French's International Copyrighted (in England, her Col- onies, and the United States) Edition of the Works of the Best Authors i No. 408 The BROWN MOUSE A ilIRAL PLAY IN FOUR ACTS By MABEL B. STEVENSON Based on the Novel of the same name by HERBERT QUICK Copyright, 1921, by Samuel French ^ PRICE, 30 CENTS ■:^ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 1 NEW YORK LONDON ;>i Samuel French Samuel French, Ltd. S Publisher 26 Southampton Street 1% 28-30 West 3""8th Street i Strand i y.^M.%iy^:^m:W^l^:^:& BILLETED. A comedy in 3 acts, by F. Tennison Jesse and H. Harwood. 4 m? 5 females. One easy interior scene. A charming comedy, constru' with uncommon skill, and abounds with clever lines. Margaret Ang big success. Amateurs will find this comedy easy to produce and pop with all audiences. Price, 60 Ce NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. A comedy in 3-acts. By James Montgomer3\ 5 males, 6 females. ( tumes; modern. Two interior scenes. Plays 2>< hours. Is it possible to tell the absolute truth— even I'or twenty -four hours? It at least Bob Bennett, the hero of "Nothing But the Truth," accomplished feat. The bet he made with his business partners, and the trouble he got in; with his partners, his friends, and his fiancee— this is the subject of Willj rdlier's tremendous comedy hit. "Nothing But the Truth" can "be whole-hearti] recommended as one of ±he most sprightly, amusing and popular comedies this country can boast. Price, 60 Ce IN WALKED JIMMY. A comedy in 4 acts, by Minnie Z. Jafta. 10 males. 2 females (althoi any number of males and females may be used as clerks, etc.) 1 interior scenes. Costumes, m!odern. Plays 2^ hours. The thing i which Jimmy walked was a broken-down shoe factory, when the cle had all been fired, and when the proprietor was in serious contemplat of suicide. Jimmy, nothing else but plain Jimmy, would have been a mysterious fi^ had it not been for his matter-of-fact manner, his smile and his everlasi Innnanness. He put the shoe business on its feet, won the heart of the clerk, saved her erring brother from jail, escaped that place as a perman boarding house himself, and foiled the villain. Clean, wholesome comedy with just a touch of human nature, just a dasli excitement and more than a little bit of true philosophy make "In Walked Jimr one of the most delightful of plays. Jimmy is full of the religion of life, | religion of happiness and the religion of helpfulness, and he so perm.eates | atmosphere with his "religion'* that everyone is happy. The spirit of optimij good cheer, and hearty laughter dominates the play. There is not a dull morr in any of tlie four acts. We strongly recommend it. Price, 60 Ce MARTHA BY-THE:DAY. An optimistic comedy in three acts, by Julie M. Lippmann, author the "Martha" stories. 5 males, 5 females. Three interior scenes, tumes modern. Plays 2J/< hours. It is altogether a gentle thing, thir> play. It is full of quaint hunior, fashioned, homely sentiment, the kind that people who see the play will d and chuckle over tomorrow and the next day. j Miss Lippmann has herself adapted her very successful book for stage serj and in doing this has selected from her novel the most telling incidents, infect) comedy and homely sentiment for the play, and the result is thoroughly deligh Price, 60 C^ (The Above Are Subject to Royalty When Produced) / THE BROWiN MOUSE A RURAL PLAY IN FOUR ACTS By MABEL B. STEVENSON BASED ON THE NOVEL OF THE SAME NAME BY HERBERT QUICK Copyright, 1921, by Samuel French All Rights Reserved New York SAMUEL FRENCH Publisher 28-30 West 38th Street London Samuel French, Ltd. Publisher 26 Southampton St., Strand "5 ■7? «