■^'' :% "'^^^ "^ tTTi* A ^^'% - '' .o =5v^. /,.^^^'>o ^'"k /C^ - ^;/- -^MlfWi'^ I ' v( 1^ ' ^. ^7 i^^^s"-^ 7 rHE EDITOR'S PREFACE. F&OM the justly acquired celebrity of Dr. Goldsmith, the origin jv' compiler of this Work, it seems highly neces- sary, as well through respect to the genius and erudition of that great author, as regard to public opinion, that I should state the reasons which induced me to attempt the revision and correction of ^ book, which has been, for a long series of years, so general a favourite in our schools. That Dr. Goldsmith, in, those productions which he in- tended as a monument of literary immortality, has display- ed abilities, which seldom have been equalled, or perhaps never have been surpassed, is generally admitted: but, that in many, which were written through necessity, and pub- lished without revisal, he has fallen below authors, whose •/ names are scarcely mentioned in the page of criticism, is a truth, which stands attested by*their perusal. My first intention was merely to render innocuous those passages, which, by their indecency, were sure to promote hesitation in the reader, and to cover with a blush the cheek of modesty. That such recitals should be tolerated by the instructors of our youth, is extraordinary: thus, by repetition, familiarizing the infant mind with obscenity, and associating indelicacy with instruction. To obviate this,, by even a partial rejection of historical ynlatter, has not, in the present edition, been attempted. Such a course, might be fairly censured by the friendly, or, with severity, be attacked by the fastidious. The remedy, I have sought, in the substitution of language, which, without partaking of vulgarity, may be found equally expressive of the meaning. Though, however, my original plan was confined to di- vesting the work of those passages which were the most IV PREFACE. glaringly offensive, yet, o%a more muiute examination, it appeared so objectionable, in many other respects, that I determined on the more laborious, as well as presumptu- ous task, of revising the entire. Presumptuous, indeed, it may appear, for inexperience to contend with prejudice. We read, with increasing pleasure, the fascinating produc- tions of our illustrious Author; whose transcendent talents have given so great a splendour to his classical effusions, that even his errors, the offspring of occasional distress, have lain concealed amidst the glare of reflected brightness. Tne Roman History, from which this little work is taken, was written, by Dr. Goldsmith, in two volumes 8vo. — In the year 1770, at the request of his bookseller, he made this " Abridgment for the use of Schools;'^ and, for that service, received only the miserable payment of Fifty Guineas! — a sum, scarcely equivalent to remunerate the manual labour of transcribing. By such means, is genius degraded, to suit the sordid calculations of avarice, and Literature made the agent of her own destruction. Candour, however, obliges me to state, that the larger work is chargeable with the same imperfections; and that the Abridgment is, in general, a literal extract. But thai continued tautology, so offensive to a well tuned ear, is not equally perceptible in the original; the narrative of which being more distended, the repetitions are, of course, less observable. Nearly fifty years have passed, since this History was written, which will, in a great measure, apologize for the introduction of those indelicacies, that it has been my ob- ject to remove. Half a century ago, Jlncient Literature was not much attended to by females^ even amongst the highest ranks; and this compilation was intended rather to assist the studies of the Classical scholar. Though coarseness of expression should always be avoided, it must, however, be conceded, that the same language, which might not be objectionable to an academical student, in his retirement, would be highly offen3ive when re;pid by PREFACE. V a female: and, when read aloud, and particularly before a teacher of the other sex, «he, who does not feel abashed at the recital of indelicacy, must be insensible indeed. The errors, a few of which I shall shortly notice, may be ranked under two heads — Radical and Typographical. That many of them belong to the former class, will ap- pear on examination; as they are so intimately interwoven with the subject, that it seems impossible, even by the exercise of the most indulgent extenuation, to attribute them to the press. However, those who can be satisfied with nothing less than demonstration, must refer, either to the original manuscript, or to the first edition, if the author was employed in its typographical correction* That I am warranted in my conjecture, will be made evi- dent, by a reference to the cotemporary Reviews; in which, the two volume edition is severely censured. The errors of the Press, are indeed easily distinguished, by a comparison of various copies, of which, I availed myself. I cannot, in this place, avoid remarking, that, in gene- ral, too little attention is paid to the accuracy of School- Books; though, of all literary works, they should be the most correct. I shall now proceed to examine a few passages in the History; allowing the public to determine, to which class of errors these seeming inconsistencies belong. In the third line, is the following: "jEneas, the son of Venus and Anchises, having escaped from the destruction of Troy." — That -^neas was the son of Anchises^ we have no reason to question; it having always been admitted as historical truth; but, that Venus wslS his mother, is true, only as far as the Mount Ida story is to be credited. No doubt, the Heathens believed the descent of Venus, and her amorous addresses to the handsome chief, as implicitly as they gave credit to the fable of Jupiter and Leda; but, in the present age, those fictions are wrested from tJie Historian, and assigned to the Poet. A History, which commences in fiction, may continue in falsehood^ A2 VI PREFACE. and will end in uncertainty. The evidence of a man, once convicted of untruth, is never afterwards to be re lied on. " Having escaped from the destruction of Troy,^^^ To mention that a house, or part of any buildingy was saved from the destruction of a city, is perfectly consist- ent; just as we should say that a particular bale of mer- chandise was saved from the wreck of the brig Her cities; but, it would appear rather ludicrous, if one of our Balti- more Papers were to give us a paragraph in this style: '' Arrived, yesterday, at Gadsby^s Hotel, our gallant townsman. Captain Broadside, saved out of the wreck of the ship Milo,^^ — For the chronological error, as to the date of his arrival in Italy, we are indebted to the Phila- delphia and Baltimore printers; an edition having been furnished in each place, with the initials A. D. instead of A. M. " Amulius made use of his wealth, to supplant his brother, and soon found means to possess himself of the kingdom." By this mode of expression, the same person becomes both subject and object; and Amulius seizes on himself, instead of a kingdom. The impropriety would not be greater, should I say: '^ Octavius, having procured a horse, found leisure to ride himself to Washington.*' Similar expressions, however, to that, will be found throughout the whole. In the account of Rhea Sylvia's going to the grove, a sentence concludes thus: " whom, perhaps, to palliate her offence, she averred to be Mars, the god of war/' She was certainly not guilty of any crime; but, may justly be said to have suffered a Tnisfortune, Again: '^The mother was condemned to be buried alive; the usual pun- ishment for vestals who had violated their chastityP This burying alive should have been inflicted upon her bold admirer, Mars; not on the unoffendiiig Sylvia, Romulus and Remus are advised to take an omen, from the flight of birdsj and proceed accordingly: << they both PREFACE. Vll took their stations upon different hills. ^' Both might, if they pleased, stand on one hill; but both could not be on different hills at the same time. It might be more per- spicuous to say; ''each took his station upon a diiOTerent kilV Speaking of the city: "It was called Rome, after the name of its founder." No, it certainly was not called Rome; that we know, beyond a doubt; but we might with propriety say: It was called Roma, as being the oldest name of that city mentioned by the Latin historians. "The city was, at first, almost square; containing about a thousand houses.^' Its having contained^ one thousand, or even two thousand houses, shortly after its commencement, corresponds with our own method of doing things; but, that a city could, at first, contain a thousand houses, implies a sort of architectural legerde- main, of which, neither Romulus nor Remus, nor all the mountaineers at their command, were capable. We build very rapidly in Baltimore, but our building is nothing compared with that. " It was near a mile in compass, and commanded a small territory round it, of about eight miles over. However, small as it appears, it was, notwithstanding, worse inhab- ited." Why, I would ask, is the comparative of the word bad, used, in describing the relative proportions of the size of a city, and the number of its inhabitants? "The senate, which was to act as counsellors to the King, was composed, &c." Senate, being a noun of mul- titude, may be taken either as singular or plural; but, whatever number the writer begins with, must be observed throughout the sentence. In this place, it is taken in the singular; being the antecedent to which, the nominative to the verb was, in the singular. But, by what rule of modern syntax, would counsellors in the plural stand in apposition with senate in the singular, in this passage? or how can we reconcile the transformation that occurs in the use of the relative? at first, it refers to a legislative viii PREFACE. assembly in the abstract; not the persons of whom that assembly was composed^ for, if so, it should be the senate who; as which cannot, with grammatical accuracy, be ap- plied to persons: — in its next agency, however, it becomes a personal relative. " The plebeians, who composed the third part of the legislature,^' &c. Third part gives the idea rather of an arithmetical third, or third as to quantity; conveying something quite different from the author's intention ; which was au ordinal third: as, the king, first; the sen- ate, second; the plebeians, third. I have written it, third branch of the legislature. '^ After his endeavours, by laws, to regulate his subjects, he next gave orders to ascertain their numbers. The whole amounted but to three thousand foot, and as many hun- dred horsemen." How many hundred horsemen, then, were there? I defy all the colleges in the universe to an- swer the question. They might indeed guess at the num- ber; or, by the assistance of a little reasoning, say, that there were about three hundred horsemen; which is just what the Latin authorities make them. ^^ By these wise regulations, each day added strength to the new city: multitudes flocked in from all the adja-t cent towns, and it only seemed to want women to ascer^ tain its duration,^^ A person might, at a slight view, imagine, that the women, who were wanted, were, what the ancients called soothsayers; and, what we now vul- garly call fortune-tellers; in order to foretel how long the city would continue. But, this, as appears in the sequel, is not the meaning, nor any thing near the mean- ing: the women were required to assist in the increasing of the population; in fact, women were wanted to con-- firm its growiiig prosperity. Having now but partially examined five pages, and finding that I am likely to run over rather too mubh paper, by these criticisms, I shall conclude them, by a few gene- ral remarks. Throughout the whole work, there is a PREFACE. ix violation of language, and a misapplication of terms; which, though not so objectionable, when they were first written, are insufierable at the present day: for instance, adjectives used as adverbs: the words between^ both^ and either^ applied in reference to three persons or things. '^ The triumviri agreed to divide the empire between them ;'' ^'he 6/mnnulled those laws,'' ^^ he gSive free liberty;'' " he followed them into their inaccessible mountains," and similar expressions, very frequently appear. I have endeavoured to restore the proper names, to that degree of accuracy, with which, I have no doubt, they were originally given ; but, from which, by successive copying, they have been made, materially, to deviate; and, in most instances, I have allowed them their classical form, when they first occur; continuing, afterwards, the familiar^ in which way, many names, in the original copy are exclu- sively written. Occasional translations, also, and explana- tory notes, have been added, which may prove useful to the inquisitive reader, who has not had the advantage of a classical education; the punctuation, likewise, has re- ceived a considerable share of attention ; and, by th? transposition of several clauses, I have endeavoured to give the sentences that strength, which the author himself, had he had more leisure, would have much better performed. Surprising as it may appear, I have heard many glaring mfringements of grammatical rules defended, upon the principle, that the proper test of Historical composition is the Understanding. If this position were admitted, our Colleges are no longer required, but as the insignia of lite- rary ostentation : the herculean labours of a Johnston, or the critical researches of a Blair, have been made in vain. Is it not possible, I would ask, so to arrange a discourse, that every rule in grammar shall be violated; and yet this miserable jargon may be as intelligible as the finished de- clamations of Demosthenes? Baltimore J May 1, 1818. ADVERTISEMENT. The original Reviser of this History, sensible that the First Edition would admit of still further improvement, has reviewed it, with much care ; and confidently hopes, that the amendments made in the second edition, will render the work still more deserving of the extensive intro- duction, already procured for it, by the former corrections. Philadelphitty JVovember, 1826. 1867 *^* Accompanying this edition^ there is a small Book of Historical Questions^ for the use of schools; also^ for the convenience of Teachers^ a Key^ containing the Answers. ^ ^'^ /J THE HISTORY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF ROME. CHAPTER I, Origin of the JRomans. The Romans, that they migl^onceal the meanness of their real arfya^^i^'T'Were particularly desirous of being thought de- scended fporfn'the gods.^SEneas, (said by the poets to have been th^ son of Yenus and Anchises,) having escaped from Troy, at the time of the destruction of that city, after matiy . -mj adventures and dangers, arrived in Italy ; where'he was 99Q4* k^i^dty received by Latinus, the king of the Latin^, who * gave him his daughter Lavinia in marriage. Turnus, king of the Rutuli, was the first who opposed iEneas, he him- self having long made pretensions to Lavinia. A war ensued; im which the Trojan hero was victorious, and Turnlis siain^ In consequence of this, ZEneas built a city, which he called^ Lavinium, in honour of his wife; but, some time afterwards, having engaged in another war, against Mezenlius, one of the petty kings <>f the country, he was vanquished, and died in battle, after a reign of four years. Numitor, (the fifteenth king in a direct linefrorniEneas,) who took possession of^the kingdom in consequence of his father's vi^ill, had a brother named Amulius ; to whom were lefl the trea- sures which had been brought from Troy. But, as riches too generally prevail against right, Amulius mad^. use of his wealth to supplant his brother, and soon found mekns to take pos- session of the kingdom; adding to the crinie of usurpation, that also of murder. The sons of Numitor first fell a sacrifice to his suspicions ; and, to remove all apprehensions of his being at any time disturbed in his ill acquired power, he caused Rhea Sylvia, his brother's only daughter, to become a vestal virgin; which office obliging her to observe perpetual chastity, he ap- prehended little danger fron^her poster!^. > His precautions, howeverv^^re all frustrated. Rhea Sylvia, ^ when^^ing for.>vater to a neighbouring- grove, waa^met by a 12 HISTORY OF HOME. man, whom, perhaps to palliate her misfortune, she averred was Mars, the god of war. Two boys were the fruits of this violent intercourse; who were no sooner born, than devoted by the usurper to destruc- tion. The mother was condemned to be buried alive, the usual punishment for vestals who had suffered a violation of their chastity ; and the twins were ordered to be thrown into the river Tyber. It happened, at the time this rigorous sentence was executed, that the river had more than usually overflowed its banks ; so that the water, into which the children were cast, being at a distance from the main current, was too shallow to drown them. In this situation, therefore, they continued with- out injury ; and, that nothing relative to their preservation might be free from wonder, we are told that they were for some time suckled by a wolf; and that Faustjilus, the king!s^ herdsman, finding them thus exposed, carried tbem ta his wife, Acca Laurentia, who brought thern up as the children of her husband. Romulus and Remus, the twins, thus strangely preserved, seemed early to discover abilities and desires above the mean- ness of their supposed origin. The shepherd's life began to displease them; and, from tending flocks, or hunting wild beasts, they soon turned their strength against the robbers who infested the country; \/hom they often stripped of their plunder, to share it with their fellow shepherds. In one of these ex- cursions, Remus was taken prisoner, by Numitor's herdsmen, who brought him 1/efore Amulius, and accused him of being a robber. Romulus, however, being informed, by Faustulus, of his real birth, assembled a number of his fellow shepherds, and beset the usurper on all sides ; who, during his amazement and distraction, was taken and slain; and Numitor, after having been deposed forty-two years, recognized his grandsons, and was restored to the throne. Numitor being now in quiet possession of the kingdom, his grandsons resolved to build a city, on those hillsAvhere they had formerly tended flocks. Many of the neighbouring shepherds, and such also as were fond of change, hastened to the site of the intended city, and prepared to raise it. In order to proceed in this undertaking with all pfksible solemnity, the two brothers were advised by the king to take an omen, from the flight of birds ; and it was agreed that he, whose omen would be the most favourable, should, in all re- spects, direct the other. In compliance with this advice, each took his station upon a diflerent hill. To Remus, appeared sa vultur^; to Romulus, twice that number; so th^'each HISTORY OF ROME. 13 fiiought himself victorious ; the one having had the first omen, the other the most complete. This produced a contest, which proved fatal to Remus ; and historians relate that he was killed by his brother, who, being provoked at his leaping contem[>- tuously over the city wall, struck him dead upon the spot. Romulus, now eighteen years of age, and sole commander A TVr persevered in the building of a city, which was, at f 09 K9* future day, to give laws to the world. It was called A Roma, (now Rome, by the English,) after the name of ^j.j^ 'its founder; and |)uilt upon the Palatine Hill, where he had taken his. successful omen. The city was at first almost square, containing, shortly after its commence- ment, about a thousand houses. It was nearly a mile in com- pass, and commanded a small territory around it, of about twenty-five miles in circuit. However, small as it appears, it was but thinly inhabited ; and the first method taken to increase its numbers, was the opening of a sanctuary for all malefactors, slaves, and such as were desirous of novelty; who came in great multitudes, and produced the effect which the new legis- lator had intended. CHAPTER II. From the Building of Rome, to the Death of Romulus, Scarcely was the city raised above its foundation, when its rude inhabitants began to form a Constitution. Romulus, by an act of great generosity, left them at liberty in the choice of their king; and they, through gratitude, concurred in the election of their founder ; who was accordingly acknowledged as chief of their religion, sovereign magistrate of Rome, and general of the army. Besides a guard to attend his person, it was de- termined that he should always be preceded, wherever lie went^ by another, of twelve men, armed with axes, tied up in a bundle of rods ; who were to execute the laws, and impress his new subjects with a high idea of his authority. The Senate, (intended to be the King's Council,) was com- posed of one hundred of the principal citizens — men, whose age, wisdom, or valour, gave them a natural authority ovei their fellow subjects. The king named the first senator; and appointed him to act as governor of the city, during his own absence in war. The Plebeians, who composed the third branch of the legist lature, as/^jumed the power of authorising those laws which were B l4 HISTORY OF ROME. introduced by the king or the senate : and all things relative to peace or war ; to the election of magistrates ; and even to the choosing of a king ; were confirmed by the votes of their assembly. The first care of the newly created monarch, was to attend to the interest of religion ; but the precise forms of that which they embraced, are now unknown. The principal religion of that age consisted in a firm reliance on the soothsayers, who pretended, from observations on the flight of birds, and the entrails of beasts, to direct the present, and dive into the future. Romulus, by an express law, commanded that no election should be made, no enterprise undertaken, without first con- sulting them. Wives were forbidden, upon any pretext whatever, to sepa- rate from their husbands; whilst, on the contrary, husbands were empowered to repudiate their wives, and, in some cases, even to put them to death. His laws with respect to children and their parents, were yet more severe ; the father had entii*e power, over both the fortune and the life of his ofi*spring ; and could sell or imprison them, at any period, without regard either to their age, or their condition. His attention was now directed to ascertain the number of his subjects ; who were found to amount only to three-thou- sand foot, and about three-hundred horsemen, capable of bear- ing arms. These were divided equally into three tribes; and to each he assigned a different part of the city. Each of those tribes was subdivided into ten curiae, or companies, consisting of one-hundred men, having a centurion to command it; a priest called curio to perform the sacrifices ; and two of the principal inhabitants, under the title of duumviri^ to distribute justice. These wise regulations contributed daily to increase the strength of the new city; multitudes flocked in from all the adjacent towns, and w^omen only were wanted to confirm its growing prosperity. By the advice of the senate, Romulus sent depu- . ties to the neighbouring Sabines, to entreat their alliance; which would be the means of their obtaining the strictest con- federacy with the Romans. The Sabines, who were then con- sidered as the most warhke people of Italy, rejected the pn>- posal with disdain. Romulus then proclaimed, throughout all the neighbouring villages, a feast, in honour of Neptune ; for which, he made the most magnificent preparations. These entertamments were generally preceded by sacrifices, and ended in the exhibition of wrestlers, gladiators, and chariot races. The Sabines, as he expected, were amongst the foremost of thf HISTORY OF ROME. 16 spectators ; bringing with them their wives and daughters, to share in the pleasures of the day. But, whilst the strangers were most intent upon the spectacle, a number of Roman youths rushed in among them, with drawn swords; seized the youngest and most beautiful women, and carried them off by violence. In vain, the parents protested against this breach of hospitality — in vain, the young women themselves at first opposed the attempts of those, into whose power they had fallen; — by per- severance and caresses, the betrayers, from being objects of aversion, soon became the partners of their dearest affections. A sanguinary war ensued. The cities of Cenina, Antemna, and Crustum.inum, were the first that resolved to revenge the common cause, which the Sabines were too dilatory in espous- ing. But these, by making separate inroads, were the more easily overthrown by Romulus ; who, however, made the most merciful, as well ^s politic use, of his vicloiies: instead of putting them to the sword, or ordering the dei^truction of their towns, he placed in them Roman colonies, to form a frontier for the repression of more distant invasions. Tatius, king of Cures, a Sabine city, was the last, although the most formidable, who undertook to revenge the disgrace v/hich his country had suffered. He entered the Roman ter- ritories, at the head of twenty-five thousand men ; and, to the advantage he possessed, in having a superiority of numbers, he added that of stratagem. Tarpeia, daughter of him who commanded at the Capitoline Hill, happened to fall into his hands, as she went without the. city walls for water; upon whom, he prevailed, by means of large promises, to open one of the gates to his army. The reward for which she engaged, was what the soldiers wore upon their arms ; by which, she meant their bracelets. They, however, either mistaking her meaning, or intending to punish her perfidy, threw their buck lers upon her, as they entered, and crushed her to death. The Sabines being thus possessed of the Capitoline Hill, a general engagement shortly afterwards took place ; which was renewed for several days, witii almost equ*al success, arid lieither party would consent to a submission. The last battle that they fought, was in the valley which divides the Capitoline and Quirinal hills. When the engagement had become general, and the slaughter prodigious, the attention of the combatants was suddenly turned from the scene of horror before them. — The Sabine women, who had been carried off by the Romans, regardless of danger, rush, with dishevelled hair, and freed from their ornaments, between the parties, and with loud outcries, 16 HISTORY OF ROME. implore their husbands- and their children to desist. — TIi« combatants, as if by mutual impulse, let fall their weapons ; — an accommodation ensues ; by which, it is agreed, that Romu- lus and Tatius should reign conjointly in Rome, with equal power and prerogative ; that one-hundred Sabines should be admitted into the senate ; that the city should still retain its name, but that the citizens should be called Quirites, after Cures the principal town of the Sabines ; and that the two nations being thus united, those of the latter who might desire it, should be admitted to live in Rome, and enjoy all the privileges of a Ro- man citizen. In about five years from this time, Tatius was killed by the Lavinians, for having protected some of his servants, who had plundered them and murdered their ambassadors. The good fortune of the king produced in him an equal de- gree of pride. From being contented with swaying the sceptre of a limited monarchy, he now aimed at the acquisition of ab- solute power ; and endeavoured to subvert those very laws, to which he had himself formerly professed implicit obedience. The senate, in particular, were displeased with his cojiduct; aa they found themselves used only as instruments to justify the rigour of his commands. We are not precisely informed of the means which they employed to get rid of the tyrant: som« say that he was torn in pieces in the senate-house, — others, that he disappeared when reviewing his army : but, from the secrecy of the fact, and the concealment of the body, they tool? occasion to persuade the multitude that he was taken up into heaven. Thus, him whom they could not suffer as a king, they were contented to worship as a god. Romulus reigned thirty-seven years; and, after his death a temple was dedicated to him, under the name of Quirinus. CHAPTER III. From the death of Romulus, to the death of JVtima Pcmpilius the second king of Rome, TT r * ^^ ^^® death of Romulus, the people were greatly OQ ' divided in the choice of a successor. The Sabines wished to have a king chosen from their body; but the Romans could not be prevailed on to advance a stranger to tiie throne. In this perplexity, the senators undertook to sup- * U. C. are the initials of two latui words^ signifying from the building of the cUy HISTORY OF ROME. 17 ply the place of a king, by taking the government, each of them in succession, for five days; and during that lime enjoy- ing all the honours, and all the privileges of royalty. This new form continued for a year; but the Plebeians, wl.o saw that this method of transferring power, was only multiplying their masters, insisted on a change. The senate being thus com- pelled to make an election, nominated Numa Pompilius, a Sabine; who was received by the people with univerjal appro- bation. Numa, now in his fortieth year, had long been eminent for his piety and justice, moderation and exemplary life. He was skilled in all the learning and philosophy of his country; and, contented with a private fortune, he enjoyed at Cures the sweets of domestic retirement, unambitious of higher honours. It was not, therefore, without reluctance that he accepted the dignity; and his compliance produced so much joy, that the people seemed not so much to receive a king, as a. kingdom. No monarch could have been more proper for them,^ than Numa. At a conjuncture when tlie kingdom was composed of various petty stales, but lately subdued, and not sufficiently united, they wanted a master, who could, by his laws and pre- cepts, soften their fierce dispositions, and by his example, pro- mote a respect for religion, and the several moral virtues. Numa's whole time was therefore spent in inspiring his sub- jects with a love of piety, and a veneration for the gods. He built many new temples ; instituted sacred offices and feasts ; and the sanctity of his life gave him credit enough to persuade his people, that he had a particular correspondence with the goddess Egeria. By her advice, he built the temple of Janus, which was to be shut in time of peace, and open in war; he also ordained vestal virgins, who were four in number, and had very great privileges allowed them. For the encouragement of agriculture, he divided, amongst the poorer part of the people, the lands which Romulus had gained in war; he also regulated the kalendar, and abolished the distinction between Romans and Sabines, by dividing the citizens according to their several trades, and compelling all the people of each trade to live together. Thus, having leigned forty-three years, in profound peace, and arrived at the age of eighty, he died; having ordered his body to be buried in a stone coffin, contrary to the custom of the times ; and his books of ceremonies, consisting of twelve in Latin, and as many in Greek, to be placed, in another, by his side. B 2 18 HISTORY OF ROME. CHAPTER IV. From the death of JVuma, to the death of Tullus Hostilius, tlu third King of Rome. -tr r^ On the death of Numa, the administration once mo] * " devolved upon the senate ; in wl\om it continued until the people elected Tullus Hostilius for their king: which choice had the concurrence of the other branch of the government. This monarch was grandson of a noble Roman, who had formerly signalized himself against the Sabines, and in nothing resembled his predecessor ; being entirely devoted to war, and fonder of enterprise than even the founder of the empire had been; so that he anxiously sought a pretext for leading his forces into the field. The Albans were the first who gave him an opportunity of indulging, his favourite inclination. The forces of these two states met about fiwe miles from Rome, prepared to decide the fate of their respective kingdoms ; for almost every battle in those days was decisive. The two armies were for some time drawn out in array, waiting the signal for battle ; both anxious to shorten that dreadful period of suspense, when an unexpected proposal from the Alban general prevented the onset. Stepping in between the armies, he offered the Romans a choice of deciding the dispute by single combat; adding that that side, whose champion was overcome, should .submit to the other. Such a proposal suited the impetuous temper of the Roman king, and was eagerly embraced by his subjects; each of whom hoped that he himself might be chosen to decide the cause of his country. There were at this time, in each army, three brothers, of one birth: those of the Romans were called Horatii; those of the Albans, Curiatii; all six remarkable foi their courage, strength, and activity; and to them it was re- solved to commit the fate of the two parties. — At length, the champions met in combat, and each, totally regardless of his own safety, only seeks the destruction of his opponent. Tlic spectators, in horrid silence, tremble at every blow, and wish to share the danger: — now, fortune seems to decide tlie glory of the field; — victory, which had hitherto been doubtful, appears to declare against the Romans ; two of their ch amnions lie dead upon the plain, and the three Curiatii, who are wounded, elowly endeavour to pursue the survivor, who seems, by flight, Mo^beg for mercy. Soon, however, they perceive that his flight is only feigned, that he may separate his antagonists, whom •re™ HISTORY OF ROME. I^ united, he was unable to oppose; for, immediately turning upon him who follows the most closely behind, he lays him dead !— ^t The second brother who comes on to assist, shares the same fate; and now there remains but one of the Curiatii to conquer; who, fatigued, and disabled by his wounds, slowly .approaches, to offer r?n easy victory ; and is despatched, almost unresisting. Then the conqueror, exclaiming, offers him as a victim to the superiority of the Romans; to whom, the Alban army now yield obedience. But none of the virtues of that age were without alloy : — the very hand, which, in the m^ rning, had been exerted to save his country, was, before night, imbrued in the blood of his sister! Returning triumphant from the field, it raised his indignation to behold her bathed in tears, and lamenting the loss of her lover; one of the Curiatii, to whom she was betrothed. This provoked him beyond the power of sufferance, so that he slew her in the heat of passion : an action which greatly displeased the senate, and drew on him the condemnation of the magis- trates : but he was pardoned by making his appeal ta the people. Hostilius died after a reign of thirty-two years. His death was, by some, attributed to lightning; but by others, with greater probability, to treason. CHAPTER T. From the death of Tullus Hostilius, to the death of Ancus •Martins, the fourth King of Rome^ jj p An interregnum now ensiled, which terminated in the * Pj * election of Ancus Martins, the grandson of Numa; who was chosen king by the people, and approved of by the senate. As this monarch was a lineal descendant of Numa, so he, seemed to make him the great object of his imitation. He instituted the sacred ceremonies which were to precede a declaration of war ; he took every occasion of recommending to his subjects a return to the pursuits of agriculture, and a cessation from the less useful stratagems of war. These institutions and precepts were considered by the neighbouring powers, as marks rather of cowardice, than wis- dom. The Latins therefore began to make incursions into hi» territories ; but their success was not superior to their justice^ They were conquered by Ancus ; who destroyed their cities, removed their inhabitants to Rome, and increased his own ter ritories by the addition of a pai t of theirs. He quelled a^so an 20 HISTORY OI' ROME. insirrection of the Veientes, the Fidenates, and the Volsci: and over the Sabmes he obtained a second triumph. But his victories over the enemy were of far less importance, than his excisions at home, in raising temples, fortifying the city, making a prison foi;^ malefactors^ and forming, at the mouth of th Tyber, a sea port, called Ostia; by which, he secured to his subjects the trade of that river, and of the adjacent^ saitpits. Having thus enriclied his subjects, and beautified the city, he died after a reign of twenty-four years. L3 y CHAPTER VI. From the death of Ancus JMartius, to the death of Tarquinius Prisciis^ the fifth King of Rome. yj ^ Lucius Tarquinius Prisons, whose original name was ,' * Lucumon, -was appointed guardian to the sons of the late king. He took the surname of Tarquinius from, the city of Tarquinii, where he had last resided. His father^ was a merchant of Corinth, who had acquired considerable wealth by trade, and had settled in Italy, in consequence of the unpleasant state of affairs at home. His son Lucumon, who inherited his fortune, married a woman of family in Tar- quinii; and as his birth, profession, and country, were held in contempt, by the nobles of that place, he came, by the persuasion of his wife, to settle at Rome, where merit only gave distinc- tion. It is said, by the historians, that, on his way thither, as he approached the city gate, an eagle, stooping from above, took off his hat, and flying around his chariot for some time with much noise, replaced it on his head. This, his wife Tanaquil, who, it seems, was skilled in augury, interpreted as a presage that he shonhl wear a croion: and it was perhaps this which first fired his ambition to pursue it. Ancus being dead, and the government as usual devolving upon the senate, Tarquin used all his power and arts to set aside the children of the late king, and to have himself chosen in their place. Accordingly, on the day appointed for election, he contrived to have them removed from the city; and, in a set speech to the people, in which he urged his friendship for them, the fortune he had spent amongst them, and his know- ledge of their government, he offered himself for their king. There being nothing in this harangue that could be contested, it had the desired effect; and the people unanimously elected him. HISTORY Ot^ ROME 21 A kingdom, thus gained by intrigue, was, notwithstanding, governed with equity. In the beginning of his reign, in order to recompense his friends, he added one-hundred members to the senate ; which increased their number to thi'ee hundred. But his pacific endeavours, were soon interrupted by the in- roads of his restless neighbours, particularly the Latins ; whom however he defeated, and forced to beg a peace. He then turned his arms against the Sabines, who had again risen, and passed the Tyber; but Tarquin, (as he is named in English works,) attacking them vigorously, routed their army: and many who escaped the sword, were drowned in attempting to recross the river ; whilst their bodies and armour floating down to Rome, conveyed the proofs of victory, even before the mes- sengers who were despatched with the account, could arrive. These conquests were followed by several advantages over the Latins ; from whom, he took many towns, though without gaining any decisive victory. Tarquin, having thus forced his enemies into submission, was resolved not to let the people be corrupted by indolence, but undertook and perfected several public works, for the con- venience and embellishment of the city. Duriag his reign, the augurs advanced considerably in repu- tation, and he found it his interest to promote the superstition of the people, as it served also to increase their obedience. Tanaquil, his wife, was a great pretender to this art, in which however she was excelled by Accius Na^vius, the most celebrated adept that was ever known in Rome. Tarquin, being resolved to try the augur's skill, demanded, whether that, which he was then considering, could be effected. Neevius, having examined his auguries, boldly affirmed that it might : *' Why then," cries the king, with an insulting smile, ^* I had thoughts of cutting this whetstone with a razor!" " Cut boldly" replied the augur ; and the king cut it ^through accordingly. Thenceforward, nothing was undertaken in Rome, without obtaining the advice and approbation of the augurs. Tarquin was not contented with a kingdom, without also the ensigns of royalty. In imitation of the Lydian monarchs, he assumed a crown of gold, an ivory throne, a sceptre surmount- ed by an eagle, and robes of purple. * It was perhaps the splendour of these royalties that first raised the envy of the late king's sons, who had for thirty-seven years quietly sub- mitted to his government. His design also of adopting for his successor, Servius Tullius, his son-in-law, might have con- tributed to inflame their resentment. But whatever was *ho 22 HISTORY OF ROME. cause of their tardy vengeance, they now resolved to destroy him, and at length found means to effect their purpose, by hiring two ruffians, who, demanding to speak with the king under pretence of seeking justice, struck him dead in iiis palace, with the blow of an axe. The lictors, however, that attended the king's person, seized the murderers, v/ho were attempting to escape. They were put to death ; but the sons of Ancus, who were the instigators, found safety by flight. Thus fell Lucius Tarquinius, ^si^irnamed Priscus, to dis- tinguish him from one of his successors of the same name,) aged fifty-six years, of which he had reigned thirty-eight. CHAPTER YIL From the death of Tarquinius Priscus, to the death of Servius Tullius, the sixth King of Rome, The report of the murder of Tarquin filled all his subjects l^j p with complaint and indignation; and the citizens ran - ' * from every quarter to the palace, to ascertain the truth of the account, or to take vengeance on the assassins. In this tumult, Tanaquil, widow of the late kmg, kn< wing the danger she must incur, in case the conspirators should succeed to the crown; and desirous of advancing her son-in-law to the throne; artfully concealed her sorrow, and assured the people, from a window of the palace, that the king was not killed, but stunned by the blow, that he would shortly recover, and that in the mean time he had deputed his power to Servius Tullius, his son-in-law. Servius, accordingly, as it had been previously arranged, issued from the palace, adorned with the ensigns of royalty, and preceded by his lictors, went to despatch some af- fairs that related to tlie public safety; still pretending that he took all his instructions from the king. This scene of dissimu- lation continued until he had confirmed his party amongst the nobles ; and then, the death of Tarquin being publicly ascer- tained, Servius was appointed king, solely by the election of the senate, without having attempted to procure the suffrages of the people. Servius was the son of a bond-woman, who had been taken at the sacking of a town belonging to the Latins, and was bom whilst his mother was a slave. When yet an infant in his cradle, a lambent flame is said to have played around his head ; which Tanaquil converted into an omen of his future greatness. The principal object during his reign was to increase thj^ HISTORY OF ROME. // /,A^f^^ power of the senate, by depressing that of the people. The populace, who were unable to see into his designs, conferred upon him an unlimited power in the arrangement of the taxes, and accordingly, as he insisted that they should pay them by centuries, he commanded that they should give their votes also by centuries.. In former deliberations, each citizen gave his suffrage singly, and the numbers of the poor always prevailed against the power of the rich; but, by the regulations of Ser- vius, the senate consisted of a greater number of centuries than all the other classes combined ; and thus entirely outweighed them, in every contention. In order to ascertain the increase or diminution of his sub- jects and their estates, he instituted another regulation, which he called a lustrum. By this, all the citizens were to assemble once every five years, completely armed, and in their respec- tive classes, in the Campus Martins; and there give an exact account of their families and fortunes. Having thus enjoyed a long reign, occupied in settling the domestic policy of the state, and also not inattentive to foreign concerns, he conceived reasonable hopes of concluding it in tranquillity and eas^ He had even thoughts of laying down his power; and, after having formed the kingdom into a re- public, of returning into obscurity. But so generous a design was frustrated, before he could put it in execution. In the beginning of his reign, to secure the throne by every precaution, he had married his two daughters to the two grand- sons of Tarquin ; and, being aware that the women, as well as their intended husbands, were of entirely opposite dispositions, he resolved to unite her that was ungovernable and proud, with him who was remarkable for a contrary character: by this, he supposed that they would correct each other's failings, and that the mixture would produce concord. The event however proved otherwise. Lucius, his haughty son-in-law, soon grew displeased with the meekness of his partner, and placed his whole affections upon Tullia, his brother's wife; who answer- ed his passion with sympathetic ardour As their desires wore ungovernable, they resolved to break through every restramt that opposed their union; both undertook and effected the murder of their consorts, and were shortly afterwards intermar- ried. One crime is often productive of another: from the de- struction of their consorts, they proceeded to conspiring that of the king. They began by raising factions against him ; alleging 'ais illegal title to the. crown, which Lucius claimed as his own, 24 HISTORY OF ROME. as heir to Tarquin. At length, when he found the senate ripe for seconding his views, he entered the senate-house, adorned with all the insignia of royalty ; and, placing himself upon the throne, began to harangue them on the obscurity of the king's birth, and the injustice of his title. Whilst he was yet speak- ing, Servius entered, attended by a few followers ; and, seeing his throne thus rudely invaded, attempted to push the usurper from his seat : but Lucius, being in the vigour of youth, threw the old man down the steps which led to the throne ; and some of his adherents, who had been previously instructed, followed the king, as he was feebly attempting to reach the palace, and despatched him ; throwing his mangled and bleeding body, as a public spectacle, into the street. In the mean time, TuUia, burn- ing with impatience for the event, was informed of what her husband had done, and resolving to be amongst the first who should salute him as monarch, ordered her chariot to the senate- house : but, as the charioteer approached the place where the body of the old king, her father, lay, exposed and bloody, the man, amazed at the inhuman spectacle, and not wishing to trample upon it with his horses, offered to turn another way. This served only to increase the fiercene^ of her temper : shfiM^ threw the footstool at his head, and ordered him to drive o4tr the dead body, without hesitation. Thus died, Servius Tullius ; a prince of eminent justice and moderation ; after a useful and prosperous reign of forty-four y^ears. CHAPTER Vm. From the death of Servius Tullius, to the banishment of Ta}^ quinius Superbus, the seventh and last King of Rome, yy p Lucius Tarquinius afterwards called Superbus, 9^0 * (^'^i^h) i" Latin, signifies proud,) having placed him- self upon the throne, as related in the preceding chap- ter, was resolved to support his dignity by the same violence by which it had been acquired. Regardless of the approbation either of the senate or the people, he seemed to claim the crown by hereditary right ; and refused the late king's body a burial, under the pretence of his having been a usurper. All virtuous people, however, looked upon his accession with detestation and horror; and this last act of inefficient barbarity, served only to confirm their hatred. Conscious of this, he order d HISTORY OF ROME. 25 all those whom he suspected to have been attached to Servius, to be put to death ; and, fearing the natural consequences of his tyranny, he increased the guard around his person. His chief policy seems to have consisted in keeping the people always employed, either in wars or in public works; by which means, he diverted their attention from his illegal method of obtaining the crown. He first marched against the Sabines, who had refused to pay him obedience, and soon reduced them to submission. He next began a war with the Volsci, which continued for many ages. The city of the Gabii made a determined resistance; and, having ineffectually attempted to reduce it by a siege, he was obliged to resort to stratagem, contrary to the usual prac- tice of the Romans. He caused his son Sextus to counterfeit desertion, under pretence of barbarous usage, and to seek refuge amongst the inhabitants of the place. There, by artful com- plaints, and studied lamentations, he so engaged the people in his interest, as to be chosen their governor; and soon after, general of their army. He appeared at first, successful in every engagement, and, thus finding himself possessed of the confidence of the state, he sent a trusty messenger to his farther, for instructions. Tarquin made no other answer, than by taking the man into the garden, where he cut down before him the tallest poppies. Sextus readily understood this reply ; and found means to destroy or remove, one by one, the principal men of the city ; still taking care to confiscate their effects, and divide them amongst the people. The charms of these divi- dends kept the giddy populace blind to their own ruin, until they found themselves, at last, without counsellors or head; and they eventually fell under the power of Tarquin, without even striking a blow. After this, he made a league with the JEqui, and renewed that with the Etrurians. But whilst he was engaged in war abroad^ he took care that the people should not remain in idleness at home. He under- took to build the capitol, the foundation of which had been laid in a former reign ; and a singular occurrence contributed to hasten the execution of his design. A woman, in a strange attire, made her appearance at Rome, offering to sell nine books, which she said were of her own composing. Not know- ing the abilities of the stranger, or that she was in fact one of the celebrated Sybils, whose prophecies were never supposed to fail, Tarquin refused to buy them. Upon this she departed, and burning three of the books, returned again, demanding the same price for the six remaining. Being again treated as an C 26 HISTORY OF ROME. impostor, she went away; and having burned three more, re* turned with the rest, still adhering to the same price. Tarquin, surprised at the inconsistency of her behaviour, consulted the augurs. They blamed him much for not having purchased the nine ; and commanded him to buy the three, at any price for which they could be obtained. The woman, say the historians, after thus selling and delivering these three prophetic volumes, and advising him to give a special attention to what they con- tained, vanished from before him, and was never afterwards seen. He appointed proper persons to take charge of them: they were originally two, but were afterwards increased to fif- teen, under the title of q aindecemviri. The books were placed in a stone chest, intended to be lodged in a vault of the newly designed building, as the most proper for then safety. The people, having been for four successive years employed in erecting the capitol, now wished for something new to engage them; wherefore Tarquin, to gratify them, proclaimed war against the Rutuli, (upon a frivolous pretence of their having harboured some malefactors whom he had banished,) and in- vested Ardea, their chief city, which lay about sixteen miles from Rome. . Whilst the army was encamped before this place, the king's son Sextus, Collatinus, a noble Roman, and some others, sat together in a tent, drinking wine. The discourse happening to turn upon the beauty and virtue of their wives, each man praising his own, Collatinus suggested, as the best way of de- ciding the dispute, that they should set out that instant for Rome, and ascertain which of them should be found of the great- est beauty, and most sedulously employed, at the time of their arrival. Being heated with wine, the proposal was relished by the whole company ; and, having mounted their horses without delay, though the night was far advanced, they galloped off to Rome. There, they found Lucretia, the wife of Collatinus, not like other women of her age, spending the time in luxury and ease, but in the midst of her maids, spinning and cheerfully portioning out their tasks. Her modest beauty, and the easy reception which she gave her husband and his friends, so charmed them all, that they unanimously decided in her favour, and Sextus was so much inflamed, that he determined to gratify his passion. For that purpose, after a few days he left the camp, to visil her privately ; and met with the same kind reception as before. His intention not being suspected, Lucretia sat with him at tfuppor, axu) ord^-od one of the chambers to be prepared for HISTORY OF ROMR 37 him. Midnight was the time chosen by this ruffian, to put his design into execution. Having found means to enter her chamber, he approached her bed side with a drawn sword ; and threatened her with instant death, if she offered to resist. Lu- cretia, thus alarmed in her sleep ; though seeing death so near, was yet inexorable ; until being told that if she would not yield, he would first kill her. and then, laying his own slave dead by her side, would repoiythat he found and killed them both in a criminal act. The terror of infamy achieved what that of death could not obtain ; and the next morning he returned to the camp, exulting in his brutal victory. In the mean time, Lu- cretia, detesting theJight, and resolving not to pardon herself, even for the crime y another, sent for her husband Collatinus, and for Spurius, her father, to come to her; as indelible dis- grace had befallen her family. They instantly obeyed the sum- mons, bringing with them Valerius, g. kinsman of her father's, and Junius Brutus, a reputed idiot, who had accidentally met the messenger on the way. Their arrival only served to heighten the poignant anguish of Lucretia : they found her in a state of stedfast desperation, and attempted in vain to give her relief. " No," said she, " never shall I find any thing in this world worth living for, after having lost my honour. You see before you, my Collatinus, a polluted wretch; one, whose person has been the spoil of another, but whose affections were never es- tranged from you. Sextus, under the pretended veil of friend- ship, has this night forced from me that treasure, which death only can restore ; — but if you have the hearts of men, you will avenge my cause, and let posterity know, that she who has lost her virtue, has no consolation but in death." So saying, she drew from beneath her robe, a poignard; and, plunging it into her bosom, expired without a groan! All remained fixed in sorrow, pity, and indignation: Spurius and Collatinus at length gave vent to their grief in tears ; but Brutus, drawing the poignard reeking from Lucretia's wound, and raising it towards Heaven, " Be witness ye gods," he cried, " that, from this moment, I proclaim myself the avenger of the chaste Lu- cretia's cause : from this moment, I profess myself the enehij of Tarquin and his lustful" house: henceforth, this life, whilst life continues, shall be employed in opposing tyranny, and pro- moting the freedom and happiness of my much loved country.*' A new amazement seized the»hearers; to find him, whom they had hitherto considered as an idiot, now appearing in his real character, the friend of justice and of Rome. *He told them that tears and lamentations were unmanly, when vengeance 2b HISTORY OF ROME. called so loud; and, delivering the poignard to the rest, that %ath, which he himself had taken, he imposed upon them. Junius Brutus was the son of Marcus Junius, a noble Ro- man, who had been married to the daughter of Tarquinius Priscus. That connexion having created a jealousy, Marcus was put to death by the present king. Brutus had received an excellent education from his father; and had naturally a strong mind, and an inflexible attachment to wtue ; but, perceiving that Tarquin had privately murdered his father, and his eldest brother, he passed himself as a fool, in order to escape the same danger; and thence obtained the surname of Brutus. Tarquin, thinking him actually insane, deajised the man; and having seized upon his estate, kept him as^ idiot in his house, for the amusement of his children. Brutus, however, only wa^ited a favourable moment for re- venge ; wherefore, ordering kucretia's dead body to be brought out, and exposed to view in the public forum, he inflamed the ar- dour of the citizens, by a display of the horrid transaction. He obtained a decree of the senate, that Tarquin and his family should be forever banished from Rome,. and that it should be capital for any to plead for, or aid in his return. This monarch who had now reigned twenty-five years, being thus expelled his kingdom, went to take refuge with his family at Cira, a little city of Etruria. In the mean time, the Roman army made a truce with the enemy, and Brutus was declared the deliverer of the people. CHAPTER IX. From the banishment of Tarquin, to the appointment of the first dictator. U p The regal power having been overthrown, a form of 9*4.^ ' government, nominally republican, was substituted. The senate, however, reserved far the greatest share of au- thority to themselves ; and decorated their own body with all the spoils of deposed monarchy. The centuries of the people chose from among the senators, two annual magistrates, whom they called consuls ; with power equal to that of the regal, with the same privileges, and the same ensigns of authority. Brutus, the deliverer of his country, and Collatinus, the hus- band of Lucretia, were the first consuls chosen in Rome. But this new republic, which so much gratified the people, was in danger of destruction, in its very comniericement HISTORY OF ROME. 59 Some young men of the principal families in the state, who had been educated about the king, and had sfiared in all the luxuries and pleasures of the court, formed a party in Rome, in favour of Tarquin, and undertook the re-establishment of monarchy. This party secretly incro^ed every day ; and, surprising as it may appear, even the sons of Brutus, and the Aquilii, the nephews of Collatinus, were arnoqjgst the number. Informed of these intrigues in his favour, Tarquin sent ambassadors from Etruria to Rome, under a pretence of reclaiming the crown ; but in reality to give spirft to his faction. However, the whole plot was discovered by a slave, who, unperceived by the conspirators, accidentally remainefl in the room where they were accustomed to assemble. Few situations could be moro awfully affecting than that of Brutus ; — a father the judge, — his children the criminals ; — their lives at stake ! impelled by justice to condemn; — by nature, to spare them! The young men accused, pleaded nothing for themselves ; but, with con- scious guilt, awaited their sentence, in agony and silence. The other judges, felt all the pangs of nature; Collatinus wept, and Valerius could not repress his sentiments of pity. Brutus, alone, seemed to have lost all the softness of humanity ; and, with a stern countenance, and a tone of voice that marked his gloomy resolution, demanded of his sons, whether they could make any defence to the crimes with which they had been charged. This he repeated three several times ; but receiving no answer, he at length turned himself to the executioner; " Now," cried he, "it is your duty to do the rest." Thus gaying, he resumed his seat, with an air of determined majesty; nor could all the sentiments of paternal pity, nor the imploring looks of the people, nor yet the complaints of the young men, who were preparing for execution, alter the tenor of his decree. Being first entirely divested of their dress, and then whipped with rods, they were presently afterwards beheaded; Brutus, all the time, beholding the cruel spectacle with a steady look, and unaltered countenance, whilst the multitude gazed on, with mingled sensations, of pity, terror, and admiration. All Tarquin's hopes of an insurrection in his favour being thus overthrown, he now resolved to regain his former throne by foreign assistance, and having prevailed upon the Veientes to assist him, advanced with a considerable army towards Rome* Yj p The consuls made immediate preparations to oppose q' ^ ' him. Valerius commanded the foot, and Brutus being appointed to head the cavalry, advanced to meet him on the Roman borders. Aruns, the son of Tarquin, who com- C 2 30 HISTORY OF ROME. manded the cavalry for his father, seeing Brutus^ a distance, resolved, by one great a4;tempt, to decide the fate of the dayy before the engaging of the armies ; and, spurring on his horse, made towards him, wUh ungovernable fury. Brutus, who per- ceived his approach, singled out from the ranks to meet him ; and each being eager only to assail, and thoughtless of defend- ing, they joined with such a shock, that they both fell dead upon the field together. A^^erious battle ensued, with equal slaughter on both sides ; but the Romans, remaining in posses- sion of the field, claimed the victory; and Yalerius returned in triumph to Rome. ^.^ In the mean time, Tarquin, undaunted by his misfortunes, prevailed upon Porsenna, on© of the kings of Etruria, to es- pouse his cause, and in person to assist him in the contest. This prince, noted equally for courage and abilities, marched with a numerous army directly to Rome, and laid siege to the city, whilst yet tha terror of his name and his arms filled all ranks of people vv ith dismay. A furious attack was made on the place : the two consuls opposed in vain, and were carried off wounded from the field ; whilst the Romans, flying in great copsternation, v/ere pursued by the enemy to the bridge ; over which, both victors and vanquished were about to enter the city in confusion. All now appeared lost; when Horatius Codes, who had been placed there as centinel to defend it, opposed himself to the torrent of the enemy ; and, assisted only by two others, for some time sustained the whole fury of the assault, until the bridge was broken down behind him : when, finding the communication thus cut off*, he plunged, with his arms, into the torrent of the Tyber, and swam back victorious to his fellow soldiers, who received him with merited applause. Still, however, Porsenna v/as determined to take the city; and, though five-hundred of his men were f^lain in a sally, by the Romans, he reduced it to the utmost extremity; and, turn- ing the siege into a blockade, resolved to subdue it by famine. The distress of the besieged soon became insufferable, and all things seemed to threaten a speedy surrender, when another act of fierce bravery, superior even to that which saved the city before, again procured its safety and its freedom. Mutius, a youth of unda'.:ntf)d courage, resolved to rid his country of an enemy which so severely continued to oppose it ; and, for that purpose, disguised in the habit of an Etrurian peasant, entered the camp of the enemy, intending to kill Por- senna, or perish in the attempt. With this resolution, he ad- vanced to the place where he was paying his troops, with a HISTORY OF ROME. 31 secretary by his side ; but, mistaking the latter for the king, he stabbed him to the heart, and was immediately apprehended, and brought back into the royal presence. On Porsenna's de^ manding who he was, and his motive for so heinous an action^ Mutius, without reserve, informed him of his country, and his design ; and, at the same time, thrusting his right hand into a fire which was burning upon an altar before him, " You see." cried he, " how Uttle I regard ths severest punishment your cruelty can inflict. A Roman knows not only how to act, but how to suffer : I am not the only person you have to fear ; three hundred Roman youths, like me, have conspired your destruc- tion; therefore, prepare for their attempts.'' Porsenna, amazed at so much intrepidity, had too noble a mind not to acknow- ledge merit, even in an enemy; he therefore ordered him to be safely conducted back to Rome, and offered the besieged conditions of peace. These were readily accepted; being neither hard nor disgraceful, except that twenty hostages were demanded : ten young men, and as many virgins of the best families in Rome. Even in this instance, also, the gentler sex were resolved to be sharers in the desperate valour of the times. Clelia, one of the hostages, escaping from the guards, and pointing out the way to the rest of her female companions, swam over the Tyber on horseback, amidst showers of darts from the enemy, and presented herself to the consul. This magistrate, fearing the consequences of detaining her, sent her back; upon which, Porsenna, that he might not be exceeded in generosity, not only released her, but permitted her to choose such of the hostages of the opposite sex, as she might wish to attend her. Clelia, with all the modesty of a Roman virgin, chose only those who were under fourteen ; alleging that their tender age was the least capable of sustaining the rigours of slavery. ^,t<- ■'- - |^ ; "/w <^^^^ *^^/- fcJ Tarquin, by means of his son-in-law Manlius, once more in- duced the Latins to espowse his interest, and chose the most convenient opportunity, when the plebeians were at variance with the senators, concerning the payment of their debts. They refused to go to war, unless their debts were remitted on their return; so that the consuls, finding their authority ins ufl[icient, proposed the election cf a temporary magistrate, who should have absolute power, not only over all ranks of the state, but even over th3 very laws. To this, the plebeians readily as- sented ; willing to give up their own power, for the sake of abridging that of their superiors. In consequence of this, Lar- gius was created the first dictator, (for so was this high office $2 HISTORY OF ROME. ailed,) being nominated to it by his colleague in the consul- ship. Thus, the people who could not bear to hear the name of a king even mentioned, readily submitted to a magistrate pos- sessed of much greater power : so much do the names of things mislead us, and so little is the form of a government irksome to a people, when it coincides with their prejudices. CHAPTER X. From the creation of the first dictator, to the election of the tribunes of the people, yy p Largius, being now created dictator, entered upon s^lp. ' his office, surrounded by his Uctors, and all the ensigns of ancient royalty ; and, seated upon a throne in the midst of the people, ordered the levies to be made in the man#- ner of the kings of Rome. The populace looked with terror upon a magistrate, whom they had invested with uncontrollable power; and each went peaceably to range himself under his respective standard. Having then gone out to oppose the enemy, he returned with his army; and, before his six months were expired, laid down the dictatorship, with the reputation of having exercised it with blameless lenity. Although, in that instance, the soldiers had submitted, they were resolved, by some means, to free themselves from the yoke of their severe masters ; and, as they had no hopes that their grievances would be redressed in Rome, they determined to fly from those whom they could not move to compassion, and to form a new establishment without its limits. Under the conduct of a plebeian, named Sicinius Bellutus, they therefore retired to a mountain, thence called the Mons Sacer, on the banks of the river Anio, within about three miles of Rome. The news of this defection filled the city with tumult and consternation : those who wished well to the army made fre- quent attempts to scale the walls, in order to join it. The Senate was not less agitated than the rest: some were for vio- lent measures, and repelling force by force ; others were of opinion that gentle means were preferable, and that over such enemies, a victory would be worse than a defeat. At length, therefore, ft was resolved to send a messenger, entreating the army to return, and declare their grievances ; promising, at the same time, an oblivion of all that had passed. This message not succeeding, Menenius Agrippa, one of tha 1 HISTORY OF ROME. S3 wisest and most virtuous of the senators, was of opinion that the demands of tlie army should be granted. In conformity with his advice, it was determined to enter into a treaty with the soldiers, and to make them such offers as should induce them to return. Ten commissioners were ac- cordingly deputed; at the head of whom, were Largius and Valerius, who had been dictators, and Menenius Agrippa, be- loved equally by the senate and the people. The dignity and the popularity of these ambassadors, procured them a very re- spectable reception amongst the soldiers ; and a long conference commenced. Largius and Yalerius employed all their oratory, on the one hand, whilst Sicinius and Lucius Junius, who were the spokesmen of the soldiery, aggravated their distresses, with all that masculine eloquence, which is the child of nature. The conference had continued a considerable time, when Agrippa, k shrewd man, who himself had been originally a plebeian, and consequently knew what kind of eloquence was most likely to please the people, addressed them with that celebrated fable, which is so finely related by Livy. " In times of old, when every part of the human frame could think for itself, and each had a separate will of its own, they all, with common consent, resolved to revolt against the body: they knew no reason, they said, why they should toil from morning till night in its service, whilst the body, in the mean time, lay at its ease in the midst of them all, and indolently grew fat upon their labours : ac- cordingly, one and all, they agreed to befriend it no more. The feet vowed they would carry it no longer; the hands vowed they would feed it no longer; and the teeth averred they would not chew a morsel of meat, though it were placed between them. Thus determined, they all, for some time, showed their spirit, and kept their word ; but soon they found, that, instead of mortifying the body by these means, they only destroyed themselves ; they languished for a while, and perceived, when too late, that it was owing to the body, that they had strength to work, or courage to mutiny." This fable, the application of which is obvious, had an in* stantaneous effect. They unanimously cried out, that Agrippa should lead them back to Rome ; and were making prepara- tions to follow him, when Lucius Junius, beforementioned, withheld them ; alleging, that though they were gratefully to acknowledge the kind offers of the senate, yet they had no safe- guard, for the future, against their resentment ; and that it was therefore necessary for the security of the people, to have cer- tain officers created annually from amongst themselves, who 34 HISTORY OF ROME. should have power to redress their injuries, and plead the cause of the community. The people, who are mostly of opinion with the last speaker, highly applauded this proposal, with which the commissioners had not yet the power of complying: they therefore sent to Rome, to take the instruction of the senate. Torn by divisions amongst themselves, and harassed by complaints from without, the senate resolved to have peace, upon any terms ; accordingly, as if with one voice, they consented to the creation of the new officers, who were called Tribunes Of The People; Appius alone protesting violently against the measure. The tribunes of the people were originally five in number ; though afterwards they were increased to ten. They were annually elected by the people, and generally chosen from their own body. They at first had their seats placed before the doors of the senate-house, and, being called in, were to examine every decree; annulling it by the word Veto; (I forbid it;) or confirming it by signing the letter T. The first tribunes chosen by the suffrages of the people, were Sicinius Bellutus, Lucius Junius, Caius Licinius, Albinus, and Icilius Ruga. The senate also made an edict, confirming the abolition of debts ; and now, all things being mutually adjusted, the people, after having sacrificed to the gods of the mountain, (after the manner of the heathens,) returned once more triumphantly to Rome. » CHAPTER XL From the creation of the tribunes, to the appointment of the decemviri, jT p During the late separation, all tillage having been '^ ' neglected, a famine was the consequence, the ensuing season. The senate used every exertion to remedy the distress ; but the people, pinched by want, and willing to throw the blame upon any but themselves, ascribed their present sufferings to the avarice of the Patricians, who, having purchased all the corn, as it was alleged, intended to procure indemnity, by reselling it, for losses sustained from the aboUtion of the people's debts. But the arrival of a large quantity of com again raised their spirits, and produced a temporary reconciliation, A great part of this was sent as a present to the Romans, by Gelon, the king of Sicily, and the rest purchased there, by the senate, with the public money. i HISTORY OF ROME. 35 At this time, Coriolanus incurred their resentment, by in- sisting that it should not be distributed until the grievances of the senate were removed; for which proposition, the tribunes summoned him to a trial before the people. When the appointed day arrived, public expectation had arisen to the greatest height; and a vast concourse from the adjacent country crowded the forum. Coriolanus presented kimself before the people, with a degree of intrepidity which merited better fortune. His graceful person, his persuasive eloquence, the cries of those whom he had saved from the enemy, inclined the auditors to relent. But, being unable to answer what was alleged against him, to the satisfacti^ of the people, and utterly confounded by a new charge, of having en>- bezzled the plunder of Antium, the tribunes immediately took the votes, and Coriolanus was condemned to perpetual exile. This sentence, against their bravest defender, struck the whole body of the senate with sorrow, consternation, and regret. Coriolanus, alone, in the midst of the tumult, seemed an un- concerned spectator. He returned home, followed by the la- mentations of hundreds of the most respectable senators and citizens, to take a lasting leave of his wife and children, and Veturia his mother. Then, recommending his little children to their care, and all to the care of Heaven, he left the city, without followers or fortune, to seek refuge amongst the Vol- scians, with Tullius Attius, a man of great power, who took him under his protection, and espoused his quarrel. The first thing to be done, was to induce the Volsci to break the league which had been made with Rome. For this pur- pose, Tullius sent many of his citizens thither, to see the games at that time celebrating ; and, in the mean time, gave the senate private information that the strangers intended to burn the city. This had the desired effect : the senate issued an order that all strangers should depart before sun-set. Tullius represented this to his countrymen as an infraction of fhe treaty, and procured an embassy to Rome, complaining of the breacli, and re-demanding all the territories belonging to the Volscians, of which they had been violenfiy dispossessed. In case of a re- fusal, war was to be declared : this message was however treat- ed by the senate with contempt. War having thus commenced, Coriolanus and Tullius were made generals of the Volscian army, and accordingly entered the Roman territories, ravaging and laying waste all lands which belonged to the plebeians, but sparing those which were th« property of the senators. 3o HISTORY OF ROME. In the mean time, the levies went on but slowly at Rome ; the two consuls, who were re-elected by the people, seemed little skilled in war ; and even feared to encounter a general, whom they knew to be their superior. The allies also showed a reluctance, and brought in their succours very slowly; so that Coriolanus continued to take their towns, one after another. Fortune favoured him in every expedition, and he was now so famous for his victories, that the Volsci left their towns de- fenceless, to follow him into the field. The very soldiers of his colleague's army came over to him, and would acknowledge no other general. Thus, finding himself unopposed in the field, and at the head of a numerous army, he at length invested the city of Rome itself, fully resolved to besiege it. Now, the senate and the people unanimously agree to send deputies to him, with proposals of restoration, if he would draw off* his army. Coriolanus received them at the head of his principal officers ; but, with the sternness of a general that was to give the law, refused their offers. Another embassy was sent forth, conjuring him not to exact, from his native city", any conditions but what became Romans to grant. Coriolanus, however, naturally inflexible and severe^ still persisted in his former demands, and granted them but three days in which to finish their deliberations. In this exi- gence, the only alternative was another deputation, still more solemn than either of the former; composed of the pontiff*s, the priests, and the augurs. These, clothed in their habits of cere- mony, and with a grave and mournful deportment, issued from the city, and entered the camp of the conqueror; but all ia vain : they found him severe and inflexible as before. When the people saw them return ineffectually, they gave up the commonwealth as lost. Their temples were filled with old men, with women and children; who, prostrate at the altars, put up their ardent prayers for the preservation of their country. Nothing was to be heard, but anguish and lamentation; nothing to be seen, but terror and distress. At length it was suggested, that what could not be eflTected by the intercession of the senate, or the adjuration of the priests, might be accompUshed by tho tears of his wife, or the commands of his mother. This depu- tation was unanimously approved; and even the very senate gave k the sanction of its authority. But Veturia, the mothe/ of Coriolanus, at first hesitated to join in so pious an under- taking ; knowing the inflexible temper of her son, and unwilling that his disobedience should be shown, m so new and striking an instance, as disregarding the injunctioHi^ of a parent. At HISTORY OF ROME. 37 length, however, she consented, and set forward from the city, accompanied by many of the principal matrons of Rome, to- gelher with Yolumnia his wife, and his two children. Corio- kanus, who at a distance discovered this mournful train of fe- males, resolved to give them, a denial, and called his officers around him to witness his determination: but, when told that his mother and his wife were amongst the number, he instantly descended from his tribunal, to meet and embrace them. At first, the tears and caresses of the women took away the power of words, and the rough soldier himself, hard as he was, could not refrain from sharing in their distress. Coriolanus now seemed much agitated by contending passions: whilst his mother, who saw him moved, seconded her entreaties by the most persuasive eloquence, her tears ; his wife and children hung around him, begging for pity and protection, and the fair train, her companions, added their lamentations ; deploring their own misery, and that of their country. Coriolanus, for a mo- ment, was silent, feeling the strong conflict between honour and inclination; then, as if roused from a drearn, he flew to taise his parent, who had fallen at his feet, crying out, " 0,my mother, thou hast saved Rome, but lost thy son!" He accord- ingly gave orders to draw oflf the army ; pretending to the of- ficers that the city was too strong to be taken. Tullius, who had long envied his glory, was not remiss in aggravating this lenity towards his countrymen. Upon their return, Coriolanus was slain in an insurrection of the people, and afterwards hon- ourably buried, with late and ineffectual repentance. Great and many were the public rejoicings at Rome, upon the retreat of the Volscian army; but they were soon after interrupted by the intrigues of Spurius Cassius, who wished to render himself despotic by means of the people. He was brought to trial, convicted of a number of criminal acts tending to alter the constitution, and thrown headlong from the Tar- peian rock, by the very party whose interests he had endeavour- ed to promote. The following year, the two consuls of the preceding, ?»Ian- lius and Fabius, were cited, by the tribunes, to appear before the people. The Agrarian* law, proposed some time before, for dividing the lands of the commonwealth equally amongst the people, was the object invariably pursued ; and they were ac- cused of having made unjustifiable delays, in postponing it. It seems that the Agrarian law was a gi'ant which the senate could not think of conceding to the people. The consuls therefore formed various excuses, until they were once more D I 38 HISTORY OF ROME. obliged to have recourse to a dictator. They fixed upon Quintus Cincinnatus, a man who had for some time given up all views of ambition, and retired to his little farm, where the deputies of the senate found him holding the plough, and dressed in the homely attire of a labouring husbandman. He appeared little elevated by their ceremonial addresses, and the pompous habits which they brought him ; and, upon their de- claring to him the wishes of the senate, he testified rather a concern that his aid should be required. He naturally prefer- red the charms of a country retirement, to the fatiguing splen- dours of office ; and only said to his wife, as they were leading him away, '' I fear, my AttiUa, that for this year, our little fields must remain unsown." Thus, taking a tender leave, he de- parted for the city, where both parties were strongly inflamed against each other. However, he was resolved not to lean to either side; but, by a strict attention to the interest of his country, instead of courting the confidence of faction, to gain the esteem of all. Thus, by threats and well-timed submission, he prevailed upon the tribunes to postpone their favourite law ; and conducted himself so as to be a terror to the multitude, when reluctant to enlist, and their warmest advocate on all oc- casions, when their conduct was approved. Having now re- stored to the people that tranquillity which he so much loved himself, he again gave up the splendours of ambition, for the more solid enjoyment of his little farm. jj p Cincinnatus had not long retired from office when 'f.' a, fresh exigence of the state occurred: the -^qui and the Yolsci, though always defeated, were still for re- newing the war; and made new inroads into the territories of Rome. Minutius, o^e of the consuls who succeeded Cincin- natus, was sent to oppose them ; but, l^irig naturally timid, and more afraid of defeat, than desirous of vicloryT^iis army was driven into a defile between two mountains, from which, ex- cept through the enemy, there was no egress. This, iTowever, the -3Equi had the precaution to fortify; by which means, the Roman army was so hemmed in on every side, that nothing remained but submission, famine, or immediate death. Some knights, who found mean^ of escaping undiscover- ed through the enemy's camp, were the first that brought the ' account of this dilemma to Rome. Nothing could now exceed the general consternation: the senate, at first, thought of the other consul; but, not having had sufficient experience of his abilities, they unanimously turned their eyes upon Cincinnatus, and resolved to make him dictator. This great man, the only HISTORY OF ROME. 3^ person on whom Rome could now place her whole dependence, was found by the messengers of the senate, as before, labour > ing in his little field, with cheerful industry. He was at first astonished at the ensigns of unbounded power, with which the deputies came to invest him ; but still more at the approach of the senate, who left the city to meet him. A dignity so unex- pected, had, however, no effect upon the simplicity of his man- ners, or his integrity ; and, being now possessed of absolute power, and called upon to nominate his master of the horse, he chose a poor man, named Tarquitius ; one who, like himself, despised riches, when they lead to dishonour. Thus, the saving of a great nation devolved upon a husbandman, taken from the plough, and an obscure centinel, found amongst the lowest ranks of the army. Upon entering the city, the dic- tator assumed a serene look, and entreated all those capable of bearing arms, to assemble before sun-set in the Campus Martius, (the place where the levies were made,) fully accou- tred and provisioned for five days. He put himself at their head; and, marching with great expedition, arrived, before (l\s,y light, within view of the enemy. Upon his approach, he or- dered the soldiers to raise a loud shout, to apprize the consul's army of the relief which was at hand. The iEqui were not a little amazed, when they saw themselves between two enemies ; but still more, when they perceived Cincinnatus making the strongest entrenchments to prevent their escape, and enclosing them, as they had enclosed the consul. To frustrate this, a furious combat ensued; but the ^^qui, being attacked on two sides, and unable to resist or fly, begged a cessation of arms. They ofiered the dictator his own terms : he gave them their lives, but obliged them, in token of servitude, to pass under the yoke. This was formed of two spears, set upright, with another across, in the form of a gallows; beneath which, the vanquished were to march. Their captains and generals, he made prisoners of war ; being reserved to adorn his triumph. He gave the plunder of the enemy's camp entirely up to his own soldiers, without reserving any part for himself, or permit- ting those of the delivered army to have a share. Thus, hav- ing rescued a Roman army from inevitable destruction ; having defeated a powerful enemy; having taken and fortified their city; and still more, having refused any part of the spoil, he resigned his dictatorship, after having held it only fourteen days. The senate would have enriched him, but he declined their offers, choosing to retire, once more, to his farm and hia cottage, contented with temperance and fame. 40 inSTOBY OF ROME. But this repose from foreis^n invasion did not lessen the in- ternal tumults orthe- served, that if the reputed father himself were present, he might indeed be willing to delay the delivery of the girl for some time; but that it was not lawful, in the present case, to detain her from her proper master. He therefore adjudged her to Claudius, as his slave; to remain with him until Virginius should be able to prove his paternity. This sentence was re- ceived by the multitude with loud _clamours and reproaches ; the women surrounded the innocent Virginia, wishing to pro- tect her from the eftects of so unjust an award; whilst Icihus, her lover, boldly opposed the decree, and obliged Claudius to take refuge under the tribunal of the decemvir. All things now threatened an open insurrection; when Appius, fearing the event, thought proper to suspend his judgment, until the arrival of Virginius, who was then about eleven miles from Rome, with the army. The day following was fixed for the trial ; and, HISTORY OF ROME. 45 in the njean time, Appins sent orders to the generals, to con- fine Virginius, as his arrival in town might only serve to kindle sedition amongst the people. The letters were howe er in- tercepted, bjthe centurion's friends, who transmitted him a full relation of the plot against the liberty and the honour of his only daughter. Virginius, upon this, pretending the death of a near relation, obtained permission to leave the camp, and flew to Rome, inspired with indignation and revenge. Accordingly, the next day, to the astonishment of Appius, he appeared be- fore the tribunal, leading his weeping daughter by the hand, both habited in the deepest mourning. Claudius, the ac- cuser, was also there, and began by making his demand. Then Virginius spoke: he represented that his wife had many chil- dren; that their births could be well attested; that if he had intentions of adopting the child of another, he would have fixed upon a boy, rather than a girl ; that it was notorious to all, that his wife had suckled her own child ; and that it was surprising such a claim should now be brought forward, after a lapse of fifteen years. Whilst the father spoke this with a stern air, Virginia stood trembhng by, and with looks of persuasive in- nocence, added weight to his remonstrances. The people seemed entirely convinced of the hardness of his case ; when Appius, fearing that w^hat he said might have dangerous eifectg upon the multitude, interrupted him, under pretence of being sufficiently instructed in the merits of the cause. *^ My con- science," says he, " obliijes me to declare, that I myself am a witness to the truth of the deposition of Claudius. Most of this assembly know that I was left guardian to this youth, and that I was very early apprized of his right to this young woman; but the affairs of the public, and the dissensions of tlie people, then prevented me doing hiip justice. However, it is not now too late; and, by the power vested in me for the public good, I adjudge Virginia to be the property of Claudius, the plaintiff. Go, therefore, lictors, disperse the multitude ; and make room for a master to take possession of his slave." The Hctors, in obedience to his commands, soon drove olf the throng which pi'essed around the tribunal: and now they seized upon Vir- ginia, and were delivering her up into the hands of Claudius, when Virginius, seeing ihat all w^as over, seemed to acquiesce in the sentence. He therefore mildly entreated Appius to be permitted to take a last farewell of one whom he had long considered as his child; and thus satisfied, he would return with fresh alacrity to his duty. With this, the decemvir com- plied; but upon condition, that tljeir endearments should pass 46 HISTORY OF ROME. in his presence. Virginius, with the most poignant anguish, took bis almost expiring daughter in his arms, for a while sup- ported her head upon his breast, and wiped away the tears that rolled down her lovely face; then, (happening to be near the shops which surrounded the forum,) he snatched up a knife that lay on the shambles, and addressing his daughter; " My dear- est — lost child," he cried, " this — this only, can preserve your freedom, and your honour." So saying, he buried th-e weapon in her breast ; and then holding it up, reeking from her wound, " Appius," he exclaimed, " by this blood of innocence, I devote thy head to the infernal gods!" Thus saying, with the bloody knife in his hand, and threatening destruction to all who should oppose him, he ran through the city, wildly calling on the people to strike for freedom, and thence to the camp, to spread the flame of liberty throughout the amy. When arrived there, followed by a number of his friends, he informed the soldiers of what had passed ; still holding in his hand the bloody knife. He asked their pardon, and the pardon of the gods, for having committed so rash an action; but as- cribed it all to the dreadful necessity of the times. The army, already predisposed, immediately, by shouts, echoed their ap- probation; and decamping, left their generals behinil, to take tlieir station, once more, upon mount Aventine, whither they had retired about forty years before. The other army, which had been opposed to the Sabines, seemed actuated by a similar resentment, and went over in large parties to join them. Appius, in the mean time, did all he could to quell the dis- turbances in the city ; but, finding the tumult incapable of con- trol, and perceiving that his inveterate enemies, Valerius and Horatius, were the most active in opposition, he at first at- tempted to find safety by flight. Nevertheless, being encouraged by Oppius, one of his colleagues, he ventured to assemble the senate, and urged the punishment of all deserters. The senate, however, were far from concurring with his desires : they fore- saw the dangers and miseries that would most probably fall upon the state, by opposition to an incensed soldiery; they therefore despatched messengers to them, oflTering to restore their former mode of government. To this proposal, all the people joyfully assented; and the army, gladly acceding, now returned to the city, if not with the ensigns, at least with the pleasure, of a triumphal entry. Appius and Oppius both died by their own hands in prison. The remaining eight decemvirs went into voluntary exile ; and Claudius, the pretended master of Virginia, was driven after them. HISTORY OF ROME. 47 In the meantime, these intestine tumults produced weakness within the state, and confidence in the enemy abroad. The wars with the ^qui and the Yolsci still continued; and, as each year gave the enemy some trifling advantages over the Romans, they at last advanced so far, as to make their incur- sions to the very walls of the city. jy p But not the courage only of the Romans seemed di- ^' ' minished by these conquests, but their other virtues also; particularly their justice. About this time, the inhabitants of two neighbouring cities, Ardea and Aricia, had a contest between themselves, respecting some lands which had long been claimed by both ; and, being unable to agree, they referred it to the senate and the people of Rome. The senate had yet some of the principles of primitive justice re- maining, and felt it their duty, as the case stood, to allow it to remain undecided. But the people readily undertook the mat- ter; and one Scaptius, an old man, declaring that these very lands belonged of right to Rome, they immediately voted them- selves to be the legal proprietors, and sent home the foreign litigants, fully convinced of their own folly, and of the Roman injustice. The tribunes now grew more turbulent : they proposed two laws ; one to permit the plebeians to intermarry with patricians; the other to qualify them to be admitted to the consulship. The senators received this proposal with indignation, and seemed resolved to undergo the utmost extremity, rather than submit to their enaction. However, finding that their resist- ance only increased the commotions of the state, they at last agreed to pass the law relating to marriages ; hoping that this concession would satisfy the people. They were, however, to be appeased but for a very short time ; for, returning to their old custom of refusing to enlist on the approach of an enemy, the consuls were obliged to hold a private conference with the chief of the senate, when, after many debates Claudius pro- posed an expedient, as the most probable means of satisfying them in the present conjuncture. This was, to create six or eight governors, in the room of consuls ; of whom, one half, at least, should be patricians. This project, which was in fact granting what the people demanded, pleased the whole meeting; and it was agreed that at the next public assembling of tlie senate, the consuls should, contrary to their usual custom, begin by asking the opinion of the youngest senator. Upon their meeting, one of the tribunes accused them of folding 48 HISTORY OF ROME. secret conferences, and of dangerous designs against the people. The consuls, on the other hand, averred their innocence ; and, to demonstrate their sincerity, gave any of the younger mem- bers of the house leave to deliver their opinions. These re- maining silent, such of the senior senators as were knovtn to be popular, began by observing, that the people ought to be indulged in their request: that none so well deserved power as those who were the most instrumental in gaining it; and that the city could not be free, until all were reduced to perfect equality. Claudius spoke next, and broke out into bitter in- vectives against the people; asserting that it was his opinion, that the law should not pass. This produced some disturbance amongst the plebeians ; at length, Genutius proposed, (which had been preconcerted,) that six governors should be annually chosen, with consular authority; three from the senate, and three from the people; and that, at the expiration of their term of magistracy, then it might be determined whether they w^ould have the same office continued, or whether the consul- ship should be estabhshed upon its former footing. This pro- ject was eagerly embraced by the people ; yet so fickle were the multitude, that though many of the plebeians stood candi- dates, the choice fell exclusively upon the patricians. These new magistrates were called Military Tribunes: they were at jy p first only three, afterwards they were increased to four, ^' ' and at length to six. They had the power and ensigns of consuls ; yet that power being divided amongst a number, each, singly, was of less authority. The first that were chosen continued in office only about three months ; the augurs having discovered some informality in the ceremonies of their election. The military tribunes being deposed, the consuls once more came into office ; and, in order to lighten the weight of business which they were obliged to sustain, a new department was formed; that of Censors ; to be chosen every fifth year. Their duty was to estimate the number and estates of the people, and to distribute them into their proper classes; to inspect the morals and manners of their fellow citizens ; to degrade senators for misconduct; to dismount knights ; and, in case of misde- meanor, to reduce the plebeians into an inferior tribe. The first censors were Pa])irius and Sempronius, both patricians-; and from this order they continued to be elected for nearly one-hundred years. Tliis new creation served to restore harmony amongst themi HISTORY OF ROME. 49 and a triumph gained over the Volscians, by Geganius the con- sul, added to the universal satisfaction which reigned amongst the people. Yj p This calm, however, was only of short continuance. «* * Sometime after, a famine pressing hard upon the poor, the usual complaints against the rich were renewed ; which, as before, proving ineffectual, produced new seditions. The consuls were accused of neglect, in not having provided sufficient quantities of corn: they, however, disregarded tho murmurs of the populace; contented with exerting all their care in attempts to supply the pressing necessities. But, though they did all that could be expected from active magis- trates, in collecting provisions, and distributing them amongst the poor, yet Spurius Maelius, a rich knight who had purchased up all the corn of Tuscany, far outshone them in liberality. This demagogue, inflamed with a desire of becoming powerful by the contentions in the state, daily distributed corn in great quantities amongst the poorer sort; until his house became the asylum of all who wished to exchange a life of labour, for one of lazy dependence. When he had thus gained a sufficient number of partisans, he procured large quantities of arms to be brought into his house, by night; and formed a conspiracy, by which he was to obtain the command; whilst some of the tri- bunes, whom he had found means to corrupt, were to act under him, in seizing upon the liberties of his country. Minucius soon discovered the plot ; and, informing the senate, they im- mediately determined to create a dictator, who should have the power of quelling the conspiracy, without appealing to the people. Cincinnatus, who was now eighty years old, was chosen once more to rescue his country from impending ruin. He began by summoning Ma3lius to appear; who refused to obey. He next sent Ahala, the master of his horse, to com- pel him ; who, meeting Mcelius in the forum, and pressing him to go to the dictator's tribunal, on his refusal, killed him on the spot. The dictator applauded the resolution of his officer; and commanded the conspirator's goods to be sold, his house to be demolished, and his stores of corn to be distributed amongst the people. The tribunes of the people were much enraged at the death of Msslius ; and, in order to punish the senate at the next elec- tion, instead of consuls, they insisted upon restoring their mili- tary tribunes ; with which demand, the senate were obliged to comply. £ 50 HISTORY OF ROME. U. C. The next year, however, the consuls were re-estab- 315. lished, and the government assumed its ancient form. The people of Veii had long been rivaling those of Rome. They had always taken the opportunity of its internal dis- tresses, to ravage its tenitories ; and had even threatened with outrage the ambassadol-s, sent to complain of these injuries. It seemed now, therefore, determined that the city of Veii, whatever it might cost, should fall ; and the Romans accord- ingly sat regularly down before it, prepared for a long and painful resistance. The strength of the place may be inferred from the length of the siege, it having continued for ten years; during which time, the army remained encamped around the walls. In winter, they lay in tents, made of the skins of beasts ; and in summer drove on the operations of attack. Various, was the success, and many were the commanders that directed the siege ; sometimes, all the works of the besiegers were de- stroyed, and numbers of their men cut off, by sallies from the town ; sometimes, they were annoyed by an army of Veians, who attempted to bring assistance from without. A siege so destructive threatened even Rome itself with depopulation, by draining its forces continually away. In order to carry it on with greater vigour, Furius Camillus was created dictator, and to him was entrusted the sole power of managing the long pro- tracted war. Camillus, who, without intrigue, or any solicita- tion, had raised himself to the first eminence in the state, had been chosen one of the censors some time before; of which office he was considered as the head. Being afterwards made a military tribune, he, in that post, had gained several advan tages over the enemy ; and it was owing to his great courage and abilities in those situations, that he was deemed the most eligible to serve his country on this pressing occasion. On his appointment, numbers of the people flocked to his standard, confident of success under so experienced a commander. Con- scious, however, thathe was unable to take the city by storm, he secretly, and with vast labour, wrought into it a mine, which opened through the midst of the citadel. Certain thus of suc- cess, and finding the city incapable of relief, he sent to the senate, desiiing that all who wished to share in the plunder of Veii, should immediately repair to the army. Then, giving his men directions Jhow to enter at the breach, the city was in^ stantly filled with his legions, to the amazement and constema^ tion of the besieged, who, but a moment before, had rested in oerfect security. Thus, like a second Troy, was the city of HISTORY OF ROME. 51 Veil taken, after a ten years siege, and, with its spoils, enrich- ed the conquerors ; whilst Camillus himself, transported by the honour of having subdued the rival of his native city, triumph- ed after the manner of the kings of Rome. His chariot was drawn by four milk-white horses ; a distinction which did^^ot fail to disgust the majority of the spectators; for they consi- dered those as sacred, and more proper for doing honour to their gods, than their generals. His usual good fortune attended Camillus in another expe- dition, against the Falisci: he routed their army, and besieged their capital city, Falerii, which threatened a long and vigorous resistance. The reduction of this little place, would have been scarcely worth mentioning, in this scanty page, were it not for an action of the Roman general, which has done him more credit with posterity, than all his triumphs united. A person who superintended the education of the children belonging to the principal men of the city, having found means to decoy his pupils into the Roman camp, offered to put them into the hands of Camillus, as the surest means of inducing the citi- zens to a speedy surrender. The general was struck with the treachery of this wretch, whose duty it was to protect inno- cence, not to betray it: he for some time regarded the traitor with a stern air, but at last finding words, " Execrable villain," cried the noble Roman, ** offer thy arbominable proposals to creatures like thyself, but not to me ; what, though we are the enemies of your city, yet there are natural ties that bind all mankind, which should never be broken : there are duties re- quired from us in war, as well as in peace ; we fight not against helpless children, but against men ; men, who have used us ill indeed, yet whose crimes are virtues, when compared with thine. Against such base arts, let it be my duty to use only Roman arts — the arts of valour and of arms." So saying, he ordered him to be stripped, his hands tied behind him, and, in that ignominious manner, to be whipped into the town, by his own scholars. This generous behaviour of Camillus, effected more than his arms : the magistrates immediately submitted to the senate, leaving to Camillus the conditions of their surren- der ; who only fined them a sum of money, to satisfy his army. He then received them under the protection, and into the alli- ance of Rome. Notwithstanding the veneration which the virtues of Camillus had excited abroad, they seemed but little adapted to gain the respect of the turbulent tribunes at home, as they every day raised some fresh accusation against him. To the charge of I 52 HISTORY OF ROME. being an opposer of their intended migration from Rome to Veil, they added that of his having concealed a part of the plunder of that city, particularly two brazen gates, for his own use ; and appointed him a day, on which to appear before the people. Camillus, finding the multitude exasperated against him, on many accounts, and detesting their ingratitude, resolv- ' ed not to wait the ignominy of a trial ; but, embracing his wife and children, prepared to depart from Rome. He had already passed as far as one of the gates, unattended on his way, and unlamented. There, ]ie could no longer suppress his indigna- tion ; but, turning his face to the capitol, and lifting up his hands to heaven, he entreated all the gods that his country might one day be sensible of their injustice and ingratitude ; and, so say- ing, he travelled on, to take refuge in a town, at a little dis- tance, called Ardea. Here, he afterwards learned, that he had been fined fifteen hundred asses, by the tribunes at home. The tribimes were not a little pleased ^vith their triumph over this great man; but they soon had reason to repent of their injustice, and to wish for the assistance of one, who only, was able to save their country from ruin. For now, an enemy more terrible, and more formidable, than the Romans had ever yet encountered, began to ma.ke their appearance. The Gauls, a barbarous nation, had, about two centuries before, made an irruption from beyond the Alps, and settled in the northern parts of Italy. They were fond of emigration, and had been invited over by the delicious quality of the wines, and the softness of the climate. Wherever they came, they dis- possessed the original inhabitants ; being men of superior cour- age, extraordinary stature, fierce in aspect, and barbarous in their manners. A body of these, wild from their original habi tations, were now, under the conduct of Brennus, their king besieging Clusium, a city of Etruria. The inhabitants of that city, alarmed by their numbers, and still more by their savage appearance, entreated the assistance, or at least the mediation, of the Romans. The senate, who had long made it a maxim never to refuse succour to the distressed, were willing previ- ously to send ambassadors to the Gauls, to dissuade them from their enterprise, and show the injustice of their irruption. Ac- cordingly, three young senators, of tl e family of the Fabii, who seemed better fitted for the field than the cabinet, were appointed to the embassy. Brennus received them with a de- gree of complaisance which evinced Httle of the barbarian; and, desiring to know their business, was answered, according to their instructions, that it was not customary in Italy to make HISTORY OF ROME. 53 war, but on just grounds of provocation ; and that they wished to know, what offence the citizens of Clusium had given to the king of the Ganls. To this, Brennus sternly repUed, that the rights of vahant men lay in their swords; that the Romans themselves had no other right to the many cities they had con- quered; and that he had particular reasons of resentment against the people of Clusium, as they had refused to part with those lands, which they had neither hands to till, nor inhabit- ants to occupy. The Roman ambassadors, who were httle used to hear the language of a conqueror, for a while dissem- bled their indignation at this haughty reply ; but, on entering the besieged city, forgetful of their sacred characters, in- stead of acting as ambassadors, they headed the citizens in a sally against the besiegers. In this combat, Fabius Ambustus killed a Gaul with his own hand, but was discovered whilst despoihn^ him of his armour. A conduct, so unjust and un- becoming, excited the resentment of Brennus; who, having made his complaint to the senate by a herald, and finding no redress, immediately broke up the siege, and, mth his conquer- ing army, marched directly to Rome. The countries, through which the Gauls passed in their rapid progress, gave up all hopes of safety^; being terrified at their vast numbers, their natural fierceness, and dreadful preparations for war. But the rage and impetuosity of this wild people were directed only against Rom^. They passed on, without doing the least in- jury in their march, still breathing vengeance only against the Romans: and a terrible engagement soon ensued, near the river A Ilia, in which the latter w^ere defeated, with the loss ol nearly fort^ thousand men. Rome, thus deprived of all succour, prepared for every ex tremity. One part of the inhabitants endeavoured to hida themselves in the neighbouring towns : the other resolved to await the conqueror's fury, and end their lives with the ruin of their native city. But, more particularly, the ancient senators and priests, struck with a religious enthusiasm on this occa- sion, resolved to devote their lives, to atone for the crimes oi ^the people, and, habited in their robes of ceremony, place ck themselves in the forum, on their ivory chairs. The Gauls, m the mean time, were giving a loose to their triumph, in sharing and enjoying the plunder of their enemy's camp. Had they immediately marched to Rome on gaining the victory, the capi- tol itself would have fallen ; but they continued two days feast- ing on the field of battle^ and with barbarous pleasure, exulcing amidst their slaughtered enemies. On tlie third day after the 54 KtlStORY or ROME. victory, (the easiness of which much amazed the Gauls,) Brennus appeared, with all his forces, before the city. He was at first much surprised to find the gates wide open to receive him, and the walls defenceless, and began to impute the un- guarded situation of the place, to a stratagem of the Romans^ After proper precautions, he entered ; and, marching into the forum, there beheld the ancient senators sitting in their order, observing a profound silence, unmoved and undaunted. The splendid habits, the majestic gravity, and the venerable looks, a[ these old men, who, in their time, had all borne the highest offices of the state, awed the barbarous enemy into reverence : they took them to be the tutelar deities of the place, and began to oifer them blind adoration ; until one, more forward than the rest, put forth his hand, to stroke the beard of Papyrius : this insult, the noble Roman could not endure, and lifting up his ivory sceptre, he struck the savage to the ground. This seem- ed as a signal for general slaughter. Papyrius fell first, and ail the rest shared his fate, without mercy or distinction. The fierce invaders thus pursued their slaughter for three days suc- cessively, sparing neither sex nor age ; and then, setting fire to the city, burned every house to the ground. jj p All the hopes of Rome were now placed in the capi- ^' ' tol : every thing without that fortress, was but an ex- tensive scene of misery, desolation, and despair. Brennus, with threats, first summoned it to surrender; but in vain : he then resolved to besiege it in form, and hemmed it round with his army. Nevertheless, the Romans repelled his attempts with great bravery: despair had supplied them with that perseverance and vigour, which they seemed ^to want in prosperity. In the mean while, Brennus carried on the siege with great ardour ; hoping, in time, to starve the garrison into a capitula- tion : but they, sensible of his intention, although they were in actual want, caused several loaves to be thrown into his camp, to convince him of the futility of such expectations. His hopes, failing in this, were soon after revived ; as some of his soldiers came to inform him, that they had discovered footsteps which led up to the rock ; by following which, they supposed the capitol might be surprised. Accordingly, a chosen body of men were ordered, by night, upon this dangerous service; which they i with great difficulty and labour almost efl^ected. They are now on the very wall! — the Roman centmel is fast asleep! the dogs within give no signal, and all things promise an instant victory! But, by the gabbling of some sacred geese, which bad been HISTORY OF ROME. 55 kept in the temple of Juno, the garrison are roused ! The be- sieged soon perceive the imminence of their danger, and each, snatching the weapon he can soonest find, flies to oppose the assailants. Manlius, a patrician of acknowledged bravery, is the first who exerts all his strength, and inspires courage by his example. He boldly mounts the rampart, and, at one effort, throws two Gauls headlong down the precipice: others soon come to his assistance, and the walls are cleared of the enemy, in a space of time shorter than that employed in the recital. From this forward, the hopes of the barbarians began to de- cline, and Brennus wished for an opportunity of raising the siege with credit. His soldiers had frequent conferences with the besieged, whilst on duty; and proposals for an accommoda- tion were desired bj the common men, before the chiefs thought of conferring. At length, the commanders on both sides came to an agreement, that the Gauls, immediately on being paid one-thousand pounds weight of gold, should quit the city and territories of Rome. This agreement being confirmed, on each side, by oath, the gold was brought forth: but, upon weighing it, the Gauls fraudulently attempted to kick the beam; of which, the Romans complaining, Brennus insultingly cast his sword and belt into the scale, crying out, that the only por- tion of the vanquished was to suffer. By this reply, the Ro- mans saw that they were at the victor's mercy, and knew that it was in vain to expostulate against any conditions which he should be pleased to impose. But, in this very juncture, and whilst thus debating upon the payment, they learned that Camillus, their old general, was at the head of a large army, hastening to their relief, and then entering the gates of Rome. Camillus actually appeared soon after; and, having reached the place of controversy, with the air of one who was resolved not to suffer imposition, demanded the cause of the contest. Being informed of it, he ordered the gold to be carried back to the capitol ; ^* For it has always been," cried he, '^ the manner of us Romans, to ransom our country, not with gold, but with iron : it is I alone that am to make peace, as being the dictator of Rome; and my sword only shall purchase it." Upon this, a battle ensued, in which the Gauls were entirely routed ; and so great a slaughter followed, that the Roman territories were soon cleared of their formidable invaders. All the city, except the capitol, being one continued heap of ruins, and the greater number of its former inhabitants having gone- to take refuge in Veii, the tribunes of the people urged for the removal of the poor remains of Rome to that city, where 56 HISTORY OF ROME. they might have houses to shelter, and walls to defend them*. On this occasion, Camillus, by all the arts of persuasion, at- tempted to appease them ; observing, that it was unworthy of them, both as Romans, and as men, to desert the venerable seats of their ancestors, where 'they had been encouraged by repeated marks of divine approbation, to remove to, and inhabit a city which they had conquered, and which wanted even the good fortune of defending itself. By these, and similar re- monstrances, he prevailed upon the people to go contentedly to work; and Rome soon began to rise from its ashes. We have already seen the bravery of Manlius, in defending the capitol, and saving the last remains of Rome. For this, the people' were by no means ungrateful ; having built him a house, near the place where his valour was so conspicuous, and apj)ointed him a public fund for his support. But he as- pired at being not only equal to Camillus, but also sovereign of Rome. With this view, he laboured to ingratiate himself with the populace, paid their debts, and railed ^t the patricians, whom he called their oppressors. . The senate was not ignorant oPhis discourses or his designs, and, with a view of curbing his ambition, created Cornelius Cossus, dictator. He soon finish- ed his expedition against the Yolscians, by a vicjfe^ry ; and upon his return, called Manlius to account for his conduct. Manlius, however, was too much the darling of»the pec^le, to be affected by the power of Cossus, who was obliged^ to lay down his of- fice ; and the former was carried from his confinement, in tri- umph through the city. This success served only to inflame \ his ambition. He now began to talk of a division of the lands amongst the people ; insinuated that there should be no dis- tinctions in the state ; and, to give weight to his discourses, always- appeared at the head of a large body of the dregs of the ])opulace, whom his largesses had made his followers. The city being thus filled with sedition and clamour, the senate had recourse to another expedient; which was to oppose the power of Camillus to that of the demagogue. Camillus, accordingly, b 3ing made one of the military tribunes, appointed Manlius a day, to answer for his life. The place in which he was tried was near the capitol, to which, when he was accused of sedition, and aspiring at sovereignty, he turned his eyes, and pointing thither, put them ius mind of what he had there done for his country. The multitude, whose compassion, or whose justice,! •^'seldom springs from rational motives, refused to condemn himj whilst he pleaded in sight of •the capitol; but when h^was^ brought thence to the Peteline grove, and where the capitol ^HISTORY OF ROME. 57 was no longer to be seen, they sentenced him to be thrown headlong from the Tarpeian rock. Thus, the place which had been the theatre of his glory, became that pf his punishment and infamy. His house, in which the conspiracies had been carried on, was ordeied to be razed to the ground, and his family were forbiddej/ever after to assume the name of ManhjtHB. In this manner, the Romans went gradually forward^yj^mh a mixture of turbulence and superstition within their^walls, and successful ent'crprises without. With what implicit obedience, they submitted to their pontiffs, we have already seen^ in many instances ; and how far they mighi be impelled, even to en- counter death itself at their c^^mand, will evidently appear from the behaviour of Curtius, about this time. This heroic man, on the opening of a gulf in the forum, whi#h the augurs affirrned would never close up, until the most precious things in Rome were thrown into it, leaped with his horse and armour boldly into the midst, crying out, that nothing was more truly valyable than ''patriotism ahd military virtue. The gulf, say the historians, clcj^sed immediately, and Curtius was seen no more. * •CHAPTER Xm. * Including tfte wars with the SamniteSj and the ivars ivith Pyrrhus. The Romans having now triumphed over the Sabines, Jhe Etrurians, the Latins, the Hernici, the iEqui, and the Volsci, began to look for greater conquests. They accordingly turned their arms against the Samnitej^, a people about a hundred miles east of the city, who were/^d&(jen4ed from the SabinSs, and inhabited a large tract of soffthernTtaly, which, at this day, makes a considerable part of the kingdom of Naples. Valerius Corvus and Cornehus were the two consuls, to whose care it first fell to manage this dreadful contention between the rival states. . "• m Valerius was one of the greatest commanders of his-^time: he was sumamed Corvus from a strange circumstance oT hav- ing been assisted by a crow in a single combat, in whic^-^ lie fought and killed a Gaul of|igantic stature* To his colleague's cue, was consigned the l^gMfeg of an* army to Samnium, th'*^; enemy's capital; ^hilst Corvus was sent to relieye Capua, dfe'* capital of the XJampania^s. Never \^ a captain more fitftd for the command. To 'a habit, na4;urally robust and athleticj 58 HISTORY OF • ROME.^ he joined the gentlest manners : he was the fiercest, and yet ^^^^i the best tempered man, in the army; and, though the lowest ' centinel was his companion, no man kept the soldiery more strictly to their duty: but, what completes his character, is, that/ he constantly endeavoured to preserve his dignities by the same arts by which he gained them. Such soldiers as the Romans then were, hardened by their late adversity, and led on by such a general, were invincible. The Samnites were the bravest men they had ever yet encountered ; and the contention be- tween the two nations was carried on, by both sides, with the most determined resolution. But the fortune of Rome pre- vailed: the Samnites at length fled; averring that they were unable to wit^«*and the fierce looks and fire-darting eyes of the Ro i» The other consul was not at first so successful. Hay* ,iily led his army into a defile, he was in danger ^ cut ofi", had not Decius, a tribune of the army, taken possession of a hill, which commanded the enemy ; so that the Samnites, being attacked on all sidef , were defeated with great slaughter; no less than thirty-thousand of them being left dead on the field of battle. ' • uf- Sometime after this victory, the soldiers who were stationed at Capua, having mutinied, forced Quintius, an old and eminent soldier who was then residing in the country, to be their leader; t and, conducted by their rage, rather than by their general, came within eight miles of the city. So terrible an enemy, almost at their gates, not a little alarmed the senate, who immediately created Valerius Corvus, dictator, and sent hiiti*forlh,with anotlier army, to oppose them.^^ The two armies were, now drawn up against each other*;- whilst fathers and sons beheld themselves prepared to engage in opposite causes. Any other general than Corvus, would perhaps have brought this civil war to an extremity :%but he, knowing his influence •with the soldiery, instead of going forward to meet the muti- neers in a>hostile manner, went, with the most cordial iriend- ship, to .embrace and expostulate with his old acquaintances. His conduct jjiad the desired effect. Quintius,jLs their speaker, only desired to have the defection from their duty forgiven ; but, a? for himself, being innocent of the conspiracy, he had committed no oflTence, he said, for which to solicit pardon. Thus^,^-^ this insubordination, which at first placed the city in so much danger, was repaired by the prudence and moderation of a general, whose ambition was, to* be gentle to his friends, and- formidable only to his enemies. ♦ A war between the Romans and the Latins followed soon i^Pi^- ^» 4 ^•^^ l'« STORY OF ROME ^^ afterwards; but, as their clothing, their arms, and their ^"** guage were ahke, the most exact discipUne was necessary, tS prevent confusion in the engagement, t Orders were therefore issued by Manhus, the consul, that no soldier, upon any pro- vocation whatever, should leave his ranks ; and that he who would offer to disobey, should be put to death. . These in- junctions being given, both armies were drawn out in array, and ready to begin ; when Metius, the general of the enemy's cavalry, advanced from his lines, and challenged any knight in the Roman army, to single combat. For some time, there was a general pause; no soldier daring to disobey his orders : then, Titus Manlius, the consul's own son, burning with shame to see the whole body of the Romans intimidated, boldly singled out against his adversary. The soldiers, on both sides, for a while suspended the general engagement, to be spectators of this fierce encounter. The two champis|^of his own. The Samnites were dnven% extr^B dibi:ress. Unable. to defend themselves, they were obliged TfiLJftall in the assistance^ of a foreign power; and had recourse to Pyrrhus, king of\ Epirus, tcjsave them from impending ruin. Pyrrhus, a mail of great power, courage, and ambition, having always retained Uj^^example of his great predecessor, Alexander, promised to 62 HISTORY OF ROME. go to their assistance. In the mean time, he despiaftched over \ a body of three thousand men, under the command of Cineas, ; an experienced soldier, and a scholar of the great orator, De- I mosthenes. Nor did he himself long remain behind, but soon 1 after embarked with three-thousand horse, twenty-thousand foot, and twenty elephants, in which, the commanders of that time began to place very great confidence. However, only a small part of these great preparations arrived with him in Italy : many of his ships were dispersed, and some totally lost, in a tempest. On his reaching Tarentum, his first care was to re- - form the people whom he had come to succour. Observing a . total dissolution of manners in this city, and that the inhabitanjbs^^ were occupied more with the pleasures of bathing, feasting, anil^B dancing, than in preparations for war, he gave orders to have all their places of public entertainment shut up, and to rest them from all those amusements which render soldiers uiii for battle. The Romans did all that prudence could suggest, to oppose so formidable an enemy; and the consul Laevinus ^ was sent, with a numerous army, to interrupt his progress. Pyrrhus, though his whole force had not yet arrived, drew out to meet him; \fnt previously, sent an ambassador, desiring per^ . mission to mediate between the Bomans and the people of Tarentum. To this, Lsevinus returned an answer, saying, that he neither esteemed him as a mediator, nor feared him as an- enemy; and then, leading the ambassador through the Roman en, Pyrrhus saw that the day was his own; and, sending in m^f Thessalian cavalry, to charge the disordered enemy, thfe rout became general.*4A dreadful slaughter of the E^omans ensued: fifteen-thousand men were killed on the spot, and eighteen- \ hundred takefn prisoners. Nor were the c onqu erors in a much better state, than the vanquished; Pyrrhus MHifeMDeing wound- ed, and thirt^gS^-thousand of his forces slain. J The approach of night, put ^rltop to the slaughter, on .both ^ides, and Pyrrhus was heard to cr0out, that one such/ victory more would ruin his whole army. The next day, a^e was surveying the field of battle^, he could not help regarding with admiration, the - bodies of the Romans who were slain. / On seeing tliem all ^ with their wounds before, their countefnancQS, even in death, markfti with a noble resolution and a sternness that awed him into respect, he w£L|| heard to exclaim, in the true spirit of a military adventurer, " 0, with whaf ease could I conquer the/|j|, world, had I the Romans for soldiers, or had they me for theii ^ king!" */ff/i*« Mankind had never before seen two armies so different in discipline, opposed to each other ; nor is it, ^|^feM:(^ this day determined, whether the Gre^ phalanx or tiBKoman legion was preferable. '^ Pyrrhus, after this victo^, was still unwilling to drive them to an extremity; and considering that it is easier to treat with * | an enemy when humbled95ulii conquer or intimidate^ them. They now appjied themselves to maritime affairs ; and, though with- out shipwrights to build, or Seamen to navigate a fleet, they re- 68 HISTORY OF ROME. ': \ solved to surmount every obstacle with inflexible perseverance. A Carthaginian vessel which happened, in a storm, to be driven ashore, was sufficient for a model. The consul Duillius was the first who went to sea with his newly constructed armament; \ and, though far inferior to the enemy in the management of his ^ fleet, yet he gained the first naval victory ; the Carthaginians losing fifty of their ships, and, what they valued more, the un- disturbed sovereignty of the sea. • But the conquest of Sicily was to be effected only by hum- bling the power of Carthage, at home. Accordingly, t^e senate resolved to carry the war into Africa itself; and, for that pur- pose, deputed Regulus and Manlius, with a fleet of* three-hun- dred sail. Regulus was esteemed the most dtosummate war- rior that Rome could then produce, and was a professed example of frugal severity. His patriotism was still greater than his temperance; in him, all the private passions seemed extin- guished, or concentrated in one great ruling affection, the love of his country. The two generals set sail with one-hundred- and-forty-thousand men, in a fleet which was the greatest that ever had left an Italian port. They were metl3y the*enemy, with a fleet as powerful, and men more inured tc^he^^sea. Whilst the fight continued at a distance, rather bdjpen the^j^ ^ ships i^n the men, the Carthaginians seemed successful ;Jfeut^ when flie Romans came to grapple with them", th^difference was apparent, between a mercenary army, and one that fought for fame. The resolution of the Romans was triumphant ; fifty-four of the enemy's vessels were taken, and the rest of the fleet dispersed. The consequence of this victory, was, an immediate descent upon the coast of Africa, the capture of the city of Clhpeaf, and ^twenty- thousand men who were made pris- oners of war. The senate, being informed of these great successes, and applied to for fresh instructions, recalled ManMus to Italy, in order to superintend ii^ Sicilian war ; and directed Regulus to continue in Africa, and there prosecute his victories. A battle ensued, itl^ which the Carthaginians were once more defeated, and some of their best troops cut off. This misfortune contributed to throw them into the utmost de more than eighty of their towns submitted to the RomanS this distress, being destitute of generals at home, they were^ obliged to send to Lacedajmon, offering the command of theii army to Xantippus, a general of great experience, who under took to conduct them. Xantippus began by giving the magistrates propeninstructioaa \ • HISTORY OF ROME. 69 •for levying the men. He assured them, that their armies were hitherto overthrown, not by the strength of the enemy, but by the ignorance of their own generals ; he therefore only required a ready obedience to his orders, and piiorai«ed them an easy victory. \ By the exhortations of^a-^rigle^stranger, the whole city seemed once more revived from despondency; and from hope, soon acquired confidence. ,This was the spirit which the Grecian general wished to excij^; and when he saw them thus ripe for the engagement, he joyfully took the field. The Lacedaemonian made the most skilfwl disj^osition of his forces: he placed his cavalry in the wings ; he stationed elephants at proper intervals behind the line of tlie heavy armed infantry; and, bringing up the light armed troops in front, he ordered them to retire through the line of infantry, after they had discharged their weapons. At length, both armies having en- gaged, the Romans^ after a long and obstinate resistance, were overthrown wiCh dreadful slaughter ; the greatest part of their army being destroyed, and Regulus himself taken prisoner. Several other disasters soon afterwards followed: they lost their fleet in a storm; and Agrigentum, their principal town in Sicily, ^^ taken by the Carthaginian general, Carthalo. They undertook to build a nev/ fleet, which shared the fate of the former. The mariners, as yet unacquainted ^ith the Mediter- ranean shores, having driven it upon quicksands, the greater part of it p^ished in a storm. The Carthaginians, now successful, were again desirous of treating for peace; hoping to have better terms, than those in- sisted on by Regulus. For this purpose, they supposed, that he whom they had, during four years, kept chained in a dun- geon, would be a proper solicitor. It was expected, that, being wearied with imprisonment and bondage, he would gladly en-^ deavour to persuade his countrymen to discontinue a war^ which prolonged his captisiPy. He wJpaccordingly sent, with their ambassadors, to Rome ; a promise having previously been exacted from him, that he would return, in case of being un- successful. He was even given to understand, that his life depended on the issue of the negotiation. When this old general, with the ambassadors of Carthage, approached Rome, numbers of his firoads came out to meet mxd congratulate him on his return. Their acclamations re- sounded through the city; but Regulus, with settled melan- choly, refused to ente^ the gates. In vain, was he entreated, on every side, to visit, once more, his Httle dwelling, and share in that joy which his leturn had inspired : he persisted in say^* 70 HISTORY OF ROME • ing, that he was now only a slave ' belonging to the Carthagi-.j^ nians, and unfit to partake of the liberal honours of his country^ » The senate having^assembled ou.tside of the walls, as usual, to give audience to^egambass^^dors, Regulus opened his com- mission, as he had Men dUedled by the Carthaginian council j^ and their ambassadors seconded hi^ proposals. The senate themselves were by thi^jji^e weary of a war, which had been - protracted above .eight y^»; akii3 had no aversion to a peace* ^^ It only remained for ^gul^ himself to give his opinion; who, when it came to his turn, g^v^e his voice for continuing the waH So unexpected an advice not a li^^ disturbed the senate : they pitied, as well as admif ed ^ man, who had used so inuch elo- quence against his private interest, and they would not con- clude upon a measure which wa« J,o terminate in his ruin. But he soon relieved their embarrassment, by breaking off the treaty, and rising to return to his bonds andT confinement. It was in vain that the senate and his dearest friends, entreated him to stay: he still opposed tj^eir solicitations. Marcia, his wife, and his little childrerf, filled ^fe city with their lamenta- tions, and in vain entreated pefmission to see him : he still ob- * ,^ stinately persisted in adhering to his promise ; anip though sufficiently apprized of the tortures which awaitecb^his returti, without embracing* his family, or taking leave of his friends, he departed, with the ambassadors, for Carthage. , Nothing could equal tl^e fury and disappointment of the Carthaginians, when informed, by their ambassadors, that Reg- ulus, instead of advocating a peace, jjad given his opinion for continuing the war. They accordingly prepared to inflict upon him, the severest tortures. First, his eyehds w^re cut off, and then he was remanded to prison. After some days, he was again brought out, and exposed with his face turned towards the , burning sun. At last, when malice was fatigued with studying^ all the arts of torture jjle was pla<^ in a barrel, driven full of nails, pointing inwards; and in this painful situation he con- tinued, until he died. , ^ ^ /* Both sides now took up arnis, with more t^an former ani- mosity. At length, the prers.everance of the Romans waif crowned with success : jme victory succeeded another. * Their naval superiority was aPRn displayed, m the defeat of a large squadron of the enemy. In^at battle, FaM»g Buteo, the consul, had the command; but Liitatius Catulus gained a vic- tory, still more complete ; having captijred, according to the smallest computation, one-hundred-and-twenty shipS; by which, the maritiine power of Carthage seemed totally destroyed. This / h'> HISTORY OF ROME. ' 71 loss induced the Carthaginians to sue for peape; which Rome , thought proper to grant: but, still iliflexible in her demands^ she exacted the same conditions which Regulus had formerly offered at the gates of Carthage. These were, that they should ^pay a thousand talents of silver, then, tp defray the charges of the war;^ and should gv^, in ten years, two-thousand-two- hundred more : that they should evacuate Sicily, and the ad- jacent islands: that they should' never metke war against the allies of Rome, or enter with any vessels of war within the Yj Q Roman waiters ;' and lastly , that they should deltY.er up ^lo ' all their prisoners and deserters ^ithout ransom. To , ^ \ tiies^ hard conditions, the Carthaginians, now exhausted, adily ^ulJ^ibed ; and thus ended the ifirst Punic war, which d lasted twenty-four years, and in some measure had dramed oth nations of every resource to begin another*-^**** ■ •^ DO ''^ThAPTER XV. From the end of the first Punic war^ to the end of the second. /SMUPouNb peace, between tjie Carthag^nmns and tlie Rq- ^ nlan^now ensued, and in about^six years afterwards, the Tem- pl^f Janus jvvas ^hut ; being the second time since the foun- 4|^ion of the city, '^le Romdiis, 1%is in fridlfelship with all*,#^ nation^ iiwjtt aji^ opportunity of cultivating the arts of peace": ^they now begWjto have a relish for poetry, which, in. every ci^^ilizeff^ation^Sfthe firstrliberal art i;hat rises, ancTttte first ^ also, tliat (lr( ;i\ ./w Hitherto, they had been ^ntertai^jed only by the rude drolleries of their lowest buffoons :, theyjiad sports ' called l^escenliini, in i^ich a few debauched actors%iade thgk own^j^ts; whilst rulllerv ^d ob^jjpnity supplied the place ot humMr. To t k >' . sjjlb^died a composition Jff a higlier kind, call^sd satire^ v.i)i< h wujg a species of dramatic poem, in^wj^h ^the cjfaracters oi ti^^ great were pailiculdrly pointed at, and^^^ "^ ttade objects of^ derision tp the vulgarjf After these, "came tra-^^| [edr and comeSy,^^Alfeh w The Gauls were the next \^o incurred the displeasure of the Romans. Si^Jposing qjlfftieof peace, when the armies were disbanded, a proper season for new irrtiptions, that barbarous people invited fresh forces from beyond the AlpS, and, entering Etruria, wasted all with fire and s\v^rd, until tlieyxame withjn about three days journey of Rome. A prsftor a|^d a consul were sent to oppose them ; and, being now instructed in the improved arts of war, they were enabledne Bibulus, whom they supposed would be a check upon his, power: but the opposition was too strong even for superior abilities to resist ; so that Bibulus, after a slight attempt in fa- vour of the senate, remained inactive. Csesar began his schemes for empire, by ingratiating himself with the people ; he procured a law for dividing certain lands in Campania amongst such of the poor citizens as had at least three chil- dren. This proposal was jusi enough in itself, and criminal only from the views of the proposer. Having thus strengthened himself at home, he next delibe- ated with his confederates about sharing the foreign provinces amongst them. The partition was soon made ; Pompey chose Spain: — fatigued with conquest, and satiated with military fame, he wished to be convenient to the pleasures aff'orded in Rome. Crassus fixed upon Syria, for his part of the empire; which province, as it had hitherto enriched the generals who had subdued it, would, he hoped, gratify him in his most fa- I 2 102 HISTORY OF ROME. vourite pursuit. To Ccesar, was left the province of Gaul, inhabited by many fierce and powerful nations, most of them unsubdued, and the rest only professing a nominal subjection. Wherefore, as it was appointing him rather to conquer, than command, this government was granted him for five years ; as if, by its continuance, to compensate for its danger. It woulii be impossible, in this narrow compass, to enume- rate all the battles that Caesar fought, and the states that he subdued, in his expeditions into Gaul and Britain; which con- tinued eight years. The Helvetians were the first brought into subjection, with the loss of nearly two-hundred-thousand men. Those who remained after the carnage, were sent by Caijsar into the forests from which they had issued. The Ger- mans, commanded by Ariovistus, were next cut off; their monarch himself narrowly escaping, in a little boat, across the Rhine. The Belgse sufix;red so severely, that marshes and deep rivers were rendered passable from the heaps of slain. The Nervians, who were the most warlike of those barbarous nations, opposed for a short time.^ and fell upon the Romans with such fufy, that their army was in danger of being utterly routed; but Caesar himself, hastily seizing a buckler, rushed through his army into the midst of the enemy; by which means, he so turned the fate of the day, that the barbarians were all cut oWj t^ a man. The Celtic Gauls, who were powerful at sea, wert> next brought under subjection; and after them, the 8u.,i, the Menapii, and all the nations from the Mediterranean to the British sea. Unsatiated, as yet, with conquest, he crossed over to Britain, under pretence that the natives had furnished his enemies with supplies. On approaching the coast, he found it covered with men, to oppose his landing; and his forces were in danger of being driven back, until the standard bearer of the tenth legion boldly leapQd ashore, and being well assisted by Caesar, the natives were put to flight. The Britaiiis, being terrified at Csesar's power, sent to request a peace; which was granted them, and some hostages were delivered. A storm, however, soon afterwards, destroying a great part of his fleet, they resolved to take advantage of the disasvor, and marched against him with a powerful army. But what could a naked, undisciplined people, do, against forces exercised under the greatest genertils, and hardeiied by the con- quest of the greater part of the known world? Being over- thrown, they were obliged, once more, to sue for peace ; which Coesar granted them, and then returned to the continent. Thus, ill less than nine years, ha/'csenquered, together witi HISTORY OF KOME. 103 Britain, (the conquest of which was rather nominal than real,) all that country which extends from the Mediterranean to the German sea. Whilst Ca3sar was thus increasing his reputation and his riches abroad, Pompey, who remained all the time in Rome, steadily co-operated with his ambition; and advanced the in- terest of his rival, whilst he vainly supposed he was forwarding' his own. By his means, Ctesar was continued five years longer in Gaul ; nor was he roused from his lethargy, until the fame of that great commander's valour, riches, and humanity, began secretly to give him pain, and make him fear that Csesar's glory would eclipse his own ; because, being more recent, his achievements were more the subject of discourse. He now, therefore, used the utmost exertions to diminish his reputation; obliging the magistrates not to publish any letters received from him, until he had diminished their credit, by spreading disadvantageous reports. One or two accidents also helped to widen the separation; — the death of Julia, Pompey's wife, who had n-ot a little contributed to improve the harmony that had subsisted between them ; also the destruction of Crassus, who had conducted the war against the Parthians with so little prudejlti^e, that he suffered the enemy to gain the advantage over him, in almost every skirmish ; and, incapable of extri- cating himself from the difficulties in v/hich he was involved, had fallen a sact^^^^ to his own rashness; being killed, bravely defending himself to the last. CsDsar, now sensible of the jealousies of Pompey, took oc- casion to solicit for the consulship, together with a prolongation of his government in Gaul; desirous of trying whether his rival would thwart or promote his pretensions. In this, Pompey seemed to be quite inactive; but, at the same time, he pri- vately employed two of his creatures, who alleged, in the senate, that the laws did not permit a person who was absent, tj» offer himself as a candidate for that high office. Pompey's view in this, was to allure Ctesar from his government, in order to stand for the consulship in person. Caesar, however, per- ceiving his artifice, chose to remain in his province ; convinced that whilst he headed such an army as was then devoted to his interest, he could, at any time, give laws, as well as magistrates, to his country. The senate, who were now devoted to Pompey, because he had for some time Mtempted to defend them from the en-^ croachments of the people, ordered home the two legions at that time in Caesar's army, belonging to Pompey ; under pre-^ 104 HISTORY OF ROME. tence of opposing the Parthians, but in reality to diminish I Caesar's power. He easily saw their motive ; but, as his plans ^ were not yet ready for execution, he sent them home, in pur- ^k suance of the orders of the senate ; having previously attached, ^^ by his liberality, both officers and privates, to his interest. The ^m next step taken by the senate, was to recall him from his gov- ^V ernment; his time having now nearly expired. But Curio> W his friend in the senate, proposed, that Caesar should not leave ■ his army until Pompey had set him the example. This for a r while perplexed the latter : however, during the debate, one of f the senate declaring that Caesar had passed the Alps, and that i he was marching, with his whole army, directly towards Rome, the consul, immediately quitting the senate, proceeded, with his colleague, to a house without the city, where Pompey at that time resided. He there presented him with a sword ; com- manding him to march against Caesar, and fight in defence of the commonwealth. Pompey declared that he was ready to obey; but, with an air of pretended moderation, added, that it was only in case more gentle expedients could not be employed with success. Caesar, though still in Gaul, was instructed, by his partisans at Rome, in all that passed ; and, being anxious to give his proceedings every appearance of justice, offered to resign his employment, when Pompey would do the same. But the senate rejected all his propositions; blindly confident of their own power, and relying on the assurances of Pompey. Caesar, still unwilling to come to an open rupture with the state, I proposed for the government of Illyria, with only two legions : I but this also was refused hhn. Now, therefore, finding all hopes of an accommodation fruitless, and conscious, if not of the goodness of his cause, at least of the goodness of his troops, he began to draw them down towards the confines of Italy. Then, passing the Alps, with his third legion, he stopped at Ravenna, a city of Cisalpine Gaul; and once more wrote a letter to the consuls, declaring that he was ready to resign all command, in case Pompey would follow his example. On the other hand, the senate decreed that Caesar should lay down his government, and disband his forces, within a limited time ; and, if he refused obedience, that he should be declared an enemy to the commonwealth. Caesar, however, seemed no way disturbed at these violent proceedings : the night before his intended expedition into Italy, ^j^ he sat down to table, cheerfully conversing with his friends on subjects of philosophy and literature, and apparently disengaged from every ambitious concern. After some time, rising up, he HISTORY OF ROME. 105 desired the company to make themselves happy in his absence ; and said that he would be with them in a moment: in the mean time, having ordered his chariot to be prepared, he immediately set out, attended by a few friends, for Arminium, a city upon the confines of Italy, to which place he had despatched a part of his army the morning before. This journey, by night, which was very fatiguing, he performed with great diligence, some- times on foot, and some'^^imes on horseback. At the break of day, he came up with his army, which consisted of about five- thousand men, near the Rubicon, a little river which separates Italy from Gaul, and was the limit of his command. The Romans had always been taught to consider this river as the sacred boundary of their domestic empire: Csesar, therefore, when he advanced at the head of his army to the side of the river, stopped short upon the banks, as if impressed with terror at the greatness of his enterprise ; he pondered for some time in fixed melancholy, looking upon the river, and de^ bating with himself, whether he should venture in: — " If I pass this river," says he, to one of his generals who stood by him^ " what miseries shall I bring upon my country! and, if I now stop short, I am undone." Thus saying,, .and resuming all his former alacrity, *he plunged in; crying out, that the die was cast, and all was now over. His soldiers followed him with equal promptitude; and, quickly arriving at Arminium, made themselves masters of the place, without meeting any resist- ance. This unexpected movement excited the utmost terror in Rome; every one imagining that Caesar was leading his army to lay the city in ruins. At the same time,were to be seen, the citizens flying into the country for safety, and the inhabitants of the country seeking shelter in Rome. In this universal confusion, Pompey felt all that repentance and self condemna- tion, which must necessarily arise from the remembrance of having advanced his rival to his present pitch of power ; wher- ever he appeared, many of his former friends were ready to tax him with his supineness, and sarcastically to reproach his ill- grounded presumption. " Where is, now," cried Favonius, a ridiculous senator of his party, '' the army that is to rise at vour command? Let us see if it will appear by stamping." Cato reminded him of the many warnings he had given him ; to which, however, as he was continually boding nottung- but calamities, Pompey might very justly be excused attending. But, at length, wearied with these reproaches, which were of- fered under colour of advice, he did all that lay in his powef t 106 HISTORY OF ROME. encourage and confirm his followers : he told them that they should not want an army, for that he would be their leader. He confessed, indeed, that he had invariably mistaken Cgesar's aims, judging of them only by what they ought to be ; however, if his friends were still inspired with the love of freedom, they might yet enjoy it, in any place to which their necessities should happen to conduct them. He informed them, that their affairs were in a very promising situation ; that his two lieutenants were at the head of a very considerable army in Spain, composed of veteran troops, who had made the conquest of the East: besides these, there were infinite resources, both in Asia and Africa, to- gether with the succours which they were sure of receiving from all the kingdoms in alliance with Rome. This speech served, in some measure, to revive the hopes of the confederacy: the greater part of the senate, his own private friends and depend- ants, together with all those who expected to make their fortunes in his cause, agreed to follow him. Being incapable of resist- ing his opponent at home, he resolved to lead his forces to Capua, where he commanded the two legions which served under Csesar in Gaul. Caesar, in the mean time, after having in vain attempted to bring Pompey to an accommodation, determined to pursue him into Capua, before he could collect his army. Accordingly, he marched on, to take possession of the cities that lay between him and his rival ; not regarding Rome, which he knew would fall, of course, to the conqueror. Corsinum was the first city that attempted to stop the rapid- ity of his march. It was defended by Domitius, who had been appointed by the senate to succeed him in Gaul, and was gar- risoned by twenty cohorts, levied in the countries adjacent. Ca3sar, however, quickly invested it ; and, though Domitius sent frequently to Pompey, exhorting him to come and raise the siege, he was at last obliged to attempt making his escape privately. His intentions happening to be divulged, the garrison resolved to consult their own safety, by delivering him up to the besiegers. Caesar readily accepted their offers, but restrained his men from immediately entering the town. After some time, Len- tulus, the consul, who was one of the besieged, came out, to implore forgiveness for himself and the rest of the confederates : putting Caesar in mind of their former friendship, and ac- know|^ging the many favours he had received at his hands. To this, Caesar, who would not wait the conclusion of his speech, generously answered, that he came into Italy, not to injure the liberties of Rome, but to restore them, and to pro HISTORY OF ROME. 107 tect its citizens. This humane reply being quickly carried into the city, the senators and the knights, with their children, and some officers of the garrison, came out to claim the conqueror's protection ; who, just glancing at their ingratitude, gave t^iem their liberty, with permission to go wherever they should think proper. However, whilst he dismissed the leaders, he, upon this, as upon all similar occasions, took care to attach the com- mon soldiers to his own interest ; sensible that he might stand in need of an army, but that whilst he lived, his army coula never stand in need of a commander. Pompey, who was unable to continue in Capua, having in- telligence of what passed on this occasion, immediately re- treated to Brundusium, where he resolved on standing a siege, to retard the enemy, until the forces of the empire should be united to oppose him. His aim, in this, succeeded to his wish; and, after^having employed Caesar for some time in a fruitless attack, he privately passed his forces over to Dyrrachium, where the consul had levied a body of forces for his assistance. However, though he effected his escape, he was compelled to leave the whole kingdom of Italy at the mercy of his rival ; without either a town or an army that had strength to oppose his progress.. Ca3sar, finding that he could not follow Pompey, having no shipping, went back to Rome, to take possession of the public treasures; which, his opponent, by a most unaccountable over- eight, had neglected to carry with him. However, upon his advancing as far as the door of the treasury, Metellus, the tri- bune who guarded it, refused to let him pass : but Csesar, with more than usual emotion, laying his hand upon his sword, threatened to strike him dead; *' And know, young man," cried he, " that it is easier to do this, than to say it." This menace had the desired effect; Metellus retired, and Csesar took out of the treasury three-thousand pounds weight of gold, besides an immense quantity of silver. Having thus provided for continuing the war, he departed from Rome; resolved to subdue Pompey's lieutenants, Afranius and Petreius, who had been long in Spain at the head of a veteran army, composed of the choicest legions of the empire, and which had been invariably victorious, under all its com- manders. Csesar, however, who knew the abilities of its two- present generals, jocosely said, as he was preparing to go thither, that he was going to fight an army without sC^ei^iml and, upon conquering it, would return to fight a general out an army. witM||i 108 HISTORY OF ROME. The first conflict with Afranius and Petreius, was rather un- favourable. It was fought near the city of Herda; and both sides claimed the honour of the victory. But, by various stratagems, he reduced them at last to such extremity of drought and hunger, that they were obliged to yield at dis- cretion. Clemency was his favourite virtue: he dismissed them all with the kindest professions, and sent them home laden with shame and obligations, to publish his virtues, and confirm the affections of his adherents. Thus, in the space of about forty days," he became master of all Spain, and returned again victorious to Rome. The citizens on this occasion re- ceived him with fresh demonstrations of joy, and created him dictator and consul; but the first of these offices he laid down, after he had held it eleven days. , Whilst Csesar was thus employed, Pompey was eqtially as- siduous in making preparations in Epirus and Greece^to oppose him. All the monarchs of the east had declared in his /avour, and sent very large supplies. He was master of nine effective Italian legions, and had a fleet of five-hundred large ships,' under the conduct of Bibulus, an active and experienced com- mander. Added to these, he was supplied with large sums of money, and all the necessaries for an army, from the tributary provinces around him. He had attacked Antony (properly called Marcus Antonius) and Dolabella, who commanded for Caesar in that part of the empire, with so great success, that the former was obliged to fly, and the latter taken prisoner. Crowds of distinguished citizens and nobles from Rome, came every day, to join him. He had, at one time, in his camp, above two-hundred senators ; amongst whom, were Cicero and Cato, whose approbation alone was equivalent to an army. Notwithstanding these preparations, Caesar shipped off hvB of his twelve legions at Brundusium, and, weighing anchor, fortunately steered through the midst of his enemies ; timing it so well, that he made his passage in one day. Still, however, convinced that the proper juncture for making proposals for a peace, was after having gained an advantage, he sent one Rufus, whom he had taken prisoner, to effect an accommoda- tion with Pompey ; offering to refer all to the senate and people of Rome : but he once more rejected the overture, maintain- ing that the people were too much in Caesar's interest, to be relied on. ^^% :. :^*^' \^ mfjffy had been raising suppUes^in Macedonia, when firsi Srmed of Caesar's landing upon the coast of Epirus : he now erefore resolved to march immediately to Dyrrachiiim, in .^^^raforri ^^^^erel HISTORY OF ROME. 109 order to cover that place from Caesar's attempts; as all his ammunition and provisions were deposited there. The two armies first came in sight of each other on the opposite banks of the river Apsus: and, as both were commanded by the two greatest generals then in the world, the one renowned for his conquest of the East, the other for his victories in the West, a battle was eagerly desired, by the soldiers on each side: but neither of the generals was willing to hazard it, on this oc- casion: Pompey could not rely upon his new levies, and Cassar would not venture^an engagement, until joined by the rest of his forces. ^ Ceesar had now waited soipe time, with extreme impatience, for the arrival of the remainder of his army ; and even ventur- ed out alone, in an open fishing boat, to hasten its arrival; but was driven back by a storm. However, his disappointment was soon relieved, by information of the landing of the troops he had long expected, at Appolonia; from which place, they were marching to join him, under thg, conduct of Antony and Calinus. He therefore decqjMped, in order to meet them, and prevent Pofnpey from engagmg them on their march; as he lay on that sid^ of the river, where the reinforcements had been obliged to land. Pompey, bemg compelled to retreat, led his forces to Aspa- ragus, near Ii^rachium, where he was certain of being sup- plied with every thing necessary for his army, by the numerous fleets employed by him along the coasts of Epirus. There, he pitched his camp upon a tongue of land (as mariners express it) which jutted into the sea, where also was a small harbour for ships, in which but few winds could annoy them. Being , ^ most advantageously situated, he immediately began to in-"^ trench his camp. Csesar, perceiving this, and supposing that he was not likely soon to quit so desirable a post, began also ' to entrench, behind him ; and, as all beyond Pompey's camp, towards the land side, was hilly and steep, he built redoubts upon the heights, stretching round from shore to shore, and then caused lines of communication to be drawn from hill to hill; by which, he blocked up the camp of the enemy. He hoped, by this blockade, to force his opponent to a battle; which he ardently desired, and which the other with equal in- dustry, declined. Thus, both sides continued, for some time, employed in stratagems ; the one, to annoy, the other, to de- fend. Caesar's men daily carried on their works, to straiten the enemy : those of Pompey did the same, to enlarge them- selves, having the advantage of numbers ; and severely galled V K 110 _ HISTORY OF ROME. the adversary, by their slingers and archers. Csesar, however, was indefatigable ; he procured Winds or mantelets, made of skins, to cover his men whilst at work ; and cut off all the water that supplied the enemy's camp, and the forage from his horses. But Pompey, at last, resolved to break through his lines, and gain some other part of the country, more convenient for encampment. Accordingly, having received inforaiation of the state of CsBsar's fortifications, from some deserters who came over to him, he ordered hi^ light infantry and archers on bo£Ad the ships ; with orders to attack the enemy's entrench- ments by sea, where they werft^fflBBb^efended. This was done so effectually, that, thougj^^^^^^kd his officers used their utmost endeavours to cou^^^^^Hppey's designs, yet the latter at length gained his pu^H|Jil^^extricstting his army from his former station, and encajsoping in another pljELce, by the sea, where he had the convenience both of forage rUid of ship- ping. Caesar, thus frustrated in his views of blqpking up the enemy, resolved at last to force" Pompey to a bat1jl)a<(^o«gh upon disadvantageous ift-ms. A skirmish topk Dicie,te*^at- tempting to cut off a legion postea in a wood; ^nd™s fought on a general engagement. Jhe conflict -^faS} for "i^ome time carried on with great ardour, and with equal fortune; but Caesar's men, being entangled in the in trench n^its of the old camp, bpgan to fall into disorder; upon vvhichWompey press- ing his advantage, they at kist'fled with great precipitation. Vast numbers perished in the trenches, and on the banks of the rivers, or were pressed to death by their followers. Pompey pursuedftis successes to the v€ry canip'oF"C8esar; but, either surprised by the suddenness of his victory, or fearful of an am- buscade, he drew off his troops within his own Unes, and thus lost an opportunity of securing his victory. After this defeat, which was by no means decisive, Caesar marched with all his forces, in.one body, dirgctly to Gomphi, a town in the province of Thessaly. BuyjKe news of his de- feat at Dyrrachium, had reached this plade before him: the in- habitants, therefore, who had promised. him obedience, no^ changed their minds ; and, with a degree of baseness equal to their imprudence, shut their gates against him. But Csesar was not to be injured with impunity. Having represented to his soldiers the great advantage of forcing a place so very ricli^ he ordered the machines for scaling to be made ready ; and, causing an assault, proceeded with so much vigour, that, not- withstanding the great height of the walls, the town was taken in a few hours, Csesar left it to be plundered ; and, without HISTORY OF ROME. Ill delaying his march, went forward to Metropolis, another town of the same province, which yielded at his approach. By these means, he soon became possessed of all Thessaly, except Larissa; which was garrisoned by Scipio, who commanded for Pompey, and had his own legion under him. During this in- terval, Pompey's officers were continually soliciting him to come to a battle, and inc^^antly teasing him with their impor- tunities; he ther^ore resc^^d to renounce his own judgment, in comphance with those about him, and to give up all schemes of prudence, for thos e dilu ted by avarice and passion. Where- fore, advancing intcyjjj^Raly, within a few days after the tak- ing of Gomphi, he dlHBndcd into the plains of Pharsalia, where he was joined by Scipio, his lieutenant, with the troops under his command. There, he waited the arrival of Caesar; de- termined upon engaging, and deciding the fate of the empire, at a single battle. Cdesar had employed all his art, for some time, in discover- ing the inclination of his men; and, finding his army once more resolute and vigorous, he caused them to advance towards the plains of Pharsalia, where Pompey was then encamped, and prepared to oppose him. The approach of these two great armies, composed of the best and bravest troops in the world, together with the great- ness of the prize for which they contended, filled all minds with anxiety, though with different expectations. Pompey's army, being the more numerous, turned all their thoughts to the enjoyment of the victory; Caesar's, very prudently, considered only the means of obtaining it: Pompey's army depended on their numbers, and their many generals ; Caesar's upon their own discipline, and the conduct of their single commander: Pompey's partisans hoped much from the justice of their cause; Cassar alleged the frequent proposals which he had made for peace, without effect. Thus, the views, hopes, and * motives, of each, seemed different; but their hatre'^ and an>- bition were the same. Caesar, who was always foremost in offering battle, led out his army, in array^ to meet the enemy ; but Pompey, either suspecting his troops, or dreading the event, for some time held his advantageous situation : he drew, indeed, occasionally out of his camp, but always remained under his. trenches, at the foot of the hill, near which he was posted. Caesar, unwilling to attack him at a disadvantage, resolved to' decamp the next day ; hoping to harass out bis antagonist, who ivas not a match for him in sustaining the fatigues of duty,^ 112 HISTORY OF KOME. Accordingly, the order for marching was given, and the tents struck, when information was brought him, that Pompey's army bad left their intrenchments, and advanced farther than usual into the plain; so that he might engage them at less disadvan- tage. He therefore ordered his troops to halt; and, with a countenance of joy, informed them, that the happy time was at last arrived, for which they had so^jong wished ; and which was to crown their glory, and terimnate their fatigues. Upon this, he drew up his troops in order, and advanced towards the place of battle. His forces did not number above half those of Pompey ; the army of the one amounting to above fort}c-five- thousand foot, and seven-thousand horsV; that of the other not exceeding twenty-two thousand foot, and about a thousand horse. This disproportion, particularly in the cavalry, had filled Caesar with apprehensions ; wherefore he had some days before selected the strongest and nimblest of his foot-soldiers, and accustomed them to fight between the ranks of his cavalry. By their sssistance, his thousand horse was a match for Pom- pey's seven-thousand; and had actually prevailed, in a skir- mish, some days before. Pompey, on the other hand, had strong expectations of suc- cess : he boasted that he could put Caesar's legions to flight, without striking a single blow ; presuming, that as soon as the armies should be formed, his cavalry, on which he placed his greatest expectations, would outflank and surround the enemy. Labienus commended this scheme of Pompey; alleging also, that the troops, of which Caesar's army was at present composed, were but the shadow of those old legions which had fought in Britain and Gaul: that all the veterans were worn out, and replaced by new levies, made in Cisalpine Gaul. To increase the confidence of the army still more, he took an oath, in which the rest followed him, never to return to the camp, but with victory. In this disposition, and under these advantages, Pompey ^ed out his troops. His order of battle was good and well judged. In the centre and on the two flanks, he placed all the veterans, and distributed his newly raised troops between the wings and the main body. The Syrian legions were placed in the centre, under the com- mand of Scipio: the Spaniards, on whom he greatly relied, were put on the right, under Domitius Jillnobarbus ; and on the left, were stationed the two legions which Caesar had restored in the beginning of the war, led on by Pompey himself; be- cause, from that wing he intended to maHe the attack which HISTORY OF ROME. 113 was to gain the day ; and, for the same reason, he had there assembled all his horse, slingers, and archers, of which his right wing had no need, being covered by the river Enipeus. Caesar, likewise, divided his army into three bodies : Domi- tius Calvinus commanded in the centre, and Mark Antony on the left; whilst he himself led on the right wing, which was to oppose the left, under the command of Pompey. It is re- markable, that Pompey chose to put himself at the head of those troops which werd^ disciplined by Caesar; an incontest- ible proof how much he valued them, above any of the rest of his army. Cajsar, on the contrary, placed himself at the head of his tenth legion, which was indebted for all its merit and fame to his own training. As he observed the enemy's nume- rous cavalry to be all drawn to one spot, he anticipated Pom- pey's intentions; to resist the effects of which, he made a draught of six cohorts from his rear line ; and, forming them into a separate body, concealed them behind his right wing, with instructions not to throw their javelins on the approach of Pompey's horse, as it was customary, but to keep them in their hands, and push them directly in the faces and the eyes of the horsemen; who, being composed of the yojinger part of the Roman nobility, valued themselves much upon their beauty, and dreaded a scar on the face, more than a wound oti the body. He lastly placed his cavalry so as to cover the right of the tenth legion, ordering his third line not to march, until they had received the signal from him. As the armies approached, the two generals went from rank to rank, encouraging their men, warming their hopes, and lessening their apprehensions. Pompey represented that the glorious opportunity which they had so long desired, was now before them: ** And indeed," cried he, "what advantage could you wish over an enemy, that you are not now possessed off? Your numbers, your vigour, your late victory, all assure a speedy and an easy conquest of those harassed and broken troops, composed of men worn out with age, and impressed with the terrors of a recent defeat: but, there is still a stronger bulwark for our protection, than our superiority — the justice of our cause. You are engaged in the defence of liberty, and of your country ; you are supported by its laws and followed by its magistrates ; you have the world spectators of your con- duct, and wishing you success : on the contrary, he whom you oppose, is a robber and an oppressor of his country, and almost already sunk by the consciousness of his crimes, as well as the bad success of his arms. Show, then, on this occasion, all K2 1 14 HISTORY OF ROME. that ardour, and detestation of tyranny, which should animate Romans ; and do justice to mankind." Csesar, on his side, went amongst his men with that steady serenity for which he was so much admired in the midst of danger. He insisted on nothing so strongly to his soldiers, as his frequent and unsuccessful endeavours for peace. He spoke with terror of the blood he was going to shed ; and only plead ed the necessity which urged him. He deplored the many brave men that were to fall, on both sides ; and the wounds of his country, whoever should be victorious. His soldiers answered his speech with looks of ardour and impatience ; which, observ- ing, he gave the signal to begin. The word on Pompey's side was Hercules the invincible — that on Csesar's, Yenus the vic- torious. There was only so much space between both armies, as to give room for fighting; wherefore Pompey ordered his men to receive the first shock without moving out of their places; expecting the enemy's ranks would be put into dis- order by their motion. — Csesar's soldiers were now rushing on with their usual impetuosity, when, perceiving the enemy motionless, they all stopped short, as if by general consent, and halted in the. midst of their career. A terrible pause en- sued ; in which, both armies continued to gaze upon each other, with mutual terror and dreadful serenity. At length, Caesar's men having taken breath, ran furiously upon the enemy; first discharging their javelins, and then drawing their swords. The same method was observed by Pompey 's troops ; who as vigorously sustained the attack. His cavalry also were ordered to charge, at the very onset ; which, with the multitude of archers and slingers, soon obliged Csesar's men to give ground : whereupon Csesar immediately ordered the six cohorts, placed as a reserve, to advance ; with orders to strike at the enemy's faces. This had the desired effect: the cavalry, that were but just now sure of victory, received an immediate check; the unusual method of fighting pursued by the cohorts, their aiming entirely at the visages of their assailants, and the horribly disfiguring wounds they made, all contributed so much to intimidate them, that, instead of defending their persons, their only endeavour was to save their faces. A total rout en- sued, of their whole body ; which fled in great disof der to the neighbouring mountain ; whilst the archers and slingers who were thus abandoned, were cut to pieces. Caesar, now com- manding the cohorts to pursue their success, and advancing himself, charged Pompey's troops upon the flank : a charge, which the enemy withstood for some time, with great bravery. HISTORY OF ROME. 115 until he brought up his third line, which had not yet engaged. Pompey's infantry, being thus doubly attacked — in front by fresh troops, and in the rear by the victorious cohorts, could no longer resist, but fled to their camp. The flight began amongst the strangers ; though Pompey's right wing still val- iantly maintained its ground. Caesar, however, being convinced that the victory was certain, with his usual clemency, cried out, to pursue the strangers, but to spare the Romans : upon which, they all laid down their arms, and received quarter. The greatest slaughter was amongst the auxiliaries, who fled on all sides, but principally went for safety to the camp. The battle had now lasted from the break of day till noon; the weather being extremely hot : nevertheless, the conquerors did not remit their ardour, being encouraged by the example of their general ; who thought his victory not complete, until he was master of the enemy's camp. Accordingly, marching on foot at their head, he called upon them to follow, and strike the decisive blow. The cohorts for some time made a formidable resistance ; and particularly a large number of Thracians and other barbarians who were left in the camp, for its defence : but nothing could withstand the ardour of Caesar's victorious army: they were at last driven from their trenches, and all fled to the adjacent mountains. Csesar, seeing the field and camp strewed with his fallen countrymen, was strongly aflected at so melancholy a spec- tacle ; and could not avoid crying out, to one who stood near him, ^' They would have it so." On entering the enemy's camp, every object presented fresh instances of the blind presumption and madness of his adver- saries : on all sides, were to be seen, tents adorned with ivy and branches of myrtle, couches covered with purple, and sideboards loaded with plate. Eveiy thing indicated the high.- est luxury ; and seemed rather the preparations for a banquet, the rejoicings for a victory, than the dispositions for a battle. A camp, so richly furnished, might have engaged the attention of any troops, except Caesar's ; but there was still something to be done ; and he would not permit them to pursue any other object than their enemies, until they were entirely subdued. A considerable body of these having retired to the adjacent hills, he prevailed on his soldiers to join him in the pursuit, in order to oblige them to surrender. He began by enclosing them with a line drawn at the foot of the mountain ; but they quickly aliandoned a post that was not tenable for want of water, aLd endeavoured to reach the city of Larissa. Caesar I 116 HISTORY OF ROME. led a division of his army by a shorter way, and intercepted j their retreat ; drawdng up in order of battle between them and | the city. However, these unhappy fugitives once more found I protection from a mountain ; at the foot of which ran a rivulet, \ which supplied them with water. Now, night approaching, ^ Csesar's men were almost spent, and ready to faint with their ^™] incessant toil since morning ; yet he prevailed upon them once^^H more to renew their labours, and to cut off the rivulet which supphed the defendants. The fugitives, thus deprived of att hopes of succour or subsistence, sent deputies to the conqueror, offering to surrender at discretion. During this interval of ne- gotiation, a few senators who were amongst them, took advan* tage of the night to escape : the rest, next morning, gave up their arms, and experienced the conqueror's clemency. He addressed them with great gentleness, and forbade his soldiers to offer them any violence, or to take any thing from them. ^ Thus, Csesar, by his conduct, gained the most complete vic- tory that had ever been acquired; and, by his clemency after the battle, seems to have deserved it. His loss was only two- hundred men; that of Pompey, fifteen-thousand, Romans and auxiliaries : twenty-four-thousand men surrendered themselves prisoners of war ; the greater part of whom entered into Csesar's army. The senators and Roman knights who fell into his hands, he generously allowed to retire, wherever they thought pr©per: and the letters received by Pompey from the several persons who wished to be thought neutral, he burned, without reading; as Pompey had done, on a former occasion. Thus, having performed ail the duties of a general and a statesman, he sent for the legions which had passed the night in the camp, to relieve those which had accompanied him in the pursuit; and arrived the same day at Larissa. Pompey, who had formerly displayed so great courage and abihty, when he saw his cavalry routed, on which he had placed his whole dependence, seemed to have lost his reason. Instead of endeavouring to remedy this disorder, by rallying those troops that fled, or by opposing fresh forces to stop the pro- gress of the conquerors, being totally amazed at his first blow, he returned to the camp, and in his tent waited the issue of an affair, which it was his duty to direct, not to follow. There, he remained for some moments without speaking; till being told that the camp was attacked, " What," says he, " are we pursued to our very intrenchmentsi" and, immediately changing his armour for a habit more suitable to his circum- fctance^, he fled on horseback to Larissa ; then, seeing that he HISTORY OF ROME. 117 was not pursued, he slackened his pace ; giving way to all the agonizing reflections which his deplorable condition must naturally have suggested. In this melancholy manner, he passed along the vale of Tempe ; and pursuing the river Pe- neus, at last arrived at a fisherman's hut, in which he spent the night. Thence, he went on board a httle vessel ; and, keeping along the sea-shore, he descried a ship of some burthen, which seemed preparing to sail, in which he embarked; the master of the vessel still paying him the homage due to his former sta- tion. From the mouth of the river Peneus, he sailed to A m- phipolis; where, finding his affairs desperate, he steered to Lesbos, to take in his wife Cornelia, whom he had left there, at a distance from the dangers and hurry of the war. She, who had long flattered herself with the hopes of victory, felt the reverse of fortune in an agony of distress. The messenger, whose tears, more than words,, proclaimed the greatness of her misfortunes, desired her to hasten, if she expected to see Pompey with even one ship, and that not his own. Her grief which before was violent, became now insupportable; she fainted, and lay a considerable time without any signs of life. At length, recovering, and reflecting that it was then no time for vain lamentations, she r^ quite through the city, to the sea- side. Pompey silently embraced her, and for some time sup- ported her in his arms, in fixed despair. Accompanied by Cornelia, he now continued his course, steering to the south-east; and, stopping at the ports which occurred in his passage no longer than was necessary to take in provisions. He was at last prevailed on to apply to Ptole- ma3us (usually called Ptolemy,) king of Egypt; to whose father, Pompey had been a considerable benefactor. Ptolemy, who was yet a minor, bed not the government in his own hands ; he and his kingdom being under the direction of Photinus, a eunuch, and Theodotus, a professor of eloquence. They ad-^ vised that Pompey should be invited on shore, and assassinated; and accordingly, Achillas, the commander of the forces, and Septimius, by birth a Roman, who had formerly been a cen- turion in Pompey's army, were appointed to carry their designs into execution. Attended by three or four assistants, they went into a little bark, and rowed off* from the land, towards Pompey's ship, which lay about a mile from the shore. Pom- pey, aftei having taken leave of Cornelia, and repeated two verses from Sophocles, signifying, that he who trusts his free- dom to a tyrant, firom that moment becomes £^ sl^^ve, steppecj 1 1 8 HISTORY OF ROME. into the bark, with only two attendants of his own. They had now rowed some distance from the ship ; during which time, they had all observed a profound silence : Pompey, there- fore, wishing to begin the discourse, accosted Septimius, whose face he recollected. " Methinks, friend," cried he, " you and I were once fellow soldiers together." Septimius gave only a nod with his head, without uttering a word, or showing the least civility. Pompey then took out a paper on which he had minuted a speech he intended to make to the king; and began reading it. In this manner, they approached the shore ; and Cornelia, whose concern had never suffered her to lose sight of her husband, began to entertain hope when she saw the people crowding down along the coasts, as if willing to receive him : but her hopes were soon destroyed — that instant, as Pompey rose, supporting himself upon his freedman's arm, Septimius stabbed him in the back, and was inskmtly seconded by Achillas. Pompey, perceiving his death inevitable, only disposed himself to meet it with decency; and, covering his face with his robe, without uttering a word, with a sigh resign- ed himself to his fate. At this horrid sight, Cornelia shrieked so loud, as to be heard upon the shore; but the danger she herself was in, did not allow the mariners time to look on ; they immediately set sail, and the wind proving favourable, for- tunately they escaped the pursuit of the Egyptian galleys. In the meantime, Pompey's murderers, having cut off his head, caused it to be embalmed, the better to preserve the features ; designing it for a present to Csesar. The body was then thrown upon the strand, exposed to the curiosity of the multitude. However, his faithful freedraan, Philip, still remain- ed near it; and, when the ciowd had dispersed, he washed it in the sea ; then looking around for materials to burn it, he per- ceived the wreck of a fishing boat, with which he made a pile. Whilst he was thus piously employed, he was accosted by an old Roman soldier, who had served under Pompev; in his youth : " Who art thou," said he, " that art making these humble pre- parations for Pompey's funeral?" Philip having answered that he was one of his freedmen: *' Alas," replied the soldier, ** permit me to share in this honour also : amidst all the miseries of my exile, it will be my last sad comfort, that I have been able to assist at the funeral of my old commander, and touch the body of the bravest general that ever Rome produced." Both joined in giving his remains the last sad rites : after this^ they collected his ashes, and buried them under a little rising HISTORY OF ROME. 119 earth, scraped together with their hands ; over which, was after- wards placed the following inscription: He whose merits de^ serve a temple, can now scarcely find a tomb. CHAPTER XXI. From the destruction of the Commonwealth^ to the establishment of the first Emperor, Augustus. jy p C^SAR has been much celebrated for his fortune, J^^ ' and yet his abilities seem equal to his highest success. He possessed many shining qualities, without the mix- ture of any defect, except ambition. His talents were such, as would have rendered him victorious, at the head of any army he commanded ; and he would have governed, in any republic that had given him birth. Having now gained a complete vic- tory, his success seemed only to increase his activity, and in- spire him with fresh resolution to face new dangers. He re- solved, therefore, to pursue his last advantage, and follow Pompey, to whatever country he should retire; convinced, that during his life, though he might gain new triumphs, he never could enjoy security. Accordingly, losing no time, he set sail for Egypt, and ar- rived at Alexandria, with about four thousand men; a very in- considerable force, to keep so powerful a kingdom in subjection. On landing, the first accounts he received were of Pompey's miserable end; and, soon afterwards, one of the murderers came, with his head and ring, as a most grateful present to the conqueror. But Caesar had too much humanity, to be pleased with so horrid a spectacle : he turned away from it, with dis- gust, and, after a short pause, gave vent to his pity, in a flood of tears. Not long afterwards, he ordered a magnificent tomb to be erected to his memory, on the spot where he was mur- dered ; and a temple near the place, to Nemesis, the heathen goddess who punished those who were cruel to men in adversity. It ^tppears that the Egyptians had now some hopes of shaking oiF the Roman alliance, which they considered, as in fact it was, but a specious subjection. They first began to take of- fence at Caesar's carrying before him the ensigns of Roman power, as he entered the city. Photinus, also, treated him with great disrespect, and even attempted his life. Caesar, however* concealed his resentment, until he had a force sufli- I l!30 HISTORY OF ROME. cient to punish his treachery ; and, sending privately for the legions which had formerly been enrolled for Pompey's service, as being the nearest to Egypt, he in the mean time pretended to repose entire confidence in the king's minister; making great entertainments, and assisting at the conferences of the philoso-, phers, who were very numerous at Alexandria. However, when he found himself in no danger from the minister's at- tempts, he soon changed his manner, and declared, that being Roman consul, it was his duty to settle the succession to the Egyptian crown. There were, at that time, two pretenders to the throne of Egypt: Ptolemy, the acknowledged king, and the celebrated Cleopatra, his sister; to whom, by a custom of the country, at variance with the Divine law, he was married, and, by their father's will, she shared jointly in the succession. Not con- tented with a bare participation of power, Cleopatra aimed at governing alone; but, being opposed by the Roman senate, who confirmed her brother's title to the crown, she was banish- ed into Syria, with Arsinoe, her younger sister. Csesar gave her new hopes of obtaining the kingdom, and summoned both her and her brother to plead their cause before him. Photinus, the young king's guardian, disdained to accept this proposal, and maintained his rejection by sending an army of twenty- thousand men, to besiege him in Alexandria. Caesar, for some time, bravely repulsed the enemy; but, finding the city of too great extent to be defended by so small an army as he then had, he retired to the palace, which commanded the harbour; where he proposed to make his stand. Achillas, who headed the Egyptians, attacked him there with great vigour; and still aimed at obtuining the fleet which lay before the palace. Csesar, however, too well knew the value of these ships, in the hands of an enemy ; and therefore burned them all, in defiance of every attempt to prevent him. He next took possession of the isle of Pharos, the key to the Alexandrian port; by which he was enabled to receive the supplies sent him from every side; and in this situation he determined to withstand the united force of all the Egyptians. In the mean time, Cleopatra, having heard of the present change in her favour, resolved to depend for success rather on the assistance of Csesar, than her own forces. But no arts, as she justly conceived, were so likely to influence him, as the charms of her person ; which, though not faultless, were ex- tremely fascinating. She was now in the bloom of youth, and everv feature borrowed grace from the lively turn of her tern HISTORY OF ROME. 121 per. To the most enchanting address, she joined the most harmonious voice. With all these accomphshments, she pos- sessed a great share of the learning of the times, and could give audience to the ambassadors of seven different nations, without an interpreter. The difficulty was, how to obtain an interview with Csesar ; as her enemies were in possession of all the avenues that led to the palace. For this purpose, she went on board a small vessel, and in the evening landed near the palace ; then, being wrapped up in a coverlet, she ^vas carried by one Aspolodorus, into the very chamber of Caesar. Her address at first pleased him : her wit and understanding still fanned the flame; but her caresses, which proceeded beyond the bounds of innocence, entirely brought him over to espouse her claims. Whilst Cleopatra was thus employed in forwarding her own views, her sister Arsinoe was also strenuously engaged in the camp, in pursuing a separate interest. She had found means, by the assistance of one Ganymede, her confidant, to make a considerable division in the Egyptian army, in her favour; and, soon afterwards, by one of those sudden revolutions, which are common in barbarian camps to this day, she caused Achillas to be murdered, and Ganymede to take the command in his stead; by whom, the siege was carried on with greater vigour than before. Ganymede's principal effort was by letting in the sea upon those canals which supplied the palace with fresh water; but Csssar remedied this inconvenience by digging a great number of wells. His next endeavour was, to prevent the junction of Caesar's twenty-fourth legion; which he twice attempted in vain. He soon afterwards made himself master of a bridge which joined the Isle of Pharos to the continent; from which post, Coesar resolved to dislodge him. In the heat of the action, some mariners, partly through curiosity, partly through am- bition, came and joined the combatants ; but, being seized with a panic, they instantly fled, and produced a general terror through the army. All the endeavours of Caesar to rally his forces, were fruitless : the confusion was past remedy, and numbers were drowned or put to the sword, in attempting to escape. Now, therefore, seeing the irreparable disorder of his troops, he retired to a ship, in order to reach the palace that was just opposite. However, he was no sooner on board, than great crowds entered the vessel; upon which, apprehen- sive of her sinking, he leaped into the sea, and swam two-hun- dred paces to the fleet which lay before the palace ; all tAe L 122 HISTORY OF ROME. time holding his Commentaries in his left hand, above water, and his coat of mail in his teeth. The Alexandrians, finding their exertions to take the place ineffectual, endeavoured at least to get their king out of Caesar's power ; as he had secured his person in the beginning of their disputes. For this purpose, they practised their customary dissimulation ; professing the utmost desire of peace, and wish- mg the presence of their lawful prince, only to give a sanction to the treaty. Caesar, though sensible of their perfidy, con- cealed his suspicions, and gave them their king; being under no apprehensions from the abilities of a boy. Ptolemy, how- ever, the instant he was set at liberty, instead of promoting peace, made every effort to give vigour to hostilities. In this manner, Csesar was hemmed in, for some time, by his artful and insidious enemy, with every difficulty to encounter; but he was at last relieved from this mortifying situation, by Mithridates Pergamenus, on^ of his most faithful partisans, who came with an army to his assistance. This general, hav- ing collected a powerful force in Syria, marched into Egypt, took the city of Pelusium, repulsed the Egyptian army with loss, and at last joining with Csesar, attacked their camp; making great slaughter of the enemy. Ptolemy himself, at- tempting to escape on board a vessel then sailing down tho river, was drowned by the ship's sinking; and Csesar thus be- came master of all Egypt, without any further opposition. He therefore appointed Cleopatra, and her younger brother, then an infant, as joint governors, and drove out Arsinoe, with Ganymede, into banishment. Having thus given away kingdoms, he now for a while seem- ed to relax from the usual activity of his conduct ; captivated by the charms of Cleopatra. Instead of quitting Egypt for the purpose of terminating the opposition of Pompey's party, he there abandoned himself to his pleasures; passing his time with the young queen ia feasting and all the excesses of high wrought luxury. He even resolved to attend her up the Nile, to -^Ethiopia; but the brave veterans, who had long followed his fortune, boldly censured his conduct, and refused to be partners in so infamous an expedition. Thus, at length, roused from his lethargy, he determined to prefer the call of ambition to that of love ; and to leave Cleopatra, (by whom he had a son, afterwards called Caesario,) in order to oppose Pharnaces, the king of Bosphorus, who had made some inroads upon the dominions of Rome. This prince, who was the son of the great Mithridates, being HISTORY OF ROME. 123 ambitious of recovering his father's dominions, seized upon Armenia and Colchis, and overcame Domitius, who had been sent against him. Upon Caesar's march to oppose him, Phar- naces, who was as much terrified at the name of the general, as at the strength of his army, laboured, by all the arts of ne- gotiation, to avert the impending danger. Caesar, exasperated at his crimes and ingratitude, at first dissembled with the am- bassadors; and, using all expedition, fell unexpectedly upon the enemy, over whom, in a few hours, he obtained a complete victory. Pharnaces attempted to take refuge in his capital, but was killed by one of his own commanders : a just punish- ment, for his former parricide. Caesar overthrew him with so much ease, that in writing to a friend in Rome, he expressed the rapidity of his victor}^ in three words — ^' Veni, Vidi, Vici,^^ (I came, I saw, I conquered.) A man so accustomed to sus- cess, thought a sUght battle scarcely deserved a longer letter. Caesar, having settled affairs in this part of the empire, as well as time would permit, embarked for Italy; where he ar- rived sooner than his enemies expected, but not before the situation of things absolutely required. During; his absence, he had been elected consul for ^wq years, dictator for one year, and tribuae of the people for life. But Antony, who in the mean time governed for him, in Rome, had filled the city with riot and debauchery; and many commotions ensued, which nothing but the arrival of Caesar, so opportunely, could ap- pease. However, by his mod::ration and humanity, he soon restored tranquillity to the city ; scarcely making any distinction between those of his own and the opposite party. Having, by gentle means, regained his authority at home, he prepared to march into Africa, where Pompey's party had found time to rally under Scipio and Cato, assisted by Juba, king of Mauri- tania; and, with his usual diligence, landed with a small party in Africa, being followed by the rest of his army. Scipio, soon afterwards coming to a battle, received a complete and final overthrow; in consequence of which, Juba and Petreius, his generals, killed each other, in despair. Attempting to escape by sea into Spain, Scipio fell in amongst the enemy, who put him to death ; so that, of all the generals of that unfortunate party, Cato was now the only one that remained. This extraordinary man, whom no prosperity could elate, nor any misfortune depress, having retired into Africa aftei the battle of Pharsalia, had led the wretched remains of that defeat ^ through burni-ng tracts and deserts, infested with serpents of various malignity, and w^s now in the city of Utica, which hv 124 HISTORY OF ROME. had been left to defend. Still, however, in love with even the show of Roman government, he had formed the principal citi- zens into a senate, and conceived the resolution of defending the town. But the enthusiasm of liberty subsiding amongst his followers, he resolved no longer to force men to be free, who seemed naturally prone to slavery. He now therefore desired some of his companions to save themselves by sea, and bade others rely upon the clemency of Csesar; observing, that, as to himself, he was at last victorious. After supping cheerfully with his friends, he retired to his apartment ; where he behaved with unusual tenderness to his son, and to all around him. When he had come into his bed-chamber, he lay down, and began to read Plato's dialogue on the immortality of the soul; and, after some time^ happening to cast his eyes to the head of his bed, he was much surprised not to find his sword there, which had been removed by order of his son, whilst they were at supper. Upon this, calling one of his domestics, to know what was become of it, and receiving no answer, he resumed his studies ; but, some time after, asking again for his sword, and perceiving that no one obeyed him, he called his servants, one after the other, and, with a peremptory air, de- manded it once more. His son soon afterwards came in, and with tea^s besought him, in the most humble manner, to change his resolution; but, receiving a stern reprimand, he desisted from his persuasions. His sword being at length brought him, he seemed satisfied; and cried out, " Now, again, I am master of myself." He then took up his book, which he read twice over, and fell into a sound sleep. Upon awaking, he called to one of his freedmen to know if his friends had embarked, or if any thing yet remained that could be done to serve them. The freedman, assuring him that all was quiet, was again ordered to leave the room ; and Cato Was no sooner alone, than he stabbed himself through the breast, but not with the force he intended ; for, the wound not despatching him, he fell upon his bed, and at the same time overturned a table, on which he had been drawing some geometrical figures. At the noise he made in his fall, the servants gave a shriek, and his son and friends immediately entered the room. They found him welter- ing in his blood, and his bowels gushed out through the w^ound. The physician who attended his family, finding that his intes- tines were uninjured, would have replaced them; but when Cato recovered his senses, and understood their intention to preserve his life, he pushed the physician from him, and, with a fierce resolution, tore out his bowels, and expired* HISTORY OF ROME. 125 Upon the death of Cato, the war in Africa having terminated, Caesar returned in triumph to Rome. The citizens were as- tonished at the magnificence of the procession, and the num- ber of the countries he had subdued : it seemed as if he had abridged all his former triumphs, to increase the splendour ot this. It continued four days. The first was for Gaul; the second for Egypt ; the third, for his victories in Asia ; and the fourth, for the conquest of Juba, in Africa. His veteran sol- diers, all scarred with wounds, and now laid up for life, follow- ed their triumphant general, crowned with laurels, and con- ducted him to the capitoL To every one of these, he gave a sum equal to about one hundred and fifty pounds sterling; double that sum to the centurions, and four times as much to the superior officers. The citizens also shared his bounty ; to each of whom, he distributed ten bushels of corn, ten pounds of oil, and a sum of money equal to about forty shiUings. After this, he entertained the people at twenty-thousand tables, treated them with a combat of gladiators, and filled Rome with a concourse of spectators from every part of Italy. The people, intoxicated by these allurements of pleasure, thought their freedom too small a return for such benefits: they seemed eager only to find out new modes of homage, and unusual epithets of adulation for their great enslaver. He was appointed, by a new title, JVLagister JVForum, or master of the morals of the people : he received the appellation of emperor, father of his country : his person was declared sacred ; and, in short, upon him alone devolved, for life, all the great dignities of the state. It must, however, be acknowledged, that so much power could not h£fve*been intrusted to better keeping. He began his empire by immediately repressing vice, and re- warding virtue. He committed the courts of judicature to the senators and the knights alone ; by many sumptuary laws, re- strained the scandalous luxuries of the rich, and used the most prudent methods of repeopling the city, which had been ex-^ hausted in the late commotions. Having thus restored prosperity to Rome, he again found himself under a necessity of going into Spain, to oppose an army raised there under the two sons of Pompey, and also Labienus, his former general. He proceeded in this expedition with his usual celerity; and arrived before the enemy thought him yet departed from^Rome. Cneius and Sextus, Pompey's sons, profiting by the example of their unhappy father, resolved, fts much as possible, to protract the war; so that the first ope-^ rations of the two armies weimspent in sieges, and fiuitless 126 HISTORY OF ROME. attempts to surprise each other. At length, Csesar, after taking many cities from the enemy, and pursuing Pompey with un- wearied perseverance, compelled him to engage in hattle,upon the plains of Munda. At break of day, Pompey drew up his men, with great order and precision, on the declivity of a hill. Caesar marshalled his forces on the plain below; and, after moving a little way from his trenches, he ordered them to halt; expecting the enemy would shortly descend the hill. This delay caused murmuring amongst his soldiers, whilst Pompey's with full vigour poured down upon them ; and a dreadful con- flict ensued. The first shock was so tremendous, that Caesar's men, who had been hitherto used to conquer, now began to waver. Caesar was never before in so much danger : he threw himself several times into the very throng of battle. " What," cried he, " are you going to give up your general, who is grown grey in fighting at your head, to a parcel of boys 1" Upon this, his tenth legion exerted themselves with more than former bravery; and a party of horse being detached from the camp of Pom- pey, by Labienus, in pursuit of a body of Numidian cavalry, Caesar cried aloud, that they were flying. This cry instantly spread itself through both armies, exciting the one, as much as it depressed the other. Now, therefore, the tenth legion press- ed forward, and a total rout ensued. Thirty- thousand men were killed on Pompey's side, amongst whom was Labienus, whom Caesar ordered to be buried with the funeral honours of a gen- eral officer. Cneius Pompey escaped with a few horsemen to the sea-side, but, finding his passage intercepted, he waa obliged to seek for a retreat in rni obscure cavern. He waa quickly discovered by some of Caesar's troops, who cut off* his head, and carried it to the conqueror. His brother Sextus^ however, concealed himself so well, that he escaped all pursuit, and afterwards became very formidable .to the people of Rome, on account of his piracies. n^ Cajsar, by this last blow, subdued all his avowed enemies ; and the rest of his life was employed for the advantage of the state. He adorned the city with magnificent buildings : he re- built Carthage and Corinth, sending colonies to both places : he undertook to level several mountains in Italy ; to drain the Pontine Marshes,^near Rome, and intended to cut through the Isthmus of Pel^onnesus. Thus, with a min^ that could nevei remain inactive,Tie pondered mighty projects, beyond the hmita of the longest life. But the greatest of all, was his intended expedition^gainst the Parthians. By this, he designed to re- venge the death of Crassus j|^^|p, hiaiviDg gpnetrated too far HISTORY OF ROME. 127 into their country, was overthrown, taken prisoner, and put to a cruel death, by having melted gold poured down his throat, as a punishment for his former avarice. Thence, Csesar in- tended to pass through Hyrcania, and enter Scythia, along the shores of the Caspian Sea, then, to open himself a way through the immeasurable forests of Germany, into Gaul, and so return to Rome. These were the aims of ambition : the jealousy of a few individuals put an end to them all. Having been made perpetual dictator, and received from the senate accumulated honours, it began to be rumoured that he intended to make hin^elf king; and though in fact, he was possessed of the power, the people, who had an utter aversion to the name, could not bear his using the title. Whether he really designed to assume that empty honour, must, to us, for ever remain a secret; but certain it is, the unsuspecting open- ness of his conduct, displayed something like a confidence in the mnocence of his intentions. When informed by those about him, of the jealousies of many persons who envied his power, he was heard to say, that ha would rather die once by treason, than live continually in apprehension. W^hen advised to be- ware of Brutus, in whom he had for some time reposed the greatest confidence, he opened his breast, all scarred with wounds, saying, " Can you think Brutus cares for such poor pillage as* this]" And being one night at supper, as his friends disputed amongst themselves what death was_easiest, he replied, " That which is most sudden, and least foreseen." But, to convince the world how little he had to apprehend from ene- mies, he disbanded the company of Spanish guards; which measure facilitated the design upon his life. ^ A deep conspiracy was therefore laid against hina», composed of no less than sixty senators. They were still ufe m©re for- midable, as the majority were of his own party, who, having 6een raised above other citizens, felt more strongly the weight , of a single superior. At the head of this conspiracy, were, Bi^tus, whose life Ca3sar had spared at the battle of Pharsalia, an^ Cassius, who was soon afterwards pardoned; both praetors for»^he present year. The former made it his chief glory that he ->yas descended from that Brutus who first gave liberty to Roihe; and the passion for freedom seemed to have been trans- mitted, with the blood of his ancestors, down to him. But, though he detested tyranny, yet he could not forbear loving the tyrant, from whom he had received the most signal benefits. The conspirators, to give a colour of justice to their pro- 128 HISTORY OF ROME. ceedings, deferred the execution of their design until the *ide3 of March, the day on which Caesar was to be offered the crown. The augurs had foretold that this day would be fatal to him ; and the night preceding, he heard his wife Calpurnia lamenting in her sleep: when, being awakened, she confessed to him that she had dreamed of his being assassinated in her arms. These omens began to change his intentions of going to the senate, then, as he had determined : but, one of the conspirators, coming in, prevailed upon him to change his resolution ; telling him of the reproach that would attend his staying at home, till his wife had lucky dreams, and of the preparations made for his appearance. As he proceeded to the senate, a slave, who hastened to him with information of the conspiracy, attempted to come near him, but could not for the crowd. Artemidorus, a Greek philosopher, who had discovered the whole plot, de- livered him a memorial, containing the heads of the informa- tion ; but Csesar gave it, with other papers, to one of his secre- taries, without reading, as it was usual in things of this nature. Having at length entered the senate-house, where his enemies were prepared to receive him, he met one Spurina, an augur, who had foretold his danger; to whom, he said, smiling: *^ Well, Spurina, the ides of March are come." " Yes," re- plied the augur, '' but they are not yet over." As soon as Caesar had taken his place, the conspirators ap- proached, under pretence of saluting him; and Cimber, who was one of them, advanced in a suppliant posture, pretending to sue for the pardon of his brother, who had been banished by Caesar's order. All the rest of the party seconded him, with great earnestness; and Cimber, seeming to sue with still greater submission, took hold of the extremity of his robe, holding him\o as to prevent his rising. This was the signal agreed on. Casca, who was behind, stabbed him, though sUghtly, in the shoulder. Caesar instantly turned round, and with the steel of his stablet wounded him in the arm. How- ever, all the conspirators were now in motion; and, enclosing him around, he received a second stab, from an unknown hand, in the breast, whilst Cassius wounded him in the* face. He still defended himself with great vigour, rushing amongst them, and throwing down all who opposed him, until he saw Brutus amongst the number of the conspirators ; who, coming up, struck his dagger into his thigh. From that moment, * Ides, or Idus^ a term anciently used amongst the Romans; the 13th of each month, except in March, May, July, and October, in which, it is the 15th. HISTORY or ROMlii. 1;29 Caesar thought no more of defending himself; but, looking on Brutus, cried out: " And you too, my son!" Then, covering his head, and spreading his robe before him, m order to fall with greater decency, he sunk down at the base of Pompey's statue, after receiving twenty-three wounds, from hands which he vainly supposed he had disarmed by his liberality. jj p Csesar was killed in the fifty-sixth year of his age,^ ^' ^ * and about fourteen years after he began the conquest of the world. If we examine his history, we shall be at a loss which most to admire, his great abilities, or his won- derful fortune. To pretend to say, that, from the beginning, he planned the subjection of his native country, is doing no great credit to his well known penetration ; as a thousand ob- stacles lay in his way, which fortune, rather than conduct, was to surmount. No man, therefore, of his sagacity, would have begun a scheme, in which the chances of succeeding were so many against him : it is more probable, that, like all very suc- cessful men, he only made the best of every occurrence ; and, his ambition rising with his good fortune, from at first being contented with less extensive views, he at last began to think of governing the world, when he found scarcely any obstacle to oppose his designs. Such is the disposition of man; whose cravings after power are always most insatiable when he enjoys the greatest share. As soon as the conspirators had despatched Csesar, they all retired to the Capitol, and guarded its accesses by a body of gladiators, which Brutus had in pay. The friends of the late dictator perceived that this was the time for coming into greater power than before, and for satiating their ambition under the veil of promoting justice. Of this number, was Antony, whom we have already seen acting as heutenant under Caesar, and governing Rome in his absence. He was a man of moderate abilities, and excessive vices : am- bitious of power, only because it gave to his pleasures a wider range ; but skilled in war, to which he had been trained from his youth. He held the office of consul for this year ; and re- solved, with Lepidus, who, hke himself, was fond of commo- tions, to seize this opportunity of gaining that power which Caesar had died for usurping. His colleague, therefore, took possession of the forum, with a band of soldiers; and Antony, being consul, was permitted to command them. His first step was to secure all Caesar's money and papers, and the next to convoke the senate. Never, had this august assembly been convened upon so delicate an occasion: it was to determine 130 HISTORY OF ROME. whether Csesar had b^en a legal magistrate, or a tyrannical usurper; and whether those who killed him merited rewards or punishments. There were many of these who had received all their promotions from Csesar, and had acquired large fortunes in consequence of his appointment: to vote him a usurpei, therefore, would be to endanger their property, and yet to de- clare him innocent, might endanger the state. In this dilemma, they seemed wilHng to reconcile extremes ; wherefore, they ap- proved all the acts of Csesar, and yet granted a general pardon to all the conspirators. This decree was very far from giving satisfaction to Antony; as it exempted a number of men who were the avowed enemies of tyranny, and who would be foremost in opposing his schemes of restoring absolute power. As, therefore, the senate had rati- fied all the acts of Csesar, without distinction, he formed a scheme of making him rule when dead, as imperiously as he had done when living. Being in possession of Csesar's books of office, he so far gained upon his secretary, as to make him* insert whatever he thought proper. By this means, great sums of money, which Csesar would never have given, were there distributed amongst the people; and every man who had any seditious designs against the government, was sure of finding a gratuity. Things being in this situation, Antony demanded of the senate, that Csesar's funeral obsequies should be per- formed; which they could not decently forbid, as they had never declared him a tyrant. Accordingly, his body was brought forth with the utmost solemnity, into the forum ; and Antony, who charged himself vidth these last duties of friend- ship, began his operations upon the passions of the people, by the ruling motives of private interest. He first read them Csesar's will, in which he had left Octavius, his sister's grand- son, his heir, permitting him to take the name of Csesar, and three parts of his private fortune: Brutus was to inherit in case of his death. To the Roman people, were left, the gar- dens which he had on the other side of the Tyber; and every citizen, in particular, was to receive three hundred sesterces. Then, unfolding Csesar's bloody robe, in view of the multitude, he took care that they should observe the number of stabs in it; and next, he displayed an image, which to them appeared the body of Csesar, all covered with wounds. They could no longer contain their indignation, but unanimously cried out for revenge, and ran with flaming brands from the pile, to set fire to the conspirators' houses. In this rage of resentment, meet» ing with one Cinna, whom they mistook for another of the same HISTORY OF ROME. 131 name, who was in the conspiracy, they tore him to pieces. Those, however, who were concerned in Caesar's murder, being well guarded, easily repulsed the multitude; but, per- ceiving their violence, they thought it prudent, soon afterwards, to retire from the city. In the mean time, Antony, who had excited this flame, re- solved to profit by the occasion. But, an obstacle to his am- bition^seemed to arise from a quarter in which he least expect- ed it; from Oct^vius Caesar, afterwards called Augustus, who was the grand pephew and adopted son of Julius Caesar. A third competitof also for power appeared in Lepidus, a man of great riches, and some authority in Rome. At first, the am- bition of these three menaced fatal consequences to each other ; but, soon afterwards uniting in the common cause, they resolved to revenge the death of Caesar, and, dividing all power amongst themselves, formed what is called the Second Trium- virate. The meeting of these three usurpers of their country's free- dom, was near Mutina, on a little island of the river Panarus. Their mutual suspicions were the cause of their convemlig in a place where they could not fear any treachery ; for, even in their union, they always retained a diffidence of each other. Lepidus first entered; and finding all things safe, made the signal for the others to approach. Upon their first meeting they embraced ; and Augustus began the conference, by thank- ing Antony for his zeal in putting Decimus Brutus to death; who, abandoned by his army, was taken as he designed to es- cape into Macedonia, and beheaded by Antony's command. They then entered upon the business that lay before them, without any retrospection of the past. Their conference lasted for three days ; and in this period they fixed a division of gov- ernment, and determined upon the fate of thousands. The result was, that the supreme authority should be lodged in their hands, under the title of the triumvirate, for the space of five years ; that Antony should have Gaul ; Lepidus, Spain ; and Augustus, Africa and the Mediterranean islands. As for Italy, and the eastern provinces, they were to remain in com- mon, until their general enemy was entirely subdued; and, amongst other articles of union, it was agreed, that all whom they suspected should be destroyed; of which, each presented a list. In these, were comprised, not only the enemies, but the friends, of the triumvirate ; as the partisans of one were often found amongst the opposers of another. Thus, Lepidus gave up his brother Paulus to the vengeance of his colleague; 132 HISTORY OF ROME. Antony permitted the proscription of his uncle I^ucius ; and Augustus delivered up the great Cicero, who was, by Antony's command, shortly afterwards assassinated ! In the mean time, Brutus and Cassius, the principal conspi- rators against Caesar, being compelled to leave the city, went into Greece, where they persuaded the ,P»cn||^ students at Athens to declare in the cause of freedom. Then, parting, the former raised a powerful army in Mac^onia and the> adja- cent countries, whilst the latter went into Sj^a, where he soon became master oftwelve legions, and redflrced his opponent Dolabella to so great extremity, thatlae kille(Aimself. Both armies soon afterwards joined at Smyrna. The sight of a force so formidable, began to revive the declining spirits of the party^^^ and to unite still more closely the two generals, between whom there had been, some time before, a slight misunderstanding. Having quitted Italy lilie distressed exiles, without a single sol- dier or town that acknowledged their command, they now found themselves at the head of a flourishing army, fuii^ished with all the necessaries of war, and in a condition to support a contest, on the event of which depended the empire of the world. This success in raising levies, was entirely owing to the justice, moderation, and humanity of Brutus ; who, in every instance, seemed studious of the happiness of his country, in preference to his own. In this flourishing state of their affairs, they formed a reso- lution of going against Cleopatra, who had made great prepara- tions to assist their opponents. However, they were diverted from this purpose, by information that Augustus and Antony were then upon their march, with forty legions, to attack them, Brutus, therefore, proposed that their army should pass over into Greece and Macedonia, and there meet the enemy : but Cassius so far prevailed, as to have the Rhodians and Lycians first reduced ; they having refused their usual contributions. This determination was immediately put in execution, and ex- traordinary supplies were by that means raised ; the Rhodians having scarcely any thing left them but their lives. The Ly- cians suffered still more severely. Having shut themselves up in the city of Xanthus, they defended the place against Brutus, with such obstinacy, that neither his arts nor entreaties could prevail upon them to surrender. At length, the town being set on fire by their attempting to burn the works of the Ro- mans, Brutus, instead of laying hold of this opportunity to storm the place, made every eflTort to preserve it, entreating his soldiers to try all means of extinguishing the fire ; but the des- HISTORY OF ROME. 133 perate frenzy of the citizens, was not to be restrained. Far from being obliged to their generous enemy, for the efforts which were made to save them, they resolved to perish in the flames; and, instead of extinguishing, they did all in their power to augment, the fire, by throwing in dry reeds, wood, and all kinds of fuel. Nothing could exceed the distress of Brutus, on seeing the townsmen thus resolutely bent upon destroying themselves; he rode about th^ fortifications, stretching out his hands to the Xanthians, and conjuring them to have pity on themselves, and their city; but, insensible to his expostulations, they rushed into the flames with desperate obstinacy, and the whole soon became a heap of undistinguishable ruin. At this horrid spectacle, Brutus melted into tears ; offering a reward to every soldier who should bring him a Lycian alive ; but the aumber of those whom it was possible to save from their own fury, amounted to no more than one-hundred-and-fifty. Brutus and Cassius met once more at Sardis ; where, after ihe usual ceremonies had passed, they resolved to have a pri- vate conference. They therefore shut themselves up in the first convenient house, with express orders to their servants to suffer no interruption. Brutus began, by reprimanding Cassius for having disposed of offices, which should always be the re- ward of merit; and for having overtaxed the tributary states. Cassius retorted the imputation of avarice, with the more bit- terness, as he knew the charge to be groundless. The debate grew warm, till, from loud speaking, they burst into tears. Their friends, who were standing at the door, overheard the increas- ing vehemence of their voices, and began to dread the conse- quences; when Favonius, who valued himself upon a cynical boldness which knew no restraint, entered the room with a jest, and calmed their mutual animosity. Cassius readily restrained his anger. He wias a man of great abilities, though of uneven disposition; not averse to pleasure in private company, and on the whole, not very strict in his morals. But the conduct of Brutus was always perfectly steady. An even gentleness, a noble elevation of sentiment ; a strength of mind, over which neither vice nor pleasure could have any influence ; an inflexible firmness in the defence of justice, composed the character of this great man.* After their conference, night coming on^ ♦ Such, is the opinion entertained of him hy cotemporary historians ;^ bU^ in reference to his assisting in the murder of his friend, or indeed aiding in the assassination of Caesar, considered as a magistrate, or even as a private ind^ vidual, his conduct will not bear the test of this age, enlightened by the puro principles of Christianity and Justice. — Editor, M 134 HISTORY OF ROME. Cassius invited Brutus and his friends to an entertainment; where freedom and cheerfulness for a while took place of political anxiety, and softened the severity of wisdom. On returning home, Brutus, as Plutarch tells the story, saw a spectre in his tent. He naturally slept but little, and had in- creased this state of watchfulness by habit and great sobriety. He never allowed himself to sleep in the day time, as was then common in Rome ; and only gave so much of the nisrht to re- pose, as could barely renew the natural functions. But espe- cially now, when oppressed with so many cares, he devoted a very short time, after his evening repast, to rest; and, awaking about midnight, generally read or studied until morning. It Was in the dead of night, when the whole camp was perfectly quiet, that Brutus was thus employed in reading, by a lamp, that was just expiring. On a sudden, he thought he heard a noise, as if somebody entered; and, looking towards the door, perceived it open. A gigantic figure, with a frightful aspect, stood before him, and continued to gaze upon him with silent severity. At last, Brutus had courage to speak to it: '' Art thou a demon or a mortal man? and why comest thou to me?" " Brutus," replied the phantom, ** I am thy evil genius: thou shalt meet me again at Philippi." " Well, then," ar>swered Brutus, " we shall meet again." Upon this, the phantom van- ished ; and Brutus, calling to his servants, asked if they had seen any thing; to which, being answered in the negative, he resumed his studies. But as he was struck with so strange an occurrence, he mentioned it the next day to Cassius; who, being an epicurean, ascribed it to the effect of an imagination too much exercised by vigilance and anxiety ; in which opinion, he was correct. Brutus appeared satisfied with this solution of his late terrors; and as Antony and Augustus were now ad- vancing towards Macedonia, he and his colleague passed over into Thrace, and drew near to the city of Phihppi, where the forces of the triumviri were posted to receive them. AH mankind now regarded the approaching armies with soli- citude and terror. The empire of the world depended on the fate of a battle ; as, from victory, on the one side, they had to expect freedom, but on the other, a sovereign with absolute oommand. Brutus was the only man who looked upon these great events with calmness and tranquillity. Indifferent as to success, and satisfied by having done his duty, he said to one of his friends: " If I gain the victory, I shall restore liberty to my country; if I lose it, by dying, I shall be dehvered from •laveiry myself; my condition is fixed, and I run no hazard." HISTORY OF ROME. 135 The republican army consisted of eighty-thodsand foot and twenty-thousand horse. That of the triumviri, of one-hundred thousand foot, and thirteen-thousand horse. Thus complete on both sides, they met and encamped near each other upon^ the plains of Philippi, a city on the confines of Thrace. This town was situated upon a mountain, towards the west of which a plain extended, by a gentle declivity, almost fifteen leagues, to the banks of the river Strymon. On this plain, about two miles from Philippi, were two little hills, about a mile distant from each other, defended on one side by mountains, on the other by a marsh, which communicated with the sea. It was on these two hills, that Brutus and Cassius fixed their camps : the former, on the hill towards the north; the latter, on that towards the south ; and, in the intermediate space the} threw up lines and a parapet, from one hill to the other. Thus, they preserved a firm communication between the two camps, which afforded mutual defence. In this commodious situation, they could act as they thoxight proper; and give battle only when it was thought to their advantage to engage. Behind them, was the sea, which furnished them with all kinds of provisions; and, at twelve miles distance, the island of Thasos, which served them for a Sfeneral maoazine. The triumviri were en- camped on the plain below, and were obliged to bring their supplies from a place fifteen leagues distant; so that their in- terest was to bring on a battle as soon as they possibly could. This they offered several times ; drawing out their men from the camp, and provoking the enemy to engage. On the con- trary, the latter contented themselves with drawing up their troops at the head of their camps, but without descending into the plain. This resolution of postponing the battle was their only resource ; and Cassius, who was aware of his advantage, resolved to harass the enemy rather than engage them. But Brutus began to suspect the fidelity of some of his officers ; and used all his influence to persuade Cassius to change his resolution. " I am impatient," said he, " to put an end to the miseries of mankind ; and, in that, I have hopes of succeeding, whether I fall or conquer." His wishes were soon gratified ; for, Antony's soldiers, having with great labour made a road through the marsh which lay to the left of Cassius' camp, by that means opened a communication with the island of Thasos, situated behind them. Both sides, in attempting to take pos- session of this road, resolved at length to come to a general engagement. This, however, was contrary to the advice of Cassius, who declar§(l that he was forced, as Pompey had for- 136 HISTORY OF ROME. merly been, to expose the liberty of Rome to the hazard of a single battle. The ensuing morning, the two generals gave the signal for engaging, and had a short conference before the battle began. Cassius desired to know how Brutus intended to act, in case they were unsuccessful ; to which, the other repUed : " For- merly, in my writings, I condemned the death of Cato, and maintained, that avoiding calamities by suicide was an insolent attempt against Heaven that sent them ; but I have now altered my opinions, and, having given up my life to my country, I think I have a right to my own way of ending it; wherefore, I am resolved to change a miserable being here, for a better here- after, if fortune prove against me." '* Well said, my friend," cried Oassius, embracing him; " now, we may venture to face the enemy; for either we shall be conquerors ourselves, or we shall have no cause to fear those that are so." Augustus being sick, the forces of the triumviri were com- manded alone by Antony, who began the engagement by a vigorous attack upon the hues of Cassius. Brutus, on the other side, made a dreadful irruption on those of Augustus, and drove forward with so much intrepidity, that he forced them, at the very first charge. Upon this, he penetrated as far as ther] camp, and cutting in pieces those who were left for its defence,^ his troops immediately began to plunder ; but, in the mean time/j the lines of Cassius were broken, and his cavalry put to flight.- There was no effort that this unfortunate general did not use, t( make his infantry stand; himself stopping those that fled, an^ seizing the colours to rally. But his valour, alone, was not sufl[i' cient to inspire his intimidated army ; wherefore, despairing Oi success, he caused himself to be killed by one of his freedmen Brutus was soon informed of the defeat of Cassius; and shortl after his death, as he drew near the camp, he seemed scarcely able to retain the excess of his grief, for a man whom he called the last of the Romans. But his first care, when he became the sole general, was to assemble the dispersed troops of Cassius, and animate them with fresh hopes of victory. As they lost all they had possessed by the plundering of their camp, he promised them two-thousand denarii each man, to make up their losses. This inspired them with new ardour: they admired the liberality of their general, and with loud shouts proclaimed his former intrepidity. Still, however, he had not confidence sufficient to face the enemy, who offered him battle the ensuing day. His aim was to starve bis adversaries, who were in extreme want of provisions ; their HISTORY OF ROME. 137 fleet having been lately defeated. But his single opinion was overruled by the army, who now grew every day more confident of their strength, and more arrogant to their new general. He was, therefore, at last, after a respite of twenty days, obliged to comply with their solicitations to try the fate of a battle. Both armies behig drawn out, they remained a considerable time opposite each other, without offering to engage. But, it is said that Brutus had lost much of his natural ardour, by hav- ing seen a spectre the night preceding; however, he encour- aged his men as much as possible, and gave the signal for another battle. He had, as usual, the advantage, where he commanded in person; bearing down the enemy at the head of his infantry, and, supported by his cavalry, making very great slaughter. But the troops which had belonged to Cassius, communicating their terror to the rest of the forces, the whole army at last gave way. Brutus, surrounded by the most A^aliant of his forces, fought for a long time, with amazing bravery. The son of Cato fell fighting by his side, as also the brother of Cassius; so that, at length, he was obliged to yield to ne- cessity, and fled. In the mean time, the two triumviri, now assured of victory, expressly ordered that the general should not be suffered to escape, lest he might renew the war. Thus, the whole body of the enemy seemed chiefly intent on Brutus alone, and his capture seemed inevitable. In this deplorable exigence, LuciHus, his friend, resolved, by his own death, to effect his general's delivery. On perceiving a body of Thracian hdrse closely pursuing Brutus, and just on the point of taking him, he boldly threw himself in their way, telling them that he was Brutus. The Thracians, overjoyed with so great a prize, immediately despatched some of their companions to the army, with the news of their suctfess ; and the ardour of the pursuit now abating, Antony marched out to meet his prisoner, and to hasten his death or insult his misfortunes. He was followed by a great number of officers and privates : some silently de- ploring the fate of so virtuous a man; others reproaching that mean desire of life, for which he consented to undergo cap* tivity. Antony, now seeing the Thracians approach, began to repare himself for the interview ; but the faithful Lucilius, ad- vancing with a cheerful air: *' It is not Brutus," said he, " that is taken ; fortune has not yet had the power of committing so great an outrage upon virtue. As for my life, it is well given in preserving his honour ; take it, for I have deceived you." Antony, struck with so much fidelity, pardoned him on the M 2 138 HISTORY OF ROME. spot ; and, from that time forward, loaded him with favours, and honoured him with his friendship. In the mean time, Brutus, with a small number of friends, passed over a rivulet; and, night coming on, sat down under a rock, which concealed him from the pursuit of the enemy. After taking breath for a httle time, and casting his eyes up to heaven, he repeated a line from Euripides, containing a wish to the gods, " that guilt should not pass, in this life, without punishment;" to which, he added another, from the same poet: " O virtue! thou empty name, I have worshiped thee as a di- vinity; but thou art only the slave of fortune." He then called to mind, with great tenderness, those whom he had seen perish in battle, and sent out one StratiUus, to obtain some information of those that remained ; but he never returned, being killed by a party of the enemy's horse. Brutus, judging very rightly of his fate, now resolved to die likewise, and spoke to those who stood around, to lend him their last sad assistance. None of them, however, would render him so melancholy a service. He therefore called to one of his slaves, to perform what he s6 ardently desired: but Strato, his tutor, offered himself; crying out, " That it should never be said, that Brutus, in his last ex- tremity, stood in need of a slave, for want of a friend." Thus saying, and averting his head, he presented the sword's point to Brutus, who threw himself upon it, and instantly expired.* From the moment of the death of Brutus, the triumviri began to act as sovereigns, and to divide the Roman dominions amongst them, as theirs, by right of conquest. However, though there were apparently three who participated, yet, in fact, only two were concerned in the administration; since Lepidus was introduced merely to curb the mutual jealousy of Antony and Augustus, and had neither interest in the army, nor authority over the people. Their first care was to punish those whom they formerly marked out for vengeance. Horten- sius, Drusus, and Quintilius Varus, all men of the first rank in the commonwealth, either killed themselves, or were put to death. A senator and his son were ordered to cast lots for tneir lives: the father voluntarily offered himself to the execu- * In this manner, did the heathens, when overtaken by adyersity, flj fj om their worldly sorrows, and rush, unconscious of a Judge, into the presence of their Creator! Whei-e was Hope, that balm of life, which sooths us under every bereavement? Where was Fortitude, which shields the aMlicted in the day of trouble ? Ala3 ! these had not, as yet, their proper influence over the human mind. The lignt of true religion has taught us to feel them, and tc view, with appalling terror, the horrid crime of suicide. — Editor^ HISTORY OF ROME 139 lioner, and the son stabbed himself before his face. Another begged to have the rites of burial after his death; to which, Augustus rephed : " That he should find a grave in the vultures that devoured him." But chiefly, the people lamented to see the head of Brutus brought to Rome, to be thrown at the foot of Caesar's statue. His ashes, however, were sent to his wife Porcia, Cato's daughter; who, following the example of her husband and her father, killed herself, by swallowing burning coals. It is observed. ^Jiat of all those who had a^^hand in the mur- der of Caesar, not one died a natural death. The power of the triumviri being thus estiiblished upon the ruin of the commonwealth, they now began to think of enjoying that homage to which they had aspired. Antony went into Greece, to receive the flattery of that refined people, and re- mained some time at Athens, conversing amongst the philoso- phers, and assisting at their disputes, in person. Thence, he passed over into Asia, where all the monarchs of the east, who acknowledged the Roman power, came to pay him their obe- dience ; whilst the fairest princesses strove to gain his favour, by the greatness of their presents, or the allurements of their beauty. In this manner, he proceeded, from kingdom to king- dom, attended by a crowd of sovereigns ; exacting contribu- tions, distributing bounties, and giving away crowns with ca- pricious insolence. He presented the kingdom of Cappadocia to Sysenes, in prejudice of Ariarathes, only because he found pleasure in the beauty of Glaphyra, the mother of the former. He settled Herod (called by the ancients Herodes) in the king- dom of Judea, and supported him against every opposer. But, amongst all the sovereigns of the east who shared his favours, none had so large a part as Cleopatra, the celebrated queen of Egypt. It happened, that Serapion, her governor in the island of Cyprus, had formerly furnished some succours to the conspi- rators ; and it was thought proper that she should answer for his conduct on that occasion. Accordingly, having received orders from Antony to appear and exculpate herself, she readily complied ; equally conscious of the goodness of her cause, and the power of her beauty. She was now in her twenty-seventh year ; having by experience improved those allurements, which, in earlier age, are seldom attended to. Her address and wit were still more highly polished ; and, though some women in Rome were her equals in j^eauty, none could rival her in the charms of conversation. 140 HISTORY OF ROME. Antony was then in Tarsus, a city of Cilicia, where Cleopatra resolved to attend his court in person. She sailed to meet him, down the river Cydnus (at the mouth of which the city stood,) with the most sumptuous pageantry. Her galley was covered with gold ; the sails were of purple, large and floating in the wind. The oars of silver swept to the sound of flutes and cymbals. She herself lay reclined on a couch, spangled with stars of gold, and with such ornaments as poets and painters had usually ascribed to Venus. On each side, were boys like Cupids, who alternately refreshed her with their fans; whilst the most beautiful nymphs, dressed as Naiads and Graces, were placed at proper distances around her.. On the banks of the river, burned the most exquisite perfumes ; whilst an innumerable crowd gazed upon the scene with delight and admiration. Antony was captivated by her beauty ; and, sacri- ficing business to his passion, shortly afterwards followed her into Egypt. There, he continued, in all that ease and softness, to which his vicious heart was prone, and which that luxurious people were able to supply. Whilst he remained thus idle in Egypt, xiugustus, who took upon himself to lead back the veteran troops, and settle them in Italy, was assiduously employed in providing for their subsist- ence. He had promised them lands at home, as a recompense for their past services ; but they could not receive the new grants, without turning out the former inhabitants. In conse- quence of this, multitudes of women, with children in their arms, whose tender years and innocence excited universal com- passion, daily filled the streets and temples with their distresses. Numbers of husbandmen and shepherds came to deprecate the conqueror's intention, or to obtain a habitation in some other part of the world. Amongst this number, was Yirgil, the poet, (to whom mankind owe more than to a thousand conquerors,) who in an humble manner begged permission to retain his patri- monial farm. Virgil (classically named Virgilius Maro) ob- tained his request ; but the rest of his countrymen of Mantua and Cremona, were turned out, without mercy. Rome, and all Italy, now felt extreme misery : the insolent soldiers plundered at will, whilst Sextus Pompey, being master of the sea, cut ofi* all foreign communication, and prevented the people from receiving their usual supphes of corn. To these mischiefs, were added, the commencement of another civil war. Fulvia, the wife of Antony, who had been left be- hind him at Rome, had experienced, for sometime^ all the rage of jealousy, and resolved to try every method of bringing back HISTORY OF ROME. 141 her husband from the arms of Cleopatra. She considered a breach with Augustus, as the only means of rousing him from his lethargy ; and accordingly, with the assistance of Lucius, her brother-in-law, who was consul, and entirely devoted to her interest, she began to sow the seeds of dissension. The pretext was, that Antony should have a share in the distribution of lands, as well as Augustus. This produced negotiations, and the latter offered to make the veterans themselves umpires in the dispute. Lucius refused to acquiesce; and being at the head of more than six legions.^ mostly composed of those who were dispossessed, he resolved to compel Augustus to accept of whatever terms he should offer. Thus, a new war was ex- cited, between Augustus and Antony; or at least the generals of the latter assumed the sanction of his name. Augustus, however, was victorious: Lucius was hemmed in between two armies, and constrained to retreat to Perusia, a city of Etruria, where he was closely besieged by the opposite party. He made many desperate sallies, and Fulvia did all in her power to relieve him; but without success. He was at last, therefore, reduced to so great extremity, by famine, that he came out in person, and delivered himself up to the mercy of the conqueror, who received him very honourably, and generously pardoned bun and all his followers. Antony, having heard of his brother's overthrow, and his wife's being compelled to leave Italy, determined to oppose Augustus without delay. He accordingly sailed, at the head of a considerable fleet, from Alexandria to Tyre, and thence to Cyprus and Rhodes ; and had an interview with Fulvia, at Athens. He blamed her much, for occasioning the late dis- orders, testified the utmost contempt for her person, and, leaving her upon her death bed, at Sycion, hastened into Italy, to fight Augustus. They both met at Brundusiurb, and it was thought that the flames of civil war were going to blaze out again. The forces of Antony were numerous, but mostly inexperienced; however, he was assisted by Sextus Pompeius, who, in these oppositions of interest, was daily coming into power. Augustus was at the head of those veterans, who had always been irre- sistible, but who seemed no way disposed to fight against Antony, their former general. A negotiation was therefore proposed; and, by the activity of Cocceius, a friend to both, a reconciliation was effected. All offences were mutually for- given; and, to cement the union, a marriage was concluded be- tween Antony and Octavia, the sister of Augustus. Anew division of the Roman empire was made : Augustus was to I 142 HISTORY OF ROME have the command of the west, Antony of the east, whilst Lepidus was obUged to content himself with the provinces in Africa. Sextus Pompeius was permitted to retain all those islands of which he was already in possession, together with Peloponnesus : he was also granted the privilege of demand- ing the consulship in his absence, and of discharging the duties of that office by any of his friends. It was likewise stipulated to leave the sea open, and to pay the people what corn was due out of Sicily. Thus, a general peace was con- cluded, to the great satisfaction of the people, who expected a cessation from ail their calamities. This calm had continued for some time, when Antony led his forces against the Parthians, over whom his lieutenant Yentidius had gained several advantages ; Augustus drew the greater part of his army into Gaul, where there were some dis- turbances ; and Pompey went to secure his newly ceded pro- vinces to his interest. It was in this quarter that fresh motives were given for recommencing the war. Antony, who was obliged by treaty to quit Peloponnesus, refused to evacuate it, until Pompey would satisfy him for those debts which were due to him by the inhabitants. With this, he would by no means comply, but immediately fitted out another fleet, and again be- gan his enterprises, by cutting off all the corn and provisions that were consigned to Italy. Thus, the grievances of the poor we»"e again renewed, and the people began to complain, that instead of three tyrants, they were then oppressed by four. In this exigence, Augustus, who had long meditated on the best means of diminishing the number, determined to begin by getting rid of Pompey, who kept the state in continual alarm. He was master of two fleets ; one, which he had caused to be built at Ravenna, and another, which Mendorus, who revolted from Pompey, brought to his aid. His first attempt was to in^ vade Sicily; brjt, being overpowered in his passage by Pompey, and afterwards shattered in a storm, he was obliged to defer his designs, until the ensuing year. During this interval, he was reinforced by a noble fleet of one-hundred-and- twenty ships, given him by Antony, with which he resolved once more to invade Sicily, on three several quarters. But fortune seem- ed still determined to oppose him : he was a second time dis- abled by a storm ; which so raised the vanity of Pompey, that he began to style himself the son of Neptune. However, Augustus was not to be intimidated, by any disasters : having quickly refitted his navy, and recruited his forces, he gave the command of both to Agrippa, his faithful friend snid associate HISTORY OF ROME. 143 in war. Agrippa proved himself worthy of the trust reposed in him: he began his operations by a victory over Pompey; and, though he was shortly afterwards worsted himself, he soon gave his adversary a complete and final overthrow. Thus un- done, Pompey resolved to fly to Antony, from whom he ex- pected shelter, as he had formerly obliged that triumvir by giving protection to his mother. However, a gleam of hope appearing, he tried once more, at the head of a small body of men, to make himself independent, and even surprised Antony's lieutenants, who had been sent to accept of his submission. Nevertheless, he was at last abandoned by his soldiers, and delivered up to Titus, Antony's lieutenant, who shortly after wards caused him to be slain. The death of this general removed one very powerful ob- stacle to the ambition of Augustus; and he determined to take the earliest opportunity to get rid of the rest of his associates. An offence, soon after this, was furnished by Lepidus, which served as a sufficient pretext to Augustus, for depriving him of his share in the triumvirate. Being at the head of twenty-two legions, with a strong body of cavalry, he idly supposed that his present power was more than an equivalent to the popularity of Augustus. He therefore resolved upon adding Sicily, where he then was, to his province ; pretending a right, as he had first invaded it. Augustus sent to expostulate upon these proceed- ings ; but the other fiercely replied, that he was determined to have a share in the administration, and would no longer sub- mit to let one alone possess all the authority. Augustus was previously informed of the disposition of Lepidus' soldiers, for he had, by his intrigues and largesses, entirely attached them to himself. Wherefore, without further delay, he with great bold- ness went unattended to the camp of Lepidus, and with no other assistance than his private bounties, and the respect he had gained by his former victories, deposed his rival Lepidus was deprived of all his authority, and banished to Circseum, where he continued the rest of his life, despised by 1 is friends, and, to all, a melancholy object of blasted ambition. There now remained only one obstruction in his w^y, which was Antony, whom he resolved to remove ; and for that pur- pose began to render his character as contemptible as he pos- sibly could, at Rome. Antony's conduct did not a little con- tribute to promote the endeavours of his ambitious partner. Having marched against the Parthians, with a very powerful army, he was forced to return, with the loss of a fourth part, and all his baggage. However, Antony seemed quite regard- 144 HISTORY OF ROME. less of contempt : alive only to pleasure, and totally neglecting the business of the state, he spent whole days and nights in the company of Cleopatra, who studied every means to increase his passion, and vary his entertainments. Few women have been so much celebrated, for the art of giving novelty to plea- sure, and making trifles important : still ingenious in filling up' the languid pauses of sensual delight, with some new mode of refinement, she was at one time a queen, then a bacchanal, and sometimes a huntress. She formed a society, call the In- imitable ; and those of the court who made the most sumptuous entertainments, carried away the prize. Not contented with sharing in her compaay all the delights which Egypt could af- ford, Antony determined to enlarge his sphere of luxury, by granting her many of those kingdoms which belonged to the Roman empire. He gave her all Phoenicia, Coelo Syria, and Cyprus, with a great part of Cilicia, Arabia, and Judea; gifts which he had no right to bestow, but which he pretended to grant in imitation of Hercules. This complication of vice and folly, at last totally exasperated the Romans; and Augustus, willing to take the advantage of their resentment, took care to exaggerate all his defects. At length, when he found the people sufficiently irritated against him, he sent Octavia, who was then at Rome, to Antony, ostensively with a view of reclaiming her husband; but, in fact, to furnish a reasonable pretext for de- claring war against him, as he knew she would be dismissed with contempt. Antony was then at the city of Leucopolis, revelling mth his insidious paramour, when he heard that Octavia w^as at Athens, upon her journey to visit him. This was very unwelcome news, as well to him as Cleopatra; who, fearing the charms of her rival, endeavoured to convince Antony of the strength of her passion, by her sighs, languishing looks, and well feigned melancholy. He frequently caught her in tears, which she seemed anxious to conceal ; and often entreated her to tell him the cause, which she seemed as if willing to suppress. These artifices, together with the ceaseless flattery and importunity of her creatures, prevailed so much over Antony's weakness, that he commanded Octavia to return home, without seeing her; and, still more to exasperate the people of Rome, he re- solved to repudiate her, and take Cleopatra as his wife. He accordingly assembled the people of Alexandria, in the public theatre, where was raised an alcove of silver, under which were placed two thrones of gold; one for himself, the other for Cleopatra. There, he seated himself, dressed as BacchuSi HISTORY OF ROME. 145 whilst Cleopatra sat beside him, clothed in the ornaments and attributes of Isis, the principal deity of the Egyptians. On that occasion, he declared her queen of all the countries which he had already given her; and associated Csesario, her son by Caesar, as her partner in the government. To each of her two children, of which he was the father, he gave the title of king of kings, with very extensive dominions ; and, to crown his absurdities, he next sent a minute account of his proceed- ings to the two consuls at Rome. ^jr^A /M In the mean time, Augustus had a sufficient pretext for de^ j daring war, and informed the senate of his intentions. How- ever, he deferred the execution of his design for a while, being then employed in quelling an insurrection of the Illyrians^''''''i The following year was chiefly taken up in preparations against ^ Antony; who, perceiving his design, remonstrated to the senate. '■' He stated that he had many causes of complaint against his colleague, who had seized upon Sicily without affording him a share, dispossessed Lepidus, and retained to himself the pro- vince he had commanded : that he had divided all Italy amongst his own soldiers, leaving nothing to recompense those in Asia. To this complaint, Augustus was contented to make a sarcastic answer ; implying, that it was absurd to complain of his distri- bution of a few trifling districts in Italy, when Antony, having conquered Parthia, might now reward his soldiers with cities and provinces. This sarcasm provoked him to send his army, without" intefinission, into Europe, to meet Augustus; whilst he and CI^i|)atra followed to Samos, in order to prepare for carrying ^n th, with a degree of seeming generosity, freely gave up all that power, which, as he observed, his arms had gained, and th^ senate had confirmed. This power, he repeatedly offered to restore, giving them to understand, that the true spirit of the Romans was not lost in him. This speech operated variously upon the senate, as they were more or less in the secret; many believed the sincerity of his professions, and therefore re- garded his conduct as an act of heroism, unparalleled by any thing that had hitherto appeared in Rome ; others, equally ig- norant of his motives, distrusted his designs. Some there were, who, having suffered greatly during the late popular commo- tions, were fearful of their being renewed: but the majority, who were entirely devoted to his interest, and instructed by his ministers, frequently attempted to interrupt him while speaking, and received his proposal with pretended indignation. These unanimously besought him not to resign the administra- tion; but, upon his continuing to decline their request, they in a manner compelled him to comply. However, that his person might be in greater security, they immediately decreed the pay of his guard to be doubled. On the other hand, that he might seem to make some concessions on his side, he permitted the senate to govern the weak internal divisions of the empire, whilst the most powerftd provinces, and those which required the greatest armies for their defence, were taken entirely under his own command. Over these, he assumed the government only for ten years ; leaving the people still in hopes of regain- ing their ancient freedom; but^t the same time, he concerted •his measures so well, that his government would be renewed every ten years, until his death. This show of resignation, only served to confirm him in the empire, and in the hearts of the people. New honours were Ke^ed upon him. He was then first called Augustus, (from hi^mtuSy a Latin word, signifying imperial^ majestic, (a name I have hitherto used, as that by which he is best known in his- tory. A laurel was ordered to be planted at his gates. His house was called the palace, to distinguish it from that of an ordinary citizen. He was confirmed in the title of father of his country, and his person declared sacred and inviolable. In i 15(J HISTORY OF ROME. Bhort, flattery seemed on the rack to find out new modes of pleasing him ; but though he despised the arts of the senate, he permitted their homage ; well knowing, that, amongst mankind, titles produce a respect which enforces authority. Upon entering into his tenth consulship, the senate by oath approved of all his acts, smd set him wholly above the power of the laws. They some time afterwards offered to swear, not only to all the laws which he had made, but such as he should make for the future. It was then customary with fathers, on their death bed, to command their children to carry oblations to the capitol, with an inscription to this- effect : that at the day of their death they left Augustus in health. It was determined that no man should be put to death on any day upon which the emperor entered the city. Upon a dearth of provisions, the people, in a body, entreated him to accent of the dictatorship : but, though he undertook to be procurator of the provisions, he would by no means accept of the title of dictator, which had been abolished by a law, made when Antony was consul. This accumulation of titles and employments, did not in the least diminish his assiduity in filling the duties of each. Several very wholesome edicts were passed by his command, tending to suppress corruption in the senate, and licentiousness in the people. He ordered that none should exhibit a show of gladiators, without leave from the senate, and then no oftener than twice a year ; nor with more thin one-hundred-and-twenty at a time. This law was extremely necessary, at so licentious a period of the empire, when whole armies of those unfortunate men were brought at once upon the stage, and compelled to fight often until half of them were slain. It had been usual also with the knights, and some women of the first distinction^ to exhibit themselves as dancers upon the theatre : he ordered that not only they, but also their children and grand-children, should be restrained from such exercises for the future. He fined many who had refused to marry at a certain age ; and re- warded those who had many children; but he ordered that fe- males should not be married until twelve years of age. He enact- ed that the senators should always be held in great reverence ; adding to their authority what he had taken from their power. He made a law that no man should have the freedom of the city, without a previous examination into his merit and chai>, acter. He appointed new rules and limits respecting the manumission of slaves, and was himself very strict in their ob- «ervance. With regard to players, of whom he was very fond, be severely examined mto their morals ; not allowing the lea^l HISTORY OF ROME. 157 degree of indecency in their conduct, either in society or on •the stage. Though he encouraged the athletic exercises, yet he would not permit women to be present; holding it unbe^ coming the modesty of the s*ex, to be spectators of those sports which were performed by men entirely divested of their dress. In order to prevent bribery in suing for offices, he took coi>- siderable sums of money from the candidates, by way of pledge ; which, if any indirect practices were proved against them, they were, obliged to forfeit. Slaves had ife en \ hitherto disaibwed to confess any thing against their own masteVs; but he abWish- ed the practice, and first sold the slave to another; which transfer altering' the property, his examination became freeu :' These, and many other laws, all tending to reform vice or de- ter from crimes, gave the manners of the people another com- plexion; so that the rough character of the Roman was now Boftened into that of the refined citizen. Indeed, his own (example a good deal tended to humanize his fellow-citizens. Being placed above all equality, he had nothing to fear from condescension ; wherefore he was familiar with all, and suffered himself to be reprimanded with the most Datient humility. Though, by the single authority of his sta- ^Slion, he was capable of condemning or acquitting at discretion, yet he gave the laws their proper course, and even sometimes pleaded for those he desired to protect. Thus, Primus, the governor of Macedonia, being brought to trial, for having made war on the Odrisii, a neighbouring people, as he said by com- mand of Augustus, the latter denied the charge; upon which, the advocate of Primus, with an insolent air, desired to know what brotight Augustus into court, or who had sent for him. To this, the empeior submissively replied: ^^ The common- wealth;" an answer which greatly pleased the people. On another occasion, one of his veteran soldiers entreated his pro- tection in a certain cause; but Augustus, taking little notice of his request, desired him to apply to an advocate. ** Ah," replied the soldier, '^ it was not by proxy that I served you at the battle of Actium." This reply pleased Augustus so much, that he pleaded his cause in person, and gained it for him. He was extremely affable, atid returned the salutation of the poorest individual. One day, a person presented him a peti- tion, but with so much awe, that Augustus was displeased with his meanness. " What, friend," cried he, " you seem as if you were offering something to an elephant, and not to a mans, be bolder." Another day, as he was sitting on the tribunal in judgment, Mecaenas, perceiving, by his temper, that he was u^* 158 HISTORY OF ROME. dined to be severe, attempted to speak to him : but not being able to get up to the tribunal, for the crowd, he threw a papei* mto his lap, on which was written, " arise executioner." Au- gustus read it without any displeasure ; and, immediately rising, pardoned those whom he was before disposed to condemn* But what most of all showed a total change in his disposition, was his treatment of Cornelius Cinna, Pompey's grandson. This nobleman had entered into a very dangerous conspiracy against him; but the plot was discovered, before it was ripe for execution. Augustus for some time debated with himself how to act; but at last his clemency prevailed: he therefore sent for those who were guilty^ and, after reprimanding them, dis- missed them all. But he resolved to mortify Cinna, by the greatness of his generosity: addressin|^ him in particular, ** I have twice," said he, " given you your life; first, as an enemy — now, as-a conspirator: I now give you the consulship; let us therefore be friends for the future ; and let us only contend ' in showing whether my confidence or your fidelity shall be vic- torious." This rp«(^namniity, which the emperor very happily timed, had so good an effect, that from that instant, all con- spiracies^ against him ceased. .-Jk^he'jpractilie^crf such virtues as these, he passed a lorf||^ reign of above forty years, in which the happiness of the people seeiiied to conspire with his own; however, there were wars in the distant provinces of the empire, during almost his whole reigu: but they arose rather from the queUing of insurrection, than the extending of dominion ; for he had made it a rule to carry on no operations, in which ambition, find not the safety of the state, was concerned. He seemed the firs^i^floman who aimed at gaining a character by the arts of peace alone ; and who, without any military talents, secured the affections of his sol- diers. Nevertheless, the Roman arms, under his lieutenants, were c/owned with success. The Canta;brians, in Spain, who had refolted, were more than once (JueUed, by Tiberius, his step-son. Agrippa, his son-in-law, and -3Elius Lamia, who foU lowed t«iem into their almost inaccessible mountains, there block- ed theru up, and compelled them, by famine, to surrender at discretion. The Germans also gave some uneasiness by their repeated incursions into the territories of Gaul; but were re- pressed hy Lollius. The Rhetians were conquered by Drusus, the brotlier of Tiberius. The Bessi and Sialatse, barbarous nations, making an irruption into Thrace, were overthrown by Piso, governjor of Pamphilia, who gained triumphal honours. The Dacians were repressed, with more than one defeat; the HISTORY OF ROME. 159 Arminians also were brought into due subjection, by Caius, his grandson. The GetuUans, in Africa, took up arms ; but were subdued by the consul, Caius Cossus, who thence received the surname of GetuUcus. A dangerous war was carried on also against the Dalmatians and Pantonians ; who, having acquired great strength by a long continued peace, accumulated an army of two-hundred-thousand foot and nine-thousand horse, threatening Rome herself with destruction. Levies were therefore made in Italy, with the utmost expedition ; the veteran troops were recalled from all parts, and Augustus went to Ar^ minia, for the greater convenience of giving his directions. Indee^, though personal valour was by no means his shining ornament, yet no man could give wiser orders, upon every emergency, or go with greater despatch into all parts of his dominions. This war continued nearly three years; being principally managed by Tiberius and Germanicus, the latter of whom gained reputation during the hostilities with these fierce and barbarous multitudes. Upon their reduction, Batto, their leader, being summoned before the ©tribunal of Tiberius, and questioned how he could offer to revolt against the power of Rome, the bold barbarian replied, that the Romansf and not he, were the aggressors ; since they had sent, instead of dogs and shepherds to secure their flocks, only wolves and bears, to de- vour them. jT p The war which was the most fatal to the Roman ^Ig ' interest, during this reign, was that which was con- ducted by Quintihus Yarus. This general, invading the territories of the Germans, was induced to follow the enemy amongst their forests and marshes, with his army in separate bodies; but being attacked by night, he and his whole army were entirely cut off. These were the very best legions of the whole empire, for valour, discipline, and experience. The affliction caused by this defeat, seemed to make a lasting impression on the mind of Augustus. He was often -heard k) cry out, in a tone of anguish: '^ Quintilius Yarus, restore me niy legions ;" and some historians pretend to say^ that he never afterwards recovered the former serenity of his temper. But he had some uneasiness, of a domestic nature, which contributed to distress him. With the consent of her husband, he had married Livia, the wife of Tiberiuff^Nero, an imperious woman ; who, conscious of his affection, controlled bun ever afterwards at her pleasure. She had two sons, by her former husband; Tiberius, the elder, whom she greatly loved, and Prusus, who was boFP three months after she had been ma|:- \ 160 HISTORY OF ROME. ried to Augustus, and who was thought to be his own son. Tiberius, whom he afterwards adopted, and who succeeded him in the empire, was a good general, but of a suspicious and o'bstinate temper; so that though he was serviceable to Au- gustus in his foreign wars, yet he gave him httle quiet at home. He was at last obliged to go into exile for five years, to the island of Rhodes, where he spent his time chiefly in a retired manner, conversing with the Greeks, and addicting himself to literature ; of which, howe^ er, he made afterwards a bad use. Drusus, died in his return from an expedition against the Ger- mans; leaving Augustus inconsolable for his loss. But his greatest affliction proceeded from the conduct of Julia, his daughter by Scribonia, his former wife. This woman, whom he maiTi^d to his general, Agrippa, and after his death, to Ti- berius, set no bountis to her lewdness. Augustus for a long time would not believe the accounts he daily heard, of her con- duct; but at last could not avoid observing them. ' He found ^e had arrived at So great an excess of wantonness and prodi- gality, that she . had-^'her moctufnal appointments in the most public parts of the city; the very court, where her father pre- sided, not Ifting exempt from her debaucheries. He at first had thoughts of putting her to death ; but, after some consider- ation, he banished her to Pandataria; forbidding her the use of wine, and all such delicacies as could inflame her vicious inclinations : he ordered also that no person should go near her, withoul; his ovv^n permission; and sent her mother Scribo- nia with her, as a companion. Afterwards, when any one at- tempted to intercede for Julia, his answer was, that fire and water should sooner unite, than he with her. When some persons were one dayTnore than usually urgent with him in her favour, he was driven mto so violent a passion, as to wish that each might have such a daughter. How^ever, she had two sons by Agrippa, named Caius and Lucius, of whom great expecta- tions were formed: but they died when scarcely arrived at man's estate ; Lucius, about five years after his father, at Marseilles; and Caius, in two years from the death of his brother. Augustus having now in a great measure survived all his early associates and friends, at length, in the seventy-fourth year of his age, began to think of retiring from the fatigues of state, and partially of continuing Tiberius, his son-in-law, his successor in his usual employments. He desired the senate to salute him no longer at the palace, according to custom; and not to be displeased, if, for the future, he could not con- verse with them as formerly. From that time, Tiberius was HISTORY OF ROME- 161 joined with him in the government of the provinces, and in- vested with almost the same authority. However, Augustus could not entirely forsake the administration of the state, which habit had associated with his satisfactions ; he still continued a watchful guardian of its interests, and showed himself, to the last, a lover of his people. Finding it now, therefore, very in- convenient to go to the senate, by reason of his age, he desire^ to have twenty privy counsellors assigned him, for a year; ana it was decreed that whatever was determined upon by them, together with the consuls, should have entirely the force of a law. He seemed in some measure apprehensive of his ap- proaching end; for he made his will, and delivered it to the. vestal virgins. He then solemnized the census, or numbering of the people, whom he found to amount to four-millions one- hundred- and-thirty-seven- thousand: which shows Rome to have been equal to four of the greatest cities of modern times.* Whilst these ceremonies were performing by a mighty con- course of people, it is said that an eagle flew several times around the emperor; and, directing his flight to a neighbouring temple, perched over the name of Agrippa; which was, by the augurs, conceived to portend the emperor's death. Shortly afterwards, having accompanied Tiberius, in his march into Illyria, as far as Beneventum, he was there taken ill of a diarrhoea. Returning, therefore, he came to Nola, near Capua, and there finding himself dangerously ill, he sent for Tiberius, with the rest of his most intimate friends and acquaintances. A few hours before his death, he ordered that a looking-glass should be brought, and his hair adjusted with more than usual care. He then addressed his friends, whom he beheld sur- rounding his bed, and desired to know whether he had properly played his part in life ; to which, being answered in the affirm- ative, he cried out, with his last breath: "Then, give me your applause;" and thus, in the seventy-sixth year of his age, after reigning forty-one, he expired, in the arms of Livia ; bidding her remember their marriage, and taking a farewell. The death of Augustus, when known, caused inexpressible grief, throughout the whole Roman empire ; it was even sup- posed that his wife Livia had assisted in hastening it, wishing to procure the succession more speedily for her son. How- ever, she took care to keep it for some time concealed, having * If Dr. Goldsmith, by the above comparison, had London in his view, which is highly probable, he might with greater propriety have said — which shows Rome to have been four times as large as London., one of the greatest cities of modem times. — Editor, O 2 162 HISTORY OF ROME. guarded all the approaches to the palace; somethnes giving out that he had recovered, and then pretending a relapse. At length, having settled the succession as she wished, she pub- lished the emperor's death, and at the same time the adoption of Tiberius to the empire. The funeral of Augustus v^as performed with great magnifi- cence. The senators being in their places, Tiberius, on whom the care was devolved, began a consolatory oration to them, but suddenly stopped in the beginning of his speech, as if unable to restrain the violence of his sorrow; and, instead of con- tinuing, gave his notes to Drusus, his son, who read them to* the senate. After this, one of the late emperor's freedmen publiciy read his will in the senate-house ; by which, he made Tiberius and Livia his heirs, and adopted the latter into the Julian family : being honoured by the name of Augusta. Be- sides his will, four other writings were produced. One, in which he had left instructions concerning his funeral : another, containing an enumeration of his several exploits: a third, comprising an account of the provinces, forces, and revenues, of the empire ; and a fourth, giving a schedule of directions to Tiberius for governing the empire. Amongst these, it was found to have been his opinion, that no man, however great his reputation, should be intrusted with too much authority, lest it should induce him to turn tyrant. Another maxim was, that none should desire to enlarge the empire, which was already preserved with difficulty. Thus, he seemed studious of serv- ing his country to the very last, and the sorrow of the people seemed equal to his assiduity. It was decreed that all the women should mourn for h^m a whole year. Temples were erected to him; divine honours were allowed him; and one Numerius Atticus, a senator, willing to convert the adulation of the times to his own benefit, received a large sum of money for swearing that he saw him ascending to heaven : so that no doubt remained among the people, concerning his divinity. Such, were the honours paid to Augustus, whose power began in the slaughter, and terminated in the happiness, of his sub- jects; so that it was said of him: '' It had been good for man- kind if he had never been born, or if he had never died." Il is very probable that the cruelties exercised in his triumvirate, were suggested by his colleagues ; or, perhaps, he thought, in the case of Caesar's death, that revenge was virtue. There is no doubt, however, that these severities were in some measure necessary, to restore public tranquillity ; and Aug'istus might have supposed that until the Roman spirit was entirely eradi- HISTORY OF ROME. 163 (Jated, no monarchy could be secure. He gave the govern*- ment an air suited to the disposition of the times ; he indulged his subjects in the pride of seeing the appearance of a republic, whilst he made them really happy in the effects of a most ab- solute monarchy, guided by the most consummate prudence. In this last virtue, he seems to have excelled almost every other monarch ; and, indeed, could we separate Octavius from Augustus, he would be one of the most estimable princes in history. yy p Tiberius was fifly-six years old when he took upon w' ^ * him the government of the Roman efnpire. He had . -p. * K lived a considerable time in a profound state of dis- * simulation, under Augustus ; and was not yet hardy enough to show himself in his real character. In the beginning of his reign, nothing appeared but prudence, generosity, and clemency. But the success of Germanicus, his nephew, over the Germans, first brought his natural disposition to light, and discovered the malignity of his mind without disguise. He soon began to -consult on the most specious means of humbling the popularity of Germanicus, and removing the object af his suspicions. For this purpose, he despatched to his nephew, Piso, who was a person of furious and headstrong temper, and in every respect fit to execute those fatal purposes for which he was employed. His instructions were, to oppose Germanic cus upon every occasion ; to excite all the hatred against him which he could without suspicion ; and even to procure his death, if an opportunity should offer. This agent succeeded: Germanicus died soon afterwards ; as it was universally be- lieved, by poison. Having now no object of jealousy to keep him in awe, he began to throw off the mask, and appear more in his natural character, than before. In the beginning of his cruelties he took into his confidence, Sejanus, a Roman knight; who found out the method of ingratiating himself with his patron, by the most refined degree of dissimulation; being an overmatch for Aiis master, in his own arts. It is not well known whether he was the adviser of all the cruelties that ensued ; but certain it 4s, that from the beginning of his ministry, Tiberius seemed to become more fatally suspicious. Sejanus began by using all his address to persuade Tiberius to retire to some agreeable retreat, remote from Rome. By this, he expected many advantages ; since there could be no access to the emperor, except through him. The emperor, either prevailed upon by his persuasions, or pursuing the natural 164 HISTORY OF ROME. turn of his temper, which led to indolence and debauchery, ft the twelfth year of his reign left Rome, and went into Cam^ pania; under pretence of dedicating temples to Jupiter and Augustus. Still growing weary of places where mankind might follow him with their complaints and distresses, he withdrew into that most deHghtful island, Caprea, three miles from the continent, and opposite to Naples ; and buried in this retreat, he gave himself up to his abandoned pleasures, quite regard- less of the miseries of his subjects. In fact, it would have been happy for mankind, had he given up his suspicions when he declined the fatigues of reigning; and resigned the will to do harm, when he divested himself of the power of doing good. But, from the time of his retreat he became more cruel, and Sejanus always endeavoured to in- ci'ease his mahgnity. Spies and informers were placed in all parts of the city, who converted the most harmless actions into subjects of offence. In consequence, Nero and Drusus, the children of Germani- cus, were declared enemies to the state, and afterwards starved to death in prison; whilst Agrippina, their mother, was sent into banishment. Sabinus, Assinius Gallus, and Syriacus, were, upon slight pretences, condemned and executed. In this manner, Sejanus proceeded, removing all who stood be- tween him and the empire, and every day increasing in confi dence with Tiberius, and in power with the senate. The nuni ber of his statues exceeded those of the emperor: people swore by his fortune, in the same manner as they would have done even had he been upon the throne ; and he was more dreaded than the tyrant who actually possessed the empire. But the rapidity of his rise seemed only preparatory to the greatness oi his downfal. All we know of his first disgrace with the em- peror, is, that Sarins Secundus was the man who had the bold- ness to accuse him of treason; and Antonia, the mother of Germanicus, seconded the accusation. The senate, who had long been jealous of his power, and dreaded his cruelty, imme- diately took the opportunity of going beyond the orders of Ti berius; and, instead of sentencing him to imprisonment, they directed his execution. As he was conducting to his fate, the people loaded him with insuh and execration. He was pur- sued with sarcastic reproaches; his statues were instantly thrown down, and he himself shortly afterwards strangled by the executioner. His death only inflamed the emperor^s rage for increasing the executions. Plancina, the wife of Piso, Sextus Yestiliu§, HISTORY OF ROME. 165 Vescularius Atticus, and Julius Marinus, suffered death, by his command, for being attached to Sejanus. He began to grow weary of particular executions, and gave orders that all the accused should be put to death together, without further ex- amination. The whole city was filled with slaughter and mourning. When one Carnulius had killed himself, to avoid the torture: "Ah," cried Tiberius, "how has that man been able to escape me !" When a prisoner earnestly entreated that he would not defer his death : " No," cried the tyrant, " I am not sufficiently your friend, to shorten your torments." In this manner, he lived, odious to all the world, and trouble- some to himself; an enemy to the lives of others, and a tor- mentor of his own. At length, in the twenty-second year of his reign, he began to feel the approaches of his dissolution, and all his appetites totally to forsake him. He now, therefore, found it was time to think of a successor, and shortly after- wards fixed upon Caligula: (son of Germanicus, by Agrippina, and grandson of Tiberius:) anxious, perhaps, by the enormity of Cal'gula's conduct, to cover the memory of his own. Still, however, he 'seemed willing to avoid his end; and strove, by change of place, to divert the inquietude of his own reflections. He lefl his favourite island, and went upon the continent ; and at last stopped on the promontory of Misenum, in a house which formerly belonged to Lucullus. Here, hap- pening to fall into fits, extremely violent, all believed they were fatal. Caligula, supposing him actually dead, caused himself to be acknowledged by the prcetorian soldiers, and went forth from the emperor's apartment, amidst the applauses of the muU titude ; — but suddenly he was informed that the emperor had recovered, that he had begun to speak, and desired to eat. This unexpected account filled the whole court with terror and amazement — every one who before had been earnest in testi- fying his joy, now re-assumed his pretended sorrow, and left the new emperorthrough a feigned soliicitude for the fat© of the old. Caligula seemed thunderstruck: he preserved a gloomy silence, expecting nothing but death, instead of the empire at which he aspired. Macro, however, who was harden- yr p ed in crimes, ordered that the dying emperor should 7qo * ^^ despatched, by smothering him with pillows, or, a^ A 11 ^Q ^^^^^^ ^i^^ have it, by poison. In this manner, Ti- ' berius died, in the seventy-eighth year of his age, after having reigned twenty-two. It was in the eighteenth year of this monarch's reign, that Christ was crucified. Shortly after his death, Pilate wrote to 166 HISTORY OF ROME. Tiberius an account of his passion, resurrection, and miracles ; upon which, the emperor made a report of the whole to the senate, desiring that Christ might be accounted a god by the Romans. But the senate, displeased that the proposal had not come first from themselves, refused to allow his apotheosis; alleging an ancient law, which gave them the superintendence in all matters of religion. They even went so far, as .by an edict, to command that all christians should leave the city : but Tiberias, by another act, threatened death to any who should accuse them ; by which means, they continued unmo- lested, during the rest of his life. All the enormities of Cahgula were concealed in the begin- ning of his reign. But it would have been happy for himself and for the empire, had such a commencement been as strenu- ously maintained. In less than eight months, all appearance of moderation and clemency vanished ; whilst furious passions, unexampled avarice, and capricious cruelty, began to take their turn in his mind. Pride, impiety, lust, avarice, and all in the extreme, were every moment displayed. V His pride first began by assuming to himself the appellation of Ruler, which was granted only to kings. He would ^o have taken the crown and diadem, had he not been advise(WB^ he was already superior to all the monarchs in the worla Not long afterwards, he assumed divine honours, and gave himself the name of such divinities as he thought agreeable to his nature. For this purpose, he caused the heads of the statues of Jupiter, and some other gods, to be struck ofi*, and the image of his own head to be put in the place of each. He frequently seated himself between Castor and Pollux, and or- dered that all who came to their temple, to worship, should pay their 'Stdor^tiorisuDnly to him. However, such was the extrava- gant inconstancy of this unaccountable ideot, that he changed his divinity as often as he changed his clothes — being at one time a male deity,'* at "Another -a female,; sometimes, Jupiter or Mars, and not unfrequently Yenus or Diana. He even built ^d dedicated a temple to his own divinity ; in which, his statue of gold was every day dressed in similar robes to those which he himself wore, .and was worshipped by crowds of adorers. His priests were numerous: the sacrifices made to him were of the most exquisite delicacies that could be procured, and the dignity of the priesthood was sought by the most opulent men of the city. However, he admitted his wife and his horse to that honour; and to give a finishing stroke to his ab- surdities, he became a priest to himself. His method of as HISTORY OF ROME. 167 suming the manners of a deity, was not less ridiculous; he often went out during the full moon, and courted it in the style of a lover. He employed many inventions to imitate thunder, and would frequently defy Jupiter ; <;^in^-* ^i> ^ ^ speech of Homer, " Do you conquer me, or^^j will Conquer you." He frequently pretended to converse in whispers with the ^tatue of Jupiter, and usually seemed angry at its r^^s;,;thi:eatening to send it packing into Greece. Some^^Wi however, he would assume a better temper, and appeSc^t^fltp^^ted that both should dwell together in amity. t #^ Of all his vices, his prodigality was the mpst rem^rkable^ and that which in some measure gave rise to the rest. The luxuries of former emperors were sifnplicity itself, when com- pared to those which he practised. He contrived new ways of bathing, when the richest oils and most precious perfumes were exhausted, with the utmost profusion. He invented dishes, made at an immense expense ; and had even jewels, as we are told, dissolved amongst his sauces. 'Instead of meat, he" sometimes had^ervices of pure gold presented before his guests ; observing tb^t a man should be an economist or an emperor. Tlie expensive manner in which he maintained his horse, will give some idea of his domestic economy. He built for l^^^it^Je of marble, with a manger c^ ivory. Whenever this animal, which he called Incitaius, was to run, he placed centinels near the stable, the night preceding, to prevent his slumbers being broken. He appointed him a house, furniture, and kitchen, to treat all his visitors with proper respect. The emperor sometimes invited Incitatus to his own table, and pre- sented him gilt oats, and wine in a gold cup. He often swore by the safety of his horse; and it is said he would have ap- pointed him to the consulship, had not his death prevented. His impiety was but subordinate to his cruelties. He slew many of the senate, and afterwards cited them to appear as if they had killed themselves. He cast great numbers of old, infirm, and decrepid persons, to wild beasts, to free the state from such unserviceable citizens. He usually fed his wild^ beasts with the bodies of those wretches whom he had con- demned ; and every tenth day sent off many of them t© be thus devoured, which he jocosely called clearing his accounts. One of these who was thus exposed, crying out that he was inno- cent, he ordered his tongue to be cut out. He took delight in killing men by slow tortures, that, as he expressed it, they might feel themselves dying; being himself always present at such 1 68 HISTORY OF ROME. executions, directing the duration of the pmti^hment, and miti- gating the tortures, merely to prolong them. In fact, he valued himself for* no qualitjMiiore than this unrelenting temper and inflexible se\j^lhjji^'?^^fc; he, maintained while presiding at an execution. Mt^ tmfej being incensed at the citizens of Rome, he wished that all the Roman people had but one neck, «'|:jl»;that he might despatch them at a blow. TcSife Such insuppdrtjhle and capricious cruelties, produced many conspiracies against him ; but they were for a while deferred on account of his intended expedition against the Germans and Britains, which he undertook in the third year of his reign. For this purpose, he caused numerous levies to be made, in all yy p parts of the empire, and talked with so much resolu* '' tion, that it was universally believed he would con- A "ri a\ ^^^^ ^11 before him. His march perfectly indicated * the inequality of his temper: sometimes it was so rapid that the cohorts were obliged to leave their standards be- hind them ; at other times, so slow, that it more resembled a pompous procession, than a mihtary expecSipn. TNiheQ in this humour, he would cause himself to be ||irried on eight . men's shoulders, and order all the neighbouring cities to have their streets well swept and watered, to defend him from the dust. However, all these mighty preparations ended in nothing. Instead of conquering Britain, he only gave refuge to one of its banished princes; and this-, in his letter to the ^senate, he described as taking possession of the whole island. In- stead of conquering Germany, he only led his army to the sea- shore in Batavia. There, disposing his engines and warlike machines with great solemnity, and draw;ing his men up in or- der of battle, he went on board his galley ; with which, coast- ing along, he commanded his trumpets to sound, and the sig- nal to be given, as if for an engagement. Upon this, his men, having had previous orders, immediately began to gathef the shells which lay upon the sea-shore, into their helmets ; term- ing them the spoils of the conquered ocean, worthy of the palace and the capitol. After this doughty exp^ition, calling his army together, as a general after victory, he harangued them, in a pompous manner, and highly extolled their achieve- ments ; then, distributing money amongst them, he dismissed them, with orders to be joyful, and congratulated them upon their riches. But, that such exploits should not pass without a memorial, he caused a lofty tower to be erected, by the sea- side ; and ordered the galleys in which he had put to sea, to be I conveyed to Rome, in a great measure by land. 1 ^-t ^ HlSi',:JRY OF ROME. ^ ^ 16^ Cassius Cherea, tribune of the prsetorianbands, was the per- son who at last freed the world of Jjij^jijlfcnt. Besides the ' motives in common to him withy^thlf men, he had received r • rpeated insults from Caligula, \^o took all occasions of turning y^ni into ridicule and impeachifl| him of cowardice, merely be- "''cause he had an effeminate voice. Whenever Cherea came, according/to custom, to d^and the watch-word from the em- peror, ht| always gave .^m Venus — Adonis — or some othef^j name of similar import, implying effeminacy and softni^ss. He therefore secretly imparted his designs to several senators and knights, whom he knew to have received personal injuries frornL Caligula: amongst them, was Valerius Asiaticus,«whose wif^ the emperor had dishonoured. Annius Vincianus, also, was desirous of engaging in the first design that offered; together with Clemens, the prsefect, and Calistus, whose "ftehe^n:iade him subject to the tyrant's resentment. Whilst these were deliberating Qifl^e most certain and speedy method of destroying him, an unexpected incident gave new strength to the conspiracy. Pf»mpedius, a senator of distinc- tion, being accused before the emperor of haviiig spoken of him with disrespect, the emperor cited one Qaintilia, an actress, j to confirm the charge. Quintiha, however, possessed a degree I of fortitude not always found in the other sex: she denied the I V fact, with obstinacy; and, at the informer's request, being put to the torture, she bore the severest torments of the rack with unshaken constancy. But what seems most remarkable of her resolution, is, that she was acquainted with all the particulars of the conspiracy ; and, although Cherea was the person ap- pointed to preside at her torture, she revealed nothing : on the contrary, when she was led to the rack, she trod on the toe of one of the conspirators ; intim.ating at once her knowledge of the confederacy, and her own resolution not to divulge it. In this manner she suffered, until all 1^'r hmbs were dislocated ; and in tk^tdeplorable state, was presented to the emperor, who or- derecNn gratuity by way of compensation for her sufferings. Cherea could no longer contain his indignation, at being thus made the instrument of a tyrant's cruelty. After several de- liberations with the c9nspirators, it was at last agreed to attack him at the Palati^ games, which lasted four days ; and to strike the blow vdren the guards should have the least oppor- tunity to defend him. ^The first three days, however, passed without affording an opportunity. Cherea now, therefore, be- gan to apprehend, that deferring the time of the conspiracy might be a means of divulging it: he even feared that the kill- 170 V, HISTORY OF ROME. #"' ing of the tyrant might fall to the lot of some other perscn> more bold than lai[g|j|df;^ wherefore, he at last determined to defer the execution of hfs plot no longer than the day follow- ing, when Caligula should pdks through a private gallery, to some baths, not far dfstant frJR the palace. Theilast day of the games was more splendid than the rest> and Gl^^iila seemed more sprigM^ and condesceijding than usual. iRe took great amusement in^eing the people scramble for the fruit and other rarities, thrown by his order amongst them; and seemed no way apprehensive of the plot formed foT his destruction. In the mean time, the conspiracy began . to ^ranspireyand had he aiiy friends left, it could not have failed of bein|rdiscovered. A senator who was present, asking one of hisyfcquaintances if he had heard any thing new, the other replying in* the negative, '' Then you must know," says he, *^ that this day will be represented the death of a tyrant." The other immediately understp- peror. Claudius reinstated in their kingdoms, those princes als% who had been unjustly dethroned by his predecessors, but deprived the Lycians and Rhodians of their liberty, for having promoted insurrection, and crucified some citiz^s of Rome* He even undertook to gratify the people by foreign conquest. The Britains, who had for nearly one-hundred years been lefl in sole possession of their own island, began to seek the medi^ ^ ation of Rome, to quell their intestine commotions. The principal man who desired to subject his native country to the Roman dominion, was one Bericus, who, by many argumenis, persuaded the emperor to make a descent upon the island; .;;7^^^ HISTORY OF ROME, magnifying the advantages^ which would attend the conquest* In pursuance of his advice, therefore, Plautius, the praetor, was ordered to pass over ^o Gaul, and make preparations for this great expedition. At first, in^ed, the soldiers seemed back- ward to embark; declaring thai they were unwilling to make war beyond the limits of the world — for so they judged Britain to be. However, they were at last persuaded to go; and the Britains. under the conduct of their king Cynobelinus, wer several times overtlirown. A D 46 These successes soon afterwards induced Claudius himself to go into Britian, on pretence that the na- tives were still seditious, and that they had not delivered up some Roman fugitives, who had taken shelter amongst them. This expedition seemed calculated rather for show, than ser- vice: the time he continued in Britain, about sixteen days, was more taken up in receiving homage, than extending his conquests. However, great rejoicings were made, upon his return to Rome. The senate decreed him a splendid triumph: triun>phal arches were erected to his honour, and annual games mstilSg^d, to commemorate ^is victories. In the mean time^ war was vigorously proseciited by Plautius, and his lieutenant Vespasian; who, accqj^ffl^ to Suetonius, fought thirty battles with the enemy, and by that means reduced a part of the island into the form of a Roman province. However, this war broke A n f^i ^^^ afresh, under the government of Ostorius, who succeeded Plautius. The Britains, either despising bis inexperience, or hoping to gain advantage over a person newly invested with command, rose up in arms, and disclaimed the Roman power. The Iceni, the Cangi, and the Brigantes, made a powerful resistance, though they were at length over- come; but the Silures, or inhabitants of South Wales, under their king Caractacus, were the most formidable opponents that the Roman prenerals had ever yet encountered. This bravo barbarian not only made a gallant defence, but often seemed to claim a doubtful victory. He removed the seat of war into the least accessible parts of the country, and for nine years kept the Romans in continual alarm. This gep<^ral, however, upon the approach of Ostorius, find- ing himself obliged to come to a decisive er^agement, addressed his countrymen with calm resolution; telling them, that this bat- tle would either establish their liberty, or confirm their servitude — thai they ought to remember the bravery of their ancestors, by whose valour they were delivered from taxes and tributes, mid thskt tlus was the time to show themselves equal to their HISTORY OF ROME. 173 progenitors. Nothing, however, that undisciplined valour was able to perform^ could avail against the Roman legions. After an obstinate fight, the Britons were entirely, routed. The wife- and daughter of Caractacus were tak^n prisoners; and hehiuir- self, seeking refuge with Cartismandua, queen of tlieBrigaute^, was treacherously given up to the conqueroi^^ ^Mieu he was brought to Rome, nothing could e^^ed the 'i^jwiosity o^" the people to behold a man who had for so many >^ears braved \\w power of the empire. On his part, he testified ny mark of base dejection; but, as he was led through the streets, happcuinor to observe the splendour of every object arounl['*hi'm, " Alas." cried he, '' how is it possible, that people possessed of such magnificence at home, could think of envpug Caractacus an humble cottage in Britain!" When he was brought before thS^ emperor, whilst the other captives begged for pity with the most abject lamentations, Caractacus stood before the tribunal with an intrepid air, and seemed rather willing to accept a pardon, than meanly solicitous of suing for it. '^ If," cried he, to- wards the end of his speech, " I had yielded immediately, and without opposition, neither my fortune would have been re- markable, nor my glory memorable ; — you would have ceased to be victorious, and I should have been forgotten. If now, therefore, you spare my life, I shall continue a perpetual ex- ample of your clemency." Claudius had the generosity to par- don him, and Ostorius was decreed a triumph ; which, how- ever, he did not long live to enjoy. In the beginning of liis reign, Claudius gave the highest hopes of a happy continuance ; but he soon began to lessen his care for the public, and to commit to his favourites all the con- cerns of the empire. This weak prince, from his infancy, had been in a state of pupilage; and now, when called to goveriv, was unable to act but under the direction of others. The chief of his instructors was his wife Messelina, whose name has al- most become a common appellation for women of abandoned character. By her, was Claudius urged on to commit cruelties which he considered only as wholesome severities, whilst her de- baucheries became every day more notorious, and her lewd- ness exceeded any thing that had ever been seen in Rome. Her crimes and enormities, however, being at length discover- ed, she, together with her paramour, Caius Silius, sufiered that death which they had so justly deserved. Claudius took for his second wife, Agrippina, the daughter of his brother Germanicus; a woman of cruel and ambitious P 2 1 174 HISTORY OF ROME. i spirit, whose whole aim being to procure the succession fbf ■^ Nero, her son by a former marriage, she treated Claudius with such haughtiness, that he was heard to declare, when heated with wine, that it was his fate to suffer the disorders of his wives, and to be thefr executioner. This expression sunk deep in her mind, and engaged all her faculties, to prevent the blow. She therefore resolved not to defer a crime meditated by her a long while before ; which was, to poison him. She for some time, however, debated within herself^ in what mari- ner she should administer the poison ; fearing that too strong a dose would discover her treachery, and that one too weak might fail in its effect. At length, she fixed on a drug of sin- gular Efficacy, to destroy his intellect^ and yet not suddenly to terminate his life. As she had been long conversant in this horrid practice, she applied to a woman, called Locusta, noto- rious for assisting on such occasions* The poison was ad- ministered amongst mushrooms ; a dish of which he was par- ticularly fond. Shortly after having eaten, he dropped down insensible ; &ut this caused no alarm, as it was usual for him to sit indulging, until he had stupified all his faculties, and it became necessary to carry him off to his bed. However, his constitution seemed to overcome the effects of the poison; and Agrippina therefore ordered a wretched physician, who was her creature, to thrust a poisoned feather down his throaty under pretence of an emetic ; which despatched him. jj p Nero, though only seventeen years of age, begaui «,* ' his reign with the general approbation of mankind. , -p. * He appeared just, liberal, and humane: when a war- ' rant for the execution of a criminal was brought hire to be signed, he was heard to cry out, with apparent concerns ^' Would to heaven, that I had never learned to write!" But, as he increased in years, his crimes seemed to increase in equal proportion. The execution of his own mother Agrip- -pina, was the first alarming instance of his cruelty. Failing in. an attempt to have her drowned at sea, he ordered that she should be put to death in her palace ; and going himself to gaze upon the dead body, was heard to say, that he never thought his mother had been so handsome. All the bonds of virtue being thus broken through,. Nera BOW gave a loose to his appetites^ which were not only sordid but inhuman. There seemed an odd contrast in his disposi- tion ; for, while he practised cruelties sufficient to make the mind shudder with horror, he was fond of those amusing arts v:hich softea and lefitie the heart. He was particularly ad* HISTORY OF ROME. IT& dieted, even from his childhood, to music, and not totally igno- rant of poetry: but chariot driving was his favourite pursuit; and all these he w^ls frequently seen to exhibit in public. It would have been happy for mankind, had he confine(S? himself to these ; and, satisfied with being contemptible, sought not also to become formidable. His cruelties outdid even all his other extravagancies. He seemed also studious of finding out pleasures, as well as crimes, against nature. Being attired in the habit of a woman, and covered with a yellow veil, like a bride, he was wedded to one of his abominable companions, called Pythagoras, and again to his freedman Doriphorus. A great part of the city of Rome was consumed by fire, in hi& time ; and most historians ascribe the conflagration to him. It is said that he stood upon a high tower, during the continuance of the flames, enjoying the sight, and repeating, in a player's habit, and in a theatrical manner, some verses upon the de- struction of Troy. As a proof of his guilt upon this occasion, no assistance was permitted towards extinguishing the flames ; and several persons were seen setting fire to the houses, alleging that they had orders. However this was, the emperor used every eflbrt to throw the odium of so detestable an action upon the Christians, who were at that time gaining ground in Rome. Nothing could be more dreadful than the persecution, raised against them, upon this fatal occasion. Some were covered with- the skins of wild beasts, and in that figure de- voured by dogs. Some were crucified, and others burned alive. *' When the day was not sufficient for their tortures,'* says Tacitus, " the flames in which they perished served to il- luminate the night; whilst Nero, dressed in the habit of a charioteer, regaled himself with their torments, from his gar- dens, and entertained the people at one time with their suff*er- ings, at another with the games of the circus." In this perse- cution, St. Paul was beheaded, and St. Peter crucified with hia head downwards; which manner of death he chose, as being more dishonourable than that of his Master. A conspiracy formed against Nero, by Piso, a man of great power and integrity, which was prematurely discovered, opened a new train of suspicion that destroyed many of the principal families in Rome. The two most remarkable personages wha fell on this occasion, were Seneca the philosopher, and Lucan the poet, who was his nephew. Nero, either having real testi- mony against him, or hating him for his virtues, sent a tribune to Seneca, informing him that he was suspected as an accom- plice. The tribune found the philosopher at table with. Pait- 176 HISTORY OP ROME. lina, bis wife; and, informing him of his business, Seneca, without any emotion, replied: that his welfare depended upon no man; that he had never been accustomed to mdulge the errors of the emperor, and would not do so now. When this answer was brought to Nero, he demanded whether Seneca seemed afraid of death. The tribune replying that he did not appear in the least terrified: ''Then go to him again," said the emperor, '' and give him 'my orders to die." Accordingly, he fsent a centurion to Seneca, signifying that it was the en>- peror's pleasure that he should die. Seneca seemed no way discomposed. He endeavoured to console his wife, for his loss, and exhorted her to a life of persevering virtue. But she seemed determined on not surviving him, and pressed her re- quest to die with him, so earnestly, that Seneca, who had long looked upon death as a benefit, at last gave his consent; and the veins of both their arms were opened at the same time. As Seneca was old, and much enfeebled by the austerities of his life, the blood flowed but slowly; so that he caused the veins of his legs and thighs also to be opened. His pains were long and violent; but they were not capable of repressing his forti- tude, or his eloquence. He dictated a discourse to two secre- taries, which was read with great avidity after his death, by the people; but it has since perished in the wreck of time* His agonies being now drawn out to a great length, he at last demanded poison from his physician: but this also failed in its effect; his body being already exhausted, and incapable of exciting its operation. He was then carried into a warm bath, which served only to prolong his sufferings : at length, there* fore, he was put into a stove, the vapour of which quickly des- patched him. At this time, his wife Paulina, having fallen into d swoon, from the loss of blood, had her arms bound up by her domestics; by which means, she survived her husband for some years, and by her conduct during the rest of her life, seemed always mindful of her own love, and his example. The death of Lucan (classically Lucanus) was not less re- markable. The veins of his arms being opened, after he had lost a great quantity of blood, perceiving his hands and legs already dead, whilst the vital parts still continued warm and vigorous, he called to mind a dv^scription in his own poem, the Pharsalia, of a person dying in similar circumstances ; and ex pired whilst he was repeating that beautiful passage : " Nee sicut vulnere sanguis " Emicuit lentus. Ruptis cadit undique venis " Pars ultima trunci. HISTORY OF ROME. 177 * Tradidit in lethum vacuos, vitalibus artus, "At tumidos qua pulmo jacet, qua viscera fervent **Haiserunt ibi fata diu; Luctataque multum " Hac cum parte, viri vix omnia membra tulerunt," yy p The death of Petronius about this time, is too re- j^*^ * markable to be passed over in silence. This person, A T> fifi whom many modern historians suppose to be the * author of a work of no great merit, entitled Satyricon, which is still remaining, was an epicurean, both in principle and practice. Even in so luxurious a court as that of Nero, he was particularly noted for his refinement in luxury. He was accused of being acquainted with Piso's conspiracy, and committed to prison. Petronius could not endure the anxiety of suspense, wherefore he resolved upon putting himself to death ; which he performed in a manner corresponding with the way in which he had lived. He opened his veins, and then closed them — then opened them again, as his feelings prompted, with the utmost cheerfulness and tranquillity. He conversed with his friends, not on maxims of philosophy, or grave sub- jects, but upon such topics as had amused his gayest revels. He listened whilst they recited the lightest poems, and by no action, no word nor circumstance, betrayed the perplexity of a dying person. Shortly after him, Numicius Thermus was put to death, as likewise Barea Soranus, and Psetus Thraseas, The destroying of the two last, Tacitus calls an attack upon virtue itself. Thraseas died in the midst of his friends and philosophers, conversing and reasoning on the nature of the soul. His wife, who was the daughter of the celebrated Arria, was desirous of following her mother's example ; but he dis- suaded her from it. The death of the valiant Corbulo, who had gained Nero so many advantages over the Parthians, fol- lowed next. Nor did the empress Poppea herself escape. At length, human nature grew weary of being her own perse- cutor, and the whole world seemed to rouse, as if by common consent, to rid the earth of a monster. Sergius Galba, at that time governor of Spain, was equally remarkable for his wisdom in peace, and his courage in war ; bui, as all talents under corrupt princes are dangerous, he, for some years, had seemed willing to court obscurity, giving him- self up to an inactive life, and avoiding every opportunity of signalizing his valour. But, anxious to free his country of a disgrace to human na- ture, he accepted the invitation of Vindex, to march with an army towards Rome. The reputation of that general was suchj^ 178 HISTORY OF ROME. that from the moment he declared against Nero, the tyrant considered himself as at an end. He received the account when at supper; and, instantly struck with terror, overturned the table with his foot, breaking two crystal vases of immense value. He then fell into a swoon ; from which, when he re- covered, he tore his clothes, and struck his head, crying out, T that he was utterly undone. He now, therefore, called for I Locusta to furnish him with poison ; and thus prepared for the worst in this life, he retired to the Servilian gardens, with a re- solution of flying into Egypt. Being prevented in this, and the revolt becoming general, he went from house to house, but every door was shut against him, and none found to answer his enquiries. Now reduced to a state of desperation, he desired that one of his favourite gladiators might come to despatch him ; but even in this request there was none who would obey. "Alas!" cried he, "have I neither friend nor enemy !" and then, running desperately forth, seemed resolved to plung head- long into the Tyber. But just then, his courage beginning to fail him, he made a sudden stop, as if willing to recall his reason, and asked for some secret place, where he might re- assume his courage, and meet death with becoming fortitude. In this distress, Phaon, one of his freedmen, offered him his country-house, about four miles distant, where he might for some time remain concealed. Nero accepted his offer; and, half dressed as he was, with his head covered, and hiding his face with his handkerchief, he mounted on horseback, attend- ed by two of his domestics, of whom the wretched Sporus was one. His journey, though short, was crowded with adventures. An earthquake gave him the first alarm. The lightning from heaven next flashed in his face. Around him, he heard nothing but confused noises from the camp, and the cries of the soldiers, imprecating a thousand evils on his head. A passenger meet- ing him on the way, cried : " There go men, in pursuit of Nero." Another asked him was there any news of Nero in the city. His horse taking fright at a dead body which lay on the road, he dropped his handkerchief; and a soldier who was near, addressed him by name. He now, therefore, quitted his horse, and forsaking the high road, entered a thicket that led towards the back part of Phaon's house, through which he crept, making the best of his way amongst the reeds and brambles with which the place was overgrewn. During this interval, the senate, finding the praetorian guards had taken part with Galba, declared him emperor, and con- demned Nero to die, ^^more majorum;^^ that is, according to HISTORY OF ROME. 179 (he rigour of the ancient laws. When told of the resolution of the senate, he asked the messenger what was meant by being punished according to the rigour of the ancient laws. He ai> swored, that the criminal was to be stripped naked, his head to be fixed in a pillory, and in that posture he was to be scourged to death. Nero was so terrified at this, that he seized two poignards which he had brought with him; but, having ex- amined their points, he returned them into their shield ; pre- tending that the fatal moment had not yet arrived. He then desired Sporus to begin the lamentations which were made at funerals : he next entreated that some of his attendants would die, to give him courage by their example ; and afterwards be- gan to reproach his ov/n cowardice ; crying out : " Does this become Nero? Is this trifling weH timed? No, no; let me be courageous." There was no time indeed, to spare: the sol- diers who had been sent in pursuit of him, were just then approaching the house: wherefore, hearing the sound of the horses' feet, he put a dagger to his throat, with which, by the assistance of Epaphroditus, his freedman and secretary, he gave himself a mortal wound. However, he was not yet quite dead, when one of the centurions entering the room, and pre- tending to come to his relief, attempted to stop the blood with his cloak. But Nero, regarding him with a stern countenance, said: "It is now too late. Is this your fidelity?" Upon which, with his eyes fixed, and frightfully staring, he expired; even in death a ghastly spectacle of innoxious tyranny. He reigned thirteen years, seven months, and twenty-eight days, and died in the thirty-second year of his age. yj p Galba was seventy-two years old, when he was de- Q* * Glared emperor, and was then in Spain with his lo- A T) fiQ S^^^S' However, he soon found that his elevation ' to the throne was but an inlet to new disquietudes. He seemed to have three objects in view: to curb the inso- lence of the soldiers: to punish those vices which had arrived at an enormous height in the last reign ; and to replenish the exchequer, which had been quite drained, by the prodigality of his predecessors. But permitting himself to be governed by favourites, he at one time showed himself severe and frugal, at another remiss and prodigal; condemning some illustrious persons without a hearing, and pardoning others, though guilty. In consequence of this, many seditions were kindled, and several factions promoted in different parts of the empire, but particularly in Germany. 180 HISTORY OF ROME. Galba, being informed of these commotions, was sensible that besides his age, he was less respected for not having an heir. He determined, therefore, to put what he had formerly designed in execution, and to adopt some person whose virtues might deserve such advancement, and protect his declining age. His favourites, understanding his intention, instantly re- solved on giving him an heir of their own choosing; so tha* upon this occasion, there arose a great contention amongst them. Otho made warm application for himself; alleging the great services he had done the emperor, as being the first man of note who came to his assistance, when he had declared against Nero. However, Galba, being fully resolved to con- sult the public good, only, rejected his suit; and, on a day ap- pointed, ordered Piso Lucinianus to attend him. The character given of Piso, by historians, is, that he was every way worthy of the honour designed him. He was no way related to Galba, and had no other interest than merit, to recommend him to his favour. Taking this youth, therefore, by the hand, in the presence of his friends, he adopted him to succeed in the em- pire ; giving him the most wholesome lessons for guiding his future conduct. Piso's behaviour showed that he was highly deserving this distinction : in all his deportment, there appeared that modesty, firmness, and evenness of mind, which bespoke him rather capable of discharging the duties of his present dig- nity, than ambitious of obtaining it. But the army and the senate did not seem equally uninterested upon this occasion : they had been so long used to bribery and corruption, that they could now bear no emperor who was not in a capacity of satisfying their avarice. The adoption, therefore, of Piso was but coldly received; for his virtues were no recommendation to a people of universal dspravity. Otho, who had been a great favourite of Galba, and hoped to be adopted his successor in the empire, finding his expecta- tions disappointed, and still further stimulated by an immense load of debts, which he had contracted by his riotous way of living, determined on obtaining by force, what he could not by peaceable succession. Having corrupted the fidelity of the army, he stole secretly fro^ i the emperor, whilst he was sacri- ficing ; and, assembling f e soldiers, in a short speech urged the cruelties and avarice uf Galba. Finding the invectives re- ceived with universal s outs of approbation, he entirely threw off the mask, and avc ,/ed his intentions of dethroning him. The soldiers, being rij.. for sedition, immediately seconded his 1 HISTORY OF ROME. 181 ] views: wherefore, taking Otho on their shoulders, they de- clared him emperor; and, to strike the citizens with terror, carried him, with their swords drawn, into the camp. Soon afterwards, finding Galba in some measure deserted by his adherents, the soldiers rushed in upon him; trampling under foot the crowd which then filled the forum. The em- peror, seeing them approach, appeared to recollect all his for- mer fortitude ; and, bending his head forward, bid the assassins strike it off, if it were for the good of .he people. This was quickly performed : and his head, being set upon the point of a lance, was presented to Otho, who ordered it to be con- temptuously carried round the camp ; his body remaining in the street, unburied, until interred by one of his slaves. A n fiQ Cralba died in the seventy-third year of his age, after a short reign of seven months ; illustrious by his virtues, and uncontaminated by the vices of those favourites who shared m his downfal. Otho, who was now elected emperor, began his reign by a signal instance of clemency, in pardoning Marius Celsus, who had been highly favoured by Galba; and, not contented with barely forgiving, he advanced him to the highest honours ; as- serting, that *' fidelity deserved every reward." During these transactions, the legions in lower Germany, having been purchased by the profuse bounties 4nd specious promises of Vitellius, their general, were at length induced to proclaim him enxperor ; and, regardless of the senate, they de- clared that they had an equal right with the cohorts of Rome, to appoint to that high station. Otho departed from the city, in ail haste, to give Yitellius battle. The army of the latter, which consisted of seventy- thousand men, was commanded by his generals, Valens and Cecinna; he himself remaining in Gaul, in order to bring up the rest of his forces. Both sides advanced to meet each other, with so much animosity and precipitation, that three considerable battles were fought in as many days : one, near Placentia; another, near Cremona; and a third, at a place called Castor: in all of which, Otho and the Romans had the advantage. But these successes were of short continuance. Valens and Cecinna, who had hitherto acted separately, having joined their forces, and recruited their armies with fresh sup- plies, resolved to come to a general engagement. In this, Otho's forces were totally overthrown, and he killed himself shortly afterwards; having reigned three months and five davs.; Q 182 HISTORY OF ROIVIE. A D 70 Vitellius was immediately declared emperor, by the senate, and received those marks of distinction which were now accustomed to follow the appointments of the strongest side. On his arrival at Rome, he entered the city, not as a place which he came to govern with justice, but as a town which had become his own, by the laws of conquest. He soon gave himself up to ail kinds of luxury and profuse- ness : but gluttony wat his favourite vice. His entertainments, though seldom at his own cost, were enormously expensive: he frequently invited himself to the tables of his subjects; breakfasting with one, dining with another, and supping with a third, all in the same day. By the continuance of such vices, added to tne most atro- cious cruelties, he became not only a burthen to himself, but odious to all mankind. Having thus become insupportable to the inhabitants of Rome, the legions of the East, who had at first acquiesced in his dominion, began to revolt, and, shortly afterwards, unanimously determined to make Vespasian em- peror. During the preparations against him, Vitellius, though buried in luxury and sloth, resolved to make an effort to defend the empire; wherefore, his chief commanders, Valens and Cecinna, were rrdered to make all po^'sible preparations to resist the in- vaders. The first army that entered Italy with a hostile in- tention, was under the command of Antonius Primus, who was met by Cecinna near Cremona. A battle was expected; but, a negotiation taking place, Cecinna was prevailed on to change sides, and declare for Vespasian. His army, however, quickly repented of what they had done ; and, imprisoning their general, attacked Antonius, though without a leader. The engagement continued during the whole night ; and, in the morning, aftei a short repast, both armies encountered, a second time ; when the soldiers of Antonius, saluting the rising sun, according to custom, the Vitelhans, supposing that they had received new reinforcements, betook themselves to flight, after a loss of hi rty- thousand men. Vitellius, who was wallowing in all kinds of luxury and ex- > cess, now made offers to Vespasian, of resigning the empire, provided his life were spared, and a sufficient revenue allotted for his support. In order to enforce the terms of this request, he issued from his palace in deep mourning, with aU his do- Haestics weeping around him. He then went to offer the sword HISTORY OF ROME. 183„ of justice to Cecilius, the consul ; which he refusing, the abject emperor prepared to lay down the ensigns of the empire, in the temple of Concord : but, being interrupted by some person, who cried out that he himself was Concord, he resolved, upon so weak an encouragement, still to maintain his power, and im- mediately prepared for his defence. In this fluctuation of counsels, one Sabinus, wlw had advised Vitellius to resign, perceiving his ,^esperate siti^atfott, resol^ed^* by a bold step, to obHge Yespasian ; and accordingly, seized-"- upon the capitol. But he was premature in his attempt: the i soldiers of YitelUus attacked him with great fury ; and, prevail- ing by their numbers, soon laid that beautiful building in ashes. During this dreadful conflagration, Yitellius was feasting in the palace of Tiberius, and beholding, with great satisfaction, all^ the horrors of the assault. Sabinus was taken prisoner, and, shortly afterwards, executed, by the emperor's command. Young Domitian, his nephew, who was afterwards emperor, escaped by flight, in the habit of a priest ; and all the rest, who survived the Are, were put to the sword. But Antonius, Vespasian's commander, having arrived be- fore the walls of the city, the forces of Yitellius resolved upon defending it to thr^ utmost extremity. It was attacked on three sides with the greatest fury ; whilst the army within, sallying upon the besiegers, defended it with equal obstinacy. The battle lasted a whole day ; until, at last, the besieged were driven into the city, and a dreadful slaughter made of them in all the streets, which they in vain attempted to defend. The wretched emperor was soon found concealed in an ob- scure corner; from which he was taken, by a party of the con- quering soldiers. Still, however, willing to add a few hours more to his miserable existence, he begged to be kept in prison till the arrival of Yespasian at Rome ; pretending that he had secrets of importance to discover. But his entreaties were in vain : the soldiers, binding his hands behind him, and throwing a halter round his neck, led him along, half naked, into the public forum; upbraiding him, as they proceeded, with all those bitter reproaches, which their malice could suggest, or his own cruelty had deserved. At length, having reached the place of punishment, they killed him, with many blows ; and then, dragging the dead body through the streets, by a hook, they threw it, with all possible ignominy, into the Tyber. A T) 70 Vespasian, (properly Yespasianus,) was now declared emperor, by the unanimous consent both of the senate and the army, and dignified with all those titles 184 HISTORY OF ROME. which now followed, rather the power, than the merit, of those who were appointed to govern. Having continued some months at Alexandria, in Egypt, he set out for Rome ; giving his son Titus the command of the army that was to lay siege to Jerusalem. He was met, many miles from Rome, by all the senate, and nearly half the inhabit- ants ; who gave the sincerest testimonies of their joy, in having an emperor of so great and experienced virtues. Nor did he, in the least, disappoint their expectations : being equally assid- . uous in rewarding merit and pardoning his adversaries ; in re- forming the manners of the citizens, and setting them the best example in his own. In the mean time, Titus carried on the war against the Jews, with vigour. This obstinate and infatuated people had long determined to resist the Roman power; vainly hoping to find protection from Heaven, which their impieties had offended. Their own historian, represents them as arrived at the highest pitch of iniquity. Nor was it sufficient that heaven and earth seemed combined against them : they had the most bitter dis- sensions amongst themselves, and were split into two partiea which robbed and destroyed each other with impunity; still pillaging, and, at the same time, boasting th<*ir zeal for the re- ligion of their ancestors. At the head of one of those parties, was an incendiary, named John. This fanatic affected sovereign power, and dis- tressed the whole city of Jerusalem, and all the towns around, by tumult and pillage. In a short time, a new faction arose, headed by one Simon; who, gathering multitudes of robbers and murderers, that had fled to the mountains, attacked many cities and towns, and reduced all Idumea under his authority. Jerusalem, at length, became the theatre in which these two demagogues began to exercise their mutual animosity. John had possession of the temple, and Simon was admitted into the city : both equally enraged against each other ; while slaughter and devastation followed their pretensions. Thus, did a city, formerly celebrated for unity and peace, become the seat of tu- mult and confusion. It was in this miserable situation, when Titus began his ope- rations, within about six furlongs of Jerusalem, during the feast of the Passover; the place being filled with an infinite multi- tude of people, who had come to celebrate that great solemnity. The approach of the Romans produced a temporary recon- ciliation between the contending factions within the city; so that they unanimously determined to oppose the common enemv HISTORY OF ROME. 185 ;^ first, and decide their domestic quarrels at a more conveniettt season. Their first sally, which was made with much fury and reso- lution, threw the besiegers into great disorder, and obliged them to abandon their camp, and fly to the mountains. How- ever, rallying immediately afterwards, the Jews were forced back into the city, while Titus, in person, showed surprising instances of valour and abiUty. These advantages over the Romans, only renewed in the besieged the desire of private revenge. A tumult ensued in the temple, in which several of both parties were slain ; and in this manner, upon every remission on the part of those with^ out, the factions of John and Simon violently raged against each other within ; agreeing only in their resolution to defend the city against the Romans. Jerusalem was strongly fortified, by three walls, on every side ; except where it was protected by deep valleys. Titus began by battering down the outward wall ; the destruction of which, after much fatigue and danger, he effected ; all the time displaying great clemency to the Jews, and offering them re- peated assurances of pardon. Five days after the commence- ment of the siege, he broke through the second wall; and, though driven back by the defendants, he recovered his ground, and made preparations for battering the third wall, which was their last defence. But first he sent Josephus, their country man, into the city, to exhort them to yield ; who, using all his eloquence to persuade them, was only reviled with scoffs and reproaches. The siege was consequently continued with greater vigour than before : several batteries for engines were raised, which were no sooner erected, than destroyed by the enemy. At length, it was resolved, in council, to surround the whole city with a trench; and thus prevent all succour from abroad. This, which was quickly executed, seemed no way to intimi- date the Jews. Though famine, and pestilence, its usual at- tendant, began to make the most horrid ravages amongst them, yet this desperate people still determined to hold out. Titus now cut down all the woods to a considerable distance from the city, and causing more batteries to be raised, he at length made an effectual breach ; and in five days entered the citadel by force. The Jews, however, continued to deceive them- selves with absurd and erroneous expectations, whilst many false prophets deluded the multitude; declaring they should soon have assistance from God. The heat of the battle now raged around the inner wall of the temple, while the defend- 186 HISTORY OF ROME. ants des»perately combated from the top. Titus was anxious to save this beautiful structure ; but a soldier casting a brand into some adjacent buildings, the fire communicated to the temple; and, notwithstanding the utmost endeavours on both sides, the edifice was quickly consumed. The sight of their temple in ruins, effectually served to damp the ardour of the Jews. They now began to perceive that heaven had forsaken them, while their cries and lamentations echoed from the neighbouring mountains. Even those who were expiring, lifted up their dying eyes to bewail the loss of that temple, which they valued more than life itself. The most resolute, however, still endeavoured to defend the upper and stronger part of the city, named Sion ; but Titus, with his battering engines, soon made himself master of the place. John and Simon were taken from the vaults, where they had concealed themselves : the former was condemned to perpetual imprisonment, and the latter reserved to grace the conqueror's triumph. The greater part of the populace were put to the sword, and the city, after a six month's siege, was entirely razed, by the plough; so that, according to our Saviour's prophecy, not one stone re- mained upon another. The number of those who perished in this siege, according to Josephus, amounted to above a million, and the captives to almost one-hundred-thousand. Upon the taking of Jerusalem, the soldiers would have crowned Titus as a conqueror, but he modestly refused the honour; alleging that he was only an instrument in the hand of Heaven, which manifestly declared its wrath against the Jews. At Rome, however, every voice proclaimed the victor's praise ; who had not only showed himself an excellent general, but a courageous combatant: when returning therefore in tri^i umph, accompanied by his father, his entry was marked by all the magnificence and joy in the power of men to express. All things that were esteemed valuable or beautiful amongst men, were brought to adorn this great occasion. Amongst the rich spoils, were exposed vast quantities of gold, taken out of the temple; but the Book of the Holy Law was not the least re- markable of the magnificent profusion. This was the first time that Rome had seen the father and the son triumph to- gether. A triumphal arch was erected on this occasion, on which were described all the victories of Titus over the Jews ; which remains almost entire to this day. Vespasian likewise built a temple to Peace, wherein were deposited most of the Jewish spoils; and having now calmed all commotions in every part of the empire, he shut up the temple of Janus, which had HISTORY OF ROME. 187 been x)pen about five or six years. Yespasian, having reigned ten years, beloved by his subjects, and deserving their afTection, was surprised by an indisposition at Campania, which, from the beginning, he declared would be fatal; and, perceiving his end approaching, as he was just going to breathe his last, he cried out, that an emperor ought to die standing : wherefore, raising himself upon his feet, he died in the hands of those that sus- tained him. Few emperors have received a better character from histo- rians ; yet all his numerous acts of generosity and magnificence could not protect him from the imputation of rapacity and avarice ; as he descended to the laying of imposts, which, in some instances, were not only unusual but dishonourable. * T) 70 Titus, being joyfully received as emperor, began to reign with the practice of every virtue that be- came a sovereign and a man. During the life of his father, there were many charges against him, of cruelty, lust, and prodigality ; but, upon his exaltation to the throne, he seemed entirely to abandon his former vices, and became an example of the greatest moderation and humanity. His first step to- wards gaining the affection of his subjects, was, his moderating his passions, and bridling his inclinations. He had long loved Berenice, the sister of Agrippa, king of Judea; a woman of the greatest beauty, and the most refined allurements. But, knowing that the connexion with her was entirely disagreeable to the people of Rome, he gained a victory over his affections, and sent her away, notwithstanding their mutual attachment, and the many arts she used to induce him to change his reso- lution. He next discarded all those who had been the usual ministers of his pleasures, and forbore to countenance the com- panions of his looser recreations, though he had formerly taken great pains in the selection. This moderation, added to his justice and generosity, pro- cured him the esteem of all good men, and the appellation of " The delight of mankind," which all his actions seemed cal- culated to ensure. Titus took particular care to punish all informers, false wit- nesses, and promoters of dissension. Those wretches, who had their rise in the hcentiousness and impurity of former reigns, had become so numerous, that their crimes called loudly for punishment. Of these, therefore, he daily made public ex- amples : condemning them to be scourged in the public streets; next, to be dragged through the theatre, and then to be banish- ed into the uninhabited parts of the empire, or sold as slaves 188 HISTORY OF ROME. His courtesy, and readiness to do good, hai^e been celebrated even by Christian writers ; his principal rule being, never to send away any petitioner dissatisfied. One night, recollecting that he had done nothing beneficial to mankind, the day pre ceding, he cried out, amongst his friends: " I have lost a day!'' — a sentence, too remarkable, not to be universally known. Hearing that two noblemen had conspired against him, he readily forgave them ; and, the following day, placing them next himself in the theatre, he put into their hands the swords with which the gladiators fought; demanding their judgment and approbation, whether they were of sufficient length. In this reign, an eruption of Mount Vesuvius caused con- siderable damage ; overwhelming many towns, and throwing the ashes into countries more than a hundred miles distant. Upon this memorable occasion, Pliny, the naturalist, lost hia life. Impelled by too eager a curiosity to observe the eruption, he was suffocated in the flames. There happened, also, about this time, a fire at Rome, which continued three days and nights; to which, succeeded a plague, that caused the burial of ten thousand men in a day. The emperor, however, did all that lay in his power to repair the damages -sustained by the public ; and, with respect to the city, declared that he would take the whole loss upon himself. These disasters were, in some measure, counterbalanced by the successes gained by Agricola, in Britain. That excel- lent general, having been sent into this country towards the latter end of Yespasian's reign, showed himself equally expert in quelling the refractory, and civihzing those who had formerly submitted to the Roman power. The Ordovices, inhabitants of North Wales, were the first that were subdued. He then made a descent upon Mona, (the island of Anglesea,) which surrendered at discretion. Having thus made himself master of the whole country, he used every method to restore disci- pline to his own army, and introduce some degree of politeness amongst the conquered. He exhorted them, both by advice and example, to build tempics, theatres, and stately houses. He caused the sons of their nobility to be instructed in the liberal arts : he had them taught the Latin language ; and in- duced therA to imitate the Roman mode of dress and living. Thus, by degrees, this barbarous people began to assume the luxurious manners of their conquerors, and, in some measure, to outdo them in all the refinements of sensual pleasures. On account of these successes in Britain, Titus was saluted /m- peratovj the fifteenth time : but he did not long survive thjj ;1 HISTORY OF ROME. 189 honour; being surprised, at a little distance from Rome, by a fever. He expired shortly afterwards ; but his brother Do- mitian, who had long wished to govern, was not entirely free from the imputation of treachery, on this occasion. His death was in the forty- first year of his age ; having reigned two years, two months, and twenty days. A D Q-- Domitian, (properly called Domitianus,) com- menced his reign with the universal satisfaction of the people ; as he appeared equally remarkable for his clem- ency, liberality, and justice. But he soon began to show the natural deformity of his mind. Instead of cultivating literature, as his father and his brother had done, he neglected all kinds of study ; addicting himself wholly to other pursuits, particularly archery, and the mean practice of gaming. He was so very expert in archery, that he would frequently cause one of his slaves to stand at a considerable distance, with his hands spread, as a mark, and w^ould shoot his arrows with so great exactness, as to stick them all between his fingers. He instituted three sorts of contests, to be observed every ^\e years ; in music, horseman- ship, and wrestling; but, at the same time, he banished all philosophers and mathematicians from Rome. No emperor, before him, entertained the people with so great a variety of expensive exhibitions. During these diversions, he distributed large rewards; sitting as president himself, adorned with a purple robe and crown, with the priests of Jupiter, and the col- lege of Flavian priests about him. The meanness of his oc- cupations, in solitude, was a strong contrast to his exhibitions of public ostentation. He usually spent his hours of retirement in catching flies, and sticking them through with a bodkin; so that one of his servants being asked if the emperor was alone, answered — that he had not so much as a fly to bear him com- pany. His vices seemed every day to increase with the duration of his reign. His ungrateful treatment of Agricola discovered the first symptom of his natural malevolence. Domitian was always particularly fond of obtaining a military reputation ; and therefore jealous of it in others. He had marched, some time before, into Gaul, upon a pretended expedition against the Catti, a people of Germany ; and, without ever seeing the ene- my, he resolved to have the honour of a triumph, upon his re- turn to Rome. For that purpose, he purchased a number of slaves, whom he dressed in German habits, and, at the head of this miserable procession, entered the city, amidst the ap i 190 HISTORY OF ROME. parent applause, but concealed contempt, of all his subjects. The successes, therefore, of Agricola, in Britain, affected him with an extreme degree of envy. This admirable general pur- sued the advantages which he had already obtained. He con- quered the Caledonians, and overcame Galgacus, the British chief, at the head of thirty thousand men; and afterwards, send ing out a fleet to scour the coast, he first ascertained that Britain was an island. He likewise discovered and subdued the Orkneys, and thus reduced the whole into a civilized prov- ince of the Roman empire. When the account of these suc- cesses was brought to Domitian, he received it with seeming pleasure, but real uneasiness. He thought Agricola's rising reputation a tacit reproach upon his own inactivity; and, in- stead of attempting to emulate, he resolved to suppress, the merit of his services. He ordered him, therefore, external marks of approbation, and took care that triumphal ornaments, statues, and other honours, should be decreed him; but, at the same time, he removed him from his command, under pre- tence of appointing him to the government of Syria. By these means, Agricola surrendered up his province to Salustius Lucullus ; but he soon found that Syria was other- wise disposed of. Upon his return to Rome, which was pri- vately and by night, he was coolly received by the emperor ; and dying afterwards in retirement, it was supposed by some that his end was hastened by Domitian's direction. The em- peror, soon after, became sensible of the loss he had sustained, in being deprived of the services of so experienced a com- mander. The barbarous nations that surrounded the empire made frequent irruptions. The Sarmatians in Europe, joined with those of Asia, made a formidable invasion; at once de- stroying a whole legion and a general of the Romans. The Dacians, also, under the conduct of Decebalus, their king, made an inroad, and overthrew them in several engagements. At last, however, the barbarians were driven back, partly by force, and partly by the assistance of money ; which only served as a means of making future invasions with greater advantage. But, in whatever manner the enemy had been repelled, Domi- tian was determined not to lose the honour of a triumph. He returned, in great ostentation, to Rome ; and, not content with thus triumphing twdce, without a victory, he resolved to take the surname of Germanicus, for his conquest over a people with whom he had never contended. In proportion as the ridicule increased against him, his pride seemed every day to demand greater homage. He woul4| HISTORY OF ROME. 191 permit his statues to be made only of gold and silver; he as^ sumed divine honours, and ordered that all men should treat him with the same appellations which they gave to the divinity. His cruelty was equal to his arrogance : he caused numbers of the most illustrious senators and others to be put to death, upon the most trifling pretences. One JElius Lamia was con- demned and executed, merely for jesting, though there was neither novelty nor poignancy in his humour. Cocceanus was murdered, only for celebrating the birth day of Otho. Pom- posianus shared the same fate, because it was foretold by an astrologer that he should be emperor. Salustius Lucullus, his lieutenant in Britain, was destroyed, only for having given his name to a new sort of lances of his own invention ; and Junius Rusticus, for publishing a book, in which he commended Thracea and Priscus, two philosophers who opposed Vespa- sian's elevation to the throne. . Lucius Antonius, governor of upper Germany, knowing how much the emperor was detested at home, resolved upon striking for the throne, and accordingly assumed the ensigns of imperial dignity. As he was at the head of a formidable army, he, for a long time, kept the field, with doubtful success ; but a sudden overflowing of the Rhine dividing his forces, he was attacked at that juncture by Normandus, the emperor's general, and totally routed. Domitian's severity was greatly increased by this short-lived success. In order to discover those who were accomplices with the adverse party, he invented new tortures; sometimes cutting off* the hands — at other times thrusting fire into the most delicate parts of those whom he suspected of being his enemies. During these severities, he aggravated his guilt by hypocrisy; never pronouncing sentence wi^'ihout a preamble full of gentleness and mercy. The night before he crucified the comptroller of his household, he seemed to treat him with the most cordial friendship, and ordered him a dish of meat from his own table. He carried Aretinus Clemens with hini in his own litter, the day he had concluded upon his death. He was particularly terrible to the senate and nobility ; the whole body of whom he frequently threatened entirely to extirpate. At one time, he surrounded the senate-house with his troops, to the great consternajtion of the senators. At another, he de- termined to amuse himself with their terrors, in a different man- ner. Having invited them to a pubhc entertainment, he re- ceived them all very formally, at the entrance of his palace, and conducted them into a spacious hall, hung round with \ \ 192 HISTORY OF ROME. black, and partially lighted by a few melancholy lamps, which served only to show the gloomy horrors of the place. All around were to be seen nothing but coffins, each with a senator's name written on it, together with other objects of terror, and instruments of execution. While the company be- held all these preparations with silent agony, several men, hav- ing their bodies blackened, each with a sword in one hand, and a flaming torch in the other, entered the hall, and danced around them. After some time, when the guests, well know- ing Domitian's wanton cruelty, expected nothing less than in- stant death, the doors were thrown open, and a servant came • to inform them, that the emperor gave all the company leave to withdraw. These cruelties were rendered still more odious by his lust and avarice. Frequently, after presiding at an execution, he would retire with the most abandoned women, and use the same baths which they did. The last part of the tyrant's reign was more insupportable than any of the pre- ceding. Nero had exercised his cruelties without being a spectator; but a principal part of the Roman miseries, during this reign, was to behold the tyrant, with a stern air, and fiery visage, which he had rendered incapable of blushing, by con- tinued intemperance, directing the tortures, and mediciously pleased with adding irritation to every agony.-^ ^ . ^ But a period was soon to be put to this monster's cruelties. Amongst the number of those that he at once caressed and suspected, was ilCwife Domitia, whom he had taken from -^lius Lamia, her former husband. It was the tyrant's method to put down the names of all those he intended to destroy, in his tablets, which he kept about him with great circumspection. Domitia, fortunately happening to see them,, was astonished at finding her own name in the catalogue of tho^se doomed to de- struction. She showed the fakil list to Norbanus and Petro- iiius, prsefects of the praetorian bands, who found themselves also set down; and to Stephanus, the comptroller of the house- hold, who came into the conspiracy with alacrity. They fixed upon the eighteenth day of September,'for the completion of th^ir great attempt. When preparin^.to go to the bath, on the morning of that day, Petronius, his chamberlain, came to in- form him, that Stephanus desired to speak to him, upon an affair of ^ the utniost importance. The emperor having given orders that his attendants should retire, Stephanus entered with his hand in ^ scarf, which he had worn thus for some days, the better to c%n.ceal ^ dagger? as no one was permitted to ap- proach the emperor with arms. He began, by giving informal HISTORY OF ROME. 193 tion of a pretended conspiracy, and exhibited a paper in which the particulars were specified. Whilst Domitian was reading the contents with an eager curiosity, Stephanus drew the dag- ger, and struck him in the body. The wound not being mortal, Domitian caught hold of the assassin, and threw him on the ground; calling out for assistance. But Parthenius, with his freed man, a gladiator, and two subaltern officers, coming in, they all ran furiously upon the emperor, and despatched him with seven wounds. It is incredible, what some writers relate, concerning Appoi- lonius Tyaneus, who was then at Ephesus. This person, whom some call a magician, and some a philosopher, but who, more probably, was nothing more than an impostor, was, as they r.ay, just at the minute in which Domitian was slain, lec- turing in one of the public gardens Qf that city. But, suddenly stopping short, he cried out, *' Courage, Stephanus — strike the tyrant." And then, after a pause: " Rejoice, my friends, the tyrant dies this day ; — ^tbi^ day, do I say ! — the very moment in which I kept silenceV he sutfers for his crimes ; he dies ! Many more prodigies are said to have portended his death; but the fate of such a monster seemed to produce more preter- natural disturbances, and more predictions, than it deserved. The truth is, that a belief of flitne3|N^d prodigies had again become prevalent; and the people werS'telapsing into pristine barbarity. A country of ignorance is always the proper soil for a harvest of imposture.' 0ttl^ V CHAPTER XXm. ^e Jive good Emperoy^s of Rome; JYerva, Trajan, Adrian^ Antoninus Pius, JMarcus Aurelius, X A D 96 When it was publicly known that Domitian was slain, tha senate began to blacken his memory with every reproach. It was> ordered that his statues should be taken down, and a decree was' made, that all his inscriptions should be erased, his. name struck out of the registers of fame, and his funeral omittel^ 'die people, who now took little part in the affairs of goverJHfen^feoktd on his death with indiffer- ence ; the soldiers alone, whom he had loaded with favours^ and enriched by largesses, sincerely regretted their benefactor. The senate, therefore, resolved to provide a successor, be- R 194 HISTORY OF ROME. P fore the army could have an opportunity of taking the appoint- ment upon themselves; and Cocceius Nerva was chosen to the empire, the very day on which the tyrant was slain. He was of an illustrious family, as most say, by birth a Spaniard, and above sixty-five years old when he was called to the throae. He was at that time the most remarkable man in Rome, for his virtues, moderation, and respect to the laws; and he owed his exaltation to the blameless conduct of his former life. The people, being long accustomed to tyranny, regarded Nerva's gentle reign with rapture; and even gave his im- becihty (for his humanity was carried to,o far for justice) the name of benevolence. Upon ascending the throne, he solemnly swore that no senator of Rome should b^ put to death, by his command, during his reiga, though he gave ever so just a cause. This o^th he so religiously observed, that when two senators hjd^tfSnspired his death, he used no kind against "tlTeif majggtri eret^d^Q^hi4-.hpi^d w0Sm converted into money ►^i)ohntian, which hacf been spared by the senate. of severity against tnen^ but, sending for them, to show that he was not ignopetnt of ^eir designs, he carried them with him to the public lireatre; a«d, preserving to each a dagger, he de- sired them tp'strike, as^^ was determined not to ward off the blow. During his short reign, he made several good laws. He put mi those slaves to death, who had, during the last reign, informed against "tlTeif m|j§J|rs.3|^e*^l^itt^l[o "Statues to be those' of He sold many rich robe^iJind mucb* of the splendid furniture of the palace, and retrenchcd^everal unreasonable expenses at coui^ A^lk^„gaime tim^ ne Mtd so little regard for money, that when Wie of his siiypcts found a large treasure, and wrote to the emperor foi' directions how to dispose of it, he received for an- swer that he might use it; but the finder informing him th^;^ was a fortune too large for a private person, Nerva, admirii^ his honesty, wrote him word, that then he might abuse i^- A hfe of such generosity and mildness, was not, however, without enemies. Yigilius Rufus, who had opposed him, was not only pardoned, but made his cs^^0S^e in the consulship. Calpufhius Crassus, also, with some others, formed a con- spiracy to tlestroy him; but h*" rested satisfied with banishing those^who were culpable, though the senate were for inflicting more rigorous punishments. But khe||i|S)st dangerous insur- rection against his interests, was wonWhe praetorian bands; who, headed by Casparius Olianus, insisted upon revenging the late emperor's death, whose memory was still dear to them, from his frequent liberaUties. Nerva, whose kiadness to good HISTORY OF ROME. 195 men rendered him more obnoxious to the vicious, did all in his power to stop the progress of this insurrection : he presented himself to the mutinous soldiers, and, opening his bosom, de- sired them to strike there, rather than be guilty of so much in- justice. The soldiers, however, paid no regard to his remon- strances, but, seizing upon Petronius and Parthenius, killed them, in the most ignominious manner. Not content with this, they even compelled the emperor to approve of their sedition, and to make a speech to the people, in which he thanked the cohorts for their fidelity. So disagreeable a restraint upon the emperor's inclinations, | was, in the end, attended with the most happy effects; as it ^ caused the adoption of Trajan, to succeed him. Perceiving, that, in the present turbulent disposition of the times, he stood in need of an assistant in the empire,' seeing aside all his own relations, he fixed upon XJlpius Trajanus, (famiharly Trajan,) an utter stranger to his family, who was then governor in upper Germany, as his successor. In about three months afterwards, having put himself into a violent passion with one Regulus, a senator, he was seized with a fever, of which he died, after a short reign of one year, four months, and nine days. He was the first. foreign emperor that reigned in Rome ; and-^ justly reputed a prince of great gen^osity and moderation. He is also celebrated for his wisdom, though with less reason ; the greatest instance he gave of it during his reign, having been m the choice of his successor. yj p Trajan's family was originally of Italy; but he * , ' himself was born at Seville, in Spain. On being A n *QQ informed of the death of Nerva, he prepdred to re- turn to Rome, from Germany, where he was gov- ernor; and one of the first lectures he received, upon his ar- rival, was from Plutarch, the philosopher; who had the honour of being his master, and is said to have written him a letter to the following purpose: '' Since your merits, and not your im- portunities, have advanced you to the empire, permit me to | congratulate your virtues, and my own good fovtune. If your future government prove answerable to your former worth, I shall be happy; but, if you become worse for power, yours will be the danger, and mine the ignominy of your conduct. The errors of the pupil will be charged upon the instructor. Seneca is reproached for the enormities of Nero ; and Socrates and Quintilian have not escaped censure, for the misconduct of their respective scholars ; but you have it in your power to make me 196 HISTORY OF ROME. the most honoured of men, by continuing what you are. Pre- serve the command of your passions, and make virtue the scope of all your actions. If you follow these instructions, then will I glory in my having presumed to give them ; if you neglect »i what I offer, then will this letter be my testimony that you have T not erred through the counsel and authority of Plutarch." I have inserted this letter, whether genuine or not, because it seems to me well written,, and a striking picture of ths^t grea philosopher's manner of addressing that best of princes. This good monarcli^ri application to business, his moderation to his enemies, his modesty in exaltation, his liberality to the deserving, and his economy in his own expenses, have all been the subjects of panegyric, amongst his cotemporaries ; and they continue to be the admiration of posterity. Upon giving the praefect of the prcetorian bands the sword, according to custom,iie made use of this remarkable exp-ession: " Take this sword, and use it: if I have merit, for me; if other- wise, against me." After which, he added, that he who gave laws, was the first who was bound to observe them. The first war he w^as engaged in, after his coming to the throne, was w ith the Dacians ; who, during the reign of Domi- tian, had committed innumerable ravages upon the province? of the empire. He therefore raised a powerful army, and with great expedition marched into their barbarous countries; where he was vigorously opposed by Decebalus, the Dacian king, who, for a long time, withstood his boldest eflTorts. At length, however, this monarcji, being constrained to come to a general battle, and no longer able to protract the war, was routed, with great slaughter; though not without a severe loss to the con- querors. The Roman soldiers, upon this occasion, wantiijg linen to bind up their wounds, the emperor tore his own robes, to supply them. This victory compelled the enemy to sue for peace, which they obtained upon very disadvantageous terms ; their king coming into the Roman camp, and acknowledging himself a vassal of the Roman empire. Upon Trajan's return, after the usual triumphs and rejoicings upon such an occasion, were over, he was surprised with an account that the Dacians had renewed hostilities. Decebalus their king, was now, therefore, a second time adjudged an enemy to the Roman state, and Trajan invaded his dominions with an army equal to that with which he had before subdued him. But Decebalus, now grown more cautious by his former defeat, used every art to avoid coming to an engagement. He HISTORY OF ROME. 197 also put various stratagems in practice, to distress his enemy ; and, at one time, Trajan himself was in danger of being killed, or taken. He also took Longinus, one of the Roman generals, prisoner; and threatened to kill him, in case Trajan refused to grant terms of peace. But the emperor repHed, that peace and war had not their dependence upon the safetj of one subject only; wherefore, Longinus, sometime afterwards, destroyed himself, by a voluntary death. The fate of this general seemed to give new vigour to Trajan's operations. In order that he might more easily invade the enemy's territories, at pleasure, he undertook a most stupendous work, which was no less than building a bridge across the Danube. This amazing structure, which was built over a deep, broad, and rapid river, consisted' of more than twenty arches, each one-hundred-and-fifty feet high, and a hundred-and-seventy broad. The ruins of this structure, which remain to this day, show modern architects how far they were surpassed by the ancients, both in the great- ness and boldness of their designs. Upon finishing this work, Trajan continued the war with great vigour, sharing with the meanest of his soldiers the fatigues of the campaign, and con- tinually encouraging them to their duty by his own example. By these means, notwithstanding the country was spacious and un- cultivated, and the inhabitants brave and hardy, he subdued the whole, and added the kingdom of Dacia, as a province, to tae Roman empire. Decebalus made some attempts to escaj^e ; but, being surrounded on every side, he at last slew himself, and his head was sent immediately to Rome, as an evid^rice of his misfortune. These successes seemed to advance the empire to a greater degree of splendour than it had hitherto acquired. Ambassadors came from the interior parts of L-idia, to congratulate Trajan on his sjj^ccess, and bespeak his friend- ship. Upon his return to RcSae, he entered the city in tri- umph ; and the rejoicings for his victories lasted one-hundred- and-twenty days. Having given peace and prosperity to the empire, he con- tinued his reign, loved, honoured, and almost adored, by his subjects. He adorned the city with public buildings ; he freed it from such men as lived by their vices; he entertained pei- sons of merit with the utmost familiarity, and so little feared his enemies, that he could scarcely be induced to suppose he had any. It would have been happy for this great prinpe's memory, if he had shown equal clemency to all his subjects; 'but, about the ninth year of his reign, he was persuaded to look upon the 1 98 HISTORY OF ROME. TT c P"^ ^^ death, as well by popular tumults, as by ftfio ' edicts and judicial proceedings. However, the A "n 1 07 ^"^P^''^'*> having advice from Pliny, the proconsul ' in Bithynia, of the innocence and simplicity of the Christians, and of their inoffensive and moral way of living, suspended their punishments. In this emperor's reign, there was a dreadful insurrection of the Jews, in all parts of the empire. This wretched people, still infatuated, and always expecting some signal deliverance, took the advantage of Trajan's absence in the East, in an ex*^ pedition he had undertaken against the Armenians and Pkr-^ thians, to massacre all the Greeks and Romans whom they got into their power, without reluctance or mercy. This rebellion first began in Cyrene, a Roman province in Africa; thence, the flames extended to Egypt; and next, to the island of Cy- prus. These places, they in a manner depopulated, with un- governable fury. Their barbarities were so enormous, that they eat the flesh of their enemies, wore their skins, sawed them asunder, cast them to wild beasts, made them kill each other, and studied new torments by which to destroy them. How- ever, these cruelties were not of long duration ; the governors of the respective provinces, making head against their tumultu- ous fury, soon treated them with a retaliation of severity, and put them to death, not as human beings, but as outrageous pests to society. As the Jews haci practised these cruelties in Cyprus particularly, a law was publicly enacted, by which it was made capital for any Jew to set foot on the island. During tkjse bloody transactions, Trajan was prosecuting his successes in the East, where he carried the Roman arms farther than they had ever been before ; but, resolving to re- turn once more to Rome, he found himself too weak to pro- ceed in his usual manner. He\herefore ordered that he should be carried on shipboard, to the city of Seleucia, where he died . -p. of the apoplexy, by which he had been attacked once ' ,y * before, in the sixty-third year of his age,^fte,r a reign of nineteen years, six months and fifteen day?. Adrian, (properly Adrianus,) who was nephew to Trajan, was adopted to succeed in the empire, and elected by all orders of the state, though absent from Rome ; being then at Antioch, as general of the forces in the East. Upon yB*&ection, he began to pursue a course quite opposite to that of bis predecessor ; taking every method of declining war, and promoting the arts of peace. He was quite satisfied HISTORY OF ROME. 199 with preserving the ancient hmits of the empire, and seemed no way ambitious of extensive conquests. Adrian was one of the most remarkable of the Roman em- perors, for the variety of his endowments. He was highly skilful in all the accomplishments, both of body and mind: he composed with great beauty, both in prose and verse; he pleaded at the bar, an^ was one of the best orators of his time. Nor were his moral virtues inferior to his accomplishments. His moderation and clemency appeared by pardoning the in- juries which he had received when he was yet only a private man. One day, meeting a person who had formerly been his most inveterate enemy, " My good friend," cried he, '* you have escaped, for I am made emperor." He was affable to his friends, and gentle to those of inferior stations : he relieved their wants, and visited them in sickness ; it being his constant maxim, that he was an emperor, not elected for his own good, but for the benefit of mankind. These were his virtues, which were contrasted by a strange mixture of vices ; or, to say the truth, he wanted strength of mind, to preserve his general rectitude of character without deviation. He was scarcely settled on the throne, when several of the northern barbarians, the Alani, the Sarmatians, and the Dacians, began to make incursions into the empire. These hardy na- tions, who now found the way to conquer, by issuing from their forests, and then retiring on the approach of a superior force, began to be truly formidable to Rome. Adrian proposed to contract the limits of the empi^ej^by giving up some of the most remote and least defensible provinces ; but m this he was over-ruled by his friends, who erroneously imagined, that an extensive frontier would intimida^ an invading enemy. But though he compUed with fheir Remonstrances, he broke down the bridge over the Danube,' which his predecessor had built; sensible that the same passage which was open to him, was equally convenient to the incursions of his barbarous neigh- bours. Having remained a short time at Rome, to see that all things were regulated and estabhshed for the safety of the ^ubhc, he prepared to visit and take a view" of his whole empire. It was one of his maxims, that an emperor ought to imitate the sun, which diffuses warmth and vigour over all parts of the earth. He therefore took with him a splendid court, and a considerable force, and entered the province of Gaul ; where he numbered all the inhabitants- From Gaul, he went to Germany, thence 200 HISTORY OF ROME. to Holland, and then passed over to Britain; where he reform- ed many abuses, and reconciled the natives to the Romans. For the better security of the southern parts of the kingdom, he built a wall, of wood and earth, extending from the river Eden, in Cumberland, to the Tyne, in Northumberland, to pre- vent the incursions of the Picts and other barbarous nations of the north. From Britain, returning through Gaul, he directed his journey to Spain, where he was received with great joy; being a native of that country. Residing in the city of Tarra- gona, during the winter, he called a meeting of the deputies from all the provinces, and ordained many things for the benefit I ^ of the nation. From Spain, having returned to Rome, he con- tinued there for some time, in order to prepare for his journey into the East ; which was hastened by a new invasion of the Parthians. His approach compelHng the enemy to peace, he pursued his travels, without molestation. Having arrived in Asia Minor, he turned out of his way, to visit the famous city of Athens. There, making a considerable stay, he was ini- tiated into the Eleusinian mysteries, which v ere accounted the most sacred in the Pagan mythology ; and took upon him the office of archon, or chief magistrate of the place. In this city, also, he remitted the severity of the Christian persecution, at the request of Granianus, the proconsul of Asia, who repre- sented the people of that persuasion as no way culpable. He was even so far reconciled to them, as to think of receiving Christ amongst the number of the gods. After a winter's con- tinuance in Athens, he went over into Sicily, and visited ^tna and the other curiosities o^^ country. Then, returning to Rome, after a short stay, he prepared ships, and crossed over into Africa. Here, he spent much time, in regulating abuses, and reforming the government; in deciding controversies, and erecting magnificent buildingih^ Aijaongst the rest, he ordered Carthage to be rebuilt; cailing'rt jffter his own name, Adriano- polis. Again, having returned to Rome, where he made very little delay, he travelled a second time into Greece, passed over into Asia Minor, thence went into Syria, and gave laws and instructions to all the neighbouring kings; whom he in- vited to CQme and consult with him: he then entered Palestine, Arabia, and Egypt, where he caused Pompey's tomb, which had been long neglected, and almost covered with sand, to be renewed and beautified. He also gave orders for the rebuild* ing of Jerusalem; which was performed with great expedition, by the assistance of the Jews, who now began to conceive hopes of being restored to their long lost kingdom. But these HISTORY OF ROME. 201 expectations served only to aggravate their calamities. Being incensed at the privileges granted the Pagan worshipers in their new city, they fell upon the Romans and Christians dis- persed throughout Judea, and unmercifully put them all to the sword. Adrian was at Athens, when this dangerous insurrec- tion began ; wherefore, sending against them a powerful body of men, under the command of JuUus Severus, this general ob- tained nmny signal victories over the insurgents. This war was concluded in two years, by the demolition of above a thou- sand of their best towns, and the destruction of nearly six-hun- dred-thousand men in battle. He then banished from Judea all those who remained ; and, by a public decree, forbade any to come within view of their native soil. This insurrection was soon afterwards followed by a dangerous irruption of the barbarous nations to the north- ward of the empire ; who, entering Media with great fury, and passing through Armenia, carried their devastations as far as Cappadocia. Adrian, preferring peace, upon any terms, to an unprofitable war, bought them off by large sums of money ; so that they returned peaceably into their native wilds, to enjoy their plunder, and meditate fresh invasions. Having spent thirteen years, in travelling through his do- minions, and reforming the abuses of the empire, he at last re- solved to return, and end all his fatigues at Rome. Nothing could be more grateful to the people, than his resolution of coming to reside during the rest of his days, amongst them ; they received him with the loudest demonstrations of joy; and, though he now began to grow old and unwieldy, he remitted not the least of his former assiduity and application to the public welfare. His chief amusement was in conversing with the most celebrated men in ev6ry art and science : he frequently boasted, that he thought no kind of knowledge inconsiderable, or to be neglected, either in his private or public capacity. Adrian was so fond of literary fame, that we are told, he wrote his own life, and afterwards gave it to his servants to publish. But, whatever might have been his weakness, in aiming at uni- versal reputation, he was in no part of his reign remiss in at- tending to the duties of his exalted station. He ordered the knights and senators never to appear in public, unless in the proper habits of their respective orders. He forbade masters to kill their slaves, as had been before allowed ; but ordained that they should be tried by laws enacted against capital of- fences. A law, so just, had he done nothing more, deserved 202 HISTORY OF ROME. to ensure his reputation with posterity, and to have made hiii dear to mankind. He still further extended the lenity of the laws to those un- happy men, who had been long thought too mean for justice : if a master was found killed in his house, he would not aUow all his slaves to be put to the torture, as formerly, but only those who might have perceived or prevented the murder. In such employments, he consumed the greater part of his time; but at last, finding the duties of his station daily in- creasing, and his own strength proportionally on the decline, he resolved upon adopting a successor. Antoninus, afterwards surnamed the Pious, was the person he considered the most worthy ; but he previously obliged him to adopt two others ; namely, Marcus Aurelius, and Lucius Verus ; all of whom af- terwards succeeded to the empire. Whilst he was thus careful in appointing a successor, his bodily infirmities became so insupportable, that he vehemently desired some of his attendants would despatch him. Antoninus, however, would by no means permit any of his domestics to be guilty of so great impiety; but used all the arts in his powei to reconcile the emperor to sustain life. His pains increasing every day, he was frequently heard to cry out: " How misera- ble a thing it is, to seek death, and not to find it!'' In this deplorable exigence, he resolved on going to Baise, where the tortures of his disease increasing, they aflTected his understand- ing. Continuing for some time in these excruciating circum- stances, he was at last determined not to observe any regimen ; often saying, that kings died merely by the number of theii physicians. This conduct served to hasten that death which he seemed so ardently to desire; and it was probably joy upon its approach, which dictated the celebrated stanzas that are so well known, and in repeating which he expired, in the sixty- second year of his age, after a prosperous reign of twenty-one years and eleven months. jj p Antoninus, his successor, was born in the city e* * of Nismes, in Gaul. His father was a nobleman A T) 1S8 ^^ an ancient family, which had enjoyed the high- * est honours of the state. At the time of his succeeding to the throne, he was about fifty years old; and had passed through many of the most important offices of the state, with great integrity and application. His-Jvirtues in pri- vate life were no way impaired by exaltation ; as he showed himself one of the most excellent princes, for justice, clemencv. HISTORY OF ROxME. 203 and moderation. He morals were so pure, that he was usually compared to Numa; and was surnamed the Pious, both for his tenderness to his predecessor Adrian, when dying, and his par- ticular attachment to the religion of his country. He was an eminent rewarder of learned men, to whom he gave large pensions and great honours ; drawing them from all parts of the world.. Amongst the rest, he ^e by the army, began to show a mutual hatred, * even before their arrival at Rome. But this op- position was of no long continuance ; for, Caracalla having re- solved to govern alone, furiously entered Geta's apartment; and, followed by ruffians, slew him in his mother's arms. Being thus sole emperor, he went on to mark his course with blood. .Whatever was done by Domitian or Nero, fell short of this monster's barbarities. His tyrannies, at length, excited the resentment of Iviacrmus, tlie commander of the forces tn Mesopotamia; who employed one Martial, a man of great strength, a centurion of the guards, to despatch him. Accord- ingly, as the emperor was riding out one day near a little city, called Carrse, he happened to withdraw himself privately from fhe road, with only one page to hold his horse. This was the opportunity Martial had so long and ardently desired ; where- fore, running to him hastily, as if he had been called, he stab- bed the emperor in the back, so that he died immediately. Having performed this hardy attempt, he then, unconcernedly, returned to his troop ; and, retiring by insensible degrees, en- deavoured to secure himself by flight. But his companions soon missing him, and the page giving information of what had been done, he was pursued by the German horse, and cut to pieces. During the reign of this execrable tyrant, which continued six years, the empire was gradually declining: the soldiers were entirely masters of every election ; and as there were va^ rious armies in different parts, so there were as many interests, all opposite to each other. TT r 070 ^^^ soldiers, without an emperor, after a sus- A * d' 917* V^^^^ of two days, fixed upon Macrinus, who took * all possible methods to conceal his being privy to Caracalla's murder. The senate, shortly afterwards confirmed 214 HISTORY OF ROME. 1 1 their choice, and likewise that of his son Diadumenus, whom he took as a partner in the empire. Macrinus was fifty-three years old when he ascended the imperial throne. He was of obscure parentage, some say by birth a Moor; and, by the mere rotation of office, having been made first praefect of the prgstorian bands, was now, by treason and accident, called to fill the throne. He was opposed by the intrigues of Moesa, and her grand- son, Heliogabalus, and being conquered by some seditious le gions of his own army, he fled to Chalcedon ; where those that were sent in pursuit, overtook and put him to death, together with his son Diadumenus, after a short reign of one year and two months. U r Q71 '^^^ senate and citizens of Rome being obliged A* D* 218* ^^ submit as usual to the appointment of the army, * Heliogabalus was declared emperor, at the age of fourteen. His short life is a tissue of effeminacy, lust, and extravagance. He married, in the small space of four years, six wives ; and divorced them all. He was so fond of the fe- male sex, that he carried his mother with him to the senate- hous«5, and demanded that she should always be present when matters of importance were debated. He even went so far as to build a senate-house for women, with suitable orders, habits and distinctions; of which, his mother was made president. They met several times ; but all their debates turned upon the fashions of the day, and the different formalities to be used at giving and receiving visits. To these follies, he added great cruelty, and boundless prodigality: he was heard to say, that such dishes as were cheaply obtained, were not worth eating. It is even said, he strove to foretel what was to happen, by m- specting the entrails of young men, sacrificed; and that he chose the most beautiful youths throughout Italy, to be slain for that horrid purpose. However, his soldiers having mutinied, as was now usual with them, they followed him lo his palace ; pursuing him from apartment to apartment, till at last he was found com^aled in a closet — Having dragged him thence through the streets, with the most bitter invectives, and having despatched him, they treated his pampered body with every indignity they could in- vent, and then threw it into the Tyber, with heavy weights, that none might afterwards find it, or give it burial. This was the ignominious death of Heliogabalus, in the eighteenth year of his age, after a detestable reign of four years. HISTORY OF ROME. 216 TT r 07^ ^^ him, succeeded Alexander, his cousin-ger- A T) 922* "^^"' "whoy without opposition, being declared em- * peror, the senate, with their usual adulation, were for conferring new titles upon him ; but he modestly declined them all. To the most rigid justice, he added the greatest humanity. He loved the good, and was a severe reprover of the lewd and infamous. His acquirements were equal to his virtues : he was skilled in mathematics, geometry and music : he was equally accomplished in painting and sculpture, and, in poetry, few of his time could equal him; in short, such were his talents, and so mature was his judgment, that though but sixteen years of age, he was considered as a wise old man. About the thirteenth year of his reign, the upper Germans, and other northern nations, began to pour down immense swarms of people upon the more southern parts of the empire. They passed the Rhine and the Danube, with such fury, that all Italy was thrown into extreme consternation. The em- peror, always ready to expose his person, for the safety of his people, made what levies he could, and went to stem the toif- rent; which he speedily effected. It was in the course of his successes against the enemy, that he was cut off by a mutiny amongst his own soldiers. He died in the twenty-ninth year of his age, after a prosperous reign of thirteen years and nine days. TT r QS8 ^^^ tumults occasioned by the death of Alex- A* D* 9^^^* ander, being appeased, Maximinus, usually called ' Maximin, who had been the chief promoter of the sedition, was chosen emperor. This extraordinary man, ^hose character deserves particular attention, was born of very ob- scure parentage ; being the son of a poor herdsman of Thrace. In his early years, he followed his father's humble profession, and exercised his personal courage only against the robbers who infested that part of the country, in which he Hved. How- ever, his ambition increasing, he left his poor employment, en- listed in the Roman army, and soon became remarkable for his great strength, discipline, and courage. This gigantic man was no less than eight feet and a half high ; he had a body and strength corresponding with his size, being no less remarkable for the magnitude, than the symmetry, of his person. His wife's bracelet usually served him for a thumb-ring; and his strength was so great, that he was able to draw a carriage which two oxen could not move. He could strike out a horse's teeth with a blow of his fist, and break his thigh with a kick. His appetite was as extraordinary as the rest ol his endow- i 216 HISTORY OF ROME. ments : he generally eat forty pounds weight of flesh, every day, and drank six gallons of wine, without committing any debauch in either. With a frame so athletic, he possessed a mind un- daunted in danger, and neither fearing nor regarding any mai^* The first time he was made known, was to the emperor Seve- rus, who was then celebrating games on the birth-day of his Bon Geta. He outstripped sixteen in running, one after an- other: he then kept up with the emperor on horseback; and, having fatigued him in the course, was opposed to seven of the most active soldiers, and overcame them with the greatest ease. From that time, he was particularly noticed, and taken into the emperor's body guards, and, by the usual gradation of prefer- ment, came to be chief commander ; equally remarkable for his simplicity, discipline, and virtue : but, upon coming to the empne, he was found to be one of the greatest monsters of cruelty that ever disgraced power; and, fearful ot nothing him- eelf, he seemed to sport with the terrors of all mankind. However, his barbarities did not retard his military opera- tions, which were carried on with the greatest degree of vig- our. He overthrew the Germans in several battles, wasted all^— their country with fire and sword, for four-hundred miles to-^SH gether; and formed a resolution of subduing all the northern ^^ nations as far as the ocean. In these expeditions, in order to attach the soldiers more firmly to him, he increased their pay; and in every duty of the camp, he himself took as much pains as the lowest centinel in his army ; showing incredible courage and assiduity. In every engagement, wherever the conflict was hottest, Maximin was always seen combating there in per- son, an(3 destroying all before him : for, being bred a barbarian, he considered it a duty to fight as a common soldier, whilst he commanded as a general. His enormities had now so alienated the minds of his sub- jects, that several conspiracies were formed against him. None of them, however, succeeded, till at last, his own sol diers being harassed by famine and fatigue, and hearing of re*- volts on every side, resolved to terminate their calamities by the tyrant's death. His great strength, and his being always armed, were, at first, the principal reasons which deterred any from assassinating hhn ; but, at length, having made his guards accomplices in their design, they set upon him, whilst he slept at noon in his tent, and slew both him and his son, whom ho had made his partner in the empire. Thus died tiiis most re. maikable man, after an usurpation of about three years, in tho sixty-fifth yeai* of his age. His assiduity, when in humble HISTORY OF ROME. 217 station, and his cruelty when in power, served very well to evince, that there are some men whose virtues are fitted for obscurity, as there are others, who only show themselves great, when placed in exalted stations. U C 991 '^^^ tyrant being dead, and his body thrown to A* T)* 2SS* dogs and birds of prey, Pupienus and Balbinus con- * tinned for some time emperors, without opposition. But, differing between themselves, the praetorian soldiers, who were the enemies of both, attacked them, when their guards were amused with seeing the capitoline games ; and, dragging them from the palace towards the camp, killed them both; leaving their dead bodies in the streets, as a dreadful instance of their sedition. In the midst of this tun\ult, as the mutineers were proceeding along, they accidentally met Gordianus, the grandson of him that was slain in Africa; whom they declared emperor, on the epot. This prince was but sixteen years old when he began to reign; but his virtues seemed to compensate for his want of experience. His principal aims were, to unite the opposing members of the government, and to reconcile the soldiers and citizens to each other. The army, however, began as usual to murmur; and ^heir complaints were artfully fomented by Philippus, an Arabian, who was praetorian prsefect. . Things then proceeding from bad to worse, Philip was at first made equal in the government of the empire ; shortly afterwards he was invested with the sole power, and, at length, having the means of perpetrating his long meditated cruelty, Gordian was, by his advice, slain, in the twenty-second year of his age, after a successful reign of nearly six years. TT r 996 Philip, having thus murdered his benefactor, A* T>* 94 V ^^^ immediately acknowledged emperor, by th« * army. Upon his exaltation, he associated his son, a boy of six years of age, as his partner in the empire ; and in order to secure his power at home, made peace with the Per- sians, and marched his army towards Rome. However, the army revolting in favour of Decius, his general, and setting violently upon him, one of the centinels,at one blow, clove his head asunder, separating, the under jaw from the upper. He died in the forty-fifth year of his age, after a reign of about five years ; Decius being universally received as his successor* TT r 1001 ^^® activity and wisdom of Decius seemed in A D 94ft ^^^^ measure to retard the hastening decline of A. U. 24«. ^j^^ Roman empire. The senate thought so highly T «18 HISTORY OF ROJVrE. of his merits, that they voted him not inferior to Trajan ; and indeed he appeared in every instance to consult their dignity in particular, and the welfare of all inferior ranks of people. But no virtues could now prevent the approaching downfal of the state : the obstinate disputes between the Pagans and the Christians within the empire, and the unceasing irruptions of barbarous nations from without, enfeebled it beyond the power of remedy. Decius was killed, in an ambuscade of the enemy, in the fiftieth year of his age, after a short reign of two years and six months. TT r 1 004 Crallus, who had betrayed the Roman army, had A* T\ 9^1' address enough to get himself declared emperor, ' by that part of it which survived the defeat. He was forty-five years old when he began to reign, and was de- scended from an honourable family in Rome. He was the first who bought a disgraceful peace from the enemies of the state ; as he agreed to pay a considerable annual tribute to the Goths, whom it was his duty to repel. He was regardless of every national calamity, and given to debauch and sensuality. The Pagans were allowed a power of persecuting the Chris- tians, through all parts of the state. These calamities were succeeded by a pestilence, which seemed to spread over every part of the earth, and continued raging for several years, in a manner hitherto unequalled ; and all these were followed by a civil war, between Gallus and his general -3Emihanus, who, having gained a victory over the Goths, was proclaimed em-^ peror, by his conquering army. Gallus, hearing this, soon roused from the intoxication of pleasure, and prepared to oppose his dangerous rival; but he and his son were killed by -3Emilianus, in a battle fought in Msesia. His death was merited, arid his vices were such as deserve the detestation of posterity. He died in the forty-seventh year of his age, after an unhappy reign of two years and four months ; in which, the empire suffered inexpressible calamities. U C 1006 '^^^ senate refused to acknowledge the claims A D 253* ^^ iEmilianus; and an army stationed near the ' Alps, chose Yalerian, their own commander, to succeed to the throne ; who began the reformation of the state, with a spirit that seemed to mark a good mind and unabating vigour. But reformation was then almost impracticable. The Persians, under their king Sapor, invaded Syria ; and, coming into Mesopotamia, took the unfortunate Valerian prisoner, as he was making preparations to oppose them. Nothing can exceed the indignities, as well as the cruelties which were prac- HISTORY OF ROME. 2lb tised upon this unhappy monarch, thus fallen into the hancjs of his enemies. Sapor, we are told, always used him as a foot-^ stool for mounting his horse : he added the bitterness of ridi- cule to his insults, and usually observed, that, " an attitude like that to which Valerian was reduced, was the best statue that could be erected in honour of his victory." This horrid life of insult and sufferance continued for seven years; and was at length terminated, by the cruel Persian's commanding his prisoner's eyes to be plucked out, and afterwards causing him to be flayed alive. TT r 1012 When Valerian was taken prisoner, Gallienus, A* T) 259* ^^^ ^^^^' promising to revenge the insult, was ' chosen emperor; being then about forty-one years old. However, it was soon discovered, that he sought rather the splendours, than the toils of empire. After having over- thrown Ingenus, a commander in Pannonia, who had assumed the title of emperor, he sat down, as if fatigued with conquest, and gave himself up to ease and luxury. It was at this time, that no less than thirty pretenders were disputing with each other for the dominion of the state, and adding the calamities of civil war to the rest of the misfortunes of this devoted empire. These are usually known in history by the name of the Thirty Tyrants. In this general calamity, Gallienus, though at first seemingly insensible, was at length obliged, for his own private security, to take the field, and lead an army to besiege the city of Milan, which had been captured by one of the thirty usurping tyrants. He was there killed by one of his own soldiers; Martian, one of his generals, having conspired against him. TT r 1091 Flavins Claudius being nominated to succeed, a' "n 9«f the Vandals, not long afterwards, contributed to destroy ; his merciless soldiers, for fourteen days together, ravaged, with implacable fury, in the midst of that venerable place. Neither private dwellings, nor public buildings ; neither sex, nor age, nor religion, were the least protection, against their lust or avarice. The capital of the empire being thus ransacked several times, and Italy over-run by barbarous invaders, under various denominations, from the remotest skirts of Europe, the western emperors, for some time, continued to hold the title, without the power, of royalty. Honorius lived un^il he saw himself stripped of the greater part of his dominions : his capital taken by the Goths, the Huns in possession of Pannonia ; the Alani, Suevi, and Yandals, settled in Spain, and the Burgundians in Gaul; where the Goths eventually established themselves. After some time, the inhabitants of Rome also being aban- doned by their princes, feebly attempted to take the supreme power into their own hands. Armorica and Britain being for- saken, began to regulate themselves by their own laws. Thus, the power of the state was entirely broken ; and those who as- sumed the title of emperors, only encountered certain destruc- tion. At length, even the very name of emperor of the west expired, upon the abdication of Augustulus ; and Odoacer, general of the Heruli, assumed the title of king of all Italy. Such, was the end of this great empire; which had conquered mankind by its arms, and instructed the world by its wisdom ; which haa risen by temperance, and fell by luxury ; which had been estabhshed by a spirit of patriotism, and sunk into ruin, when the empire had become so extensive, that a Roman citizen was but an empty name. Its final dissolution happened about five-hundred-and-twenty-two years after the battle of Pharsaha; one-hundred-and-forty-six, after the removal of the imperial seat to Constantinople; and four-hundred-and-seventy-six, after the nativity of our Saviour. THE END. VOCABULARY Of Proper Names^ contained in this History, accentuated^ in oi'der to show their right pronunciation. A. Ac'tium, Adrian'' us, > A'drian, ) Agrigen^tum, Agrip^pa, Alar^ic, -EmiKius, Amu^lius, Andron^icus, -Enemas, Antoninus, Anto^nius, ) An'^tony, / Ap'^pius, Apu^lia, Arde^a, A'runs, AsMrubal, Augus^'tus, Aure''lius, Aure^lian, > Aurelian^us. ) B. Bru^tus, Byzan^tium C. Cae^sar, Calig^ula, Calphur'nia, CamiKlus, Capre^a, Cap^ua, CaracaKla, Cat^iline, ) Catili^'na, ) Ca'to, Cic^'ero, Claud^ius, Cleopa^'tra, Collati^nus, Com^'modas, Constanti^fie, Constan^tius, Cori^'ola^nus, Cur^'tius. D. Deceb^alus, Decern^ viri, Demos^thenes Denta^tus, Diocle^sian, Dru^sus, Duum^viri. E. Ege^ria, En^'nius. Fab^ius, Fabric^ius, Fescenni^na, Flamin^ius, Flav^ius, U 2 ( 234 ) Fu'rius. G. GaKba, Galiie^nus, Gale^rius, German^icus, Gordian^'us, Gracch^'us, Gratian^us. H. Han'nibal, Heliogaba'lus, Iler'cules, Hora^tii. I. Icil'ius. J. Jovian^u<#, Judse^'a, Jugur^tha, Julian^us, ) Ju^lian, i Jn^lius, Ju'piter. L. La3vi'nus, liabie^nus, Lar^gius, Len^tulus, Lep'idus, Liv'ia, IiOcus''ta, Ijongi^nus, LuciFla, Luteins, Lucre^tia, Lucul'lus, Lucu'mon, Luta^tius. M. Macri^nus, Mamerti^'ne Man^lius, Man^tua, MarceHus, Ma^rius, Masinis^'sa, Maxen^tius, Maxim^ian, Maximia^nus, J Max^imin, > Maximi^nus, ) Mecse^nas, Mene'^nius, MeteMus, MessalKna, Mithrida^tes, Muti^na, Mu^tius. N. Ne^ro, Ner^va, Nu^ma, Numid'ia, Nu^mitor. O. Octa'vius, Os^tia. P. Papyr^ius, Pauli^na, Peloponne^sus, Per^tinax, Petro^nius, Pharna^ces, Pharsa^ia, PhilipV, Planci^'na, Po-sen^na, ( 235 ) Ptolemse^us, ) PtoKemy, J Pupie^nus. . 9-. QuintiHius. R. Raven^na, Reg^'ulus, Re^mus, Rom''ulus, Ru'bicon, Ru'tuli. Sagun^'tum, Sardin^ia, Scaevo^'la, Scip'^io, Seja^nus, Seleu^'cia, Semprc'nius, Sen'' eca, ) Ser^vius, Sev^erus, Sy^'racuse. T. Ta^citus, Tan^aquil, Taren^tum, Tarpei^a, Tai/quin, Tarquin''ius, J Teren^tius, Tibe^rius, Torqua^tus. V. Valentin^ian, Vale^rian, Vale^rius, Vespa'^sian, TiteKlius. X. Xantip^'pus. ■f RECOMMENDATIONS. GOLDSMITH'S HISTORY OF GREECE, improved by Grimshaw, with a Vocabulary of the Proper Names con- tained in the work, and the Prosodial Accents, in conformity with the Pronunciation of Lempriere — with Questions and a Key, as above. Although there are many worthless School Books, there are but few which are equally impure and inaccurate with the ori- ginal editions of Goldsmith's Histories, for the use of Schools. I congratulate both teachers and pupils, upon the appearance of Mr. Grimshaw's edition of the " History of Greece," which has been so completely expurgated, and otherwise corrected, as to give it the character of a new work, admirably adapted to the purpose for which it is intended. THOMAS P. JONES, Professor of JVTechanics in the Franhlin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania, and late Prin- cipal of the JVorth Carolina Female Academy. Philaddphia, Sept, 5, 1826. Mr. John Grigg. Dear Sir — Agreeably to your request I have examined, with attention, " Goldsmith's Greece, revised and corrected, and a vocabulary of proper names appended, with prosodial marks, to assist in their pronunciation, by William Grimshaw ;" and I feel a perfect freedom to say, that the correction of numerous grammatical and other errors, by Mr. Grimshaw, together with the rejection of many obscene and indelicate passages im- proper for the perusal of youth, gives this edition, in my opinion, a decided preference over th^ editions of that work heretofore in use. The Questions and Key, likewise supplied by Mr. Grim- shaw to accompany this edition, afford a facility for communi- cating instruction, which will be duly appreciated by every judicious teacher. I am, Sir, Yours truly. THOMAS T. SMILEY. 3u0t JJublisJetr, antr for Sale 6|i JOHN GRIGG3 No. 9, North Fourth Street ^ Philadelphia, AND rOR SALE BY BOOKSELLERS AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS GENERALLY IN THE SOUTHERN AND WESTERN STATES, TORREY'S PRIMER, or First Book for Children. TORREY'S SPELLING BOOK, or Second Book for Children. Those Teachers who are not altogether prejudiced in favour of Webster, will please exarairwi this work ; as numerous Preceptors, who have used it in their Schools, give it the preference over timt and others. TORREY'S PLEASING COMPANION FOR LITTLE GIRLS AND BOYS, blending Instruction with Amusement; being a Selection of Interesting Stories, Dialogues, Fables, and Poetry. Designed for the use of Primary Schools and Domestic Nurseries. Preferred generally to Murray's Introduction, and works of that class, by Teachers who have given it an examination. TORREY'S MORAL INSTRUCTOR, OR GUIDE TO VIRTUE.— Letters of decided approbation, from several of the most eminent statesmen and heads of colleges, academies and schools, might be added in favour of these books: but the compiler, in preference, earnestly requests that teachers, parents, merchants and others, will examine for themselves as soon as practicable ; and in proportion as this is done, he indulges the belief (from experience) that they will be generally introduced into schools and families throughout the United States; and that consequent to this, the intellectual and moral improvement and virtue of the present and future generations will be proportionably advanced. This and the preceding works have been generally introduced in schools and academies iii Elace of Murray's Reader, and other similar works of domestic and foreign origin. It has een the special endeavour of the compiler, besides adapting the lessons m his books progres- eively to the age and capacities of the learner, to combine entertainment with useful instruc- tion. He has inserted a considerable number of lessons, designed to impress the mind of the rising generation with a just abhorrence of the prevaihng custom of using ardent spirits, which is probably the most destructive and extensive moral and physical evil that ravages our Republic at the present time. " Dr. Torrey's works abound with admirable Lessons, in moral and physical knowledge, which the old as well as the young may read, with pleasure and profit. The best feelings of our nature are encouraged' and cultivated, the purest principles of morality are made plain and attractive to the youthful understanding, and every thing is explained with so much simplicity and perspicuity, that every reader may comprehend them." SMILEY'S ARITHMETICAL RULES AND TABLES FOR YOUNG BEGINNERS. This is the best M'ork of the kind now in print ; but Teachers are particularly requested to examine for themselves. SMILEY'S ARITHMETIC, or the New Federal Calculator, in dollars and cents. Th« work contains, among other important improremer.ts, Questions on the Rules and Theory of Arithmetic, which are considered by Teachers generally, very conducive to the improvement of the pupil. Although a prejudice exists among some Teachers in favour of the old works on Arithmetic, vet the very liberal patronage which this work has received, must be considered as decisive evidence of the great estimation in which it is held by most of the instructors of youth. Upwards of 50,000 copies have been printed and sold. The sums being altogether in dollars and cents, gives it a decided preference over any other Arithmetic in use. The most distin- guished Teachers of our city pronounce it superior to any other like work ; therefore tho publerited celebrity as instructors of youth in our city, as well as in the New England States. "Philadelphia, Sept. 18, 1829.— We have ex- amined with care and attention the ' ^w Federal Calculator, or Scholar's Assistant,' by Thomas T. Smiley ; and have no hesitation in pronouncing it an excellent Arithmetic. The arrangement is good, and has evidently resulted from the reflections of a practical and judi- cious Teacher ; the definitions and rules are expressed in clear and simple language, well adapted to the capacities of the young ; the questions are convenient for the purpose of ex- ' amination; the examples of a strictly practical character; and the booli on the whole ig admirably calculated for the use of schools and academies. John M. Brewer, John Frost, S. C. Walker." The editors of the New York Telegraph, speaking of Smiley's Arithmetic, observe, " We I do not hesitate to pronounce it an improvement upon every work of that kind previously before the public, and as such recommend its adoption in all our schools and academies." A KEY TO THE ABOVE ARITHMETIC; in which all the examples necessary for a Learner are wrought at large, and also Solutions given of all the various Rules. Designed principally to facilitate the labour of Teachers, and assist such as have not the opportunity of a Tutor's aid. By T. T. Srailey, Author of the New Federal Calculator, &c. &c. SMILEY'S EASY INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF GEOGRAPHY, on an improved plan ; compiled for the use of Schools, with a view to render the acquisition of Geographical Science easy and pleasant to the Student : accompanied by an Atlas, engraved under the superintendance of H. S. Tanner, Esq. and T. T. Smiley, improved to the present time; exhibiting the Elevation of Mountains, Length of Rivers, and Population of Cities, &c &c. from the best authorities. When we say this is the best Elementary Geography and Atlas in use, we only reiterate i}t& sentiments of many of the most distinguished teachers in our country. The work is particularly adapted for Schools and Academies, and Teachers who are anxious to promote one of the most useful and agreeable studies, will please give it an attentive examination. GRIMSHAW'S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Also, Questions adapted to the above History; and a Key^ adapted to the duestions, for the use of Teachers, and Private Families. GRIMSHAW'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. j Also, Questions Sidapted to the above History; and a Key, adapted to the Q,ue8tions, for the ' use of Teachers, and Private Families. GRIMSHAW'S IMPROVED EDITION OF GOLDSMITH'S HISTORY OF GREECE, ! with a Vocabulary of the Proper Names contained in the work, and |;he Prosodial Accents, in conformity with the pronunciation of Lempriere. Also, Questions adapted to the above History; and a Key, adapted to the Q-uestions, for the use of Teachers, and Private Families. GRIMSHAW'S IMPROVED EDITION OF GOLDSMITH'S HISTORY i^ ROME, revised and corrected, and a Vocabulary of Proper Names appended, with Prosodial Marks to assist in their pronunciation. Also, Questions adapted to the above History; and a Key, adapted to the Questions, for the use of Teachers, and Private Families. The Editor of the North American Review, speaking of those Histories observes, that — " Among the Elementary Books of American History, we do not remember to have seen any one more deserving approbation, than 'Mr. Grimshaw's Hi* ory of the Unked States,' embracing the period from the first settlement of the Colonies, to the year 1821. It is a smaJ* volume, and a great deal of matter is brought into a narrow space; — but the Author Iia« pucceeded so well in the construction of his periods, and the arrangement of his materials, that perspicuity is rarely sacrificed to brevity. "The chain of narrative is skilfully preserved, and the Author's reflections are frequently &uoh as make the facts more impressive, and lead the youthful mind to observe causes aud consequences which might otherwise have been overlooked. As a School Book 'it may justly be recommended. " What has been said of this volume ^vill apply generally to his other historical works.— They are each nearly of the same size as the one just noticed, and designed for the same object, that is, the use of Classes in Schools. "The ' History of England, is an original composition; bu'f the Grecian and Roman Histo- ries are Goldsmith's, improved by Mr. Grimshaw, in which he has corrected the typegraphical errors, with which the later editions of Goldsmith's Abridgments so much abound ; and removed any grossness in language, which, in some few instances, rendered these valuable compends less useful in the Schools to which Youth of both sexes resort. He has also added 1 Jl „rl.L a Vocabularv of proper names accentuated, in order to •how their rightprenunciation, wUidl W»lli'' to a valuable' appendage to the History. 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