Class C Y I0>\\ Book, ,-3 3 Copyright N° COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. i The Sacred Book of Death Hindu Spiritism Soul Transition and Soul Reincarnation EXCLUSIVE INSTRUCTION for the personal use of Dr. de Laurence's Chelas (Disciples) in Hindu Spiritism, Soui Transition, Reincarnation, Clairvoy- ancy and Occultism {Illustrated) BY DR. L. W. DE LAURENCE "The Moses of the Hindus," High-Caste Adept and Famous Occult Magician, by Alchemy and Fire AUTHOR OF "The Great Book of Magical Art, Hindu Magic and East Indian Occultism" "The Book of Secret Hindu, Ceremonial and Talismanic Magic" "The Holy Bible Defended" {An Occult Interpretation of the Books of Holy Script- ure, Raising the Astral Body of Samuel, The Witch of Endor, etc.) "Medical HypJio- sls" {Physician's Edition), "Hindu Hypnotism" etc. Published and Sold, as authorized by Dr. de Laurence, only by The Benares India Publishing Co. MASONIC TEMPLE, CHICAGO, ILL. U. S. A. PRICE, $8.00 LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two CoDies Received JAN 22 1906 Copyrizht Entry / GLASS CC XXc, No. ^ ' COPY *B. TKT COPYRIGHT, 1905 THE BENARES INDIA PUBLISHING CO. =DQ= CONTENTS. Page Preface 17 Introduction . . . . . 19 CHAPTER I. Spiritism ... .... 27 CHAPTER II. The Link or Perispirit 45 CHAPTER III. Hindu Spiritism ...... 57 CHAPTER IV. Insanity ........ 83 CONTENTS — Continued. CHAPTER V. Death 130 CHAPTER VI. God 137 CHAPTER VII. Soul and Body 143 CHAPTER VIII. Dreams 153 CHAPTER IX. Death Trance ?■ 173 CHAPTER X. Benevolent Spirits . . . . ... 209 CHAPTER XI. Casting Out Evil Spirits 225 CONTENTS— Continued. CHAPTER XII. Familiar Spirits 241 CHAPTER XIII. Sorcerers and Conjurors of Spirits . . . 257 CHAPTER XIV. Revealing the Future 265 CHAPTER XV. Loss of Those we Love . . . . .281 CHAPTER XVI. Resurrection of the Body . . . .287 CHAPTER XVII. Earthly Joys and Sorrows , 293 CHAPTER XVIII. Paradise, Hell and Purgatory . . . 297 CONTENTS — Continued. Page CHAPTER XIX. Suicide 305 CHAPTER XX. Evil Passions ...... 315 CHAPTER XXI. Selfishness . . . . . . .321 CHAPTER XXII. Reincarnation . ...... 343 CHAPTER XXIII. Lessons in Hindu Spiritism and Magic . 363 CHAPTER XXIV. Instructions for the Invocations and Convoca- tion of Spirits ...... 369 CHAPTER XXV. Sacred Magic ....... 393 Hindu Sanscrit J ANSKRIT or SANSCRIT (carefully con- structed, symmetrically formed, from sans— together, and the pa. par krita— made. It is thus opposed to the Prakrit, — common, natural, the name given to the vernacular dialect of India). IJ The ancient language of the Hindus, and the oldest and most primitive of the Indo-European tongues. It has long since ceased to be a living language but in it most of the literature of the Hindus is written from the oldest portion of the Vedas onwards. (Veda). To the scores of tribes and nations of discordant speech in India, Sanscrit has long been the sacred and literary dialect, and all the cultivated tongues of modern India are as full of Sanscrit words as the European tongues are of Latin. It is a highly inflected language and to philologists is the most valuable of tongues owing to its freedom from the corruptions and disguises of phoentic changes and from obliteration of the original meaning of its vocables. €J The classical Sanscrit is a dialect which, at a later period, after the full possession of Hindustan and the development of Brahmanism out of the simpler and more primitive religion and polity of Vedic times, became established as the literary language of the whole country, and has ever since maintained that character, being still learned for writing and speaking in the Lamasaries and Temples as well as in native schools of the Brahmanic priesthood. From the fact that inscriptions in a later form of Indian language are found dating from the third century B. C, it is inferred that the Sanscrit must at least as early as that have ceased to be a vernacular tongue. Dr. de Laurence* MANDAMUS OBEY THIS WARNING! CHIS Famous "Book of Death, Hindu Spiritism, Soul Transition and Soul Reincarnation" by Dr. de Laurence, "The Moses of the Hindus," is the personal property of fllJ- of the City of _ State of_ ^ The same being a rare and valuable Volume of Ancient Hindu Wisdom and Celestial Fire, written and arranged in the Hindu manner of Self-Instruction and, in consequence of this, every person is vuarned and most earnestly cautioned never to steal the same nor dis- tort nor tamper with the Teachings or Formulas given therein, for if you steal this Volume or, by intention cause Perversion of the Formulas, Sacred Hindu Names or Seals contained therein you will attract an Evil Spirit and other Powerful influences ivhich 'will most surely do you injury and cause you to regret your damnable actions to the day of your death. *I Should you be so foolish or rash as to steal this Sacred Volume, which is the private property of thy neighbor, before you have read and received this Mandamus, return it unto him at once and no harm will befall you, but if thee dares to disobey this warning ' '