>y- V^ O^ -^rO < V. aV \'^ -,^^. ■'^. ,^' * ^^"-^^ ^^.- vf il-^" -:. .^' '-^ ^■^^ -~A:y-^ ^\' ^/ '^,_ .-^ K^^ '^^ ^,^' .^-^ .:^^'% ^^^- c^^ \\- o <> <^ • -^' ■v .^'' '\ ■\ %.^' ^-^' Vs^-^^.. .%.. v-> ^^" -^^.^ ,.\ V -' \' ^#• '-t,. . "^^>.^^^ r .^^•^>- ' 5 aV M ^^. VV -'X-^- ,A'' aV'^, '>- <" ^^ ,av' .^ -^ '%.. ..^ •V •->-. "^>- '[^'^ -7', ^- C^^ /, C . V A^^ ' '^ ":■' ,x^^ .V 'f'r ■'■ oV ' V THE History of Granville LICKING COUNTY, OHIO WRTTTEN BY REV. HENRY BUSHNELL, A. M. Published by a Company formed for the Purpose COLUMBUS, O. Press of Hann & Adaik 1889 ^- f< ^ PREFACE. ' I "'HIS History of Granville was undertaken nine years ^ ago at the suggestion of one of Granville's absent sons. In gathering materials, the fact came to light that Mr. Charles W. Bryant was engaged in similar work. Each was urged by the other to make common stock of what had already been obtained and go on with the work. It was finally arranged that Mr. Bryant would take the genealogies and family histories, and the subscriber the annals; the whole to be combined for publication. The annals were ready in 1880, closing with the Seventy-fifth Anniversary. But the other part called for large correspondence and delay. In 1885, Mr. Bryant died ; no part of his work, so far as can be found, being readv for the press. There was so much call for the annals that a company was formed to publish them. The record has been brought down to the present time in an added. chapter. It was thought best to leave the pages already written, unchanged. Hence all references to \.h.& present^ names of streets (since changed), etc., remain as in 1880. In the course of the annals the orthography of some names will be found to change, but this conforms to the usage of the families, and need not lead to any mistake. Some incidents recorded may to some appear trifling, but they have been preserved, not always for their intrinsic value, but because they might hint to the memory a picture of the olden times, or awaken pleasant recollections by suggestion. Nothing has been deemed unimportant that helped in that service. The cut of the University was loaned to us for this use. The rest are made by Smith, of Columbus ; those that appear in the additional record, are from photographs by Carpenter, of Granville ; the other buildings, reproduced from memory or description, maps and outlines are from original drawings. The writer would gratefully make his acknowledgments for materials used, to the family of Dr. Little, to C. W. Bryant, Hon. Isaac Smucker, the various authors of pioneer papers in his pos- session, and to the few who were remaining of the pioneers, particularly Deacon T. M. Rose, Col. D. M. Baker, and Mr. L. E. Bancroft; and regrets to have been alone responsible, except where credit is given, for the selection of matter, arrangement, drawings, style of book, and business contracts. He will be thankful to receive any correction of mis-state- ments, or any important additional information ; and may at any time be addressed at Westcrville^ Ohio. H. BUSHNELL. August, 1889. CONTENTS. I. Ab Origine, • II. Ohio in 1805, III. The First Low Plash, IV. The Scioto Land Co.,. V. The Location, VI. The Licking Land Co.,. VII. Preparations,. . VIII. By the Way,. IX. The Symmetrical Location, X. The First Week, . XI. Business, .... XII. Early Experiences, XIII. Annals, 1806,. . XIV. Annals, 1807,. XV. Annals, 1808, XVI. Annals, 1 809-1 1, XVII. The War of 1812, XVIII. Annals, 1812-15, . XIX. Annals, 1816, XX. Annals, 1817-20, XXI. Annals, 1821-22, XXII. Annals, 1823-26, . XXIII. Annals, 1827, XXIV. Annals, 1828-30, . XXV. Annals, 1831-33, XXVI. Annals, 1834, KXVII. Annals, 1835-39, Page 9 15 20 24 28 31 34 40 45 50 55 62 7Z 77 83 89 97 103 109 115 122 126 131 135 140 149 155 VI CONTENTS. Page XXVIII. Annals, 1 840-50, 160 XXIX. Annals, 1851-55, .... . 169 XXX. Annals, 1856-79, 177 XXXI. The Seventy-fifth Anniversary, . 191 XXXII. Rev. Timothy Harris, .... 198 XXXIII. Rev. Ahab Jinks, .... . 201 XXXIV. Rev. Jacob Little, D. D., . . . 204 XXXV. Plan of Union Chnrch, . 210 XXXVI. Granville Baptist Chnrch, 217 XXXVII. Methodist Episcopal Church, . . 222 XXXVIII. St. Luke's Protestant Episcopal Church, . 226 XXXIX. Welsh Churches of Granville, 229 XL. Denison University (Granville College, etc.) 236 XLI. Granville Academy (Male and Female) • 245 XLII. Granville Female Seminary (Baptist and Episcopal) 253 XLIII. Our Professional Record, • 256 XLIV. Our Industrial Enterprises, . 273 XLV. Our Commercial ECnterprises, . . 285 XLVI. The Anti-Slavery Excitement, 297 XLVII. Our Criminal Record, . 310 XLVIII. Fatal Accidents, . . . . . 316 XLIX. War of the Rebellion, • 326 L. Olla Podrida, 332 LI. The F. F. G's., .... • 341 Additional Record, .... 346 INDEX. Page Ab Origine 9 Abduction of George H. Tight 185 Aboriginal Works 10 Academy, The Frame 146, 247 Academy, The Brick 118 Accidental Shooting 99 Accidents, Fatal 316 Additional Record 346 Additions to the Town 185, 347 Advance Companies 35 Agreement, The Preliminary 25 Alexandrian Society (Library and Bank).. 75,107, 285 Anniversary, The Seventy-fifth 191 Anticipations Not Realized 28 Anti-Slavery Excitement 297 Arrivals, The First 40 Atlantic & Erie Railway 184, 185 Bands of Music. 84,98, 128 Banking 285 Bank of Granville, Alexandrian 107 Battle of Snowballs 167 Bear Hunt, The Last 129 Bell, Baptist 159, 187 Bell, Congregational 138, 165 Bidding Against Land Sharks 81 Bidding for Lots 58 Bill of Fare, The Early 69 Birth, The First in Town, Etc 72 Bold Subaltern, A 99 Bricks, The First Made 89 Buckeye Minstrels 164 Burglaries 310 Burlington Cyclone 127 Burying the Newark Advocate 124 Business (Colony) Resumed 55 Business Improved by Canal 146 By the Way 40 Cabin, The First, 52 California Adventurers 166, 168 Camp Fire, 1800 20 Canal Contracts 133 Cavalry Company, 1812 101 Cemeteries 177, 339 Census Returns, 1880 197 Page Central Normal and Business College 368 Cheese, Large 283 Church, Baptist 217, 355 " The Emigrant 37 Episcopal 131, 226 Methodist 222,352 Plan of. Union 132,210 " Presbyterian 350 Welsh Baptist 229 " " Congregational. 234 Methodist 232 Circular Hunt, The 126 Coaches of Niel, More & Co 133 Commercial Enterprises 285 Committee of Exploration 26 Committee of Safety 187 Company, Maj. Case's Rescuing 103 Conference of Churches 21 1 Constitution of Licking Co 31 Contractors on Canal 133 Conveniences, Pioneer 71 Conveyance of Company's Purchase 29 Costumes, Pioneer 94 Criminal Record 310 Cut-off, The 189 Dam of Brush 36 " Sycamore Logs 36 " The Aboriginal 12 The Third 81 Death, The First in the Colony 75 " The First in the Township 22 " The Second in the Township 23 " The First on Welsh Hills 231 Deed, The Partition 61 Denison University 240, 358 Dentists of Granville 269 Descending a Lightning Rod 144 Diagram of Company's Purchase 29 Division of Land, The First 58 " The Second 61 Dramatic Performances 117 Drouth 150, 159 Drove on a Stampede 145 Drumming School 115 Dutchman Placated 42 Vlll INDEX, Page Earliest Born 340 Early Experiences (i2 Earthquake of 1811 96 Evening Entertainments 62, 71 Expectations Unrealized 28 Experiences in War 100 Explosion at Goodrich's Distilery 316 Falling Stars 146 Fatal Accidents 316 Female Academy 247 " Charitable Society 114 '• College 249, 362 " Seminary, Baptist 253 " " Episcopal 254 F. F. G's 42, 341 Filial Obedience 93 Financial Embarrassments 149 Fire Department 364 Fires 3:32 First Frame Houses 82-87 First Low Plash 20 First Three-story lUiilding 146 First Week 50 Flood, The Memorable 150 Floor Gives Way 125 Frolic, A Meritorious 92 Frosts 150, 178 Fugitive Rescued 307 General Muster 142 Golden Weddings 336 Granville Alexandrian Society 75, 107, 285 " A Thoroughfare 133 " College 236 Furnace 276 Times 370 Guest, A Singular 11!) Hogg Tract 1(1(1 Hotels 86, 335 Houses, The First Frame 82-«7 Incidents by the Way 42 Incorporation of Granville 143 Infantry Company, 1812 97 Indians, Friendly 71 of Ohio 16 Indian Works 10 Industrial Enterprises 273 Industries, the Later 349 Infant Schools 140 Jaconet, A Yard of 110 Joke, A Practical 93 Journeymen Artisans 91 Jubilee, Granville 172 Page Last Cabins in Town 138 Lawyers from Granville 262 Library, Early 7o Licking Land Co., The 31 " " " Ceases to Act 81 Licking County Organized 16, 84 Licking Exporting Co 289 Licking Summit Celebration 128 Literary and Theological Institute 143, 236 Locations in Town, First Winter 50 Location of Company's Lands 28 Location, The Symmetrical 45 Log Cabin Parade, 1840 160 Mail Coach, The First 124 Male Ac.idemy 249 Map of Ohio in 1805 17 " Granville Township II Village... 46 Maple Grove Cemetery ISI Meeting House, Baptist.. .137, 165, 219, 225. 355 " " Congregational 91, 110, 156, 179. 215, 351 Meeting House, Episcopal 158, 227, 364 Methodist 223,352 " " Presbyterian 350 Mercantile Enterprises 288 Merchants, Present 369 Meteoric Shower 146 Military Company, 1812 97 Matters, 1818 116 " Parades 142 Drill, The Last 162 Mill Site, The First 36 Ministers from Granville 256 Missionaries from (Jranville 260 Missionary Work 117 Mob of 1836 300 Municipal Officers 369 Munson's Saw Mill 73 Name Chosen for Village 34 Newspapers of Granville 370 New Year's Sermons 135 Ohio Central Railroad 197 Ohio in 1805 15 Opera House 364 Organs 158. 179,356 Paintings, Proficients in 271 Partition Deed 61 Pasquinades 339 Pennsylvania Schooners 145 Pews of the Olden Time 113 Physicians of Granville 266 Physician, The First Resident. 90 INDEX. IX Page Piano, First in Town 253 " FirstatG. F. A 137 Pioneers Yet Living 371 " in 1880 190 Plot Uncovered 136 Poetry — A million lives went out, H. B 3"J6 Bright is the dawn of morning, H. B . . 48 Hail! widely famed, George Bliss 147 It is the last time, Mis. Sigourney 174 In Granville when the sun, Whitney 306 O God, thy purpose planned, H. B. 194 Ohl fare ye well, T. Spelman 193 Oh! weep for the day, Anon 161 O thou man of God, H. B. 188 When rambling o'er, T. Spelman 39 With joy as to a cherished, J. I\I. Pond 172 Ponds ; 79 Postmasters 336 Pottery, Aboriginal 13 Preparations of Emigrants 34 Present Business Houses 369 Public Worship in the Woods 51 Pulpit, an Old-time Ill Quota More than Filled. Railroad Disturbances " The Underground Record, Our Criminal Reflector Baker, The Refugee Tract Reminiscences of Dr. Bronson ... Rescue of a Fugitive Reservations of Company's Land. Revival, Mr. Little's Description. Riot Roads Improved 109, 190, Roster of Infantry, 1812 Cavalry, 1813 " Soldiers of Civil War " Mexican War 166, " U. S. Regular Army Route, The Emigrants' Routine of a Day Sabbath Habits 58, Sabbath Schools, The First Sad State of Morals, 1827 Saw Mills 36, 73, 81, Scarcity of Money 107, School House, The First " Th- Second " The Union 171, Schools, Select Scioto Land Company Sermon, The First Methodist 180 189 308 310 155 30 226 307 56 211 181 ,346 97 102 327 340 340 40 70 68 106 131 120 120 57 91 363 133 24 95 Page Seventeen Year Locusts 103 Seventy-fifth Anniversary 191 Shepardson College for Women 360 Shinplasters 158 Sickness of 1834 152 Signers of Constitution 32 " of Original Agreement 26 Snakes 65 Song in the Desert 51 Special Mention 269 Spiritualism 170 Stampede of Cattle 145 Steeple, The First HO Streets Re-named 348 " Narrowed 163 Stoves in Church, The First 141 Students' Freaks 164, 338 Sugar Loaf Denuded 114 Sunday Creek Coal and Iron Company 296 Survivors in 1880 196 Teetotal Pledge 167 Temperance Pledge, Limited 138 Temperance Society, The First 136 Town Clock 166 Township Enlarged 109 " Organized 77 " Officers, First 78 Trees, Forest 72 Trial, A Sham 92 Underground Railroad 308 Village Boundaries IS'l " Government Re-organized 184 " Incorporated 143 of the Hills 47 Visit of Dr. Little 187 Vocal Music Teachers 251 Wanderer, The 122 War of 1812 97 War of Rebellion 326 Ward's 89 Water Cure Establishment 169 Water Works 171,179, 187, 348 Wedding, The First 78 Week, The First 51 Wells, The Aboriginal 12 "Well, I Reckon" ~ 43 Welsh Citizens 229 " Churches of Granville 229 " Hills Cemetery 177, 339 Wheat Bread, The First 22 Whisky 58 Wild Hogs 67 Wild Turkeys 63 Wives of Ministers. 262 Wolves 64 Young Ladies' Institute 254 X INDEX. NAMES. By far the greater part of the names that occur in this volume m\ist be looked for in the Annals, Professional Records, Mercantile or Industrial Enterprises, Accidents, etc. It is only when some prominent mention is made of individuals that their names are indexed. Avery, Alfred. Page 7. 6-1 Bailey, Rev. Silas, D. D 220 Bancroft, Ashley A 337 Bancroft, Albert L 271 Bancroft, Deacon G. P 336, 366 Bancroft, Henry L 3S~ Bancroft, Hubert H 270 Bancroft, Hon. Samuel 127, 185 Bancroft, Dr W. W 169, 185 Basset, Mr., death of 106 Beach, Rev. E. A., D. D 215 Beecher, Dr. Lyman 112, 141 Berry, Rev. James 218 Bragg, Mrs. A. E 190 Bronson, Rev. S. A., D. D 226 Bryan, Dr. E. F 159 Bryant, Charles W 367 Bushnell, Leonard '. . 272 Butler, Leveret 41, 67, 147 Carr, Rev. Henry 219 Carter, Prof. Paschal 237 Case, Major Grove 103 Clark, Appleton B 270 Cook, Lyman 272 Cooley, Dr. John B 153 Cramer, William 337 Cunningham, Patrick 21 Downer, Hon. S. S Dudley, Rev. A. S Dunlevy, Mrs. Amanda F. 189 216 368 Fassett, Elias 115 Gavit, Hon. William 103 Gilman, Elias, Esq 177 Going, Rev. Jonathan, D. D 238 Griffin, Major-General Charles 269 Hamlen, Horace 251 Harris, Rev. Timothy 123, 198 Hayes, Prof. Ella 271 Hervey, Rev. Dwight B 216 Howe, Deacon Amasa 171 Howe, Curtis 186 Hughes, Rowland 3.39 Humphrey, Hon. Daniel 170, 177 Page Jinks, Rev. Ahab 122, 201 Jones, John (first settler) 20 Jones, Mrs. Lily (death of) 22 Jones, T. D. (sculptor) '271 Kerr, Hon. William P 187, 365 Lee, Dr. Samuel 90 Little, Rev. Jacob, D. D 187, 204 Little, Rev. Joseph 365 Martin, William S 250 Meeker, Rev. Eli 140 Moore, William D 368 M o wer. Colonel L. D 149 Munson, Gen. Augustine 183 Munson, Hon. J. R 97 Phelps, John (Capt. Put.) 10-5, 120 Philipps, Urias 75 Pratt, Prof. John, D. D 237 Prichard, A. P Ill, 182 Reed, Simeon 119 Rees, Deacon Theophilus 21 Richards, Dr. William S 9.5, 170, 228 Robbins, Rev. S. P 73 Rose, Deacon Lemuel 155 Rose, Capt. Levi 98 Rose, Ormond 99 Rose, Hon. Timothy 104 Rose, Deacon Timothy M 365 Sample, John H 271 Sanford, Rev. Alvah 228 Shepardson, Daniel 360 Sinnet, Hon. E 367 Sinnet, Hon. John A 177, 180 Slocomb, William 129 Talbot, Rev. Samson, D. D 187, 241 Thompson, Hon. T. M 176 Thrall, Dr. Homer 267 Van Meter. Rev. C. 368 Weld, Theodore D 297 White, Hon. Samuel 263 Wright, Sereno 122 CHAPTER I. AB OKIGINIC. Granville township is a tract of choice land five miles square, centrally located in the county of Licking, State of Ohio. Through the center of it, from west to east, runs the middle fork of the Pataskala, or Licking River, this branch being commonly called Raccoon Creek, Irregularly skirting the stream on either hand is a chain of hills/rom one to two hundred feet high, out of whose to])s excellent stone is quar- ried, and from whose base flow perennial springs. They are diversified with ridges, knobs, spurs, and buttes, and here and there the chain is broken by the valleys through which the brooks, fed by those springs, find their way into the leading stream. This is the locality, the events of which are narrated in the following pages. The earliest record of " human events " in this region bearing a fairly definite date, carries us back to A.D. 1262 ; but such are its lelations to other records of undetermined dates that we know we have the indications of human trans- actions long anterior to this. They are written, however, in a language difficult of interpretation. The records are spread out upon these broad acres, on the tops of these hills, and beside these streams. The characters appear in these scat- tered mounds, these earth elevations of squares, half moons, alligators, eagles, and other quaint designs; and fragments here and there of well-laid stone wall, of eartheru pottery, and of the implements of the culinary art and of the chase. In 181 2, the tree was cut from one of these earth works, whose rings, as commonly reckoned, registered a succession of five hundred and fifty years. Dr. Hildre*^h, of Marietta, cut, in similar circumstances, a tree in which he counted 800 2 10 AN ANCIKNT TREE. rings. Long previous to this the builders lived upon them and had their history. They tell us of a ])eople strong in numbers, thoughtful and industrious ; who cherished the memory of their dead, loved their fatherland, and kept it from hostile inroads by elaborate works of defense, and who gave play to the untaught religious sentiments of the human soul by some sort of worship paid a some sort of deity. A brief description of these works is due to the memory of those who first made this ground historic. About a mile east of the center of the township, a spur from the chain of hills north -of Raccoon winds around from the northeast, turning again to the southeast, terminating in a rounded prominence on the summit of which " The Alli- gator " has been couching all these centuries. The outline of the figure is like the animal whose name it bears. It lies looking directly toward the village, i. e.^ south of west, its tail coiling around to the south and its limbs extended at full length. By measurement it is 190 feet long, from tip to tip, following the curvature. In the highest point it is now about six feet high, gradually declining to each extremity. On the summit of another spur called " Fort Hill," nearly a mile to the east and a little to the north, is one of the cir- cular enclosures commonly called " forts." It follows in outline the curvature of the hill-top, but is very nearly a circle. It is about 970 feet across, enclosing about 17 acres, with embankments 6 feet high, made by throwing the dirt upward and inward. Southwest from the fort, on the point of the hill, and 50 rods distant, was a stone mound about six feet high and eighteen feet wide. This mound has been destroyed by the quarrying of stone underneath it. As it fell from time to time, into the quarry, it was found to be full of bits of charcoal throughout. The western and north- western openings of. the fort looked each toward a copious spring of water. Between these two spurs, and about equally distant from each of them, but sixty or eighty rods further south, the 12 AHORIGINAI. WORKS. ground around being valley loam, lies an elevation formed of gravel, in the shape of a crescent, its points opening toward the south and a little west. It is about ten rods from tip to ti]^, and six rods across from exterior to interior curve. The highest ])oint is now about seven feet high, it having been ]-)lowcd more or less for two generations. On the north, or convex, side there crops out a large quadrangular stone, two or three feet across, and sinking deep in the earth. By digging, the ground beside it has been found to be mixed with bits of charcoal. bVom the eastern side of the crescent a parapet starts off, sweeping eastward ajid southward in a .semicircle to a point half a mile south of the crescent, where it connects with a circular fort, which is about 980 feet in diameter and con- tains over seventeen acres. About ten rods south of this fort, on the level below, was found a well of water five or six feet deep, walled up with stone in a workmanlike manner, and made long before the advent of the settlers. It is probably to be classed with the three wells found by the settlers of Knox county, Ohio, men- tioned in Howe's Historical Collections of Ohio. As located by Mr. L. E. Bancroft, it is 1 1 1 feet from the center of the railroad track and thirt>-tliree feet southeast of a young black-walnut tree. About tweutv-five rods east of this well, near the old time wool factory of Mr. Wni. Paige, until the feeder was dug and the lock built, there was a bored a'rll that sent up a strong stream of sulphurous water. One of the lock timbers was laid across the month of it. Us depth was never tested be- low about forty feet. The diameter of the Ix^re was about two and one-half inches. About ten rods still further to the east, in what appeared to have been at one time the creek bed, in digging the feeder a brush dam was discovered, lying several feet under ground, three rods across and ten rods up and down the bed. The brush were cut with a sharp instrument and regularly ANCIKNT POTTICRY. 13 placed, the butt ends up stream and layer upon layer. At the upper end, and underneath the ends of the brush, were found three human skeletons. For some distance up and down the bed were traces of a submerged forest. Westward from the stone well are two parallel earth lines, only a few rods in extent. Still further west were found in early times many curious fragments oi pottery and other aboriginal implements. The pottery fragments have a firm basis of mortar, composed of sharp, coarse, white sand or pulverized shells in a matrix of clay or river mud, and colored, perhaps, with manganese. After being moulded into shape, the vessel seems to have been covered both inside and out with an enamel of clay, which left a smooth surface ; the whole then being hard- ened, perhaps only by drying in the sun. It has the appear- ance of unburned stoneware. It was about three-eighths of an inch thick, the enamel on each side being about a six- teenth. The pieces found indicate vessels of various sizes, of dishing form and circular rim, varying in diameter from twenty inches to six feet. Fragments of a similar kind were found at two different localities a few miles west of this in St. Albans township. They are also found at the Saline Springs, Gallatin county, Illinois, and at other widely sepa- rated points in the Mississippi Valley, even to its mouth, and as far east as F'lorida. Midway between the crescent and the large fort with whicl; it is joined by the semicircle, is a smaller circular fort, containing about eight acres. The Centerville street has al- ways run through it just north of its center, and the road to the old-time factory started just at its eastern side. About the only part of the outline descernable is at the northeast cornor of the lot, where the fence on the west side of the north and south road stands to protect it. On the south side of the creek are two other smaller cir- cles, each crowning a hill, one on the Munson farm and the other crossed by the division line between the farms of Mr. Reuben Linnel and Mr. Howard Howe. 14 MOUNDS — A I'LKA. Of Dioiiiids there were " a great many." A dozen or more used to lie in the immediate vicinit\- of the crescent and its connected works. There were two or three within the pres- ent limits of the town plat ; one jnst in front of where the Town Hall stands; one, perhaj^s, in the northeast qnarter in Granger's addition, and one crowning Mt. Parnassns. This monnd was opened in 1887, and skeletons were fonnd bnried within it. (There might have been something of kindred nature on the summit of Sugar Loaf. The first year of the colony the boys, led by information obtained from Indians, dug several feet into the ground and foiuid a string of twelve bone beads, the largest in the middle, the rest tapering in size toward each end.) Others arc scattered from the extreme northwest corner of the township to the sontheast, most freqnently on the hill-tops, sometimes several being gronped together. Of more perishable material than the monnmenls which men generally build to fame, these earthworks have yet sur- vived six or eight centuries. After being used — perhaps for centuries preceding — and abandoned, forests sprang up and covered them, and each year that passed over them was tal- lied by its ring of growth. Within a generation their out- lines were distinct, and there were banks where earth lay as steep in its incline as earth can be made to lie. Now, the ruthless plow, the ceaseless tramp of thousands, the cutting of roads, railroads, canals, and other demands of advancing civilization, are rapidly leveling and obliterating them. Read them while you may ! They will tell you of human affections, superstitions, passions. Uninvited, we have en- tered into the inheritance of a vanished race. Let us cherish an interest in these mementos. History offers an earnest plea for the careful preservation of these relics. Already they are venerable with age. They will become more inter- esting with the lapse of time, and each succeeding generation will seek them out with increasing zest. Let it be also with the satisfaction of beholding them as well preserved as time will allow. OHIO IN 1805. 15 CHAPTER II. The passing century dawned to find the westward inarch of civilization rapidly breaking at different points across the Ohio River, into the great undeveloped region between the river and the lakes, and gaining a foothold among the valleys never more to be dislodged. The little spot that concerns us now, according to Hon. Isaac Smucker, has been " under the control of a number of foreign powers " and " an integral portion of at least two different States (Virginia and Ohio), and one Territory (North-West), and six counties (Botetourt, Illinois, Washing- ton, Ross, Fairfield and Licking)." Spain early claimed all the land drained by the Mississippi and its tributaries. France also claimed the valley of the Ohio and exercised some jurisdiction over it until the peace of 1763. England then " became the owner by treaty and exercised authority over it until 1784." At the close of the Revolutionary War it passed to the jurisdiction of the United States. By the various patents given by England to her colonies with ill-defined boundaries and indistinct knowledge of the territories ceded, conflicting claims arose among the States for possession of this region". As it had come into the pos- session of the United States at the price of treasure and blood expended by all the colonies, the rest also felt that they had equal claim to it and equal right of jurisdiction over it. In 1784, or soon after, the States of Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia, severally relinquished these original claims in favor of the general government. Virginia, in 1769, while claiming title, erected the County of Botetourt, whose eastern boundary was somewhere east of the Ohio, and the western was the Mississippi River. ]() INDIAN TRIHKS OF OHIO. Again, in lyyIS, all west of the Ohio River was set off and called the County of Illinois. After the establishing of the Territory of the Northwest by Congress in 1787, Washington County was erected, lying between the Ohio and Scioto Rivers, and running north to Lake Erie. In 1798, Ross County was proclaimed, taking in the Ross County of to-day and all north of it to the Lake. In iSoo, Fairfield, in like manner, took the northern part of Ross. In 1808, Licking County was proclaimed with its present boundaries. When Granville Township was organized, in 1807, its bounds upon the north and west extended much further than at present The recognition by Congress of Ohio as a vState was on February 19, 1803. The seat of government until 1810 was at Chillicothe. Then for two years it was transferred to Zanesville, after which it reverted to Chillicothe until 1816, at which time Columbus became the capital. Previous to 1803 there were nine counties : Washington, erected in 1788; Hamilton, 1790; Adams and Jefferson, 1797; Ross, 1798; Trumbull (all Western Reserve), Clermont and P'airfield, 1800, and Belmont, 1801. In 1803, eight more were erected : Butler, Montgomery, Greene, Warren, Frank- lin, Scioto, Gallia and Columbiana Muskingum was erected in 1804, and Geauga, Athens, Highland and Champaign in 1805 vSo that when the Granville colony took possession of their homes in 1805, there were twent\-two counties in the State. The most powerful of the tribes of Indians occup)ing, in early times, the lands of the jncsent Stale of Ohio, was probably the vShawnees, or Shawanoese. They roamed the valley of the Scioto, and as far west as the IMiami and east to the Muskingum, ha\-ing villages here and there; and niovin- ON., 5^3. ,fi° MAP OHIO 1805. jSTcrt* /►ou.vuis. ..._ Zeadin^ Surveys Fofts X Indian Tribes Tr,ixL(irgctiri:d £m.igruitts'Aauttx . 18 GREENVILLK TRHATV LINK. The Wyaiidots, another powerful tribe occupied the Mock- ing Valley, also moving northward to the valley of the San- dusky. The Delawares were found in the Muskingum Val- ley, and the Mingoes (a fragment of the Senecas, who were of the Six Nations) west of Wheeling. These tribes moved north-westward ; the Delawares to the headwaters of the Sandusky, and the Mingoes to the mouth of the same river, on the east side, where they were called vSenecas. The Mi- amis were in the lower valley of the Miami, and the Twig- twees near its headwaters. Remnants of the vSix Nations, other than the vSenecas or Mingoes, lived east of the Cuya- hoga River. The " Miamis of the Lake," or Maumees, probably occupied the valley of that stream, and a small band of the Ottawas were near its mouth. The Moravian Indians migrated from Pennsylvania in 1772, with their mis- sionaries, settling in the valley of the Tuscarawas, building their villages — Gnadenhutten, Salem and Schcenbrun — and living quietly by the arts of peace until massacred in cold blood. The Chippeways, Kickapoos, Potawatamies, Saginas, and others are mentioned here and there, but not with jnom- inence, nor can they be located. Indian troubles operated as a check to immigration from the first, until the decided victory of General Wayne, in 1794, established the *' Greenville Treaty Line," giving undis])uted possession of all the lands south and east of that line to the United States. The Indian reservation was bounded by the Cuyahoga River, from its mouth to the portage^ near where Akron now stands ; across by that portage to the Tuscarawas River ; by that stream down to P'ort Laurens (a point in the northern boundary of the present County of Tuscarawas); thence by a line of survey running a little south of west, and nearly across the State, to a trading station on the Miami, marking the portage between the Miami and St. Marys Rivers, called Loramie's Station ; thence north of west to F'ort Recovery, on the head waters of the Wa- bash, and near the ])resent State boundary, and thence WAVEvS OF EMIGRATION. 19 west of south to a point opposite the mouth of the Ken- tucky River. In the spring of 1788, "The New England Company" made the first permanent settlement north of the Ohio, at Marietta. From this point the settlements reached out among the hills and up the valleys, until, in 1805, they had reached the head-waters of the Muskingum, there to meet similar advancing currents setting in from the east, the south and the southwest. In 1788, the settlements at the mouth of the Little Miami were commenced, and from there, as rapidly, they spread northward in widening radii, until in 1805, all that part south of the middle of the State was dotted with settlements. In 1790, the Ohio was crossed at Wheeling, and thence the wave began to roll westward. In 1805, the prominent points, the choicest localities, were occupied over half the State, that portion lying south and east of the middle portion. But the land was not by any means subdued. It was simply marked here and there by the outposts of civilization, while much of it was still an unoc- cupied wilderness. The Indians were restricted to their reservation already described, except as roving squads of tliem put in an occasional appearance, or where a few of them were tolerated in clinging to the homes of their fathers. Thus it was when the attention of the Granville emigrants was directed thither. 20 Till'". KIKST LOW I'LASH. CHAPTER III The " first low plash of waves," where soon was to " roll a human sea," began to be heard on the borders of our town- ship in 1800. On onr southern border, in the valley of Ramp Creek, near Cherry Valley, one evening in the late autumn of this year, a settler from the valley below was threading his way through the forest, hunting for deer, when he came unex- pectedly on a camp fife. Around it were gathered five men ; Benoni Benjamin and his three brothers-in-law, John Jones,' Phineas and P'rederick Ford, and the fifth, a man in Mr. Jones's employ, by the name of Banner or Denner. They were exploring with a view to settlement, having left their families back on the Scioto. Mr. Jones was a Welshman, born in New Jersey, and the visitor was Lsaac Stadden, who afterwards became the first Justice of the Peace acting within the limits of Licking County. The two men soon recognized each other as old acquaintances, having been schoolmates in their boyhood, in Northumberland, Pennsylvania. Great was their surprise to meet thus, in the wilds of this new country. Having found locations that pleased them, the four brothers- in-law returned to their families ; and late in the following winter or early in the spring of 1801, they brought on their families and went to work. Mr. Jones erected his cabin near a spring at the foot of a spur which is on the Munson farm. It was about ten rods south of the spring, or halfway to the track of the road as it was first used. Centerville vStreet, being afterwards laid out straight through the plain, now runs thirty or forty rods .south of this spot. Mr. Jones planted corn that year with Mr. vStadden, on a bit of prairie east of Newark, but proceeded to open the land around his cabin and prepare for future crops. EARLY SETTLERvS. 21 The others of that evening gronp located beyond the limits of our township. Patrick Cunningham built the second cabin in the township during the same summer, and about fifty rods northeast of the Jones cabin, near another spring. There he set out an orchard, and cultivated fruits and vegetables, the remains of the cabin and nursery being still seen. Early in the year 1802, two young men built cabins a little to the east of Cunningham's, and raised a small crop of corn, but did not become permanent settlers. By this time, Mr. Theophilus Rees and Mr. Thomas Philipps had purchased, of Mr. Samson Davis, of Philadel- phia, a tract of 1800 acres, lying in the northeast portion of what is now Granville township ; Mr. Rees's tract lying in the southwest quarter of the section, and Mr. Philipps' tract immediately north of it. Messrs. Rees and Philipps came in company from Wales, where they were neighbors and long-time friends, and with them a large colony; taking ship Wednesday, April 7, 1796, and arriving in New York Friday, May 14, having been thirty-seven days out. In 1802, Mr. Rees came out with his family to take possession of his purchase, and for a time found shelter in the cabin of the two young men. Not having seen his land, Mr. Rees, from the description given him, supposed these settlers were upon his tract. So, paying them for their crop and supposed im- provements, he took possession. He soon learned his mistake, however, and went to his own purchase, a little lurther north. David Lewis and David Thomas, sons-in-law of Mr. Rees, came with him, bringing also their families ; Mr. Lewis stop- ping for a time to work as a stone-mason at Zanesville, and in the same employment at Newark ; but all soon settling on the purchase of Mr. Rees. There were two sons-in-law of Mr. Rees named David Thomas, one being a large man and the other, who came later, a* small man ; and they were universally distinguished as big David Thomas and little David Thomas. The one mentioned as coming with Mr. 22 FIRST BIRTH AND DKATH. Rees was big David Thomas. Simon James accompanied them, but withont his family. He located on the Philipps tract, north, and went to work to prepare a residence for his family. It was big David Thomas who carried a bushel of wheat on his back to mill at Zanesville, and brought back the flour of which Mrs, Rees baked the first wheaten loaf made in the township, and the neighbors' children were all invited in to help eat it as a curiosity and luxury. About the same time came from the vicinity of Wheeling one Jimmy Johnson, an experienced frontiersman, who bought land of Mr. Rees and erected a cabin. Meantime, settlers were multiplying in the valley below, and during this year the town of Newark was laid out. October ist, of this year, Mrs. Jones gave birth to the first white child born within the limits of this township. But she never came back to health again. She lingered until the 22d of the same month, when she died. Hers was the first death within the present limits of the township. Her remains now lie buried [1880] in the old cemetery, on the highest oround at the extreme western side, and near where the old gate used to be, having been removed thither from the place in Newark where they were first interred. There is a headstone about twenty inches wide and two feet nine inches high, with this inscription : Utth the Budfi efZLlllfJo)ieiS /,UJ:lfe Oct'- 22 ^JJ /802 s^ged S8 years /ler htishand Jo kn J one ^ wilh t {AilJren Zgirls 6? Z toys TiiU urlit/,,\sT Wfiire/on,h/TW Tha slant •imoJtttimiilutmti c/ Tfieju-sl sevlett ^jAjjt^ .^fi far increased that the yonnger families began to long for more room for their activ- ities. Emigration by single families had already commenced. Some had gone to the new lands northwest of Lake Cham- plain, known as the Chazy region. Bnt the report they sent back was of a conntry bleak and trying in its long winters, and it did not particularly invite others to follow them. In 1803, a company from Granby, Conn., the town [town- ship] adjoining that of Granville, Mass , and from which some of the first settlers of Granville, Ohio, eventually came, had emigrated under articles of association to Worthington, Ohio. This association was formed in 1801, and was called the Scioto Company. [Let it be borne ill mind that there were three Scioto compan- ies; the Scioto Land Co. operating in the southern part of the State near the mouth of the Scioto River; this Scioto Co.. just named operating on its head waters; and another Scioto Land Co., of which we are about to speak.] Explorations were made, a site chosen and a large emigra- tion conducted by them to new and desirable homes in the west. This suggested a similar movement to the enterprising spirits of Granville, Mass. The expanse of the western wilds promised a sphere that would satisfy their longings. Con- gress had given the U. S. soldiers of the Revolution each a bounty claim for one hundred acres of land. These warrants were passing from hand to hand, and rapidly finding their way into the possession of speculators. Entire townships of land THE AGREEMENT. 25 were "located " in sections of 4000 acres each, and held for sale by these speculators. In the early part of 1804, Samuel Everitt, Jr., started the idea of raising another company, and similar to the above, to go to the same region. Suggesting the matter to Levi Buttles he was encouraged, and they two carried the project to Dea Timothy Rose, who also approved the plan. This was the origin of what was called " The Scioto Land Co." In April, (1804) the movement began to take definite form. We find the following preliminary agreement as adopted by those who were favorable to the movement and were propos- ing to take part in it. It bears date at East Granville, [Mass.,] April 3rd, 1804. "We the subscribers being desirous of making a purchase of Newlands in the State of Ohio for settlement, have thought best to form ourselves into an association or Company for the purpose of sending agents into said State of Ohio, to explore said lands in such way & manner as will enable them to ob- tain correct information as to the quality & situation of said lands, also the price, terms of payment, the different tracts they may be had at, & title to the same. " And in order that we may, (at a small expense to each in- dividual of us) obtain such information, we do hereby agree to form ourselves into an association or Company for that purpose & do severally promise & engage (in consideration of the mutual advantage which we expect to receive by this associa- tion) to & with each other to & with each individual that shall belong to this association or company, that we will be bound by & will faithfully fulfill all & every rule, regulation or by-law, that shall be regularly voted or entered into by the said association or company, & particularly we severally prom- ise to pay into the treasurer that shall be appointed by us the sum of eight dollars for the said purpose of paying such agents we may send to explore the said lands, & we do also agree each one of us for ourselves that if we shall fail of paying the said sum of eight dollars by the time that shall be first [fixed] or (or said payment by the said association or of paying the as- sessment or taxes made by us when regularly convened, we severally agree to forfeit & do, (in case of such failure) hereby relinquish all right and benefit of this association or exploring, 26 Tin-; sioninCx. & we do also agree each one of us for himself that we will abide by & be bound to fulfill the following rules and regula- tions, & all others that the said association shall enter into. " 1st We do agree that no tax or assessment shall be binding on us unless one-half of the subscribers shall be present at the meeting which shall vote the same, but any other busi- ness shall bind us when voted by the major part of the mem- bers present at any meeting regularly warned. " 2ik1 We further agree that unless there should be thirty subscribers to this agreement it shall not be binding on any of us, — but when over that number has subscribed, — we are holden by all & every article above written, In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands this day & year above written." At the end of three months the following names were found to have been attached to the above agreement : Levi Buttles, Hugh Kelley, Asa Se>mour, Jr. Russel Atwater. Araunah Clark, Horatio Forbes, Job Case, Samuel Thrall, Levi Rose, Reuben Ashmun, "Lemuel Rose, Alvin Holcomb, Solomon Noble, Levi Cooley, James Siiuiet, Samuel Iweritt, Jr., Timothy Rose, Worthy Pr^tt, Noadiah Holcomb, Samuel Everitt. David Messenger, Ebenezer Street, Silas Winche', 1^'rederick Moor, Levi Hayes, Nathan Gates, Wm. Jones, Timothy Spelman, Benj. Reed, Asa Day, Cornelius Slocum, Titus Hoskin, Dan Godard. Elihu Buttolph. lahan Bancroft, — [35.] Sometime in May following it must have become ap])arent that the movement had gone beyond a i)eradventure, for three men whose names appear in the above list were sent out to Ohio as the agents " to view and purchase such lands as will justify a settlement of the contemplated company." They were Levi Buttles, Timothy Rose and Job Case. They performed the duty assigned, locating the tract to be purchased in the United States Military Lands. On the first of August following, there had come to be so much enthusiasm in their undertaking that they thought best to raise the fee required for membership. The following jjersons became members by the payment of ten dollars each : THE FEE RAISED. 27 Sylvanus Mitchel, Titus Roe, Enoch Buttles, Elihu Cooley, John Sinnet, Ezekiel Wehs, Wm. Phelps, Wm. Phelps, Jr., Spencer Spelnian, Joel Buttles, Benj. Waters, Gideon Cornell, Theodore Taylor, John Wilcox, Wm. Slocum, Jonathan Wright, Zadoc Cooley, Amos Carpenter, Moses Godard, Jr., Theodore Taylor, Jr, Ezra Holcomb, Hiram Rose, Jesse Rice, Joseph Linnel, Joab Griffin, Samuel Waters, Andrew Hayes, Wm. Gavit, P^benezer Cheney, Joshua Kendall, Eleazar demons, Israel Wells, Roswell Graves, Enoch Graves, , Spencer Wright, John Phelps, Arden Holcomb, Asa Holcomb, Samuel B. Dean, Daniel Messenger, Ozni Miller, Job W. Case, Sereno Holcomb, Seth Hayes. -[44.] In September, the locating committee returned and made a favorable report. An incident in the boyhood of Alfred Avery may illustrate the influence under which many New England people have sought western homes. When he was a mere child, his father went out to plant corn ; & himself, ambitious to help, took his hoe & went out also, tugging and sweating, to do what a little boy could. At length, his father noticed that Alfred was crying, & asked him what was the matter. The child's reply was a turning point in the history of the family. "I can't get dirt enough to cover the corn." Then the father thought it was time to go where the world had more dirt. Soon afterward he became a member of the Licking Company. 28 THK LOCATION. ciiAp'ri<:R V. Rev. Jacob Little, I). I)., in his History of Oraiiville, says: "The company having heard much of the fever & ague as well as the fertility of the west, wished a location which would avoid the evil & secure the good; contain hills for health & level lands for fertility. "The level borders of the Licking [the Indian Pataskala,] through the center of the township, with the rising hills at a little distance on both sides, governed the agents in the selec- tion of this place. The northeast quarter had been previously purchased by some Welsh. The Scioto [Land] Company pur- chased the other three quarters; & stiil increasing, bought half of St. Albans Township, a quarter of Hartford & a quar- ter of Burlington, in all. 29,040 acres; at an average of one dollar & sixty-seven cents an acre, ($i,672.t)." The Hardy section, that upon which the village was located, "was regarded as the most important point. It was then supposed that the capital of Ohio would be Worthingtou, be- tween which and Zanesville, this would make a half-way town," An illustration of the failures of the early settlers of a coun- try to realize their expectations may be seen in the fact that the road from Granville to Worthingtou, opened at that early day and with such anticipations of its use, continues at this present writing (1880) in many of its sections one of the poor- est for its age in all this region. It passes through an unde- veloped country ; and only recently have some of the large streams been bridged, and still the carriage track winds among stumps that cumber the road from side to side. Col- umbus, instead of Worthington, became the capital, and the National Road long ago took the carriage travel eight miles to the south. The railroad of later date connecting Zanes- ville and Columbus passes also three miles away, through the Ramp Creek valley. Thus has Granville been once and THE CONVEYANCE. 29 again left to consume her energies in other channels than those of trade. The following diagram will aid the reader to understand the location of the committee's purchase, and the allusions which are subsequently made to it. 15 M '3 ffSoo.) 1H ■ 0- z. 5^ J, Jeyse.ij. y -3 - 5- f" voao Of. Steele The ranges are numbered from east to west, 13, 14, 15 the, Townships from south to north, 2 3, 4; the townships are di- vided into four sections each, as shown in Monroe Township. Jonas Stanbury received from Government a patent for Sec- tion 2, Township 2, Range 13; & having deeded an undivided half to John Rathbone for ;^i,?50, they two with their wives deeded the whole to the company's agents by separate convey- ances, Nov. 2, 1804, for ^7,560; there being 5,040 acres rated at ^i. 50 an acre. Joseph Hardy received the original patent for Section 3, Township 2, Range 13; & on Nov. i, 1804, sold to the com- pany's agents for ^8,610, there being 4,920 acres rated at ^1.75 per acre. Wm. Steele received the original patent for Section 4, Town- ship 2, Range 13, and on Oct. ist, 1804, he & his wife con^ veyed to the company's agents for $5,390, there being only 3,080 acres at $1.75 per acre. John Bray received the patent for Section 2, of Township 2, 30 BOT'NDARTK.S, Ranf^e 14, and Nov. 22d, 1804, deeded it to the company's agents, by his attorney, Jonas Stanbery, Esq., 4,000 acres @ ;^2.oo an acre, making ^8,000. Mathias Denman holding the patent for Section 4, Town. 2, Range 14, with I'hebe, liis wife, sold to the company's agents, Oct. 24th. 1804, for $6,000, there being 4,000 acres (" $1.50. Jonas Stanbery, original patentee for Sect. 2, Town. 4, Range 13, with his wife, Nov. 2d, 1804, conveyed it to the company's agents, there being 4,000 acres at $2 for $8,000. Jonas St-anbery, original patentee for Sect, i. Town. 4, Range 15, with his wife, Nov. 2d, 1804. conveyed the same to the company's agents, there being 4,000 acres (" $1.25 for $5,000. These seven sections, relatively situated as in the diagram, lay in the U. S. Military District. This was bounded on the north by the Greenville Treaty Line ; on the east by the Seven Ranges, the first survey authorized by the United States west of the Ohio River; on the south by the Refugee Tract, a body of 100,000 acres set apart by Congress as a reward for certain P>ritish subjects who in the War of the Rcvohition, espoused the cause of the colonists ; and on the west by the Scioto River. THK LICKING COMPANY. 31 CHAPTER VI. On the 2ist day of September, 1804, a lengthy constitution was adopted by the company. As the lands that had been chosen for their adventure were not in the Scioto Valley, the name " Scioto Land Company " was no longer appropriate. Therefore, they adopted their constitution acting under the uame of " The Licking Land Company." The preamble recognizes the fact and intent of the agree- ment already made, describes the location of the land for which they were negotiating, and provides for the purchase of such other lands as may afterward be judged best by the company. Article first binds each subscriber to take of the company as many acres as he annexes to his name in subscribing, and stipulates that payment shall be in money, real estate to be appraised by disinterested persons, or by other men's obliga- tions, secured either by mortgage on real estate or by respon- sible endorsers. Article second names a committee of trust, consisting of twelve members, who shall receive and give real estate on the part of the company. The committee thus appointed were Levi Buttles, Timothy Rose, Job Case, Russel Atwater, Seth Hayes, Noadiah Holcomb, Solomon Noble, Timothy Spelman, Levi Hayes, Samuel Thrall, Zadoc Cooley and Cornelius Slocum. Article third provides for the admission of future members to the company. Article fourth provides for the distribution of the land after certain reservations are made. A town plat is reserved, which shall have as as many building lots as there are one hundred acre parcels in the entire purchase ; each one hundred acres to draw a building lot in the town. A school lot of one hundred acres and a "minister lot" of one hundred acres o'l TIIK CONSTITITION. are also reserved, the former for the su])]iort of schools in the village, and the latter for the snpport of " the Gospel minis- tration within the pnrchase of the coni])any." Inirther, all mill seats are reserved. The remainini; lands of the purchase are then to be divided into one hundred acre lots. Two distributions of these lots are then provided for. At the first, the choice of village lots and farms is given to the highest bidder. The second division is for those who do not choose to bid for a choice, and is to be entrusted to a committee to be chosen by the proprietors whose interests are concerned. Actual settlement is required, either of the proprietor or some other acceptable person, under certain annually recur- ring ])enalties (or failure. Three names are attached to the first compact and not to this constitution, viz : Reuben Aslimun, Levi Cooley and Asa Seymour. Also, thirty-three names are attached to the constitution and not to the compact. Some of these are from Ohio, and, of course, they did not join the company until they were on the ground. Thus the whole number engaged in the enterprise was 112 The following are the thirty-three alluded to : h^lihraim Howe, James Coe, • Charles Slocum, Jesse Muiison, Jr., George Cooley, Timothy Spelman, For son, Win. Cooley, I^Mas Pomeroy, Sam'l Thrall, for son, Jesse Munson, Augustine Munson, Daniel Wadsworth, Klkanah Linnel, Ethan Clark, Giles Dayton, George Avery, Gad Rose. Elias Gilman, Nathan Allyn, Justin Hiilyer, Martin Root, Jedadiah H.Lewis, Roswell Rowley, Thomas S. Sill, Nathan Allyn, Roswell Rowley, David Butler, For son, h'or son, D.miel Baker, Samuel H. Smith, Jolm Johnson, Noble Sheldon, Jeremiah R. Miuison.VVm. Reynolds. Leaving out the three mentioned as signing the compact but not the constitution, also eight who would seem to have THE CONSTITUTION. 33 signed it in Ohio, the company, at the time of starting, con- sisted of loi members, which, without any very serious im- port, happens to be identical in number with those who landed on Plymouth Rock. The committee of twelve proceeded to receive the obliga- tions or money of the signers, issuing to them a deed for an undivided portion of the new lands. Russel Atwater, Esq., acted with them for a time, and then resigned his position and his connection with the company, and executed a quit claim deed to the rest of the committee for all the property they had received in trust for the company while he was a member, November 2, 1804, as attested by Titus Fowler, J. P. for Hampshire [Mass]. x-lU these deeds were recorded in Lancaster, and were transferred to the Licking County records from pages 50 to 170. 34 prp:parations. CHAPTER VII. Ill the prosecution of their ])reparatioii.s tlie company hehl frequent meetings during the fall and winter succeeding. Various committees were appointed and important business put into their hands. Levi Ikittles was the first president of the company, but his duties calling him to Ohio, Russel Atwater, Esq. , was chosen temporarily in his place. He, in turn, declining the appointment, Dea. Timothy Rose was appointed temporarily, and when they reached Ohio he became president. Levi Buttles was appointed agent for the transaction of the company's business in Ohio. Timothy Rose and Timothy vSpelman were appointed a committee to receive the letters addressed to the company. Another committee was to receive subscriptions for a library. Propositions were made for naming the new town after one or another of the land-holders from whom they had purchased their lands, but it was finally left until they should meet on the ground. Ere that time arrived a matter had transpired which determined them to drop those names and choose "Oranville." It had been determined to add to their pur- chase another tract, as the company had increased beyond their expectations. The agents of the company called on the agent of the land-holders in New York and opened nego- tiations. He professed a desire to serve the company and assured them he could arrange the business to their advant- age, and better than they could for themselves. The land was sold to him for a dollar an acre, and he sold to them for tivo^ doubling the cost to them and putting half the price of the section into his own pocket. After this transaction the proposed names were not so savory in the minds of the settlers. ADVANCED COMPANIRS. 35 It had been determined to send forward eighteen men in the spring to improve land, raise corn, build huts for the tem- porary accommodation of the emigrant families, and to erect a saw and grist mill. The number was afterward reduced to twelve. Finally three smaller companies were sent at dif- ferent times. In March, 1805, five men were sent out who reached their destination in April. They were Elkanah Linnel, Titus Hoskin, Gideon Cornell, Elihn Cooley and Elias Pomeroy. Their method was to seize upon favorable localities, here and there an open spot, perhaps one that some squatter had used previously, or a bit of prairie, or one that could be opened to the sun by topping off the trees ; then hoe in the corn without plowing, trusting chiefly to the virgin soil for a crop. They had numerous competitors for posses- sion of their corn while growing, and particularly when ripening, in the bears, turkeys, coons, deer, wild hogs and squirrels that roamed at will, requiring watching day and night to guard against them. Of course they could do but little, without resources, in a wild country, toward preparing to receive two hundred weary emigrants to comfortable homes. In the fall when their work was done, it is related of Mr. Pomeroy that with a pocket compass he started alone, taking a bee line for the northeastern part of the state, where he had friends whom he wished to find, and got through all right. A surveying party was sent out in July under Mr. James Coe, consisting of Wm. Reynolds, Samuel Waters, Joshua Kendall, Sereno Holcomb and Wm. Jones. Their work was to lay out a town site as near as possible to the point where the three sections, the Hardy, the Steele, and the Stanbery and Rathbone sections cornered together; to fix upon a burial lot, school lot, and minister lot as reservations ; lay out roads ; and divide the rest into lots of one hundred acres, reserving all mill seats. They arrived in August and accomplished their work so nearly, by the arrival of the colonists, that the division of lands soon after commenced. 36 FIRST MILL SITE. A company of five men with their families arrived on Fri- day, the fifth of July, sent out to open roads, build mills, and prosecute the work begun by the others in getting ready for the later arrivals. They were Timothy Spelman, Cornelius Slocum, John Phelps, Ethan Bancroft and Hugh Kelley. Mr. Bancroft found shelter for his family in one of the cabins at the mouth of Clear Run. Mr. Phelps and Mr. vSpelman in the Jones and Cunningham cabins, and others here and there. Mr. Spelman seems to have had oversight of all the workmen, and charge of all the company's work; and in his absence this care devolved on Mr. Slocum. Mr. Phelps was the millwright and Mr. Kelley the blacksmith. They put up a saw mill about sixty rods below the mouth of Clear Run, on the left bank of Raccoon. The creek made a bend to the south and back again to its original course, and across the neck of the bow was a natural sluice-way which they used for a feed-race. They made a dam at the entrance of this cut-across by setting sycamore logs on end, inclining down stream, in a trench across the stream, anct secured a fall of a few feet. But the freshets were too much for the anchorage of the sycamore logs, and the bed of the stream was soon washed clear of them. P^ifty years ago the remains of this dam could be seen in a continuous line of stumps running south several rods from the stream. The site of the mill and race has just now (1880) been obliterated by the steam shovel that loads the gravel trains for the Ohio Central R. R. Afterward, the mill was removed to the head of the cut- across, which was made the tail-race ; and, as the first dam had proved a failure, they tried one made of brush. This lived to see the saw run part way through the first log, when a freshet came and it, too, was swept away. This, of course, was the first mill erected within the township .so far as authenticated. Whatever that aboriginal brush dam already noticed may have been for, we know not. Another important step in the preparations of the emi- grants was the .selling of their eastern homes. In this they SELLING THKIR KASTp:rN FARMS. 37 were greatly favored. The land-holders of whom the com- pany had purchased their western lands, came to old Gran- ville and received the farms of the emigrants at a valuation fixed by " indifferent " [disinterested] parties, in payment for the western tract ; those selling taking the value of their farms in shares of the company's land, to be afterward al- lotted, according to agreement, in western farms. The con- dition of Europe and our maritime relations had been such for some years as to give farmers an " extravagant " price for their produce, and when the above sales were made farms were high in value. Within three years thereafter, from causes unforseen, prices of produce and real estate went down, so that the land-owners never realized from those pur- chases what they cost them. But the most important step of all was the organization of a church, May i, 1805, to be bodily transplanted from the old pastures of Massachusetts to the wild woods of Ohio. A fair proportion of the emigrant families were praying fam- ilies, and many of the leading men were church members. On Wednesday, the first day of May, twenty-four persons were organized, by a council, into a Congregational Church. They were : Samuel Everitt, Mrs. Mindwell Everitt, Widow Abigail Swcatman, Israel Wells, Mrs. Chloe Wells, Joseph Linnel, Timothy Rose, Mrs. Lydia Rose, Roswell Cxraves, Mrs. Hannah Graves, Job Case, Samuel Thrall, Mrs. Tri- phosa Thrall, Levi Hayes, Hiram Rose, Mrs. Sabra Rose, Zadoc Cooley, Mrs. Michal Cooley, Lemuel Rose, Mrs. Ach- sah Rose, Samuel Everitt, Jr., Silas Winchel, James Thrall, and Hannah Graves (2nd). Before they left Granville, Zeruah, wife of Joseph Linnel, Elizabeth, wife of Job Case, and Sarah, wife of William Gavit, were received to membership. Also, Timothy Spel- man was taken under the watch of the church and admitted to church privileges, he being of another denomination there called Separatists. They adopted a covenant and articles of faith, elected ;}8 CHURCH KORMRI). Timothy Rose and Levi Cooley deacons, and Saninel Ever- itt, Jr., clerk. They received a certificate of their formation into a church, which was signed by all the members of the conncil, as follows : Aaron Chnrch, Nathaniel Gaylord, Ozins Eells, Timothy M. Cooley, Joel Baker, and Roger Harrison. Two of the church, Zadoc Cooley and wife, did not emi- grate at that time, so that the total membership on arriving at their new homes was twenty-five, most of them being young heads of families. Dr. Cooley, the pastor, ])rcached a sermon on the occasion from Kx. 33:15: " If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence." With ])ublic pledges to remember each other in prayer, and with many tears on the part of both mother and daughter church, they separated. The various minor preparations can as well be imagined as described. Seven hundred miles were to be traversed with ox teams. Men, women and children must be cared for, taking the risk of exposure, over-fatigue, sickness, acci- dent or death, by the way. Food, raiment and shelter must be provided, by day and by night, in sunshine and shower. The route was auu)ng strangers, much of it by an unfre- quented way, mountains and rivers were to be crossed, and the journey was to end in a wilderness, with a winter ap- proaching and no homes to welcome them. They were not fool-hardy. Perhaps no undertaking draws the line so closely between necessities and superfluities as this. This nuist be taken, for that there is no room The more carriage, the more care; the more teams, the more subsistence; the larger the cavalcade, the more straightened the accommodations by the way ; the more abundant the provisions, the greater the expense. The supplies are curtailed to the lowest point of ingenuity, and the endurance is urged to the highest point of po.ssibility ; then, trust in a kind providence supplies the missing link. The oldest among them were serious and provident, and the youngest were moved to song by the ro- mance of the situation. Timothy Spelman contributed a MINOR PREPARATIONS. 39 few verses of song, which were sung at their gatherings and by the way all sinnmer long. Three verses of this song are all that can now be fonnd. The tune to which they were sung is said to have been called the " Belle Quaker ": 1. " When rambling o'er these mountains And rocks, where ivies grow Thick as the hairs upon your head, 'Mongst which you cannot go; Great storms of snow, cold winds that blow, We scarce can undergo; Says I: My boys, we'll leave this )dace For the pleasant Ohio. 3. " But long and tedious winters. Our cattle, they must starve; We work and tug from month to month To dig through drifts of snow! Says I, My boys, we'll leave this place J"or the pleasant Ohio. 8. " Our precious friends that stay behind, We're sorry now to leave. But if they'll stay and break their shins, For them we'll never grieve; Adieu, my friends! Come on, my dears. This journey we'll forego. And settle Licking Creek, In yonder Ohio." 40 ])Y TlIU WAY CHAPTKK \'1II. In the month of vScptcniber the families began to leave in small companies for their six weeks' journey. Their route from (iranville, Mass., lay south-westward, crossin*^ the Hudson River at Fishkill Landing, or Fort Edward ; thence over a point of New Jersey, across the Delaware at Easton, the Schuylkill at Reading, the Susquehanna at Harrisburg, by Carlisle and over the Alleghanies, through Washington, Pa., across the Ohio at Wheeling, and on to Zanesville. From that place they drove through unbroken forests, guided by blazes on the trees made by those who had gone be- fore them. Others, from Granby, Conn., took a more south- erly route, by Hartford and New Haven, eventually falling into the same road. St. Clairsville, Belmont County, was a new settlement ; there was a hotel kept by John Beatty where Cambridge now stands, and Washington, Ohio, was just laid out as a village. The first company to arrive consisted of Elias Oilman, William Gavit, Silas Winchel, James Thrall, Levi Rose and Samuel Thrall, with their families, and Thomas Sill. This company ke])t the Sabbath throughout the journey, stopping early Saturday evening, so as to have all preparations made and begin hoh- time at sundown, according to their custom. They arrived at their destination Saturday-, November 2, having been forty-four days on the road. Tuesday, November 12, the second comjiany arrived, con- sisting of Lieutenant Jesse Munson, Timothy Rose, Lemuel Rose, Hiram Rose, Roswell Graves, Enoch Graves, Justin Hillyer, (rideon Cornell, George Avery with their families, and Amos Carpenter, Martin Root, Noble Sheldon and Thomas Rathbone This company did not rest on the vSab- bath, and were forty-nine days on the road. Jesse INIunson was advanced in years and well situated in life. He only ARRIVAL PA^ COMPANIKS. 41 came to be with his children, who were all leaving for the west, and all but two with this colony. When he crossed the Ohio at Wheeling, he was disappointed in the soil and looks of the new country, and muttered, " if they hadn't anything better than that to show him, he should give them a big gun and go back again." But when they got to the Licking Valley, with its broad expanse of deep, rich soil, his feelings changed. He would get out and examine the soil in his hands, even smelling and tasting it, expressing the greatest satisfaction. When they got to the Jones cabin, on Center- ville street, then occupied by Kdward Nash, he determined that there would be the place for him to anchor, saying " he should have that farm." Being a man of means, he paid the price, lived and died there, and it is still occupied by his descendants. ,Tlie cabin built by Jones, of blue ash logs, was, in after years, clearly identified, and some of the timber preserved and manufactured into canes. On Sunday, November 17, three men arrived, having come through without load in twenty-two days. They were Sam- uel Everitt, Jr., Arauna Clark and Joab Griffin. About November 20, arrived Frederick Moore and Worthy Pratt, and about the same time a company of fourteen, Sylvanus Mitchel, Israel Wells, with their families, and James Sin net. Monday, December 2, arrived twenty-five; Joseph Ivinnel, Job Case, David Butler, with their families, and Titus Knox, having been fifty-one days on the road. Of this company was Leveret Butler, a lad of twelve or fourteen, who carried a shot gun. He strayed away one day hunting, and came into camp at ten at night with half a score of squirrels, after the company had become alarmed at his long absence. He never forgot his hunting propensities, and made them very useful to the colony afterwards. Thus far 176 had arrived, of whom fifty-two were heads of families. Others came from other quarters, so that in Jan- 42 INCIDKNTS. iiary follovvino^ there were in the colony 234 persons ; and these, withont any invidions sense, were the I'\ F. (i.'s. Dnrino- their jonrneyings, sickness had visited many of them, serions dangers encountered some, great latigue was endured, and difficulties overcome by all. In some places, the wagons were held right side up by ropes fastened to the top and held by men walking along the hill-side above the road. Some were so far discouraged as to wish to turn Ijack. But the more enthusiastic held them to their ])urpose, and all persevered. Two or three incidents may be worth recording: A son of Deacon Rose, as he was climbing into the wagon, which was about to start, fell, and the wheel passed over his leg. A daughter of Enoch Graves was run over, the wheel passing over her head and arm. The father, seeing the acci- dent inevitable, whipped up the oxen to pass over the child as rapidly as possible, and her life was .saved Neither accident delayed the company a half hour. One evening they drew near a house of large dimensions, and were fain to apply for .shelter. The man at first refused to entertain them, alleging that the Yankees always stole from him. Deacon Rose offered his riding horse as security for the good behavior of the company, and reluctant consent was finally given Two very large rooms were given up to them, one to the ladies and the other to the men. In the ladies' room were great piles of bedding standing on chairs along one side of the room. It was noticed that a colored woman, a servant about the house, several times came in, handling over the quilts, and seemed very officious watching them. When they came to start in the morning, sure enough, the host missed a large pewter platter, and insisted on searching the wagons. This would cause a ver)* irksome delay. Naomi Cornell and Silence Rose remembered the uiovements of the colored woman the evening before, and sus])ected where the platter was. Ciiving one of the chairs a little tjlt, they sent the clothing over the floor, and the A DUTCHMAN PLACATED. 43 platter rattled out with them. Seizing the woman, who was near, they would not allow her to go until the host came and heard their story. The woman confessed her guilt, in that and former thefts, and the man was so ashamed of his charge against the Yankees that he gave them twenty pounds of honey and half a dozen loaves of bread for a feast, and they parted in friendship. One of the boys was on another occasion sent ahead toward evening to secure a place for the company for the night. He found a commodious house and asked a woman in charge of it, if they could spend the night there. " I reckon," was her answer. Not understanding the provincialism he waited some time and then said, " I wish you would tell me whether we can stay all night or not." " Well, I reckon," the woman answered again. Being non-plused he went back to the wagons and reported. Older heads took in the meaning better and arranged to stay. While on the mountains the king bolt of one of the wagons broke. Far from any blacksmith, they must rely upon their own resources. Mr. Munson drove up and produced from his wagon a piece of hard hickory, which his forethought had led him to put in with his outfit, and of this a bolt was made that served to bring the wagon to its journey's end. The largest company to come through together was that of Dea. Rose. They reached the Jones cabin, Tuesday, Nov. 1 2th, and found it, as well as all other cabins, already filled by those who had preceded them. There was waiting with them Rev. Cyrus Riggs, a Presbyterian minister from West- ern Pennsylvania. Having heard of their near approach he was waiting to welcome them and preach them a sermon be- fore going on his way. Scarcely waiting to loosen the oxen from their yokes or to eat, one hundred assembled for public worship. Then they sought rest in sleep, some in the cabins and others in the wagons. Thirty persons slept in one cabin, the preacher being first provided for. The night was made lurid with a great burning log heap, and thus passed the first 44 ON TIIIC NILLACiK SOU ARK. night with the body of the emigrants within the limits of their own purchase. The next day, Wednesday, Nov. 13th, (1805), they drove on and camped on the village square. Lemuel Rose urged his oxen past the wagon of Dea. Rose, that was driven by Martin Root, and had become entangled in the brush ; and was the first to drive upon the town site. There was no work of human hands to greet their eyes except the little aboriginal mound of earth standing just in front of where the Town Hall now stands, and the surveyors marks upon the trees. They selected a very large beech tree, a little south of the center of the public square, and proceeded to cut it down. Mr. Coe, the surveyor, was present and as- sisted. All the men took turns in swinging the axes. While this was being done, Mr. Hiram Rose, either to have the prestige of cutting the first tree, or to prepare a support for the other, seized his axe and cut down a small, leaning hol- low tree, and the other fell upon it. According to the letter, the hollow tree was the first one cut, but accordingly to the spirit the beech was the first. Four families at once pitched their little tents beside it, — the three Roses and Hillyer. They set stakes a few feet off, put poles across, and from them to the prostrate tree. These were covered with brush and blankets; and thus they lived until some temporary cabins could be hastily thrown up and covered. Their fires kept wild beasts at bay, the snakes had gone to sice]) for the winter and troubled them not. The ground was damp, but they could sleep on brush heaps. They were exposed to the rain and cold. But they suc- ceeded, and thus our v^illage was begun. THE SYMMETRICAL LOCATION. 45 CHAPTER IX. Having seen them encamped upon the land they have purchased for their future homes, let us find a point of ob- servation on the hill beyond the stream to the south of them and take a more distant view of the spot they have chosen for their village. It is a singularly symmetrical locality. Our northern horizon is bounded by the line of hills that lie just beyond their camp. The valley between us and the hills is three-quarters of a mile wide, and lies in two benches, or shelves, the first being but little above the banks of the creek, and sometimes siibject to overflow. The second lies from ten to forty feet higher. Just beyond their camp, and in front of us as we look, the hill is bold and projects toward us. To the left it recedes from us about sixty rods and sinks somewhat in height. Then coming forward again it rises in another prominence to the height of the first.. This is the hill with its two prominences that came in after times to be called the Hill of Science. In earlier times it was called Prospect Hill. To the right the ridge is broken by a valley through which courses the brook, fed by living springs among the hills, which the settlers named Clear Run. Just before us, the one to the right, the other to the left of us, rise two buttes, or isolated peaks. That to the west is well formed and rises nearly as high as the ridge beyond. The emigrants named it Stone Hill, but it came afterward to be known as Sugar Loaf. Between it and the ridge, the valley bends northward and into the ridge, and in this pass the val- ley is only a trifle higher than the rest of the second level. The butte to the right of us is a little larger and not so sym- metrical, but its western, face is very similar to that with which Sugar Loaf confronts it. This peak was afterward known as Mt. Parnassus. There on the second level, bounded by the ridge on the Sc/'ool Lot. « 3 TOPOGRAPHY. 47 north, and by these peaks on either side, and on the sonth by the bank that descends here abont forty feet to the bottom lands of the first level, and about eighty rods dis- tant from the stream, is the site of the future village. The plat is 178 rods by io6, and contains a fraction less than 118 acres. Let three-quarters of a century pass, and look again. There, in these after-days, she sits, full grown, like a little queen upon her throne. Her churches, her schools of every grade, her business houses, her dwellings, are all of good appointment. vShe has had her share of prosperity and of disaster, but has held on her way with a quiet, even develop- ment and true dignity. Her children arise up and call her blessed. Denison University has chosen a beautiful site upon the second prominence of the ridge, and it is now proposed to retain both the names that have been used in times past. Let the eastern prominence, against which Prospect Street abuts, remain as " Prospect Hill," and the summit on which the University stands appropriate the other, " The Hill of Science." At the northern base of Sugar Loaf is the reservoir, fed from S distant spring, which supplies the citizens with pure water ; and at the southern base of Mt. Parnassus is the new and well-kept cemetery. Broadway is sketched with quadruple lines. Through the middle runs the drive-way. It is bounded on either side by a lawn. Next this is the sidewalk, lined with shade trees. Within the walk are the front grounds of the dwellings, used only for shrubbery, flowers or grass plots. The Ohio Central Railroad, from Toledo to the coal fields of Perry County, having, also, a branch to Columbus, passes just under the bank, south of town. The youth of the re- gion roundabout are entrusted to the care ot these literary institutions ; and many are they who seek a resting place in this quiet retreat. 48 ODK TO GRANVILLE. It was this view of the village that inspired the following Ode to Granville, with which one of the memorial papers of the Seventy-fifth Anniversary closed : THE VILLAGE OK THE HILLS. 1. Hiiylit is ihc (Lawn of morniiijj Wlien peace, like dew, distills; And hiiglit thy morning waking, Thou Village of the Hills! Thy lot in pleasant places By Providence was cast; Rich harvests thou art reaping From labors of the past. 2. Patient in care thy matrons; Thy men for toil were strong; Thy sons went forth with laughter, Thy daughters with a song. Thy sun has neared its zenith, Thy morning toil was blest; Thy sons take up thy burdens That thou from toil may'st rest. 3. Among thy hills enjoying Thy heritage so fair. Thy queenly form is resting In Nature's "old arm chair." Old " Prospect Hill " supports thee, * The " Hill of Science " near. Whence learn'd professors whisper Their lore into thine ear. 4. Fair landscapes spread around thee, Enchanting to the sight; " Parnassus " holds thy left hand, And "Sugar Loaf" thy right. At last, the track of Commerce Seeks out thy (juaint retreat. And daily treasures bringing, She lays them at thy feet. 5. Thy right hand shields the fountain Whence hydrant streams are fed; Thy left is gently guarding The slumber of thy dead. ODE TO GRANVILLE. 49 Thy neighbors prize thy vantage, Thy vigilance they see; They bring their sons and daughters, Entrusting them to thee. Then liail! thou queenly matron, Renowned for comeliness; To-day thy works do praise thee, Thy children rise and bless. May God's right hand still lead tliee, And guard thee from all ills; May thousand Iiirthdays greet thee, Thou Village of the Hills. 50 TIIIC FIRST WEEK. CHAPTER X. Returning now to our emigrants, we find tlicni busily oc- cupied in providing for their families a temporary shelter until their lands can be divided, and they can proceed to erect their permanent homes. In putting up their shelters they built chiefly within the square, so as not to be in each other's way after the lots were drawn. Dea. Rose built north of the road near the east side of the square, just by the east line of the Methodist church as afterward built. Lemuel Rose was just back of him and Hiram Rose a little west and where the Town Hall now stands. Jesse Munson built where the Congregational Church afterward stood, Justin Hillyer just west, and Hugh Kelleyjust north of him. Joseph Linnel built a little west of the corner so long occupied by Mr. A. P. Prichard's drug store, Elias Oilman near the town spring, and Sylvanus Mitchel a little south of him. Wwi. Gavit built on the corner south of Jesse Munson, across the street and near the lot where his residence was for many years. Gideon Cornell built near Sugar Loaf and probably not until after he drew his lots which lay on the back street. vSamuel Thrall, George Avery, and Timothy Spehnan also spent the winter in town, perhaps not building until the lots were drawn. Other members of the company were accom- modated in the old cabins until the lands were divided, when they bent their energies upon improvements on their farms. "The first three nights there fell an abundance of rain which not only came through the brush and blankets " under which they were sleeping, but ran on the ground info their shelters and under the beds which were s])read on the ground. Some were driven in the night to their wagons. Amid their labors the vSabbath came, the 17th of Novem- ber, a memorable day. They had arranged to have ])ublic worship in the open air beside the large beech tree. At the THE SONG IN THE DESERT. 61 appointed hour the horn gave the signal and all came to- gether, a goodly congregation numbering ninety-three. Two sermons were read by Mr. Rathbone, one of which was Dr. Cooley's sermon preached a few months before at the organ- ization of the church. The prayers were offered by Dea. Timothy Rose, Lemuel Rose and Samuel Thrall. The scene is described as an affecting one. The memory of their old homes and house of worship rushed upon them in vivid con- trast with their present circumstances, — in the wild forests, on the frontier of civilization, no floor under their feet save the damp earth, no covering over their heads but God's can- opy, no seats but those improvised for the occasion out of logs and blocks and what their wagons afforded, no pulpit but the stump of that beech tree, and no pastor at all. They prayed, and their hearts went out in genuine gratitude and trust. They listened to the sermons read and grew stronger in their undertaking. They sang and their voices floated out among the trees and arose above them, wafted far out on the autumnal air. But the accents were sometimes tremulous. Silent tears coiirsed down their cheeks and sobs mingled with the song. God heard them; and, as they learned afterwards, an unknown neighbor heard them. Theophilus Rees, who has been mentioned as settling a mile or two northeast of the incipient village, had occasion that morning to look for some cattle that had strayed from his herd. Being drawn by the lowing of the company's oxen, knowing nothing of the presence of settlers so near him, he had approached toward them so near as the point of Prospect Hill. Standing there listening to catch some sound from the cattle, there fell upon his astonished ear the strains of sweet music. They seemed wafted to him from the tree tops or from the sky. He thought of angels sent to earth to minister to men and stood in rapt bewilderment. Then coming on a little nearer and around the point of the hill, the song burst upon him more clearly. He followed it up until through the trees and underbrush he could make out what 52 THRKK-vSIDED CABINvS. was going on. Then he retraced his steps withont making his presence known. He hastened home to tell his wife that they had got some new neighbors and she need not be afraid of them, for they had got the ark of God among them. Then, nsing a Welsh proverb, he said, "The promise of (iod is a bond." He had seen the silent wilderness becoming vocal with the praise of Jehovah. Long after, thongh he conld neither speak nor nnderstand Engli.sh, he regnlarly presented himself a worshiper among them, sometimes lead- ing them in prayer, bnt in his own tongne ; and was a trne neighbor and fast friend. Before the next Sabbath came, Deacon Rose and his hired man had raised his three sided cabin ^w\\\c\\\\^^ their place of worship for several sncceeding Sabbaths. As the first cabin ]Mit np in the village or by any of the company; as a sample resi- dence of the people dnring that winter, which, providentially, was an open one ; as a Council House or Town Hall for the company's business meetings ; as a hotel ; and as the first house of worship, all combined, this cabin deserves the best description that can be given of it. It was about twenty feet wide and twenty-eight long, hastily made by rolling up great beech logs three high, with enormous cracks, chinked in with other logs and stuffed with the heavy moss from the forest trees. The logs of the rear end were interlapped with those of the sides, cabin fashion, but the front ends of the side logs were built up with puppies — so log-architecture designates them — that is, blocks fitted between and across the logs, to hold them firmly in place. Thus, the two sides and back end were built up closely, or solid, and to a reasonable height. It was covered with split shingles, or clapboards, rived out of ash, and six feet long. These were laid on ribs^ and held in place by iveight-poles^ with knees between them. It zvonld shed a great deal of the rai7t! The front, which was toward the south, was all open. Rut after leaving space for a passage way in and out, the rest was occupied by a great blazing log heap, kept burning THE FIRST HOUSE THAT SHELTERED A FAMILY IN GRANVILLE TOWN. 54 COMMODIOUS QUARTERS. night and day. It needed neither door nor window, and the floor was earth. The cracks and fire gave light cnongh, and if the smoke blew in, it blew ont again. The top logs were stayed in place, so as not to spread with the weight of the roof, by saplings jiinned across overhead. On these the boys nsed to perch dnring pnblic service. A number of cabins were made, with some variations from this pattern, that accommodated the families for that first winter. They were not yet practiced in log architectnre. Instead of an open end, some laid up an angle of .shorter logs, which they lined with stones, leaving room at each side to drive a yoke of oxen in and ont, for the purpose of draw- ing in logs and rolling them upon the fire. Their beds were sometimes spread on brush, and .some- times more artistically made by boring into the logs for rests for poles, on which their beds were laid. If any think a brush heap a rough place to sleep, let them go from ordinary packed mattresses, and try one. The soldiers, when cam- paigning, used to think themselves favored if they could find one ready made, whereon to throw theuLselves, without any intervening bed ; and let it be remembered, our emigrants had now been campaigning about two months. In quarters like this, and even less commodious, families of eleven, ten, nine or less, some of them with hired men, or " boarders from the Kast, locating land," spent that memorable winter. The same room was bed-room, parlor, nursery, kitchen, dining-room, office, work-shop and store- house — a complete caravansary, except the stable. A picture drawn as faithfully as can be done from the descriptions given by the few now living who saw the cabin, must tell the rest. It is .so nearly true to its original, that it is recognized with pleasure by the few who could judge of its accuracy. BUSINESS. 55 CHAPTER XI. The last entry of the company's minntes made in old Granville, reads thus : " Voted that this Meetings be Adjourned to the first Monday of December Next at Nine O'clock in tlie Monn'ng to Meet on the Hardy Section Which the Co. purchased in the State of Ohio for the purpose of Making the first Devision of Lands the Company Owns in Sd State." True to adjournment, they met Monday, December 2, at Deacon Timothy Rose's new cabin. Lieutenant Buttles, the President of the company, had died at Worthington, in the interim, and Timothy Rose was appointed to the office in his place. Members continued to be received to the company, but only in place of such as had lost or resigned their connection with it ; some even having come on from the East with the company in confidant expectation of such changes. Roswell Rowley, Daniel Wadsworth, Phineas Rowley, James Thrall and Thomas Spelman were received to membership after the adjournment of the company, by action of the Executive Committee, before leaving Massachusetts. In Ohio, the com- pany received Jeremiah R. Munson, Esq., in place of Jesse Rice ; Martin Root in place of one right of Josiah Graves ; Elias'Gilman in place of Ephraim Howe, Jr.; John Johnson in place of Hugh Kelley, for his sister, and David Butler in place of Solomon Noble. A few days' delay in the division of the lands was occa- sioned by the surveys not being completed. Samuel Thrall and Cornelius Slocum were made a committee to act with Timothy Spelman, already appointed, " to complete the mill and do the surveying necessary to the first division." The corn that had been raised during the summer was held for sale at two shillings (thirty-three cents) a bushel. The fod- 56 ROADS — RESKRVATIONS. der was distributed, each man <;ettiiii; about as iiiiich as he could cany home on his Ijack for a sin^^le share. The cattle and tools and "all other articles" belono^ing to the compan)- were held for sale. These matters were entrusted to a com- mittee consisting of Samuel Thrall, James Coe and Wm. Gavit. Roads were laid out and opened by direction of the company in expectation that in due time they would be es- tablished by proper authority and become permanent ; one to Owl Creek (Mt. Vernon), another to Worthington, and a third to Lancaster. Jeremiah R. IMunson, Elias Oilman, and Lemuel Rose were a committee " to furnish Supplies ])ack Horse Chain Men and an Ax Man to Wait on the Viewers and Run a Road from Lancaster to Granville vSettlement from thence to Owl Crick." Afterward, Job Case, Hugh Kelley and Joshua Kindall were made a committee to superintend the work in opening the roads. Certain reservations were made in addition to those already made, which will be understood by the following extract from the company's records. Under date of Dec. 5, 1805, it is recorded, as follows : "5 Voted that four Acres in Square form be taken Out of Lot No 15 3d Range at the North West Corner & Reserved for public Use. [Summit of Sugar Loaf.] "6 Voted to Establish the liureying Ground a[s] Laycd Out at the North West Corner of Lot No. 14 3d Range South of the Town plat [The old cemetery.] " jth Voted that the Lot No. 11 in the 3d Range be Appro- priated fur the Seport of the Gospel [First lot S. K. of Lancas- ter bridge.] "8th Voted that Lot No 15 in the 2d Range be appropria- ted for the Seport of a School [on Centerville St., half a mile east of town.] "9th Voted that 2 Acres in the Lot No. 11 in the 3d Range be Reserved a public Road to the Saw Mill [Lying along Clear Run, from Centerville St. to the Creek.] " 10 Voted that the Spring on Block No 2 in the Town plot be Reserved for publick Use & put Over to A futer Meeting" [Near h^sq. Oilman's lot, and known as the Toion Spring^ I>^ THE COUNTY SEAT — SCHOOL. 57 It had been thought by some of the company that their village would be laid out further to the east, on the plain through which Centerville Street runs, with the confident ex- pectation that it would also become the county seat when by a new division another county should be set off. This mat- ter of the county seat led to some difference between the Granville and Newark people on the subject. A petition concerning the bounds of the county had been sent to the General Court; that is, the Legislature; and a counter peti- tion went up from the Licking Company, Jeremiah R. Mun- son, Esq., being appointed a committee to present it. A little experience with dams and floods in the western streams seems to have discouraged the company in estab- lishing their mill. They therefore offered at public sale their reserved mill seat at the mouth of Clear Run, together with the mill, machinery and all the appurtenances. Early action was taken to secure a school for the winter. Samuel Thrall, Lemuel Rose and Elias Gilman were made THE FIRST bCHUOL HOUSE. 1806. a committee on this behalf. It resulted in the building of a large log school house on the south side of the public square, a little east of where the Baptist Church now stands. "This was a magnificent building," is the language of one who was privileged to attend the school taught the latter half of that winter by Mr. Rathbone. The windows were of oiled paper, the seats were shaved puncheons laid on blocks, and the 8 o8 vSALK OF LOTS. desks were of the same, fixed to the logs of the house at suitable height by pins set in auger-holes. The house was also used for religious meetings and for town gatherings. The entrance was near the northeast corner. The chimney was on the east end and the fire-place was just to the left as one entered. The day's wages of a man at this time was four shillings, (sixty-seven cents,) and the same sum ])aid for the use of a yoke of oxen for a day, with chains enough to work them. The meetings of the company were often held on Sunday evening. In explanation of this it should be said that the universal custom among them at that time was to begin their Sabbath at sundown on Saturday evening, and close it at sundown Sunday evening. They therefore felt at liberty to transact secular business on Sunday evening, but they would by no means do it on Saturday evening. Another remarkable fact is that whisky is several times mentioned as being called for and used at their business meetings. It is to be remembered that the light of the Tem- perance Reformation had not then dawned. All men drank freely as they listed. It was but a universal custom. On Tuesday the loth of December, (1805), the sale of lots began at vendue; James Coe, Noadiah Holcomb and Joab Griffin being a committee to receive the money paid by the bidders each for his choice, the aggregate of which was to be equally divided among the members of the Company according to the quantity of land he purchased. The town lots were first sold, and next day the farm lots. No bid on the village lots less than ten cents was accepted, and on the farm lots less than one dollar. Those who were absent were permitted to be represented by others in the biddings. For the choice of town lots, the highest bid would appear to have been made by Samuel P^veritt, Jr. He ])aid seventy dollars for one on Broad Street, near Prospect — one of the best lots — and seventy dollars for one lying on the hillside, and one of the least desirable. But no other bid rose higher INDIVIDUAL BIDS. 59 than $25.25, which sum Deacon Timothy Rose paid for his lot at the corner of Broad and Pearl Streets. The one next east of Mr. Everitt's — northwest corner of Broad and Prospect Streets — sold to Justin Hillyer for $20.50, and the one next west to William Slocum for $16.30. This is not explained. It may be that the fact that Mr. Everitt drew up the parti- tion deed without charge may have something to do with it, no further pay for his lots being required of him, and that service being considered worth the sum he is said to have paid for them. In bidding for the farm lots, half a dozen bids ranged over $300 each, and in the following order : Job Case, whose farm was a mile west of town, where the Loudon road leaves the Worthington road, $344 ; Noadiah Holcomb, midway on Loudon Street, $341 ; Levi Hayes, the last farm in the com- pany's purchase on the east, and to the north of the Newark road, $337 ; Cornelius Slocum, for the farm long occupied by Captain Joseph Fassett, three-quarters of a mile east of town, $331 j Samuel Thrall, for the McCune farm, long oc- cupied by Mr. Joseph Linnel, a mile and a half east of town, $317; Lieutenant Jesse Munson, the farm where the Jones cabin stood, $313. The land was valued to every member of the company at ;^i67.30 per one hundred acres, each one paying in addition to this, for his choice of location, whatever he bid. Each one hundred acres drew a town lot, and for the choice of these, again bids were received. The first farm lot bid off was by Timothy Spelman, Esq. He paid for his choice $138. It was the faim adjoining town on the northeast, through which Clear Run passes, and on which the flouring mill stands. The largest purchase as to acres was that of Lieutenant Jesse Munson, who received a deed for 1500 acres at the company's price. His bids being added, his tract cost him $3043.80. The next in size was that of James Sinnet, one thousand acres, his biddings increasing the cost to $1776.50. 00 DIVISION OF LOTS. The next was that of Jesse Miinson, Jr., eif^ht hundred acres. It does not appear that he bid aiiything for his choice, as his land is charged at the company's price, $1338.40. The next is that of Timothy Spehnan, seven hundred acres, costing $1997.80. The next was Cornelius Slocum's six hundred acres, costing $1594.65. Levi Buttles, Job Case, David Messenger, Silas Winchel, Joseph Linnel, William Cooley, Jr., William Oavit, and Samuel Thrall, received deeds for five hundred acres each, at an additional cost for choice varying from $898.50 to $1601.70. Some paid nearly as much for their choice as they did for their land, while others paid nothing for a choice. The ag- gregate of these biddings was not far from $20,000. When this came to be distributed to the members of the company, some of them received in their dividend nearly or quite as much as their land cost them ; they thus getting a farm at the expense of those who paid for a choice above them. About eighty persons received their farms and village lots thus by paying a premium for their choice. While the sale of lots at vendue was proceeding, a com- mittee of three (Noadiah Holcomb, James Coe, and Joab Griffin) was appointed to digest a plan by which the further division of lots might be made. This was on the 9th of December. On the nth they reported, and the sale pro- ceeded on the 1 2th. The proprietors met and organized, being such as did not choose to pay for a choice of lots. Job Case was made their president, and Timothy Spehnan, clerk. The first business was the distribution of their town lots. The town spring lot, on account of the spring, was sold to the highest bidder (Lieutenant Jesse Munson), he giving a lien to the company that the spring should be for public use " as long as water runs." Klias (xilman, afterward coming into possession of the lot, gave a deed, March 21, 1806, recorded in Fairfield County, Lancaster, March 31, 1806, renouncing all title to the spring and as much ground around it as might be needed THR SRCOND DIVISION. Gl for water- works, if the "inhabitants" should thereafter see fit to use the spring for the public good. The further division proceeded by lot, William Reynolds and Frederick Moore being chosen to draw the tickets. In the division of farm lands the same method was pursued. Each section was drawn by lot separately, the unappropri- ated fractions of the Hardy & Stanberry sections being di- vided among the other sections ; each member to have a portion of his land in each section ; thus, by the chances of several drawings, equalizing the probabilities that each member would receive a fair average quality of land. Then, by exchanging, buying, and selling, each could obtain his land in contiguous tract. If, however, any were dissatisfied with this method, they had the privilege of receiving their land in one tract under the direction of a committee chosen by those interested. January 15, 1806, Deacon Timothy Rose, in a letter, says : " We have come to the division of our land, and that peaceably ; and, as I believe, honestly." A partition deed drawn up by Samuel Everitt, Jr., was given by the company, in which the purchase of each mem- ber is described. It was signed by each member of the company, some absentees signing by their attorneys. By thus subscribing, each member of the company signed away his claim to every part of the land except that described by the deed as apportioned to himself. Thus was each one's title made good to himself from the company. A copy of this deed occupies twenty-eight pages of very closely written foolscap paper, including a plat of the village, with tables of the proprietors' names, their village and farm lots, the location of the same in sections and ranges, etc. On the 8th day of March, 1806, the deed was acknowledged before Abraham Wright, a Justice of the Peace for Fairfield County, seventy-eight signatures being attached. The recording of this deed cost the company $25.00, and the instrument itself was entrusted to the custody of Timothy Spelman. 62 ' KARLV KXPKRIKNCKS. CHAPTER XII. The winter ot 1805-6 was one of new experiences foralltlie settlement ; it proved to be an open one, so that their sufferings from exposure and cold were not very great. Then, there w^as abundance of wood at every man's door, and they were glad to put it out of the way in their great, roaring fires, kept burning night and day. Evening gatherings for social chat were frequent. Conversations with friends and interchange of experience in their new circumstances were needed. Be- ing so far removed from all other friendships, they made the more of their social life. While the older ones were thus met for planning and conference, the younger ones would gather for innocent frolic. Father and mother, with thought- ful countenances, would start out to spend the evening with their neighbors. They would scarcely be hidden from sight in the darkness among the thick trees, when a horn would blow, as a concerted signal among the young people that the cat was away and the mice might play, and troops would start up here and there, all making for the rendezvous. So prompt was the response that sometimes the two parties would meet in the woods, going in opposite directions, and the old folks would wonder who those young people were, and where they were going. The young folks had undis- puted possession of one cabin, and the old folks were undisturbed in their consultations in the other. The young folks knew the old folks were planning for their welfare, and were happy. The old folks had full confidence in their children, that they were in no mischief, wherever they were. The parents would return to their homes when the evening was spent, to find that the children, too, had been enjoying themselves, and all were satisfied. Owing to the failure of their mill dam, they were obliged to go for flour to Chillicothe, a distance of sixty miles. Four men, Justin Hillyer, Eevi Ro.se, Augustine Munson and WILD TURKEYS. 63 Thomas Spelman, made this trip during the winter, with ox teams, returning with their loads in twenty-one days. Their route was through the woods to Lancaster, from which place a road had been opened to Chillicothe. It took them four days to travel that first twenty-six miles to Lancaster, Another commodity, regarded a necessity in those days, was whisky. This, too, was brought from Chillicothe. But the woods around them abounded in choice game. Wild turkeys were so plentiful as to become a pest to the crops. They " went in flocks to the size of a hundred, and some of the settlers say five hundred. When they began to sow, there are instances where the sower set down his wheat to club back the turkeys. In the Autumn, the Burgh Street hills echoed with their noise, and sometimes seemed almost covered with them. The people did not pretend to eat all they killed. The breasts were torn out for 'jerks,' that is, to smoke and dry, and the rest was thrown away. Those who could not bear to see the waste forbade their young peo- ple firing upon them. So late as 1811, six years after the settlement, Enoch Graves paid Spencer Wright nine fat turkeys, caught in a pen, for three pounds of sole leather." A turkey that had been shot came flying overhead and fluttered down by the side of Mrs. Winchel, while at work out of doors. It was unable to fly further, and so furnished them a dinner. When dressed, it weighed twenty-two pounds. A pedler from Chillicothe stopped at Oren Granger's tavern one Monday noon, where he saw several fine turkeys. He bargained with Leveret Butler for one hundred such, to be delivered at Mr. Granger's the next Saturday noon. Butler went home, run his bullets, went out in the afternoon and in two hours killed twenty-nine. A rain came up and wet the guns, and he was obliged to stop. He hung up the turkeys after the Indian fashion, sticking the head of one through a slit in the neck of another, and balancing them across a limb. Next day it rained. Wednesday he went 64 DEER — WOLVES. again, with one Nichols, and camped out the rest of the week. They carried in 130. The wild cats spoiled six for them. Selecting one hundred of the best, he delivered them to Mr. Granger and received his pay. Mrs. Samuel Everitt caught twenty-three turkeys at one time, trapping them in a corn crib, luring them to the spot by sprinkling a few kernels of corn around. Deacon David Thomas killed seven with two shots, having a shot gun, and getting the turkeys in a row as they sat on the fence. Turkeys were very large, and so fat that when shot from a tree, the concussion of the fall would cause the fat on their backs to split open six inches or more. Old Mr. Hoover had the name of killing the largest in the colony. When dressed, it weighed thirty-eight pounds. Mr. Ethan Bancroft shot several that weighed thirty-six pounds. " Some accounts border on the marvelous as to the ease with which deer were found & shot at the deer licks; one of which was near the west side of the township." The exposure to danger from wild beasts was not a slight one ; the wolves being the most formidable enemy, because of their numbers. Bears and "panthers" there were, and they occasioned trouble, but not with any frequency. Alfred Avery, then a mere boy of eleven years, was sent one day to the mill at Newark, on horseback, and returning, did not reach home until after night. Some animal rushed past him in the darkness and startled his horse, throwing the boy and the grist to the ground. By the aid of a fallen tree, he was able to readjust his load, and he reached home in safety. It was supposed to be a wolf, which, being full fed, did not molest him further. A son of Theophilus Rees came one evening into the vil- lage to spend a few hours in singing with the young people. He was urged not to return home through the woods by night, but, more bravely than wisely, he set out, imitating the howling of the wolf as he went. He had scarcely gone half RESCUES FROM WOLVES. 05 a mile from the village, when a pack of wolves, perhaps answering to his own call, came upon him, and forced him into a small tree. The wolves surrounded it, snapping, howling, jumping at him as he sat on a limb, and even gnawing at the tree, which, before morning light could disperse them, would have yielded to their persistence, and given him up as their prey. But, providentially, his cries were heard at the settlement. The village was aroused, and they set out with torches and lanterns, to his rescue. As the lights ap- proached them, the wolves yielded their ground, and the young man was saved. During the first winter. Captain John Phelps being vio- lently ill, his younger brother, Chauncey, went to Worihing- ton, twenty-seven miles, for a physician. At night fall, he waded a creek ; the wolves came on his track, and forced him into a tree. There he remained until his clothes froze stiff. At length, the wolves seemed to take his track back, and hearing them plunge into the creek, he came down and went on his way. Two sons and a daughter of David Lewis, in the Rees settlement, were boiling sugar in the woods one night, when a pack of wolves came upon them. They defended themselves, for a time, with the brands from the fire. These were near giv- ing out, to their great peril, before their parents and neighbors rallied to their rescue. H. Prosper Rose was once riding to town from his home, by the ridge road, which followed the hills north of the present road, when he was chased by a savage wolf that bit his horse, and snapped his boot, and to save himself, he was obliged to run his horse quite into the village. In early times, a wolf was known to be prowling around the village. He was tracked to his haunt in a swamp on the northeast edge of town, trapped and killed. When spring opened, another fearful enemy was en- countered in the multitude of snakes that infested hill and valley, the most dreaded of which were copperheads and rat- 9 66 RATTLKSNAKKS AND COPri'lRIIICADS, tlesnakes, some of them beino- " as large as good sized hand- spikes." This must have been after they had swallowed a squirrel. The rattlesnake was not generally more than four feet long, though Mr. David Butler killed one that was six feet long, having sixteen or eighteen rattles. The copper- head was not more than eighteen or twenty inches long, and not very heavy. Mrs. Oilman was straining her milk one evening at the spring-house, when a copperhead rose and snapped at her. She had learned to make the old-fashioned, long-handled fire-shovel a formidable weapon of warfare against them, and, hastening into the house, she came back armed and dispatched it. During the summer, she, with others, was invited to eat watermelons at Deacon Hayes'. When getting their things preparatory to returning home, a large snake was found coiled under Mrs. Gilman's bonnet, on the parlor bed, and raising its head threateningly as they approached The fire- shovel was again brought into service, and the snake was killed. One neighbor making an early business call u])on another saw a large yellow rattlesnake coiled on a log of the cabin just over the bed which was still occupied by a member of the family. The neighbor remarked : " I see you have an early caller this morning." This caused the occupant of the bed to turn and look for the visitor, which brought her head very near to the venomous reptile. "The first day that Deacon Hayes began to clear his land, he put his hand under a log, hooked the chain, and when the oxen turned it over, it crushed three copperheads." Thomas Parker was plowing for wheat, when he turned up a stone under which were gathered a half-busliel of snakes of all kinds. Timothy W. Howe and his brother younger were out berrying. Timothy, following his brother's track, found a large rattlesnake coiled in his path, over which his brother had stepped without seeing it. EXTERMINATION. 67 Leveret Butler several times had his clothing bitten by them Once a copperhead snapped at him and hooked his fangs in his linen pants, hanging there until he knocked him off with the other foot. At another time the toe of his moccasin was bitten. The snakes first began to show themselves in April of the first spring. They wintered in the hills, where the ground had been bioken by the falling trees, giving them access to the stones within. In the crevices and cavities were found great dens of them. Rattlesnakes, blacksnakes, copperheads and striped snakes habited together. It was judged best to make a thorough business of killing them. The people all turned out, formed two companies under Captains Elias Gilman and Justin Hillyer, chose sides for the day, stimulating competition by the agreement that the beaten party should furnish three gallons of whisky for an evening's frolic, and proceeded to business. The young nien grew venturesome, and would " seize them by the neck and thrash them against the trees before they had time to bite or coil around their arms." On another occasion it became known that the snakes were leaving their winter quarters one Sunday while the people were assembled at church. It was deemed a matter of " necessity and mercy " to kill them before they should scatter through the country ; so the congregation adjourned to the scene of the hissing crew and spent the day in deeds of slaughter. Dr. Little relates in this connection that experiments were repeated on snakes by holding them with a forked ^tick placed over their necks and inserting a tobacco quid in their mouths, or spitting tobacco juice into their open jaws. Whatever venom they carried of their own, they could not stand this. They would convulse and die. Then he draws a contrast between the venom of the snake and that of the man, and rather in favor of the former. Wild hogs were a very formidable enemy to encounter. 68 WII.l) HOGS — BEARS. They sometimes wore tusks six or eight inches long. Boys, and even men, were sometimes forced to the trees to escape them. They would soon tear a dog to pieces, and were more dreaded than bears. One old gentleman who, from bronchial disease, could not speak above a whisper, was once forced by one of them to shout as loud as anybody. Another, chased by an old one with a family of pigs, unfortunately took refuge in a tree immediately under which was her haunt, and had well-nigh failed to make his call for help heard in time for a rescue. Bears were not numerous after the colony came. About 1820, one was chased and treed on the hill north of town. The citizens turned out and captured it, and divided the spoils. Another was killed at the (ireat Circular Hunt in 1823 (which see), and the last seen was in 1826 (see also, in Annals of that date). About the same time, also, (1820-26), the deer vanished from the vicinity. The Sabbath-keeping habits of the colony soon made an impression upon the settlers around them. 7\t first they came in on errands of business or pleasure on that day, but they soon learned to respect the wishes of the colonists con- cerning the day, and either came to join with them in their public worship, or staid away. One man came on the Sabbath for the purpose of buying a yoke of oxen. He had been directed to Mr. Lemuel Rose as having a yoke to sell. Approaching him, he made known his business. " It is not my practice to trade on the Sabbath," said Mr. Rose. " I had leisure to-day to ride over and get a yoke," said the man, rather apologetically in regard to the day. " I can not trade on Sunday," was the reply. " Well, but you can tell me what you will ask ?" queried the stranger. "No!" said Mr. Rose, "I can make no part of the trade to-day." BILL OF FARE. C)9 "At least you can tell me whether you have a yoke to sell ?" persisted the would-be buyer. Still receiving no satisfaction beyond the information that business was not appropriate for the Sabbath, he rode away. At this point tradition divides as to the finishing of the story. One says the man never came again ; the other, that he came next day and Mr. Rose told him he had no oxen to sell. As soon as might be after the division of their lands, each settler began the work of clearing. The families would rise in the morning at break of day. The men would freshen up the fires in the cabins, care for the cattle, and at once go to the log-heaps in the fields. These would be set into a fresh blaze as rapidly as possible by rolling the burning logs together and throwing the brands between. The women would prepare breakfast. Usually, a fresh "johnny-cake" was made. The corn meal was stirred up with water and a little white ashes of elm wood or corn cobs, instead of soda, or a pseudo pearlash made by firing a hollow elm log, the heat becoming so great as to melt down the ashes in cakes. The johnny-cake was then spread thin upon a short, shaved puncheon. This was set on end before the fire until one side was baked brown, then turned and baked on the other. Sometimes the rain would spoil one cake, but another would be started at once. When done, it was dipped into cold water and immediately rolled up in a cloth to steam awhile, and when it came out " it was the sweetest bread ever made." Potatoes were roasted in the ashes. The breast of turkeys was cut into slices and broiled on the end of a stick, or lying on glowing coals. When there was no fresh meat at hand, there was plenty of jerked venison or turkey. The table was sometimes spread with wooden or pewter plates and trenchers. Some ate their mush and milk from wooden bowls with wooden spoons. The milk was set away in large wooden pans. All this wooden- ware, with salt mortars, etc., came to be made at an eaily day within the settlement. 70 ROUTINR OF A DAY. Breakfast over, the men would betake themselves to the work of the day, according to the season : chopping, plow- ing, hoeing, harvesting, etc.; always keeping the log-heaps briskly burning. The women would spin wool or flax, or weave their yarn into cloth ; or make the cloth into cloth- ing. Girls sixteen years of age would spin two and a half runs of yarn, linen or woolen, for a day's work, besides help- ing about table work three times a day. It was considered quite an accomplishment to spin tow so fine that a skein of it could be drawn through a finger ring. Often, the women or boys would go to mill, three, six, or ten miles, with a bushel or two of grain, on horseback, rather than take the men from their labor. Mr. Montonye, an ingenious black- smith, very useful to the settlers all around by mending broken tools in an artistic way, owned a mill seat on Ramp Creek, and constructed a little mill with stones of his ow^n shaping, where a little grinding was done ; but the main de- pendence was a mill at Newark. For the noonday meal, breakfast was repeated, and all re- turned to the same employments for the afternoon. In the evening, with torches in hand to keep the wolves away, they would often gather at a neighbor's and eat a sup- per of roast turkey. Returning home after a social evening, they would give the final touches to the log-heaps, and retire to rest. When baking was on hand, they generally used a *' Dutch oven" — a great iron, flat-bottomed kettle, with an iron lid, to be set over a bed of coals and be covered with a layer of glowing embers. One of these would sometimes serve a whole neighborhood, going in turn from one family to another. Some made clay ovens, large enough to bake at once eight or ten loaves of bread. They sometimes made great loaves of corn bread that would weigh fifteen pounds. Turkeys, deer, wild hogs, and opossums furnished a variety of meat and an abundance of it. In the fall, when corn was getting too old for roasting-ears, they would joint it on a bench EVENING ENTERTAINMENTS. 71 plane, or an instrument made on purpose for the work, and make hominy of it. Another process was to pound it in a mortar. A hollow, large enough to hold a gallon or two, would be burned out of the top of some convenient stump ; a sapling bent over and a large pestle fixed to it so as to play over the stump ; then, with a rope and stirrup for the foot to work with, the pestle was made to beat the corn in the hollow until fine enough to cook. For brooms, they would cut a hickory or buckeye stick and peel fine splints down toward the end, turning them over the end and tying them in a mat, then shave the other end to a convenient size for a handle. Blackberries and milk were a luxury. Bread crusts, rye, and even sycamore [ hickory ? ] bark were used for coffee. Wild grapes and cherries were dried and served for raisins in fruit-cake, and bread and pumpkins were used for pies. Hot doughnuts, cheese, homemade beer, nuts, popcorn, maple sugar, and even fresh turnips, were passed to company of an evening instead of apples. Singing was ever a part of their social entertainments. Corn huskings made many happy occasions for evening mirth. Families went pleasuring on a sled drawn by oxen, and children of emigrants were seen coming into the country, one on each side of a horse, slung in a bed-tick across his back, their curious countenances peering out of the opening, taking note of things as they passed, and the people as cur- iously taking note of the travelers. In those days there were no common people. All be- longed to the aristocracy. During the earliest years of the colony there were friendly Indians roaming around them who were of great assistance to them. They would bring in cranberries for sale. The stock would occasionally wander away, and the Indians could always find them and bring them in. Some of the young settlers became very intimate with them, and would go a 7'2 KKIKNDI.V INDIANS. great dislance from lioine in llicir c()iii])aiiy, lcainin<; their haunts and lialnts of huntinj^. The Indian boys were very expert witli tlie b(jw and arrows, shootinj^ eoppers at a dis- tance of twenty-five feet. With a quiver full of arrows one would stand and shoot them all, one after another, at objects in the trees or air, notinj^ carefully where each fell; then takiu}^ a round, would gatlier them each in its turn, never missinj^ one. The Indians would brinj; in venison to ex- chanj^e for any little commodity the settlers could s])are, a little parched corn, a "Uig of cider, a squash, or a trinket. vSonietimes a ])et bear was seen. Jimmy John,son generally liad one chained to his cabin; catching a cub and keeping him until he would weigh two hundred pounds, when he was ready to be slaughtered. One of the.se pets .showed a fond- ness for wrestling with little boys, but he had so much de- pravity that he must always throw the boy, or he would get mad. The trees that yielded their treasures for the use of the .settlers and that were made to feel the thick strokes of their axes, were white oak, chestnut, walnut, butternut, beech, sugar, soft maple, ash, poplar, basswood, cherry, elm, syca- more, dogwood, hackberry. Wild grape vines ran luxuriantly among the tree to])S. Pawpaw bushes were ])lentiful. As rapidly as any ground could be cleared and spared for the purpose, fruit trees were obtained from the nursery at Bowling Orecn, or that of Cunningham. vSome of the immi- grants brought ap])le seeds with them and soon started nurs- eries of their own. The first oichards bore only natural fruit. The second birth /// the loivnship was that of John Lewis. The first birth in llic Umm was tliat of Maritta, a daughter of Timothy vSj^elman, now Mrs. Langdon Atwood. The .second was a daughter of Hugh Kelley, now Mrs. vSutton. The first male child born in the (iranville Company is said to have been William, son of Levi and Polly Rose, now Deacon Wm. Rose of the liaptist Church, October 23, 1806. ANNAl.S, 1806. 73 CIIArTliR XI II. I>y lliis time tlierc were tlioiight lo be five hundred voters within ten miles of the incipient village. The im])ortance of their position — alone church in the midst of a large des- titution — burdened the hearts of the leading men of this en- terprise. They longed for the presence of a pastor with the church. It was more tlian two years, however, Ijefore they obtained one. Meantime they had occasional .sermons from ministers who came, .some of them (piite a distance, to preach to them. Rev. vS. P. Robbins of Marietta preached for them several days and administered the Lord's Supper, the first time they had enjoyed that j)rivilege since leaving Mas.sa- chusetts, and the only one during the year. Rev. (vSince Dr.) Mcses Iloge of Columbus also visited them. Rev. Cyrus Riggs who met them on their arrival and ]M-eaclied to them the first .sermon in their new home, visited them again a few months later. Messrs. Ivaton, Pjracken, McDaniel, Woods, Noble, vScott, (xcorge, and Jones, successively visited and preached to them, all i)r(;bably within the year. A military company was formed almost immediately as the following pa])er shows : " Capt (juilmaii Sir you will pics To lioiild your .Self and Company In rcdiness on llic Last fryday in may iScjG At Nic- vvark as the Hatalion muster will Hcc there (S'gned) John Stadden mag of The 3 l)at " A third .saw mill was erected by Augustine Munson dur- ing this year on Raccoon Creek about two and a half miles east of town, having a capacity of 4000 feet per day. At a meeting of the company held I'riday, March 7th, it was decided to call the town C.ranville. vSeveral new members were received during the year : Wm. Reynolds in one of Zadoc Cooley's rights; Thos. vS. vSill in one of Levi Hayes' rights; Helon Ro.se in place of Levi 10 74 INCORPORATION. Cooley ; Joshua Linnel in place of Asa Seymour, and James Thrall in place of Wm. Cooley, Jr. The Fourth of July was celebrated by a j)atriotic ^^ather- ering on the village square, an oration being delivered by Jeremiah R. Munson, Esq., standing on the aboriginal mound, near the center of the square. Young America found exercise in splitting stumps with powder. Monday, May 5, 1806, the following action was taken : "Voted to chuse a Committee to petition the Honorable Commissioners of the County of I^^airfield to incor()orate this Settlement into an Election District or Township." " Timothy Spelman ^ "Wm. Gavit > Chosen for Sd Committee " " Justin Hillyer j October 20th, the subject was brought up again. "Voted to take measures to be incorporated into a bodx- politick & Voted to chuse a Committee to adopt Some plan for the purpose " "Timothy Spelman "John Duke Appointed Sd Committee" " Hiram Rose " Voted that Lemuel Rose Make Applicntion to the Next Court for a Town Meeting to Elect Justice & Other Officers if they think best " Thursday, November 27th, Timothy Rose was appointed to " forward a petition for the Corporation of the town of Gran- ville to Mr. Beecher," probably Hon. Philemon Beecher, the Representative from this district. "Dec. 8th Voted that Jeremiah R. Munson forward the [)eti- lion to the General Assembly" "Dec. I2th, Voted that Lemuel Rose Request the court to Appoint A Meeting to chuse two Justices of the pe.ice in this Township " An order from the County Court was finally obtained, or- ganizing the township and directing the electors to meet, the first day of January, 1807, and choose officers. Another effort was also successful. While yet in Massa- chusetts, they had appointed Job Case, Timothy Rose and Slyvanus Mitchel a committee " to receive subscriptions for LIBRARY — DEATHS. 75 the encouragement of a library and to draw up and form a constitution for the said Library Co." On the 17th and 24th of November, officers were appointed for this association, Elias Oilman, Timothy Rose and Tim- othy Spelman being Directors ; Samuel Thrall, Treasurer, and Hiram Rose, Librarian. Through the efforts of Jeremiah R. Munson, Esq., a char- ter was obtained for this society early in 1807. ^^ was couched in such terms that the Society afterward established a bank under its provisions. Sometime in the fall of 1807, the books were purchased in the east and brought out by Samuel Everitt, Jr., and being of a high order they were a source of improvement to their many readers for succeeding years. Several deaths occurred in the settlement during the year. The first was an infant son of Ethan Bancroft, who died April 6th, and for his grave the first ground was broken in the neA^ burial lot. Two other children died : Eliza Messen- ger, daughter of Orove Messenger, August loth, aged four- teen months, and Oeorge Oavit, son of William Oavit, Octo- ber 4th, aged four years. The autumn proved to be a sickly one, and two adults died : Oideon Cornell, August 22nd, aged forty-five, and George Avery, September 29th, aged forty-seven, both hav- ing been members of the Licking Company, and Mr. Cor- nell being one of the five men sent out to plant corn and make other preparations for the colonists. During the year, Mr. Thomas Philipps and his son, John H., returned. The father established himself in his new home, where he remained until his death, in 1813. The son taught school and was otherwise employed until about the time of his father's death, when he removed to Cincinnati, where he resided until his death, in 1832. Of Urias Philipps, a scion of this family, it is narrated that he used to go barefoot to school through the snows of winter. He would take a heated board under his arm and 76 PURSUIT OF KNOWLEDGE. run until his feet were cold, and then stand on the board until they were warm again, and then renew his pursuit of knowledge. When the board was cold, he was welcomed at any neighbor's on his route to re-heat it. This sufficiently in- dicates not only the difficulties to be contended with in early times, but also the love of education which was cherished in the Philipps family. There were now two strong nuclei on the Hills ; the one the Rees settlement, in the angle of the northeast section of the township, nearest the Granville center ; the other the Philipps settlement, just north. Each patriarch gathered around him his married sons and daughters, with their grow- ing families, making an inviting opening for others of their nationality, who were not slow to accept the advantages offered and to enter in and subdue the land. ANNALS, 1807. 77 CHAPTER XIV. In the following year, John Spragg was received to mem- bership in the Licking Company, in place of Benjamin Reed, Samuel Clark in place of S. B. Dean, Grove Messenger in place of George Cooley, and Samuel Bancroft in place of Benjamin Waters. The Book of Records for the Township of Granville, County of Fairfield, and State of Ohio, opens with the fol- lowing entry : "this township was incorporated in the Autumn of the year of our Lord 1806 and on the first day of January in the year 1807 in obedience to an order from the Honorable judges of the County Court the free Electors of s'd township assembled at the school hous to Elect three Magistrates when it apeared from the Pole Books that Timothy Spelman Elias Oilman and John Duke were Electted by a Clear Majority " The bounds of this township ran far to the west and north of its present limits. " at an Election Legally warned and held at the School hous in Granville on the 6th day of April in the year AD 1807 for the purpos of chosing townships offisers the Number required in Law having asembled the hous preceded to chose a Chair- man and too judges of the Election " Silas Winchel chosen chairman " Isriel Wells 1 • , r .u tri .• .< T u T?j J y judges of the Election John Edwards ) ■' ^ -Elkanah Lennel } clerks of the Election " these being quallified acording to Law the hous proseded to Ballot for one township Clerk three trustees two overseers of the poor two fenceviewers two apreisers of houses one of wich to serve as a Listor four supervisors of highways two constables and one township treasurer " "at the hour of five o clock the same day the P'lection being Duly Closed it apeared from the pole Book that the following gentlemen were Elected to the Respective offeces of the town- ship that are set to their names by a clear majority 78 FIRST TOWNSHIP OKKICKRS. Wm Gavit Clerk Israel Wells ^ Jesse Havens ^ Trustees Silas Winchel j Job Case \ r^ c ..u •L, . 1-1 ;■ Overseers ot the poor Phineas l^ord ) ' lames Johnson I ,- •;,■',, . hence viewers Joshua HrownuifT j John lulwards | House a[)praisors, John Edwards being lliram Rose j Listor John Edwards ^ AufTustin Munson ■ e • . u- i ,, ,^ T, , > Supervisors ot hi^jhways r.than Bancroft [ f> ^ Jacob Goodrich J lOlkanah Linnel 1 <- . , i „ ,^ Constables George Stone j Levi Hayes Treasurer "on Monday April the 13th two of the gentlemen trustees Mess Isriel Wells and Silas Winchell met at the inn hous of Deac Timmothy Rose and took a surity of Joseph Linnel of four hundred dollars Conditioned on Elkanah Linnel faithfully proformance in the offis of a Constable in the following word and forme viz " Then follows a record of the note duly signed and attested. At their next meeting the Trustees divided the township into five highway districts. Further security notes are re- corded. A book for the township records was bought at a cost of two dollars, three-fourths to be paid for by the town- ship and one fourth by the clerk with the privilege of using the back part of the book "for Recording of Earmarks Brands Castways &c." The business of the year was duly closed, no officer mak- ing any charge against the township for his services except Lemuel Rose, whose service was probably of a nature recjuir- ing an outlay of money. His bill of $2.00 for making a re- turn of the magistrate election was allowed and an order on the treasurer given him. On Thursday, the 28th of May, the first wedding in the colony was celebrated. Samuel Bancroft and Clarissa Rose, TONUS. 79 daughter of Deacon Timothy Rose, were married by Rev. S. P. Robbins of Marietta. On the 24th of May, the first baptism occurred ; that of Francis, infant son of Jeremiah R. and Jerusha Munson, and the same day Mrs. Jerusha Munson was received to church membership, the first addition after reaching their new homes. The public roads were a constant care to the company, first to lay them out on eligible and satisfactory lines, and next, to open and work them. Much time, labor and money were spent for this object. In January, 1807, a committee was appointed, being Jus- tin Hillyer, Lemuel Rose, and Joseph Linnel, " to Raise Money to build a Bridge over the Crick," and to " take Meas- ures to fill up the pond hole on the publick Square." The bridge was probably one on the Lancaster road. The bridge succeeded but the pond remained to trouble the next gener- ation. There seem to be spots of quicksand underlying parts of the town, and if water accumulates on the surface until it finds free passage below, the sands wash out and the surface sinks. The sink on the public square, being twelve or fifteen rods across, was one of the most conspicuous. When the foundation of the Town Hall was laid, a portion of it at the northwest corner sank down into a cavity several feet deep. There was another depression just west of the Congregational Church, only three or four rods across, but it has afforded jolly skating for little boys. Another very large one was at the intersection of Bowery and Green streets and on the lots lying southwest. It was deep enough sometimes to swim a horse. A fourth lay at the intersection of Broad and Case streets, and on the lot to the southeast. It was six rods across. Such a sink began in after years on the lot southwest of the intersection of Broad and Mulberry streets. The surface sank quite preceptably, and water sometimes stood there. Another similar one is seen in the Granger ad- dition east of Morning street and north of what would be an extension of Bowery. There was a swampy spot near the 80 FLOODWOOD. northeast corner of Broad and Rose and on the adjoining lot, and a similar one on the lot sonth of Broad and abont mid- way between Main and Liberty. Soon after the " Lancaster bridge," the " Colnmbns bridge" was bnilt by Frederick Case, Simeon Allyn, and Benjamin Baldwin. There were several places in the creek where the banks and depth of water allowed of crossing. The most available of these was Bntler's Ford, a few rods below the old Colnm- bns bridge. When the water was too high to cross here, and before the bridges were pnt up, the only crossing available for footmen was " the old floodwood," a remarkable accumu- lation of logs, a little above the Lancaster road, extending across the channel and much of the bottom. It checked the flow of the creek, and threatened to wash another channel near the hill just below town. When the furnace was started the wood was cut into cord wood for its use, and the ground which had been flooded, dried out. It had required a great deal of logging to make a solid road-bed through this swamp. When Jesse Munson, Jr., raised his barn on the Worthing- ton road, just west of the creek, he kept his horse swimming the creek all day, for the accommodation of the men who attended the raising. March 9th, Timothy Spelman, Esq., Elias Gilman, Esq., Samuel Thrall, Lemuel Rose, Justin Hillyer, Jer. R. Mun- son, Esq., and Hon. Samuel Bancroft were appointed a committee " to pitch a vStake Where to Set a Schoolhouse and Lot out Materials to build the same." But the log house continued to be used for school and other purposes for three years more. The School Lot, Minister Lot, settlement of individual accounts with the company, and caring for the relations of the company to the General Assembly of the State, for which last business Jeremiah R. Munson, Esq., seems to have been their reliance, filled the remaining meetings of the year. A THIRD DAM, 81 The last entry in their journal was made December 7, 1807, at which time they met and without doing any business ad- journed to the first Monday of February, 1808. If they met again no record appears of it or of their doings. Probably the business gradually passed into the hands of the civil author- ities and thus The Licking Company passed into history. In the spring the van of the settlements was progressing rapidly northward & westward. An old gentleman brought his family from Connecticut & found rest for a time in one of the cabins at the mouth of Clear Run. After prospecting for a time his fancy fixed upon a section of land, (4000 acres) in Del- aware Co. that would soon be sold at auction in Franklinton. He appeared at the sale but had to compete with land sharks. He made himself conspicuous as he could by his odd appear- ance & manner; dressing shabbily & carrying a pair of old sad- dlebags containing his "traps." He would bid against the sharks & sometimes against himself as if he did not understand the ways of the world, until he provoked them to play a joke on him in order to get rid of him. Thinking he had no money they stopped bidding against him. They thought he would fail to pay for it & his bids would then be disregarded. The tract was cried off to him at ^1720. They gathered around him & demanded that he should pay up or be gone. Out of the depths of the mysterious saddlebags forthwith came the gold, & the deed was demanded. Then they offered him ^500, if he would throw up his bid & let it be put up again. But he paid the price, took his deed, went to his land, built his home, & his descendants occupy it to this day. During the year, Maj. Grove Case, Deacon Nathan Allyn, and Mr. Noble Root became citizens of the place. After the failure of the second dam at the mouth of Clear Run, the citizens turned out for the public good and helped James Thrall, into whose posession the mill seat had come, to put in a third dam, made of logs and covered heavily with gravel, which succeeded better than the others. Mr. Samuel Everitt, Jr., having been detained a long time by sickness which resulted from overwork, returned to Mass- achusetts for his family. In the fall he came out again bring- ing his family and father and mother. He also brought the 11 82 THE FIRST KRA.MK IIOUSK. town library and a mill saw blade. With liini came Mr. Arannah Clark and family. They were met at Canibrid<;e on their way ouf by Angnstine Mnnson and Jnstin Hillyer, who went thns far to welcome them and help them forward. This company of twenty persons was accomiiiodaled in one cabin for six weeks. j\Ir. Clark, an original member of the Licking Company, had drawn his shares by attorney. He soon went to his farm at the foot of the hill sontli of town where he lived nntil 1815. It is nnderstood that Mr. Thrall's mill being read)- for the new saw blade, it was soon at work, and the first lumber .sawed with it was given to Mr. Kveritt for bringing it out. With it he erected the first frame house built in the town- ship. It stood about two miles west of town, facing the end to the south, about twenty rods north of Lower Loudon street, on the farm since owned by his son Harlow, and more recently by his grandson, vSamuel. It was properly a plank house, the planks standing upright, being dovetailed into the sills and plates where they were fastened with heavy wrought iron spikes. The cracks w^ere battened after the modern railroad style. It was afterward weather boarded, the boards being much wider than those generally used It contained one large room and two small ones, and at the east window Mr, Everitt planted a rose bush he had brought with him from Massachusetts. riRST FRAME HOUSE IN THE TOWNSHII'. During the year there were three deaths, March i9th,vSilas Milton, son of Silas Winchel, aged 7 years ; March 22d, Mrs. Hannah Spelman, wife of Timothy Spelman, Esq., aged 45; October 25th, Harriet, daughter of Asahel Griffin, aged i year. ANNALvS, 1808. 83 CHAPTER XV. It may be of interest to preserve the names of officers an- other year of those early times. The township officers for 1808 were as follows : "Timothy Rose, Chairman of Election Meeting. \ Judges of Election Clerks of Election " John Duke, Esq "Justin Hillyer j "Samuel Bancroft ) "Samuel Waters j "Samuel Waters Township Clerk "Israel Wells "| "Silas Winchel v " Richard Wells j "Edward Nash | "David Thomas / "Jeremiah R. Munson "Samuel Bancroft "John Edwards "David Messenger " John Reese "Washington Evans " John Herren "Carlton Belt "John Duke " Elkanah Linnel \ "Thomas Stone ] " Levi Hays Treasurer." Dnring the year the following jurors were nominated "Grand Jurors Pettit jurors "Levi Hays Wm. Stedman " Joseph Linnel " Roswell Graves " Phineas Ford "Samuel Waters "Josiah Graves Trustees of R. Wells. Job Case afterward appointed in place Fence Viewers. ] House Appraisers. j J. R. Munson being Lister Supervisors of Highway. Constables, Elkanah Linnel Ethan Bancroft Noble Root James Thrall Carlton Belt 84 FIRST COUNTY COURT. "Job Case Frederic Case " David Thomas Levi Rose "Edward Nash Sylvenus Mitchel "John W. Philipps Enoch Graves "John Herrin Iliram Rose "George Green Job W. Case " David Messenger Simeon Allyn Jacob Goodrich Worthy Pratt" A band of instrumental music was formed at this early day, havino^ eleveu members. It was led by Augustine Munson, who played the clarionet ; Spencer Spelman also played the clarionet ; Joshua Linnel, David Messenger, and Orlin P. Hayes, hautboy ; Samuel Bancroft, P^lkanah Lin- nel, bassoous; Renoni Hill, cymbals ; Stillman Mead, drum- mer. It was a prominent band for the wilderness, was well drilled, and attained notoriety as the regimental band under Col. Lewis Cass, at Hull's surrender. During the year the County of Licking was organized out of Fairfield, having its present boundaries ; Knox, lying on the north, being formed at the same time, and also out of Fairfield. The officers of the Court of Common Pleas were as follows : Wm. Wilson, Presiding Judge, Alexander Holmes, ^ Timothy Rose, > Associate Judges, James Taylor, j Samuel Bancroft, Clerk of Court, John Stadden, Sheriff, PLhas Gihnan, Treasurer, Archibald Wilson, ~| P^lisha Wells, ^ Commissioners, Israel Wells, j John Stadden, Tax Collector, PLlias Gilman, Commissioner's Clerk. Granville, therefore, furnished its full share of incumbents for the offices. The first court was held in Granville Town- ship, in the private dwelling of Deacon Levi Hayes, whose PRICES. 85 farm lay just west of the dividing line between the Town- ships of Granville and Newark, as then constituted. The Grand Jury held its sessions under a tree on the south side of the road and a few rods west of the house. The County seat was soon located at Newark by a special Board of Com- missioners, consisting of James Dunlap, Isaac Cook and James Armstrong. About this time, Mr. Timothy Spelman, being a carpenter, put up a small frame house on the northeast corner of Broad and Green Streets. It was only one room, 16x20, a story and a half high, made with great labor, covered with shaved weatherboards of walnut. This was the first frame house built in the village. T. spelman's house, li The day's labor of a man could be had for 50 c., and in harvest for 75 c. ; that of a yoke of oxen for 33 c. ; a horse to Lancaster, $ 1.20 ; to Zanesville, $ 1.30 ; board at the hotel, $ 1. 00 a week, or for a fraction of a week at the rate of $ 1.50 ; two quarters of venison, 25c.; whisky, $1.00 a gallon; powder, 68c. per pound; beeswax, 25c. per pound; butter, 10 c. per pound ; wheat, $1.00 per bushel ; corn, 33 c. ; apples, $ 3.00 ; paper — foolscap — 50 c. a quire. During this year were erected two frame houses of con- siderable note : that of Judge Rose, on the southwest corner 86 IIOTKL — MASONIC LODGE. of Broad and Pearl Streets, and that of Esquire Gihnan, on the northwest corner of Water and Rose Streets. Judge Rose's house was two stories high, and about 20 x 28 feet on the ground. It was used by him as a hotel while he lived in town, and afterward by Benjamin Cook. On the afternoon of the day on which this frame was raised^ that of Esquire Oilman was also raised. It was a story and a half house, 28x36 feet, with posts eleven feet high. In the east cliamber of this building was the first room used 1)y the Free- masons of Granville. It was i^j4 xc) feet 10 inches. The ceiling was arched into the attic, being eighteen inches higher in the middle than at the sides, which were six and a JUDGE rose's house, 1809. half feet. Fire place and entrance were in the west end, and the one window of twelve lights (8xio) in the east end. It was wainscoted to the height of nearly three feet, and floors and wainscoting were of walnut boards, split out of logs and hewed and planed smooth. This was the first room in town to be plastered. On Sunday, September 4th, of this year (1808), the First Baptist Church in the township was formed, at the house of Mr. David Thomas, on the Welsh Hills. As the colony church was formed in Massachusetts, this was the first church formed in the township. ( See History of this church, Chapter XXXIX.) Occasional preaching services continued to be enjoyed by the Congregational Church. THE FIRST PASTOR. 87 "Lord's day, Apr. 24th, 1808, Rev. Timothy Harris, a licentiate from Vermont, delivered two sermons, and on the Friday following preached a lecture." This introduces to iis him who was to be the pastor of this church for fourteen years — until his death, in 1822. (See Chapter XXXII., for an account of his life.) The day for the annual meeting of the church came while Mr. Harris was among them, and he was invited to tarry. The committee to bear this invitation to him consisted of Job Case, Levi Hayes, and Timothy Rose. At the end of four months the society and church united in extending him a call to become their pastor. This call was accepted by Mr. Harris in a well prepared paper. The ordination and installation took place on Wednesday, Decem- ber 14th, in the unfinished house of Judge Rose. The Council consisted of Revs. Lyman Potter, of Steubenville ; ESl^UIRE oilman's HOUSE, 1809. Samuel Paine Robbins, of Marietta ; James Scott, of Clinton ; John Wright, of Lancaster, and Stephen Lindley, of Athens. The lay delegates were Judson Guitteau, Wm. R. Putnam, of Marietta, and Matthew Merrit, of Clinton. Rev. Jacob Lindley, President of Ohio University, had been invited, but did. not appear. Mr. Scott made the introductory prayer ; Mr. Robbins preached the sermon ; Mr. Potter made the consecrating prayer, and gave the charge ; Mr. Lindley gave the right hand of fellowship, and Mr. Wright made the concluding prayer. Lyman Potter was Moderator of the Council, and Stephen Lindley, scribe. 88 FIRST KKVIVAL. Almost co-incideiit with Mr. Harris' labors there came a seriousness over the church and con5>regation which culmin- ated during the closing months of the year in the first of that series of powerful revivals which characterized the Gran- ville church thi-ough all its early history. The features of the work were a deepening spirit of prayer on the part of the church, a growing seriousness among the youth, a per- sistent opposition from those who preferred dancing and frolic even in times of refreshing from on high, and marked and frequent examples of all-conquering grace. A solemn stillness, unbroken attention and the silent tear were charac- teristics of the vSabbath meetings. Seven had united with the original church previous to Mr. Harris' coming, and as the rtsult of this revival, forty were added. Early in the succeeding year the total membership was seventy. By this time, Samuel J. Philipps, Thos. Owens, Jacob Reilly, and McLane had become residents on the Welsh Hills Deacon Peter Thurston came this year from Vermont, with Mr. Wheeler and others, Mr. Thurston settled on the farm just north of the (joodrich farm. Mrs. Thurston was sister of Samuel Everitt. ANNALS, 1809-II. 89 CHAPTER XVI. The events of the succeeding years will not require to be noticed with the particularity of those already chronicled. A road had been cut out at an early day by Mr. Sullivan of Franklinton, from that place to Newark, passing Gran- ville two miles to the south. A young lady who had been raised in the family of the noted Mr. Blannerhasset, had mar- ried a Mr. Ward, and had received from Mr. Blannerhasset the gift of one hundred acres of land lying about four miles southwest from Granville. It was a part of the tract after- ward owned by Mr. Elias Fasset and used as a dairy farm. " Ward's " became a landmark among the early settlers, and the above route from Franklinton, after following the line of what is now the Columbus road until it struck Ward's place, turned more directly eastward to Newark. When the mail was first carried from Newark through Granville to Col- umbus, Leveret Butler, then a lad of fourteen, piloted the mail carrier from Granville, past his father's farm, to Ward's, where the carrier entered the Sullivan road. Returning, But- ler blazed a track for permanent use, and thus was opened the mail route afterwards used by the four horse coaches of Neil, More & Co., running from Columbus via Granville to Newark and Zanesville. During this year the first bricks made in Granville were manufactured by Wm. Stedman and Augustine Munson. Rev. Timothy Harris agreed before hand to take of them three thousand and Judge Rose seven thousand at $5.00 per thousand. Up to this time Judge Rose had acted as Postmaster, hav- ing been appointed in 1806. The eastern mail was brought via Pittsburg, Wheeling, Marietta, Zanesville and Newark. During the year, Morris Morris, David James and Joseph Evans became residents on the Welsh Hills. 12 90 THE FIRST K1;SI1)1':nT I'HVSICIAN. Dr. Samuel Lee arrived in the place in the sprint, coming from Poultney, Vt., from which j)lace he started on Tuesday, the 9th of INIay, at 9 o'clock in the morning. It being in 1809, the recurrence of nine's heljDed to remember the date. He was the first resident physician of Granville. He mar- ried Miss Sabra Case, daughter of Job Case, and after two years' residence in town they removed to Coshocton, where he became a prominent man in his profession, in the church and in the community. The deaths of 1809 were five ; Samuel Iweritt, Jr., (he who first suggested the idea of the Granville colony,) April 14th, aged 40; an infant of Jesse Munson, Jr., June i/tli; Mrs. Abigail Sweatman, (who had her home with Judge Rose,) September 23d, aged 71 ; Samuel Waters, in October, aged 40; Alvah E., a son of Araunah Clark, November 4th. In 1810, came Deacon Samuel Baldwin who settled on the Columbus road about two miles from town. About the same time came Benjamin Critchet, an ingen- ious cooper, who used to make churns, gallon kegs for whisky, wooden canteens, etc. He used to go out and whistle as if for his dog, and cry "st-boy," ''sic," — when all the hogs of the neighborhood would run wildly away except his own ; which, having been trained to understand the sound as their dinner signal, would come running home to eat undisturbed by the others. Mr. Asahel Griffin came to the place from Marietta, living for a time on Burgh Street, and afterward on Centerville, half a mile from town. Mr. Jesse Munson, Sen., put up the' frame house which is still occupied by his grandson, Hon. Marvin M. Munson, and which is still a first-class dwelling, so thorough and workmanlike were the planning and labor bestowed upon its erection. It was put up under the direction of Captain P)aker, a workman who had served under the architect Benjamin, of Boston. Captain Baker did not remain a citizen of Gran- ville, but returned east soon alter the completion of this job. SECOND SCHOOL HOUSE- 91 Major Grove Case, also, erected the brick house on the northeast corner of Broad and Green Streets, having for its kitchen, in the rear, the frame honse built by Timothy Spelman. The log school house gave place to the first frame school house, which, also, was used for church purposes until the large church was built. It stood where the Methodist Church now stands, on the east side of the square, south of Broadway. It was 24 x 32 feet, and nine feet between joints. It stood with the side to the road. The pulpit was in the west end, a little raised, with a window at either side. In front of it was the deacons' seat, where, according to the custom of the times, two deacons sat, facing the audience, during each service. To the right and left, extending well down the sides, and occupying the school desks, the choir was seated. In the end- of the house, opposite the pulpit, was a large open fireplace, on the north side of which was a closet for the wraps and dinner-baskets of the school children, and the front door opened right against the 92 A MERITORIOUS FROLIC. chimney, on the sonth side. It stood upon low ground, so that in time of heavy rains the pond just west and north of it would rise and spread around it. A puncheon elevated walk of ten feet led from the higher ground to the door to provide for emergencies. When this house ceased to be used as a school house, it was removed to the east side of Prospect Hill, and became the cooper shop of Langdon & Doud. While preparations were being made for the erection of this building, the boys, in their evening pastimes on the common, bethought them that it would be a very jolly thing to take down the old log school house. As it would help their sires thus much, they thought it would be a meritorious frolic rather than otherwise. Though it was on the public square, and their noisy proceeding must have been observed by older people, no one interfered with them. They first took out the glass windows with great care, which had replaced the oiled paper ; took the batten door from its wooden hinges, and carried them, with all that was of any value, across the street, and stored them away at Mr. Josiah Graves'. Then, beginning with the weight poles, they dis- mantled it down to the joice. Then, becoming weary, they went home and to bed, and slept with quiet consciences. But Judge Rose and others thought it a good oppor- tunity to give the boys a lesson on lawlessness. So, with one side of their faces in their sleeves, it was arranged, with Esquire Winchel as Justice, Samuel Thrall, Prosecuting Attorney, and Josiah Graves as Constable, to bring up a number of them for a sham trial. They were brought together one evening, one of them being taken out of bed for the purpose, and arraigned for trial, with the solemn countenances of parents and officials all around them. The indictment was read, the boys all plead guilty^ and they were fined twenty-five cents each and costs. Twenty-five cent pieces were very scarce at that time, and it began to look pretty serious to them. It waked up their ideas FILIAL OBEDIENCE. 98 about law and order. Then all the officers, as the boys looked unutterably penitent, consented to throw in their fees ; and, finally, it was agreed, if the boys would ask forgiveness, that should end the affair. Judge Rose, though having a keen relish for fun, and often giving himself to hilarity, yet cherished a peculiar respect for authority. We subjoin an incident or two which, with the above, illustrate these traits. When a young man, he wanted much to go to a " quilting," which was one of the occasions for young people's social enjoyment in those days. But he was too filial to go without his father's permission, so he made his request. " You may sit down and read," was the answer. He sat and read for what he thought a reasonable time, and then renewed his request : " Now may I go, father? " " You may go to bed," was the response this time. So Timothy went to bed, but, after lying quiet for another reasonable time, as he thought, he arose, dressed, and presented himself before his father again : " Now, may I go, father ? " " What you want to go for, Tim ? " Not mincing matters, Tim replied : " I want to go to dance," though the dancing was one of the least of the attractions of the evening. The third reply was : " Justus, you may sing, and Tim, you go to dancing." Justus was an elder brother and a good singer. Neither of the boys knew any- thing else than to obey, so Justus sang and Tim danced. But the request was still repeated : " Now, may I go, father?" " Yes ! now go ! " was the final answer. Mr. Rathbone, visiting Granville on land business, used to stop at Judge Rose's hotel. Sitting at a table, he would receive payments in specie, and deposit it in his saddle-bags until they grew very heavy. The Judge used to indulge his humor with strangers as they came into the room. Sitting on the other side of the room, he would ask the new comer, as a favor, to hand him the saddle-bags. The accommodating man would stoop to comply, but the leathern safe seemed glued to the floor. Taking both hands, he would try to 94 COSTUMES. discover what held them down, and it t^enerally took the loud laugh ot the bystanders to convince the man that he was the subject of a practical joke. Up to this time, and perhaps later, old ladies came to meeting with caps on their heads, and young ladies wore as a head dress something so commonplace that they laid it aside when they reached the church. They were all dressed in homespun, the material being wool or linen, according to the season. Very handsome gingham was made by using hetcheled flax. The coarser tow made every-day wear. A little " Turkey red " was bought, with which to ornament it in a small fancy stripe. The rest of the coloring material was chiefly gathered from the woods. The church-goers would come barefoot, in warm weather, to the edge of town, where they would put on the shoes and stockings they had brought in their hands. The reason was, that bare feet were cheaper than tanned leather to walk in, yet shoes and stockings seemed more decorus in church than bare feet. But the most daring of the men sometimes came barefoot, and in their shirt sleeves. From this time, however, there was a growing ability to meet their desire for tidiness. Afterward the nicest dresses came to be made of cambric or jaconette, or plain or figured bombazette. Shawls were brought on, made of a square yard of cambric, with a gaudy border stainped in colored figures ; and they served in the outfit of young ladies on wedding occasions. After the family piece of cloth was made up for the sea- son, tailoresses were employed, who with their patterns would go about from family to family making up the winter or summer clothing, boarding with the family until the work was done. In like manner a family would supply itself with leather by having the hides of their slaughtered animals tanned on shares ; and the journeyman shoemaker would pass around with his kit of tools and fit each member with boots or shoes. The children would sometimes go barefoot, even in winter. Some sewed cloth on their feet. JOURNKYMAN ARTISANS. 95 Hon. Jeremiah R. Munson was this year the representa- tive of Licking County in the General Assembly, the seat of government being at Zanesville. A bushel of wheat sold for fifty cents, and the price of a day's labor was the same. About this time a man bargained to mow grass one week for a bushel of salt. Salt was brought a long way on horseback, which enhanced its value. Bricks were $5 a thousand, and lumber $1 a hundred. The first Methodist sermon delivered in the place was preached during the summer of this year, (18 10,) by Rev. Elisha Buttles, the audience assembling under a large black- walnut tree which stood in Broadway, midway between the house of Mr. Gavit and where the Congregational Church was afterward built. Mr. Buttles was a brother of Mrs. Samuel Everitt. Mr. Samuel White, son-in-law of Theophilus Rees, and father of Hon. Samuel White came to reside on the Welsh Hills ; also little David Thomas, son-in-law of Mr. Rees. Mr, Daniel Baker came from Massachusetts, not having been on the ground before, though he was a member of the company. He came on horseback seven hundred miles, in- spected his land, and returned in the same way, the same season. The next year, 181 1, be brought out his family and became a resident, building a cabin on Cherry street, and proceeding at once to clear the hill north of town where the University now stands. Daniel Griffith came and took up his residence on the Welsh Hills. The deaths of 1810 were six; child of Jesse Munson, Jr., May 8th, aged 10 months; Almena, daughter of Jesse Mun- son, Jr., May 29tli, aged 3 years ; Bela Cooley, son of Josiah Graves, May 2d, aged 2 years ; Moses Barrett, son of Noble Root, July 26th, aged 2 years ; James Sinnet, December 14th, aged 50 years. Dr. Wm. S. Richards arrived from New London, Conn., Friday, July 19, 1811, having come all the way, via Marietta, 96 EARTHQUAKE OF 1811. on horseback. He iiiiinediately commenced the practice of medicine which he continued in this place until his death in 1852. He first boarded with Rev. Timothy Harris, and after- ward with Judge Rose. While there he was sleeping one night in the same room with David Messenger, Jr., when the house was shaken by one of the great earthquake waves that changed the channel of the Mississippi. Messenger was frightened by the rolling of the house, and waking the Doctor, asked what he thought was the cause of the house shaking so. The Doctor roused up enough to mutter that it must be a hog rubbing against the house, and went to sleep again. The day before this occurrence Daniel Baker had been with his family to Newark to make some purchases, among other things some blue-edged dishes. That night the family slept in pioneer style in their new cabin. The dishes stood on the table and the bed of Daniel, Jr., then a small boy, was on the floor and near the table. He was awakened in the night by the rattling of the dishes over his head, but was too young to be alarmed by that, the magnitude of which he did not understand. On the i2th of January, iBii, Elias Oilman, Timothy Rose, Silas Winchel, Daniel Baker, and Orove Case were made a body corporate, under the title of " Trustees of the Oranville Religious and Literary Society," to have the care of Lot No. II, given by the company for the support of min- isters, and Lot No. 15, for school purposes, to improve, man- age and dispose of the same, provided the express purpose and intent of the grant be answered. [See Ohio Laws, Vol. 9, p. 30, State Library.] Subsequently a deed was given to these Trustees by the members of the Licking Company. The deaths of 181 1 were four; infant son of Wm. Oavit, Esq., February 5tli; Lemuel S., son of Amos Carpenter, April, aged 3 months; Capt. David Messenger, April ist, aged 51 ; Mehitabel, daughter of Daniel Murdick, October, abruary 11, 1822. In most respects, Mr. Jinks stood in strong contrast with Mr. Harris. Those drawn by one might fail to be influenced by the other. Physically, Mr. Harris was not strong, and his last years were marked by growing weakness. Mr. Jinks was healthy, large, fluent of speech, and possessed of a fine MR. HA-RRIS AND MR. JINKS. 123 voice, delighting to preach in the open air. Mr. Harris moved his audiences by the deep fervor of his spirit, speak- ing plain truths in the utmost solemnity of manner. Mr. Jinks moved by the eloquent utterance of brilliant and impassioned periods. The friends of Mr. Harris would say that Mr. Jinks was too demonstrative to rivet the attention of his hearers upon vital truths, and the friends of Mr. Jinks would say that Mr. Harris had the misfortune to have been trained a Puritan, and to be preaching an impossible standard of Christian life. Mr. Harris might possibly have been the better for an exuberant enjoyment of his heavenly Father's earthly blessings. Mr. Jinks might probably have been improved by a moiety ot Mr. Harris' conscientiousness and consecration. The one was thought to be too severe on one occasion, in administering chastisement to a lad who was temporarily in his family, and the other was judged to have violated the Sabbath by unnecessary labor. The one extreme of ministration following upon the other, it is not wonderful if, under a lower standard, some men came to think of their own religious standing more highly than they had been wont. So it happened that Mr. Jinks at once moved the sympathies of a large number who had stood aloof from Mr. Harris. Men of the world were delighted to hear him, and rallied around him with their support. Even those who did not go to meeting, were pleased with him personally. One said, " If you will only go to meeting, we will pay the preacher." The salary was quickly and easily raised. A thousand dollars were raised to plaster and seat the church below. It was at this time that the plasterers, being godless men, imposed upon the church building com- mittee, by persuading them that the plastering would be ruined if the second coat should be delayed until Monday. So the work went on all day Sunday. The deaths of 1821 were twenty ; among them, Mrs. Lydia demons, daughter of Judge Rose and wife of Wm. demons, March 29th, aged twenty-seven; Hannah, wife of Enoch 124 FIRST MAIL COACH. Graves, June 8th, aged forty four; Jervis Twining, July i8th, aged forty-four; Ezra Perrin, July 25tli, aged forty-four; Samuel Kverett, Sen., November ist, aged eighty-three: Mrs. Isabella, wife of Doctor \Vm. S. Richards, December loth, aged thirty ; Daniel Warner, December 30th, aged fifty-seven. 1822, Thursday, March 28th, Mr. Harris died, after a three years' illness. A pure heart and a noble soul went to his rest. He builded well and his works do follow him. Rev. John Hanover had charge of the Baptist Church dur- ing the year, they still worshiping in the Masonic Hall. Rev. Thomas Hughes, a Baptist clergyman, came from Wales and settled on the Welsh Hills ; a man of unblem- ished integrity, an acceptable preacher, and, withal, a master workman in stone. Fifteen years later he introduced the use of marble for monuments and erected that of Col. Lucius D. Mower, which at the time was a great advance upon the style of workmanship then in use. This year the first mail coach was driven through Gran- ville, running between Columbus and Newark. It was driven by Giles C. Harrington, the mail contractor. After- ward, and previous to 1828, the line was run by Air. Willard Warner. Wm. Paige's factory was erected a mile east of town on the left bank of Raccoon. Hon. Augustine Munson became State Representative, holding the position for two years; and Hon. Thomas Mc- Kean Thompson was County Commissioner, and so con- tinued for three years. It was probably at this time that the farce of burying the Newark Advocate took place. About seventy copies of the paper were taken at Granville. The paper displeased its Granville subscribers on some political ground and they gathered all the copies of the paper at hand, formed a mock funeral procession and marched to the beating of & muffled drum, from the hotel to the old parade ground, or further BURYING THE "ADVOCATE." 125 east, and after a speech by Jerry Jewett, the papers were buried. Mr. Briggs had advertised to receive payment for his paper in produce. The subscribers then gathered the most inconvenient kinds of produce they could find, went to Newark, paid their bills and stopped the paper, and the cir- culation in Granville was reduced from seventy to two. Rev. Mr. Hartiug, a Methodist, was preaching one Sab- bath to a full audience assembled in Esq. Gavit's residence, when a string piece in the centre of the floor gave way, making a complete hopper of the floor, into which all the assembly glided in a promiscuous mass, amid the crashing of lumber and the cries of the frightened. The noise was heard over all the town, but no one was very seriously hurt. Nineteen died in 1822; of whom were Col. Oren Granger, January 13th, aged thirty-three; Rev. Timothy Harris, March 28th, aged forty-one ; Hon. Jeremiah R. Munson, June 9th, aged forty-two ; Elisha S. Gilman, July 13th, aged twenty-eight ; Capt. Job Case, (suddenly,) August 24th, aged sixty-three. 120 ANNALS, 1823-26. ciiArTi<:R XXII. In 1823, occurred the faiiioii.s circular hunt of Gibbons's deadening, which, although outside the township, deserves mention here as many of the participants were Granville men. The following particulars are taken irom a " Pioneer Paper" prepared by Rev. Timothy W. Howe. A tract of four miles square was marked out, the lines being blazed on the trees, with cross lines from corner to corner, and a center square of eighty rods on each side. The men met at sunrise, lines were arranged, signals ap- pointed and orders understood. Hornsmen were placed at equal intervals all around the lines. No whisky was allowed on the ground. [Why ? Since everyone used whisky.] The first signal indicated that the lines were in readiness. The second commanded a simultaneous advance. Turkeys soon began to fly over the lines in flocks, and the rifle brought many of them down. Deer, being startled from their lairs, would fly to the opposite side of the square, until checked again. Three wolves were roused. As the lines drew together, the game would be seen running parallel with them, seeking exit from the cordon that was closing in upon them. This drew shots from every side, and kept a con- tinuous rattling of musketry. A huge black bear waked up. As he made his way toward the lines on a lazy gallop, when within twenty or thirty yards of them, fifteen or twenty guns were simultaneously fired at him, and he fell dead. When the lines reached the inner square, the men stood almost touching one another, and the lines were too near to permit promiscuous firing. A half-dozen of the best marks- men were sent in, among whom were Leveret Butler and Captain Timothy Spelman, to finish the work of destruction. One bear, three wolves, forty-nine deer, sixty or seventy turkeys, and one owl, was the list of game taken. There BURLINGTON CYCLONE. 127 being much more mmi than gmne^ the bear and deer, being skinned, were divided into pieces of four pounds each, and about one-third of the company, by lot, drew a portion. General A. Munson, whose lot drew the bear skin, made a closing speech with his trophy wrapped about him, and at sunset all dispersed, satisfied with the day's work and its results. From 1822 to 1827, the people of the township were extensively engaged in raising tobacco. Prices were as follows : Flour, $ 5.00 a barrel ; cider, $ 3.00 ; corn, 25 c. a bushel ; apples, 50 c.; fowls, 75 c. a dozen ; pork, 8 c.; cheese, 6i4^c.; best burial caskets, $4.00. Deacon Samuel Baldwin died January 27th, aged sixty- three ; Jerahmeel Houghton, September ist, aged forty- seven. In 1824, the present Methodist Church was built, where the frame school house had stood. It was a frame structure, 47x35 feet, and well proportioned in height. It was finished plainly, and thus used for many years. It cost $1450 — in trade. Hon. Samuel Bancroft became Associate Judge, in which capacity he served for twenty-one years. In 1825, occurred the Great Burlington Storm, on the afternoon of Wednesday, May i8th. As the cyclone passed over the northern part of the county, the black cloud was seen on the horizon by the people at Granville, and a humming noise filled the air. The sun shone brightly, and the air was quiet, but close. Next morning word came of the havoc that had been caused. Many were hurt, and one youth was killed. He was hastening to close the cabin door as the cyclone struck the house. The door was torn violently from the hinges, and boy and door were dashed against the opposite side of the room. Fences were prostrated, and stock was ranging through the grain fields. A mill pond was swept dry, and a log chain was lodged in a tree top. Houses and barns were demolished. Every one was in some 128 I.ICKINO SI^MMIT CKLEI5RATION. way neediiif^ help. At once the word spread through the community. Granger's tavern was made the rendezvous. Provisions, clothing, blankets, stores for the sick, were brought in, and wagon after wagon was loaded and started for the scene of suffering. Men and women hurried to proffer their aid ; the women cared for the wounded and cooked for all ; the men put up the fences and helped the families to temporary shelters. Dr. Cooley went up and gave them his ])rofessional services. Another incident transpiring outside of the township, yet affecting the citizens, was the celebration at Licking Summit on the Fourth of July. The occasion was the breaking grotnid in the construction of the Ohio and Erie Canal. Governor DeWitt Clinton, of New York, was there, and in his hands was the shovel that threw out the first earth. Granville was deeply interested in the project. The place was to be connected with the main canal at Newark by a feeder leading from the Raccoon, at Paige's factory. It was further contem])lated to extend this branch, by private enterprise, around by Captain Phelps' saw mill, following his feed race to the creek, and then the creek to the Lancaster bridge, the addition recpiiring a dam, guard lock, lift lock, and half a mile of excavation. This would make the village accessible from the main canal. Great commercial benefit was expected from it. One gentleman enthusiastically remarked: "We shall be a second Utica!" Granville, therefore, was well represented. The cannon cast at her furnace in i^iiS was there to s])eak for her, in charge of the artillery com|)any. An infantry comi)any was on duty. The (rranville band was there with its music. The members were: Ivliab Doud, leader; Jereiiiiali Munson, Jr., and 1'. W. Taylor, clarionets; Leonard Humjjhrey, hautboy; Justin Hillyer, Jr., Truman llillyer, H. Iv. Bancroft, Daniel L. Baker, bas.soons ; and Hovey Sawyer, bass drum. They had also a military band, Justin Hillyer, Jr., and Sheldon vSwan being fifers, and I). L. P>aker and Chester Clough, drnniniers. LAST BEAR HUNT. 129 This last band won notoriety that day in playing against that of the Chillicothe Grays, bearing off the pahn. (xran- ville bore, in those days, the reputation of furnishing the best musicians in the State. The citizens did not return to their lionies with enthusiasm at all diminished. Most of them lived to see the canal constructed, many of them taking part in the work. A few boats visited the quiet banks of the Raccoon, notably, one loaded with potatoes from Michi- gan one season of scarcity — about 1838. Several transports were built on the feeder, and started on their voyage of life. Flour, grain, salted meats, and other products, were shipped for several years. But no one has yet seen Utica arising on the banks of the great thoroughfare. One sig^i of progress appeared in the village. Messrs. William Wing and Ralph (xranger bought the house of George Case, which stood unfinished since 1818, and pro- ceeded to finish and furnish it for a hotel. In 1825 were twenty deaths ; Mrs. Fidelia Prichard, daughter of Klias (iilman, Esq., and wife of Anthony P. Prichard, died September 5th, aged twenty-three ; P'^rederick Case, May 10, aged forty eight. In 1826, Messrs. Charles French and William H. Brace came to St. Albans Towuship with their clock factory. [See Industrial Enterprises for particulars.] In the fall occurred the last bear hunt of the township. A bear and her two cubs were heard rustling the leaves in the woods opposite the house of Esq. Baker, southwest of town. The neighborhood was aroused, and an onslaught made. The two cubs were soon treed and shot. The old bear was chased until night, and again in the morning, fifty men rallying and following her trail, but without success. Rev. Azariah Hanks preached to the Baptist Church one- fourth of his time. In August, Mr. William Slocomb, of Marietta, visited Granville in the interests of the missionary cause, carrying forward the work already noticed (1819). Two organizations 17 i;jO NEW CHURCHKvS FORMKD. were effected, one for men, and another for women. Some wished a separate or<^anization for each faction in the church. But his sagacity led him to oppose it, and to insist on united effort, $iio.oo were contributed to mission work in 1827, while $90. 00 were given to other objects, in the same time, from the same field. Early in the year, that part of the Congregational Church that favored Rev. Ahab Jinks met and organized another church, called the First Presbyterian Church. "They chose Sylvester Spelman, A. P. Prichard and S. G. Goodrich trustees ; Ebenezer Pratt, Silas Winchel, Levi Rose and Leonard Bushnell elders; Thomas M. Thompson and Hosea Cooley deacons." They immediately raised $310.00 for a salary, and employed Mr. Jinks as pastor. May 31st, the Second Presbyterian Church was formed, with sixty five members. Lemuel Rose, Amasa Howe, Benjamin Cook, Walter Griffith, Samuel Bancroft, Josliua Linnel and G. P. Bancroft were elected and ordained elders. The rest of the church remained Congregationalists, un- willing to join either of the above churches, but remaining under the care of Presbytery, as a plan of Union Church. This organization does not appear to have remained com- plete, as the old officers left with the other organizations, and none were elected to their place. Presbytery received the new churches to its care, thus having three on its roll from the same place. Mr. Jinks, being dissatisfied with this, withdrew from Presbytery, seeking connection with the Protestant Episco- pal Church. In these circumstances, many were ready to sustain Episco- pal services, though there was as yet no church of that order. In December, Rev. Amos G. Baldwin arrived in the place, and held Episcopal services occasionally for several months. There were fifteen deaths during the year, of whom was James Doud, November nth. ANNALS, 1827. ^''^1 CHAPTER XXIII. The year 1827 dawned upon a sad state of morals. There were six distilleries in operation. The common practice of the farmers was to take a load of corn to the distillery, and take home, in return, a barrel of whisky. There were 1700 people in the township, and it is estimated that they consumed ten thousand gallons of whisky annually. There were as many as six balls during the year, which the young people attended, one young lady getting out of her bed-room window to attend, contrary to the expressed wish of her parents. " The children of the scoffer, the swearer, deist, church member, deacon and minister all danced together. Religion was neglected. The boys, in sport, had broken a great proportion of the glass Irom the church, and we had become a hissing and a by-word." This place was spoken of as " a little town off east of Columbus, with a great meet- ing house with the glass broken out. While on the Sabbath the taverns were full, the house of God was almost empty." [Little's History.] In February, the congregation one day averaged about one person to a pew. There were four congregations, each claiming a right to the meeting house. Besides these four, the Methodists numbered about one hundred, having their own house, and the Baptists half as many, worshiping in the Masonic Hall. Only twenty copies of religious papers were taken in the township. Fifty- one families were without the Bible. After certain preliminary meetings, on May 9th an organiza- tion was efifected for an Episcopal Church with the following officers : Dr. Wm. S. Richards and Sylvester Hayes, wardens ; Chauncy Humphrey, Lucius D. Mower, A. P. Prichard, Sylvester Spelman, Joseph Fasset, Wm. Wing, Linus G. Thrall, vestrymen. They were legally qualified by Rev. A. Jinks, who was now filling the office of justice of the peace. 132 ST. LUKE'S CHURCH. The corporation took the name of " vSt. Luke's Church in Granville, Licking Co., Ohio." Rev. Mr. Baldwin continued to preach for them for two years. Mr. Slocomb, on the occasion of his visit of the preceding year, had suggested to the people the name of Rev. Jacob Little as a suitable man to become their pastor. The different parties united in inviting him to come and see them. Rev. Jacob Lindley, of Athens, being on the ground, seconded their request in an autograph letter. Mr. Little came and spent two Sabbaths with them in February. From that time definite efforts were made to harmonize the discordant elements. Again Mr. Little came, June i, upon an agreement to preach six months. Reconciliations were effected, mutual confessions were made. They met together on Sabbaths and other occasions of religious meetings. They treated each other with tenderness. A day of fasting was appointed and observed. It was the occasion of open confessions and tears. Instead of looking at others' faults, each looked at his own. There was an "ambition to have the privilege of giving way to others." In the fall a communion season was held, in which they all united, and soon after they united on common ground as a " Plan of Union" chuich ; the union being that of the Congregational and Presbyterian polity. We have now seen the origin of the five churches which have held a leading place in the community for generations. Hitherto the history of the Congregational Church has been so blended with the history of the place, even to the use of their meeting house for all public occasions, that it has of necessity been woven into the annals. From this point, the history of each will be given in a separate chapter, and the annals will take less note of ecclesiastical matters. Mr. Martin Root returned from the East in the spring of 1827, with his second wife. She brought with her the con- stitution of a Ladies' Missionary Society, which existed at the place of her eastern home. The constitution was adopted in the formation of a similar Society here. SELECT SCHOOL. 133 Mr. Little had a class of young ladies to whom he was giving special instruction in the higher branches; among whom were Misses Olivia Wright, Mary Ann Howe, and Deborah Sheldon. Miss M. A. Howe also taught a select school of thirty young ladies in Dr. Cooley's office, which stood just east of Mr. Harris' former residence. It was a small frame building, standing high, having a double flight of steps leading from the sidewalk on either side and parallel to it. This school has been spoken of as the historical beginning of Granville Female College. The building is said to be still standing, and is the cabinet shop of Mr. Harris' grandson, Wm. Mitchell, on Equality Street, near Deacon G. P. Bancroft's residence. The construction of the canal was this year in active pros- ecution. Several citizens of Granville took large contracts in the work, aggregating $300,000, which gave remunerative employment to many others. Among the contractors or sub- contractors were Augustine Munson, Wm. Wing, Lucius D. Mower, P. W. Taylor, Sylvester Hayes, Levi Rose, Alfred Avery, Elias P'asset, Joseph Fasset, Simeon Reed, Byron Hayes, Justin Hillyer, Jr., Curtis Howe, Ashley A. Bancroft, H. and D. Kelley. The canal was soon in operation from Newark north to Cleveland, but further progress southward was hindered, for a time, by the deep cut below the reservoir. This made a thoroughfare of public travel through Granville. Passengers came from the north and east by the N. Y. & E. and the O. & E. canals to Newark, where the four-horse coaches of Neil, More & Co, met them and bore them onward through Gran- ville to Columbus, Cincinnati, and other points westward. This continued to be their route until the National Road was completed in 1832-3. It was a stirring sight to the novices to see the well trimmed coaches come rolling into town and up Broad Street to the music of the stage horn, and draw up in approved style at the hotel of Charles French on the north side of Broad, exchange mail at the postoffice and depart again. J 34 DEATHS. Our fellow citizen Mr. vSereno Wriglit, becatne the County Treasurer, which office he filled acceptably for ten years. There were twenty-four deaths in the township in 1827 ; of whom were Wm. Stedman, Mar. 14th, aged forty-four; Mrs. Elizabeth Case, Mar. i6th, aged .sixty-one ; Mrs. Julius Cole- man, Aug. 9th, aged thirty-nine; Dea. Peter Thurston, Aug. 29th, aged sixty-seven ; Mrs. Amos Carpenter, Dec. 2d, aged thirty-seven. ANNALS, 1828-30. 135 CHAPTER XXIV. The winter of 1827-8 was a peculiar one. The sun was seen to shine but a few times in eight weeks. No ice was formed all winter, and fog was the chief characteristic of the weather. The first Sabbath of 1828, was preached by Mr. Little the first of that notable series of sermons called New Year's Sermons. No sermon in the year called for half its labor in preparation, and none called together such a crowded con- gregation to listen to it. When he sat down to write he had beiore him a pretty correct statement as to how many pro- fane swearers, Sabbath-breakers and drunkards there were in the township, how many did not attend church, how many adults were not professors of religion, the statistics of the Sabbath School, and a long list of similar facts ; then seizing upon some prominent feature of the facts, he chose for his sermon a subject they would illustrate, gave the facts and preached the sermon. Every seat would be occupied, and the aisles would sometimes be crowded with extra seats. It was also an inseparable comcomitant of the sermon that Benevento should be sung with the hymn, "While with ceaseless course the sun." Elder Berry was preaching to the Baptist Church, and during the year the congregation took measures to erect the meeting house on the northeast corner of Cherry and Broad Streets, which was their home until 1849. One of Mr. Little's stated Bible classes was held on het Columbus road, a couple of miles from town in a school- house. The neighborhood had rather an unusual number of lawless spirits among its citizens. Nevertheless, it had sent in a written request with more than fifty signatures that a series of twelve lessons should be given there, each signer promising to attend the course. Others had made threats of 136 A PLOT UNCOVRRED. disturbing the meetings, and Mr. Little invited Judge Ban- croft to go out with him one evening. The night was dark and the roads muddy. There were some unruly demonstra- tions, but nothing to interrupt the meeting. But when he went out to mount his horse he discovered something wrong about his saddle. Calling for a light he found that a couple of sticks had been tied to his horse's tail, a stirrup had been loosened, and a pebble put under the saddle. His horse was young, and the design was to have the colt start up suddenly, throw the preacher and run away. But a good Providence uncovered the plot. " Revival after revival swept over that place," until it became a religious neighborhood, and was soon after chosen as the location of Granville College. The first temperance society of Granville was formed this year (1828), and so far as is known it was the first west of the Alleghanies. Mr. Little says: "On the 15th of July seventeen men remained at the close of a religious meeting, and organized themselves into a society of total abstinence from ardent spirits. [/. <"., distilled liquors.] The signers were almost frightened at themselves when the}- saw what they had done.'" At the end of the year there were eighty- six members of the society. Two merchants threw intox- icating liquors out of their list of goods, and buildings began to be raised without ardent spirits. "The falling off in the consumption of liquors was sufficient to alarm the interested, and such was the irritation at the close of 1828, among those who were suffering from the declension of drinking, and dancing too. that I did not attempt to collect for the New Year's Sermon the usual statistics of intemperance." The clock factory which had been established in St. Albans was la^moved to (iranville. In the spring of this year Timothy Spelman, Esq., died. Being with his daughter, Mrs. William Wing, her husband having a contract on the canal, he was taken in an epile])tic fit and fell in the fire, receiving such injuries, before he could be rescued, as resulted in his death. SEVENTEEN YEAR LOCUSTS. 137 Mr. Thomas H. Bushnell became County Surveyor and not long after removed to Newark. There were twenty-six deaths during the year ; of which were, Timothy Spehnan, Esq., April 21st, aged seventy-two; Deacon Amos Partridge, August 20th, aged fifty-two : Azariah Bancroft, October 25th, aged sixty. In 1829, the seventeen year locusts punctually renewed theii song, enjoyed their brief existence and departed for their mysterious haunt for another long term of silence. The school for young ladies, begun by Miss M. A. Howe, was continued by Miss Emma Little, who taught at one time in an unfinished chamber, and at another in the office of Dr. Cooley. September 21st, Elder G. C. Sedgwick, of Zanesville, laid the corner stone of the brick Baptist Church. It was 45 x 35 feet, with a belfry ; a gallery on three sides so deep as to leave rather small space open in the center ; and a porch in front 10 X 20 feet. The bricks were laid by Thomas Evans. The windows were in two ranges, and the pulpit stood high like the other church, and like the other church it began to be used before it was finished. But it sufficed for very good meetings, revivals and a growing church. . We reproduce a view of this house to the best of our abil- 18 138 NEW BELL — TEMPERANCE. ity, having been assisted in it by Mr. Lucius Boardman, for- merly a Granville boy, and now residing in Springfield, Illinois. There were twenty-two deaths ; of whom was Mrs. Abigail Sturges, wife of Isaac Sturges, August 14th, aged thirty- seven. In 1830 a new bell, made in Pittsburgh, weight 794 pounds, cost, S358, was placed in the belfry of the Congregational Church. It was the first bell ever hung in the place, and made a marked impression on the punctuality of the audiences at public worship ; and as an arrangement was made to have it rung at certain hours every day it helped the entire com- munity to regularity. It was wont to be rung at five or six o'clock in the morning for a rising bell, at nine o'clock for school, at twelve o'clock for noon, and at nine o'clock in the evening for curfew. Sometimes a general subscription would provide for this expense and sometimes the citizens volunteered to ring by turns, a fortnight each. At first it was hung with a straight yoke, requiring the utmost exertion of a man's strength to ring it, and then it shook the tall steeple fearfully. Besides the Total Abstinence Society, now numbering 400 members, there was a paper circulated among those who were willing to pledge themselves to abstinence only one year. In 1829 ^^ received ninety signatures, in 1830 only fifty-five. Whisky rations were stopped at the furnace and the consumption of spirits declined from six gallons to each inhabitant, to seven quarts. x\bout half a dozen broke their pledge, but renewed their promise again. At the close of the year 700 were pledged to abstinence. Two cabins remained in the village until about this time; one at the west end of town, at the foot of Sugar Loaf, and on Broad Street ; the other in the southeast part of town on the east side of Liberty Street, the home of Mr. Talada. At this time there lived at Deacon Winchel's, old Mrs. Santee, widow of a pensioner of the Revolutionary War. FEMALE SEMINARY. 139 She had five fingers and a thumb on each hand and six toes on each foot. She had a son, William Gibbons, by a former marriage, who was marked in like manner. Mr. Charles Sawver undertook the erection of buildings for the use of the Baptist Female Seminary. Several lots were secured, fronting both on Broad and Water Streets, (^see chapter, Baptist Female Seminary). The deaths were twenty-two ; among them Samuel Thrall, February loth, aged forty-two, Mrs. Miriam Tvlunson, widow of Jesse Munson, March 5th, aged eighty-four. Mrs. Munson was one of the oldest females that came with the original colony. Mr. and Mrs. Munson, with their children and grand- children, probably constituted the largest family of residents ever represented in Granville. 140 ANNALS, 1831-33. CHAPTER XXV. The next year witnessed the beginning of what is now Denison University, under Prof. John Pratt, (see chapter, Denison University.) About this time there came to visit the place a man greatly interested in infant schools, Rev. Eli Meeker. He brought with him a little child who sang sweetly and repeated much she had learned by rote. He lectured on the subject and gave exhibitions of the child's precocious attainments ; and notwithstanding the severity of his discipline, manifested even in public, he made a strong impression in favor of these child schools. It was not long before one was begun by one of the most successful and promising young lady teachers, Miss Samantha Stedman. It was afterward continued by Miss Chloe Harris, and still later was engrafted upon our Female Academy as its primary department, and in some of its distinctive features remains to this day. But the singing of lessons, and marching and clapping hands and much else of the kind have passed away. Mr. Bunker commenced the manufacture of an improved plow, (as related in chapter, Industrial Enterprises). Mr. Cornelius Devenney, a gentleman from Virginia, located just beyond the township line in McKean, though his social, religious and business relations were chiefly with Granville. Miss Mary Eells arrived from the East and took charge of the Ladies' School begun by Mr. Little's efforts. The dead of 183 1 were twenty-two ; of whom were Andrew Goldsbury, a young man, partner in the Clock Factory, Jan- uary 2d; Mary, wife of Lewis Sturges, February 28th, aged sixty-nine ; Noble Root, May 5th, aged fifty-one ; Israel Wells, April 3d, aged seventy-three ; Benjamin Cook, April 23d, aged sixty-eight; Mrs. Charles Sawyer, August loth, aged FIRST STOVES IN CHURCH. 141 thirty-two; Mrs. William H. Brace^ September 29th, aged thirty-eight ; Mrs. Eunice Richards, the mother of Dr. Rich- ards, November 19th, aged seventy-seven. A noticeable fact of 1832 is the first warming of the large church by stoves on the first Sabbath of the year, which was a communion day and the occasion when sixty-seven united with the church. From time immemorial the congregation had attended two services a day, morning and afternoon, sit- ing in the cold. In the minds of some it was a desecration of God's house to put stoves in it. After decent resistance, however, the experiment was tried with two common-place box stoves. They stood in the center aisle ; one of them near the front door, with the pipe passing around under the edge of the gallery to the east and then the north the whole length of the church, being supported by the gallery pillars, and there it passed directly through the window on the north side of the house. Except the first few joints near the stove, the pipe was made of tin soldered in long strips. The other stove stood near the pulpit, the pipe passing westward to the gallery pillars, and thence the whole length of the church on the west side, making its exit through a south window. By and by the condensed smoke incommoded those who sat under the pipe by dropping down upon them. This was remedied by small tin troughs underneath the pipe with tiny conductors passing every few feet down the pillars and through the floor. It was a great improvement upon the cold church, but it did not banish the little foot stoves from the pews. One old gentleman who had opposed it strenuously as an unwarrantable innovation and refused to help defray the ex- penses, realized one cold day how sensible it was, and came to town early next morning with his money ready to help pay for it. Soon they improved the plan by carrying the two pipes to a drum in the center, a large pipe going thence directly up through the ceiling and the roof. This saved much inconvenience from the smoke. At this time the old military organization was at the height 142 GENERAL MUSTER. of its glory, and the (Teneral Training Day was (jnite an in- stitntion. Those whose tastes led thcni to do so, became members of a uniformed independent company, and met their officers for drill with some frequency. The general muster brought out all these companies, and with them the militia, who drilled in citizens' dress ; some of the officers being in unilorm or wearing some insignia of their rank. The morn- ing of such a day was one of considerable excitement. Wagons came pouring into town loaded with men, women and children. Here and there was an officer or private in uniform, or a musician with his instrument. The square in the southeast part of town, south of Equality Street and east of Pearl, near the new cemetery, was an open common^ and served as a parade ground. There stalls were erected for the sale of ginger bread and home-made beer ; and they drove a thriving business. The forenoon was consumed in private drills, and attending to the business details of the several organizations. These drills would consist of the manual of arms, marching, counter-marching, forming hollow squares, etc.; one peculiar exercise being the forming, while rapidly marching in single file, of a circle around their officers for protection against a sudden charge of cavalry. The head of the column, on a double quick, would wind about a spiral curve inward to the center, the file following; then suddenly turning would pass outward between the inward winding lines, until the Captain would emerge again, all danger sup- posed to be past, and lead his company onward, the serpent coil unwinding until straight again. Early in the afternoon all were astir. The various com- panies, each from its rendezvous, came marching to the parade ground. There they were lormed in regiments by their Adjutants, and again the regiments into a brigade by the senior Colonel. The Colonel then waited upon the Brigadier General, escorting him to the field, and salutes were inter- changed. A speech would follow from some mounted officer, exhorting every man to do his duty. The line would then AN ADVENTURE. 143 form in solid column, marching by platoons, to the music of the regimental band (or the Granville brass band), up Pearl Street, wheeling into Broad, and up Broad until halted in front of the stores. The commanding officer, with nodding plume and gay attire, riding a spirited steed, was at the head of the column, and scouting companies in full uniform flanked the column in single file, and brought up the rear in platoons. After brigade drill they were dismissed in companies, having made a strong impression on the beholders that the liberties of the country were safe in their keeping. Each Captain led his company away for further drill or business until dismissed for the day. The Baptists obtained their charter for the " Granville Iviterary and Theological Institution." [See special history.] The act of incorporation for the village of Granville passed both houses of the General Assembly, the Senate Jan. i6th and the House Jan. 26th. The act provided that upon the first Monday of May, annually, the electors (white male in- habitants) shall meet and elect by ballot, one Mayor, one Recorder, and five Trustees, freeholders, who shall constitute a Town Council. Col. Chauncy Humphrey was the first Mayor; Hon. Samuel Bancroft, Recorder ; Anthony P. Prich- ard. Dr. Wm. S. Richards, Dea. Gerard P. Bancroft, Maj. Grove Case, and , Trustees. May 8th, A. P. Prichard and Sam. Bancrolt were appointed a committee to draft a code of laws. May 14th, ladders and hooks to use in case of fire were ordered. May i6th, a committee of safety was appointed with power to examine chimneys, etc. Ordin- ances were passed to regulate public shows, remove nuisances, prevent the firing of guns, fast driving, intoxication, etc. June nth, an ordinance to restrain mischievous animals, etc. The " Deep Cut " on the canal was finished, and Granville was no longer the thoroughfare for travel it had been, though the stages passed through the village until the completion of the National Road to Columbus in the following year. A number of youngsters found their way one evening into 14^ ACCESSIONS. the meeting house for some diversion or other & chmbed to the belfry. On their way up they locked behind thciii the upper passage door; & by some accident, in the thick darkness they dropped the key & could not recover it. There they were, helplessly locked in, not liking to call for aid — perhaps if they should call they would call in vain. After considering the sit- uation they concluded they must either stay there all night or descend the lightning rod. One of the most daring concluded to try the latter alternative. He grasped the rod & looked over. What if his strength should fail? What if his nerves should tremble? What if his head should swim? But over he went, clinging as closely to the rod as the lightning does, but descend- ing mu^h more slowly. Down he went until he could see noth- ing above, nothing below, over the edge of the roof, and still downward. But presently he came to a break in the rod which the boys had not before noticed. Filled with consternation he tried to get back again. Hand overhand he clambered upward, but it was too much for him. What should he do? Darkness yawned beneath him & he was rapidly making up his mind to be a better boy. There was no help for it — he must let go, what- ever happened. Expecting to break every bone in his body he descended to the end of the rod & measured his length below, & in despair let go & fell — two inches, breaking his good reso- lutions all to pieces. The Asiatic cholera was making progress westward, and menacing all the conntry along the canals. There were never any cases of it in the village of Granville, and bnt one or two in the township. Dr. Lyman Beecher, on his way from Boston to take the Chair of Theology in Lane Seminary, tarried here a few days and preached daily to an overflowing house. Efforts were made to change the county seat from Newark to Granville, but they were unsuccessful. Prof. Paschal Carter, a young man of twenty-five years of age, arrived and became a worthy co-adjutor of Prof. Pratt in the College, and a valuable citizen, [See chapter on Gran- ville College,] Another notable accession to the community was Horace Hamlin, [vSee chapter, Music Teachers,] A STAMPEDK. 145 Mr. Andrew Merriman arrived and set up a shoe factory. [See Industrial Enterprises.] About this time two prominent features in our commercial life passed entirely away. Our merchants had for some years been buying up the cattle, hogs and horses of their custo- mers, sending the cattle, particularly, in droves over the mountains. It gave the farmers fresh incentives in one of their chief industries. The same energy brought back a greater reward ; and the merchants also in the greater de- mand felt the incentive to enlarge and improve their stock of goods. Cattle from the plains beyond also passed through the village, creating demand for feed. These droves knew no Sabbath. Sometimes it happened they would be passing through town on Sunday morning when the bells were ring- ing for church, and occasionally it would cause a stampede. The unaccustomed sound would seem to bewilder the whole drove. They would hesitate, look every way, grow excited and fearful ; some would turn in their tracks and rush back; the drivers would ride among them, and with shouting and blows seek to turn them forward again. If they did not soon succeed, the whole herd would be galloping back in an irre- sistible tide. The peculiar, tremulous motion of the great, dense herd, like miniature billows of the sea, the rising clouds of dust, the peril of their drivers and of all who might be caught before their blind, impetuous rush, made it a spectacle of true sublimity. The demand for merchandise had made demand for trans- portation. This brought to our village the visits of the great Pennsylvania land schooners. They were immense covered wagons, built for carrying great loads, and were drawn by four or six horses. The teamsters prided themselves on making a grand display. Each horse was richly caparisoned and bore over his shoulders an arch of little bells. The driver always drove the " nigh wheel horse," (nearest the wagon on the left hand). Sitting in state, swaying to and fro witli every step of the gigantic animal, guiding his 19 146 METEORIC SHOWERS. " leaders" with a .siii.^ie loiif^ line, the great stately, tower- ing ark following majestically behind ; the air meanwhile loaded with the tinkling of two or three dozen bells; he made a sight to behold. Youngsters waited on his track with staring eyes and gaping mouth, until he drew up before the door at his destination. There was an advertisement that new goods had come to town that modern enter- prise might well envy. Doors had to be locked to keep people out until goods could be arranged, although calico was fifty cents a yard. The deaths were twenty-eight ; among them Isaac Sturges, December 21st, aged fifty-one. In 1833, was erected the two-story frame Academy building at the southwest corner of Main and Fair Streets, with a stone basement room used many years as a prayer and conference room by the Congregational Church. The rooms above were used by the Academy. [See special chapters.] Mr. Chauncy Humphrey erected the three-story frame building in which for years he carried on the tinning busi- ness. It was long the only three-story building in the place. The frame was put uj) by ly. Kushnell, on a contract, for $300. The one hundred and six subscribers who had constructed the feeder extension, petitioned the Legislature to take possession of it, keep it in repair and collect tolls, in all regards as they did with the rest of the canal works, which petition was acceded to. Certain contracts of business firms at this time show that the canal and this extension was of benefit to (iranville. Mower & Co. contracted to deliver in Cleveland 270 bbls. of prime pork at #7.50 per bbl., and 90 cents for transportation. The same firm at the same time contracted for 300 bbls. salt to be delivered to themselves. On the morning of Wednesday, Nov. 13th, occurred the memorable ])henonienon of the Meteoric vShower. There were none of the sharp reports or bursting balls or auroral waves observed elsewhere. It was but the quiet, gentle, STREETS OF GRANVILLE. 147 beautiful, prolonged rain of glowing sparks that died as they neared or touched the ground. Here, there, everywhere, they fell like lighted snow-flakes at the gentle beginning of a snow storm, each leaving a fine luminous track behind it. The morning bell was rung rather boisterously in the hope of waking people up to see the sublime spectacle. Some were panic stricken and expected the end of the world. One old lady rose, went into the street and shouted in terror. But most of the people appreciated it at once as an unusual natural phenomenon. It was a season of rapt enjoyment until the display was lost in the rising day. About this time, the bridge over Raccoon on the Columbus road became unsafe, the planks were torn up, and only a line of them for the use of footmen was left. It is said that Leveret Butler returning home late one dark night, not knowing the condition of the bridge and unconscious of his danger, was borne safely across the planks by his old white horse. Next morning the tracks verified the fact. The following lines, written by Mr. George Bliss, who so- journed here temporarily at the time, will show how our streets appeared to stranger eyes. The original ode had nine stanzas : " Hail! widely famed Granville, illustrious town, The residence both of the fop and the clown; Of greatness and littleness, beauty and worth, And all the strange things that abide upon earth. " How oft down thy sidewalks so artfully laid, As down silver streets I have carelessly strayed; I've stood and securely looked down on the mud, That fain would have spattered me o'er if it could. " Here Liberty walks in her native array, And flashes abroad the effulgence of day. She lights up the path of the swine which we meet. Of sheep and of cattle which herd in the street. " By the side of the temple where worshipers go, A fountain stands open, nor ceases to flow. Where the goose and the duck hold their revels by day. And the bull frog at night sings his musical lay." 148 ARRIVALS. Mr. David Partridge arrived from Vermont, and with him Messrs. Seth Wetherell, Seymour Wood, and a Mr. Jordan. Rev. Henry Carr began preaching to the Baptist Church July 27th, the first pastor whose entire time was given to the church. There were nineteen deaths during the year. Horatio G. Mower, March 29th, aged thirty-two ; Matthew H. Critchet, April ist, aged fifty; Mrs. Joshua Linnel, August 2d, aged forty-two; Asahel Griffin, November ist,aged sixty-six ; Mrs. Sereno Wright, jr., December ist, aged twenty. ANNALS, 1834. 149 CHAPTER XXVI. The year 1834 was a memorable one for Granville. The year opened with great apparent prosperity. Tlie season was an early one, all nature smiling in verdure, and giving great promise of harvests. The Rev. George Denison began his labors with the Episcopal Church in February, so that all the churches were enjoying regular means of grace. The schools were flourishing. Two efficient men at the head of the Literary and Theological Institute were carrying it forward to success. Misses Grant and Bridges came in June and took charge of the Female Academy, and it found its new home in the building prepared for it. There were between seventeen and eighteen hundred inhabitants in the township. Money was circulating in quantities sufficient to make business easy, and our business men were prosperous. But now begins a great reverse. Mr. Little enumerates no less than seven distinct forms of chastisement in which Providence visited the place, some of them common to a larger section, or the whole country ; others circumscribed to Granville and its vicinity. The first of these was financial embarrassments. These had two leading causes ; one general, the other local. The general cause was the disturbed system of banking in the country ; the other, the death of Col. Lucius D. Mower and the settling up of his large estate. Mr. Mower was born at Barre, Massachusetts, May i, 1793. He was in early life a carpenter, and while he lived he was the most competent and sagacious business man that Granville produced. He naturally went to the front, whether with his brothers, his business associates or his fellow citizens. He was foremost among his peers. He was a practical man, a man of energy, quick to decide, and fitted to command. He would get down, if necessary, among his workmen on the ground to ex- amine the lower valves of his bellows, or he could exhibit the 1 50 FROST — DROUTH — FLOOD. most gentlemanly manners in social life. He was of medium stature, slight build, and sanguine temperament. Nothing waited where his presence was felt. His energy quickened every movement of those about him, and those who served him had to move with animation and intelligence. He was the oldest in a large family of brothers and sisters, all of whom died of consumption. Failing health at last led him to seek vmavailingly for recuperation in the climate of Florida. He died at St. Augustine at the age of forty-one years. For years Mr. Mower had been a leading man of bnsiness in the community. His sagacity had guided the Furnace Company to success, and his energy had driven forw^ard oair mercantile enterprises. Other men followed hard after him, but he can scarcely be said to have had an equal. When his living influence was withdrawn from business circles, pro- duction and trade both felt the privation. But more than this, the withdrawal of a large amount of capital from use, and of money from circulation in the settlement of his estate, seriously affected the people, until other energies could step in and a partial return of the capital be effected. Another visitation was the heavy frost which fell upon this region on the night of the 15th of May. The corn, the early wheat, and almost all the fruit were destroyed ; the blackberry, wild cherry, and a few currants being the only varieties of fruit, large or small, wild or cultivated, that offered any supply. Many wheat fields were plowed up or turned to pasture, and the corn had to be re-planted. A third calamity was the drouth which immediately followed the frost, no rain falling until July. The streams almost vanished and the upland pastures and crops were drying up. The water in the feeder did not suffice for trans- portation purposes. A fourth was the flood — the memorable flood ! After nearly seven weeks of drouth, the wheat that the frost had left was turning yellow, the re-planted corn that grew on the bottom lands was getting ready to top out, and a few had commenced work in their scanty meadows. On the night THE FLOOD. 151 following the ist of July, about eleven o'clock, the rain began to pour down in frightful torrents, and so continued for two hours. For two hours more it fell moderately. There was one continuous glare of lightning and roar of thunder. The reflection on the ground revealed the appearance of a lake of waters. The lightning seemed to run in all directions over the ground. One who had freight delayed in the lock below for want of water to float it, had been heard the afternoon before, standing on the weight beam of the lock, after an ineffectual attempt to float the boat upon the upper level, to wish it might rain for twenty-four hours as hard as it rained at Noah's flood. The severity of the rain that followed made a deep and serious impression upon him in connection with his expressed wish. The hands at the night work of the furnace had to stop and protect the works from the rising waters. The moulding floor was flooded. The water was so high the water wheel would not work. The blast was checked, and the full charged furnace was in danger of cooling off and being ruined. Nothing more was seen of that boat in the lock, or its freight. The region over which this rain fell extended thirty miles up and down the valley, and twelve miles across it, Granville being in the center and experiencing the heaviest fall. Every vessel out of doors was full, so that no accurate measurement of the fall could be made. It was variously estimated from one to three feet. In the morning the banks of the stream were crowded by people gazing on the wonder. The entire bottom was flooded. South of the village the Raccoon had spread so as to flow a few rods into the burial lot. There the citizens stood and saw trees, shrubs, rails, crops, domestic animals, timbers, boards, everything that could float, rushing madly by with the turbid waters, and without means to remedy or save. Dams gave way, locks on the canal left their moorings, bridges were floated from their piers. In some places the stream was nearly a mile wide, and if bounded by hills within a narrower bed, it went rolling by like a great river. When 152 FLOOD AND SICKNKSvS. the water subsided it left a wide track spread with desolation. It was swept bare of fences, and one could ride through the farms for miles. Here and there was an accumulation of driftwood, weeds and rails, the pile all soaked through with muddy water. Farmers were searching for rails, some claiming they could tell their own rails by the timber, or by the peculiar manner of setting the iron wedge in splitting them. Others would claim whatever lodged on their own land. By this last rule probably some of the plantations below New Orleans fared as well as some of the farms along the valley ; and the man who took them by the other gen- erally drew a laugh upon himself for his conceit. The next judgment was the sickness. The months of July and August were unusually warm. The filth of the flood lay scattered over the bottom lands reeking in the sun. Miasm loaded the air, it entered the homes of the people by day and by niglit, they labored in it, slept in it, ate in it, traveled, visited, lii'cd in it, and without remedy. vSickness began to increase immediately. By the ist of September out of four hundred and fifty inhabitants of the village, one hundred and forty were sick with the fever. Some entire families were down. Mr. Asher's family of eight were all sick at once; both i^arents and two children died. In Mr. Little's family of eight, all were sick, but not all at once, and three of them died. All of Mr. Starr's family were sick save one. The same was true of L- Bushnell's family and also of L. IC. Bancroft's On the 5th of September there were five deaths. The first Sabbath of October, it being communion Sabbath, so many were sick that no meeting- was held The Town Council ordered that the church bells should no more be tolh d for deaths and funerals according to the custom, because the continual tolling drove business away from the town. The order was obeyed, but it had an effect contrary to that intended; for word at once went out that the mortality of the place was such that they dared not toll the bell, and people staid away more than ever. The physicians SPIRITUAL DECLENSION. 153 were worn out and agreed to take the streets in turn, and call at every house. Some of the streets having fewer on the sick list than others, they could alternately snatch a little rest. All schools in the village or within a mile of the village were stopped. The morning, noon and evening bells ceased to ring because the noise was painful to the sick. The streets were deserted of all save the short funeral pro- cessions of ten or a dozen followers, and silence reigned everywhere but for the moans of the sick and the wails of the sorrowing. During the year there were eighty-five deaths. In the midst of the sickness. Rev. Dr. Cooley, pastor at Old Granville, who was then sixty-two years of age, visited the colony that twenty-nine years before had gone out from his flock. The meeting was a sad one, inasmuch as he found them suffering, sick and dying. But his ministrations at the sick bed side and at the burial of friends was most comfort- ing to them. On departing he received from them the gift of a young horse all fitted out for his horseback ride home. The other two inflictions of which Mr. Little speaks are of a moral nature, one of them being an unusual religious declension. His observation is that times of great sickness are distracting to the mind. Care, anxiety, watching, irregularity do not foster habits of religious duty. That which brings us near to eternity does not always make us spiritually minded. That which he mentions last needs to be told in Mr. Little's own words, or to some, and at this day, it might not appear so plainly an infliction of evil. It was the intro- duction of the anti-slavery agitation. His objection to it is not to the fac I, but the mamier of its introduction. Mr. Thomas Jones, whos.e sons have taken a prominent position in our community, arrived from Pennsylvania, coming two years previously from Wales. Mr. Ebenezer Partridge also came to the place from Vermont. The brothers James and Eliphelet Follett, also from Vermont, arrived and 20 154 DEATHS. went into the dairy business on the Fassett farms, pushing the business with energy. Mr. John Parker, a brother-in- law, followed them the next year. Among the eighty-five deaths were, Wm. H. Brace, Jan- uary 2oth, aged thirty-seven; Joseph Linnel, Sen., January 2ist, aged seventy-nine; Eliphas Thrall, March i5tli, aged sixty-six; Elder James Berry, July 29th, aged thirty-six; Wm. Paige, September 26th; John Starr, September 21st, aged forty-six; Mrs. Lucy Little, wife of Rev. Jacob Little, October 2d, aged thirty; John Asher, December 14th, aged forty-five; Lucius D. Mower, at St. Augustine, Florida, Wednesday, February 19th, aged forty-one; John Starr, vSeptember 21st, aged forty-five. ANNALS, 1835-39. 155 CHAPTER XXVII. The events of 1835 come chiefly into some special chapter. It was the year of the formation of the Welsh Methodist Church. [Which see.] It was the year of the noted burg- lary, which led to the detection of the perpetrator, and the cessation of a series of burglaries that had been going on for some time. [See Our Criminal Record.] Rev. Edmund Garland arrived from Maine and commenced the Male Acad- emy. [Which see.] It was the year of Mr. Theodore D. Weld's visit to Granville. [See Anti-Slavery Excitement.] February 19th, the charter for Granville Female Seminary was given. [Which see.] About this time appeared a new and very taking invention in the Reflector Baker. It was made of tin, and had two re- flecting surfaces, which, as it stood before the fire, threw the heat from alcove and below upon a pan and its contents in the middle. It would bake bread, johnny-cake and pies, roast a turkey or other meats, warm up a meal, and perform other culinary operations neatly and promptly. It greatly relieved the tedium of cooking before an open fire, and re- mained in vogue until the cooking stoves and heating stoves banished the old-fashioned open fire-place. The deaths were thirty-seven ; among them, Mrs. Daniel Shepardson, March 25th, aged fifty-one; Charles French, July 25th, aged forty-five ; Mrs. Clarissa Palmer, a missionary among the Cherokees, who, failing in health, was on her way from her mission station to friends in the East, when she reached Granville and could proceed no further, dying September 8th, aged fifty ; Mrs. P. W. Taylor, December 31st, aged thirty-one; Luna, wife of Ormond Rose, Decem- ber 28th, aged forty ; Deacon Lemuel Rose, September 13th, aged seventy-one. He was of no more than medium stature and rather mus- cular. His characteristic was firmness in his adherence to 156 THK MEETING- IIOUSK RKPAIRKD. right. While the pulpit was vacant, after Mr. Jinks' term of service, as the audience one Sabbath came into church to hear a sermon read, they found the deacons examining a stranger to see if it would do to invite him to preach. They finally allowed him to take his stand below the pulpit and begin service. He had proceeded but a little way when something dropped from his lips which they did not approve. Deacon Rose immediately sprang to his feet, saying : "'There ! that will do! no more! you need not preach any further!" And stop he had to, while the deacons proceeded to con- duct an orthodox meeting by reading a printed sermon. The next year, 1836, was that of the Anti-vSlavery State Convention, and the mob that .sought to break it u]). [vSee Anti-Slavery Excitement.] The dead were thirty-nine ; of whom were, Mrs. Alfred Avery, January 24th, aged thirty-three ; Mrs. Samuel Mower, March loth, aged sixty-nine ; Mrs. Patty Nichol, March 12th, aged fifty ; Major Grove Case, April 4th, aged fifty-seven ; Mr. Enoch Graves, April 15th, aged sixty-nine ; Mrs. Deacon Walter Griffith, May 21st, aged fifty-nine; Deacon Ebenezer Pratt, September 5th, aged eighty-five ; Daniel Baker, Esq., December 19th, aged seventy-three ; Frederick Cook, Sep- tember 15th, aged thirty-six; Sarah, wife of Benjamin Cook, September 19th, aged seventy-three; Byron Playes, March 6th, aged thirty-five. In 1837, the Congregational meeting house was repaired at an expense of $1,500. The old steeple was cut down about twelve feet, all that surmounted the belfry being taken away. This, being considered a very difficult undertaking, was suc- cessfully accomplished by Nathan Phelps, with the help of Star Sturges, in two days. The old belfry was simply capped over with a dome covered with tin. The chief changes were in the audience room. The pulpit was cut down to half its former height, the window back of it was closed up entirely, the space being covered inside by a piece of Roman archi- tecture ; columns, two .square and two round and fluted, standing on the platform, were surmounted by an entablature THE FIRST PIANO. 157 with few ornaments. The seat of the pulpit was a sofa, made by Mr. Freeman Haskell. The galleries were lowered in front, the ceiling nnderneath falling from the wall, where it barely cleared the tops of the lower windows, to the sup- porting pillars about two feet. The face of the galleries being also considerably less in height than the old one, the entire audience could look the minister face to face without obstruction. The face was an open balustrade of turned pilasters, behind which was stretched a continuous piece of crimson camlet. The pews also gave place to slips, which were a trifle over six feet long. Of this audience room. Dr. Little, on a leaf found among his papers, says : " It had the mechanic philosophy of the seats around the Grecian games ; one row of heads rising above another, so that everybody could see everybody. The speaker not needing to look up or down, was about equally at home with all his hearers. It was the best speaking arrangement in the State, if [not] in the United States." The house then began to be warmed by two furnaces in the basement, which were great box stoves enclosed in brick walls. In 1837, the Female Academy obtained its first piano. The agent being East soliciting funds, uninstructed, pur- chased the piano and sent it out. When it arrived " it was an elephant on their hands." The Trustees had no room for it, no teacher ready to give instruction, and probably no scholars ready to take lessons. Two of them went to Mr. H. Hamlen, and proposed he should take it into his house and give lessons. He replied that the extent of his knowledge of the piano was that he once heard one that was being played as he passed a house in Boston. He had never tried to play one. Rut the Trustees would not take no for answer, so the instrument went to his house. He was then giving lessons in vocal music once a week in Lancaster. A gentlemen was there giving lessons on the piano. Mr. Hamlen procured an old instruction book, received one lesson a week, and returning 158 SHIN- PLASTERS. home handed it over at once to eight yonng lady pupils. That was the beginning of the Granville Conservatoire of Music. Knowles Linnel being Mayor and Samuel Bancroft, Re- corder, the Town Council authorized the issue of " corpora- tion promissory notes" ("shin plasters") of the denomina- tions of 50c., 25c., i2}^c, IOC, 6^4^c., and 5c., the total amount of issue not to exceed $1000; to be signed by the Mayor, and to be redeemable at his office in current Ohio bank notes, on demand. They were issued, as they were by all other corporations around, to facilitate trade, because of the exceeding scarcity of silver money. They answered a good purpose temporarily, and in due time were redeemed and passed out of use. There were thirty-eight deaths during the year ; of whom were, Mrs. Ruhama Hayes, wife of Deacon Hayes, by acci- dent, July 4th, aged seventy-one; Mr. Sherlock Mower, July 14th, aged forty; Mr. Lucius Cook, of small-pox — escaping from his keepers in delirium he ran without clothing two miles before he could be taken, grew immediately worse and died, May 19th; Miss Abigail S. Smith, a teacher in the Female Seminary, May 19th, aged nineteen ; Mrs. Miriam C. Nye, June 21st, aged twenty-six; Margaret Benjamin, January 17th, aged ninety-five. In 1838, the Episcopalians com]:)leted and occupied their house of worship. It was a frame structure, erected on the southeast corner of the public square, 64 x 54 feet, with a steeple. It was finished exteriorly in imitation of granite blocks, and the interior finish was an advance upon that of the other churches. The basement contained a very con- venient vestry room. The audience room had a gallery across the north end over the front door, which was furnished with a small pipe organ, the first and for a long time the only one in the place. Tliere were seatings for 350 persons. The architect was a Mr. Morgan, who about tiie same time erected the residence of Mr. Alfred Avery, now Mr. E. M. Downer's, The first stucco work done in the place was upon thiscluirch A SEVERE DROUTH. 159 and by Mr. Orren Bryant, who came to Granville in 1835, ^"^^ afterward lived a short distance this side of Alexandria. [For a view of this church, see 1885.] The Baptists dnring the year pnt a bell of large size in their belfry ; and the Episcopalians having mounted one not long after, the three church bells began to ring their Sabbath peals in unison, and so continued to do for a long time. Dr. E. F. Bryan and family arrived in Granville from Akron, in November. The canal closed the day after their goods arrived in Newark. It was difficult at that time to rent a dwelling, and they spent the winter in two rooms of Esq. Thrall's house. In the spring, Rev. Henry Carr shared his house with them, and in the fall they found accommoda- tions in the house of Dr. Paul Eager. The year was remarkable for another severe drouth, little rain falling for nine months Crops throughout the State were short and produce rose to fabulous prices. The public springs, the wells and cisterns were often dry. This state of things led to the digging of the public wells and the con- struction of a cistern which might be used in case of fires. The deaths were twenty-nine ; among them, Lewis Sturges, Jan. 6th, aged eighty-one ; Capt. G. Werden, Feb. 2d, aged sixty-two; Mrs. Susanna Graves, Feb. 2d, aged ninety-one; Samuel Mower, Mar. 7th, aged seventy-one ; Martin Root, Mar. 19th, aged fifty-six ; Mrs. Ruth, wife of Dea. S. Winchel, Apr. 19th, aged sixty-one; Dea. Leonard Bushnell, May ist, aged forty-five ; Capt. Josiah Graves, July 5th, aged sixty- five; Mrs. Prudence Tyler, July 7th, aged forty-five. In 1839, the Episcopalians purchased the Female Seminary of the Baptists. [See School Histories.] The deaths of the year were twenty-three, of whom were, Mrs. Roswell Graves, Mar. 13th, aged seventy-six ; Mrs. Wm. Gavitt, Apr. i8th, aged seventy-four; Stephen Carmichael, July 2ist, aged sixty-five; Jno. Phelps, Sept. 24th, aged sixty. 1(30 ANNALS, 1840-50. CHAPTKR XXVIII. The year 1840 was probably never equalled as a year of political excitement. Granville was almost exclusively Whig in its predilections. Such processions, mass meetings and illuminations were never had in this place before or since. Harrison, the Whig candidate for President, being an Ohio man, the buckeye flourished as a badge of his party. A long procession went over to Etna to meet " Tom Corwin, the Wagoner Boy," the candidate for Governor, and escort him hither. Frequent mass meetings called for long processions and impressive displays. Each section vied with another. Canoes, whole trunks of trees fifty feet long, artisans' shops, log cabins, were borne along on wheels with banners and flags without nun ber. Songs were sung endlessly. Bands of music were in constant requisition, from the brass band to the marrow bones. Infants in their cribs would " 'Rah for Tip ! " A liberty pole, jointed like a ship mast, and again with bands of iron, and again and again, and topping out with a fishing rod and a long streamer, towered 270 feet on the village square. On the 4th of July a procession of carriages and wagons went to the county seat to meet other similar processions from all parts of the county, so long that when the van reached Newark the rear was only just passed from Granville. Justin Hillyer, Jr., John Huggins, and Chas. W. (xunn were the marshals of the day for the Granville section of the procession. As insignia they wore buck- eye hats with a string of buckeye balls for hat bands. Buckeye canes were without number. One banner bore the device of a flourishing Buckeye tree growing from a bank. VanBuren stood below on tip-toe vainly endeavoring to reach the fruit. Harrison stood on the bank above within easy reach of them, with his arms folded, cautioning him not to touch them — they would give him the staggers. A log LOG CABIN PARADE. 161 cabin about 8x15 feet, built on two sets of great milling wheels with improvised axles, with a live coon chained on the roof, gourds and other belongings of the primitive cabin hanging or lying around, headed the procession, drawn by thirteen yoke of oxen, each ox bearing a flag with the name of a State thereon ; the oldest man in the township, Mr. Roswell Graves, driving the leading teams, and Mr. David Partridge having charge. When the election was over an evening of rejoicing was appointed. All the preceding day preparations went forward. Teams were dragging loads of dry wood to the top of Sugar Loaf for a bonfire. Another was made ready on the town square. Candles in great profusion were prepared,and when darkness came all were lighted up. Almost every window on Broad Street was ablaze, some with a light glowing at every pane of glass. This was the last demon- stration of the campaign. It had a sad extreme of contrast in the following year. Harrison only lived to perform the duties of his office a month when the Nation was clad in the habiliments of mourning. Granville came together again in mass meeting, in the Congregational Church, which was shrouded in black, to listen to a funeral oration pronounced by Dr. Going of the Theological Institute. The following hymn was sung on the occasion : " O, weep for the day when our hero departed! When he whom we loved, left this earthly abode; He came at our call, but the patriot kind hearted, Has left us and flown to the presence of God! " Fame pointed her finger, the nation enraptured Called loudly upon him, he heard to obey; He fought for his country, our enemy captured, Death heard our exulting, and called him away! "He sleeps now in silence; a nation is weeping; He hears not the sound of the slow muffled bell; In death's cold embrace he is silently sleeping, The people in sorrow are tolling his knell." To whom they are to be accredited is not now known. 162 MARDI (iRAS. Maj. Elisha Warren became State Representative, and Daniel Humphrey, Ksq., Prosecuting Attorney, both being citizens of this place. The deaths were twenty-one ; of them, Rev. Solon Putnam, May 19th, aged thirty-three, a relative ot Rev. S. A. Bronson. In 1841, occurred a pleasant little episode in our humdrum life. The two academies, male and female, teachers and scholars, went in procession of carriages to visit the aborig- inal works five miles distant, having tables prepared for a pic-nic dinner. Half a dozen orations were delivered by the boys, a;jd the works were thoroughly explored. This was the year of the winding up of the military parades of Granville. Perhaps the excited processions, and parades, and campaigning of the year before had sated the minds of the people ; or perhaps the freedom and hilarity of the proceedings of 1840 had unfitted them for the discipline of military life. At any rate military drill was out of the question. Homer Werden was captain of a militia com- pany, and had prepared a becoming uniform for his position. On the day appointed for drill he was on hand and mustered his company, but they were too much for him. His lieu- tenant bore a butcher's cleaver for a sword, and a length of stove pipe for its scabbard ; his color-bearer, some nameless article on a bean pole for a flag; his men of the line were armed with bean poles and laths for muskets, and every con- ceivable paraphernalia was brought out to make a ridiculous appearance. The captain humored the joke, led his tatter- demalions around the streets to the amusement of the villagers, and then disbanded them. August 8th, an ordinance was passed by the Town Council forbidding the selling of intoxicating liquors of any kind in less quantities than one quart. There were twenty-three deaths ; of them, William Smed- ley, February 12th, aged fifty-two; Mrs. Andrew Merriman, March nth, aged thirty-six; George Case, May 23d, aged fifty; Hezekiah Kilbourn, November 22d, aged fifty-one; TAKING IN PART OF THE STREETS. 163 Electa Pond, September 19th, aged twenty-eight ; Jonathan Benjamin, August 26th, aged one hundred and three. September 19th, 1842, Rev. Edmund Turney became the pastor of the Baptist Church. March 25th, an ordinance was passed by the Town Council, permitting the taking in of twenty-two feet on Broad Street, ten feet on Main Street, and six feet on other streets, in front of each lot, to be used only as a grass plat, or for setting out plants, or shrubbery of low growth, the owners being re- quired to make a gravel, brick or stone walk, twelve feet wide on Broad Street, eight on Main Street and six on the other streets, and to set out a row of trees in line, twelve inches inside the outer line of the walk, with suitable pro- tection, and to fence the ground taken in according to pre- scribed pattern or in a manner acceptable to the Council. Corn sold for 25 cents, eggs at 6^ cents, hay ;^5, wool 45 cents, oats 25 cents, apples 25 cents. The deaths were twenty-seven, of whom were Mrs. Azariah Bancroft, January 29th, aged seventy-two; Benjamin Mower, May 2ist, aged thirty; Wm S. Martin, August i6th, aged thirty; Mrs, Dr. Sylvester Spelman, September 13th, aged forty-six; David Pittsford, September 30th, aged eighty. In 1843, Mr. Thomas Blanchard was a County Commis- sioner, and Hon. Samuel White our State Senator. About this time occurred an incident that might at first sight seem more appropriately chronicled under the chapter, " Fatal Accidents." It seems there had sprung up a little rivalry that was rather jealous than generous, between the college boys, the college being then on the farm, and those of the village, as they competed for the favors of the fair. One day the village young men had arranged a pleasure ride, and perhaps with a spice of triumph in their plan, their drive was past the college. The collegians saw them pass and understood the little chuckle that nestled under their vests, and quietly arranged a salute for them when they should return. All the hats, handkerchiefs and flags that 164 A COLUEGK TRAXK. could be manned were made ready for service. All the windows of the upper building that stood on top of the hill fifty rods from the road were thrown open. Heads and some- times feet protruded. Long and vigorous was the wavmg of signals as the carriages drew near. The compliment was duly acknowledged from the road. But in the midst of the hilarity, one who sat in an upper window with head and feet outside, and who seemed more anxious to attract notice than the rest, was seen to lose his balance and fall to the ground. In an instant every signal was lowered, every voice was hushed, and the students pouring from their rooms, gathered around and tenderly bore the crushed form of their companion within the building. The young men in the carriages giving the lines to their fair companions, hastened up the hill to proffer their sympathy and aid. Breathless with the haste of climbing they neared the building; allwas as still as the grave. As they entered the hall there sat u])on the lower steps of the stairway a stuffed paddy of very comical appearance, his lelt thumb pinned to his nose and his fingers wide-spread and his right hand likewise in posi- tion, but all stone still. Instantly perceiving that they were hoaxed, they seized the image and tore it to bits; and as little dogs feeling the first movings of the instinct for hunt- ing, when out looking for a rabbit, come upon a little black cat with a white tail, and suddenly leave the scene of their exploits, dropping their tails between their legs; so the boys suddenly bethought them how pleasant it would be to be at home. They started briskly down the hill for their carriages, while behind them rose an uproaious peal of laughter from the other paddies, every window becoming vocal again with renewed mirth. During the year twenty-eight died ; of whom were. Captain Simeon Chester, February 25th, aged seventy-six; Mrs. Curtis Howe, July 8th, aged seventy-one; Julius Coleman, November 24th, aged sixty-one. In 1844, there was a band of music called " The Buckeye TIIK BUCKKYE MINSTRia.S. 165 Minstrels," that is eminently worthy of mention. The members were all young men. The instruments were violins, violoncellos, double bass viol, flutes, piccolo, guitar and tri- angle. The music was rapid, well executed, and "just delicious." The members were Shephard Hamlin, who played the guitar or bass viol; Joseph Little, flute; Horatio Avery, flute ; Frank Avery, flute ; Douglas Hovey, piccolo ; Munson Hillyer, violin ; Curtis Hillyer, violin ; Levi Stone, violin ; Wm. Grow, triangle ; and a Mr. Kaker, a student, bass viol or flute ; all expert performers, true amateurs ; and they practiced together until their music seemed perfect. There were twenty-five deaths this year; among them, P. W. Taylor, Jan. 27th, aged forty-one ; Rev. G W. Griffith, Feb. 8th, aged thirty ; (Little) David Thomas, Aug. 24th, aged eighty-three ; John Bynner, Nov. 2d, aged fifty-nine ; Rev. Jonathan Going, D.D., President of Granville College, Nov. 9th, aged fifty-eight. In 1845, the name of the Literary and Theological Institu- tion was changed to Granville College. The bell of the Congregational Church being cracked was replaced by one weighing 1064 lbs., at a cost of $190. The road toward Columbus was changed as it leaves town, going less abruptly down the hill from the foot of Case Street. The deaths were twenty-three. In 1846, the seventeen-year locusts returned. The deaths were thirty ; of them, Jerusha, wife'of D. Baker, Oct. 9th, aged seventy-four. In December of 1847, the Baptist Church decided upon building a new house of worship, taking the southwest cor- ner of the public square, the only one not already occupied by a church. Within two years a handsome edifice was built and dedicated. It is a white frame house 53 x 72 feet, an audience room seating 550, with convenient walnut slips ; a porch at the entrance, above which is a choir gallery. In the basement are church parlors and kitchen, and a comfortable 166 A NEST-EGG. room for prayer meetings. A tower rises above the front door in which the citizens have placed a town clock at a cost of $800. The bell of the old church was removed to the new, but it had to be replaced in a few years, the last being one of the clearest and best sounding of bells. During the year, Granville contributed the following vol- unteers to the Mexican War: J. A. Carter, Thomas Efland, Dick Ward, Levi Hill, Richard George and James Matthews. The Granville Intelligencer was started during the year, a very respectable sheet in size, general appearance and con- tents. It was edited and published by D. Hunt, and continued until 1851. In this or the succeeding year Messrs. Horace Hamlen, Charles Sneider, teacher of vocal music in the Female Academy, and Shephard Hamlen, with others whom they enlisted in the service, gave a concert of music in the brick Baptist Church ; raising by the means, forty dollars as a contribution toward a town clock. This was the nest egg, which, after the new Baptist Church was erected, led to the purchase of the clock which still strikes the hours of day and night in the tower. This year there were twenty-nine deaths ; Levi Hayes, Oct. 8th, aged eighty-four, and others. In 1848, there were forty deaths; among them, Mrs. Anna Houghton, July 19th, aged sixty-nine ; Ezekiel Wells, Sept. 27th, aged sixty-two; Nicodemus Griffith, Nov. 21st, aged seventy-seven ; Dea. Walter Griffith, Nov. i6th, aged seventy- nine. In 1849, the town was divided into four wards, by Main and Broad Streets. The First was the northwest quarter, the Second the northeast quarter, the Third the southwest quarter, and the Fourth the southeast quarter. In the spring, thirty-two persons left for California, under the excitement of the discovery of gold ; some to meet with success and return to their homes with a handsome remuner- ation for their toils ; others to be disappointed, and after long TEETOTAL PLEDGE. 167 search for wealth to return more destitute than they went ; and others still to become permanent citizens of the new country. Among them were Capt. H. Hillyer, C. R. Stark, B. R. Bancroft, Jno. Roberts,- Alonzo Carter, Roderick Jones, Evan Jones, C. Carmicael, Jno. Williams, Jno. Sinnet, Israel Wells, H. C. Mead, Holmes Mead, Lyman Bancroft, Dodge, Jno. Owens, Briggs, Griffith. This company crossed the plains. Before reaching their destina- tion they were obliged to separate. Some of them were short of provisions; teams gave out, and abandoning their outfits, they struggled on in squads, on foot, suffering great privations. Some of them would probably have succumbed to the hard- ships, had not those who first got through, sent back relief, which met them several days out. All finally got through. A four-horse omnibus began to run between Granville and Newark. The cause of temperance was losing ground. Of intoxi- cating drinks there were sold 4153 gallons, being 2960 gallons more than in 1846. The deaths were fifty ; among them, Mrs. Dorothy vS. Mead, June 23d, aged eighty- eight ; Mrs. Persis FoUett, Aug. 29th, aged eighty-two ; Joanna, wife of Amos Carpenter, July, aged fifty-six. In 1850, Hon. Elizur Abbott became Associate Judge in the Common Pleas Court, which position he filled until the new constitution abolished the office. The Granville Temperance Society was re-organized and adopted the following pledge : " We solemnly pledge our- selves that we will neither make, buy, sell, nor use, as a beverage, intoxicating drinks." To this time the pledge only forbade distilled liquors ; from this time it includes fermented drinks. There was an unpremeditated battle with snow balls of some moment, between the students of the Academy and the boys of the public school. The latter, in their pastimes, had erected a snow fort of large dimensions on the crest of Pros- Hi.S AN I'lXTKMI'ORANKOUS SNOW - I'.AI.I.ING. pect Hill. It was very conspicuous and the sports of the boys drew attention from the streets below. The Academy boys formed the warlike project of takint^ the fort. They formed a com])any at mid-day and fding- up the east side of the hill tlR'\" surprised the garrison on their left flank. After a sharp conflict the garrison retreated. Ihit gathering strength again the)- made a counter-charge and drove their assailants from the ground, pursuing them down the hill and almost to the public square. There the assailants made a stand ; and what had been a mere skirmish now became a pitched battle. The noise gathered crowds who eagerly watched the contest. The hour for afternoon school passed unnoticed. It was 3 o'clock before the lines of battle were broken. A little furor began to be displayed, some of the snow balls having ice inclosed. Several were severely wounded. The garrison of the fort seemed to have held the field. A second exodus to California followed in 1850. Most of these went by water. Of them were Rev. W- E. Ellis, A. A. Bancroft, E. Howell, R. Fosdick, E. Crawford, E. A. Bush, H. O. Carter, Frank Spelman, Thomas Walker, S. Buckland, Thomas Owens, Morrison, John Owens, Ph. Heifner, Thomas Rhodeback, S. Thomas, Ellis Thomas, William Morgan. These incurred the dangers of detention on the isthmus ; some dying by the way, others contracting linger- ing illness, yet some going forward to fair success. The deaths were nineteen ; among them, Joel Eamson, June 4th, aged eighty; Mrs Achsah Rose, June 15th, aged eighty-six; Mrs. Elizabeth Ingham, July 6th, aged eighty- one; Roswell Graves, December 29th, aged ninety-three; Mrs. Mary Shepardson, June 5th, aged fifty-five. ANNALS, 1851-55. 169 CHAPTER XXIX. The year 1851 witnessed a returning temperance wave. Only one thousand four hundred and six gallons of spirits were consumed. President S. Bailey was preaching for the Baptist Church, and under his labors a revival visited the church, resulting in fifty conversions. The revival also extended to the other churches, affecting the entire region. Succeeding this work almost all the prominent men of the place were members of the churches. " With one exception, the owners of our six stores, the keepers of the post and telegraph offices, the magistrates and town council, were supposed to be Christians." In March the Granville School Clarion was begun by S. N. Sanford, principal of Episcopal Female Seminary. The Granville Intelligencer became the Licking Bee, and was sustained for two years as a temperance paper. The deaths were twenty-eight ; of whom were Allen Sinnet, January 6th, aged fifty-three ; Mrs. Chloe Mower, February 13th, aged sixty-eight; Mrs. Nancy Blanchard, June 25th, aged seventy-nine; Rev. Thomas Hughes, pastor of the Welsh Hills Baptist Church, September 12th, aged sixty-six ; Jacob Reily, October 3d, aged seventy-three ; Benj. Cook, April 25th, aged sixty-nine. In 1852, the Granville Water Cure was established by Dr. William W. Bancroft. He erected buildings adjoining his residence, brought water in pipes from one of the springs under Prospect Hill, embellished the premises and made them commodious. He benefited many chronic cases, and the reputation of the institution brought patients from far and near. With the use of various forms of the water bath, the Doctor associated hygienic treatment and systematic muscular exercise, often encouraging a bed-ridden patient to summon courage, get up and walk. 21 170 THK DOCTORS DIKKIIKINC. An ordinance was passed protecling the pnrilv of the town spring. " I'Larly in 1852 there appeared among us those who pre- tended to converse with the dead, & in the summer one of them drew Sabbath audiences on the liills. As their responses were not uniformly true, few at this time beHeve that tliey h.ive done good enough to balance the evil." [N. Y. sermon.] At this time occurred a little joust between Mr. Little and Dr. Bailey, President of the College and acting pastor of the Baptist Church, the memory of which does not need to be perpetuated in its details. There were twenty-nine deaths ; of whom were (Big) David Thomas, April 17th, aged eighty-six; Dr. William S. Richards, May 8th, aged sixty-five Dr. Richards' public life had all been spent in this com munity. Dr. Bronson preached his funeral sermon & gives this estimate of the man. ' His posiiion in life was one tliat com- manded respect from all. His influence did not come from con nexiouh or wealth or any remarkable brilliancy; but he was a good man, of sterling integrity, of sound judgment, a man of firmness, yet ready to listen to others. He labored to establi>h the Episcopal church that there might be means of gr.ice for many of his associates who would not aitend any of the exist- ing churches. He was a man of strong faith & enlarged benev- olence, & adhered to the last to the tiue faith of ihe gospel. Then, too, I consider to be the foundation of his influence on others his unquestionable integrity, the soundness of his judg- ment, the goodness of his heart, the strength of his faith & the depth of his piety. ' Hon. Daniel Humphrey became the first Judge of Probate under the new Constitution, residing in Newark. November 15, 1853, there was a ball which excited "more interest than any one since the 4th of July ball of 182S." The deaths were 22 ; !\Irs. Aaron Pratt, February 9th, aged eighty-six ; Harrington Howe, September 5th, aged thirty- three; Mrs. Eliza Bynner, September 21st, aged fifty- nine; Noah Hobart, April i8th, aged seventy-three; Jan- thp: hydraulic company. 171 uary i8th, Deacon Amasa Howe. He came to Gran- ville in 1814. He long and faithfully served the (jranville Church as deacon. Three of his sons have spent long lives in the ministry. He was a .soldier of the Revolutionary War, and was tall and strongly built. In early days he lent a neighbor a cross-cut saw, who left it out where he used it until it was wet and rusty. The deacon having occasion to use it, had to go for it. Seeing its condition he told the man's wife he should charge her husband fifty cents for the abuse of the saw. He was scarcely at home when the man came chasing after him very much excited. " I thought," said he, " that you professed to be a Christian man !" " So I do," said the deacon, " and one-half my religion consists in bring- ing such fellows as you are to justice." 1854. The new and commodious public school building was erected, and the old brick "Academy" at the head of Main Street was taken down. August loth, a meeting of citizens was held to consider the feasibility of water works for the supply of the village. At a subsequent meeting an association was formed, called " The Granville Hydraulic Company. " A constitution was adopted, the proposed capital was divided into thirty shares of $100 each ; a Board of Directors was appointed, also a Superin- tendent. They drew the water from a copious spring two miles west and north of town.- It was enclosed with bricks and covered with boards Pipes were laid in water lime cement along the Lower Loudon and Worthington roads, to Sugar Loaf, where a reservoir received the supply, and thence it was conducted through the village. The deaths of this year were thirty-three ; among them, Mrs. Hiram Rose, August i6th, aged eighty-three ; Samuel Thrall, November 19th, aged sixty-one ; Jemima, wife of Joseph White, once a slave, August 31st, aged fifty-eight; Captain William Mead, November 24th, aged eighty-four; Dr. Paul Eager, July 27th, aged eighty-one ; Mrs. Harriet Aylsworth, March 2d, aged fifty-seven. 172 GRANVILLK JUBILEK. In 1855, occurred the "Granville Jubilee." The story of this celebration cannot be better told than by extracts from Mr. Little's account of it, published at the time in the C. C. Herald^ of date November 22, 1855. It was held in October. "The 17th ult. was a great day for Granville. Arrangements had been made to secure the attendance of Timothy M. Cooley, D. D., of Granville, Mass., in whose house of worshi[) was organized, fifty years ago, the Church of Granville, Ohio. By lOj^ a. m. a great audience was collected from Homer, Hart- ford. Columbus, Circleville, & wherever tiie sons & daughters of Granville had scattered. "After invocation, the 90th Psalm was read, "Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling place in all generation.-." The choir then sang in their best style, the 575th hymn, " Wake the song of jubilee," "Prayer was then offered by Rev. S. W. Rose, whom Dr. Cooley baptized fifty-five years ago. * * * * * * No sooner had the doctor ended a brief reply to his introduction to the audience, then the choir struck up The Welcome OJ the people of Granville, Ohio, to their Venerable Friend, Dr. Cooley. Composed for the occasion, by Jerusha M. Pond, of Wrentham, Mass. " With joy as to a cherished home, In houshold bands the people come, To bid thee welcome here; Hlessings to tbee and thine be given, And may the gracious smiles of Heaven Our hap[)y meeting cheer! *' Here various tastes and ages blend; The young and old, and friend with friend In social groups we see; Sweet children, too, are gathering round, And in their little hands are found Tokens of love lor thee. the: jubilee. 173 " Thrice welcome, sire! Our sons behold The friend of whom their fathers told, And taught them to revere; O, bless them in thy Master's name. And his unfailing love proclaim To every listening ear. " Walk round our Zion, now, and tell Her strength, and mark her bulwarks well, On every hand we see; New Ebenezers help us raise. Lifting our voice in grateful praise, In songs of jubilee. " Thankful for what our Lord hath done, Still to the throne we daily come, Yet greater things to see; And there the tear in secret falls. As on his God the Christian calls. In earnest prayer for thee. " May Jesus bless and make thee wise In training souls for yonder skies, 'Till life and labor cease; Then to thy everlasting rest, In spotless robes of glory dressed. Go thou in perfect peace." "The Doctor preached a long sermon, embracing the history of the mother Church, down to the emigration of the daughter. Without glasses, he read his manuscript in a clear, distinct & full voice. After announcing the text, Zach. 1:5, "Your fathers! where are they?" He informed his audience that he stood between the living & the dead — that the number now living in his parish was the number that had died out of it dur- ing his ministry. -^^ * * * * * * * "Stopping in the midst of his discourse to rest, the choir sang "Pilgrim Fathers." " He went on to describe the origin of the mother church, its ministers & its men & women, who, fresh from the great awak- ening of 1740, gave character to it, & laid up example & prayers for their descendants. * ^; ;i< sK * "The concluding prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Burton, of the Baptist Church, some of whose members are from the old Granville Stock. The 44th Psalm was sung, "Lord, we have heard thy works of old." 174 THE JUBILEE. ' ' The Choir introduced the exercises of the evening, by singing, " I have set watchmen upon thy walls." "After Dr. Cooley had offered prayer, the pastor gave a history of the daughter Church, now fifty years old. He named the one [two, ?] hundred and seventy-six emigrants, who, in 1805, in seven companies, came on in ox wagons. Of these, two hundred and two had died, & the fifty-two heads of families had all died but the five survivors present. * * " The Choir sang, " This is my rest forever." "Full of emotions, the venerable guest arose to give his paternal advice to the generations before him, now entering on their second half century, & spoke about twenty-five minutes. * * * "He concluded by siying 'This is our last meeting on earth, you will soon hear of my decease, & I shall soon be numbered with my fathers. I will make the appoint- ment for our next meeting at the right hand of the Judge. Who will meet me there? Will you all agree to be there? ' " Rev. Dr. Hall, President of the University, offered the concluding prayer. "Mr. H. Hamlen, the Chorister, & his son, accompanied with a melodeon, sang Ur. Cooley's Farewell. Composed for the Occasion, by Mrs. L. H, Sigotirney of Hartford, Conn. " It is the last time, brethren, That in communion sweet, Hither, in pastures green, shall turn Your aged shepherd's feet; For he is growing weary, His four-score years are told. And trustfully he draweth near The dear Redeemer's fold : Farewell ! " Vine of His blessed planting, Here, in the glorious West, On your fresh budding leaflets His loving favor rest. Long may your ripened clusters Breathe heavenly fragrance deep. When, numbered with my fathers, In christian hope I sleep : Farewell! Farewell! THE JUBILEE. 175 " Elias Gilman, Esq., aged ninety years, the oldest of the 1805 emigrants, the oldest member of the church, & the oldest person in the lovvnship, rose in his slip & read the following motion, which was seconded by George Little, aged sixteen, the youngest male member: " I move the adjournment of this meeting fifty years, to the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and five, to meet at the place which shall then be occupied by this church.' * * -'- * "The motion was put and carried. "In requesting Dr. Cooley to pronounce the blessing, it was stated that he would now leave town, to return no more, & tfiat he wished to give the parting hand to his relatives, to his former hearers, to all whom he had baptised, to the children of the Sabbath school, & others interested in the occasion. He stood in front of the pulpit, & the aisles were so cleared, that they who had left his hand, & heard some expression of kind- ness from his lip-;, could pass out & make room for others. * * * * "A few days after his return home, he wrote. "The scene in your dear village, on the 17th, ex- ceeded, I must say, any event in all my past life. The parting hand of such a crowd touched my heart, & can never be for- gotten on my part. " "Just before he stepped into the carriage, the Treasurer of the Committee of Arrangements passed into his hand $125." In regard to temperance Mr. Little makes the following record as applying to 1855 : " Look out on the streets in the dark and you will see cigars moving along not higher than the railing ; and at ten at night you will hear from young voices evidences that they have been drinking something stronger than water." The Hydraulic Co. began to consider the propriety of dis- posing of their water works. The stock was not paying any dividend, and was calling for further outlays. The Council passed an ordinance declaring the pond in the northeast part of town a nuisance, and providing for filling it up at an expense of $200. The deaths were sixty-three ; among them, Mrs. Lydia Dickinson, daughter of Jesse Munson, and formerly wife of Judge T. Rose, Feb. 27th, aged eighty-seven ; Jeremiah 176 DEATHS. French, April ist, aged sixty-eight; Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas, wife of David Thomas, May 4th, aged seventy-three ; Mrs. Adah Hillyer, youngest daughter of Jesse Munson, wife of Justin Hillyer, May 24th, aged seventy-nine ; Mrs. Rachel Oilman, wife of Elias Oilman, Esq., Aug. 7th, aged eighty ; Judson Tyler, July 25th, aged seventy-nine; Hon. T. M, Thompson, Sept. 15th, aged eighty-six; Simeon Reed, Sept. i6th, aged sixty-two; Mrs. Hannah Oranger, daughter of Timothy Spelman, Esq., wife of Ralph Oranger, Nov. 27th, aged fifty-nine ; Mrs. Martha, wife of Edward Nichol, Nov. 27th, aged seventy-six ; Hiram Rose, Dec. 20th, aged eighty- nine. All these were prominent citizens and long time residents, and six of them were members of the first colony. Mr. Thompson was in the legal profession in early life. For some years he was Secretary of State of Pennsylvania, under his uncle, Gov. Thos. McKean, who was a signer of the Decla- ration of Independence, & after whom himself was named. He afterward entered the business of merchandising in Steuben- .ville, Ohio. Thence he removed to Granville with his goods. He soon went to a tract of several hundred acres of land that he had located in the township north of Granville. This town- ship was named after him, McKean ; he declining to have it called after his surname, but consenting to lend his middle name for that use. After a few years he returned to this town- ship, purchasing a farm on Burgh St. Late in life he came to the village, & two years after, went to Marysville, O. to reside with his youngest daughter, where he died. Four of his daughters married ministers. Though a man of good legal at- tainments he never practiced law in Ohio. He was of modest demeanor, unassuming, always honorable, honest as light, sac- rificing his own interests & those of his family rather than do a questionable act. ANNALS, 1856-1879. 177 CHAPTER XXX. 1856. Hon. Jno. A. vSinnet, our fellow-townsman, became State Representative. The College was removed to the hill north of town and a new building was erected, the removal of one of the old ones completing the accommodations for the present. An act was passed making it a misdemeanor to sell or give away any intoxicating liquor, or to let any building or room for such purpose, or to appear in the village in a state of intoxication. The New Year's Sermon records, " I never heard in one night so much noise and profanity as on the night previous to the 4th of July." Hon. Daniel Humphrey became Presidential Elector. The deaths were twenty-six ; of them, Mrs. Lucretia Linnel, wife of Knowles Linnel, Aug. 15th, aged sixty-one. In 1857, The Denisonian, a college periodical, was started, and the Herbarium also, published by the young ladies of the Female College. There were twenty-eight deaths; of whom, Mrs. Clarissa Bancroft, daughter of Judge T. Rose, wife of Hon. S. Bancroft, Jan. 25th, aged sixty-nine; Elias Oilman, Esq., Jan. 28th, aged ninety-two ; Matilda, wife of Dea. T. M, Rose, Mar. ist, aged fifty-eight. Esq. Oilman was one of the original members of the colony, a man of gifted intellect, trusted with large business transactions by his fellow citizens & by strangers, & wearing the honors of civic life with decorum. In early life, owing to the drinking habits of society, he indulged in the use of intoxicants; but by the grace of God, & greatly to the credit of his manhood, he threw off the bondage & stood high in the confidence and es- teem of his fellow-men to the day of his death. In 1858, the Welsh Hills Cemetery was enlarged by the purchase from Norton Case of one and one-half acres. This 178 A KILLING FROST. purchase was made by the Welsh Methodists and the Welsh Congregationalists unitedly, and it and the original grounds given by Mr. Rees were made one cemetery, all uniting to enclose and beautify the grounds. The place has continued to be improved from time to time until it is now the beautiful Welsh Hills Cemetery. The deaths were twenty-seven ; among them, Miriam, daughter of Dea. Lemuel Rose, wife of Elkanah Linnel, Mar. 17th, aged seventy-three ; Fanny, wife of Sereno Wright, Sen., Mar. 26th, aged seventy-three ; Mrs. Anna Lot, formerly wife of Frederic Case, June 9th, aged seventy-seven ; Joshua Stark, June 29th, aged sixty-nine ; Sereno Wright, Sen., Dec. i9tli, aged seventy-nine. 1859. All day Saturday, June 4th, a strong, cold north wind blew. At night a calm fell upon the air. On Sunday morn- ing, June 5th, there was a very heavy frost, seriously dam- aging all field crops, gardens and fruits. Some of the corn was knee high. Some farmers at once proceeded to plow up and plant anew. Others planted between the rows, design- ing to take their choice of the two crops as soon as a prefer- ence should be indicated. Others relied solely on the old. The result was generally in Javor of replanting. The New Year's record says: " At the last election of the Town Council, the law and order ticket prevailed, and twelve or fourteen culprits have been fined, five or six sent to jail, and our nights are more (juiet than formerly. vStill there are children that feel that they must go somewhere every night." April 7th, a lock-up was ordered to be constructed under the Town Hall, which was then being built by the corpora- tion. This hall is a frame structure, 62 x 38 feet, erected by Mr. Wallace Carpenter, for the sum of $3,000, standing at the northeast corner of Broad and Main Streets, in the center of the public square, beside the Methodist Church. June 7th, an act was passed to prevent the disturbance of religious and other meetings. A notice was also ordered to be served on four several parties that " in .selling ale or other WATER WORKS — BRICK CHURCH. 179 intoxicating drinks for the purpose of being drank in or about the premises they were violating an ordinance of the village." Of the twenty-eight deaths were, John Huggins, Jan. 14th, aged fifty-seven ; Jos. Blanchard, Jan. 29th, aged eighty-eight ; Mrs. L. E. Bancroft, May 13th, aged fifty-two; Ed. Nichol, Sept. 3d, aged seventy-eight ; Jacob Cook, Oct. 3d, aged seventy-three. It was also the year of Dr. Cooley's death in old Granville, Mass. In i860, the War of the Great Rebellion began. [See Special Chapter.] The U. S. census enumerated 404 families, 2120 souls in the township; 157 families, 799 souls in the village. The property in the township was estimated at $1,744,777. March nth, the Congregational Church bid farewell to the old frame house erected in 1816, having provided for the erection of a new brick structure. The Council made an allowance of $12 a year for the care of the town clock. The water works were sold at Sheriff" 's sale. Rev. Alvah Sanford bidding them off" for $234 ; there being an indebted- ness upon the works of $1,275. The deaths were twenty-nine ; of them were Archibald Ackley, June 9th, aged seventy-two ; Mary, wife of Nicodemus Griffith, Sept. 5th, aged ninety; Thomas Cramer, Dec. 27th, aged eighty-four; Mrs. Elizabeth Eager, Aug. 17th, aged seventy-seven ; Spencer Wright, Esq., Aug. 22d, aged eighty ; Amos Campbell, Dec. 27th, aged seventy-five. January 21st, died Alva and Mary A., son and daughter of Abraham and Angeline Walker, of consumption, and within an hour's time of each other; aged sixteen and twenty-one. 1861. The brick church, eighty feet by fifty-three, was erected at a cost of $10,600. The ground floor provides room for church parlors, conference room, furnaces, hall and stairway. The audience room was planned after the old house. A large pipe organ was placed in the gallery at a ISO OUR QUOTA MORE THAN FILLED. cost of $i,20O. Fourteen N-ears later an addition was put upon the north end large enough to accommodate the organ and choir just back of the pulpit, while the room beneath the organ is used as a kitchen. The audience room will seat seven hundred with comfort. The cap of the steeple is 107 feet high, and the iron support of the weather vane is ten feet higher. May 21 st, a sort of salary-grab ordinance was passed by the Council, allowing each member fifty cents for each attendance upon the Council meetings. Died in the township fifty-six ; of whom were, Ormond Rose, Jan. 28th, aged seventy; Lucy, wife of Wm. Smedley, having been first the wife of Kthan Bancroft, Mar. 22d, aged seventy-six ; Lydia, wife of Dea. Eli Butler, June 19th, aged sixty-four; Anna W., wife of N. Griffith, July i8th, aged fifty-six ; Silence, daughter of Dea. Lemuel Rose, wife of Joshua Stark, Dec. 27th, aged sixty-six; Theodore Gaylord, Feb. 15th, aged eighty-five; Rosanna H. Warren, Mar. nth, aged seventy; Polly Lamson, April 6th, aged eighty-five. 1862. The New Year's Sermon says : " In the earlier periods of the war it was thrown out by differ- ent orators in the Hall, that Granville would not, like the other parts of the country, turn out our quota of volunteers for the army. This meant that literary & religious pre-eminence so dwarfed our souls that we would not do our part. Now look at facts. Our township is enrolled 344 men, of whom the Presi- dent has called for 138, By the 22d of Aug. 157 of our town- ship volunteered, besides those who enlisted at Marietta & other places. This makes us 19 above our quota, while every other township in the county has had to have some drafted." Hon. John A. Sinnet became State Senator for two years. The deaths were thirty ; among whom were Anna, widow of David Pittsford, F'ebruary 27th, aged ninety-four; Sophia, widow of John Starr, December 14th, aged seventy; Mrs. Mary Werden, February 5th, aged seventy-six ; Mrs. Ruth Falley, November 29th, aged seventy-eight. MAPLE GROVE CEMETERY. 181 1863. The township had sent to the army thirty-five soldiers above its quota. A plat of ground, containing twenty-one acres, lying just south of Mr. Parnassus, was beautifully laid out as a cemetery, under the name of " Maple Grove Cemetery." A large cistern, made as a reservoir for water in case of fire, was filled up by order of the Town Council. The dead were forty-one ; of whom were, Thomas Little, Esq., March 31st, aged eighty-eight ; Aaron Pratt, June i6tli, aged sixty-nine ; Rev. Ezra Going, December 26th, aged sixty-eight; Matthew Adams, September 24th, aged ninety- two; Mrs. J. W. Thompson, March 23d, aged eighty-four; Mrs. Hannah A. Fosdick, May 12th, aged fifty-two ; John Follett, May 27th, aged seventy-one ; Mrs, Elizabeth W. Prichard, June 15th, aged sixty; Mrs. Sally Follett, June 23d, aged seventy-three ; Daniel Rose, shot in battle of Chat- tanooga, September 20th, aged twenty-four; Samuel L. Rose, shot in the same battle, died October 21st, aged thirty-six; Thomas Ingham, June 15th, aged ninet3^-two. Dr. Little left the place in December, 1864. Died, Miss Fanny Wright, January 14th, aged fifty-nine; Mrs, Hannah S. Munson, January 19th, aged eighty-four ; Mrs. Mary Weeks, May 9th, aged eighty-four. In 1865, the brick building for the accommodation of Gran- ville Female College, was erected by Hon, W. P, Kerr, the principal, in fulfillment of his contract with the Trustees to put up a building- that should cost at least $1,800, It con- tains below, several recitation rooms and a gymnasium, and a large hall on the floor above. The total cost instead of being $1,800, amounted in those times of war prices, to $5,500, or more. A star badge was voted to the Marshal April loth. June 22d, an order for $23.50 was voted to " S. B. Hamlen for damages done by the riot on April 10, 1865." This was on the occasion of a jubilation at the close of the war. Mr. Hamlen being Mayor, had, for prudential reasons, refused to 182 RIOT — THK COLLEGIAN. permit the firing of the cannon on the town square. The firing was accordingly done on the top of Prospect Hill. But those in charge of this part of the programme, being in- censed at the Mayor's refusal, brought the gun into the street in front of his dwelling, having given it a final loading as heavy as they dared, and pointing it directly at the house, dis- charged it, breaking all the windows. Deaths, Mrs. Statira Cooley, January 2d, aged seventy- five ; Mrs. Dolly Gaylord, April 12th, aged ninety-two; Mrs. Martha Root Dilley, July 8th, aged forty-eight ; Mrs. Belinda Root Carroll, May 7th, aged sixty; Stephen G. Goodrich, August i4tli, aged seventy-four. 1866. Mr. George B. Whiting became postmaster July 2d. Deaths, L. Alonzo Graves, May 23d, aged fifty-three ; David M. Knapp, August 8th, aged fifty-five ; Campbell Messenger, September 3d ; Mrs. Deborah Root, November 2ist, aged seventy-nine; A. P. Prichard, January 30th, aged sixty-seven ; Captain Levi Rose, February 23d, aged eighty- four ; Benjamin Linnel, May 5th, aged seventy-four ; Deacon Daniel Shepardson, November 24th, aged eighty. Mr. Prichard came to the place in 18 16 with Hon. T. M. Thompson, as his clerk in a small dry goods store, He was a practical chemist, of accurate business habits, & ingenious. He was soon counted among the first business men of the place, & was ever a leader in such public enterprises as the Water Works, Cemetery, &c. After being connected with the furnace, & dry goods trade for some time he confined his attention to drugs. He was long a prominent member of the Episcopal church. 1867. The Collegian was started in July by the Calliopean Society of Denison University. Rev, E. Garland, an early teacher of the Male Academy, and otherwise identified with the Granville Congregational Church, returned to the place for a home in his old age. Deaths, Mrs. Cinderilla Case, January 4th, aged eighty-six ; Mrs. Clarissa Abbott, August 21st, aged sixty-two ; Mrs. Har- riet B. Kerr, July 9th, aged thirty-nine; Mrs. Rosetta NKW BUILDING — OBITUARY. 183 Houghton, (formerly Mrs. William Paige,) August loth, aged seventy-seven ; Elkanah Linnel, October 2d, aged eighty-six ; Miss Ann Jones, September 2d, aged eighty-two ; Mrs. Nancy Wood, December 13th, aged sixty-three ; Henry Butler, August 22d, aged sixty-seven ; Mrs. Abigail Houghton, Feb- ruary 29th, aged seventy-eight; Mrs. Pliebe Paige, January 6th, aged eighty-eight ; Major General Charles Griffin, Sep- tember 15th, aged forty-one. 186S. The foundation of the second brick building for the accommodation of Denison University was laid, the corner stone being laid in 1869. The new road leading to the College grounds, from Main Street, at the foot of Prospect Hill, was authorized. Deaths, Mrs. Lydia Partridge, March 26th, aged ninety- two ; Mrs. Elizabeth Partridge, October i6th, aged forty-four ; Mrs. Sarah Moore, October nth, aged seventy-five. General Augustine Munson, April 12th, aged eighty-five. He was born in Granville, Massachusetts, September 30th, 1783, being the youngest son of Jesse Munson. He was prob- ably the youngest member of the colony, and at the same time one of its most enterprising, untiring and sagacious. In youth he was inured to toil and exposure, and in the pursuit of his occupations shrank not from hardship and privation. He improved his eastern opportunities for education, coming west at the age of twenty-two. It was his enterprise that secured the first successful saw mill, two miles east of Granville, in 1806. In 1808 he added a flouring mill. In 1816 he, (with his brother Jeremiah), started the Granville Furnace, and soon after, the Forge for making wrought iron, the latter being near his flour and saw mills. Considering the scanty resources of a new country, the pressing wants of the people, and his almost universal success in his undertakings, probably no one has out of his personal devices, contributed more to meet the material wants of Granville than did he. He was an expert musician. He was prominent in military matters under the old militia laws. For several years he was prominent and influential in political life, being a member of the Legislature. July 6, 1869, the Town Council passed an ordinance making 184 VILLAGE CxOVERNMKNT RE -ORGANIZED. the municipal government conform to a State Statute which was of general application, requiring elections to be held the first Monday of April, the officers to be a Mayor, Clerk, Treas- urer, Street Commissioner, Marshal and six Trustees; the Mayor, and Council of Trustees to appoint the 'subordinate officers. A prison was established and put under the care of the Marshal. The Village was made a road district under the care of the vStreet Commissioner, who is responsible to remove nuisances from the streets, and to attend carefully to the cleanliness of the Village. Former ordi- nances were re-enacted. The corporation limits were ex- tended, leaving, after some amendment, the bounds as follows: The north boundary is the south line of the farm north of the hill, once A. A. Bancroft's, to the Mt. Vernon and Welsh Hills Roads, which roads it follows to Clear Run, thence down the run to the line of the farm east of town, once Norton Case's; then following said line and its direction to a point in the New Ccmeter}' for the east boundary. On the south the line is the south line of the old burial lot and its direction, and the west boundary is the east line of the Sheldon Swan place. [Sec map, page 46.] The preliminary surveys ot the Atlantic & Erie Railway were made through this township in the fall. This road was projected from Toledo through the coal fields of Perry county, Ohio, to Pomeroy, and on to Norfolk, Virginia, in a pretty direct course. The grading having been done throughout this ])art of the line the enterprise failed. The track was afterwards utilized by the Ohio Central Railroad. Mr. Ralph Parsons erected on the north side of Broad vStreet a fine two story store building, twenty-four feet front and seventy-two feet deep. The Collegian and Denisonian united and became the Den- isou Collegian, the F'ranklin Society uniting with the Calli- opean in its support. Deaths, Mrs. Loano Eno, April 27th, aged seventy-nine; Mrs. Polly Wells, May 19th, aged seventy-three ; Mrs. Mind- VILLAGE BOUNDARIES ENLARGED. 185 well Graves, aged ninety-nine; Mrs. Mary Mead, August iQtli, aged sixty-seven ; Mrs. Lydia F. Gray, October agtli, aged sixty-seven ; Nathaniel Paige, January 6th, aged ninety- three ; Cyrus Moore, August i8th, aged eighty-three. In the spring of 1870, Granger's Addition was laid off in lots which were sold at auction. Granger Street (being a con- tinuation of Morning Street, northward to the Welsh Hills Road) and Spelman Street (being a short street parallel with Market Street, running from Granger vStreet to the Mt. Vernon Road) were recognized as highways. By an ordinance, animals wei-e forbidden to run at large at night between the hours of sunset and sunrise. Deaths, Hon, Samuel Bancroft, Jan. 27th, aged ninety- one ; Dr. W. W. Bancroft, June 22d, aged sixty-four ; Daniel Howe, Sept. 20th, aged eighty-three ; Mrs. Olive C. Reed, Mar. — , aged seventy-six. Judge Bancroft was a man unusually affable in his social life, invariably speaking in pleasant tones & with a smile on his face. He followed to this place from Granville, Mass., the young lady to whom he was attached, & they were soon thereafter married. He held many offices of trust & responsibility, the chief being that of Associate Judge. Dr. Bancroft was long one of the most prominent physi- cians of Granville ; always ready to examine new claims in the healing art, and encourage and adopt that which com- mended itself to his judgment. He was also prominent in educational interests and in the temperance and anti-slavery reforms. [See Professional Record.] 1871. About the ist of May, work on the Atlantic & Erie Railway grade was begun, the citizens giving the right of way and doing the grading. June 24th, it being Saturday, in the evening, a large com- pany of employes from the rolling mill at Lockport, near Newark, visited our quiet village, going in a body to the house of Mr. Geo. H. Tight, just in the east edge of the village, he being President of the company then running the mill, and by gentle force bore him from the midst of his family back 22 186 OBITUARY. to the mill. There was a iiiisuiiclerstancHiig between them as workmen and him as paymaster. I-'inding themselves mistaken in Mr. Tight's responsibilities in the matter he was released the next afternoon. Deaths, Dea. Hosea Coolcy, P'eb. 14th, aged eighty-eight; Josluia Linnel, April 20th, aged eighty-four. At Valley Falls, Kan., June i6th, died Mr. Curtis Howe, aged 98 yrs. 7 mo. He was from old Granville (where he was born, May lOth, 1772,) but not one of the original settlers. He was a convert of the revival of 1797 & was examined for member- ship. He was exemplary & straightforward. Some one re- marked that though he was so very young no one could doubt his experience. The remark caught his ear & in some way threw a damper over his experience & kept him long out of the church. His wife died in 1843, since which lime his home has been with his daughter, Mrs. Bathsheba Hillyer. When an old man he was accustomed to come most punctually to the public & social meetings of the church through rain or shine. Enter- ing the prayer meeting room one rainy evening he heard the remark, "We shall have a thin meeting tonight." "Yes," said the old gentleman as he took his dripping hat from hi.s .silver locks, "the weather is too bad to expect y.oung people!" In 1864, he went to California. When Mr. Hillyer went to Kansas four years later Mr. Howe having returned, accompanied the family. He returned to (iranville once on a visit in his extreme old age. When he entered the Sabbath School in which he had spent so many, many years as a member, the whole school simultaneously rose to their feet in token of respect for the venerable man. He was sensibly affected & addressing the school, he promised to return again, if possible, if he should live to be 100 years old. But he died a (ew months before he attained that age. His daughter, Mrs. Hillyer, was found one afternoon dead in her house by the hand of violence. Her assailant, though the rash deed was done in daylight and with neighbors not far away, was never discovered. 1872. Mr. Geo. W. Evans began in March to publish a monthly called " The Licking Monitor," at seventy-five cents a year. In June, 1875, ^^ ^^^ changed from a folio to a quarto of a little smaller size and called " The h'amily Monthly." DKATII OF DR. TAI.BOT. 187 Mr. Edgar Wright put up a brick store building, adjoining that of Mr. Parsons, with twenty feet front and seventy-two feet depth, having a hall above. A new bell was mounted in the tower of the Baptist Church, the old one being disabled by a serious fracture. On Sunday morning, June 29th, died Rev. Samson Talbot, D. D., President of Denison University, being then with his family among their friends in Newton, Massachusetts. The telegram announcing his death closed with the words, " He rests from his labors and his works do follow him." In the afternoon all the bells united iu tolling the sad announce- ment, the I^aptist bell striking his age. It was the first use in such a service that had been exacted of the new bell. Deaths, Mrs. Martha French, INIarch loth, aged seventy- nine ; Mrs. Mary S. Garland, March 17th, aged seventy-six; Erastus Allyn, December 15th. 1873. Hon William P. Kerr became a member of the State Constitutional Convention. A Committee of Safety was appointed by the Council, with power to inspect houses, order any needful changes to protect property against fire ; and in case of fire, to direct the efforts of citizens in saving property and extinguishing fire. At such times they are to wear a badge, and have authority to enforce their orders. Mr. Ebenezer Partridge died November ist, aged seventy- one years ; Rev. Alvah Sanford, September 29th, aged seventy-eight ; Dr. Sylvester Spelman, September 6th. July 24th, 1874, was enacted an ordinance appointing a Superintendent for the Water Works, and fixing rates, the Council having accepted charge of them on certain con- ditions. In August, Dr. Little, with his wife, paid a visit to his old parishioners. They were received by their old friends with great tokens of regard. They waited on his feeble steps with alacrity. Mrs. George T. Jones " made them a feast " under the apple trees in the open air, where their old friends gath- 188 DR. littlk's visit. ered around the festive board with them to the number of sevent)'-five. Professor Beach and his wife were also ])resent, so that the people saw all the pastors of the church who were then living, together in the pulpit. On Tuesday evening, the iSth, there was a church gathering, at which a quartette choir sang the following original hymn, to the tune composed by D. C. Holmes, of Pittsburgh, for Mrs. Howe's Battle Hymn of the Republic : O thou man of God, with glowing hearts we welcome thy return; And in filial love and reverence our kindling spirits yearn; For remembrances of long ago within our hosoms burn; II :May God thy coming bless! || We remember scenes cf gladness, when thy presence added cheer; We remember scenes of sadness, when thy sympathy was dear; And when heart and flesh were failing, then 'twas strength to have thee near; II :May God remember thee! : |j In infant consecration was thy hand upon our brow, And it blessed us at the altar when we took the marriage vow; With what child-like veneration are we clinging to it now! II :May God thy hand still clasp! : !| By the hearthstone, by the wayside, thou hast led us to the Lord; From the sacred desk with j)Ower thou hast preached to us the word; And thy prayers and thy example have to better purpose stirred; 1! :May God thy work still own! : || ■ When again thy faltering footsteps bear thee from our waiting eyes,. We await until these bodies shall to youthful vigor rise. And with thee would wish to enter tiirough the portals of the skies; II :May God this favor grant! : jj Deaths, Ralph Parsons, October i, aged sixty-seven; Mrs. Almena R. Bancroft, daughter of Judge Rose, and wife of H. L. Bancroft, November 5th. November i6th, 1875, an act passed the council making it unlawful to keep a billiard table as a jyiiblic resort, for games, betting, or gambling. On the same date, an act making it unlawful to sell or give away to minors, unless upon written order from parents, guardian, or family ph)-sician; or to intoxicated persons, or habitual drunkards; or to keep open after 8:00 o'clock P. M. ATTEMPTED BURGLARIES. 189 [amended in 1879, to 10:00 P. M.] and nntil daylight; or on Sundays; or to have screens, shades, curtains, painted glass, or anything that will obstruct the public view; or to permit any minor on the premises without consent of parents or guardian. Died, Mrs. Clarissa Hamlen, August loth; Harvey Bragg, June 8th, aged seventy-seven; Horace Wolcott, January nth; Abraham Belford, January 29th; Rev. Wm. Party, February 20th; Deacon E. C. Wright, July nth; Knowles Linnel, July i6th, aged eighty-seven. 1876. E. M. Downer became Presidential Elector. The washing of the creek on the Columbus road, just south of town, having occasioned considerable trouble, the County Commissioners authorized a cut through the meadows west of the road, thus straightening the channel and saving further washing. Deaths, Mrs. Orlena Wright, daughter of Justin Hillyer, Sr., and wife of Deacon Edwin C. Wright, May 28th, aged sixty-nine; Theophilus Little, July 2d, aged seventy-nine; Wm. Case, June ist; James W. P'osdick, June 25th; Mrs. Adah Clapp, December 27th. 1877. A series of burglarious attempts, beginning with one upon the First National Bank, was perpetrated in the village. [See Our Criminal Record.] In connection with the railroad disturbances at Pittsburgh, as Columbus and Newark were central points, they would have shared in the great distruction of property had not the State authorities taken prompt precautions. Several com- panies were under arms at Newark for some time. The miners from Shawnee were threatening to come to the aid of the railroad strikers, who claimed that it was bread for their families that they wanted; and there was a probability that, if reinforced, the rioters might get the upper hand. Trains being interrupted, some necessities, such as coal oil, sugar, etc., were getting scarce at Granville. One night word came that the rioters were coming. A telegram was sent to the 190 soldiers' and sailors' rkuniox. Mayor of Granville, from Newark, asking for aid in men and arms. He declined to take official action, bnt the citizens became alarmed and posted sentinels or guards on every street leading into town, the president of the University, Dr. E. B. Andrews, an old soldier, serving among them. The occasion passed, however, without any violence. Deaths, Nicholas Handel, who came from Virginia, an excellent miller, who had been in the war of 1812, Jnly 28th; Deacon Timothy Rose, July 29th, aged fifty-six; Mrs. Daniel Howe, February 27th. July 22, 1878, occurred at Newark, the Grand Reunion of Soldiers and Sailors, many celebrities from abroad being present. September 25th, the location of the new road to Newark was decided by a final compromise between the parties interested, from Wm. Showman's across the old aqueduct and by the track of the feeder, to the old Hebron road, thus opening a route to the county seat avoiding the midway hills. Deaths, Gershom Griffith, June 7th, aged seventy-three: Mrs. Julia S. Bushnell, July 29th, aged eighty-two ; Mr. John Rees and wife, an aged couple, were buried in the same grave in the Welsh Hills Cemetery, December 4th, Mrs. Rees having died on the 2d and Mr. Rees on the 3d ; Horace Wolcott, January 7th, aged seventy-five ; William S. Wright, August i4tli ; Hon. Elizur Abbott, October 4th, aged seventy- seven ; Mrs. Clarissa Sanford, June i6th, aged eighty-five ; Mrs. Mary Wright, May 28th, aged ninety-two ; Norton Case, March 23d, aged seventy-six ; P^lizabeth, wife of Lemuel Rose, December 28th, aged eighty. 1879. Dr. William H. Sedgwick became postmaster. Died, Mrs. Amelia R. Bragg, August 22d, aged eighty-one. Mrs. Bragg was the daughter of Hon. Wiliiam (lavitt, an original member of the Company, and was seven years old when the colony came to Ohio. SEVENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY. 191 CHAPTER XXXI. 1880 brings us to the period at which we propose to close our record, reporting during the year only the celebration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the settlement of Granville Town. Such was the excitement attending the Presidential canvass during the summer and fall, that it was inexpedient to call attention to the coming anniversary until the election was passed. As soon thereafter as possible, a meeting of such as were interested in the matter was called ; appointments of speakers and committees were made, and a circular of invi- tation to the pioneers and their descendants, and all others interested, was printed and mailed wherever it was thought it would awaken interest. The meeting was held on Saturday, the 13th of November, the anniversary of the day of driving upon the town square and beginning operations by cutting down the beech tree. It was in the Presbyterian Church, the pastor, Rev. Dwight B. Hervey, being Chairman of the day. The morning was ushered in with sleet and a promise of snow. The exercises were held as nearly as they could be according to the follow- ing printed programme : MORNING SESSION. 10 : 30 A. M. MUSIC. SCRIPTURE READING, REV. W. C. P. RHOADES, PASTOR OF THE BAPTIST CHURCH. PRAYER, REV. TIMOTHY HOWE, Pataskala. FORMERLY OF THE GRANVILLE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. MUSIC. 192 SEVENTY -FIFTH ANNIVERSARY. address of welcome, RP:v. D. H. HKUVEY, chairman ok the Day. i'astor ok iresr.ytekian church. settlements in gran ville tovvnshii' liekork the arri\ al ok «' the colony," ISAAC SMUCKKR, Newark. HISroKY OK "THE (JKANVILLE COLONY," RliV. HENRY DUSIINELL. ADDRESS, REV. ALFRED OWEN, D. D. PRESIDENT OK DENISON UNIVERSITY,. AFTERNOON SESSION. I : 30 p. M. I'RAYEU, REV. S. C. FRAMPTON, I'ASTOR OK METHODIST CHURCH. MUSIC. HISTORY OK I'lONKER KAMILIES, CHAS. VV. BRYANT. HISIORY OK liUSINESS MEN OK GRANVILLE, PROF. JOHN PRATT, D. D. MUSIC. HISTORY OF CHURCHES, SCHOOLS AND PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS, E. SINNET, M. D. HISTORY OF MILITARY AFFAIRS OF THE COLONISTS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS, HON. M. M. MUNSON. The exercises will be held in the Presbyterian Meeting House. Relics of Pioneers and portraits of old citizens will be on exhibition in the Lecture Room and Parlors of the Church. The address of Dr. Owen in the order of the forenoon, and that of Hon. M. M. Mnnson of the afternoon, were unavoid- ably crowded into the evening session, and Rev. William Whitney took the place of Dr. Pratt in presenting the history SEVENTY -FIFTH ANNIVERSARY. 193 of business men. The music was furnished by a choir of singers from the several church choirs of the village, led bv Mrs. Prof. Shepardson of the Young Ladies' Institute ; the organ being in charge of Prof. H. H. C. Lowery, of the Con- servatory of Music, of Granville Female College. The first four verses of the following hymn were sung in the afternoon. It was composed by Timothy Spelman, Sr., and a part of it was sung by the congregation after the deliv- ery of the sermon by Rev. Timothy M. Cooley, D. D., at the formation of the Colony Church, in East Granville, Mass- achusetts, May ist, 1805. Oh, fare ye well, my friends, We bid you all adieu! For Providence has called us, And we must surely go. To yonder fertile land Our steady course we'll steer, And oh! that blessings rich, divine, Might crown our journey there. Though now a wilderness, Dear friends, to which we go, But hark and hear the promises Which from the prophets flow. The prophet's sacred word, How sweet the promise flows! The fruitful desert sure shall bud And blossom as the rose. Emmanuel will appear, To verify His word. Free captive souls, make subjects there. And own their sovereign Lord. Rivers in places high Will open from the springs; Fountains and pools in deserts dry; The wilderness now sings. » ;:i ;;; ;:; ;•; « * Dear friends, remember us, Your brethren far away, Jn yender fertile wilderness; Be sure for us to pray. 194 SF.VENTY- FIFTH ANNIVERSARY. That Jesus by His grace Amongst us would descend, And rear a standard to His praise, A bulwark to defend. From Satan's fatal snares May we be well secured; Encircled round with arms of love We'll triumph in the Lord. The remaining verses were of the nature of a valedictory to pastor, brethren and neighbors, which would be more in- teresting to the participants than to the general reader. There were twenty-five stanzas. The following hymn was prepared for the anniversary, and the 2d, 3d, 4th, 6th and 8th stanzas were sung in the after- noon : MEMORIAL HYMN. O God, Thy pvirpose planned The home our fathers sought; From wilds to cultured homes, Thy hand The grateful changes wrought. Great Guardian of our sires, We praise the sovereign grace That kindled here their altar fires, And gave this resting place. Led by Thy cloud by day. Safe in its sheen by night; Thine ark was with them by the way, Thy presence was their light. They met, they prayed, they sang; The hills gave back the sound; The wild woods with their axes rang. And homes rose smiling round. Under the strong nerved arm There answered to their call Successive clearing, field and farm, The cabin, house and hall. The church, the school, the press, The furrows and the blows, And soon a wide spread wilderness " Had blossomed as the rose. SEVENTY -FIFTH ANNIVERSARY. 195 Their labors bless our eyes, And beautify this land; The precious fruits of their dmprise Flow freely to our hand. To Thee our hearts we raise, O, God, this festal day; For mercies past we offer praise. For future good we pray. The matter presented in the various papers read, so far as apposite, appears elsewhere in these pages. The Executive Committee for the occasion, consisting of Messrs. D. Shepardson, Chairman, C. W. Bryant, Secretary, T. J. Thomas, C. P. Grimsley and Frank Rose, were made a permanent committee, with request to organize and seek incorporation if necessary, for the purpose of preserving all relics, historical documents, etc., that may be committed to their care.' The following account of the exercises of th»day appeared in the Granville Times, a paper begun during the year by H. A. Church, publisher and proprietor. GRANVILLE CELEBRATES HER SEVENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY, ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER I3, 1880. The Anniversary Festival of the settlement of Granville, was, we are pleased to say, a success in every way, and was evidently enjoyed by every one — especially by the descendants of the Pioneers. Prof. Lowery contributed two pieces — a fine organ overture and a choral. * * ••■ The music contributed by the united choirs was a pleasant feature of the celebration, and reflected credit on the committee in charge. The various papers presented, in the preparation of which neither time nor pains had been spared, were excellent, well written, well delivered and full of interest to all Granvillians. '" * * [After the evening exercises], the assembly adjourned to the church parlors to exchange social courtesies and inspect the relics, among which were: PORTRAITS. Gen. Augustine Munson, painting; Dr. Sylvester Spellman, photo; Rev. Jacob Little, photo; Silhouette of Rev. Timothy Harris; Anthony P. Prichard; Spencer Wright, Esq. [Engravings.] li)G SKVENTV- FIFTH AXNIVKRSARV. Bible brought from Wales in 1796, by Deacon Theophilus Rees, and to the Welsh Hills in 1802, owned by T. J. Thomas. Ethan Hancrofi's Bible, brought with the colony. One brought with the colony by Mrs. Abigail Cook Sweatman, the oldest member of the colony. OTHER ARTICLES. Letter written in London, England, in 1796, to Theophilus Rees, the Welsh Hills Pioneer; a silver spoon brought to America in 1630; a collection of dishes, glasses, spoons, etc., one hundred years old; iron kettle brought from Massa- chusetts, in 1805, [in which were cooked the dinners of the "Rose Company," and belonging to Mr. Cornell.] RECEIPT COPIED HELOW. (Iranvii.i.e, May 14, 1809. Received in full of all accounts against Hosea Cooley from the beginning of the world to this date. Spencer Wric.ht. The Granger-Spellman account book, dated 1S16; a tea pot brought from Wurtemburg, Germany, by one of the Levering family over one hunderd and sixty years ago; a bassoon played in the first Granville band, by Hon. Sam'l Bancroft; a pewter mug brought over in the Mayflower, by the ancestors of the exhibitor, W. W. Carpenter; a boot-jack made by Judge Timothy Rose in 1806; and many more interesting articles. So closed an eventful occasion in Granville. Friend looked on friend, who had not met in thirty years; old ties were renewed; pleasant memories stirred; it was an "Auld Lang Syne" reduced to reality for generous courtesy and hospitality pervaded the whole company. Those who may live to see the centennial anniversary, will look back with memories fraught with tenderness and pleasant retrospect of the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of Gran- ville's settlement. With heartfelt gratitude, we look back to New England and her noble colony, and then forward to the future, with the prayer that the blessings of the AUwise Guide who directed the hardy pioneer to this spot, may follow their descendants in their various journeys through life. The following still survive of those who came with the Granville Colony in 1805. Mr. David Messenger, . . Utica, Ohio. Mr. Leveret Butler, . . Fataskala, Ohio. Deacon Timothy M. Rose, . Granville, Ohio. Mr. Truman Hillyer, . . Columbus, Ohio. Mr. Justin Hillyer, . . . Topeka, Kansas. Mr. II. Prosper Rose, . . Orland, Indiana. SEVENTY -FIFTH ANNIVKRvSAKY. 197 Mr. Charles Butler, . . . Alexandria, Ohio. Rev. Elnathan Corrington Gavitt, Toledo, Ohio. Rev. Geo. Ezekiel Gavitt, . Ashley, Ohio. Mrs. Matilda Rose Wheaton, Wadsworth, Ohio. Mrs. Alcy Rose Diirfee, . . Hartford, Ohio. Came in 1807: Mrs. Julia Everett Thurston, . Hartford, Ohio. Mrs. Marietta Clark Ackley, Granville, Ohio. Mrs. Corintha Clark Twining, . Granville, Ohio. Mr. Willis Clark, . . . Toledo, Illinois. Rev. Thomas Parker and Mr. Thomas Cramer are supposed to be the only survivors of those who were here before the Granville Company came. Mr. Parker lives in Pataskala, Ohio ; and Mr. Cramer at the old homestead on the Welsh Hills. These are thought to be the only survivors who sustained relations as above to the original settlement of (iranville. The Ohio Central Railroad from Toledo to the coal fields of Perry county, Ohio, with a branch to Columbus, passing through the village on the grade of the Atlantic and Erie Railway, is running regular trains and doing a promising business ; thus, at last, opening the seclusion of this retreat to the wide world. Note that this is not the "Central Ohio Railroad " from Wheeling to Columbus. That (now the B. & O. R. R.) runs three miles south of Granville. The census just taken tells us we have in the township 2180 souls; of whom, 31 males and 22 males, a total of 53, are over 75 years of age ; and 9 males and 9 females, a total of 18, cannot read. Of these, 1131 are in the village; of whom 14 males and 17 females, a total of 31, are over 75 years of age, and 3 males and 2 females, a total of 5, cannot read. 198 KKV. TIMOTHY HARRIS. CHAPTER XXXII. Rev. Timothy Harris was born at Williaiiistown, Massa- chusetts, March 15, 1781. He graduated at Middlebury College with the first honors of his class, August 21, 1803. He studied theology with Rev. Mr. Preston, of Rupert, Vermont. In 1807, having been licensed and received his " Recommendatory Letter," dated August 28th, he came West to visit friends in vSouthwestern Ohio. Reaching Marietta, he saw Mr. Robbins, who had become so much in- terested in the Granville people that he made Mr. Harris promise to visit them before he returned. Having preached for six months in Montgomery county, he started eastward again ; and remembering his promise to Mr. Robbins, he took Granville on his way. We have seen in the annals that he arrived here the latter part of April, 1808, and the way soon opened for him to remain permanently with this people. September 4th, 1809, he married Miss Bethia Linnel, a young lady of his own parish, daughter of Joseph Linnel, Sr. So much concerning Mr. Harris is woven into the events of the colony, that it only remains to speak of his character. Let it be remembered that he was ever a frail man and of a sensitive nature. In youth he was not strong. While in his course of study he one day entered a damp cave, from which exposure he took a severe and lasting cold. In the end he threw off the incubus and legained his usual strength, but it made an indelible mark upon his constitution. The exposure of his missionary tours, during which he had often to swim swollen sti earns on horse back, and make tedious rides all day through mud and rain, was such as to under- mine the strength he had. The last years of his pulpit labors were in much weakness, and his salary was always small and precarious. Mr. Harris' mental endowments were of a high order. None other could bear away the highest honors of Middle- A PURITAN. 199 bury College. None other could succeed as he succeeded in carrying with him the intellects that had been trained under Dr. Cooley of old Granville. None other could produce the striking papers recorded from his pen in matters of admoni- tion and discipline. The influences that developed his piety gave it a decided puritanic type. His views on family government were of the strictest, yet his children bless his memory and honor their father's influence. So were they on church government. An offense against the church's purity or good order must be as publicly confessed as the offense was open. It is to be considered that it was the prominent type of effective Christianity with the people among whom he lived. There was something of set phraseology and of idiom, and possibly sometimes of set tone and look in the expression of their religious sentiments. But it did not degenerate into cant. There was always a sincerity and depth ot experience in their religion which demanded respect for the slight man- nerism of its expression. When pnritanism is genuine and the life attests the sincerity of the profession, it is grandly worthy. Such it was in Mr. Harris. The first record of his absence from the pulpit on account of his illness was May 4th, 1817, when Rev. Ebenezer Wash- burn officiated in his place. Eighteen days before his death he received the sacrament. The following minutes on the Records of his Presbytery was entered to his memory : "The Presbytery, with deep regret, are called to record the death of the Rev. Timothy Harris, one of their members, who departed this life on Thursday, the 28th of March, 1822." A beautiful marble slab in the old burial lot of the Licking Company, bears the following inscription : 200 REV. TIMOTHY HARRIS. Rev. Timothy Harris was born in Wiliiamstown, Mass., March I5lh, 1781, gradiialed at Middlcbury Coll., Aug. 2ist, 1805, licensed to preach the gospel, May 27th, 1807, ordained & installed the first Pastor of the Congregational Church in Granville, O., Dec. 14th, 1808. He died beloved & lamented, March 28th, 1822. During his ministry of 14 years, 150 united with the church. Well done, good & faithful servant. REV. AHAB JINKS. 201 CHAPTER XXXIII. Rev. Ahab Jinks wa.s the son of a Friend, or Quaker, and he was successively farmer, merchant, preacher, justice of the peace, and judge. As preacher,he was Methodist, Presbyterian, Congregational and Episcopal. He came to Granville in the fall of 182 1 ; Mr, Harris then being unable to preach, though still pastor of the church. He preached his first sermon to the Granville church, October 27th, 182 1. One of his hearers thus describes him : He " was a man of more than middling size ; his aspect comely and prepossessing ; a clear, distinct voice ; possessing a strong, retentive memory, good native genius, with a mind well stored with useful knowledge for his limited means ; frank, open, generous in his disposition ; with a judgment unstable and wavering, connected with passions headstrong and unsubdued." There had been no regular preaching for a year. The peo- ple were pleased with Mr. Jinks, and invited him to preach two months on probation. He assented, returning to Gran- ville after a short absence, the middle of November. It be- came known that it inconvenienced him to remain on uncer- tainties, as he must remove his family from Dayton, and it was exceedingly desirable to decide his future residence before doing so. In these circumstances, about the middle of December a meeting of the Society was held at the hotel of Mr. R Granger, at which a majority thought it expedient to give Mr. Jinks a call to become their pastor. The Church was not as well represented at that meeting as the society, and some of the church who were present opposed the action taken. Nevertheless Mr. Jinks proceeded to remove his family to the place, arriving near the close of the year. All things continued satisfactory, however, until the spring of 1823. Mr. Jinks was minded to build him a house, and the people were minded to help him. An adequate sub- 23 "202 SUNDAY HOUSK - HUILDINCl, scription was raised, a buildiiif^ coniiiiittee appointed, and the contract for building given to Col. Lucius D. Mower. Owing to sickness and other hindrances the work was unseasonably delayed. Saturday, November 22d, (1823), the walls still lacked four or five feet of proper height. The masons, having other jobs on hand, felt the necessity of urging the work. The design of prosecuting it upon the Sabbath began to be broached. Three of the hands being church members dis- suaded from the step, telling the rest by no means to work on the Sabbath. When Mr. Jinks was approached concerning the matter his reply was in substance that " if any work could be considered a work of necessity that was one." It is subsequently recorded that supposing himself was one of the responsible workmen, he would not have acted o\\ that opinion, and that he charged his son, who was tending mason the week previous, not to go near the building that day. The masons, however, on Sabbath morning went to work. The people assembling at the hour of worship were amazed to hear the click of the trowel and the shuffling of bricks, and to see the work going busily on. Some remonstrated with the workmen, and all but two left the premises. " Some of the church went to converse with Mr. Jinks before meeting. Mr. Jinks justified their working on the principle of necessity, and their feelings were wounded." " Some went home and some staid in the street until Mr. Jinks closed his forenoon services." Tlii«6 was the beginning of troubles that rent the Church into four parts before they were ended. The result was the dismissal of Mr. Jinks. All parties uniting in the vote. He preached once more, and at the close of the service absolved the people from obligation for his support. He then turned to the Episcopal Church, and in 1826 began with a few followers to read the Episcopal ser- vice. Others of his friends, however, formed a Presbyterian Church and invited him to preach for them, raising a sub- scription for his support of $310. It was in the summer of 1826 that, being engaged in raising tobacco, he is said to have REMOVAL TO DKI.AWARK. 203 employed and paid his men on the Sabbath ; regarding it necessary, as from the backward spring the season was far advanced and the yonng plants were not set out. When the time for which he was employed was expired, in February, 1827, ^^^ ^^^^ Presbytery and connected himself with the Episcopal Church, reading service every Sabbath. He was elected magistrate by the citizens of Granville, and began to think of running for Congress. But he finally returned to Presbytery, made acknowledgements and obtained a letter of dismission to the Columbus Presbytery, and removed with his family to Delaware, O. He preached for a time to the church in Genoa Township, Delaware County. Afterwards he was elected Associate Judge of Coiirt of Common Pleas. He died in the State of Illinois. 204 RlvV. JACOB LITTLE, D.l). CHAPTER XXXIV. Rev. Jacob Little, D.D., was the son of Jesse Little and Martha Gerrish Little, of Boscawen, N. H. His paternal and maternal ancestors were amonf^ the earliest settlers of that town, residing on Little Hill, and were Christian people. He was born May ist, 1795. He nnited with the Congregational Chnrcli, in which his parents and other relatives were active members, June 25th, 1815. His youth was spent amid the ac- tive out-of-door duties of New England farm life. His father owned a second piece of land several miles Irom home and high among the hills. Thither, in his boyhood, he used to go to labor, taking with him a supply of food and conveniences ; and after working hard all day he would lie down in a shanty and .sleep sweetly rising early to renew his labors, thus gain- ing time for several hours of evening and morning toil, which else would be consumed in going and coming to and from the family home. He early commenced to study with his pastor, Dr. Samuel Wood, D.U. His academic studies were finished at Meriden Academy. He entered Dartmouth College, from which he graduated, August 21st, 1822. From college he went to Andover Theological Seminary. While there he wrote a dissertation on the religion of the Grand Lama, which was read before the Society of Religious Inquiry of the Seminary, and afterwards published. After fini.sliing his course at Andover he was ordained as an Evan- gelist at (joffstown, and soon after began to preach at Hoosick, N. Y. Here his labors were greatly blessed, par- ticularly his Bible Class instructions. About " eighty were hopefully converted, and the young people traced their awakening to that Bible Class." In 1826, having married Lucy, daughter of Capt. Joseph Gerrish, June ist, he came to Ohio and located at Belpre, in Washington County. Mr. William Slocomb, during his missionary visit in ENTERS UPON HIS LABORS. 205 August, 1826, spoken of in the annals, had called the attention of some of the Granville Church to Mr. Little as a promising young man, and one suitable for their pastor. Mr. Little visited Granville, but the first Sabbath had a very sparse congregation. He visited among the families, and a favorable impression was made on both sides. A call was offered him, and he agreed to accept it. He began his labors June ist, 1827. His tact and geniality succeeded in bringing all parties into harmony. Where one was disaffected, a special visit was almost sure to bring him over. Every one was made to feel that he was specially relied up.on to bring about a better understanding among the people. The old divisions were healed, and God's blessing followed. A call to the pastoral office was made September 11, 1828, after fifteen months' acquaintance, the call was accepted, and Mr. Little was installed. He entered with zeal and energy upon a well planned course of labors. As a pastor he was rarely equalled. It was a principle with him to visit, at least once a year, every indi- vidual who came to hear him preach. His parish extended from two to four miles in every direction. At one time his church numbered four hundred members. There must have been families enough to require of him a visit almost daily to observe this rule and to make the extraordinary calls which would also arise in so large a congregation. As a preacher, he gave his people a good variety, bringing out of his treasure things new and old. He made the sanctuary attractive. His Bible classes, held on alternate Sabbath evenings in the vil- lage and on one of the streets leading out of town, were meant to bring under the influence of the church and the means of grace administered by his hands, all the families of the tozun- ship^ and even beyond, who were willing to be thus influenced. The people responded to this influence by coming to his Sabbath services In early times they would come pouring into town in double lumber wagons, on horseback or on foot, 206 HIS SKCOND MARRIAGK. coming thus a distance in some cases of four miles or more. Afterward large, open, spring buggies would bring the fam- ilies. No one thought of staying at home unless sickness or the care of little ones required it. The streets were lined with conveyances for a square or more each side of the church. Within, the family seats were comfortably filled, and the galleries were sometimes crowded. About 1840, it was not unusual to look in vain for a vacant seat in the galleries. The choir numbered about sixty singers. The morning sermon was always written ; a doctrinal discourse, on some weighty subject, on which he had bestowed much thought. The afternoon brought the congregation out again, the intermis- sion having been (in the later years) occupied by the Sabbath School. The second sermon was generally delivered from brief notes, but was well studied. The revivals which blessed Mr. Little's labors were a fea- ture of his ministry. Tliey occurred on an average as often as every three years. [See chapter XXXV, Granville Plan of Union Church.] In his entire pastorate of thirty-seven and one half years Mr. Little received six hundred and sixty-four converts. Mrs. Lucy Little died during the sickly season of 1834, Sunday, October 5th, her husband also being too sick at -the time to see her. [See Annals.] On Wednesday, the 23d of March, 1836, Mr. Little married his second wife. Miss Ann D., daughter of Hon. Thomas M. Thompson, one of his parishoners. The marriage was on this wise. Mr. Little recjuested a special attendance at the W^ed- nesday conference, then held at four o'clock, p. m., giving out " Domestic Relations" as the subject that was to be consid- ered. Special invitations were sent to some, and a general curiosity was awakened. In response to his notice there was a full meeting, Mr. Garland being in the desk with Mr. Little. The usual programme being through, Mr. Little stepped from the desk, and taking Miss Thompson, who sat conveniently near, led her in front of the desk, and Mr. Garland, some- A TEMPERANCE ADVOCATE. 207 what embarrassed, performed the marriage ceremony, much to the surprise of" those present. He was from the first a prominent temperance advocate. When he came here the temperance reformation had just begun. He had felt its influence in the east, but it had not yet reached the western frontier. He introduced the subject into the pulpit, and in 1828 the first temperance organization was brought about. Mr. Little was appreciated away from home. At the annual commencement in July, 1855, Marietta College con- ferred upon him the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity. His sermons on public occasions were oiten asked tor publication. Mr. Little was appreciated also by his own people through most of his long pastorate, and that appreciation still lingers with a glow of affection in the breast of many a disciple. Toward the last of his life in Granville, however, there were some alienations and unkind criticisms, which made a deep impression upon his aged heart. Better were it that a people among whom thirty-seven years of unusual fidelity, earnest- ness and laboriousness had been expended, had borne a little longer with those infirmities and reaped a little longer from those labors, infirm though they might have been. Then might the parting have been in friendship, and that setting sun have gone down with one cloud less to shadow it. In 1863, he was called to take part in the instruction at Lane Seminary, in a course of lectures on Pastoral Theology. Subsequently he published a long series of articles on the Pastoral Office, in the C C. Herald. He resigned his pastorate December 4, 1864, and went im- mediately to a piece of wood land in northern Indiana, lying about three miles from Warsaw, where he lived a retired life until failing strength admonished him to lay aside his cares, and he went to spend his last days with his son Charles, in Wabash, Indiana. At Warsaw he lived.two and a half miles from church, and 208 HIS UNTIRING INDUSTRY. because it was unsafe for him to manage his horses, he and his wife walked that distance to church, for a large part of the time, constantly. At seventy-two years of age he preached to a church twenty-seven miles distant for a year, and never missed an appointment. At seventy-four, he supplied the church at Warsaw a year. The last occasion on which he occupied the pulpit was at the installation of his son Charles. He died December 17th, 1876, aged eighty-one years, seven months and sixteen days. One of Dr. Little's prominent traits was his tmtirmg in- dustry. He had an energy that quailed at nothing, and a perseverence that knew no failure. The light of his study window was the first to shine in the early morning, having been the last also to be extinguished at night. He always had manual labor of some sort on hand for himself and boys. By dinner time an ordinary day's work was done. He was very methodical in his work. The day was sys- tematically arranged in routine duties — study, manual labor, visiting, etc.; so also was the year. He had a physique that enabled him to accomplish far more than the average man. He inherited a good constitu- tion. It was early inured to activity and steady toil in mountain air. He required little sleep. Five hours seemed to suffice him, and he could rarely lie longer than six hours. Retiring at ten, he was awake and restless at three or four. He was of good mental endowment. His cast of mind was of the Aristotelian rather than the Platonic mold. He sought for and laid hold of facts^ from which he deduced principles. His brain was prominent at the base, and his mental operations were likewise wide at the foundation. He was not stubborn ; but as long as he was upheld by facts, a pyramid were as easily overturned as he to be moved from his positions. His piety was deep, but of an unostentatious kind. He had laid himself on God's altar. His prayers were constant AN ORGANIZER. 209 and fervent and he had a depth of desire beyond all that he seemed able to express in words. His public prayers were brief, but very comprehensive, and like everythino; else, sys- tematic. He was a master workman and an adept in setting others to work. In his prayer meetings he would name from three to half a dozen to make remarks on a specified subject, and they were so trained that few declined to express their views when called on. He developed the lay talent to a wonderful degree, and availed himself in all departments of labor of the aid of others. 210 PLAN OF UNION CHURCH. CITAPTKR XXXA\ The history of the Congregational Chnrch u]) to 1821 has been given in the annals as being largely identical with the history of the colony; and snbseqnently np to 1827, "^ con- nection with Mr. Jinks' pastorate. Of the four elements into which the Congregational Church had become separated, viz.: the Congregational, First Presbyterian, Second Presbyterian, and Episcopal, the first three were about to come together again, while the fourth continued in a separate organization. In these circumstances a paper was circulated through the three churches to ascertain the preferences of the members as to a form of organization. P'ifty-seven preferred the Pres- byterian form ; nineteen, the Congregational ; and thirty- seven, a union of the two ; that is, to be Congregational with the right of appeal to Presbytery. Originally the church was Congregational, and so remained in its internal polity, except through the brief period of its troubles preceding 1827, until the year 1872. But its early pastor, Mr. Harris, although a Congregationalist, found himself and church so isolated in Christian fellowship, that he thought it best to unite with Presbytery and have his church, in conformity with the spirit of the " Plan of Union," represented there also by a delegate. Mr. Little, likewise a Congregationalist, took the same view of the situation ; and so did the church as a body. The number, in 1827, preferring the Presbyterian polity "was a majority of the whole by one half a vote," but the medium ground was chosen from the spirit of conciliation which reigned among them ; and hence, the church became a Plan of Union Church. The printed Articles of P'aith, with Scripture proofs, to- gether with the P'orm of Government which had been adopted by the Congregational Church at the first, was adopted by this organization ; and the minutes of the two Presbyterian Churches were ordered to be consolidated for the use of the CONFERENCE OF CHURCHES. 211 re-united church. Historically they desired to stand as the 'continuation of the church of the colony. Lemuel Rose, Amasa Howe, and Silas Winchel became the deacons of the new church. In 1828, July 7th, the church united with others of like faith in the Licking County Conference, there being ten in all. They met from place to place about once a quarter, taking the churches in turn, and spending two days in a place, receiving reports from all and uniting in religious ser- vices. A prayerful spirit was always developed, and the most effective preaching was always enjoyed. Generally conver- sions resulted. These conferences were continued unil 1834, and were a means of greatly strengthening the churches uniting in it. From 1828 to 1831 there was an almost uninterrupted revival, and 1832 followed with one of the most pungent works ever known in Granville. During the year 1828, seven- ty-seven persons united on examination, and in 1831, one hundred and seven, and between the two seasons of interest, fifteen. A description of the revival of 1831 from Mr. Little's own pen, will give an impressive view of the scenes so often wit- nessed in the history of this church. It was in connection with one of the meetings of The Conference of Churches, and the weather was very propitious. "The Church was in a high state of activity, going out in the intervals of worship & bringing in the impenitent. The state of the atmosphere was but a representation of feeling among christians. All the air was love. Almost every member had a high degree of religious enjoyment for many days. It seemed almost as if Heaven had come down & filled the hearts of men. * * Sick families * '•' had the Spirit of God, & conversions in their houses at home. In all this engagedness there was not one late [continued] meeting. * * Long exercises were regarded as detrimental to revivals. No inquiry meeting * * was over an hour. At the close of the sermon all were exhorted to nozv seek an interest in Christ. 212 RRVIVAI. OF 1832. " It was stated that the choir would sing four stanzas, & at the commencement of the fourth, one of the ministers would ' leave the pulpit and go to the inquiry room, [in the Methodist Church about twenty rods distant,] & all who were resolved to now seek an interest in Christ, would go with him. They were requested to make up their minds whether they would noiv seek Christ, while the first three verses were being sung, so that the great question would be decided by the time they reached the fourth. Here followed a time of suspense & anxiety that can not be described, " At that day, going to the inquiry meeting meant something. Who would rise before the audience & their companions in sin? ;]< ;!; ;i: ;ix % * "While parents were agonizing in prayer, the countenances of their children, alternating from red to white, betrayed the struggle within. Some were afraid to have the third verse end, & the voices of some singers faltered. But it ended, & the min- ister rose, & simultaneously some rose from all parts of the house & went with him. The eyes of many were eager to see the course their children & friends would take. Seeing a cloud of more than seventy youth & young married people, the flower of our population, bending their way to the inquiry meeting, both ministers and people freely wept. A good portion of the singers covered their eyes & let such as could, finish the fourth verse." Theie were two hundred inquirers during this meeting and "from one hundred & thirty to one hundred & fifty were hope- fully converted during the year. The converts were remarkably clear & happy, & it was found expedient for two months to give them a separate inquiry meeting, where they had some of the happiest meetings which are enjoyed this side of heaven." The following table will give the numbers added on the several occasions similar to the above during the history of the Church : In 1808 were added 40, Mr. Harris, Pastor. " 1818 " " 21, " " 1822 " " 53, " Jinks " '< 1828 " " 84, " Little " 1831 " " 116, " «' 1832 " " 24, " " " .. ,835 ., .. 25, " EVANGELISTIC WORK. 213 In 1837 were add( id 82, Mr . Little, Pastor, " 1840 28, " " 1842 44. " '< 1847 23, " " 1851 56, " " 1862 18, " " 1866 21, Beach " 1869 30. Dudley " 1879 " 30. Hervey ' The church early became a practical temperance society ; resolving, April 9th, 1831, " unanimously, That no person be received into this church who drinks, buys, sells, or manu- factures ardent spirits, except for medicinal or mechanical purposes." It has ever since stood in the van guard of the cause of temperance. About 1833, it was very active in sustaining Sabbath schools in all the region around. Seventy or eighty members of the church were engaged in this work, sustaining eighteen Sabbath schools that embraced eight hundred scholars, with a constant attendance of five hundred. Ten young men were looking forward to the gospel ministry. At the same time there was great assiduity in supplying the region around with Bibles and with religious literature. No head of a family in the church neglected family worship, and from sixteen to twenty social meetings were held in different parts of the parish. In 1832, the church was incorporated. Two hundred fam- ilies were represented in the church at this time. In 1838, there were five hundred and sixty-eight church members in the township, this church having four hundred and fifteen. This was the year of the great agitation in the Presbyterian church consequent upon the exscinding of the New School Synods containing five hundred ministers and sixty thousand communicants. But this church being of one mind was not greatly affected by the movement. The tem- perance pledge was at this time one that required abstinence 214 SUSPENSIONS — INNOVATIONS. from all that intoxicates, instead of ardent spirits; /'. r., from fermented as well as distilled liquors. The snbscribers nnm- bered three hundred. It was called the teetotal pledge. In 1839, the church was obliged to suspend one of its members for " being perfect and breaking the Sabbath." In 1840, the practice of sending a lay delegate to Presbytery seems to have fallen into disuse, but being invited by a letter from Presbytery the church resumed the practice. In 1841, the church voted, only eight being opposed to it, to raise the funds for church expenses by taxation of the membership on the basis of the grand list. The experiment did not prove so satisfactory as to be contiuiied long. In 1844, April 24th, strong anti-slavery ground was taken by the church, in two series of resolutions. In the same year, the fruits of the so-called Millerite excitement began to appear. The church was obliged to take action against several of Miller's adherents for unchristian conduct, who were suspended during the year following. In 1846, the church in its internal polity so far departed from Congregationalism pure and simple, as to appoint a standing committee of five, to attend to cases of discipline and aid the pastor in examining candidates for admission to the church, and to do such other business as the church might commit to them. In 1851, the innovation of sitting in time of prayer began to show it.self. The number of families represented in the church at this time was one hundred and seventy-five. In 1855, the church gave to benevolent objects, $2,464.00. The anniversary sermons of 1858-9 are both largely taken up with the endeavor to influence the people to retain their position, as a Plan of Union Church, rather than change for either polity in its purity. Having been for a year or two considering what change to make in their house of worship, as the frame of the old church hardly warranted repairs, in 1858 they resolved to build as soon as slips in the new structure could be sold to THK BRICK CHURCH. 215 the amount of $6,500. The contract for the new house, to be built on the ground so long occupied by the old one, was signed May 19th, 1859. Mr. Wm. Werden, long a prominent builder in the place, was the contractor. The old house began to be demolished March 12th, i860. The new house cost $10,800. The $4000 above the sale of slips was provided for by sixteen men, who furnished the money in shares of $200, trusting to the subsequent sale of slips to reimburse them. It was dedicated, December 25th, i86t. Dr. A. Kings- bury, of Putnam, preaching the sermon from Jude 3rd, : ''''Earnestly contend for the faith which zvas once delivered unto the samtsy The first place of worship for the church was out of doors, beside the prostrate tree. The second was the hastily constructed cabin of Judge Rose. The third was the log school house. The fourth was the small frame built in 1810. The fifth was the large frame built in 1816, which, in 1836 was so far remodeled in seats, pulpit, and steeple as to pass for the sixth. The seventh is the spacious brick now spoken of. The last of Dr. Little's New Year's sermons was preached in 1864. From it we cull the following facts. There had been dismissed to other churches, six hundred and eighty- five members in fifty-eight years, and two hundred had died. The church had received by letter, four hundred and forty- two members; and by profession, eight hundred and twenty; in all one thousand two hundred and sixty- two. Except in 1862, the church had not for thirty years numbered less than three hundred members. The church had given to the world nineteen ministers, thirty-two ministers' wives, and forty-seven elders or deacons. There were twenty-three members of the church over seventy years of age. The history now comes within the memory of even the comparatively young. The succeeding pastors are yet amid the activities of middle life, and will be content to have their labors chronicled in after years. Rev. Edward A. Beech was pastor from 1865 to 1870. 216 CHURCH BECOMES PRESBYTERIAN. Failing health compelled him to abandon the ministerial life. He was soon tendered a professorship in Marietta College, which position he accepted, and in which he is still serving. In 1869, new chandeliers and a commnnion set were added to the church furniture. In 1870, the congregation united in giving Rev. A. S. Dudley, of Logansport, Indiana, a call, which he accepted. While pastor clect^ he addressed a letter to the church, through Deacon E. Abbott, on the subject of a change in the polity of the church, suggesting that the present would be a favorable time for them to change to a thoroughly Presbyterian organization. The letter was read at a meeting held August 17th, 1870, and on August 31st, a vote was passed, sixty-three to eleven, taking such action. Eight elders were elected on the rotary system, the full term of office being eight years; the two oldest elected were to serve two years, and be subject to re-election; the next two in age, for four years, and so on. The first incumbents were as follows in the order of age : Deacons G. P. Bancroft and T. M. Rose; Deacons Elizur Abbott and Edwin C. Wright; Messrs. Wm. S. Wright and Wm Nichol; Deacon Timothy Rose and Hon. W. P. Kerr. The following gentlemen have succeeded to the office at the several elections since held. Ge6. B. Magoon, Henry L. Bancroft, C. P. Grimsley, T. J Robinson, John H. vSample,John D. pA^aus, Chas. Wynkoop. April 25th, 1875, Mr. Dudley preached his farewell sermon, having been called to the pastorate of Lane Seminary church. September 29tli of the same year. Rev. Dwight B. Hervey, formerly of Mt. Vernon, having accepted a call, was installed pastor of the church, and still remains its faithful minister. THE GRANVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH. 217 CHAPTER XXXVI. Until 1819 "The First Regular Baptist Church of Gran- ville," located on the Welsh Hills, continued to be the only one of the Baptist denomination in the township. There were some members in the south and west parts of the town- ship who found it inconvenient to go so far ; they, moreover, used the English language only, while their Welsh breth- ren inclined to their native tongue. Meanwhile, other Bap- tists had come into St. Albans, the township adjoining on the west. These being on contiguous territory with the English speaking part ot the other congregation, the two circles had begun to meet together for religious services in more con- venient places. On Wednesday, the 19th of May, 1819, they met to con- sider the propriety of a church organization. Elder George Evans, recently from Massachusetts, was with them. As a basis for an organization they adopted their articles of faith and covenant, and appointed another meeting for definitive action. Sunday, June 6th, they met again, and with them Elders Jacob Drake, of Delaware, and John Mott, of Millar town- ship. A council was organized, in connection with pro- tracted religious services, all three ministers preaching in succession, a church was formed, and the Lord's supper was administered. It was at the house of Jonathan Atwood, Esq., in St. Albans township, and the church was styled, " The Baptist Church of Christ in Granville and St. Albans." The members uniting in covenant were Levi Nichols, James Hair, Abraham Chandler, Sandford Castle, Timothy Spel- man, Jr., Thomas Green, David Adams, Salome Squire, Mary Atwood, Philenda Jewett, Sarah Craw, Mary Drake, Rhoda Burnet, Anna Chandler, Jerusha Baker, Sarah Kelley, Betsy Case, Louisa W'oods, Polly Phelps. Total 19. 24 218 ORIGINAL MKMBKRS. In September of the same year, this church was received into fellowship by the Columbus Association. For three years Elder Evans continued to minister to them occasionally, but declined to settle with them. For the next three years, from October 22d, 1822, Elder John Hanover preached to them every fourth Sabbath. At first the place of meeting alternated between (iranville and St. Albans townships, but afterwards, for the preachers' con- venience, they always met in St. Albans. " In the latter part of his pastorate, the church secured a further partial supply. For some months Elder DeBolt preached once a month, so that there was Divine service every second Sabbath." At this time a two-thirds majorit)- of the church seems to have been living on the Granville side of the line. In 1826, the church desiring to choose another minister, it so happened that the Granville part preferred Pvlder Azariah Hanks, while the St. Albans part preferred a minister recently from New London, Connecticut, Elder Daniel Wildman, who being a rel- ative of one of the proprietors of the clock factory, was tarrying among them. It was finally arranged that both men should be employed; that Mr. Hanks should preacli two-thirds of the time to the Granville people, and Mr. Wildman one-third of the time to the St. Albans people, the two parties still uniting in the rotating assemblies, once in St. Albans and twice in Granville. This arrangement naturally, or pro\'identiall\-, led to the realization that the}- were trying to occu])}' with one church a field that was large enough and diverse enough for two, and it was not long until two distinct organizations were brought about in the regular way; and tlius began the Gran- ville Baptist Church. The first pastor of this church was I^ldcr James Berry, a man of ])lain but pleasant manners, a sincere Christian and a devoted minister. He took charge of the church A])ril 26th, 1828, preaching to them one-half the time. His earnest ELDER HENRY CARR. 219 labors were blessed, a revival followed and the church was trebled in membership. Their place of meeting at this time was the brick academy at the head of Main vStreet. He soon moved for a house of worship, and the second year of his labors saw the house rising on the northeast corner of Broad and Cherry Streets, which continued the home of the church for twenty years, though not fully completed until 1833. [See Annals, 1829.] It was some time before the house was finished, there being a temporary floor of planks, temporary seats, and the walls being unplastered, but in due time it was complete, with a large bell and all needed furnishings. From this time the church began to feel the benefits of having the " Literary and Theological Institution " located among them. Prof. Pratt was on the ground, often preach- ing for them on the vacant Sabbaths. The pious young men attending tlie college added much to the strength of the church and the interest of their meetings. January 25th, 1832, "The First Baptist Society" was incorporated, Daniel Shepardson, Alanson Sinnett and Daniel Dusenbury being named in the Act as Trustees. After four years' service. Elder Berry began to preach to the Welsh Hills Bai)tist Church and was succeeded in the pastorate of the Granville church by Elder Henry Carr, July 27th, 1833. During a brief interim the church was served for longer or shorter periods by Elders Nathan Wildnian, Allen Darrow and Hiram Gear. Mr. Gear came to Ohio in 1832, as a Home Missionary Agent, and made Granville his headquarters. Mr. Carr had been engaged to come but was not ready, and Mr. Gear preached for six months. Mr. Carr was tall and well proportioned in person, and was a very earnest speaker. He was born near Ostrander, Ohio. His ministry was greatly blessed. With the exception of two years, the fourth and fifth after his arrival. Elder Carr con- tinued the acceptable pastor of the church until the fall of 1842. Those two years (1836-8) the pulpit was filled by Rev. 220 RKVS. TURNKV, BAII.KV, HALL. Samuel B. Swain, Dr. Jonathan Going and Revs. Clark and Ezra Going. Mr. Carr was succeeded by Rev. Kdmund Turney, of Con- necticut, October 29th, 1842. During the five years of his pastorate, unworthy members were cut off by discipline, a revival added some forty members, and, though the total membership was somewhat diminished, " the efficient work- ing capacity of the church " was increased. About 1845, the galleries of the house were lowered, and a new floor was put in, as the whole understructure was im- paired for want of ventilation. In 1846, Rev. Silas Bailey, D. D., was called to the Presi- dency of the College, and the year following, upon the resig- nation of Elder Turney, Dr. Bailey supplied the pulpit for a year, and Professor Pratt followed him for another year, both generously giving their services toward the erection of a new meeting house. The need of a larger and better house for worship had become imperative, and the congregation pro- ceeded to build upon the southwest corner of the public square. [See Annals.] President Bailey again supplied the pulpit nearly a year in 1851. Under the labors of Professor Pratt and Dr. Bailey the church was blessed with two powerful revivals, the latter particularh' resulting in great increase of strength to the church. Dr. Bailey was a man of large physique, and a trained orator. His preaching was greatly blessed, and sev- eral prominent nun in middle life were added to the church. All the churches of the place participated in the revival, and a marked and permanent impression for good was made upon the community. September 14th, 1851, Rev. Jeremiah Hall was called to the pastorate, and served the church acceptably for a year and a half, when, having become connected with the College, he resigned the pastorate. RF.VS. BURTON, FKRNALD, RIIOADEvS. 221 Prof. Marsh, of the College, then supplied the pulpit for some months. May 2ist, 1854, Rev. N. S. Burton began to occupy the pulpit, proving himself an excellent and acceptable preacher and pastor. His labors were blessed with a powerful revival that added eighty members to the church. He continued to fill the pulpit until the fall of 1862. " For three years after the close of his labors, the pulpit was supplied for the most part by Dr. Stone and President Talbot." Both these men were of unusual mental power. April ist, 1866, Rev. J. D. King took charge of the church, but continued in the office only a little more than a year. President Talbot again ministered to the church for a time, and he was succeeded by Rev. D. A. Randall, of Columbus, who simply preached t-o the congregation, not residing among them and performing no pastoral labor. This brings the history of the church up to 187 1. At this time there had been received to the church a total of 1143 members, of whom 663 were by baptism. There had been dismissed to other churches 669, and the membership at the time was 251. In 1858, eighty-four members were received ; and as the result of the revival of 1839-40, Elder Carr being pastor, ninety members were added. The next pastor of the church was Rev. J. C. Fernald. He was a young man of peculiarly se sitive nature and very warmly attached to his friends. He lost his wife to whom he had been married but a short time, and his nervous system suffered much under the severity of the stroke. He con- tinued the pastor of the church only about three years. In 1873, the present pastor, Rev. W. C. P. Rhoades, suc- ceeded him. Bringing with him the invaluable experience of a city missionary in one of our eastern cities, he has proved a vigilant and untiring pastor. His labors are greatly blessed in enlarging the influence of the church, and the value of his counsels is also seen in the management of the University. 222 THE MRTHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. CHAPTKR XXX\'1I. In the Slimmer of 1810, Rev. Klisha Buttles preached the first Methodist sermon in the place, under a walnut tree very near the center of town. The same )ear, according to the church records, (or the following, as the date of Mr. Finley's appointment would indicate, November being too late in the season for camp-meetings). Rev. James B. Finley preached and formed a class. The circuit was called "Knox," James Ouinn being presiding elder, and Elisha W. Bowman circuit preacher. The class was formed at the house of Wm. Gavit, Esq., who was one of the prominent members. Mr. Gavit had just been converted during the preceding summer. There was held near Zanesville a camp-meeting, which several from Granville attended. Having a ward who, he feared, was going to the bad, he took him to the meeting with the hope that he might be savingly benefited. While there, he concluded that the religion which was good for the ward was good for the guardian also. He was hopefully converted and became a leading Methodist in Granville. Other prominent families in the church in the early years of its history, were Samuel Everit, Sen., the Thralls, Peter Thurston, Francis Elliot, Samuel Chadwick, Elisha Bigelow, and Mrs. Stanley, who was mother of the wife of Esq. Gilman. Mr. Chadwick, at whose house many of the meet- ings were held, and who lived southeast of the town near the elbow in the road that led to Phelps saw mill, kept a supply of benches which on preaching occasions were arranged in the house, and at other times were piled out of doors. In case of two or three weeks continued meetings they were piled in the house against one side when the room was wanted for meals or at night. The succession of Presiding Elders previous to 1820, was David Young, three years, and Charles Waddle, two years. PRRACnER.S AND PLACKS OF MEETING. 223 The Preachers in charge succeeding Mr. Bowman were, Michael Ellis, David Knox, Samuel West, John Solomon, Shadwick Rnark, Henry Baker, and Thomas Carr. The Junior Preachers were John McMahon, Philip Green, Lemuel Lane, and John Solomon. Meetings were held at Mr. Wm. Gavit's and Francis Elliot's in town, Deacon Thurston's on the Mt. Vernon road, Mr. Event's west, and Mr. Chadwick's southeast of town. The attendance was regular and large for a new community. In 1820, the circuit was set off as Granville Circuit. When the academy was built at the head of Main Street, in 1820, the meetings were held there and until 1826. In i'*^24, Jacob Young being Presiding Polder and Samuel Hamilton Preacher in charge, a subscription was raised and a contract made with James Hays to erect a frame meeting-house on the northeast quarter of the town square. For some reason the contract was annulled, and six days later another was signed by the same parties, $1260 having been raised, and the con- tract calling for a larger house. On the part of the church the contract was made by Wm. Gavit, Peter Thurston, and Oliver A. Thrall. The house was to be done by the 25th of December, 1824, under forfeiture of ^^2430, but the release was not signed until May 8th, 1826. At that time the church took possession of the house, though it was several years before it could be finished. It was used for meetings in the summer, but in winter the congregation still met in private houses. The audience room was thirty-four by forty-six feet with galleries on three sides. There were two small class rooms, one in each front corner of the gallery. According to the contract there were to be twenty-six windows, each of twelve lights, eight by ten glass. The stairways started from each front door and met half way up, where they united, turned into the audience room and ascended to the gallery floors. At this time Rev. Curtis Goddard was preacher in charge. A revival began at the Gafiield meeting house, which reached 224 SUCCESSION OF PRKACIIKRS. this place and made many additions to the church. Jacob Hooper, Abner Goff and James Gilrnth were the successive preachers following Mr. Goddard. With Mr. Hooper was a young man by the name of Havens as junior preacher, who married Nancy Clark, a niece of General Munson's. Mr. Gilrnth was an effective revival preacher. He was promi- nent at the camp-meetings held in the vicinity. He was a man of powerful muscle, and rowdies met with poor fare at his hands. His strong arm would put them in their places, even at the expense of their clothing if need be. Henry S. Fernandes and C. Lybrand followed Gilrnth. Then came L. L. Hamline in 1832, afterward editor of the Western Christian Advocate and Ladies'' Repository^ and elected Bishop in 1844. He impiessed many of his congre- gation even at that early day as a superior man. In 1842, the membership was 181, but three years later it was only 72. In 1855, S. M. Merrill was preacher, Granville being a sta- tion. This was the present Bishop Merrill. He was an earnest student, had held a public discussion on the doctrines of Universalism, and published a book on the same subject. J. W. White, a convert while Dr. Beecher was here in 1831, was Presiding Elder for four years. In 1833, Levi Hayes, chiefly at his own expense, bought and refitted the house built the year before by F. Elliot, just west of the brick Academy, and it became the parsonage. About 1843, J. Belt raised the ceiling of the church, arch- ing it into the roof, and lowered the galleries. From 1830, the succession of Presiding Elders is as follows : Eeroy Swormstedt, 30-33 ; A. Pxldy, 33-34 ; Jacob Young, 35-39 ; Robert O. Spencer, 39-43 ; J. B. Finley, 43-46 ; James M. Jamieson, 46-49; Jacob Young, 49-51; Z. Connell, 51; James M. Trimble, 52-54; Z. Connell, 54; J. L. Grover and John Stewart, 56; D. D. Martin, 56-58; J. W. White, 60-63. From 1830 to 1840, the preachers were James Gilrnth, Jacob Hooper, Henry S. Fernandes (2), C. Lybrand, L. L. Hamline, S. Holland, Abner Goff, T. A. G. Philips, Joseph HOUvSR r?:fittrd. 225 Casper (2), T. Courtney, W. Heath, Samuel Hamilton, P. Nation, David Lewis, J. T. Donohue, E. S. Gavit, Jacob Martin, A. Murphy, B. F. Myers, James Hooper (2). From 1840 to 1850, they were William T. Hand (2), James Hooper, David Lewis, Joseph A. Bruner, M, P. Kellogg, James Hood, J. W. Fowler, T. A. G. Philips, James Gilruth (3), Richard Doughty (2), Benjamin Ellis, John Fitch, Sam- uel Harvey (2), C. C. Lybrand, A. M. Alexander (2), S. M. Bright, B. N. Spahr. From 1851 to 1856, Granville being a station, E. V. Bing (2), Thomas Lee, Addison Nichols, S. M. Merrill. In 1856, Granville was thrown into the Granville and Etna Circuit, and the succession was, Abraham Cartlick (2), Charles Bel- hauser, James Hooper, W. C. Filler, Isaac King, William M. Mullinix (2), Andrew Carroll. From 1861 to 1870, Lovett Taft, J. W. Young, E. P. Hall, William Z. Ross (2), B. Crook, J. S. Brown, G. Hirst, Sam- uel Porter, J. H. Acton (2), J. F. Williams (2), A. H. Windsor (2). In 1871, Granville and Alexandria Circuit, Levi Hall (2). 1872 and onward, Granville being a station, O. J. Nave, James D. Fry, William M. Fellows, D. Y. Murdoch, J. M. Jamieson (2), D. S. Porter, S. C. Frampton. In 1851, Mr. Bing being preacher, the pulpit was lowered and the audience room was newly seated. While this was being done, the audience met in the gallery, and Mr. Bing while preaching stood in the northeast end of the gallery. In 1861, the church was refitted, the galleries being re- moved, the windows changed and the whole style modern- ized at a cost of $1800. The work was done by Leroy Ban- croft. It became necessary to sell the paraonage at $1000, to help meet the expense. At this time there is talk of replacing the whole with an entirely new structure, more commodious, to cost $10,000. The church now (1880) numbers 185 members, with a flourishing Sabbath School. 220 ST. i.rKK.'s Pk()'n:s'rANT i-piscoi'al ciukcii. CHAPTlvR XXWIII. The ori<:^in of this church has been narrated in the annals. As early as 1819, Bishop Chase had visited the place and held Episcopal services. In 1826, the state of things in the Con- gregational Church was such that " many were ready to sustain Episcopal services." Rev. Amos G. Baldwin came toward the close of that year, and held occasional services ; and Mr. Jinks also led the congregation that assembled, in worship according to the ritual of that church. After certain preliminary meetings, on Wednesday, May 9th, the church was organized. In 1834, the church for a time enjoyed the labors of Rev. George Denison. Previous to the coming of Mr. Bronson in 1836, the church was not very strong. Just preceding. Rev. William Sparrow gave them every fourth vSabbath. At that time they were encouraged to plan for the building of a new church. The Methodist and Presbyterian brethren had lent the use of their churches with much cheerfulness, and helped to render the congregations large. Erom 1836, the history cannot be better told than in the words of Dr. Bronson himself. " Rev. S. A. Bronson after completing his service in the min- istry as a missionary at Lancaster & Somerset, Dec. 3rd, 1836, left that city the next day, not knowing where his next field of labor would be. On reaching Newark that afternoon, he found a letter inviting him to take charge of the parishes of Granville & Utica. This part of a day was the only time he has been without a charge up to the present time, Dec. ist, 18S5. For the winter of 1836-37, with his wife & an infant, he boarded with Gen. C. K. Warner, of Utica, & went to Granville on alternate Sundays. In the spring of 1837 he fixed his residence in Granville in the same house with Ehas Gilman, Esq., for which he paid a rental of ^30 per annum, out of a salary of $400 a year. Services were held at first in what was called the Old Academy, a brick building on the side hill above the town. ADVKNT OF DR. BRONSON. 227 In the spring a small building was fitted up for services on the flat a little west of the Presbyterian Church. [Should probably be north, in the large room on the corner, second floor, where the academy had been accommodated under Mess. Fowler, Gar- land & Martin.] "A bequest of $2000. had been made by Mr. Sherloclc Mower which was applied to the building of an l^piscopal Church; & a very neat building was erected near the S. E. corner of the public square, & was so far completed that the basement was occupied for services in September [1837], when Mr. B. resigned his charge at Utica, & devoted his whole time to Granville, & so continued till the fall of 1845, when he became President of Kenyon College. (For a view of this house, see "Additional Record.") "His relations with the people of his charge & with other christian bodies were always exceedingly delightful, & all the memories & reminiscences of the Granville of 40 years ago, are very interesting. The population of the town, at that time, was about 800, & of the township, 2000. Of schools, there was a plentiful supply. Granville College, now Denison Uni- versity, was located one mile to the Southwest of the village & was for a young institution quite flourishing. Granville Female Seminary was then carried on under the auspices of the Episcopal Church, & did good service for the Church & for the state. Very many there learned to love their God & their Church. During no part of his ministry probably did the Rector of St. Luke's Church have a more profitable field for spiritual labor than that Seminary. In the interest of the Presbyterian Church, were the Granville Female Academy in charge of a noble woman. Miss Bridges, & the Male Academy in charge of Mr. Martin. It will be seen by this that the main business of the town was education. Of the churches then, by far the most prominent was the Presbyterian, under the pastorate of the Rev. Jacob Little, a noble good man, & faithful worker whose word was law for the township, but withal he was quite excentric. His new year's sermon caused quite a sensation. He enumer- ated the births [?] & deaths in the township, the number of praying households, & of heathen, i. e. those attending no church. His general influence was a great benefit to Granville. The Baptists were next in order, but like all College Churches was not supplied with a very regular pastorate. The Methodist & Episcopal Chuj-ches were small & weak. When Mr. B. com- 228 LRAniNG PHYSICIANS. menced his labors, there were but eleven communicants, but though self supporting it never became very strong. "The leading physicians were Drs. Richards, Spelman & Bancroft. Dr. Richards was Senior Warden of the Episcopal Church, a man of sound judgment, though slow in coming to a conclusion, of unblemished character & great influence in all the relations of life; & when he died, left a noble record behind. The others were worthy men & leading characters in their own churches. The Rev. Dr. Jonathan Going, President of the Baptist College, was a man of deservedly high reputation for learning, piety & influence, not only as a college officer, but as a citizen. Another man by his warm devotion to the Church impressed his memory very deeply upon the heart of the Rector, & that was Anthony P. Prichard. " Names th^t deserve mention as more or less interested in the support of the P.piscopal Church, were Alfred Avery, Walter Thrall, Benjamin Mower. Gaylord Adams, Mr. Huggins, Mansfield French, Christopher Rose. Timothy Carpenter, Levi Rose, General Munson, Freeman Haskell, George Case & P. W. Taylor. Jason Collins & G. B. Johnson are the only ones now living in Granville who were there during the Rectorship of the Rev. S. A. Bronson. "This sketch would be very incomplete without including a distinct notice of the Rev. Alvah Sanford. He came to Gran- ville, being called to take charge of the Female Seminary, when first opened in connexion with the Episcopal Church, & con- ducted it awhile for the Trustees. Finally he purchased it in fee simple, & carried it on himself as long as he wished, & re- tired to a farm. He was a man of thoroughgoing piety, sound judgment, untiring industry, & unflinching integrity. He & his sterling wife, by good management, accumulated & be- queathed to various societies about $50,000." Rev. Alvah Sanford succeeded Mr. Bronson for one year ; Rev. William C. French followed for three years ; Rev. John L. Bryan for two years ; Rev. F^rastus A. vStrong for three years ; Rev. Thomas Corlett for two ; Rev. F>.ra B. Kellogg two years; Rev. C. S. Doolittell five years. The church was next sup])lied for teii years by Rev. Wil- liam Bower, Rector of Trinity Church, Newark. Rev. R. S. Nash followed for several months, and occasionally Rev. F. M. Hall, both of the same place ; and Prof. Bates, of Cjambier. Of recent years the church is feeble in num- bers, and they seldom have services. THE WELSH CHURCHES OF GRANVILLE. 229 CHAPTER XXXIX. The Welsh citizens of the townsliip have been a thrifty class, frugal, simple in their habits, accunnilating property, buying real estate in town and country, until they occupy a very large share of the township. They generally bring to our community a strong physique, industrious habits, exper- ience, patient toil and thrift No class of our foreign popu- lation are so nearly universally the friends of the Bible. They are also generally the friends of temperance, of educa- tion, of humanity ; and are truly loyal to their adopted coun- try. Besides sustaining three Welsh churches, large num- bers of them are in the other churches, and take their share of official responsibility there. They also win their way to a meritorious standing in the several professions. The Welsh language is spoken all around us still, and new comers will doubtless keep it alive. But the descendants are fast adopting the English, and are amalgamating with American blood. A few generations suffice to obliterate all differences, with gain to both parties and loss to neither. They are ex- ceedingly welcome to share our heritage ; and long may it be ere the dento-lingual sputtering of Babel, said to have been begun by the Welshman of that day of dispersion getting his mouth full of mortar, shall cease from among us. The first Welsh sermon delivered in the village is sup- posed to be that of Rev. James Davis, a Presbyterian, who, at an early day, came from Delaware county, and preached in the dwelling of Mr. John Roberts, at the northeast corner of Main and Equality Streets. But almost from the first, preaching in their own tongue was enjoyed by citizens of the Welsh Hills. Of their three churches, the earliest formed was the Welsh Hills Baptist Church. " The First Regular Baptist Church of Granville " was 230 WELSH HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH. organized Sunday, September 4th, iSoS, at the cabin of Mr. David Thomas, Elder James Sutton officiating, assisted by Rev. Eli Stedman, a brother of Captain William Stedman, who, about the same time, brought a stock of merchandise to Granville. It was in fellowship with the Muskingum Association, an Old School Baptist body, until the era of Sabbath Schools. Indulging in that innovation, by having a Sabbath School connected with the church, it was cut oif ; and in 1841, it became connected with the Columbus Asso- ciation of the Regular Baptist Convention of Ohio. The original members were, Theophilus Rees, David Thomas, Jr., Nathan Allyn, Jr., David Lobdell, Joshua Lobdell, Thomas Powell, Elizabeth Rees, Elizabeth James and Mary Thomas. Theophilus Rees was chosen deacon, and Joshua Lobdell clerk. Their first house of worship was a log cabin, erected in 1809, on Mr. Rees' farm, about a mile from town. It was about 18x20 feet, and the cut will reproduce its appearance to any who may remember it. It stood with the door to the south, and the chimney was built only half way to the roof. It had puncheon floor, puncheon seats and puncheon desk. Mr. T. J. Thomas has caused the site of this church to be marked on the summit of the hill by an inclined marble slab 3 ft X 6, facing toward the east, with the following inscription : SUCCESSION OF MINISTERS. 231 viz. " On this spot was erected in 1809 the first meeting House of the Welsh Hills Biptist Church. Here also was organized in 1811 The Muskingum Baptist Association. The church was org2nized some 40 rods east in the cabin of David Thomas, Sept. 4th, 1808, with the following members. [Then follow the names as above.] Rev. Thomas Powell preached for them occasionally. Deacon Rees gave about one acre of land adjoining the ground on which the church stood, for a cemetery. This was Saturday, February 6th, 1808, on which day, his grand- son, Rees Thomas, son of David Thomas, was buried, it being, of course, the first interment. For four years, from 1810, Elder J. W. Patterson was pastor of the church. In 1816, there were forty members. Elder John Mott followed as pastor for six years. In 1819, Elder George Evans being a temporary supply for the pulpit, another log house was erected lor the accommo- dation of the church, used also for school purposes, two miles further northeast. It was about 20x24 feet, and finished like the other with puncheon floor and furniture. A cemetery was provided near it also by a gift of land from Mr. Philipps. This house was burned in 1822, but another took its place near by, the following year, larger, and of hewed logs. It stood eleven years when it, too, was burned. Elder Thomas Hughes, recently from Wales, was chosen pastor the same year, and continued to preach to the church until 1841, with the exception of one year, 1832-3, when Elder James Berry, who had previously served the Granville church, preached to them. In 1836, during Mr. Hughes' pastorate, a frame church, 30x40 feet, was erected, which continues to be the home of the congregation. After Elder Hughes, " Elder James Sargent, a young man irom the Granville College, served the church very accept- ably for one year. During his ministry thirty persons were received into the church." Two other students from the College, Roberts and Owen, supplied the church another year 232 WHI.SII CAl.VINISTIC METHODIST CHURCH. or more. The next preacher was Elder David Prichard, who supplied them for two years from 1844. From 1846 to 1848, Elder William Smedmer supplied them three-fourths of the time. Elder E. S. Thomas followed for two years ; and from June, 1849, Elder T. W. Heistand supplied them three- fourths of the time. " In April, 1851, Elder Thomas Hughes was called for the third time to the pastorate of the church," but he died in the following September. The pulpit was then supplied by Rev. Silas Bailey, D. D., and by Rev. J. Lawrence. From Elder Hughes' term the succession of pastors is as follows : Rev. S. Hdiley, D. L'., President Granville College, . '52. " N. Clouse (20 additions) . . . i'>53-55- " J. Hall, D. D., 1S55.60. " N. Clouse, a second time .... " B. J. Powell (30 additions) " S. Talbot, D. D " A. Jordan ...... " J. Kyle Up to Mr. Kyle's time, a period of sixty years, there had been received by baptism 270, and the whole number was 73. II. The second Welsh Church to be formed in the town- ship was the Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Church. As early as 1834, there was a nucleus for a congregation of Welsh Methodists, who in doctrine were Calvinistic. Rev. Edward Jones, of Cincinnati, preached at the residence of Mr. Jenkyn Hughes, and a Sabbath School was organized. October, 1835, the church was organized. They worshiped in the stone school house two miles northeast of town. Revs. Edward Jones and William Morgan were the ministers whose influence led to the organization. The members were : Wil- liam T. and Mrs. Williams, James and Mrs. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Albans and Miss Albans, John J. and Mrs. Evans, Rob- ert Walter,'William Parry, Williom and Mrs. Lewis, and Miss Jane Davis. HOUSES OF WORSHIP. 23;^> William Morgan was the first settled pastor. They after- wards came into town, and for a time met in a room over the Postoffice. " Revs. Edward Jones, William Parry and Wil- liam Morgan were the occasional preachers until 1840, when Rev. William Parry became the settled minister." In 1842, the church numbered thirty-nine.' The deacons of the church were John Jones and William E. Ellis. The latter was an intelligent young man recently come from Wales, with a brother and two sisters. One of the sisters dying, the other returned to Wales; then the brother dying, William went to California. His office in the church was filled by John R. Owens. Mr. Jones, the other officer, soon died, and John J. Hughes took his place. Mr. Owens and Mr. Hughes are the present officers. The ministers have been, William Morgan, William Parry, Hugh Roberts, Joseph E. Davis, E. E. Evans, of Newark, who preaches occasionally, and Thomas Roberts, the present incumbent. A vSabbath School has been sustained uninterruptedly, numbering in regular attendance from forty to fifty, about fifty-five being enrolled. Prayer meetings have been held once a week ; there has been one sermon every Sabbath morning; and in the evening, either a sermon or prayer- meeting. The membership has fluctuated. In the time of the war it was very low, most of the male members being away. It is now about the same as at the organization. Their services are conducted in the Welsh language. Their first meeting house stood on Broad Street, high up the hill Parnassus. It was built in 1843. This was sold and taken down, and in 1856 another was erected on Prospect Street, under Prospect Hill, facing east between Bowery and Market Streets. It is 21x30 feet, and very neatly finished and furnished as to pulpit and seats. Though small, it is a very inviting place of worship. 234 TIIK WELSH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. III. The Welsli Congregational Cliurcli. Tliis cliurch was organized in 1S42, by Rev. John Powell, in the conlerence room of the Congregational Chnrch, now the basement of the Welsh Congregational Church. There were seventeen original members. Previous to this, those of this denomination had enjoyed occasional preaching from Revs. James Davis and Rees Powell, as well as Rev. John Powell, who became pastor of the church at its organi- zation. In 1844, they leased a few feet of ground on the western part of the conference room lot for twenty-one years, and put up a' small house of worship. But before the expiration of the lease, in 1863, they bought the whole lot and the acad- emy building The basement windows were closed up, the floor of the upper story was taken out, and one large and commodious audience room was made, with large windows, comfortable seats and nice pulpit. This was at a cost of $1500. The former house was sold with a little additional ground and converted into a dwelling. The succession of preachers was as follows: John Powell, Jenkyn Jenkyns, Thomas W. Evans, D. R. Jenkyns, D. Price, John R. Jones, John Cadwallader, D. Sebastian Jones. In 1862, there were one hundred and two members ; now eighty. There have been many deaths and removals. Only two are living now who were in the first organization. John Davis and D. Lewis (?) were the first deacons, both now dead. F'our have died since : Walter Davis, Evan Evans, Daniel Jenkyns, and Thomas D. Williams. One elected in 1843 ^^ "^^ living, Deacon William Jones, but too feeble to perform the duties of his office. The other officers are Roderick Jones and John L. Jones. The Sabbath School has been a very successful one, num- bering at one time, on an average, as high as one hundred and fifty. They have no lesson helps, but sini])h- take the Welsh Bible with ]>arallel columns in P^ngiish, and old and young remain from the preaching service and study the good SABBATH SCHOOL. 235 book. The preaching has always been in Welsh, bnt recent experiments are being made in having evening services, or services every fonrth Sabbath, in English. But it is inevit- able that the succeeding generations will more and more lose the Welsh tongue and adopt the English. 23(> i^KNisoN rNUi'Rsrrv. CHATTKR XL. (iJRANVII I K LITERARY AND THKOLOGICAL INS 1111' PK. C.R ANVII.I K CO\.\ F.r.F,.) Ill iS^^c), the Ohio Baptist Kducational vSocicty, whose object is indicated by the title, was thinkiiio to establish an institu- tion for collegiate and theological instruction, primarily with reference to the training of young men for the ministry. At a meeting held May, 1830, in connection with the session of the Ohio r)a])list Convention, in Lebanon, Ohio, a com- mittee was apjiointed to nominate twelve Trustees and to receive bids for the location of the College. In response to this action, an olTer went \\\^ to the next annual meeting of the society, held at Lancaster, Ohio, in May, 1831, from Granville. Mr. Charles vSawyer, a merchant, and Klder Allen Darrow, a licentiate of the Granville church, were chiefly instrumental in this action ; other citizens of the place coming to their aid. The farm of two hundred acres, once occupied by Simeon Allyn, on the Columbus road, a mile southwest of town, valued at ;fi3400, was proffered as a site; a farm being chosen because a vuDiiial labor institution was con- templated as best designed to answer the needs of a new country. Three thousand four hundred dollars at the ])resent time would go but a little way towards establishing a College and Theological Seminary, but at that da\-, with certain other considerations, it decided the location. The moral tone of the community as urged by I^lder (icorge C. Sedgwick, of Zanesville, also had much weight in the decision. The Trustees nominated were John McLeod, Charles Sawyer, Luther Woods, Thomas Spelman, Jonathan Atwood Jacob Haker, Allen Harrow, William Sedgwick, W. Thompson, Isaac Sperry, S. Carpenter, and !■>. Allen. The farm house was enlarged, but w'hile the work was going (Ui, the entire building was destroyed by fire. The Trustees I'IRST CLASS — PRESIDENT JOHN I'KATT. 237 proceeded at once to rebuild, and the new building^ was ready for occupancy by December of the following year. Meanwhile, Rev. John Pratt had been called to the presi- dency of the institution, had come u])on the ground, and temporarily the classes were accommodated in the unfinished Baptist Church, and afterward in the new building erected by Mr. vSawyer, for the b'emale Seminary. Instruction began Tuesday, December 13, 1831. Considerable enthusiasm was awakened among the youth of the village and vicinit)', and others came from abroad. The total number of students was thirty-seven. A class of a dozen or more was at once formed with a view to a college course ; among whom were William Whitney, William Richards, Oilman Prichard, Lewis Granger, Henry D. Wright, Henry Case, Pvlias Oilman, Sirenus Klliot, (iiles Peabody, and vSamuel White. President Pratt was born in Thompson, Connecticut, Octo- ber 12, 1800, and died in Granville, January 4, 1882. His re- mains are buried in the College Cemetery. He was a man of very rapid mental operations, and a good scholar and educator. He was particularly ready in the languages. He inspired his scholars with commendable ambition, and the school rapidly rose to prominence. Through the lulucation vSociety and the Convention it commanded a large patronage throughout the vState, and many sought its advantages even from the Southern vStates. While giving instruction in the general way incidental to an infant college in a new country, President Pratt was also instructor in theology. The second year he had as an associate, Prof. Paschal Carter, a young man twenty-five years of age, thoroughly versed in mathematics and the natural sciences. The two proved congenial spirits, and they stood shoulder to shoulder for many years. Each occupied a homestead opposite the college grounds, and labored with great success, each in his department, earning a wide reputation as instructors. Prof. Pratt retained his connection with the institution in some capacity until 1859; and Prof. Carter until 1854. 238 CHARTKR — PROF. S. P.. SWAIN. In 1832, February 2d, the institution was incorporated by act of the Lc,i;islature, as " (Tranville Literary and Theolog- ical Institution." [vSee Laws of Ohio, volume 30, page 88.] It was provided that the Board should not exceed eighteen in niimber, and not handle an income of more than $5,000 ex- clusive of lands or tenements occupied by the Institution for its accommodation and that of its officers or professors. In 1833, Rev. Samuel B. Swain was made Professor of Moral Philosophy and Theology, which chair he filled until 1856. Rev. Asa Drury was also elected Professor of Latin and Greek languages, and so continued until 1835. George Cole was made Professor of Mathematics and Natural Phil- osophy in 1835, and continued his labors two years. In 1837, Rev. John Stevens was made Vice-President, and Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, and so continued until 1843. He was born in Townsend, Massachusetts, June 6, 1788, and died in Granville, Ohio, April 30, 1877. Rev. Jonathan Going, D.D. was elected to the Presidency in 1837, and remained until his death, which occurred Novem- ber 9, 1844. He resided in town. He was a man of large person and generous heart ; of great natural ability and of high literary attainments. He made a deep impression upon the place as a citizen and upon the Institution as an instructor. He was chosen to deliver the oration upon the occasion of the funeral obsequies observed by the citizens of Granville in 1841, on the death of President Harrison. The first two or three sentences of his address melted his audience to tears. His death was a great bereavement, not only to his family and the institution, but the entire community. His monument in the College Cemetery, of shell limestone, " erected by the students of Granville College as a mark of esteem for their beloved President," says he was born in Reading, Vermont, March 7, 1788, and died at the age of fifty-eight. " His epitaph can be written only when eternity shall have unfolded the results of his earthly labors." Professor Pratt after resigning the presidency and the chair CxRANVILLE COLLEGE — DR. S. G. BAILEY. 239 of Theology, took the chair of Latin and Greek languages, which position he filled until 1859. In ] 845, the name of the Institution was changed to " Gran- ville College." It has generally had some* provision for the- ological instruction J but not always as an essential depart- ment of its work. It has always had a preparatory or acade- mic department. A scientific course is provided, giving to students who do not wish to take a full course, access to the English, mathematical, and natural science departments. At one time also it had an agricultural department in its course. In 1846, Rev. Silas Bailey, D.D., LL. D., was elected to the presidency and remained until 1852. The great need of en- dowment became more and more pressing, and it was urged by the Doctor upon the Trustees and friends of the college. In 1849, Elder Carr was made a financial agent of the college with a view to raising the necessary funds, but the work was new to the churches, and the claims of such an institution were not felt as in later years. In 1850, one hundred and twenty acres of the college farm were sold, the land not being needed for the manual labor department. The Trustees so far departed from their plan of theological instruction as to approve of the effort to es- tablish a Theological Seminary at Fairmont, near Cincinnati. In 1852, Professors Pratt and Carter offered their resigna- tions, but both continued still to give instruction. There was serious talk of removing the college to some other locality which would better secure the interest and patronage of the churches. The citizens of Lebanon offered $30,000 toward buildings if it should be located there. But an effort was made toward securing an endowment where it was. Scholarships were offered by the Trustees, $300 constituting a church scholarship, $250 an individual scholarship, and $100 a scholarship in the agricultural department, giving access for fifteen weeks in the year, to the particular studies needed in that line. Individual notes were received and certain gifts of real estate. 240 NRW PROKKSSOR.S — DKNISON UNIVERSITY. At the same time an effort to remove the college into the villao^e began to be made, and an effort to secnre fnnds for a new and more permanent bnilding was postponed in conse- quence. President Bailey then resigned. In 1853, Rev. Jeremiah Hall, D. I)., was made President, Rev. F. O. Marsh, Professor of Natural Sciences, and the Scientific Department was organized. The succeeding year Professor Marsh was changed to the chair of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, which he held until 1874, and Rev. J. R. Downer was made Professor of Rhetoric and Belles Let- ters, holding the place until 1866. In 1855, after spirited opposition, the college was brought to the village, an eligible location being secured on the hill north of town, the grounds costing nearly $2000. A hand- some brick building soon crowned the summit of the Hill of Science. It is of four stories, 183 x 45 to 32, varying widths, having besides recitation, society and library rooms, accommodations for sixty-six students. The three story frame building that stood on the hill at the farm was also re- moved and stands in a less prominent place and west of the brick building. In 1856, the name of the college was changed to " Denison University," as an honor to William S. Denison, of Adams- ville, Ohio. He was the first donor of the sum of $10,000 to the endowment fund. The College Cemetery was removed to a spot in the new grounds about eighty rods northwest of the buildings, and the old farm property was sold. In 1868, William A. Stevens, son of Prof. John Stevens, was made Professor of Greek Language and Literature, and so continued until 1877. As an outgrowth of the new enterprise in educational matters, a female department of the University began to be contemplated. Though not encouraged by a majority, the agitation led "eventually to the establishment of a separate school in the same educational interest. In 1859, Prof. John Stevens, who, since 1843, had been in PROF. JOHN STRVF:NS — PRES. SAMSON TALBOT. 241 employment elsewhere, returned and was installed in the chair of Latin and Greek Language and Literature, and re- mained in that position until 1868, father and son sharing the labors of the department. The theological class was also revived, and the following year it was more definitely pro- vided for. In 1863, Rev. Samson Talbot, D. D., was made President, and so continued until his death in 1873. He was an alum- nus of the institution, had acquired his education by stren- uous personal exertions, and was admirably adapted to fill the position. He greatly endeared himself to his associates by his humility and his affable, brotherly spirit. He com- manded the respect of his students, and died greatly beloved and lamented by all. His mind was of philosophic turn, he was an original thinker, and his heart being true to the Christian religion, he was invariably, if this can be said of any one, found on the right side. Almost simultaneously with his election, an effort was made to increase the endow- ment of the University. Up to this time $75,000 only had been given to the institution. Of this, $40,000 were still in possession. The remaining $35,000 had been consumed in the necessary running expenses of the thirty-two years the institution had been in operation, a trifle over $1,000 a year; a small sum, as President Talbot intimates, to have been paid for the good accomplished by the College. An effort was at once made to raise $50,000 toward permanent en- dowment. In 1864, Rev. Marsena Stone was made Professor of The- ology, and so continued to serve, without salary, until 1870. As the Professors were inconvenienced by their inadequate support, the alumni came to the rescue by the pledge to fur- nish $800 yearly for the support of one of them. In pur- suance of the project of raising the fund for endowment, district committees were appointed over all the State, and the sum aimed at was increased to $100,000. An earnest endeavor was blessed with ultimate success. 242 PROFS. AI.MON U. TIIR1>:SHKK AXD L, K. HICKS. In 1S67, Alnion U. Thresher was made Professor of Rhe- toric and lMi<^lish Literature, in which capacity he still serves. In the following year, Professor John Stevens' chair was lim- ited to the Latin Language and Literature. The Trustees took legal steps to conform to the State law of 1852 for the incorporation of colleges and other institu- tions of learning. A third building was added to the brick and mortar invest- ment ot the College; a four-story brick building of hand- some outline, 135 feet long, of irregular width, from 32 to 66 feet, affording a chapel and recitation rooms, and accommoda- tions for 72 students. In 1869, Lewis K. Hicks was made Professor of Natural Sciences, and so continues at this day. One hundred and three thousand dollars were reported as secured for the en- dowment. The friends gave thanks, took courage, and pro- ceeded at once to the effort of raising another $100,000, and in addition, $50,000 for buildings and apparatus. In 1873, the institution sustained a great loss in the death of President Talbot, June 29th. He died at Newton, Mass- achusetts; the former home of Mrs. Talbot, whither lie had gone for much needed rest. He died from long continued overwork, the beginning of the overtaxing of his powers being as early as his college days. His remains were subse- quently removed to Granville and deposited in the University Cemetery. Professor F, O. Marsh was made Acting Presi- dent, and so continued until 1875. John L Gilpatrick was made Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, and so remains at this time. Irving J. Manatt was made Profes- sor of Latin Language and Literature. Professor John Stevens, on account of the increasing infirmities of age, was permitted to retire on a salary. The growing evil, so regarded, of college fraternities was nipped by forbidding any students becoming members, and leaving it discretionary with the faculty to receive or reject PRESIDENTS E. H. ANDREWS AND A. OWEN, D.D. 243 any applicants who might come from other institntions, being already members. The new endowment fund was reported complete, and efforts to raise more still went forward. In 1875, Rev. E. Benjamin Andrews was elected President, and served until 1879. In 1876, Charles Chandler was made Professor of Latin Language and Literature, and so continues. In 1877, Rev. R. S. Colwell was made Professor of Greek Language and Literature, and so continues. Mr. W. H. Doaue, Doc. Mus., of Cincinnati, Ohio, an alumnus of the institution, at an expense of $10,000, erected a handsome building for the library and cabinets, which was named " Doaue's Hall." It stands a little to the west of the other brick buildings. Soon after the resignation of President E. B. Andrews, Rev. A. Owen, D. D., of Chicago, after a service of twenty- three years in the ministry, was called to the Presidency. The University now enters upon a period, we confidently believe, of deserved prosperity. It has a well selected library of 12,000 volumes; an exceptionally good cabinet of Natural History and Science ; buildings as good as those of similar institutions in the State ; a well invested endowment fund of $300,000 ; a full Faculty of scholarly men ; a histoty that infuses enthusiasm ; a Board of Trustees devoted to its interests ; and patrons that are well pleased with the work that is done there. It stands side by side with the first insti- tutions of learning west of the Alleghanies in all its appoint- ments. The general catalogue of 1879 sums up the work of the past as follows: There were two hundred and forty-one alumni, of whom two hundred and eight were living. There were seventy-six ministers and sixteen theological students ; thir- ty-eight lawyers ; eleven professors ; twenty teachers, etc. Nineteen not graduates of the collegiate department, had received the honorary degree of Master of Arts ; nineteen of 244 CATALOCxUK OK 1 879. Doctor of Divinity; six of Doctor of Laws; and one of Doc- tor of Music. Of the o^radnates, fifty-three have received the degree of Master of Arts ; four that of Doctor of Divin- ity; one Doctor of Laws; eight are distinguished by the title Honorable, and three have become missionaries abroad. GRANVILLE ACADEMY. 245 CHAPTER XLI. (FEMALE ACADEMY, MALE ACADEMY, FEMALE COLLEGE.) It will be remembered that the colonists took immediate action to provide instrnction for their children. They bnilt a log school house, and employed Mr. Rathbone as teacher the first winter. The next winter the .school was tanght by Oliver Dickinson; the third, by Knowles Linnel ; a:nd the fourth, by a Mr. Perrin. It is related of this last that he used to carry his jug into school with him and frequently im- bibed of its contents. He was probably the last to teach in the old log house. Miss Ruhama Hayes taught a select school in the Masonic room in Esq. Oilman's new house, in 1810. The next year, December i6th. Dr. William S. Richards, then just arrived in the place, opened a school in the same room. In 1810, the new frame school house came into use. Dr. Southard taught the public school the winter of 1813- 14. He used to enforce his authority by threatening to give medicine to the recreant. Mr. Sereno Wright succeeded him. His method of enforc- ing discipline was different. He used to divide the scholars into two classes, the mcrilonoiis and the otherzvise. The meritorious had certain privileges which were denied to the rest ; such as lectures on etiquette, military drill, practical lessons on the art of living, etc. Miss Sophronia Taylor, afterwards Mrs. Oilman, taught in 1816. Misses Sally Baldwin, Emily Wolcott, and Mercy Boardman followed. Messrs. Kelley, Hall, Orosvenor, and McMillen taught previous to 1824, ^^^^ "^^ brick school house being in use. Mr. Little's advent in 1827, was the occasion of a strong impulse being given to the cause of education. His wife was a woman of education, and both of them heard classes of •2-1(5 INCIPIKNT ladies' school. youn,i^ ladies. Miss Mary Ann Howe, having been one of Mr. Little's pupils, opened a school for yonng ladies in the office of Dr. Cooley, a small building that stood in the eastern front corner of the Harris lot. Miss Emma Little, a sister of the pastor, succeeded Miss Howe with a school of the same character for two or three years. Mr. Little .says: "For two or three years about this time Dr. W. W. Bancroft and myself were self-made trustees to employ teachers, find a room where we could, and keep up the ladies' school." " In 183 1, we employed Miss Mary Hells, a pious and discreet, as well as accompli.shed young lady, who exerted the best influence over scholars, and was ever ready to guide the inquiring mind to Christ." A Miss Boardman, a relative of Dr. Richards, taught a school of boili sexes in a room over the saddler's shop of Aaron McBride, at the northwest corner of I>road and Green vStreets. All this is liistorically introductory to the more advanced schools which followed. In 1833, the need of a ])ermaneut and furnished room for the accommodation of the school became pressing. The Baptists were also moving to the same end. As they were aj)plying to those who had long been interesting themselves in school matters, for aid in ]:)utting up their building, it was supposed ])y the Congregationalists that they would unite with them, and allow both denominations to be represented in the Board of Trustees. A commitiee of three men was appointed to wait U])on them with such a ])roposition. The reply was that such an arrangement would injure the repu- tation of the school among Baptists abroad. Mr. vSereno Wright was then appointed a committee to see if a subscription for a building could be raised. He soon reported success and a site was purchased, being the south- west corner lot at the intersection of Main and Fair Streets, one street south of the public square. By July the frame was ready to be raised. Ere the work was begun, as the ACADEMY BUILDING. 247 men stood ready to stoop to their burden, " the blessing of Almighty God was invoked on ihe enterprise," In Decem- ber, 1833, the bnilding, 42 x 28 feet, was so far completed and GRANVILLE MALE ACADEMY. furnished that Miss Eliza Foster, a descendant of John Rogers, of martyr fame, the teacher at that time, occupied the upper story. In April, 1834, the building was completed, dedicated, and out of debt, having cost $3000. GRANVILLE FEMALE ACADEMY. In 1834, Misses Elizabeth Grant and Nancy Bridges, from the school of Ipswich, Massachusetts, took charge, Miss Grant of the higher, and Miss Bridges of the primary de- partment. Miss Grant was aiterward married to Dr. Burton, of Chillicothe, and in 1836, vSeptember 19th, Miss Bridges was placed at the head of the school. She was a lady of won- derful executive ability, and carried the school at once to the front and sustained it there. March 14th, 1836, the school was chartered as Granville Acadismy, the Trustees being Rev. Jacob Little, Hon Samuel Bancroft, Spencer Wright, Esq., Knowles Linnel, Esq., Leonard Bushnell, William Smedley, Timothy M. Rose, Henry L. Bancroft, Ebenezer Crawford, Edwin C. Wright, and Dr. W. W. Bancroft, with perpetual succession, to be known as the " Trustees of Granville Academy." 24S TKACHERS. December ^otli, 1836, the Trustees purchased the preseut site of the Feuiale College, one and a half acres, and in the ensuing year the large four-story frame building, 68 feet front, with a wing 93 feet deep, was erected at a cost of $17,000. From the more complete organization of the school with a boarding department in i'S34, and until Feb- ruary 9th, 1844, it was conducted as a manual labor school, the young ladies doing most of the work in the culinary department. Tuition was four dollars and a half per quarter, and board, on this system, eighty-seven and a half cents a week. In 1842, Miss Bridges had become Mrs. H. R. Gilmore, still retaining her position as principal of the school, her husband taking the business management of the school. In 1843, Misses Bailey, Arms and Hamlen had charge of the school. Miss Bailey being principal and the Board retaining the details of its management. In 1844, it ceased to be a manual labor school, and there- after was generally conducted with a gentleman at the head. In 1845, it passed to the hands of Mr. William D. Moore, in whose care it continued to flourish until 1854. May 9th, 1854, a contract was made leasing the school to Mr William P. Kerr. For eighteen years he managed it with great ability, and then sub leased it to Rev. George H. Webster. In 1875, a corps of young ladies, Miss Maggie K. Theaker being principal, took charge of it ; Misses Mary Converse, Abby Kerr, h-va Robinson, Maggie K. Theaker and vSadie Follett. In 1877, Mr. Kerr again took the position, re-leasing it in 1879 for a term of six years. A system of steam-heating was introduced, each room having its radiator, regulated at the pleasure of the occupant, and all the halls being kept warm. Aside from the above-named principals, the following have been prominent teachers, most of them for a term of several CHANGE TO COLLEGE — MALE ACADEMY. 249 years. In the Academic department, Misses Sarah W. Dana, Hannah O. Bailey, Eliza M. Breed, Susan E. Arms, Lucy J. Hamlen, Caroline S. Humphrey, Freelove P. Mcln- tire, Elizabeth G. Knowlton, Mary P. Oliphant, vSarah E. Haight, Amelia Bancroft, Julia F. Hammond. In the Pri- mary department, Mrs. Mary T. Bryan was a most successful teacher of sixteen years' service. In the Musical depart- ment were Mr. Horace Hamlen, who served fifteen years, Mr. S. H. Hamlen, Misses Rosa and Abby Kerr, for shorter terms. Miss Helen Humphrey was at the head of the Painting department for four years. More than a hundred and fifty have been employed as instructors. In 1867, the name of the Institution was changed to Gran- ville Female College, the course of study has been enlarged and the fine arts are claiming more and more attention. It has developed the talent of a large number and sent them forth as teachers, particularly in the department of oil-paint- ing and instrumental music. The school has departed some- what from the original designs of its founders, but the changes have been well considered and in response to the demands of its patrons. It now stands among the foremost schools west ot the Alleghenies in facilities for female educa- tion at reasonable rates of expense, GRANVILLE MALE ACADEMY Was simply the boys' department of Granville Academy. Rev. T. Harris had taught several young men in the classics preparatory to a college course, and with a view to their studying for the ministry, beginning previous to 1809. Mr, Little had done the same thing. The select schools up to 1833, received both males and females. At that time, Rev. Joseph Fowler, a graduate of Yale College, had a school for boys only, in the chamber of the two-story building on the corner back of the Congregational church. In 1834, Rev. Edmund Garland, a graduate of Dartmouth College, who was supplying the pulpit during Mr. Little's illness, gave more form and permanency to it, having a large 26 250 SUCCESSION OF TEACHERS. number of classical scholars ; among them Rev. J. F. Tutlle, D. D., of Wabash College, Hon. George B. Wright, Alexan- der Morrison, Esq., Hon. M. M. Munson and other profes- sional men. When I\Ir. Garland turned his attention again to preaching, Mr. W^illiam S. Martin, a graduate of Middlebury College, took the school and retained the position of principal until his death in 1842. He was a man particularly adapted to the place. His scholarship was adequate, but his capacity to govern and draw out his scholars was his strongest point. Under him the Academy attained its highest reputation, drawing scholars from a great distance. He once left his school room in session time to follow a truant boy through the streets to the top of Mt. Parnassus, east of town, where he found him in the top of a tree. There he waited upon him in kind and firm authority until the youth thought it time to surrender, and came down, went back to school, put his mind upon his books, and became a better boy. He would keep a youth at the blackboard, trying, studying, persever- ing, until he waked him up and made a scholar of him. In 1838, the school was held for a time in the stone basement room of the new Acadenn- building, and when the female department took possession ol the new building in 1838, the male department was carried to the rooms above, where it had its home so long as it continued to exist. That it might not be overshadowed, its interests were confided to a separate P)oard of Trustees. In the summer of 1842, Mr. Martin, feeling that his health required more activity, sought exercise in the hay-field. He overworked and brought on incurable disease, dying before the fall term of the Academy commenced. His successors were Mr. Phinney, (1843); Rev. Jonathan Pitkin, (1844); Rev. J. M. Stearns, (1845); Mr. W. P. Kerr, (1847); Mr. Ezekiel Scudder, (1850); Mr. Rollin A. Sawyer, (1851); Mr. Osmer P'ay, after a vacancy of one year, (1856); Mr. .0. Howard, (1858); Mr. Henry Parker, (1859); Mr. O. B. Thompson, (i860). TKACIIHKS OF VOCAL MUSIC. 251 For some years it was becoiiiin. Johnson, Charlotte Mahon, Sarah S. Sanford, and Julia L. Huggins. At that time Rev. C. S. Doolittell became Rector of St. Luke's Church, and he and his brother-in-law, Mr. Lindley, bought the school property and became responsible for the instruction. Among their helpers were Mrs. Lindley, Misses Dunlap, Chase, Thrall, Jarvis, Andrews, O'Dwyer, Larned and Sawyer. At the end of two years they removed the school to Mansfield, Ohio, and resold the property to the Baptists, and it became THE YOUNG ladies' INSTITUTE. Meantime, Dr. S. N. Burton, Pastor of the Baptist Church, with the aid of Mrs. Burton and Mrs. S. vS. Carter and lunma Stult/, had commenced a school of similar grade in the base- ment of the Baptist Church. The Professors of the Univer- sity also gave their assistance in the instruction as needed, THE YOUNG ladies' INSTITUTE. 2')!] without charge. Two classes were graduated ; the first, of two members, the second, of nine. Rev. M. Stone, D. D., then came to the place, September 4th, 1861, and with the assistance of the church, who gave a bonus of 5^1000, purchased the property of Messrs. Doo- littell and Lindley, added a fourth story to the main building, and continued the school. He continued in charge until 1868, having as assistants Misses Carter, Clark, Corwin, Hall, Hankins, Berry, Jarvis, Snyder, Cox, Woodruff, Nichols, Potts, Abbott and Partridge. One graduating class numbered fourteen. A marked feature of the school was, that for sev- eral years, all the graduates were professors of religion. The alumUcC of the Young Ladies' Institnte are counted from those graduated by Dr. Burton, no connection being traced to the school of 1834-38. In 1868, Dr. Stone sold the property to Rev. Daniel Shep- ardson, D. D., who has maintained a high educational stand- ard up to the present time. Prominent among his helpers were Misses M. O. Brooks and Mary E. Anderson, who re- mained with him several years. [See " Additional Record."] 256 OUR PROFESSIONAL RI'XORD. CHAPTER XLIII. MINISTERS, MISSIONARIlvS, LAWYERS, PHYSICIANS. I. Ministers. There have gone from our families, Orlin P. Hayes, son of Deacon Levi Hayes, Congregationalist. Studied at Williams College, theology with Dr. Timothy Cooley, Granville, Mass., licensed in 1816, went South, and died at Tallahassee, P'la. Aiigustine Alexander preached first on the Granville cir- cuit in 1864. He began traveling in 1835. ^^^ work was mostly in the southern part of Ohio. He became a Presiding Elder. His labor ceased in 1880. He was twice married. His first wife was Miss Montague, and the second, Miss Armstrong. He now resides in Westerville, O. Samuel Cooper, beginning in 1818, and William Metcalf were Methodist preachers at an early day ; but little can be gathered concerning them. Norval Howe, son of Deacon Amasa Howe, Presbyterian, Hampden Sidney College ; preached in Eastern Virginia, later in South Carolina, living to a great age. Timothy W. Howe, son of Deacon Amasa Howe, Presby- terian, Ohio University, Union Theological Seminary, Va. ; married Miss Chloe Harris, of Granville ; settled in Lima Township, Licking County, O. , where he has done a noble life work. Hiram Howe, son of Deacon Amasa Howe, Presbyterian, Ohio University ; preached in Gallia County, O. George Ezekiel Gavit, son of William Gavit, Methodist; now resides in Ashley, Delaware County, O., supeiannuated. E. Corrington Gavit, son of William Gavit, Methodist, Toledo, O. Thomas Parker, son of the Mr. Parker who settled at the mouth of Clear Run in 1803, Methodist ; was a local preacher in 1828, and ordained in 1832; lives at Pataskala, O., super- annuated ; married the daughter of Ivliphas Thrall, Sen. MINISTER.S. 257 John B. Thomas, Baptist ; preached in Knox Connty, O. Samuel W. Rose, son of Judge T. Rose, Presbyterian, Ohio University; licensed 1826; died at New Lexington, O. Joseph H. Weeks, son of Joseph Weeks, Sen., Presbyte- rian; preached near Natches, Miss., where he still lives, incapacitated for service by paralysis. There were three brothers by the name of Woods, all Bap- tist ministers, in early times, of whom little can be gathered. Constant Jones, Methodist, lived some time with his brother-in-law. Cotton M. Thrall. Hoover, Methodist, lived at the furnace, where he held meetings of considerable power. Owen Owens, Baptist, was licensed in 1823 ! organized the churches of Homer, Liberty and Genoa. William Sprague, who worked at coopering with Mr. Langdon, became a Methodist preacher. Daniel Thomas, Evan Thomas, Benjamin Thomas, three brothers. Baptists, came about 1835, began to preach, re- moved to Morrow county, Ohio. Daniel is dead ; Evan preaches in Illinois; Benjamin is President of Judson Uni- versity, Judsonia, Arkansas. Griffith W. Griffith, son of Nicodemus Griffith, Presby- terian ; Ohio University; Lane Seminary; died in course of study, February 3d, 1844. Henry L. Richards, son of Dr. Wm. S. Richards, Episco- palian ; Kenyon College ; preached in Columbus, Ohio ; be- came a Roman Catholic; now in hardware business in city of Boston. Milton B. Starr, son of John Starr, Congregational ; Lane Seminary ; preached in Central Ohio, Northern Indiana, and city missionary San Francisco, where he now resides ; married Miss Elizabeth G. Knowlton, a teacher in the Female Academy. John White, convert of revival of 1831-2, Methodist ; Pre- siding Elder. Richard Doughty, raised on the Welsh Hills, Methodist; 258 MINISTERS. served on the Granville Circuit 1844-5, two years. He also married here. iCbenezer Biishnell, I). J)., son of T. H. Bushnell, Pres- byterian ; Western Reserve College ; Theological Department of the same institntion, being tutor of mathematics in Col- lege while studying theology ; preached at Burton, Ohio, and at Fremont, Ohio, where he now resides. Henry Bushnell, son ol Deacon Leonard Bushnell, Pres- byterian ; Marietta College ; Lane and Andover Seminaries; preached at Lexington and Marysville, Ohio, until health failed ; taught at Central College; resides in Granville, Ohio; married Miss Harriet M. Thompson, of Granville, Ohio. Albert A. Sturges, son of Lsaac vSturges, Congregational ; Wabash College ; New Haven Theological Seminary ; mis- sionary of A. B. C. F". M., on the Lsland Ponape, Micronesia; married Miss Susan M. Thompson, of Granville, Ohio. Lewis Granger, son of Ralph Ciranger, Baptist; Granville College; preached for a time; resides in California. William Hoge, D. D., Presbyterian ; colleague of Dr. Gardiner Spring, New York ; at the breaking out of the civil war, he went to Virginia, and died soon after. Joseph Little, son of Rev. Jacob Little, D. D., Presby- terian ; Western Reserve College ; Lane Seminary ; chaplain in the army, where he had an eventful history ; was publish- ing a series of charts for aid in his work in West Virginia, when his health failed ; now at the Health Retreat, Dansville, New York ; married Miss limnui K. Little, of Granville. Lunian P. Rose, son of H. Prosper Rose, Congregational ; licensed in middle life ; Home Mission Superintendent, Indianapolis, Indiana; married Miss Emeline Starr, of Gran- ville, Ohio. George F. Richards, son of Dr. William S. Richards, Pvpis- copalian ; Kenyon College; Nashotah Mission, Wisconsin; ordained as deacon at Ashtabula, Ohio, where he died in early life. George Little, son of Rev. Jacob Little, D. D., Presbyte- MINISTERS. 259 riati ; Marietta College ; Lane Seminary ; preached at Oconto, Wisconsin, and now at Plymonth, Indiana. Edward Payson Linnel, son of Renben Linnel, Presbyte- rian ; Denison University and Hamilton College ; Union The- ological Seminary, New York ; preaches at German Valley, New Jersey ; married Miss Lonise Johnson, of Granville, Ohio. William D. Woodbury, Universalist ; preaches at New Way, Jersey, and McConnelsville ; has preached at two of these places for twenty-two years. George Thrall, son of Walter Thrall, Esq., Pvpiscopalian ; Granville College ; Kenyon College; ordained in 1852; col- league of Dr. Dudley A, Tyng ; Philadelphia; pastor at Bridgeport, Connecticut, and Brooklyn, New York ; labored for Christian Union; now lives in Boston, Massachusetts; writing a volume entitled " Need and Way of Union." William A. Smith, son of A. J. Smith, Presbyterian ; Mar- ietta College ; Union Theological Seminary; died in Michi- gan, 1879. Frances M. Hall, son of Dr. Jeremiah Hall, of Denison University ; Episcopalian ; Denison University ; taught four- teen years ; rector in Grace Church, Toledo, Ohio ; St. Mary's Church, Cleveland, Ohio; Trinity Church, Newark, Ohio; preaching occasionally in Granville, Ohio. Rev. John Payne, Baptist; Denison University; Rochester Theological vSeminary ; pastor, Morenci, Michigan. Charles Little, D. D., son of Rev. Jacob Little, D. D., Presbyterian ; Marietta College ; Lane Seminary ; preaches at Wabash, Indiana. Henry Fulton, son of Robert Fulton, Presbyterian ; Den- ison University ; Western Theological Seminary ; preached at Duncan's Falls, Ohio ; West Union, Pennsylvania; teach- ing at Holton, Pennsylvania. Evan Thomas, son of James Thomas, Congregational ; Denison University; taught and studied at New Haven, Connecticut ; preaches in Vermont. 260 MISSIONARIKS. William J. Williams, Baptist; Denison University; some- times preaches ; living in Illinois. There wonld be quite a number added to this list if all were included who came here to study or teach. Among them, Prescott P). vSmith, who studied with Mr. Harris ; P>. W. Chidlaw, D. U., who studied with Mr. Little, Edmund Garland, James Rank, Josei)h F. Tuttle, I). I)., Lewis God- den, Joseph V. Barks, J. M. Stearns, Hzekiel Scudder, Rollin A. Sawyer, D. D., James H. Taylor, D. D., Hugh B. Scott, Charles Wallace, and all who have entered the ministry and been connected with the University. As catalogues of the different institutions are published, the reader is referred to them for information which would unduly burden our pages. n MiSvSlONARIKS. Samuel Wisner, in 1818, went to labor among the Cher- okees as a master mechanic, helping them in their removal from Georgia to their new territory, and in building houses in their new home. He was under the A. P>. C. P\ M. ; died in Geauga County, Ohio. William H. Manwaring, in 1823, ^'^^^^ ^ similar commission to one of the tribes in Georgia; died at P^ranklin, Ind. Miss Mary Ann Howe, in 1833, was married to Rev. Mr. Johnston, of Charleston, S. C, and went to Asia Minor under the same Board, After nineteen years of labor they returned to this country, her health not being equal to the demands of missionary toil. Henry K. Copeland and wife, in October, 1835, offered themselves to the American Board, and were sent to the Choctaws as teachers. Mr. Copeland soon became a general superintendent of agricultural and mechanical interests, and Postmaster General for the Nation. They continued in their work twenty years, when, from failing health, they were obliged to leave. Miss Charlotte M. Hopkins, in 1848, was married to Rev. John R. Chandler, and under the A. B. C. F. M., went to India and joined the Madura mission, where they still live, MISSIONARIKS. 261 pursuing their work, having a son and two daughters now missionaries in the same field. Rev. Albert A. Sturges and Miss Susan M. Thompson, both natives of Granville, were married in 1S51, and under the A. B. C F. M., went to Ponape, Micronesia, where they met with good success in their work of twenty-eight years. They are now at Woodburn, 111., in broken health. Joseph G. Thrall, in 1851, was sent as others to the Choc- taws to instruct in agriculture, remaining only one year. IMiss Julia Bushncll, in 1853, ^^'^^ married to Rev. Hubert P. Herrick, and went with him to the Gaboon mission. West Africa, under the American Board. From broken health she was obliged to return at the end of two years. Her husband, after two years' residence in New York State, returned to the mission, hoping his wife would soon be able to follow him. But he soon died. She afterward married Dr. H. V. V. Johnson, of McMinnville, Oregon, where she now resides. Dr. John G. Kerr, in 1853, went as a medical missionary to Canton, China, under the Presbyterian Board. He suc- ceeded Hon. Peter Parker, in the charge of a hospital founded and sustained by the Board, and he is still filling that position. Miss Anna Baker, in 1856, joined the Dacotah mission under the American Board, where she labored five years. Subsequently for three years she taught the freedmen. She then became the wife of Dr. Riggs and returned to mission work in Minnesota. Miss Lydia J. Goodrich, in 1859, was married to Rev. David D. Green, and went immediately to Ningpo, China, where seven years of labor were spent under the Presby- terian Board. They were then transferred to Hangchow, where three years more were spent. Returning to this country on account of the health of one of the children, Mr. Green died, and Mrs. Green now resides in Granville. Miss Minnie Beach, in 1869, went as teacher to the Bulga- rian mission. By the sickness of others, the whole care of 262 MISSIUNARIKS. the school fell upon her' before she had mastered the laii- jl^uage, and lier health failed, after four years of service. She now resides in Chicago, 111. Miss Martha Baker, in 1872, joined Dr. and Mrs. Riggs, and engaged for two )ears in the same work her sister had ])revionsly done for the Dacotahs. Miss Harriet li. demons l)ccame the wife of Rev. Steele, and went to New Mexico under the Methodist Board of Missions, where they labored with success for seven years. They were in the midst of a Romish population and were environed with dangers. Mr. Steele was shot at several times. They now reside in Wisconsin. l'\)ur ol these har\est gatherers have gone to their reward. The rest, having obtained help of God, continue to this day. But, sfranoc to say, only two of them are this day actively engaged in the foreign field: Dr. John (t. Kerr, and Mrs. Charlotte M. H. Chandler. Three were only temporarily eni- plo}'ed as teachers or laborers. The rest have been obliged to retire from the field, on account of the sickness of them- selves or families, or some kindred approved cause. Dr. Little gives the names of thirty-two daughters of his church who had become the wives of ministers previous to 1863 ; and of forty-nine sons of the church who had become elders or deacons in this or some other church. III. Lawyers. Hon. Jeremiah R. Munson, ])rominent in the early history of the colony, representing them in the Legislature ; obtain- ing their library charter ; at one time prominently active and successful in a movement, for political reasons, for a change of State officers. Walter Thrall, Esq., long a resident here, excelled rather as a counsellor than pleader ; now lives in Columbus, O. Seth Mead, a pettifogger in minor cases in early times. Thomas M. Thompson, Esq.; Kenyon College; now re- sides on his farm near Monticello, Indiana. LAWYERS. 263 George W. Ells, Esq.; of active mind and habits, a suc- cessful pleader; became a bookseller in Dayton, Ohio; now resides in Davenport, Iowa. • Alexander Morrison, Esq., whose history cannot be traced. Hon. George B. Wright; Ohio University ; Commissioner of Railroads and Telegraphs for the State ot (Jhio; now re- sides in Indianapolis, Indiana. [See Soldiers' Roster.] Hon. Samuel White. He was the son of Samuel White who came to the Welsh Hills in 1810. Flis mother was a daughter of Theophihis Reese. It is related of Samuel Jr., as of one of the Philipps boys, that he used to go to school through the snow barefoot, carrying a hot board to stand on when his feet grew cold, and that his teacher, one Abraham Hall, used to favor him by letting him sit near the fire. It is a story, however, so marked that it will not answer to be told of too many. It is certainly true that he showed a thirst for knowledge, and that he strove hard and patiently for an education. He was in the first class formed for Granville College. He early espoused the abolition cause, and mention has been made of him several times in the annals. In those stirring times he once went to Hartford, Licking county, to lecture upon a set day on anti-slavery. Three or four hundred mobocrats gathered to prevent the lecture. They were armed with butcher knives, clubs, pistols, muskets; some not over fifteen years of age, swaggering, swearing, and carrying guns. He gave up his lecture, and went down to Anson Clark's sugar camp. There fifty men surrounded him and took him back to town. They first proposed to him that he should fight their champion. White at once threw off his coat, but their man suddenly thought himself sick, and declined. White was locked up with two other men while the mob parlied what to do. Some threatened to kill him. Twelve men were constituted a jury to decide, but they could not agree. Others went out and they decided that he should be blacked and ridden on a rail. He overheard it all, but ' 'flinched no more than a stump. " He said to them, "If there were only twelve of you I would take care of myself. But you can overpower me, and I can suffer." They made a wooden horse of a rail, the sharp edge turned up, standing on legs as high as a man's shoulders, decorated with the horn^and tail of a cow. They also got in readiness a pot of blacking. As they took him out of the door he managed to 264 LAWVKRS. kick over the blacking. Half a dozen men then stepped up and swore they should not black him, and that part was omitted. Sam then sprang upon the horse, and was carried on the shoulders of four men about twenty-five rods and brought back again. This was enough of "playing horse." They then wanted him to promise never to come back again to lecture, but he utterly refused to do it. He then started leisurely away and they did not hinder him. He reached home in safety. The other two prisoners also watched their opportunity, slipped out the back door, and got away, one of them with nothing of his coat left but part of a cuff. (They were C. W. Gunn and Knowles Linnel, Jr.) When he began to practice law, more abundant means came to hand, and he not only lived in comfort but helped his rela- tives. He was an orator, and his fellow citizens soon claimed him for {)ublic political life. He died while in the midst of a canvass as candidate for State Senator. Hon. Daniel Humphrey ; removed to Newark ; first Probate Judge under the new constitution. Died iu middle life. Hon. A. K. Rogers, a student of G. W. Ells, Esq.; mem- ber of Legislature; long the Ma)or of the village. George W. Andrews, George W. Grow, Noah Case, John W. Montague, students of Mr. Ells ; history not accessible. Lewis Spelnian, Esq., once a candidate for Prosecuting Attorney ; studied with Mr. I^lls; now resides four miles west of Ciranville. Hon. John G. Weeks, studied both medicine and law ; practiced medicine in Indiana])olis, Indiana; removed to Des Moines, Iowa, became Probate Judge ; kept an abstract office in Des Moines ; now dead. ^ Hon. Marvin M. Munson, studied at Delaware, Ohio ; prac- ticed at Troy, Ohio ; edited a paper there; member of State Board of Equalization; Captain of Company D, 113th Reg- iment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, which company he raised here and led into the field, but from ill health did not long ren.iain with it; resides in Granville on the old home farm. Thomas Walker, Esq., a colored man, long a pipfessor of the tonsorial art ; studied law and was admitted to the bar ; went to California. LAWYKRS. 265 William Richards, Esq., practiced in Newark ; edited Newark Gazette (1847) ; also Daily Gate City, Keokuk, Iowa, (1852) ; now a clerk in the Treasury Department at Wash- ington, D. C. James W. Sinnet, Granville College ; now at Carthage, Mo. ; married the daughter of Grove Case. Hon. Jacob W. Stewart, Granville College ; resides in Dav- enport, Iowa ; teacher, prosecuting attorney, collector of internal revenue, mayor of Davenport, Iowa. John L. Bryan, Esq., Kenyon College; practiced in Co- lumbus, O. ; now deceased ; married Miss Mary T. Collins, of Granville. Henry C. Sinnet, Granville College; studied and practiced with Buckingham, in Newark; resides in Sedalia, Mo. William H. Ingraliam, Denison University, (1861) ; prac- ticed at Toledo, O., where he died August 31st, 1875. Hon. Henry Howe ; city judge, Toledo, O., where he now resides. Edward Wright, Esq., Northampton and Dartmouth Col- leges ; resides in Kansas City, Mo. William Hryan, Esq. ; resides in Granville. Benjamin Woodbury, Esq., Denison University, (1872) ; practices in Columbus, O. John D. Jones, Esq., practices in Newark, O. J. B. Jones, Esq., practices in Newark, O. Jacob R. Davies, Esq., Denison University, (1869) ; Michi- gan University ; practices in Newark, O. David E. Williams, Esq., Denison University, (1874) ; practices in Columbus, O. David Jones, Esq., practiced in Columbus, O. ; recently died. Hon. H. Judson Booth, Harvard College ; studied with Hon. George L. Converse, Columbus, O. ; member of House of Representatives from Franklin County. Erasmus Philipps, Esq. Casper F. Bryan, Esq., resides in Granville. 27 266 PHYSICIANS. Hon. Sylvester Spelyian Downer; count)' jud<;e, lionlder, Colorado. K. M. P. Brister, Esq., Denison University;, practices in Newark, O. Thomas W. Philipps, Esq., Wooster University ; practices in Newark, O. A. L. Ralston, Esq., Kenyon College; ])ractices in Colum- bus, O. John M. Swartz, Esq., Denison University; practices in Newark, O. IV. Physicians. Previous to the coming of any resident ])hysicians the sick availed themselves ot the services chiefly of Dr. Top- ping, of Worthington, twenty-seven miles distant. Dr. Samuel Lee came from Vermont in 1809, and removed to Coshocton in 181 1. Dr. William S. Richards, from New London, Conn., came in 181 1, and was thereafter identified with (jranville and its interests. Dr. Paul Eager, a graduate of Dartmouth College, came from Vermont about the same time, but did not long give himself to his profession after coming to this place. Dr. vSouthard practiced in the place about 1815. Drs. Moulton and Rood practiced in company about 1816, having their office in the little brick l)uilding, put up by David Messenger, Jr., just east of " the tin shop." About the same time Dr. John Phelps indulged in the " steam cure " system for a few years. Dr. J. B. Cooley, from Ciranville, Mass., came in the spring of 1820. A few years later he married the widow of Rev. T. Harris, and had his office on the lot at the corner of Broad and Liberty Streets, where Mr. Harris had lived. He removed to Homer in 1832. Dr. Silvester Spelmau came in the fall of 1820. He con- tinued to practice for some years, eventually turning his attention, first to merchandising and then to banking. PHYSICIANS. 267 Dr. Homer L. Thrall, "born in Rutland, Vt., October i8, 1802, moved to Granville in 1818, studied medicine in Lexing- ton (Ky.) Medical College and elsewhere. Was married in 1827, in 1830 moved from Granville to Homer, and afterward to Utica, and from thence, in 1838, he went to Gambler, where, as Professor of Chemistry in Kenyon College till 1852, he con- cluded from his experiments, and taught, that the known causes of external phenomena, such as light, heat, electricity, etc., could be explained by one law — the law of the correlation of forces, and, also, from his observation that the molecules of a body attract each other, deduced the law of molecular attraction, teaching these laws to his classes several years before they were published by Faraday, Grove and others. He was a man of remarkable intellect, an acute and profound thinker, an original, fearless and safe investigator, and long before his lamented death at Ottumwa, Iowa, July 26, 1870, he had logic- ally worked himself out of the darkness of infidelity into the clear light of orthodox Christianity." Dr. W. W. Bancroft was the son of Azariah Bancroft, who came to the place in 1814. After practicing for several years he took a second course of lectures in Philadelphia. He was of an active temperament, searching mind, and a sitccessfiil practitioner. He started the Granville Water Cure in 1852. After Dr. Bancroft left the Water Cure, Drs. Jones, Owens, Strong, Ralston and Hudson successively carried it on. Dr. E. F. Bryan came to the place from Akron in 1838. He is now eighty years of age, having maintained a success- ful practice for more than forty years, and is still going at the call of many of his life-long friends. Dr. Thomas Bancroft studied with his uncle. Dr. W. W. Bancroft, attended lectures in Philadelphia, practiced for a time in Granville with his uncle, giving his attention pri- marily to dentistry, and then removed to New Madrid, Mo. Dr. C. J. Gifford came to Granville from Etna, O., in 1840. For a time he was associated in practice with Dr. Bancroft but the partnership was soon dissolved. Of late years he has limited his practice to the village. 2<)H I'lIVSICIANS. |)i. (iiitlnif was ass()iM;illi).>(-<| him to dcM.t. lie |ii ,i( I i( ('(I in (iiaiuiMc iolll Ncais lie lived l<» the ;i;>r nl iiiikIn, d\'iii^ ill Sid.ilii, M<»., NovfinhiT (ilh, iS.So. 1 )i ( ".col j'c- S|»<'iicfr was a phwsiciaii i>l lln iHtt.iiiir '.(hnul, and |tia( t itcd cxlcnsixcdv loi twilxcoi lillccii \fai s, succeed- ill j^ I >i . I '.((III. II I ( li the ^;ainc S( Ik x il , who li.id h p. oil ice in the small Imildini', alleiwaid occnpKd li\ iIk '.toic ol Mi. K. I'aisoiiN. I )r. Ansliii was ol tin- ;.,inic sehool .ind lollowed I)i. Sl><"IU'el . I»i. I'.dwiii .Siiiiiel studied with I )i . I '..iiiei oil , and was with liiin III the VValei C'iik loi eijdil yais. lie ha. miicc heen OIK ol the leadiuj; piaelilKuii-is ol till- phu c hi .Allied iMdlett laiiie to this place lloin johiistou ii, < )., ill iSC)^. Ill calls lile he lost a loot l»\' an accident with a I 111 c.'.li in;; iilk hiiK . .A-. Noon as ieeo\'i'icd lioiii tli( a(( nh lit he piepaied llini:.( II lol the pia(tiee ol lllcdl(lllc, .111(1 .III iinuMial dcjMcc ol |ili\.sical eiici>'_\ has uioie than o\(i hal.inecd llie jo:,', ol hi', liiiili in the I. ice ol colli |)el it ion loi pal 1 on.ii'f. lie tool, hisdcj-ice lioiii .Slariiij; Medical (,'(d- li-^e, C'( iliinilm:., ( >. 'i\vo Inothci.'. liN the iianie ol He. in, active \dnin.' iiicii, weie pi.utieiii^ lu'U' ahoul i>>i>.\ hu a siioil time-. hi. C'\ius n, I'Aaiis, little can he Ii-anied. hi . I . W'.it Is in.'., I loin I', ii;- land, li.is heeii a |ii I aniiieiil iik lu- \h\ ol llii- iiii-diial lai'ults Ik le loi louiteeii \iais, a ^ladiiatc of I'aliuluiijdi hnixeisilN, .iiid iiiemlKi ol Ro)al Collc"j;c' ul Sill r,el \\ I ,ond( HI The \(>uiii;esl ol the 1 1 .ltd ii it N' is hi. William !)a\■i<•^., a n.it i\ t' ol ( ii.inxille ; .i );i .idn.ite ol hi'ui.-.ou I ' ii i\ ci sit \ ; piiu- cip.il ol the puhlii' sihools lol se\'ei.il yi'ais; .ittiiided h'cltiies PHYSICIANS. 269 in tlie University of the City of New York, where he stood prominent in a class of two hnndred and five, and at once commenced practice in his native place ; being also in de- mand as a lecturer in the Columbus Medical College. With these physicians there have during the same time been many students of medicine, some from the Granville boys, whose names do not appear above. Others of them have studied elsewhere. Milton Bigelow, (1820) Lancaster, Ohio; Ephraim Howe, Franklin Howe, H. N. Ells, (1825) Samuel Bushnell, (1842) Monticello, Indiana; Hiram Howe, died while attending lectures at Cleveland, Ohio ; Franklin Paige, recently deceased in Johnstown, Ohio ; Benjamin Pratt, also recently deceased in Johnstown, Ohio; Ed. and Moses Pratt, practicing in the western part of the State ; Julius H, Bancroft, dentist, died at New Madrid, Missouri ; Marshall Hill, recently de- ceased ; Franklin Thrall, (1836) Kirkersville ; Charles Falley, Breckenridge, Minnesota; William and Nathan Dodge, (1845) ; Dillon Witherell, Thomas D. Williams, homoeopa- thist, London, Ohio; Lyman Ingham, (1846) ; Edwin Fuller, (1855) ; Robert M. Stone, homoeopathist; Cyrus and Isaac Evans, Welsh Hills ; George Follett, Starling Medical Col- lege, pharmacist at Ohio Lunatic Asylum ; James D. Thompson, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Johns- town, Ohio ; Lucius Robinson, dentist, Cincinnati, Ohio; John Owens, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia; Oliver Wolcott, 1875, Starling Medical College, Columbus, Ohio; Kane F^ollett, student. Starling Medical College ; George G. Kyle, Corning, Ohio. The practical dentists of Granville have been five ; Drs, Thomas Bancroft, Shepard Hamlen, Hiram Todd, William H. Sedgwick, and Ed. O. Arrison. The following are deserving of special mention who can not be classified : Major General Charles Griffin, son of Apollos Griffin ; graduated at West Point in 1847, married Miss Carroll, 270 SPECIAL MENTION. won his way by meritorious conduct on the battle-field to pre-eminence; served throughout the war of the rebellion; died at Galveston, Texas, of yellow fever, because he would not forsake the post where duty seemed to have placed him. Mr. Appleton B. Clark, son of iVnson Clark, grandson of Araunah Clark, has been for twelve years the editor of the Newark American, sustaining it as a worthy chronicler of the times. He has taken i)articular interest in publishing histor- ical papers. Mr. Hubert Howe Bancroft, son of Ashley A. I>ancroft, has retired from a successful business career and given him- self to literary pursuits, in which he has achieved a remark- able success, having published about forty volumes under the following titles : Native Races of the Pacific Stites; five volumes. History of Central America; vlirce volumes. History of Mexico; six volumes. History of Texas and the North Mexican States; two volumes. History of Arizona and New Mexico; one volume. History of California; seven volumes. History of Nevada, Colorado and Wyoming; one volume. History of Utah; one volume. History of the Northwest Coast; two volumes. History of Oregon ; two volumes. History of Washington, Idaho and Montana; one volume. History of British Columbia; tnie volume. History ol Alaska; one volume. California Pastoral; one volume, California Inter Pocula; one volume. Popular Tribunals; two volumes. P^ssays and Miscellany; one volume. Literary Industries; one volume. Chronicles of the Kings; several volumes. These works received very flattering attention from the literary world. "The Macaulay of the West." — Wendell Phillips. "The Herbert Spencer of Historians." — Boston Journal. "Now recognized as an authority of the first rank." — New York Tribune. PROFICIENTS IN PAINTING. 271 '* A marvel." — London Post. "A narrative clear, logical, and attractive." — London Times. " Full of living interest." — British Quarterly. " A literary enterprise more deserving of generous sympathy and support has never been undertaken on this side of the At- lantic. " — North American Revieiv. John H. Sample ; Denison University, 1872, is Civil Engi- neer of the O. C R. R., Granville, Ohio. Dudley Rhoads; Denison University, 1876, is Civil Engi- neer on A. T. & S. F. R. R. Isaac J. Osbun ; Denison University, 1872, Professor of Physics in State Normal School, Salem, Massachusetts. Franklin A. Slater; Denison University, 1871 ; Principal of Judson University, Judsonia, Arkansas. V. R. Shepard ; Denison University, 1876 ; Daily Commer- cial., Cincinnati, Ohio. L. M. Shepard ; Denison University, 1877 ; Local Editor of Daily Star., Cincinnati, Ohio. Miss Ella Hayes, a descendant of Deacon Silas Winchel, Professor in Wellesley College, Massachusetts. Miss Hattie Partridge, now Mrs. Dr. Davies, stands very high as a teacher of painting, and whose name does not ap- pear above. Other proficients with the pencil are Misses Lenora Carpenter, Sarah F. Follett, Samantha Wright, Mary Parker, Amelia Tighr, Luella Gurney, Lou. Goodrich, Louise Johnson, Minnie Buxton, Angle Walker. T. D. Jones has attained considerable eminence as a sculptor, having been employed by the State on a highly es- teemed group that embellishes the rotunda of the State House, Columbus, representing " The Surrender of Vicks- burg, July, 1864." Albert Little Bancroft, son of Ashley A. Bancroft, is a suc- cessful business man of San Francisco ; the senior partner of one of the largest law book publishing firms of the United States. They sell in a single month as high as $40,000 worth of their own publications. He remains in active business, 272 SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS MEN. though keeping a summer residence on a farm, where he has 25,000 fruit trees. •Lyman Cook, son of Jacob Cook, Esq., went in early life to Burlington, Iowa, where he still resides, having accumu- lated a large fortune, chiefly in the banking business Leonard Bushnell, son of Dea. Leonard Bushnell, died at New Bedford, Massachusetts, i88i,one of two equal partners in a manufacturing business, employing three or four hundred hands, sending goods all over the United vStates, to Kngland, and to South America. In addition to those already mentioned, the following have established themselves in business in New York : Gilmau W. Prichard, T. B. Bynner, H. L. Case, the brothers Horatio and Franklin Avery, Adelman C. Rose, and the Follett brothers. But it is impossible to make special mention of all. They are found in the professions or in business, in Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco ; in P'lorida, Texas, Oregon, Washington, "and all intermedi- ate points." OUR INDUSTRIAL KNTRRPRISES. 273 CHAPTER XLIV. One of the first enterprises within the colony deserving mention was the manufacture of wooden dishes, first by Eleazer demons, 1807, at the place where afterward stood Munson's forge, which were carried as far as Chillicothe for sale. Daniel Raker, Esq., about 1811, engaged in the same business, his shop being on Clear Run, about a hun- dred rods from Centerville. Pewter and wooden dishes sup- plied the place of queensware. Wooden plates, nests of dishes, trenchers, porringers, bowls, spoons and salt mortars were in common use, and answered a very good purpose. Wooden scoop shovels were also made. Perhaps this indus- try did not bring a large amount of money into the colony, but it supplied a necessity, and thus kept money from going abroad. The dishes were turned upon a lathe, the motive power being water. Afterward Phineas Pratt continued the manufacture on Burgh Street, and still others pursued the work, using a lathe sometimes which was run by the foot and a spring pole. Mr. Baker also made ox yokes, plows, chairs, coffins, and other necessities. Simultaneously with Mr. Baker's work, and run by the same power, was a carding machine, put up by Sylvester Phelps. In 1809, William Stedman began the manufacture of bricks. J. D. and C. Messenger followed in the same work, and in 18 17, George Case and Joshua Stark engaged more extensively in the business. In 181 2, a carding mill was attached to General A. Mun- son's saw mill, and run by the same power. A Mr. Bursley (?), a shoemaker in the employ of Spencer Wright, living a quarter of a mile east of town, made shoe pegs, and pegged shoes. They were the first ever seen here, 274 CHAIRS — WHISKY. and were brought up to town and put on exhibition. There was considerable excitement over the novelty at first, but it was pronounced a huniljug ; the mistaken verdict of the people being, as in many another similar case, against a real improvement. At a very early day, Harry Riggor made a very creditable Windsor chair. It was light, strong, easy and durable. The colony was early supplied with them as far as they were able to buy them. He worked on the south side of Broad Street, midway between Mulberry and Case. Whisky was made from a very early day. There were about as many distilleries as school districts, most of the time. The first to be established was just over the hill west of town, where a cool sj)ring issues from the ridge on the north. The proprietors were Judge Rose, Deacon Winchel and Major Case. The stone walls of the building were after- ward utilized for the foundry of Sheldon Swan. This was Started in 1811. The same year, or early in 1812, Jacob Cxoodrich built the one where the explosion took place, half a mile north of town. Another was also located about as far east of town and run by Major Case. There was another half a mile further east, run by Captain Joseph Fassett. Near the eastern limits of the township, on the farm of Deacon Hayes, was a distillery where his son Lorin made peach brandy. On lower Loudon Street, a mile and a half from town, was another distillery, run by Jasper Munson at one time ; another on the Columbus road, on the vSimeon Allyn farm; another further west on the Bean farm ; another southeast of town, owned by Samuel Chadwick. iVboiit 1830 the temperance reformation cut the demand below the supply, and the price fell from one dollar a gallon to twelve and a half cents. Large quantities were shipped by the canal at that price as soon as it opened. In addition to the distillery, Mr. Chadwick had a grain mill, run by horse-power, for grinding corn and rye for the distillery. He also accommodated the neighbors by grind- POTASH — TANNERIES. 275 ing their corn, rye and buckwheat. He had also a tanyard, cooper shop and grocery. He used to buy hogs, fatten them from the distillery refuse, and drive them to Cleveland to be shipped to Montreal ; driving two teams to help along any lagging hogs. Exchanging his pork for groceries, he re- loaded his wagons, making a double profit by his trip. He died in 1817, and the distillery was burned soon after and never rebuilt. The cooper shop was converted to a school house, having windows of oiled paper. One of the next important industries was the making of potash by Mr. Edward Nichol. His factory was just west of town, where the water of the cold spring crosses the road. This water was carried over the heads of travelers in troughs and fed his leaches. He boiled the lye to black salts, melted the salts to potash in a great iron caldron, or pearled them in a reverberatory furnace. These products were shipped to Zanesville and exchanged for glass which supplied the build- ing necessities of the colony. In 1817, two tanneries were in operation. Previous to this an attempt had been made by Mr. Enoch Graves to make leather by using beach bark and other- common-place mate- rials. It made a crude sort of hard, unpliable leather, used to some extent for moccasins. This tannery was at the northeast corner of Rose and Broad Streets. About the time spoken of, George Dunnavan established a tannery near the town spring, which was run for several years successlully. The other was established by Spencer Wright, Esq., near Clear Run, on Centerville Street, and it has continued in operation ever since. About 1845-50, Mr. E. C. Wright, who then owned the tannery, took yearly, large quantities of choice leather to the Boston market, where it brought a good price in competition with the rapidly-tanned leather of the East. One of the earliest undertakings, and at the same time one that contributed as much as any one thing toward giving the people profitable employment, meeting their every day 276 FURNACE. wants, and bringing money and trade into the place from abroad, was the Crranville Furnace. The enterprise was first conceived by Hon. Jeremiah R. Munson. His attention was called to signs of iron in the beds of the streams. He took samples of the material he found to Dillon's Furnace, near Zanesville, where it was pronounced good ore. He also found large quantities of limestones in the creek beds, lime being needed in tlie smelting process, and thus encouraged, he planned the furnace. He was aided financially by his brother, General Augustine Munson. The furnace was built in 1816. The first experiments were rather costly. The ore in the vicinity gave out, and it was not a financial success. General Munson took charge of it, and managed out of it to pay the interest on the indebtedness, but the debt itself had eventually to be paid out of other resources. It passed for a .short time into the management of a Mr. Pardon Sprague, who also failed to make it remunerative. From 1822-24, Messrs. Anthony P. Prichard and William Wing had control of it, but a particularly unpropitious season of drouth made them un.successful. In 1824, Col. Lucius D. Mower became its moving spirit. Soon, also, Elias Fas- FORGE — NAILS. 2 I I sett had an interest in it, a store and tlie fnrnace being- run by the same parties. In 1828, Periander W. Taylor was connected with it; and, in 1830, Simeon Reed. By this time, Col. Mower was with A. P. Prichaid, and the furnace company was Taylor, Cook & Co. [J. Riley Cook], while Avery & Fassett were in the store. In 1834, Taylor, Cook & Co. were in the furnace, and Reed, Jewett & Co. [David D. Jewett] in the store. In 1837, Avery & Fassett again took the furnace. Avery sold to Fassett, and in 1838, it ceased to be operated. Stoves, hollow ware, and many utensils for household convenience were cast, and sold from the lakes to the Ohio River. To this day the old-fashioned ten plate stoves are seen here and there in school-houses and country churches, with the name Granville Furnace proclaiming their origin. The old building was afterward utilized as a foundry, and "was run successfully by Messrs. Knowles Linnel and William Clemons. In 1817, General A. Munson continued his experiments in making iron by erecting a forge near his saw mill, using the same power to work his trip hammer. This also did a very good thing for the new country. He made a passable quality of bar iron, and many articles of convenience. A grist mill was erected at the same time with the forge. Tills was sold by Mr. Munson to Sylvester Spelman and Col. L. D. Mower. The forge was in operation as late as the canal contracts, but soon after ceased. The dam was washed out, and the flouring mill was run by water from the feeder. Steam was put in, in 1838, and the whole was burned in 1840. Wrought nails were an article of commerce in those days, and were made by the blacksmiths at leisure moments, and sold for one dollar a hundred by count. Another flouring mill was started about 1816, just east of town (where one still stands), run by water from Clear Run, and built by Major Grove Case and Deacon Silas Winchel. In 1821, Col. Chauncey Humphrey bored for salt in the valley, which ran through his farm, about half a mile south 278 SALT — DAIRY — LIXSKKD OIL. of the Columbus bridge. He found salt water, built an arch, where he set thirty caldrons for boiling. His reservoirs were large ash logs, thirty feet long, dug into troughs, and holding each thirty to fifty barrels. He turned out salt at the rate of two bushels a day, but at such a cost of production tha:t he had to abandon it, even at the high price of salt at that day. About the same time was formed " The Licking Saline Conipau)'," the members of which, vSamuel Mower, Sylvester Lyman, Charles Sawyer, Leicester Case, Matthew Adams, Jr., and Gaylord Adams, were of this township, though the scene of their operations was in St. Albans. Their enter- prise was not a success. Mr. Humphrey next turned his attention to dairy business, keeping twenty to thirty cows, and having probably the first systematic dairy in Granville. In this he had good success. From 1827 to 1830, he gave his attention to raising the castor bean and manufacturing the oil. He erected a cabin mill and put u]) machinery. Others joined to help the enter- prise by raising the beans. One year he made seventeen barrels of oil. The oil was bottled and stored in the little brick shop built by David Messenger. A little previous to this (1820) an experiment was made where the Welsh Hills road crosses Clear Run, by Captain Joseph Fassett, to make linseed oil. It was a success as to the manufacturing, but the demand for the oil was not such as to make a profitable business. The power for pressing was that of a vertical wedge, driven by a falling beam, the beam being lifted four or five feet by horse power. While this factory was being built. Deacon Amasa Howe was laying out the framing work, while his son, Kphraim, was scoring a log near b)'. Reaching out to pick up a tool the deacon received the descending axe, which his son was using, upon his head. It struck almost through the bone of the skull, and thus the son unwittingly came near taking the life of his father. Following this enterprise, the same mill was used in an WOOLEN FACTORIES. 279 experiment for making hickoryniit oil ; to be used in place of the imported olive oil. But it stopped short of financial success. The water power was afterwards used for the manufacture of rakes, cradles, axe handles and similar work. Wool carding, weaving, fulling and cloth-dressing early became a prominent industry, inasmuch as the people were dependent upon home made materials for their clothing. The weaving was at first by hand looms, and afterward by machinery carried by water. John Jones built a woolen fac- tory near the stone school house on the Welsh Hills, about 1823. He died in June, 1824. His son Richard run the machinery for a time after the father's death. By this time also William Paige's factory was in operation, Mr. L. G. Thrall being associated with him. Grove Case had a carding machine In connection with his flouring mill, and was suc- ceeded by his son, Norton. About 1825, Linus G. Thrall and G. P. Bancroft were associated in carding business on the Welsh Hills. Mr. James Mead succeeded Mr. Thrall. Messrs Nathaniel Paige, Elias Gilman and Silas Winchel had a fulling and cloth-dressing factory, about 1817, on Salt Run, the little brook that courses through the valley where C. Humphrey made salt. These mills drew custom from the country for twenty-five miles around. About 1825, Horace Wolcott, Sen., had a spinning jenny in the chamber of the brick house now occupied by Rev. D. B. Hervey, half a mile east of town. From 1820 to 1825, Mr. Josiah Taylor and his son, Peri- ander W. Taylor, did considerable business in dressed stone, the blocks being taken from the quarries north of town. Previous to this they had done a small business in the same line on Centerville Street, living near the township line. Their chief work was in tombstones, with which they sup- plied the country for miles around. The stones were shaped and dressed at the shop, the lettering being done when a sale was effected as they went from place to place. The material 280 TOMHSTONES. was not as durable as marble, but some beautiful monuments were made from it. It admitted of ornamental work, with which black and gilt letters were sometimes combined. Subsequent])' Rev. Thomas Hughes continued the business with improved workmanship. He also first introduced the use of marble about 1H38. " For many years the stone quarried from Prospect Hill was used for grave stones. Among the citizens who used to cut this stone, besides Mr. Hughes & Mr, Taylor, were four or five of the Warden boys, Harvey Bragg, Simeon Reed, Guy and Giles Hobart, and Robert Nichol. Mr. Samuel Root, Mr. George Bragg, and J. D. White worked in marble after it was introduced for monuments. Many counties besides Licking were su[)plitd with these stones to mark the resting place of their dead. Up to about 1845 this stone work continued profitable." In 1822-27, the township was largely engaged in raising tobacco, and a small amount continued to be manufactured for many years. Previous to 1826, Mr. Knowles Linnel had started a clock factory in St. Albans. He induced Mr. Charles French to join him at the above date, and Mr. French brought with him from Vermont, Mr. William H. Brace. This factory was soon afterward removed to Granville, and carried on by Messrs. P'rench, Brace & Goldsbury. They made the old fashioned open kitchen clock, with wooden wheels, thirty- nine inch pendulum, and dial plate a foot in diameter. They sold at first for $15. The factory stood on the west side of Prospect vStreet, a few doors from Broad. They had complete machinery for making all parts of the clock. " Mr. Joseph Blanchard, his four sons & his son-in-law, Allen Sinnet. built wagons, ox-carts, spinning wheels, chairs & plows, & sold them in many adjoining counties. The old 'bull plow ' had a wooden mould board & an iron share. I'^or that day it was a good plow." As early as 18 19, Messrs. James Langdon and David Doud established a wooden measure factory, selling their products HATS — TINWARE. 281 over a large scope of country. They made drums, and did all common cooperage. After the death of Mr. Doud, Mr. Langdon continued the business alone, and after Mr. Langdon's death, a Mr. Lawrence continued it for some years. As early as 1828, hats were made by Mr. Francis Elliott, who lived at the corner of Main and Water Streets, near the brick academy, his shop adjoining the house on the east. He had as many as half a dozen hands in his employ at one time, and made quite a variety of hats. Mr. Harvey Bragg also engaged in the same business for a time, having his shop near his residence by the town spring. Afterwards the business was continued at the old stand by Mr. J. Wood. The tinning business was begun by Colonel Chauncey Humphrey, about 1822-24. ^^ worked up the tin which he brought from Canada in exchange for the pork of the Licking Exporting Company [see Commercial Enterprises]. He had a bench for a time in the little brick shop put up by David Messenger ; also in the back part of the building afterward finished off by Granger & Wing for a hotel, at the corner of Prospect and Broad vStreets. In i'S33, he erected a three stor}' frame building just east of the hotel, the largest at that time in the township. He disposed of his wares from wagons through the country, his sons working in the shop with him. In 1839, he removed to Columbus, continuing the business. He died December 18, 1852, aged seventy-five. Mr. Lewis Jones, who had worked with him, purchased the business in 1844, and continued it until a year before his death, February 23d, 1864, at the age of forty-five. In 1853, Lewis received to partnership his brother, George T. Jones, and in 1855, a third brother, Evan W. Jones, joined the firm, opening a branch room for the business in Newark. In 1863, Lewis withdrew, and the other brothers continued the business at the two stands, purchasing the frame building in 1865. Hardware has been added to the business. In Gran- ville the three-story frame has given place to a similar brick structure, one of the finest business blocks in Licking County. 28 282 PLOWS — PLANES — FURNITURK — LARD OIL. Previous to 1831, the plow in common use had a wooden mould board and a wrought-iron point. The latter were made by Colonel A. Jewett, Allen Sinnet, Hugh Kelley and others, and the wooden part by D. Baker and by the Blanch- ards on North Street, two miles from town. In that year a Mr. Bunker came from Delaware, originally from Troy, N, Y., and located on Centerville Street, and began making cast- iron plows, after Wood's patent, at the forge buildings. This style of plow, with various improvements, continued to be made at the foundries of demons and Linnel, and Shel- don Swan until a very recent date. About 1836, Deacon G. P. Bancroft turned his attention to the manufacture of joiner's planes, in which he was very successful, having two or three journeymen in his employ. He also associated with him, Mr. Ebenezer Crawford in the manufacture of bedsteads, under a new patent, which were sold largely abroad. He also manufactured a variety of other house furniture, running a planing mill and other machinery. He was succeeded by Mr. Edwin C. Blanchard, who enlarged the business, adding other machinery and a lumber yard. He sold out to Messrs. J. M. Jones & Co., who are the present proprietors. Mr. George Pratt estab- lished a furniture factory at the east end of town about 1868, putting up a commodious shop and a good variety of solid machinery. Mr. Pratt died in 1879, and is succeeded by his three sons, who display extraordinary mechanical skill. Both these establishments are shipping furniture abroad. In 1831, P. W. Taylor, being at the time largely interested in the furnace, erected near it a steam flouring mill. Alter the completion of the feeder, it was removed about three- quarters of a mile to the southeast, where Phelps' sawmill has long been, and was run by water-power. About 1840, the diminishing supply of whale oil, used for lights, began to force the search for some substitute. One result was lard oil^ obtained by the cold pressure of the lard CORN-SUGAR — CHEESE — CHAIRS. 283 of commerce. In 1822, General A. Munson erected a press for this purpose. The residuum was used also for making stearine candles. The discovery of petroleum and the distillation of coal oil put an end to this about 1859. About 1842, was formed a company for making sugar out of cornstalks, in which were General A. Munson, J. W. Houghton, Esq., Captain Joseph Fassett, E. R. Thrall, Nor- ton Case, A. Aylsworth, Henry Taylor and A. Miner. The corn, at a proper stage, was topped and stripped, and after standing to ripen, was run through a mill. The juice was treated with chemicals, boiled down and allowed to crystal- ize. The sugar, however, was not salable. From 1833 to 1855, and particularly through the decade 1840-50, the cheese factory of Elias Fassett was in very suc- cessful operation under the control of his cousin, Eliphalet Follett. Although located a little way in Harrison Town- ship, the proprietor and agent were both intimately asso- ciated with Granville. There were generally from eighty to a hundred cows on the farm. In 1845, a single cheese, weighing 1000 pounds, was made by Mr. Follett, and in 1846, three several cheeses, weighing each about 500 pounds. The factory turned out about 275 pounds daily. About 1835, Mr. Joseph Jacobs began the manufacture of Windsor chairs in great variety, with rockers, settees and cradles. He built a factory in the west end of town, but used no machinery except a foot lathe. After Mr. Jacobs, Mr. Langstaflf continued the business. Soon after this a Mr. Williams and his brother. English- men, began the manufacture of brushes, turning out some very handsome articles and in great variety. The enterprise did not survive many years. Mr. Andrew Merriman came to town in 1832. For about twenty years he carried on the manufacture of boots and shoes, sometimes employing as many as twenty hands at once. Mr. J. R. Spease also carried on a candy factory, making 284 ROPES — MUSTARD — SILK. sales over a large territory, and having a large and productive business. In 1835, Mr. Asahel Ciriffin took possession of the Paige factory and introduced two power looms, making quite a variety of both satinets and full cloths. Having run it for six or seven years, he sold to Mr. William Shields, of New- ark, who converted it to a yarn factory. Other parties held it until the wool-carding business ceased to be in much de- mand. The power at this time is used to turn an iron lathe and other iron works ; while Mr. Charles W. Gunn, living near by, with a one-horse power, runs the onh' carding machine in the township. At the foot of the hill on Lancaster road, Mr. Jonathan Wilson had a rope walk which supplied the country around with his manufactures. Mr. Joshua Linnel for many years had a mustard factory, purchasing the seed in market and grinding it by the power at Griffin's factory. His product found sale over all the State. The morus multicaulis and silk business found several to try their hand in its culture about 1838. There were some who one day were worth thousands of dollars in mulberry trees and silk worms, who the next day had nothing to do and nothing that would sell. Whole acres were occupied with the growing trees, well cultivated and thrifty, and the silk worms were luxuriating on the leaves in the cocoon- eries. But when the tever of speculation broke, the ])ropri- etors were helpless on their backs. The manufacture of beet sugar was begun, but the sugar tasted beety, and the people would not buy it. Hair mattresses, glue, shoe blacking, cut shingles, and various similar enterprises, scarcely survived the first open- ing of the eyes .upon daylight. Sorghum syrup was made with good success during the war and to some extent ever since. Brooms, wagons, carriages, etc., have been made to consid- erable extent. OUR COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES. 285 CHAPTER XLV. I. Banking. Immediately after the close of the war of i8 12-15, the Granville Alexandrian Society, acting under their very ac- commodating charter granted in 1807 for library purposes, established a bank. Certificates of stock, aside from those of the library department, were issued ; also, bills for cir- culation, and the business seems to have been managed by a distinct Board of Directors. The first year it was accommo- dated in the east front room of Major Grove Case's brick building, corner of Green and Broad vStreets. The first entry upon their bill books was the account of a note for $1000, given by S. H. Smith, indorsed by William Stanberry, at sixty days, discounted for $10.67. It speaks well for the honesty of those times that the locks guarding the treasures of that bank were very poor; the window shutters were only wood ; and a boy with an indus- trious jack-knife could have effected an entrance in ten minutes. No one ever slept in that part of the house. Yet there were deposited large amounts of bank bills as good as any bank bills of the day ; and under the counter where the toes kicked against them lay bags of coin, and nobody ever molested them. Silver being scarce, the bank issued frac- tional currency of the denominations of fifty and twenty-five cents. The next year, 1816, they finished and occupied the stone house on the south side of Broad Street, and just east of the square, where, at two different times, the bank flourished under the above charter and failed. Alexander Holmes was the first president and R. R. Roach cashier. Afterward G. Swan was cashier, and he again was succeeded by Elisha S. Gilman. The bank failed to redeem its notes in 1817. The last entry upon the bill book was under date of August 5th, 1817. [See cut in "Additional Record."] 286 A SECOND FAILURK. In 1836, the Bank was revived under the same charter. The capital was furnished chiefly by parties in Buffalo, New York. Henry Roop was president and A. G. Hammond cashier. It occupied the same stone building at the south- east corner of Broad Street and the public square, the old iron vault being still in position. Mr. Hammond was suc- ceeded by Mr. A. J. Smith. On the 20th of May, 1S37, the Bank suspended specie payments, acting in concert with other banks in Columbus, Cincinnati, Zanesville, Chillicothe, Lancaster and Cleveland. Mr. Roop resigned the presidency October 3d, 1837, B. Brice being vice president. It is said that the immediate occasion of the breaking of the Bank was the loaning of $50,000 to a party in Western New York, per- haps a stockholder, in the bank's own issue, with the iinder- standing that it should be put in circulation abroad, to come home for redemption in small amounts. But the party fail- ing, the money went into possession of a Buffalo Bank, and immediately came back in bulk, the original packages un- opened. The last recorded meeting of the Directors was March 13th, 1838. After the failure, Mr. A. J. Smith, who was Cashier at the time, associated with John H. James, Esq., of Urbana, Ohio, Mr. Simeon Reed and others of Granville, opened a Bank of discount and exchange in the dwelling house on the south side of Broad Street, built by Col. Lucius D. Mower, in 1824. The iron vault was taken from its position in the old stone building, placed adjoining the new apartment, and enclosed in solid brick walls in cubic form. They did a large business for some years. Mr. Smith afterwards removed to Newark, carrying with him a share of the Granville business. There he finally failed for a large amount. In 1852, Mr. Simeon Reed with his son-in-law, Mr. Timo- thy A. Smith, continued the banking business in the same place. Both these parties died in the fall of 1855. Mr. Wm. S. Wright, acting as administrator of Mr. Reed continued the business. After the settlement of the estate PRIVATE BANKS— FIRST NATIONAL BANK. 287 it was in the hands of Dea E. C. Wright, Hon. Elizur Abbott, Mr. Virgil H.Wright, and Mr. Nelson Sinnet. This firm continued until i860. At that time Mr. Henry L. Bancroft and his brother, Dr. W. W. Bancroft, bought the interest of the above parties and continued the business in the same place, Mr. H. L. Bancroft having charge of the office, and Mr. Abbott con- tinuing to keep the books for them. This firm continued until the First National Bank was es- tablished for general banking purposes, under the new bank- ing system in 1864, commencing business in June. Mr. H. L. Bancroft then became president of the new bank, and Mr. E. M. Downer, cashier. The capital stock of this bank was only $50,000, but the deposits were of considerable value. Granville bank bills once more began to circulate, and the business prospered until the stockholders had received in dividends more than twice their investments. In 1879, from various causes, the business of the bank was curtailed, and the stockholders thought best voluntarily to go into liquidation. The depositors were paid oflf dollar for dollar over the counter, the bonds deposited at Washington were redeemed with greenbacks, the business of the bank was closed, and the bills in circulation are being redeemed at the Comptroller's office in Washington, the stockholders loosing only by the depreciation of their stock a small part of the dividends they had received in former years. Meantime the officers of the bank, Messrs. Bancroft and Downer, doing business jointly, had met with heavy losses in their operations, and were obliged to suspend payment. They, however, recovered themselves so as to be able to meet all legal claims against them, making payment from six to twelve and fifteen months after suspension, and paying both principal and interest. At the closing of the First National Bank, Messrs. Wright, Sinnet «S: Wright formed a partnership and continued the 288 NEW BANKS. business of exchange and discount at the old stand, where they are still operating. In 1880, a new banking company was formed who fitted up a new room three doors west of the old stand, and opened another National Bank, with Mr. H. L. Bancroft as president and Mr. E. M. Downer, cashier, the officers of the old bank resuming their former position. As a peculiar privilege they were allowed to take the name of the old bank, viz : " The First National Bank of Granville," though the business of the two banks is entirely separate. So it conies about that we have two banks in successful operation as we close our records in 1880. II. MERCANTILE ENTERPRISE. Captain William Stedman came from Marietta about 1808, bringing with him a small stock of goods, which he opened in the southeast room of Esquire Oilman's new house near the town spring. Being of an active temperament, preferring out-of-door life, and being a practical bricklayer, he did not long continue to sell goods. He went to Newark and built the first jail of the county, and in 181 5 put up the stone bank in Granville. Soon after Mr. Stedman, Messrs. Pelton & Butler brought to the place a wagon load of goods, which they sold from house to house, taking hogs in payment; they being about the only circulating nicdinm that could be conveniently used. These they drove to Worthington, where they were slaugh- tered, and shipped down the Scioto, their ultimate destina- tion being New Orleans. The next merchant whose name is preserved was Ralph Granger. He came in the fall of 181 2, with a small assort- ment of goods which he displayed in a small cabin room, near Mr. Horace Wolcott's, east of town. Selling out to advantage, he replenished his stock and came to town, occu- pying a small room about where Mr. Parson's store now is. He continued to traffic, having at different times his brother EARLY MERCHANTS. 289 Lewis, Alfred Avery and Anthony P. Prichard for partners, and sometimes running a hoLelat the same time. In 1815, Seth Mead and Hiram Boardman had a store in the east part of town. In 1816, three new stores were opened. Munson & Wol- cott were jnst east of the stone bank. Mr. Chester Griffin, son of Joab Griffin, and brother of Apollos Griffin, opened a store on the north side of Broad, where he continued to trade until his death in October of the following year. Hon. T. M. Thompson, coming from Steubenville, brought a small stock of goods which he opened at the corner of Broad and Pearl Streets, A. P. Prichard being his salesman. He soon removed the store to his land in McKean Township. In 1818, O. & L. Granger were selling goods in the east wing of the frame tavern in the east part of town. About this time an association was formed among the farmers, called the Licking Exporting Company, the object of which was to open the way for disposing of their pork to better advantage. Elias Fasset, then a young man, was em- ployed as clerk ; the hogs belonging to the Company were put into the care of Colonel Chauncy Humphrey, and driven to Sandusky. There they were slaughtered during the win- ter, the pork packed and shipped to Montreal and sold, net- ting the Company $1.25 a hundred. Soon after the death of Mr. Chester Griffin, Colonel Lucius D. Mower and Mr. Apollos Griffin, brother of Chester, having been together through the southern country as far as to New Orleans, trading and selling goods, returned with a stock of goods and opened a store. Afterward separating, each had a store : Mr. Mower in connection with the furnace business, in which he bought an interest, and Mr. Griffin in company with a Mr. Humphrey. Griffin & Humphrey had the building near the stone bank building. In i8ig, the firm was Griffin & Gilman, Mr, Humphrey having sold his inter- est to Elisha S. Gilman, just before cashier of the bank. Mr. Griffin, on account of ill health, did not long remain in the 290 EARLY MKRCHANTS. store. Captain Joseph Fassett had an interest in it for a short time. Eventually the stock was purchased by Colonel L. D. Mower. Spelman & Avery was another firm in 1819. In ]82o, Mr. Matthew Adams opened a store just west of the frame tavern, north side of Broad Street. The firm at one time was Adams & Case. Mr, Sereno Wright had a small stock of goods in the northeast room of his dwelling, on the .south side of the public square, and Mr. Charles Sawyer, a saddler, also began trading with a few articles which were most in demand, his stand being on the south side of Broad Street, and where now is the residence of Mr. E. M. Downer. His store was a red frame building, his saddler's shop being above the store. In October and November, 1822, Colonel L. D. Mower put up the brick building on the south side of Broad Street, in which now is Mr. D. French's saddlery, and brought on a large and fine stock of goods. In 1823, Messrs. Fitch and King advertised in the Wanderer a fine assortment and large stock of goods. Granger & Prichard also constituted a firm at this time. In 1825, Mr. A. P. Prichard bought a fraction, 18 x 30 feet, off the northwest corner lot at the intersection of Broad and Prospect Streets, erected a small one-story building, and commenced selling drugs. He was a practical chemist and kept quite a laboratory. This building was the theater of considerable business until 1830, when it was removed to the rear ol the Congregational Church and became a dwelling. Messrs. Ralph Granger and William Wing having pur- chased the unfinished building of Mr. George Case, at the east corner of Broad and Prospect, proceeded to finish it, and it became the leading hotel. P'or a time the east room was used by Mr. Elias P'assett for merchandise, (probably the furnace store). When the room was wanted for hotel business, the store was removed to the corner of Broad and an alley, now occupied by Carter & Carter, and was for many years the furnace store. EARLY MERCHANTS. 291 In 1829, Colonel h. D. Mower and A. P. Prichard formed a partnership and did a good business at the Prichard stand. The next year, Colonel Mower having added by purchase to the width of Mr. Prichard's lot, put up the two story brick building which still stands. When Colonel Mower died, his brother, Horatio, had succeeded him in the partnership ; and Horatio dying, the third brother, Sherlock, took the Mower interest, and was in the store as long as he lived ; being there when the famous burglary of 1835 was perpetrated. In 1830, Mr. Simeon Reed, who had before lived in the place and removed to Johnstown, returned, and at once entered upon a successful business career, having an interest in the furnace and its store ; and continued a prominent business man of the place until his death in 1855. Mr. Hezekiah Kilbourn had by this time opened a store in the old bank building, where he traded for several years, the firm at one time being H. &. A. Kilbourn. In 183 1, the steam flouring mill was erected near the furnace in which P. W. Taylor had one-half interest, Elias Fassett one-fourth, and Alfred Avery one-lourth ; this being probably the furnace company also ; and the little store at the corner of the alley and Broad became known as " the Steam Mill Store." In 1833, the steam mill was removed to the feeder, where Phelps' saw mill was, and water power was used instead of steam. Mr. Justin Hillyer, Jr., had an interest in it. Messrs. Frederick Cook & Co., George Abbott and his brothers, Elmer and Elizur, and D. & S. Wright were en- gaged in general merchandise ; the latter succeeding to their father's business. The store had been removed some time before to the small building just east of the stone bank building. This small room was probably put up by Mr. Alfred Avery at an early day, and soon after this time it was removed to Fair Street, near Sugar Loaf, and did service as a dwelling ; and in its place Mr. Wright erected the two- story building which still stands there, used as a bakery. 292 EARLY MERCHANTS. About 1834, Walter Thrall, Esq., opened a store in the brick building erected by Colonel Mower in 1822, now Mr. U. French's saddlery. Mr. Christopher C. Rose had long been running a small grocery on the north side of Broad and near the public square. About this time he erected a two-story frame build- ing on the east side of this lot, having two business rooms in front, and dwelling apartments in the rear. In an upper room, accessible by a flight of stairs on the outside, the " in- fant school " was accommodated at one time. Mr. Rose continued his grocery in the west room, and the east room was successively occupied by George Abbott & Co., Mr. Hollister, and D. & D. Humphrey, and others hereafter mentioned, all in general merchandise. This building still stands in loco^ accommodating the meat shop and saloon ; having been lowered, however, so that the floor instead of three or four steps above, is now nearly level with, the side- walk. At one time previous to i8z|4, D. Humphrey, S. Reed and T. A. Smith constituted a firm under the style of " T. A. Smith cS: Co." Mr. Darwin Humphrey afterward bought the steam mill corner and erected a fine brick store, where he traded for several years, having as partner at one time a Mr. Giddings. Avery & Taylor were in partnership at this time. It is said that Jake Rcily had a decisive influence in starting one of our merchants in a prominent business career. Being out together on one of Reily's professional tours, the companion won a large stake at cards. Jake took him aside and said to him. "Now, , you go right home and settle down in business, and never play another game of cards. You won't always have Jake Reily at your elbow." The young man took his advice, went home, abjured cards, and at once began a career of prosperity. If a professional gambler would speak thus at one time, why not at all times? And why would it not have been good policy for himself also? Mower & Prichard about this time added school and mis- NEW SYSTEMS. 293 cellaneous books to their stock, S. Mower having suc- ceeded L. D. Mower, deceased. The steam mill store firm was Reed, Jewett & Co., as mentioned in another chapter. In 1835, Messrs. Merriman & McBride put up a frame building just west of C. C. Rose's grocery on the corner, Mr. Merriman using the west room for shoe business, and Mr. McBride the east for a saddlery. This now stands right north of the Town Hall, being used as a dwelling. Two warehouses were erected on the banks of the feeder about this time ; one by a Mr. Case [Deaf Case] near Griffin's factory; the other by Wilson & Case [Henry Case], at the head of navigation near the Lancaster bridge. The latter was afterward removed to the flat fifty rods below and re- fitted by Justin Hillyer, Jr., for storing wheat. In 1834, Mr. Ralph Parsons came to the place from Suffield, Conn., and opened a store in a small room near the corner of Broad and Mulberry. This lot he afterward bought, and erected a large store building and the dwelling where his family still reside. He did much to introduce a new system of doing business, to the mutual benefit of himself and patrons. The credit and produce system had made due bills and orders a large factor in the circulating medium. Mr. Parsons dealt on the cash system, with low prices and small profits. Since the opening ot the canal, produce and live stock could be sold for cash, which made the new system possible. He afterward received to partnership Mr. Henry L. Bancroft. Finding they were too far from the business center, they removed to an eligible stand among the business houses east of the square. They then bought out G. Adams & Co. (Dr. S. Spelman), who were trading next door to them, and separated, Mr. Parsons retaining one room, and Mr. Bancroft the other. Mr. Bancroft received to partner- ship his son-in-law, W. P. Kerr, and son, B. R. Bancroft. In time, this firm was dissolved, the business being continued by B. R. Bancroft, the father becoming interested in bank- ing, and Mr. Kerr in teaching. In 1869, Mr. Parsons erected 294 LATKR MKRCIIANTS. a fine brick building for his store. He died in 1874, and the business is continued by his son, George C. Parsons. For several years past Mr. B. R. Bancroft has resided in Ana- heim, California. In 1838, Mr. Alfred Avery, as the administrator of the Mower estates, succeeded to the partnership with A. P. Prichard. Mr. Prichard afterward bought the entire busi- ness, and finally limited his trade to drugs, having also the care of the telegraph office. At his death, his sons, Anthony P. and William, succeeded to the business, and then An- thony bought the entire interest. In 1873, he sold to Messrs. Bryant & Black, the latter having charge of the telegraph office. In 1880, Mr Bryant retains the drug interest, while Mr. Black has the telegraph office, with depot and express business, at the Granville station of the Ohio Central R. R. In 1839, Jarvis Case opened a store at the Case homestead, corner of Broad and Green Streets. Not far from 1840, Mr. Henry D. Wright succeeded his brothers, D. & S. Wright; and he again was followed by his nephew, Moseley Wright, son of Sereno. In 1853, the stand was used by the co-operative store. Mr. William S. Wright purchased the stock in 1857. A year or two later he built the large brick store building on the east side of the Public Square and north of Broad, and occupied it under the firm, William S. Wright and Sons. In 1861, this firm sold to Follett & Wright (Austin W. FoUett and William Wright). William Wright then sold his interest to George Follett, and F^ollett Bros, was the firm. The succession at this stand has been since : Dilley, Park & Co. ; Dilley & Goodrich ; George Goodrich; Goodrich & Craig, and R. i^. Craig, who is the present occupant. In 1842, Reed «& Adams were in partnership, and A. P. Prichard had received to partnership his son, Gilman, the firm being Prichard & Son. In 1850, H. R. Green entered into partnership with Darwin Humphrey at the old steam-mill stand, which partnership LATER MERCHANTS. 295 continiied eighteen months. In the sprino of 1854, he bought the stock of I. Sniithyman & Co., who were trading in the east room of the C. C. Rose building, which building had come into possession of J. R. Spease. In 1857, Mr. Green added fifty feet to his own building, standing between the two former locations just named, making a salesroom i6x 70, and moved the stock into it. In the fall of 1858, the business was transferred to his son, H. B. Green. In 1871, the building was refitted, making a salesroom 32 feet front and 55 feet deep, with two large show windows. Here Mr. Green continues still to deal in dry goods, ready-made clothing, etc. In 1837, Mr. G. B. Johnson came to the place, and soon afterward, Mr. James Fosdick. After a season of clerkship in the store of Avery & Fassett, these two young men were both received to partnership. Ere long the business was chiefly entrusted to the junior members of the firm, the senior partners giving their attention largely to outside busi- ness. Mr. Fassett removed to Cleveland, and thence to New York City, where he engaged in brokerage. Mr. Avery also went to New York and engaged in wholesale dry goods busi- ness. At one time the firm consisted of Alfred Avery, Dr. S. Spelman, G. B. Johnson and James Fosdick, under the style, "Spelman, Johnson & Co." At another it was J. Hillyer, Jr., E. Fassett, A. Avery, G. B. Johnson and J Fosdick, under the style of " Fassett & Co." Mr. Jeremiah Munson was in the firm for a time about 1847. In 1847, Munson C. Hillyer was engaged in merchandis- ing in the east room of the C. C. Rose building. Messrs. Isaac Smithyman and Thomas Woods had the grocery in the west room. The same gentlemen with Mr. George Ingra- ham and others had a joint stock business in the east room, to which Mr. Hillyer succeeded by purcha.se. He then bought out the grocery, also, and removed the intervening partition, making his store room more commodious. There he continued to trade until he went to California in 1851. 296 PRESENT MERCHANTS. While George B. Whiting was in the postoffice, he began to deal in school books, wall paper, stationery, miscellaneous books, pictures, music, a circulating library, adding one feature after another, until now (jranvillc can boast a very fine book store. In like manner, the grocery business has grown from ordi- nary beginnings until we have some of the finest stocks in the county. Thomas Jones has a little shop with a steam engine, chem- icals, and a good stock of ingenuity, with which he serves the people in silver plating, repairing sewing machines, clocks, guns, etc. The DeBow brothers are doing very creditable work in the line of tombstones and monuments, using marble, granite, and ot.her materials. In 1871, under the laws of the vState of Ohio, there was formed in (iranville, most (jf the stockholders being citizens of the place, a company called, " The vSunday Creek Coal and Iron Mining and Transportation Company," with a nominal capital of $500,000, for the purpose of smelting iron, mining and selling coal. They bought a furnace near Toledo, Ohio, with a large tract of woodland ; also, a tract in the coal fields of Perry county, Ohio. Their operations were a failure. About the same time, another coal land speculation in- volved many citizens of Granville, drawing away a large amount of capital from the place, and it, too, proved a failure. These, with other unsuccessful transactions, are estimated to have withdrawn from the townshij) within the past ten years, about one hundred thousand dollars. TIIK ANTI-SI. AVKRY KXCITKMKNT, 20( CHAPTER XLVI. The beginiiino- of anti-slavery meetings in the township was in 1834. Most of the people at that time were coloniza- tionists in sentiment. A Mr. Hawlcy, from Western Reserve College, lectnred in the Congregational Chnrcli against col- onization as a means of doing away slavery ; making qnite a sensation. " Andible mnrmnrings were heard thronghont the chnrch." Colonization meetings followed, with the adop- tion of a long series of resolntions, signed by many of the leading citizens. The next lectnrer was Theodore D. Weld, " one of the best platform speakers in the United States. With all the -graces of oratory he had a masterly command of logic." He had been an agent of the American Colonization Society in Ala- bama, and an inmate of Jndge Birney's family. He was one of the band of forty-two yonng men who, inllnenced by the reputation of Dr. Beecher, had gathered at Lane Seminary to study for the ministry. Not satisfied with the position taken by the Institution on the anti-slavery question they had left in a body. Coming from Columbus by stage, in crossing an unbridged stream swollen by rain, the horses, stage, and passengers were all swept down by the current. Mr. Weld narrowly escaped drowning. He lost consciousness but was resuscitated. Arriving at Granville, In'iday, April 3, 1835, he lectured in the conference room of the Congrega- tional Society. A mob gathered and pelted him through the windows with eggs ; the audience, even to the ladies, sharing in the honors of his reception to the extent that some were all next day restoring their soiled clothing. The conference room, and every other public building was thereafter closed against him. Those having charge of them would not risk the threatened damage. Deacon Leonard Bushnell had a dwelling house enclosed at this time except 29 298 WKI.P'S LKCTURKS. doors and windows, and partitions incomplete. It was not in condition to be greatly damaged by eggs. It was so arranged that ^Ir. Weld by standing at an npper window could make himself heard throngh the house where the ladies were seated on planks, and through the grounds, where the gen- tlemen chiefly gathered. Many came from adjoining towns to hear him. This was his second meeting. It was largely attended by young ladies from both the schools, and by citizens generally. On this occasion, one of the Whiteheads of Jersey — a family of giant frame and strength — being on the outskirts of the crowd, heard a man muttering vengeance on the speaker and others. Stepping quietly up to him with one hand in his pocket, he grasped him under the other arm, lifted him over the picket fence, and set him down in the street, saying, "There, my little man, keep quiet I We do not allow such language in the \ard. Do not make any noise." Having felt the power of Whitehead's arm, and seeing plenty of others as quietly determined as he was, the man and those with him made no further disturbance. The third meeting was held at the house of Mr. Ashley A. Bancroft, half a mile north of town. The town authori- ties had begun to move, opposing any further anti-slavery meetings within the corporation limits as endangering the peace of the village. Dr. Lewis Barnes, of Delaware, who was present on that occasion, writes as follows : " No mob was there ; but as we came into town after the lecture, we found a hideous group of rnthans encumbering the side walk. A man by the name of S appeared to be their leader, S had been to the lecture with two or three younger men, where he drew a pistol with threats. But dar- ing nothing further at that time, he withdrew and returned to town. After the adjournment, as the convention men came by, his evil eye was fixed upon Sa??i IV/iz/e, for whom he made a rush. But Sam turned upon him so impetuously that his ardor began to abate, and we also bore our belliger- OHIO STATE AXTI-SLA\'ERY CONVENTION. 299 ant friend away from the spot, and thus the conflict was sns- pended. But the mob spirit had become so strong and defi- ant that no further appointments were made." Mr. Weld then went to St. Albans township and continued his lectures at the Gaffield meeting house, just across the line. For a week they were largely attended by citizens of Granville as well as the neighborhood, and they occasioned no further disturbance. Meantime the colonization element was not inactive. On the 28th of October (1835J, in response to an open call, a meeting convened in the parlor of the hotel, at which pro- vision was made for calling a general meeting of citizens to protest against the proceedings of the abolitionists and to revive the support of the Colonization Society. A paper was adopted and signed by twent\--six prominent citizens. At this subsequent meeting a long series of resolutions was offered, discussed and adopted. Thursday, April 27, 1836, the Ohio State Auti-Slaver\- Convention held its anniversary- in Granville, preliminary- committee or business meetings being held on days preced- ing^. Xo room could be obtained for it in the ^-illag:e. A remonstrance was signed by seven t\--five men. including the mayor, recorder, and members of the council ; many of them prominent citizens, and of two classes : those who abomi- nated abolition, and those whose motive was to avoid a dis- turbance of the peace. On the other hand, the Abolitionists thought they held a " certain inalienable right" to meet for peaceable discussion, and that it would be bad policy to give ground while that right was questioned by a mob threatening violence. To render the situation more trying still, families were divided. Brothers, brothers-in-law, sisters, and other near relatives were ranged on opposite sides of the exciting question. The anti-slavery party \-ielded so far as not to meet in the village. Mr. A. A. Bancroft again met the crisis. His large barn at that season of the year was nearly empty. This was 300 GATHERING STORM. offered to the committee of arrangement as the place of meeting, accepted, arranged, and styled the Hall of Freedom. The day of meeting drew near. The abolitionists went quietly forward with their preparations and the more violent of the other party showed a determined hostility. On one of the evenings preceding the meeting of the convention, and not in any way connected with it, unless it was that some attended it who had come to attend the con- vention, a meeting was held in the school house on the Lan- caster road. After a lecture, a local anti-slavery society was formed. A mob went over from town and made considerable disturbance, throwing eggs and stones, and breaking the windows badly. Some of the audience sallied out in self defence. Clubs were freely used and men of both parties sustained serious personal injuries This whetted the spirit of the mob and made them more determined. During the night they sent out word in every direction calling together a crowd of men disposed to use violence in bi caking up the convention. They came from Mt. Vernon and the extreme northwest corner of the county and many nearer places. The day of the convention found the village filled by two crowds of men of these opposing sentiments, and uneasiness was manifested on the streets from early morning. The one crowd was headed by such men as President Mahan and Professor Cowles, of Oberlin College, Hon, J. G. Birney, of Cincinnati, and kindred spirits ; the other, numbering about two hundred men, can hardly be said to have had any efficient leaders. The more wise of the opponents drew back from encouraging violence, and the turbulent elements that were ready for it knew not how to strike. The storm cloud was surcharged wuth electricity, but no conductor offered a track for its gathered force. They tried to get an experienced militia captain to organize and lead them. But in this they failed. They spent the day in harangues, in bobbing Abolitionists' horses, and in drilling by squads ; PREPARATIONS. 301 marching around to the music of a violin, both about the public house, and on the summit of Prospect Hill, in sight of where the convention was sitting. The mayor purposely absented himself that day, and the constable declined to use his office for the preservation of the peace until the afternoon brought the violence. Word was sent from the mob to the convention that if they did not adjourn by a given time they would be assailed, and the mob had spies out reporting all the movements of the convention. The abolitionists quietly assembled and proceeded with their business. During the day the mob was hourly expected to attack them Mr. Bancroft with a log chain secured the large gate leading to the barn, making it necessary for the mob, in case of attack, to scale the fence. Having, for the sake of peace, yielded so far as to go out of town to hold their meeting, they were determined on self-defense. A load of hoop poles was brought from James Langdon's cooper shop, (he was a brother-in-law of Samuel White), and each one cut in two, affording an abundant supply of shillalahs in case they should be needed. There were some personal collisions during the day, but nothing very serious until the afternoon. The convention did not adjourn for dinner, but continuing its session finished its business by two o'clock p. m., and ad- journed sine die. The Ladies' School, under Misses Grant and Bridges, was suspended for the day, and teachers and scholars went in procession to the convention. The board- ing department was then accommodated in the brick building in the west end of town, now the residence of Dr. Gifford. The village sidewalks at that time ran close by the buildings on each side of the street. The young ladies, under the pro- tection of a strong escort, formed a procession four abreast, and marched around Prospect Hill into town, down Green Street and up the north sidewalk of Broad Street. The mob was gathered on the same side of the street in front of the hotel, at the corner of Prospect Street. At this point the 302 . THE COLLISION. two crowds came in collision. A part of the mob gave way and let the procession pass partially through the outskirts, but the mass of them resisted, and the procession was crowded into the middle of the street, keeping very close together. As the procession passed them, the mob became excited and began to hoot and to move toward them, calling vociferously for Samuel White and William Whitney, both of whom were conspicuous among the escort, and both ob- noxious as abolition lecturers. The procession closed in together and quickened their pace as the mob pressed upon them. Thus they proceeded up the street nearly one square, the procession occupying the middle of the street and the mob the sidewalk and intervening space, the more daring ones pressing alongside the procession, some trying to trip the ladies in spite of their protectors. One prominent citi- zen was heard to shout: "Egg the squaws!" Following the procession were many on horseback and in wagons. These were assailed with eggs and other missiles, and females sought to escape the danger by jumping from the wagons and running away. The old culvert at the outlet of the pond in the center of town used to extend only across the wagon track in the center of the street. As the procession was passing over this, a student of the college and the lady he was escorting were pushed off the culvert into the ditch. Hastening to see his lady among friends in the procession, he returned, found his assailant and knocked him down. The assailant "soon came to time and went to grass again." Seeing this, another of the mob made for the student and knocked Jiini down. The ball was now fairly opened. A citizen rushed frantically at the head of the procession, where he tackled a powerful man — one of the Whiteheads, of Jersey — and was turned back with the loss of his wig. The student, who, by the way, had been a trained pugilist, returned to the fight, and singling one at a time from his assailants, laid several in the dust, until he was overpowered by numbers and buried VIOIvENCE. 303 under a pile of rails from Esquire Gavit's fence. Another of the mob was soon seen carrying on his shoulders something wrapped in a handkerchief, which proved to be a bloody- head. He had been hit by a good-sized stone thrown from the midst of the procession. At the rear, a furnaceman had got an abolitionist down and was pounding him unmerci- fully, when a citizen ran from one of the stores across the street and pulled him off, crying : " Get off; you are killing him !" " Wh-wh-why," said the man, who was a stammerer, " I s'posed I'd g-g-got to k-k-kill him, and he aint d-dead yet ! " and he gave him another blow. A little further on, several of the mob had laid hands on two of the young ladies and separated them from the procession. A workman at Mr. Sereno Wright's seeing this, dropped his tools, and gath- ering stones as he ran, began to throw them at the assailants. He was soon joined by others. One of the mob was hit on the shin and disabled. A few more stones opened the way for the girls to escape. One of them sank to the ground from fright, unable to run. The men had now come between them and the mob and held the latter in check, fighting with stones and whatever else came to hand, until the companions of the young lady gained courage to run back and help her escape. This was in front of where the Baptist Church is now. One young man whose sympathies were with the opposers rather than with the abolitionists, evoked the displeasure of some of the mob by acts of gallantry in this part of the drama, and had to take refuge in the cellar of a store. Dur- ing these transactions the women for the most part hid themselves within their houses, too fearful to witness the events. But one young housewife was making soap that day, and was dressed accordingly. Hearing a great noise, she looked out upon the street and saw the mob rapidly ap- proaching, a man of her acquaintance running past her as for life, and yielding to her first impulse, she ran through the garden and climbed hurriedly into a neighbor's barn- 304 BLOODSHED. yard, tearing her working attire sadly in the effort. Then realizing that she was no safer there than she wonld be in the house, she climbed back again, and growing bolder and foro-etting the plight she was in, she went into the street and began to expostulate with those of the mob with whom she came in contact. The march had now changed to the double-quick, and ahnost a rout. But the ladies all reached some place of safety, some at the dwellings along the route, others at the boarding house. Mr. Whitney was so pressed that he broke ahead of the procession, ran through Mr. Haskell's house and secreted himself in the back part of the ladies' boarding house. Mr. White, also, after felling three or four with his fist, ran across the gardens, and was cared for by Rev. Henry Carr. He had two brothers also in the fray, which was not a bloodless one for them. Mr. John Lewis, a student from Oberlin, was set upon by one of the mob who carried a heavy stick. He turned and ran across the road toward an open door, which, just as he reached it, was closed against him ; and exhausted, he stumbled upon the steps. His pursuer was just upon him when he fell, and he could only turn upon his back and hold up his arms to defend his head, while blow after blow was dealt upon him in double-handed strokes. The mobocrat was made to desist, but not until the young man was covered with blood. Ere this. Esquire Gilman had come upon the .scene. He met the mob at the foot of Rose Street, and then and there commanded citizens in the name of the State of Ohio to help restrain the violent, with threats of instant fines for disobedience. But his presence could not be everywhere, and the mischief still went on. A part of the mob now snrged back again down the street in great disorder. Eggs were thrown, there were personal encounters and more or less personal injury. Gathering strength, they returned under a fresh impetus, excited in the determination to find .some of the individuals they longed to handle. THE FIELD CLEARED. 305 Mr. Jocelyn, steward at the Baptist Seminary, was chased around the old Baptist Church, but ehided the mob, and reached home in safety. Mr. Anderson, the constable, came upon the scene of action on horseback, and sought to use his authority. He was unceremoniously dragged from his horse and treated with indignity. The stammerer had by this time reached the van of the mob. He took after the constable, who fled incontinently, leaving his hat behind him. This was appropriated by the stammerer as a trophy. A squad of them, still looking for White and Whitney, met Mr. Bynner. " Have you seen anything of Whitney? " they asked. "Whitney," replied he, pointing in the direction of the college on the Columbus road, "why didn't you just now see Mr. Whitney running with all his might toward the col- lege ? " Supposing he meant that he had so seen him, they made haste to pursue, and were soon off the scent. In the evening, Mr. Whitney reached his boarding house. His host, however, was afraid to keep him over night, and he found his way across the garden^s to the house of his friend, Rev. William S. Roberts. He and his two brothers procured shotguns, ammunition, crowbars and axes, and they all bar- ricaded themselves in the west room of what is now Mr. Whitney's residence, but they were not molested. Judge Birney and others standing with him were ap- proached on the sidewalk by a prominent citizen, who re- monstrated with them for holding such a meeting, and or- dered them out of town. The Judge mildly replied that they had accomplished their work and were just ready to leave. The citizen further said, with many oaths, "Well, , I am glad of it ; I hope you will, ; it is time you were going, for, , you have periled the peace of our village long enough." This was simply to put the onus of the dis- turbance upon the abolitionists as the responsible cause of it. The closing scene was the ride of Judge Birney past the mob, now re-assembling at the hotel. He started from Dr. 306 THE CLOSING SCENE. Bancroft's on his awfully bobbed horse, rode slowly by the mob while they pelted him on every side with eggs ; and when past the reach of their missiles, he i)nt spurs to his horse, and in that plight left town. Many of the mobocrats from a distance were disgusted with the citizens who sent for them, because no man of prom- inence among them would lead their assault, and they went away leaving inverted compliments for them, and declining to pull chestnuts out of the fire any more. All these scenes occuj^jed not much more time than it takes to read them. They were followed by a heavy thunder shower that cooled men's passions; and in the evening the Granville Band was out with music, as if such a day might still close in peace and pleasure. The same evening an abolition meeting was held in the stone school-house on the Welsh Hills, and there was no dis- turbance. The abolition party received great accessions by that day's work; and at this day no one is found to speak approvingly of the violence that then filled our otherwise peaceful streets with confusion and bloodshed. One very good man was heard to say with regard to the treatment the anti-slavery men received that he was glad of it, and he would serve them the same way if they were to come to his neighborhood. But another said : " If that is the way, I am henceforth an abolitionist," and the next heard of him he was an agent of the Underground Railroad. The following lines were appended to an account of this mob published at the time in pamphlet form, and called : " Granville Mobocracy Exposed, or a Pill for the Dough Faces." The pamphlet cannot now be found, but the lines have been preserved in print, and come to us from Boston : "a parody on the mob in GRANVILLE IN 1834. " In Granville when the sun was low The mobiles filled each street and row, And low and mournful was the flow Of Raccoon rolling sluggishly. THE FUGITIVE RESCUED. 307 •' By yells and shoutings fast arrayed Each mobile drew his battle blade, And furiously they rushed to aid And join the drunken revelry. " But Granville saw another sight When the mobites rushed to furious fight Commanding drunken fiends to light Upon the ladies suddenly. " The riot deepens, on, ye slaves! Who rush with fury on the brave. Wave, mobites, all your cudgels wave. And charge with all your chivalry. " Then shook the town with riot riven; Then rushed the mob by fury driven. And in savage yells to heaven. Loud shouted the mobocracv. " Ah! few shall part where many meet Without a broken head to greet Their captain when he comes to treat The mobites for their gallantry." A similar convention was held two or three years later in the Congregational Chnrch, and the town cannon was fired for some time on the square during its sessions. But the third convention was held not long after, and not a dog moved his tongue against it. The next demonstration was about 1841, on the occasion of the taking of a fugitive slave (whose name was John), under the old Black Laivs of Ohio. He was being tried in Newark under Judge Haughey, when Samuel White entered the court room, and at once espoused John's case. At his motion the case was postponed. He got Dr. Bancroft to procure a writ of habeas corpus, which brought him to Gran- ville for trial before Judge Bancroft. The trial was held in the conference room where Weld was egged. White, aided by Stanbery and Ells, defended John, and the court decided in his favor, the decision being that the arrest of the man as it had been brought about, was unconstitutional. Immediately White arose and shouted : " Knock off those shackles ! No 308 THE TRIAL. fetters here I John, you are a free man I Run, John, run for your life and liberty I'' Quicker done than said. The shackles fell off as by magic. The crowd opened to the right and left. John was pushed through, and even borne over their heads by friends, he, with tears, stretching out his hand toward White and crying : " God bress you, ]\Iassa White! God bress you, Massa White." The Marshal who had brought him and stood near him during the trial, made some show of resistance. But a few overpowering words from Wliite, with a significant gesture of his powerful right arm, sent the blood in upon his heart, and he cowered into non- resistance. Friends urged John to the horses, which stood waiting for him and his guides. One of these he mounted like an adept, and not waiting to get his feet in the stirrups, he was soon on top of the hill west of the Academy, swing- ing his hat and shouting : " Hurrah !" and in another moment was out of sight. Ere the bewildered master could take any further steps, John was beyond his reach. So eager were friends to see him off that certain people who were in the plan and others who were not, all friends, came into collision, and one or two blows were interchanged before they understood each other. Another mistake occurred in taking the wrong horse, one very similar to the one provided. The bridle was cut and he was off before it was perceived. The right horse followed, however, the matter was rectified and no complaints were made. " i\fter all," said an old time opposer, " I'm rather glad he's got away." Granville was long a well known station on the Great Northwestern Underground Railroad, from which place it branched, one track running up Loudon Street, the one by which John went, and the other over the hills to Utica. Trains would stop sometimes thirty minutes for meals ; some- times all day, rather than all night, for rest ; sometimes longer to have the track repaired. If danger threatened, the conductors and track viewers were careful to have everything looked after, and trains were seldom delayed, and never thrown from the track. SLAVE IS FREED. 309 [More than half a century has now passed (1889) since those memorable events. Few of the actors in those scenes snrvive, and the living who sympathized with either side were at the time too young to enter intelligently into the motives of those actors. All to-day would wonder at the impetuosity that displayed itself in profanity, violence and bloodshed. To-day the slave is freed and everybody is glad.] olO OUR CRIMINAL RKCORD. CHAPTI{R XLVII. OUR CRIMINAL RKCORD. This should not be passed over, lest Granville bear a better name than she deserves ; neither is it well to wound the feel- ings of any by unnecessarily calling to memory that which were better left in oblivion. In very early times there were two cases of criminal offence against society. In 1819, G was accused of forgery, having been before guilty of ])ctit larceny, was tried, con- victed and sent to the penitentiary for a short term. He had long failed to enjoy the confidence of the community. About the same time (not far from 1814) L was guilty of altering bank notes from the denomination of one's to ten's. He was of a singular disposition, loving to be much alone, studying his father's library ; but, as it afterward appeared, for the sake of finding the secret mechanical and chemical arts which he used in his work. He kept a private room which was always under lock and key, where were found the evidences of his crime. He was assisted to leave the country, starting from home on horse-back, going south never to return. The most gigantic crime perpetrated in our community was that of M . In the winter of ICS34-5, the merchants missed small amounts of money or goods from the stores. Families missed small articles from their premises. Locks were found tampered with. Paints, groceries, dry goods, syrups, hams, cash, mysteriously disappeared. It was evident there was mischief around, but no trace of the perpetrator could be found. One Saturday evening, April 4, 1835, M came into the store of Mower & Prichard just as it was to be closed for the night. Sherlock Mower and a lad who assisted him, were the only persons present. M sauntered around, seem- ingly having no errand, and was inclined to be near the back BURGLARIES. 311 door which opened into a large ware-room, in one corner of which, just to the right as one entered, was the office room, and in the office the safe was kept. On the west side was another more open ware-house for rough storage. On the counter near this back door of the sales-room was a case con- taining candy, of which M bought six and a fourth cents worth, (an old fashioned piece of silver). Soon after Mr. Mower went into the ware-room to see that all was right, and M slipped in after him to examine the premises. Next morning (Sunday) the key hole of the front door was observed to be filled with mud. That evening the boy clerk was about the open shed when he observed M go stealth- ily and examine the key hole to find if any one had entered the store. While he was doing this, Otis Wheeler came riding rapidly down Prospect Street, turning round the store into Broad, on his way for a doctor. As he rounded the corner he noticed a man coming hurriedly away from the front door, which excited his attention. M then went into French's tavern and sat by the bar room fire. In the night, Sunday, April 5th, M with an auger cut out the lock of the west door by boring all around it, effected an entrance into the office, rolled out the safe through the wareroom and to the east door, loaded it upon an old- fashioned hand truck, (much used in those days for drawing water in barrels from the town spring), and started with it through Broad Street, and down Main, toward the old burial lot. When opposite Mr. Sereno Wright's dwelling, just be- yond the town square, the safe fell from the truck into the mud. M was a powerful man, but he could not manage to get the safe any further. He then went back to the black- smith shop of A. Sinnet, just back of the store he had burglarized, but found it fastened. He then went to the shop in olden times conspicuously labeled in great white letters " Our Shop," where Mr. Montonye's shop now is, and there procured a heavy sledge hammer. With three well- directed blows he sprung the lock of the safe and opened the 312 BURGLARIES. door. It is one ol the marvels of the case that he should make so much noise right in the middle of town and be heard on every hand, and awaken no suspicion of what was o-oine on. The rolling of the safe on the floor was heard on the street back (Bowery), and it was afterward described as like distant thunder. The heavy blows that opened the safe were heard by Mr. Sereno Wright and at Deacon Bancroft's, yet no one thought of mischief. The quiet little town slept so unconscious of evil that the deed fell like a thunderbolt among thcni. Next morning the town was early astir. The safe was found lying bedaubed in the mud and rifled of its contents. The store was found opened. The tracks in the mud were closely observed, and some of them protected for future ref- erence. The burglar was tracked from place to place. The prints showed very large boots, and one of them had a tap on it. From where the safe was lying he went directly to the burial lot. There, under a flat stone which leaned against the wall, were found the personal notes, which, being of no use to the thief, he had rid himself of them. Inside the yard, stones and bricks were freshly disturbed, but this was only a blind ; there was nothing deposited there. The account books were hidden in different places in the wall, stones being taken out here and there to make room for them. The sharp ones of the village were immediately at work as detectives. As some suspicions had already lighted upon M , it was not long until a search warrant was out and he was under surveillance. All his premises were ransacked, and then the neighboring hill. In the cellar-way the boots were found, freshly washed, which fitted the tracks. Between the ceiling and the chamber floor were found many packages tucked away, which merchants recognized. Many false keys were discovered. In a secret place of an out-building was a shingle loosely tacked which held a package of money. In the crack of a boulder, the top of which lay a little above BURGLARIES. 3J3 the surface of the ground, the bulk of the money was found. The crack had been recently filled with small stones to the depth of a foot or two. It was the marks of this recent work that drew attention to the spot. Under the loose stones was a stocking foot which contained the money, and the leg of the stocking was found in the garret of the house, while on his face was a black spot from the blacksmith's shop. His night's work had come so near the morning as not to give him time for his morning's ablutions, before he was sus- pected and tracked. Previous to this a ten dollar bill which M passed was identified as having been lost from one of the stores, and a peculiarly small, round ham was found boiling in the pot, so strikingly like one lost as to produce confusion at a neigh- bor's call. This chain of evidence seemed enough. He was indicted, the case came up in the April term of court, 1835, and was continued to the October term. The verdict was given by a jury of eleven, one having been taken sick, and the pgrties mutually agreeing to go on with eleven. The witnesses called were Sherlock Mower, B. E. Vial, Otis Wheeler, Andrew Merriman, Andrew Dunlap, Sally Stephens, Leonard Humphrey, Joseph B. Gaylord. M was found guilty and sentenced to the penitentiary. September loth, 1850, an altercation between a young man, a student of the college, and the steward of the insti- tution, led to the student's snatching a pocket knife from the steward's hands and stabbing him near the heart. The result was not as serious as the heat of the moment might naturally have led to. On the morning of Tuesday, September nth, 1877, when the people began to stir upon the streets, the east window of the First National Bank, northwest corner of Broad and Prospect Streets, was found to be open. Looking in they saw that the outer door of the iron vault, in which stood the safe, was open, and the inner door had been tampered with. The first had been blown open with gunpowder, and the 30 314 BURGLARIES. same had been tried upon the inner door. There was a space of about four inches both above and below this door, and the explosion finding vent had produced no effect. A sledge hammer, though it produced great indentations on the iron plate, also failed to open it. People said it was so old- fashioned an affair that modern burglars did not understand it. The inner lock was so tampered with that it took several hours to open it, and meantime it was uncertain whether the robbers had succeeded and borne away the treasure, locking the door after them to gain time, or whether all was safe. It was found to have resisted all as- saults and proved faithful to its trust. All the plunder they got was a gold pen and a few similar articles from the bank office. Quantities of carpets and coffee sacks were found, which had been used to darken the room and deaden the sound. Still the noise was heard across Broad Street, and the light was seen irom the old hotel across Prospect Street, but no one suspected what was going on. No clue to the perpetrators was ever obtained. Close upon this there followed a series of burglaries that led to the establishing of a night watch. On the morning of Thursday, October 4th, the store of Mr. H. B. Green was found to have been opened, but if any thing was taken it was not missed. On the morning of Wednesday, the 7th of November, the store of Mr. George C. Parsons was found to have been en- tered and many goods abstracted. He estimated his loss at $600. The marks on the goods were removed, many of them being found on the floor. Next spring when a hay stack on the Infirmary farm was removed, tags and marks were found secreted in the stack, and identified by Mr. Parsons as his marks. On the 8th of November, the night watch was established by the Town Council, the expense of which is paid by tax. On the morning of Wednesday, the 14th of November, an attempt was made to break into the house of Mr. Klihu BURGLARIES. 315 Hayes, three miles southwest of town, but the burglars were heard and foiled. Friday, December 7th, the cellar of Mr. Henry Kendall was found to have been entered by an outside door, and sev- eral cans of fruit were taken. Mr. Green's store had been tried again, the casing of the front door being taken off, and Mr. Alfred Jewett's horse was found saddled and bridled ready for a ride. ' About the same time one of the inmates of Mr. Cole's family, on the McCune farm (formerly Joseph Linnel's) on Centerville, heard a carriage drive away from the house. In the morning the old family carriage and two farm horses were missing. They never came back, nor has any trace of them been found to this day. It could not even be found which way they turned when emerging upon the road. July 2d, 1878, Mr. Enos Wilkins, on Centerville Street, found a burglar had entered by a window and taken posses- sion of his house while all were away on the day of the sol- diers' reunion. He had collected a pile of things to carry away, but surrendered, plead guilty before a magistrate, and was sent to jail. Beyond these, there is an ordinary record of accusations of crime on the justices' dockets, from the larceny of a jack knife to horse-stealing, running through the list of larceny, house-breaking, forging, assault and battery, disturbing meet- ing and so on ; but nothing unusual that fixes crime on citi- izens of Granville, or demanding record. 316 KATAI. ACCIDKNTS. CHAPTER XLVIII. A review of the death record of the township makes the impression that an unusnal nnmber came to their death by accident. The first occurred at the explosion of Goodrich's distillery. The boiler was a wooden tank, or a cut from a large hollow tree, set upon an iron bottom without sufficient fastenings. It was thrown off by the force of the steam, several being badly scalded. One little girl died during the following night. This occurred Wednesday, February 26th, 181 2. Thursday, October 7th, 1813, James Thrall was killed under the following circumstances : He was standing on a tree that had been blown over, cutting it in two ten or twelve feet from the roots. When it was severed the bent roots forced the stump violently back to position, hurling him into the air. In falling his back was broken, and he survived but a few days. Mr. Ethan Bancroft died Monday, ]\Iay 9th, 1814, from the kick of a horse. He was coming in from the field v\'here he had been furrowing for corn with a horse he had just bought. His little boy had been twice thrown from the horse during the forenoon, and calling his hired man he had him hold the plow while himself rode. Going to the stable to feed at noon, he was riding past where the horse had been in pasture when the creature reared almost straight up. Mr. Bancroft was sliding off his back when he sprang to the left and away as far as he could, falling on his hands and knees. The horse quickly turned and gave him a kick in the face, covering the right eye, cutting the cheek, nose and brow, tearing the eye and injuring the skull. This was on Friday. He lived till Sunday night eleven o'clock. On Sunday afternoon he was sitting up conversing with his neighbors. In the evening he was taken much worse and sank rapidly. He was thirty- four years of age. ACCIDENTS. 317 1815, Tuesday, September 12th, Mr. Christopher Avery died by falling into a well he was digging on his own prem- ises, a couple of miles southwest of town. Mr. Gideon Cor- nell and others were helping. Gas had troubled them for some time, and Mr. Avery gave the signal that he wished to be drawn up. He came so near the top that Mr. Cornell seized him by the hand, grasping only three of his fingers. Mr. Avery was losing consciousness and self-control, and his weight was more than Mr. Cornell could sustain. Mr. Avery slipped from his grasp and fell backward to the bottom, a distance of forty feet, and was killed. 1816, September 29th, Moses Boardman was on his way from Zanesville with a heavy load of building materials, when he was thrown from his wagon, and lived but twelve hours after it. The same year, while the furnace buildings were being erected a stick of timber that was being lifted to position, swung round and gave one of the men a blow which proved fatal. Some time afterward while one of the bellows tubs was being repaired, a heavy weight fell from the top, strik- ing a workman below, and another life was sacrificed. These bellows arrangements were great wooden cylinders bound with iron hoops, eight or ten feet high, and set up from the ground ; having leather tops and bottoms, the bottom having a valve playing in it as the power worked it up and down, and the upper one was loaded with weights. 1817, Tuesday, February 25th, Mrs. John Jones, living on North Street, was riding on a sled drawn by oxen, when they took fright and ran, and she was killed. With her husband she was going to spend an evening at a neighbor's. Being taken up for dead "she revived a little, groaned, prayed and expired." Thursday, September 4th, of the same year, one Freeman Williams, seventeen years of age, was killed by lightning, on the farm of Elkanah Ivinnel. Mr. Linnel, Erastus Allyn, and young Williams were engaged in gathering ashes from 318 ACCIDENTS. the fields. A shower coming up, they took refuge under the wagon. Williams remarking that he had left his jacket under a tree which stood near, started to get it. Instead of return- ing to the wagon he put on his jacket and remained standing under the tree. A heavy charge of lightning soon struck the tree, and his head was seen to drop. His companions imme- diately went to him and found him dead. The occurrence was the beginning of seriousness among the young. The revival of 1818 followed when eighteen united with the church. There was a similar occurrence a few years later on the farm of Justin Hillyer, Sr. A young man working in the hay field was struck and instantly killed. Others near were prostrated by the shock, of whom one was a son of Mr. Hillyer. 1818, July i6th, Paulina Danforth, six years of age, while out playing, ate a poisonous root which caused her death. The family lived a little way north of town. Her father had pulled up the root as he was passing through a recent clear- ing, and thrown it into Clear Run to get rid of it. Instead of this it was washed down the run a quarter of a mile to attract his little daughter's attention. She mistook it for a sweet root the people were accustomed to eat. In September of the same year, another little girl of the same age, Sarah Swim, [or Swaim,] was run over by a horse and killed. The family lived on the bank of Clear Run, on Centerville Street. She was on her way to school, goi*ig up the hill toward town, when an older brother came riding rapidly toward her, calling to her to get out of the way. He had nothing on the horse by which to guide or curb him. Probably both were confused, and the child was trampled down by the horse and killed. 1820, Monday, March 4th, a daughter of Levi Rose, one year of age, was drowned. Toddling along a path by which she sometimes followed her mother when she went to the spring for water, she fell face downward into a shallow pool ACCIDENTS. 319 of water. Her mother missed her ahnost immediately, but not in time to save her life. 1822, June 9th, Hon. Jeremiah R. Munson was drowned, at the age of forty-two, while under temporary insanity. He had been showing signs of aberration for some time, and it was resolved that morning to call a physician for examina- tion and advice. Some of the family went to meeting, it being Sabbath, bearing the message to the doctor. Having helped them off, he went into the house and read aloud to his mother from the Bible for some time. Presently he came to the passage, " it were better for him that a mill stone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depths of the sea." He stopped, closed the book, looked up at his mother, and went up stairs. When the family re- turned from meeting they brought with them Dr. Richards ; but Mr. Munson was nowhere to be found. They searched the barn, the hills and woods north of the house, and all the premises. At that juncture a neighbor came in with Mr. Munson's hat in his hand, which he had found by the mill pond. In it were papers by which he knew where the hat belonged. The pond was at once searched, but not until next day was the body found. 1827, August 4th, the child of Lewis and Cynthia Fluke, two years of age, was scalded to death by falling into a kettle of hot lye. Friday, November i6th, of the same year, Mr. Zabina Pierce was engaged in digging a well half a mile east of town on the place now owned by Mr. Wynkoop. The ground was gravelly and loose, and troubled them much by caving. The well was nearly forty feet deep. At noon he sat down to eat a lunch under a board that leaned from side to side to protect him from anything that might fall. A very large body of earth became loosened from the sides and fell upon him, burying him many feet deep. From his position and appear- ance when found it was judged he was killed instantly. There was great danger in going down to rescue him, the 320 ACCIDENTS. sides continuing to cave. The neighborhood was roused immediately, and every effort was made that could be devised. Soon a great chasm yawned several yards across the mouth, around which the crowd, gathered in "excitement and unable to effect anything for his immediate rescue. Timbers were thrown across and curbing prepared and sunk, within which the men worked, sinking the curbing lower as the dirt was removed. Other and smaller curbing, being made ready, was sunk inside the first and lower down. Relays of men entered the well, relieving one another as often as necessary. As they went deeper the inexperienced became fearful of the risks. Then came two experienced well diggers from St. Albans — Elisha Adams and Isaiah Beaumont — volunteering their aid. The work went on with renewed vigor, but not till two days and nights of unremitting toil and anxiety were passed, did they reach the depth at which they might expect to find the body. It was then discovered that in descending they had veered a little from the former shaft, and that they were digging down to one side of him. By making an arch and working sidewise they found the body. It was not made known to the crowd above until all were drawn up together, lest in their excitement they should crowd around the open- ing and cause another accident. Not long after they emerged from the pit there was another caving that would have im- periled other lives with that of poor Pierce. 1828, January 26th, Cynthia Newcomb, aged nine years, met her death by the lodging of a small pebble in her wind- pipe. 1829, August 5th, a child of Richard Stadden, aged eight- een months, was drowned. Thursday, August 20th, of the same year, George Avery, thirty-eight years of age, was killed by a falling tree. He was cutting the tree down, preparing to build on his land just beyond Major Pratt's. The tree fell between two others in such a way as to become wedged by the force of the fall. He stepped toward the top to free it ; and a single blow of ACCIDENTS. 321 his axe, with the stress that was produced by the manner of its falling, broke the tree, and the fractured end flew violently around striking him in the abdomen. He died the following night in great agony. 1830, Wednesday, February loth, Samuel Thrall, aged forty-two, while threshing grain by the tramping of horses, was kicked in the bowels, and survived the accident but a day or two. 1 83 1, Tuesday, March 15th, Aurelius Thrall was killed while working in a stone quarry near Newark. There was considerable earth above, and an oak stump, under which he was working, to get out as much stone as he could before it should fall. His men stopped work, unwilling to incur the danger, but he continued a little too long. The mass fell and crushed him. Cotton M. Thrall, a brother of the two lest mentioned, as also of James Thrall, the second on this list, having lived here most of his life, removed to the neighborhood of Berk- shire, Delaware county, Ohio. He was hauling wool to the lake, when he slipped off his load and broke his neck. This was just before railroads opened a market for farm products nearer home. 1834, Thursday, July loth, died William Barker, a lad of twelve. He was recovering from a fever, and while riding out was thrown from the carriage, and received injuries which resulted in death. Monday, July 14th, of the same year. Colonel Jonathan Atwood, infirm with age, was killed in Broad Street while trying to stop his horse that had started off before he was ready. He became entangled in the wheel, being wound around with it while in motion, and received injuries that were immediately fatal. About the same time Mrs. Bigelow accompanied her hus- band to camp-meeting in a conveyance drawn by oxen. The team became frightened and ran, and she received injuries that caused her death. 322 ACCIDENTS. 1837, Tuesday, July 4th, Mrs. Ruhama Hayes, aged seveuty-oue, was thrown from the vehicle in which she was riding, and her back was broken. She survived but a few hours. This happened near the foot of lower Xoudon Street. Monday, October i6tli, of the same year, Marshall Marsh was accidentally killed while managing his canal boat in some difficult position. 1838, Saturday, October 20th, Samuel Miller was killed by a rolling hog pen, which he was moving to a new location. Friday, July 6th, of the same year, Mrs. Prudence Tyler, a most excellent and Christian lady, was drowned in conse- quence of insanity. 1839, Joseph Weeks, a lad of eight years, died of hydro- phobia. A large, strange dog came to the premises, and he was playing with it, when it suddenly bit him in the cheek, and in due time the boy was seized with convulsions. 1842, December 7th, a Mr. Mayfield broke his neck by a fall. 1847, May 20th, a little girl three years old, fell into the cistern at Esquire Gavit's house, and was drowned. She was the daughter of a Mrs. Gregory of Alexandria, visiting at Mr. Gavit's. 1850, June 4th, Joel Lamson, aged eighty, died from the effects of a fall. July 6th, of the same year, and in like manner, Mrs. Elizabeth Ingham. The same year, Dick Ward, a soldier of the Mexican War, was found dead on the hay-mow of Van Houten's Hotel, with a bottle of rats-bane by his side. In the summer of this year, or '51, a mover's wagon was passing through town, when one of the company, a lad, tried to get a loaded gun out of the wagon ; in doing which it was discharged, killing him instantly. Saturday, May 8th, 1852, Dr. William S. Richards, aged sixty-five. On Tuesday preceding, while engaged in the hay- ACCIDENTS. 323 loft, by a misstep he was thrown backward and out of the window upon the ground. Lighting upon his head and shoulders, he received injuries from which he died at two o'clock Saturday morning. 1853, Monday, April i8th, Noah Herbert, aged seventy- three, destroyed himself while under temporary insanity. Wednesday, September 21st, of the same year, Mrs. Eliza Bynner, a lady of unusual culture, the mother of a large family of children, was drowned from the effects of insanity, at the age of fifty-nine years. 1855, Tuesday, November 27th, Mrs. Edward Nichol,aged seventy-six, died from the effects of burning, her clothing taking fire. About this time, Mr. Charles Griffin, a man approaching middle life, was hunting with his brother. They cut down a tree, which, in falling, struck another tree, breaking a limb which flew back, hitting him in the forehead and killing him instantly. 1856, September 23d, Ephraim Wood died from the effects of a fall ; aged eighty. 1857, Monday, February 23d, Ebenezer Bland, twenty-four years of age, a student at the college, was crushed by a water wheel at the furnace. Long after the old works were of much practical utility, the water wheel was in position, and the young men used to resort to it for sport. By some accident he was carried down between the wheel and the stone wall of the pit in which it revolved, and was fearfully crushed. He lived a few hours and was able to converse in a very few sentences. 1858, August nth, Mary, the wife of Asa Ward, aged twenty, and Nancy R., their infant child, were drowned while attempting to cross Cherry Run. She was with her husband and was afraid to undertake the crossing. He thought there was no danger and started in. They plunged at once into the deepest part of the stream, the current being very rapid. They were swept down and the wife and child were drowned. 324 ACCIDKNTS. i860, Richard Watkins, fours years old, died from the effects of a burn. (The deaths of our soldier boys in battle are not recorded here. These would add a number to the list). 1863, William Farmer was found frozen in his carriage. The same year, a man who was driving the team of Mr. Kerr from Newark with a load of coal, was found frozen to death, the team having turned into a yard by the way. September 24th, of the same year, IMatthew Adams, aged ninety-two, died from a fall and subsequent fever. 1875 (?), Jasper Munson, son of Jesse Munson, Jr., was killed near Newway, by the running away of his horses. John Charles, a man past middle life, was drowned in the feeder, opposite William Showman's. Riding his horse in, to water him, the horse stepped on the bridle, stumbled and threw the rider into deep water. Two young men, Worley and Jones, employed at the exca- vation for the new railroad, near the old Munson mill, were killed by the sudden caving of the bank above them. 1877, Friday, May i8th, John James was driving a team down Granger Street, when the horses took fright in conse- quence of the ring of the neck-yoke being too large for the wagon tongue. The wagon ran against the horses. They ran up Broad Street, part of the way on the sidewalk, until they reached a tree nearly in front of the drug store. Mr. James was thrown against the front of the wagon with one foot hanging outside and between the bed and doubletree. The limb was crushed. As he came near he was evidently in great suffering and unable to do anything. When the wagon struck the tree, the concussion wrapped him around the tree, and his internal injuries resulted in death seven days after the accident. 1878, January 20th, a child of Harvey I). Evans was killed instantly by a barrel of cider rolling from an elevated posi- tion, falling on his head. 1878, July 20th, the little son of Mrs. Clarissa Evans, she ACCIDENTS. 325 being the daughter of Rowland Hughes, was drowned while bathing in the creek. July 23d, same year, Benjamin Davis, a citizen of Gran- ville, who went to Newark to attend the Soldiers' Reunion of the day before, was found mangled and dead on the track of the B. & O. R. R. near the west end of the bridge at Newark. He was supposed to have been killed by a train, but no satisfactory explanation of the manner of killing is offered. 1879, a little boy, the son of Evan D. Evans, received in- juries while coasting that resulted in death in a few days. His sled ran out of the track, throwing him with great vio- lence against a tree. On the evening of Wednesday, June 9th, 1880, William H. Sinnet, son of Hon. John Sinnet, was killed by a train on the Ohio Central R. R. The road was just being con- structed through the county. An excursion was planned to accommodate those who wished to go from Granville to at- tend a Sabbath School festival in the evening at Alexandria. There being no passenger cars on the road, the company went on platform cars, the construction train being used, part of the train being loaded with ties and other material. Just after the train had started on its return, the engine pushing the train, Mr. Sinnet was passing in the darkness from one car to another, when it is supposed he missed his footing and fell between the cars ; and the rest of the train, including the engine, passed over him. 326 WAR OF THK RKBELIvION. CHAPTER XLIX. Beyond what has already appeared in the annals, little need be said concerning the part Granville took in the War of the Great Rebellion, except to give the register of soldiers she fnrnished. This mnst necessarily be imperfect, for no pains- taking could insure the insertion of every name. Granville's sons enlisted not only at home, in numbers beyond her quota, but wherever they were at the time. All branches of the ser- vice witnessed their faithful and efficient work, and many re- sponding to the call of their country went forth to battle and returned no more. Particularly West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi were the theater of their exploits. They carried their country's banner through the hills, across the Ohio, under McClellan, to a speedy success. At Chicka- mauga, their first battle, some fell at the first fire of the enemy; some in instant death, and some to lie and languish on hospital cots in a hopeless wasting away. Deep and sorrowful was the thrill that chastened the village when the wires reported Pratt and Paige, the Roses, and others gone by the casualties of battle. P'rench and Green, and Bean and Whitford, and Jones and Gooding, and others died on other fields. Some languished in Andersonville and Libby prisons. Young lives went out in defense of homes, and the homes, though saved, were left shrouded in darkness. P'^ar away be the day when tliose names and those scars shall be forgotten, or the Nation undervalue the fearful price that was paid for its flag unrent. A million lives went out On the battle field. A blazing sun Shed relentless rays on the harvest yield Of sword and bayonet and gun. No flag to-day would the Nation know If these were not. And a million more, I trow, ROSTER. 327 From hospital ward and surgeon's cot Together brought In their mortal anguish Out of the field but lately fought; With the wasting forms that slowly languish Out of the brake and fen, Or — of all war's casualties the worst — From the enemy's horrible prison pen, Of God and men Accurst! And there are soldiers' arms and legs And eyes — their flesh and bones! And each one begs In ever rolling plaintive tones That you may not fail to see the price Of the fair device And the refuge its folds proclaim. There, too, is the desolate hearth. Orphans' cries and widows' moans, Yearnings, heart pulsations, worth More than the tongue can name! Look at the countless, pallid host, The hopes that are crushed, Th» faces with bitter weeping flushed. The loved ones lost! Oh, lost! O, beautiful flag, red, white and blue, I see these all in thy stripes and stars. The lives and losses, maims and scars; 'Tis true, 'tis true. Such is thy cost! ROSTER. Charles Griffin, Brevet Major General U. S. Regular; died at Galveston. Willard Warner. Major of Seventy-sixth O. V. I., Brigadier General, Staff of General Sherman. Hon. George B. Wright, Brigadier General, Quartermaster General State of Ohio. Hon. John Sinnet, Captain Cavalry, Provost Mar- shal Thirteenth District; deceased September 17th, 1871. Albert Root, telegraph operator; died at Lookout Mountain, THIRD REGIMENT O. V. I. ENLISTED APRIL, 1861. RICH MOUNTAIN, VIRGINIA; BRIDGEPORT, ALABAMA; PERRYSVILLE, STONE RIVER. Albert Asher, Co. H ; died September 4th, 1868. Charles 328 ROSTER. B. Case, Co. B; died in army, July 17th, 1864. James McDonald. Albert W. Munson, Co. H ; died December 23, 1873- TWELFTH REGIMENT, O. V. I. Charles Donahue; died 1866. SEVENTEENTH REGIMENT, O, V. J. FT. DONALDSON, SHILOH, CORINTH, VICKSBURG. Sylvanus Emery, Co. B;died. C. M. Goulding ; quarter- master. Plympton Hitt, Co. B. Lieut. H. C. Knoop, Co. B; Denison University; died from effects of wound, near Charles- ton, S. C. Lieut. Nelson Sinnet, Co. B. George T. Hughes, Co. H, quartermaster ; died, September 12th, 1872. Guilford Haslop, Corporal Co. B; killed, Chickamauga, September 20th, 1863. J. P. Butler, Co. B; died August 4th, 1861. Wm. Wright, Sergeant Major Co. B; died January ist, 1878. NINETEENTH REGIMENT, O. V. I. Abraham Ikirt, Co. K; died March 25th, 1868, from wound at Pittsburg Landing. TWENTY-SECOND REGIMENT, O. V. I. ENLISTED SEPTEMBER, 1861. VT. DONALDSON, SHILOH, SIEGE OF CORINTH, VICKSBURG. Geo. W. Asher, First Lieutenant Co. D. Frank Carrier, Co. D. Leroy S. Dibble, Corporal Co. D. M. S. Dibble, Drummer Co. D. Geo, W. PLphland, Co. D ; died 1875. Dwight Follett, Co. D; died at St. Louis. Benj. B. Gardner, Co. D; died in service, July 29th, 1863. Matthew Lyon, Co. D; died in army August 4th, 1863. Hiram Partridge, Co. D. Wm. K. Potter, Co. D;died in service, November 12th, 1863, at Brownsville Station, Ark, Lucius Robertson, Co. D. Martin Slough, Co. D. W. W. Spelman, Co. D. Lieutenant E. E. Thomas, Co. D; died April i6th, 1878. Geo. B. Whiting, Co, D. P2dward Wolcott, Sergeant, Quartermaster; died February, 1873. Edwin Wright, Corporal. TWENTY-FOURTH REGIMENT, O. V. I, Dr. \\. M. Howland, Surgeon, Captain, Co. I; Libby Prison, March to the Sea; died from effect of wound received from bursting shell. R. F. Craig, Co. F, Twenty-Sixth Regiment, O. V. L Mar- shall M. Wilcox, Co. H, Thirty-First Regiment, O. V. L ; died September 8th, 1875. H. A. Church, Co. K, Fifty-Second Regiment, O. V. L David G. Davis, Co. G, Sixty-Second Regiment, O. V, I, jROSTER. 329 SEVENTY SIXTH REGIMENT, O. V. I. ENLISTED OCTOBER, 1 86 1. KT. DONALDSON, SHILOH, CORINTH, VICKSBURG. Samuel A. Asher, Co. B. William Baker, Co. B. Walter S. Barrick. George W. Bean, Co. K; killed at Arkansas Post. John F. Belt, Co. K ; Color Bearer at Shiloh. Jonathan Clif- ton. Co. K, veteran; died April 26th, 1864, Woodland Ala- bama. Lorin M. Cooley, Co, B; died in service 1861. Thomas J. Davis, Co. K. Joseph Ephland, Co. H; died March, 1879. William Edwards; died at Shiloh, May 3d, 1862. Lewis Follett, Co. B. Norman Gregory, Co. K. George S. Green; killed at Mission Ridge. Caton Hili, Co. C; wounded; died March 22d, 1866. Ezra Hill, Co. K; died in service Novem- ber, 1863. Thomas Jarrett, Co. B. Allen Jarrett, Co. K; died in Cincinnati, June 6th, 1862. Daniel Jones, Co. K. John H. Jones, Co. K; died in service. Griffith H. Jones; died in service. Stephen Jones, Co. K; died April nth, 1862, from effects of exposure at battle of Ft. Donaldson. Joseph Kelvey. Thomas H. Mead. I. J. Metzger, Captain Co. B; wounded in elbow. Newton Minton ; died in army. James Matthews, Co. B. Benjamin S. Marshall, Co. K. Cyrus W. Morey, Co. K. G. Adolphus Munson, Co. C; died in service March 23d, 1863. Lawrence Murry, Co. K. Frank Munson, Co. K; d^ed in service May 30th, 1862. Harvey Northrup, Co. K. Wesley Niberger, Co. K. William Roberts. Co. B. Z. T. Ramey, Co. C. Lucian C. Rose, Sergeant Co. K ; died. William H. Rose, Co. H. Timothy Rose, Co. B. Marcus Root, Co. B. William Seadars, Co. H. David Seadars, Co. H. Hiram Webb, Co. B. Louis S. Talbot, Co. C, Lyman Turner; died 1862. David Whitford ; died at Monterey, May i6th, 1862; "John Woods, Co. K; died 1868. Wallace Warden, Co. K. John B. Woods. Co, K, musician; died. W, S. Wright, Lieutenant; died June, 1878. H. D. Wright, Quarter- master. Theodore T. Wright, Co, H. SEVENTY EIGHTH REGIMENT O, V, I. Eli Butler, Co. I; died in service March 25th, 1862. Oscar Cole, Co. L Samuel DeWolf, Second Lieutenant, Co. I; died January 15th, 1864. Henry Hampshire, Co. I; died in service May, 1863. Jacob Hollinger, Co. I; died in service April 12th, 1862. Charles Spelman, Co. I; died. John A. Weston, Corporal. EIGHTY EIGHTH REGIMENT O. N. G. Thomas Davis, Co. E. D. H. Evans, Co. E. C. P. Grims- 31 330 ROSTER. ley, Sergeant, Co, E. Benjamin W. Hill, Co. E; died August 26th, 1865. Hon. Henry Howe, Lieutenant, Co. E. R. A. Lloyd, Co. E. Nicholas Pond, Co. E. John W. Starr, Co. E, John A. Williams, Co. E; died. Dr. Edwin Sinnett, Major, Surgeon, Ninety-fourth Regi- ment O. V, L Aurelius Peters, Color Bearer, Ninety-.sixth Regiment O. V. L James M, Boyles, Co. E, One Hundred and Tenth Regiment O. V. L ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTEENTH REGIMENT, U. V. I. ENLISTED SEPTEMBER, 1862. CiiiCKAMAUGA. Was particularly exposed. Company D went into battle with forty-seven, and came out with eleven killed, prisoners, or detailed to special duty. W. H. H. Avery, Co. D. Leroy S. Bancroft, Co. D. Ciiarks F. Carrier, Co. D; died. Henry C. Case, Co. D. L. H. Clousc, Co. D. Andrew J. Chambers, Co. D. E. J, Cressy, Sergeant Co. D; Captain Colored United States Troops. Nelson Dur-^nt, Lieutenant Co. E; lost an arm; Captain Co. L E. A. Imio, First Lieutenant Co. D ; resigned January 3 i, 1863. Lsaac P^vans, Corporal Co. D. Thomas J. Evans, Co. U. John K. Evans, Co. D. George W. Flaharda, Co. D. Rodney Elafiarda, Co D. Shephard F'ulton, Co. D. George Gardner, Co. D D^vid Giddings, Co. I; died December, 1873. C. W. Gooding, Sergeant Co. D; killed at Chickamauga, September 20th, 1863. Moses Goodrich, Sergeant Co. D. G. A. Graves, Co. D. ChJirles C. Hays, Co. D. Heman Hobart, Co. D. Burton Huson, Corporal Co. D. Thomas A. Jones, Co. D. Albert Knceland, Co. D. H. G. Kneeland, Co. D. Thomas H. McBridc. Co. D. Charles Marshall, Co. D. Madison C. Messenger. Isaac S. Minton, Co. D; missing; supposed to have been killed at Chickamauga. William Minton, Co. D; died at VVatrace. Matthias Montonye, Co. D; obtained substitute. Hon. M. M. Munson, Captain Co. D; resigned January 2 1st, 1863. G. F. Nelson, Co. D; Quartermaster in United States Colored. W. B. Newbury, Co. D. James Partridge, Sergeant Co. D. Henry C. Paige, Co. D. Hiram Paige; killed at Chickamauga. Charles D. Parker. James S. Ports, Sergeant Co. D. William Ports, Co. D. A.J. Powell, Co. D; Lieutenant United States colored. Lyman B. Pratt, Corporal Co. D; killed at Cliicka mauga, September 20th, 1863, at first fire of the enemy. ROSTER. 331 Samuel Richards, Co. D; died in service, June 2d, 1864. Albert Rose, Co. D; died at Nashville, March 3d. 1863. Daniel Rose, Corporal Co. D; killed at Chickamauga, Septem- ber 20th, 1863. Oilman Rose, Co. D. Lucien Rose, Co. D. Samuel L. Rose, Sergeant Co. D; wounded at Chickamauga, died October 1st, 1863. Warren C. Rose, Corporal Co. D. E. W. Showman. Co. D; lost an arm. Charles Sinnet, Second Lieutenant Co. D; Captain in Pioneer Company. W. H.Starr, Co. D. Elias Thomas, Corporal Co. D. John Wamsley, Co. D; also in Seventy-sixth Regiment; died April 7th, 1878. S. H. Wilcox, Co. D. W. F. Williams, Co. U. G. A. Wilson, Co. D. Theodore Worden, Co. D. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FIFTH REGIMENT, O. N. G. John Davis, Co. B; Andcrsonville; reduced to a mere skele- ton; died at home, January ist, 1865. D. W. Jones, Co. C. Nicholas H. Pond. Martin L. Root, Co. D. ¥.. Scott, Co. C. Theodore T. Wright, Co. C. Henry Dibble, Co. D. COMPANY F. — U. S. V. V. ENGINEERS. Isaac N. DeBow; Israel DeWolf; Hiram Lefevre; Adam Ports; Lucius Smith; J. W. Schwab; Arthur Thompson ; Charles Williams, died November 25th, 1873; Horace M. Wolcott. UNITED STATluS COEORED TROOPS. Job Paige. FIRST OHIO VOLUNTEER CAVAERY. Daniel Shobbel, Co. K; killed at Lovejoy Station, Alabama, 1864. E. T. W. Green, Co. ¥., Tenth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Rev. T. J. Shephard ; Orderly Seri^eant and Chaplain. Josiah French; enlisted in Illinois; killed at Kenesaw Mountain, June 27th, 1864. William Sinnet, Camp Chase; died. Reese H. Turner. Captain Turner. Cavalryman; burrowed out of An- dcrsonville; died July 17th, 1864 E. B. Andrews, President Denison University, Artilleryman. Homer Minton, Second Ohio Heavy Artillery. Milton Hough, Second Ohio Heavy Artillery. John V. Morrison, Lieutenant Co. C, One Hundred and Seventy-eighth Ohio Volunteer Infantry ; Sergeant Quarter- master; died December 9th, 1868 Orris Dibble, One Hun- dred and Fourth Illinois; died. Evan Davis; last heard from at battle of Nashville, 1864 Thomas P>ans, Jo.seph W. Sinnet; enlisted in Illinois, 332 FIRES. CHAPTER L. OLLA PODRIDA. I. Fires. About 1815, the frame part of Major Grove Case's house took fire and was consumed. This has been described as the first frame house built within the limits of the village. It was erected by Esquire Spelman in 1807. The fire caught from the chimney, and was not discovered until the family had retired for the night. A large quantity of tallow in the pantry near the chimney was melting and just ready to burn. The water thrown to extinguish the fire scattered the tallow and flames, and the family barely escaped from that part of the building. Help arriving, the front part of the house, which was brick, was saved. About 1834, a small fire engine was purchased by the cit- izens, a fire company was formed, uniformed and drilled under a young Griffith, nephew of A. P. Prichard, from Philadelphia. A supply of leather buckets for carrying water was procured. But fires were scarce, the machinery got out of order and the enthusiasm of drill died away. The whole outfit was suffered to go into decay. In April, 1857, the shop occupied by B. B. Loar, in the rear of the Methodist Church, was burned. March, i860, the two story frame house on the old college farm, used in college times for recitations, was burned. November 6th, i860, the dwelling of Samuel Moore on upper Loudon was consumed. June 2d, 1866, the dwelling of Mr. D. C. C. Wright, just south of the square (formerly Sereno Wright's), was totally destroyed. November 13th, 1872, just before midnight, the house belonging to L. Bushnell, occupied by Mrs. Root, caught fire, as is supposed, from the emptying of a tobacco pipe into FIRES. 333 the woodhouse after taking a smoke. Twelve hundred dol- lars' damages were allowed by the underwriters. February 22d, 1873, the frame dwelling of Mrs. Bonnet (formerly Prof. Carter's) on Columbus road was totally de- stroyed by fire. About this time Mr. Williams' barn, on the Welsh Hills, was burned. The dwelling of Mr. Parsons on Centerville Street was burned to the ground. A fire at the County Infirmary occasioned the death of sev- eral inmates, among whom were two citizens of Granville, both insane, Erixena Phelps and a son of Mr. Anthony Carroll. November 7th, 1875, the dwelling owned by B. R. Ban- croft on Liberty Street, occupied by Rev. Charles Rhoades, was discovered to be on fire at ten o'clock Sunday morning, supposed from a defective flue. It was entirely consumed. April 2d, 1875, the burning of the old Court House in Newark, added largely to the burden of tax-paying citizens, which was not relieved at all when the new and elegant structure erected in its place was greatly damaged by a sec- ond fire, requiring very heavy repairs. February 8th, 1877, the house of Mrs. Schultz in the north- west corner of town, took fire from a defective flue. Damage about $50. February 23d, 1877, the dwelling owned by Sidney Fowle, southwest of town, was entirely consumed by fire. March 25th, 1877, Sunday morning, Thomas McDonald's dwelling, in the east part of town, took fire on the roof. The loss was made good by the citizens. May i6th, 1877, the dwelling owned by Mrs. Knowles Lin- nel, on Bowery Street, caught fire from defective flue. Saturday, ten o'clock a. m., July 14th, 1877, the dwelling of Wm. Lyon, on Equality Street, was burned, together with . some household goods. June 7th, 1877, five o'clock p. m., a slight fire,cause unknown. 334 FIRES. occurred in the dwelling of Sylvester Clark, on Granger Street. Sunday, August nth, 1877, three o'clock p. m., the barn of Jonathan Jones, on Columbus road, was burned, with hay and a cow ; supposed to be spontaneous combustion. September 30th, 1877, soon after midnight, a house be- longing to Mrs. Minerva Thomas, on Green Street, unoccu- pied, was found to be on fire. Loss slight. October 19th, 1877, the same house was found to be burn- ing about four o'clock A. m. This time it was consumed, but the loss was covered by insurance. December 30th, 1877, Sunday, four o'clock p. m., a barn on the old college farm, belonging to E. S. Franklin, was burned. March 22d, 1878, three o'clock p. m., the roofs of two adjoin- ing houses in the west end of town, were found to be on fire ; damage slight. April 17th, 1878, the dwelling of M. M. Miinson, Esq., on Centerville, was found to be on fire in the hatchway leading to the cellar, and was in great danger of being consumed. It started through the thoughtlessness of a little son of his, who was imitating the process of kindling a fire which had interested him. June 14th, 1878, three o'clock A. m,, an unoccupied house near the north end of Granger Street, belonging to Mr. Hess, was burned to the ground. February i6th, 1879, the house of T. J. Thomas, half a mile northeast of town, was found to be on fire in the early morn- ing, and was totally consumed. Loss covered by insurance ; origin unknown. March 20th 1879, there was a slight fire on the roof of the house at the southwest corner of Broad and Liberty Streets, formerly Dr. Paul Eager's. April ist, 1879, another slight fire on the roof of B. P>. Loar's dwelling, on Morning Street. July 20th, 1879, early Sunday morning, a wheat stack belonging to Mr. T. J. Thomas and Mr. Hess, was consumed by fire. HOTELS. 335 July 29th, 1879, at a late hour, the barn of Mrs. Minerva Thomas was struck by lightning and consumed with its contents. II. Hotels. In the early times, almost any pioneer would incommode himself and family for the purpose of accommodating a traveler, most of that class being men looking for new homes. About the first systematic effort to accommodate the trav- eling public was by Wm. Gavit, Esq., while living still in his cabin. His stable was only a hitching j^ole with feeding troughs. The next was by Judge Rose when he built his two-story frame house in 1808. It continued to be a public house for a number of years. Benjamin Cook, Esq., succeeded him as a host. The third tavern was kept by Major Grove Case at the northeast corner of Broad and Green Streets. This was as early as 181 2, and it continued a tavern stand for years. The fourth stand was on the south side of Broad Street, in the east part of town, where Mr. Buxton is now located. The house was put up by Orrin Granger, about 1812, who was the landlord for some time. In 1818, after the death of Mr. Granger, Colonel Alpheus Jewett had charge of it. A year or two later, Messrs. Abbott & Wing were the propri- etors. In 1827, it was in the hands of C. C. Rose. The fifth was the frame hotel on the south side of Broad, where the business blocks now are. It was first occupied by Ralph Granger, and afterward by Charles French. The sixth was the brick building on the northeast corner of Broad and Prospect Streets, built by George Case and finished by Wing & Granger. William Wing was the first proprietor, followed by R. Granger. Then for a time it was the private residence of Elias Fassett. Samuel Boardman re-opened the hotel about 1834. He was followed by Julius Coleman, in 1837, and he by Silas Bush in 1840. 336 POSTMASTERS. III. Postmasters. 1. Hon. Timothy Rose .... l8o6. 2. Hon. William Gavit 1807. 3. Daniel Baker, Esq. .... 1S14. 4. Sereno Wright 1818. 5. George W. Ells, Esq 1837. 6. A. P. Wightman 1841. 7. A. P. Prichard 1842. 8. G. B. Johnson 1849. 9. Hon. A. E. Rogers .... 1853. 10. George Tight ...... 1854. 11. Darwin M. Humphrey .... 1855. 12. John Beck i860. 13. Howard Howe ..... 1861. 14. George B. Whiting 1866. 15. Dr. W. H. Sedgwick .... 1S76. IV. Golden Weddings. Of these, only four have been celebrated within the town- ship. The first to be observed was that of Deacon G. P. Bancroft, and his wife, Jane Little Bancroft. They were married at Lewis Lake, Pennsylvania, Thursday, January 27th, 1814. A few friends gathered with them to observe the golden wedding in 1864. More prominent was the pearl wedding of 1874 ) ^"*^^ ^^'^^^ more so the sixty-sixth anniversary in 1880, when about fifty friends of long standing assembled to surprise them and rejoice with them. They met at the old homestead on Equality Street, from which their children had gone forth to mingle in the world throngs, all but one of them having preceded them to the spirit land, and that one too far away to join in the festivities. Mr. Bancroft was at the time eighty-eight years of age, and his bride was eighty- six. A brother of the groom and a sister of the bride were present who were at the wedding sixty-six years ago ; in the company were twenty who were over seventy. Mr. Bancroft's step is still as elastic as a boy's, he is quick of GOLDEN WEDDINGS. '^37 speech, and still files a saw as well as any man, and both of them are as regularly at church by day as most of the younger families. May 2ist, 1871, Rowland Hughes and his wife Gertrude celebrated their golden wedding, gathering around them a large band of children and grand-children for the festivities of the occasion. They were married in Wales, and there their first child was born, now the wife of Rev. William C. Shephard, of Granville. On Wednesday, the 21st of February, 1872, Mr. Ashley A. Bancroft and Mrs. Lucy D. Howe Bancroft celebrated their golden wedding in San Francisco, Cal., at the home of their son, H. H. Bancroft. Remarks were made by several clergy- men, and a paper was read by the son just named. " All of the family had not been together before for more than twenty years." On Thursday, the 27th of March, 1873, Mr. Henry h. Bancroft and Mrs. Almena Rose Bancroft celebrated their golden wedding, many friends having responded to their invi- tation to participate with them in their family rejoicings. There were present with them six who were present at the wedding of 1823. The only son. Barber R. Bancroft, was living in California; the oldest daughter, Mrs. Harriet A. Kerr, had deceased in 1867; Miss Amelia, the youngest daughter, was present ; as also the children of Mrs. Kerr. Remarks were made by the pastor. Rev. A. S. Dudley, the principal of the Female College, Rev. Geo. H. Webster, and by M. M. Munson, Esq. A copy of the newspaper. The Wanderer, published the morning after the marriage, and containing a notice of it, was shown to the company. The next golden wedding was that of Mr. Wm. Cramer, Tuesday, December nth, 1877. A large company of relatives and friends assembled at his residence and enjoyed with them a turkey dinner and the reminiscences of the past. Two children are yet living and four are dead. Eight grand-chil- dren are living and one is dead. The living descendants, 338 students' freaks. with a sister and a brother and his wife, were present on the occasion. The latter three were present at the wedding in 1827. The golden wedding of Grove Case and wife was observed by their friends in a surprise visit. Harvey Bragg and wife completed the golden cycle, but made no observance of the day. Prosper Rose, Jnstin Hillyer and Trnman Hillyer, with their wives, observed like occasions in their several homes away from Granville, all being in the colony in their younger years. Theophilus Little and wife celebrated their golden wedding March 29th, 1875, while living in Granville. V. Students' Freaks. Among the amusing things that occasionally invite the attention of the people of Granville, yet have no particular place in its chronicles, are the mock funeral parades of the University students on the occasion of finishing some text book of the curriculum. There is implied a quiet rejoicing at having completed an irksome task and a hope that they will no more come in contact with it. The general features of the occasion are the night parades ; the text book conspic- uously borne in the habiliments of the grave ; the burial (or cremation) with orations, and the return of the mock mourn- ers to their lodgings. The details are varied to suit the whims of the classes. The perfection of the performance in their eyes would seem to be a slow and stately moving pro- cession at the dead of night, keeping step to the beat of a muffled drum that strikes its solemn sound about every fourth or sixth step, each participant being enveloped in a sheet from top to toe and wearing a very tall paper cap on the head, each bearing also a flaming torch ; at the head of the procession being perhaps an illuminated coffin or other device, bearing the defunct text book. The citizen aroused from a quiet slumber in the still hours of the night, by the OUR CEMETERIES. 339 regular, slow beating of the drum, growing ominously louder as it comes nearer, looking out upon sucli a procession of ghostly beings, moving mechanically through the midnight darkness, can imagine nothing more weird. Much is often detracted from the effect by an accompanying crowd of boisterous gamins, throwing the procession into disorder. Aside from the sacredness of that which is travestied by this procedure, there is not so much in it that is objectionable as in another irregular demonstration which sometimes seeks the public eye on commencement occasions in the form of a pasquinade. Could the perpetrators of this last see how the public abhor the indelicacy and profanity of these produc- tions ; how aimless their lampoons seem to be, and how, withal, they fail of producing any effect on the estimation with which their teachers are regarded, they would take less pains to make themselves offensive to the community. In this connection it is proper to say that the citizens hold themselves greatly indebted to the faculties and students of the University, the Female College, and the Young Ladies' Institute for the pleasure afforded by their courses of literary and scientific lectures, society exhibitions, and musical enter- tainments so often offered for patronage, or freely given for their enjoyment. VI. Our Cemeteries. 1. The Colony Burial Ground was laid out at the first, and began to be used the second year of the settlement. It was rapidly filled, not because of mortality in the colony, but because it was used by a large scope of country, and families who had removed from the place long continued to bring back their dead that their ashes might rest with the remains of others who had gone before. Though other cemeteries are opened, these grounds still continue to be used. 2. The Welsh Hills Cemetery. The location has already been described. It is well kept, has many fine monuments of expensive style and material, and is justly the pride of our Welsh fellow-citizens. [P. 177.] 340 EARLIEST BORN. 3. The Philipps Cemetery. This is located near the north- east corner of the township. The land was given by Mr. Samnel J. Philipps, and the first bnrial was the child of Mr. Simon James. The culture and appointments of this cem- etery are not quite so imposing as the others. 4. The College Cemetery lies in the northwest corner of the corporation. It is small, and designed as a burial place for those who die while connected with the University. Here lie the remains of three Presidents — Pratt, Going and Tal- bot ; one Professor, John Stevens ; three students who died while here, and several younger members of families con- nected with the College. 5. Maple Grove Cemetery. A plat of it is seen in the map of the town. It is beautifully laid out and kept. Hither have been removed the remains of many previously buried elsewhere. Many imposing and costly monuments dot the ground. A fund is accumulating which provides for suitable care of the grounds in perpetuo. VII. Soldiers of the Regular Army. J. A. Carter, Franklin Scott, Scott Zelhart, W. L. Hayes, William Rogers, H. A. Church, Charles Griffin, John Kidd. VIII. Mexican War. J. A. Carter, Thomas Efland, Dick Ward, Levi Hill, Rich- ard George, James Matthews. IX. The earliest born of those who have made a home in Granville township, are probably as follows : 1. Mrs. Love Baker, 2. Mrs. Abigail Sweatman, f James Sinnet, ^' \ Nathan AUyn, 4. Jesse Munson, f Samuel Everit, Sr., 5" \ Mrs. M. Everit, 6. Theophilus Rees, 7. Mrs. Miriam Munson, 8. Mrs. Susanna Graves, born 1734; died 1815; aged 81. ' 1738; " 1809; ' ' 71- '} '74o{ !! 1810; ' 1814; ' ' 70. ' 74- ' 1741; " 1813; ' 72. !|i742; " 1812; ' ' 70. ' 1744; " 1814; ' ' 70. ' 1746; " 1830; ' ' 84. ' 1747; " 1838; « ' 91. THE F. F. G'S. 341 CHAPTER LI. The following is thought to be a complete roll of the descendants of the first settlers now living in Granville. [1880.] HON. TIMOTHY ROSE. Deacon T. M. Rose, son, Frank Rose, great-grandson; Miss Amelia Bancroft, grand-daughter ; Misses Rosa and Abby Kerr, great-granddaughters; Joseph Kerr, great-grand-son; Mrs. Samantha Hadley and Miss Lydia Rose, granddaughters; Mrs. Helen Ewing and Mrs. Julia James, great-grand-daughters; and infant daughter of the latter; Mrs. Samantha Stedman Wright, grand-daughter; Mr. Edgar Wright and wife, great-grand-son and daughter. MR. ETHAN BANCROFT. Mr. L. Edwin Bancroft, son; Mrs. Elizabeth Reed, grand- daughter, and Mr. Edwin Reed, great-grand-son ; Mrs. Lucy Vance, grand-daughter, and Diary, Anna, Ruth, and Alice, great-grand-daughters; Mrs. Mary Rose, granddaughter, and infant child, great grand-son, (also of Deacon Lemuel Rose); Mrs. Martha Moore, grand-daughter, and Edwin and Willis, great-grand-sons, and Carrie and Hannah, great-grand-daughters; Mrs. Julia Wolcott, grand-daughter, and two children, great- grand-sons, (also of Deacon Silas Winchel). DEACON SILAS WINCHEL. Mr. Horace Wolcott, grand-son, and two children, great- grand-sons, (also of Mr. Ethan Bancroft). CAPTAIN LEVI ROSE. Deacon William Rose, son ; Mrs. Thorne, grand-daughter, and Frank and John Thorne, great-grandsons, and Mary and Jennie, great-grand-daughters; Burton Case, grand-son, and one child, great-grand-son. DEACON LEMUEL ROSE. Luther Rose, grand-son; and three sons, great-grandsons; Christopher R. Stark, grand-son, three sons, great-grand-sons; Reuben Linnell, grand-son, (also of Joseph Linnell) ; Albert Linnell, great-grand-son, and Miss Laura Linnell, great-grand- daughter. 342 THE F. F. g's. MR. JOli CASK. Mrs. Krastus AUyn, daughter, Mrs. Jenkyn Edwards, daugh- ter; sons of William Case, grand-sons. DEACON SAMUEL EVERIT. Samuel Everett, grand-son, 'and children, great grand-children. TIMOTHY SPELMAN, ESQ. Gilman Granger, grand-son; Ralph Granger, grand-son, Katie Granger, great-grand-daughter, Erank Granger, great- grand son, and two children, great-great-grand-children; Miss Maria Spelman, grand daughter; George, Winnie, Alma and Clarence, children of William, grand-children of George, great- grand children of Thomas, and great-great-grand-children of Timothy; Miss Annie Spelman, great-granddaughter, (also great-grand-daughter of Gideon Cornell). MR. ARAUNA CLARK. Sylvester Clark, son ; Nora and Rosilla Clark, grand-daugh- ters, Sylvester Clark, grand-son; Mrs. J. Debow, grand-daughter, and four children, great-grand-children; Mrs. M. Ackley, daughter; Henry Ackley, grand-son, and one child, great-grand- child; Jerry and Willie Ackley, great-grand-sons; Mrs. A. Hayes, grand-daughter, and two children, great-grand-children. Mrs. L. B. Munson, grand daughter, George and Guy Mun- son, great-grand-sons. Flora Munson, grand-daughter; Mrs. Twining, daughter, and Gracie Twining, granddaughter. MR. DAVIU MESSENGER, Joseph, John, and George, (children of Campbell Messenger) grand-sons, Alice and Frank, grand-daughter and son ; Mrs. H. Clemons, grand-daughter. Will Clemons, great-grand-son, Lottie and Addie Clemons, great-grand-daughters. MR. SYLVANUS MITCHELL. William Mitchell, grand-son, (also of Mr. Harris). MR. EZEKIEL WELLS. Independence Wells, son; Mrs. Almira Duckworth, daugh- ter, and Stella, grand-daughter; Mrs. Emily Eggleston, daughter, and three children, Byron, Fred and Mary, grand- children. MR GIDEON CORNELL. Miss Annie Spelman, grand-daughter, (also great-grand- daughter of T. Spelman, Esq.). THE F. F. g'S. 343 MR. JOSEPH LINNELL. Reuben Linnell, grand-son, (also of Deacon Lemuel Rose), Albert Linnell, great-grand-son, Miss Laura Linnell, great- grand-daughter; William Mitchell, great grand-son. HON. WILLIAM GAVIT. George Bragg, grand-son. LIEUT. JESSE MUNSON. L. B. Munson, grand-son, George and Guy Munson, great- grand sons, and Flora Munson, great grand-daughter, (also of Arauna Clark); Hon. M. M. Munson, grandson, Mrs. C. W. Bryant, great-granddaughter, and two children, great-great- grand-children; Misses Mary, Rose, Nora, and Grace Munson, great-grand-daughters, and Stanley and Morton, great-grand- sons; Mrs. Mary Thresher, great-grand-daughter. (See also all the descendants of Judge Rose and of Justin Hillyer, Sr.) Mrs. Mary Hayes, grand-daughter, and Miss Emma Jewett, great grand-daughter. MR. J. SINNET. Dr. Edwin Sinnet, grand-son, Miss Clara Sinnet, great-grand- daughter; (also of Justin Hillyer.) SPENCER WRIGHT, ESQ. Mr. Theodore T. Wright, grand-son, and his children, Virgil C, Martha A., William E., Frank E., and Walter B., great- grand-children; Mrs. Sarah Sinnet, granddaughter, Clara Sin- net, great-grand-daughter, (also of J. Sinnet and Justin Hillyer). DANIEL BAKER, ESQ. Col. Daniel Baker, son, Theodore Baker, grand-son. MR. JUSTIN HILLYER, SR. Mr. Theodore T. Wright, grand-son, (also of S. Wright, Esq, and of Lieut. J. Munson), and children, great-grand-children; Mrs. Dr. E. Sinnet, grand-daughter, and Miss Clara Sinnet, great-grand daughter, ELIAS OILMAN, ESQ. Miss Maria Spelman, grand-daughter, (also of T, Spelman, Esq.). Mr. Christopher Avery, son of George Avery, Jr., still lives in St, Albans township, just adjoining Granville, and has a large family of children, who are great-grand-children of George Avery, the emigrant. 344 THE K. F, G'S. Of ninety-three of the original company it is not known that they have any lineal descendants now in the township. Strangers have entered into their inheritance. In Miss Clara Sinnet meet the families of Jesse Mnnson, Sr., Justin Hillyer, Sr., Spencer Wright, Esq., and James Sinnet ; also of Joseph Blanchard, who came later. In L. B. Mnnson's children meet the families of Jesse Mnnson, Sr., Seth Mead and Araunah Clark. In Horace Wolcott's children are represented the families of Deacon S. Winchel, Horace Wolcott, and Ethan Bancroft. In Luther Rose's youngest child are represented Deacon Lemuel Rose, Samuel Chadwick, and Ethan Bancroft. In Miss Maria Spelman meet the blood of Timothy Spel- man, Esq., and of E. Oilman, Esq., and in Miss Annie Spelman, that of Timothy Spelman, Esq., and Oideon Cornell. Notably the names Thrall, Cooley, Phelps, Holcomb, Kelley, Oriffin, Oavit, Oraves, Hillyer, Butler, Root, Carpen- ter, Oilman, once prominent, have glided from our annals, together with many of later accession who were prominent at a later day ; Thurston, Baldwin, Richards, Mower, Taylor, Weeks, Fasset, Cook, Adams, Starr, Boardman, Prichard, Sturges, Kilbourne, Mead, Chadwick. Some of these families may be represented by blood de- scent where the name has disappeared, as Oavit, Hillyer, Cooley, Mead, Chadwick, Cook, Boardman, Weeks ; and in some cases the old family name is here without the blood relation, as of Abbott, Hayes, Allyn. Many of the first families either took their claims in the Company's land, in other townships, or at an early day dis- posed of their interests and went to other regions. Such were, Coe, Pomroy, Slocum, Wadsworth, Dayton, Lewis, Rowley, Smith, Sill, Johnson, Reynolds, Roe, Buttles, Waters, Taylor, Willcox, Oodard, Rice, Cheney, Kendall, Miller, Dean, Ashmun, Noble, Street, Buttolph, Reed, Hos- kin, Day, Jones, Forbes, Seymour, Cornell, Spragg. THE F. F, G.'S. 345 Residents at this time who bear any of these names are of other families, and not descendants of the original settlers. Here, according to the original plan, our History would have ended. But Mr. Bryant's death before he had put the results of his labor into form, has so far postponed the ap- pearance of the work that it is thought best to bring the record down to the present time. The interim of nine years has witnessed important changes in our public buildings, churches, schools, industries, citizens, etc., the most prominent of which will now be noticed. 32 346 ADDITIONAL RECORD. ADDITIONAL RECORD, Bringing the History down to 1889, by noting prominent changes and events. I. Roads. The people of Granville Township have always been noted for their care of their roads. But in one particular they were not, at the first, thoughtful. The first surveyors laid out the roads on the straight equidistant lines of survey, and if their lines ran over hills the roads were also made so to run, unless a hill was really impassable, or a stream would necessitate ex- pensive bridges. Not until recently were the thoroughfares allowed to seek for themselves a level, winding course, avoid- ing the tedious climbing and descending of hill after hill, wearing the horses and consuming the traveler's time and patience. Some instances of improvement have been already noticed. A way to Newark has been opened which avoids the interlying hills without increasing the distance. It runs from the road that once led from Centerville to Munson's Mill, across the Judge Rose farm and crosses Raccoon by the old aquaduct and, a little beyond this, enters the Cherry Valley road to Newark. The ascent of the Columbus road, as it comes into town, is made more gradual and easy by taking the next street east for its entrance ; and that to the College is, for like purpose, made to wind up the hill-side, beginning from Main Street, at the site of the old brick academy, making the rise with comparative ease. The hill just by the old cemetery has been so cut away for the Lancaster road, or Main Street, as to form but one easy grade from the square to the depot, on the low lands. Another vast improvement is the bringing of Burgh Street across the farms into North Street, on the Mt. Vernon road, ADDITIONAL RECORD. 347 north of the hills near town, thus avoiding the tedium and delay of the up and down grades of three serious hills. The new road, as one goes north, leaves the Mt. Vernon road on the line between the Goodrich and the Capt. Rose farms, and winding along the valley to the northwest, it enters the old Burgh Street at the north base of the Hobart Hill. After tramping over those hills for seventy-five years, those inter- ested have opened this new road at an expense of $1800, and the labor of constructing it. The cutting down of Main Street has also led to an im- provement in the old cemetery. The side bordering on Main Street has been escarped and sodded back as far as the Lucius D. Mower monument. A solid stone wall laid in mortar has been built at the base. This improvement necessitated the removal of two rows of graves along the west side of the cemetery, the remains within the graves being removed to other locations by surviving friends or by an authorized committee. Among these graves was that of Mrs. " Lilly Jones," whose death has been recorded as the first within the township. Her monument was reset a few feet from where it had previ- ously stood. IL Additions to the Town. Three several additions have been made to the town. One made by Rev. William Whitney lies south of Sugar Loaf. It is made accessible by the extension of Maple Street to the west. Mr. Lucian B. Munson has opened a street from the Lancaster road to the new Columbus road, parallel to the other east and west streets, and making two tiers of lots like the others in the plat. The Jones' addition lies east of town, and is approached by an extension of Bowery Street to the east, with a short street crossing it north and south. 348 ADDITIONAL RKCORD. III. Rkn AMINO OF Streets. Most of the streets of the village have been renamed, but as the old names are used on the plat as given herewith, and used throughout the body of the work, and moreover are as yet more familiar to all readers, it is deemed best to leave them as already written, only noting the changes, as follows : Market Street is now Summit Street. Water " " W. College " Bowery " " E. College Fair '• " West Elm " Ecjuality " " East Elm " Maple " " West Maple " Mourning " " East Maple " Stone and Evening Streets togethei constitute Plum Street. Case and Cherry " " " Cherry " Mulberry and Rose " " " Mulberry " Liberty and Prospect " " '• Prospect " Pearl and Green " " " Pearl Main and Broadway rema n as they were. In Jones' addition it is proposed to call the extension of Summit Street Jones' Avenue, and the intersecting street Barclay Street. In Munson's addition the east and west street is Munson Street. The street winding up Prospect Hill, from Main vStreet to the College, is College Avenue ; and that descending to the creek from Cherry Street, is Columbus Avenue. IV. Water Works. The gradual failure of the old hydrant system had for some time impressed the thoughtful with the need of a more reliable supply of water for household use and for defense against fire. In 1885, the citizens began to move under the leadership of such men as C. W. Bryant, Profs. Colwell and Gilpatrick, Drs. vSinnet and Follett, J. H. Sample, C. W. Black, and others. Three driven wells of large calibre were located on the first bottom, near Munson Street, and nearly opposite Case vStreet. The water was found to be pure and abundant. The village voted $15,000 toward the enterprise. ADDITIONAL RECORD. 349 A Storage tank of 93,000 gallons capacity was erected on the hill in the northwest corner of the corporation. The water is forced from the wells to the reservoir by steam, and thence is distributed through the town in four and six inch pipes. The head is such as to carry the water to the fourth story of the college buildings and to throw a copious stream over the highest buildings on the village level. In December the water began to be served. "We venture the assertion that no town, nor city, in Ohio offers its people better water than Granville offers to her people." V. Our Industries. A large flouring mill has been erected on ground between the old cemetery and the railroad, by Mr. Phelps of Defiance, which is now being run by Mr. Theodore T. Wright. A large planing mill has been erected near Munson Street, just north of the railroad, in which was placed the machinery left by Mr. Geo. Pratt, all of excellent pattern and fitted to do the best of work. His oldest son. Smith B. Pratt, added still other machinery of like excellent quality, but failing to make a success of it, it is now in the hands of Pratt & Ransower. The planing mill of Mr. Blanchard (Dea. Bancroft's shop) is successfully run by Mr. P. L. Pratt and George G. Munson. The Messrs. Pratt are both sons of Geo. Pratt. In close proximity to each mill is an extensive lumber yard, well stocked. In 1885, the Ohio Central Railroad became the Toledo & Ohio Central, the company being incorporated June 29th. In 1886, the old time hotel that stood at the northeast cor- ner of Broadway and Prospect Street, was purchased by J. M. Prior and taken down. A new and commodious three- story building, called " The Hotel Granville," capable of ac- commodating one hundred guests, with two desirable business rooms in the ground story, was erected in its place, at a cost of $10,000. 350 ADDITIONAL RFXORD. VI. Churches. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, URICK, NORTHWEST CORNER OF I'UKLIC SciUARE. In the year 1887, the ladies of the Presbyterian Church concluded that the substantial brick house in which they worshiped, was not as elegantly finished and furnished as the house of God ought to be. They, therefore, conbined their energies to raise the means to remodel and refurnish it. By voluntary subscriptions $7500 were raised. The side galler- ies were removed ; the windows, before in two stories, were made continuous and filled with stained cut glass of chaste and beautiful design ; the audience room was refitted with oak seats, circularly arranged and heavily cushioned ; a gas generator was placed in the basement for supplying light for the whole building ; the space about the organ was re- arranged, as also the hall in front of the audience room ; the stairs were rebuilt with a broader tread and more gradual ADDITIONAL RECORD. 351 ascent; the steeple was remodeled and carried considerably higher'- the whole was repainted inside and out; and the pavement in front was laid with Berea sawed-stone. The pres- ent seating capacity is six hundred and fifty. The architect and builder was G. W. Hall, of Columbus. It was completed and began to be used again in 1880. During the repamng the audience worshiped, by the courtesy of their Episcopal friends, in St. Luke's Church. (Many will not remember the steeple of 1816, and for their delectation we reproduce the old white church as it was after the repairs of 1837, and before the building of this brick church). The church now numbers three hundred members, with a Sabbath School of two hundred and fifty. The session now consists of H. L. Bancroft, Charles Wynkoop, John D. Evans, William Howe, Morgan Williams, Robert Owens, Wilham Nichols T. J. Robinson and D. Grifiin. The Trustees are David Owens, President, Dr. A. Follett, Dr. William Davies, 352 ADDITIONAL RECORD. Walter Prichard, J. C. Jones, John Debow, Edward Nichol, T. J. Robinson, and Hon. E. Sinnett. METHODIST CHURCH, NORTHEAST CORNER OF PUBLIC SQUARE. Within the nine years the Methodist Church has erected a very fine house, the description of which has been kindly fur- nished by Mr. John Montgomery. 'The building is of brick.- The church had felt the need of a new place of worship for many years. Measures were taken in the winter of 1882, Rev. Moore being pastor, to see what could be done in the way of raising money. Subscrip- tion papers were circulated, and by April about $8000 had been subscribed ; enough to justify going forward with the work. A building committee was selected, consisting of John Montgomery, R. G. Fosdick, E. P. Hayes, J. D. Aldred, and David Evans. At first it was proposed to let out the building by contract, but after receiving bids from several contractors, the committee concluded to take the work in ADDITIONAL RECORD. 353 hand themselves, hiring mechanics and procuring ma erial, thinking that a more permanent structure would be the re- sult In this they were not disappointed. The entire cost of the church was about $15,000. Such a qhurch let out to contractors would have cost $20,000. Better satisfaction was given, as it gave employment to home labor; and, as far as possible, the money was kept in circulation at home. John Montgomery was made a sub-committee to oversee the entire work, which he did from beginning to end. ' The site selected was on the northeast corner of the pub- lic square, where the old M. E. Church and Town Hall stood. These being removed, work was commenced August i8th 1882, to prepare the ground. The cellar was excavated, and the foundation laid deep and broad. Granville stone was put in below the frost line, and three courses of dressed Corning sandstone above. The foundation being laid, work ceased till spring. , ,, ' Early the next season brick-making commenced on the old Norton Case farm. During the winter, timber was got out for sills, posts, etc. The bricks for the front were sand- rolled giving them the form and shape of pressed bricks. Crane & Wiley, of Newark, with two helpers, put up the walls, commencing July nth, 1883, and finishing October i.th • carpenters meanwhile keeping up their work as needed Mr. E. D Evans being foreman. The building was enclosed and a good slate roof on by winter. . , ^ ^, ,. ' The church is 85 feet in length by 54 i^ width. The audi- torium is 54 by 55, and the lecture room 30 by 40. East of the same are library and infant class rooms ; over the latter a kitchen, and over the lecture room a ladies' parlor. There are foldincr glass doors below and gothic windows above so arranged as to throw the whole into the auditorium when needed. The auditorium proper has a seating capacity oi icro, the lecture room 150, and the parlor 150. 'The tower stands at the southwest corner, ^by 14 on the ground, and 100 feet high. The main entrance is m the 354 ADDITIONAL RKCORD. tower, with another on the east side, and a third on the north at the rio^ht of the rostrum. ' The inside finishing was begun early the next Spring, (1884). The •auditorium is furnished with very neatly fin- ished circular seats, made of cherry, which grew on John Montgomery's farm, originally known as the ApoUos (irif^n farm. Two trees made three thousand feet of choice lumber ; one tree being four feet, the other three, at the stump. Four twelve foot logs were cut before reaching the first limbs. Their equals probably cannot be found in the country. The seats were made at Richmond, Indiana. There are fo ir aisles, one running along each wall, and two radiating from the rostrum. The wainscoting is of highly polished cherry. The frescoing is beautiful, the ceiling being of corrugated iron, neatly panneled and frescoed. There is a set-back in the wall behind the pulpit, of five feet depth, sixteen feet long, for the organ. This is beautifully frescoed, with a vine and leaves, grapes and wheat-heads being interspersed. There are two large gotliic windows of stained glass in the auditorium. The building is heated by two furnaces. The lecture room is seated with neat chairs. It, also, is highly frescoed. The church is nicely carpeted. ' The ladies of the church are ever to be remembered for their untiring labors, raising by socials about $1500, toward finishing and furnishing the church. ' Nice stone walks are laid on three sides of the church, and to the three entrances. 'The work being completed, the church was dedicated by Bishop Merrill, December 22d, 1884, Rev. James Michel be- ing pastor." ADDITIONAL RECORD. 355 BAPTIST CHURCH, STONE, SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PUBLIC SQUARE. Under pastor W. C. P. Rhoades the church had grown in influence, numbers, and financial ability. Visitors from abroad at college commencements and other occasions, began to hint that the house of worship was not equal to the church's need. It was replied that while the people recog- nized the fact, the congregation was not able to build such a house as was needed ; and the rejoinder was, " Do what you can, and you shall have help from without." With this encouragement the matter was tested. The sum of $15,000 was subscribed at home, and $10,000 abroad, which sum was pushed to the aggregate of $30,000, and it was resolved to build. They limited the architect in their plans to this sum. But the final cost, when furnished and ready for occupancy was only a fraction short of $50,000. This amount was secured chiefly through the agency of Pastor Rhoades ; half being contributed by the Granville church, and half by friends abroad. Messrs. D. M. Shepardson, E. M. Downer, and A. U. 356 ADDITIONAL RKCORD. Thresher, were the buildino^ committee, and the architect was L. B. Vaiilk, of New York City. The builders, on a contract, of $30,000, were Messrs. Garber & Vance, of Newark, O. The rest was expended under the direct super- vision of the committee. The old church was removed across Main Street, to the east, set over a high, roomy, airy, brick basement, and sold to the township for $5000. The new church was then erected on the old site, being completed in 1883. The material is Sandusky limestone, with trimmings of Berea stone. The cut will give the external appearance of the building. The auditorium is in the center of the building, and is lighted from the east and west sides through windows of stained glass, but not sufficiently to obviate the necessity of using gas on cloudy days. It has three entrances, one at each of the three angles accessible on Broadway and Main Streets. The pulpit is on the south side. Back of the pulpit and elevated higher than the speaker's head, is the organ loft and space for a large choir, accessible by stairways outside of the auditorium. The organ was made by Johnson Bros., at a cost of $4000, and was the gift of Mrs. Rev. Francis W. Piatt. Mr. Piatt was formerly a student of Granville College, and afterwards a pastor in Toledo, O. He had worked hard to procure an organ for his own church. The subscription was successful, and the instrument ordered and promised at a certain time. Meantime he fell into a lingering illness and died. The first use of the organ when erected was at his funeral. In view of his love of music and this result of the closing work of his life, his widow gave this organ as a memorial of him. The audience room is cruciform, the transept being longer than the nave. The floor rises from the pulpit and the seats circle around it, like an amphitheater, with five radiating aisles. They are cushioned and the floors are carpeted. The head of the cross is occupied by the Sunday School room, seated with chairs. It may at any time be thrown open to ADDITIONAL RKCOKD. 357 the auditorium, adding seats for three hundred ; the whole then having a seating capacity of twelve hundred. The groined ceiling is of corrugated iron, the supporting points along the south side of the transept and either side of the nave resting on wooden pillars, four in number. The seats, organ and furniture are of oak. Beyond the Sunday School room is a room for ladies' meet- ings. At the east side, connecting with both, is the infant class-room, and on the west are rooms for socials, a dumb waiter connecting with the kitchen below. Around the organ are various small rooms for libraries, the pastor's use, or other service. The baptistery is immediately in the rear of the pulpit, secluded from it by a portiere. It is below the level of the platform. Candidates descend to the water by a flight of steps and ascend on the opposite side. In perform- ing the rite, the officiating clergyman stands beside the open tank, and all is in sight of the audience. The present membership (1889) is 476. The Sabbath School numbers 381. The officers are : Rev. J. C. Baldwin, D.D., Pastor. Prof. W. H. Johnson, Clerk. Prof. A. U. Thresher, Treasurer. deacons. D. M. Shepardson, . Prof. Geo. McKibben, T. J. Wright, T. J. Thomas, C. T. Chapin, Henry Palmerton. TRUSTEES. D. M. Shepardson, Prof. Chas. Chandler, J. C. Malone, Esq., J. P. Wilson, Burton Case, F. W. Shepardson. 358 VII. ADDITIONAL KI^CORD. Schools. ADDITIONAL RECORD. 359 DENISON UNIVERSITY. Concerning this institution little need be said in addition to that with which we closed the record of 1880. It still holds on its way with a full tide of prosperity. In 1887, Dr. Owens resigned the presidency, and Dr. Galusha Anderson was elected to the vacancy. The preparatory department is now designated as Granville Academy. The last report of the Finance Committee shows an en- dowment beyond the real estate of about $350,000 of interest- bearing investments. The faculty now stands as follows : Galusha Anderson, D.D., LL. D., President and Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy. Almon U. Thresher, A. M., Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature. John L. Gilpatrick, A. M., Professor of Mathematics. Charles Chandler, A. M., Professor of Latin Language anf' Literature. Rev, Richard S. Colwell, A. B., Professor of Greek Language and Literature. George F. McKibben, A. M., Professor of French and German Language. Clarence L. Herrick, M. S., Professor of Geology and Natural History. Alfred D. Cole, A. M., Professor of Chemistry and Physics. J. D. S. Riggs, A. M., Professor and Principal of Granville Academy. Leverette E. Akins, A. M., Instructor in Mathematics. Wm. H. Johnson, A. M., Instructor in Greek. Wm. G. Tight, M. S., Instructor in Natural Sciences. Herbert L. Jones, M. S., Instructor in Natural Sciences. Wm. S. Burns, A. B., Instructor in English and Latin. Mrs. J. E. Dixson, Librarian. Rev. John Kyle, Curator of Buildings and Grounds. 360 ADDITIONAL RECORD. SHEPARDSON COLLEGE FOR WOMEN. In 1841, there came to the place a young man fresh from his studies in Brown University, having studied also at Amherst College ; slender in form, of bloodless face, with penetrating eyes hidden behind a pair of glasses ; of san- guine-nervous temperament, accustomed to push forward in his work in the church and the world without stopping to read character, or saying to anyone : " Is this so ?" or " Shall that be done ?" If it seemed right to him to be done, and he the one to do it, he went forward and it was done. It was the time of the annual examinations in the College. These he attended, and by his close questions and sharp searching of their scholarship he became the dread of the students. He probed and exposed the dullard and quickened the best to higher aspirations. This was the Rev. Daniel Shepardson, whose acquaintance with Ohio was then beginning, and who has constantly since been prominent in the interests of the Baptist Church of this State, laboring indefatigably either in her pulpits or in the cause of education. After a period of years spent in Zanesville, Cincinnati and Piqua as a pastor, and in Cincinnati as prin- ADDITIONAL RECORD. 361 cipal of Woodward High School, he came in 1868 and took charge of the Female Seminary, as already narrated. He at once threw his accustomed energy and faith into the work of making it a power in his church. He was assisted by his excellent wife, who also possessed great energy and faith. Among their helpers were Misses M. O. Brooks, Mary E. Anderson, L. A. Barton, Clara Campbell, Mary Abbott, Hattie Gunnison, Hattie Partridge, Ida M. Saunders, Mrs. Whissen, Mr. George Shepardson. His first class was grad- uated in 1869, numbering six. The average number for the sixteen years of his work is ten. In 1889, Dr. Shepardson transferred the property he had used for the school purposes to a Board of Trustees, largely co-incident, but not identical with the Board of Denison University ; to be increased in their hands by the additional endowment of $100,000, and to be perpetuated as The Shep- ardson College for Women, not inferior in grade to the high- est college for young men. By courtesy, the library, museum, laboratories, and class- rooms of Denison University are open to the young ladies. The curriculum is co-extensive with that of the University, and the calendars are identical. The $100,000 endowment has been secured. Dr. Shepard- son and family have retired from the care of the institution, but he hopes to give himself, in the near future, to the rais- ing of another like sum for the further efficiency and life of the College. The former building used by the boarding department has given place to a modern structure of brick upon a basement of stone. It is well represented by the cut. It is called " Burton Hall," in honor of Dr. N. S. Burton, who com- menced the school in 1859. 33 362 ADDITIONAL RKCORD. The faculty at present consists of: Galusha Anderson, D.D., L.L. D., President, and Professor of Mural and Intellectual Philosophy. M. Frances Babcock, Lady Principal; Latin Language and Literature. Mrs. M. K. Compton, Matron. Mrs. Andrew L. Ralston, Director of Art Department. Carrie A. Hutson, Instructor in Instrumental Music. Amy L. Lyons, Instructor in Mathematies. Josephine C. Robertson, Rhetoric and English Literature. G. D. Rogers, Instructor in Vocal Music. GRANVILLE KEMALE COLLEGE. In 1882, Mr. Keir was compelled by increasiii<; illness to notify the Trustees that he must be relieved at the close of the current academic year. But disease anticipated his resignation, and his death occurred April 15th, 1882. He had been at the head of the institution continuously since 1854, except during the years 1872-6. To him was due, in a large measure, the continued existence and reputable standing of the college. During the remainder of this year the college was conducted by Mrs. Kerr and the Faculty. Rev. Dwight I>. Hervey then took charge of it (1882), and at once expended $4000 in improvements u])on the ADDITIONAL RECORD. 363 buildings and grounds, providing ample and very desirable quarters for all departments of instruction, and his admin- istration has enjoyed the full confidence of the Board and of the community. The attendance has averaged about seventy. The following extracts from the catalogue, of 1887, will serve to illustrate the standing of the college : "Those whose only object is to obtain an education under Christian influences, who will cheerfully submit to kind and wholesome discipline and reproof, are cordially invited to be- come members of the Institution." "We can be responsible for our pupils' progress and improvement 07ily as we control their time, their associations, and the influences which surround them." "We, on our part, pledge ourselves to guard from evil the young ladies entrusted to our care ; to surround them with healthful, moral, and religious influences; to exercise watchful care over their manners, habits, minds, and hearts, and to give them every advantage — social, intellectual, and moral — of a well regulated schDol. " The faculty at present (1889 catalogue) is : Rev. D. B. Hervey, A. M., President; Psychology Ethics, Evidences. Miss Georgianna Humphreys; English Literature, Rhetoric, Modern Lan- guages. Miss Myra F. Weld, A. B. ; Latin and Greek Languages. Miss Minnie A. R. Drake, A. B. ; Mathematics, Natural Sciences, English. Miss Grace E. LaFerre; Natural Sciences, Book-Keeping, U. S. History. Prof. E. F. Appy; Piano, Violin, Theory. Mrs. E. F. Appy; Piano, Organ. Miss Annie Love Carter; Vocal Culture. Miss M. Luella Gurney; Painting, Crayoning, Drawing. THE GRADED SCHOOL Is still prosperous, graduating large classes in the usual curriculum. The present year witnesses the demolition of the building erected in i860, and the rising in its place of a larger, more commodious one, at a cost of $20,000. 3(34 ADDITIONAL RECORD. VIII. The Opera House, or Town Hall. OLD GRANVILLE HANK, STONK (at the left), EI'ISCOPAL CHURCH (in center), TOWN HALL (to the right). The former frame church of the Baptists, it has been said, was moved across Main Street and placed near the Episcopal Church. It was elevated upon a brick basement of good height. The township then purchased it for $5000 and fitted it up for public uses. In 1888, it was enlarged at a cost of $3000, the contract being taken by Mr. Wallace W. Carpen- ter. Two additional windows were required by the addition, and made symmetrical with the three former ones The audience room above will now accommodate eight hundred. The basement has apartments for the Postofifice, Justice of the Peace, Town Council, Fire Department, and citizens' gatherings, etc. IX. Fire Department. In 1886, the Granville Hose Co., No. i, was formed, with a membership of sixteen. F". W. Shepardson is president; W. M. Black, vice president ; W. L. Courtney, secretary ; J. W. Ackley, treasurer ; W. C. Smoots, foreman ; H. C. Bel- ford, first assistant; I. H. DeBow, second assistant; W. H. Sanford, pipeman, and J. Bolen, assistant pipeman. The corporation furnishes a reel-cart and five hundred feet of hose. The company furnish their own rubber outfit, and a uniform of blue shirts, belts of leather, and oil cloth helmets ; and pay their own expenses. ADDITIONAL RECORD. 365 X. Annals. In 1881, among the deaths were David Messenger, who died at Utica, O., at noon of Friday, January 14th, aged eighty-nine ; and Valorus Graves, son of Josiah Graves, of old age, Saturday, January 15th. Both these were of the original families of the colony. Freeman Haskill, August 24th, aged seventy-five. Eunice W. Little, November 25th. Hon. T. W. Ewart, not long a resident of the place, Octo- ber 9th. In 1882, the Town Hall was sold to Sam. Everett and re- moved by him to the vicinity of the railroad, and became a ware-house. Afterward it was totally consumed by fire. The old Methodist Church was removed to the rear of the Female College and is used as a laundry. Apr. 15th died Hon. W. P. Kerr, aged 60. His name has occurred otten on the preceding pages, chiefly as identified, first, with the Male Academy, & then the Female College ; as also' with the Convention for Revising the State Constitution. He was a graduate of Granville College, & probably, like many others, laid the foundation for subsequent ill health by assiduous application to study in his College days. July i6th, died Dea. Timothy M. Rose, aged 85. He was born Mar. 24th, 1797, in Granville, Mass., & at the age of 8 years came hither with the colony, & always lived here there- after. He was for some time the last survivor of those who came that fall, and living in the place. He has seen ah the changes of the place, & in many of them has been a promment actor. He was a man of earnest piety, full of social life, of simple habits of expense, & a forward contributor to every work of benevolence. His first wife & the mother of his chil- dren, was Matilda Mead & the second was Mrs. Susan Little, a sister of Rev. Jacob Little, D.D. ;her first husband having been a cousin of the same name. Mr. Rose survived all his children. Oct. 17th, died Rev Joseph Little, aged 54. He studied at Hudson College & Lane Seminary. He was a Chaplain m the War of the Rebellion, connected with a W. Virg. Regiment. After the war he devoted himself to doing good among the men to whom he had ministered in the army, & their families. He was in Chicago, preparing to publish a line of charts for 36G ADDITIONAL RPX'ORD. reading & singing lessons, when his nervous system gave way under his labors & self-denial. He was the most genial of men, a very interesting companion, & a great singer. He delighted in a little box melodeon that he could carry about in his hand. In the army ho would put it on a stump or barrel head, & begin singing some lively and humorous song, — (& no one could do it better). Soon a crowd would gather around him & be enter- tained for a suitable time. Then he would change to sacred music & ask " the boys" to join in, which they would do with a hearty good will. Next, & almost before they were aware of it, they would be following him in prayer, or listening to a tell- ing talk. Happy, laughing, earnest, prayerful brother! He left his name to his country as " Chaplain Joe Little." In 1883, died Mrs. Jane S. Bancroft, daughter of Thomas Little, Esq., and wife of Deacon G. P. Bancroft, September nth, aged eighty-nine. She had lived with her hn.sband since January 27th, 1814, a period of almost three score and ten years. September 29th, died Colonel Daniel M. Baker. His father, though an original member of the company, did not come to Granville for several years. Colonel Baker was prominent in the military organizations under the old militia laws. In 1884, died Deacon Girard P. Bancroft, January i8th, ag&d ninety-three. He survived the wife of his youth only four months. He was a skillful mechanic, and a life-long officer in the church. He retained his cheerfulness and vivac- ity and quick movements almost to the last. In 1885, June 29th, the Ohio Central Railroad was changed to the Toledo and Ohio Central Railroad. • Deaths. Rowland Hughes, January 6th, aged eighty-five ; Grove Case, February 19th, aged eighty-five; his wife, Laura Case, April 2d, aged eighty-eight ; Mrs. Sophronia H. Whit- ing, April 7th, aged seventy-eight; Mrs. Elizabeth Asher, April 17th, aged seventy-two ; P'rank F. Rose, September 5th, aged twenty-nine ; Mrs. Sarah P. Goodrich, October 4th, aged eighty-two. ADDITIONAL RECORD. 367 In 1886, Dr. E. Sinnett was elected to the Ohio State Senate. Died, Mrs. Carrie Buxton Black, wife of Mr. C. W. Black, April 19th, aged thirty-six; Dr. C. J. Gifford, a prominent physician since 1840, May 3d, aged seventy-eight ; Mrs. Car- oline Aydelott Johnson, wife of Mr. G. B. Johnson, Novem- ber 26th, aged sixty-nine ; Charles Webster Bryant, August 31st, aged thirty-seven. Mr. Bryant was the only child of Mr. Orren Bryant & Mrs. Mary F. Bryant, the mother being a daughter of Wm. Fitch, Esq., of Alexandria, who came to Ohio in 1836. Charles was born May 24th, 1849, and lived at Alexandria until 1866, when he came to Granville. He was a student of the University until infirmity of the eyes obliged him to cease from study. He then engaged in civil engineering & was employed in surveying the route for the Ohio Central Rail Road. He went into the service as axeman, & before they reached Toledo he had charge of the second instrument. After service with other roads he entered the drug business, purchasing in company with Mr. C. W. Black, the stock of Mr. A. P. Prichard, Jr., & qualifying himself as a pharmacist by a course of study at Cincinnati. He had a remarkable penchant for genealogical studies, & he kept up an extensive correspondence in pursuit of facts with an interest that knew no impatience. It was supposed he had his labors for this History nearly completed, but no trace of finished work can be found. Through his influence The Granville His- torical Society was formed. He gathered about him a class of young men fitted to be his co-adjutors & impressed them with something of his own interest in historical matters. A large collection of historic relics was gathered by them, & they were considering the means of obtaining a permanent place for de- positing them. In the midst of the interest he had awakened, he was taken with typhoid fever & died. The historical collec- tion has since been placed in the care of Denison University to be preserved and returned to the Society if it shall ever be revived. In 1888, Dr. E. Sinnett was re-elected to the Ohio vState Senate for another term of two years. October 19th, died Mr. Jason Collins, aged eighty-one. 368 ADDITIONAL RECORD. October 26th, died Rev. C. Van Meter, aged sixty-eight years. He was born in Hardin county, Kentucky, February 13th, 1820. He was a student at Granville College, but ill- health prevented his graduating. He married Miss Sophronia E. Langdon, of Granville, in 1848. In 1856 he became con- nected with the " I'^ive Points Mission," New York, where he began the work of placing orphans and neglected children in western homes. In 1861, he established the " Home for Little Wanderers," superintending it eleven years, going west more than seventy times with companies of homeless children. He visited the city of Rome just after it was opened by Victor Emanuel, in 1870. Two years later he entered upon a course of labors in that city that continued until his death. He was engaccd in day, night, and Sabbath schools; in Bible and tract distribution ; i'l the translation and printing of the International Sunday School Lessons, sending them free to ministers, teachers, and colporteurs all over Italy and the adjacent islands. For eight years he held his school within three hundred feet of the Vatican. His remains rest in the beautiful Protestant cemetery, among the people he loved and for whom he labored. In 1889, died Mr. William D. Moore, April 20th, aged seventy-nine. He was born in Canterbury, Vermont, January 12th, 1 8 10, graduated at Dartmouth College, 1837, intending at that time to seek an appointment as a foreign missionary. But his health failed just as he was ready for licensure; and this led him to devote most of his life to the work of teaching. He was at the head of Granville Feinale Academy from 1845 to 1854, sending out an aggregate of sixty graduates. He died at Granville after a long and painful illness. Mrs. Amanda F. Uunlevy, daughter of Elias Fassett, wife of Francis Dunlevy. Esq., died at Denver, Colorado, May 20th, aged sixty-two. Her mother was Jerusha, daughter of Jere- miah and Jerusha Munson, of the original colony. In early life, by the death of two sisters, she was left the only child of her parents. Most of her mature life has been spent abroad, but she ever maintained her interest in the friends of her youth. XL Thk Central Normal and Business College. An association of prominent educators of Granville has just been formed for the purpose of furnishing the best instruction in normal and business studies. An institute ADDITIONAL RECORD. 369 session will be held in the summer, but instruction will be given throughout the year, in five consecutive terms. It is designed to be a permanent institution. The gentlemen of the Association are : Prof. R. S. Colwell, President, Prof. A, U. Thresher, Vice President. Prof. F. A. Slater, Secretary, Prof. J. L. Gilpatrick, Prof. A. D. Cole, • Prof. L- E. Akins. This adds another educational feature to our literary vil- lage. Prof. Slater has been here for some time, giving instruction in book-keeping, phonography, and kindred sciences. The other gentlemen will be recognized as con- nected with Denison University. They will be assisted by other prominent educators. XII. Municipal Officers. Mayor, . . R.S. CoLWELL, Clerk, . . . H. A. Church, Treasurer, . . W. J. Pond, Marshal, . . Edgar Sanford. COUNCILMEN. W. H. SedCxWick, Dr. G. G. Kyle, John DeBow, Mark Eddy, W. S. Courtney, E. D. Evans. XIII. Present Business Houses. The business houses are at present : Books ^ Stationery ^ Etc. — Kussmaul & Shepardson. Dry Goods — Geo. C. Parsons. (A second store has recently been closed for transfer and is expected to open soon under new auspices.) Groceries — Carter & Carter, H. L. Reed, M. L. Oatman, Perry & Prior. 34 370 ADDITIONAL RHCORD. Boots and Shoes — I. M. Pierson, F. Miller, M. Eddy. Hardivare — W. M. Geach cS: Son, K. W. Jones & Son. Dentistry — W. H. Sedgwick & Son, Jewelry — L. A, Austin, T. A. Jones. Drugs— "TXx^ C. W. Bryant Company, H. P. Belford cS: Co. Meat Shops— ^. C. Smoots, M. L. Oatman, McMillen cS: Webster. Tin Shops — E. W. Jones & Son, L. S. Twining. Harmless — D. Erench, Geo. Sampson. Milliufry — M. E. Spayd, E. Piper. Monuments — DeBow Bros. Tailoring — H. LaFerre, J. W. Swabb. Mr. T. A. Jones has also an engine and machinery, pre- pared to do all light work in repairing, silver plating, etc. Wright, Sinnet & Wright are in possession of The Bank of Granville, doing a good banking business. " The Granville Times " was started by H. A. Church in 1880. In 1884 it was sold to Rev. C. B. Downs. He aoon received to partnership W. H. Kussmaul, a practical printer. In 1887, Mr. Downs sold to Mr. Kussmaul, who in turn sold one-half interest to Mr. Frank M. Shepardson. It is now published by Kussmaul & Shepardson, having a very good circulation among patrons at home and specially good among those who have gone out from Granville to reside elsewhere. It has a very high standing with the papers of Central Ohio. They are prepared to do good job printing and are doing a large business. Granville has had ten papers antedating The Times; its pre- decessors being: The Wanderer, (18 15, S. Wright), The Gran- ville Intelligencer, (1847, -D- Hunt), TJie School Clarion, (185 1, S. N. Sanford), The Licking Bee, {1851, a temperance paper), llw Herbariiim, (1857, Ladies of Female College), TJu Deni- sonian (1857, Franklin Soc. of D. U.), The Collegian, (1867, CalHopean Soc. of D. U.), TJie Denison Collegian, (a union of the two foregoing). The Licking Mo?iitof, (1872, George W. l^vans), The Family Monthly, (1875, successor to the last mentioned). ADDITIONAL RECORD. 371 John C. Malone, Esq., acts as justice of the peace, notary public, real estate and insurance agent. Hon. M. M. Munson is a resident in the village and attends to law business. In 1883, Mr. Edgar A. Wright succeeded Dr. W. H. Sedg- wick as Postmaster, and he was followed by Mr. Albert H. Jones, the present incumbent. Our physicians at this time are — Dr. E. F. Bryan, Dr. W. C. Davis, Dr. E. Sinnett, Dr. G. G. Kyle, Dr. a. Follett, Dr. Kane Follett, Dr. J. Watkins, Dr. E. A. Darby. So far as known, the only survivors of those who came in 1805 are — Mr. Justin Hillyer, . . Topeka, Kansas. Mr. Truman Hillyer, . . Columbus, Ohio. Rev E. C. Gavitt . . . Toledo, Ohio. . Rev George E. Gavitt, . Ashley, Ohio. Mrs. Alcy Rose Durfee, . Hartford, Ohio. Mr. Willis Clark, of Toledo, Illinois, and Mrs. Marietta Clark Ackley, Granville, who came two years later are still living. We close our record with a tribute to Granville, printed in the catalogue of Granville Female College, 1888. It origi- nally appeared in an Eastern paper : '• Edward Everett Hale, in an after-dinner address last sum- mer, told this story: He had formed the acquaintance not long before, of a Russian gentlemen who had been traveling through this country on a mission of investigation for his Government. This foreign observer had made good use of his opportunities, and was full of opinions about the men and things he had seen. Among other statements, he said that he had been peculiarly impressed by the advantages enjoyed by American society in the smaller and little-known places, where he had often found culture and comfort abounding which in other countries were confined to city life. Dwelling on this theme, to him a novel one, the Muscovite gentleman mentioned the names of such 372 ADDITIONAL RECORD. villages in the various States that he had visited, and among them that of Granville, Ohio. This opinion, entitled to some weight because of its origin, reached me before my acquaintance with the place in question began. But I am bound to say that it has been confirmed by my experience aud observation thus far. For here is a place, secluded and little known by the world at large, whose intel- lectual and social advantages are more than metropolitan. Lying in the heart of the hill region of Ohio, it is quite re- moved from the currents of commercial and financial activity that sweep through the land. Here are no factories, no busi- ness center, no prospect of such things in time to come. A village of perhaps 1200 inhabitants, quiet and clean as a New England hamlet, with shady streets and pleasant homes — it has altered but little in the years past, and presents few attrac- tions to the busy and progressive. And yet here is a scene of intense intellectual activity — a home of genuine culture — a center of wide spread religious influence, and a source of ever- renewed pulsations of far-reaching power." iPlejise i)aste this in your copy of the History of Granville.] HISTORY OF GRANVILaLR. Names of dates and persons occur in this volume, by actual count, more than seven thousand times. It is surprising that in a record made chiefly from original matter so few mistakes should be reported. After a general re- quest in the preface and many personal requests, only the following come to hand as w^orthy of correction. Some should have been noticed in proof reading, and others would not have occurred had Mr. Bryant been spared to do his part of the work. CORRECTIONS. Page 29, first line, fourth paragraph, for "IStanbury" read "Stanbery.'' " 95, second line, seventh " for "Almena" read "Climena." '"" 100, twelfth line from bottom, for "sulking" read "skulking." " 102, in list of names, for "Benj. Carpenter" read'' Amos Carpenter." " 105, second line, second paragraph, insert period after "Mass." " 108, first line, third paragraph, for "father-in-law," read "step father." " 117, last line, omit "daughter of Justin Ilillyer, Sr." 'J'his was the first Mrs. Hunt, who was a Pratt. " 130 third line, fourth paragraph, capital "P" in 'plan of Union Church. •' 135, first line, fourth paragi-aph, for "het" read "the" " 136, tenth line, first paragraph, small "p" in "Providence" " 143, second line, second paragraph, for '"Institution," read "Insti- tute." and the same on page 165. second line, third paragraph, and page 219, second line, second paragraph, " 144, last line, for "Hamlin" read "Hamlen," also page 165, fifth line. first paragraph. " 145, third line from bottom, for "drove" read "rode." " 154, omit the last entry, last line, "John Starr, etc." " 178, first line at top, for "Welsh Methodists and Welsh Congrega- tionalists unitedly," read "Welsh Hills Cemetery Association." " 181, second line, second paragraph, for "Mr. Parnassus," read "]\Ft. Parnassus." " 189, second line, second paragraph, omit "Horace Wolcott. Jan. 11." " 197, third line from top, for "Geo. Ezekiel Gavitt," read "Ezekiel Stanton Gavitt," also page 256, first line, seventh jiaragraph, and page 371, fourth line, fifth paragraph. " 211, second line, fourth paragraph, for "and 1832 followed," read "ending." " 215, last line for "Edward A Beech," read "David E. Beach." " 256, second line, second paragraph, for "1864" read "1849." " :^59, first line, sixth paragraph, for "Frances" read "Francis." I\iiie '2(;4, tiftli Hue, sccoixl p:ir;ii;i-;ii>h, 1' .r, 'State Si-uator." read '•Cuu- jrress." " 2()o, tliird line, lirst paraj^rapli for, '■18")2" read ■•IS" 4." ■• 2fi!), ninth liiiC, tliird parugrapli lor, "Franklin I lirall." read '-Bi n- jainin F. IIumII." •' 209, eleventh line, titird paragraph U>r. "Dillon." read "Di lano." •J72, second line, third paraj^iaph, lor, 'MSS^' i ead '•|^S1.■' •■ 2S1, eiiijiilh line, second paragfuph, for "J. Wooil," read "diaries Wood.'' •• -iSi*, first line, first paraj>raiih, for "1822," read 1^42." " 291, sixth line, first paraiiraj))!, omit "Horatio brothers.' ' (II. (t. Mower, had a store previous to this.) " 312. third line, third paiagraph, omit comina after "wliicli." " 317, first line, fifth paragra{)h, for "Freeman Williams," read "Tru- man Williams." " 321, first line, fonrtli i)aragraph, for "lest" read "last." " 323, first line, second paragraph, for "Herbert," read "Ilobart." " 343, first line, filth paragraph, for "Theo. T Wright," read "Theo. V. Wright" also on page 349, third line, third paragraph. " 348, second line, second paragrapii, insi-rt '-onnna after 'Summit St." " 349. second line, second i)aragraph, iii-sert ' a company of Gran- ville men, who sold to," between 'by" and "Mr Phelps." " • 3.')1, filth line third paragraph, for "Griftin," read " Grilling." " 352, first line, first paragraph, for .1. ('. Jones," read "J. M. Jones." " oOl), firt>t line, fourth paragraph, for "Girard" read 'Gerard." ADDITIONS. I'age 20. third paragraph, "Hon. M. yv. ^Nltinson is good authority for saying that, the Jones family were undoubtedly occupying their cabin in'lSliO." •• 103, at l)Ottom "Sanniel P. Mower and family came to the place." . " 114, second paragraph. "The .scpiirrels came in liS28." " 2.")7. In place of I'ourtli paragraph iiis»-rt, "Three sons of Leonard and Mary Sinnett Woods, tlie mother being of a pioneer fainiy, all entered the ministery with the tollowing recoi-d : "E. Arthur Woods; Baptist; Denison University ; Hamilton College N. Y.; pastor at Saiatoga Springs N. Y. ; Paterson, N. J.; Cleveland, O." "Hubert C Woods; Baptist; Deni.son University; Hamilton College, X. Y. ; pastor at Fayettevilie, N. Y. ; Greely, Colo ; St. PauU Minn.; District Mission, iry of Ba])tist H. M. Society for S. Dakota, N. Mexico and interveinng territorv. Pesiding ar, Jjincoln, Neb." "Bj'ron A. Woods; Baptist; Denison University; Hamilton Collcire. X. Y.; pastor at X. London, Conn.; 'i'oledo, (>.; I'hiladelphia, Pa. ' " 257, bottom "Albert A. Sturges, Yale Theo. Sciii." (See record in list of Missionaries.^ •' 1S2, deaths. 18(5li, add "]\Irs. Xancy Blanchard >iiuielt, widow of A. Sinnett, March :iO " ■ 2 If), third paragraph, "Miss Jane Boardman was the daughter of .Moses Boardman and sister of Mrs. Joseph Fassett and Mrs. Dr. S. Spelman." •■ 249, first paragraph, " I'he follewing teacliers were natives of Gran- ville, .Misses >iary I. Abl)Ott, Diana L. Bancroft, Clarrissa E. Mancioft, Lli/al)eth J. Bancroft, Harriet Bam-roft, Lyilia J. Goodrich, (five \ cars) Laura Gooilrich. Lou. Goodrich, M. A. Johnson, ^lary Linnell (1st), Mary T.iiniell (-ind). Carrie Little, Lyclia M. Little, Jane K Parker. CI iva 1*^. Jtose, Almi a Rose, SaiDantha AV right, lliith 11. Wolcott." Pmuv 2'>7, third line, first paragraph, ''Dr. Thrall -was married to Perthenia Kiigg previous to 1824." '■ 277. •'Between 1817 and 1834, Mr .Johi> Starr had an extensive she • factory, making up the' leather manufactured at Wright's tannery. At one time he had twenty hands working on the bench." '• 2!)4. Alter fourth paragraph. ''Mr. Case, in company Avith Jasper Miinson. liad a store in i ;. Rose's east room and also had a Hour mill on the Munson farm. Timothy Carpenter liouj^ht an inteiest with them and soon afterwards the mill burned down, being full of wheat, and the store was removed to Thornville." " 331. "Dnrinit the war. The Ladies Aid Society, did a constant and noble work in unison witli similar organizations throughout the land." About seventy-five CDpies yet retiiaiii on hand. The price is $2.66 by mail. After July r, 1890, it will advance to $3.00. Address, Rev. H. Bushnell, Westerville, O. The following commendations have been voluntarily bestowed upon the book: From Wm. Richards, Esq., Treas. Dpt. Washington, D. C. "It is to me more interesting and fascinating than anj^ novel I ever read. I sp^nt three nights in succession till aftei" 12 o'clock devouring the contents. It must prove very interesting to all who knew anything of us .It is a monument of inunense labor." From Rev. A. S. Dudley, formerly pastor of Pres. Church. "I can hardly describe the pleasure which the book gives me. It is a remarkable story and reinarkablj'^ well told. You have succeeded most admirably in presenting the facts. I have never seen a local history better presented. I do not know of another man who couldhave given the Hisiory of Granville so well as you have done. I am sure the people owe you a debt of gratitude for painting so faithful and fair a picture of their town and their ancestors. From H. H. Bancroft; the Historian of the Pacific coast. "You deserve great credit for the interesting and beautiful book you have made on Granville," From Mrs. Lavinia Avery. "Please accept my cordial and hearty thanks for the pleasure af- forded me by the perusal of your vlume. The book does you infinite credit and is a monument to your patience and perseveience.. I shall always be reminded of your tireless ettbrts in making it the success it is." From Prest. S. F. Scoyel, D, D., of Wooster University. "The book is so replete with interest that I can scarcely put it out of my hands to go at pressing work." From The Granville Times. "It is full of matters of greatest value to our peopli', and no (Jraii- ville loving man or woman oau art'ord to be witliout a copy. It is a much more attractive book than we had supposed possible to secure It is a book such as few towns in Ohio can boast. AVe congratulate Mr. Buslmell upon tlie success of his tinislied woik," etc. From Mr. Geo. W. Aylsworth, Los Angeles, Cal. "Your book received yesterday ami read thronsh hastily before iioing to bed last night. I would not miss owning a copy for many times I he cost." Other expressions from various sources: "i would 'Jot be without a copy at any price." "Accept my commendation of your well written, neatly executed book." "I am sure all who know or care for Granville will value it highly." "I should think every one who had ever lived in Granville or whose ancestors were part and parcel of the settlers would have one." "Hope you may live to bring out a later edition." "The descendants of the early settlers must all be grateful to you for accomplishing your task." nN U ^' \^^ .^^^ ^ - .^^^^ ■s^ "-i ' ' ^ ' aN .0 O, .3 c> .0 o -^"^ .-^^ ^,. v-6' -V -:^ .^^ >. 0' O 0' .^^"^ -" '^-^ vOO^ 0.-^ -^.i- .N>^-'% ' . o s V ,-0' ^^" '^>. Ci-^ ' x'^' vX- A. .-O' x\^ o 0' 'V. v^^ ' ^. v•^^ ■.v ■/'. ,#■ % <^^>^ ■J^ .^ -^^^ .0 c> , V' -»■ ci-. ,0 o. X^'^x. 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