444 J)3 I ll'll Itlljl ;| i ; 4 ill i il m ■ '1' NAK8ATIYE A>D WRITINCS OF ii!"' ip:, ANDREW JACKSON, OF KENTUCKY; NARRATED BY HIMSELF. SYRACUSE: DAILY AND WEEKLY STAR OFFK E, STAR BUILDINGS. 1847. N ^UKRATIYE AND- WEilLNGS -GF ANDREW JACKSON. OF KENTUCKY ; ££3 \ CONTAINING AX ACCOUNT OF HIS BIRTH, AND TWENTY SIX TEARS 3F HIS LITE WHILE A ?LAV£ ; HIS ESCAPE: FTVE YEARS OF FREE- DOM, TOGETHER WITH ANECDOTES RELATING TO SLAVERY ; JOURNAL OF ONE YEAR's TRAVELS; SKETCHES, ETC. NARRATED BY HIMSELF; WRITTEN BY A FRIEND. SYRACUSE : DAILY AND WEEKLY STAR OFFICE, Star Buildings. 1847. r&EFACl-.. I have fell a spirit rising up within me that could with difficul- ty bo rcprepscH, when I have thought of the miserable farce that such celebrations present. To bear men quote the language of Patrick Henrv, "give me liberty or give me death !•' and to hear them talk of the "triumphs of liberty," and of this ''■ free and linppy nation," while the clanking of the chains of :^,OUO,000 of American citizens is ringing in their ears, is enough to make one icho has worn ihtse chains, feel like call- ing lire from heaven to consume such mockery of the sacred Genius of Liberty. Nor would it be strange, if yet the God of Justice should cease His forbearance to such a nation, and punish her as He did ancient Egypt for oppressing His free children. It is impossible for me, on paper, to describe the feelings of a slave. The love of liberty is as deep in their br^sts as in other men's. They are as sensitive under wrongs and suffer- ings, notwithstanding their apparent submission. And I doubt uo^ their white masters, under an Algerine oppression, would be as submissive as they are. When men of any color find they must submit to wrong, and that there is no escape, the color of the skin does not create any diflference. I hope those who shall read this narrative, and learn what a fellow being was willing to undergo to obtain liberty, will feet a deeper interest in the liberation of the millions Jess fortunate still groaning in Slavery, and by the spirit of the Golden Rule, laid down in Divine Truth, be moved to do as they wou\d have others do for them were they in the place of the slaves. ANDREW JACKSON. / INTRODUCTION The writer, having been applied to by the subject of the foI« lowing narrative, to prepare an account of his life for the press ; after listening to his story, became satisfied that the facts to be presented, would be interesting to the many friends of Mr. Jackson, who have become acquainted with him, during the several years he has been zealously engaged in the philanthro* pic works of striving to awaken the people of the north to the enormous wickedness and cruelty of the slave system. While it is doubtless true, that very many of the represent- ations of Slavery, which are made to the north, by lecturers and writers, are exaggerations, wc think the truth on the sub- ject i? sufficient to arouse the philanthropy of theemintry, in a united and vigorous movement for the overthrow or the in* stitution. And narratives like the one presented in the follow- ing pages, cannot fail of awakening a. deeper syoipathy in the breasts of those who, already, in a measure, "remember those in bonds as being bound .with them," a result very desirable in some cases, even among the most devoted advocates of Lib- erty, under the present important political movements of the non-slaveholding States. x It is devoutly desired, that the time may be ne^tj-^xyhen an American citizen will no sooner acknowledge himself a friend of Slavery than piracy, when the doctrines contained in the Declaration of our Independence, may be practised, and eve- ry subject of the American government may enjoy that with which he is "endow-ed by the Creator," — the 'Mmalienable a2 ,, iKiROUtcrroK. f.ohl to Ule, libetly and the pursuit of liappiDess,"-ai,d fflirf ;;,ead of bushing to acknowledge himselt a fncnd of imme- diate emancipation, every one will, in '1^^ t'" ht nHde re Jefferson and John Quincy Adan.s, with hoDorable pride re- cord Ihe.r testimony in favor of it before the nation. Tn.s done, and the light and glory of this nation vrill surpass any nation under heaven. As Andrew is a young pupil, so far as knowledge of letter ,. concerned, those who know this fact will, of course under- stand that, after obtaining the facts, which compose the history, the writer has employed his pliraseology to express them, A , NARRATIVE. &c, CHAPTER I. 1, Andrew Jackson, was born on the 25th of Januai), I814j in the "Bowling Green Circuit," Kentucky. My fa- her was a slave — the " property "of Jason Isbel, a man of in- temperate habits. My mother, before my birth^ was emanci- pated by a deed to that effect from her master. His heirs re- fused to give the woman and her children freedom on the around of the alleged insanity of her master at the time of his f^iving her the deed. And not having the means of contesting the matter in Law, (for "on the side of the oppressor there is power,") she was compelled, not only to remain herself a slave, but to see her offspring wearing the galling chains. J have no recollection of ever seeing my father or mother, hut rely upon the statements of my brothers and friends for the tacts in regard to my title to freedom. My grand mother was nearly white, and I think I possess "enough of the Anglo Saxon blood i:» give me a deep and thorough abhorrence of oppression." it any rate, I am so much in love with free- dom since tcjiiug into possession of it, that for all lie wealth of the entire Slaveholding States I would not exchange my present situation, even with the most happily situated slave. — J have never yet known what it was to be " contented and lippy" in slavery. When a child, I fell into the hands of one George Wall, a iJethodist preacher, with whom I remained until I was twenty /ears of age, subject to hardships and sufferings incident to a ife of degrading servitude, although not claimed by Wall as a slave, in the strictest sense of the term. I was, however, the companion of slaves and treated like them, and could not es cape their fate but by flight. 1,1 1 I. A> It ADVh.N II RES Um Uie lieiiili ol WdWy I jjiissed into the iiaiidi ul Jauic? I'.ladJcn, a lurinor, au admiuislralor of the estate of Wall, iiul soon alltr uas "hired out" to Stephen Cjaypoolc. This man ha I a demand against McFaddcn of $1100, and claimed inc as his piopertv, by virtue of that demand. After keeping me four years, at the business of turnpiUing, 1 was swapped «>♦!', with a Mr. Kerns, for anether slave, " Tom," and set at work digging stumps — or as I term it, "stump-piking." In I few monihs the parties reversed the bargain, and myself and Tom reverted to our Ibrmer owners: and in a little time I was -•Id or made over like a kind of " heir-loom," to John Clay- .)ole, anil then to Perrv C'laypoole. The latter individual was I tobacco grower, and farmer. Unlike a large proportion of Slaveholders, this individual superintended his own plantation, Tud labored with his own hands. Ho had a girl named Claril- da, whom he required to work in the field with me, compelling us like cattle to draw the eultivaiing plow through the furrow. I could have borne it, myself, but it was hard work to pull the plow with a poor female yoke-fellow, for although my mas- ter seemed to regard a female slave little better than a beast, nature taught me to consider the impropriety of her treatment, and I could not endure it. Whatever men may think of us, wc arc not destitute of the t« elings of men. In July, Claypoole told us, we must cultivate five hogsheads of Tobacco for our summer's work. Added to this, was the order for us to "get married," according to Slavery — or, in nihcr words, to enrich his plantation by a family of young nlaves. The alternative of this was, to be sold to a slave trader who was then in the vicinity making up a gang for a more southern market. " This information" I did not like, — more especially, as I had often been promised my freedom in a few ye^rs if I would work faithfully; and I resolved, whenever an opportunity should otfer, and I could see my way clear to at- tempt I shorter and more certain route to freedom than to rtv', lit the fuhilrnont of a Slaveholder's promise ; for in rela- ' .)(! to the emancipation of a slave, their promises are alwavs ; {gotten before they get cold. And, if I could have any • onfidence in such promises, it would have inspired me with energy to almost any amount of labor, fori never desired any thing more ardently, nor was willing to make so great a sac- rifice for any thing else as my liberty.'' And I hero beg leave Of AM) HEW JACKSON. to say, that although 1 have often heard- northern people state that the slaves did " not want their freedom," yet I never saw one who would not endure twice what I passed through, and more, if they could but be sure of liberty at the last. It is the theme of almost every meeting among them, and one of the most happy events whenever one escapes. And it is a very rare thing that one slave ever becomes informer against his brother who intends to take the long walk. When one is ready- to start, those who remain will often help him in every way in their power. CHAPTER IL *' After firmly resolving to runaway from my master,'' the next thing was to learn where to go, and how to get away. I heard a great many things about the Northern States, and some things not at all favorable to my welfare, even if I should succeed in making my escape. I was told that the " free niggers" were often half starved, and not respected any more, if as much, as ihev were in the Slave States. But I made up my mind that if I could learn the way, I would try it. An opportunity occurred for m.e to obtain the information I needed from a gentleman who had been north, and described the route through Kentucky, Ohio*^ Illinois, &c. Then the thing was to get started — to get away from the neighborhood without detection. I resolved to make the attempt. On Saturday night, early in August, I gathered my clothes together, and after selecting the best, which were not very good, I started off in the direction of a piece of woods, and there tore up those I desired least, and threw them down, besmeared with blood which I obtained to give them the appearance of having been torn from me by a wild beast, in order that I might prevent any one from pur- suing me until I could escape beyond their reach. The Clerk's Office being some six miles distant, I thought I would go there on ray way, too, and get a certifi- cate of my freedom, under pretence of frying to obtain my liberty by process of law. The Clerk replied to m,y re- quest only by cursing me, and told me to go back and be 10 LIFE AND ADVENTURED OF coiitenl to live with my master. I did not feel disposed to remain long, so 1 started off, telling him I would go back — but I meant I would go back to the woods. The first place I directed my steps to, was Shaker- town. The way I manaijed to get along here without cre- ating suspicion, was to represent that I was a " turnpiker," and going to a job north of that vicinity. Slaves are fre- quently empl-ycd at this business, some* distance from home. This pretence worked well for a while, until I had passed beyond the vicinity of it and had lost my way, and was compelled to inqnire the road, when I was frequently interrupted with questions. The first I have any recollec- tion of, was from a gentleman on horseback, alone, as follovvs ; " Where do you belong, nigger V said he. *' I am a turnpiker, going to Elk*on," I replied. *' Whose boy are you," said he. Assuming all the courage I could, I told him it was not his business j but he then began to suspect, and accused me of being a runaway. I smiled, and took out some old papers and pretended to look for my pass. As he saw me looking for it, he concluded all was right, and rode on, be-, ing in haste. It often appears to me that the slaveholders and southerners generally, are much more regardful of their neighbors' property and interests than the people of the north. I cannot account for it on any other supposi- tion than the very peculiar character of the property. If slaves were like money, simply transferable by the will of the owner, I presume it would be quite different. But in- asmuch as it often takes le->s and ums away^ it becomes a matter of mutual interest for each to protect his neighbor's '* rights''^ in order to render his own more secure. I very soon came across another man who made the en- quiry, " Whose boy are you ?" Uoon refusing to tell him, I was a^ain accused, and having no pass to show him from nay master, I soon resolved to pass away from him ; and as I^saw he "was lame and could not follow me, nor get very soon to a house to give the alarm, I started off for the woods, and went on in a direction that soon brought me within sight of the road I wished to take, where I walked until near night, when I again emerged into the road, and kept it until in the niorningv and *vent into the woods, where, ANDREW JACKSON 11 after firiding a safe and suitable placp, T lay ilctun in a thicket for sUep, weary and hungry— for I dnred not to ap- ply any where for food. After sleeping until afternoon, I awoke and resunned my journey through the woods and fields until towards night, subsisting upon raw potatoes and wheat which I picked and shelled out in my hands. The next day, fearing I should lose my way, I ventured to take the road. I had traveled but a short distance before I came to a house, where I saw two men standing. As I came up they hailed me with th« usual salutation, '' Where you going, nigger ]" *' Whose boy are you ?" I made them no answer, but walked on at a rapid rate, with my /"aithful young hickory — my only weapon of defence. Supposing me to be a " runaway," as men generally do in such cases, they armed themselves with guns and dogs, and gave chase, and I followed their example, directing my way several hundred yards ahead of them for the woods. I soon heard the dogs with their frightful baying, and the men hallooing at the top of their voices — *' Stop, you d — d nigger, or we will shoot you !" As good fortune ordered it, the woods into which I ran was thick and full of shrubbery, and a large stream passed through it running along the foot of a hill, I recollected having chased foxes in my earlier days, and also of hunting minks. The foxes sometimes run back and forth, and in circles, to confuse the hound. The minks dive into water. 1 tried the policy of each, runnirg back and forth across the stream, as often as I dared, and then along in the edge of ♦he stream, to embarrass the dogs. In this way I kept the dogs off, and the men not being so well accustomed to running in the woods as I was, and being also hindered by their guns, I gained upon them in the flight, and escaped to the wood, and as I hoped was safe for the present. But I was mistaken. I had been in the wood but a short time before I was surprised by two men who had gone on in pursuit of me. They had no dogs. Being nlready weary and lame, they had the advantage of me, and might, if they had had guns, disabled and captured me. But I again ran to the woods which were near, and started ofl:" in a southerly direction until I came into the thickets, when I tamed and ran due west, thinking I should thereby elude ihem, as they would in all probability continue south. I 12 LIFE AND r\DV£.NTURF.5 OF If any one wishes to know what were my feelings during this time, let them imagine themselves a slave, with the strong arm of the law extended over their heads— doomed, if retaken, to a severe punishment, and almost uuendiirablJ torture. Compelled to toil from day to day, subject to th- hardships and cruelties of such toil as slaves only know with none but fellow sufferers to- sympathise with him. and they unable to afford relief— with no prosoect of a better state, for lile-depri^ed of the blessings of knowledge and the sweets of iritellectual pursuit. Seing all the free whiU; people around him happy in the possession of friends ancf the blessings of life and himself a crushed, derrraded beincr>^ Desiring to arise, but unable to do so. Then imagine you", self on the road, flying for liberty among your^nemies, alone, unarmed, trembling at every step with the greatest anxiety and with fear. Sleeping during the day alone in the wilderness, exposed to wild beasts and serpents; hungry, lame, and almost spirit broken-starting up from a distur'bed f^A A ^\'S^!'^^\^'^'^'^''>^ of arrest and torture. Hunted and chased during the day by men of no heart, and with fero- cious dogs trained to the pursuit-the faint gleams of free- dom now shooting up, and then lost in darkness-hope and judged correctly, and it was well for me that I did, for be- ing so weary and lame I could not have continued so long^ us they did. I ran on as long as I thought it necessary, and then took a m.oderate pace, cautiously listening to hear if I was still pursued. A short time before sun-set, to my sur- prise and regret, I saw, as the sun shone out, that 1 was tending to the south. Disappointed and confused, I turned my face again to the north, and traveled until I came into the highway. CHAPTER HI. After again finding the road, I traveled on during the re- mainder of the night, only stopping to rest myself occasion- ally, or to allow some traveler to pass, or to pick a few blackberies and gather a little wheat to satisfy my hunger In the morning I again sought the woods for safety and rest. ' ■^ i ■ » ■ I •icspair consiantiv i.iiiiifr your i.t aii. i'liis was my siiuation lor \voek.s. Btit ibank CIoJ, 1 can now /'>o/." bach upon that volume of trying scenes and feel — thetj are past, an«^l rejoice in the sueet behests of my (iod-given rights. In the raornini^ of the next daj-, as I was traveling lei- surely alon^, I saw a boy watching me very closely. A-^ I came up within a few rods of the house, he darted into it. — I suspected his errand, and instead of going on — turned back, carefilly crouching in the shade of the fence until 1 came to a grouj^^f hu<h in s» \ Hut I was not lonjr in this ignorance — for as I was urging my way through the lif'ld to a larti'-r pi^ce of * and ju.-.t upon the j>oint of scaling n fence, a man >, -p like a tiger from the side of a lo;; and struck at me. Quick as I could, I turned and run a few' steps and botmded over thf» tVnce. tlu>t as my f««'t struck the ground, a chih grazed my shoulder, but diil mc no harm : a little way ahead, 1 saw another man and dog, with a 1 The nian haank (.:.... •,.... ., .i led again, determined to ■ritffd rnr, 1 ran for the bushes —the .. _ ,..., ^ ;..o in the leaan b«-ing on horseback. As the dog came up, i seized a stone and lortunately hit him in the head, leaving i»im stiH'npon the ground. The man on the horse soon came up and uttering oat))s which made my blood chill, almost, '•t»mmandrom the imminent perils I had just escaped, the ne- cessity for being more cautious. Knowing, as I well did, by the scenes I had just experienced that I was pursued, and that the well trainad dogs would be put in req^uisition, I resolved to avoid as much as possible, taking the roads. But it was necessary for me to travel a part of the time in them, both on account of the fatigue it srave me to run in the woods and tiel Is, and the difficulty of keeping ijiy course northward, as I knew I must do, to get out of the region ofsla- very. I am sometimes asked, how we learn the \yay to the free States? My answer is, that the slaves know much more about thismatter than many persons are aware. They have means of communication with each other, altogether unknown to their masters, or to the people of the free states — even the route of some who have escaped is familiarly knov/n to the more intelliirent ones. There is scarcely one, who does not uiidcrstaiid the position of the " north star," although that ii* about the extent of tli?ir knowledge of Astronomy. The rea- sons why more do not follow it, are want of means and the feir of death if apprehended. Slaves are watched and guard- ded like casrcd animals. CHAPTER IV. The day following, when near eleven o'clock, I was mov- ing cautiously along, f saw a man on a small hillock in front of his hous?, apparently watching my movement?. I had learned to look upon every white man as my foe, and dared not pas3 near to any one. I saw on my left a large meadow near (ho banks of the Wabash, in which a larije number of .'tie were grazing -, and directed my steps toward them, de- :"mincd if followed to cross th'; river and climb the rugged 16 LITE AND ADVE.MLRtS or banks opposite and hide uinoiig its projections. J was not mistaken. As soon as the man saw my movements, he knew 1 was a fugative, and ran to his house, a short distance from where he stood, and taking his dog and gun made chase for lue. Like a deer, the hound soon came toward me. At once the thought occurred to me, this dog is not, perhaps well trained, I will try to set him upon the cattle, and clapping my hands, I ran and hallowed, at the top of my voice, s't-a-boy ! ^'t-a-boy ! My plan took. The dog darted like lightnuig through the tall grass in chase of the cattle, who ran with their heads erect, snuffing like wild beasts ; the poor disappoiated man-hunter calling him off' to no effect. I left him to take care of his dog and cattle, while I swam the stream and hid among the ample shelters erected by the hand of nature — where, wearied almost to death, I sat down beside a spring to bathe my bruised and swollen feet and limbs, and to gain strength for my perilous journey. I heard the merry birds singing in the branches over my head, and saw the bounding squirrels as they leaped from tree to tree. "Happy "creatures," said I, '-this is your home. Its ample domain affords you range for wild sports and songs. But, alas! for me, it only gives a brief shelter and rest from the cruel persecutions of my brother men ! AVould to God the ties of nature, were among men as they are among thee. Thou art happy in thy innocent sports, and each seems to find pleasure in contribu- ting to the other's enjoyment. With man, all is self — self — selt. The price of his pleasure may be the suffering and death of his equal brother, but he heeds not the unholy sacri- fice ! God of these woods and hills —this river and these streams, I cried, protect me, as thou dost these little one's of thy power and care;" and I fell asleep among my reflections and prayers— dreaming of the distant hills and valleys of free- dom before me, where 1 stood erect and fearing no danger. But I soon awoke from my sweet visions, by the pains in my shoulder, limbs, and the gnawing of hunger. I looked around me, and soon found black berrios, sweet and delicious with which 1 filled my hands and ate, thanking Him, who caused them to grow, where no human being would be likely to come to my annoyance as 1 plucked them from their yieldino- stems. ° I reinained in this place, frequently bathing my limbs, and taking intervals of s^lecp, until the clo.rC of the next day, re- ANDRLW JACK60N, 1 7 solved to gain the road, and make my way as fast as I could from the country which appeared to be haunted by my pursu- ers. After traveling all night, without any other annoyance than to be occasionally started by the barking of a watch dog-, I found myself drawing slowly toward the place of my desti! nation. The next day, I was pursued a short distance by two men, but they appeared to have been out on a pleasure excursion] and after running a short distance, and firing at me, gave up the chase, cither because they were too weary ^to pursue it, or being hopeless in regard to success. Their'dogs appeared also tired and refused to obey them. Lame and sore as I was, I was gratified when I saw them abandon me. CHAPTER V. The next day finding myself so often in peril by my at- tempts to pass along as I had done, I resolved before I emerg- ed from my brief retreat, that I would try a new expedient. I had frequently seen gentlemen traveling, with a servant eith- er preceeding or following them on foot. Sol waited until f saw a carriage pass, and got into the road, and followed it, and whenever I met any one I would appear to be all anxiety and inquire *' bow far ahead master's carriage was." This plan worked admirably, and I was enabled to travel more than Haifa day with one assumed " master"— always managing to be absent when he stopped, and not far behind him when he traveled. My first trick, however, did not last me all day, and I was compelled to get a new "master." I thus went on changing, until I reacned the Ohio river, at a place called Barkers old Ferry, where I crossed into Illinois, in the coun- ty of Gallatin, and began to feel secure. After wandering about, in the evening, for some time," I found an old horse trough, which was dry— here I laid down and rested. In the early part of the day I awoke, and went to si stream near by and washed my limbs and rubbed them until they were re]iev= ed of their pain and stiff'n ess, when I again started, growing more and more impatient, the further I got from the place of my servitude. I almost forgot my pains and de- privations-^my perils and narrow escapes,' in the joy of my B 2 IP LIFE AND ADVtMURES OF .. H,,... i salclv. but huw little knew 1 wliat a day Wm briiU forth. 1 had scarcely felt the first dehghtiul sensations of my proximity to the nou-sJaveholding regions where 1 hop- rd to tind friends and home, ere I was startled from my plea- sin^ reveries by the sound of a man's voice, ordering me to "st'op"' On looking at my side, I saw a man standing in the door of a small hut. I did not obey the voice, but went on more rapidly, receiving for my temerity a stone thrown with some force,*hittin? me in the leg. I then started off on a run, the man after me,"^crying, "stop him, stop him !' I looked up a short distance ahead, and saw a carriage standing in the road, and concluded the persons who owned it were not in It, no horses being attached to it,— ran oil until a few steps from it, in the act of passing, the door flew open, and two men rushed out and discharged a pistol at me but without eflect.— I dodged from them and out ran them, until I came to a pre- cipice not far from the road, and threw myself down it far enough to be out of their reach, the last ball the fellow had in his pfstol, whizzing past my head as I escaped. At the bot- tom of the precipice w^as alarge stream, overhung with bushes, and the men supposed I had gone to the bottom and was out of sight as they came up, although I was then snugly 'sconced beneath their feet under a shelf of the bank. They stood a moment as they came up swearing at rny miraculous speed, for^o "clumsy lookiii;i a fellow," and came to the conclusion 1 had " jumped my lasl jump," that time and walked off. After'lhey had been absent, as I thought, long enough, I got out and went on in another course, until I began to fear I was on the wrong track, and called tu inquire of *a man, whose name I afterwards learned to be Digly, in what place I then was. lie told me, and mistrusting me to be a fugative, di- rected me to the house of a Dr. not far distant, whom he said I would find to be a friend. • So I did ; but, knowing the law to be severe towards those who harbor run-away slaves, he was ([uite unwilling for me to remain. More than that, he told me I would be in great danger of apprehension, by re- maining with him, as he had much company and all would be curious to know who was in his employ. But, 1 was so happy to hear one human voice — (the first 1 had heard in many days) that spoke in words of sympathy, I could not think of leaving him, hoping that in case of any signs of ANi)REn JACKSoN, Ij) trouble I could escape. This gentleman gave nie Ibod and a comfortable bed. In the morning I took his team and went to work, ploucrh- ing. I had not been at work but a few hours, before I saw several men coming toward me, and soon recognised among them one whom I had seen the daj or two previous. He had pursued me on horseback, and the man who directed me to the Doctor had betrayed me. I presume he ment to do so, when he sent me there, and had intended to get the Doc- tor's feet into the same snare — it being contrary to law to harbor a fugative slave. §t Here I found myself involved in new difficulties and dan- gers, and O, how bitterly did I regret that 1 had not gone on. But it was too late. I was surrounded, and entirely defense- less. My trusty hickory that had made a pathway for me through braces of bull dogs and men, was at the house, and I was bare-foot and in an open field. The men took me, and after binding my hands and limbs, carried me back to a ma- gistrate, where I was examined, and being unable to prove my freedom, was sent to jail, to be kept for six weeks, and sold according to law to pay my jail fees. I was put under the care of an oflicer and one other man, who with a dog, were my guards and escort to prison. The men were very intemperate, and but for the dog whom they set to guard me, I could easily have escaped them. Before going to bed, at a tavern where they stopped for the night, on learning that I was a "pious nigger," as they called me, they made me sing and pray for them. The next morning we started again. They drank freely, as they had done the day previously, and to amuse themselves or to torture me, made nire run, or rack along, with cords around my knees, and my arms fastened behind, laughing and harrassing my feelings as much as possible whenever they met any one. I found after a while, that the cords were loose and that I could slip them off — so I started on a little faster and faster, gradually gaining upon them until I finally slipped off my cords entirely, and could have escaped, but for the thickness of the swamp and my bare feet. They soon saw that my cords were off, and rode on until they overtook me. We then went on, they making me run faster Ihan before as a punish- ment for having fried io escape. 20 LIFE AM) ADVENTURES OF 1 was taken to jail and shut up in a dungeon with several others. One of the number was a man whiter than most far- mers, and said lie was free. He had a wife and children, poor Ifllow, and was almost distracted. But we could not help him any more than he could help us. I can scarcely give the reader a fair impression of the suf- ferings we endured in that cold, damp, filthy cell. No one was there to care for us. Our food was principally potatoes or coarse bread and water, and not enough of that even to keep us from half starving. Our complaints were answered by abuse, and sometimes by the lash. During my imprisonment, the skin came off my {eei and limbs, and they were very much swollen and painful, but I could get no water (o wash them, or to cool their burning fe- ver. And I sometimes thought I had better have stayed in Kentucky, for I knew not what would be my fate, if I lived to see my day of sale. Perhaps I should be sent off again to some distant state, and be subject to more terrible treatment than I had ever yet experienced. But all I could do, was to sit down, and meet my fate— for I learned to my sorrow that " on the side of the oppressor thero was power, and there was none to help.', CHAPTER YI. The day at length came for our sale. 1 was taken out and placed on the stand. "How much will you give, gentlemen, for this boy. Ac- quainted with all kinds of work, and a smart, active fellow!" " Six dollars," was bid by one. " Will you live with mc, if I will buy you, boy :'' said a fat faced landlord. "I think it rather iiard,'' I replied, "to be torn awav from my ngnts and shut up in jail, and then sold for life to par the jail fees." ^ ^ "Seven dollars,'^ said the landlord; adding, "I'll risk him." So the sale went on, and I was finally struck off to the land- lord, with whom I was duly installed into the office of ostler— a service I was quite willing to render, considering the advan- tages It would give me in acquirin.n; information relating to ANDREW JACKSON. 21 Ihe position of the country to which 1 intended on the (irsl op- portunity to go, in search of my brother. I remained with this man nearly a month, and had (rot a pretty good suit of clothes and picked up a little change ; ''then made up my mind I had paid my "jail fees," and left him.— I determined not to leave my master until he was fully paid, for he treated me as well as if I had been a white man, and but for the fact of my being a slave, I should have been very happy in his employment. * After leaving Hopper, the landlord, I traveled all nipht, pass- ing up through Hillsborough, Carlisle, and other towns to Bloomington— traveling nights only, and hiding in the woods during the day, until 1 had got out of danger. At Blooming- ton I went to work and remained eleven months in the vicin- ity of my old Kentucky master's sons and sons-in-law.— Some of them were disposed to inform against me and have me taken back, but the others being opposed to it from feel- ings of sympathy prevented it, and I was not disturbed. After remaining at this place eleven months, during which time I clothed myself well, and saved considerable money, I started for Wisconsin, where my brother was living, whom I had not seen for the space of nine years. On my calling at his house, he did not know me, nor could I identify my- self by any marks or evidences, about my person. At lencrih I began to recount some of the scenes of our boyhood, wh^en he at once recognised, and joyfully received me. One rea- son for the \yant of recognition, was the tact that, although brought up in the same neighborhood, yet we rarely saw each other, except on holidays, or Sundays, when allowed to exchange visits, and being young had not any fixed im- pressions in regard to each other, save the associations of which I have made mention, relating to days of our bov- hood. o J V^ith my brother, I remained nearly one year, earning when 1 worked one dolfer per day. It was a new era indeed in my existence, when I could carry home with me at night, and feel it all my own, more money than I --had ever hancfleu while a slave, during any single year of my life, I v/as well clothed— lived well and happy," so far as my own condi- tion was concerned. But I could not sleep, often, when I would turn my thoughts to my countrymen in chains. 1 would compare my situation with theirs, arid often Ho and 2^ LIl !•; AND ADVENTURES OT weep l)itlt-'r tears of svinpufy for thoj>e 1 liad left behind ine^ I woukl have e friendly to the cause of slaves and did much to^encourage the fugatives in their attempt to escape. They had become acquainted with my history, and desired me to relate to the public, something I knew from ray own experi- ence and observation about slavery. An opportunity was oliered for my complying with this request, at a large meet- ing held in rrairieviUc. A gentleman offered to pay my ex- -)cnses if I w^ould attend the meeting and talk. I consented ; but when I arose to speak,! was so unlearned and embarrass- ed that I could with ditticulty keep my feet. I had rather have met half a dozen slave catchers in an open field, if my old "hickory" had been in my hand and my limbs sound and Tree. But I managed to get out what I v/anted to say, and Ic was received with much pleasure — so much so, that a resolu- tion was passed, inviting me to make the tour of the county and frive the people -a plain statement of such things as I knew. After remaining in that region^ two months, however, 1 learned there was to be a large meeting in the city of Bufla- Jo, and resolved to attend it — which I did, and since that time with the exception of a short time I spent in Canada, I have been lecturing and talking to the people, selling books and papers in this state, up to the present time, in the hope of adding my mite to the iulluences, which I hope will eventu- ally result in turning the) heart of every man woman and child a^ain.^t that most wicked and unjust of all institutions. ANDREW TACKSOTn. ^3 And but toi the hict \h?.t my cormlrynien nre still in bondage^^ •I shouKi he happy indeed in the blessings ot" liberty. Amouor which, none are prised more Inghly than that of learning to road and- write. For when 1 first came into this state even, I could not write, and reading was quite out of the question, I can now read tolerably well, and write so well as to aston- ish all who know rne^ but none more than myself. And it is my intention soon to write a long letter to my old master, showing him the difference between the eflect of twenty-six veavs of ylavery and five years of freedom — leaving him fo judge which is the best fur man. Indeed, I know what the honest conviction of every one 7iow is. They know the slaves woiild all be much happier and more useful, if bless- ed with education — but the difficulties in keeping them in subjection would be greatly augmented: This is the reason why they are l THOUGHTS UPON MINLS I ERIAL DUTV. CHAPTER I. Text — Watch.. 1. I am of the opinion that all ministers and exhortcrs are in duty bound to solemnly expose all sin, and urge Chri3- tians to act under a feeling sense of duty. 2. And if we live as GOD would have us, we will not live after the world and all the pleasures thereof; but as minis- ters of Christ, we should look after the souls of the human race, rather il^nn the purse. 3. And then we will have to deny ourselves of the honor of men, just as our Savior did; for he has taught us what to do if we will be his disciples : Mat. x 33. And he thattaketh not his cross and followeth after me is not worthy of me. 4. Did Christ go into any village and settle himself in a fine mansion, and then ask a large salary for doing what God commands us to do, without money and without price 1 5. No my brthren, it is not self-denial by any means, for the minister to live in pomp, while millions of our own cit- izens remain in moral darkness, destitute of the gospel, because the ministers have not obeyed God. 6. 2 Tim. iv 1. I charge thee before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and kingdom ; pieach the word, be instant in season, out of season ; reprove, rebukej exhort, with all long suffering and doctrine. 7. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine ; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears ; and they shall tarn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 8. But watch thou in all things, endure aflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. 9. Can any minister claim the name of Christ's disciple. who hath not the power of discernment to see the respon- sibility which he must bear] 10. The more I learn of the word of God, the greater is my strength in the lirm and glorious principle estab- lished in his law. c 3 32 I irt AM) ADVENTURES Oi 11.1 am atone, and 1 will stand forever alone, if I can- not find men who will yield to the claims of God. I see that all the principles of the Gospel are designed for the elevation of our race. 12. What I speak I acknowledge, I speak with shame, when I lind professed christians that will set a white table, and then set another tor a minister that God saw fit to cre- ate of a diirerent hue. 1.3. And seeing these thinjrs, I see the necessity of pres- sing trne, pure, unadulterated truth, to overtiirow error of every description by the gospel. l-i. My dear beloved brethren, let us look around our- selves and see what we are doing. What is the prospect of that minister who shrinks back from duty because the brother deacon rather not hear it ? 13. Close, and very important questions, are evidently necessary for us to ask ourselves and our brethren, and by so doing we may understand where we are as ministers, and as professors of Christianity, and as professors of re- publican principles. 16. And if we will do this, we can always stand firm, unshaken in our faith. Dearly beloved friends and fellow travelers to eternity, I ask you if you have faith to believe the Bible 1 Yes 1 do. Do you live in accordance WMth the commandments of God, the giver of every good and perfect gift? ^Vhen it is convenient I do, if God's pure and holy law doth not come in contact with rny wicked will ; and whenever, and wherever I see the law of God standing in direct opposition to me in my wicked political career, then I bid defiance to every law of God, and do just as I see fit. But my friend is your will to govern all the higher powers and all the glorious and sublime prin- ciples exhibited in Divine >Vrit. 17. rdlow travelers to Eternity, we see a great work to do, 18. And we are bound by everything that is pure and just to honestly protest against the slavery of Kum, and every other kind of sin, even American Slavery not ex- cepted. ANDREW JACKSON 3'i CHAPTER II. 1. V>^atch. I say again in the language of God, watch. 2. What I say unto one, I say unto all, watch. This is one amon^ the many commandments, and as a minister of Christ, I view it as a brief and comprehensive one, and worthy of regard. 3. And everything pertaining to the nation's safety, is depending upon us. Brethren and Sisters, let us see to it that we discharge our duty as Christians and as ministers of Christ I understand the term minister to apply to ev- ery Christian person, or to a foreign minister, chosen or appointed by national authority. 4. And indeed, we are all under the same obligation to yield obedience to the Great Supreme Ruler of the Uni- verse. 5. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man cometh. Man should be as active as a gold watch in good trim, ever right ; and then it is evident if any person set his by the gold regulater, it will be right. But if it be a brass watch, and always too fast or too slow, and never right, how can any human be- ing tell without the true time, what to depend upon] 7. Oh, why will men be so destitute of all reason] what can be the state of that man's mind, who depends on sa- ving himself from all Christian responsibility and refuses to watch. S. But the end of all things is at hand : be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. Yea, the end of our teach- ing, the end of instructing sinners the way of life eternal. 9. The end of informing the poor and destitute, — those millions that are this very moment living in these United States, in a far worse condition than any other class of persons were ever in. And shall we stand afar ofTl No, Peace, peace, is the cry of the mass, while we have no peace at all. ■ 10. War is upheld, and many persons are very indignant, and cry out against war. 11. Yes, we find here, even among you, my friends, men who claim to be republicans, yea more, even the name of ministers of our holy religion, upholding war. 12. But since I have been endeavoring to ghow our miR= c 4 3-4 LIIE AM) AI'VKNTCKES OF isterial duty I tlud myself in deep distress, in my ovv'u mind. I find our ministers, with but few exceptions, un- willing to rebuke the sin of slavery. Now if it be all our object to promote the salvation of souls, we must let it be known by our acts. Fellow laborers in Christ, we may keep silent, but if we do eternal ruin must be our fate, — What an awful doom. Tliere are thousands, yea, millions of our race in this nation, that have ..o Bible. Those poor down trodden people cannot be heard in their own defence. Shall we be dumb, or dearly beloved, shall we speak for these poor people, that the Holy Bible may be put into their hands, and that the grace of God may nourish all our souls? Therefore I speak fearlessly in behalf of the great prin- ciples of eternal justice. My business is to seek wisdom, and to do tiiis I must yi«ld to the commandments of God. I find all persons ready to acknowledge the sinful and dc' structive influence of the slave system, and with all this light and knowledge, we see them go ©n from one degree of dark- ness to another, and talk of light and liberty ; while every a<*t we see them perform is directly in opposition to light and liberty. How can any person believe such ? CHAPTER HI. My dearly beloved brethren in Christ, we are called upon by the word of God, to go into all the world, and preach the cospel to every creature wfthout money and without price. Who can receive this saying? Who will go and preach and put their trust in the Lord ? Can we find one Minister in all our country, of any order, who is prepared to come out against every sin in the land ? We do find some, but they are few and far between. I speak with candor and with shame, to say the least, when I see men of learning shun to expose the darkest and most destructive sin that can curse any people, or any na- tion under the sun. It matters not in my estimation who may be the props or supporters of that system. And yet we do find professed republicans, and so-called Christians, and pretended ministers of Chri?t, nil doing the business of the ANDREW JACK.SON. eaemy ; yea, ministers who claim the name of statesmen are true and bold vindicators of infamy, drunkenness, murder, chicken fighting, horse racing, and slaveholding-— but for us to drag all this into the Church, it would not do. These things are now tolerated in all slaveholding states, and hun- dreds of these persons are the sons and daughters of minis- ters, and some thousands of thcbC persons are the very same characters we have reason to recognize as children of Christ, and can God be just and stand by and see saints selling their brethren and sisters 1 Can any class of Christians and Christian ministers, slide into the highest classes of honor among men, by thus treating church members and ministers ? Brethren, beloved in Christ, we find it very important for us to reprove these hypocritical professors of religion. I will give you to know that I am one of the strongest oppo. sers of all these heathenish and wicked institution's of slav,e^ holding and rum drinking. FOOLISH THOUGHTS COMPLETELY USED UP. 1. Thought first. —You thought that we were poor, de- graded beings, because we had not arose to eminence in the sight of ungodly oppressors. This fact is developed to every person that is capable of reason, everv act of this Government should suffice us all. 2. I ask in the light of God's shining face, if you are so simple as to suppose (hat you can take away all our privi- leges from us of arts and sciences ; and then call us fools 1 3. You may think us cattle, sheep, or old iron tooth drags. 4. I know that any Government, claiming the name of a republican government, that dares to treat three millions oi her citizens as this government treats us, proves itself to be in reality just what it thought us to be. J. A mean and sneaking, low, contemptible, government, ^hame, shame, on the men who call the poor fugitive mean. U ye American citizens, read this, and when you read it biush for shame. 36 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF 6. I charge you to think from what one of your cattle it sprung. I ask you to stop, and look at all your noble in- stitution?, and see what wonderful progress you are ma- king. You have got so far toward the sublime principle of liberty. 7. That a man must be wedded to that foul system of slavery, before you can elevate him to any great official of- fice in this union, if you have any desire to be a foreign minister, first become a poor unfortunate slave-holder. 8. And then a liar ; tell us you hate the institution, as bad as any one else, but cling to it, and show how bad you hate it by hugging it. Away with such foolishness. I may well call my motto for a witness ; hear it ye tyrants, it brings deep distress: "foolish thoughts completely used up." I must confess with shame, it is bad to see any that are so bitter against that foul institution, that they even vilified us for acting God-like against it, by doing good that liber- ty might prosper in this nation, and make it respect itself and look higher than to ask any evjl. That noble God-like principle of Liberty we must cher- ish, if we intend to be democrats in principle, and own our- selves to be friends of man because we know him to be our equal brother in the sight of God, and we know he can- not be any thing less in the sight of an intelligent man ; and therefore any individual whose views are so narrow contracted that he cannot distinguish the difference be- tween an ox and a man, is a fool ; and as true men, we are bound to withhold our votes from any such men, because they have not got sense enough to define what democracy is. When such persons are desirous to establish their democ- racy, or more propeily speaking, hypocrisy, we always see them look for a man as near like themselves a.Si possible. — This you deny, and prove your folly to every sober, candid person, for I heard a number of very respectable ladies say that if they could vote to establish a system of government, they would try to elect consistent men, such as would ear- ly into effect and honor themselees and also their constitU' ents, by so doing. But our men have different views. We find the mass al- low us to say that slavery is truly the greatest evil that can be inflicted upon mnnkind, when we see ouv aflectionate ANDREW JACKSON 37 fathers dragged away from all their rights, from wife and children, and carry us off, away from our dear mothers, and finish this awful work by lacerating our sister's backs, to compel them to yield themselves to insults and abuses, such as none but slaves ever witnessed under the sun. We are compelled to submit to the most flagrant crimes that man can endure, and all this by law. Yet ye say we hate it ; it ought to be done away ; we have looked at it for years, and our minister has prayed against it ; and he is a very good man; we all like him. And our church is all anti-slavery, and we have passed some resolutions con- demning the sinfulness of slavery. And one was a little doubtful, lest by any means we should hurt the cause, by taking such high ground. We carry out our principles; we would not let a slaveholder preach in our pulpit. I would like to ask you, my friend, with kindness, how you prove to the world your enmity towards slavery. — You tell me you pray against it, and talk against it, and tell all your neighbors what a cruel thing it is. But when yor vote do you speak X I am of the opinion that you do not let your acts correspond with your words. Your re- ply is, I vote for men that tell us they are very bitter oppo- nents of the institution. But we fear that the course pur- sued by Liberty men will have bad effect, and strengthen the chain of ihe oppressors. I am a poor,. weak-minded, ignorant fugitive, but ever since I can recollect I always had sense enough to know that by taking a good file, and continuing to use it, it would not strengthen the links of any chain, but without fail, will surely cut them in two. Take off the chains, Cut them in two, And ease our pains. As saints should do. That God alone may approbate, This honest, noble cause, And truly free each southern state, And rend their oppressive laws, 3S LUL A>D ADVEISIURES OF That virtue there may grow, And we to honor rise, And every bond-man know His Savior in the skies. O, that God may grant us, Each our heart's requestj And send our blessed Jesus To take us home to rest. I think you see wherein you are used up. You have acknowledged too much when you said slavery was the worst evil to arpfue with me, that we are bringing a worse evil than it. There is no foundation for such folly -, it is scandalous to hear any person claiming the name of a re- •publican, talk so. I regret that we have any among us that have so little self-respect as you who are found guilty of making an apology for that Heaven daring outrage upon man ; and not content to violate every principle of right, but blow it abroad through the land that we are strengthening the chains. I would like to have you show me a man m that town or in the universe that you are able to convince, that filing a chain-link will strengthen it. Sir, it is too absurd to make a fool believe it, and you know it. I am in hopes that you will not be fool ennugh to use such foolish words any more and call it argument. I consider it such plain foolishness that it has not the shape of argument about it. Then true liberty men are the only class of men that are vcrearing away our national disgrace of slavero. This is the teachino of reason ; because all pro-slavery meii are the very men that are guilty of the alleged crime against the abolitionists. When LIBERTY men tell how they deprecate slavery, they are prepared to prove it by corres- ponding action. But wheu pro-slavery men tell with what repulsive views they look at the horrid institution of slave- ry, we find them ever prepared to do any thing to keep our party together. We are true liberty men, but if we vote for a liberty man it will advance the strength of the slave power, — it is a foolish idea. I come to you and tell you the hogs are breaking through the fence and destroying your crop ; but you say Lknow it. What is the reason you ANDREW JACKSON. 3^ let them destroy your crop 1 O, I can do nothing. And because you cannot do any thing, you go and get all your neighbors' hogs and turn them in. You would be as con- sistent to take that course, as to go to the ballot box and try to elect a slaveholder to carry out your liberty princi- ples. I am of the opinion that you have had your princi- ples carried cfut by men of naughty habits, until we are left to hunt for principles in vain, for it is gone, and forever gone, unless we see to it soon. O reader, you should not fail to understand me ; when I speak upon this topic I speak my views. I mnst confess to an intelligent world of mankind, when I speak it is with shame. I have above thirty years experience in this boast- ed land of Bibles and of Liberty, and it is with difficulty that I can read a chapter. I am ashamed to acknowledge myself an American born citizen, from the fact she treats millions of her citizens with such contempt, that she has truly degraded herself as a republic. THE HEART SEARCHER OF RIGHT. I wish to convince every person that reads this production, what slavery is by nature. And I think it will convince you, reader, what such a system is by practice, under existing cir- cumstances. I cannot hold my peace while I can speak against the un- godly system of injustice that is filling up the cup of misery and grief. I am bound to remember that sad instant, when I took my aged grandmother by her hand and bid her a long farewell forever. I shall never forget how hard she tried to prevail with me to remain in that slave cursed region, al- though she had been doing all their work, and drove to toil for her father, who styled himself her master. O, who can ima- gine the condition of a human being placed in such a wretch- ed condition. Held as the property of a father, who is bound by the highest authority to train up his children in the fear of the Lord. But my kind and affectionate grandmother was obliged to suffer all such outrages as this. And this was not 40 LIFE AND ADVENTURES Oi all by any means. Her handsome daughters must be insulted and abused, and humbled, and made prostitutes of by the un- limited control of the tyrants. This is what the poor woman had to endure. I thank God that I have not any family there to suffer all such cruel abuse. I ask who can tamely submit to all these wrongs, where every principle of justice must submit to insult and injury ? 1 cannot and will not Namely submit to that Heaven-daring, God-dishonoring, Hell-deserv- ing sin. Do you think me too hasty in denouncing it as un- worthy the fellowship of us that know all its bearings. Yea, it is all this, and niore, and worse. I can convince you, reader, of this fact, if you are capable of reason. The natu- ral results are sufficient evidence of my statements. I must pass some things that are so humiliating I have to blush. — Shame, shame upon that man who is so contemptibly mean as to rob my dear old grandfather of all his earnings. And then, not content with all that, they must, lion-like, take the last child, and leave the poor old man to suffer. This is the nature of slavery. I remember that sad countenance when I bid farewell with my poor old grandfather; the big tears come gushing from his eyes and rolled down his cheeks. O, grandson, you can- not better yourself; you will be taken and killed or sold ; you are now in good standing in the church, and to runaway and be taken will ruin you ; you will be silenced from preaching and turned out of the church. Such was the kind entreaty of that gray headed grandfather, although his locks were sil vered over with the bleak winds of many winters. This is the nature of slavery. It goeth forth at its pleasure, biddin^r us of its victims trample down every law of God. — Yea, all self respect must bo thrown away. We are urged to gratify these wicked, ungodly, oppressive wretches, yi all their lusts, — when they would come to our wretched huts, directly from the grog shop of Stephen, half drunk, just steeped in rum, gin or brandy. To our poor shanties they come because the are handy, Poor slaves are degraded, kept by the dandy. This is the nature of slavery ; then let it be denounced to the w'orld by all clergymen in the United States, and then the M-ork is complete , slavery is; at once and forever over- thrown, and our country free. And then we who style our- selves American freemen can rejoice together, witli friends that are near, and kindred so dear. I can call to my recollection the Christmas morning when I witnessed one of the most horrid scenes I ever saw in my life. While I speak it is with difficulty that i can li^ld my pen ; I am not mad, but my sympathy is so strong, I am lost in astonishment to see the iiidifierence manifest on the part of human beincrs. The easel here mention was the sale of a friend and his family. George, Sally, and three children. Munroe Tuck- er, of Edmunstou county, purchased two of the children ; Mr. Porter of Allen county, purchased the wife and one child J and Frederick Potter, of Warren county bought George. My eyes saw the sight and my ears heard the shrieking of those aft'ectionate children and their tender hearted mother. I am aware that if such scenes should ©c- cur in your observation, you would take hold of the work with new zeal. Let us fnrther consider the matter : if it were your wife and children wearing the tyrant's cords, would j''Ou be found voting for the man tk&i could not distinguish your wife from old Pide, the spotted cow, or those children from Buck and Bright, your oxen, and that lovely daughter, ranked with hogs and sold for gold, I ask what kind of an anti-slavery man is he who is guilty of voting for men that cannot or will not show any ditlerence between human beings and beasts. And by men of this kind my father was sold. I am often made to lament when I think how that poor mother wept when her husband was chained and carried away from her, and away from his two sons ; and from his father and mother, and from his wife and sisters, friends and home he was compelled to go. He was a member of the Baptist Church, but this is not any guard against being sold. Our Methodist clergyman could preach and tell how he could feel for poor sinners in their wretched condition. But I am of the opinion that any clergyman who can preach and rob men and women of all their labor, and traffic in the members of the church to keep up the church, I tell you plainly what I think of any member of the church who will consent to the right of any layman or any person to be the owner of any human being, theyliave not any piety unless it be in the tails of their coats. And when they go D 4,'J LIFT. AND ADVENllRr.S 0^ TO flc^ their slaves, they run throuf;h the bushes and briars after us, and they lose the tails of their coats and all their goodnes<5. The old priest, Wall, always had his coat iu the old style, and \v^en he was not in a hurry he was apt to t:trip us and whip us. But ho prayed when he was flogging us, saying Lord have mercy upon you, I am afraid you will make me sin so much I will never see heaven. Joseph Robertson could not subdue Mary, the little slave girl, and thi^> ungodly l\Ielhodist priest sold my aunt into the hands of old John Steely, a noted drunkard. 1 sliould perhaps nialce one apology for priest Robertson, for such triflinP" thino-s as chaying his church members through the thicket?, and selling his race lor gain. Though I am told in the free north that slaves are kept by these good men to keep the poor unfortunate things out of bad hands. And all these good men always kept their kegs of whisky by them and 1 think that a part of them will go to the keg ten or twelve times where they do not once take the Holy Bi- ble in their hands. Are these to be our religious teachers', to direct us through this world of wretchedness, misery and woe I I had much rather go alone than to be conveyed by a poor, drunken, slaveholding clergyman. I am aware he is lost who tells us thev are on the right road to heaveii, and are determined \o get thi're, and yet continue to steal and iudd slaves. \PPEAL TO CONSCIENCE. P.V ANDREW JACKSON, Through Vennsylvania's mountains.. Her hills and valleys low. We hope to see the tbuntains, ()f freedom rise and How, May peace from sea to shore run. I 'ntil the v/orld shall know ; And Tyrants ever strive to shun, His virtues where they grow- ANDREW JACKSr.X. '^8 Tiiougli many threatenings do rage, By grace we may ei::dure ', I\Iy God will give us couroge, And keep our rights secure. Through many sore temptations, We may expect to pass, For many dear relations, Now in their chains are fa;5t. To you who spurn the glory, Of honor peace and love, Come listen to my story, And let us meet above. "Where men from every nation, Shall have their just reward ; And then by free salvation, We'll sing and praise the Lord. m For the School in Idumea, Otsego county, >'. Y. CLEAR VIEW OF DUTY. BY ANDREW JACKSO?^. I will speak in a poetic style, Hear me for a little while, If w^e were in Britain's Isle, Our philanthropic blood would boil liadies and gentlemen, Beat this if you can ; I appeal to this school. Learn to write now by rule. I see you'll have to scratch, Or else you will find a match — Come lay hold of it my friend, Let rno see how fast you mend. D 2 1 J J.IFB A.NJ.) ADVE.SriKF.S OF Every one Uiat can, Ought to show himself a man — Show your skill -with your pen, Let your parents see it then. Time is placed within your reach, Yield to iiim that is to tt^ach, I^ay hold of it while I beseech, Cling to it like a leech. Never show j^ourself a fool. Sittinor on the idlestool, Lazy in the time of school. Playing like the tyrants tool. ANDREW JACKSON. * 45 APPE To the Good Judgment of every Sound Uoasoner. BY AISDREW JACKSON. (7ont«n<,s, ---Matters of great Magnitude. All who wish to set-ure a ropy should avail themselves of this opportunity. CHAPTER I. God give me wisdom this once. I take my pen in hand, my dear friend, to inform you that I am well in body and also in mind, if a pure gospel could be held forth by true ministers of the cross, men who would not shun to declare the whole counsel of God, without regard to the influence of wicked men, or Demons of Darkness. I .pe will be plainly and openly read in your church, for I am of the o;)inion it will do great good if it can ftnd admittance into your hearts, May God of his infinite mercy give you grace and save you by the application of Jesus' blood. Above all things friend, lay these glorious God-like prin- ciples betbre all your friends and my enemies, and my dear connexions ; tell them I am sick of Canada, and wish to come home, and cannot find any way to get back. I wish you would send me a little money to educate myself with ; I am trying to study for the ministry. I hope you will favor my request. I think I can complete my education with three hundred dollars by my own exertions. If your circumstances are such that you cannot favor me with money, I hope you will \yrite to me any how, for I am ready to help you at any time when you are in need. I am not mad with you by any means. I am aware if we have not the spirit of union in love, we cannot see God in peace. Let us consider there things now, before it is eternally too late with us. Vou will please tj direct your lettn- to the Pujlishers of the Star, Syracuse, Onondaga county, New-York. This is the commencement of my long letter which I promised to send you. Knowing you to be a man of a great mind, I believe vou will r^n.i the following paaes like a saint of God. A. JACKSON. .4N'T)f{F.W .TAi-'KsON", 47 CJIAPTER II. -"Mark my niolto, sir. 1 must learji knowledge by observation, as it is my duty to gam instruction from every thing in existence. Maj. General Andrew Jackson, of Kentacku. ^ To Stephen Claypool— Dear Friend: I take this opportu- nity to inform you that I am well at present, and 1 hope these lines may tind you well and in proper frame of mind for the reception of the truth. I have a great many things I wish to say to you. Permit to me .speak my opinion kindly and free- ly, unbiassed, free from all worldly contamination'^ I had (he pleasure of attending meeting last nighty with great joocl ^i^^ much satisfaction to my soul; I had the pres- ence of the Lord with me, I thought a great many things concerning old Kentucky. While my soul was drawn out by the spirit of God, I thought about you, a professed Christian, claiming us, your brethren in every sense, after you have ex- tended the right hand of Christian fellowship to us,' yet sufier yourself to go on just like other wicked ungodly* men, and continue to procrastinate and retard the progress of our dear Redeemer's kingdom. You may think me plain this time, but I tell you the truth in the fear of God, and you may re- ceive it and secure your soul from hell, where the shrieks of all the old rum-drinking slaveholders will render you more wretched, miserable and degraded than ever we poor slaves have been, whom you claim as your property, subject to all kinds of wrong. V\'e m.ust bo penned up like ^heep, and sold off like cattle, by our own brethren, which I know must be the kind of brethren that Paul spoke of in 2d Corinthians, chap- ter xi, verse 26ih : " In journeying.? often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, in peril.'>^ by the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wil- derness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren." This is the kind of goodness and mercy that we see and feel among contemptible slaveholders. These perjured villains are justly represented false brethren : for we are taught in the gospel of God this great truth : " But be not ye called Rabbi, for one is your Master, even Christ — and all ye are breth- ren."— -Matthew x.xiii, S. Every person whom God hath cre- ated, that is capable of reason, can see his obligation to God. For the sake of honor among men, you continue to prac- 13 T.llF. AND ADVF.Ntl'KE-'^ tice licentiousness and polygamy. Wc are made to do all this, and worse ; wc must go away from all wc earn, and leave our homes, and all our friends and dear relatives behind, subject to every abuse, insult and injury that man in his vile lust can possibly inflict upon his brother man. "We have to be bought and sold at the will of wicked, idle, ungodly oppres- sor:-, just like cattle, contrary to our wills or without any re- gard to our wishes, to keep you lor a young go'd, to lord it ov6r Christ's heritage, and preserve you from starving to death in your idleness. I know all this is bad, but j^ou continue to practice it upon men. I canni)t help but think of my brethren that you still hold in bondage. Is it right for you to treat us, your brethren, with such contempt? Christ died for us. O how can you be so hard and oppressive to that Saviour who suffered so much for all mankind. And must he continue to bleed and agonize, while vou continue to seam his back with the rugged lash.— Behold his blood comes gushing at every blow. I retcr to the niaht I saw vou lacerate Bradic, and Manuel, and mv brother Elijah, and myself, with the cow-skin. I will speak to you in poetic style, sir. You will bleat and ba-a loud as your goats, Gorge down dear slaves and strain at mote.?, Then seize your laborers by their throats. And keep them, men in ragged coats, And this is tyrants' union. You raise tobacco, corn, and rye. And drive, and thieve, and cheat, and lie. And strive to satisfy your eye, By making switch and cow-skin fly. And this is your foul union. This poetry represents you slaveholders, you who keep us in ignorance, and deny us the right to read the Holy Bible of Divine truth, which Christ hath commanded us to read: — " Search the Scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life : and they are they which testify of me. And ye will not come to me that ye might have life." — John v, 39, 40. Y^e are the very class that Jesus spoke of in Matthew xxiii, 13 — 17: " But wo unto you. Scribes and Pharisees, hypo* ANDREW JACkSON. 4^ cntes ! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men tor ye neither go m yourselves, neither sufl'er ve them that arc entering to go in. Wo unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hvp- ocrites! for ye d-voOr v/idows's houses, and for a pretence make lon^ prayers : therefore ye shall receive the greater dam- nation. Wo unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites ! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte ;" and when he IS made, ye make him two-fold more the child of hell than yourselves. Wo unto you, ye blind guides .which say whom- soever shall swear by the temple it is nothing ; but whosoever shall swear by the gold of the temple, he is a debtor. Yc fools and blind ; for whether is greater, the «?old or the temnlo that sanctifieth the gold ?■' ^ ' The commandments of God are of little use to us, if we are not allowed to obey them. The law regards us as o-ood« destitute of any right to read the blessed Bible of divine in-' spn-ation, which is able to make us wise unto salvation ; and I. have wondered in my own mind if it v/ould be with them as it IS with those who can read the sacred word of (jod. I am honestly convinced that the Holy Bible cannot be blamed ; it contains the right of each person when it tencheth us to love God supremely, and that ''thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." ^ I undeTstand this to be the teaching of God, and as a child of God it is my duty to endorse this doctrine. And I can prove that the stand which I have taken is not a new wild notion ; Christiant^ have seen the propriety of serving God. *' Then Peter and the other Apostles answered and said, we ought to obey God rather than man. The God of our lathers raised up Jesus, whom ve slew and hansed on a tree " \cts V, 23. ' I find the Bibc is what we need; it is without fault; the fault is in you, because ye refitsed to yield obedience to the law of God. I am lost in astonishment when 1 see the wretched condi^ tion of infamy that those persons have fallen into, that are capable of reading the sacred word of God, but the fact thaC some persons have put their education to a bad use does not stigmatise knowledge. The intelligence of these my coun- trymen, refutes the idea. I see something beautiful and sub- lime in knowledge. I find the great principle of God is im- mutable, and cannot be changed by all the powers of human agency upon earth. Thny cannot change the duty of man to- E 50 LIFF. AND ADVENTURES 05 waido God. Tiie time is truly at haiitl when all Christ's chil- dren must and will slaud up tor the redemption of mankind, to redeem them from the eurse of slavery. I know this was the spirit of Cinlst: " For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infnmities ; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without our sins." Then he could not be a slaveholder, for we all understand the j.)ollution of it. CHAPTER III. I inul in reading about my dear Redeemer, that he was a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. Isa. i, 3. I must try to have the i^pirit of my Divine Master, that spir- it of love, that kind and ibrgiving spirit, even when he was reviled he reviled not again. This spirit I know is of God, and I am determined to have that spirit; I will live by that spirit, and make it my theme to hold fast my confidence in this spirit, because I am taught it is that spirit alone which led the Apostle to utter these M^ords: " Cast not away, therefore, your confidence, which hath great recompense ol» reward." — Heb. X, 35. You should remember that you have need of patience, that after ye have done the will of God ye might receive the prom- ise. I will remember you at the throne of grace. " For the fruit of the spirit is in all goodness, and righteousness, and truth'" I love the fruit of this spirit, it makes me feel that kind forgiving disposition, which Christ ever manifested among persons of every description. I will forgive you for all the wrongs you have inflicted upon me, and I hope God will forgive you and help you to repent of all your deeds. 1 suppose you will think it very stranga to see a thing take the stand I have in favor of the uncompromi- sing principle of right. I ask you to give your attention to this subject; I do it tor your soul's sake; 1 feel for you, and I will pray for you, that God may open your blind eyes,- and cause you to see your awful condition of living in sin and dy- ing in tolly. my dear friend, I hope you will bear with me, while I ask you a few important questions. J . What would you do if the slaves should seize one of yout ANDREW JACKSON, 51 dear little children and sell it into the hands of an ungodly rum-drinker to toil upon his soil, and receive for wages hick- ory oil for long and dreary years? 2. I ask you if such treatment is christian treatment ? you answer no. 3. I ask you if such treatment is kind 1 you answer no. 4-. I ask you if God has given you any right to sell persons as you have been guilty of doing. 5. I ask if you are authorized to sell children by the will of God? your candid answer is no. 6. What can that sister think of such piety as that which sold her dear little infant? I refer to the poor little child which you sold to pay Joseph Gilmore one hundred dollars. But you say we hold men for their own good and not for gain.— Why then do you sell persons ? O I do it when I cannot pay any thing else. 7. I ask if that case is the only one that you have been guil- ty of breaking up families ? No. I remember a number of cases of your agency in selling those who have fallen into your hands. We must remember that great good has been accomplished by the virtue of truth, and I shall deal plainly with you and expose your vice in this letter. You could always instruct and teach me my duty, and you know it is your duty to let the oppressed go free, because God commands it. — Isa. Iviii,. 1-6 : '< Cry aloud, spare not ; lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show my people their transgression, and the house of Ja- cob their sins. Is not this the fast that I have chosen, to loose' the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke ? Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bringest the poor that are cast out to thy house, when thou seest the naked that thou cover him, and that thou hide not thyself from thine own' flesh? Do you let your life and acts correspond with the gospel ? No ! Now I ask you to repent and secure the salvation of your soul. I see your awful danger ; I feel for you in your lost condition ; I pray Almighty God to awaken up sensibility in you, and cause you to see and help you to feel your danger. — Be candid with yourself; although you can trifle with man, God is not to be trifled with by ungodly oppressors ; no, I see the testimony of this fact in every thing that ex'sts in nature, s 2 y^ I.IFE AND ADVENTURES OF God has revealed this truth to us in His holy word, and ye know it. I earnestly plead for the rights of all my race, and more abundantly the' lovely sister that ye have insulted with vour cruel abuse. Wo unto you, you blood-thirsty tyrant, for ye continue to starve the hungry, and ye refuse to clothe the naked, neither do you let the oppressed go free. Wo unto you, un'Todly slave seller, ye have put the yoke upon the image of your God, ye have not brought the poor that are cast out to thy house. The slave is poor, he is cast out of society, out of school, deprived of Liberty and of the Bible. He is compel- led to work like an ox. He has no more right to ask wages than your goat. Evidently he is poor, wretchedly degraded by you, notwithstanding God has taught you what is your duty towards vour fellow men. As a christian you should let the world know that you have been with Jesus, and show to the wicked and the rebellious around you, that your piety is so pure that you will obey God. If the commandments of God should be obeyed, strictly adhered to, and carried into effect, the peo- ple in this nation would be a happy people, a loving people, a temperate and free class of citizens. But I re^rret to see our present state of degradation, when I think of my country as it is in the 19th century, under the control of blood-thirsty tyrants, supporting laws that are con- demned by the God of the universe. As a nation we may ex- pect a curse ; I look for the visitation of God upon us. These are stubborn facts; v»e have to meet them ; they are staring us in the face. " Shall I not visit for these things 1 saith the Lord : shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this 1 A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land ; the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means *, and my people love to have it so ; and what will ye do in the end thereof?" Jeremiah v, 29-31. My next copy shall be some fuller of matter, friend. God continues to admonish us by his servants to be brave ; you cannot get rid of responsibility. God holds you and all other ungodly oppressors accountable for all these flagrant acts. — Jeremiah xxii, 13 ; xxiii, 1 : again xxi, 12; xxiii, 3. Now we see the threatenings of God. This is the Lord speaking to us by the prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah it appears was an eminent man of God ; his views were remarkable and sub- lime with respect to the duty we should perform. '* Wo unto liim that buildeth his house by '.mrighteousness; and his chani- ANDRE W J A C K SO.\ * 5 3 bers by wrong ; liiat nseth his neighbor's service without wa- ges, and giveth not tor his work. Wo be unto the pastors rhat destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture, saith the Lord- house of David, thus saith the liord, execute judgment in the morning, and deliver him that is spoiled out of the hands of the oppressor, lest my fury go out like fire, and burn that none can quench it because of the evil of your doings. Thus saith the Lord, execute ye judgment and righteousness, and deliver the spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor ; and do no wrong, do no violence to the stranger, the fatherless, nor the w^idovv, neither shed innocent blood in this place." What could be more sublimely set forth than these God-like rules of right. Do you pay those hands that perform your la- bor, and toil in the heat and cold, day and night, week after week : without any pay, Months and years boys toil, For hickory oil ; I saw^ you make the cow-skin crack Upon the poor slave's back, whom ye have crushed, and robbed of all their rights ; you do not give any pay- at all. 1 tell you kindly that you are con- demned before God and an intelligent community. Friend, you should stop and look, see what an ungodly influence you show to your family and all those around you. When I think of your guilty acts of barbarity, which you practice among your slaves, 1 blush, it is so revolting to nature. I refer to the night I saw you drag the poor old colored minister out of bed, away from his wife, denying him the right to speak in self- defence. how bad it appeared in my sight, though I be one of those poor illiterate class of persons. How must these things appear in the sight of God, whose eye is watching all things. Although you do these things in the night, when virtuous per- sons are asleep, God hears the cry of his ministers. He is nol asleep while jrou are flogging ministers of Christ. I wish you to think of the bloody back of that veteran of the cross^ when he was Beii'ding his way, leaving his dear wife, Whom he had chosen for his companion in life^ E 3 54 Uk'F. AND ADVENTURES OF Subject to the tyrant's control in their strife, M'ho shall have Mary the minister's wife. AVhat makes those things look so dark, and damning, is the alarming fact that these things are not tolerated alone by the inebriate, and non-professors, but you who profess to love God and your brethren, practise these things upon the same persons that ye meet with to worship monthly in Rock Spring, or liiberty meeting house. What injustice can be inflicted upon any of God's intelli- gent race that will compare with the system of slavery which must ha\ e hold of the wealth of three millions of her citizens, and lay her iron grasp upon all we earn, and then tell us we are not men. She sets her iron hoof upon the old man's neck, And takes the wife and sons on deck ; O how can a human heart be made so hard. To see his brother of all his rights debarred. CHAPTER IV. I wish you to remember that I am in my right mind. While I speak these words solemnity prevails in my mind. What are your feelings in your moments of sad reflection ! Have you ever stopped to consider 1 No. I thought a candid think- ing man could not treat persons with such contempt, were they to stop and look at themselves but for a moment, and consider that this is not man's abiding home, it would doubtless be dif- ferent. V>u\. with you ungodly oppressor all is self, self, self; big I and little you ; if you can have the comfort of living with your wife and children, you disregard the rights of those your brethren, being admitted into the pales of your church. I have not time to give you a full statement of the wrongs that transpired in the range of my observation, when I had to go like a livery stable horse, to any one who saw fit to pay the largest sum. Money I want, yes I am pushed for cash ; I shall have to sell a human being. Go Jack, to Hickman, then to Isbel ; now to Bounds ; back to Wall ; then to Prun- ly ; off to Robertson ; now to Price ; £^0 to Noles : then to ANDRLW JACKSON. 55 Bralton ; quick to Adams ; awayto Dackelt ; Uien to Ivins ; round to Claypool ; now to Ford ; then to Ray ; i){> to Witii- row ; go Jack, go Andrew, go it Niger, I paid for you ; down to Dun, run Jack, run ; off to Kern's :j oppression, oh how it burns ; over to White ; now to Haly. I have toiled for others more wretched than they. And some of them brothers, that drove me away. I pray that God may look upon us with a propitious eye, and forgive us our sins. My heart exults, my soul is full of glory ; I am now with the people of God ; they do not know any difference in human beings ; it is evident that where ihe spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty, but where the spirit of the devil is there is slavery. Like a large portion of ungodly oppressors, you profess to love God, and hold his image in abject bondage. Woe be unto you, ye wicked ungodly tyrants, how long will you practice these wrongs ; turn ye, turn to God and live. I rejoice that I ever learned that Jesus Christ hath died for us the apos- tate race of Adam. These things write I unto you lest by any means death should lay his icy arms around you, in your state of wretch- edness. I hope that God through the instrumentality of this truth, may open your blind eyes, and melt your hard impenitent heart ; I tell you my dear friend you are in the dark ; yes ye are blind and cannot see afar off. Hear ye the word of the Lord. Rev. xxxi 18 : Because thou sayest lam rich, and increased in goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, «ind miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked. I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the lire, that thou raayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not ap- pear ; and annoint thine eyes with eye salve, that thou rnayest see. What beautiful instruction we have, but Oh, how little it is regarded by those hard drinking oppressors ; they are not honest neither are they sober, therefore you Jiave not any moral principle. This counsel is so kind that every person should take it, and be true to God, and re- ceive this gold and be rich. But amidst all the instruction of God which is so lovely, yet ye choose blackness and darkness, cleaving to the E 4 ^-6 LIFE AND advf.n ri-ars oi ihijig- of ilii;^ vvorl<] which suifily pass away, an»i will soon le 1)0 more, and will leave you poor, nolwiilislaiiding the great riches held forth to you, by the servant of God, in iri'lh. 1 bless Ood for aH tliese things ; I find that God will instruct his saints ; yea, and by his almighty power he will nourish his children. My heart exults, my soul is full of glory, I feel the pow- er of these great truths, T have nnore of the power of God upon me now than I had the night when you came into the hitchen, where wc poor slaves were,singing, and remarked, well you are all very happy, I can hear you singing but I never can hear you praying. I replied, we pray every night. You requested me to pray, remarking I wish to hear you. I fell prostrate before God, and invoked his blessing upon you. I prayed for you then by your request. I pray for you now because I love your soul, and desire your haj)piness. I am obliged to be plain with you : I hope you will read the following facts with candor, and coiisider this great subject, and decide for God. U'hat will a God of justice do with professors that are guilty of living by man-stealing, as you kmow all tyrants do ? Do ^rou think God will approbate those professors who are all the while robbing the poor and destitute, ma- king them more wretched, rather than follo\ving .he exam- ple of Christ, who went about doing good? Do you sup- pose the eye of God is no^ watching all your acts of infa- my "? If you do, I am sure that y<3u are deceived ; the Pevil is trying to deceive you, and destroy your soul. I plead with you before God, to listen to my kind entreaty. I demand in the name of God, freedom for all the race^f Adam, and more abundantly that you let your slaves have ihsir liberty ; unless ou do, the time will come, when you will see your condition, and realize that your case is truly miserable, ihe wrath of God will surely abide on you, Then you will see your nakedness, and your blindness, and your poverty in the light of God's shining face. Come let us reason tofijether like Christians, and be kind in so doing. This is the best way to do business of this kind, more especially when we are doino- God's service. If you have afiy desire to be happy in this life, and rejoice with Jesus Chrisc our Savior, and with all his saints, who have washed their rob<^.s and made them white in his blood, you ANDREW JACKSON. 57 * raust repent of all thene things and turn to God and live a new life. God required repentance in fuiiner j ears. God is ilie same, and therefore it is your duty to repent, and confess and forsake your sins, and turn do God and live for him who died for you. 1 appeal to your understanding as a man. I appeal to your reason as a member of the Free- will Baptist Church ; do you understand the definition of your profession. I think not. I understand the term freC' will lo give each peison the power of acting at their own pleasure in the sight of the great omniscient eye of iTe- hovah. You must remember that I tell you the truth in love and you must obey this truth. Unless you do so you will soon see the infamy you have brought upon your own head by that spirit of avarice and covetousness, which diabolical spirit alone has controlled your judgment, and you have lost sight of every noble principle of humanity, and turned away from God, and have p-one after Satan. I am sure the eye of God is upon you. Hehas a book of record in which all your bloody crimes are registered. O what will be your condition when the grim monster, death, is breaking vour tender heart strings ! When your nails on those fin- gers which seized the little children in their infancy, are turning blue ; and when your sparkling eyes are sinking in your head ; and when your feet that now convey your mor- tal frame, are cold like clay ; when your last hope of re- covery is lost in darkness, gloom and despair, it will doubt- less be a sad moment to tyrants then ; when your deathless spirit must take itsfiightto meet its final doom. Receive ye the word of the Lord ; Isa. iii 10, 11. Say ye to the righteous that it shall be ill with him ; for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. Woe unto the wicked, it shall be ill with him ; for the reward of his hands shall be given him. i thank God for the prospect of the righteous. I see the glorious promises that are held forth to us in the gospel. — Although you may deprive us now of our rights, and earn- ings, and of ail the fruits of our doings, it shall be well with us when we shall hear the welcome applaud, '' come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world :" But to the wicked, ungodly oppressor, ho will say, "depart from me ye cursed, " E 5 58 ^ LITE AND AbVENTimES into everlasting punishinenf, preparer! for the devil and liis anj^els, iVoni tlie foundation of the world," I am bound to do all in my power to put down villainy of every description, and stand up for the spread of the Gos- pel of light. CHAPTER V. And for this reason I disregard the opposition of all ilie wicked, ungodly oppressors, with all their influence. I stand tirm : Christ is my rock and my salvation. Lord, thou God of Daniel ! thou who didst deliver the Hebrew children out of the fiery furnace, 1 thank thee for thy loving kindness, O God ; for thou hast delivered me in time of trouble out of the hands of these my enemies, with all their blood-hounds and bull-dogs. Yet'thou truly hast been my strength in all my affliction, and sorrow, and grief and pain, which came upon me while I was laying in jail sick, near unto death, but through the mercy of God I have not a doubt or fear. When I read thy promises, I find that they that put their trust in the Lord cannot be confounded. I have not taken this noble God-like stand in self-defence, Dor simply in defence of man ; but as a Servant of God I have taken it in defence of my Redeemer. Think, He it IS that you thus insult. He it is that you treat with so nriuch contempt. While I write, let me direct your atten- tion to the motto of learning knowledge. ^. B. While I write my eye is fixed upon an object of nature. I saw a cat deprive the little helpless robin of its young. I saw the bird in agony, and all the birds appeared to feel the loss of a fellow bird, and sympathize with that poor httle robin. Although they were not all r©bins, yet they were all birds, and possessed the nature of birds, how- ever difierent in form ; they knew it was a bird, though it was of a dili'erent color ; it was justly entitled to their sympathy. 'VVhcn I can gaze upon' the free love, and the kin«i affection exhibited amonor the fowls of the air, I asked my Father of heaven and earth, can it be true that man is the worst being of all thy creation. It appears clear to my mmd that everything: has more nfl'ection than a slaveholder. ANDREW JACKSON. 59 We have this fact established even among our beasts. When we drive a cow away {ron\ her calf she is apt to run back to it. We may take the mare away from the colt, and she will run back to it ; but you ungodly oppressors are so hard and so wicked, that you sell infants — taking- them from fathers, mothers and every right. I cannot describe my feelings when I look around me and see the affection of birds and brutes, ic makes me think of my dear Redeemer in his condescension toward suffering humanity. Now if per- sons all possessed the same spirit of kindness of these things where nature has not been controlled by prejudice, there would not be one found in all our country that could live by robbery or by fraud ; if persons all had the spirit of Christ, we would not see poor mothers weeping for their children as we do. — Now we notice the contrast ; the cat took the helpless bird : man was guilty of the depredation of taking" the helpless child. The cat did not take a cat ; but man has taken his felloit; man. Stephen Claypool, thou art the man. Thus spake Nathan unto David : 2d Sam. xii 7. Think of this matter. How can you endure the thought of appearing before that God who cannot look upon sin with the least allowance, with his heart-searching eye. And if you fear offending God, emancipate your slaves! Have you a desire to make heaven your home, then see to it that you emancipate your slaves ! If you are desirous to be a happy man, emancipate your slaves ! And if you will be honest with God and men, emancipate your slaves ! If you expect to see vital piety increase, emancipate your slaves ! If your intention is to adorn the doctrine of Christ, eman- cipate your slaves ! If a spark of the love of God is in you, emancipate your slaves I I kindly entreat you to emancipate your slaves ! I call upon you in the name of Christianity to emancipate your slaves ! If you wish to see the prison house of oppression blasted, emancipate your slaves ! I appeal to you in the ii|me of suffering humanity, emanci- pate your slaves ! t^') ^ I-IFE AND ADVENTURES OF 1 beseech you in the fear of God, by this entreaty, to eman- cipate your slaves ! If you ever expect to see your children industrious and en- terprising, emancipate your slaves ! It you are desirous to see this Union prosper, emancipate your slaves ! If you are desirous to see the price of your land increase, emancipate your slaves ! If you wish to see millions of God's poor have equality, you must emancipate your slaves! I plead with you before God to set the example like a Christian before all persons, by emancipating your slaves, — give them their Liberty, and make them yo°ur friends. Let them become land-holders and tax-payers, and not taxable property and then you have placed them in a condition that will make them industrious, and also an enterprising people. But if you do not believe my kind entreaty, just try the ex- perinient and the natural growth and prosperity of the coun- try will prove the truth of my assertion. I call your attention to God's instruction, Malth. x C, 7, IG 20. But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel : — And as ye go, preach, saying the kingdom of heaven is at liand. Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves : Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. But beware of men ; for thev will scourge vou in their synagogues, and ye shall be brought before ^goiernors and kings tor my sake, for a testimony against them and the trentiles. But when they deliver you up, take no thouMu how or what -ye shall speak ; for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. For it is not ye that speak, but the spirit of your lather which speaketh in you." The instruction which we have is of great value ; it is holy just and true. Even in Marcellus I was dra^rged from the synagogue ; in Stockbridge they hurled rotten e|gs at me, and m Fenner I was stoned ; in Gallenton I was compelled to mark my path with blood. But God says, " Go into," ^-c We ^vl]\ notice the contrast between the teaching of God and man. ^our command reads, go into the kitchen, and preach saying, servants be good, and obedient to your master and mistress, and love them and servo them ; telfthem not to take any thing ofi of the plantation wiliiout their master's leave • ANDREW JACKSON. 6i and by all means be sure and not spend too much time in se- cret prayer. God tells us to pray always. You know very well that you are violating the holy law of God in keeping slaves. CHAPTER VI. I am not speaking to you in the heat of my passion. I speak deliberately and calmly ; not in haste, but with solemni- ty and godly sincerity, in my illiterate state. I am striving, through great difficulties, to do all I possibly can to advocate justice in the land, and advance the cause of God in bringing about emancipation, so I can return to my native land again, from whence I came. Although it is now barren and unfruit- ful, I see what it would be if slavery was not existing there. I am truly astonished to see the wide contrast which is now before me between free labor and slave labor. I see in Can^ ada hundreds of fugitives living with their wives and children on their lots, peaceable ; yet they wish to return home. ! I leave this place and pass over into the Empire State. Lo ! I find a greater contrast ; I see on every hill and in every val- ley, the effect of free labor, — enterprise far beyond all calcu- lation. I find on this little stream, grist mills, and saw mills, paper mills, &c. Shame, shame, on the whiskey stills. I have not forgotten that you once followed that business, making man the curse of his companion, and also of his race, — destroying all the noble powers of the mind, which alone distinguishes nian from a brute. I ask what can be the reason of such a distinction betiveen Northern enterprise and virtue, and Souths ern ignorance and concubinaore. Every thing is flourishing where I am. Here husbands ap- pear to love their wives, and wives reverence their husbands. I do not speak of an individual ca^e; I use this as a com= mon term — a term which it calls for all over the section from whence I came. But they, where I came from, live like a pack of quarrelsome dogs, — who will and who shall, — - — ■ ! Shame, shame, for the rights of a person are not known among slaves, and nabobs who claim them. I hope, sir, you have ceased to do evil, and learnt to do well : ^0 5celi i'ldgni'^n*, and to r^ievg the needy antl oppressed ; to # b'2 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF judge the fatherless, and plead for the widows. O, friend, come, let us reason together ; let us be kind with each other. I will request one thing more in the defence of my own country — that is, let every one loose his own slaves in the fear of God! I am called upon to reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering, and doctrine. I may in all probability attempt to give the reader some kind of history of my perils in my min- istry, in which I have engaged under the blood-stained ban- ner of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. But I intend to continue the conflict, till I win the prize that all those shall be blessed, with that continue until the end, to watch and pray, guarding against everything that shall tend to destroy philan- thropy among men, wherever we may happen to have our lots cast. I am resolved to see my country free from slavery and from rum. I am resolved to see the day that we can have Bi- ble Missions in our own country. I am aware that you can act your part to send the Bible and the Gospel to Hayti, or to Bur- man, or to the coast of Africa, to the heathen there, or estab- lish churches there, and admit slaves to be considered the fol- lowers of our Savior, and at the same time living in a state of fornication. I know this to be the case among your slaves, and 1 know that it is the case in all places among you where you have churches established. I write not these things to you in derision of Christianity ; it is with sorrow and regret that i speak of them. They have been allowed to go on to an alarming extent. 1 ask you to think about these matters with solemnity, and with Christianity to proclaim toall the world that you^ are sick of slaveholding, and man stealing, and woman whipping, and child selling. I am sure that such a state of thino-s is natural wherever slaveholding is practiced^ A na- tion that is guilty of such highhanded robbery, the Loi'd hath spoken unto. Hark, hear ye the wotd of the Lord, O my friend, for I am now going to enter into a scriptural argument. i ask you to follow me in .this train of thought. Mat. iii, 2. «' But who may abide the day of his coming, and who shall stand when he appeareth ; for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fuller's soap. 3. And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness. 4. Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto \}m Lord, as in the davs of % ANDREW JACKSON. 53 oltl and as in former years. 5. And I will come near to you to judgment, and I will be a swilt witness ac^ain^t the sorcer ers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and agamst those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and fear not me saith the Lord of hosts. 6. For I am tlie Lord, I change not, therefore ye sons of Jacob are not con- sumed. 7. Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine ordinances and have not kept them • return nnto me and I will return unto you saith the Lord of hosts — But ye said, wherein shall we return ? Will a man rob God t yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, wherein have we robbed thee r In tithes and ofierings. Ye are cursed with a curse, tor ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. '» I ask you to look at yourself and see how you rob God's gospel will tell. Math, xx, 42. '' For I was an hungered and ye gave me no meat, (spiritual meat,) I was thirsty and ye gave me no drink." I here relate to havinrr been wretchedly tFeat- ea. I ask you to think of it, what do you suppose our feelinT^ must be, knowing that we are hungry, and feel that we aTe thirsty, seeing ourselves naked and in poverty. I ask you my dear friend, where do you suppose that a human being can find happiness placed in this condition ? I tell you there is not any. All IS darkness and gloom the most dismal of any thing that mortal man can imagine ; the mind is in a state of moral dark- itcss. It IS more than I can do to tell what slavery is. There IS not any person upon the earth except victims who have felt the misery which slavery inflicts upon persons of all grades, of all colors, from the purest white to the deepest black, of every age, of the old and of the infant. Such is the patriotic insti- tution, or else the organic sin, yea that institution which bids defiance to God and to the government established by the au- tiiority of God, which I consider to be far paramount to the profligate, sublime, and peculiar institution of slavery andslave- holding; I must deal plainly and in love. You talk about an organic sin, a sin that all men are bound to uphold; and if there be any that refuse to go the whole hog he is self-righteous or ultra, or fanatic, because he has left the old party. But bet- ter IS it for us to leave our old friends, and old habits, and eve- ry old sin, and every old principU, and every old party, though it may bo the most popular party or an organic sin. I ask you it you are to be free Uofn individual responsibility ? I regard 61 Lll^L AND ADVENTURLS OF every person responsible for the death of all persons that are shot under pretence of law, when God has said thou shalt not kill. I would be understood ; when I .7 dear Redeemer with such contempt. I iaiow that God is a God of mercy, and he can save me and my poor dear little children ; and he is a God of justice, and I know that he wii! punish the nation that is engaged in the traffic of selling and buying human beings ; or in other words, dealing in souls : and may the God of heaven bless your souls and save therrj forever and ever. My exhortations and reasons why I takr the stand I do, is because it is right in the sight of God and an intelligent community. Yours in love, Your humble servant, A. JACKSON, of Kentucky. CHAPTER Vir. Again, my friend, permit me to remark that I do not vin- dicate the principle of reform, moral or ecclesiastiacl, nor po- litical, because it has the name of reform. I advocate these principles from the fact that I see that the age in which we live does require that every citizen should examine into the rights of every person, to understand when their own are safe. I deny the assertion that men sometimes make, that if the poor, illiterate, crushed sons of our native soil be permitted to say who shall be their law makers or their rulers, they will be the aristocracy of our country. T should not have supposed that an intelligent person would ever have harbored a thought of that kind ; but I will admit it may be the case : then we should all be the better. If your theory be correct, which I shall not deny, then I will take you upon your own ground and beat you, admitting that these persons should redeem themselves from their degradation and rise to an eminent state by the res- toration of their rights. Behold the crushed intellect, smothered by aristocracy. I Call upon you, reader, to stop. You will soon be arrested and brought before the tribunal bar of God, and then I ilnd there will be no more opportunity for you to delay your suit. — Ij will be too late for you to attend to this great matter when God shall call yon to appear before his shining face. When that penetrating eye is sternly fixed upon thy heart, then it will be made manife.st to all the world what you have been f2 6S LIFE AND ADVENTURES OT doiiif' bv making slaves of millions of those persons here in our coaiilry that have a right to be protected according to the Constitution of the United States. ! remark, that in proportion as light continues to increase m this land and nation, the infamy and cruelty must naturally increase, from the fact that the longer a nation continues to procrastinate the more wicked it is; ycci, more diabolical and mean — 'tis contemptible. Slavery in a land of Liberty ! I deny the existence of any such thing : it is absurd — there is not any such thing — there is no reason in such an assertion. I will try to give you some reasons why I take such vehement ground : it is because I know that the two things that are brought to our view — Liberty and Slavery ! are antagonists : they cannot exist upon the same soil, or under the same gov- ernment ; they are at war with each other. One is to exclaim to the other, " I will have the country — old Liberty, get off of me !" And then you hear illustrious Liberty exclaim, " Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty I" I know tiiat I have got tliat spirit, and I shall surely triumph by pressing my way oil, amid all opposition. With this spirit I mean to go on, till I see the last person free, and each inhabitant rejoicing with his own wife and chil- dren, around him, under his own control, or under a govern- ment that will take off all unjust restrictions, and see that the wants of the needy are all supplied by throwing around the strong principle of justice according to reason or righteous laws, that are holy, just, and kind, administered with an eye single to the honor and glory of God. 1 do believe that a gov- ernment established upon this principle, would render us a hap- py people, a healthy people, and also a virtuous and intelligent people, an enterprising and a wealthy people, and if so, then let us have a government upon this principle. It will make every intelligent citizen feel that he has a duty to perform as an inhabitant, and then it will naturally follow as a matter of course, that the greater part of all our community would be striving to understand what our rulers are doing with the pub- lic money. This is the duty of every citizen to understand what is their duty, and pry into the proceedings of the gov- ernment, nnd see that they administer it according to the Constitution of the United States. Let me lay before you a fugitive's thoughts under this gov- ernment. 1st. What business has a class of ungodly nnen to ANDREW JACKSON. 6^ that which I have toiled to earn. You tell me the law takes it, ] I will admit that the law takes it ; but tell me, will you, who it I is that use it? It is not the law that is so avaricious. The law i neither eats or pockets any thing. Why then, I begin to in- 1 quire, is the law so foolish and so deeply concerned about that ■ which is none of its business. " 0, well, well, the lawyer has to live." I know the lawyer has got to live ! I wish to know how the lawyer can live by that thievish law that always has robbed me and half starved me, and raced me down, — pompey and lion,- bose and tiger, all in pursuit of me. The lawyer must be a thief if he can live by the corn that I have toiled to make, which I cannot say I have^a right to use. Why, be- cause it all belongs to the law let the lawyer take it. I will tell you what I thought, fellow citizens; you are full of hy- pocrisy, who tell me that the law is a wicked thing, and very tyrannical. I am in the habit of stopping to think. Tell me a little more about the character of this bloody monster. How did he get into power 1 Did the tyrannical villain take his long horn and throw the senators and the peo- ple's representatives out of the legislative halls? 0, no. 'W^ell, friend, what fault can you find with a law that you acknow- ledge is innocent, — was never known to take the President's chair, or kick men out of the Senate ? Can the people get rid of national responsibility ? I answer in the negative. There is not a person upon the earth that can think what vice is tole- ' rated in that country by the slave power. But I must close my letter, to be continued by your request. O, let the God of peace comfort your hearts, and save your immortal spirits, even now and forever and forever more. A.J. F 3 70 LIFE ANI> Anvr.NTU'Rns OP READ W I T II CANDOR! ^\E MAY ALL BLUSH WHILE WE SCAN^ THIS MATTER ! AS A REPUBLIC, O SHAME ! ! While I write I have before me a plain testimony of the statements I have been making concerning our national dis- honor. I have in my possession a Southern paper, entitled " The Floridan : by S. S. SIBLEY, Tallahasse, Florida, Sat- urday, September 12, 1846 : Vol. xviii, No. 8." Any person by calling upon me can see the original, which I iiere have copied, by request it will be seen, by my readers. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. RANAWAY from the residence of the subscriber, (at New- port) about the 26th ult. his negro fellow SAM, a light color- ed mulatto, about five feet eight inches high, and about 40 years old. He walks with a stooping, lounging gait, hesitates and hems when spoken to, and wears whiskers. He speaks with a drawling, up country accent, and is rather an intelligent fel- low. He was raised in Early county, Geo., on the Scwhat- chee, some twelve miles from Blakely, and was there owned by Mr. John Roe. I will give twenty-five Dollars for his ap- prehension and delivery to me, or on his being lodged in the Tallahassee Jail ; and seventy-five Dollars in addition, for proof to conviction ot his being harbored by a white person. It is likely he mav have a pass, but it is forged if he has. JAMES ORMAND. Newport, Fla., August 15, 1846. 4t {j:^ Sentinel please copy. I suppose Mr. Ormond will not be mad at us for having complied with the request ; but great is the scandal to us as a people claiminjT the most glorious name of any other na- tion, and when we pick up a paper to inform our minds, the first thing we see is one of our citizens advertised because he has walked out where he can be among those in another clime, and under a diflerent form of government. I am glad that our boasted Republic, as you may call it, extends not o'er all the laud ; for if such a republic could be established, we ANDREW T.Ark'qoN', 71 should be doomed to live a life of degraded servitude, or vas- saled eternally. RUNAWAY IN JAIL. COMMITTED to the Leon County Jail, on the 18th inst., a negro man named COOK, about 75 years old. He says h*' belongs to Thomas Butler ; talks bad English. The owner is requested to come forward and take him away, or he will be dealt with according to law. J, W. SHERWOOD, Jailor. July 26, 1846. i When I see poor old persons, who are old enough to sit down quietly and take comfort in the enjoyment of their early labor, 1 find that in this glorious land of gospel darkness and oppres- sion, they must be chased, hunted and shot like tigers. It is a disgrace to our nation — a scandal to you as a republic, and a sin in the sight of God, ; therefore it is the duty of every per- son that can write to be up and doing. How can we slumber 1 I am filled with new zeal when I see these things before my eyes. My God ! my God ! What shall we come to if these things are to be let pass unrebuked by us ministers of Christ ! BROUGHT TO JAIL, AT Troupville, Lowndes County, Georgia, on Monday the 1st ult., a negro fellow, about 5 feet and between 6 and 9 inches high, very straight built, walks quite erect, with a complexion inclined a little to yellow, very intelligent, speaks fluently, countenance inclined to be grave when not speakinfif, teeth quite small, says his name is ALFRED THOMAS, and also says that he is free, that he has been a sailor, but was brought to Augusta, in this State, by his guardian^ who carried him to Florida as a team driver, and was left on foot by his guardian, with little or no money, and directions to return to Augusta, to which place he said (when taken up) he was making his way. The owner or owners of said negro, (if any he have) are requested to come forward, pay expenses, and take him away. MORGAN G. SWAIN, Jailor. Troupville, Sept. 2, [12] 1836. 8 9t W^hat can be more revolting to nature, what must be the condition of that man's heart who gave us the above intelli- 72 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OP fence. Hj informs us the man with a black skin is very in- telligent, though our oppressors say we cannot learn any thing ; but when it is necessary to publish the true character ot a man, then we are inlbrmed that these persons are intelli- gent, and when this is acknowledged by slaveholders them- selves, we cannot doubt these things, for we see this fact devel- oped to every honest person. When we see these poor crushed beings make their happy escape, and get an education, we can begin to see and realize to some extent how slavery tends to destroy the intellectual and the perceptive powers which be- long to man as the birthright of every intelligent being. But notwithstanding all these rights, wc must be hunted and taken up in the highway, brought before wicked rulers, and condem- ned, cast into jail like thieves, because we cannot show a free pass, as they term it. Although we tell the whole world we are opposed to monarchical government, we cannot be enti- tled to the rights of citizenship until we land our heads into a monarchical government, and there we are found destitute of all the comforts of life, although we have been toiling for years. O how can any one doubt the wrongs which we are compel- led to endure 1 When you read their advertisements, I ask you what crime under the sun can be committed that these men would not commit, who have given us their names in staring capitals. I am of the opinion that some of you would make as much noise as I do, were yo"u to realize this matter as you should do. And remember, those that are in bonds as bound with them ; you would not be found pray- ing for the spread of the gospel and the advancement of Christ's glorious kingdom, and through a wicked prejudice these men cling to these parties which stand connected with men that are so contemptible and worthless as to subscribe their names to these advertisements in our free and boasted republic. I recommend the propriety of taking such per- sons up for such outrages upon all laws of honor and de- cency among a civilized people. And I have now in my possession another document, which contains the following advertisements : $100 REWARD. RANAWAY from the subscriber, living on Herring Bay, Ann Arundle County, Md., on Saturday, 28th January, ne- gro man ELMAH. who calls himself Elijah Cook, is about AxNDREW JAX'KSON 73 21 years of age, well inade, of a very dark complexion, has an impediment in his speech, and a scar on his left check bone, apparently occasioned by a shot. J. SCRIVENER. Annapolis, (Md.) Rep. Feb'ry, 1837. * Notwithstanding he is well made he must be shot, and it is evident from marks on his cheek that the attempt was made with the design to kill. May I not be allowed to plead with christian fortitude against this God provoking wrong. $-10 REWARD. — Ranaway from ray residence, near Alobiic, two negro men, ISAAC and TIM. Isaac is from 25 to 30 years old, dark complexion, scar on side of the head, and al"- so one on the right side of the body, occasioned by a buck shot. Tim is 22 years old, dark complexion, scar on the ritrht cheek, as also another on the back of his neck. Cap- tains and owners of steamboats, vessels, and water crafts of every description, are cautioned against taking them on board, vmder penalty of the law ; and all other persons against har- boring or in ouy manner favoring the escape of said negroes, under like penalty. ' SARAH WALSH. Mobile, Sept. 'l. JMontgomenj (Ala.) Advertiser, Sqil. 29, 1837. §200 REWARD. — Ranaway from the subscriber, about three years ago, a certain negro man named BEN; commonly known by the name of Ben Fox. He is about five feet five or six inches high, chunky made, yellow complexion, and has but one eye. Also, one other negro, by the name of RIG- DON, who ranaway on the Sth of this month. He is stout made, tall, and very black, with large lips. I will ijive the reward of One Hundred Dollars for each of the above negroes, to be delivered to me or coilfmed in the Jail of Lenoir or Jones County, or for the killing of them so that I see them. Masters of vessels and all others are cau- tioned against harboring, employing, or carrying them away, under penalty of the kw. W. D. COBB. Lenoir County, N. C, Nov. 12, 1836. You may call this the land of the brave Or the home of the free ^ it is ^he land of oppression. You all can well sce> G 7-4 LlFb AND ADVENlUFxLl. OK By rule they rob man and luaKc lii»n u slave? Our captains forbidden to employ men, Whom God hath gave a diflfcrent skin, Bartered for iron and sold ofT like tin. By whom is this done? — come make up your mind, The slave-holder's son his brother will bind. When I read these names it did not astonish me. — I was once shot at in my native state, when I was hired out. 1 bless God for preserving from harm then. Let us look at our christian responsibility, friends, and see if Ood holds us accountable for these things. O^my christian friends, I feel that I am truly responsible ; and doubtless I am not the only person who can feel upon this alarming subject, which some persons tell us is destroy- ing the harmony of the Church. You may think so ; but if we must have agreement it must not be by a sacrifice of prin- ciple. I w'ill not make any appeal to the sympathy of my readers to act like men. — Because we are cat-hauled, this is not slavery. My father was opossum hauled, and this is worse ; but this is not slavery. I will give my author : it was the young man, ELIAS WALL, that did it. But this is not slavery. What is slavery? I will show what it is if you will look at it. You cannot see it until you take off your steel spects, and put on a pair of republican spects. Then you can see plain and clear what this system is. Let your son be lock- ed in a black, dark dungeon, deprived of every ray of light save that which naturally shines through the iron grates. This is slavery ; but you say, O your sons are Not in Ihc black, dark dungeon, Dick ; They are, and I can prove it quick : •Just look at the millions of our race, Whom these bloody tyrants chase. Sec them running o'er your hills, Upheld — supported by your wills; They lock these men up in your Jaiis^ Then pay your sheriff off in bills. Is this not black and dark indeed, To rob (hctse persons now in need ! ANDREW JACKSON. ^ 75 III their behalf we all shoukl plead, Restore that freedom which we need. Now sustain that glorious prize — - Prepare to meet me in the skies, Beyond the whip, the grief, the s'ghs, Where Christ will wipe his servant's eyes. ii you spurn these principles, fny friend. No assistance can he lend, You will have no Christ with you in the end; Unless sinners will attend Destitute of Heaven and bliss, ToHis word, obey His call; In pain and anguish, with distress. His free bounty is for all. "What a solemn thought we have when we turn our attention and see our present condition in life. We have blessings spread before us for our enjoyment, yet we see men turn away from Christ — away from God, and all that is endurable. Let us look to our own safety, and to the safety of our glorious Republic ! Will you refuse to adhere to this 1 Can you any longer delay, while these wrongs are heaving in view? Let Reason speak from North to South, and Justice echo from East to West, and bid these men who cherish the name of re- publicans, to rise and enjoy citizenship among us. To this end, and for this cause, I pray Almighty God to instruct u.> now and forever more, &.c. M. G. A. JACKSON,- g2" t6 LIIE AND ADVENTURES OF Facts briefly sketched for every honest Reader : BY A. JACKSON. "With a fine composition of his, to show the folly of some wicked persons. By giving you a history of facts in a kind of a poetic style, it will be noticed. Your hands are full of blood. It appears very evident that God is speaking to us by the mouth of His prophet. I per- ceive the words of the text are sentimental and applicable to this Nation, and to all who are adding continually to this foun- tain of blood. Your hands are full of blood. Every person that will not condemn the institution whenever they are in- formed on this point, is guilty, when found supporting, up- holding, and sustaining this sum of all villainy. There are persons who claim the name of christians, and at the same time will lend their aid in favor of tyranny and oppression, &c. The following Facts are published by request of some friends. I know of a truth we can walk by faith, and we must put forth such efforts as the nature of the case requires. And in eU places and at all times, under all circumstances, we will speak out against the system of Slavery, and against the use of Rum. These are two of the greatest antagonists we have ever been brought in contact with, and they must and shall be put down, I pronounce them anti-christian as well as anti-republican. This is true, and we must meet it in eve- ty spot on our free soil, under our own free laws, and by our Own free will in His own way, by His own power, keep your 6ye on the object. Lose not sight of the great prize, union with God and all good people ; but no fellowship with bad persons, — such as tempt God and enslave his image. Who can see these things and call it christian treatment ? This 18 the best that I can do now — keep on thinking, and speak- rng, and voting. Six Cents, and e:one. I will put on your name. Andrew Jackson. ^ HENRY SMITH. ANDREW JACKSON. 77 1 The dear slave's blood, behold it flow ; It forms a flood ; see it go ; The sister's tears are dripping" down — For all your sins my God will frown. 2 He will revenge for all such wrong, You who infring-e by armies strong, And claim (he name of being brave, Still by this fame you bind the slave. 3 While every heait of flesh should feel. You take a part with men that steal : May God forgive us all our sins, And relieve us from all pains. 1 speak of a Truth. Through heat and cold I toil for man ; 'Tis not for gold, like others can, But virtue now is all our aim, Come let us show our country's fame. Come, ye freemen, show your own fame ; Rise, brave seamen, each right redeem ; Rend asunder those foolish rules, Make no blunder — spurn such fools. Men should all sjnirn such base, wicked, abusive, oppres- sive wretches. BROOME COUNTY, N. Y. April 1st. I lectured in the Scool-house, near Mr. Mar- tin's, to a dense congregation. All the respectable part of my hearers behaved with res- pect; but some few poor mean fellows, came into the house stamping, and I continued my remarks, pressing the truth, reg^dless of the wicked and diabolical luflians of all my enemies. Some of them cried with a loud voice. I let my (rod admonish them, by spreading His glorious, pure gospel before every mind, that was willing to receive it and profit thereby. 3 7b LIFE AND AUVr.NTUUKS OF And by this time the uiifToJly thought they had comple- ted their object ; they had the school-house door broken into many oieces, nnd beat me on the head with snow balls, and had a rail in the house, but not one man put hands on me. 1 thanked God and took courage, exhorting all per- sons to fear no evil ; that God would uphold us and protect us from all danger. Alas, how scandalizing to themselves. Wc had other remarks by my friend Green, &;c. I seen a man, From the bar-room, And if I can, I'll show his doom. By your power, With your votes, Those who cower And turn your coats. His head I know Is out of trim ; His acts all show What ruined him. It was old gin Drove out his mind ; It is a sin To aid this kind. Can we not end This horrid wrong, And as a friend, Wield power strong. Oneonta Is the town ; JSee the bounty Runnin'' down. I sec that slavery is a curse ; — it is not simply a curse to man because he is black or white, but it curses both. Dear fellow traveler I am sure it is calculated to curse all the hu- man ra(*e. Now view it, while it tends to destroy honor and honesty of one, it succeeds in blotting out every prin- ciple of virtue and reason in the other class. I ask what can brini; any evidence to show us that slavery is not a curse'? This fact is too sublime, founded on justice, and upheld by reason, therefore man cannot deny the truth of rny statements. I do abhor the diabolical institution, yea, let every body abhor it, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters. Behold this God provoking outrage. All Christians, and lovers of republican principles, should abhor it vvith a deep and bitter abhorrence, and be found opposing that accursed and soul destroying institution. Many are standing con- pected with persons who arc usiuL^ all their power in up- ANDREW JACK.^ON. 79 holiiinp- this sinful nutraoro, that is hiddinp- men to ronlinue in sin. MY REASONS WHY SLAVERY SHALL DIE. I understand it to be in direct opposition to every thing good. Therefore it conflicts with the law of good men, and if so, it must be put down ; yea it shall be overthrown. I speak with confidence, knowing as we all do that we must stand firm, saint-like, yea patriot-like, Christian-like, demo- cratic-like, yes, true republican-like, yea, more sublime, God-like, and then let us look at the result; we see free- dom with all its beauty, yea, with glorious, superior rules of right, &:c. And in the way of conclusion I allude to some facts up- on which you may rely, and I hope every person will read and understand what God demands. And what are the dic- tates of common sense and sound reason, in every depart- ment in life. We have the ability to understand the rela- tion we hold to each other, and therefore I think it folly for me to consume time in showing you the nature of this vile institution. My dear dying friends and fellow travelers to eternity, 1 see what this treacherous institution is doing in the land. Do you wish me to show you sir 1 Yes sir, I am wishing to see what is making so much noise. 1 am searching after the glorious and the sublime principles of republican security, for I am honestly convinced that we aa a nation are ruined and undone forever, unless we take hold with all faith and redeem our civil and religious liberty.— You know we have been driven out of our school house, and our churches have been locked against men who ask the privilege to inform us. And 1 am determined to see and hear for myself, and act with regard to the sanctifica- tion, and the justification of my own soul. All I ask is to see and if you can show me, I will be glad. I can show you quickly, all you wish to see, if you will take off them old pro-slavery specks which you have used until you can- not see through ihern to discern a man from a mouse — this is a true statement, for ifi relation to the killing of a mouse there is not '^'^'<' ^ -^ ever takes notice of it. Neither is Q 4 so i.llK AMU auvf.ni ri}eopl»'s rights. Ilaik, O hark ! hoar the chains rattlin, ?;--'- ANDREW JACKSON. 81 What gentleman's horse is loose, look out. What is the mat'er, do you see anything 1 I see a large company of slaves just drove into jail over across the street — what a sight —is this all a dream 1 No, it is a fact 1 I ask how in the light of reat^ou you can tell me we are elevating men in this nation to high and ollicial stations, who are so con- temptible as these persons that virtually consent to every thing like rascality injustice and bloodshed. Suppose wc know of a lion and tiger, both in this neighborhood, and the fact is ascertained that all the sheep are in danger of being devoured, pigs not excepted. I see where they go in and tell everybody. I know the very spot where they get in. — John, w^ell why do you stand still then and let all them pigs and sheep be killed 1 Because I am not able to prevent them from coming in, all the fence is down all along the South side of the field, and I thought it best to pull down this part up north, and then these devouring animals will starve to death, and then you feed them so that they will die quick. Votes are what feed old tyrants. Again we may take another case to elucidate this great matter. Here we have men amons' us who denominate themselves Liberty men, — and indeed these very men, will not vote for a man unless he is a Liberty party man — this is good — but do we find men true? Fes when it is convenient, but some of this kind of men will cling to the old pro-slavery church, and pay out their money to the devil's undcr-strapper. The best thing we can do is to remember him that speaks and the work is done. S2 LIFE ANI> AnVEXTUIlRR Journal of the Travels and bketches of A. JACKSON, Tiiii Kentucky Slave: 111 1816-7, and 14 months Labor. T have concluded it proper as well as just to g-ivc to tlie world an account of myself. April 1, 1846. I lectured in Ward Smith's school house. Notwithstanding" the Peace Officer was called upon to keep order, we had a very good time. The drunken, rebellious wretch kept silent. On the 2d I lectured near Mr. Whoii's. Good order was observed. It was moved and seconded and a vote of the meeting was taken, that we return the speaker a vote of thanks for his eloquent address. It was carried unani- mously. On the 3d I lectured at Hull's Corners, and made it my business to show them our national responsibility, and af- ter I had spoken upon this topic I was about to close my remarks I was requested to continue. I did so. We had a very little annoyance by some few ruffians. One of the friends tried to silence them, but in vain was the efibrt. I remarked that such things did not interrupt me. I have a class of persons in my meetings that I term niggards. — They will not hear themselves, and them that wish to hear they hinder, and nig them out of tlieir right. All was silent j I appealed to facts as evidence to expose the wickedness of our United States from the time of our old revolutionary war to the present time. The curse of slavery has been at war v^ith all our institutions, whether moral, political or ecclesiastical arrangements Under those (considerations, I looked at the spirit of remonstrance exhibited by the brave men of our nation against taxation, and now what are the people doing, I say fellow citizens ; they are taxed worse. In my remarks upon temperance I dwelt upon the liible against Rum and other strong drink. On the 5th I preached a discourse from the text, " Make a chain :" Ezek. vii, 23 — at the Wandle school-house, not without success. I attcmlcd meeting willi brother Bars low iu the forenoon. In the eveninp- wo had a frood old ANDREW JACKSON. 83 fashioned shout near Mr. Shorfield's, in llaniiibal. My ob- ject was to conviiicG the people of our suiTering-s. i was successful in gaining some, doubtless. On the 6th I lectured in McCnusey's school-house. I had a civil time and large coniri'cgation. On the 7th, lectured in the^Canada school-house. We had a little annoyance, while I was treating upon the du- ty of men's teetotally abstaining from the sin of all strono- drink. I can see no distinction in pro-slaveryism and runi^ ism. This is the position I occupied and ever have main- tained vehemently. On the 8th, lectured on Broad Ridge to a dense cono-re- gation. I related facts on the occasion that received'^the approbation of all respectable persons. On the 9th, lectured at.the Bracket school-house. On the 10th, lectured at Ilannibalville. I have not any reason to think hard of any class of people at all. I got free access to the hard oppressive characters, and in the fear of God I admonished them. Home remarks were made by a friend, which gratified me. He spoke in behalf of down trodden humanity with much zeal. ^ On the 11th and 12th, Ilectured and preached at Loom- is' Corners : we did well On the 13th, lectured in the Demass school-house. In the conclusion of my remarks I made an inquiry to know if I resembled a horse, an ox, or a sheep ; for if the law possessed power to make things of men, it could make any thing of them. I heard a low voice ; I understood it distinctly to say, 'you look like a sheep. In reply, I re- marked, we read of a separation which is to take place i When the son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with Him : then shall He sit upon the throne of His glory. And before Him shall be gathered all na- tions ; and He shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats : Matt, xxv, 31, 32, 33.— And He shall set the sheep on the right hand, but the goats on the left. Laughter, and some one said you may as well be still now. I continued to make such appli- cation as I thought proper. On the 14th, lectured in the Wilesey school-house. Hear the report : all still and well pleased with my plain princi- Ulea. I laid before my congregation the horrors of sin.— J54 LIFE AM) AnVENTLRES OF 1st. The sinfulness of usinjr liquor as a beverage. 2d. Ex- ceeding? sinfulness of slaveholding. 2d. The weighty res- sponsibility which is resting upon us. After a few 'striking and heart-searching remarks on those heads, 1 saidi must close ; but they requested me to rro on : I did so, exposing all manner of intrigue and prof- rio-acy, ^vith all their chicanery. Such is the true charac- {qt of slavery. Then can any honest person support it? No. Why then, I say, why not all the world oppose it? Yes, all the inhabitants of God's footstool should dethrone it. By your acts, with your votes, unless you attend to this great and all important matter soon, we are ruined eternal- ly. What is all your talking and praving going to accom- plish while you are found voting iu defence of the institution of slavery ? Mr. Williams was called for. He arose and made some very appropriate remarks. He said enough had been offer- ed on the subject, but he would give it his sanction. Then ho spoke of my mode of supporting myself by selling books, and thus ditrusing light among men. By the request of the congregation we had a few very candid remarks by the Rev? Mr. Armstrong, deliberately pressing upon the con- gregation the awful responsibility that must follow them, if God holds us accountable, as it has been so beautifully shown by our friend. This brother remarked to the peo- ple very kindly that he intended to examine the matter, and see if this outrage cannot be put away t>om among us. He closed with prayer, asking the blessing of God to crown the labors of servants with success, until all shall be free, and happy in the enjoyment of their God-given rights. On the loth, lectured at Wheeler's Corners. I think eve- ry person w'as well pleased. On the IGth, I lectured at the Hindman's school house. We had a little annoyance. I regret such heathenism in a christian land, or under our form of government, which piofesses so much republicanism, and yet attempts to gag down a slave. On the 17th, 1 had a respectable congregation and good at- tention, iu the Talman District, Oswego town. I can look nj)on such districts as this with joy, and not with regret, and prav that God may bless them, and save them by the applica- tion of Jesus' blood. ANDREW JACKSON- 85 On the 18th, lectured at Richards' Corners, and all the res- pectable part of the inhabitants behaved themselves with de- corum ; but there was a class of transgressors that acted con- temptible in the sight of God and all respectable persons. I called upon them in the name of all that was good and lovely, to repent, confess and forsake their old sins, and turn to God and live. 1 then continued my remarks : The leader called upon me to stick to the text. I replied to him by a quotation of the text — Eccl. iv, 1 : Job returned and considered all the oppressions that art done under the sun ; and drunkenness is one essential branch of oppression that is tolerated under the sun. I think this is sticking to my text ; all is very compre- hensive. View the preacher ; he viewed all sin. God sent me likewise to preach His gospel against all sin. I cannot throw off responsibility. Hear His command ; how forcible ; it is, be kind, and behold the tears of such as are oppressed. — I must be plain in my remarks upon this point ; and I then re- ferred to the 20,000 of God's poor that were sold from Vir- ginia, by wicked persons, and what a flood of tears was then beheld by the preacher, through faith, and they had no com- forter ; but they must be beat with clubs and gashed with whips and cow-hides to keep them quiet while heart from heart is rending. This is done to prevent them from being heard to shriek, while heart from heart is rending — nor to be joined again. Solemnity then prevailed ; the ruffians left the house with a stamping as they went. I closed my remarks by re- futing all objections, and then called upon any person to speak that wished to make any remarks. A neighbor rose to do so, and remarked that he was about as much of a stranger as the brother to whom we had been listening, and he also remarked that he had been hearing the truth, for he had been to the South, and saw a hundred human beings drove into the market, and then taken out and sold, one by one, whilst they were several- ly exhorted to a virtuous life, one by a father, another by a child, another by a mother, another by a son, another by a lit- tle daughter, and some of them by an old victim of the cruel spoilers. On the 19th, preached in the morning in Hall's District, to a respectable congregation. I expressed the principles of the gospel against rum, slavery, and all other sins in our land.— In the afternoon and evening 1 addressed meetings at the School-house near David Stevens'— and respectable congrega- so Lilt AND AUVENTURKS OF lions alicutlctl ; ^ood order was observed by the inhabilautg. ^Vc hud some vefy good remarks from a friend, directly to the point on individual duty in this matterr All was still. I took a vote for another meeting at this house, which was unanimous. The meeting was held, and the citizens attended ; all was quiet. I was made acquainted with Mr. Place, a warm friend to his raco, and also to God and to the poor bleeding slave?. He open the meeting with prayer. I then repeated the awful vision during a perfect silence. I began my remarks by simple comparison, thinking this would be the best way to convince my hearers that the text was appropriate to the occasion. I then proceeded, " and the city is full of violence." To es- tablish the fact, I referred to Washington City on the simple comparative supposition that we might have a good spring and fTood watering trough, and we would commence to clean the trough out, but the head of the spring is full of clay and poke, and all other kinds of trash. I represented Washington as the fountain of violence, from which spring gushes forth cru- elty and crime, misery and bloodshed. Until it is purified and made good by taking out the clay and filth that is repug- nant to all who have not shut their eyes, stopped their ears, hardened their hearts and stiffened their necks against the principles of purity and justice, little progress can be made in rendering the streams sweet and healthful. He that is guilty of establishing so foul a system as that of American slavery, has sunk himself to the lowest depths of degradation in the sight of God and in the estimation of all men who make the laws of God their guid3 ; and all who support such men and measures, are partakers of their guilt. The city is full of violence, for it takes away my liberty, makes me a slave, and compels millions of God's poor to live in a state of concubinage — all chastity lost — virtue with all its beauty lo«t to such helpless females. I declared this the worst of vi- olence, and cited other facts to prove my text, and closed with these words : Make a chain^ for the land is full of bloody crimes, and the cilij is Jull oj violence. I then gave way for any one to make remarks. The Rev. Mr. Place then rose and remarked that he would not detain the meeting but two minutes ; that the subject to him had been deeply interesting, and no doubt had been to every one. He said it was not to be wondered at that a victim of such a cruel Jwrong should become excited, knowing the wretched condition of the op- ANDREW JACKSO:V, 5 y( pressed millions. He l>roi.glit a great many truths to bear imghtily on the political duty ol' christians in regard to this subject, and closed with prayer. I lectured in the Wiltse District on the 2lst day of April I had a very respectable congregation and remarkable good order. I remarked first, th-.t for a person to hold slaves he or she must disregard God and the laws of God, that arc to be the Christian's guide through this world—and when a person has thus thrown off all responsibility, then and not till then, can a person be a slaveholder,— and as soon as a person has thrown off all personal regard for the sake of unjust gam, I ask, what is there then, that is too bad for that man to do 1 I am of the opinion that a person is in awful circumstances when in this situation, and eternally lost, andfit so, I thank God that we have a better -uide thaii to choose between all bad. Thou shalt not follow a mul- titude to do the work of the devil, or to do evil, to pass laws like those that have ruined millions of promising yourig persons, and is now trying to ruin as many more bv placiiig them under the bloody flag of this United States, and then set the hard laboring persons of the North to sup- port them in slaveholding that they may be able to stand upon the rights of the poor and helpless. April 22, I lectured in Sterling, Cayuga county, Lake District, to a large and well behaved cono-regation.* Text, Eccl. iv, 5 : "The fool foldeth his hands too-ether andeateth his own flesh." I first proceeded to est°ablish Uiis tact by supposing a slaveholder to be the fool and I be- lieve that I was successful in this oratory train of reason, without any chicanery, or in other words, sophistry, I clear- ing up the matter by one or two facts. 1st. Because it should De the object of every person as social beings to ele- vate man, to make him just what God would have him to be in all things that he does. I here charge you in the fear of God, if ibou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting: ot judgment and justice, as in Ohio, and not there only, but m Kentucky, marvel not at the matter, for he that IS higher than the highest regardeth, and there be higher than hey— God alone is greater than all those that call upon un- learned persons to support a law that God has not command^ ed them to establish under the sun— there is a time wherem ono man rulclh over another to his own hurt, and if the fugi- S8 Lll'L AND ADVt.NTURES OF live can understand language to undertake to argue before God, and men that must render an account to God, I ask if there be any that need try to excuse themselves ? no, not any. April 23, 1 continued my remarks upon the great question of universal ri^rhts in this nation, being as they should be. — I first took the Bible to prove the fact, and then I made some illustrations to show them my views upon the great national outrage perpetrated by these indivnduals that are so anxious to see our country free. O yes, colonize the colored people, — and slaveholders say, "0, I want the poor things sent home to their own country, and one would give a dollar, and ano/h- cr would give five, and ten was given by an old lady, and and another one hundred, and another one thousand, and a certain man five thousand — and indeed I remember when I had the privilege of attending the lecture in Bowling Green upon the colonization scheme. I could repeat his lecture in substance — if you wish to see your children industrious and enterprising, then colonize your slaves and send them to Li- beria — the young slaveholders saying with oaths, that he ought to be killed — if I had him out I would fix hiui for talking so — and so it went on, but at length the time came when the free colored people were to start — the man did not come — the old slaveholders said the reason was because 3Ir. Light had runaway and carried ofl' all their money and not any other person. I then put the question to the congregation, for anv person to answer. I then remarked you liave more sense than to believe that law can make human beings proverty — then I remarked, if so we will contest the matter. 1 am the sample, look at me — do I look like a horse, or a sheep, or a hog ? if you think so speak — all was still. I remarked, you do not believe that the law can make a man, a thing ? I heard a low voice which I understood to say, you look like a horse, 1 re- marked, I am very glad to hear any person that thinks so speak, so that I can tell where they be, and such persons ought to be known — in my opinion they expose themselves in judgment, and I closed by a {ew remarks applicabki to the universal principle of profligacy that is under the name of de- mocracy — that noble name thus treated with contempt by those that profess to loi'e the honored name of democracy — they all talk loud of Liberty and af;t out slavery by the old ANDKF.W JACKSON.- wicked rule, stick lo your party let it vfci vvliat it may— never iuIqcI principle rilick to liarty, and so ith;as been wilh tiio vvhig.^;^ and I see that uiiiess we corns back to our old principles all is lost in slooJi^M and we as a people shall sink down into ever- lasting disijrace, and I pray that God may t'orbid by the pow- er of truth and right. I did not have a large congregation but quiet and good order was observed by nearly all in the cou- o-refration." I undertook to prove that a man was incapable ot" choosing between two eviis — my reason was because ne is a selfish being, he cannot do anything right according to the government of heaven' 1 have had no room to complain ot any that have got common intelligence, and those that wish to make disturbance were so far beneath the notice of the honor of a person, or the dignity of a respectable gentlem.'dn, th'it I Hid not pay any atteniioa to them., April 29, I lectured in the Loni.>' Diatr'ct. 1 had a respec- table congregation in that place, and at the request of the congregation- I tarried in that vicinity and lectured in the same house, the t'oUowing evening, April 3'). I took the ground of uncompromising principle, do right and leave the result with God, let the world say what it may. God has be- sought us by his v/ord to love, and ho requires us to do it ; for to obey is better than sacrifice — then let us obey God that we may be strong, yea very strong in the strength of Israel's God. It is he that hath povrer to quench the flame— he hath deliv- ered me in time of need, I will put my trust in him, for in my time of trouble the Lord brought me off more than con- querror by his grace. And I have been bound, and by un- godly, wicked men. May 1st, I lectured at the Thompson District. I had. good attention, and was requested to address them again.— I complied with the requesi — spent the Sabbath, May 2d in Louis' District ; 3d, rained in the evening — gave them a history of the private evil that is now upheld, &c ; 4th, I lectured in the District near Mann's ; 5th, in the Thomp- son District; Gth, at Williams' Corners ; 7th, in the Emory District ; St'h, in Fulton village to W. Hasmall's congre- gation ; 9th, I remained at Salmons ; 11th, lectured near Mr. Dans, where, by request, I remained the 12th and lectured to a dense congregation — was asked how we could have entertainment without rum4 i reply to all persons if-) «IFF. VNJ) aOVKNTIRES OF May I3tlj, I leciureil at Boing's Corners. i attempted to show tlie cllect of Rum, and a certain old man declared that he could prove the system to be ju^t by the Bible. 1 asserted that the system ot' Slavery in the United States, as it is now practiced, leads to Rum drinking-, and Rum drink- ing will lead to fornication, and licentiousness, and profli- gacy in all places gnder the sun. wherever it may be prac- ticed, among any color, whether white or blacK'. I might well remark that the man who can take sides with the op- pressors, arc just as bad as the advocates of any organic sin — the old man said he would not enter into a discussion with a nigger. I remarked, since the gentleman has been so faithful to discuss as he has already done this evening, I conclude he considers me a man, and so 1 wish him to answer me. He refused to do it and held his peace. I re- marked to the contrresation that Rum drinkinjx had has- toned its wicked influence upon persons of good standing, and unless we take a consistent course to get rid of these things, and show to the world that noble spirit of manliness, a noble principle, that cannot be bribed by any contemptible old party prejudice, our profession is vain, and we as a peo- ple must tall by our disobedience, unless we return to God ; and take hold of the old monster aud give him a death blow with truth, shoot h\n} dovyn — aim between his eyes. — We will cull the Whig party one eye, and the Demo- cratic party the other, and the national reiormers the cen- ter of the head, and the votes the shot, and then we will establish "ourselves by our principles of duty. God will protect all his people by his grace, cMid direct them- May 14, 1 lectured at the school iiouse near Mr. Kellogg's and good attention was paid ; 1.5th, lectured at little Utica. Here 1 undertook to prove the outrage of Rum upon a per- son's uatural rights. First to carry out a political schenrie —the Rum seller is a political man, a party man, and a Whig or a Democrat, for Liberty men are pien that are guided by a pure principle. They will not deal out deatli 'at the bar, though it niay be the ruin of his own father, or a brother, or a neighbor, or any person that can bring three cents to degrade hlmselt^ And to prove the fact I re- marked of a truth it is truly necessary for them to n»ake nien drimk and then lead them up to the ballot box and hoi them up to vote with as great zeal as though the man had am>rl:\v Jackson. -91 sense enough to do his country justice. This I'act has not yet been denied and it cannot be denied — it is a fact that we all can see at State and Town Elections — alas, alas! Rum did it, we will confess, and may God forgive such a nation as this. The 16'h and I7th, Saturday and Sunday, I held meetings in the District called Dingle Hole and 1 had a rejoicing time in that pljce. A man named Web- ster had a meeting appointed in that place but he did not attend, and 1 was requested by the consent of the friends to improve the time. I did so by giving them a sermon upon Christian integrity. 19th, I lectured at Wright's District. All was quiet, and the people appeared to be well convinced of duty to God, and I found some of the inhabitants were well pleased with the truth I held forth on that evening ; — 20lh, I lectured at stony Arabia. A dense congregation at- tended. I remarked that a cannon had been fired at the bloody monster Run). May 21.st, I attended a temperance meeting at Bridge- port, Madison county. After some remarks made by Mr. D. and C. I was asked by a friend if I was not in the habit of speaking upon the subject of Temperance. I replied I am. I was then requested to take the stand. I did so, and made such remarks as I considered appropriate. A song was called for by a friend, and I gave them the Liberty Rail Road. A vote of the meeting was taken for me to re- main the next evening". It was unanimously carried, only one person voting in tiie negative — I accordingly lectured tlje following evening. Maj' 23d, I lectured at the red school house. I spoke there ao-ain on the 24'th, and at five o'clock in the Smith District,-and also in the evening ; 25th, lectured near Mr. Tuitle's; 26th, near Chapman's — iu the above meetings good order was observed. The 27th I lectured at the meeting house on the Lake shore. A disgusting Rum seller remarked that he had sold more liquor since license had been withheld than before. — I remarked it is just what I have been telling you, we have the proof of the text, this is the reason we must hold on to what we call principle. 28th, lectured at the School-house at State Bridge, to a res- pectable congregation. 29th, lectured at Lenox Basin. 30th, came to Syracuse, and preached there on the 31st to a dense congregation. h2 92 I.Il'E AM> AOVENTl RES 01- Juiic it'n, IcctLiicd to a still cuiigregation at the brick School hou.se in District No. 10. Put up with IMr. Monroe. Lec- tured on the 6th at a plcae call Hell's Hall' acre, and had a very respectable congregation, and some laughter. 1 must mark a few iiulividus who did not act becomingly, &c. 7th, lectured at the stone Schol-house, near Mr. Bowers'. On the Sih June, commenced my labors in Tompkins Co., and in my lectures through this county was kindly admitted into the orthodox churches of dilTerent denominations until I liad arrived at M'Lean ; and tiiere I could not have admittance into any o'' the flun-ches to plead the cause of the dumb, the down trodden and the oppressed, I pray that God may blut out these black deeds at McLean. On the 8th 1 lectured at West Groton, to a small congre- gation ; all was still. By a vote of the meeting lectured again in the church in that town to a quiet and attentive con- gregiition. Put up with Jacob Smith. On the 10th, lectured in the church at Groton Hollow, to a respectiible congregation. Again on the 11th in the same place, to a large congregation. 12th, at Peru, in the chapel. 13th, again. Morning of the 14th, a little distance from Mr. Underwood's, in the red School-house ; afternoon to an orderly congregation in the Grove : also in the evening in the sanie district, to a dense and quiet congregation. l-3tli, returned again to Peru, and lectured to a good con- gregation. 15th, at Freeville, to a respectable congregation in the house, with some rough characters on the outside. Thought them nnworthy of notice. 17th, at Dryden, to an orderly congregation. By unani- mous vote I consented to remain, and lectured at the same church to an audience who appeared to be universally satisfied with my explanation. 1 took the jrround that we stand res- ponsible to God and the people with whom we act. At McLean, on the afternoon of the 21st, preached under the broad canopy of heaven. 22d, lectured noar Mr. Mosier's. Had good order. 23d, in the Parker district. All the civilized part of the community was quiet ; but the uncivilized acted incfiably mean. This was in Cortland Co. 24th, at McLean, lectured from John iv, in Scofield's door ANIJHKW TAt'KSON. 03 yard. Tiie congregation was as quiet as could be expected, considering the wretched stand the professors took in behali' of the devil. 25th, at Fort Watson. No disturbance ; but I made sonic illustrations which produced laughter from some. 26th, at Little York, to a respectable congregation at ihc School-house. 27th, I held a meeting in the North District near Mr. Co- meiuess'. Full and quiet congregation. 28th, was in Lafayette. 29lh, lectured near Mr. Nottingham's in quietness. Re- turned to Syracuse. 3Uth, held a meeting at Clinton School-house, 6 miles north of Syracuse ; good congreo^ation out, and well behaved, July 1st it was so wet that I had no meeting. I returned to Syracuse on the 2d July, and found my friends going ahead with unshaken confidence. I left Syracuse after 5 o'clock, and lectured at La Fayette that night ; and as I had an op- portunity for conveyance, I proceeded to Tully one mile and a half south of the Corners. 3d, lectured northwest of Homer village, in the district near Mr. Crampton's. Went to Virgil, and had the pleasure of hearing the rights of all the children of God nobly vindicated. I could not hold my peace-— and as my soul was full of the spirit of God, I took the opportunity to press more vehemently our national res- ponsibity as citizens. I left that place after 5 o'clock, and that night went to Peru, 12 miles from Homer village. Held meetinii in the Grove on 'the 5th not far from Guthrie's. It was supposed we had between 500 and 600 persons present before noon. In the afternoon it rained. I made a few re- marks, and announced to the congregation that I would speak at Peru at 5 o'clock. Had but a few persons out. 6th, held a meeting in District No. 17 ; had a School- house full, and all was quiet. 7th, addressed a well behaved coneregation at Northville. 8th, in the evening, lectured in Aurora, near John Hus- sey's, to a very respectable congregation. 9th, at Spring Port, to a very good audience. 10th, in the evening, lectured at Seneca Falls. Lectured in the same place on the 1 1th. 12th, attended a meetine; in (xeneva. m LUK AM) ADVKNTL'KEi; OV 13tli, liaviiig received previous invitation i'lom Rev. Silas Hawley, attendeil an appointment at Peun Yan, in tlie brick School-house near Mr. Bigelow's, to an attentive congrega- tion. Continued to lecture to good congregations in, or in the neighborhood of that village on the 14th, 16th, 16th and 17th. ISth, lectured at Kinney's Corners, to a good congregation. Heard one v.hisper very distinctly "that is a damn'd lie.'' I replied, it is not a damned lie, sir ; I have not undertook to es- tnhlisli the great temperance reform by lying, I have the word of God to bear witness agrainst the use of strong drink. I then referred to the prophesy : Isaiah v, 11, 21, 22 — Wo un- to them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink ; that continue until night, till wine inflame them ! Wo unto them that are wise hi their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight ! Wo unto them that arc mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink ! I see these men referred to in other places — Proverbs xxvi, 12 : Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him. This is the gospel plan to put down all manner of sin, whether it be the sin of intemperance or the sin of slave-holding. The Bible principle is the great principle to use up the wicked, and strengthen the right- eous: Sound doctrine is our motto. God give us moral courage as we go along, to wield the sceptre of truth with vigor, till all the powers of darkness here shall cease. 19th, lectured at Penn Yan, to a quiet congregation. Put up with Mr. Bradley. 20th, lectured at Branch Port to greai acceptance, to a good congregation, which the minister took an active part in securing for me. He (Mr. McGlashen) pressed the want of labor and the propriety of buying liberally the Narrative, which he had found to be quite entertaining; and I sold ve- ry well on that hill, tor which my thanks are due the citi- zens, 21st, lectured at the Benedict School-house to a small congregation, without disturbance. 22d, held a meeting in Todd's neighborhood, with good congregalion. 23d, lectured at Italy Hill, to a small audience. 24-th, lectured at Prattsburgh, in the Presbyterian church, to a thin congregation, (it being a wet evening.) Very lit- AiNDREn jACliJsON, 9/5 lie annoyance. A song was called for, and I gave ihem the Liberty IIail-Road. I put up with Mr. Jackson. 25th, had a full and quiet audience in the Methodist ch'h, which was generously and cheerfully tendered us. Preach- ed there again on the 25th, to a dense congregation. I di- rected my remarks, which were well received, against the institution of blood. I then called upon any person who chose to do so, to improve the time. One rose and remark- ed that we had been listening to the truth, and to the great principle by which men must be governed. After my meet- ing closed, I attended at the Presbyterian church. The clergyman discharged his duty as I think a faithful watch- man should. 27th, went to Bath ; was directed to Charles Van Hue- sen's, and lectured there on the 27th and 28ih j and at Avo- ca on the 29th to a thin congregation. 3rth, preached to a dense and orderly congregation in Clisbe district. 31st, attended the Steuben County Convention at Bath. We were not willing to see the Conventiou compromise the principles on which we stand. I then went on to give my reasons simply and plainly, amidst laughter and cheering. I was led to refer to the resolution concerning the laboring class of our citizens. August 1st, I attended the great celebration at Bath ; re- mained there the 2d, apd attended meeting in the Grove. — S. R. Ward gave three good sermons. I urged the neces- sity of our yielding to this truth, because the author of it is Go'd. 3d, lectured at Urbana to a very good congregation. On the 4th in the Ernest district to a small congregation, who were very attentive and orderly. 5th, lectured in West Tyrone, to a very respectable con- gregation. 6th, lectured at East Tyrone, to a dense congregation. A man made a remark relative to Mr. Birney's locotbcoism. I was ready to meet my friend on this question, although his skin was different from mine. I referred to the libels that were published by some of the whig editors. This made him whist. 7th, went to Wayne Hotel, but my appointment there had not been published, and stopped over night with Mr. Sweet. 0»i IJFE AM) A^V^.NT^UF.5^ Ot 1 lectured at Kendall Hollow oii the 8lh ; at East Hill or. Othjand at 5 o'clock preached agraiii at Kendall Hollow ; lOtbJectured at Irelp^ndvills ; I ft h and r2th, iu William Lee*s District ; 13th in Jefferson ; lith in Meclilenburgh 5 15lh, went to \Vest Groton, lectured there the 16th, had a very attentive conrrreo-ntion, some remarks made by the Rev'. Mr. Sterns. Mr. S. thought the public bound to sup- port any man who will vindicate the claim of God, and il' ihev were not robbert^ he believed it would bo right to give 20 shillings. They laid on the table 48 cents. Went to Syracuse the 17 and back the ISth. The 19th, lectured twice in Northville — had but a small congregation Rev. J. JiOgan anfl Rev. Joseph Sterns were present and addressed us ; 20ih, came to Trumans- burgh ; 21st, lectured in the District near Mr. Davis' ; 22d, lectured at Ranneysville ; 23(1, lield a meeting in the red church, and also in the evening ; 21th, lectured in the Bar- ber District ; 25th, in the Spalding school house; 26th, in the yellow meeting house 5 27ih, I lectured in PcrryvilJc to a dense congregation — had sonic annoyance ; 2Sth, in the Mclntyre school house; 29th, in- f'ayugaville — had a large congregation ; 3)th, 1 preached in the school house on the Lake shore, in the n:iorning, afternoon and evening, — a large number in attendance, some remarks made by others, took a vote of the meetino- co know how manv thought what I preached to them chicanery, and not one vote was given against the position which 1 sustained. I then took a vote in the affirmative and it carried unani- mously. I then exhorted the brethren to develop it in ev- ery department of life. The 31st, I lectured in the Van Loon school house to a large audience — sorvje disturbance. September Ist, I lectured at the Swan school house. I was informed that a certain man remarked that he wished some smart man was there, for he believed 1 could be used up, and I learned that all the official men of the district were present on the occasion, and not one of them could prove that the rulers had not perjured thennselves wheh they have sworn to support the Constitution of the United States, which declares, Article iv. Sec. 4. The United States shall guaranty to every State in this Union, a republican form of government and shall protect each of them aeain>t invasion. ANDREW JACK.SON. 9? It" I understand liie English language our rulers are perjur- ed villains. 2d, lectured again at the Van Loon School-house, to a very good congregation. 3d, lectured in the North Settlement to a middling full house ; and afterwards learned the value of pro-slavery piety. 1 traveled some miles from the meeting, through the rain, and then lodged in an open school-house, wet as I was. O Lord, have mercy upon those mine enemies, that reject all the good things, and turn Thy messenger away. 4th, mostly spent in making arrangements for future lec- tures. 5th, lectured again at the Yan Loon School-house, to a res- pectable congregation. .6th, preached at the Snyder Schoolhouse, at 9 o'clock, P; M. to a dense ^^congregation. At half past lit preached at Cayuta Lake ; at 3, P. M. at the Snyder Settlement ; and a second time at Cayutaville at 6 o'clock. Again in the Snyder School-house in the evening. My nieetings have all been full to-day, and to-night I am very much fatigued, having foot- ed it 11 miles and preached 5 sermons. Amen. 7th, lectured at Sebrings' Corners to a dense congregation, with but little annoyance. 8th, lectured at North Newfield to a full house, v/ith a little annoyance from a few persons of low character. 9th, lectured at Enfield Centre, to a middling congregation." lOlli, lectured at Appl-gate's Corners to do. do. r2th, lectured at the Cutter Scool-house, to a «mall congre- gation, who w^ere .very orderly. 13th, preached to a full house, and good attention was given by a dense assembly. Lectured in the afternoon at the School-house near Mr. Bell's ; had a full house, and the meet- ing voted a unanimous request that I would address th'eiti again in the evening, with which 1 complied. 14th, lectured at the school-house near Mr. Allen's, to a dense and civil congregation. 15th, lectured near Mr, Knowles', to a dense congregation, without annoyance. 16th, lectured in V^annettenville to a denize congregation. occasioning considerable laughter. ISth, lectured on Rumsey Hill, to i' r.ijl lioiis^ : ba'l >()rn<-> annoyance t>om ruffian?, \ ^ LIFE AND AI/VL^':w■:■^.Eo Oi' 13th, lectured near Mr. MitcheU's, to a full house •, some annoyance, but attention by the mass. 20th, preached at Vaiinettenville, in the forenoon, to a good connregatlon. Be it remembered, I ^vas informed that my germon hit in the right spot, and many applauded it while oth- ei's vacated their seats. In the evening of the same day I lec- tured again on Rumsey Hill to a dense congregation, amid good behavior. 21stj lectured again in ihe district near Mr. Mitchell'a ; had some annoyance. 22d, lectured in the di.stnct near 7s\i. Austin'?, to a full house ; some laughter. 23d, lectured on Newtown Creek, lo a small congregation, without annoyance. 2'ith, lectured at Horsehead^ to a small congregation, with solemnity and laughter. ♦25th, attended meeting in Elmira ; had a good time of it.- 26th, had another meeting. 27th, I preached two sermons ; had good attention. Remained in Elmira lecturing on the 28th and 29th, while the friends were doing my printing. 30th, attended a lecture near Buck's. October 1st, lectured at Buckville. All the civilized part of the congregation behaved like human beinp-s ; the-rabble an- noyed us. 2d, lectured in Factory ville, to a smallj quiet congregation, 3d, lectured in Mill Town, Penn-, to a civil congregation. Ith, preached in Mill Tov/n at half past 10 A. M., and at Factory ville at half past 3 P. M. to a good congregation, and in the evening at Mill Town. oih and 6th, preached in Athens to pretty full congregations^ with some annoyance from a few poor heathen, who threw htones against the house. The result was that nearly all the Methodists voted to have me continue the meetings when ail except a few of the disturbers deserted. 8th and 9th, lectured near Dr. Hill's to full houses ; slight annoyance on the first day, but none on the second. Remark- able good attention throughout. ICth, arrived at my old station at Towanda. Remained till the 15th, laboring in word with some success, holding forth the strongest inducements I could to my colored friends to strive for an education, &c. IGth, lectured at Terry Town to a dense and quiet house< ANDREW JACKSON. 99 IVth, lectured at lughamville, to a good and quiet audience. Also in the forenoon and afternoon of the ISth. IQth, lectured at Frenchtown to a dense and orderly house. 20th, lectured at Braintrim to a full and unannoyed house. 21st, lectured at Skinner Eddy's to a dense and attentive congregation. 22d, lectured at Mahoopany, Wyoming County, Penn., to a full house. 23d, lectured at Forkstown, to a dense congregation ; had a good time, and no annoyance. 24111, lectured again in Braintrim, to a full, attentive house. 25th, preached at Little Mahoopany to a dense congrega- tion. Took a vote relative to an evening meeting; carried unanimously in favor, and I preached in the evening without annoyance to a good congregation. 26th, lectured at Little Mahoopany to an attentive and dense congregation. 27th, lectured near Judge Lemon's to a small congregationj- many being prevented by the rain from attending. 2Sth, lectured near Mr. Crawford's, to an attentive and dense congregation, 29th, lectured on Spring Hill, to adens^congregation ; no annoyance, but expressions of good feeling even to laughter, 3Uth, lectured in Marry All to a full house. 31st, lectured in Camp Town to a good and atttentive house. November 1st and 2d, lectured in the district near Mr, Camp's ; it rained, and the congregation was small. Had no annoyance; but after dismission some person remarked that if it had not been Sunday he would have discussed the matter, and shown what a desecration of the Sabbath it was, as well as pollution of the house of God ; and rather than countenance such proceedings ho would see the slaves in fetters eternally, A very intelligent, smart young lady replied that the house had not been desecrated till the gentleman spoke, but he had des» ecrated the Sabbath and the house of God, and half the con- gregation appeared to approve her rebuke. I came to the con- clusion that my friend was a very pious man, but did not view the matter as I did ; but to my disappointment I afterwards ioarned that the name of this man, who had made' so loud an outcry, was Breck, who is confessedly liable to err. I after- >vards heard him use uncalled for words, but it was on Tues- day, on n»y return from Syracuse. I 2 100 LIFE AND ADVENTUnES OF 3cl, lectured in Duran School-house to a small congregation} many being prevented by the rain from attending. 4th, lectured near Mr. Hines' to a thin, but quiet audience. 5th, lectured at the SchooUhouse near Mr. Banes', in East- Herrick, to a good congregation. 6th, went to Oswego ; 7th, to Richford ; 8th, to Syracuse, where I remained until the 12th. 13th, lectured in Richford to a good congregation ; again on the 14th, to a good and attentive house. 15th, preached, and lectured in the evening at the stone School-house, to a full congregation. 16th, lectured in the brick Meeting-house, in Berkshire, to a good congregation. 17th, lectured in Flemingville to a full house. ISth, preached in Oswego, and lectured there on the 19th and 2Uth, to respectable congregations* 21st, left for Le Roysville, Penn., and on the 22d preached there in the School-house near Mr. Goodell's, to a full con- gregation. Put up with Mr. De Wolf. 23d, had a full house. 24th, lectured at the b«hool-house near Mr. Goodell's. 26th, had a small congregation at East Erie. 29thj had a considerable congregation in the Whitmore dist. 28th, lectured again in Herrick. 29th, preached in the Whitmore district at 11 o'clock, and at Herrick in the evening. 30th, lectured near Mr. Wells' to a dense congregation. December 1st, attended a debate ; there found my friend Mr. Brink ; by his request remained with him a day and night, and was treated with much hospitality and kindness, and I hope that he will soon be brought, with a host of other noble mind- ed men, into Christ's ranks, to do sure work for God against Rum and Slavery. 2d, lectured to a good congregation, and then requested any one who would, to speak. After much reluctance Mr. Camp made some remarks ; but Jackson was called for ; — sometime expired. Mr. Camp had well remarked, they are trying to put the chains on us. I exclaimed, they have got them on. Jack- son, — Mr. Jackson, — and some annoyance. Mr. Camp theur gave place, and I rose again and remarked, I shall prove ray assertion by one simple comparison — the tv^^o great parties. I referred to two dogs I once knew — the hound and the bull dog that chased the rabbit, and when tb^y had killed itajid be- ANDREW JACKSON. • 101 gan 10 tight about the meat, the little black list eat it up ; and while our men in the North are divided and are lightincr each other, the Southern slaveholders are the fist, — they eat up all the meat. — Laughter. All the congregation cried out, truth truth. ' 3d, lectured quietly in the School-house near Mr. Brush's. 4th, lectured in the Methodist Church in Plattvillcj to a good congregation, 5th, lectured in Friendville ; remained there, and had a full house on the 7th, 8th and 9th, lectured at Forest Lake to a dense congrega- tion, without annoyance. 10th a;id 11th, was in Montrose ; found Mr. Burley at this place, and heard him lecture. I remained and lectured in the Village ; learned that the church was not free for us. 12th, lectured in Jesup, in the Methodist chape], to a very good congregation. Put up with Mr. Huff. 13th, preached in Zion Church, Montrose, to a full house. 15th, lectured in the School-house near Whoit's — full h. 16th, had a good congregation in Baptist church, Liberty, 17th, lectured to a good congregation in Franklin. 18th, lectured in a School-house near Mr. Waters', in Liberty, Penn. 19th and 2Uthj lectured in the Conklin Presbyterian ch'h to a civil congregation. In this place I found the old pre- judice run high, one family setting a side table for me; but they repented befere-l left. 21st, lectured in the School-house near Mr. Buckalo's, to a full house ; was interrupted soon after I commenced by a fat faced man. I remarked I \vish for that man's name — - I'm going to publish him. He said his name was R. T. Hays, and continued to interrupt the meeting. I admon- ished him with the word of holy writ. He denied the com- mon relation which God hath established among men. I remarked that I felt very thankful to .-,ay this man was not my brother in the Ilesh, neither a black man outwardly ; for it would be truly a shame to see any colored person carry on so among respectable Citizens. Laughter! I can al- ways tell when 1 throw a stone among dogs, whether I hap- pen to hit one — for he is certain to yell. Ijaughter! I con- tinued to thunder the powerful truths of the Bible against traitors ! showing the character of the man who disturbed 1 3 IQO T.iif: \N'D ADvr.NTi'iiEs or the peace, to be one brought to view in 2d Tim. iii. 13 — But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, de- ceiving and being deceived. He left the house, remarking, I have staid here long enough. I replied as he went, resist the devil and he will flee from you. Laughter ! Then all was quiet ; had no more annoyance. 22d, lectured in the Methodist meeting-house at Conk- lin. Some trifling objections were made by a person pres- ent. 1st, I did not tell the same story. 2d, he said I took a text, and would connect the world with religion ; but he said I did better than Frink. 23d, lectured near Mr. Wormer's, to a t'uU house ; the peo- ple where I put up fixed off a fugitive's table. 1 can put up with it, and attribute it all to their ignorance. 24 ih, lectured near Mr. Brown's. 25th, preached at the Great Bend, in Susquehanna Co., 26th, lectured in red School house, near Mr. McEinney's. 28th and 29th, remained at the Great Bend, preaching and lecturing with great success, and without annoyance. 39lh, fectured near Mr. Blatchley's. fo a full house. 31st, lectured in Isaac Griggs' district to a full house, and all honorable persons maintained their self-respect : but here, permit me to say, a few persons behaved scandalously. They are known as disturbers of the peace, and I hope their names will be read in history. Isaac Gri«gs, the father, George Griggs, the son, and a few other boys, moulded in the same or similar moulds, these black hearts I hope will be purified ; and this class of men I hope will be civilized by truth and reason. January 1st, 1847, lectured in Windsor to a good con- gregation, and without annoyance. 2d, lectured in Mr. Garney's School-room, to a full house. 3d, preached in the afternoon, and in the evening up in Bandolph to a dense crowd. 4th, lectured in Higley Hollow to a respectable congre- gation. Some ruffians from abroad annoyed the meeting. — I learned that Isaac Stevens was one of the number. 5th, lectured the second time in Windsor to a very good and attentive congregation, save the. ruffians above mention^ ed. Some of them continued their disgraceful conduct. 6th, lectured at Mr. Wood's to a good and aUentive con- gregatiou. AN DREW Ja^KvuX, J (j.'j 7th and 6th, lectured not tar from Mr. Doolittle's. My frieuds requested me to preach there; had very good atten- tion from all except a very rouefh, uncivilized person. 9th, had a full house up the river, near the distillery, with good attention from the ladies and gentlemen ; but a very black man came in, who I hoped would not think it out of the way for one dark man to claim relationship with anoth- er, so I called the black niggard brother, when he thrashed round like a bobtail sheep in fly time ; but did not hurt any one save himself, I learned that th(« black man's name was Steel. They ordered him to sit down, and he finally ccm- piied. I remarked to the conofregation, that the black nig- gard told the truth ; he is stealing your privilege of hearing this evening. This was done on Saturday evening; i847pthe Sth day cf the year. 10th, preached at the Sehooi-house near Mr^ Manviiie^s^ to a dense congregation, twice^ and a third time in the evening in the Martin district. I take pleasure in saying that Elder Earll followed with some striking and appropriate remarks. 11th, lectured in the meeting-house on Cole's Hill, to a good congregation. Elder E. again took part. 12th, lectured near my friend Martin's, to a dense congrega= tion. Brother Earll again backed my feeble efforts with truth. 13th, lectured at West Coleville to a full house. Brother E. took vehement ground. l^th, lec-ured in the Scouten School-house, to a dense con^ gregation ; had some beautiful remarks by Elder Earll. 15th, lectured in Nev/ Ohio to a good congregation ; had a very pleasant time. 16th, lectured in the Merwin district to a dense congrega- tion, without annoyance. The day following I preached twice in the same place, and in the evening at Harpers ville. When we arrived in the villarre the house was dark, which denoted to me a strong prejudice. I groaned in spirit, intending by the strength of goodness in the name of God to break down that false prejudice. I was foUov.'cd by Elder E. 18th, lectured at Savage's to a dense congregation ; re= marks were made by several persons, one of whom informed us he had been guilty of voting for a slaveholder, and said he wag ashamed to say that he had votedfor Henry Clay in 1844. The gentleman who made the above remarks was deacon Cro- foot. This man is not alone ; I find others confessing that sin, I 4 J04 mi. AM-* A r»VE.NTtMiK> 0{ lUth, arriveii iii West Coventry ; 2()tli, in Flymuuth; 21st. spoke in Smyrna; 22d, put. up with Mr. Lee, in Manliiis : 23d, arrived in Syracuse ; remained in this village, labor- ing ill word and doctrine^ till the 26th, when I visited Chris- tian Hollow and lectured, accompanied by one of the warm- est friends of man, brother James Baker, of Washington. 26th, I and my colleague lectured to a good congregation in the stone School-house. 27th, lectured near Mr. Palmer's, to a full house. January 28, 1S47, 1 lectured in Cardiff to a dense con- gregation. We had no annoyance. I gave any one the privilege of making remarks against or in favor of what I had spoken. I had not one object.or, ail appeared well sat- isfied. I lodged with a very respectable inn-keeper, and found them much astonished at my doctrine, and at my writing. All appeared to be deeply interested in conversa- tion. I remarked another thing. It so happened that in the bar-room one of the company was John T. Thomas, an Indian, and it appeared to be spori to see him dance. They could very freely pay him to play the tool, while they did not think of paying 3 sober candid man to teach them the way of life and free salvation. And it appears to^be one of the highest objects our nation has in view, to employ men to play fool, &c. 29tb, lectured in Onondaga Hollow, to a full house. 3lth, again returned to Syracuse, and in the afternoon I bid my friends fureuell, and leaving for my other arrangements. It was very cold indeed. I was very much fatigued with my journey, and froze my feet, which threw me into such agony ihat I arose about 2 o'clock in the night, and got some snow and bound my feet up to relive them from pain. 31st, attended meeting in Peierboro, and spoke on duty. February 1st, lectured in the School-house near Mr. Wood's, to a good congregation. 2d, trnveled about 38 miles, and lertured in West Coventry to a full house — all quiet and civil except a few boys. Mr. IjGwis, with whom I usually put up, was not in the place. The other gontlcman upon whom I called, (Mr. Porter,) was out of health ; he could feed me, but having company, could not conveniently lodge me. I told him I could make out at the hotel, and asked him if he would attend the meeting. lie ♦hought it not prudent, having a very hard cold, and was ap- AKDREVV JACKSON. Il?5 preheiisive that lew would come in except some boys to annoy me. He then said if I could not fmd lodgings at any private house, and came back, they would tyy to find a place for me, and may be he should come into the meeting. According to his directions I went and found Mr. Phillips in his store j he said he would attend, and did so ; but took good care not to invite me home with him. I found the m.eeting room in darkness, which convinced me that darkness prevailed in the minds of the inhabitants. On closing the meeting, I left for my next appointment. Being much fatigued, I stopped on my journey in a school-house, but finding it cold and quite un- comfortable lying on the hard benches, I rose and resumed my journey until nature failed, having been without food for 24 hours except two meals. I found a splendid mansion, with a good barn near by, where I rested comfortably, and thanked my God that a resting place was open for me in a hay mow : Even so, Lord Jesus, come and protect me. I fell asleep in Jesus' arms. After 4 o'clock I again made my way for the Merwin School-house ; it rained and the wind blew hard and broke my umbrella, so that my book got wet. Arrived at Mr. Daniel llurlburt's 25 minutes after lU o'clock, and dried my boots and got my breakfast. These people appeared to feel deeply, and sympathise with me : God bless them. 3d, lectured in the Merwin district again, to a good con- gregation. 1 learned that it had been announced that a lady was going to be present and prove me an impostor. The person was called for; but it was with me as it was when cer- tain persons called for Baal ; — he did not come : And neither came my accuser. Many good remarks were made by others. I again arose by request, and gave a true history of facts, to show from what source I had received my instruction. I as- sured them I had complied with the true teaching of the holy Bible, and thereby had found God true to me in the sixth tri- al, and in the 7th he did not forsake me. Amidst the threat- enings of wicked men, when darkness and gloom gathered thick over my head and around my bed, my God was ever my strength in weakness and my light in darkness. 4th, I gave the people an address at the Scouten School- house, concerning christian responsibility in view of the judg- ment, when all things shall declare that God is the living and true God, by whom we live and move and have our being, and to whom' our lives should be devoted, and our praises given. i5 l(jt; LIIT. aNP AnVENTl'RF.S 5tb, I arrived back ag^.in at Cole's Hill, and we had a very good time on the 6th. I can speak of this Convention as beinff one of the most i-iiteresting meetings I ever attended. Notwithstanding we were snow bound to a great extreme, 1 am opinion that all who attended with U3 became confirmed Liberty men. I rejoice in God to see the result of my labors of love. From less than 20 on a former trial, Colesville poll- ed above 60 votes. I thank God for doing this glorious work. 7th, preached in the Edson School-house at 2 o'clock, and preached again in Osborn Hollow. 8th and 9ih, lectured in North Osborn Hollow We had a little annoyance, but Providence is faborable yet. 10th and lith, lectured iu South Osborn Hollow to a good aud respectable congregation. iSth; lectured in the School-house %vhere they dismissed the teacher, and voted me in, and all other persons of honor, I had a dense and quiet congregation, 13th, lectured in North Bainbridge, to a full and quiet house. 14th, preached two sermons in the pame place, and in the evening at Rockdale to a full house. 15th, lectured in Idumea to a very reppectable congrega- tion : but few unpleasant words. 16th, lectured in the School-house near Mr. Warriner's, to a remarkable civil congregation. 17th, addressed a dense congregation in Rogers' Hollow ; had a little annoyance, and told the boys if I was in the South, and they were black and did so, I would be very much asha- med of them. 19th, lectured in School h. near Mr. Brown's to a full house, 19th, lectured in Otego, Otsego Co., in the stone School- house, to a full house. 20th, left for Sand Hill, and on my arrival I found myself placed among some true friends and some violent opposers, and before I opened the meeting the candles flashed, and we the people then went into the Baptist ch'h, and had a good time. 21st, preached in Sand Hill School-house, and at 2 o'clock in Unadilla Centre ; also at the latter place in the evening. 22d, lectured in the School-house near Mr. Scrambling\s, to a quiet congregation. 23d, lectured near Mr. Birdsall's to a good and quiet house. 24th, lectured near Mr. John Blakesley's. 25th. lectured in Christian meeting-house, uiiinolesied. A N D R K W J A C K S N . 1 07 26th, lectured in the School-house near Sutherland's, to a full house, unmolested. There was one man after meeting present with us, so far below the notice of gentlemen that I will not ^-ive room for his name. 27th, lectured in Hunnsville, near David Kurd's, to a full and attentive house. After the meeting a few of the misera- ble, contemptible class threw a few snow balls, but did no harm. 2Sth, preached in the village o( Otego, and in the evening near Mr. Blakeley's. When I found the door locked I thought it could not be true that the citizens would submit to such an outrage. I was not deceived. We went in, and were com- manded to leave the house—but the people regarded not the order I and I found all the audience^willing to receive the truth, v>'ith the exception of a person named COLE. The name I suppose, eignines black y but this Cole tried to pass for white, and it appeared at this time truly a very black one, and kept up a crackling as though ignited by a liquid gas. I told the congregation it might seem strange to be interrupted by a hot Cole on the Sabbath, but we ought to rejoice that this kind of Cole could do little injury. All we ask is the appro- bation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in every thing we do, and without doubt ive will achieve the victory for which we toil ; for by faith we can receive all spiritual and temporal blessings. March 1st, lectured in the white Meeting-house on the plains of Oneonta. Eider Wing was present, and we had good attention. 3d, lectured in Davenport, Delaware County, near Deacon Slade's. 3d, lectured in the Wolf School-house. 4th, lectured in the School-house near Wm. Richardson's, to a dense congregation. Some interruption: See poetic al- lusion to the subject on page IIS. 5th, lectured in the Presbyterian meeting-house in the vil= lage of Oneonta. We had a little annoyance. 6th, lectured in the School-house near Mr. Strat's. 7th, preached twice in the Meeting-house on the Plains, {r:)» In a word, I must say, the last few months I found great success in almost every part. We have reason to expect the cause is still moving forward, and universal truth is spreading its glorious light around the wQrld, and among all the inhabit JOS LIFT, AND A1>VE.NTCRRS OF tants thereof : And to this end let every man take hold of the glorious and philanthropic work, and press forward the old car of Freedom through the land. I have been giving a long course of new lectures, in which it is understood that I do not and will not admit that any per- son can be a true christian and a slaveholder. Sir, this is my true position, and as soon as-I am convinced that a human being can be a disciple of Christ, and traffic in His image, then you have satisfied me that Heaven is inhabited with for- nicators, liars, and horse thieves, and that all classes of licen- tious persons are upheld on the same principle, and are sing- ing songs of praise to the Savior. I had far rather retain a standing among a banditti of horse or other thieves, than thieves who call themselves Christians, and make a loud n6ise about wickedness, and cry mightily against poor ruined and undone sinners, and mourn over the desolation of our 7aou, and sell saints to pay clergymen. save our Zion ! Sell infants and mothers, sundering them apart, to repair our churches. O do save this holy Zion, or R. L. Rebellious Lion. I speak free and frank on this point. I expect it will start the dander ; but 1 am aware it is not a slander. 1 will expose your secresies ; but let repentance keep thee friends. July 25th, 184.7. April 2d, 184-7. I Lectured on "War, at New Ohio, and I showed fairly that war was not a new thing in the L^nited States at all, but you ask, " What is the reason we have not heard it spoken of]" Because we could not speak for ourselves, and the people whom God called upon to open their mouths for the dumb thought it not best. After meeting a little boy came up and gave me one cent. The father said he was very anxious to attend the meeting, but would not come without money. I suppose the father and mother wore very kind and the child possessed the same dis- position. ANDREW JACKSON. 100 A STARTLING ANECDOTE. I will relate a fact which is very revolting to every honest citizen. I refer to a startling scene which took place in Mc- Lean county, Illinois, in Bloomington, Blooming Grove. I I was at the house of a true friend, as I fled from my own friends and home. I here became acquainted with Henry Claj'-. We were both toiling hard for freedom. I am not prepared to give my readers a full account of Mr. Clay. He was a man, but not a black man, neither was he a white man. He could not tell me whether he belonged to the royal family or not. I found his head clear, and his heart warm. I saw him fleeeing as I did. America, what is she doing, why is the wicked part of our citizens all blinded, who is her crushed, and what must be her fate 1 She is insulting and enslaving men. What men? George Washington, Henry Clay, James Madison, and the sons of our noblest men, or men of dis- tinguished character by name, and I think them as good men in the sight of God as any class of hi^ creation notwithstand- ing their color* We love what our namesakes loved, Liberty. I say it is valuable, and if it is worth anything it must be par- amount, for where the man in this day and age can be brought under the holy and glorious influence of the gospel, we have not any doubts or fears so far as our success is con- cerned. The goffd judgment of intelligent persons is directly op- posed to every feature of the whole system of American sla- very, with all its kindness to rob God by enslaving ministers and locking them up in jails and state prisons, and oppressing the children of the living and true God. These things should "be rebuked, yes they mnst be openly exposed to the world for the wicked are not fools, neither are they blind. We cannot keep these dark things in the church, and throw the garb of religion around all the rapine of wicked slave owners, and call this piety. I do ask you as members of the American church, to look into this matter. I believe if all is well it can- not do any person any injustice to talk about our glorious, and free institutions in America. We Americans are a class of very noble spirited people. The dignity of our sublime chur- ches must not be exposed by bringing the Holy Bible to test our christian characters, it is too soon for us to quit our dear "brethren y'hen he saw it shining. But the moon did not regard the fist, it continued shining. And the judge continued to shine by refusing to notice the lawyer. I have no reason to doubt the truth of this staterMent for I witnessed a similar case once. I was very busy at work and the pup made a great noise a^ if he had found a multitude of big elks, and the old lady sent me off in a great hurry to see what the pup was barking at. — The little dog was in the act of drinking, and when he would open his mouth and show his teeth, the other ugly dog would show his teeth. would men look at self and at the same time think who they were viewing. I think it would be enough to make them fear and tremble, perfectly horrified. What a thought — American freemen voting for men who are guilty of every mean act, even the selling of human beings for support. That is the way is it, for a republican to become respectable. Such respect I do not crave God knows, and if you do, go on. 1 deprecate such acts. AN CRE V/ JACitsO x\^ 111 FACTS IN GENERAL. I think it folly for me to consume time in showing you the nature of this4nstitution. My dear dying friends and fellow travelers to eternity! I see v/hat this treacherous institution is doing in the land. Do you wish me to show you, sir ? Yes, sirj T am wishing to see what is making so much noise. I am searching after the glorious and sublime principle of republi- can security j for I am honestly convinced that we as a nation are ruined and undone forever, unless we take hold with all faith and redeem our civil and religious liberty. You know we have been drove out of our school-housej and our churches have been locked against men who ask the privilege to inform us, I am determined to see and hear for myself, and act with re- gard to the justification and sanctification of my own soul.'— Ail I ask is to see ; aud if you can show me, I will be glad. " I can show you quickly all you wish to see, if you will take off' those old pro-slavery speets, which you have used until you cannot see through them to discern a man from a mcuse. This is a true statement ; for in relation to the killing of 4 mousej there is no one ever takes notice ef it. Neither is there any person to take notice of slave killing. But the question is, can any person of good judgm.ent be foolish enough to act so bad 1 What beneiit is it to kill of? their slaves. Sir, I will answer this, if you will tell me what is gained by husbands and wives fighting 1 There is not any gain, but a great loss. They lose their standing in societv, and also their influence as parents — and worst of all, the love of God is lost, and it is their delight to torment and harrass the feelings of each other for revenge. You have settled this matter ; there cannot be any answer more appropriate ; the f«ct is sufficient evidence of itself; and should I do you justice, I would add, all that disregard the rights of the created, cannot have any regard for the Creator. We are ail bound to look into these things. Now the ques- tion is, what will be the final result if we act. I can see there 13 a great wrong. Yes, look and remember God will look. Yea, he will exe- cute justice against thee. Then, even your cup is full ; all you have to do is v/ell near done. You may consent to the ivill of wicked, ungodly rulers, but against such I do earnest- \ 12 LIFE AND ADVExNTUrvES OF \y protest, and will protest, for they arc not coinpclent. if" any man cannot live save by fraud, and robbery, and misery, and franticness, ruin is truly standing at the door of every house. Yea, ruin is making inroads into ali the enterprises of our great and noble nation. I see its dismal, dark and dangerous effect, and therefore speak decidedly. Yes, I speak of a reality, and not of an imaginary evil. I am an Ameri- can born citizen ; and therefore it is my home. T re^rard it as such, and stand ever prepared to lend my influence as a pat- riot in behalf of my beloved country. 1 have as strong zeal as any man ; my patriotism is not so strong as to crave all this world, and deprive every other man of the right to any soil, and then seize the person of a man in every respect like unto myself. No, my spirit of philanthropy has ever taught me to regard the rights of every person, for I find that our happiness essentially depends on the happiness of others ; and that in pro- portion to the sufferings and misery of others, must we collec- tively and individually suffer reproach. What a glorious re- public we have ! Wonderful security against outrages upon the *- people's rights. Hark ! hearken to the rattling of chains! What centlcman's horse is loose? Look out ! What is the mat- tor, do you see any thing ? Yes, I see a large company of slaves just driven into the Jail across the street. What a sight! Is this all a dream 1 No, it is fact ! 1 ask if we are not elevating men to high offi- cial station in this boasted republic, who are so contemptible as virtually to consent to every like rascality, injustice and bloodshed I Suppose we knew of a lion and tiger, both in this neighbood, and the fact is ascertained that all the sheep are in danger of being devoured, pigs not excepted. I see where they go in, and tell every body. 1 know the very spot where they get in. John, well why do you stand still then and let all those, pigs and sheep be killed. Because I am notable to prevent them from coming in ; all the fence is down all along the South side of the field, and 1 thought it best to pull down this port up North, that the sheep and pigs may all runaway, and these devouring animals will starve to death, and then you feed them so that they will die quick. Votes is what feeds tyrants. Again, we may take another case to elucidate this great mat- ter. Here we have men among us who denominate them- selves Tj'ibcrty men; and indeed these very men will not vote ANDRF.W .lAOkSON. \ ]',< for a mail liuless lip i.^ a Liberty Party man. This is good, but do we find men tnio ? Yes, when it is convcriieiit ; but soms of these men cling to the old pro-slavery church, and pay out their money to the deviTs understrapper, &c. The best thing we can do is to remember Him that speaks, and the work is done. WHAT A HORRID SHAM! AM I AN AMERICAN CITIZEN ? Yes, I am ; I cannot deny it, I must confess. But while f acknowledofe I wish myself in a heathen land. Yes, so far that the American Bible could not reach me. Why, from the fact if it is so ^ad a book as the Deacon under- stands it to be, and if the holy Bible is teaching us to des- troy tile happiness of each other, 1 think the less we know conccrnin 9 ^ow just as true as I am born, The drunkard ruffians mob with corn ; O see their low degraded state ; What must be such villains' fate ! 10 And when we speak about these wrongs. Then sing triumphant freedom's songs, They'll pelt us with light finger stones. Worse than the half Spanish drones. j 11 They'll hop around brisk as a flea — How small such men appear to me ; They"ll fill the stove pipe with old straw, And loudly boast of our free law. 12 He crammed it in the stove pipe — Of infamous habits he's the type ! And soon the house was full of smoke ; All poor silly ruffians laugh and joke. 13 Without a doubt it will be seen Some individuals acted mean ; The eye of One is somewhat keen — He's ever watching for the fiend. 14 The lines above from facts have grown ; To the readers I have shown, And all their guilty, wicked acts, Are worse than any of the blacks. THE QUESTION OF A SLAVE. BY ANDREW JACKSON. O who can now forget the slave, Lying in his chains 1 May every freeman stand to save Them from their pains. 2ii IJFE A.M» AOVENTrilEs v't Lord, when shall we thy truth regard. And in thy presence bow ; Dear Lord, and shall we hear thy word, And all these wrongs allow 1 No, never, while the heart can feel, Can we enjoy peace, To see old wicked tyrants steal, And children sold as geese. How true, it is a horrid shame, But we will mend this wronjr. Disgraceful to o»ir nation's fame, Till freedom triumph strong. How can we slumber on in shame, And drench the laud in blood ; Come let us every right redeem, And spread truth like a flood. FL^lSnCAL ANECDOTE. 1 heard a man speaking against sin and vsinners, and anion,;] the hundreds were the ministers also. One of the number was a Lion and another a Jiamb. The Lion remarked that it would be better for our country if all the meeting-houses were burned down : Yes, if all the false ministers were hangino- to the steeples, said the Lamb. I think the Lamb could not briefly have been more comprehensive. I remember well how one ugly thing is apt to hate another. When a slave, I was waiting on old mistress, and all at once we heard the puppy making as much noise as though he had i'ound an elk. I was sent in haste to see what the pup had found, and 1 assure you I was pleased to see him act his part ; he hud found an outra- geous ugly dog, which he could do nolliing at all with. The puppy undertook to fight, even in the water ; but as soon as I had pacified him all the difficulty was bcttled. So if we can succeed in pacif^ying the tyrants, all our other difficulties will be settled. All the fault and error is at our own door, who el- evate oppressors. You must be brought to see and feel your guilt as citizens aud christians, and then the work is done. — Let all persons be careful to examine themselves, and live in peace with each other. % %. '^6-