Under the direction of HERBERT E. GREGORY Prepared in cooperation with the Connecticut State Geological and Natural History Surrey WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1916 / DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Franklin K. Lane, Secretary United States Geological Survey George Otis Smith, Director Water-Supply Paper 397 GROUND WATER IN THE WATERBURY AREA CONNECTICUT BY ARTHUR J. ELLIS Under the direction of HERBERT E. GREGORY Prepared in cooperation with the Connecticut State Geological and Natural History Surrey WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1916 ';'■•■ ■l> £ &l. i: -* »- u O >-Q. ±S> ? * 9 £> ?!■ < « a C3 1 -r i >> .5 a I a GEOLOGY. 9 and with the increase and diversification of population and indus- tries conflicts of interest have arisen — conflicts between water-power users and domestic consumers, between towns for the right to make use of a given stream or area; and between cities interested In sewage disposal and adjacent communities affected thereby. Industrial development inevitably taxes the natural water resources of a community, and although investigations of the local water problems may aid in formulating methods for conserving the use of water, it is necessary that State-wide regulations, following intel- ligent legislation, should be adopted to provide for the future. GEOLOGY. CRYSTALLINE ROCKS. The area is underlain by crystalline rocks of undetermined age, which have been classified according to lithologic characteristics into the formations x described in the following paragraphs: 1. Orange phyllite. — This rock is a slate or phyllite, highly fissile, sericitic, and usually dotted with minute garnets. It is character- ized by many quartz veins and lenses of quartz. It is believed to have been originally a more or less calcareous shale. 2. TJiomaston granite gneiss. — This rock varies in structure from an almost massive granite to a rock with distinctly schistose phases. It is of igneous origin, as shown by the fact that it often occurs as dikes and includes fragments of other rocks. 3. Hoosac ^TLartiand") schist. — This formation is everywhere a mica schist of well-marked character, but exhibits great variation in texture, composition, and appearance, due to large intrusions of igneous rock. It is of sedimentary origin. The "Hartland" schist of Connecticut has been traced into the Hoosac schist of Massachu- setts, and the name "Hartland" has been abandoned by the United States Geological Survey in favor of the older name Hoosac. The Hoosac schist is regarded as of Ordovician age. 4. Waterbury gneiss. — This gneiss was doubtless originally Hoosac ("Hartland") schist, whose texture has been changed by granitic intrusions and quartzose veins. 5. Prospect granite gneiss. — This is a light-gray granitic rock whose gneissoid appearance is produced by bands of granular quartz and feldspar interbedded with layers composed chiefly of biotite. The porphyritic mineral is usually white or pink orthoclase in crystals ranging in length from one-sixteenth inch to 3 inches. The rock was probably a granite porphyry intruded into the Hoosac schist. 1 Rice, W. N., and Gregory, H. E., Manual of the geology of Connecticut: Connecticut State Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey Bull. 6, pp. 96-110, 1906. Gregory, H. E., and Robinson, H. H., Preliminary geologic map of Connecticut: Connecticut State Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey Bull. 7, pp. 33, 34, and map, 1907. The retention in this economic report of the geologic names used in the reports published by the State does not imply their adoption by the United States Geological Survey, and all are subject to revision, except Hoosac schist, which has been adopted. lu GROUND WATEB l.\ WATERBUKV AREA, CONN, 6. AmphiboUte. — Tliis rock is distinctly gneissoid in structure, mid i> composed in large part of porphyritic feldspar and green horn- blende, with a subordinate amount of quartz. 7. Diabase. — This rock is a colored trap occurring as dikes intruded into the older crystalline rocks. It is probably of Triassic age. GLACIAL DRIFT. The crystalline rocks are covered by deposits of glacial drift derived from the great ice sheets which in the Pleistocene epoch extended over the State. They are of two general types: The unstratified drift, also called "till," which consists of heterogeneous mixtures of all the rock debris deposited directly by the ice; and the stratified drift, which consists of glacial materials that were rehandled by water and are therefore assorted into layers of different degrees of coarseness. Till constitutes the surface deposits over most of the highland areas, and stratified drift is found chiefly in the stream valleys. SOURCE AND OCCURRENCE OF GROUND WATER. ORIGIN. The ground water of the Waterbury area is derived from the precipi- tation within the area and near its borders. Owing to the ruggedness of the bedrock surface and the thinness of the overlying drift, which together prevent an extensive underground circulation, the ground water of any particular locality is derived from very local sources. Owing to the small size of the area, the precipitation is evenly distributed, and, as shown in the following table, is nearly uniform throughout the year. Rainfall in Waterbury from 1887 to 1912, inclusive. [Recorded by N. J. Walton.] Year. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total. 1887 1SSS 1S89 1890 1891 1892 4.75 4.73 5. 85 2.54 10.06 6.01 2.96 2.68 4.86 2.37 4.58 •5.09 3.82 3.77 1.78 3.43 3.78 4.45 6.51 2.79 3.45 4.72 3.83 8.05 2.99 2.36 6.07 5.11 1.61 3.77 5.65 1.30 7.37 4.13 1.92 9.25 3.48 3.49 4.58 8.46 .55 6.67 4.32 2.54 1.50 2.29 2.52 6.86 6.15 4.27 2.81 3.20 4.24 6.46 2.02 6.08 5.08 3.45 4.83 1.43 2.58 5.99 2.67 2.47 6. 75 5.51 7.44 5.56 6.45 3.74 3.59 5.97 1.53 3.07 4.36 1.16 3.69 7.87 3.94 1.78 4.29 2.43 3.86 .95 3.49 3.16 3.85 1.83 1.97 3.67 1.80 2.23 11.51 4.11 3.38 4.50 2.85 4.30 2.77 2.65 7.97 4.08 3.75 4.38 0.13 4.13 4.64 5.97 1.84 5. 55 6.44 7.58 1.96 2.34 5.34 6.86 2.07 4.39 8.08 2.01 .73 3.31 1.27 3.74 3.87 5.85 2. S3 2.95 .87 5.51 6.60 1.55 4.09 3.26 1.14 2.27 1.83 .54 2.82 5.71 3.77 .94 2.32 3.02 .65 5.16 11.25 4.20 4.22 4.83 4.37 1.10 3.11 3.30 3.33 .91 3.79 2.73 10.83 4.96 4.17 4.37 3.31 2.43 3.73 3.16 18.10 3.37 6.02 3.10 4.44 4.58 3.71 4.62 4.20 5.49 2.29 6.53 1.56 3.04 4.54 3.63 5.64 4.53 2.76 4.50 3.04 5.30 7.22 2.41 7.29 2.67 3.51 9.48 1.03 2.09 9.37 2.82 0.36 4.93 5.65 2.71 1.35 6.53 3.47 3.16 8.11 3.12 1.68 7.57 4.26 4.98 1.68 2.62 1.7.5 5.35 2.16 5.01 2.18 2.52 5.30 2.15 6.25 6.42 3.02 8.02 4.27 1.92 9.82 1.39 4.51 2.56 2.24 2.34 2.97 4.72 4.03 6.89 3.04 .92 5.21 4.91 5.19 2.77 1.08 5.82 2.42 3.59 4.32 6.19 4.77 3.05 2.50 6.26 5.89 2.43 1.17 .98 8.27 3.52 2.25 4.42 8.74 0.93 3.33 5.96 2.49 4.30 5.22 3.09 6.00 7.57 1.69 5.96 2.37 1.34 2.30 1.59 1.72 2.18 5.69 1.14 1.89 5.40 4.48 3.97 5.20 5.84 2.74 5.21 5.71 1.74 4.08 4.21 3.83 2.39 5.99 3.86 2.81 2.56 9.82 6.92 4.37 3.28 3.72 4.13 5.81 3.75 4.83 2.21 3.44 4.64 47.26 53.57 55.86 51.52 48.60 40.44 1893 50.97 1894 1895 1S96 1897 43.13 45.41 46.58 58.67 1898 55.14 1899 40.61 1900 46.83 1901 66.58 1902 55.21 1903 54.44 1904 48.23 1905 42.03 1906 46.61 1907 49.36 1908 46.02 1909 45.68 1910 41.16 1911 4i 52 1912 45.45 Average 4.31 4.23 4.38 3.67 3.86 3.32 4. 72 | 4. 58 3.92 3. 96 | 3. 69 4.35 48.99 a From Waterbury City Engineer's Ann. Rept., 1912. U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 397 PLATE ■«-•- '%- jm** A. BOWLDER-STREWN LANDSCAPE IN TILL-COVERED AREA, ANSONIA, CONN. B. STRATIFIED BEDS OF COARSE SAND, ANSONIA, CONN. OCCURRENCE OF GROUNB WATEB. 11 WATER IN THE GLACIAL DRIFT. CIRCULATION. The chief water-bearing formations of the Waterbury area arc, the unconsolidated materials that cover the bedrock. These materials absorb rain water at a rate and to an extent depending chiefly on their porosity. The most porous beds are composed of gravel and sand, the least porous of compact clays. The unstratified drift, which covers most of the area, is a mixture of bowlders, gravel, sand, and clay, and its porosity depends on the relative amounts of these materials. (See PI. I.) Much of the unstratified drift is of the "stony" or "bowldery" type, which contains practically no clay and which possesses a porosity equal to that attained by coarse varie- ties of stratified drift. The less porous types of unstratified drift may be represented by the following averages of the analyses of 16 samples collected from 12 drumhns in the Boston basin. 1 These analyses were made after removing all stones 2 inches or more in diameter, which constituted about 10 per cent of the original material. Average composition of unstratified drift in Boston basin. Per cent. Gravel 24.90 Sand 19. 51 Rock flour 43. 86 Clay (three-fourths rock flour) 11. 67 99.94 Other factors influencing the amount of water absorbed are the growth of vegetation, the topography, the occurrence and duration of frost in the ground, and the atmospheric conditions that govern evaporation and rates of precipitation. The water absorbed by the soil descends and saturates the lower part of the glacial drift, which serves as a reservoir for the storage of this water. The efficiency of the drift in this respect depends largely on the rate of underground drainage, the three principal factors of which are porosity, the arrangement of layers having different porosities, and the topography of the bedrock on which the water-bearing bed rests. The most porous beds, such as the gravels of the Naugatuck River valley (PL III, in pocket), absorb water most rapidly, but they also allow the water to circulate most freely and therefore are most rapidly drained. Impervious materials, such as clays, occurring among porous deposits are related to under- ground drainage as dams or other obstructions arc related to surface drainage. They divert or impound the percolating waters and in many places produce springs and swamps. Except where the drift is thick, the topography of the bedrock below the water-bearing beds • Crosby W O., Composition of tfU or bowlder otay: Borton 8oc Nat. Hist Proc, vol. », p. 194,1880, 12 GROUND WATER IN WATFRBT'RY AREA, CONN. £ O/V 77J,U is related to underground drainage as the topog- raphy of the land is related to surface drainage. Over most of the Waterbury area the drift is thin and the topography of the bedrock surface closely conforms to the present topography of the land surface, except that it is more rugged and has greater relief. The bedrock usually outcrops on « the hilltops and steep slopes (PL III) but lies at t considerable depths in some of the valleys, for ex- % ample, in the Naugatuck Valley near Waterbury, | where bedrock is reached at a depth of more than g 100 feet below the river (fig. 2). Because of the "g similarity between the forms of the rock surface g and the surface of the ground the direction of un- ^ ■§ derground drainage corresponds very closely to o •£ the direction of surface drainage. The ground | water, like the surface water, flows most rapidly on | steep slopes, but because of the resistance offered .1 by the soil particles it moves much more slowly than the surface water and is generally replenished £ by rainfall before the supply contributed by pre- 1 vious precipitation has been drained away. Most | of the ground water finds its way to the surface g through the flow of springs and seepage areas, by 2 capillary rise and evaporation, and by transpira- s tion of trees and other plants; a comparatively > small amount is drawn from wells. S3 > 5 THE WATER TABLE. M o | The water table is the plane below which the I ground is saturated with water. Its topography is 1 similar to that of the land surface but less rugged. 1 Consequently it is generally nearest the land sur- I face in the valleys and farthest from the surface on 1 the hilltops, where it may lie at a depth of 30 or 40 jj feet. The surfaces of streams, ponds, and lakes S are generally continuous with the water table and | may be regarded as forming parts of it. In bogs, marshes, and other places where the ground is sat- urated to the surface, the water table and the sur- face of the ground coincide. Where the water table is not exposed its position is shown by the surface of the water in wells. The position of the water table depends also on the character of the drift. Except in very low places it is, in general, nearer tho surface in areas where the drift consists of clay ?, J OCCURRENCE OF GROUND WATER. 13 or compact till, and farther below the surface in areas where the drift is gravel and sand, because clay and till are less porous than gravel and sand and do not drain as rapidly. The accompanying map (PI. Ill, in pocket) shows the average depth to the water table at the wells that were examined. Where dense rocks appear at or near the surface there is no water table ; the rock masses rise above the ground water like islands in a lake, and the position of the water table immediately surrounding them is indeterminate. Figure 3 illus- trates the relative position of the water table in various kinds of drift and under different topo- graphic conditions. The water table is constantly changing its position with respect to the surface of the ground, rising rapidly after a heavy rain, then gradually descending as the water is drained away. These changes may be observed by mak- ing successive measurements of the depths to water in wells. The zone through which the water table fluctuates is called in this report the zone of fluctuation. In elevated positions where the drift is thin the water table may descend during a period of drought until it touches the rock surface and is all drained away; but in the vicinity of perennial streams or permanent bodies of water the change may not exceed a few inches during a year. The zone of fluctuation, therefore, has the least thickness in the valleys and the greatest on the hills, where it may include the entire distance from the highest water level to the bedrock surface. I 2 p> 3 3 p 3 & ►a 14 GROUND WATER TX WATERBURY AREA. CONN s XOOU&- &W77JM \ OPO/V 77JAf S*0//77JA*yr fffiV#77SAf\ I 8^ o J AMOUNT OF WATER. A rough conception of the an- nual supply of ground water may be gained by analyzing the rela- tions between precipitation and stream flow. Measurements of precipitation show the total amount of water which falls on a drainage basin, but only a part of this is added to the underground supply, a part of the rest being returned to the atmosphere, and another part discharged by streams. The total run-off from a drainage basin, as determined by stream measurements, in- cludes both the surface drainage (that is, the water which has never formed part of the under- ground supply) and the un- derground drainage — the water which has passed into the sur- face streams from the water- bearing beds. The water that is returned to the atmosphere by evaporation and transpiration is in part sur- face water and in part ground water. A rough index of its amount is obtained by subtracting the total annual run-off from the total annual precipitation. In the Housatonic River basin above Gaylordsville, Conn, (area, 1,020 square miles) , the annual rainfall is •17.86 inches and the mean annual run-off is 29.43 inches. The differ- ence of 18.43 inches is attributed to loss by evaporation and plant growth. Similarly, in Connecticut River basin above Orford, X. H. (area, 3,300 square miles), the an- nual precipitation is 36.76 inches and the annual run-off is 21.66 inches, the loss being 15.10 inches . OCCURRENCE OF GROUND WATER. 15 These and other data compiled by Mr. Hoyt ' indicate that in north- eastern United States between 30 and 40 per cent of the rainfall is returned to the atmosphere. It is not possible to determine, from o d w pi O "I P* <9 2 "/ Oi-7'l'/ : .S^ X^/^' x .T/> / i • \ / _^ / ^ i / - ' • * '\ fl r-~ v'- the data at hand, what part of this is derived from the underground supply. All perennial streams he below the water table and are maintained during dry seasons by infiltration from the saturated part 1 Hoyt, J. C, Comparison between rainfall and run-off in northeastern United States; Am. Soc. Civil Eng. Trans., vol. 59, p. 470, 1907. 98200°— W8P397— 16 2 16 GBOUND WATEB IN WATERBTJRY AREA, CONN. of the drift. During a rainy season and for some time thereafter the streams carry more or less water which has never formed a part of the ground-water supply. Dur- ing the succeeding dry sea- son this surface water is discharged and the streams finally reach a stage at which nearly the entire run- off is water from under- ground sources. In Con- necticut the discharge of underground water is never | less than the amount car- \ ried by the streams at their I lowest stages, but it is 5 probably greater immedi- I atelv after rains, owing to I the contribution from inter- : mittent springs and seepage | areas and to a general accel- l eration of underground cir- \ dilation by hydrostatic I pressure. In addition to = the amount of ground wa- § ter discharged by streams = there are large quantities | stored in drift-filled rock [ basins below the valley a floors, as for example in the ) valley of Xaugatuck River ~ near Waterbury, where sat- urated deposits consisting largely of gravel and sand extend nearly 100 feet be- low the river bed (fig. 2). The amount of water in such basins depends on the size of the basins and the porosity of the valley fill. But the water contained in such basins, if withdrawn, must be replenished by that usually carried in the -ireanb. therefore, strictly speaking, these supplies are not available GROUND WATER FOR MUNICIPAL USE. 17 in addition to the amounts discharged by streams, except as their withdrawal would decrease the amount of evaporation and transpira- tion. WATER IN CRYSTALLINE ROCKS. The area described in this report is underlain by crystalline rocks whose age has not been definitely determined (p. 9). As a result of the work of dynamic agencies these rocks are intensely fractured, cracks being visible wherever the rocks are exposed (PI. II, B) . All the crystalline rocks have a very low porosity — less than 1 per cent — and for this reason the circulation of water in them is practically restricted to the cracks. Water enters the openings from the over- lying drift and passes in the direction of least resistance, down some sloping planes and up others, through vertical cracks and horizontally through level ones until it becomes imprisoned in cracks with no outlets or until it reappears at the surface as springs or seepage. In general, the thickness of the zone of active circulation is nearly equal to the relief of the land surface. That is, openings below the level of the valleys are generally filled with water that is not in motion until wells reach these depths and start circulation by drawing water to the surface. In some places, however, these more deeply seated waters are forced by hydrostatic pressure along fault planes or major joints and reach the surface as artesian springs or artesian wells. (See figs. 5, 6, and 7.) The amount of water in crystalline rocks depends chiefly on the number and size of the cracks. Most of the openings are too narrow, even at the surface, to allow any considerable quantity of water to pass, but they are generally connected, either directly or indirectly, with larger fissures into which they drain, and it is the ramifying systems of minor cracks which to a large degree regulate the supplies derived from rock borings. The openings in these rocks do not extend to great depths and their size rapidly diminishes from the surface downward. Nearly all the cracks pinch out entirely within a few hundred feet from the surface, and water-bearing fissures at greater depths are rare. As compared with the more porous drift, crystalline rocks contain little water, the average yield of wells in the crystallines of Connecticut being about 15 gallons a minute. Many deep rock wells in the State are practically dry, but a number of others obtain water from joints and cracks within 100 feet of the surface. GROUND WATER FOR MUNICIPAL USE. PROBLEMS INVOLVED. The problems to be considered in planning the use of ground water for a new or enlarged public water supply relate to the quantity of water to be obtained, the quality of the water, the methods of pro- 18 GROUND WATER TX WATF.RBURY AKKA. CONN. curing it, and the cost of establishing and maintaining the works. These problems are largely interdependent and their relative impor- tance depends on the proposed uses of the water and the conditions under which it is to be used. QUANTITY REQUIRED. In towns with an established water system the per capita consump- tion is known and the quantity of water required for extending the system can be estimated with a fair degree of accuracy. In small towns or communities in which a public supply is designed to replace private wells an estimate of the quantity of water required should be based on a comparative study of the consumption in towns of similar characteristics. Plans for cities or for smaller communities involve a consideration of future needs based on the probable rate of increase in population and the circumstances affecting it and also on the esti- mated rate and amount of development of industrial enterprises. In a community where the significance of past conditions and present trends of population and industries are fairly well understood, plans for a 20-year service for an average town of less than 10,000 may be based on the present population. For larger cities estimates of future needs are much less likely to be reliable, and so far as practi- cable future requirements should be provided for by maintaining a system capable of extension at reasonable cost as the need arises. The data available for the larger cities of Connecticut are sufficient to serve as a guide in planning ten years in advance of present needs, on the basis of an estimated consumption of J 00 gallons per capita per day. The factors whicn determine the amount of water required are as follows : 1. The number of inhabitants. 2. The nature of the local industries. 3. The wealth and habits of the people. 4. The extent to which water is used in fountains and in lawn and street sprinkling. 5. The climate as affecting the use and waste of water to prevent freezing. 6. The prevention of leakage. 7. The basis of revenue (meter or flat rate). 8. Quality, quantity, and pressure, as tending to encourage or discourage liberal use and great wastefulness. 9. The popularity of a new or improved supply. The consumption of water is usually, stated in number of gallons per capita per day, but it is not sufficient to take into account only this average daily rate of consumption, for the demand varies during the year and during the day, and the supply must be adequate for temporary heavy draughts. The following table shows the average daily consumption in Hartford, Conn., for each month during 1912 and during the period from 1903 to 1912, inclusive: U. 8. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 397 PLATE II A. STRATIFIED SAND AND GRAVEL, NAUGATUCK VALLEY, SEYMOUR, CONN. CRYSTALLINE ROCK (HARTLAND SCHIST) SHOWING FISSURES WHICH AT GREATER DEPTHS AFFORD WATER SUPPLIES, NAUGATUCK, CONN. tiEOUND WATEE FOR MUNICIPAL USE. L9 Average daily consumption of vjater during each month in Hartford, Conn. a Month. January. February- March... April May June 1912. Gallons. 8,317,000 8, 730, 000 8,625,000 8,445,000 8,800,000 9,128,000 Average for 10 years (1903-1912). Gallons. 6,717,000 6,959,000 6,896,000 7,044,000 7,380,000 7,648,000 Month. July August September October. . . November. December. 1912. Gallons. 9,245,000 8, 694, 000 8,675,000 8,674,000 8,283,000 8,142,000 Average for 10 years (1903-1912). Gallons. 7,642,000 7,315,000 7,411,000 7,191,000 6,978,000 6,775,000 a Board of "Water Commissioners, City of Hartford, Conn., Fifty-ninth Ann. Rept., for year ending Mar. 1, 1913, p. 190. The following table illustrates the variation in the rate of con- sumption during the day : 1 Consumption from the Mystic supply of Boston, Mass. August, 1893. Hours. Rate of con- sumption per capita (gallons per 24 hours). Per cent of total consump- tion. 1 to 4 a. m a 40. 8 58.6 103.8 93.0 98.2 79.5 61.9 52.9 6.9 4 to 7 a. m 9.9 7 to 10 a. m 17.6 10 a. m. to 1 p. o 15.8 1 to 4 p. m 16.8 4 to 7 p. m 13.6 7 to 10 p. m 10.5 10 p. m. to 1 a. m 8.9 Average 73.6 100.0 o "The large consumption from 1 to 4 a. m. must have been mostly waste." To meet these daily peak loads and to insure against such emer- gencies as might arise from fire or disability of pumps a ground- water supply system should be equipped with a surface reservoir or elevated tank unless the capacity of the pumps and wells is much greater than the normal consumption. QUALITY OF WATER. A municipal water supply should be suitable in quality for both domestic and industrial uses. To meet these requirements the installation of purifying equipment may be necessary, whether the supply comes from surface or underground sources. Surface waters are always liable to pollution, and contamination of some is practi- cally inevitable. The mineral content and hardness of most surface waters are not such as to render them unfit for general use, but ground waters, especially ground waters drawn from the bedrocks, may require softening or at least the removal of iron before the waters are usable. Ground waters are less liable to pollution than surface waters, but they are more strongly mineralized and may be mineralized to an objectionable degree. 1 Turneaure, F. E., and Russell, H. L.. Public water supplies, p. 29, 1908. 20 GROUND WATER lH WATERBURY AREA, CONN. METHODS OF OBTAINING WATER. The method of collecting water for a municipal supply depends on the natural conditions existing in the locality where water is needed. The possible sources to be considered are streams, springs, deep wells, filtration galleries, and shallow wells. The extent to which each of these methods is employed in New England is shown in the following table: Sources of water in public water supplies in New England. Number of public supplies derived from— State. Surface water.b Surface water and springs. Surface water and shallow wells. Springs Shallow wells. Shallow wells and springs. Gal- ler- ies. Shal- low wells and galler- ies. Deep and arte- sian wells. Total. Dug. Driven. Maine 53 37 21 67 12 48 2 2 3 2 9 3 12 17 13 23 8 1 1 20 1 2 14 3 6 4 2 2 1 2 70 New Hampshire Vermont 61 37 Massachusetts r.hode Island Connecticut 143 13 67 238 18 3 73 23 16 3 6 4 7 391 a Compiled from Baker, M. N., Manual of American waterworks, 1897. & Surface water includes supplies from streams, lakes, and impounding reservoirs. STREAMS. Streams generally afford the simplest means of obtaining water. If the minimum daily discharge of the available stream exceeds the maximum daily consumption by an amount sufficient to provide for fire protection, the water may be diverted directly into the street mains; if, however, the daily discharge as determined by measure- ments extending through a number of years is not sufficient to meet the daily consumption and afford fire protection, storage must be provided. Since large streams are generally utilized in the disposal of sewage, it is the custom to go to the smaller ones for water sup- plies, hence the most common type of development involves the construction of reservoirs. A useful rule for estimating the required storage is that the amount stored shall be about the same percentage of the total yearly consumption as the total yearly consumption is of the total yield of the drainage basin. 1 Practically all the available ground water of the drift, except that stored in the deposits below Naugatuck River, and a considerable amount from crevices in the bedrocks returns to the surface along the stream courses. For this reason the most effective method of 1 International Library of Technology, vol. 36, Water supply, pp. 1, 322. GROUND WATER FOR MUNICIPAL USE. 21 recovering this ground water is by constructing dams in the streams that carry it. Ground water is thus brought to the surface without pumping and if a reservoir is available from which water can be delivered by gravity the cost of pumping may be eliminated entirely. SPRINGS. Springs may be grouped into two classes, the first including those which serve as outlets for ground waters that have reached horizons far below the earth's surface, and the second comprising those which derive their supply from ground waters that have passed to shallow depths only. So far as known all the springs in this area belong to the second class. They are numerous along nearly all the streams, which owe their persistence through dry seasons to water from this source. Most springs of this kind are small. They vary in yield with the amount and character of local precipitation, and their permanence depends on the seasonal distribution of rainfall, the areas of their individual collecting basins, and the nature of the soil and vegetation. Most of the small, so-called surface-water supplies in the State are supported to a large extent by springs of this type, but, because of their liability to fail in dry seasons and their average low yield these springs are not adapted for use as public supplies, unless they occur close together and in localities where the surplus yield during wet seasons may be stored for use in droughts. A sufficient number of springs in a favorable locality would result in either a lake or a stream. The accumulated waters from such groups of springs would possess the qualities of surface-water supplies and would properly be classed with them. Most deep-seated springs are independent of seasonal changes and are free from surface pollution. They may, however, contain suffi- cient mineral matter to render them undesirable for a municipal sup- ply or desirable for medicinal use. Springs of this type in other parts of Connecticut furnish waters of high purity and are widely exploited. Their commercial value as bottled waters, as well as their moderate yields, will doubtless continue to prevent their use as parts of public water systems. DRILLED WELLS. * The often-expressed idea that a well of water, or even a flowing well, may be obtained anywhere by drilling deep enough is based on an erroneous conception of the occurrence of ground water. Some artesian areas, as, for example, those of Texas and South Dakota, are underlain by extensive beds of porous water-bearing rocks capable of furnishing large and continuous supplies. In such districts it is 22 QBOUND WATEB IN WATKKBUKY A.BEA, CONN. usually possible, after a few wells have been drilled, to predict with considerable accuracy the depth at which wafer will be found and the quantity that will be obtained. In areas underlain by such materials as those forming the rock floor of this area, however, large supplies are seldom obtained by drilling into the bedrock. Moreover, the yields of new wells can not be predicted from the records of existing rock wells because the supplies are obtained from discontinuous and irregular fissures which vary in size, distribution, and water content. Wells that overflow at the surface are not common in Connecticut, but in some places flowing water has been obtained both by drilling into bedrock and by driving " points" to shallow depths in the drift. Where flows have been struck the head is generally low and the flow often ceases within a few days or even within a few hours. In drilled wells the flow is due to conditions illustrated in figures 5, 6, and 7. If a sloping rock surface is covered by an impervious stratum of clay or till such a stratum may confine the water in the rock crevices and generate hydrostatic pressure that forces the water to the surface when a well penetrates the impervious stratum. In some shallow wells the conditions are similar. A sloping stratum of sand or gravel confined between beds of clay may contain water under sufficient pressure to afford a flowing well when the upper impervious layer is penetrated by a driven point. Conditions favorable for producing flowing wells are seldom en- countered, and ground waters must therefore generally be recovered by pumping. Moreover, in most drilled wells the water does not rise to a level within the suction limit, and a gang of drilled wells can therefore generally not be pumped by means of a suction main, and a lift pump is required in each well except where air lifts can be used to advantage. On account of the small yields, high costs, and great uncertainty in regard to every phase of the development, drilled wells are hardly to be considered for supplying large municipalities. For villages in which the consumption does not exceed 50,000 gallons a day and where surface-water supplies are not easily available satisfactory supplies may be obtained by drilling one or more wells into rock. DUG WELLS. Dug wells draw their supplies from the glacial drift. They are best adapted to areas in which the drift is not very porous and yields water slowly, whereas driven wells are best adapted for areas in valleys in which deposits of porous stratified drift supply water more freely. The yield from a dug well depends on the porosity of the drift, the dimensions of the well, and the depth of the well below the water table. To obtain permanent supplies these wells must pass below the lowest position of the water table. Dug wells are not GROUND WATER FOR MUNICIPAL USE. 28 adapted for furnishing public supplies unless the amount of water required is small, and even then such a supply would hardly justify the installation of the necessary pumps and pipe lines because the cost would be great for each unit of water developed. INFILTRATION GALLERIES. Underground galleries or tunnels are usually constructed for the purpose of filtering stream waters. Under favorable conditions they may be used to recover ground water, but in general wherever the deposits are porous enough to yield much water to infiltration gal- leries, water can be obtained more economically and satisfactorily by means of driven wells. Infiltration galleries are expensive to con- struct and are subject to decreases in efficiency which are not easily remedied. It is probable that in this area driven wells will be found to possess a number of advantages over infiltration galleries. (See p. 35.) DRIVEN WELLS. The Naugatuck River valley contains deposits of coarse sediments which are capable of yielding large quantities of water, provided the recharge is adequate. The valley is narrow, however, and most of the coarse deposits rest on the valley walls (PL III), where they are rapidly drained and are consequently of no importance as a source of water even for domestic use. Furthermore, the valley is constricted in places and at such points the underflow is interrupted. In some parts of the valley, however, the coarse deposits below the river are sufficiently broad and deep to afford storage of large quantities of water. Driven wells with perforated iron casings 6 or 8 inches in diameter, as described on page 33, probably afford the most economi- cal method of obtaining water from this source. A project involving the use of driven wells differs from one in which drilled rock wells are to be used in that reliable information regarding the quantity and quality of water available can be obtained at moderate cost. The thickness and extent of the water-bearing formation can be deter- mined by rough surveys, and pumping tests by means of drive points will establish the feasibility of proceeding with the project. It seems improbable, considering the availability of surface water, that ground water could be economically used as a source of supply by a city as large as Waterbury, but it is certain that many communities, such as the villages of Beacon Falls, Thomaston, and possibly Seymour, requiring moderate amounts of water, could obtain supplies of this kind, and the cities of Waterbury, Ansonia, and Naugatuck could obtain supplementary supplies in this manner if demand should arise. The use of driven wells is illustrated by the following plants at Brookline, Mass., Brooklyn, N. Y., and Plainfield, N. J.: '24 >UND WATER IN WATEBBURY ABBA, CONK. Plant at BrooHine, Mass. — The following description of the munici- pal pumping plant at Brookline. Mass., was given by Mr. F. F. Forbes, the superintendent: 1 The material for this paper was gathered from work which was done under my direction in Brookline. two and four years ago. to increase the water supply of this town. The work consisted in laying a suction main made up as follow?: 2,054 feet of 24-inch pipe. 2.093 feet of 20-inch pipe. 531 feet of 16-inch pipe. 1,427 feet of 10-inch pipe, and 155 feet of 8-inch pipe, a total of 6.200 feet; and driving 201 2f-inch wells. and connecting 160 wells: the other 41 wells were failures. The plant was designed to deliver water at the rate of 5.000.000 gallons per day for as many hours each day as might be necessary to supply the town. A slight study of such a plant will convince one that it is very important that the pipes and connections should be air-tight, and so put together that they will remain in this state even if some small settling should take place in the suction main;' for not only does it cost money to pump air from which no benefit is received, but its presence in the conducting pipes lessens the amount of water they will earn', also decreases the quantity which can be taken from the ground by partially destroyirg the vacuum and also causes the pumps to perform badly unless the air is removed before it reaches them. It is not an easy matter to lay a long line of pipe, drive and connect numerous wells, and leave no place through which the air can flow. Not only must the mate- rial used be without defects, but the work must be most faithfully done — the latter being by far the most difficult part. It is with much satisfaction that I can speak of the results obtained in Brookline. The plant has now been in use nearly two years without giving the least trouble from air leaks, or. in fact, from any other causes. A description of the principal details of construction is as follows: The 24-inch suction main is connected directly to the pumps without an air separator or sand receiver. The top of this main is laid from 6 to 8 feet below the surface of the ground, and about 5 feet below the usual level of Charles River during the summer months. The main was laid at this depth for two reasons: First, that more water might be drawn from the ground, and, second, that the main might be in the most favorable position, not to be affected by expansion or contraction due to changes of tempera- ture. The main has a slight pitch from the pump, the farther end being about 6 inches lower. This construction is necessary to allow any air which may be in the pipes to flow toward the station and not pocket at any point on the line. This suction main is composed of ordinary cast-iron bell and spigot pipes, laid in the usual way with lead joints. Extra pains were taken, however, in calking these joints. During the laying of the main and the connectirg of the wells, it was neces- sary to keep a 6-inch rotary pump running day and night to free the trench from water. The bottom of the trench was a rather fine sand, and the pipe was supported on a blocking reaching to a timber platform placed about S inches below the bottom of the pipes to allow room to calk the joints. Short cast-iron Y branches of special design were placed in the main for each well. The 2£-inch outlets of these Y branches were drilled and tapped to a templet at the foundry before being tarred, under the watch of an inspector. The wells were connected to the Y branches by two lead connections, 2\ inches in diameter and of a weight of 11 pounds per foot. A gate with companion flanget was placed between these lead connections, the flanges formirg the union joint between the wells and suction main. The soldering nipples used with the lead connections were made to order of the best steam metal. They were delivered un tinned in order that any defect in them could be easily found. Spe< ial i New England Waterworks Association Jour., vol. 11, No. 3, p. 19-5, : GROUND WATER FOR MUNICIPAL USE. 25 taken to solder these nipples to the lead connections. A wiped joint was not con- sidered to be always air-tight and of this size rather difficult to make, and we finally decided to sweat the nipples in, as this process is sometimes called. The necessary heat was obtained from cast-iron plugs heated in a portable forge which fitted loosely into the nipples. The well pipes were screwed together with special wrought-iron couplings until the ends butted, and special cement was used on the threads. The wells were from 35 to 95 feet deep. Two and one-half inch tees of a special pattern were placed on the wells at a proper grade to allow them to be connected by means of the lead connections to the suction main . The piping of the wells was carried to the height of about 1 foot above the surface of the ground and capped with a special cap. The wells have open ends, no strainers of any kind being used. In the bottom pieces there are five rows of holes with nine holes in a row, spaced 2£ inches apart from centers, and bushed with |-inch brass pipe. As before stated, we have had no air leaks so far, and as the suction pipe is laid with lead joints, and the connection between this pipe and the wells made with lead pipe, thus making the whole construction flexible, we can see no reason why air leaks should ever occur. The cost of construction of the work done two years ago, which included laying all of the 20, 16, 10, and 8 inch pipe, and driving 159 wells, is as follows: Cost of driving and connecting 118 good wells and driving and pulling up 41 poor wells. Cost of labor, driving wells .' $1, 561. 00 Cost of labor, connecting wells 210. 00 Cost of labor, pumping out wells 369. 00 Cost of the well pipes, not including bottom pieces 572. 06 Cost of the bottom pieces 196. 23 Cost of preparing bottom pieces 118. 00 Cost of the gate tops for wells 360. 37 Cost of the gates 660. 80 Cost of 2^-inch tees 94. 40 Cost of soldering nipples 250. 16 Cost of solder : 23. 00 Cost of f -inch rope 5. 31 Cost of oil 6.25 Cost of red and white lead 23. 59 Cost of lead pipe 333. 40 Cost of making lead connection in the shop 52. 50 Cost of 2-J-mch plugs 2. 29 Cost of 2 J-inch coupling 155. 40 Cost of pulling up poor wells 80. 00 Cost of Akron pipe for gate boxes 306. 92 Cutting threads on pipe : 206. 72 Teaming 14. 00 Miscellaneous 51. 26 Total cost of wells 5, 652. 66 Number of feet of good wells driven 5, 977 Number of feet of poor wells driven 1, 741 Total 7, 718 The average depth of the wells 50 feet. Average number of feet driven per day with gang of four men . 50 feet. Cost of labor driving wells, per foot $0. 21 Average cost of each good well, including driving and con- necting and expense of driving and pulling the poor wells. . $47. 90 20 OBOUND WATER IN WATERBUR? AREA, CONN. Cost of laying the suction main. Cost of labor $10,428.32 Cost of lumber 1, 118. 55 Cost of pipes 6, 248. 07 Cost of gates 341. 16 Cost of lead 515. 09 Cost of pumping, the engineer 458. 56 Cost of pumping, coal 174. 71 Cost of unloading pipes 39. 00 Cost of inspecting pipes 183. 00 Cost of rubber boots 210. 00 Cost of shovels 52. 00 Cost of carting men to and from work 947. 30 Cost of hauling the pipe from cars 300. 00 Cost of expressage 79. 30 Cost of oil for engine 4. 80 Cost of jute packing 12. 74 Miscellaneous 155. 43 Total cost of laying pipe 21, 268. 03 The amounts laid are as follows: 20-inch pipe 2, 023 feet. 16-inch pipe 551 feet. 10-inch pipe 1, 420 feet. 8-inch pipe 155 feet. 4, 149 feet. The total cost of laying pipe $21, 268. 03 The total cost of driving and connecting wells 5, 652. 66 Total cost of system '. 26, 920. 69 The total cost of laying the pipe, driving and connecting wells, per foot of suction main 6. 45 Plant at Brooklyn, N. Y. — The borough of Brooklyn, N. Y., obtains a large part of its water supply from driven wells arranged in gangs at several places on Long Island. The first wells constructed were of the closed-end type, but later ones are of the open-end type. The wells are arranged in two rows, one on each side of the suction main, the wells in some gangs being in files and in others staggered. A description of one of the new plants is as follows: The main suctions are about 2,340 feet long with a fall of 12 inches from center to each end. The 62 wells are staggered along the main suction pipe, 12 feet from it and 75 feet apart on each side. Their average depth is 45 feet, a stratum of fine sharp sand being met with at that depth. The outside casing is 4$ inches, with a 6-foot strainer, 2-foot sand pocket, 1 and 6-inch point. Suctions are 3 inches in diam- eter and 28 feet long. Lateral branches are 3£ inches, and each is provided with a gate. It is expected to get 6,000,000 gallons from this station. The contract price for the last 25.000,000 was $167,250 for sinking and connecting wells, the yield to be determined by a test lasting one year and taken as the lowest average for five consec- utive days. 2 1 A sand pocket is a large drum or box inserted in the suction pipe to catch sand that is drawn tip w}th the water. It is provided with handholes to facilitate cleaning. 2 Tumeaure, F. E., and Russell, H. L., Public water supplies, p. 308, 1909. GROUND WATER FOR MUNICIPAL USE. 27 Plant at Plain field , N. J. — The following is a description 1 of the driven-well system at Plainfield, N. J. : The region itself is a comparatively level valley, some 7 miles long and from three- fourths to 2 miles wide, is fairly well wooded, and slopes gently to the westward. It is divided by a small stream running to the southwest, having several short tribu- taries; together they furnish excellent surface drainage for the city. The soil consists mostly of sand, clay, and gravel strata, rock not being encountered, except at considerable depths. It has always been an easy matter to procure water in abundance for domestic use by driving pipe wells from 20 to 80 feet deep at each residence, and attaching pumps directly thereto; and for fire supplies, sinking large brick curbs some 15 or 20 feet into the gravel gave an abundant flow. But obviously, with the increasing popula- tion and no sewerage system, individual wells became a source of danger to health, yet for nearly 20 years no definite result was accomplished, more than the mere organization of a private water company. In 1890 active measures were taken and tests and examinations made, which finally resulted in the siuking of pipe wells on a plot of ground 1| miles east of the center of the city in a soil where the upper clay stratum was some 30 feet or more in thickness, underlain by a very coarse water-bearing gravel. This spot was selected for its freedom from probable contamination on ground slightly higher than the city, which at the same time was convenient. Several test wells were sunk at various points previous to the observations of the writer, and pumping tests made with a low-lift pump of a number of the main wells then driven, under the care of Mr. Rudolph Hering, M. Am. Soc. C. E. The quan- tity of water obtained from 10 wells for periods of eight hours' daily consecutive . pumping, during two weeks of observation, was at the rate of from 2,000,000 to 2,125,000 gallons in 24 hours. An inspection of Plate III [IV in the present report] will show the final arrange- ment of the wells, test wells, pumping plant in general, and details of the well tubes. The construction of the cast heads is such as to transform each water tube into practically an open well, giving atmospheric pressure free play rather than forcing its action through the earth, as in systems where but a single tube is used. The most distant well is 500 feet from the pumps and shows in an interesting manner by the vacuum at the well head and increased vacuum at the pump the effect of long suction and friction in the main. The 2-inch pipe test wells * * * were observed daily by the writer, while resident engineer, during several months. They each had a simple balanced float gage and scale, which indicated the rise and fall of water level. They were all very sensitive to draft on the main wells when pumping was going on, though the nearest was 200 feet from the line of wells. Comparison of these observations under the different conditions and seasons showed, among other things, that in about 1,900 feet the underground water level fell to the westward about 3 feet, or at about the same rate as the average surface of the ground. This evidenced conclusively that the flow of water was toward the city with a head sufficient to prevent any back flow of contaminated waters from the city. In summary, the plant consists of 20 wells 6 inches in diameter from 35 to 50 feet in depth each, ranged in a double row on a strip of land 25 feet wide and 1,000 feet long, having in each a 4^-inch open-end suction tube, connected with a wrought-iron main, varying from 8 to 12 inches in diameter. This main is in two sections, each 500 feet, connecting 10 wells. Two compound surface-condensing duplex plunger pumps, Worthington make, one of 3,000,000 and one of 2,000,000 gallons daily capacity, and a boiler plant of 1 Tribus, L. L., Am. Soc. Civil Eng. Trans., vol. 31, No. TOO, pi>. .371 etseq., 1S94. 28 GROUND WATKB IX WATEBBUBT AKF.A. CONN. sufficient power, with various essential small machines, are housed in a rough-stone building, slate roofed. The water, drawn as before stated, direct from the wells, is pumped into a wrought- iron standptpe (situated near at hand) 25 feet in diameter and 140 feet high, through a 20-inch interior tube rising 5 feet above the top. Two lower openings on this rising main, with valves operated from the outside spiral staircase, afford opportunity for filling the standpipe at lesser head if required. The object of this interior tube, which was almost unique when erected, is three- fold: First, by its fountain action, enforcing complete aeration. Second, complete circulation. Third, to afford instant fire pressure, no matter what the elevation of water in the main tower. This is accomplished by opening a by-pass, not otherwise used, con- necting the rising main and the distribution line, the city's supply being drawn regularly from the bottom of the standpipe with pressure due to level of water in main tower. From the standpipe the Plainiield pipe system extends to the west, comprising some 30 miles of mains from 6 to 16 inches in diameter, having fire hydrants spaced about 11 and valves 6 per mile. * * * After the tests made by Mr. Hering and the partial completion of the works, various other tests were made with the permanent pumping plant. It was found that the wells on the westerly line yielded more abundantly than the easterly ones, under equally good conditions, and gave a lower vacuum for the same quantity pumped. * * * The tests were made with the large pumps, under both free discharge and full working head, singly and together, and drawing from the wells in groups of 5, 10, 15, and 20. using each combination of 5; also, by cutting off one by one until the smallest number that could be used was reached, then adding one by one in reverse order, until the fall series were again in use. Five wells were found to be the smallest number possible to use and run the pumps smoothly. Wells Xos. 6 to 10 gave the best results, while Xos. 16 to 20 furnished but little water. The best results were obtained for a full flow by using Xos. 1 to 15 inclusive. * * * During the long-continued dry weather of 1891 the water level became so low that difficulty arose with the extreme suction lift obtained, from 20 to 28 feet, according to rate of pumping, a fall of some 6 or 7 feet since the earlier observations, so that in the summer of 1892 it was deemed best to lower the pumps, which was done to the depth of 8 feet 1 inch below the former positions. For the sake of a constant observation and record, a 3-inch open tube was driven from the engine room into the water-bearing gravel, and a permanent float gage sus- pended in it. indicating by a balanced point on a scale of feet placed conveniently in the room. Although some 80 feet from the nearest main well, therefore not showing the lowest level of the water at the wells when pumping, it does show the relative water level under the same conditions and the daily and monthly range. "When pumping, the average lowering of the gage is about 8 inches, with an almost immediate return after stopping the pump. Rainfalls need to be exceptionally heavy to make any marked showing in the water level, and not much then inside of 24 hours. This seems to indicate that the water supply comes from a distance, but there is an insufficiency of data for determining this interesting point. In these two years or more of operation, the wells have furnished daily, wi'hout difficulty or signs of falling away, the full demand of from 200,000 gallons at the start to 1,700,000 gallons at the present time, apparently derived, as the early tests indicated, from the western 15 of the 20 wells driven. The water itself has been of uniformly excellent quality, both for domestic and manufacturing purposes: 60 far. therefore, a decided success as an underground water supply. GROUND WATEE IN WATEEBUEY AEEA, CONN. 29 GROUND WATERS FOR PRIVATE USE. Most of the private wells in Connecticut are used for domestic supplies, although a few are used by manufacturing plants. The problems involved in obtaining a supply of good water from private wells have seldom been seriously considered. Many of the wells were dug before present-day ideas of sanitation became prevalent; they were constructed in the best manner possible under the circum- stances, and for a long time they have been regarded as admirable relics of earlier days; and there is a disposition to copy them even at the expense of both sanitary and economic considerations. Sanitary precautions are necessary not only in the case of dug wells but also in the case of springs and drilled wells. Springs are especially susceptible to pollution because the water is obtained at the surface and almost always on a slope where surface drainage can readily enter the pool. Springs should be equipped with a concrete reservoir and kept covered, and the water should be drawn from a delivery pipe. Such an equipment is not necessarily elaborate or expensive. It is important only to provide for the exclusion of surface drainage and the prevention of contamination either by persons or animals by preventing access to the stored water. Drilled wells properly constructed by reliable drillers exclude surface waters. If the well casings are properly set and the pump fittings are tight, such wells are in little danger from pollution. The average per capita consumption of water from private wells is much less than the consumption from public supplies, largely owing to the general lack of convenience in well equipment; conse- quently the amount of water required will depend on the equipment to be installed. For example, about ten times as much water will be required if a pneumatic or a tower system is to be installed for the purpose of furnishing running water in the house and barns as if the equipment were to consist merely of a hoisting bucket or a small hand pump. The type of well is also a factor. An ordinary dug well yielding continuously 2 gallons a minute might, because of its storage capacity, meet a temporary draught of 50 or 100 gallons a minute; whereas a driven well, having no stored supply, could not meet a draught in excess of its maximum yield. Therefore, the esti- mate of the quantity required should be based not only on the total amount of water used in a day but also on the greatest rate at which it is to be pumped from the well. The water delivered by springs is, in general, of the same quality as the water to be obtained from shallow wells in their vicinity. Therefore the choice between opening up a spring and sinking a well depends on the relative cost and the resulting convenience. Springs so situated that water may be delivered to buildings by gravity afford very desirable supplies, but springs situated at low 30 GROUND WATER IX WATERBURY \RFA. CONN, elevations and therefore requiring pumping afford no more economical supplies than dug wells. 1 The water obtained from dug wells is slightly harder than surface water, but in Connecticut the difference is ordinarily not appreci- able, well waters, so far as their mineral quality is concerned, being suitable for or- dinary domestic use. Dug wells gener- ally afford satisfac- tory domestic sup- plies, but they should not be expected to do so without some attention. Wells, es- pecially open wells, that have not been cleaned for 25 years and yet remain serv- iceable are not al- ways things to be proud of, a fact that is generally discov- ered when the wells are cleaned. Where the uncon- solidated materia] consists of sand or gravel, driven wells are likely to be more convenient than wells of other types. Driven wells are especially adapted to use in gardens, pastures, and barn yards, where water is required for stock and plants and where dus: wells would be objectionable. The water from driven wells is of the same mineral quality as that from dug wells in the same vicinity since it comes from the same source, and it is to some extent susceptible to pollution. =3 3 ■ "o 2 "3 *£> .5 o sii3M ;o a3e^u90J3d 1 Fuller, M. L., Underground waters for farm use: I'. S. Oeol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 255, 1910. METHODS OF DEVELOPING GROUND- WATER SUPPLIES. 31 Therefore the surroundings of driven wells should be kept scrupu- lously clean. Drilled wells generally yield at least 2 or 3 gallons a minute, a quantity adequate for most households. (See fig. 8.) The water is generally suitable for domestic uses, although in Connecticut it may be harder than the water of shallow wells. METHODS OF DEVELOPING GROUND- WATER SUPPLIES. DRILLED WELLS. CONSTRUCTION. 1 Two general methods of well drilling are employed hi obtaining water supplies, namely, the percussion method and the abrasion method. In Connecticut the percussion method is most commonly used. It consists of lifting and dropping, by means of suitable apparatus, a heavy string of drill tools which punches or cuts a hole through the unconsolidated materials and breaks the solid rock into fragments small enough to be removed from the hole. When drilling is done in unconsolidated material iron pipe or well casing as large in diameter as the hole will admit — usually either 6 or 8 inches — is generally driven down as rapidly as the drill descends, each added length of casing being securely screwed to the preceding one to make a tight joint. If the well penetrates bedrock, the casing is driven a few feet into the rock to prevent infiltration of surface water. If the well ends in loose materials the casing extends to the bottom of the hole and may be perforated or slit at the lower end to admit water more rapidly. The casing is allowed to extend several inches above the surface of the ground to prevent inflow of surface water, and a flange is fitted to the top, to which a pump is attached. In drilling by the abrasion method hollow drill tools armed with some harder materials, such as diamonds or chilled shot, are rotated on the rock in such a way that a cylindrical core is cut out and brought to the surface, in short pieces. The wells sunk by this method are finished in the same way as those made by percussion drilling. Drillers differ in opinion as to the relative efficiency of these two methods, the points of contention being that the abrasion method is more expensive and that the rotation of the drill tools tends to seal up the smaller veins, thereby affording a comparatively lower yield than is obtained by percussion drilling. Data bearing conclusively on these questions are lacking, but the fact remains that both methods are used, the percussion method to a much larger extent, and that good results are obtained by each. 1 Bowman, Isaiah, Well-drilling methods: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 257, 1911. 9S200 — wsp 397—16 3 32 GBOUHD WATER IN WATERIH'RY AREA, CONN. COST. Owing to the competition among well drillers there is no uniform scale of prices for drilling wells. The minimum prices charged range 4 from about SI to $4 per foot, including the casing. Usually the minimum price is charged for the first 100 feet and an additional charge of about SI per foot is made for each succeeding 100 feet or fraction thereof. Other factors which affect the prices are the character of the bedrocks and depth of the unconsolidated materials: the accessibility of fuel and water for the engines and the distance from the well to suitable lodging places for the drillers. No reliable driller will agree to obtain a water supply within a given depth in the bedrocks of the Waterbury area. A driller may offer to obtain a certain amount of water for a stated sum of money, but as he can not predict the depth or the location of a successful rock well such an arrangement amounts to little more than a game of chance, in which the advantage is necessarily largely on the side of the driller. QUALITY OF WATER. Drilled wells are usually protected against contamination by their manner of construction and this is one of their chief advantages. The principal disadvantages of drilled rock wells lies in the fact that neither the quantity nor the mineral quality of the water can be definitely ascertained before drilling and consequently an expensive well may be drilled without obtaining a suitable supply. The water from drilled wells that end in the drift at depths of 75 or 100 feet is just as likely to be free from pollution as that from wells that end in rock, and it is less likely to contain undesirable amounts of mineral matter. Moreover, drilled wells that end in the rock are not invariably free from pollution, especially where the rock outcrops or lies a short distance below the surface, owing to the possibility of the passage of infected matter through open rock fissures to the well. Many rock wells situated near the coast are contaminated by salt because some of the fissures intersected by the well come to the surface below tidewater. The contamination in such wells is easily detected, but it is not so easily detected if fissures contributing to the water supply come to the surface in barnyards or in the beds of polluted rivers. It is not necessarily a fortunate thing if a well strikes a vein that yields water giving an "odor of sulphur" because odors not easily distinguishable from "sulphur" may be due to pollution. The origin of any odors, colors, or tastes should be determined before a water is used. Even deep drilled wells may be contaminated in a thickly populated community unless the protective cover of clay is thick and the casing is water-tight and fits tightly into the drill hole. 4 METHODS OF DEVELOPING GROUND- WATER SUPPLIES. 33 IMPROVEMENTS. Drilled wells .which end in the drift do not differ essentially from driven wells, and they should be finished in the same maimer. The casing should be perforated or slit at the principal water-bearing hori- zons and for some distance above the lower end. This will generally increase the yield materially. Some wells that produce water of an undesirable mineral character may be improved by casing off the mineral water and drawing from a different horizon. This method is not likely to be generally successful in Connecticut, however, because the quality of the groundwater does not differ very much from one local horizon to another. If the yield of a well is reduced by pumping from other wells in the vicinity the pump cylinder should be lowered, and if this does not recover the yield, deepening the well may do so ; but there is likely to be more or less permanent interference when a number of wells are drilled close together. A method of increasing yields of drilled wells which has not been used sufficiently to warrant its recommendation for general use consists of exploding a charge of nitroglycerine or dynamite at the bottom of the well, the object being to develop radiat- ing fissures that may tap otherwise unavailable water veins. This method is used extensively in improving oil wells, and there appears to be no reason why, under favorable conditions, it should not be equally beneficial in water wells. In many cases it would be advis- able to try this remedy before abandoning dry holes ending in rock. It is not recommended for wells ending in drift. DRIVEN WELLS. Two general types of wells are classed as driven wells, namely, the closed-end well and the open-end well. A closed-end well is con- structed by driving into the ground with a sledge or drop hammer a "drive point' ' and strainer screwed to a piece of pipe. Other lengths of pipe are added and the driving is continued until the strainer pene- trates the groundwater horizon (fig. 9). The diameter of the pipe and strainer may be 1 inch to 4 inches and the length of the strainer is usually between 1J and 4 feet. The open-end well is constructed by driving a casting into the ground and at the same time removing the material from the interior by means of a sand bucket or sand pump or a jet of water. If the formation is rather hard, it may be necessary to remove the material in advance of the casing by means of a heavy sand pump or combi- nation jet and drill, or ordinary drilling may have to be done. A strainer may be attached previous to driving, or it may be adjusted after the casing is down by lowering it on the inside. Where the water-bearing deposits include coarse material and large quantities of 34 GROUND WATKK IX WATERBUB\ AUK A, CONN & a Figure 9. -Diagram of driven well. water are desired, as for municipal or in- dustrial supplies, the most satisfactory re- sults will be obtained by not using any of the ordinary strainers, but by perforating the casings where water is to be admitted with numerous circular holes at least one- fourth inch in diameter or slits at least one- fourth inch wide. These perforations can be cut or drilled before the casing is in- serted, or they can be made by perforating tools after the casing is in place. 1 After the casing is in place and the perfora- tions have been made the well should be thoroughly cleaned out, hi order to remove the fine sediments and give the water free access to the well. This can best be done by first using a sand bucket or sand pump and then applying an air lift. If an air lift is not available, rapid pumping with a centrifugal or other pump can be substituted. Strong wells can often be developed by removing large quantities of sand and silt and thus leaving a thick layer of clean gravel around the intake of the well. Wells of this type are better adapted for harder ground and larger diameters than the closed-end well. The use of drive points is restricted to areas in which water can be obtained in rather fine gravel or sand at moderate depths, but open- end wells may be used in almost any un- consolidated deposits and they may be sunk to depths of several hundred feet. It is probable that in Connecticut either drive points or the usual drilled wells ending in the drift and having the casings perforated will be found satisfactory. Driven wells are used both in domestic and in municipal supplies. For domestic purposes it is seldom that more than one well is required to furnish the desired amount of water, but for public supplies for large towns these wells are commonly driven in gangs, arranged in one or two rows along a suction main to which each well is con- 1 Bowman, Isaiah, Well -drilling methods: V. B. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 257, pp. 67-69, 1911. U. S. GEOLOC WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 397 PLATE IV 1 fest we// A Y-200'-+ 50 100 FEET 16 18 20 !5 17 19 m r i. U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 397 PLATE IV PLAN OF PROPERTY AND DETAIL OF WELLS, WATER SUPPLY OF PLAINFIELD, N. J., 1891. METHODS OF DEVELOPING GBOUXD- WATER SUPPLIES. 35 nected by a lateral branch (PL IV) . The most economical system is one in which the suction main can be laid on the surface of the ground, but in some systems, either for the purpose of obtaining the maximum yield or because the water stands below the suction limit from the surface, it is necessary or desirable to lay the suction main in a trench. It is not possible to give figures in regard to the requisite number of wells and their size and spacing that would be everywhere appli- cable, owing to the diverse conditions under which such plants are used; but in general it is advisable to place the line of wells at right angles to the direction of underflow, and the distance between the wells should be between 15 and 100 feet, depending on the size of the wells. The number and size of wells to be used will be determined by the amount of water required, the size and character of the water- bearing formation, and by the results of pumping tests to determine the permeability of the formation. One of the principal difficulties encountered in the operation of driven wells is clogging. Infiltration of fine sand or incrusting of the strainer may reduce the yield of a well materially, and it is necessary, therefore, to keep the tube clean. It is usually advisable to subject a newly driven well to heavy pumping for the purpose of drawing out the fine material adjacent to the strainer. Coarse material will be left in its place, forming a natural screen, which will minimize the tendency to clogging, and the yield of the well will be increased by the consequent increase in the porosity of the material surrounding the screen. 1 When clogging is due to sand only it is usually possible to remove the obstruction by forcing water into the wells under high pressure or by means of a steam jet, but when the sand is cemented it is necessary to withdraw the strainers to be cleaned or replaced by new ones. The liability to pollution of supplies from driven wells depends on the depth from which the wells draw, the effectiveness of overlying clay beds in shutting out pollution, the amount of water that is drawn, and other conditions. Though the danger of pollution is less than in open dug wells care should nevertheless be exercised in the selection of sites and in protecting the surroundings against contamination. Where large supplies are developed, such as are required for large municipalities, there is danger of drawing polluted water from near-by streams though smaller supplies drawn from the same wells might not be in danger of pollution. INFILTRATION GALLERIES. Infiltration galleries are trenches or tunnels, with sides and roofs constructed usually of masonry or concrete and the floors made to admit water. Galleries may be built in the banks or beds of streams 1 Meinzer, O. E., Geology and underground waters of southern Minnesota: U. S. Geol. Survey W ..ter- Supply Paper 256, p. 86, 1911. 36 OBOUND WATKK IN WATERBURY AREA, CONN. for the purpose of intercepting the underground drainage. as it approaches the streams. The deposits in filled valleys are saturated below the level of permanent streams, and galleries located in such deposits offer practicable means of obtaining water supplies. The bottom of a gallery may profitably be made lower than the bed of the stream to insure the maximum infiltration. Water from the stream itself does not enter the gallery unless the draught on the gallery exceeds the infiltration from the landward side. A gallery is a modified form of dug well, from which it differs essentially only in capacity and the same sanitary rules apply to both. DUG WELLS. The most common type of well is a dug hole, 2\ to 4 feet in diameter and deep enough to procure a suitable supply of water. The hole is then walled up from the bottom to the surface of the ground with loose irregular stones and bowlders picked up in the vicinity of the well. Brick laid in mortar and glazed tile have been used to a small extent for walls, but these materials, although much more desirable for the purpose, are more expensive than the stone commonly used. The top of the well is commonly finished by fitting a square curbing of boards over the hole and adding a wheel or windlass for hoisting a bucket. Better equipments, ranging from screened well sheds to concrete seals with good pumps, are found in many wells. Wells of this type generally end in the drift, but in areas where the drift is thin they may end at the rock surface or penetrate the rock a few feet, in which case the rock is removed by blasting. The principal advantages of the wells of this type are the ease with which they may be cleaned and refitted with pumps, and the large storage capacity; the chief disadvantages are their liability to pollution and their response to changes in the weather. The following extract x regarding the essentials of a good well is an excellent summary of the proper sanitary construction of dug wells: The location of the well is of the greatest importance. It should be as far as possible from the house, barn, and privy. If possible, the surface of the ground about the well should be a little higher than the surrounding soil so that any surface washings may be carried away from the top of the well. The ground about the top should be well sodded in grass. This not only adds to the attractiveness of the well but it take? care of a great deal of water that would otherwise have to stand in poois about the well . If the stock have to be watered from the well, there should be a pipe leading to a stock trough not less than 20 feet away, so that the stock need not come up to the well itself. A well, to be safe, should be not less than 20 feet deep. That is to say, 20 feet from the surface of the ground to the top of the water. It should go well through the surface soil, preferably through a layer of clay. The lining should be of brick or stone laid in cement. Any lining that allows water to seep through it above the ■ Virginia Health Bulletin, vol. 1, p. 113, September, 1008. METHODS OF DEVELOPING GROUND- WATER SUPPLIES. 37 surface of the water may lead to pollution. The space between the casing and the surrounding soil should be filled with sand or earth. The top of the well should be raised from the ground about a foot and set in cement or masonry coping that goes at least 3 feet below the surface of the ground. Over the top should be laid a solid, double tongue-and-groove flooring that is absolutely water- proof. This is essential. Most wells are polluted by material that falls in or is washed in from the top, and not by seepage through the soil. On the well top there should be a good pump, carefully set so as to exclude leakage from around its base. If the pump can not be used there should be an automatic tipping bucket. The well bucket should not be handled with the hands. Many wells have been infected by handling the bucket with soiled hands and then letting it back into the well, the filth being then washed off into the water. Below the spout there should be a trough with a pipe leading some distance away so that the waste water may be carried away from the well. A well constructed in the manner described above will almost always furnish water that is perfectly safe, and the saving of sickness and trouble will many times overpay for the expense and care involved. For convenience in discussion, dug wells may be divided, according to their relation to bedrock, into groups to include, first, wells that penetrate bedrock; second, wells that just reach rock; and third, those that end in drift. Wells that penetrate bedrock are sunk in localities in which the drift is thin. The thickness of the water bed in the vicinity of such wells may be less than the normal fluctuation of the water table, and consequently in times of drought there may be no available water in the drift. But the rock basins generally act as reservoirs for the storage of water which has seeped in from the drift, and these wells therefore usually carry small supplies through dry seasons. In cleaning rock wells, and sometimes in digging them actual veins of water are encountered, and this has led to the belief that the well supply is derived from some deep sources in the bedrocks. While such a condition is possible, most of these " veins" are shallow, water- filled cracks, developed naturally in the rock or produced by blasting. These cracks, radiating from the well, tap all along their courses the saturated zone of the overlying drift, and thus make it possible for the well to drain a much larger area than it otherwise could. Wells that extend to the surface of the bedrock are usually found in areas of thicker drift than are those which penetrate the rock. Like the rock wells they pass entirely through the saturated part of the drift but they do not contain a stored supply and therefore fail if the water table sinks to the rock surface. Consequently in localities where both types are found the supplies of the rock wells last longer in times of drought, although the others, drawing from a greater aver- age thickness of saturated deposits, have a greater average yield. Most of the wells that do not reach rock are found in areas of deep drift. These wells are sunk below the water level to a depth which at the time of digging is considered sufficient to supply the required 38 GROUND WATER IN WATERBURY AREA, CONN. amount of water. Most of the wells which fail are of this kind, the fail- ure being usually clue to some one of of causes the foil o w i n £ (a) The well may be too shallow. To be re- liable it should be sunk at least several feet be- low the lowest water level. This can be most eaed 1 y accom- plished during dry sea- sons. (b) The well, origi- nally deep enough, may become ' ' filled in " with sand and mud carried by inflowing water. In this manner the bot- tom of the well may be raised in wet sea- sons, when the water table stands high, to a level below which the water table sinks in dry seasons. (c) There may be a permanent lowering of the water table so that the bottom of the well lies within the zone of fluctuation. This may result from tiling, from a heavy draught on wells, or from lowering surface drainage either by removing dams or by deepening the chan- nels of neighboring streams. Wells that end in the sand or loose till should be cleaned about once a year. Wells that end in the rock may require atten- tion less often. In ANSONIA. 39 any case cleaning should be the first remedy employed to restore the yield of a well. If this is not effective then the well should be deepened, and if this is done when the water is lowest it will be easy to judge the necessary depth. Wells may be deepened without disturbing the old wall by sinking 18-inch or 24-inch tiling from the original bottom to the required depth. A method sometimes employed where the well ends in sand consists in driving a " point" (p. 34) into the bottom of the well to the necessary depth. If the strainer is more than 25 feet below the surface of the ground — that is, below the suction limit — the pump cylinder may be attached at some point between the surface of the ground and the bottom of the dug well. In some cases, especially those in which the well ends in rock, the most feasible way to obtain a suitable supply is by chilling from the bottom of the old well. This amounts practically to constructing a new well except that the cost of drilling to the depth of the old well is saved. An adaptation of the dug well which is popular in some parts of Connecticut is illustrated in figure 10. This consists in placing a well on a hillside above the house and barns so that water may be delivered to the buildings by gravity and under pressure. This is an excellent device wherever it can be used. DESCRIPTIONS OF TOWNS. ANSONIA. POPULATION AND INDUSTRIES. Ansonia is in the western part of New Haven County near the mouth of Naugatuck River. It is reached by the Berkshire and Naugatuck divisions of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Rail- road and by the Derby division of the Connecticut Co.'s Electric Railway. Ansonia was separated from Derby and incorporated in April, 1889. Its area is 6 square miles. The town and city are consolidated. The population in 1910 was 15,152. The census reports for 1900 and 1890 give 12,681 and 10,342, respectively. The principal indus- tries are the manufacture of brass and copper articles, iron casting, and general foundry work. TOPOGRAPHY. The east boundary lies along the divide between Wepawaug River and Naugatuck River, and the town extends westward to the top of the west valley wall. The highest elevation — 450 feet above sea level — is about the middle of the east boundary, and the lowest — about 18 feet above sea level — is at the place where Naugatuck River crosses the south boundary of the town. The valley floor in Ansonia has an average width of about 1 mile. 40 GROUND WATER IX WATERBURY AREA, CONN. Naugatuck River receives all the drainage except that from a ^ery small area in the southern part of the town, which enters the Derhy reservoirs. About one-fourth of the town is wooded, the timbered areas including most of the northeast quarter and some of the slopes in the southeast and northwest quarters. WATER-BEARING FORMATIONS. Bedrocks. — The Prospect granite gneiss and the Orange phyllite (p. 9) compose the rock floor of Ansonia. These rocks are dense, and it is only through their ramifying system of joint cracks that they are capable of furnishing moderate supplies of water (p. 17) . The bed- rocks are exposed in the hills and on some of the slopes, as indicated in Plate III, but exposures are not so numerous here as in Seymour. Till. — Unstratified mixtures of clay, sand, gravel, and bowlders deposited by the last retreating glacier constitute the rock cover on the hills. It ranges in thickness from a few inches to 30 or 40 feet and yields moderate domestic water supplies where the thickness exceeds 10 or 15 feet (p. 11). Stratified, drift. — Stratified deposits, consisting of poorly sorted sand and gravel, occur along the river, and a few small deposits are found in the valleys in the eastern part of the town. The stratified deposits along Naugatuck River are capable of yielding supplies to shallow wells, but the deposits in the eastern part of the town, on account of their topographic position and their small extent, are not important as water-bearing formations (p. 13). SURFACE-WATER SUPPLIES. Surface waters are used to a moderate extent both for power and for domestic consumption. The brook that rises in the southeast corner of Seymour and joins Naugatuck River at Ansonia is the principal source of the Ansonia supply. The Ansonia Water Co. maintains an ice pond on this brook near Ansonia, and not far below it is a dam that furnishes power for the Cook machine shops. A dam in Naugatuck River just north of the Seymour line diverts water into a power canal which, together with a dam at Ansonia, furnishes power for factories in the city. A site for a small storage reservoir near the headwaters of Twomile Brook is said to be regarded by the Ansonia Water Co. as a possible additional source of supply for the city. According to tests of monthly samples from Naugatuck River at Ansonia made by the Connecticut State Board of Health from 1894 to 1897 the water of that stream contains an average of 54 parts per million of total solids, 1 6 parts of which is volatile matter and 3.8 parts is chlorine, and has a total hardness of 14 parts and a color of 39 parts. 1 1 Compiled from data in annual reports of the State Board of Health of Connecticut for 1894-1897. ANSONIA. 41 GROUND- WATER SUPPLIES. The 11 dug wells which were examined range in depth from 11 to 35 feet and average 19 feet. The depth to water ranges from 9 to 29 feet and averages 16 feet. Most of the wells are of the ordinary open type, walled with cobblestones, and equipped with a rope and bucket lift. The supplies obtained from these wells are generally adequate for ordinary domestic needs. Only one of the walls is said to fail, but it is probable that failures would be more common if the city water were not so generally available. Six drilled wells were examined, three of which were said to be 70 feet deep. The meager data in regard to these wells are given in the table on page 43. Owing to the small area of Ansonia and the possible extension of the public water systems, it is not likely that private ground-water supplies for domestic use will be in great demand. It is probable that if new developments are undertaken because of its low cost the dug well will continue to predominate. In all parts of the town outside that represented by the dotted area in Plate III till or rock, or both, will be encountered in sinking a well. Water will be obtained at a depth of about 5 to 20 feet, except on some of the steepest drift- covered slopes, where the depth may in some places exceed 20 feet. The rock surface is very uneven and may be encountered at any depth below the ground, but where the depth is less than 10 feet it would usually be more economical to drill a well than to dig one. The amount of water available by means of dug wells will generally be adequate for ordinary domestic needs. In the area of stratified drift (PL III) shallow dug wells are very likely to be contaminated, and if private supplies are desired they should be obtained by means of drilled or deep-driven wells. On account of the thinness of the drift most drilled wells draw their supplies from the bedrocks. Supplies from this source vary largely in quantity, and the success of any particular well can not be predicted. However, most of the drilled wells furnish ample supplies for domestic needs, so that it is reasonably safe to invest in drilling if that kind of a supply is desired. Driven or drilled wells ending below the river level in stratified deposits would doubtless yield large supplies, but if the draft were heavy and continuous it is probable that sooner or later contami- nated water from Naugatuck River would be drawn from the wells. PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES. Ansonia is supplied with water by two private companies. The Fountain Water Co. supplies that part of the city lying west of Naugatuck River and the Ansonia Water Co. supplies all of the 4*2 LXK WATER IX WATERBURY AREA. CONK. si tf the river. The works of the Fountain Wat include a reservoir in Derbv. from wliicli water is delivered bv oravitv. The Ansonia Water I f which Theodore L. Bristol i dent ami F. J. Davis Buperintending engineer, has one high-pressure «r, one low-pressure reservoir, and one distributing reservoir. Hie high-pressure reservoir covers 4M acn - - ontroUed by a ma- sonry dam 20 feet high at levation of 326 feet ah level. f Jim i.i tiic [gallons, and affords a pressure of 90 pounds in the city. The low-pressure reservoir is controlled by a 3onry dam 15 feet high at an elevation of 138 feet above level and furnishes 20 pov. sure in the city. Its .city i- 33.000,000 gallon-. The distributing reservoir i- 266 feet above sea ntrolled by an earth dam. with masonry spillway high, giving a pressure of about 60 pound-. Its rapacity is 12.000,000 gallon-. There are 19 miles «>f mains. 102 hydrants, and about ! service connections. The maximum daily consumption is " >0,000 gallons and the aver- age daily consumption 1,250,000 gallon-. About 10.500 peo] supplied, and when, at the end of the - son, no shortage is antici- ter is supplied for industrial uses. The cost of construc- tion was aboul S'2 0, the cost of operation about $450 ($456.04 in 1912 . and of maintenance $2,600 ($2.600.S7 in 1912 . The one is about - 500. Charges are based on both meter and flat rate-. The supply i- adequate for the present, and plans are in hand f<»r an extei- an when that bei g 9sarv< RDS »F WELL-. Information ruing dug and drilled wells in Ansonia is pre- sented in the following tables: Dug irdh Am M,; No.o Tw-rw^^i™ Elevation ?E^£ above 1 Depth, portion. ;sealeveL | Depth to water. Elev of water table above sea leveL Cover. Remarks. 1 - 4 ' 1 9 12 15 Feet. Hfll 260 Hfll Slope 155 Flat 14-3 Slope 345 Slope 315 slope 125 Slope 390 Slope 340 Hfll.. 410 Feet. 35 12.5 12.9 12.0 14.0 16.0 11.2 30 30 20 9.2 U r- - 11.2 15.5 10.0 240 216 134 132 -' 303 111 i 330 Mesh. Lattice Latti: .. Closed Open ' ■: Mi Open 12 feet to rock. Use city water larp*- ■ Xot used. t ' » not over 10 gallons a day. 17 Slope 340 a ■-. 311 Mesh Well fafls; brook water u>ed. « See PI. UI. in pocket. t Depth reported. BEACON FALLS. Drilled wells in Ansonia, Conn. 43 Map No. S 10 11 13 14 16 Owner. Bergin J. G. Timdey James Winn. C. C. Ford... McC'retv William Ellis Topo- graphic position. Hill Hill Flat Hill Hill. Hill Elevation above sea level. Feet. 375 400 320 410 420 390 Depth. Feet. 70 Diame- ter. Yield per minute. Inches. &70 b70 Good.... Low Cost. ?1.50 per foot.« a Does not include cost of casing. & Drilled from bottom of dug well 30 feet deep; 30 feet to rock; drilled about 1893. BEACON FALLS. POPULATION AND INDUSTRIES. Beacon Falls is in the west-central part of New Haven County, on Naugatuck River. It is reached by the Naugatuck division of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad and by the Derby division of the Connecticut Co.'s Electric Railway. It was separated from Bethany, Oxford, Seymour, and Naugatuck and incorporated in May, 1871. Its area is 10 square miles. The population of Beacon Falls in 1910 was 1,160. In 1880, 1890, and 1900 it was 379, 505, and 623, respectively. The principal industries are agriculture and the manufacture of rubber boots and shoes, small hardware, and bronze panels. TOPOGRAPHY. Beacon Falls extends across the valley of Naugatuck River. The highest elevation is in the northwest corner of the town, where Toby's Rock Mountain reaches an elevation of 730 feet above sea level. The lowest elevation, about 110 feet, is at the point where the river crosses the south boundary. The valley floor is narrow and is less than 2 square miles in area. The slopes and the hills in the eastern half of the town are all wooded. The Naugatuck passes through the middle of the town and receives all the drainage. It is joined at Beacon Falls village by Hocanum Brook which rises in the western part of Bethany. WATER-BEARING FORMATIONS. - Bedrocks. — The Hoosac ("Hartland") schist and the Prospect and Thomas ton granite gneisses (p. 9) underlie Beacon Falls and arc exposed in bare cliffs on both sides of Naugatuck River as well as on the steep slopes in other parts of the town. The bedrocks are too dense to afford large water supplies, but moderate supplies can be 44 GROUND WATER IX WATERBURY AREA, CONN. obtained from wells which intercept water-bearing fissures in the rock. (See p. 17.) Till. — The unconsolidated surface deposits in all the upland parts of the town consist of mixtures of gravel, sand, and bowlders with some clay or rock powder, which were laid dowm as the last glacial ice melted. The material as it occurs in these deposits is called till. It ranges in thickness from a few inches to 25 or 30 feet, and mod- erate supplies of water for domestic purposes are obtained from the shallow wells which penetrate it. (See p. 11.) Stratified drift. — Sand and gravel are found in the valley at the village of Beacon Falls. (See PL III.) The thickness of the deposit is not shown by data collected in this locality, but in Waterbury and in Seymour similar deposits have thicknesses of more than 100 feet. * (See p. 14.) SURFACE-WATER SUPPLIES. The factor}^ of the Beacon Falls Rubber Shoe Co., at Beacon Falls, is operated almost entirely by water power. Steam engines have been installed for use in emergencies, but the river is seldom so low as to necessitate their use. A storage reservoir belonging to the Seymour waterworks is situated on the west border of the town northwest of Pines Bridge. GROUND- WATER SUPPLIES. Eight dug wells examined in Beacon Falls range in depth from 9 to 27 feet and average 17 feet. Depth to water ranges from 7 to 18 feet and averages 13 feet. Most of the wells in this town draw their supplies from the till. The yields are low but adequate for ordinary domestic needs. Few wells are situated in the stratified deposits because the Seymour water system extends up the valley and supplies that part of the town which is underlain by the strati- fied drift. Data obtained in regard to four drilled wells are given in the table on page 45. In all parts of the town except the area represented by the dotted pattern on Plate III, till or rock will be encountered at the surface, and owing to the general thinness of the drift, dug wells will gener- ally reach or even penetrate the bedrock. Drilled wells must be expected to draw their supplies from the rock, and they are likely to be more economical than dug wells where the drift is less than about 10 feet. Dug wells 20 to 30 feet deep are likely to obtain supplies adequate for ordinary domestic needs (see p. 36), and where it is possible good results may be expected from the siphon equipment described on page 39. BEACON FALLS. 45 In the area underlain by stratified deposits (See PL III) drilled or deep-driven wells should furnish large supplies, but it is possible that impure water will be obtained if the wells are pumped hard, because the principal source of recharge is Naugatuck River. PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES. There is no generally distributed public water supply, but a main which extends from the works of the Seymour Water Co. to Beacon Falls supplies part of the water used by the Beacon Falls Rubber Shoe Co. and a few houses in the immediate vicinity of the rubber mill. RECORDS OF WELLS AND SPRINGS. Information concerning wells and springs at Beacon Falls is given below. The map cited is Plate III, in pocket. Drilled wells in Beacon Falls, Conn. Map No. Owner. Topo- graphic position. Eleva- tion above sea level. Depth. Diam- eter. Yield per minute. 1 R. A. Rice Flat Slope Flat Slope Feet. 395 360 270 300 Feet. 55 50 90 a 130 Inches. 6 6 6 6 Gallons. 25 2 Arthur Faetch 4 7 Beacon Falls Rubber Shoe Co 8 do 1.6 a 20 feet to rock. Dug wells in Beacon Falls, Conn. Map No. Owner. Daniel Edwards.. Topo- graphic position. Hill.. Slope Slope Flat. Flat. Slope Slope Hill.. Slope Eleva- tion above sea level. Feet. 400 350 340 210 240 220 350 350 240 Depth. Feet. 17.2 18.3 14.7 19.4 16.3 9.0 27.3 16.9 Depth to water. Feet. 16.0 17.4 12.5 15.5 11.2 6.0 18.2 7.8 Eleva- tion of water table above sea level. Feet. 384 333 317 194 229 214 332 232 Cover. Closed... Open . . . Closed... Open . . . Closed... Open ... Open . . . Remarks. Fluctuation, 12 feet. Well fails. Well fails. Springs in Beacon Falls, Conn. Map No. Owner. Topo- graphic position. Elevation above sea level. Tempera- ture. 4 Cornelius Munson Flat Feet. 300 215 ° F. 54 12 46 GROUND WATEB IN WATERBURY AREA, CONN. MIDDLEBURY. POPULATION AND INDUSTRIES. Middlebury, in the northwestern part of New Haven County, is bor- dered by Woodbury, Watertown, Waterbury, Naugatuek, Oxford, and Southburv. It is reached by electric railway from Waterbury and Woodbury, which operates on a 15-minute schedule during the summer season and on an hourly schedule during the winter. The town was organized from parts of Woodbury, Southbury, and Water- bury and was incorporated in 1807. Its area is 19 square miles. The population in 1910 was 836, or practically the same as a hundred years ago. The slight fluctuations in population from 1810 to 1910 are shown in the accompanying table. The principal industry is agriculture. Population of Middlebury, Conn., 1810-1910. Year. Population. Increase. Decrease. Year. Population. Increase. Decrease. 1810 847 838 816 761 763 664 Per centi Per cent. 1870 696 687 566 736 836 Per cent. 5 Per cent. 1820 1 3 7 1880 1 1830 1890 18 1840 1900 30 14 1850 0.3 1910 1860 13 TOPOGRAPHY. Middlebury is hilly but much less rugged than adjacent river towns. The relief is nearly as great but the slopes are more gentle and com- paratively few of them present bare rock surfaces. The lowest elevation is on the east border of the town, where W T elton Brook crosses the line at an elevation of about 350 feet above sea level. The highest elevation — 900 feet — is between Middlebury Center and Quassapaug Lake. As indicated on Plate III, the slopes and narrow valleys are generally wooded, but the broad hilltops are for the most part cultivated. The principal streams are Hop Brook, Long Swamp Brook, Mes- chapock Brook, Long Meadow Brook, and Eightmile Brook. These are all small streams, having their heads in Middlebury, and all discharge into Naugatuek River except Eightmile Brook, which empties into Housatonic River. The town is not thoroughly drained, as is indicated by the appearance on the map (PL III) of several swampy areas, and Long Meadow Pond and Quassapaug Lake. Quassapaug Lake is endowed with considerable natural beauty and it is utilized as a summer resort. M1DDLEBURY. 47 WATER-BEARING FORMATIONS. Bedrocks. — Middlebuiy is underlain by crystalline rocks which, on the basis of lithologic differences, have been separated by the Connecticut Geological Survey into two formations and named the Waterbury gneiss and the Thomas ton granite gneiss (p. 9). Crys- talline rocks are not porous enough to allow free circulation of ground water, and consequently wells drilled into them must depend for their supplies on water-bearing fissures which they may intercept. This accounts for the wide range in the yields of different wells and for occasional dry holes in close proximity to good wells. (See p. 17.) Glacial drift. — The bedrocks are overlain by a mantle of glacial drift consisting of till (p. 10), with a very few local deposits of coarsely stratified sand and gravel. The thickness of the drift ranges from a few inches to 30 or 40 feet, and averages about 20 feet. The occurrence of water in unconsolidated deposits is dis- cussed on page 11. GROUND- WATER SUPPLIES. The depth to water, as determined by measurements of 28 dug wells, ranges from 3 to 25 feet and averages 9 feet. The wells range in depth from 9 to 3 1 feet and average 1 7 feet. All of the dug wells examined are in till and five of them go dry during dry seasons, but in general their supplies are adequate for domestic needs. Eight drilled wells were examined in this town, which range in depth from 47 to 558 feet and average 166 feet. The yields range from 1.5 to 20 gallons per minute. RECORDS OF WELLS AND SPRINGS. Data in regard to wells and springs are given in the accompanying tables. Dug wells furnish good supplies for domestic purposes in all parts of the town where the thickness of the drift is more than about 10 feet. The amount of waer available depends to some extent on the thickness of the drift, and where this is less than about 10 feet it is likely to be more economical to drill into the rock. In many places it will be possible to use the siphon well described on page 39. Good domestic supplies may be obtained from drilled wells ending in the rock, but large yields should not be expected from single wells. (See p. 17.) The wells and springs are numbered on Plate III (map in pocket) as indicated in the first column of the table. 98200°— wsp 397—16 4 48 tiKOUND WATER IN WATERBURY AREA, CONN. Dug wells in Middlebury, Conn. Map No. l 8 4 8 10 13 n is 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 27 28 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 •10 11 Owner. A. J. Abbott... Nichol Ferrante Nichol Ferrante Elevation Topo- Elevation Depth to water. of water graph ie above Depth. table position. sea level. above sea le vol. F((t. Feet. Feet. Feet. Hill 580 27.2 20.2 560 Flat 540 13.4 8.0 532 Hill 715 30.3 12.9 732 Slope Hill 760 7.0 753 560 14.5 10.7 549 Slope... 580 17.8 10.0 570 Flat 560 11.5 3.5 556 Flat .... 530 18.8 10.5 519 Flat 500 10.0 5.0 495 Flat 480 3.0 477 Flat 420 13.8 6.0 414 Flat 400 14.7 9.4 391 Slope... Hill 680 9.9 4.6 675 675 13.5 7.2 668 Hill 740 31.0 15.0 725 Hill 660 11.0 5.2 655 Hill 710 20.1 8.4 702 Hill 710 11.0 5.6 704 Hill 840 29.9 25. 3 815 Hill 820 9.0 2.9 817 Slope.. . 560 19.6 6.6 553 Hill 520 31.4 19.6 500 Flat 460 13.4 6.8 653 Slope.... 500 12.0 10.5 489 Flat Hill 555 660 10.6 15.8 4.1 8.7 551 651 Slope 710 16.2 11.9 698 Slope 710 9.0 3.7 706 Cover. Closed... Open Open Open Open Open Open Closed... Open Closed . . . Open Open Open Open Closed . . . Closed."."". Closed — Open ClosedV.'l Open Closed . . . Closed — Open. . .. Open. . .. Remarks. Not used. Fails. Not used. Fails. Fails. Fails Not used. Fails. Drilled wells in Middlebury, Conn. Map No. Owner. Topo- graphic position. Elevation above sea level. Depth. Diam- eter. Yield per minute. Remarks. 2 T. L. Atwood W. H. White W. H. White Ford Slope Slope Hill Hill Hill Flat Slope Hill Flat Flat Flat Feet. 755 760 800 840 825 700 700 700 800 800 835 Feet. 47 186 158 Inches. Gallons. Use 500 gallons a day 5 6 11 6 6 20 1.5 6 gallons a minute was capacity of pump. Water 'stood at 27 feet below surface after 8 hours pump- in?. Well abandoned after shooting. 12 Carter 16 23 26 Westover School D. M. Atwood Wm. Davis 558 82 (a) 6 6 6 6 6 & 1,000 4 Yield inadequate: well abandoned; drilled in 1907; cost S4 ,080. 29 30 31 Alida Allerton Alida Allerton H. C. Bronson 115 81 100 2 4 3 a 10 inches to rock and 8 inches in rock. & Per day. Springs in Middlebury, Conn. Map No. Topographic position. Top of slope. Slope Elevation above sea level. Feet. 820 700' Temper- ature. 54 Yield per minute. Gallons. Low. 2 Remarks. Covered. Piped across road to house but not used. GROUND WATER IX WATERBURY AREA, COXX. 49 NAUGATUCK. POPULATIOX AXD INDUSTRIES. Naugatuck is in the northwestern part of New Haven County on Naugatuck River. It is reached by the Naugatuck division of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, which has stations at Naugatuck and Union City; by the Highland division of the same railroad, which has a flag station at Allerton Farms; and by the Derby division of the Connecticut Co.'s Electric Railway. The town was organized from parts of Waterbury, Bethany, and Oxford, and incorporated in May, 1844. It has an area of 17 square miles. In 1910 the population was 12,722. The table presented below, which gives the population in each decade from 1850 to 1910, shows a rapid growth in recent years accompanying the growth of the city of Waterbury. The chief industries are agriculture and the manu- facture of india-rubber goods, knit underwear, malleable iron, but- tons, copper and brass plating, chemicals, gas and electric fixtures, and cut-glass ware. Population of Naugatuck, Conn., 1850-1910. Year. Population. Increase. Year. Population.] Increase. 1850 1,720 18)0 2,590 1870 2,830 1880 4,272 Per cent. 51 9 51 1890 1900 1910 6,218 10,541 12,720 Per cent. 45 70 21 TOPOGRAPHY. Naugatuck River passes through the middle of the town, receiving all the drainage, and this stream together with its tributaries, Long Meadow Pond Brook, Beacon Hill Brook, and Spring Brook, has deeply dissected the surface, producing an average relief of about 400 feet. The highest elevation — 850 feet — is on Huntington Hill, in the southwest corner of the town. The lowest elevation is 170 feet, where Naugatuck River crosses the south boundary. The upper parts of the slopes and the lower hills are wooded, but the tops of the higher hills and the lower parts of the slopes are clear and to some extent cultivated. WATER-BEARIXG FORMATIOXS. Bedrocks. — The rock formations which underlie Naugatuck are the Waterbury gneiss, the Hoosac ("Hartland") schist, and the Thomas- ton granite gneiss (p. 9). These are metamorphosed rocks of igneous and sedimentary origin, and are too dense to allow giound water to circulate freely, but they are cut by numerous fissures some of which contain water (p. 17). Till. — In all the upland parts of the town till (p. 10) is the rock cover. It ranges in thickness from a few inches to 30 or 40 feet and 50 GROUND WATER IN WATERBURY AREA, CONN. has an average thickness of about 15 feet. The occurrence of water in till is discussed on page 11. Stratified drift — Naugatuck Valley and the valley of Beacon Hill Brook contain deposits of sand and gravel. These deposits are nar- row but they may be as much as 100 feet thick in some places. The occurrence of water in stratified deposits is discussed on page 11. SURFACE-WATER SUPPLIES. Water power is used to a large extent by the mills and factories of Naugatuck and Union City. Power dams are situated on Long Meadow Pond Brook, Beacon Hill Brook, on the brook which flows through Union City, and on Naugatuck River. A small storage reservoir of the Naugatuck waterworks is situated just west of Union City. GROUND- WATER SUPPLIES. Seventeen dug wells, which range in depth from 8 to 27 feet and and average 17 feet, show depths to water ranging from 2 to 26 feet and averaging 1 1 feet. One of these wells, near the top of Andrews Hill at an elevation of about 650 feet above sea level (No. 9, PL III), is subject to a fluctuation in the water level of about 17 feet, but it has never been dry. All of these wells are in till, and only one of them is likely to fail in dry seasons. (See table, p. 51.) In those parts of the town which are underlain by till good domestic supplies may be obtained from dug wells, provided the till is more than about 10 feet thick. Where the rock lies within about 10 feet of the surface satisfactory dug weils are likely to be more expensive than drilled wells, and the chances of obtaining good supplies are probably better in drilling. Siphon wells (see p. 39) are successfully used along Beacon Hill Brook and they could be used to advantage in other parts of the town where dwellings are situated near drift-covered slopes. The stratified deposits in the valleys would yield large quantities of water, but if they were subjected to heavy drafts their supply would probably be replenished to some extent from Naugatuck River. PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES. The Naugatuck Water Co., of which D. P. Mills is president and E. C. Barnum general manager, furnishes water to the city of Nauga- tuck. The works include seven reservoirs, as follows: Naugatuck city reservoirs. Capacity, in gallons. Prospect reservoir 110, 000, 000 Long Hill Brook reservoir 1, 500, 000 New reservoir 500, 000, 000 Candy Brook reservoirs (2) 5, 500, 000 Distributing reservoir 7, 000, 000 High-service (Mulberry) reservoir 11, 000, 000 635, 000, 000 OXFORD. 51 ' Water is delivered by gravity under a pressure of about 110 pounds, through 40 miles of mains, supplying a population of about 10,000. The average daily consumption is between one and two million gal- lons, three-fourths of which is used for manufacturing purposes. In cases of emergency, water is pumped from Beacon Hill Brook by means of a Dean pump (steam) into the distributing reservoir. No germicidal treatment is used. Charges are based on both meter and flat rates. RECORDS OF WELLS. Information concerning wells in Naugatuck is presented in the following table. The map referred to is Plate III, in pocket. Dug wells in Naugatuck, Conn. Map No. Owner. Topo- graphic position. Elevation above sea level. Depth. Depth to water. Elevation of water table above sea level. Cover. 2 Hill Flat Slope Slope Flat Slope Flat Slope Hill Flat Slope Slope Slope Slope Slope Slope Flat Feet. 520 360 290 225 330 660 700 650 330 360 455 500 630 660 375 365 330 Feet. 21.2 17.4 22.0 23.0 9.0 a 14.0 21.6 20.0 16.7 17.5 21.5 12.0 27.0 19.0 8.5 10.0 cl2.8 Feet. 13.9 8.2 17.8 21.0 4.4 2.5 6.5 2.0 9.0 13.1 20.5 10.0 26,4 17'. 5.0 5.0 11.8 Feet. 506 352 272 204 326 657 693 6 648 321 347 434 490 604 643 370 360 318 3 Open. 4 Closed. 5 6 7 Open. Closed. 8 W. E. Hunter 9 W. E. Hunter Closed. 10 Open. 11 Open. Mesh. 12 13 Closed. 15 Open. 17 18 Closed. 19 Closed. 20 Open. o Well goes dry. b Fluctuation, 17 feet. c Well not used. OXFORD. POPULATION AND INDUSTRIES. Oxford, in the northwestern part of New Haven County, is reached by the Highland division of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, which has a station at Towantic, and by highway from Seymour, which is on the Naugatuck division of the same railroad, and on the Derby division of the Connecticut Co.'s Electric Railway. Stevenson, on the Berkshire division of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, is one-third of a mile west of the western border and is the station and post office for that portion of the town. Oxford was taken from Derby and Southbury and incorporated in October, 1798. The area of the town is 33 square miles. The population of Oxford in 1910 was 1,020. The following table gives the changes in population from 1800 to 1910, and shows that there was a gradual decline from 1830 to 1890, but a slight increase more recently. The principal industry is agriculture. 52 GROUND WATER IX WATBEBUBY AREA, CONN. Population of Oxford, Conn., 1800-1910. Year. Population. lncr> Decrease. Year. Population. Increase. Decrease. 1800 1,410 1,453 1,683 1,763 1,626 l,5§4 Per cent. Per cent. 1860 1,269 1,338 1,120 902 952 1,020 Per cat*. Per cent. 8 1810 3 15 5 1870 6 1880 16 1830 1890 19 1840 8 4 1900 5 i 1850 1910 TOPOGRAPHY. Elevations in Oxford range from about 40 feet above sea level on Housatonic River at the south corner of the town to 890 feet on Woodruff Hill on the north boundary. The town is characterized by high, steep, wooded slopes, narrow valleys, and by the absence of level land. Housatonic River and Eightniile Brook form parts of the west boundary. Little River passes through the middle of the town, parallel to Housatonic River, and the headwaters of Long Meadow Pond Brook reach into the northeast corner of the town. These streams with their tributaries drain almost the entire area. A small area along the east border is drained by a small brook which joins Xaugatuck River at Pines Bridge in Beacon Falls. WATER-BEARIXG FORMATIONS. Bedrocks. — Oxford is underlain by crystalline rocks which, accord- ing to their lithologic characters, are recognized as three different formations. The most extensive of these is the Waterbury gneiss which underlies the west half of the town. The Hoosac (' 'Hartland") schist underlies all of the east half of the town except a small area in the southeast corner where the Thomaston granite gneiss appears (p. 9). These rocks are exposed at the surface on steep slopes throughout the town, and in the beds of most of the brooks. The occurrence of water in rocks of this character is discussed on page 17. Glacial drift. — The prevailing rock cover in Oxford 'is till, which consists of unassorted bowlders, gravel, sand, and rock powder, deposited by the last retreating ice sheet. This formation is gen- erally very thin and is irregularly distributed ; but it is, nevertheless, the most important source of ground water in the town, although only shallow well and spring supplies are obtained from it. Stratified drift occurs only in small patches along Little River and in the valley of Eightmile Brook north of Quaker Farms, where several small eskers extend into the valley. These stratified deposits, on account of their limited extent, furnish only shallow, domestic supplies. (Seep. 11.) OXFORD. 58 SURFACE-WATER SUPPLIES. Water power is developed on Eightmile Brook at Southford and near Quaker Farms and on Little River at Oxford. There are several unused power sites, some of which seem to have been per- manently abandoned, on small brooks tributary to these streams. One of the reservoirs of the Seymour Water Co. is situated in this town. GROUND- WATER SUPPLIES. Sixty-one dug wells examined in Oxford range in depth from 7 to 37 feet and average 17 feet. Depth to water ranges from 2 to 22 feet and averages 9 feet — in 41 of these wells the depth to water is less than 10 feet. Practically all are in till, 10 are not used, and 4 are said to fail in dry seasons. Samples of water were examined by the methods described in Water-Supply Paper 151 with the following results: Six springs were observed, all of which were small gravity springs. (See p. 55.) Eight drilled wells have depths ranging from 52 to 600 feet and yields ranging from 1 to 40 gallons a minute. The average depth is 160 feet and the average yield is 12 gallons a minute. Stratified deposits in Oxford are so limited in extent that they are of little importance in determining the location of wells. Good water for domestic supplies is available in all parts of the town. Where the drift is more than about 10 feet deep dug wells generally furnish desirable supplies, but where it is thinner better wells are likely to be obtained by drilling. Supplies larger than those ordina- rily required for domestic purposes should not be expected from wells, because they are usually not available. But comparatively large supplies can be obtained from surface-water reservoirs, sites for which are numerous. 54 OUND WATEB IN WATERBUBY akka. CONN. RECORDS OF WELLS AND SPRINGS. Information concerning wells and springs in Oxford is given in the following tables. The wells and springs are numbered on Plate III. Dug wells in Oxford, Conn. Map owner. 1 3 6 : 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 S 29 30 31 33 35 37 38 39 ■40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4n 50 ■i2 ; 54 55 •> :>< 60 61 62 63 -.4 65 66 68 71 72 73 74 F. B. Wheeler. Franklin Nichols.. Topo- graphic posi- tion. Town w.-ll Towantie. B. T. Nash. Slope. Slope. Slope. Slope. Slope. Hill. . Hill.. Slope. Hill.. Flat.. Slope. Flat.. Eleva- tion above Baa level. J. B. Berrv. Flat.. Slope. Slope. Flat.. Slope. Slope. Hill. . Hill.. Slope. Hill.. Hill.. Slope. Slope. Hill.. Hill. . Flat.. Flat.. Slope. Flat.. Slope. Slope. Slope. Slope. Slope . Hill.. Slop 7. Slope. Flat.. Flat.. Slope. Sbpe. Flat.. Hill.. Slope. Flat.. Feet. 60S 630 700 455 525 670 620 550 560 565 660 640 500 570 500 600 560 600 605 605 550 610 600 500 540 625 610 360 440 360 380 350 345 380 420 460 500 495 360 355 420 660 510 295 550 98 60 Depth. Hill 385 Hill 560 Hill 570 Hill 600 Slope.... 630 Flat 570 Slope 400 •Slope 605 Slope.... 530 Flat 360 Slope.... 430 Slope.... 380 Slope.... 270 Flat 200 Flat 200 Feet. 20.6 14.4 20.2 10.6 10.0 18.1 21.1 16.4 32. 3 12.1 9.2 22.6 15. 1 11.4 27.3 25.1 20.4 26.4 8.2 13.6 32.6 12.1 18.7 27.7 15.1 8.5 15.3 11.3 33.0 16.6 19.9 27.2 13.2 10.6 12.4 7.7 12.5 10.8 14.5 29.2 11.3 9.6 37.0 22. 1 32^0 17.1 11.9 20.2 17.9 19.2 13.0 13.7 13.2 17.8 11.8 15.3 12.4 12.6 19.6 22.6 Depth to water. Fat. 13.0 6.6 9.3 4.5 4.5 7.4 16.0 12.4 12.2 5.1 5.7 2.0 4.8 8.3 9.2 5.7 22.3 21.7 3.2 8.8 2.9 5.1 13.8 5.0 9.1 16.1 7.2 5.0 11.2 8.8 18.3 14.2 15.6 21. 4 6. 5. 3. 6. 4.7 8.4 15. 2 6.7 4.6 18.8 19.4 1.0 4.9 7.4 8.2 7.3 5.2 5.0 11.8 9.0" 13.3 6.1 7.0 16.6 13.5 Eleva- tion of water table above 592 623 691 4.50 520 663 604 560 654 638 495 562 491 594 538 57S 602 596 547 605 586 495 531 609 603 355 439 351 362 336 329 359 415 454 495 492 350 350 412 645 503 290 531 79 Cover. Remarks. 377 555 562 592 623 .562 395 600 518 351 417 374 263 183 186 Closed. Open. Open. . Open.. Open . Open. Open. . Open.. Open.. Open.. Open.. Open. . Closed. Open . . Open.. Open.. Open.. Open.. Open., Open.. Open . . Open.. Open . . Open.. Open.. Closed. Open.. Closed. Closed. Lot... Open . . Open.. Open . . Open.. Open.. Open. . Open.. Open... Open... Open... Closed.. Open... Open... Closed.. Open... Closed.. Closed.. Open... Open... Open... Open... Open... Open... Open... Open... Open... Open... Closed.. Open... Open... Open... Not used. Not used. Fails. Not used. Two houses sup- plied. Fail?. Fluctuation. 1: feet. Fails. Not used. Not used. Not used. Not used. Fails. Not used. Depth given as re- ported. Not used. Not used. SEYMOUR. Drilled wells in Oxford, Conn. 55 Map No. Owner. Topo- graphic position. Eleva- tion above sea level. Depth. Diam- eter. Yield per min- ute. Remarks. 16 M. J. Cassidv Hill Slope Hill Slope Flat Flat Hill Mill Feet. 520 495 630 470 370 385 670 580 Feet. 55 52 70 58 140 175 128 600 Inches. 6 6 6 6 8 8 Gallons. 1.5 1 20 40 17 4 4 12 20 32 Catherine Ff azer G. W. Cable 2 feet to rock. 36 49 R. L. Androus Mrs. Julia Sanford Chas. Davis 20 feet to rock. 10 feet to rock; 10-hour test for yield; well completed May, 1910; cost of well, $640. 100 feet to rock. 67 J.H.Hale 10 feet to rock; well com- 69 C. M. Eckstrom pleted Sept. 1, 1905; cost of well, $540. 40 feet to rock; cost of well, $3,600. Springs in Oxford, Conn. Map No. Owner. Topographic position. Eleva- tion above sea level. Tem- pera- ture. Yield per mmute. Remarks. 4 F. B. Wheeler Top of slope... Top of slope... Slope Feet. 720 690 470 80 100 60 F. 57 56 Gallons, a 0.5 &3.0 Low. Low. 5 19 David B. Wheeler 56 Slope 57 Slope Delivered by siphon. Do. 70 Flat o Well goes dry b Flow is constant. SEYMOUR. POPULATION AND INDUSTRIES. Seymour is in the western part of New Haven County on Housatonic and Naugatuck rivers. It is reached by the Naugatuck division of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Kailroad, and the Derby divi- sion of the Connecticut Co.'s Electric Railway. It was separated from Derby and incorporated in May, 1850. The area of the town is 15 square miles. The population of Seymour in 1910 was 4,786, a substantial increase over 1900. The population from 1850 to 1910 is shown in the following table: Population of Seymour, Conn., 1850-1910. Year. 1850 1870 1880 Population.' Increase. 1,677 2,172 2,318 Per cent. 28 7 Year. Population. 1890. 1900. 1910. 3,300 3,541 4,786 Increase. Per cent. 42 7 35 56 GBOUKD WATER IX WATERBURY AREA,, COXX. The principal industries are the manufacture of brass and copper goods, plush, hard-rubber goods, boring implements, edge tools, horseshoe nails, paper, telegraph cables, bicycle parts, and eyel an iron foundry, ami agriculture. TOPOGRAPHY. Elevations in Seymour range from about 30 feet to 640 feet above sea level, the lowest elevation being at Housatonic River, in the southwest corner of the town, and the highest about a mile and a half north of that place, on Great Hill. Eastward from Great Hill the land slopes rapidly downward to Xaugatuck River, where the ele- vation is about 40 feet above sea level, and then rises rapidly to 500 feet above sea level on the east border of the town. Most of the slopes are wooded but the hilltops are cultivated. Housatonic River forms a part of the western border and receives the drainage from that part of the town. Xaugatuck River, which flows through the town parallel to and about 2 miles from the east border, drains about two-thirds of the area. WATER-BEARIXG FORMATIONS. Bedrocks. — Hoosac (■"Hartland") schist and the Prospect granite gneiss (p. 9) comprise the bedrocks of Seymour and they are exposed at the surface on many of the steep slopes throughout the town. The Prospect granite gneiss is cut by a nearly vertical diabase dike which is about 40 feet wide. This diabase appears at the surface in a line parallel to and just east of Xaugatuck River and is locally called trap rock because of its similarity to the "trap rocks" of the Con- necticut River valley. Xone of these rocks is capable of furnishing a large supply of water, but the water-bearing fissures, which are numerous in all of them, afford moderate supplies to wells (p. 17). Till. — In all parts of Seymour' except the narrow valleys of Housa- tonic River, Xaugatuck River, and Bladens River, the rock is covered with unassorted sand, gravel, and bowlders of glacial origin. The maximum thickness of this material was not determined, but it probably does not exceed 30 or 40 feet and the average thickne- about 15 feet. Most of the domestic water supplies are obtained from shallow wells in the till (p. 10). Stratified drift. — The stratified deposits found along Housatonic, Xaugatuck, and Bladens rivers are narrow and discontinuous. Their occurrence throughout the Waterbury area suggests that they were deposited by the smaller tributary streams while the principal valleys were still filled with ice. The thickness of the fill in the middle of the valley is shown by the logs of wells Nos. 58 and 59 (p. 59), to be about 125 feet. The occurrence of water is discussed on pages 11 and 14. SEYMOUR. 57 SURFACE-WATER SUPPLIES. Bladens, Little, and Naugatuck rivers furnish power for mills and factories in Seymour. A mill at Squantuck obtains power from Fourmile Brook, and a dam in Naugatuck River about 2 miles south of Seymour diverts water into a power canal which leads to Ansonia. Some of the storage reservoirs of the Ansonia waterworks are situated in the southeast corner of the town. GROUND- WATER SUPPLIES. The depths of 49 dug wells in Seymour range from 6 to 45 feet and average 18 feet. The depth of the water table below the surface of the ground, as determined by measurements of 48 wells, ranges from 6 inches to 38 feet and averages 14 feet — in 20 wells it is less than 10 feet to water. Eight of the wells examined are subject to failure and six wells are not used. Six small gravity springs were observed, two of which are regularly used. The depths of four drilled wells range from 60 to 447 feet and average 210 feet. They yield from 1.5 to 90 gallons a minute and average 28 gallons. Two are used for domestic purposes, one for manufacturing, and one situated in a public park furnishes drinking water. (See table, p. 59.) Ground water for domestic use can be obtained from dug wells in all parts-of Seymour where the drift is more than about 10 feet thick, but where bedrock is less than that distance below the surface it is generally advisable to drill into the rock. Very shallow wells are not likely to be permanent and they are not desirable from a sanitary viewpoint. Shallow wells in the stratified deposits are especially liable to contamination on account of the topographic positions of these deposits and on account also of the greater density of population in the valleys underlain with stratified beds than on the till-covered uplands. Drilled or driven wells ending in gravel below the level of the river would probably furnish large supplies, but a large part of the water from this source would come from Naugatuck River because a heavy draught would soon exhaust the supply furnished from the narrow and steep slopes adjacent to the river. Larger supplies than those ordinarily required for domestic purposes should not be expected from wells in this area, although some drilled wells have furnished comparatively large amounts. PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES. Seymour is supplied with water by a private company, of which Mr. D. A. Blakeslee, of New Haven, is secretary and treasurer. Very little information was obtained in regard to the system. It was 58 GROUND WATER IX WATERBURY AREA, CONN. said merely that the system comprises two reservoirs, and 55 public and 8 private hydrants. The water is delivered by gravity under a pressure of 100 to 120 pounds, and is sold at a flat rate, except to manufacturers, who pay on a meter basis. RECORDS OF WELLS AND SPRINGS. Information concerning wells and springs in Seymour is presented in the following tables. The map cited is Plate III, in pocket. hug wells in Seymour, Conn. Map 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 17 is 19 30 21 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 31 Owner. Wilson Ducklev. Eleva- Topo- tion graphic above position. sea level. Feet. Slope. . . 90 Flat 60 Slope 560 Hill 650 Slope 5G0 Hill Slope Slope Slope.... Flat Slope Flar Hill Hill Slope Hill Hill Slope Slope... Flat Flat Hill rim Slope.... Slope Slope. . . Flat 32 Slope.... 35 i Slope.... 36 1 Slope.... 37 Flat 38 Slope.... 39 Flat 41 Slope.... 42 43 44 45 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Flat. Flat. Flat. Flat.. Slope. Slope. Hill.. Hill.. Slope. Hill.. Hill.. Hill.. Slope. Slope. Slope. 495 430 460 210 365 520 495 505 525 375 390 300 260 120 75 75 5.50 520 410 280 185 80 500 300 265 220 250 165 210 185 170 155 120 230 235 270 380 380 380 400 390 340 360 320 Eleva- tion of Depth water Depth. to table water. above sea level. Feet. Feet. Fid. 45.3 32.6 57 16.8 9.5 .5 50 559 7.9 185 5.7 044 7.3 .9 559 15.3 7.5 487 11.7 3.2 427 17.6 9.2 451 16.3 8.0 202 11.0 6.0 359 9.8 3.3 517 14.1 12.5 482 29.1 26.6 478 20.0 12.2 513 22.5 16.4 359 15.8 25.3 365 7.2 3.4 297 16.1 13.6 246 21.1 18.1 102 26.4 22.6 52 23.7 14.0 61 18.0 9.7 540 18.4 15.2 505 15.8 5.8 404 10.6 3.2 277 6.2 3.1 182 18.1 14.0 60 20.8 20.2 480 17.5 16.3 2S4 24.0 22.0 243 18.1 17.2 203 10.2 8.4 246 9.0 5.4 160 31.1 Dry. 20.1 13.5 171 30.2 27.9 142 37 9. 30.6 124 42.6 38.5 81 15.2 14.5 215 10.3 6.8 226 19.9 12.1 2.58 9.0 5.2 375 24.9 22.5 357 14.6 11.0 369 20.9 19.9 380 15.0 14.2 370 7.0 2.0 338 21.0 21.0 339 26.6 26.0 294 Cover. Open . . Open . . . Open Open Open . . . Mesh Lattice.. Open. . . Open.... Closed.. Open Open.... Open . . . Mesh Mesh Open.... Open.... Open . . . Open. . . Open.... Closed . Closed . . Mesh Mesh... Open... Open... Open... Mesh... Open . . Open... Remarks. Open... Open... Open... Mesh Open Open Mesh Open Open. . . Open. . . Lattice. Surface drainage entering when well was meas- ured. Fails. Not used. Not used. Seldom used. Not u^ed. Fails. Unclean. Fails. Fails. Fails. Dry June to December each voar. Never less than 5 feet of water. Not used: pump city water from reservoir. Dry 2 months every year. Dry 2 months every year; not used. THOMASTON. Drilled wells in Seymour, Conn . 59 Map No. Owner. Topo- graphic position. Eleva- tion above sea level. Depth. Diam- eter. Yield per minute. Remarks. 33 34 58 59 Smith Holbrook Joel Chatfield "Waterman Pen Co., H. P. and E.Day. Sevmour Hill Slope Flat Hill Flea. 395 370 85 155 Feet. 98 60 447 234 Inches. 6 8 6 Gallons. 5 18 ( a ) 1.5 26 feet to rock. 128 feet to rock; cost of well, r2,159. 230 feet to rock; cost of well, 1841. a Yields 30 gallons at suction and 90 gallons at 70 feet. Springs in Seymour, Conn. Map No. Owner. Topographic position. Elevation above sea level. Temper- ature. Yield per Remarks, minute. 1 Sidnev Downs Slope Feet. 80 400 305 300 255 187 Gallons. Converted to well. 16 Foot of slope.. Slope Pumped bv windmill. 27 57 1 Constant. 28 blope 40 Edmund Dav Slope 55 50 46 Arethusa Spring Water Co. Slope 2 THOMASTON. POPULATION AND INDUSTRIES. Thomaston is in the southeastern part of Litchfield County, in the Naugatuck Valley. It is reached by the Naugatuck division of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, which has stations at Thomaston and Reynolds Bridge; by trolley from Terry vills station on the Highland division of the same railroad, 1 mile to the village of Terry ville, thence 3 miles by stage; by trolley from Waterbury hourly. The town was separated from Plymouth and incorporated in May, 1875. It has an area of 12 square miles. The census reports show a very slow growth in population since the first enumeration in 1880, as indicated in the following table. In 1910 the population was 3,533. The principal industries are agriculture and the manufacture of clocks and watches, brass goods, cutlery, clock bells, etc. Population of Thomaston, Conn., 1880-1910. Year. Population. Increase. Year. Population. Increase. 1SS0 3,225 3,278 Pfr cent. 1900 . 3,300 3.533 Per cent. 1 1^90 2 1910 7 60 GBOUND WATBB IN WATERBURY AREA, CONN. TOPOGRAPHY. The highest elevation, 1,022 feet, is on Lattin Hill, near the north boundary of the town; the lowest — about 330 feet above sea level — is at the confluence of West Branch of Naugatuck River with Nau- gatuck River. These rivers occupy narrow valleys whose walls rise abruptly 400 to 500 feet and embrace practically tho entire area of the town. WATER-BEARING FORMATIONS. Bedrocks. — The rock floor is comprised of Waterbury gneiss, Thomaston granite gneiss, and a small body of amphibolite. These are crystalline rocks (p. 9), very dense in texture, and consequently poorly suited to furnish large quantities of water. Owing, however, to the intense fracturing which they have undergone water-bearing fissures are sufficiently numerous to afford moderate supplies to drilled wells. The occurrence of water in rocks of this character is discussed on page 17. Glacial drift. — Unstratified drift or till (p. 10) consisting of bowlders, gravel, sand, and rock powder constitutes the rock cover in all the upland parts of the town. (See PI. III.) Its thickness ranges from a few inches at the edge of rock outcrops to 25 or 30 feet and in all the deeper parts water may be obtained from dug wells. Stratified drift occupies the lowland adjacent to the rivers, as shown on Plate III, and ranges in thickness from a few feet to about 50 feet. The occurrence of water in unconsolidated deposits is discussed on page 11. SURFACE-WATER SUPPLIES. Power is developed on Naugatuck River at Thomaston; and the Wigwam reservoir of the Waterbury waterworks is situated on West Branch of the Naugatuck in the northwest corner of the town. GROUND-WATER SUPPLIES. Eighteen dug wells were examined in Thomaston ranging in depth from 10 to 30 feet and averaging 19 feet. Depth to water in these wells ranges from 2 to 16 feet and averages 8 feet. Most of the dug wells are in till and some of them doubtless penetrate rock, but no reliable information on this point is available. The annual fluctua- tion of the water level in one well was reported to be 14 feet and in another 8 feet. None of the wells examined have recently been dry, and the water supplied by all has been adequate for domestic needs. Nine drilled wells were visited, and these range in depth from 40 to 338 feet and average 132 feet. Their yields, as determined by the drillers as the wells were finished, range from one-fourth gallon to 15 THOMASTON. 61 gallons a minute, and average 5 gallons. The depths to bedrock range from 3 to 48 feet and average 14 feet. The cost of drilling was in most cases S3. 50 a foot, but for three of the wells the total cost was reported, as indicated in the table on page 62. A consid- erable amount of well drilling is being done in Thomaston, notwith- standing the fact that the public water supply is available. PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY. The Thomaston waterworks were built by the Thomaston Water Co., a corporation, in 1880. The supply is obtained from springs and delivered by gravity from an impounding reservoir. The area of the reservoir is 40 acres and its capacity is between 80,000,000 and 100,000,000 gallons. The pressure is 90 to 125 pounds. There are 269 service connections and 50 fire hydrants. The use of meters is optional with the consumers but compulsory for the railroad company and town buildings. Twenty-nine are now in use. The consumption is not known. The flat rates range from $2 to $10, and the income for 1912 was $6,906.28. Mr. F. K. Koberts is secretary-treasurer. According to tests by the State Board of Health of six samples collected in 1904 the water supply of Thomaston has an average color of 30 parts per million and an alkalinity of 7 parts. 1 RECORDS OF WELLS. Information concerning the wells in Thomaston is presented in the following tables. The map cited is Plate III, in pocket. Dug wells in Thomaston, Conn. Map No. Topo- graphic position. Elevation above sea level. Depth. Depth to water. Elevation of water table above sea level. Cover. Remarks. 1 2 Hill Slope Hill Hill Slope Slope Hill Hill Hill Slope Slope Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Slope Slope 925 740 810 920 440 400 800 965 900 795 675 480 480 410 370 390 460 360 Feet. 22.3 Feet. 7.3 10.0 5.0 7.1 16.9 7.0 5.8 2.1 10.0 5.8 14.3 7.9 6.9 8.5 17.0 13.8 2.0 7.2 Feet. 918 730 805 913 423 393 794 963 890 789 661 472 473 401 353 376 458 353 Open Closed .... Open Closed Closed. . .. Open Closed. . .. Close 1 Closed. . .. Closed Open Closed Open Closed Closed Open Closed Open Lowest on Nov. 5, 1913; at that time contained 3 feet of water. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 22 23 25 26 27 28 10.7 20.3 23.3 13.9 15.4 24.6 41.0 14.0 23.6 14.1 16.0 14.0 19.3 17.5 10.0 30.0 2.5 feet of water at lowest stage in 1913. Use 35 gallons a day. Not used. Not used. Not used. Supplies nine families; fluctua- tion, 8 feet. Fluctuation, 14 feet. 1 Connecticut State Board of Health Ann. Rept. 1904, p. 225. 62 GROUND WATER IX WATERBURY AREA, CONN. Drilled wells in Thomaston, Conn. Map No. Owner. Topo- graph- ic po- sition. Eleva- tion above sea level. Depth. Diame- ter. Yield per minute. ('<»!. Remarks. 13 14 15 16 Seth Thomas Clock Co. W. T. WoodruiT Louis SchiappicnsM'. . Alfred Holm Flat.. Slope. Flat.. Slope. Flat.. Flat.. Flat.. Flat.. Flat.. Flat.. Feet. 460 580 400 420 400 375 400 410 380 400 Fat. 338 330 87 65 50 110 40 55. 5 110 Inches. 8 8 6 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 Gallons. 8 6 15 1 2 $1,788 $1,596 *3.">(). per foot $3.">o per foot 13.50 per foot 3 feet to rock. 6 feet to rock; com- pleted Dec. 1, 1913. 3 feet to rock. 8 feet to rock. 17 18 Robert Innes "Thomaston" Geo. Hosford 4 feet to rock. Presented by W. C. T. U. 5 feet to rock. 19 1 10 $3.50 per foot $3.50 per foot 20 do 14 feet to ro p k. 21 S. H. Goodman R. S. Newton 48 feet to rock - in- 24 i i $395 complete. 33 feet to rock. WATERBURY. POPULATION AND INDUSTRIES. Waterbury is in the northern part of New Haven County, in the Naugatuck Valley. It is reached by the Naugatuck and Highland divisions of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, which has stations at Waterbury and Waterville, and by the Meriden division of the same road, which has a station at Waterbury: by trolley from New Haven via Cheshire, and from New Haven and Bridgeport via Derby; by trolley from Woodbury, Middlebury, and Thomaston; by stage from Woodbury and Middlebury daily. The town was named in 1686. The town and city are consolidated and have an area of 29 square miles. The population in 1910 was 73,141. The following table shows the changes in population from 1756 to 1913. The principal industries are the manufacture of rolled and cast brass and copper, german-silver goods, lamp trimmers, boilers, but- tons, clocks, watches, plated wire, pins, eyelets, and buckles, electric- light and telephone wire, machinery, chemicals, etc., and agriculture. The city is the center of the brass industry in this country. Population of Waterbury, Conn., 175&-191S. Year. Population. Increase. Decrease. Year. Population. Increase. Decrease. 1756 1,829 3,536 2,240 2,937 3,256 2,874 2,882 3,070 3,668 Per cent. Per cent. 1850 5,137 10,004 13, 106 20, 270 33,202 51, 139 73, 141 a 81, 000 Per cent. 40 95 31 55 64 54 43 11 Per cent. 1774 93 i860 1782... 36 1870 1790 31 11 1880 1800 1890 1810 12 1900 1820 1910 1830 6 19 1913 1840 a Estimated. WATERBURY. 63 TOPOGRAPHY. The town extends across Naugatuck Valley and its topography is characteristically troughlike. The highest elevation — 920 feet above sea level — is in the extreme northeast corner, and the lowest, about 220 feet, is on the river where it crosses the south boundary. The valley floor ranges in width from a few hundred feet at the south line to about a mile in the middle of the town, and from its edges the walls rise abruptly to elevations of 600 and 700 feet above sea level. Hancock Brook, Steel Brook, and Mad River join Naugatuck River within the town. WATER-BE ARIXG FORMATIONS. Bedrocks. — Crystalline rocks of three varieties — Hoosac O'Hart- land'') schist, Waterbury gneiss, and Thomaston granite gneiss, (p. 9) — comprise the bedrocks underlying the town. These rocks appear at the surface on the steep slopes in the south and east parts of the town and, except in the bottom of the valley, they are nowhere thickly covered by drift. The occurrence of water in crys- talline rocks is discussed on page 17. Glacial drift. — In the upland parts of Waterbury the rock cover con- sists of till or bowlder clay (p. 10) ranging in thickness up to 75 feet or more. On the flat lands along Naugatuck River the deposits are stratified and reach a thickness of over 100 feet in some places, as indicated by the log of a well drilled in the middle of the valley just south of the city, which reached bedrock at a depth of 1 1 1 feet below the surface. (See No. 5, p. 67.) The distribution of stratified and unstratified drift is shown on Plate III. The occurrence of water in unconsolidated deposits is discussed on page 11. SURFACE-WATER SUPPLIES. Water power is useH in manufacturing plants on Naugatuck and Mad rivers. Several reservoirs belonging to the city waterworks are in the town east of the river, as indicated on the map (PL III). GROUND-WATER SUPPLIES. The average depth of the water table below the surface of the ground, as determined by measurement of 22 representative dug wells, is 13 feet. (See table, p. 66.) These wells range in depth from 7.1 to 39.9 and average 20 feet, the depth to water ranging from 3.5 to 32.2 feet. The annual fluctuation of the water table in -one of the wells was reported to be about 13 feet. The average fluctuation, however, probably does not exceed 8 feet, taking into consideration the lowland areas in which changes in ground-water levels are rela- tively small. 98200°— wsp 397—16 5 64 GROUND watki: in \v.\TKi;r,n; v auka. CONN. Eight drilled wells that were examined range in depth from 55 to 550 feet and average 17."> feet. The yields reported for six of these range from 4 to 60 gallons a minute and average 16 gallons. Detailed information in regard to these wells is tabulated on page 67. The city water system extends to nearly all parts of the town and consequently there is little need for private dug wells. Drilled wells, however, are used by manufacturing companies to furnish water for drinking and for some special purposes in manufacturing, and they are used also in some parts of the city at higher elevations than those at which city water is effectively delivered. All wells are drilled into bedrock, even those located in the river valley, where the stratified stream deposits, are more than 100 feet thick. No attempt is made to obtain supplies from the drift itself because the till deposits are too thin and compact to furnish adequate supplies, and it is the popular belief that the water in the gravels near the river is contaminated. The problem of utilizing the underflow of the Naugatuck Valley is discussed on page 23. Analyses of the water of three drilled wells in Thomaston are given in the subjoined table; the numbers refer to the descriptions of the wells in the record on pages 66 and 67. Comparison of the analyses illustrates the difference in composition likely to be encountered in ground waters from fractured crystalline rocks. Analyses of water from drilled wells in Thomaston. [Parts per million. Samples collected June 24, 1915; R. B. Dole, analyst.] Xo. on map. a 15 19 20 Iron (Fe). 2.9 .2 1.5 Carbonate radicle (C0 3 ). 0.0 .0 .0 Bicarbon- ate radicle (HC0 3 ). Sulphate radicle (S0 4 ). Chlorine (CI). 4.9 48 18 44 34 20 42 s. 2 6.8 Total hard- ness as CaC0 3 . 94 M 33 Total solids at 1S0° C &292 169 99 " See Plate III, in pocket; also record of wells on p. 66. 6 Much organic matter present. PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY. The city engineer reported that the works include three reservoirs, two of which, Wigwam and Morris reservoirs, on West Branch of Naugatuck River, have areas of 105 and 150 acres and capacities of 750,000,000 and 2,000,000,000 gallons, respectively. The water is supplied to about 70,000 people, the average daily consumption being about 7,500,000 gallons. The Morris reservoir was begun in 1909 and was practically complete at the close of 1913. (See PI. III.) The average condition of the water of Fenn and Morris brooks at Waterbury is indicated in the following table, which gives the aver- ages of tests of 36 samples from each source examined by the State Board of Health between 1898 and 1901. WATERBURY. 65 Average quality of surf ace waters near Waterbury . a [Parts per million.] Source. Color. Total solids at 100° C. Organic and volatile matter. Total hard- ness as CaCOs. Chlorine. Fenn Brook . Morris Brook . 43 32 48 4s 1.7 2.3 a Compiled from annual reports of the State Board of Health of Conr/eclicut, 1898-1901. According to Baker 1 the Waterbury waterworks were built by the city in 1868, and an additional supply was introduced in 1895. The supply is obtained from East Mountain Brook and West Branch of Naugatuck Kiver. For the fiscal year ending December 31, 1895, there is reported 38 miles of mains, 4,023 taps, 270 meters, and 230 public and 50 private hydrants; and the consumption is given as 4,000,000 gallons. The census report for 1911 gives the following financial data for 1911: Revenue receipts $203, 952 Payments for expense 32, 133 Payments for outlays 320, 624 Value of land, building, and equipment 2, 791, 720 Debts incurred 1,560,000 The following statement in regard to future developments is quoted from the annual report of the city engineer of the city of Waterbury for the year 1912 (p. 26): During the winter of 1911-12 some surveying was done on a proposed reservoir above the one (Morris) now being constructed. It was determined that such a reservoir could be made in the valley of Pitch Brook, which with a depth of water of 90 feet would store about 1,200,000,000 gallons and have an area of about 100 acres. Borings were made at an assumed site for a dam, and ledge was located all across the valley. Conditions favor the same type of construction as is being used at Morris dam. These surveys will probably be completed this winter and more accurate information obtained. During the past year the city has again very narrowly escaped a water famine, necessitating restrictions which were highly uncomfortable and inconvenient. For- tunately the immediate future will be free from these unpleasant experiences due to the bringing into use of Morris reservoir. The question to be considered, however, is for how long this increased supply will continue to be ample, and whether the construction of still another storage reservoir ought not to be undertaken in 1914, immediately after the completion of this one. In a report to the board of aldermen, dated October 7, 1912, by a committee appointed by that body, figures were presented showing conclusively that the West Branch watershed could fill another such reservoir, even in a year of minimum rainfall. It was also pointed out that the city was growing rapidly; that the con- sumption of water would increase from other causes as well as on account of such 1 Baker, N. M., The manual of American waterworks, p. 83, 1897. 66 GROUND WATER IN WATERBURY AREA, CONN. growth; that it was very important for Waterbury to have reservoir capacity some yean ahead of its actual needs and that the construction of reservoirs, including preliminary engineering studies, the removal of legal obstacles, etc., takes several years. The conclusion reached by the committee was that a third reservoir on the West Branch watershed could wisely be undertaken as soon as Morris reservoir is com- pleted. If such construction is to begin in 1914, it will be necessary to undertake the preparation of plans early in the coming year. Assuming that three reservoirs are built on the West Branch with a combined storage of nearly 4,000,000,000 gallons, the city will have reached the limit of devel- opment on that watershed. It will then be necessary to obtain water from some other source. For various reasons it appears likely that the obtaining of rights to take water from new sources will hereafter be found increasingly difficult. It would be wise for Waterbury to give early attention to this matter and secure such rights now, without waiting until urgent necessity compels the acceptance of burdensome and expensive conditions. RECORDS OF WELLS AND SPRINGS. Information concerning the wells in Waterbury is presented in the following tables. The map referred to in the first column is Plate III, in pocket at end of volume. Dug wells in Waterbury, Conn. Map No. Owner. Topo- graphic position. Eleva- tion above sea level. Depth. Depth to water. Eleva- tion of water table above sea level. Cover. Remarks. 1 Slope Slope Hill Slope Slope Flat Hill Hill Slope Slope Slope Flat Slope Slope Hill Slope Slope Slope Hill Slope Slope Slope Feet. 600 530 570 525 555 570 570 900 730 655 475 500 600 500 520 520 450 515 490 530 300 260 Feet. 28.7 12.0 13.4 24.7 13.0 19.0 13.7 20.4 7.1 15.2 11.8 24.9 27.2 21.2 39.9 25.0 14.8 30.1 33.5 Feet. 4.3 9.0 10.5 3.7 12.4 9.8 20.0 4.9 8.0 5.5 9.1 3.5 9.8 6.5 22.5 22.0 15.5 29.5 18.6 4.0 24.9 32.2 Feet. 596 521 559 521 543 560 550 895 722 649 486 496 590 493 497 498 434 485 473 526 275 228 Open Not used. Not used. Not used. Fluctuation 13 fails. Not used. Not used. Not used. 2 7 Open Open Open 10 14 15 16 Open Closed . . 17 18 feet; 19 21 Open Closed... Open 22 23 24 25 26 27 Open Lattice.. Closed . . . Closed... Closed... Lattice.. 28 29 30 32 G. H. Reed 33 WATERTOWN. Drilled wells in Waterbury, Conn. 67 Map No. Owner. Topo- graphic position. Eleva- tion above sea level. Depth. Diam- eter. Yield per minute. Cost. Remarks. 4 Chas. Doll Slope... Flat.... Slope. . . Hill.... Hill.... Hill.... Slope... Flat.... Slope... Feet. 670 260 670 560 540 560 540 535 400 Feet. 59 166 63 55 5oC(?) 200(?) 91 216 Inches. 6 8 6 6 6 Gallons. 5 60 4 7 22 feet to rock. 5 6 Manufacturer's Foun- dry Co. Chas. Reed a so Ill feet to rock. 8 Henry Joy 9 John Joy 11 Waterbury Countrv Club. R. A. Judd 12 6 6 6 • 13 Harry "NVaterworth Perkins 12 8 75 feet to rock; water 20 pumped from 80 feet below surface. 8 feet to rock; 14 feet of casing used. o Per foot. Springs in Waterbury, Conn. Map No. Owner. Topo- graphic position. Eleva- tion above sea level. Yield per minute. Remarks. • 3 Slope.... Slope Feet. 560 515 Gallons. (a) 4 31 Covered; supplies horse trough. a Constant. WATERTOWN. POPULATION AND INDUSTRIES. Watertown is in the southeastern part of Litchfield County, in the Naugatuck River valley. It is reached by the Watertown branch of the Naugatuck division of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, which has stations at Oakville and Watertown, and by trolley from Waterbury. Post offices are maintained at Oakville and Watertown. It was separated from Waterbury and incorporated in 1780. The area of the town is 30 square miles. The population in 1910 was 3,850. The changes in population from 1782 to 1910 are shown in the following table. The princi- pal industries are agriculture and the manufacture of silk thread, umbrella trimmings, mouse traps, and general hardware. 68 ,GBOUND WATER IN WATERBURV AREA, CONN. Population of Watertown t Conn., 1782-1910. Year. L782. L800. [Population. Increase. DeCD 3,170 1,714 1,439 1,442 l\r . Prr cenf. l«; 49 16 ) 4 Year. Population. Increase, j 1S50 1,587 1 . 698 2. 323 1'tT (flit. 6 4 : 12 23 33 24 1870 L880 1^90 1900 1910 Decrease. J'tr ant. TOPOGRAPHY. Elevations in Watertown range from about 280 feet to a little over 1,000 feet above sea level. The lowest point is on Naugatuck River in the southwest corner of the town, and the highest is in the north- west corner, about 1 mile north of Big Meadow Pond. The hilly character of the town and the distribution of woods is shown on Plate III. Naugatuck River and its west branch, which form the east bound- ary of the town, receive all the drainage except that from a small area in the northwest which contains the headwaters of Pomeraug River. WATER-BEARIXG FORMATIONS. Bedrocks. — Crystalline rocks of two varieties — Waterbury gneiss and Thomaston granite gneiss (p. 9) — compose the rock floor of Watertown. They are very dense in texture and consequently poorly suited to furnish large quantities of water. But they have been intensely fractured, and fissures which contain water are suffi- ciently numerous to afford moderate supplies to drilled wells. The occurrence of water hi crystalline rocks is discussed on page 17. Glacial drift. — Till constitutes the rock cover in all parts of the town except a narrow strip along Naugatuck River where the stream deposits are found. Till consists of mixtures of clay, sand, gravel, and bowlders, and was deposited by the retreating ice sheets at the close of the glacial epoch. In some places the till is about 100 feet thick, but in other places, as shown on Plate III, the bedrocks are exposed. (See p. 11.) GROUND- WATER SUPPLIES. Forty-six dug wells, ranging in depth from 6 to 29 feet and averaging 16 feet, were examined. Depth to water in these wells ranges from 2 to 23 feet and averages 7 feet. All the wells pass through till but at least three end in rock. Only four were reported to go dry, although seven of those examined have been abandoned. Springs are numerous along the brooks and hillsides throughout the town, but they are all gravity springs of low yield and the usual WATERTOWN". 69 method of utilizing the flow is to dig a shallow well and install a pump or siphon. There has been little drilling in Watertown heretofore, but it is said that a considerable amount of this work is contemplated. A 6-inch well drilled for Albert Blakesley to a depth of 118 feet yields 2 gallons a minute. It is situated at an elevation of about 880 feet above sea level and reached bedrock at 96 feet below the surface. The records of drilled wells in other towns of this area will serve to indicate the prospects for drilled wells in Watertown, since the occur- rence of water is uniform throughout the area. The following analysis represents a moderately mineralized but rather hard water containing almost no iron: Analysis of icater from dug well of J. H. Atwood, Watertown, Conn. [Sample collected June 24, 1915. No. 36 in record table (p. 70). R. B. Dole, analyst.] Parts per million. Silica (Si0 2 ) 10 Iron (Fe) Trace. Calcium (Ca) 32 Magnesium (Mg) 5 Carbonate radicle (C0 3 ) - - .0 Bicarbonate radicle (HC0 3 ) 60 Sulphate radicle (S0 4 ) 25 Chlorine (CI) 48 Total hardness as CaC0 3 120 Total solids at 180° C 291 PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY. The Watertown Water Co., of which A. W. Wheeler is superin- tendent, supplies the village of Watertown. The works include an impounding reservoir in Bethlehem, 22 feet deep, with a capacity of 20,000,000 gallons, and a distributing reservoir holding 500,000 gallons. Water is delivered b>y gravity through 13 miles of mains under pressures of 40 to 135 pounds. There are 53 hydrants belonging to the fire district, 4 private hydrants, and 278 service connections. There about 2,500 consumers and the average daily consumption is estimated to be 250,000 gallons. The following financial statement was furnished : Total cost of construction, estimated $68, 000 Cost of operation, estimated 2, 361 Gross income 6, 200 Four meters are in use, the rate being 10 to 40 cents per 1,000 gallons, but most of the supply is furnished at a flat rate, $8 a year being the minimum charge. It is said that the present supply is inadequate and that it is occasionally necessary to pump water into the mains from brooks. A supply several times as large as that now available is needed. 70 GROUND WATER IN WATERBURY AREA, CONN. According to tests made by the Connecticut State Board of Health of 12 samples from the city reservoir in 1901 the water supply has an average color of 57 parts per million, a total hardness of 20 parts, and an alkalinity of 23 parts and contains 63 parts of total solids, of which 25 parts is volatile matter. 1 RECORDS OF WELLS AND SPRINGS. Information concerning the wells and springs in Watertown is given in the following tables. The map cited is Plate III. Dug wells in Watertown, Conn. Map No. 2 5 6 7 8 9 L2 13 If) l(i 17 18 20 21 24 27 28 2!) 30 32 33 31 3.") 36 3 s 3!) 40 41 42 44 4.") 4S 49 50 .'.2 .5:', 55 58 .71 03 HI 65 (if, (17 68 (19 71 Owner E. H. Peck... E. B. At wood. M.J. Scott.... "Ruby Farms" J. H. At wood. Thomas Lillis Topo- graphic position. Slope Hill Slope Slope Slope Slope Hill Slope Flat Hill Slope Slope Slope Slope Hill Slope Slope Hill Slope Slope Hill Hill Slope Hill Hill Slope Slope Hill Slope.... Slope.... Hill Hill Slope Hill Hill Hill Slope Flat Hill Slope Slope. Flat.. Slope. Slope. Flat.. Slope. Slope Eleva- tion above sea level. Feet. 910 790 770 785 660 750 910 890 840 860 780 670 550 740 880 840 700 750 440 550 685 670 550 760 590 740 680 700 640 540 605 650 585 765 740 660 560 755 680 710 680 590 .640 625 530 570 620 Depth. Feet. 14.1 19.7 6.6 15.6 17.2 14.8 12.8 10.2 15.5 26.8 13.9 11.6 19.4 7.0 18.0 25.0 15.5 11.9 18.9 22.0 18.0 16.3 25.1 9.3 16.1 18.0 29.0 17.7 11.6 16.7 17.7 11.4 7.0 10.9 7.0 12.5 17.6 17.5 Depth to water. Feet. 6.6 2.8 .9 12.9 5.3 4.7 3.2 4.5 2.1 3.0 7.3 12.0 2.9 3.0 13.5 8.0 14.0 23.0 8.4 8.0 8.7 5.0 8.7 6.0 4.7 9.3 7.1 5.8 4.1 8.7 13.0 17.0 5.6 12.0 6.0 10.1 11.5 8.0 3.8 4.0 7.2 3.0 3.7 7.0 9.0 7.5 Eleva- tion of water table above sea level. Feet. 903 787 769 772 655 745 907 885 838 857 773 658 547 737 866 832 736 417 542 677 661 545 751 584 735 671 693 634 536 596 637 568 759 728 654 550 743 672 706 676 583 637 621 523 561 612 Cover. Closed . Open.. Closed. Open.. Closed. Closed. Closed. Closed. Closed . Closed. Open.. Closed. Closed . Open.. Closed . Closed. Closed . Closed . Open.. Open.. Closed . Closed. Closed . Closed. Closed. Open.. Closed. Closed. Closed . Closed . Closed. Open.. Closed. Closed . Open.. Closed . Closed. Closed . Remarks. Fails. Not used. Not used; fails. Not used. 17 feet to rock. Depth to water reported. 14 feet to rock. Fails. Use city water. 11 feet to rock. Not used. Not used. 8 feet square. Fails. Not used. Not used. Connecticut State Board of Health Ann. Rept., 1901, p. 263. WATERTOWN. Drilled ivells in Watertovm, Conn. 71 Map No. Owner. Topo- graphic position. Elevation above sea level. Depth. Diameter. Yield per minute. Remarks. 23 Albert Blakeslev Hill Slope.. . Feet. 880 560 Feet. 118 Inches. 6 Gallons. 2 % feet to rock. 46 Chas. Abbott 47 Slope... Springs in Watertown, Conn. Map No. Owner. Topographic position. Eleva- tion above sea level. Tem- pera- ture. Yield per minute. Remarks. 1 Top of slope.. Slope Slope Feet. 920 Gallons. Delivered to barn bv ram. 3 a 2. 5 a. 5 6 3.0 •l 2 4 920 Not used; covered 10 Top of slope. . . Slope 800 800 800 685 645 850 880 470 755 655 685 610 725 795 615 675 715 660 54 11 Not used; covered. 14 19 E. B. Atwood.. Foot of slope.. Foot of slope.. Slope 22 Covered. 25 Slope Foot of slope.. Foot of slope.. Foot of slope.. Foot of slope.. Slope 26 5 feet deep; 0.8 foot to water; used. Used 31 54 . 5 a 1.0 . 5 &.5 37 43 J. H. Atwood. . 51 Open. 54 Slope 56 Richenbach Slope ( 6 ) a Low. Delivered to house and barn by grav- ity through 1 500 feet of pipe. Delivered to house and barn by siphon. 57 Top of slope... Foot of slope.. Slope 60 61 (a) 3 62 Slope 70 Slope a Yield constant. 6 Yield varies. % INDEX .Vmphibolite, description of 10 Analyses of waters 64, Ansonia, description and industries of 39-40 ground-water supplies in 41 public water supply of 41-42 records of wells in 42-43 surface-water supplies in 40 water-bearing formations in 40 Ansonia Water Co., works of 42 Beacon Falls, description and industries of 43 records of wells and springs in 45 sources of water in 43-45 Brookline, Mass., municipal pumping plant at 24-26 Brooklyn, N. Y., municipal pumping plant at 26 Circulation of ground water 11-12 Crystalline rock with water-bearing fissures, plate showing 18 water in 17 Diabase, description of 10 Domestic water supply, springs as sources of. 29 wells as sources of 29, 30-31 Drainage, underground 11-12 Evaporation, amount of 14-15 Forbes, F. F., on the municipal pumping plant at Brookline, Mass 24-26 Fountain "Water Co., territory of 41 Geography of the Water bury area 7-9 Geology of Waterbury 9-10 Glacial drift, description of 10 Hartland schist, description of 9 Hoosac schist, description of 9 Infiltration galleries, construction of 35-36 uses of 23 Middlebury, description and population of. . 46 records of wells and springs in 47-48 sources of water in 47 Municipal water supply, quality needed in. . 19 quantity required for 18-19 sources of 20-28 Xaugatuck, description and population of.. . 49 public water supply of 50-51 records of wells in 51 sources of water in 49-50 Naugatuck River valley, driven wells in 23 Orange phyllite, description of 9 I'age. ( >\ lord, description and population of 51-52 records of wells and springs in 54-55 sources of water in 52-53 Plainfield, N. J., municipal pumping plant at 27-28 Porosity of the unstratified drift 11 Prospect granite gneiss, description of 9 Rainfall, record of 10 Run-oil, sources of 14-17 Seymour, description and population of 55-56 public water supply of 57-58 records of wells and springs in 58-59 sources of water in 56-57 Springs, yield of water from 21 Storage basins, underground 16-17 Stratified deposits, plates showing 10, 18 Streams, municipal water supply from 20-21 Thomaston, analyses of well waters from 64 description and population of 59-60 public water supply of 61 records of wells in 61-62 sources of water in 60-61 Thomaston granite gneiss, description of. 9 Till-covered area, plate showing 10 Tribus, L. L., on the municipal pumping plant at Plainfield, N.J 27-28 Water table, position of 12-13 Waterbury, population and industries of 62 public water supply of 64-66 records of wells and springs in 66-67 sources of water in 63-64 topograph}- of 63 Waterbury area, map of In pocket. Waterbury gneiss, description of 9 Watertown, description and population of. . . 67-68 public water supply of 69-70 records of wells and springs in 70-71 sources of water in 68-69 Wells, drilled, construction of 31 drilled, eost of 32 improvement of ."" 33 quality of water from 32 water supplies from 21-22 driven, construction of 33-35 municipal water supply from 23-28 quality of water from. 35 dug, construction of 36-39 water supplies from 22-23 73 o 7R! T' 1 V - - ■ ~Y ■1-> \i, — y Ml ,11 Infos" 7f^*^ I \ -' ■ ' % L. - "t~— t "-->*r- i "~^- \ x -\ % f? I I 1 I I I ( ( ( I I I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 019 953 669 2 ?"4V?