Theomonistic Spirit Alphabet and Symbols Prof. H. P. and Mrs. Holler Price SOc; 30c to Members of U. T. A. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Universal Theomonistic Association 1400 CHAPIN STREET N. W., WASHINGTON, D. C. r" ; , -vv- ■- KEY TO THE THEOMONISTIC SPIRIT ALPHABET AND SYMBOLS. Drawings by Spirits Through Mediumship of Mrs. H. P. Holler. Transcribed, Translated and Arranged by Prof. H. P. Holler. Read Hosea 12: 10: "I have multiplied visions and used symbols by the ministry of the prophets." INTRODUCTION. These alphabet and symbols have never been revealed before by spirits in the present completeness. In fact, the symbols themselves seem to be mostly specially created for the new theomonistic movement. A preliminary announcement about these writings was given by -me in the Bulletin, of September, 1913, which is out of print. The following- questions and answers will give further information: My question: How do you write these? Philippus, one of the seventy disciples (of Jesus), from the 30th sphere of heaven, then staying with us, answered: We do it in different ways, always bringing our minds in connection with that of the writer (i.e., the mortal who puts his hand upon the writing-device, my wife- using the Wondergraph) ; we ally our thoughts with those of the writer- Then, again, we direct the writing immediately by our special mind force- Question: May spirits below the first sphere of heaven understand this spirit writing and symbols as given by you, i.e., do they know the spirit alphabet? Answer: We do not believe that they can. Question: Is there no possibility that spirits from the netherworld may learn this writing and the symbols from us, as it is now written and will be published by us? Answer: It is possible, but it will not be harmful if they do learn it. Question: Are this spirit alphabet and these symbols being used by all spirits of all nations and times in heaven? Answer: There may be other alphabets in use, but I do not know any other. A Word (command of God) is given and (with it) a writing in (these symbols or) letters. When other Words (special commands of God) are given, other writings (symbols) are given. Question: Is this writing specifically Christian (i.e., has it been used and is it to be used specially by Christian angels)? Answer: It is for all who do this (special Theomonistic) work. Question: Is this writing specially for the new Theomonistic Move- ment? Answer: Yes (emphatically, by writing the word very large). Gift 1 1 AUii 16 INDEX TO SPIRITS WHOSE INITIALS ARE AFTER THE NUMBER OF SYMBOLS. A Abraham, of Old Testament — 2 symbols. B Bernhardt Wiegand, Wandsbek, Germany — 7 symbols. Br Bishop Phillips Brooks, Boston, Mass. — alphabet, numbers, and 33 symbols. Da King David, of Old Testament — 25 symbols. Dn Prophet Daniel, of Old Testament — 2 symbols, through Abraham. E Eberhardt — 6 symbols. El Elizabeth, mother of John Baptist, of New Testament — 2 symbols, through Abraham. En Metatron Enoch, the Old Testament saint — 2 symbols, through Abra- ham. H Dr. Theodor Hansmann, the experimenter in spirit photography, Washington, D. C— 1 symbol. Ha U. S. Commissioner of Education, Dr. Harris — 9 symbols. I Lawyer Robert Ingersoll, lecturer — 8 symbols. J Rev. Dr. Christian Jensen, founder of Christian Seminaries, Breklum, Germany — 3 symbols. Ja Jacob, of Old Testament — 5 symbols. Je The Lord Jesus Christ — 2 symbols, through Abraham. K Erna Krebs, Gowanda, N. Y. — 1 symbol. L Lena Haase, Pleasant Valley, Neb.— 2 symbols. M Captain Munchow, Segeberg, Germany— 10 symbols. Mi Mimi (Wilhelmine Vest-Holler) — 90 symbols. V Wilhelm Vest, Segeberg, Germany — 25 symbols. W General Superintendent (Bishop) E. Walroth, of Holstein, Germany — 3 symbols. X Xebela (Tobias), of Old Testament Apocrypha — 73 symbols. INDEX TO SUBJECTS. Angels bringing power 41, 278, 294. Animals 207. Authority and thrones 156, 169, 225. Beauty 238. Blessings 140, 264, 319. Blessing upon Man's work 117, 280, 283. Business and Success 99, 118, 191, 204, 322, 323. Christianity 187, 188. Compassion 96. Consideration, Remembrance 100, 232. Conquerors 63, 222. Conversation 260. Co-operation 185. Co-operation with God and angels 42, 44, 54, 200, 266, 284, 308. Creation and re-creation of man 114, 199. Daily bread 72," 82, 85, 172, 251. Destroyers 115. Devotion 230. Difficulties of spirits when communicating 19. Distinction, honor, 208, 236, 250, 252. Earthly goods deceive, 87, 162, 267. Education 68, 74, 78, 101, 113, 123, 167, 233, 275. Etertial substance and creation 66, 81, 114, 119, 203, 207. Evil powers, 27, 51, 52, 67, 76, 77, 91, 103, 128, 214, 216, 269, 277, 279. Faith. 104, 105. Fulfilment of wishes 136, 189, 206. God 38, 43, 49, 58, 148, 153, 166, 169, 173, 200, 201, 202, 255, 263. Good powers 174. Greed 87, 162, 267. Heavenly Peace, Bliss 261. Help and reward 30, 31, 56, 65, 98, 103, 127, 131, 166, 173, £98, 213, 218, 240, 244, 251, 287, 294, 324. High Angels and their help 23, 54, 91, 125, 127, 128, 218, 235, 239, 240, 278, 290, 291, 301, 303, 305, 308, 323, 326. Higher spiritualism (Theomonism) 23, 223, 303, 304, 305, 309, 310, 312, 313. 314. 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 321, 324. 326. Home procured 138. How to work 122. Influence of Theomonistic work 50, 310. Law 132. 133. 134, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146. 147. Life on spirit spheres 46, 86. Look up to God 22, 163. 243, 325. Love all men 149, 161, 264. Love and Union, Twin-souls 7, 55, 57. 58, 75, 169, 190, 194, 195. 196. 197, 234, 241, 142, 145, 254, 274, 275, 278, 298. Lord's Supper 178. Luck, Joy. and Happiness 155, 174, 229, 240, 257, 265, 276, 304. Man left alone to his devices 181. Medicine 184. Mercy of God 20, 35, 180. Minerals 81. Money 92, 108. Notification, Message-giving 1, 6, 25, 32, 83, 88, 89. 90, 102, 109, 130, 139, 141, 192, 219, 220, 221, 224, 246, 307. Opening for Development 34, 88. Obedience to God 64. Passing out of earthly body 227, 270, 293. Physical means 18, 95. Plants 66. Power from God 200, 202, 278, 284, 289. Prayer 21, 47, 48, 70, 94, in, 116, 148, 205, 255, 320. Pride 259. Promise and Fulfilment 36, 37, 94, 205, 285. 327. Protection against enemies and danger 51, 52, 67, 76, 77, 91, 103. 128, 214, 216. 217, 263. 283. 288, 291, 294, 301, 302, 311. Psychic power and condition, Mediumship 15, 16. 17. 33, 39, 40, 120, 121, 135, 137, 158, 268, 271, 280, 281. 292, 317, 318. Purification 112, 237, 253. Question and answer 26, 320. Refreshment, Spiritual 176. Release of spirits from underworld 71. Religion and theology 5, 20, 21, 22, 35, 36, 45, 49, 104, 124, 148, 154, 158, 160, 163, 166, 169, 173, 179, 200, 201, 202, 205, 223, 231, 255, 261, 285. Robbery 258. Salvation 170. Science and arts 129, 186. Secrets and revelation 14, 59, 159, 249. Selfish and godless people 28, 87, 201, 269, 277, 279 Son of God 285. Spirit council 126. Spiritual gifts 17, 33, 97, 107, 116, 137, 284, 289, 292, 300, 317, 318, 323. Suffering and consolation 56, 93, 151, 168, 172, 173, 177, 273, 276, 286. Thanks to God 152. Time and eternity 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, n, 12, 29, 31, 32, 49, 53, 59, 60, 61, 62, 84, 106, 109, 151, 285, 292, 293, 300, 308. Travel 302. Truth 228. Trust 215, s 2 7- L ncleanliness 171, 282. Upliftment no, 164. Various subjects 24, 150, 193, 272. Visits of spirits 13, 182, 183, 234, 247, 292, 294, 295, 296, 297, 299. War and peace 51, 52, 67, 76, 79, 80, 210, 211, 212, 248, 256, 261, 262, 273. Warning 69, 209, 306. Way of God 179. Weighed and examined 165, 174. KEY. NUMBERS— One to Twenty-six. ALPHABET— Aa. Cc, Jj, Qq. Ii, Bb, Dd, Ee. Xx, Hh. Ft'. Gg. LI. Mm, Nn, Zz, Uu, Vv, Ss, Pp, Rr, Tt, Ww, Yy, Oo, Mimi, Phillips. Symbols. 1 (Mi) Wait. 2 (Ku) Today. 3 (Ku) To-morrow. 4 (Br) This morning. 5 (Mi) Omnipresence. 6 (Ku) It is important or precious. 7 (Br) Love. 8 (Mi) Time. 9 (Br) Eternity. 10 (J) Time is a part of eternity. 11 (J) Do in time the work for eternity. 12 (J) The work done in time will be rewarded in eternity. 13 (Mi) We are often with you. 14 (Mi) Secret. 15 (Br) Full power. 16 (Br) Increasing power. 17 (Br) Spiritual gifts are being taken away. 18 (Br) Means are taken away. 19 (Mi) We have difficulties. 20 (Br) Abundance of grace. 21 (Mi) We pray for you. 22 (Mi) Look up (to God). 23 (X) A high angel will help those who belong to him. 24 (Br) Echo. 25 (V) Just now we receive an important message. 26 (Br) Question answered. 27 (X) When all the evil powers unite with men. 28 (K) The godless are being dethroned. 29 (H) Not yet. 30 (L) I care for you. 31 (Mi) Wait, I care for you. 32 (V) Keep the good things until the right time. 33 (Br) Spiritual success is denied you. 34 (Mi) The doors are opened: You can pass through unhindered. 35 (Mi) Goodness and mercy will follow you. 36 (Br) Promise. 37 (Mi) The Promises of the Lord are hidden from you. 38 (Br) Omnipotence (God). 39 (Mi) Power. 40 (Br) Lost power. 41 (K) We bring to you great power. 42 (K) We desire to work together with you. 43 (W) God is powerful at all times. 44 (K) When the powers of God and of Angels unite with men. 45 (K) All things must serve well those who love God. 46 (Ja) Seven groups of heaven spheres. 47 (Mi) United prayers. 48 (Mi) When your prayers are united with ours. 49 (Da) Days are waiting for you which will bring the omnipotence of God close to you. 50 (Da) The influence of your work upon other worlds. 51 ( K) We are strong enough to overpower (or conquer) your enemies. 52 (K) We watch over you in protection against your enemies who desire to destroy your body. 53 (K) Eternity before periods of time became apparent in creation. 54 (Da) \Ye, your high guides, and a large host of angels unite with you in great power before the throne of God. 55 (Mi) (Dia- mond) Sign of most intimate union of souls. 56 (K) We give you all you need and reward you for all dark hours. 57 (Mi) Soul-kiss. 58 (Mi) God's love is without end. 59 (Mi) Disclosed time. 60 (Mi) Day. 61 (Mi) Month. 62 (Mi) Year. 63 (V) The sign for the van- quishers. 64 (K) W T e bow before the will of God like Jesus who was obedient until death. 65 (B) Personal help. 65 | K) When the plants came into existence (in creation). 67 (V) We watch over you to pro- tect you against your enemies. 63 (Ha) Education (training). 69 (Mi) Look that you do not fall. 70 (L) Prayers answered. 71 (K) Just now those who were liberated from the underworld were led into their heavenly homes. 72 (El) The daily bread is being prepared for you always. 73 (Mi) Life in the germinal state. 74 (Ha) An educa- tional system wrong from the beginning (or basis). 75 (Mi) Twin- souls who found each other, but who are not yet united in heaven. 76 (Mi) We take good precaution (for protection) before the enemies ap- proach. 77' (Mi) Watchful protection. 78 (Ha) To withhold educa- tion. 79 (Mi) Weapon. 80 (V) War. 81 (K) When minerals came into existence (in creation). 82 (Mi) We help that you cannot eat only bread, but also what is delicious to your taste. 83 (Mi) We take counsel. 84. (Br) Just now we have finished the work of the day. 85 (El) Never despond, you are certain of your daily bread. 86 (K) When Spirits exchange tales of earlier happenings of their lives. 87 (K) Husks are left for those who are lost in worldly things. 88 (Mi) The doors are closed: it is not within your power to open them. 89 (Mi) Locked. 90 (Mi) Locked in. 91 (V) Watchful protection by a higher power. 92 (Mi) Money has been requested and has been granted. 93 (Mi) Be of good courage! 94 (V) Fulfilment. 95 (Br) To remain well-to-do (or keep the means). 96 (Br) Compassion. 97 (Br) Spir- itual Gifts remain. 98 (V) Helps in all needs. 99 (Mi) Your success is certain. 100 (V) Considered (or remembered). 101 (Ha) Bringing education to the people. 102 (Ku) He will come. 103 (Br) I help you against your enemies. 104 (B) Belief (Faith). 105 (B) Faith and hope. 106 (Ku) Future. 107 (Br) Spiritual gifts will be given. 108 (Br) Monetary means will be given. 109 (Mi) Information will be given to you to-morrow. 110 (B) Upliftment. Ill (K) Pray without ceasing. 112 (B) Purification. 113 (Ha) False system of education. 114 (K) When man came into existence, but had not yet any mental power. 115 (V) The sign of the destroyers. 116 (Mi) Spiritual gifts are requested and have been granted. 117 (Mi) W^ork is being blessed. 118 (Mi) It will be successful. 119 (K) Immediately before the first creation. 120 (Mi) Not yet in the right condition. 121 (Mi) Keep yourself always in the right condition. 122 (Mi) Put your work upon a sure foundation. 123 (Ha) Quality in education. 124 (Mi) You consider well what contributes to your peace. 125 (K) A high angel smoothens your ways and makes them straight as a line. 126 (K) Just now the council was in session. Joyful tidings will soon be given to you. 127 (K) A high angel is permitted to help and strengthen you. 128 (K) A high angel will protect you. 129 (E) Higher art. 130 (V) Recog- nize what has just been shown. 131 (K) We multiply the value. 132 (M) Law. 133 (I) A lawsuit won. 134 (I) A proven law case. 135 (Ku) You can read (the spirit writing and symbols). 136 (Mi) When all ways are clear for the fulfilment of our wishes. 137 (K) It will be given you in abundance. 138 (V) A protecting home will be given. 139 (Mi) Listen, I should like to speak to you! 140 (V) Bless- ing. 141 (Ku) Proclamation. 142 (I) Unjust lawsuit. 143 (I) Di- vided jury. 144 (I) Bad jury. 145 (I) Good judge. 146 (I) Bad judge. 147 (I) Lost lawsuit. 148 (K) Keep your eyes riveted upon the pinnacle of the temple and God's eye will rest upon you. 149 (A) Always entertain the stranger, for such service is for God. 150 (Mi) A sure foundation. 151 (K) Sign of the day when the affliction is ended. 152 (Ja) Erect a monument to God; He helps you in all needs. 153 (Dn) Trust in God, He helps in all-needs. 154 (Ja) The heavenly foun- tains alone refresh us always. 155 (Mi) Abundance of luck. 156 (Mi) Thrones (Authorities). 157 (M) The ship of life. 158 (Mi) Strive for the right relationship to God. 159 (K) I shall reveal it to you. 160 (K) Walk in the ways of God and all things shall come to you. 161 (Je) Help your neighbor. 162 (Ja) Earthly goods deceive. 163 (Ja) Direct your feet like your eyes heavenward. 164 (B) Uplifting (raising). 165 (W) Weighed and found right. 166 (W) God is helping when it is needed. 167 (Ha) The right system of education. 168 (K) God rewards all tears with immeasurable joy. 169 (K) We find you at the throne of God. 170 (Mi) Chalice of salvation. 171 (K) When all im- purities have been removed you will have great abundance. 172 (Mi) Never despair, the daily bread is secure for you. 173 (Mi) When the need is greatest, God's help is nearest. 174 (E) Joy. 175 (Mi) (Hour- glass) To measure (measured). 176 (E) Refreshing (recreation). 177 (E) Suffering. 178 (Je) Eat and drink in remembrance of me (Jesus), the blessing is yours. 179 (Hn) Walk in the way of God. He will care for you. 180 (En) The generosity of God fills you abun- dantly with all good things. 181 (V) W^hen man works solely in his' own power. 182 (Br) Before we go (leave). 183 (Br) Before we come (arrive). 184 (V) Knowledge and art of healing (Medicine). 185 (Ku) Being united in science (knowledge or education). 186 (V) Music. 187 (M) Christian church (Christianity). 188 (M) Truth of Christianity. 189 (Mi) Your wishes are fulfilled. 190 (K) Associa- tion (Union). 191 (V) Business. 192 (B) Expectation. 193 (M) Symbol in general. 194 (Mi) Twin-souls not yet united in heaven. 195 (Mi) Twin-souls or soul-mates united in heaven. 196 (Mi) Union and protection in love. 197 (Mi) Man and Woman: Marriage. 198 (V) Shall carry you. 199 (K) When the human be- ings were being prepared to receive the spirit of God. 200 (V) When God is powerful in us. 201 (V) When man turns from God. 202 (V) When we put ourselves into the care of God with all confidence. ' 203 (K) Substance-condition at time of creation (both mental and material). 204 (K) We bring you success. 205 (K) Put your affairs before God. He will listen. 206 (V) You will find what you look for (or desire). 207 (K) When the animals as secondary things came into existence at time of creation. 208 (M) Decoration. 209 (M) Warning. 210 (M) Mourning (Flag at half-mast). 211 (M) Triumph. 212 (M^ Sign of peace. 213 (Ku) Help (A yoke which requires two oxen). 214 (Mi) You are protected. 215 (Br) Trust. 216 (Mi) Protection. 217 ( IO I have you always under my care (guardianship). 218 (K) We give as 6 you have need. 219 (Br) Listen! 220 (Br) Listen, we bring you a message. 221 (Mi) Announcing. 222 (V) A crown for those angels who have hindered the evil spirits who desired to destroy. 223 (Da) We serve the highest crown and we hasten to the highest goal. 224 (Br) The decision given in the message cannot be changed. 225 (Mi) Great authority; highest power. 226 (Br) Life. 227 (K) When the soul is not yet prepared to pass out to the heaven spheres. 228 (Ku) (Tulip) Truth. 229 (Mi) (Four-leafed clover) Luck. 230 (K) (Daisy) Devo- tion. 231 (Mi) (Blue-bottle) Faithfulness. 232 (Mi) (Banana leaf) I have not forgotten you. 233 (Ha) Subject or course of education. 234 (K) (Quaking ' grass) Many hearts are waiting here for you in tender joy. 235 (K) Sign to indicate that a high angel is carried by his helpers. 236 (Mi) (Palm leaf) Veneration (Adoration). 237 (Mi) (Lily) Purity. 238 (Ku) (A heaven flower) Beauty. 239 (K) (A heaven flower) Sign of high angel (Xebela, ie., "Fulfilment")- 240 (Da) (A heaven flower) We bring both, welfare and joy. (Notice two leaves.) 241 (Mi) (A carnation) I am waiting for you. 242 (Mi) (Violet) My heart for you. 243 (Mi) (Water lily) Look upon God. 244 (Mi) (Sun- flower) We help you. 245 (Mi) (Rose) I love you. 246 (Mi) (A heaven flower) Recognize you. 247 (K) (A heaven flower) When spirits fetch one another to visit their friends (on earth). 248 (K) (Flower with sickle) We (angels) prepare for battle. 249 (Mi) Secret revealed. 250 (Br) (Laurel-wreath) Recognition to honor. 251 (E) (Ear of corn) Help for bodily sustenance. 252 (Br) (Oak-wreath) Honor, strength. 253 (E) (Broom) Cleaning. 254 (Mi) (Night- ingale) Heart-throbs, heart-sounds (Sympathy). 255 (Mi) (Lark) You praise God like a lark. 256 (Mi) (Dove) Message of peace. 257 (Mi) (Stork) Message of joy. 258 (Mi) (Ostrich) Being unjustly robbed. 259 (Mi) (Peacock) Pride. 260 (Mi) (Parrot) Conversation. 261 (Mi) (Bird of Paradise) Heavenly peace, Bliss. 262 (Mi) (Eagle) Message of victory. 263 (Dn) (Lion) God protects you against the strongest enemy. 264 (A) (Sheep in a desert, and fertile pasture) Leave to the neighbor what he covets, God blesses you in the desert. 265 (Mi) (Fish) Luck. 266 (Ku) Keeping together (or co-operate) in general. 267 (Ku) Greed. 268 (K) We bring to you the people (of the audience). 269 (K) Recognize the enemies of the Lord. 270 (K) The sign for the spirit who is to receive (fetch) him who is to pass out of the earth-body. 271 (Br) (Heart, brain, and thought-cord) Sanguine- nervous thought-power. 272 (Br) Mortal and immortal beings. 273 (Ku) (Pearls on string) Sorrow and tears. 274 (Br) Concord. 275 (Ha) Unity in the right system of education. 276 (Mi) Everything will have a good end. 277 (Ku) Union of the evil powers with the ■earthly. 278 (K) Union of the higher with the earthly powers. 279 (K) When the evil powers are about to join the earthly. 280 (K) Do your work in the fear of God, then this mantle will now already be granted to you. 281 (K) Mantle which angels put upon pious media who give inspirational messages and lectures. 282 (K) Put from you all impurity. 283 (K) Watchful protection against the enemies who try to destroy your work. 284 (K) When the heavenly and earthly powers are united in full force. 285 (K) When the time was fulfilled that God sent His Son. 286 (K) The dress which will be put upon you after the tribulation is ended. 287 (K) Help is near. 288 (K) We help you before the enemies get power over you. 289 (K) Union of the Spiritual and earthly powers. 290 (K) Mantle of a high angel. 291 (K) United map g 1918 heavenly powers under a protecting mantle. 292 (K) When man is prepared to get into communication with the spirits of God. 293 (K) When the moment arrives that the soul which is soon to pass out of the earth-body is expected in heaven. 294 (K) Protecting mantle for the angels who work for you so that the enemies may not destroy their work. 295 (Mi) Spirit-mantle (not body) for light atmosphere. 296 (Mi) Spirit-mantle in heavy atmosphere. 297 (Mi) Complete mantle in which spirits descend to earth. 298 (Mi) Your angel (twin-soul or soul-mate) will be with you in all affairs of life. 299 (Mi) A spirit (upper one) who helps another spirit (below) who has lost strength by staying too long. 300 (K) Days of spiritual power. 301 (K) A high spirit will carry you with him in this mantle (i.e., he will protect you). 302 (K) Travel accompanied by angels who help over a dangerous part (Black line means danger). 303 (K) A higher angel (Xebela) is laying the cornerstone of the higher spiritualism (Theomonism). 304 (K) Days of joy and power will come over you. 305 (Da) Sign of an en- trance of many great powers, upon a work which is to carry out the plan of God. 306 (Da) Let him who thinks that he stands firmly, look- out lest he fall! 307 (V) Happenings (events) expected. 308 (K) A high angel has at present finished his work with you and is now leaving you. 309 (Da) We are now on the heights where help and power is granted us. 310 (Da) The influence of your work upon this earth. 311 (Da) We (angels) stand around you and watch over you. 312 (K - ) You will remain in the House of the Lord forever. 313 (Da) We ex- pect great help from the highest power. 314 (Da) We shall have to endure many fights until unity is accomplished. 315 (Da) We both (mortal and immortal) are at present in a tunnel (or valley); but these days reveal evidence against our enemies, and the way will end (for us and the Kingdom of God) in great power and in triumph. 316 (Da) We shall walk upon the heights. 317 (Da) This is the spiritual flight of stairs which you have ascended. 318 (Da) We are anointing you with oil. Goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life. 319 (Da) Manna from heaven will be given to you and your child and child's child. 320 (Da) Earnestly prayed for and received. 321 (Da) Much waiting is needed to do the greatest work, because many great angels must be sent. 322 (Da) Your business will now run in the opposite direction; everything will be successful. 323 (Da) We (your high guides) and a great number of helpers have put everything aright in business and spiritual gifts. 324 (Da) We' straighten ways which are ready for you to step upon them. 325 (Da) Cast all your cares upon the Lord, He will bring everything to a glorious solution. 326 (Da) We (your high guides) shall put a great protective force around you. Days when you will take hold of the blessing will bring you great power. 327 (Da) Trust in the Lord, He will carry out everything as we have promised you. \> 4: ft mhfrM yjrs^on \ w 61 oaco 33 mi $ (Hi O HJE1 OC B© CO® filulr^^ IS 10 17 18 " ~ w AAA aa> UlAA fvinn flru Ail © OT o 48 M 1 @ ^ oh « 271 -"^.273 Q? ^ _5l ay^o f%M?<^n ^^4 THEOMONISTIC SPIRIT ALPHABET AND SYMBOLS Drawn by Spirit, through Mediumship of Mrs. Louise M. Holler; transcribed, translated, and arranged by Prof. H. P. Holler, Ph. D., D. Ps.-Oriental University Course No. U2c. imSSSSY 0F CONGRESS llllllllllllhfliii 022 007 371 3