^<>.*T?^\/ \'^^'\o'> V'^^V ''^'^ *•' '^V^^v \J*^^^**V^ ^V^'^^V \/^ \.<^^ **'% /.i^-\ '"/^ai."- y.2i^'\ ^° -^ ^'• Twentieth Century Club WAR TIME COOK BOOK PITTSBURGH PIERPONT. SIVITER & CO. 1918 ^ Copyright 1918 By the Twentieth Century Club of Pittsburgh APR 29i9l8 ©CI,A494940 Dedicated to Mrs. William Watson Smith president of the Twentieth Century Club BY THE COOK BOOK COMMITTEI-: 1918 The women of Pennsylvania and the American Nation have contributed much and have sacriticed much to help win the war that is being waged to guarantee the safety of American homes and per- manency of American institutions, but more will be demanded before we can hope for victory, as much perhaps as has been demanded in England and France where the women of gentle birth are work- ing in the fields and factories to relieve men needed at the front. When our crisis comes, the patriotism of American women will prove them equally worthy of the sons and brothers who are fighting and dying to keep them safe ; but for the immediate present there is no more important war activity in which women may engage than the careful conservation of our food supply which is altogether inadequate to the needs of our own men and our allies at the fight- ing front unless we drastically modify our own use of such exportable staples as wheat, meat, sugar and animal fats. This is one of the ways by which our patriotic women may put love of country above all personal consideration. HOWARD HEINZ, Federal Food Administrator of Pennsylvania. A nation in war assumes for its women burdens just as great as those borne by its men. She is called into workshops, offices, and to the farm to do the work of the husband or son who is taken to bear arms in behalf of his country. She follows the army to care for the wounded and give comfort to the dying. Nowhere is her service more effective and indispensable in such critical times than in the con- servation and scientific planning of the food we eat. A serious shortage of food is one of the sure results of war. In this war we are called upon not only to feed our own people, but we have assumed the responsibility of providing that which is needed to be added to the greatly depleted supply of those engaged with us in the war. Our country possesses the most bountiful variety of foodstuffs. To us our allies turn — on the verge of starvation. Of our bounty we must so choose as to release for use abroad the urgently needed concentrated foodstuffs. The choosing is the task and privilege of our devoted women. I commend, therefore, the use of the conserva- tion recipes in this book and urge that in the other recipes a careful scientific substitution be practiced, at least in the present world emergency. By so doing you will furnish food for many an empty mouth and shivering body. W. D. GEORGE. Federal Food Administrator for Allegheny County. March 30. 1918. Today one rarely hears it said that "A woman's place is in the home," for if the women of England and France had practiced this old adage, the war would already be lost. However, there is no doubt that a woman's war work, whatever form it may take, should commence in the home, in conserving the health of her children, an-d conserving those foodstuffs which are most needed by our soldiers and allies. No matter how many days a week American women may give to selling Liberty Bonds or war saving stamps, to making bandages, sweaters or socks, their efforts will be in vain, if they have not done their part toward feeding those who fight for them. The time has passed when we can plead ignorance of the demands of the Food Administra- tion, and I think the time will come when the woman who, through laziness or selfishness, fails to obey those demands, will be considered (and rightly) just as much of a "slacker" as the man who tries to evade the call for service. Much has been done by the women of Pitts- burgh during the first year of the war, but far more must be done before we shall have won the war. The time is at hand when the great question for each of us must be, "How can I order my life to- day that I may be of service in shortening this con- flict?" How can I arrange my meals and manage my household so that I am using only such amounts of wheat, meat, sugar and animal fats as are a bare necessity?" To such a task we may well dedicate ourselves on this, the anniversary of our entrance into the war. MRS. ALEXANDER J. BARRON, Director of Food Conservation for Allegheny Co. Woman's Committee, Council of National Defense. April 6, 1918. A RECIPE FOR GOOD HUMOR. "Take twenty-four hours; mix thoroughly with the milk of human kindness; add spice of life to suit taste, a little discretion, some common sense; knead with the hand of friendship and bake in the open hearth of love; do not allow it to cool too quickly by trouble, or become sour by affliction ; serve with generous sauce and a bright smile." THE • NET PROCEEDS FROM THE • SALE • OF THIS BOOK ARE • FOR THE WAR WORK OF THE CLUB PLEASE DO NOT LEND IT, BUT ■ ASK ■ YOUR ■ FRIENDS TO. BUY ONE // is suggested that as far as possible the butter, sugar, animal fat and wheat given in these recipes be changed * to war time substitutes . The Cook Book Committee. WE MUST SUBSTITUTE. Corn Tapioca Oats WHEAT Barley Rye Rice Potato Cottonseed Oil Wesson Oil BUTTER Mazola LARD Peanut Oil 1 Drippings Nut Margarine ■ Molasses SUGAR Honey Syrups — Corn and Maple Poultry 1 Beans BEEF j Eggs PORK \ Cheese MUTTON 1 Nuts 1 Fish Milk Breads GENERAL SUGGESTIONS FOR THESE BREADS Use Molasses in Rolled Oats Bread to save sugar. Use hardened vegetable fat to save the butter, lard and lard substitutes needed abroad. Use 1,4 cake yeast when bread rises overnight Use y2 cake yeast when bread must be mixed, put to rise and baked in six hours. l-'ill greased pans a little less than l/z full. Bake in moderately hot oven — turn pan around after 5 minutes to prevent uneven shape. Use these breads in turn to give variety to your table. If possible buy skimmed milk for use in baking and cooking. U. S. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, ALLEGHENY COUNTY. CORN AND FLOUR BREAD 1 cup of cornmeal and white 1 tablespoon lard flour 1 cake ye>ast (magic preferred) 1 quart of water . soaked in y'j cup of warm 2 teaspoons salt water ^ cup molasses Mix cornmeal, water and salt together, making mush, and cook until very soft. Add other ingredients, making a stiff dough of white flour. In the morning work the dough again before baking bread. (Mrs. Eugene L. Messier.) CRACKLING CORN BREAD 2 cups cornmeal pinch of salt \V2 cups milk V2 cup bacon cut in small 2 teaspoons Royal baking pieces. l)owder. Bake 30 minutes (Mrs. J. M. Thorne) 10 CORN BREAD WITH MILK AND EGG y'i cup white cornmeal 1 tablespoon Crisco, melted J/2 cup yellow cornmeal 1 tablespoon sugar 1 cup flour 1 rounded teaspoon salt 1 cup milk }, teaspoons baking powder 1 egg Bring cup of milk to a boil and pour over the cornmeal and salt; stir well and let stand Yz hour before stirring in the rest. Pour into a large pan and bake about 30 minutes in a moderate oven. (Mrs. P. J. Eaton) CORN BREAD, Without Milk 2 cups white cornmeal 1 tablespoon butter lYz cups boiling water ^ teaspoon baking powder 2 eggs 1 teaspoon salt Put the cornmeal in a Ijowl, make a hole in the center and add the salt and butter. Pour ^ cup boiling water over the butter and stir until it is melted. Then add ^ cup boiling water and stir it well into the meal. .Add a full cup boiling water, and when well mixed add the eggs, beating in one at a time; add baking powder and bake immediately. (Mrs. S. B. Ely) CORN BREAD Without Milk and Eggs 2 cups white cornmeal 2 cups boiling water 2 level teaspoons salt 2 cups cold water Scald meal and salt with boiling water and add cold water slowly; beat well and let stand over night. P>ake 1 hour in a moderate oven. (Mrs. Benjamin McKeen) BATTER BREAD 1 ])int sweet milk 2 eggs 1 pint cornmeal salt teaspoon lard Make mush with meal and hot water; cook a feu minutes; thin with milk; melt lard in pan for baking; pour in the batter; add eggs well beaten last. (Mrs. F. R. Babcock) SPOON BREAD 1 quart milk 1 tablespoon melted butter 1 cup cornmeal 1 tablespoon baking powder 2 eggs salt Beat eggs, add milk, melted butter, salt, cornmeal and baking powder. Bake in moderate oven. This is soft when baked and served with a spoon. (Mrs. .\. G. Mitchell) Buy beef suet and render it carefully. You can use it in place of butter in making cake, bread and pastry and for frying. WAR BREAD 2 yeast cakes di§so.lved in V2 cup luke warm water, 1 teaspoon, sugar. Let them stand in warm place till light. 2 oz. lard. 2 cups hot water ;^ cup sugar or Karo syrup 1^ cups cold water 4 level teaspoons salt Mix lard and hot water, add sugar, salt, and last, cold water'. When yeast is. foaming, beat these together and add: 2 cups cornmeal 11 cups white flour sifted to- 6 cups bran gether Knead well and when light make into loaves. W^ien double in size, bake 45 minutes. <'Can use 3 cups' cornmeal and 10 of flour.) (Mrs. Wni. Thaw. Sr.) SPOON CORN BREAD 1 cup cornmeal ^ teaspoon salt 2 cups boiling water Boil 2 hours in double boiler. Take from fire and add 1 cup milk Lump of butter size of a walnut 1 egg beaten very light .Bjeat mixture very light and put in a baking dish. Bake V2 hour. Serve, as: a vegetable. (Mrs. George L. Clifford) OATMEAL BREAD 4 cups of uncooked rolled 2 tablespoons of salt oats (loose, not in pkg.)54 cups molasses . 6 cups of boiling cups flour Yi teasjioon lard 1 pint boiled holiiiny Yi teaspoon butter Yi pint milk 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 tablespoon salt 1 egg Bake in shallow tins about half inch thick. Instead of hot cakes for breakfast, use your stale bread, cut in thin slices, toasted and dipped quickly in boiling water, buttered, add a spoonful of honey on top. Serve immediately. Can be best done at the table with water over an electric plate. POTATO BREAD 11/2 cups mashed potatoes 4 cups flour (more or less) Yi cup liquid includint;- water 1 12 teaspoon salt in which yeast is softened 1 tablespoon fat J4 to 1 yeast cake 1 tablespoon sugar Add salt, fat and sugar to mashed potatoes. When luke- warm add liquid, also lukewarm, in which yeast has been soft- ened. Mix with enough flour to make a sponge. Let rise till light and foamy, add enough more flour to make a dough. Knead till smooth and elastic. Let rise till slightly more than double in bulk. Shape into a loaf. When a little more than twice its original size, bake for about 1 hour. (The Pennsylvania State College) RICE BREAD (One Loaf) 1 cup steamed rice cooked IJ2 teaspoons salt very soft Yi tablespoon sugar 1/2 cup liquid y2 tablespoon fat Yi, \o Vi yeast cake 3 cups flour (more or less) Scald liquid, then cool to lukewarm. Soften yeast in this. Add to rice with salt, sugar and fat. Beat well, add flour gradually till stifle enou.gh to knead. Knead till very smootli and elastic. Let rise till slightly more than double in bulk. Shape into a loaf. When a little more than twice its original size, bake from 50 n'linutes to 1 hour. (The I'ennsyhania State College) GRAHAM GEMS With Sour or Butter Milk \Ya cups graham flour (ienerous pinch of salt ^ cup flour 1 cup sour, or butter milk 3 tablespoons melted butter J/j teaspoon soda in milk 1 egg ;/2 tablespoon sugar Bake in gem pans in moderate oven. Makes 1 dozen. WAR-TIME ECONOMY. 1. Choose food wisely. 2. Store it properly. 3. Cook it carefully. 4. Serve it attractively. Don't give the new dishes a black eye by having too many of them at once. Use all the ingenuity you have to make them both taste and look well. Food habits, like other habits, are not easily changed. Lead gently into the new realm. 16 RYE BREAD (One Loaf) 1 cup liquid 1 tablespoon sut;ar or j4 to J^ yeast cake softened 2 tablespoons molasses in % cup hike warm 1 tablespoon fat water 3 cups wheat flour (more or 11/2 teaspoons salt less) 1 cup rye flour Scald liquid, pour over salt, sugar and fat. When luke- warm add softened yeast. Beat well. Add flour to make a sponge. Let rise till light and foamy. Then add remaining flour to make a dough. Knead until smooth and elastic. Let rise till slightly more than double in bulk. Shape into a loaf. When a little more than twice its original size, bake from 50 minutes to 1 hour. (The Pennsylvania wState College) CORN MUFFINS 2 cups cornmcal 14 cup sugar 1 cup flour 1 cup sweet milk 3 eggs (2 will do — use a 1 teaspoon salt little more milk) 3 teaspoons baking powder J/2 cup shortening Bake 15 minutes in moderate oven in gem pans. (Anna Dake McCague) PEANUT BUTTER BREAD OR MUFFINS 1 cup flour y2 cup peanut butter mixed 1 teaspoon baking powder with )4 cup milk % teaspoon salt 1 egg % cup sugar 1 teaspoon shortening Bake bread 40 minutes. Bake mulTins 12 to IS minutes. "EDUCATOR" BRAN MUFFINS 1 cup Porto Rico molasses 1 cup sweet milk 1 cup "Educator" bran flour V2 teaspoon baking soda, dis- 1 cup white flour solved in a little hot water. First, mix the two flours together; then add soda; last, mix the molasses and sweet milk together. Mix all together. (Mrs. Frederick R. Babcock) Make your own peanut meaL Hull the peanuts and remove the thin red skin, place on thick parafine paper and crush fine with rolling pin. BUCKWHEAT MUFFINS 1 cup wheat flour l.)4 cup milk 1 cup buckwheat 1 egg- 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 tablespoon mtlted fat Y^ teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons molasses Sift together dry ingredients. Combine milk, l)eaten eggs, melted fat and molasses. Add liquid and dry ingredients. Mix well. Bake half an hour in moderate oveji. Makes 10 or 12. (Mrs. Mortimer C. Miller) BUCKWHEAT BUNS 1 cake yeqst in y^, cup water 1 tablespoon sugar or mo- 1 cup milk lasses 1 , , , r ^ lj6 cup buckwheat 1 tablespoon tat i./ i •. i ' lJ/2 cup white cornmeal ^ teaspoon salt i cup wheat flour Beat well, let stand till light, about 3 hours. Beat again. Put in mufi'in pans. Raise at least 2 hours, until very light. Bake quickly. (Mrs. Fletcher Collins) BIRD'S NEST Bird's Nests are made for any kind of hot rolls, from yeast bread dough, rye, wheat, oatmeal, etc. Take a small amount and roll about the thickness of your thumb and 6 inches long. Tie in a single knot, making head of one end and tail of the other. The tail can be marked with a fork and the beak formed into shape with the fingers. Let rise and bake as any other hot rolls. GRAHAM MUFFINS WITH SWEET MILK 1 cup white flour ^4 teaspoon salt 1 cup graham flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 tablespoon butter 1 egg 1/2 teaspoon sugar 1 scant cup sweet milk Rub butter into flour; add dry ingredients, mix well. Beat the egg, put it into a measuring-cup and fill with milk. Stir this into the flour; when thoroughly mixed fill buttered gem pans and bake in a quick oven until golden brown. This bat- ter is very stifif and the top of ,the mufi^in when baked should be rough. Avoid: L Sweet soft drinks. 2. Leaving sugar in coffee cups. 3. Frosting on cake unless made with honey or maple syrup. 4. As much cake as formerly. BERKSHIRE MUFFINS V2 cu]) cornnieal Yz teaspoon salt Yz cup cooked rice 1 egrg Y2 cup flour 1 tablespoon melted fat 2 tablespoons sugar 3 tablespoons baking powder % cup scalded milk Turn milk on to cornmeal and let stand 5 minutes; add rice and flour which has been sifted with salt and baking pow- der. Add egg yojk, fat, and l)caten white. Cook 20 to 30 minutes in moderate oyen. GRAHAM MUFFINS 1 cup graham flour 1 tablespoon sugar 1 cup white flour 2 tablespoonsful melted buttei 1 teaspoonful salt 1 egg 3 teaspoonsful baking powder 1 cup milk Sift the dry ingredients together, except the graham flour; then add the graham flour. Then add the milk, egg yolk witli- out beating, melted butter and beat well. Then fold in the stiffly beaten white of egg. Bake in a moderate oven about 20 minutes. (Mrs. Wm. Watson Smith) BRAN AND GRAHAM MUFFINS 1 cup bran 1 cup sweet niilk 2 cu])s grahain or wheat flour % cup melted butter 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 scant teaspoon salt (Mrs. George I'earson) BRAN GEMS 2 well beaten eggs 2 tablespoons melted butter 4 tablespoons molasses 1 cup war flour 1 cup milk 2 cups Kellogg's l)ran 2 heaping tsp baking ])owder 1 cvli) seedless raisins % teaspoons salt Mix in order given and bake in hot gem pans. Quantity given makes fourteen gems. (Mrs. W. W. Wishart) BRAN MUFFINS Without Eggs Yz cup flour 2 cups bran 1/4 cups milk 1 level teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt Y^ cup molasses Mix dry ingredients, then add wet. I'ut in muffin ]ians. Bake 45 minutes. (Mrs. A. K. Grubbs) Cold rice can be added to muffins, cornbread, or griddle cakes, adding to their lightness, digestibility and food value. 19 HOT CROSS BUNS 1 cup scalded milk 34 teaspoon c'lnnamon ^ cup sugar Vi teaspoon salt 3 cups flour 2 tablespoons butter J4 cup currants >^ yeast cake dissolved in \\ 1 egg cup lukewarin water Add butter, sugar and salt to milk; when lukewarm add dissolved yeast cake, cinnamon and egg well beaten. When thoroughly mixed, add raisins; cover and let rise over night; in the morning form in large cakes or biscuits, place in pans one inch apart, let rise, brush over with egg and bake 20 min- utes. When cool, make cross with frosting on each cake. (Mrs. Wm. H. Latshaw) PLAIN MUFFINS 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup sweet milk 1 tablespoon sugar 2 cups flour, sifted 1 egg I ' 2 teaspoons baking powder pinch salt Bake in gem pans in moderate oven. Makes 1 dozen. PARKER HOUSE ROLLS 1 pint flour (sifted twice) ^4 cake yeast 1 small pint cornmeal (scald- 1 even teaspoon sugar ed in hard boiling water) 1 even tablespoon lard i/^ pint cold boiled milk salt Mix flour and lard together. Make hole in center and add the cornmeal. Make hole in center of cornmeal and pour in milk, yeast and sugar. Let stand over night without mixing. In morning knead and leit rise 3 hours. Work into rolls, making 3 dozen. Let rise again until about 3 times their size, and bake in hot oven 20 minutes. (Miss Bissell) BLUEBERRY MUFFINS 1 tablespoon butter or Crisco2 cups flour 1 egg 2 tsp Royal baking powder Yi cup sugar 1 cup berries Yi cup milk (Mrs. H. A. Ross) RICE CAKES 1 cup cold "boiled rice 1 scant tablespoon flour 3 or 4 egg whites Season with salt Beat whites until very stiff; fold in the flour and rice. Bake on a soapstone griddle. Serve with butter, sugar and cinna- mon (Mrs. Wm. Watson Smith) Instead of having hot cakes for breakfast, serve them as a luncheon dessert. MUFFINS Take out one-fiftli of douLili ulicn mouldint!, the loaves and add 1 tablespoon Crisco and put it into ticm pans. Let it rise and bake when light enough. (Mrs. P. J. Eaton) RICE MUFFINS 234 cups flour 5 teaspoons baking powder ^ cup hot cooked rice 2 teaspoons sugar 1 cup milk 2 tablespoons melted butter 1 egg Yi teaspoon salt Mix and sift dry ingredients; add Yi the milk and the egg well beaten. The remainder of the milk mix with the rice; beat well and add melted lintter. liake in gem pans. (Mrs. P. J. Eaton) Other cooked cereals or mashed potatoes may be used in this recipe. If the dough is too soft, add a little more flour; if too thick, a little more liquid. CORN DODGERS 2 cups cornmeal flinch salt 1 pint cold water 2 tsp. Royal baking powder Bake on griddle. Tliese are excellent served with fish. (Mrs. S. R. Gallagher) RICE FLOUR MUFFINS 1 pint rice flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 3 tablespoons lard 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugai 2 eggs Milk to make a moderately stiff batter. (Mrs. James R. Mactarlane) "GO BACK TO THE SIMPLE LIFE." Be contented with simple food, simple pleasures, simple clothes. Work hard, pray hard, play hard. Work, eat, recreate, sleep. Do it all courageously. We have a victory to win. "Buy less; cook np more than necessary; serve smaller portions." "Use local and seasonable supplies.'' "Preach and practice the 'gospel of the clean plate.' " "Do not limit the plain food of growing children." 21 Griddle Cakes and Waffles CORN GRIDDLE CAKES 1 CUD flour \y2 cups milk, or enough to 1 cup cornmeal make right thickness 1 egg Pinch salt hutter size of a walnut A little sugar if desired 2 heaping tsps baking powder Melt butter; mix all ingredients but the last. Stir to- gether till smooth and proper thickness. Add baking ijowder just before baking. BUCKWHEAT CAKES 2 cups buckwheat flour 1 tablespoon inolasses lA cup flour 1 scant teaspoon soda 1 pint warm water 1 yeast cake 14 teaspoon salt Mix all ingredients except soda, adding the yeast last. Beat well. Let rise over night; just before baking add soda dissolved in a little hot water. Do not beat after adding soda, but carefully stir. Bake on hot greased griddle. The left over batter can be used again by adding same amount of ingredients except yeast. Only add fresh yeast when latter becomes flat. CORN CAKES 1 cup cornmeal (yellow and 1 teaspoon salt white) Ij/ cups boiling water 1 tablespoon sugar 1 egg, beaten 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon baking powder Mix ingredients; add l)aking powder just before baking on hot griddle. (Mrs. Benjamin McKeen) BARLEY WAFFLES 1 ■ cup milk . 14 teaspoon salt 2 eggs 3 teaspoons baking powder 3 tablespoons butter substitute2 cups barley flour Beat eggs and mix with other ingredients. Bake on hot wafifle iron. "KEEP A BUTTER CUP." Save the small amounts of butter left on plates. Scrape it into a cup kept for that purpose. Use it for "special" cooking. 24 OATMEAL GRIDDLE CAKES 1 cup milk Yi cup flour 1 egg Va, teaspoon salt 1 talilespoon vegetable oil 4 level teaspoons l)aking 1 Vz cups cooked oatmeal powder Combine milk, beaten egg, and fat, and beat into tbe cooked oatmeal: add flour, salt, and baking powder, which have been sifted together, and bake on a hot griddle. Other cooked cereals or mashed potatoes may be used instead of oatmeal. DELICIOUS CORN CAKES IK' pints sour or buttermilk 1 teaspoon salt 2 eggs beaten separately 1 teaspoon soda 1 ta])lespoon sugar Enough cornmeal to make 2 tbsp. melted nut margarine thin batter, no flour Before putting in eggs add the melted margarine and soda mixed in a very little hot water; throughout the mixing beat thoroughly; use more fat than usual in frying. (Mrs. Wm. M. Hall) CORN MEAL WAFFLES 1 cup cornmeal 2 tablespoons fat, melted 1 cup flour 2 eggs 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 scant cup milk K teaspoon salt Beat eggs separately and add yglks to flour, corn meal, baking powder, salt, and milk, into which' the melted fat is poured l-'oid in whites last and bake. This quan'tity makes about 16 walTles. (Mrs. W. II. R. Hilliard) To avoid smoke when baking cakes, do not use fats for greasing. Rub raw potato on the griddle each time before frying cakes VARYING THE BREAKFAST CEREAL When cooking the cereal, make double the amount needed, pouring the extra amount into a square pan; let cool, as when l)reparing cornmeal mush, cut in slices and fry for breakfasv the next day. .Add a cupful of chopped dates or figs to oatmeal al)out 1.^ minutes before taking from the fire Add heaping tablespoon chojiped salted peanuts to cream of wheat just before serving. Pinion nuts also are delicious used in this way. 25 Soups VEGETABLE SOUP WITHOUT MEAT 14 cup onions 14 cup celery Yi cup carrots Yz cup white turnips Yz cup leeks Yi cup cabbage Ya, cup barley soaked in water. Cut vegetables into small pieces and mix them. Fry in four tablespoons of oil until a light brown, stirring constantly. Then add lYz quarts of hot water and the soaked barley. Cook slowly for 4 hours. Serve very hot. MRS. HERBERT C. HOOVER. MUSHROOM SOUP 1 pint fresh mushoonis 1 tablespoon butter 1 i)int cream 1 tablespoon flour Wash mushrooms and take off skins; cover with cold water; add a little salt and boil until soft; mash hard through collander and add liquid in which mushrooms were bo/ied. Boil butter and flour and add pint of cream slowly. I'ut alto- gether in double boiler. (Mrs, Geo. Irwin lloldship) CARROT SOUP 1 cup cooked carrots, run Y^ teaspoon butter through ricer or grated 1^ pint milk fresh carrots V2 teaspoon cornstarch Melt butter and mix in the corn starch, add carrots, then milk. A little stock may be added. Cook in double boiler. Spinach may be substituted for carrots. FRENCH VEGETABLE SOUP 2 ounces of parsnip.s 1 ounce leaks Zy2 ounces of potatoes 1 small tomato 1 ounce peas (with shells) 1 small carrot (K' oz.) 1 ounce string beans Put vegetables in four quarts of water, reduce to half the cuantity. boiling gently for six hours. Strain and serve hot. (Miss Rachel C. Aiken) 27 CREAM OF LIMA BEAN 1 cup dried beans 1 cup milk 3 pints cold water 2 tablespoons flour 2 onions Salt to taste 2 carrots (cut fine) Soak beans over night, drain and add cold water. Cook beans, vater, onions and carrots together, strain and rub tlirough a sieve. Stir milk, flour and salt into the boiling soup. ^Irs. A. K. Grubbs) SPINACH SOUP ^ peck spinach 5/2 teaspoon salt 1 qt. milk ^ teaspoon paprika 1 heaping teaspoon flour Butter size of walnu) Boil the spinach, wash through a sieve. Add this to the sauce made of the other ingredients. Mrs, T. W. Friend Use the water in which vegetables have been boiled in your soup stock. ASPARAGUS SOUP Liquid from 1 can asparagus 1 pint top milk 5^ cup mashed potatoes 1 tablespoon whipped cream 1 . tsp. olive oil, or butter Dash of paprika With the liquid front the can of asparagus, mix mashed potatoes for thickening. Add the olive oil (or butter) and milk. Before serving add a tablespoon of whipped cream and a dash of paprika pepper to each portion. (Mrs. Guy Stewart McCabe) STRING BEAN SOUP Use either one can or one good size quart of fresh string beans and make the sauce as spinach soup. (Mrs. T. W. Friend) ONION AND CHEESE SOUP 2 tbsp. butter substitute 1 cup milk 2 tbsp. flour y2 cup grated cheese 2 cups water 5 onions Melt butter substitute, add flour and water in which the onions have been cooked. Stir until it boils. Add milk, and just before serving stir in cheese. Season to taste with salt and cayenne pepper and serve very hot. (Mrs. Joseph Burt) 28 CREAM OF VEGETABLE SOUP 1 ((iiart milk (skim milk mayl teaspoon salt be used) 2 cups left-over vegetables 2V^ tablespoons tlour or corn- warmed in a small quantity starch of water then pressed through 2 tablespoons Initter sulistitute. a sieve. Spinach, peas, margarine, or other fat beans, potatoesj celery, oys- ter plant, or asparagus make good soups Stir flour into melted fat and mix with the cold milk. Add the cooked vegetables and stir over the fire until thickened. If soup is too thick, add a little water or milk. TOMATO BOUILLON WITH OYSTERS 1 can tomatoes 6 cloves V/i quarts bouillon 1/2 teaspoon celery salt 1 'tbsp. chopped onions J^ teaspoon pepper corn Yz bay leaf 1 pt. oysters Mix all ingredients except oysters, and boil 20 minutes. Strain, cool and clear, add par-boiled oysters and serve at once. (Mrs. Frederic I. Merrick) OX TAIL SOUP 2 ox tails 6 carrots ^ cup barley J^ teaspoon alspice 4 large onions Salt and pepper Wash Ox Tail — Cover with 3 quarts cold water and boil gently one and one-half hours with salt to taste. Wash the barley and boil one hour with ox tails. Have ready the onions and carrots chopped fine and boil all together until the vege- tables and barley are cooked. Half an hour before removing from the fire add the pepper and alspice to taste. SUGGESTION— GARNISHED OX TAIL 2 ox tails 3 carrots By removing the ox tail from which ithe soup has been cooked, before it is cooked to shreads, a very attractive and nourishing meal can be made. Slice or cut the carrots in long strips. Boil with salt. Have ready at the time of serv- ing and arrange around the joints of the ox tail on platter with watercress and parsley. If gravy is desired, which adds very much, take a cup and a half of stock before the vegetables are put in, straining out the barley. Thicken with browned flour or add a teaspoon or two of kitchen bouquet to give a rich brown color. Pour gravy over the joints of meat and serve very hot. (Mrs. John .A. MurtlancH In place of white flour use cornstarch for thickening soups, gravies and sauces. Use half the amount. 29 QUICK BOUILLON Drain the liquor from a can of peas, add to it one cup of milk, one cup of boiling water in wliich one beef cube has been dissolved, add pinch of salt, paprika, a little butter and teaspoon of cornstarch. Boil all one minute and serve in cups. LOBSTER BISQUE 1 can lobster ] tablespoon butter 2 cups milk J/^ cup fine cracker crumbs 3 pts. boiling water Chop the lobster a little, put boiling water, salt, pepper and lobster in sauce pan, and cook gently 40 minutes. Strain through colander. Have ready scalding niillc and the bread crumbs and serve PEA SOUP Creamed Pea Soup can be made from pea pods boiled and strained. To this add white sauce. POTATO SOUP 3 pints water 1 bunch celery greens 4 potatoes 1 tablespoon butter 1 bay leaf ;!> cup sweet cream 1 slice of onion Boil potatoes in water with bay leaf, slice of onion and celery greens. When potatoes are soft mash throtigh a col- ander, season with pepper, salt, butter and cream. Cut bread in small squares, fry in butter and drop 5 or 8 in soup plate before serving. (Mrs. H. A. Ross) KIDNEY BEAN SOUP 1 cup red beans 1 teaspoon flour 1 quart water Pinch mustard 1/2 onion Lemon juice 1 teaspoon butter substitute V2 glass claret or Slices hard boiled egg 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce Pick and soak beans over night. Drain and measure, using one cup of beans to above ingredients. Simmer beans and onion in water slowly until soft. Rub through sieve, return to fire, season with salt. Stir in butter and flour. Boil again for a few minutes. Add to this mustard, lemon juice, claret and slices of egg. Use milk to make the left-overs into satisfying and nourishing soups. 30 PEA SOUP 3 cups of split peas (yellow) Ham or bacon ends 3 leeks or onions Salt and pepper Do not throw away the ends of bacon or the ends of ham, both make very wholesome pea soup. Bones of beef, poultrv of lami) may also l)e added. After washing a medium sized bowl full of bacon ends or ham ends place in a large pan and cover with water. Add peas and onions or leeks. Boil until .'•oft and strain. Season before serving.' (Mrs. John .A. Murtland' MARROW BALLS 1 cup marrow 1 cup bread crumbs 1 egg 3 tablespoons hot water Pepper and salt to taste Render tlie marrow, then mix bread crumbs, add egg well beaten form into balls and drop in boiling soup. (Mrs. H. A. Ross) CORN CHOWDER 1 tablespoon drippings or vege- 1 cup corn (fresh or canned) table oil 3 cups milk 1 onion sliced V2 teaspoon salt 2 cups cooked potato diced '4 teaspoon pepper Brown the sliced onion and i)otato in the fat; add corn, milk and seasoning. Do not cook too much, merely heat; chowder should be served hot. 3. Fish SHAD ROE CROQUETTES 2 shad roes 1 large tablespoon fat Yi pint cream 2 large tablespoons flour Yolks of 2 eggs 1 tablespoon chopped parsley y^ grated nutmeg Salt, cayenne and black 1 teaspoon lemon juice pepper Wash shad roes, put in a saucepan of boiling water, add salt, cover and simmer slowly 15 minutes. Take out, remove the skin and mash. Put cream on to boil. Rub butter and flour together, add to boiling cream and stir mitil very thick. Add yoke of eggs. Take from the fire and add all other in- gredients. Mix well and turn out on a dish to cool. When cold form into croquettes, dip in egg and bread crumbs and fry in deep fat. Serve with Hollandaise sauce. (Mrs. J. J. Miller) HALIBUT CUTLETS 1 lb. boiled halibut 1 teaspoonful salt 1 cup creamed butter Dash of cayenne 4 to 6 teaspoonfuls cream Put boiled halibut through chopper or pick in fine pieces. Work in the creamed butter and other ingredients. Shape into cutlets and fry in deep fat. FISH CHOWDER Canned salmon or fresh fish Bread crumbs Onions Butter Potatoes Pinch of salt 1^ cups milk Brown several slices of onions in a casserole. Place a layer of potatoes partly cooked, sliced as for escallopes, over the onions. On this place a layer of canned salmon or fresh fish. Dots of butter should be used, little salt, as the salmon if used is already salted. Repeat until dish is full. Cover with bread crumbs. Put over all, one and one-half cups milk. Cook until potatoes can be pierced with a fork and top nicely browned. (Mrs. Thos. R. Robinson) CODFISH BALLS WITH RICE 1 Va cups codfish 1 tablespoon vegetable fat 1 cup hot mashed potatoes 1 well beaten egg 1 cup hot boiled rice 3 teaspoons milk Mix together and make into balls. Fry in vegetable oil. Serve hot. The Big Four, a railroad |)hrase, now applies to the Food Administration — save Wheat, Meat. Fat, Sugar. 34 BAKED FISH Any large tish over tliree ))ouiuls. Clean and dry fish, rub with salt and flour; stuff with bread crumbs dressing, sea- soned with butter, salt, pepper and chopped pickle. Sew up opening and bake slowly, about one hour. Serve with IIol- landaise or any yellow sauce. RICE CODFISH PUDDING 2 cups boiled rice Salt and ])epper IK' cups boiled and shredded l]/> cups milk codfish 2 tablespoons butter Grated cheese Stir in grated cheese and bake in baking dish thirty minutes. (Mrs. P. J. Eaton) GARNISH FOR FISH Slice cucumbers lengthwise rather than across, dip m ]'"rench dressing and powder with chopped parsley. (Sweden) BAKED SALMON Put some fat in ])ottom of baking dish, add a layer of raw sliced onions. Fill the dish vvith alternate layers of raw potatoes and canned salmon ending with potatoes. Pour over all a cup and a half of milk with a little flour for thickening, also butter, salt and pepper. Bake half hour. (Mrs. W. H. Siviter) FISH SOUFFLE 2 eggs 1 cup milk 2 tablespoons nut margarine 2 teaspoons chopped parsley 2 tablespoons flour 1 cup shredded fish 1/2 teaspoon salt Make white sauce of margarine, flour, salt and milk; add fish, parsley and eggs beaten separately. Bake in ramikins until puffed and brown, about 20 minutes. Ramikin dishes should be placed in hot water. To the water in which fish is boiled add one-half lemon or a little vinegar. (Mrs. C. R. Peddle) CODFISH BALLS 1 cup codfish boiled and 1 egg shredded 1 rounded tablespoon butter A little more than one cup Pepper and salt potatoes Mix all while hot. Drop from spoon into deep fat. (Mrs. A. G. Mitchell) 35 CREAMED SHAD ROE 1 pair shad roe 1 saltspoonful cayenne 1 tablespoon butter ^^ pint cream 1 tablespoon flour Juice of ^ lemon 1 teaspoon salt 3 hard boiled eggs Have shad roe parboiled, blanched, skinned and crumbled. Cream butter and flour together, put in chafingdish, when smooth, add cream, salt and cayenne. When a little thick add roe and lemon juice. Cook until it bubbles; add chopped whites of three hard-boiled eggs. Have yolks grated and sprinkle over the top. CORN MEAL FISH CAKES 2 level cups of cornmeal mush 1 level teaspoon salt 2 level cups shredded fish 1 level teaspoon baking powder 1 egg, well beaten Mix shredded fish (cold cooked fresh cod or halibut are ex- cellent) with cornmeal mush; add egg well beaten, and baking powder. Drop by spoonsful into hot fat, on paper. li using salt fish, pick it over and soak two or three hours to remove salt, omitting salt from recipe. CLAM FRITTERS iVs cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder Salt and pepper Clean clams, drain and chop. Beat eggs until light, add milk and flour which has been mixed and sifted with baking powder. Season lightly with salt and pepper. Drop by teaspoonful and fry in deep fat. (Mrs. Walter C. Carroll) FISH PUDDING 1 box salmon, or 1 to 2 lbs. Little chopped parsley, or fresh fish celery 2 eggs 1 teaspoon lemon juice ^ cup cold milk ^ cup cracker crumbs 1 scant tablespoon baking powder Steam in individual molds 40 minutes. Keep liquor from can to make white sauce — with 1 cup milk add little lemon juice after cooking. "PLAN MEALS AND DO YOUR ORDERING AHEAD OF TIME." This helps your butcher, your baker and your grocery- man to have the right amount of material on hand. You avoid waste at home. 1 pint clams 2 2 eggs cups milk LUNCHEON SARDINE DISH 1 box sardines Sweitzer cheese Bread toasted on one side On the untoasted side of bread, spread the oil from the box of sardines. Place sardines on this side, and put under broiler until toast is brown. Serve with Sweitzer cheese — and jjarsley as a garnish. (Mrs. Guy Stewart McCabe) ESCALLOPED OYSTERS .As a change for sea.'^.onir.g in e.'-xalloped oysters, add a little mace, and jiour o\er the top either a glass of sherry or Mader.a wine. ( Mrs. Matjaw. Meadville. Penna.) PLANKED SHAD WITH CREAMED ROE Steam and split a roe shad. Put skin-side down on an oak plank 1 inch thick, sprinkle with salt and pepper and brush over with melted butter. Piake 25 minutes in a hot oven. Parboil roe in salted water (to which lemon juice has been added) for 20 minutes. Remove outsides membranes and mash. Melt 3 tablespoons of butter, add one teaspoon of linely chopped shallot and cook 5 minutes, add roe sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of flour, and pour on gradually Vs cup of cream. Cook slowly 5 minutes, add yolks of 2 eggs, season highly with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Remove shad from the oven, spread thin ])art with roe mi.xture and cover with buttered crumbs. Garnish with mashed potatoes forced through a pastry bag and tube. Brush over with white of egg and return to oven to brown potato and crumbs. Garnish with tomato cucumber, parsley and lemon. (Mrs. Frederic Merrick) CRAB CROQUETTES 4 cujjs boiled crab meat Cayenne pepper, salt 1 cup rich milk 1 teaspoon cornstarch 2 eggs Cracker dust 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce Put milk in double lujiler, add corn starch and cook till thicK, add crab meat and seasoning, mould in balls dip in egg, roll in cracker dust and fry. LUNCHEON FISH DISH 1 lb. halibut, white fish or 4 hard boiled eggs — cut in canned tuna fish, boiled eighths with a little chopped Teaspoon salt onion and salt Vj teaspoon paprika 2 cups thick cream sauce 1 teaspoon finely chopped I)arsley Put lish and eggs with cream sauce in chafing dish, heat to rcalding point. Serve on slices of toast or toasted corn muffin^. Garnish with asparagus tips. (H. M. Dermitt) 37 Eggs EGGS AND CHEESE IN RAMIKINS Put in ramikin grated cheese on bottom, drop in egg (not beaten), pinch of salt, then layer of cheese. Sprinkle bread or cracker crumbs on top and a little butter. Bake until egg is cooked. HOMINY GRITS AND SCRAMBLED EGGS 2 cups cold boiled hominy V2 cup milk 4 eggs Pinch salt Mix and scramble in frying pan. (Mrs. J. M. Thorn and Mrs. Little) EGG TIMBALES 3 well beaten eggs Salt and pepper Y4 cup milk A little grated onion 1 teaspoon chopped parsley Bake 45 minutes in well buttered custard cups set in pan of hot water; when done, turn out on a chop-plate with cream sauce poured over and garnish with parsley. EGG CROQUETTES 3 hard boiled eggs, chopped 1 tablespoon flour, milk 1 teaspoon butter A little chopped parsley For sauce, blend butter and flour with milk" and a little chopped parsley ; add chopped eggs ; shape and set on ice for several hour^. Roll in egg and bread crumbs and fry in deep fat (Crisco). Makes only 4 or 5. (Mrs. M. E." Lee) EGG SOUFFLE 5 eggs Pinch salt and pepper Yz cup cream Beat yolks and whites separately, add cream to yolks, then whites. Grease molds well and set in cold water in pan in oven. Bake about 5 minutes. Serve with tomato or cream sauce. Nice for individual molds. (Mrs. C. A. Rook) EGGS. Use left-over egg yolks for scrambled eggs for luncheon or breakfast ; add one whole egg and two tea- spoons milk for each yolk. Vegetables in small quantities left from dinner can be added to an omelette for breakfast, or used as flavor- ing for a meat sauce. 40 ITALIAN GNOCHI 2 cups milk 4 eggs 2 cups flour 1 tablespoon butter Let milk boil with butter, put flour in when boiling and stir until smooth; then take from the fire and put in the eggs, j'olks and whites beaten separately. Take a spoonful of this at a time and drop into boiling water: allow eacli to remain until it rises to the top of the water; then place them in a baking dish in which has been put a little white sauce; pour more over the top, sprinkle a little Parmesan cheese on the top and hake for \() or 15 minutes, and serve in baking dish. (Mrs. Frederic I. Merrick) BLOCKED EGGS 8 eggs Salt and pepper 1 cup sour cream Cream sauce For eight people, beat up eight eggs in a l)owl, add Vi cup cream just turned sour, and season well with salt and pepper. Fill some little baking dishes and bake in a slow oven, like souftles. Make a cream sauce of milk and flour, add Vz cup sour cream, tip the contents of the baking dishes into the sauce, and serve at once. They will flatten to an inch thick. EGG FOR AN INVALID Make a iiest of the stiffly beaten white, of an egg, on a .'square of toasted white or graham bread. Drop the yolk in the nest, pour over it a tablespoon of rich cream and set for 3 minutes in a quick oven. (Mrs Frederic I. Merrick) KIDNEY OMELET 2 lamb kidneys or two table- 6 eggs spoon calves' kidneys Pepper and salt Beat the eggs, adding seasoning. Cut the kidneys in very small pieces, toss in hot dripping in a frjnng pan for several minutes until quite cooked. In a second frying pan, put a tablespoon of hot butter into which pour the beaten eggs. Immediately put the ininced kidney over the eggs and as the omelette begins to set, roll the edges until it just meets but do not turn over. Have a garnished platter ready and serve OMELET 4 eggs or more 1 pint white sauce Beat whites and yolks of eggs separately. Stir yolks to which a pinch of salt has been added into the hot wdiite sauce. Fold whites in carefully. Cook in skillet on top of stove. Put in oven a few minutes. CHEESE OMELET 1 heaping talilespoon instan- J/^ teaspoon mustard taneous tapioca 1 cup hot milk V2 teaspoon salt IJ/2 tablespoons olive oil or other % teaspoon pepper or paprika cooking oil 2 tablespoons grated cheese 2 eggs Cook the tapioca, salt, pepper, cheese and mustard in the hot milk for ten minutes, stirring frequently, then add J/2 tablespoon of the oil and the yolks of the eggs beaten until very light. Stir well, remove from the fire and fold into the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs. I^it the remainder of the oil into an omelet pan and when it bubbles pour in the prepared eggs. Shake the pan gently so that the omelet will not adhere to it and cook until it is a delicate brown (-n the bottom, then stand the pan in the oven for a few moments to cook the top. Score the center and fold over. Salt increases the intensity of cold. Add a pinch of salt when beating eggs. 42 Meats and Meat Substitutes GARNISH FOR COLD LAMB Tiny half tomatoes scooped and filled with cold green peas and finely diced potatoes that have been marinated either with cream or French dressing. (Savoy Hotel, London) GARNISH FOR HAM Cold boiled eggs. Remove yolks and fill with spinach which has been rubbed through a colander and mixed with whipped cream. (Savoy Hotel, London) MOCK DUCK Take large round steak, make poultry stuffing, spread on steak roll and tie, roast from V^ to ^ hours. (Mrs. A. M. Imbria) "CHEAP CUTS" OF STEAK r tablespoon butter (or substi- 2 cups cold water tute) Onion 1 heaping tablespoon flour Make a smooth gravy of these ingredients, put steak into this, pour over it a little vinegar, sprinkle with salt and peppc. Cut onion in small pieces, put around steak, cover, cook in oven 1 hour. LIBERTY MEAT 3 pints cooked cornmeal % cup peanut butter 1 cup chopped English wal- 3 tablespoons any good oil nuts Season to taste Mold and cut into slices when cold. Fry in verv little fat. (Mrs. Robert Miller) BEAN LOAF 2 cups, cold baked beans 2 teaspoons catsup 1 egg, beaten Salt and pepper 1 cup bread crumbs V2. red pepper, chopped 1 teaspoon minced onion Combine ingredients and shape into a loaf. Bake ^/^ hour. Serve with strips of boiled bacon on top. ( L. B. M.) "LEARN TO USE THE VEGETABLE OILS." Use corn oil, cottonseed oil, peanut oil and olive oil for cooking and frying as well as in salad dressings. 44 BRAZILIAN TURKEY 1 lb. dry war bread 6 tablespoons olive oil or sub- 2 cups coarsely chopped cream stitute nuts 1 teaspoon sage 1 large onion chopped fine 4 eggs Salt and pepper Moisten bread in milk, add nuts, onion, oil, sage and seasoning. Mix thoroughly, add 4 well beaten eggs and bake in well oiled dish for 2 hours. Garnish with parsley and serve This is delicious served cold. (Miss Margaretta Dihni) HOMINY AND CHIPPED BEEF 5 cups cooked hominy 2 cups milk 4 potatoes 2 tablespoons vegetable fat 2 cups cooked carrots 2 tablespoons flour or corn- 1 . teaspoon salt starch %. lb. dried beef Melt the fat, add the flour, then the cold milk and stir until it thickens. Cut the potatoes and carrots in dice, mix all the materials in a baking dish, and bake for one hour. CAMOUFLAGE ROAST 2 cups bread crumbs 1 small grated onion 1 cup peanuts (ground orl teaspoon butter substitute pounded fine) 1 egg Juice of half a lemon 1 cup milk A pinch of mace 1 teaspoon flour or cornstarch Stir flour into melted butter substitute, add milk and onion, and bring to a boil; add nuts and bread crumbs; remove from fire; add lemon juice, egg and mace. Bake in a buttered pudding dish till brown and serve with tomato sauce. CREAMED HAM 3 tablespoons butter 1 gill cream 3 tablespoons grated cheese Salt and Cayenne 3 tablespoons grated ham Mix butter and cheese, let it melt, add ham, cream, salt and pepper. "MAKE THE NEW FOODS APPETIZING AND ATTRACTIVE." By means of garnishes, sauces and judicious seasoning and flavoring, the housewife can make her family vote themselves in favor of the new foods. Conversion in this case is patriotism. ROYAL ESCALLOP 1 cup boiled ham, chopped 1 tablespoon butter 6 hard Ijoiled e.s>gs. chop])ed 1 taldespoon flour 1 pint milk Make ot these a white sauce. Season with paprika, mix yll together, place cracker crumbs on top, and bake one-half hou;. (Mrs. Wesley G. Carrj ONION SOUP AU GRATIN In Casserole. 1 qt. stock seasoned with salt 1 full tablespoon Hour and pepper Parmesan cheese 1 tablespoon butter Toasted bread 3 onions, sliced thin Frv onions in the butter, add flour and stock and cook on stove for V2 hour or more. Sprinkle bottom of casserole with Parmesan cheese, pour in stock. Sprinkle more cheese, then place enough pieces of bread, thoroughly toasted or browned in oven, to cover stock. Sprinkle more cheese on toast and place casserole in oven for V2 hour or more. (Mrs. Wesley G. Carr) BEEF CROQUETTES 1 lb. beef, boiled well (minced) 1 tablespoon parsley (powdered 1 cup (coffee cup size) cold or minced) beef Dash Cayenne pepper 2 slices onion Let 1 pint milk, or cream, come to boiling point, then add a tablespoon of cold butter, then the above mixture. Beat up two eggs and mix with large tablespoon of starch (or flour) and add to the rest. Cook it all, stirring with care until proper consistency. Remove from fire, spread on platter to cool: then miake into croquettes — roll in bread crumbs and try in wire basket — in hot fat. This amount makes 12 croquettes. (Miss Bertha Young) HAM MOUSSE 2 cups cooked ham chopped V2 cup Aspic jelly, or 1 tea- fine spoon gelatine dissolved in 1 teaspoon mustard V2 cup hot water ^ teaspoon onion juice V2 cup whipped cream Dash red pepper Put on ice for 2 hours, serve cold. (Mrs. W\ C. Carroll) CORNMEAL AND MEAT Cornmeal is good combined with meats. Such a dish is a meal in itself. Trj^ this one. TAMALE PIE 2 cups cornineal 1 onion 6 cups boiling water 2 cups tomatoes 1 tablespoon fat 1 pound hamburger steak Make a mush by stirring the corn meal and 1% teaspoons salt into boiling water. Cook 4t minutes. P.rown onion in fat. add hamburger and stir until red color disappears. Add salt, penper, and tomato. .A sweet pepper is an addition. Crease baking dish, put in layer of cornmeal nuish, add sea- ';oned meat, and cover witli mush. I'ake one-half hour. Serves .six. (Original) YORKSHIRE PUDDING 1 pt. milk 2 cups Hour 4 eggs, beaten separately 1 teaspoon salt Note. — Be careful not to have the batter too stiff. 34 of an hour before the roast of beef is done drain the *at out of the pan, leaving just enough to keep the batter from sticking. Bake ^ of an hour. This should be a golden brown. (Mrs. A. G. Mitchell) ITALIAN SPAGHETTI 1 Ih. Hamburg steak 1 good-sized onion 1 can tomatoes Jioil together slowly al)out three hours. 1 lb. spaghetti 3 tablespoons olive oil Boil spaghetti in salt water. Put olive oil into meat, etc. Add spaghetti. C"ook a minute or two. Serve with grated cheese. BEEF OLIVES Have a round steak cut very thin, cut into pieces 6 or 8 inches square. Make a poultry l)read stuffing, put a tablespoonful on eacli piece of meat, roll and tie with strong thread. Fry bacon in a skillet, add in meat, and fry I^rown. Place meat in sauce pan. Make enough gravy in the skillet to cover meat. Pour gravy over meat and cook slowly for 2 hours. A good way to use tough meat. (Mrs. S. .A. Brubaker) MOCK SAUSAGE Soak one cup lima beans over niglit, boil until very soft, drain and mash, season with salt, pepper and a half a tea- spoonful each of powdered sage, thyme and sweet marjoram: make into rolls ^about the size of a finger; roll in flour and frv a golden brown in corn or other vegetable oil. HOMINY AND TOMATO 2 cups lye hominy or coarse 2 tablespoon? Hour cracked hominy, boiled V2 teaspoon f.alt 1 cup canned tomatoes Few grains pepper 2 tablespoons fat Dry bread crumbs Meat fat in a saucepan, .stir in the flour, and then the to- mato, strained, salt and pepper. Combine with the hominy, pour into a buttered baking disli, cover with bread crumbs mixed with a little melted butter, and bake 30 minutes in a moderate oven. A tablespoon of scraped onion may be added if desired. Enough for six small servings. (Good Housekeeping) TOMATO CAKES 4 eggs about Z cups cracker 2 cups canned tomatoes crumbs 3 talilespoons shortening ^ teaspoon pepper 2 teaspoons salt Beat eggs light, add tomatoes and shortening melted, pep- per and salt. Stir in cracker crumbs to make it stiff enough to drop liy the tablespoon on a hot griddle. Brown on both sides and serve at once. (Mrs. Edward J. House) GREEN PEA LOAF 1% cups cooked peas rubbedl egg, slightly l)eaten through a sieve 1 slice chopped onion 1 1/2 cups bread crumbs Salt and pepper to taste 1 V2 cups milk Scald the milk, add the onion, bread crumbs, peas and egg. Season to taste. Bake in a l)uttered baking dish or timbale molds in a moderate oven until brown — about 20 min- utes. Beans, mashed carrots, fish or corn may be used in- stead of peas. BEAN OR PEA LOAF ■34 cup dried beans or peas 1 egg 1-!?^ cups milk ^ teaspoon salt 1 chopped onion 14 teaspoon pepTre"r iy2 cups stale bread crumbs Soak dried beans or peas over night; in the morning sim- mer until tender in the water in which they have been soiaked, letting the water evaporate at the end of cooking, since, if ihrown away you will lose so)me of the' valuable mineral mat- ter in the vegetable. Rub cooked beans through sieve. Scaid milk and add finely chopped onion, bread crumbs, strained beans and egg. Season to taste. Fill greased baking dish two- thirds full or use individual molds. Bake in moderate oven until firm to touch (2!) minutes). Serve with pimento or to- mato sauce. 48 NUT SCRAPPLE 2 quarts boiling water 1 tablespoon salt 2 cups cornmeal 2 cups nut meats 1 cup hominy grits Cook cornineal and homin\' together in water for 20 min- utes. Add salt and cook until all water has absorbed. Add chopped nuts, and pour into greased bread pan. When cool, cut in slices and fry in vegetable oil. Serve either with or without syrup. MOCK TERRAPIN 1 teaspoon mustard lUitter size of an egg ■ Dash cayenne Cup water 3 hard boiled eggs, chopped Season and fry brown, calves liver. When cooked hash fine and dust thick with flour. Cook a little then add liver and cook a few minutes longer. (Mrs. C. A. Cook) SHEPHERD'S PIE 2 cups cold meat 1 large onion 4 medium sized potatoes Pepper and salt Cut cold meat into small pieces. Place in dish with minced onion, seasoning to taste and barely covering with water. Cover and simmer on top of range for an hour. The addition of gravy left from a previous meal adds to the flavor, but a little flour thickening answers the same purpose. Twenty minutes before serving press the boiled potatoes through a ricer onto the meat and brown in the oven. Serve w-ith pickles or tomato catsup. MINCED LIVER WITH TOAST 2 lbs. beef liver I'epper and salt I oz. butter Toast Boil the liver for half an hour with salt. When done re- move skin. Chop very fine. Put in frying pan and cover with water. Simmer gently for fifteen minutes, thicken slightly with flour, adding butter and seasoning. Serve on hot platter, garnished with parsley and triangles of toast. SPANISH RICE 1 onion ':; cup rice 1 pepper (mix until well J4 Ih- cheese heated over fire) 1 cup solid tomatoes 1 tablespoon fat 1 teaspoon salt Boil the rice, mix with tomatoes and salt, then add the onions, pepper and fat. Bake 20 minutes, grating cheese on top. 49 WAR MEAT SUBSTITUTE 1 cup lentils 1 ba}' leaf 1 cup rice V2 tablespoon curry powder 1 can tomatoes 1 tablespoon fat 1 large onion Salt and iieiiper Soak lentils over night. Change the water and boil until soft. Cook rice well. Boil tomato, bay leaf, and onion until reduced one-half. Strain, add fat and curry powder, salt and pepper. Put lentils and rice in dish and mix with sauce. Serve very hot. (Mrs. J. J. Miller) MEAT LOAF 1 lb. chopped meat (any cheap 1 cup thick white sauce cut) Salt and pepper 2 cups soft bread crumbs (or less of dry ones) Mix ingredients thoroughly. Form into loaf. Bake ii moderate oven 2 hours. If you use left-over meat bake onl; 45 minutes. FOR SAUCE 1 cup milk or stock 2 tablespoons drippings 3V2 tablespoons flour ^ teaspoon salt SCALLOPED BEEF OR LAMB 1 teaspoon browned butter Cut cold meat in small pieces, put in baking pan. Make sauce from bones and gravy, add chopped parsley and 1 table- spoon Worcestershire sauce. Mix some bread crumbs with browned butter and sprinkle on top and bake. CROQUETTES WITHOUT EGGS 1 cup finely cut meat or fish 2 teaspoons onion juice 1 cup scalded milk V2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter substitute yi teaspoon celery salt 2 teaspoons flour (heaping) ^4 teaspoon pepper Cream flour and butter. Stir in milk, add seasoning and meat. Cook until thick. Set away in flat dish at least two hours. When firm form into croquettes. Roll in yolk of egg, then in bread crumbs. Fry in deep fat. 50 "LALLA ROOKH" A baked dish for luncheon or dinner in which may be used various left-overs to great advantage The blending of several flavors improves the taste. Butter a casserole or any baking dish, sprinkle into it a layer of any finely minced pieces of beef, lamb or fish, season well with salt and pepper, a dash of poultry seasoning, or a slice of onion and parsley as preferred. Over this pour a few spoonsful of gravy or stock and a little grated cheese, or better still, macaroni cooked with cheese, or in war times, use rice cooked with cheese. Then a layer of tomatoes, over which pour more gravy or stock, topping with a layer of dry crumbs, dotted over with butter or fat. and bake thoroughly until all is bubbling and the top is nicely browned. Serve in the dish in which it is cooked. This can also be baked in ramikins and can be varied by the use of different condiments to suit any taste. (Mrs. A. M. Kingsbury) CORN BEEF HASH 1 pint cooked^ chopped meat 4 tablespoons butter ^ pint cooked chopped po- 2 tablespoons chopped onions tatoes Turn hash and i)otatoes into I)Uttcr and onions and mix thoroughly; season well. Add V2 cup water, cover and cook slowly 1/2 hour in skillet or until brown crust has formed on bottom. Loosen, turn over like an omelet on hot plate gar- nished with parsley. (Mrs. Claude F. Pugh) RICE AND BREAD, MEAT SUBSTITUTE 2 cups cooked rice 2 tablespoons white sauce 2 cups bread crumbs 1 cup chopped walnuts 2 eggs Form into loaf, cover with bread crumbs and bake. When ready to serve, insert well into center of loaf 2 hard- boiled eggs, (these may be omitted) (Mrs. T. D. Chantler) DELICIOUS STUFFED PEPPERS Cut tops off of green peppers. ])ar-boil until tender; fill with chopped meat onions, tomatoes and cracker crumbs. Sprinkle grated cheese over top and bake 20 minutes; have hot salted water in the pan and baste while cooking. Every particle of the pepper is eaten when cooked this waj^ (Mrs. \Vm. H. Latshaw) 51 BAKED HAM IN MILK vSlice of ham 1% inch, thick Brown sugar Must&rd Rub ham with dry mustard. Put in pan and sprinkle brown sugar over meat. Fill pan with milk. Cook slowly 1% hours. Serve without sauce. (Mrs. C. I. McKee) PORK CROQUETTE 1 cup chopped roast pork 1 tablespoon mustard Yz cup mashed potatoes Nutmeg, parsley, red and 1 tablespoon butter black pepper Yz tablespoon onion juice Mix with cream sauce and mold. (Mrs. C. I. McKee) ROLLED STEAK AND VEGETABLES XYi lbs. lean round steak (1 slice) 1 cup peas 1 cup diced carrots 1 onion sliced and fried 1 cup diced turnips 1 can tomatoes Lay meat fiat and cover Avith carrots, turnips, peas, and onion. Roll and tie. Place in pan, cover with tomato, adding enough water to make gravy. Bake one hour in a moderate oven. Have stews at least once a week. They can be made appetizing and in varied ways. Select some particular vegetable for the chief flavor, subordinating the others to it. Thicken it one week with rice, the next with barley, next with macaroni. 52 Vegetables POTATOES The free use of ]>otatoes in tlie diet will save bread and thus save wheat. SPINACH WITH MUSHROOMS Cook spinach; chop very fine and season. Prepare the mushrooms and cook until tender. Make a cream sauce. Place the spinach in a baking dish with mushrooms and cream sauce in the center. Sprinkle cracker crumbs over all. I'ut in oven for a moment and serve liot. POTATO CROQUETTES 2 cui)s cold potatoes Yolks of 2 eggs 1 talilespoon chopped parsley 1 teas])oon salt 1 teaspoon onion juice, if de- sired Unless cold mashed potatoes are used, 1 tables])oon butter and 2 of cream. To potatoes add yolks of eggs, butter and cream (if used) and juice of an onion obtained b}' cutting the onion in halves and pressing on grater; add parsley, nutmeg (if desired) a sprinkling of cayenne pepper. Put on stove and cook until mixture leaves side of vessel. I'orm croquettes by rolling 1 tablespoon of the mixture in flour; to each white of egg add 1 tablespoon hot water. Roll croquettes in the egg and water; then bread or cracker cruml)s. Cook in hot lard. When croquette comes to the toj) it is done. RICE PUFFS 1 pint cold cooked rice 1 tablespoon sugar 1 cup milk 1 tal)lespoon baking ])o\vder ?i well beaten eggs Pinch salt 1 tal)Iespoon melted l)utter Flour to make batter stiflf enough to drop from spoon. Fry in deep fat. Serve with Maryland sauce. (Mrs. S. A. Pickering) STUFFED EGG PLANT Cut in lialves lengthwise; do not pare. Bake in moderate oven until soft. Remove center and season to taste. Have ready some cooked mushrooms; chop and mix with egg plant. Place mixture in egg plant shells, sprinkle with cracker crumbs. Return to oven until hot. Serve hot on garnished platter. Peel potatoes after cooking — valuable minerals and salts are wasted when pared raw. BEETS WITH CREAM DRESSING Boil about two bunches of beets without breaking ofif the roots and leaving good piece of stem to retain color and sweetness. Do not prick with fork. Peel, cut in squares, sprinkle with a little flour and pour over the following in order given: 1 tablespoon vinegar Pepper 1 tablespoon sugar % cup cream 1 tablespoon salt Sugar is important as it prevents curdling of cream. (Mrs. W. H. R. Hilliard) HOMINY CROQUETTES 1 cup hominy grits 1 egg 3 cups boiling salted water 1 cup white sauce Boil hominy in water 5 minutes, then put in double boiler and cook for 2 hours. Add egg well beaten to white sauce. Form into croquettes; roll in egg and bread crumbs and fry in deep fat. This makes 12 croquettes. (Mrs. Joseph Burti VEGETABLE SOUFFLE % cup butter 1 cup cooked vegetables (car- 54' cup flour rots, turnips or onions) Vs cup cream rul)bed through sieve % cup stock 3 eggs, yolks and whites Salt and pepper Melt butter, add flour and pour in gradually cream and water. Add vegetables, yolks of eggs beaten till thick and fold in whites beaten stiff. Add seasonings. Bake slowly in buttered baking dish. (Lyda Hanna Findley) BAKED CABBAGE 3 heads cabbage 1 teaspoon dry mustard 1 tablespoon flour -^^ cup cold water 1>2 teaspoons salt 6 slices thin bacon Paprika to taste Shred or chop cabbage; stir into it flour, salt, paprika, water. Mix thoroughly. Put in baking dish or casserole. Lay over top the bacon, cover tightly, bake in hot oven about an hour with cover on. Remove cover for few minutes until brown. (Mrs. T. J. Gillespie) When cooking cauliflower do not discard tender leaves or stalk. Cut leaves in two, pare and slice the stock ; cook with cauliflower ; save these with the water in which they are cooked, and use next day for soup. 55 BAKED EGG PLANT ] egg plant 3 hard-hoilcd eggs, chopped V2 cup butter fine Equal parts l)read crumbs .Salt and pepper and egg plant y, cup butter Pare egg plant, cut in quarters and boil in water without salt until tender. Drain and wash, seasoning well. Mix witli other ingredients chopped fine, put in baking dish, cover with bread crumbs that have been rubbed in melted butter. Bake until tender, about V2 hour. STUFFED EGG PLANT Cut lengthwise 1 egg plant; take out inside meat and grind through a meat grinder. 3 or 4 slices bread A little butter Salt and pepper Mix all together, fill skins and place in a pan with a little hot water. Bake 1 hour. (Mrs. R. P. McChesney) BAKED HOMINY Cook coarse hominy in a double boiler about half a day. Put in baking dish and' bake as for macaroni au gratin. Make white sauce in which cheese has been melted: pour this over hominy, put grated cheese and buttered bread crumbs on top and bake. (Mrs. VVm. H. Siviter) SWEET FRIED CABBAGE Cut cabbage .as for cold slaw. Pour boiling water over it; let stand a few minutes; strain. Place in skillet some frying fat, then the cabbage. Cover and let steam V2 hour. Make a sauce of 1 tablespoon fat. 1 tablespoon brown sugar, 2 tablespoons vinegar. Sprinkle some flour, salt and pepper over cabbage. Pour over this the sauce, cover, let steam 10 minutes, adding a little water if necessarv. CORN FRITTERS To 1 cup grated corn, add 1 well beaten egg, 1 heapin"- tablespoon flour, 1 level teaspoon salt. Mix thoroughly and fry HI butter and lard in proportions of one to three, until light brown on both sides. When fresh corn is not in season, Cornlet makes a fair ^"^stitute. (Mrs. J. C. Anderson) BAKED BERMUDA ONIONS 5 Bermuda onions; boil in salted water about an bour; when cool, cut in balf, remove part of center, chop, mix with salt and pepper and a little chopped boiled ham; add the beaten yolk of an egg, 2 tablespoons cream and fill onions with the mixture; bake slowly and before serving pour over onions a cream sauce. (Mrs. C. R. Peddle l GREEN CORN FRITTERS 8 ears green corn; score grain with sharp knife and press from husk with the blunt edge of a silver knife: add salt, 1 teaspoon melted butter and 1 egg, white and yolk beaten to- gether. Drop by teaspoon on greased griddle and brown. Do not use any flour. (Mrs. C. R. Peddle) PARSNIP FRITTERS Parsnips About 3 tablespoons flour (or 2 well beaten eggs until batter drops from 1 teaspoon salt spoon ) 1 cup milk Either grate the raw parsnips on a coarse grater, or boil until tender and rub fine, having taken out the heart before cooking. Make a batter of the eggs, salt, milk and tlour; beat the parsnips into this and fry in deep fat. (Mrs. T., Meadville) DUTCH POTATO CAKES 6 good sized potatoes 1 teaspoon salt 2 eggs Peel and grate potatoes, stir in eggs and salt. Pour into a hot, well-buttered spider. 'Purn and brown again. Make into small cakes. (L.B.M.) SPINACH MOULD 3/2 peck s])inacli Ijoiled in salt 1 egg. beaten water, drained and chopped. Salt and pepper to taste or Juice of 1 lemon squeezed 1 can spinach drained and into beaten egg chopped V2 cup milk 1 tablespoon tlour, browned Mix all ingredients together, adding milk just before put- ting into oven. Butter mould; set in pan of water and bake V2 hour. 58 MACARONI ^ lb. macaroni Volk of egg Pinch of mace Butter, size of walnut Vi cup cream Pinch of salt 1 teaspoon flour . Grated cheese Boil the macaroni y^ hour In water m which has heen added mace and salt. Have ready a sauce made of the other ingredients; put macaroni in baking dish. Pour sauce over it; grate cheese on top and brown in oven. (Dr. Green, Meadville) STUFFED ONIONS Onions Bread crumbs Hard boiled eggs Bacon Salt and pepper Parboil onions, remove insides, chop the insides of onions with hard boiled eggs, salt and pepper. Fill the shells, pour into each about a teaspoon of any soup stock. Bread crumbs on top. Place in a shallow pan with a little water in bottom. .\ piece of bacon on top of each onion adds to the flavor. I>ake until onions are tender. (Mrs. Walter C. Carroll) • STEWED MUSHROOMS 1 qt. mushrooms Butter size of an egg Enough rich cream or milk Pepper and salt to float mushrooms Flour enough to thicken milk Carefully pick over mushrooms and skin. Boil in water 10 minutes; pour off the liquor; add sauce made of the other ingredients. Let all boil for a few minutes and serve on toast. Always cook mushrooms with a silver spoon. If not the true article the silver w-ill tarnish. (Mrs. M. C. Thorp, Meadville) Always have baked vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, macaroni, onions) when using the oven for roast meats. String beans, lima beans, beets and many other vegetables can be baked — with water to cover — in cas- seroles or covered pans. If onions are not included, a baked dessert can also be planned — apples, cottage pud- ding, custard, tapioca, etc. 59 Cheese MACARONI, CHEESE AND TOMATO 4 oz. elbow macaroni V2 cup grated cheese 1 small can tomato soup 1 large tablespoon butter Wash macaroni in cold water and put in double boiler, cover with hot water, let steam 20 minutes. Pour ofif this water, replace in boiler with V2 cup hot water and cook till tender. When nearly cooked, add cheese and butter to the tomato soup which has been heated in a separate sauce pan. When about to serve, pour tomato sauce over macaroni, toss lightly. Be sure the sauce is sufficiently seasoned with salt and pepper. Serve very hot. (Mrs. John .A. Murtland) CREOLE MACARONI 4 oz. macaroni 2 onions J/2 can tomatoes Ham or bacon Wash macaroni, place in double boiler and steam until ten- der, with onions and salt to taste. (Sufficient water will re- main on macaroni to steam). When half cooked, add the Vz can of tomatoes and any pieces of fried ham or bacon that may have been left over from previous meals. Cut in dice. Be sure it is juicy. Do not allow the macaroni to cook until it is very soft. Season to taste. WAR FRENCH FRIED POTATOES First: Scrub the potatoes well. When peeling potatoes save the peels, put in cold water over night. Change water in the morning and treat as you would I'Vench fried potatoes. Drop in deep fat. These are delicious. (Mrs. E. S. Hulse) ONIONS ON TOAST Cut young onions a good length. Cook till tender. Serve on toast, with either butter or cream dressing. CHEESE SOUFFLE 2 cups cheese finely crumbled 2 eggs 2 cups bread crumbs Salt and pepper 2 cups milk 1 tablespoon melted butter Heat milk in double boiler. Put into it the cheese and bread crumbs and place where it will keep hot until the cheese is melted. Add seasonings, beaten eggs and butter. Bake in a buttered dish about half hour. (Miss Anna Dake McCague) 61 ENGLISH MONKEY 1 cup bread crumbs soaked in 1 egg, yolk milk 20 minutes 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup cheese, cut fine Add egg to crumbs and milk. Melt butter in skillet and add cheese, and when melted smooth, add the bread crumbs, and stir. If too thick, add more milk. Serve on crisp salted crackers, or thin toast. Nice to serve with afternoon tea. (Mrs. Herbert Byram) BREAD AND CHEESE 6 slices bread, buttered and 1 teaspoon salt diced I4 teaspoon mustard Cheese grated Speck Cayenne 2 cups milk 3 beaten eggs Alternate bread and cheese in baking dish, beginning with bread and ending with cheese. Pour over top 1 cupful of milk and let stand half hour or more. In 1 cupful milk mix the other ingredients. Pour over top just before baking. Bake 20 minutes. (Mrs. Walter C. Carroll) BAKED HOMINY AND CHEESE 1 tablespoon shortening (ba- Use either 1 cup or ^ cup con fat or lard) cheese (according to 1 tablespoon corn starch cheese) 1 cup milk 2 cups cooked hominy Salt % cup bread crumbs Make sauce of shortening, salt, corn starch and milk, add cheese and hominy. Place in dish, cover with crumbs, bake until brown. (Mrs. D. M. Buck) BAKED RICE AU GRATIN Rice Grated cheese 1 cup beef stock Take well cooked rice, put into baking dish and cover en- tirely with beef stock, sprinkle with grated cheese and leave in moderate oven until well browned. (Miss Addah Gerdes) CHEESE ON TOAST 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup grated cheese ] tablespoon flour J^ teaspoon salt 1 cup milk 54 teaspoon pepper Cook and serve on toast. (Mrs. A. G. Mitchell) 62 Salads FRUIT GELATINE SALAD 1 envelope Knox granulated 5 slices cut pineapple gelatine 2 oranges 1 cup cold water 1/2 grape fruit Juice from can of pineapple 1 lb. seeded and skinned ^ cup sugar green grapes Dissolve gelatine in cold water, add enough water to pine- apple juice to make 1 pt. juice. Boil juice with sugar, add gelatine, set awa\' to cool. When it begins to stiffen add pulp of pineapple, oranges, grapefruit and grapes. Turn into ring mold. Serve with lettuce and oil mayonnaise. (Mrs. Claude F. Pugh) FROZEN TOMATO JELLY 1 can tomatoes Mayonnaise Salt Whipped cream or whites of Some stalks of celery 2 eggs beaten stiff Onion Boil tomatoes, celery, onion, salt together, strain and cool. Put into freezer. When the consistency of w-ater-ice, fold in a little mayonnaise into which you have first added cream or eggs. Put into mould and freeze. (Mrs. T. D. Chantler) FROZEN FRUIT SALAD Sections of grape fruit, orange, canned peaches, pineapple and any other fruits desired. Sweet fruits prepared, also mar- aschino cherries. Mix with mayonnaise, that has been mixed half and half with very stiff whipped cream. Put in mould and pack in ice and rock salt for two hours, or more. (Louise M. Packard) TOMATO JELLY SALAD Strain liquor from can of tomatoes (about 2 cups). 3 cloves 1 teaspoon salt 1 Bay leaf 1 teaspoon sugar 1/2 teaspoon thyme V2 teaspoon pepper % teaspoon onion juice boil five minutes, strain. Add y2 oz. gelatine that has been soaked in >< cup of water. Strain again and pour into individual molds. This salad is delicious if celery and olives are added when gelatine is partlv stiff. (Mrs. Walter C. Carroll) 64 APPLE AND DATE SALAD 4 apples '/J cu]) chopped English vval- 12 dates nuts Mayonnaise Cut apples and dates in small pieces, mix with oil mayon- naise, sprinkle nuts on top. Serve on lettuce. This amount will serve six. (Mrs. G. K. Grubbs) GRAPEFRUIT, ORANGE AND NUT SALAD Arrange sections of grapefruit and oranges like the petals of a flower, on a round dish, covered with lettuce. In the cen- ter put English walnuts meats that have been broken in quar- ters. Pour over a little French dressing, to which has been added a little sugar and tomato catsup. PINEAPPLE SALAD WITH GOLDEN DRESSING 6 slices of canned jjincapple Cream or Xeuscliatel cheese 6 large Maraschino cherries Lettuce heart .\rrange the salad individually; i)lace a slice of pdneapple on each nest of lettuce leaves. Sprinkle with cheese which has been put through a potato ricer, and fill the hole in the pine- apple slices with cherries. Serve with golden dressing. GOLDEN DRESSING J4 cup pineapple juice 2 eggs % cup orange juice ^ cup sugar % cup lemon juice V2 cup heavy cream Heat the fruit juices in double boiler. Beat eggs light, gradually adding sugar; combine wiith the hot juice and cook to the consistency of custard. Remove to a dish of cold water; i;eat until cool and then fold in cream whipped stiff. The aressing may be made beforehand, and the whipped cream added just before serving. This dressing is suitable to serve with almost any fruit salad. PERFECTION SALAD 1 envelope gelatine Vz cup sugar 1/2 cup cold water 1 cup finely chopped cabbage V2 cup mild vinegar 2 cups celery cut in small 1 pt. boiling water pieces ' 1 teaspoon salt %■ can pimentos, chopped Juice of 1 lemon Soak gelatine in cold water 5 minutes, add vinegar, lemon juice, sugar, salt, boiling water. When beginning to set add chopped vegetables. When cold serve on lettuce with mayon- naise. Use any left over fruit gelatine by cutting into cubes and adding to fruit salad. FROZEN FRUIT SALAD Canned pineapple- Oranges Cherries Tangerines Marrons Grape fruit Bananas Cut in very small cubes. Mix with dressing and put in mould. Pack in ecpial parts of ice and salt for two hours. DRESSING M'elt 1 tablespoon butter, add yolks of 2 well beaten eggs. 3j/2 tablespoons flour Few grains cayenne 3 tablespoons sugar % cup milk V2 teaspoon paprika % cup cider vinegar Boil until thick. When ready to mould, add 1 cup whipped cream for each Vs cup of dressing and 1 cup fruit. (Mrs. R. P. McChesney,; POTATO SALAD Cut cold boiled potatoes into small pieces. Place in a deep dish alternate layer of potato, chopped onion, celery and hard boiled eggs. Pour over this the hot dressing and mix thoroughly. DRESSING To l/i cup vinegar, add V2 teaspoon mustard, 2 tablespoons flour, a little salt, lump of butter and cup of milk. Boil, stir- ring constantly until a thick custard. (Mrs. W. C. Anderson) SALAD MODERNE Peel and cut 4 apples (Julienne) and prepare 2 stalks of celery in same manner, % apple to V3 celery; season with mixture salt, pepper and paprika; mix thoroughly with two spoons light mayonnaise, and serve in a cut-out apple with a sprinkle of chopped nuts on top. (Hotel Astor) SALAD MIAMI Garnish all around a heart of lettuce with slices of grape fruit and oranges and small quarters of tomato, cut in fancy shapes; in the mi'ddle of a heart put a Julienne of cut celery and apples; on top place a small bouquet of watercress; decor- ate all around dish on outside and on top with pieces of apples cut regularly with fancy vegetable cutter. Serve with French dressing separately. (Ritz-Carlton Hotel) Use gelatine often, in desserts and salads. Use it with scraps of meat and soup stock and make aspic loaf for luncheon. 66 ASPARAGUS SALAD Use a French dressing and sprinkle picklelily over the as- paragus. KING SALAD Arrange slices of tomatoes on a bed of lettuce (shredded). On half slices pile chopped celery, on the other half of the slices pile finely chopped watercress. Garnish with ribbons or green pep])er and serve with French dressing. PINEAPPLE AND MARSHMELLOW SALAD 1 large can pineapple 1 pint whipping cream 8 large slices Juice 1 lemon Vz lb. soft marshmellows 1 level teaspoon salt ]/> teaspoon paprika Cut marshmellows in quarters and the pineapple in same size pieces, put in bowl and pour over juice from pineapple. Let stand in ice chest two hours. Near serving time — whip cream, add salt, paprika and lemon juice, mix well. Put lettuce on salad plates, drain pineapple and marshmellows, put large spoonful on lettuce, then cover with large spoonful whipped cream dressing. This will serve nine persons. (Mrs. D. L. Gillespie) OYSTER SALAD 12 large oysters 1 cup celery 1 cup cold chicken or turkey Scald oysters in their liquor. When ruffled, pour into a colander to drain. When quite cold, cut them in small pieces and mix with the chicken and celery. DRESSING 3 hard boiled eggs 2 tablespoons good vinegar 2 tablespoons mustard Pepper and salt to taste 1 tablespoon butter Pour over oysters just before using. (Mrs. E. R. L., Meadville) TOMATO SALAD Whole tomatoes Celery 15oiled chestnuts Olives Remove center of tomatoes, fill with chopped chestnuts, celery and olives mixed with PVench dressing. Put a bit of mayonnaise on top. To keep lettuce fresh: Wash without separating head, place in tightly covered bowl and put in refriger- ator. Early cabbage can be kept the same way — good for days. 67 SUMMER SALAD 2 tablespoons granulated gela- 1 ran shredded pineapple tine soaked in y^. cup water Juice of 1 lemon 2 large cucumbers Grind cucumbers. Drain juice from cucumbers and pine- apple. Heat with lemon juice and pour over gelatine. When cold, add cucumter and pineapple pulp. Put in individual molds and serve with rnavonnaise. (Mrs. C. R. Peddle) POTATO SALAD Use five medium sized fresh boiled potatoes. Slice them and pour over them 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 teaspoon salt and a dash or 1 tablespoon olive oil two of pepper Add mayonnaise dressing and garnish with large green olives. APPLE SURPRISE Make a hole about IVz inches wide at top of a red apple and scoop out apple up to the skin. Fill with a salad made of apple, celery, ham and chicken cut up in dice and mixed with mayonnaise seasoned with paprika. Put on "cover and serve on watercress. (Biltmore Hotel) PINEAPPLE SALAD 1 fresh pineapple Spanish pimentos Celery Cut top of pineapple, scoop out fruit, leaving shell. To two cups of pineapple meat add 1 cup celery and mix with cream mayonnaise. Fill shell with fruit salad, lay on its side on the platter. Sprinkle over top of the salad finely chopped Spanish pimentos. Garnish with small lettuce leaves and strawberries, cherries, or fresh currants. Place top of pine- apple on one side of platter. Any combination of fruit may be used with the pineapple. A wide ribbon tied around pine- apple with biOw sticking up as the shell lays on the platter adds much to the attractiveness of the dish. GINGER ALE AND FRUIT SALAD 2 tablespoons gelatine 1 apple 2 tablespoons cold water Shredded pineapple Vz cup boiling water Celery 1 cup ginger ale Preserved ginger 2 tablespoons sugar 1 lemon A little salt Make a jelly using the gelatine soaked in the cold water, and dissolved in the boiling water; add the ginger ale, sugar, salt and juice of one lemon. When jelly begins to set fold in apples pared, cored and cut in thin slices; celery and pre- served ginger. Cut in small pieces; add the shredded pine- apple, turn into small moulds and chill. Serve on lettuce with cream mayonnaise. (Mrs. Frederic I. Merrick) 68 Accessories for Salads CHEESE ROLLS 3 cakes Philadelphia cream 1 tablespoon Worchestershire cheese sauce 1 cake Snappy cheese Butter size of walnut J/2 doz. stuffed olives % teaspoon soda in a table- A few chives spoon of water A little parsley Paprika V2 lb. un salted pecans MixL cheese and butter thoroughly, — add chopped olives, jiarsley, chives and other ingredients. Roll in chopped nuts. Serve with toasted crackers. CORNMEAL CRISP (Salad Wafers) >^ cup cornmeal 1 tablespoon fat y2 cup wheat flour 3 tablespoons milk V2 teaspoon salt Mix cornmeal, flour and salt, then add fat and milk. Roll this and cut into small wafers. Bake in hot oven. CHEESE BALLS One and one-half cups grated cheese, white of one egg, pinch of salt, dash of red pepper. Mix well, roll into small balls, ])ut in ice box for one hour or more and frv in deep fat. (Mrs. William Maclay Mall) CORN STICKS 2 cups cornmeal 2 heaping .teaspoons Royal 1>4 cups milk • baking powder Pinch of salt Bake in corn stick irons for 30 minutes. Grease irons well uith Crisco. (Mrs. S. R. Gallagher) CHEESE WAFERS 2 oz. grated cheese 1 yolk of egg 2 oz. flour Little Cayenne pepper and 2 oz. butter salt. Few drops lemon juice First, cream cheese, flour and butter; add rest of recipe, work and roll out on board in plenty of flour. Cut in shapes. (Miss Lillian G. Dermitt) 71 Salad Dressings RUSSIAN DRESSING 1 cup mayonnaise Yi doz. olives, chopped fine 2 tablespoons chili sauce A little onion (Mrs. Columbus J. Wilson) WESSON OIL MAYONNAISE Wesson oil Dash cayenne Yolk 1 egg Mustard if desired 1 teaspoon salt 2 dessertspoons lemon juice Paprika Mix egg slightly beaten, salt, paprika, mustard and cay- enne. Stir unto this mixture with Dover beater the lemon juice; add teaspoon at time of the oil, continually beating to the right consistency. Formula can baiollowcd using any good oil. CREAM DRESSING (For Cold Slaw) 1 cup vinegar 1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon salt Butter, size of hickory nut Let come to boil; pour this mixture over two well beaten eggs, stirring all the time. Replace on stove and let come to boil; pour dressing over cut-cabbage and set aside to cool. Just before serving add- Yz cup cream. (Mrs. G. E. House) BOILED SALAD DRESSING 3 yolks of eggs Cayenne 1 cup milk 1 Vz tablespoon butter or 1 cup J/2 cup vinegar oil 1 teaspoon mustard XYi tablespoon flour 1 teaspoon salt 1>4 tablespoon sugar Mix all dry ingredients; add butter, eggs, then milk, then vinegar. (Mrs. H. A. Ross) SIMPLE SALAD DRESSING (Without Oil) 1 teaspoon prepared mustard 2 tablespoons cream (sweet or 1 teaspoon sugar sour) Pinch of salt Beat thorcniglily just before using. (Mrs. A. M. Imbrie) FRENCH DRESSING 1 tablespoon lemon juice or 1 teaspoon salt vinegar 1 teaspoon paprika 3 tablespoons Wesson oil Have oil and lemon cold; beat all together with Dover egg-beater. FRENCH DRESSING To V2 teacu]:) vinegar add: 1 cup water Pepper 4 tal)lespoons olive oil 1 teaspoon sugar V2 teaspoon salt A bit of onion juice Vary dressing by using any left-over pickle vinegar, horse- radish, Worcestershire sauce, catsup, etc., omitting the sugar. (Mrs. VV. H. R. Hilliard) FRENCH DRESSING yi cup oil Salt, red pepper 1/2 teaspoon ice water Catsup vinegar Olives Beat thoroughly oil and water, add vinegar and salt, pep- per, according to taste. The catsup and chopped olives may lie omitted. When warming anything in the oven, place a pan of boiling water on bottom of oven. The steam will pre- vent the food from drying. 74 Sauces Especial attention must be given to seasoning of dishes which have as their fovmdation beans, rice, or other foods having little flavor of their own. Use peppers, onions, garlic, leek, celery, catsup, Worcester- shire sauce, etc., for increasing flavor. Bean and nut loaves should be served with highly seasoned sauces. ITALIAN TOMATO SAUCE 2 cups cooked tomatoes Yz cup cut green peppers V^ cup finely cut onion 4 tablespoons butter substitute y2 cup grated or cut carrot or vegetable drippings % cup grated or cut turnip 2 tablespoons flour 2 teaspoons salt Cook vegetables (except tomato) in the fat until tender. Add tomato and salt, cook 5 minutes. Put through strainer, return to fire, add flour mixed w^ith 2 tablespoons cold water, boil 5 minutes. (U. S. Food Administration) PIMENTO SAUCE Force canned pimento through a strainer. Add \A cup of this puree to 1 cup of white sauce. BROWN NUT SAUCE 2 ~ tablespoons drippings or l^/^ cups meat or vegetable stock vegetable oil or milk 2 tablespoons peanut butter % teaspoon salt 3^/4 tablespoons flour Few grains pepper Brown the fat, add peanut butter and when well mixed add flour and continue browning. Pour in the stock gradually, stirring constantly. Bring to the boiling point and add salt and pepper. (U. S. Food Adnuinistration) MOCK HOLLANDAISE SAUCE 2 tablespoons t)utter ^ teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons flour Few grains cayenne pepper >4 cup milk 2 eggs, yolks Vz teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon lemon juice Mix the butter with flour until well blended. Add milk and seasonings. Bring to boiling point. Stir in yolks beaten add butter, bit by bit, and lemon. 76 MUSTARD SAUCE A LA PLAZA HOTEL Take Y2 teaspoon mustard, rub into tablespoon butter, and stir into hot J^ollandaise sauce, highlj' seasoned. A good sauce for fish. NUTMEG SAUCE Serve with brown pudding. 3 cups water 1 yrated nutmeg, sweeten to 1 tablespoon butter taste Thicken with the cornstarch dissolved in water. Cook until it thickens. CORNSTARCH SAUCE One tablespoon cornstarch and add boiling water until thick. Sweeten with maple sugar, a little butter, nutmeg and brandy, and boil a few minutes. HARD SAUCE 1 cup powdered sugar 1 egg well beaten Yj, cup butter Cream butter and sugar. Add egg and vanilla and before serving, grate a little orange peel over the top. (Mrs. Claude F. Pugh) COTTAGE PUDDING SAUCE Yi cup sugar 1 nutmeg and a small handful White of 2 eggs beaten of flour, stir like starch and Vz cup butter boil in double boiler 1 pint of water (Mrs. Mortimer C. Miller) GOLDEN SAUCE Two tablespoons butter beaten to a cream, to which add % cup powdered sugar. Add the unbeaten yolks of 2 eggs and 2 tablespoons sherry wine. Have the whites of eggs beaten stiff and stir into mixture. Set bowl in a pan of boiling water and stir for 5 minutes. Serve at once (Miss Emma B. Suydam) VANILLA SAUCE Whites of 2 eggs Volk of 1 egg Y2 cup pulverized sugar 2 tablespoons milk Vanilla to taste 1 tablespoon cream Beat whites of eggs very stiff. Add pulverized sugar, beat well, then add yolk of egg, milk and cream. Serve immedi- ately. MARYLAND SAUCE (See Rice Puffs) V2 cup fruit juice 2 tablespoons butter or substi- 4 tablespoons l)ro\vn sugar stute Yolks of 2 eggs Cream butter and sugar togetber. add well beaten yolks, add the fruit juice. Cook in double boiler until desired con- sistency. CREAM SAUCE WITH CHEESE Make a white sauce and when cooked, stir in grated cheese. Excellent for rice croquettes. SAUCE FOR BEETS 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 tablespoon sugar 1 cup water 1 tablespoon flour Boil beets cut in dice, then boil in sauce for 15 luinutes. (Mrs. H. A. Ross) WHITE SAUCE 2 tablespoons butter or substi- 1 cup scalded milk or cream stute 3^4 teaspoon salt Ij/S tablespoons flour Few grains pepper Put butter in sauce pan, stir until melted and bubbling. Add flour mixed with seasonings, and stir, until thoroughly blended. Pour on gradually the milk, adding about % at a time, stirring until well mixed, then beating until smooth and glossy. 78 Sandwiches UNEEDA BISCUIT CLUB SANDWICH Butter Uneeda Biscuit, put in a slice of fried bacon, a slice of onion and a very thin slice of tomato, also a little prepared mustard if desired. Very tasty. TOASTED GRAHAM SANDWICHES Mix Philadelphia cream cheese, with ground nuts, spread between buttered graham bread, toast quickly in hot oven. (Lillian G. Dermitt.) NORWEGIAN SANDWICHES % cup mayonnaise 2 teaspoons of anchovy paste 3 hard boiled eggs Rye bread Chopped line Rose sandwiches served with Ginger Punch (see beve- rages). The bread is spread lightly with ])utter, then with cream cheese, and crushed raspberries. DELICIOUS SANDWICHES Have round slices cut from graham bread and in top slice of each sandwich have a hole the size of a quarter into which lay half an English walnut. billing — ^Mix a little olive oil with white cream cheese and then add some chopped stufifed olives and walnuts. (Mrs. T. D. Chantler.) CELERY SANDWICHES. 1 cup finely shredded celery J4' cup chopped olives Yj^ cup finely chopped nuts Mix together, moisten with mayonnaise and spread be- tween thin slices of brown bread. CINNAMON TOAST Toast bread, s])read thickly with butter; add sugar and ground cinnamon mixed together and put in hot oven until sugar melts. 80 DATE SANDWICHES For filling: 1 11). dates, cut smnll Vz cup water Vz cup suRar Boil to paste and cool y2 cup brown sugar 2 cui)s rolled oats or Hour to V2 cup butter make stiff douRh V2 cup lard or Crisco 2 teaspoons baking powder Yz cup milk ¥2 teaspoon salt Roll the dough out thin; spread half of it with filling mix- ture; place another layer of dough on top; cut in strips about 1 1/2 by 4 inches and bake. (Miss Anna Dake McCague) SANDWICHES Any sandwiches that are dry except those made with fresh lettuce or tomatoes, are delicious if toasted and served hot. PEPPER HASH SANDWICHES (refer to pickles) Drain vinegar from pickles. Spread between thin slices of buttered bread. BEAN SANDWICHES Baked beans mashed to a paste, add mustard, a few drops of vinegar and finely chojjped celery leaves. Excellent served between slices of brown or white bread. Beans may be mixed with mayonnaise. CHEESE DREAMS Work together 1 cup grated yellow cheese and Vs cup Philadelphia cream cheese — with paprika to taste — to a smooth paste. Put between slices of bread cut in rounds or any- fancy shape and sautes in butter or butter substitute. Serve immediately with salad. Are very good toasted. (Mrs. S. B. McCormick) NUT AND CHEESE LOAF. 2 large squares of Philaclel]jhia cream cheese — chop con- served fruits and nuts, mix all together, mould in loaf, roll in ground nuts. Cut in slices and serve with salad. Save all good wrapping paper, twine, paper boxes and paper bags. Keep them for use in a convenient place. SANDWICH FILLINGS 1 cup cold roast chicken 1 tablespoon of capers 6 olives 1 pickle Mince very fine and mix with mayonnaise. Cold roast chicken and finely shaved celery mixed with mayonnaise. Caviare mixed with lemon juice, grated onion and pap- rika. Use rye bread. Cucumber, grated onion and mayonnaise. Dutch cheese and finely chopped water cress. Dates chopped very fine, with one half the quantity of English walnuts, or pecans. Cream cheese and Bar Le Due mixed to a paste. Orange marmalade and English walnut meats chopped. Raisins chopped fine and worked to paste with sherry. Sardines made to a paste with lemon juice. Grind green and red peppers and hard boiled eggs, mince with mayonnaise. TUNA FISH Take canned tuna fish, add capers or chopped pickle, mix with mayonnaise and use as filling for sandwiches. (Miss Addah Gerdes.) 82 Cakes FRENCH ARMY CAKES as made in France Boil 5 minutes the following: 2 cups brown sugar 1 teaspoon salt 2 cups hot water 1 box raisins 2 tablespoons shortening Cool, and add the following: 1 teaspoon cloves 3 cups flour (or 2 cups wheat 1 teaspoon cinnamon flour and 1 cup graham flour) Grated nutmeg 1 teaspoon soda in a teaspoon hot water Bake in slow oven for about 1 hour. Use a pan with center spout. This cake is better if not cut when fresh. (Mrs. A. W. McEldowney.) TEA CAKE 1 large tablespoon butter or y2 cup sugar Crisco Vi cup milk 2 eggs 1% teaspoons Royal baking pow- 2 cups flour der Mix in the order given. Beat whites of eggs separately and put in last of all. Measure the flour after sifting and use just two even cups. Put in two cake pans and put sinall pieces of butter on top and sprinkle sugar and cinnamon over all. Bake in fairly hot oven. (Mrs. H. A. Ross.) ROSS LUNCH CAKE— WAR CAKE Boil together for about 4 or 5 minutes: 1 cup raisins Yi cup lard 1 cup currants 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup water 1 teaspoon cloves 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon nutmeg Let this cool. Mix — 1 cup chopped English walnut meats into 2 cups flour; 2 teaspoons baking powder and 1 level teaspoon bak- ing soda. Mix all together and bake in a moderate oven. (Mrs. H. A. Ross.) "USE OTHER FATS IN PLACE OF BUTTER AND LARD." Chicken fat makes good pastry. Solidified vegetable oils are valuable. Oleomargarine may often be used. Drippings and bacon fat are worth their weight in gold. Use these and any other substitutes. 84 "PRINCE OF WALES CAKE" V2 cup butter 1 teaspoon ground clover cup brown sugar V2 teaspoon alspice cup sour milk 2 tal)lespoons X. O. molasses eggs 2 cups flour .teaspoon soda 1 cup chopped raisins added teaspoon vanilla last teaspoon cinnamon (All measurements level) (Mrs. T. D. Chantler) WAR CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKE Cake 1% cups of the clear white 3 cups of white or mixed flour Karo syrup 3 even teaspoons of baking V2 cup of Crisco powder 3 eggs ^ cup of cocoa to the batter 1 cup of milk may be added The flour used can be part white flour, with whole wheat, rye, or rice flour added in equal portions. One egg white can be retained for icing if desired. Chocolate Between Layers •}4 cup of Baker's cocoa Small piece of butter or 1 cup of white Karo syrup Crisco Vz cup sugar Vanilla to flavor or not, as desired Small piece of butter or Crisco Vanilla to flavor or not, as desired. (Mrs. Albert Kingsbury.) DATE TEA CAKE 1 lb. chopped dates 1 cup rice flour 1 lb. English walnuts 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup sugar (brown or maple) \^ teaspoon salt Yolks and \yhites of 4 eggs beaten separately, then to- gether, mix all together. Bake in small bread pan, in mod- erate oven. (Mrs. William Thaw, Jr.) NUT CAKE Vi lb. almonds 1 teaspoon vanilla '/4 lb. English walnuts 9 or 10 eggs V2 lb. granulated sugar Beat the sugar and egg yolks together for ^ hour (this is the most important part of the cake). Add the nuts rolled very fine; then the whites of eggs beaten stiff. Pour into but- tered cake tins and bake ^4 hour. (Mrs. C. A. Rook) 85 CHOCOLATE MOLASSES CAKE Va cup molasses Vs teaspoon soda % cup boiling water % teaspoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon shortening % teaspoon salt 5^ cup flour 1% squares melted chocolate J4 cup cornflour Vz teaspoon vanilla Mix molasses, water and shortening. Mix and sift flour, corn flour, soda, cinnamon and salt; add to first mixture with chocolate and vanilla. Beat thoroughly, and bake in small greased muffin pans. INEXPENSIVE CHOCOLATE CAKE 1 egg yolk 1 cup sweet milk 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon butter lyi cups flour 4 small or 2 large squares un- 1 teaspoon soda sweetened chocolate Cream egg and sugar; add milk with soda dissolved in it, then flour, and lastly, the chocolate and butter melted togetlier. Easily made. (Mrs. D. M. Buck) WHITE LOAF CAKE— Bake in Tube Pan 1% cups sugar -}4 cup milk % cup butter cream together 3 cups sifted flour 2 teaspoons Royal baking Pinch salt powder 3 well beaten eggs lJ/2 teaspoon vanilla Makes a big loaf. WHITE LAYER CAKE— Two Thick Layers 1^ cups sugar 2 teaspoons Royal 'baking V2 cup butter powder 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla Cream together Put in last 3 beaten v^'hites of eggs with pinch of salt. POTATO CARAMEL CAKE 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon Vs cup butter 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 cup hot mashed potatoes 1 cup flour 1 cup grated chocolate 1 teaspoon Royal baking pow- V2 teaspoon cloves der 1 cup chopped nuts 1 teaspoon vanilla Cream butter and sugar yolks of eggs. Then potatoes, spices and chocolate. Sift Royal baking powder in flour. Beat batter, add well beaten whites of eggs and nuts last. Bake one hour. Makes a large loaf. (Mrs. H. A. Ross) 86 ANGEL FOOD . Whites of 11 eggs Vz teaspoon cream of tartar 1 V2 cups granulated sugar 1 teaspoon of vanilla 1 cup bread flour •Do not heat hard, stir rather. (Mrs. Louise M. Packard) ANGEL CAKE Whites of 10 eggs, cold and well whipped. Put a good pinch of salt in eggs and when partly beaten add Vz teaspoon cream tartar and beat well; 1 teaspoon vanilla, gradually add 1 cup granulated sugar that has been sifted five times, beat well; then carefully fold 1 cup flour sifted five times before measuring, and do not beat the batter after the flour is in. Bake in a tube loaf in moderate oven 40 or 45 minutes, liaking too long makes it dry. It must rise above the pan be- fore it begins to brown; if the oven is too hot, cool it by open- ing the door, it will not hurt the cake. GOLD CAKE, To Use 8 Yolks Left Over from Angel Cake 8 yolks well beaten, add 2 teaspoons Royal baking 1 cup sugar and powder Yi, cup butter creamed together 1 teaspoon vanilla % cup milk Pinch salt 1 '/j full cups flour sifted 5 times before measuring Bake in moderate oven 40 or 45 minutes. Make 2 layers, or loaf. (Mrs. F. M. Fuller) LILLY CAKE Vz cup nut margarine 2% teaspoons baking powder 1 cup sugar % teaspoon lemon extract V^ cup milk % teaspoon vanilla extract \V^, cups flour Whites of 3 eggs Use with maple icing. See icings. (Mrs. Walter C. Carroll) MT. HICKORY ONE-EGG CAKE 1 egg 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 tablespoon butter ^2 cup sugar Vx CUD milk Vanilla 1 V/i, cup flour Cream, butter and sugar, add beaten egg. Mix baking pow- der in flour. Add milk and flour alternately. Add vanilla last. (Mrs. Frank Pierce) 87 MOTHER'S BLACK FRUIT CAKE 1 cup molasses 4 tablespoons cloves 1 lb. sugar 2 nutmegs 1 lb. butter 9 teaspoons cinnamon 1 lb. flour 2 lemons 1 lb. citron 1 tumbler brandy 3 lbs. currants 1 teaspoon soda 4 lbs. raisins 1 doz. eggs Make in small cakes for mailing to soldiers. Bake 2 to 3 hours or until splint comes out perfectly dry. (Miss Helen Barclay) SWEDISH SPONGE CAKE 4 eggs V2 cup Swedish potato flotir 1 cup sugar pinch soda and 1 teaspoon lemon juice Cream of tartar Beat the yolks very stiff and add the sugar gradually; then other ingredients. Fold in stiffly beaten whites last. Bake 40 minutes in a slow oven. (Mrs. Wesley G. Carr) SPONGE CAKE 5 large or 6 small eggs Juice of V2 and rind of whole 1 cup sugar lemon ' 1 cup sifted flour Beat eggs (without separating) and sugar together for 30 minutes. Carefully fold in flour and bake 1 hour. Sponge cake should be served while fresh and broken apart rather than cut. (Mrs. Joseph H. Moore) TO MAKE SPONGE CAKE MORE DELICIOUS After scrubbing an orange grate the rind into the batter. Add also 2 tablespoons of the juice. (Mrs. T. D. Chantler) BARLEY SPONGE CAKE 4 eggs V2 cup wheat flour 1 cup sugar lj4 teaspoons baking powder 1 tablespoon hot water ^4 teaspoon salt V2 cup barley flour 1 teaspoon lemon juice Beat yolks of eggs until stiff", add sugar very gradual!}'. Add the water and the flour, mixed and sifted with the baking powder and salt. Fold in the whites of the eggs beaten with lemon juice until stiff. Bake in a quick oven. Suet it the best fat for greasing cake pans. Cut a bit from each steak you buy, and keep in a cold place. • PIN WHEELS 1 qt. flour 2 teaspoons butter 'A teaspoon salt 1 cup milk 2 teaspoons l)akin.L,' [)o\vdcr 2 eggs Sift 4 times Mix milk and eggs, then add to other ingredients, mix well, roll out ^/^ inch thick, sprinkle with currants, sugar, cin- namon. Roll like jelly cake and cut into slices. (Mrs. E. H. Dermitt.) SOUR CREAM GINGERBREAD I cup sugar I tablespoon each ginger, all- /2 cup butter spice, and cinnamon cup sour cream 2 teaspoons baking soda dis- 1 cup molasses solved in V2 cup of boiiinu ^ eggs water 3H cups of sifted flour Mix all at once. The addition of thin strips of oran<'e peel imparts a delicious flavor. '^ (Mrs. Claude F. Pugh) SOFT GINGER BREAD 1 cup butter and lard mixed 2 tablespoons cinnamon /2 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon cloves 1 I "/ ^ ^^^^ ^^^2 teaspoon allspice 1 cup N O molasses 1 ' cup cold water 2 teaspoons soda, dissolved in2V^ cups sifted flour 2 tablespoon boiling water Whites of e^gs beaten stiff 1/2 teaspoon salt (Mrs. Silas Benham) NO EGG MOLASSES GINGER BREAD 1 cup molasses 1 teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoon soda 1 pinch salt 2 tablespoons .shortening 1 pint flour (no more) 'A cup boiling water Add boiling water last. Dissolve soda in water and sea- son with ginger and cloves. This will spread stifif in the pan but is crisp and good. NEW ENGLAND COOKIES 3 cups brown sugar Flour enough to mix 1 cup lard 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in 1 1 teaspoo:i salt cup hot water Roll very thin and sprinkle with granulated sugar. (Mrs. E. F. Gerber) Y4 cup granulated sugar 1 1 cup brown sugar 2 1 cup butter V2 cup sweet milk 1 1 level teaspoon soda Makes four dozen. SUGAR COOKIES teaspoon cream tartar Flour to stiffen and roll out teaspoon vanilla Pinch salt INEX'PENSIVE COOKIES 2 cups flour % cup butter cup brown sugar egg Work sugar, butter and flour vv-ell together, then add egg These are better if let stand an hour before rolling out. -After cutting, place a half almond in the center of each cookie. Bake a delicate brown in oven. (Mrs. S. F. Read) GPONGE WAFERS 5 eggs 1 cup sugar cm rice flour Lc;;.on or vanilla Beat yolks of eggs and sugar together for half hour, add flavoring. Beat the whites and put on top of mixture, the;i the sifted flour folding all together lightly. Drop one teaspoon of mixture on baking pan, that has been greased and rubbed with flour. Place half blanched almond on each. Bake in slow oven 12 or 15 minutes. This will make. 4 or 5 dozen. (Mrs. S. A. Pickering) CHOCOLATE FRUIT COOKIES ^4 cup fat sugar and 1 talilespoon hot V2 cup sugar water J/2 cup nuts V2. cup chopped rnisins 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup rye flour 2 tablespoons grated chocolate 1 egg mixed with 1 tablespoon Cream fat, add sugar slowly. Beat egg and combine mix- ture; add chocolate melted in hot v/ater with sugar. Add other ingredients and chill. Roll on board and cut out. Bake in moderate oven. Make 24 small cookies at cost of Ic each. (Miss Pope) Add one-half teaspoon ground ginger to all doughnut or cruller recipes. It will prevent the absorption of fats. heaping cornmeal heaping flour JOLLY BOYS tablespoons yellow 1 A little salt - teaspoon baking powder tablespoons whitel egg '/s teaspoon melted butter 1 tablespoon sugar Sift thoroughly cornmeal, Hour, sugar, salt and baking powder: add to the dry mixture 1 egg with enough milk to make a drop batter; stir in quickly half teaspoon melted but- ter; beat well and drop by teaspoon in hot fat. CREAM SCONES 4 tablespoons butter 2 eggs % cup cream or mill 2 cups flour 4 teaspoons baking powder 2 teaspoons sugar V2 teaspoon salt Mix and sift together flour, baking powder, salt and Rub in butter with tips of fingers and add eggs well then cream. Toss on floured board, "pat to M inch thi Cut and brush with white of eggs, sprinkle with sugar, in hot oven 15 minutes. sugar. beaten, ckuess. Bake DROP SPONGES li cup pulverized sugar /4 CUD flour Volks of 2 eggs Whites of 3 eggs Beat Vvhites of eggs stiff, add sugar; beat yolks very light. F'old in flour last. Drop on paper, not buttered, and bake 8 minutes. FRUIT CAKE 4-4 lb. brown sugar H Ih- "lit margarine 4 eggs separately 1 pint milk 1 lb. flour M lb. cornmeal (thoroughly scalded with hot water about 2 cups) '/j lb. citron, cut fine 2 lbs. small raisins 2 lbs. large raisins ^^ lb. English walnuts Sliced pineapple and mara schino cherries to taste 2 teaspoops baking powder Mavor with mace and cinnamon; dredge fruit witli a small portion of the flour; line pan with dressed brown paper and decorate top with nuts and cherries. Bake very slowly. (Mrs. W.' M. Hall) Try putting a fev/ whole cloves in the fat when frying doujjhnuts. LAYER CAKE To Fill With Whipped Cream or a Custard Filling or Jelly 1 cup sugar 2 cups sifted flour V2 cup butter scant 2 teaspoons Royal baking 1/2 cup milk powder Cream together 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 eggs well bcuten Pinch salt NOVELTY CAKE V2 cup butter creamed 28 graham crackers rolled to a 1 cup sugar creamed dust 3 eggs, whites and yolks beat-1 teaspoon baking powder en separately J/2 teaspoon vanilla ^ cup sweet milk Mix like any other cake. Bake in layers or loaf. Ice with any kind of icing. Half cup walnut meats may be added if desired. CHOCOLATE CAKE 6 eggs 2 tablespoons dri e d bread 1 tablespoon powdered sugar crumbs rolled fine V2 lb. Maillard's single vanilla chocolate grated (no other will do) Beat egg yolks with sugar; add chocolate and bread crumbs and mix well. Fold in egg whites beaten stiff and bake in layers. Put chocolate icing on each layer and after it has set, p ut whipped cream on each layer and on top. This makes a rich dessert. (Mrs. C. .'\. Rook) HONEY PLUM CAKE V2 CTip shortening V2 teaspoon salt y2 cup brown sugar ]/> teaspoon ginger V2 cup honey V2 teaspoon, nutmeg 1 egg V2 teaspoon cloves •)4 cup milk 1 teaspoon cinnamon 2 cups pastry flour 1 cup raisins or mixed fruit 1 teaspoon soda Cream the shortening and brown sugar together, add honey and egg well beaten. Mix and sift together all the dry in- gredients reserving a little of the flour to dust over the rais- ins. Add dry ingredients alternately with the milk to the first mixture. Beat well, add raisins, and bake in a well greased and floured loaf pan, in a moderate oven. Honey is unequaled for making small cakes for afternoon teas. Will keep indefinitely. 92 MARGUERITES V2 lb. dates measured after 1 teaspoon baking jjowdcr stoning. J/^ cup flour ^/4 lb. nut meats chopped Salt Vz cup sugar X'anilla 2 eggs Chop nuts and dates together; add sugar and stir well. Sift flour and baking powder together and add yolks of eggs. Cut in whites and add flavoring last. Bake in a loaf or muffin tins in moderate oven, about 45 minutes or 1 hour. BROWNIES 2 s(|uares chocolate, melted 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup broken walnuts 2 eggs 1 cup sugar V2 cup flour yi cup butter or substitute Beat eggs and sugar together; add melted butter, chocolate, vanilla, flour, and last of all the broken nuts rolled in a little flour. Bake in moderate oven 20 minutes in a long pan and cut into squares while hot. (Mrs. Albert Schultz) SPICE DROP CAKES— Baked in Gem Pans 1 cup sugar 2 y2 cup butter or substitute cream together Pinch of salt 1 cup sour or buttermilk with 1 1 level teaspoon soda beaten in milk Makes 15 to 18. cups .sifted flour with ^^^ tea- sixjon baking powder in flour Add a little grated nutmeg teaspoon cinnamon teaspoon vanilla (Mrs. F. M. Fuller) HONEY HERMITS I/4 cup sliorlening ^ cup honey V2 teaspoon mixed spices 14 teaspoon salt 1 egg 1 cup chopped raisins 1 teaspoon soda 3 cups pastry flour Heat the shortening and honey together until the. short- ening is melted, add the mixed spices using the cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. Allow it to cool and then add the egg well beaten, raisins and 2 cupsful of flour in which the soda and salt have been sifted. Add more flour if need to make a dough stifle enough to roll out. Roll, cut in scjuarcs, and liake in a moderate oven. (Mrs. -A. C. Bane) 93 HERMITS 2 cups brown sugar 1 cup butter and drippings mixed 1 3 eggs 2 1 level teaspoon soda in a little 1 boiling water 1 V2 teaspoon ciniian.on A little grated ni^tmcg Pinch salt teaspoon vanilla cups flour cup chopped raisins cup chopped nuts Cream butter and suear together, add other ingredients, drop from a spoon on greased pans and bake in a moderate oven. DROP CAKES— Baked in Gem Pans I cup sugar Pinch salt Large tablespoon butter cream 2 cups sifted flour together 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup milk Put in quick oven and bake 25 minutes. PEANUT COOKIES V2 cake chocolate V2 cup Crisco (or Irutter) 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup chopped peanuts 2 eggs 2 level teaspoons powder 1 cup graham flour bakinc Melt the chocolate in half cup water. Beat sugar and crisco together, add to chocolate; then add the chopped nuts and last the beaten eggs. Mix baking powder in 1 cup of graham flour, or as much flour as will make a batter that will drop easily from a spoon. Drop one teaspoonful at a time on buttered pan and bake. (Mrs. S. B. Ely) GINGER SNAPS 2 cups sugar 2 cups molasses 2 cups lard or butter 3 eggs 1 tablespoon soda dissolved hot water 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon cloves 1 tablespoon ginger 1 tablespoon salt 1 tablespoon nutmeg inl tablespoon vanilla Flour enough to roll It is well to mix the night before. Set away in a cool place and roll out the next morning. (Mrs. E. M. Herr) 94 DROP GRAHAM CAKES cup sour cream 2]/^ cups graham Hour teaspoon soda Nutmeg cup sugar Pinch of salt tablespoons molasses Drop from spoon on buttered jjan and bake slowly. (Mrs. I'aul Sturtevant) TAYLOR CAKES 1 pint milk 2 eggs 1 cup shortening 1 tablespoon each ground cinna- 1 cup cold water mon, cloves, ginger 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon soda Hour for soft hatter 1 cup brown sugar Mix as for gingerbread and drop on buttered pan. Note — Can leave out baking powder and use 1 teaspoon soda. POTATO CORNMEAL CAKES teaspoon cuinamon teaspoon nutmeg cup flour teaspoon leaking powder teaspoon \anilla 1 cup sugar % cup butter 1 cup hot mashed potatoes 1 cup grated chocolate 1 cup chopped nuts V2 teaspoon cloves Cream butt.er, sugar, yolks of eggs, potatoes, spices and chocolate Sift baking powder in flour, add butter, and well beaten whites of eggs and nuts last. Bake one hour. Makes a large loaf. OATMEAL COOKIES WITH GRAHAM FLOUR 2 cups Mothers Oats 1 1 cup sugar (white or brown) y^ to 1 cup Wesson Oil (ac- 1 cording to desired richness) 1 1^ cups (jraham Flour (or less) Drop small tablespoon of mixture on flat pans cup chopped raisins (or half raisins and half nuts) teaspoon cinnamon teaspoon soda dissolved in 5 teaspoons hot water OAT MEAL COOKIES WITH SOUR MILK 2 cups flour 1 ZVi cups Rolled Oats 3 1 cup sugar 2 2 eggs Dro]) from s])()oii on buttered tins. Bake al)()ut 13 minutes. 93 cup shortening tal)!espoons som- milk teaspoons vanilla Raisins and nuts to taste LACE CAKE 1 tablespoon butter 2 cups Rolled Oats 2 eggs 1 teaspoonful baking powder 1 cup sugar Beat the yolks ver}- light; add sugar and melted buttci, beat again, then stir in the well beaten whites. Add the rolled oats in which the baking powder has been well mixed. Let mixture stand a few minutes to have the butter mix well with other ingredients. Drop half a teaspoon about three inches apart on buttered tins. Bake slowly. Maple sugar can be substituted for cane sugar. (Mrs. H. A. Ross) WAR TIME MACAROONS WITH COCOANUT 1 V2 cvips Mothers Oats 1 scant teaspoon baking pow- 1/2 teaspoon salt der V2 cup sugar 1 egg well beaten 1 cup cocoanut 1 teaspoon Almond Extract Mix in the order given and when well blended drop miK- ture from tip of spoon on pan lined with buttered wax paper, one-half inch apart. Bake 4 to 10 minutes according to thick- ness of cakes. Watch carefully to avoid burning. Makes about 18 macaroons. (Miss Cora Shallenberger) OATMEAL MACAROONS WITH CORN SYRUP 1 tablespoon fat 2 teaspoons Almond Extract j/R cup corn syrup if desired 2 tablespoons sugar % teaspoon salt 1 egg 1/2 teaspoon baking powder \V2 cups oatmeal 1% tablespoons flour Combine the melted fat and the sugar and syrup, add the beaten eggs and stir in the other ingredients. Drop from a teaspoon on greased sheets or pans and bake in a moderate oven for 15 minutes. This makes 25 to 28 cookies about 2 inches in diameter. (Y. VV. C. A.) NUTLETS 1 cup shortening 2 scant teaspoons soda 1 cup honey 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup chopped mit meats 4 cups pastry flour 1 egg Sift the dry ingredients together, beat egg well, and mix in order given. This will make a stiff batter; drop bv tea- spoon on a greased pan and bake in a moderate oven, as cakes made with honey burn easily. This recipe makes about 8 dozen small cakes. NUT CAKES (Thin) 1 egg, unbeaten 3 tablespoons flour 1 cup maple syrup or brown 1 cup chopped nuts, preferably sugar pecans 2 tablespoons butter or substi- ' \'anilla tute Salt Drop bj' half teaspoons on greased tins. If brown sugar is used, flavor with vanilla. (Mrs. Chester B. Albree) MAPLE JUMBLES 1 cup Maple Syrup iVz cups flour 1 egg 1 level teaspoon soda J/2 cup butter Beat eggs and butter together and add syrup, put so'la in flour and add last. Drop froni a spoon on well greased pan and bake about 20 minutes. (Mrs. Paul Sturtevant) DOUGHNUTS 1 cup mashed potatoes 1 egg 1 cup sour milk 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon soda nutmeg 1 cup sugar Flour enough to make a soft dough Break egg in bowl, add sugar and beat well. Add some milk and soda, the mashed potato, nutmeg and flour. 97 Cake Icing CARAMEL ICING 1% cups brown sugar % cup boiling water ^ cup granulated sugar 2 eggs, whites Vanilla Boil sugar and water until it spins a thread. Pour syrup gradually on the beaten eggs and continue beating until mix- ture is nearly cool. Set mixture in boiling water and cook until it becomes granular around the edge of pan. Remove from pan of water and beat until mixture will hold its shape. Add vanilla and walnut meats. (Never fails) (Mrs. D. M. Buck) HONEY ICING y2 cup honey A few drops of lemon ex- 2 eggs, whites tract Boil honey until it forms a firm ball when tried in cold water. Pour slowly over the beaten whites of eggs and beat until cold. Flavor with lemon extract. Set over hot water and fold over and over gently for 2 minutes. Spread V2 of this on the cake. Make a small funnel with a small piece of thin, tough writing paper, clip the point and use to decorate the cake with remaining icing. Flowers may be used in the center if desired. Honey or corn syrup may be substituted for syrup in the boiled frosting. Jloney needs a longer cooking than sugar. But the icing holds its shape and remains soft a long time. WHITE ICING 1 cup sugar 4 teaspoon vinegar Vs cup boiling water ^ Cook until it spins a thread, pour slowly over beaten whites of 2 eggs, then beat until stiff, adding a little vanilla. NUT CARAMEL ICING 154 cups brown sugar 34 cup white sugar V& cup water Whites of 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla '4 cup broken walnut meat Boil sugar and water without stirring, until it threads. Pour gradually while beating constantly, on beaten whites of eggs, and continue beating until thick. Set pan over hot water and cook until mixture becomes granidar on edge of pan. Remove from fire and beat in chopped nuts. Spread on layers and top of cake. (Mrs. Frederic I. Merrick) 100 MAPLE ICING \\ Iiites of 2 eggs beaten stiff 2 cups Maple Syrup I'oil syrup until it will roll into a ball after being dropped in cold water., Slowly stir syrup into the whites of the eggs beating all the time. Beat until thick enough to spread. This makes enough for a laver cake. (Mrs. Walter C. Carroll) Desserts DATE PUDDING 1 cup chopped walnuts 4 tablespoons cracker crumbs 1 cup chopped dates mixed with 1 tablespoon Baking Powder, yolks of 3 eggs beaten with .)4 cup sugar To the eggs and sugar add the cracker crumbs and baking- powder, then the nuts and dates. Fold in tlie whites of eggs beaten stiff. Bake in a moderate oven about 35 minutes. Serve cold with whipped cream. GINGER BREAD WITH APPLES GINGER BREAD 1 cup fat 2 teaspoons soda 1 cup brown sugar (or Karo) 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 cup molasses 1 teaspoon cloves 1 scant cup cold water, if ^ teaspoon allspice using Karo, -34 cup water 1 teaspoon ginger 2 eggs 2% cups flour and Yz cup r3'e or (li/4 cups barley and 1 % cups flour) 5 apples Y\ cup water Yi cup sugar Pare core and cut apples into eighths and cook in a syrup made by cooking sugar and water. When the apples are half done, drain well and put into a buttered pan, pour over this any ginger bread mixture and bake. Serve with a sauce made by pouring the syrup in which the apples were cooked over a well be.-.tc'.i egg. The syrup should be boiling when add'id to the c::; (Mrs. Jas. lUu-t) A SIMPLE CUSTARD 2 cups milk 2 tablespoo'is cornstarch 2 tablespoons sugar 2 eggs (yolks) Put sugar and corn starch in small pan with handle, drop in the egg yolks, blend, then p.dd milk gradually, place over the fire, stirring constantly until it boils up well. Flavor with vanilla. Divide in five sherbet glasses. Bake apples and pears in a little water long and slowly so as to form a rich syrup out of thenieslves. Long, slow cooking also develops a rich flavor in prunes. MERINGUE - ^Sgs 2 teaspoons of cocoa 2 teaspoons of sugar Whip the whites of eggs until they are very stiff Mix the sugar and cocoa with a little of egg white th^n blend ill together and flavor with a few drops of vanilla. Put this in sherbet glasses, place glasses on a pan and put on the toast-^r trav until browned. (Mrs. \V. L. Davis) ST. JAMES PUDDING 1 cup molasses 1 cup sweet milk % cup butter 1 level teaspoon soda in a 1 teaspoon cinnamon and a little hot water pinch of various other 2^1 cups flour spices Put in mould greased with butter and steam 31/2 hours. .Serve hot with liard sauce. (See sauces) PRUNE PUDDING 1 pt. milk 4 talilcspoons sugar V2 cup flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 lemon 1 |l,. j, runes 3 eggs Grate lemon and heat half the milk with the grated rind coming to a scald. Mix the rest of the milk w^ith flour, cook until thickened and pour into that the lemon, then add sugar. Take from the fire, and add w^ell beaten yolks of eggs. Let stand and cool. Have your prunes well cooked and ma«h through a colander. Add the juice. Have the whites of the eggs well "beaten. Mix prunes with the sauce and fold in the whites of the eggs. Put in baking dish, cook 15 minutes. Serve with hard sance. (Mrs. C. I. McKee) "DON'T WASTE FOOD BY SERVING TOO MUCH." Cook just enough for your family. Do not imagine you are going to have unexpected guests. The chances are that you will only waste good food. Serve smaller portions, so that none will be left on the plate." "Careless cooking must go." "Don't let perishable foods perish in your house. Buy only v/hat you need." 103 CHARLOTTE RUSSE 1 tablespoon gelatine dissol(ved 1 pt. doul)Ie thick cream in ^ cup coffee Sugar to taste When whipping, gradually add your sugar, sifting it as you put i.t in. When cream is thoroughly whipped, gradually pour in the dissolved gelatine, rubbing it through a tea strainer. Have ladyfingers placed around the dish then pour this in the center. A delicious dessert is to place this in a mold, pack in ice for four or five hours and then turn out as you would ice cream. You can use wine for flavoring or fruit juices, dis- solving your gelatin first in water but only enough to soften, then add your flavoring to the gelatin. (Mrs. C. I. McKee) ORANGE BAVOISE Juice 3 oranges 1^ cups sugar 1 lemon 1 pint whipped cream 2 level teaspoons gelatine Dissolve gelatine in Vs cup cold water for 15 minutes, then place bowl in hot water. Add sugar to fruit and gelatine and when partly congealed add whipped cream. Mould and set on ice to chill. (Miss Helen Barclay) WAR PUDDING Take 5 or 6. stale muffins, cornmeal, rye or graham, cover with milk and when soft beat well and add: 1 tablespoon brown sugar ^4 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon molasses 1 or 2 eggs little nutmeg 1 level teaspoon soda V2 teaspoon cinnamon J.^ cup raisins or currants Pour into a well greased dish or custard cups and steam for IV2 hours without lifting the cover. Serve in saine dish. (Mrs. A. W. McEldowney) WARTIME STEAMED PUDDING 1% cups Graham Flour 1 cup chopped raisins 1 cup milk V2 teaspoon salt 3/2 cup molasses 1 level teaspoon soda Sift the graham flour, Init return bran to the sifted mix- ture. Dissolve soda in milk, add the molasses and s:ilt and pour all over flour. Beat well and add chopped raisins. But- ter well a double boiler and pour in mixture. Steam 4 hours with tight lid, keeping plenty of water boiling in lower ves- sel. Turn out on platter when done. Serve with hard or golden sauce. Forty minutes sufficient for steaming in indi- vidual moulds. (See golden sauce). (Miss Emma B. Suydam> 104 BAKED APPLES Apples • }^15utter Seedless raisins' Molasses Pare and core apples of uniiorm size, fill centers with seedless raisins. Place a small piece of butter and a teaspoon of molasses on each. Put enough water in pan to prevent burning. Mrs. W. W. Wishart) SPANISH CREAM Y2 oz. gelatine ^ eggs 1% pt. cold milk 4 tablespoons sugar Flavor to taste Let gelatine stand in milk % hour, then let it come to l)oiling point. Stir in the beaten yolks of eggs with sugar. Pour this mixture over well beaten whites, put in moulds and serve with cream when cold GRAPE NUT PUDDING 1 cup grape nuts 1 tablespoon butter or other ■/J cup sugar fat 2 cups milk Pinch salt 1 teaspoon vanilla Scald milk and pour over grapenuts, let stand until cool. P^eat eggs,, add sugar and butter and pour into milk and gra-pe- nuts mixture. iJake mitil consistency of baked custard. Serve with cream. (Mrs. Robert Miller) FIG DESSERT y2. 11). stewing or layer figs % lb. ])aper shelled almonds y> li). seedless raisins K' P''it cream Stew figs until tender (about 1 hour to get a thick syrup). .Stew raisins also, 1 hour; put figs and syrup in center of round plate, about the size of a chop plate, then put the raisins around the figs, after that the nuts, adding the cream last, which should be beaten very stiff. PRUNE WHIP 2 cups of prunes y^ pt. cream Vz package of Jello or gela- tine Boil prunes until they have a thick syrup; stone one-half of the prunes and beat hard, or until they are light; pour Vi ijt. boiling water on the Jello, add the beaten prunes when the Jello starts to cool; pour into a mold and set in a cold place. When the mold is set, turn out on center of round plate, put the whole prunes in their own heavy syrup around the molded whip; beat the cream very stiff and put on top. {\ lew nuts added to the whole prunes is suggested). 10.S PRUNE PUDDING 1 lb. prunes 3 eggs (whites only) Boil prunes 1 J/) hours, or until very little juice is left; seed and beat hard until very light. Beat the eggs stii'f and mix lightly into the beaten prunes. Bake in deep dish, 10 to 15 minutes r.nd serve at once. (A custard sauce made from the vellovvs of the eggs is sometimes used- (Mrs. S, B. Ely) LEMON PUDDING I^eat the yolks of 3 eggs and m!:i Vv'ith -ji cup sugar, 1 tablespoon of butter, and 1 scant tablespoon of flour. Beat thoroughly and add the juice of 3 good sized lemons and the rind of 1 and 4 tablespoons of chopped walnut msats. Fold in the whites of 3 eggs after being beaten very stiff. Put in pudding dish and bake until stii'f. MAPLE SAUCE TO BE SERVED WITH RICE 2 eggs (yolks) V2 cup whipped cream 14 cup maple syrup Pinch of salt Beat yollcs of eggs until thick. Heat maple syrup, while hot stir into yolks. Cook until spoon is coated. Strain and beat thoroughly until cooked. Acid whipped cream and salt. Serve very cold. (Mrs. J. J. Miller) APPLE SAUCE (Made with pineapple syrup) Cook as usual, using the syrup from canned or fresh pine- apple in place of sugar. (Mrs. W. C. Anderson) PRUNES COOKED WITHOUT SUGAR Sterilize with boiling water. Soak over night. l^ake in a slow oven in the water in which they are soaked. SURPRISE PUDDING 1 cup sugar Juice and rind of half an 5 eggs .. orange 1 cup flour Cream yolk of eggs and sugar, add orange juice, then flour. Whip the wdiites stiff, fold in and bake in slow oven 30 minutes. When cold cut hole in center of cake. Whip one pint cream stiff, flavor with sherry wine, pour in center of cake. Make chocolate sauce and pour around cake and serve. (Mrs. W. J. Holland) 4 apples V2 tablespoon flour J/4 cup water BAKED HONEY APPLES Vs cup hone>- tablespoon oleomargarine Cinnamon Score and core apples and arrange in baking dish. Mix flour, water and honey and pour over apples. Dot with oleo- margarine, sprinkle with cinnamon and bake until soft. PLUM PUDDING W-i cups finely chopped suet 1 cup molasses 1 cup milk 1/4 cups raisins 1 cup currants V2 cup citron Boil 3 hours an cups graham flour and cornnieal mixed (scald cornmeal before using) teaspoon soda Spice to taste ser\c with hot sauce. (Mrs. Wni. M. lain FIG TAPIOCA % cup pearl tapioca 3 cups cold water 1 H cups light brown sugar % cup figs, diced % cup walnut meats, cut fine luice V2 lemon Soak tapioca over night in water with a i)inch oi salt. In morning add sugar and figs and cook a full hour in double boiler, then sdd nuts and lemon iuice. When coH serve with whipped cream. (Miss Anna Dake McCague) DATE PUDDING small teaspoon baking pow- der egg Cinnamon J4 cup butter . 1 3/ cup sugar V2 cup milk 1 '/2 cup dates V2 cup English walnuts (chopped fine) Make in solid sheet, cut into squares, ])ut vv hipped cream and chopped nuts (in addition to half cup) on top. Bake in hot oven 20 minutes. PRUNE JELLY primes cup of sugar V2 box of Knox's gelatine 2 cups of water Cook the prunes in 2 cups of water until tender. Dissolve the gelatine in one cup of water. Remove the seeds and skins of the prunes by putting, through colander. Return to the liquid, adding sugar. Cook fifteen minutes. Remove from fire. Add gelatine and put into individual moulds. Serve with cream and sugar. (Miss Rachel C. Aiken) 107 MARSHMALLOW PUDDING V2 pound marshmallows 1 cup heavy cream f 1 tablespoon granulated gela- j tine Or -j J4 cup cold water I % cup scalded cream [ 1 cup thin cream y2 cup English walnuts 2 tablespoons powdered sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla y2, cup preserved cherries Cut walnut meats and marshmaliow into small pieces. Whip heavy (whipping) cream. Add sugar and vanilla, fold in re- maining ingredients. Mould and chill. For thin cream, soak gelatine in cold water, dissolve in scalded cream. Strain into a bowl and add sugar and vanilla. Set bowl in pan of ice water and stir constantly till it begins to thicken. Then fold in "whip" cream and other ingredients. Should gelatine mixture become too thick before adding whipped cream melt over hot water and again cool. (Miss Helen Heiner) BREAD PUDDING 3 eggs 1 taljlespoon sugar 1 lemon Butter 1 cup bread crumbs 1 quart milk Salt To well beaten eggs add heaping taljlcsjjoon sugar, gralod rind of lemon, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, a little melted butter, 1 cup bread crum])s rubbed through the hands, salt to taste. Add ni'ik. I^iuke in hot oven until brown. (Mrs. George E. House) CRUMB BREAD PUDDING ^V2 cups dry bread crumbs V2. cup cornmeal 1 cup (jraham Flour 1 cup boiling water I cup milk ^ cup molasses Yi, teaspoon salt 1 V-i teaspoons soda Pour boiling water over the dried sifted crumbs and let stand for 10 mmutes. Sift the other dry ingredients and add to crumbs with molasses and milk. Pour into a greased mould and steam 3 hours. (Mrs. Wm. U. Follansbee) HINGHAM PUDDING Yi cup Orleans Molasses V^ cup water 1^ cup flour ;4 cup melted butter Vz teaspoon soda Y2 teas])oon cinnamon Yi, teaspoon ginger Yi, teaspoon salt Cho])ped nuts and raisins if desired. Steam 1 hour. Serve with liard sauce. (Mrs. E. 1'". Gcrber) 108 STEAMED CHOCOLATE PUDDING 5 squares Maillard's Chocolate 5 eggs 5 tablespoons butter Melt chocolate ami butter in double boiler, add first yolks and then whites of eggs beaten separately. Place in ring mould without lid and steam for 35 to 40 minutes. Serve with hot chocolate sauce or whipped cream. (Mrs. VVm. B. Trainor) COTTAGE PUDDING Vz cup butter 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup milk Flour enough to make a ^ oiks of 2 eggs, beaten stiff batter 1 cup sugar CHOCOLATE BREAD PUDDING 2 cups milk 2 eggs 4 tablespoons grated choco- P/^ cups stale bread crumbs '^te 2 tablespoons powdered sugar 2 tablespoons butter \'anilla % cup sugar Scald the milk, then add the chocolate which has first been melted over hot water, then butter and sugar. Stir w^ell and pour over soft bread crumbs and beaten egg yolks. Add vanilla and pour into buttered baking dish. Bake 30 minutes. Make a meringue of the whites of eggs beaten stiff; add ])Ow- dered sugar and vanilla. SPICED BREAD PUDDING 1 cup dry bread crumbs % teaspoon salt 2 cups hot milk 14 teaspoon cinnamon % cup seeded raisins % teaspoon each of powdered 1 egg cloves, nutmeg, allspice, V2 cup molasses mace and ginger Pour hot milk over the bread crumbs and let stand for 5 minutes. Steam the raisins at the same time. Then add to the milk and crumbs the seasonings, molasses, raisins and a well beaten egg. Pour into a buttered baking disli and ])ake in a moderate oven for one hour. N.'ote — Bread crumbs can be used for stuffing, filling and to replace flour in the making of sauces, hot cakes, pudding, etc. ■ (Mrs. VVm. U. Follansbee) FILLING FOR NUT CAKE 1 pint whipped cream A little powdered sugar Vanilla 14 lb. chopped nuts Put this between layers of cake and spread a soft icing on top. .\ delicious dessert, but must be used when freshly made. (Mrs. C. .\. Rook) 109 MOLASSES PIE 1 cui) liutter 2 eg^s (whites) 1 cup sugar 1 cup New Orleans molasses 5 egg;; (yolks) ' 1 teaspoon nutmeg Work sugar into softened butter. Add beaten yolks, mi)- lasses, nutmeg and slightly beaten whites. Mix all well and Lake in pastry. This makes two i>ies. ANGEL PUDDING Yi cup I'.nglish walnut n)eats 1 M; teaspoon leaking I'owdcr l.S dates -Y^ cup i)owdercd sugar 5 eggs (whites; Chop nuts and dates. f5eat whites stiff and add sugar and baking pov/der. Mix in dates and nuts. I'fjur into small bak- ing dish, i'akc in a slow oven 20 minutes. Serve with whiji- ped cream. (.Mrs. (/illiFord I!. .Sweeny; SNOW PUDDING— CUSTARD SAUCE 2 cups boiling water 3 tablesijoons cornstarch Yi cup sugar • Yz teaspoon vanilla Pinch salt 2 eggs (whites) beaten stiff Mix water, sugar, salt and vanilla, thicken witii cornstarch. While hot add 2 eggs. Whij^ and let cool. 2 eggs (yolks) i'inch salt 2 cups milk V2. teaspoon vanilla % cup sugar 1 teasijoon cornstarcii mixed with <;ojrl water. Mix first milk, sugar, salt and vanilla and tliicki-ii v.illi cornslarch. Add slowly beaten yolks while lioi. (Mrs. 1'. M. bulb-r; CUSTARD SOUFFLE 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup milk L tablespoons flour 4 eggs 2 tal)les)jof;ns sugar I'.oil milk in double boiler, rujj butter and flour together, adil \i> boiliii^i, milk, boil 10 minutes. I'eat yolks of eggs and sugar together, add to mixture, set aside to cool. Heat whites. Mix all together, jjour into greased pudfling dish. Takes 30 minnl cup milk 1 tablespoon lard 2 teaspoons Royal baking 1 egg powder Pinch* of salt 1 cup Idueberries 1 tablespoon sugar lUitter dout)ie boiler, steam I'j hours, serve \v:th cream. BROWN PUDDING 1'.- cups draham Flour 1 cup raisins 1 cup sweet milk 1 teasroop soda H cup molasses Pinch of salt Steam .^ hom's and serve with nutnu-g since. (See s:uicesV ICED RICE PUDDING J cups boiled rice (, mashed 2 eggs and 4 tablespoons 'me) powdered sugar 1 lemon 1'.. pts. boiling milk .\dd the boiling milk, yolks of eggs well beaten and rind of lemon to the rice. Return to fire stirring all the time, and let boil until it thickens to a custard. Pour into shallow dish and spread with meringue made from well beaten whites of eggs, powdered sugar and juice from one-half lemon. I'ut in hot oven until putted and a delicate brown. Serve ice col.l with preserved cherries or strawberries if desired. ITALIAN CREAM 's t>ox gelatine 2 eggs 1 pt. milk ^2 cup sugar \ unilla Soak gelatine one-half hour in cold water, put milk in double boiler. When boiling, stir in yolks of eggs, well beaten, add sugar and gelatine. When custard begins to thicken take otY and i>our into a deep dish' in which the whites have been beaten to stilT froth, l-'lavor with vanilla. Put into mould an 1 allow 4 hours to cool. >Mis r. W. l-riend> NEW ENGLAI'D INDIAN PUDDING 1 quart milk (boiling) 1 teaspoon ginger and salt 1 scant cup cornmeal 1 quart cold milk Butter (size of an egg) 2 eggs (well beaten) 1 small cup molasses Add the cornmeal (which has been mixed with a little ot the cold milk) to the quart of milk, when nearlj' boiling. To this, while boiling, add butter, molasses, cold milk, eggs, gin- ger and salt. Bake two hours. (Mrs. Chester B. Albree) TROY PUDDING 1/2 cup chopped suet V2 teaspoon soda V2 cup seeded raisins 5^ cup milk Vs cup molasses 2 cups flour 5/2 teaspoon salt Dissolve soda in milk, after which mix all ingredients to- gether and steam three hours. Currants and citron if desired. (Serve with cornstarch sauce.) PEACH PUDDING 2 eggs (beat yolks) 6 tablespoons granulated 1 ■ cup of milk sugar V2 teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 tablespoon melted btUter Mix and beat in l^^^ cups of flour, into which has been sifted the baking powder. Stir in carefully well beaten whites of eggs and pour the batter into shallow, well greased pans. Put halves of canned (or fresh) peaches over the top and sprinkle with 6 tablespoons of granulated sugar. Bake in quick oven j4 hour. Serve warm with sauce. Sauce. Use liquor from canned peaches or whipped cream with thickened sauce. (Miss Bertha Young) RICE CUSTARD 1 cup rice, boiled and still hot 2 eggs 3 cups milk 1 tablespoon cornstarch •K cup sugar Flavor to taste Make a custard of milk and corn starch sugar and yolks of eggs. Stir into this the cup of rice, add flavoring (nutmeg) and orange or lemon peel). Turn into a pudding dish and bake until set. Make a meringue of the whites of the eggs. This pudding should be soft enough to eat without cream. (Mrs. Joseph H. Moore) 112 TAPIOCA CUSTARD 3 tablespoons pearl tapioca 3 talilespoons sugar vanilla 2 cups milk Orange juice or rind, grated 2 eggs Soak tai)ioca 4 or 3 hours in half cup of water. Have milk boiling, stir in tapioca, let simmer. Stir often till tapioca is clear, then pour over yolks of 2 eggs whipped with the sugar. Return to the stove and let simmer till custard is thick. Turn in bowl, flavor with vanilla or orange juice or grated rind. Stir in lightly the whipped whites of eggs. RHUBARB A fair amount of pink skinned 1 cup honey rhubarb 1 cup water Stew slowly al)out 20 minutes. (Mrs. Taylor Allderdice) SUGGESTION FOR DESSERT Small quantities of lemon or coffee jelly or Spanish cream can be made presentable and utilized by placing a few spoons- ful in sherbet glasses and capping with a well flavored mer- ingue of white of eggs and sugar or whipped cream. (Mrs. Albert Kingsbury) RUSSIAN CASCELL Drain juice from any kind of canned fruit or mixture of fruits. Cut fruit into small pieces and put on a plate. Sprinkle with sugar and put in oven to dry. Strain the juice and put over the fire to boil. While boiling stir in corn starch mixed with cold water, allowing 2 tablespoons of corn starch to each pint of juice. Stir constantly until it boils and then beat until clear. Arrange in sherbet glasses with the pieces of fruit through it and serve cold with whipped cream or cream and sugar. This may be made with dried stewed fruits, dried peaches or apricots are especially nice. (Mrs. W. L. Davis) CHARLOTTE RUSSE FLUFF 2J/2 teaspoons or ^ box gela- 1 tablespoon vanilla tine 1 pint cream 1 cup sugar 4 grated macaroons or nuts or ^4 cup water fruit 1 egg Soak gelatine in J4 cup water for Yz hour. Set cup in boiling water until dissolved. Make a custard of milk, sugar and egg. Add gelatine and vanilla and set aside to cool. Whip cream and add custard to it with \vhip]:)er. Pour into mould. (Mrs. -Mexander .\imick) APPLE CUSTARD 1 dozen apples 1 quart milk 4 eggs Sugar and butter 4 tablespoons flour Pare and core uniform apples. Place in shallow bake dish, fill center with sugar and put bit of butter on top. Beat eggs separately. Beat these ingredients 8 or 10 minutes and pour around the apples (not over them) and bake until apples are CARROT PUDDING 1 cup grated potatoes J^ cup raisins 1 cup grated carrots Vs cup butter 1 cup sugar V2 teaspoon cloves 1 cup flour yi teaspoon cinnamon y^ cup currants V2 teaspoon nutmeg Stir 1 teaspoon of soda into the potatoes, flour and raisins. Grease pail, cover tight, steam 3^ hours. Serve witli sauce. (Mrs. H. C. Torrance) GRAHAM AND FIG PUDDING 4 tablespoons Graham Flour in Ij/; cup English walnuts 1 pt. water — cook 15 min., add 1 cup sugar 1 lb. bgs, chopped Pinch salt Boil 15 minutes, put in mold. Serve with whipped cream, a lemon, or hard sauce. Serves 10 portions. (Mrs. F. M. Fuller) ICE BOX PUDDING \V2 cakes sweet chocolatci 4 eggs melted 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 tablespoons boiling water I5/ doz. lady fingers 2 tablespoons pulverized su- gar To the melted chocolate add boiling water, pulverized su- gar, the yolks of eggs stirred in one at a time, teaspoon vanilla. Stir in beaten whites of eggs. I^ine a mould or pan with waxed paper. Separate ladv fingers. Lay a layer of cake and a layer of sauce until all is used. Put in ice box to settle, and serve with wliii)i)ed cream. ■ (Miss Alice G. McChesney) IN BANANA FLIP 2 l)ananas 1 Ic-iium 2 eggs, whites Salt S tablespoons pulverized sugar I'oat the whites of cgf:;s to a stilT troth with a pinch of salt and sugar. Add pulp of bananas which have been pressed through a potato ricer. Also the juice of lemon. Serve in sherbet cups with boiled custard or w]iipi)ed cream. Stewed apricots, rijjc jieachcs, prunes or any fruit of wliich pulp may l)e made. (Mrs. h'rcdcric 1. Merrick) BANANA CREAM 2 tablespoons granulated V2 cu]) honey gelatine juice 1 lemon 1^,^ cups hot niiHc 1 cup whipped cream 3 ripe bananas Soften gelatini.- in '4 cup of cold water and dissolve it in the hot milk. .\dd the bananas mashed and put through a siev« with the lemon-juice. Add honey. When cold and be- ginning to stiffen whij) the cream. Pour into a cold, wet mold and place in the refrigerator to stifi'en. .Any other fruit may be used. (Mrs. Edward J. House) RASPBERRY SPONGE l\^ tablespoons granulated 1 cup raspberry juice gelatine Juice of 1 lemon J4' cup cold water Whites of 3 eggs V2 cup boiling water .1 pint cream 1 cup sugar Soak gelatine in cold water and dissolve in the boiling water. Strain and add sugar, raspberry juice and lemon. Chill in pan of ice water. When quite thick, Leat with egg whisk mitil frothy, then add the whites of eggs beaten stiff and fold in the whipped cream. (Mrs. S. B. McCormick) CREAMED RICE WITH BRANDIED FIGS 2 cups cold boiled rice \ anilla 1 cup whipped cream llrandied figs Take rice aiul l)cat with it w Iiiijjjed cream Ihuored with vanilla. Arrange in individual portions, cover top witli brandied figs and serve with cream. RICE SOUFFLE y-2 cup rice 2 tablespoons butter % cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla 4 eggs 1 cup Sultana raisins 2 tablespoons sugar Lemon or orange rind Boil rice in 3 cups salted water. Add milk and cook until milk is absorbed. Put in yolks of eggs beaten with sugar and butter. Cook a moment, remove from fire. Add raisins, vanilla and grated rind of a lemon or orange. Fold in the beaten whites of eggs and bake in buttered dish 30 minutes. Serve hot with a hard sauce. MARSHMALLOW CREAM Vz lb. marshmallows 1 tablespoon corn starch 1 cup whipped cream Red raspberry juice. Y-2. cup chopped nuts Cut marshmallow in pieces; add whipped cream and nuts; stir together and let stand all night. Thicken with corn starch and serve with red raspberry juice. (Mrs. Edward J. House) MANHATTAN PUDDING 1% cups orange juice ]^ cup powdered sugar Y\ cup lemon juice ^2. tablespoon vanilla Sugar to taste % cup chopped nuts 1 pint whipping cream Mix fruit juices and sweeten to taste. Turn inixture into brick mould. Whip cream and add sugar, vanilla, and nut meats. Pour over first mixture to fill mould. Cover with greased paper. Fit on cover, pack in salt and ice, and let stand for three hours. (Mrs. W. J. Holland) FROZEN CHERRY PUDDING 1 pint milk 1 quart whipped cream XYz cups sugar 1 large cup rich preserved 2 eggs cherries Vanilla Wine 2 tablespoons gelatine Make custard with milk, eggs, 1 cup sugar and vanilla. Add to this gelatine which has been soaked in cold water. When cold add whipped cream and J^ cup sugar. Flavor with wine and when mixture is partly frozen, add preserved cher- ries. (Miss Louise M. Richardson) 116 MAPLE MOUSSE 1 cup maple sugar 1 pint cream 4 eggs Salt Heat maple syrup. Let cool slightly and beat slowly into the beaten yolks of eggs and let cook until thick like candy. Beat stiffly the whites of the eggs and add to them a pinch of salt and cream, whipped. Let siyrup and yolks cool and then fold into the stiffly beaten cream and whites of eggs. Pour into mould and ])ack in ice and salt, 3 to 4 hours. (Mrs. C. R. Peddle) FROZEN APPLE FLOAT 3 pints stewed apples Sugar 1 pint cream Vanilla 4 eggs Put apples through sieve, sweeten to taste and flavor with vanilla. Beat this light with egg, whip and add well beaten eggs. Before freezing add the cream. This makes three quarts when frozen. (Miss Louise M. Richardson) MAPLE ICE CREAM 1 quart cream 5^4 lb. pecans 1 cup maple sugar To 1 quart of rich cream add maple sugar, chopped pecans, and freeze. MAPLE PARFAIT 1 cup maple syrup 1 pint cream 4 eggs To maple syrup add beaten yolks of eggs. Stir until this comes to boil. Strain and cool. Whip cream and add beaten whites of eggs. Mix all together and freeze. (Mrs. Paul Sturtevant) APPLE DUMPLINGS Sauce — Make sauce first. 2 cups sugar (brown and white 2 cups l)oiling water mixed 1 lemon cut thin and in small 2 tablespoons flour pieces 2 tablespoons butter PASTRY 1 pint flour % cup milk 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 tablespoon, each butter and Vz teaspoon salt lard Roll thin, sprinkle with butter, sugar and cinnamon. Spread over this 3 or 4 apples chopped fine and make into a roll. Cut into eight dumplings. Pour over them y2 the sauce and bake 40 minutes in moderate oven. Serve with the other half of sauce, heated. (Mrs. George M. House) COTTAGE CHEESE CUSTARD PIE !/2 cup cheese V^ cup sugar 2 eggs 1 cup milk Drop piece of butter liere and there on top. Bake in pie crust. • (Mrs. II. A. Ross) RHUBARB PIE Crust Filling 2 cups pastry flour \\'2 cups cut rhubarb J/4 cup butter 1 cup sugar % cup lard Mix and add to one beaten egg Chon brd and butter into flour, m'x with ice water. Roll lightly, fold three or four times, add filling and bake. CHERRY PUDDING To two tablespoons of cornstarch mixed to a smooth paste with a little cold milk, add two cups of milk and one tablespoon of sugar; flavor with the grated peel of one lemon, put into a double boiler and boil until it becomes thick; re- move from the fire, stir in a cup of canned cherries, let cool, then pour into a serving bowl and decorate with some of the cherries. Whipped cream is an addition. Other canned fruits may be used in place of cherries. STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE 1 cup sugar 2 cups flour Vz cup butter 2 teaspoons Royal baking pow- 2 eggs der 1 cup milk Mix butter and sugar, then well beaten eggs, then m Ik and flour and baking powder. Bake in 2 cake pans, J^^ pint of cream, 2 boxes berries. Keep best berries for top, crushing the remaining berries, sweetening to taste an hour or so be- fore serving. (Mrs. H. A. Ross) lis APPLE POPOVERS Vz cup flour Sweet milk, enough to 1 teaspoon baking powder make soft dough 1 teaspoon butter Slice apples or peaches and jnit in bottom of cui)S. Put a little sugar, butter and nutmeg on top of fruit. Drop mixture over fruit in cups and steam an hour. (Mrs. Paul Sturtevant) STEAM SUET PUDDING hot cup chopped suet 1 teaspoon soda in cup molasses water 1 \A cups milk % teaspoon salt cup raisins 2 teaspoons cinnamon cup currants 1 teaspoon cloves V2 cup citron Graham flour to thicken enough to pour off spoon (not too stiff); fill well greased mold and steam 3 hours. (Mrs. H. P. Allen) When fruit has fermented slightly, reheat it, add a small amount to light brown sugar, and use for pies. 119 Pie for War Time CRUSTS RYE PIE CRUST 1% cups wheat flour 1 teaspoon salt I1/2 cups rye flour 1 scant cup Crisco Ice water to mix. It will take about 1% cups. Mix dry ingredients and cut shortening in with a knife- Add water gradually, using just enough to hold together. Roll out, handling as little as possible, for several days. (Mrs. Mary R. DeMotte) BARLEY 2 cuiKs liarlcy flour Vs cud vegetable oil 1 teaspoon salt V2 teaspoon baking powder (."ombine as for other pastry, adding enough water for a stiff dough. CORNMEAL AND WHEAT > V2 cup cornmeal V2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup wheat flour 2 tablespoons vegetable oil Combine ingredients, using encugh liquid to make a dough that can be rolled thin. Bake in quick oven. OATMEAL 2 cups 'finely ground oatmeal 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup boiling water 2 teaspoons vegetable oil Scald the oatmeal with the water. Add the oil and mix thoroughly. Roll ver}^ thin and line small pie or tart tins with the mixture. Bake in a hot oven. RICE IV2 cups rice flour V2 teaspoon ."-alt yi cup wheat flour Ice water V3 cup crisco Work shortening and flour well together, using the tips of the fingers or a knife. Moisten with ice water and keep •-n a cool place until ready to use. COTTAGE CHEESE RICE PIE CRUST V2 cup cottage cheese 1 cup rice flour 6 tablespoons vegetable oil 6 to 8 tablespoons ice water }/2 teaspoon salt Cream shortening, salt and cheese very thoroughly to- gether, then add flour and blend well. (War Food Bureau, Women's Civic League, Baltimore) 122 MINCE MEAT WITHOUT MEAT 1 pk. green tomatoes chopped 2 teaspoons cinnamon fine 2 teaspoons cloves 2 qts. apples chopped fine 1 teaspoon grated nutmeg 1 cup suet chopped fine 1 teaspoon salt 2 lbs. raisins %teaspoon pepper 4 lbs. brown sugar Mix all together and cook J/$ hour. Take from stove and add 1 large cup of boiled cider or vinegar. Seal in jars while hot. (Miss Mary O'Hara Darlington) SUGARLESS FILLINGS APPLE Make an apple sauce, using white syrup instead of sugar; fill shells made with war-time pie crust; sprinkle top with chopped nuts; place a square of currant jelly in the center of each. APPLE-RAISIN Wash and soak one cup seedless raisins over night; sim- mer in same water for an hour; add one quart peeled quartered apples and one-half cup white syrup; simmer together until done; fill tart shells made with war-time pie crust. ORANGE 1 cup boiling water 3 eggs 4 tablespoons cornstarch % cup white corn syrup 1 large juicy orange 1 teaspoon lemon juice Rub cornstarch smooth with a little cold water, add the boiling water and cook for five minutes; add the pulp and part of the grated rind of the orange, the syrup and the lemon juice; heat thoroughly and pour slowly on the beaten yolks of the eggs; beat well; pour into tart shells made with war- time pie crust; cover with meringue made from the whites of the eggs and flavored with leinon juice; sprinkle with grated lemon peel; brown in oven; serve cold. "War Candy" NUT BALLS % lb. walnut meat V^ package Karo or Maple Syrup Yi lb. seedless raisins V^ package Puffed Rice Boil syrup until ready to candy. Chop nuts and raisins and add to syrup about 3 minutes before taking from fire. Add puffed rice the last thing before turning out on buttered platter. Roll into balls the size of a large marble. STUFFED FIGS Soak figs in sherry over night. Stuff with black walnut meats and cherries chopped together. Roll in maple sugar. HONEY CANDY 1 cup strained honey 1 tablespoon butter 2 cups brown sugar 34 cup milk Boil until it forms a soft ball when tried in cold water. Beat until it is thick. I'our into buttered pan. Cut in squares and w^ap in paraffin paper. KARO DIVINITY 3 cups brown sugar 2 eggs (whites) Vt. cup Karo ^ teaspoon salt 1 square chocolate 1 cup chopped nuts % cup water Vz teaspoon vanilla Cook the sugar, Karo and water, until it forms a soft ball when tried in water, having added the chocolate melted over hot water. Beat the whites of eggs very stiff, and add other ingredients. Pour on the hot syrup, beating all the time. When mixture will stand alone, drop from teaspoon on but- tered plates. The chocolate may be omitted. (Mrs. Frederic I. Merrick) "POPCORN HAS POWER." Popcorn is very valuable as a food. Give the chil- dren popcorn balls made with honey or corn syrup. The children will be happy and satisfied, and you will be help- ing your country by saving on other sweets. 125 PUFFED RICE WAR CANDY 1 cup sugar 3 tal)lespoonsful molasses V2 cup water V2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon vinegar Boil until drops hard in Boil for 5 minutes water. Add piece of butter size of egg Mix puffed rice previously heated in hot syrup, spread on buttered pans to cool. STUFFED DATES Select nice, solid dates. Seed and fill with any preferred nuts. Dip in maple sugar. MAPLE FONDANT l)oiI any desired cpiantity of maple sugar (1 pt. makes about ■)4 lb) until it rolls into a soft ball when dropi)ed in cold water. I'our out on large platter or marble slab. P>eat with spoon until it can be handled, then knead until it is soft and creamy. If the fondant is not to be used immediately, place it in a covered vessel and keep it in refrigerator or some cool place until needed. Maple fondant is made and used exactly like the regular fondant made from white sugar, and like the white, can be made up in numerous ways: Stuffed Figs — Dates, or any candied or preserved fruits. Loaf — Made by kneading into a small loaf or fondant chopped nuts, seedless raisins, or chopped dried or candied fruits and slicing it with sharp knife. Creams — Shape round or oval as desired and garnish with nuts, etc. Wafers — Ivemelt fondant in double boiler and drop on oiled jiajjcr. Cream Covered — Grapes, strawberries, nuts, etc., are made by dipping in the fondant that has been remelted in double boiler. Balls — ^Shape fondant in balls and roll in finely chopped nuts, cocoanut, etc. "EAT NATURAL SWEETS IN PLACE OF CANDY." Eat dates and figs and other sweet fruits. Eat maple sugar and honey, where you can get it, instead of candy. MAPLE COCOANUT BALLS 1 fresh cocoamit (grated finely)! 11). Maple Sugar Cook maple sugar in tlie milk from tlie cocoanut (if milk does not measure a full cup add a little water). When the candy rolls into a soft ball when dropped in cold water, re- move from stove and beat until creamy. Add % of grated cocoanut and stir lightly until well nii\e>l with candy, pour immediatel,y on large i)latter or slab until it is cool enough to handle. Knead into soft uniform consistency and roll into balls about the size of a large marble. As each ball is linished roll it in the remaining grated cocoanut. Lav balls on i)lattcr or oiled i)aper to harden. Dry shredded cocoamit may ])e used if the fresh cannot be obtained (the flavor is not nearly so good) and the sng.ir cooked in a cu]) of water or milk. CHOCOLATE MAPLE FUDGE 1 11). Maple Sugar b'ew drops of \anilla if de- 1 cup milk sired K' cake Baker's Chocolate Boil milk and sugar tnitil candy rolls into soft ball, when dropped in cold water. W hen about half done add chocolate, stirring constantly to prevent burning. Just before removing from fire add vanilla. Beat until creamy and i)our out in greased pan to harden. When about half cooled cut into squares with a hot knife. These are just "'Alary Elizabetirs" recipes, simplified so as to be possible for tbe amateur who docs not have a candy thermometer or the many api)liances whicli the i)rofession;i'l candy maker uses. (Miss Letitia Hunter) BLACK WALNUT TAFFY 1 quart New Orleans Molasses 1 cMip chopped black walnuts 1 cup brown sugar rinch of soda 1 tablespoon butter Boil molasses and brown sugar until it cracks in cold water. Add soda. While cooling add nuts and butter. I 'nil as long as possible. Cut as desired. HONEY ROLL V2 cup strained honey 1 cup of either raisins, dates 1 cup chopped mixed nuts or ligs (or mixed) If raisins are used carefully remove all seeds. Thoroughly mix, put in a mould, placing a weight ui)on it, and let stand 4.S hours before cutting in s(iuarcs. 127 CARAMEL FUDGE 2 cups lirown sugar 1 cup milk Stir constantliy until it forms a soft ball in cold water. Then beat until cold. I'our in pan and cut in squares. BROWN SUGAR FUDGE 2 cups brown sugar 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup milk 2 oz. chocolate ,'4 teaspoon of cream of Tartar Boil together until it forms a soft ball in cold water. When cool add the butter and beat until very stiff. Then add 2 or 3 tablespoons of cream, pour in pan and cut in squares. SEA FOAM 2 cups light brown sugar Whites of 2 eggs 1 cup water Boil sugar and water together until it forms a soft ball. Beat the whites of the eggs very stiff and slowly add the boiled syrup. Beat until it will drop from the spoon. MOLASSES CANDY 1 quart New Orleans Molasses 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup brown sugar Pinch of soda Boil sugar and molasses until it will crack in cold water. Add butter and soda, cool and pull as long as possible. (Mrs. J. M. Thorne) POPCORN CANDY For making pop-corn candy either honey, maple syrup, molasses, white cane syrup or corn syrup may be used instead of sugar. To one cup of syrup allow one tablespoon of vine- gar. Boil together until syrup hardens when dropped in cold water. Pour over freshly pop_^ed corn and mold into balls or fancy shapes. 108 Beverages EGG NOG 1 egg )4 cup milk Pinch of salt Vanilla or nutmeg Separate egg. Beat yolk, add sugar and salt and beat until creamy. Add milk and flavoring. Beat whites until foamy, but not dry. Fold in lightly and serve immediately. Note — Chill egg and ijiilk before blending. (Miss Rachel C. Aiken) MULLED CLARET Remove core from an apple, put into oven and bake. Take out of oven and fill with sugar and cloves. Tie apple in a piece of cheese cloth and drop into 1 quart of claret. Let simmer slowly for Yz hour and serve hot. A domestic claret may be used. (Miss Addah Gerdes) MULLED CIDER To 1 quart sweet cider, 4 tablespoons sugar, add 1 tea- spoon whole cloves and some stick cinnamon tied in piece of cheese cloth. Boil together for five minutes and serve steaming hot. GINGER ALE PUNCH 1 orange Sprig of mint 1 lemon To 1 bottle of ginger ale add the juice of 1 orange and 1 lemon. Pour over crushed ice, add sprig of mint, and serve. WARTIME-ADE 5 lemons (juice) 1 bunch mint (leaves) 1^ cups sugar % cup water Allow to stand Vz hour. Strain over ice. Add 3 or 4 pints ginger ale. Garnis,b glasses with mint. HOT CHOCOLATE 1 quart milk 2 tablespoons sugar 1 block chocolate 1 teaspoon vanilla Heat milk • in double boiler. Dissolve grated chocolate and sugar with a little hot water. Add hot milk and beat with egg beater, adding vanilla if desired. 130 ICED CHOCOLATE 1 cup corn syrup 2 tablespoons strong coffee 1 cup warm water Cracked ice y^ cup cocoa Cream Mix over hot water until dissolved, then boil to a heavy syrup. When thoroughly chilled add coffee. For 1 glass use 2 or 3 tablespoons of the mixture to the same amount of cracked ice and y^ cup of cream. Shake well. Can be kept on ice for several days. (Mrs. Mary R. DeMotte) GINGER PUNCH Candied ginger and rhubarb juice sweetened, are the chi^f ingredients. 131 Preserved Fruits FRESH PEACHES Wash and boil jars and lids. Peal peaches, cut in halves, place in jars. Boil syrup, proportion, 1 Va cups of sugar to 3 cups of water. Pour syrup over fruit, filling jars. Put lids on without screwing tight. Set in boiler with water ito shoulder of jar. Boil until the peaches are tender. Have kettle of water boiling on the stove. Lift jars out of boiler, dip rubber bands in boiling water for a minute, put on jars, fill to overflowing with the boiling syrup and screw lids tight. Do not have more than 1 jar open at a time. In doing a small amount of fruit, or when working alone, it is better to do a few jars at a time. Then while filling 2 jars the syrup is boiling. Before starting to fill the third jar set both kettles off the fire. By the time the third jar is filled, the syrup and cooked fruit are both cool enough to handle. Plums and small fruits, except blackberries, may be done this way. It is not necessary to place fruit in cold water to keep from discoloring as when hot syrup is poured on. it takes away any discoloration. PEARS AND QUINCES Sterilize jars and lids. Prepare fruit and boil in plenty of water until tender. Remove fruit from kettle, measure liquid and sweeten in pro- portion of 1 cup sugar to 3 cups liquid. Boil syrup 10 min- utes. Put fruit in syrup and boil 10 minutes. Fill jars and set in boiler with water to shoulder of jars. Rubber and lids must be on, but lids not screwed down. Cover jars with clean cloth (several thicknesses) and cook for an hour. Remove from boiler and tighten tops. (Mrs. II. C. McEldowney) STRAWBERRY PRESERVES 1 cup strawberries 2 cups sugar Cook (> minutes after they start to boil. 'PEACH AND PINEAPPLE PRESERVES 5 lbs. peaches M lbs. sugar to each lb. fruit 2 lbs. pineapple Pare the pineapple and put through the meat grinder. Put the sugar and pineapples on the stove and cook slowly. Pare the peaches and cut in small dice. Cook the sugar and pine- apple until clear aiid then add the peaches and cook until preserved. (Mrs. W. Seward B. Hays) 132 GRAPE MARMALADE Pick over, wash, drain and stem grapes. Separate pulp from skin. Put pulp in preserving kettle. Meat to boiling point and cook slowly until seeds separate from pulp, then rub through cheese cloth or hair sieve. Return to kettle with skins. Add an equal measure of sugar and cook slowly 30 minutes, occasionally stirring to prevent burning. Put m tumblers or jars. (Mrs. H. A. Ross) GOOSEBERRY CHUTNEY 4 lbs. gooseberries (green) 1 tablespoon ground cloves 4 lbs. sugar 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1 pint vinegar A little Cayenne Pepper Put the sugar and vinegar on until it boils, then add the berries and spices and boil half an hour. You can either put them in bottles or jelly cans and cover with paper, like pre- serves. (Mrs. H. C. Torrance) SPICED CURRANTS 3 pints currants 1 tablespoon whole cloves 2 pints sugar 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1 small cup vinegar Cook currants with cloves and cinnamon until soft, and strain through cheese cloth. Then measure currants, sugar and vinegar. Cook with this several cloves and cinnamon tied in a little cheese cloth bag. Cook until it jellys. PICKELED PRUNES 4 lbs. prunes 1 oz. each cloves and cinnamon 2 lbs. sugar ]4 oz. ginger 1 pt. vinegar Boil spices, sugar and vinegar together 10 minutes. Soak primes 24 hours and steam 15 minutes. Add spices, vinegar and sugar, and boil until clear and fruit tender. (Miss Helen Barclay) SPICED PEACHES 9 lbs. peaches Whole cloves 4 lbs. sugar Stick cinnamon 1 i)t. vinegar Put sugar and vinegar in a kettle, boil and skim, after which throw in the peaches and cook soft. Lift them out and let the juice boil until thick. Put the cinnamon and cloves in a muslin bag and boil with the juice. (Mrs. Mortimer C. Miller) 133 KURNQUAT MARMALADE Let the Kurnquats stand in salted water, changing the water each morning for three mornings. Dry the fruit and slice thin, taking out the seeds, put in preserving kettle with enough water to almost cover them, cook twenty minutes, then add a scant cup of sugar to a full cup of Kurnquats and boil 10 minutes more. Put in glasses. Serve with ice cream or ices for dessert. (Mrs. Gilliford B. Sweeny) STRAWBERRIES Weigli fruit and take an equal weight of sugar. Put sugar in kettle with just a little water. Boil until syrup is thick as honey. Put strawberries in syrup. Cook until berries are clear. Wash and boil jars and lids while fruit is cooking. Fill jars to overflowing, di]> rul)bers in boiling water l)efore using. Screw lids tight. DELICIOUS STRAWBERRY JAM Equal measures, not weight, of strawberries and sugar. Mix and let stand over niglit. Put on to cook, witliout water. Cook 23 minutes from commencement of boding. Allow to cool in kettle. Wash and scald glasses just before using, rinse with cold water. (Mrs. H. C. McEldowney* STRAWBERRIES AND CHERRIES 1 quart strawberries 1 pint water 1 quart cherries 1 pound sugar (granulated) Make a syrup; mit fruit in and cook about 20 minutes. STRAWBERRIES AND PINEAPPLES 1 quart strawberries, mashed 1 pineapple, grated Not quite the amount of sugar that you have fruit. Boil seven minutes and seal. (Mrs. D. M. Buck) RAISIN AND GRAPE MARMALADE 8 lbs. of ripe grapes 11/2 lbs. raisins 4 lbs. sugar 2 oranges Pulp grapes (saving the skins) put on to boil until seeds rise and can be strained through a colander. Add skins and boil 15 minutes. Add sugar, raisins and oranges (including peel). Boil three-quarters of an hour. (Mrs. E. S. Govdale) 134 GRAPE JUICE Wash and stem Concord grapes, cover with water, scald and strain. To each quart of juice, add one quart of water, one cup of sugar; let come to boiling jioint; bottle and seal. seal. GRAPE BUTTER ^ Take remaining pul]) and wash tlirough sieve, about ^4 cup water to 2 cups pulp. To each cup of pulp, add same amount of sugar. Mix well and cook slowly until thick, stirring often. Tliis butter requires much less cooking than peach or apple. I GRAPE JUICE FOR FREEZING I Take the pulp left in the sieve and add more water, boil I and strain. Add equal parts sugar. Roil about 5 nxinutes making [ a syrup for freezing. GRAPE JUICE Select fresh Concord grapes — wash, stem, and place in vessel with very little water, just enough to start grapes cooking. Cook until soft, strain tlirough cheese cloth and let stand until settled. Pour off, return to stove add small amount of sugar, taking care not to sweeten too much as more can be added as desired. Barely let come to boil. Pour into hot sterilized bottles or jars and seal. Serve with crushed ice. Water can be added. CANNED RHUBARB Prepare and stew as for ordinary table use, but cook a shorter time and use half as much sugar and a very small amount of water. Put in sterilized jars and seal. When used, sugar may be added to taste. CANNED PEACHES CANNED PEARS CANNED SWEET APPLES Pare and cut in halves, barely cover with hot water, cook until tender, place in sterilized jars standing in hot water. Strain water in which fruit was cooked. With this water ane one-half amount of svigar, make a sjTup and pour over fruit while hot. Seal. Note. — Prepare and cook enough for one jar at a time. 135 STUFFED PEACHES Select choice, large fruit. Prepare, cook and make ayrup as above. After removing from water, fill centers with can- died ginger, pineapple, cherries, raisins, etc., and nuts chopped fine. Tie halves together with coarse thread. Place in hot sterilized jars, pour hot syrup over peaches, filling jar. Place lid on jar, do not seal tight at first. Put jars in very slightly heated oven with oven door partly open. Leave for 1 hour. Remove and seal. CANNED YELLOW RASPBERRIES Make a rich syrup and keep hot. Select perfect berries, wash and stem. Place in sterilized jars, pour hot syrup over berries, filling jar. Place lid on jar, do not seal tight at first. Put jars in very slightly heated oven with oven door partly open. Leave for 2 or 3 hours. Remove and seal. Red raspberries and grapes may be canned in same way. '(Mrs. S. A. Pickering) CHERRIES FOR PIE Seed by hand and carefully prepare sour red cherries, in proportion of % fruit to J4 sugar. Let both simmer un- til they boil, then cook rapidly for about ten minutes. Put in sterilized jars and seal. ADDITION OF SALT TO PEACHES AND PLUMS The addition of salt to peaclies and plum preserves gives a richness of flavor that the fruit seems to lack when pre- served. TO TEST FRUIT FOR PECTIN Some fruits are lacking in pectin, the component which is necessary to make them "jell." To test fruit juices for the necessary amount of pectin, add a small amount of a 15 per cent solution of grain alcohol to an equal amount of the fruit juice. If mixture remains clear, it will not "jell," but if it becomes murky when cooled, it has sufficient pectin. Fruits that lack it, very often are supplied with a sufficient amount of pectin by adding a medium sliced carrot to every quart of juice. The carrots do not affect the taste. (Mrs. D. M. Buck) 136 Canned Vegetables RECIPE FOR PUTTING UP CORN Cut corn from cob 2 cups of water 9 cups of corn Cup of salt 2 cups of sugar Put all in kettle on the fire. After it comes to boiling point, cook five minutes, stirring often. I^'ill the jars at once while hot. Before cooking for eating, wash the corn well in cold water. Let it soak in cold water three hours. Changing the water. Just before serving jnit on fire, let come to boiling point. Drain off water, dress with a little cream and butter. (No salt). PUTTING UP CORN 10 cups corn 1 cup sugar 1 cup sail Mix sugar and salt with the corn and ;)lace on back of stove until enough milk or juice is drawn to cook it. Then place on front of stove. Cook for 12 minutes after it has begun to boil. Then pack tight in jars which are sterilized. Screw lids tight after testing the rubber. W'hen ready to use boil off with one or two waters until just salt enough to suit taste. (Mrs. William Watson Smith) CANNED CORN 10 cups corn 1 generous cup sugar 1/ cup water 1 .-^cant cup of salt Let stand on low flame until heated, and draw water, then put over higher flame and boil ten minutes. Put in air tight jars. Before using soak 3 or 4 hours and dress with a cream sauce. (Mrs. H. A. Ross) CANNED GREEN PEPPERS Prepare by removing seeds. Cut in strips or leave wdiole. Blanch by dipping in hot water for 2 or 3 minutes, then immediately into cold water. Pack in jars — fill jar with boil- ing water, add a level teaspoon salt. 'Sterilize 90 minutes. (Mrs. Thos. J. Gillespie) Buy empty flour sacks by the dozen from your grocer, to use for dish towels. £38 CANNED EGG PLANT Pare and cut in round slices egg plant. Place in cheese clotli and dip in boiling water for 2 or 3 minutes, then place immediately in cold water. Pack in jar, fill jar with boil- ing water, add 1 teaspoon salt. Place in steamer, steam for 30 minutes. DRIED EGG PLANT Pare and cut the egg plant into slices about a quarter of an inch thick, lay over platters and place in a moderate oven until dry; keep in covered vessels. To Cook Soak in water for about 2 hours, then parboil 10 minutes with a little baking soda in the water, dry it with a towel, dip in eggs and in bread or cracker crumbs and fry. (Mrs. W. Seward B. Hays) 139 Putting up Vegetables THE SUCCESS LIES IN SANITARY PRECAUTIONS AND THOROUGH STERILIZING JARS Use Atlas or Ball Mason Jars. These should be in per- fect condition, no nicks around mouth, an even thread at neck, so that lid can screw perfectly tight. INSPECTION Should be thorough, and imperfect jars discarded. Many are rough around edge at opening; file, off parts extending over edge, which might prevent lid from screwing tight. WASHING Thoroughly cleanse by making a very hot soapy water. Put a little water in each jar, with a small amount of bak- ing soda to sweeten. Wash in the suds, rinse several times in clear hot water. Fill jar with clear cold water, place in boiler. Then fill boiler with cold water to half the depth of jar. When it starts to boil let it continue until jars are thor- oughly sterilized, about twenty minutes to a half hour. Turn out the fire, leaving jars in boiler until ready to use them. Take out a jar at a time to fill. WATER Distilled or boiled water should be used for cooking. TO BOIL OR STERILIZE WATER Place in clean vessel necessary amount of cold water. Let boil a few minutes; after which remove from the stove, cover, and let get cold. RUBBER BANDS Use thick white bands. These should be dipped in hot water and dried as used. LIDS Should be perfect, in most cases, new. Cleanse by wash- ing, same as jars. Place on stove in vessel of cold water, let boil, take from boiling water as used. Shake lids in order to get all the water out. Do not dry. 140 PREPARING VEGETABLES Beans, peas and carrots should be prepared as for the table. Beets should be pared like potatoes. If small, leave whole; if large, cut in two or four pieces. Corn should be cut oiT the ear. Tomatoes: Scald, remove skin, and quarter. String beans should not be cut. Snap or break. Very young beans can be put up whole. Beans too old to be tender left on the vine until ready to shell, should be put up like peas or lima beans. So pre- pared they are delicious and afford a good substitute for pota- toes. CORN Cut from cob. Take jar from l)oiling water, empty, put into it two tablespoons of corn. Take a large cob from which corn has been cut, press corn in jar with this until milk comes out. Keep putting in the corn and pressing it down in this manner until the jar is full, at which time the corn will be covered with its own milk. Place rubber band and lid on jar, put in boiler and steam the same as other vege- tables. Corn will sometimes steam out around the lid; -but this does no harm, it can be washed off after lid is screwed tight, just before applying sealing wax. TOMATOES Prepare, cook on top of stove from one to two hours, according to amount; after they have cooked some time, sea- son well with salt. Cook the water out. This makes them quite strong, but water can be added before using. PUTTING VEGETABLES IN JARS When prepared, wash thoroughly in two or three waters. Take jars from boiler one at a time, as required. Empty the water, and fill immediately with the thoroughly waslied vegetables. Put in the salt, then fill the jar with distilled oi: sterilized water, place rubber band on jar, then the lid. Do not screw too tight — just enough to keep in the steam when boiling. When all jars are removed from boiler, empty any water which may be left. Place filled jars back in boiler and fill it with cold water, within one inch of the rubber band. Put lid on boiler and steam the required time with just enough fire to keep an even boiling point. Time is counted from the moment the water in boiler begins to boil, not from the time it was put on the stove. When finished, turn out the fire, remove lid from boiler to let out the steam and screw lids as tight as possible while jars are still in the boiler. Lift out one at a time with perfectly sterile tea towels, place on table, screw lids still tighter. When all jars are removed from the boiler go over them again and again and make sure lids are tight.. Keep rubber band, which tiie heat has probably softened, well under lid all around so that it does not slip out, while the lid is being screwed. When lids are tight paste with red sealing wax as a further safeguard. "GOVERNMENT SUGGESTION" To retain natural color blanching ma cups cornmeal (fine) Cornmeal muffins — V2 cup wheat flour. Wa cups corn- meal (coarse) (5) Rice muffins — ^ cup wheat flour, 1% cups rice meal (coarse ) The important thing is to observe the varying proportions of the different flours and meals. Xote that the amount of wheat flour plus the amount of substitute flour does not always equal the two cups of wheat flour in the Standard recipe on account of the varying weights ■per cup of the suggested substitutes. If it is desired to use cooked cereals in making muffins, griddle cakes or waffles, it would be best to follow the recipes in anj- standard cook book with the proper substitution sug- gested above for butter and sugar. UNITED STATES FOOD ADMINISTRATION for Allegheny County. 155 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 16 drams 1 ounce 16 ounces 1 pound 1 teaspoon 60 drops 3 teaspoons 1 tablespoon 4 tablespoons. ..1 wine glass, Yi gill or 14 cup 4 salt spoons 1 teaspoon 16 tablespoons 1 cup 2 gills 1 cup 2 cups 1 pint 2 pints 1 quart 4 quarts 1 gallon 2 tablespoons Crisco 1 ounce 1 tablespoon butter 1 ounce 2 tablespoons salt 1 ounce 4 tables])oons pepper 1 ounce 2 tablespoons sugar 1 ounce 4 tablespoons flour 1 ounce 2 tablespoons liquid 1 ounce 1 square chocolate 1 ounce 3 tablespoons grated chocolate 1 ounce % cup chopped nuts (blanched) 1 ounce 1 cup currants ^ pound 1 cup crumbs J4 pound 4% cups coffee 1 pound 2>y2 cups confectioners' sugar 1 pound 4V^ cups graham flour 1 pound 2 'k cups oatmeal 1 pound 5 cups rolled oats 1 pound 4% cups rye meal 1 pound 1% cups rice 1 pound 2% cups dry beans 1 pound 2 cups granulated sugar 1 pound 2 "'k cups brown sugar 1 pound 2% cups powdered sugar 1 pound 1 cup (volume) 8 ounces 1 cup water 8% ounces 1 pint butter 1 pound 1 quart flour 1 pound 9 medium or 10 small eggs 1 pound 4% teaspoons cinnamon ' 1 ounce 4 tablespoons cloves 1 ounce 4 tablespoons mace 1 ounce 4 tablespoons mustard 1 ounce 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 ounce ^ cup chopped suet 1 ounce TABLE OF PROPORTIONS cup liquid to 3 cups flour for bread cup liquid to 2 cups flour for muffins cup liquid to 1 cup flour for batters teaspoon soda to 1 pint sour milk teaspoon soda to 1 cup molasses 14 teaspoon salt to 4 cups custard J teaspoons salt to 4 cups water Yi, teaspoon salt to 1 cup white sauce Vs teaspoon pepper to 1 cup white sauce ! heaping teaspoons baking powder to 1 quart flour 156 I n dex ACCESSORIES FOR SALADS Page Cheese Balls 71 Cheese Rolls 71 Cheese Wafers 71 Cornmeal Crisp (Salad Wafers) 71 Corn Sticks ■ • • • 71 BEVERAGES Egg Nog j30 Ginger Punch j;?"^ Ginger Ale Punch \f/^ Hot Chocolate J^'J Iced Chocolate J:^^ Mulled Claret ]'^^ Mulled Cider ]f!^ Wartime-Ade ^■^^ BREADS Barley Bread ]| Patter Bread |^ Berkshire Muffins |^ Bird's Nest ;° Blueberry Muffins ^^ Boston Brown Bread J-^ Boston Brown Bread Without Milk |-^ Boston Brown Bread |^ Bran Bread (One Loaf) |^ Bran and Graham Muffins |^ Bran Gems |q Bran Muffins without Eggs |^ Buttermilk Brown Bread '^ Buckwheat Buns * |° Buckwheat Muffins |° Corn Bread without Milk j Corn Bread with Milk and Eggs j| Corn Bread with Milk and Egg V. Corn Dodgers ^1^ Corn and Flour Bread j^ Corn Muffins y Crackling Corn Bread |'^ "Educator" Bran Muffins }'. Graham Gems with Sour or Butter Milk !<' Graham Muffins with Sweet Milk |o Graham Muffins ^" Hominy Bread (With Wheat Flour and Potatoes (Three Loaves) (From the Club Messenger) 14 Hot Cross Buns 20 Muffins 21 157 Nut Bread 15 Nut and Raisin Bread 15 C'atmeal Bread 12 Oatmeal Bread 13 Parker House Rolls 20 Peanut Butter Bread or Muffins 17 Plain Muffins 20 Potato Bread 16 Prune Bread 15 Rice Bread (One Loaf) 16 Rice Cakes 20 Rice Muffins 21 Rice Flour Muffins 21 Rye Bread (One Loaf) 17 Spider Bread 15 Spoon Bread 11 Spoon Corn Bread 12 War Bread 12 CAKES Angel Cake ' 87 Angel Food 87 Barley Sponge Cake 88 Brownies 93 Chocolate Cake 92 Chocolate Fruit Cookies 90 Chocolate Molasses Cake 86 Cream Scones 91 Date Tea Cake 85 Doughnuts 97 Drop Cakes — Baked in Gem Pans ^_. 94 Drop Sponges .- 91 Drop Graham Cakes 95 French Army Cakes (as made in France) 84 Fruit Cake 91 Ginger Snaps 94 Gold Cake, to Use 8 Yolks Left Over from Angel Cake.. 87 Hermits 94 Honey Hermits 93 Honey Plum Cake 92 Inexpensive Cookies 90 Inexpensive Chocolate Cake 86 Jolly Boys 91 Lace Cake 96 Layer Cake to Fill with Whipped Cream or a Custard Filling or Jelly 92 Lilly Cake 87 Maple Jumbles 97 Marguerites 98 Mother's Black Fruit Cake 88 Mt. Hickory One-Egg Cake 87 New England Cookies 89 No Egg Molasses Ginger Bread 89 Novelty Cake 92 Nut Cake 85 Nut Cakes (Thin) 97 158 Nutlets 96 Oatmeal Cookies with Graham Flour 95 Oatmeal Cookies with Sour Milk 95 Oatmeal Macaroons with Corn Syrup 96 Peanut Cookies 94 Pin Wheels 89 Potato Caramel Cake 86 Potato Cornmeal Cakes 95 "Prmce of Wales Cake" 85 Ross Lunch Cake — War Cake 84 Soft Ginger Bread 89 Sour Cream Gingerbread 89 Spice Drop Cakes — Baked in Gem Pans 93 Sponge Cake 88 .Sponge Cake. To Make More Delicious 88 Sponge W'afers 90 Sugar Cookies 90 Swedish Sponge Cake 88 Tea Cake 84 Taylor Cakes 95 War Chocolate Layer Cake 85 War Time Macaroons with Cocoanut 96 White Layer Cake — Two Thick Layers 86 White Loaf Cake — Bake in Tube Pan 86 CAKE ICING Caramel Icing 100 Honey Icing 100 Maple Icing 101 Nut Caramel Icing 100 White Icing 100 CANNED VEGETABLES Canned Corn .' 138 Canned Egg Plant 139 Canned Green Peppers 138 Dried Egg Plant 139 Putting up Corn 138 Recipe for Putting up Corri 138 CHEESE Bread and Cheese '62 Baked Hominy and Cheese 62 Baked Rice Au Gratin 62 Cheese SoufTle 61 Cheese on Toast 62 Creole Macaroni 61 English Monkey 62 Macaroni, Cheese and Tomato 61 Onions on Toast 61 War French Fried Potatoes 61 DESSERTS Angel Pudding 1 10 Apple Custard 114 Apple Dumplings 117 Apple Sauce (Made with Pineapple Syrup) 106 Apple Popovers 119 A Simple Custard 102 Baked Apples 105 Baked Honey Apples 107 Banana Cream 115 Banana Flip 115 Blueberry Steam Pudding Ill Bread Pudding 108 Brown Pudding Ill Carrot Pudding 114 Charlotte Russe 104 Charlotte Russe-Fluff 113 Cherry Pudding 118 Chocolate Bread Pudding 109 Cottage Cheese Custard Pie 118 Cottage Pudding 109 Creamed Rice with Brandied Figs 115 Crumb Bread Pudding 108 Custard Souffle 110 Date Pudding 102 Date Pudding 107 Delicate Fresh Strawberry Dessert Ill Fig Dessert 105 Fig Tapioca 107 Filling for Nut Cake 109 Frozen Apple Float 117 Frozen Cherry Pudding 116 Ginger Bread with Apples 102 f^raham and Fig Pudding 114 Grape Nut Pudding 105 Hingham Pudding 108 Ice Box Pudding 114 Iced Rice Pudding Ill Italian Cream Ill Lemon Pudding 106 New England Indian Pudding 112 Manhattan Pudding 116 Maple Ice Cream ".117 Maple Mousse 117 Maple Parfait 117 Maple Snuce to Be Served with Rice 106 Marshmallow Cream 116 Marshmallow Pudding 108 Meringue 103 Molasses Pie 110 Orange Bavoise 104 Peach Pudding 112 Pastry 118 Prune Jelly 107 Prune Pudding 103 Prune Pudding 106 ICO Prune Whip ]^ Prunes Cooked without Sugar ||^ Plum Pudding j'j'^ Raspberry Sponge J|^ Rhubarb \\^ Rhubarb Pie {{^ Rice Custard \\j. Rice Souffle j }^ Russian Cascell ji.^ Spanish Cream JY^ Spiced Bread Pudding JY^ Snow Pudding— Custard Sauce |1^ St. James Pudding JY^ Steam Suet Pudding |if Steamed Chocolate Pudding |Yo Strawberry Short Cake } Jo Suggestion for Dessert Jj*"^ Surprise Pudding 1^^ Tapioca Custard r};^ Troy Pudding | }^ War Pudding [^^ War Time Steamed Puddmg 1^ EGGS Blocked Eggs ^ Cheese Omelet ■ ^ Eggs and Cheese in Ramikins ^ Egg Croquettes ^V Egg for an Invalid j^\ ^gg Souffle 40 Egg Timbales • 7a Hominy Grits and Scrambled Eggs ^ Italian Gnochi jj Kidney Omelet Omelet 41 41 FISH Baked Fish . . Baked Salmon Clam Fritters Codfish Balls 35 35 36 • 35 Codfish Balls with Rice 34 Corn Meal Fish Cakes ^o Crab Croquettes ^{. Creamed Shad Roe . . ^^ Escalloped Oysters ^' Fish Crowder ^^ Fish Pudding ^° Fisli Souffle ■^•^ Garnish fftr Fish ^^ Halibut Cutlets ^^ Luncheon Fish Dish ^^ Luncheon Sardine Dish ■^t^ Planked Shad with Creamed Roe -j/ Rice Codfish Pudding ^^ Shad Roe Croquettes •'* 161 GRIDDLE CAKES AND WAFFLES Barley Waffles 24 Buckwheat Cakes 24 Corn Cakes 24 Corn Griddle Cakes 24 Corn Meal Waffles 25 Delicious Corn Cakes 25 Oatmeal Griddle Cakes 25 MEATS AND MEAT SUBSTITUTES Bean Loaf 44 Bean or Pea Loaf 48 Beef Croquettes 46 Beef Olives 47 Boiled Ham in Milk 52 Brazilian Turkey 45 Camouflage Roast 45 "Cheap Cuts" of Steak 44 Corn Beef Hash 51 Cornmeal and Meat 46 Creamed Ham 45 Croquettes without Eggs 50 Delicious Stuffed Peppers 51 For Sauc^ 50 Garnish for Cold Lamb 44 Garnish for Ham 44 Green Pea Loaf 48 Ham Mousse 46 Hominy and Chipped Beef 45 Hominy and Toinato 48 Italian Spaghetti 47 "Lalla Rookh" 51 Liberty Meat 44 Meat Loaf 50 Minced Liver with Toast 49 Mock Duck 44 Mock Sausage 47 Mock Terrapin 49 Nut Scrapple 49 Onion Soup Au Gratin 46 Pork Croquette 52 Rice and Bread, Meat Substitute 51 Rolled Steak and Vegetables 52 Royal Escallop 46 Scalloped Beef or Lamb 50 Shepherd's Pie 49 Spanish Rice 49 Tamale Pie 47 Tomato Cakes 48 Yorkshire Pudding 47 War Meat Substitute 50 162 MISCELLANEOUS Baking Powder • cq Butter ,151 Brass Polish , r2 Don't Waste Any Soap j^ ^ 1 lousehold Hints ^- ■ •,•.' i;? Make Soap of Fat Unfit tor Cooking |^^ Packing Butter for Winter Use j^J^ Packing Eggs for Winter Use J^^' Rules for Substitution i'^j' Silver Cleaner | ^f^ Suet (Rendered for Frying) j^^ Table of Proportions |^° Toilet Soap , c^ Weights and Measures !^" White Soap— No. 1 j^ J White Soap — No. 2 PIE FOR WAR TIME CRUSTS 123 .\pple-Raisin -22 Barley i ^^ Cottage Cheese Rice Pie Crust |^- Cornmeal and Wheat |^- Mince Meat without Meat jg Oatmeal ^^-i ^j-^^ge ^22 Rice , 2? Rve Pie Crust -^*: Sugarless F"illings — .Apple ^-"^ PRESERVED FRUITS Addition of Salt to Peaches and Plums 136 Cherries for Pie ■ •••• >^? Canned Peaches, Canned Pears, Canned Sweet Apples 1^^ Canned Rhubarb {^^ Canned Yellow Raspberries {^^ Delicious Strawberry Jam j^^"^ Fresh Peaches |^~ Gooseberry Chutney j^-^ Grape Butter !.i^ Grape Juice j^- Grape Juice for Freezing |^^ Grape Marmalade j" ^ Kurnquat Marmalade 1^^ Peach and Pineapple Preserves |^^ Pears and Quinces |^^ x^ickeled Prunes {^^ Raisin and Grape Marmalade |-^^ Spiced Currants .-i Spiced Peaches j^^ Strawberries ,X_^ Strawberries and Cherries ^"^^ 163 Strawberry Preserves 132 Strawberries and Pineapples 134 Stufifed Peaches : 136 To Test Fruit for Pectin 136 PUTTING UP VEGETABLES Boiler 142 Corn 141 Dried Corn 143 ■'Government Suggestion" 142 How to Cook Dried Corn 143 Important 143 Inspection 140 Jars 140 Length of Time for Steaming 142 Lids 140 Preparing Vegetables 141 Putting Vegetables in Jars 141 Putting Jars in Boiler 142 Rubber Bands 140 Sealing Wax 142 To Boil or Sterilize Water 140 Tomatoes 141 Washing 140 Water 140 RELISHES AND PICKLES Chili Sauce 147 Chopped Pickle 146 Chow Chow 144 Cold Cucumber Pickles 148 Cold Tomato Catsup 145 Corn Sauce 144 Cucumber Sauce 145 Home Made Vinegar 146 Mixed Pickles in Mustard Dressing 147 Pepoer Hash 146 Pickled Onions 148 Sliced Cucumber Pickle 145 Soanish Pickle 144 Sliced Cucumbers 148 Sniced Pickle 145 Tomato Catsup 146 SALADS Apple and Date Salad 65 Apple Surprise 68 Asparagus Salad 67 Dressing 66 Dressing 67 Frozen Fruit Salad 64 Frozen Fruit Salad 66 Frozen Tomato Jelly 64 164 Fruit Gelatine Salad 64 Ginger Ale and Fruit Salad 68 Golden Dressing 65 Grapefruit, Orange and Nut Salad 65 King Salad 67 Oyster Salad 67 Perfection Salad 65 Pineapple and Marshmellow Salad 67 Pineapple Salad 68 Pineapple Salad with Golden Dressing 65 Potato Salad 66 Potato Salad 68 Salad Miami » 66 Salad Moderne 66 Sv:mmer Salad 68 Tomato Jelly Salad 64 Tomato Salad 67 SALAD DRESSINGS Boiled Salad Dressing 73 Cream Dressing (For Cold Slaw) 73 French Dressing 74 Russian Dressing IZ Simple Salad Dressing (Without Oil) 12> Wesson Oil Mayonnaise 12> SANDWICHES Bean Sandwiches 81 Celery Sandwiches 80 Cheese Dreams '81 Cinnamon Toast 80 Date Sandwiches 81 Delicious Sandwiches 80 Norwegian Sandwiches 80 Nut and Cheese Loaf 81 Pepper Hash Sandwiches (refer to pickles) 81 Sandwiches 81 Sandwich Fillings 82 Toasted Graham Sandwiches 80 Tuna Fish 82 Uneeda Biscuit Club Sandwich 80 SAUCES Brown Nut Sauce 76 Cottage Pudding Sauce 11 Cornstarch Sauce 11 Cream Sauce with Cheese 78 Golden Sauce 11 Hard Sauce 11 Italian Tomato Sauce : . . 76 Maryland Sauce (See Rice PufTs) 78 Mock Hollandaise Sauce 76 Mustard Sauce A La Plaza Hotel 11 Nutmeg Sauce . . . : 11 165 Pimento Sauce 76 Sauce for Beets 78 Vanilla Sauce 11 White Sauce , 78 SOUPS Asparagus Soup 28 Carrot Soup 27 Corn Chowder 31 Cream of Lima Bean •. 28 Cream of Vegetable Soup 29 French Vegetable Soup 27 Kidney Bean Soup 30 Lobster Bisque 30 Marrow Balls 31 Mushroom Soup 27 Onion and Cheese Soup 28 Ox Tail Soup 29 Pea Soup 30 Pea Soup 31 Potato Soup 30 Quick Bouillon 30 Spinach Soup 28 Suggestion — Garnished Ox Tail 29 String Bean Soup 28 Tomato Bouillon with Oysters 29 Vegetable Soup without Meat 27 VEGETABLES Baked Bermuda Onions 58 Baked Cabbage b'6 Baked Egg Plant 57 Baked Hominy 57 Beets with Cream Dressing 56 Corn Fritters 57 Dutch Potato Cakes 58 Green Corn Fritters 58 Hominy Croquettes 56 Macaroni 59 Parsnip Fritters 58 Potatoes 55 Potato Croquettes 55 Rice Puffs 55 Spinach Mould 58 Spinach with Mushrooms 55 Stuft'ed Egg Plant 55 Stuffed Onions 59 Stuffed Egg Plant 57 Stewed Mushrooms 59 Sweet Fried Cabbage 57 Vegetable Souffle 56 166 "WAR CANDY" Black Walnut Taffy 127 Brown Sugar Fudge 128 Caramel Fudge 128 Chocolate Maple l"\idge 127 Honey Candy 125 Honey Roll 127 Karo Divinity 125 Maple Cocoanut Balls 127 Maple Fondant 126 Molasses Candj^ 128 Nut Balls 125 Popcorn Candy 128 Puffed Rice War Candy 126 Sea Foam ^^ 128 Stuffed Dates 126 Stuffed Figs 125 167 11 44 ". -hi!' .-i -.- **'%