.U\' \ \ x^ 223SZ&B LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1 ' Shelf .3 J^- UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ^ MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION ON The Border, i863, BY Wiley Britton, Late Sixth Kansas Cavalry. m 17 1882 J CHICAGO: GUSHING, THOMAS & CO., PUBLISHERS. 1882. Euteretl according to act of Congress, in the year 18S"2, by CUSHING, THOMAS & CO. In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. S THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED BY TJIE AUTHOR TO THE MEMORY OF THE DECEASED OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS, AND TO THE SURVIVING OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS, WHO SERVED IN THE FEDERAL ARMY ON THE BORDER DURING THE LATE WAR OF THE REBELLION. PREFACE. q* During the year 1863, 1 chronicled the various events mentioned in the following pages, just as they im- pressed me by actual observation, or by authorities deemed reliable. Though my manuscript contained all the facts here presented, except a few notes made from official data, I have never considered it in suita- ble shape for publication. In rewriting it, I have stricken out certain criticisms and passages hastily set down in camp or on the march, and I hope that I have improved, the expression in various ways. I have en- deavored to make the work a panoramic view of military operations and events on the borders of Mis- souri, Kansas, Arkansas and the Indian Territory dur- ing the year 1863. Eighteen years have now elapsed since I collected the material from which my Memoirs are written, and I have not as yet met with a single book pretending to give any kind of an account of 10 PREFACE. the military operations of our army for any one year during the rebellion, in that portion of the Trans-Mis- sissippi region mentioned in the following chapters. Though one might, by rummaging the archives of the "War Department, get material enbugli out of general orders and official reports of battles, skirmishes, etc., in that region, to enable him to write a small volume, he would get very little of the kind of material that I collected. I noted not only the movements of the army with which I was connected, and the battles and minor engagements which it fought, but I also turned aside now and then to note a good many other things ; as, for instance, the thoughts and feelings of the soldiers on various sub- jects, as reflected in their conversations around their camp fires and on the march. I have also given short descriptions of the country we marched over and around our camps; the jpro and con opinions of officers and soldiers in regard to the policy of the Government, in emancipating the slaves and of enlisting the freedmen into the army. And on several occasions I give a mo- ment's thought to natural phenomena, which were sub- jects of conversation in the camp. The critical reader may, perhaps, think that I have in one instance purposely arranged my composition PKEFACE. 11 to show that " coming events cast their shadows be- fore." But I have not. The facts, however, show that they sometimes do. Gen. Shelby's raid through Mis- souri in October, 1863, affords an example. The ap- proaching storm was indicated nearly a week before the invasion by the main force took place, and we are almost made to hear tlie distant rumbling of artillery carriages and caissons, and the faint tramping of march- ing squadrons. Should it be asked why I have allowed eighteen years to elapse before printing my chronicles^ I reply because I felt that they should have a more careful and critical revision than I have been able to give them un- til lately, before going to the public. A literary com- position even of this kind, like other art compositions, as in painting and sculpture, for instance, is always susceptible of improvement in the manner of presen- tation, without aifecting its truthfulness in regard to the matter treated of. I have no doubt but that much more trimming and pruning might have been done to good advantage. I felt such an interest in the anti-slavery cause be- fore the war, that Kansas, to me, always meant a prin- ciple, and I left home at an early age to join the Free State party. It was, therefore, a real pleasure to me to 12 PREFACE. chronicle everything that I thought would be of in- terest in the future pertaining to Kansas soldiers in the war. At the same time I endeavored to do full justice to the soldiers of other States serving with us in that section. Though, no doubt, I always clearly show where my sympathies lie in the discussion of any given question, yet I do not believe that I have, in any instance, dis- played strong partisan bias. Nor have I been tempt- ed to write anything for the purpose of producing a sensation. Future generations of that portion of the Trans- Mississippi country covered by my Memoirs will doubtless wish to know what part, if any, the people took in the Great War of the Kebellion. But there has been, as yet, very little published in permanent and accessible form, from which they will be able to obtain the desired information, although nearly all the able-bodied men were in the Federal and Confederate armies, and the storms of war raged furiously over that section. A few sketches of one or two campaigns have been written, but mere sketches are evanescent and pass away in a generation. I hope that I have done some- thing towards filling up the hiatus which exists during the period of the most exciting events in our history. PREFACE. 13 If the reader will endeavor to put himself in mj place during the period covered by my memoirs^ he will then see the marches, battles, skirmishes, recon- noissances, reviews, etc., as I saw them. As he passes about the camp alone from time to time, he will see refugees, men, women and children, of almost every conceivable color and condition, except that none of them appear to be provided with much of this world's goods and means of happiness. Passing to the hospitals, he will see the sick and wounded, men bleeding and mangled and torn by shot and shell, by small arms, and by the cuts and thrusts of swords and bayonets; he will see them bearing wounds, from the slightest contusions to limbs torn from their bodies; he will hear men groaning and pleading to die, that they may be relieved from their intense suffering; he will hear others, with piteous expressions upon their quivering lips, praying to be taken to their homes to die surrounded by their families and friends; he will see comrades who, but a few days before, were beaming with health and buoyant with life and hope, with the dark shadows of death seizing upon their countenances; and the grief- stricken forms of the dear ones these noble men left behind, when they staked their lives in de- 14 PREFACE. fense of their country and their homes, will rise up before him. But passing from these scenes of death and woe, his mind is permitted to dwell upon other subjects less gloomy, and which tend to make the heart glad instead of making it ache. On the march and under clear blue skies, he will cross silver-eddying streams or mountain-brooks leaping and splashing and foaming along. And by the wayside he will drink from crystal springs bubbling out of the earth, as beautiful as spark- ling fountains. The scenes are constantly changing, and always interesting to anyone of healthy mind and body; and he will see landscapes of every conceivable variety, from the forest-covered mountains and hills of Arkansas to the grass-covered prairies and plains of Kansas, and from the deep green of spring to the rich and variegated tints of autumn, and the snow-covered ground of winter. It is proper that I should express my indebtedness to Captain William Gallaher, Colonel Phillips' Assistant Adjutant-General, for many kindnesses and courtesies in connection with the writing of mjifemoirs while we were attached to the Indian division. And during the latter part of the year I received from General C. W. Blair, the commanding officer of the PREFACE. 15 post of Fort Scott and the District of Southern Kansas, many acts of kindness and words of encour- agement, for which I feel under deep obligations to him. As he was one of the most accomplished orators in the State, and a man of rare culture and refinement, I have always considered myself fortunate that I made his acquaintance, and was permitted to regard him as my friend. I have never met any one who came nearer my ideal of the perfectly accomplished gentle- man than General Blair. It will perhaps be thought by some that I have given undue prominence to the operations of Colonel Phillips' division. But I think that any one who will follow the operations of this division, will agree with me that I have not magnified its achievements or overestimated the merits of its commander. Consid- ering the number and kind of troops with which he had to operate, and the long line of communication he had to keep open from his advanced position, there was not perhaps another officer in our army who accomplished so much with a single division of troops. I hope that I have made the work worthy of being welcomed by the young men and women who have grown up since the war, and who desire to become ac- 16 PREFACE. quainted with the great events in which their fathers participated. To thus commemorate the grand achieve- ments of the men with whom I served, has afforded me real pleasure, for I felt that never before have the soldiers engaged in a great struggle deserved such a measure of gratitude of future generations as those whose heroic actions I have recorded. WILEY BRITTOK. Washington, D. €., May, 1882. CONTENTS, -►ji- CHAPTER I. Resume of the operations of the Army under Gen. Blunt during the last three months of 1862— The battles of Newtonia and Maysville mentioned — The charge led by Capt. S. J. Craw- ford, Second Kansas Cavalry, and capture of Gen. Cooper's Artillery— The battle of Cane Hill— Brave charge of Col. Lewis R. Jewell, Sixth Kansas Cavalry— His mortal wound and death— Remarks on his character— After the battle of Cane Hill, Gen- Blunt orders his trains to Rhea's Mills— Cour- iers sent to Gen. Herron to bring forward his Division on a forced march— Strength of the two divisions— Strength of Gen. Hindman's Army— Battle of Prairie Grove described — It lasts until after dark— Furious pharging of the Infantry- Terrific artillery fire— Gen. Hindman defeated, and retreats to Van Buren— Gen. Blunt's trains ordered to Fayetteville— Burying the dead and caring for the wounded— Concluding Remarks 33 18 CONTENTS. CHAPTER II. General Blunt's trains return to Rhea's Mills Irom Fayetteville— Resources of the country around Rhea's Mills — Furnishes forage for the cavalry and transportation animals — Native ani- mals stand the service better in that section than animals brought from the north — Preparations for the expedition to Van Buren — Incidental reflections — The expedition on the march — Crossing and recrossing the raging, foaming and splashing mountain stream thirty-nine times — An unpleasant march for the infantry — The troops bivouac by this stream — The march resumed — An outpost of the enemy struck by the Federal Cavalry advance — The chase— Battle Dripping Springs —Federal charge on the enemy's camp — Flight of the enemy to Van Buren — Federal pursuit — Capture of Van Buren — Burn- ing of steamboats and supplies — Artillery duel across the Ar- kansas River — The enemy shell their own city — Return to Rhea's Mills 52 CHAPTER III. The First Division Army of the Frontier moves from Rhea's Mills to Elm Springs— All the Federal wounded in the Field Hos- pitals at Prairie Grove removed to Fayetteville— General Blunt Relieved and starts North— General Schofield takes command of the Army of the Frontier — Future Operations to be conducted according to West Point tactics — The Army to retreat to the Missouri line — Reorganization of the Army — Colonel W. A. Phillips to command the Indian Division— A Battalion of the Sixth Kansas cavalry and Captain Hopkin's Battery to go with it— Grand Review of the Army of the CONTENTS. 19 Frontier by General Scliofield— The author's last visit to his brother in the General Hospital at Fayetteville— The Reduc- tion of Transportation — Order from War Department for Recruiting several loyal Arkansas Regiments— General Marmaduke marching on Springfield — The Army of the Frontier on the march, except the Indian Division 74 CHAPTER IV. Colonel W. A. Phillips assumes command of the Indian division — The author to go with it — The division marches to Maysville on the western line of Arkansas — A skirmish with guerrillas— A snow storm and difficulty in getting forage— Colonel Phillips, not only a military commander but also a governor of several Indian tribes — His position requires great executive ability — Skirmishes with guerrillas becoming frequent — Bush- whackers living in a cave — Remarks on how caves are formed — How Stalactites are formed — How stalacmitic matter may preserve to distant ages in the future some account of the war — In a few years all external evidences of the war will have disappeared — Description of the country and of its resources — Colored refugees increasing — Their destitute con- dition — Col. Phillips' orders — Repairing of the mills — The battle at Springfield — Gen. Marmaduke defeated 88 CHAPTER Y. The author at Neosho, Missouri, for a few days — Ante-helium times and reminiscences — Description of the town The Grand Falls and water-power mills in the country — Fertility of the 20 CONTENTS. soil on the river bottoms — Fencing wliich enclosed most of the farms destroyed — About half the people loyal — Indiscrimi- nate destruction of property condemned — A double sacrifice put upon Missouri loyalists — A picture of desolated homes — Guerrilla warfare and Federal losses in the State — The Militia occupying Newtonia and fortifying it— Their efficiency — Mostly State troops that opposed General Marmaduke at the battle of Springfield on the 9th — Flag raising at Neosho — The National Flag scornfully regarded by rebels — Geurrillas at Granby — The rich lead mines there, but no lopger worked — Author infomied of the death of his brother at Fayetteville — A mother's picture of a united family _ 107 CHAPTER VI. The Author's return to his division at Scott's Mills — Colonel Phil- lips' popularity with his troops — Rebels returning and taking the oath of allegiance — Indians make good troops to fight bushwhackers — Increase of wild game since the war — A de- tachment of Federal troops worsted in a skirmish with guer- rillas — Captain Conkey loses eleven men by capture — Guer- rilla chieftains commissioned by the Rebel authorities — Com- ments on plans proposed by some to break up the guerrilla warfare — Sickness and heavy mortality among the Indian Refugees at Neosho — Sick and wounded being removed from Fayetteville to Fort Scott — The classes of the enemy the Fed- erals have to deal with— Bushwhackers — Guerrillas — Detach- ments returning to and leaving the State — The regular forces in our front — Illustrations — Incidents from the Expedition to Lone Jack— The battle of Coon Creek— Concluding remarks on the Indians - 125 CONTENTS. 21 CHAPTER VII. The Indian Division moves to Pineville, Mo- -Remarks on tlie physical aspect of the country and its resources — Few dep- redations committed considering the general character and condition of the refugee camp-followers — The President's Emancipation Proclamation — A good many officers and soldiers opposed to it — It is a militarj'- necessity — It is just and is warmly commended — The Government will soon have colored troops in the field — Colonel Phillips' brother wounded — Colonel Judson's brigade at Mount Vernon — The Indian division marches to Bentonville, Arkansas — Description ot the country — Rebel prisoners sent to Springfield— They were brought in by loyal Arkansas troops — A meteor of great brightnsss observed — Reflections on sidereal worlds and meteoric displays — The Indian Delegation go to Wash- ington 145 CHAPTER VIII. Colonel Phillips invited to address a Mass Meeting of the Union Citizens of Northwestern Arkansas, at Fayetteville— The gi-eat difficulty in getting Forage — A Scouting Party returns from Van Buren — The Indian Division encamped on the edge of the Battle Field of Pea Ridge— An account of the Battle from data collected on the Field and from Eye Witnesses — Rebel raid on Neosho and Capture of Negroes — A Deserter from the Enemy gives Position and strength of their forces— The Ene- my's wounded from Prairie Grove at Cane Hill still— Great Mortality among them— Skirmish with Bushwhackers — Arri- val of Forage Trains from White River — Horses eat each 22 ■ CONTENTS. Others Manes and Tails off— The Small-pox among the Indi- ans — Very few of them Vaccinated— Only a few cases among the White Soldiers— Remarks on the Disease— The Govern- ment should stock a farm with Animals to fm-nish Vaccine Virus for the Army - 161 CHAPTER XI. The march to Camp Moonlight — Captain Mefford, Sixth Kansas Cavalry, defeats Livingston's band — Grass sufficient for graz- ing purposes about Fort Gibson — Supply train reinforced — A bushwhacker killed near camp — The people should be better informed by proclamation of the Federal purposes — Officers for the Fourth and Fifth Indian regiments report to Colonel Phillips —No such regiments exist — Criticisms con- cerning the matter — Near Rhea's Mills again — Two loyal Ar- kansas regiments organized — After a battle the people show on which side their sympathies are by their expressions — The people of a less haughty spirit than in Missouri — Reconnois- sance returned from Dutch Mills — Women and children raise their own foodstuffs — The soldiers exchange their surplus rations for butter, eggs, &c— The Army ration— A party of Union men arrive from Texas— They were hunted by the enemy with blood hounds 179 CHAPTER X. April Fool's day— Seven Pin Indians killed at Park Hill, C. N., by the enemy in federal uniform — The march to Cincinnati on the State line— War paint and yelping of the Indians when CONTENTS. 23 they start out — Commendable conduct of the Indian soldiers while in Missouri and Arkansas— The division crosses the line into the Indian country — On the march to Park Hill — The country becomes more inviting and the vegetation more advanced — Rebel scouting party near Fayetteville — Arrival at Park Hill and meeting of the Indian refugee families from Neosho — Great manifestations of joy and affecting scenes — Standwaitie commanding the rebel Indians — Colonel Phillips sends out a strong reconnoissance — Webber's Falls — He drives the enemy into the Arkansas River and takes Fort Gibson — Description of the place — Its importance — The beautiful Grand and Verdigris Rivers 197 CHAPTER XI. Fort Gibson the Key to the Indian country — The enemy show- ing signs of activity — The troops at Gibson commence to build bake ovens — Anxiety for the supply train — Creek Indians coming in — The enemy concentrating at Webber's Falls — Celebrating the event of hoisting the United States Flag at Fort Gibson — A sad accident — Arrival of supply train from Fort Scott— Part of Neosho burned — The enemy attack Fayetteville and are defeated— A young man as a spy caught dressed in a woman's suit — The troops commence to throw up fortifications at Fort Gibson — Strength of the Federal posi" tion — Engagement at Webber's Falls— Capture of the enemy's camp — Assassination of Dr. Gillpatrick — Arrival of rebel officers under a flag of truce — They are on business in connec- tion with exchanging of prisoners — Reconnoissance of Colonel Schaurte to the Arkansas line — Colonel Harrison abandons Fayetteville — Colonel Phillips reviews his division 313 24: CONTENTS. CHAPTER XII. The author sent with dispatches to Colonel Harrison at Cassvllle, Missouri — The first night's march in a storm of thunder and lightning — The next morning on the battle-ground of Locust Grove — Account of the battle and of the capture of Colonel Clarkson's command — Passing over the ground of an exciting chase of last year — Camp in the forest — On the look-out for the enemy — In Missouri— Arrival at Cassville — Detention at Cassville — The troops there daily expecting to be at- tacked — Large number of troops, including the State militia, in Southwest Missouri — Activity of the militia — The First Kansas colored infantry organized, and at Baxter Springs — Remarks on arming the freedmen — Many small tracts being cultivated in Missouri — By whom — On the march to Fort Gibson — A fight with Guerillas —Stopping in a lonely re- treat—Return to Fort Gibson 231 CHAPTER XIII. The enemy occupying the heights south of the Arkansas River in sight of Fort Gibson — Picket firing across the river all day long — Strength of General Cooper's force — He is preparing to capture Colonel Phillips' supply train — Name of post of Fort Gibson changed to Fort Blunt — Colonel Phillips contending single-handed with two Generals of the enemy — Hard ser- vice for the cavalry — Capture of horses and mules from the enemy — Activity in the enemy's camp^— The enemy kill the Federal pickets, and capture a good many animals — The bat- tle — Enemy driven from the field and pursued — Recapture of some animals — Large force of the enemy cross the Arkansas CONTENTS. 25 Kiver, and marcli to meet the Federal supply train — Convales- cent soldiers coming in from Talilequah — The troops move inside the fortifications at Fort Gibson — The engagement at Eapid Ford, Sunday afternoon — Colonel Phillips intended the movement only as a demonstration 251 CHAPTER XIV. The enemy makes a night attack on the Federal supply train — Gallant charge led by Colonel Phillips, and total route of the enemy — Only a sutler's wagon partially plundered — The enemy had another force which failed to co-operate — The pay- master paying off the troops — The Government should adopt a system to enable officers and soldiers to send their money home — Activity noticed in the enemy's camp again — The Arkansas River rising — Friendly conversations between Fed- eral and Rebel Pickets — The Federal supply train returns to Fort Scott with a heavy escort — Engagement between Living- ston and the colored troops at Baxter Springs— The enemy anxious to know if the colored regiment is coming down — A woman takes one of the enemy's horses and comes into the Fort— Colonel Phillips to be reinforced— Skirmish near Park Hill— Standwaitie's Indians in the northern part of the Nation. 266 CHAPTER XV. An agreement in regard to the cessation of picket firing — Mostly young men in the army — They have no Alcestis to die for them — General Cooper's army moves back twenty miles, perhaps to find better grazing — A rebel reconnoitering force 26 CONTENTS. west of the Fort— General Cabell's force near Cincinnati— The Indians harvesting— The wheat crop good, what there is of it — Major Foreman after Standwaitie— Engagement on Green Leaf prairie — The enemy finally driven from the field — Federal and Eebel pickets in swimming together — The Federals exchange coffee for tobacco — Desertion of rebej soldiers — Rebel discipline believed to be more severe in some respects than the Federal — Remarks on flogging and severe discipline — Major Foreman with six hundred men sent to meet Federal supply train — The enemy preparing to attack it again — An Indian prophet and the superstitions of the Indians 234 CHAPTER XVI. The rebel pickets shout across the river that the Federal supply train is coming — Another rebel force gone to meet the Federal supply train — Movements of the Confederate armies in the East as reported by rebel pickets— Vicksburg closely in- vested by General Grant — Federal troops in southwest Mis- souri — Federal supply train detained by high water at Neo- sho River — Federal supplies running short at Fort Gibson — High water in Grand River — Indian women report heavy fir- ing in the vicinity of Cabin Creek— General Cabell on the east side of Grand River, near Cabin Creek, with artillery — The suspense — A National Salute fired in honor of Independence Day — Beef and Beans for barbecue— The pinch of hunger — Horses and dead rebels floating in the river — Two days' fight- ing at Cabin Creek — Gallant charge of the Colored regiment — Total rout of the enemy— How the Federal troops crossed CONTENTS. 27 Cabin Creek under fire— General Cabell unable to join General Cooper's division on account of high water— Arrival of sup- plytrain at Fort Gibson 302 CHAPTER XVII. The Federal supply train returns to Fort Scott— The Battalion of the Sixth Kansas Cavalry and the author accompany it — Colo- nel Phillips commended for his successful military operations — Federal troops with which author has acted for two years have been uniformly successful — The colored soldiers anxious to meet the enemy— Their physical endurance— Well adapted to campaigning in warm climate— Colonel Phillips will be able to cross the Arkansas river and attack General Cooper — Large quantities of hay should be put up at Fort Gibson- Salt works at Grand Saline— Families of English blood cliug to their homesteads— On the march up the beautiful Grand River country— Looking out for General Cabell's force— The escort meets General Blunt at Cabin Creek — Examination of the battle-field — Active operations to be commenced against General Cooper immediately— The train and escort pass the section of Livingston's operations— Arrival at Fort Scott 330 CHAPTER XVIII. The battalion of the Sixth Kansas Cavalry to remain at Fort Scott a few weeks — News of the battle of Gettysburg and surrender of Vicksburg and Port Hudson — Remarks on the pro- gress of the Federal arms — Backbone of the Confederacy 28 CONTENTS. broken — Frequent contests between the State Militia and guerrilas in Southwest Missouri— Guerrilla w^arfare leads to retaliation and personal grudges — Major Livingston, the guerrilla leader, killed by the Missouri Militia — Remarks on the nature of his operations — Colonel Crittenden, command- ing the Militia in Southwest Missouri, after the enemy — Colo- nel Cloud on the march to Fayetteville — G-eneral Blunt attacks General Cooper's army at Honey Springs— Preparations for the battle — Furious charge of the Federal troops — Complete rout of the enemy and capture of one piece of artillery, col- ors and prisoners — General Cabell came up after the battle was over 346 CHAPTER XIX. The enemy burn the Court House and Academy at Carthage — County records carried away in Missouri — Rebel guerillas near Fort Scott — Rebel women carry information to the enemy— Cholera and Small-pox at Fort Gibson— Probable cause of Cholera breaking out — A soldier killed by Captain Tough— A little too much drunkenness — Major Blair closes the whisky shops — Resisting the draft— Great riot in Xew York City — Remarks on neutrality — Arrival of Colonel Phil- lips from the front- The supply train starts to Fort Gibson- Recruiting of the Fourteenth Kansas Cavalry — Large bounties paid by the government for recruits— State bounties in some of the States — Skirmish between several squadrons of Federal troops through mistake — Skirmish with guerillas near Ball- town — Appeal of the rebel government for more troops — Des- cription of the country around Fort Scott — Recruiting color- ed troops •_. 363 CONTENTS. 29^ CHAPTER XX. A Post established at Baxter Springs, with a Detachment of Cav- alry—Bombardment of Charleston and probable fall of Forts Sumter and Wagner— Guerrillas along the Border display, ing unusual Activity— Large quantities of Hay being put up for the Government at Fort Scott— Burning and Sacking of Lawrence by Quantrell— Murder of one hundred and fifty of her Citizens— Escape of the Desperadoes into Missouri— Fed- eral troops in pursuit— The Guerillas break up into small De- tachments—Kansas needs a State Militia— Looking around for some one to blame— Generals Ewing and Schofield De- nounced—Some favor the wild notion of a Grand Army of Invasion, to destroy everything in Missouri for a distance of forty miles from Kansas— Folly of the Scheme— Generals Cooper and Cabell threatening General Blunt— Paola Mass Meeting— Plan of removal of Rebel Families con- sidered 332 CHAPTER XXL General Schofield coldly received by the people of Leavenworth City— Colonels Jennison and Hoyt speak in Fort Scott— The crowd sing "John Brown's body lies mouldering in the- grave," &c.— More of General Lane's Grand Army of Invasion —Few trophies to bring back— General Schofield issues an order against invasion— The Missouri State troops would resist it— Battle of Perryville and defeat of General Cooper- General Blunt captures Fort Smith— Generals Steele and Da- vidson capture Little Rock— Colonel Blair sends out a recon- noissance— A new department wanted— General Gillmore- 30 CONTENTS. captures Forts Wagner and Gregg in Charlestown Harbor — Sympathizers of the rebellion receive anonymous notices to leave the city — Supposed to be the action of the Union League — Arrival of General Blunt and Staflf and Colonel Judson — The Bourbon County Fair — Activity of the enemy along the border again. 397 CHAPTER XXII. General Blunt, Staflf and Escort start to Fort Smith — Two Sol- diers killed near Fort Scott by the enemy — Signs of an ap- proaching storm — The enemy endeavor to capture or kill the Federal pickets, and to make a dash on Fort Scott — General Blunt's escort attacked by Quantrell near Baxter Springs, and nearly all killed — Colonel Blair with a cavalry force to the rescue — Members of the Band burned in the Band wagon— The enemj^ defeated by Lieutenant Pond at Baxter Springs — The invasion of Missouri by General Shelby, with two thou- sand cavalry and three pieces of artillery — The Missouri State militia in pursuit of him— The Militia capture his artil- lery and disperse his force — General Ewing's force joins in the pursuit of the enemy — The enemy driven from the State — General John McNeil to take command of the Federal troops at Fort Smith — General Lane speaks in Fort Scott — General Blunt starts to Fort Smith again 413 CHAPTER XXIII. All quiet along the Border— Lovely Indian Summer — Theory accounting for the Smoky condition of the Atmosphere — CONTENTS. 31 Reprehensible conduct of a Detachment on scouting service — Discussion over the question, "Who shall be the Com- manding General of the District?" — Rebel guerrillas in thevi- cinity of Humboldt — Colonel Moonlight takes command of the Fourteenth Kansas Cavalry — Lieutenant Josling on a scout to Osage Mission — A Cold Wave — Distressing condition of Refugees— General Blunt authorized to raise another Col- ored Regiment — Citizens of Fort Scott opposed to Colonel Jennison taking command of the post — The supply train starts South — A Military Telegraph to be constructed to Fort Scott — Twelfth Kansas Infantry en route to Fort Smith — Fed- eral expedition towards Texas — "Mountain Federals" in Ar- kansas — They annoy the enemy 429 CHAPTER XXIV. General Grant defeats the enemy under General Bragg near Chat- tanooga — Arrival of a large quantity of Cotton from Fort Smith— Supposed crookedness in regard to it — Guerilla bands in Southwestern Missouri — How the people manage to keep good Animals in some instances — Temporary suspension in the Exchange of Prisoners — General Marmaduke, with two thousand men, near the Southern line of Missouri — Perhaps the last supply train to Fort Smith— General Ewing orders the seizure of the Cotton from Fort Smith— Snow Storm — Removal of General Schofield probable— Quantrell's forces cross the Arkansas River near Fort Gibson, on the way North — Were defeated by Colonel Phillips' troops — General Price threatens Fort Smith — Attempt of the enemy to spike the seige guns at Fort Scott— The Missouri militia defeat Quantrell — A large Rebel force in Southwest Missouri — It is driven South — Concluding Remarks. 443 CHAPTER I. Resume of the operations of the Army under Gen. Blunt during the last three months of 1862 — The battles of Newtonia and Maysville mentioned — The charge led by Capt. S. J. Craw- ford, Second Kansas Cavalry, and capture of Gen. Cooper's Artillery— The battle of Cane Hill — Brave charge of Col. Lewis R. Jewell, Sixth Kansas Cavalry — His mortal wound and death — Remarks on his character — After the battle of Cane Hill, Gen* Blunt orders his trains to Rhea's Mills — Cour- iers sent to Gen. Herron to bring forward his Division on a forced march — Strength of the two divisions — Strength of Gen. Hindman's Army — Battle of Prairie Grove described — It lasts until after dark — Furious charging of the Infantry — Terrific artillery fire — Gen. Hindman defeated, and retreats to Van Buren — Gen. Blunt's trains ordered to Fayetteville — Burying the dead and caring for the wounded — Concluding Remarks. "When I commenced my Memoirs I felt sure that shortly after peace should be established between all sections of the country, the military operations with which I was connected as an humble participant would be regarded by many with deep interest. I therefore thought it worth while to undertake to chronicle the important events that came under my notice during the year 1863, as I had done during the year 1862 * •^Two volumes of my Ms., for 1863, and 1864, were left in the Adjutant General's Oflice at Fort Smith, Arkansas, the latter part of 1864, and are supposed to have been destroyed by fire the follow- ing year. 3 34 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION I commenced to write the following memoirs at Rhea's Mills, Washington County, Arkansas, on the 25th day of December, 1862. In my chronicles I said that as our offensive operations are temporarily sus- pended; and as we are expecting orders shortly to move northward towards the Missouri line; a resume of our operations since we came into this section last fall will be useful. After the battles of ISTewtonia on the 30th of September and 4th of October last, we moved steadily forward, and defeated the enemy in every engagement. At the battle of Maysville or Old tort Way?ie, Cherokee Nation, on the 20th of October, we gained a substantial victory by capturing from General Cooper four pieces of light artillery, brass twelve pounders. The Second and Sixth regiments Kansas cavalry led in the charge which resulted in the capture of these guns. It is generally conceded how- ever, that the meed of honor should go to Captain Samuel J. Crawford, Second Kansas cavalry, for conspicuous bravery displayed on the field that bright sunny morning. It was one of the most exciting contests that I had up to that time witnessed. The enemy were completely routed in less than half an hour after the engagement commenced, and besides his artillery, a considerable number of small arms, which were thrown down by General Cooper's troops in their flight, fell into our hands. Passing over minor engagements and skirmishes, we come next to the battles of Cane Hill and Prairie Grove. The battle of Cane Hill took place November ON THE BORDER-1863. 35 29th. Though we drove the enemy through the mountains from position to position all day, we gained nothing of consequence, since we lost one of the bravest and best officers of our command, Lieutenant Colonel Lewis E. Jewell, Sixth Kansas Cavalry. We also had two other officers of the same regiment ^seriously wounded, Lieutenants John G. Harris and John A. Johnson, besides some twenty enlisted men. Colonel Jewell fell mortally wounded while leading a sabre charge through a narrow pass in the mountains near the head of Cove Creek just as darkness was coming on * The gorges in the mountains through which we were pressing the enemy made our pursuit of him exceedingly difficult and hazardous, for we could rarely display a front of more than iifty men. I feel that it is eminently right and proper that I should give Colonel Jewell more than a passing notice in this resume. He permitted me to accompany him on all scouts and reconnoissances whenever I could be spared fi'om my regular duties. And when I could not go with him, he generally made it a point on his return to report to me such facts as he thought would be worth noting down. As I endeavored to notice the chief points of interest covering the area of our operations, he frequently furnished me with informa- tion from higher authorities, which I could not have otherwise got. When I carried orders on the field at ♦Captain J. K. Hudson, Assistant Adjutant General of Colonel Weir's brigade, who bad been on several bold adventures with Colonel Jewell during the day, was only a tew yards from him when he fell. 36 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION Newtonia last September, it was Colonel Jewell that I saw lead two battalions of the Sixth Kansas Cavalry on our right against two battalions of the enemy's cavalry. This force of the enemy, though somewhat superior to ours, had no sooner drawn several volleys from our carbines than Colonel Jewell ordered his bugler to sound the charge, and in an instant, with* drawn sabres and at the head of his regiment, he swept forward over the prairie like a storm, leaving a cloud of dust in his rear. The enemy stood for a moment, but when they saw our cavalry coming towards them with such impetuosity, they turned and fled, and sought the covering of their guns. Colonel Jewell pursued them for about tliree-quarters of a mile right at their heels, sabreing some of the rear- most, until he came near the stone wall or fence, behind which were posted ^ large body of rebel infantry. It was the grandest sight I ever saw — our bright sabres gleaming in the sunlight of that lovely afternoon. This short action took place on the open prarie, and as I was near Colonel Weir and our batteries, a few hundred yards to the left of Col. Jewell's position, 1 could see every movement as distinctly as if I wei-e watching two of our cavalry regiments going into a sham battle. In the presence of the enemy he never sought an excuse to be absent from his regiment or post of duty. And his men loved him, for he res- pected their manhood, and shared equally with them all dangers and hardships. In another way he en- deared himself to us more than any other field-officer ON THE BORDER— 1863. 37 of our regiment. He always seemed to me to be more in earnest and devoted to the cause for which we are fio^hting, and in which I believe we shall be successful, than any of the other field-officers. We had some rather lively discussions around headquarters sometimes i«n regard to the policy of the Government towards the rebellious States, and I know that he was an ardent supporter of Mr. Lincoln's administration, and believed that the war should be prosecuted without dallying with the enemy. It is a matter of simple justice to state that no truer and braver soldier has thus far in the war been sacrificed on the altar of liberty, nor has a purer patriot drawn his sword in defence of his country. Though his family and friends and all who knew him will mourn that he has been thus cut down in the prime of his manhood and usefulness, yet there is a sad pleasure in knowing that he fell in the full dis- charge of a noble duty, the noblest it is given man to perform. If Kansas shall in the future erect monuments to her heroic dead, I know that none will be more deserv- ing of a monument than Colonel Jewell. After the battle of Cane Hill, General Blunt ordered forward all his trains from Camp Moonlight to Rhea's Mills, eight miles north of Cane Hill. All the troops of his division, except some detachments which were posted to guard the principal passes in the mountains to the south of us, were collected at Rhea's Mills, for he knew from the information that our scouts brought 38 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION in each day, that a great struggle was near at hand — a struggle that would require the co-operation of all the Federal troops in Eouthwest Missouri and northwest Arkan^s to save us from defeat and utter destruction. General Herron's division of Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin and Missouri troops, which had been with us during the latter part of October, while w^e were encamped at Pea Ridge, moved back early in November in the direction of Wilson Creek and Springfield, Missouri. Having received reliable information that a large army of the enemy, consisting of all the available troops from Texas, Arkansas and Missouri, had con- centrated at Fort Smith and Yan Buren under the supreme command of General Hindman, who had posi- tively fixed the 3d or 4th of December as the day when he w^ould set out with his army to attack and destroy this division and invade Missouri, General Blunt sent couriers to General Herron to bring forward his division on a forced march. General Herron res- ponded with great promptness, marching day and night, and on Sunday morning, December 7th, his advance guard, composed of a battalion of the Seventh Missouri Cavalry, was attacked by General Hindman's advance cavalry division about twelve miles south of Fayette- ville, near Illinois river, and some five miles southeast of our camp. The ofiicer in command of General Herron's advanced guard, supposing that he was in the neighborhood of our division, allowed himself to be surprised by the enemy, and in this preliminary en- gagement lost upwards of one hundred of his men by ON THE BORDER— 1863. 39 capture, and some ten or twelve killed and wounded. But I think he cannot be justly censured for this mis- fortune, since he had a right to suppose that we had not permitted the enemy to pass us. This engage- ment in the morning, however, stopped the progress of the enemy and enabled General Herron to bring up his infantry and artillery. And in the meantime our division was also coming into position on the enemy's left flank. With the exception of the above affair, and a recon- noisance by our division, which will presently be men- tioned, the early part of the day was consumed by the commanding generals on both sides in bringing up troops and artillery and getting them, into position, so that a calm prevailed before the storm which was to break over Prairie Grove in the afternoon. While the two opposing armies were thus getting ready for the impending conflict,a movement with which I was connected seems worth mentioning. About two o'clock on Sunday morning the 7th, Colonel W. E. Judson, with most of the available men of his regiment and two mountain howitzers, was detailed by Gen. Blunt to occupy a pass in the mountains about twelve miles southeast of Rhea's Mill, as a report came in that the enemy were making a demonstration against an outpost which we had there. When we reached the point designated, we found that all Gen. Hindman's army with the exception of some detachments, which had been thrown out as flankers and as rear guard, had passed. After we struck the Fort Smith and Fayette- 40 MEMOIRS OP THE REBELLION ville road and marched north a short distance, we came in sight of the enemy's rear column. Col. Judson or- dered the howitzer battery to fire a few rounds into it,and Gen. Hindman supposing that his army was attacked in the rear by Gen. Blunt's division from Ehea's Mills, ordered his troops to form in line of battle, facing to the rear. We saw them forming on the sides of the moun- tain and in the openings in the woods in large masses- After discharging a few volleys from our carbines into their line, we retreated around a section of the moun- tain and joined our division on the extreme right about the middle of the afternoon. This movement it is generally conceded had the efiect of delaying Gen. Hindman in massing his troops in front against Gen. Herron, as he could not feel sure that the main attack was not to be made in his rear, until he sent out a reconnoisance and discovered the true situation. Sev- eral rebel wounded with whom I talked on the subject of the battle, stated that Gen. Hindman had actually commenced to change his main line of battle to face south. When we came on to the field the divisions of Gens. Blunt and Herron had just formed a junction, and their line of battle must have been fully two and a half miles long. Gen. Herron's division had already had several sharp contests with the enemy, and the engagement was becoming general all along the line. On both sides the skirmish lines were being pushed back on the infantry and artillery. The enemy had appar- ently the best position, as he occupied a side of the mountain and a plateau or intermediate elevation. ON THE BORDER-1863. 41 thickly covered with timber, mostly of young growth; while our forces occupied the lower ground north and west of Prairie Grove meeting house. Shortly after we had taken our position, there was a lull in the skir- mish firing, which was soon followed by a heavy roll of musketry on our extreme left. Gen. Hindman had thrown forward a division of infantry which attacked Gen. Herron's division furiously. He then dispatched another division against Gen. Blunt. The heavy vol- leys of musketry now extended all along the lines of both armies. In the meantime the artillery of both sides had not been idle. It furnished the base notes of that awfully grand performance. Our batteries were skillfully handled, and sometimes whea they came into new positions with the enemy plainly in view, their terrific thundering seemed to shake the very foundation of the mountains. The storm surged back and forth along the lines of both armies with no per- ceptible intermission until dark with small arms, and until long after dark with the artillery; for I could dis- tinctly see from our position the enemy's guns on the side of the mountain belching forth long volumes of fire from their horrid throats. My experience at New- tonia and Prairie Grove convinces me that shells from an enemy's guns bursting over one's head at night make quite a difierent impression upon the mind than when bursting over one's head in broad daylight. The bursting and singing of shells fiying through the air, and the crackling and falling of limbs of trees produce an indescribable feeling, such perhaps as is not easy 42 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION to imagine by anv one who has not had the exper- ience. As the twilight grew into darkness the volleys of musketry died away gradually, and only the batteries kept up the firing of shot and shell. But when night came and drew a mantle of darkness over the earth, and shortly separated the combatants, .neither we nor our foes knew the amount of death and suffering the last few hours had wrought. Nor is it likely that the commanding Generals of either army, until long after silence reigned over the bloody field, felt sure as to the result of the day's contest. At the close of the day both armies occupied very nearly the same posi- tions they had taken up on going into action. Some of the bloodiest parts of the field were neutral ground during the night. Our troops slept on their arms, and all night long active preparations were being made to bring every available man on the field the next day, and to renew the battle at early dawn. The supply and baggage trains of our division at Rhea's Mills, had been in an unsafe position during the day, and were removed during the night to Fayetteville, so that they would be covered by our army in the event of its being compelled to retreat the next day. During the progress of the battle, Gen. Solomons, with the Ninth Wisconsin infantry and some detachments from different regiments, was left to guard our trains. But the next morning was clear and frosty, and the sun, with its disc half obscured, peeped over the dis- tant outlines of the mountain and seemed to smile on ON THE BORDER— 1868. 45 all below. The distant mountain peaks, too, batbed in a soft haze, seemed to speak words of hope and confi- dence. We found ourselves in complete possession ot the field instead of another bloody day before us. Gen. Hindman not being willing to renew the contest, had during the night ordered the wheels of his artil- lery carriages and caissons muffled, and drawn off the field and retreated towafds Yan Buren. He remained however with a division of cavalry in the vicinity of the battle field a short time the next day, and sent a flag of truce to Gens. Blunt and Herron concerning the picking up of arms on the field, the burying of the dead aiid caring for the wounded. Our victory was complete. The defeat of the enemy was a severe blow to the Confederate cause west of the Mississippi. Gen. Hindman is reported to have boasted that his horse should drink out of the Missouri river or from the rivers of Pluto's regions before Christmas. The morning before leaving Yan Buren, he issued a flam- ing address to his troops to inspire them with courage and hope, and in it, in speaking of the Federal troops, he went on to say, " they have desolated your homes, defiled the graves of your kindred," etc. A copy of this address I picked up on the field beside a dead Confederate soldier, and presume it was printed and distributed among the rebel troops. This bombastic display of oratory may have had some effect towards firing the flagging zeal of his troops, for some of his soldiers that we captured had very exaggerated notions about alleged outrages committed by our troops, par- ticularly the Kansas division. 44 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION This battle is one of the three big battles that have as yet been fought west of the Mississippi river, and as it has resulted so favorable to our arms, it will no doubt do much to strengthen our cause in the west. There are always men who are looking out for the win- ning side. It requires time and an immense expenditure of energy and money to organize and equip such an army as Gen. Hindman brought against us. His army has been estimated at sixteen to twenty thousand men. Our two divisions did not bring on the field exceeding ten thousand men. From what I saw and could find out, I estimated that our loss must have been very nearly two hundred men killed, and upwards of eight hundred wounded."^ The enemy, I estimated * The First Division, commanded by Brig.-GeneralJames G. BluntjConsisted of the following troops ; Kansas : Second, Sixth and Ninth regiments of cavalry, with four twelve pound mountain howitzers; Tenth, Eleventh and Thirteenth regiments infantry, and First, Second and Third batteries light artillery. Indiana: Second battery light artillery commanded by Captain Rabb. Wis- consin : Third regiment cavalry, two battalions, and Ninth regi- ment infantry. And Colonel Phillips Indiana brigade, consisting of the First, Second and Third regiments. The Second and Third Divisions commanded by Brig.-General Frank J. Herron were composed of the following organizations: Iowa: Nineteenth and Twentieth regiments of infantry, and First regiment cavahy. Illmois : Tenth regiment cavalry and Thirty- seventh and Ninety -fourth regiments infantry and Peoria battery light artillery. Indiana: Twenty-sixth regiment infantry. Mis- souri : First, Seventh and Eight regiments cavalry, and batteries "E," "F" and "L" First light artillery. Wisconsin : One battalion Second regiment cavalry, and Twentieth regiment infantry, and First regiment Arkansas cavalry. ON THE BORDER— 1863. 45 from counting different groups of their slain on the field, lost about three hundred men killed, and pro- bably upwards of a thousand wounded. There was some gallant charging by the infantry on According to official reports the casualties were as follows in Second and Third Divisions: Indiana: Twenty-sixth infantry, enlisted men killed, 41. Illinois: Thirty-seventh regiment infan- try, enlisted men killed, : wounded, . Ninety-fourth regi- ment, enlisted men killed, 2 ; wounded, 10. Tenth regiment cav- alry, enlisted men wounded, 9. Iowa : First cavalry, wounded enlisted men, 1 ; missing enlisted men, 2. Nineteenth infantry, killed, officers, 3; enlisted men, 42; wounded, officers, 5; enlisted men, 139 ; missing, officers, 1 ; enlisted men, 2. Twentieth infantry, killed, officers, 1 ; enlisted men, 7 ; wounded, officers, 5 ; enlisted men, 34. Missouri : Seventh cav- alry, killed, officers, 2; enlisted men, 4; wounded, enlisted men, 6; missing, officers, 1 ; enlisted men, 105. Eighth cavalry, miss- ing, enlisted men, 4. Batteries E, F and L, First Light artillery, killed, enlisted men, 1 ; wounded, 2. Wisconsin : Twentieth in- fantry, killed, officers, 2; enlisted men, 51; wounded officers, 8; enlisted men, 154 ; missing, enlisted men, 10. Battalion Second cavalry, wounded, enlisted men, 1. First Division : Kansas : Second cavalry, killed, enlisted men, 3; wounded, officers, 1 ; enlisted men, 11. Sixth cavalry, miss- ing, enlisted men, 3. Tenth infantry, killed, enlisted men, 7; wounded, officers, 2 ; enlisted men, 58. Eleventh infantry, killed, enlisted men, 2; wounded, officers, 2; enlisted men, 19. Thir- teenth infantry, killed, enlisted men, 7; wounded, officers, 2; enlisted men, 33; missing, enlisted men, 6. First Battery, killed, enlisted men, 1 ; wounded, enlisted men, 8. Indiana brigade ; First regiment, killed, enlisted men, 1 ; wounded, enlisted men, 1. Third regiment, missing, enlisted men, 3. There were according to the official reports of Gens. Blunt and Herron, killed, 1C7, wounded, 798; missing, 183. making a total of casualties of 1,148. I make 175 killed, which I think is very nearly correct. This is 28 less than the number of men killed at Pea Ridge during three days' fighting. 46 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION both sides to capture batteries and to secure certain desirable positions. In Gen. Herron's division the Twentieth regiment Wisconsin infantry, Twenty- sixth Indiana Infantry, the Nineteenth and Twentieth regiments of Iowa infantry, and Thirty-seventh and Ninety-fourth regiments Illinois infantry were most fiercely assaulted by the enemy, and sustained the heaviest loss in charging the enemy at the point of the bayonet. Never was greater bravery and firmness displayed by troops in action, and no general ever handled his men more skillfully than Gen. Ilerron. On that bloody day several of the enemy's bat- teries, after every horse belonging to the gun carriages had been killed, were captured by our infantry, and ^vhile they were being hauled ofi^ the field by the hands of the men, the en- emy rallied and came down in lines of six deep, and recaptured them just before they were drawn to the foot of the hill. Gen. Herron strengthened his line at this hotly contested spot, and in a few moments a strong force of infantry charged up the hill through the woods and at the point of the bayonet retook one of the batteries and held it. Shortly after this fierce con- test Gen. Hindman sent a division of infantry against our right with a view of breaking through Gen. Blunt's line. Again the enemy came down in line of battle six deep. Gen. Blunt ordered his batteries into positions from which they were able to use grape and canister against the enemy with terrible efiect. The Tenth, Eleventh and Thirteenth regiments Kansas infantry ' ON THE BORDER— 1863. 47 suffered the heaviest losses in this fierce engagement. Our batteries were well handled and did excellent ser- vice. They dismounted several of the enemy's guns, knocked the wheels off some of their gun carriages and caissons, and by exploding shells killed a good many of their artillerymen and artillery horses. I saw near the peach orchard on the hill where this fierce contest was waged over the taking and retaking of the batteries above mentioned, nearly all the horses that belonged to those batteries within a radius of fifty yards, and I noticed that many of them had been killed by exploding shells. Indeed in some instances they were dreadfully mutilated. I account for the enemy's loss in killed and wounded being larger than ours in this way. In the first place I am satisfied that Gen. Hindman's army was not as well organized and equipped as ours; though he unquestionably had several divisions of weJl organized troops. In the second place, I don't believe that the great body of his troops were as eager for the fray as ours. I sincerely believe that a large propor- tion of our soldiers were actually eager for the contest, and went into it with confidence of their streup-th and in the justice of our cause. They felt too, that our ofi&cers would not blindly lead them into a contest in w^hich they would be put to disadvantage in every respect. Our small arms also were perhaps as a general thing superior to the small arms of the enemy, though some of their infantry regiments were armed with fine Enfield muskets with the crown stamped 48 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION upon them. When it could be done conveniently it was probably the intention to pick up these costly arms whenever a soldier was killed or feU severely wounded, but in many instances this would have been impossible, hostile bullets were flying so thick and fas Several women whom I saw on the fleld the second day after the battle, looking for dead or wounded relatives and friends, told me that the rebel authorities had conscripted every able bodied man in the State they could get, and put him into the army, and that the conscripts were always sure to be put into the front ranks, poorly armed and equipped, so as to draw our first fire, and so that their best trained and equipped soldiers could be reserved for the fiercest and most important contests. From inquiries that 1 have made, I have no doubt but that a good many men who were indifferent as to the results of the war, and many others whose sympathies were more with the Govern- ment than with the Confederacy, were killed and wounded in this battle. But in times like the present, if not indeed upon all questions of public and private interests, men should have decided convictions, and support them by all honorable means in their power. If a man is not in sympathy with the rebellion he should at once either join the Federal army or seek its protection. It is an unsafe time to attempt to sit a straddle the political fence. Whoever attempts it is liable to get knocked off" by either party, and to receive very little tympathy from neither. ON THE BORDER— 1863. 49 And thirdly, I don't think that the enemy were able to use their artillery as eifectively as ours was used. Gren. Hindman's position on the side of the mountain and on the plateau below, though covered with a dense young forest, was not much advantage to him, if not indeed a positive disadvantage. On account of the few openings in the woods, his batteries could not iind a sufficient number of good positions from which to sight our troops and batteries. And being obliged to stick to the same positions all the afternoon, our batteries soon got their range from the smoke which arose from them, and knocked them to pieces fearfully. Our batteries constantly shifted their posi- tions and consequently suffered very little loss. Only at the peach orchard above mentioned, did the enemy attempt to use any of his batteries at short range with grape and canister, and we have seen how that per- formance ended. The batteries of both our divisions, about forty-two pieces, all the afternoon poured a con- stant and terrific shower of shot and shell into the dense woods which seemed to afford the enemy shelter. The day after the battle, in passing through this woods with an officer and several comrades, the number of torn and multilated bodies of rebel soldiers, scattered here and there, told us plainly enough that the forest had afforded the enemy very little shelter, that though it had concealed them from our view, it had not con- cealed them from our exploding shells. On one occa- sion when General Hindman massed a large force of infantry in front of our right, and directed them to break our line, two of our batteries took nositlons 4 50 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION well selected, and cross-fired them with grape and canister, as soon as they came within range, with terrible eifect. The names of many officers who displayed conspic- uous bravery on the bloody field of Prairie Grove could be mentioned, but as there were probably others, whose names I did not get, who displayed equal bravery, it would be unjust to make any discrimina- tion. The officer of highest rank killed on our side, was Lieut. -Colonel Samuel McFarland, Nineteenth Iowa infantry, while gallantly leading his regiment. The smoke of the battle having cleared away, and it having been ascertained that the enemy had not stopped in his retreat until he reached Yan Buren, our next care was to bury our dead and look after our wounded. The enemy also, under a flag of truce, had men and surgeons on the field gathering up their dead and wounded. I visited a number of our Field Hospitals, and it was the most affecting sight I ever saw to see so many of our poor fellows breathing out their noble lives. A young man to my left, as I passed through a ward in which most of the patients were regarded as mortally wounded, knowing that dis- solution was near, was dictating a last message to his young wife; and another to my right was directing a comrade by his side to send some loving word to his mother; and near by another, whose countenance showed that life was fast ebbing away, looked intently on a picture of some dear one at home for a moment and then fell to weeping. Others were undergoing great mental as well as physical sufiering, because ON THE BORDER-I863. El they were conscious that they were going to die far away from homes and friends. Bnt the groans and agonies of these brave men shall not have been in vain J? nture generations will enjoy the blessings that their blood has helped to purchase. It would be base in- gratitude on the part of those for whom they died were they to make no effort to commemorate their glorious actions. CHAPTEK II. Creneral Blunt's trains return to Rhea's Mills from Fayetteville — Resources of the country around Rhea's Mills — Furnishes forage for the cavalry and transportation animals — Native ani- mals stand the service better in that section than animals brought from the north — Preparations for the expedition to Van Buren — Incidental reflections — The expedition on the march — Crossing and recrossing the raging, foaming and splashing mountain stream thirty-nine times — An unpleasant march for the infantry — The troops bivouac by this stream — The march resumed — An outpost of the enemy struck by the Federal Cavalry advance — The chase— Battle Dripping Springs —Federal charge on the enemy's camp — Flight of the enemy to Van Buren — Federal pursuit — Capture of Van Buren — Burn- ing of steamboats and supplies — Artillery duel acrsss the Ar- kansas River — The enemy shell their own city — Return to Rhea's Mills. Before saluting the new year we must notice some further operations of considerable importance. A few days after the battle of Prairie Grove, General Bhint ordered his supply and baggage trains back from Fayetteville to Khea's Mills, and our division went into camp again. General Herron's division went into camp on the ground it occupied during the battle. The battle will probably always be known in history as the battle of Prairie Grove, for the two opposing armies met near Prairie Grove meeting house, on a northern slope of the Boston Mountains. This section is regarded as the wealthiest and most fertile region in northwestern Arkansas, if not indeed ON THE BORDER— 1863. 53 of the State. The climate and soil seerd peculiarly adapted to raising sweet j^otatoes, apples, pears, peaches and many other kinds of fruit. Wheat, corn and oats are also raised in considerable abundance. Bat the farms are not large like the farms in Missouri. We have found almost sufficient forage to supply our animals, and we have also replenished the larder of the commissariat to some extent. The cattle and hogs taken from disloyal j)eople of this section furnish us with fresh beef and pork. The water-power mills on the never-failing mountain streams, have rarely been burned, and turn out a good deal of ilour, which is applied to subsisting the army. All commissary and quartermaster supplies for our division, with the ex- ception of those that this section furnishes, are trans- ported by four-mule teams from Fort Scott, Kansas, a distance of one hundred and forty miles. G-en. Herron's division is supplied from Springfield, Mis- souri. Though our base of supplies is this great distance from us; and though most of the country our trains pass over is infested with guerrilla bands that annoy our escorts by now and then picking off a trooper with their rifles or mnskets, yet we have not, up to the present time, lost a train or suffered any in- convenience for want of full rations. A considerable body of our cavalry has, however, been detached from actual field service to perform escort duty, during the autumn and winter. But taking into account the amount of this kind of service, and the fact that scout- ing parties or reconnaissances are daily sent out in every direction, our cavalry horses are in remarkably 54 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION good condition. That they have stood the campaign so well, I think is due to the fact that they have been collected mostly from Missouri and Kansas, a climate not differing perceptibly from this. Last spring the Second Ohio cavalry accompanied us on an expedition known as the " Indian Expedition.'^'' The men of that regiment were mounted on fine horses brought from northern Ohio, which were in splendid condition when the regiment left Fort Scott. But when we returned to Southern Kansas in August, after an absence of less than four months, nearly all the horses of this finely equipped regiment had either died or been abandoned in the Indian country. Yery few of the troopers of the Second and Sixth regiments, Kansas cavalry, were dismounted on our return. I have therefore felt convinced since that "Expedition" that our native animals are more suitable for army service in this section than horses raised four or ^wQ hundred miles north of this latitude. Animals, like men, in few generations become adapted to the conditions of particular localities, and in a measure unadapted to the conditions of other localities. After an active campaign, camp life becomes mono- tonous to the soldier, and he begins to crave new ex- citement. We remained in camp at Khea's Mills about three weeks after the battle of Prairie Grove without undertaking any other important movement- Keconnaissances have of course been sent out at inter- vals of a few days, but in each instance return to camp without discovering any indications of the enemy in force. But, on the evening of December 26th, I re- ON THE BORDER.-1863. 55 ceived instructions to issue to the number of men reported present for duty in each company of our regi- ment, five days' rations suitable for carrying in haver- sacks, and to be ready to march at 3 o'clock on the morning of the 27th. At the time designated all the cavalry, infantry and artillery, except a force deemed sufficient to guard our trains and camp, under Brig.- General Solomons, were in column and in readiness to march. Very few, if any, of the officers knew where we were going, or the exact object of the expedition. It was thought by some that we were going to attack the rebel army in the vicinity of Yan Buren and Fort Smith. It did not seem probable that it was the inten- tion of General Blunt to attack the main body of the rebel army, as we had recently received information that it was encamped around Fort Smith, on the south side of the Arkansas river, four miles above Yan Buren. Even if our force had been sufficiently strong to make our success reasonably certain, it was difficult to see how we should get our army across the river as rapidly as would be required, as we have had no pontoon trains such as the eastern armies are furnished with. "We thought it possible that the commanding general wished to take a more advanced position, to occup}^ Yan Buren, and to clear the country all north of the river of the enemy. There were, however, serious difficulties to be encountered in taking this view of the matter. Our base of supplies would be further removed from us; besides our supply trains would be obliged to pass over the Boston Mountains, a rough and rugged region. But with a line of stations in our rear we thought ^Q MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION that the army might move to Yan Biiren, as we were in complete possession of western Arkansas north of the river. I need not, however, recount further what our thoughts were in regard to the ultimate object of the expedition. Suffice it to know that General Blunt had information that a brigade of Texas cavalry, under com- mand of Colonel Crump, was encamped at Dripping Springs, eight miles north of Yan Bm^en, and that he wished to capture them or break up their camp. He 'was also informed that large quanties of qtiartermas- ter and commissary supplies were stored at Yan Buren, and that four or five steamboats were coming up the river from Little Kock with cargoes of supplies for Gen- eral Hindman's army encamped in the neighborhood of Fort Smith, and that the steamboats would proba- bly reach Yan Buren about the time he calculated we would get there. If we could captureand destroy those supplies and steamboats, and capture or break up Colonel Crump's camp it would of course cripple the rebel army in Arkansas to a very great extent, besides it would add to its demoralization, which was already great since the battle of Prairie Grove. We heard even before that battle that their supplies were scanty in many respects. I don't think that the rebel sol- diers had any genuine coffee. We heard that they had not, and I saw in the liaversacks on a number of their dead bodies at Prairie Grove, nothing but a kind of meal made of parched corn, a piece of bacon and a piece of black looking bread, which we could not eat unless we felt the pinch of hunger more keenly than ON THE BORDER— 1863. 67 we have at any time in the past. When I saw their dead bodies scattered over the field, I could not help feeling that most of them surely had no definite notion of what they were fighting for. Though in death, par- ticularly of a soldier who has died on the battle field in the midst of fire and smoke and dust and excitement, 1 suppose we cannot judge accurately how he looked \shen living; yet I think that most of the enemy's dead I saw on the field must have been poor men; who probably never owned a slave, nor never would have owned one even if slavery were permitted to remain an institution of the South. Under such circumstances I sincerely pity those men who are sacrificing their lives to perpetuate and sustain an institution that never has had, and never will have, any sym- pathy for them in their ignorance and poverty. Should I or my brother fall any day, we know that we shall have fallen in defense of our gov- ernment, which is, perhaps, the best the world has yet seen; but we also know that we shall have fallen in de- fense of a principle which has for its object the mak- ing of all men free and equal before the law. Had not such thoughts as these been in my mind, I could never have pursuaded him to leave his home and young wife, to enlist into the Federal army. If we come out of the war safe, we leel that we will have an interest in the future, but that if we do not come out safe, that our sacrifice will not have been for nothing. We know that the cause for which we are striving does not tend to establish an aristocracy or privileged class, which 58 MSMOIES OF THE REBELLION shall in various ways be favored by the laws of the land. Though we may not live to enjoy the blessings we hope will come when the storms of >var shall have passed away, there is at least a satisfaction in believ- ing that there are those who are dear to us who will enjoy these hoped-for blessings. But let us not dwell too long upon such thoughts. The expedition is all ready to start. At 3 o'clock it is rather chilly, for the temperature is a little below the freezing point, as the puddles in the road are covered with thin sheets of ice. The three or four inches of snow that fell a few days ago, have not quite disap- peared, and as all the little depressions in the road are filled with water or slush, the outlook for the infantry and artillery is not very cheerful. But a few hours marching brought us daylight and into a region where the snow and ice had entirely disappeared, and where the roads were firmer and inclined to be somewhat rocky. By ten o'clock we had struck the head of Cove Creek. It winds through the mountains in a south- erly direction, and as it is fed by mountain streams, now regular torrents, it of course increased in size and volume as we descended it. The rapid melting of the snow in the mountains, and the heavy rain-fall the day before we set out, swelled it to overflowing. We had crossed it when we bivouacked at ten o'clock,that night, according to my count, thirty-three times. We were on the march the next morning at three o'clock and crossed it five or six times before daylight. We had heard that we should be obliged to cross it thirty-nine ON THE BORDER-1863. 59 times ; and I think we did. This would be crossing it somewhat more than once every mile on an average. The infantry, when they first came to it, could cross it- dry shod, by stepping from stone to stone, as its swift current ran splashing and foaming along. When they crossed it the next time they got their feet wet, but kept their j^antaloons dry by turning them up. The fourth and fifth times they waded it with their shoes< on and their trousers rolled up. After this they fenced against the waters no further, except to see to it that their cartridge boxes were kept dry inside, and they^ themselves should not be washed down the swiftly running current, for when we bivouacked that night at the most favorable crossings that could be found, the water was well nigh to the armpits of the men. It w^as almost ice-cold, for it came mostly from melted snow that had just run down in the mountain brooks. The men, however, stood this extraordinary day and night's march without a murmur, and in fact from con- versations with several infantry-men just before we biv- ouacked, appear to have sufi'ered less discomfort thaa I supposed they would. Though their clothing to- their waists was wet all the afternoon and evenings the physical exercise of marching kept them from get- ting chilled. Immediately after we halted that night on the bank of Cove Creek, a thousand blazing fires, were kindled, and the infantry-men dried their cloth- ing; and food and a refreshing sleep prepared them for the next day's march, which would determine the ob- ject and success or failure of the expedition. A few •60 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION moments after the bugle sounded the halt, I rode back towards the rear of the column, and listened to the con- versations of the men, and talked to some of them myself, so that I might form some idea of the feelings of those whose march had been so disagreeable and fatiguing, for we had marched since we left Rhea's Mills, upwards of thirty miles. I found the infantry- men quite cheerful, and the artillery men thought that their ammunition had not been perceptibly damaged by the water splashing against the caissons. Late in the evening the caissons of our howitzers were de- tached and put into an ambulance to keep the ariinni- tion dry. The ambulances had been obliged to take up also a few men during the day, but the number was much smaller than I supposed it would be. After the men had dried their clothing and taken such food as their appetites demanded, they spread their blankets on the ground, and threw themselves upon them, and soon sweet sleep closed their eyes, and they were wan- dering through the realms of dream land. If during their waking moments the cares and fatigues of the -day had prevented their thoughts from often turning homewards, no doubt but that in their calm sleep many dreamed of pleasant conversations with their families and dear relatives and friends at home, And perhaps pleasant smiles played upon the faces of some who, in dreamland, thought that they were watching the pranks of their rollicking children. Such were the thoughts that came into my mind concerning my comrades, until gentle sleep came to me, bringing that which na- ture demanded I should accept, rest. ON THE BORDER-1863. 61 Within a space of less than two miles, in a narrow gorge in the mountains, near the margin of the noisy, foaming and gurgling stream, thus slept three thou- sand men. At three o'clock next morning the bugles sounded^, and in a few moments our entire force was in readi- ness to resume the march. About twenty minutes,, however, were given us to feed our horses and take such food ourselves as would satisfy the pinch of hunger.. A few hours of refreshing sleep is beyond doabt very beneficial to an army, after constant marching all day. The sky had become partly overcast during the night, so that it was pitch dark when we resumed the march. I could not distinguish the color of my gray horse sitting on him. The proximity of the steep sides of the mountains would have made it quite dark even had it been a clear moonlight night, unless the moon had been high in the heavens near the zenith. Several companies of the Second Kansas cavalry, under command of Col. "W. F. Cloud, one of the most dashing cavalry officers of our division, was given the advance. Then came the Sixth Kansas cavalry, under command of Col. W. E. Judson, with whom I rode. As already mentioned, we crossed the provoking stream five or six times before daylight and left it, having passed the mountains. In the course of five or six hours Cove Creek had run down consider- ably; still it was up to the bellies of our horses, and being so cold was anything but inviting to the infan- try. They probably wished it was not necessary to 62 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION take a cold water plunge so soon after awakening from profound sleep. But when we crossed Lee's Creek we were still about twenty miles from Yan Buren. We continued to march along leisurely, occasionally halting a few moments to allow the infantry and artillery to close up, until towards eight o'clock, when a report came along the column that our advance guard had come upon the enemy's pickets who, on discovering us, fled towards their camp in the direction of Yan Buren. Our advance pursued them closely, so that they should not reach their camp in time to give the rebel troops many moments warning of our approach. Onr move- ments gradually quickened, and shortly our cavalry was in full gallop, which was kept up for five or six miles and until we came in sight of the enemy's camp at Dripping Springs. In the meantime Gen. Blunt, who had kept up with us, sent back an order for the artillery and infantry to move forward with a quick step. The enemy, under command of Col. Crump, of a Texas cavalry regiment, were encamped along the north side of a hill, and immediately north of their camp were several fields with intermediate spaces covered with undergrowths of woods. But when we came to the fences inclosing the fields, there was scarcely a moment's delay, for they were instantly thrown down and we came into line of battle in a trot, and charged across the field in a full gallop, and when within fifty yards of the enemy's camp, delivered a yolley into the ranks of those who had formed in line ON THE BORDER-1863. 63 and thought of making a stand. The Second Kansas cavah-y took the left of our line, and the Sixth Kansas cavalry and several companies of the Third Wisconsin cavalry the right. After firing a few rounds from our carbines, Gen. Blunt ordered the bugles to sound the charge, and with gleaming sabres we dashed forward like a whirlwind, throwing up a perfect cloud of dust. The enemy did not wait to feel the edges of our sabres, but fled in the direction of Yan Buren, and in their flight left their tents, camp, and supplies of every kind in our possession. ' After charging through theia camp we could not pre- serve our line of battle in perfect order, on account of the broken condition of the ground. Nor was it necessary as the enemy had broken up completely, and thought only of saving themselves. We were cautious, however^ as we did not know but that they had formed another line back some distance, with'the determination of con- testing our advance. The Sixth Kansas cavalry and Third Wisconsin cavalry, therefore, moved right straight forward over the steep hill south of their camp. But when we were passing down the southern slope of the hill, we saw from the clouds of dust hanging over the high road leading to Yan Buren, that they had no intention of making a stand short of that place. We also learned from several rebel soldiers and teamsters, whom we had captured, that they were completely sur- prised, and that their retreat had become a stampede. We now changed from line of battle to columns of fours, and struck the gallop again, preserving such or- Q4: MEMOIRS OP THE REBELLION der as was possible, and chased the flying enemy to Yan Buren, and when they passed through the city we were right at their heels. General Blunt sent out detachments of cavalry on both sides of the main road to scour the country and pick up their stragglers. If the city had any Home Guards or military organiza- tion to defend it, the men disappeared on our approach. We therefore followed the enemy right through the city, making the dust fly in the streets so that they had no time to form in line, or to take the steamboats lying at the wharves to cross the river, but continued their flight on the road along the north bank of the Arkansas. A squad of rebels, however, attempted to escape over the river on a horse-power ferry, but they had scarcely reached the middle of the stream when they were discovered. The two mountain how- itzers of the Sixth Kansas cavalry, which had kept up with us during the entire chase, were immediately brought down to the wharf, and after firing several fuse shells at the boat, struck the horse at the w^heel and killed him. Another shell exploded, wounding several men. As the boat had by this time got into shallow water, the rest of the men jumped overboard and escaped. Four steamboats with cargoes of supplies for the rebel army, on the first signal of our approach, got np steam and made an efi'ort to escape down the river. Two of them had proceeded a mile or so down the river, but as the channel now changed to near the north bank, and as our cavalry and one of our howit- zers were waiting for them, a single shot from the ON THE BORDER— 1863. 65 howitzer convinced the officers that it was useless to make further efforts to escape, and hastened to display a white flag. The boats were boarded by several of our officers and two squads of soldiers, and then directed to steam back up the river to Yan Buren. The other two boats did not get more than a half mile be- low the city, as they were detained some time in en- deavoring to find a landing on the opposite shore for a party of rebel officers and citizens they had taken aboard. They got near enough to shore, however, to allow nearly all the rebels to escape in small boats. It was the intention to also leave the steamboats at a landing near the opposite shore, bat, as the engineers and officers had not left them, they were compelled, when the two lower boats came up with the armed Federal soldiers on board, to get up steam and take their boats back to the city. The pursuit of the flying enemy having been given up, our cavalry having returned to the city, and the boats having been jiiade fast to their moorings, we dis- mounted on vacant lots and squares, and soon found abundance of forage for our tired and hungry horses. I^or had we any difficulty in replenishing our haversacks from the rebel commissary supplies. Such of the non- combatant population as showed themselves seemed perfectly amazed. A few hours before their city was as peaceful as the mist we had lately seen resting on the mountain side. No one dreamed that the '' Yan- kee " foe was rapidly approaching ; and being a bright Sunday morning many of the good j)eople had been to 5 ^Q MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION church, and were just returning home when the alarm was given that we were near at hand. Immediately after the boats had been made fast, several more of our officers went aboard them to ex- amine their cargoes and to obtain such information as they could get from those who had remained in charge of them, in regard to the strength, movements and in- tentions of the rebel army in the vicinity. As we seemed to be in quiet possession of the city, a good many of our officers and soldiers left their horses where they had dismounted to feed them, a few blocks back from the river, and also came down to the river front to look at the captured boats. Col. Judson and I had just walked down and were taking a survey of the sit- uation and talking over the exciting transactions of the morning, when suddenly the sound of artillery re- sounded in our ears, and then an instant after, with a crash came a solid shot or shell, striking the ground not more than two or three yards from us. After an interval of a few seconds there came another, and still another, and we looked in the direction from whence they came and saw a rebel battery near the opposite shore and the smoke rising from it. We retired to our horses to await orders. Gen. Hindman, having heard by tele- graph or special messenger that we were in Yan Bu- ren, sent down from Fort Smith a forceof artillery and infantry to let us know that he was there. But in the meantime our infantry and artillery were coming up and soon arrived on the heights overlooking the city, the river and the countrv far off to the south. It was ON THE BORDER— 1863. 67 now perhaps after two o'clock, and the artillery duel over the river immediately commenced and lasted un- til dark. The distance, however, which separated the combatants was so great that no loss was sustained by our troops, and probably not much by the enemy. The shot and shell from the enemy's guns fell short of our position on the heights of the city. But the per- cussion shells from our rifled guns I could see flew over the river and struck very near where the enemy's batteries were posted. I could not see whether they inflicted any damage to the enemy, as they were cov- ered by the timber. Whenever one of our percussion shells struck a tree or solid object, I could see by the smoke that arose that it exploded with terrifiic vio- lence. It was not necessary for our cavalry to make any material change in position after the cannonade opened, as it was covered by blocks of brick buildings. Some of the ofiicers and soldiers, however, desired to occupy positions where they could get a good view of the rebel batteries. Late in the afternoon the echo of the thundering artillery seemed to roll down the river to a great distance, gradually growing fainter until it had died away. While we were not much disturbed by their can- nonade, the people of Yan Buren were greatly agita- ted; and well they might be, for it was their friends who were firing shot and shell into their city, and en- dangering their lives. We felt somewhat surprised that Gen. Hindman should have permitted the shelling of the city without any warning to the inhabitants, in- MEMOIES OF THE EEBELLION asmuch as thej were nearly all liis own people. Even we, as enemies, would not have committed such an act without giving the women and children and old men an opportunity of leaving the city. I heard that sev- eral persons, women and children, were killed and injur- ed by exploding shells from the enemy's guns. I was unable, however, to collect exact information of the casualties in the city, as we were under strict orders to observe great vigilance. It was not known but that Gen. Hindman would show fight, as we under- stood that he had an army of ten or twelve thousand men in the neighborhood of Fort Smith. Night came on, and w^e could see from the heights of the city to the heights on the south side of the river, that tlie en- emy were displaying great activity from some cause. But whether they were retreating or concentrating their forces at some point in the vicinity, we were un- able to decide. After dark, the enemy withdrew his batteries and the thundering of the artillery ceased. And now the disposition of the contraband property awaited the orders of Gen. Blunt. The steamboats, after taking from them such supplies as he wished to take back with us, he ordered burned. Before setting fire to them a number of ofiicers and men were permit- ted to take from them something of insignificant value, to serve as a memento of the expedition. I got a blank book from the " Steamer Rose Douglas '' to keep my Chronicles of our operations. The burn- ine* of the boats made a tremendous fire, and lio^hted ON THE BORDER-1863. 69 up the country for miles around. Wlien the flames, which were soon climbing high in the sky, were first noticed by the people, they thought we were going to burn the city. But their fears were soon dispelled when they were assured that only the destruction of contraband property was intended. Private property was respected. Though the population of the city is perhaps upwards of two thousand, yet I did not hear of a single complaint of trespassing upon private premises ; or of any rude conduct of our officers or soldiers towards the ladies of Yan Buren. I speak of this with some pride, for I found that the non-combat- ants were strongly impressed with the notion that our Kansas troops were a kind of Yandals or barbarians, lawless, and utterly disregarded the methods and us- ages of civilized warfare. As our division is compos- ed of Kansas troops, with the exceptions already noted, I think we may justly feel proud of their conduct up- on every field, and of the results of the campaign up to this point. Since we attacked the enemy in the last engagement at Newtonia on the 4th of October, we have driven him, step by step, before us ; so that now there is not a rebel organized force north of the Arkansas Eiver, excepting guerrilla bands. But not- withstanding the series of splendid achievements, we hear that Gen. Blunt has made this expedition in the face of orders to fall back from Ehea's Mills to the southern line of Missouri. If this be true, it is to be deeply regretted, for our toils in this campaign will count for almost nothing; 70 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION and we surrender back to the enemy all that we have gained. I do not believe that, if the Department Commander thoroughly understood the situation here, he would permit this army to abandon this section after we have gained it at the cost of so many bloody contests. Though we have reliable information that the enemy are greatly demoralized; yet if we fall back from our present position, it will be almost equivalent to a defeat on the field, and he will doubtless feel en- couraged to quickly organize his shattered forces and follow us up. At eight o'clock we received orders to be in readi- ness to march the next morning (29), at seven o'clock, on our return to Rhea's Mills. But before we com- mence our return march, let us take a glance at Dripping Springs. - When we passed through the rebel camp there, it was about nine o'clock, and the rebel soldiers had apparently just finished their breakfasts, for their mess i^ans, camp kettles, etc., indicated that their cooks liad not yet " washed their dishes." Their tents were standing just as they had occupied them; and broken gunstocks lay scattered over the camp, showing that they had given a moment to the destruction of such property as they could not take with them. A number of teams were harnessed and ready for some service when we came upon them, for on the road to Yan Buren I saw not 1§S8 than twenty wagons partially upset and in attitudes show- ing that they had been suddenly abandoned by having the mules or horses cut loose from them to enable the ON THE BORDER— 1863. 71 driver and parties in them to escape. Articles of camp and garrison equipage, and even ammunition, lay scattered upon the road all the way to Yan Buren. When we reached the city, the enemy's Military Tele- graph was in perfect working order, but I did not hear whether Gen. Blunt sent his compliments to Gen. Hindman or not. He could have done it had not more important matters occupied his attention. The cir- . cuit, however, was soon broken on the Little Kock as well as on the Fort Smith end of the line. On the morning of the 29th we set out on our return march to Rhea's Mills. Many of the soldiers had their haversacks crammed with sugar and the best things the enemy's commissariat afforded. The troops and animals had a bountiful supper and break- fast, and a good night's rest, and seemed as fresh as if they had been in camp a month. Guards were posted during the night at every necessary point, so that we would not be subject to surprise by the enemy. The expedition accomplished all that could be reasonably expected of it. We did not capture many prisoners, but we destroyed a large amount of rebel public property, and property pressed into rebel service by the Confederate authorities; besides bring- ing away with us considerable quantities of such of the captured supplies as we can use. While the ladies of Yan Buren did not, as far as I know, take pleasure in expressing their hatred of "Yankees" as they call us in that section, or show by their actions that they hated us at all, yet I think that 72 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION they are nearly all strong adherents of the Southern cause. If there were any Union families in the city at the beginning of the war, they probably managed to move north long before we arrived. We bid good-bye to Yan Buren, but not without thoughts of returning again to stay until this contest shall have been decided. Our return march was con- ducted leisurely; the weather was pleasant and warm, and Cove Creek, the winding mountain stream, had fallen almost to its ordinary dimensions and volume, so that the infantry were much less inconvenienced in crossing and re-crossing it than when we came out on the 2Tth. They were nearl}^ three days on the march to Rhea's Mills. Most of the cavalry, however, got in on the evening of the 30th. Thus ended the expedition to Yan Buren, and in fact the campaign of the Army of the Frontier in northwestern Arkansas. An expedition of nearly two thousand men, mostly Indians, and a section of light artillery, were sent out under Col. W. A. Phillips, about the time we left Hhea's Mills, in the direction of Fort Gibson. After a short engagement. Col. Phillips captured and de- stroyed Fort Davis near Fort Gibson, on which the Confederate Government expended upwards of a mil- lion dollars. In point of importance, the success of his expedition deserves to be set down among the splendid achievements of the campaign. Old Year! I bid you adieu. When some future his- torian writes of the great events which have turned the ON THE BORDER.— 1863. 73 ejes of the civilized world to this coiintrj, he will surely turn to you as having witnessed the greatest events in the history of our Government. You have brought sadness to the hearts of thousands of our people this night. I know, too, that in the hospitals near me there are hundreds of comrades, and among them my brother, whose hearts ache with the thought that they will never again seethe faces and sweet smiles of affec- tion of those dearest to them in this world. The lights of many noble lives are going out with you. Old year, FAREWELL ! CHAPTER III. The First Division Army of the Frontier moves from Rhea's Mills to Elm Springs — All the Federal wounded in the Field Hos- pitals at Prairie Grove removed to Fayetteville — General Blunt Relieved and starts North — General Schofield takes command of the Army of the Frontier — Future Operations to be conducted according to West Point tactics — The Army to retreat to the Missouri line — Reorganization of the Army — Colonel W. A. Phillips to command the Indian Division — A Battalion of the Sixth Kansas cavalry and Captain Hopkin's Battery to go with it — Grand Review of the Army of the Frontier by General Schofield — The author's last visit to his brother in the General Hospital at Fayetteville— The Reduc- tion of Transportation — Order from War Department for Recruiting several loyal Arkansas Regiments — General Marmaduke marching on Springfield — The Army of the Frontier on the march, except the Indian Division. Hail^ Happy New Year! I welcome you; though I know not what you have in store for us. We have no seer or prophet to unfold to us in doubtful and mysterious language the most important events which you will disclose to us in due time. But we have reason to hope that, with. honesty of purpose and per- sistence in the right, on the part of our leaders and of each of us, we shall have made substantial progress in accomplishing the objects for which we are striving, wh^n you shall have expired. The New Year was ushered in by a national salute ON THE BORDER— 1863. 75 fired from the batteries of General Herron's Division still encamped on the battle-field of Prairie Grove. But to the soldier in the field, in camp and on the march, it has no more significance than any other day. It is impossible for him to observe the forms of polite soci- ety. His feelings of happiness find expression in a sterner manner than that of flying around in full dress suit, kid gloves and swallow tailcoat, and in indulging in pretty conceits with charming maidens. He takes more pleasure in relating to his comrades around the camp fire some adventure in which he took a part, or some hair-breadth escape; how, for instance, he grasped the guidon or standard from the hand of a fallen com- rade, while the enemy's bullets were fiying around his head as thick as hail. With all the hardships and dangers which war entails on the soldier in the field, his disposition is generally not only not gloomy, but on the contrary, cheerful and happy. No doubt sad thoughts flit through his mind in regard to loved ones at home, but as fresh excitements are coming up every day, and as old battle scenes and incidents have to be gone over occasionally, his mind is never allowed to dwell long on those ideal pictures which have a natu- ral tendency to produce gloominess. The rumor that, on the return of our division from Yan Buren, the Army of the Frontier would move north-ward, turned out to be true. On the morning of Jaiiuary 2d, 1863, the First Division struck tents, left Ehea's Mills, and took up a line of march for Elm Springs, about twenty-two miles north. The General 76 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION Hospitals were established at Fayetteville several days ago, and most of the sick and wounded have been re- moved there. It is the chief town in northwestern Arkansas, and is capable of affording much better facil- ities for properly caring for sick and wounded soldiers than could easily be provided at Rhea's Mills or Prairie Grove. When it is possible, I think our surgeons pre- fer substantial buildings for hospitals to the Field Hos- pital tent. If w^e were in railroad communication with the rest of the country, a good many of our wounded could be sent to their homes, where they would have loving wives, mothers, daughters and friends to look after them. Those who are conscious that they will never recover from their wounds or sick- ness, often give vent to the expression, that they would be perfectly content to die if they could only be per- mitted to die at home, surrounded by their families and friends. If a youni>: man gets severely wounded, the first thing he thinks of is his mother or his sweet- heart; if a married man, his wife and children. But a grateful government will not neglect to provide justly for the w^idow and orphaned children, or mother of the soldier who dies in defense of his country. All this intense longing for the affectionate regard of those at home we know is not unappreciated. The letters we receive from time to time from our relatives and friends, are teeming with love and affection, and are convincing enough that there are lacerated hearts at home as well as in the field. It is the consciousness that there exists these loves and affections that touches ON THE BORDER— 1863. 77" SO deeply the heart of the soldier; and I believe it is- these strong affections that make the effective soldier, for he feels that he is fighting for the protection and happiness of those he loves, and whose lives are a& dear to him as his own life. If he thought that bj going to war it would ultimately subject his family to greater peril, and bring upon it greater unhappiness, he would not go. We regard a man as having lost his manhood if he shows no concern for the happiness and well-being of his familj. And in social organiza- tion the family is the social or political unit, and what- ever weakens family ties and interests must in time weaken the social fabric. On the evening of the 2nd we camped on Wild Cat Creek, having marched a distance of about six- teen miles from Eheas Mills. A heavy rain last night put the roads in bad condition for our trains and artil- lery. But as there is no necessity for rapid movement, and as our backs are turned towards the enemy's heels, we can afford to march leisurely, so as not to injure or br^ak down our animals. Officers and men who have served in a campaign like that we have just closed, soon learn how important it is to take every possible care of their cavalry, artillery and draught animals. We arrived at Elm Springs on the 3rd, and there seems to be a prospect of our remaining here several days, as- we hear that there is going to be shortly a reorganiza- tion of the Army of the Frontier. Gen. Blunt has been relieved, and bade his troops farewell to-day, and, with his staff and escort, started to Forts Scott and Leaven- 78 MiiMOIRS OF THE REBELlilON worth. On account of his personal bravery and the brilliant achievements of his campaign, he has greatly endeared himself to his troops. I speak from person- al knowledge of his bravery. He was to the front all day during the battle of Cane Hill, and was only a few yards from Col. Jewell when he fell mortally wounded. At Prairie Grove too, he was on the field all the after- noon in dangerous positions, directing the movements ■of his troops. And at Dripping Springs he was at the front with us when we charged the enemy's camp, and rode with the advance squadrons when we dashed into Yan Buren. How well he would succeed in a campaign which required of the Commanding General that every movement of his troops should be made with a distinct but involved end in view, I, of course, have no means of knowing. He is probably able to meet any movement his opponents are able to make on the military chess board. My own impression, however, is, that if a campaign in this section were con- ducted according to the military science taught at West Point, and embodied in General Schofield, the ene- my could soon put us on the defensive, and we should never accomplish anything except our destruction. If military science is a common sense view of contending with your foe, of warding off his blows and of strik- ing him most effectively, I believe in it. But if it be a mysterious method of directing the movements of troops, which no one can understand unless he be a graduate of West Point, then I have little confidence in it. A special education for a special purpose is al- ON THE BORDER-1868. 79 ways desirable, and a military education no doubt qualifies men for organizing and skillfully handling large bodies of troops in time of war; but there seems to be such a tendency among the graduates of West Point to want to do something incomprehensible to the common mind, as to make many of them utter failures. Perhaps only a small percentage of each graduating class display any special aptitude for military science, or for any particular arm of the military service. It amounts to this, a blockhead sent to West Point is as apt to come out a blockhead as if he had been sent to any other school. If a boy who has a natural mili- tary genius goes to the Military Academy and gradu- ates, and afterwards has an opportunity to develop his military genius, I think the chances are that he will make a great military commander. Such special apti- tudes may be inherited through a line of ancestors, or they may be due to powerful antenatal influences. Napoleon's military genius is said to have been due to the latter cause. General John M. Schofield assumed command of the Army of the Frontier on the 4th. I understand that he has virtually been in command of it since our re- turn from Yan Buren. Had he arrived here a few days sooner, it is probable that the expedition to Yan Buren would never have been made. He is a gradu- ate of the Military Academy, and I suppose that mil- tary operations will now be conducted according to the military science taught at West Point. We shall see. In the first place it seems that we are already 80 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION under orders to continue our march further northward, though there is not an officer or soldier in our divis- ion who does not feel sure in his own mind that there is not an organized force of the enemy in western Ar- kansas, north of the river. If this be true, and the Commanding General should know whether it is or not, then why continue to fall back and give up the country we have gained at the cost of so many lives and of so much toil and sufiering? Is it because the present Commanding General did not direct the movements of our army in gaining the splendid vic- tories that we have won? The jealousies of military rivals have already in other instances been a curse to our arms. The reorganization of the Army of the FrontieVy which I have already mentioned as probable, is to take place immediately. General F. J. Ilerron is to com- mand the second and third divisions. Colonel William Weir, Tenth Kansas infantry, the lirst division, and Colonel William A. Phillips, Third Indian regiment, the Indian division, consisting of all the Indian troops, one battalion of the Sixth Kansas cavalry, and Captain Hopkin's battery formerly attached to Colonel Cloud'& brigade. With this force I understand that Colonel Phillips will take up a position near Maysville, Benton county, Arkansas, a little town right on the line of the Cherokee Nation. I have been assigned to duty as Commissary Sergeant of this battalion of the Sixth Kansas cavalry, and directed to report to Captain John W. Orahood, the senior officer. Lieu- ON THE BORDER— 1863. 81 tenant John S. Lane, the Eegimental Commissary, accompanies the other battalion, together with the other field and staff officers of our regiment. ^ On the 6th, General Schofield arrived at Elm Springs for the purpose of reviewing the First Division before any important movement shall have been made The different arms of the service are therefore actively engaged in making preparations for the Grand Eeview to-morrow. This is a kind of military luxury of which we have had very little experience. During the autumn of 1861, however, when we were in General James H. Lane's command, we had several reviews and sham battles. But since then we have had nothmg on as extensive a scale as that which is to take place to-morrow. All the men reported present for duty of the following organizations, are ordered to turn ont with their arms and equipments complete, ^-wit: Cavalry, Second, Sixth and Ninth Kansas, and Ihird Wisconsin; infantry-Tenth, Eleventh and Ihirteenth Kansas, and JSTinth Wisconsin; First Second and Third Indian regiments; artillery-Capt' Rabbs, Second Indiana battery. First and Second Kan- sas batteries, and Captain Hopkin's four gun battery, which was captured from the enemy, besides two twelve-pound howitzer batteries, attached to the Sixth andJSTmth regiments Kansas cavalry, respectively. Well, the gala day is over; we have had the Grand Review, and I think that we made a very creditable appearance. We formed in line in an open field, and the ground is rather favorable, considering the general 82 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION broken condition of the country,for reviewing an army no larger than ours. After we had gone through a few evohitions upon the field, we then formed in line, and in a short time General Schofield and staff, and several mounted messengers, galloped along our front and took up a position near our extreme right. Some of the soldiers within mj hearing remarked, looking at their gay uniforms as they passed along, "Too much fuss and feathers for a fighting general. " The whole command then formed in columns of companies, and marched by the place where General Scofield and staff had posted themselves. The brass bands, march- ing at the head of brigades and playing soul-stirring airs, give additional interest to the fine display made by the troops. Thus ended the Grand Review, after which we marched to our respective camps. This is probably the last time the first Division will ever all be together. It seems to be the intention to break it up into brigades and detachments, and to scatter these along the southern border counties of Missouri and northern Arkansas. If w^e are not going to make any effort to hold a more advanced position, or even our present position, or if we are no longer to assume the offensive, perhaps to scatter the troops in this manner is the best policy. This morning (the 8th) General Schofield, staff and escort left for Fayetteville, as I understand to review the second and third divisions under command of General Herron. It does not appear that General Schofield has established any headquarters here with ON THE BORDER— 1863. ^ 83 the army. It is therefore' thought that his presence here is only temporary, and that after he shall have made such disposition of his troops as in his judgment seems best, that he will return to Springfield or St. Louis. As we shall march away from here in two or three daySj I obtained permission to go to Fayetteville to-day to see my brother who is in the general hospital there. He was in right good spirits when I came to him, though her complained that the wound which he re- ceived in the shoulder at the battle of Coon Creek last August, caused him intense suffering 'at times. He also informed me that the old wound which he received through the thigh a little over a year ago, had broken out again, an& gave him much j^ain when he made cer- tain movements, and his weight came on that leg. He still clings to the ball that passed straight through his thigh, touching the femoral artery and lodging on the opposite side just under the skin. When it was cut from the wound the conical end of the elongated ball was found to be considerably flattened, having struck the femur or thigh bone. But he says that he cannot bear to have the surgeons probe any more for the ball which he still carries in his shoulder, as it has either broken through the encysting and poisoning his blood or touching some very sensitive part. He expressed a strong desire to be at home, but thought that he had not strength enough to be transported in an ambulance so far, even if he could get permission to go. I en- couraged him to be cheerful, and said that I hoped he 84 MEMOIRS OF THE REBEELION would come out of this all riglit, and be able to report to his company for duty in a few weeks, or in a lew months at the farthest. I then bid him adieu, but not without emotion, for I have serious doubts of his re- covery; the lines of his expression ^vere not natural, and his life is ebbing away through the wound in his shoulder. But 1 will not mourn my brother dead who is yet living. The order for the reduction of our transportation goes into eifect to-day. Hereafter each cavalry regi- ment will be entitled to only sixteen four-mule wag- ons, and each infantry regiment to twelve four-mule wagons. This seems a wise measure adopted by the "War Department, for during an active campaign troops should be encumbered as little as possible with large trains and useless baggage. Five hundred wagons and teams in motion, stretch over a distance of sev- eral miles, and in an enemy's country always require a large force of cavalry to protect them. They also of- fer inducements to the enemy to fit out expeditions for their capture or destruction. Though officers and soldiers will have to dispense w^ith certain conveniences which they have heretofore enjoyed, yet I think that they will soon see that by doing so, there will be en- tailed upon them no great hardships. Our object is to beat the enemy at every point with as little sacri- fice of life and public property as possible. If large trains embarrass our movements, and if we can get along with smaller ones without decreasing our effec- tiveness, we should do it without a murmur. ON THE BORDER.-1863. 85 It was reported a few days ago that authority had been obtained from the Secretary of War for rais- ing two regiments of Federal troops in this State, one cavalry and one infantry. This report I find is true, and the recruiting is to commence at once, and the reg- iments will probably be organized and in the field by spring. For the present, Col. Ferguson is to have charge of the matter, with headquarters at Fayetteville. Once organized and equipped, these regiments will be a valuable acquistion to our army in holding this sec- tion. Our troops have shown that they have no hatred or ill will towards the peeple with whom we are con- tending; that we only want them to lay down their arms and renew their allegiance to the G-overnment. The consequence is, I think, that we have made friends of many of those who had been misinformed and had a rather bad opinion of us before we came into this State. At the beginning of the war there was a strong Union sentiment in nearly all the counties of northwestern Arkansas; and also in other sections of the State. And now that there is an opportunity for those whose sympathies have all along been with the Government, to assist it by organizing for the de- fense of their lives and homes, we may reasonably ex- pect that these two regiments will soon have their maximum of men. If they see that there is a proba- bility of our permanently holding this part of the State, many of those who are refugees to Missouri and Kansas, will doubtless return and enter the ser- vice. 86 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION A post has been established at Neosho, Missouri. Major John A. Foreman with a battalion of Indian troops, has already been ordered there. A large num- ber of refugee Indian families are in that vicinity, and they are all to be collected at that point to remain until spring. There is an abundant supply of fine spring water at Neosho, and as it is in a wooded re- gion plenty of fuel can be easily furnished them at a small cost during the winter. Their subsistence sup- plies can also perhaps be mostly drawn from that sec- tion. Last night, the 8th, the First division, with the ex- ception of the Indian command, having received or- ders, struck tents and moved out quite suddenly. Some of the troops that left last night, are ordered to Springfield, Missouri, on a forced march, as General Marmaduke with a division of cavalry, and several bat- teries of light artillery, is reported on the way there, having passed through this State three days ago, about seventy-five miles east of us. General E.B. Brown, with a considerable force of Missouri State troops and some artillery, will doubtles give the enemy a warm recep- tion if they attack him before the reinforcements get there. That one is obliged to separate from those with whom he has shared the dangers and hardships of the field for more than a year, is cause for profound feel- ings of sadness. Serving in a common cause, and sharing alike dangers and hardships, tends to unite men by the strongest ties of friendship. ON THE BOKDER-1863. 87 Though many of our troops have been in the service less than sixth months, yet they have moved forward with brave hearts and unfaltering steps, never swerv- ing from the path of duty. Veterans could not have performed more effective service, and service of which the true soldier may well feel proud. Military achieve- ments of less consequence, as far as bettering men's condition is concerned, than the achievements of the Army of the Frontier^ have been recorded and handed down to us through twenty-five centuries. Many in- fant children now in the arms of their mothers, when grown to manhood or womanhood, will doubtless re- fer with pride to the services of their fathers in this campaign. CHAPTEE lY. Colonel W. A. Phillips assumes command of the Indian division — The author to go with it— The division marches to Maysville on the western line of Arkansas — A skirmish with guerrillas — A snow storm and difficulty in getting forage— Colonel Phillips, not only a military commander but also a governor of several Indian tribes — His position requires great executive ability — Skirmishes with guerrillas becoming frequent — Bush- whackers living in a cave — Remarks on how caves are formed — How Stalactites are formed — How stalacmitic matter may preserve to distant ages in the future some account of the war — In a few years all external evidences of the war will have disappeared— Description of the country and of its resources — Colored refugees increasing — Their destitute con- dition — Col. Phillips' orders — Repairing of the mills — The battle at Springfield — Gen. Marmaduke defeated. In some respects perhaps it would have been more agreeable to me to have remained with that portion of the Army of the Frontier from which we have been detached. But with a soldier, preferences should count for nothing when duty stands in the way. And looking at the matter in this light, I of course accept the situation and enter upon the discharge of my duties in this new field without the slightest dissatisfaction. How he can be of most service to his country is a thought that should animate the true soldier, and out- ON THE BORDER— 1863. 89 weigh all other thoughts in his mind. But it may turn out that our new field of operations will not be destitute of interest or barren of results worth setting down. If it should be, however, it will be easy enough to stop writing, or expunge that which is worthless. But our new Commander, Colonel W. A. Phillips, I know is an able and an accomplished officer, audit is not likely that he will allow us to languish in inglorious inactivity. ISFo officer of the first division has im- pressed me more favorably. The first time that I ever saw him was at the battle of Locust Grove, near Grand Saline, the 2d of last July, when we captured Colonel Clarkson and his command of one hundred and ten men. Even Colonel Jewell, who was also present on that occasion, did not display more conspicuous bravery than Colonel Phillips. The night's march, the short and decisive engagement, just at the dawn of that lovely summer's morning, will be remembered by those who participated, while they live. Colon el Phillips received much praise for the ability with which he handled his brigade at Indian Creek, Neosho, and Newtonia, last September. On other occasions, too, he has shown himself to be a brave officer, and yet one who never loses his head. It was mainly through his exertions that authority was obtained from the War Department to organize and equip the three Indian regiments. Having been a staff correspondent of the New York Tribune, and a personal friend of Assistant Secretary of War, Dana, j)erhaps no one in Kansas could com- mand more respectful attention from the authorities at Washington, in such a matter. 90 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION I shall not, however, start out with a panegyric, or endeavor to build up hopes of any extraordinary military achievement, for he has taken a command with which I think it will be exceedingly difficult, if not almost impossible, to accomplish anything of great consequence. We must be patient. The future will disclose to us the wisdom or folly of his actions. We left Elm Springs on the morning of 10th, and arrived at Camp Walker, near Maysville, on the even- ing of the 11th, having marched a distance ot about thirty-five miles. The country that we passed over is' generally poor, but has some fine forests, and is sup- plied with abundance of good spring water. In some of these springs the water is as clear as crystal; it rises out of the earth almost like a fountain, and runs away in a strong swift current. How delightful these springs would be to the thirsty traveller in an arid region. The hills that we passed over are covered with flints of every conceivable shape and size, except that there are few above a hundred pounds weight. They do not, however, seem to have ever been rolled about and worn by the action of water, like peb- bles along the sea shore, constantly kept in motion by the tides. Our camp here is called Camp Curtis, in honor of General Samuel R. Curtis who commanded our forces at the battle of Pea E-idge in this county last March. This locality has been quite noted as a camping ground and rendezvous of the rebel armies of Missouri find Arkansas since the beginning of the war. It is just ON THE BORDER-1863. 91 in the edge of the prairie region, and grounds could scarcely be laid out to better advantage for drilling and maneuvering large bodies of troops. The enemy, however, are not likely to have a camp of instruction here again. We were encamped near here ujDwards of a week last October, after the battle of Old Fort Wayne, in which we captured General Cooper's ar- tillery. It looks now as if our chief occupation, for a while at least, is going to be that of fighting and chasing bushwhackers. Captain Anderson, of the 3rd Indian regiment, v/as sent out on the 12th with a detachment of fifty men, and had a skirmish with a party of guerril- las, in which he lost one man killed and had one wound- ed. He reports that he killed two of the enemy, the rest having made their escape. The hilly condition of the country to the east of us is favorable for carrying on guerrilla operations. But this is a kind of war- fare more suitable to the disposition of our Indian than to our white soldiers. Guerrillas in the vicinity of this command will therefore probably have all they desire of their own kind of warfare. Col. Phillips sent out on the morning of the 13th, his first train to Fort Scott for supplies, guarded by an escort of two hundred men. At this season, escort duty and teaming are not very desirable kinds of ser- vice. We are just beginning to feel the pinch of win- ter, though w^ehad three or four inches of; snow and several rather cold days about a week before we started on the expedition to Yan Buren. Men and animals 92 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION now on the road, especially if thejare facing the north- west winds on those bleak prairies which extend, for a distance of seventy -five miles south of Fort Scott, will suffer much more from cold than we do in camp. It takes from five to seven days for a train to come down from Fort Scott, the distance being about one hundred and twenty-five miles. Yesterday morning (15th) a violent snow storm set in and continued all day. We are therefore beginning to experience considerable difficulty in getting suf- ficient forage for our animals, for when the First divis- ion was encamped in this vicinity last fall, we consum- ed nearly all the forage that could be found for miles around. A large force of the enemy under General Cooper, had also been foraging ofi" this section before our arrival. And as this is not much of an agricul- tural region, it will be seen that there is just cause for the complaint of scarcity of forage. But Colonel Phillips is watchful of the wants of his troops and public animals, and will no doubt do all that can be done to prevent them from suffering for want of ne- cessary supplies. He sends out daily foraging parties and trains, and they generally go from ten to fifteen miles from camp. This gives us a circuit of about thirty miles, a considerable area of country to forage from. When we shall have exhausted all the forage within fifteen miles of our camp, we will probably es- tablish another camp outside of this radius. If this plan is carried out, as I have no doubt it will be, I think that we can get our animals through the winter ON THE BORDER— 1863. 93 in fair condition. Although we have been constantly scouting and marching and skirmishing since we came into this State last fall, we have lost comparatively few animals from having been broken down in the service. Our main losses have of course been cavalry horses. But the safety and comfort of his command, while conducting military operations in this section, are not the sole object of solicitude to Colonel Phillips. Nor is his function that of a military commander alone. He is placed in a position where he must act as gov- ernor of several different nations, all in a state of chaos. Since the war commenced, the Indians of the Cherokee, Creek, and Seminole nations, have been almost equally divided on the questions which have arrayed the two sections of the country against each other. But as the rebel authorities sent troops to occupy the country of these Indians immediately after hostilities commenced, and held undisputed possession of it until our expe- dition of last summer, the loyalists were obliged to leave their homes or contend with unequal odds, with the chances of being continually beaten and finally driven out. Hence when we withdrew from the Indian Territory last August, and brought out the Chief, /ohn Koss, and some of the national archives and treasury, thousands of loyal Indian families, Cherok- ees. Creeks, and Seminoles, accompanied us as far as Baxter Springs, on the southern line of Kansas. While at Baxter Springs, and indeed since they have been ex- iles from their homes, theGovernment has issued them rations, and looked after them to mollify their hard- 94 MilMOIRS OF THE REBELLION ships as much as possible. And though the greater proportion of these Indian families have remained in Southwest Missouri, since the opening of the campaign last September ; and though some have returned to their homes in the nation since we drove the enemy out ; yet there seems to be a fair prospect that the " Refugee Camp " will continue to increase in size during the rest of the winter. The wants and neces- sities of these people will constantly demand the atten- tion of Colonel Phillips in various ways. How ably and satisfactorily he shall conduct the affairs which de- volve upon him, remains to be seen. It will thus also be seen that his position requires of him to be, if he manages matters successfully, not only a judicious military commander, but also to possess, in a fair meas- ure, the knowledge of civil affairs. A man who pos- sesses both of these qualifications in a marked degree, is rarely found. We have reason to believe that we have such a man in the person of Colonel Phillips, for every one has some pride that those with whom he acts in any given venture shall act creditably. That is, no man who possesses a sense of patriotic devotion, likes to have his name associated with inglorious defeat, or any public action upon which rests a stigma or even unfavorable comment. The skirmishes between our scouting parties and small detachments of guerrillas which infest this sec- tion are becoming so frequent, that hereafter I shall not attempt to give the details and result of each day separate, but will endeavor to give some account of the ON THE BORDER-1863. 95 most important contests. There would be a good deal of repetition should I detail the movements and skir- mishes of every scouting or foraging party sent out. When any casualties occur they are noted on the mus- ter rolls of the company. That is, if a soldier is killed, wounded, or taken prisoner, or has his horse killed or captured, the fact is duly noted. I may add that since we left Elm Springs, our troops have killed, according to my daily memoranda, nine bushwhackers, and sus- tained a loss of three men killed and two wounded. A woman from the country came into camp yester- day evening (17th) and reported that she knew of three or four bushwhackers, who were living in a cave, some eight miles distant from the command. A detachment of cavalry was sent to the locality of the cave; but returned without being able to find the enemy or any indications that they had recently oc- cupied the cave as an abiding place. Our men, ho'w- ever, did not venture into the cave, as it would have re- quired too great a sacrifice of life to dislodge them from such a fortress, if they were really there and well armed, unless we should close the mouth of the cave and compel them to feel the pinch of hunger. What a novel place for men to take up their abode! But when we are enjoying freedom and security, and the rewards of honest toil, it is perhaps difiicult for us to imagine what modes of life we might be inclined to adopt under the pressure of circumstances. It is well known that caves do not undergo very radical changes of temperature during the seasons. I have visited a 96 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION cave on my father's estate a good many times, and I re- member that it was always almost imcomfortably cool on a warm summer day, and pleasantly warm on a win- ter day. Considerable attention has recently been given to cavern researches in England and France. And in several instances the bones of men and some domestic implements and riidely-made weapons have been found, which show beyond a reasonable doubt that the human race has existed on this earth for a period much longer than that which we have been taught. While we were encamped at Camp Moonlight, about twenty miles south of here, the early part of last No- vember, I was permitted to accompany a party of officers and soldiers on a visit to a cave much larger than the one near our present camp. We did not go very far into it from the entrance, but we went far enough to see some beautiful stalactites hanging from the roof like icicles which hang from the eaves of a house after the snow has commenced to melt and run down its sloping roof. Were everything favorable, I should like to visit the cave near us, but of course not with the view of making careful investigations, for that would take time and a large expenditure of money. But when peace shall bless our country again, and the spirit of inquiry increases, perhaps in- teresting researches will be made into the history of these caves, which will throw some light on the various forms of life that once inhabited them. Curious thoughts are apt to come into one's mind after visiting one of these natural wonders. What ON THE BORDER— 1863. 97 caused it? How long since it was formed? These are exceedingly interesting questions to those whose minds seek a rational explanation of every natural phenomenon. But when we come to understand something about how a cave has been formed,, we are not likely to press the question, " How long since?" It is a notable fact that all the caves in this country are in limestone formations. Now it is well known to every one who has given any attention to chem- istry, that a solution of water and carbonic acid will dissolve pieces of limestone, when put into it. Rain- water is known to contain carbonic acid, the propor- tion, perhaps, depending upon the season. It is easy to imagine, then, that the rain falling on these hills must have always run down through the soil until the water came to the limestone; and that when it pene- trated it, it dissolved a portion of it, the ex- tent of dissolution, however, depending upon the amount of carbonic acid the rain water con- tained. Everyone who has been in a cave can probably call to mind the sound of dropping water from the roof of the cave, which he heard here and there. Well, every drop of water that falls from the roof to theiloor, is supposed to hold in solution a very small quantity of the limestone. But when the water comes to separate from the dissolved limestone it leaves a thin film of solid material, different in character from the original limestone. When the water drops from the roof of the cave, it leaves a thin film attached to the roof, which gradually assumes the form and ap- 7 98 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION pearance of an icicle. This is called a stalactite. The film that forms on the floor after the water has left it, is called the stalacmite. It will thus be seen that the formation of a cave is a perfectly natural, though an extremely slow process. It is like removing the sands from the sea shore by taking a grain at a time. How long it has taken to form a stalactite as long as one's arm, we have no means of knowing as far as the caves in this section are concerned. Nor have I ever heard that the thick- ness of the stalacmite formations of the caves of this region have ever been measured or any efforts made to find out the nature of the deposits under them, or contemporaneous with their growth. Reflecting on stalacmitic formations and the eviden- ces of ancient life they may contain, this thought has come into my mind. Suppose that one of our soldiers or one of the enemies, on account of the stress of weather or imminent danger, should take to a cave and die in it with his arms and accoutrements beside him. After a while, perhaps, the drops of water from the roof of the cave falling on his bones and arms, would leave thereon a formation of stalacmitic matter. And should the men of some future age decide to in- vestigate the history of these caves and find the bones and arms cemented together with stalacmitic matter, they might be able to determine the age to which they belonged, and nearly the exact time it had taken to produce a formation of stalacmitic matter of a given thickness. Our pistols and carbines and sabers have ON THE BORDER— 1863. 99 the name of the manufacturer or patentee, and the year tliey were made, stamped upon them. Though there are many chances that in time these would be- come obliterated by rust, yet under certain conditions they might not. At any rate the subject is one upon which the mind delights to dwell for a moment. And in this connection there arises the further thoug-ht. Is it possible, that in a few years, not a vestige of the storms of war which have recently swept back and forth over this section, will be left to the future in- habitants of these pleasant valleys and prairies ? Is it possible that in a few years and on these grounds a comfortable mansion may arise, whose dwellers will be all unconscious that we were ever here for warlike purposes, and our arms stained with the blood of men who were recently our friends and brothers? Probably in a few years from now there will be many peaceful dwellings by the road-side in this section, whose occu- pants may never dream that the tramping of marching squadrons, the rattling of artillery carriages, and the clanging of sabers, might have recently been heard upon the public highways. How evanescent are the actions of men ! Even the pyramids of Egypt must in time crumble to dust. We do not know but that if the light of the past could be thrown upon these grounds and over these regions, we should see hostile armies of even greater magnitude than ours or that of the enemy, operating against each other. It is now considered by those who ought to be competent au- thority, that this western country was once occupied by 100 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION a race of people quite different, in some respects, to our present Indians. At various places in the Missis- sippi valley mounds are found which are known to have been thrown up by human hands; and in some instances there have also been found human skeletons, pieces of pottery and implements indicative of their domestic life. These mounds are believed to be of high intiquity and not to have been made by any of the existing races of North America. If a numerous people inhabited the Mississippi valley at some distant age of the past, they also probably spread over this region, for its ever-living streams, lovely valleys, and occasional prairies, must always have been very invit- ing to peoples following a nomadic or pastoral life. Though our camp is on the edge of a prairie, the country a few miles to the east of us is rugged and hilly, and less adapted to agricultural purposes than the country to the west of us, in the Grand Kiver val- ley. But as the Grand River country belongs to the Cherokees, no one can say when its agricultural re- sources will be developed, even should the war close immediately. The number of negro refugees, who have gained their freedom since we came into this State, are getting to be a good deal of a burden. Their almost desti- tute condition, causes many of them to commit acts that are not sanctioned by our ideas of strict morality. Weiind employment for some of them as teamsters and servants, but still there are many more who are unemployed. We send a good many to Kansas every time that our supply trains return to Fort Scott. ON THE BORDER-1863. 101 Many of them are quite shiftless, and it will probably be some time before they appreciate to a very great extent the value of their freedom. But we should be charitable towards them, and not magnify their short- comings, nor oppress them, so that they will feel ob- liged to commit unlawful acts. I think that there is a tendency on our part to overlook their many disad- vantages, when considering their moral actions. AVith their past life of slavery and degradation, and with the pinch of hunger and cold affecting them at pres- ent, we ought not to expect all their actions to be per- fectly free of censure. Those who have tasted of only a small proportion of the fruits of tlieir own toil, are not likely to try before their consciences with much deliberation, the offense of chicken stealing, when they are suffering from hunger. As these people have not been property owners, it will probably be some time be- fore they have very definite ideas of proprietary rights. "We should not therefore be surprised to hear of a larger proportion of them during the next generation, guilty of unlawfully appropriating the property of others, than among the white population. It seems to me that we might be relieved of a good deal of our present embarrassment by organizing a corps of colored troops. The amount of money the Government paid the men tor their services would be almost sufficient to take care of their families. There is, however, considerable prejudice yet among our officers and soldiers in regard to organizing them into regiments, but as their ii-eedom throughout the 102 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION country is sure to come at an early day, 1 can see no good reason why they should not be taken into the military service at once, indeed just as fast as they see fit to enlist. Having always been accustomed to obey orders, and being naturally of docile dispositions, I am inclined to believe that, if properly organized and officered, they will make excellent soldiers. While I think that intelligent soldiers may be more effective in the field than those of lower intelligence, I do not believe that either are likely to accomplish great deeds under incompetent and inefficient officers. To relieve as far as possible the demands of liungei^ among the refugee families on the outskirts of our camp, Colonel Phillips has ordered that all the mills in this vicinity be repaired, so that such grain as can be found may be ground into meal and flour for distribution among those whose necessities are most pressing. He also occasionally makes a tour of personal inspection among the refugees, that he may know from his own observation something of the condition of those whom the fortunes of war have driven to seek our protection. Yesterday evening (17th) a detachment of cavalry guarding a supply train from Cross Hollows, near Pea Pidge, with rations for this command, brought infor- mation that General Marmaduke, whom we fonght at Cane Hill last November, attacked Springfield, Missouri, on the 8th instant, with a force of three or four thousand rebel cavalry and artillery. General E. B. Brown who commanded our troopa, nearly all of ' ' ON THE BORDER— 1863. 103 whom were Missouri State Milita, made a gallant defense of tlie place, and repulsed tlie enemy after a day of fighting and skirmishing. General Marma- duke captured two unimportant positions in the southern quarter of the city, but after some sharp fighting his men were soon driven from them. Our troops had constructed several temporary forts, which were protected by stockades and trenches, so that a small force could hold the place against a superior force of the enemy. Though the enemy made several gallant charges and captured two positions, he could not hope to capture the stronger positions except by storming them, and he had not made sufficient prepar- ations to undertake this with a reasonable prospect of success. General Marmaduke, finding that General Brown was hourly expecting reinforcements and would soon be able to take the offensive, withdrew from the contest and marched in a southeast direction. Many of the houses of the citizens were badly damaged by shot and shell from the enemy's artillery, and a few were also destroyed by fire. General Brown congrat- ulated his troops for their gallant defense of the city, and regretted that he was unable to vigorously press the enemy in his retreat for want of cavalry. Our troops that left Elm Springs on the night of the 8tli were nearly two days too late to participate in the engagement at Springfield. There was undoubtedly a blunder somewhere, or else our commanding General is not shrewd enough to match General Marmaduke. It was almost stupidity to allow the enemy to march around us without our knowledge of his movements. 104 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION ' We hear now that Colonel Phillips' new command is to be known as the Eighth and Ninth Districts Department of the Missouri. It embraces southwest Missouri, northwestern Arkansas, and the Cherokee Nation. Considering the interests involved and the difficulties of his new position, he is justly entitled to the rank of Brigadier General, particularly if his pres- ent assignment is not a temporary arrangement. In the afternoon of the 21st, Captain Hopkin's bat- tery was taken out on the prairies near camp,for the pur- pose of spending a few hours in artillery practice. This is the battery that I have already referred to as the one we captured from General Cooper's command at Old Fort Wayne, three miles west of our present camp, the 21st of last October. The guns are in ex- cellent condition, and though most of the artillery- men have had only a few months' drill, yet from the target practice this afternoon, they show that they would do effective work should the occasion shortly arise. While on this ground I may mention that my father was held as a citizen prisoner near here last April by the rebel Colonel Coffey ; and was condem- ned to be shot, but was exchanged the day before exe- cution was to take place. He was captured by the enemy while guiding Colonel Doubleday's Second Ohio cavalry from Kansas into South-w^est Missouri, and brought to Camp Walker and held several weeks. The rebel authorities had ordered shot quite a num- ber of Union citizen prisoners, because they charged ON THE BORDER-1863. 105 that our troops had shot a number of disloyal citizens. I doubt whether our troops ever shot any disloyal citizens after they were regularly captured, unless they were among those classed as bushwhackers, and who had committed some outrageous acts. At eight o'clock on the evening of the 22d, with a detail of fourteen men, I was directed to proceed to Neosho with dispatches for the commanding officer at that post, and for the commanding general at Spring- field. As it is the intention of our division to spend the winter in this section ; and as we are not likely to commence any offensive operation until towards spring, I have permission to remain at Neosho two weeks, to see some of my relatives and friends whom I have not seen since the war commenced. I look back upon the past year with a good deal of pride, for I have not been absent from my post of duty a single day. And in the discharge of my duties, 1 believe that I have given satisfaction to those with whom I have had to deal. Though we have had a Lieutenant and Commissary with us a part of the time, being a subordinate, I have generally had all the work to do, and it is no small task to issue rations to a full regi- ment of cavalry, as I have had to do when the regi- ment was all together. If I could issue unbroken packages, of course there would be but little labor. As it is, I am obliged to weigh and measure in all con- ceivable quantities, sugar, salt, coffee, tea, beans, etc., besides I must cut up the fresh beef and bacon into pieces of just so many pounds weight, and if a scout- 106 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION ing party is going out during the night, as generally happens, it may become necessary to issue to it extra rations, and to stay up half the night to do it. I must be extremely careful in all my calculations, seeing to it that no company, detachment or the hospital, gets any more or less than its exact regulation allow- ance. This little retrospect of my own duties I hope is permissible, as I am going to have a respite of a few days. The sky was heavily overcast, and there was no moon, and the night was intensely dark. But on this account we thought that we would be less likely to come in contact with the enemy's guerillas, and the necessity of being constantly on our guard would chase sweet sleep from our eyes. CHAPTER Y. The author at Neosho, Missouri, ipr a few days— Ante-bellum times and reminiscensces — Description of the town The Grand Falls and water-power mills in the country — Fertility of the soil on the river bottoms — Fencing which enclosed most of the farms destroyed— About half the people loyal— Indiscrimi- nate destruction of property condemned— A double sacrilice put upon Missouri loyalists — A picture of desolated homes — Guerrilla warfare and Federal losses in the State— The Militia occupying Newtonia and fortifying it— Their efficiency— Mostly State troops that opposed General Marmaduke at the battle of Springfield on the 9th— Flag raising at Neosho — The National Flag scornfully regarded by rebels— Geurrillas at Granby— The rich lead mines there, but no longer worked — Author informed of the death of his brother at Fayetteville — A mother's picture of a united family. We arrived at Neosho on tlie morning of the 23(1, having inarched fortj-five miles in twelve hours. Our route was through a thickly wooded region all the way. It continued cloudy and was intensely dark, and there was a drizzling rain nearly all night. We had to trust to our horses keeping on tlie path, as they see better in the darkness than men. It frequently occur- red that we could not tell whether we were on the road or not, for we could not distinguish a white hand- kerchief an arms length in front of us. Immediately 108 MEMOIKS OF THE REBELLION on our arrival at l^feosho I delivered the dispatches and mail to Major John A Foreman, commanding officer of the post, who at once sent them by another detachment on to Springfield. I breakfasted at home with father and mother and the family, the first time for nearly two years. Mother was nearly wild with delight to see me, so many exciting events have taken place in this section since the last time she saw me. Though we were within twelve miles of here last September at the battle of !Newtonia, I did not have an opportunity of coming home. She heard the booming of artillery all that day, and knowing that my brother and I were with our troops, felt great anxiety until she heard that we were all right. When we came in sight of the place, I could hardly bring my mind, I regret to say, into a condition to greet it with much warmth of feeling. It is easy to imagine an instance in which, when one person pur- posely or carelessly ofiends another, and afterwards without having made any apology or explanation, of- fers his hand, and of the ofiended party hesitating whether to take it or not. Such were my feelings. I could hardly make up my mind to give the place the right hand of fellowship, even if the place had welcomed my return. Since the Kansas troubles a large majority of the people of this place have display- ed such a spirit of intolerance and want of respect towards those who differed with them in regard to pol- itical issues, that the sight of the town fails to arouse ON THE BORDEE— 1863. 109 the slightest thrill of affection and reverence. There were a few abolitionists who resided here before the war, and they were frequently engaged in warm discussions in regard to the slavery question. They could talk with some pro-slavery men with moderation, but others to whom they talked, became passionate and even violent, declaring that no abolitionist should be permitted to live in this section and inculcate his pernicious doc- trine. I have always noticed that those who cling ten- aciously to principles which they cannot defend, get out of patience if you press them too hard with their illogicalities or inconsistencies. But though the ab- olitionists were frequently insulted and threatened, they persisted in expressing their convictions to those who desired to know them. Though less than a dozen in the county, they did not deny or make any efforts, to conceal the fact that they were abolitionists. There were quite a number of men who were about half in sympathy with them, that is, whose political convict- ions were gradually undergoing a change, and they were not very decided in their expressions either way. Some people had such peculiar notions about abolition- ists that the word was used in a good many families to frighten children.. And there were also people quite grown up who regarded an abolitionist as a kind of monster in human form, so one-sided had their edu- cation been respecting the views of abolitionists. I saw to-day several of the men who, in the early part of the war, had" so little patience with Union men that they wanted them all killed and their property 110 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION confiscated for the benefit of the Confederate Govern- ment. They were in favor of hanging those who went to Kansas and joined the Kansas Jay hawkers, as the Kansas soldiers were called. The name Jayhawker was first given to an organization of Free State men in Southern Kansas who, under the Territorial regime made retaliatory incursions into Missouri. The name is growing into a nickname for all Kansas people in the same sense as " Hoosier " is applied to Indianians. But several of the men I saw, who were recently thirsting for the blood of the Kansas Jayhawkers, when they looked and knew me, cast their eyes towards the ground, and their countenances changed. They were captured a few weeks ago, having been connected with a band of guerrillas wliose operations extended over this county. But they have taken the oath of allegiance to the United States, and given bonds for the faithful performance of their promises. Now that they have escaped the edges of our swords and seem to show a disposition to submit to the authority of the Government, I presume no one feels inclined to dis- turb them, or to cast them into any deeper humiliation. When the rebel army under General McCulloch first came into this section, these men were painstaking in pointing out loyal families that they might be plun- dered of their property. The war is teaching the in- tolerant some grand lessons in toleration, and those of one-sided views to study the nature of their oj)ponents' arguments. Men v/ho recently could scarcely tolerate the existence of a neiglibor who held opinions on cer- ON THE BORDER— 1863. Ill tain subjects different from their own, are now at the mercy of this neighbor. And it is certainly commend- able of those who were recently in the minority here, that they do not display a spirit of revenge. It was at this place in November, 1861, while Gen- eral Price's array were encamped in the vicinity, that Governor Jackson convened the Rnmp Legislature, which went through the farce of ratifying the ordin- ance of Secession. The event was celebrated by the booming of artillery; and great speeches were made to the enthusiastic multitude by the principal leaders. Their prospects were brighter then than now, and they doubtless thought that Missouri would form one of the stars in the Constellation of the Confederate States. The town contained about one thousand inhabitants before the war; but the population now is much less, probably not more than half that number independent of the Indian refugees temporarily stopping here. When this section was occupied by the rebel troops, nearly all tlie loyal families removed to Springfield and Kansas, or to some point within our lines; and since we drove the enemy out, and established posts at nearly all the towns, many of the rebel families have moved south. A small garrison here could make no sort of defense against an enemy playing upon it with artillery, for there are heights all around the town, except narrow openings to the southeast and north. The brick Court House, however, which stands isolated on the Court 112 MEMOIRS OP THE REBELLK)N House Square, will liold between two and three hundred men, who might for several days, hold out against a superior force not armed with artillery. Our troops have had several sharp contests with the enemy here. About the 2d of July, 1861, some eighty men of General Sigel's Command, under Captain Conrad of the Third Missouri infantry, were surrounded in the Court House and captured by the rebel army under Generals Price and McCulloch, then marching up from Camp Walker to join Generals Eains and Parsons. And early last spring several companies of the Seventh Missouri cavalry were surprised by the enemy and defeated with some loss in killed, wounded and prisoners. But since the Kansas Divi- sion came into this section, we have chased the enemy through the town several times, making the dust fly. We also killed two or three leaders of local rebel organizations, who were much feared by the loyal people. The Indian soldiers now stationed here, are quar- tered in the Court House, and have made a number of port holes for their rifles, to be used in the event of an attack. Throughout the State the Militia are usmg the Court Houses for quarters and for means of defense. One of the desirable features of this place is the Big Spring in the western part of the town. It is one of the finest springs in this section, and would aiford a sufli- cient quantity of the purest water for a city of consid- erable size. It has a fall of about ten feet in less than ON THE BORDER— 1863. 113 half a dozen yards, and of course runs out of the bluff like a mill tail. When peace shall spread her beneficent influences over our entire country again, northern enterprise and capital will probably utilize this valuable water-power for manufacturing purposes, and perhaps also contrive some means of conveying a portion of the water to the houses of those who shall make this place their home. With a system of pipes it could easily be done without very heavy expense. Shoal Creek, nearly two miles north of here, is a large stream, and discharges a large volume of water the year round, and in regard to water-power facilities, probably has few equals in the country. At the Grand Falls, sixteen miles northwest of Neosho, it pours over a perpendicular precipice about eighteen feet high. Fine carding and flouring mills at that and a number of other points on this stream, have been in operation for many years. Fortunately, up to the present, nearly all the mills in this section have escaped destruction by the contending armies. It is hoped that no neces- sity will arise justifying their destruction in any locality. The country is somewhat broken in this vicinity, and the hillsides are covered with a variety of kinds of what we call " flints." The prairies are quite fertile, but not equal to the creek bottoms, which are scarcely equalled in fertility in any country. My father thinks that his farm of two hundred and sixty acres, which lies four miles north of this place on Shoal Creek, has not its equal in the alluvial plain of the Mississippi 8 ^14: MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION valley in point of productiveness. But since the war commenced, the fences have nearly all been destroyed by the rebel armies camping upon it, and only a small portion of it was cultivated last year by a tenant. The first year of the war the Eebels drove away all our live stock, and some of our neighbors who sided with the enemy, even had a discussion among them- selves as to what our farm and timbered lands would bring when sold as confiscated property for the benefit of the Confederate treasury, as they were determined to have them. In regard to the destruction of fences, I may say that as far as my own observation goes, few of those enclosing farms on the public highways have escaped. "When we encamped fifteen miles north-east of here last autumn, just before the battle of Newtonia in this county, we burned thousands of rails for fuel, and if we bivouacked on the field at night, we made numerous fires along the roadside. It is almost impossible for a large army to pass through the country in which it is operating without causing more or less injury to the property of friend as well as foe. I have noted, with feelings of deep regret, that the loyal people of this State frequently sustain losses at the hands of our troopsbecause they happen to be in bad company; that is, because they live in communities where the rebel sentiment predominates. Though there were few men in this section at the beginning of the war who were willing to acknowledge that they were aboli- tionists, yet when it came to choosing between the ON THE BORDER— 1863. 115 Union and rebellion, nearly half of the people chose the Union, and elected to cast their fortunes with it A good many of the wealthiest and most prominent men in south-west Missouri were strong and pro- nounced Unionists from the very beginning, and worked tooth and nail for our success, though they knew that they took their lives in their hands to do it. Colonel Harvey Ritchie, of Newtonia, who was State senator at the breaking out of the war, issued a pub- lic address to the people of south-west Missouri, urg- ing them, in the most eloquent language, to stand firm by the Union and not be led into any secession move- ment. This address went into the hands of thousands of citizens, and no doubt had great influence in keep- ing many steadfast for the Union, and in opening the eyes of others to the follies and rashness of secession. It is therefore painful to hear ofiicers and soldiers who know very little about the politics of this State, j characterizing all the people alike as rebels, and as entitled to the same sympathy. These thoughtless ofiicers and men sometimes ask, if anyone ventures to speak a word on behalf of the loyal men of this section, where are the men ? But if they would look around intelligently, they would easily see that of all the deserted homes, and homes in which there is no one left but women and children, that the men '^ are not in every case in the rebel army. Those who were with us last fall when we were encamped on Pea Kidge battle field, must have seen from the head- boards placed over the graves of the Federal soldiers 116 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION that fell on that field, that Missouri troops suffered as severe losses as the troops from Iowa, Illinois and Indiana. The principal body of our troops that were engaged at the battle of Wilson Creek under Generals Lyon and Sigelwere also Missouri troops. The First regiment of Missouri artillery alone, lost in that bat- tle killed, officers 1 ; enlisted men 6Q ; wounded officers 2 ; enlisted men 210 ; missing officers 2 ; enlisted men 6, or a total of casualties of 292 men. Let those who are blind to these facts, read of the great battles of Fort Donelson and Pittsburg Landing, and see if Missouri did not sustain her pro rata of losses in killed and wounded for the Union cause. Probably some of those who are so careless in their remarks in regard to all the people of this State being rebels, would not like to acknowledge that Missouri, after furnishing all the men she has for the rebel army, has also furnished more men for the Union army than either of the great States, Iowa or Massa- chusetts. If this is not the exact truth, it is very near it. If we include the troops called out for active ser- vice in this State, there is not a reasonable doubt of it. This State has sins enough to answer for without having to answ^er for any for which she is not justly chargeable. And I deeply sympathize with those families whose desolated homes lie before them, and whose male members lie on some distant field, or are even now, this very moment, at the front, nobly performing their duties in defense of the old flag and the Union. I have a rio^ht to feel touched in this ON THE BORDER— 1863. 117 matter, for all the male members of our family, except the two little boys, have been away from home nearly a year and a half. And until our troops came into this section, mother had to endure many hardships in providing food and clothing for the children, for rebel marauders repeatedly robbed us of the best articles of clothing, bed-clothing, etc. I have seen men from the loyal States, whose families were doubtless resting in perfect security, and enjoying the prop- erty and good things with which honest labor has rewarded them, who yet appeared blind to the fact that a double sacrifice is put upon the Union soldiers of this State. The soldier in the field from this State is constantly tortured with the thought that his wife, mother, daughter or sister, is being robbed, insulted or burned out of her home, with no one to look to for protection, and assistance and advice. No doubt, on the tented field, or wherever sweet sleep sits upon his eyelids, he is often awakened by horrible dreams of seeing his house in flames climbing to the sky, and his wife and little children gathered around her near it, with sad expressions, wondering what they shall do for food and shelter and clothing. The picture is not overdrawn and wholly imaginary, as some may suppose who are not familiar with what they would perhaps call unim- portant incidents of the war in Missouri; but is an actuality of no unusual occurrence, whether many of the soldiers from this State have such dreams or not. In fact it would be difiicult to overdraw a picture ]lg MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION representing the hardships and privation that many of the loyal families of this State have had to endure since the war commenced. But under all these extraordin- ary trials and difficulties, of desolation and ruin, they have remained firm in their devotion and loyalty to the Government. Their ears, therefore, should never hear unpleasant and reproachful words in wholly unjustifi- able connections from those who should be their friends. As far as I am personally concerned, I do not wish to make even rebel families feel uncomfortable on account of the position they have taken in regard to the war. But when they become, as we sometimes hear, unnecessarily insolent and troublesome, I think it might be well to send them south of our lines. They should always, however, have fair warning before we resort to such severe measures. Tlie greatest trouble we have with rebel families is in the country, where they harbor bushwhackers. This guerrilla war- fare is so detestable to all honorable minded men, that those engaged in it cannot justly complain if we adopt extreme measures to suppress it. Our losses in this State by this mode of warfare, during the past year, would probably foot up, if w^e could get correct figures^ several hundred soldiers killed, besides perhaps nearly as many Union citizens. Since we drove the enemy out of ^ewtonia last October, the place has been occupied by the State Militia. They are throwing up fortifications and pre- paring to build a block house there, which when com- pleted, ought to enable them to hold the place against ON THE BORDER.-1863. 119 a large force of the enemy- A number of rebel n citizens who have recently taken the oath of allegiance, l have been compelled to furnish teams and labor towards constructing these fortifications, of which they bitterly complain. But if they desire the protection of the Government, they should do something in a generous spirit to assist it. As the Militia are well mounted and furnished with arms and equipments by the general Government, they should be able to keep this section free of guerrillas. Though the Militia force, which now numbers ten or twelve thousand men, are not obliged to go out of the State, yet they are kept in active ser- vice, and their service is scarcely less arduous than that of the Yolunteer Cavalry in the field. The force under General Brown that fought General Marmaduke at the battle of Springfield, on the 8th instant, as already stated, consisted chiefly of State Militia. And in the engagement, they stood as firm as veterans until the enemy were driven from the field. To-day, February 2d, Major Foreman had erected on the Court House Square, I^eosho, a high flagstafif, and run up our IS'ational Flag, and its folds fioated to the breeze for the first time since a detachment of General Sigel's men were captured in the Court House here on the 3d July, 1861. Expressions from some of the rebel families in town show that they regard it scornfully, and would, if they dared, trail it in the dust. But as we are just beginning to develop our strength, while the enemy is unquestionably beginning to show signs 120 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLtON of weakness, we will hardly witharaw oiir troops from this section again. Those who do not like the sight of our National Flag, should therefore move south, and join their friends who carry the Confederate Flag. As we have occupied all the towns of any consequence in Southwest Missouri, and as we have about ten thousand men in the field along the southern border of the State, I think that nothing short of annihila- tion of this army, or withdrawal of it to co-operate with some other army in another section, can endan- ger our position here, nor indeed any of our posts west of Springfield. Yesterday (2d) a party of guerrillas were seen near Granby, eight miles northeast of this place. It is sup- posed that they were after a quantity of concealed lead to make into balls to replenish their cartridge boxes. Whether there is any hidden lead there, we have no means of knowing at this moment. Granby, at the breaking out of the war, contained a population of six or seven thousand people, nearly all of whom were connected with the mining business, and many large smelting furnaces were in operation. It was probably one of the richest lead mines in this country. The mining operations continued there until about a year ago, and of course were of immense importance to the enemy in the way of furnishing balls for their small arms. But the eyes of the furnaces have been blown out, and some of the buildings destroyed, so that no one has ventured to invest money in the business again. It is thought by experienced miners that most ON THE BOEDER~1863. 121 of this country is rich in galena ore. When, there- fore, peace shall have come to the country, mining operations will no doubt be resumed in this section, and whatever mineral resources it possesses developed. Last night (3d) a detachment of ten men, with the mail and despatches, arrived here from the J'irst Division, Army of the Frordier, now encamped in the vicinity of Springfield. Several of the men belonged to that part of my regiment which left us at Elm Springs, and they informed me that they had just heard from Fayetteville, Arkansas, before leaving camp, that my brother James died in hospital there on the 26th or 2Tth of January. As the information came through reliable parties, men whom I have known since the regiment was organized, I at once conveyed the sad intelligence to his wife and to father and mother. We were all greatly distressed, and that which increased the burden of our grief was the thought that he should have died from home in hos- pital, with none of us near him; nor perhaps even of any of the comrades of his own regiment. Father and mother, just before I came here on this few days' leave, had it under consideration to go after him to bring him home, but were told that it would be diffi- cult, if not impossible, to get permission to remove him. Such a task, anyway, in midwinter, would have been attended with much suffering and danger to the patient. He has breathed out his noble life, very dear to us all, that coming generations may enjoy the blessings 122 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION which we hope his sufferings and death will help to secure. Just one year and six months before he died, I came from Kansas, traveling at night and on by-roads, and passing hard by the enemy's guards, and guided him and father back there. I little thought then that I should be called upon so soon to mourn his death. Yet when we enlisted into the army I knew that we should have to take the risk of being stricken down by the enemy's bullets the same as other soldiers in time of war. Enlisting into the volunteer force of a State whose people have just cause for not feeling very friendly towards the people of this State in general, we had no influential friends to look to for any favors, even if we had desired them. Offering our services to the Government in a land of strangers, easy, honorable and lucrative positions, or positions comparatively free from dangers and hardships of the war, did not seek us. We were in earnest for the Government, and waited for no special inducements to enlist. Had he been of a dis- position to want to shirk the duties of a true soldier, he could easily enough have gone to the hospital immediately after having received the fatal w^ound in the shoulder at the battle of Coon Creek, on the 22d of last August. Though he knew that the ball had not been found by the surgeons who made a partial diagnosis of the wound, and knowing too that the ball, wherever it had lodged, had had the effect of produc- ing at different times, queer sensations of dizziness and numbness of certain muscles, yet with all these serious premonitions of his approaching end, he preferred to ON THE BORDER— 1863. 125 remain with his company as long as he could stand upon his feet. He fell paralyzed at the battle of Cane Hill, at a place where his company was required to dismount and scale the mountain on foot, in order to dislodge the enemy from a certain position. I am perfectly conscious that if these iew simple words- referred to the sufferings and death of some general officer instead of a private soldier, they would be read by many with greater eagerness, and touch deeper their sympathetic emotions. But he was my brother, and I would be recreant to my conscience, were I not, in passing, to mention that noble devotion to duty which hastened his death. And in speaking of him 1 speak of thousands of other noble men who have recently laid down their lives in defense of their country. Only a few days ago, referring to the dangers and hardships of the war, and the intense anxiety she felt for us when in the field, mother said that she looked forward to the time when the war would be over with the profoundest interest, so that she might have all her sons home to sit down togethei with her at the same table. But alas! her picture of a united family after the war, in whatever manner it may terminate, can now never be realized Why should I refer to these expressions of grief in our home? Thousands of mothers over this land are this day mourning for their husbands and sons who will never return home from the war, Nor do we see the end of these sacrifices yet, of the noblest and best of our country. And there are doubtlesft 124 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION hundreds of families from whom more than one eon has been sacrificed in the cause of the Union. We have only a faint realization of the horrors of war un- til some calamity like this comes to our own doors and invades our family. CHAPTEE YI. The Author's return to his division at Scott's Mills— Colonel Phil- lips' popularity with his troops— Rebels returning and taking the oath of allegiance — Indians make good troops to fight bushwhackers — Increase of wild game since the war — A de- tachment of Federal troops worsted in a skirmish with guer- rillas—Captain Conkey loses eleven men by capture— Guer- rilla chieftains commissioned by the Rebel authorities — Com- ments on plans proposed by some to break up the guerrilla warfare — Sickness and heavy mortality among the Indian Refugees at Neosho — Sick and wounded being removed from Fayetteville to Fort Scott — The classes of the enemy the Fed- erals have to deal with — Bushwhackers — Guerrillas — Detach- ments returning to and leaving the State — The regular forces in our front — Illustrations — Incidents from the Expedition to Low Jack — The battle of Coon Creek — Concluding remarks on the Indians. The 12th of February I joined the Indian division at Scott^s Mills, McDonald County, Missouri, on the Cowskin river, twenty-two miles south west of Neosho, and about the same distance north of our old camp at Maysville. The bottom lands along the stream are excellent, and there are numerous fine farms, on most of which fine crops were raised last year. The move- ment of the division to this place is not regarded as retrograde or falling back, but simply for the purpose 126 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION of more easily supplying our animals with forage and provisioning the refugee families with us. The mills here are in very good condition, and daily turn out large quantities of meal and llonr, which will do much to relieve the demands of hunger among the refugees. Since we left Elm Springs as a separate command, Colonel Phillips has steadily grown in popularity with his troops, and we now believe him to be an able and judicious commander. At the end of a month he has made no mistake, but on the contrary has managed the affairs of his District in a manner deserving the warmest commendation. The active operations of this command, and of the troops at Neosho under Major John A. Foreman, against the guerrillas in this section, are beginning to have a wholesome effect. Scarcely a day passes that a squad of rebels do not come in and take the oath of allegiance and ask the protection of the Government. Those who come in generally express the opinion that many more would come if they knew that they would be protected and allowed to live at home instead of being sent north at prisoners. They are mostly re- garded with mistrust, for it has sometimes turned out that those whom we received and treated kindly, soon became dissatisfied with the situation, and went south again and joined the guerrillas. Until we came here, bushwhackers were as plenty as wild game up and down this river, but during the last two weeks, quite a number have been killed by our troops. They will hardly be able to find a safe retreat anywhere in the ON THE B0RDER.-lS(i3. 127 vicinity of this command. An Indian seems to me to almost scent a secret foe. I think this trait or char- acteristic may be to some extent accounted for by many of them following tlieir natural mode of life — that is of hunting in the woods for game for miles around the camp. It is well known to every one in the least familiar with this section during antebellum times, that the game in this region, such as deer and wild turkeys, have increased in great numbers the past two years. Many hogs have become wild in the river bottoms and flee from the sight of man like a deer. When the houses have been burned and the fences around the farms destroyed, as we find here and there, animals like hogs, that live without constant attention from man, soon run wild. The game that the Indians have killed this winter would probably, if we could estimate it, form quite an item in the way of maintaining their families. It occasionally happens that, in a contest with the guerillas in this section, small detachments of our troops get worsted. On the first instant, a detach- ment from the command at Neosho had a skirmish with a company of guerillas on Burkhart prairie, twelve miles north-west of that post, and had two men badly wounded, without inflicting any loss on the enemy as far as is known. The commanding officer of the post, Major Foreman, immediately sent out a larger force, about a hundred men, to the vicinity where the skirmish took place, but it returned to its J 28 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION station after having captured one wagon loaded with plunder, and having chased the enemy several miles through the woods. Captain Theo. Conkej, of the Third Wisconsin cav- alry, who has recently been operating along the Spring River, in Jasper County, against the guerillas, had a lively contest a few days ago with Livingston's band, and in the affair, had half a dozen of his men captur- ed. The loss sustained by the enemy, if any, I have been unable to ascertain, as Captain Conkey receives his orders from the commanding officer at Fort Scott. Livingston, we understand, is commissioned by and acting under regular orders from the rebel authorities, and is not accused of killing his prisoners like Quau- trell, whose operations are confined chiefly to Jackson and Cass counties, and with whom we had a number of skirmishes last May. But Livingston attacks our supply trains, and his numerous predatory actions about unprotected points have given him considerable prominence during the last year. Whenever our troops come upon him with equal, or perhaps, somewhat superior numbers, he never stands, but soon scatters his men in small squads, permitting them sometimes to return to their homes tor a few days. But between Neosho and Fort Scott, a distance of eighty miles, there is no point, except a camp on Dry Wood, four- teen miles south of Fort Scott, where we have any troops stationed. This large space of unoccupied country gives a wide field of operations for such an organization as Livingston's. And until we can estab- ON THE EOKDER-1803. 129 lisli more numerous stations along the western border tier of counties in tins State, it will probably be difficult, iff not impossible, to entirely break up such guerilla bands and also bushwhacking. To accomplish this object, there are some who favor applying the torch indiscriminately, to the houses of Union people and rebels. I can never conscientiously favor such a scheme ; nor do I believe that the evil requires such heroic treatment at our hands. I have seen the stand- ing chimneys and smoking ruins of desolated homes of Union people as well as rebels too often to wish to see such scenes renewed in a wholesale manner. JSTor do I believe that such acts on our part would remedy the evil which we wish to extirpate. It seems to me that the enemy could occupy the desolate country all the same, and make his incursions into Kansas and into the counties of Missouri still further to the east. Though my age and position would not, to the minds of many, justify my presuming to criticise the actions of those whose maturer years have given them more varied experiences, and in many things a sounder judgment, yet I venture to think that our officers have too often permitted the indiscrimin- ate destruction of private property, which should not have been destroyed, thus causing a needless amount of suffering among those whom we should endeavor to protect in the possession of their lives and pro- perty. I am perfectly willing, however, to do such officers the justice to believe that they seldom or never permit such acts, after thinking over the consequen- 9 130 MEMOIBS OF THE REBELLION ces, with such deliberation as I may be able to do when setting down to write on the subject. An officer marching through the country at the head of his squadron or regiment, without the thought of an enemy being near, is suddenly fired upon at a certain place by a party of guerrillas, and gets one or more of his men killed or wounded. His first thought is likely to be, that the family living on the place have been giving the enemy aid and comfort. This may be true or may not. But the chances are that the house will be burned, without making a thorough in- vestigation to ascertain whether those occupying it were in sympathy with, or knew anything about the presence of, the enemy. Then there are people whose sympathies are divided concerning the issues involved in the war; I mean by this that, taking a large number of citizens such as we have to deal with, their loyalty would perhaps range from slight to complete without qualification. Some again, though they sympathize with the Government, and really wish its success, yet having relatives and friends in the rebel army who are very dear to them, have not the courage to utter their convictions in a strong and positive manner. The question arises, should the slightly loyal receive the punishment or be treated the same as the disloyal who are tooth and nail against us? It will thus be seen that an appar- ently very simple question, becomes quite involved, when looked at closely. It is therefore useless to sup- pose that the sturdy soldier will enter into all these ON THE BORDER-1863. 131 hair splitting niceties before giving his orders. He looks at things just as they present themselves to him, and if injustice is done, it may be, that after reflection, no one would regret it more keenly than himself. Taking this view of the matter, relieves in a measure our officers of the charge of permitting unnecessary destruction of private property. In all those extraor- dinary cases where private property has been destroyed by our troops, that clearly should not have been des- troyed, the Government should, and probably will, in time, pay for, provided of course, that the parties to whom it belongs are loyal to the United States. I would not destroy even the property of rebel citizens except in cases of military necessity; and then it is not supposable that any demand will ever be made upon the Government for payment. But let us pass from this question which, in a few years, will doubtless engage the attention of legislators. Parties coming from Neosho report that there is a great deal of sickness among the Indian soldiers and their families at that place. Taking into account the number of Indians there, and the number sick, the mortality amongst them is considered very high. The prevailing type of disease which is now taking off so many of them, I understand is typhoid fever. The hardships incident to leaving their homes in the Nation, and innutritions food and insufficient quanti- ties of food, together with the poorly clad condition of many, are probably among the causes of this high mortality in some of the families. But of course the 132 MEMOIRS OF THE EEBELllON remark in regard to food and clothing cannot apply to the Indian soldiers, for they are as well fed and clothed as we are, that is, they have had their regular allowances during the winter. But the families and each member thereof have not perhaps had full rations during the winter. Though great care and interest have been manifested by Colonel Phillips in looking after them, yet it has been impossible to make them as comfortable as at their homes. The want of proper sheltering has also probably in many cases contributed to their discomforts and sickness. Home sickness, from being exiles, also doubtless has a depressing in- fluence amongst some of them. Such of the sick and wounded at Fayetteville and in the field hospitals of this division as will bear removing, are being taken to Fort Scott. The General Hospital at that place is better provided with every- thing essential to their proper care and treatment. The great difficulty is to get them there without increas- ing too much their suffering. But men convalescing from the effects of wounds, and placed in ambulances, and the ambulances driven carefully, should be taken the distance from Fayetteville to Fort Scott, say one hundred and fifty miles, without great inconvenience, except while en route they should be struck with a change of extremely cold weather, or a storm of sleet or snow. Even then, the heavy woolen blankets with which every soldier is ])rovided, would enable them to get through without much suffering. Should ON THE BORDER— 1863. 133 the present fine weather continue a few days longer, they will have reached their destination in good con- dition. Yesterday (15th), Colonel Phillips sent a sqnad of ten rebel prisoners that we recently captured, to Neo- sho, Missouri, to be held nntil there is an opportunity of sending them to Fort Scott or Leavenworth. "We have four classes of the enemy to deal with in this section. Firsts the bushwhackers, who are unorganized and generally found singly, but, as sometimes happens, in squads of two to half a dozen. They are generally men who stay around in the vicinity of their homes, and fire npon our troops from bluffs or other inacces- sible points, or when they see one of our soldiers alone on dispatch or courier duty shoot him off his horse with their rifles, and despoil him of his arms, clothing, money and equipments. Since we came into this region last autumn, we have had quite a number of men who were either with the advance or rear guard, or on escort duty to trains, killed and wounded by bushwhackers. Though of course bush- whackers are all rebels, yet I think that most of them are men of bad blood, men whose natural inclinations and evil tendencies lead them to follow a robber life. They only take advantage of the existing chaotic state of things to show their true characters. Should the war immediately cease, probably only a small percent- age of such desperate characters would return to or adopt 134 MEMOmS OF THE REBELLION an honest mode of life. But putting themselves outside the pale of civilized warfare, they will likely nearly all be killed oif in a few years. I may be judging them too harshly, but in the light of such facts as have come under my notice, I don't think so. Second, guerrilla bands, men having some sort of military organization, and whose movements are direct- ed by a leader. Most of the leaders of the guerrillas with whom we have to contend, I have frequently heard, hold commissions from the Confederate government, or the fugitive Governor of Missouri. Livingston whom I have already referred to, may be cited as an instance. The function of guerrillas is similar to that of privateers. While the privateer is commissione d by the rebel authorities to prey upon our marine com- merce, the guerrillas are commissioned to prey upon our inland commerce, destroy public property, such as trains, &c., and to impede our movements in every possible manner. Though as I have mentioned, Liv- ingston is not accused of murdering his prisoners in cold blood, yet our soldiers feel, and I think justly so, that their lives would be very insecure in the hands of most guerrilla leaders, like Quantrill for example. We have to be always on the lookout for guerrillas, and our trains are obliged to be always well guarded, for if the enemy capture a courier with dispatches, or a soldier from a scouting party, they may get informa- tion that will enable them to concentrate at a given point and attack our escort and trains from an ambush. This mode of warfare often enables a small force to OI^ THE BORDER— IfcCi. 135 defeat a superior force encumbered with trains. In fact the concealed enemy has a great advantage when he attacks about an equal number of our troops. An enemy of a hundred men concealed in a favorable position, might kill and wound half a company of soldiers the first volley. The rest, if not thrown into confusion by such a sudden burst of destruction, would in such case be unable to cope with the enemy flushed by his success. To guard against such disas- ters a military commander must be always wide awake and on the alert, and he must know the strength of the enemy in his rear as well as in his front. We now believe that the enemy, in whatever manner he may choose to operate against us, will have to be exceed- ingly industrious and wide awake to gain a point on Colonel Phillips. His movements on the military chessboard show that he is not likely to be checkmated or broken up by an opponent handling an equal num- ber of men. Thirds rebels returning to their homes in that section of the State from which they entered the rebel army; or rebels leaving the vicinity of their homes in detachments to join the rebel army, or to remain south during the progress of the war. Whether leaving the State in detachments, or returning to it in detachments, they rarely show an inclination to assume the offensive, seeming to prefer to pass through the country unob- served. But those leaving the State, when they find that there is a fair prospect of capturing property that can be taken along without impeding their movements, 136 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION are not so careful to avoid contact with oiir troops. Even if their attacks be unsuccessful, and they completely fail in any given design, they can continue their inarch southward without increasing the danger of being intercepted and captured. Only a few weeks ago, at Neosho, our pickets w^ere tired into one night, as was supposed, by quite a force of the enemy going south, but as they found that we were not to be sur- prised, decided to make no further demonstration. The enemy returning to the State may have either of two objects in view. He may be intending to fol- low a guerrilla warfare, or he may be intending to concentrate at some point designated, to make a com- bined movement against some place occupied by a given number of our troops. A combined movement of this kind he made against Lone Jack in Jackson county, Missouri, on the 15th and 16th of last August, resulting in the defeat of our troops with a heavy loss in killed and wounded, and the capture of a section of the Third Indiana Battery."^ "We marched day and * The following casualties at the battle of l^one Jack on the Federal side, I have gathered from official data : Second battal- ion Missouri State Militia, killed, enlisted men, 4; wounded, officers, 1 ; enlisted men, 5 ; missing, officers, 1 ; enlisted men, 5. Sixth Missouri State Militia, killed, enlisted men, 9 ; wounded, officers, 5 ; enlisted men, 35 ; missing, enlisted men, 17. Seventh Missouri Volunteer cavalry, killed, officers, 2 ; enlisted men, 19 ; wounded, officers, 3 ; enlisted men, 62 ; missing, enlisted men, 11. Two Companies Seventh Missouri State Militia cavalry, killed, enlisted men, 6 ; wounded, officers, 1 ; enlisted men, 14 ; missing, enlisted men, 6. Eighth Missouri State Militia cavalry, killed, enlisted men, 9 ; wounded, officers, 2 : enlisted men, 28 ; missing, ON THE BORDER— 1863. 137 enlisted men, 4. Third Indiana battery, killed, enlisted men, 5 ; Total killed, ofiicers, 2 ; enlisted men, 51 ; wounded, officers, 13 ; enlisted men, 144, exclusive of the Third Indiana battery ; mis- sing, officers, 1 ; enlisted men, 43. Major Emory S. Foster, Seventh Missouri cavalry, who com- manded our troops in the engagement, reports that he had about 800 men, and that one-third of this force were killed, wounded a»nd missing. This was one of the most gallant fights of the war, for a small force. The enemy had 2,500 men. night from Fort Scott to Lone Jack, to reinforce our troops, but when we arrived on the ground we were mortified to learn that the battle had been fought the day before. The enemy under Generals Shelby and Cockrell were still encamped on the field ; but when we came in sight, instead of giving battle, as we an- ticipated they would after their recent victory, they retreated. It v/as about six o'clock when we came up, and General Blunt immediately commenced to form his troops in line of battle, as the enemy seemed to be making some kind of hostile movements. I was with Colonel Jewell and General Blunt, and some of his staff were near us. We expected every moment that the enemy were going to open fire upon us, for we could plainly see him coming down the road towards us about half a mile off. We could also see, that when they came to a certain point they seemed to file to their left, which was our right, as we had formed in line. We supposed that they were aiming to turn our right, and General Blunt threw out skirmishers to discover their intentions. Our infantry, consisting of the Ninth and Twelfth regiments from Wisconsin, 138 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION wnicli had been put into lour-mule Government wagons at Fort Scott, had just arrived, but it was now getting dark, and an approaching storm, together with our ignorance of the topographical condition of that section, made it impossible to commence an im- mediate attack. The rain came down in torrents, and it was soon intensely dark. We quickly discovered, however, that the road half a mile beyond the head of our column diverged, coming toward us, and that the enemy, instead of preparing to make the attack, had taken the left-hand road at the point of divergence, and were in full retreat. We moved about cautiously in the darkness of the night, for the country w^as bad- ly cut up by ditches or wash-outs, and quite a number of our ambulances, caissons and artillery wagons got partially or completely upset, and into j^ositions from which it required much labor to extricate them. The trail of the enemy was discovered during the night, and when the dim light of morning came, our ad- vance was just in sight of the rebel rear guard. But neither the enemy nor our forces had marched many miles during the dark rainy night, for we were forming our squadrons here and there, expecting every moment to run into the rebel cavalry. The entire force of the enemy, numbering fully twenty five hundred men, had moved around us during the night, and now com- menced a hasty retreat towards the southern part of the State. We pursued them day and night, giving only a few hours each day to ourselves and to our ani- mals to take food and rest, and struck them with our ON THE BORDER-1863. 139 cavalry about one hundred miles south of Lone Jack at Coon Creek, in which engagement twenty-six men were killed and wounded in the company to which my brother belonged, and, as I have already stated, he was among the wounded. Captain H. S. Green of the Sixth Kansas cavalry was among the severely wounded while gallantly leading his men. We could not hold the rebel force until the rest of our cavalry, artillery and infantry came up, and this affair ^r^racti- cally ended the expedition, though a portion of the cavalry continued the pursuit almost to the southern line of the State, I have entered somewhat into details because we did some extraordinary marching, and also because I wish- ed to point out how an enemy passing us in small de- tachments, may form in our rear a formidable army. The Fourth class of the enemy we have to deal with, is his organized or regular forces which we ex- pect to find in our front. Whether we shall seek him or he shall us, it may take the approach of spring, or even summer to decide. In the meantime we shall endeavor to hold our own ground in this section, keep our animals in as good condition as possible, and not permit our arms to rust. We have very favorable reports from Captain A. C. Spillman of this division, who has been in command of the post at Neosho since Major Foreman left there. Captain Spillman is showing himself to be a very competent and energetic young officer. His scouting parties are active in hunting down bushwhackers^ and 140 M..MOIES OF THE "REBELLION in makint^-tliat section an unsafe and an uncomfort- able retreat for them. Colonel Phillips has not only shown sound judgment in the general management of his division, but also in the selection of officers for his staff as coniidential advisers, and also other offi- cers of special fitness for special duties. Probably few officers could be found who would make a better As- sistant Adjutant General than Captain William Gal- laher, or a better Judge Advocate than Captain Joel Moody. Of Captain Gallaher I can speak from per- sonal knowledge, as I have known him since I entered the service. Colonel William F. Cloud, Second Kansas cavalry, who is now in command of the District of South- west Missouri, with head quarters at Springfield, was at ISTeosha yesterday, 20th instant, with a detachment of the 7th Missouri State Militia and one company of his own regiment, having been on a scout of several days in search of Livingston's band. If the remain- der ot General Blunt's division, which separated from us at Ehn Springs, is occupying the country around Springfield, it would seem Colonel Phillips' division is now occupying the most advanced position of any of our troops in the west. It would also seem that he is holding a more important position, and actually doing more service than any two brigadier-generals in General Schofield's department. We have here a few illustrations of the manner in w^hich meritorious millitary service is too often regarded. It is thought by some that General Schofield would prefer to re- ON THE BORDER— 1863. 141 ward with promotion an incapable volunteer officer than a really deserving one. I have heard the remark, that "if he could have a division of troops and re- view them once a week on a level plain in fair weather, perhaps there are few officers who could shine equally with him, but that as an active field officer, who will acomplish deeds such as to win admiration even from the foe, recent experiences show him to be al- most a complete failure." It maybe, however, that in the light of just and intelligent criticism, his merit would shine with a brighter lustre than it does with us. In some other field, if he goes to the front, it may not be difficult to inspire his troops with confidence. But there are many who think that for tlie good of the cause for which we are fighting, he should be removed from this department. The Cherokee Council, which has been in session several weeks, adjourned on the 22nd, shie die. Most of the prominent men of the Nation were present, and made speeches in regard to the passage of certain laws touching the interests of the Cherokee people. One of the most important measures which they have had under discussion, has for its object the abolition of slavery in the Cherokee Nation at an early day. While slavery has for some generations existed in the Cherokee Nation, it has never existed in that form which characterized the institution in the Southern States. The Indians have been with us now upwards of six months, and, from what we have seen, it is doubtless true that slavery of the negroes amongst. 142 MEMOIRS OF THE EEBELLION them has been only m name. They never act towards the Indians with that reserve and sign of respect noticeable when they come into our presence. I am satisfied that the hardships of slavery amongst the Indians were never comparable to the hardships of slavery in the cotton-raising States. It would perhaps be difficult to impress any negro with the idea that there is as great a distance between him and an Indian as there is between him and a white man. In some respects I think myself that there is very little difter- ence, particularly in matters involving social status. The possibilities of a negro here are probably very nearly, if not quite, equal to the possibilities of the Indian, as far as intellectual force is concerned. And from my own observations I believe that they are, as a race, more able to stand contact with what we call high civilization, than the Indians. When I traveled over several of the cotton-raising States, a year before the war commenced, from a good many inquiries which I made, I became convinced that the degrading, and in many instances even hard life of slavery, had not per- ceptibly diminished the reproductive powers of the negroes. Careful inquiries might, however, show, in certain sections, where both sexes have been worked very hard on the plantations, that their reproductive powers have perceptibly diminished. Though it has been but a few centuries since they were brought to this Continent, yet when we contrast their peculiar traits of character with those of the Indian, we are sure to be led to the conclusion that they will exist as ON THE BORDEE.-1863. 14:3 a distinct race among us, after the Indian shall have disappeared, and shall only be referred to in history as an extinct race. It will probably not be many gen- erations before we shall be contriving means, not how to kill off the Indians, but how to preserve the few which are left. Even should the fifteen to twenty thousand Cherokees amalgamate with the whites, it is not likely that, in the course of a dozen generations, there would be more than a slight trace of Indian blood in their descendants. Amalgamation has already taken place rather extensively, as our Indians here plainly show. Indeed, the half-breeds and quarter- bloods form a considerable part of the population of the Nation. But they are, I have been informed, mostly the offspring of polygamous marriages and unions, such as would not be sanctioned amongst us. We know very well that since this country was first settled by Europeans, traders and adventurers have lived amongst the Indians, and it seems that, by form- ing temporary unions, and sometimes lasting ones, with the native women, they gain certain rights and privileges that are not accorded to those who will not enter into such alliances. Many of the Cherokee women have very good features, and white men who desire to get wived may perhaps, often be congratu- lated upon their choice. We therefore frequently see amongst these "half-breeds," "quarter-bloods," &c., men of much intelligence and force of character. It is not unusual, however, for them to display the adven- turous spirit of their white fathers, and the fierceness I4i MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION of their native mothers. But these people are capable of making great advances in civilization, before their veins shall have been drained of the last drop of In- dian blood. CHAPTER YII. The Indian Division moves to Pineville, Mo — Remarks on the physical aspect of the country and its resources — Few dep- redations committed considering the general character and condition of the refugee camp-followers — The President's Emancipation Proclamation — A good many officers and soldiers opposed to it — It is a military necessity — It is just and is warmlj^ commended — The Grovernment will soon have colored troops in the field — Colonel Phillips' brother wounded — Colonel Judson's brigade at Mount Vernon — The Indian division marches to Bentonville, Arkansas— Description of the countrj^ — Rebel prisoners sent to Springfield— They were brought in by loyal Arkansas troops — A meteor of great brightnsss observed— Reflections on sidereal worlds and meteoric displays — The Indian Delegation go to Washington. The Indian division struck tents at Scott's Mills and marched leisurely up the Cowskin river about twenty miles, and encamped near Pineville, the county seat of McDonald county, on the 21st of February. We were several days marching this distance, because, as I suppose. Colonel Phillips wishes to move at his leisure to those localities where our animals can be most easily foraged until spring shall have advanced far enough to justify a forward movement. As we are to go from here to Bentonville, Benton county, Arkansas, in a few days, we are now doubtless taking the first steiDS 10 y 146 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION towards entering upon the spring campaign. Our soldiers seem delighted that we are to turn our faces to the South, and that we are to re-occupy the section from which we were withdrawn the first of the year. This is not much of an agricultural region, as there is not much soil fit for cultivation, except along the river bottoms. The Cowskin or Elk river, which flows in a westerly course, nearly through the centre of the county, is not perceptibly smaller here than at Scott's Mills. It differs from our Kansas rivers in this respect, that it discharges a large volume of water the year round, while they almost dry up during the summer months of dry seasons. With some attention given to its improvement for navigation, light draft steamers might run on it between this point and Grand River several months of the year. It flows over a gravelly bottom, and is as clear as a crystal, being fed by per- petual springs. Water-power mills have been con- structed upon it wherever required. In this vicinity, and for ten or fifteen miles above here, a number of saw mills were in operation before the war, making lumber. This is the only county in southwest Missouri in which there are any pine forests. Hence, therefore, all the pine lumber used for building and other pur- poses, in the counties north and east of this, for a distance of sixty to seventy-five miles, was furnished by this section. It is quite different from the white pine shipped from the north, and used in the towns along the Missouri river and in Kansas. It is known as yellow pine, and is very heavy, containing large ON THE BORDER— 1863. 147 quantities of resm or pitch. A piece of it lighted will burn like a torch, to snch an extent is it saturated with the oil of turpentine. Before the war there was also manufactured in this region considerable tar or pitch, obtained from this jellow pine. It was used altogether by the people of south west Missouri and Arkansas in lubricating the wooden axles of their old- fashioned wagons. The people of this section do not use for lubricating purposes, oil, tallow or axle grease, as we do on our wagons. Perhaps tar would not be as suitable for iron axles, such as are used in the army wagon. From all that I have seen of this county, I think it is too poor to ever attract to it a very large number of immigrants. It is possible, however, bat not probable, that these rocky hills contain hidden treas- ures of immense value, of which we know nothing at present. I can see how it is possible to utilize the hilly and poor upland regions to some extent. They are mostly covered with line timber, and in the spring, summer and autumn months, with a fine growth of wild grass. When all the land which is fit to culti- vate along the streams is taken up, large flocks of sheep and goats and herds of cattle can be pastured during half the year, at little expense, on the hills and uplands. But before people can be induced to come here and adopt such rigid economy, the fertile plains of Kansas and the richer portions of this State, will be densely populated. In some sections of the country now, the destruction 148 MEMOIKS OF THE REBELLION of forests, in getting timber for various economical purposes, is more rapid than their groAvth. Their destruction must become even more marked, as the population of the country increases and its resources are steadily developed. The time is therefore coming when the forests on these hills will be quite an item of commerce to this section, and a source of profit to the owners. Out of the great number of line springs in this sec- tion, whose clear cold water is a luxury, particularly during the summer months, it is possible that some of them may possess medicinal properties, which will make them places of public resort, and temporary abodes for invalids from all parts of the world. As no large body of our troops have been in this vicinity since last autumn, and as we have no troops stationed in this county at all, a good many rebels have returned from the southern ai-my and from Texas and southern Arkansas, and have been living at their homes nearly all winter. Since we came here, some of them have come into our lines and taken the oath of allegiance to the Government, and others have either gone South, or remain in the country endeavoring to avoid capture by our troops. Only a few weeks ago a party of a dozen or so rebels in this vicinity, sent a message to the commanding officer at Neosho that they were willing to come in and surrender and take the oath, but when a detachment of our troops came down here to receive them, they were not found. It is re- ported that they had som.e fears of our Indian soldiers, ON THE BORDER— 1863. 149 and went to Mount \^ernon to give themselves up to the proper authorities. From all that I can hear, I have no doubt but that Colonel Phillips' firmness, tem- pered with moderation, has had much to do in induc- ing those who have recently been in arms against the Government, yet who have realized their mistake and feel somwhat friendly inclined tov/ards us, to come in and renew their allegiance to the old fiag. Though he has had a mixed command of Indians and white men, which probably few officers w^ould be able to manage creditably, yet he has kept his soldiers under perfect control, so perfect, indeed, that we nowhere hear of houses burned, or the useless destruction of property. This is almost remarkable considering the great number of refugees and camp-followers of every condition and color and phase of moral character he has to keep his eyes upon. While we were encamped at Maysville some colored male refugees who were caught committing some unauthorized depredations in the country, were punished by each being compelled to carry a log of wood, weighing perhaps thirty to forty pounds, several hours each day for two or three days. The punishment of those men has had a wholesome effect in preventing the reckless and indiscriminate plundering that would surely have followed, had not our commander been thus prompt in setting his seal of condemnation upon it. JSTo one can tell to what length a mass of unorganized and ignorant men would go, were not some restraint put upon their actions. It is safe to say, however, that the lives and property of 150 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION no class in the vicinity would be safe, and for myself I should not be surprised to hear of them cutting their own throats, were they permitted to follow their own unbridled passions. Colonel Phillips has no doubt carefully considered and foreseen the result which would naturally flow from allowing refugees, camp- followers, or even his own troops, to commit depreda- tions on their own account. When he sends out his forage trains, he sends them under officers who act un- der specific instructions. Should the officer in charge of a train go outside of his instructions, and take any property or permit it to be taken by the men under him, with the view of applying it to private use, and complaint be made to headquarters. Colonel Phillips would have him immediatly Court-martialed, and if found guilty of the charges preferred against him, he would be dismissed the service. But while he is prompt in repressing acts tliat would tend to reflect upon our arms, he is not accused of acting, in any case, hastly and without sufficient cause. I am sure that it cannot be said years hence, when the war is over, that Colonel Phillips, with perfect indifference, permitted the Federal troops under him to rob the women of this section of their jewelry and other trinkets. But should the spirit of justice and moderation that have guided his action, since he assumed command of this division, continue to guide his future movements, and should he be spared a full measure of years, and return to this section, the people will doubtless welcome him with grateful hearts, and point to him as a Federal ON THE BORDER.-1863. ] 51 commander whose military and private life reflected luster upon the cause which he represented. The President's Emancipation Proclamation, which went into effect on the first of January, and the pros- pect of immediately arming the freedmen to flght the enemy, their late masters, are just beginning to be warmly discussed by officers and soldiers and citizens. We hear from IS'eosho and other sections of the State, that returned rebels and many democrats regard these new measures of the Government with a good deal of bitterness, and predict that they will weaken our cause throughout the country. They pretend to think that it would be a great disgrace to the Government to permit negro soldiers to go into the field and fight by the side of white soldiers of the Union armies. But these guardians of propriety and advisers of the Gov- ernment, see no objection to the negroes of the South raising supplies for the rebel armies, building their fortifications, acting as servants for officers, and in contributing in various ways, directly and indirectly, to strengthening the backbone of the Confederacy. They wish to see the Government compel the negroes to continue forging the chains intended to keep them bound in slavery for ever. Even some of our officers and soldiers seem to think that nothing but evil can come out of these measures, and denounce President Lincoln for inaugurating them. They understand very little about how difficult it is to resist the progres- sive spirit of our time, and would ignore the fact that the war has forced the Government to adopt certain 152 MEMOIES OF THE EEBELLION measures which it was not desirous of adopting at the beginning. They like to repeat with some emphasis that they did not enter the service of the Government for the purpose of abolishing slavery, but for the pur- pose of saving the Union. And this general state- ment now being made by many in the army, I think represents their true sentiments. Had they known that the war would have so soon brought about the aboli- tion of slavery, a great many men now in the service would probably never have enlisted. But I think that those who take this view of ihe matter, occupy a very inconsistent position. We might ask, would they keep a portion of our army busy returning runaway slaves to their rebel masters? Or would they have laro-e pastures or mess houses to keep all the slaves in that run away from their masters and come into our lines? Or would they carefully investigate each case to ascertain to whom the man, woman or child be- longed, and then put a tag around the individual's neck so that he could be returned to the proper owner when the war is over. To my mind any other position than that taken by the Government would not only be absurd, but impractible. The rebels brought on the war, and that their leaders were too short sighted to foresee the results is now plain to every one. They must make the best of their own mistake. They gloried in being blind to the probable future destiny of slavery. While the war was not at first ostensibly carried on by the Government for the purpose of abol- ishing slavery, matters have now taken such a turn ON THE BORDEE-1863. 153 that the freedom of the slaves has become a public necessity. Though perhaps most of our people will temporarily deplore the necessity, there are others, a large minority too, who will hail this opportunity which the Grovernment has, of wiping out a national crime, with delight. It is a great victory for the latter class, — a victory that many never dreamed of realizing during their lives. This class shall no longer be con- sidered a contemptible minority of fanatics and dis- turbers of the peace, because we have advocated that all men should have equal rights, to life, liberty and the pursuit to happiness. In the future history of the Eepublic those noble men of this generation, who have stood firm against great odds in advocating the abolition of slavery, will be regarded as among the saviors of the country. The taunts, and insults, and sacrifices which they have endured, have not counted for nothing. The judicial murder of John Brown will make him a martyr to freedom to the future genera- tions of this country; and his name is already woven into a war song, which is sung throughout all our armies. And now the slaves are going to help pay the price of their freedom by supporting the strong arms of their deliverers, instead of being a burden to them. How much better this is than if they do nothing, for their descendants can then say with conscious pride, ^'our fathers, by their manhood and valor, and by their blood and sacrifices, contributed to our freedom." It would be unnatural for the late slaves to remain idle 15rt MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION in this great conflict. I^ow is their time to striKe, and they will not fail to do it. We have already heard that a colored regiment is being organized in Kansas from the negro refugees from Missouri and Arkansas. If properly officered I have no doubt that they will march to the front with iirm steps and brave hearts, and meet the enemy like men'who are conscious that they are fighting for their liberty and their lives. Lieutenant Maxwell Phillips, of the Third Indian regiment, was wounded in a skimish with bushwhack- ers on Pea Kidge a few days ago. Though a brother of the Colonel, he has had to share equally with other officers the dangers and hardships of the field. His wound is quite serions, though it is not thought that with careful attention, it will prove mortal. He has been sent to Neosho in an ambulance; but will probably soon be taken to Kansas to stay until he recovers. He has been an active and efficient officer during the winter, and this division cannot well afibrd to lose his services. Colonel Judson's brigade is encamped at Mt. Yernon, about thirty miles west of Springfield. The cavalry is obliged to keep constantly moving in order to find sufficient forage for the animals. The troopS in the vicinity of Springfield do not seem to be making any preparations for an active spring campaign into that section of Arkansas occupied by the enemy. I should like to hear of our victorious troops of last winter carrying their arms into the ranks of the enemy, instead of spending the season in inactivity along the border counties of southern Missouri. ON THE BORDER— 1863 155 From near Pineville, Missouri, we marched to Water's Mills, about three miles north of Benton- ville, Arkansas. Kothing occurred on the march worth mentioning, except that the country we pass- ed over was rough and hilly, as in the vicinity of Pine- ville. We could see the pine forests on the distant hills, but there were none directly on our road. Our advance guard saw several flocks of wild turkeys. There are great numbers of them in a part of the region that we passed over, for it is very thinly settled with a house here and there, miles apart. And from what I saw I think that the acorn-bearing oaks must have produced immense quantities of acorns last year, thus furnishing abundant food for the wild turkeys and pigeons of this section. We encamped at Water's Mills only a few days, and moved to Bentonville on the 27th of February. We shall probably stay here several weeks. Bentonville is a small town, and perhaps never contained a population of more than three or four hun- dred. For agricultural purposes this county is even poorer than McDonald county, Missouri. Consider- able tobacco, however, was raised on the small culti- vated tracts before the v/ar. The hills around here are not quite so rugged as along Elk river and Sugar Creek some twenty miles northeast of us. Yesterday morning, March 1st, Colonel Phillips sent a scout in the direction of White river, almost east of this place, for the purpose of discovering a party of rebels reported to have been seen in that vicinity a few days ago; but it returned about midnight without 156 MEMOIRS OF THE EEBe£,LION having found them. Our cavahy will probably be kept busy for awhile in endeavoring to free this section from bushwhackers, for they have had almost full sway since we passed through here last October, just before the battle of Old Fort Wayne. When we came here, only three days ago, the dust raised by their horses' heels had scarcely settled. As a general thing the bush- whackers in this section are mounted upon line ani- mals, and if they get the start of us beyond the range of our Sharp's carbines, we are rarely able to over take them. In the battalion of the Sixth Kansas cavalry there are some good horses, and in a chase a trooper may now and then be able to dash ahead of his com- rades and bring down his enemy by a well directed shot from his carbine or army revolver. But the animals upon which the Indians are mounted are mostly ponies, and of course not conspicuous for lleet- ness as compared with some of our more carefully bred horses. For many years before the war the horse fan- ciers of Missouri delighted to trace the genealogies of their horses back to the celebrated fine stock of Kentucky. The Indian ponies, however, are very hardy, and stand the service remarkably well. An Indian looks awkward seated upon one of our fine cavalry horses, so thoroughly have Indians and ponies become associated in our minds together. A portion of the first Arkansas cavalry stationed at Fayette ville, twenty -five miles south of this place, brought in yesterday about thirty rebel prisoners, recently captured in the direction of Yan Buren. ON THE BORDER-18G3. 157 They are to be sent to Springfield, Missouri, in a few days, as we have no facilities for holding prisoners of war in safety. As all the available men of this division are required for active service in the Held, none of them can well be spared for guarding prisoners, even tem- porarily. The military prisons north are the proper places for such of the enemy as we capture, instead of marching them from station to station with us. The turning over of these prisoners to Colonel Phillips by the loyal Arkansas troops is noted with much satisfaction, for 1 remarked several months ago that there were enough Union men in northwestern Arkansas, if organized into regiments and battalions, to contribute largely in holding this section. The First regiment of Arkansas cavalry, commanded by Colonel M. La Rue Harrison, has nov/ nearly completed its organization, and most of the men have received their arms, bright new uniforms and equipments. It is reported that some of the men were conscripts in the rebel army, and no doubt met us on the field at Prairie Grove. But that they have voluntarily come in and enlisted in the Union army, is all the evidence of loy- alty that we require. Since they have thrown oiT their butter-nut clothing and put on the Federal blue uniform they look much improved in personal appearance, and no doubt will make good soldiers, and if they hold Fayetteville, their valor will probably be tested before the summer shall have ended It is now a settled fact that we shall move into the Cherokee Nation in a few weeks, and then these Ar- 158 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION kansas troops at Fayetteville will be much isolated, unless, however, some of the troops about Springfield shall move southwest in this direction. It is the in- tention to immediately commence the construction of some sort of fortifications at Fayetteville. If this in- tention is carried into effect it will enable the troops there to temporarily repel any force of the enemy likely to be brought against them. But the works about to be constructed would not enable Colonel Harrison to stand a siege of many days, unless he is better provis- ioned and supplied with water than is probable. Last night (2d), about half past nine o'clock, an un- usually bright meteor shot across the sky from the northeast to the southwest. It was so bright that it seemed to almost cast a shadow, and to illuminate our camp. It left a track for quite a distance through the atmosphere, which must have lasted for several seconds. Several soldiers a few yards distant, who had not yet retired, but who were standing about their camp fire, talking over their adventures and fighting some of their battles over, also saw it. It changed their conversation and the current of their thoughts. I caught some of their remarks in regard to it. They thought it a strange phenomenon, as it was so much brighter than ordinary meteors, and wondered if it had any significance in relation to our future move- ments. One of the party was able to recall to his mind that just before some important event in his life, a great storm and extraordinary thunder and lightning had occurred, or the sky had presented a peculiar and ON THE BORDER.-1863. ;i 59 unusual appearance. There are many people yet who believe that natural phenomena of this kind have special reference to human affairs, to such an extent are their minds unemancipated from the ^ross and ir- rational errors of less enlightened times. Many will remember that those who are always looking for signs of some extraordinary future event, referred, almost with delight, to the great comet of 1858, as foreboding war. It was once thought by our ancestors, and is still thought by some uncivilized races, that eclipses of the sun and moon had some connection with the affairs of men ; but we have got past that, and regard the notion as absurd. It is likewise absurd to suppose that a comet in the heavens, or a meteor passing through our atmosphere, has any connection with human affairs. To all inquiring minds, extraordinary natural j^henomena have always been a stimulus to in- vestigation. The beauties of the heavens on a clear night are fascinating studies not only for the astrono- mer, but also for many who have had very little scien- tific training. In the southern heavens, during the earlier part of the night, the Constellation Orion and the Great Dog (Canis Major) are conspicuous objects of interest. Sirius, in the latter Constellation, is the brightest star in the heavens, and has guided the actions of men in war and in peace, long before the dawn of written history. When alone admiring those far off worlds of the universe, to us mere scintillating points — what strange thoughts come rushing through the mind. If they are suns, as we are taught, like our 160 MEMOIRS OP THE REBELLION sun, have tliey planets revolving around them like the planets that revolve around our sun? And if they thus have their systema of planets and. satellites re- volving around them, are any of those planets inhabit- ed by beings something like those on this earth? But the nightly procession of the Constellations across the heavens will continue eternally, and we shall get no answer to our questions. On the 3rd the Indian Delegation left for "Washing- ton on business pertaining to their own interests. While they have no representative in Congress, the Cherokees, Creeks, &c., deem it expedient to keep at the Capitol of our Government during the Sessions of Congress, representatives to confer with the authori- ties, and to prepare such measures as it may be thought desirable to bring before Congress. JS'ot a year passes that Congress is not called upon to pass certain laws in regard to the affairs of most of the Indian tribes. Their forms of government are simple, but as we have to deal with each separate tribe as an independent nation, the department of Indian Affairs is getting to be quite complicated. The Government must listen to the compla-int of each tribe, with a patient ear, investigate the alleged cause of complaint in each case, and as far as possible, under treaty stipu- lations remove every cause of irritation. CHAPTEE YIII. Colonel Phillips invited to address a Mass Meeting of the Union Citizens of Northwestern Arkansas, at Fayelteville — The great difficulty in getting Forage — A Scouting Party returns from Van Buren-^The Indian Division encamped on the edge of the Battle Field of Pea Ridge —An account of the Battle from data collected on the Field and from Eye Witnesses— Rebel raid on Neosho and Capture of Negroes — A Deserter from the Enemy gives Position and strength of their forces— The Ene- my's wounded from Prairie Grove at Cane Hill still — Great Mortality among them— Skirmish with Bush whackers — Arri- val of Forage Trains from White River — Horses eat each others Manes and Tails oiT — The Small-pox among the Indi- ans — Very few of them Vaccinated— Only a few cases among the Wliite Soldiers— Remarks on the Disease — The Govern- ment should stock with Animals to furnish Vaccine Virus for the Army. On the morning of March 4th, Colonel Phillips, with an escort of one hundred men, set out for Fay- etteville. The Union citizens of Washington county, have called a mass meeting to be held at that place, and as that county is in his district, have invited him to be present, and to address them on current issues, and concerning their future prospects. Of course I have no means of knowing what advice he will give them, but it is easy to imagine that he will advise 11 162 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION tneni to enroll every able-bodied loyal man in defence of their homes, to be vigilant and take every precau- tion against surprise by the enemy, to see to it that the troops shall not display a spirit of lawlessness in any section in which they may be operating, and lastly that the citizens who are in sympathy wdth the Gov- ernment shall, as far as practicable, co-operate with the troops. While I do not know 'anything about the Colonel as a public speaker, I do know that he is able to express his thoughts with ease and elegance upon paper, for he was for a number of years, before the war, a staff correspondent of the New York Tribune in Kansas, and wrote the first History of Kansas under the territorial regime. I do not know that we have a more forcible writer in the State, and if he keeps his ofiicial garments clean, and gets through the war alive, and returns to Kansas, I cannot see why he should not be one of our leading men, and why the people should not feel proud of honoring him with the highest posi- tion within their gift. Though a man's present con- duct and character may be such as to win our admi- ration, and justify us in speaking of his prospective bright future; yet in these times, when there is so much tripping among great men, it is hardly safe to draw such a future picture of a man as his present career would seem to warrant. He may or he may not follow our imaginary paths, and obstacles may be thrown in his way which no one can foresee. Though it is unques- tionably the duty of every officer and soldier in our armies, to work earnestly and faithfully, until we shall ON THE BORDER-1863. 163 compel the last man of the enemy to lay down his arms, and return to his allegiance to the Government, yet we know that already, during the progress of the war, there have been instances in which officers throuo:h jealousy, and to break down the reputations of their colleagues, have failed to co-operate with them, thus causing a useless and criminal destruction of the lives of our troops, and a prolonging of the contest. So it may be that obstacles will be interposed to prevent the deserved promotion of Colonel Phillips. It is getting to be more difficult every day to find sufficient forage for our animals. They are really be- ginning to feel the pinch of hunger, and I fear will be much reduced in condition before spring opens, so that they can live by grazing. Our forage trains are sent almost two days march from camp, and then fre- quently return with most of the wagons empty or only partly filled with wheat straw. This, under ordi- nary circumstances, we use for bedding for our animals, but now we are obliged to use it largely as a substi- tute for hay and fodder. We cannot understand why we are not able to get all the corn and oats from Kan- sas that may be required for the command, for we hear that great quantities have been contracted for and ar-e stored at Fort Scott. If our animals are permitted to run down in flesh and to-^ become weak, we shall be ob- liged to content ourselves with less aggressiveness. It is possible, however, that before we shall have reached our usual radius of fifteen to twenty miles, some neigh- borhood will be found that can furnish us corn, oats, hay and straw for several weeks. 164 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION A scouting party from this division has just returned from Yan Buren via Fayetteville, having been absent about a week. While they were in the vicinity of Yan Buren, Captain Fred Crafts, the commanding officer of the detachment, sent a spy into Fort Smith, who returned and reported that the enemy had only about three hundred men stationed there. It is there- fore evident that we have no organized enemy of much consequence directly in our front for at least one hundred miles south of us. Since our expedition to Yan Buren last December, the rebel authorities have not ventured to keep a regular station north of the Arkansas river. After an army becomes so demoralized as were General Hindman's forces last winter, it takes some time to reorganize it for effective operations. Unless the enemy receives reinforcements from east of the Mis- sissippi, which is not at all likely at present, I think it will be impossible for him to organize another such an army as that which he had at Prairie Grove. It looks now as if the enemy would require all his avail- able forces in the west for the defense of Yicksburg, which is being invested by our forces under General Grant. It would probably be difficult for the enemy there to either receive reinforcements from the west or to send out troops to the west, so tight are our lines being drawn around them. One year ago to day, the 6th, the battle known as "Pea Ridge" commenced on this very ground. On the 6th the enemy, under General Yan Dorn, attacked General Sigel's division at this place, and he retreated, ON THE BORDER— 1863. 165 contesting every inch of ground, until he formed a junction with the other divisions of our army under the command of General S. R. Curtis, twelve miles northeast of here, between Pea Ridge and Cross Hol- lows. I have heard it said that General Yan Dorn made the remark, that had his forces attacked Gen- eral Sigel twenty minutes sooner, he would have cap- tured the entire division of five or six thousand men. Twenty minutes more would probably have enabled General Yan Dorn to have thrown a strong force be- tween Generals Curtis and Sigel, and to have fought them separately. A short distance east of this place, on the line of retreat, in looking over the late scene of operations, I noticed a number of trees still bearing marks of shot and shell and small arms. General Curtis' forces not only drove Sterling Price's army out of Missouri into Arkansas, attacking it first at Springfield and then at Sugar Creek, but pursued them to Fayetteville, twenty miles south of here. Some sixteen miles south of Fayetteville General Price met the combined forces of Generals McCulloch, Mcintosh and Pike. General Yan Dorn, who had recently been appointed by the Confederate authorities to the com- mand of the Trans-Mississippi Department, had just arrived when the rebel forces formed a junction. He at once assumed command of the combined forces, numbering about thirty-five thousand men, and some sixty pieces of light artillery, and marched rapidly to attack General Curtis. Our cavalry and some light artillerv that were in advance, and had occupied Fay- 1QQ MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION ettevilie, fell back on our infantry as the enemy ad- vanced in force. All our troops, except General Sigel's division, were on tlie main road leading from Spring- field to Fayetteville. His division was on the road leading from Bentonville to Fayetteville, which, as al- ready stated, at this point is about twelve miles west of the Springfield and Fayetteville road. His position was therefore a critical one, and had General Yan Dorn succeeding in cutting him off from the main army under General Curtis, he might have been easily beat- en, and his division destroyed or compelled to sur- render. I have been informed by parties who were with General Sigel on his march from this place, that he was sometimes almost surrounded by the enemy; that during four or five hours, and until he received re-inforcements from General Curtis, he was obliged to fight the enemy in his front, on his flanks and in his rear. But he continued his march, and was able to form a junction late in the afternoon with General Jefi*. C. Davis' division, about two miles west of the Springfield road at the west end of Pea Eidge. Our forces, however, were still divided into two separate armies, but in supporting distance of each other. During the night of the 6th, General Yan Dorn moved his entire army around to the west of ours, and on the morning of the Tth had his line of battle formed north of us in our rear, thus cutting oft* any hope of re- treat. General Curtis was therefore obliged to make a change of front ; that is, his line of battle must now front north instead of south. General Sterling Price's ON THE BORDER-1863. 167 forces occupied the Springfield road directlj north of General Curtis' camp, and the divisions of the enemy under Generals McCulloch and Mcintosh held posi- tions directlj north of General Sigel, some three miles west of Price. On the 7th the battle opened on our right, and raged furiously during the entire day with varying results. When night came our right wing had been driven back nearly a mile, but our left wing, under Generals Sigel and Davis, had defeated the right wing of the enemy, killing Generals McCulloch and Mcintosh. During the night of the 7th the enemy's forces formed a junction on the ground held by his left wing, which was a strong position. By moving around and taking up positions north of our forces, it was evident that the rebel generals felt sure of being able to destroy our army or compel it to surrender. Therefore on the morning of the 8th, at sunrise, the battle was resumed with even greater Herceness. But General Curtis and his division com- manders had not been idle during the night in arrang- ing their troops and batteries for the impending strug- gle. Our- left wing, under General Sigel, was first furiously assaulted by the right wing of the enemy, but maintained its position with great firmness. After several hours hard fighting General Sigel ordered into position about thirty pieces of artillery, which, soon getting the range of the enemy's guns, silenced bat- tery after battery. Our infantry then, under cover of our batteries, crept forward, and when within a short distance of the enemy's lines the order was given 168 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION to charge them. The troops that made this gallant charge were composed of Illinois, Indiana and Mis- souri regiments. The enemy's right wing was now pressed back in a good deal of confusion. Soon after this fierce contest our right wing forced back with great stubborness the left wing of the enemy. His lines now formed a kind of crescent, with the convex part of it turned toward us, and the horns directed from us, and our right and left wings cross-fired him with terrible effect. General Curtis, quickly seizing the situation, now ordered the charge all along our lines, and in a short time the enemy were completely rout- ed at every point, and fled in great disorder in every direction, leaving their dead upon the field. The federal losses in killed and wounded during the three days was upwards of twelve hundred men and officers. We did not lose any general officers, while the enemy had two general officers killed, — Brigadier Generals McCulloch and Mcintosh. The enemy's losses of enlisted men, killed and wounded, also exceeded ours, besides General Curtis captured nearly a thousand prisoners. That this sketch might be as accurate as possible, I spent three days last October, when we were encamped on the battle-field of Pea Eidge, in ascertaining the positions of different divisions of the two armies. A gentleman who was with General Curtis during the three day's struggle accompanied us over the field, and was able to point out nearly all the places of interest, and I made memoranda of them ; besides, I have re- ON THE BORDER— 1863 1(59 c^tlj gone over a part of the field. It was easy to judge where the battle had been fiercest by the num- ber of newly-made graves. At points where consider- able numbers of our soldiers were killed, long trenches were dug and the men placed in them side by side, and a head-board placed over each man, giving his name, regiment, or battery. The places pointed out to us as the graves of the rebel dead, indicated that they had been buried in heaps ; and we were told by our guide that such was the fact. I did not see a single head-board placed over any of their graves, although General Curtis gave General Yan Dorn permission to bury his dead; and rebel-burying parties were on the field several days under a flag of truce. About a quarter of a mile north of Elk Horn tavern, on the brow of a hill a few yards west of the Springfield and Fayetteville road, I counted thirty-three graves close together, the head-boards showing that the men who fell on that hallowed ground belonged to the Ninth Iowa infantry. Upwards of two miles southwest of Elk Horn tavern, where the battle also raged with great fury, the head-boards showed that the men who had fallen in this locality belonged to the Second, Twelfth and Twenty-fourth regiments Missouri in- fantry, and Eighth and Twenty-second regiments In- diana infantry, and Thirty-seventh regiment Illinois infantry. At other places on the field the federal dead had been buried in smaller groups than at the points mentioned above. When we were encamped on the battle-field in October, the traces of this great 170 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION battle still most visible were around Elk Horn tavern. . The trees in the orchard and the small undergrowth in the woods near bj were much scarred and cut to pieces by small arms and by grape and canister of the two armies. About half a mile south of Elk Horn, on the west side of the high road, and just north of the large field in which the federal trains were parked, the timber, covering a space of perhaps half a mile square, was dreadfully torn to pieces by shot and shell. I saw trees, probably eighteen inches in diameter, torn and split as if they had been struck by lightning. The storm from the federal batteries that burst over this part of the field must have been terrific. It was mostly the work of our batteries on the 7th, after the repulse of General Curtis' right wing around Elk Horn. The federal forces occupying the large field above mentioned, could easily bring their artillery into posi- tion to play upon the heavy-timbered woods. I have now conducted the reader over the battle-field of Pea Ridge, commencing at this place, pointed out to|him the position of our forces, and the points where our brave men fell in greatest numbers. I hope that before many years shall have elapsed after the war is ended, the country, for whom these noble men ofiered up their lives, will erect at least two monuments upon the ground where they fell, to commemorate their heroic deeds; and that this ground shall be hallowed to the generations who shall succeed us. I could not pass this first anniversary upon this field without add- ing a word to the memory of the two hundred patriot ON THE BORDER— 1863. 171 soldiers who rest in their graves only a few miles from our camp * This night no doubt the thoughts of hun- dreds of those who lost husbands, fathers, brothers or *The Federal army that fought the battle of Pea Ridge was di- vided by General Curtis into four divisions, as follows : The First Divison, commanded by Colonel P. J. Osterhaus, Twelfth Missouri infantry, was composed of the following organ- izations : Illinois— Twenty-fifth, Thirty-sixth, Thirty-ninth and Forty-fourth regiments of infantry. Missouri— Third, Twelfth and Seventeenth regiments infantry, two battalions Benton Hussars and two batteries, A and B, six guns each, Second regiment light artillery. Second Division, commanded by Brigadier General A. Asboth, consisted of the following organizations : Missouri— Second and Fifteenth regiments infantry, and Fourth and Fifth regiments of cavalry, and flying battery, six guns, Ohio Second battery light artillery. Third Division, commanded by General Jeff. C. Davis, consist- ed of the following organizations: Indiana— Eighth, Eighteenth and twenty-second regiments infantry ; Illinois-Thirty-seventh and fifty-ninth regiments infantry; Missouri— First and Ninth regi- ments cavalry, and Colonel Phelps' regiment of infantry, and two batteries, one of four guns and another of six guns, :f'ourth Division, commanded by Colonel Eugene Carr, Third Illinois cavalry, was composed of the following organizations : Iowa— Fourth and Ninth regiments infantry, and Third cavalry, and first and third batteries Light artillery ; Illinois— Thirty-fifth- regiment infantry and Third cavalry ; Missouri— Twenty-fifth regi- ment infantry and Bo wen's battalion cavalry. General Sigel commanded the First and Second Divisions, which formed our left wing. General Davis our centre, and Colonel Carr our right wing. The Federal -losses were as follows : First division 144, Second division 119, Third division 329, and Fourth division 701, making a total of 1,351 killed, wounded and missing. The total killed in the four divisions was 203, according to official reports. 172 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION sons at the battle of Pea Kidge, turn to this field, and their minds are filled with unspeakable grief on account of the cutting short of the lives of those whom they loved so dearly. Not only will they call to mind this first anniversary of this great battle, but they will likely call to mind each succeeding anni- versary of it while their affections last, for the dead heroes buried upon this field. ISTor is this all. Hun- dreds of our brave soldiers who were wounded in this battle, still bear scars and unhealed wounds that will remind them probably of the anniversary of the bloody field of Pea Ridge as long as they live. The ides of March of each succeeding year will bring vividly before their minds the bloody scenes they have passed through on this field. They will recall with great vividness the sufferings from cold and fatigue, and the hopes and fears of those three eventful days. When they recall the charges in which comrades fell by their sides, and of others who were left on the field mortally wounded and in the agonies of death, shadows of sadness will pass over their countenances. Though these brave-hearted men in the discharge of their duties could plunge the cold steel into the enemy, yet their hearts are full of tenderness and affection; and the sufi^erings of a comrade from having nobly performed his duty, often causes the warm tear to roll down the cheeks of the stern soldier. Information was received from Neosho this morning (9th) that a force of rebels under Livingston made a raid on that place a few nights ago and captured about twenty ON THE BORDER— 1863. 173 negroes and a number of horses and mules. There was not much of a skirmish, for the rebel leader did not venture near where our troops were quartered, and they did not attack him because he had left before they had fairly got into position It seems that guards were not posted upon all the roads leading into town ; or if they were, that they got captured, or reached the post but a few moments ahead of the enemy. A couple of soldiers posted on a road several miles out, by the time they had halted and ascertained whether the approaching force was friend or foe, would, if the latter, have few chances of escape, if it were at night. If Livingston's men are mounted upon as good horses as they are reported to be, they could move more rapidly than an Indian guard mounted on a pony. In a few weeks the Indian soldiers and a] 1 the refugee Indian families will leave Neosho and join us in the ]^ation, and then it is the intention to have sta- tioned there several companies of the Missouri State Militia, who generally have good horses, and will probably be able at least to hold their own with the guerrillas of southwest Missouri. A deserter came into our lines to-day from Colonel Carroll's Arkansas regiment, which is now stationed below Yan Buren on the Arkansas river. He does not think that the enemy in that section contemplates an immediate movement northward, as they have not a force sufficiently strong to meet our troops in the open field. Nearly all the rebel troops in Arkansas, he thinks, are in the vicinity of Little Kock, at any 174 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLlO rate, that there is not a large force in the western part of the State. We have no reason to doubt this latter part of his statement, for our reconnoitering parties are ever now and then returning from the vicinity of Yan Buren, and in each instance report no enemy in force. Captain John Kogers, of the battalion Sixth Kansas cavalry, with a detachment of two hundred men, returned yesterday evening (13th) from beyond Cane Hill, in the Boston Mountains, and reports hav- ing met with no signs of the enemy. He saw, how- ever, at Cane Hill a large number of the rebel wound- ed that were taken to that place last December from the battle-field of Prairie Grrove. We have heard that a large percentage of the rebel wounded — probably nearly as many as General Hindman left on the field — have died in the hospitals there during the past winter. It may be that the mortality is not unusually high for the number wounded. If they have been furnished with ample medical supplies and attention, and suflicient fuel, covering and clothing, one would naturally think that the winter would be more favor- able for the healing of gunshot wounds than the warm weather of summer. It has now been upwards of three months since the battle of Prairie Grove, and it is a little surprising that the rebel authorities should not have removed all their wounded to Fort Smith or to some point within their lines, by this time A detachment of about twenty-five men from this division had a fight yesterday, some fifteen miles from camp, with a party of bushwhackers, and killed six of ON THE BORDER— 1863. 175 them. Two of our soldiers were wounded. This was tlie liveliest skirmish our foraging parties have had for several weeks. Two companies of the Third Indian regiment came in this evening from Maysville, where they have been stationed for some time. That pla«e is now aban- doned, and the small fort that was constructed there during the winter, as a temporary defence, has been destroyed. As we exhausted that section of forage and commissary supplies before leaving it, it will now hardly afford any special attractions for guerrillas to return to until spring shall bring grass sufficient for grazing purposes. This evening (14:th) a train of upwards of one hun- dred wagons came in, loaded principally with corn. The corn and forage thus brought in was obtained in the vicinity of White Kiver, east of here, and the ex- pedition has been absent five days. This forage will afford great relief to many of our hungry animals that have been rapidly losing flesh of late on account of short rations. In a good many instances, horses that have been fastened to young trees, have gnawed the bark therefrom as high as they could reach, so keenly have they felt the pinch of hunger. I have seen some horses, too, that have even lost their manes and tails by their fellows chewing them in the absence of some- thing more nutritious. When the demands of the ap- petite are not satisfied, men as well as animals resort to almost anything they can chew for food. Several days ago one or two members of a refugee 176 MEMOIRS OF THE EEBELLION family were reported to be down with the smallpox From inquiries which have been made to-day, it ap- pears that quite a number of other cases have broken out among the refugees and Indian soldiers here. A small pox hospital has been established about half a mile outside the limits of our camp, where all small- pox patients are taken as soon as their disease has been determined. Three or four patients have already died, and fears are expressed that the disease will spread considerably among the Indians, as it does not appear that many of them have been vaccinated. It may also take off some of our white soldiers, though I do not tind that any of them are in the hospital yet. They have generally been vaccinated within the last two or three years, so that they do not manifest much dread of the disease. It is not likely, however, that if some of their friends should be taken to the Small- pox Hospital, they would display much affection for them for a month or so. Though the white soldiers of Captain Hopkins' battery and the battalion of the Sixth Kansas Cavalry camp near together, yet there can be very little isolation, as by guard and other duties white and Indian soldiers are daily thrown to- gether. If the disease shows a tendency to spread, and to assume a serious form with a high percentage of mortality, Colonel Phillips will not probably per- mit the air of our camp to become much infected with its germs, before moving to another locality. This is surely a strange enemy to attack our army. Silently as Apollo's arrow^s it comes to those who are ON THE BOEDER— 1863. 177 not armed against it, and the chances are somewhat less than one in ten of its taking oif its victim. We are thns reminded that we should not only guard against attacks from the visible foe whom we seek^ but that we should also guard against attacks from the invisible foe whom we do not seek, and which may be lurking in the very air we breathe. An invisible por- tion of the small-pox virus introduced into the blood of a person who has never been vaccinated, nor had the smallpox, sets up a kind of fermentation, which goes on until it has entirely changed the molecular constitution of the blood, and in some way or other affects all the tissues of the body; or invisible germs, floating in the air and inhaled into the lungs, produce similar changes. But that we are able by vaccination to ward off, in a great measure, the dangers from this loathsome disease, is surely a great blessing. Were it not that many ol us feel shielded from its attack, we should not likely be moving about here daily with such perfect composure of mind while others are suffering- from its effects only a few hun- dred yards off. There are some who have a dread of vaccination, and I have no doubt that there is often just cause for such dread, for there have been many instances in which bad results have come from using virus obtained from unhealthy persons or animals. The very greatest caution should therefore be exercised in regard to ob- taining the virus from only perfectly healthy persons or animals. Speaking not as a medical practitioner, 12 178 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION l)iit as I think from a common- sense point of view, I should say that the virus intended for use, ought not be obtained from anyone whose blood has been poisoned by immoral practices, or anyone having a consumptive or scrofulous diathesis, or anyone either of whose parents or grandparents died of consumption or were scrofulous. Anyone who would ignorantly or willfully trifle with the lives and future health of his fellows, is a criminal and justly deserves our execra- tions. It is possible, however, even after one has used his most deliberate judgment, to be sometimes mistaken or deceived. From such information as we have on the subject, I think it is generally regarded as safest to use the virus obtained from the cow. If animals were raised for this special purpose, kept iso- lated and in good condition, and properly inspected, then there should be only an infinitesimal danger in using the virus obtained from them. If individual enterprise cannot find it renumerative enough to go to this trouble, I think that, in time of war, the Govern- ment would not go outside of its legitimate functions to stock a farm or farms with animals, for the purpose of furnishing virus for its soldiers and sailors and- citizen employes. Our Medical department will, no doubt, after pro- per inquiries, be able to vaccinate most of those who have not already been recently vaccinated, and thus do much to prevent the spread of the disease. The approach of spring and a warmer season, will also, per- haps, be more favorable towards stamping it out. CHAPTER IX. The march to Camp Moonlight— Captain Mefford, Sixth Kansas Cavalry, defeats Livingston's band— Grass sufficient for graz- ing purposes about Fort Gibson— Supply train reinforced— A bushwhacker killed near camp — The people should be better informed by proclamation of the Federal purposes- Officers for the Fourth and Fifth Indian regiments report to Colonel Phillips— No such regiments exist — Criticisms con- cerning the matter — ISTear Rhea's Mills again — Two loyal Ar- kansas regiments organized — After a battle the people show on which side their sympathies are by their expressions— The people of a less haughty spirit than in Missouri— Reconnois- sance returned from Dutch Mills — Women and children raise their own foodstuflfs— The soldiers exchange their surplus rations for butter, eggs, &c — The Army ration — A party of Union men arr2ve from Texas — They were hunted by the enemy with blood hounds. On the morning of the 17th of March we struck tents, left Benton ville, and marched fifteen miles south- west to Big Springs, at the head of Flint Creek. This is a more desirable section than around Ben ton ville. The spring here is one of the finest in Northwestern Arkansas, and furnishes an abundance of excellent water for ourselves and animals. It arises out of the earth almost like a fountain, and runs ofif in a strong, swift current. This would be a delightful spot for a 280 MEMOIRS OP THE REBELLION village, for, at a small cost the water from this spring could be conducted through pipes into the houses for the convenience of families. Our camp is called Camp Moonlight, in honor of Colonel Thomas Moon- light, of the Eleventh Kansas infantry, who was General Blunt's Chief of Staff during the campaign in this section last fall. He is a brilliant officer, and, in personal appearance, one of the finest looking officers we had in the division. He is a Scotchman by birth, and is about six feet two inches in height, well pro- portioned, and his presence, though commanding, is not too stern, and altogether is likely to produce a favorable impression. I remember him during the fall of 1861, as commanding Moonlight's battery, the first light battery raised in Kansas. I think he was also on the staff of General James H. Lane when he marched the Kansas brigade through Missouri to join General Fremont's army at Springfield. No officer has been more active in organizing and fitting out our Kansas troops for the field; nor has any officer been more active in the field than Colonel Moonlight. His sound judgment and counsel no doubt contributed largely to the success of our campaign in this section last winter. Captain David Mefford, Sixth Kansas cavalry, a few days ago had a skirmish with Livingston's band about sixteen miles north of Neosho, and got three of his men badly wounded, but succeeded in killing and wounding seven of the enemy, and putting the remainder to flight. Captain Mefford is an experi- ON THE BORDER— 1863. IgJ enced officer, and a better one could not be selected to deal with Livingston's guerrillas. Several persons who have just arrived from Fort Gibson report that grass is coming up in sufficient quantities on the Arkansas Kiver and lower Grand Eiver bottoms for grazing purposes. While Indian ponies might live there on the grass now, it will pro- bably be two or three weeks before our cavalry horses can live on wild grass, and perform the service required of them. It is necessary that they should have such strength-giving food as corn and oats, if the cavalry arm of the service is to be very effective. But all the apj^roaching signs of spring increase the anx- iety of the Indians to get into the nation. They have not, however, as yet displayed any impatience, but are content to be guided by the judgment of Colonel Phillips. As soon as transportation can be had to remove the Kefugee Indian families from Neosho, they will leave that place to join this com- mand in the nation. It is not likely, however, that the transportation will be in readiness before the first of April. And perhaps it would not be advisa- ble for them to leave there at an earlier date, as in this latitude there frequently occurs some severe weather the latter part of March. As the season is always about a week further advanced at Fort Gibson, there will be no unnecessary delay in their removal. Information was received here yesterday evening that a rebel force of one hundred men were seen the day before in the vicinity of Cane Hill. Colonel 182 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION Phillips immediately sent out a detachment of cavalry under Captain Fred Crafts to discover the movements of the enemy, but the force returned here this evening without being able to ascertain anything definite in regard to the enemy. It is not very likely that such a small force would remain many hours at any place within twenty miles of this command. This was probably a scouting party of the enemy sent our from the rebel camp below Yan Buren, to discover some- thing if possible in regard to our movements. A detachment of seventy -five men under Captain H. S. Anderson, Third Indian regiment, were sent out to-day to overtake and reinforce the escort to our supply train which left here yesterday morning en route to Fort Scott. It appears that Colonel Phillips has in- tormation leading him to believe that the rebel force which was seen a few days ago in the vicinity of Cane Hill, has gone north, possibly with the view of attack- ing our train. A man was found dead to-day just outside the limits of our camp. Upon investigation the fact was dis- closed that he was a bushwhacker, and had been killed the day we arrived here by some of our advance guard. A detail of men were sent out to bury him in the spot where he had fallen. As decomposition had commenced when he was found, no efforts were made to ascertain whether he had any effects about him that would give any information concerning his name and where lie lived. While I have no inclination to make a funeral oration over him, yet I will venture to remark that ON THE BORDER— 1863. 183 there is a sad thought connected with his lonely and obscure grave, for he has fallen in a cause that can never receive the sympathy of men lighting for justice and equal rights, without distinction of race or color. His misguided actions may have resulted, not fronj. a natural evil and perverse disposition, but from asso- ciations and connections over which he had no control. He may not have delighted in shooting our soldiers from concealed positions, and he may not have tired at them at all. If, when on the march, our troops see a man on the highway or in the woods, and he starts to run and does not stop when they cry " halt! " they are sure to fire upon him. We are constantly hearing of men who, after having acted for a wdiile with the enemy, became tired of the rebellion and returned to their homes, but were afraid to come in and surrender to the Federal authorities. We are also told that some of these men, when our troops come into their neighbor- hood, take to the woods, but without any hostile in- tentions towards us, and that they are fed by their families clandestinely. Lieutenant Masterton of the Second Indiana battery, was assassinated by just this class of men when we were encamped near here last fall. A number of other officers and soldiers of our division met a similar fate, and we feel that men who flee from us are our enemies, and not to be trusted. No doubt many of the people of this section have ex- aggerated notions ot our troops, particularly Kansas troops and Indians. That the people might not be kept in ignorance of our purposes and actions, I have 184 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION sometimes thought it should not be regarded as exceed- ing his duty if our military commander should issue a j)roclamation to the people of the section we occupy, defining our duties, and setting forth the treatment that will be extended to all who may wish to come in and surrender and renew their allegiance to the Govern- ment. If such proclamation were made, and some pains taken to have it put into the hands of all the people of this section, I believe that there are many who would seek our protection and friendship, that are now avoiding us. At any rate every opportunity should be given them to return to their allegiance to the Gov- ernment. Colonel Phillips, with' a detachment of one hundred cavalry, started out to-day in search of another conven- ient j)lace for pitching our camp. There is very little forage in this vicinity, our troops having well-nigh ex- hausted the supply when we were encamped near here last fall, before the battle of Cane Hill. When we leave here we shall march to Illinois river, twelve miles south. To-day, March 23d, a number of officers who have recently been appointed by the Secretary of "War to positions in the Fourth and Fifth Indian regiments, reported to Colonel Phillips for duty. As the Fourth and Fifth Indian regiments are purely imaginary or- ganizations, as far as any one here knows, it is difficult to see what duty Colonel Phillips can assign them to. If these gentlemen were anxious to serve the Govern- ment at this critical time, the authorities at Washing- ON THE BOKDER.-1863. 385 ton might have given them permission to go into the ]S"ation to recruit their own companies and regiments ; and then as fast as a sufficient number of men were enlisted into each company to entitle it to a company organization, their commissions could have been sent to them. I do not know what report will be made to higher authorities in regard to the matter, but I feel very sure, from inquiries and general information, that there cannot be enlisted from amongst the loyal por- tion of the Cherokees, Creeks, and Seminoles, more than enough men to keep the present three Indian regiments up to their maximum strength. This seems an unusual proceeding, to issue commissions to officers for organizations that do not exist and probably never will exist. These officers I suspect, from what I have heard, are nearly all relatives or favorities of high of- ficials of the Government, and perhaps not in a single instance has an appointment been made on account of merit, that is, on account of bravery displayed on the field, and ability to handle troops in action. If the Washington authorities really desired to organize one or more Indian regiments, it would have been very little trouble to have sent out here for a report show- ing the number of Indians that could probably be en- listed into the service within a specified time. Colonel Phillips no doubt could make such a report in a few weeks, which would be approximately correct. If there had been vacancies to fill in the Indian regiments, it would, in my opinion, be much more just on the part of the Government to have filled them by appoint- 186 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION ments from lists of non-commissioned officers of reg- iments that have seen service on the border. It is not very pleasant to those who have been in active service since early in the war, to have their services unrecognized, and to see green and untried men given important appointments by their sides and over them. Nearly all the orderly sergeants of the three Indian regiments of this division, are white men, appointed from Kansas regiments, and should be promoted to fill any vacancies that may occur in their respective regiments. In the event of raising another Indian regiment or battalion, or in the case of Colored regi- ments which are now being organized, it would be quite easy for the Department Commander to call on commanding officers of regiments to furnish him lists of non-commissioned officers and privates whose gen- eral intelligence, bravery, and knowledge of a partic- ular arm of the service, would make them efficient and useful officers in the event of promotion. Out of these lists should be selected the best qualified and most deserving, who should be recommended to the Secretary of War, or appointing power, for promotion. Such a plan, however, is not likely to be adopted at present. There are too many who, if they must enter the service, must be furnished with honorable positions without regard to fitness to fill them. The class of men, too, who receive important appointments with- out having first earned them by service in the field or showing some special qualifications, generally have influence enough to get detailed on special duties where ON THE BORDER— 1863. 18T there is very little danger from the enemy's ballets. These officers here without commands will probably draw their salaries for a few months, or until the facts are reported to the War Department that there are no men enlisted for the Fourth and Fifth Indian reg-i- ments, all the same as if they were fighting, skirmish- ing and marching every day. The Indian division left Big Springs or Camp Moonlight on the morning of the 24th, and marched to Illinois Kiver twelve miles south. This brings us within ten or twelve miles of Khea's Mills, where the^ Army of the Frontier^ under General Blunt, was en- camped during the month of December. Colonel Phillips has named our camp here Camp Pomeroy, in honor of Senator Pomeroy, of Kansas. Should a Post office be established at this place after the war, it will probably take the name of our present camp. On this river there are some fine tracts of land, and the farmer is no doubt well rewarded for his labor. The opening of spring, and the fact that our army was all over this section last fall and the early winter, will make it difficult to obtain forage, except in very small quantities, for our animals. But we are gradu- ally moving south with a prospect of holding the country. Two loyal Arkansas regiments belonging to Colonel Phillips' division are stationed at Fayetteville, fifteen miles east of us, and co-operation of the two forces in case of emergency would not be difficult. A report comes from St. Louis that General Curtis 188 MEMOIRS OF THE EEBELtlON has been removed from the command of the Depart- ment of Missouri for some cause not yet fully known to the public. It is suggested, however, that his re- moval has been brought about because he cannot give satisfaction to the two political factions in Missouri. The people of Missouri and Kansas, I think, as a general thing, feel kindly towards General Curtis since he won the great battle of Pea Kidge, and saved those States from invasion by the rebel armies, and are not likely to be hasty in passing judgment upon his alleged short-comings in the administration of his department. We do not want a Commanding General with no de- cided policy, and who will be continually hampering the movements of troops in the field. A party of dispatch bearers and mail carries just arrived from Neosho, state that a report came there- from Springfield, that General Hunter has captured Charleston, S. C, after very hard fighting. While we should be greatly delighted to hear of the fall of that rebel stronghold, we are not inclined to credit the re- port as true. It is amusing to notice the efiects that good reports and bad reports have upon the coiinten- iinces of our men. A report like th« above circulated through the camp, even though some doubt is felt in regard to its truthfulness, lights up the countenances of every loyal heUrt. The prospect of the early clos- ing of the war, the thoughts of carrying our victorious arms and banners into all the rebel strongholds, and of the Stars and Stripes floating over all the cities of the South; and the imaginary scenes of returning ON THE BORDER-1863. 189 home, after having passed through many hardships and dangers, are enough to make visible smiles play- over their countenances. But let the news of defeat of any of our great armies in the east reach us, as some- times happens, and the sunny countenances of our soldiers change, and a shadow of disappointment min- gled with stern determination, may be noticed. On whichever side our sympathies are on any great ques- tion, they are generally clearly displayed on all extra- ordinary occasions of victory or defeat. In marching across the country just after a great battle has been fought by any of our armies, and the news of the re- sult of the battle has preceded us, it is generally easy to judge on which side the sympathies are, of those whom we meet of the noncombatant class. If they are rebels they may sometimes, as a matter of policy, endeavor to put some restraint upon their feelings, but such restraint does not usually conceal their real feelings. We can generally tell that there is some bitterness of feeling behind a sardonic smile. From what I have seen, I do not believe that there is so much of that haughty and defiant spirit among the noncombatant classes of this state, as in Missouri. This may be due to the fact that there was much less wealth and luxury here than in Missouri before the war. We nowhere see in this section farms contain- ing a thousand acres of land in unbroken tracts, and inclosed with stone or hedge fences, and stocked w4th great numbers of horses, mules and cattle, as might have been seen in most of the western counties of 190 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLIQN Missouri a few years ago. The people of Missouri, with their slave labor and abundance of every thing, acted as if they felt their superiority to the people of any other section. Though no one desires to humble their proud spirits, the war will probably teach them a keener sense of justice than they have hitherto shown to- wards those who differed with them in regard to slavery. A party of seven guerrillas was seen yesterday evening less than a mile from our camp, but they soon disappeared in the thick woods. Whether they are prowling around intent on some mischief, or whether they have unintentionally come upon us while passing through the country to some other locality, is not known. But as the soldiers express it, it will hardly be safe for them to roost in this vicinity. It is possi- ble that they have been sent by the rebel commanding officer at Yan Buren or Fort Smith, into this section, for the purpose of ascertaining whether our whole force is moving south, or only a reconnoitering party. In a few days the organized forces of the enemy north of the Arkansas River will find it convenient to retire to the south bank. There is now no prospect of Colo- nel Phillip's progress being checked this side of Fort Gibson. Yesterday morning (2Sth) a detachment of thirty men were sent to Neosho with the mail for the Korth, and instructions to the commanding officer at Neosho, in regard to removing the troops and all the refugee Indian families from there to the nation. By the time ON THE BORDER-1863. 191 the J will be able to join us, their ponies can live by grazing on the grass of the river bottoms. They will no doubt be delighted beyond expression that the time has come for their return to their homes from their long exile. Captain N. B. Lucas and Lieutenant W". M. Smalley, of the battalion of the Sixth Kansas cavalry, with about two hundred men, returned last night from Dutch Mills, a small j^lace a few miles west of Cane Hill, and right on the line of Arkansas and the Cherokee Na- tion. We were sent out two days ago with the view of ascertaining as far as possible any contemplated movements of the enemy, as information had been re- ceived here via Fayetteville, that a rebel force of a thousand men, under Colonel Carroll, were encamped at Yan Buren on the 24th, and were intending to move north on the state line road. From all the informa- tion we could get there is no reason to believe that Colonel Carroll's force will make any eiFort to operate north of the mountains for several weeks. If Colonel M. LaEue Harrison, the commanding officer at Fay- etteville, is a good fighter, he should be able to hold that post against three thousand men. He has prob- ably better facilities for keeping himself informed in regard to the movements of the enemy south of him than Colonel Phillips has, for many refugee families are constantly coming into that place from all over the western part of the State. A good many of the fam.- ilies of the men of the two regiments stationed there, have not left their homes. An almost constant com- 192 MEMOIKS OF THE REBELLION muni cation is therefore kept up between the troops at Fayetteville and such of their families as still remain on their homesteads. The loyal families living at a distance from Fayetteville probably feel such a deep interest in the command to which their male members belong, that doubtless, in many instances, they would spare no effort to convey information to it which may be useful to it in guarding against surprise by the enemy. Many of the women of this section are perfectly at ease in horse -back riding, and in a matter in which they felt great interest, would perhaps not hesitate to perform a journey of several days. But admitting that the wives and daugh- ters of our troops at Fayetteville are disposed to keep them advised of the movements, as far as practicable, where would they get animals to ride. That indeed would be the great difficulty; but 1 think that very many families, both loyal and disloyal, keep some kind of animals on their premises; blind horses, knock- kneed mules, or even something better, so that they will not do for army service. Yery few first-class horses and mules were left in this section after our army moved north last winter. Arrangements are being made to remove all the sick of this division to Hilterbrand's Mills, about thirty miles west of here, in the Cherokee nation, on the first of April. We know now that we shall move across^ the line into the Nation in a few 'days. The peach trees have been in bloom for several days, and the swelling buds on the forest trees are ready to bursty ON THE BORDER-1863. X93 and display their young leaflets, and we see a good many wild flowers of early species by the wayside. Some of our detachments which have just come down from Missouri and Kansas, say that the season is nearly two weeks further advanced liere than there. But Spring will not bring that renewed life and activity, of which it is significant, among the people here, that it will North. Of the hundreds of farms all over this region, very few can be cultivated this season, for the fences around most of them have been destroyed, burned as fuel by the armies, and there is nobody left to cultivate them except women and children, cripples and old men. Here and there these classes may find rails enough left to inclose a few acres, and cultivate them, with the assistance of such animals as have not been taken for use in the army. Mothers and daugh- ters who, before the war, never dreamed of having to work in the fields, and who knew nothing of the hard- ships entailed upon many families by the war, will have to raise their own sustenance in this section this year. Of course in those families where sons are grow- ing up, and are in their teens, the hardships will not fall so heavily upon the female members. The uncer- tainty of being able to use or to get a just and fair equivalent for what they raise under all these disad- vantages, must fill the minds of many with discour- agement. Their own necessities, however, prospective want, prompt them to make the best of the situation. We have seen some plowing and preparations for planting and sowing garden stuflf: and Colonel Phil- 13 194 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION lips has exercised great care in not permitting depre- dations on the premises of the people, on the line of our march, and in the neigborhood of our camps. We have been obliged to forage on the country during the past winter, but I think, as a general rule, families have been permitted to keep undisturbed their supplies of provisions, such as flour, meal and bacon. The rations issued to this command, with the exception of fresh beef and pork, have all been transported from the North. We have had full rations all winter, for which we are indebted to the untiring and cautious judgment of Colonel Phillips. The army ration is good, sub- stantial food, and is all any man, not a glutton, needs to keep himself in excellent condition. And our men are in excellent condition, and I think it probable, that since they have become inured to the service, they had never enjoyed better health at any time before their enlistments. Each company accumulates quite a sur- plus of rations every month. The company commis- sary sergeant is generally authorized to exchange some of these surplus rations for articles not issued bytlie Government, as butter, eggs, chickens, &c. Our ex- cellent coffee is in great demand among the peoj^le of this section, as many of them have not used the gen- uine article since the first year of the w^ar. In some families brown corn or wheat has been used as a sub- stitute. Corn coffee is a quite common expression in this section, but the next generation may never hear of it. We sometimes hear the remark, that a cup of "Yankee coffee" will make even a rebel lady smile. To ON THE BORDER-1863. | 95 many the flavor of pure coffee is more agreeable than the bouquet of a fine wine. Rebel as well as Union ^ families, do not hesitate to offer their commodities for exchange. Our tea, sugar, molasses, and even salt, may also be exchanged to good advantage by our sold' iers, as these articles cannot now be obtained in this section by purchase. I have generally issued to the regiment to which I belong, from one-fourth to half of the bread ration in hard bread, or "hard tack," and the remainder inflour; and about the same proportion of the meat ration in bacon, and the balance in fresh beef. Hence when de- tachments are sent out on scouting expeditions for several days, they are furnished with hard bread and bacon, a food that is strength-giving and much relished after one has been marching all day and night. When in camp we always have fresh bread and fresh meat, beef, pork or mutton. Perhaps no government has ever had a better system of providing for the comforts of its soldiers than ours, during the present war. Eleven men came into our camp to-day (31st) from southwestern Arkansas and northern Texas. J. E. Pratt, a staunch and prominent Unionist from Texas* is the leader of the party. He lived in Missouri at the breaking out of the war, and moved to Texas to keep out of it, but soon found that it was not a suitable place for a man whose sympathies were with the Gov- ernment. These men represent a dreadful state of things in the sections which they have recently left. Mr. Pratt states that in northwestern Texas, there are 196 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION many Union families, and that the Union men have made several attempts to organize, but that such at- tempts' have resulted disastrously to all those whose names were connected with any loyal demonstration. He also represents that a good many Unionists have been hung — sixteen in one town, and that others have been persecuted and hunted down with the assistance of bloodhounds ; that Union men could not then con- ceal themselves in the woods and mountains in the vicinity of their homes, as rebels do in this section, for the bloodhounds would soon be upon their tracks. They could find no resting place until they left the State, Such cruel and relentless treatment as these men appear to have received at the hands of the rebel authorities, we might expect from savages, but not from civilized men. For upwards of two hundred miles they had a toilsome journey, often finding it difiicult to work their way through mountain passes, guarded by the enemy. Men of pronoimced Union sentiments no doubt have a hard time of it, where they are so unfortunate as to live in localities in which the rebel sentiment largely predominates. Perhaps few of us fully realize what it costs to be a Union man in the South. But let those who love the Old Flag of their fathers, stand firm in its defence, for if the signs of the times are not at fault, the day of their deliver- ance cannot be very distant. CHAPTER X. April Fool's day— Seven Pin Indians killed at Park Hill, C. N., by the enemy in federal uniform— The march to Cincinnati on the State line— War paint and yelping of the Indians when they start out— Commendable conduct of the Indian soldiers while in Missouri and Arkansas— The division crosses the line into the Indian country— On the march to Park Hill— The country becomes more inviting and the vegetation more advanced— Rebel scouting party near Fayetteville— Arrival at Park Hill and meeting of the Indian refugee families from Neosho— Great manifestations of joy and affecting scenes— Stanawaitie commanding the rebel Indians— Colonel Phillips sends out a strong reconnoissance— Webber's Falls— He drives the enemy into the Arkansas River and takes Fort Gibson— Description of the place— Its importance— The beautiful Grand and Verdigris Rivers. This is April Fool's day, but no one has come to me all aglow with excitement and asked me to prepare to meet the enemj charging down the road. Nor have I heard that some adventurous spirit, amongst us, in a dream last night, commenced to kill all our animals, thinking he was slaying the enemy like mad Ajax. Probably not one in a hundred of our soldiers here thinks of the first day of April in connection with the custom associated with it in nearly all the large cities of Christendom. 198 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION A detachment of this division just arrived from Park Hill, Cherokee !N^ation, reports that seven of our Indians, known as Pins, were killed at that place a few days ago by a party of rebels wearing the federal uniform. Bj this deception and dastardly act the en- emy were permitted to approach within a few yards of the Indians, and, by a well-directed fire, shot them down before they had time to oflfer any resistance. This is not the only instance during the past year of small detachments of our troops having been en- trapped by the enemy who were dressed in the federal uniform. Orders were issued early in the war in re- gard to the punishment to be inflicted upon rebels caught wearing the federal uniform. Every one cap- tured wearing it should be tried by a drum-head court-martial, condemned and immediately shot. Should any of our soldiers go within the enemy's lines and practice a similar deception, and get cap- tured, they would hardly expect any leniency from the confederate authorities. Such a method of carrying on war cannot be too strongly condemned, nor those caught engaged in it too quickly punished to the ex- tent of involving the death penalty. On our side we do not wish to let the war degenerate into a form that would put us on a par with the lowest savages. One would think that the confederate leaders, who like to boast of their chivalry, would not tolerate practices so much at variance with the usages of modern warfare among civilized nations. In the end such treachery and cowardice can avail them nothing, ON THE BORDER— 1863. 199 besides it will leave a stain upon their arms that history cannot wipe out. The Indian division left Camp Pomeroy on the Illi- nois river, on the morning of the 3d, and marched twelve miles southwest to Cincinnati, a small village on the State line. The place may have contained a population of a hundred people before the war, but probably nearly half the families have moved away — particularly those of known Union sentiments. In peaceable times the few business establishments here j)erhaps had quite a traffic with the Indians from the Cherokee Nation. It is the intention to remain here only a few days, when we shall pass into the Indian territory, which will probably for some time be the centre of our operations. Lieutenant Joseph Hall, of the battalion of the Sixth Kansas cavalry, with a detachment of one hun- dred men, came in to-day from Dutch Mills, where he was sent several days ago to fetch out a number of Unionists who have been concealed in the nioun_ tains to escape capture and destruction by the enemy. Colonel Phillips has shown a disposition to do every- thing in his power to afford protection to the loyal people of this section. The appeals for protection and assistance in various ways are quite numerous. One day a report comes in that a Union family, some thirty miles distant in a given direction, has been robbed by bushwhackers of everything they possessed, are in desti- tute circumstances, and desire to come into our lines until they have an opportunity of going north with 200 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION our supply trains and escorts.' Another day the news comes to us of a loyal family in distress in some other direction. A detachment of cavalry and one or more mule teams are sent out to bring in the men, women and children, and their effects. Last night, just as a scouting party were going out, an Indian soldier was instantly killed by the dis- charge of a musket on the shoulder of a comrade in front of him, — going off accidentally. The muzzle of the gun was so near him that the ball tore away nearly the whole anterior portion of the skull. The Indian troops are armed with muzzle-loading muskets, whose calibres range from 69 to 72, requiring balls weighing upwards of an ounce. They do not always sling their muskets to their shoulders so that the muzzles point directly downwards, as we do our Sharp's carbines. Nor are their arms as effective as ours. We can per- haps, on an average, load and discharge our Sharpe's carbines a dozen times while an Indian loads and dis- cjiarges his musket once. Our small arms have been already greatly improved since the war commenced. The troops that have been longest in the field are gen- erally supplied with the most improved models. But the Indians are generally good marksmen, and when rapid firing is not required (as on the skirmish line) their muskets may be used quite effectively. The Indians are rather amusing as soldiers, particu- larly in regard to their war-paint and yelping when starting out on a scouting expedition or on the march. They seem to prefer to march in single file; but our ON THE BORDER— 1863. 201 officers have drilled tliem in the regular manual, so that there is now very little difficulty in having them march by twos, fours, and by platoons, as required. But no matter in what order they are marching, when they start out and the head of the column has got far enough from camp for the rear to get in motion, the war whoop commences at the head of the column and runs back to the rear. This is generally kept up for some time. When the air is more resonant than usual, I have heard the woods fairly ring with their yelping. During the campaign in this section last falC Colonel Phillips' Indian brigade was often a mile or more from us, but we knew every morning, unless it was stormy weather, just when it started out, by this yelping or war whoop, which generally lasted fif- teen to twenty minutes. There is a strong contrast between the Indian and our white soldiers in this re- spect. Ten thousand of, our white troops may start out on the march every morning, and manifest such silence that ihey could not be heard a hundred yards away, except as to the tramping of their horses and the ratting of their artillery carriages. Though our Indian troops have been in Missouri and Arkansas since early last autumn, I believe f at they have committed fewer unathorized depredations than the same number of white troops, had they occu- pied the same localities. The non-combatant classes seem to have an almost instinctive fear of the Indians, yet it has been a very rare thing to hear of complaints being made against our Indian soldiers for having 202 MEMOIES OF THE REBELLION committed unauthorized acts. Much credit is due to Colonel Phillips for the splendid discipline he has maintained without having to resort to severe meas- ures. 1^0 military commander could have discharged his duty in a more commendable manner. We pass now into the Indian country, and bid a temporary adieu to Arkansas. Early on the morning of the 6tli we left Cincinnati and. marched to Dutch Mills, twelve miles south, on the State line. At this point we took the road leading into the Cherokee Kation towards Park Hill, but marched only a few miles west when we pitched our camp, and called it Camp '' Jim Lane," in honor of Senator James H. Lane, whose name is familiar to every one acquainted with the history of Kansas. At eight o'clock on the morning of the 8th everything was in readines to move, and from Camp " Jim Lane" we marched to Park Hill, twenty-two miles west, and encamped near the residence of the Chief, John Poss. After we left Duchtown every mile of the country we passed over became more inviting. For agricultural and grazing purposes it is certainly much superior to Arkansas. We crossed the Illinois river again, a few miles to the east of us on the march here. It dis- charges a larger volume of water than when we crossed it in Arkansas, and its bottoms are much wider, and its course changes toward the south. It does not, however, go rushing along in such a rapid and im- petuous current, but is now a placid and gently flow- ing stream. Every day's march to the southwest ON THE BORDER— 1863. 205 brings ns into a region where the vegetation is more advanced than where we were the day before, the wild flowers are more beautiful, the birds sing sweeter and have brighter and more elegant plumage, and alto- gether one feels happier. We believe that even our animals show a more hopeful expression. Grass and wild onions in the river bottoms are up an inch or so in height, and animals not required to work can live without any other food. The country here is not so broken and hilly as in nortwestern Arkansas; in fact we are right on the border of the prairie region. A detachment of the battalion, the Sixth Kausa& cavalry, who came in from Fayetteville this mornings report that a rebel scouting party of about one hun- dred and fifty men, were within seven miles of that place on the 6tli instant. Our soldiers came near run- ning into the main body of them, so near, indeed, that they captured one of their men who had fallen behind^ and brought him a prisoner to our camp, using him most of the time as a guide. This considerable force of the enemy's cavalry, so near our troops, indicates his intention of displaying greater activity as the sea- son advances. Now that we are getting so far away from Fayetteville, about fifty miles, and as we shall probably have our own hands full very soon. Colonel Harrison will have to depend upon his own resources to hold his station. We are unable to understand why so many of our troops are kept in the vicinity of Springfield, as we have heard of no threatened inva- sion of Missouri by the enemy directly south or south- 204: MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION east of that place. The State Militia could probably preserve order in that section if our volunteer troops should occupy a more advanced position, and prevent the invasion of the State by the organized forces of the enemy. The refugee train arrived to-day (9th) from Neosho, having been ten days en route to this place. The train, which was about a mile long, came in sight about ten o'clock. It was a lovely spring morning, the air soft and balmy, and everything looking gay and cheerful. Some of the Indian soldiers went out several miles to meet their families, but many waited until the train had approached near our camp. I watched them with a good deal of interest. Such manifestations of joy on the meeting of husbands and wives and children, I have never before witnessed. There were,perhaps,nearly a thousand families brought down, and in many instances husbands have been separated from their wives and children for nearly a year. Their joy was, no doubt, increased with the thought of being able to meet one another in their own country and near their own capital. The restor- ing to their homes an entire people who have so long been exiles, will surely be an event in their history tliat should not be passed over without mention. If they were as emotional in their natures as the French, I know they would cry with one voice, viva la Phil- lips. But their unbounded confidence in him shows their strong regard for him, and is probably as keenly appreciated by him as noisy demonstrations. That ON THE BORDEE.-1863. 205 lie should have provided for the safety and comfort of their families during the winter, and restored them to their homes so early in the spring, is enough to set them rejoicing, with hearts full of gratitude towards their deliverer. Tahlequah, the capital of the Cherokee E'a- tion, is about seven miles northwest of here, but it has never been a place of much importance in a business point of view. It never contained a population of more than a few hundred inhabitants, and a dozen good buildings. Some of the buildings will probably soon be used for hospital purposes for the sick of this division, particularly the small-pox patients. A skirmish took place yesterday, the 10th, at Fort, Gibson between a battalion of our Indian soldiers and a small force of Standwai ties' Kebel Indians, resulting in the capture of half a dozen prisoners and the kiU ling and wounding of five of the enemy, the remain- der having made their escape by swimming across the Arkansas river. It may now be said that we have un- disputed possession of all the Indian country north ~ of the Arkansas river. If there are any forces on this side of the river they will doubtless plunge inta it rather than to cross swords with our troops. Colonel Standwaitie, who has commanded the Kebel portion of the Cherokees, is himself a Cherokee, and seems to have a wider fame than his valor and military skill entitle him to. We have heard a good deal of him ever since we came into this country last June, but have been unable to meet him. When we have had a skirmish with any of his Indians, it has always. ■206 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION turned out that he was not with them. We do not quite regard him as a mythical character, but we do not believe him to be such a brave and dashing Indian as lie has often been represented, and as the frequent use of his name in connection with predatoiy actions would indicate. He has never boldly attacked even a detachment of our troops. Our Indians say that his name is not appropriate at all, that he does not stand and wait for us, but that he is always on the run as soon as our troops seek him. We shall, however, doubtless have occasion to try his valor before the summer is over. Our entire division is to move to Fort Gibson in a few days; but before setting out. Colonel Phillips has deemed it expedient to thoroughly reconnoitre the country between here and that place, and for that pur- pose to-day sent out a party of the Second Indian regiment and one company of the battalion of the -Sixth Kansas cavalry, under Colonel David B. Corwin. Every precaution is being taken that our trains, artil- lery, and thorough organization shall not be endanger- ed by ambuscade or surprise. We are now so far away from any other troops from whom we could ex- pect assistance, that a defeat might prove the com- - plete demoralization of this division. Colonel Phil- lips has carefully considered the probable consequences which' would be sure to follow any reckless action of ^ military commander occupying his position. Major Foreman, of the Third Indian regiment, who was sent out from here on the 8th instant with about ON THE BOIlDER-1863. 207 three liundred men, to ixiake a reconnoissance in the direction of Webber's Falls, on the „ Arkansas river, some twenty -five miles south of us , returned to-day, having captured nearly three hundred head of cattle, and killed six of the enemy, including one captain and one sergeant. He also brought in a number of prisoners, who thought that their last day had come. The action took place near the mouth of the Illinois river, and the enemy were so completely surprised that they made very little resistence. We had only three or four men wounded. On the morning of the 1 3th the troops and trains of our division left " Camp John Ross," and marched to Fort Gibson, eighteen miles southwest. We passed over a lovely country, probably the finest in the Cherokee Nation. It appears to have been very well settled before the war, with many good farms under cultivation. The line of march was mainly over rol- ling prairies, though there was some timber on several small streams which we crossed. Now that we have pitched our tents at Fort Gibson, and as this place will probably be the centre of our operations during the spring and summer, we may look around a little with the view of finding some- thing worth setting down. This is quite an old post. It was established as a militar}^ post by the United States before the Cherokees left their Tennessee and Georgia homes and emigrated to this Territory. There are now two or three persons living here who say that they have a distinct recollection of Jefierson Davis, a 208 MEMOIRS GF THE REBELLION Lieutenant of Dragoons, when lie was stationed at this post as far back as 1832. It does not appear that any defensive works were ever erected here, except a couple of block-honses, and thej are useless now. There are two good substantial stone buildings which have been used for quartermaster and commissary store houses. Their rooting is made of slate, and they will be very valuable in storing our quartermaster and commissary supplies, as they are transported by trains from Fort Scott. They are large enough to hold supplies for this division for upwards of thirty days. And they stand on a bluff overlooking Grand River to the west. The officers' and soldiers' quarters are wooden struc- tures, and built on a piazza or public square, similar to the Court House squares of country towns. They are about two hundred yards south of the stone buildings above mentioned, on the slope of the hill, and are beginning to look old and dilapidated, although the interiors of the officers' quarters are in good con- dition, having been more expensively and elegantly finished up than the soldiers' quarters. They are dif- ferent from the officers' and soldiers' quarters at Fort Scott, Kansas, in this respect: They are all single storied buildings, while at Scott the officers' quarters have two stories with attics, and, the soldiers' quarters are two stories. There are several unfinished stone buildings on the bluff" near the quartermaster and com- missary store houses, which before the war the Govern- ment had under contract to be finished up for permanent quarters for officers and soldiers of the Eegular Army. ON THE BORDER— 1863. 209 The location here is a lovely one for a military post, and perhaps for some future city of considerable importance. Looking to the east from the blnff where the stone buildings stand, you see in the distance, some ten miles oif, the western terminus of the range of mountains which run north-eastward through Arkan- sas. Turning to the south, you overlook the Arkansas river three miles distant, and your eyes rest upon the opposite heights, and the prairie country beyond. Some places the heights are obscured by the heavy timber along the Arkansas; at other places you see them as through a vista. Turning to the west and south-west, you see at the distance of two miles, the western heights of Grand Kiver. Further to the south-west may be seen a prairie region with a strip of timber running through it in a south-east direction. This strip of timber marks the course of the Yerdigris River, which empties into the Arkansas Eiver some five or six miles above the mouth of Grand River. The junctions of these three rivers, the Arkansas, the Grand and the Yerdigris, being within a few miles of each other, and the three being nearly of the same size, will be favorable for the building of an important city somewhere in this vicinity when the country comes into the possessioM of the whites, as it probably will sometime in the future. The Cherokees, however, have made such progress in civilization, and have also been such staunch and reliable friends of the whites for nearly a century, with one or two unimportant exceptions, that they are not likely to be disturbed in the peaceable 210 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION possession of their country under the existing order of things. As a people, thev might have been regarded as wealthy before the war. When we came into this section and the country above here last July and August, we saw fine herds of cattle and ponies graz- ing upon the prairies, or standing in the cool waters of shady and peaceful flowing streams, the very pictures of rural life in a beautiful and happy country. The pictures were of course incomplete, for we nowhere saw in the background or foreground happy maidens tripping along and attending to their dairy or house- hold duties. Nor did we hear happy voices or see any of those desirable features of country life, familiar to those whose earlier years were passed on the farm. But let us return to things as we now see them. This has been a central position from which the Government could easily communicate with a number of Indian tribes. Supplies for the troops stationed here, and annuity goods for distribution to the Indians, have been brought up by river transportation, ever since this post was established. Every season during the spring rise of the Arkansas River, light draft steamers have not only run to this point, but some- times for nearly a hundred miles above here on the Grand Kiver. I saw an inscription on a tombstone yes- terday, that a Lieutenant of the Regular Army was drowned at the mouth of the Neosho river in 1836, from having fallen overboard a steamboat at that point. The point where the military road to Fort Scott crosses the Keosho river is nearly a hundred miles ON THE BORDER— 1863. 211 from Gibson. But I have heard from those who have lived here for many years, that there has been very little steamboating above this place. There has been no great inducements, no great commercial interests involved, to make it worth while to keep the river in a navigable condition. It requires a considerable rise in the Arkansas to enable boats to pass "Webber's Falls. Below that point light draft steamers can probably run on the river the greater part of the year. How far it is possible to remove the obstacles to navi- gation at Webber's Falls, can be determined only after a careful examination by an experienced and compe- tent engineer. I^avigation on the Arkansas will always be troublesome between this place and Fort Smith, on account of the river constantly shifting its current, caused by the formation of sand bars. It is turbid and treacherous, and contrasts strongly with the Grand Kiver, which is perfectly clear except during the season of heavy rains, and flows over a gravelly or pebbly bottom. Both rivers abound in fish, and those of our soldiers who are fond of the sport of angling will doubtless, when off duty, try their skill at it while we are stationed here. From the blufif we can see a portion of the territory of the Creeks and Seminoles, Chickasaws and Cherokees. We have not as yet had any loyal Choctaws and Chic- kasaws join us, though we hear there are a good many among them who would prefer to cast their fortunes with the Union if they could have any reasonable as- surance of protection. As we have come here to stay, 212 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION they will probably have ample opportunity of mani- festing their loyality and devotion to the Government by coming in and surrendering to Colonel Phillips. CHAPTEK XI. Fort Gibson the Key to the Indian country — The enemy show- ing signs of activity — The troops at Gibson commence to build bake ovens — Anxiety for the supply train — Creek Indians coming in — The enemy concentrating at Webber's Falls — Celebrating the event of hoisting the United States Flag at Fort Gibson — A sad accident — Arrival of supply train from Fort Scott — Part of Neosho burned— The enemy attack Fayetteville and are defeated — A young man as a spy caught dressed in a woman's suit — The troops commence to throw up fortifications at Fort Gibson — Strength of the Federal posi- tion — Engagement at Webber's Falls— Capture of the enemy's camp — Assassination of Dr. Gillpatrick — They are on business in connection with exchanging of prisoners — Arrival of rebel officers under a flag of truce — Reconnoissance of Colonel Schaurte to the Arkansas line — Colonel Harrison abandons Fayetteville— Colonel Phillips reviews his division. The importance of this position is not likely at first glance to be fully appreciated. It is really the key to this entire Indian country, and great credit is due to Colonel Phillips for having seized it before the enemy received reinforcements. By throwing up breast works and constructing fortifications, we can hold the place against a force of the enemy twice as large as our own, unless he should be better supplied with long-range artillery than we are. I think that 214 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION we have also gained an advantage in regard to obtain- ing our supplies from Fort Scott. While we are further removed from our base of supplies, the distance to Fort Scott from this post bj the old military road being about one hundred and sixty miles, our supply trains after they leave the southern line of Kansas will move all the way down on the west side of Grand river, and therefore doubtless be freer from attacks by the enemy than if they were obliged to come down the State lines of Missouri and Arkansas. From about this time in the spring until the summer is considera- bly advanced, it is frequently difficult for cavalry, artillery and infantry to cross Grand River, for a distance of seventy to eighty miles above here, without pontoon trains, which neither the enemy nor our army in the west possess. Such large trains as ours, are unquestionably coveted prizes, which the enemy will probably organize expeditions for the purpose of capturing or destroying. As our trains will require strong escorts, it is easy to see that our troops will have no time to spend in idleness. We can of course depend upon the country here for nothing except fresh beef, and in a few weeks, grass for our animals. Since the enemy can hold no position north of the Arkansas Kiver, we have already seen indications that he is not going to remain inactive in this region during the spring and summer. Our troops to-day (14th) commenced building bake ovens, which indicates clearly enough Colonel Phillips' intention of permanently holding this place. These ON THE BORDER-1863. 215 will be the first ovens we have put up in the field. They will not only economize the expenditure of fuel, but also enable the companies to save more from their flour ration than they could do by baking their bread by the old process ; besides the bread is better and considered healthier. We have men with us who were engaged in the bakery business before enlistment. Hence we shall probably have as good bread as is usually made at city bakeries. But we shall miss the butter and eggs which we were able to get quite often while in Missouri and Arkansas. If, however, we manage to keep on hand full rations we shall have no cause to complain about our fare. A detachment of ten men of the Battalion Sixth Kansas cavalry, and about fifty Indian soldiers, were sent out to-day (15th) in the direction of Maysville to meet our commissary train now due from Fort Scott. As it was expected to join us at Park Hill, and has not yet been heard from, some uneasiness is felt for its safety. We have been almost constantly on the move recently, and it is possible that the commanding ofiicer of the escort has stopped it at some point this side of Fort Scott for a day or two, for more definite instruc- tions as to where to join us. If instructions had been sent forward for it to join us here on the 13th, it would have come down on the west side of Grand River, instead of via Maysville on the State line road. We do not believe that there is a force of the enemy north of us of sufiicient strength to venture to attack the train. A flag of truce came in to-day from the 216 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION Creek Indians concerning tneir coming in and joining our army. About fifty have already come in since we arrived here, and they express their willingness to do all in their power to establish law and order and com plete obedience to the authority of the United States, in their country. Those just in think that many others will come when assured of protection. Though I have not heard what kind of speeches Colonel Phillips makes to them, yet I suppose that he informs them that he has come here to afford protection to all those who are disposed to be friendly and loyal to the Government, and to make war even to the knife and from the knife to the hilt against its enemies ; that we are here not for the purpose of seeking vengeance and paying off old scores, but to establish justice and the harmonious relations of the people to the Government. They are no doubt informed that to ofier further resistance to the Government is sure to bring further desolation to their country and additional miseries to their homes. In his speeches to the different Indian delegations that have waited upon him, he has endeavored to give them good advice, which they will find it to their interest to carefully consider. We have information to-day (16th,) from a source deemed reliable, that the enemy are concentrating a force of four or five hundred men at Webber's Falls, about twenty-five miles below this post. As the point where they are gathering is on the south side of the Arkansas, and as it is not fordable below the mouth of Grand river, we may not be able to disturb them ON THE BORDER-1863. 217 for a few days. With a river as large as the Arkansas between them, two opposing forces may continue as neighbors for some time. But barring this obstacle there would certainly be either a '^ fight or a foot race" very soon with an enemy not superior in numbers to our command, encamped so near us as Webber's Falls. Yesterday, the 17th, was given to festivities in cele- brating the event of hoisting the Union Flag at the military post of Fort Gibson, that it may float from the flag stafi" where it was hauled down in foul dis- honor soon after the breaking out of the war. This is the flrst time that the Stars and Stripes, the emblem of our nationality, have been hoisted on the post flag staff since the enemy took possession of the Government property here, and there were many whose affection for the Old Flag was so strong, that when its folds floated to the breeze they shed tears of joy. The Star Spangled Banner and other national airs were sung by half a dozen ladies and gentlemen — several of the ladies being wives of ofticers on a visit to their hus- bands. As an improvised choir they did well, and their voices sounded sweetly, the balmy air of spring being peculiarly favorable for music, instrumental or vocal, to produce a good effect. The solos, duets, and choruses were real treats, as we have had no music of any kind recently. Last autumn and winter when General Blunt's division was all together, we had two or three excellent bands and good music every day. The Ninth Wisconsin infantry, a German regiment, had perhaps 218 MEMOIES OF THE REBELLION the best band in the division, and as they frequently encamped near the Sixth Kansas cavalry, I have often listened to it much delighted. It becomes my painful duty now to mention a serious accident that occurred during our celebration yester- day. While Major Henry Hopkins' battery was firing a national salute of thirty-four guns, one of the pieces just after it had been swabbed and the blank cartridge rammed home, went off accidentally before the ram- mer was fully withdrawn, and while it was still in the hands of the gunner. One of his arms was blOwn oif above the elbow, and the other hand w^as almost torn off, and is now in a dreadfully mutilated condition, and will probably have to be amputated in a few days. He was for an instant enveloped in a flame of fire and smoke, and is therefore badly burned about the body. The gun w^as pointed south, and I picked up, nearly two hundred yards from it, two fingers and several tendons. It is not likely that the poor fellow will re- cover from these injuries. An Indian was also fatally injured by a piece of the rammer. From my own observations during the last two years I am under the impression that the number of accident- al injuries in an army will foot up a larger percentage than is generally supposed. Few days pass that we do not hear of some soldier of this command receiv- ing a serious accidental injury incident to the service. Human foresight can never completely guard against accidents, even of the simplest kind. "We hope that the National Flag that we^. reverence ON THE BORDER— 1863. 219 and look upon with such devotion, will never again be hauled dow^n from the flagstaff at this post, by the enemy. A general, whose soldiers had mutinied, i& said to have expressed the belief that if he could only look the leaders in their eyes, he thought that they would return to their allegiance. So I believe that there are many rebels wlio, if tliey could but look upon our beautiful flag of the Union as its folds gently float to the breeze, would gladly return to their alleg- iance to the Government. The Creek Indians still continue to come in, and are generally anxious to enlist into our army. While the estimated number that will probably come would not make a regiment, nor even a battalion ; they might be enlisted into the service and assigned to the three Indian regiments of this command until they shall have been filled to their maximum strength. There is reason to believe such a course will be adopted by Colonel Phil- lips. As most of the men in the First and Second regiments are Creeks and Seminoles, it is likely that all recruits belonging to either of these nations, would prefer to be assigned to one or the other of these regi- ments. Their preferences will no doubt be respected a& far as possible. A party of about a dozen white men who claim tO' have recently deserted from General Marmaduke's command, came to our pickets this morning, and were brought into camp to day. They represent that the rebel leaders in Arkansas are displaying a good deal of activity in organizing their demoralized forces for •220 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION the spring and summer campaigns. They say that Oeneral Cooper will have command of the rebel forces in the Indian Territory, and that General Cabell will be assigned to the command of Western Arkansas, but that they will co-operate with each other as far as practicable. This all corresponds with the information which our spies have recently brought in. Our commissary tram of one hundred and twenty- five wagons arrived this morning (20th) from FortScott. The slight anxiety felt by some of our troops will now be at an end. It is estimated that the supplies received by this train will ration this command for upwards of a month. On account of some rumors that have been afloat for several days, a detachment of two hundred cavalry was sent out to escort it into camp. It will now be the business of the troops here to keep the country open between this post and the southern line of Kansas. And we feel satisfied that Colonel Phil- lips will not be unmindful of his duty in this respect. Colonel C. W. Blair, the commanding ofiicer at Fort Scott, will probably furnish escorts strong enough to guard our trains to Baxter Springs or E'eosho river. Should the enemy at any time throw a force between this post and either of those points, with the view of attacking a train. Colonel Phillips will reinforce the escort by troops from this division. But the main body of his troops will be required for active service in this vicinity in contending with the enemy in front and around us. This last train came down via Neosho, Missouri, ON THE BOKDER.-1863. 221 but will return on the old Military road, which runs along on the west side of Grand Eiver. Those who came down with the train from Neosho, state that a large portion of the town was recently burned. It was not definitely known whether the fire was started accidentally, or by an incendiary. It was discovered after night, and had make such progress that it could not be checked with the means the people had at hand. Two companies of the Missouri State Militia have been stationed there since Colonel Phillips withdrew his Indian troops; but one cannot easily believe that there could be found among them an in- dividual who would deliberately attempt to burn a town of his own State; a town, too, which he is paid to protect. The report which reached here two days ago, that Fayetteville had been taken on the 18th instant by a rebel force of fifteen hundred men, under command of General Cabell, turns out to be untrue. Until more definite information reached here, some apprehensions were felt for the safety of that post. Dispatches have now been received, stating that our troops there under Colonel Harrison had a sharp engagement with the enemy under General Cabell, on the 18tli instant, which lasted two hours. The enemy were unsuccess- ful in the attack and compelled to retreat, leaving most of their killed and wounded on the field. From such inform^ation as I have been able to obtain, our losses were about thirty men killed and wounded, while the losses of the enemy were probably very nearly fifty.. 222 MEMOIRS OP THE REBELLION Our troops had some slight advantage, as they fought part of the time from behind fortifications, and were on the defensive. The loyal Arkansas soldiers are rep- resented to have acted with distinguished bravery throughout the contest. Having defeated the enemy in this first important engagement, they will now feel confident of their strength, and in any future contest they may have, defend their position with greater stubbornness than if they had been unsuccessful. A spy was caught to-day (23d) near camp, dressed in a woman's suit. He is a young fellow with light hair, fair complexion, of a rather prepossessing appearance, and I should think not over sixteen years of age. When I saw him in the Provost-marshal's tent he seemed to "be badly frightened, in fact almost frightened out of liis wits. Two or three officers were putting questions to him in regard to his visiting our camp in disguise, tut his excitement had not sufiiciently subsided to en- able him to give rational answers. He seemed ready to confess anything asked of him. He showed that he was unaccustomed to l>eing goaded with questions of such a serious nature. From ancient times to the pres- ent day, it has been the practice of commanding gener- als of armies to hang spies immediately after being caught, so as to make it impossible for the enemy to gain any advantage from the information which they may have obtained. AYhat disposition will be made of this young man, has not yet been determined. Colo- nel Phillips, as commanding officer of troops in the field, has authority to order him tried by a drum-head ON THE BORDER-1863. 223 court martial, and, if found guilty, hung within the next twenty-four hours. It is possible that his youth- ful age may save him from the death penalty at pres- ent, and that he will be turned over to the Department commander, for such punishment as he may deem proper. He claims to have been sent here by General Cooper, who is now encamped near Webber's Falls, for iJie purpose of getting information in regard to our strength and intentions in the near future. It was by the merest accident that he was detected. When several of our Indian soldiers first saw him near the limits of our camp, they thought that he was a white woman, although there are now very few white women in this country. They also noticed that his movements were peculiar, and not like those of a wo- man, and when they came towards him, he started to run, but in the chase they soon convinced him that his only safety lay in his absolute submission. His gar- ments were probably an impediment to his flight, but as our Indians are generally quite fleet of foot, they would have soon overtaken him anyway. If I were going as a spy into the eneniy's camp, to dress in a woman's suit would be about the last method I should think of adopting, even if I had as marked feminine features as some young men, which I have not. And as to the ti7ne for making such an adven- ture, I should prefer the night to broad daylight, par- ticularly if there was any one in the enemy's camp likely to know me. The engineers have surveyed and laid ofi* the 224 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION ground for the new fortifications at this post. A line of hreastworks is to be thrown up to encompass the stone buildings on the bluff, commencing on the north side and extending around to the south side. The west side is a steep bluff running down to the water's edge of the Grand River. The area to be inclosed on three sides will be about ten acres. Details of men have been made from all the troops here, and ordered to re- port to the officer in charge of the w^orks in the morn- ing, with picks, shovels, &c. When there does not ap- pear to be any immediate danger from attack, soldiers do not usually like to work on fortifications. As the enemy are making no threatening demonstrations, an expression of dissatisfaction may now and then be heard from the men in regard to slinging the pick and shovel. The weather is beginning to get warm, and such arduous labor is not coveted. The picks and shovels have now been flying for three days, and the line of breastworks are rapidly as- suming their proper form. In examining the position to-day, I came to tlie conclusion that there is not an elevation so high as the one on which our works are being constructed, within a less distance than two- miles of us. To the east- and southeast, we could easily sweep the plain with our artillery. To the north and northeast, the enemy's infantry, should he make an assault, would have a better opportunity of ap- proaching near our works through the dense woods and broken ravines. But as we shall have an ahatis over a portion of this ground, we would be able to thin ON THE BORDER— 1863. 225 the ranks of the enemy, should he make an attack from this quarter, before he got through it, by pour- ing into his advancing columns, a constant stream of grape and canister. The heights on the west side of Grand River are too distant for an enemy to shell us with much effect with ordinary field artillery. In a few weeks therefore our position can be made quite a strong one. But the presence of General Cabell in the vicin- ity of Cane Hill a few days ago, with upwards of a thousand cavalry; and the force under General Cooper near us on the opposite side of the Arkansas River, in the vicinity of Webber's Falls, looks as if Colonel Phillips will be required to display great firmness and activity, to enable us to maintain our position here. As the -enemy have two generals operating to the south and east of us ; and as we may suppose that each Gen- eral commands at least two brigades, we have the pros- pect of being matched by superior numbers in a few weeks. According to a reasonable estimate we may conclude that they could, in case of emergency, con- g^t permission, and rush away to take a hand in it, instead of waiting to take their proper places in their companies. While we admire their bravery, we ON THE BORDER-1863. 295 are sometimes called upon to condemn their rashness and indiscretion. As soon as a messenger came in and reported that the force under Colonel "Wattles had been fighting the enemy at Green Leaf, and were falling back, Colonel Phillips immediately sent out Lieutenant-Colonel F. W. Shaurtie with two hundred men — mostly Indians — to relieve Colonel Wattles. But the reinforcements had not marched more than half way to the place where the engagement occurred, when they were met by the force under Colonel Wattles returning to this post. The enemy and our troops had turned their heels on each other. Through his scouts Colonel Phil- lips knew very nearly the exact strength of the enemy, and he was not at all satisfied with the conduct of Colonel Wattles. The enemy's pickets and ours were in swimming to- gether in the Arkansas on the 19th instant. Though they agreed beforehand that they would not endeavor to take advantage of each other, yet they were cautious not to come nearer than a rod of each other, and the men of each party took care to keep nearest the water's edge of their own side of the river. The next day they were less distrustful of each other, and an equal number of men from each side had a friendly confer- ence in the middle of the Arkansas. The two parties talked for sometiine in a good-natured manner of the various contests in which each had participated, of some relative or friend who was taken prisoner in such an engagement; of the prospects of the war, and of 296 MEMOIRS OF THE REBEI!lION the operations of the armies in the east. By an agree- ment of the first day's conference, the rebel soldiers were to-day to bring some tobacco, and our soldiers some coifee, for exchange with each other. Both par- ties kept their promises, and at the meeting on the 20th, exchanged their coffee and tobacco with each other in the middle of the river. As I was acquainted with our river patrol, I had the curiosity to witness the meeting. At this conference the rebel soldiers men- tioned of having the five white prisoners captured by their forces at Green Leaf, on the 16th instant. They also in the course of the conversation said that there had recently been a good many desertions from their army, and that four men who were tried not long since for desertion, have been found guilty and sentenced to be shot, and that the sentence is expected to be carried into effect in a few days. From what we have frequently heard, I believe that the rebels are more rigid in their punishment of deserters than the mili- tary authorities in our armies, although with us the penalty is death for desertion in time of war. "With us there is not much trouble taken to find deserters, and bring them to trial. I have been with our army on the border and in this territory now nearly two years, and there has not yet been a deserter from the troops with which I liave been serving, caught, tried, condemned and executed to my knowledge. We have had a small number of desertions during this period. It is possible, however, that there have been some exe- cutions for desertion at Forts Scott and Leavenworth, ON THE BORDER-1863. 297 as the courts-martial for the trial ot deserters have gen- erally been convened at those posts. There is such a sentiment against inflicting the death penalty, even in cases where the charge is murder, that I have no doubt but that there are officers who would prefer, if the dis- charge of their duties permitted, to be relieved from the disagreeable duty of approving the findings of the court in case of desertion. It is highly gratifying to note the spreading of this more humane sentiment. There is a tendency of our Government not to punish its soldiers so rigorously as formerly for certain offenses. Flogging has been abolished in the army and navy since the war commenced, and no one will contend that the morale of our army has suffered in consequence. It was a barbarous practice, and origina- ted in a less enlightened age than this. Indeed, I doubt whether there ever was an army that was composed of more true gentlemen than is our army at this moment. Supposing that the law had remained on the statutes permitting an upstart of an officer to have a soldier flogged for any petty offense, imaginary or real, and thousands of patriotic men throughout the country would not have so readily come forward and offered their services to the Government? A government that recognizes the manly spirit of its citizen soldiery, will lose nothing by treating them as men in the end. There must of course be discipline; for there has not yet probably been a single regiment organized for the war, into which there has not enlisted several regular dead heats. But men of this class who persist in vio- 298 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION latinpj law and order, as soon as their true characters are known, should be drummed out of the service in disgrace, or if their offenses demand a greater punish- mens, confined in military prisons for definite periods. But even these hard characters the lash and buck and gagging, are not likely to make better. "What their prison discipline should be I am not prepared to say, except that I believe it should be of such a nature as would have a tendency to reform them instead of hard- ening their perverse natures. Colonel Phillips sent out Major Foreman on the 20th instant, with a force of about six hundred men and one twelve-poimd howitzer, to meet our supply train, which has probably left Fort Scott, and is now on the way down. It it is not delayed by high water at the crossing of the Neosho River, he should meet it between that point and Cabin Creek. He will have time to march leisurely, and to send out scouting par- ties to the east and west of his column to ascertain if the enemy have as yet shown any signs of activity in the country above here, with the view of making an- other effort to capture our train. From information received from the enemy's camp on the south side of the river, it is evident that they are making preparations to attack our train at some point above this post. There was great activity in their camp yesterday, and last night they sent out two strong columns of cavalry, one of which is to pass to the east of us and the other to the west of us. Our scouts are watching them closely, and Colonel Phil- ON THE BORDER— 1863. 299 lips is advised of every movement they make. The force that moves to the east of us, it is reported, in- tends to join General Cabell, who has about fifteen hundred men and several pieces of artillery at a point between the Arkansas line, near Cincinnati, and Grand River. Though we do not know their exact intentions, everything points to their intention of concentrating all their mounted forces in the neighborhood of Cabin Creek, and to await the arrival of the train and escort. Should our troops guarding the train find the enemy too strongly posted at this point on the west side to be able to dislodge them, and attempt to cross Grand River at Grand Saline and come down on the east side,, General Cabell will be on hand to thwart the move- ment, or he may cross the river and join General Cooper's force on the west side. They, no doubt, think that they have us in a tight place, and that they will certainly succeed this time in taking our rations from us. But our oflacers are not asleep and ignorant of their movements and designs. They will have to fight harder and show greater deeds of valor than be- fore if they come ofi* victorious in the contest for the prize. There is an old Indian prophet, fortune teller and medicine man at this post, who sometimes has crowds of silly clients around him, desiring him to forecast the future for them. Their faith in his nonsensical performance is remarkable. The belief that certain persons are gifted with prophecy, that they can raise the curtain and peer into the future, and read trifling 300 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION incidents m regard to love scrapes, fortunes, friends lost, &c., is wide spread, and quite common among every people whose history is known to ns. The In- dians here are no more superstitious in this respect than the white people in the most intelligent portions of the country, and even in the most intellectual cen- tres. In nearly all the newspapers that come to us from the great cities of the country, may be seen ad- vertisements of' Fortune Tellers" — "your future told hy astrology," " clairvoyance," " or cards." These people must have customers, or they could not afford to pay for their advertisements. And their advertise- ments indicate that they get their living by fortune telling, which we know is the case. Even here in the far west, there is probably not a single family that has been living in the country half a dozen years, that has not been visited by wandering gypsies on for- tune telling business. But to return to my Indian prophet. He prepares a poultice from different kinds of herbs, and applies it to his head during the night. It is stated by those who are somewhat familiar with him, that he takes into his stomach a certain quantity of the juice of these herbs. Any way, it is said that the herbs affect his nervous system and mind in some mysterious man- ner so that he has very vivid dreams and a kind of nervous exaltation. And even after he awakens he ac- tually has, or feigns to have, a wild, wierd look. It is in this state that he affects to read the future to those around him, whose relaxed jaws and raised eyebrows ON THE BORDER.— 1863. • 801 show their faith in him. To be fully equipped as a prophet, it has been suggested that he should have a witch's cauldron filled with frogs' feet, the beaks of birds and claws of wild animals, and stir them, mait- tering cabalistic words. CHAPTEE XVI. The rebel pickets shout across the river that the Federal supply train is coming — Another rebel force gone to meet the Federal supply train — Movements of the Confederate armies in the East as reported by rebel pickets— Vicksburg closely in- vested by General Grant — Federal troops in southwest Mis. souri — Federal supply train detained by high water at Neo- sho River — Federal supplies running short at Fort Gibson — High water in Grand River — Indian women report heavy fir- ing in the vicinity of Cabin Creek — General Cabell on the east side of Grand River, near Cabin Creek, with artillery — The suspense — A National Salute fired in honor of Independence Day — Beef and Beans for barbecue—The pinch of hunger — Horses and dead rebels floating in the river — Two days' fight- ing at Cabin Creek— Gallant charge of the Colored regiment- Total rout of the enemy— How the Federal troops crossed Cabin Creek under fire — General Cabell unable to join General Cooper's division on account of high water — Arrival of sup- ply train at Fort Gibson. The rebel pickets shouted across the river on the 24:th instant, that our commissary train was on the way down, and that Colonel Dodd was commanding the escort to it, which is composed of two infantry regi- ments and four pieces of artillery. This is really news to our officers here, as we have not heard what troops and how strong a force would guard it down. Our hostile neighbors across the river seem to be better in- ON THE BORDER-1863. 303 formed of the movements of our train and troops in the country above than we are. Livingston, the guer- rilla chieftain, whom I have frequentl}^ mentioned as operatino; in the vicinity of Baxter Springs, it is thought sends couriers to General Cooper every three or four days, and that they must either travel at night or take a route not much frequented by our troops. If Colonel Phillips would have carefully posted at half a dozen points twenty-five or thirty miles above here, say three men at each station, well armed and mounted on good horses, I believe that the enemy's dispatch bearers could be captured. A large part of the remaining force of the enemy on the south side of the Arkansas made a movement in some direction on the 25th. Their pickets intimate that this force has marched out to join the cavalry General Cooper sent out a few days ago to attack our train. That their pickets should venture to refer to the movements of this force in connection with our train looks as if they feel very confident of success, or else believe that we are Derfectly advised of all their movements. It is now reported by our scouts that most of the enemy's camp has been removed back to Elk Creek, some twenty miles south of this post. This explains the activity noticed in theircampon the 25th instant. Should we endeavor to cross the river and compel the flight of the detachments guarding the different fords, they would endeavor to warn their baggage trains at Elk Creek by signals, so that they could be moving 304 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION south, several hours before we could reach that point. The troops of this division, however, are too busily ens^aged elsewhere to make a dash on the enemy's camp. The rebel pickets on Sunday, 28th instant, stated that they had just heard that the Confederate army in the east, under General Lee, has recently gained a great victory over the Federal army, and that our army has fallen back to the immediate vicinity of Washington. They also stated that General Lee is preparing for an- other invasion of Maryland, and intends entering^ Pennsylvania with the army of Northern Yirginia^ with the view of capturing Philadelphia and Balti- more. Though, in our isolation here, news from the East is a long time reaching us, yet that which comes shows that both the Federal and Confederate armies are displaying great activity, and that a great conflict is imminent. The loss of a great battle now, or the capture by the enemy of either of the large cities above mentioned, would be extremely damaging to our cause, and I know that thousands of loyal hearts are trembling in regard to the impending result. Our defeat would encourage the faint hearted, and those in the I*^orth who have all along opposed the war, to cry for peace at almost any price. Our forces, under General Grant, are still besieging Yicksburg,, and our lines are tightening around the enemy there. We may expect to hear of some definite action at that place shortly, as the enemy have now run short of supplies, with very little hope of being provisioned ON THE BORDER-I863. 305 again, as they are surrounded from all sides, and there- fore completely isolated from other divisions of the rebel army. It seems that General Grant has not re- laxed his grasp in the slightest degree since he com- menced the siege. He has perhaps nearly a hundred thousand men, and has already made several furious assaults on the enemy's works. The capture of Yicks- burg and opening of the Mississippi River to the Gulf, will break the backbone of the Confederacy in the West, if not indeed of the entire South. When the Confederacy shall thus be cut into two nearly equal divisions, there can be very little co-operation between the eastern and western Rebel armies. And should reinforcements of a thousand or so men come down with our train the enemy in our from will not likely occupy their position on the south side much longer. What a grand idea it would be if our forces, when the half year is up, could make an ad- vance all along our lines, east and west, and overthrow the enemy at every point. Several Indian women who have just arrived from near the Arkansas line a few miles south of Maysville, state that it was currently reported when they left, that General Brown, commanding the Missouri State troops in southwest Missouri, recently had a fight with Gen- eral Marmaduke's cavalry and defeated it with consid- able loss. We do not hear much about the movements of our troops southwest of Springfield and around Cassville, but hope that they have not been idle. We have expected however, that they would have moved 20 BOB MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION forward and re-occupied Fayetteville before this. Had they done so a month ago, it would have relieved us of the necessity of using so many of the troops of this command in watching the movements of the enemy along the Arkansas line to the east of us, and our iso- lation would not have been so complete as it is atpres- sent. Even at this moment it is probable that a force of the enemy is moving from Arkansas northeast of us, to attack our supply train. If there are as many volunteer troops in Southwest Missouri as there were nearly two months ago when I was at Cassville, it is surely strange that the Department Commander does not permit them to march into Arkansas and seek the enemy. At any rate a large infantry force is not re- quired in Southwest Missouri. A dispatch from Major Foreman states that our commissary train was detained on the north side of the Neosho river, on account of high water. He thought, however, that it would be able to cross in an- other day, provided no other recent heavy rains have fallen upon the region w^hich that river drains. If it crossed that stream as he predicted, it is now within a dav's march of Cabin Creek, where we anticipate it will be attacked by the enemy. All the detachments that Colonel Phillips has sent out to make reconnois- sances within the past two days, report having discov- ered signs of trails through the prairie, which show tliat the enemy have marched in several strong divi- sions, to some point thirty or forty miles above this place. They have had a month to make prepara- ON THE BORDER-1863. 307 tions for this event, and no doubt will make a heroic effort to accomplish their purpose. Their cavalry horses are reported to be in better condition than ours, having had less hard service to perform dnring the spring than ours. And they have an advantage in being able-to choose whatever position they wish. We feel quite anxious here in regard to the result of the struggle, which will doubtless be decided in the course of the next two or three days. We are now, and have been for some ten days, issuing to the troops at this post less than half rations ; a thing that has not occurred before in that division of the army with which I have been connected. Our hard bread and flour, sugar, tea and coffee, are nearly ex- hausted, so that after two days more we shall have to subsist on beans, rice and fresh beef. Fortunately we have sufficient salt for seasoning purposes for perhaps ten days yet. Fresh beef without salt would likely un- dermine the health of our troops in a short time. A considerable quantity of wheat has been obtained re- cently, which under a stress can be cooked and used for food. But the soldiers, whites and Indians, appear very cheerful ; and we do not apprehend that we shall be obliged to kill the dogs, and mules and horses here, before our provisions reach us. The shortness of rations and the isolation of our position sometimes causes the soldier to jocularly refer to such a contin- gency. The Indian dogs would not be fit for any- thing except soup, as there is very little flesh on their bones ; besides they are generally quite small. Pro- 308 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION bably nearly every boy, soon after he begins to read, drifts into reading the histories of wars and sieges. Nothing can be more interesting to the young mind of the budding man, j udging by my own experience. "Well, as we are into the same kind of war as those we used to read about, we know that we are liable to be subjected to hardships and privations as severe as any of those mentioned in the histories we read. We do not absolutely know what a day may bring forth. But our stomachs would rebel against such food as the flesh of dogs, and mules and horses, in fact absolutely refuse it for some days yet. While a dog's flesh is perhaps equally as clean as that of a hog, our educa- tion through generations has been such that we refuse the former with disgust, almost amounting to nausea, and relish the latter as a delicacy. Horses and mules are clean-feeding animals, indeed as niuch so as sheep and cattle ; yet the thought of having to use their flesh for food, would almost derange the appetite of those who are not even getting their full rations. If our imaginations did not act so powerfully on our stomachs, I cannot see why the flesh of these animals, if slaughtered in good healthy condition, should not be as wholesome as beef and mutton. But there is an old saying, " That which is one man's food, is an- other man's poison." Grand River has risen considerably since June 29th, and we hear that there have been heavy rains in the direction of southern Kansas recently. The rise in the river that is just commencing here now, is proba- ON THE BORDER-1863. 30^ bly from the same rains that caused the big rise in the Neosho, and detained our train there several days. How this rise in the Grand Eiverwill affect the opera- tions of the two opposing forces above here, we will know in a few days. Two Indian women came into our camp July 1st from a section about fifteen miles north of Tahlaquah, and they report that a large force of the enemy, com- posed of cavalry and artillery, passed their places yes- terday evening, moving westward in the direction of Grand Saline. This, we are informed through our scouts, is the force I mentioned about a week ago as being encamped at Cincinnati, on the Arkansas line, under command of Brigadier-General Cabell. If the enemy arrive on the ground at the place they have chosen to make the attack, as they doubtless have, be- fore our troops and train come up, they will be able to fortify themselves to some extent. They can also make a thorough survey of the position they have chosen, so that if they are driven from one point, they will have another position equally as good for attack or defense. It is not likely that they feel so sure of success , that they will not leave a way open for re- treat. A deserter from the rebel command, now encamped on Elk Creek, was brought in this morning, July Lst, and he states that just before he left the enemy on the 28th ultimo, General Cooper had sent out another division of cavalry to join the force that had gonef out several days previous. He says that they are very 310 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION confident of success this time, as they have made great preparations, and are well advised of the move- ments of the train and escort since they left Fort Scott. It was the intention of the first division that went ont, he thinks, to examine all the positions be- tween Flat Kock and Cabin Creek, and to select the one which would be the most advantageous for mak- ing the attack. An experienced engineer ofticer ac- companied them, so that nothing should be laking to make the organization of the expedition complete. "Well, from all the information we have been able to obtain, it is regarded as certain that the enemy's forces have converged at a point about forty miles above here in the neighborhood of Cabin Creek, yesterday even- ing (June 30th). Our train and escort, according to our calculation, should arrive there July 1st, perhaps in the afternoon. The contest for the prize will soon have been settled. As it is now eleven days since Major Foreman left here with his force of six hundred men and one twelve-pound mountain howitzer, he has had ample time to march as far north as Hudson's Ford on the Neosho, or perhaps to Baxter Spring, fifteen miles still further north. In either event he will probably advise Colonel Williams, commanding the First regiment Kansas colored volunteers at Bax- ter Spring, of the preparations that the enemy have been making to capture the train. As Colonel Williams has the reputation of being a gallant ofiicer, and as he will doubtless be anxious to give his colored troops an opportunity of displaying their valor on the field, we ON THE BORDER-1863. 311 feel quite sure, from what we have heard of him, that, if his orders are not too positive to remain where he is, he will accompany the train with his regiment. At such a time as this he should not be hampered with orders that would keep his regiment inactive when it is needed, within the hearing of booming artillery. Though there is still some prejudice in regard to using colored soldiers in the field beside white sol- diers, and though I think that this prejudice has been somewhat respected, yet, under the present pressure, I do not believe that any serious objection will be made to the colored regiment coming down to participate in the fight, for if it does, the proportion of white Iroops will be less than Indians and colored soldiers, unless there is a regiment of white troops along that we have not heard of. I hope that Colonel Williams will be permitted to bring his regiment along, and that his men will show a disposition to enter the lists in com- petition for bravery, if the enemy make the attack which we believe they have planned ; so that our ene- my neighbors across the river may become fully satis- fied that colored soldiers are not myths. We have been discussing the situation at Cabin Creek, and it was suggested that this night our ofticers may be in conference concerning the plan of attack or defense for the morrow. If such is the case, we hope that their deliberations will be full of wisdom, and that they may have strength and valor to carry out their plans. Another day has dawned ; the sun has climbed the 312 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION middle sky and is now descending low on the western heights; our rations are well nigh exhausted, and our soldiers are beginning to feel the pinch of hunger. I pause a moment in anxious suspense. I have just been to the river, and I find that it has risen nearly two feet since this hour yesterday even- in o-. Every one is anxious for news from our train and troops, for it is regarded as quite certain that an engagement has taken place or is in progress. Several Indian women who have just arrived from Grand Saline state that they heard artillery and musketry firing yes- terday evening in the direction of Cabin Creek. They also state that they heard of a large force of the enemy being encamped near Grand Saline, who were unable to cross Grand River on account of its being so full, and that the river is unusually high at that point this season. They seem to have bee.n much frightened when they started, and came as quickly as possible, that they might be under the protection of Colonel Phillips, and learn the result of the engagement, as they have near relatives in the Third Indian regiment. Colonel Phillips has watched over the Indians with such solicitude, that the men, women and children regard him almost, if not quite, with real afitection. They show commendable zeal, too, in keeping him advised of the movements of the enemy. And from my own observations since I have been with this command, I believe it would have been impossible for any other officer to have won such affectionate regard from these Indians. ON THE BORDER-1863. 313 To-day (July 3rd) was very quiet along the Arkan- sas; the enemy's pickets were in suspense as well as our troops at this post. They do not even seem to have heard of the artillery and musketry firing- of Wednesday evening. Or if they have, they do not oth parties feel an interest in preventing the destruc- tion of county records. Unless the county records can be restored after the war, a good deal of confusion is likely to arise in regard to the titles to property. Those owning real estate in Missouri, cannot but feel ON THE BORDER-1863. some anxiety in regard to tne matter. Though it may be that the General Land Officer will show to whom any given piece of property was conveyed by the gov- ernment, it will not show the title of the present own- er to such property if it has been sold by the original purchaser from the government. The enemy are getting quite bold in this vicinity of late. A party of guerrillas, under Captain Taylor,, crossed the line on the night of the 24th, and came within about two miles of this post, and robbed sev- eral families. Major Bhir, who is kept quite busy in fitting out trains to carry supplies to our troops in the Indian country, is also obliged to be constantly on the alert in looking after the guerrillas in this section. If our troops become a little inactive along the bord- er, the enemy soon finds it out and commences com- mitting depredations. The commanding officer at the post should have a sufficient cavalry force at his dis- posal to send out two detachments every day, to the east, the southeast and the northeast of this place, say twenty -five or thirty miles. But even such a measure would not absolutely stop their depredations and raids into Kansas, for they generally stop during the day at some isolated and lonely spot where our troops are not likely to find them. If they return to their retreats by separate paths and byways, they need not make a trail that could be easily followed by our troops. Kebel families from Yernon county, Missouri, come in here every day to trade with our merchants, and, no doubt, easily get such information in regard to our "366 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION movements as to keep the enemy well advised. I made some inquiries for my own satisfaction in rela- tion to this matter, and I found that almost every day there are women of questionable loyalty, coming in here from Yernon and Barton counties, Missouri — sometimes, too, from a distance of twenty -five or thirty miles. They generally claimed to have passes, and I presume they did, having got some one to vouch for them, so that they come and go undisturbed. They may purchase not only articles for domestic use, but also ammunition for the enemy. My own idea is that we should be more vigilant in such things. Loyal men, no doubt, often thoughtlessly vouch for parties whom they should not. It would not be pleasant to know that we have been furnishing the enemy with the means for our own destruction. Yet there is reason to believe that we have sometimes done it. A detachment of cavalry just up from Fort Gibson, report that the cholera has broken out among the troops at that j)Ost, and that quite a number have al- ready died from that dreadful disease. General Blunt is also on the sick list. It can hardly be what is known as the Asiatic cholera, for that type of cholera generally appears in the east and travels westward. "When we were on short rations at Fort Gibson last month, I suggested that there was some danger of constitutional disturbances following our radical change of food. Of course, I had not the slightest idea what form the constitutional disturbance would likely take. By inquiry I ascertained that the men ON THE BORDER-1863 367 did not relish their food; and I felt sure, too, that it was not making good healthy blood, without which no one can disj^lay prolonged activity, nor long retain good health. From the 22d of June to the 4th of July, nearly all the white men belonging to the gar- rison force at Fort Gibson, lost from one to several pounds of flesh. JSTor is this all. At the end of our fast, nearly everyone had sustained a loss of energy and bouyancy. Even after we commenced to issue full rations, the loss of power was not immediately re- stored to the men. It may be that the digestive and assimilative organs became enfeebled with the rest of the system. This, however, is a question which the med- ical profession should be most competent to decide. After the system becomes deteriorated by poor food, it must, of necessity, take some time to build up good healthy tissues, even when nutritious food has been supplied to the stomach and alimentary system. The small-pox, also, when we recently left Fort Gib- son, was still aflflicting our troops there — particularly the Indians. Since I referred to this disease last March, we have lost a good many Indian soldiers by it. But the greatest mortality caused by it has been among refugee Indian families. Though my bump of curiosity has taken me around to notice everything I could think of, it never took me to the small-pox hospital. Considering the heterogeneous mass of humanity we had together last winter, we are, perhaps, fortunate that we were no worse afflicted ■during the spring and summer, and no doubt 368 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION would have been, were it not for the vigilant eye of Colonel Phillips. On the 28th, "W. S. Tough, Captain and Chief of Scouts, shot and killed a soldier on the street. It seems that the soldier was drunk and making some demonstration which led Tough to believe that he was endeavoring to draw his pistol. From what I can find out about the matter, however, I think it would have been much more creditable to Captain Tough to have turned his pistol against the enemy. Why a Captain of civilian scouts should be one hundred and fifty miles from the front is unaccountable to me anyway. 'Nov have I heard of him being with us any time during the spring or summer. We have noticed more drunk- enness among the soldiers since we came here two weeks ago, than during the six months in Colonel Phillips' division. In fact, a drunken soldier, white or Indian, was a rare sight. Major Blair, the Post commander, is going to issue an order shortly, closing up those whisky shops that sell intoxicating liquors to soldiers. It would be a great blessing, not only to many families, but to many inebriates themselves, if some effective measures could be adopted to check the evil. The evils likely to arise from the use of intoxica- ting liquors, should be pointed out in the moral teach- ing of the head of every family as clearly and forci- bly as possible. But there will be legislative tinker- ing on the subject of prohibition for generations yet. The enforcing of the draft is beginning to cause a good deal of excitement in the eastern cities, and has ON THE BORDER— 1863 369 already resulted in a great not m New York city, where hundreds of men have been either killed, beaten or bruised. To my mind, men who will risk their lives in resisting the draft rather than enlist in the service of the Government at this time, cannot be counted on much for their loyalty. That there should be so many traitors to the Government in the Korth, is really surprising. Every leader who advises resist- ing the draft, should be either hung or banished be- yond our lines. The Government must either act firmly or surrender to the enemy. It cannot afford to trifle with the foe at home any more than at the front. Everybody now is either friend or foe of the Govern- ment. There is no half-way ground; and anyone pre- tending to be neutral is endeavoring to hide his dis- loyalty behind that term. It would be much more honorable for them to come out and avow their dis- loyalty. These very men, too, who wish to be neu- tral, if they are assaulted or robbed, are as quick to appeal to the Government for protection or relief, as the staunchest supporter of the Union cause. But if they are really neutral what right have they to ask the Government for protection of life or property ? In the first place, the Government cannot recognize the right of any one to remain neutral in a life or death struggle like the present. Those who believe that the Government is worth preserving, should willingly risk their lines in its defense; that is, if they are not too cowardly to shoulder the musket. It would doubt- less be safe to predict that many of those now claim- 24 370 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION ing to be neutral, and who have liad,or may yet have \ supplies taken from them by our army, will ask the Government to pay for such supplies after the war. As there is not the remotest probability of the Govern- ment paying the enemy for supplies taken from them I don't see how it can pay the neutrals for supplies taken from them, since by their own choosing they have not classed themselves among its friends. These riotous de- monstrations in the North, 1 have no doubt, give great encouragement to the enemy, and will have a ten- dency to prolong the war. Since the recent great vic- tories of our armies from the East to the far West, the ■enemy, like a drowning man, are willing to catch at a straw. Though the rioters may greatly assist the en- emy by keeping many of our troops at home who should be at the front, yet the riots will prove a weak straw for the enemy to cling to. Colonels Phillips and Wattles came in on the 30th from Fort Gibson, with a smaller escort and a number of the wounded from the battle of Honey Springs. They do not furnish any additional information in re- gard to that battle. From conversations with several other parties, I am satisfied that the account which I have written out is substantially correct. Had I gone more into details, I should have given greater promi- nence to the part which Colonel Phillips' brigade took in the engagement. I should like to see not only Fort Scott, but every town in Kansas through which Colo- nel Phillips passes, give him a warm welcome. ISTo citizen of this State has so honorably earned the grati- ON THE BORDER— 1863. 371 tude of his fellow-citizens as he has, for in his various contests with the enemy during the last six months, lie has saved this State from invasion, and the homes of our citizens from desolation. The small politicians may receive ovations in the same places where he passes unnoticed, but the small politician will long have been forgotten, when he will live in the memory of our people as one of the real heroes of the Great Rebellion. This war, in which the great principle of human freedom is involved, marks an epoch in history that will live long after the history of wars waged for political power will have dwindled into nothingness. There are many now living, who will, in less than twenty years from this, doubtless regret that they did not take a hand in this great struggle for justice and right. The large commissary train is now nearly ready to start for Fort Blunt. It is encamped on Dry Wood Creek, twelve miles south of here. The escort will be under command of Colonel Thomas Bowen, of the 13th Kansas infantry, and will, perhaps, be in readi- ness to march by August 2d. It is not known yet whether the enemy will make another effort to capture it or not. The latest information from Fort Gibson indicates that General Cooper has been reinfoi'ced bv General Steele, from Texas, with three or four thou- sand men and some artillery. Unless General Blunt receives reinforcements soon, the enemy may assume the offensive and attack him, or send a force north of him to attack the train. It is likely, however, that 372 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION the escort will be strengthened by troops from Fort Blunt by the time it reaches the Keosho River. The JFourteenth 'Ksnis'ds cavalry is being recruited very rapidly, and in a few weeks will be ready to elect field officers. Major Blair, commanding this post, will probably be made Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment. Two or three companies raised in Southern Kansas for this regiment have already been doing escort duty for several weeks. The Government is now offering three times as much bounty for each enlistment as it was under the first and second calls of the President for volunteers two years ago. Some time in the future I have no doubt but that there will be a de- mand made for equalization of bounties. Those who enlisted early in the war, should surely fare as well as those who enlisted several years later. Several of the States that have not yet filled their quotas of troops under the several calls of the President, are offering larger bounties for enlistments than the Government allows. Kansas at present is unable to offer any State bounty. In the east there are men known as " bounty jumpers." They enlist into the service, receive the Government and State bounties, and then desert and go to some other place and enlist again under another name. From accounts that I have seen, it seems that there are men who have made quite large sums of money by such dishonorable transactions. I regret that my duty as a conscientious observer of the actions of men in connection with the war, compels me to re- mark, that even here there are manv whose chief in- ON THE BORDER.-1863. 373 terest in the Government is ro get fat jobs out of it, and to fleece the soldiers of their hard earnings by charging them and their families exorbitant prices for everything they get. Their loyalty is not of that kind that leads men to brave the dangers and hardships of the field and the camp. The less loyalty we have of this kind the better off we shall be. Information has just reached here from Kansas City that the Government sent out from that place, on the 2nd instant, a large train for new Mexi- co; and as it was thought that Quantrell, with his guerrilla force, would attack it about the time it would cross over into Kansas, Captain Harvey, of the Sixth Kansas cavalry, with a detachment of forty men, was ordered in the direction from which it was believed that the enemy would approach the train. He had not march- ed many miles, however, when he came in contact with Captain Coleman of the Ninth Kansas cavalry, and a lively fight ensued before the mistake was discovered. As Captain Coleman had a much larger force than Cap- tain Harve}^, the latter retreated, and perhaps got the worst of the affair. He had several men wounded, and was himself run over and trampled under the horses' feet and seriously injured. As Quantrell's men don the Federal uniform whenever it suits their purpose, our troops in Jackson and Cass counties, Missouri, do not alw^ays know when they are meeting the enemy until he has delivered his fire. With all the activity that our troops have displayed in those counties during the last six months, the guerrillas there are still as trouble- 374 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION some as at anj time since the commencement of the war. Though the country through which they range and carry on their predatory war is not mountainous, a portion of it is so thickly wooded that it is easy for them to find retreats miles from any human habita- tion. When they make a successful raid on a small body of our troops, or a train, or a town, and capture certain supplies that they require, it is stated that such supplies are conveyed to their retreats and kept for future use. Our troops have on several occasions found out their retreats, and captured or destroyed the property which they had stored. Two bushwhackers were killed on the 7th by our troops near Balltown, twenty-two miles east of this post, in Yernon county, Missouri. They are believed to have been in the party that killed Whitesides, the enlisted scout, a few weeks ago, only a few miles east of Fort Scott, near the State line. One of the bush- whackers had a pass through the Federal lines in his pocket. It is doubtful whether the enemy keep ahead of us in the killing business; and if they do not, Ave can stand it longest. Even without the aid of the colored soldiers, the northern and middle States can furnish many more able-bodied men than the rebel- lious states. One would have thought that the leaders of the rebellion would have carefully consulted the cen- sus returns, and studied the resources of the North^ before plunging the country into a war in which they could not reasonably hope to be successful, unless they went into it on the hypothesis that one southern man. ON THE BORDER-1863. 375 could whip ^ye "Yankees," as I heard a man say in Texas, about the time of the election of Mr. Lincoln. By reason of their own narrowness, the southern peo- ple have not allowed themselves to become acquainted with the strength and resources of the North. A news- paper like the 'New York Tribune, that discusses the affairs of the whole country freely, was not allowed to circulate in the South before the war. To have it found upon his person in some of the Southern States was almost worth a man's life. They could tolerate almost any of the shortcomings to which human nature is prone, but to say that " Slavery is wrong " was an un- pardonable offense. No criminal was so damnable in their eyes as an abolitionist. Dispatches from the East of recent date show that the rebel leaders are bewailing theii* misfortunes pit- eously in their appeals to their followers. They are beginning to feel the weight of the strong arm of the Government, and it seems to me that nothing but blind stupidity could induce them to continue a struggle that is utterly hopeless, unless they wish to make a show of dying in the last ditch. It is now more difficult for the so-called Confederate Government to raise additional troops than it is for the United States. They commenced conscripting before we commenced drafting; and I think that the rebel armies east and west have lost a great many more men by desertions tlian our armies have. It is now generally thought that Kansas will not be obliged to draft any men, under any former calls of 376 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION the President, as she has already furnished very nearly her quota. Her citizens have responded to the several calls of President Lincoln with a patriotic promptness that challenges the admiration of the country. But to fill her quota under the present call for four hun- dred and fifty thousand men, may possibly require the enforcement of the draft before many months shall have elapsed. Nearly all the young men full of patri- otic pride, and who v/ere willing to risk their lives for the Government, have already enlisted. There are many that will be subject to the draft who have a great dread of being made targets for rebel bullets. It is said that they shudder, and that their teeth almost chatter when they read of the great battles in which the men fall in heaps upon each other, and have their limbs torn from their bodies by shot and bursting shells. To those of timid natures, and who almost faint at the sight of human blood, it is not likely the battle field, with the w^ounded and dying, is a very fas- cinating picture. At any rate they have a horror of contemplating. themselves as going to make up such a picture. The 10th of August is the second anniversary of my enlistment. Many comrades whose faces were familiar at the morning roll call, on drill and on the march, have dropped out of the ranks and lie buried upon distant fields. The forms and features of fallen com- rades, when my thoughts turn back upon the past two years, rise up before me and arouse feelings of real sadness. But ere our work shall have been ON THE BORDER-1863. 377 accomplished, our ranks will doubtless be thinned still more bj death. Fort Scott has recently been made the Headquarters District of the Frontier, commanded by General Blunt. Captain J. G. Haskell, his Chief Quartermaster, and Major H. Z. Curtis, his Assistant Adjutant-General, will remain here for the present. Since August, 1861, this has been the principal place on the border for organizing and equipping our troops for the field. Though only four miles west of the State line, it has not yet been captured by the enemy. They have, how- ever, at difl:erent times, captured and killed our pickets, and made several raids on the Government stock graz- ing on the prairie near town. The place has increased in importance, as a business center, since it has been made a regular depot of supplies. The merchants have a trade extending to a distance of sixty to seven- ty-five miles around, besides a large trade in outfitting sutlers who accompany the army. It is not likely that the town will diminish in importance even after the war, for it is located in a rich agricultural region? besides the rich deposits of bituminous coal in this vicinity will probably be extensively worked in a few years, which will cause capital and immigration to flow into this section. The prairies around us, now clothed with tons of wild grass per acre, will teem with fields of golden grain. But hundreds of tons ot this wild grass can now be used to good purpose by the Gov- ernment as forage for its animals. Captain M. H. Insley, the Depot Quartermaster, has commenced lett- 378 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION ing contracts for forage and fuel, and in a few months we shall see long hay ricks rising on the Government lots, and great quantities of corn and oats filling the Government cribs, and the estimated number of cords of wood and tons of coal stored in" their proper places. Farmers and teamsters will have no trouble in finding active employment from this time until late in the season. , Everybody has an opportunity of making money but the soldier. The farmer gets a good price for everything that he raises; and the mechanic good wages for his labor. A civilian who can barely make a living now would probably be in poverty in ordinary times. When the war closes those who have remained at home will have had opportunities to become almost rich, while the soldiers will have grown poor. It will require unusual energy and economy for the ex-soldier to ever get even with his civilian neighbor in regard to social standing and ease. And no one ever esti- mates the sacrifice the volunteer soldier makes when he offers his services to his Government. There has been quite an excitement among the col- ored men about town for several days in regard to drafting them. The farce of drafting a considerable number was gone through with, but as the ofiicers had no legal authority to draft them, they have been releas- ed and returned to their business, or enlisted volun- tarily. Enlistments for the Second Kansas colored regiment have been going on at a lively rate for sev- eral days; and it is quite likely that the recruiting officers have endeavored to impress the able-bodied ON THE BORDER-1863. 379 colored men with the idea that they may be drafted shortly, and that it will be better for them to enlist now and secure the generous bounty offered by the Government. Indeed it has been suggested that the recruiting officer got up the excitement for the pur- pose of increasing the number of enlistments per diem. There is a strong incentive to resort to such a trick, for the sooner the officers get their company organizations complete, the sooner they will get mus- tered into the service. I think, however, that a straight- forward course is best in such matters, then there can be no excuse for complaint on the part of the soldier after enlistment. Our enthusiasm for a good cause should never make us dishonest towards those whom we wish to act with us. I see no objection, however^ to the recruiting officers making pretty little speeches to those whom they wish to become candidates for enlistment, by appealing to their sense of patriotism,, and by telling them " what a grand and heroic thing it is to die for one's country." - There are a good many men whose patriotism is quite latent, and who need some stimulant to arouse them from their state of indiffer- ence. They do not always see the connection between the peace and happiness of their quiet homes and the stability of a Government founded on just laws. It therefore becomes proper to point out to them, in as forcible language as possible, that there come times in the history of Governments when they find it neces- sary to call on their citizens to assist in enforcing the laws, and in defending the life of the nation against 380 MEMOIRS OF THE REBE*LLION foreign or domestic foes. Pictures might be drawn bringing vividly before their minds the fact that, were it not for the strong arm of the Government, their families might very shortly be weeping over their slaughtered bodies in the midst of the ruins of their desolated homes. The fife and drum corps often per- forms excellent service in stirring up the martial pride of those just in from the country. Every soldier who enlisted early in the war will remember the stirring air of "The Girl I left behind me." CHAPTEE XX. A Post established at Baxter Springs, with a Detachment of Cav- alry — Bombardment of Charleston and probable fall of Forts Sumter and Wagner — Guerrillas along the Border display- ing unusual Activity — Large quantities of Hay being put up for the Government at Fort Scott — Burning and Sacking of Lawrence by Quantrell — Murder of one hundred and fifty of her Citizens — Escape of the Desperadoes into Missouri — Fed- eral troops in pursuit — The Guerillas break up into small De- tachments—Kansas needs a State Militia — Looking around for some one to blame — General Ewing and Schofield De- nounced — Some favor the wild notion of a Grand Army of Invasion, to destroy everything in Missouri for a distance of forty miles from Kansas— Folly of the Scheme — Generals Cooper and Cabell threatening General Blunt — Paola Mass Meeting — Plan of removal of Rebel Families considered. A detacliment of the Third Wisconsiu cavalry was ordered by Colonel Blair to Baxter Springs, on the morning of the ITth, for the purpose of occupying that place as a regular station. Several months ago, in looking over the route of our trains from Fort Scott to Gibson, I remarked, that there was great need of a detachment of cavalry at Baxter. There is no point between this place and Gibson, where a small force of cavalry can be stationed to better advantage. And had not all his cavalry that could be spared been 382 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION employed on escort duty, Colonel Blair would have ordered several companies there months ago. Some sort of fortifications have already been constructed, and one or two companies of colored infantry and a piece of light artillery are stationed there to defend the place. With this detachment of cavalry also sta- tioned there, to scout the surrounding country, guer- rilla depredations should shortly almost cease. At any rate the guerrillas in that section can be watched more closely, and perhaps prevented from concentrating in sufficient force to attack our trains. Reports from the East state that General Gilmore's forces, besieging Charleston^ are gradually battering down the enemy's works. From accounts, the bom- bardment of the city and of Forts Sumter and Wag- ner, recently, must have been terrific. It is thought that Sumter will certainly fall in a few days, as great breaches have already been made in some portions of the defences. Our siege-gun batteries keep pouring in such a steady stream of shot and shell, that the en- emy do not get time to repair the openings. The fall of Charleston will be a great humiliation to the rebels, since it was at that place they seized the first Govern- ment property, and made the first attack upon the United States troops. They are not having such a jolly time as when they were besieging Major Ander- son's little command^in April, 1861. They will, un- questionably, be in a bad way when the hot-bed in which their secession ideas have been nurtured since the days of Calhoun, shall have been captured by our forces. ON THE BORDE 11-186:3. 383 Information recieved here from several points along the border towards Kansas City, indicates that the guerrilla bands in the counties of Jackson, Cass and Johnson, are displaying unusual activity. It is just a year ago since they concentrated in Jackson County, and attacked Lone Jack, and captured two pieces of ar- tillery from our troops. This present great activity portends some mischief It is not thought now that they can get together more than three or four hun- dred men in that section. But considering that every man is almost loaded down with repeating rifles and revolvers, this force is equal to about a thousand of our best troops. Our ofiicers operating along the border know approximately the number of men each guer- rilla chieftain can muster. With that number of men they are not likely to attack any of our stations along the border, for they have never to my knowledge at- tacked a superior force of our troops. They have, how- ever, fought like tigers to get out of a tight place. For fifty miles south of Kansas City, we have, I should think, not less than fifteen hundred troops. They know, or should know, the character of the en- emy with whom they have to deal. And of course they understand perfectly that they cannot with safety relax their vigilance for a single day. QuantrelPs band is known to be composed of the worst men in the country, and would no doubt like an opportunity to cross the line and invade Kansas. The people of this State know that they have repeatedly threatened to make a raid into it, to recapture the stook, etc., 384 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION alleged to have been taken from Missouri by our troops. From what we know of his men, we have reason to believe that they will not only commit such depredations as robbery and plunder, but that their trail will be stained by the blood of our citizens, and the torch they may also apply almost indiscriminately. But they are closely looked after by the troops under General Thomas Ewing, commanding District of the Border. Nothing further has been heard of the gathering of the guerrilla bands under Quantrell north of us, and everything has been unusually quiet at this post, and in this section for several days. Our scouting parties into Missouri return without having heard anything of the guerrillas, who have for the last year infested Yernon and Barton Counties. Indeed for several days past, each day is a repetition of the day before. The sentinels guarding public property at different points, walk leisurely to and fro upon their beats, with their bright muskets on their shoulders, as in times of pro- found peace. Captain M. H. Insley, the Depot Quar- termaster, is beginning to receive the new hay re- cently contracted for, and a number of large ricks have commenced going up. The dust has been flying all day, on all the roads leading into town, caused by the numerous civilian teams hauling hay and coal, for de- livery on contract. While the work of laying in the winter supply of fuel and forage is going on, there is also great activity at all the Commissary, Quartermas- ter and Ordinance store houses. Trains from Fort UN THE BORDER— 1863. 385 Leavenworth are unloading at one place, and trains for Fort Gibson are loading at another place. The depot and staff quartermasters, commissiaries and ordinance officers, are kept busy in supplying the troops in the Indian country with stores furnished by their respec- tive departments. Considering the amount of Gov- ernment property stored at this post, some of our offi- cers feel apprehensions for its safety, for if the enemy should capture or kill our pickets, and make a dash upon the place in the night, we are not sure that Co- lonel Blair has a sufficient number of troops at his disposal to successfully defend the town, or public pro- perty. He is vigilant, however, and may not permit the enemy to approach very near unobserved. Information reached this post, on the evening of the 22d, that the city of Lawrence in this State was sack- ed, burned and nearly two hundred of her citizens killed, by about three hundred men under Quantrell, at day-break on the morning of the 21st instant. It seems that Quantrell crossed the State line on Thurs- day evening, 20th instant, with his force, and marched all night, and reached Lawrence Friday morning a.t four o'clock, and immediately commenced their fiend- ish work of robbing, burning property, and shooting- down the male citizens who were unarmed and de- fenseless. A gentleman who escaped from the scene of the slaughter and desolation, described to me this evening, quite vividly, what he saw, and I have obtain- ed particulars from other sources, all tending to show that it would be impossible to exaggerate the fiendish- 25 .'B86 MEMOIRS OP THE HEBELLION -ness of the ruffians. The ruffians, when they approach- 'ed the city, threw a guard around it to j)revent any of ■the men from escaj^ing. They then marched into the ;|vrincipal part of the city and commenced their work. Everything in the way of money and jewelry was tak- en, the houses set on lire, and tlie men shot down in the presence of their families. Many instances are reported, in which men were shot down while their wives, daughters and mothers were clinging to them, and begging that they might be spared. But the en- treaties of the women, that the lives of those so dear to them might be spared, had no effect on the harden- ed hearts of the monsters in human form. If there were no women to remove the lifeless bodies of the men, they were left to be consumed by the devour- ing ilames. The loss of life by this worse than fiendish act, cannot be accurately known until the ruins of the desolated city have been carefully examined. I have also heard that the enemy threw a good many bodies into wells and cisterns. In less than half an hour after the enemy entered the city, it was in a sheet of flame. All the best portion of it has been burned, and hun- dreds of families have not only lost all their male members but their houses and effects also. For cruel- ty and heartlessness, I doubt whether this outrage has a parallel in modern warfare. And were it not al- ready committed, it would be difficult to believe that three hundred fiends could be got together in this country for the purpose of committing it. They sur- prised and captured twenty-five colored recruits, who ON THE BORDEU-1863. 387 v\'er(3 shot dead on the spot. A few men escaped through corn fields adjacent to the city. Someone carried the news of the enemy being in the city to Senator Lane, and he escaped on horseback. He had left but a moment when they surrounded his house with the full confidence that they had caught him. After they had satiated themselves by robbing, burn- ing and murdering for several hours, they withdrew and marched towards Missouri. They remounted themselves on fresh horses, obtained from the public and private stables in Lawrence, and each man led back the horse which he rode into the city, or obtain- ed a better one in its place. With fine fresh animals, our best cavalry companies on the border, on account of the hard service their horses have performed this summer, could not have kept up with the enemy many hours. If Quantrell is hotly pursued by our troops, he can leave his led horses and the goods with which some of them are known to have been packed. But as it is only about thirty-five miles from Lawrence to the State line, it was soon apparent that he would get back into Missouri unmolested, or, at any rate, with a trifling loss of men and property. An interval of two days brought additional particu- lars. General Lane, a few hours after his flight from his home, collected together about twenty men, and followed and overtook, and skirmished with the rear of the enemy about twelve miles from Lawrence. He also dispatched couriers to various points where we had troops stationed, with the view of having them 388 MEMOIRS OF THE IlEBELLION intercept the enemy. Anyway, our troops between Kansas City and Paola got word of the destruction of Lawrence, and the naassacre of her citizens, and made an eifort to intercept Quantrell on his return. A few miles north of Paola our troops and citizens attacked him, but as he was not disposed to fight he managed to evade them, and get into Missouri with the loss of two or three men, and some of the animals that were being led. As it is mostly a prairie country between Lawrence and the State line, and as our officers were informed, a few hours after he passed into Kansas, of the fact, I am yet unable to understand why more effective measures were not taken to j^ursue him the moment he invaded the State, and to intercept him on his return. The section that he passed over between the State line and Lawrence is rather thickly settled, and some of the citizens on his line of march are surely chargeable with gross negligence in failing to inform the people of Lawrence, and our officers, of the enemy's movements. It is reported that Captain Coleman sent a messenger to warn Lawrence that Quantrell had passed into Kansas, and might be moving in that direction. But the messenger was either intercepted by the enemy, or the enemy reach- ed Lawrence before him. Our troops are still continumg the pursuit, but as the enemy have reached the heavily wooded country of Cass county, they will probably break up into small bands, and return to their isolated retreats, where it will be difficult to find them. Colonel ON THE BORDER.-1863. 389 Saysear, of the First Missouri State Militia cavalry, commenced a vigorous pursuit of Quantrell soon after he crossed into Missouri, and overtook him on Big Creek near Harrisonville, and killed six of his men. Majors Plumb and Thatcher, of the Eleventh Kansas cavalry, have also overtaken several detachments of the enemy, and killed a number of his men. As QuantrelPs men have so often threatened the destruction of Lawrence during the last eighteen months, and as the place is second in size and impor- tance in the State, and the home of Senator Lane, it is unaccountable why several companies of troops have not been stationed there. Having always been op- posed to the border ruffians, it has since the war been an object of especial hatred by them. If a battalion from the regularly organized forces could not have been spared from active service on the border, then a militia force should have been organized for the pro- tection of the city, somewhat on the plan of the Mis- souri State troops. Kansas needs a State militia or- ganization just as much as Missouri, for our towns, as distant from the State line as the second tier of coun- ties, are liable to attack and destruction by detachments of guerrillas from Missouri at almost any time. It is possible for a small detachment of men mounted on good animals to penetrate the State, unobserved, for a distance of thirty-five or forty miles, during a single night's march. Even if their horses should get much fatigued, they would have very little trouble in getting fresh ones. There are a great many men who do not 390 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION wish to enter the vokinteer service, yet who could be easily induced to enter the militia service of the State for their immediate protection. With a well organized militia, there would be no need for any portion of the volunteer forces to occupy a place as distant from the scene of active operations as Lawrence. Kow that Quantrell has committed his fiendish act and escaped deserved punishment, our people, political leaders particularly, are looking around for some one upon whom to cast the blame. A good deal of excite- ment seems likely to grow out of the barbarous act of the enemy, for it is a shock to not only the people of this State, but to the entire North, and to loyal hearts everywhere. It is, however, in perfect keeping with the principle for which the South is fighting. Our people could never be led to commit such atrocious acts, except by way of retaliation; and even then, I think few men could be found mean enough to take gold rings from the fingers of ladies, as Quantrell's men did. But there is a phase of the discussion of this great crime that I regret to hear. Some are loud in their denunciation of Generals Ewing and Schofield, and there are others who not only denounce these ofii- cers for permitting the enemy to invade the State, but insist that it is the duty of the citizens of Kansas to assemble at some point and march into Missouri and down her border counties, and burn and destroy every- thing for a distance of forty miles from the State line, regardless of the political status of the owners of pro- perty. I have heard some men who were boiling ON THE BORDER-1863. . 391 over with indignation, and apparently ready to join the Grand Ai-my of Invasion, decLare that there are no loyal men in Missouri, and that the torch should be applied, and not a house left standing within a hun- dred miles of Kansas. This remark was suggested: " Gentlemen, if you are really so full of loyalty and martial enthusiasm, why don't you enlist into the Fourteenth and Fifteenth regiments now organizing and needing recruits ? " Though every loyal person regrets the calamity at Lawrence, it is no time for reckless talk. Nor should men on this side of the line think of holding the Union people of Missouri re- sponsible for the acts of the enemy. It is an absurd and extravagant notion, and savors more of political buncomb than true devotion to the Government. Our people should remember that Missouri has sent to the field, including her State troops, nearly a hundred thousand loyal men, upwards of Six times the num- ber of men this State has furnished for the war. Union people in Missouri are every day being murdered and robbed by guerrillas and bushwhackers, though the State militia are furnishing all the protection in their power. Are the loyal people there entitled to no sym- pathy? As I have already described the scenes of desolated homes in Missouri, I will only add the i-e- mark, that life, and liberty to enjoy it, is as sweet on that side of the line as on this. The Missouri troops now at tlie front, and who have participated in the capture of Fort Donelson and Yicksburg, and the great battles in Tennessee, have enough to torture their 392 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION minds, in contemplating guerrillas burning their homes and leaving their families houseless and defence- less, without our troops or people committing unjus- tiliable acts to increase their anxiety. And moreover, those whose loyalty to the Government consists in ex- travagant expressions, should also remember that a considerable portion of the soldiers of most of the Kansas regiments were citizens of Missouri up to the time of their enlistments. And if reports be true, and I have endeavored to get at the exact truth, the Missouri State troops have followed Quantrell more persistently, and killed more of his men, than have our Kansas troops that are stationed along the border. A man named Morgan was killed on the 28th, a few miles east of Dry Wood, Missouri. From such facts as I have been able to obtain, it appears that this man has been in the habit, for some time, of coming to this post and getting such information in regard to our operations, along the border and in the Indian coun- try, as he could pick up, and of carrying it across the line to bushwhackers, and thus keeping them perfectly advised of our movements. If there are any persons who come here for the purj)ose of getting information to betray us into the hands of the enemy, and lose their lives in the operation, it will perhaps have a wholesome effect on the minds of others engaged in similar service. The permission granted to people of questionable loyalty, to trade with the merchants of tins place unrestricted, has perhaps cost us the lives of quite a number of our soldiers. ON THE BORDER— 1863. 393 Several special messengers with the mail and de- spatches, wlio arrived on the morning of the 30th, from Fort Gibson, report that the enemy, nnder Gen- erals Cooper and Cabell, are no longer assuming such a threatening attitude as tliey were a few weeks ago. They have fallen back from their old j^osition on the south bank of the Arkansas Kiver, near Fort Gibson, to the north fork of Canadian River, about fifty miles further south. General Cabell has gone to Fort Smith with his division, as we have a column of troops un- der General John McNeil, ready to march down the line via Fayetteville to Yan Buren. It is thought that General Blunt will be ready to move forward and at- tack General Cooper in a few days. After beating General Cooper he intends to swing to the left, and attack Fort Smith, and take it by storm if the enemy defends it. Our troops are getting full rations, and are well supplied w4th ammunition. The cholera and small-pox have almost disappeared, and the soldiers are in good spirits, and ready to open a vigorous fall campaign against the enemy. General Cooper has been beaten so often the last year, I doubt whether he can keep his troops together to make a hard light. A mass meeting of the citizens of Kansas is to take place at Paola in a few days, for the purpose of con- sidering the plan and setting the day when they shall invade Missouri en masse, and march down the border with iire and sword, and thunder and lightning, and make it impossible for bushw^iackers to invade this State again. If the citizens of the State nearly all 394 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION turn out, and their martial ardor keeps up at a v.'iiite heat, I tliink that the recruiting officers of the Four- teenth and Fifteenth regiments should be on the ground. They should be able to get recruits enough to till their respective regiments in a single day. But the noisiest are not always most eager to make per- sonal sacrifices for the cause which they pretend to champion. Stirring speeches are to be made hy Gen- eral James H. Lane, United States Senator from this State, Colonel C. R. Jennison, and a number of other orators. As an unprejudiced observer of cur- rent events, I must express my belief that the politi- cians of Kansas are inclined to make ]Dolitical capital out of the Lawrence calamity, which I do not think is at all creditable to them. If the citizens of the State, when they assemble at Paola, would express their hor- ror, in a suitable manner, of the enormity of the crime committed by the enemy at Lawrence, so that the civilized world might see the barbarous method of warfare the Confederacy is fostering, and then adjourn sine die, I think that they will have acted more sensi- bly than if they issue flaming manifestoes of devasta- tion of the country of our neighbors across the line. A rebel force of about one hundred men passed Balltown on the morning of September 1st, moving south. The men are believed to be a portion of Quan- trell's command who participated in the Lawrence massacre. If they can find any other unguarded point, or a small detachment of our troops, we may expect to hear from them again shortly. They will ON THE BOKDER-1863. 395 not likely have any opposition to their movements down the border unless they come in contact with the Missouri militia stationed at Neosho, or some detach- ment of our troops on a scout. In fact, if they keep near the State line, the country is open to the Arkan- sas River. The State militia have not made regular stations at Carthage and Lamar, for the reason that those towns have been destroyed, and the country around them desolated, leaving scarcely anything in that region to protect. This devastated territorv the enemy can march over and occupy for weeks without our knowing it, if they are not aggressive ; and then, at their leisure, can make raids into Kansas, or into the counties east of the border counties of Missouri. In the interior of Missouri such raids are impossible^ or at any rate, quite rare, for the reason that no con- siderable body of guerrillas can collect together, or come into a neighborhood without the Union families knowing it. Since Quantrell's raid on Lawrence, and the agita- tions of irregular organizations from this State goino- into Missouri for the purpose of burning and destroy- ing everything, a good many rebel families who have- been living in the border counties of Missouri, have commenced moving south. In those sections infested with guerrillas, I think that the rebel families who give them aid and comfort should be sent south of our lines. Such action would probably do more tO' stop bushwhacking and the guerrilla warfare, than burning or destroying the property of rebel families, 396 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION and leaving them in the country. Let rebel families understand that they can remain on their homesteads, provided no guerrillas infest the section, and I believe that they would generally discourage guerrilla war- fare. A regular invasion by the organized forces of the Confederacy I would not consider as sufficient grounds for their removal. By removing them south the rebel authorities would be obliged to provide for them, and the inducement for husbands and male re- lations to return to the State would no longer exist. As soon as our troops occupied Missouri, an order of this kind should, in my judgment, have been pub- lished by the commanding General. Then, if the enemy persisted in their illegitimate warfare, we could stand it as well as they. If the officers and soldiers operating with the regular forces of the Confederacy, wish their families to remain at their homes in Mis- souri until the present contest shall have been deci- ded, let them prevail on the rebel authorities to stop the guerrilla warfare in those States occupied by our troops. We are able to stop it quite effectually, and without resorting to any barbarous methods. The question arises, shall we do it ? I think that we should, for it is no time for sentimental considerations to turn us aside from our duty. Union families within the rebel lines would perhaps regard them- selves fortunate if they could be sent within our lines if they could take with them their personal effects. To compel the removal of thousands of families would no doubt entail great hardships on many of them. ON THE BORDER— 1863. But such hardships would be borne by them to save our people from the cruelties of their relatives and friends, whom they have been in the habit of harboring^ and encouraging. CHAPTER XXI. •General Schofield coldly received by the people of Leavenworth City— Colonels Jennison and Hoyt speak in Fort Scott— The crowd sing "John Brown's body lies mouldering in the grave," &c.— More of General Lane's Grand Army of Invasion —Few trophies to bring back — General Schofield issues an order against invasion — The Missouri State troops would resist it— Battle of Perryville and defeat of General Cooper- General Blunt captures Fort Smith — Generals Steele and Da- Tidson capture Little Rock — Colonel Blair sends out a recon- noissance — A new department wanted — General Gillmore captures Forts Wagner and Gregg in Charlestown Harbor- Sympathizers of the rebellion receive anonymous notices to leave the city— Supposed to be the action of the Union League —Arrival of General Blunt and StaflF and Colonel Judson— The Bourbon County Fair— Activity of the enemy along the border again. General Schofield, the commanding General of this department, visited Leavenworth City a few days ago, and was coldly received by the citizens. At a recent mass meeting held there to take action in regard to the Lawrence massacre, resolutions denouncing him as a sympathizer with the enemy, and demanding his removal, were adopted. Throughout the State the feel- ing against him is quite bitter, for nearly every one holds that he is exceedingly stupid or careless of his ON THE B0HDER-1SG3. 399 clntv, to permit such a large force as Quantrell had to organize in the center of his Department, and march forty miles into Kansas without being pursued by our troops. Unless he can completely destroy QuantrelPs force immediately, which is now perhaps an impossi- hilty, the people of this State will petition President Lincoln to remove him from the command of this department. When the present excitement wears off a different feeling may prevail. Colonels Jennison and Hoyt made rousing speeches in town on the evening of the 7th, for the purpose of arousing the martial enthusiasm of our citizens to a point that will induce them to enlist into their regi- ment, the Fifteenth. Their efforts in this direction are very commendable; but when they endeavor to excite passions that need restraining, I cannot go with them. The lawless spirit is always rampant enough, without receiving a quasi public sanction. They talk- ed freely about burning everything in the two border tiers ot counties in Missouri, and received a few feeble cheers from the crowd. Colonel Hoyt was one of the attorneys who defended John Brown, when he was tried for treason by the Virginia authorities, and therefore drew a large crowd, as our people were curi- ous to see him and hear him speak. He is a young man of considerable talent, and should he conduct himself properly, perhaps has a brilliant future before him. In the course of the evening, before the crowd dispersed, the popular war song, "John Brown's body," e returns from the expedition in pursuit of Shelby's raiders. Major W. C. Eansom, of the Sixth Kansas Cavalry, arrived here on the 23d, with about four hundred men, direct from General Ewing's command, which he left at Neosho, Missouri. He has come up for ammuni- tion and other supplies for the troops with General Ewing. He reports our men short of almost every- thing, and much worn from constant marching and skirmishing with the enemy for the last two weeks. He is one of the most experienced and efficient officers on duty along the border, and no better one could have been selected to perform an important service like that which has been intrusted to him. In recosrnition of his well-known abilities, General Lyon, in July, 1861, authorized him to raise the regiment to which lie be- longs. He worked more industriously and persist- ently in organizing and drilling his regiment than any other officer in it. Kansas may well be proud of him. Senator Lane made a big speech from the balcony of the Wilder House on the evening of the 24th, to a large audience. He discussed the political issues of the day, the prospect of the early collapse of the Con- federacy, and was particularly severe, and in my opin- ion justly, on the Copperheads of the JS'orth, or those who are opposing and embarrassing the Government in its efforts to crush the rebellion. He has appar- ently abajidoned, and 1 think very sensibly, the scheme of his crusade into Missouri, as he did not refer to it directly. It would be difficult to see how 426 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION he could advocate it in the light of recent events — that is, in the face of the heroic bravery displayed by the Missouri State troops in capturing the enemy's artil- lery, and dispersing his forces. General Blunt was also called out, and made a short and neat little speech. He is not much of a speaker, and it is not likely that he is in the proper frame of mind to dis- play his eloquence, even if he were an orator. There is little doubt but that he is still very sensitive in regard to the Baxter Springs misfortune, and probably feels that the eyes of the public are severely upon him. He knows that an officer whom the Government trusts with the lives of thousands of men, is expected to see to it that their lives shall not be wantonly or stupidly sacrificed -by placing them in positions where they must contend with the foe under extraordinary disad- vantages. General Ewing and Staff and Escort arrived here October 27th, from Neosho, Missouri, having chased Shelby's flyiug columns beyond Cassville, and within a few miles of the Arkansas line. The enemy kept breaking up into so many small detachments, that there was not much of a force to pursue towards the last. The troops are all returning, and will go to their regu- lar stations, since the storm that has swept over south- west and central Missouri has now nearly subsided. A retrospect of the recent military operations in Mis- souri shows that the enemy have lost more by the in- vasion than they gained. The supply train started on the 28th instant for ON THE BORDER-1863. 427 Fort Smith; General Blunt accompanies it. The es- cort is composed of the Second Kansas colored infan- try, two companies of the Fourteenth Kansas cavalry, Captain Smith's battery of light artillery of four rilled guns, one battalion of the Twelfth Kansas infantry, and General Blunt's escort. General McNeil and Colonel Cloud left Springfield about three days ago, for Fort Smith, and will not likely leave undisturbed any considerable force of the enemy that might be in northwestern Arkansas. On account of the rain and snow-storm which has prevailed in this section for several days j)ast, the roads are heavy, and the prog- ress of the train will be slower than usual. And the infantry, too, will find it disagreeable marching. A few days' march, however, will bring them into a re- gion where the roads are firmer. Some of the troops fi^oine: down now will have seen their first service in the field. But they have had sufiicient instruction to become acquainted with their duties, and no doubt will make good soldiers. It appears from dispatches received from Fort Smith that the scattered forces of Generals Cooper, Marma- duke and Shelby are reorganizing, and making prepa- rations to march against that place with about uii\e thousand men and eighteen pieces of field artillery. But when we take into account the badly demoralized condition of Cooper's and Shelby's forces, we may conclude that such an army cannot be called into ex- istence in a few days, nor even in a few weeks. While the rebel Generals in Arkansas and the Indian Terri- 428 MEMOIKS OF THE KEBELLION tory may be able shortly to collect together a suffi- cient number of troops to make a demonstration against Fort Smith, it is not at all probable that they can organize an army very soon of such strength as will enable them to make a successful assault, assum- ing of course that all our troops in the vicinity of that place have been concentrated there, and would be handled to the best possible advantage. We have got a firm footing at Fort Smith, and will be able to hold western Arkansas and the Indian country, unless our officers make some unpardonable blunder. It is not likely that General Marmaduke will be permitted to occupy the country north of the Arkansas Kiver much longer. Should he endeavor to confine his operations to the central or eastern portion of the State, north of the river, General Steele, commanding an army at Little Kock, should be able to send a force against him and compel him to leave that section. Or if he should move into northwestern Arkansas, Generals Blunt and McNiel will look after him very closely, and it is not thought that he or General Shelby will attempt to make another raid through Missouri at present. CHAPTER XXIII. All quiet along the Border— Lovely Indian Summer— Theory accounting for the Smoky condition of the Atmosphere — Reprehensible conduct of a Detachment on scouting service —Discussion over the question, "Who shall be the Com^ manding General of the District ?"— Rebel guerrillas in the vi- cinity of Humboldt— Colonel Moonlight takes command of the Fourteenth Kansas Cavalry — Lieutenant Josling on a scout to Osage Mission— A Cold Wave— Distressing condition of Refugees— General Blunt authorized to raise another Col- ored Regiment — Citizens of Fort Scott opposed to Colonel Jennison taking command of the post — The supply train starts South — A Military Telegraph to be constructed to Fort Scott— Twelfth Kansas Infantry oi route to Fort Smith— Fed- eral expedition towards Texas — "Mountain Federals" in Ar- kansas — They annoy the enemy. We are able to welcome the first day of No- vember with the expression, "All is quiet along the Border." There have been very few days during the last three months that one would think of making such a remark. It is almost unnecessary to state here that we need not congratulate ourselves with the thought that this jDcaceful state will continue very long. Not many weeks are likely to elapse before we shall hear of guerrilla depredations in some of the border counties, causing at least a ripple of disturbance in the 430 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION public mind. But the present peaceful condition is in admirable harmony with our lovely "Indian Sum- mer," that has just set in. The whole visible horizon is tinged with smoke, as if we were in the neighbor- hood of a great conflagration. But the southwest breeze is soft and balmy, and altogether one could hardly wish for a more delightful season. As this sec- tion is all prairie, except strips of timber along the streams, we are without the great variety of autumnal tints, presented by extensive w^oodlands. To look out over our broad prairies is often compared to looking out over the ocean. The undulations or ridges of our prairies take the place of waves on the ocean. In regard to the smoky condition of the atmosphere during "Indian Summer," it is generally thought, in this section, to be caused by the burning of the grass from the extensive prairie regions of the northwest. Though the breeze is from the southwest to-day, the smoke came with a chilly northwest wind. And the belief that it is caused by prairie fires, is strengthened -by the fact, that when it first overspreads the country, particularly if there is a little more than the usual amount of moisture in the atmosphere, the smell of burning grass is distinctly noticeable by those having sensitive olfactory organs. I cannot champion this theory, however, for the smell of burnt grass might be due to prairie fires in the neighborhood. I am not sure that the number of square miles of prairie in the northwest denuded of grass every year by fire, would produce smoke enough to ON THE BORDEII-18G3. 431 overspread such a wide region as we have to account for. Captain Willets, of the Fourteenth Kansas cavah-y, who was sent out several days ago by Colonel Blair, on scouting service in the direction of Lamar, Mis- souri, returned with his company on the Brd, via Osage Mission, Kansas. He found no enemy, but, from accounts that have reached here, he per- mitted his men to engage in disreputable depredations, robbery and murder. If the statements made in re- gard to the matter are true, he deserves severe cen- sure, if not indeed summary dismissal from the ser- vice. Gold hunting is not the business of our officers •and soldiers, and when they undertake to engage in it they are no longer lit to wear the blue uniform of the United States Army. There are too many officers who do not appreciate the responsibility resting upon them in regard to controlling the actions of their men. Every officer of the army should be a gentleman, and have proper regard for his position. Several scouts who have just come from the supply train ^vhich General Blunt accompanied en router to Fort Smith a week ago, report that near the Arkansas line four of our soldiers were captured by the enemy. There was no prospect, how- ever, of the rebel force under Colonel Brooks, which was at Huntsville recently, attacking the train. There is some discussion just now as to whether General Blunt shall retain command of this district or not. His friends claim for him, also, that he is real- ly the ranking Major General in the Department, as 432 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION the appointment of Scliofield as a Major General has not jet been confirmed by the United States Senate. But this continual wrangling of politicians, contractors, and sutlers, over the question as to who shall command the de- partment and each of the different districts into which it is divided, does not tend to advance the interests of the public service. What do hangers-on of the army care for the efficiency and honesty of a commanding officer, if they can get permits from him to steal cot- ton and ship it north? At such times as we are now passing through, complaints are just about as likely to be made against an honest and efficient as against a dishonest and inefficient commanding General. Our officers holding important positions, if they wish to leave the service with clean records, cannot be too guarded in their dealings with those who are able to present credentials from men of high social and polit- ical standing. Money-making adventurers who are profiting by the misfortunes of the country, are, every loyal man knows, entitled to very little consideration from those who are conscientiously endeavoring to as- sist the Government in suppressing the rebellion. Information was received on the Tth instant, that rebel guerrillas are getting troublesome again in the vicinity of Humboldt, forty miles west of this jwst. It seems that they have burned some property along the Neosho River below there, besides committing some petty depredations on the property of the loyal citi- zens of Allen County. Fears are entertained that they may sack and burn Humboldt, as we have no ON THE BORDER-1863. 433 troops stationed there at present. The rebels engaged in these depredations are supposed to be a part of Liv- ingston's old band, and to have crossed the State line near Baxter Springs, and marched up the Neosho val- ley. That they should be able to remain in the State and in the same neighborhood a week or so, is a little surprising. General Lane's plan of burning every- thing in that section would perhaps be the most effec- tual way of getting rid of them. But the people would probably protest that such heroic treatment for the cure of the disease would be worse than the dis- ease itself. Colonel Thomas Moonlight arrived here on the Sth from Leavenworth to take command of his regiment, the Fourteenth Kansas cavalry. He is determined to have it thoroughly armed and equipped at once, and every spare moment is to be devoted to drilling it, so that it will be ready to go south with the next train. He is a brilliant officer, and has served with distinc- tion, as Chief of General Blunt's Staif, in all the cam- paigns south of this post. No better officer could be found to thoroughly prepare a cavalry regiment for the field. Considerable interest has been manifested by the people of this State in regard to the election for State officers 'in Missouri, which took place on the 3rd in- stant. The election returns have nearly all been re- ceived by the Secretary of State, and they show that the Radical or Repulican ticket has swept the State by an overwhelming majority. As far as returns have 28 434 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION been received from the soldiers in the field, they show from their vote that it is very largely republican. It is certainly gratifying to contemplate such a grand victory for great principles, in view of the disadvant- ages with which the loyal people of that State have had to contend. Lieutenant B. F. Josling, Fourteenth Kansas cav- alry, returned to this post on the evening of the 11th, with a detachment of his company from Osage Mis- sion, where he was sent several days ago to check the depredations of a band of guerrillas that recently vis- ited that section. He marched over the country al- most to the southern line of the State in search of the rebels without finding them, and is satisfied from such information as he could get, that alter plundering the Mission, they went south. The season has arrived when wintry looking clouds are seen scudding across the sky. When these lower- ing clouds obscure the sun now and then, there is a kind of fascination in watching the dark shadows chase each other over the prairies in rapid succession. A cold wave right from tlie arctic regions struck southern Kansas on the morning of the 12th, and al- ready there are reports of great suffering among the refugee families encamped about the oirtskirts of the post. The Marmaton River is frozen over solid, which is unusual so early in the season. There is a larger number of refugee families in this vicinity than I had supposed; and in many cases their condition is dis- tressing. Many of them are living in rude tents made ON THE BORDER-1863. 435 of bed clothing, or material of a very unsubstantial nature. Others during the latter part of summer and early autumn, purchased condemned army tents, and are making the best of them. But there are not many supplied with tents, as there have been no large sales of this kind of condemned public property at this post during the autumn. Last winter 1 thought that I saw a good deal of suffering among the refugees around Colonel Phillips' camp, but it did not equal the suffering in our midst at the present time. In- sufficient fuel for heating purposes, and scanty cloth- ing and covering are the principal causes of suffermg among these people. We were encamped last winter in a wooded region, and the refugees could build great log fires to keep themselves warm during intensely cold weather. I have frequently seen them standing around their blazing fires, with wood generously piled on, on cold nights, with expressions of real happiness playing over their countenances. And I also saw rol- licking children in some of those groups, who seemed wholly unconscious of the hardships to which they were exposed. But here the camp of the refugee is not protected from the chilling effects of the bleak northwest winds by heavy forests and bluffs, as it was in northwestern Kansas. Nor can the refugees here make great wood fires, like the fires farmers make in heavily wooded sections where they clear tracts of land for cultivation. All the families that I have vis- ited recently, burn coal in cooking stoves, even for heating purposes. And as most of the stoves 1 saw 436 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION seem adapted to burning wood instead of coal, these people have much trouble in getting their coal to burn. At any rate they get only a small quantity of the heat from it which it is capable of producing if burned to the best advantage. Even those who have stoves in which it burns freely, do not use it gener- ously on account of their straightened circumstances. It is a very cheerless sight, one that I shall not soon forget, to see a mother and half a dozen children shiv- ering around a stove in which the fuel half refuses to burn, or is used in stinted quantities. The hardships and privations of our soldiers in the field are often very great, but the hardships and suffering of many of their families are also entitled to consideration, and should not be passed over lightly. It will be surpris- ing to me if there is not a great mortality during the winter among these people, who have recently exchang- ed plain comfortable homes for the cheerless tent, in a region where howling winds and chilly blasts increase their despondency. General Blunt has received authority from the War Department to raise another colored regiment of infantry from this State, and recruiting officers will go to work at once. The two colored regiments already raised from Kansas, have taken but a small proportion of the able-bodied colored men who have come here the last two years. Many of them will, no doubt, promptly respond to the present call, and show to the country that they feel a sufficient interest in the war to take up arms in defense of the Government as well ON THE BORDER.-1863. 437 as in defense of their permanent freedom. This State, on acconnt of the early struggles in behalf of the abo- lition cause, has been an asylum for the colored peo- ple since the beginning of the war. And they have shown that they are not insensible of the generous welcome extended to them by our people, by mani- festing a patriotic pride in furnishing their proportion of soldiers for the field, as soon as they were permit- ted to enlist in the United States service. There have been some recent intimations that Colo- nel Jennison, of the 15th Kansas cavalry, will take command of this post shortly, and that Colonel Blair will be relieved and ordered South with his regiment. Colonel Jennison is not popular in this section of the State, and should he be assigned to the command of this post, it is likely that a protest will be sent up by the citizens to the commanding General of the De- partment. His name has been connected on several occasions witli certain transactions that are not sanc- tioned by a high code of morals and strict military discipline. It is painful to make these remarks in re- gard to a man whose whole heart has been in our cause. But when he comes forward to occupy an im- portant and conspicuous position, his personal charac- ter sh juld be carefully and dispassionately examined and held up to the public. "We must not forget that the characters of our public men will have an immense influence in molding the character of the men of the rising generation. Nor should we, because he belongs to our party, and is working zealously for the success 438 MEMOIRS OP THE REBELLION of the same principles that we are, neglect to criticise, m a good tempered spirit, his short-comings. I am satisfied that Colonel Jennison's services would be more valuable to the Government in some other field. Should he make a perfectly honorable record from now to the end of the war, it would almost wipe out the past. The supply train started south on the 20th for Fort Gibson and Forth Smith, but will encamp on Dry "Wood a few days to wait for the paymaster to come down and pay off the escort before they leave. Most of the escort belongs to the Fourteenth Regi- ment Kansas cavalry, recently organized, and as a large number of the men have not been paid since enlistment, the amounts due them will be of great assistance in pro- viding for the wants of many of their families during the coming winter. The need that I mentioned last sum- mer, of some method by which the soldiers can send their salaries to their families with perfect safety, is again felt. In some of the companies nearly all of the men are from Missouri, and their families are still living in that State, or scattered in this and adjacent counties of Kansas. The money they send home will therefore have to be trusted in t))e hands of friends, whom they cannot hold responsible for its loss by accident. Some of the oflicers and soldiers, however, will doubtless avail themselves of the Exchange Ofiice here, and send their money to their families in cheques. On the 25th of November, United States oflicials commenced making arrangements to construct a mili- ON THE BORDER-1863. 439 tarj telegraph line between Kansas City and Fort Scott immediately. The contract for telegraph poles will probably be let in a few days, and their delivery along the route commence in a week or so. Tliis line is mnch needed in directing the military operations of this department. Though the rebels may endeavor to destroy portions of it occasionally, it is thought tliat a small cavalry patrol can protect it quite effectually. It is sure to prove a great assistance to com- manding officers along the border, in operating against guerrilla forces when they become troublesome again. Had this line been in operation when Quantrell made his raid on Lawrence last August, troops and citizens might have been collected, and directed to take up such positions as would have made his escape almost im- possible. In the next place, had the line been in operation, he probably never would have made the raid. Even if the Government had not taken the mat- ter up, it would have been a good investment for the citizens of Kansas to have taken hold of and comple- ted at an early day. The business which the people of this section will wish to transact over the line, will, perhaps, fully pay the expense of operating it. A battalion of the Twelfth Kansas infantry came down from Kansas City on the 2Tt}i instant. After remaining here a few weeks it will march to Fort . * Smith to join the Army of the Frontier. This regi- ment, since its organization, has been on duty along the border. Colonel Adams, its commanding officer, is General Lane's son-in-law, and has perhaps been able 4:iO MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION to keep it from going to the front until now. It is a fine regiment; the men are well drilled, and do not wish to be regarded as vain "carpet knights." It seems that Lieutenant Colonel Hayes has attended to drilling it and maintaining its high order of discipline. Official dispatches received at this post on the 28th from Fort Smith state that General McNeil, who recently took command of our troops in that section, is getting them in readiness to start on an expedition towards Texas. Our forces already occupy and hold the country to the Wichita Mountains, a distance of about seventy-live miles south of the Arkansas river. The activity of our cavalry over the mountainous regions of the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations and southwestern Arkansas, has broken down and worn out a good many of our horses. Since our troops have occupied tlie country south of the Arkansas river, many of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians have shown a disposition to return to their allegiance to the Govern- ment. There is not, however, among them, such a strong sentiment of loyalty and real affection for the Government, as among the Cherokees and Creeks. These latter people have, from the beginning of the war, shown their devotion to the United States, even under the most adverse circumstances. The battles of Pothloholo, chief of the Creeks, with rebel white and Indian troops, during the winter 1861-2, before our forces marched into the Indian country, showed a chivalrous devotion to the Union cause. When the enemy finally became too strong for him, rather than submit to rebel rule, he Avithdrew his forces towards ON THE BORDER— 1863. 441 southern Kansas, and nearly all his people followed him and became voluntary exiles. IS'ow that our forces occupy the central and western portions of Arkansas, the War Department has author- ized the raising of two or three more regiments from that State. The numerous desertions from the demor- alized armies of Generals Cooper and Shelby, and the large numbers of " Mountain Federals" in different sections of the State, will enable the recruiting officers to get the complement of men for these regiments at an early day. " Mountain Feds " is a name given to local organizations of Union men who occupy moun- tain fastnesses and annoy the enemy, somewhat after the same manner that rebel guerrillas annoy our troops. There is this difference, however: Rebel guerrilla chiefs generally hold commissions from the rebel authorities, while the chiefs of " Mountain Fed- eral " organizations are endeavoring to hold on to their lives as loyal citizens of the United States, until our forces can occupy the country and afford them adequate protection. We do not know that they have ever been charged with murdering their prisoners, like some of the guerrilla bands along the border. Martin Hart, a prominent Union man from Hunt County, in Korthern Texas, crossed Red River several months ago, with nearly two hundred loyal Texans, and joined our forces in the vicinity of Fort Smith. He has for more than a year past, kept alive the Union cause in Northern Texas and Southwestern Ar- kansas. He was finally captured south of Fort Smith, and hung by the rebel authorities. CHAPTEK XXIY. General Grant defeats the enemy under General Bragg near Chat- tanooga — Arrival of a large quantity of Cotton from Fort iSmith— Supposed crookedness in regard to it — Guerilla bands in Southwestern Missouri — How the people manage to keep good Animals in some instances — Temporary suspension in the Exchange of Prisoners — General Marmaduke, with two thousand men, near the Southern line of Missouri — Perhaps the last supply train to Fort Smith — General Ewing orders the seizure of the Cotton from Fort Smith— Snow Storm — Removal of General Schofield probable — Quantrell's forces cross the Arkansas River near Fort Gibson, on the way j^Qi-th — Were defeated by Colonel Phillips' troops — General Price threatens Fort Smith — Attempt of the enemy to spike the seige guns at Fort Scott — The Missouri militia defeat Quantrell — A large Rebel force in Southwest Missouri — It is driven South— Concluding Remarks. Another great battle lias been fought between the forces of General Grant and General Bragg, at Look- out Mountain, above the clouds, near Chattanooga, Tennessee, resultijig in a grand victory for the Union arms. After the temporary check to the advance of our army under General Rosecrans, on the 19th and 20th of September, the rebel leaders determined to prevent General Grant from reinforcing it, and to use every means in their power to crush it. Jeff. Davis is ON THE BORDER-1863. 443 reported to have stated recently, that Rosecrans' army in Korthern Georgia, must be crushed, if it took all the resources of the Confederacy to do it. But the rebel leaders should begin to see by this time, that when General Grant takes command of any grand division of our army in any section, it is sure to win. His presence on the held inspires the troops with con- fidence of victory. This confidence enables men to brave dangers, endure hardships, and to perform heroie actions, which they could not endure or perform un- der depressed states of their nervous systems. If a. man feels that he is going to get knocked down every time he meets his antagonist in a contest, he is not likely to come to the "scratch" each succeeding round, after the second or third, with much alacrity and buoyancy. So with the enemy. They have been knocked down so many times during the last year, that they are beginning to come to the "scratch" with falter- ing steps. In the battle at Lookout Mountain or Chat- tanooga, the other day, according to the despatches, they lost six thousand prisoners and thirty pieces of artil- lery, and about four thousand men killed and wounded. The great battles fought in the East and in Tennes- see, send a thrill of ]*oy and gladness, or grief and dis- appointment, according as they have been favorable or unfavorable to our arms, through tliousands of loyal hearts even at this great distance from the scenes of operation. Smaller battles afiect us in minor degrees, until the smallest do not cause even a ripple upon con- sciousness. 444 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION A large sutler's train arrived on the 2d of December from Fort Smith, via Fort Gibson, loaded principally with cotton, alleged to have been purchased and cap- tured from the enemy during General McNeil's expe- dition towards Red River. It is whispered that there is some crookedness in regard to the manner in which certain speculators came into possession of this cotton. Speculators following the army and purchasing cotton of pretended loyal owners, or disloyal owners, may find their titles contested by Government agents, who are commissioned to look after such matters. Sharks following the army, like sharks following a ship, should be watched, and not permitted to appropriate our valuable trophies. And in the present case, there should perhaps be an investigation to determine whether or not this cotton has been purchased in a legal manner. It would be more just that its proceeds should be distributed to the soldiers, who captured it, as prize money, than that it should go into the pockets of sharpers. If rebel planters have left their planta- tions, and their cotton has fallen into our hands as con- traband property, the Government should get the market price for it, and speculators not allowed to pick it up for merely nominal sums, as they are reported in some cases to have been doing. As our armies are now getting into the cotton -raising regions, the reve- nues of the Government during the year, from the sales of contraband cotton, should, if carefully, intel- ligently and honestly looked after, amount to several millions of dollars. It would be easy enough for our ON THE BORDER.-1863. 445 supply trains, that come up empty every month, to bring up contraband cotton, for shipment to Leaven- worth and Saint Louis, where there would be a market, for it. It is possible, however, that the Arkansas Kiver will soon be open to navigation, then it can be shipped by steamboat to Saint Louis, and thence by rail to New York and Eastern manufacturing cities. It can be used to good advantage as breastworks on the boats, to protect the troops and crews from the fire of guerillas at different points along the- river. The peaceful condition of things which has existed for several weeks past along the border has beea slightly disturbed by the appearance of guerrilla bands in Southwest Missouri on the 3d instant. But they will probably soon, find it an uncomfortable sec- tion to operate in, as most of the militia have returned, to their stations since Shelby's raid, and are ready to- take the field against them. At the diflerent posts in Missouri, the horses of the State troops are generally in good condition, as they are rarely or never short of forage. I mentioned last spyng, from my own ob- servations, how the people manage to raise the neces- saries of life, even in localities where the men are all absent, in either the Union or rebel army. The peo- ple have clung to their homes with wonderful tena- city, and when the army has burned a portion of the rails around their farms, they have generally taken, those left to inclose smaller tracts of their lands for cultivation. And while the acreage of nearly every 4A6 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION family has thus been contracted, the means of cultivation have also been contracted in about the same ratio. In- stead of each family having from one to a dozen line horses and mules to put into their fields, as in ante- hellum times, it is a rare occurrence now to find a family with more than two or three horses or mules, which are generally either old or blind. Families sometimes try to keep their horses concealed in the woods, but this is not very successful as a general thing. The great temptation to keep good, vigorous animals, it has been suggested^ has in a number of in- stances, led to the putting out of the eyes of desirable horses or mules. It is a cruel charge to insinuate were there no extenuating circumstances. But a mother with half a dozen children around her, and her husband away in either the Union or Rebel army, might, rather than take the chances of being reduced to the extremity of seeing them suffer, permit a young son, overflowing with a desire to do something heroic, to destroy the sight of "Charley," the good, reliable family horse. Besides being needed to cultivate and gather the crop^ a hoi^e is quite indispensable to take the grain, wheat or corn, to the mill, and to fetch back the flour or meal. In view of what I have seen of the straits to which families in Missouri and Arkansas are reduced to get along, I cannot find it in my heart to condemn an act like the above, which, in peaceful times, would justly be regarded as cruel and barbarous. It appears by the latest dispatches from Washing- ton, that there is to be a temporary suspension of the ON THE BORDER--1863. 447 exchanging of prisoners of war between the Federal and Rebel authorities. At this distance, it is hardly safe to form a very pronounced opinion as to the wis- dom of the Government in adopting such a course, unless the rebel authorities are unwilliniy to exchano-e on equal terms. It is surely cause for deep regret and even indignation, to constantly hear of the great suf- ferings of our soldiers in rebel prisons, while rebel sol- diers in our prisons are provided with full rations and all the comforts that our soldiers in the field have. It is also annoum^ed that the rebel Government refuses to exchange colored soldiers held as prisoners of war for rebel prisoners that we hold. It is, perhaps, an un- looked-for humiliation, that it has come to pass that the life of a rebel soldier is worth no more than the life of a plantation negro. But if they regard a rebel soldier that we hold as worth more to their cause tlian the colored prisoner they have captured from us, they should, to be consistent, be extremely anxious to exchange. They would not hesitate to exchange an old and inferior musket for one of our best new pat- terns. If they can afford to weaken their own cause by pride, we surely need not regret it. They are too blind to see that they are fluttering around the lamp of their own destruction. A dispatch from Springfield, Missouri, of the 6th instant, states that General Marmaduke, with a force of about two thousand men and several pieces of artil- lery, was, on the 3d instant, encamped on White Eiver in Arkansas, near the southern line of Missouri. It 448 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION is believed that he either intends to make a raid on Springfield, or to endeavor to capture onr supply trains en route between that place and Fort Smith. There are, probably, nearly three thousand State troops in southwest Missouri, and should he invade the State, they will likely soon to be able to check his movements, and put him to flight. The energy with which they pressed General Shelby last October, and their success in capturing his artillery, has given them great confidence in their ability to meet an invading force on the field. General Blunt is still at Fort Smith, but apparently without a command, much to the regret of his friends. He is, however, attending to some business in connec- tion with the recruiting and organizing of the Eleventh U. S. colored regiment. A colored regiment ought to be raised in that section in a few weeks. It is not likely, however, that he cares to assume command of the troops there at present, as there is no organized force of the enemy in that section that he could hope to bring to an engagement very soon, though Price's army occasionally assumes a threatening attitude. The supply train for Fort Smith moved out on the morning of December 13th, under command of Colo- nel W. R. Judson, Sixth Kansas cavalry. He will have as an escort, including the six companies of the Twelfth Kansas infantry under Lieut.-Colonel Hays, about eight hundred men. He will go down through the border counties of Missouri and Arkansas, instead of through the Nation via Fort Blunt. This will ON THE BORDER~1863. 44:9 probably be the last train from this jjlace to Fort Smith, as it is thought that Little Rock will immedi- ately be made a base of supplies for the army in Arkansas. The distance from Little Eock to Fort Smith is not so great as the distance from Fort Smith to this post. And it is probable, too, that in a month or so, light draft steamers can run on the Arkansas River, and thns save overland transportation of sup- plies to the Anny of the Frontier. Colonel Phillips' Indian division at Fort Gibson, however, will perhaps continue to be supplied from this place, at any rate un- til the spring rise in the Arkansas River will enable boats to pass Webber- s Falls. As no large force of the enemy can cross to the north side of the Arkansas River without our commanding officers at Forts Smith and Gibson knowing it; and as his trains will pass over a route little infested with guerrillas, they will not require very large escorts and batteries of light artil- lery, as last spring, to conduct them through safely. This post will henceforward be of less importance in a military point of view. Still, the immense quantities of ordnance, quartermaster and commissary stores kept here, will make it of sufficient importance to keep a force here adequate to its protection. A dispatch from Kansas City states that General Ewing j-ecently ordered the seizure of the cotton which passed through this place on the 2d instant lor Leav- enw^irth. It is also reported that agents of the Gov- ernment are on the lookout for more contraband cot- ton. This action of General Ewing is highly com- 29 450 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION mendable, and may have a wholesome effect on the army vultures who are always on hand to gorge them- selves on the hard-earned prizes of our soldiers. The morning of the 20th the ground was covered with four or five inches of snow, and the jingling of t?leigh-bells reminded us that we were approaching our Kansas mid-winter. From the statements of those who have lived in this vicinity for upwards of twenty years, it seems that we are having a little severer season than usual. The river had scarcely got clear of ice from the cold wave of the tenth of I^ovember, when it w^as frozen over again on the 18th instant. As a general thing the winters are so mild here that the ice does not form on the river two inches in thickness, and ice-dealers are unable to put up enough to satisfy the demands of consumers. Altogether our climate may be regarded as desirable; for during the summer months our southwest breezes are pure and exhilara- ting, reaching us always after having passed through the eool strata of the atmosphere over the high pla- teaus of Mexico and the Eocky Mountains. There are here none of those debilitating effects produced by a humid atmosphere in low marshy regions. Though the bracing winds blowing over our vast undulating prairies may have no perceptible effect on the energies of our people in a year or so, I think they will un- questionably in the course of a few generations. They will probably tend to make them wiry and muscular, instead of pulpy and clumsy, like the people of a re- gion where the air is saturated with moisture. ON THE BORDER— 1863. 451 There is a strong probability that the agitation for the removal of General Schoiield from the command of this department will be successful in a short time. He has not been popular, and is perhaps not the best officer that could have been placed at the head of this military department, but that he shonld have been able to s:ive satisfaction to the factions in Missouri and the factions in Kansas, is more than any intelligent person should expect. That President Lincoln should have all along had confidence in him is surely a good deal in his favor, though it does not necessarily make him a competent commanding general. A detachment of about fifteen men arrived at this post on the 24th from Fort Gibson, and they report that the enemy are again showing some activity in that vicinity and along the Arkansas line. They also state that QuantrelPs force is believed to be en route to Jackson county, Missouri, where he will commence his diabolical business again. A force, reported to be his and Standwaitie's, had a lively fight with a portion of Colonel Phillips' command near Fort Gibson about a week ago, and were defeated and scattered in every direction. As the engagement took place on the north side of the Arkansas River, it is thought their broken detachments have moved northward. A dispatch just received from Fort Smith, Arkan- sas, states that General Price is collecting his forces together and threatening to attack that place. It does not seem probable, however, that he will be able to organize, out of the Trans-Mississippi rebel forces, an 452 MEMOIRS OF THE REB'ELLION army sufficiently strong to drive onr troops from west- ern Arkansas, if General McNeil handles them skill- fully. Including Colonel Phillips' Indian division, we have an army of about eight thousand men in that section, well supplied with artillery. The army under General Steele, at Little Rock, is also within co-opera- ting distance, should the rebel generals concentrate all their troops in Arkansas, to attack General McNeil at Fort Smith. Though the enemy may make a bold demonstration, since he is holding no particular place in Arkansas, yet it is not generally thought, from a survey of the field of operations, tliat he will at pres- ent risk a general engagement with our victorious troops. It is not therefore probable that General Price will be able to fulfill his promise in regard to treating his soldiers with a Christmas dinner from Federal ra- tions at Fort Smith. His troops, instead of being the victorious legions of a hundred battles, have been so often defeated that it is not easy to conceive with what new hope they can be inspired to undertake a vigorous campaign against our soldiers, flushed with a continu- ous series ot successes. An attempt was made on the night of the 28th, by an emissary of the enemy to sj)ike one of the Twen- ty-four pounder seige guns mounted at Lunette "C. W. Elair." The party was probably disturbed by the guard on his beat walking to and fro, as he left a rat- tail file and hammer on the gun, before completing his work to render it useless. Nothing has been found which would identify the party engaged in this bold ON THE BORDER-1863. 453 adventure. Colonel Blair lias the four seige guns in the Forts here carefully inspected every day that tliey may be in perfect order in case of an emergency. The hundreds of tons of hay put up in long ricks, the thou- sands of bushels of corn in cribs, and the large quan- tities of ammunition and arms, of quartermaster and commissary supplies here, are great temptations for the enemy to attempt a raid on this post for the des- truction of this property. And it will require great vigilance on the part of the post commander to pre- vent its destruction by secret rebel emmissaries. This post having been the chief center of our military op- erations west of Saint Louis since the war, and the Government having kept a considerable force station- ed here, have prevented any serious inroads of the enemy into southern Kansas. Our people in this and adjoining counties have therefore pursued their usual avocations as in times of profound peace. Nor have guerrilla bands been so troublesome in Yernon county, Missouri, directly east of us. as in the counties north and south ot it. It is now known that QuantrelPs force, after it was attacked and dispersed by Colonel Phillips' troops some ten days ago, continued to move northeast. In a few days after this, however, he collected together his scattered detachments, and about the 24th instant came in contact with a considerable force of the Mis- souri militia cavalry, near the Arkansas line, and was again badly beaten and vigorously, pursued. But his force soon broke up into small detachments again, and 454 MEMOIRS OF THE REBELLION it is believed to be their intention to rally at some point in this vicinity, with the view of attacking this place. He is after big game. If he conlcl capture and destroy this place, he knows that it would add to his notoriety as much as the Lawrence massacre. Colonel Blair has sent out detachments of cavalry to the south and southeast of this post, so that we shall soon know whether he is intending to attack us here^ or is making preparations for a raid into Southern Kan- sas. It is reported that Quantrell has threatened to visit this State before he goes south again, and to leave a track more bloody than Lawrence, and the section he passes over as desolate as the naked prairies. He seems to glory in his savage cruelty, and of being a terror to the loyal people of the border, just like an uncivilized Indian who is proud of the number of scalps he carries. That a man born and brought up in the great State of Maryland, one of our oldest States, as Quantrell was^ with fair advantages, should head a band of fiends^ is quite unaccountable to many. But that he should get followers in western Missouri is not so strange, since it is well known to those who have lived in the West that, for nearly twenty years, the extensive freighting business from Independence and Kansas City, to New Mexico and other Western Territories, has attracted to the two former places adventurers and desperate characters from all parts of the country. Tliree bushwhackers are reported to have been killed on December 28th, near Humboldt, on the Keosho Eiver, forty miles west of this post. They belonged ON THE BORDER— 1863. 455 to the party which were in that section about a month ago, committing depredations on the property of loyal people. In different sections of this State there still may be found a few of those wlio were connected with the pro-slavery movement, and who came here under the Territorial regime^ to make Kansas a slave State. Nearly all the old pro-slavery element is of course dis- loyal, and the men belonging to it who have not ac- tually gone South, sympathize with and sliield their friends, when they return home or come into this State. A company of cavalry will be stationed at Humboldt during the rest of the winter, and it will keep detachments patrolling the country along the Neosho Eiver below that place, extending to the south- ern line of the State. Colonel Blair received information on the night of the 30th, that a force of the enemy, about fifteen hun- dred strong, under Colonel Coffey, was encamped on Cowskin prairie, in the southwest corner of McDonald County, Missouri, a few days ago. It is not thought, however, that they will be able to march up the border counties of Missouri, as the militia are in considera- ble force in the counties east and northeast of McDon- ald County, and have probably moved against them already. The party of rebels that were in the vicinity of Humboldt recently, it is now supposed belonged to Coffey's command. After passing Dry Wood, twelve miles south of this post, we have no other troops sta- tioned in Southern Kansas, and the pressure from Missouri having pushed the enemy into the Cherokee 456 ME3I0IRS OF THE REBELLION Nation, several small detachments were able to marcli up the Neosho River, fifty to sixty miles, Avithout re- sistance. The main body of Quantrell's men is re- ported to be with Coffey, though some detachments of them are supposed to have passed near here several days ago, on their Avay to Cass and Jackson Counties. It is not likely, however, tliat they will find that sec- tion very congenipd during a severe winter; besides the headquarters of General Ewing, the commanding ofiicer of the District of the Border, is at Kansas City, adjacent to the region in which Quantrell has been op- erating since the war. We may therefore hope that they will be speedily driven sonth again. The old year is now drawing to a close. The bor- der counties of Missouri and Kansas are comparative- ly free of guerrillas; and the forces of Coffey and Quantrell are now doubtless sullenly retiring beyond the mountains in Arkansas or the Indian Country. Our armies have been victorious upon almost every important field, and though I have been obliged to note some domestic dissensions, I am fully convinced that the national feeling and love and attachment for the old flag of our fathers has grown stronger. But the Goddess of Liberty may weep, since a sea of blood and tears have been shed m her defense. I have endeav- ored to faithfully chronicle the most important events connected with the operations of our army along the border during the year. I hope that I have not given, in a single case, an extravagant and sensational account of the number of the enemy killed and wounded in a ON THE BOIlDER-1863 45 T certain engagement; or of the crimes and cruelties of guerrillas. T was early put on my guard in respect to making exaggerated statements about various mat- ters connected with that division of the army to which I belonged. I am perfectly aware that a work filled with highly -colored statements is more greedily read by a large class of the public, than one containing plain solid facts; yet I do not regret the course that I harve followed; for I do not fear to ajDpeal to the common sense and honesty of those with whom I have served in this great struggle, to bear me out in my statements. There are no doubt instances in whicli I have not done full justice to officers and troops. I regret it even more than the injustice which was done to me. This attempt to commemorate the actions of our brave, honest and simple-hearted soldiers, in this cen- tral part of our great country, geographically speak- ing, has been to me a source of considerable satisfac- tion; for I believe that the great contest in which we are engaged will be more worthy the study of future generations than all the wars of the past. And then the thought comes into my mind, will not the millions of people who will inhabit these western prairies, plains, and fertile valleys, during coming generations, wish to know something of the fierce storms that raged along our borders during the great rebellion of the slave-owning section of our country? The history of the world does not furnish another instance of a million of men in arms fighting for a great principle — a principle,^ 458 MEMOIKS OF THE REBELLION too, involving the right of each to " life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." It is surely a grand thought to contemplate their heroic actions, for, unless the conception of justice changes, future gener- ations can point to their achievements and say " those men fought for a principle, the triumph of which has secured to us the blessings we enjoy." I can- not bid farewell to the expiring year without my thoughts turning with sadness to the thousands vOf brave and patriotic soldiers who, during this contest, have devoted their lives to their country and to pos- terity; and to other thousands who lie at this moment upon beds of pain and anguish, with their flesh torn and mangled by shot and shell and small arms ; and to still other thousands whose hearts are torn and bleeding on account of the loss of those in the war who were dearest to them on earth. But firmly believing that we are near the dawn of a brighter day, when the noble sacrifices of our soldiers will be universally acknowledged not to have been in vain. I can simply say, Old Year, I bid you farewell ! LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 673 670 A