D 570 •fll fl45 1920a Copy 1 SPECIAL REGULATIONS NO. 110 RIFLES AND ACCESSORIES FOR ORGANIZATIONS OF WAR VETERANS Under the Act of February 10, 1920 as amended by the Act of June 5, 1920 REVISED 1920 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1920 SPECIAL REGULATIONS NO. 110. WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, July 21, 1920. The following law and regulations governing the issue of rifles and acces- sories and sale of ammunition to posts and camps of organizations of hon- orably discharged soldiers, sailore, or marines are published for the infor- mation and guidance of all concerned, and supersede Special Regulations No. 110, dated March 17, 1920. [470, A. G. O.] By order op the Secretary of War: PEYTON C. MARCH, Official: P. C. HARRIS, The Adjutant General. Major General, Chief of Staff. (2) D. t). of 3EP 23 1920 RIFLES AND ACCESSORIES FOR ORGANIZATIONS OF WAR VETERANS. Paragiaph. Act of Congress 1 Kind of rifles to be issued 2 Accessofie!: 3 Sale of blank ammunition 4 Applications, to whom submitted ..4 4i-w»..j...-.ij».;.jji..jii...,ik...... 5. Bonds to be filed before issue ,j.'i>i,w4i.,.f^.i.vfJ..i.'...o..«i(.i.'-.i-.i : B- Supply of bond ; form of bond ! . 7 Transportation 8 Care of rifles and accessories 9 Returned rifles and accessories to be inspected 10 Rifles and accessories imfit for use 11 Annual property returns 12 ■Withdrawal of prot'Kjrty 13 Return of property 14 Department ordnance officer, where located '^ : . : Li I ! 15 1. Act of Congress. — The ar-t of Congress authorizing the issue of rifles and accessories and sale of ammunition is as follows: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Urdted States of America in Congress assembled * * * That the Act entitled "An Act authorizinsi- the Secretary of War to loan Armj^ rifles to posts of the American Legion,"' approved February 10, 1920, be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows: That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized, under rules, limita- tions, and regulations to be prescribed by him, to loan obsolete or con- demned Army rifles, slings, and cartridge belts to posts or camps of organi- zations composed of honorably discharged soldiers, sailors, or marines, for use by them in connection with the funeral ceremonies of deceased soldiers, sailors, and marines, and for other post ceremonial purposes; and to sell Buch poets and camps blank ammunition in suitable amounts for said rifles at cost price, plus cost of packing and transportation: Provided, however, That not to exceed ten such rifles shall be issued to any one post or camp." ******* Approved June 3, 1920. 2. Kind of rifles to be issued. — The rifles to be issued under the pro- visions of this ac t of Congress are limited to the United States rifle, caliber .30, model of 1898. These arms will be issued on the basis of not to exceed 10 to each post or camp, as required for funeral ceremonies for soldiers, sailors, and marines, and for other post or camp ceremonial purposes. 3. Accessories. — The accessories to be issued with each rifle will be one gunsling and one cartridge belt of such model as may be available for issue for the purposes designated. 4. Sale of blank ammunition. — Blank ammunition in the amounts required will be sold at cost price, plus cost of packing and transportation, upon application by the proper officer of the {X)st or camp, approved by the State commander, and forwarded with certified check or money order to the department ordnance officer. United States Army, under whose territorial jurisdiction the post or camp is located. The cost of this blank ammunition, including cost of packing, is -f 10 per thousand. 4833°— 20 (3) 5. Applications, to whom submitted. — Each application for issue of rifles and accessories or sale of ammunition under the provisions of this act must have the approval of the proper State commander, insuring that the particular post or camp is a bona fide organization as contemplated by the terms of the act, and should be forwarded to the department ordnance officer, United States Army, under whose territorial jurisdiction the post or camp is located. Applications should state clearly the street and city address and nearest railroad station, and also whether shipment is to be made by freight or express collect. 6. Bonds to be filed before issue. — Issue of the above property will be made by the proper department ordnance officer, United States Army, to the individual post or camp upon the filing of a bond by such organiza- tion, approved by the State commander, in the penal sum of the value of the property, and providing that said organization guarantees to take proper care of and safely keep and account for the arms and accessories issued to it, and shall, when required by the Secretary of \^'ar, duly cause the return of said property in good order within 30 days to suclj arsenal or depot as the Secretary of War may designate to receive them. Should this bond be executed by an individual, such individual should be one of the executive committee of the requisitioning organization who must submit his authority for so doing. The value of the property covered by the bond should include not only that of the immediate issue, but also such issues as may be made at a later date, in order to have all Government property issued to an individual post or camp covered by a single bond. 7. Supply of bond; form of bond. — Upon the receipt of approved application for Government property as herein provided by the proper department ordnance officer, United States Army, he will supply the proper form of bond with full instructions as to its execution, and no issues will be made until the bond shall have been duly approved and accepted. 8. Transportation. — The transportation of rifles, accessories and am- munition from the Government arsenals or storage depots to such posts or camps and back to the Government arsenals or storage depots, must always be without expense to the United States Government. 9. Care of rifles and accessories. — The posts and camps to which issues of rifles and accessories are made will be required to keep said property in like good and serviceable condition as when issued bj- the United States Government, and for this purpose necessary spare parts, implements and appendages will be sold to such posts and camps at cost price, plus cost of packing, upon application approved by the State commander to the department ordnance officer. United States Army, under whose territorial jurisdiction the pc'st or camp is located. 10. Betumed rifles and accessories to be inspected. — \Mien rifles or accessories are returned to the Ordnance Department by any post or camp, they will be carefully examined when received at the Government arsenal, and if they are found imperfect or unserviceable by reason of carelessness or other causes than legitimate use in service, the cost of such repair shall be chargeable to said post or camp and payment thereof must be made to the United States Government. 11. Rifles and accessories vmfit for use. — When any rifles or acces- sories become unfit for further use, the executive officer of the post or camp ^\ill report the fact to the proper department ordnance officer. United States Army, who may authorize the shipment thereof to a Government arsenal without expense to the United States Government. On reaching the arsenal the property will be inspected by an officer of the Ordnance Department, and if its condition is found to be due to ordinary incidents of service, such property may be replaced with serviceable property of like character; but if the condition is found to be due to carelessness or other than legitimate causes, the extent of the damage or value of missing property will be determined by the department ordnance officer. United States Army, who will require payment by the responsible party under the bond before any new issues ^yill be made. 12. Annual property returns. — Annual returns (statement of prop- erty) will be rendered on December 31 of each year to the proper depart- ment ordnance officer. United States Army, on forms to be supplied by him, by the proper officer of the organization supplied with rifles, etc., under this act, accounting for all Government property under his charge. 13. Withdrawal of property.— Failure on the part of any post or camp to comply with the foregoing regulations or with any others that may be prescribed by the Chief of Ordnance, United States Army, with the approval of the Secretary of War, for the care, preservation, or account- ability of any Government property issued to it by the United States Government, will be considered sufficient cause, for the prompt with- drawal by the Secretary of War of all the Government property in its possession.. 14. Return of property. — If any organization shall fail to cause the return of the Government property in its charge within 30 days after demand made by the Secretary of War, the delinquency will be imme- diately referred to the Attorney General of the United States in order that the bond involved may forthwith be put in suit. 15. Department ordnance officer, where located. Northeastern Department.— B.eadqna,rteTs, 99 Chauncy Street, Boston, Mass. Comprising the States of jSIaine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massa- chusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. Eastern Deparimeni.— Headquarters, Governors Island, N. Y. Compris- ing the States of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Mary- land, Virginia, District of Columbia. Southeastern Department.— B.e2idq\wters, Charleston, S. 0. Comprising the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi. Louisiana, and Arkansas. Central Department— Headqu&rters, Chicago, 111. Comprising the States of West Virginia, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota. South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, and Colorado. Southern Dejoar^meni.— Headquarters, Fort Sam Houston, Tex. Com- prising the States of Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona east of 114" west longitude and north of 33° north latitude. Western Department.— Readqusirtera, San Francisco, Calif. Comprising the States of Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Ore- gon, California, and Arizona west of 114° west longitude and south of 33** north latitude, and Alaska Territory. Haivaiian Department.— lleadquavtevs, Honolulu, Hawaii. Comprising the Hawaiian Islands. Philippine Department.— Hendquarteva, Manila, P. I. Comprising the Philippine Archipelago and troops in China. Panama Canal Department.— ResLdqim-tera, Ancon, Canal Zone. Com- prising the entii-e Canal Zone. o LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 020 915 287 3