«C' ^ THE TOWN REGISTER MEREDITH TILTON GILMANTON SANBORNTON GILFORD BELMONT NEW HAMPTON 1 9 O 8 Augusta, Maine: Published by The Mitchell-Cony Co., Inc. 1908 H ARRIS A, MORSE PRINTER Wholesale and Retail Stationery, Blank Books and School Supplies TILTON N. H. THE TILTON Up'iO'date Millinery A full line of Embroidery and Fancy Articles. Store in Thompson Block, opposite station TILTON N. H. E. R. JACKSON SUCCESSOR TO J. Q. DAVIS Jeweler and Optician Repairing- a specialty LOVERIN BLOCK TILTON, N. H. WHEN IN WANT, VISIT MORRISON The Druggist Who keeps and sells everything pertaining to the business and more too MEREDITH N. H. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page HISTORY OF MEREDITH General DescriptioD 9 Indian Occupancy 10 Early Grants and Settlement 14 Industrial Account..., 17 Military Account 17 Civil War 19 Statistics 20 Town Officers 20 Church History 81 HISTORY OF TILTON Early Annals and Data 22 Military History 24 School and Educational Notes 24 Industrial Account 25 Ecclesiastical History 25 Statistics 29 Town Officers 30 HISTORY OF GILMANTON General Description 33 Early Grants and Settlement 34 Military Account 34 Petitions and Documents 35 Educational 37 Church History 38 Military Account 41 HISTORY OF SANBORNTON General Description 44 Grants and Settlement 44 Industrial Account 50 Educational 52 Ecclesiastical Account 53 Military Account 56 Town Officers 59 Statistics 60 HISTORY OF GILFORD General Description 61 Early History 61 Industrial Account 64 Educational 64 Ecclesiastical History 65 Gilford Military (See Gilmanton) 34 HISTORY OF BELMONT General Description 67 Ecclesiastical Account 68 Educational 70 The Badger Homestead 70 Early History 73 Town Officers 74 HISTORY OF NEW HAMPTON General Description 76 Early History and Tradition 76 Military Account 80 PART 1 1 CENSUS OF NEW HAMPTON 3 CENSUS OF MEREDITH 22 CENSUS OF SANBORNTON 54 CENSUS OF TILTON 75 CENSUS OF BELMONT 104 CENSUS OF GILFORD 130 CENSUS OF GILMANTON 145 E. 8. PHILBRICK, Pres. FRANK HILL, Vice Pres. ARTHUR T. CASS, CASHIER The Citizens' National Bank Tllton, N. H, A Check Book is a great convenience. Safe Deposit Boxes are sometimes necessities TRY BOTH J. S. WADLEIGH MERCHANT TAILOR Dealer in Gents' Furnishings 91 Main Street Meredith, N. H. NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE 3.H THE GOODYEAR 6L0VE RUBBER GOODS MISHAWAKA RUBBER AND WOOLEM GOODS MANSFIELD'S Dry and Fancy Goods, Wrappers and Shirt Waists, Clothing Boots and Shoes, Men's Furnishings, Trunks, Carpets, Hats and Caps, Furniture, Etc. International Tailoring Co. Ladies' Home Journal Patterns E. C. MANSFIELD MEREDITH ^- "■ Histony of Wzvcditb GENERAL DESCRIPTION The township lying as it does on the northwesterly end of Lake Winnipesaukee with Lake Waukewan on its other boundary, makes as ideal a summer retreat as there is in the Granite State. Distant only 112 miles from Boston with the excellent train service on the White Mountain Division ot the Boston and Maine R. R. and daily stages to Centre Harbor, Centre Sandwich, West Ossipee, and Moultonboro, all neighboring pleasure resorts, the village of Meredith is at all seasons a busy place. Waukewan is one of the most noted lakes in the state for its bass fishing, and the waters of Meredith bay that make inland from Winnipesaukee, afford excellent facilities for "reeling in" of lake trout and other gamey members of the finny tribe. The diversity of scenery obtained from Meredith and vicinity affords ample material for those of artistic temper- ament. The view across Waukewan includes such peaks as Moosilauke, the Asquam range, including Prospect, Passa- conaway, Osceola and White Face. To the south looking across Winnipesaukee the Belknap range is plainly visible. 10 MEREDITH It matters not whether the guest is after rest or recre- ation, Meredith caD furnish it quantities to suit. INDIAN OCCUPANCY I know the readers of this book will share with me the pleasure I take in presentiug- to them selections taken from an article written and read bj a lady of Meredith at one of the meetings of the local improvement society. The article, of which Mrs. Ella E. Eaton is the author, follows with a few omissions and changes. "In seeking some knowledge concerning the very earliest dwellers beside our beautiful lake (Winnipesaukee), we are at first surprised that the records are so meagre, and that all our search is repaid by only a few facts gleamed here and there. "We would fain read stories of Indian life with its loves, its hopes, its sorrows and its joys, as it was when he roamed over all the lands and felt them his own. "Of many countries we may know their history centuries and centuries ago, but of our own we are left to dig from the soil relics, which, without language, yield their scanty records of the past. "Had the early white settlers so desired they might have preserved for future generations many interesting records of the traditions of the primitive American or indian. "How satisfying it would be to us if the past could have drawn and preserved for us one picture of this side of the HISTORICAL 11 lake where our village now is, showing the wigwams, the canoes, the little red children running about and the whole that went to make the happy and contented Indian village nestling as of old among the sylvan vistas. "Longfellows Hiawatha says, 'Lo how all things fade and perish! From the memory of the old men Fade away the great traditions, The achievements of the warriors, The adventures of the hunters. All the wisdom of the Medas, All the craft of the Wabenoos, All the marvellous dreams and visions Of the Jossakeeds, the Prophets." "Of the many different Indian tribes, those in which we are most interested were called Winnipesaukees, taking their name as was the Indian custom from some feature of the locality in which was their abode. "All the tribes of the interior were known in the lan- guage of the Indian as 'Nipmunks' or fresh water Indians. "As was the custom, the Indians of this vicinity dressed, before the advent of the whites, in the furs of the animals slain in the chase, sewed together with the sinews of the same animals. "Following the advent of the whites we find they began to adopt the customs of civilization as to clothing and hab- its, such as undermining their vitality and powers with 'Fire-Water.' "The Winnipesaukees maintained a permanent fish-weir 19 MEREDITH or 'ahqaedankenash', as they called it, at the outlet of th© lake. All the neighboring tribes were invited to assemble here for the spring and fall catch, the occasion being made into a semi-annual festival. "The locality of these gatherings has received renown throughout all New England as one of the most popular of modern summer resorts, also as a gathering place for many conventions and associations, for many public assembles are held at The Weirs. "Many interesting traditions have been handed down about Passaconaway, the chief who ruled over the tribes in Western Maine and New Hampshire. "The concensus of them all is that he was held by hie followers to be a 'Great Medicine Man' and in close com- munion with 'The Great Spirit.' It is also asserted that he lived to a good old age, and during the latter part of his life did much toward promoting peace between the whites and his Indian followers. "Wonalancet, his son, and the one who took up the sceptre of chieftanship on the death of Passaconaway, is said to have followed closely his father's example and some state he embraced Christianity before his death. "We have many legacies from the Red Man we hope will last as long as our country does, and that is in the musical names of places and things, showing the appreciation of the beautiful by the child of the forest. "For the music of the Indian names let us quote a bit ffom Whittier's 'Bridal of Pennacook.' HISTORICAL 13 'The trapper that night on Tursee'e brook And the weary fieher on Contoocook, Saw over the marehee and through the pine And down the river, the dance lights shine. For the Saugus Sachem had come to woo The Bashaba's daughter, Wutamoo, And laid at her father's feet that night His softest furs and wampum white. From the crystal hills to the far south east, The river Sagamore came to the feast; And chiefs whose homes the sea winds shook Sat down on the mats of Pennacook. They came from Sunapee's shore of rock, From the snowy sources of Snooganock, And from rough Coos whose thick wood shake Their pine-cones in TImbago lake. From Ammonoosuc's mountain pass Wild as his home, came Chepenas; And the Keenomps of the hills which throw Their shade on the smile of Manito. ******** Steaks of the brown bear, fat and large, From the rocky slopes oi the Kearsage; Delicate trout from Babboosuck brook, And salmon speared in the Contoocook. Squirrels which fed where nuts fell thick In the graTelly bed of the Otternic, 14 MEREDITH And small wild hens in reed-snares caught, From the banks of Sandagardee brought. Pike and perch from the Sunacook taken, Nuts from the trees of the Black Hills shaken, Cranberries picked in the Squamscot bog, And grapes from the vines of Piscataquog.' EARLY GRANTS AND SETTLEMENT The following petition appears under date of Nov. 3, 1748. "A list of the names of a number of men that desire that the}' may have a township or tract of laud granted or given to them and to their heirs forever. Gentlemen whose right it is to grant or give our request we being the loyal and dut- iful subjects to bis Majest^^ King George the Second, we pray you to give or grant to us a part of the land which is to be laid out into townships in our frontiers above. Names signed as follows: Ensign Jonathan Longfellow, Joseph Clark, Jonathan Libby, Benjamin Shaw, Capt. John Shaw, John Light, Richard Scamman, James Scamman, Joseph Wadleigh, Daniel Smith, Daniel Gale, Samuel Gale, Samuel Norris, Benjamin Norris, Jr., Samuel Norris, Jr., Benjamin Whicher, William Chase, Moses Chase, Benjamin Norris, Elasrus Rowe. Joseph Fifield, Josiah Robinson, Jr., Moses Rawlins, John Taylor, Jr., Jacob Low, Chase Robin- HISTORICAL 15 son, David Rawlins, BeDJamin Smith, Samuel Goodhue, Jonathan Shaw, John Purmot, Benjamin Juet (Jewett), JosiahSandbiirn, Jonas Gibson, Joseph Norris,Josiah Sand- burn in the rifj^ht of Josiah Folsom, Samuel Palmer 36 paid by James Rawlins, Daniel Thurston, John Morgin, Samuel Goodhue, Thomas Ford, Oliver Smith, Jr., Jacob Long- fellow, Joseph Juett, Jonathan Wadleigh, Abra Clark, Joseph Person, Eliphalet Rawlins, Joseph Rawlins, Jr., Nathaniel Bartlett, Fiphra Robinson, Robard Cutler, John Smith, Joseph Rawlins, Jr., Oliver Smith, Daniel Clark, Til- ton Lawrence, John Leavitt, Jr." Voted Nov. 10, 1748, "that Ensign Oliver Smith, Joseph Juet (Jewett), Joseph Smith and Daniel Clark be a Com- mittee to go up to lay out a township." Voted Tuesday Nov. 14, 1749, (a year later), "that John Leavitt, Josiah Sandburn and Tilton Lawrence be a committee to run the line of the said towns between Pond and Pemigewassett river and to look out a place for a saw mill and for a "Senter Scware" (Centre Square)." The following bounds are given for the town: "Beginning at a hemlock tree by the great bay of Winnipesaukee river, which is the Southeasterly corner bounds of that tract of land granted to John Sanborn and others by said Proprie- tors and which lies adjoining to the land hereby granted, and runs from said tree northwesterly six miles joining on said lands granted to saidjSanborn, or near six miles, to a Beach tree marked which is the northwesterly corner bounds of the said tract of land; then running fifty-five degrees east about seven miles to a white oak tree by the 16 MEREDITH side of Winnipesaukee pond marked on four sides; then run- ning Southeasterly by side of said pond to the river afore- said; then on said river to the great Bay aforesaid; then on said bay to the hemlock tree first mentioned." Voted Jan. 1, 1753, "that Mr. Jonathan Longfellow shall have one shilling old tenor per acre, for every acre he shall on his own charge gett added to the township of Salem; more than is contained in the two plans already taken, and to get it confirmed by the Grantors, and if he does not get any added is to have nothing for his charges. And that the assessors shall tax the proprietors for to pay him for what he gets added." Evidently Jonathan Longfellow failed in his plan, what- ever it was, to enlarge the area of the new township, for we find no record that he received any monies for services as outlined above. In accordance with the wording of the Grant the Pro- prietors voted Sept. 14, 1763, to build a saw mill probably on the riverlet connecting "Waukewan and Winnepesaukee. The town was incorporated Dec. 30, 1768, and name changed from New Salem to Meredith, 1769. In 1855, the eastern portion was taken to make a part of Laconia including Lake Village and Meredith Bridge on the west side of the "Winnipesaukee river and until 1873 a part of Centre Harbor was in this town. Among the first and earliest settlers in this town were Ebenezer Smith, James McCrillis (great grand father to Phillip McCrillis now resident here), who lived on what is the Cummings place, and his nearest neighbor was Capt. HISTORICAL 17 Ray, who settled four miles nearer to LacoDia, at what is now know as Ray's corner. INDUSTRIAL ACCOUNT The farthest back we could go was about 75 or 80 years, when Geo. B. Swasey built and run a cotton mill; he also run a saw mill and in the manufacture of lumber was fol- lowed by Capt. Daniel Smith. Later came Thomas Apple- ton in the manufacture of hosiery followed by Mr. Ward, still later a Mr. Metcalf, then a period of inactivity followed by the management of a Mr. Hodsdon. More recent industries are the Meredith Shook & Lumber Co., Geo. H. Clark & Co. sash and blinds, etc., Atlas Linen Co., etc. MILITARY ACCOUNT In the Revolutionary War, Meredith took quiet an active part, for we find that Ebenezer Smith formed a com- pany in this town with a few eulistments from other neigh- boring towns. The roll of the Company is as follows: Ebenezer Smith, Capt.; Josiah Sanborn, Lt.; William Ra}'', Ensign; Nicholas Clark, Sergt.; Moody Bean, Sergt.; William Thompson, 18 MEREDITH Corp.; Abraham Swain, Corp.; Gordon Lawrence, James McCrillis, Jacob Eaton, Samuel Carr, Thomas Foster, Jere- miah Marston, Samuel Torey, Jonathan Morrison, Jonathan Danforth, Isaac Farrar, Thomas Dockham, Jonathan Smith, Samuel Kellej, Thomas Frohock, Josiah Miles, Elisha Cates, Simeon Cates, Eliphalet Brown, Thomas Cal- ley, Ichabod Swain, Enoch Gibson, Daniel Tilton Sanborn, John Taylor, John Lary, Zebnlon Sinklar, Jotham Rawlins, Benj. Kenfield, Nathaniel Ambrose, John Adams, James Brown, Benj. Brown, Abraham Chandler, Joseph Garland, Ebenezer Cook, Benj. Bean, Stephen Mason, John Fowler, Ezekiel Moulton. GEN. STARKS REG't Lt. John Kimball, Andrew Pettingill. Other enlistments were: Nathaniel Clark, Israel Wood- bury, Thomas Currier, James Rowell, Benj. Neale, Aaron Rawlins, John Robinson, Oliver Smith, Nathaniel Holland, William Mallum, Hezekiah Swain, James Dockham, James Sinclair, Samuel Silver, Joseph Eaton, James Quimby, Caleb Quimby, Levi Chapman, Nehemiah Stan wood, Nathan- iel Pike, Moses Cross, Daniel Stanwood, David Silver, William .Morlan, David Hammond, Jas. Paul Pettee, Clark Young, Leomi Pettee, John Clement, Josiah Wheeler, Moses Senter, Jonathan Crosby, John Edgerley, Joseph Crosby Jonathan Dolloff. HISTORICAL 19 CIVIL WAR The majority of enlistments from Meredith were in Com- pany I., 12th Reg't. (I wish to hereby acknowledge my indebtedness to A. E. Cox, (now a resident of Meredith,) who enlisted and served from Holderness. Mr. Cox assisted me quite materially in preparing this list of Meredith's quota. Ed) . Geo. G. Badger, Daniel S. Bedee, Edwin E. Bedee, Sulli- van Bryant, William 0. Bryant, Winbun Bryant, Christo- pher C. Chapman, eloseph G. Chapman, Amos Chattle, Horace W. Clark, Geo. W. Clifton, John P. Clifton. Chas. B. Clough, Geo. S. Clough, Geo. S. Cram, Chas. W. DoUoff, Levi S, Downing, William H. H. Fernal, Robert Forsaith, William E. S. Foss, Geo. W. Hall, Loami Hartshorn, James B. Horr, Willard L. Huntress, Horace S. Hutchins, Chas. H. Jenness, Jeremiah F. Huntress, Chas. T. Kelley, Alden A. Kidder, Jonathan P. Ladd, Joseph W. Lang, Jr., John L. Lawrence, Levi Leach, Wm. S. Leach, Charles P. Leavitt, Geo. F. Nichols, Dudley F. Norris, Samuel B. Noyes, Allen Peabod}^ Chas. H. Perkins, Oscar J. Piper, Joseph F. Plummer, Nathan G. Plummer, Newton B. Plummer, Joseph Prescott, Josiah H. Prescott, Leavitt S. Robert, Darius Robinson, David S. Sanborn, John H. Sanborn, Oilman Smith, Geo. W. Swain, Henry A. Swain, John W. Towle, Thomas Welch, Joseph K. Whittier, Isaiah Winch. 20 MEREDITH STATISTICS Number of Polls, 462. Total Valuation, $801,806. Real Estate, |724,352. MEREDITH POST OFFICE Number of mails out 6, in 6. Weifxht of matter handled, in 250 lbs; out 100 lbs. Amount of business for year |4,000. Two R F. D. No. 1—22.9 miles, Meredith Neck and W. Centre Harbor, No. 2—24.1 miles, Meredith Centre. New England Telephone and Citizens Line. Western Union Telegraph. American Express. Electric Lights on streets. Volunteer Fire Department. Excellent Hydrant and Water Service. Good graded schools and modern school rooms. Fine Public Library organized 1882. Building built in 1900. PHYSICIANS John Sanborn, Hosea Smith, Otis Smith, Appleton San- born, Geo. Sanborn, Henry Sanborn, F. H. Hawkins, Mary A. Nutting, Newall C. Nutting. TOWN OFFICERS 1888— Edwin Cox, William H. Brown, John W. Eastman. 1889— Percy A. Ellsworth, John W. Eastman, Edwin F. Wijijrin. 1890— Percy A. Ellsworth, John W. Eastman, William S. Smith. HISTORICAL 21 1891-92— Joseph W. Lang, Austin S. Moulton, William S. Smith. 1893-94— Arthur E. Leavitt, Edwin Cox, Joseph F. Smith. 1895— Edwin Cox, Arthur E. Leavitt, John Webster. 1896— Edwin Cox, Arthur E. Leavitt, Curtis F. Smith. 1897— Edwin Cox, William H. Neal, Curtis F. Smith. 1898— Edwin Cox, William H. Neal, Andrew L. Felkner. 1899— Edwin Cox, Andrew L. Felkner, John W. Wig:ftin. 1900— Fred H. Smith, Geo. F. Sanborn, John Webster. 1901— Geo. F. Sanborn, Fred H. Smith, John Webster. 1902-3— Geo. F. Sanborn, Fred H. Smith, Nathan G. Plum- raer. 1904— Geo. F. Sanborn, Fred H. Smith, Bert G. Ordway. 1905— John Wiggin, Fred H. Smith, Bert G. Ordwaj. 1906-7— John W. Wiggin, Geo. F. Sanborn, Fred H. Smith. 1908— Geo. F. Smith, Joseph F. Smith Jr., AVilliam H. Neal. CLEBKS 1888-1893, Ira C. Boyuton; 1893-94, Bradbury R. Dear- born; 1894-97, Frederick L. Hawkins; 1897-1900, Benjamin F. Roberts; 1900-08, John S. Wadleigh. TREASURERS 1888-90, Thaddeus S. Moses; 1890-91, Wm. H. Moses; 1891-92, Thaddeus S. Moses; 1893-94, Fred W. Towle; 1894-95, Ira C. Boynton; 1895-97, Fred W. Towle; 1897-99, Edmund Quimby; 1899-1900, James D. Bartlett; 1900-02, Daniel F. Bean; 1902-08, Frank B. Pease; 1908, Fred M. Weeks. Histoity of Cilton EARLY ANNALS AND DATA The earliest history of this beautiful little town belongs to the parent township Sanbornton, for until June 30, 1869 Tilton was a part of that township. Tilton is principally a manufacturing: town, yet unlike most other such towns throughout New England has a wonderfully clean street system and the homes of the people are clean and well kept. Tilton's connection with the outside world is of the best, as the Boston & Maine railroad from Concord and Boston runs direct through here to Montreal and other points north. Then the Belmont & Tilton branch line runs into this town, giving the people of Belmont access to the up-to-date stores and business concerns of this place. Tilton is bounded on the north by Sanbornton, east by part of Lake Winnisquam, south by Winnipesaukee river and Northfield; west by Franklin. Stated in the words of the enactment made by the Gen- eral Court of New Hampshire approved June 30, 1869, the bounds are as follows: "That all that part of Sanbornton lying within the fol- HISTORICAL as lowing lines and boundaries to wit, Bef^inuing at the Centre of the AVinnipesaukee River, at the Southwest corner of said Sanbornton, on the line of the town of Franklin; thence northerly, on the line between said Franklin and said San- bornton to the north side of the third range of lots in said Sanbornton; thence easterly, on the north side of said range line to the highway leading from Union Bridge to Laconia, across the Bay Bridge; thence on the north line of said high- way to the Sanbornton town line, down the Wiunipiseogee River to the place of beginning, be, and the same hereby is, severed from the town of Sanbornton and made a body pol- itic and corporate by the name of Tilton," This section contained about 8,600 acres of improved land and nearly all of the waterpower of Sanbornton as well as one of the most thriving villages of the town. July 1, 1870, some territory was severed from this town and given back to Sanbornton, but later, July 3, 1872, was again added to Tilton. From appearances it would seem that the Indians at one time occupied this section and that undoubtedly a strong and powerful tribe had a settlement here. As proof of this theory, there is found at the head of Little Bay on Winnipesaukee, the remains of what was once an Indian fortress consisting of six walls, one along the river across the point to the bay and others at right angles connected by circular walls in rear. When the first settlers came here, so tradition says, the walls were breast high and large oaks within. Numerous relics have been found here, but time and civilization are fast obliterating the signs of a once powerful Indian tribe. 24 TILTON MILITARY HISTORY For the military liistory of this town, it is necessary to refer the reader to that subject under Sanbornton. SCHOOL AND EDUCATIONAL NOTES In accordance with the requirements of the charter of the town of Sanbornton, the matter of education was early considered and various actions taken to insure the school- ing of the children. The first school said to have been taufjht in what is now Tilton, was in the house of Mr. Satchel Clark, west of "Tin Corner,'' so called. It is said Mr. Clark had a sou John who was required to "blow and strike" for his father in the smithy next door to the house; here he would labor uutil the master come to the door and rapped to si;4nify it was time to come and read and spell, after which he would return to the forger. The New Hampshire Conference Seminary was started in 1845, and is located on "Academy Hill'' so called, and is under the supervision of the Northfield and Tilton Metho- dist church, yet the institution is non-sectarian. In 1852, the charter was "ranted so as to give the higher and more perfect education to ladies. The buildings are finely equipped and up-to-date in every respect. The institution has been very prosperous since first organized. HISTORICAL 2S Several new buildi[ij>s have been erected to accommodate the increased enrollments by supplanting older buildings or adding to the number already in use. INDUSTRIAL ACCOUNT From the earliest history of this section it has been the manufacturing part of the township, and as before stated, when disannexed from Sanbornton it took about all the water power owned by that town. One of the first mills erected in town was built on the first site, so called, below the railroad track and bridge. The present industries are the Tilton Woolen Mill, the Carter's Mills, woolen; Morrison's Mills, woolen; theG. H. Tilton Hosiery Mill, and the Tilton Optical Co., manufactur- ing lenses and opitical goods. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY THE HISTORY OF METHODISM IN NORTHFIELD AND TILTON The first Methodist sermon preachod in this vicinity was delivered by Rev, Martin Ruter, D. D., in 1803, at the home of Deacon Jonathan Clough on "Bay Ilill." The first "class" was organized in 1804, at the home of Joseph 26 TILTON Knowles. The members of the class were Joseph Kiiowles Jr., aDd wife, Miss Morse (afterwards Mrs. Wyatt), Eunice, Susan and Stephen Morse and Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Am- brose, Joseph Knowles Sen., Miss Alice Glidden, Lottie Elli- son, who w^as the mother of Beuj. F. Butler; Mrs. Polly Wadleigh Fullerton, and Capt. Isaac Glines. In the year 1805 the first Society was formed, and in less than a year 31 members were reported. For years the services were held in houses and barns or schoolhouses, and many times out-of-doors. Several meeting- houses have been built iu this vicinity at different dates. In 1826 one at Gilmanton and one at Northfield were built, a little later a house of worship was built at SanborntoQ or a little west of Tin Corner, so called. In 1857, Feb. 4, the present church home was dedicated. In conclusion it is only necessary to say that few churches have the opportunity for working upon the student life that may be found here. We are pleased to state that the lives of those who leave the Seminary and participate in the activities of life speak well for tue social, moral, and spiritual influence exerted year after year upon student and citizen in a degree inestimable. The list of parties who have labored here is as follows: 1805, Caleb Dustin and Martin Ruter; 1807, Zachariah Gib- son; 1808, Joseph Peck or Hezekiah Field; 1809, Lewis Bates; 1810, Abner Clark; 1811, Hezekiah Field; 1812, Joseph Peck and Jacob Sanborn; 1813, Richard Emory; 1814, Aaron Lummus; 1815, James Jacques: 1816, Noah Bigelow; 1817-18, Benjamiu Burnham; 1819, John Lord HISTORICAL 2t and Elijah Spears; 1820, Damon Young and Ezra Goodwin; 1821, James P. Hervey; 1822, Jotham Horton and Ezekiel W. Sticknev; 1823, Jacob Sanborn, H. Bulfineh, J. Temple- ton and P. Bell; 1824, E. W. Stickney and David Culver; 1825, Moses Sanderson and W, R. Stone; 182G, Jas. B. H. Norris and Matthew Newhall; 1827, Samuel Kelley and Wm. D. Cass; 1828, Rosewell Putnam and Geo. Storrs; 1829, Geo. Storrs and Richard Newhall; 1830, Benjamin C. East- man, Nathan Howe, and A. H. Worthing; 1831, Warren Wilbur, Daniel I. Robinson and Sylvester P. Williams; 1832, Warren Wilbur and C. Granger; 3 833, J. B. H. Norris, Chas. R. Harding and C. W. Lord; 1834, J. B. H. Norris and C. R. Harding; 1835, J. Templeton, S. A. Cushing and S. Gleason; 1836, John Smith and Otis Smith; 1837, Jonathan Hazle- ton and 0. G. Smith; 1838, Jonathan Hazleton; 1839, Chas. R. Harding; 1840-41, Moses Chase; 1842-43, Reuben Dear- born; 1844-45, Silas Green; 1846, Jacob Stevens and J. C. Croraack; 1847, J. C. Cromack; 1848, Elisha Adams; 1849, Elisha Scott; 1850-51, Franklin Furber; 1852-53, Frederick A. Hewes; 1854-55, Silas Quimby; 1856-57, John Currier 1858, Newell Culver; 1859-60, Lorenzo D. Barrows D.D. 1861-62, Jonathan Hall; 1863-64, Orlando H. Jasper D.D. 1865, Sullivan Holman and Calvin Holman; 1866, Lorenzo D. Barrows assisted by N. T. Whittaker, beginning in July, 1866; 1867, Dudley P. Leavitt; 1868-70, Silas C. Kellogg; 1870-71,Charles W.Miller; 1872-73; Wm. H. Jones; 1874, Lewis P. Cushman; 1875-76, John Adams; 1877-78, Silas E. Quimby, succeeded by Isaac McAnn from Sept. 1878 to April, 1879; 1879-80, Nelson M. Bailey; 1881-82, N. P. Phil- 28 TILTON brook; 1883-85, C. S. Nutter; 1886-87, N. M. Learned; 1888- 92, Wm. H. Hutching; 1893-94, W. H. Tuckington; 1895- 98, Roscoe Sanderson, 1900-03, William Warren; 1904-05, Geo. A. Henry. Ed.Nvin S. Tasker present pastor, 1906-8. The Congregational Church of Northfield and Tilton was first organized and services held on the Northfield side, but in 1837 or '38 the meeting house on the Sanbornton side was built and services held there. Prior to this, or from organization, (1822), the services were held in the Centre and Bay Hill school houses, later at Sanbornton in Acade- my building. There were sixteen original members, namely, Elias Ab- bott, Mrs. Elizabeth Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. Obadiah Hall, Sen., Mr. and Mrs. Obadiah Hall, Jr., Susannah Hancock, Robert Forrest, Sarah Forrest, Dr. Enos Hoyt, Mrs. Betsey Brown, Jeremiah Hall, Abagial Abbott, Ebenezer Morrison, and Sally Dearborn, and in fourteen years the membership grew with 90 new members. The new church home was ded- icated free from debt Sept. 1838. The June session of Legislature in 1870 changed name to Tilton and Northfield Congregational Church and So- ciety. Many expensive and necessary improvements have been made in order to keep the building up to modern re- quirements. A vestry and parlors built under church, gal- lery built over, electric lights put in and modern and up-to- date pipe organ installed. The Society now has a church home up-to-date, convenient and free from debt. The pastors who have labored here are as follows: Mr. Easterbrook, Martin Renter, John Turner, Jotham HISTORICAL 29 and Samuel Sewall, Liba Conant, Hazel Lucas, Enoch Cor- ser, Carban Curtice, Theodore Pratt, Frederic T. Perkins, C. B. Strong and C. C. Sampson. Episcopal Church of Tilton was constituted in 1860, and for a time held services at the brick meeting- house in Northfield under Dr. Jas, H. Eames of Concord. Then Rev. Marcellus A. Herrick D. D. came here in 1861 and served here until his death in 1875. The present house of worship was started in 1872 and opened for worship Easter Sunday, April 13, 1873. The present rector is Rev. Mr. Emery. The Catholic Church data in full we were unable to ob- tain but it is of comparatively recent date. Rev. Fr. Des- mond is the officiating pastor. STATISTICS Tilton Post Office annual business |9,000. Number R. F. D.-2. No. 1—20 miles through Sanbornton and North San- bornton. No. 2—20 miles through Northfield. Number mails received thirteen; number mails out twelve. Tilton is sorting office for Sanbornton. Tilton is well equipped with modern conveniences: Tele- phone, telegraph, electric lights, fire apparatus and depart- partment, hydrant service, excellent school system, fine pub- 30 TILTON lie library, well built town hall, modero equipment, built in 1879. Town valuation is |1,004,558. Number Polls 453. TOWN OFFICIALS SELECTMEN 1869-70— Eleazer Davis, Horace Moulton, Leonard K. Clough. 1871-72— Bradbury T. Brown, Jacob B. Sanborn, Dearborn S. Daniels. 1873— Bradbury T. Brown, Jacob B. Sanborn, John C. Ladd. 1874 — Jacob B. Sanborn, Horace Sanborn, John C. Ladd. 1875-76— Amos H. Jones, Chas. B. Garmon, Henry Q. Dat- ton. 1877— Ebenezer L. Sanborn, Joseph P. Dearborn, Henry Q. Datton. 1878— Ebenezer L. Sanborn, Henry Q. Datton, Samuel S. Hersey. 1879— Wm. H. H. Rollins, Horace Sanborn, Rusisell T. Noyes. 1880— Enoch G. Philbrick, John B. Batchelder, Wm. C. Mudgett. 1881— Horace Sanborn, Richard Firth, Wm. H. H. Rollins. 1882— HoraceB. Savage, Rufus U. Bartlett, Wm. H.Seavey. 1883-84— Horace B. Savage, William H. Seavey, Alden Moulton. HISTORICAL 31 1885-86— BradburjT. Brown, Dearborn S. Daniels, Geo. W. Lord. 1887— Bradbury T. Brown, Geo. W. Lord, Wm. S. Gray. 1888-89— Geo. W. Lord, Luther V. Powers, Chas. M. Taylor. 1890— Geo. W. Lord, Ford T. Sanborn, Chas. M. Taylor. 1891— Geo. W. Lord, Ford T. Sanborn, Chas. M. Taylor. 1892 — Geo. VV, Lord, Dearborn S. Daniels, Herman Page. 1893-96— Geo. W. Lord, Herman Page, Asa E. Gile. 1897— Geo. H. Wadleigh, Geo. S. Philbrick, Benj. C. Young. 1898— Geo. H. Wadleigh, Geo. S. Philbrick, Wm. H. Seavey. 1899— Geo. H. Wadleigh, Herman Page, Geo. W. Lord. 1900— Geo. W. Lord, Geo. H. Wadleigh, Wm. H. H. Rollins. 1901— Geo. W. Lord, Geo. H. Wadleigh, Herman Page. 1902— Mark G. Keasar, Walter C. Wyatt, Wm. H. H. Rollins. 1903— Walter C. Wyatt, Mark G. Keasar, Herman Page. 1904-Mark G. Keasar, Walter C. Wyatt, Wm. H. H. Rollins. 1905— Walter C. Wyatt, Harris A, Morse, Herman Page. 1906— Wm H. H. Rollins, Harris A. Morse, Geo. R. Locke. 1907— Harris A. Morse, Lucieu F. Batchelder, Everett W. Sanborn. 1908— Chas. Herbert Foss, Walter C. Wyatt, Harris A. Morse. TOWN CLERKS 1869, Lyman B. Ames; 1870-71, Samuel H. Williams; 1872-74, Selwin B. Peabody; 1875-79, Samuel H. Williams; 1879-84, Geo. A. Stevens; 1884, Walter C. Wyatt; 1885-90, 32 TILTON Leroy S. Atkinson; 1890-94, Thomas E. Fletcher; 1894-98, Earl N. Webster; 1898, Walter C. Wyatt; 1899, Earl N. Webster; 1900, Walter C. Wyatt; 1901, Harris A. Morse; 1902, Willis R. Morrison; 1903, Harris A. Morse; 1904, Willis R. Morrison; 1905, Osborne J. Smith; 1906-08, Willis R. Morrison. TOWN TREASURERS 1879, Eleazer Davis; 1880, John F. Taylor; 1881, Amos U. Jones; 1882-83, Russell T. Noyes; 1884, Wm. T. Cass; 1885-89, Amos H. Jones; 1889-97, Enoch G. Philbrick; 1897, Richard Firth; 1898, Chas. C. Roo;ers; 1899, Arthur T. Cass; 1900, Samuel Condon; 1901, Wm. B. Fellows; 1902, Harris A. Morse; 1903, Arthur T. Cass; 1904, Frank Hill; 1905, Wm. B. Fellows; 1906, Frank Hill; 1907-08, Osborne J. Smith. Histotty of Giimanton GENERAL DESCRIPTION Giimanton is bounded on tlienorthby Gilford, northeast by Alton, east and south-east by Barnstead, south by Lou- don, and west by Belmont. Suncook Mts. run in southerly direction, principal peaks Porcupine Hill, Peaked Hill, Grant Hill, etc. [nterpersed amon^ these beautiful hills are Mirrored Pond and Sylvan Glen, ^ivin^ a magnificence of diversified scenery rarely equaled. Suncook River with its excellent water privileges has its source in pond on Suncook Mt. The water falls into another at base of mountain, one mile in length and one-half mile in width, thence into another covering about 500 acres, and then meanders through town receiving several streams on ts way. The principal ponds are Shell Camp Pond, Loon Pond and Rocky Pond, One historian for Giimanton has said "Among her many resources, great privileges, etc., she still has one drawback, or bad feature, namely: Her pureness of springs, rarified ozone and inclination for people to be out-of-doors, make for a poor living for the physicians who settle here." 34 GILMANTON EARLY GRANTS AND SETTLEMENT This township is one of the oldest and was granted May 20, 1727, to one Nicholas Oilman and twenty-three others with same surname, and 152 other o-rantees. Because of the Indian depredations the early settlement was delayed until last of 1761 when Benj. and John Mud- gett and Orlando Weed came here and settled. The first white child born in the new township was Dorothy Weed, Oct. 13, 1762. The Masonian Proprietors claimed the tract included in this Grant but in 1752, June 30, a settlement was made and a quit-claim deed given to all but eighteen shares. Iron ore was discovered here in 1763 and works for the manufacture of the finished product were established, but the business proved unprofitable and was abandoned. Governor's Island was annexed to this town Dec. 30, 1799, and on June 16, 1812, the northerly part of the town was set off and formed a town called Gilford, and on July 5, 1851, a tract of land was severed and annexed to Gilford. On June 29, 1859, an act was passed dividing the town, and the northwesterly portion was incorporated as Upper Gilmanton, later changed to Belmont, June 24, 1869. MILITARY ACCOUNT The Revolutionary War quota from this town was un- usually large and shows that the citizens were undoubtedly HISTORICAL 35 patriotic. Among: the names found on the Rolls we find the following: Nathaniel Willson, Robt. Willson, Nehemiah Eastman, Jonathan Row, Ezekiel Oilman, Thomas Currier, Moses Niles, Joses Moulton, John Taylor, John Dow, Benj. Cotton, William Willey, Ambrose Thurston, Sargent Currier, Na- thaniel Dow, John Clough, Jonathan Fullerton, Thomas Piper, David Mudgett, Thomas Bail, Pearson Huntriss, David Clifford, Jr., Jonathan Haseltine, Samuel Smith, James Hern, London Daily (or Dayly), Micaiah Kelley, Aaron Clough, Daniel Dudley, Benj. Dow, Joseph Kent, Jo- seph Fellows, Jeremiah Tilton, Nathaniel Dowe, Samuel Til- ton, Elisha Hutchinson, George Montg'omer}^ Nehemiah Leavitt, Henry Danford, Ammie Choat, John Cotton, Peter Oilman, Samuel Sibley, John Chase, James Allen, Edward Bean, Joseph Crosby, John Somes, Col. Joseph Badger. PETITIONS AND DOCUMENTS TOUCHING ON EARLY HISTORY OF GILMANTON "In Governor's Council Dec. 17, 1729. "Ordered that whereas in the charter of Gilmanton It is expressed that the bounds of said Town shall run from head of Barustead northwest two miles, then west to Win- nipishoky pond, which east point of west should have been expressed north to the pond the same being so intended by the Grantors and is hereby so explained and declared." 36 GILMANTON The above as is true of the following petition needs no explanation. Dated May 15, 1760. The petition of Theophilus Smith, Esq., Capt. John Odiin and Doc't. Josiah Gilman, a committee for and in behalf of the Proprietors of the Township of Gilmanton in said Province [New Hampshire] Humbly Showeth. "That the Settlement of the said Township has been long retarded by reason that no provision hath yet been made for a legal taxation to be made and layed on said pro- prietors to Defray the charge of said Propriety which have already arisen or may hereafter arise in settling said Town- ship. ''That if such Provision be made by an Act of this Hon- orable Court, the said Petitioners believe that a Settlement of the said township may be soon effected— "That such settlement of the said Township will be not only a great benefit to the said Proprietors, But to the Province in General:— Wherefore the Petitioners Humbly Pray that your Excellancy and Houorables will take the matters of this Petition Under your wise consideration and pass such Act or Acts to Enable the said proprietors to raise such sum or sums of money by Taxing the said Proprietors (as they shall find necessary from time to time to Defray the charges aforesaid) as your Excellancy and Honorables In your Great Wisdom shall see fit. Theo. Smith John Odlin Josiah Gilman HISTORICAL 37 EDUCATIONAL Gilraanton, as did many other early towns, took a care- ful consideration of the relij^ious and intellectual side of life. In 1769, it was voted to hire a teacher and to build two school houses. In 1792, the town voted to leave the matter of a hio:her institution of learning to a committee of twenty men, this committee reported favorably on the question and in 1794, June 20, the legislature passed a bill, chartering the Gilmanton Academy, A commodious building was built and the school started under the instruction of Peter L. Folsom, A. B., a graduate from Dartmouth College. All early records so carefully kept by Stephen L. Greeley, Esq., were destroyed by a fire Sept. 25, 1872. In 1808, Jan. 22, the institution received a severe blow in the complete destruction of the Academy building by fire. The citizens of Gilraanton were equal to the situation for in just four weeks and four days we are told they had erected the frame for the present Academy building. Her children are legion and scattered to the four corners of the universe. She is now venerable for age and good works. Being one of the throe first Academies incorporated in New Hampshire and having had the long life of usefulness she certainly deserves better treatment from the hands of her multitude of former stu- dents and their families and heirs. Gilmanton Theological Seminary, while having only a short career deserves some mention for its usefulness. It was in 1835, Aug. 15, that the slowly maturing plans of the trustees were finally by vote of the board put into execution 38 GILMANTON and Rev. Herman Rood was called from New Milford Corner to open and conduct a department of Theology. (This action is supposed to have been prompted by the religious revivals and enthusiasm of 1832 and 1833, and the great call for ministers created thereby). In 1839, a building of brick was erected and dedicated Aug. 18, 1841, the dedica- tory address by Prof. Warner. Because of a lack of pecuni- ary aid and the diminished interest in religious work by young men, the department gradually ceased to exist about 1844. CHURCH HISTORY The town, as was the custom of the early days, supplied the pulpit with pastors by vote of the tax paying citizens. All citizens of the town were usually regular attendants at the Sabbath services, and each, regardless of differences of opinion, paid his proportionate share toward supporting the religious work. As ea,v\y as 1829 we find on the old town records that a move was made to separate the supporters of the different views and protect them from paying toward the salary of a pastor expounding the views in which they did not sympa- thize. It w^as decided 1830-31 on petition of David Bean and others to divide the parsonage and religious funds by a committee composed as follows: Thomas Adams Jr., first Congregational church; Thomas Burns, Centre Cong. HISTORICAL 39 church; Charles Parker, Iron Works Cong.; Joseph Edgerly, Calvin Baptist; Wm. Prescott, Methodist; Joseph Fellows, Uuiversalist; Noah Leavitt, first Freewill Baptist; and lor a number of years at each annual town meeting it was voted to divide the accruing interest on the parsonage fund among the different religious beliefs according to number of legal voters so interested. The First Church at the "Smith Meeting House" as an organization has long since become extinct. According to Lancester's History of Gilmanton, Rev. Isaac Smith, its first pastor, preached here forty-three years, d.ying among his people March 25, 1817. He was succeeded by several others as regular pastors or supplies. On July 25, 1832, Rev. Daniel Lancester was dismissed because of a lack of support. On the 26th of Feb., 1826, twenty-five members received letters of dismission and recommendation of the church to form a new church at Centre Village (Academy), and on Oct. 12th, 1830, thirteen others were dismissed to form a new church at Gilmanton Iron Works. The Centre Congregational Church — The twenty-five per- sons from the Old First Church were organized into a new church on the 8th of March, 1826. Rev. Herman Rood, the first pastor, was ordained July 12, 1826, A new house of worship was built at a cost of three thousand five hundred dollars, and dedicated Sept. 30, 1827. Rev. Mr. Rood was followed by Rev. Mr. Lancester, after his dismissal from the first church. Other pastors and supplies were: Roger M. Sargent, Joseph Blake, S. S. N. Greeley, and possibly others. 40 GILMANTON Iron Works Cong. Church was constituted by an eccle- siastical council Oct. 20, 1880. Mr. Charles G. Safford was ordained pastor Sept. 28, 1831. Others who have labored here in the early days are: Jeremiah Blake M. D., (a student at Gilmauton Theological Seminary); Stephen S. N. Greeley, Ilufus Childs, Jairus Ordway, N. S. Moore, George Rogers, Charles L. Tomblin, Cassander C. Sampson, E. J. Hoke, Ly- man White. The Free Will Baptist Church at Gilmanton Iron Works was organized between 1785 and 1790. The early supplies were Abel Glidden, Thomas Flanders and Ezra Ham. About 1835 Elder Hezekiah Buzziel was settled as pastor of the church and followed by Samuel P. Fernald, Beuj.McMurphy, Ichabod R. Cook, Thomas Kenuiston, John M. Durgin, Moses Quimby, Gilmau Sanborn, John C. Osgood, John M. Durgin, John B. Leighton, Wallace W. Brown, Geo. W. Price, Orrin Pitts, James C. Nelson. The Free WiH Baptist Church, Lower Gilmauton, was organized about Jan. 8, 1800. For many years the church was Calvinistic Baptist and organized as such about 1773. The data of the church as a Calvinistic Baptist is very in- complete. It is said that within the walls of this church in 1779 a trial for heresy of Elder Randall was held. The com- plaint was entered because he advocated the Free Will doc- trine. Tradition says he was acquited from the charge of heresy. The pastors who have supplied during early his- tory ot the church as Free Baptist: Moses Folsom, John Malvern, J. C. Osgood, C. B. Griffin, J. G. Munsey, D. L. Edgerly, John .M. Durgin, C. L. Plummer, John Chamber- lain, L. E. Hall, H. B. Huutoon. HISTORICAL 41 The Society of Friends was organized about 1780. They had a commodious house of worship and thriving settle- ment but have long since ceased to be active, although the descendants of many still retain some of the old qualities of their ancestors and keep alive many of the otherwise for- gotten customs by rememberances. The Methodist Church in Northfield established classes here (1807-1818), and had occasional preaching. In 1827 a brick meeting house was built and services have been held under various pastors with varying results. MILITARY ACCOUNT As the story of the Revolutionary War comes under the title of Gilmauton for Belmont and Gilford, I have com- bined the Roll of Honor for those towns in the Civil War and have designated the different towns as follows: those cred- ited to Upper Gilmanton are numbered 1, Gilmanton No. 2, Gilford 3, thus Dudley B. S. Adams 2, meaning credited to Gilmanton. The Roll is as follows: Dudley B. S. Adams 2, John Adams 2, Henry Aldrich 1, Isaac E. Allen 1, Jesse L. Allen 1, John C. Baker 2, Charles C. Bartlett 3, Joseph B. Bean 1, Merrill S. Bean 1, Samuel A. Blaisdell 3, Edward Bredett 3, Newall A. Brown 2, Barron F. S. Burpee 2, Geo. P. Buswell 2, Alfred L. Carter 3, John L. Caswell 3, Levi W. Chesley 3, Benj. B. Clark 3, Horace W. Clark 3, John P. Clay 3, William H. Clinton 3, Henry N. Clogston 3, Jonathan F. Colbath 2, 42 GILMANTON John S. Collins 3, Eri Cook 2, Charles Cotton 2, Joseph T. Cotton 2, Geo. Crosby 3, Joseph E. Dalton 3, Chas. A. Davis 3, Chas. 0. Davis 3, Charles W. Davis 3, Jeremiah B. Dear- born 1, Marshall C. Dexter 3, Daniel Dockham 3, David S. Doekham 2, John N. Dockham 3, Joseph E. Dockham 2, Charles W. Dolloft 3, Artemas E. Dow 2, Charles W. Dow 2, Geo. E. Dow 3, Geo. W. Dow 2, Henry P. Dow 3, John M. Durf2;in 2, Gardner C. Durrell 2, Ezra Eastman 2, James L. Eaton 3, John P. Eaton 2, David Edwards 3, Geo. W. Edwards 3, Freeman F. Elkins 3, Hiram Elliott 3, John R. Elliott 3, Smith N. Ellsworth 1, Henry E. Emery 2, Almon J. Farrar 1, Joseph A. Fellows 1, Asahel G. Flanders 2, Ira M. Flanders 2, Michael Foley 1, Nathaniel Folsom Jr. 3, Isaac Fouda 3, Charles H. FuUerton 3, Abraham S. Gale Jr. 2, Rufus E. Gale 2, Sylvester J. Gale 2, Edward W. Gilman 3, Charles S. Gilman 3, Samuel L. Goss 3, Nahum B. Grant 3, Charles L. Hale 3, Geo. W. Hale 3, Benj. F. Hatch 3, Caleb M. Hatch 3, Albert W. Hayford 3, Geo. W. Hicks 3, Arthur L. Hunt 1, Charles P. Hunt 3, Henry F. Hunt 3, Thomas E. Hunt 3, Charles T. Jacobs 2, Elbrid^e G. Jewett 3, Geo. W. Jewett 3, Ajalon D. Jones 3, Charles T. Kelley 3, John Knights 3, Jonathan P. Ladd 3, William Ladd 3, Lyman H. Lamprey 2, Madison C. Lamprey 2, William H. Lamprey 1, Geo. B. Lane 3. James C. Leighton 2, William H. Littlefield 1, Andrew D. Lock 2, Charles H. Lougee 2, Francis S. Lougee 2, Joseph F. Lougee 2, True W. Lougee3, Charles H. Marden 2, Charles E. Marsh 2, Abram H.Milliken 3, Alma Milliken 3, Charles E. Moody 1, Frank Morrill 3, James A. Moulton 2, Charles H. Munsey 3, Edwin Munsey 3, HISTORICAL 43 Edwin S. Nelson 2, Albert M. Newell 2, Henry H. Niekson 2, Geo. B. Osgood 2, Nahum B. Osgood 3, Charles A. Paige 2, Harlow Paige 2, Francis L. Percival 3, Peleg D. Perkins 2, Geo. E. Place 2, Abner H. Prescott 3, Horace Prescott 1, Henry P. Randall 3, James E. Randlet 2, Oran J. Randlet 1, James A. Rollins 2, Charles C. Rowe 3, Arthur C. Sanborn 2, C. Alphouso Sanborn 3, David S. Sanborn 3, Jeremiah F. Sawyer 1, Leander W. Sawyer 2, John D. Sherburne 2, William H. Sleeper 2, Arthur St. C. Smith 3, Dudley F. Smith 2, Horace H. Smith 2, Paul Stevens 3, William W. Stevens 3, Joseph F. Stockbridge 2, Charles F. Swain 2, Geo, A. Swain 3, William Sweat 2, John C. Sweat 1, William Thomas 3, Geo. W. Thompson 3, Joseph S. Tilton 3, Charles A. Twombly 2, Hiram S. Twombly 3, William Twombly 2, John S. Veasey 3, John G. Wadley 3, Orrin F. Wallace 2, Frank C. Ward 1, Geo. W. Watson 3, John Watson 2, Jonas Watson 2, Joseph W. Watson 2, Daniel H. Webber 3, John L. P. Whipple 3, Andrew H. Whittier 3, Joseph P. Whittier 3, Henry L. Wilkinson 3, Reuben P. Willard 1, Wells C. York 2, Woodbury P. York 2. History of Sanbonnton GENERAL DESCRIPTION Bounded on the north by Meredith and New Hampton, east by Win^isquam, south by Tilton, west by Franklin and Hill. Nearest railroad station, Tilton on White Mountain Division, Boston & Maine, connection by stage coach. Salmon brook rises in Salmon Pond in northern part of town and flows nearlv through the centre, furnishing small water powers in its course. Sanbornton has some excellent farms and ranks well in agricultural pursuits. Could the territory disannexed to form Franklin and Tilton have been retained, Sanbornton would now be one of the busiest towns in the state combin- ing two large manufacturing centres with its present agri- cultural area. GRANTS AND SETTLEMENT "A list of the names of men that are (of) a mind and desire, their names may be entered in this paper in order that they may have a tract of land granted to them and their heirs forever." HISTORICAL 45 "Gentleraen, whose right it is to grant, we beino' the loyal aud dutiful subjects of his Maigesty Kin^ George the Second, we pray you to grant or give to us a part of the land which is to be laid out into townships in our frontier above.'" John Sanborn, Hampton; Aaron Rollins, Exeter; John Dearborn, Hampton; Thomas Blake, Hampton; Daniel San- born, Hampton; Daniel Sanborn, Jr., Hampton; Thomas Rolins, (Lieut.,) Stratham; Jonathan Fogg, Exeter; Joseph Height (Hoit), Stratham; Joseph Height, Jr., Stratham; Edward Shaw, Hampton; Jonathan Robinson, Exeter; Josiah Robinson, Exeter; William Sanborn, Exeter; William Thompson, Stratham; Paul Ladd, Stratham; John Fogg, Exeter; John Taylor, Hampton; Jeremiah Sanborn, Hamp- ton; Caleb Rolins, Stratham; Joseph Juet (Jewett), Stratham; Joshua Rolins, Exeter; Seth Fogg, Exeter; Joseph Smith, Jr., Stratham; Ben]. Mason, Stratham; Jona- than Longfelo, Exeter; Daniel Keley, Hampton; Jabez San- born, Hampton; Abraham Sanborn, Hampton; David Ste- vens, Stratham; Samuel Fogg, Exeter; Jethro Pearson, Exeter; Joseph Rolins, Exeter; Josiah Sanborn, Exeter; Simon Drake, Hampton; John Rolins, Exeter; Jonathan Chase, Stratham; Thomas Chase, Stratham; Ebenezer San- born, Hampton; Jonathan Robinson, Jr., Stratham; John Wadlegh, Stratham; Nathan Longfelo, Hampton; Jonathan Cauley, Exeter; Jonathan Rolins, Stratham; Edward Taylor, Stratham; William Chase, Stratham; Chase Taylor, Stratham; Josiah Rolins, Exeter; Jonathan Sanborn, Hamp- ton, Joseph Smith, Stratham; Josiah Smith, Stratham; 46 SANBORNTON John Hopkinson, Exeter; Francis Mason, Stratham; Jona- than Shaw, Hampton; Joshua Rollins, Jr., Stratham; Josiah Fogg, Exeter; Josiah Sanborn, Jr., Exeter; Jonathan Crosby, Chester; Masten Sanborn, Hampton; Samuel Hardie, Stratham. "On Nov. 10, 1748, Dea. Samuel Fogg, Joseph Rollins, Josiah Sanborn and Jethro Pearson were chosen a commit- tee to lay out the Town." Nov. 16, same year it was voted "Com. to lay out the town on the E. N. E. side of Pemisigavaset River, above VVinepisock river near the crotch of said rivers; or other- ways where they shall think best etc." The above instructions the committee proceeded to fulfill and reported; it was then found that this grant con- flicted with the "Masonian Rights" so called, but a settle- ment was finally effected, the Proprietors or Grantees being given a Quit Claim Deed to all but seventeen shares of the disputed territory. The first recorded settlement by White settlers began in about 1765 or 1766 by John Sanborn, David Dustin, Andrew Rowen and others, probably Moses Danforth, Thomas Danford, Solomon Copp, Daniel Fifield and Sam- uel Shepard. Of the earliest and greatest hardships the first settlers endured we can only guess, for like all the pioneers of early towns they were not given to complaining. From Vol. IX. p. 755 of Dr. Benton's Provincial Records we take the fol- lowing which gives a fair idea of the hardships then being endured. HISTORICAL 47 "SaLborn Town Jan. ye 8, 1768. "To his Excellencj', John Wentworth, Esq., Captain General, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over his Majestys Province ol New Hampshire in New England: The Humble Petition of ye Inhabitants of Sanborn Town. We, the Inhabitants of this Town, Promising our- selves your Excellency's Protection, Both in our Public and Private interests, Humbl3' beg ye liberty of Declaring to your Excellency ye Present Condition of this infant Town, which is as followeth viz: We have thirty-two Familys in town, and a number more we expect will eone move in, and we doubt not But that in a few years we shall, if Prospered, be a flourishing town, able to support our familys, and be a help to ye Public. But at Present we are under the necessity of Going to other Towns for many things to support our Selves and our Cattle, which are but few, ye time Being so very short since we moved into Town, there Being no more than seven familys that have Been in Town so Long as two years, and they were Poor People that moved in for ye sake of Cetching a lew fish to support their familys. Many of us have Been here But one year, and some not so long; our Land is very heavy to Clear, and after it is Cleared and affords us a Considerable Crop of Indian Corn, it is next to impossible to Plough the Land for Some years by Reson of ye Stumps and Roots; there hath Been But a Very few acres ever Ploughd in Town; not more than six or seven men that have Ploughd any, and on ye whole, it is not without a Great Deal of Difficulty that we Bring ye year about. Being obliged to Spend on the Store we bad Before we moved up, 48 SANBORNTON those that had any, and those that had not, to Run in Debt many ol us, or be beholden to friends, which can't, we hum- bly conceive, be thought strange considering that this was all a wilderness so Very Lately. "Now with Submission to your Excellency's Pleasure, our Humble Petition is, that your Excellency would Con- sider our Sircumstances, and Release us from Paying any tax for a Little time, your Excellency Granting of which we humbly Conceive, will be an advantage not only to your humble Petitioners, But also to ye Publick as it will Enable us to make the Greater Progress in Clearing our farms, and so of consequence to Pay ye Greater tax, which at Present Could be But Very Small, having but Little to Pay for. "We Remain your Loyal Humble Servants, James Cates, Thomas Senchr, John Gale, John Samborn, Josiah Samboru, Winthrop Hoit, William Kiniston, Satchel Clark, Cole Weeks, Daniel Lary, Aaron Samborn, David Dus- ten, Jonathan Smith, Josiah Kentfield, Jacob Smith, Jobn- athan Thomas, Thomas Lyford, Edward Kelley, Benjamin Samborn, Thomas Gilmore, Nathaniel Burley, Jonathan Folsom, Solomon Cope [Copp], Moses Danforth, John Gip- son, Phillip Hunt, Daniel Samborn, Ebenezer Morrison, Ben- jamin Darling, John Folsom, Jonathan Lary, Samuel Shep- herd, Andrew Roen, Samuel Smith, Daniel Fifield. (Dr. Benton adds this Note: "The above names are mostly written by one hand, which may account for this spelling of Sanborn uniformly with an m.") On Mar. 1, 1770, a committee of two, Joseph Hoit and Josiah Sanborn, presented to the Governor and Council a HISTORICAL 49 petition for incorporation, which was granted, thus incor- porating the territory within the following bounds, as the Town of Sanborn. "Beginning at a Hemlock Tree standing by the Great Bay of Winnipesaukee River, marked with the letter 'B' and several other letters, with the date of the year 1748 and spotted on four sides, then running north 65 degrees west to a beech tree, six miles, marked on four sides, then run- ning south 65 degrees west to Pennigewassett River, then run- ning as said River runs bounding on the same to the crotch made by said Rivers, thence easterly up Winnipesaukee River to the Bay aforesaid, then by the said Bay to the Tree first bounds mentioned, where it begins." Another petition of considerable interest, as it shows the condition of affairs in the state at an early date, and the difficulties the pioneers of the country had to contend with. The date of the petition was Oct. 24, 1785, and was signed by 47 of the townsmen of Sanbornton. The text of the petition is as follows: "The petition of us ye subscribers, Inhabitants of said Town, humbly sheweth that your petitioners with others ye Inhabitants of the state. Labour under great inconveanensy for want of a currency, or medium of trade Sufficient to transact ye common business between man and man, and notwithstanding, your petitioners Conceive that others in General are Desirous to discharge all our Debts with ye Strictest Hornour, the Payment of which as also ye Com- mon trading one with another is Rendered next to impossa- ble by reason of ye scarcity of money — and People of all 50 SANBORNTON Ranks & Conditions are Sued & Meney Put into Prison, all of which tends to Impoverish Individuals, & Consequently ye state in General;— we therefore Pray that 3'our Honours would as soon as Possible, make a sum or Bank of Paper money Sufficient to answer all Debts or Demands in this state, or for a medium of trade & that sd Paper money may be made a tender in all Cases— and your Petitioners as in duty bound etc." In 1828 Sanbornton was materially weakened by the disannexing of that portion of the town incorporated as Franklin and again in 1869 when Sanbornton Bridge be- came Tilton. Both of these sections had valuable water privileges on the Winnipesaukee and Pennigewassett Rivers. INDUSTRIAL ACCOUNT The industrial account of Sanbornton of the present day is meagre, the most of the manufacturing of the old township is now in Franklin and Tilton. The story of these industries belongs to the present history of those towns. Probably the first mill of Sanborn town was built on Sal- mon Brook, in what is now Franklin, by Daniel Sanborn Jr. during spring of 17G4. Tradition says the mill had hardly been completed when the spring freshet carried the whole thing away. But not before a log had been sawed, because Sanborn claimed the mill site as per terms of charter. After- HISTORICAL 51 wards perraission was given Sanborn to build his mill near the bridge on the Winnipesaukee River. This site for several years stood neglected until a Mr. Adams built a mill here. At an early date Bradbury Morrison purchased the site and built several mills run by power from this one big dam. The mills consisted of saw and grist mill, blacksmith shop with trip hammer, and a planing and shingle mill. This site has always been known as the "Morrison Mills." Part of these were destroyed by fire in 1836 and the plan- ing mill burned 1850. The recent owners of the site are Giles and Knapp, manufacturing lumber. Thus the first permanent mill was built in what is now Tilton. The second mills were called the Darling Mills. The third mill was the old Dustin Mills built on Salmon brook near Turkey bridge, so called, by David Dustin, The last signs of these mills disappeared about 1850. Following these mills came the ones at the Chapel, or the Piper mills, so called. For two generations they remained in the Piper family, until purchased by Benj. S. Colby, in 1870-72. These are among the earliest mills and have been fol- lowed by mills at Franklin Falls by Jeremiah Sanborn in 1778. The mill at Gibson's Falls, below Union Bridge, in 1780. Then came the Tilton-Copp Mills, and the industries headed by William Follansbee and A. H. Tilton, aboutl830. Then came the Prescott Mills on Prescott Brook, so called, in 1789. This takes us to another quarter of the town. In 1790 Joseph Smith built a mill on Threshing Mill Brook. 52 SANBORNTON Following these small affairs have been many big indus- tries such as: The Burleigh Clothing Mills, about 1866 and 1877. The Excelsior factory about 1869. The Moody and Simonds Mills, destroyed in 1814; rebuilt, and again de- stroyed in 1855. The North Sanbornton Mills in 1800. These have been folloMed by many others of various periods of duration until we approach the present Interna- tional Paper Mills and Hosiery and Woolen Mills at Frank- lin and Hosiery and Woolen Mills at Tilton. EDUCATIONAL Among the earlier industries was that of training the young minds, for this purpose the Sanbonton Academy at Sanbornton Bridge was organized, Dec. 20, 1820. The old academy building of two modest stories stood on the emi- nence now known as Academy Hill. In 1871 or '72, it was moved to the Northfield side and used as a store-house by the Granite Mills Company. The Woodman Sanbornton Academy, named for Mr. Aaron Woodman, incorporated June 27, 1826. The site of the building was near the location of the present Congrega- tional meeting house. The building was left in a dilafutated condition. The last term held 1857. In 1867 school dis- trict bought and repared it, making excellent school quar- ters. Upi)er floor being furnished as a hall. The Sanbornton and Franklin Union Academy building HISTORICAL 68 erected in 1845, east of old Chapel near Salmon Brook. Last school sessions were held about 1861. The building and startino; of this institution was due to the relio-ious re- vival started at about the same time or a few years prior. The New Hampshire Conference Seminary, now known as Tilton Academy, was built on Academy Hill in 1845, probably. The old buildings have been replaced by modern and well equipped structures and have added materially to the prosperity of Sanbornton Bridge, now Tilton. ECCLESIASTICAL ACCOUNT As early as 1767 we find the town voted they should raise one dollar on each share to hire a minister for ensuing year. Mr. Joseph Woodman was called here in 1771. Ser- vices wereheld at Daniel Sanborn's until May 21, 1775, when the new meeting house was opened for worship. In 1806 Abraham Bodwell was called to labor here. In 1807 we find the town had divided into two religious bodies, Cougre- gationalists and Baptists. It was voted in this year that those who did not belong to either Congregationalist or Baptist Societies should not be taxed to support those faiths. In 1829 the town finally relinquished all interest in the church affairs. The Congregational Society is of course the oldest relig- ious organization in town. It receives aid from socities or- ganized, one on June 20, 1829, and another still earlier, 1811, known as "The Congregational Fund Assciation." 54 SANBORNTON The First Baptist Church made its appearance as early as 1784-85, for several were baptised under its faith. In 1791 a meeting house was built by them northwest ol the town's meeting house and near the then residence of Dea. William Chase, later Chas. B. Perley's. During the early life of the organization it was known as the Meredith Asso- ciation. Sometime during 1791-92 it separated and became known as First Baptist Church of Sanbornton. In 1833 the building was moved and rebuilt on Crockett's Corner, one mile northwest of its original site. The Second Baptist Church— The meeting house at the Bay was built about 1808, a preacher was kept here most of the time until 1816. No complete records have come to light. The present organization was organized Sept, 9, 1822, One of the early pastors left here and went West. It was his ambition to found an institution at Kalamozoo, Mich,, like that at New Hampton. This man was William Taylor and he gave his time and property to this end, lay- ing the foundation ol one of the most flourishing Baptist institutions in the country. In 1844 certain members de- sired to be excluded from the church on account of their be- lief in Second Advent doctrines. The Freewill Baptist Church at Union Bridge. The or- ganization of this body was effected March 7, 1827, under the name of the "Free United Brethren." The church was received into the Quarterly Meeting in 1828, In 1847, June 24, voted to reorganize. This they did as the "First Free- will Baptist Church in Sanbornton," which was finally changed to that of the "Union Bridge Freewill Baptist HISTORICAL 55 Church." In 1834 the meeting house was built. In 1861 it was turned end to the road and thoroughly overhauled and repaired in modern style. In 1876 it was again repaired and improved. East Tilton Methodist Church— The house oi Worship was built about 1835 amidst considerable prejudice by members of the standing order residing in that part of the town. The Congregational Church of Northfield and Tilton —see Tilton. The Third or North Sanbornton and Meredith Baptist Church meeting house was completed in summer of 1829. Located on Pine Hill. Meredith Church, so called, organized June 20, 1833. In 1839 meeting house removed to North Sanbornton near Piper's Mills. Remodelled and rededicated Sept. 10, 1876. The Methodist Episcopal Church Northfield and Tilton — see Tilton. Trinity Church — see Tilton, The Christian Church— Started by period of preaching and exhorting about 1810, by Elijah Shaw Jr., about 17 years of age. This organization had a somewhat strenuous career for about 56 years. They built and occupied for a time the building commonly known as "The Chapel." When the society disbanded the Chapel was sold to parties in Franklin, removed and used as a manufacturing establish- ment. 56 SANBORNTON MILITARY ACCOUNT Sanbornton was by no means slow to heed the call of the colonies at the outbreak of the Revolutionary War. The town answered the call to the utmost capacity, financially and in her quota of men to enlist. For 1775 the enlistments were: Capt. Daniel Sanborn, Ist Lieut. Aaron Sanborn, 2nd Lieut. Thomas Lyford, Corp. Jonathan Thomas, Corp. Nathan Taylor, Ebenezer East- man, Jacob Garland, Daniel Gale, Levi Hunt, Phillip Hunt, William Hayes, John Lary, Joseph Smith, William Thomp- son, WMlliam Taylor, Jacob Tilton, Stephen Riggs, Israel Tilton, Elisha Cate, Jacob Smith, Jonathan Lang. Enlistments for 1776-80 were: Capt. Abraham Perkins, Nathan Taylor, James Sinclair, James Lary, Joseph Sin- clear, David Dustin, Michael Coffeen, Abiel Chandler, Ben]. Johnson, Samuel Smith, Henry Danforth, Capt. Chase Tay- lor, John Brier, Thomas Colley, Simeon Cate, Nicholas Clark, Satchel Clark, Thomas Critchet, Aaron Ellsworth, John Folsom, Caleb Gilman, Samuel Harper, Jonathan Morrison, Robert Smart, Daniel T. Sanborn, Jonathan H. Sanborn, Timothy Smith, Ichabod Swaine, Jonathan Tay- lor, Jonathan Thompson, Thomas Taylor, Joseph Jewett, Andrew Rowan, John Smith, Stephen Burley, Samuel Silver, William Burley, Jonathan Bean, Moses Cass. John Durgan, John Rowan, Jeremiah Smith, John Morrison, John Yeg- oold, Jonathan Chase, John Magoon, Humphrey Hunt, Jo- seph Gilman, Jacob Thomas, James Sanborn, Nathan Hoit, Jonathan Hobbs Sanborn, Jeremiah Tilton, Joseph Burley, HISTORICAL 57 Jeremiah Sanborn, Jonathan Perkins, Moses Leavitt, Jo- seph Leavitt, John and Jonathan Taylor, Jonathan Gate, Samuel Fifield, Josiah Sanborn, Henry Smith, Simeon Gil- man, Moses Danforth, Chase Taylor Jr., Thomas Copp, Sergt. John Sanborn, Joseph Hoit, Jeremiah Swain and Dudley Swain. Arovvn, Chas. E. Edgerley, Chas. H. Foss, Andrew P. Gil- S8 SANBORNTON man, Geo. B. Gilman, Moses B. Gilman, Ward E, Gilman, Dow B. Griffin, Geo. W. Hall, Arthur L. Hannaford, Clark V. Hiaes, James M. Hodgdou, John G. Hodge, Alanson P. Howe, Prescott Y. Howland, John Jones, Josiah Jones, Asa Keniston, Arthur L. Kimball, Frank Knowlton, Jona- than E. Leavitt, Wesley Leiohton, William S. Martin, John Moores, Bradbury M. Morrill, Frederick F. Osgood, Alfred V. Perry, Hiram C. Philbrick, Leavitt S. Roberts, William E. Roberts, Ira Robinson, William M. Robinson, Leander D. Rowe, Benj. F. Sanborn, Freedom Sanborn, Oscar P. San- born, Theodore Sanborn, William H. Sanborn, Andrew J. Small, Geo. H. Smith, Geo. W. Swain, Samuel B. Swain, Lafayette W. Tilton, Isaac B. Virgin, Albert P. Wadleigh, Orrin W. Wallace, Benj. W. Weeks, Jacob P. B. Sanborn, Brackett J. Baker, John I). Blake, Geo. F. Bowers, Horace A. Burley, Jason J. Burley, Chas. W. Buzzell, Irving W. Coombs, John C. Coombs, Geo. Dawson, Thomas W.Donald, Moses E. Eastman, Daniel S. Gilman, John Hicks, Samuel H. Jacobs, John Perkins, Daniel M. Philbrook, Thomas Philbrook, William H. Philbrook, John Runnels, Adoniram T. Sanborn, Chas. H. Sanborn, Harlow P. Sanborn, John S. Sanborn, John Y. Sanborn, John B. Shute, Horace P. Swain, Samuel T. Swain, James S. Walker, James Pike, Oliver D. Philbrook. The following names are also accred- ited to Sanboruton as "Recruits" very few were actual resi- dents of the town probably hired as substitutes. Henry Harris, Chas. Everhard, Geo. Roberts, Thomas Atkinson, John Boutist, John Carroll, Chas. Harrison, Peter Kelley, Henry McCormick, John McDoureld, William Price, HISTORICAL 59 William L. Velpman, John Lynch, Chas, Burns, 0. H. Dorn, William N. Duesbury, James Dunn, Julius Frank, Anthony Hagerty, John Harbeck, Obed Harris, Autoine Hernandes, Lawrence Laughlin, James McCormick, James McGrough, John Medford, Joseph Rivers, Chas. F. Rogers, Robert Sanders, Fred Smith, Thomas Sullivan, William Werner, Joha W. Williams, Frederick Bolte, Michael Hayes, Chas. Meier, Chas. B. Silver, Chas. L. Arlin, Luigi Brigolie, Chas. H. Hibbard, Chas. W. Kimball, James Morrison, John Presby, Geo. Slamer, Elbert G. Smith, Roswell M. Wells, John Blake, Alexander Anderson, Ictave Chapine, David Stone, Chas. Brown, John Johnson, Geo. P. Howe, John M. Howe, Rufus Howe, Jr., Sylvester D. Hunt, Oliver P. Mor- rison, Carleton Rollins, Josiah S. Swain, Frederick P. Taylor, Albert K. Tilton, Jeremiah C. Tilton. TOWN OFFICERS SELECTMEN 1883— Wm. S. Woodman, Gilman D. Lane, Calvin P.Burley. 1884— Richard I). Johnson, Calvin P. Burley, James W. Sanders. 1885— James W. Sanders, Samuel D. Weeks (resigned), Curtis B. Burley, Hazen L. Philbrook. 1886-Hazen L. Philbrook, Orville M. Smith, Samuel D. Weeks. 1887-88— Orville M. Smith, Stephen S. Hersey, Alvah P. Buckman. 60 SANBORNTON 1889— Lowell I. Hanson, Charles W. Wells, Edwin W. Lane. 1890— Edwin W. Lane, Lowell L Hanson, Clias. VV. Wells. 1891-93-Edwiu W. Lane, Clias. W. Wells, Frank H. Hunk- ins. 1894 — Edwin W. Lane, Chas. W^ Wells, John S. Dearborn. 1895— Edwin W. Lane, John S. Dearborn, Orrin D. Huse. 1896— Edwin W. Lane, Orrin D, Huse, Chase P. Brown. 1897-98-Chase P. Brown, Ebeu C. Goodell, Frank L Thomas. 1899-1901— Edwin W. Lane, (Jeo. It. Lane, Charles H. S. Odel). 1902-04— E. W. Lane, Edward J. Trawbridd November 6, 1816 in the southern part of the town and the northern part of Gilmanton. The Third Free Baptist Church was gathered at Lake Village in 1838. The Fourth Free Baptist was gathered at Meredith Bridge. The Universalists built a church at Gilford Village about 1840. The Congregationalists re-organized and built a church at Meredith Bridge about 1824. The Methodist Episcopal Church has a number of members 66 GILFORD here. There are a few Catholics and the Advents have quite a few members. Gilford in its early days was the shire town of the county, but those honors have been taken by Laconia, Gilford Military — (See Gilmanton). Histotty of Belmont GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Belmont, is located on the end of the Belmont and Tilton branch of the Boston & Maine R. R. Important in its agri- cultural pursuits and with some manufacturing combined with its diversified scenery, Belmont is a perfect residential town. Belmont has a perfect town water supply, also electric street lights and hydrant service for fire protection. The town is bounded by Laconia on the north, Gilmanton on the east, Northfield on the south, Tilton and Winnisquam Lake on the west. Citizens' and New England telephone service both local and long distance. Western Union Telegraph and American Express Company give excellent communication with outside world, beside three daily mails. As we have elsewhere stated Governor Badger with others built a brick factory for the manufacture of cotton cloth. Prior to this date settlement of the upper parish was slow. Previous to this the village, if such it could be called was known as "Fellow's Mills." The plural probably because the saw and grist mills were combined in one building. In the spring of 1852 there was a great freshet that carried off the mills at the upper dam and several other buildings. In 1876, The Gilmanton Mills Company purchased the site and manu- 68 BELMONT factnred cases. This plant was burned in 1885. The freshet previously mentioned entailed a severe pecun- iary loss upon Governor Badger, and that gentleman dying a few months later, the village experienced no considerable growth, either in size or in general prosperity for several years. In 1870, lion. Amos Lawrence purchased the old Badger Mill. In 1875, a joint stock corporation was formed since this time many additions to the mill property have been made and at present the Gilmanton Mills are the chief indijstry of the town, hosiery constituting the manufactured product. ECCLESIASTICAL ACCOUNT. A striking example of the devoutness of the early settlers and their great faith is shown in the fact that despite the slow development of worldly prosperity, caused by the freshet of 1852, they did not delay erecting houses of worship. It is a striking fact that the history of one is a history of all the early New England settlers as regards the matter of religious worship. It was as essential as food or raiment and in many eases considered more so. For many years, as frequently happened the services were held in private houses and barns. The first church in the Upper Parish was erected on the Province road (so called) in 1792. The members of this church adopted the tenets of the Free Will Baptist denomination in 1816. In 1835 it was incorporated by the name of the "Third HISTORICAL 69 Free Will Baptist Meetinghouse Society in Upper Gilmanton." In 1810, a church, composed of those persons previously known as the "Third Monthly Meeting" was established at what is now Belmont Village. The meeting house was erected sometime between 1811-15. Tlie society was incorporated in 1835 as the "First Free Baptist Society" in Gilmanton Upper Parish. The present edifice was built in 1852. In 1839, a Chris- tian Baptist Church was established at the Belmont Village, incorporated in 1841. A meetinghouse was built in 1840 and burned in 1867. The present building was erected in 1868. Richard Davis, Josiah Knight, John Burden, John Gilling- liam, Samuel Nutt, Moses Policy, George Osborn, Abiah Kid- der, E. S. Moulton, have been pastors here. At present the church is witliout any supply or pastor. The Advent Church as an organization is the result of a recent movement. The organization dates from 1900 and in this year the meetinghouse was built. Prior to this date there were many who were of this faith and occasionally services were held. The pastors have been David Jack. H. II. Tucker, and Clark Duval, the present pastor. Among those most active in its organization were : C. C. Currier, H. C. Adams, F. A. Converse, W. A. Reynolds, E. S. Moulton and J. II. Weeks. The story of the church building is interesting from the fact that the funds came entirely without solicitation. Timothy E. Clough and his wife, Harriet Clough, Stephen Fifield and C. II. Colby were among the generous ones in donations. The Catholic Church is the latest addition to the churches 70 BELMONT at Belmont. The Rev. Fr. Desmond of Tilton supplies here every two weeks. EDUCATIONAL. Belmont has no advanced institution of learning. Students in the higher grades are mostly in attendance at Tilton or New Hampton. The lower graded schools are carefully arranged as to their course of study and well equipped school buildings give them shelter. Especially is this true of the Gale School on School street in the village. THE BADGER HOMESTEAD. "Once upon a time" begin the stories of our nursery books. Even stories of our wildest delight would be tame but for this beginning. So "Once upon a time" Gilmanton and the chil- dren of her early care, Gilford and Upper Gilmanton, formed one of the most prosperous and important towns of the old Strafford County. In fact, the glamour of importance was held jointly by Dover and Gilmanton. This was in the old stage coach days. AVhen the lumbering old coach stopped at the quaint old hostelries at "Smith's Corner" "Gilmanton Corner" and at the "Center" and the travellers were welcomed with that peculiar courtesy familiar to readers of Longfellow's "Tales of a Wayside Li." HISTORICAL 71 "We have not the lumbering old coach, but for appearance we will come in on the stage. True, the little hamlet (Bel- mont) we enter on approaching our destination is now touched by those sinews of steel carrying the pulsating life of the out- side world. Our destination is the large farm house on the hill under the drooping elms. Only a distance of a mile and a half from the village, northerly from the valley and we have reached the highest point of the ridge of land that stretches out broad and nearly level — a charming plateau. Before us, set in from the highway, and surrounded by lofty ancestral trees, rises a stately mansion ; around us stretch the acres of the Badger homestead. Certainly a glorious site for a dwelling place ! The prospect is extended and beautiful. Standing here under the trees, we can see into two states, Maine on the east, and Vermont on the west. Northward are the Gilford Mountains, Chocura, Belknap and Whiteface. Beyond these so that it seems we are delving into the hazy future, lies Mount Washington, distinct in spite of its misty outline. With such an outlook, it is no wonder the occupants of the mansion towered into greatness. To this site in 1784 came Gen. Joseph Badger Jr., a brave soldier of the Revolution. His father. Gen. Joseph Badger Sr., was one of the first settlers of the town of Gilmanton. Promi- nent in town and State affairs. Joseph Jr. followed in liis father's footsteps; was a sol- dier in the Revolution, several years in the legislature, eight times elected councellor for Strafford County. 72 BELMONT The heir to his popularity, wealth and ability was his son, William Badger, born 1779, a short time before his father moved to this picturesque spot. He received his education in the district schools and Gilmanton Academy. He was a Demo- crat of the Jefferson and Jackson school and held many public offices, the gift of his fellow townsmen or at the hands of his party in the state. In 1834 he was elected Governor of the State and once re-elected to succeed himself. At fifty-seven he retired from active service in public life, refusing renomina- tion at the close of his second term as Governor. The Badgers, beside being interested in agriculture, their chosen calling, had some interests in manufacturing. Col. Joseph Jr. built the saw mill above the town and Governor Badger l)uilt the cotton mill, where Belmont Village now stands. Joseph Fellows did the carpenter and mechanical work for Joseph Jr. His son, father of Frank T. Fellows, now resid- ing in town, the carpenter work on the mill for Governor Badger. The grand old mansion tliat he built and lived in has been a goodly residence in its day. There still remains a somewhat faded majesty about its appearance that is not witli- out its intluenee upon the visitor. Would that space permitted a detailed description of this wonderful old mansion, with the quaint and interesting evi- dences of a grandeur long since past. The house and barns now show signs of modern improve- ments in keeping with the requirements of a thrifty and up- to-date farmer's needs. HISTORICAL 73 EARLY HISTORY. Belmont or Upper Gilmanton, as for a time this town was called, following upon the second division of the town of Gil- manton in 1859, is according to the terms of the hill passed by legislature the original settlement of Gilmanton, but to the (lisannexed portion was given the old name. Following is the wording of the action bearing upon tlie subject : ''That all that part of the town of Gilmanton contained within the following described lines, to wit : Beginning at the northeasterly corner of said town where its easterly line is met and intersected by southerly line of the town of Gilford, thence running in northwesterly direction following the divis- ion line between said towns of Gilford and Gilmanton until said division line is met by the Parish line, so called, as the same is laid out and described upon the original plan of lots in said town of Gilmanton, thence running southwesterly fol- lowing said Parish line until said line meets and intersects northwesterly line of said town of Gilmanton as the same now is; thence southerly on said westerly boundary line of said town of Gilmanton to its southwesterly corner; thence north- erly on the easterly line of said town of Gilmanton as said line now runs until it arrives at the point begun at; be and 1 he same is hereby severed from said town of Gilmanton and made a new body politic and corporate by the name of Gilman- ton and that all the territory remaining, which with the part s<'V(n'ed constituted the town of Gilmanton as the same was •74. bp:lmont before the passage of this act shall be called by the name of Upper Gilmanton. " Thus the part remaining of the severed town was called Upper Gilmanton. The first board of town officers of Upper Gilmanton was: Selectmen, John L. Keasor, Lyman B. Fel- lows, Jeduthan Farrar; clerk, Nicholas D. Gorman; treasurer, John W. Wells. The name was changed by act of Legislature from Upper Gilmanton to Belmont in 1869. The first board of town officers elected under the new name was : Selectmen, Danied T. French, Nicholas D. Gammon, James G. Gate ; clerk, William M. Leonard; treasurer, Daniel T. Batchelder. TOWN OFFICERS. SELECTMEN. 1880 — Dudley W. Judkins, Jas. G. Gate, Calvin J. Sanborn. 1881 — Josiali Piper, Horace C. AVoodward, Jas. G. Gate. 1882 — Isaiah Piper, Horace C. AVoodward, Alpheus S. G. C. Bean. 1883 — Horace Woodward, Alpheus L. Bean, Isaiah Piper. 1884 — Samuel N. Jewett, Isaiah Piper, Pike Davis. 1885-86— Samuel N. Jewett, William H. Shepard, Pike Davis. 1887— Charles E. Smith, Pike Davis, William H. Shepard. 1888 — Charles E. Smith, Harvey Gardner, Wm. H. Shepard. 1889 — Harvey Gardner, Edward F. Semple, Chas. E. Small. 1890— Walter C. Wells, Brock Dearborn, Charles E. Small. HISTORICAL 75 1891 — Brock Dearborn, Walter C. Wells, Artemus F. Rogers. 1892 — Brock Dearborn, Artemus F. Rogers, Edwin N. Hawkins. 1893 — Walter C. Wells, John W. Farrar, Andrew J. Young. 1894 — Isaiah Piper, Henry H. Thompson, Smith N. Ellsworth. 1895-96— Smith N. Ellsworth, H. H. Thompson, Albert Smith. 1897-99— Smith N. Ellsworth, Albert A. Smith, Fred A. Currier. 1900— Samuel P. Philbrick, Walter C. Wells, Fred A. Currier. 1901— James C. Hill, Walter C. Wells, Samuel P. Philbrick. 1902— James C. Hill, Samuel P. Philbrick, Albert A. Smith. 190:5— James C. Hill, John M. Sargent, Samuel P. Philbrick. 1 904— James C. Hill, John W. Sweatt, Samuel P. Philbrick. 1905-06- Henry W. Rogers, James C. Hill, John W. Sweatt. 1907 — John W. Sweatt, Henry W. Rogers, Irving E. Young. 1908 — John W. Sweatt, Henry W. Rogers, Geo. H. Eastman. TOWN CLERKS. ■■■^''--^i^E'l^^^^^'^-^ 1880, Walter C. Wells; 1881-83, Edwin C. Bean; 1884-87, Frank K. Johnson; 1887-89, Abraham L. West; 1890, Albert A. Smith; 1891-1900, Herbert A. Adams; 1900-02, Leon W. Hamlin, 1902, Jasper D. Smith; 1903-06, Herbert C. Adams; 1907-08, Jasper D. Smith. TOWN TREASURERS. 1880, Isaac Piper; 1881-83, William H. Shepard; 1884, Edwin P. Thompson; 1885-92, Daniel W. Gale; 1893, Dudley W. Judkins; 1894-99, Frank K. Johnson; 1900-04, Waldo C. Bryant; 1904-05, Geo. R. Wildes; 1906-08, Brock Dearborn. History of Dew Hampton GENERAL DESCRIPTION. The town of New Hampton lies in the northern part of the County of Belknap and is bounded as follows : North by Ash- land, northeast by Center Harbor, east by Meredith and San- bornton, south by Sanbornton and Hill, west by Bristol and Bridgewater. The Pemigewassett River flows on the entire western side of the town. The village is beautifully located among the hills and mountains. The nearest railroad station is Briston, connected by daily stage. A stage also runs from Tilton through Sanbornton to New Hampton. EARLY HISTORY AND TRADITION. Tradition says that the section once comprising New Hampton or IMoultonboro Addition, as it was for a time called, was given to one Gen. Jonathan Moulton in return for the gift of an ox by General JNIoulton to Governor Wentworth. There is recorded a grant to Gen. Jonathan Moulton of Moultonboro and others, Jan. 24, 1765, and Nov. 27, 1777 the township was incorporated and called New Hampton. By an act of Dec. 7. 1797 the northeast part was set off and incorporated as Center Harbor. HISTORICAL 77 In referring again to the tradition of the ox trade, it is said the weight was only 1400 ponnds, and the traet was over 19,422 acres. As we look upon this valuable territory and the eosy little village situated among the hills, we cannot help being incredu- lous at the small value placed upon the land by the early settlers. It is said the first settler was a certain Samuel Kelley, coming here in 1775. New Hampton Academy, a literary institution was incor- porated June 27, 1821. The management of the Academy was left in the hands of three trustees until 1826. In June of that year the name was changed by law to "The Academical and Theological Institution in New Hampton." The board of trustees were increased to eleven. In 1852 the Institution was removed to Vermont. In January, 1853, The New Hampton Literary and Biblical Institution was chartered and organized under the auspices of the Free Will Baptist Society and liberally endowed by Col. Rufus G. Lewis. The New Hampton Institution opened its first term on September 17, 1821. The act of incorporation was passed June 27. 1821. John K. Simpson, a native of the town and a suc- cessful Boston merchant, not sharing the prejudice against education commonly shared by the Free Will Baptists at that time did much to promote the early prosperity of the Insti- tution. A George Richardson was preceptor of the school until 1825, when he was succeeded by Bezaleel Smith, an orth- odox minister in West Hartford, Vt. During this year (1825) 78 . NEW HAMPTON the first important change in the management occurred. The Baptists had no academy in New England and Mr. Simpson, after moving to Boston having become connected with that denomination proposed to the trustees that the proposition be made to the Baptists of New Hampshire that they should take the school under their patronage. This the trustees were only too glad to do. Mr. Simpson with a prophetic shrewdness little less than wonderful stated that "the Free "VYill Baptists are not prepared to enter this enterprise now, but they will be in about twenty-five years." In twenty-seven they were. The school now became known as "The New Hampton Academical and Theological Institution." In 1826, a new building for recitations was added and in 1829 a large brick block, for dormitories, was built. During this same year the people at the Village, ' ' aroused to action by the success of the institution at the "Center," erected a school building which soon became known as the "Female Department." Previous to this the attendance was confined largely to males, but now it became about evenly divided between the two sexes. The Theological Department opened in 1829, for twenty- three years had an average annual attendance of about twenty- five The death of its first patron Mr. Simpson in 1837 and the financial disturbances of that year put an end to the lib- eral plans of the trustees. From 1837 to 1852 little change is recorded. But in 1852 pressed by financial embarrassments the trustees were at last compelled to consent to the removal of the school to Fairfax, Vt. The departure of the Baptists and withdrawal of their support was not to close the school history. As a fulfillment of HISTORICAL 79 Mr. Simpson's predictions, the Free Baptists were now ready to take up the enterprise. Having been defeated in several attempts to maintain unendowed schools, the generous offers that came from New Hampton aroused them to make another effort. Here was a community grown up around the school build- ings and more or less dependent on the students for their busi- ness and social activity. With the prestige that "New Hamp- ton" would have in thousands of homes through New Eng- land, here was very nearly, geographically and numerically, the center of the Free Will Baptist denomination, here were the libraries of the two literary societies of the school that after a severe fight decided to remain in Ncav Hampton ; here also was Rufus G. Lewis, with brain quick to conceive, liberal heart, and hands prompt to do. What could be more natural than a proposition to the Free Baptists to come here and settle and the prompt acceptance of the proposition by them? A new charter was approved Jan. 5, 1853 for the "New Hampton Literary and Biblical Institution." It was voted to locate all the departments at the "Village." The old buildings were purchased and the work of removing those from the "Center" commenced. Many material changes have taken place since these try- ing daj's. In 1854 the Biblical School was removed to New Hampton from Whitestown, N. Y., and in 1870 removed to Lewiston, Me. The buildings of the Institution have received additions as prosperity increased. Several endowments have been made. Principal among these being that by Col B. G. Lewis. It is 80 NEW HAMPTON still to be hoped that the alumni of the school will reiueniber materially their "Alma Mater." The Congregational Church is first referred to in 18U0, March 20th. when it was voted "to settle Mr. Hebard as a gospel minister." At an adjourned meeting of the town in May, it was voted. "He should have one hundred acres of land set off from northwesterly end of minister lot (so called) exclusive of six acres to be round-about the meetinghouse, for use of the toAvn as common burying ground." It was further agreed that he should have fifty acres more as "compensation to him as a settlement for the erected buildings, etc." He was to have one hundred and fifty dollars per year and two or three Sabbaths per year to visit friends. June 25, 1800, Rev. Salmon Hebard was ordMinetl. In 1801, the church had one hundred and thirty-five members. In a few years the membership began to decrease. In 1820 the meetings were discontinued. In 1842, Oct. 7, the church met at the residence of Rufus G. Lewis and was formally dis- solved. ^ MILITARY ACCOUNT. Among the names found on the Roll of Honor, credited to New Hampton for the Civil AVar, are the following names : Albert W. Bachelder, Geo. L. Brown, John Brown, James G. Cawley, Edmund Copp, Michael Darmardy, Jeremiah S. Dins- more, John M. Dow, Levi S. Downing, Geo. W. Drake, Edwin S. Edgerly, Orrin A. Edgerly, John P. Fairfield, Charles W. HISTORICAL 81 FarnhaiiJ, Albert G. Fifield, John E. Fullortoii. Geo. W. Gar- land, Edward F. Gordon, James Harvey, Jereniiali Ilobart, ]Michael Kenney. James O'Connor, Horace S. Plaisted, Jolin F. Prescott, Frederick P. Rhodes, Samuel C. Robinson. Hosea Q. Sargent, William C. Sargent, James Schmidt, AVilliam Spinney. Loring P. Taber, Howard Taylor, John Taylor, Simeon P. AVard, John 0. AVoodman. In the A¥ar of the Revolution, New Hampton, while not sending as many men as some, furnished her quota according to the population at that time. Among the names of thos(! assigned to New Hampton we fuid those as follows : Joseph Smith. Samuel Kelley, Thomas AA^oodman, Levi Chapman, Robert Simpson, Nathaniel Kelley, Thomas Simpson, Jeremiah Smith and possibly others. IDcpcditb Cbupcb Histony On May 22, 1854, the following named people met and decided to form a church to be known as the Meredith Free Baptist Church: David Vittum, John Haines, Francis Hawkins, B. L. San- born, Mr. York, Greenleaf Malloon. David P. Cotton and Ebenezer Stevens. Prior to this date those of this faith worshipped at the Oak Hill Church, so called. For a long time services were held in Union Hall until 1858 in that year we find the first mention made of a church edifice of their own. Noverber 8th they voted to build a church home, but instead finally decided to use the old meeting- lious(>, which had been located on the Parade, so called, and used by the town as a town house. The pastors who have had charge of this parish are as follows: Levi Tasker. Hosea Quimby, Hiram Stevens, I. D. Stewart, Francis Reed, Stephen Pittman, Justus Erskine, Lincoln Given. J. L. Sinclair, R. H. Tozier, J. Burnham Davis, A. P. Tracy. A. W. Bradeen, E. G. Eastman, E. B. Tetlier. The First Free Will Baptist Church of Meredith at Oak Hill, a branch of the New Durham Free Will Baptist Church, Avas organized in 1800. Its first house of worship, called the "Pottle meetinghouse" was built at Oak Hill, Meredith, HISTORICAL 83 between 1800 and 1804. It was rebuilt about 1852 and called the "Oak Hill Free Will Baptist Chureli." In the days of John Colby great revival meetings were; held in the beautiful oak grove then on the hillside behind the church. In the ''Life of John Colby," with regard to his ministry here he writes as follows: "Meetings were attended day and night; and I scarcely attended a meeting, but that some were hopefully converted. In some meetings as many as ten or twelve would profess to have experienced a saving change. I baptized sixty-two believers in the place, at different times." "The ordinance was admisistered in a V(^ry pleasant pond," (Waukewan Lake) "which seemed to be prepared by the Creator for the noble purpose. It was but a short distance from the place of worship ; and we often repaired to it, to attend the glorious institution of heaven, while the spirit of God, like a dove, descended upon us. 0, how solemn, beauti- ful and pleasant, the scene, to see ten, twelve, and sometimes fifteen, follow their blessed Saviour down into the water at one time ! — while the shores were lined with attentive spec- tators, and boats filled with people from the opposite side of the pond. It seemed sometimes as if heaven and earth had come together, indeed ; while the converts were praising God and singing hallelujahs to the Lamb. I have thought it a prelude of the day when the saints shall be made equal to angels, and shine forth in the kingdom of Their Father for- ever and ever." The religious interest gradually spread over Meredith and adjoining towns till the membership embraced not only Mere- dith, but New Hampton, Center Harbor and Center Harbor 84 MEREDITH Neck, IJolderiiess, IMoultouborough and Moultoiiborough Neck. From 1800 to 1838 the membership increased from 23 to 352. It covered so large a territory that branches were formed reporting monthly to this church, one on Center Harbor Hill, which grew into a church ; another on Moultonborough Neck. In 1803 one was formed in the second division of Meredith, becoming a church. Some time afterward one Avas formed in West Center Harbor and Holderness, still an active church. Later another sprang up in East Holderness. In 1838, a church was formed at Meredith Village, consisting of 54 members from the Oak Hill Church. In 1847 the Meredith Village Churcli gave up its organization and reunited with the Oak Hill Church, remaining until 1851. It was re-organized form- ing the Meredith Free Baptist Church. In 1839, a branch of the Oak Hill Church was formed on Meredith Neck, largely broken up in 1843, and finally became extinct. Regular ser- vices and a Sunday School are kept up nine months of the year. In the earliest years of this church a settled pastor was hardly known in the denomination. The supply was mostly by trav- eling preachers. At a comparatively early date it had stated supplies and pastors. Among them were Pottle, Colby, Martin, Magoon,Dana, Moody, Hill, Cheny, Manson, Stevens, the Pettingills, Perkins, Jackson. Pitman, AVebber, Sanborn, Sinclair and the late revered Justus Erskine. Among its officers, donors and active faithful workers we find the following names: Bartlett, Batchelder, Blake, Boyn- ton. Brown, Burleigh, Cate, Chase, Corliss, Cotton, Davis, Doe, Dolloff, Fogg, Gellerson, Oilman, Gray, Hart, Hawkins, Haynes, HISTORTCAT. 85 Landis, Murray, Nealley, Pease, Pike, Quimby, Robie, Sanborn, Sayward, Sinclair, Smith, Veasey, Webster, Whitcher, and Woodman. The First Congregational Church of Wleredith Avas organ- ized by a council oi' ministers, Feb. 20, 1815, with thirteen members. The First Congregational Society was incorporated as a legal body by a special act of the New Hampshire legislature, June 18, 1817. At first botli cliureh and society were composed of residents of Meredith and Center Harbor, and not until 1888, when tlie Congregational Church in Center TTarl)()r was organ- ized, did a separation take place. The names of the original members of the chureh were as follows : Ephraim Doten, David Robinson, Moses Morse, Jeremiah Towle, Joshua Norris, Stephen Norris, Hannah Morse, Elizabeth Robinson, Mary Ladd. Abigail Norris, Doro- thea Sturtevant, Sarah Norris, Susanneh Doten. Original members of the Society: John Towle, David Bean, David Robinson, David Corliss, Samuel Bean, John Rob- erts, Jonathan Brown, Jeremiah Fogg, Moses Senter, Isaiah Fogg, Josiah Norris, Timothy Tilton, John Sanborn, Josiali Bean of Meredith; Moses Morse, Nathan L. Morse, Jeremiah Towle, Moses Morse Jr., John Adams, Joshua Norris, Daniel Norris of Center Harbor. Most of the members of the society became members of the church after a time. The first meetinghouse was situated about a mile from Meredith Village on the Center Harbor road. In 1833, a meetinghouse was erected at Meredith Village, 86 MEREDITH on Winnepesaiikee street, near the turn toward Center Harbor. This building was moved to the present site on Highland street, in 1843. In 1871, extensive alterations and improvements were made : tlie building enlarged, the square tower removed, and tlie steeple with spire ereeted. The interior was eompletely renovated and refurnished. A chapel was ereeted in 1878, and a parsonage in 1888, upon the site of the old parsonage, whieh was the gift of Joseph W. Lang. The first patsor of the ehureh was Rev. David Smith from Temple in flu* "Distriet of Maine." who was installed ]\lareh 24, 1819, and died in 1824. At this time the church numbered forty-one members. Succeeding pastors were: Rev. Reuben Porter, January, 1829- April, 1830; Rev. Joseph Lane, April, 1831-April, 1833; Rev. Abraham Wheeler, 1833-1836; Rev. Eli W. Taylor, 1838- 1841; Rev. Giles Leach, 1842-1854; Rev. Charles Burnham, 1857-1871; George L Bard, 1872-1882, January, 1898-October, 1908; John E. Wildey, 1883-1886; Gilbert A. Curtis, 1887-1891 ; Freeman C. Libby, 1891-1895; Robert T. Osgood, 1895-1898. In 1841, resolutions against slavery were adopted. In 1832, the church voted that "no person be admitted to the church who would not pledge entire abstinence from ardent spirits, except in sickness." In 1837, a committee was chosen to raise money by tax upon respective inventories in the town book. A committee was appointed to put the price upon produce that may be paid to the minister. IIISTORICAI. 87 Also a committee was chosen to se(^ that the minister was supplied "with the common necessaries of life." . There was also a committee at one time "to see that the boys be kept in their pi'oper place during public worship." A "Sabbath School Society" was formed in 1834, with John Sanborn, president. The church bell was the gift of Mrs. Lang in 1871. George W. Lang, a member from 1857-1877, and Mrs. Lang, 1857-1896, were influential and devoted members. The town clock was plac(!d in the tower of the cliurch by Miss Virginia B. Ladd, in 1903. PART II Census-1908 The population of the towns of New Hampton, Meredith, Gilmanton, Sanbornton, Tilton, Belmont and Gnillord has been arranged in families where it has been possible. In ad- dition to the resident liviog members, the names of the non- resident members are included. It should be borne in mind that this plan does not include the names of all former resi- dents of this town, as the names of the non-residents appear only when one or both of the parents are still living; in the town. After the name of each non-resident will be found the present address, when such address has been given to us. Non-residents are indicated by the (*). When a daughter in a family has married, her name taken in marriage appears after her given name in parenthe- sis, the name preceded by a small m, thus: (m ), Following the names ofthe population is the occupations. To designate these we have used the more common abbre- viations and contractions, as follows: Farmer — far; car- penter—car; railroad service— R R ser; student, a member of an advanced institution of learning— stu; pupil, a member of a lower grade of schools (including all who have reached the age of five years)— pi; housework— ho; laborer— lab; physician and surgeon — phy & sur; clergyman — clerg; mer- chant— mer; teacher— tr; blacksmith— blk; clerk— cl; book- keeper — bk kpr; lawyer — law; mechanic mech; raachinist- mach; engineer-eng; maker— mkr; worker— wkr; work — wk; shoe shop operative— s sop; cotton or woolen mill operatives — mill op; weaver— weav; spinner — spin; electrician — elec; painter — ptr; carriage work— car wk; dress maker— dr mkr; insurance— ins; traveling salesman, or commercial traveler — sales, or coml trav; music teacher— mus tr; teamster— team; general work— genlwk; mariner— mar; emplo}'- emp; retired — retd; telephone operative — tel op; telegraph operative — teleg op. Census of HeiD Hampton Note — Where no Post Office is expressed New Hampton is understood. The following Post Office abbreviations are used: Bristol — Bri»; Ashland— Ash; Plymouth — Ply. Rural delivery routes are designated by their number following the Post Office from which they emanate. ho Bris2 janitor ho lab stu lab ho far Aid rich, Mary C Allen, Willis G Leona E (Carlton Harry W Ethel F Clarence M Avery, Mary E Avery, Austin W Avery, Martha A (Clough Nol Nellie E (m Hucivins Manchester Avery, F A mngr boat Ash R F D Ada E (Sanborn ho Henry B pi Marion pi B Bacon, Henry B Emma M (Eaton Theodore E stu Marion A pi Bartlett, S H col & far Bris 2 Frank H far Ballara, Thomas car No 1 Frances H (m Gordon Bean, Fred A team Edith M (Jesseman ho Pl Ashl ho pl lab Bris 2 tr ho Maurice F H Mildred Beard, M C far Rosa E (Blake Clement S Bernice C Louise C Bel ton, Wm P Bickford, Ina A phonography & typewriter Bickford, LP " F Bap clerg Emma G (Fox ho *Grace L stenog 29 East 29th, N Y *J A retd Foxboro, Mass Ina A tr stenog & asst librarian NEW HAMPTON Annie O tr Billings, Fred M pi Ash 1 Blackey, Geo E far No 1 Harriet E (Smith ho Ernest L far Lester E team Blackey, Ernest L far No 1 Eva (Leiohton ho Theodore R pi Blake, Danl far Bris R F D Blom, Augustus lab Elizabeth ( ho Blood. Bessie M ho RED Boyington, Jos W far Ash RED Martha G (Harriman ho *Abbie J (m Tucker tel op Ash Bertha G stu Josie W pi J Christopher pi Robert P pi Nathaniel B Boyington, E G far Olive N (Haynes ho Lester O Boyington, H C far Meredith RED Catherine F ( Batchford Bronson, A S phy & sur Emma F (Lovering ho *Lena E (m Twitchell 467 Eastern Ave, Lynn, Mass. Brown, Abbie H (Cotton ho Henry W tr Nettie A tr of art *Clive A mer 220 Clay, San Francisco, Cal Brown, Henry W tr of science Vina E (Cross mus tr Marion D pi Brown, Geo far Ash RED Susan J (Mitchell ho Brown, David Jr far Ash 1 Brown, Geo lab R F D Brown, Judson E team R F D Annie T (Libb^^ ho Frank J pi Edith B pi Geo H pi ChasO Goldie P Bunker, Martha A (Avery ho Sadie B tr Burleigh, Jeremiah A foreman stock farm Ella L (Faruham ho Ada M (m Chase ho Delia E pi Burton, John lab Mary (Wadeigh ho Buzzell, Carrie C (Morrison Buzzell, VVm H H far Ash 1 Lucy A (Davis ho John A pi Sylvina Belle pi CENSUS Galley, D H far Ash R F D Edith L (Ives ho Wayland L Carroll, Michael, R R ser Ash R F D Chandler, Albert N tr Martha A (Greely ho Lois A pi Morris J pi Doric P Doris G Eric A Chapman, P E moter Bris 2 Minnie L (Boothby ho Frank O pi Alice M Chase, E E mail car route 1 & far AdaM (Burlein^h ho Chase, Nelson J far Ash 1 Flora B (Canney ho Melvina L Cheever, Ed son J R R Post cl Gevena R (Brown ho Christopher, Geo A extract mkr Ash 1 Church, Harriet D A B ex-prin & tr Latin & Greek Clark, Sydney I far Ash RED Clay, Sam J Bris & New Hamp Stage Rte *Gordon M cl Ply Rachel P stu Caro P stu Mary E stu Helen A (Judkins ho Horace S pi Clay, H W far Bris Addie M (Choate ho *StellaM (ra Abbott W Rumuey Lucien T far *Helen (m Robinson Concord Bernice M stu Cogswell, Cora E (Cogswell Helen G pi Lawrence F pi Collins, C S far & team Bris Lizzie P (Hammond ho •Ralph P lab Bris Norma M (ra Roberts Ruth G pi Sumner H pi Connolly, John far Ash Florence ( Connolly, Geo lab Ash Cooledge, CW dentist Bris 2 Kate (Brown ho * Wesley mer Eugene L lab Donna B ho Dora typewriter Cooledge, E L lab" Bris 2 Fred L Madeline L 6 NEW HAMPTON Cooper, Bessie C H A B tr French, En<;lisb & History Copp, Willis H ptr & pap h^r Myrua A pi Shirley E pi RetaE Crimmin, H Norman far Ash Ada J (Berry ho Lawrence B Dorothy L Crimmin, Exrlona S (Wilbur ho Ash *Geo M stone cutter Wiuterport, Me *Lucy A (m Ball Ea^ie, Me *John D Jr shoe bus Monter, Washiuj^ton *Lester A cl Haverhill, Mass *Willis G stone cutter Hardwick, Vt H Norman far Rosie B tr Crone, Horace S s s op Georoia A (Doraan ho Ethel D ho *John mach Wallaston, Mass Rufus stu Arthur F stu Cummino-s, D B Ash R F D retd car & far Helen F (Richards ho Currier, Edwin B far Mary A (Smith ho ♦William C far Ash * Jessie M (m Evans Ash Mary E (m Reed *John S far Gilford Nettie L (m Drake *Alton B R R ser Laconia *FredE far Wellsley,Mass Alice M (m Wallace Curtis, Eliza (Perkins ho *Geo W trav sales Salem, Mass Chas H far D Dalton, Frank B far Ash Harriet A (Merrill ho Davis, Melissa A (Hammond ho Bris 2 Lucian G lab Geo R far Chas A R R ser Myrtie A ho Dorman J shop op Dearborn, Wra R far Ash 1 Flora B (Colby ho Abbie F (m Huckius Dearborn, Josiah R far R F D Robert W pi Richard pi Dearborn, S Jennie ho No 1 Dearborn, Annvilla E No 1 Dickerman, Susan A P CENSUS Dolloff, Harriet B (Bryant bo Ash A S pby & sur Dolloff, Alonzo F far R F D Naiicj P (llaskins ho Dolloff, Albert S pliy & sur Amy J (Babb ho Albert F pi *Dore, A W retd Meredith 2 Elleu M (Cutin ho Dow, Maria F (Harris ho *Chas W Mercantile Aoen Lacross, Wis William H cl •Harriet S (m Carver- Ricker-Dow Boston, Mass Walter R far *Edward E Lacross, Wis piano & or<^an tuner & repar Dow, Walter R far Sarah (Curtis ho Dow, William H cl Nellie H (Hall-Ellis ho Dow, Leon C far Bris 2 Ethel J (Morrill ho Arthur S Drake, Geo E team Nettie L (Currier ho Sherman J pi G Plollis pi Drake, Luther H far No 1 Minnie E (Boyington ho Nellie M pi Anna F pi Otis P pi Ernest L Lena M Drew, F W far Hill Drowne, Wm E shoe mkr«& far Cora E (Cogswell ho Corine W Ellen F Paul E Durgin, Luella (Fogg No 1 *Celia A (m Moulton ho Mltnboro Edgerly, Edwin S far Hannah W ( Fifield ho William F far Ina M tr Edgerly, John W far Ash 1 Emma P (Dolloff ho Emerson, F A far Bris 2 Ernest, Clarence L Ash R F D F Fields, Mary B prep dept Flanders, E far Meredith Ctr *CH far LakeportRFD *Edith E (m Batchelder Lakeport Mary A (Foss ho *A I supt gass St wks Lowell, Mass 8 NEW HAMPTON *G S sawyer Wlfboro Harry E far Flanders, Oliv^e A (Smith ho Flanders, Harry S car Hattie A (Plummer ho Florence H stu Elva M pi Flanders, F N far Ash R F D Ellen M (Mudgett ho *MinnieG (m Cole Hillsboro *Geo W mill op Ash Nellie M nurse Fogg, H O basket mkr No 1 Luella (Durgin ho Fogg, W H far & mason No 1 Cora A (Abbott ho Harold W pi Howard B pi Hermon O pi Forbes, J M far Ash R F 1) Mary L (Reeves ho John E R R fireman *Bessie E nurse New England Hospital, Roxbury, Mass *Edward L lab *Joseph D lab Littleton Arthur W pl Bertram L pl Frances T pl Sylvia M Gallaghar, John far Frances I (Crockett ho John T lab James E lab Orin N lab *Alice I (m Bryar Bris Harry W pl Gallup, Millicent I ho Ash Gardner, Olive (Roberts ho Bris 2 Willie far Gault, H L sec fore Winoua Carrie L (Waterman ho Edith C (m Woodward Henry E see hand Geo W pl Grace M pl Ruby A pl Newell C Gellerson, C A far Ash RED Arvilla J (Bryant ho Oilman, Fannie A (Plummer Nol * Willi am P retd soldier Franklin *0 P car No Sanbornton Geo W far & tr Oilman, Orrison car Etta (Johnson ho Wiggin pl Fred pl Earle pl CENSUS 9 Gilman, Geo W far No 1 Lucy E (Bo.yiiigton ho Ella F ' pi Ellen H pi Alvin C pi Clifford C Erail.y D Gilman, Noah C blk Ash 1 Ellen M (Sleeper ho *Lula A (ra Nutting Lakeport *C S phy & sur 419 Boylston, Boston, Mass Myra K deaf & dumb Goodell, Chas V lab Eva (Chase ho Shirley Gordon, Ilobt M far RED *Alvah C far Br is Mary A (Fields ho Adelbert M far Gordon, A M lumb & far RED Effie A (Brown ho Verne M pi Gordon, Marietta(Blood RED Minerva E (m Jones *Chas Q far Belmont Ora B (m Wells Daniel J far Lillie M (m Plummer *L B phy & sur Sea brook Warren A far *Alice M (m Heath Bris Gordon, Maria 11 (Hale ho sum res *Harriet H (m Poteat Greenville Ernest B Elsie (m Richter Arthur H Bap clerg Helen M (m Harrell Theodora L travels Gordon, D Jerome far No 1 Frances B (Ballam ho D Jerome Gordon, Henry F car Catherine C (Carlton ho *Waldo C eng 17 Hancock, Boston, Mass *Maurice H prop Chicago Beef Co 88 Blackstone, Boston, Mass *Edvvard S bar Meredith *Harold C shop op Attleboro Ealls, Mass (Jordon, Curtis A far No 1 Flora L ho Lewis A far Gordon, Chas H far Grace, Mary E (Shine Bris 2 Clarion E pi Evelyn J jj Joseph G Gray, Nancy J (Peasley Hill *Dora M ( m Kelley " Concord *Martha J (ra Kelley Saubornton 10 NEW HAMPTON Alonzo H R R ser *Emily M (m Moody Chester Mj^rtie C (m Howe Gray, lioella D (Atwood ho *Mary P (in Dexter Laconia *Herbert A R R eer South Acton, Mass * Annie M (m Hodsdon Everett, Mass *Edoar F far Wentworth Gray, Albyn S team Estelle L (Piper ho Greenwood, J A sawyer R F D Josephine (White ho Ernest L Gunn, Edith A pi Ash 1 Gunn, J team & jobber Ash 1 Addie G (Smith ho H Haley, John far Bris 2 Mary E (Moody ho Hammond, E F lab Bris Frank W lab Haney, Hermou H mill op Winnie H (Nutting ho Har jld H pi Earle H pi Harper, L J far Ash RED Bessie S (Scales ho Harper, Chas E far Ash R F D Hayes, J J far Winona Frances E (Jacobs ho Stella S tr Thomas J team Hayes, Mary H (Dealand ho Haynes, N P far Winona Sarah L (Sanborn ho Olive N (m Boynton Chester P lab Elmer M lab Hawkins, A S far & mas Clara A (Woodman ho Florence E (m Smith Hawkes, Walter far AshRF D Alice M (Randall ho Hazelton, Hollis B far Bris 2 *Elwiu H team Belmont Nellie (m Varney *Willie mill op Bristol *Cora H (m Whitcher Concord *Alice (m McAllister Salisbury *Leon far Alexandra *Edith tr Bris Lillian D (Broe ho *Helen M (m Crawford Bradford, Vt Earle T pi Ralph R pi Albert P pi Doris L pi Harry B Heath, Julia K ho Bris CENSUS 11 Heath, Hannah N (Lord ho •Annie (m Robinson Bris *True A cl Concord Heath, Martha J ( ho Heath, Martha C (Dow ho Heath, Angier A far Ash Mina M (Harrinian ho Rollo blk •Lawrence W cl Newport Geo L pi Hill, Fannie M (Shackford ho Francis L Hockman, Addie B ( Ash Holland, Frank J far Ash Jennie H (Vosshlek ho Robert D pi Holland, Jos far Ash Frank J far Geo C far Hopkins, Elbridge S far No 1 Richard E niach •Oscar M s s op Haverhill, Mass •Chas undertaker Lakeport •Ervin W blk Bris •Nathaniel B s s op Haverhill, Mass •Eva M (m Mansfield Haverhill, Mass •Kate R (m Bacon Bris •Amy B (m Evans E Bolton, Canada Herbert A lumb Grace E tr Anna M tr Gertrude V (Merry ho Home, Chas H hotel & far Nellie J (Colby hostess •Henry C elec Laconia •Carrie L (m Bruce 41 Putraan, W Somerville, Mass Howard, S A far R F D •Minnie (m Clark Lakeport •Alice B (m Moore Burlington, Vt *E M meat cl Lebanon •Samuel A Jr ius agt Malone, N Y •Harry F street paver Rochester •Ella M (m Seaver Los Angeles, Cal EmmaS (Huckins-Pike Howe, Myrtle C (Gray Hill Huckins, V L far Ash R F D Lizzie M (Moulton ho Vernie M pi Harvey W ])1 Huckins, R H far Ash R F D Susie L pi Floyd E pi Harold S Huckins, Alraon S far Ash Rose M (McCormic ho Carle S 12 NEW HAMPTON Huckins, Chas B far Ash 1 Mary E (Waters bo Huckins, Jas B far Ash II F D Carrie E (Veasey ho Huckins, E M far Ash R F D Marrilla S (Gordon ho Frank E far Erwin M far Geo E far James A far Elsie M ho & tr Clarence W stu Huckins, Erwin M far Ash 1 Abbie F (Dearbou ho Helen A pi Flora M pi Huckins, Geo E far 1 Bertha L (Richardson ho Hull.HC FBaptclero' Hutchinson, L V lab Bris 2 Etta S (Walker ho Chase V pi Cleora L pi AViuona M pi Leona M pi Nellie G Ellen V pi Hutting, Winnie H (Mitchell Bris Lawrence H lab Maiy E s op & ho Huntoon, Isabell A (Spiller Ash Judith pi J Jackobs, Thos F far Winona Frances E (ni Hayes Elbridge S far Johnson, John lab Ash Johnson, Delia (Lapell RED *Lillia (m Eddie Boston, Mass *Henry inspector on ships Providence, R I Geo leather fitter Johnston, Ida L (Sanborn ho A Hermena pi Jones, John W blk Minerva F (Gordon ho Arthur W mach Nina G nurse Kenneth R Jones, Arthur W mach Ethel G (Borough ho Jopp, Chas S retd mfg No 1 Jennie B (Adams ho *Chas B banker Boston, Mass *Helen E (m Green Chelsea, Mass Judkins, Helen A (Ferrin ho Morris F stu K Kellej^ Geo far Jane S (Foster Ash CENSUS 13 Frank far *Homer S Burbauk, Cal *I cl Los Angeles, Cal *William H II store ningr Spokane, Wash * Daniel G far Ilolderness Harry C pi Hattie M (m Sherburn Ash Emma A (m Mills Ash Kelley, Frank far Ash Edith M (Locke ho Howard D pi Lawrence G Milton E Kelley, Bessie A pi Ash R F D Kelley, Saml G far No 1 Sarah (Shaw ho Sadie M ( m Pike Kelley, Beryl M pi Ash R F D Kennie, M J far No 1 AbbieA(E7ans ho Arthur R far Marshall J far Hazel G pi Kimball, John A far No 1 Nora M (Spicer ho *Chri8tina C (m Crossen Laconia •Judith F (ni Branon Conn *Chas H ice cream bus Arlington H, Boston, Mass *Fred L mill op Holyoke *Carrie E (m Gilford *Arthur L mill op Bris *Millie mill op Hillsboro Leavitt, Eva L ho Meredith 2 Lewis, Jas retd Ash RED Lougee, Harriet S (Robinson Bris 2 *Elwood S car Dixie, Ida *ErneHt B lab E Lebanon Lovering, Sarah S C (Davis Emma F (m Bronson Luby, Thomas lab Winona 2 M Madison, Chas far RED Ellen (Moody ho Magoon, Benj H far No 1 Maine, Henry A far Ash Minerva E (Myrick ho *Albert B lab Boston, Mass Samuel R mill op Hattie P weaver Clarence H far Viola W weaver Lucy R pi Lyle D pi Mclntire, Eunice S pi Ash R F D Merrill, Pluma A (At wood ho 14 NEW HAMPTON * Arthur E gardener Lakeport •Harry B mach Lakeport Herbert far & ptr Merrow, Moses H retd mer Ella R (Proctor ho *John W architect N Y *Fredrick M mill op Ash Merry, Gertrude V( Priuce No 1 * Violet A (m McTntyre Warren, Me Mitchell, Albert H far Bris Reusford C pi Marion F pi Albert R Sarah L (Wheet-Bailey Moody, Mary E (Wallace ho Bris 2 *Lavina G (m Taylor Cannaan John L lab Grin D lab Horace W lab Mildred D pi Moody, Grin D lab Bris 2 Lilla M (Taylor ho Moouey, Frank lab Moore," ED far Ash R F D Morrill, Leon L lab Amelia C (Wheeler ho GeoC Morrill, Frank P mer Carrie B (Wood ho Frank M cl Moses, Fannie E (Stafford *Jennie A (m Plummer N Sanbornton Myers, Henry lab Ash R F D O Ober, Edward A team Annie A (Sargent dr mkr Gber, Arthur K far Ash R F D Ida A (Christopher ho Arthur K far Helen P tr Frank C far Faith E stu Elizabeth K pi Parkhurst, G S far Ash R F D Mabel E (Kelley ho Patten, Ora pi Bris 2 Peasley, Catherine (Avery ho Nancy J (m Gray Chas saw mill Perkins, Eliza (Blake ho Mary E tr Pickeriuee, Jos A far E Tilton Edith E (m Dearborn ho Laco R 1) Lla M (Gliddeu ho Karl lab Luther G pi Clyde A pi Lou<;ee, Cornelia (Hall Laco *Harr3', Ptr Laco M MacDonald, Margaret R (Morrison Tilton 1 Maculey, Geo far North Isabel (Wyer ho James far Agnes ho George Jr stu Manning, Nellie B George ho Tilton 1 Mary E (m Murray ho 9 Castle Gate R, Dorchester, Mass Marsh, lantha A Tilton 1 Marsh, H N far Tilton 1 Louise L (Emery ho Mason, Ellen J (Lane ho Frank 1 Edgar E far CENSUS 65 Mildred E ho MasoD, Cbas H far Frank 1 McAlister, Mina F(Farrington Franklin pi McDaniels, Jos far Tilton 1 McDauiel, Jos far Tilton 1 Maria M ho *Chas far Lee Andrew H far Lizzie P ])1 Merrill, J H far Nortli *Eagene C cl W Ossipee Cora L pi Sadie E (Huckins ho Merrill, F A far Tilton Lena M (Moses bo Marion G Morrison, H E far Frank 1 Nellie M (Morse ho Frank V pi Morrison, C S far & car Frank 1 Jennie B (Beekman ho Herman E far Morrison, John G car Tilton 1 Morrison, Fred N far Tilton 1 Sarah J (Prescott ho Morrison, Mary A(Batcholder lio Laco 1 *Pheba W (m Baker ho Allston, Mass Morrison, Ned W far Tilton 1 Dora (Mason ho *Florence L (m Collins ho Meredith Ernest F lab Edith M pi Clifton W pi Elwood N Morse, Catherine E (Morse Frank 1 * Alice M (m Haekett ho Chicago, 111 *Agnes M (m Findley ho Chicago, III Vernal L pi Morse, N T meat cutter sum res Methuen, Mass Dais}^ E (Sails ho Nathan T Jr Moses, Jos M far Tilton 1 Mary J (Towle ho Nellie J (m Atwood ho Fred C far Harry E far Lena M (m Merrill ho N Nichols, Lizzie M (Paine ho Tilton 1 Nichols, Thos lab Laco 1 Newton, Elmer far Laco 1 Ella H (Hunkins ho Errol L) lab Ruth N pi Alice M pi Nolet, Cylett lab Laco 1 Delvina (Guonald ho 66 SANBORNTON Cylett Jr far *Adlord lab Laco Joe contractor Laco Fred pi *Delma mill op Mary A pi *Blauche (m King Whitens ville, Mass •Delia M (Noel Whitens ville, Mass *DelvinaM (Bontegaite Wbitensville, Mass O Ober, Mary A (Small Frank 1 Bessie M (m Ainsvvorth-Webster ho Jessie G (m McDonald Geo A mill op Carrie B (m Brown ho Odell, William M far Laco 1 Chas H far & bdg ho *Sadie E (ni Lawrence ho Laco Odell, C H far & bdg ho Laco 1 Maud (McLellan hostess Odom, Emma (Graham North *Thomas J car San Francisco, Calif *Cole J car Boston, Mass *William J police Manila, P I *Ernest F cook San Francisco, Calif Pl *Ethel A Ralph R GeoW Ellen A Onger, Ovissine far Clara (Couroger Annie Arthur J May E William II Onger, John Onger, Joseph Osgood, CW Abbie H (Danforth Electa J (m Allen Osgood, N T far Frank Josephine B (Mason *15essie A (m far far far Concord pl pl pl Tilton 1 ho ho lab pl pl Tilton 1 Tilton 1 Frank 1 ho ho RD ho ho Osgood, A M far Frank 1 Osgood, Betsey A (Hill ho Frank 1 Lucy E ho Mary (m Bates ho Ouellet, T G sawyer Anna W (Arnold ho NioaS pi Chas V pl Frank pi Clara CENSUS 67 Patterson, Geo W far Laco 1 Paul, Cbas A team Laco 1 Eliza A (DnraDt ho Payne, Wra F far John M far Winnie M ho Peckham, Mary C (Adams ho Frank 1 *Chas H cl Surfside, Mass Perkins, Ida F (Farnsworth Laco 1 *Henry F niech & eng, Lawrence, Mass Perrin, J N Jr Cong clerg Gertrude L (Greely ho Porter G pi Newell G pi Justus N 3rd Pettengill, B F far & blk North Annie M (Gardner ho Frank A pi Philbrook, fl B far Laco 1 Anna J (McCartney ho Frank E far Philbrick, Geo B far Laco 1 Pickerino-, Sadie E stu Piper, Elmer M far Tilton 1 Hattie L (Downing ho Plummer, S M car & ptr North Jennie A (Moses dr mkr Roscoe PI Plummer, M C wood wkr sales sum res, No Plummer, Roscoe H North wood wkr & moulder Raymond S pi Prescott, Addie S (Downs Hill Hattie M ho Prescott, Charlotte (Tilton Tilton 1 *\V P mer Claremont Daniel P macli *Bell A dr mkr Frank Sarah J ho & milliner Prescott, N S far Tilton 1 Prescott, Ada M (Clifford *Asa S car Wentworth *Fred R jeweler St Johnsbury, Vt Putney, A E ptr Tilton 1 Christie M (Eastman ho Infant Quimby, Mary (Emerson ho G E far & blk Tilton R D R Rand, Olive A ho Randall, O J mill & lunib dir North *Neva M (m Heath ho Northfield 6g SANBORNTON •Bertha B (m Silver bo Boscow •Gertrude N (m Stevens Tilton Von G lab Sybil B ho (& tr *Euna H tel op Tilton Clara J (Bean ho Randlett, M Florence (Edgerlj Laco I ho Dennis C far Holmes G far *Malvern L s s oj) Haverhill, Mass *Ivan P drug- cl Haverhill, Mass Randlett, G B far Laco 1 *Clara S (m Powers ho Lawrence, Mass Reddiuof, Narcissa (Dearborn Tilton 1 Mary N tr *Cornelia B (m Davis ho Old Mystic, Conn Richardson, Hannah B (Fairfield Laco 1 Joseph C far Richie, John far Frank R D information witheld Robinson, AbbieP (Thompson ho Hill Rowe, Chas F far Frank 1 Carrie H (Hayes ho Rowe, Mary H (Johnson ho Frank 1 *Ftta C barber 32G Broadwa^^ Lynn, Mass *Nancy J (m Prescott Concord Clias E far Willie S blk *Arthiir H bag mas 7 Franklin, Concord Russell, E H sum res Pres State Normal School Worcester, Mass *Lee tr Worcester, Mass *()live tr Worcester, Mass *Ernest bank cl Worcester, Mass Sanborn, J B far E Tilton *M Ray librarian 25 Woodland, New Haven Conn J Fred far Howard W far Eld red L far Sanborn, Otis S far Laco 1 Maria F (Lamprey ho *ilarry C mer Laco Mabel" T ho *Cris B cl Laco Clifton R lumb Sanborn, Jos N far Laco 1 Geo C florist Lakeport Ruth K (Smith ho CENSUS 69 ♦Willis J Bap clerj? Palisade, Calif *Ori'iii M real est Laco *We.sley D elec Laco Olive E ho Sauborn, Sarah C (Sanborn Laco 1 BesKie S (m Callisou ho 4G Wallace, W Somerville, Mass Sanborn, Sarah T ho Laco Sanborn, Geo L far Laco 1 *CarrieA(m Gordon bo Bristol EllaF (m Burleigh ho Frances A (Frohawk ho Curt L lab Santj, Napoleon far Laco 1 PLarriet M (Bedell Sarft-ent, C B iar North Emma (Odom ho Sarp,ent, Wm G mason & far Nora B (Robie ho Merle B Vernal K Sargent, A H far & cook Dora B (Pickering ho Lee E pi Harold A pi Fannie L 1)1 Marion I pi Donald E Scott, Peter C far Annie (Reed ho Jane M pi Severence, O E far Hill Maude J (Emerson ho Ii;uf2:eue B pi Sheldon, Emily E (Jaques ho Laco 1 Shepherd, Thos far Tilton 1 Simons, Chas W lab Frank 1 Lizzie ( Chas lab Simons, Lizzie (Shackett ho Frank Albert pi Sissions, M W far Frank 1 Mary A (Spearman ho Mark A pi Rose C Smith, John F far Tilton 1 Nancy M (ra Smith ho Laco 1 Smith, A W raech Tilton 1 Jennie L (Hall ho Bertha A stu Ernest A lab Leslie B lab Helen R pi Edgar J Smith, D Frank car Frank 1 Bertha A (Thompson ho Ernest T Smith, Alvin N far Laco 1 Nancy M (Smith ho Lois O Smith, Earle pi Laco 1 70 SANBORNTON Smith, A H far Laco 1 Martha J (Colby ho Nathan C pi Alice M pi Aura B Smith, Mary J (Philbrick ho *Emma F (m Hawkius ho Laco Nellie M (m Boyino-ton ho F P far & stone cutter Smith, F P stone cut & far Laco 1 Mary B (Medley ho Robert F stu Chas H pi Smith, Mary E (Conant ho Laco 1 Rowland AV lab Una M table girl Southard, E E far Laco 1 Julia S (CoUius ho *Edna M (m Newton Portland, Me Dora M ho Harold E pi Cora M pi Southwick, Wni D far Elizabeth A (Nettles ho *Emery M mill op Norwood, N Y Rosetta S ho Millie M ho Carmen I pi Stevens, Edward A Frank 1 Treas Glenark Mill Woonsocket, R I Lillian A (Weeks ho *H C civ eng New York Louis M far Lillian E (m Buchanan ho Stevens, Louis M far Frank 1 Celia H (Fisher ho Dorothy pi JohnF Stevens, Frank S far Frank 1 Lottie M (Bailey ho Arthur B Stone, Geo S lar & milk Tilton 1 Alice E (Dean ho Marion A stu Milton D pi Sussier, Nelson blk Maud (Powers ho Swain, Bert F far Laco 1 Iva M (Chesley ho Frank B pi Stephen C RexB Russell C Swaia, Frank B far Laco 1 Melissa J (Tucker ho *Jennie A (m Clark Alexandria *Florence A (m Hia:gin8 Meredith Bert F far CENSUS 71 Lelia P (m Smith ho Swain, Cyrus far Tilton 1 Mary A (Robbius ho Taylor, Mary tr Tilton 1 Taylor, Thos O far Tilton 1 CiudaW (Heath ho Taylor, Susan H (Allen ho *Carrie E (m Morgan ho Lakeport Taylor, C P ho Taylor, Sam'l far Laco 1 Mahala (m Tilton ho Belmont Kirk far Taylor, Arthur C far Laco 1 Taylor, Walter C far Tilton 1 Mabel (Lane ho Tenny, A S far North Thomas, F J far Tilton 1 Martha G (Hall ho Thomas, L L far Tilton 1 *Addie M (m Hastings ho Frank *Minnie L (m Akerman ho Alexandria *Delia M (m Hodgdou ho Frank *M aggie J (m Gray Bristol Stella M tr Narcissa D (Redding ho Thomas, Rebecca K (Emerson Frank 1 Thompson, Lydia T (Kimball Frank 1 *Martha E (m Snith ho Plymouth Emma J ho Bertha A (m Smith ho *Luther V blk Tilton Thurston, R N far Tilton 1 Tilton, C W far Hill Mamie L (Staples ho Eva J pi Bernice D Tilton, Sarah A far & ho Hill Tripp, Kate (Woodbury Hill Trowbridge, E J far Tilton 1 Eva H ( White ho Marion F stu Addie E pi Catherine E pi Ida L pi Trowbridge, E J far Tilton 1 Eva H (White ho Marion F pi A Elizabeth pi Catherine E pi Ida L pi Torsey Mrs (Kimball Chas A lab Tucker, Nancy E (Stanton North Turner, Helen M (Sabin ho Laco 1 72 SANBORNTON *Henrj W nier Norwood, N Y *Roy W iDill op E Tiltou Twombly, F F far Tiltou 1 Julia A (Jarvis ho Robert D pi Tworoger, L A hotel mgr Laco Sarah E (Deane ho Sophia E stu V Vanner, Edwiu L far Laco 1 Virgiujlsaae B far Frauk R D Caddie (ui Wadleigh ho Mattie J (Thoniptelo S East ^lanite & marble mfg Mai-tha C (Crockett ho Keough, J M mill op Peabody Li II a (Hauuaford Alice mill op Keyser, Wm J lore Brown est Mill Emily (Brown Kidder, A W wood & coal Morrison Ave Nellie (Clark ho Ethel M pi Edna A pi Stanley C Kimball, Mary (Sanborn No 1 Kimball, Betsey (McDaniel Cedar Kimball, Melinsa (Glynes 5 Sch Kii)}^, Wm J mill op Chest Alice G (Hill ho Alice G stu James W pi Kling:, Oscar stu Knapp, Geo JO mill op E Main Ella B (Greenleaf ho Harry E lab Grace E stenop; Gertrude E stu Knapp, Hannah B (Maloon E Main 90 TILTON Knight, D S supt Tilton mills Leonard W mill Floie E (Gould Knovvles, Rev I) C cor Hioh & Pros Lucia W (Barrows ho Labelle, Alphonso team Josie (Nooron Ernest mill op *Ro8a N (m Sheldon Wilton Lee W bakery *Mabel Melrose, Mass Eva M Archie stu Ruth G pi Henry pi Bertha A pi Helen E pi Catherine J Rodney A Labonta, Lewis blk High Cora (Gilraan Gladys M DoraD Dimond F Ladd, Ora G far E Main Gertrude B (Lamprey ho Lambert, S watchman Mill Christiina (Blake *Mabel G (m Nichols Water bury. Conn *Eva W (m Hunter Rockland, Me Elmer E mill op Lamprey, H A retd Main *Chas A mer Exeter Ada M (m Flanders *Anora I (m Sanders Lakeport Lena B Ideal wrapper Lampher, Homer cl Wash Minnie (Pelierin ho Lamprey, Hannah H (Kimball E Main Gertrude B (m Ladd Lane, Luther J R R ser High Lane, Horace F far Lovina (Thompson- ho CeliaT pi Flora F pi Lane, Chas E far No 1 Lane, Orman W mill op East Mary E (Gliues ho Lane, Sarah B No 1 Lane, Mary A No 1 Lane, Clara No 1 Lane, Wm far No 1 Henrietta (Hersey ho Orman W mill op Mabel (ra Taylor Fred W far Lang, Wm P fire claims B & M ser Main Clara A (MacDuffee Marion K tel op CENSUS 91 Langton,EdwP mill op West Louise J (Locke ho Edf^ar H mill oj) Leon T stii Leon a A ])1 Lavigne, Henry mer Cedar Mary B (Balentine ho Roy B pi Lawrence, F P con & bldr Chest Lizzie B (Ayre ho Fay A stu Oakes K pi Lee, Dawson mill op Hijuh Lees, John mill op Winter Georgie (Paddee George W pi Mary A Ellen Arthur Lees, John E lab Winter Jane (Devey Lef ranee, Abel lab Chest Bridget (Mooney ho Rose (m Ed no Lillian (Kating Leplante, Alderic opt fact High Arzelia (Delage ho Lura J Lewis, Frank lab Laco 1 Eliza A (Clark ho Libbe3% A W mill op High Rachel W (Stewart ho Clara E milliner Earl L at home Blanch E stu Libbey, Harry W blk East IdaEdiailey ho Locke, Hannah dr mkr Winter John A pi Locke, John retd Cedar Looney, Edw mill op 15 Mill Mary A (Boland Catherine M Loverin, J L retd 6 Main Roxanna E (Todd ho *Fred H Now York City AVenona L kindergarten tr Loverin, Albion retd W Main Jennie (McDonald ho Grace B elecutionist Helen M pi Loranger, Edmond mill op Winter Mary (Bernard Jennie V pi Fronnie N pi Lena I pi Lord, Geo W drug cor Pleas & Pros Mary E (Johnson Edith Mae tr violin & art Lord, Fannie A ho Main Lord, A C mfg opt goods Main Alma W (Neal bo 92 TILTON *Guy M mfr opt goods 100 Boylston, Boston, Mass *Arthur M optician 1204 Annon PI, Minneapolis, Minn Harry A mfg opt goods George T optician Louranga, Eugene mill op Winter Delphene (Drower John A pi Willie A M Malone, J E Opt Co Cedar Nora (Cronin ho Mildred G Marion G Malone, M opt fact Ceder Lila G mill op Bertha M stu Malone, P lunch room Pleas Margaret (Moony Theresa E pi Beatrice M pi Mandin, Alfred mill op Cedar Blanche (Denoucargt ho Elphege Panlowne Manning, Mary (Norman No 1 Bertha L (ra Clifford J Annie (m Martin Lillian G (m Martin Ernest A Chas E Asa J Gilbert J Willis C cigar mfr cigar mfr mill op far blk Jennie M (m Huckius Eugene C far Marden, Fred P cl 72 Main Mason, Frank L phy & sur 135 W Main Clara P (Phil brick Lei a M (ra Grey East *Merchant, Guy mill op S Lawrence, Mass Nye needle wk McCarthy, Jas R R ser Mary J (Morrow ho McDuff, Cynthia (Symes ho Winter Mabel J (m Morrill McKinley, LA pi Chest McKinnon, P mill op Main Meserve, J M law cor Main & Winter Lulu J (Hart ho Frances J Myron L Miller, Kate J (Brodebank *F L R R ser W Lebanon Milotte, Jos mill op Pleas Mary (Croteau ho Evangeline M Milotte, F R R ser Woodbine Grace A (Wheeler ho CENSUS 93 Moorbouse, E wool sorter W Main Jane N (Graham Margaret etu *Cora M (m Streeter Nortbfield •Harry B web fact Pawtucket, R I *Eugene mecb Milford, Mass *Graee E (m HaywarJ Manchester Morceau, Joe barber Sch Rosaua (Gilmitte Lucy Morrill, Calista C S (Smith ho Pros *Cali8ta M (m Leavitt 44 Pierce, Sioux City Morris, Clarence V pi Pros MorrisoDjWR printer EMain Perle (Boucher ho Chas N stu Morrison, J dry goods Main Morse, H A printer Main Nettie (Nutter ho Errol pi Moses, Wm H nifg Moulton, Alden far Sophy (Lane Chas E far Moulton, Chas E far No 1 Ora M (Sanborn ho Edna L pi Gertrude M pi Moulton, Lucelia (Abbott ho High Mary R ' tr Nellie F tr Wilber B mer Moulton, W J mail car Main Lillian F (Gleason ho Lillian G stu Leon A pi Moulton, Fannie J (Comerford Tilton Highlands Murphy, R mill op Chest Mary (Delaney ho Murphy, John drug 10 Pros Edith (Greenwood ho Edith Blanch pi Muzzey, Bertha H tel op Wash N Nichols, Lizzie M (Paine No 1 Normandin, F mill op Chest Eulalie (Trembley ho *Amanda (m Hard Shermgton, Que *Alcide Otawa, Canada Prof University Alfred mill op Fabiola mill op Arm and stu Marion mill op Fortunat stu 94 TILTON Alice pi North, W L mill op Pleas Nellie M (Smith ho Norton, V H mach Laco 1 Winuefred (Martin sum bdrs "Pinevvald" Ashley C stu Eleanor W stu Hila L pi Alt a V pi Eugenia N pi Norton, C P retd Laco 1 *Alta (m Davis S Berwick, Me *Mary E (m Hamlin 7 Roslin, Salem, Mass Noyes, J B mach Peabody Priscilla (Hannaford *Ida B (m Johnston 101 Templeton Dorcbester, Mays •Lillian G (m Stevens 14 Sprino-, Laco Noyes, Annie L (Rogers West Allen R Nye, Belle (Wijitcher High O O'Donald, Patrick mill op Bridget F (Boland Michael O'Donnell, P mill op Pleas Oliver, Charlie lab High Georgiana (Lebell ho *Josephiue (m Gammon Shelbrook, Canada Delfus lab George stable *Mary waitress Greenville Matilda opt fact Leo pi Ordway, Ethel ho East Ordway, J W mach Winter Clara M (Varney Leon A pi Morris S pi Otiborn, Mrs Sarah ( Main Osgood, T F far Sch 1 *Chas VV far Frank 1 Herman C far O'Shea, Eugene mill op Drake Mamie (Donney ho Madeline pi Joseph T Paige, Arthur L printer Page, Herman milk farm Sarah L (Farrar ho Dorothy F pi Herman C pi Can dace A Paine, Rena stu Sch Palmer, S E mill op Winter Parker, Josephine E Pleas Paro, Edw watchman Main CENSUS 95 Mary A (Mann ho *Gertrude (m White 20 Daton, Concord *Minnie (m Thompson Woodsville *Mabel (m Kimball Leon E stu Patten, E E mill op Pleas Angie M (Stoodley ho Laura A pi Perkins, Mary E (Trow High Edvv H stu Wesley T stu Ernest II stu Pease, Hannah (Magrah seamstress Main Perkins, Emily A (Burleigh 72 Main *Ned W undertaker Franklin *Fred B elee eng Keudallville, lud Ray Harris ins agt Perkins, R H ins & real est 70 & 72 Main Susan B (Crockett ho Perry, Sara M retd E Main Ida J (m Bacon Perthell, Otto mill op Selina (Cad ice ho Florence mill hd Pheneuf, H A Main ptr & paper hgr Philbrick, E G retd Main Ann H (Hill ho Chas H optician 101 Tremont, Boston, Mass Gery broker 65 Broad, New York Philbrick, Sarah A Loca 1 Philbrick, Hulda J ho Philbrick, Mrs E A (Philbrook dr mkr East *Ruth G Am watch Co Waltham, Mass Philbrick, J D IG Prospect *M Alice (m Kenniston Bald wins ville. Mass Philbrick, Geo A far Laco 1 Anna C (Philbrick Wiunesquam Ho Philbrick, Mrs Geo E Main market gardening- Mary S (m Bridges *Lena (m Parker 48 Broadway, Concord Philbrook, O D far Laco 1 Helen M (Lane ho Ina M stu Philbrook, N P retd clerg High Hannah S (Sanborn ho *Nathan W canning bus 2209 Pasadena Ave, Los Angeles, Cal *H D far Ash by, Mass *Edgar P phy & sur Santa Cruze, Cal 96 TILTON *Laura F lib Middletowii, Conn Helen P (in Patten Pickering, F J fire E Main Abbie II (Miller ho Pillsbury, Juliott (Tucker Pros Pillsburv, Eliza S (Tucker Pros Mabel P (m Moses Ethel P (m Daniel Pillsbury, Eliza J off Pros Pillsbury, Josephine off Pros Plimpton, Geo S Sch prin Til ton Seminary Etta (Fery ho Esther E Theodore Lincoln Plummer, Mildred H pi Plummer, A F retd Orvis A miller Carrie E wrapper shop *C W druo- Lakeport Milan II far Plummer, M 11 far Highlands Priricilla (Franklin ho Plummer, Geo E mach Main Cassie M (Griffin ho Pearl M Poirier, Mrs Hat tie ( Winter *Pope, Bernice bk kpr Laeo Edith M 8tu Powers, F Ervin butcher Sch Lena M (Chamberlain ho Powers, L V butcher Sch Elsie A (Colburn ho Mary A stenog F Ervin butcher Prescott, Fritz printer Mech Clara G (Tavlor ho Mary G Quimby, L H cl \V Main Cleave H C mill op Ella stii Quimby, Emily C (Meade ho W Main *0 A car Stockton, Cal Lvman H cl R Randall, Frank E Main overseer Tilton mill Jennie (Lupien ICarl F pi Arthur B pi Wm II pi Raymond, Emma J Laco 1 Rcgo, Jos watch Peabody Theresa (Almeda Mary R pi Helen N John J CENSUS 97 Reed, Ray E ptr Hi^h Gertrude M (Fifield bo Dawn G Reed, Oscar ptr Hioh Alice J (Berry ho *Sam B ptr 40 Montj^omery, Boston, Mass Eva J (m Davis Carl ptr *Fred G mach 148 Union Ave, Lacouia Ray E ptr Alice B stu Reed, Alson M mill op East Reed, Emma (Shaw ho *Frank E mill op Warren *Lulu B (m Morse Harmony, Me Bertie C far Alson M mill op *Mildred (m Stevens Worcester, Mass Reed, Ida M milliner Main Renter, P E car Peabody Hannah (Fessenden P^lroy F stn Reyno, Nellie stu Reyno, Henry E pi Reyno, Isabel pi Richardson, Wm H lab Main Etta A (Eaton ho Rickert, Edw B fireman Mill Belle L (Kimball Julian F Roberts, Jos retd Cedar Laura (Barnes Fred mill op Joseph mill op John rest Tuphin mill op Napoleon mill op Rose (m Twombly Mel vena (m Cote Selina (m Cement Roberts, Thople mill op Hi«»h Melia (Gill ho Rose (m Roberts Mary pi Frank pi Roberts, Fred mill Hi^h Rose (Roberts ho Henry Roberts, Jos D mill op Drake Cordelia (Rayno ho Omer N pi Joseph A Hazel M Robida, A opt fact Cedar Aglaw (Bnteau ho Ed ward pi Rudolf Beatrice Leon Robinson, A E mill op Mill Ora M (Shiatte Lloyd A Roche, Nellie ho Chest 98 TILTON Rogers, C C law Pleas Sarah L (Hull ho *John W lumb Santonio, Texas Geo B cl *Herbert S tel bus Newtonville, Mass Rogers, Geo B bk kpr Wash Ethel M (Stevens ho ChasC Rollins, Fred mill op Chest Nellie (Laclair ho Willie Fred A Sadie E Rollins, W H H East far & sum brds The Elms Alice C ho Rundlett, Helen sum res, Boston, Mass Rundlett, Marion tr sum res, Boston, Mass Sampson, C C clerg 5 Sch Sampson, C C clerg Sanborn, Nathan retd *Nora (m Philbrook Northampton Sanborn, E W car & far No 1 Maretta M (Chase ho Eva M tr Roy C stu Sanborn, W carriage shop Nol Myrtie B ho Sanborn, Tabothy (Sanborn East Sanborn, E W milk & far Laco 1 Florence N (Gerald ho Gerald K pi E Vernon Floyd F Sanborn, Mary J (Foss ho Sanborn, F T mas W Main Alice W(Wyman ho Ethel W tr mus Sanborn, E L retd W Main *Grace T (m Smith ho Sauborntou *J H mas State, Concord Clara A (m Rounds * Ed win C mach 7 Wiggin, Concord Caroline tr mus * Waldo L mas South Haven, Mich Sanborn, James E lab East Sanborn, Frank gen team wk E Main Ella C (Gilman ho Ethel G pi Sanborn, Mary A (Flanders Main Sanborn, Le Roy W car Hifihlaud s CENSUS 99 Charlotte (Morrison ho Lottie M (m ( ) 15 Orchard, No Cambridge, Mass Sargent, Harriet teleg op 22 School Sargeut, Flavia D (Dukley ho East Lucy N (m Strock Sargeut, Helena L (Palmer EMain No 1 *Grace S (m Davis Franklin Scully, Thos mill op Chest Mary (Young ho Leo A Seavey,WH harness mfr East Seavey, Sarah A (Taylor East Millie E mill op *Frank A mill op Guilford Severance, Mary W ho West Seren, Nerey mill op Main Ida (Bernard ho Lawrence pi Alice Eyrone Shaw, Florence E stu Main Shaw, Bert E lab East Mary E (Durgin ho EarfE ])1 Ida M pi Amos G pi Edna M Shaw, Will T fireman EvaM(Martell ho EstelleE pi Bernard T Shaw, Henry A lab Clary (Buzzell ho Henry E lab Bert E lab Amos T mill op Will T mill op Bessie M (m Daniels Shaw, Henry E far Clara (Sullancey ho Ethel M pi Maud S pi Eva M Clarence E Emma G Shepherd, Harriet E (Crane 9 Main Herman W Shepherd, W H far East Ella ( Shepherd, A F mill op Cedar Lulu B (Marsh ho Shepard, W II far East Ella (Mason ho Sherman, C W fireman High Sarah M (Coleman ho El win A stu Elmore C Shiatte, Ludoric mill op Cedar Jennie (Hopkinson ho Shiatte, Andrew mill op High Mary 1] (Trombly ho 100 TILTON Louisa L (m Roberts Ludoric mill op Ora M (m Robinson Herbert F mill op Simpson, H F mach Pillsburj Ave Ti]ula G (Bushman ho Bertha G stu Chas H stu Hartley F Jr pi Simpson, C M cl Caroline (Robinson ho Hartley mach Simonds, B P retd Hannah J (Johnson ho *Solon D 8 s op Derry Stella J (m Thompson Smith, Mrs C L (Grey ho sum res East Clara M Smith, Fred G cl East Frances (Burleigh ho Joseph E stu Sarah J stu Hazel F Mildred G Smith, C E asst cash Chest Christena (Albee Albee E pi Anna E ])1 Smith, J B 9 School plumb & hardware Grace E (Vittum Harold V plumb Smith, Sarah M opt fact West Smith, B True opt fact Smith, Alden E steward Soldiers' Home Aldaua C ( Smith, Josie (Gordon East Gertrude T pi Isabel M Smith, L W carge & har dlr W Main Corena M (Hoyt ho Osborn J clothing Smith, Osborn J mer Main Adella E (Eaton ho Howard E Smith, Chas N far East Nellie A (Jaques Arthur N stu Perley J pi Smith, Bert far Smith, Elizabeth (Pliilbrook E Main Smith, Chas far Highlands, Frank 2 Margaret L (Leavitt ho Elizabeth V stu Smith, D S far W Main Bell V (Straw ho Addie B ho *Stanyan, Florence (m Grey Lebanon Marjorie mill op Earl H lab Staples, Arthur cl Sch CENSUS 101 Sarah (Davis Steenbergen, H W ho barber Chest Anna E (Aharn Stoodley, Curtis mill op Stone, Geo S far No 1 Alice E (Deau ho Marion A stu Milton D pi Stone, Ellen M (Crenner East Swett, Miss Sarah M West Tandy, Edmoud lab Ida E (Lakin ho Hattie B pi Tasker, Edwin S clerg 12 Sch Grace C (Pitkin ho Pauline B pi Harold P pi Charlotte B Taylor, Harry opt fact Chest Taylor, Jos mill op Main Taylor, C W mill op East Josephine G (Plummer ho Berti(3 G mill op Taylor, C M surveying East Julia A (Sargent ho *Ivan M broker 15 State, Boston, Mass Eva Blanch (m Smith Taylor, Julia E East Terrien, N boss in mill High Susie (Locke dr mkr Freddie stu Stephen pi Tilton, G boss dyer 13 Sch Grace (Nutter ho Harry L pi Loren H pi Tilton, Harriet (Wilson Main *Anuie M (m Page 44 Oakland, Medford, Mass Tilton, Mary R (Crooker ho Main Tilton, Daniel S lar Sch Ida L (Harris ho Frank S far Tilton, A E real est Sch Estella F (Fresee Thomas, C H furniture Chest Florence milliner Eliza C (Brown Thompson, Jos L retd Main Thompson, John far East Esther J (Frohock ho *Albridge P far Meredith *Harry A far Meredith *Frank H tr Mary E (m Stewart Thompson, Leroy R far Sch, Frank Sarah F (Fawdrey John F stu Helen pi Lawrence R pi Thompson, Cora 102 TILTON Thurber, Ed mill op Cedar Thurston, Leauna M Main agt Matal MIgCo Tobin, John mill op Chest Towle, S M car 6 Winter Susie A (Currier ho *Nellie (m Richard 40 Stetson, AVhitman, Mass *Mamie (Hoegstrom 103 Frank, Franklin Towns, C A undertaker Cedar Christanna (Kenny ho Milton S "^ pi Erviu A pi Towns, Thos M coal dlr Cedar Martha (McDaniel •Rebecca A (m Arnold 144 Stanwood Eoxbury, Mass Charlie A mer M Ella at home Trickey, Maj Wm H Com Tiltoii Soldiers' Home Celesta E (Deland matron Wm D office ol Trickey, Wm D office cl Minnie B (Owen True, Chas L dentist Raffaelly Blk Tucker, K W far Sch AbbieC (Currier ho Tattle, Charlotte fl pi AVinter Twombj^ Lillian dr mkr Cedar Frank pl W Wadleioh,Geo H far Sch No 1 Lewis J far Walker, John team Mill Chas ex team Walker, Chas T ex team Pros Mary E (Balcom ho Ware, Leonard F far East Mary E (Fogg ho Watson, F L mill op East Sadie E (Moore ho Bernice A stu Fred L pl Freelan M *Watson, Elbridge New Haven, Conn * Webber, Frank real est 135 Reed Ave, Brooklyn, N Y Wescott, Amos far No 1 *Abbie M (m Blood Frank Frank S far *Helen H Concord nurse State Hospital George A far Marion E ho Nellie S pl Mabel B pl Wliipple, Mrs Ruth B Main Whitcher, R R far East Whitehead, J mill op Winter Mary F (Heeney CENSUS 103 James W George F Walter F Charlotte L Harold B mill op Pl Pl pl I>1 White, Nellie (French E Main Lydia E Doris E Whitman, F C mill op Cedar Emily M (Gerald ho Frank C pl Viola C Whittie, W L far Ida E (Adams ho Robert A pl Edward M pl Wilner, T G bk kpr Chest Elizabeth (Stickney music tr Sarah L Maria D ho Wilkins, FA R R ser Pleas OHve B (Greenwood ho Parker Williams, J R mill op Mill Agnes (Buchanan Eva H tr Wilmot, Lewis W far Emma V (Vuuak *Lillian (m Cades Wood fords, Me *Maud (m Carpenter White River June, Vt Mabel W tr *Wm E shipper for Swifts White R June, Vt ChasR *B F White R June, Vt Carl D stu Marjorie D stu Wilson, Adelaide (Rundlett sum res *Mabel R tr Boston Wood, Fred mill op Cedar Worthen, Arthur L car & bldr 6 Pros Mary D (Phelps ho *C E elee Spokane, AVash Chester A car Georg^'ia A (m Bailey Wyatt, Harry C far East Sarah J (Sanborn ho Carrie L stu Nathan S stu Ruth M pl Wyatt, G C far East Main 1 Lucy E (Jackson ho Susannah D stu Laura A stu Arthur J stu Helen Otis pl Wyatt, W C har mfg High Clara (Thorpe *Bernard L M D Monterey N L, Mexico Yeaton Annie C Sch Nol Young, Irvin E car East Jen nie (Earle ho Helen M pl Earle A Young, Adelaide M (Barnes sum bdrs Hillside, Laco 1 Census of Belmont Where no Post Office is expressed Belmont is understood. Other Post Offices are abbreviated as follows: Laconia—Laco; Laconia R. F, D. No. 2 — Laco 2; AVinnesquara— Winsqni; La- conia R. F. D. 3— Laco 3. A Abbott, Chas W mfr & car WiDsqm Clara L (Stevens ho Adams, Chas W far Laco 2 MattieC (Wards worth *A Webster cl Maplewood, Mass Harry far Adams, Adelaide (Johnson Sarjj^ent Adams, Nellie M ho High Adams, H C sta agt High Florentina (Moultou ho Christine B pi Priscilla M pi Ruth A Aikeiis, C H mill op Concord Hester J (Parsons ho Ida Faye (m Demerite Akeley, I C retd *Abuer C ptr VVt^stville *Carl L musician Exeter *Leon B mill op Plymouth, Mass Lizzie F (m Fi field Lydia L (m Bartlett Ames, G B far Laco 2 Georgia A (Flanders ho *Nancy A (m Hay ward ho Penacook Addie F (m McLellan Atwood, Olivia S (Young ho Laco 2 Lillian P dr mkr Avery, H A mill op High Jennie D (Chapman ho B Badger, Francis A Mabel S (Morrison Margaret E Hilda A Doris M Badger, A F far Harry W Eva E (Lamprey Eleanor Baker, F L far Concord far ho etu stu pl Laco 3 far ho CENSUS 105 Mary (Green ho Winnie M pi Olive B pi Fred A Barker, H F far Sanbornton Emeliue A (Easter Barrett, Wm J plumb Fuller KateF (Fuller ho Lawrence F pi M Vir<>;inia pi Bartlett, Jos far Lydia L (Akeley ho *Fred A mould Lempster Agnes A (m Deforge Batehelder, Francis F far Sarah F (Bennett dr nikr *NelIie (m Foss ho *Frank F Everett, Mass State Ho employee Bean, John M far Laco 2 EllaM (White ho Etta B invalid *Myrtie R bk kpr Salem, Mass *Belinda A dr mkr Salem, Mass Bean, Sarah (Martin Laco 2 Curt M far Bean, E C drug Dearborn Marrietta (Bowman ho Helen M stu *John C second hand 235 Hanover, Manchester Arthur E stu Edna C pi Beckford, Dr H S Fuller Eleanor R (Robinson Hortense R pi Belanger, E mill op Depot Ad die (Perron ho Arthur E pi Mabel W pi E A Lionel E Belisle, H E far Laco 2 Mary (Jarey ho Medi pi Bickford, F dyer Lawrence Myrtie V (Sanborn ho Bickford, Jane S (Briggs Concord Fred W mill op *Mary (m Jones Calif *Minnie F (m McFadden Franklin Myrtie (m Edwards Blaisdell, Claralu-ll (Rundlett ho Laco 2 Edwin W far *Roscoe I car E Til ton *Max C rafr Lakeport p]lli8 N pi Boisseaii, Geo mill op Sadie (Brake ho Bonner, Delia R (Carr ho Bossie, R box shop Lawrence Mary (Boutien ho Dennis mill op 106 BELMONT Mary mill op Flora mill op *Josephing agt Claremont *Peter mill op Hillsboro Bridge Lewis mill op Freddie pi Brake, Ezra far Trottier (Leo ho *Linda (m Dubia Tilton Frank mill op Sadie (m Boiseeau Annie mill op Minnie mill op Brake, Freddie mill op Sarah (Brake ho Mary A Brake, Jos far & meats Annie (Ducheneau ho Ida (m Jenal ho Freddie mill op Mary (m Gloddy Willie mill op Arthur A stu Sarah B (m Brake Brown, Harry lab Laco 2 Brown, Caroline A (Rogers ho Harry R mill op Laco *Irene (m Smith ho Cambridge, Mass Brown, Edw C far Laco 2 Katie F (Barrett ho Bernice V pi Brown, Beuj F far Laco 2 Emma J (Philbrook * Frank M far E Tilton *Stacy ear E Tilton *Mabel F (m Hunk ins Sanbornton Brown, C H coal dlr Depot Sarah E (Thompson ho *Flossie (m Plummer Laco Harley C mill op Nannie stu Ella M stu Thelma Brown, Noel mill op Main Mary (Champum ho Rose mill op Brulotte, Jos R R ser Laco Mary A (Cross ho Eveline M pi Joseph pi Henry pi Arthur Z pi Irene M Bryant, John O far Amy J (Worcester ho Harold E lab Hazel M pi Homer W pi Clayton B pi Helen M Bryant, Will lab Main Bryant, Ralph team No Ch Luella (Maxfleld ho Pauline N pi CENSUS 107 Meribah E p] Leigh M Vina I) Bryant, C A retd Concord Sarah E(Willard ho *Chas W druogist Tilton *Mamie A (m P>ench Pittsfleld Burke, Thomas lab Burke, Louise Depot Napoleon mill Alexina (m Frazier Cartier, Jos mill op Main Georgia (Fraehette Emile J pi Leon L pi Eva M pi Oraa George A Case, S S mill op Concord Addle M (Smith ho Cate, CE blk & grain dlr AVinsqm Amy C (Osgood ho Cate, L H far & blk Winsqm Chas E blk & grain dlr Wilbur J mail ear Thomas J stu Mary J (Patterson ho Eben W P p] Theodore L pi Cate, Laura (Emerson Depot Lawrence pi ('hapman, D L far Laco 2 Melvina L (Gilman ho Charest, F'lise ((iay ho Chase, A P team Main Ermina M (Fogg ho Cbarlie E lab Chase, Chas E lab Main Pearl I (Chase ho Chatigny, Zoe Fuller Annie , mill op Eva mill op Joseph mill op Cliihls, Rev H No Ch Dora (Whittemore ho Althea L Howard L Cilley, Mrs J P (Grant Main Cilley, C W far Nellie (Allen ho Edna G ho Eva B stu Olive G stu Allen P pi Ruth E pi Doris N Hazel B Clairmont, Leon far Laco 2 Amelia (Bonier ho Levi far *Josephine J (m Dubia ho Laco *Joseph V mill op 108 BELMONT *Louisa (in Prescott Laco Clairmont, Stella pi Laco 2 Clairmont, Ernest far Laco 2 Mamie B (Turcotte ho Ernest E Clark, Susan J (Smith ho *Jo8 car Laco Alvin far Cleojent, Levi far Celiaa (Roberts ho Arthur L Evelyn A Joseph Clifford, GW ptr Sargent Rosa E (Plant ho Minnie M pi Clyde D pi Kenneth P Clifford, J L stone mas & car Laco Jennie N (Leavitt ho * Albert F B & M eng 2 Avon, Concord Hat tie M (m Gaskell Evelyn M mill op Hortense J ho Earl C stu Mildred L pi Collins, W J ptr, repr & whl'rt Laco 2 *Dexter L ptr Lakeport *WiU.m- H ptr Annie M chamber girl Jennie R (Robertson *W J cl Los Angeles, Cal Ethel J (m Friend ho *LeRoy G printer Los Angeles, Cal Copp, Frederick E far Laco 2 Mary L (Morrill ho Corliss, Fred W car Laco 1 Ella M (Blaisdell ho Leslie II pi RuthE Celia P Arthur G Corliss, Chas G car Laco 1 Doroth}' J (Pearson ho *Mary L (m Brigham ho 240 Court, Laconia *Carrie B (m Brough ho 231 Court, Laconia *IIenrietta (m Bickford Peabody, Mass Fred W car Cotton, J O far Laco 2 Jason H far * Jennie A (m Sanborn ho Laco *J S ice team Ashland Alice A (Hadley ho Cotton, J H far Laco 2 Emma J (Lane ho *WG baker Woodsville Cowan, Masie cl Gale Cowan, Elmer blk Gale Queenie C (Fifield ho Herbert F pi CENSUS 109 Leroy J pi Currier, Fred A Laco 2 far Maple Grove Farm Harriet L (Twombly ho *Austin fireman Concord Sarah E nurse Elenora B stu Richard A stu Fred A Jr pi Helen R pi Currier, C C far High Almeua F (Pitman ho AddieM (m Hill Alice G (ra Knovvles Currier, E I ptr & pap hgr Eagle Cot Grace L (Osborn ho Doris L Currier, J P Currier Ho Main Jennie B (Davidson ho Earl I ptr Daisy tel op Currier. Electa A (Brown ho No Ch Curry, H W car Laco 2 Edith C (Jordan ho Hazel E pi Phyllis J pi Maud M Cushiiig, Alice G (Baker ho Russell H pi Florence M pi Worcester B Gushing, Thos R far Aminda (Weymouth ho *Amy W^ (m Churchill Milton Mills *Char]otte A tr 28 Mulberry, Nashua Sarah N (ra Weymouth Cyrille, Jaques far Laco 3 Margaret (Fortier ho *Margaret (m Sheen ho Lakeport *Mary (m Kelory Laco *Ro8ie A (m Spring Boston, Mass Geo C far Eugene J far Dalton, Ella (Ingalls mill op xMain Davis, Pike far Laco 2 Dawes, John E far Laco 3 Arthur E lab Caroline (Brown ho Dearborn, J R grain dlr High Ardella E (Adams ho Dearborn, G P far Dearborn Loretta (Dearborn ho Dearborn, Dorothy L(Folsom Dearborn *Nellie F (m Belden Northampton Loretta (m Deaiborn 110 BELMONT Dearborn, W C team Depot Susie (Moulton ho Karl B pi Wendall S pi Elizabeth Dearborn, B cl Sargent Will Clarence ins & mill op Deforge, Jos far Agnes A (Bartlett ho Clifton J pi Mildred A Deforge, Mrs Adeline Demeritt, S E mill op Concord Ida (Faye-Aikens ho Hester Abbie Olive June Dennett, W N far Laco 2 Emma C (Fisher ho *Harry A fireman (xalesburg, 111 Stanley L stu Dockham, Emma E ( ho *Earle mech Maine Clarence lar *Ralph navy Cla^'ton lab Dolloff, Harry M lab Laco 2 Donovan, Josephine I (Saj'ward *Daniel E Mach Tilt on Agnes F (m Melcher Laco Dorm an, G B far & bdg ho The Dorm an Alice F (Ring hostess Dow, Albert E ear Laco 2 Verdie V (Veasey ho Ruth E pi Alice V pi Dow, A L car School Nellie (Rowe ho Mildred stu Pauline pi Downs, Jos far Laco 2 * Abbie T (m Jeffers ho Tarn worth Elias E far * Leafy (ra Mason ho Tamworth *Geo W cl Tamworth •Gertrude A hotel Tamworth Emma H (Potter ho Downs, Elias E far Mildred E( Page ho Drake, A L far Sarah J (Wilcox ho Hattie B pi Hazel D pi Clarence pi Drouin, F mill op Lawrence Clara (Loivien Arthur mill op Flora M mill op Mary M mill op Lena M n)ill op Mitchell mill op Ernest J mill op CENSUS 111 Marion M pi Dube, Chas B far Laco 2 Annie (Morin ho Ducbueault, Joe mill op Olorle Lena mill op Dunnivan, F mill op Ch Hattie (Smith ho Durlcee, Dr F A Main Lucrecia J (Leeds ho Dutile, Alphonzo far Laco 2 Cline (Vaillencourt ho Delphus pi Omar Raymond Ivan Button, Hannah F (Forrest ho Main Eastman, Sopbrona A (Colby Elbridge P far Eastman, Elbridge P far Geo H far & milkman Eastman, G H far & milk Alice N (Page ho Walter E bk kpr Easter, Emeline (Lovejoy Frank J *Mabel J (m Lee Meredith Eaton, Chas mill op Sch Melissa (Sanborn Gladys stu Edmonds, C mill op Eagle Ct Abbie E (Rogers ho Hazel B Edwards, M mill op Concord Myrtie A (Bickford ho Mary J mill ob Ernest C pi Clark A Elkins, Carrie (Joy Spring Hazel M (m Marder Falardeau, Wm mill Lawrence Georgia (Parent ho Albert J mill op P^mile mill op Eva M stu Alec J pi Mary J pi Farrar, R L far Laco 2 *Hezekiah D car Laco *Howard J car Laco *Ina M (m Randall Laco Fellows, Frank T car *MaryG (m Clifford Concord P^ield, Henry far Mary (Juby ho Aaron lab Philip lab Flora pi Lewis pi Jean pi 112 BELMONT Lula pi May pi Allen Fifield, W S far Amanda L (Tucker ho Fifield, H C far Laco 2 Came F (Piper ho Mildred H pi Merle M Thelma M Fifield, Abbie Main Fifield, Geo E far Lizzie F (Akeley ho Florence L pi Channitjtj; K pi West E Flanders, A S fireman Main *Flossie B (m Marston Loudon *Addie A (m Weeks Oilman ton Fogg, Wm far Laco 3 Olive M (Chapman ho Fogg, Bert mill op Main Emma (Pike lunch rooni Fogg, Georgina (Laflam ho Bertie A pi Emma E pi Folsom, John lab Laco 2 Folaom, Stephen S far Folsom, John F retd Spring- Foot, Florence 10 (Sherman * Alice M (m McKerley Loudon Foster, Orin W far & car E Tilton Mary F (Johnson ho Harvey J far *Eva M (m Page Concord *Maud M (m Lord Tilton *Abbie E (m Campbell ho Littleton *G C lab Palmer, Mass Amy J millinery Carrie C ho Frazier, Napoleon mill Amelia (Levalier Rosa pi Frazier, Leon mill op Depot Alexina (Burke Alexina P'razier, Geo A lab Main Frazier, Mary (Parent Main French, T mill op Concord AdaM(Hackett ho Viola M Friend, Fred W far Laco 2 Etbel J (Collins ho Veriia B Fuller, T mas & music tr Fuller Fannie H (Hill Leita (m Piper Kate M (m Barrett Furber, F H far Laco 2 Carrie E (Plummer ho Josephine M pi Gagne, Fred Josephine (Polen *Selena (m Melett Pittsfield Freddie J mill op Mary (m Provost Frank J mill op Nellie M mill op Tuffel J pi Lena M pi Gannon, Albetta mill op Fuller Gale, Dan W bk kpr Main Susan B (Garland ho Gardner, F W far Laco 2 loez A (Gray ho Jack H pi Gardner, R R mill op Gale Mary (York ho Sumner J mill op Gardner, S J mill op Gale Nellie M (Clouoh ho Garland, Z far Laco 2 Garmon, Louisa A (Folsom Laconia Gay, Myron mill op Soh Carrie (Chaperon ho Morris K pi Raymond C 1)1 Amy A Caroline M Gcarini, Albert far Laco 2 CENSUS 113 Rosie (Gcarini ho Albert Jr lab op Marp;ie pl ho Geddie, Edw far Concord Emma (Pluffe ho * Louise (m Lam pro Loudon *Mary (mBoulay Concord Henry D mill op Eliza M mill op Phoebe mill op Georoie G mill op Leado A stu Frankie J pl Ellen E pl Rachel L pl Gessier, Jos shoe repr Fuller Gilman, Olive ho Laco 2 Gilman, E ptr & far Laco 3 *Alice E (m Ellsworth ho Gilmanton Perley E far Blanch E pl Gilman, C E mach Fuller *Nettie (m Downing Tilton *Mamie (m West Concord *Alna H tel op Lakeport Etta H (Lamprey Gilman, C E printer Sprinpj Lillian (Kendall ho Edith C pl Althea B pl Glidden, D M hir Laco 2 114 BELMONT Sarah M (Redding ho Ruby A Glidden, M G far Laco 2 Alice J (Hart ho Daniel M far Alice M stu Theo I pi Glines, Caroline A (Wilkinson ho Laco 2 Glines, R E car Laco 3 Helen F (Thompson ho Gloddy, Frank far Mary (Brake ho Goodwin, Cyrus, mach Main Bell (Welch ho Cyrus A pi Gordon, C Q far Mary (Drake ho Blanch pi Goslin, Freddie mill op Louise (Lareau ho Grant, Theo J far Laco 2 May J (Scully ho Eunice K Viola M Grant, F P far Laco 2 Emma D (Libby ho Theo J far Bessie M (m Daniels ho Marshall L lab *Ernest M cl Lynn, Mass lone H ho Grant, Frances M ( Heath Sargent *Blanch I (m Heath Laco 2 Grant, Etta B (Dow Main Mildred H pi Green, Olive J (Weeks ho Greeuleaf, Elwin team Main Blanch E (Pease mill op Greenouoh, G H far Charlotte (McNear ho *Mary (m Severence Main, Plymouth H Hall, F C ^en store Main Lettie M (Swaine ho Hall, Chas D Main dry & fancy ooods Julia A (Davis Hammel, Jos B Lawrence mill ovei'seer Julia A (Townes Geo R mill op Guy L stu Mae A stu Edwin C pi Mildred H pi Hammel, J overseer Lawrence Julia (Towns ho George R mill op Guy L mill op Edward C stu Anna M pi Mildred E CENSUS 115 Haucock, Jos K retd Concord Delia A (Clifford bo Horace far *Ella C (in Hodgdon Lakeport Hancock, H W far Etta M (Thomas ho Frederick far Geo H at home Haselton, E team Concord Minnie (Gray ho Mattie M mill op Blanch E ho Florence E stu Chester E pi Harry E pi Heath, E G ins agt Laco 2 Ivan B (Grant ho Herbert, Elmer lab Laco 3 Lizzie S (Clark ho * Ethel M (m Kelley Laco *Maud (m Prescott Laco Lester E lab Leroy pi Melvin pi Eugene pi Archie Willie Higgins, H L team Eliza J (Willard ho Herbert D Solomon A Hill, James C far Laco 2 Ad die C (Currier ho Stanley F pi Clarence W pi Theodore pi Dorothy H Ruth M Arthur W Hill, Georgia C (Cnte Laco 2 James C far Helen F tr Hillard, O G far Winsqm Annie G (Robinson ho *Mabel V (m Martin ho Concord *Owen L mill op Tilton *Manda B Tilton Irvin I pi *Plorence pi Tilton *Horn, R A ptr 35 Ray, Roxbury, Mass Elorne, H painter Winsqm Irena (Braley ho Ernest lab Maud pi Agnes pi Ellen pi Harry pi Arthur pi Hollis Iloule, Dennis J far Laco 2 Lena M (Clairmont ho Hoyt, R G retd Main Emma (Bryant ho M and ana at home Huckins, Silas C lab Laco 116 BELMONT^ Huckins, P R James, AD F Bapt clerg Hudsou, C far Laco 2 Laco 1 AdaB (Allen ho Emma H (Smith ho Ralph S pl Walter S tinsth & plumb Ernest A pl Alice C printing op Osaian A pl Harry B far & mil op Hull, Ruth H pl Jenat, John G roofer Laco 2 Hunt, Eliza A Main Kittie A (Mack ho Huntoon, Geo F far Laco 3 Oliver W pl Abbie J (Herbert ho Clarence M pl Curt F far Sherman Hurd, Aaron lab Laco 2 Timothy Hyam, Wm A far Laco 2 Ethel B Mary (Seres ho Walter L Johnson, GW blk E Tilton T Eda G (Currier ho Perley R mill op Jacobs, Jos mill op U\ixh Eflie B stu Delia (Valler iiiill op Johnson, P mill op E Tilton Eric M pl Carrie R (Buzzell ho Jacques, Peter lar Edna L Mary P (Carrian ho Johnson, F K mer Johnson *Georgia A (m Boc eau ho Abbie A (Rowe ho Lindouville, Yt Clarence W mer *Rose (m Levassur Laco Earle W P M *Jean mill op Laco Chas A stu *Nora (m Bodeau Laco Lena C stu Arthur mill op Johnson, C W mer Main Ida mill op Mary B (Muzzey ho Victoria mill op Maxwell M pl Diana pl Jones, A H mill Sargent Lora pl Lillian E (Babbitt ho Leah pl Mary E Leon pl Harold J CENSUS . 117 Jones, H B far Sadie M (Farrar Jones, Geo Olive (Moody Laeo 2 ho lab ho *Myrtie (m Fogp: ho Gilmanton Emily (ni ho Carrie pi Eva pi Edie ])1 Ethel pi Jones, W S tiusmth & plumb Laco 1 Ellen J (Avery ho Ralph W pi Hazel E pi Maurice A pi Emma C pi Judkius, Amanda W (Sanborn Chas O runs pumpiup; sta Herbert F hosiery mill *EllaF(mMudgett Gilmanton Winnie M (m Mudj^ett *WillO blk Manchester Fred S exp & far Judkins, Herbert mill op Josephine (Weymouth ho Maurice pi Stanley pi Judkins, C Sch Stella (Lyford ho Judkins, Jos T far Laco 2 Judkins, C R R ser Winsqm Jessie B (Wheeler Frank E ho pl K Keaton, G A far & team Laco 2 Mary J (Younf^ ho *\V H mach Goshen, lud Kennison, Eliza A (Gladden Laco 2 *Chas D elec Laco Kilborn, Fred S far Laco 2 Eva A (Cuttino- ho Ethel A tr WMlliam H lab Charlie C lab Sadie M stu Kimball, Lovina T (Sanborn *Sylvia F (m Weeks ho Gilmanton HO far Scott I far Kimball, HO far Mary E (Stockbrid}i;e ho Maud L pl Kimball, S I far Myrtie B (Smith ho Everett S pl NedL Roland S Kimball, J F retd Concord *Wm H mer Gilmanton *JuliaAnn(m Allen Tilton 118 BELMONT *Erama Etta (ra Dow Til ton Knowles, S W mill op Main Lizzie C (Eastman ho *Inez B bk kpr Concord Knowles, C W sales Johnson Lillian M (Cavorly tr & sum bdrs Harry C mill op Helen B Knowles, H C mill op Concord Alice G (Currier ho Marion A pi Maitland C La Claire A mill op Depot Mary ( mill op Lacosse, Ludp:er far Laco 2 Delphene (Vaillancourt Rosie mill op Nora mill op Edward pi Ladd, A S far Laco 1 *Editb S (m Phelps Laco Florence E (m Miller ho *Candis P (m Babb clero- Laco Lafop, Richard far Clara (Fields ho Thomas lab Lizzie (m Wescott ho Laflam, John far Rosa (Laflam Jennie A Lena M Lottie R Olive A ho at home stu pl pl Laflam, Wm mill op Lawrence Alvira (Vallier ho Leroy W pl Elsie M Laflam, Frank lab Mar}' ho *Emma (m Bryant Derb}^ Conn Laflam, Saml far Evelyn (Laflam ho Fred A mill op Berts mill op Ada M mill op Annie E pl Archie S pl Arthur W Lamprey, Sarah E tr Laco 3 Lamprey, C A far Laco 3 Ethel D (Lamprey ho Doris E pl Stewart M Lamprej', A A far Laco 2 Hattie A (Wej^mouth ho Ada J (m Osborn ho Austin G far Lamprey, AG far Laco 2 Florence A (Plummer ho Esther J Lamprey, W milk man Laco 3 CENSUS 119 Lampre3% Warren far l^aco 2 Mary E (Page ho Lang, Jos S far Euth P ^Dearborn ho John D team & far Laras, Jos mill op Main Clara (Fortina ho Regiua Lareau, Edward far Mar}^ (Dagnus Mary J (m Dagnus Joseph P mill op Davidi R R ser Louisa (m Goslin Laroche, Napoleon elec Main Victoria (Clement ho Vina mill op Eva mill op Latty, Happa (Flint Main La Valley, Mabel Lagassa, Willie mill op Eva (Rabia ho Pearl Leigh ton J J S retd Spring Nellie C (Folsom ho *Mattie (m Currier Princeton, Concord *Carrie C (m Pen ni man E Boston, Mass Lessard, Jos retd High Amelia (Lindey ho Levasseur, Arthur far Laco 3 Salina (Vachon ho Addie pi Lillian Twineth Levett, J no retd Laco 2 Clara J (Dow ho *Frank G surveyor Nashua Lyford, J H dep sheriff Main Ruby E stu A Grace stu M Marden, E G barber Sargent Jennie M (Chaperon ho (jertrude E stu Lena B Grace A Marshall, Walter ice Depot Marsh, Harry E far Laco 2 Edith E (Moore ho Grace E pi MayE Martin, Arthur livery stable Main Hazel M (Elkins ho Maxfield, D D lar Anna (Harris ho Maxfield, Lydia A (Piper ho *Sarah E (m Small Lakeport *Clara A (m Smith 78 Central Ave, Lynn, Mass *lda B (mClough Ashland Nellie J Maude E (m Brett 120 BELMONT McCarthy, Caroline p] McCartuey, Jenuie M (Weston Laco 1 *JoliD W mor Lakeport Alice J ho Homer C far McDonald, Mary Main Elzire pi McKenzio, JW lab E Tilton McLellan, J J team Laco 2 Addie F (Ames ho Ida M shop op Ellsworth G pi McMichael, Lydia A (Stevens *Nettie I (m Pollard ho IJaverhill, Mass Beuj H cook Edward R blk *Eraily J (ni Sinclair ho Hyde Park, Vt *Geo G mach Laco *John H lab Laco McMico, Hattie (McKenzie ho Main Merchant, A blk Laco 3 Viney (Merchant ho Beatrice pi *Josie M (ra Herbert Laco *Lizzie (m Blair ho Laco Lena mill op Emma (m Cyiille ho Miller, J A car Laco R F D Florence E (Ladd ho Moore, Lucy M(Dimond Main *Edwin G tr 223 Harrison, Brooklyn, N Y *Frank H mer Barnstead Carrie M (m Sweet *Mabel A D (m Wentworth Lon^ Island Morrison, Susan M (Maxtield dr n)kr Depot Mabel S (m Badger *Leou S barber Merrimack, Man Moulton, Rev E S Bean Ct Abbie E (Hubbard ho Florentina (m Adams vSusie B (m Dearborn Edmond S Jr mill op *Chas E 8 s op 24 Man ley. Auburn, Me M Gladys stu Mudgett, Wilbnr B far M Winnie (Judkius ho Mussey, John C far Emma J (Gardner bdg' ho *W^ H tar Canterbury Mary B (m Johnson ho Muzzey, Wm S hostler Main N Nelson, A H mill op Gale Jennie S (Couch dr n)kr Gertrude L Newell, Rev B D Laco 3 Family CENSUS 121 Nisbet, Sarah (Hyam ho Ch Nuncy mill op Will mill op Noel, Fred boss mill Hij^h Delia (Lessard ho Henry G cl Arthur W mill op Elmore M stu Norris, Cyrus B car Main Nellie M (Bond ho Eva M pi O O'Clair, Peter lab Clerina ( — — Dorela pl Bennie Pl Flossie Exirle Osborne, True F CO ok Gale Ada J (Lamprey ho Pajre, Geo C far Laco 2 Pease, Jas D far Main Jennie (Adams ho Ellen F (m Weeks *Harriet (m Smith Laco *Edith (m Bushey Laco *Ethel (m Youup; Milford Ptuby ho Perkins, Geo F far Laco 2 Delia B (Smith ho Celia F ho Louise M pl timeline D pl Stephen F pl Caroline A Perkins, Mildram far Laco 1 Sarah J (McCoran ho *Maud A (m Berry Nashua *Lora B (m Tasker Dover *Bertha M (m Rollins ho Laco *Hollis G boot & shoe dlr Laco *G rover C tel m^r Taunton, Mass Perron, E J car Eagle Ct Lizzie (Noel ho Adella (m Bclanger Mabel E needle shop Edith E(ni Vallier Alfred I mill op Arthur M mill op Eii C stu T ion no M pl Blanch M pl Irene L Ernest E Flora M Perron, A mill op Depot Florida (Vergin ho Phelps, G lumb mfr NoMain Gertrude (Whipple ho Chas W pl 122 BELMONT Philbrick, M H far Laco 2 Samuel P far Philbrick, S P far Laco 2 Eva M (Seiiter ho AdaM RuthE Phillips, W E mill op Depot Mamie (Knowles ho Dorothy pi Piper, Ernest K law Main LulaD (Brooks ho Rhoda E E Brooks Piper, Fred H far Leita (Fuller ho Nellie C pi Viola C Piper, Mrs Isiah (Kilborn tr No Main Ernest K law Fred H lar Plummer, Geo W far Laco 2 Abbie M (Collins dr mkr Florence A (m Lamprey Plummer, Mary H (Moody ho Laco 2 Carrie E M (Furber ho *William A law Laco Plummer, G W 2d far Nellie S(Leavitt ho *Scott L mach Laco Potter, Emma H (Potter ho Percy E USA Powell, J II mill op Main Mae A (Flanders ho John H Preseott, Herbert lab Laco 2 Wife Milo pi Florence pi Provost, Alfonzo mill op Mary (Gague Beulah Provost, J mill op Parmelia (Belangie Alfouz mill op Puffinburger, H D far Laco 3 Rebecca F (Miller ho Lilla M (m Rowe ho *Bertha A (m Miller ho Virginia Preston lab Ada pi Letha pi Carrie J pi Mark pi Pulsifer, Chas far Laco 2 Pulsifer, Hannah (Pulsifer Laco 2 R Randall, Nelson M lab Laco 2 Josie (Benton ho Randlett, F A far Laco 2 Anna L (James ho *Earle P car Laco *Geo A car Laco CENSUS 123 Maud A mill op Rej'ana, P^ortin mill op Main Recard, David mill op Main Kegina (Charest ho IdaM Richards, C H lumb Depot Nancy (liabor ho Willie T lab Daisy L stu Riley, Glen mill op Gale Dora Z (Gale ho Roy H mill op Riley, Frances I (Moody Gale Roberts, Nathan A far Laco 2 Dorothy D (Reynolds ho Nathan A Jr Cynthia K Rogers, H W far Laco 3 L Bessie (Lamprey ho Arthur A pi Wilber L Rows, Wm L far Lillian M (Tuffenberger Violet L Robert L Rowe, L far Laco 3 Sarah A (Roberts ho *Anuie M (ra Blaisdell Lakeport *Erama J (ra Miller Laco S Lizzie ho *Fred E far Gilmantou Iron Wks *Nettie A (m Wadleigh Gilford Julia F ho William L far Rowe, J B lab Sch Hannah (McCarthy ho Emma O mill op Mary (m McQny Nellie (m Dow Rowen, J L far Laco 2 Lizzie D (Clement ho Sanborn, Oliver L far Luella M (Lamprey ho Walter L far Sanborn, W L far Ella E (Stockbridge ho F Bell ho Carl S pi Alzada M pi Sanborn, F W far Laco 2 Eliza A (Kv'Mison ho Sanborn, A M far Laco 2 Mary J (Wright ho Sanborn, N E liv & bdg stable Main Florence E (Nudd ho Sanborn, Amanda (Stockbridge Sch Sanborn, Eleanor (Twombly NoCh Widow of Nath Sanborn a veteran of the War of 1812 Sanborn, Andrew L far Ijaura A (Robinson ho 124 BELMONT *Abbie G (m Babb Laco *Mary L (ra Low Laco *Carrie A (ra Sweet Laco Edgar F far *Geo M coachman Laco *Fred A coachman Laco Saneageiii, Jos far Laco 2 Mina (Burlock ho * Alice bk kpr Boston, Mass Sargent, M hosiery rafg Main Dora A (Shepard ho John M fire ins Sawyer, Otto E far Daisy E (Patten ho Sawyer, Geo E far Mary E (Foster ho Otto E far Sawyer, Chas S far Mary A (Kilbourn *Lucy C ho Concord Roscoe C car Sayward, E T far Laco 3 Everett V pi Sayward, Josephine I (Woodman Laco 2 *Harry W jeweler Tilton E Thelbert ' far *Mary J ho Laco Lilla P waitress Senter, W J far S Ch Ada R (Leach ho Eva M (m Phil brook Laco 2 * Walter L R R ser Boston, Mass Shaw, Julia M stu Main Sidney, Wm team Winsqm Sarah (m Robinson ho Small, Chas E far Laco 2 M Jennie (Garmon ho Smith, Mike lab Laco 1 Smith, H D agt & far Sanbornton Grace T (Sanborn ho Susie E needle mkr Smith, Juan A far Laco 2 Gertrude A (Leavitt ho Chas M R Emery Smith, S H far Laco 3 Alice P (Pierson ho Smith, J D cl Gale Florence M (Knowlcs ho Lawrence M pi Marjorie K Smith, E H ptr & photog Main Hattie B (Weymouth ho Lloyd D stu Elsie M pi Smith, H A plumb & tinsmith Main Lillian (Boardman ho Ellen E Phillip M Dorothy L Smith, Moses mer Main CENSUS 125 Jennie (Hale ho Smith, Timothy lab No Ch Joseph E mill op Mary (m Rawlins Hattie (m Donovan Smith, A A meatmkt Concord Nannie ( Smith, D M retd Concord Ellen A (Bennett ho Jasper G cl *Trpssa M (m Sweatman Laco Ad die M (m Cose Harry A plumb *H W R R ser Concord Eddie L mill op Ernest H spin Arthur H stu Smith, J E Lawrence overseer yard depart Mary E (Tucker ho Ruth M (m Moore Elmer T lab A ones (j at home Leslie stu Smith, Asa J retd Main Louisa (Eaton ho *Dora (m Bush No Uxbrid^e, Mass Albert A mer *Mary L (m Pope 9 Con*i:re8s, Worcester, Mass Stewart, E W far Winsqm Abbie M (Morgan ho Stover, Chas E lab Sturgeon, Jos team Depot George gen wk Swaine, E E mer No Main Eva L (Upton ho H Raymond stu S Oakleigh pi Swain, Mary J (Gale No Ch Elmer E mer Let tie M (m Hall Sweatt, J W car High Carrie M (Moore mill op Sweatt, Maria (Page Main Lura M mill John W car Tanner, C J team Spring Tate, Howard mill op Main Maud B (Haramel ho Eunice H Bernice E Taylor, Bert G mill op E Tilton Alfreda M (Watson ho Wesley h Taylor, Earl mill op Sch Taylor, Mary H emp N E O P Taylor, Sarah A Terrio, Tellir barber Main Minnie J (Merrill ho "^Arthur G mill op Frank Tilton, J W far Laco 2 126 BELMONT Mabala (Taylor ho Chas lab Gladys pi Theuren, far Laeo 2 Mary (Niddo ho Octave Jr lab Thompson, F Z far & car Laco 3 Helen M (Perkins ho *Wallace W mach Lacu *Bertha G (m Sanborn Laco *HesterM (m Butterfield Mechanicville, N Y Helen F (m G lines ho Blanch M pi Torrence, Cora C (Youno^ Laco 2 James A lab Mary J pi Laura C pi EllaC Torrey, Walter mill op Gale Alice (Turcotte Christine A Jerry T Torrey, Geo F mill op Sprint»- Lizzie (Thompson ho *Frank J cl Station A, Boston, Mass *Lizzie F (in Bickford Heuuiker Walter L mill op *Chas B mill op Henniker Geo C stu Toursame, Aime R R ser Main Deha ( ho Eliza Trussell, Geo A mill op Hi»>h Sadie E (Worcester ho Clinton W^ Turcotte, Peter car Main Emma (White ho *Mamie (m Clement Laconia 1 Alice M (m Torrey IdaM (m Willey Harry stu Alphonse G mill op Alcide pi Tuttle, Lydia (Sawyer Laco 1 *Chas E Boston, Mass mgr Swift's Beef Ho C Blanch ho Twombly, Idella mill op Sch Twombly, Asa E far Tilton Fannie E(Mason-Fot^g; ho *Geo F far Gilmanton *Bertba M (m Prescott Franklin Veasey, Webber E far Alice V (Moulton ho Yirdie V (m Dow ho Valliere, Jno moulder Eagle Edith E (Perron ho CENSUS 127 JohnE Veno, Fred lab Laco 2 Eva (Lervey-Dow ho Lilla pi Vezina, Alfred team No Ch Arteme (Moren ho Sarah (m Brake Emma (m Stone Mary B mill op Alfred I mill op Fibola C pi Eron R pi Peter I pi Elizabeth N pi Alice E Lydia C Vernon, F E bk kpr off Main Abbie M (Wilkinson ho *Maud (m Reaum Lakeport *Addie stu Wellesley, Mass W ho Main Wadlin, Mrs Sarah M Waldron, Nettie (Lee Nellie E Esther B mill op Alice M pi Theresia M Wallace, Wm S far Laco 2 Le^ttie E (Rollins ho Beatrice M pi Ward, A J far Millie A (Reynolds ho Waugh, D card'g- overseer Depot Emma (Slater ho George C Waugh, J A mill op Depot Weeks, J H lumb mfg Depot Ellen F (Pease ho Beulah Merritt Everett M OlaE Welch, C G watchman Depot Addie B (Locke ho Gladys R pi Hazel E Margaret M Cyrus E Wellman, Almira (Lovejoy ho Geo A far Wellman, F W far & ptr Annie (Going ho Wells, Julia A (Clark ho *Fannie M (m Love Redlands, Cal *Thomas D editor Hartford, Conn Walter C eng & far Wells, Walter C civ eng & far Concord Kate T (Keysar ho Weseott, Lizzie (Lafoe ho Raymond pi .28 BELMONT Irene Weymouth, Arthur L far Weymouth, Fanuie N (Wi^gin Weymouth, Fred C far 'Sarah N C (Gushing ho Whitcomb, J i* far Laco 2 Alice H (Ridoevvay ho Whitehouse, Dt-lia C Whitehouse, Rhoda K (McDonald Depot *RobertC mill op Tilton ♦Herbert L mill op Tilton *LillaM (m Davis 38 Kingston, Lawrence, Mass *Thomas E Canada Whyte, John far Laco R F D Amelia (Paneygran ho Wilkinson, Caroline A (Knights ho *Everett K far Gilford *C D eug Newport, Vt Wiggin, E A blk Winsqm Edith M (Ellsworth ho Marion H j)l Mahlon E pi Ralph B Hazel F Edna M Willard, John P ptr Georgia (Philips ho Willard, R P far & car Olive B (Bean ho *E F far Canterbury *Daniel M sawyer Alton *Willie F car Hill *A B plumb & roofing- Marlboro, Mass John P ptr *Ernest H car Concord Willard, Thos lab Laco 2 Willey, John lab Laco 2 VVilley, C L mill op Depot Etta M (Tucker ho Grace B mill op Charlie E mill op Woodard, G H barber Depot Hattie M (Abbott ho * Eugene H optician 996 Elm, Manchester Wilber H mill op Worthington, Sarah A (Lock High Grace B mill op Ethel M mill op York, W P far Laco Mary (m Gardner Willie H fireman Morrill S team *Ro8e G (m Bennett Winchester, Mass York, Willie H fireman Laco Emma (LaValley iio Alida M pi OloP Young, Henry H far Laco 2 CENSm 129 Yonn^, G A I shop op Laco 2 Nettie M (Fredett ho Florence M pi EvaG Young, Mary J (Taylor Laco 2 Cora C (m Torrence ho *Gilbert A I shop op Fair Plaven, Vt Young, Caroline M stu Laco 2 DELAYED DATA Barker, Mary K Swarmstedt, Jno F Infant mill op Loco 2 Laco 2 Census of Qilfoitd Note — AVhere no Post Office address is expressed Gilford is understood. Otber Post Offices are abbreviated llins: La- conia — Laco; Lalaco 4 Currier, J S far Laco 4 Vienna S (Smith ho GeoS Curtis, C E far Laco R D Sadie S (Carr ho Horace L Cuttino-, E B retd Laco R D Sarah A (Rush ho Mabel L (m Cutting ho D Dame, Thomas far Laco 5 Clarence W far *John C far Laco Davis, Palmer W lab Laco 5 Davis, A S lab Laco R D Davis, B lab Lkpt R D Davis, Palmer lab Lkpt R D Davis, C W B far Lkpt R D Julia A (Sawyer ho *Jame8 A cl Lkpt Walter W car *FloraE (m Taylor ho Hyde Park, Mass Davis, John H far Lkpt R D Carrie E (Haskell ho Davis, Geo O far Laco 5 Jennie P (Frohock ho Everett J far & car Leon lab *Geo A cl Alton Bay Davis, Mary J (Pickering ho *Cha8 M mill op Laco *Geo F mill over Laco Frank W far Sandwich William S lab Davis, J P far Laco 4 Desmaris, V milkman Laco 3 Emma (Lemy ho Velaura E pi Lillian V pi Antonia M Fred M Dockham, Chas L lab Laco Ella J (Fisher ho Myrtie F pi Reba M pi Chas H pi Eva E pi Beryl G Emmel N Dow, Carl V lab Laco R D Dow, Percy C far Laco 5 Grace B (Rollins ho Harold M pi John P pi Dow, Emma E (Morrill ho Laco 5 Percy C far Doyen, Peter far Laco 3 Delia (Desmares ho Dont pi Mary A pi Rowell pi Alma pi 134 GILFORD Henry P Drouin, Peter far Laco 4 Delia (Demorias ho Donap pi Mary A pi Rowell pi AlmoD Henry Drury, A H clerg Laco 4 Eliee M ( Whitcomb Lena B (m Weeks Leforrest J stu Clinton A stu Durrell, Frank far Laco 3 Eaton, Amanda C (Emerson Laco 4 Arthur A far Merton S far Emma B (m Hunt Eaton, Merton S far Laco 4 Linnie F (Morrill ho Eaton, A A far Maplecroft Ho Addie L (Hendricks ho Harold W Emerson, F A truckman Bertha M (Flanders ho Harry G pi Gladys I Marion Alfred W Emerson, O M far Laco 3 Mertie M (Moody ho Gladys M pi Sadie A RuthP Emerson, H S iar Laco 3 Sarah F (Weeks ho Oscar M far Emerson, John A far Laco 4 Abbie J (Emerson ho *Horton C mech United Machine Co Haverhill, Mass *F A track master Laco 5 *MahalaD (m Baker Laco Chester B stu Felch, Lewis H ptr Laco R D Bessie J (Smith ho Mabel H Flanders, H;ram A far Laco 5 Amanda S (Penley ho *Irving L s s op Lynn, Mass Clara E (m Morrill ho *Iva S (m Flanders ho W Alton Flanders, DoUie ho Laco R I) Follett, Arabella O ho Follett, John C far Laco 5 Follett, F A retd Laco R D Alice W'' (m Hammond ho Roscoe E far CExNSOS 135 Folsom,LM ptr Laco 3 Carrie M ( Piper ho Foss, C H o-en wk Laco 4 Emily A (Goss ho Lawrence A far Leoua G (m Waldrou Inez E ho Freefe.y, Geo P lab Laco R D Frohock, Lillian F (Flanders ho Laco 5 Geo F lab Euc2;enc B blk Benj L far Eva B pi Frohock, Poll.y J (Davis ho Polly J (m Davis *Francis A (m Sanborn Sanbornton *Robert A far Alton Frohock, Mary (Grant ho Mary K ho Frohock, Everett far LacoR D Isa A (Flanders ho George, Eliza J (Marsh Laco 4 Edwin Gil man, F M far Laco R D Gilman, Dorothy C (Sevvall ho Lkptl Alice J ho Gilman, Hannah M (Harris ho Laco R D *Edward O ptr Belmont Gill, Abijah far Laco 4 Carrie H( Hunter librarian *Florence L type & stenog 34 Newburg W Somerville, Mass G lid den, F far & car Laco 4 LJa I (Goss ho Glidden, B C far Laco 5 Malinda J (Page ho *Ida M (m Lougee ho Sanbornton Ruth M (m Grant ho *Lizzie J (m Bean Lkpt *Gertrude B (m Bartlett Moultonboro Geo F lab *Andrew M far Gilmanton Glidden, Mary A (Rollins ho Laco R D *Dora E (ra Munsey 60 Pearl, Laco Gonyer, D L far & moulder Laco 5 Melvina M (Fogg ho *David L Jr moulder Concord Almeda M stu EG pi Fred L pi Henry J pi Bertha M pi Goos, M B (Leavitt Laco R D Emily A (m Foss ho 136 GILFORD Ida I (m Glidden Gove, Jewell far Laco 4 E Josephine (Weeks ho Clara B (m Watson ho Gove, A F far & lumber del Julia A (Weeks ho Gove, Mary J (Rand ho Laco R D Chas H blk Ansel F far & lumb del Gove, C H blk Laco 4 Ora A (Sawyer ho Willice A stu Grant, Drusilla (Rollins ho Frank B far *Seth E far W Alton *AdaD(m Clark ho Meredith Grant, Frank B far Laco 5 Ruth M (Glidden ho Sam L pi V L pi H Hatch, J G rotd far Laco 4 Eleanor B (Leavitt lio *Cha8 F R R ser Alton Ida B (m Morrill Lkpt Hatch, David far Laco 4 Susan W (Thurston ho Hatch, Mary (Webster ho Laco 4 Lincoln A far David far Hatch, M C far Laco R D A M (Ames-Cross ho Lizzie A (m Hoag ho Hammond, J A far Laco R D Alice W (Follett ho Ruth W Harriman, Eugene S mach Laco R D Lena B (Durpee ho Oscar E lab Albert J pi Gladys B pi Willis C pi Edna M pi Harris, M A far & sec hand Laco 5 Mary L (Taylor ho *William I fireman 14 Mt Pleasant, Somerville, Mass *Eva M (m Andrews ho Rutland, Vt Lewis F lab Arthur C pi Evelyn M pi Heath, Elmer C ho Laco 5 Heath, Mamie A ho Laco 4 Hill, Geo A far Laco R D Flora A (Jewett ho Geo J Hobbs, Vienna A (Stearns far Laco 4 Holden, Mary P (Blaisdell Laco 5 CENSUS 137 Hovt, C A mus tr Lkpt R D Hoyt, D P far Laco R D H03 1, Lois A (Jewett ho Laco R D *Geo AV mach Lkpt Henry G tar Hoyt, Henry G far Laco R D OraA (Blaisdell ho Marion F pi John B pi Hunt, Chas P car Laco 4 Hunt, Emma B (Eaton Hunt, Stella S stu Hunt, Lena B stu Hunt, P E mail car Laco 5 Lizzie E (Weeks ho Eunice L pi Marion A pi Stanton P pi Stanley E Hunt, Chas W lar Laco 5 Elizabeth ( ho Julia E pi Betsey D pi Thomas W pi Harriet E pi Hunt, T E retd far Laco 5 Chas W far Perry E mail car R D 5 Emma F (Jellisou-Stouo J James, Leland M far Laco 3 Lizzie A (Britton ho Johnson, Geo H far Laco 5 Roscoe C pi Beruice E (Whitney ho Alice M pi L'rank W Jones, II A mer, To cl »& J P Laco 4 Lizzie E (Hunter cl ic ho Gardner H stu Helen M ' stu Carrier M pi Jones, C R bag master Lkptl Jo8ei)hine A (Muzzey ho Clarence W enp;' John R fireman RitaM pi lUirleigh A pi Jones, Frank P for Laco 5 Nora G (Beau ho *John H eng 1088 East Main, Galesburg, III Jewett, Mabel B ho Laco 4 Jewett, Adelaide (Thompson Laco 4 Ben 1 ice M ho * Helen () (m (.orliss 17 West, Laco Jewett, Mary P (Pierce Laco *Harvey A far Laconia Edwin P far Jewett, Flora A (Whitney ho Laco R D 138 GILFORD Rebecca H Maurice B pl K Kimball, G W car Laco R D Nellie G (Davis ho *Grace M (m Kiuley Laco Kimball, Elizabeth F (Sawyer Ida B M (m Kimball ho Kimball, M far Mt View Ho Laco 5 Ida B (Kimball ho Myrtie E tr Labrauch, A far Laco 3 Family Lacy, John F far Lacy, Albert R far Laco 5 Lamprey, Amanda L (Thompson ho Geo W far *Fern E (m Richardson R D 1, Lowell, Mass Lamprey, Geo W far Laco 5 Alice E (Watson ho Lamprey, A E far W Alton Clara (Glidden ho William E lab Ernest lab Rosie ho LawTenc;-, Mary E (Pickering *NelIieF (ra Smith ho Meredith Ctr *Nettie A (m Jenkins ho W Topshara, Vt *Marinda J (m Williams East Corinth, Vt *01iveA ho E Tilton *Hermon E mech Laconia Lela M (m Morrill ho Eva M ho Leavitt, Daniel far Laco R D *Alice J s s op Haverhill, Mass Hannah M (Gilman ho Leavitt, John A car Laco R D Nellie J (Gilman ho Roscoe S car Albert S mill op Florence M stu Leavitt, Maria B ho Laco 5 Leavitt, Elizabeth F(Blaisdell Laco 5 Locke, Mary J (Roberts ho Laco 5 Cora E (m Roberts ho Lovett, Geo P far Laco 5 Mary J (Summer-Chandler Frank M pl John W pl Geo S pl M Marsh, Hiram far Laco 4 Ellen Z (Gilfillin ho CENSUS 139 Mallej, C W far Laco 3 Nettie A ( ho Hope F p] FraDk H pl MarstoD, Mary A (Dicey ho Laco 4 Martelle, Wm B lab Laco R D Mason, John S R R foreman Laco R D Addie F (Brown ho Lewis A pl Morrill, Geo W Laco 4 massage treatment Leon E far Morrill, T H retd Laco R D Family Morrill, Jas R far Laco R D Elizabeth A (Weeks ho Flora A (m Collins ho Morrill, R C far & blk Laco 5 Ida M B ( Hatch ho *Minnie P (m Lambert ho 15 Clifton, North Cambridge, Mass Lei a M stu Morril), Georgia A (Glidden Laco R D Rosa (m Sanders tr Morrill, John S far Laco 5 Georgia A (Glidden ho Rosie (m Sanders ho Morrill, Clara A (Flanders Laco R D Morrill, M C far Laco 5 Mary G (Leavitt ho *Irvinaco Julia E (Barlow ho Arthur M 140 GILFORD Louise B Nutter, J F far Laco 5 Lilla F ( Babb bo Hazel I pi Zelma pi Ralph A pi O Ordway, Wm retd soldier Laco R D Parker, F S far Lkpt 1 Addie M (Tate ho Parker, Dudley T far Lkpt 1 Freeman S far *Aniiie (rri James ho Laco far Laco Laco 3 ho Parker, A F Geo S far Sarah J (Lacy ho Paterson, Ada M (Morrill ho Laco 4 Phelps, C L far Mabel A (Smith Marion Edna Phelps, Mary A (Farnham ho Laco 3 Clinton L far *Mabel L(mCall ho Lunenburg, Vt *C B far Lunenburg, Vt *\V W far Lunenburg, Vt *Winnie M (m Kimball ho Lunenburg, Vt Pope, John lab Laco R D Potter, Cora M E Laco 4 Potter, C F far Laco R D Information withheld Price, Martha E tr Laco R D Quimby, G F far Laco 4 R Rand, Roxanna S (Thurston Laco 5 Oscar V far *F A mer Laco Rand, V far Laco 5 JuHa M (Brown ho Harvey E pl Muriel pl Clifton A pl Randlett, J G far Laco R D Addie J (Bennett ho Clifton A Roberts, Otis S far Laco 5 Cora E (Locke ho Clinton L baker ChasO far Howard A pl Roberts, C L baker Laco 5 RenaM (McClain ho CENSUS 141 Robinson, E S far Laco R D Jennie E (Sleeper ho Roe, L E ^enl nidse Laco 4 Nellie E (Laviue Maiy L tr Rollins, C W iar W Alton *Arthur I) far & inillman W Alton Chas A far & sawyer Elsie M (m Clougli ho Rollins, John L far Laco R D Grace B (Dow ho Rollins, Mary A (Coleman ho John L far *Emery J hardware dlr 37 Cabot, Salem, Mass Rowe, Daniel H far Laco 4 Emily S (Potter ho Grace L (m White ho Otis A far Rowe, Sarah F (Blaisdell Laco 4 Rowen, Wm H far Laco 3 Malinda (Copp *JacobL far Belmont *Clara M (Dur^in ho *H E truant off Lkpt Marilla (m Wilkinson ho Rundlett, G N far Laco 3 *Georgia A (m Clark Lkpt *Mary F (m Morrison Lynn, Mass *Ann M (m Mitchell Laco *Etta (m Kister Phila Pa Frank P pensioner * Victoria (m Shackford Lynn, Mass *Lizzie B (m Hawkins Laco John G far Chas W Laco Sanborn, Geo W far Loco 5 *lda (m Howe ho E Rochester Sanborn, E J far Lkpt R D Mary E (Evans ho Royce j)l Forest pi Everett Sanborn, John E far Laco 5 Roy E pi Forest pi Mary E (Evans ho Everett J Sanborn, G W far Laco 5 Angeline (Roberts ho *NellieF (m Potter ho 38 Frances, Melrose, Mass *G Elmer car Lkpt Sanborn, J D retd macli Laco R D Annie E (m Ba^^ley ho *Fred E moulder Laco Sanborn, O M far Lizzie A (Wilson ho 142 GILFORD Sanborn, F far Laco 4 Sarah E (Fish ho O M far Sauders, J S lar & sta a^t Laco R D Belle F (Jones ho G Bristo far *Emma A (m Ho^^t ho 454 West 22, New York City Sanders, Rosa (Morrill tr Laco R D Ruth E p] Sanders, C H lab Laco R D Annie M (Whitney ho Sanders, Fred B lab Laco R D Gertrude (Merrill ho Ralph W Sargent, Batis lab Lkpt Josie (Philbrook Dorothy pi Sawyer. A B far Laco 5 Alice J (Adams ho Ellen C ho Emery A ci-eam dlr Clare uce E })1 Maurice W pi John L pi Esther M pi James A Sawyer, E P far Laco 4 Sadie E (Adams ho Ruth E Sleeper, Chas E far Lkpt Ida A (Goodwin ho Maud E ho Hannah B stu Frank B pi Chas H Sleeper, Jennie E (Tilton ho Laco R D *Chas F con Evanston, 111 *HattieR (m Gordy ho Freeport, 111 *Guy L baggage master Ravensworth, 111 *Lottie B (m Williams ho Lkpt Smith, Livona G ho Laco 4 Smith, Albert far Laco 4 Myrtle (Kimball ho Smith, Mary A (Phelps Laco 3 Smith, Victor R lab Laco 3 Grace H (Hatch ho Smith, Samuel W far Laco 4 Winnifred A (Page ho Esther M W Royal Edua A Smith, C B team Laco 5 Flora M ( Wilkinson ho Raymond C pi Carl W pi C Bernard Violette M Smith, Frank E far Laco 5 Abbie F (Watson ho William W pi Alfred F CENSUS 143 Smith, Jobn P retd Laco 4 Sarah (Potter ho Smith, Anna Laoo 4 Tenney, Fred L far Laco R D Lizzie J (Campbell ho Thompson, C S eng & ptr Laco 5 W Wadley, John G far Laco 4 Nettie A (Howe ho *Bert E far E Tilton Waldron, Clifton A far Laco 4 Leon a G (Foss ho Howard C Wallace, C W needle mkr Lkpt Ida A (Gilman ho Geo W mill op Carl E box mkr Esther M pi Iva L Wallace, Geo W mill op Lkpt EllaM (Dao-vvell ho Ruth E pi Harry W Florence L GeoR Ward, N L far Laco 4 *Laura A (m Dolloff ho Boston, Mass *Jennie (m Young ho Boston, Mass *Mary G ho Boston, Mass Ward, Henry A far Laco 4 Watson, Wm W far Laco 5 Mary E (Emerson ho Nellie J (m Potter ho Chas H far Abbie F (m Smith ho Alice E (m Lamprey ho Watson, Chas H far Laco 4 Clara B (Gove ho Maurice G pi Ray C pi Weeks, Wm S far Laco 4 Grace L (Harding Wm H Weeks, Hazen P far Laco 3 Mary F (Roberts ho Walter S invalid *Bessie E (m Drake ho Waltham, Mass Weeks, W S invalid Laco 3 E Alice ( VVeeks ho Weeks, Mary A (White ho Laco R D Weeks, Fred R far Laco 4 Lena B (Dniry tr Weeks, O H far Laco 4 Arvilla J (Paige ho *Orrin B confec bus 41 Tanner, Providence, R I Lizzie E (m Hunt Lkpt Eliza A (m Weeks 144 GILFORD Fred R fnr Weeks, W Edwin f;ir Lnco 4 Maud (Moore ho LM Weeks, J M far Laco 3 Etta (Howe ho Winnifred Willis J Weeks, Austin B far Laco 3 Nellie W (Dodge ho *T T trav sales Lkpt *Austin D Bristol, Conn 1 A White, Grace L (Rovve mill op Laco 4 Cb'de H pi White, Mary A (xMiller ho Laco R D *C W blk 133 Valley, Lkpt White, Elmer O far Laco R D Alfred H pi Inez L (Higgins White, Andrew D far Laco 4 Myra M (Pickering ho E far & milk Laco 3 Oscar A butcher Wbittier, Mary A ho Laco 5 Whitney, E M far Laco 5 Alma (Steele ho Flora A (m Jewett ho Bernice E (m Johnson ho Annie M (m Sanders ho Whiting, W J far Laco R D Wilcox, Fred W sawyer Laco R D ho Pl Pl Pl Mabel L (Cutting Estin B Ralph E Olive C Doris L Wiley, F L F W Bap clerg Laco 4 Rebecca W (Weeks M D *Maurice G M D Laco Wilkinson, E K Laco 3 far & boss in mill Marilla E (Rowen ho Harold I pl Wilkinson, F P far Laco G Oral L R R ser Virginia (Tbiberge ho Flora M (m Smith ho Dora B (m Bacon governess Edith J bo Ida V pl Mildred E pl Willard, D M sawyer Loco R D E (Thompson ho *Eliza J (m Higgins Belmont Israel R lab Olive L ho Maurice D pl Susie H pl Mabel E Yeaton, J H fore & far Laco R D Alma A (Avery ho Walter J telegraph op Census of (jilmanton Note — Where no Post OfBce address is expressed Qil- manton is understood. Other Post Offices are abbreviated thus: Pittsfield— Pitts; Pittsfield R F D 2— Pitts 2; Iron Works— Ir Wks; Iron Works U F D 1 «& 2— Ir Wks I ; Ir Wks 2; Laconia— Laco; Laconia R F D 3— Laco 3. A Adams, Jennie (Brook Ir Wks Edith A waitress Ahny, Watson T car Anna (Teter ho *George B wholsale groc 26 Riverside Ave Rensselaer, N Y *Carrie F (m Lozier 1059 Broadway Rensselaer, N Y Ashcroft, W^m far Pitts 2 Ayer,DanlS far Pitts * Alice M (m Dearborn Laco Helen F (ni Batchelder Ayer, Walter H far Pitts 4 Blanch L (Sawyer ho B Baker, S R lumb mfr Arrebell B (Dubia ho Ball, Frederick W broker Ada H (Campbell Ir Wks Constance W Beverley W Ballard, C P phy Ir Wks Maud E (Oilman ho Bartlett, I L mach Ir Wks Mary I (Ray ho Batchelder, Sarah L (Leavitt *Lizzie M (m Jefts 105 Orchard W Lynn, Mass *Lura B (m Parsons 34 George, W Manchester *Bertha B (m Weeks *William I optical fact Eilton *J Clifford cl 394 First Walla Walla, Wash Batchelder, M far Laco 3 Susan A Edith G Hazel B stu 146 (JILMANTON Batchelder, Wm N far Pitts Helen F (Ayer Battis, John F far Bean, Harriet E (Bradley Hannah E mus tr Alice B (m Lodge *Arthur B fruit grower Al ham bra, Cal Helen J ho Clara F Beck, Jas H far Ir Wks Martha J (Leighton ho Blanch L (m Ellis Beck, John S far Julia M (Hill ho John H far *Smith C R R ser 54 West, Concord Bedee, Herbert car & far Celia H (Marsh ho Berry, Seymour E far Ir Wks Lulie M (Foss ho Frank H stu Pearl J Bickford, David retd Ir Wks David F lab Arthur R far Bickford, Arthur R far Ir Wks Ida M (Brewster Herbert S Bickford, Emily P (Moseley Pitts 4 Blaisdell, Chas L mer Ir Wks Minnie M (Page ho Blake, Sarah D ho Blake, L A fore Dr Kitchen estate Lizzie M (Page ho S.idie M tr Eaton L stu Lulu A pi Mabel E pi Brackett, Ann (French ho Bragg, Geo E far Pitts Edith G (Brown ho Georgie E Brock, Caroline L (Dowse Pitts 4 Arthur E far Harry P R R ser Ina M (m Stockbridge Ir Wks Irvin H lab Burleigh stu Byron B pi Chas I pi Myrtle M Brock, I C far & advertising Pitts 4 Carrie L (Donest ho Burly B pi Byron B pi Charlie J pi Myrtle M Leora pi Brooks, Chas A far Pitts 4 Lucy A (Hall ho *Ross S 8 s op CENSUS 147 •Alice M (m Spaulding Newport Broiigh, N C team Belmout Alice (Dau forth ho Brown, Georgiana (Rollins Frank J far Pitts *Charlie s s op Pitts John W far Pitts Edith (qi Bragg Brown, W John far Pitts 4 Lizzie H (Batchelder Morse E pi Brown, Alfred far EdnaM (Marsh ho Susan E pi Mary H pi Edna M pi Richard pi Brown, Henry far Pitts Cora (Gouch ho Brown, Chas lab Brown, Ethel ho Pitts 4 Brown, Etta (Orange Geo Clinton pi Mary Burbank, Wm lab Mattie (Dexter ho Burbank, Frank teams Ida L (Varney ho liuswell, Henry lab Ir Wks Buzelle, Frances M Laco 3 *Canney, J W car Concord 4 Cauney. H J far & cattle dlr Ir Wks Helen A (Nelson ho Marion G stu Merlin S pi Cauney, L far & sum bdrs Alton 2 Bell M (Perkins ho Chamberlain, C H far Bertha (Emerson Harry I far Everett H far Ida M stu Leon C pi Lester A Chandler, A Chase, Mary ho Ir Wks *Arthur cl White Face *Bert lab White Face Chase, Bernard Pas coug ch Mabel (Sargent ho Lena E Chase, Amasa far Emma J (Skinner ho *Plinney far W Brattleboro, Vt *Wm E cl W Brattleboro, Vt Bernard clerg Chase, C L real est Margaret (Ottoson ho 148 GILMANTON Royal far Ralph Chatman, Frank lab Angle (Chase laundry Alice M Henry G Clarke, Emma tr Ir Wks Clay, Harriet A (Gould *A G printer Taunton, Mass Clemis, W T lab Clough, Clara I (Ross Ir Wks Geo C stu Clough, Mirum S far Ir Wks Cora F (m Hanscom Hattie M ho Irvin F chick & poultry Clough, N mech Gertrude N (Kimball ho Ir Wks Clough, E G far Ir Wks 1 Emma S (Sargent ho John P far Guy S lumb Russell W car *Will E far & car Redwood Falls, Minn *Albert R car & far Laco Clarence G far Carl stu Cogswell, Thos J r actor Jr Wks 1 Colbath, Geo F far Ir Wks Stella G(Fos8 ho Collins, Alvin far Condict, S A law sum res 41 Park Row, N Y City Emeline Gr H Aldeu S stu Antonie J Gr H Eugene Gr H Counell, J M mer Ir Wks Emma J (Dean ho Ina F (ni Lund Cook, Bertha genl mdse Ir Wks Cotton, Sarah (Varney ho Fred S far Cotton, Fred S far Ir Wks Curtin, Daniel hatter Ir Wks D Dame, Perley C lab Pitts 4 Eva M (Straw ho George F Davis, H A mach Laco 3 Louisa H (Collins ho Kate S (m Angier Davis, Julia (Conly ho *Bert N s s op Manchester *C N R R ser Manchester Leslie N far Davis, Geo H far Ir Wks Mary (Glenson ho Josephine C ho Arthur J stu *George H car Tyngsboro, Mass CENSUS 149 *Maryetfca (m Horn Atkinton *Erue8t L stu Farmington Medcalf, Horace retd Pitts 4 Merrill, A R US navy Merrill, F N far Laco 3 Clara E (Page ho Florence B tr Ethel M tr Merrill, Chas E far Amelia P (Peaslee Mitchell, Frank lab Gertrude ( Moody, Miss Laura Morgan, Alice A (Medcalf Pitts 4 Mary (m Edgerly Morris, Ella M ho Ir Wks Morrison, J far & car Ir Wks 1 Rosetta (Page ho Morrison, Laura E (Allen mer Moulton, J S far Laco 3 Mouiton, D H far Laco 3 Emma H (Page ho Lena A ho Carrol H etu Mudgett, Jasper mach sum res, Concord Abbie (Martin ho Nat bell boy Earl stu Mudgett, Geo H far Belmont Mudgett, Eugene L blk Flora E (Judkius H E far & fruit grower *Orlo D elec eng 15 Union Park, Boston, Mass Mudgett, Albert S far Munsey, Jay R far Josephine (Osborn cook *Bessie L (ra Nichols Pitts Martha A tr John J stu N Nelson, E S far Laco 3 *Miunie E (ra Prescott W Ossipee 158 GILMANTON NelsoD, E F far IrWks Nelson C Marg:uerite stu RoyT far Nelson, Roscoe C Ir Wks Otto stu Nelson, Marguerite stu Page, H A far Laco 3 Ir Wks Anna B (Page ho Nutter, M P mer Ir Wks Mildred E stu Josephine H (Cook Page, C Frank far Laco 3 genl store Cora B (Gale ho Nutter, E W harness inkr Hattie B stu Ir Wks Harold G stu o Orange, Elizabeth (Kendall Lizzie (m Brown *Ma,y (m Glidden 14 A Sacramento, Cambridge, Mass Sadie H P M Osborn, F G mill op Ir Wks Addie G (Oilman ho Osborn, Fannie A (Ham Pitts 4 Robert W stu Osgood, EbenT far Nellie M (Stevens ho Page, L far Laco 3 Page, Royal L far Laco 3 Anna M (Ot^good ho Winnie A (m Smith Dwight R Page, Dudley far Laco 3 Page, Laura Page, Henry F far Laco 3 Emma A (Tasker ho W S lighting & mill sup Andrew T stu Page, Harlan retd Ir Wks Lydia E (Sleeper ho *Agnes L (m Lewis Kenduskeag, Me * Alice J (m Emerson Barnstead *Fannie stenog Wenchendon, Mass Page, Asa F ptr Ir Wks Abbie E (Jackson ho Carrie (m Swett Page, Hannah (Lougee Pitts Lorin C far Page, Wm A mer & far Pitts Sadie M (Buckman Shattuck Page, Emma S tr Page, Mary F ho CENSUS 159 Page, Prof Curtis H Columbia Univ, New York Page, Edna E pi Page, Geo E far Ir Wks 1 Ella (Jones ho John S box mfg Frank J far Joseph L far Alice M stu Ralph G pi Page, Jesse F far Ir Wke Mary E (Tibbetts Page, A R far Alton 2 Addie C (Clements ho Herman A far Laco *Walter D far Pitts Mar J E steg Henry E far Page, H E far Alton 2 Ida A (Pendergast Albert E pi Elsie L pi Abbie C Page, Mary L(Austin Alton 2 Alice C (ra Marsh Page, D C far Ir Wks Cyrena G (Webster ho *Eva J (m Lougee Laco *Daua S jeweler Jamaica Plains, Mass •Horace G mech Leminston, Mass Anna B (m Page •Arthur C blk Tamworth Walter H car *Fred C far Laco *Winnifred M ho Canton bury Ctr •Nellie B (ni Whitehouse Alton, N H Page, A F ptr Ir Wks Mary J (Page ho Minnie M (m Blaisdell Page, E J car & sum bdrs Ir Wks Addie L (Page ho •Lillian M (m Emerson Alton Edith M chg kitchen home for feeble minded Paige, Clias A far Laco 3 Ellen A (Lamudge ho •Walter E car Louden Palmer, G L car & far Laco 3 Daisy M (Smith ho Charlie E pi Edna E pi Leon L pi Florence J Parsons, Geo C mfr Ir Wks Julia A (Swain ho Addie B (m Marsh Laco 3 •Alice L (m Price Laco •Gertrude E(m Page Laco Parsons, Flora H Pitts 4 Parsons, Usher S far Pitt 4 Addie M (Mill ho Flora H ho 160 GILMANTON Zella A stu Albert H pi Hazel E pi Parsons, Fannie (Heisey ho Ir Wks Lena R tr Frank W team Pease, L B far Ir Wks *Alnia L s s op Littleton *BnceEraeeh Berwick, Me *Glady8 (m Grey Madison Pease, F V car Zella (m Dow •Howard chauffeur Fitchburg, Mass Hazel stu Pease, J L mill op Belmont Nancy J (Greeno ho *Blauch (m Greenleaf Belmont Susie A hosiery mill NatM Nannie B pi Peaslee, Cyrus far Pendergast, Abbie M (Kenney Alton 2 Perkins, Chas H far Alton 2 Eliza (Evans *Frank mer Lynn, Mass *Loreuzo H team E Rochester Walter C car Ida M (m Tibbetts Perkins, Fred cont & bldr Ir Wks Perry, Harlow C far Pinkham, Hannah (Adams Ir Wks Place, J F mill op Ir Wks 1 (jlrace W (Paige ho *Franklin S mech Laco Mildred N office wrk Josephines stu Potter, Mary J (Foss Ir Wks Potter, Chas F far Ir W^ks Dena M (Dimond ho Geo D at home Florence M stu S Earl pi Prescott, Alfred J nurse Prescott, Alvin far Belmont Susie (Greeno ho Prescott, Geo far Price, W far Ir Wks Price, Amos R far Ir Wks Emma (Wight ho Elizabeth M Pierce, Chas A far Ir Wks Aura E (Emerson ho Amos R far •Frances S (m Emerson Alton R Randall, Minnie L (Mooney *0 W dentist Eagle, Col Randall, Daniel lab Ring, Chas E far CENSUS 161 Robie, Ina (m Starkes Ir Wks Arthur E far Pitts Irvin H far Pitts Rogers, Nellie E (Roger ho Laco 3 *Mamie (m Nichols No Barnstead Rogers, Bessie (Doone Ir Wks Ivy Rollins, John W blk Pitts 4 Mary F (Leavittj ho Rollins, Seldon B far Laco 3 Alma L (Ellis ho Alice E pi Gertrude A Doris M Rowe, Fred W far & sura bdrs Ir Wks Minnie L (White ho Grace M stu Gertrude L pi Blanch A Sanborn, J W far Pitts 2 Bell G (Osborn Harry E W poultry bus Carl J far •Alice W Newton, Boston, Mass Sanderson, Wm S P Florence E (Hoyt bo Saltmarsh, F N Pas Cong Ch Ir Wks Mamie K (Knott ho Sargent, Herbert far Laco 3 Carrie B (Ellis ho Horace D stu Sargent, Franklin D far Sargent, Chas F far Laco 3 Susan E (Rollins ho Herbert far Chas L far Sargent, Chas L far Laco 3 Viennia F (Ellis ho *Clarence L hotel Laco Sawyer, John R far Mary J (Marsh ho David far Blanch L (m Ayers Pitts 4 *John R J druggist 367 Center, Jamaica Plains, Mass Sawyer, David far Betsey M (Knowles Secord, John far Ir Wks Grace E (Bemis ho Harold B pi Shannon, Addie C (Smith ho Ir Wks Winfield S far Shannon, John C retd Ir Wks Shannon, Laura L (Lougee Ir Wks C C mail car & liv stable Shackford, Carrie P (Usher ho Laco 3 Shattuck, Harry M pi 162 GILMANTON Shattuck, Irene M Smith, A P ex tr Laco 3 Elizabeth M (Bradford Smith, John J s s op Ir Wks Smith, Miss Alma L Ir Wks Smith, Edw E s s op Ir Wks Smith, Warren M far Ir Wks Annie M (Haines ho *C M team Farmington *Wm A ice cart Farmington Etta M stu Bessie M pi Smith, ChasT far Ir Wks Eva J (Foss ho J Wilber lab Dwight stu Eva G pi Helen L pi Muriel E ChasL Smith, Ida E stu Smith, Wm J car Ir Wks Mary E (Emerson ho *Wm E mach 12 Highland, Waltham, Mass * Walter D elec con Watertown, Mass Ernest M pi Smith, Daniel J car Ir Wks *Elien M (m Sanborn No 6 Purse, Watertown Wtn I car *Albert W veternarv Barnstead Ctr *F D ptr Soraerville, Mass *Cha8 R R R ser Suncook, Mass Emma R (Pitman Smith, Esther stu Laco Smith, Martha J ho Ir Wks Smith, W E liv&jobwk Ir Wks Smith, E L blk Spinney, Edw H stone cutter Ir Wks Staples, Nelson far Laco 3 Anna ho Lillian *G H mach Boston, Mass *Henry mach Philadelphia, Pa *Dora (m Laco Steen, Harold far Pitts Annie M (Bragg ho Stetson, Mamie ho Stevens, J A far Ir Wks Louise H (Spinney ho *Ethel L cashier Cabot, Beverly, Mass Aaron D lab Roland at home Frederick at home Edna H stu Harriet B stu Dorothy stu Stevens, W N brick mason Laco 3 Inez E (Amidon CENSUS 163 Stockbridge, Hattie (Folsom Ir Wks 1 *Ella E (m Sanborn Belmont George S far *Mary E (m Kimball Belmont Stockbridge, G far Ir Wks 1 Ina M (Robie ho Lora I pi Viola M Hattie M Josie S Stone, Fred L far Ir Wks Mary S (Hidden ho Bertha L stu Stanton C etu Charlie L Jennie M Stone, Edmond far Ir Wks Esther (Monteague Charlie mill op Fred far Stone, Fred far EllaM(Burbank ho Straw, Marilla (Allen Ir Wks Surtzay, Jos lab Temple, Mae (Grady Ir Wks Howard I pi Lepha M Terrell, F H butch & sum bdrs Ir Wks Anna B (Patten ho Ella M pi Villa S pi Fred S Tibbetts, Lizzie A ho Ir Wks Thompson, L A (Shaw ho Ir Wks Hazel A stu John H stu Tibbetts, Edwin C Alton 2 far & photographer Ellen (Mooney ho *Melvin M dentist Dover *Hattie B (m Goodwin So Berwick, Me Haven P photographer Tilton, Wm far Teter, Martin L far Totten, Robert stu Ir Wks Twombly, Chas A far Mary L (Haggett ho Harland E lab Twombly, Benj B retd Pitts 4 Herbert A car Twombly, D C car Pitts 4 Emma M (Batchelder ho Clarence H Annie J stu Lyla M pi Benj K pi Fred W pi Sadie P Everett T Lizzie 164 GILMANTON Twomblj, F M ptr Florence A (Sanborn Harry F elec Chas P lab Eugene S C stu Florence M pi Varney, Julia F (Brett H arry *Henry A civ eng 9 Center, Brooklyn, Mass Richard F car *George B eng Buenosagres Argento. So Am Varney, Cynthia ho W Wade, Edward lab Clara ( Ned pl Wade, Martha ( Warburton, J H far Pitts 4 Weare, Frank far Pitts 4 Mary C (Finnie ho Gordon stu Charles A stu Eleanor M stu Roger H pl Elsie L pl Doris M pl Douglas G Marion F Kenneth Weare, C D far Ir Wks Ara J ho Webster, Benj F far Pitts 4 Elizabeth (Smith ho George B lab Wm C at home Webster, Otis far Weed, Albert H far Weed, Hannah J ho Weed, Chas H far Weed, Nellie M ho Weeks, Herbert N far Laco 3 Lilla A M (Durgin ho Manley H L pl Clarence A Weeks, Iva F far Laco 3 Addie A (Flanders ho Daisy B pl Sumner I pl Weeks, Marcus S far Sylvia F (Kimball ho Blanch M D tr Iva F far Ir Wks Weeks, Stephen L far Bertha B (Batchelder ho Maitland B pl Marjorie L pl JohnF Norman S Weeks, Loreu E far Charlotte E (Mace ho WmS pl CENSUS 165 Well8, Ernest L lab Ir Wks Laura G (Jones ho Ernest R FredR Frank L Herbert R Whitney, David K far Jeannie (Monti^nanie ho Jeraldine E stu Wi^ht, A R far & sum bdrs Emma F (Jones ho Mary A tr Emma F (m Price Ir Wks Florence A at home Nahum pi Eugene L pi Willard, Israel R lab Georgie F (McClary Wilson, Chas E far Pitts 4 Sandra M (Hagstrom ho Clarence W Selma B (m Olse ntr nurse Wood, F E engraver Ir Wks Margaret (Habbir *Daisy E (m Hetley Tpsilanti, Mich Woodward, F B gen mds Ethel R (Clary ho TH stu Ira H pi Elva pi Woodward, Patience (Cook Frank B mer Yeaton, Reuben L far Laco 3 Clara A (Willice ho York, W C lab Pitts Young, Frank D far Ir Wks Young, Fred B far Ir Wks Nellie (Grady ho Young, Lucy, (Prescott ho Ir Wks Fred B far Young, E S sum bds Ir Wks Cora F (Lougee ho Morton E mach Zanes, Noah lab Pitts 4 Nellie (Blake ho Wm B mill op •Robert L 71 Bowden Winthrop, Mass ^1 O'V RD -2.30 V-0^ 'bV V •^0' 'bV '^ -^^0^ ,Ho^ v<^^ >p^^ N ^^ v-^^ 4 o ■cC* •< : X"" o^'^-..V^"/ •■■.. V" o<.-.. V'"' ^°-V ' • " ' O , V ■3 ^.•> ^'>. .^' ^9 r.s^ A ,* >- -<^^ ^VW^ .«.^' V. •.^^^,* <,V -x, .. <^ 0° .^J^::^ '^^o 'b V ^^-^^^ :>^gustineP^\^* O.^ "^^ ' FLA. •' „^^