3531 'U6 m I ^ ELU ■ M- PoWERSvV v%, Mj Night ^5r By Eilla M. Powers Concord, N. H. Woodbury E, Hunt 1900 TVVO COPIES BECE1V6.D. Library of Congroi% onico of tke MAY 14 1900 Kcslttor cf Copyrfgklft •fcCOND COPY, .<^' CSo48 Copyright 1900 By Woodbury E. Hunt 'er easiem plains the star-lit $ky Becomes tlluminea, radiant, bright; Che distant bills like silver gleam On tbis, tbe boly nidbt« In radiant ligbt tbe angels sing Cbat world°loi)ed song witb one accord: ''for unto you is bom tbis day B Sai^iour wbicb is gbrist tbe Cord>'' he music ceased; still i$ fbe air; Awe-struck in whispers strange ana low, Che shepherds to the angels' care now leave their flocks and softly go O'er misty fields to the little town; H %mts ray is their pathway bright Chat leads to the lowly manger hushed By the splendor of that holy night. b! speechless, blinaed, tbey draw near, Cbe piercing splendor grows more wild, Coucbed are tbe beans of tbe sbepberds now; Xls tbe sweet young motber and ber cblldi Xls Cbrlst, tbe King tbe bards foretold; Cbe world^s great gift, so pure, so brigbt, Xis €bnst tbe King of all tbe eartb, (Ubo came on tbis first €bristntas nigbt. ubilant bells, peal out the sm* Of tbe ebrisKblld^s boly birtb, Down tbe glad years tbe tones prolong Cbrougbout tbe wbole broad eartb. Vour balleluiabs ring out far, Peal out from bill and glen, Cbis first glad ebristmas carol bhgbt Of ** Peace, Good will to men." LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 018 391 045