Book . i^^^ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT MEXICAN WAR VETERANS. A COMPLETE ROSTER OF THE REGULAR AND VOLUNTEER TROOPS IN THE WAR BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND MEXICO, FROM 1846 TO 1848. THE VOLUNTEERS ARE ARRANGED BY STATES, ALPHABETICALLY, COMPILED FROM OFFICIAL SOURCES / By WM. HUGH ROBARTS. Price, SO Cents. BRENTANO'S, (A. S. WITHERBEE & CO , Proprietors,; WASHINGTON, D. C. 1887. Copyrighted 1887. All rights reserved. THK MI^:X[CAN VETERAN PENSION LAW. [Public— No. 33.] An Act grauting peasions to the soldiers aud sailors of the Mexican war, and ' for other i^urijoses. Be it enacted by the Senate and IIounc. of Representatives of tJw United States of America in Oongirss assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized aud directed to i)lace on the pension-roll the names of the surviving officers and enlisted men, including marines, militia, and volunteers, of the military and naval .services of the United States, who, being duly enlisted, actually served sixty days with the Army or Navy of the United States in Mex- ico, or on the coasts or frontier thereof, or en route thereto, in the war with that nation, or were actually engaged in a battle in said war, and were honorably dis- charged, and to such other officers and soldiers aud sailors as may have been personally named iu auj' resolution of Congress for any specific service in said war, and the surviving widow of such officers and enlisted men : Provided, That such widows have not remarried : Provided, That every such officer, enlisted man, or widow who is or may become sixty-two years of age, or who is or may become subject to any disability or dependency etpiivalent to some cause pre- scribed or recognized by the pension laws of the United States as a sufficient reason for the allowance of a pension, shall be entitled to the benefits of this act ; but it shall not be held to include any person not within the rule of age or disability or dependence herein defined, or who incurred such disability while in any manner voluntarily engaged in or aiding or abetting the late rebellion against the authority of the United States. Sec. 2. That pensions under section one of this act shall be at the rate of eight dollars per month, and payable only from and after the passage of this act, for and during the uatural lives of the persons entitled thereto, or during the con- tinuance of the disability for which the same shall be granted : Provided, That section one of this act shall not apply to any person who is receiving a pension at the rate of eight dollars per month or more, nor to any person receiving a pension of less than eight dollars per month, except for the difference between the pension now received (if less than eight dollars per month) and eight dollars \>ev month Sec. 3. That before the name of any person shall be placed on the pension- roll under this act proof shall be made, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may i^rescribe, of the right of the applicant to a pension ; aud any person who shall falsely and corruptly take any oath required lender this act shall be deemed guilty of perjury ; and the Secretary of the In- terior shall cause to be stricken from the pension -roll the name of anj' person whenever it shall be made to appear by proof satisfactory to him that such name was put upon such roll through false and fraridulent representations, and that such person is not entitled to a j^ension under this act. The loss of the certifi- cate of discharge shall not deprive any person of the benefits of this act, but other record evidence of enlistment and service and of an honorable discharge may be deemed sufficient : Provided, That when any person has been granted a land-warrant, under any act of Congress, for and on account of service in the said war with Mexico, such grant shall be prima facie evidence of his service and honoi-able discharge ; but such evidence shall not be conclusive, and may be re- butted by evidence that such land-warrant was improperly granted. Sec. 4. That the i^ension laws now in force which are not inconsistent or in conflict \vith this act are hereby made a part of this act, so far as they may be applicable thereto. Sec. 5. That section forty-seven hundred and sixteen of the Revised Statutes is hereby repealed so far as the same relates to this act or to pensioners under this act. Sec. G. That the jn-ovisions of this act shall not apply to any person while under the political di.sabilities imposed by the fourteenth amendment to the con- stitution of the United States. Approved January 29, 1887. LIST OF ALL OFFICERS OF THE REGULAR OR PERMANENT ESTABLISHMENT WHO BELONGKH TO ANY COMMAND IN EITHER OF THE ARMIES OF MEXKXX GENERAL OFFICERS. Major Oeiierals. Wiufield Scott (bvt Major General fm Chippewa and Niagara), Geneeat, in Chief of the Army. Zachary Taylor (bvt Brig. General f m Flo to 9 May ifi), comd. Army of Occupa- tion ; bvt Major General fm La Palma. Brigadier Generah. Thomas S. Jesup, Quartermaster General; bvt Major General fm "28. John E. Wool, bvt Major General fm Buena Vista. William J. Worth (by brevet fm Flo), bvt Major General fm Monterej'; died since the war. David E. Twiggs, bvt Major General fm Monterey. Stephen W. Kearny, bvt Major General fm San Pascual, where twice wmmd.; died since the war. Persifor F. Smith (by brevet fm Monterey), bvt Major General fm Contreras. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Assist. Adjutants General, bvt rank of Majors. Lorenzo Thomas, bvt Lieut, colonel fm Monterej'. George A. McCall (Caj^t 4. infy to 7 July 4G), bvt Major and Lt colonel fm La Palma. William W. S. Bliss (rk Capt to July 46), bvt Major fm La Palma: bvt Lt colonel fm Buena Vista. Assist. Adjutants Gen. bvt rank of Captains. (James H. Prentiss, relinquished Staff 18 June 46); 1. arty. Randolph llidgely (Fst It 3. arty to July 46)— killed (fm his horse) 27 Oct. 46. George Lincoln (Fst It 8. infy to July 46) — Jcilled at Buena Vista. Oscar F. Winship (Fst It 2. drags to July 46), bvt Major fm Churubusco. William W. Mackall (Fst It 1. arty to Dec. 46), bvt Major fm Churubusco. George Deas (Fst It 5. infy to Dec. 46), bvt Major fm Churubusco. Joseph Hooker (Fst It 1. arty to Mar. 47), bvt Major fm National Bridge; bvt Lieut, colonel fm Chapultepec. Edward R. S. Canby (Fst It 2. infy to Mar. 47), bvt Major fm Churubusco ; bvt Lieut, colonel fm Chapultepec. Irvin McDowell (Fst It 1. arty to May 47), bvt fm Buena Vista. Francis N. Page (Fst It 7. infy to May 47), bvt Major fm Churubusco. INSPECTORS GENERAL. Inspectors General, rank of Colonel. George Croghan — died since the war. Sylvester Churchill, bvt Brig. General fm Bueua Vista. b OFFICEKS OF V. S. ARMY. QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. Quartermaster Gen. rank of B7'ig. General. Thomas S. Jesup, bvt Major General (8 May 28). Assist. Qtmrtermasters Gen. rank of Colonels. ^ Trueman Cross — killed on the Eio Grande 21 Apr. 46. Henry Whiting, bvt Brig. General fm Buena Vista ; died since the war. Quarte7-7nasters, rank of Major's. Charles Thomas, bvt Lieut, colonel for mer. cond. in Mexico. Samuel McRee, bvt Lieut, colonel for mer. cond. in Mexico ; died since the war. Thomas Swords, bvt Lieut, colonel for mer. cond. in Mexico. George H. Grossman, bvt fm Palo Alto. Henry Smith — died at Vera Cruz 24 July 47. 'Osborne Cross (Assist. Qrmr to July 47). Assist. Quartermasters, rank of Captains. James R. Irwin, Chief of Qrmr's dept. to Gen. Scott ; diedin Mexico city Jan. 48. Ebenezer S. Sibley, bvt Major fm Buena Vista. Edwin B. Babbitt, bvt Major for mer. cond. in Mexico. Edmund A. Ogden, bvt Major for mer. conduct. James M. Hill — died since the war. Abraham C. Myers, bvt Major f m La Palma ; bvt Lieut, colonel fm Chapultepec. Wm. M. D. McKissack — died since the war. Alexander Montgomerj'. Robert Allen, bvt Major fm Cerro Gordo. William W. Chapman, bvt Major fm Buena Vista. Henry C. Waj'ne, bvt Major fm Churubusco. Joseph L. Folsom (in 5. infy to Sept. 46). John P. J. O'Brien (in 4. arty to Jan. 47), bvt Major fm Buena Vista ; died since Arthur B. Lausing( fm Jan. 47). [the war. William H. Churchill (in 3. arty to Mar. ^l)-~died at Ft Polk 19 Oct. 47. James L. Donaldson (in 1. arty to Mar. 47, and bvt Major). Thomas L. Brent (in 4 arty to Mar. 47). George W. F. Wood (in 1. infy to Mar. 47), bvt Major fm Churubusco. Justus McKinstry (in 2. infy to Mar. 47), V)vt Major fm Churubusco. Frederick H. Masten (in 1. infy to Mar. 47). Edward G. Elliott (in 4. infy to Mar. 47) — died since the war. Thomas Jordan (in 3. infy to Mar. 47). Albert Lowry (in 2. drags to Mar. 47), bvt Major fm MedeHn, near Vera Cruz. Leslie Chase (in 2. arty to Apr. 47, and bvt Capt) — died since the war. William Armstrong (in 2. arty to Aug. 4:1)— killed at El Molino del Rey. Edward H. Fitzgerald (in 6. infy to Aug. 47), Aid-de-C. to B. Gen. Pierce ; bvt Major fm Chapultepec. James G. Martin (in 1. arty to Aug. 47), bvt Major fm Churubusco ; wound, (lost an arm). SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT. Commissary of Subsis., rank of Major. Richard B. Lee. Commissaries of Subsis. rank of Captains. John B. Grayson, Chief of the Commissariat to Gen. Scott — bvt Major f m Churu- busco ; bvt Lieut colonel fm Chapultepec. Amos Eaton, bvt Major fm Buena Vista. George G. Waggaman, bvt Major fm La Palma and Monterey. {Assist. Commissaries, of the Lieutenants of the line). MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Surgeon General, rank of Colonel. Thomas Lawsou — bvt Brig. General for mer. conduct. OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. i SuTffeons, rauk of Majors. Benjamin F. Harney — wound, in the march fm Vera Cruz. Clement A. Finlay, Medical Director of M. Gen. Taylor's army. Presley H. Craig, Medical director of M. Gen. Taylor's army in 40 ; died since Richard S. Satterlee— Worth's division. [the war. Samuel G. I. De Camji. Hamilton S. Hawkins — died at Tampico Aug. 47. Robert C. Wood. Henry A. Stinnecke. William L. Wharton — died at Port Lavaca, Tex. Oct. 46. Charles 8. Tripler — Twiggs' division. Burton Randall. Nathan S. Jarvis. Adam N. McLaren. Joseph J. B. Wright, Medical purveyor of General Scott's army. John B. Porter (Assist, surg. to Oct. 46). John B. Wells (Ast surg. to Oct. 46). John M. Cuyler (Ast surg. to Feb. 47). Madison Mills (Ast surg. to Feb. 47), Director of the Hospital at Puebla. Assiiit. Surgeons (rank of Captains.) Leonard C. McPhail. Samuel P. Moore. Alexander F. Suter — died in Mexico city Dec. 47. Charles M. Hitchcock, Chief Director of the Hospitals at Buena Vista. Bernard M. Byrne. Eugene H. Abadie. ( Charles H. Laub. Josiah Simpson. James R. Conrad. David D. C. De Leon. -Tames W. Russell. Heni'y H. Steiner. John C. Glen — died in Mexico since the war. Henry E. Cruttenden — resigned June 46. James Simons — wounded at El Molino del Rey. Thomas C. Madison. Alfred W. Kennedy — died since the war. Joseph K. Barnes. Levi H. Holden. John S. Griffen. Richard F. Simpson. William Levely — died, in Mexico, since the war. Assist. Surgeons (rank of First Lieuts.) Alex. S. VVotherspoon. Charles C. Keeney. William Roberts — mart, wounded at El Molino del Rey, and died in Max. city. Grayson M. Prevost. Robert Murray. John F. Head. Lewis A. Edwards. Robert Newton — died at N. Orleans since the war. Horace R. Wirtz. Robert C. Wickham^ — died at Vera Cruz. Israel Moses. John F. Hammond. • Josephus M. Steiner. Charles P. Deyerle. Elisha J. Bailey. Nicholas L. Campbell. Samuel L. Barboiir. George E. Cooper. Ebenezer Swift. o • offict:rs of v. s. army. PAY DEPARTMENT. I)ep. Paymr. Gen. (rank of Lieut. Colonel). Daniel Randall. Payinrs. (rank of Majors). (Timothy P. Andrews, as Colonel of Voltigeurs ; bvt Brig. General from Cha- piilteisec). Edmund Kirby, bvt Lieut, col fm Churubusco ; bvt Colonel fm Chapultepec ; died since the war. Adam D. Steuart, bvt Lieut, colonel for mer. coud. in Mexico. Benjamin Walker. St. Clair Denny. David Hunter. Lloyd J. Beall. Roger S. Dix, bvt Lieut, colonel fm Buena Vista ; died since the war. Abram Van Buren, bvt Lieut, colonel fm Churiibiisco. Robert H. Hammond — died 3. June 47 at sea, fm Tampico. Robert A. Forsyth — died since the war. Andrew J. Coffee, bvt Lieut, colonel fm Buena Vista. Felix G. Bosworth — died at Vera Cruz 9 June 47. Robert B. Reynolds. George H. Ringgold. Albert G. Bennett, bvt Lieut, colouel fm National Bridge. ENGINEERS OF FORTIFICATIONS. Colonel. Joseph G. Totten, bvt Brig. General fm. Vera Cruz. Majoi'. John Liud Smith, bvt Lieut, colonel fm Cerro Gordo ; bvt Colonel fm Churubusco. Captains. Jose^Jh K. F. Mansfield, bvt Major fm Fort Brown ; sev. wound, at, and bvt Lt. colonel f m Monterey ; bvt Colonel fm Buena Vista. ■Robert E. Lee, bvt Major fm Cerro Gordo; bvt Lt colonel fm Contreras and Churubusco ; toound. at, and bvt Colonel fm Chapultepec. Alexander J. Swift — died 24 Apr. 47. Jonathan G. Barnard, bvt Major for mer. cond. in Mexico. William D. Eraser, bvt Major for mer. cond. in Mexico. John Sanders, bvt Major fm Monterey. James L. Mason (Fst It to Apr. 47), bvt Major fm Churubusco ; sev. wmind. at, and bvt Lt colonel fm El Molino del Rey. First Lieutetiants. Henry W. Benham — wound, at, and bvt Captain fm Bviena Vista. Peter G. T. Beauregard, bvt Captain fm Churubusco ; twice icound. at, and bvt Jeremiah M. Searritt, bvt Captain fm Monterey. [Major fm Chapultepec. Isaac J. Stevens, bvt Capt fm Churubusco ; bvt Major fm Chapultepec, and sev. toound. at San Cosme gate. Henry W. Halleck, bvt Captain for aifairs with the enemy in California. Zelous B. Tower (Sec It to Apr. 47), bvt Fst lieut. fm Cerro Gordo ; bvt Captain fm Churubusco ; wound, at, and bvt Major fm Chapultepec. Jeremy F. Gilmer. Second Lieutenants. Gustavus W. Smith, bvt Fst lieut. fm Cerro Gordo ; bvt Captain fm Churubusco. George B. McClellan, bvt Fst lieut. fm Churubusco ; bvt Captain fm Chapultepec. John G. Foster, bvt Fst lieut. fm. Churubusco ; sev. wound, at, and bvt Captain fm El Molino del Rey. TOPOGRAPHICAL ENGINEERS. Major. William Turubull. bvt Lt colonel fm Churubusco; bvt Colonel fm Chapultepec. OFFICEKS OF U. S. AKMV. 9 Captains. William G. Williams — killed 21 Sept. 4(; at Monterey. George W. Hughes, bvt Major fm Ccrro Gordo ; [Colonel Md and D. C. Volrs.] ; bvt Lt colonel for mer. cond. iu Mexico. John McClellan, bvt Major fm Chiirubusco ; bvt Lt colonel for gitl. and mer. cond. before Mexico. Thomas B. Linuard, bvt Major fm Buena Vista; died since the war. Joseph E. Johnston — xev. wound, in a reconnoissance of Gerro Gordo ; [Lt colonel of Voltigeurs, audj bvt Colonel fm Apr. 12 Cerro Gordo ; wmind. at Mex. city, and bvt Lieut, colo in Chapultepec. hiexitenanU. William H. Emory, bvt Captain fm San Pascual ; bvt Major fm San Gabriel and Plains of Mesa ; [Lt colonel of Hughes' reg. Md and D. C. Volrs. ] Jacob E Blake, killed by accidental fire of his own pistol. Lorenzo Sitgreaves, bvt ('aptain fm Buena Vista. William H. Warner, thrice iwund. at, and bvt Captain fm San Pascual ; killed by Indus, since the war. Eliakim P. Scammon, Extra Aid-de-C. to M. Gen. Scott. Charles N. Hagner— d«V(7 since the war. Second JAeutenants. (Johii C. Fremont, bvt Captain — appd. Lieut, colonel mtd Itiflemeu.) Joseph D. Webster. George Thorn, Aid to B. Gen. Pierce on his march. George Meade, bvt First lieut. fm Monterey. Martin L. Smith, bvt First lieut. for mer. cond. in Mexico. John Pope, bvt First lieut. fm Monterey ; bvt Captain fm Buena Vista. William B. Franklin, bvt First lieut. fm Buena Vista. William G. Peck. (Thomas J. Wood, trausf. Dec. 46, to 2. drags.) Edmund L. F. Hardcastle, bvt First lieut. fm Contreras and Churubusco ; bvt Captain fm El Moliuo del Key. Francis T. Bryan — wound, at, and bvt First lieut. fm Buena Vista. George H. Derby — sev. icound. at, and bvt First Lieut, fm Cerro Gordo. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. Major. Henry K. Craig, bvt Lieut, colonel fm Monterey. Captains. William H. Bell. Benjamin Huger, bvt Major fm Vera Cruz ; bvt Lieut, colonel fm El Molino ; George D. Ramsay, bvt Major fm Monterey. [bvt Colonel fm Chapultepec. (George H. Talcott— as Major of Voltigeurs, bvt Lt colonel fm El Molino), bvt James M. Morgan (Est It to Mar 47.) [Major fm Chapultepec. Fir.'it Lieutenants. Peter V. Hagner, bvt Captain f m Cerro Gordo ; toound. at, and bvt Major fm Kobert A. Wainwright. [Chapultepec. Alexander B. Dyer (Sec It to Mar. 47), bvt Captain fm Santa Cruz de Kosales. Franklin D. Callender (Sec It to Mar. 47 and bvt Est It fm Flo), .«' y. wound, at Contreras and bvt Captain fm Churubusco. Charles P. Kingsbury (Sec It to Mar. 47), bvt fm Buena Vista. John McNutt (Sec It to Mar. 47). Josiah Gorgas (Sec It to Mar. 47). Theodore T. S. Laidley (Sec It to Mar. 47), bvt Captain fm Cerro Gordo; bvt Major fm Puebla. Second Lieutenants. Thomas J. Brereton, bvt First lieut. fm La Palma. Charles P. Stone, bvt First lieut. fm El Molino ; bvt Captain fm Chapultepec. Jesse L. Reno, bvt First lieut. fm Cerro Gordo; sev. toound. at and bvt Captain fm Chapultepec. 10 OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. FIRST REGIMENT OF DRAGOONS. Colonel. Bichard B. Mason, bvt Brig. General for mer. cond. in California ; died since the war. Major. Benjamin L. Beall (Capt 2. drags to 47), bvt Lieut, colonel fm Santa Cruz de Resales. Captains. Benjamin D. Moore — killed at San Pascual 6 Dec. 46. (James Allen, Lt colonel, comd. Mormon Volrs., died 23 Aug. 46;. John H. K. Burgwin, killed at Puebla de Taos Feb. 47. Enoch Steen — icound. at, and bvt Major fm Buena Vista. William Eustis. Henry S. Turner, bvt Major fm San Pascual and San Gabriel. Abraham R. Johnston, Aid de C. to B. Gen. Kearney ; killed at San Pascual. Philip R. Thompson, bvt Major fm Sacramento. William N. Grier, bvt Major fm Santa Cruz de Resales. Philip Kearney — icound. (lost an arm) at, and bvt Major fm Churubusco. Robert H. Chilton, Extra Aid to M. Gen. Taylor and bvt Major fm Biaena Vista. Daniel H. Rucker (Fst It to Feb. 47), bvt Major fm. Buena Vista. Andrew J. Smith (Fst It to Feb. 47), Actg Lt colonel of Mormon Bn. James H. Carleton (Fst It to Feb. 47), bvt Major f m Buena Vista. First Lieuteriants. Richard S. Ewell, bvt Captain fm Churubusco. Leonidas Jenkins — died at Vera Cruz 18 Oct. 47. John Love, bvt Captain fm Santa Criaz de Rosales. Abraham Buford, bvt Captain fm Buena Vista. {Sec lieut.) Thomas 0. ^arxnnoxLA -killed at San Pascual. Rufus Ingalls (Sec It to Feb. 47). Joseph H. Whittlesey (Sec It to Oct. 47), bvt fm Buena Vista. Second Lieutenants. John W. Davidson. Richard C. W. Radford. Delos B. Sacket, bvt First lieut. fm La Palma. Joseph McElvaiu — killed (by accident) in New Mexico Jiily 47. Clarendon J. L. Wilson, bvt First lieut. fm Embudo and Taos. John Adams, bvt First lieut. fm Santa Cruz de Rosales. Thomas F. Castor. Orreu Chapman, bvt First lieut. fm Medelin. Oliver H. P. Taylor, bvt First lieut. fm Embudo and Taos. Samuel D. Sturgis (in 2. drags to Feb. 47). George Stoneman. George F. Evans, bvt First lieut. fm Buena Vista. Lorimer Graham (Sec It 10. infy serving with 1. drags), bvt First lieut. fm Mira Flores ; sev. wound, at, and bvt Captain fm Churubusco. David H. Hastings (Serg Saps, and min. to June 48). SECOND REGIMENT OF DRAGOONS. Colonel. William S. Harney (Lt colonel and bvt Col fm Flo to June 46), bvt Brig. Gen- eral fm Cerro Gordo. Majors. Edwin V. Sumner (Capt 1. drags to June 46) — sev. wound, at and bvt Lt colonel fm Cerro Gordo ; bvt Colonel fm El Molino del Rey. PhililJ St. George Cook (Capt 1. drags to Feb. 47, and Lt colonel comdg Mor- mon Bn), bvt Lt colonel for mer. cond. in California. OFFICERS OF U. 8. AKMY. 11 Captains. Benjamin L. Beall (bvt Major fm Flo), ijrom. to 1. drags. George A. H. Blake, bvt Major fiu San Augustine. Crogan Ker — sev. wound, at El Moliuo del Key. [ Aug. 47. Seth B. Thornton — iec. Hubert M. Morris, bvt First lieut. fm Coutreras ; bvt Captain fm Chapultepec. Francis S. K. Kussell — wound, at, and bvt First lieut. fm Chapultejjec. Julian May, Aid de C. to B. Gen. Harney ; bvt First lieut. f m Churubusco. Daniel M. Frost, (fm 1. arty), bvt First lieut. fm Cerro Gordo. John P. Hatch (fm 3. infy), bvt First lieut. fm Churubusco ; bvt Captain fm Chapultepec. Gordon Granger, bvt First lieut. fm Churubusco ; bvt Captain fm Chapultepec. Dabney H. Maury^se®. wound, before, and bvt First lieut. fm Cerro Gordo, lunes N. Palmer, bvt First lieut. fm Churubusco ; wound, at, and bvt Captain fm Chapultepec. ) James Stuart, bvt First lieut. fm Churubusco ; bvt Captain fm Chapultepec. Alfred Gibbs — wound, before, and bvt First lieut. fm Cerro Gordo ; bvt Captain fm De Belen gate. George H. Gordon- woujul. before and bvt First lieut. fm Cerro Gordo. William B. Lane. Caleb E. Lrvine. ist REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY. Lieut. Colonel. Benjamin K. Pierce — died since the war. Majors. Levi Whiting — died since the war. [Puebla. Thomas Childs (Capt 3. arty and bvt Colo, to Feb. 47j, bvt Brig. General fm Captains. Justin Dimick (bvt Major fm Florida), bvt Lt colonel fm Churubusco : bvt Colonel fm Chapultepec. Lucian B. Webster, bvt Major fm Monterey ; bvt Lieut, colonel fm Buena Vista. George Nauman, bvt Major fm Cerro Gordo; bvt Lt colonel fm Churubusco: zi^ound. at Chapultepec. 14: OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY, Francis Taylor, bvt Major fm Cerro Gordo ; bvt Lt colonel fm Churubusco. John H. Winder, bvt Major fm Churubusco : bvt Lt colonel fm Mexico city. Minor Knowlton. James H. Prentiss — died since the war. [fm Chapultepec. John B. Magruder, bvt Major fm Cerro Gordo ; wound, at, and bvt Lt colonel Erastus A. Capron (Fst It to Feb. 47) — killed at Chiarubusco. Martin J. Burke (Fst It to Mar. 47) — killed at Churubusco. [treras. John S Hatheway (Fst It to Mar. 47) — wound, before, and bvt Major fm Coil- Flrst Lieutenants. James L. Donaldson, bvt Captain fm Monterey ; bvt Major fm Buena Vista (appd. in Qrmr's dept). James W. Mackall, bvt Captain fm Monterey ; aji^jd. in Adjutant's dept. William H. French, bvt Captain fm Cerro Gordo ; bvt Major fm Churubusco. Joseph Hooker, bvt Captain fm Monterey : appd. in Adjutant's dept. William H. Fowler (bvt fm Flo) — died since the war. Irvin McDowell, Aid de C. to B. Gen. Wool, to May 47 ; bvt Captain fm Buena Vista ; Ast Adjutant Gen. May, 47. Joseph A. Hoskin, bvt Captain f m Cerro Gordo ; loound. at (lost an arm) and bvt Major fm Chapultepec. Henry D. Grafton, bvt Captain fm Churubusco. James B. Eicketts William S. Smith— rfjV^Z since the war. Samuel K. Dawson, bvt Captain fm Cerro Gordo. James G. Martin (Sec It to Feb. 47), appd. in Qrmr's dept. Joseph F. Irons (Sec It to Mar. 47), Aid to B. Gen. Cadwalader ; niort. wound. at Churubusco and died 26 Aug. 47. John M. Brannan (Sec It to Mar. 47), Adjutant Apr. 47 ; bvt Captain fm Churu- busco ; sev. wound, at Chapultepec. Isaac Bowen (Sec It to Mar. 47), bvt f m Monterey ; bvt Captain f m Buena Vista. Seth Williams (Sec It to Mar. 47), Aid to M. Gen. Patterson; bvt Captain fm Abner Doubleday (Sec It to Mar. 47). [Cerro Gordo. John P. Johnstone (Sec It to Mar. 47) — killed at Contreras 19 Aug. 47. Henry Coppee (Sec It to Aug. 47), bvt Captain fm Churubusco. Edward C. Boynton (Sec It to Aug. 47) — sev. wound, at, and bvt Captain fm Churubiisco. Thomas J. Jackson (Sec It to Aug. 47), bvt Captain fm Churubusco ; bvt Major fm Chapultepec. Truman Seymour (Sec It to Aug. 47), bvt Captain fm Churubusco. Second Lieutenants. Satterlee Hoffman — killed at Churubusco. John B. Gibson, bvt Fst lieut. fm Churubusco. Theodore Talbot, Adjutant of California Volrs. to May 47. Ambrose P. Hill. 2d REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY. Colonel. James Bankhead, bvt Brig. General from Vera Cruz. Majors. John Munroe (Capt 4. arty and bvt Major to Aug 4(5), bvt Lt Colonel fm Mon- terey ; bvt Colonel fm Buena Vista. Patrick H. Gait (Capt 4. arty to Feb. 47), bvt Lt Colonel fm Churubusco ; died since the war. Ca/ptains. Allen Lowd, bvt Major fm Fort Brown. Samuel Mackenzie, comd. his reg. at El Molino, and Stormers at Chapultepec ; William C. DeHart— rfiVf/ 21 Apr. 48 idied 19 Oct. 47 in Mex. city. Charles F. Smith, bvt Major fm La Palma ; bvt Lt colonel fm Monterey ; bvt Henry Swartwout. [Colonel fm Churubusco. OKFICEKS OF U. S. ARMY. 15 James Duncau, bvt Major fm Palo Alto ; bvt Lt Colonel fm La Palma ; bvt Colouel fm Mouterey ; difd since the war. Horace Brooks (Fst It to June 46), bvt Major fm Chnrubusco ; bvt Lt colouel fm El Molino del Hey. Henry L. Kendrick (Fst It to June 40), bvt Major fm Puebla. Koland A Luther (Fst It to Mar. 47), iround. at Palo Alto. John F. llolaud (Fst It to Mar. 47), bvt fm La Palma ; bvt Major fm Monterey. Firitt Li€ute7iants. Muscoe L. Shackelford, comd. his co at Churubusco and inort. wound, at El Mo- lino, and died 12 Oct. 47. Charles 15. Daniels, comd. his co at Churubusco, and mort. wound, at El Molino, and died 27 Oct. 47. Lewis G. Arnold, bvt Captain fm Churubusco; bvt Major fm Chapultepec. Francis Woodbridge, bvt Captain fm Churubusco ; bvt Major fm El Molino del Henry C. Pratt, bvt Captain fm Atlixco. [Hey. John Sedgmck, bvt Captain fm Chnrubusco ; bvt Major fm Chapultepec. William Armstrong (appd. Aug. 47 iu Qrmr's dept. ) — killed at El Molina. Arnold Elzey, bvt Captain fm Churubusco. William B. Blair, bvt Captain fm Cerro Gordo. William F. Barry. William A. Nichols, bvt Captain fm Monterey ; bvt Major fm El Molino. Leslie Chase, bvt Captain fm La Palma ; died since the war. Henry J. Hunt, bvt Captain fm Churubusco ; wound, at El Molino ; bvt Major Augustus A. Gibson. [fm Chapultepec. William Haj's (Sec It to Mar. 47), bvt Captain fm Churubusco ; wound, at El Molino : bvt Major fm Chapultepec. Harvey A. Allen (Sec It to Mar. 47), bvt Captain fm El Molino del Rey. Samuel S. Anderson (Sec It to Mar. 47), bvt Captain fm El Molino ; bvt Major James Totten (Sec It to Mar. 47). [fm Chapultepec. David Gibson — died at Tampico 6 Feb. 47. Koswell S. Ripley (Sec It to Mar. 47), Aid to M. Gen. Pillow ; 1)vt Captain fm Cerro Gordo ; bvt Major fm Chapultepec. John J. Peck (Sec It to Mar. 47), bvt Captain fm Churulmsco ; bvt Major fm El Molino del Rey. Henry F. Clarke (Sec It to Sept. 47) — wound, at El Molino ; bvt Captain fm Chapultepec. Second Lieutenants. Josiah H. Carlisle. George Edwards — mound, at, and bvt First lieut. fm Puebla. Thomas B. J. Weld — died since the war. Henry B. Sears, bvt First lieut. fm National Bridge. Marcus D. L. Simpson, bvt First lieut. fm Churubusco ; bvt Captain fm Cha- Richard H. Rush. [pultepec. Josejjh S. Totten. Julius A. d'Lagnel. Julian McAllister. 3d REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY. Colonel. William Gates ; comd. at Tampico. Lieut, ('olonel. Francis S. Belton, bvt Colonel fm Churubusco. Major. John M. Washington (Capt. 4 arty to Fob. 47), bvt Lt colonel fm Buena Vista. Captainn. Thomas Childs (bvt Lt. colo fm Flo), bvt Colonel fm La Palma. See 1 arty. John R. Vinton, bvt Major fm Monterey ; killed at Vera Cruz 22 Mar. 47. 16 OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. Samiael Ringgold fbyt Major fm Flo)— mort. wound, at Palo Alto, and died 11 May 46. Martin Buvko, bvt Major fm Churnbusco ; bvt Lt colonel fm El Molino del Key. Eichiird D. A. Wade (bvt Major fm Flo) — sev. wound, at Cbenibusco ; bvt Lt colonel fm El Molino ; died since the war. Robert Anderson — sev. imund. at, and bvt Major fm El Molino del Rey. William ^?,\\—dkd at Puebla 13 Aug. 47. Thomas W. Sherman, bvt Major fm Bnena Vista. ChristoiJher Q. Tompkins, resigned 22 Sept. 47 in Calif. Braxton Bragg (Est It to June 46), bvt Captain fm Ft Brown ; bvt Major fm Monterey ; bvt Lt colonel fm Buena Vista. George Taylor (Est It to Feb. 47), bvt Major fm Huamantla. Edward J. Steptoe (Fst It to Mar. 47), bvt Major fm Cerro Gordo ; bvt Lt colonel fm Chapultepec. [dept. {First lieut.) Randolph Ridgely (declined bvt fm La Palma), ap^id. in Adjutant's Francis O. Wyse (Fst It to Mar. 47), bvt Major fm Calabosa river near Tampico. William H. Shover (Fst It Mar. 47), bvt Captain fm Monterey ; bvt Major fm Buena Vista. William Austine (Fst It and Adjutant to Aug. 47), bvt Major fm Churubusco. First Lieutenants. Henrj' S. Burton (Lt colonel of N. Y. reg. California Volrs. for the war). Henry B. Judd, bvt Captain fm Medelin, near Vera Cruz. Edward 0. C. Ord. William Gilham — resigned Oct. 46. William T. Sherman, bvt Captain fm California. William H. Churchill, bvt Captain fm La Palma ; apjjd. in Qrmr's dept. Stewart Van Vliet, appd. in Qrmr's dept. June 47. George H. Thomas, bvt Captain fm Monterey ; bvt Major fm Buena Vista. Horace B. Field, bvt Captain fm Huamantla. George W. Ayres, bvt Captain fm Monterey ; killed at El Molino. Sewall L. Fremont, Ast qrmr Mar. 47. [bvt Major fm Churubusco. Richard P. Hammond, Aid to B. Gen. Shields ; bvt Captain fm Cerro Gordo ; John F. Reynolds, bvt Captain fm Monterey ; bvt Major fm Buena Vista. Richard W. Johnston, distiug. and resigned Dec. 47. Charles L. Kilburn (Sec It to Feb. 47), bvt First lieut. fm Monterey : bvt Cap- tain fm Buena Vista. Hachaliah Brown (Sec It to Mar. 47), bvt Captain fm Medelin. Lucien Loeser (Sec It to Mar. 47). James A. Hardie (Major in N. Y. reg. California Volrs. for the war). Samiiel G. French (Sec It to Mar. 47), bvt First lieiat. fm Monterey ; sev. icound. at, and bvt Cajitain fm Buena Vista. Francis J. Thomas (Sec It to Mar. 47). Joseph F. Farry (Sec It to Aug. il)— killed at El Molino. Louis D. Welch (Sec It to Sept. 47) — died since the war. George P. Andrews (Sec It to Sept. 47 — iDOund. at, and bvt Captain fm El Mo- lino ; bvt Major fm Chapultepec. Second Lieutenants. Colville J. Minor — died Aug. 47 in California. Hamilton L. Shields, bvt First lieut. fm Churubusco : bvt Captain fm El Molino. John H. Lendrum, bvt First It fm Churubusco ; bvt Captain fm Chapultei^ec. Bedney F. McDonald, bvt First It fm Huamantla. John Mason. George Patten. Horatio Gibson. Ambrose C. Burnside. 4th REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY. TAeut. Colonel. Matthew M. Payne — sev. wound, at, and bvt Colonel fm La Palma. OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 17 Majors. John L. Gardnei-, bvt Lt colonel fm Cerro Gordo ; bvt Colonel fm Contreras. Giles Porter (Capt 1. arty to 16 Feb. 47). Captains. (John Munroe, bvt Major fni Flo) ; See 2. arty. (Patrick H. Gait— to Feb. 47); See 2. arty. (John M. Washington — to Feb. 47) ; See 3. arty. Harvey Brown (bvt Major fm Flo), bvt Lt colonel fm Chnrubusco ; bvt Colonel William W. Morris (bvt Major fm Flo). [fm De Belen gate, John B. Scott, bvt Major fm La Palma. William P. Bainbridge, bvt Major fm Cerro Gordo : died since the war. llaphael C. Smead— d/^rf 20 Aug. 48. Franklin E. Hiint. Simon H. Drum, much distiug. and killed at Ue Belen gate, 13 Sept. 47. Samuel C. Ridgely (Fst It to Feb. 47), bvt Major fm Churubusco. Edward Deas (Fst It to Feb. 47) — drowned in tbe Rio Grande since the war. John H. Miller (Fst It to Mar. 47), bvt Major fm Puebla ; died since the war. First Lieutenants. John P. J. O'Brien — appd. in Qrmr's dept. Jan. 47 ; wound, at, and bvt Major John W. Phelps, disting. at Contreras, declined bvt. [fm Bueua Vista. Thomas L. Brent, bvt Captain fm Buena Vista ; appd. in Qrmr's dept. Mar. 47. Thomas Williams, Aid to M. Gen. Scott ; bvt Captain fm Churubusco ; bvt Major Edmund Bradford. [fm Chapultepec. John C. Pemberton, Aid to M. Gen. Worth ; bvt Captain fm Monterey ; bvt Major fm El Molino ; wound, at the city. Charles F. Wooster, bvt Captain fm the Sacramento. John P. McCown, bvt Captain fm Cerro Gordo. George W. Getty, bvt Captain fm Contreras. Albion P. Howe, Adjutant, bvt Captain fm Contreras. Julius P. Gareschc. Simon S. Fahnestock. [fm Buena Vista. Robert S. Garnett, Aid to M. Gen. Taylor ; bvt Captain fm Monterey ; bvt Major Mansfield Lovell (Sec It to Feb. 47), Aid to M. Gen. Qiiitman ; bvt Captain fm Chapultepec : wound, at De Belen gate. Calvin Benjamin (Sec It to Feb. 47), much disting. and killed at le Belen gate. Henry M. Whiting (Sec It to Mar. 47). bvt First It fm Buena Vista. George W. Rains (Sec It to Mar. 47), Aid to M. Gen. Pillow; bvt Captain fm. Churubusco. Daniel H. Hill (Sec It to Mar. 47), bvt Captain fm Contreras : bvt Major fm Cha- Thomas J. Curd (Sec It to Mar. 47). [pultepec. Samuel Gill (Sec It to Mar. 47) — resigned May 47. Fitz John Porter (Sec It to May 47), bvt Captain fm El Molino ; bvt Major fm Chapultepec : and loound. at De Belen gate. Second Lieuteiiants. Francis GoWma—wo^md. at, and bvt Fst It fm Contreras. Darius N. Couch, bvt Fst It fm Buena Vista. John A. Brown. Albert L. Magilton, bvt Fst It fm Contreras. Henry A. Ehninger. Gustavus A. De Russy, bvt Fst It fm Contreras. John S. Garland. Samuel L. Gouverneur, bvt Fst It fm Contreras. John Gibbon. Richard C. Drum, bvt Fst It fm Chapultepec. William Davenport. ist REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Colonel. 18 OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. Lieut. Colonel. Henry Wilsou, bvt Colonel fm Monterey. Majors. John B. Clark — died at San Juan D'UUoa 23 A\ig. 47. Edgar S. Hawkins (Capt. 7. infy to Feb. 47). Captains. John J. Abercrombie (bvt Major fm Flo) — loound. at, and bvt Lt colonel fm Albert S. Miller, bvt Major fm Monterej'. [Monterey ; prom, to 5. infy. Electus Backus, bvt Major fm MontereJ^ Joseph H. Lamotte — icound. at, and bvt Major fm Monterey. John R. B. Gardeuier — dkd since the war. Samuel M. Plummer — died since the war. John M. Scott, bvt Major fm Monterey ; died since the war. John H. King (Fst It to Oct. 46). Robert S. Granger (Fst It to Sept. 47). First Lieutenants. Ferdinand S. Munford. William E. Prince, Aid to B. Gen. Price ; bvt Captain fm Santa Cruz de Rosales. George W. F. Wood, appd. in Qrmr's dept. John C. Terrett — killed at Monterey. Benjamin H. Arthur (Sec It to Sept. 46), Adjutant. Stephen D. Carpenter (Sec It to Sept. 47). Second Lieutenants. Joseph B. Plummer. Schuyler Hamilton, bvt First lieut. fm Monterey ; Aid to M. Gen. Scott ; bvt Frederick J. Denman. [Captain fm Mira Flores. Eugene E. McLean. Rankin Dilworth — inort. wound, at Monterey, and died 27 Sept. 4G. William L. Crittenden. Charles C. Gilbert. Parmenas T. Turnley. George D. Brewerton (in N. Y. Volrs. in Calif.) Egbert Viele. 2d REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. IJeut. Colonel. Bennet Riley (bvt Colonel fm Flo), comd. a brigade ; bvt Brig. General fm Cerro Gordo ; bvt Major General fm Contreras. Majors. George W. Allen (Capt 4. infy to Sept 46), bvt Lt colonel fm La Palma ; died at Vera Cruz 15 Mar. 48. William M. Graham (Capt 4. infy to Feb. 47), Lt colonel 11. infy, and killed at Washington Seawell (Capt. 7. infy to Mar. 47). [El Molino del Rey. Captains. Carlos A. Waite, prom, to Major 8. infy Feb. 47. Thompson Morris, bvt Major fm Cerro Gordo ; bvt Lt colonel fm Churubusco. Julius J. B. KingsbTiry, bvt Major fm Chvirubusco. Joseph R. Smith, bvt Major f m Cerro Gordo ; twice wound, at, and bvt Lt colonel Hannibal Day. [fm Churubusco. Samuel P. Heintzelman, bvt Major fm Huamantla. ( Chapiiltepec. Silas Casey, bvt Major fm Churubusco ; sev. womid. at, and bvt Lt colonel fm James W. Penrose, bvt Major fm. Cerro Gordo ; died .since the war. George W. Patten — sev. loound. Tlost an arm) and bvt Major fm Cerro Gordo. Henry W. Wessells ( Fst It to Feb. 47) — se/K. wound, at, and bvt Major f m Contreras. James W. Anderson (First It to Feb. 47) — much disting. and mort. woitnd. at Churubusco, and died 22 Aug. 47. Mai'sena R. Patrick (Fst It to Aug. 47), bvt Major for mer. cond. in Mexico. OFFICERS OF IT. 8. ARMY. 19 First Lieutenants. William Allnirtis — bvt Capt fm Y\&— killed at Vera Cruz. Justus McKinstry— appd. iu Qrmr's dept. Christoplier S. Lovell — twice loaund. at, and bvt Captain fm Churubusco. Delozier Davidson — wound, at Vera Cruz ; bvt Captain fm Churubusco. George C. Westcott, bvt Captain fm Cbapultepec. Julius Hayden, Aid to Colo Kilcy, comdg brig ; w(nind. at, and bvt Captain fm Edward K. S. Canby, Adjiitant ; appd. in Adj. gen.'s dept. [Churubusco. Bryant P. Tilden (Sec It to Feb. 47) — wound, at Coutreras. [Belen gate. Nathaniel Lyon (Sec It to Feb. 47), bvt Captain fm Churubusco; wound, at De Second Lieutenants. James W. Schureman, bvt Fst It from Churubusco ; diM since the war. Charles E. Jarvis — wound. atCerro Gordo ; bvt Fst It fm Churubusco ; died since Frederick Steele, bvt Fst It fm Contreras ; bvt Captain fm ChaiJultepec. [the war. James M. L. Henry, Aid to B. Gen. Marshall. Herman Thorn (appd. in 3. drags Mar. 47), Aid to Colo Garland ; bvt Captain fm Churubusco : wound, at El Molino ; retained with bvt of Capt fm Cha- David E, Jones, Adjutant Ajjr. 47 ; bvt Fst It fm Churubusco. [pultepec. Thomas Easlej' — killed at Churubusco. Nelson H. Davis, bvt Fst It fm Churubusco. William M. Gardner — wound, at Contreras ; sev. wound, at, and bvt Fst It fm John R. Butler, Aid to M. Gen. Butler. [Churubusco. Tredwell Moore. Thomas W. Sweeney, served in N. Y. Volrs.; lost an arm at Churubusco. 3d REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Lieut. Colonel. Ethan A. Hitchcock, Actg Inspector General with M. Gen. Scott ; bvt Colonel fm Churubusco ; bvt Brig. General fm El Molino del Key. Ma^fft'. — William W. Lear — mort. wound, at Monterey. Captains. Lewis N. Morris, bvt Major fm La Palma : killed at Monterey. (Henry Bainbridge— (rwmd. at, and bvt Major fm Monterey): prom, to 7. infy. Edmund B. Alexander, bvt Major f m Cerro Gordo : bvt Lt colonel f m Churubusco. Jefferson Van Home, bvt Major fm Churubusco. George P. Field — sev. wound, at Monterey, and killed by Mex. lancers. Philip N. Barbour (bvt fm Flo), bvt Major fm La Palma ; killed at Monterey. William S. Henry, bvt Major fm Monterey ; died since the war. Joseph H. Eaton, Aid toM. Gen. Taylor ; bvt Major fm Monterey ; bvt Lt colonel fm Buena Vista. Lewis S. Craig, bvt Major fm Monterey ; sev. wound, at, and bvt Lt colonel fm Churubusco. James Madison Smith (Fst It to Sept. ^&),—died 4 Dec. 47 near Jalapa Mex. William H. Gordon (Fst It to Sept. 46), bvt Major fm Churubusco. Daniel T. Chandler ( Fst It to Sept. 4G), bvt Major fm Monterey ; wound, at, and bvt Lt Colonel fm Contreras. Stephen D. Dobbins (Fst It to Feb. ^1)— wound, at La Palma. First Lieutenants. Bushrod R. Johnson — resigned Oct. 47. Oliver L. Shepherd, bvt Captain fm Churubusco ; bvt Major fm Chapultepec. William B. Johns, bvt Captain fm Cerro Gordo. Douglas S. Irwin f bvt fm Flo), Adjutant ; killed at Monterey. Thomas Jordan— appd. in (Qrmr's dept. [Churubusco. Don Carlos Buell, bvt Captain fm Monterey : .seu. wound, at, and bvt Major fm Israel B. Richardson, bvt Captain fm Churubusco ; bvt Major fm Chapultepec. 20 OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. William T. H. Brooks, bvt Captain fm Monterey: Actg ast adj. gen. to B. Gen. Twiggs ; bvt Major fm Churubusco. Andrew M^. Bowman, bvt Captain fm Cerro Gordo. George Sykes, bvt Captain fm Cerro Gordo. Andrew J. Williamson (Sec It to Feb. 47). Second Lieutenants. Eobert Hazlitt — killed at Monterey. John C. McFerran. John Trevitt. Henry B. Schroeder, bvt First lieut. fm Churubusco. John J. C. Bibb — resigned Dec. 46. John P. Hatch — appd. in Mtd riflemen q. v. James N. Ward — -wound, at and bvt First lieut. fm Cerro Gordo. ]^arnard E. Bee — wound, at and bvt First lieut. fm Cerro Gordo : bvt Captain Henry B. Glitz, bvt First It fm Cerro Gordo. [fm Chapultepec. William H. Wood (fm 7. infyj. John D. Wilkins, bvt First It fm Churubusco. Joseph N. G. Whistler, bvt First It from Churubusco. Michael O'Sullivan — resigned Oct. 47. Charles B. Brower — served in N. Y. Volrs. 4th REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Lieut. Colonel. John Garland, comd. a brigade ; bvt Colonel fm La Palma ; bvt Brig. General fm Churubusco ; sev. wound, in capture of the City. Majoi-. Francis Lee (Capt 7. infy to Feb. 47), bvt Lt colonel fm Churubusco ; bvt Colonel fm El Molino del Rey. Captains. (George W. Allen, bvt Major fm Flo ; bvt Lt colonel fm La Palma); prom to 2. John Page — mort. 'wound, at Palo Alto, and died 12 July 46. [infy- (William M. Graham, bvt Major fm Flo); prom, to 2. infy q. v. Pitcairn Morrison, bvt Major fm La Palma. George A. McCall, bvt Major and bvt Lt colonel fm La Palma ; appd. in Adj's Gouverneur Morris, bvt Major fm La Palma. [dept. Robert G. Buchanan, bvt Major fm La Palma : bvt Lt colonel fm El Molino del Charles H. Larnard, bvt Major fm La Palma. [Rej'. Benjamin Alvord (Fst It to Sept. 46), bvt Capt fm La Palma ; bvt Major fm National Bridge. Henry L. Scott (Fst It to Feb. 47), Aid-de-C. and Actg adjutant gen. to Gen. Scott; bvt Major fm Churubusco ; ^ bvt Lt Colonel fm Chapultepec. First Lieutenants. Henry Prince, Adjutant ; bvt Capt fm Churubusco : sev. wound, at and bvt Major Charles Hoskins, Adjutant; killsd at Monterey. [fm El Molino del Rej'. Richard H. Graham — mo7-t. wound, at Monterey, and died 12 Oct. 46. John H. Gore, bvt Captain fm Churubusco ; bvt Major fm El Molino del Rey. Richard E. Cochran — killed at R. de la Palma. | skirmish. {Second It) Theodoric H. Porter — killed 19 Apr. 46, near the Rio Grande, in a Sidney Smith — wound, at El Molino ; mort. wound, in capture of city, and died 16 Sept. 47. Granville O. Haller, bvt Captain fm El Molino ; bvt Major fm ChaiDultepec. Henry D. Wallen. Henderson Ridgley, Actg ast adjutant gen. to B. Gen. Lane ; killed at P-ass of Jenks Beaman— (f««? 6 May 48 at Tampico. [Guadalaxara. / OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 21 Becond IJeiitennntK. Christopher R. Perry — died on his return, at sea. Christopher G. Augur, Aid to B. Gen. Hopping. Ulysses S. Grant — declined bvt fm El Moliuo : bvt Captain fm Chapultepcc. Henry M. Judah, bvt First It fm El Moliuo; bvt Cajitainfm Chapultepec. James S. Woods, bvt First It fm La Palma ; killed at Monterey. Alexander Hays, bvt P'irst It fm La Palma ; Actg ast adjutant gen. to B. Gen. Abram B. Lincoln — iroiind. at and bvt First It fra El Molino del Rey. [Lane. Thomas J. Montgomery. David A. Russell, bvt First It fm National Bridge. Alexander P. Rodgers — inoarid. and killed, at Chapultepec-. Delaucey Floyd-Jones, bvt First It fm El Molino del Rey. Maurice Maloney, bvt First It f m El Mdlino ; bvt Captain f m Chapulteiiec ; wound, at San Cosme gate. Archibald B. Botts- r//"<'rZ 1 Jan. 47 at Camargo Mex. Thomas R. McConnell, bvt First It fm El Molino ; bvt Captain fm Chapultepec. Edmiind Russell — wound, at Churubusco ; bvt First It fm El Molino. 5th REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Lieut. Colonel. James S. Mcintosh — dang, wound, at and bvt Colonel fm La Palma ; sev. wmtnd. at El Molino ; and died of his wounds 26 Sept. 47. Majors. (Thomas Staniford, bvt Lt Colonel fm La Palma) ; prom, in 8. infy. Martin Scott (Capt 5. infy to June 46), bvt Lt colonel fm Monterey ; killed at El Dixon S. Miles (Capt 7 infy to Feb. 47), q. v. [Moliuo del Rey. John J. Abercrombie (Capt 1. infy to Sept. 47), q. v. Captains. Moses E. Merrill, much disting. and killed at El Molino del Rey. [47. Ephraim K. Smith, comd. Lht Bn, and mart, woiuid. at El Moliuo — died 11 Sept. Alexander S. Hooe — sev. wound, at and bvt Major fm La Palma ; died 9 Dec. 47 at Baton Rouge. William Chapman— wound, at San Antonio, and bvt Major f m Churubusco : Ijvt Randolph B. Marcy — served in California. [Lt colonel fm El Moliuo. Daniel Ruggles, bvt Major fm Churubusco ; bvt Lt colonel fm Chapultepec. Joseph H. Whipple— (Z/('(f 30 June 47 at the Castle of Perote. Daniel H. McPhail, bvt Major fiu Churubusco ; wound, in capture of the city. Carter L. Stevenson. Nathan B. Rossell, bvt Major fm El Molino del Rey. First Lieutenants. John A. Whitall, bvt Captain fm La Palma. George Deas, .\djvitant, and appd. in Adjutant's dept. Dec. 46. Sterne H. Fov!\ei—ioound. at La Palma : bvt. Captain f m Churubusco ; bvt Spencer 'Sorxell— died since the war. [Major fm El Molino. John C. Robinson. Pinkney Lus;enbeel, Adjutant; wound, at and bvt Captaia fm Churubusco ; bvt Joseph L. Folsom, appd. in Qrmr's dept. Sept. 46. [Major fm Chapultepec. Mortimer Rosecrants, bvt Captain fm Churubusco ; died since the war. Charles S. Hamilton, bvt Captain fm Churubusco ; sev. wouml. at El Molino. Henry R. Selden. Second Lieutenants. Frederick T. Dent, bvt First It fm Churubusco ; sev. wound, at and bvt Captain Erastus B. Strong— Av7/<"rf at El Molino del Rey. [fm El Molino. William T. Burwell, Aid to Colo Clark, comdg brig. : killed at El Molino. William Read. 22 OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. Joseph P. Smith, much disting. and killed at Chapultepec. John A, Kichey- — murdered at Villa Gran Mex. 13 Jan. 47. Patrick A. Farrelly — sct. wound, at and bvt First It fm Chriibusco ; died since Clinton W. Lear, bvt First It fm National Bridge. [the war. 6th REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Colonels. (Zachary Taylor, bvt Brig. General fm Flo ; bvt Major General fm La Palma ; prom, to Major General 29 June 46). Newman S. Clark, bvt Brig. General fm Vera Cruz. Major. Benjamin L. E. Bonneville — wound, at and bvt Lt Colonel fm Churubusco. Captains. George C. Hutter (re-appd. Apr. 47 till Jan. 48). "William Hoffman — icound. at and bvt Major fm Churubusco ; bvt Lt colonel fm Albemarle Cady — wound, at and bvt Major fm El Molino del Key. [El MolJno. Thomas L. Alexander, bvt Major fm Churubusco. Samuel Woods (Major 15 infy Mar. 47), bvt Lt colonel fm Chapultepec ; retained John B. S. Todd. [with bvt of Major fm same. William H. T. Walker, bvt Major fm Churubusco ; aev. loound. and bvt Lt. colonel fm El Molino. James Monroe Jr. Actg ast inspector gen. in the army of Gen. Scott. Charles S. Lovell. First Lieutenants. Edward Johnson, bvt Captain fm El Molino ; bvt Major fm Chapultepec. Thomas Hendrickson — sev. tcound. and bvt. Captain fm Churubusco. Louis A. Armistead, bvt Captain fm Churubusco ; bvt Major fm El Molino ; wound, at Chapultepec. (Edward H. Fitzgerald, appd. in Qrmr's dept. 5 Aug. 47). Leonidas Wetmore, bvt Captain fm El Molino del Key ; died since the war. John D. Bacon — mo7-t. wound, at Churubusco, and died 11 Oct. 47. Alexander Morrow (in 9. infy till Sept. 47), bvt Captain fm Chapultepec ; died since the war. Second Lieutenants. Anderson D. Nelson. Kudolph F. Ernst, Actg adjutant; 7no7't. wound, at El Molino, and died 22 Sept. 47. Ealph W. Kirkham, Adjutant and actg. ast. adjutant gen.; bvt First It fm Churu- busco ; bvt Cai^tain fm Chapultepec. George W. Lay, Aid to M. Gen. Butler ; bvt First It fm Monterey ; Mil. secre- tary to M. Gen. Scott ; bvt Captain fm Churubusco. Edwin Howe, bvt First It fm El Molino ; bvt Captain fm Churubusco. Simon B. Buckner — icound. at and bvt First It fm Churubusco ; bvt Captain fm Winfield Scott Hancock, bvt First It fm Churubusco. [El Molino. William Ehea — died at Monterey 7 June 47. George T. Shackelford — died since the war. 7th REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Lieut. Colonel. Joseph Plympton, bvt Colonel fm Cerro Gordo. Majors. Jacob Brown — mort. wound, in comd. of Ft Brown 6th and died 9 May 46. Henry Bainbridge (Capt 3. infy to Feb. 47), bvt Lt colonel fm Contreras. OFFIOEKS OF U. S. ARMY. 23 CJaptaiiiH. (Edgar S. Hawkins, bvt Major fm Ft Browu); luoiu. to 1. infy Feb. 47. (Francis Lee, Major 4. infy Feb. 47). [to 5. iufj-. (Dixon S. ^liles, bvt Major fm Ft Brown, bvt Lt colonel fm Monterey); prom. (Washington Seawell, bvt Major fm Flo); prom, to 2. infy Mar. 47. Gabriel J. Rains (bvt Major fm Flo). Theopbihis H. Holmes, bvt Major fm Monterey. Kichard H. lloss, bvt Major fm Monterey ; sev. wound, at and bvt Lt colonel fm Contreras ; died since the war Daniel P. Whiting, bvt Major fm Cerro Gordo. Richard C. Gatlin — wound, at and bvt Major fm Monterey. Gabriel R. Paul, bvt Major fm Chapultepec. Seneca G. Simmons (Fst It to Feb. 47). Forbes Britton (Fst It to Feb. 47). Charles Hanson (Fst It to Feb. ^1)— killed at Contreras 20 Aug. 47. John C. Henshaw (Fst It to Mar. 47), bvt Major fm Contreras. First Lieutenants. Nevil Hopson — dismd. Aug. 46. Lewis Henry Little, bvt Captain fm Monterey. Charles H. Humber, bvt Captain fm Cerro Gordo ; sev. wound, at San Geronimo. Francis N. Page, Adjutant and appd. in Adjutant's dept. May 47. Levi Gantt — killed at Chapultepec. [Cerro Gordo. Napoleon J. T. Dana (Sec It to Feb. 47) — sev. wound, at and bvt Captain fm Lafayette McLaws (Sec It to Feb. 47). Samuel B. Hayman (Sec -It to Feb. 47). Earl Van Dorn (Sec It to Mar. 47), Aid de C. to B. Gen. Smith ; bvt Captain fm Cerro Gordo ; bvt Major fm Churubusco ; wou/id. in capture of the city. Franklin Gardner (Sec It to Sept. 47), bvt First It fm Monterey : bvt Captain fm Cerro Gordo : Adjutant. Second Lieutenants. Joseph H. Potter — sev. wound, at and bvt First It fm Monterey. William K. Van Bokkelen, bvt First It fm Contreras. Edmund K. Smith, bvt First It f m Cerro Gordo : bvt Captain fm Contreras. Matthew R. Stevenson (Captain of N. Y. Volrs. in California). William H. Tyler, bvt Fst lieut fm Contreras. Cadmus M. Wilcox, Aid to M. Gen. Quitman ; bvt First It fm Chapultepec. Samuel B. Maxey, bvt First It fm Contreras. Thomas Henry, bvt First It from Contreras. 8th REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Colonel. (William J. Worth, bvt Brig. Gen. fm Flo) ; See General Officers. Lieut. Colonel. Thomas Staniford (Major 5. infy to June 4G), bvt Colonel fm Monterey. Majors. William G. Belknap (bvt Lt colo fm Flo), bvt Colonel fm La Palma ; Actg. in- spector gen. to M. Gen. Taylor ; bvt Brig. General fm Buena Vista. Carlos A. Waite (Capt. 2. infy to Feb. 47), bvt Lieut colonel fm Churubusco : wound, at and bvt Colonel fm El Molino. Caq)tains. George Wright (bvt Major fm Flo), bvt Lt colonel fm Churubusco ; wound, at and bvt Colonel fm El Molino. William R. Montgomery — wound, at and bvt Major fm La Palma; wortnd. at and bvt Lt colonel fm El Molino. 24: OFFICEES OF D. S. ARMY. Richard B. Screven, bvt Major fm Monterey ; bvt Lt colonel fm El Molino ; Henry McKtxvett— ki lied at Monterey 21 Sept. 46. [died since the war. James V. Bomford, bvt Major fm Chnrubusco : bvt Lt colonel fm El Molino. Isaac V. D. Reeve, bvt Major fm Chnrubusco: bvt Lt colonel fm El Molino. Collinson R. Gates — wou7id. at and bvt Captain fm La Palma ; bvt Major fm El Molino ; died since the war. [El Molino. Larkin Smith, Aid to B. Gen. Worth ; bvt Major fm Churubusco ; sev. ■wound, at George Lincoln (Est It to July 46), bvt Captain fm La Palma ; appd. in Adju- tant's dept. Augustus L. Sheppard (Est It to Eeb. 47) — died since the war. First Lieutenants. Joseph Selden, bvt Captain fm Churubusco ; sev. wound, at and bvt Major fm Arthur J. Lee. [Chapultepec. Robert P. Maclay — icound. at La Palma. [10 Sept. 47. John G. Burbauk — wound, at La Palma ; moi't. wound, at El Molino, and died John Beardsley — sev. wound, and bvt Captain fm El Molino. [17 Sept. 47. Charles F. yioxri^— wound, at La Palma ; mort. tcound. at El Molino, and died John D. Clark, Adjutant ; sev. icound. at and bvt Captain fm El Molino ; drowned in Aug. 48. Charles D. Jordan (Sec It to Sept. 46) — wound, at and bvt First It fm La Palma. James Longstreet (Sec It to Feb. 47), Adjutant ; bvt Captain fm Churubusco ; bvt Major fm El Molino ; sev. icound. at Chapultepec. Second Lieutenants. Jacob J. Booker — died since the war, in Texas. Theodore L. Chadbourne — killed at La Palma. Edmunds B. Holloway — sev. wound, at and bvt First It fm Churubusco. Lafayette B. Wood, bvt First It fm Monterey ; Aid to M. Gen. Worth ; bvt Cap- Alfred St A. Crozet. [tain fm Churubusco. Charles G. Merchant, bvt First It fm El Molino ; bvt Captain fm Chapultepec. Alexander Hays, bvt First It fm La Palma; Actg ast. adj. gen. to B. Gen. Lane. George Wainwright — sev. wound, at Monterey; see. wound, at El Molino ; died 2 Aug. 48. James G. S. Snelling, bvt First It fm Churiabusco ; sev. wound, at and bvt Cap- Thomas G. Pitcher, bvt First It fm Churubusco. [tain fm El Molino. George E. Pickett, bvt First It fm Chiirubusco ; bvt Captain fm Chajiultepec. Edward D. Blake. One Year's Regiment raised according to act of Congress Feb. 11, 1847. gth REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Colonel. Trueman B. Ransom, born in Vt., apt. from Vt. Lietit. Colonel. Jeremiah Clements, born in Ala., apt. from Ala. Majors. Folliott T. Lally, born in N. Y., apt. from Me. William B. Taliaferro, born in Va. , apt. from Va. Surgeon. Justin E. Stevens, born in Mass., apt. from Mass. Asst. Surgeons. Francis T. Wheaton, born in R. I., apt. from R. I. Robert T. Spence, " Md., " Md. OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMV 25 Me., Me. N. H., Vt. Me., Me. Conn., ' Conn. N. H., Me. Vt., N. H. Conn., ' ' Conn. Me., Me. Captains. J. S. Pitman, born in N. H., apt. from R. I. Theo. F. Howe, born in N. H., apt. from N. H. Stephen Wootlniau, " E. A. Kimbiill, Andrew T. Pahuer, " Nathaniel S. Webb, " James W. Thompson, '" Daniel Bachelder, " Lorenzo Johnson, " Charles N. Bodfisb, " First Lieutenants. Alexander Morrow, born in Me., apt. from Me. Lyman Bissell, John S. Slocnm, Charles J. Spragvie, George Bowers, John H. Jackson, Thomas J. Whipple, Albert Tracy, Justin Hodge, Joseph F. Bragg, Second Liefiitenants. Daniel H. Cram, born in N. H., apt. from N. H. A. A. Stoddard, " Conn., " Conn. Thomas P. Pierce, " " . Nath. F. Swett, " Me., " Me. Josiah P. Chadbonrue, born in Me., ajit. from Army. Conn., " Conn. R. L. " R. L Me., Mass. N. H., " N. H. N. H., " N. H. N. H., " N. H. N. Y., " Me. Conn., " Conn. Me. Jesse A. Gove, " N. H., " Vt. Thompson H. Crosby, " Mp., Me. Alpheus T. Palmer, " Me.. Me. Richard C. Drum, " Pa., Pa. John Glackin, " Mass., " R. L Robert Hopkins, " Ky., Vt. George W. May, " Eng., " Army. Charles Simmons, " Me., Me. Levi Woodhouse " Conn., " ' Conn. Heni-y De Walbe, " R.I, " R. I. William A. Newman, " Vt. Vt. James P. Archer, " Md., Md. Charles F. Low, N. H. John M. Hathaway, " Conn., ' ' Conn. John McNabb, " ' Army One Year's Regiment raised according to act of Congi'ess Feb. 11, 1847. loth REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Colonel. Robert E. Temple, born in Vt. , a^it. from N. Y. Lieut. Col. John J. Fay, born in N. Y., apt. from N. Y. Majors. Fowler Hamilton, born in N. Y. , apt. from Md. Jnstns T. McCarty, " N. Y., N. Y. 26 OFFICERS OF U. S, ARMY. William L. Walrodt, N. Y., William E.. Andrews, ' Conn., Caleb Wilder, • N. H., Samuel Dickinson, ' ' N. J., Thomas Postley, ' ' N. Y., Joseph A. Yard, ' N. J., Joshua W. Callet, ' N. J., "William W. Tompkins, ' ' N. Y., Alexander Wilkin, ' ' N. Y., Surgeon. Thomas Spencer, born in Mass., apt. from N. Y. Asst. Surgeons. John Cauger, born in N. Y. , apt. from N. Y. William L. Booth, born in Conn., apt. from Ky. Captains. Matthew S. Pitcher, born in N. Y., a^jt. from N. Y. William L. Walrodt, " N. Y., " N. Y. N. Y. N. Y. N. J. N. Y. N. J. N. J. N. Y. N. Y. First Lieutenants. George W. Taylor, born in N. J., apt. from N. J. Samuel R. Dummer, Frauds M. Cummings, Robert C. Morgan, Stephen Powers, Joseph M. Howard, Squire Moon, Samuel Lea, Robert A. Bouton, William G. M. Lewis. Edward McGarry, born in Lorimer Graham, " James McKown, jr., " Hiram Riissell, '' Benjamin Yard, " Peter H. Brnyere, " Thomas S. Griffin, " Ira S. Konover, " John S. Nevins, " Calvin J. Mills, " John Magee, " Edward Harte, " Charles Bennett, " DeWitt Clinton, Charles A. Johnson, "' Charles Van Alen, " J. W. Pattou, Gershom Mott, " Gaylord H. Griswold, " Abraham Scouten, " N. J., N.J. N. Y., N. Y. N. Y., N. Y. Me., N. Y. N. Y., N. Y. N. Y., N. Y. N. Y., N. Y. N. Y., N. Y. N. Y., N, J. Second Li eutenanis. N. Y., apt. from N. Y. N. Y., N. Y. N. Y., N. Y. N. Y., N. Y. N. J., N.J. N. J., N. Y. N. Y., N. Y. N. J., N. J. N. J., N.J. N. Y., N. Y. N. Y., N. Y. N. Y., N. Y. N. J., N.J. N. Y., N. Y. N. Y., N. Y. N. Y., N. Y. Va. Va. N. J., N. J. N. Y., N. Y. N. Y., N. Y. One Year's Regiment raised according to act of Congress Feb. 11. 1847. iith REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Colo7iel. Albert C. Ramsay, born in Pa., apt. from Pa. OFFICEK8 OF U. 8. AKMY. 27 Lieut. Colonel. William M. Graham, horn iu Va., apt. from Md. Majorx. E. W. Morgau, born in Pa., apt from Pa. John F. Hunter, " S. C, " Pa. Surgeon. AVilliam J. Barry, born iu Md., apt. from Md. Asst. Surgeons. Johu H. Weir, l)orn in Pa., apt. from Pa. Sam. D. Scott, " Pa., " Pa. Captains. E. W. McComas, born in Va., apt. from Va. William W. Irwin, Pembertou Waddell George W. Chaytor, Lewis Carr, Presley N. Guthrie, Arnold Sybiirg, Arthur C. Cummings, Johu Motz, Charles T. Campbell, Fii'st Lieutenants. John J. Gregg, born in Pa. , apt. from Pa. Joseph S. Hedges, Thomas F. McCoy Daniel S. Lee, Marshall Hanuon, George Davidson, William H. Gray, Columbus P. Evans, Joseph Samuels, B. F. Harley, Second Lieutenants. Horace Haldeman, born in Pa., apt. from Pa. Pa., Pa. Pa., Pa. Md., " Del. Pa., Pa. Pa., Pa. Prus., " Pa. Vn., Va. Hano., " Pa. Pa., Pa. Del., ' Del. Pa., Pa. Va., : Va. Pa., Pa. - — - ' Ky. Pa. , Pa. Pa., Del. Va., Va. Pa., " Pa. George C. McClellan, " Pa., Pa. Weidman Foster, •' Pa., Pa. Andrew C. Tippin, " Pa., Pa. Alouzo Loring, " N. Y ., *' Va. George B. Fitzgerald, ii Va. William H. Scott, «' Va. Miss Washington Meads, " Pa., Pa. Mitchell Stever, " Pa., Pa. William G. Murray. " Ire., " Pa. Itichard H. L. Johnson, born in Pa., apt . from Pa. Nicholas Spear, " Va., Va. Purnell Loffaud, " Del., Joseph P. Thoma, " Del. Jacob Brua, " Pa. James Elder, " Pa., Pa. John A. Bayard, «' Army James W. Rhey, " Pa. James Keenan, it Pa. Junius B. Wheeler, " N. C, Army 28 OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. One Year's Kegiment raised according to act of Congress Feb. 11, 1847. I2th REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Colonel. Millidge L. Bonhain, born in S. C, apt. from S. C. Lieut. Colonel. Truemau H. Seymour, born in Conn., apt. from Conn. Majors. Maxey Gregg, born in S. C, apt. from S. C. Albert G. Blanchard, born in Mass., apt. from La. Surgeon. Robert R. Ritchie, born in Va., apt. from Va. Asst. Surgeons. Alfred G. Howard, born in S. G., apt. from S. C. John B. Butler, " Va., " Va. Ca/ptains. N. B. Holden, born in , apt. from Mo. Allen Wood, " Pa., " Ark. Oliver P. Hamilton, born in S. C., apt. from S. C. James M. Wells, " Md., " Tex. Joseph B. Anthony, " Mo., " Ark. James W. Denver, " Va., " Mo. Wm. J. Clark, " N. C, " N. C. C. C. Hornsby, " N. C, " Tex. John F.Hoke, " N. C, " N. C. Chas. R. Jones, " Pa., " N. C. First Lieutenants. Wash. L. Wilson, born in N. Y., apt. from Ark. John J. Martin, " S. C, s. c. Chas. Taplin, " N. Y., Mo. John H. H. Feich, Mass. , Ark. John C. Howard, " D. C, " Tex. Wm. B. Giles. Va., Mo. John C. Simpkius, " S. C. D. M. Short, Del., Pa. Chas. M. Greanor, " Pa.. Tex. Oscar D. Wyche, " Va., Tex. Second Lieutenants Thos. T. Conway, born in Mo. , apt. from Ark. Abner N. Ferrin, " S. C, S. C. Edw'd Cantwell, S. C. N. C. Jas. F. Waddell, N. C, N. C. Chris. R. P. Butler, " s. c. S. C. James P. Miller, " Tenn., Ark. Henry Almstedt, " Ger., Mo. Wm. A. Linn, " Mo., Mo. Ormsby Blanding, " S. C, S. C. Robt. Patton, jr., " Va., Tex. OFKIC'EKS <>K U. S. AKMV. , 29 Jobu J. Wbeeden, born in N. (). , apt. from N. C. Lloyd Magruder, ' ' Md., Ark. E. N. Saunders, ' ' N. C. Alex. E. Steen, '•' Mo., Mo. Jobn a. Otterson, ' ' S. C, S. C. A. M. Woodruff, ' ' Ark., Ark. Jobn M. Brouaugb, ' ' D. C. Mo. H. R. Crosby, ' Pa., Va. Wm. J. Coleman, ' ' ' ' Army. Wbitfield B. Brooks, ' ' S. G. One Yeai-'s Ucgiiiiciit riiiscd aci'ording to act of Cougri'sn Feb. 11, lH-17. 13th REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Colonel. Robert M. Ecbols, born in Ga., apt. from Ga. Lieut. Colonel. Jones M. Witbers, born in Ala., apt. from Ala. Majors. Allen G. Jobnson, born in Ga. , apt. from Fla. Edward Maniugault, " S. C, " S. C. iSnrr/eoti. Jobn T. Lamar, born in Ga., apt. from Ga. Aifst. Surgeons. Robert T. Gibbs, born in Va., apt. from Ala. F. L. Malone, " Ala., " Ala. Ca/ptains. Walter Ector. born in Ga. , apt. from Ga. Jobn W. Rice, " S. C, " Ala. Hiram H. Higgins, " Ky., *• Ala. Jobn B. Campbell. '• S. C, " Ga. Hugb L. W. Clay, " Ala., " Ala. Henry E. W. Clark, " Ga., " Fla. Adam Hawk, " Pa., " Ala. Egbert I. Jones, " Ala.. " Ala. Duncan L. Clinch, jr., " Fla., " Ga. Ely P. Howell, " N. C, " Ga. First Lieutenants. Joseph A. White, born in Ga., apt. from Ga. Henry L. Bradford, James M. Dye, George W. Chilter, Robert S. Hayward, Jobn C. Murrast. John S. Hale, Nicholas Davis, Jr.. Fitz H. Ripley, Po what tan R. Page, Ala., Ala. Ga., Ga. Va., " Va. Md., Fla. Ala., Ala. Tenn. . Ala. Ala., Ala. Ala., Ala. Va., Va. 30 OFFICERS OF D. S. ARMY. Second Lieutenants. Jolm M. Perkins. Daniel Kirkpatrick. Nath. Grant. Edward J. Diimmett. John C. Mangham, jr. David G. Wilde. Isaac Hulse, jr. William D. Grey. Mann Page Hunter, born in Va., apt. from Va. John P. Wallace. Samuel H. Crump. John C. Wellborn. William A. Morrison, born in N. Y. , apt. from Ala. Marcus L. McMillan, Ala., Ala. John L. Sims, S. C, Ala. Charles McClung, Ala., Ala. William F. Rives, Va. Eoiiben T. Thom, " Va., Ala John C. Reese, '• " Army John J. Witherspoon, " Ala. One Year's Regiment raised iwcording to act of Congress Feb. 11, 1847. 14th REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Colonel. William Trousdale, born in N. C, apt. from Tenn, Lieut. Colonel. Paul O. Hebert, born in La., apt. from La. Majors. John H. Savage, born in Tenn., apt. from Tenn. John D. Wood, " Va., " 111. Swgeon. Lewis W. Jordon, born in Tenn. , apt. from Tenn. Asst. Sttrgeons. Robert H. McGinnis, born in Mass., apt. from Ohio. Edward K. Price, Robert G. Beale, Pierce B. Anderson, Ben. F. Fulton, Edgar Bogardus, Thomas Glenn, Jos. M. Scantland, Julian W. Breedlove, Joseph W. Perkins, C. T. Huddlestone, Chris. M. Gaile, Md., " 111. Captains. born in Va. , apt. from La Tenn.. La., N. Y., Del., Va., La., Tenn. , Tenn., R. L, Tenn. La. 111. La. Tenn. La. Tenn. Tenn. La. First Lieutenants. James Blackburu, born in La., apt. from La. Thomas Shields, " Miss., " La. Phil. A. Hickman, " Va., " La. George W. Morgan, " Tenn., " Tenn. OFFICERS OF U. 8. AKMY. 31 Henry B. Kelly, bom iu Ala., apt. from La. Robert Humphreys, " Tenn., " Tenu. Thos. Smith, " Va., " 111. Nelson McClauahan, " " Tenn. Preston G. Haynes, " Tenn. " Tenn. A. J. McAllen. " Tenn. " Tenn. Second LleutenanU. Richard Steele, born in N. Y. , apt. from La. Richard T. Eastin, La., La. Jas. G. Fitzgerald, " N. Y., La. Sam. B. Davis. La, La. William H. Seawall, Va., " Tenn. John T. Sauford, Va., La. Robert W. Bedford, " Tenn.. " Tenn. Sam. W. Martin, " Ky., 111. Hugh C Murray, Mo., 111. Perriii Watson, Tenn. Tenu. Alexander C. Layne, Va., Va. A. J. Isaacs, 11 La. John Chester, Tenn., , " Tenn. A. J. Hudson, Tenn., " Tenn. George W. Cheney, La., La. James C. C. Hays, " Tenn., " Miss. Sam. T. Love, Va., Tenn. Benjamin S. Mudd, La., " Tenn. J. Q. Wilbar, Va., Thomas Hart, " Ky., 111. Cue Year's Rugiiiuait raisrd according to act of Congress Feb. 11, 1,S17. 15th REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Colonel. George W. Morgan, born in Pa., apt. from Ohio. TAeiit. Colonel. Joshua Howard, born in Mass., aj^t. from Michigan. Majoi's. Frederick D. Mills, born in Conn., apt. from Iowa. Samuel Woods, " Ind., " Md. SxLnjeon. James B. Slade, born iu N. C, apt. from La. Asst. Surgeons. William D. Carliu, born iu Ohio, ai)t. from Ohio. (Vacancy). Ca^itain^. Eugene Van dc Venter, boru in N. Y., apt. from Mich. Daniel Chase, " Conn., " Ohio. James A. Jones, " N. Y., " Ohio. Edward A. King, " N. Y., " Ohio. Isaac D. Toll, >• N. Y., '• Mich. Augustus Quarles, " Mass., '• Miss. Frazy M. Winans, " N. J., " Mich. John S. Berry, •' Ohio, " Ohio. Moses Hoagland, " Ohio, " Ohio. Edwin Guthrie, " N. Y., " Iowa. 32 OFFICEKS OF U. S. ARMY. First Lieutenants. George W. Bowie, born in Md., apd. from Iowa. W. S. Tanneyhill, Md., Ohio. Thomas H. Freelou, Vt., ' Mich. Thornton F. Brodhead, N. H., ' ' Mich. Deidrich Upmann, Ger., Wis. John B. Miller, N. Y., Ohio. Edward G. Marshall, ' Ky., Ohio. Albert G. Sutton, N. J., ' Ohio. John B. Goodman, ' Va., Mich. William E. Stafford, Md. Ohio. Second Lieutenants. Daniel French, born in Ohio, apt. from Ohio. William D. V/ilkins, Pa., Mich. Charles Peternell, ' ' Baden, ' Ohio. James W. Wiley, N. Y., ' Ohio. Heman C. Cady, N. Y., ' Wis. Cornelius Ketcham, N. Y., ' Ohio. Samuel E. Beach, ' ' N. Y., ' Mich. Francis 0. Becket, Md., Md. Thomas B. Tilton, Ohio, " Ohio. Llewellyn Boyle, ' Ire., Mich. William H. H. Goodloe, ' ' N. Y., •' Mich. Michael P. Boyle, ' Conn., " Wis. Edwin R. Merrifield, ' Ind., Ohio. Abel W. Wright, N. Y.. " Mich. Loiiis W. Templeton, ' Md., Iowa. Piatt S. Titus, 111., Ky. John E. Bennett, ' Ohio, Ohio. Henry H. Green, " Va., 111. Samuel D. Stuart, ' " Geo. F. Hooper, ' (t One Year's Regiment raised according to act of Cougress Feb. 11, 1817. i6th REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Colonel. John W. Tibbatts, born in Ky. , apt. from Ky. Lieiitenant Colonel. Henry L. Webb, born in N. Y., apt. from 111. Majors. Ralph M. Norvell, born in Tenn., apt. from Ind. James M. Talbott, " Ind., " Ind. Sxirgeon. George Berry, born in Va., apt. from Ind. Asst. Surgeons. James 1). Stuavt, born in Ky. , apt. from Ky. Alexander C. Hensley, born in Ky., apt. from Ky. Captains. Leslie H. McKenney, born in Can., apt. from 111. Charles Wickliffe, " Ky., " Ky. Richard Owen, " Scot., " Ind. Theophilus T. Garrard, " Ky., " Ky. OFFICERS OF IT. S. ARMY. 38 Edward A. Graves, boru in Ky., apt. from Ky. Edmimd B. Bill, " N. Y.. " 111. Joseph P. Smith, " N. Y., " Iml. Thomas F. Bethell, " Ind., " Ind. Joseph W. Braimau, '' Va., " Ky. Patrick H. Harris, '' Ky., " Ky. First Lieutenants. George W. Singleton, born in Ky., apt. from Ky. Edward Cord, " Ky., Ky. John T. Hughes, " Ky., Ind. David W. Scott, " Va., Ind. Charles J. Helm, " N. Y., Ky. Jaiues Hughes, '• Md., Ind. Joseph Kellogg, " N. Y., 111. William Hamer, " Ohio, Ind. Joab Wilkinson, - N. Y., 111. Henry K. Kamsay, " Pa., Pa. Second Lieutenantx. Orlando B. Griffith, born in Pa. , apt. from Army. James M. Smith, " Ky., " Ky. Edward C. Berry, " Ky., " Ky. William H. Slade, " 111., 111. William W. Carr, " Ind., Iml. Oliver Diflfendorff, •' N. Y., 111. Burwell B. Irvan, " Ky., " Ky. Alexander Evans, •' Ky., " Ky. Francis McMordie, " Ky., " Ky. William Cooper, " Ind., Ind. Marc. M. Anderson, <» ... Va. Bernard H. Garrett, " Ky., " Ky. Thomas T. Hawkins, •• Ky., " Ky. Fred. A. Snyder, " Md., " , 111. Samuel V. Niles, '' Ky., Ind. John A. Markley, Ind. Daniel 0. May, " Vt., Ind. Samuel N. Whitcomb. " Ky., " Ky. Thomas N. Winston, " Army. John C. How, One Year's Regimout raised according to act of Congress Feb. 11, 1847. REGIMENT OF VOLTIGEURS AND FOOT RIFLEMEN. Colonel. Timothy P. Andrews, born in Ire., apt. from D. C. Lieut. Colonel. Joseph E. Johnston, born in Va., apt. from Va. Majors. Geo. A. Caldwell, born in Ky., ajjt. from Ky. Geo. H. Talcott, " N. Y., " Md. Surgeon. John W. Tyler, born in Va., apt. from D. 0. Asst. Su7-geonH. James L. Clarke, boru in Va., apt. from Va. Arch. B. Campbell, " Pa., " Pa. 34 OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. Captains. Alexander P. Churchill, born in Ky., apt. from Ky. Oscar E. Edwards John Jones, Jas. D. Blair, Chas. J. Biddle, Jno. E. Howard, Moses J. Barnard, Jos. J. Archer, Jos. H. Calwell, Jos. H. Walker, Va. Ga. Miss. Pa. Md. Pa. Md. Va. Ark. First Lieutenants. Jos. C. Marriatt, born in Md., apt. from Md. Birket D. Frey, " Va., " Va. Jas. Tilton, " Del., " Md. Leonidas Mcintosh, " Fla., " Ga. Alex. H. Cross, " D. C, " Md. H. C. Longnecker, " Pa., " Pa. Jos. H. Woolford, " Md., " Md. Wm. S. "Walker, " Pa., " Miss. Jno. M. Blakey, " Va., " Va. Jno. W. Leigh, " Va., " Va. Chas. F. Vernon, born in Robt. C. Forsyth, Jos. A. Frost, " Theo. D. Cochran, " Geo. W. Carr, " James M. Winder, " Van Kens. Otey, " Robt. Swan, " Gus. S. Kintzing, " Geo. R. Kiger, " Wm. J. Martin, " Isaac W . Smith, " Michael C. Hooper, " Jos. H. Smythe, " Jas. R. May, " Edwin C. Marvin, *' Robt. H. Archer, " Wash. Terrett, Frank H. Lamed, " Jos. E. Slaughter, " Second Lieutenants. \, apt. from Ky. I., " Ga. 1.. " Md. il., " Pa. I., " Va. a., " Md. I., " Va. a., " Md. Pa., I., •' Miss. — " Pa. I., " Va. d., " Md. d., " Md. 1., " Va. )nn. , '' Pa. d., " Md. a., " Va. ich., " Mich, a.. " Va. VOLUNTEERS IN MEXICO. LIST OF GENERAL OFFICERS COMPLETE ROSTER OF VOLUNTEER REGIMENTS SERVING IN MEXICO FROM 1846 TO 1848. GENEKAL OFFICERS OF VOLUNTEERS APPOINTED I'OK AND HONORABLY MUSTEllKD OUT AT THE CLOSE OF THE MEXICAN WAR. Major Generals. Wra. O. Butler, born in Ky. , apt. from Ky. Robt. Patterson, " Ire., " Pa. Brigadier Generals. Thos. Marshall, born in Ky. , apt. from Ky. Gid. J. Pillow, pro. Maj. Gen., born in Tenn., apt. from Teuu. Thos. L. Hamer, " Pa., " Ohio. Jno. A. Quitman, pro. Maj. Gen., born in Pa., apt. from Miss. Jas. Shields, brev. Maj. Gen., ' Jos. Lane, ' Franklin Pierce, ' Geo. Cadwallader, brev. Maj. Gen.. * Sterling Price, Caleb Gushing, ' Percifor F. Smith, Ire., 111. N. C, ' Ind. N. H., ' N. H Pa., Pa., Mo., Mo. Mass . ' Mass. Pa., La. ROSTER OF VOLUNTEER REdlMENTS IN THE WAK WITH MEXICO;— BY STATES, ALPHABETICALLY. Battalion of Alabama Volnuteers, for 3 months — 4 companies ; received May 46 ; discharged Aug. 46. Lieut Colonel. Philip H. Raiford. Cajytainii. James M. Curtis. John I. Seibels. Robert L. Downmau. Robert F. Ligon. First Lieutenants. Egbert B. Johnston. Thomas O. Glascock. Norflett Ivey. John A. Strother, Actg adjiatant of Batt. Second Lieutenants. Spencer Currell. Richjird H. Hutchison. Thomas I. Holloway. John C. Parkam. Regiment of Alabama Volunteers, for 12 months — received Jnne 46 ; discharged May 47. Colonel. John R. Coffey. Lieut. Colonel. Richard G. Earle. Major. (iooDK Bryan. Adjutant. See It Hugh P. Watson. Coptainn. Andrew L. Pickens. William G. Coleman. Sydenham Moore. Jacob D. Shelley. Eliphas T. Smith. Hugh M. Cunningham. Zachariah Thomason. Richard M. Jones. Drury P. Baldwin. William H. Ketcham (Est It to Oct. 46;. Fi7:st Lieutenant.'^. (Johu L. May — died at Matamoras 26 James H. Pitts. [Sept. 46). Stephen F. Hale. William S. Hancock, comd. co F. Aug. 46. Reuben P. Thom, jr., comd. co G. Aug. 46. James A. Cox, comd. co K. Feb. 47. John F. Thomason (comd. co B). Nathaniel M. Murphev. William M. Hill. William H. Forney. Second' Lieutenants. George W. Malone, comd. co B. (Hugh P. Watson, Adjutant). William M. Ford. Garner M. McConnico. Josejih D. McCaun. (Earl}' Roe — accidentally wounded and George W. Monroe. (resd). John B. Fuller. George D. Snedicor. Albert H. Rippetoe, Aid de Camp. John H. Norwood. Daniel Gibbs. James Pierce. (Daniel Cothran— Aug. 47 : disbanded 26 Julv 48. Captain. Wyatt B. Stapp. First Lieut. George C. Lamphere. Second Lieuti. John M. Mitchell. John G. Fonda. Served at Pe- rote, Mex. [3d.] Company — received 13 Aug. 47 disbanded 26 Oct. 48. Captain. Michael K. Lawler. Served with Brig. Gen. Wool. First IJeut. Walter S. Clark. Second Lieuts. Samuel L. M. Proctor. John G. Ridgway. j [4th.] Company- -received 13 Sept. 47 disbanded 25 Julv 48. Captain. Josiah Littell. Fi7-t/t Tjieut. Thomas S. Buck. Second Lieuts. Josiah Caswell, Jr. Robert S. Green. Independent Companies of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, for the war with Mexico. 1 1st. 1 Company — received 21 May 47 : disbanded 7 Nov. 48. Served at Rio Frio, Mex. Ist Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, for 12 months -received June 46: discharged June 47. Colonel. James P. Drake. Lieut. Colonels. (Christian (J. Nave — resigned Jan. 47 j. Henry S. Lane (Major to 3 Feb. 47). Major. William Donaldson (First serg to 4 Feb. 47). Adjutant. Sec It William E. Pearsons. Captains. Allen May. Stephen C. Crawford. (Spear S. Tipton — resigned, being appd. Fst it in mtd Ritle reg.) John McDougall. John M. Wilson. Robert H. Milroy. Robert M. Evans. John W. McLane. David W. Lewis. [co G. Stanislaus Laselle (Fst It to June 46), Daniel A. Farley (Fst serg to Feb. 47), CO A. First Lieutenants. James Owens. Wyatt A. George. Charles C. Smith. Andrew L. Robinson, Aid de C. to ^. Gen. Lane May 47. Finley L. Maddox. John Volney Curtis. Thomas K. Lewis. Bradford B. Stevens. William L. Brown. William L. Farrow. Second Liei/tenanth: Gustavus A. Woods. Samuel Meloque. David A. Dunn. Lewis Wallace. Richard W. Jones. (William E. Parsons, Adjutant). James McManoney. Charles F. Colerick. Romulus L. Hanks. Levi Shellenberger. Charles L. Hansicker. George Humphrey. Samuel H. Chapman. James W. Colvin. George W. Blakemore. William V. Howard. Abisha L. Morrison. William Hunter. 4:8 OFFICERS OF THE VOLUNTEERS. 2d Begiment of Indiana Volunteers, for 12 months — received June 46 ; discharged June 47. Colonels. (Joseph Lane — appd. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 1 July 46). William A. Bowles. Lieut. Colonel. William K. Haddon. Major. James A. Cravens. Adjutants. (Fst It Lucian Q. Hoggatt — a p p d . Assist qm. then relinq. Staif, and joined his co. ) Fst It David C. Shanks, 13 Oct. 46. Captains. William L. Sanderson — wounded at Buena Vista. (Trustin B. Kinder — killed at Buena Vista). (William Walker (Rifle ^ CO ) — killed at Buena | In G o r - Vista). •■ man's John Osborn (Rifle co) — | Batt. wound, at Buena Vista. J Joseph W. Briggs. Nathan Kimball. Henry Davis. Abraham Dennis. Lovell H. Rousseau. Franklin Mcllae (Serg major to Feb. 47), CO I. William T. Spicely (Sec It and Fst It to Feb. 47), co B George W. Peck (Sec It to Feb. 47), CO K. First Lieutenants. Stewart W. Cayce — wound, at Buena Vista. (David C. Shanks, Adjutant). Adam Stropes. Lucian Q. Hoggatt, late Adjutant. William Schoonover. Justus Davis — woxund. at Buena Vista. Allen T. Rose. John Murray. Travamon 1'. Teel. Semnd Lieutenants. Thomas S. Kunkle. John GuUett. [Vista. Jerome A. Epperson — wound, at Bnena John T. Alexander. Josiah Burwell. David Irwin. Josiah C. Foster. Israel Benefiel. Edward L. Pennington. [Vista. Henry Pennington — wound, at Buena David S. Lewis — wound, at Buena Vista. Joshua Moore — wotmd. at Buena Vista. (Thomas C. Parr — killed at Buena Edmund W. Rice. [Vista). Thomas T. Hogan. Solomon Loudermilk. Philip Zenor. William E. Panabaker. John W. Stevens. Christian Painter. John Roach. 3d Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, for 12 months — received June 46 ; discharged June 47. Colonel. James H. Lane. Lieut. Colonel. William Monroe McOarty. Major. Willis A. Gorman — wound, at Buena Vista. Adjutants. ' ' {Fst It Herman H. Barbour, relinq. staif Sept. 46). Fst It Harrison Daily, Sept. 46. Captains. John M. Sluss (Rifle co) — ) in Gor- iDound. at Buena Vista. man's George Dunn (Rifle co). ) Batt. William Ford. (James Taggart — killed at Buena Vista). (David Allen — died at Monterey 9 Jan. Scott Carter. [47). Isaac S. Boardman. Vorhees Conover — wotmd. at Buena Vista [died since the war.j Thomas Ware Gibson. John Slater (Qrmaster serg and Sec It to Dec 46), CO C. Thomas M. Adams (Fst It to Feb. 47), coE. Horace Hull (Fst It to March 47), co G. First Lieutenants. David Province, comd. co. C. at Buena William L. Guard. [Vista. Samuel McKenzey. (Harrison Daily, Adjutant). Samuel D. Cowden. William Price. Herman H. Barbour. Paterson C. Parker. John Harrington. Henry R. Seall. Second Lieutenants. Benjamin J. Spooner. OFFICEK8 Ob" THK VOLUNTKKKS. 49 J. D. P. A. M. Chauucey. Smith Dumont. Willianisou Wise. George W. Hmriugtoii. Americus Hough. Jonathan Keith. Daniel L. Fonts. Aaron G. Gibbs. John M. Lord. Thomas Rogers. Silas Canlkius. Samuel McGuffiu. (Andrew J. Carr — resigned Apr. 47). Nicholas Gilman. Charles A. Shank. .\llen Crocker. Harvey McCaslin. Charles Bolt. Alfred J. Campbell. ■1th Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, for during the war with Mexico — received June 47 ; disbanded July 48. Colo7iel. Willis A. Gorman (late Major of J. H. Lane's reg.) Lieut. Colonel. Ebenezer Dumont. Mr/jor. William W. McCoy. Adjutant. (Fst It Edward Cole, relinquished Staff Oct 47). Fst It Martin M. Van Deuzen. Captains. Edward Lander. Jesse I. Alexander. Michael Fitzgibbon. Daniel Lunderman. (William T. Baldridge — invalid — re- signed Oct. 47). Alexander L. Mason. Robert Fravel. Landon Cochran. Morgan L. Payne (Oct. 47), co C. John W. Dodd (Sec It and Fst It to Apr. 48), CO A. Christopher C. Graham (Fst It to Apr. 48), CO E. First Lieutenants. Martin M. Van Deusen, .\djutant and comd. CO A. (Jefferson D. S. D. Carey — died at Piiebla 21 Mar. 48). -Abraham B. B. Lewis, (lustavus II. Way. James C. Littell. Isaac Finley. William M. McPhetridge. Albert G. Brackett. (Edward Cole, late Adjt — invalid — re- Oliver H. P. Carey, [signed July 48). Washington F. Allen. Second Lieutenants. (Niueveh Berry — appd. Assist, coiu- Thomas J. Lucas, [missary Sept. 47). James A. Graham. Barton W. Acuff, comdg co G. John W. Mullen, conidg co H. L. Noble Hamilton, reg. Qrmaster. Luther S. Allard. John R. Mills, comdg co K. Samuel Macon. Thomas A. Reynolds. Daniel S. Barber. Benjamin Pillbean. (Charles Tansey— d/crf at Puebla 26 Oct. Samuel Yeakley. [47). James H. Thompson. John F. Britton. William K. McClane, Actg adjutant to Benjamin F. Hays. [Batt. George W. Amsden. Joseph Combs. Caleb D. Davis. 5th Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, for during the war with Mexico— re- ceived Oct. 47 ; disbanded July 48. Colonel. James H. Lane (late Colonel 3. reg. Ina 12 mos. Vols). Lieut. Col. Allen May (late Capt in Drake's reg.) Major. John M. Myers. Adjutant. Sec It John M. Lord (late Sec It in Lane's 3. reg.) Captains. Horace Hull (late Capt in Lane's 3. reg). George Greene. Robert M. Evans. James R. Bracken. Samuol McKenzey (late Fst It in Lane's 3. reg.) Aaron C. Gibbs (late Sec It in Lane's 3 reg.) (Ebenezer G. Carey — died 14 Jan. 48). David W. Lewis. John McDougall. Mahlon Dickerson Mansou. David Shunk. First Lieutenants. Thomas K. Lewis (late Fst It in Drake's reg.) 50 OFFICERS OF THE VOLUNTEERS. (De Witt Clinton Rich, Assist, q.m. — died 9 Feb. 48, in Mex. city). Charles A. Shank (late Sec It in Lane's Philip J. Roe. [3. reg.) Andrew M. Pattisou. Lewis S. Moffatt. ('Thomas I. Marshall — died 25 Jan. 48). Sylvester Crane. Thomas McBaker. John S. M. Vancleve. John M. Lattimore. Joseph W. Holliday. Second Lieutenants. (John M. Lord, Adjutant). James M. Ross. James V. Moore. James Hamilton. James Baker. William C. Kise. John V. King. John B. Sawtell. Henrj' Hensley. William R. Keep. Hugh J. Kelly. Joel Barnes. Gerathwell Maxwell. Columbus W. Osburu. Ira B. Williamson. Henry W. Jones. Thomas O'Neal. Zechariah Neely. Patrick Curley. Elias D. Pierce. Battalion of Iowa " Mormon " Volun- teers, for 12 months — 5 companies ; received at Council Bluffs 16 July 46 ; discharged at Los Angelos, Cal- July 47. Lieiit Colonels comdg. (James Allen [Capt. 1. U. S. drags.] — died at Fort Leavenworth 23 Aug. 46). (Andeew Jackson Smith [Fst It 1. drags], acting 30 Aug. 46). Philip St. George Cooke [Capt 1. drags], 13 Oct. 46. Adjutanit. {Fst It George P. Dykes — relinq. staff to comd. CO D). Sec It Philemon C. Merrill, 1 Nov. 46. Captains. Jefferson Hunt. Jesse D. Hunter. James Brown. Nelson Higgius. [to Mar. 48. Daniel C. Davis — continued in service First Lieutenants. George P. Dykes (late Adjt. ) comdg co D. George W. Rosecrans, comdg co C. George W. Oman. Elim Luddington. James Pace. Second LJeutenants. Samuel Thompson. Lorenzo Clark. Ruel Barrus. Andrew Lytle. (Philemon C. Merrill, Adjutant). Cyrus C. Caufield. William W. Willis. Robert Clift. Regiment of Kentucky Cavalry Vol unteers, for 12 months — received June 46 ; discharged July 47. Colonel. Humphrey Marshall [former Sec It 1. U. S. drags.] Lieut. Colonel. Ezekiel Field. Ma.jor. John P. Gaines. Adjutants. (Edward M. Vaughn — killed at Buena Vista). Sec It Thomas H. Barnes. Captains. Johnson Price. Benjamin C. Milam. John Shawhan — wound, at Buena Vista. William J. Heady — prisoner of war in Mex. Thomas F. Marshall. Aaron Pennington. James C. Stone. Cassius M. Clay — prisoner of war in Mex. Oliver P. Beard. First Lieutenants. John Field. Lafayette Dunlap. Joseph H. D. McKee. Thomas J. Churchill — prisoner of war in Mex. Samuel F. Patterson. Jesse Woodruff. John H. Morgan. William M. Torrence. Second Lieutenants. George F. Sartain. George P. Swinford. OFFICKRS OF THE VOLKNTKKRS. 61 George Masou Brown. John M. Brown — tcound. at BueuaVista. Lowry J. Beard. Green Clay Sinitli. (Thomas IL Barnes, Adjutant). John A. Merrifield — wound, at Buena Vista. Narbonne B. Scott. Thomas K. Conn — wound, at Buena Vista. George R. Davidson — prisoner of war in Mex. John Allen. George W. Keene. Randolph Brasfield. Thomas Jefferson Peak. John W. Kirabrongh. 1st Regiment of Kentucky Volun- teers, for 12 months; "Louisville Legion" — received May 46; discharg- ed May 47. Colonel. Stephen Ormsby. Lieut. Colonel. Jason Rogers [former Capt 6. U. S. inf.] Major. John B. Shepherd [former Sec It 7. U. S. inf.] Adjutants. ( It William Riddle, relinqviished in Aug 46). Fst It William P. Fisher, Sept. 46. Captains. Frank S.a.unders [former Sec It 2. U. S. drags.] Charles H. Harper. Ebenezer B. Howe. Florian Kern. John Fuller. Francis F. C. Triplett. (William L. Ball — djVrf ( supposed mur- dered] July 46, near Matamoras). Charles W. Bullen. Conrad Shroeder. William Minor (Fst It to July 46), co E. Benjamin F. Stewart (Fst It to Aug. 46), CO I. First Lieutenants. John J. HuflF. (William Littrel — scalded on Steamer "Enterprise," and resigned). John Albrecht. Patrick McPike. William T. Barbour — prisoner of war Ephraim M. Stone. [in Mex. William Riddle (late Adjutant). (William P. Fisher, Adjutant). Joseph C. Baird. William White. George H. Sigler. Second Lieutenants. William E. Jones. Lewis Becker. John Harrigan. William Duerson. John Russell Butler. Levi White. Lowry B. White. Benedict Huebel. David Black. Charles W. Hilton. Jacob Pfalzer. Richard W. N. Taylor. George D. Hooper. David G. Swinner. Reuben F. Maury. Samuel Withington. 2d Regiment of Kentucky Volun teers, for 12 months — received June 46 ; discharged June 47. Colonel. William R. McKee [former Fst It 3. U. S. art.] — killed. \ Lieut. Colonel. I Henry Clay Jr. [former Sec It 2. U. S. art.] — killed. Major. 1 Gary H. Fry [former Sec It 3. U. S. inf.] Adjutants. j {Fst It Thomas S. Todd— resigned Aug. 46). Fst It George N. Cardwell, 17 Aug. 1846, j Ca])tains. j Frank Chambers. I Philip B. Thompson. Speed S. Fry. George W. Cutter. (William T. \N\\\\^— killed at Buena I William Dougherty. [Vista). William N. Joyner. Wilkinson Turpin. (James W. Moss [Fst It Aug. 46]— at Buena Vista), co A. [co K. John H. McBraver (Fst It to Aug. 46), James O. Hervey (Fst It to Feb. 47), coF. First IJeatenants. ( George N. Cardwell, Adjutant). I Edward H. Hobson. j (Joseph W. VowaW— died at Monterey I 2 Jan. 47 ). James E. Kelso, reg. Quartermaster, John W. Cowan. / 52 OFFICERS OF THE VOLUNTEERS. Andrew J. Gait. James Monroe. William G. Kincaid, Ast commissary. David P. Wade. William R. Keene. Littleton T. Lacy. . Second Lieutenants. Joseph C. Ewing. Henry C. Long. William E. Akin, Aid de C. to B. Gen. Marshall, Mar. 47. George M. Coleman. William T. Withers, Aid de C. to B. Gen. Marshall, Aug. 46. Richard H. Clarke. William H. Moss. William D. Robertson. Elias L. Barbee — wounded at Biiena George W. Ball. [Vista. Thomas W. Napier — severely wounded at Bnena Vista. Thomas J. Proctor. Peter G. Flood. John H. Lillard. Alva C. Threlkeld. Lewis M. Reese. William C. Lowry. (James Wilson — resigned April 47). 3d Regiment of Kentucky Volun- teers, for during the war with Mexico — received October 47 ; disbanded July 48. Colonel. Manlius V. Thompson. Lieut. Colonel. Thomas L. Crittenden. Major. John C. Breckenridge. Adjutant. Fst It Benjamin F. Bradley. Captains. John Rodes Smith. James Ewing. Thomas Todd. William P. Chiles. James A. Pritchard. Andrew F. Caldwell. Leonidas Metcalfe — absent, sick. Leander M. Coxe — absent, sick. George S. Dodge (Fst It to Feb. 48), coC. First Lieutenants. (Benjamin F. Bradley, Adjutant). Enos H. Barry, Assist, qm. William C. Allen. William P. Bramblett. Henry H. Mize. John A. Logan. William P. Morris. (Jesse B. Davis — died in Mexico city, 19 Mar. 48). Thomas H. Taylor. Thomas C. Flournoy, Actg adjutant. Walter I. Lacy. Second Lieutenants. Walter C. Whitaker. Eli Holtzclaw. James H. HoUaday, comdg co E. (John M. Heddleson — resigned, Jan 48). James B. Casey. Ansel D. Powell. Churchill G. Campbell. (John Brock — died in Mexico city 19 Mar. 48). William Edmonson. Marshall L. Howe. William C. Merrick. Elisha B. Treadway. Benjamin D. Lacy. James Kendall. William B. Holladay. John P. Thatcher. William E. Fisher. James C. Dear. James T. Young. Rigdon S. Barnhill. James H. Miller. Daniel Ruuyon. •/ *4th Regiment Kentucky Volunteers, for during the war with Mexico — received Oct. 47 ; disbanded July 48. Colonel. John S. Williams (late Capt. of Indep. CO.) Lieut. Colonel. William Preston. Majoi'. William T. Ward. Adjutants. (Sec It Robei't P. Trabue — resigned Apr. 48). Sec It Charles H. Creel. Captaitis. (John C. Squires - died in Mexico citj 20 Anth Wayne Bartlett. [Mar. 48). B. Rowan Hardin. Timothy Keating. John G. Lair. George B. Cook. Decius McCreery. Joseph C. Conn. Mark R. Hardin. OFFICERS OF THE VOI.UNTEERS. 53 (Patrick H. Gardner — resigned Apr. 48). Hamilton N. Owens (Fst It to Mar. 48), CO B. Thomas Maj'field (Sec It to Apr. 48), coK. First Lieutenants. (Robert P. Trabue, late Adjutant). William E. Woodruff, Actg adjutant. John W. Hughes. Edgar D. Barbour. William Bristow. Jeremiah F. Dorris. Jesse Davis. Milford Elliot. John Donan. Second Lieutenants. (Charles H. Creel, Adjutant). Titus P. A. Bibb. Charles D. Pennebaker. Harry J. Woodward. Cyrenius W. Gilmer. Presley Talbott. John M. Snyder. AVilliam P. D. Bush. James M. Shackleford. William G. Johnson. Samuel D. Cowan. Levi White. Benjamin F. Egan. Isaac P. Washburn. (Cyrus A. Scott — died in Mexico city 7 Feb. 48). John D. Cosby. John M. Massey. William E. Russell. Noah N. Watkins. Charles A. Wickliff. Noah Z. Chapline. Independent company of Kentucky Volunteers — received May 40 ; dis- charged May 47 ; served with the 6th U. S. infy. Captains. John S. Williams. First Lieutenant. Roger W. Hanson. Second Lieutenants. William A. McConnell. George S. Sutherland— severely wotmd- ed at Cerro Gordo. Louisiana Battalion of Volunteer Ar- tillery, for 3 months — 2 companies ; received 21 Aug. 4.'') : discharged Nov. 45. Major romdf/. Louis Gaily. Adjutant. Fst It William T. Lewis. Captains. Henry Forno. Eusebe L. Bercier. First Lieutenants. Joseph E. Ealer. Thomas Trelford. (William T. Lewis, Adjutant). Gustave Pereaux. Second Lieutenants. David A. Bickell. Kaimond F. Heuriquez. 2d Battalion of Louisiana Volunteer Artillery (for 6 months) — 3 compa- nies ; received, for 3 months. May 46 ; discharged July 46. Major comdg. Louis Gaily (comd. Ist Batt). Adj^Uant. Capt. Eusebe L. Bercier (in Batt of 45). Captains. Juan Penas. Francis Mauberret. Maurice Grivot. First Lieutenants. Hubert Gerard. Honore Ruffier. Raimond F. Henriquez (Sec It in Batt Leandre Bourgevis. [of 45). Edouard Savigue. Julius Victor Chaery. Second Lieutenants. Lezin Lamothe. Antoine Jahan. Edouard Dessommes. Brigade of Louisiana Volunteers (for 6 months)— 6 regiments ; received, for 3 months. May and June 46 : dis- charged Aiig. 46. Brigadier General. Persifor F. Smith. Brig. Insjiector (rank of Major). Henry A. Lyons. Brig. Quartermaster (rank of Capt.) Alexander Zeuon Trudeau. Aide de Camp (rank of Capt.) Eugene Musson. 54 OFFICERS OF THE VOLUNTEERS. 1st Eegiment in P. F. Smith's Brig, of Louisiana Volunteers. Colonel. James B. Walton. Lieutenant Colonel. Henry Forno (late Capt. in Gally's Batt.) Majm-. Jitlien P. Breedlove. A djntant. George J. Adde. Captains. Isaac F. Stockton. Thomas Glenn. George H. Tobin. Henry B. Chase. R. C. Stockton. George Wm. White. James M. Vandegriff. Peter Soniat. John W. Bryce. George W. Shaw, co G. 2d Eegiment in P. F. Smith's Brigade of Louisiana Volunteers. Colonel. James H. Dakin. Lieut. Colonel. Charles M. Emerson. Major. George W. Smith. Adjutant. John Sedley Webb. Captains. A. Francis Rudler. James W. McNamar. Albert G. Blanchard. Edward Crevon. John Sewell. Warren A. Grice. George Price. Gustave S. Rousseau. James W. Woodland. John Freeland, co B. 3d Regiment in P. F. Smith's Brigade of Louisiana Volunteers. Colonel. Samuel F. Marks. Lieut. Colonel. Theodore G. Hunt. Majw. Henrv W. Fowler. Adjutant. Robert A. Hunter. Captains. George E. Comstock. CoiDeland S. Hunt. Morris Willard. Samuel C. Head. George Mason Graham, Richard A. Stewart. H. C. Fountain. John Wallace Keene. Daniel I. Ricardo. Robert G. Beale, Fst It comdg co K. 4th Regiment in P. F. Smith's Brigade of Louisiana Volunteers. Colonel. Horatio Davis. LAeut. Colonel. Charles K. Johnson. Major. Charles Fiesca. Adjutant. (Acting) Ezra R. Price (since Major 2. reg. Miss. Vols.) Captains. George Doane. John Francis Girault. Christian Wirth. George Dippacher. James Dill Gal breath. John Eodes Smith. Solomon G. Staples. Isaac S. K. Ogier. Johaun Boehler, Francis Warrington. 5th Regiment in P. F. Smith's Brigade of Louisiana Volunteers. Colonel. Baillie Peyton. Lieut. Colonel. Hugh W. Dunlap. Major. John Waddell. Adjuta7it. Fst It William T. Fortson. Captains. Charles B. McKiernan. Robert W. Stewart. James Blackburn. William B. Robertson. R. I. Lawrence. William Monaghan (subseq. raised a Texan co at Lolios Island). OFFICERS OF THE VOLUNTEERb. 55 S. M. Hyams. L. P. Craiu. "William Mosely. Joseph Dorlon, co I. fith Regiment in P. F. Smith's Brigade of Louisiana Vohanteers. Colonel. Edward Featherston. Lieut. Colonel. Samnel H. Peck. Majoi-. George H. "Wellington. Adjutant. Fst It William D. McCright. Captains. Harman G. Mercer. James C. McAllister. J. B. G. Kennedy. "William W. Stey?art. James C. Downer. James 0. Fuqua. Joseph Hufty. William R. Braselman. John Purcell. William B. Smith. Independent Company of Louisiana Vohanteers, for 12 months— receiyed July -46 ; discharged May 47. Captain. Albert G. Blanchabd [foi-mer Fst It in iufj, and Capt. 3. U. Vols. S. 2. Lou WiUiam Vols.) Edward Samuel C First Lieutenant. Tenbrink (Sec It in 2. Lou Second Lieutenants. F. Nicholls (Fst It in 4. Lou Scott. [Vols.) Regiment of Louisiana Volunteers, for during the war — receiyed Dec. 46 : disbanded Jiily 48. Colmel. Lewis G. De Russy [formerly Capt. U. S. Art and Paymr.] Lieut. Colonel. Samuel F. Marks (late Colonel 3. Lou Vols.) Majm\ John Francis Girault Hate Capt. 4. Lou. Vols.) Adjutants. (Sec it William H. Harrison — lelin- quished Staff June 48). Fst It Charles T. Badger. Captains. Russell P. Mace (late Fst It in 5. Lou Vols. ) (Christian Wirth (late Capt in 4. Lou Vols. ) — died at Tanipico 12 Apr. 47). Bornt Seguine (late Fst It in 2. Lou Vols. ) Joseph Preg ( late Fst It in 4 Lou Vols, i John W. Cole. Robert Pope (late Fst It in 4. Lou Vols.) John Freeland (late Capt in 2. Lou Vols. ) Copeland S. Hunt (late Capt in 3. Lou Robert Akins. [Vols. ) Theodore Lewis. Peter Basterdes ( Fst It to Dec. 47), co B. First Lieutenants. John Purcell (late Capt in 6. Lou Vols.) Isaac S. K. Ogler (late Capt in 4. Lou Joseph Palezewski. [Vols.) Frank McHenry (late Fst It in 4. Lou Frederick Otto Eicholz. [Vols.) (Charles T. Badger, Adjutant). "Vernon H. Lindenberger (late Sec It in Robert A. Craiu. [4. Lou Vols.) William O. Whitman. (William B. Smith — late Capt in 6. Lou Volrs. — resd. Noy. 47). Second Ijieutenants. Ebenezer C. Ledyard. James A. Stewart. [Vols.) Peter M. Terbush (late Fst It in 2. Lou William R. Simmons. Horatio N. Silliman. a John H. Singleton. Frederick Seyier. John S. Arold. Robert White. [Sept. 47). (Edward A. Trent — died at Tampico 4 William H. Harrison (late Fst It 5. Lou Vols.) late Adjutant. John Cooney. John Campbell. Gustayus Heimberger — loound. at Hua- Andrew Daley. [jutla). John D. A. Kirkland. William PI. Homer. Francis W. Yeager. (John H. Evans — died at Tampico 17 William P. Gallagher. [Aug. 47). Jackson Anderson. Battaliin of Louisiana Volr>u(eors, for during the war with Mexico — 5 56 OFFICERS OF THE VOLUNTEERS. companies ; received May 47 ; dis- bauded July 48. Lieut. Colonel comdg. Charles Fiesca (late Major 4. reg. Lou Vols.) Adjutants. (Sec It Yves Guyot — d/'ed at Vera Cruz 9 Aug. 47). (Fst It Russee W. Rademacher — died at Vera Cruz 29 Apr. 48). Sec It Joseph G. King. Captains. George Wm. White (late Capt. 1. Loii Vols.) Charles A. Seefeld (late Capt in A. S. Johnson's Texan Volunteers). William E. Millen. Francis Warrington (late Capt 4. Lou Vols.) — died since the war. James E. Featherston. First Lieutenants. James Linton. Henry C. Young. (Eussee W. Rademacher, Adjutant, and Conrad Gerbig. [died). Thomas Norma. John Jacobs. Second Lieutenants. David Nelligan. Henrj' A. ShaefEer. Julius Verbaum. Frederick Rhoe. George Mayne. Peter J. Mancosos. (Yves Guyot, Adjutant, and died). David S. McDowell. (Joseph G. King, Adjutant). Joseph A. Steinacher — died at Vera Cruz 8 Sept. 47. (Daniel Cronnan — died 15 Oct. 47). (John Eeilly— died 20 Sept. 47). Battalion of Louisiana Mounted Vol- unteers, for 12 months — 5 com- panies; received July and Aug. 47; discharged July 48. Lieut. Colonel cotndg. Walter F. Biscoe (late Sec It in 2. Lou Vols.) Adjutant. Sec It Henry 0. Foster. Captains. Lorenzo A. Besan^on. Hiram Fair child (late Fst It in 2. Lou James J. Connolly. [Volrs.) Lorenzo Lewis. .George Kerr. First Lieutenants. Stanford W. Waters — fZzV^Z since the war. Robert J. Kelly. Christopher Lilly. William Marralle — died since the war. Lewis W. Barry. Second Lieutenants. John Harkins. . (David Henderson, Actg Aid to B. Gen. Lane at Huamantla ; killed in action at Mata Cordario, 19 Feb. 48). Beverly E. Hunter. (Henry C. Foster, Adjutant). James Pearson. Charles Foster. (John ^\me— killed 23 Sept. 47 at Paso Winfield D. Hook. [Ovejas Mex.) Patrick H. Curran. William Mitchell. Battalion of Maryland and District of Columbia Volunteers, for 12 months — 6 companies ; received May 46 ; disbanded May 47. Lieut. Colonel Comdg. (William H. Watson — killed at Monte- rey). Brevet Major Comdg. Robert C. Buchanan [Capt 4. inf], from Nov. 46. Adjtitants. {Fst It Francis B. Shaefifer — i^rom. to Capt CO D). Sec It William E. Aisquith, Dec. 46 [late Cai^t Art.] Captains. James E. Steuart. John R. Kenly. James S. Piper. Robert Bronaugh. James Boyd (Fst It to May 46), co F. Francis B. Shaeflfer (Fst It and adjutant to Dec. 46), CO D. First Lieutenants. Benjamin F. Owen. Marcellus K. Taylor. (Eugene Boyle, comd. co D. in battle : died at sea 6 Jan. 47). Joseph H. Ruddoch. Second Lieutenants. Samuel Wilt. Oden Bowie. Lawrence Dolau. [Q.m.'s dept. ) (Thomas M. Gleason — prom to Capt. in James Tannehill — waunded. (William E. Aisqttith, Adjutant). OFFICERS OF THE VOLirNTEEliS. 57 llobert E. Haslett. David P. Chapniau. Isaac H. Morrow. Edward Murphy. Jacob C. Heiumick. (William O'Brien — resigned). Separate Companies, attached to this Kegiment : llegimeutof Marylandaud District of Columbia Volnuteers, for dur- ing the war with Mexico — received May and June 47 ; disbanded 24 July 48. Colotiel. Geokge W. Hughes fCapt and brevet Lt colonel Topog. engrs. J Lieut. Colonel. WtLLLiM H. Emorx [Fst It and brevet Major Topog. engrs.] Major. John R. Kenlj- (late Capt in Watson's Batt. ) Adjutant. Sec It James Steele. Captains — (8 cos.) William H. Degges. Edmund Barry. Lawrence Dolan (Sec It in Watson's Dan Drake Henrie. [Batt.) Marcellus K. Taylor (Fst It in Watson's Lloyd Tilghman, Light art co. [Batt. ) Francis B. Shaeffer (Capt in Watson's Batt.) [47). George W. Brown (Fst It to 30 May First Lieutenants. Frederick A. Klopfer, comd. co D. Henry S. Addison. [nois Batt. Washington Hooper, comd. co in Illi- William J. Corcoran, comd. co H. Isaac H. Morrow (Sec It in Watson's John M. Thornton. [Batt.) (Fris'uy Tilghman — resigned May 48). Jacob S. Klassen. John Hooper. Second Lieutenants. John Carr, Actg adjutant. Benjamin R. West. James O. Brien. David A. Griffith. William H. Baker. (James Steele, Adjutant). Richard P. Henry. John H. Ballman. Arnold Tensfield. John H. Gronowell. William J. Garey. Ira Mabbett. Robert C. Bell. Henrv M. Milnor. I CapUiin. I C.Roberdeau Wheat. ' First Jjieutenant. Charles McDonald. Second Lieutenajits. Francis E. Smith. Abuer C. Steele. Tennessee Com- pany of Mount- ed Volrs. May 47 to July 48 ; (served with 2. drags.; M.Gen. Scott's body- guard. Pittsburg Company Oct. 47 to July 48. Captain. 1 Thomas A. Rowley. First Tjieutenwnt. Andrew McClory. Second Lieutenants. James McLean, comd. co. Alexander Scott. j Independent Company, — 8 June 47, to . 1 Aiagust 48 : Captains. 1 (James Boyd, Capt in Wat- son's Batt ; killud at Rio Cnlaboso 12 July 47). Joseph R. West. First Lieutenant. (James Tannehill, Sec It in Watson's Batt ; mort. wound, at Rio Calaboso, and died at Huajutla 25 July 47). Second Lieutenants. (George De Groote — died at Tampico 24 Oct. 47). John A. Letteu. Franklin B. Nimocks. J Served at Tam- pico un- der Col. De Rus- Regiment of Massachusetts Volun- teers, for during the Mexican war, — raised in January and February, 47 : disbanded Jiily 48. Colonels. (Caleb Gushing, 15 Jan. 47 — promoted to Brig. General). [47). Isaac H. Wright (Lt colonel to 27 May Lieut. Colonel. Edward W. Abbott (Major to 27 May 47). Majoi: Edward Webster (Capt to May 47)— died at San Angel 23 Jan. 48. 58 OFFICERS OF THE VOLUNTEEKS. Adjutant. Fst It Beujamiu R. Andrews. Captains. John H. Barry. (John A. Felt — died at Vera Cruz 10 Charles B. Crowninshield. [Oct. 47). Edward A. Paul. John S. Barker. [K. Stephen Curtis (Fst It to June 47), co Horace S. Howe (Serg major to July 47), CO C. [co G. William E. Huntoon (Fst It to Sept. 47), CO G. [co D. Otis W. Cutler -(Lt to Oct. 47), Felt's George W. Kelly (Sec It to Oct. 47), Webster's co A. First LieuteJiants William W. H. Davis — comdg co I. J. Kendall Tyler. Daniel 0. Regan. Edward Thwing. Hiram Fogg. Owen Dorsey Robb. William Hurd. (Ellis B. Green — died at sea 10 June (Benj. R. Andrews — Adjutant). [48). Oliver H. Perry. Alfred W. Adams. David B. Stover. Second Lieutenants. Shadrach Keene. Charles Coy. John C. Cremouy. John Higgins. John Esler. Caleb H. Emery — reg. q.m. John C. Crowninshield. Charles W. Fuller. Joseph B. Wing. Edward H. Cook. E. A. Tenny. Charles W. Smith. (Gustavus F. Gardner, comd. co K — Rufus Rand. [and died 16 Mar. 48). Regiment of Michigan Voltinteers, for during the war with Mexico — • received December 47 ; disbanded July 48. Colonel. Thomas B. W. Stockton [former Fst It 1. U. S. inf.] Lieut. Colonel. Alpheus S. Williams. John V. Ruehle. Major. Adjutant. Sec It James E. Pittman. Captains. Frederick W. Curtenius. Alfred H. Hanscom. Nicholas Greusel, Jr. Isaac S. Rowland. John Wittenmyer. Daniel Hicks. Walter W. Deane. John Van Arnam. James M. Williams. Grover N. Beuel. First Lieutenants. Thomas H. Hunt. John E. King. Edward M. Pitcher.^ Edmund Rice. William L. Whip23le. Eli Snyder. James M. Stuart. John C. Deuel. James S. Kingsland. Second Lieutenants. Charles O. Conant. Ebenezer Hawes. Horace S. Roberts. Paul W. H. Rawls. Thomas C. Goetchius. Benjamin F. Luce. James D. Pierce. Lorin L. Comstock. Clemeut D. McNair. (James E. Pittman, Adjutant). Morse K. Taylor. (Charles W. Cummings — died at New Orleans 25 Jan. 48). Andrew Jackson Hanscom. John E. Schwartz, Jr. Samuel A. Rice. Egbert H. Van Buren. (Elisha Wright — died at Clinton, Mich. Benjamin Brownell, Jr. [Aug. 48). Louis D. Clairoux. Isaac Warren. Independent Company of Michigan Volunteers, for during the war with Mexico— received 18 June 47 : dis- banded 30 June 48. Captain. Morgan L. Gage. First Lieutenant. Allen K. Howard. Second Lieute?iants. Caleb F. Davis. William F. Chittenden. OFFICERS OF '11115 VOLUNTEERS. 59 1st Eegiment of Mississippi Rifles- Volunteers, for 12 months — received June 4(1 : discharged June 47. Colonel. Jefferson Davis [former first It and Adjutant 1. drags] ; sev. wound, at Buena Vista. Lieut. Colonel. Alexander K. McClung— dangerously wound, at Monterey. Majoi'. Alexander B. Bradford. Adjutant. Sec It Richard Griffith. Captains. John M. Sharp — severely ^pounded at Buena Vista. Reuben N. Downing — wounded at Mon- Douglass H. Cooper. [terey. William Delay. John Willis. Bainbridge Decatur Howard. James H. R. Taylor. William P. Rogers. John Lewis McManus. John S. Clendenin (Sec It to Jan. 47), coH. First Lieutenants. Henry F. Cook — wo^mded at Monterey, comdg CO C. Daniel R. Riissell, comdg co D. Crawford Fletcher, comdg co E. Carnot Posey — icounded at Buena Vista. Samuel A. D. Greaves, comdg co G. (Robert L. Moore, comdg co H. — killed at Buena Vista). William N. Brown. Christopher H. Mott, Assist, commis- William H. H. Patterson. [sary. Amos B. Coy:v}\Tie— wounded at Buena James E. Stewart. [Vista. Second Lieutenants. (Richard Griffith, Adjutant). Thomas P. Stade, Assist quartermaster. James Colhoun. (Lewis T. Howard — wo^inded at Mon- terey ; resigned Dec. 46). James H. Hughes. William Henry Hampton. Samuel H. Dill. William P. Townsend. Samuel R. Harrison. Rufus K. Arihwv— icounded at Mon- Weekly W. Redding. [terey. William E. Epps. William B. Wade. Charles M. Bradford. [terey. E. W. Hollingsworth— ?p«wnrf. at Mon- (Hugh 4G). M. Markham — resigned Oct. (Josephus J. Tatum — died on the march from Victoria to Monterey 20 Jan. 47). Leon Trousdale. John J. Poindextor. [Vista). (Francis J. McNulty — killed at Buena John P. Stockard— wo?*7irferf at Buena Richard Hopkins. [Vista. S. Moses Phillips. Samuel B. Thomas. (Thomas J. Kyle — resigned Dec. 46). 2d Regiment of Mississippi Volun- teers, for during the war with Mexico — received Jan. 47 ; disbanded July 48. Colonels. (Reuben Davis — resigned Oct. 47). Charles Clark (Capt to 16 Oct. 47). Lieut. Colonels. I (Joseph H. Kilpatrick —resigned Oct. I 47). j John A. Wilcox (Est It and Adjutant to 18 Oct. 47). Major. ' Ezra R. Price. Adjutants. {Sec It Beverly Matthews — relinquished I Staff Oct. 47). Fst It Thomas S. Munce (18 Oct. 47). Captains. I Andrew K. Blythe. 1 (Enos Elder— rfiVrf at N. Orleans 10 ! Joel M. Acker. [Feb. 47). i William J. Daniel. [co C. Philip F. Liddell (Sec It to Mar. 47), William M. Estelle (Fst It to July 47), Wilson Ijames, co B. [co 1. (Chesley S. Coffee(Seclt to Oct. 47) — resigned May 48). JohnB. Deason(SeclttoNov. 47), coK. Fleming Amyx (Fst It to Feb. 48), co H. Alexander M. Jackson. First Lieutenants. Christopher C. Chinu. William Strother. (Holland Middleton— died at Camargo 28 Mar. 47). William C. Falkner. (Thomas S. Munce, Adjutant). Everard Dowsing. Jesse G. Steele. Alexander W. Weaver. 60 OFFICERS OF THE VOLUNTEERS. James M. McKinney. Martin S. White. Seco7id Lieutenantfi. (Kobert M. Godk—died at Saltillo, 27 Charles Gouvenaux. [A^^^g- 47). William H. Jackson. Beverly Matthews. Eli G. Henry. Thomas C. Hindman. William C. Laiaderdale. Metsalon A. Man. Robert Cleland. (Eobert Martin — died at N. Orleans Jan. Andrew Jackson Trussell. [47). Felix W. Goff. James M. Liddell. Richard S. Cromer. Marks I. Biddle. Alston Gregory. Edward B. Sheltou. Thomas Y. Carter. Jeremiah Alexander. John A. Jackson. George Barrows. Francis M. Heckworth. 1st Battalion of Mississippi Rifle Volunteers, for during the war with Mexico — 5 companies ; received Oct. and Nov. 47 ; disbanded June 48. Lieut. Colonel Comdg. James Patton Anderson. Adjutant. See It John A. Anderson. Captains. William M. Keyes. Elisha Crowson. George E. Stewart. Hilliard P. Dorsey. Nathaniel Robert Gary. First Lieutenants. ■ Ezekiel W. Evans. William H. Landers. Richard S. King. Columbus M. Leland. Samuel C. Astin. Second TJeutenants. Thomas Ivy. William T. Sharp. Hardeman C. Forrest. John W. Stewart. Thomas Washer. (John A. Anderson, Adjutant). William T. Cocke. (Luke Lowe — died at Tampico 1 Mar. Samuel Hunter. [48). William H. Dillingham. Thomas J. Ramsay. Regiment of Missouri Volunteers, "St. Louis Legion" — 8 companies; received May 46 ; discharged Aug. 46. Colonel. Alton R. Easton. Lieut. Colonel. Ferdinand Kennett. . Major. Gottfried Shoenthaler. Adjutant. Henry Almstedt. Captains. Stephen O. Goldman. Philander Salsbury. John Knapp. John Watson, jr. Nicholas Wochner. Friedrich Schiifer. Henry I. B. McKellops. Henry Koch. 1st Regiment of Missouri mounted Volunteers, for 12 months— 8 com- panies ; received June 46 ; discharged June 47. Colonel. Alexander W. Doniphan. Lieut. Colonels. (Chaeles F. Ruff — [former Sec It 1. U. S. drags] — and Capt Mtd rifle. July 46). Congreve Jackson (Capt to 18 Sept. 46). Major. William Gilpin. Adjutants. (Fst It George M. Bntler— died at Cu- varro N. Mex. 25 Nov. 46). Fst It James A. De Courcey, 1 Dec. 46. Captains. David Waldo. William P. Walton. Oliver P. Moss. John W. Reid. Monroe M. Parsons. Charles B. Rodgers. John D. Stevenson. Horatio H. Hughes. First Lieutenants. John Reid, coming co A. Linnaeus B. Sublette, comdg co 0. Calvin G. Miller. (James A. De Courcey, Adjutant). John B. Duncan. Fenton G. McDonald. James Lea. John Hinton (Serg major to Nov. 46). OKFIUKKS OK TllK Vl)LUNTEKU^. Second Lieutennnts. Robert I. Barnett. James H. Moss. Francis A. 'B(\.\\s\ie— wounded. George Pope Gordon. (Stephen Jackson— rfiVfZ at Mapimi Mex. Scott Richardson. [9 May 47). George B. Winston. Crockett Harrison — wounded at Sacra- mento. D. B. Graves. David J. Clayton. John S. Campbell. Henry F. Ogden. Henry I. Chiles. Benjamin F. Murray. Nicholas B. Wright, comd. co G. at Bracito. William P. Hickliu. 2d regiment of Missouri Volunteers, for 12 mouths — received July 46 ; dis- charged September 47. Colonel. (Sterling Price- appd. Brig. General U. S. Volunteers 20 July 47). Lieut. Colonel. David B. Mitchell. Major. Benjamin B. Edmonson. AdjtUants. Lt Robert Walker to Oct. 47. Lt John J. Tisdale, Actg fm Q. m.'s serg. Captains. (Napoleon B. Giddings — resigned Mar. 47). Samuel H. McMillan — ?P(w;i,ffe(ZatTaos. William Y. Slack. Hancock Jackson. John HoUoway. Thomas M. Horine. William C. Halley. Thomas Barbee. John C. Dent. [co K. Benjamin F. White (Fst It to Feb. 47). Thomas C. McKamey (Sec It to Mar. 47), CO A. Firat Lieutenants. Daniel Hereford. John W. Tucker. Thomas G. West — wounded at Taos. Clare Oxley. Elias W. Boone, comd. co A. William P. Smith. (Robert T. Brown, Actg Commis. and Q.M.: murdered at Vallas N. Mex. 27 June 47). William B. Royall. Francis L. Potter. Joseph Smith. James W. Black. Second iMutenants. ( Benjamin E. Lackland — died at Santa Zadoc Holcomb. [Fe 27 Dec. 46). Samuel M. Sprowl, served with Capt. Hudson in Clark's Batt. (John A. Boarman — murdered at Vallas N. Mex. 27 June 47). Robert G. Gilman. Robert D. Foster. Robert B. Todd, served with Capt. Hud- son in Clark's Batt. I. G. Floi;rnoy, comdg co N. James W. Link. (James M. Alexander — died&i camp Cal- houn 29 Nov. 46). Goldon Warson. (George E. Lackland— rZ?>d 16 Feb. 47). (John Mansfield — wounded at Taos 4 Feb. 47, and died 16th). William R. Samuel. Francis J. Smith. Jeremiah M. Hamilton. (William T)ei\.n—died at Santa Fe 28 Robert Patton. [Apr. 47). Thomas A. Austin. Robert A. Layton. B. C. Woods. S. B. Searey. Wesley T. Newbold. Albert G. Blakey. Battalion of Missouri Volunteers, for 12 months ; Light Artillery 3 com- l^anies ; Infantry 2 companies — re- ceived June and July 46 ; discharged June and July 47. Major comdg. Meeiwetheb Lewis Clark [former Sec It 6. inf and Aid de C. to Gen Scott.] Adjutfints. Lt Leonidas D. Walker to June 47. Fst It Christian Kribben. Captains. ) Richard Hanson Weightman. Woldemar Fischer. [gers." Thomas B. Hudson, " Laclede Ran- First Lieutenants. i I Andrew Jackson Dom — appd. in 3. j Louis C. (xarnier. [drags. Oct. 47. | Edmund F. Chouteau. | (Christian Kribben, Adjutant). | Richard S. Elliott. J 62 OFFICERS OF THE VOLUNTEERS. Second Lieutenants. >. Louis T. Labeaume. John 0. Simpson, assist. Q.m. .^ Francis Hassendeubel. Henry D. Evans. August De Marie. .4 John R. Gratiot. (Jn/nfnins J William Z. Angney. [May 47). CWilliam S. Murphy — resigned 3 Jonas S. "Woods (Fst It May 47). First Lieutenants. Alexander Irvine — wounded at Caii- I ada N. Mex. [Taos. ' Vincent Vanvalkenburg — killed at Second Lieutenants. Lucian J. Eastin. George R. Gibson. Charles R. Miller. | Franklin Finch. J Battalion of Missouri Mounted Vol- unteers, for 12 months ; (first mus- tered in Price's regiment), 4 com- panies — received Aug. 46 ; dis- charged Aug. 47. Lieut. Colonel comdg. David Willock. Adjutants. {Fst It Samuel Shepherd — promoted to Capt Apr. 47). [Apr. 47). Sec It Robert P. Clark (Serg. major to Captains. Jesse Morin. (Israel R. Hendley, killed at Moro, N. Mex.) Benjamin F. Robinson. William M. Jacobs. Samuel Shepherd (late AdjutantJ. First Lieutenants. Isaac W. Gibson. Samuel S. Hughes. James A. Carothers. John W. Martin. Second Tjieutenantv. Jones H. Owen. Nathaniel T. Williams. John Larkin. John M. Miller. [47). (Benjamin M. Hawkins, resigned May Thomas T. Crittenden. Adam Huffman. James G. Spratt. 9 Companies of Missouri Volunteers, for 12 months ; received (at Fort Leavenworth) Aug. and Sept. 46 ; discharged Sept. 46 — Order of ser- vice countermanded by War Dept. Captains. Thomas H. Holt. Alfred M. Julian. Augustus Rainey. Francis M. Boing. Benjamin W. Smithson. Firman A. Rozier. John F. Franciscus. Napoleon Koscialowski. Washington Lafayette McNair. Battalion of Missouri Volunteers for during the war with Mexico — 5 companies ; received May 47 ; dis- banded October 48. Lieut. Colonel comdg. Alton R. Easton (Late Colonel "St. Louis legion)." Adjutant. Fst It Samuel A. Holmes. Captains. Elisha H. Shepard. [ton's regiment). Nicholas Wochner (late Capt in Eas- Noble C. Cunningham, comdg Batt in March. Edward W. Paul. [ton's regiment). William A. Barnes (late Fst It in Eas- First LMutenants. (SamiTel A. Holmes, Adjutant). Emanuel Siener. Frederick Bailey. George W. Paul, Assist. Q.M. Abram Allen. Second Lieutenants. Thomas W. Levant, comdg co A. William Dietz. Francis PheljDS, Adjutant of a Batt. James M. Stuart. Charles E. G. Morse, comdg co E. Reuben Pritchett. Sebastian Hupp. Silas Penniman. William H. Weightman. Leonard F. Gray. 3d Regiment of Missouri Mounted Volunteers, for during the war with Mexico — received July 47 ; dis- banded October 48. Colonel. John Ralls. OFFICERS t)F THK VOJAJNTKKR8. 63 Lieut. Colonel. llichard H. Lane. Major. William W. llcyuoUls. Adjutant. Simeon Hart. Captains. Wnshington Lafayette McNair. (Louis Ge\s—died at Santa Fc 5 Feb. William S. Loflaud. [48). Gabriel De Korponay. Augustus Jones. Samuel A. Boake. (Moses H. Simonds — died en route to Santa Fc 26 July 47). John Haley .Brigade Inspector, Feb. 48. (Benjamin Salmon, Fst It to July 47 ; mort. around, by Apaches 23 July and James I. Clarkson. | died 19 Nov. 48). David D. Stockton (Nov. 47). co. K. John Christian Gebhardt (Feb. 48), co C. First Lieutenant. James M. Allen. Herman Schroeder. Samviel Aansorgh. Dillard P. Pike, comd co E. George W. Cotner. (Robert Love — died at Santa Fc 21 Sept. 47). Samuel A. McConkey. (Washington Porter — died at Albu- querque 13 Nov. 47). William W. Stephens. Stephen D. Millowny. A. M. Brittingham. George Cain. Second Lieutenant. Charles Krohne, Actg adjutant of de- Jacob Biebrich. [tachment. (George O. Hepburn — killed at Santa Fe de Kosales 16 Mar. 48). John K. Hawkins. Frame King. Alpheus Wheeler. Joseph F. Anthony. Levi A. Williams. Joseph P. Dillon, llichard G. Roberts. George Scheibel. William E. Jones. Benjamin Talbot. John Philipp Ludwig. [15 Aug. 47). (Charles K. Oliver — died on the Plains (George K. Culp, invalid, resigned John McDuniel. [Sept. 47). Milton H. Wash. Jefferson Talifcrro. Preston P. Brickey. Thomas Stockstill. Frederick Lottman. John Swigler. Battalion of Missouri Mounted Vol- unteers, for during the war with Mexico — 5 companies ; received Aiigust 47 ; di8V)anded November 48. IJeut. Colonel comdg. Ludwell E. Powell. Adjutant. Thomas J. Todd. Captains. A. W. Sublette. David McCausland. James Craig. William H. Rodgers. Robert M. Stewart. First IJeiitenantx. Thomas Mara. Antoine Lefevre. Francis M. Warmcastle. Francis Impey. Henry Smith. Second Lieutenants. Ringrose Watson. Immanuel S. Jones. John W. Kelly. Samuel J. Lingenfelter. Howell Thomas. William Maran. Samiiel IMachatt. Thomas L. Young. John M. Searcj\ Seph H. Craig. Battalion of Missouri Mounted Vol- unteers, for during the war with Mexico — 5 comi^anies ; received September 47 ; disbanded Octo- ber 48. Lieut. Colonel comdg. Wn,Li.\M Gilpin (late Major of Doni- phan's reg. ) Adjutant. Fst It Henr}' Lewis Roiitt. Captains. John C. Griffin. Thomas Jones. Paul Holzcheiter. (Napoleon Koscialowski, resigned June 48). [E. Caleb S. Tuttle (Sec It to July 48). co First LJeutennnt. Oliver Bain. Joseph C. 'EM\T\i\q,e—wonnded by Paw- nee Indus 20 July 48. 64 OFFICERS OF THE VOLUNTEERS. Phillipp Streinmel, comdg co C. (John Stevens — resigned July 48). Charles Grager. Second Lieutenants. Ashley Gnlley, Assist, q.m. Christian Boe eking. Edward Colston. (William O'Hara — resigned July 48). Ira Benson. John Hill. (John William SchoU — died (suicide) Albert F. Schnable. [21 Jan. 48). William Kuhlon. Caswell H. Williams. Stephen H. Fisher. Battalion of New Jersey Volunteers, four companies, for during the Mex- ican war — received Sept. 47 : dis- banded July 48. Lieut. Colonel Comdg. Dickinson Woodruff. Adjutant. Fst It Warren L. Young. Captains. David McDowell, comd. Battalion July David Piersou. [48. Isaac W. Mickle (Sec It and Actg com- mis. and q.m. to Nov. 47). James Reynolds. First Ljieutenants. Francis Harrison, Capt during the sus- pension of Reynolds. (Warren L. Young, Adjutant). John Van Houten. (John H. Stiles — resigned). Second Lieutenants. (Andrew M. Law — died at Vera Cruz Dec. 47). Ezra Ferris, comd. co D. Joseph A. Logan. Alexander McKinley. Elias Charles Abrams. David D. Nichols. Frederick W. Burnett. Henry B. Hays. Anthony H. Reynolds. 1st Regiment of New York Volun- teers, for service in California and during the war with Mexico — re- ceived 1 Aug. 46 : disband. Aug. Sept and Oct. 48. Colonel. Jonathan D. Stevenson. IJeut. Colonel. Henky S. Burton [Fst It 3. art.] Major. James Allen Hakdie [Sec It 3. art.] Adjutants. (Fst It Henry C. Matsell, relinquished staff to comd. his co Mar. 47). Fst It John C. Bonnycastle, 22 Mar. 47 ; appd. in 4. infy June 48. Captains. Seymoiir G. Steele. [art.] John E. Brackett [former Sec. It 2. Henry M. Naglee [former Sec. It 5. Francis J. Lippitt. [i^f-] Matthew R. Stevenson [Sec It 7. inf.] John B. Frisbie. William E. Shannon. Kimball H. Dimmick. Nelson Taylor. First Lieutenants. Henry C. Matsell (Adjutant), comd. CO B Mar. 47. [q.m. George F. Penrose, Actg. commis. and (John C. Bonnycastle, Adjutant). (William R. Tremells, Actg adjutant — died at sea, after rescuing a private from drown'g). Henry J. Carnes. Edward Gilbert, Actg. adjutant. George A. Pendleton. Henry Magee. George C. Hubbard. Edwards Williams. Thomas J. Roach. Second Lieutenants. Charles Benj. Young. (Charles C. Anderson— died at San Francisco 13 Sept. 47). Hiram W. Theall. William E. Cuttrell. John Huddard. Palmer B. Hewlett. Theron R. Perlee. William H. Weirick. George Francis Lemon, Post Adjutant. Edward Gould Buffum. George D. Brewerton, appd. in 1. infy J. McHenry Hollingsworth. [May 47. Joseph C. Morehead. Jeremiah Sherwood. William H. Smith. Thomas E. Ketcham. John S. Norris. Roderick M. Morrison. Charles G. Scott (Actg Dec. 47). UKKICKKB OK THK VoMIN TKKKB. 05 2d Iteginieut of New York Volun- teers, for during the war with Mexico — received Nov. and Dec. 10 : dis- banded August 48. Colonel. Ward B. Burnett [former Sec It 2. U. S. Art] — sev. wounded at Churu- busco. Lieut. Colonels. (Charles Baxter — mortally loound. at Chapultepec. and died 17 Sept. 47). James 0. Burnham (Major to 18 Sept. 47). Major. Garret Dyckmau (Capt to 18 Sept. 47) — sev. wound, at Churubusco. AdjutanU. {Fat It Robert A. Carter, promd. to Capt Nov. 47). Fst it James S. McCabe, Apr. 48— wound, at Churubusco. Captains. (James Barclay — loound. at De Belen gate, and died at San Angel 28 Jan. 48). ■ [48. Jay P. Taylor, comdg. regiment Apr. (Charles H. Pearson — wound, at Cerro Gordo : mart, wound, at Chapultepec, and died 10 Oct. 47;. Samuel Snowdeu Gallagher. Daniel E. Hungerford — wound, at Cha- pultepec. [pultepec). (Abram Van O'Linda — killed at Cha- Morton Fairchild — wound, at Churu- busco. [June 47). (Gustave de Bongar — invalid — resigned Charles H. Innes (Fst It to Sept. 47). CO K — mound, at Churubusco, and wound, at De Belen gate. George B. Hall (Fst It to Oct. 47, and reg. q.m.)co A. [H : transf. to B. Alfred W. Taylor (Fst It to Oct. 47), co Robert A. Carter (Fst It and Adju- tant to Nov. 47), CO E. William Forry (Fst It to Nov. 47, and Adjutant) co B. [to Jan. 48), co H. Addison Farnsworth^ Sec It and Fst It Lieutenants. Charles H. Sherwood — icouTid. at Cha- pultepec. [May 47). (Augustus Jacobus — died at Jalapa 1 (^Charles F. Gallagher, .\djutant Dec. 46 ; died at Miscoac 10 Sept. 47). Israel Miller. Merriott N. Croft. (James S. McCabe — wound, at Churu- busco ; Adjutant 48). Mayne Reid — sev. wound, at Chapulte- Fi'ancis E. Pinto, comd co D. [pec. Francis G. Boyle, comd. co C. Dec. 47. James Ward Henry, comd. co E. Jacob Griffin, jr. — wound, at Churu- busco. David Scannell, comd. co C. Apr. 47. Robert M. Floyd. Second Lieutenants. Charles B. Brower, comd. co F. Dec. 47 ; appd. in 3. infy Dec. 47. (Jnmes W. Green, reg. Q.m. ; wound. nt Chapultepec ; resigned Feb. 48). Thomas W. Sweeny — sev. wound, at Churubusco ; appd. in 2. infy Mar. 48. James D. Potter — sev. wound, at Chu- rubusco. (Edgar Chandler — mort. wound, at Churubusco, and died 21 Aug. 47). ! John Rafferty, comd. co K. Henry Gaines, comd. co A. Feb. 48. Morritz Von Malachowski — wound, at I Churubusco. [rubiisco. I Charles S.Cooper — sev. wound, at Chu- [ David M. Doremus, comd. co E. Jan. 48. Hipolj'te Dardonville — wound, at Chu- Michael A. Curran. [rubusco. I John Wilson — wound, at Churubusco. j Alexander H. Barber. James Wiley. John Cooke. ■ Edward Cooke. I Philip Vau Vechten. i Henry Dusenbury. i Carl Beecher — .sev. wound, at Churi;- i Edward B. Carrell. [busco. (Francis Durning, resigned Oct. 47). I (John Hill, resigned Feb. 48). Regiment of North Carolina Vols., for during the war with Mexico — received Jan. and Feb. 47 ; dis- banded Aug. 48. Colonel. Robert T. Paine. TJeut. Colonel. John A. Fagg. Major. Montfort S. Stokes. Adjutants. {Sec It Oel Alfred Buck — prom, to Capt CO A). Sec It Junius B. Whitaker, Aug. 47. ('aptains. (Luis D.Wilson — appd. Colonel 12. infy William S. Dnggau. [Apr. 47). (Martin Shive — died at Buena Vista Ifi George Williamson, jr. [Aug. 47). Patrick M. Henry. 66 OFFIOEKS OF THE VULUNTEEBS. William E. Kirkpatiick. Samuel P. Tipton. (William J. Price — resigned Jan. 48). (Henry Roberts — invalid, resd. Oct. 47). (Tilmoti Blalock— resd. Oct. 47). Spyers Singleton (Sec It to Oct. 47), Jacob H. Constable, co D. [co B. Oel Alfred Buck. First Lieutenants. David S. Johnston, Actg adjutant. (Peter Scales — died Mar. 47). George E. B. Singeltary, Actg Batt ad- Thomas W. Dunham. [jutant. Jephthy M. Israel. (Josiah S. Pender — resd). (Sheppard K. Nash, comd. co D. — William McKeral. [resd. May 48). Henry A. Area. Edward Yarbrough. Joseph Masten. Second Lieutenantn. Robert M. Wiley. (John B. Beatty — died at Saltillo 14 John Goodson. [Sept. 47). Nelson Slough. Stephen Nichols. James T. Mitchell. Charles B. Ogburn. James W. Tatham. Nixon White. (Junius B. Whitaker, Adjutant). Duncan H. Black, Actg adjutant. Robert S. Pitt. James Jones. James K. Johnson. Jacob R. Daniel. Robert F. Webb. Seth W. Hyatt. Joshua Bullock. James A. Blackwelder. Peter A. Stubblefield. (William H. Moye — resd. May 48). (Zadock L. Thompson, comd. his co — invalid, resd). (E. W. Hancock — elected Est It and resd). [Aug. 47). (William H. Hartman — invalid, resd. (Benjamin Statou — resd. Feb. 48). 1st Regiment of Ohio Volunteers, for 12 months — received June 46 ; dis- charged June 47. Colonel. Alexandeb M. Mitchell [former Sec It 4. U. S. inf I — wound, at Monterey. Lieut. Colonel. John B. Weller. Majors. (Thomas L. Hamer — appd. Bi'ig. Gen- eral 1 July 46). Luther Giddings, 7 Aug. 46. Adjutants. (Sec It James Findlay Harrison, relinq. Staff Aug. 46), after Actg Adjt. (Sec It Andrew Washington Armstrong — sev. wound, at Monterey ; relinq. Staff Oct. 46). (Sec It Jonathan Richmond — resigned 30 Nov. 46). (Sec It Carr B. White — promoted to Capt Feb. 47). Captains. John B. Armstrong, Actg Field Officer. Edward Hamilton. Philipp Miiller. Edwin D. Bradley James George — ivound. at Monterey. (S. VV. Johnson, Aid-de-C. to B. Gen. Hamer ; resigned Feb. 47). David D. Stroug (Est It to Aug. 46), co Lewis Harmell. [B. Ferdinand Vandeveer (Serg and Est It to Oct. 46), CO I. Carr B. White (Sec It and Adjutant to Feb. 47), CO G. [co A. William Kenneally (Sec It to Feb. 47), First Lieutenants. Lewis Motter — wound, at Monterey Actg adjt Apr. 47. Nathaniel Hodges Niles — sev. wound. James P. Fyffe. [at Monterey. (Matthew B-ett— killed at Monterey 21 Sept. 46). (John G. Hughes — resigned Nov. 46). (William Egry — resigned Oct. 46). (Isaac Hosear, comd. co K.: resigned John Becker. [Oct. 46). John P. Klein. William Maloney. Arthur J. Oakman. James Moore. John K. Kidd. Second Lieutenants. Andrew Washington Armstrong (late Adjutant) — sev. wound, at Monterey. Michael K. Shearer. Christopher Knecht. Alexander McCarter. Charles P. Cooke. Valentine Kneller. James Findlay Harrison (late Adjt), Ast Qrmaster and Actg Adjt. Charles A. Vischer. Andrew Brackenbridge Colville — wound, at Monterey. Cyrus T. Smeed. OFFlOiflKS OF THE ^•UI.UNTKKR8. 67 William Wilson. Nathan Allen. W. B. Howard. V.iii^\ Kohlreiser. John F. Longley. Charles Boyle. C. D. Kendall. Cassander Hall. Thomas O'Beirne. B. F. W. Lindsey. 2d Regiment of Ohio Volunteers, for 12 mouths — i-eceived June and July 46 ; discharged June 47. Colonel. George W. Morgan. Lieut. Colonel. William Ikvin [former Sec It 4. U. S. art.] Major. William Wall. Adjutfints. Fst It Thomas Worthington — resigned his CO to be Adjt, and again relinq. to command his co. Sec It Charles Oliver Joline, Aug. 46. Captains. Hobby Reynolds. (David Iv'ick — died at Puntiaguda 4 John T. Mickum. [Dec. 46). Richard Staddeu. William A. Latham (Rifle co D). EvaQ Julian. (Simon B. Kiuton— retired Dec. 46). (Robert G. McLean — retired Feb. 47). Simeon W. Tucker. [co D. Abraham Seifert (Sec It to Dec. 46), William H. Link (Rifle co, Sec It to Feb. 47), CO I. [co C. Jackson Cauipo (Sec It to Feb. 47), James E. Harle (Sec It to Feb. 47), CO E. First Lieutenants. Thomas Worthington (late Adjutant). George F. McGinnis. (Charles D. Miller — killed near Chi- Michael Earhart. [charroues). Murrin E. Cully. James A. Markland. Samuel D. Stuart. Peter Brown. Hiram E. Ring. Jonathan F. Neereamer. Second Lieutenants. (Charles Oliver Joline, Adjutant). Thomas P. Morton. John R. Blaekstone. Edwin R. Hill. Jackson Spencer. (John Arnold — drowned at Reinoso, 7 Isaac S. Armstrong. [Nov. 46). Reuben Roessler, Actg Adjt. Leroy B. Rilev. Elliott D. Wall. John W. Cowue. Elijah Warner. I Charles Kemp. ' Eli A. McFadden. James H. Smith. Preslej' Woodard. William H. Sanford. Joseph E. Smith. A. D. Rightmiro. 3d Regiment of Ohio Volunteers, for 12 mouths — received June 46 ; dis- charged June 47. Colonel. Samuel R. Curtis [former Sec It 7. U. S. inf and Adj. Gen. of Ohio]. Lieut. Colonel. George W. McCook. Major. John S. Love. Adjutant. Fst It Oliver C. Gray. Captains. William McLaughlin. Thomas H. Ford. Asbury F. Noles. John Patterson. David Moore. James Allen. John Kell, Jr. James F. Chapman. James M. Love (Fst It to Oct. 46), coB. William W. Robinson (Fst It to Oct. 47), CO G. F^irst Lieutenants. James Cautwell. Charles Boyle. Peter Burket. (Oliver C. Gray, Adjutant). John H. Fleuner. Samuel Beatty. Andrew Grubb. Samuel B. Crowley. Edward T. Croxford. Edward Steinman. Second Lieutenants. Joseph D. Workman. William Smith. James McMillen. (Owen Francis— died 19 Oct. 46). Isaac Delong. Arthur Higgios. 68 OFFICERS OF THE VOLUNTEERS. Jacob G. Frick. Baldwin J. Crosswait. Smith D. Baldwin. William D. Tidball, Post Adjutant at llobert F. Riddle. [Matamoras. Richard D. Emerson. Joseph W. Filler. William Porter. Horace L. Brown. Emanuel T. Hooker. Henry Miller, Jr. Josiah C. Cable. Rolla Banks. Benjamin R. Pratt. Charles Tupper. 4th Regiment of Ohio Volunteers, 1st for during the War with Mexico — received May and June 47 ; dis- banded July 48. Colonel. Charles H. Brough. Lieut. Colonels. (Melchier Werner, resigned 10 Sept. 47). Augustus Moor (Capt to 10 Sept. 47). Major. William P. Young. AdjutMnt. ( Fst It Herman Kessler — prom, to Capt Sept. 47). Sec It Warner Spencer 11 Sept. 47. Captains. (Augustus Moor — proiu. to Lieut. George Weaver. [colonel). Mitchell C. Lilly. [31 Aug.47). (Teisher L. Hart — died at Matamoras (George Ellis Pugh, Vol. Aid to B. Gen. Lane — resigned Mar. 48). Henry Robinson. George A. Richmond. Otto Zirckel. John Fries. (Herman Kessler, late Adjutant — killed in affair vnih. Guerilleros 27 Feb. 48). James Irvine (Sec It to Sept. 47), co G. Louis St. Gelen (Sec It and Fst It to Mar. 48), co A. Charles Creswell (priv. to Apr.), 48 coF. First Lieutenants. Josiah Meigs Robiuson. (George Cullman — died at Matamoras, 17 Sept. 47). Simpson P. Moses, reg. Qrmr. John C. Groom. Samuel Douglass, Aid de C. to B. Gen. Isaac Knapp. [Lane Dec. 47. Elias B. Sayre. Henry Toepfer. Joseph A. Smith. Edward Roessler. Martin Oestmann. Second LJeutenants. (Warner Spencer, Adjutant). Charles Henn. Frederick Schmidt. Obadiah Holmes. Robert H. Thompson. William Graebe. George M. Tillotson. Daniel B. Robinson, Actg adjt. May 48. Henry Wilz. George W. Bard. Abel Moore. Lafayette Mosher. Lewis Leppelman. Lothar Eisen. Petar de Ankney. Herman Wm. Jaeger. John N. Dyer. John Adams. John G. Marshall. John Farrell. Regiment of Ohio Volunteers : 2d, for during the war with Mexico — received 1st Sept. 47 ; disbanded July 48. Colonel. William Ibvin (late Lieut, colonel of Morgan's reg.) Lieut. Colonel. William A. Latham (late Capt Rifles in Morgan's reg.) Major. William H. Link (late Capt Rifles in Morgan's reg.) Adjutants. (Fst It Simeon W. Tucker — remanded to his CO May 48). Sec It Alva Perry, 27 May 48. Captains. (Nathaniel Hodges Niles, late Fst It in Mitchell's reg. : died at Jalapa 21 May 48). Lgan's reg.) Richard Stadden (late Capt in Mor- George F. McGinnis (late Fst It in Morgan's reg.) [reg.) James E. Harle (late Capt in Morgan's John G. Hughes (late Fst It in Mitch- ell's reg.) James A. Markland (late Fst It in Mor- John W. Lowe. [gan's reg.) William T. Ferguson. Joseph W. Filler (late Sec It in Curtis's reg.) OFFICERS OF THE VOLUNTEERS. 69 (Joseph E. Smith, late Sec It iu Mor- gan's reg. — Fat It to Sept. 47 ; re- signed Apr. 48). [May 48). Ezra Vanmeter (Sec It and Fst It to Abram Andrews (Fst It to June 48). First Lieutenants. Weirick F. Pentz. [leg.) Leroy B. Riley (late Sec It in Morgan's Thomas O'Beirne (late Sec It in Mitch- ell's reg. ) [gan's reg.) Jackson Spencer (late Sec It in Mor- Simeon W. Tucker (late Capt in Mor- gan's reg.), late Adjutant. James P. Fyffe (late Fst It in Mitchell's Robert B. Mitchell. [reg.) William P. Rice. George Wash. Growl. Abram B. Moses. Second Lieutenants. John W. Edgar. Nathaniel M. Parker. (Alvah Perry, Adjutant). John McDonald. (Mark L. Olds — appd. Sec It in 15 inf Stiles L. Thrift. [June 48). Hugh W. Morehead, Adjt. of Batt. William I. Hogan. Thomas Ross, Actg adjt. Milton Jamieson, co C. [printed his journal and notes]. Benjamin F. Moyer. John W. Marriott. Jabez J. Antrim. William C. Jacobs. Alexander J. Bentley. Charles Kemp. William Howard. Perry Steinman. Amariah F. Cushman. James Grifl&n. Independent Companies of Ohio Vol- unteers, for during the war with Mexico. [1st]. Company of Mounted men — re- ceived 1 June 47 ; disbanded 2 Aug. 48. Captain. John R. Duncan. First Lieutencnit. David A. B. Moore. Second IJeutenants. William P. Morrison. Benjamin R. Wilson. [2d]. Company of Foot — received .'> Oct. 47; disbanded 2r\ July 48; served with Irvin's reg. (j'aptains. (William Keimeally — died, reported suicide, at Rio Frio 21 Dee. 47). William H. Lytle. First Jjie^itenant. Denis Gorman. Second Tjieiitenants. (William O'Sullivan — resigned March Robert B. Pope. [48). Benjamin Briceland. [;^d]. Comi^any of Foot — received 26 October 47 ; disbanded 17 July 48. Captain. Robert F. Riddle. First IMutenant. Simon B. Kenton (late Capt in Mor- gan's reg). Second Lieutenants. William B. Bowlaud. James W. Chandler. Ist Regiment of Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, for during the war with Mex- ico — received December 46; dis- banded July and August 48. Colonel. Francis M. Wynkoop. TJeut. Colonel. Samuel W. Black. Major. Francis L. Bowman. Adjutant. Fst It Alexander Brown — (died on his return at New Orleans). Captains. Robert K. Scott. James Nagle. William F. Small. Frederick Wm. Binder. John Herron. (Alexander Hay — resigned from disa- John Bennett. [bility, Mar. 47). Turner G. Morehead. Edmund L. Dana. (Joseph Hill-resigned from disability). James O'Hara Denny (Fst It to Mar. 47), CO A. [48). William A. Charlton (Sec It to May First Lieutenants. Atpiila Haines. John Frederick Ballier. Sullivan D. Breece, comd. co H. ( Augustus Larrantree — died at sea 7 Mar. 47). 70 OFFICERS OF THE VOLUNTEERS. (Montgomery P. Young — died at Puebla Simon S. Nagle. [5 Oct. 47). (William Trovillo — resigned from disa- (Alexauder Brown, Adjutant), [bilityj. Joseph W. Miner. William H. Gray. William J. Ankrim. William A. M. Briggs. Abijah Ferguson. Second Lieutenants. William Bryan. Franklin B. Kaercber. William Clinton, Actg adjiitant. Edward C. Jje^^is^icound. at Puebla. James A. Deany, appd. Sec It in 8. infy Mar. 48 ; died 24 Dec. 48. Henry Hunterson. [ability). (Caspar W. Berry — resigned from dis- (Frederick Seidenstricker — resigned from disability). (Norvin H. Goff— stabbed at Perote 10 Apr. 48, and died 13th). George Moore, comd. co D. Jacob Waelder, Actg assist, adjutant gen. to Colo Cbilds at Puebla ; and after to the brig. comd. by Colo Wynkoop. Isaac Chaimcey Brown. Adam Bliicher. Edward Carroll. Edward Rehr. Joseph M. Hall. John Eibault. Louis Voltaire. Robert Woods, regl. Q.m. William F. Mann. 2d Regiment of Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, for during the war with Mex- ico — 12 companies; received Janu- uary 47 ; disbanded July 48. Colonels. (William B. Roberts — died in City of Mexico 3 Oct. 47). John W. Geary (Lt colonel to 3 Nov. 47) — wound, at Chapultepec. Lieut. Colonel. William Brindle (Major to Nov. 47). Adjutants. (Benjamin F. Button — reduced April Sec It Isaac W. Waterbury. [48). Captains. Thomas S. Loeser. (John S. Wilson — died at sea 12 Apr. John W. Johnston. [47). Charles Naylor. [pultepec. Edward C. Williams — wound, at Cha- James Miller — severely wounded at Chapultei^ec. (James Caldwell — severely roound. at De Belen Gate ; died 19 Sept. 47). John Humphreys. (Samuel M. Taylor — died in City of Mexico 6 Dec. 47). ity). (James Murray — resigned from disabil- Clarence H. Frick (Fst It to Nov. 47), CO. C. Alexander McKamey (Fst It to Nov. 47), CO M. [co L. Lewis W. Smith (Fst It to Dec. 47), Charles H. Heyer (Fst It to Feb. 48), coD. Fi7-st Lieutenants. Hiram Wolf. (William Wiinder — died at Miscoac 14 James Armstrong. [Sept. 47). William Rankin. Peter H. Mc Williams. (Samuel Black — resigned Jan. 48). (John Sturgeon — died at Puebla 17 July H. R. Hambright, comd. co H. [47). Edward E. Le Clfere, reg'l Qrmr. John A. Doyle. Charles McDermitt. William Williams. Second Lieutenants. David J. linger, comd. co F. James Kane. Charles Bower. (Jacob F. Sperry — resigned, and after lanced to death by Guerilleros 26 Richard McMichael. Aug. 47). John G. Given, Actg commis. subsis. Ashton S. Tourison — severely wounded at De Belen gate. (Isaac S. Waterbury, Adjutant). James Coulter. John Keefe — severely wounded at Cha- William P. Skelly. [pultepec. (James McKeen, jr. — died&i Puebla 25 Sept. 47). (Stewart Speers-accidentally wounded and resigned Apr. 47). Robert Klotz. Christian W. Leib — wounded at Cha- Edmund Kine. [pultepec. Peter S. Reed. Joseph L. Madson. Bivan R. Davis. Richard Erwin. (D. H. Hoffins— resigned Nov. 47). (Washington Murray — resigned May 47). Regiment of South Carolina Vols. "Palmetto regiment" for during the war Mexico — received December 46 : disbanded June and July 48. OFFICERS OF THE VOLUNTEERS. 71 Colonel. (Pierce M. Butler — twice ironnded, nud billed lit Chunibusco). Lieut. Colonels. (James P. Dickenson — 7nort. wou7ided at Chunibusco). Adley H. Gladden (Major to 11 Sept. 47) — wounded at De Belen gate. Major. Robert G. M. Dunovant (Caut to 11 Sept. 47). Adjutant. Sec It James Cantey — severely womided at Ghurubusco). Captains. Francis Sumter. Keith S. Moffat — wounded at Churu- William Blanding. [busco. William D. Desaussure — i^iicewounded J. Foster Marshall. [at Ghurubusco. Nathaniel Jefferson Walker. (Leroy Secrest — co. transf . and retired James H. Williams. [Apr. 47). Preston S. Brooks — abst. recruiting. Joseph Kennedy — abst. recruiting. William B. Lilley (Sec It to t-'ept 47), CO. B. First Lieutenants. John T. Walker, reg. Nov. 47. (John B. Moragne — killed at De Belen gate 13 Sept. 47). Arthur M. Manigault. (James R. Clark — mort. wormded at Ghurubusco, and died 30 Aug. 47). William B. Stanley. [June 48. Augustus B. O'Bannon, comd. his co Charles Perkins Pope — wounded by accident 20 Aug. 47. Cyrus S. Mellett. Frederick W. Selleck (in Gen. Quit- man's staff ) — wounded at De Belen gate. James N. Shedd, comd. co G. Nov. 47. Kennedy G. Billings — severely wound- ed at Ghurubusco. Second Lieutenants. (James Cantey, Adjutant). Michael K. Clark, Actg adjutant : sev. wounded at Chapultepec. Lewis F. Robertson. Charles S. Kirkland. (Abner 11. Dimham — died at Jalapa 10 Benjamin D. Culp. [June 47). (James W. Cantey, Jr. — mort. ironnd- ed at De Belen gate, and died 13 Sept. 47). [busco. Joseph Abney — sev. wounded &t Churu- (David Adams — killed at Churubusco). Ralph l?ell. Adjutant May 48. Thomas N. Moye — irounded at De Be- len gate. (Wilson R. Williams, conidg. co K. Dec. 47 ; killed at Churubusco). Sebastian Sumter — wounded at Churu- busco. (James W. Stein — wounded at Chur x- busco ; mort. wounded at De Belen gate and died 10 Oct. 47). (John W. Stewart— r? z M z Q Z