salome, 158. Mary (Shaw), 9, 16, 17. Mary Sibbetts, 606. Mary Sophia, 187, 283, 515. Mary (Stalker), 151. Mary (Strong), 345, 375. Mary Stuart, 222. Mary Sylvester, 139. Mary T. (Jenney), 133, 247. Mary (Taylor), 94, 199. 558 562 Mary'(Tei3betts), 179, 306, Mary (Trask), 25, 59. Mary (Turner), 404,499. Mary Tyler, 598. Mary (Tyler), 582, 598. Mary V., 492. Mary (Varney), 571, 587. Mary (Vaughn), 536. Mary Victoria, 420. Mary Vienna, 483. Mary Virginia, 516. Mary W., 13, 14, 68, 498. Mary W. (Thompson), 446, 545. Mary (Walker), 182. Mary (Washburn), 40, 97. Mary (Watson), 103. Mary (Weeks), 597. Mary (Welch), 439, 537. Mary (Whalen), 188. Mary (Withee), 262. Mary Z., 218. Mary Zylpha, 603. Mason M., 596. Matilda, 41, 174, 249, 370, 404. Matilda A., 517. Matilda (Allen). 106, 218. Matilda (Crum), 275. Matilda (Crum-Churchill- Sherman), 275. Matilda D. (Rumsey), 439, 537. Matilda (Falkner), 217. Matilda (Johnson), 364, 415. Matilda (Reeves), 198. Matilda (Thurston), 249. Matilda (Timpkie), 277. Matthew, xiii, xv, 85, 184, 185, 296, 312,313. Matthew M.,421, 622. Mattie (Bussey), 503. Mattie (Hosford), .592. Mattie (Smith), 269. INDEX OF NAMES 653 Churchill, continued. Mattison, 316. Mattison A., 190. Maud, 2U7, 506, 534. Maud A. (Piatt), 307. Maud Aunette, 5u8. Maud E., 260. Maud Esther, 638. Maud (Hovey;,604. Maude (Burton), 530. Maude Ethel, 551. Maude M., 261. Maude P., 549. Maximilian, xv. May, 204,281, 506, 540. May Bell, 543. May Hall, 470. May 8. (Crosley), 493. May V. (Wheeler), 455. McKean Gardner, 299. (McLane),5U8. (McViccar), 192. Meliitabel, 16. Mehitabel Helen, 454. Mehitable, 9, 345, 366, 373. Mehitable (Bodtish), 452. Mehitable G. (Willey), 45, 112. Mehitable (Gee), 90, 193. Mehitable (Gill), (not Morgiaua), 160, 286, 617. Mehitable (Hubbard), 21, 47. Mehitable (Porter), 126, 241. Melautha, 379. Melbourne, 194, 319. Meletiah (Bradford), 30, 71. Melinda, 154, 348, 367. Melinda A., 498. Melinda H. (Keiiher), 149, 266. Melinda (Iloyt), 207. Melinda t>haw, 467. Melinda S. (Rockwell), 88, 187. Melissa, 141. Melissa (Colby), 46, 116. Melissa (Crosby), 46. Melissa Jane, 292. Melvin, 148,547. Melvin B., 626, 527. Melvin C, 494. Melvina, :t20. Mendall, 27, 54, 64, 141. Menzo, 399, 491. Mercy, 7, 12, 26, 37, 57, 65, 68, 153,161, 276, 279,354. Mercy A. (Bailey), 112, 229. Mercy (Boardman), 340, 354. Mercy (Branch), 17, 37. Mercy (Carl), 362, 425. Mercy (Cobb), 17, 34. Mercy (Dodge), 71, 154. Mercy (Ellis), 8, 15. • Mercy (Freeman), 88, 187. Mercy (Fuller), 53, 125. Mercy (Hutchins), 29, 67. Mercy J. (Wells), 56. Mercy Jane, 266. Mercy L. (Goodwin), 53, 126. Mercy L. (Whitman), 159, 284. Mercy M. (Manley), 152, 27.3. Mercy Seeking, 167. Mercj' (Sylvester-Bartlett), 28, 65. Meribah (Gibbs), 17. Merinda, 422. Churchill, continued. Merle A., 646. Merrill E., 264. Merritt, 422, 490, 694. Merritt Hilton, 308. Mertie, 235. Mertou Edwards, 305. Michael, 71, 163. 615. Michael White, 456. Milan, 95. Mildred, 472, 615. Mildred E., 462. Mildred H., 265. Mildred (Keil), 547. Mildred Winnifred, 606. Miles, 492. Miles G., 207. Milla Frances, 473. (Miller), 350, 392. Millicent, 81. Millicent (Whitcomb), 58, 129. Millie, 301, 505, .608. Millie A. (Emraitt), 518. Millie (Churchill), 505, 508. Millie (Montgomery), 483. Milo,440. Milton, 198, 265, 365. Milton Animi, 432. Milton Erastus, 520. Milton Perry, 481. Mlndwell, 69. Mindwell (Tillotson), 22, 49. Minerva, 95, 188, 315,410. Minerva (Anderson), 369, 445. Minerva (Burnham), 363, 425. Minerva (Luther), 162, 289. Minerva (Nichols), 129, 243. Minerva R., 453. Minerva T. (Watts), 516. Minna A., 207. Minnie, 188, 232, 320, 531. Minnie A. (Blake), 311. Minnie A.. (Runnion), 291. Minnie B., 238. Minnie Beatrice, 519. Minnie (Brown), 401,494. Minnie (Butler), 199. Minnie Dora, 319. Minnie Elizabeth, 468. Minnie Estelle, 600. Minnie M. (Elliott), 267. Minnie (McGowin), 606. Minnie Myrtelle, 537. Minnie (Russell), 488. Miranda, 86. Miranda (Avery), 614. Miranda (Barber), 155, 280. Miranda C, 117. Miranda (Gates), 166, 282. Miriam, 40, 70, 216, 249. Miriam (Duane), 248. Miriam L., 270. Miriam L. (Park), 430,532. Miriam (Parmelee), 152, 268. Miriam Wilder, 267. Mittie (Collin), 503. Mollie, 589. MoUie (Pm-cell), 529. Molly, 22, 73, 74, 153. Molly (Bradford), 11. Monroe King, 536. Montjoy, xiii. (Moore), 509. Mordecai, 19. Morgan, 580, 613. • Churchill, continued . Morgan Neely, 582, 597. Morgiana Francelia, 132. Morgianna (Dill), 572, 588. Morilla, 289. Morilla C, 389. Mortimer, 575. Morton C, 487. Moses, 287, 344, 368. Moses, Jr., 368, 443. Murray, 221. Myra J., 204. Myra J. (Bosworth), 80, 171. Myron, 151, 275. Myron L., 646. Myron Robert, 485. Myrtle C, 486. Myrtle I^ouise, 551. N. B., 374. N. H., 616. N. Judson, 448. Nabba (Haven), 349, 386. Nahum B., 116, 233. Nancy, 36, 42, 43, 45, 61, 77, 88, 108, 126, 137, 146, 166,169,182, 184, 187,253, 282, 302, 347, 356, .362. 366, 381,398, 416,566,567, 581, 582, 583, 616, 617. Nancy A. (Duvall), 438, 537. Nancy A. (Sprague), 165, 291. Nancy (Backus), 587. Nancy (Blo8ser),421, 522. Nancy C, 116. Nancy (Clarke), 612,613. Nancy (Covington) , 54, 126. Nancy E., 136. Nancy Eveline, 168. Nancy (Filmore), 352, 404. Nancy (Greeuleaf), 146, 263. Nancy Harmon, 177. Nancy (Holmes), 350, 394. Nancy (Holmes-Brewster), 61, 138. Nancy J., 273. Nancy J. (Stetson), 94. Nancy J. (Walker), 491. Nancy (Jackson), 61, 136, 137. Nancy (Jackson - C h u r- chill), 61. Nancy (Jones), 291. Nancy Judson, 371. Nancy J. (Smith), 578, 694. Nancy (Lake), 84, 18.;. Nancy (Lyon), 162, 272. Nancy M., 259. 527. Nancy M. (Wright), 361, 421. Nancy (Mitchell), 60, 135. Nancy (Mowers), 165, 292. Nancy Orilla, 394. Nancy (E'enuey), 157,282. Nancy (Phillips), 663, 567. Nancy (Kouth), 410,508. Nancy (Searles), 155,280. Nancy (Seeman), 262. Nancy (Seward), 112, 227. Nancy (Street), 93, 197. Nancy (Walker), 68, 146. Nancy (Watson), 103. Nancy (Wyman), 156, 282. Naonii, 373, 447. Naomi (Farquharson), 580, 595. Naomi (Nettleton), 576, 589. Narcissa, 157. Narcissa (White), 373, 453. 654 INDEX OF NAMES Churchill, continued. Nathan, 26, 63, 82, 139, 163, 179, 183,249, 251,310. Nathan Delano, 294. Nathan H., 152, 272, 273. Nathan H., Jr., 272. Nathan Haskell, 58. Nathan Peck, 590. Nathan T., 40, 203, 205. Nathan W., 272. Nathaniel, 8, 12, 15, 19, 21, 25, 28, 31, 36, 41, 44, 45, 46, 59, 65, 75, 88, 90, 100, 106,111,114,116,134,142, 164,165,166,187,207,208, 209, 232, 254, 292, 309, 326, 327, 329, 333, 345, 373, 452. Nathaniel Cady, 342. Nathaniel G., 207. Nathaniel I., 117. Nathaniel W., 207. Nathaniel Wiley, iii, iv, V, vi, vii, X, 81, 112, 198, 229,297,441, 465,481,583, 610. Ned J., 461. Neheraiah, 42, 51, 104, 105, 558, 562. Neil S., 495. Nellie, 194, 210, 245, 305, 310. Nellie A., 589. Nellie A. (Phillips), 548. Nellie Bell, 309. Nellie (Bennington), 503. Nellie (Brush), 260. Nellie (Cbesterwood), 460. Nellie Columbia, 503. Nellie Evelyn, 171. Nellie (Fearing), 592. Nellie G-., 219. Nellie (GilfiUian), 474. Nellie Isabel, 311. Nellie Kate, 495. Nellie L., 301. Nellie Louise, 616. Nellie M., 237. Nellie M. (Gate), 283. Nellie M. (Moody), 312. Nellie Mae, 319. Nellie Maud, 491. Nellie May, 266, 522. Nellie (Woodward), 281. Nelly, 206. Nelson, 34, 83, 84, 133, 171, 182, 197, 251, 276, 400, 448. Nettie, 279. Nettie Augusta, 187. Nettle B., 291. Nettie E., 286. Nettie Eliza, 261. Nettie P., 487. Nettie Gertrude, 533. Nettie Irene, 318. Nettie (Moore), 505. Neva Janette, 615. Newcomb Gaylord, 383, 475. Newell, 434. Newman, 450. Newton, 240, 284, 497, 578, 594. Nicholas, 45, 409, 505. Nina, 589. Noah, 39, 95, 184. Noah F., 488. Noah Wiggin, 112. Noble, 353, 407. Nola E., 271. Nora, 292. Nora Mae, 544. Norah M., 268. Norma, 519. Churchill, continued. Norman, ix, 96, 204, 252, 255, 341, 358, 360, 415, 418, 420, 521. Norman A., 583. Norman Almond, 523. Norman B., 250. Norman E., 306, 307. Norman Lester, 491. Norman W., 422, 444, 544. Norton H. (not Norton M.), 504, 507, 619. Norville P., 448. O. Eugene, 451, 550. Octavia, 147, 353, 354, 405, 413, 420. Octavia (Churchill), 353, 354, 413, 420. Octavia Goodale, 407. Olive, 22, .37, 38, 57, 67, 72, 86, 90, 93, 157, 167, 186, 197, 263, 276, 313, .335, 345, 346, 377, 425, 435, 501, 567, 580. Olive A., 233. Olive A. (Hayward), 258. Olive A. (Meeker), 489. Olive A. (Smith), 595, 603. Olive A. (Wiggin), 115, 233. Olive Adell, 428. Olive Amelia, 376. Olive B. (Roberts), 111, 226. Olive (Bradley), 576, 592. Olive (Brown), 418, 519. Olive C, 211, 401, 494. Olive (Churchill), 72. Olive (Cobb), 25. Olive (Curtis), 43,108. Olive Emma, 461. Olive Jane, 535. Olive L., 2.37, 447. Olive M., 395. Olive O., 302. Olive (Odell),367,442. Olive (Remington), 402, 497. Olive Soule, 163. Olive (Stoddard), 353, 407. Ohve (Tilden), 342, 358. Olive (Wilcox), 346, 377. Oliver, 74, 161, 162, 289,344, 368, 369, 445, 563, 567. Oliver Clinton, 401, 494. Oliver Erastus, 270. Oliver Joseph, 446, 546. Olivia, 298, 450. Olivia M. (Jackman), 174. Olney, 193. Omara A., 205. Omer V., 545. OpheMa Viola, 316. Ora (Harding), 523. Oramel W., 97. Oramel H., 168, 295. Orange Clark, 407. Oren, 362, 5U6. Orilla, 277. Orin, Rev., 424, ."26. Orin Henry, 526. Orinda, 96. Orinda (Badger), 96. Orissa Jane, 115. Orlando, 176, 301. Orlando Fitzland, 229. Orlanzo, 129. Orleana (Boutwell), 175, 302. Orlena C. (Murphy), 596, 604. Oroh Hope, 497. Orpha Jane, 448. Orpha (Payne), 580, 596. Churchill, continued. Orphia, 184, 310, 311, 448. Orphia (Churchill), 184, 310. Orra (Hulchins), 320. Orreyette, 602. Orrilla, 387, Orrin, 49, 118, 165, 293,364. Orrin L., 119. Orscena, 276. Orson, 276, .399. Orvilla O., 505. Orville, 400, 492, 601. OrvilleS.,399, 497. Orwell S., 447, 547. Osborne, 219. Oscar Benjamin, 606. Oscar C., 399, 491. Oscar D.,221. Oscar Linn, 516. Oscar Warren, 266. Osgood B., 186. Ostia, 531. Otis, 61, 73, 80, 90, 138, 158, 171,191,257,283,294, 369, 446. Otis B., 111,226. Otis K., 467. Otis M., 157. Otto, 531, 532. Otto Burchard, 433, 532. Owen, 118, 235. Palmer, 90, 190. Pamelia, 91, 193, 243, 352, 423, 444, 600. Pamelia C. (Wight), 584, 599. Pamelia (Chase), .365,436. Pamelia Jane, 437. Pamelia L., 499. Pamelia (Sabin), 129, 243. Pardon, 83, 180. Parthenia, 150. Patience, 24, 25, 36, 53, 56, 60, 61, 80,138, 440, 558. Patience (Churchill),24,25, 60. Patience (Faunce),37. Patience (Gildei sleeve), 34:i, 365. ' Patience (Har)ow), 12,24. Patience (Lawrence), 378, '464. Patience (Nelson), 27. Patieuqe (Tasb), 21, 46. Patience (Wood), 33, 80. Patte, 73. Patty, 158. Patty (Crossett),489. Patty Emily, 368. Patty (Thurston), 75, 163. Paul, 233, 545. Paulina, 67, 145. Paulina (Leonard-Storv), 446, 545. Pearl, 509. Pearl A., 270. Pearl (Dadmun), 519. Pearley Arminda, 536. Peleg, 26, 61, 1.37. 256. Peleg Walter, 312. Pelham, 78, 170. Pelhara F. R., 170. Pembroke, 405, 500. Percival L., 267. Percy, 43, 259, 288. Percy M., 284. Percy Wheeler, 455. Perez, 33, 43, 80. Perez, Capt., 17, 33, 81. Perin W., 498. Perry Oliver, 593. Persis L., 445. Persia M., 185. li INDEX OF NAMES 655 Churchill, cniilinnfd. Persia (Record), 33. Peter, 448, 547, 564, 572. Peter Adam, 599. Peter Lovejoy, 205. Peter P. '573. Phebe, i'o, 24, 36, 72, 83,94, 143, 282, 310, .343, 348, 367, 399, 522, 563, 566, 568, 569. Phebe (Barlow), 100, 208. Phebe C, 157. Phebe (Darling), 76, 168. Phebe E., 132,496. Phebe (Ferris), 566, 581. Phebe (Hazleton), 82, 177. Phebe Leathers, 58. Phebe (Leathers), 25, 58. Phebe M. (Thompson), 354, 413. Phebe (Marvin), 361, 421. Phebe (Maxim), 82, 178. Phebe (Kodimond), 466. Phebe (Seward), 3S, 93. Phebe (Shaw), 250. Phebe T. (Randall), 26, 63. Phebe (Tucker), 567, 583. Phldelia (Hall), 573. Philander, 156, 105,437. Philemon, 347. Philena, 400. Philena (Hayford), 82, 177. Philetus, 597. Philinda, 409, 505. Philindia,277. Philip, 566. Philip B., 582. Phillips v., 273. Philo, 350, 369, 397, 44G, 489,612,613,614. Philo, Jr., 398. Philo A., 612, 613. Philo Clark, 363, 426, 428. Philola (Edgertou), 529. Phiueas, 81, 175. Phineas Penlield, 373, 453. Pirella M. (Falkner), 393, 485. Pliny Flsk, 123, 238. Polly, 20, 35, 46, 62, 67, 72, 77, 81, 82, 86,88,121,126, 176, 359, 362, 364, 367, 368. 369, 398,566, 567,569,619. Polly Ann, 424. Polly Barnes, 160. PoUv (Bird), 81, 176. Polly (Brown), 58, 132. Polly (Demills),.367,443. Polly (De Wolfe), 345,373. Polly Diana, 194. Polly (Dudley), 85,183. Polly (Faling), 619. Polly (Foster), 567. Polly (Franklin), 58, 129. Polly (Hand), 164, 275. Polly (Hardy), 163. Polly (Hart), 38, 93. Polly (Heniiigan), 350. Polly (Hyde), 3-50, 391. Polly (Jackson), 21, 46. Polly (Marshall), 39, 95. Polly (Merrill), 35, 87. Polly (MerrlmKu), 344, 369. Polly (Oldham) ,72, 156, 282. Polly (Perew),291. Polly (Root),. 363, 4.30. Polly (Rowland), 409, 504. Polly S. (Parker), 162, 289. Polly (Sutton), 567. Polly (Thompson), 157. Preston, 226. Prince, 76. Prlecilla, 10, 25, 42, 59, 61, 74, 127. Churchill, conthnied. 1 Priscilla E., 97. PriscUla F. (Perkins), 170, 296. Priscilla (Manchester), 12, 25. Priscilla (Meacham\ 39, 95. Priscilla Ripley, 170. Priscilla S. (Simmons), 78, 170. Priscilla (Simmons), 40, 97. Priscilla (8oule),31, 74. Prudence, 328, 332, 334, 346,3.53, 378,379, .521. Prudence H., 208. Prudence Shaw, 466. Prudence (Tryon), 334, 346. Prudence Wells, 421. Prudentia,374. Pulaski, 405. Putnam, 373, 453. Rachel, 35, 71, 84, 153, 174, 345. Rachel (Bitts), 36. Rachel (Capen), 126, 241. Rachel (Curtis), 85, 184. Rachel (Davis), 563, 565. Rachel (Doane),253. Rachel (Howard), 103. Rachel (Hustler), 349, 391. Rachel M.,274. Rachel (Mitchell), 70. Rachel (Riley), 506. Rachel (Steward), 69,149. Rachell (Burgess), 104, 217. Raleigh, 601. Ralph, 251,312,313. Ralph Elmer, 458. Ralph J., 260. Ralph L., 538. Ralph O., 250. (Randall), 76. (Randell), 3.51, 400. Randell,.365, 439. Randolph, 613. Randolph Henry, Sir, xv. Ray, 615. Raymond, 235, 259, 490. Reba, 270. Rebecca, 9, 10, 15, 19,30, 32, 35, 37, 43, 53, 65, 66, 76, 78, 81, 86, 102, 166, 176, 214,217,287,333,344, 360, 368, 371, 535, 563, 566, 567, 568, 613. Rebecca (Brown), 361. Rebecca C. (Mapes), .391. Rebecca (Clemens), 291. Rebecca (Cushing), 254. Rebecca (Churchill), 81, 86, 176. Rebecca (Crocker), 74, 167, 294. Rebecca (Curtis), 15, 32. Rebecca D. (Morey), 162, 287. Rebecca (Delano), 5. Rebecca F., 248. Rebecca (Griswold), 329, 333. Rebecca (Hebron), 439. Rebecca J., 200. Rebecca Jenks, 120. Rebecca (Orr), 237. Rebecca (Palmer), 37, 91. Rebecca (Phinney), 32, 78. Rebecca S., 169. Rebecca (St. John), 344, 370. Rebecca (Sudred) , 561, 563. Churchill, continued. Rebecca Twiner, 169. Rebecca (Van Redsen- berg), 566, 582. Rebecca W. (Soule), 77, 169. Rebecca (Webb), 567. Rebecca (Wilder), 23, 53. Rebecca (Woodruff), 342. Reenette Elizabeth, 247. Regina, 217. Rena (Riley), .506. Rensellaer Emmet, 378, 463. Reuben, 25, 79, 171, 310, 311, 567, 582, .583, 598, 599. Reuben Edward, 58, 131. Reuben W. S., 211, 311. Rhoda, 101, 125, 217, 357, 365, 373, 397, 441, .599. Rhoda A., 292. Rhoda A. (Shackford),'424, 526. Rhoda Alma, 210. Rhoda Ann, 439, 570. Rhoda (Belden),340, 357. Rhoda C, 211. Rhoda Celestia, 551. Rhoda (Gobar), 203. Rhoda (Goodrich), 343, 367,441,610, 611. Rhoda J. (Atwood), 80, 173. Rhoda Johnson, 174. Rhoda Melvlna, 302. Rhoda (Miles), 279. Rhoda v., 278. Rhoda (Weegar), 406,500. Richard, xv, 186, 249, 314, 461, 508, 557, 604. Richard C.,491. Richard Cuyler, 206. Richard E., 545. Richard Fofter, 466. Richard Franklin, 209. Richard Gerard, 470. Richard H., 445, 545. Richard Halliwell, 300. Richard Henry, 202. Richard Martin, 430, 532. Richard Randolph Cuyler, 207. Richard Watts, 101, 208, 211. Richmond, 298. Riley, 580, 613. Riley V., 273. Riley v., Jr., 273. Rlnda May, 603. Rlzpah, S2. Robbins, 252. Robert, xv, 119, 127, 221, 235, 4.50, 557, 558, 5.59, 561, 563, 566, 570, 571, 582, 587, 604. Robert B., 466. Robert Barnabas, 430. Robert Bruce, 200. Robert C, 529, 541. Robert Clark, 430, 531. Robert D., 549. Robert E., 2.59. Robert Hazard, ix, 484. Robert Julius, 546. Robert Lee, 516. Robert P., 597. Robert R., 485. Robert Raymon, 536. Robert Roberts, 200. Robert S., 544. Robert Samuel, 629. Robert Sheldon, 610. Robert Wallace, 58, 131. Rocilda, 145. 656 INDEX OF NAMES Ohurchill, continued. Rockwell Plummer, 114. Kodney, 131, 240. Rodney J., 499. Roena A., 114, 231. Roger, xiii. Roger Williams, Rev., 187, 314. Rogers Piatt, 307. RoUa W., 271. Romeo, 431, 510. Roca M. (Voss), 536. Rosa Emma, 526. Rosa (Tunk),450. Rosamond, 291. Rosamond (Janette), 286. Rosamond (Record), 163, 290. Rosanna, 38. Rosanna (Lyon), 568, 585. Rose, 263, 276, 310, 540. (Rose), 213. Rose E., 307. Rose E. (Dummer), 468. Rose (Shull), 599. Rosea, 150. Rosell, 598. Rosella, 277, 508. Roselle, 145. Rosetta (Alcott), 365, 434. Rosilla Tobie, 312. Rosina, 114, 183, 581. Ross A., 459. Roswell, 346, 377, 462. Roswell Palmer, 91, 194. Roxa A. (Marsh), 96, 202. Roxana, 350, 374, 436. Roxana (Ward), 155, 275. Roxauna, 397, 480, 504. Roxy, 4.30. Roy, 204, 276. Roy Oliver, 546. Roy W., 267. Royal M., 273. Ruby (Crocker), 250. Ruby Irene, 508. Ruby J., 541, 542. Ruby K., 5S9. Ruby P., 531. Rufus, 59, 73, 1.33, 134, 160, 247, 251,254,287,350,399, 489. Rufus Hinkley, 247. Rufus J., 544. Rufus S., 187. Ruhama, 88. Ruhama (Orton), 564, 575. Ruhama (Whelpley), 349, 389. Ruhamah, 85. Rupert G., 25.3. Russell, 352, 404, 495, 499. Russell H., 265. RuFsell Thayer, 287. Ruth, 15, 27, 30, 39, 81, 84, 86, 143, 151, 161, 200,334, 343, 364, 365, 379, 435, 439, 467, 468, 613. Ruth A. (Whitman), 363, 427. Ruth A. (Wyman), 251. Ruth Ann, 283. Ruth (Bryant), 8, 15. Ruth (Cbipman), 347, 379. Ruth (Craig), 292. Ruth (Delano), 12, 26. Ruth Dyer, 79. Ruth E., 270, 271, 494 501. Ruth E. ^Tilrien), 129. Ruth Fern, 273. Ruth Floe, 313. Ruth H., 169. Ruth Helen, 467. Ruth Hinckley, 139. Churchill, continued. Ruth (Hinckley), 63, 139. Ruth M., 529. Ruth (Maxim), 84, 182. Ruth Merrills, 413. Ruth (Merrills), 353,413. Ruth N. (Cobb), 139, 258. Ruth P. (Ack!ov),382,473. Ruth (Pettingill), 179, .305. Ruth (Shaw), 213. Ruth Sophia, 467. Ruth (Soule), 78, 169. Ruth (Tryon),330, 343. Ruth (Quimby), 75, 163. S. V. (Clark), 399, 491. Saba, 161, 162, 287, 618. Saba (Churchill), 161, 162, 287. Saba (Soule), 74, 162. Sabra (Carter), 97, 205. Sabrina (Tupper), 347, 380. Sadie (Baker), 208. Sadie (Caskey), 254. Sadie G. (Gillis), 252. Sadie R. (Ellis). 249. Sadie (Slater), 488. Sage, 345, 373. Salina (Hart), 345,374. Sallie, 66, 144. Sallie A. (Hamilton), 365, 438. Sallie E. (Dutton), 205. Sallie M. (Craft), 613. Sally, 46, 49, 53, 62, 78, 81, 86, 95, 138, 161, 312, 342, 360,364,367,370,489,577, 583, 612. Sally A. (Hiutston), 400, 492. Sally Ann, 137, .382. Sally (Benson), 35, 86. Sally (Bisbee-Cushman), 78, 170. Sally (Bradford), 162,289. Sally (Castle), 398, 489. Sally (Coburn), 58, 131. Sally (Collins), 61. Sally (Elliott), 68, 147. Sally (Finney). 59, 134. Sally (Hall), 379, 469. Sally M., 596. Sally M. (Hiue), 577, 593. Sally Maria, 469. Sally Mead (Page), 46, 117. Sally Melissa, 1.32. Sally (N'ewcomb),'348,383. Sally (Peterson), 88, 186. Sally Rogers, 186. Sally (Rounds), 60, 136. Sally (Seely),351, 400. Sally (Shafer,,348,383. Sally (Sprague), 160. Sally (Tash), 21, 45. Sally (True), 21,46, Salmon. 362. Salmon Root, 430, 532. Saloma Ann, 182. Salome. .39, 95. Samantha (Dayton), 434. Samantba Louisa, 451. Samuel, 8, 10, 11, 15,17,18, 23, 24, 27, 31, 36, 38, 52, 54, 59, 66, 68, 69, 72, 74, 76, 90,93,94,108,122,126, 131, 133,134,144, 146,156, 157,161, 183, 197.199,219, 221, 241, 282, 287, 309, 330, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 342, 343, 344, 348, 350, 352. 364,360, 361.362,363,366, .368, 370,378, 383, 402,416, 426, 429, 437, 447, 465, 496, 526, 528, 618. Churchill, continued. Sainuel, Ensign, 326, 327. 329, 611. Samuel, Jr., 18, 53. Samuel Adams, 49, 118. Samuel Belden, 234. Samuel Boardman, 415, 515. Samuel Buel, 577. Samuel C, 532. Samuel Cicero, 413,414,514. Samuel Clark, 29, 67, 144, 145, 261. Samuel David, 536. Samuel E., 242. Samuel H., 294, 516. Samuel Halsey, 685. Samuel Harvey, 123, 238. Samuel Henry, 241. Samuel Holman, 121. Samuel J., 207,209. Samuel Jones, 209. Samuel Joseph, 480. Samuel Lawrence, 466. Samuel Lothrop, 208. Samuel Lyman, 400, 492. Samuel Keigney, 610. Samuel S., 387, 476. Samuel Seymour, 410, 510. Samuel StiUman, 58, 131, 372. Samuel Stoddard, 384, 475. Samuel W., 442, 526, 540, 541. Sanford, 13, 14, 67, 145, 146. Sanford Lewis, 468. Sanora, Florence, 536. Sara M. (Smith), 262. Sarah xv, 6, 9, lO, 11, 12, 15, 18, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 32, 34, 37, 39, 40, 43, 51, 59, 60, 05, 68, 74, 93, 95, 98, 113, 122, 130, 136, 143, 146, 149, 150, 152, 153, 165, 164, 170, 173, 183, 218, 221, 228, 252, 264, 255, 260, 280, 288, 294, 296, 313, 324, 325, 332, 334, 335, 345, 347, 351, 362, 367, 367, 382, 398, 410, 430, 434, 440, 443, 452, 456, 460, 507, 527, 528, 557, 5.58, .662, 564, 566, 570, 579, 581, 586, 597, 616. Sarah A., 50, 117, 385, 526, 546. Sarah A. (Adams), 185, 312. Sarah A. (Benedict), 348, 385. Sarah A. (Haiulin), 529. Sarah A. (Hersey), 301. Sarah A. (Kenyon), 289. Sarah A. (Nichols), 155, 276. Sarah A. (Sedgwick), 454, 618. Sarah Adeline, 129. Sarah (Alcott), 343, 364. Sarah Alice, 257, 476. Sarah (.lllen), 149. Sarah Allen (Lunt), 111, 225. Sarah Angeline, 487. 488. Sarah Ann, 144, 186, 188, 198, 241, 371, 423, 576. Sarah Ann (Carr), 109. Sarah Augusta, 540. Sarah B., 196. Sarah B. (Caswell) (not Colwell), 76, 167, 617. Sarah B. (Symonds), 250. INDEX OF NAMES (;57 Churchill, continued. Sarah (Badgley), 376. Sarah (Baker), 181, 307. Sarah (Bull), 60. Sarah (Bliun), 342, 361. Sarah ( Boyd), 43!), 538. Sarah Brijrs^s, 444. Sarah (Brock), 466. Sarah (Brown), 291. Sarah (Bugbee), 409, 505. Sarah (Burgess), 344, 367. Sarah C, 159, 200, 249. Sarah O. (Cohurn), 131. Sarah O. (Gerry), 257. Sarah U. (Hatfield), 254. Sarah C. (Lawrence), 415, Sarah" C. (Smith), 168, 295. Sarah C. (Tuttle), 364, 434. Sarah C. (West), 530. Sarah (Cady),330, 341. Sarah (Chase), 69. Sarah (Churchill), 597. Sarah ((^lark), 256. Sarah (Cobb), 11,19, 20, 25, 40, 58, 257. Sarah (Cole), 17, 37. Sarah (Collins), 138. Sarah (Jonielia 456. Sarah (Crosby), 250. Sarah (Cushrnau), 33, 80. Sarah D. (Lord), 46, 117. Sarah (Daniels), 180, .314. Sarah (Demiug), 327,331. Sarah (Dewey), 94, 198. Sarah Diantha, 188. Sarah (Diidlry), 85,184. Sarah (Dnrkee), 106, 219. Sarah E , 116, 132, 190, 236, 261. Sarah E. (Finch), 378, 463. Sarah E. (Hatha way-Lee), 421, 523. Sarah E. (Histon), 415, 515. Sarali E. (Howard), 213. Sarah E. (McKenney), 584, 600. Sarah E. (Nelson), 142. Sarah E. (Putney), 283. Sarah E. (Ryder), 247. Sarah E. (Sprague), 165, 293. SarahB. (Wood worth ), 401, 493. Sarah Eleanor, 225. Sarah Eliza, 209, 497. Sarah Elizabeth, 114, 219, 437, 470, 535, 5S4. Sarah Emily, 463. Sarah Estey, 103. Sarah F., 178. Sarah F. (Cushins), 95, 200. Sarah F. (Fletcher), 264. Sarah (Faunce), 18,38. Sarah (Flint), 135, 255. Sarah Fowler, 48. Sarah Frances, 241. Sarah (Fuller), 382, 473. Sarah G., 206. Sarah (Gill), 181, .306. Sarah (Goodlin), 214. Sarah H. (Kinney), 105. Sarah (Hm11),424, 524. Sarah (Harlow), 12, 23. Sarah Harriet, 485. Sarah (Harris), 2.36. Sarah Harrison, 600. Sarah (llawley), 70,151. Sarah (Hay ford), 364. Sarah (Hicks), 5, 6. Sarah (Hoaglaud),430,532. Churchill, continued. Sarah (Horner), 527. Sarah Hudson, 163. Sarah (Hyde), 362, 423. Sarah (Ireland), 179, 304. Sarah J., 249, 492, 503, 533. Sarah J. (Beardsley), 687, 602. Sarah J. (Cooper), 615. Sarah J. (Pool) , 204. Sarah J. (Starkweather), 142, 2.59. Sarah J. (Vaughn), 485. Sarah Jane, 261, 283, 345. Sarah Jane (Cann) (not Carver), 106, 218,617. Sarah (Jennings), xiv. Sarah Jerusha, 280. Sarah King, 121. Sarah L., 391,462,486. Sarah L. (Curtis), 169, 296. Sarah L. (Stevens), 364, 433. Sarah (Long), 190. . Sarah Louisa, 465. Sarah Luoinda, 279, 479. Sarah Lucretia, 439. Sarah Lydia, 524. Sarah M., 422. 449. Sarah M. (Chipinan), 426. Sarah M. (Cowles) (not Sarah K.),.378, 464, 618. Sarah M. (Curtis), 43. Sarah M. (Frost), 304. Sarah (Malory), 434, 5.34. Sarah Matilda, 516. Sarah May, 226. Sarah (May hew), .394, 186. Sarah Melissa, 193. Sarah (Mix-Foster), 333, 345. Sarah (Morton), 20, 42. Sarah N., 464. ^ Sarah IST. (Doane), .58, 1.31. Sarah (Nichols), 160,286. Sarah Otis, 257. Sarah P. (Clark), 165,293. Sarah P. (Delano), 167, 294. Sarah (Peck), 379, 470. Sarah (Perkins), 265. Sarah Powers, 293. Sarah (Prescott), 350,398, 489. Sarah R., 529. Sarah R. (Wyman), 249. Sarah (Ray), 373, 452. Sarah (Reid),424, 626. Sarah (Rider), 31, 74. Sarah (Rogers), 14, 24. Sarah (Ro%vland), 409, 506. Sarah (Rublee), 406. Sarah S. (Johnson), 43, 108. Sarah S. (Newton), 225. Sarah (Sargent), 340, 357. Sarab (Shanard), 89. Sarah (Shepard), 592, 603. Sarah Simpson, 283. Sarah (Smith), 313. Sarah Sophronia, 123. Sarah (Soule), 74, 163. Sarah (Sprague), 286. Sarah (Stacey), 22, 51. Sarah (Stackpole), 112, 227. Sarah (Stowe), 409, 504. Sarah (Strickland), 250. Sarah (Sturtevant), 161, 287. Sarah (Sumner), 67, 128. Sarah Tash, 45. Sarah (Taylor), 615. Sarah (Tinkham), 19, 39. Churchill, continued. Sarah (Vannankeen), 399. Sarah (Van Sheick), 192, 318. Sarah Virginia, 510. Sarah W. (Blinn), .539. Sarah W. (Pitman), 254. Sarah W. (Robinson), 521. Sarah Warren, 92. Sarah (Winston), xiii. Sarah (Woodruff), 593. Sarepta, 116. (Schwink-Hoagland), 454. Scott, 467. SealyJ.,533. Sebrlna, 287. Selden, 347, .381, 509. Selden A., 472. Selina Burr, 464. Selina (Burr), 378, 464. Selina Hart, 374. Selinda (Robbins), 22, 50. Serena Eames, 262. Serviah, 76. Seth, 18, 20, 32, 38, 39, 43, 71, 78, 108, 155, 275, 279. Seth Doten, 168, 295. Seth Erastus, 282. Seth Warren, 156, 281. Seth Warren, Jr., 281. Seth Washburn, 76, 168. Seymore, 37, 91. Seymour, 91. Seymour L., 492. Sheldon W., 115, 233. Shepard, 85, 183. Sherman, 186. Sidney Daniel, .526. Silas, 336, 337, 338, 353, 365, 400,405,438. Silas, Deac.,357, 417. Silas, Rev.,339, 340, 357,360. Silas H., 185, 311. Silas M., 288. Silas Owen, 181, 307. Silas PayBOn,417, 518. Silda (Kimball), 190. Silence, 87. Silence (French), 60. Simeon, 32, 67, 65, 78, 128, 170,271,360,420. Simeon L., 267. Simeon R., 136. Simeon Richardson, 58, 130. (Snowdon), 93, 197. Solomon, 27, 36, 38, 64, 140, 141, 158, 339, S40, 346, 354, 374, 456, 616. Solomon Sylvester, 139, Sophia, 47, 75, 78, 81, 90, 124, 243, 250, 261, 347, 348, 353,389,444,527. Sophia (Catlin), 614. Sophia D. (Thayer), 453. Sophia G. (Brown), 291. Sophia Or. (Gunn) , 414, 514. Sophia H. (PulkamUs),463. Sophia Helen, 114. Sophia K. (King), 45, 114. Sophia (Kingsley), 349, 389. Sophia Lang, 683. Sophia (May), 156, 281. Sophia O. (Beatty), 614, 615. Sophia Page, 576. Sophia (Prescott), 128. Sophia (Tompkins), 89, Sophia (Wells), 411. Sophie (Burgett), 503. Sophronia, 96, 105, 203, 434 658 INDEX OF NAMES Churchill, continued. Sophronla (Frisbee), 353, 405. SophrouiaW. (Beal-Low), 285. Sophronla (Whedon), 363, 429. Spencer, '22, 50. Sprague, 81, 176. Stacia, 562. (Starkey), 614. Stella Louisa, 465. SteUa May, 305. Stella (Sigglns), 598. Stephen, 7, 12, 25, 26, 31, 41, 61, 75, 102, 134, 137, 155, 165,248,335,344,345,348, 373, 383, 384, 522, 580, 596. Stephen, Lieut., 26, 81, 63. Stephen B., 249. Stephen Belden, 421, 521. Stephen Elijah, Dr., 385. Stephen Giles, 383, 474. Stephen M., 547. Stephen Major, 369, 446. Stephen Mix, 375. Stephen W., 570, 586. (Stetson), 260. Stiles Collins Avery, 518. Stillnian, 96, 131, 201, 245. (Stretton), 58. (Sturtevant), 156. Submit (Hawes), 350, 392. Sue (Bainter),490. Sullivan, 81, 177. Susan, 35, 87, 89, 96, 112, 139,161,181,214,215,208, 582, 599. Susan A., 112. Susan A. (Ward), E99, 605. Susan Agnes, 319. Susan (Allen), 138, 258. Susan Ann, 2S3. Susan Anne, 119. Susan B.,168. Susan (Browning), 583, 599. Susan (Cheesbro), 197. Susan (Clark), •SSO. Susan I)., 482. Susan D. (Wilson), 389, 482. Susan E., 249. Susan E. (Ferrin), 111, 226. Susan E. (Seavey), 47a. Susan E. (Spooner), 173, 300. Susan (Green), 525. Susan (Henry), 90, 190. Susan J. (Taylor) , 438, 535. Susan Jane, 395. Susan L., 170. Susan Lincoln, 285. Susan (Lucas), 63, 139. Susan M. (Abbott), 280. Susan Maria, 113. Susan (Mills), 210. Susan P. (Raymond), 369, 446. Susan P. (Saunders), 249. Susan (Pine), 370, 449. Susan R., 202, 446. Susan (Riddle), 445, 545. Susan (Rogers), 94. Susan (Stevens), 271. Susan (Thompson), 129, 243. Susan W., 41. Susan Walker, 525. Susanna, 21, 28, 31, 32, 60, 78. Susanna E., 122. Susanna (Gibbs), 15, 32. Susanna (Harlow), 28, 65. Churchill, continued. Susanna (Vrooman), 91, 193. Susannah, 16, 17, 19, 65, 101, 143, 161, 365. Susannah (Bailey), 51, 122. Susannah (Bartlett), 13,28. Susannah (Brayser), 556. Susannah (Clark), 11, 19. Susannah (Coweu), 29 ,67. Susannah (Davidson), 217. Susannah Elizabeth, 145. Susannah (Leach), 9, 16. Susannah (McFarland), 15, 31. Susannah (Manchester), 8, 12. Susannah (Rose-Killam), 134, 248. Susannah (Wagner), 421, 522. Susie, 460. Susie A., 545. Susie (Freeligh), 600. Susie (Walker), 269. Sybil, 36. Sybil E. (Roberts), 378, 464. Sydney Fowler, 600. Sydney M., 693. Sylvanus, 24, 31, 56, 63, 64, 78, 127, 135, 162. Sylvanus A., 401, 462, 493. Sylvanus H., 94, 200. Sylvanus W., 493. Sylvester, 90, 142, 143, 191, 351, 399, 46S. Sylvester, Gen., 41, 98. Sylvester B., 509. Sylvester Brown, 410, 509. Sylvester C, 400, 401. Sylvester Edwin, 114. Sylvesters., 122,238. Sylvia, 71, 72, 73, 152, 156, 274, 349, 477. Sylvia A. J., 391. Sylvia Gertrude, 491. Sylvia Jane, 440. Sylvina, 351. Tabitha, 146. Tabitha (Willard), 5G4, 573. Talista (Cleveland), 145. Temperance, 77, 90. Temperance (Holmes), 176. Temperance (Perry), 36, 90. Thaddeus, 24, 53, 73, 125, 160, 287. Thaddeus C, 489. T^hankful, 36,338, 616. Thankful (Karnes), 67, 140. Thankful (Hewit-Seager), 330, 337. Thankful (Scammon),2S8. Thankful (Wood), 17, 34. Theobald, xili. Theodore, 107, 122, 197, 207, 219, 221, 236, 448. Theodore Parker, 290. Theodosia, 293. Theodosia (House), 351, 399. Theresa A., 496. Thirsyette, 597. Thirza (Gates), 383, 475. Thirza P., 268. Thode Stephen, 458. Thomas, ix, xili, xv, 11, 20, 32, 43, 44, 45, 59, 77, 103, 111, 160, 217, 250, 255, 286, 288, 294, 366, 525, 615. Churchill, continued. Thomas, Capt., 134, 250. Thomas Benjamin, 525. Thomas C, 46, 116. Thomas Charles, 113. Thomas Corwin, 534. Thomas Foster, 345, 375, 457. Thomas G., 226. Thomas Gilman, 56, 242. Thomas H., 4.39. Thomas Holiday, 410, 509, 510. Thomas J., 284. Thomas Lindsay, 112, 227. Thomas Loring, 289. Thomas P., 50. Thomas S., Ill, 226. Thomas Sprague, 291. Thomas Stanley, 457. Thomas T., 582,597. Thomas Tash, 45, 112. Thomas W., 250, 526. Thomas Wilson, 179, 304. Thomas Worcester, 58, 132. Tilson, 68, 147. Timothy, 21, 32, 43, 78, 108, 169, 490, 564, 576. Timothy Clapp, 375. Timothy G., 200. Timothy Gridley, 378, 464. Timothy Pickering, 375. Tirzah (Dudley), 86, 186. Tobias, 13, 14, 29, 69, 150. Tobias Bertram, 150. (Tower), 288. Tressie May, 615. Truman, 366, 370, 449. Tryphena (Holt) (not Mary), 183, 310, 618. Tryphenia, 127, 242. Tryphenia A., 496. Tryphenia A. (Newton), 352, 402. Tryphosa, 424. Ulysses Grant, 282. Urania (Matthews), 576, 591. Uriah B., .596. Ursula, 448. Van Buren, 615, 616. Varnum, 580. VelinaD.,312. Velina (Norton), 208. Velma W.,267. Vera B., 267. Veracue Gladys, 536. Verna Asenatha, 307. Verna Bell, 491. Vernon, 488. Vesta A. (Crowell), 227. Vesta Grace, 319. Viana (Perham), 176, 303. Victoria, 273. Viena (Thompson), 389, 483. Villa A. (Boynton), 151, 267. Vina, 270. Vinna, 615. VinuieL.,292. Viola E. (Ruck), 602, 606. Viola Isola, 548. Viola S., 285. Violetta, 121, 549. Virgil, 542. Virginia Brown, 525, Virginia R. (Madison), 225. W.F., 208. W. H., vii. Walbergia, 210. Waldo H.,270. Wallace, 495. Wallace Eugene, 308. INDEX OF NAMES fi59 Churchill, continued. Walter, 135, 254, 255, 303. Walter Albert, 303. Walter Allen, 239. Walter Asaph, .314. Walter B., 449, 549. Walter E.,. 312, 491, 597. Walter Edgar, 500. Walter Erving, 231. Walter F., 313. Walter G., 602, 606. Walter H., 427, 528, .529. Walter Howell, 260. Walter J., 232. Walter O., 547. Walter S., 598. Ward, 596, 599. Warner, 121, 236. Warner, Jr., 236. Warner A., 236. Warner Leman, 315. Warren, 29, 69, 70, 148, 149, 245, 265, 281, 504, 594. Warren Augustus, 546. Warren D., 448. Warren E., 546. Warren Flint, 255. Warren H., 475, 548. Warren Keen, 284. Warren L., 270. Warren Levi, 313. Warren Norman, 318. Warren O., 265. Warren Richard, 320. Washington, 402, 449, 497. (Watkins),200. Watson, 219. Watson Dana, 610. Watts, 131. Wealthy, 353. Wealthy Irena, 278. Wealthy P. (Hatch), 203, Wealthy (Porter), 106. Wellington, 279. Wellington M., 276. Weltha A. (Jenkins- Hoole), (not Anna Hoole), 111,222,617. Wendell A , 312. Wendell H., 312. Wentje (Ryder), 557, 559, 560. Wesley, 288. Wesley B., 470. Wesley Russell, 283. Wickliff E., 463. Wilber S., 454. Wilberforce, 420. Wilbur, 612, 613, 614. 615. Wilbur Adna, 537. Wilbur Daniel, 615. Wilbur T., 284. Wildie G., 487. Wilfred N., 544. Willard, 221. Willard Uapron, 588. Willard D., 548, 573, 589. William, vi, xiii, xv, 3, 5, 8, 11, 13,14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 39, 41, 43, 46, 53, 60, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 73, 74, 81, 82, 86, 88, 90, 93, 96, 103, 105, 116, 125,128,133,134,136, J38, 141, 142,143,144,146, 150,153, 154,161,162,169, 176, 177. 178, 179, 182, 196, 197,199,203,213,214, 215, 217,218,220, 235,240,247, 250, 255, 256, 259, 260, 275, 288, 289, 290, 296, 302, 303, 304,306, 315, 317, 323, 330, 331,334,336,338,342,343, 344, 351, 365, 368, 369, 370, Churchill, continued. 380, 382, 384, 398, 400, 402, 403, 436, 440, 444, 449, 452, 456, 459, 474, 497, 505, .516, 538, 540, 555, ."564, 565, 569, 576,577,581,582,588,592. 594,596.613,614,615,617, 619. William, D.D., 226. William, Jr., 3.52,402. William A., 237, 243, 254, 314, 439, 537. William Albert, 543. William Allen. 441. 539. William Alvah, 117, 234. William Ambrose, 535. William Asher, 236. William Augustus. 534. William B., 447. William Boardman, 359, 417. William Burpee, 217. William C.,94, 199, 207,530. William Creighton, 111. William Crocker, 247. William D., 533. William David, 521. William Doloway, Dr.,584, 600. William Dwight, 534. William E., 248. William Edgar, 254. William" Edward, 231, 449. William Eliot, 465 William Eliott, 378, 463. William Ellsworth, .318. William Everett, 454. William Ezra, 121. William Fletcher, 69, 150. William Goodrich, 509. William Graves, 46, 117. William Grozier, 79. William H., 132, 178, 204, 214, 218, 286, 304, 434, 435, 446,469, 499, 529, 534, 548. William Hamilton, 469. William Harvey, 395. William Henry, 188, 286, 296,315, 373, 378, 402, 4.54, 463, 469, 498, 584, 588, 599, 600, 605. William Herbert, 257. William Holmes, 201, 486.- William Hubbard, 365.- William Hunter, 206. William Hunter, Capt., 99, 206. William Huntington, 199. William J., 4.50. William Jefferson, 203.- William Keen, 142. • William L., 292, 294, 449, 546. William Lawrence, 466.' William Leathers, 58, 129. Wm . Leathers, Jr., 129, 243. William Leonard, 468. William M.,249, 474.' William Martin, 535. Wiiliam Miliou, 434. William Morton, 159. AVilliam Murray, 188. William Nelson, 192, 318. William O., 266. William Oscar, 572, 5S8. William Otis, 257,283. William P., x, 253.- William Payne, 470. William Pitt, 91. William Pitt Fessenden, 225. William Price, 415, 516. William R., 375, 439, 458, 637. Churchill, continued. William Samuel, 515. William Scott, 464. William Stewart, 408. William Sumner, 454. William T., 89, 189, 190, 268, 301. William Thomas, 417, 517. William Tilson, 147, 264. William Tryon, 365, 435, ■ 437. William W., 180, 306. William W.C, 211. William Walcott, 540. William Walker, 438, 536. William Walker, Jr., 536. William Wheeler, 194. William Wilberforce, 519. William Willard, 576, 593. William Wilmarth, 585. William Winthrop, 300. William Worcester, 128, 242. William Worcester, Jr., 242. Williams, 83,180. (Williams), 34, 83. Willie J. ,494. Willis, 367, 440, 449, 538, 614. Willis Clark, 539. Willis E., 454. Willis Fletcher, 406, 501. Willis Phillips, 238. Willis Ransom, 486. Wilson, 24, 26, 56, 63, 139. Wilson H.,292. Wilson Barlow, 269. Winfield, 311. Winfleld S., 521. Wintield Scott, 234. Winifred Grace. 481. Winnie, 188. Winnie J., 210. Winnifred, 606. Winnifred C, 267. Winslow, Deac, 71, 153, 155. Winslow, Jr., 155,276. Winf^low Bradford, 138. Winslow W., 248. Winslow Ware, 299. Winston, sill, xv, 222, 223. Winston, Sir, xiii, xiv. Winthrop, 30u. Woodbury Langdon, 114, 231. Woodford McDowell, 472. Wooster Bi ach, 306. Worthy L., 483. Worthy l.ovell, Gen., 349, 387, 392, 393. Wylie Croome, 410, 509. Zachary Taylor, 410. Zacheus, 12, 25. .59, 77, 134. 168, 169,248,249,296,587, 6112. Zaccheus H., 152, 271, 586. Zada (Preston), 594. Zadock, 26, 62, 161, 287. Zebedee, 33, 76, 80, 167, 174. Zebedee P.. 175, 302. Ziliuda (Ditson), 151. Zellal.,623. Zenas, 74, 162, 350, 398, 488, 489, 619. Zenas, Jr., 489. Zi-pheniah, 570. Zeruiah, 71. Zerviah (Leach). 344, 369. ZethaM. (Arnold), 537. Zilpah, 82. Zilpah (Keene), 82, 179. ZilphaE. (Stroud), 452. 660 INDEX OF NAMES Churchill, continued. Zilpha L., 445. Zitta B., 604. Zoa (Eggleston) (not Ed- gerton), 370, 447, 618. Zoe, 263. Chute, Edith (Churchill-Rod- ney), 250. Isaac R., 250. May Edith, 261. Cilley, Anna, 183, 308. Cisco, Henrietta, 615. Claflin, Gov., 298. Maria, 90. Susan (Churchill), 89. Timothy, 89. Clark, 161, 369. Alice M. (Churchill), 515. Amasa, 27. Asa. 527. Aurilla A. (llickok), 364. Betsey (Morton- Whiting), 28 Charity E., 448, 548. Charles S., 515. Charles W., 202. Charlotte, 432. Clemanlha, 449. Clifford E., .522. Cordelia (Churchill), 526, 527. Cynthia A., 152. David, 202. Ebenezer, 106. Effle J. (Churchill), 202. Electa, 569. Elizabeth, 14, 29,251. Elizabeth M. (Churchill), 522. Ella (Wagg),527. Ellen (Cushing),578. Ellen I., 113. Ellery Channing, 202. Elsie, 304. Emily (Fletcher), 106. Emma, 578, Emmet, 578. Encil Ernest, 194. Etta (Talbot), 527. Eunice (Beach), 202.' Frances A., 288. Frank A., 527. Fred, 473. George, 364, 578. Hannah L. (Churchill), 113. Harriet B., 311. Harriet M., 289. Herbert C, 627. Ira, 578. Isaac Townscnd, 113. J. F., 475. Jennie, 194. Julia, 193. Lavinia (Churchill), 578. Lewis, 578. Libbie C, .527. Libbie (Churchill), 475. Lucy, 365, 436. Luke, 365. Martha A. (Churchill), Mary', 349, 431. Mary A., 527. Mary E. (Churchill), 473. Mary (Mattison), 578. Mary (Morton), 27. Mayhew, 113. Mehitable, 73. Miua A., 193. Myron, 578. Nettie (Tuttle), 578. Richard Churchill, 202. Rosa Bell, 193. Clark, continued. Ruby May, 194. Ruth (, 597. Harriet, 1551. John P., .597. Margaret, 379. Troop, Phebe, 417. Trow, Jane P. (Nelson-Burns), 164. John, 164. True, Hannah J., HI. Sally. 21, 46. Truell, Minnie, 179. Tryou, 339. Charles, 843. Esther, 346. John, 346. Martha (Churchill), 343. Prudence, 334, 346. Ruth, 330, 343. Tubbs, 80. Alma S., 423. Belle F., 423. J. F., Dr., 423. Julia, 360. Lydia (Churchill), 80. Sarah A. (Gardner), 423. Tuck, Eva C, 598. Jesse, 178. LucyE. (Churchill), 178. William A., 178. Tucker, Charles, 126. Elinor H, 49. G. H., 291. Mary F. (Capen),291. Tucker, continued. Nancy A. (Churchill), 126. Phebe, 567, 583. Tuckerman, Abby Elizabeth, .300. Tudor, Capt., 556. Tufts, 256, 29G. Eliza A. (Churchill), 296. Eunice (Chui chill), 256. Margaret May, 314. Tunk, Rosa, 450. Tupper, George A., 104. Louisa (Davidson), 104. Sabrina, 347, 380. Turnbull, Eliza, 122, 237. Turner, Abigail, 36, 89. C.U., 79'". Esther, 576, 590. Ezekiel C, 62. Mary, 404. 499. Mary C, 62. Mary J., 130, 244. Thos., Capt., 72. Tuttie, Clara (Churchill), 176. Clara F., 176. Joseph C, 176. Lizzie (Chnmplin), 435. Nettie, 578. Sarah Caroline, 364, 434. Walter H., 176. William, 435. Twichell.Mary (Atwater); 343. Sheldon, 343. Twiss, Sarah, 565. Twitchell, Moses, 84. Rebeckah (Monk), 84. Twombly, Addle, 121. Tyler, Jesse Washington, 577. Keturah J. (Churchill), .577. Mary, 582, 598. Tylle, Grace, xiii. Thomas, xiii. Udell, Cyrus E., 231. Roena A. (Churchill), 231. Ufford, Christian (White), 379. Eliakim, 379. Jerusha, 379. Underwood, Mary, 364. Upham, xVda, 116. Alfred, 241. Charles, 241. John A., 39. Laura A. (Churchill), 241. Mary E. (Churchill), 241. Mary (Kelsey), 39. Upton, Charles, 164. Eva, 257. Marietta (Nelson), 164. Vail, Deborah, 567. 584. Irene (Churchill), 351. Isaline, 549. Lucius, 351. Valpey, Abigail, 134, 254. John, Capt., 254. Van Auken, Jessie, 30. Vanberg, John, 491. Lillie M. (Churchill), 491. Van Camp, Amanda, 383, 475. Van de Bogart, Nancy, 524. Van Densen, Cornelia, 565. Van Duser, Eunice, 406. Van Duza, Jacob, 66. Sarah (Ward) , 66. Van Epps, Charlotte R. (Chur- chill), 375. William H., 375. William H., Jr., 376. Van Nostrand, Cornelia, 66,143. Isaac, 568. Phebe (Churchill), 568. Van Orman, Fred, 508. Van Orman, continued. Lura (Churchill), 508. Van Osdall, Isabella, 205. Van Redsei) berg, Rebecca, 566, 582. Van Sheick, EHzabeth, 90, 192. Sarah, 192, 318. Van Tassal, Cornelia, 563, 568. Cynthia, 563, 567. Van Vorce, Aaron, 442. Ellen A., 442. Francis, 442. John, 442. Lucretia (Churchill), 442. Mary, 442. Sarah M. (Bellman), 442. Van Wart, Mary E., 208. Van Wie, Caleb, 566. Polly (Churfehill), 566. Vance, Emily, 215. Henrietta, 1.30, 244. Vanderbilt, Consuelo, xv. Cornelius, xv. William K., xv. Vanderwater, George, 90. Sophia (Churchill), 90. Vannaukeen, Sarah, 399. Varney, Mary, 571, 587. Varnum, Grace, 113. Vasburgh, Eliza, 122. Vaughan, Edwin A., 100. Julia C. (Johnson), 100. Marjorie, 100. Pamelia, 423. - Vaughn, Clarissa, 90, 191. E. H., 180. Frank, 180. Maria, 90, 191. Mary, 536. Mary A. (ChurchiU), 180. Ruth, 359. Sarah .Jane, 485. Vella, Bethia (Churchill), 159. Henry Washington, 160. Joseph F., 160, Levi Churchill, 160. Nicholas, 159. Samuel, 160. Valanca, ISO. William Wallace, 160. Verry, Laura E., 311. Vesey, Abner, 208. M.ary A. (Churchill), 208. Vest, Frances, 423. Vickery, Alma G. (Rodney), 250. Annie, 250. Bathsheba (Churchill), 76. Elijah, 76. Emmeline, 134. George R., Capt., 250. Vincent, II u 1 d a h J. ( C h u r- chill), 182. Joseph F., 182. Vining, Emily ((Churchill), 79. Enima C, 79. Geo. Henry, 79. James, 79. Jared, 79. Jefferson, 79. Jennie (Vogel), 79. Laura, 79. Vogel, Jennie, 79. Voorhees, Eva M., 550. Voris, Elizabeth Louise, 121, 235. Vose, Agnes Allen, 54. Albert Churchill, 54. Alice Churchill, 55. Almira Churchill, 54. Annie Hill, 65. Carrie Morton, 55. Clifton Henry, 54, 55. Deborah (Churchill) , 54. 702 INDEX OF NAMES Vose, continued. Edwin Faxon, 54. Eleanor Calder, 55. Eliza, 77, 169. Eliza F. (Calder), 55. Eliza Spencer, 55. Elizabetli Churchill, 54. Esther Collins, 55. FranciB Henry, 54, Frederick Churchill, 55. Frederick Harkhurgt, 54. George Mendell, 54. Grace, 55. Henry C^lay, 54. Isabella Morton, 55. Jeremiah Mendall, 55. Joseph, 54. Joseph Alonzo, 55. Joseph Mendall, 55. Lizzie Churchill, 55. Lydia, 55. Lydia Churchill, 55. Maria (Allen), 55. Mary (Branch), 55. Mary L. (Lawrence), 58. Mary Lee, 55. Mattie Edwards, 55. Nathaniel Morton, 55. Philip Mendelsohn, 55. Rachel W. (Faxon), 54. Robert Churchill, 55. Beth Morton, 55. Spencer C, 58. Thomas French, 54. William Calder, 55. Vo88, Rona May, 536. Vrooman, Susanna, 91, 193. Vyse, Maria, 209. Wade, Allen, 79. Amos, Capt., 39. George H., 258. Harrison A., 171. Isaac E., 79. Joseph, 378. Martha A. (Hunt), 79. Mary (Churchill), 171. Mary E. (Billings), 258. Orrin, 78. Prudence, 466. Prudence (Churchill) , 378. Sarah (Smith), 79. Sophia (Churchill), 78. Wadsworth, Capt., 56: Adaline (Demary), 352. Frank, 279 Hannah, 6]. Mamie Clara, 279. Mercy (Churchill), 279. Mortimer, 352. Wager, Charles, 527. Ella, 527. Mary A. (Clark), 527. Wagner, Annie Maria, 597, 604. Susannah, 421, 522. Wait, 168. Clara (Daniels), 168. John, 168. Maria (Churchill), 168. Walte, Ernest W., 291. Frank K., 291. Geraldine (Churchill), 596. Henry E., 696. Jennie (Churchill), 290. Kate J., 291. Nettie Bell, 291. Rosie May, 291. William F., 290. Waith, Frank, 428. ' Lillian (Davis), 428. Waitt, Ann A.( Churchill), 467. Walter Scott, 467. Wakefield, Dora M., 432. Edmund Barrett, 432. Wakefield, continued. Edwin, Rev., 4.32. Martha A. (Sheldon), 432 Mary P. (Churchill), 432. Walden, Charles Henry, 416. Edgar Eldridge, 416. Ella A., 416. George Curtis, 416. James William, 416. Marcia M. V. (Churchill), 415. Mary Theodosia, 416. William H., 415. Wales, Mary B., 167, 293. Walford, Clement, 506. Lilla E. (Churchill), 506. Walker, 601. Ann E., 461. Anne, 370. Catherine, 549. Charles, 253. Elizabeth, 134. Ella (Hardi8ta),253. Ellen (Churchill), 528. Fanny, 253. Frances E. (Jones), 253. Fred W., 461. George, 253. Harriet (Churchill), 528. Harry, 253. Henry, .528. J. Ernest, 253. Laura xVugusta, 56. Lydia, 70. Margaret (Churchill), 601. Mary, 182. Mary (Martin), 461. Nancy, 68, 146. Nancy (Churchill), 253. Nancy Jane, 491. Susie, 269. William, 528. Wallace, Margaret, 64, 139. Walling, Amanda, 614. Walton, Albert D., 578. Betsey M. (Churchill), 578. Clara (Patterson), 578. Climena (Churchill), 69. Clymena, 70, 150. Cora, 578. Emma (Douglas), 578. Flora M , 578. Frank, 578. Grace, 578. Griffin B., 578, 594. Griffin B., Jr., 578. Irene, 69, 150. John, 69. John J., 578. Mabel, 578. Mind well (Churchill), 69. Samuel, 69. "William Franklin, 578. Ward, Aaron, 477. Aaron S., 66. Abbie Churchill, 478. Adelaide J., 477. Agnes (Brown), 106. Alice (Sandiford),478. Alma (Rogers), 478. Amelia, 66. Amelia (Churchill), 66. Annette, 477. Charles E., 478, 479. Cora Louisa, 478. Dorothy Sandiford, 478. Ellas, 471. Elizabeth (Churchill), 477. Emaline, 477. Evaline, 477. Frar \ B., .525. FranL Emerson, 478. Franklin, 477. Gerrett D., 66. Ward, contiyined. Hannah, 66. Hannah M., 66. Harriet (Pearse), 66. Hannah (Shuguland), 66. Helen, 477. Isaac, 66. Isaac, Dr., 66. John, 66. John Churchill, 66. Julia, 341. Lewis, 145. Louisa (Churchill), 478. Maria (Shufelt), 66. Mary, 66. Mary M. (Churchill), 516. Myra (Leonard), 197. Nathaniel, 106. Olive (Southworth), 477. Paulina (Churchill), 145. Rachel, 66. Ralph Rollo, 478. Rebecca (Shufelt), 66. Roxana, 155, 275. Sarah, 66. Susan Agnes, 599, 605. Virginia B. (Churchill), 525. W. J., 516. Willet Lyon, 197. Winifred Emily, 478. Wardwell, Annie Jones, 120. Caroline (^'hurchill, 120. Edward Wilkinson, 120. George, 120. George Marlboroueh, 120. Rebecca J. (Churchill) ,120. Ware, George W., 255. Hannah (Churchill), 255. Harriet, 297. Jonathan, Dr., 297. Mary A., 173, 297. Mary A. (Tileston), 297. Warner, 36. Annis (Churchill), 36. Caroline C, 378, 465. Charles Shattuck, 130. Cynthia (Churchill), 130. Frances P., 448, 548. George, 400. Henry H., 130. Henry Plato, 130. Jennie Elizabeth, 130. Jonathan, 332. Martha (Churchill), 400. Mary (Churchill), 332. William Thomas, 130. Warren, Col., 388. Abigail, 19. Almira (Churchill), 60. Anna Churchill, 419. Audobon Frank, 524. Bessie (Staniford), 420. Caleb, 50. Caleb, Jr., 50. Carrie (Hopson), 427. Clarence Harrison, 419. Eleanor, 420. Emily A. (Churchill), 419. James, 427. James Henry, Rev., 419. Jerusha (Churchill), 155. Mary L. (Vose), 55. Mary Stuart, 419. Nathaniel, 161. Sarah L. (Churchill), 524. Seth, 155. Susan G. (Tower), 161. Wilmot L.,55. Washburn, 183. Abigail, 74. Alice (Churchill), 295. Annie Jeffreys, 256. Asa, 90. INDEX OF NAMES 703 Washburn, continued. Augustus, 183. Bathsheba (Churchill), 26. Benjamin, 26. Clara, 72. Bbenezer, Capt., 92. Edith, 183. George U., 295. Grace Le Baron, 48. Joanna, 27. John, 37, 434. Lovina (Churchill), 434, 534. Lucy A. (Churchill), 183. Mary, 40, 97. Mary (Churchill), 37. Seth, 74. Shephard, 183. Waterman, Charles, 122. David, 122. Eliza (Churchill), 398. Emma, 122. Frederic, 122. George, 122. James H., 174. John A., 398. Julia, 122. Julia A. (Churchill), 173, 174. Julia Ann, 174. Mary Isabella, 174. Nellie, 122. Rhoda Savory, 174. Sarah (Churchill), 122. Stella, 122. Waters, Azro, 398. Fannie (Churchill), 599. George, 599. Laura (Churchill), 411. Lora, 411. Nancy (Churchill) , 398. Nellie (McChesney), 599. Stephen C, 599. Watkins (not Grow), Arvilla (Grow), 81, 175, 617. Betsey, 81. Catie (Churchill), 666. Charles C, 81. Chauncy, 81. Ebenezer, 566. Elisha, 81. Ellen M. (Sanborn), 520. Frank W., S,l. Harriet, 81. Henry, 81. James, 416. Jane, 81. Julia (Churchill), 418. Mary, 81. Ruth (Churchill), 81. Watson, Audrey, 583. Catherine, 493. Catherine (Churchill), 583. Cecilia A. (Churchill) ,216. George, 23, 103. Leonard, 103. Mary, 103. Nancy, 103. Norman, 216. Sarah E. (Churchill). 103. Watt, Charles Adams, 117. Clara Maria, 117. JaneC. (Churchill), 117. John C, 117. Mary Kate, 117. MoUie (O' Donald), 117. William, 117. William Edward. 117. Wattenpaugh, Jane, 514. Watts, Minerva T., 516. Way, 342. Abigail, 342. Abigail (Churchill), 342. Anna, 342. Way, continued. Clara E., 361. Fannie, 342. Franklin, 342. Gertrude M. (Hanmer) ,361, Henry, 342. John L., 361. Joseph, 342. Levi, 342. Lydia, 342. Pbilena, 342. Wead, Minnie, 101. Weaver, Julia, 414. Webb, 348, 385. Esther (Churchill), 348 385. Rebecca, 567. Webber, Caroline L. (Chur chill), 395. Charles, 395. Charles Radley, 389. Clara Elizabeth, 389. George Follett, 389. Humphry P., 144. Isaac, 70. Joanna (Churchill), 70. John, 389. John Herschell, 389. Jona, 395. Julia zVugusta, 389. Mary Davis, 395. Mary (Fox), 389. Mary J. (Radley), 389. Mary Sophia. 389. Nellie Churchill, 389. Paulina M. (Moore), 144. Sarah (White), 395. Sophia (Churchill), 389. Worthy Lovell, 389. Webster, 119. Abdiel, 337. Abigail, 410, 510. Albert, 374. Charles, 356. Charles Selah, 367. Chauncy, 357. Chester Churchill, 356. Cynthia (Churchill), 356. Cyrus, 366, 357. David C, 356. Ellen, 228. Hannah (Churchill-Kil- bourn), 340. Harriet Churchill, 357. Jacob, Capt., 43. Julia S. (Higuius), 357. Marilla (RichardB). 356. Martha (Churchill). 337. Mary (Johuaon), 367. Nellie, 356. Oliver, 356. Prudeutia (Churchill), 374. Stephen, 340. Weed, Joseph S., Brig.-Gen., 455. Weegar, Rhoda, 406, 600. Weeks, Charles Boardman, 359. Cyrus Edward, 359. Diadema (Hyde- 8 bar. man), 35a. Elizabeth J. (Alexander), 359. Emily (Finch), 359. George Churchill, 359. Hannah Amelia, 359. Harriet, 583, 599. Horace Belknap, 359. John Lewis, 359. Lewis, 359. Mary, .59^ Mary A'. (Daniels), 359. Mary Churchill, 359. Polly (Churchill), 359. Weeks, continued. Ruth (Vai]ghn),359. William Wallace, 359. Weinpress, Charles 279. Hattie (Churchill), 279. Margaret, 279. Welch, Annabel, 305. Carrie Alice, .305. Earle Dunham, 305. Gerald Cushman, 305. Lewis Churchill, 305. Mary, 439, .537. Mary A. C. (Churchill), 305. Mary Louise, 305. Wesley, 305. William W., 305. Weller, Rose, IS, 38. Welles, Capt., 358. Absalom, 411. E. 8., 325,611. Elizabeth(Deming Foote) , 326. Laura, 411. Lorraine (Patterson), 411. Sam, 326. Thomas, Gov., 326, 411. Wellington, Laura, 580, 596. Levi, 53, Rebecca (Churchill), 53. Samuel Torrey, 53. Welli%-er, Alpha (Harrom),372. Morris, 372. Wells, Albert, 475. Adah (Adams), 361. Buzzell, 398. Catherine (Churchill), 289. Dudley, 361. Felicia H. (Hanmer), 361. Flora G. (Churchill), 475. Gideon, 361. Hannah Churchill, 361. ' Harry, 311. James, 289. James Dudley, 361. — Josiah, 565. Laura, 354, 411. Marilla, 512. Mary Anna, 361. Mercy J., 56. Myrta (Tarbell), 398. Orphia (Churchill), 311. -PhebeE. (Lake), 565. Robert, Capt., 329. - Sophia, 411. Welsh, Inez (Churchill), 505. Jonathan, 5U5. Welthy, Kufus, 370. Sally (ChurchillC o d y ) , 370. Wentworth, Ada Lillian, 383. Ann, 45, 112. Arthur Milton, 383. Clarissa E. (Churchill), 383. Ella Maria, 383. Emma E., 262. Emma Jane, 383. Frank, 117. Milo Milton, 383. Sarah A. (Churchill), 117. Thomas, 112. Wesencraft, 455. Jane (Churchill), 455. Lotta A., 455. West, Carrie, 429. Evelyn Steele, 449. Gertrude (Steele), 449. Henry, 78. John, 530. Keren H . (Hendricks) , 530. Mary Barbara, 229. RolindaH. (Foster), 78. Sarah (Carrie) , 530. 704 INDEX OF NAMES West, continued . Walter J., 449. Westbrook, Mary B., 239. Westcott, Eliza Ann, 22. George B., 325. Harriet Louisa, 325. Mary A. (Hynson), 325. Mary (Bucli), 325. Samuel, 325. Westgate, Mary J., 164, 290. Westiughouse, 519. Weston, Aaron, 408. Abner, 16. Almira, 27. Benjamin, 27, 247. Betsey, 27. Betsey H. (Churchill), 247. Betsey (Lanman), 27. Charles, 167. Clarissa (Churchill), 158. David, 16. Dorcas (Churchill), 107. (Eldredge), 107. Elinor, 107. Eliza E. (Churchill), 158. Elizabeth (Hattield), 107. Esther (Churchill-Morton), 158. Florence White, 192. Frederick, 107. George, 27, 107, 192. Hannah, 27. Hannah (Churchill), 158. Harvey, 27, 138. IdaM. (White), 192. Jabez, 16. Jacob, 107. Joanna (Washburn), 27. Julia, 408. Julia A. (Churchill), 408. Lemuel, 107. Leoni (Kelley),107. Lewis, 27, 158. Lucy, 27, 167. Lucy Ann, 42. Lucy (Churchill), 27. Lucy (Harlow), 27. LydiaE., 107. Martha B. (Drew), 27. Martha (Jenkins), 107. Mary, 16. Mary (Churchill), 27. Mary (Coffran), 42. Matilda, 107. Mercy M., 167. Mercy S. (Churchill), 167. Nathan, 107. Norman J., 107. Otis, 158. Patty, 28. Polly, 27. Polly (Holmes), 27. Rebeckah, 16. Robert, 42, 107, 167. Rufus, 16, 158. Sally (Churchill), 138. Samuel, 158. Sarah (Churchill), 27. Sophie (Jenkins), 107. Susannah (Churchill), 16. William, 27, 167. Capt. William, 27. Zadoc, 107. Westwood, Frank G., 132. Jennie C. (Swift), 132. Wethern, B. T., 68. Mary W. (Churchill), 68. Micah Delmout, 69. William Corydon, 69. Wetherwax, Catherine, 567, 583. Lydia, 567, 583. Wetmore, Annie E., 274. Whalen, Mary, 188. Whaley, Mary, 215. Wharff, Lydia Ann, 58, 133. Whedon, Sophrouia, 363, 429. Wheeler, Albert P., 586. Caroline, 452. Charles J., 270. Charlotte (Churchill), 586. E. S., 568. Edward Churchill, 141. Elizabeth (Ridley), 586. Elizabeth (Sherman), 586. EmmaL. (Churchill), 270. Fred A., 270 George, 586. Grace E., 270. Henry E., 586. James Snow, 141. Joseph F., 141. Joseph Franklin, 141. Josephine, 455. Margaret E., 586. Marie L. (Lester) , 568. Mary E. (Hannan), 586. May v., 455. Melissa (Churchill), 141. Orville A., 586. Wheelock, Effie, 401. Fannie, 202. Whelpley, Ruhama, 349, 389. Whipp, Jennie, 284 Whipple, Abigail, 377. Alanson Edgar, 378. Caroline (Churchill), 377. Caroline Ella, 378. Celestia (Adams), 175. Daniel Thornton, 377. Frances Emily, 377. Francis Marvin, 378. Harriet Fidelia, 377. Henry Churchill, 377. Julia (Wood), 377. Mary, 377. Minerva C. (Brown-Artie), 425. Morillo M., 175. Solomon, 377. William, 425. William Wirt, 377. Whitacor, Lorana, 325. Whitcomb, 374. Bertha D. (Johnson), 269. Charles, 374. Ernest J., 269. Harriet, 512. Horace, 374. John, Col., 52. Millicent, 58, 129. Roxana (Churchill), 374. William, 374. White, Abby W., 284. Abigail, 329, 334. Abigail (Butler), 334. Charles H., 500. Christian, 379. Cornelius L., 258. Deborah (Hall), 334. Delos, Dr., 334. Ebeuezer, Col., 33. Eliza T., 43. Elizabeth (Hodge), 258. Elsie Jane, 145. Francelia A., 285. George W., 334. Hannah, 184, 310. Ida May, 192. Joseph, 334. Joseph, Deac, 334. Joseph, Dr., 334. Leventia, 334. Lillie <;., 258. Lucinda, 31. Marcellua, 192. Maria, 374, 456. Mary (Churchill), 192. White, continued. Mary M. (Churchill), 600. Menzo, Dr., 334. Nancy, 72. Narcissa, 373, 453. Nathaniel, 3.34. Olive (Hall), 334. Orphia, 101. Ruby, 72. Ruth (Churchill), 334. Sarah, 395. Stephen, 3.34. Whitfield, Amelia M. (At- kins), 101. Charles W., 41. Charles Watts, 101. Frederick John, 101. George Frederick, Dr., 101. Henry Allen, 101. James Carr, 101. John Isaiah, 101. Julia (Wood), 101. Kate (Knapp), 101. Mariah, 101. Minnie (Wead), 101. Nathaniel Churchill, 101. Orphia (White), 101. Phebe (Brant), 101. Phebe (Fletcher), 101. Rebecca Carr, 101. Susannah (Churchill), 101. Thomas Nice, 101. Zenas Elliot Bliss, 101. Whitford, Adelia (Churchill), 191. Daniel, 191. George, *316. Laura (Churchill) , 316. Whiting, Azariah, 10. Betsey D., 59. Betsev (Morton), 28. Comfort, 125, Deborah (ChurchiU), 126. Eveline T., 43. Franklin T., 108. George W..108. Hannah W. (Churchill), 108. Ida J., 108. Ida (Sprague), 108. Joanna, 76. Joseph, 28. Louisa (Glover), 108. Martha H., 134, 248. Martha (Pratt), 108. Olive F., 108. Rebecca (Churchill- Holmes), 10. Rosilla E., 108. Sarah M., 108. Warren T., 108. William H., 108. Whitlock, Clara, 459. Whitman, Almon, Rev., 389. AltaC. (Churchill), 389. Caroline (Churchill), 389. Caroline D., 389. Elmore C, 513. Harry Churchill, 513. Helen L. (Adams), 376. Henry, 376. Henry J., 147. Irving A., 389. Jacob, Rev., 107. James, 427. Jonathan, 30. Judson P., 389. Leah, 30. Lovell D., 389. Mary, 107. Martha 8. (ChurchiU) , 147. Mercy L., 159, 284. Nellie A. (Frisbie), 513. Phebe, 42. \ INDEX OF XAMES. 705 Whitman, continued. Ruth Arrainda, 363, 427. Ruth (Churchill), 30. Sabviua, 427. Sophia C, 389. ■mhitmore, Abigail, 333. Amy (Harvey), 517. John, 517. Katharine, 417, 517. "Whitney, Annie, 470. Whitten, Hatty, 139. Whittle, Amos M., 616. George H., 278, 616. Harriet H., 616. Harriet J., 278. Josie M. (Churchill), 278, 616. Margaret II., 616. Marie, 616. MarillaB., 278, 616. Whittlesey, Caroline (Chur- chill), 94. Federal, 94. Jabezeth, 330. Lemuel, 339. Wiard, Mary (Churchill), 575. T. J., 575. Ward, 575. Wiberly. Addie V. (Churchill) , 385. Charles H., 385. Edna Lillian, 385. Irving Churchill, 385. Marion Drummond, 385. Maurice Calvin, 385. Wickham, 325. Anna, 510. Sarah (Churchill), 325. Thomas, 325. William F.. 510. Wicks, Maria (Burhans), 22. Zopher, 22. Widrig, Emma (Churchill) , 475. J. S., 475. Margaret, 383, 474. Wldville, Margaret, xiil. William, Sir, xiii. Wiegand, Alena May, 49. Charles Erastu8,49. Charles T., 49. Clara (Herbert), 49. Elmer Jason, 49. Grace (.Joues) , 49. Hattie Arminda, 49. Marietta (nolley),49. Michael, 49. Minnie Eliza, 49. Wier, Clarissa (Churchill) , 410. Flavel, 410. Mary A. (Churchill), 410. Truman, 410. Wiggin, Alice C, 115. Annie M. (Jewett), 124. Benj., Capt., 230. Charles E., 11.5, Hannah, 267. Levi H., 124. Martha .1.. 112, 230. Martha M., 45, 112. Mary (Dow), 230. Olive A., 115, 233. Rissa May, 115. Sarepta (Churchill), 115. Wiggins, Edgar J., 290. Harold J., 290. Herman L., 290. Jennie B. (George), 290. John C, 290. Wight, Catharine (Swan), 184. Charles, 184. Parmelia Clark, 584, 599. Wightman, Harriet, 345, 375. WUber, Cleveland, 528. Wilber, continued . | Earl Dana, 528. ! Emily (Churchill), 528. ' George Sanford, 528. Wilbur, Francis M., 168. George, 168. George E., 168. 1 Susan B. (Churchill), 168. Wilcox, Annie, 385, 476. j Asahel, 467. ' Emily, 379, 467. j Frank L., Hon., 357. j Harriet C. (Webster), 357. Kimberly, 193. Lucy (Crittenden), 467. i Mina A. (Clark), 193. Olive, 346, 377. Wilder, Abbie, .528. Alice (Churchill), 232. Asa, 29. Augustus v., 191. Daniel, 198. Eliza C. (Churchill), 111. Eliza (Goodman), 198. Elizabeth, 29. Hannah H. (Churchill), 2.56. Irena (York), 29, Lodusky (Churchill), 191. Marshall P., Jr., Ill, Martin, 256, 257. Mary Cornelia, 198. Rebecca, 23, 53. William T., 232. Wildman, Abiah, 330, .343. Wiley, Elizabeth, 615. Wilkins, Jane M., 202. Wilkinson, Gen., 98. Mercy M., 591. Willard, Amanda, 564, .573. Dorothy, 340. Jerusha, 38, 94. Margaret, 155, 276. Mary II., 576, 592. Simon, Maj., .340. Tabitha, 564, 573. Willert, Charles V., 488. Frank, X., 487. John J., 488. Martha L. (Churchill), 487. Willet, Eliza, 378,466. Melinda 8. (Churchill), 467. Walter, 466, 467. Willets, Lena (Grinnell), 574. William, 574. Wllley, Margaret, 504. Mehitable Gilman, 45, 112. William, King, xi, xii. William of Orange, 555. Williams, 34, 83, 570. Squire, 180, 181. Abigail, 83, 180. Abigail (Smith), 180. Adaline (Churchill), 570. Addie E., 399, 490. Amanda (Churchill), 249. Andrew, 371. Ann, 582, 598. Anna, 180,181, Augustus, 249. Bathsheba, 83, 180, 181. Benjamin S., Rev. , 490. Benoni, 180. Betty (Churchill), 345. Catharine A. (Churchill), 494. Charles H., 293. Clarence, 494. Elisha, Rev., 330. Ella F., 521. Ellen Cornelia, 48. Elmira, 210. Eunice M. (Wood), 490. Williams, continued. Harriet (Griswold), 444. Jabez, 83. James E., 123. Jane E. (Parker), 48. John, 180. John Charles, 123. Keturah, 300. Louisa H. (Churchill), 123, Martha, 252. Mary, 363. Mary 0. (Churchill), 293. Mary Louisa, 123. Mary Sophia, 48. Nathaniel B., 48. Roger, 83, ISO, 181. Samuel Harvey, 123. Sidnej- Phcenix, 123. Sophronia (Knapp),371. Stephen, 345. Stephen House, Rev., 123. Williamson, Caroline (Chur- chill), 409. Charity, 564, 572. Eliakim B., 409. Hannah M. (Ward), 66. Marian Eliza, 409, 508. Marshall, 66. Willis, Alden, 84. Clara, 505. Emily, 84, 183. Emma J. (Churchill), 549. J.C.,549. Josephine, 183, .308. Lovina (Churchill), 84. Mary H., 170. Wilmarth, Capt., .83. Asenath O., 489. Wilson, Alphcns, 362. Alvira (Churchill), 575. Buckley, 362. Caroline (Gordon), 569. David, 575. Delia S., 389, 483. Eveline E. (Churchill), 485. George, 569. George A., 485. Huldah, 362. Jessie, 575, Joel, 362. John R., 362. Lucian, 443. Lucy A. (Collins), 362. Lydia (Churchill), 362. Marion, 575. Mary, 442. Mary (Barnev) , 362. Mary (Churchill), 443. May E.,362. Norah M., 362. Rich B.,362. Sarah, 575. Susan D., 389, 482. AVinans, Alice Verna, 431. Aimer, Arthur, 431. Edith J. (Gunn),431. Mabel Maude, 431. Walter William, 431. William W., 431. Winchell, Walter, 71. Windsor, Florence May, 299. Gershom, 299. Wing, Georgia A., 263. Wingard, Caroline M. (Chur- chill), 123. Samuel C, Hon., 123. Wingate, Aaron, 29. Abby C. (Phelps), 169. Achsa, 29. Benjamin, 29. Lovilla, 29. Lovina (York), 29. Moses, 169. 706 INDEX OF NAMES Winn, Marietta, 389. Winslow, Albert, SI, 223. Alice J. (Libby), 81. Amo8, 85. AmoB Kendall, 86. Elizabeth, 79, 171. George Clinton, 86. Hannah, 85. Hiram, 85. Maria, 86. Miranda, 86. Ruhamah (Churchill), 85. Solomon, 85. Stephen, 85. Thomas, 171. Winsor, Alden, 1.37. Charles E., 137. Hannah (Howard), 63. Harriet G., 137. Helen M. (Ryder), 138. Henry A., 137. Maria B., 137. S:>lly A. (Churchill), 137. ^arah A., 137. William D., 63. William H., 138. . Wiustou, Dionese (Bond),xiii. Henry, Sir, xiii. Sarah, xiii. Winter, 106. Elizabeth (Doane), 105. John, 106. Lydia (Churchill), 106. Samuel, 105. Wirtz, Annie C, 513. WiHeman, Catherine, 404, 499. Wismer, Erameline P. (Chur- chill), 469. Henry, 469. Wiswall, Hannah, 62, 77. Withee, Mary, 262. Witler, Alice D., 515. Harold, 515. Lucile, 615. Witt, Adeline. 507. Angie (Bird), 86. Annie (Stevenson), 507. Benjamin, 86. Betsey, 86. Celia (Churchill), 86. Cyrus, 86. Daniel, 86. Dellia,507. Edward, 507. George, 86, 507. Georgianna (Ostrom), 507. Hettie, 507. Hezekiah, 409, 507. Ida. 507. John, 86, 507. Laura, 507. Lillie, 507. Mary .(Churchill), 409, 507. Miranda (Churchill), 86. Ruth, 507. Witter, Harriet A., 524. Mary (Perkins), 524. William, 524. Wixon, Edmund, 506. Esther L. (Churchill), 506. Wolaver, John W., 217. Regina (Churchill), 217. Wollcott, Maria A. (Horton- Peabody),432. Philander, 432. Wolstenholra, Elizabeth J. (Churchill), 203. Francis E., 203. Wonser, .\nnette E., 414. Bertie (Lamb), 414. Charles, 414. Charles J., 414. Charlotte E., 414. b Wonser, continued. D., Col., 414. Ernest, 414. F. J. Mortimer, 414. Feme, 414. Flora C, 414. Fred, 414. Josephine (Patterson), 414. Julia (Weaver), 414. Kate L., 414. Louis, 414. M. G., 413. Marcia (Kelly), 414. Marcia W., 414. Marjorie, 414. Mileden, 414. Octavia, L., 414. Ruth M. (Churchill), 413. Ruth R., 414. Vera, 414. William W., 414. Wood, Alice (Churchill), 265. Amelia, 519. Angeliue A. (Churchill), 485. Betsey R. (Churchill), 169. Elizabeth, 519. Elizabeth (liobbins), 64. Eunice M., 490. George, 265. Hattie A., 49. Henrietta, 424. Isaac, Capt., 40. Isaac L., 64. John, 66. Joseph, 519. Julia, 101. Laura, 398. LettieE., 519. Mary (Churchill), 66. Millie J., 274. Nancy (Ellis), 136. Nathaniel, 169. Patience, 33, 80. Samuel A., 485. Sarah M. (Itogers), 152. Thankful, 17, 34. Thomas, 66. Willard, 136. Wilham, 152. Woodbridge, Alice S., 518. Christopher A., 518. Mary Sumner, 518. Woodbury, Clara E., 148, 265. Hiram, 466. Jennie R. (Churchill), 230. John, 230. John P., 231. Prudence S. (Churchill), 466. Woodcock, Comfort, 344, 367. Woodford, Arthur F., 413. Barnard, 413. Bernet, 413. Carrie L., 413. Charlton M., 413. Evelyn, 413. Helen Marcia, 413. Juliatia (Hitchcock), 413. Lucian, 22. Lydia (liurhans), 22. Marcia B. (Churchill), 413. Milton Mozart, 413. Robert Hawley, 413. Woodman, Caroline Gore, 128, 242. Edwin Ellis, 206. Elizabeth K. (Churchill), 206. Woodruff, Almira, 358. Appleton, 345. Aurelia, 366. Aurelia StiUman, 358. Corinna, 359. RD-94 Woodruff, continued. Elijah, 358. Elizabeth (Churchill), 358. Mary, 358. Mehitable (Churchill), 345. Rebecca, 342. Sarah, 593. Woods, Addie Mary, 480. Alta Rose, 480. Amy L. Luther, 515. Carrie May,- 480. Ella (Broughton),480. Emily J. (Churchill), 614. Francis, 74. Hannah (Churchill), 57. Herbert Carlton, 515. Jane (Churchill), 74. John, 480. Jonathan, 57. Mary M. (Dickson), 515. Philo R., 614. Paul Churchill, 515. Ruth Ella, 480. Woodward, Betsey, 27. Charles, 476. Emma E. (Churchill), 475. Hannah, 75, 165 Woodworth, 459. Caroline (Churchill), 459. Charlotte (Manton), 493. Cyrenus, 493. Douglas B., 217. Elizabeth (Churchill), 217. Marj' J. (Churchill-McKin- nonCampbell), 217. Sarah E., 4Ul, 493. Thomas, 217. Wool, Gen., 98. Wooley, Alice Gertrude, 522. Emma A., 149. Woollen, Caroline (Churchill), 424. Lewis, 424. Wooster, 566. Nancy (IMckert), 566. Worcester, Abigail, 24, 57. Worden, Charles Brodhead, 586. Charles Constantine, 586. David, 586. Ebenezer, 686. Elizabeth (Churchill), 686. George, 586. James Edward, 586. Mortimer, 586. Stephen, 586. William Henry, 586. Wormer, Lawrence, 611. (Clark), 611. Wray, George, 509. Pearl (Churchill), 509. Wright, 6U9. Abigail (Churchill), 328. Adah (Evans), 422. Adaline C, 159. Amanda, 453. Charles A., 294. Deborah, 31, 74, 75, 161. Deliverance (Churchill), 33. Ebenezer, .33. Elijah, 422. Elijah, Capt., 341. Elizabeth S., 158. Hannah, .330. Jacob, 74, 161. Jeremiah S., 316. Joseph, 75, 560. Joseph, Lieut., 74. Lydia (Churchill) , 609. Mabel, 340. Martha, 383. Mary E. (Churchill-Pat- terson), 316. INDEX OF NAMES 707 Wright, contimierh I Nancy M., 361 , 421. NelBon, 169. 1 Priscilla (Churchill), '4. ; Ruth H. (Churchill), 169. Sarah (Brewster), 75. Sarah (Churchill), 294. Thomas, 328. Wyeth, Caroline C. (Ward- well), 120. Samuel D., 120. Wylie, Flora A. (ChurchlU- Segar),271. James R., Rev., 271. Wyman, Annie S., 255. Dorothy Churchill, 298. Drusilla (Shaw), 104. Edmund R., 104. Elizabeth, 104. Elizabeth (Crosby), 104. Elmer, 501. Elva S. (Churchill), 501. Emma, 106.5 Franklin A., 298. George, 104. Hannah Alice, 104. Harriet (Strickland), 104. Henry, 218. Jacob, 104. James, 104. Letitia (Mayer), 104. Wyman, covUnued. Lucy (Churchill), 21 S. Mary (Churchill), 104. Mary B. (Churchill), 298. Mary R., 249. Nancy, 156, 282. Nehemiah C. 104. Ruth Ann, 2-51. Sarah R., 249. Thomas, 218. William Jesse, 104. Yadow, Frank, 496. Lydia A. (Churchill), 496. Yale, 582. Mary A. (Churchill), 582. Nancy (Churchill), 582. Truman, 582. Yeaton, Elizabeth, 69. Yerxa, Ada, 224. Yoland, Countess, xii. York, Benjamin, 29, 30. Christiana, 30. Eliza, 30. Emmeline, 30. Eunice, 69, 150. Imogene, 30. Irena.29. John ,29. Josephine, 30. Lovilla, 29, 69, 149. York, continued. Martha, 29. Martha (Churchill), 29 Mary, 29. Minerva (Miller), 30. Samuel, 29. Sarah (Butler), 29. Warren, 29. Young, Demaris L. [(' h u r- chill.Luke),.598. Eliza (Churchill), 424. Hanuah (ChurchiU), 370. John, 598. Joseph, 424. Josephine, 206. Mercy, 262. William, 370. Youngman, Mary A., 197. Youran, Anna, 568. Benjamin, 568. Catherine 568. I John, 568. I Rebecca (Churchill) , 568. Sylvester, 568. Zimmerman, 619. Benjamin, 358. Zimmerraann, Clarissa Alice, 470. Mary (Woodruff), 3.58. .0 '^*^^^ .. °^ .1 1" >* ,x^^\.. "