1/ -i-St^sKit-!,-^' .-../ JlZtDB^""'^ ■ Kf ' -iliW. '^iv «*^'*, <« ^^-'^^. ^ ^ ^ff^ u •^ hiBf §E \?IEW-8. Oce:in Road. ' 13- .Ocean and Metatoel lloiisos. Bjni'b Eye View, looking Noi;' M- Bird's Eye 'v'^icw, Stan- Cottage and Vicit.it;, "Eiid's Eye View, looking Wc ' 15- Bfrdi Eye View MafsasOit and Delavan. Baihing Beach. :. ■6. Uoicl Coktm'ous -and Vicinity. , Post Office tind Mc Sp.-mren " JloUl. , '7- Clitr Coitage, Whim.soy Catta5,'c, Soa Side C'ovcrluwn, Sonsii; Neuk, Coali^, liope- Slianty, The Wigwam, aiid Ssit Bueeze. weU and Earle. iS. Rock Hurst. Matlfcwson House. 19. Bellevue snd Indian Rock Coltas'es. Atwbod and Atlantic Houses. 20. Stone Lea. Bird's Eye View, Revere and Continental. 21. Lions Head.' Mcmnt Hope House. 22. Dun Mere. Southern Hotel and Dejxjt. -3- Ocean View at Indian Rock Inst.'intaneou; . Episcopal and i'rtsbyterian Churches. 24. Il.axard's Castle and Indian Rock. TIBBITTS & PRESTON. FRANKLIN BOOK STORE. 64 WESTMINSTER STREET, PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND. CJSIJVO BOOK STORE, ]J^AEBAGAJ{SET PIER, R. I. 90fH I