.V ^^ 4 o :« U A^ ^^- <3 ' • • * ^^--^ ':*. '^^ . . S ' . ^ <. ' O , A Harvard University in the War of 1861-186; Harvard University in the War of 1861-1865 a 3^ecorli of ^er\)ices RENDERED IN THE ARMY AND NAVY OF THE UNITED STATES BY THE GRADUATES AND STUDENTS OF HARVARD COLLEGE AND THE PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS BY FRANCIS H. BROWN, A.M., M.D. BOSTON CUPPLES, UPHAM, AND COMPANY 1886 Copyright, 1886, Francis H. Brown. janfbersftjj ^tess: John Wilson and Son, Cambridge. PREFACE. The collection of facts to illustrate the part taken in the war of 1 861-1865 by Students of Harvard College or of other departments of the University, was begun as early as 1862. The first "roll of honor," as it was the custom of that day to call such lists, was printed in the " Boston Courier" in March of the last-named year, and more extended lists were published in the triennial catalogues of 1866 and 1869. The Corporation and the Committee of Fifty appointed to build Memorial Hall have constantly had in mind, however, a fuller and more satisfactory record, which should include not only those who died in the ser- vice, but also those who offered themselves to the country, yet whose lives were spared. To this end the Committee of Fifty appointed from their number a Sub-Committee, consisting of Mr. Waldo Higginson, President Charles W. Eliot, Dr. Robert W. Hooper, Professor Francis J. Child, and Mr. Charles E. Guild ; and at their first meeting this Sub-Committee in- vited Dr. Francis H. Brown, of Boston, to collect materials and to edit the work. The task assigned to Dr. Brown by the Committee has been by no means an easy one. He has found it necessary to conduct an extensive correspondence with VI PREFACE. the Alumni themselves, with their friends, with the Class- secretaries, and with many others ; to extort facts from many who deemed their own part in the struggle of too little importance to be chronicled ; and to put the results into a permanent form. He has endeavored to include the names of all Students and Graduates who served in the Union Army or Navy, believing that the record would show how much credit was due in each case, and that the labors, wounds, or death of so-called acting officers, and of those who engaged to serve for the shorter terms, were as prop- erly matter of record as the longer and more arduous services of others. The Author would gladly mention the names of very many persons who have assisted him in his work. He cannot omit to acknowledge his indebtedness to the late John Langdon Sibley, Librarian Emeritus of the Univer- sity, to Ex-President Thomas Hill, Mr. Waldo Higginson, Dr. Samuel Abbott Green, Colonel Thomas Wentworth Higginson, author of " The Harvard Memorial Biogra- phies," and Mr. Thomas J. Kiernan, of the University Library. Boston, September, 1886. CONTENTS. PAGE Harvard College i Ptofeggtonal S)c|^ooIfi;. Medical School 227 Law School 322 Scientific School 363 Divinity School 374 Astronomical Observatory 381 Additions and Corrections 382 Index '. 387 HARVARD UNIVERSITY IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865, HARVARD COLLEGE. 1815. * JOHN LEE WATSON. Chaplain U. S. N. 8 Aug., 1855. On board U. S. Ship Ohio, Boston, Mass., at opening of the war, and officiated on same until retired 21 Dec, 1861. Died at East Orange, N. J., 12 Aug., 1884. 1820. *AD0LPHUS EUGENE WATSON. Paymaster U. S. N. 31 Aug., 1836. At opening of the war on U. S. Frigate Lancaster, Pacific Squad. ; retired for incapacity resulting from long and faithful services 3 Aug., 1861 ; special duty Mississippi Squad. Oct., 1862; sta- tioned at Cairo, III., and Mound City ; ordered to Philadelphia, Pa., 22 Dec, 1864, to reorganize the Navy Agency till April, 1868 ; Inspector Navy Yard, Philadelphia, 1870. Pay Director, rank Captain, U. S. N., 3 March, 1871. Died at Portsmouth, N. H., ii July, 1876. 2 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1825. 1825. * CHARLES HENRY DAVIS. A.M. 1841; LL.D. 1868. Act. Midshipman U. S. N. 1823. Midshipman U. S. N. 12 Aug., 1835. At the outbreak of the war Superintendent Nautical Almanac Office, Cambridge, Mass.; 6 May, 1861, on duty, at Washington, D. C, connected with the discipline of the U. S. N. ; summer of 1861 member and secretary of joint commission for promoting the effi- ciency of the blockade ; Fleet-Captain S. A. Blockading Squad. 18 Sept., 1861, to 30 Jan., 1862. Captain U. S. N. 15 Nov., 1861. Flag Officer Mississippi Squad. 22 April, 1862 ; attack by rebel fleet below Fort Pillow, Tenn., 11 May, 1862; Fort Pillow abandoned 5 June, 1862 ; capture of rebel fleet and surrender of Memphis 8 June, 1862. Commodore U. S. N. 16 July, 1862. Chief of Bureau of Navigation, 22 July, 1862 ; Yazoo Expedition, Aug., 1862. Acting Rear Admiral U. S. N. 15 Sept., 1862. Detached from command of the Mississippi Squad, and assumed position as Chief of Bureau of Navigation i Oct., 1862 ; temporary member of Light-house Board, 4 Dec, 1862. Rear Admiral U. S. N. 7 Feb., 1863. Received vote of thanks from Congress and from the Legislature of Massachusetts, 1863; Chairman of Joint Permanent Commission of the Navy Dept. on warlike inventions ; Superintendent of Naval Obser\^atory, Washington, D. C, 28 April, 1865 > special vote of thanks by Congress for his distinguished services. Died at Washington, D.C, 18 Feb., 1877. 1827-28.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 3 1827. * RICHARD JEFFRY CLEVELAND. Offered himself as a private in the 9th Iowa Vols., but was rejected because eleven years too old ; continued to drill and left the State with the regiment 26 Sept., 186 1 ; at last mustered in at Benton Barracks, Mo. Private qth Iowa Vols. 9 Oct., 1861. Declined commission ; garrison and guard duty at Pacific City, Mo. ; in active service in the campaign which began at Rolla, Mo., 25 Jan., 1862, till Curtis's army'reached Helena, Ark., 16 July, 1862 ; battle Pea Ridge, Ark., and the several encounters with the rear-guard of Price's army. Discharged for disability i April, 1863. Spent his time at his home in study during remainder of his life. Died at Olin, Ia., 7 Sept., 1877. 1828. CHARLES BABBIDG-E.i S. T. D. 1883. Chaplain 6th Mass. Vols. 16 April, 1861. Left Boston with regt. 17 April, 1861, and passed "through Balti- more " on the 19th ; stationed near Relay House, B. & O. R. R. Mustered out 2 Aug., 1861. Chaplain 26th Mass. Vols. 16 Nov., 1861. 1 "At the outbreak of the Rebellion [21 Jan., 1861] the Field and Staff Officers of this regiment by a unanimous vote tendered the services of the regiment, to be rendered at a moment's notice, to Gov. Andrew. On the 15th of April, 1861, an order was issued from Lowell, the headquarters of the regiment, for every officer and pri\'ate to report at Lowell at 6 o'clock on the morning of the i6th, in readiness to take up the line of march for Wash- ington. In spite of rain, snow, and mud, I was happily able to reach Lowell in season and to start with the regiment. . . . " I was \he first graduate of Harvard College who went into the field after the outbreak of the Rebellion." — His letter, 21 Jan. 1866. 4 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1828. Joined regt. at Ship Island, La. ; siege of New Orleans ; in charge of negroes on Woodland's Plantation, below New Orleans, La. ; expedition to Brashear City, Bayou Teche, and Opelousas, La. j expedition to Sabine Pass; transferred to Virginia, July, 1S64; battle of Winchester, Va. Mustered out 7 Nov., 1864. * HENRY FRENCH. Left College in 1825-6. Midshipman U. S. N. i Jan., 1828. Commander U. S. N. 14 Sept., 1855. Commanded U. S. Sloop Preble ; U. S. S. Albatross, 1862 ; special recruiting service, 1863 ; on duty at New York and Boston, 1864; on retired list. Acts of 3 Aug., 1861, and 21 April, 1864. Died at East Boston, Mass., 22 May, 1867. * JAMES COOK RICHMOND. Chaplain 2D Wis. Vols, ii June, 1861. Mustered out 13 May, 1862. Hospital Chaplain U. S. A. 2 June, 1862. Mustered out 28 May, 1863. Died at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 20 July, 1866. * JAMES SAMUEL WADSWORTH. Left College 22 Aug., 1827. When the Rebellion broke out he chartered two ships, freighted them with provisions, and went with them to Annapolis, Md., to provide for the militia which were being hastened forward to defend the capital ; vol. A. D. C. to Brig. -Gen. McDowell, with rank of Major, June, 1861 ; battle first Bull Run, Va. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 9 Aug. 1861. Military Governor, Washington, D. C, 15 March, 1862 ; occupied with the defences of the capital till 13 Dec, 1862 ; when he was 1828-29.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 5 ordered to report to Gen. Burnside, near Fredericksburg, Va. In command of ist Div. ist A. C. Army of the Potomac, 23 Dec, 1862 ; second battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; Cliancellorsville, Va. ; Gettysburg, Pa. ; at the council of war held after the victory he was one of three to favor the pursuit of the enemy, but his advice was overruled, and Lee escaped ; relieved at his own request and sent on a tour of inspection down the Mississippi from Cairo to New Orleans ; member of court of inquiry upon the conduct of Gens. McCook, Crittenden, and Naglee at battle of Chickamauga, Oct., 1863-Feb., 1864; Commissioner for the exchange of pris- oners ; in the re-organization of the Army of the Potomac assigned to 4th Div. 5th A. C. ; battle of the Wilderness, Va., where he was mortally wounded, and Died in Field Hospital 8 May, 1864. 1829. * WILLIAM HENRY CHANNING-. Earnestly engaged in Liverpool, Eng., in sustaining the Union cause against the attacks of the South from Nov., i860, to June, 1861, when he returned to America and became pastor of the Unitarian Church in Washington, D. C. ; after arduous service in connection with the U. S. Sanitary Commission, from the battle of Ball's Bluff, Va., 22 Oct., 1 86 1, on the field in Virginia and in Washington, D. C. ; commissioned. Hospital Chaplain U. S. A. 8 Nov., 1862. Service at Stanton Gen. Hosp., Washington ; went to P'redericks- burg, Va., Dec, 1862, and returned with a boatload of wounded men ; again on duty at Fredericksburg, after battle of Chancellors- ville, Va. ; and, a third time at same place, on a similar mission, after battle of the Wilderness ; Chaplain of Congress winter of 1862-63; President Freedmen's Relief Union ; visited England Aug., 1863, and made many addresses in support of the Union; returned to Washington and was actively engaged until the close of the war. Resigned 19 July, 1S65. 6 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1829-32. Returned to England and to his pastoral duties; made frequent visits to America ; delivered course of Lowell Lectures in Boston 1869-70. Died in London, Eng., 23 Dec, 1884. 1830. CHARLEMAGNE TOWER. Captain, 6th Penn. Vols. 21 April, 1861. Guarding the P. W. & B. R. R. at Perryville, for one month ; skirmish at Falling Waters, Va. Mustered out 26 July, 1861. Provost Marshal, rank of Captain, ioth Congressional District of Pennsylvania 18 April, 1863, Resigned, i May, 1864. 1832. CHARLES FRANCIS BARNARD. M. D. 1837. Private 47TH Mass. Vols. 29 Sept., 1862. At New Orleans, La. ; detailed as medical officer in Barracks Gen. Hosp., New Orleans, La. Asst. Surgeon 47TH Mass. Vols. 24 April, 1863. Mustered out 13 June, 1863. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 18 Feb., 1864. On duty at Benton Barracks Hosp., St. Louis, Mo. ; Memphis, Tenn. ; Hosp. Steamer D. A. January, Mississippi River, 2 7 Aug. 1864 ; Cumberland Hosp., Tenn. Resigned 26 April, 1865. CYRUS LELAND. A. B. 1866. Colonel 2D Kansas V. M. Sept., 1861. Served on the western border of Missouri until Mustered out 20 Jan., 1862. 1832-34-] ^^ THE WAR OF 1S61-1S65. 7 Recruiting Commissioner for 3d Kansas District. First Lieutenant and Quartermaster 13TH Kansas Vols. Sept., 1862. At times regimental, division, and post-quartermaster and commis- sary of subsistence ; battle of Cane Hill, Ark. ; Prairie Grove, Ark. ; Poison Springs, Ark. ; Perryville, I. T. ; injured by fall from his horse in cavalry charge at Perryville ; battle at Prairie D'Ann, Ark. ; expedition to join Gen. Banks on Red River; battle of Mark's Mills, Ark., at which he was wounded ; battle of Cabin Creek, I. T. ; Blue River fights and battle of Westport, Mo., during the Price raid in Oct., 1864; Mine Creek, Kan. Mustered out 13 July, 1865. 1833- ♦FLETCHER WEBSTER. Engaged in recruiting in Boston, Mass., 20 April-June, 1861. Colonel i2Th Mass. Vols. 26 June, 186 i. Left Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, 23 July, 1S61 ; Harper's Ferry, Va. ; Darnestown, Va. ; cantonment Hicks, Md., 5 Dec, 1861- 27 Feb., 1862 ; guarding the Upper Potomac ; on leave of absence on account of the death of his daughter, Aug., 1862 ; rejoined his regiment, 16 Aug., 1862, on the Rapidan, near Mitchell's Station, Va. ; action at Thoroughfare Gap, Va. ; second Bull Run, Va. Killed at Bull Run, Va., 30 Aug., 1862. 1834. * CHARLES HENRY WHEELWRIGHT. Left College July, 1834; M. D. 1837 ; A. B. 1875. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. 17 Oct., 1839. Surgeon U. S. N. 5 April, 1854. Member of board to examine surgeons for admission to the U. S. Navy ; U. S. S. Jacinto in Hampton Roads, Va., and Gulf Squad- ron ; Naval Hosp., Pilotstown, La. Died at Pilotstown, La., 30 July, 1862. HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1834-37. *JOHN HABVEY WRIGHT. Left College 1830-31 ; M. D. 1838. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. 9 Dec, 1839. Surgeon U. S. N.'i8 April, 1855. Retired 21 Feb., 186 i, as Medical Director U. S. N. Died at Brighton, Boston, Mass., 28 Dec, 1879. 1835- WILLIAM INGALLS. Left College July, 1832 ; M. D. 1836 ; A. B. 1878. Surgeon 5TH Mass. V. M. 8 Oct. 1S62. Newbern, N. C. ; Hilton Head, S. C. ; Hosp. Ship Cosmopolitan, Edisto River. Mustered out 2 July, 1863. Surgeon 59TH Mass. Vet. Vols. 13 Oct., 1863. In charge Post Hosp., Readville, Mass., 10 March-June, 1864; joined his regiment in front of Petersburg, Va., 23 June, 1864; Surgeon in chief 3d Brig. 3d Div. 9th A. C ; detailed to Art. Brig. 3d Div. 9th A. C. until he was Mustered out 12 June, 1865. * CHARLES STARK NEWELL. Captain, Paymaster 29TH N. Y. Vols. May, 186 i. Served at Washington, D. C, and in Virginia ; battle first Bull Run, Va. Major & A. D. C. Staff of Gen. A. von Steinwehr, 1862. Resigned 1863. Died at New York, N. Y., 7 Dec 1876. 1837. * SIMON FORRESTER BARSTOW. Left College July, 1835 ; LL B. 1841. Vol. a. D. C. to Gen. F, VV. Lander, Sept., 1861. Camp, on the upper Potomac. 1837.] TN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. g Captain and Add. A. D. C. U. S. Vols. 18 March, 1862. Staff Maj. Gen. McDowell, March-June, 1862. Major and Asst. Adj. General U. S. Vols. 15 July, 1862. A. k. G. I St A. C. to March, 1863 ; battle Cedar Mt., Va. ; second Bull Run, Va. ; Gen. Pope's Virginia camp. ; at Headquarters Army of the Potomac till close of the War, and on duty in the battles in which that army was engaged. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. Aug., 1864. BvT. Colonel U. S. Vols. 9 April, 1865. BvT. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Captain and A. Q. M. U. S. A. 31 July, 1866. Mustered out of Vol. service 31 July, 1866. BvT. Major U. S. A. 2 March, 1867. Bvt. Lieut. Colonel U. S. A. 2 March, 1867. Retired for disability, 7 June, 1879. Died at Oakland, Md., 31 July,. 1882. WILLIAM JOHNSON DALE. M.D. 1840 Summoned by Gov. John A. Andrew of Mass., at 11 a.m. 16 April, 1 86 1, for assistance in despatching troops to Washington, D. C. Surgeon General Mass. V. M. rank Colonel, 14 June, 1861. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 20 Dec, 1861, to close of the War. Surgeon General Mass. V. M. rank Brig. General 7 Oct., 1863. On duty in Boston, Mass., until close of the War, having general supervision of all matters connected with the Medical Staff and the care and treatment of the sick and wounded sent home. To these duties were added the appointment of agents for the care of Mass. soldiers at Washington, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Hilton Head ; the furnishing of volunteer surgeons in emergencies lO HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1837-38. following the great battles ; and various other duties connected with the pay, discharges, furloughs, pensions, etc., of Mass. soldiers during and long after the close of the war. It was a fitting tribute to the energy and efficiency of the services rendered by Surgeon General Dale that, 22 Feb., 1865, the U. S. authorities inaugurated a General Hospital at Worcester, Mass., to which they gave his name. On this occasion an address was de- livered by Asst. Surgeon Warren Webster, U. S. A. M. D. (Harvard) 1861. * CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS HOLMES. M.D. 1840 Lieut. Colonel Div. Corps of Cadets, Mass. V. M. 26 May, 1862. Garrison duty at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, Mass. Mustered out 2 July, 1862. Engaged in practice of his profession at Milton, Mass., until his death. Died at Milton, Mass., 16 July, 1882. * JAMES RICHARDSON. Private 20TH Conn. Vols. 2 Aug., 1862. Detailed for duty as clerk to the captain of his company, in the care of the sick, and in Feb., 1863, in the Special Relief Dept. of the U. S. Sanitary Commission at Washington, D. C. Died at Washington, D. C, 10 Nov., 1863. 1838. * GEORGE DERBY. A. B. 1866 ; M. D. 1843. Surgeon 230 Mass. Vols, ii Sept., 1861. Battles : Roanoke Is., Newbern, Kinston, Goldsboro, Whitehall, N. C. ; Swift Creek, S. C. ; Bermuda Hundred, Drury's Bluff (twice), Weldon R. R., Peebles Farm, Hatcher's Run, Va. ; in charge of 1838.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 1 1 Academy Gen. Hosp., Newbern, N. C, and Corry Gen. Hosp., Augusta, Md. Surgeon U. S. Vols. 2 June, 1864. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1S65. Mustered out 18 Jan., 1866. In charge of National Soldiers' Home, Augusta, Me. Died at Boston, Mass., 20 June, 1874. CHARLES DEVENS. LL. B. 1840 ; LL. D. 1877. Major 30 Batt. Rifles Mass. V. M. 19 April, 1861. Service at Annapolis, Md., and Fort Mc Henry, Baltimore, Md. Colonel 15TH Mass, Vols. 24 July, 1861. Served at Washington, D. C, and Poolesville, Md. ; battle of Ball's Bluff, Va., where he was slightly wounded ; crossed into Virginia, Feb., 1862, and took an active part in siege of Yorktown, Va., 5 April-4 May, 1862. Brig. General U. S. Vols., 15 April, 1862. Commanded 3d Brig. 3d Div. 4th A. C. during campaign of the Peninsula; afterwards commanded 3d Div. nth A. C, ist Div. 1 8th A. C, and 3d Div. 24th A. C. Army of the Potomac ; battles of Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, and Cold Harbor, Va. ; South Mountain and Antietam, Md. ; severely wounded at Fair Oaks, Va., and again at Chancellorsville, Va., May, 1863. Remained in service after the close of the War, in command, first, of the District of North- eastern Va., and afterwards of the District of S. C. BvT. Maj. General U. S. Vols. 3 April, 1865. Mustered out June, 1866. * HENRY LAWRENCE EUSTIS. Grad. West Point Mil. Acad. 1842. Colonel ioth Mass. Vols. 15 Aug., 1862. Joined the regt. on its return from the Peninsula i Sept., 1862 ; skirmish at Williamsport ; guarding upper Potomac fords Sept.- 12 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1838. Nov., 1862 ; Rappahannock campaign (Array of Potomac) Dec, 1862-June, 1863 ; battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; Burnside's "Mud March" to Berea Church 20-23 Jan., 1863; storming of Marye's Heights ; battle of Salem. In this battle commanded the brigade, and a letter from Gen. Newton to Gov. Andrew, written soon after the battle (6 June, 1863), compliments these troops and acknowl- edges that this brigade saved the day. Third battle of Fredericks- burg, Va. ; Pennsylvania campaign June-July, 1863, being engaged (after a forced march of 35 miles) in the battle of Gettysburg, and pursuit of the enemy to VVarrenton, Va. .Brig. General U. S. Vols. 12 Sept., 1863. In operations in central Virginia Nov., 1863, to March, 1864; battle of Rappahannock Station ; Mine Run ; Wilderness ; Spott- sylvania; Cold Harbor, June, 1864. Resigned 27 June, 1864. Resumed his professorship in the Lawrence Scientific School at Cambridge, in which position he remained till his death. Died at Cambridge, Mass., ii Jan., 1885. * CHARLES FRANCIS FOSTER. M.D. 1841. First Lieutenant i2th Unatt. Co. Mass. V. M. 16 May, 1864. On guard duty at Long Point Battery, Provincetown, Mass. Mustered out 15 Aug., 1864. Died at Cambridge, Mass., 23 Sept., 1865. * EDMUND BURKE WHITMAN. Captain and A. Q. M. U. S. Vols. 18 July, 1862. On duty as Brig. Q. M. at Covington, Ky., 2 Oct., 1862 j in charge of depot for rendezvous and outfit of Ohio troops at Camp Denni- son, O., 15 Jan., 1863; at Dayton, O., on the occasion of the " Vallandigham riot," and for the suppression of disturbances in Montgomery Co., O., 8 May, 1863 ; in charge of depot at Leba- non, Ky., Nov., 1 863 ; reported at Knoxville, Tenn., and assigned 1838-39.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-18G5. 1 3 to duty in charge of army supplies, repair, and building of bridges, purchase of animals, etc., i Dec, 1863; Chief Q. M. Dist. of East Tenn., and Disbursing Officer 26 Dec, 1864; supervising Q. M. Dist. of Etowah and Chief Q. M. Depot of Chattanooga i July, 1865. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 15 May, 1866, to date from 13 March, 1865. Chief Q. M. Dist. of Middle Tenn. on staff of Maj. General R. W. Johnson with Headquarters at Murfreesboro, 11 Aug., 1865; as- signed, by order of Maj. General G. H. Thomas 6 Dec, 1865, to the special duty of visiting the battlefields, cemeteries, and places where Union soldiers were buried in Tenn., Ky., Miss., Ala., and Ga., and reporting thereon ; later to select and purchase the sites for the national cemeteries in those States, the superintendence of their construction, and the preparation of the mortuary records. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 17 June, 1868, to date from 13 March, 1865. Mustered out 15 July, 1868, but remained on duty for the completion of the work until 18 Aug., 1869. Died at Cambridge, Mass., 2 Sept., 1883. 1839. JOHN KING. Raised a company of riflemen in 1 86 1 and tendered it to Gov. Yates of Ohio, but was taken ill and obliged to relinquish the command. Private and Sergeant Fremont's Body Guard at St. Louis, Mo., 10 July, 1861. Mustered out 10 Nov., 1861. Private 15TH III. Cav. Nov., 1861. Second Lieutenant 15TH III. Cav. i Dec, 1861. First Lieutenant 15TH III. Cav. i July, 1862. Captain of Company of Loyal Alabamians Jan., 1863. Act. Insp. Gen. of Brig. ; Insp. Gen. Streight's Brig. 26 April, 1S63 ; prisoner to Gen. Forrest, C. S. A., near Rome, Ga., 3 May, 14 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [i 839-40. 1863-1 March, 1865 ; previous to this had been in nine battles and forty-four skirmishes. Discharged for disability, 12 March, 1865. * WILLIAM EDWARD TOWNSEND. M. D. 1844. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. July, 1862. In charge of U. S. A. Hosp., estabhshed in the residence offered to the Government by R. M. Mason, on Pemberton Square, Boston, Mass., until it was restored to its owner. Discharged in the spring of 1865. Died at Boston, Mass., 17 Nov., 1866. * THOMAS WELSH. M. D. 1843. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. i Sept., 1861. On duty in U. S. S. S. Gemsbok and Commodore Morris. Resigned 30 April, 1864. Died at Huntington, W. Va., 21 March, 1880. 1840. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BLOOD. Captain 64TH Tenn. Vols. (4TH Cav.) 29 Nov., 1861. Resigned 30 May, 1863. * HENRY BRYANT. M. D. 1843. Surgeon 2oth Mass. Vols, i July, 1861. Surgeon U. S. Vols. 3 Aug., 1861. Brigade Surgeon U. S. Vols. 10 Sept., 1861. Received injury to knee and ordered to Washington, D. C, to assume charge of Cliff burne Hosp., July, 1862, and of Lincoln 1840.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 1 5 Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C, Oct., 1862 ; battles Winchester, Va., and second Bull Run, Va. Resigned 16 July, 1863. Died at Porto Rico, W. I., i Feb., 1867. * JOSEPH McKEAN CHURCHILL. LL. B. 1845. Lieutenant Div. Corps of Cadets Mass. V. M. May-June, 1862.'' On duty at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, Mass. Captain 45TH Mass. V. M. (Cadet Regt.) 26 Sept., 1862. Mustered out 8 July, 1863. Died at Milton, Mass., 23 March, 1866. SAMUEL KNEELAND. M. D. 1843. Surgeon of Gunboat Pembroke, engaged in carrying troops from Boston, Mass., to Washington, D. C, and Fortress Monroe, Va., May-July, 1861. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. i March, 1862. Battle Newbern, N. C. ; in charge of Craven Street Hosp., New- bern, N. C. ; Hammond Gen. Hosp., Beaufort, N. C, till Oct., 1862. Surgeon 45TH Mass. V. M. 20 Oct., 1862. Battles Kinston, Whitehall, Goldsboro, N. C. Mustered out 3 July, 1863. AssT. Surgeon U. S. Vols. 2 Sept., 1863. Surgeon U. S. Vols. 9 Sept., 1863. Barrack U. S. A. Gen. Hosp., New Orleans, La. ; Surgeon in charge University U. S. A. Gen. Hosp., New Orleans, La., March, 1864-Feb., 1865 ; member and president Army Medical Board, New Orleans, La. ; in charge of all the Gen. Hosps. at Mobile, Ala., May, 1865. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 8 Feb., 1866. Mustered out 21 Feb., 1866. l6 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1840-41. * JOSEPH OTIS "WILLIAMS. LL. B. 1843. First Lieutenant i2th Mass. Vols. 26 June, 1861. Captain i2TH Mass. Vols. 8 Oct., 1862. Discharged for disability ii June, 1864. Captain iith Vet. Res. Corps 18 July, 1864. Died 1875. 1841. THOMAS WENTWORTH HIGGINSON. Captain 51ST Mass. V. M. 25 Sept., 1862, Colonel ist S. C. Vols. (33D U. S. C. T.) 10 Nov., 1862. The first regt. of freed negroes mustered into the U. S. service ; served chiefly in S. C. and Fla., making various expeditions into the interior, in one of which he captured Jacksonville, Fla. ; wounded at Wiltown Bluff, S. C, 9 July, 1863. Discharged for disability 27 Oct., 1864. Author of "Army Life in a Black Regiment," Boston, 1870, and " Harvard Memorial Biographies," 2 vols., Cambridge, 1866, 1867. WICKHAM HOFFMAN. Captain and A. A. G. U. S. Vols. 6 March, 1862. On duty at Ship Island, La., New Orleans, La., Vicksburg, Miss., Baton Rouge, La. ; A. A. G. 2d Div. 19th A. C with Gen. Sher- man at Port Hudson, La., until its fall, 9 July, 1863. Major and A. A. G. U. S. Vols. 19TH A. C. 26 Aug., 1863. Battle at Sabine Pass, Tex. ; Opelousas expedition ; Red River campaign ; Mansfield, La. ; Pleasant Hill, Mo. ; A. A. G. Eastern Dist. of Va. and N. C. June, 1864; A. A. G. Defences of New Orleans, March, 1865. BvT. A. G. U. S. Vols. July, 1865. Dept. of the Mississippi. Resigned June, 1866. 1841.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 1 7 BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. March, 1866. BvT. Colonel U. S. Vols. March, 1866. Author of " Camp, Court, and Siege, a Narrative of Personal Ad- venture and Observation during Two Wars: 1861-65, 1870-71." New York, 1877. * FRANCIS MORGAN ROTCH. Colonel and A. D. C. to Gov. Morgan of New York, 1862. At McClellan's Headquarters, Army of Potomac ; second batde Fair Oaks. Died at Morris, Oswego Co., N. Y., 28 Nov., 1863. * CHARLES FRANCIS SIMMONS. A. B. 1853. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 14TH Mass. Vols. 15 July, 1861. On duty at Fort Albany, Va. ; regt. by orders of the War Dept. changed to Heavy Artillery, i Jan., 1862, and afterwards known as ist Mass. H. A. In Oct., 1861, he was taken ill, obtained leave of absence on this account, and went to Minnesota. Resigned 24 Jan., 1862. Sailed in Eng. Brig Gipsy for St. Jago de Cuba, 25 Feb., 1862. The vessel probably foundered at sea ; it never reached a port. THOMAS CHURCH HASKELL SMITH. Lieut. Colonel ist Ohio Cav. 23 Aug., 186 i. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 29 Nov., 1862. Served in Buell's army in Ky. and Tenn. until the battle of Shiloh,. Tenn., 6-7 April, 1862 ; in Gen. Sherman's Div. in Thomas's wing of Grant's army before Corinth ; subsequently in Gen. Granger's Cav. Div. in Pope's army and as A. D. C. with Gen. Pope in his Va. campaign ; still later on his staff as I. G., when he was appointed to command the Dept. of Mo. Honorably mustered out 15 Jan., 1866. 2 1 8 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1841-42. WILLIAM HENRY THAYER. A. B. 1868 ; M. D. 1844. Surgeon 14TH N. H. Vols. 19 Sept., 1862. On duty in the Dept. of Washington, D. C, extending from Wash- ington to Harper's Ferry, Va, ; for two months, winter of 1863-64, acting, by order from War Dept., as inspector of recruiting service in N. H. ; March, 1864, transferred to Dept. of Gulf; encamped at Carrolton, La., and Morganzia to July, 1864; transferred to Bermuda Hundred, Va., July, 1864, Army of the James; joined Sheridan's army in Shenandoah Valley and took part in campaign in that region ; battle Winchester, Va. ; Fisher's Hill, Va. ; Cedar Creek, Va. ; in winter quarters at Kernestown, Va. ; ordered to Savannah, Ga., 2 Jan., 1865 ; Med. Director 2d Div. 19th A. C. 22 Feb., 1865; Med. Director Dist. of Goldsboro, N. C, April, 1865 ; Chief Surgeon U. S. Forces, Savannah, Ga., May, 1865. Mustered out 26 July, 1865. Author of interesting account of Sheridan's Ride up the Shenan- doah Valley, which is now in possession of Dr. H. I. Bowditch (1828), Boston, Mass. 1842. JOHN FARWELL MOORS. S. T D. 1884. Chaplain 52D Mass. Vols. 19 Nov., 1862. Ordered to Dept. of Gulf ; winter quarters at Baton Rouge, La. ; Teche campaign; siege of Port Hudson, La., 14 March-9 July, 1863. Mustered out 14 Aug., 1863. * "WILLIAM LOGAN RODMAN. Major 38TH Mass. Vols. 19 Aug., 1862. Left the State 24 Sept., 1862 ; encamped near Baltimore, Md., till 1842-43-] • ^^ ^^E WAR OF 1861-1865. 19 10 Nov., 1862; sailed for New Orleans, La., with Gen. Banks's expedition. Killed at Port Hudson, La., 27 May, 1S63. ISAAC FITZGERALD SHEPARD. A. B. 1850. Engaged in the organization and instruction of troops under Gen. Lyon in Mo. ; A. G. on Staff of Gen. Sweeney, with rank of Lieut. Colonel ; expedition to Springfield, Mo. ; Senior A. D. C. Staff of Gen. Lyon ; president of court-martial ; battles of Dug Springs, Mo. ; Wilson's Creek, Mo., where he was wounded ; A. D. C. Staff Maj. S. D. Sturgis. Lieut. Colonel 19TH Mo. Vols. In command Provost Guard, St. Louis, Mo. ; ordered to Benton Barracks ; regt. consolidated with 3d Mo. Vols. Colonel 30 Mo. Vols. (Lyon Regt.) 18 Jan., 1862. Expedition to Helena, Ark., March-July, 1862; in charge of brigade ; expedition to Pilot Knob and fronton, Mo. ; move- ment of Sherman against Vicksburg 2 Dec, 1862 ; battles Chick- asaw Bayou, Miss. ; Arkansas Post, Ark. ; Deer Creek, Miss., expedition; expedition to Black Bayou; in command of ist Miss. Regt, Vols, of African descent, afterward 5 2d U. S. C. Inf, and of all troops of African descent in that vicinity 28 May, 1863. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 27 Oct., 1863. Ordered to report at Washington, D. C. ; thence to Gen. Grant at Nashville, Tenn. ; and assigned to command in Gen. McPherson's corps, with Headquarters at Haines's Bluff. Appointment expired by constitutional limitation, 4 July, 1864. 1843. * ARTHUR BUCKMINSTER FULLER. Chaplain i6th Mass. Vols, i Aug., 1861. Left Boston with his regiment 17 Aug., 1861 ; in service at Balti- more, Md., and at Fortress Monroe, Va., where the regt. remained till spring of 1862 ; occupation of Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Suffolk, 20 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1843. Va. ; in the Peninsular campaign and actively engaged in all the actions previous to arrival of army at Harrison's Landing, Va. ; on sick leave through the summer ; rejoined his regiment at Alexan- dria, Va., 4 Nov., 1862. Resigned on account of disability 10 Dec, 1862. On the call for volunteers to cross the Rappahannock at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., he responded, and five minutes after enter- ing the city was Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., ii Dec, 1862. JOHN WILLIAM KINGMAN. Colonel 15TH N. H. Vols. 7 Oct., 1862. Ordered to join the Banks expedition Nov. ; arrived at New Or- leans, Dec. ; in defences of N. O. at Carrolton, La. ; siege of Port Hudson ; in command of brigade. Mustered out 13 Aug., 1863. FRANCIS L. LEE. Colonel 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept. 1862. This regt. was recruited from 4th Bat. ist Brig, ist Div. M. V. M., familiarly known as New England Guard Regt., and contained, as ofificers and privates, at least forty alumni of Harvard University ; left Boston 22 Oct., 1862, for Newbern, N. C. ; Tarboro expedition ; skirmish at Rawle's Mills, N. C, 3 Nov., 1862 ; battle at Kinston, N. C, 14 Dec, 1862; Whitehall, N. C, 16 Dec, 1862; Golds- boro, 17 Dec, 1862 ; siege of Washington, N. C. ; left for Boston, Mass., 6 June, 1863. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. Called out to assist in suppressing draft riot 14 July and dis- missed 21 July. HENRY BARTLETT MAGLATHLIN. Captain 4TH Mass. V. M. 18 Sept., 1862. On duty in the Dept. of the Gulf; battle Bisland, La. ; Port Hudson, La. Mustered out 28 Aug., 1863. l843-] I^ ^^^^ WAR OF 1861-1865. 21 WILLIAM CROWNINSHIELD ROGERS. A. B. 1863. Vol. Lieutenant U. S. N. 12 Aug., 1861. Ordered to command of U. S. Bk. W. G. Anderson, 22 Aug., 1861 ; cruised in West Indies; detached and ordered to command of U. S. S. Huntsville, 21 April, 1862; in Eastern Gulf Squad.; command of U. S. S. luka, 11 Feb., 1864. Vol. Lieut. Commander 24 Oct., 1864. Eastern Gulf Squad. ; detached and ordered on shore duty 15 June, 1865, until 16 July, 1866. Resigned 18 July, 1866. HORACE BINNEY SARG-ENT. LL. B. 1845. Lieut. Colonel ist Mass. Cav. 12 Oct., 1861. Colonel ist Mass. Cav. 30 Oct., 1862. BvT. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 21 March, 1864. A. A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. Banks ; on duty in Dept. of the South, Army of the Potomac, and Dept. of the Gulf. Discharged for disability 29 Sept., 1864. EBEN FRANCIS STONE. LL. B. 1846. Captain 48TH Mass. V. M. 16 Sept., 1862. Colonel 4STH Mass. V. M. 8 Dec, 1862. Left Boston 27 Dec, 1862, to proceed to the Dept. of the Gulf; sent to Baton Rouge as a part of the ist Brig, ist Div. under Gen. Banks ; reconnoissance toward Port Hudson, La. ; battle Plains's Store ; assault on Port Hudson, La. ; second assault and sur- render of Port Hudson 9 July, 1863 ; battle Donaldsonville, La. ; returned to Baton Rouge i Aug., 1863; embarked for home 10 Aug., 1863. Mustered out 3 Sept., 1863. 22 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1843-44. FRANCIS CHARLES WILLIAMS. Chaplain 8th Vt. Vols. 20 Dec, 1861. Served at Ship Island, La., New Orleans, on the Teche and Red rivers, at Baton Rouge and Port Hudson, La. \ detailed as Chap- lain of the St. Louis Gen. Hosp., New Orleans, La., Nov., 1863. Mustered out 22 June, 1864. 1844. * CHARLES WILLIAM DABNEY. First mustered into service as Captain 4TH Batt. M. V. M. 1862, but the order for volunteers being countermanded by President Lincoln, the battalion was mustered out without going to the field. Major 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Served in the Tarboro expedition of Gen. Foster Nov., 1862; Goldsboro expedition Dec, 1862 ; battle Kinston, N. C. ; White- hall, N. C. ; besieged at Little Washington, N. C. ; selected to occupy and hold the Rebel fortification at Hill's Point ; his colonel (Lee, 1843) says: "Whether enduring the fatigue and hardship of the march, the excitement of battle, or the wearing anxiety of the siege, Major Dabney infused into his comrades, of what- ever rank, the cheerful, patient pluck which was his marked charac- teristic ; and when the announcement of his early death came to us, it told the loss of a friend to whom all could look for ready sympathy and every aid within his power." Mustered out 18 June, 1863. Died at Malvern, England, 22 Dec, 1870. JOHN CALL DALTON. M. D. 1847. AssT. Surgeon 7TH N. Y. V. M. 16 April, 1861. Served with the regt. during its term of service, two or three months. Mustered out 3 June, 1861. 1844.] /^ THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 23 Brigade Surgeon U. S. Vols. 3 Aug., 1S61. Surgeon in Chief Gen. Viele's brigade ; expeditionary corps under Gen. Sherman ; stationed first at Annapolis, Md. ; sent on expe- dition to attack and occupy Port Royal, S. C., 7 Nov., 1861 ; trans- ferred to care of troops at Dawfuskie Island, Ga. ; engaged in the investment of Fort Pulaski, Ga. ; after the bombardment and re- duction of this fort, 10 April, 1S62, transferred to Port Royal to care for the troops operating against Charleston, S. C. ; battle of James Island, S. C. ; Med. Inspector Dept. of the South, stationed at Hilton Head ; on leave of absence on account of illness Oct., 1862 ; Med. Director of transportation for the city of New York, N. Y. ; again ordered to Dept. of the South Aug., 1863; Chief Med. Officer of troops on Morris Island, S. C. ; in the discharge of various medical duties in New York until he Resigned 14 Feb., 1864. * HENRY TALLMAN DAVIS. Second Lieutenant ist Mass. Cav. 31 Oct., 1861. First Lieutenant ist Mass. Cav. i May, 1862. Detailed to serve as A. D. C. on Staff of Brig. Gen. Charles Devens Feb., 1863; joined that officer in camp before Fredericksburg, Va. ; battle of Chancellorsville, Va. BvT. Major 2 March, 1867. A. D. C. to Gen. Devens while in charge of Draft Rendezvous in Boston Harbor and Adjutant of Post ; returned to his regt. spring of 1862. Resigned 9 April, 1864. Captain ioth U. S. Cav. 28 July, 1866. On duty in Dept. of the Missouri, mostly in the State of Kansas. Died at New York, N. Y., 10 April, 1869. FRANCIS GLAZIER. Left College Sept., 1841. Com. Sergeant 7TH Maine Vols. 22 Sept., 1861. Second Lieutenant 7TH Maine Vols. 21 Oct., 1862. 24 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1844. First Lieutenant 7TH Maine Vols. 9 June, 1863. Mustered out 5 Sept., 1864. First Lieuten.\nt and Quarterjviaster ist Maine Vet. Vols. 24 Oct., 1864. Mustered out 3 July, 1865. JOHN ADAMS HARRIS. A. B. 1866. Private 17TH III. Vols. 26 Feb., 1862. Joined regt. at Shiloh, Tenn., 20 April, 1862 ; engaged in the neighborhood of Corinth 30 April-30 May, 1862 ; moved to Bethel, Tenn. ; guard and provost duty at Jackson, Miss., and Bolivar, Miss., to 8 Nov., 1862; to Memphis, Jan., 1863; Lake Providence, etc.; joined Stevenson's brigade of 17th A. C. at the Big Black River; siege of Vicksburg 18 May-4 July, 1863. Private 4TH III. Vet. Reserves, Nov. 1863. Garrison duty at Rock Island 20 Nov., 1863. Mustered out 7 March, 1865. SHATTUCK HARTWELL. LL. B. 1846. Vol. a. D. C. Staff of Gen. B. F. Butler Oct., 1864. On duty in Dept. of Va. and N. C, with Headquarters at Norfolk, Va. ; after Gen. Butler's removal from command joined Gen. Wild (1844) Feb., 1865, in Va ; on duty at Headquarters of ist Div. 25th A. C, and with ambulance corps of 2d Div. 25th A. C. ; a few days before the final advance on Richmond, Va., got leave of absence on account of illness, and did not return to service, the war having closed. * EBENEZER PIERCE HINDS. Private 7TH Maine Vols. 21 Aug., 186 i. Left Augusta with the regt. 23 Aug., 1861 ; at Baltimore, Md., l844-] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 25 engaged in building a fort on Murray Hill ; in camp near Lewins- vilJe, Va., winter of 1861-62; Peninsular campaign; embarked on the steamer State of Maine, on sick leave, and was found dead on the deck of the vessel as it was entering the port of Philadelphia, Pa. Died 17 Aug., 1862. EDWARD AUGUSTUS WILD. Captain ist Mass. Vols. 21 April, 1861. Left Boston 15 June, 1861 ; encamped on the upper Potomac near Chain Bridge 19 June, 1861 ; battle Blackburn's Ford, Va. ; Bull Run, Va. ; camped at Arlington Heights, Va., 23 July, 1861 ; marched through southern counties of Md., searching for arms, munitions, etc., and arresting traitors Sept., 186 1 ; down the Poto- mac to Budd's Ferry and went into winter quarters ; rescued sch. Delaware from under the guns of the rebel batteries with a party of his own men 14 Nov., 1861 ; on General Court-Martial 17 Jan.- 6 March, 1862 ; siege of Yorktown 16 April-4 May, 1862 ; battles Williamsburg and Fair Oaks ; in which battles he was wounded in the knee and hand. Major 32D Mass. Vols. 24 July, 1862. Lieut. Colonel 320 Mass. Vols. 7 Aug., 1862. Colonel 35TH Mass. Vols. 20 Aug., 1862. Left Boston for Washington, D. C, 22 Aug., 1862; joined Burn- side's corps, 6 Sept., 1862 ; battle South Mountain ; left arm shat- tered ; went to Philadelphia and Boston ; assisted Gov. Andrew of Mass. in raising and organizing colored troops, Feb.-April, 1863. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 24 April, 1863. Sailed from New York to Newbern, N. C, 15 May, 1863 ; com- menced recruiting, visited personally every part of the Dept. and gave much time and labor to the care and provision for negro families; embarked for Charleston, S. C, 30 July, 1863; siege of Charleston Aug. -Oct., 1863; Forts Wagner, Gregg, and Sumter; ordered to continue recruiting at Newbern, N. C. ; in command of colored troops at Norfolk, Va., 2 Nov., 1S63 ; in command of 26 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1844-45. expedition through eastern counties of N. C. 5-24 Dec, 1863, gaining recruits, hberating slaves, capturing guerillas, and destroy- ing their camps and property ; took command of Dist. of Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va., 18 Jan., 1864 ; assigned to command of ist Brig. 3d Div. 18th A. C. at Hampton, Va., 23 April, 1864 ; up James River 4 May, 1864 ; landed at Wilson's Wharf 5 May, 1864 ; batde at Wilson's Wharf, Va. ; ordered to Bermuda Hundred, Va., 18 June, 1864; in front of Petersburg, Va., 21 June, 1864; placed under arrest for "disobedience of orders" 23 June, 1864, the General commanding the division having ordered him to relieve his Brig. Q. M. and take another, which order he refused to obey ; the finding of the court and the sentence were set aside by the General in command of the troops ; Gen. Wild was released from arrest and returned to duty ; this action was subsequently approved and con- firmed by the Judge Adv. Gen. at Washington ; detailed to com- mand of Recruiting Rendezvous near Fortress Monroe, Va., 31 July, 1864 ; expedition to Roanoke River, Dec, 1864 ; assigned to command of ist Div. .25th A. C. in front of Richmond, Va., 30 Dec, 1864; assigned to 2d Brig, ist Div. 25th A. C.; entered Richmond, Va., 3 April, 1865 ; ordered to his home to await orders, 20 April, 1865; superintended operations of "Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands" in Ga. 19 June-15 Sept., 1865, when he was relieved from duty. Mustered out 16 Jan., 1S66. 1845. HENRY BELKNAP. Captain i8th Inf. U. S. A. 14 May, 1861. Served under Gen. Thomas in Ky. and under Buell, Halleck, and Rosecranz ; among the first to enter . Nashville, Tenn. ; siege of Corinth, Miss. ; in pursuit of Beauregard's troops to Booneville, Miss. ; battles of Perryville, Ky. ; Stone River (Murfreesboro), Tenn. Resigned 20 May, 1863. l845-] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 27 SAMUEL FRANKLIN COUES. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. 25 Feb., 1S51. U.S. S. S. Saginaw 1861. Surgeon U. S. N. 26 April, 1S61. U. S, Sloop Housatonic, Western Gulf Squad. 1862 ; Southern Atlantic Blockading Squad., 1863; U. S. Sloop Saranac, Pacific Squad. 1864-65 ; Naval Hosp. Chelsea, Mass., 1866-68. Captain and Med. Director U. S. N. 13 Aug., 1876. U. S. S. Richmond, European Squad. ; Navy Yard, Portsmouth, N. H. ; U. S. S. Colorado, Northern Atlantic Squad ; Fleet Surg. Northern Atlantic Squad. ; Med. Dir. in charge U. S. N. Hosp. New York. Commander and Med. Director U. S. N. 3 March, 187 i. In charge of U. S. N. Laboratory, New York; President Nav. Med. Exam. Board, Philadelphia ; Med. Dir. in charge U. S. N. Hosp. Chelsea, Mass., 1885. CHARLES WILLIAM FOLSOM. First Lieutenant and Quartermaster 20th Mass. Vols, i July, 1861. Captain and A, Q. M. U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Mustered out 31 Aug., 1868. MANNING- FERG-USON FORCE. LL.B. 1S48. Major 2oth Ohio Vols. 19 Aug., 1861. Lieut. Colonel 2oth Ohio Vols. 19 Aug., i86r. Ordered across the Ohio River to guard the redoubts thrown up opposite Cincinnati, O. ; left Cincinnati 11 Feb., 1862, for Padu- cah ; thence up the Cumberland River ; battle Fort Donelson ; 28 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1845. expedition up the Tennessee River, March, 1862 ; battle of Pittsburg Landing, Tenn. ; expedition to Bolivar, Purdy, Whit- enville, Estanola, Summer ville, Lagrange, Grand Junction, and Salisbury. Colonel 20th Ohio Vols. 19 April, 1862. Member of court-martial near Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., April, 1862; battle near Middleburg; member of court-martial to ex- amine the capacity, fitness, and conduct of all officers at Bolivar, Tenn., Oct., 1862 ; in camp near Memphis, Tenn., 19 Jan., 1863 ; president General Court-Martial near Memphis, Tenn., 26 Jan., 1863; camp at Lake Providence, La., 22 Feb., 1863; skirmish at Hankinson's Ferry, Miss. ; president General Court-Martial Berry's Landing, La., 21 March and 15 April, 1863; battle at Raymond, Miss. ; Champion Hills, Miss. ; siege of Vicksburg, Miss. ; Gen. Blair's expedition up the Yazoo River 29 May, 1863; expedition to Monroe, La., Aug., 1863. Brig. General U. S. Vols, ii Aug., 1863. member General Court-Martial en route from Monroe, La., to Vicksburg Landing 30 Aug., 1863 ; reconnoissance in force toward Canton, Miss. ; awarded a gold medal by the Board of Honor for gallantry in action ; in camp at Big Black River, Miss. ; member General Court-Martial Vicksburg, Miss., Nov., 1863 ; president of Board to determine the names of battles to be borne on the respective flags in the 17th A. C. ; Meridian raid under Gen. Sherman 3 Feb., 1864 ; battle Champion Hills, Miss., 4 Feb., 1864 ; occupied Jackson, Miss., 5 Feb., 1864; battle Chunky Station, Miss. ; ordered to Ohio to superintend recruiting ; reported at Cairo, 111., 30 April, 1864 ; joined army of Gen. Sherman at Ack- worth, Ga., 8 June, 1864; battle Kenesaw Mountain; Nickajack Creek; seriously wounded near Atlanta, 22 July, 1864. BvT. Maj. General 20 May, 1865, to date 13 May, 1863. On leave ; reported for duty near Gaylesville, Ala., 22 Oct., 1864 ; siege of Savannah, Ga., 10-21 Dec, 1864; moved by water to Beaufort, S. C, 5 Jan., 1865; battles Pocataligo ; Whipley Swamp ; Little Salkahatchie ; Orangeburg ; marched from Golds- boro, N. C, to Raleigh, thence to Washington, D. C, and took part in the Grand Review ; assigned to command Western Dist. of 1845.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 29 Miss., with headquarters at Vicksburg ; assigned to Northern Dist. I Nov., 1865. Mustered out 15 Jan., 1866. While in the service Gen. Force lost but one wagon, — that was by the breaking of a pontoon-bridge over the Wateree River ; he did not lose a gun, his command was never surprised, never thrown into confusion, and never yielded under fire. In no instance did he fail to hold a position he was ordered to hold, or to carry a position he was ordered to carry. *JOHN ALEXANDER HAWES. Captain 30 Mass. V. M. 4 Sept., 1862. Left Boston for Nevvbern, N. C, 22 Oct., 1862 ; battles Kinston, N. C. ; Whitehall; Goldsboro ; skirmish Blount's Mills. Mustered out 26 June, 1863. Died at Fairhaven, Mass., 10 March, 1883. * WILLIAM OTIS JOHNSON. M. D. 1848. Act. Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. March, 1862. In charge U. S. Gen. Hosp. Alexandria, Va. Discharged from service Jan., 1863. Died at Boston, Mass., 17 Aug., 1873. WILLIAM PLUMER. LL.B. 1848. Captain ist Co. Sharpshooters, Mass. V. M. (Andrew's Sharpshooters), 19 Sept., 1862. Resigned 17 Oct., 1863. * PETER AUGUSTUS PORTER. Colonel 129TH N.Y. Vols. 10 Sept., 1862. Changed to 8th N.Y. H. A. Feb., 1863 ; stationed at Fort Federal 30 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1845-46. Hill, Baltimore, Md., during most of 1863; at Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Md,, during last of 1863 and first of 1864 ; ordered to Washington, D. C, 15 May, 1S64; battles Spottsylvania, Va. ; Totopotomy ; North Anna ; Cold Harbor. Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., 3 June, 1864. JAMES WALDOCK. M. D. 1852. Volunteer Surgeon at Port Royal, S. C, in charge of Small-Pox and Gen. Hosps. for contrabands March-July, 1862. Surgeon 4TH Mass. Vols. 26 Dec, 1862. Dept. of the Gulf; battle Bisland, La. ; Brashear City (ist and zd) ; prisoner for six weeks in La. June-July, 1863. Mustered out 28 Aug., 1863. 1846. * CALVIN ELLIS. M. D. 1849. On duty in hosp. transports on the Atlantic coast, June-Aug., 1862. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Sept., 1862. On duty at Judiciary Square Hosp., Washington, D. C. ; at U. S. A. Gen. Hosp., Readville, Mass. ; in practice of medicine in Boston, Mass.; member of the Mass. Med. Soc. ; prof, of- clinical medi- cine in Harvard Univ. ; Fellow Acad. Arts and Sciences, etc. ; attending physician Mass. Gen. Hosp. ; author of many important articles in professional periodicals. Died at Boston, Mass., 14 Dec, 1883. JOHN ROSE LEE. Left CoUege May, 1843. First Lieutenant and Quartermaster ist Mass. Vols. 25 May, 1861. Resigned, 3 Aug., 1861. 1846.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-18G5. 3 1 * EZRA RIPLEY. First Lieutenant 29TH Mass, Vols, 24 July, 1861. On duty at Fortress Monroe, Va,, and at Newport News ; judge advocate ; A. D, C, to Gen. Mansfield ; Seven Days' Fight before Richmond, Va, ; on sick leave till Sept., 1S62; battle An- tietam, Md. ; at Boston, Mass,, on recruiting service ; returned to his regt, Feb,, 1863, and placed in 9th A. C. under Burnside ; went to Ky, March, 1863 ; A. D, C. to Gen. Pierce ; A. A, A. G, to Gen. Christ near Vicksburg, Miss. Died on the Mississippi River near Vicksburg, Miss,, 28 July, 1863. * MONTGOMERY RITCHIE. Went to Washington, D. C., when Fort Sumter was fired on 12-13 April, 1 86 1. Captain and Vol. A. D. C. on Gen. Blenker's Staff June, 1861. Major and A. D. C. Staff of Gen. Miles July, 1861. Battle Bull Run, Va. ; recruiting for the Wadsworth Guards, 104th N, Y, Vols, at Geneseo, N. Y, ; before the regt. was formed sum- moned to join Burnside's expedition. Captaest and Commissary of Subsistence Dec, 1861. Commanded gunboat at Roanoke Island, N, C, 8 Feb,, 1862 ; battle Newbern ; Camden ; on duty at Newbem, N. C, and Beau- fort, S. C. ; on sick leave in summer of 1862. Captain ist Mass. Cav. 25 Nov., 1862. On duty at New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and Port Hudson, La, ; prostrated by sunstroke ; sent to New Orleans, La., and thence to New York ; rejoined Gen. Augur at Washington, D. C, where he remained through the winter. Resigned 6 May, 1864. Died at Geneseo, N. Y., 7 Nov., 1864. 32 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1846-47. THOMAS R RODMAN. Captain 38TH Mass. Vols. 20 Aug., 1862. Dept. of the Gulf; campaign at Baton Rouge, La., and Port Hud- son, and expedition to Western La. ; Asst. Commissary of Musters 28 Sept., 1863-10 June, 1865. Mustered out ii July, 1865. JOHN STEARNS. M. D. i860. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 1862. On duty in Hosp. transport service on the Mississippi and Ten- nessee rivers ; at Hosp. at Point Lookout, Md., and Acquia Creek, Va. ; in charge of U. S. A. Gen. Hosp., Readville, Mass. Surgeon 4TH Mass. H. A. 14 Nov., 1864. Mustered out 17 June, 1865. 1847. ALEXANDER BLISS. Captain and A. Q. I\L U. S. Vols. 6 Feb., 1862. Brig. Quartermaster in 2d Div. 2d Corps ; siege of Yorktown, Va. ; Assistant to Chief Quartermaster at Headquarters Army of the Potomac ; movement from the Chickahominy to Hamson's Land- ing; Act. Chief Quartermaster 6th Corps Dec, iS6j2. Captain and A. Q. M. U. S. A. 13 March, 1863. Div. Quartermaster Griffin's Div. 5th Corps ; transferred to Balti- more, Md., as Chief Quartermaster Middle Dept. with rank of I/ieut. Colonel 30 July, 1864; President Board of Quartermasters, Dept. of Ark. and the Gulf 23 Sept., 1864 ; and for the Dept. of the East and Washington 21 March, 1S65 ; President of Board for revision of the regulations and forms of the Quartermaster Dept. 15 April, 1865 ; in charge of Division of river and rail transportation. Quar- termaster Gen.'s Dept. with rank of colonel, 27 April, 1865 ; in this last capacity he had the care of the transportation of the great armies of the East and West to their homes, at the close of the 1847.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 33 War ; the transportation of the paroled Rebel armies and of Union prisoners released from Rebel prisons ; the relinquishment by Gov- ernment of the railroads in the disloyal States to their companies or civil State authorities ; and the disposal of the vessels of every description which had been plying in Government service in the rivers of the United States. BvT. Colonel U. S. A. 13 March, 1865. Resigned July, 1S68. AUGUSTUS PORTER CHAMBERLAINE. M. D. 1855. Captain and Engineer 2D Brig, ist Div. Mass. V. M. April, 1861. Ordered to Fortress Monroe, Va. ; A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Pierce ; battle Big Bethel, Va. Mustered out 22 Aug., 1861. GEORGE BOURNE FARNSWORTH. A. B. 1861. Second Lieutenant 5TH Mass. Cav. 17 Dec, 1863. On duty at Readville, Mass., till May, 1864; joined his regt. at City Point, Va. ; guarding Rebel prisoners at Point Lookout, Md., 30 June, 1864; transferred to Deep Bottom, Va., i April, 1865; entered Richmond, Va., then just evacuated, 3 April, 1865 '; ^6" mained on duty in Va. till surrender of Johnston's array 30 April, 1865. Resigned i May, 1865. * CHESTER HARDING. Lieut. Colonel and A. A. G. Staff of Brig. Gen. Lyon, i 2 May, 1861. Colonel ioth Mo. Vols. 15 Aug., 1861. Adj. General State of Mo. 28 Nov., 1861. Colonel 25TH Mo. Vols. 9 April, 1862. 3 34 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1847. Colonel 43D Mo. Vols. 22 Sept., 1S64. BvT. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 27 May, 1865. Died at St. Louis, Mo., 10 Feb., 1S75. CHARLES "WHITEFELD HOMER. Chaplain i6th Mass. Vols. 13 April, 1863. Resigned on account of disabiliiy 19 May, 1863. CHARLES GRANT KENDALL. Private 4TH Batt. Mass. V. M. April-June, 1861. On duty at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor. Second Lieutenant 44TH Mass. V. M. 29 Aug., 1862. On duty in N. C. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. * EDWARD HUTCHINSON ROBBINS REVERE. Left College 14 Jan., 1846 ; M. D. 1849. AssT. Surgeon 20th Mass. Vols. 14 Sept., 1861. Joined his regt. 17 Sept., 1861, near Poolesville, Md. ; battle of Ball's Bluff, Va. ; captured by the enemy's cav. and taken to Lees- burg and Richmond, Va. ; released on parole 22 Feb., 1862- exchanged in April, 1862 ; reported for duty 2 May, 1862 ; Penin- sular campaign ; battle West Point ; Fair Oaks ; Pope's campaign ; battle Chantilly, Va. ; Sharpsburg, Md. Killed at Sharpsburg, Md., 17 Sept., 1862. JAMES WOODRUFF SAVAGE. Captain U. S. A. and A. D. C. Staff of Maj. Gen. Fremont 22 July, 1861. In service in Mo. Major and A. D. C. 22 Aug., 1861. Ordered to W. Va., still on Fremont's Staff. 1847-48.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 35 Lieut. Colonel and A. D. C. 31 March, 1862. Campaign in W. Va. and the Shenandoah Valley ; actions at Stras- burg, Harrisonburg, Cross Keys, and Port Republic, Va. Resigned Colonel i2th N. Y. Cav. 20 Nov., 1863. Ordered to Newbem, N. C, Dec, 1863 ; attacked with yellow fever supposed to have been communicated from infected clothing sent from Canada ; two attacks upon Newbem, N. C, spring and summer of 1864 ; expedition under Gen. Schofield to form a junc- tion with Gen. Sherman ; battles Wise's Forks ; Kinston ; Golds- boro ; capture of Raleigh, N. C. ; Johnston's surrender; assigned to military command of counties of Halifax, Edgecomb, and Northampton, N. C. Mustered out 6 Aug., 1865. CHARLES GILMAN SMITH. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. July, 1862. On duty at Camp Douglass Hosp. ; as Act. Surgeon i6th Inf. U. S. A. : and in Hosp. transport service on the Mississippi River. Discharged Dec, 1862. 1848. FRANCIS PORTER FISHER. Private 55TH III. Vols, i Nov., 1861. Commissary Sergeant 20 Nov., 1861 ; left Chicago for St. Louis 9 Dec, 1861 ; to Paducah, Ky., 11 Jan., 1862, in Gen. Sherman's expedition ; in active service in 2d Div. 15th A. C. following Gen. Sherman in nearly all of his expeditions in the South and South- west ; battle of Shiloh ; advance on Corinth and march toward Memphis, Tenn., reaching latter city 23 July, 1862 ; joined Gen. Sherman's expedition to Tallahatchie, Miss. ; Chickasaw Bluffs in rear of Vicksburg ; capture of Arkansas Post, Ark. ; stationed at Young's Point opposite Vicksburg, and engaged in the operations 36 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1848. ending with the surrender of that place 4 July, 1863 ; leave of absence Aug., 1S63, on account of illness. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 55TH III. Vols. 19 Oct., 1863. Rejoined his command at luka, Tenn, ; marched to Chattanooga, battle Missionary Ridge ; on veteran furlough with regt. in spring of 1864; rejoined the advance at Big Shanty, Ga., 16 June, 1864, and took part in rest of the campaign ending with the fall of At- lanta, Ga., including the battle of Kenesaw Mountain, and of 22 and 28 July in front of Atlanta, and during the siege and in the subsequent movements to the rear of Atlanta, ending with the battles of Jonesboro, which compelled the surrender of Atlanta. Joined in the forced marches which drove Hood into Atlanta in Oct., 1864. Mustered out 30 Oct., 1864. * KENNER GARRARD. A. B. 1863. Captain 2D Cav. U. S. A. 27 Feb., 1861. At the opening of the War was serving in Texas, and, being re- tained on duty up to the last moment, was captured and made prisoner of war i May, 1861 ; released on parole not to take the field; till Sept., 1861, on duty in Commissary General's Office, Washington, D. C. Captain 5TH Cav. U. S. A. 3 Aug., 1861. Asst. Instructor of Cav. U. S. Mil. Acad., West Point, N. Y., 6 Sept.-5 Dec, 186 1 ; and (as Commandant of Cadets ex officio) Lieut. Colonel and Instructor in Art., Cav., and Inf. Tactics, 5 Dec, 1861-25 Sept., 1862; exchanged Sept., 1862. Colonel 146TH N. Y. Vols. 23 Sept., 1862. Served in the 2d Div. 5th Corps A. P. ; battles Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Va. ; Gettysburg, Pa. ; Rappahannock Station, Mine Run, Va. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 2 July, 1863. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 23 July, 1863. Major 30 Cav. U. S. A. 2 Nov., 1863. 1848.] IN THE WAR OF 18G1-18G5. 2)7 In charge of Cav. Bureau at Washington, D. C, Dec, 1863-Jan., 1864; on Sherman's Atlanta campaign in command of 2d Cav. Div. Army of the Cumberland Feb., 1864; in operations about Chattanooga, Tenn., and in the invasion of Ga. ; in frequent engagements during whole campaign. BvT. Colonel U. S. Vols. 22 July, 1864. In command 2d Div. i6th A. C. Dec, 1864-July, 1865; battle Nashville, Tenn. BvT. Ma J. General U. S. Vols. 15 Dec, 1864. In campaign against Mobile, Ala., 10 March-13 April, 1865 ; siege of Spanish Fort, in which his Div. captured the works at Fort Blakely, the last point taken before the fall of the city ; movement to Montgomery, Ala., 13-27 April, 1865. BvT, Maj. General U. S. A. 13 March, 1865. In command Dist. of Mobile, Ala., Aug. -Sept., 1865. Mustered out of Vol. Service 24 Aug., 1865. Resigned 9 Nov., 1866. Died at Cincinnati, O., 15 May, 1879. * JOHN FRANKLIN G-OODRICH. Private 2ist Iowa Vols. 28 Aug., 1862. Engaged in Mo., guarding, marching, and skirmishing; battle Hartsville, Tenn. ; in 13th A. C. at siege of Vicksburg, Miss. ; charge upon rifle-pits at Black River Bridge ; in this assault he was one of the first to enter the works, and also at attack on the outer works at Vicksburg, 22 May, 1863. Died near Vicksburg, Miss., 4 June, 1863. THOMAS DWIGHT HOWARD. During 1862-63 engaged in care and instruction of the negroes in Dept. of South, and as general superintendent of the 3d Div. of Freedmen on plantations by appointment of Brig. Gen. Rufus .Saxton, Military' Governor, under auspices of the Educational Commission of Boston. 38 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1848. Chaplain i 7TH Corps d'Afrique (later known as 78TH U. S. C. T.), 21 Jan., 1864. On garrison duty at Port Hudson, La., till March, 1865 ; moved to Thibodeaux, La., performing in addition to the usual duties of his office those of Hosp. Chaplain and Teacher. Mustered out 6 Jan., 1866. CHARLES GREELY LORING. Captain and A. Q. M. U. S. Vols. Dec, 1861. Lieut. Colonel and A. I. G. U. S. Vols. 22 July, 1862. BvT. Colonel U. S. Vols, i Aug., 1S64. BvT. Brig. General U. S. Vols, i Aug., 1864. BvT. Maj. General U. S. Vols. 17 July, 1865. Mustered out July, 1865. * LUCIUS MANLIUS SARGENT. M. D. 1857 ; A. B. 1859. Surgeon 2d Mass. Vols. 28 May, 1861. Remained with regt. in Va. till he Resigned 9 Oct., 1861. Captain ist Mass. Cav. 31 Oct., 1861. On duty in Dept. of the South till 19 Aug., 1862, when eight com- panies, including his, were ordered to Army of the Potomac ; battles Kelly's Ford ; Sulphur Spring ; Stephensburg ; Aldie, Va. ; South Mountain, Md. ; Fredericksburg ; Chancellorsville j Brandy Station ; Culpeper, Va. ; Antietam, Md. Major ist Mass. Cav. 2 Jan., 1864. Lieut. Colonel ist Mass. Cav. 30 Sept., 1864. Killed near Bellfield, Va., 9 Dec, 1864. 1848-49.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1S65. 39 * WILLIAM OLIVER STEVENS. Captain 72D N. Y. Vols. (30 Regt. Excelsior Brigade) 30 May, 1861. Major 72D N. Y. Vols. 23 July, 1861. Stationed near Washington, D. C, and in immediate supervision of construction of Fort Stanton, on Eastern Branch of the Potomac River ; ordered to Budd's Ferry, Va. ; Peninsular campaign in 3d Corps under Gen. Heintzelman ; siege of Yorktown, Va., 5 April- 4 May, 1S62; battles Williamsburg; Fair Oaks ; Seven Days' Fight, Va. ; at home on recruiting service July-Aug., 1862. Colonel 720 N. Y. Vols. 8 Sept., 1862. Rejoined his regt. 17 Sept., 1862. Died 4 May of wounds received at Chancellorsville, Va., 3 May, 1863. WALTER PATTERSON TILLMAN. Captain 30TH N.Y.Vols. i June, 1861. Mustered out 17 June, 1863. 1849. ZABDIEL BOYLSTON ADAMS. Left College July, 1848 ; M. D. 1853. Asst. Surgeon 7TH Mass. Vols. 15 June, 1861. Ordered to Washington ; helped to bring in wounded from the field after the first battle of Bull Run, Va. ; passed next winter in defences of Washington, D. C. ; Peninsular campaign ; siege of Yorktown, Va., 5 April-4 May, 1862; battles Williamsburg ; Fair Oaks, Va. ; and in many skirmishes. Surgeon 320 Mass. Vols. 26 May, 1862. Regt. encamped near Navy Yard, Washington, D. C, till it was ordered to join the Army of the Potomac at Harrison's Landing after the Seven Days' Fight; assigned to Griffin's Brig, ist Div. 40 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1849. 5th A. C. and continued with that Corps and Div. till resigna- tion; Aug., 1862, marched down the Peninsula; present with the regt. in all its marches, bivouacs, battles, and skirmishes, including the retreat from Harrison's Landing ; Pope's ten days' campaign ending with the second Bull Run fight ; battle Sharpsburg, Md., and skirmishes at the fords ; battles Fredericksburg ; Chancellorsville ; Aldie Gap, Va. ; Gettysburg, Pa. ; Williamsport, Md., and Wrap- ping Heights, Va. Resigned and was discharged on account of disability 4 Aug., 1863. First Lieutenant 56TH Mass. Vols. 7 Nov., 1863. Captain 56TH Mass. Vols. 25 Dec, 1863. Went to Annapolis, Md., placed in 9th Corps (Burnside's) and joined Army of the Potomac; left camp 23 April, 1864, and marched to the Wilderness, Va. ; battle Plank Road, at which he was wounded in the leg, and a second time through the knee ; taken prisoner ; confined at Gordonsville, Lynchburg, and Libby Prison, Richmond, Va. ; released after four months' imprison- ment, and went to Annapolis, Md. ; obtained leave of absence and returned home on sick leave- Major 5 6th Mass. Vols. 24 June, 1864. Discharged for disability from his wounds 12 Dec, 1864. Reinstated 13 Feb., 1865. Rejoined his regt. before Petersburg, Va. ; commanded regt. in as- sault on the enemy's works 2 April, 1865, and was again wounded. BvT. Major 5 6th Mass. Vols. 2 April, 1865. Mustered out 23 June, 1865. CHARLES RUSSELL CODMAN. LL. B. 1852. Colonel 45TH Mass. V. TvL " Cadet Regiment " 8 Oct., 1862. Left the State 6 Nov. ; ordered to Newbern, N. C, in Amory's Brig.; Goldsboro expedition, Dec, 1862; battle Kinston, N. C, 14 Dec, 1862; Whitehall, N. C, 16 Dec, 1862; and in several skirmishes. Mustered out 17 July, 1863. 1849.] I^ THE WAR OF 1S61-18G5. 4 1 CALEB AGRY CURTIS. Act. Master U. S. N. i Sept., 1861. U. S. S. Curlew, and U. S. S. Potomska, South Atlantic Squad. ; battle Port Royal, S. C. Act. Master commanding i May, 1863. U. S. S. Memphis, on blockading" service off Charleston, S. C. ; in command Gunboat Flag. Resigned 10 Dec, 1863. ANDREW WALLACE EVANS. Left College 1847. BvT. Second Lieutenant 7TH Inf. U. S. A. i July, 1852. Second Lieutenant 7TH Inf. U. S. A. 3 March, 1855. First Lieutenant 7TH Inf. U. S. A. 20 Sept., 1856. Captain 6th Cav. U. S. A. 14 May, 1S61, Served in New Mexico July, 1861-Nov., 1863 ; in charge of affairs in Navajo Co. Oct., i86i-Jan., 1862; Provost-Marshal of forces in the field Jan.-April, 1862 ; combat of Valverde, N. M. BvT. Major 6th Cav. U. S. A. 21 Feb., 1862. Action of Peralta ; A. A. I. G. and Com. of Musters Dept. of N. M., 25 April-26 Sept., 1863 ; in command of company at Brandy Sta- tion, Va., Dec, 1863-16 March, 1864; in command of regt. 12 June-ii Oct., 1864. Colonel ist Md. Vols. 15 April, 1864. In command Cav. Brig. 11 Oct., 1864-1 Feb., 1865, in opera- tions before Richmond, Va. ; in skirmishes near Deep Bottom, Va., July-Aug., 1864; action of Fussell's Mills; skirmish New Market Heights, Va. ; action on Darbytown Road ; in command of regt. April-Aug., 1865; battle Five Forks; Appomattox; ca- pitulation of Lee's army at Appomattox C. H., Va., 9 April, 1865. BvT. Lieut.-Colonel U. S. Vols. 9 April, 1865. About Richmond, Va., April-Aug., 1865, and at Frederick, Md., Aug., 1865. 42 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1849. Mustered out of Vol. Service 8 Aug., 1865. Major 30 U. S. Cav. 10 May, 1867. BvT. Colonel U. S. Vols, 25 Dec, 1868. JAMES DURELL G-REEN. Lieut. Colonel 5TH Mass. V. M. April, 1861. Lieut. Colonel 17TH Inf. U. S. A. 14 May, 1861. Ordered to Portland, Me., to organize regt. ; in command of forts in harbor until spring of 1863 : campaigns of Army of Potomac. Colonel 6th Inf. U.S.A. 20 Sept., 1863. Provost-Marshal General of Wisconsin i Jan., 1S64; ordered to Ohio July, 1864; in command of Draft Rendezvous at Columbus, O. ; rejoined regt. in New York Feb., 1865, and ordered to Dept. of South ; in command Dist. of Port Royal, S. C. Bvt. Brig. General U. S. A. 13 March, 1865. Resigned 25 June, 1867. SAMUEL COOK OLIVER. Left College Jan., 1848. Lieut. Colonel 14TH Mass. Vols, (ist Mass. H. A.) 10 March, 1861. Stationed in the defences about Washington, D. C, and actively engaged in building forts, placing guns in position, building roads, etc., besides outpost and picket duty. Resigned 13 March, 1862. Captain 35TH Mass. Vols. 12 Aug., 1862. Battles South Mountain ; Antietam, Md., where he was wounded, 17 Sept., 1862. First Major 2D Mass. H. A. 29 June, 1863. Lieut. Colonel 2D Mass. H. A. 18 Sept., 1865. Mustered out 3 Sept., 1865. Bvt. Colonel, 22 May, 1866. l849-] ^^ THE WAR OF 1SG1-1SG5. 43 *JENCKES HARRIS OTIS. Left College 1847; M.D. 1851. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. 19 April, 1S51. Surgeon U.S. N. 2 June, 1861. U. S. S. Memphis; detached and waitmg orders 24 Sept., 1861; receiving ship Ohio at Boston, Mass., 30 Nov., 1861 ; U. S. S. Wachusett 24 Jan., 1862 ; detached and waiting orders 5 June, 1863. Died at Boston, Mass., 2 7' Aug., 1864. * EVERETT PEABODY. Colonel 13TH (afterward 25TH) Mo. Vols, i Sept., 1861. On guard duty at St. Joseph, Mo., for a considerable time ; sent southward to Lexington, Mo., and ordered to make a reconnois- sance to Warrensburgh, Mo.; siege Lexington, Mo., 12-18 Sept., 186 1 ; wounded and taken prisoner; in camp near Corinth, Miss., 31 March, 1862, commanding a brigade in Gen. Prentiss's Div. To his vigilance and activity the preservation of the Union Army at the battle of Pittsburg Landing was probably due.^ Killed at PirrsBURG Landing (Shiloh), Tenn., 6 April, 1862. NATHAN PAYSON RICE. M. D. 1853. Surgeon 4TH N. Y. Cav. 7 July, 1861. Surgeon i8th N. Y. Vols. 19 Aug., 1861. Joined his regt. near Alexandria, Va., in the 2d Brig. 5th Div. and remained with it till he was 1 Mitchell Ames (1850). Though in the Confederate army for a time, the circumstances of his case seem to demand a place with the Union cause. On the breaking out of the War Ames was in Arkansas, and was there impressed into the Confederate service. He was engaged in several battles at the West, and at the battle of Shiloh. when the whole army was pouring into our camp, passed and recognized the bodv of Peabody, with whom he had been intimate. He was wounded in that battle and afterward taken prisoner, when he immediately threw off his supposed rebel character and declared himself a Union man. 44 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1849-50. Mustered out 16 May, 1S63. During the term of his service with the i Sth at battles West Point ; Gaines's Mills ; Charles City Cross Road ; Malvern Hill, Va. ; South Mountain ; Antietam, Md. ; first and second battles f^edericks- burg ; and Salem Church, Va. AssT. Surgeon U. S. Vcjls. 7 Aug., 1863, reported to Maj. Gen. Foster at Fortress Monroe, Va. Surgeon U. S. Vols. 2 Sept., 1863. Assigned to duty as INIed. Inspector, Dept. of Va. ; taken ill 2 Jan., 1864, and remained at Military Hosp., Annapolis, Md., for four months; ordered to Yorktown, Va., 30 April, 1864, as Surgeon in Chief of the command there and on the Peninsula ; in charge of Hammond Gen. Hosp., Beaufort, N. C, 30 June, 1864 ; captured at Gunpowder Bridge, Md., by rebel cav. under Harry Gilmore 6 July, 1864, and escaped the same night; ordered to close the Hosp. at Beaufort 29 Dec, 1864; assigned to duty as Surgeon in Chief of ist Brig. Sth A. C. 22 Feb., 1865. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U.S. Vols. 15 Aug., 1865. Honorably discharged by General Order 8 Aug., 1865. * JAMES OTIS WILLIAMS. First Lieutenant i2Th Mass. Vols. 26 June, 1861. Captain i2TH Mass. Vols. 8 Oct., 1861. Wounded at Antietam, Md., 17 Sept., 1862, and Gettysburg, Pa., 3 July, 1863. Discharged on account of disability ii June, 1864. Died 1873. 1850. * JOHN AVERY. A, B. i860. Private 7TH N. Y. V. M. (National Guard) 30 April, 1861. Corporal ; on duty in Washington, D. C. 1850.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 4 c Mustered out 3 June, 186 i. Private 7TH N. Y. V. M. 25 May, 1862. Served at Federal Hill, Baltimore, Md. Mustered out 2 Sept., 1862. Again in service in 1863 at Frederic City, Md., after battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; Draft Riots at New York. Kjlled on the railroad near Yonkers, N. Y., 30 Jan., 1884. CHARLES CARROLL BOMBAUGH. Surgeon 2D Regt. Philadelphia Brig. 19 Aug., 1861. Surgeon 69TH Penn. Vols. 29 Oct., 1861. Served near Chain Bridge, Va. ; Monocacy River, Md. ; at Win- chester, Va. ; and in the Peninsular campaign ; after McClellan's retreat to the James River taken ill with typho-malarial fever and sent home 21 July, 1862. Resigned 27 Sept., 1862. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. On duty at Mower Hosp., Chestnut Hill, and at Christian Street Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa., till 4 April, 1864 ; Newton University Hosp., Baltimore, Md. Resigned 31 May, 1865. * WILLIAM LATHROP BURT. LL. B. 153. A. D. C. Staff of Brig. Gen. A. J. Hamilton. Served in the Galveston expedition fell of 1862 ; Judge Advocate General, Mass., during the War, with rank of Major i Oct., 1862, and of Brig. General 9 Feb., 1865 ; discharged from the service of the State 5 Jan., 1866 ; postmaster of Boston, Mass., for eight years ; interested in railroad matters ; president Boston, Hoosac Tunnel, and Western Railroad. Died at Syracuse, N. Y., 21 April, 1882. 46 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1850. JAMES MORSS CHASE. LL. B. 1855. Captain 7TH N. H. Vols. 6 Nov., 1861. Ordered to Fort Jefferson, Tortugas, Gulf of Mexico ; arrived March, 1862 ; Hilton Head, S. C, 16 June, 1862 ; Beaufort, S. C, till I Sept., 1862; St. Augustine, Fla. ; on sick leave Nov.-Dec, 1862 ; Judge Advocate Staff Gen. E. W. Hinks Sept.-Dec, 1863; remained on duty with regt. till Mustered out 30 Dec, 1864. * WARBEN HANPEL CUDWORTH. Chaplain ist Mass. Vols. 27 May, 1S61. Left Boston with the regt. 15 June, 1861 ; encamped near Wash- ington, D. C, till 1 7 July ; battle Blackburn's Ford ; Bull Run, Va. ; camp at Fort Albany, Va., and Bladensburg till 10 Sept.; winter-quarters at Budd's Ferry till 10 April, 1862; skirmish Shipping Point; siege of Yorktown, Va., 16 April-4 May; bat- tles Williamsburg ; Fair Oaks, Va. ; engaged in all the actions in this campaign ; movement toward James River 29 June ; Savage's Station, Va. ; Glendale ; Malvern Hill, Va. ; reached Harrison's Landing 2 July ; movement down the James River and up the Potomac to Alexandria, Va. ; Kettle Run, Va. ; second Bull Run, Chantilly; Fredericksburg (First); Chancellorsville, Va. ; Gettys- burg, Pa. ; Locust Grove ; Wapping Heights, Va. ; garrison and camp duty at Governor's and Riker's Islands, New York Harbor, at the time of the Draft Riots i Aug.-i5 Oct.; returned to Va. ; battle Spottsylvania, Va. Mustered out 28 May, 1864. Author of "History of the First Massachusetts Infantry Volun- teers," Boston, 1866 ; returned to his professional duties as pastor of the Church of Our Father, East Boston, Mass., and continued therein till he Died at East Boston, Mass., 29 Nov., 1883. 1850.] IN THE WAR OF 18G1-1S65. 47 JOSEPH GRINNELL DALTON. Left College July, 1847. Private 45TH Mass. V. M. 26 Sept., 1862. Served with regt. in N. C. Mustered out 7 July, 1S63. * NATHAN HAYWARD. M. D. 1855. AssT. Surgeon 20th Mass. Vols, i July, 1861. Surgeon 2oth Mass. Vols. 10 Sept., 1861. Prisoner at Sharpsburg, Md., while taking care of his wounded Lieut. Colonel (Palfrey, 185 1). Mustered out 19 Sept., 1864. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. BvT. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1S65. In practice of medicine at St. Louis, Mo. Died at St. Louis, Mo., 17 Aug., 1866, * CHARLES ARCHIBALD ROBERTSON. Surgeon 159TH N. Y. Vols. 30 Aug., 1862. Left New York with his regt. 4 Dec, 1862 ; camp at Baton Rouge, La. ; battle Irish Bend ; Banks's Red River expedition ; siege of Port Hudson ; battle Bayou Teche, Ark. ; Donaldsonville, La. ; leave of absence on account of illness 29 July, 1863. Resigned 2 Nov., 1863. Died at Albany, N. Y., i April, 1880. JOEL SEAVERNS. M. D. 1854. Act. Asst, Surgeon U. S. A. 25 May, 1862. Reported at White House, Va. ; ordered to Hosp. at Yorktown. Resigned 26 June, 1862. 48 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1850-51. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 27 Aug., 1S62. Post Surgeon, P'ort Warren, Boston Harbor. Asst. Surgeon U. S. Vols. 4 Dec, 1S63. Surgeon U. S. Vols. 5 April, 1864. Ordered to Washington, D. C, in spring of 1864, and assigned to Hosp. transport New World ; transferred to transport De Molay ; ordered to Fort Warren, Boston Harbor. Mustered out 7 Oct., 1865. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 26 March, 1866. JOSEPH HENRY THAYER. S. T D. 1884. Chaplain 40TH Mass. Vols. 17 Sept., 1862. Joined his regt. near Chain Bridge, above Washington, D. C. ; en- camped at Miner's Hill, Va. ; Fall's Church, Vienna, and Hunter's Chapel; transferred to Suffolk, Va., March, 1863; engaged on picket duty along the Paraunkey River. Resigned 15 May, 1863. 1851. GEORGE BLISS. LL. B. 1855. A. D. C. to Gov. Morgan of N. Y. ; detailed as A. A. A. G. at New York ; Commandant Post at N. Y. ; in charge of all troops arriving and departing except those of New England ; Paymaster General, State of N. Y. Captain 4TH N. Y. Art. 3 Feb., 1862. A. D. C. Staff of Gen. Morgan. Resigned 31 Dec, 1862. Raised 20th, 26th, and 31st regts. U. S. C. T. in 1863. 1851.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 49 EDWARD WYETH BROWN. Private 45TH Mass. V. M. 7 Oct., 1862. Service in N. C. ; garrison duty at Fort Macon, and Fort Spinola. Mustered out 17 July, iS 63. * ROBERT MORRIS COPELAND. First Lieutenant and Q. M. 2D Mass, Vols. 28 May, 1861. A. D. C. Staff of Gen. Banks 15 Aug., 1861. Major and A. A. G. U. S. Vols. 27 Nov., 1861. On duty along the Potomac ; battle Edward's Ferry, Va. ; cam- paign in Shenandoah Valley Feb., 1862; battle Winchester, Va. ; by the publication of an "Appeal to Massachusetts" in the daily newspapers 26 May, 1862, he was considered by the authorities at Washington to have reflected on the actions of the Government, and he was therefore Dismissed from the service i Aug., 1862. (See his statement, published Boston, 1864.) 10 Nov., 1870, a special order was issued by the War Dept. revoking that by which he was dismissed in 1862, and his resignation was accepted, to take effect I Aug., 1862. Died at Cambridge, Mass., 28 March, 1874. HERBERT PELHAM CURTIS. LL. B. 1856. Second Lieutenant ist Mass. Cav. 19 Dec, 1861. First Lieutenant and Adjutant ist Mass. Cav. 19 July, 1862. Captain ist Mass. Cav. 2 Jan., 1864. Sent to Hilton Head, S. C, and was present at Gen. Hunter's unsuccessful attack ; battle South Mountain, Md. ; Antietam ; followed Imboden to Cumberland and Stuart through Pa. ; battle Gettysburg, Pa. ; A. D. C. on Staff of Gen. Benham ; rejoined regt. at Warrenton, Va. ; ordered to Washington, D. C, in 1864, and on duty in ofifice of Gen. Holt, Judge Adv. Gen. 50 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1851. Mustered out 26 June, 1865. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 2 Dec, 1865. BvT. Colonel U. S. Vols. 2 Dec, 1865. Major and Judge Advocate U. S. A. 21 June, 1865. * EDWARD AUSTIN FLINT. Second Lieutenant ist Mass. Cav. 14 Nov., 1862. Joined regt. at Washington, D. C. First Lieutenant ist Mass. Cav. 21 March, 1863. Captain ist Mass. Cav. 16 Feb., 1864. Major ist Mass. Cav. 2 July, 1864. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 9 April, 1865. BvT, Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 9 April, 1865. BvT. Colonel U. S. Vols. 9 April, 1865. Served with regt. till May, 1864, in Cav. Corps, Army of Potomac, when his squad, was ordered to report to Gen. Meade as Head- quarters Cav. escort for Army of the Potomac ; present at most of the battles of the Army of the Potomac till close of the War, and in many cavalry skirmishes. Mustered out 30 June, 1865. For several years engaged as a civil engineer and railv/ay manager in Chili and Peru ; later in similar capacity in various enterprises in the Central and Western States. Died at Brookline, Mass., 23 Jan., 1886. * JASON MARTIN GORHAM. Second Lieutenant 42D Mass. V. M. 14 Oct., 1862. Resigned 13 May, 1863. Private 33D Mass. Vols. 7 Dec, 1863. Corporal ; remained at Long Island and Gallop's Island, Boston Harbor, as Clerk of Detachment until June, 1864 ; joined regt. in front of Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., 26 June, 1864 ; Adjutant's clerk ; transferred to 2d regt. 1 85 1.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 51 Private 2D Mass. Vols. May, 1865. Mustered out 29 July, 1865. Died at Barre, Mass., 5 Dec, 1880. * NICHOLAS ST. JOHN GREEN. LL. B 1853. Paymaster U.S. A. 31 Aug., 1863. Stationed in Washington, D. C, and Norfolk, Va. Resigned 19 May, 1865. Died at Cambridge, Mass., 8 Sept., 1876. SAMUEL ABBOTT GREEN. M D. 1854. Surgeon ist Mass. V. M. at the beginning of the War. In the public service under the pay of the State, from 2 7 April to 10 May, 1861. Subsequently orders came from Washington — though soon afterward revoked — that only asst. surgeons should accompany regts., as surgeons were to be appointed from the regular army ; for that reason he was commissioned Asst. Surgeon ist Mass. Vols. 25 May, 1861, Being the first medical officer from the State for three years ; Battles Blackburn's Ford, Va. ; first Bull Run. Surgeon 24TH Mass. Vols. 2 Sept., 1861. Never mustered into the regt. as such ; he was told by the muster- ing officer, who was inexperienced in his duties, that his muster- in as asst. surgeon would cover all subsequent promotions ; for a short time in professional charge of a large number of rebel prisoners at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor ; in charge of Hosp. at Annapolis, Md., where he also organized the Hosp. Ship Recruit, and had charge of it as far as Hatteras Inlet, N. C ; battle Roanoke Island ; in charge Brig. Hosp. ; planned and laid out a cemetery for the Union dead, which, under the name of Roanoke Cemetery, was consecrated 23 Feb., 1862, with appropriate services, includ- ing an address by himself; battle of Newbern, N. C. ; President of 52 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1851. Commission appointed by Gov. Andrew to examine candidates for the medical staff, Mass. Vols., Burnside's expedition ; accompanied regt. to Swansboro ; on Gen. Foster's Staff during expedition to Williamston and Hamilton ; battles Kinston ; Whitehall ; Golds- boro ; to Hilton Head, S. C., Jan., 1863 ; Chief Med. Officer Gen. Stevenson's command ; President Med. Board at Seabrook Island, S. C; Med. Dir. Gen. Terry's Staff, 9 July, 1863; battle James Island ; Chief Med. Officer on Morris Island during siege of Fort Wagner and afterward; in charge Hosp. St. Cosmopolitan on coast of S. C. ; Post Surgeon at St. Augustine, Fla., and also at Jacksonville, where he organized a Small-Pox Hosp. ; ordered with regt. to Va., April, 1864 ; in Gen. Butler's command when Bermuda Hundred was taken ; battle of Drury's Bluff, Va., and various skir- mishes in front of Richmond ; on Staff of Gen. Stevenson, and of Gen. Kautz, Cav. Div. Army of the James. Left the 24TH Mass. Vols. 3 Nov., 1864. Not mustered out, as he had never been mustered in. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Act. Staff Surgeon U. S. A. 9 April, 1S65. On duty in Richmond, Va. Resigned 9 July, 1865. EDWARD HENRY HALL. Chaplain 44TH Mass. V. M. 29 Aug., 1862. Served with the regt. in N. C. and was present at all the engage- ments and in all the expeditions in which it took part ; batdes Kinston, N. C. ; Whitehall ; Goldsboro ; siege of Little Washington. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. FREDERIC HENRY HEDGE. Private ioth R. I. Vols. 26 May, 1862. Engaged in garrison duty in forts near Washington, D. C. Mustered out 28 Aug., 1862. 1851.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-18G5. 53 * ANSON PARKER HOOKER. M. D. 1855. Surgeon 26th Mass. Vols. 10 Sept., 1861. Left Boston 25 Nov. in St. Constitution ; landed at Ship Island and remained through the winter; in spring of 1862 went home on sick leave ; rejoined his regt., stationed at Forts St. Philip and Jackson, below New Orleans, La. ; again taken ill and Resigned on account of disability 18 June, 1863. AssT. Surgeon General Mass., 26 May, 1863, with rank of Major and later of Lieut. Colonel Mass. V. M. Died at East Cambridge, Mass., 31 Dec, 1873. FRANCIS WINTHROP PALFREY. LL. B. 1853. Second Lieutenant 4TH Batt. Mass. V. M, 30 March, 1861. On duty at Fort Independence, Boston Harbor, 25 April-25 May, 1861. Lieut, Colonel 20th Mass. Vols, i July, i86r.i Left the State with the regt. 4 Sept., 1861, for Washington, D. C, and thence to the upper Potomac ; in command of portion of regt. which crossed river at Edwards' Ferry and engaged in battle of Ball's Bluff, Va. ; in command of regt. till i May, 1862; March, 1862, took part in movement up the Potomac to Charlestown, Va., back to Washington, D. C, and thence to Fort Monroe, Va. ; with regt. through siege of Yorktown, Va. ; present at battles West Point ; Fair Oaks ; Seven Pines ; also in the Seven Days' Fight, including 1 Seventeen sons of Harvard and one instructor held commissions in tiie 20th Mass. Vols. Five of these lost their lives and several were wounded. George Adam Schmitt, instructor in German, — born in Riedenheim, Ger- many, — by vote of the Faculty was allowed to leave his duties at Cambridge to fight for his adopted country. He entered the service as Captain in the 20th, 10 July, 1861, and was severely wounded at Ball's Bluff, Va. After recovering from his wound he returned to the regiment in Sept., 1862, and fought bravely in the actions in which the regiment was engaged ; he was afterwards placed in command of the N. Y. Div. Convalescent Camp, near Alexandria, Va., and was transferred to the Vet. Reserve Corps 22 July, 1863. Resigned 31 July, 1864. 54 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1851-52. Peach Orchard and Savage's Station, Nelson's P'arm, where he was sHghtly wounded, and White Oak Swamp ; in command of regt. at Malvern Hill, i July and 5 Aug. ; Chantilly, Va. ; South Moun- tain, Md. ; Antietam, where he was severely wounded ; was taken prisoner and afterward operated on by his own surgeon, Hayward (1850), who had also been taken prisoner while taking care of him ; removed to Philadelphia, Pa., and later to Boston. Colonel 2oth Mass. Vols. 18 Dec, 1862. Resigned on account of disability 13 April, 1863. BvT. Brig. General U. S. Vols 13 March, 1865. * WILLIAM DWIG-HT SEDGWICK. LL. B. 1855. First Lieutenant 2D Mass. Vols. 28 May, 1861. Left Boston with his regt. ; detailed as Ordnance Officer of Maj. Gen. Banks's Corps. Major and A. A. G. U. S. Vols. 16 Sept., 1861. On Staff of Maj. Gen. Sedgwick. Died at Keedysville, Md., 29 Sept., 1862, of wound received AT Antietam. FREDERICK WINSOR. MD. 1855. Surgeon 49TH Mass. V. M. 21 Nov., 1862, In camp at Long Island, N. Y. ; sailed for New Orleans, La., Jan., 1863; moved to Baton Rouge, La., 17 Feb., as part of Gen. Augur's Div. 9th A. C. ; marched to Port Hudson, La., 20 May, and engaged in its siege 22 May-5 July; by boat to Donaldson- ville, La., 6 July. Mustered out i Sept., 1863. 1852. ELBERT ELLERY ANDERSON. Major N. Y. 1852.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 55 EDWARD KING- BUTTRICK. LL. B. 1854. Captain 31ST Wis. Vols. 24 Dec, 1862. Left Wisconsin early in 1863; the regt. was stationed at Colum- bus, Ky., till Sept., 1863, when it was ordered to report to Gen. Thomas ; Capt. Buttrick was left sick in hospital, but rejoined his regt. in Dec. ; on Staff Maj. Gen. Thomas and subsequendy of Brig. Gen. Baird, 3d Div. 14th A. C. ; served through the Atlanta cam- paign ; battles Lost Mountain, Ga. ; Peach Tree Creek ; Jones- boro ; Resaca ; and with Gen. Baird in the march to the sea. A. A. A. G. U. S. Vols. April, 1865. In ist Div. 20th A. C. and served in this capacity till close of the War; campaign in the CaroHnas; battle Averysboro, N. C. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Mustered out Nov., 1865. CHARLES TAYLOR CANFIELD. Chaplain 36TH Mass. Vols. 28 Aug., 1862. Left the State 2 Sept., 1862 ; battle Fredericksburg, Va. ; siege of Vicksburg, Miss. ; Jackson, Miss. Resigned 20 Oct., 1863. DAVID WILLIAMS CHEEVER. M. D. 1858. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 2 June, 1862. On duty at Judiciary Square, Washington, together with Ellis (1846), Page (1852), Brown (1857), Sprague (m. 1857), and Haven (1858). Resigned 2 Aug., 1862. * HENRY HILL DOWNES. LL. B. 1854. Private 124TH III. Vols, ii Aug., 1862. Died at Vicksburg, Miss., 26 Sept., 1864. 56 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1852. WILLIAM MILLER ESTE. Second Lieutenant 26th Ohio Vols. 17 Dec, 1861. A. D. C. on Staff of Brig. Gen. Schenck ; ordered to report for duty in Va. 15 Feb., 1862 ; battles Bull Mountain, Va. ; Franklin ; Strasburg ; Mount Jackson ; Cross Keys ; Port Republic ; Cedar Mountain ; Freeman's Ford ; Warrenton Sulphur Springs ; Water- loo Bridge ; Groveton ; second Bull Run ; Chantilly. First Lieutenant 26th Ohio Vols. 5 Dec, 1862. Resigned 22 Dec, 1862. Major U. S. Vols, to date from 5 March, 1863. Rank and pay afterward authorized (G. O. War Dept. 231, July, 1864) as from 22 Dec, 1862 ; A. D. C. to Gen. Schenck Middle Dept. and 8th A. C, Headquarters at Baltimore, Md, ; afterward to Gen. Lockwood and Gen. Wallace in charge Camp Tyler (Camp Distribution), near Baltimore ; Judge Adv. 8th A. C. ; in charge post at Havre de Grace, etc., July-Nov., 1864; absent on sick leave till he Resigned i April, 1865. * SAMUEL FOSTER HAVEN. M.D. 1855. Assist. Surgeon 15TH Mass. Vols. 5 Aug., 1861. Battle Ball's Bluff, Va. ; siege of Yorktown ; Fair Oaks. Surgeon 15TH Mass. Vols. 21 July, 1862. Battle Antietam, Md. Killed at Fredericksburg, Va,, 13 Dec, 1862. GEORG-E EDWARD HEAD. M. D. 1855. First Lieutenant iith Inf. U. S. A. 14 May, 1861. On recruiting service in Boston, Mass., till Oct., 1861 ; at Perry- ville, Md,, till Feb., 1862, when his regt. joined Army of the Potomac ; took part in all campaigns of this army till 25 Dec, 1852.] IN THE WAR OF 1SG1-18G5. 57 1862, when he was ordered to Fort Independence, Boston Harbor; Regmiental Adjt., i Oct., 1862-April, 1863; rejomed regt. in field, 4 May. First Lieutenant and Adjutant ist Batt. i ith Inf. U. S. A. 2 July, 1864. Captain iith Inf. U. S. A. 12 July, 1864. Served in the field till Nov., 1864, when regt. was ordered to Annapolis, Md., to recruit ; present at the following battles and sieges : Yorktown, Va. ; Gaines's Mills ; Malvern Hill ; second Bull Run ; Antietam, Md. ; Fredericksburg, Va. ; Gettysburg, Pa. ; Mine Run, Va. ; Rappahannock Station ; Wilderness ; Laurel Hill ; Spottsylvania ; North Anna ; Bethesda Church ; Petersburg ; siege of Petersburg; Chapel House. Bvt. Major 12 Aug., 1864. Member of MiUtary Commission and Judge Adv. at Baltimore, Md., Nov., 1864-Sept., 1865, when he joined regt. at Richmond, Va. ; commanded posts of Charlottesville and Camp Hamilton, Va., until summer of 1S67. Unassigned 25 April, 1869 ; assigned to 3D Inf. U. S. A. I Jan., 1871. * WILLIAM STURGIS HOOPER. Captain and A. D. C. Staff of Maj. Gen. Banks 4 Dec, 1862. Left New York for New Orleans, 4 Dec, 1862 ; detailed as Mem- ber of Commission to care for sequestrated property and for the regulation of the labor question in La. ; engaged in the demonstra- tion against Port Hudson, 8 March, 1863. Died at Boston, Mass. 24 Sept., 1863. SAMUEL HUTCHINS HURD. Surgeon 5TH Mass. V. M. i May, 1861. With regt. during its service near Washington, D. C. ; first battle Bull Run, Va. Mustered out 31 July, 1861. 58 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1852. SAMUEL PEARCE JENNISON. Left College 27 Sept., 1849. Second Lieutenant 2D Minn. Vols. 5 July, 1861. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 2D Minn. Vols. 17 Jan., 1862. Lieut. Colonel ioth Minn. Vols. 15 Sept., 1862. Ordered for a time to the Indian country on the Minnesota River, and subsequently was actively engaged in the Armies of the West. Bvt. Colonel U. S. Vols. 23 Feb., 1865. Bvt. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Mustered out 19 Aug., 1865. * BENJAMIN FLINT KING-. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. i Sept., 1862. Served in N. C. ; battles Rawles's Mills, N. C. ; Kinston ; White- hall ; Goldsboro ; siege of Washington. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. First Lieutenant i8th U. S. C. T. 7 Dec, 1863. The 1 8th U. S. C. T. was in April, 1864, consolidated with another regt. and designated 89th U. S. C. T. Judge Adv. Staff of Gen. G. L. Andrews, Dept. of the Gulf, i May ; detailed as Provost- Marshal; rejoined his regt. 19 July, 1864, and served with it, till Mustered out 10 Aug., 1864. Died at Boston, Mass., 24 Jan., 1868. * CALVIN GATES PAGE. M. D. 1855. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 28 Aug., 1861. On duty at Fort Independence, Boston Harbor ; Perryville, Md., Oct., 1861 ; in charge Judiciary Square Hosp., Washington, D. C, April-Aug., 1862. Surgeon 39TH Mass. Vols. 22 Aug., 1862. On duty in the defences of Washington, D. C. ; ordered to Draft Rendezvous, Boston Harbor, Sept., 1863. 1852.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1S65. 59 Discharged for disability 16 Nov., 1863. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 16 Nov., 1863. Discharged 15 Feb., 1865. Died at Boston, Mass., 29 May, 1869. JOSIAH PORTER. LL. B. 1854. First Lieutenant ist Light Baty. Mass. V. M. 18 May, 1861. Left Boston with that organization 20 April, 1861 ; in company with the 5th Mass. V. M., Col. Lawrence (1855); proceeded to Fortress Monroe and thence to Annapolis, Md. ; 4 May to the Relay House, on the B. & O. R. R. ; 13 June ordered to Baltimore to protect the polls ; returned to Boston and was Mustered out 2 Aug., 1861. Captain ist Baty. Light Art. Mass. V. M. 23 Aug., 1861. Left the State 3 Oct. for Washington, D. C. ; spent winter at Camp Revere, near Fairfax Seminary, Va. ; in the spring entered the field with McDowell's Div. ; afterward joined McClellan before York- town, Va., and actively engaged in the Peninsular and Md. campaigns. Resigned 27 Sept., 1862. SAMUEL MILLER QUINCY. Captain 2d Mass. Vols, ii May, 1861. Battle Winchester, Va. ; wounded and taken prisoner at battle Cedar Mountain ; confined at Stanton, Va., and in Libby Prison for three months ; exchanged and returned to regt. in spring of 1863. Major 2D Mass. Vols. 17 Sept., 1862. Colonel 2D Mass. Vols. 9 Nov., 1862. Battle Chancellorsville, Va. Discharged for disability on account of wounds, 4 June, 1863. Lieut. Colonel ist Regt. Corps d'Afrique, 73D U. S. C. T., 20 Oct., 1863. Stationed at Port Hudson, La. 6o HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1852. Colonel 73D U. S. C. T. 24 May, 1864. Transferred to the 96th, and afterwards to the 8ist U. S. C. T. ; on detached duty as President of Examining Board, Insp, Gen. of Colored Troops, President of U. S. Claims Commission, and fin- ally as Acting Mayor of New Orleans, La., 5 May-8 June, 1865 ; commanded 8ist U. S. C. T. in riots of July, 1866. BvT. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 22 May, 1866. Mustered out 30 Nov., 1866. *PAUL JOSEPH REVERE. Major 2oth Mass. Vols, i July, 1861. Left Boston Sept., 1861 ; picket and outpost duty along the Potomac River ; battle Ball's Bluff, Va. ; wounded in leg ; taken prisoner and confined in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., and for three months with six other officers in a dimly lighted and foul dungeon at Henrico County prison (eleven by seventeen feet in size) as hostages to answer with their lives for the safety of rebel privateersmen held by the U. S. Government under a charge of piracy on the high seas; paroled 22 Feb., 1862; exchanged and rejoined his regt. 2 May ; battle West Point, Va. ; Peninsular campaign ; on sick leave during August. Lieut. Col. and Asst. Insp. Gen. U. S. Vols. 4 Sept., 1862. On duty at the Headquarters of General Sumner 2d A. C. ; Mary- land campaign ; wounded at Antietam, Md. ; at home on leave till appointed Colonel 20th Mass. Vols. 14 April, 1863. Reported for duty May, 1863 ; at Falmouth, Va. ; wounded 2 July, 1863, and Died at Gettysburg, Pa., 4 July, 1863. CHARLES ELLERY STEDMAN. M. D. 1855. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 16 Sept., 1861. (His commission bearing date 24 Jan., 1862) ; ordered to U. S. S. S. 1852.] IN THE WAR OF 18G1-1S65. 6 1 Huron, 1862 ; Nahant, 1863 ; to Boston Navy Yard, and U. S. S. S. Circassia, 1864-5. Resigned 27 April, 1865. HENRY STONE. Left College July, 1849. Second Lieutenant ist Wis. Vols. 22 Aug., 1861. Ordered to Ky. and assigned to Army of the Ohio, Oct., 1861 ; in camps of instruction till 5 Jan., 1862 ; A. A. A. G. at Gen. Buell's Headquarters, Dept. of the Ohio, at Louisville, Ky. ; to Nashville, Tenn., 6 March, 1862 ; assisted Capt. Morton, Eng. Corps U. S. A. in fortifications at Nashville, and as A. D. C. to Gen. Miller in siege of Nashville, Sept-Nov., 1862. First Lieutenant ist Wis. Vols. 24 April, 1862. A. A. A. G. Staff of Gen. Rosecrans, 15 Nov., 1862. Captain and A. A. G. U. S. Vols. 4 April, 1863. Reported for duty with the Provost-Marshal General, War Dept., Washington, D. C. ; on Staff Maj. General G. H. Thomas, Dept. of the Cumberland, 6 Feb., 1864; Atlanta campaign, May-Sept., 1864; battles Rocky Face Ridge, Ga. ; Resaca; New Hope Church; Kenesaw Mountain ; Peach Tree Creek ; siege of Atlanta ; Jonesboro ; on duty in Atlanta till 30 Oct. ; Chattanooga, Tenn., and 30 Nov. to Nashville ; battle Nashville. Lieut. Colonel iooth U. S. C. T. 19 Jan., 1865. In charge Nashville & Northwestern Railroad in Tenn., spring and summer of 1865 ; commanding post of Columbia, Tenn., July and Aug., 1865 ; General Court-Martial, Knoxville, Tenn., Sept., 1865. Bvt. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Mustered out 26 Dec, 1865. RUSSELL STURGIS. Left College July, 1849. First Lieutenant Div. Corps of Cadets Mass. V. M. May, 1862. On duty at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor. 62 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1852. Captain 45TH Mass. V. M. 26 Sept., 1862. Major 45TH Mass. V. M. 28 Oct., 1862. Served with the regt. in N. C. ; battle Bachelor's Creek, N. C. Mustered out 7 July, 1863. ELIJAH SWIFT. Private 38TH Mass. Vols. 13 Aug., 1862. Sergeant. First Lieutenant and Quartermaster 3 8th Mass. Vols. 23 Aug., 1862. Q. M. of Col. Ingraham's Brig, in Gen. Banks's expedition, 27 Oct. ; Q. M. of troops in transitu at Ship Island, Miss., Dec. ; relieved at Ship Island to accompany Col Ingraham as Q. M. of 3d Brig, of Gen. Emory's Div. ; Q. M. of Plaquemine expe- dition, 12 Feb., 1863 ; Div. Q. M. 3d Div. 19th A. C, i March; returned to duty in the Brig., 10 March ; on special service with the Chief Engineer of the Dept., 23 April, and engaged in open- ing a passage through the rafts and other obstructions at Bayou Sorrel, to form a direct communication between the Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers ; slightly wounded near Springfield Landing, 2 July, taken prisoner and carried to Liberty, Miss. ; recaptured, I Aug. ; assistant to Lieut. Col. Chandler, Chief Q. M. of troops in the field, Dept. of the Gulf, 1 1 Oct. j directed to collect and organize a colony of negroes and establish them at Cat Island, II April, 1864; reported at Berryville, Va. ; as Staff Q. M. at Headquarters, 8 Sept. ; assigned to duty at Headquarters of Bvt. Maj. Gen. Birge, ist Div. i8th A. C. at Goldsboro, N. C, April, 1865 ; in charge of " Civil Fund, Dist. of Savannah, Ga.," 8 May. Mustered out 30 June, 1865. * ROBERT WARE. M. D. 1856. Prepared Treatise on Small Pox for U. S. Sanitary Commission ; Inspector in the service of the U. S. Sanitary Commission, Dec, 1 86 1, at Newport News, Va., and during the Peninsular campaign ; 1852.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 63 on temporary duty with the 2d Mass. Vols., after battle at Cul- peper, Va., Aug., 1862. Surgeon 44TH Mass. V. M. 29 Aug., 1862. On duty with the regt. in N. C. Died at Washington, N. C, 10 April,. 1863. ANDREW WASHBURN. First Lieutenant and Quartermaster 14TH Mass. Vols, (ist Mass. H. A.), 5 July, 1861. Major ist Mass. H. A. 18 Jan., 1862. 2D N. Y. Art. 27 Feb., 1863. Served as regimental and brig, quartermaster, as regimental and post commissary, and as regimental, post, and brig, chief of ord- nance and artillery in Fort Albany and southern line of defences about Washington, D. C. ; second battle Bull Run, Va. Discharged for disability, 15 April, 1863. After partial recovery, employed at U. S. Arsenal, Watertown, Mass.; resigned that position Oct., 1865; Inspector of Schools, State of Va., under Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, War Dept., Nov., till close of that Bureau; U.S. Pension Agent, Va., till 1875. WILLIAM FISKE WHEELER. Captain 5 ist Mass. V. M. i Sept., 1862. Mustered out 27 July, 1863. * SIDNEY WILLARD. Captain 35TH Mass. Vols. 13 Aug., 1862. He had already trained about eight hundred men, and instructed twenty officers for the field. Left Boston 22 Aug., 1862. Major 35TH Mass. Vols. 27 Aug., 1862. In Washington, D. C, at the time of the battle of Antietam, Md., on business connected with the service ; joined the regt. immedi- 64 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1852-53. ately after, and crossed with it into Va. ; battle White Sulphur Springs, Va. Died at Fredericksburg, Va., 14 Dec, 1S62. 1853. CHARLES EDWARD BRIGGS. M. D. 1856. AssT. Surgeon 24TH Mass. Vols. 12 Aug., 1862. Joined regt. at Newbern, N. C. ; temporarily detached for service with the 2 7th Mass. Vols, in the expedition which entered Kinston, N. C, and cut the railroad-line near Goldsboro ; accompanied the 24th when ordered to Morris Island, S. C, in Aug., 1863; a pa- tient at officers' hosp. Beaufort, 25 Aug. ; rejoined his regt. in Sept. ; on duty at Fort Marion, St. Augustine, Fla., Oct. Surgeon 54TH Mass. Vols. 24 Nov., 1863. Joined regt. spring of 1864 at Morris Island ; surgeon to the right wing in expedition against Charleston, July; operating surgeon, battle Honey Hill ; on duty at Magnolia Cemetery, Charleston, Savannah, and Georgetown, early in March, 1865 ; battle Sumter- ville ; Boykin's Mills ; on duty at the citadel, Charleston, and on examining boards. Mustered out 20 Aug., 1865. JOSEPH MANSFIELD BROWN. Second Lieutenant ist Regt. U. S. Lancers 15 Nov., 1861. First Lieuten.^nt and Quartermaster 2d Mass. Cav. 10 Nov., 1862. In the campaigns of 1863 and 1864 in Va., Md., and Pa. ; Shen- andoah Valley campaign in 1864. Captain and A. Q. M. U. S. Voi^. 29 Feb., 1864. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. Mustered out 17 July, 1867. 1853.] ^-'V THE WAR OF 1S61-18G3. 65 WILLIAM DORSHEIMER. Left College 3 March, 1851 ; A. M. 1859. Major and Add. A. D. C. U. S. A. Aug., 1861. On staff of Gen. Fremont ; served in Mo. Retired Nov., 1861. * WILDER DWIGHT. LL. B. 1855. Major 2D Mass. Vols. 24 May, i86r. Left Boston 8 July, 186 1, for service on the upper Potomac; actively engaged throughout his service in Va. and Md. ; prisoner at Winchester, Va., 25 May, 1S62 ; released on parole 2 June. Lieut. Colonel 2D Mass. Vols. 13 June, 1861. Exchanged 1 1 Aug. ; rejoined regt. near Culpeper, Va. ; mortally wounded near Sharpsburg, Md., 1 7 Sept. Died at Boonesborough, Md., 19 Sept., 1862. JOHN ERVING. LL. B. 1855. Private 7TH N. Y. V. M. (National Guard) 19 April, 1861. Served with the regt. during its campaign of that year. Mustered out 3 June, 1861. Sergeant 7TH N. Y. V. M. 25 May, 1862. Mustered out 2 Sept., 1862. Sergeant 7TH N. Y. V. M. summer of 1863. On duty at Baltimore and Frederick, Md. Mustered out July, 1863. * WILLIAM WARE HALL. First Lieutenant 5TH R. I. Vols., 1861. First organized as a battalion ; regt. changed to H. A., July, 1863 i accompanied it to N. C. as part of the Bumside expedition, sailing 5 66 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1853. from Annapolis 9 Jan., 1862; battles Roanoke Island, N. C. ; Nevvbern ; Fort Macon. Resigned on account of disability, 2 Aug., 1862. Took charge of the instruction of Freedmen on St. Helena Island, Port Royal, S. C, where he remained until i July, 1864. Died at Providence, R. I., 9 Aug., 1864. * GEORG-E WALKER HARTWELL. Private 5TH Ohio Art. 25 Aug., 1862. Died at Wyoming, Ohio, i 2 March, i 884. * CHARLES HENRY HURD. First Lieutenant 32D Mass. Vols. 28 July, 1862. A. A. A. G. Staff of Gen. Russell i Jan., 1863. Captain and A. A. G. U. S. Vols. 5 May, 1863. Served in 3d Brig, ist Div. 6th A. C, Army of the Potomac, and 2d Div. 24th A. C, Army of the James ; battles Antietam, Md. ; Fredericksburg, Va. (ist and 2d); Salem Heights; Gettysburg, Pa. ; Fairfield ; Funkstown, Md. ; Mine Run, Va. ; Rappahan- nock Station ; Wilderness, for seven days until wounded at Spott- sylvania 12 May, 1864; served also in the closing campaign of the war from the assault on Petersburg, until Lee's surrender at Appomattox C H. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Mustered out 19 Sept., 1865. Died at Dorchester, Mass., 25 April, 1877. CHARLES FREDERIC LIYERMORE. S. B. 1856. Junior Second Lieutenant ist unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. 26 Feb., 1862. Stationed at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor. Senior First Lieutenant 2d unatt. Co., Mass. H. A. 3 Nov., 1862. 1853.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-18G5. 67 Captain 4TH unatt. Co. (ArrERWARo Co. C, ist Batp.) M.a.ss. H. A. 10 April, 1863. Major ist Batt. Mass. H. A. 6 Aug., 1865. On garrison duty and coast defence at Forts Warren and Inde- pendence, Boston Harbor ; in command of Fort Warren, Boston Harbor. Mustered out as Captain, 20 Oct., 1865. HENRY STEDMAN NOURSE. Prfv.ate 55TH III. Vols. 23 Oct., 1861. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 55TH III. Vols, i March, 1862. Wounded at Shiloh, Tenn., April 6, 1862. Captain 55TH III. Vols. 19 Dec, 1862. Commissary of musters 17th A. C, 24 Oct., 1864; Staff of Maj. Gen. F. P. Blair ; took part in over forty engagements, besides the siege operations at Corinth, Miss. ; Vicksburg ; Jackson ; Atlanta, Ga; Savannah. Mustered out 29 March, 1865. CHARLES JACKSON PAINE. Captain 22D Mass. Vols. 8 Oct., 1861. Major "Eastern Bay State Regiment" 14 Jan., 1862. Appointed Major by special order. No. n, A. G. O., U. S. A. ; joined regt. at Fort Monroe, Va., and went to Ship Island, Miss. ; when regt. was changed to 30th Mass. was not commissioned by Gov. of Mass. Colonel 2D La. Vols. Sept., 1862. In command of regt. until placed in charge of a brigade during the siege of Port Hudson, La. ; joined Gen. Butler, commanding Dept. of Va. and N. C. as Vol. A. D. C, March, 1864 ; battle Drury's Bluff, Va. Brig. General U. S. Vols. July, 1864. In command of 3d Div. i8th A. C. ; commanded his Div. in attack at Newmarket, Va. 68 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1853. BvT. Maj. General U. S. Vols. 15 Jan., 1865. Expedition against Fort Fisher; March-April, 1865, with Sher- man's army in N. C. ; in command of District of Beaufort, S. C. Mustered out 15 Jan., 1S66. JOHN CARVER PALFREY. BvT. Second Lieutenant Corps of Engineers U. S. A. i July, 1857- Second Lieutenant Corps of Englneers U. S. A. 31 Dec, 1857. Ordered to proceed to Fort Monroe, Va., 24 April, 1861, as Asst. Engineer for it and the defences of Hampton Roads ; on duty at Newport News, Va., June, 1861 ; on sick leave 4 July-Oct., 1861 ; Asst. Engineer Fort Monroe, Va., Oct.-29 Nov., 186 1. First Lieutenant Corps of Engineers U. S. A. 3 Aug., 1861. Ordered to Washington, D. C, 29 Nov., to receive orders and instruc- tions for proceeding to Ship Island, Miss., to assume charge there, in preparation for the expedition against New Orleans ; ordered to Louisville, Ky., to consult with Capt. Prime, U. S. Engineer at Gen. Buell's Headquarters; reached Ship Island 21 Feb., 1862, and retained charge of works there till 12 Sept., 1865 ; A. A. D. C. Staff of Brig. Gen. Phelps and Maj. Gen. Butler; ordered to Forts Jackson and St. Philip on the Mississippi, May, 1S62, to repair them and put them in condition for defence ; engaged in fortify- ing Donaldsonville, La., Nov., 1862 ; took charge of construction and repairs of fortifications about New Orleans, La., 5 Jan., 1863, and retained charge till 5 Oct., 1865. Captain Corps of Engineers U. S. A. 3 March, 1863. Also in charge of field-works of Dept. of the Gulf, ]\Iarch, 1863- June, 1864, and of the defences of Pensacola, Fla., Dec, 1863- 12 Sept., 1865 ; Assist. Engineer Dept. of the Gulf, 5 Jan., 1863- 7 May, 1864; siege of Port Hudson, La., 30 May-8 Juh^, 1863, being Senior Engineer from 1 7 June to 8 July, the date of the surrender; Red River campaign, April-May, 1864; Assist. Engi- neer Mil. Div. of West Miss., 4 Aug., 1864-15 March, 1865 ; siege and capture of Fort Gaines, Ala., 4-8 Aug., 1864; Senior Engi- neer siege and capture Fort Morgan, Ala., 14-23 Aug., 1864. 1853.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 69 BvT. Major U. S. A, 23 Aug., 1864. Assist. I. G. and Chief Engineer 13th A. C, 15 March, 1 865-1 Aug., 1865. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 15 March, 1865. Campaign of Mobile, Ala. ; Spanish Fort ; Blakely. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U.S.A. 26 March, 1865. BvT. Colonel U. S. A. 26 March, 1865. BvT. Brig. General U. S. A. 26 March, 1865. Engineering operations on Tombigbee River, Ala., and defences of Mobile, April, 1865 ; reconstructing the San Antonio and Mexi- can Gulf Railroad, Texas, May-Aug., 1865 ; on leave of absence, 5 Oct., 1865, till he Resigned i May, 1866. CHARLES COOLIDGE POMEROY. Captain iith Inf. U. S. A. 14 May, 1861. In command of Fort Independence, Boston Harbor ; transferred to Portsmouth Grove, R. I., and subsequently to Indianapolis, Ind., on recruiting and mustering service, and to Springfield and Chicago, 111., as musterii:kg and disbursing ofificer. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. A. 13 Nov., 1865. Resigned 5 Oct., 1867. * HORATIO OSCAR WHITTEMORE. Adjutant 4TH Mass. V. M. April, 1861. Major 4TH Mass. V. M. 22 April, 1861. At 3.25 p. M., 15 April, 1 86 1, orders were received from the A. G. O., Mass., calling the regt. into service. They were received by Col. A. B. Wardrop, in company with Walker (1855), who at that time reported for duty. The commanding ofificer went to the office of Whittemore, and orders were sent by mail and messenger to the companies composing the regt. The regt. left Boston by the 70 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1853-54. O. C. R. R. at 5 p. M., 16 April, and went at once to Fort Monroe by water from Fall River, Mass. ; battle Big Bethel, Va. Mustered out 22 July, 1861. Major 30TH Mass. Vols. 20 Feb., 1862. Recently changed from the " Eastern Bay State regt.," and then in La. ; reported for duty at Ship Island, Miss., 22 March, 1862 ; at S. W. Pass, Mississippi River during bombardment of Forts St. Philip and Jackson, 18 April; took possession of Fort St. Philip, 28 April; reached New Orleans, La., i May; Acting Chief of Police ; to Baton Rouge, La., 30 May ; at work on the " cut off," or canal opposite Vicksburg, 25 June-4 July; battle Baton Rouge; Plain's Store ; siege of Port Hudson. Lieut. Colonel 30TH Mass. Vols. 26 Nov., 1863. Second Red River expedition ; regt. sailed for the North on its veteran furlough, 6 March, 1864; agam embarked for New Orleans, 3 May. Resigned 26 May, 1864. Died AT Boston, Mass., 30 March, 187 i. DAVIES WILSON. Vol. A. D. C. Staff of Gen. Ewing July, 1863. At Headquarters Dist. of the Border, Kansas City, Mo., till Aug., 1864; Assist. Provost- Marshal General, Dist. of the Border; with Kansas State Mihtia fall of 1864. Captain and A. A. G. 3D Brig. Kansas S. M. Engaged in attack and repulse of Sterling Price at Westport, Mo. ; for nearly two years on duty with Gens. Ewing and Harvey, fighting bushwhackers and on raids, with frequent skirmishes. 1854. *JOHN "WORTHINGTON AMES. Captain iith Inf. U. S. A. 14 May, 1861. On recruiting service at Boston, Mass. ; joined his regt. at Havre de Grace, Md., Oct., 1861 ; served in Army of the Potomac; l854-] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 7 1 battles Yorktown, Va. ; Gaines's Mills ; Malvern Hill ; second Bull Run ; South Mountain, Md. ; Antietam ; Blackburn's Ford, Va. ; Fredericksburg ; Chancellorsville ; on staff of Gen. Belknap in sum- mer of 1863 ; battle Gettysburg, Pa. Colonel 6th U. S. C. T. Sept., 1863. Served in Army of the James in 1864; batdes City Point, Va. ; BayUes' Farm ; Petersburg ; Bermuda Hundred ; Dutch Gap ; Newmarket Heights ; Chapin's Farm ; Fort Fisher, N. C. (first and second expedition) ; Wihnington. BvT. Major U. S. A. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. A. 2 July, 1863. BvT. Brig. General U. S. Vols. Feb., 1865. In command District of Eastern N. C. till Oct., 1865. Mustered out of Vol. service Oct., 1865. Rejoined nth Inf. U. S. A., then in camp at Richmond, Va. ; ordered on recruiting service spring of 1866. Resigned in fall of 1866. Died at San Rafael, Cal., 6 April, 1878. FRANK WINTHROP BIGELOW. LL. B. 1857. Sergeant i3Tn Mass. Vols. 16 July, 1861. Mustered out 29 Jan., 1863. Captain 4TH N. Y. Cay. 5 Jan., 1863. Resigned March, 1863. HALL CURTIS. M. D. 1857. AssT. Surgeon 24TH Mass. Vols. 2 Sept., 1861. Ser^-ed in N. C. and Va. ; battles Roanoke Island, N. C. ; New- bern ; Tranter's Creek ; Kinston ; Whitehall ; Goldsboro. Surgeon 2D Mass. H. A. 18 June, 1863. Discharged for disability 10 M-ay, 1864. 72 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1854. * FREDERIC WILLIAM DORR. Joined the U. S. Coast Survey about 1857; detailed as Topograph- ical Engineer, with rank of captain, on the Staffs of Gens. Heintz- elmann, Franklin, Humphreys, McClellan, Smith, and Sherman; his knowledge of the Adantic coast made him especially valuable to the authorities ; returned to duty in Coast Survey, 29 April, 1865. Died at Somerville, Mass., Dec, 1877. JONATHAN BATES DICKSON. Left CoUegfe Dec, 1851. Second Lieutenant "Joe Davies Guards," III., 18 April, 1861. First Lieutenant i2TH III. Vols., i May, 1861. In service for three months at Casey ville and Cairo, 111.; regt. enlisted for three years, and he was commissioned First Lieutenant and Adjutant i2Th III. Vols, i Aug., 1861. Served at Cairo, 111., Bird's Point, Mo., and Paducah, Ky. ; A. A. A. G. at Brig. Headquarters, Dec, 1861 ; battles Fort Henry, Tenn. ; Fort Donelson. Captain and A. A. G. U. S. Vols, i May, 1862. Battle luka. Miss. ; on Staff of Brig. Gen. McArthur ; Staff of Maj. Gen. Rosecranz, Dec. ; in charge Headquarters at Nashville, Tenn., till Jan., 1864; Staff of Maj. Gen. Foster, commanding Dept, of the Ohio, Jan., 1864 ; Headquarters at Knoxville, Tenn. ; afterward on duty at Lexington, Ky., and elsewhere in that Dept. ; fight with Morgan's forces ; battle Lexington, Ky. Mustered out 24 June, 1865. * RICHARD CHAPMAN GOODWIN. Captain 2D Mass. Vols. 24 May, 1861. Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., 9 Aug., 1862. l854-] IN THE WAR OF 1S61-1S65. 73 EDWARD DANIEL HAYDEN. A. B. 1855. A. A. Paymaster U. S. N. 27 Sept., 1862. Honorably discharged 1865. BENJAMIN JOY JEFFRIES. M. D. 1857. First Sergeant Drv. Corps of Cadets Mass. V. M. 26 May, 1862. On duty at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor. Mustered out 2 July, 1862. Acr. AssT. Surgeon U. S. A. Nov., 1862. Post Surgeon, Fort Winthrop, Boston Harbor, 27 Feb.-3 July, 1865. Discharged 3 July, 1865. THOMAS JACKSON LOTHROP. Private ''Taunton Life Guard " 4TH Mass. V. M. Dec, 1861. Corporal 4TH Mass. V. M. May, 1862. Post Q. M. Camp "Joe Hooker," Lakeville, Mass., 15 Sept., 1862. First Lieutenant and Quartermaster 4TH Mass. V. M. 16 Dec, 1862. Left New York 3 Jan., 1863, for New Orleans, via Fort Monroe, Va. ; camp at Carrolton, La. ; expedition against Port Hudson ; taken sick and sent to Hosp. at New Orleans ; rejoined his regt. near Franklin, 14 April; Post commissary at Brashear City; siege of Port Hudson till its surrender, 9 July. Mustered out 28 Aug., 1863. * CHARLES RUSSELL LOWELL. Offered his services to the Secretary of War at Washington, D. C, 24 April, 1 861. Captain 30, afterward 6th, Cav. U. S. A. 14 May, 1861. 74 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1854. Served in Peninsular campaign in Gen. Stoneman's command ; A. D. C. Staff of Maj. Gen. McCIellan, 10 July-6 Nov., 1861; selected, in recognition of his bravery, to carry to Washington the flags captured at Antietam, Md. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. Battles Hanover C. H., Va. ; Malvern Hill ; Maryland campaign ; battles South Mountain, Md. ; Antietam. Colonel 2D Mass Cav. 15 April, 1863. Left Boston May, 1863 ; in command of Cav. in Dept. of Washing- ton, D. C. ; for many months occupied in active warfare with the bands of guerrillas which infested the neighborhood of Washington, D. C. ; engaged in the active raids of Gen. Sheridan in 1864 in the valley of the Shenandoah, during which he had thirteen horses shot under him ; battle Rockville, Va. ; in charge of " Provisional Bri- gade," 26 July ; battle Winchester, Va. ; in command of " Reserve Brigade," 8 Sept. ; charge at Winchester, Va. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 19 Oct., 1864. Died at Middleton, Va., 20 Oct., 1864, of wounds received at Cedar Creek, 19 Oct. WILLIAM GUSHING PAINE. Bvt. Second Lieutenant Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., I July, 1858. First Lieutenant 6 Aug., 1861. Assistant to Chief Engineer, Dept. of Pa., 3 Sept.-23 Oct., 1861 ; defences of Washington, D. C, 23 Oct.-23 Nov., 1861 ; Dept. of the Ohio, 23 N0V.-29 Dec, 1861 ; Chief Engineer Dept. of the Ohio, 29 Dec, 1861-29 April, 1862; Asst. Engineer in construc- tion of defences of Portland, Me., 3 May, 1862-28 Feb., 1863. Captain Corps of Engineers U. S. A. 3 March, 1863. Superintending Engineer defences of Portsmouth, N. H., 28 Feb.- 20 June, 1863 ; absent on surgeon's certificate of disability, 6 July- 6 Nov., 1863. Resigned 6 Nov., 1863. l854-] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 75 WILLIAM JAMES POTTER. Drafted into the service 23 July, 1863, and accepted on examina- tion ; sent for by the Secretary of War to report at Washington, D. C. ; detailed by him as inspector of military hosps. and prisons in and about Washington, D. C, and Alexandria, Va., and to report their condition directly to the Dept. ; orders to that effect made out, 22 Sept. ; new and more explicit orders under date of 9 Oct., with especial care of men alleged to be deserters from duty. Hosp. Chaplain 30 Sept., 1863. Chaplain at Convalescent Camp and Rendezvous of Distribution near Alexandria, Va., 12 Nov. Resigned 10 May, 1864. Entered service of U.S. Sanitary Commission, 19 May; from Fredericksburg, Va., to City Point, most of the time in the 9th A. C. Hosp. * JAMES SAVAGE. Captain 2D Mass. Vols. 24 May, 1861. In camp at Harper's Ferry, Va., and Maryland Heights during the summer ; at different places on the Potomac through the winter. Major 2D Mass. Vols. 13 June, 1862. Lieut. Colonel 2D Mass. Vols. 17 Sept., 1862. Died at Charlottesville, Va., 22 Oct., 1862, of wounds received AT Cedar Mountain, 9 Aug., 1862, GEORGE "WARD SEWALL. Private 47TH Mass. Vols. 6 Nov., 1862. Sailed for New Orleans, Dec, 1862 ; detailed to act as Assist. En- gineer, Staff of Maj. Houston, Chief Engineer Dept. of the Gulf; engaged in construction of Fort St. Leon, at English Bend, La. ; and elsewhere in the defences of New Orleans. Mustered out July, 1863. Remained for a few weeks longer as a civilian employ^ in the Engineer Dept., and returned home Sept., 1863. 76 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1854. * FOSTER SWIFT. Surgeon 8th N. Y. Vols. 31 Dec, 1861. Prisoner at Bull Run, Va., 1861 ; soon paroled and returned to New York ; in practice of medicine at New York for several years ; went to Mentone, France, for his health ; returned and set- tled at Geneva, N, Y. Died at Santa Cruz, W. I., 10 May, 1875. WILLIAM THORNDIKE. M. D. 1857. Asst. Surgeon 34TH Mass. Vols, ii Aug., 1862. Surgeon 39TH Mass. Vols. 17 Nov., 1863. Mustered out 2 June, 1865. PAYSON ELLIOTT TUCKER. Second Lieutenant i6th Mass. Vols, i Aug., 1861. Resigned on account of disabiliiy 21 Se?t., 1862. HENRY VAN BRUNT. Lieutenant U. S. N. 10 Nov., 1861. Secretary to Rear Admiral Goldsborough, commanding the N. Atlantic Squad., on the coast of Va. and N. C. ; transferred to the staff of Act. Rear Admiral Lee, i Sept., 1862. Resigned 15 Feb., 1864. JOHN DOANE WELLS. Private 6oth Mass. V. M. i i July, 1 864. Corporal ; guarding rebel prisoners at Camp Morton, Indiana- polis, Ind. Mustered out 2 Dec., 1864. 1855.] IN THE WAR OF 1S61-1S65. 77 1855. "WILLIAM WHITTLESEY BADGER. Private 71ST N. Y. V. M. April, 1861. Served for thirty days in Washington, D. C. Captain "Stanton Legion," 145TH N. Y. Vols, 31 Aug., 1862. Went to Antietam, Md., and Harper's Ferry, Va., Sept., 1862; second battle Fredericksburg, Va. ; Chancellorsville ; Gettysburg, Pa.; Insp. Gen. Staff of Maj. Gen. Geary. Dismissed the service for insubordination 18 July, 1863 ; hon- orably RESTORED BY PRESIDENT LINCOLN I 7 OCT., 1 863. Captain 176TH N. Y. Vols. 21 Dec, 1863. Wintered in New Orleans, La. ; Red River campaign, spring of 1864 ; battles Alexandria, Ark. ; Pleasant Hill ; Mansura ; returned with regt. to Va. in fall of 1864 i campaign of Sheridan in Shenan- doah Valley ; battles Opequan, Va. ; Winchester ; Fisher's Hill ; Cedar Creek ; Judge Adv. Gen. 19th A. C on Staff of Maj. Gen. Emory till April, 1865, when corps was dissolved ; rejoined his regt. and went with it in Grover's Div. by sea to Savannah, Ga., where it met Sherman's army on its march to the sea, and was left behind in occupation of the country ; Provost- Marshal Jefferson County, Ga. ; transferred to Macon, Oct., 1865; afterwards to Americus, where he had charge of the Andersonville Prison grounds and cemetery. Lieut. Colonel 176TH N. Y. Vols. 28 Nov., 1865. Judge Adv. Court-Martial and Military Commission at Macon, Ga., winter of 1865-66. Mustered out as Captain 27 April, 1866. FRANCIS CHANNING BARLOW. Private Engineer Corps, i2th N. Y. S. M., 19 April, 1861. First Lieutenant i2TH N. Y. S. M. 3 May, 1861. Mustered out 3 Aug., 1861. Lieut. Colonel 6ist N. Y. Vols. 9 Nov., 1861. 78 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1855. Colonel 6ist N. Y. Vols. 14 April, 1862. Battle Fair Oaks, Va. ; Acting Brig. General in the Peninsular cam- paign ; battle Antietam, Md., where he was severely wounded. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 19 Sept., 1862. Returned to service April, 1863 ; in command of 2d Brig. 2d Div. nth A. C., and 7 May ist Div. nth A. C.; wounded at Gettys- burg, Pa. ; absent on account of his wounds most of the winter j assigned to ist Div. 2d A. C., i April, 1864. BvT. Maj. General U. S. Vols. 21 Aug., 1864. On sick leave, 24 Aug.-March, 1865 ; assigned to 2d Div. 2d A. C, 4 April, 1865. Maj. General U. S. Vols. 25 May, 1865. Resigned 16 Nov., 1865. CHANNING CLAPP. First Lieutenant ist Mass. Cav. 19 Dec, 1861. On duty at Port Royal, S. C. ; battle of James Island ; ordered to Va., Aug., 1862. Captain ist Mass. Cav. 14 Sept., 1862. Cafi'ain and a. a. G. U. S. Vols. 12 May, 1863. Staff of Brig. Gen. Benham, Engineer Corps, U. S. A. Resigned 21 June, 1865. * RANDOLPH MARSHALL CLARK. First Lieutenant ist Mass. Cav. 26 Dec, 1861. With his regt. in S. C. till after the Peninsular and Md. campaigns in 1862 ; transferred to Headquarters 5th A. C. at Sharpsburg, and acted as Batt. Q. M. of the ist Cav., serving as escort to Gen. Fitz- John Porter, and afterward to Gen. Hooker; ordered by War Dept. to Boston in Dec, 1862, to be commissioned in the 2d Mass. Cav. ; he was taken sick, however, and did not return to the service. Captain ist Mass. Cav. 6 Jan., 1863. Discharged for disability 8 Aug., 1863. l855-] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 79 Visited Europe and travelled extensively in Norway, Sweden Russia; returned and had charge of a large mill, of which his father was chief owner. Died AT Dedhmi, Mass., ii Sept., 1873. THOMAS WILLIAM CLARKE. LL. B. 1858. Caffain "Wightman Rifles," 20 April, 1861. Ordered with six other companies to Fort Monroe, Va., and attached to the 4th Mass. V. M., other of the companies being attached to the 3d Mass. V. M. ; battle Big Bethel, Va. ; when at the end of three months the 3d and 4th returned to Mass., the seven companies remained, and were known as the Mass. Batt. ; I Jan., 1862, three other companies were attached to the Batt., and they were then known as the 29th Mass. Vols. ; battles Hampton Roads, Va. ; Gaines's Mills ; Peach Orchard ; Savage Station ; White Oak Swamp ; Glen Dale ; Malvern Hill ; A. A. Q. M. at camp of paroled prisoners, Alexandria, Va., 30 Sept., 1862 ; re- joined regt. at the West, May, 1863 ; battle Jackson, Miss. ; siege of Vicksburg ; Blue Springs ; Campbell's Station ; Fort Saunders ; Knoxville, Tenn. ; Act. Commissary of Subsistence, Staff of Maj. Gen. Parke, Dept. of Ohio, i Jan., 1864; re-enlisted for three years, Jan., 1864 ; joined Army of the Potomac, 4 June ; 11 Nov., 1864, commissioned Colonel 29th Mass. Vols. ; not mustered as such ; A. A. A. G. Staff of Col. Peirce, and later of Col. Marshall, commanding 2d Brig, ist Div. 9th A. C. ; battles Bethesda Church, Va. ; Petersburg ; Cemetery Hill ; Blick's Station ; Fort Stedman ; A. A. A. G. Staff of Brig. Gen. McLaughlin, 3d Brig, ist and 3d Div. 9th A. C, I Sept., 1864; A. A. A. G. ist Div. 9th A. C. 19 May, 1865. BvT. Major U.S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. July, 1865. Mustered out (as Captain) 29 July, 1865. 8o HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1855. * EDWARD BARRY DALTON. Surgeon U. S. Gunboat Quaker City, 30 April, 1861. Surgeon 36TH N. Y. Vols. 31 Oct., 1861. Peninsular, Md., and Va. campaigns to first battle Fredericksburg, Va. ; on detached service winter of 1862-63 ^s Med. Insp. 6th A. C, Staff of Maj. Gen. Sedgwick. AssT. Surgeon U. S. Vols, ii March, 1S63. Surgeon U. S. Vols. 26 March, 1863. Stationed at Fort Monroe, Va., as Act. Med. Dir., Army of Va., during summer of 1S63 ; in charge of Balfour U. S. Gen. Hosp., Portsmouth, through winter of 1863-64; Med. Insp. Army of Potomac, March, 1864, through campaign beginning with batde of Wilderness, May 5 ; in charge of removal of the wounded, and of temporary field hosps. at Fredericksburg, Port Royal, White House, and City Point ; in charge of organizing and carrying on depot field hosp. fall and winter of 1864-65 ; Med. Dir. 9th A. C, Staff of Maj. Gen. Parke ; assault and occupation of Petersburg, April 2 and 3 ; Corps hosps. at Burkesville, April 7 to 19 ; ordered to Washington, D. C. ; charged with medical direction of all the forces south of the Potomac, and the care of sick and wounded arriving at Alexandria, Va. Resigned April 24, 1865. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. Aug. 15, 1865. BvT. Colonel U. S. Vols. Aug. 15, 1865. Spent summer of 1865 in rest; returned to his profession in New York, and formed a co-partnership with Dr. G. A. Peters ; Chief Exec. Officer Metropolitan Board of Health for New York, Brook- lyn, and the adjacent country, March, 1866 ; resigned, Jan., 1869 ; Clin. Asst. and Lecturer on Nervous Diseases in the College of Phys. and Surg., N. Y. ; Visiting Physician to various charities and hosps. ; travelled in Europe for his health ; Visiting Physician Mass. Gen. Hosp., Boston, and Instructor in Theory and Practice of Medicine, Med. Dept. of Harvard Univ., Aug., 187 1 ; started for California, Oct., 1871. Died at Santa Barbara, Cal., 13 May, 1872. l855-] I^^ THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 8 1 JAMES ARTHUR EMMERTON. M. D. 1858. Corporal 2 30 Mass. Vols, i Oct., 186 i. Corporal; left the State 11 Nov., 186 ij battle Roanoke Island, N. C. ; as volunteer served a howitzer gun landed from a transport, and the same at battle of Newbern ; detailed as Act. Asst. Surgeon 23d Mass. Vols., April, 1862. Asst. Surgeon 230 Mass. Vols. 31 July, 1862. Ordered to Roanoke Island, 24 Aug., 1862 ; Post Surgeon, Ply- mouth, 28 Sept. ; ordered to Foster U. S. Gen. Hosp., Newbern, Jan., 1863; rejoined his regt. at Newport News, Va., 22 Oct.; joined the rendezvous with his regt., April, 1864; in the field in actions between the Appomattox and James Rivers in May, and Cold Harbor in June. Surgeon 20 Mass. H. A, 26 M.w, 1864. Joined his regt. at Newbern, N. C, 27 June; went with five com- panies of his regt. to open communication with Gen. Sherman, 3 March, 1865 ; in charge of Post Hosp. at Kinston, May. Mustered out 3 Sept., 1865. * ALFRED DOUGLAS EVANS. Paymaster's Clerk, U. S. N. U. S. S. Kineo at New Orleans ; employed in Government service in the Custom-House at New Orleans from the time of its capture till 1869 ; went to Austin, Tex., and was connected with the Land Office there till about 1872 ; returned to Boston and was occupied as a conveyancer till 1877 ; removed to Corpus Christi, Tex. Died at Corpus Christi, Tex., 24 June, 1884. HENRY SIDNEY EVERETT. Major and Vol. A. D. C. Staff of Brig. Gen. Saxton I Jan., 1865. On duty in S. C 6 - 82 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1855. JOHN GREEN. S. B. 1856 ; M. D. 1866. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. April, 1862. On duty in charge of a receiving floating hosp. at Pittsburg Land- ing, Tenn. ; at Gen. Hosp. Army of the Tennessee, in camp near Farmington, Miss. Resigned July, 1862. In fall of 1862 in charge hosp. in the Convent of the Visitation, Frederick, Md. JOSEPH GUTMAN. Left College i Sept., 1853. First Lieutenant 51ST N. Y. Vols. May, 1861. March, 1882. JOSEPH HAYES. A. B. 1862. > Major i8th Mass. Vols. 26 July, 1861. At Washington, D. C, attached to ist Brig. Porter's Div. ; siege of Yorktown, Va. ; in charge of regt. in Peninsular campaign. Lieut. Colonel i8th Mass. Vols. 25 Aug., 1862. Battles of Antietam, Md., Shepherdstown, Va. Colonel i8th Mass. Vols. 30 Nov., 1862. Battles Fredericksburg ; Chancellorsville ; Upperville ; Gettysburg, Pa., in charge of ist Brig, ist Div. 5th A. C ; Rappahannock Sta- tion, Va. ; Wilderness, where he made first attack on enemy's line, capturing many prisoners, and was wounded ; Spottsylvania. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 12 May, 1864. Commanded brig, of regulars in siege of Petersburg ; battles of Weldon R. R. 18, 19 Aug.; taken prisoner 19 Aug. ; U. S. Com- missioner of Supplies in Richmond ; returned to field, 2 April, 1865 ; commanded advance brigade of 5th Corps in pursuit of Lee, until his surrender at Appomattox C. H. ; commanded brigade in Provisional Corps after disbandment of the Army of the Potomac. Declined commission in regular army. Bvt. Maj. General U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Honorably mustered out 24 Aug., 1865. l855-] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 83 HENRY LEE HIG-GINSON. Left College 29 March, 1852 ; A. M. 1882. Second Lieutenant 2D Mass. Vols. 28 May, 1861. First Lieutenant 2D Mass. Vols. 8 July, 186 i. Regt. reported to Gen. Patterson at Martinsburg, Va. ; Provost- Marshal at Sandy Hook, Md. Captain ist Mass. Cay. 5 Noy., 1861. Went with regt. to Annapolis, Md., Dec, 1861 ; sailed for Hilton Head, S. C, Feb., 1862. Major ist Mass. Cay. 26 March, 1862. Ordered to Beaufort to take command q/ a batt. of the regt. ; to Hilton Head, July ; and 25 Aug., .to Acquia Creek, Va. ; battles South Mountain, Md. ; Antietam ; on secret expedition under Gen. Averill, Dec. ; battle Kelly's Ford, Va. ; wounded at Aldie, 1 7 June, 1863, and was sent home; A. D. C. Staff of Gen. Barlow, July, 1864; battle Deep Bottom. Resigned on account of disability 9 Aug., 1864. * GEORGE FOSTER HODGES. LL. B. i860. Private 5TH Mass. V. M. 19 April, 1861. Left Boston 20 April, 1861, for Washington, D. C. First Lieutenant and Paymaster 8 May, 1861. First battle Bull Run, Va. ; carried his wounded colonel (Law- rence, 1855), on his back from the battlefield to Centreville. Mustered out i Aug., 1861. First Lieutenant and Adj. i8th Mass. Vols. 20 Aug., 1861. Died at Hall's Hill, Va., 31 Jan., 1862. JAMES KENDALL HOSMER. Private 52D Mass. Vols. Sept., 1862. Corporal, Oct. ; sent to Dept. of the Gulf to report to Gen. Banks ; detailed for special duty at Headquarters of Gen. Banks, but was 84 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1855. allowed to remain with his regt. ; went to Baton Rouge, La., and was detailed for hosp. duty; marched to Port Hudson, 13 March, 1863; Teche campaign, April; again detailed for hosp. duty at Baton Rouge and Port Hudson; rejoined his regt. 2 June; attack on Port Hudson, 14 June ; battle Jackson Cross Roads. Mustered out 14 Aug., 1863. Author of "The Color Guard," 1864, and "The Thinking Bayonet," 1865. SAMUEL CROCKER LAWRENCE. Colonel 5TH Mass. V. M. 19 April, 1861. Left Boston 20 April, 1861, by steamer from New York for Fort Monroe, Va., and thence to Annapolis, Md., and Washington, D. C. ; first battle Bull Run, Va., at which he was wounded. Mustered out 30 July, 1861. THEODORE LYMAN. S. B. 1858. Vol. a. D. C. rank of Lieut. Colonel Staff of Maj. Gen. Meade, Aug., 1863. Battle Culpeper C. H., Va. ; campaign of Centreville and Mine Run ; battles of Morton's Ford ; Wilderness ; Spottsylvania C. H. ; North Anna ; Cold Harbor ; siege of Petersburg and pursuit of Lee's army ; present at surrender of Lee at Appomattox C H. Resigned 20 April, 1865. JAMES TYNDALE MITCHELL. Private 8th Pa. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. On duty near Hagerstown, Pa. ; skirmish near Williamsburgh, Md. Mustered out 25 Sept., 1862. Sergeant 8th Pa. V. M. June-July, 1863. Near Carlisle, Pa. 1855.] I^^ THE WAR OF 1S61-1S65. 85 WILLIAM QUINCY RIDDLE. Private 2 2d Regt. N. G. N. Y. July, 1863. Pa. campaign ; on duty at Harrisburg and Gettysburg ; Carlisle ; Draft Riots, New York. HENRY WALKER. On the 15th of April, 1861, at 3.25 p.m., in answer to a telegram from Senator Wilson, requesting that twenty companies should be sent to Washington, D. C., immediately, to be mustered in there, an order was issued from the A. G. O., Boston, Mass., directing the 4th Mass. V. M. to report at once for duty ; at 4 p. m. of the same day Walker reported to his colonel on the steps of the State House, proceeded with him to his office, and, being adjutant, made out the orders for the companies ; as far as can be ascertained, he was the first Harvard graduate in the war; on the 17th, with drummer and fifer, he marched through the streets of Quincy, Mass., and recruited twenty men, " the first men so recruited ; " at 5 p. m. the regt. left the O. C. R. R. Station for Fort Monroe, Va. ; on their arrival, being at the right of the line, he was the first Northern soldier to enter the Fort, and was mustered into the U. S. service 2 2 April ; his commission dates Adjutant 4TH Mass. V. M. 16 April, 1861. Ordered to Newport News, Va., 2 7 May ; expedition to Big Bethel, 10 June. Mustered out 22 July, 1861. Lieut. Colonel 4TH Mass. V. M. 4 May, 1862. The regt. was not called into service at that time, but he was commissioned Colonel 4TH Mass. Vols. 6 Dec, 1862. Left the State for New Orleans, La., 27 Dec, 1862 ; to Baton Rouge 10 March, and attached to 3d Brig, ist Div. 19th A. C. ; to Port Hud- son, 13th March; ordered with twenty-five hundred men inland to hold the right flank of the army ; in the Teche campaign ; in com- mand at Brashear City till 29 May; at Port Hudson till 23 June ; assault of 14 June ; regt. returned home in Aug., but Col. Walker was detained on a Court of Inquiry. Mustered out 2 Sept., 1863. 86 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1855. Remained Col. of the 4th Regt. under its old militia organization until Aug. 20, 1866, when, on the reorganization of the militia, the regiment was disbanded. HENRY FITZ-GILBERT WATERS. Private 23D Mass. Vols. 17 Oct., 1861. Corporal ; assigned to ist brig, of the Bumside expedition in N. C. ; detailed to act as clerk at Academy U. S. General Hosp., then in charge of Dr. George Derby (m. 1843) ; later he was under Dr. Cowgill, Surgeon U. S. Vols., with whom he remained, giving up his warrant of Corporal, during remainder of his term of service. Mustered out 28 Sept., 1864. Continued to perform the duties of his office without rank or pay, and returned home 5 Nov. ; again served as chief clerk in office of Post Commissary at Beaufort, S. C, while Sherman's army was passing through, 10 Jan.-i4 March, 1865; returned to the North in April. WALTER HENRY WILD. Left College Sept., 1853. Corporal ist R. I. Baty. 19 April, 1861. On duty at Washington, D. C, till 6 July, 1861 ; sent to join Gen. Patterson in his advance at Winchester, Va. ; skirmish at Falling Waters, Md., and again at Bunkertown ; in camp at Harper's Ferry, Va., till 3 Aug. Bugler ioth R. I. Baty. Feb., 1862. Consolidated with 9th R. I. Baty., and sent to Hilton Head, S. C, to join 3d R. I. Regt., which was then changed to H. A. ; garrison duty at various points in the Dept. of the South; battles James Island, S. C. ; Pocataligo. Second Lieutenant 2D N. C. Vols. (Gen. Ulman's Colored Brig.) 23 Feb., 1863. Mustered in as such, 7 March, 1863. First Lieutenant 54TH Mass. Vols. 14 May, 1863. 1855-56-] IN THE WAR OF 1SG1-18G5. S'/ A. D. C. Staff Gen. E. A. Wild ; to Newbern, N. C. ; siege of Cliarleston, S. C. Captain ist N. C. Vols. (36TH U. S. C. T.) 14 Aug., 1S63. A. I. G. of Brig. 25 Dec, 1863 ; battle Wilson's Wharf, James River, Va., where he was wounded ; rejoined his regt. in front of Peters- burg ; ordered to Newport News, to recruit, Aug., 1 864 ; made Post Adj., and so continued till March, 1865 ; rejoined his regt. in front of Richmond, and was present at its evacuation ; in camp until Lee's surrender ; embarked with 25th A. C. for Texas, for frontier duty on the Rio Grande ; A. A. Art. ordnance officer Art. Brig. 25th A. C. May, 1865, Headquarters at Brazos Santiago. Mustered out 14 Aug., 1866. 1856. CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS. First Lieutenant ist Mass. Cay. 19 Dec., 1861. Accompanied regt. to Port Royal, S. C. ; remained till Aug., 1862 ; took part in the James Island advance on Charleston ; ordered to Va., Aug. ; took active part in Antietam, Md,, camjDaign, during which he was adjutant of regt. Captain ist Mass. Cav. 30 Oct., 1862. Served constantly with the Army of the Potomac throughout the year 1863 in all its actions and skirmishes; detailed for service in command of squadron of cavalry at army headquarters, April, 1864. LlEUT.-COLONEL 5TH MaSS. CaV. 1 5 JULY, 1 864. Joined his regt. at Point Lookout, Md. Colonel 5TH Mass. Cav. 15 Feb., 1865. Transferred to the Army of the James ; entered Richmond, Va., 5 April ; went home on sick leave in May. Resigned i Aug., 1865. BvT. Brig. General U. S. Vols. Jan., 1866. 88 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1856. GEORGE BLAGDEN. Second Lieutenant ist Mass. Cav. 26 Dec, 1861. On active duty with regt. in S. C. till Aug., 1862 ; A. D. C. Staff of Act. Brig. Gen. Williams, in first advance on James Island and . Charleston, S. C. First Lieutenant ist Mass. Cav. 27 July, 1862. Transferred to the Army of the Potomac, Aug. Captain 2D Mass. Cav. 13 Jan., 1863. Remained with the regt. in all its service till spring of 1864. Major ist Mass. Cav. i March, 1864. Reported to the Insp. Gen.'s Dept. Washington, D. C. ; afterward appointed Asst. to Commissary General of prisoners, and continued in that position in War Dept. Bvt. Lieut. Colonel U.S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. BvT. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Mustered out 2 June, 1865. * CHARLES BROOKS BROWN. Private 3D Mass. V. M. 23 April, 1861. Served in the neighborhood of Fort Monroe, Va. Mustered out 22 July, 1861. Private 19TH Mass. Vols. 28 Aug., 1861. Sergeant ; battles Ball's Bluff, Va. ; Fair Oaks ; wounded and sent to hosp. at David's Island, New York Harbor ; rejoined his regt. Nov. ; battle Fredericksburg, Va., where he was wounded ; again in hosp., Chestnut Hill, Pliiladelphia, Pa. ; battles Chancellors- ville, Va. ; Gettysburg, Pa.; Bristoe Station, Va. ; Robertson's Cross Roads ; re-enlisted, and returned with his regt. to the Army of the Potomac ; entered upon the campaign of the Wilderness, 3 May ; received from Gen. Butler appointment in his Dept. as First Lieutenant 26 April, 1864. Mortally wounded while in command of his company and leading it in a charge at the battle of Spottsylvania C. H., 12 July, and Died, on the field, of his wounds, 13 July, 1864. 1856.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-18G5. 89 ROBERT HERRICK BUCK. Left College 1 Sept., 1853. Private Mo. Home Guard, April, i86i. Captain 6th Mo. Vols, i May, i86i. Stationed at Ironton, Jefferson City, Sedalia, and other places in Mo., till May, 1862 ; at Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., and present at sijjge and capture of Corinth, Miss.; battle Chickasaw Bayou, at which he led the " forlorn hope," lost twenty-one out of fifty- five men, and received a slight wound ; Arkansas Post, Ark. Discharged for disability 28 Feb., 1863. FRANK BUTTRICK. Left College Nov., 1854. Lieutenant ist " Michigan Lancers," Oct., i86i. Mustered out March, 1862. In Ordnance Dept. U. S. N, till 14 April, 1865. * JONATHAN CHAPMAN. Act. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. 4 Nov., 1862. Ordered to U. S. S. Commodore Hall ; sailed from New York and arrived at Washington, N. C, 21 Dec, 1862 ; lay there till Nov., 1863 ; ordered to Albemarle Sound, i May, 1864, and was in fight with rebel ram Albemarle, firing eighty shots at her; on picket duty off Roanoke Island, N. C ; battle Plymouth. Resigned 9 March, 1865. Died at Brookline, Mass., 28 Oct., 1881. EDWARD FRANCIS DALAND. Private Div. Corps of Cadets Mass. V. M. 26 May-2 July, 1862. On duty at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, Mass. Captain 45TH Mass. V. M. 26 Sept., 1862. Left the State 5 Nov. for Beaufort, S. C. ; engaged in the Golds- boro, N. C, expedition ; battles Kinston ; Whitehall ; engaged in provost duty at Newbern, Jan., 1863. Mustered out 8 July, 1863. 90 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1856. HENRY EUGENE DAVIES. Left College 9 June, 1854. Lieutenant " Duryea Zouaves." Captain " Duryea Zouaves " (5TH N. Y. Vols.) 23 April, 1861. Sent to Fort Monroe, Va., 24 May, 1861 , battle Big Bethel; or- dered to Baltimore, Md., and engaged in building post on Federal Hill, July. Major "Harris Light Cav." (2D N. Y. Cav.) 27 Aug., 1861. Joined his regt. at Washington, D. C, and was engaged with it in all its service. Lieut. Colonel 2D N. Y. Cav. 2 Dec, 1862. Colonel 2D N.Y. Cav. 16 June, 1863. In command ist Brig. 3d Cav. Div. Army of the Totomac, Aug., 1863 ; took part in all McDowell's operations while he held com- mand, and afterwards did good service in Pope's retreat from the Rapidan to Washington ; commanded his regt. during Stoneman's raid in the rear of Lee's army, April, 1863 ; battle Brandy Station, Va. ; separated from his men and surrounded by the enemy in this action, he was called on to surrender ; but cutting his way back, he reformed his regt., charged again upon the enemy in his front, and put them to flight ; led the charge at capture of Culpeper C. H., I Sept., 1863. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 16 Sept., 1863. Assigned to command of ist Brig. 2d Cav. Div. A. P., 26 April, 1864 ; crossed the Rapidan with Grant, and was actively engaged in all actions of this campaign. BvT. Ma J. General U. S. Vols, i Oct., 1864. Spent winter with Grant, and had all the cavalry in front of Peters- burg under his command ; at the head of a heavy brigade of cavalry, spring of 1865, and was engaged in the final struggle; at Dinwiddle C. H. opposed the whole of Fitz-Hugh Lee's Cav. and Picket's Div. of Lif., captured many prisoners, guns, wagons, and flags, including the train of Gen. Lee himself and the battle-flag presented by ladies of Baltimore to Fitz-Hugh Lee, 5 April; charged upon and captured the enemy's breastworks, with many 1856.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 9 1 pieces of artillery and many prisoners, including, among others, two rebel generals. Major General U. S. Vols. 7 July, 1865. In command of Dist. of Ala. Resigned i Jan., 1866. *JOHN FORRESTER DEVEREUX. In "Salem Light Infantry" (Mass.) at opening of the War; com- pany was attached to 8th Mass. V. M. Private 8th Mass. V. M. 30 April, 1861. On reaching Havre de Grace, Md., company was detached to take possession of U. S. Frigate Constitution, lying at Annapolis, and take her to Brooklyn, N. Y., Navy Yard ; rejoined regt. at Washing- ton, D. C. ; stationed at Halfway House and Baltimore, Md. Mustered out i Aug., 1861. Captain iith Mass. Vols. 21 Dec., 1861. Served with the regt. till Aug., 1863, and was present at all the battles of the Army of the Potomac during that period, except Antietam, Md. ; wounded slightly at battle of Wilderness, Va. ; brought the flag of his regt. off the field after it had been shot from the staff at second battle of Bull Run, and the same at Gettysburg, Pa. Mustered out 14 Sept., 1863. Capi-ain 6th U. S. C. T. Nov., 1864. Present at capture of Fort Fisher, N. C. ; skirmishes between Fort Fisher and Wilmington ; surrender of Johnson at Raleigh. Mustered out 25 Sept., 1865. Died at Red Oak, Ia., 1883. EDWARD SWIFT DUNSTER. AssT. Surgeon U. S. A. 5 Aug., 1861. Ordered to report to Gen. McClellan near Rich Mountain, W. Va. ; in charge of hosps. for Union and Confederate troops 92 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1856. at Beverly, organized hosps. at Grafton and Petersburg, using for the first time in this country the system of ridge ventilation ; Med. Insp. for southern half of the Dept. ; appointed Med. Dir. of hosp. transports, and had charge of transportation of sick and wounded from Army of the Potomac, previous to McClellan's move to the James River and those from the Seven Days' battles, from Harrison's Landing, Va., to the number of twelve thousand ; in charge of Turner's Lane Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa., during winter and spring of 1862-63 ; member of Board for examination of can- didates for the Med. Dept. of the U. S. Army; transferred to Washington, D. C, as Asst. to Surgeon General in spring of 1863 ; at U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., 17 Nov., 1863- 22 Dec, 1865. BvT. Captain and Bvt. Major 13 March, 1865. Resigned i Feb., 1866. EDWARD THORNTON FISHER. Private 9TH N. Y. V. M. Feb., 1861. Ordered to Washington, D. C., in June, and assigned to duty under Gen. Patterson ; skirmish at Martinsburg, Va. ; on picket duty on Potomac River from Darnestown to Poolesville, Md. ; battle Ed- wards Ferry ; wintered near Frederic ; in valley of Va. under Banks as far as Winchester, spring of 1862 ; in Gen. Abercrombie's Brig. ; marched across the Blue Ridge to the Bull Run battle-ground, and back to the Shenandoah River, on Jackson's raid on Winchester j battles Cedar Mountain ; Rappahannock Station ; second Bull Run ; Thoroughfare Gap ; Antietam, Md. ; sick in Camden Street Hosp., Baltimore. Second Lieutenant 139TH N. Y. Vols. 28 April, 1863. Joined his regt. at WilHamsburgh, Va., May, 1863; during June the 139th formed the advance of a movement up the Penin- sula, and at Crump's Grove, near Bottom Bridge, had a smart engagement. Resigned 3 Nov., 1863. 1856.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 93 EDWARD LEACH GIDDINGS. Captain 40TH Mass. Vols. 5 Sept., 1862. Left the State 8 Sept. ; engaged in the defences around Washing- ton, D. C, and in Va., till 7 Aug., 1863 ; ordered to Folly Island, S. C, and went into the trenches at Morris Island before Fort Wagner, 15 Aug.; mounted infantry service, Jan., 1864; Florida expedition, Feb. ; ordered to Va. March, and assigned to the Army of the James. Resigned on account of disability 25 Feb., 1864. * DANIEL HACK. Private 14TH Mass. Light Baty. 24 Jan., 1864. Discharged for disability March, 1864 (not mustered). Private Conn. Vols. March, 1864. Not assigned. Died at Hartford, Conn., 17 April, 1864. ROWLAND MINTURN HALL. Joined 3d Regt. N. Y. Vol. Cav. Sept., 1861 ; assigned Q. M. I St Batt., rank Second Lieutenant. Second Lieutenant 3D N. Y. Vols. 23 Oct., 1861. Marched to Harper's Ferry, Va., joining Gen. Banks's column, and to Winchester, operating against Colonel Ashby ; to Washington, D. C, April, 1862 ; ordered to join Gen. McClellan on the Penin- sula ; diverted at Fort Monroe, Va., and ordered to join Gen. Burn- side in N . C. First Lieutenant 30 N. Y. Vol. Cav. Jan., 1862. Served in Dept. of N. C. under Gen. Foster, participating in all the operations there ; battles Kinston, Whitehall, Goldsboro, Tranter's Creek ; raid on Tarboro ; defence of Washington ; and many other raids and skirmishes. Captain 3D N. Y. Vol. Cav. 4 June, 1863. Ordered to Va. autumn of 1863; participated in Gen. Wistar's abortive movement on Richmond; wintered at Newport News; 94 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1856. ordered back to N. C. spring of 1864, and assigned to Kautz's Div. Cav. of the Army of the James ; served in all the operations of the Cav. south of the James in the campaign of 1864 ; raid to cut the Weldon R. R, and all the actions therein ; Southside R. R.; Chelsea Bridge, etc. ; commanded squad. Wilson's raid ; Stanton River Bridge; Reams's Station, where he commanded regt. and also nth Pa. Cav. ; guarded Centre Bermuda Hundred lines. Resigned, on account of disease contracted in the service, 15 Aug., 1864. • * MARTIN VAN BUREN HARDING-. Mustered out 2 June, 1864. Lieutenant iiith Pa. Vols. 15 Sept., 1864. Died at Latrobe, Pa,, 16 Feb., 1865. AUGUSTUS MELLEN HASKELL. Drafted into the U. 8. service in the summer of 1863 ; discharged for promotion and commissioned. Chaplain 40TH Mass. Vols, ii Sept., 1863. Resigned 6 March, 1864. "WILLIAM COCHRAN HIGG-INSON. Left College July, 1855. Private i2th unatt. Co. Mass. V. M. 15 May, 1864. On duty at Provincetown, Mass. Mustered out 15 Aug., 1864. * HENRY ZELOTES HOSMER. Private 40TH Wis. Vols. 14 May, 1864. Sergeant ; on duty at Memphis, Tenn. ; present at one or two skirmishes. Mustered out 21 Sept., 1864. Drowned near Beloit, Wis., 18 July, 1867. 1856.] IN THE WAR OF 1S61-18G5. 95 *JOHN "WILLIAMS HUDSON. Second Lieutenant 35TH Mass. Vols, 2 Aug., 1862. Left the State for Washington, D. C, 22 Aug., 1862 ; in camp at Ariington Heights till Lee's march into Md. ; A. D. C. Staff of Gen. Ferrero ; battles Sulphur Springs, Va. ; South Mountain, Md. ; Antietam. First Lieutenant 35TH Mass. Vols. 18 Sept., 1862. Battle Fredericksburg, Va. ; quartered at Falmouth and Newport News till 26 March, 1863; ordered to the West to protect the loyal citizens of Ky. and to assist in siege of Vicksburg, Miss. ; capture of Jackson ; on sick leave for several weeks. Captain 35TH Mass. Vols. 30 April, 1863. Rejoined his regt. at Lenoir Station, Tenn., Nov. ; skirmishes from Lenoir to Knoxville ; battle Campbell's Station ; siege of Knox- ville ; ordered East in the spring of 1864, and reached camp at Annapolis, Md., 7 April ; second battle Spottsylvania, Va. ; North Anna; the regt. detailed as an engineer battalion, 26 May; battle Shady Grove ; Bethesda Church ; Petersburg Mine ; Cold Harbor ; Division Engineer on Staff of Gen. Leslie, and actively engaged in the approaches to Petersburg. Major 35TH Mass. Vols. 16 Aug., 1864. Rejoined his regt., which was assigned to the ist Brig. 2d Div. ; battles Weldon R. R., Va. ; Poplar Springs Church ; Hatcher's Run ; detailed to serve as commissioner to report on the compc tency of officers of the 9th A. C. Lieut. Colonel 35TH Mass. Vols. 14 Nov., 1864. Mustered out 9 June, 1865. Resumed the practice of law in Boston, Mass. Died at Lexington, Mass., i June, 1872. JESSE HENRY JONES, Captain 6oth N. Y. Vols. 24 Sept., i86r. On duty in Va. ; guarding the B. & O. R. R, at Locust Point, Balti- more, Md,, during winter of 1861-62 ; ordered to Harper's Ferry, 96 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1856. Va., June, 1862; to White Sulphur Springs, July; on sick leave, Aug.-Sept. ; rejoined his regt. at Loudon Heights, 30 Sept. ; to Fairfax C. H. in Dec., and Acquia Creek 3 Feb., 1863; battles Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Pa. ; started West under Gen. Hooker, Sept. ; battles Lookout Mountain, Tenn. ; Ringgold. Resigned 19 Jan., 1864. ALBERT GALLATIN LAWRENCE. LL. B. 1838. Attach^ to American Legation at Vienna at outbreak of the War. Vol. a. D. C. Staff of Gen. Stahl, Sept., 1862. Captain 2D U. S. Colored Cav. Attached to nth A. C. Army of the Potomac; on Staff of Gen. Smith at Cold Harbor, Va., of Gen. Martindale at Petersburg, and of Gen. Ames in front of Petersburg and at Fort Fisher, N. C, where he led the assault and was wounded five times while placing the flag on the rampart. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 21 March, 1865. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 21 March, 1865. BvT. Colonel U. S. Vols. 25 March, 1865. Bvt. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 25 March, 1865. Mustered out 10 Jan., 1866. JOSEPH FOSTER LOVERING-. Left College May, 1853. Chaplain 17TH Me. Vols. 10 Nov., 1863. Mustered out 4 June, 1865.* "WILLIAM POWELL MASON. LL. B. i86i. Captain and A. D. C. Staff of Maj. Gen. McClellan 12 Nov., 1861. Resigned April, 1863. 1856.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1SG5. 97 JOSEPH WAITE MERRIAM. M. D. 1862, AssT. Surgeon i8th Mass. Vols. 14 Aug., 1862. Joined his regt. at Warrenton, Va. ; battle second Bull Run ; Mary- land campaign ; sick at Seminary Hosp., Georgetown, D. C, and on duty there. AssT. Surgeon U. S. Vols. 2 Jan., 1863. On duty at Lowell U. S. General Hosp., Portsmouth Grove, R. I. BvT, Captain U. S. Vols, i June, 1865. BvT. Major U- S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Mustered out 2 Aug., 1865. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Aug., 1865. Post Surgeon, Fort Columbus and Fort Schuyler, New York Har- bor; also with company of 14th U. S. Inf. at Skull Valley, Arizona. Resigned Aug., 1867. CHARLES NOYES. Post Chaplain Gallop's Island, Boston Harbor, 6 May, 1864. Resigned April, 1865. * STEPHEN GEORGE PERKINS. S. B, 1861. Second Lieutenant 2d Mass. Vols. 8 July, 1861. Actively engaged with his regt. in Northern Va. First Lieutenant 2d Mass. Vols, ii July, 1862. Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., 9 Aug., 1862. FRANCIS BLAKE RICE. First Lieutenant and Quartermaster 3 6th Mass. Vols. 8 Aug., 1862. 7 98 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1856. Followed the fortunes of the Army of the Potomac from the cam- paign in Md. to the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., 13 Dec, 1862 ; ordered to the West, March, 1863, and served through a severe campaign in Miss. Resigned 25 June, 1863. CHARLES CARROLL TOWER. M. D. 1859. Volunteer Surgeon on duty at Emory U. S. Gen. Hosp., Washing- ton, D. C, 31 Aug., 1862. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. i Oct., 1862. Resigned 5 Jan., 1863. CHARLES EVERETT VAUGHAN. M. D. 1863. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 15 April, 1863. •Assigned to U. S. Ironclad Eastport, Miss. Squad. ; ordered to report on board Receiving-Ship Clara Dobson at Cairo, 111., fall of 1863 ; transferred to U, S. S. Vindicator, July, 1864. Honorably discharged 21 Oct., 1865. RICHARD HARDING WELD. First Lieutenant 44TH Mass. V. M. 22 Aug., 1862. Left Boston with regt. 22 Oct., 1862, for Newbern, N. C. ; started on Tarboro expedition 30 Oct., returning 13 Nov. ; batdes White- hall; Goldsboro. Captain 44TH Mass. V. M, 15 Jan., 1863. Expedition to Plymouth, N. C, Feb., 1863 ; besieged at Washing- ton ; on provost duty at Newbern, 22 April-6 June. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. 1856-57-] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 99 HENRY GASSETT WHEELOCK. Sergeant Major 45TH Mass. V. M. 16 Sept., 1862. Served with the regt. throughout its N. C. campaign ; battles Kins- ton ; Whitehall. Mustered out 17 July, 1863. DANIEL WEBSTER WILDER. Major and A. D. C. Staff of Gen. Deitzler. Sensed during the Price raid in Mo. 1857. • GRENYILLE BACON. Act. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. 14 Dec, 1864. Ordered to Key West, Fla., 9 March, 1865, to the Supply-Steamer Honduras ; returned to the North, 15 Sept. Honorably discharged 15 Nov., 1865. GEORGE MIDDLETON BARNARD. A. B. 1872. First Lieutenant i8th Mass. Vols. 20 Aug., 1861. With his regt. for eighteen months, and then, for an equal time, on Staff of Maj. Gen. Griffin ; always in the Army of the Potomac, took part in every battle, and was personally engaged in twenty- eight ; was hit eight times, but never seriously wounded. Captain iSth Mass. Vols, i Nov., 1862. Mustered out 2 Sept., 1864. BvT. Major 5 Feb., 1866. BvT. Lieut. Colonel 5 Feb., 1866. BvT. Colonel 5 Feb., 1866. 100 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1857. * JAMES GERRITT BRADT. Left College 19 Oct., 1854. AssT. Surgeon 26th Mass. Vols, id Sept., i86i. With regt. to Ship Island, Miss., Nov., and New Orleans, La. Surgeon 26th Mass. Vols. 14 July, 1862. In service in La. in 1862-63; battle La Fourche Crossing; in Dept. ofVa. in 1864; battles Winchester; Fisher's Hill; Cedar Creek. Mustered out 7 Nov., 1864. Died at Lowell, Mass., 22 Jan., 1868. FRANCIS HENRY BROWN. M. D. 1861. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Sept., 1861-25 Jan-> 1864. At Camp Cameron, Cambridge, Mass. ; Judiciary Square Hosp., Washington, D. C. ; and at Headquarters Army of the Potomac, near Antietam, Md. Private i2TH unatt. Co. Mass. V. M. May 16, 1864. Before leaving camp at Readville, Mass., detailed as asst. to sur- geon in charge of post ; i July the camp was changed from a State Military Rendezvous to a U. S. General Hosp. ; retained as Act. Asst. Surgeon, and was occupied in organizing the establish- ment for a thousand beds, and in the care of patients. Mustered out 15 Aug., 1864. JOSEPH HORACE CLARK. LL. B 1861. Second Lieutenant ist Mass. H. A. 10 Feb., 1862. First Lieutenant ist Mass. H. A. 25 Feb., 1863. Captain ist Mass. H. A. 17 June, 1864. Taken prisoner summer of 1864, and was confined for ten months in rebel prisons. Mustered out 16 Aug., 1865. 1857 •] /^ THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 10 1 * HOWARD DWIGHT. First Lieutenant 24TH Mass. Vols, i Sept., 1861. Resigned Second Lieutenant 4TH Mo. Cav. 4 Oct., 1861. On duty in Gen. Fremont's army, Dept. of the Southwest. First Lieutenant 4TH Mo. Cav. 21 March, 1862. Battle Pea Ridge, Ark. Captain 4TH Mo. Cav. 4 Nov., 1862. Captain and A. A. G. U. S. Vols. 10 Nov., 1862. On Staff of Brig. Gen. G. L. Andrews, Dept. of the Gulf; Teche campaign spring of 1863. Killed at Bayou Bceuf, La., by guerrillas, 4 May, 1863. EZRA DYER. M. D. 1859. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 5 Oct., 1862. In charge of Ophthalmic Dept., Satterlee U. S. Hosp., West Philadelphia, Pa. Resigned Feb., 1865. ARON ESTEY FISHER. Private 45TH Mass. V. M. 8 Oct., 1862. Detached and sent with Capt. Hook, U. S. A., as private secretary on first expedition against Charleston, S. C ; volunteer on expedi- tion to relieve Gen. Foster and his command at Washington, N. C, April, 1863. FiRsr Lieutenant and A. D. C. Staff of Gen. Leslie, 13 May, 1863. Resigned after two and a half years' service. I02 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1857. HORACE NEWTON FISHER. LL. B. 1859. First Lieutenant and Volunteer A. D. C. Staff of Brig. Gen. Wm. Nelson, commanding 4TH Div. Army of the Ohio, 14 Feb., 1862. Captain and Volunteer A. D. C. Staff of Maj. Gen. A. McD. McCooK, commanding 2D Div, Army of the Ohio, 18 May, 1862. Captain Volunteer A. D. C. and Chief Engineer of 2D Div. Army of the Ohio, Staff of Maj, Gen. McCook, 20 Sept., 1862. Captain Volunteer A. D, C. and Topographical Engineer of Right Wing, Army of the Cumberland, Staff of Gen. McCook, 25 Dec, 1862. Commissioned First Lieut, ist Middle Tenn. Cav., 7 May, 1863, to qualify for promotion to be Insp. Gen. of 20th Corps, still serving as Topog. Eng, Lieut. Colonel A. L G. U. S. Vols,, Insp, General of 20th Army Corps, Staff of Maj. Gen. McCook, 21 May, 1863. Lieut. Colonel A. L G. U, S. Vols,, Act. Insp. General of Army of the Cumberland, Staff of Maj. Gen. W. S. Rosecrans, 10 Oct., 1863. Lieut. Colonel A. I. G. U. S. Vols., Act. Insp. General of Army of the Cumberland, Staff of Maj. Gen. Geo. H. Thomas, 20 Oct., 1863. Resigned, on account of injuries received in the service, 10 Nov., 1863. FRANKLIN HAVEN. Capi'ain and a. D. C. U. S. A. 15 April, 1862. Staff of Maj. Gen. McDowell, then at Fredericksburg, Va. ; served on his staff till 15 April, 1865 ; battles Cedar Mountain, Va. ; Rap- pahannock ; Groveton ; second Bull Run ; Chantilly ; Judge Adv. Dept. of the Pacific, 1864. Lieut. Colonel 2D Cal. Cav. ii Jan., 1865. Resigned 30 April, 1865. 1857.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1S65. 103 JAMES JACKSON HIGGINSON. Second Lieutenant ist Mass. Cav. 6 Jan., 1863. Confined for nine months in Libby Prison, Richmond. First Lieutenant ist Mass. Cav. 4 Jan., 1864. Captain ist Mass. Cav. i Sept., 1864. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 9 April, 1865. Resigned 27 May, 1865. THORNDIKE DELAND HODGES. Sergeant 35TH Mass. Vols. 19 Aug., 1862. Battles South Mountain, Md. ; Antietam ; Fredericksburg, Va. Second Lieutenant 35TH Mass. Vols, i Jan., 1863. Ordered to Ky. Captain ist N. C. Vols. (35TH U. S. C. T.) 28 April, 1863. Ordered to Newbern, N. C. ; engaged in the siege of Charleston, S. C. ; at Jacksonville, Fla., Feb., 1864, and during the summer and fall, A. A. A. G. of the District ; Dec. went to Hilton Head, S. C, as A. A. A. G. of the Dept. with Gens. Gilmore and Foster ; during summer and fall of 1865, A. A. A. G. of Dist. of Charleston with Gen. Devens. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 15 May, 1866. Resigned 10 Jan., 1866. JACOB FARNUM HOLT. Acr. AssT. Surgeon U. S. A. 6 July, 1862. On duty in hosps. in Philadelphia, Pa. ; at Camp William, Chelton Hills, and at Summit House Hosp., near Darby. Resigned 12 Oct., 1864. I04 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1857. CHARLES PAINE HORTON. Second Lieutenant 2d Mass. Vols. 28 May, 1861. First Lieutenant 2D Mass. Vols, i Nov., 1861. Captain and A. A. G. U. S. Vols. 17 July, 1862. On Staff of Col. Gordon, commanding 3d Brig, ist Div. of Banks's Army Corps; on Staff of Brig. Gen. Greene, 11 July. Captain and A. D. C. U. S. Vols. 24 Aug., 1863. Staff of Gen. Heintzelmann. Bvt. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 15 March, 1865. Resigned Oct., 1865. * PATRICK ALOYSIUS O'CONNELL. M. D. i860. AssT. Surgeon 9TH Mass. Vols. 13 May, 1861. Mustered into service 1 1 June, and a new commission issued of that date ; on duty at Arlington Heights, Va., till 29 Sept., and then took part in forward movement of the army. Surgeon 28th Mass. Vols. 25 Oct., 1861. On duty in S. C, Va., and Md. ; battles James Island, S. C. ; second Bull Run, Va. ; Fredericksburg ; Antietam, Md. ; Surgeon in Chief of Brig, in ist Div. 9th A. C. Sept., 1862 ; and soon after Surgeon in Chief of the Div. ; Med. Dir. of 9th A. C Oct., serving in Md., Va., and Ky. Surgeon U. S. Vols. 13 June, 1863. Battle Gettysburg, Pa. ; Med. Insp. Dist. of Ind. and Mich., July ; Med. Dir. of left wing of forces in East Tenn., Sept. ; rejoined 9th A. C. as Med Dir., Jan., 1864; Med. Insp. of Corps, April; in charge of U. S. Gen. Hosp. Lexington Avenue, New York, 14 March, 1865. Bvt. Lieut. Colonel U. S. V015. i June, 1865. Mustered out Aug., 1865. Died at Santa Barbara, Cal., 6 Jan., 1874. 1857.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. IO5 * JAMES AMORY PERKINS. First Lieutenant 24TH Mass, Vols. 2 Sept., 1861. Left Boston with the regt. 9 Dec. ; battles Roanoke Island, N. C. ; Newbern ; on expedition of Gen. Foster in N. C. to Washington, Kinston, Goldsboro. Killed at Fort Wagner, Morris Island, S. C, 26 Aug., 1863. * FRANCIS CODMAN ROPES. M. D. i860. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. i Nov., 1864. On duty at U. S. Gen. Hosp., Readville, Mass. Resigned 23 July, 1865. Engaged in practice of medicine in Boston, i Oct., 1865 ; L. R. C. P. E. ; L. R. C.S. E. ; F. R. C. S. E. ; visiting surgeon, Boston City Hosp. Died at Boston, Mass., i Sept., 1869. JOSEPH LEWIS STACKPOLE. LL. B. 1839. Captain 24TH Mass. Vols. 2 Sept., 1861. Joined Burnside expedition at Annapolis, Md., and engaged in actions at Roanoke Island, N. C, and Newbern. Captain and Com. of Subsist. U. S. Vols. 12 Sept., 1862. Stationed at Beaufort, N. C ; Chief Corn, of army in N. C, and served on Goldsboro expedition; Dec, 1862, on Staff of Maj. Gen. Foster; Judge Adv. i8th Corps., Dept of N. C, Jan., 1863. Major and Judge Adv. U. S. Vols. 10 July, 1863. Judge Adv. Dept. of Va. and N. C, Staff of Maj. Gen. Foster, Aug., 1863 : Provost Judge of Norfolk, Va., Sept., 1863 ; on Staff of Gen. Foster, and later of Maj. Gens. Butler and Ord ; accom- panied Army of the James to Bermuda Hundred and the lines be- fore Richmond, March, 1864, as Judge Adv. of that army ; entered Richmond with the army. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Resigned 20 April, 1865. I06 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1857. * JAMES STARR. Private "Washington Greys," 17TH Pa. V. M. 25 April, 1861. Served on the north Potomac. Mustered out 25 July, 1861. Captain 6th Pa. Cav. 14 Oct., 1861. Served with McClellan in the Peninsular campaign ; A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. Frankhn at Fredericksburg, Va. ; to Maj. Gen. Hooker at Chancellorsville, and to Gen. Meade at Gettysburg, Pa. ; rejoined regt. with his squad. Oct., 1863. Major 6th Pa. Cav. 2 March, 1864, and in command of regt. ; wounded at Todd's Tavern, Va., 7 May, 1864; in command of regt. at Deep Bottom, and in the Shen- andoah Valley under Sheridan ; led a gallant and successful charge at Huntley's Farm, 29 July, and again on the Millwood Pike in the Shenandoah Valley ; in command of Remount Camp, near Sandy Hook, Md., Sept., 1864. Mustered out 14 Oct., 1864. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 7 May, 1864. BvT. Colonel U. S. Vols. Engaged in the study and practice of law, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Asst. Attorney-General, Pa. Died at Philadelphia, Pa., i Sept., 1881. CHARLES FOLSOM WALCOTT. LL. B. i860. Captain 2ist Mass. Vols. 21 Aug., 1861. Left the State 23 Aug. for Annapolis, Md. ; remained in Eastern Md. for four months, protecting Union citizens, picketing, etc. ; joined Burnside expedition at Annapolis, 6 Jan., 1862 ; arrived at Roanoke Island, N. C, 7 Feb. ; batdes Roanoke Island ; New- bern ; Camden ; went to Va. 5 July ; reported to Gen. Pope on the Rapidan, 1 2 Aug. ; battles second Manassas, Va. ; Chantilly ; South Mountain, Md. ; Antietam ; Fredericksburg, Va. ; ordered to Ky. March, 1863, and stationed at Paris and Mount Sterling. l857-] I^ THE WAR OF 1861-1865. IO7 Resigned 25 April, 1863. Captain i2TH unatt. Co. Mass. V. M. 16 May, 1864. In command of two batteries at Provincetown, Mass. Mustered out 15 Aug., 1864. Lieut. Colonel commanding 6ist Mass. Vols. 22 Sepi"., 1864. Colonel 6ist Mass. Vols. 9 Nov., 1864. Served in the Army of the Potomac ; the regt. distinguished itself in an assault on and re-capture of Fort Mahone before Petersburg, Va., in battle known as Petersburg, 2 April, 1864; took part in the pursuit of the rebel army. BvT. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 9 April, 1865. Mustered out 4 Jltste, 1865. * HENRY COIT WELLES. LL. B. 1859. Captain 30TH Mass. Vols. 20 Feb., 1862. This regt. was originally raised under the name " Eastern Bay State Regt.," and Welles was commissioned captain 18 Oct., 1861 ; it left the State 2 Jan., 1862, for Ship Island, Miss., via Fort Monroe, Va., passed up the river on the capture of the forts, and reached New Orleans, La., i May ; received his commission as captain in the 30th from the Gov. of Mass. when in front of Vicksburg, Miss. ; in command of expedition to Pearl River, La., and seized rebel steamer Gray Cloud ; expedition to Grand Gulf, Miss., 16 June ; in charge of workmen engaged in the Vicksburg Cut-off, 25 June-24 July ; left his sick bed in hosp. to engage in battle at Baton Rouge, La. ; sent home on sick leave, Feb. 1863 ; A. D. C. Staff of Gen. Devens, for a short time at Long Island, Boston Harbor, Mass. Discharged for disability incurred in line of duty, 21 Oct., 1863. Left Boston to engage in practice of law at Ellenburgh and Platts- burgh, N. Y., April, 1S67 ■> returned to Boston, Aug., 1868. Died at Boston, Mass., 16 Jan., 1869. I08 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1857. * GEORG-E WHITTEMORE. Private ist unatt. Co. Mass. Sharpshooters 2 Sept., 1861. Left the State 3 Sept., 1861 ; attached to Gen. Lander's command on the Upper Potomac; then attached to 15th Mass. Vols., Gen. Sedgewick's Div. ; battles Edwards Ferry, Md. ; Winchester, Va. ; Harper's Ferry. Corporal and Sergeant ist unatt. Co. Mass. Sharpshooters I Jan., 1862. In most of the engagements of Peninsular campaign, and at siege of Yorktown, Va. ; followed the army up the Peninsula, passed through the Seven Days' battles, and on the retreat to Harrison's Landing. Killed at Sharpsburg, Md., 17 Sept., 1862. *JOSIAH NEWELL WILLARD. M. D. i860. AssT. Surgeon 19TH Mass. Vols. 22 Aug., 1861. On duty on the Upper Potomac ; battle Ball's Bluff, Va., where he had charge of wounded from 19th and 20th regts. ; temporarily Act. Surgeon 2d N. Y. Vols. ; engaged in pursuit of Jackson through the Shenandoah Valley, Va., March, 1862 ; siege of York- town ; battle West Point ; march to the Chickahominy ; battles Fair Oaks ; Oak Grove ; Peach Orchard ; Savage's Station ; White Oak Swamp ; and Glendale ; at home on sick leave, July and August ; rejoined regt. 15 Aug., and took part in Pope's campaign ; battles South Mountain, Md. ; Antietam ; again at home on sick leave. Surgeon ist Mass. H. A. 10 Nov., 1862. Joined his regt. 24 Nov. at Arlington Heights, near Washington, D. C. ; on duty at this place till 15 May, 1864; battles Spottsyl- vania, Va. ; Hanover C. H. ; North Anna ; Totopotomy ; Cold Harbor ; and in the various actions before Petersburg. Discharged for disability incurred in line of duty 13 Oct., 1864. Went to California on account of his health in Jan., 1865, and spent a year travelling in that state and Nevada ; became surgeon of a 1858.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. IO9 line of steamers running between San Francisco and Mazatlan, Mexico, 30 March, 1866 ; temporarily under contract with the Im- perial Government in Mexico. In this service he passed through exciting scenes of the Mexican rebellion ; 29 April, the ship was captured by the Liberals at Cape St. Lucas, and detained for some days. On account of increasing ill health he resigned his position, Oct., 1869, and went to St. Paul, Minn. He started for Boston 20 March, 1870, but was only able to reach Philadelphia, where he Died i May, 1870. 1858. NICHOLAS LONGWORTH ANDERSON. Corporal "Guthrie Gray" Batt. 12 April, 1861. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 6th Ohio Vols. 19 April, 1861. Lieut. Colonel 6th Ohio Vols. 12 June, 1861. Entered active service in command of regt., 29 June, 1861, in W. Va. ; battles Laurel Hill ; Carrick's Ford ; Elkwater ; Cheat Mountain ; joined Buell's army in Ky. in Dec. ; held advance of his army in march from Nashville, Tenn., to Shiloh ; in action 7 April, 1862, and wounded in arm ; wounded again at Murfrees- boro, " Stone River," i Jan., 1863, in the leg, and at home for three months. Colonel 6rH Ohio Vols. 19 Aug., 1862. Wounded at Chickamauga, Ga., in the shoulder, 19 Sept., 1863, and again absent for three months on this account ; remained in com- mand of Gens. Rosecranz and Thomas, participating in the various battles, marches, etc., of their armies until Mustered out 23 June, 1864. BvT. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Bvt. Maj. General U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. JOHN OTIS BURT. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. 30 July, 1861. U. S. S. Colorado ; ordered to U. S. S. Conestoga, of the Mississippi Squad., Sept., 1862. Resigned 23 Nov., 1863. no HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1858. LOUIS CABOT. Second Lieutenant ist Mass. Cav. 26 Dec, 1861. First Lieutenant 2D Mass. Cav. 15 Jan., 1863. Captain 2D Mass. Cav. 12 May, 1863. Major 4TH Mass. Cav. 25 Feb., 1864. Left Boston 23 April in charge of batt. of his regt. for Hilton Head, S. C. ; thence to Fort Monroe, Va., where he reported for duty to Gen. Butler ; engaged in picket and scouting duty before Peters- burg and Richmond during the summer and fall. Resigned 17 Jan., 1865. JONATHAN LONG-FELLOW CILLEY. Hosp. Steward 137TH Ohio Vols. 10 May, 1864. Stationed at Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Md., till 18 Aug., 1864. Act. Master's Mate U. S. N. 31 Aug., 1864. Mississippi Squad. Resigned 8 Nov., 1864. '*JOHN EDWARD COBB. M. D. 1861. Aci'. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. ii Sept., 1861. Assigned to U. S. S. Ino ; transferred to the Kensington of the Western Gulf Squad, in 1863, and in Oct. of same year ordered to Supply-Steamer Newbern, N. A. Blockading Squad. ; ordered to the Florida, Feb., 1865. Resigned 25 May, 1865. Practised medicine in Taunton, Mass., till Nov., 1869 ; held position in Boston Custom House till May, 1874; returned to Taunton. Died at New Bedford, Mass., 23 Sept., 1877. 1858.1 IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 1 1 1 BENJAMIN "WILLIAM CROWNINSHIELD. Vol. Lieutenant ist Mass. Cav. 5 Nov., 1861. First Lieutenant ist Mass. Cav. 19 Dec, 1861. With the regt. in all its service till July, 1864 ; in S. C. Jan., 1862, to June 30; in Washington, D. C, 19 Aug.-2 Sept. Captain ist Mass. Cav, 26 March, 1862. Battles South Mountain, Md. ; Antietam ; Wilderness, Va. ; Hawe's Shop ; Petersburg ; Weldon Railroad ; Deep Bottom ; Winchester ; A. D. C. Staff of Gen. Sheridan ; Provost-Marshal Middle Mil. Division. Major ist Mass. Cav. 10 Aug., 1864. Battles Fisher's Hill, Va. ; Cedar Creek ; remained with Sheridan tiU Mustered out 6 Nov., 1864. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 17 June, 1865. Bvt. Colonel U. S. Vols. 17 June, 1865. * GEORGE DEXTER. LL. B. i860. Private i2TH unati\ Co. Mass. V. M. 16 May, 1864. On duty at Provincetown, Mass. Mustered out 15 Aug., 1864. Died at Santa Barbara, Cal., 18 Dec., 1883. ROBERT THAXTER EDES. M. D, 1861. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 10 Sept., 1861. Naval Hosp. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; mortar flotilla, and present at bom- bardment of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, below New Orleans, La., April, 1862. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 24 Jan., 1862. Spent fall and winter in Pensacola Bay and on the Mississippi River; at Port Hudson, La., May-8 July, 1863; U. S. S. Black 112 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1858. Hawk, Mississippi Squad., 2 Aug., 1863 ; on Red River, March- April, 1864 ; ordered to U. S. Naval Hosp., Chelsea, Mass., 4 July, 1864. Passed Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 10 May, 1865. U. S. S. Colorado, 10 May, 1865. Resigned 31 May, 1865. * SAMUEL HENRY EELLS. Hosp. Steward i2TH Mich. Vols. 7 Feb., 1862. Battle Shiloh, Tenn. ; taken prisoner while in charge of wounded men ; exchanged ; battle Hatchie ; attached to Gen. McClernand's Div. of the Reserve, and employed in guard duty at various points on the railroad lines, chiefly at Bolivar ; siege of Vicksburg, Miss. ; expeditions to the Big Black River and into Ark. Asst. Surgeon i2th Mich. Vols, i Feb., 1863. Battle Middleburg, Tenn. Died at Detroit, Mich., 3 1 Jan., i 864. CHARLES FAIRCHILD. Ensign ist Wis. Vols. April, 1861. First Lieutenant ist Wis. Vols, i July, 1861. Act. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. 5 March, 1862. Ordered to Gunboat Mahaska, serving in the rivers of Va. ; South Atlantic Squad., Aug., 1863 ; siege of Charleston, S. C. ; ordered to Boston, Mass., Sept. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. 30 June, 1864. Resigned 6 Dec, 1864. GEORG-E EBENEZER FRANCIS. M. D. 1863. Vol. Asst. Surgeon at Fort Monroe, Va., 10 June-i Sept., 1861, and also on duty with the 2d Mass. Vols, for a short time after the battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., 9 Aug., 1862. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 17 AUG.-17 Oct., 1862. 1858.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1S65. II3 At Maj. Gen. Banks's headquarters, in Pope's retreat, and at battle of Antietam, Md. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 15 May, 1863. Ordered to Naval Station at Cairo, 111. ; transferred to U. S. S. Exchange, 24 Nov.; U. S. S. Ouichita, 3 Jan., 1864; Red River campaigns. Resigned 28 Oct., 1S65. ALFRED STEDMAN HARTWELL. LL. B. 1867. Corporal 3D Mo. Reserve Corps 10 May, 1861. Took part in capture of rebel camp near St. Louis, Mo., 10 May. First Lieutenant 44TH Mass. V. M. 22 Aug., 1862. Served with the regt. in N. C. Captain 54TH Mass. Vols. 16 March, 1863. Lieut. Colonel 55TH Mass. Vols. 30 May, 1863. Siege of Charleston, S. C, and in Fla. ; skirmishes on James and Johns Islands in front of Charleston ; battle Honey Hill. Colonel 55TH Mass. Vols. 3 Nov., 1863. BvT. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 30 Dec, 1864. Commanded a brig, of colored troops in S. C. till close of War ; skirmishes at Bull's Bay, S. C, and Eutaw Springs. Mustered out 30 April, 1866. ALFRED HOUSTON HAVEN. M. D. 1861 ; A. B. 1867. Aci\ AssT. Surgeon U. S. A. Feb., 1862. Served three years and a half in hosps. in Washington, D. C, and Va. ; Post Surgeon Camp Marshal, near Washington, 1863; in charge of one of the hosps. 2d Div., near Alexandria, Va., 1864. AssT. Surgeon 35TH U. S. C. T. Aug., 1865. Ordered to Dept. of the South; served in and near Charleston, S. C, and on the Sea Islands. Mustered out June, 1866. 114 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1858. * MARCUS MORTON HAWES. First Lieutenant 2d Mass. Vols. 28 May, 1861. Engaged with the regt. on the Upper Potomac ; crossed into Va. in Feb., 1862, and was there actively engaged. Captain and A. Q. M. U. S. Vols, i 7 July, 1862. Resigned 25 Feb., 1865. Died at Baltimore, Md., 3 July, 1880. JOHN HOMANS. M. D. 1862. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. 24 Jan., 1862. Ordered to U. S. S. Aroostook ; after a short cruise at sea in search of the disabled U. S. S. Vermont, engaged on the rivers in Va., May-Aug., 1862; battle Fort Darling, Va. ; co-operated with the army at battle Malvern Hill, Va. Resigned 16 Sept., 1862. AssT. Surgeon U. S. A. 22 Nov., 1862. Sailed from New York for New Orleans, Feb., 1863 ; assigned to duty in St. James Hosp., and in the fall in charge of that hosp. ; on Staff of Gen. Banks in Red River expedition ; battles Sabine Cross Roads, La. ; Pleasant Hill ; temporarily Med. Dir. of the army engaged in this expedition ; returned to New Orleans in May, ordered to the North in July, and arrived at Washington, D. C. ; Surgeon in Chief ist Div. 19th A. C, in the Army of the Shenan- doah ; engaged in that valley with Early's army ; battles Winchester, Va. ; Cedar Creek ; Med. Insp. Middle Mil. Div., on Staff of Gen. Sheridan, Nov. ; Act. Med. Dir. Army of the Shenandoah. Resigned 28 May, 1865. * JAMES JACKSON LOWELL. First Lieutenant 20th Mass. Vols. 10 July, 1861. In camp at Poolesville, Md. ; battle Ball's Bluff, Va. ; wounded in 1858.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. I 1 5 the thigh; at home till Feb., 1862 ; transferred to the Peninsula, 1 1 March ; siege of Yorktown ; battle Fair Oaks. Died at Nelson's (or Fraser's) Farm, Va., 4 July, 1862, of WOUNDS RECEIVED AT GlENDALE. * EDWARD BROMFIELD MASON. M. D. 1861. AssT. Surgeon ist Mass. H. A. i March, 1862. Joined his regt. on the Potomac ; prisoner at second Bull Run, Va. ; soon released ; Med. Dir. on Staff of Col. Cogswell, Act. Brig. General; on duty with part of regt at Maryland Heights, 23 Jan. till II Aug., 1863. Second Lieutenant 2d Mass. Cav. 4 June, 1863. Severely injured by fall of his horse while in camp, and Died at Readville, Mass., 14 Sept., 1863. WILLIAM FREDERIC MILTON. Second Lieutenant 2oth Mass. Vols. 10 July, 1861. Left the State with the regt. in Sept. First Lieutenant 20th Mass. Vols. 12 Oct., 1861. A. D. C. on Staff of Maj. Gen. Dana, 26 Feb., 1862, in which posi- tion he continued through his term of service. Captain 2oth Mass. Vols. 5 July, 1863. Mustered out 26 July, 1864. * JOHN DOLE MYRICK. Second Lieutenant ist Me. Cav. 2 Nov., 1861. Went into the field with his regt. in March, 1862 ; battles Cedar Mountain, Va. ; Brandy Station ; Sulphur Spring ; second Bull Run ; Antietam, Md. ; Fredericksburg, Va. First Lieutenant 7TH Me. Vols. 7 Dec, 1862. Battle second Brandy Station, Va. ; in hosp. in Washington, D. C, June ; action at Bull Run Creek, Va., during Meade's retreat from Il6 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1858. the Rapidan to Centreville ; reconnoissance to Little Washington ; Mine Run. Captain 7TH Me. Cav. 4 Jan., 1863. Battles Todd's Tavern, Va. ; Beaver Dam Station ; Trevillian Station ; Louisa C. H. ; White House ; St. Mary's Church ; Deep Bottom ; Charles City Cross Roads ; White Oak Swamp ; second Deep Bottom ; Reams's Station ; in hosp. at City Point, Va., and on sick leave, Nov.-Dec. ; battles Hatcher's Run ; Dinvviddie C. H. ; Jettersville ; Sailor's Creek ; capture of Ewell, Custis, Lee, Corse, and others (seven Maj. Generals and six thousand men), 9 April, 1865; Fame's Cross Roads; Farmville ; Appomattox C. H. ; ordered with men to Augusta, Me., 26 June, 1865 ; re- turned to Petersburg, and was Mustered out 14 Aug., 1865. Was constantly in service with his regt. throughout its full term, and participated in more than a hundred battles, skirmishes, raids, and reconnoissances. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 31 March, 1865. First Lieutenant ioth U. S. Cav. 7 March, 1867. Served against the Indians in Kan., Nebr., Col, N. Mex., Tex., and Ind. Terr. BvT. Captain U. S. A. 7 March, 1867. Resigned 17 May, 1872. Died at Augusta, Me., 27 Dec, 1882. FREDERIC MALCOLM NORCROSS. Second Lieutenant Eastern Bay State Regt., Nov., 1861. Left Boston with the regt. 2 Jan., 1862, for New Orleans ; on the re-organization of this regt. he was regularly commissioned by the Gov. of Mass. Second Lieutenant 30TH Mass. Vols. 20 Feb., 1862. Battle Baton Rouge, La. ; as A. D. C. Staff of Col. Dudley. First Lieutenant 3orH Mass. Vols. 19 Aug., 1862. Wounded near Port Hudson, La., 21 May, 1863; on leave of absence. 1858.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 1 1 7 Captain and A. Q. M. U. S. Vols. 29 Feb., 1864. Ordered to report to Gen. Canby at Vicksburg, Miss. Mustered out 13 March, 1866. JOHN BUTTRICK NOTES. Private 4TH Bait. Rifles Mass. V. M. 25 May, 186 i. Private i3Tn Mass. Vols. 16 July, 1861. On garrison duty at Fort Independence, Boston Harbor ; battles Winchester, Va. ; Cedar Mountain ; Rappahannock Station ; Thoroughfare Gap ; second Bull Run, where he was slightly wounded ; Chantilly ; South Mountain, Md. ; Antietam, where he was again wounded ; absent on leave till i Feb., 1863. Second Lieutenant 28th Mass. Vols. 6 April, 1863. First Lieutenant 28th Mass. Vols. 12 May, 1863. Captain 28th Mass. Vols. 6 May, 1864. Asst. Insp. Gen. 3d Brig, ist Div. 2d A. C. ; A. A. D. C. Staff of Bvt. Brig. Gen. Macy, ist Brig, ist Div. 2d A. C. ; battles Chan- cellorsville, Va. ; Gettysburg, Pa. ; Bristow Station, Va. ; Mine Run ; Wilderness ; Todd's Tavern ; Po River ; Spottsylvania ; North Anna River ; Totopotomy Creek ; Cold Harbor ; Peters- burg ; Wilson's Farm ; Deep Bottom ; Reams's Station ; Hatcher's Run. Mustered out 19 Dec, 1864. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. BvT. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. JOHN GRAY PARK. M. D. 1866. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. 19 Feb., 1862. Ordered to U. S. S. Victoria, off Wilmington, N. C. ; present at capture of rebel brig Minnie, with assorted cargo of saltpetre, powder, muskets, medicines, and testaments ; ordered to U. S. S. Il8 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1858. Mendora, April, 1864 ; on sick leave through the summer ; ordered to W. Gulf Squad., Dec. Resigned 5 Nov., 1865. * HENRY LYMAN PATTEN. Second Lieutenant 2oth Mass. Vols. 25 Nov., 1861. In camp at Poolesville, Md., through winter 1861-62 ; Shenandoah Valley campaign, March ; Peninsular campaign ; battles Seven Days, Va. ; Nelson's Farm, where he was slightly wounded ; Chan- tilly ; South Mountain, Md, ; Antietam. First Lieutenant 20th Mass. Vols, i Oct., 1862. Battle Fredericksburg, Va. Captain 2oth Mass. Vols, i May, 1863. Second battle Fredericksburg ; Gettysburg, Pa., again wounded ; Meade's campaign of Mine River, Va. ; wounded near Chancellors- ville ; in command of regt. for three months from middle of May ; battles Wilderness ; Spottsylvania ; North Anna ; Cold Harbor ; Petersburg. Major 2oth Mass. Vols. 20 June, 1864. At battle of Weldon Railroad, where by his gallantry he checked the advance of the rebel column and saved the day \ severely wounded at Deep Bottom 16 Aug., from the effects of which he Died at Philadelphu, Pa., 10 Sept., 1864. * DANIEL CHAMBERLAIN PAYNE. A. D. C. Staff of Brig. Gen. William Dwight, Nov., 1863. First Lieutenant i8th Regt. Corps d'Afrique, 89TH U. S. C. T. 14 Dec, 1863. Battles Sabine Cross Roads, La. ; Pleasant Hill ; in Sheridan's army in Shenandoah Valley, Va., Aug. BvT. Captain U. S. Vols. 15 June, 1865. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 15 June, 1865. 1858.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 119 After leaving the army he lived in Boston till 11 April, 1866, when he sailed for Europe ; spent the winter in Pau and in Algiers, was at Florence in the spring. Died at Montreux, Switzerland, 28 Sept., 1868. GEORGE EDWARD POND. LL. B. i860. Private Div. Corps. Cadets Mass. V. M. 22 May, 1862. On duty at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, Mass. Mustered out July, 1862, Second Lieutenant 45TH Mass. V. M. 27 Aug., 1862. First Lieutenant 45TH Mass. V. M. 14 Oct., 1862. Battles Kinston, N. C. ; Whitehall ; Goldsboro ; Cove Creek ; Boston Draft Riots, July, 1863. Mustered out 21 July, 1863. * HENRY AUGUSTUS RICHARDSON. A. B. 1859 ; M. D. 1861. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 12 Aug., 1861. Joined the U. S. S. Cambridge ; North Atlantic Blockading Squad., blockade off Wilmington, N. C, and Beaufort, S. C. Resigned on account of disability, 5 June, 1862. Returned to liis home in Cambridge, Mass. ; spent some time in the pursuit of health in New Hampshire and Minnesota. Died at Cambridge, Mass., i July, 1863. * NATHANIEL RUSSELL. Joined party of Capt. A. M. Harrison, U. S. Coast Survey ; on duty in Narragansett Bay, Mass., June, 1861, and served there till Nov.; in winter again on duty in Eastern Va. with Capt. Harrison, who was engaged, in connection with engineer corps, in making military surveys for the use of the troops and a hydrographical survey of I20 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1858. the bay ; ranked as sergeant ; in consequence of severe and con- stant exposure was taken sick and Died at Drummondstown, Va,, 25 March, 1S62. * THOMAS JEFFERSON SPURR. First Lieutenant 15TH Mass. Vols. 17 Nov., 1861. Joined his regt. on the Upper Potomac ; Peninsular campaign ; battles Fair Oaks, Va. ; Savage's Station ; Seven Days' battles ; severely wounded at Antietam, Md., 17 Sept., 1862, and Died of his wound at Hagerstown, Md., 27 Sept., 1862. A memorial sermon was preached in Worcester, Mass., by his pastor. Rev. Alonzo Hill, D. D., on the Sunday succeeding his funeral, and has been published. JAMES DANFORTH THURBER. Private 13TH Mass. Vols. 12 Aug., 1862. Battles South Mountain, Md. ; Antietam, where he was wounded ; Fredericksburg, Va. ; Chancellorsville. Second Lieuten.-vnt 55TH Mass. Vols. 15 June, 1S63. First Lieutenant 55TH Mass. Vols. 29 June, 1863. Siege of Charleston, S. C. ; battles (first and second) James Island, again wounded ; Honey Hill. Captain 55TH Mass. Vols. 3 Nov., 1863. BvT. Major U. S. Vols, to date from 13 March, 1865. Mustered out 29 Aug., 1865. JAMES PERCIVAL TOWNSEND. Private 39TH Mass. Vols. 13 Aug., 1862. Served with regt. through winter at Offatt's Cross Roads, Pooles- ville, and Edwards' Ferry on the Potomac River; ordered to Washington, D. C, on provost duty in spring of 1863 ; detailed for 1858-59.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 121 clerical duty at Headquarters Mil. Dist. of Washington ; and in A. G. O. War Dept., 12 May, 1864. Mustered out 27 Aug., 1865. Enlisted in the General Service U. S. A. ; discharged 7 Sept., 1866, to accept appointment as citizen clerk ; still remains in the A. G. O. * JAMES EDWARD VICKERY. Seaman U. S. Navy 20 May, 1861. On duty on U. S. S. Massachusetts. Discharged, 1862. Died at Neosho, Mo., 30 Jan., 1881. HENRY PICKERING- WALCOTT. Corporal i2th unatt. Comp. Mass. V. M. 16 May, 1864. On duty at Provincetown, Mass. Mustered out 15 Aug., 1864. 1859. PELHAM WARREN AMES. Act. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. 19 July, 1861. Ordered to Supply-Ship Connecticut, and engaged in distribution of supplies to entire blockading force ; sent to Pacific Squad, and attached to U. S. S. Saginaw, Dec, 1862. Resigned May, 1865. FRANCIS VERG-NIES BALCH. LL. B. 1861. Private 2oth Mass. Vols. 4 Aug., 1862. Discharged for disability, 10 Nov., 1862, 122 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1859. "WILLIAM BARNEY. First Lieutenant 7th N. Y. Cav,, ist Regt. N. Y. Mounted Rifles, 13 Aug., 1862. Joined his regt. on James River, Va. ; sent North on sick leave Dec, 1862. Major 15TH N. Y. Cav. (not mustered). Discharged for disability 17 May, 1863. * GEORGE WELLINGTON BATCHELDER. Sergeant 7th Mass. V. M. 18 April, 1861. His company, known as the Salem Zouaves, was attached as skir- mishers to the 8th Mass. V. M., and left the State 18 April; en- gaged near the Relay House on the B. & O. R. R. Mustered out i Aug., 1861. First Lieutenant 19TH Mass. Vols. 22 Aug., 186 i. Battle Ball's Bluff, Va. Captain 19TH Mass. Vols. 21 March, 1862. On active duty with the regt. from Yorktown to Harrison's Land- ing, and subsequendy to Washington, D. C, and Frederic, Md. Killed at Antietam, Md., 17 Sept., 1862. * HENRY MAY BOND. Private Div. Corps Cadets Mass. V. M. 26 May, 1862. Sergeant 45TH Mass. V. M. 8 Oct., 1862. Campaign in N. C. Mustered out 8 July, 1863. First Lieutenant 2oth Mass. Vols. 6 Oct., 1863. Batde Mine Run, Va. ; Adjutant of regt. ; battle of Wilderness, where he was wounded ; while being carried to hosp. at Belle Plain, 1 1 May, the ambulance was attacked by Guerrillas, and he was fatally wounded. Died at Washington, D. C, 14 May, 1864. 1859.] IN THE WAR OF 1S61-1865. 123 WILLIAM STURGIS BOND. Private Div. Corps Cadets Mass. V. M. 26 May, 1862. On duty at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, Mass. Mustered out 2 July, 1862. First Lieutenant 45TH Mass. V. M. 26 Sept., 1862. Served with regt. in N. C. Mustered out 7 July, 1863. CHARLES CHAUNCEY. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 2D Pa. Cav. 8 Nov., 1861. Captain 2D Pa. Cav. i April, 1862. Served through Pope's campaign in Va. ; second battle Bull Run, and engaged in scouting and picket duty near Washington, D. C. ; Act. A. D. C. Staff I^Iaj. Gen. Stahl, Cav. Div. Dist. of Washington ; attached to Army of Potomac, June, 1S63, constituting 3d Cav. Div. under command of Brig. Gen. Kilpatrick, to whose Staff he was transferred, and served with him through Md. and Pa. cam- paigns ; rejoined his regt. 13 July, 1863 ; battle Gettysburg, Pa.; assigned to 2d Cav. Div., Oct.; rejoined his regt. 24 May, 1864, from sick leave near Bowling Green, Va. ; took part in remainder of campaign, including Sheridan's raid to Gordonsville ; sent to hosp. on James River, 16 Aug.; sent to his home 27 Aug., and Resigned on account of disability 6 Sept., 1864. CLINTON ALBERT CILLEY. Left College July, 1859. Private 2D Minn. Vols. 29 June, 1861. Marched to Fort Abercrombie, Dakota Terr., Red River of the North ; Sergeant ; Sergeant Major ; ordered to Louisville, Ky. Second Lieutenant 2d Minn. Vols. 4 Dec, 1861. Battle Mill Spring, Ky. First Lieutenant 2D Minn. Vols. 16 April, 1862. Captain 2D Minn. Vols. 10 July, 1862. 124 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1859. Topog. Eng., and then Act. Asst. Adj. Gen. 3d Brig. 3d Div. 14th A. C, and 3d Div. 14th A. C. ; took part in all skirmishes, battles, and marches of Div., including Corinth, Miss., Perryville, Ky., and Chickamauga, Ga. ; battles Hoover's Gap, Tenn. ; Tullahoma ; Chattanooga. Captain and A. A. G. U. S. Vols. 15 July, 1864. On Staff of Maj. Gen, Schofield, Army of the Ohio ; took part in entire Atlanta, Ga., campaign, ending with battles of Jonesboro; battle Franklin, Tenn. ; on Staff of Gen. Schofield at Nashville, and in battle there ; thence to Fort Fisher, N. C, Wilmington, and Goldsboro, where he joined Gen. Sherman ; thence to Raleigh and Salisbury. Major and A. A. G. U. S, Vols. 21 March, 1865. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. BvT. Colonel U. S. Vols, 13 March, 1865. Mustered out i Sept., 1866. EDWARD CURTIS. Med. Cadet U. S. A. 6 Sept., 1861. Assigned to duty at Union General Hosp., Georgetown, D. C. ; transferred to Cliffburne Barracks, 5 May, 1862 ; ordered for tem- porary duty to Headquarters Army of Va., 22 Aug. ; Satterlee Hosp., West Philadelphia, Pa., 29 Aug. ; reappointed Med. Cadet, 6 Sept. Discharged 4 May, 1863. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 5 May, 1863. Assigned to duty at Surgeon General's Office, U. S. A., to superin- tend the microscopical dept. of the Army Medical Museum. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 30 March, 1864. On temporary duty at depot hosps.. White House, Va., 6 June ; Consulting and Operating Surgeon, Hampton, Va., General Hosp., 22 June; returned to Surgeon General's Office, 7 Aug.; Execu- tive Officer, Sheridan Field Hosp., Winchester, Va., 20 Sept. ; relieved and returned to former post, 28 Oct. l859-] ^^ THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 125 BvT. Captain U. S. A. 13 March, 1865. BvT. Major U. S. A. 13 March, 1865. Resigned 7 June, 1870. * EDMUND HENRY GUSHING. Principal Clerk in office of Mississippi Squad, at Cairo, 111., Sept., 1862; Secretary to Admiral Foote, June, 1863; on duty off Charleston, S. C. ; on death of that officer commissioned Act. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. 30 June, 1863. Ordered to U. S. S. Newbern, and remained in her throughout the War. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. 23 July, 1866. Paymaster U. S. N. 16 Dec, 1868. Stationed on U. S. S. Tuscarora, on West Coast of South America ; the ship ordered to Buonaventura on official duty, March, 1869; soon after leaving that port he was attacked with yellow fever, and Died at sea ii March, 1869. * HEYWARD CUTTING-. Second Lieutenant ioth Inf. U. S. A. 27 May, 1861. First Lieutenant ioth Inf. U. S. A. 7 Sept., 1861. Resigned 9 April, 1864. Died 28 July, 1876. HENRY T DUNGAN. Vol. a. a. G. Staff of Gen. J. S. Jackson, 1862. On duty during invasion of Ky. ; battle Perryville, 6-d, Oct., 1862. 126 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1859. GEORGE FRANKLIN FRENCH. M. D. 1862. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 13 Aug., 1862. Assigned to duty at U. S. Gen. Hosp., Alexandria, Va. Asst. Surgeon U. S. Vols. 4 June, 1863. Surgeon U. S. Vols. 13 June, 1863. Personal Staff Surgeon of Gen. Grant at Vicksburg, Miss. ; in charge of U. S. hosps. at Huntsville, Ala., April, 1864; organized and in charge of gen. hosp. of thirty-five hundred beds at Rome, Ga., June, 1864 ; organized and in charge of hosp. of five thousand beds at Atlanta, Sept. ; Surgeon in Chief ist Div. 15 th A. C, on Sherman's "March to the Sea," Nov., 1864; in actions of that campaign from Macon to Bentonville, N. C. Resigned 5 June-, 1865. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 5 July, 1865. . JOHN CHIPMAN GRAY. LL. B. 1861. Second Lieutenant 41ST Mass. Vols, (afterward 3D Mass. Cav.) 7 Oct., 1862. A. D. C. to Gen. Gordon. Major and Judge Advocate U. S. Vols. 26 Sept., 1864, to date from 25 July, 1864. On duty in Dept. of the South, first under Maj. Gen. Foster, and then under Maj. Gen. Gilmore. Resigned 14 July, 1865. FRANCIS BOOTT GREENOUGH. M. D. 1866. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. i June, 1864. On duty at Lowell Gen. Hosp., Portsmouth Grove, R. I. Discharged i Oct., 1864. 1 859-] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 127 FREDERIC SEARS GRAND D'HAUTEVILLE. Captain and Vol. A. D. C. Staff of Maj. Gen. Banks Nov., 1861. Captain and A. A. G. U. S. Vols. 30 June, 1862. Assigned to duty with Brig. Gen. Crawford ; re-assigned to Staff of Gen. Banks, Sept., 1862 ; A. A. G. Dept. of Gulf. Resigned 24 Feb., 1863. DAVID HYSLOP HAYDEN. M. D. 1863. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 15 May, 1863. On duty in the Mississippi Squad. Resigned 2 Dec, 1865. SOUTHARD HOFFMAN. Left College May, 1856. Captain and A. A. G. U. S. Vols. 14 Nov., 1861. Major and A. A. G. U. S. Vols. Aug., 1862. Lieut. Colonel and A. A. G. U. S. Vols, i Jan., 1863. Served with this rank till ordered to another Dept., Feb., 1864; re-appointed Lieut. Colonel and A. A. G. U. S. Vols, i Jan., 1865. Resigned 14 June, 1865. EDWARD WILLIAM HOOPER. LL. B. 1861. Captain and Ad. A. D. C. U. S. Vols. 17 June, 1862. Reported for duty to Brig. Gen. Saxton, Dept. of the South, 28 June, 1862 ; transferred to Staff of Maj. Gen. Dix, Dept. of the East, 18 May, 1864. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Resigned 19 May, 1865. 128 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1859. * FRANCIS CUSTIS HOPKINSON. LL. B. 1862. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1S62. Left Mass. 22 Oct., 1862, for N. C. ; in Gen. Foster's expeditions, Nov. and Dec. ; battle Whitehall, N. C. ; while on picket, 18 Jan., 1863, contracted malarial fever, and Died at Newbern, N. C, 13 Feb., 1863. HENRY PARKER HOPPIN. LL. B. 1862. Second Lieutenant ist Mass. H. A. 17 Feb., 1862. Served with regt. at Fort Albany, near Washington, D. C, in spring and summer of 1862 ; stationed at Maryland Heights, Md., Sept., 1862 ; battle Winchester, Va. First Lieutenant 2D Mass. H. A. 17 July, 1863. On detached service at Norfolk, Va., Nov., 1863 ; ordered to Plymouth, N. C, April, 1864; prisoner of war at various points, April, 1864-Feb., 1865 ; escaped from prison at Columbia, S. C, Nov., 1864, and two weeks later recaptured near Greenville; escaped from Charlotte, N. C, Feb., 1865, and reached Union lines in Eastern Tenn. in April ; rejoined his regt. at Newbern, N. C, May. Captain 2D Mass. H. A. 25 May, 1864. Leave of absence, July, 1865. Resigned on account of disability 4 Aug., 1865. * HENRY JACKSON HOW. Major iqth Mass. Vols. 3 Aug., 1861. Left Boston 28 Aug., 1861 ;. stationed on the Upper Potomac through the fall and winter ; battle Ball's Bluff, Va. ; siege of York- town, and in all the battles of the Peninsular campaign. Killed at Nelson's Farm, Va., 30 June, 1862. l859-] IN THE WAR OF 1S61-1SG5. 129 SAMUEL WOOD LANGMAID. M. D. 1864. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. July, 1864. Resigned July, 1865. * GEORGE LAWRENCE: Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. 31 Aug., 1861. Paymaster U. S. N. 6 Feb., 1862. Resigned 15 Oct., 1864. Died at Nahant, Mass., 2 Oct., 1884. FRANCIS WILLIAM LORING. Private 24TH Mass. Vols. 2 Sept., 1861. Sergeant Major. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 38TH Mass. Vols. 9 Aug., 1862. A. D. C. Staff of Brig. Gen. Emory, 27 Jan., 1863. Resigned 26 May, 1864. ELLIS LORING MOTTE. LL. B. 1862. First Lieutenant 13TH Baty. Light Art., Mass. Vols. 3 Nov., 1862. Staff of Brig. Gen. Arnold, Dept. of the Gulf, 3 Sept., 1863. Resigned 9 March, 1864. * HORATIO PAINE. While a student in medicine, in connection with Drs. Mott and Van Buren of New York, was instrumental in inducing Congress to create the grade of Med. Cadet U. S. A. ; the bill was passed 3 Aug., 1 86 1. Med. Cadet U. S. A. 3 Aug., 1861. 9 130 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1859. Assigned to duty as Asst. to Surgeon of i6th N. Y. Vols., who was also Chief Surgeon of his Brig. ; present with the reserve at first battle Bull Run, Va. ; on duty at Gen. Hosp. Alexandria, Nov., 186 1 ; ordered to Army of the Potomac at White House, May, 1862 ; on U. S. A. Hosp. Steamer Commodore. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 3 Aug., 1862. Again ordered to same steamer, and soon after put in charge ; Gen. Hosp. Frederick, Md., Sept., 1862 ; Gen. Hosp. Harper's Ferry, April, 1S63; on temporary duty with 151st N. Y. Vols. June. Resigned 3 Aug., 1863. Took his degree of M. D. (Univ. Pa.), and again appointed Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. May, 1864. Sent to Lincoln Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C. ; in charge of Bar- rack Branch Hosp., containing five hundred beds ; Whitehall Gen. Hosp., near Bristol, Pa., where he was made executive officer. Resigned 15 Aug., 1865. Died in England, i May, 1882. THOMAS HENRY PRYOR. M. D. 1862. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. July, 1863. Resigned Nov., 1863. * MASON ARCHELAUS REA. Left College Feb., 1857. First Lieutenant 24TH Mass. Vols. 2 Sept. 1861. Served with regt. in N. C, S. C, Fla., and Va. ; battles Roanoke Island, N. C. ; Newbern ; Kinston ; Whitehall ; Goldsboro ; siege of Fort Wagner, S. C. ; and in nearly all of the engagements in which his regt. took part. Killed at Drury's Bluff, Va., i6 May, 1864. 1859.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 131 JOHN ROWLAND RICKETSON. Private Pittsburg (Pa.) City Guard, 1861. Discharged for disability. JAMES SCHOULER. Private 43D Mass. V. M. 4 Aug., 1862. Second Lieutenant 43D Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Detailed for duty in U. S. A. signal corps, and served therein most of his term. Mustered out 30 July, 1863. * NATHANIEL BRADSTREET SHURTLEFF. Captain i2Th Mass. Vols. 26 June, 1861. Remained in camp at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, for three months; reached Harper's Ferry, Va., 27 June, 1861, and attached to Gen. Banks's Div. ; on sick leave, Sept.- 14 Oct. ; Divisionary Judge Adv., 26 Jan., 1862; on recruiting service in Boston 11 March, 1862. Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., 9 Aug., 1862. ALBERT STICKNEY. LL B. 1862. Captain 47TH Mass. V. M. 2 Sept. 1862. Lieut. Colonel 47TH Mass. V. M. 7 Nov., 1862. Act. Insp. Gen. Staff Brig. Gen. Emory, Dept. of the Gulf, 4 June, 1863 ; in command at Brashear City, La., which he held against a large opposing force of Confederates. Mustered out i Sept., 1863. Colonel iith U. S. C. T. 27 Aug., 1863. Not mustered on account of illness. 132 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1859. * WILLIAM BRANDT STORER. A. B. 1866. First Lieutenant 15TH Mass. Vols. 28 Jan., 1S62. Joined his regt. at Poolesville, Md. ; regimental Q. M. ; took part in campaign in Shenandoah Valley, Va. ; siege of Yorktovvn ; A. D. C. Staff of Brig. Gen. Devens ; Peninsular campaign ; battle Fair Oaks ; Malvern Hill and other Seven Days' battles ; on sick leave, Aug. Resigned on account of disability, 2 Jan., 1863. Merchant in Boston, Mass. Died at Cambridge, Mass., 14 Oct., 1884. FRANCIS HENRY SWAN. Act. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. 9 Dec, 1861. Attached to U. S. S. Potomska, S. A. Block. Squad., 1863-64 ; pris- oner of war, 1864-65. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. 9 March, 1865. U. S. S. Frolic, European Squad., 1865-67. Passed Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. 4 May, 1866, Paymaster U. S. N. 5 March, 1867. St. Sl. Saranac, N. P. Squad., 1867-68 ; Practice Ship Macedonian, 1869-70. WILLIAM WILLARD SWAN. First Lieutenant 17TH Inf. U. S. A. 14 May, 1861. Captain 17TH Inf. U. S. A. 20 April, 1864. BvT. Major U. S. A. i Aug., 1864. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. A. i April, 1865. Transferred to 35th Inf U. S. A. Resigned i Nov., 1866. l859-] /-^ THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 1 33 * EZRA MARTIN TEBBETS. S. B. i860. Private Schaeffer's Independt. Batt. of Cav., Body-guard TO Gen. Fremont, Sept., 1861. Private 5TH Iowa Cav. Sept., 1861. On duty in Tenn. against guerrillas and marauders ; battles Donald- sonville, La. ; Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; siege of Vicksburg, Miss. Re-enlisted Private 5TH Iowa Cav. Jan., 1864. While engaged in the Stoneman Raid, taken prisoner near Atlanta, Ga., 30 July, 1864; confined at Andersonville, 3 Aug. -19 Sept.; at Macon and Millen. Died of privation and exhaustion in rebel prison at Millen, Ga., 30 Oct., 1864. His commission as First Lieutenant and Asst. Insp. U. S. Vols, reached regimental headquarters after his capture, but he was never mustered as such; he was the only graduate who died in rebel prison. * STRONG- VINCENT. Private "Wayne Guards," Erie, Pa., 14 April, 1861. On duty at Pittsburg, Pa. Second Lieutenant 21 April, 1861. Mustered out July, 1861. First Lieutenant and Adjutant Pa. V. M. i May, 186 i. Major 83D Pa. V. M. Lieut. Colonel 83D Pa. Vols. 13 Sept., 1861. Assigned to Butterfield's Brig, of Fitz-John Porter's Div. at Wash- ington, D. C. ; on duty much of the winter as Brig. Insp. ; siege of Yorktown, Va. ; Peninsular campaign ; battle Hanover C. H. ; left his sick bed to take command of his regt. at Savage's Station ; on sick leave till he rejoined his regt., i Oct., on the Potomac, near Antietam, Md. Colonel 83D Pa. Vols. 5 July, 1862. Battle Fredericksburg, Va., where he was in command of brig. ; 134 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1859-60. Chancellorsville campaign ; again in charge of brig. ; battles Pleas- anton ; Aldie : Gettysburg, Pa., where he was mortally wounded. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 3 July, 1863. Died of wounds received at Gettysburg, Pa., 7 July, 1863. HENSHAW BATES WALLEY. A. B. 1866. Private Div. Corps Cadets Mass. V. M. 26 May, 1862. Mustered out 2 July, 1862. Major and Add. Paymaster U. S. A. 26 Nov., 1862. On duty with Army of the Cumberland. Resigned on account of disability ii June, 1864. JOHN WINSLOW. Act. Med. Cadet U. S. A. Sept. 1862. Union Hotel Hosp., Georgetown, D. C. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. March, 1863. Mount Pleasant Gen. Hosp., Washington, March, 1863-July, 1865. Discharged July, 1865. i860. ♦EDWABD GARDINER ABBOTT. Captain "Abbott Grays," 2D Mass. Vols., 24 May, 1861. His regt. joined the command of Gen. Patterson at Martindale, Md., 12 July, 1861 ; transferred to that of Gen. Banks; engaged in retreat of Banks from Shenandoah Valley, 24-25 May, 1862, his company forming part of the rear-guard. Killed at Cedar Mount.\in, Va., 9 Aug., 1862. • Bvt. Major 13 March, 1865. i860.] in the war of 1861-1865. 135 * HENRY LIVERMORE ABBOTT. Private " New England Guards," 4TH Batt. Inf., Mass. V. M., Mav, 1861. Mustered out June, 186 i. Second Lieutenant 2oth Mass. Vols. 10 July, 1861. Left the state with his regt. Sept. for the Potomac river ; battle Ball's Bluff, Va. ; in camp at Poolesville, Md., winter of 1861-62. First Lieutenant 20TH Mass. Vols. 8 Nov., 1861. Captain 2oth Mass. Vols. 29 Aug., 1862. Doing guard duty on the Potomac opposite Leesburg, Va., till Feb., 1862 ; in Valley of the Shenandoah, March; siege of York- town ; battles West Point ; Fair Oaks, where he received the sword of Gen. Pettigrew, taken prisoner by his company ; Seven Days' battles ; wounded in the arm at Glendale, 30 June ; Malvern Hill ; on furlough for a it^^ weeks ; rejoined his regt. on the James River ; Pope's campaign ; batde Chantilly ; started on the Md. campaign, but taken ill at Frederick, Md. ; on sick leave till last of Nov. ; rejoined his regt. at Warrenton, Va. ; battles Fredericksburg ; Chancellors ville ; Gettysburg, Pa. Major 2oth Mass. Vols, i May, 1863. In command of his regt. till 6 May, 1864; battles Bristoe Station, Va. ; Mine Run ; Wilderness. Killed at battle of the Wilderness, Va., 6 May, 1864. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. BvT. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. BvT. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1S65. GEORGE EVERETT ADAMS. LL. B. 1865. Private Illinois V. M. (ist Art.) 19 April, 1861. Mustered out Aug., 186 i. 136 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [i860. ♦NATHANIEL SALTONSTALL BARSTOW. Left College 19 Jan., 1858. Private 4TH Batt. Mass. V. M. May, 186 i. On duty at Fort Independence, Boston Harbor, for one month. Second Lieutenant 24TH Mass. Vols. 2 Sept., 1861. Joined the "Burnside Expedition" at Annapolis, Md., Dec, 1861 ; detailed for duty as signal officer ; transferred to flagship of Com. Goldsborough as signal officer on his Staff; battles Roanoke Island, N. C. ; Elizabeth City ; Nevvbern ; under Capt. Rowan, U. S. N., took part as signal officer in all the operations of the army in N. C. ; resigned position of signal officer, and appointed Asst. Commiss. of Musters. First Lieutenant 24TH Mass. Vols. 28 Dec, 1862. Judge Adv. at Washington, N. C. ; Asst. Eng. Died at Newbern, N. C, 22 May, 1864. FREDERIC WILLIAM BATCHELDER. Surgeon's Steward U. S. N. 29 Nov., 1862. On duty on U. S. Bk. Kingfisher, S. A. Squad. Discharged for disability, 31 Dec, 1863. CHARLES EDWIN BROWN. Left College iS June, 1858. Private i6th Mass. Vols. 2 July, 1861. Re-enlisted for three years 14 Feb., 1864. Private iith Mass. Vols. (Veterans) 12 July, 1864. Mustered out 14 July, 1865. Served with regt. throughout its entire term ; battles Chancellors- ville, Va. ; Gettysburg, Pa., where he was wounded ; Mine Run, Va. ; siege of Petersburg. i860.] in the war of 1861-1865. 137 HENRY AUSTIN CLAPP. LL. B. 1864. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. On duty with regt. throughout its service in N. C ; Goldsboro and Tarboro expeditions ; detailed for the work of taking the census of Newbern, N. C, Feb., 1863, and so engaged for two months. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. "WILLIAM ELLERY COPELAND. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. On duty in N. C Mustered out 18 June, 1863. CASPAR CROWNINSHIELD. Captain 2oth Mass. Vols, id July, 1861. Captain ist Mass. Cav. 25 Nov., 1861. Major 2D Mass. Cav. 30 Jan., 1863. Lieut. Colonel 2D Mass. Cav. i March, 1864. Colonel 2D Mass. Cav. 21 Oct., 1864. Bvt. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 5 May, 1865. Resigned 16 June, 1865. In actions of Ball's Bluff, Va., South Anna Bridge, Fort Stevens and Snicker's Gap ; Rockville, Md., Poolesville, South Mountain, and Antietam, and Pocotaligo, S. C. ; under Sheridan was at Summit Point, Va., Berryville, Halltown, Opequan, Winchester, Luray, Waynesboro, Tom's Brook, Cedar Creek, White Oak Road, Din- widdie C H., Five Forks, Sailors' Creek, and Appomattox C. H. * WALTER CURTIS. Left College 1859. Captain and A. Q. M. U. S. Vols. Nov., 1862. On Staff of Gen. Rucker. 138 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [i860. Resigned i Jan., 1864. Admitted to the Boston Bar in 1866. Died at Omaha, Neb., 31 Aug., 1876. JULIUS DEXTER. First Lieuten.ant io6th Ohio Vols, ii Aug., 1862. Resigned 9 Nov., 1862. STEPHEN WILLIAM DRIVER. M. D. 1863. Vol. Surgeon U. S. S. Saxon in Butler Expedition, Feb., 1862 ; Vol. Med. Officer 6th Mass. Baty. during transportation to Ship Island, Miss. ; returned in the Saxon to Mass., and made a second trip to Ship Island. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. April, 1862. On duty with Engineer Dept. in La. Resigned Nov., 1862. EDWARD FRANKLIN EVERETT. Sergeant 5TH Mass. V. M. 10 Sept., 1862. Present with regt. in most of its service ; battles Kinston, N. C. ; Whitehall; Goldsboro. Private 2D Mass. H. A. 6 June, 1863. Second Lieutenant 2D Mass. H. A. 30 July, 1863. Post Adj. Fort Macon, N. C, 30 Sept.-20 Dec, 1863 ; Post Com- missary 30 Sept., 1 863- 1 April, 1864 ; Post Q. M. 14 Dec, 1863- I April, 1864; detached, 16 March, 1864, for ordnance duty, Dist. of Beaufort, and sei-ved on Staffs of Gens. Jourdan, Amory, and McChesney ; returned to regt. 28 Feb., 1865 ; detached, 10 March, 1865, on ordnance duty and placed in charge of Field Ordnance Depot, Dept. N. C, on Staff of Gen. Schofield ; in charge of Ord- nance at Roanoke Island and Plymouth, 1 8 March ; assigned to 3d Div. loth A. C., Staff of Bvt. Maj. Gen. Paine, 25 May ; 2d Div. 23d A. C, Staff of Gen. Schofield, 20 June. Mustered out 3 Sept., 1865. i860.] in the war of 1861-1865. i 39 * THOMAS BAYLEY FOX. LL. B. 1862. Second Lieutenant 2D Mass. Vols. 14 Aug., 1862. Battles Antietam, Md. ; Chancellorsville, Va. ; Beverly Ford. First Lieutenant 2d Mass. Vols, i Nov., 1862. Captain 2D Mass. Vols. 6 June, 1863. Wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., 3 July, 1863, and Died at Dorchester, Mass., 25 July, 1863, of wound received AT Gettysburg, Pa. WILLIAM ELIOT FURNESS. LL. B. 1863. Private ist Gray Reserves, Pa. V. M., i July, 1863. First Lieutenant 30 U. S. C. T. 13 Aug., 1863. Second siege of Morris Island, S. C. ; Florida campaign, Jan., 1864 ; on Staff of Brig. Gen. Gordon, April, 1864, went with him to New Orleans, La., Mobile Bay, Ala., Memphis, Tenn., and mouth of Red River. Captain 45TH U. S. C. T. Dec, 1864. Div. Provost-Marshal and Judge Adv. on Staff of Brig. Gen. Birney in front of Richmond, Va. Major and Judge Adv. U. S. Vols. 22 Feb., 1865. On Staff of Maj. Gen. Weitzel, 25th A. C. ; went with corps to Texas. Mustered out 10 Oct., 1865. ALFRED WHITE GANNETT. Left College July, 1858. Private io2d N. Y. Vols. i8 April, 1862. Detailed for duty in Washington, D. C, as clerk in Indiana, Cranch, and Campbell hosps. ; on leaving service connected with U. S. San. Comm. for a short time ; Clerk in U. S. Treas. Dept. since 9 June, 1863. Discharged 4 March, 1863. 140 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [i860. * HENRY WARE HALL. Left College Sept., 1858. First Lieutenant 51ST III. Vols. 24 Dec, 1861. Left Chicago, 111., Feb., 1862, for Cairo; assigned to army of Gen. Pope, then moving against New Madrid, Mo. ; passed down the Mississippi to Island No. 10; advance on Corinth, Miss. ; in camp at Decatur, Ala. Captain 51ST III. Voi^. 28 June, 1862. Resigned commission, and commissioned First Lieutenant and Adjutant 51ST III, Vols. 30 Sept., 1862. Battle Stone River, Tenn. ; advance to Chattanooga ; battle Chick- amauga, Ga., where he was wounded and taken prisoner ; at home for six weeks ; reported at Parole Camp, St. Louis, Mo., where he was exchanged and rejoined his regt. Killed at Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., 27 June, 1864. HORACE JOHN HAYDEN. Second Lieutenant 3D Art. U. S. A. 5 Aug., 1861. Ordered to join Co. F of his regt., serving as light baty. at Camp Duncan, Washington, D. C. First Lieutenant 3D U. S. Art. 5 Feb., 1862, to date from 5 Aug., 1 86 1. Transferred to Co. L ; attached to Maj. Gen. Sykes's Div. during Peninsular campaign ; battle Mechanicsville, Va., Gaines's Mills, where he was wounded ; at home for a month ; rejoined his baty. Aug., 1862, at Acquia Creek; battles Antietam, Md. ; Fredericks- burg, Va. ; ordered with baty. to Covington, Ky., spring of 1863 ; thence to Vicksburg, Miss. ; took part in Sherman's campaign against Jackson ; Burnside's campaign in Ky. and Tenn. ; siege of Knoxville, Tenn.; at home on sick leave, Jan., 1864; detailed upon recruiting service April-Dec, 1864 ; rejoined his baty. at Alexandria, Va. ; later at Washington, D. C. ; ordered in charge of his company to Fort Sullivan, Eastport, Me., of which he took command, Oct., 1865. BvT. Captain 3D U. S. Art. 20 Aug., 1865, to date from 27 June, 1862. i860.] in the war of 1861-1865. 141 BvT. Major 3D U. S. Art. 13 March, 1865. On recruiting service at Boston, Mass., 1866-67 j ordered to Gov- ernor's Island, New York, fall of 1867; rejoined his company at Eastport, Me., spring of 1868. Resigned 31 Oct., 1868. ISAAC HILLS HAZELTON. Left College March, 1858; M. D. 1861. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. 17 Dec, 1861. Battles Jacksonville, Fla. ; Brunswick, Ga. ; Darien ; rebel Ram Chocorua ; on duty in hosp. at Beaufort, S. C. ; ordered to U. S. S. Vermont, 20 Jan., 1862, and left Boston, Mass., 24 Feb. ; remained on the same vessel at Port Royal, S. C., till ordered to the Paul Jones, I Jan., 1863 ; sent on shore to look after wounded at Fort Wagner, S. C. ; remained with army till 13 Aug., 1863; ordered to Navy Yard at Charlestown, Mass. ; sailed from New York for Pacific Squad. 14 Dec. ; joined U. S. S. Lancaster at Acapulco, Mex. ; sailed for Panama, 9 March, 1864; for Callao, Peru, 10 May, and back to Panama, 26 Oct.; ordered home from San Francisco, CaL, via Panama, 17 June, 1865. Resigned ii Sept., 1865. EDWIN JOHNSON HORTON. Captain 2D Ohio V. M. 4 July, 1863. On service during Morgan's raid. CHARLES ALFRED HUMPHREYS. Chaplain 2D Mass. Cav. 4 July, 1863. Joined regt. at Vienna, Va., and accompanied it through its service on guard and picket duty ; taken prisoner by Mosby near Aldie, 6 July, 1864 ; confined at Lynchburg, Macon, Ga., and Charles- ton, S. C. ; released at Fort Sumter, 2 Sept., 1864, and joined his regt. under Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley, Va. ; participated in all raids, skirmishes, and battles, till the end of the War. Resigned 12 April, 1865. 142 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [i860. * HORATIO DEMING JARYES. Private 2D Wis. Vols. 19 April, 1861. Corporal May, 186 1 ; assigned to Gen. Sherman's Brig, near Fort Corcoran, Va., June ; battles Blackburn's Ford ; First Bull Run, where he was wounded ; in King's Brig., Smith's Div., Sept. ; skir- mishes at Lewinsville. Sergeant 24TH Mass. Vols, i Oct., 1861. Served at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, Mass., for one month. Second Lieutenant 24TH Mass. Vols, i Dec, 1S61. Served with regt. in the Burnside Expedition at Roanoke Island, N. C. ; Columbia, Newbern, and Washington, severely wounded at Tranter's Creek, 5 June, 1862; sent North, 14 June ; in hospital in New York ; detailed for recruiting service, Aug. ; Post Q. M., camp at Greenfield, Mass. ; returned to Newbern, N. C, April, 1863 ; A. D. C. and Asst. Commiss. musters. Staff of Brig. Gen. Wessels, 4th Div. i8th A. C. ; A. A. G. and A. Insp. Gen. Div. of Beaufort ; Asst. Judge Adv. at Fort Monroe, Va., during winter of 1863-64 ; on sick leave at Boston, Mass., Jan., 1864. Major 56TH Mass. Vols. 8 Jan., 1864. Joined Army of the Potomac, April, 1864 ; battle Wilderness, Va. Lieut. Colonel 56TH Mass. Vols. 7 May, 1864. On leave 18 May-15 July; rejoined regt. in front of Petersburg; detailed on General Court Martial ; battle of the Mine ; Weldon Railroad ; on sick leave, 23 Aug., till Oct., when he rejoined regt. at Fort Welch, near Petersburg, Va. ; commanded regt. and part of brig, all winter ; action at Hatcher's Run ; on furlough March, 1865 ; rejoined regt. 3 April, and witnessed fall of Richmond. Mustered out 12 July, 1865. Died at Augusta, Me., 16 April, 1883. EDWARD CROSBY JOHNSON. First Lieutenant 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Sailed for N. C. 22 Oct. 1862 ; assigned to Stevenson's brigade, Wessels' Div. iSth A. C. ; battles Rawle's Mills, N. C. ; Kinston ; Whitehall ; Goldsboro ; siege of Washington. i860.] in the war of 1S61-18G5. 1 43 First Lieutenant and Adjutant 3 June, 1863. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. On duty with regt. at time of the Draft Riots in Boston, Mass., July, 1863. ARTHUR MAY KNAPP. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Served with the regt. in N. C. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. FRANK "WILLIAM LAWRENCE. Left College July, 1857. On duty as Surgeon on the Sea Islands, S. C, Feb., 1862, ap- pointed by the Educational Commission. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. fall of 1862. Stationed at St. Helena Island. DANIEL TALCOTT SMITH LELAND. Private i2Th unatt. Co. Mass. V. M. 16 May, 1864. Corporal, 30 Nov., 1863; Sergeant, 16 May, 1864; served at Provincetown, Mass. Mustered out 15 Aug., 1864. * CHARLES JAMES MILLS. Private 4Th Batt. Mass. V. M. July, 1862. Secont) Lieutenant 2D Mass. Vols. 14 Aug., 1862. Joined regt. at Culpeper, Va., and took command of company, 1 7 Aug. ; retreat of Pope. First Lieutenant 2d Mass. Vols., 17 Aug., 1862. Second battle Bull Run, Va. ; Act. Adj. 4 Sept. ; battle Antietam, Md., where he was wounded ; at home for six months. Discharged for DisABmrry 18 March, 1863. 144 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [i860. Secretary of Commission to determine upon the merits of inven- tions offered to tiie Navy Dept., May, 1863; returned to Boston, Mass., 22 Aug. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 5 6th Mass. Vols. 22 Aug., 1863. Joined regt. at Annapolis, Md., March, 1S64 ; A. A. A. G. Staff of Brig. Gen. Stevenson, 20 April ; march to the Rappahannock, Va. ; actively engaged in all the service of the campaign before Petersburg. Captain 5 6th Mass. Vols. 7 July, 1864. Captain and A. A. G. U. S. Vols. 25 July, 1864. Asst. Adj. Gen. 2d A. C, 18 Oct., 1864 ; on leave of absence Nov.; again at home on sick leave, Jan., 1865. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. Jan., 1865. BvT. LiEtrr. Colonel 31 March, 1865. BvT. Colonel 31 March, 1865. Killed at Hatcher's Run, Va., 31 March, 1865. * CHARLES REDINGTON MUDGE. First Lieutenant 2D Mass. Vols. 28 May, 1861. Left Mass. 8 July, 1861. Captain 2D Mass. Vols. 8 July, 1861. Battles Front Royal, Va. ; Winchester, where he was wounded ; at home on sick leave ; battle Antietam, Md. Major 2D Mass. Vols. 9 Nov., 1862. Battle Chancellorsville, Va. Lieut. Colonel 2d Mass. Vols. 6 June, 1863. Battles Beverly Ford, Va. ; Gettysburg, Pa. Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., 3 July, 1863. MYRON ANDREWS MUNSON. Private 6oth Mass. V. M. 28 July, 1864. Went with regt. to Baltimore, Md., and thence to Indianapolis, Ind. ; engaged in suppressing the " Order of the Sons of Liberty " (an organization of 500,000 abetters of the Rebellion, with head- quarters at Indianapolis), and in guarding rebel prisoners. » Mustered out 30 Nov., 1864. i860.] in the war OF 1S61-1S65. I45 * EDGAR MARSHALL NEWCOMB. Private iqth Mass. Vols. 28 Aug., 1861. Corporal ; detailed as clerk at Headquarters Brig. Gen. Lander's corps of observation, Poolesville, Md. ; Sergeant Major, 20 Dec. ; engaged in fourteen battles and skirmishes. Second Lieutenant 19TH Mass. Vols. 18 June, 1862. First Lieutenant 19TH Mass. Vols. 13 Nov., 1862. Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., 13 Dec, while holding the colors, seven color-sergeants having been shot down in succession. Died at Fredericksburg, Va., 20 Dec, 1862. FRANKLIN NICKERSON. M. D. 1863. Asst. Surgeon in service of U. S. San. Com. during Peninsular cam- paign. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 16 Nov., 1863. Ordered to U. S. S. Shokokon at Baltimore, Md. ; on picket duty at mouth of James River, Va., winter of 1863 ; expedition to Smithfield ; co-operated with Gen. Butler at Bermuda Hundred ; engaged in protecting Grant's base of supplies on York River ; ordered to Beaufort, N. C. ; transferred to U. S. S. Britannia ; sta- tioned off Wilmington. Resigned 5 Nov., 1864. GEORGE STERNE OSBORNE. A. B. 1861 ; M. D. 1863. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 8 July, 1862. In charge of hosp. for colored refugees at Fort Monroe, Va., and at Mill Creek Hosp., Hampton, till 9 Sept., 1862. Asst. Surgeon ist Mass. Cav. 17TH March, 1863. Joined regt. in the field, April, 1863, and remained with it till Mustered out 23 Jan., 1864. Surgeon 5th Mass. Cav. 30 Dec, 1863. Resigned 7 May, 1864. 146 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [i860. Battles Chancellorsville, Va. ; Gettysburg, Pa. ; Aldie's Gap, Va. ; Mine Run ; Catlett's Station ; Surgeon in charge of Hosp. Trans- port George Leary, in service on the James River, 16 May- 10 June, 1864; returned home in July. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Aug., 1864. On duty at U. S. A. Gen. Hosp., Readville, Mass. Discharged Sept., 1S65, HERSEY GOODWIN PALFREY. Private 13TH Mass. Vols, ii Aug., 1862. Joined the regt. on the Rappahannock ; taken prisoner at second battle of Bull Run, Va., 29 Aug., 1862, while caring for the wounded ; escaped and reported at Washington, D. C. ; joined regt. at Antietam, Md., during the battle at that place ; battle Fredericksburg, Va. ; detailed for guard duty at Headquarters of Gen. Reynolds, ist A. C. ; in hosp. at Frederick, Md., June, 1863 ; detailed to office of A. G. at Washington, D. C., Jan., 1864. Gaptain 4TH Engineers, Corps D'Afrique, April, 1864, after- ward 98TH U. S. C. T. Joined regt. at Berwick City, La. ; remained with regt. at Carrolton and Brashear City ; engaged in building fortifications and in camp of instruction for siege operations ; engineer in charge of fort at Morganza, Jan., 1865 ; Asst. Eng;, Staff of Gen. Granger, 13th A. C, at Fort Gaines, Ala., March ; participated in campaign re- sulting in surrender of Mobile ; transferred to Staff of Gen. Benton, commanding Div. of 13th A. C, and to that of Gen. Slack ; rejoined regt. Oct. Mustered out 6 Jan., 1866. CHARLES CHAUNCY PARSONS. LL. B. 1862. Second Lieutenant ist Mass. Cav. 22 Aug., 1862. First Lieutenant ist Mass. Cav. 13 Feb., 1863. Captain 5TH Mass. Cav. 7 Jan., 1864. Major 5TH Mass. Cav. 30 May, 1865. Mustered out as Captain, 16 June, 1865. i860.] in the war of 1861-1865. 1 47 * "WILLIAM EDWARD PERKINS. LL. B. 1862. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Sergeant ; served with the regt. through its N. C. campaign. Second Lieutenant 2D Mass. Vols. 26 Jan., 1863. Battle Chancellorsville, Va., where he was wounded ; rejoined regt., June. First Lieutenant 2d Mass. Vols. 7 July, 1863. Captain 2D Mass. Vols, 17 March, 1865. Mustered out 14 July, 1865. Travelled in Europe in 1865-66 ; commenced study of law, au- tumn of 1866 y admitted to practice in Boston, Mass., 8 Oct., 1867; member of the common council, 1871-72-73; legislature, 1874-75- Died at Boston, Mass., 18 Jan., 1879. * GEORGE BROWNE PERRY. Left College May, 1837; LL. B. 1861. Private 4TH Batl. Mass. V, M. May, 1861-10 July, 1861. First Lieutenant 20th Mass. Vols. 10 July, 186 i. Taken prisoner at Ball's Bluff, Va. ; confined in Libby Prison, Richmond; exchanged 18 Feb., 1862; on sick leave till May, 1862; rejoined regt. at West Point; Peninsular campaign; in hosp. at Fort Monroe and Baltimore, Md., 31 May, 1862. Discharged for disability, 30 Sept., 1862. Began study of law in Boston, Mass. ; admitted to Bar and began practice; gave up his business in fall of 1866; on his way to the South, on account of his health, Died at New York, 31 Jan., 1867. 148 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [i860. * CHARLES APPLETON PHILLIPS. Enlisted as a marine on board Steamer Cambridge, sent out by State of Massachusetts, April, 186 1 ; soon mustered out. Second Lieutenant 5TH Mass. Batt. 8 Oct., 1861. First Lieutenant 5th Mass. Batt. 13 July, 1862. Captain 5TH Mass. Batt. 18 Oct., 1862. BvT. Major U. S. Vols, i Aug., 1864. Took part in all principal battles fought by Army of the Potomac. Mustered out 12 June, 1865. Engaged in practice of law in Boston, Mass., till 1875 ; then went to the West, intending to establish himself there ; finally went to San Francisco, Cal. ; there he made the engagement which took him to Virginia City. Died at Virginia City, Mon., 1877. * WILLIAM MATTICKS ROGERS. Private i8th Mass. Vols. Sept., 1861. Q. M, Sergeant ; First Sergeant ; Sergeant Major. Died at Savage's Station, Va., June, 1862. HENRY STURG-IS RUSSELL. First Lieutenant 2D Mass. Vols. 28 May, i86i. Captain 2 d Mass. Vols. 13 Dec, 1861. Taken prisoner at Cedar Mountain, Va., 9 Aug., 1862; returned to duty 15 Nov. Lieut. Colonel 2D Mass. Cav. 22 Jan., 1863. Colonel 5TH Mass. Cav. 5 April, 1864. Wounded before Petersburg, 15 June, 1864. Resigned 14 Feb., 1865, BvT. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 15 June, 1865. i860.] in the war of 1861-1865. 149 * WARREN BUTTON RUSSELL. Left College Dec, 1856. Second Lieutenant iSth Mass. Vols. 20 Aug., 1861. Left for Washington, D. C, Aug., and stationed near that city till 10 March, 1862 ; took part in siege of Yorktown, Va., and in the Peninsular campaign. First Lieutenant iSth Mass. Vols. 16 July, 1862. Killed at second Bull Run, Va., 30 Aug., 1862. HENRY BRUCE SCOTT. LL. B. 1862. Second Lieutenant 2d Mass. Vols. 16 Jan., 1862. Captain and A. A. G. U. S. Vols. 17 July, 1862. On Staff of Brig. Gen. Gordon. Major 4TH Mass. Cav. 18 Jan., 1865. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 31 March, 1865. Lieut. Colonel 4TH Mass. Cav. 23 April, 1865. Mustered out 14 Nov., 1865. * ROBERT GOULD SHAW. Left College March, 1859 ; A. B. 1873. Private 7Th N. Y. S. M. 19 April, 1861. Second Lieutenant 2D Mass. Vols. 28 May, 1861. Left the state with the regt. July, 1861. First Lieutenant 2D Mass. Vols. 8 July, 186 i. Battles Cedar Mountain, Va. ; Antietam, Md. Captain 2D Mass. Voi^. id Aug., 1862. Battle Fredericksburg, Va. Colonel 54TH Mass. Vols. 17 April, 1S63. Left Boston, Mass., with his regt. 28 May, 1863; expedition against Darien, Ga. ; battle James Island, S. C. Killed in the assault on Fort Wagner, S. C, 18 July, 1863. 150 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [i860. THOMAS SHERWIN. First Lieutenant and Adj. 22D Mass. Vols, i Oct., 1861. Ordered to Va. and joined Porter's Div., afterwards 5th A. C. Major 22D Mass. Vols. 28 June, 1862. Lieut. Colonel 22D Mass. Vols. 17 Oct., 1862. Mustered out 17 Oci'., 1864. Bvt. Colonel U. S. Vols., to date from battle of Peeble's Farm, Va., 30 Sept., 1864. Bvt. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 13 March., 1865. Battles before Yorktown, Va. ; Hanover C. H. ; Mechanicsville ; Gaines's Mill ; Antietam, Md. ; Shepherdstown Ford, W. Va. ; Fredericksburg, Va. ; Chancellorsville ; Aldie ; Gettysburg, Pa. ; Rappahannock Station, Va. ; Mine Run ; Wilderness ; Cold Har- bor ; Weldon R. R. ; siege of Petersburg. JAMES PIERCE STERNS. Left College July, 1857. Second Liexttenant 22D Mass. Vols, i Oct., 1861. Siege of Yorktown, Va. ; battles Hanover C. H. ; Mechanicsville ; Gaines's Mills ; wounded and taken as prisoner to Libby Prison, Richmond ; paroled and exchanged in July. First Lieutenant 22D Mass. Vols. 5 Aug., 1862. Discharged for disability, 14 Feb., 1863. First Lieutenant Vet. Res. Corps U. S. A. 27 June, 1863. On duty at Hartford, Conn., and New •■Haven, and on David's Island, N. Y., in 1863-64-65. Mustered out 30 June, 1866. CHARLES WALTER SWAN. M. D. 1864. Surgical Dresser on St. Daniel Webster, under the U. S. San. Com., II June-17 July, 1862 ; Surgical Dresser Emory U. S. Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C, 11 Sept.-ii Dec. i860.] in the war of 1SG1-18G5. I 5 I Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 20 July, 1864. On duty at U. S. A. Gen. Hosp., Readville, Mass. Resigned 20 Dec, 1864. LEWIS WILLIAM TAPPAN. First Lieutenant 45TH Mass. V. M. 8 Oct., 1862. Captain 45TH Mass. V. M. 14 Oct., 1862. Mustered out 17 July, 1863. OLIVER FAIRFIELD WADSWORTH. M. D. 1865. AssT. Surgeon 5TH Mass. Cav. 7 April, 1865. Served in Va. and Tex., in the latter state upon Gen. VVeitzel's Staff. Mustered out 30 Nov., 1865. BvT. Captain U. S. Vols. 20 April, 1866. * JAMES BRYANT WALKER. Private 2oth Ohio Vols. 10 Dec, 1861. Second Lieutenant 2oth Ohio Vols. 19 April, 1862. First Lieutenant 20th Ohio Vols. Jan., 1863. Captain and A. A. G. U. S. Vols. 29 Sept., 1863. On Staff of Brig. Gen. Force, 2d Brig. 3d Div. 17th A. C. ; battles Raymond, Miss. ; Jackson ; Champion Hill ; Vicksburg ; Atlanta, Ga. ; severely wounded 22 July, 1864, before Atlanta. Discharged for disability, 14 April, 1865. Engaged in practice of law in Cincinnati, May, 1865 ; Asst. City Solicitor, April, 1866 ; City Solicitor, April, 1869 ; Judge of Supe- rior Court of Cincinnati, Jan., 1872 ; prepared a volume on " The Law of Municipal Corporations in the State of Ohio ; " revised and enlarged two editions of his father's book, " Introduction to Amer- ican Law ; " compiled "The Ohio Digest," which was published 152 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [i860. in two volumes after his death ; Professor of Equity in Law School of Cincinnati College, May, 1872. Died at Cincinnati, Ohio, 30 Dec, 1874. * EMORY WASHBURN. LL. B. 1862. First Lieutenant and Adj. 39TH Mass. Vols. 25 Aug., 1862. A. D. C. Staff of Brig. Gen. Devens, 2d Brig. 3d Div. 6th A. C. ; battles Crampton's Gap, Md. ; Sharpsburg ; Fredericksburg, Va. Resigned 24 Jan., 1863. Died at Cambridge, Mass., 24 May, 1885. SAMUEL GILBERT WEBBER. M. D. 1865. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. 22 May, 1862. Receiving-Ship Ohio at Boston, Mass., 7 July-i Sept., 1862 ; on duty in the Navy Yard till i Dec. ; U. S. S. Rhode Island off Fort Monroe ; engaged in towing the original " Monitor " when she was lost, 31 Dec, 1862 ; cruising in the West Indies for the Alabama; ordered to Boston, March, 1864 ; ordered to the Ironclad Chineo, but transferred to the Ironclad Nahant, 16 June, South Atlantic Blockading Squad, off Charleston, S. C. Resigned 10 April, 1865. FRANCIS MINOT WELD. M. D. 1864. Med. Cadet U. S. A. 3 May, 1862. Served in post hosp. Grafton, Va., and with the 6th W. Va. Vols. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. June, 1862, to date 22 May. Ordered to U. S. Naval Hosp., Boston, Mass. ; U. S. Ironclad Nan- tucket, 14 Jan., 1863; sailed for Port Royal, S. C, 28 Feb., and took part in the various attacks on Charleston ; ordered to U. S. Ship Wabash i Dec. i860.] in the war of 1861-1865. 153 Resigned 13 Dec, 1863. Relieved from duty 11 Jan., 1864. Surgeon 27TH U. S. C. T. 22 April, 1864. Served in the Army of the Potomac at the Wilderness, Va., Spott- sylvania, Richmond, and Petersburg, and was under Gen. Terry in the expedition which resulted in the capture of Fort Fisher, N. C, and Wilmington ; accompanied Gen. Terry into N. C., March, 1865; joined Sherman at Goldsboro ; after the War was on garrison duty in N. C. ; at different times Brig, and Div. Surgeon. Mustered out 21 Sept., 1865. STEPHEN MINOT WELD. Vol. A. D. C. on Staff of Gen. Wright, and took part in expedition which captured Port Royal, S. C., and Hilton Head. Second Lieutenant i8th Mass. Vols. 24 Jan., 1862. A. D. C. on Gen. Fitz-John Porter's Staff; with the Army of the Potomac on the march to Centreville, Va., and in the Peninsu- lar campaign ; prisoner at Gaines's Mills ; sent to Libby Prison, and remained there for six weeks ; exchanged and joined Gen. Porter at Harrison's Landing; Pope's and Antietam, Md., cam- paigns. First Lieutenant i8th Mass. Vols. 24 Oct., 1862. A. D. C. on Staff of Gen. Benham ; battles Fredericksburg, Va. (second), and Chancellorsville ; Staff of Gen. Reynolds, ist A. C. ; after death of Gen. Reynolds assigned to Staff of Gen. Newton. Captain i8th Mass. Vols. 4 May, 1863. Lieut. Colonel 5 6th Mass. Vols. 22 July, 1863. Recruiting regt. till March, 1864, when it was sent to Annapolis, Md. ; joined the Army of the Potomac on the Rappahannock, April ; batUes Wilderness, Va. ; Spottsylvania ; North Anna River ; Cold Harbor; Petersburg. Colonel 5 6th Mass. Vols. 6 May, 1864. Commanded brig, at Petersburg 1 7 June ; commanded left wing of 154 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [i860. brig, at battle of the Mine, and taken prisoner ; sent to Columbia, S. C. ; paroled 15 Dec; exchanged 31 March, 1865, and joined regt. near Petersburg 4 April, 1865. BvT. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Mustered out 12 July, 1865. * GEORGE FISKE "WESTON. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. With the regt. throughout its service in N. C. Second Lieutenant i8th Mass. Vols. 4 March, 1863. Joined his regt. at Falmouth, Va., 1 8 April ; battle Chancellors- ville, and in all the actions in which his regt. was engaged ; battles Gettysburg, Pa. ; Rappahannock Station, Va., where he was severely wounded ; returned to Boston, Mass., became a patient at the Mass. Gen. Hosp., and Died at Boston, Mass., of his wounds 5 Jan., 1864. GEORGE GILL "WHEELOCK. Volunteer Surgeon in Scott's Life Guards, 4th N. Y. S. M. ; in Va. and Md. June-July, 1861 ; Volunteer Surgeon in transports of U. S. San. Com. April-May, 1862. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 13 Jan., 1865. Served in Savannah, Ga., becoming Exec. Off. at U. S. A. Gen. Hosp., one thousand beds. Resigned 8 July, 1865. *JOHN CORLIES "WHITE. Private 7TH N. Y. S. M. 19 April, 1861. First Lieutenant 172D N. Y. Vols, i Sept., 1862. First Lieutenant and Adj. ist N. Y. Vols. 16 Jan., 1863. Mustered out 30 June, 1863. Attempted to raise a colored regt. in New York, but the necessary i860.] in the war OF 1861-1865. 15 c authority to recruit was refused by the Governor, and the project was abandoned ; Uved on his farm near Long Branch, N. J. ; his health failed, and, while at his brother's house in Brooklyn, N.Y., Died 8 July, 1872. * EDMUND WINCHESTER WHITTEMORE. Left College Feb., 1857. Boatswain's Mate U. S. N. After the War went to Santa Barbara, Cal. ; engaged in orange- planting. Died at Santa Barbara, Cal. CHARLES ALBERT WHITTIER. Second Lieutenant 20th Mass. Vols, io July., i86i. First Lieutenant 20th Mass. Vols. 26 Nov., 1861. Captain 2oth Mass. Vols. 12 Nov., 1862. Sen. A. D. C. Staff of Gen. Sedgwick, 6th A. C, 9 July, 1864. Major and A. A. G. U. S. Vols. 7 March, 1865. Act. A. G. 6th A. C. under Gens. Sedgwick and Wright ; A. G. 2d A. C, Gen. A. A. Humphreys commanding. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 19 Oct., 1864. Lieut. Colonel and A. A. G. U. S. Vols. Jan., 1865. BvT. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 18 May, 1865. Present at the following battles, sieges, skirmishes, etc., — Ball's Bluff, Va., Shenandoah Valley campaign, siege of Yorktown, West Point, Seven Pines, Fair Oaks, Allen's Farm, Savage's Station, Glen- dale, Malvern Hill, advance to Centreville, Antietam, Md., Chan- cellorsville, Va., Gettysburg, Pa., Rappahannock Station, Va., Mine Run, expedition to Gordonsville, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Snicker's Gap, Opequan, Fisher's Hill, Cedar Creek, Hatcher's Run, Farmville, and actions preceding surrender of Lee ; at end of the War ordered as Lieut. Colonel and Bvt. Brig. General to accompany Maj. Gen. Halleck to San Francisco, 156 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [i860. Cal. ; Spec. Insp., performing duties of Insp. Gen. of Mil. Div. of the Pacific, including states of Cal., Neb., and Oregon, and terrs. of Alaska, Washington, Idaho, and Arizona, Sept., 1865-June, 1869; accompanied Gen. Halleck to Louisville, Ky., being assigned to Mil. Div. of the South, June, 1869, and inspected the military posts of all the Southern States. Resigned 8 Aug., 1870. ROBERT WILLARD. M. D. 1864. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 6 May, 1863. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. June i, 1863. Navy Yard, Boston, Mass., June, 1863 ; Charleston, S. C, July, 1863-April, 1864; North Atlantic Squad., June, 1864-Feb., 1865 Fort Fisher, N. C, Dec. 24-25, 1864, and Jan. 13-14-15, 1865 Mobile, Ala., April 5-8, 1865 ; New Orleans, La., Naval Hosp April-July, 1865 ; on U. S. S. John Adams, Catskill, Susquehanna, Colorado, and Richmond ; U. S. Naval Hosp., Beaufort, S. C. Resigned 13 July, 1865. HENRY WINSOR. Left College June, 1857. Private 6th Pa. Cav. 14 Oct., 1861. Sergeant 25 Oct., 1861. Second Lieutenant 6th Pa. Cav. 14 Dec, 1861. First Lieuten.amt 6th Pa. Cav. 18 Nov., 1862. Cafpain 6th Pa. Cav. i April, 1863. Div. Insp. Staff of Gen. Buford, ist Div. Cav., Army of the Poto- mac, 23 June ; afterward on Staffs of Gens. Merritt and Torbert. Resigned on account of disability 29 July, 1864. WILLIAM CONVERSE WOOD. Private iith N. H. Vols. 12 Aug., 1862. Sergeant ; took part in Burnside's campaigns in Va., Ky., Miss., and Tenn., and in Grant's campaign of 1864-65 ; was in fifteen l86o-6l.] IN THE WAR OF 18G1-18G5. 157 engagements, and was wounded in the charge on Petersburg, Va., 17 June, 1864. Second Lieutenani* iith N, H. Vols. 25 July, 1864. First Lieutenant iith N. H. Vols. 8 Jan., 1865. Mustered out 4 June, 1865. CALVIN MILTON WOODWARD. Private 4 8th Mass. V. M. 9 Aug., 1862. First Lieutenant 48TH Mass. V. M. 16 Sept., 1862. Captain 48TH Mass. V. M. ii Dec, 1862. Mustered out 3 Sept., 1863. Served in La. under Gen. Banks, and participated in the siege and capture of Port Hudson, La., including the assaults of 27 May and 14 June. 1861. ♦LEONARD CASE ALDEN. Second Lieutenant 55TH Mass. Vols. 12 May, 1863. Ordered to Newbern, N. C, in July ; transferred to Port Royal, S. C. ; thence to Folly Island, and participated in siege of Fort Wagner ; taken sick, and started for the North. Died at Hilton Head, S. C, 5 Oct., 1863. * PARDON ALMY. Second Lieutenant i8th Mass. Vols. 20 Aug., 1861. Arrived in Va. with his regt. 30 Aug., 1861, and remained near Washington, D. C, through the winter ; siege of Yorktown, Va. ; battle Manassas. Killed at Manassas, Va., 30 Aug., 1862. HENRY MARTYN ATKINSON. Private est Coast Guard on the Coast of Mass., July- AuG., 1 86 1. 158 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1861. JOHN BIGELOW. Private 2D Mass. Baty. 24 April, 1861. Second Lieutenant 2d Mass. Baty. 2 May, 1861. Passed College examinations and received degree. First Lieutenant 2D Mass. Baty. 31 July, 1861. Reached Baltimore, Md., 11 Aug., 1861, and stationed near that city till Nov. ; expedition into Accomac and Northampton coun- ties, Va^, 4 Nov. First Lieutenant and Adj. ist Batt. Md. Light Art. 16 Dec, 1861. Stationed at Eastville, Va., 3 March, 1862 ; A. A. A. G. on Staff of Brig. Gen. Lockwood, commanding District ; secured and gave to Gen. McClellan plans of Norfolk defences, which were of use in the capture of that city ; rejoined batt. wlien it was attached to the Army of the Potomac, May, 1862 ; at Yorktown, Va. ; attached to Art. Reserve, Army of the Potomac, at Cold Harbor, i June ; at engagements of New Bridge and Seven Days of Peninsula cam- paign ; had arm shattered at battle Malvern Hill, i July ; reported for duty after four months ; battle Fredericksburg. Resigned 31 Dec, 1862. Captain qth Mass. Baty. ii Feb., 1863. Joined Baty. at Fort Ramsay (Fortifications of Washington, D. C.) ; moved to Centreville, Va. ; joined Army of the Potomac ; attached to 2d Brig. Art. Reserve, June, 1863 ; battle Gettysburg, Pa. ; wounded in hand and side, 2 July ; after three months' absence, reported for duty at Warrenton Junction, Va. ; on Culpeper cam- paign ; at Mine Run engagement ; assigned command 2d Brig. Art. Res. (12 batteries); battles Wilderness, Spottsylvania C. H., North Anna, Jericho's Ford, Totopotomy, Bethesda Church, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, and siege of Petersburg. BvT. Major U. S. Vols, i Aug., 1864. On sick leave, Aug., 1864 ; member of military commission, Balti- more, Md., Oct. ; resumed command of baty. in Dec. Resigned on account of disability, 16 Dec, 1864. l86l.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 159 ALLAN FOSTER BOONE. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Remained on duty with regt. till Jan., 1863 ; detailed for duty as clerk at Gen. Foster's Headquarters, Newbern, N. C. Mustered out 5 June, 1863. HENRY PICKERING- BOWDITCH. M. D. 1868. Second Lieutenant ist Mass. Cav. 5 Nov., 1861. Embarked at New York for Port Royal, S. C, Jan., 1862 ; on picket and scouting duty at Edisto Island till June. First Lieutenant ist Mass. Cav. 28 June, 1862. Battle Secessionville ; returned to Hilton Head in July ; left in charge of part of his company ; rejoined regt. at Hagerstown, Md., Oct. ; battles Fredericksburg, Va. ; Kelly's Ford. Captain ist Mass. Cav. 13 May, 1863. Battles Stevensburg ; Aldie ; Upperville ; Culpeper ; Rapidan Sta- tion ; Bristoe Station ; wounded at New Hope Church, 2 7 Nov. Discharged for disability 15 Feb., 1864. Major 5TH Mass. Cav. 26 March, 1864. Started for Washington, D. C, 8 May, 1864 ; regt. dismounted and armed with muskets at City Point, Va. ; took part in movement against Petersburg ; battle Baylor's Farm ; ordered to Point Look- out, Md., 30 June ; engaged in guarding prisoners ; ordered to James River, Va., March, 1865; entered Richmond, 3 April; encamped near Richmond and Petersburg for two months. Resigned 3 June, 1865. * JEREMIAH WESLEY BOYDEN. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 3 March, 1864, Ordered to U. S. S. Wave, West Gulf Blockading Squad. ; taken prisoner at Calcasieu Pass, La., 6 May, 1864; carried to Houston, Tex., and then to Camp Groce ; released 14 June, and went North on leave of absence. l6o HARVARD UNIVERSITY [i86i. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. 20 Aug., 1864. At Naval Hosp., Norfolk, Va., for nine months ; assigned to U. S. S. Muscoota, East Gulf Squad. ; for nearly a year on duty off Key West, Fla., and near Bazos Santiago, Tex. Died at sea, 17 Aug., 1866. JOHN LINCOLN BULLARD. Chief clerk in office of Com. Gen. of Mass., July, 1861 ; held same position in office of Com. of Subsist., U. S. A. at Boston, Dec. Captain and Com. of Subsist. U. S. Vols. 29 Nov., 1862. On duty at Boston. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Resigned 31 Dec., 1865. * GEORGE BURROUGHS. Left College March, 1838. Grad. U. S. Mil. Acad., West Point, N. Y., 1862. Second Lieutenant Corps of Engineers U. S. A. 17 June, 1862. Asst. Eng. of Brig. Gen. G. W. Morgan's Div,, Army of the Ohio, 30 July-4 Oct., 1862, being engaged in defence of Cumberland Gap, E. Tenn., 30 July-17 Sept., 1862, and as Act. A. D. C. to the Com. Gen. on the retreat through E. Ky. to the Ohio River, 1 7 Sept.-4 Oct., 1862 ; at Louisville, Ky., preparing drawings of the defences of Cumberland Gap, Tenn., 4 Oct.-ii Dec, 1862, and constructing defences of Louisville and Nashville R. R., 8 Nov.- II Dec, 1862; Asst. Eng., Dept. of the Cumberland, 12 Dec, 1862-19 Nov., 1864. First Lieutenant Corps of Engineers U. S. A. 3 March, 1863. Engaged in the construction of the defences of Nashville, Tenn., 15 Dec, 1862-19 Nov., 1864 (except while on sick leave of absence, 15 March-15 May, 1864), from which he was occasionally detached for duty at Gallatin, Tenn., Fort Donelson, Fort Henry, Clarksville, and Murfreesboro', for Maj. Gen. Rosecrans's Tenn. campaign from Tallahoma, Miss., to Chattanooga, Tenn., 20 July-ii Oct., 1863, taking part in the battle of Chickamauga, Ga., 19-20 Sept., 1863. l86l.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1805. i6l BvT. Captain U. S. Vols. 20 Sept., 1863. Detached for duty at Chattanooga, Tenn., Bridgeport, Ala., and Resacca, Ga., and Kingston. Captain Corps of Engineers U. S. A. 5 June, 1864. Engaged in closing accounts at Nashville, Tenn., 19 Nov., 1864- 28 June, 1865, but served during the investment of Nashville, and was engaged in the battle of Nashville, 15-16 Dec, 1864. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Engaged as Asst. at Eng. Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, 28 June-21 Sept., 1S65, and Eng. in charge 21 Sept., 1865-12 March, 1866; at Nashville disposing of engineer property and closing outstand- ing engineer business, 21 Sept., 1865-27 May, 1867, except while on leave of absence, 15 Oct. -4 Dec, 1866 ; as Asst. Eng. in the construction of the defences of Boston Harbor, Mass., 27 May, 1867; afterwards as Asst. in the survey of Provincetown, Mass. Harbor, in charge of the 6th Lighthouse Dist. of Southern Atlantic coast. Died at Charleston, S. C, 22 Jan., 1870. JOHN DOG-GETT COBB. LL. B. 1866. Private 35TH Mass. Vols. Sergeant, 16 Aug., 1862; sent to Washington, D. C, 22 Aug., 1862 ; on garrison and guard duty near Washington till 6 Sept. ; battles South Mountain, Md. ; Antietam ; crossed into Va, 27 Oct. ; followed Pleasanton's Cav. down the Blue Ridge towards Culpeper, Va. ; battle Sulphur Springs ; Fredericksburg ; picket duty opposite that city, winter of 1862-63 ; sent to Cincinnati, Ohio, and Ky. to join Army of the Ohio ; promoted First Sergeant ; hunting guerrillas in southern Ky., April-June ; transferred to Dept. of the Missis- sippi : with Gen. Grant at Vicksburg, Miss., till its surrender ; siege of Jackson ; joined Burnside at Knoxville, Tenn. ; battle Camp- bell's Station; Knoxville. First Lieutenant 35TH Mass. Vols. 15 Nov., 1863, Marched through Cumberland Gap, Tenn., and Ky., to Cincinnati, Ohio, and by rail to Annapolis, Md., 8 April, 1864 \ placed in ist l62 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [i86i. Brig, ist Div. ; Adjutant ; joined Army of the Potomac i May ; Campaign of Wilderness, Va., by Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Cold Harbor ; Petersburg ; explosion of Mine ; battle Weldon R. R. ; Peeble's Farm ; Hatcher's Run. Captain 35TH Mass. Vols. 29 Nov., 1864. Assault on and capture of Petersburg. Mustered out, as First Lieutenant, 9 June, 1865. LEWIS STACKPOLE DABNEY. Second Lieutenant 2D Mass. Cav. 13 Nov., 1862. Left the state with regt. 9 Feb., 1863. First Lieutenant 2d Mass. Cav. 9 Feb., 1863. Engaged in destroying bridges over the Nordi and South Anna Rivers in White House, Va., expedition, 24 June ; taken ill at Glou- cester Point, and on leave of absence till 8 Oct. ; engaged in hunt- ing guerrillas winter of 1863-64. Captain 2D Mass. Cav. 5 Feb., 1864. On scouting expedition through Aldie, Va., Middleburg, Upper- ville, Broomfield, and Leesburg ; batde Drainsville ; Asst. Judge Adv. on Staff of Maj. Gen. Augur, 26 May. Mustered out 7 Jan., 1865. * ARTHUR DEHON. Left College May, 1859. Second Lieutenant i2Th Mass. Voi>s. i6 Jan., 1862. First Lieutenant i2TH Mass. Vols. 13 May, 1862. A. D. C. Staff of Brig. Gen. Abercrombie ; Pope's campaign ; battle Cedar Mountain, Va. ; Adjutant of regt. and brig. ; battle second Bull Run, Va. ; discovered and secured the body of Col. Fletcher Webster, South Mountain, Md. ; Antietam ; honorably mentioned for bravery in protecting the colors at this battle ; Act. A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. Meade. Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., 13 Dec, 1862. l86l.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 163 * HENRY JONAS DOOLITTLE. Captain and Ad. A. D. C, Staff of Maj. Gen. Hamilton, 19 April, 1862. Reported for duty at Yorktown, Va,, April, 1862 ; Insp. 3d Div. 3d A. C, Army of the Potomac ; engaged in putting Harper's Ferry in a state of defence, May ; transferred to the West, June ; Insp. left wing of Army of the Miss., stationed near Corinth, Miss. ; taken sick, but refused to leave his duty through June and July. Died at Racine, Wis., 10 Aug., 1862. * STEPHEN GOODHUE EMERSON. Private ist Mass. Vols. 31 July, 1862. Reached his regt. 4 Sept., 1862, near Alexandria, Va. ; on picket duty and road-building autumn and winter, 1862-63 '> battles Fred- ericksburg ; Chancellorsville. Killed at Chancellorsville, Va., 3 May, 1863. * HENRY WELD FARRAR. Vol. a. D. C. Staff of Maj. Gen. Sedgwick, March, 1863. Second Lieutenant 7TH Me. Vols., ist Vet. Vols., 10 April, 1863. First Lieutenant 7TH Me. Vols., ist Vet. Vols., 15 March, 1864. Taken prisoner by guerrillas near Fredericksburg, Va., 4 May, 1863 ; released, 6 June. Captain and A. D. C. U. S. Vols. 7 June, 1864. On Staff of Maj. Gen. Wright. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 19 Oct., 1864. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Voi^. 9 April, 1865. Mustered out. Engaged in practice of law at Chicago, 111., Nov., 1865. Died at Chicago, III., 17 April, 1881. 164 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1861. *JOHN LYMAN FENTON. Left College 21 March, 1859. Private qth Mass. Baty. 5 Aug., 1862. Sergeant ; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa. ; taken prisoner and after- ward recaptured ; taken to Jarvis Hosp., Baltimore, Md. Died at Baltimore, Md., 28 July, 1863. JOSEPH EMERY FISKE. Private 43D Mass. Vols. (Tiger Regt.) 20 Aug., 1862. Sergeant, 7 Oct. ; left the state 24 Oct. for Newbern, N. C. ; his company detached and ordered to Beaufort, and engaged in pro- vost duty, 30 Nov. ; Orderly Sergeant, i Dec, 1862 ; reported back to regt. 4 March, 1863 ; Act. Post Adj. at Beaufort. Second Lieutenant 2d Mass. H. A. 4 June, 1863. First Lieutenant 2D Mass. H. A. 30 July, 1863. Captain 2D Mass. H. A. 9 Oct., 1863. On recruiting service at Boston, Mass., 10 June-7 Dec. ; stationed at Fort O'Rourke, Norfolk, Va., 19 Dec, 1863-13 Feb., 1864; in command of Fort Gray, near Plymouth, N. C, 19 Feb.-20 April; taken prisoner and confined for ten months at Andersonviile, Ga., Macon, Savannah, Charleston, S. C, and Columbia ; escaped 14 Feb., 1865, and reached Sherman's army; appointed on Staff of Maj. Gen. Blair; leave of absence 13 March. Mustered out 15 May, 1865. WILLIAM HATHAWAY FORBES. A. B. 1872. Second Lieutenant ist Mass. Cav. 26 Dec, 1861. Engaged in guard and picket duty at Beaufort, S. C, till 20 Aug., 1862. First Lieutenant ist Mass. Cav. 27 July, 1862. Transferred to Army of the Potomac, and served in Md. cam- paign ; battles South Mountain, Md. ; Antietam ; returned to Mass., Dec, to aid in recruiting. l86l.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 165 Captain 2D Mass. Cav. 14 Jan., 1863. Major 2D Mass. Cav. 12 May, 1S63. Served in Md. and Va., principally near Vienna, Va., and Falls Church, in operations against the Guerrilla Mosby ; taken prisoner near Aldie, 6 July, 1864; confined at Lynchburg, S. C, Macon, Ga., Charleston, S. C, and Columbia. Lieutenant Colonel 2d Mass. Cav. 21 Oct., 1864. Paroled, Dec; exchanged, 2 April, 1S65; rejoined his regt. and was present at Lee's surrender. Mustered out 15 May, 1865. * WILLIAM YATES GHOLSON. First Lieutenant io6th Ohio Vols. 16 July, 1862. Captain io6th Ohio Vols. 24 July, 1862. Ordered into Ky. to resist rebel feint against Cincinnati, Ohio, 3 Sept., 1862 ; to Louisville, Ky., 23 Sept. ; A. D. C and Chief of Staff to Col. Scott, 26 Oct. ; A. A. A. G. on Staff of Col. Moore, Act. Brig. Gen. ; surprised by force under Morgan, 7 Dec, and while bravely leading the 104th 111. Vols., Killed at Hartsville, Tenn., 7 Dec, 1862. DANIEL DUDLEY G-ILBERT. Med. Cadet U. S. A. 27 March, 1862. On Staff of Maj. Gen. Franklin as Asst. to Med. Dir., 6 July-15 Sept. ; battles second Bull Run, Va. ; South Mountain, Md. ; in hosps. at Washington, D. C, Frederick, Md., and Alexandria, Va., till II Nov. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. ii Nov., 1862. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 25 Jan., 1863. U. S. Naval Hosp., Chelsea, Mass., Jan.-July, 1863 ; U. S. S. Mara- tanza, N. A. Block. Squad, off Wilmington, N. C. Resigned 16 Aug., 1864. l66 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [i86l. EZRA PALMER GOULD. Private 24TH Mass. Vols. 18 Oct., 1861. Corporal, Nov. ; ordered to Annapolis, Md., and thence as a part of Gen. Foster's Brig, on the Burnside expedition ; battles Roanoke Island, N. C. ; Newbern ; landed at St. Helena Island, S. C, 9 Feb. ; at this place and on Seabrook, James, and Morris Islands till Aug. ; engaged in picketing and fortifying ; clerk in A. A. G. office. Second Lieutenant 55TH Mass. Vols. 15 Oct., 1863. Captain 59TH Mass. Vols. 22 Jan., 1864. Left the state 26 April; battle Wilderness, Va., where he was wounded. Major 59TH Mass. Vols. 20 Aug., 1864. In command of regt. after explosion of the mine before Petersburg, Va. ; battle Weldon R. R. ; incapacitated from service by injury to foot, 15 Sept.-i5 Dec; rejoined regt. at Fort Steadman, Va. ; in action at that place ; to Washington, D. C, May ; consolidated with 57th Mass. Vols., i July. Mustered out 30 July, 1865. * JAMES REEVE GOULD. A. B. 1863. Second Lieutenant 46TH N. Y. Vols. 1861. Captain and Ad. A. D. C. U. S. Vols. 14 July, 1862. On Staff of Gen. Viele in S. C. Oct., 1861-June, 1862 ; actively engaged in campaign in S. C. ; continued on Staff of Gen. Viele while Mil. Gov. at Norfolk, Va., June, iS62-July, 1863; Com. of Musters, May, 1863-March, 1864, with Gens. Viele, Nagle, Potter, Barnes, and Wild ; A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. Butler, March-Aug., 1864, and Chief Disbursing officer, Dept. of Va. and N. C. Resigned 6 Aug., 1864. Started on a Western trip to Lake Superior, Montana, and the Pacific seaboard at Portland, Oregon, and finally to San Francisco, Cal. ; in service of Cal. Branch of Western Union Tel. Co., and later in charge of Quartz Mills at Virginia City, Nev. ; at end of a year returned to the East, and became Treasurer of the New Jersey l86l.] IN THE WAR OF 1S61-1865. 167 R. R. Co. ; again went to the West for his health, Nov., 1870, and to the Sandwich Islands; returned to New York; again to San Francisco and Santa Barbara, Cal. Died at San Francisco, Cal., 3 Aug., 1872. FRANK WARREN HACKETT. Act. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. 24 Sept., 1862. Ordered to U. S. S. Miami ; stationed in Va. and N. C ; action with rebel Ram Albemarle at Plymouth, N. C, 19 April, 1863; with same rebel ram in Albemarle Sound, 5 May ; and with rebel battery at Wilcox's Landing. James River, Va. Resigned 6 Oct., 1864. NORWOOD PENROSE HALLOWELL. Private 4TH Batt. Mass. V. M. (New England Guards) 25 April, 1861. Stationed at Fort Independence, Boston Harbor. First Lieutenant 20th Mass. Vols. 10 June, 1861. Left the state with the regt. 4 Sept., 1861 ; battle Ball's Bluff, Va. Captain 20th Mass. Vols. 26 Nov., 1861. Siege of Yorktown, Va. ; battles West Point ; Fair Oaks ; Savage's Station ; wounded at Glendale ; Malvern Hill ; reconnoissance to Malvern Hill ; Chantilly ; wounded at Antietam, Md., 1 7 Sept. ; on sick leave through winter of 1862-63. Lieutenant Colonel 54TH Mass. Vols. 17 April, 1863. Colonel 55TH Mass. Vols. 30 May, 1863. Sailed for Morehead City, N. C, 21 July ; in camp on banks of the Neuse River ; embarked for Charleston, S. C, 30 July ; at Folly Island, 5 Aug. ; actively engaged on fatigue duty, and under heavy artillery fire from Forts Wagner and Gregg ; siege and capture of Fort Wagner. Resigned on account of disability 2 Nov., 1863. 1 68 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [i86l. * FRANK HASTINGS HAMILTON. Left College g May, 1859. Private 6th N. Y. S. M. 26 April, 186 i. Sergeant 3 1ST N. Y. S. M. i May, 1861. Second Lieutenant i6th N. Y. Vols. 22 Feb., 1862. Resigned on account of disability, 22 Sept., 1862. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 9 March, 1863. Went to California in 1866 as book-keeper in wholesale stationery and paper business. Died at S.4n Francisco, Cal., 5 Nov., 1869. ALPHEUS HOLMES HARDY. First Lieutenant 45TH Mass. V. M. 11 Sept., 1862. Battles Kinston, N. C. ; Whitehall ; Goldsboro. Mustered out 8 July, i 863. OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES. LL. B. 1866. Private 4TH Batt. Mass. V. M. April, 1861. First Lieutenant 2oth Mass. Vols. 10 July, 1861. Battle Ball's Bluff, Va., 21 Oct., 1861, where he was wounded. Captain 20th Mass. Vols. 23 March, 1862. Wounded at Antietam, Md., 17 Sept., 1862; Provost-Marshal, Falmouth, Va., winter 1862-63 ; wounded at Marye's Hill, 3 May, 1863, and kept from active service till Jan., 1864. Lieut. Colonel 2oth Mass. Vols. 5 July, 1863 (not mustered). A. D. C. on Staff Brig. Gen. H. G. Wright, 29 Jan., 1864, with whom he served on Grant's campaign to Petersburg, Va. ; returned to Washington when the capital was threatened in July. Mustered out 17 July, 1864. l86l.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 169 OLIVER CLEAVELAND HOUGHTON. Left College July, 1858. Private 2ist N. Y. Vols. 5 May, 186 i. Second Lieutenant 25TH N.Y, Vols. 23 Oct., 1861. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 25TH N. Y. Vols. 14 Nov., 1861. Wounded at Hanover C. H., Va., 27 May, 1862 ; A. D. C. on Staff of Brig. Gen. Martindale, 26 Oct., 1862 ; stationed at Washington, D.C. Mustered out 10 July, 1863. Secretary of Commander Young, U. S. N., blockading fleet off Wil- mington, N. C, 18 July, 1864 ; engaged in bombardment and cap- ture of Fort Fisher ; later in cruising in the North Atlantic and in blockading service. Discharged S April, 1865. CHARLES EDWARD INCHES. M. D. 1865. AssT, Surgeon 37TH Mass. Vols. 7 April, 1865. Transferred to 20th Mass. Vols. June, 1865. Mustered out i Aug., 1865. ALFRED PERRY JOHNSON. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Served in N. C. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. * CHARLES DUNCAN LAMB. Private Landis's Light Baty., Pa., Sept., 1862. In same Baty. summer of 1863. Second Lieutenant 2d Mass. H. A. 31 Aug., 1863. Engaged for some months in recruiting service in Mass. ; stationed at Forts O'Rourke and Haglett, near Norfolk, Va. Captaln 5 6th Mass. Vols. 7 May, 1864. 170 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1861. Joined regt. before Petersburg, Va., as part of ist Brig, ist Div. 9th A. C. ; battle of the Mine; in command of regt. till 19 Aug., when wounded at battle of Weldon R. R. Discharged on account of wounds 28 Dec, 1864. Went to England and France in 1865 ; in 1866 engaged in busi- ness as a wool-broker ; studied architecture and, later, painting. Died at Boston, Mass., 2 Sept., 1871. * THOMAS JOSEPH LEAVITT. Private 6th Ia. Cav. Oct., 1862. Sergeant Major, 7 Nov., 1862. Second Lieutenant 6th Ia. Cav. 31 Jan., 1863. Assigned to duty in defending the frontier against the Sioux Indians of Minn, and Dak. ; attack on the Indians near White Stone Hill, Dak., 3 Sept., 1863, in which he was wounded. Died near White Stone Hill, Dak., 4 Sept., 1863, of wounds received the preceding day. DAVID FRANCIS LINCOLN. M. D. 1864. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 5 Sept., 1862. Attached to U. S. S. Montgomery, and engaged in blockading off Mobile, Ala., and Wilmington, N. C. Resigned 25 Feb., 1864. JAMES RUNDLET MAY. Med. Cadet U. S. A. Aug., i 86 2-July, 1863. Stationed at Judiciary Square Hosp., Washington, D. C. Act. Asst. Surgeon, U. S. N. 25 Feb., 1864. Attached to U. S. S. Kingfisher and Ironclad Passaic of S. A. Block- ading Squad., and U. S. S. Daylight of the N. A. Blockading Squad. at Annapolis, Md., off New Inlet, Wilmington, N. C, off Charles- ton, S. C, and in Turkey Bend and Deep Bottom, James River, Va. Resigned 7 June, 1865. l86l.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. I 71 * GEORGE HART MUMFORD. Left College 1859 ; A. B. 1864 ; LL. B. 1864. Sergeant Major ioSth N. Y. Vols. 24 July, 1862. First Lieutenant i8th N. Y. Light Art. 30 Aug., 1862. Md. campaign, Sept., 1862 ; A. D. C. Staff Brig. Gen. Strong, Oct.- Nov. ; rejoined the baty. and ordered to report to Gen. Banks at New Orleans, La. ; sent to Baton Rouge ; in active service, winter of 1862-63. Discharged for disability i May, 1863. Was in Dane Law School, Cambridge, Sept., 1863-July, 1864; LL. B. ; in employ of the Western Union Telegraph Co. in Roches- ter, N.Y., Aug., 1864, and in 1865 a Director and Vice-President; admitted to the Bar in Rochester; April-July, 1866, in San Fran- cisco, Cal., as Resident Director in the same Company ; Jan., 1867, President of Cal. State Telegraph Company; April, 1871, removed to New York, as Secretary of the W. U. T. C, and soon after Vice President; also Secretary and Traffic Manager of the International Ocean Telegraph Company (Cuba Cable Co.) ; sailed for Europe July, 1875. Died at Paris, France, 24 July, 1875. SCOLLAY PARKER. M. D. 1866. Engaged in service of U. S. San. Com. on transport steamers, June- July, 1S62. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 9 Sept., 1863. Ordered to U. S. S. Rattler, Miss. Squad., and engaged in patrol- ling the river between Natchez, Miss., and Vicksburg; transferred to U. S. S. Glaucus, North Atlantic Squad., July, 1864 ; employed for some time in carrying despatches and in special service in the West Indies ; transferred to U. S. S. Isonomia, and cruised on the west coast of Fla. Resigned Oct., 1867. 172 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1861. GEORG-E HERMAN POWERS. M. D. 1865. AssT. Surgeon 6oth Mass. V. M. 24 Sept., 1864. Joined regt. at Camp Carrington, near Indianapolis, Ind. Mustered out 30 Nov., 1864. JAMES HOLTON RICE. First Lieutenant 19TH Mass. Vols. 22 Aug., 1861. Battle Ball's Bluff, Va. ; siege of Yorktown and Peninsular cam- paign ; battle West Point; wounded at Oak Grove, 25 June, 1862. Captain 19TH Mass. Vols. 7 Sept., 1862. Mustered out 30 June, 1863. Captain 5TH Vet. Reserve Corps 24 June, 1863. Accepted i July, 1863. Served in Mo. July-Aug., 1863, and in Ind. and Ohio till Feb., 1866. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Bvi". Lieut. Colonel U.S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Ordered to Nashville, Tenn., for assignment to duty in Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, March, 1866 ; sent to Louisville, Ky., and Lexington as Chief Superintendent for the Lexington Sub-Dist. of the Bureau. Mustered out of Vol. service 31 March, 1867. Second Lieuten.^nt 44TH Inf. U. S. A. 22 Jan., 1867. Accepted i April, 1867. BvT. First Lieutenant U. S. A. 2 March, 1867. BvT. Captain U. S. A. 2 March, 1867. Wounded by "Regulators" near Nicholasville, Ky., May, 1867, and on leave of absence, June-Oct., 1867 ; later on duty in D. C, 1867-69; Va. 1869-70; and Dakota 1870; assigned to 17th Inf. U. S. A. by consolidation, 1869; ordered before Retiring Board, Oct., 1870; waiting orders and on leave of absence. First Lieutenant 17TH Inf. U. S. A. 31 Dec, 1872. Retired for disability 23 Dec, 1873. l86l.J IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 173 JOHN RITCHIE. Second Lieutenant 54TH Mass. Vols. 19 Feb., 1863. First Lieutenant and Q. M. 54TH Mass. Vols. 20 Feb., 1863. Resigned 10 June, 1865. * THOMAS RODMAN ROBESON. • Private 4TH Batt. Mass. V. M. 25 April, 1861. Second Lieutenant 2d Mass. Vols. 28 May, 1861. Left Boston, Mass., 8 June ; stationed at Martinsburg, Va., after- ward at Harper's Ferry and Darnestown ; detached for signal duty, and ordered to signal camp, Georgetown, D. C, 12 Sept. First Lieutenant 2D Mass. Vols. 30 Nov., 1861. Detailed to Gen. Burnside's expedition ; sailed from Annapolis, Md., Jan., 1862 ; ordered to Goldsborough's Flagship Philadelphia, and transferred to Gunboat Southfield, 6 Feb., 1862 ; battles Roa- noke Island, N. C. ; Newbern ; on Com. Rowan's Flagship Dela- ware ; rejoined regt. in Va. ; battle Winchester, Va. ; Pope's cam- paign ; battle Cedar Mountain, where he was wounded. Captain 2D Mass. Vols. 10 Aug., 1862. Battles Antietam, Md. ; Chancellorsville, Va. ; captured a company of the enemy, and received the sword of its commander ; battles Beverly Ford ; Gettysburg, Pa. Died of wound received at Gettysburg, Pa., 6 July, 1863. DE FORREST SAFFORD. Left College March, 1859. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Served with regt. throughout its term. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. 174 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [i86l. "WESLEY CALEB SAWYER. Captain 230 Mass, Vols. 8 Oct., 1861. Left the state 11 Nov., 186 1 ; Bumside's expedition; Roanoke Island, N. C. ; Slocum's Creek, at which place he lost his leg ; on duty recruiting the 53d Mass. Vols, till Mustered out 17 Nov., 1862. * CARLETON ATWOOD SHURTLEFF. Medical Cadet U. S. A. 29 March, 1863. Ordered to duty with army of Gen. Grant near Vicksburg, Miss. ; assigned to duty in floating hosp. Nashville at Milliken's Bend, Mississippi River; at home on sick leave, 15 June; ordered to Harrisburg, Pa. ; on duty at Cotton Factory Hosp., 20 July, till sent to Turner's Lane Hosp., Philadelphia, 26 Oct., 1863. Mustered out 29 March, 1864. Returned to Boston, Mass., and continued the study of medicine. Died at Brookline, Mass., 26 June, 1864. HIRAM SMITH SHURTLEFF. Private Ind. Corps Cadets Mass. V. W, May-July, 1862. Corporal ; on duty at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, Mass. First Lieutenant Ind. Corps Cadets Mass. V. M. First Lieutenant 5 6th Mass. Vols. 21 Jan., 1864. Joined 9th A. C. i March, 1864, and army of the Potomac 24 May ; battles of the Wilderness, Va. ; Spottsylvania ; North Anna River ; Bethesda Church ; Cold Harbor ; Petersburg, 1 7 June ; siege of Petersburg ; Crater ; Hatcher's Run. Captain 5 6th Mass. Vols. 7 July, 1864. Mustered out 12 July, 1865. l86l.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 175 GEORG-E WASHINGTON SIMMONS. Left College March, i860. AssT. Paymaster U. S. N. June, 1863. Ordered to report to Admiral Farragut at New Orleans, La. ; joined U. S. S. Clifton ; on blockading service in Mississippi Sound ; action at Sabine Pass, Tex., 8 Sept., 1863 ; taken prisoner and confined in rebel prisons in Tex., and La. till March, 1865 ; exchanged and- reported at New Orleans ; sent home on furlough. Resigned 14 June, 1865. * HERBERT SLEEPER. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Engaged throughout the entire service of the regt. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. Died at Boston, Mass., 18 April, 1874. * WILLIAM FRANKLIN SNOW. Private 5TH Mass. V. M. Aug., 1862. Corporal, Sept. ; left the state for Newbern, N. C, 3 Oct. ; remained through entire service in that department. Chaplain 5TH Mass. V. M. 7 Oct., 1862. Mustered out 2 July, 1863. Preaching at Winter Hill, Somerville, Mass., summer of 1863 ; sailed for Honolulu, H. I., 23 Oct., 1863 ; Pastor of Congregational Church at Grass Valley, Cal., June, 1864-Aug., 1865 ; returned East and entered Andover, Mass., Theol. Sem., Sept. ; Eliot Cong. Church, Lawrence, Feb., 1866. Died at Lawrence, Mass., ii Jan., 18 71. JAMES KENT STONE. A. B. 1863. Private 2d Mass. Vols. 7 Aug., 1862. Battle Manassas, Va. ; Md. campaign. Second Lieutenant- 2D Mass. Vols, id Aug., 1862. Resigned 9 Jan., 1863. 176 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1861. CHARLES STORROW. Left College Jan., i860; A. B. 1882. Captain 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Served with regt. in N. C. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. GEORGE HARVEY TAYLOR. Left College May, 1858. Second Lieutenant ist La. Native Guards (73D U. S. C. T.) 13 Dec, 1863. Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps 24 May, 1864. A. A. A. G. Staff of Col. Cahill, Vet. Res. Corps, Dept. of the Gulf, 20 June, 1864. Discharged for disability 27 Nov., 1864. SIDNEY WARREN THAXTER. Second Lieutenant ist Me. Cav. 19 Oct., 1861. First Lieutenant ist Me. Cav. 31 Oct., 1861. Captain ist Me. Cav. 24 March, 1862. In action, while protecting retreat of Gen. Banks's army from Strasburg, Va., to Williamsport, Md., May, 1862. Major ist Me. Cav. i July, 1863. Wounded in expedition under Gen. Sheridan in front of Rich- mond, May, 1864. Mustered out 5 Nov., 1 864. FRANKLIN WELD. Private Ind. Corps Cadets Mass. V. M. 26 May, 1862. On duty at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, Mass. Mustered out 2 July, 1862. l86l-62.] IN THE WAR OF 18G1-1SG5. 1 77 EDWARD "WIGG-LESWOIITH. M. D. 1865. Med. Assistant in employ of U. S. San. Com. before Richmond, Va., June, 1862. Private 45TH Mass. V. M. 26 Sept., 1862. Hosp. Steward 45TH Mass. V. M. 28 Oct., 1862. Present at battles Kinston, N. C. ; Whitehall ; Goldsboro ; Cove Creek. Mustered out 7 July, 1863. Vol. Surgeon, Army of the Potomac, June, 1864 ; on duty at 9th A. C. Hosp. at White House, Va. GEORG-E FRANKLIN WORKS. Private 5 30 Mass. V. M. 17 Oct., 1862. Ordered to New Orleans, La. ; expedition to Teche country ; bat- tle Fort Bisland ; assault on and siege of Port Hudson. Mustered out 2 Sept., 1863. Commissioned Second Lieutenant 31ST U. S. C. T. 4 March, 1865. JAMES EDWARD WRIGHT. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Sergeant ; in service with the regt. in N. C, and present at battles at Rawles's Mills, N. C, Kinston, Whitehall, and Goldsboro. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. 1862. * WILLIAM FRANCIS BARTLETT. Private 4TH Batt. Mass. V. M. 17 April, 186 i. Captain 20th Mass. Vols. 10 July, 1861. Left the state Sept., 1861 ; battle Ball's Bluff, Va. ; siege of York- town ; seriously wounded, and lost leg, 24 April ; at home on fur- lough ; in charge of Camp Briggs, Pittsfield, Mass. 178 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1862. Colonel 49TH Mass. V. M. 19 Nov., 1862. Left the state 2 1 Nov, ; attack on Port Hudson, La., where he was again severely wounded in arm and foot. Colonel 57TH Mass. Vols. 17 Aug., 1863. Wounded in the head at batde of Wilderness, Va., 6 May, 1864. Brig. General U. S. Voi^. 22 June, 1864. Led the assault on Petersburg, Va., 30 July, 1864, and was taken prisoner ; exchanged by special request of the Secretary of War, 30 Sept. BvT. Maj. General U. S. Vols, 13 March, 1865. Sailed for Europe on sick leave, 18 Oct., 1865 ; returned June, 1866. Resigned 16 July, 1866. At home in Pittsfield, Mass., and Dalton ; engaged in manufacture of paper ; Treasurer of Iron Works at West Stockbridge ; in Europe, 1870; Treasurer and Manager of Powhatan Iron Com- pany near Richmond, Va., 1872 ; again in Europe in 1876. Died at Pittsfield, Mass., 17 Dec., 1876. * EDWARD CARSON BOWMAN. Act. Asst, Paymaster U. S. N. 30 June, 1862. Sloop of war Kittatiny ; in service in the Gulf of Mexico ; in action at Brazos Santiago, Tex., and on the Rio Grande ; in capture of works at Aranzao Pass, and those of Port Cavallo, Matagorda Bay ; transferred to U. S, S, Virginia; attacks on Forts Morgan and Gaines, Mobile Bay, Ala, Died off New Orleans, La,, 17 Oct,, 1864. * JOSEPH PERRIN BURRAGE. Private 3 3D Mass. Vols. 7 Aug., 1862. Sergeant; First Sergeant. Second Lieutenant 33D Mass. Vols. 18 May, 1863. Army of the Potomac ; battles Chancellorsville, Va, ; Gettysburg, Pa, ; Chickamauga, Ga, Killed at Lookout Mountain, Tenn., 29 Oct., 1863. l862.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 179 AUGUSTUS CROCKER. Left College Sept., i85o. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 4TH Mass. Vols. 13 Dec, 1862. Left for Dept. of Gulf, 1 7 Dec. ; Act. Asst. A. G. Staff Col. Ingra- ham, 1st Brig. 3d Div. 19th A. C, i March, 1863; rejoined his regt. at Port Hudson, La., July. Mustered out 28 Aug., 1863. * CHARLES TROWBRIDG-E DWIGHT. Second Lieutenant " Excelsior Brigade," 70TH N. Y. Vols., I Ocr., 1 86 1. Detailed for service in U. S. Signal Corps, Dec, 186 1 ; battles Lee's Mills, Va. ; Williamsburg ; rejoined his regt. ; battles Fair Oaks ; Oak Grove ; Peach Orchard ; Savage's Station ; Glendale ; Mal- vern Hill ; A. D. C. Staff of Brig. Gen. Sickles. First Lieutenant 70TH N. Y. Vols, i Dec, 1862. Battles Bristoe Station, Va. ; Second Bull Run ; prisoner at Bull Run, and taken to Richmond ; battle Fredericksburg ; exchanged 15 Oct.; A. D. C. Staff of Gen. William Dwight, 20 Dec, 1862; Farragut's passage of batteries at Port Hudson, La. ; Irish Bend, siege of Port Hudson. Discharged on certificate of disability i June, 1864. Engaged in U. S. Custom House, Boston, Mass., until his death. Died at Brookline, Mass., 9 March, 1884. ALBERT WILLIAM EDMANDS. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sefi\, 1862. Orderly Sergeant; served with regt. throughout its campaign in N. C. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. l8o HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1862. * EDWARD ELI ENSIGN. LL. B 1865. Private 49TH Mass. V. M. 19 Sept., 1862. Corporal, Oct. ; left with regt. for New York, Nov. ; expedition of Gen. Banks. Mustered out i Sept., 1863. Entered Dane Law School of Harv. Univ. Nov., 1863; LL. B. 1865 ; admitted to Suffolk Bar in Boston, Feb., 1865 ; went to New York and read law for a year in the office of Martin & Smith ; admitted to New York Bar ; entered firm of G. F. Deve- reux & Co., Davenport, la., commission merchants in railroad supplies, April, 1866, and had charge of a brancli of the business at Richland City, Wis. ; returned to practice of law at Sheffield ; went to the East Indies. Died at Samarang, Java, 24 March, 1872. OSWALD HERBERT ERNST. Left College Jan., i85o ; Grad. U. S. Mil. Acad., June, 1864. First Lieui'enant Corps Engineers U. S. A. 13 June, 1864. Asst. Chief Engineer Army of Tenn. in Ga. campaign, 21 July; batde Atlanta, Ga. ; siege of Atlanta ; battle Ezra Chapel ; fortify- ing Marietta ; Asst. Prof. Engineering U. S Mil. Acad., West Point, N.Y., 5-18 Oct. BvT. Captain U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Asst. Engineer, construction of defences of San Francisco, Cal., I Dec, 1865-68. Capi'ain Corps Engineers U. S. A. 7 March, 1867. In command co. of engs. Willett's Point, N. Y., 1868-71 ; detached to serve as astronomer with Commission sent by U. S. Gov. to Spain to observe solar eclipse of Dec, 1870 ; Instruc Pract. Mil. Eng. and Mil. Signalling and Telegraphy U. S. Mil. Acad. ; architect of the most important structures at that point, 1871-78 ; Asst. Eng. West- ern river improvements, 1878-80; in charge improvements Miss. River between 111. and Ohio rivers, 1880; of Osage River, 1880; author of " Manual of Practical Mihtary Engineering," 1873, and of various articles upon military sul)jects, Johnson's Cyclop., 1875-76. Major Corps Engineers U. S. A. 5 May, 1882. 1 862.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-18G5. i8l GEORGE ALFRED FISKE. Private 41ST Mass. Vols. 29 Sept., 1862. Q. M. Sergeant, i Nov. Second Lieutenant 41ST Mass. Vols. 13 Dec, 1862. A. D. C. Staff of Gen. G. L. Andrews, and went with him to New Orleans, La. ; present at siege of Port Hudson. First Lieutenant 30 Mass. Cav. 27 Oct., 1863. Major and Additional Paymaster U. S. A. 22 July, 1864. Ordered to New Orleans. Resigned 23 Sept., 1864. GEORGE ALBERT FLETCHER. Private 38TH Mass. Vols. 21 Aug., 1862. Corporal i Nov. ; ordered to Baltimore, Md., and thence to La. ; Port Hudson, La., campaign. Second Lieutenant 56TH Mass. Vols. 30 July, 1863. First Lieutenant 23 June, 1864. Battles Wilderness, Va. ; Spottsylvania C. H. ; North Anna River ; Bethesda Church ; Totopotomy Creek ; Cold Harbor ; Peters- burg, where he was wounded ; Weldon R. R. ; Peeble's Farm. Discharged for disability 31 Jan., 1865. Captain 5 6th Mass. Vols. 3 April, 1865. Mustered out 12 July, 1865. * JAMES INGERSOLL GRAFTON. Second Lieutenant 2D Mass. Vols, i Nov., 1861. Retreat of Banks in Shenandoah Valley, Va. ; battles Newtown and Winchester. First Lieutenant 2D Mass. Vols. 21 July, 1862. Wounded at battle of Cedar Mountain ; again wounded at Chan- cellorsville. Captain 2D Mass. Vols. 9 Nov., 1862. Ordered to the West in fall of 1S63, and took part in Sherman's l82 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1862. march to the sea ; on recruiting service, but joined regt. in time for the entry into Atlanta, Ga. Killed near Averysborough, N. C, 16 March, 1865. CHARLES EZRA GREENE. First Lieutenant, Quartermaster 7TH U. S. C. T. 5 Jan., 1865. Joined regt. before Richmond, Va. ; campaign to Petersburg and Appomattox C. H. ; ordered to Tex., May, 1865 ; garrison and post duty at Indianola, Tex., Port Lavaca, and Matagorda. Resigned 13 Aug., 1866. * SAMUEL CUSHMAN HAVEN. Second Lieutenant 162D N. Y. Vols. 20 Sept., 1862. Joined regt. at Ricker's Island, N. Y. ; ordered via Washington, D. C, to Dept. of the Miss. ; in camp at Carrolton, La. First Lieutenant 162D N. Y. Vols. Feb., 1863. Assault on Port Hudson. Died at Baton Rouge, La., 25 June, 1863. WILLIAM HEDG-E. LL. B. 1866. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Corporal ; Sergeant, i Oct. ; served with regt. in N, C. ; battles Rawle's Mills, N. C, Kinston, Goldsboro, and siege of Wash- ington. First Lieutenant 44TH Mass. V. M. 15 Jan., 1863. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. * CHARLES EDWARD HICKLING-. Private 45TH Mass. V. M. 26 Sept., 1862. Sergeant, 29 Sept. ; left Boston, Mass., 5 Nov. for Beaufort, N. C. ; battles Southwest Creek, Kinston, Whitehall, Goldsboro ; in hosp. with typho-malarial fever, Jan., 1863 ; removed to his home at l862.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 183 Roxbury, Mass., where he was under medical treatment during winter of 1863 and the whole of 1864. Discharged for disability 9 Feb., 1863. During summer of 1865 on Buzzard's Bay, Mass. ; sailed for Fayal, Azores, 20 Oct., 1865 ; remained there and at St. Michael's till I May, 1867, when he returned to Boston. Died at Roxbury, Mass., 17 Dec, 1867. * JOHN HODGES. Private Salem Light Infantry, 8th Mass. V. M., 18 April, 1861. Left Boston, Mass., 18 April, for Washington, D. C, via Annapolis, Md., and Baltimore ; his company was instrumental in saving the U. S. Frigate Constitution. Mustered out i Aug., 1861. First Lieutenant iqth Mass. Vols. 22 Aug., 1861. Left the state 28 Aug. ; stationed on Upper Potomac ; battle Ball's Bluff, Va. ; siege of Yorktown ; battle West Point. Resigned 19 June, 1862. Major 7TH IMass. Vols. 18 Aug., 1862. Major 50TH Mass. V. M. 7 Nov., 1862. Sent to Dept. of the Gulf; siege of Port Hudson, La. Mustered out 24 Aug., 1863. Lieut. Colonel 59TH Mass. Vols. 2 Feb., 1864. Engaged in all the battles of the Va. campaign. EJLLED in the assault ON THE WORKS BEFORE PETERSBURG, Va., after THE MINE EXPLOSION, 30 JULY, 1 864. FREDERIC WOLTERS HUIDEKOPER. First Lieutenant 58TH Pa. V. M. 29 June, 1863. Captain 58TH Pa. V. M. 10 July, 1863. Pursuit of Morgan in his raid into Ohio ; in charge of the prisoners on their capture,' 26 July. MuSrERED OUT 1 4 AUG., 1 863. 184 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1862. HENRY SHIPPEN HUIDEKOPER. Lieut. Colonel 150TH Pa. Vols. 4 Sept., 1862. On duty in and about Washington, D. C, for a few months ; joined the Army of the Potomac ; battles Front Royal, Va. ; Pollock's Mills ; Chancellorsville ; Gettysburg, Pa. ; at the last place twice wounded and taken prisoner ; on recruiting service in Philadelphia for three months, fall of 1863 ; in charge of dept. for drafted men in Philadelphia; resumed the command of his regt. 10 Dec, 1863. Colonel 150TH Pa. Vols. 22 Feb., 1864. Engaged in recruiting from Southern prisons. Resigned 6 March, 1864. JEROME HENRY KIDDER. Private ioth Md. Vols. May, 1863. Corporal ; Sergeant ; battles Berry ville, Va. ; Falling Waters, Md. ; at Patterson Park and Hicks Gen. Hosps. near Baltimore, as Vol. Cadet and Surgical Dresser, with warrant as Hosp. Steward. Mustered out Feb., 1864. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. 18 June, 1866. Served at Naval Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. ; ordered to U. S. S. Idaho, I Oct., 1867; on Japan station; decoration from King of Portugal of the Order of Christ. Passed Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 20 March, 1871. At Naval Hosp. and Naval Laboratory, New York ; attached to Transit of Venus Expedition to Kerguelen Island as naturalist, June, 1873 ; special duty with U. S. Fish Commission, summer of 1875. Surgeon U. S. N. June, 1876. At Smithsonian Instit., Washington, D. C, preparing reports upon the Natural History of Kerguelen Island (Bulletins 2 and 3, Nat. Mus., 1876); ordered to U. S. S. Alliance, Dec, 1876 ; on European station until Aug., 1878 ; special duty with U. S. Fish Commission, summer of 1879 ; on duty at Navy Dept., Washington, as chemist and microscopist. Resigned 18 June, 1884. i862.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 185 * HERBERT COWPLAND MASON. Second Lieutenant 2oth Mass. Vols. 25 Nov., 186 1. Joined regt. at Camp Benton, near Poolesville, Md. ; served through Peninsular campaign ; siege of Yorktown, Va. ; battles West Point, Fair Oaks, Savage's Station ; at home on sick leave, 4 July, 1862. First Lieutenant 2oth Mass. Vols. 8 July, 1862. Rejoined regt., 31 Aug., at Ball's Cross Roads; battle Chantilly ; Maryland campaign ; Antietam, Md., Charleston, Va., Fredericks- burg. Captain 20th Mass. Vols. 6 Jan., 1863. Battle Chancellorsville ; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., 3 July, 1863 ; rejoined regt. at Brandy Station, Va., 10 March, 1864. Resigned on account of disability, 23 March, 1864. Bvt. Major U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. In business with Lawrence & Co. in Boston, Mass. ; then for five years in New York ; returned to Boston, 1873 ; Treasurer of Ips- wich Mills till his death. Died at Stockbridge, Mass., 24 Sept., 1884. * BENJAMIN CROWNINSHIELD MIFFLIN. First Lieutenant and Adj. 49TH Mass. V. M. 15 Nov., 1862. Served in the Dept. of the Gulf; siege and capture of Port Hud- son, La. ; A. D. C. Staff of Gen, William Dwight. Mustered out i Sept., 1863. Firm of Ballon & Mifflin, Bankers, Boston, Mass. Died at Boston, Mass., 16 June, 1880. * ARTHUR CORTLANDT PARKER. Private 33D Mass. Vols. 13 Aug., 1862. First Sergeant. Second Lieutenant 33D Mass. Vols. 3 March, 1863. A. D. C. Staff of Maj. Gen. Meade. Killed by guerrilla near Bristol Station, Va., 24 Aug., 1863. 1 86 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1862. CHARLES BURNHAM PORTER. M. D. 1865. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 20 April-2o July, 1865. At Armory Square Hosp., Washington, D. C. GEORGE EATON PRIEST. Private 5 3D Mass, V. M. 6 Nov., 1862. Port iludson, La., campaign. First Lieutenant 5 3D Mass. V. M. 15 Nov., 1862. Mustered out 2 Sept., 1863. First Lieuten.ant and Q. M. 57TH Mass. Vols. 5 Nov., 1863. Campaign before Richmond, Va. Mustered out 30 July, 1865. JOHN READ. Act. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. 6 Nov., 1862. Double-turret Ironclad Keokuk ; attack on Sumter and Charles- ton, S. C, forts ; U. S. Gunboat Granite City, West Gulf Squad., 1 8 July ; battle Sabine Pass, La. ; blockading La. coast and Galves- ton, Tex. ; expedition to Tex. coast, 16-29 Nov. ; capture of Corpus Christi, Aransas Pass, Fort Esperanza, and Pass Cavallo ; blockad- ing Matagorda Bay and Tex. coast, 29 Nov., 1863-26 Jan., 1864; engagement off Matagorda Peninsula ; taken prisoner at Calcasieu Pass, La., 6 May, 1 864 ; confined at Camps Groce, Gillespie, and Felder, Tex. ; released 19 Dec; statement made before Congres- sional Committee ; U. S. S. Kearsarge, 9 March, 1865. Resigned 18 March, 1865. ARTHUR REED. Private 45TH Mass. V. M. 26 Sept., 1862. Q. M. Sergeant 28 Oct. ; on duty in N. C. Mustered out 7 July, 1863. l862.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 1 87 HENRY MUNROE ROGERS. LL. B. 1867. Act. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. 5 Nov., 1862. U. S. S. Daylight ; blockading service off Wilmington, N. C. ; trans- ferred to the Ascutney and the Wilderness ; engagements at Fort Fisher, 25 Dec, 1864, and 13-15 Jan., 1865 ; capture of Wilming- ton ; operations in James and neighboring rivers, and in estabUsh- ing Sherman's base of supplies at Newbern. Resigned 20 Nov., 1865. * HENRY ROPES. Second Lieutenant 2oth Mass. Vols. 25 Nov., 1861. Peninsular campaign in Va. ; battles Fair Oaks, Va. ; White Oak Swamp ; Seven Days' Battles ; Antietam, Md. First Lieutenant 20th Mass. Vols. 2 Oct., 1862. Battles Fredericksburg, Va. ; Gettysburg, Pa. Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., 3 July, 1863. CHARLES SPRAGUE SARGENT. Vol. a. D. C. Staff of Maj. Gen. Banks, i Nov., 1862. First Lieutenant 2d La. Vols. 25 June, 1862. Retained on Banks's Staff; A. A. A. G. Staff of Maj. Gen. Hurl- bert, 6 Sept., 1864 ; A. D. C. Staff of Maj. Gen. Granger, i Feb., 1865. Captain and A. D. C. U. S. Vols. 15 March, 1865. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 26 March, 1865. Mustered out Sept., 1865. ARTHUR SIBLEY. Act. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. 4 Dec, 1862. Ordered to Miss. Squad. U. S. S. Linden ; engagements on Yazoo River; Haynes's Bluff, Miss. ; Yazoo City and Vicksburg; expedi- tions to open White River, Ark., and to Arkansas River; U. S. S. Nymph; expedition to Red River, May, 1864. Resigned 21 Sept., 1865. 1 88 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1862. CHARLES CABROLL SOULE. First Lieutenant and Adj. 4TH Batt. Mass. V. M. 25 May, 1862. Mustered out 2 June, 1862. Military Supt. Plantations Port Royal, S. C, July-Sept., 1862. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 6 Ocv., 1862. Second Lieutenant 44TH Mass. V. M. 27 Oct., 1862. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. Captain 55TH Mass. Vols. 19 June, 1863. Wounded at battle Honey Hill, S C, 30 Nov., 1864; Provost- Judge and Supt. of Freedmen in S. C, May-Aug., 1865. Mustered out 29 Aug., 1865. CHARLES BRIGHAM STODDARD. First Lieutenant, Q. M. 41ST Mass. Vols., afterwards 30 Mass. Cav., I Sept., 1862. Ordered to Dept. of Gulf ; Teche campaign, March, 1863 ; changed to Cav., May, 1863 ; siege of Port Hudson, La. ; Red River expedition. Captain 3D Mass. Cav. 13 Aug., 1864. Brig. Q. M. 2d Brig. 2d Div. 19th A. C, on Staff of Gen. Moly- neux ; ordered to Va., and served on the James River, and at Washington, D. C. ; attached to Army of the Shenandoah, and took part in Sheridan's campaigns ; stationed at Frederic, Md., winter of 1864. Captain and A. Q. M. U. S. Vols, ii March, 1865. Mustered out 14 Aug., 1865. * G-OODWIN ATKINS STONE. Second Lieutenant 2D Mass. Cav. 13 Nov., 1862. Ordered to Va. First Lieutenant 2d Mass. Cav. 14 April, 1863. At Gloucester Point, Va., till 24 June ; expedition toward Rich- mond ; captured Gen. W. F. Lee near Hanover C. H. ; A. A. A. G. l862.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 189 Staff of Act. Brig. Gen. C. R. Lowell; at Fairfax C. H. and Vienna till May, 1864 ; returned to his regt. 6 March. Captain 2D Mass. Cav. 25 March, 1864. Actively engaged in skirmishing and scouting ; battle of Wilderness ; wounded at Aldie Station, July, and Died at Falls Church, Va., 18 July, 1864. GEORG-E GROSVENOR TARBELL. M. D. 1865. AssT. Surgeon 3D Mass. Cav. 7 April, 1865. Surgeon 3D Mass. Cav. 9 Aug., 1865. Mustered out 28 Sept., 1865. * WILLIAM JAMES TEMPLE. Left College May, i860. Captain 17TH Inf. U. S. A. 5 Aug., 186 i. On recruiting service, Biddeford, Me., and Albany, N. Y. ; ordered to Fort Preble, Portland, Me. ; joined his regt. at Harrison's Land- ing, Va., Aug. ; expedition to Newport News ; Pope's campaign ; second battle Bull Run ; Md. campaign ; Fredericksburg, Va. ; on sick leave till i Feb., 1863 ; Judge Adv. Killed at Chancellorsville, Va., i May, 1863. BENJAMIN HOLT TICKNOR. Prh'ate 45TH Mass. V. M. 26 Sept., 1862. Second Lieutenant 45TH Mass. V. M. 26 Sept., 1862. Ordered to N. C ; detached to garrison Fort Macon. Second Lieutenant 2D Mass. H. A. 4 June, 1863. On recruiting service in Boston, Mass. Captain 2D Mass. H. A. 25 Aug., 1S63. On duty in N. C. Resigned 17 April, 1S64. I90 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1862-63. *JOHN HENRY TUCKER. Private 38TH Mass. Vols. 31 July, 1862. Ordered to Dept. of the Gulf, leaving Boston, Mass., 24 Sept., 1862 ; siege of Port Hudson, La. ; battle Fort Bisland. Killed at Port Hudson, La., 27 M.\y, 1863. JOHN LANGDON WARD. Private Salem Light Inf. 8th Mass. V. M. 17 April, 1861. Left Boston, Mass., and reached Washington, D. C, via Philadel- phia, Pa., Perry ville, Md., and Annapolis ; assisted in the rescue of the U. S. Frigate Constitution ; on duty at the Relay House and Baltimore until Mustered out i Aug., 1861. Captain 50TH Mass. V. M. 15 Sept., 1862. Joined the Banks expedition at New Orleans, La. ; left Boston, Mass., 13 Dec, 1862 ; siege of Port Hudson, La.; assaults of 27 May and 14 June, 1863. Major 30 Corps d'Afrique 20 July, 1863. Commissary of Musters, Staff of Brig. Gen. Andrews, Headquarters at Port Hudson. Resigned 22 July, 1864. 1863. JOHN ALLYN. Left College Oct., 1861. Private 47Tn Mass. V. \l. 31 Oct., 1862. Sergeant. Mustered out i Sept., 1863. CHARLES WALTER AMORY. Second Lieutenant 2d Mass. Cav. 9 April, 1864. First Lieutenant 2d Mass. Cav. 9 Sept., 1864. Captain 2D Mass. Cav. 16 June, 1865. Mustered out i Aug., 1865. 1863.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 191 NATHAN APPLETON. Second Lieutenant 5TH Mass. Baty. 30 July, 1863. Joined baty. at Beverly Ford, Va., in Art. Brig. 5th Corps, Army of the Potomac, 31 Aug., 1863; in active service during autumn; in the advance to Culpeper, the withdrawal to Centreville, and expedition to Mine Run ; in winter quarters at Rappahannock Station; battles Wilderness, Spottsylvania, and North Anna; en- gagement at Virginia Central R. R., 25 May, 1864, where he was wounded in the arm. First Lieutenant 5TH Mass. Baty. 19 June, 1864 (not mustered). Resigned 25 Aug., 1864. Asst. Insp. Gen. Staff of Gov. J. A. Andrew; A. D. C. Staff of Bvt. Brig. Gen. Wainwright; rejoined Art. Brig, i April, 1865; battles Five Forks, Va., i April, Appomattox C. H., 9 April. Bvt. Captain U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. CHARLES HAZLETT BAGLEY. Private 58TH Pa. V. M. 29 June, 1863. Ser\'ed near Pittsburg, Pa., and in Ohio during the Morgan raid ; sent to guard Confederate prisoners near Columbus, Ohio ; returned to Pittsburg. Mustered out Aug., 1863. ANDREW JACKSON BAILEY. A B. 1869. Private 5TH Mass. V. M. 17 April, 1861. Stationed at Washington, D. C, and Alexandria, Va. ; first battle Bull Run. Mustered out 3 1 Aug., i 86 i . Second Lieutenant 5TH Mass. V. M. 20 July, 1864. Stationed at Baltimore, Md., and Monocacy Junction. Mustered out 16 Nov., 1864. 192 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1863. * AUGUSTUS BARKER. Left College Nov., i86o. Second Lieutenant Harris Light Cav., 5TH N. Y. Cav,, 31 Oct., 1861. In camp near Annapolis, Md., winter of 1 86 1-62; Banks's Va. campaign. First Lieutenant 5TH N. Y. Cav. 3 May, 1862. Taken sick near Culpeper C. H., Va., Aug., 1862 ; carried to Wash- ington, D. C, and thence to Lenox, Mass. ; rejoined regt. at Fort Scott, Va., 16 Nov., 1862. Captain 5TH N. Y. Cav. 24 Oct., 1862. Taken prisoner by Mosby near Fairfax C. H. 9 March, 1863; confined in Libby Prison, Richmond ; exchanged, 6 May ; re- joined his regt. at AnnapoHs, Md. ; actively engaged in many severe fights ; battles Gettysburg, Pa. ; mortally wounded by guer- rillas near Kelly's Ford, Va., 1 7 Sept. Died near Mount Holly Church, Va., 18 Sept., 1863. MARSHALL WILLIAM BLAKE. Left College Oct., 1861. Act. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. i Sept., 1861. U. S. S. S. Courier, 27 Sept., 1861. Resigned 13 Aug., 1863. CHARLES PICKERING BOWDITCH. Second Lieutenant 55TH Mass. Vols. 23 May, 1863. In service in N. C. ; engaged in fatigue duty and in the siege of Charleston, S. C. First Lieutenant 55TH Mass. Vols. 7 June, 1863. C.-vpi-AiN 55TH Mass. Vols. 29 June, 1863. Captain 5TH Mass. Cav. 7 J.\n., 1864. Served in Va. and Md. Discharged on account of disability, 23 Aug., 1864. 1863.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 1 93 * WINTHROP PERKINS BOYNTON. Second Lieutenant 55TH Mass. Vols. 8 July, 1863. In service in N. C, S. C, and Fla. First Lieutenant 55TH Mass. Vols. 21 Nov., 1863. Expedition to Fla., Feb., 1864; battle Olustee, Fla.; capture of battery on James Island, S. C. ; in garrison at Long Island, S. C, Sept., 1864. Captain 55TH Mass. Vols. 23 Nov., 1864. Killed at Honey Hill, S. C, 30 Nov., 1864. * HENRY FRENCH BROWN. Left College Nov., 1859. Private 2D N. H. Vols. 5 Sept., 1862. Taken ill at Washington, D. C, and Died at Boston, Mass., 3 March, 1863. * "WILLIAM DWIGHT CRANE. A. B. 1864. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Left the state for N. C, 23 Oct. ; campaign against the Wilming- ton R. R., Nov. ; battle Rawle's Mills, N. C. ; on detached service in contraband branch of Q. M. Dept. at Newbern, 5 Dec. ; rejoined his regt. 17 Feb., 1863; siege of Washington. First Lieutenant 55TH Mass. Vols. 7 June, 1863. Captain 55TH Mass. V. M. 19 June, 1863. On duty in S. C, fall of 1863 ; Florida expedition ; battle Olustee, Fla. ; action on James Island, S. C. ; in command of Fort Dela- field, fall of 1864 ; Judge Adv., Nov. ; Act. Aid and Chief of Staif to Col. Hallowell ; while leading a charge in an assault upon the enemy's earthworks. Killed at Honey Hill, S. C, 30 Nov., 1864. 13 194 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1863. GEORGE REID DINSMOOR. Left College March, 1862. AssT. Surgeon 2oth Mass. Vols. 31 March, 1865. Mustered out 15 July, 1865. * HORACE SARGENT DUNN. Left College Oct., 1861. Second Lieutenant 22D Mass. Vols, i Oct., 1861. On duty near Washington, D. C. ; transferred to the Peninsula, spring of 1862; siege of Yorktown, Va. ; taken ill with typhoid fever, 5 May; removed to the North, and Died at New York, N. Y., 22 May, 1862. HENDERSON JOSIAH EDWARDS. Act. Adjutant 5TH Me. Vols. June, 1861. First battle Bull Run, Va. First Lieutenant 30 Corps d'Afrique, 75TH U. S. C. T., 20 Dec, 1863. Captain 75TH U. S. C. T. 16 April, 1864. Resigned 26 May, 1864. CHARLES EMERSON. A. B. 1867. Second Lieutenant 174TH N. Y. Vols. 28 May, 1862. Consolidated with i62d N. Y. Vols. ; on detached duty as A. A. G. at Headquarters of Gen. Banks, Dept. of the Gulf, Feb., 1863; Teche campaign ; siege Port Hudson, La. First Lieutenant 162D N. Y. Vols. 2 July, 1864. Joined regt. in Shenandoah Valley, Va. ; served through campaign under Gen. Sheridan, Oct., 1864 ; A. A. G. Staff of Gen. Emory. Captain 162D N. Y. Vols, to Feb., 1865. Provost-Marshal on Staff of Gen. Dwight, Nov., 1864-April, 1865. Resigned 21 May, 1865. 1863.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 195 SAMUEL EDWARDS EVANS. Private 6oth Mass. V. M. 28 July, 1864. Left Boston for Baltimore, Md., i Aug., 1864; sent to Indiana- polis, Ind., 1 1 Aug., to assist in breaking up the conspiracy plot ; engaged in guarding rebel prisoners. Mustered out 30 Nov., 1864. BENJAMIN THOMPSON FROTHINGHAM. Vol. a. D. C, rank of captain, Staff of Maj. Gen, Gilmore, 18 Nov., 1863. In service in S. C. and Ga., at Folly Island, Morris Island, Hilton Head, Savannah River, and in Fla. till May, 1864; with Army of the James, May, 1864; expedition from Bermuda Hundred, Va., against Richmond; battle Drury's Bluff; attempt upon Peters- burg. Resigned July, 1864. CHARLES ELIOT FURNESS. Private 32D Pa. V. M. 18 June, 1863. Mustered out 12 Aug., 1863. ARTHUR FREDERIC GOULD. Left College July, 1861. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. • Mustered out 18 June, 1863. * SAMUEL SHELTON COULD. Left College July, 1862. Private 13TH Mass. Vols. 14 Aug., 1862. Joined his regt. in Md. Killed at Antietam, Md., 17 Sept., 1862. 196 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1863. WALTER WHITNEY HAMMOND. A. B. 1864. Private 47TH Mass. V. M. Oct., 1862. Sergeant 24 Oct. ; orderly Sergeant, 14 June, 1863. Mustered out i Sept., 1863. THOMAS ROBINSON HARRIS. . A. B. 1867. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Left the state Oct., and served with regt. in N. C. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. Engaged with U. S. San. Com. in Hunter's campaign, spring and summer of 1864. ALBERT CHEVALIER HASELTINK Private Landis's Baty., Pa. V. M., June, 1863. Mustered out July, 1863. JOHN TYLER HASSAM. First Lieutenant 30 Corps d'Afrique, 75TH U. S. C. T., 3 Dec, 1863. Stationed at Port Hudson, La. ; engaged in expeditions up and down the river ; Red River campaign ; battle Pleasant Hills, La. Mustered out i Aug., 1864. * CHARLES WILLIAM HEATON. M. D. 1867. Private 24TH Me. Vols. 10 Sept., 1862. Mustered out 21 Nov., 1862. Captain 3D Corps d'Afrique, 75TH U. S. C. T., 5 Dec, 1863. Siege of Port Hudson, La. ; Red River expedition. Resigned 30 Jan., 1865. Engaged in the study of medicine. Died at Boston, Mass., 9 Sept., 1869. 1,863. ] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 197 FRANCIS LEE HIGGINSON. A. B. 1868. Second Lieutenant 54TH Mass. Vols. 28 Feb., 1863. First Lieutenant 54TH Mass. Vols. 14 April, 1863. Captain 54TH Mass. Vols. 19 July, 1863. Captain 5TH Mass. Cav. 30 Jan., 1S64. Mustered out 31 Oct., 1865. SAMUEL STORROW HIGGINSON. Chaplain qth U. S. C. T. 16 Feb., 1864. Stationed at Brownsville, Tex. Mustered out 26 Nov., 1866. * WILLIAM FURNESS JENKS. Private 32D Pa. V. M. June, 1863. Mustered out July, 1863. M. D. Univ. Pa,, 1866 ; studied abroad in Berlin, Vienna, London, and Edinburgh, giving especial attention to obstetric medicine ; in 1870 returned to Philadelphia, Pa., and engaged in the practice of medicine ; organized the obstetrical department of the Philadelphia Dispensary ; Mem. Pathological and Obstetrical Societies, Philadel- phia ; Fellow Coll. Phys., Philadelphia ; prepared course of lectures under the Mueller bequest ; editor Am. Siipp. Obstet. Journ. Great Britain and Ireland ; Surgeon State Hosp. for Women. Died near Philadelphia, Pa., 31 Oct., 1881. GEORGE SENECA JONES. A. B. 1864. Private 4TH Mass. V. M. 26 Sept., 1862. Assigned to 19th A. C. in La. ; batde Camp Bisland, La., on the Bayou Teche ; garrison duty at Brashear City ; siege of and assault on Port Hudson. Mustered out 28 Aug., 1863. 198 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [186^. "WILLIAM FREDERIC JONES. Left College Jan., i85i. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Engaged in campaign in N. C. ; battles Kinston, N. C. ; Whitehall ; Goldsboro; siege of Washington ; Corporal, 30 May, 1863. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. "WILLIAM HENRY LATHROP. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. On duty with regt. in N. C ; detailed as Commissary Steward. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. Commissary Steward Foster Gen. Hosp. in Newbern, N. C. Act. Med. Cadet U. S. A. 10 Aug., 1863-10 Aug., 1864. Satterlee Gen. Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 16 March, 1865. Second Corps Hosp. Army of the Potomac. AssT. Surgeon 55TH Mass. Vols. 14 June, 1865. Mustered out 29 Aug., 1865. Remained in S. C. as Act. Asst. Surgeon till discharged from ser- vice, Nov., 1866; a part of the time as quarantine officer. Port Royal, S. C. ARTHUR LAWRENCE. In service of U. S, Christian Commission, Feb., 1 864, at Nashville, Tenn., Chattanooga, and Knoxville ; Huntsville, Ala. ; Adanta, Ga. ; campaign from Chattanooga, Tenn., to Kenesaw Mountain, Ga. ; Savannah ; Newbern, N. C, and Goldsboro ; City Point, Va. ; Petersburg, Burkesville, and Richmond. Vol. a. D. C. Staff of Maj. Gen. Howard 12 Nov., 1864- 2 Jan., 1865. With army in Ga. campaign. 1863.] IN THE WAR OF lSGl-1865. 1 99 ADOLPHUS MAXIMILIAN LEV:fi. Left College July, 1862. Private 3STH Mass. Vols. 24 Aug., 1862. Mustered out 30 June, 1865. HENRY LUNT. ■ Act. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. 31 Aug., 1864. Ordered to U. S. S. S. luka, attached to Eastern Gulf Squad. ; left Boston, Mass., Oct., 1864 ; remained on duty till ordered North. Honorably discharged, 2 Sept., 1865. ELIAS HUTCHINS MARSTON. Left College July, 1861 ; A. B. 1881. Private 5TH N. H. Vols. 25 Sept., 1861. Corporal, 6 Dec. ; Sergeant Major, 10 May, 1863. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 5th N. H. Vols, i July, 1863. Mustered out 22 Oct., 1864. WILLIAM HENRY PALMER. Act. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. 25 Oct., 1864. Ordered to Ironclad Nahant, off Charleston, S. C. ; reported for duty 21 Nov., and served till her return to Philadelphia, Pa., Aug., 1865. Mustered out 15 Oct., 1865. * ALBERT KINTZING POST. A. B. 1868. Private 45TH Mass. V. M. 26 Sept., 1862. First Sergeant. Second Lieutenant 45TH Mass. V. M. 14 Oct., 1862. • 200 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1863. Mustered out 7 July, 1863. Drowned, while attempting to save the life of a child WITH whom he was BATHING AT WeST HaMPTON, LONG IS- LAND, N. Y., 5 July, 1872. HERBERT JAMES PRATT. M. D. 1868, Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. March, 1863. On duty in Army of the James before Richmond, Va. Mustered out June, 1865. HENRY NEWTON SHELDON. Second Lieutenant 55TH Mass. Vols. 28 June, 1864. First Lieutenant 55TH Mass. Vols. 10 Dec, 1864. On duty in S. C. and Ga. Mustered out 29 Aug., 1865. * GORHAM PHILLIPS STEVENS. Left College Nov , 1861. Second Lieutenant ist Regt. Excelsior Brigade, 70TH N. Y. Vols., i Jan., 1862. Siege of Yorktown, Va. ; battle Williamsburg, at which he was wounded. First Lieutenant 70TH N. Y. Vols. 5 May, 1862. At home on account of his wound ; returned to his regt. at Harri- son's Landing, 9 July. Died at Harrison's Landing, Va., 12 Aug., 1862. JOHN LORRIMER GRAHAM STRONG. Left College May, i860. Act. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. 20 Sept., 1862. Ordered to Sloop of War Ino ; cruising near St. Helena, South Atlantic Ocean ; on recruiting service in Eastern ports, cruising on 1863.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 20I Banks of Newfoundland, on blockading duty in Fla., and on other special service. Honorably discharged 1865. HENRY TUCK. M. D. 1867. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 23 March, 1865. Attached to field hosp. 24th A. C. ; taken sick at Appomattox C. H., Va., 13 April, and sent to the North; present at Lee's sur- render at Appomattox C. H. Discharged June, 1865. ROBERT NEWLIN VERPLANCK. Second Lieutenant 6th U. S. C. T. 15 Sept., 1863. On Staff of Brig. Gen. Hinks, 3d Div. i8th A. C, 8 April, 1864. First Lieutenant iiSth U. S. C. T. 23 Nov., 1864. Staff of Brig. Gen. Seymour, 3d Div. 6th A. C., 23 Jan., 1865. BvT. Captain U. S. Vols. 2 April, 1865. Resigned 21 June, 1865. BENJAMIN READ WALES. A. B. 1864. Private 45TH Mass. V. M. 7 Oct., 1862. Mustered out 17 July, 1863. Captain 42D Mass. V. M. 18 July, 1864. Mustered out 27 Nov., 1864. EDMUND AUGUSTUS "WARD. Left College Nov , i86o. Second Lieutenant ist N. Y. Mounted Rifles, ist N. Y. Cav., afterwards the nucleus for the Harris Guard, 2D N. Y. Cav. Resigned on account of disability. 202 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1863-64. EDMUND SOUDER WHEELER. Act. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. 24 Sept., 1863. Left Boston, Mass., in U. S. S. Circassian, 24 Oct., 1863 ; on duty in U. S. S. Pampero, W. Gulf Squad. ; U. S. S. Tennessee, tempo- rary flagsliip of Admiral Farragut, i July, 1864; judge advocate on Naval General Court-Martial, May, 1864 ; double-turreted Mon- itor Chickasaw, 22 July, 1864; attack on forts in Mobile Bay, Ala. ; capture of rebel ram Tennessee ; blockade inside of Mobile Bay till April, 1865; capture of forts on Blakely and Spanish rivers, and city of Mobile ; surrender of Confederate troops and vessels at Mannahubba Bluffs on Mobile River, April, 1865. Resigned 30 Nov., 1865. MOSES DILLON WHEELER. A. B. 1867. Private 122D Ohio Vols. 4 Oct., 1862. Sergeant Major, 8 Oct. ; engaged in guard and picket duty in Va. ; battle Williamsport, Va. ; on recruiting service in Ohio ; rejoined regt. at Brandy Station, Va., Nov. ; battle Mine Run. Second Lieutenant 122D Ohio Vols. 23 Jan., 1864. First Lieutenant 122D Ohio Vols. 2 April, 1864. Battles Spottsylvania C. H., Cold Harbor, Winchester, Fisher's Hill, Cedar Creek. Captain 122D Ohio Vols. 14 Dec, 1864. Operations in front of Petersburg. Mustered out 26 June, 1865. 1864. * EDWARD STANLEY ABBOT. Left College Dec, i85i. Private 17TH Inf. U. S. A., i July, 1862. 1864.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-18G5. 203 Second Lieutenant 17TH Inf. U. S. A. 10 Nov., 1862. Assigned to duty in Army of the Potomac. First Lieutenant 17TH Inf. U.S.A. 27 April, 1863. Died 8 July, 1863, of wound received at Gettysburg, Pa. FREDERIC POPE ANDERSON. First Lieutenant and Adjutant i8ist Ohio Vols. 17 Oct., 1864. A. D. C. Staff of Gen. Miller at Nashville, Tenn, ; rejoined his regt. II Jan., 1865 ; N. C. campaign; A. A. A. G., Staff of Gen. Scho- field, 25 March. Bvt. Major U. S. Vols. 31 July, 1865. Mustered out Aug., 1865. JOHN BINNEY. First Lieutenant 52D Pa. V. M. 30 June, 1863. Served in the Cumberland Valley, Pa. ; A. D. C. Staff of Brig. Gen. Whipple. Mustered out 8 Sept., 1863. *FITZHUGI-H BIRNEY. Left College Sept., 1861. First Lieutenant 23D Pa. Vols. 29 Nov., 1861. On signal service for seven months, Dec, i86i-Aug., 1862 ; Seven Days' battles in Va. Captain and A. A. G. U. S. Vols, i Aug., 1862. Staff of Brig. Gen. Birney ; second battle Bull Run, Va. ; Chan- cellorsville. Major and A. A. G. U. S. Vols. 15 Sept., 1863. Died at Washington, D, C, 17 June, 1864. • 204 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1864. EDWARD RICHMOND BLANCHARD. Left College April, 1862. Private ist Mass. Cav. 9 Oct., 1861. Mustered out 27 Dec, 1861. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Served with the regt. in N. C. Mustered out 17 June, 1863. * CHANDLER BALCH BRAMAN. A. B. 1865; M. D. 1866. Private i2Th unatt. Co. Mass. V. M. 16 May, 1864. On duty at Provincetown, Mass. Mustered out 8 July, 1864. Hospital Steward U. S. A. 19 July, 1864-MARCH, 1865. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 24 Oct., 1866. Stationed at Petersburg, Va., and Richmond, New Orleans, La., and in Tex. Discharged 15 April, 1867. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 10 March, 1868. Joined command of Gen. Sykes in La. Assassinated at Baton Rouge, La., 15 Aug., 1868. WILLIAM HARRISON CHADSEY. Private 6th Mass. V. M. 18 July, 1864. Mustered out 27 Oct., 1864. * EDWARD CHAPIN. Left College Aug., 1862. Private 15TH Mass. Vols. 6 Aug., 1862. Joined his regt. at Fort Monroe, Va., 15 Aug.; battles Antietam, Md. ; Fredericksburg, Va. ; Orderly Sergeant ; battle Chancellors- ville, 1-5 May, 1863 ; mortally wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., 2 July. Died at Baltimore, Md., i Aug., 1863. 1864.J IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 205 EDWARD RUSSELL COGSWELL. A. B. 1871 ; M. D. 1867. * Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862, Corpora], 29 Aug. ; battles Rawle's Mills, N. C ; Kinston ; White- hall ; Sergeant, i May, 1863. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. CHARLES HENRY COXE. Captain 24TH U. S. C T. 20 Feb., 1865. Engaged in camp duty and guarding rebel prisoners at Point Look- out, Md. ; in charge of camp of Freedmen near Richmond, Va. ; A. A. A. G. of Freedmen's Bureau of Va ; returned to regt., Sept. Mustered out i Oct., 1865. * FRANCIS WELCH CROWNINSHIELD. Left College July, 1861. Second Lieutenant 2D Mass. Vols. 25 Dec, 1861. Joined his regt. at Frederic, Md. ; battle Winchester, Va., where he was wounded ; Pope's campaign. First Lieutenant 2D Mass. Vols. 10 Aug., 1862. Battle Antietam, Md., where he was again wounded ; in winter quarters with regt. Captain 2d Mass. Vols. 30 March, 1863. Battles Chancellorsville, Va. ; Beverly Ford ; Gettysburg, Pa. ; again wounded ; on sick leave till Oct. ; rejoined his regt. in Tenn. ; re-enlisted and returned to Tenn. ; on guard duty till I May, 1 864 ; battles Resaca, Ga. ; Cassville ; Dallas ; wounded by guerrilla at Raccoon Creek ; in command of provisional troops at Chattanooga, Tenn. ; rejoined regt. in Nov. ; in all actions from Atlanta, Ga., to Savannah, and thence to Raleigh, N. C ; commis- sioned Major, 24 July, 1865 ; not mustered. Mustered out 14 July, 1865. Spent the summer at his home ; went abroad in the fall. Died at Albano, Italy, 21 May, 1866. 206 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1864. NATHAN CUTLER. Left College June, 1861. Private 28th Me. Vols. Detailed to act as clerk for six months ; asked to be sent to front. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 28th Me. Vols. 6 Oct., 1862. Mustered out 31 Aug., 1863. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 2D Me. Cav. 16 Nov., 1863. Prisoner at Andersonville, Ga., for eighteen months. Major 2d Me. Cav. 27 March, 1864. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. Mustered out 6 March, 1865. CHAUNCEY CHILD DEAN. A. B. 1881. Second Lieutenant 30TH Mass. Vols. 20 Feb., 1862. Ordered to Ship Island, Miss. ; New Orleans, La., expedition ; bombardment of Forts Jackson and St. Philip ; on guard duty in New Orleans ; occupation of Baton Rouge, May ; capture of Natchez, Miss. ; siege of Vicksburg ; battle of Baton Rouge, La. ; A. A. A. G., Sept. ; Asst. I. G. on Staff of Col. Dudley ; on staff duty during winter ; on Staff of Gen. Banks ; A. D. C. Staff of Col. Dudley, Act. Brig. Gen. ; on duty at Point Cowper, opposite Port Hudson ; volunteer bearer of despatches from Gen. Banks to Ad- miral Farragut through rebel lines ; siege of Port Hudson ; battles Plain's Store ; Coxe's Plantation ; returned to New Orleans as Act. I. G. Staff of Col. Dudley ; expedition to Texas fall of 1863. Captain 93D U. S. C T. 30 Feb., 1864. Consolidated with two other regts., and became 8ist U. S. C. T. ; A. G. 4th Brig. Cav. Div. ; expedition via Teche Bayou to Bra- shear City and Red River Country, March, 1864; battles Sabine Cross Roads ; Pleasant Hills ; rejoined his regt. at Brashear City, where he remained for nine months ; on leave of absence, Feb., 1865. Captain 8ist U. S. C. T. i April, 1865. 1864.] IN THE WAR OF 1S61-18G5. 207 Stationed in New Orleans for twelve months ; riot in New Orleans, July, 1866; Adj. and Recruiting Officer 9th Cav. U. S. A., Oct., 1866. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 9 April, 1864. Major 8ist U. S. C. T. 9 April, 1S65. Mustered out 15 March, 1867. JONATHAN DORR. A. B. 1870. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Served through entire term in N. C. ; battles Tarboro, N. C. ; Kinston ; Whitehall ; Goldsboro ; besieged at Washington. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. JOHN LORING ELDRIDG-E. LL. B. 1866. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Served in N. C. ; battles Rawle's Mills, N. C. ; Kinston ; White- hall ; Goldsboro ; siege of Washington. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. JAMES HENRY ELLIOT. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Served with the regt. in N. C. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. CHARLES WILLIAM FOX. A. B. 1869. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. 208 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1864. CHARLES FRANCIS. Left College Jan., 1861. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. WILLIAM MERCHANT RICHARDSON FRENCH. Private i2TH Unatt. Co. Mass. V. M. 16 May, 1864. On duty at Provincetown, Mass. ; Corporal. Mustered out 15 Aug., 1864. PERLEY MORSE G-RIFFIN. Left College June, 1861. Private 6th N. Y. Baty. 29 June, 1861. Served under Gen. Hooker until end of Peninsular campaign ; changed to Flying Artillery, known as Horse Baty., 6th Independ- ent N. Y. Mustered out 29 June, 1864. Battles Williamsburg, Va. ; Malvern Hill ; Chancellorsville ; Kel- ly's Ford ; Wilderness ; Cold Harbor ; Gettysburg, Pa. ; Mine Run, Va. * CHARLES WILLARD HAGAR. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. Engaged in the paper business in Boston. Died at Boston, Mass., 12 May, 1880. * HORACE BINNEY HARE. Left College 30 Sept., i85i. Private Miller's Baty. Pa. V. M. 13 Sept., 1862. Sergeant. Mustered out 24 Sept., 1862. 1864.] I^^ THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 209 Engaged in the practice of medicine in Philadelphia, Pa., till June, 1874 ; sailed for Europe, and engaged in study in Leipzig, devot- ing himself especially to the study of medical chemistry ; returned to Philadelphia in 1876, and resumed practice ; Instruct, of Chem. Episc. Acad. ; Prof, of Hygiene Auxil. Fac. of Med. Univ. of Pa., 6 Feb., 1877; Pathol. Chem. to Univ. Hosp., March, 1877; lec- turer on Pathol. Chem., Univ. of Pa. ; lecturer on Chem., Frankhn Inst. ; on a voyage to California, Australia, and Pacific Coast, 1877 ; voyage to Mediterranean, 1878. Died at St. Thomas, W. I., 21 March, 1879. * JAMES NEVILLE HEDG-ES. Left CoUege Sept., 1862. Vol. a. D. C, Staff of Col. Cradlebaugh, 114TH Ohio Vols., 1862. Left the state 26 Nov., 1862 ; battle Arkansas Post, Ark. Died at Circleville, Ohio, Feb., 1863. ALMON DANFORTH HODG-ES. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. Private 42D Mass. V, M. 9 July, 1864. Second Lieutenant 42D Mass. V. M. 20 July, 1864. Mustered out ii Nov., 1864. EDWARD BOBBINS HOWE. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. FRANKLIN THEODORE HOWE. Left College July, 1862. Private 40TH Mass. Vols. 5 Sept., 1862. Left for Washington, D. C, 8 Sept. ; at Minor's Hill, Va., in 14 210 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1864. defences of Washington, D. C. ; on detached service at Headquar- ters of Gen. Robert Covvdin ; to Suffolk, Va., April, 1863 ; campaign on the Blackwater River and to Bottom's Bridge ; joined Army of the Potomac ; pursuit of Lee ; sent to Morris Island, S. C. ; winter quarters at Folly Island ; ordered to duty in office of Judge Adv. Gen. U. S. A. at Washington, D. C. ; discharged and received citizen appointment in same office, then made the Bureau of Mil. Justice, 20 Aug., 1864. * HERMAN JOHN HUIDEKOPER. Private 58TH Pa. V. M. 29 June, 1863. On duty on Ohio River ; capture of Morgan's cavalry. Mustered out 7 Aug., 1863. Captain 127TH U. S. C. T. 22 Aug., 1864. Sent to Petersburg, Va. ; engaged in building forts in fall ; trans- ferred and made Major 29TH U. S. C. T. 24 March, 1865. Battles in front of Petersburg and Richmond ; guarding rebel pris- oners at Appomattox C. H. after Lee's surrender ; sent to Texas, June, 1865, to guard the frontier against the danger arising from Maximilian's presence in Mexico ; in camp at Clarkesville, Tex., near mouth of the Rio Grande, and at Ringgold Barracks and Brownsville. Mustered out 6 Nov., 1865. Returned to Meadville, Pa., and engaged in business ; went to St. Paul, Min., 28 Aug., 1868. Died at St. Paul, Minn., 21 Oct., 1868. FRANK KNIGHT. Left College March, 1862. Private 2D Kansas Cav. 28 Jan., 1862. Battle Little Santa Fe, Mo. ; ordered to New Mexico ; battles Newtonia, Mo. ; Cross Hollows, Ark. ; Old Fort Wayne ; Cane Hill ; Reed's Mountains ; Prairie Grove ; capture of Van Buren ; action at Berlin, Ohio ; besieged at Fort Smith, Ark., fall and winter 1864-65. Mustered out 28 April, 1865. 1864.] ■ IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 2 1 1 ROBERT TODD LINCOLN. Captain and A. A. G. U. S. Vols. 17 Feb., 1865. On Staff of Maj. Gen. Grant before Richmond; present at sur- render of Gen. Lee. Resigned 10 June, 1865. Secretary of War, administrations of Presidents Garfield and Arthur, 18S1-85. RICHARD JONES MECONKEY. Left College March, 1864. Private Chester Co. Baty., 30 June, 1863. On duty in the Cumberland Valley. Mustered out 24 Aug., 1863. JOHN OWEN. A. B. i860. Sergeant Major 2D N. C. C. T. 22 Jan., 1864. Joined regt. at Portsmouth, Va. ; at Point Lookout, Md., till 26 June. Second Lieutenant 2D N. C. C. T. 29 April, 1864. First Lieutenant 2D N. C. C. T. 24 Oct., 1864. Battles Wilderness, Va., and before Petersburg ; entered Richmond 29 April, 1865 j on Texas expedition, 5 June. Captain 2D N. C. C. T. 2 Aug., 1865. Resigned 21 April, 1866. WILLIAM ROBERTSON PAG-E. LL. B. 1866. Private Chicago Light Art. July, 1861. Second Lieutenant Fremont's Body-guard, 20 Sept., 1862. Mustered out Dec, 1S62. HENRY AINSWORTH PARKER. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. 212 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1864. EDWARD BLAKE ROBINS. Private i2TH unatt. Co. Mass. V. M. 16 May, 1864. On duty at Provincetown, Mass. Mustered out 15 Aug., 1864. First Lieutenant 20TH Mass. Vols, ii Nov., 1864. BvT. Captain U. S. Vols. 9 April, 1865. Mustered out 16 July, 1865. ARTHUR GEORGE SEDGWICK. LL. B. 1866. First Lieutenant 20th Mass. Vols. 23 June, 1864. Joined regt. before Petersburg, Va. ; taken prisoner near Deep Bottom, 26 July, and confined in Libby Prison, Richmond j at that time Act. Adj. ; paroled in Sept. Mustered out 3 Feb., 1865. HENRY ROBINSON STANFIELD. Left College June, 1861. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 29 Aug., 1862. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. * FRANCIS DANA STEDMAN. Left College June, 1861. Second Asst. Engineer U. S. N. 19 Feb., 1863. Mustered out 20 June, 1864. Engaged in machinery commission business till he Died at Boston, Mass., 30 March, 1868. HAZARD STEVENS. Left College 17 June, 1861. Private 79TH N. Y. Vols. (Highlanders) 6 Sept., 186 i. Joined regt. at Chain Bridge, near Washington, D. C. ; skirmish at Levvinsville, Va. 1864.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 213 First Lieuten.\nt and Adj. 79TH N. Y. Vols. 19 Sept., 1861. Captain and A. A. G. U. S. Vols. 21 Oct., 1861. Embarked at Annapolis, Md., 16 Nov., with Expeditionary Corps to S. C, as A. G. and Chief of Staff to his father. Gen. I. S. Stevens ; occupation of Hilton Head, S. C. ; occupation of Beaufort ; battle of the Coosaw ; James Island ; embarked for Newport News, Va., 3 July, 1862; Pope's campaign; second battle Bull Run; battle Chantilly, at which place he was twice wounded ; rejoined Army of the Potomac, Oct. ; I. G. and afterwards A. A. G. 3d Div. 9th A. C. ; battle Fredericksburg ; siege of Suffolk ; capture of Hill's Point Battery on Nansemond River ; officially recommended for promo- tion for bravery in this action. Colonel ist Loyal Virginians Sept., 1863. Relieved and ordered to Army of the Potomac, June, 1864 ; I. G. and afterwards A. A. G. 2d Div. 6th A. C. ; battle of Wilderness, where he was wounded, 6 May, 1864; Spottsylvania ; Cold Har- bor ; in front of Petersburg ; Reams's Station. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols, i Aug., 1864. Shenandoah Valley, July, 1864 ; battles Winchester; Fisher's Hill ; Cedar Creek ; Charlestown ; Opequan Creek. BvT. Colonel U. S. Vols. 19 Oct., 1864. Major and A. A. G. U. S. Vols. Rejoined Army of the Potomac in front of Petersburg, Nov. ; assault on lines of Petersburg. BvT. Brig. General 2 April, 1865. Pursuit of Lee ; battle Sailor's Creek ; present at the surrender at Appomattox C. H., 9 April, 1865. Mustered out 30 Sept., 1865. * SAMUEL STORRO"W. Corporal 44TH Mass. V. M. 29 Aug., 1862. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. First Lieutenant 2D Mass. Vols. 22 Sept., 1864. Joined regt. near Atlanta, Ga. ; March to the Sea ; A. D. C. on Staff" of Col. Cogswell, 16 Jan., 1865. Killed at Averysboro (Black River), N. C, 16 March, 1865. 214 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1864-65. * ANSON GRANDCELO THURSTON. Left College Sept., 1862. Private 6th Mass. V. M. 31 Aug., 1862. Prisoner, 15 May, 1863. Died at Franklin, Va., 17 May, 1863, of wounds received at BATTLE OF CaRRSVILLE, 1 5 MaY. FRANK WELLS. M. D. 1868. Private 45TH Mass. V. M. 26 Sept., 1862. Sergeant, 23 Oct. ; in entire service of regt. in N. C. till May, 1863 ; sent to hosp. in Newbern, N. C. ; Asst. A. G. Staff of Gen. Lock- wood, Middle Dept. ; Md. and Penn. campaigns. Mustered out 7 July, 1863. 1865. JOHN WILKINS CARTER. Left College Sept., 1862. Private 45TH Mass. V. M. Oct., 1862. Prfvate 17 Inf. U. S. A. 2 Nov., 1862. Corporal, Jan., 1863 ; battle Chancellorsville, Va., ; Q. M. Sergeant, June. Second Lieutenani* 17TH Inf. U. S. A. 10 Aug., 1863. On duty in New York during riots in July ; fall campaign of Army of the Potomac ; in camp near Manassas, Va., through winter ; battle of Wilderness and succeeding actions of the campaign. First Lieutenant 17TH Inf. U. S. A. 23 Sept., 1863. Battalion Adj., 18 June, 1864; siege of Petersburg; at home on sick leave ; rejoined regt. at Fort Lafayette, N. Y., and engaged in recruiting service ; I. G. of Post. Resigned 9 Dec, 1864. 1865.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 215 GEORG-E AARON EMERSON. Left College March, 1863. Act. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. 22 June, 1863. Reported, 17 July, 1863, at Hampton Roads for duty on monitor Sangamon ; on duty in James River till Oct. ; ordered to Wash- ington, D. C, for repairs ; sailed for Port Royal, S. C, Jan., 1864 ; picket duty near Charleston; ordered to the North, Oct., 1864; ordered to report for duty to Admiral Lee, St. Pawtuxet at Hamp- ton Roads, Va. ; joined ship at Port Royal, S. C ; attack on Forts Fisher and Anderson, N. C, 25 Dec; second attack, 15 Feb. ; on duty in James River, Va., till fall of Richmond ; in action at Howlett House Battery, near Dutch Gap, and afterward for six months at Harrison's Landing. Discharged 25 Oct., 1865. GEORG-E ALBERT FISHER. A. B. 1867 ; LL. B. 1867. Second Lieutenant 5TH Mass. Cay. 29 Dec, 1863. Ordered to City Point, Va., May, 1864. First Lieutenant 5TH Mass. Cav. 5 July, 1864. Served in Md. and Va. till fall of Richmond ; ordered to Texas under Gen. Sheridan ; remained at Clarksville, Tex., on the Rio Grande till he Resigned 24 June, 1865. CLEAVELAND FOOTE. Left College July, 1862. Private 46TH Mass. V. M. 25 Sept., 1862. Corporal, Oct., 1862 ; Sergeant ; left Boston, Mass , in Nov. ; took part in Goldsboro, N. C, expedition, and in building fortifications ; ordered to Fort Monroe, Va., 23 June, thence to Pa. and Baltic more, Md. Mustered out 29 July, 1863. 2l6 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1865. JAMES IRA HANSON. Private 42D Mass. V. M. 20 July, 1864. Stationed at Alexandria, Va. Mustered out ii Nov., 1864. * WILLIAM CHANNING- HENCK. Left College i8 Jan., 1864. Enlisted as Private 2D Mass. Vols. 14 Feb., 1865, And joined his regt. in S. C. ; soon after, and before being mustered, he took cold from exposure, was admitted to hosp., 25 March, and Died at Beaufort, S. C, 2 April, 1865. PATRICK TRACY JACKSON. A. B. 1870. Second Lieutenant ist Mass. Cav. 16 April, 1863. First Lieutenant 5TH Mass. Cav. 2 March, 1864. Mustered out 31 Oct., 1865. LUDLOW AP JONES. Private Ohio V. M. Morgan's raid, Ohio. Second Lieutenant and Vol. A. D. C, Staff of Maj. Gen. Weitzel, 22 July, 1864. Resigned 1864 (six weeks). LEBBEUS HORATIO MITCHELL. Second Lieutenant 33D Mass. Vols. 12 Aug., 1862. Engaged at Fredericksburg, Va., in 1862 ; Chancellors ville and Beverly Ford ; Gettysburg, Pa., with Army of the Potomac ; and Lookout Mountain, Tenn., and Missionary Ridge with Army of the Cumberland ; on Staff of Brig. Gen. Smith as Asst. Provost 1865.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 217 Marsha], and in March, 1863, as Topographical Engineer; on Staff of Maj. Gen. Hooker ; assigned to duty in Engineer Dept. First Lieutenant 330 Mass. Vols., 12 May, 1863. Resigned 23 March, 1864. FERDINAND GORDON MORRILL. Left College July, 1862 ; M. D. 1869. Act. Master's Mate U. S. N. 29 Sept., 1864. Act. Ensign U. S. N. Oct., 1864. Served in the Potomac and Gulf Squads. Resigned March, 1866. * ROBERT RALSTON NEWELL. A. B. 1867; LL. B. 1868. Second Lieutenant 54TH Mass. Vols. 12 Dec, 1863. Joined regt. near Charleston, S. C. First Lieutenant 54TH Mass. Vols. 4 Feb., 1864. Captain 54TH Mass. Vols, ii July, 1865. Mustered out 20 Aug., 1S65. Died at Cambridge, Mass., 23 Feb., 1883. * SUMNER PAINE. Left College April, 1863. Second Lieutenant 20th Mass. Vols. 23 April, 1863. Joined his regt. at Fredericksburg, Va., 2 May ; battle Chancellors- ville. Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., 3 July, 1863. LORENZO FRANCISCO PAPANTI. Left College Jan., 1862. Act. Master's Mate U. S. N. 22 Oct., 1863. Mate U. S. N. 16 March, 1865. Discharged 10 July, 1865. 2l8 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1865. FREDERIC PASCO. A. B. 1866. Private i2Th unatt. Co. Mass. V. M. 16 May, 1864. Mustered out 15 Aug., 1864. * CHARLES ARTHUR RAND. A. B. 1867. First Lieutenant 2oth Mass. Vols. 2 Nov., 1864. Adjutant, 23 Dec. ; A. A. D. C. on Staff of Bvt. Brig. Gen. Macy, 14 Feb., 1865 ; battle second Hatcher's Run., Va. Bvt. Cafiain U. S. Vols. 9 April, 1865. Captain 2oth Mass. Vols, i June, 1865. Mustered out 16 July, 1865. Drowned off Gay Head, Mass., 18 Jan., 1884. * HORACE CLAPP RODGERS. Left College Sept., 1862. Private 39TH Mass. Vols, i Aug., 1862. Engaged in the defences near Washington, D. C. ; detailed for duty as clerk in A. G. office in Washington. Mustered out 2 June, 1865. Died at South Acton, Mass., 26 July, 1872. JAMES SWIFT ROGERS. Private 51ST Mass. V. M. 20 Aug., 1862. Corporal, i Sept., 1862; Sergeant; Provost Sergeant ; left Boston, Mass., for Newbern, N. C, 24 Nov., 1862. Captain ist S. C. Vols., 33 U. S. C. T., 6 Dec, 1862. Joined regt. near Beaufort, S. C. ; Fla. expedition, Jan., 1863 ; cap- ture of Jacksonville, Fla. ; Provost- Marshal ; South Edisto River expedition. Resigned 20 Oct., 1863. 1865.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 219 * CABOT JACKSON RUSSEL. Left College Jan., 1862. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1S62. Sergeant ; Tarboro, N. C, and Goldsboro campaigns. First Lieutenant 54TH Mass. Vols. 23 March, 1863. Captain 54TH Mass. Vols, ii May, 1863. Fla. expedition ; battle James Island, S. C. Killed at Fort Wagner, S. C, 18 July, 1863. GEORG-E BRIG-GS RUSSELL. Left College Sept., 1862. Second Lieutenant 38TH Mass. Vols. 12 Aug., 1862. Served at Baltimore, Md., and on Banks's expedition to New Orleans, La. First Lieutenant 38TH Mass. Vols. 4 Dec, 1862. Captain 3 8th Mass. Vols. 5 April, 1863. Battle Bisland Plantation ; siege of Port Hudson ; severely wounded, 14 June. Bvi\ Major U. S. Vols. 14 June, 1863. On duty in New Orleans, Nov. ; Judge Adv. Staff of Gen. Sherman. Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps 8 Sept., 1864. Cafiain Vet, Res. Corps i 7 Sept., 1^64. Stationed at Washington, D. C, at Headquarters ist Brig. V. R. C. ; Insp. Gen. garrison of Washington ; Asst. Provost- Marshal Gen., Staff of Maj. Gen. Augur, Sept., 1864; Provost-Marshal Gen.; Judge Adv. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Mustered out i Sept., 1866. Captain 44TH Inf. U. S. A. 28 July, 1866. Insp. Gen. Staff of Gen. Augur, Dept. of the Platte ; Insp. Gen. garrison of Washington, on Staff of Bvt. Maj. Gen. Emory ; A. D. C. to Bvt. Maj. Gen. Augur, Dept. of the Platte, May, 1867 ; served throughout building of the Union Pacific R. R. in Nebraska 220 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1865-66. and Utah; Insp. Gen, Dept. of Tex., Jan., 1872-April, 1875; Insp. Gen. Dept. of Gulf, and A, D. C. to Gen. Augur. Captain 9TH Inf. U. S. A. BvT. Major U. S. A. 2 March, 1867. Assigned to 7th Inf. U. S. A. 7 April, 1S70 ; transferred to 9th Inf. U. S. A. 30 April, 1870. JAMES HARVEY WITHINGTON. Left College Jan., 1864. First Lieutenant 32D U. S. C. T. 14 March, 1864. Sent to Hilton Head, S. C., and Morris Island ; siege of Charles- ton ; wounded at Fort Putnam 1 7 Aug. Capiain 198TH Pa. Vols, i Oct., 1864. Joined Army of the Potomac and assigned to ist Brig, ist Div. 5th A. C. ; in all battles of the Army of the Potomac till close of the War; wounded at Dabney's Mills, Va., 6 Feb., 1865; Insp. Gen. of brigade. Mustered out 14 Jl'ne, 1865. 1866. BENSON BERIAH BANKER. Private i2th unatt. Co. Mass. V. M. 16 May, 1864. Mustered out 15 Aug., 1864. HENRY WALLER BRINCKERHOFF. Left College. Private i2Th unatt. Co. Mass. V. M. 16 May, 1864. Mustered out 15 Aug., 1864. GEORGE GREENLEAF PRATT. Private i2rH unatt. Co. Mass. V. M. 16 May, 1864. Mustered out 15 Aug., 1864. l866.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 221 WILLIAM STORY SARGENT. Left College i8 Jan., 1864. Private 59TH Mass. Vols. (4TH Veteran) 2 April, 1864. Corporal i May, 1864 ; Sergeant i Jan., 1865 ; First Sergeant I April; left the state 26 April, 1864; attached to the Army of the Potomac ; battles Wilderness, Va. ; Spottsylvania ; North Anna ; Cold Harbor. Second Lieutenant 57TH Mass. Vols. (2D Veteran) 12 June, 1864. Battles before Petersburg ; Weldon R. R. ; Peeble's Farm j siege of Petersburg, 1865. Mustered out 30 July, 1865. CHARLES BATES TOWER. Left College 6 July, 1864. Private i2TH unatt. Co. Mass. V. M. i6 May, 1864. Mustered out 15 Aug., 1864. THEODORE MURRAY WATE. Left College July, 1863. Paymaster's Steward U. S. N. 28 Sept., 1864. U. S. Steamer Sabine. Discharged 30 June, 1865. THEODORE FRANCIS WRIGHT. First Lieltlenant io8th U. S. C. T. 14 June., 1864. Served at Louisville, Ky., Marysville, and Fort Boyle, and at Rock Island, 111.; on Staff of Gen. Cakes, 27 May, 1865. Resigned 23 July, 1865, 2 22 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1867. 1867. JOSEPH BALCH BRAMAN. Left College July, 1864. Private mounted Rifle Rangers, "Butler's Body Guard," 7 Dec, 1 86 1. Attached to 30th Mass. V. M. Discharged on account of disability 21 June, 1862. Private i2TH unatt. Co. Mass. V. M. 16 May, 1864. - Mustered out 4 Aug., 1864. Captain 47TH Mass, V. M. 21 July, 1864. ELIOT CHANNING- CLARKE. Private i2TH unatt. Co. Mass. V. M. 16 May, 1864. Mustered out 15 Aug., 1864. JOHN HOUG-HTON CLARKE. Private i2Th unatt. Co, Mass. V. M. 16 May, 1864. Mustered out 15 Aug., 1864. SILAS PARSONS COOK. Private i2th unatt. Co. Mass. V. M. 16 May, 1864. Mustered out 15 Aug., 1864. THOMAS SPRAGUE EDMANDS. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. 1867.] IN THE WAR OF 18G1-18G5. 223 * EDWARD WINSLOW FOX. LL. B. 1870. Private i2TH unatt. Co. Mass. V. M. 16 May, 1864. Mustered out 15 Aug., 1864. Died at Charleston, S. C, 21 Feb., 1877. FRANK CLARKSON GARBUTT. A. B. 1871. Private 68th III. Vols.' i June, 1862. Corporal; on provost guard duty at Alexandria, Va., Aug. and Sept. Mustered out i Oct., 1862. SAMUEL HOAR. Corporal 48TH Mass. V. M. 19 Sept., 1862. Mustered out 3 Sept., 1863. CHARLES LOUIS HOLSTEIN. Left College 18 Nov., 1863. Sergeant Major 6th Ind. Vols. 27 April, 1861. Mustered out 2 Aug., 1861. First Lieutenant and Adj. 22D Ind. Vols. 15 Aug., 186 i. Captain and A. A. G. U. S. Vols. 26 Aug., 1862. On Staff of Gen. Davis. Resigned Nov., 1862. Served in W. Va., Mo., Miss., Tenn., and Ky. ; battles Philippi, Laurel Hill, Camel's Ford, Black River, Glasgow, Cross Timbers, Pea Ridge, siege of Corinth ; specially mentioned for gallant con- duct at battle of Pea Ridge. * RUFUS KING. Vol. Aid to Col. McMillen, 95TH Ohio Voi^., 1862. Died at Cincinnati, Ohio, 3 May, 1878. 224 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1867-69. GEORGE FREDERIC PIPER. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Battles Rawle's Mills, N. C, Kinston, Whitehall, Goldsboro ; siege of Washington. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. CHARLES WALTER TOWER. Left College Sept., 1865. Private 4TH Mass. V. M. On duty in La. ; battle Bayou Teche, La. ; Red River expedition ; Sergeant ; attack on Port Hudson. * SCHUYLER VAN RENSSELAER. Private 9TH R. I. Vols. 26 May., 1862. , Mustered out Sept., 1862. Died at New Brunswick, N. J., 5 March, i 884. 1868. EDWIN JAMES DUNNING. Left College, 1864. Private i2Th unatt. Co. Mass. V. M. 16 May, 1864. Mustered out 15 Aug., 1864. 1869. FREDERIC LORD CHAPMAN. Left College Oct., 1866. Private i2TH unatt. Co. Mass. V. M. 16 May, 1864. Mustered out 15 Aug., 1864. 1871-74-] I^ THE WAR OF 1861-1S63. 225 187I. * CHARLES BRADSHAW. Temporarily in front of Washington. Died, 1876. * ARCHIBALD MCCLURE BUSH. First Lieutenant 95TH N. Y. Vols. 20 Oct., 1863. A. D. C. Staff of Gen. J. C Rice till 10 May, 1864 ; Act. A. D. C. to Col. Hoffman till 19 Aug., 1864 ; Act. Adj. 157th Pa. Vols. tUl I Oct. ; Act. Adj. and Brig. Insp. ; Act. A. D. C. to Gen. Gwin. Cafi'ain 95TH N. Y. Vols. Dec, 1864. Act. Adj. 76th N. Y. Vols.; rejoined regt. 6 Jan., 1865; battles Mine Run, Va., Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Bethesda Church, Petersburg, Weldon R. R., Hatcher's Run, Peeble's Farm, Poplaf Grove Church, Dabney's Mills. Mustered out 7 March, 1865. Studied at Phillips Acad., Andover, Mass. ; entered Harvard Col- lege, and was graduated with class ; Secretary, Treasurer, and Pre- sident, Wheeler & Melick Company (Agricultural Works), Albany, N. Y. Died at Liverpool, Eng., 15 Dec, 1877. * GALEN ALONZO CLARK. Private 5TH Mass. Vols. 19 July, 1864. Mustered out 16 Nov., 1864. Died at Mariposa, Cal., 19 April, 1873. 1874. SYLVESTER PRIMER. 105TH N. Y. Served eleven months ; wounded at Antietam, Md. Sergeant 15TH N. Y. Cav. Served till close of war. 15 2 26 HARVARD UNIVERSITY IN THE WAR, [1878. 1878. LAFAYETTE GILBERT BLAIR. Enrolled in Mo. militia, and engaged in guard and picket duty ; battle Brush Creek; Price's raid in Mo.; about two months in 1865. PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS.^ MEDICAL SCHOOL. 1830. CALVIN CUTTER. Surgeon 2ist Mass. Vols. 21 Aug., 1861. Wounded at second Bull Run, Va., and Fredericksburg ; prisoner at Bull Run ; during most of his service Surgeon in Chief 9th A. C. Resigned 17 May, 1864. 1834. * NATHANIEL AUGUSTUS FISHER, M. D. AssT. Surgeon 13TH Conn. Vols. 4 Feb., 1862. Surrenderof New Orleans, La. ; Port Hudson; Bayou La Fourche ; Red River campaign. . Surgeon 13TH Conn. Vols. 7 March, 1863. ^ Not including those elsewhere mentioned. All Alumni of the Theological Department included in the following list have been graduated at the School ; graduates of the other Professional Schools are designated by the titles appropriate to their Departments, to dis- tinguish them from those temporarily pupils of the University, though they may have received degrees elsewhere. 2 28 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1834-38. Resigned on account of disability 16 June, 1863. Surgeon 29TH Conn. Vols. 2 Jan., 1864. Resigned June, 1864. Died at Providence, R. I., 17 May, 1883. 1835. * JOHN LAWRENCE FOX, M.D. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. 9 Feb., 1837. Surgeon U. S. N. 16 Aug., 1847. Ordered to U. S. Nav. Hosp., Chelsea, Mass., 15 March, 1861 ; U. S. S. Brooklyn at New Orleans, La., 23 June, 1863 ; U. S. S. Niagara, 16 Sept., 1863; Fleet Surgeon N. Atlantic Blockading Squad., 10 March, 1864. Resigned Nov., 1864. Died at Roxbury, Mass., 17 Dec, 1864. 1838. * HENRY WHEATON RIVERS. AssT. Surgeon ist R. I. detached Mil. 18 April, 1861. Surgeon ist R. I. detached Mil. 7 June, 186 i. Surgeon 4Th R. I. Vols. 27 Aug., 186 i. Brig. Surgeon 3d Brig., Dept. N. C, 8 March, 1862 ; Surgeon 3d Div., Dept. N. C, 25 July, 1862 ; Med. Dir. army for defences of Harper's Ferry, Va., 13 Oct., 1862 ; Surgeon, Headquarters, Army of the Potomac, 22 Nov., 1862 ; Surgeon, Headquarters, Dept. of the Ohio, 25 March, 1863 ; Med. Insp. 3d Div. 9th A. C, I July, 1863 ; Surgeon in Chief, Kautz's Cav. Div., i May, 1864; battles Manassas Plain, N. C, Roanoke Island, Newbern, Fort Macon, South Mountain, Md., Antietam, Fredericksburg, Va., Stony Creek, Reanies's Station, Malvern Hill, and Quaker Roads. Mustered out 27 Aug., 1864. Died at Providence, R. I., 3 Dec, 1868. 1840-42.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1SG5. 229 1840. * ELI WHITNEY BLAKE. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 4 Sept., 1863. On duty at Post hosp. for recruits, New Haven, Conn. Resigned 15 March, 1866. Died at New Haven, Conn., 19 Nov., 1874. 184I. * OTIS EVERETT FRENCH, M.D. Surgeon 114TH Ohio Vols. 21 Aug., 1862. Staff Surgeon on duty at Alexandria, La., and at P'ort Gaines, Ala. Mustered out July, 1865. Died at Garnett, Kan,, 14 March, 1884. JAMES HOLLAND. Surgeon ist Mass. Cav. 14 Sept., 1861. Resigned 26 June, 1863. 1842. * FRANCIS LELAND, M. D. Surgeon 2D Mass. Vols, ii Oct., 1861. Wounded at Cedar Mountain, Va., 9 Aug., 1862. Resigned 24 Oct., 1862. Died at Somerville, Mass., 5 Oct., 1867. LUCIUS LESLIE SCAMMELL, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 29 Jan., 1864. On duty at Arlington Heights, Va. ; in charge Abbott Hosp., Freed- men's Village. Mustered out 10 May, 1865. 230 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1842-43. JOHN SPARE, M.D. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. 10 April, 1862. Mediterranean Squad., blockading the Confederate Steamer Sumter at Gibraltar, and watching blockade-runners, April, 1863 ; blockade at Wilmington, N. C, 1863-643 battle Fort Fisher; blockade of Charleston, S. C, 1864-65 ; Gulf Squad., 1865-66, at Apalachicola, Pla., Pensacola, etc. Resigned 2 July, 1866. 1843. JOHN FRAZIER HEAD, M.D. AssT. Surgeon U. S. A. 6 Aug., 1846. Surgeon U. S. A. 6 Sept., i860. Chief Med. officer at U. S. Mil. Acad., West Point, N. Y., 23 Jan.- 3 July, 1862; Med. Director, Louisville, Ky., 1862-63; Member of Med. Board at Columbus, Ohio, 1863-64; Chief Med. officer at U. S. Mil. Acad., West Point, N. Y., 18 Oct., 1864. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. A., 13 March, 1865. Lieut. Colonel and Surgeon U. S. A. 26 June, 1876. * FRANCIS MILLER McLELLAN, M. D. Surgeon N. Y. Marine Art. Surgeon 13TH N. Y. Art. (not commissioned). Died at Maspeth, N. Y., 12 Nov., 1863. CYRUS SWEETSER MANN, M.D. AssT. Surgeon 31ST Mass. Vols. 10 Oct., 1863. Joined regt. at Baton Rouge, La. ; served at Baton Rouge, Carrol- ton, and New Orleans. Discharged for disability 25 March, 1864. I844-45-] ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ 1861-1865. 23 1 1844. * FREDERIC SMITH AINSWORTH, M.D. Surgeon 22D Mass. Vols. 25 June, 1862. Surgeon U. S. Vols. 7 Nov., 1862. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols, i June, 1865. Resigned 27 July, 1865. Died at Boston, Mass., 7 Oct., 1878. WILLIAM COGSWELL. Surgeon 50TH Mass. V. M. 16 Aug., 1862. Mustered out 24 Aug., 1863. * AUGUSTUS MASON, M. D. AssT. Surgeon 43D Mass. V. M. 5 Nov., 1862. Act. Surgeon 51st Mass. V. M., Nov., 1862, at Newport, N. C. ; returned to 43d regt., 6 Dec, 1862 ; Goldsboro and Kinston ex- peditions ; again Act. Surgeon 51st; in charge of Galloupe Field Hosp. ; Charleston expedition. Resigned 17 March, 1863. Returned to the practice of his profession at Brighton, Mass. ; from Nov., 1873-June, 1877, practised in Santa Barbara, Cal. Died at Brighton, Boston, Mass., 24 May, 1882. 1845. *FLOYER GALEN KITTREDGE, M.D. AssT. Surgeon 31ST Mass. Vols. 29 Dec, 1862. On duty at Fairfax Seminary Hosp., Washington, D. C. ; General Hosp., Baton Rouge, La. Resigned 28 Jan., 1864. Settled in practice of medicine in Peabody, Mass. Died at Peabody, Mass., i June, 1878. 232 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1845-46. * HENRY AUSTIN MARTIN, M. D. Surgeon U. S. Vols. 4 Oct., 1862. Resigned 5 Nov., 1864. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Returned to the practice of medicine in Roxbury, Mass., and so continued till he Died at Roxbury, Boston, Mass., 7 Dec, 1884. 1846. THOMAS JOSEPH WILLIAM KENNEDY, M. D. Hosp. Steward i ith Mass. Vols. PETER PINEO. Vol. Asst. to Surgeon General of Mass., and examined first recruits mustered in the state. Surgeon qth Mass. Vols, ii June, 1861. Brigade Surgeon U. S. Vols. 3 Aug., 1861. Staff of Gen. Wadsworth, between Washington, D. C., and Centre- ville, Va. ; Staff of Gen. King, 1862, as Med. Dir. ist Div. istA. C. ; advance on Fredericksburg ; Act. Med. Dir. McDowell's Corps ; battles from Cedar Mountain to second Bull Run ; Med. Dir. ist A. C. ; battles South Mountain, Md., and Antietam ; Staff Gen. Meade ; in charge Douglass U. S. Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C, Nov. Lieut. Colonel and Med. Inspector U. S. A. Feb., 1863. Ordered to La. ; Med. Insp. Dept. of Gulf, on Staff of Gen. Banks ; siege of Port Hudson, La. ; returned to the North on account of illness, Sept. ; Dept. of the South as Med. Insp., Gen. Gil- more's command, Nov. ; Med. Insp. Army of Va. and N. C, with headquarters at Norfolk, Va., July, 1864, including charge of hosp. of six thousand beds at Fort Monroe. Resigned Nov., 1865. 1846-47-] I^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ 1S61-1S65. 233 * HORACE DWIGHT TRAIN, M.D. Captain 49TH Mass. V. M. 19 Sept., 1862. La. campaign. Mustered out i Sept., 1863. Died at Sheffield, Mass., 24 April, 1879. 1847. H. L. BARTHOLOMEW. BOWSE REYNOLDS CLARKE, M.D. Surgeon 34TH Mass. Vols. 3 July, 1862. Mustered out 16 June, 1865. * CHARLES HENRY CRANE, M. D. AssT. Surgeon U. S. A. 27 Feb., 1848. Surgeon U. S. A. 21 May, 1861. On duty at Key West, Fla., and Dept. of South ; in Surgeon Gen^ eral's office, U. S. A., Sept., 1863. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. A. 13 March, 1865. BvT. Colonel U. S. A. 13 March, 1865. Bvt. Brig. General U. S. A. 13 March, 1865. Med. Dir., Dept. of South. Colonel and Act. Surgeon General U. S. A. 28 July, 1866. Surgeon General U. S. A. 3 July, 1882. Died at Washington, D. C, 10 Oct., 1883. DAVID DANA, M.D. Surgeon 14TH Mass. Vols, (afterward ist Mass. H. A.) 5 July, 1861. Ordered to Washington, D. C, and thence to Fort Albany, Va., where the regt. did garrison duty for nearly two years ; Div. Sur- 234 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1847-48. geon Gen. Whipple's Staff; ordered to the front at Warrenton Junction, where he was made prisoner while attending wounded men ; went to the North on sick leave. Resigned 30 Oct., 1862. GEORGE JEWETT. AssT. Surgeon ioth Mass. Vols. 21 Jan., 1862. On duty near Washington, D. C, and in the Peninsula ; siege of Yorktown, Va. ; in charge Hosp. Transport Arrowsmith ; taken prisoner at battle of Malvern Hill, i July, 1862, while in charge of wounded ; paroled and returned with wounded within Union lines. Surgeon 51ST Mass. V. M. 30 Nov., 1862. Dept. of N. C. ; Post Surgeon Beaufort, S. C. Mustered out 27 July, 1863. * JOSEPH UNDERWOOD, M.D. Volunteered and sent to Army of the Potomac ; prisoner in Seven Days' Battles ; confined at Richmond, Va. ; released and at home on sick leave ; returned to duty and employed in hosps. Resigned. Spent three years in endeavoring to regain his health ; removed to Quincy, Mass., and commenced the practice of his profession. Died at Quincy, Mass., i April, 1881. JABEZ BAXTER UPHAM, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. March, 1862. Resigned April, 1863. 1848. * SAMUEL LEE BIGELOW, M. D. Brigade Surgeon U. S. Vols. 4 April, 1862. Died at Hagerstown, Md., i Nov., 1862. 1848-49-] ^^ THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 235 STEPHEN FULLER ELLIOT, M. D. Surgeon 4th Cal. Vols. 29 Aug., 186 i. Resigned ii March, 1862. Brigade Surgeon U. S. Vols. 21 April, 1862. Battles James Island, S. C. ; Light House Inlet ; Fort Wagner ; in charge gen. hosps. at Legaresville, St. Helena, Fredericksburg, Va., White House, and City Point. Resigned fall of 1864. ALEXANDER REED HOLMES. Surgeon 30 Mass. V. M. 16 April, 1861. Mustered out 22 July, 1861. SUMNER AUGUSTUS PATTEN, M. D. AssT. Surgeon ist Me. Cav. July, 1862. Battles Cedar Mountain, Va., second Bull Run. Mustered out 24 Dec., 1862. THOMAS HAMMOND TALBOT. Lieut. Colonel iSth Me. Vols. 1849. ISAAC FRANCIS GALLOUPE, M. D. Surgeon 17TH Mass. Vols. 21 Aug., 1861. Left the state for Washington, D. C, 23 Aug. ; sent with Bumside's expedition, March, 1862, to Newbern, N. C ; Act. Brig. Surgeon ist Brig, ist Div. 9th A. C, 4 April, 1862 ; Div. Surgeon and Med. Director, Staff of Maj. Gen. J. G. Foster, 2 May, 1862 ; in charge of jails and prisons containing prisoners of war ; present at thirty-one actions in N. C. ; in charge Foster U. S. A. Hosp., New- bern, N. C. ; resignation in Sept. not accepted ; Post Surgeon, 236 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1849-50. Newbern, 10 Oct., 1863 ; battle Bachelor's Creek, where he was taken prisoner ; confined at Kinston, and Richmond, Va. ; ex- changed, I March ; returned to Newbern, N. C, and resumed his duties. Mustered out 10 Aug., 1864. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. JOHN HOWELL MACKIE. Acr. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. 10 May, 1861. In U. S. S. Massachusetts, W. Gulf Blockading Squad. ; in many engagements in Gulf of Mexico ; slightly wounded by shell in en- gagement with rebel Steamer Florida ; Post Surgeon, Ship Island, Miss., while occupied by naval and marine forces. Resigned i March, 1862. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. i April, 1863. In charge of U. S. A. Hosp., New Bedford, Mass. Resigned 24 July, 1865. 1850. * FAYETTE CLAPP. Surgeon Staff of Gen. Fremont, Nov., 1861. Act. Surgeon 5th Ohio Baty. ; Fremont's camp in Mo. ; Regi- mental Surgeon, Dec, 1861; ordered to Jefferson, Mo. ; Fourth Street Hosp., St. Louis. Resigned Oct., 1862. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 29 Nov., 1862. U. S. S. Marmora, Dec, 1862 ; U. S. S. Benton ; blockade at Vicks- burg, Miss. Resigned June, 1864. Died at Lee Centre, III., Sept., 1864. MOSES REUBEN G-REELY, M. D. Asst. Surgeon 3D Minn. Vols. 5 Sefp., 1862. In professional charge batt. 3d Minn. Vols, till 14 Nov., 1862, on 1850-51.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 237 an expedition against the Sioux Indians ; on leave of absence till 10 Jan., 1863; on duty with regt. till 31 July; on conva- lescent camp and Hinman House Hosp., Helena, Ark., till 20 Sept. ; on sick leave till 24 Dec. ; in medical charge of Military Prison at Little Rock to Dec. 27, 1864; expedition against McRea's forces, and at battle of Fitzhugh's Woods ; rejoined regt. 27 Dec. at De Voll's Bluff; in charge of Med. Dept. of Post and Act. Staff Surgeon to Gen. Shaler till 2 Sept., 1865. JOHN EASTMAN SANBORN, M. D. Surgeon 27TH Iowa Vols. 16 Sefi\, 1862. On duty in Minn., and afterward engaged in advances in northern Miss. ; siege of Vicksburg ; battle Little Rock, Ark. ; march under Sherman from Vicksburg, Miss., and Meridian, and back. Brigade Surgeon U. S. Vols. June, 1864. Battles Tupelo Creek, Miss. ; Old Town Creek ; expedition into Miss., Aug. ; on sick leave ; Surgeon in Chief of 2d Div. i6th A. C, 1865 ; battle Blakeley, Ala. Mustered out 8 Aug., 1865. SETH LORING- SPRAGUE, M. D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. April, 1862. In charge of Contraband Hosp., Fort Monroe, Va. ; at Trinity Hosp., Washington, D. C, Oct.-Dec. Resigned 17 Feb., 1863. 1851. GEORGE PIERCE BAKER, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Hosp. at Hampton, Va. 238 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1851-52. ALBEBT HENRY BLANCHARD, M. D. Surgeon 41ST Mass. Vols, (afterward 3D Mass. Cav.) 4 Sept., 1862. Left the state, 4 Nov. ; Post Surgeon camp on Long Island, N. Y. ; left New York, 3 Dec, for New Orleans, La. ; in camp at Baton Rouge ; battle Irish Bend ; attack on Avery Island ; siege of Port Hudson; regt. changed to 3d Mass. Cav., 17 June, 1863 ; on duty at Port Hudson for three months ; on leave of absence for sixty days; returned to his regt., 25 Nov.; ordered to New Orleans, Jan., 1864. Resigned on account of disability 29 Feb., 1864. 1852. JOHN MILLS BROWNE, M. D. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. 26 March, 1853. Surgeon U. S. N. 19 June, 186 i. U. S. S. Kearsarge, on special service, 1862-64 ; in action with Con- federate S. Alabama, June, 1864 ; on temporary duty at Navy Yard at New York, 1865 ; Navy Yard, Mare Island, Cal., 29 April, 1865 ; special duty to superintend building of Naval Hosp. at Mare Island, 29 March, 1869 ; in charge of Naval Hosp. at that place, 1870-71 ; Fleet-Surgeon Pacific Fleet, 29 June, 1871 ; Med. Inspector U. S. N., 8 July, 1872 ; Med. Officer, Navy Yard, Mare Island, 10 Aug., 1873 ; Fleet Surgeon, North Pacific Fleet, 21 July, 1874 ; in charge Naval Hosp., Mare Island, 10 July, 1876; Med. Dir. U. S. N., 6 Oct., 1878; on duty at Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. ; as Pre- sident of Naval Med. Examining Board, 22 July, 1880; member of Board of Visitors at Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., 16 May, 1881 ; in charge Museum of Hygiene, Washington, D. C, 26 Oct., 1882 ; Member National Board of Health, 17 Oct., 1883. * JOSHUA JAMES ELLIS, M. D. AssT. Surgeon 37TH Mass. Vols. 18 Aug., 1862. Served in Va. Resigned 10 March, 1863. Died at Newport, R. L, 17 March, 1863. 1852-53-] I^ THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 239 BENJAMIN MCCLUER, M. D. Surgeon qth Iowa Vols. AssT. Surgeon U. S. Vols. 4 Feb., 1864. Surgeon U. S, Vols. 30 Sept., 1864. Mustered out 27 Feb., 1866. THOMAS FLETCHER OAKES, M. D. AssT. Surgeon ist Mass. Vols. 29 July, 1862. Surgeon 56TH Mass. Vols. 31 July, 1863. Mustered out 12 July, 1865. * ALLSTON WALDO WHITNEY, M. D. Private 2D Batt. Mass. V. M. 19 April, 1861. On duty at Fort Independence, Boston Harbor, Mass. ; appointed Surgeon, 21 April. Surgeon 13TH Mass. Vols. 16 July, 1861. Battles Cedar Mountain, Va. ; second Bull Run ; prisoner, i June, 1863 ; confined at Libby Prison, Richmond, for six months; bat- tles Fredericksburg ; Spottsylvania ; Wilderness ; Todd's Tavern ; Cold Harbor ; Petersburg ; Surgeon of Brigade and Division. Mustered out i Aug., 1864. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Returned to his practice, and so continued until he Died at West Newton, Mass., i i Nov., 1881. 1853. SAMUEL COLEMAN BLAKE, M.D. Surgeon 19TH III. Vols. 5 Aug., 1861. Surgeon 39TH III. Vols. Resigned 3 June, 1862. 240 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1853-54. ALGERNON COOLIDG-E, M. D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A., spring of 1862. Chesapeake Hosp., Md. ; Portsmouth Grove Hosp., R. I. ; Armory Square Hosp., Washington, D. C. * WILLIAM HENRY HEATH, M. D. Asst. Surgeon 2D Mass. Vols. 24 July, 1862. Surgeon 2D Mass. Vols. 24 April, 1863. Died at Chattanooga, Tenn., 23 Aug., 1864. ALFRED AUGUSTUS STOCKER, M. D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. May, 1862. Peninsular campaign; Act. Surgeon 31st Pa. Vols. Discharged Sept., 1862. Surgeon 3D Mass. V. M. 16 Oct., 1862. In service in N. C. Surgeon 5 8th Mass. Vols. 16 Oct., 1863. Left the state April, 1864; battles Wilderness, Va., and before Petersburg. Discharged for DiSABiLrrv i Aug., 1864. 1854. JOHN BLACKMER, M. D. Asst. Surgeon 41ST Mass. Vols, (afterward 30 Mass. Cav.) 4 Sept., 1862. Surgeon 47TH Mass. V. M. 4 Nov., 1862. Battle Fort Fisher, Va., and other actions. Mustered out i Sept., 1863. l854-] ^^' '^^^^ WAR OF 1861-1865. 24I JOHN FREEMAN BUTLER, M. D. AssT. Surgeon 39TH Mass. Vols. 27 May, 1864. In service in Va. ; siege of Petersburg, Va. ; battles Hatclier's Run ; Boydtown Plank-road ; White Oak Road ; Poplar Grove ; Five Forks ; Weldon R. R. ; present at Lee's surrender at Appo- mattox C. H., 9 April, 1865. Mustered out 2 June, 1865. CHARLES MARCELLUS CHANDLER, M. D. AssT. Surgeon 6th Vt. Vols. 10 Oct., 1861. Surgeon 6th Vt. Vols. 29 Oct., 1861. In charge of sick of 6th A. C. at Hagerstown, Md., for four months, fall and winter of 1862 ; Surgeon in Chief 2d Brig. 2d Div. 6th A. C. ; battles of Peninsular campaign ; Lee's Mills, Va. ; Williams- burg ; Chickahominy ; Savage Station ; Seven Days' Battles ; sec- ond Bull Run j Antietam, Md. • Fredericksburg, Va. ; Gettysburg, Pa. Mustered out Oct., 1863. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A., spring of 1864. On transport steamer City of Maine ; Sloan U. S. A. Hospital, St. Albans, Vt. Discharged fall of 1865. * "WILLIAM G-LENN DAVID, M. D. Surgeon 9 6th N. Y. Vols. Died 1877. ELISHA HOPKINS, M. D. Private 4TH Me. Vols. April, 186 i. Hosp. Steward. Asst. Surgeon 4TH Me. Vols. 15 June, 1861. Battle first Bull Run, Va. 16 242 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1854. Mustered out Sept., 1861. AssT. Surgeon 14TH Me. Vols. July, 1862. On duty in La. Surgeon 14 Me. Vols. July, 1864. Battle Baton Rouge, La. ; siege of Port Hudson ; battles Win- chester, Va., Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek. Mustered out 14 Jan., 1865. FRANCIS AUGUSTINE HOWE, M. D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 17 May, 1862. On duty at Wheaton Hosp,, Yorktown, Va. Discharged 17 June, 1862. . "WOODBRIDGE RUGGLES HOWES, M. D. First Lieutenant i8th Mass. Vols. 26 July, 1861. Resigned 3 April, 1862. AssT. Surgeon 3D Mass. V. M. 21 Oct., 1862. Battles Kinston, N. C. ; Whitehall ; Goldsboro. Mustered out 26 June, 1863. * FRANCIS MINOR LINCOLN, M. D. Surgeon Gunboat Pembroke, U. S. N., summer of 1861. Asst. Surgeon 9TH Mass. Vols. 12 Sept., 1861. In service during Peninsular campaign. Surgeon 35TH Mass. Vols. 28 July, 1S62. Battles Seven Days' fight, Va. ; Sharp's Mountain ; Antietam, Md. ; Fredericksburg, Va. ; Brig. Surgeon 2d Brig. 2d Div. 9th A. C. Resigned on account of disability, 10 March, 1863. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 10 March, 1863. In hosp. service at Washington, D. C, and Baltimore, Md., and for l854-] I^ THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 243 a short time with the 4th U. S. Inf. ; also at Richmond, Va., and Petersburg. Discharged i Dec, 1865. Died at Wareham, Mass., 3 May, 1868. EDWARD FERINE MORONG-, M.D. Surgeon 2d Md. Vols. 7 June, 186 i. Surgeon U. S. Vols. 4 Dec, 1863, BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 7 March, 1866. Resigned 13 March, 1866. * GEORGE HENRY OLIVER, M.D. AssT. Surgeon iiSth N. Y. Vols. Brigade Surgeon U. S. Vols. 21 Sept., 1861. Resigned i Jan., 1865. Died at Mesina, N. M., 17 March, 1881. * OLIVER DEAN ROOT, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. Dec, 1861. Served in Gulf Squad, on U. S. S. Estrella, and other vessels. Died at New Orleans, La., 30 Oct., 1863. HORATIO SPRAGUE SOULE. Asst. Surgeon 5 6th Mass. Vols., 30 Nov., 1863. Joined Army of the Potomac ; battles Wilderness, Va. ; Spottsyl- vania ; North Anna ; Totopotomy ; Bethesda Church ; Cold Har- bor ; siege of Petersburg ; battles Weldon R. R. ; Poplar Spring Church ; Hatcher's Run ; Petersburg. Mustered out 12 July, 1865. 244 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1854. HENRY PUTNAM STEARNS. Surgeon ist Conn. Vols. 18 April, 1861. Battle first BuU Run, Va. Brigade Surgeon U. S. Vols. Ordered to report to Gen. Fremont in Mo. ; then to Gen. Grant in command S. W. Dist. of Mo. ; battle Belmont, Mo. ; INIed. Dir. right wing of army under Gen. McClernand ; battles Fort Henry, Tenn. ; Fort Donelson ; Pittsburg Landing ; on sick leave for forty- five days ; on duty in office of Asst. Surgeon General U. S. A. as Insp. of Hosps. at St. Louis, Mo., for some months ; Med. Dir. U. S. Gen. Hosps. northern Div., Army of the Miss., with headquarters at Paducah, Ky. ; engaged in building Holt Gen. Hosp. at Jeffer- sonville, Ind., spring of 1864 ; ordered to Nashville, Tenn., in fall of 1864, as Med. Dir. of U. S. Gen. Hosps. in and about Nash- ville. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 22 Aug., 1865. Resigned 25 Aug., 1865. LINCOLN RIPLEY STONE, M.D. Asst. Surgeon 2D Mass. Vols, i June, 1861. Left the state with regt., and went to Martinsburg, Va. ; detailed for duty at Hagerstown, Md., then in Frederick and Baltimore ; returned to regt. Dec. ; organized Gen. Hosp. at Frederick ; taken prisoner at Winchester, Va., May, 1862 ; rejoined regt. and present in the summer campaigns ; Md. campaign. Surgeon 2d Mass. Vols. 7 Nov., 1862. Surgeon 54TH Mass. Vols. 21 April, 1863. Ser\'ed with regt. in S. C. ; engagement James Island, S. C. ; assault on Fort Wagner. Asst. Surgeon U. S. Vols. 24 Oct., 1863. Assigned to duty Dept. of West Va., 13 Nov. Surgeon U. S. Vols. 4 Dec., 1863. 1854-55-] ^^ THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 245 In charge U. S. A. Gen. Hosp., Gallipolis, Ohio ; hosp. closed, July, 1865 ; in charge post hosp. at Harper's Ferry, Va. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols, i Oct., 1865. Mustered out 13 Oct., 1865. 1855. * DANIEL PARKER GAGE, M. D. AssT. Surgeon 33D Mass. Vols. Jan., 1862. On duty with regt. and in hosp. at Fairfax C. H., Va., and Wind- mill Point. Discharged on account of disability 22 Feb., 1863. Returned, and practised his profession at Lowell, Mass. Died at Lowell, Mass., 31 Jan., 1877, AUGUSTUS CHOATE HAMLIN, M. D. AssT. Surgeon 2D Me. Vols. April, 1861. Battles Blackburn's Ford, Va., first Bull Run, and Yorktown. AssT. Brigade Surgeon U. S. Vols. 2 April, 1862. Ordered to W. Va. ; battles Strasburg, Va. ; Cross Keys ; joined Army of Va. as Surgeon in Chief of Flying Hosp. ; battles Cedar Mountain; Sulphur Springs; second Bull Run; Med. Dir. nth A. C, Sept., 1862 ; Med. Insp. U. S. Vols. 9 Feb., 1863 ; supervis- ing hosps. of D. C. ; ordered to join army under Gen. Gilmore at Charleston, S. C, i July ; assault on Forts Sumter and Wagner ; returned to supervision of hosps. in D. C, autumn of 1863 ; Med. Insp. Dept. of the Southwest, Dec, 1864 ; inspected prison pen at Andersonville, Ga., and prevented its destruction by the Confederates. Mustered out 31 Oct., 1865. SILAS ATHERTON HOLMAN, M.D. Surgeon 7TH Mass. Vols. 15 June, 186 i. Surgeon U. S. Vols. 9 Sept., 1863. 246 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1855-56. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. BvT. CoLOxVEL U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Resigned 10 Jan., 1866. HENRY BOCKWOOD, M. D. AssT. Surgeon 15TH Mass. Vols. 7 Aug., 1862-14 Sept., 1863. 1856. HENRY WHEELOCK BROWN, M.D. Private i6th Mass. Vols. 27 Nov., 1861. AssT. Surgeon 31ST Mass. Vols. 25 July, 1862. Surgeon 76TH U.S. C. T. (4TH Corps d'Afrique), 10 Sept., 1863. Attack on Gunboat Kinsman by Confederate Steamer Cotton at siege of Mobile, La. ; on duty at Marine, St. James, and University Hosps. at New Orleans. Mustered out 31 Dec, 1865. JOHN MARSHALL EATON, M.D. Surgeon 5 5TH U. S. C. T. Dept. of the Tenn. CHARLES WESLEY FILLMORE, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 10 Sept., 1862. On duty at Harevvood Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C. ; Desmarres Eye and Ear Infirmary. Discharged May, 1864. JOSEPH WILCOX HASTINGS, M.D. Asst. Surgeon 2ist Mass. Vols. 9 June, 1862. On duty at Newbern, N. C. ; ordered to Fredericksburg, Va. ; battles Cedar Mountain ; second Bull Run j Chantilly ; taken pris- 1856-57-] /^V THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 247 oner while in cliarge of wounded ; battles South Mountain, Md. ; Antietam ; Fredericksburg, Va. ; ordered to Ky. in spring of i d>6T„ under Gen. Burnside. Surgeon 33D Mass. Vols. 15 May, 1863. Joined his regt. while in line of battle at Gettysburg, Pa. ; sent to the West under Gen. Hooker in the fall; battles Wauhatchie, Tenn., Lookout Mountain, Chattanooga ; march to East Tenn. to relieve Knoxville ; march to Atlanta, Ga. ; operating Surgeon for the Div. ; detailed as Surgeon of Brigade at Headquarters of Gen. Cogswell ; expedition from Atlanta to Savannah and Goldsboro, N. C. ; battle Averysboro ; continued march to Raleigh, Rich- mond, Va., and Washington, D. C. ; took part in Grand Review. Mustered out ii June, 1865. * HENRY MARTYN SAVILLE. Surgeon 4TH Mass. V. M. 16 April, 1861. Mustered out 22 July, 1S61. In practice of medicine in Boston, Mass. ; removed to New York. Died in New York, ii Jan., 1881. FREDERIC AUGUSTUS SAWYER, M.D. Surgeon 520 Mass. V. M. 19 Nov., 1862. Started with the regt. for La. 2 Dec. ; Teche campaign ; battles Indian Ridge, La., and Vermilion Bayou ; siege of Port Hudson ; taken prisoner while in charge of hosp., but rescued soon after. Mustered out 14 Aug., 1863. 1857- GEORG-E HOLMES BIXBY. Act. Asst. Surgeon U.S. N. May, 1S61. In Miss. Squad, in all naval battles from Memphis, Tenn., to Vicks- burg, Miss. ; U. S. Naval Hosp. Ship Red Rover. Resigned 24 Sept., 1865. 248 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1857. * BOWMAN BIGELOW BREED, M.D. Surgeon 8th Mass, V. M. 16 April, 1861. Mustered out i Aug., 1861. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. Vols. 24 March, 1862. On duty at Circle U. S. A. Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C, May- July, 1862; Finley Hosp., Sept.-Oct., 1862. Surgeon U. S. Vols. 4 Oct., 1862. Battles Kinston, N. C, and Goldsboro ; Med. Purveyor Dept. N. C, Oct., 1862-Oct., 1863 ; Med. Dir., Yorktown, Va., Nov., 1863 ; Gratiot Street Prison Hosp., Feb.-July, 1864 ; No. i Hosp., Nash- ville, Tenn., July, 1864-June, 1865 ; battle Nashville. Mustered out 5 Aug., 1865. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 12 Aug., 1865. Resumed practice at Lynn, Mass. ; Superintendent U. S. Military Asylum, Togus, Me., 1866; again practising medicine at Lynn, Jan., 1868; retired from practice, July, 1872; editor "Lynn Reporter." Died at Lynn, Mass., 16 Dec, 1873. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN CAMPBELL, M.D. Aci'. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. May, 1862. Discharged June, 1862. Aci'. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Nov., 1 864. Discharged Jan., 1865. ARTHUR HARRIS COWDREY, M.D. Asst. Surgeon 7TH Mass. Vols. 14 Aug., 1862. Resigned 26 Oct., 1863. Surgeon 37TH U. S. C. T. 26 Oct., 1863. Mustered out 22 June, 1865. Battles Antietam, Md. ; Fredericksburg, Va. ; Gettysburg, Pa. ; Petersburg, Va. ; before Richmond ; Fort Fisher, N. C. ; on duty at hosps. at Old Point Comfort, Va., Small Pox Hosp., Norfolk, and elsewhere. 1857.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 249 THOMAS WALTER LEACH, M.D. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. 29 July, 1858. On Steam Sloop Brooklyn; on Home Squad., 1858-61; Naval Hosp., New York, 1862. Surgeon U. S. N. 22 May, 1862. Steam Sloop Lackawanna, N. A. Blockading Squad., 1863, and W. Gulf Squad., 1864-65 ; battle Mobile Bay. Med. Insp. U. S. N. 5 April, 1875. * WEBSTER LINDSLY, M. D. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 28 May, 1861. In Washington, D. C, till July; took the field with i8th regt. Inf. U. S. A. ; in armies of Rosecranz and Thomas ; battles Shiloh, Tenn., Murfreesboro ; on duty in Ky., Tenn., Ala., and Miss. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 3 Nov., 1S65. In charge of hosps. at Cincinnati, Ohio, Charleston, S. C, Rich- mond, Va., and Washington, D. C. Died at Washington, D. C, 8 Aug., 1866. JOHN HILL MERRILL. Asst. Surgeon ist R. I. Light Art. 25 Aug., 1862. Joined Army of the Potomac at Harper's Ferry, Va. ; Camp Barry (Camp of Art. Instruction), Washington, D. C ; defences of Wash- ington, Feb., 1863. Surgeon ist R. I. Light Art. 6 April, 1863. Surgeon in Chief, Art. Brig. 2d A. C. Resigned 16 April, 1864. * GEORG-E THOMAS PERKINS. HosprrAL Steward 22D Mass, Vols. 24 Sept., 1861. Wounded at battle of Gaines's Mills, Va., 26 June, 1862; pris- oner, 29 June, at Savage's Station; released i Aug. 250 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1857. AssT. Surgeon 22D Mass. Vols. 20 Feb., 1863. Act. Surgeon in Chief, Art. Brig. 5th A. C. AssT. Surgeon 320 Mass. Vols. 17 Oct., 1864. Surgeon 26th Mass. Vols. 21 Dec, 1864. Act. Med. Insp., City of Savannah. Mustered out 25 Sept., 1865. Battles Yorktown, Va., Hanover C. H., Mechanicsville ; Gaines's Mills; Groveton; Fredericksburg; Chancellorsville ; Middleburg; Gettysburg, Pa. ; Rappahannock Station, Va. ; Mine Run ; Wilder- ness ; Laurel Hill ; Spottsylvania ; Jericho Ford ; Little River ; Totopotomy ; Bethesda Church ; Shady Grove Church ; Peters- burg ; siege of Petersburg ; Weldon R. R. ; Cold Harbor. Practised his profession at Newton Lower Falls, Mass., for five years from Dec, 1 865 ; removed to Boston ; went to Europe in 1876, and again in 1877; Asst. Surgeon Baty. B., Mass. Light Art., 29 Aug., 1870; Surgeon ist Mass. V. M. 10 Jan., 1873; discharged, 28 April, 1876; Surgeon 7th Mass. V. M., 28 May, 1877. Died at Boston, Mass., 7 Dec, 1880. FRANCIS PELEG SPRAGUE, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Sept., 1862. On duty at Judiciary Square Hosp. and Desmarres Eye and Ear L:firmary, Washington, D. C. Discharged Feb., 1864. ROBERT FOLGER STRATTON, M.D. AssT. Surgeon iith III. Cay. i Jan., 1862. Surgeon iith III. Cav. 8 Oct., 1862. Served on the Tenn. and Miss. Rivers in Mil. Dists. of Corinth, Miss., Jackson, Memphis, Tenn., and Vicksburg, Miss. ; battle Pitts- burg Landing, Tenn. ; siege of Corinth, Miss. ; luka ; march of Sherman across state of Miss. ; in charge Hosp. No. 2, Vicksburg, 13 Oct., 1864 ; Surgeon in Chief Dist. of Vicksburg, 26 Nov., 1864 ; Surgeon in Chief Dist. of West Tenn., March, 1S65. Mustered out 13 Sept., 1865. 1857-58.] I^ THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 25 1 SAMUEL KNAPP TOWLE. AssT. Surgeon 14TH Mass. Vols, (ist Mass. H. A.) 5 July, 1861. Surgeon 30TH Mass. Vols. 28 Feb., 1862. Took part with regt. on Lower Miss. River ; capture of New Or- leans, La. ; attempt on Vicksburg, Miss. ; battles Baton Rouge, La. ; established Gen. Hosps., Carrollton, and at old U. S. bar- racks below New Orleans ; in charge U. S. A. Gen. Hosp. Baton Rouge, spring of 1863 ; transferred to Gen. Sheridan's command in W. Va., July, 1864 ; in charge field hosp. ist Div. 19th A. C. ; campaign Shenandoah Valley. Mustered out 3 March, 1865. 1858. PALMER COOK COLE, M.D. Surgeon 128TH N. Y. Vols. 2 Aug., 1862. On duty near Baltimore for one month ; sailed for Dept. of the Gulf; Quarantine Surgeon below New Orleans for six months; attack on Port Hudson ; Act. Brigade Surgeon ; Red River cam- paign ; Act. Chief Surgeon 2d Div. 19th A. C. ; battles Pleasant Hills and Sabine Cross Roads ; on sick leave. Resigned Oct., 1864. * "WILLIAM SNOW DYER. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Aug., 1861. Benton Barracks, St. Louis, Mo. ; in charge U. S. A. Gen. Hosp. St. Louis. Discharged, 1864. Died at Chicago, III., 14 Aug., 1882. SAMUEL WILLIAM FLETCHER, M. D. Asst. Surgeon 32D Mass. Vols. 15 Aug., 1863. Battles Rappahannock Station, Va. ; Mine Run ; Wilderness ; Spottsylvania ; North Anna; Totopotomy; Bethesda Church; • 252 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1858-59. Petersburg ; Weldon R. R. ; Dabney's Mills ; Boydtown Road ; White Oak Road. Surgeon 32D Mass. Vols, i June, 1865. Mustered out 29 June, 1865. *JOHN MCLEAN HAYWARD, M. D. AssT. Surgeon i2Th Mass. Vols. 26 June, 1861. Surgeon i2Th Mass. Vols. 29 April, 1862. Resigned 22 April, 1863. Died at Wayland, Mass., 8 March, i886. 1859. * IRA WILSON BRAGG, M. D. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 24 Jan., 1862. Died at New Orleans, La., 21 Oct., 1864. * CHARLES HENRY BURBANK, M. D. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 9 May, 1861. Naval Hosp., Pilot Town, Miss., 1861-62; School Ship Marion, 1863; Steam Sloop Housatonic, 1864. Surgeon U. S. N. 28 Aug., 1864. S. A. Blockading Squad., 1865 ; receiving ship at Portsmouth, N. H., 1866-67; Steam Sloop Kearsarge, Pacific Squad., 1868- 70 ; Navy Yard, Mare Island, Cal., 1871-72 ; on sick leave, 1873- 74; U. S. S. Powhatan, N. A. Station, 1874-77. Died at Portsmouth, N. H., 30 Jan., 1885. GEORGE ANTHONY COLLAMORE, M. D. Surgeon igoth Ohio Vols. 19 Aug., 1862. Raid of Kirby Smith in Ky., fall of 1862 ; stationed at Lexington, Ky., Frankfort, Mount Vernon, and Danville, till Sept., 1863 ; Div. 1859.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1S65. 253 Surgeon, Staff Gen. Cox ; siege of Knoxville, Tenn. ; joined Sher- man's army near Chattanooga, May, 1864 ; ca2:)ture of Atlanta, Ga. ; Operating Surgeon 3d Div. 23d A. C. ; Post Surgeon, Columbia, Tenn. ; battles Franklin and Nashville ; transferred to N. C, Feb., 1865 ; joined Sherman at Goldsboro, N. C. ; surrender of Johnson's army ; Div. Surgeon Staff of Gen. commanding and Med. Dir. of Post. Mustered out 3 July, 1865. CHARLES FREDERIC CREHORE, M. D. Surgeon Mass. Armed Transport Cambridge, 2 May-26 July, 1861. Act. Asst. Surgeon 20th Mass. Vols. 20 Jan., 1862. Peninsular campaign in Va. ; present at all the battles. Surgeon 37TH Mass. Vols. 7 Aug., 1862. Battles Fredericksburg, Va. ; Cedar Creek ; Med. Insp. 6th A. C, II April, 1863; present at all its engagements, including Gettys- burg, Pa.; rejoined his regt. 24 Feb., 1864; in charge ambulance hosp., Shenandoah campaign, July and Aug. ; Surgeon in Chief ist Div. 6th A. C. Resigned i Dec, 1864. STEPHEN FOSS, M. D. * JOSEPH FERDINAND GOULD, M. D. AssT. Surgeon 4TH Mass. V. M. 26 Dec, 1862. Left Boston for Dept. of Gulf, 27 Dec; siege of Port Hudson, La. Mustered out 28 Aug., 1863. Practised medicine in South Boston, Mass. Died at South Boston, Mass., 7 June, 1885. JOHN THEODORE HEARD, M.D. Asst. Surgeon 13TH Mass. Vols. 16 July, 1861. Surgeon U. S. Vols, i May, 1862. 254 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1859. Brigade Surgeon ist Brig. 2d Div. ist A. C. ; Surgeon in Chief 2d Div, ist A. C, 28 Oct., 1862; Med. Dir. ist A. C. ; Surgeon in Chief Art. Reserve, Army of the Potomac ; Med. Dir. 4th A. C, Army of the Cumberland ; battles Cedar Mountain, Va. ; Rappa- hannock Station ; Thoroughfare Gap ; second Bull Run ; South Mountain, Md. ; Antietam ; Fredericksburg, Va. ; Chancellorsville ; Gettysburg, Pa. ; campaign to Atlanta, Ga. ; Columbia ; Spring Hill ; Franklin ; Nashville, Tenn. ; prisoner at Gettysburg, Pa., where he was slightly wounded in the thigh. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Mustered out 23 Oct., 1865. ALFRED FAIRBANKS HOLT. Private 3D Mass. V. M. 17 April, 186 i. In service at Fort Monroe, Va. ; Hosp. Steward ; Asst. Surgeon Eastern Bay State Regt., Nov., 1861 ; not mustered. Asst. Surgeon 30TH Mass. Vols. 20 Feb., 1862. Battle Baton Rouge, La. ; siege of Port Hudson ; battle Carrion Crow Bayou. Surgeon ist Texas Cav. 28 Nov., 1862, Major ist Texas Cav. ii Jan., 1864. Lieut. Colonel ist Texas Cav. 19 May, 1865. Mustered out 28 Nov., 1865. AUGUSTINE ALVAN MANN. Asst. Surgeon ist R. I. Cav. 7 June, 1862. Joined regt. at Manassas Junction, Va. ; on duty in Western Va. ; prisoner at Middleburg, Va. ; confined in Libby Prison, Richmond, till 24 Nov., 1863; rejoined regt., Feb., 1864; on detached duty with 5th Cav. U. S. A., at Brig. Gen. Merritt's Headquarters. Mustered out 18 Nov., 1864. Battles Cedar Mountain, Va. ; Groveton ; second Bull Run ; Chan- tilly ; Middleburg ; Deep Bottom ; Berryville ; Opequan ; Wood- stock ; Cedar Creek. 1859.] IN THE WAR OF 1S61-18G3. 255 JOHN TAYLOR GILMAN NICHOLS, M.D. Act. Asst, Surgeon U. S. A. i June, 1862. Discharged i Nov., 1862. Private i2Th Unait. Co. Mass. V. M. 16 May, 1864. Sergeant ; on duty at Provincetown, Mass. Mustered out 15 Aug., 1864. WILLIAM HENRY PALMER. Surgeon 3D N. Y. Cav. 28 Aug., 1861. On duty with 9th Corps Army of Va and N. C, Army of the James, and Army of the Potomac ; with Gen. Banks in Shenandoah Valley; in service in N. C. and Eastern Va., 1862-63; about Petersburg and on the James River, 1864. Mustered out 27 Aug., 1864. Acr. Staff Surgeon U. S. A. 14 April, 1865. In charge U. S. A. Gen. Hosp. at Richmond, Va. Discharged 27 Aug., 1865. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 9 Sept., 1865. In charge Freedmen's Hosps., Richmond, Gordonsville, Chancel- lorsville. Point of Rocks, Orange C. H., and Culpeper C. H. Discharged 10 Sept., 1866. JOHN LOMBARD ROBINSON, M.D. Asst. Surgeon 8th Mass. V. M. 7 Nov., 1862. With regt. in campaigns and expeditions in N. C, and at Fort Monroe, Va., Baltimore, Md., and Maryland Heights. Mustered out 7 Aug., 1863. Surgeon 8th Mass. V. M. 26 July, 1864. On duty near Baltimore. Mustered out 10 Nov., 1864. 256 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1859-60. HENRY MARTYN WELLS. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. 30 July, 1861. Naval Rendezvous and Hosp., Boston, Mass., 1861 ; Sloop Ports- mouth and St. Tennessee, VV. Gulf Blockading Squad., 1861-63; engagements with Forts Jackson and St. Philip, April, 1862 ; bat- teries Donaldsonville, La., Grand Gulf, Port Hudson, and Vicks- burg, Miss., 1862-63 ; receiving ship and hosp. at Boston, Mass., 1864; Frigate Sabine, 1864; Ironclad Onondaga, N. A. Blockad- ing Squad.; batteries on James River, Va., 1865; Navy Yard, Washington, D. C., and St. Shamokin, Brazil Squad., 1866-68. Surgeon U. S. N. 9 Oct., 1866. Naval Hosp., New York, 1869-70. GEORG-E AUGUSTUS WHEELER. Surgeon. In charge hosp. 9th A. C. Surgeon U. S. Vols. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols, i June, 1865. i85o. GEORGE ADAMS BRIGHT, M. D. Aci\ Assr. Surgeon U. S. N. 16 May, 1861. Served continuously through the war, chiefly on blockading service from Gulf of Mexico to James River ; two attacks on Fort Fisher, N. C. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. Nov., 1867. Surgeon U. S. N. ii Sept., 1874. FRANCIS FREDERIC BROWN. AssT. Surgeon 48TH Mass. V. ]\L 8 Dec, 1862. Served with regt. in La., at Baton Rouge and Port Hudson. Mustered out 3 Sept., 1863. i860.] in the war of 1861-1865. 257 * ALBERT HENRY BRYANT, M. D. AssT. Surgeon 36TH Mass. Vols. 29 Aug., 1862. Surgeon 3 6th Mass. V. M. i May, 1865. Mustered out 8 June, 1865. Died at Natick, Mass., 26 June, 1877. SAMUEL LANE BUTTON, M. D. AssT. Surgeon 14TH Mass. Vols, (ist Mass. H. A.) 11 Aug., 1862. On duty in fortifications near Washington, D. C. ; with art. com- mand at Harper's Ferry, Va,, Aug., 1863 ; in charge of Post Hosp. Fort Woodbury, Nov. Surgeon 40TH Mass. Vols, i March, 1864. Joined regt. in Fla. ; ordered to Fort Monroe, Va., i May ; on duty near Richmond ; battle Drury's Bluff; Surgeon in Chief 3d Brig. 3dDiv. i8th A.C., July. Resigned ii May, 1865. PTOLEMY O'MEARA EDSON. AssT. Surgeon ist Vt. Cav. 5 Nov., 1861. Surgeon 17TH Vt. Vols. 16 March, 1864. Battles Winchester, Va. ; Cedar Mountain ; second Bull Run ; Chantilly ; Gettysburg, Pa, ; Brandy Station, Va. ; Wilderness ; Spottsylvania ; North Anna ; Cold Harbor ; siege of Petersburg ; Poplar Grove Church. Resigned 27 Feb., 1865. JAMES MILTON FLINT, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 14 April, 1862. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. 26 Oct., 1863. Passed Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 13 Dec, 1866. Naval Hosps. New York and Chelsea, 1867-68 ; U. S. S. Franklin, 17 258 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [i860. European Squad., 1868-70; Navy Yard, Boston, Mass., 1870-71 ; U. S. S. Pensacola and Saranac, Pacific Squad. Surgeon U. S. N. 24 June, 1874. Torpedo Station, Newport, R. I., 1874-76; Naval Hosp., Boston, Mass., 1876-77; U. S. S. Enterprise, European Station, 1878-80; Bureau of Med. and Surg., and National Museum, Washington, D. C, 1880-84 ; U. S. Fish Com., St. Albatross, 1885. * JOHN WILSON FOYE, M. D. AssT. Surgeon iith Mass. Vols. 13 June, 1861. Surgeon iith Mass. Vols. 23 April, 1862. Surgeon U. S. Vols. 26 March, 1863. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Resigned 7 Oct., 1865. Died at San Francisco, Cal., i April, 1885. * JOHN EDWARD HILL, M. D. AssT. Surgeon iqth Mass. Vols. 24 July, 1862. Wounded at Centreville, Va., 2 Sept. Died at Georgetown, D. C, ii Sept., 1862, of wounds received AT Centreville, Va. * THOMAS BARNES HITCHCOCK, M.D. D. M. D. 1870. AssT. Surgeon 42D Mass. V. M. 11 Nov., 1862. Attack on Port Hudson, La. Mustered out 20 Aug., 1863. Prof. Dent. Pathol, and Therap., Harv. Univ. ; in practice of den- tistry in Boston, Mass. Died at Newton, Mass., 24 June, 1874. i860.] in the war of lSGl-1865. 259 * DIXI CROSBY HOYT, M. D. AssT. Surgeon 5TH Mass. V. M. 8 Oct., 1862. Mustered out 2 July, 1863. AssT. Surgeon 2D Mass. H. A., 24 Aug., 1863. Post Surgeon, Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, Mass. ; Fort Macon, N. C, and Nevvbern. Died at Newbern, N. C, i Nov., 1864. ADONIRAM B. JUDSON. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. 30 July, 186 i. Passed Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 22 June, 1864. On duty at Washington, D. C. ; on Porter's Fleet of Mortar Schoon- ers ; U. S. S. New Ironsides ; U. S. Monitor Nantucket ; hosp. at Boston, Mass. ; on U. S. Frigate Potomac at Pensacola, Fla., Navy Yard ; on U. S. S. Muscoota and U. S. S. Michigan ; in actions below New Orleans, La. ; at Vicksburg, Miss. ; and off Charles- ton, S. C. Surgeon U. S. N. 26 Dec., 1866. Resigned ii May, 1868. FREDERIC BENJAMIN ADAMS LEWIS, M.D. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 6 Sept., 186 i. U. S. S. St. Louis on coast of Southern Europe and Africa ; U. S. Naval Academy, 10 May, 1864 ; U. S. Monitor Mahopac, 19 July ; actions in James River ; both attacks on Fort Fisher, N. C. ; off Charleston, S. C, — in all of which he acted as signal officer. Resigned 12 June, 1865. JOHN JAY MEIGS, M.D. Asst. Surgeon iith Vt. Vols, ii Aug., 1862. On duty in forts around Washington, D. C. ; regt. changed to H. A. ; sent to the front. May, 1864, in 2d Brig. 2d Div. 6th A. C. Surgeon 30 Vt. Vols, i Oct., 1S64. 26o HARVARD UNIVERSITY [i860. Present at all battles of corps from Spottsylvania, Va., in 1864, to Petersburg ; on the Shenandoah till Dec. ; sent back to Peters- burg, and remained till Lee's surrender at Appomattox; sent to Danville to oppose Johnston. Mustered out 8 July, 1865. GEORGE NELSON MUNSELL, M.D. AssT. Surgeon 35TH Mass. Vols. 31 July, 1862. Battles South Mountain, Md. ; Antietam ; at Cold Spring Hosp. near Antietam ; battle Fredericksburg, Va. Resigned 24 April, 1863. * BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PEIRCE, M.D. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. 5 Oct., 1861. U. S. Receiving Ship Ohio, Boston, Mass., 4 Feb., 1862 ; detached and ordered to duty in West Gulf Block. Squad. 30 April, 1862 ; U. S. Receiving Ship Ohio, Boston, 15 Oct., 1862 ; East Gulf Block. Squad. 11 Dec, 1862; Practice Ship Marion, 2 June, 1863 ; ordered to Miss. Squad. 26 Oct., 1863. Drowned in the Mississippi River, 9 March, 1864. * HENRY SYL VANUS PLYMPTON, M. D. Acr. AssT. Surgeon U. S. A. 29 Sept., 1862. De Camp U. S. A. Gen. Hosp. David's Island, N. Y. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 28 April, 1863. Receiving Ship North Carolina, Brooklyn, N. Y. Died at Cambridge, Mass., 25 Sept., 1863. i860.] in the war of 1861-1865. 26 1 ARTHUR RICKETSON, M. D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 31 July, 1861. U. S. S. Nightingale, on transport service ; as guard-ship at head of the Passes, Mississippi River, and as Ordnance Ship at Pensa- cola, Fla. ; U. S. Sloop Relief. Resigned 9 Dec, 1S63. * JOHN RYAN, M. D. Asst. Surgeon 9TH Mass. Vols. 13 Dec, 1862. Joined regt. at Falmouth, Va. ; battles Fredericksburg ; Chancel- lorsville ; Ellis's Ford ; Brandy Station ; Aldie Gap ; Gettysburg, Pa. ; Wapping Height, Va. ; Culpeper ; Bristoe Station ; Rappahan- nock Station ; Locust Grove ; Mine Run ; Wilderness ; Laurel Hill ; Spottsylvania ; North Anna ; Shady Oak ; Totopotomy ; Bethesda Church ; Cold Harbor. Mustered out 21 June, 1864. Returned to the practice of his profession in Boston, Mass., where he was engaged till the time of his death. . Died at Boston, Mass., 5 Feb., 1878. * MARSHALL EDWIN SIMMONS, M.D. Asst. Surgeon 220 N. Y. Vols. 29 July, 1862. Surgeon 220 N. Y. Vols. 29 Dec, 1862. Battles second Bull Run, Va. ; Antietam, Md. ; Shepherdstown, Va. ; Fredericksburg ; Chancellorsville ; Middleburg ; Gettysburg, Pa. Resigned 27 Aug., 1862. Died at Wareham, Mass., May, 1874. SILAS EMLYN STONE, M.D. • Asst. Surgeon 23D Mass. Vols. 16 Sept., 1861. Burnside expedition ; capture of Roanoke Island, N. C. ; Act. Med. Officer Gunboat Hudson during bombardment ; battle Newbern. Discharged on account of disability, 2 Sept., 1862. 262 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1860-61. * FREDERIC WILLIAM STOWE. Private ist Mass. Vols. 1861. Corporal, May, 186 1 ; first battle Bull Run, Va. Second Lieutenant 14TH Mass. Vols. 18 Feb., 1862. Captain and A. A. G. U. S. Vol^ 27 Jan., 1863. Staff of Brig. Gen. Von Steinwehr, nth A. C. ; battles Chancellors- ville, Va. ; Gettysburg, Pa., where he was wounded ; at home on sick leave ; battle Lookout Mountain, Tenn. ; again on sick leave ; reported to Brig. Gen. Morell, Com. Dept. for Drafted Men, Indi- anapolis, Ind., where he remained till summer of 1864. Resigned Aug., 1864. Private ist Light Baty. 14 Oct., 1864. BvT. Second Lieutenant U. S. Vols. 12 June, 1865. Discharged 14 June, 1865. Died in Californl\. 1861. * G-EORGE JEROME ARNOLD, M.D. Acr. AssT. Surgeon U. S. A. Battles luka. Miss. ; Corinth ; Hatcher's Run, Va. Discharged April, 1863. In practice of medicine in Roxbury, Mass. Died at Old Orchard Beach, Me., 3 Oct., 1883. CHARLES MONRO CARLETON, M.D. Surgeon i8th Conn. Vols. 6 Aug., 1862. Act. Brig. Surgeon 3d Brig., Defences of Baltimore, Md. Resigned on account- of disability 17 April, 1S63. * BENJAMIN TOWER CROCKER, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 22 May, 1862. Mill Creek Hosp. near Fort Monroe, Va., May, 1862 ; Med. Dir. 1 86 1.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1863. ' 263 of Transportation at Fort Monroe till July, 1863 ; Balfour Gen. Hosp., Portsmouth, till July, 1865 ; Gen. Hosp., Hampton, till Jan., 1866 j Post Surgeon, Norfolk. Discharged 20 Aug., 1866. In Boston, Mass., for one year ; druggist at Bridgewater, till he Died at Bridgewater, Mass., 21 March, 1882. JOSEPH WHITNEY GUSHING, M. D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 10 Oct., 1862. On duty at Lovell Gen. Hosp., Portsmouth Grove, R. I. Discharged 10 March, 1865. * HENRY CLAUDIUS DEAN, M. D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. April, 1861. Asst. Surgeon 57TH N.Y. Vols. 20 Feb., 1862. Surgeon 140TH N.Y. Vols. 16 March, 1863. Mustered out 6 June, 1865. Drowned at Algonquin, III., 26 Dec, 1867. THEODORE WILLIS FISHER, M. D. Asst. Surgeon 44TH Mass. V. M. 29 Aug., 1862. Left state with regt. 22 Oct.; Tarboro, N. C., expedition; battles Rawle's Mills ; Kinston ; Whitehall ; on duty at Foster Gen. Hosp., Newbern, Jan., 1863. Surgeon 44TH Mass. V. M. 10 April, 1863. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. "WILLIAM CALDWELL FLOWERS, M.D. Aci-. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 31 Aug., 1863. Lincoln Hosp., Washington, D. C. ; Lovell Gen. Hosp., Portsmouth 264 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1861. Grove, R. I., i Jan., 1864 ; on duty with 4th Cav. U. S. A. in Texas, i Sept., 1866; Monk's Corner, S. C, 30 Jan., 1867; Arsenal, Augusta, Ga., 30 Sept., 1867. Discharged i Oct., 1873. THEODORE SCOTT FLOYD, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. JESSE FRANK FRISBIE, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 28 Nov., 1862. U. S. S. Wyandauk, Potomac Flotilla ; U. S. S. Currituck ; U. S. S. Honduras, 27 Aug., 1863; East Gulf Block. Squad.; captured English Blockade-runner Mail ; sent North on sick leave. Discharged on account of disability 28 Dec, 1863. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 27 March, 1864. Fairfax Seminary Hosp., Va. Discharged 27 June, 1864. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 29 Sept. 1864. Carver Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C, Sept. ; Wisewell Barracks Hosp., Washington, Nov. Discharged 3 Oct., 1865. CHARLES FLOYER POND HILDRETH, M.D. AssT. Surgeon 40TH Mass. Vols. 23 Sept., 1864. Surgeon 40TH Mass. Vols. 19 May, 1865. Mustered out 16 June, 1865. "WILLIAM HENRY WEED HINDS, M.D. Surgeon i2th Mass. Vols. 26 May, 1863. Mustered out 8 July, 1864. l86l.] IN THE WAR OF lSGl-1865. 265 CHARLES THACHER HUBBARD, M.D. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. 28 Oct., 1861. Resigned 5 Sept., 1865. EDWARD R. HUTCHINS. Private ist Mass. Vols. ,2 May, 1861. Med. Cadet U. S. A. 3 Aug., 1861. Discharged 31 Aug., 1862. AssT. Surgeon iith N. H. Vols. 2 Sept., 1862. Battles second Bull Run, Va. ; Fredericksburg. Mustered out 25 Dec, 1862. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. Jan., 1863. Attack on Fort Powell, Mobile Bay, Ala. Resigned i Dec, 1865. ROBERT EDWIN JAMESON. Hosp. Steward iith Mass. Vols. 13 June, 1861. Discharged bv order War Dept. 11 Nov., 1862. Asst. Surgeon 29TH Mass. Vols. 8 May, 1863. Surgeon 29TH Mass. Vols. 27 May, 1865 (not mustered). Battles Yorktown, Va. ; Williamsburg ; Fair Oaks ; Savage's Sta- tion ; Glendale ; Malvern Hill ; Bristoe Station ; second Bull Run ; Chantilly ; Vicksburg, Miss. ; Jackson ; Blue Springs ; Campbell Station j siege of Knoxville, Ky. ; Petersburg, Va. Mustered out as Asst. Surgeon, 30 July, 1865. JOHN H. MCGREGOR. Hosp. Steward 24TH Mass. Vols. 2 Sept., 1861. Asst. Surgeon i2Th Mass. Vols. 15 Aug., 1862. Resigned 2 Sept., 1863. Asst. Surgeon 320 Mass. Vols. 2 March, 1865. Mustered out 29 June, 1865. 266 , HARVARD UNIVERSITY [i86l. FREDERIC WENTWORTH MERCER. AssT. Surgeon 47'rH Mass. V, M. 7 Nov., 1862. Mustered out i Sept., 1863. Surgeon ist Batt. Frontier Cav. (attached to 26th N. Y. Vol. Cav.), Jan., 1865. Mustered out 30 June, 1865. FRANCIS LE BARON MONROE, M. D. AssT. Surgeon ist Light Batv. Mass. V. M. {Cook's Baty.), 18 May, 1 86 1. Mustered out Aug., 1861. AssT. Surgeon ist Mass. Vols. 3 Sepi\, 1861. Surgeon 15TH Mass. Vols. 29 Dec., 1862. Med. Insp. 2d Corps, Army of the Potomac, July, 1863. Mustered out 29 July, 1864. In all engagements of Army of Potomac from first Bull Run to July, 1864. ABIEL WARD NELSON, M. D. AssT. Surgeon ist Mass. Vols. 10 Jan., 1862. Peninsular and Va. campaigns. Resigned 31 July, 1862. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 10 Jan., 1863. Gayoso Hosp., Memphis, Tenn. Discharged Sept., 1863. *JOHN POND ORDWAY, M. D. Surgeon ist Light Baty. Mass. V. M. (Cook's Baty.) 18 May, 1861. Left Boston 21 April, 1861 ; claims to have performed the first surgical operation of the war at Annapolis, Md., 23 April, i86i.-^ 1 On the 15th of April, iS6r, in saluting the flag at Fort Sumter before the evacuation, Private Daniel Hough was killed and three men were wounded by the premature explosion of a gun. 1 86 1.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 267 Mustered out 2 Aug., 1S61. In practice of medicine in Boston, Mass. Died at Boston, Mass., 27 April, 1880. EZRA PRAY. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 21 Oct., 1861. North and South Atlantic, and West Gulf Squad., on U. S. S. Fernandina, Cambridge, State of Georgia, Bainbridge, Wabash, Augusta Dinsmore, and Arkansas. Act. Passed Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 4 Aug., 1865. Discharged 6 March, 1866. * GEORGE THOMPSON SHIPLEY, M.D. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 16 Sept., 1861. Mustered out 7 Nov., 1864. Died at Honolulu, H. L, 7 Dec, 1880. ISAAC SMITH. Asst. Surgeon 26th Mass. Vols. 2 Dec, 1862. Battles Lafourche Crossing, La. ; Vermilion Bayou j Deep Bottom, Va. j Winchester, where he was wounded, 19 Sept., 1864. Mustered out 7 Nov., 1864. * JOHN FLETCHER STEVENSON, M. D. Surgeon 29TH Conn. Vols. 15 Jan., 1864. Said to be the first surgeon who entered Richmond after its sur- render; ordered with regt. to Brownsville, Texas, June, 1865; sent to the North on leave, on account of sickness acquired in the service, and Died at New York, 8 Nov., 1865. 268 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [l86l. VERTULAN RICH STONE. AssT. Surgeon iqth Mass. Vols. 6 Nov., 1862. Resigned ii May, 1863. JAMES FRANCIS SULLIVAN, M. D. AssT. Surgeon qth Mass. Vols. 31 July, 1862. Surgeon qth Mass. Vols. 13 Dec., 1862. Battles Antietara, Md. ; Fredericksburg, Va. ; Chancellorsville ; Wil- derness ; Spottsylvania. Mustered out 21 June, 1864. * ANDREW JACKSON THOMPSON, M. D. Surgeon 8th N. H. Vols, i Aug., 1862. Med. Dir. Gen. Davidson's Staff. Resigned 20 May, 1863. Surgeon 8th N. H. Vols. 5 Sept., 1864. Transferred to Vet. Baty. 2 Jan., 1865. Died at Salem, Mass., April, 1879. WARREN WEBSTER, M.D. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 23 June, i860. Post Surgeon, Fort Larned, Kansas, to Oct., 1861 ; Surgeon in charge Douglas Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C., to Dec, 1862 ; supervised, construction organized, and made Surgeon in charge, St. Aloysius and Stanton Gen. Hosps., Washington ; Med. Insp. Army of the Potomac to May, 1863 ; Act. Med. Purveyor Army of the Potomac ; battle Chancellorsville, Va. BvT. Captain U. S. A. 3 May, 1863. Ordered to New York, May, 1863 ; superintended examination of drafted men to Sept., 1863 ; Surgeon in Chief, McDougall Gen. Hosp., New York Harbor, to Jan., 1864 : Surgeon in charge, De Camp Gen. Hosp., New York, to Sept., 1866. l86l-62.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1S65. 269 BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Surgeon U. S. A. 28 July, 1866. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. A. 28 Sept., 1866. EDWARD ANDEM WHISTON, M.D. AssT. Surgeon i6th Mass. Vols, i Aug., 1861. On duty at Fort Monroe, Va., and in its vicinity till May, 1862; afterward with Army of the Potomac, and present at all principal battles. Surgeon ist Mass. Vols. 5 March, 1863. Mustered out 28 May, 1864. THEORON WOOLYERTON, M.D. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 17 July, 1862. U. S. Flagship Wabash off Port Royal and Charleston, S. C, Oct., 1862, to Dec, 1863 ; Flagship Hartford, in Gulf Squad., March, 1864; Naval Hosp., Boston, Mass., 1864. Passed Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. Aug., 1865. Bureau Med. and Surg. 1866; U. S. S. Monocacy, Asiatic Squad., 1867-69. Surgeon U. S. N. 23 Nov., 1868. U. S. S. Michigan, 1870-71 ; Shenandoah, 1872-73 ; U. S. S. Ohio, 1874-77- 1862. SAMUEL WARREN ABBOTT, M.D. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. n Nov., 186 1. U. S. S. Tioga, N. Atlantic Squad., in James River, Va. ; U. S. Nav. Hosp., Boston, Mass. ; U. S. Ironclad Monitor Catskill, i Jan., 1863, off Charleston, S. C. ; U. S. S. Niagara, Jan., 1864; in naval en- gagements with batteries on James River, and Forts Sumter, Wag- ner, Gregg, and others. Resigned 27 May, 1864. 270 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1862. AssT. Surgeon ist Mass. Cav. 3 Sept., 1864. Battles Belcher's Farm, Va. ; Hatcher's Run ; and other engage- ments of the Army of the Potomac. Surgeon ist Mass. Cav. 2 Nov., 1864. Mustered out 26 June, 1865. WILLIAM LYCURG-US BOND, M.D. AssT. Surgeon 53D Mass. V. M. i Dec., 1862. Battles Bisland, La. ; Port Hudson ; Gen. Hosp. at Alexandria. Mustered out 2 Sept., 1863. DAVID THAYER BUNKER. Private 4TH Batt. Mass. V. M. Captain 33D Mass. Vols. 6 June, 1862. Served with regt. in Va. ; transferred with company to 41st Mass. Vols. Captain 4 ist Mass. Vols, (afterward 3D Mass. Cav.) 31 July, 1862. Attached to Banks's La. expedition; participated in thirty-five engagements. Major 3D Mass. Cav. 7 Aug., 1864. Mustered out 6 June, 1865. JOHN HOWE CLARK, M.D. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. 19 Oct., 1861. Gunboat Scioto, Lower Mississippi, and coast of Texas, 1862-63; passage of Vicksburg, Miss., 1862. Passed Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 24 Jan., 1862. Naval Hosp., New Orleans, La., 1863-64 ; Navy Yard, Ports- mouth, N. H., 1864-65 ; St. Mohongo, Pacific Squad., 1865-67. ■ Surgeon U. S. N. 14 May, 1867. Receiving Ship, Portsmouth, N. H., 1868-69; St. Sloop Alaska, 1870. l862.] IN THE WAR OF 1S61-18G5. 271 AUGUSTUS PECK CLARKE, M.D. AssT. Surgeon 6th N. Y. Cav. 22 Nov., 1861. Peninsular campaign ; taken prisoner at Savage's Station, Va. Surgeon 6th N. Y. Cav. 5 May, 1863. Surgeon in Chief 2d Brig, ist Cav. Div. Army of the Potomac, 22 April, 1864 ; present at seventy engagements. Surgeon 2D N. Y. Provis. Cav. i July, 1865. On duty at Louisville, Ky., 10 July, 1865. Mustered out 4 Oct., 1865, BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 20 Oct., 1865. JOSEPH WALES CLIFT, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 8 July, 1862. Served in 6th Corps in Va., and present at most engagements of corps during his term of service. Discharged 18 Nov., 1864. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 21 Jan., 1865. In charge of Scriven House Hosp., Savannah, Ga., till June 7 ; in charge hosps. at Beaufort, S. C. Discharged 7 Aug., 1865. SAMUEL ALONZO DAVIS, M.D. Asst. Surgeon 30TH Mass. Vols. 13 Aug., 1862. Battle Plain's Store, La. ; siege of Port Hudson ; battles Donald- sonville ; Winchester, Va. ; Fisher's Hill ; Cedar Creek. Surgeon 30TH Mass. Vols. 27 Dec, 1864. Mustered out 5 July, 1866. THOMAS MENZIES DRUMMOND, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 13 Nov., 1862. U. S. S. Bohio and W. G. Anderson ; battle Spanish Fork, Ala. ; capture of Mobile. Act. Passed Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 4 Dec, 1867. Honorably discharged 22 Jan., 1869. 272 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1862. * DANIEL FARRAR, M. D. . AssT. Surgeon 3D N. H. Vols. Aug., 1862. Mustered out May, 1863. Died at Leominster, Mass., 3 June, 1875. WILLIAM LYMAN FAXON, M. D. Asst. Surgeon 4th Mass. V. M. 22 April, 1861. Served with regt. at Fort Monroe, Va., Newport News, and Hampton. Mustered out 22 July, 1861. Asst. Surgeon 320 Mass. Vols. 2 June, 1862. On duty at Washington, D. C, Alexandria and elsewhere in Va. ; battles Fredericksburg ; Chancellorsville ; Gettysburg, Pa. Surgeon 320 Mass. Vols, i June, 1865. Prisoner at batde of Wilderness, Va. ; in charge Hosp. 5th A. C. Mustered out 29 June, 1865. "WILLIAM KELLEY FLETCHER, M. D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. May to June, 1862, and Jan., 1863, to Dec, 1864. * WILLIAM BORROWE GIBSON, M.D. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 24 Jan., 1S62. Naval Hosp., Chelsea, Mass. ; U. S. S. Hartford, W. Gulf Squad. ; Mississippi River ; bombardment Vicksburg, Miss. ; sent to North on sick leave. Died on U. S. S. Connecticut, near Pensacola, Fla., 8 Nov., 1862. * DANIEL FRYE LEAVITT, M. D. Asst. Surgeon 41ST Mass. Vols, (afterward 3D Mass. Cav.) 31 Oct., 1862. Surgeon 30 Mass. Cav. i March, 1864. l862.] IN THE WAR OF 18G1-18G5. 273 Served in Red River campaign under Banks in La., and in Va. under Slieridan. Mustered out 21 July, 1865. Died at New York, 23 June, 1883. "WILLIAM FLETCHER MCNUTT. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 24 Dec, 1862. Mississippi Squad. ; siege of Vicksburg, Miss.; Grand Gulf; Deer Creek ; Red River expedition. Resigned 23 July, 1864. WILLIAM NICHOLS, M. D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 10 April, 1862. Asst, Surgeon 2D Mass. Vols. 5 May, 1863. Surgeon 30 Mass. H. A. 9 Dec, 1864. Mustered out 18 Sept., 1865. JAMES OLIVER, M.D. Asst. Surgeon 2ist Mass. Vols. 31 July, 1862. Joined regt. at Falmoutli, Va. ; Pope's campaign ; second Bull Run, where he was taken prisoner ; battles South Mountain, Md., and Antietam ; Locust Spring Hosp. ; rejoined regt. Feb., 1863 ; hunting guerrillas in Ky., summer of 1863 ; battles Blue Springs, Ky. ; Lenoir Station ; Knoxville, Tenn. Surgeon 2ist Mass. Vols. 26 May, 1864. Battles Wilderness, Va. ; Spottsylvania ; Bethesda Church ; Cold Harbor; siege of Petersburg. Mustered out 30 Aug., 1864. Asst. Surgeon 6ist Mass. Vols. 29 Sept., 1864. Surgeon 6ist Mass. Vols. 18 Oct., 1864. Siege of Richmond. Mustered out 16 July, 1865. 18 2 74 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1862. JANSEN TASMAN PAINE, M. D. AssT. Surgeon 6th Mass. V. M. 15 April, 1861. First battle Bull Run, Va. Mustered out 2 Aug., 1861. AssT. Surgeon 31ST Mass. Vols. 5 May, 1862. Battles Baton Rouge, La.; La Fourche campaign; Teche cam- paign; Port Hudson; Red River campaign; Blakely, Ala. Surgeon 2D La. Vols. 26 Sept., 1862. Asst. Surgeon, ist New Orleans regt., 15 Jan., 1866. Mustered out May, 1866. GEORGE EDWIN PINKHAM. Asst. Surgeon 6th Mass. V. M. 23 Dec., 1862. Battles Deserted House, Va. ; Cassville ; siege of Suffolk. Mustered out 3 June, 1863. Asst. Surgeon 30 Mass. H. A. 6 March, 1865. Brig. Surgeon 2d Brig. 2 2d A. C. Resigned 16 Aug., 1865. AZRO MELVIN PLANT. Asst. Surgeon 14TH Vt. Vols. 29 Jan., 1863. Joined regt. at Fairfax Station, Va. ; Brigade Hosp., Fairfax C. H. ; Emory Hosp., Washington, D. C. Mustered out 30 July, 1863. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Emory and Lincoln Hosps., Washington, D. C, and in defences of Washington. Discharged 17 April, 1864. * JOSEPH BROWN REYNOLDS, M.D. Asst. Surgeon 49TH Mass. V. M. 2 May, 1863. Resigned 16 Sept., 1863. l862.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 275 Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Sept., 1863. Discharged April, 1864. Died at Griggsville, III., 28 Aug., 187 i. EDWARD RUSSELL, M.D. Asst. Surgeon 26th Mass. Vols. 29 July, 1862. Asst. Surgeon 4TH Mass. Cav. 3 Feb., 1864. Mustered out 14 Nov., 1865. * GEORGE FRANCIS SHATTUCK, M. D. Lieutenant 6th Mass V. M. 18 April, 1861. Attacked in passage through Baltimore, Md., 19 April; on duty in Washington, D. C, and Baltimore, Md. Mustered out 2 Aug., 1861. Captain 6th Mass. V. M. 25 Aug., 1862. Left state 9 Sept. for Fort Monroe, Va. ; on duty in Va. Mustered out 8 June, 1863. Captain 6th Mass. V. M. i 7 July, 1864. On duty about Washington, D. C. Mustered out 27 Oct., 1864. Died at Wilcox, Fla., 7 Nov., 1884. ALONZO LAWRENCE STICKNEY, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 27 May, 1864. Douglass Hosp., Washington, D. C. ; with 6th regt. V. R. C. Discharged Aug., 1864. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Sept., 1864. In hosps. in Washington, D. C, and in Va. Discharged Jan., 1866. 276 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1862. * JOSHUA BRACKETT TREADWELL, M. D. AssT. Surgeon 45TH Mass. V. M. 23 Oct., 1862. Mustered out 7 July, 1863. Surgeon 5TH Mass. V. M. 28 July, 1864. Mustered out 16 Nov., 1864. Surgeon 62D Mass. Vols. 28 Fed., 1865. Mustered out 5 May, 1865. AssT. Surgeon 54TH Mass. Vols. 14 June, 1865. Mustered out 20 Aug., 1865. Resumed practice of medicine in Boston. Died at Boston, Mass., 6 May, 1885. CHARLES HENRY WHITE, M. D. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. 26 Dec, 1861. U. S. Naval Hosp., Boston, Mass. ; U. S. S. Huron, S. Atlantic Block. Squad. ; Monitor Lehigh ; Navy Yard, Portsmouth, N. H., June, 1864; Naval Acad., Newport, R. I., Aug.; Ironclad Roa- noke, Oct., on Potomac and James Rivers. Passed Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. Oct., 1865. Surgeon U. S. N. 18 Nov., 1869. SAMUEL CROOK WHITTIER, M. D. Asst. Surgeon iith Mass. Vols. 29 Aug., 1S62. Joined regt. at Alexandria, Va. ; Fairfax Seminary Hosp. ; rejoined regt. at Warrenton Junction ; battle Fredericksburg ; Div. Hosp. for four months ; battle Chancellorsville ; Pennsylvania campaign ; battle Gettysburg, Pa. ; Div. Hosp. Brandy Station, Va., for four months. Surgeon 23D Mass. Vols. 26 May, 1864. With regt. near Petersburg ; Brig. Surgeon ; to Newbem, N. C, 4 Sept.; expedition up the Neuse River, spring of 1865 ; Opera- ting Surgeon in Chief of Div., in charge Leimer Gen. Hosp., Kins- ton ; relieved June. Mustered out 15 June, 1865. 1862-63.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 277 JOSHUA GREEN WILBUR, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. June, 1862. Hosps. in Baltimore, Md. Asst. Surgeon i8th Mass. Vols. 29 Jan., 1863. Army of the Potomac ; battles Chancellorsville, Va. ; Gettysburg, Pa. Resigned on account of disability, 31 Oct., 1863. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Nov., 1863. Hosps. at Baltimore, Md. ; U. S. A. Gen. Hosp., Readville, Mass., June, 1864. Discharged 7 July, 1865. ALBERT WOOD, M.D. Asst. Surgeon 29TH Mass. Vols. 31 July, 1862. Battles second Bull Run, Va. ; Antietam, Md. ; Fredericksburg, Va. Surgeon ist Mass. Cav. 6 July, 1863. Surrender of Vicksburg, Miss. ; battles Jackson ; Mine Run, Va. ; Wilderness ; Cold Harbor ; second Malvern Hill ; around Peters- burg. Resigned i Nov., 1864. Act. Staff Surgeon U. S. A. Cav. Corps. Hosp., City Point. Resigned j; May, 1865. 1863. THOMAS CROZIER, M.D. Act. Med. Cadet U. S. A. Sept. 17, 1862. On duty in Washington and Md. Asst. Surgeon i6th Mass. Vols. 23 April, 1863. Hosp. 2d Div. 3d A. C, Potomac Creek, Va. ; rejoined regt. 18 June ; Corps Hosp., Gettysburg, Pa. ; Div. Hosp., Brandy Station, 278 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1863. spring of 1864 ; battles Gettysburg, Pa. ; Bristoe Station, Va. ; Kel- ley's Ford ; Mine Run ; Wilderness ; Spottsylvania ; North Anna ; Haw's Store ; Cold Harbor ; Petersburg ; Deep Bottom ; Straw- berry Plains ; Petersburg Mine ; Boydtown Road ; Hatcher's Run ; and the battles inunediately preceding Lee's surrender. Transferred to iith Mass. Vols. 12 July, 1864. Mustered out 14 July, 1S65. EDWARD ROWLAND CUTLER, M.D. AssT. Surgeon ist Mass. H. A. 25 Sept., 1863. Surgeon ist Mass. H. A. 5 Dec, 1864. Mustered out 31 July, 1865. LORENZO SMITH FOX, M.D. Asst. Surgeon 26th Mass. Vols. 16 March, 1863. Joined regt. at New Orleans, La. ; battles La Fourche Crossing ; Sabine Cross Roads ; Red River expedition. Resigned ii June, 1864. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 14 July, 1864. Base Hosp. loth A. C. Va. ; battles before Richmond, Va. Discharged June, 1865. * JOHN BROWN GARYIE, M. D. Asst. Surgeon ist Mass. Vols. 7 Aug., 1863. Died at Halifax, N. S., 6 Jan., 1870. JOHN HENRY GILMAN, M.D. Asst. Surgeon ioth Mass. Vols. 18 March, 1863. Battles Chancellorsville, Va. ; Gettysburg, Pa. ; Rappahannock Station, Va. ; Mine Run ; Wilderness; Spottsylvania; North Anna; Cold Harbor ; Petersburg. Mustered out i July, 1864. 1863.] IN THE WAR OF 1S61-1865. 279 Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 27 Aug., 1864. Mt. Pleasant Hosp., Washington, D. C. Discharged i May, 1865. WILLIAM BARROWS GROVER. Hosp. Steward qth Maine Vols. Sept., 1862. Joined regt. at Fernandina, Fla., Nov. ; served with regt. at Hilton Head, S. C. ; in ofifice of Chief Q. M. loth Corps; expeditions against Charleston, S. C, via Morris Island. Med. Cadet U. S. A. Nov., 1863. On duty at Fort Independence, Boston Harbor, Mass., Mass. Gen. Hosp. and Beach Street Barracks, Boston. Discharged Nov., 1864. * NEIL K G-UNN, M. D. Asst. Surgeon ist Mass. Vols. 18 March, 1863. Died at Falmouth, Va., 3 June, 1863. ARTHUR KEMBLE, M. D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. July, 1861. Gunboat Gemsbok ; Surgeon Camp Lander. Resigned spring of 1863. WILLIAM DICKSON KNAPP, M.D. Asst. Surgeon iqth Mass. Vols. 19 March, 1863. Battles second Fredericksburg, Va. ; Gettysburg, Pa. ; Bristoe Station, where he was slightly wounded. 2 Dec, 1863. HORACE SAMUEL LAMSON, M.D. Asst. Surgeon 3D R. I. H. A. 7 April, 1S63. Battle Morris Island, S. C. Mustered out 4 Aug., i 864. 28o HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1863. FREDERIC BARTLETT LAWSON. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 16 Sept., 1862. Resigned 20 Nov., 1865. MURDOCH MACG-REGOR, M.D. Hosp. Steward 24TH Mass. Vols. 2 Sept., 1861. Asst. Surgeon 330 Mass. Vols. 19 March, 1863. Surgeon 2oth Mass. Vols. 16 May, 1865. Mustered out 15 July, 1865. Battles Chancellorsville, Va. ; Beverly Ford ; Gettysburg, Pa. ; Lookout Mountain, Tenn. ; Mission Ridge ; before Atlanta, Ga. ; Sherman's march through Ga. DAVID MACK, M.D. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 26 Oct., 1863. Gunboat Genessee, W. Gulf Block. Squad. ; Naval Hosp., Pensa- cola, Fla. ; Naval Hosp., Boston, Mass. ; U. S. S. Suwanee, Jan., 1865. Passed Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 19 June, 1867. Resigned 12 May, 1870. ALEXANDER SYDNEY MACKENZIE, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 21 Nov., 1863. Naval Hosp., Pensacola, Fla. Honorably discharged 18 Dec, 1866. DANIEL MCLEAN, M.D. Asst. Surgeon 45TH Mass. V. M. 25 March, 1863. Mustered out 7 July, 1863. 1863.] IN THE WAR OF 18G1-1865. 28 1 DANIEL McPHEE, M. D. AssT. Surgeon 44TH Mass. V. M. 26 March, 1863. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. * JOSEPH MASON. Hosp. Steward U. S. N. U. S. S. Euterpe. Act. Med. Cadet U. S. A. Mill Creek Hosp., Va., 1862. Died at Mill Creek near Fort Monroe, Va., 23 Sept., 1862. * ALBERT LESHMAN MITCHELL, M. D. AssT. Surgeon 37TH Mass. Vols. 27 March, 1863. Prisoner. Dec. 26, 1863. In practice in Cape Breton till time of his death. Drowned at Great Strait, C. B., Oct., 1864. EDG-AR PARKER, M.D. AssT. Surgeon 13TH Mass. Vols. 13 March, 1863. Battles second Fredericksburg, Va. ; Chancellorsville ; Gettysburg, Pa., where he was wounded and taken prisoner. Resigned 18 Sept., 1863. JOHN ELEAZER PARSONS, M.D. Asst. Surgeon 28th Mass. Vols. 18 March, 1863. Battles Chancellorsville, Va. ; Gettysburg, Pa. . Discharged for disability 30 July, 1863. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 10 Oct., 1863. Act. Passed Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 24 March, 1866. Resigned 10 Dec, 1866. 282 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1863. GILES MOSELEY PEASE, M.D. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. Dec, 1861. . Gulf Squad. ; capture of New Orleans, La. Appointment revoked 19 Nov., 1862. AssT. Surgeon 54TH Mass. Vols. 20 July, 1863. Served in N. C. ; Act. Brig. Surgeon ; joined regt. at Morris Island, S. C. ; battle Morris Island ; siege of Charleston ; Fla. campaign ; battle Olustee, Fla. Discharged for disability 28 May, 1864. GEORGE BACHELDER PECK, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 13 Aug., 1863. Fort Monroe, Va. ; Yorktown ; Norfolk. Discharged 29 April, 1864. JOHN GARDNER PERRY, M.D. Asst. Surgeon 2oth Mass. Vols. 18 March, 1863. Resigned 10 Aug., 1864. GUSTAVUS PERCIVAL PRATT, M.D. Surgeon 19TH Mass. Vols. 23 Nov., 1863. Mustered out 30 June, 1865. * EUGENE PATTERSON ROBBINS, M. D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 6 March, 1863. Miss. Squad. ; U. S. S. Choctaw ; in battles near Vicksburg, Miss. ; sick in hosp. at Memphis, Tenn. Resigned 23 July, 1S63. Died at Boston, Mass., 27 Nov., 1863. 1863.] IN THE WAR OF lSGl-1865. 283 GEORGE EASTMAN STUBBS, M. D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S, A. 11 May, 1863. Hosp. at Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; Stevenson, Ala., and Chattanooga, Tenn. Asst. Surgeon U. S. Vols. 6 Jan., 1865. Duty at Nashville ; Cumberland Gen. Field Hosp. ; in charge Hosp. No. 2, Nashville. BvT. Captain U. S. Vols. 24 Jan., 1866. Mustered out 24 Jan., 1866. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN STURGIS. Asst. Surgeon iqth Me. Vols. 23 April, 1864. Battles Wilderness, Va. ; Spottsylvania ; North Anna ; Cold Har- bor ; in front of Petersburg ; Weldon R. R. ; Reams's Station. Discharged on account of disability 22 Oci'., 1864. GEORGE CLARK "WEBBER, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. Nov., 1863. U. S. S. Kensington ; U. S. S. Commodore Barney, N. A. Squad. ; Nansemond River, N. C. sounds ; Neuse, Tar, and Roanoke rivers, N. C. ; James, Appomattox, and York rivers, Va. ; Chesapeake Bay and Potomac River. Resigned June, 1865. OLIVER HATCH WEBBER. Second Lieutenant 430 Mass. V. M. 9 Sept., 1862. Battles Kinston, N. C. ; Whitehall ; Goldsboro ; Act. Asst. Surgeon to regt. 3 in charge of transport to Washington. Mustered out 30 July, 1863. ELISHA MANN WHITE. Asst. Surgeon 37TH Mass. Vols. 29 March, 1864. Surgeon 37TH Mass. Vols. 21 Dec, 1864. 284 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1863-64. Transferred to 20th Mass. Vols. 19 June, 1865. Mustered out as supernumerary, 22 June, 1865. * JAMES WIG-HTMAN, M. D. Asst. Surgeon 2D Mass. Vols. 19 March, 1863. Died at Armory Square Hosp., Washington, D. C, 15 June, 1863. ABRAHAM M. WILDER. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. April, 1862. At Corinth, Miss., and Pittsburg Landing, Tenn. Aci'. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. i Oct., 1862. Harewood Hosp., Washington, D. C. Asst. Surgeon U. S. Vols, ii March, 1863. U. S. Gen. Hosp., Madison, Ind. Surgeon U.S. Vols. 29 June, 1S63. In charge of hosp. at Madison ; Chief Surgeon 2d Div. 9th A. C. ; Med. Dir. 9th A. C. ; Med. Insp. of Forces in E. Tenn. ; present at all battles of 9th A. C. ; Med. Dir. 23d A. C. ; siege of Knox- ville, Tenn. ; organized Med. Dept. and Ambulance Corps for Atlanta, Ga., campaign ; organized Med. Dept. of Gen. Stoneman's Cav. Corps ; Med. Insp. Army and Dept. of the Ohio ; Med. Dir. Dept. of the Ohio, winter of 1S64-65 ; ordered to Fort Leaven- worth, Kan., May, 1865. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 15 Aug., 1865. Mustered out Sept., 1865. 1864. CHARLES GILBERT ALLEN, M. D. Private. Battle Bisland, La. ; siege of Port Hudson ; Donaldsonville ; New- market, Va. ; Petersburg ; Asst. Amputating Surgeon 3d Div. 24th A. C, in field hosps. before Petersburg and during Lee's retreat ; in charge of hosps. for Union troops at Harrisburg, while a prisoner.- 1864.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 285 Hosp. Steward 34TH Mass. Vols. 19 Oct., 1863. AssT. Surgeon 34TH Mass. Vols. 12 April, 1864. Mustered out 16 June, 1865. CHARLES BURR BRIDGHAM. Private 2D U. S. Sharpshooters, Nov., 1861. Hosp. Steward ; prisoner at second Bull Run, Va. ; paroled in one week. AssT. Surgeon 54TH Mass. Vols, i May, 1863. Resigned 22 Feb., 1864. Re-commissioned 4 May, 1864. Resigned 16 July, 1864. Battles Falmouth ; Culpeper ; Cedar Mountain ; Rappahannock Station ; Sulphur Springs ; second Bull Run ; Fort Wagner, S. C. ; siege of Charleston ; Florida campaign. WILLIAM ANDREWS BROWNE, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. DANIEL COFFIN BURLEIG-H. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N., 1864. Act. Passed Asst. Surgeon U. S. N., 1866. Resigned. Re- appointed Act. Passed Asst. Surgeon U. S. N., 1879. Retired on account of disability. JAMES MCG-REGOR CAMPBELL, M.D. ELISHA PECKHAM CLARKE. Asst. Surgeon 31ST Mass. Vols. 17 Feb., 1864. Battles Mansfield and Cane River, La. ; Spanish Fort and Blakely, Ala. ; prisoner one month at Alexandria, La. Mustered out 9 Sept., 1865. 286 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1864. BENJAMIN COBURN. THOMAS DAWSON, M. D. AssT. Surgeon 58TH Mass. Vols. 12 April, 1864. Battles Wilderness, Va. ; Spottsylvania ; Bethesda Church ; Peters- burg ; explosion of Mine ; Poplar Grove Church. Mustered out 23 July, 1S65. * HENRY LIVINGSTON BEARING-, M. D. Hosp. Steward 15TH Mass. Vols. 5 Aug., 1861. Discharged 25 May, 1863. Acr. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N., 1863. U. S. S. Genesee. Died at Naval Hosp., Pensacola, Fla., 2 Oct., 1864. * JOHN DOLE, M.D. Med. CadetU. S. a. 1862. Died at sea on the passage to Europe, 20 May, 1872. * JOSEPH RUTTER DRAPER. Med. Cadet U. S. A. i May, 1863. Asst. Surgeon 14TH R. I. Vols, (afterward iith U. S. Colored H. A.) II Dec, 1863. Served in Texas and La. Mustered out 2 Oct., 1865. Returned to the practice of medicine at South Boston, Mass. Died at South Boston, Mass., 5 Aug., 1885. SAMUEL HOLMES DURGIN, M.D. Asst. Surgeon ist Mass. Cav. 8 Aug., 1864. Mustered out 26 June, 1865. 1864.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 287 ALFRED EASTMAN EMERY. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 26 March, 1863. First and second attacks on Fort Fisher, N. C. ; siege of Vicks- burg. Miss. ; hosp. ship Red Rover, Miss. Squad. ; U. S. S. Key- stone State, N. A. Squad. Mustered out 22 Feb., 1865. NORTON FOLSOM, M. D. Med. Cadet U. S. A. 24 Sept., 1861-25 Sept., 1862. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 10 Nov., 1862. Battle Cross Keys, Va. Discharged 24 Nov., 1862. Surgeon 45TH U. S. C. T. 10 April, 1864. Act. Med. Insp. 25th A. C. ; Act. Med. Dir. ; battle Newmarket Heights. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Mustered out 4 Nov., 1865. MICHAEL FREEBERN G-AVIN, M. D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S, N. ii Sept., 1863. Appointment revoked, 17 Sept., 1863. Asst. Surgeon 57TH Mass. Vols. 5 May, 1865. On duty before Petersburg, Va. Mustered out 30 July, 1865. GEORGE FULLER GILL. Hosp. Steward R. I. Vols. 1862. Med. Cadet U. S. A. March, 1863. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. March, 1864. Discharged July, 1865. 288 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1864. JOHN RANDOLPH HAM. AssT. Surgeon 115TH U. S. C. T. Aug., 1864. Ordered to Louisville, Ky. ; Act. Surgeon 114th U. S. C. T. 19 Aug.-io Nov., 1S64; rejoined regt. ; sick in hosp. at Lexington; rejoined regt. 20 Dec, 1864, in Ky. ; Med. Purveyor 25th A. C. 28 March, 1865 ; entered Richmond, Va., 3 April, 1S65 ; ordered to Texas, 16 June, 1865 ; Post Surgeon and Med. Purveyor of Corps. Surgeon 115TH U. S. C. T. 25 Oct., 1865. ]\IUSTERED OUT 1 3 MaRCH, 1 866. G-EORGE HOWARD JONES, M. D. AssT. Surgeon 5TH Mass. V. M. 28 July, 1864. Mustered out 16 Nov., 1864. GEORGE HERMAN LARABEE, M. D. Asst. Surgeon ist Mass. H. A. 19 May, 1864. On duty in Va. Discharged on account of disabiuty 14 March, 1865. LEWIS GOULD LOWE, M. D. Act. Med. Cadet U. S. A. Aug., 1862. Judiciary Square Hosp., Washington, D. C. Discharged Nov., 1862. ♦JOHN JAMES McSHEEHY, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 1864. Died in Boston, Mass., 23 Sept., 1884. HENRY ORLANDO MARCY, M.D. Asst. Surgeon 430 Mass. V. M. 27 April, 1863. Service in N. C. Mustered out 30 July, 1863. 1864.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 289 Surgeon 35TH U. S. C. T. i Oct., 1863. Joined regt. at Folly Island, S. C. ; siege of Charleston ; Fla. expe- dition, Feb., 1864; Brig. Surgeon; battles Olustee, Fla.; Honey Hill, S. C. Resigned 5 June, 1865. * HOWARD MALCOLM RANDLETT, M. D. Hosp. Steward N. Y. AssT. Surgeon N. Y. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 1865. U. S. S. Powhatan, Pacific Squad. ; Naval Hosp., Philadelphia, Pa. Died at Annapolis, Md., 26 May, 1873. NATHANIEL ALDEN ROBBINS, M. D. Hosp. Steward U. S. N. Corporal Salem Cadets. On duty at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, Mass. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. * JEROME ELMER ROBERTS, M. D. Asst. Surgeon 5 6th Mass. Vols. 22 May, 1864. Engaged in seventeen battles. Resigned on account of disability, 22 Sept., 1864. Died 19 Feb., 1865. HIRAM CHANEY VAUGHAN, M. D. Hosp. Steward 14TH Me. Vols. Dec, 1861. Ship Island, Miss., Feb., 1862 ; Post Hosp., Augusta, Me. Captain 24TH Me. Vols. 13 Oct., 1862. On duty in La. Mustered out July, 1863. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 10 March, 1864. 19 290 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1864-65. Duty on the Ohio River and at Boston, Mass. ; U. S. S. South Carolina; Sloop of War St. Louis. Resigned May, 1865. 1865. JOHN HARDY BLODGETT. Private U. S. N. Hosp. Steward. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 10 Sept., 1864. Prisoner at Stanton, Va., and Libby Prison, Richmond. Honorably discharged 5 Sept., 1865. * ETHAN ALLEN PAUL BREWSTER, M. D. Second Lieutenant 8th AL^ss. V. M. 18 May, 1861. Mustered out i Aug., 1861. Captain 23D Mass. Vols. 8 Oct., 1861. Major 230 AUss. Vols. 5 May, 1863. Roanoke Island, N. C. ; Nevvbern; Rawle's Mills ; Kinston ; Golds- boro ; Appomattox, Va. Mustered out 13 Oct., 1864. Practised medicine at Janesville, Wis., and Escanaba, Mich. Died at Escanaba, Mich., 5 April, 1877. FRANK WHITING- BRIGHAM, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 7 May, 1863. Blockading service, N. C. ; Gulf Squad. ; Mobile, Ala. ; Texas. Resigned 20 Jan., 1865. JOSEPH AUGUSTUS BUBIER, M.D. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 24 Jan., 1862. deceiving Ship Ohio, Boston, Mass., 28 March, 1862 ; U. S. Brig 1865.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 29 1 Bainbridge, 14 July, 1862; Gulf Block. Scjuad. U. S. S. Saranac, 20 Feb., 1863, on Pacific coast; U. S. S. Narragansett ; Fleet Sur- geon; Flagship Lancaster, Nov., 1863. Resigned 16 June, 1865. WILLIAM BARRY BUCKLEY, M. D. Med. Cadet U. S. A. Feb., 1863. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Feb., 1865. Discharged May, 1865. FREDERIC NEWTON BURG-ESS, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 4 Feb., 1865. On duty before Richmond, Va. ; Point of Rocks Hosp. Discharged 5 May, 1865. JOHN THOMAS CAMERON, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Feb.-Dec, 1864, Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 4 Feb., 1865. Discharged 8 May, 1865. * WILLIAM HENRY CAMPBELL, M. D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. Nov., 1862. Gunboat Com. McDonough, at Stono Inlet, S. C. Resigned 9 June, 1864. Practising medicine at Roxbury, Mass. Died at Roxbury, Mass., 24 April, 1884. * ISAAC G-RISWOLD COLE, M.D. Private 14TH Inf. U. S. A. 27 Aug., 1861. Hosp. Steward. Discharged 27 Aug., 1864. Died at East St. Johnsbury, Vt., 3 Jan., 1866. 292 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1865. ATWOOD CROSBY. Private 3D Me. Vols. 1861. Prisoner at Bull Run, Va. ; confined at Tuscaloosa, Ala., and Salis- bury, N. C. ; exchanged. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 27 June, 1864. S. A. Block. Squad, off Beaufort, N. C, Appalachicola, Fla., and Tampa Bay. FREDERIC MERRIWEATHER DEARBORN, M.D. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 18 Aug., 1862. Attacks on Fort Fisher, N. C. Surgeon U. S. N. 4 May, 1875. ROBERT DISBROW, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Feb., 1865. Battles Hatcher's Run, Va. ; Petersburg. Discharged Sept., 1865. ALEXANDER FRANK FALCONER, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 4 Feb., 1865. Discharged May, 1865. PETER PAUL GILMARTIN, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 12 June, 1863. Resigned 28 Sept., 1864. RICHARD JAMES PLUMER GOODWIN, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. July, 1862. On duty at Washington, D. C; at St. Louis, Mo., Dec, 1862; Vicksburg, Miss. ; Hosp. Steamers New World and Webster, Mis- 1865.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 293 sissippi River; ordered to Army of the Potomac, May, 1864; Webster U. S. A. Gen. Hosp., Manchester, N. H., 8 Oct., 1864. Discharged 8 June, 1865. CHARLES WILLIAM FREDERICK HAMIL- TON, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon 2d U. S. (colored) Cav. 4 Feb., 1865. Mustered out 3 Sept., 1865. ARTHUR ALMOND HOLMES, M.D. Asst. Surgeon 15TH Me. Vols. May, 1865. Post Hosp., Georgetown, S. C., and Anderson. Mustered out July, 1866. WILLIAM HENRY HULL, M.D. CORNELIUS SAMPSON JACKSON, M.D. Asst. Surgeon 30TH Mass. Vols. 14 April, 1865. Post Hosps. Darlington and Chester, S. C. Mustered out 5 July, 1866. * HENRY JOHNSON, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 26 March, 1862. Resigned 22 April, 1865. Died at New Bedford, Mass., 19 April, 1880. FRANK LAWSON, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Feb., 1865. Discharged March, 1865. 294 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1865. ANDREW MCLAREN, M. D. * GEORGE EDWARD MASON, M. D. AssT. Surgeon ist Mass, H. A. 7 April, 1865. Mustered out 25 Aug., 1865. Died at Providence, R. I., 28 Nov., 1882. GEORGE W MASTERS, M. D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. June, 1862. Honorably discharged 10 Oct., i8'65. GEORGE ALBERT MONRO. DANIEL THURBER NELSON, M. D. Hosp. Transport Service June-Aug., 1861. Act. Med. Cadet U. S. A. 20 Aug., 1862. Mason U. S. A. Gen. Hosp., Boston, Mass. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 20 March, 1865. With Army of the James ; Post Hosp., Richmond, Va. Discharged 20 June, 1865. ALBERT LANE NORRIS, M. D. In service of U. S. San. Com. in 1862, on St. S. R. Spaulding ; Act. Med. Cadet, fall of 1862 ; Satterlee Hosp., West Philadelphia, Pa. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. July, i 864. Service in i8th A. C. ; field hosp. in front of Petersburg, Va. ; Burnside Mine ; detailed for duty with ist N. Y. Mounted Rifles. Discharged Nov., 1864. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 20 March, 1865. 1865.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 295 Assigned to duty at Point of Rocks Hosp., Va. ; ordered to Texas, June, with 25th A. C. ; served in Gulf Dept. AssT. Surgeon 114TH U. S. C. T. Mustered out 8 May, 1S67. RUFINO AG-USTIN OLLOQUI, M. D. AssT. Surgeon 6ist Mass. Vols. 14 Feb., 1865. Mustered out 16 July, 1865. AMASA ELLIOTT PAINE. Private 43D Mass. V. M. 20 Sept., 1862, Assigned to Hosp. Dept. Mustered out 30 July, 1863. Medical Cadet U. S. A. Mt. Pleasant Hosp., Washington, D. C, for fourteen months. AssT. Surgeon 104TH U. S. C. T. 21 Aug., 1865. Mustered out 5 Feb., 1866. JOHN WILLIAM PARSONS, M. D. AssT. Surgeon 24TH Mass. Vols. 8 April, 1865. Joined regt. at Richmond, Va. Mustered out 20 Jan., 1866. * FREDERICK HENRY RICHARD PHILLIPPS, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 10 March, 1865. Gulf Squad. Honorably discharged 27 Aug., 1866. Surgeon Panama R. R. Co.'s Hosp. on the Isthmus till 1876 ; Sur- geon Pacific Mail Steamship Co.'s St. City of Tokio till April, 1879. Died at Dorchester, Mass., 21 Nov., 1879. 296 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1865. ALBERT RAYMOND RICE. AssT. Surgeon 49TH Mass. V. M. 3 Dec, 1862. Mustered out i Sept., 1863. JOHN FRANCIS SAVILLE. AssT. Surgeon 4TH Mass. H. A. 5 Dec, 1864. Resigned 17 June, 1865. BENJAMIN ADDISON SAWYER, M. D. Hosp. Steward 50TH Mass. V. M. ii Nov., 1862. Mustered out 24 Aug., 1863. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 1864. Army of the James for three months. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 1865. Honorably discharged 10 Oct., 1865. HERMAN JOSEPH SMITH. Asst. Surgeon 5TH U. S. C. Cav. 8 Oct., 1864. In service in Ky., Tenn., and Ark. Discharged 16 March, 1866. HENRY HAMILTON SPROAT, M. D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 19 U.S.C.T. I Sept., 1865. JAMES EDWIN WALKER. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 24 June, 1862. Assigned to 5 th Me. Vols, in front of Richmond, Va. ; battles Gaines's Mill ; Charles City Cross Roads ; Crampton's Gap ; South Mountain, Md. Discharged 24 Sept., 1862. l866.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 297 1866. JAMES FORSTER ALLEYNE ADAMS, M. D. Act. Med. Cadet U. S. A. July, 1862. U. S. A. Gen. Hosp., Judiciary Square, Washington, D. C. Med. Cadet U. S. A. 27 Dec, 1862. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 2 Feb., 1864. Navy Yards, Boston, Mass., and Brooklyn, N. Y. ; U. S. Bk. James L. Davis, I April, 1S64; E. Gulf Block. Squad.; capture of Tampa, Fla. Resigned 20 Jan., 1865. GEORG-E OTIS ALLEN, M. D. Med. Cadet U. S. A. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 9 Dec, 1863. Battles of the Red River expedition ; Cane River, Ark. ; Palmetto Point ; Memphis, Tenn., and Vicksburg, Miss. Resigned 21 Oct., 1865. RIO DELOS BARBER, M. D. Private 85TH N. Y. Vols. 24 Sept., 1861. Hosp. Steward ; siege of Yorktown, Va. ; Kinston, N. C. ; White- hall; and Goldsboro. Transferred to 35TH U. S. C. T. i July, 1863. Capture of Forts Wagner, S. C, and Gregg; Seven Days' Fight in Va. ; Olustee, Fla. Mustered out 24 Sept., 1864. THEODORE FRELINGHUYSEN BRECK, M. D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Feb., 1865. Norfolk, Va. Discharged May, 1865. 298 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1866. WINTHROP BUTLER, M. D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 25 April, 1862, Discharged 20 Nov., 1866. MERRITT BATES CAMPBELL, M. D. Med. Cadet U. S. A. Feb., 1S64. Hosps. Readville, Mass., and Manchester, N. H. Discharged 12 Dec, 1865. * JOHN LAING- CLARK, M. D. Surgeon's Steward U. S, N. ii May, 1861. U. S. S. Mississippi; attacks on forts below and above New Orleans, La. Discharged 30 May, 1863. Hosp. Steward U. S. A. 15 June, 1863. U. S. Post Hosp. Clark's Point, New Bedford, Mass. ; Transit Hosp., New York ; U. S. Post Hosp., Santa F^, N. M. Discharged 30 Aug., 1865. Practised medicine in Providence, R. I. ; Steward Mass. Gen. Hosp., Boston, Mass. ; Wardmaster, Boston City Hosp. Died at Boston, Mass., 29 Jan., 1884. STEPHEN GUSHING, M. D. Med. Cadet U. S. A. 28 Nov., 1862. Lovell Gen. Hosp., Portsmouth Grove, R. I. Discharged 31 Oct., 1863. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 16 June, 1864. U. S. S. Sybil, Miss. Squad. ; U. S. S. Cricket, July 25 ; battle Horseshoe Bend, Ark; U. S. S. Gamage, 22 March, 1865. Honorably discharged 9 Oct., 1865. l866.] IN THE WAR OF 1S61-1SG5. 299 JAMES EDWARD DE WOLF, M. D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Dec, 1864. U. S. Gen. Hosp., Savannah, Ga. Discharged 26 April, 1865. CALVIN CURTIS ELLIS. Act. Steward U. S. A. May, 1864. Swan Hosp., Montpelier, Vt. Discharged i May, 1865. CHESTER MANNING FERRIN. Private 8th Vt. Vols. 28 Nov., 1861. Hosp. Steward, Div. Hosp., Sept., 1863, Dept. of the Mississippi; battle Camp Bisland, La. ; siege of Port Hudson ; battles Donald- sonville ; Alexandria ; Red River. Mustered out 22 June, 1864. MARTIN LUTHER GEROULD, M. D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 16 Sept., 1863. Ironclad Eastport, Mississippi Squad. ; Red River expedition ; Hosp. Ship Red Rover. Resigned 9 Oct., 1865. REED BARTLETT GRANGER, M. D. Hosp. Steward 9TH Mass. Vols, ii May, 1861. Ordered to Washington, D. C. ; sick and in hosp. in Washington and at Hall's Hill, Va., 20 July-Sept. ; Act. Surgeon of regt. ; again sick. Discharged 18 Feb., 1862. 300 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1866. In service of San, Com., June, 1862, in transportation of wounded from Peninsular camp. Private 41ST Mass. Vols, i Nov., 1862. Sergeant ; ordered to join Banks's expedition at New York, 4 Nov. ; Brigade Orderly, 14 Nov. ; arrived at New Orleans, La., 15 Dec. ; capture of Baton Rouge ; Chief Clerk to Provost- Marshal till the company rejoined regt., 28 March, 1863; Teche campaign; bat- tle Irish Bend; Clerk to Provost- Marshal at New Iberia 16 April; rejoined regt. 28 May ; siege of Port Hudson ; regt. reorganized as 3d Mass. Cav. 17 June, 1863; ordered on recruiting service at Springfield, Mass., 29 July. Second Lieutenant 3D Mass. Cav. 17 June, 1863. Recruiting in Boston, Barre, and New Bedford, till rejoined regt. 13 Nov.; assigned to command of squad, of Cav., 10 Dec, at Cav. Depot, Dept. of Gulf; rejoined regt. 21 Jan., 1864; Brig. Ordnance Officer, 23 Jan., on Staff of Gen. Dudley; Red River expedition; battles Henderson's Hill, La.; Upper Cane River; River John ; Nachitoches ; White Store ; Pleasant Hills ; and Sabine Cross Roads, in all of which engagements he served as A. D. C. to Brig. Commander. First Lieutenant 3D Mass. Cav. 6 March, 1864. Asst. Prov. Mar., defences of New Orleans ; rejoined regt. 23 July; A. D. C. Staff of Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger ; reported at Fort Gaines, Ala. ; rejoined regt. in Shenandoah Valley, Va., 1 7 Dec. ; regt. ordered to Remount Camp, Pleasant Valley, Md., 25 Dec. ; ordered to front, 28 Feb., 1865 ; Asst. Provost- Marshal General Mid. Mil. Div., 22 March, on Staff of Maj. Gen. Hancock; trans- ferred to Staff of Maj. Gen. Torbert, April; after surrender of Lee engaged in paroling portions of the Confederate Army. Resigned 27 May, 1865. HENRY LOUIS HAMMOND, M. D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. March, 1865. Battle Hatcher's Run., Va. Discharged 5 June, 1865. I866.J IN THE WAR OF 1S61-1865. 30I * MATTHEW THORNTON HOBART, M. D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Jan., 1865. On duty in S. C and Ga. ; took his degree in 1866, and went to Oil City, Pa. ; thence to Cleveland, Ohio, where he lived till 1870. Died at Cobourg, Canada, 21 April, 18 71. RALPH CROSS HUSE, M. D. Private 48TH Mass. V. M. 9 Aug., 1862. Hosp. Steward; Dept. of Gulf; battle Donaldsonville, La. Mustered out 3 Sept., 1863. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Detailed to 3d N. Y. Vols. ; expedition to Fort Fisher, N. C. ; Steamer De Molay; second expedition to Fort Fisher, where his thigh was fractured by the explosion of the magazine. Discharged 31 May, 1865. EDWIN JEREMIAH MORGAN, M. D. Private 15TH N. H. Vols, ii Sept., 1862. Hosp. Steward regimental hosp. in La. Mustered out 13 Aug., 1863. CURTIS EMERSON MUNN, M. D. Hosp. Steward ist Mass. Cav, 21 Dec, 1861. Discharged 10 July, 1863. Asst. Surgeon 27TH Mass. Vols, ii July, 1863. Mustered out 30 Dec, 1864. Surgeon 2D Mass. Vols. 19 Jan., 1865. Mustered out 14 July, 1865. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 16 Nov., 1868. Captain and Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 2 Dec, 1869. 302 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [i866. * WILLIAM FRANCIS MUNROE, M. D. Act. Asst, Surgeon U. S. A. Died at Pepperell, Mass., 17 May, 1875. CHARLES WILMOT OLESON, M. D. Private 5TH Me. Baty., Mounted Art. Hosp. Steward ; battles Nashville, Tenn ; Decatur, Ala. ; Pulaski, Tenn. Aci'. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 6 Nov., 1863. Eckington Gen. Hosp. and Finly Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C. ; Hosp. No. 14, Nashville, Tenn. Discharged June, 1865. EDWARD HENRY PETTENGILL, M. D. Private i6th Vt. Vols. 29 Aug., 1862. Battle Gettysburg, Pa. Mustered out 10 Aug., 1863. JAMES GEORGE PORTEOUS, M. D. Asst. Surgeon ii8th N. Y. Vols. Aug., 1862. Battles South Anna, Va. ; Suffolk ; Swift Creek ; Drury's Bluff; Cold Harbor ; Petersburg ; Second Fair Oaks ; Fort Harrison. Surgeon 4 6th N. Y. Vols, ii Oct., 1864. Mustered out 28 July, 1865. CALVIN PRATT, M. D. Med. Cadet U. S. A. Sept., 1862. Discharged March, 1863. l866.] IN THE WAR OF 1SG1-18G5. 303 HENRY PERKINS SHATTUCK, M.D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 13 Jan., 1865. Hosps. at Savannah, Ga. Discharged May, 1865. EDMUND WILLIS SLAYTON. EBENEZER FARRINGTON SPAULDING-, M.D. AssT. Surgeon 7TH Wis. Vols. 29 April, 1862. Joined regt. at Fredericksburg, Va. ; prisoner at Manassas Junction, 31 Aug.; battles Rappahannock Station; Gaines's Mill; second Bull Run ; South Mountain, Md. ; Antietam ; Chancellorsville, Va. ; Brandy Station ; in charge of Academy Hosp., Frederick, Md., 13 Sept. ; rejoined regt. 18 Nov. ; battle Fredericksburg, Va. ; tem- porarily Act. Surgeon 2d Wis. Vols., and 14th N. Y. S. M. ; battle Gettysburg, Pa. ; Act. Brig. Surgeon. Resigned 10 Oct., 1863. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. i Nov., 1863. Hosp. at York, Pa. Asst. Surgeon 7TH Wis. Vols. 29 March, 1865. Mustered out 3 July, 1865. NATHANIEL GREENE STANTON, M.D. Private ist R. I. Cav. Dec, 1861. Hosp. Steward, 14 Dec, 186 1. Second Lieutenant ist R. I. Cav. First Lieutenant ist R. I. Cav. Asst. Surgeon ist R. I. Cav. 18 Sept., 1862, Battles Cedar Mountain, Va. ; second Bull Run ; Chantilly ; Rap- pahannock Station ; Manassas. Hosp. Steward 2D R. I. Cav. 304 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1866. AssT. Surgeon 2D R. I. Cav. 23 April, 1863. Mustered out 24 Aug., 1863. GEORGE ALBERT STUART, M.D. Private 9TH Mass. Vols. 25 May, 1861. Discharged 20 Aug., 1S61. Private 32D Mass. Vols. 4 Nov., 1861. Hosp. Steward. DisciL'^RGED 21 Dec., 1862. Hosp. Steward 39TH Mass. Vols. 9 March, 1864. Discharged 17 June, 1865. EDWARD LEWIS STURTEVANT, M.D. Private 24TH Me. Vols. Sept., 1862. Dept. of Gulf; siege Port Hudson, La. First Lieutenant 24TH Me. Vols. 13 Oct., 1862. Captain 24TH Me. Vols. 28 Feb., 1863. Mustered out 25 Aug., 1863. WILLIAM CLINTON TRACY, M.D. Private i2Th unatt. Co. Mass. V. M. 16 May, 1864. Mustered out 15 Aug., 1S64. AUGUSTUS CHAPMAN WALKER, M.D. AssT. Surgeon 133D N. Y. Vols. 5 Sepi'., 1862. Dept. of Gulf; siege of Port Hudson, La.; Sabine Pass expedi- tion ; Bayou Teche campaign ; Red River expedition ; joined Army of the Shenandoah 11 July, 1864; battles Snicker's Gap, Va. ; Winchester. Surgeon iSth N. Y. Vol. Cav. 3 Oct., 1864. Mustered out 13 June, 1865. l866.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1SG5. 305 PHILON CURRIER WHIDDEN, M.D. Private 4Th Batt. of Rifles, Mass. V. M. (13TH Mass. Vols.) 29 June, 1861. Severely wounded at Antietam, Md. Transferred to 2d Bati'. Invalid Corps i Oct., 1863. Discharged ii Dec, 1863. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 16 Dec, 1863. U. S. S. J. S. Chambers, E. Gulf Block. Squad. ; U. S. S. Sagamore, I Dec, 1864; U. S. S. VVando, 8 Dec, 1864, S. Atlantic Squad.; occupation of Charleston, S. C. Honorably discharged 9 Oct., 1865, ELI MELLEN WRIG-HT. First Lieltenant 230 Me. Vols. Aug., 1861. Resigned 15 Dec, 1862. Asst. Surgeon ist U. S. C. T. May, 1865. Mustered out March, 1866. HENRY DAVIS WYATT. Private 15TH N. H. Vols. Sept., 1862. Sergeant, Oct., 1862. First Lieutenant 15TH N. H. Vols, 3 Nov., 1862. Port Hudson, La. ; wounded, 27 May, 1863. Mustered out Aug., 1863. Asst. Surgeon ist U. S. Colored Art. 9 Feb., 1865. Greenville, Tenn., and Chattanooga. Mustered out 31 March, i866. ao 306 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1867. 1867. * EDWARD LAWRENCE B ARTEAUX, M. D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. July, 1864. Hosps. at Savannah, Ga. Discharged Oct., 1865. Died at Cambridge, Mass., 25 Feb., 1882. WILLIAM SHAW BOWEN, M. D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 14 Jan., 1865. Honorably discharged 15 Feb., 1866. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 24 June, 1867. Passed Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 17 Feb., 187 i. Resigned 31 Dec, 1873. * GEORGE HENRY BULL, M. D. Prfv'ate 13TH Mass. Vols. 25 July, 186 i. Discharged Nov., 1862. Hosp. Steward U. S. N. ii March, 1863. Gulf Squad. Discharged 6 Aug., 1863. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 16 April, 1865. Resigned 30 June, 1865. Died at Hartford, Conn., Nov., 1870. CHARLES GREENLEAF CARLETON, M.D. Med. Cadet U. S. A. 26 July, 1864. Disch.\rged 9 March, 1865. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 24 March, 1865. Discharged 18 May, 1865. 1867.] IN THE WAR OF 18G1-1865. 307 "WILLIAM JOHNSON CLARKE, M.D. Private Vt. Brigade, spring 1863. Musician Brigade Band. Lieutenant Signal Corps U. S. A. May, 1864. Mustered oui' 31 May, 1865. JAMES HENRY DENNY, M.D. AssT. Surgeon 2D Mass. H. A. 9 Nov., 1863. Resigned 3 Sept., 1865. EDG-AR LEROY DRAPER, M.D. Med. Cadet U. S. A. 10 Dec, 1862. Capitol, Trinity, and Harewood Hosps., Washington, D. C. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 14 April, 1863. Miss. Squad. ; U. S. S. Naumkeag. Resigned July, 1865. AssT. Surgeon 40TH U. S. C. T. 6 Sept., 1865. Stationed in East Tenn. Mustered out 25 April, 1866. LUCIUS FAYETTE CLARK G-ARVIN, M.D. Private 51ST Mass. V. M. 25 Sept., 1862. Mustered out 27 July, 1863. WILLIAM ALLEN HATCH, M.D. Prfvate 3D Me. Vols. April, 186 i. Second Lieutenant 3D Me. Vols. 25 May, 1861. First battle Bull Run, Va. First Lieutenant 3D Me. Vols. 16 Jan., 1862. • 308 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1867. Peninsular campaign. Captain 3D Me, Vols. 27 June, 1862. Battles White Oak Swamp; Malvern Hill; second Bull Run; Chantilly ; Fredericksburg. Major 8oth U. S. C. T. (Ulman's Brig.) March, 1863. Siege of Port Hudson, La. Resigned 14 March, 1865. CHARLES EDWARD HOSMER, M.D. Private ioth R. I. Vols. 26 May, 1862. Service in Va. Mustered out i Sept., 1862. Surgeon's Steward, U. S. N. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. 6 March, 1865. Honorably discharged 13 Oct., 1865. CHARLES MARSH KITTREDG-E, M.D. Orderly Sergeant 13TH N. H. Vols. 1862-63. Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., 13 Dec, 1S62. Second Lieutenant 13TH N. H. Vols. 1863. EDWIN RUFUS LEWIS, M.D. Private 21ST Mass. Vols. 3 Sept., 1862. Sergeant Major ; battles Fredericksburg, Va. ; Knoxville, Tenn. ; Wilderness, Va. ; Spottsylvania ; North Anna; Cold Harbor; Shady Grove ; Petersburg ; Mine Run ; Weldon R. R. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 2ist Mass. Vols. 26 April, 1863. Wounded twice at Petersburg, and once at Knoxville, Tenn. Captain 2ist Mass. Vols. 18 June, 1864. Mustered out 30 Aug., 1864. 1867.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 309 * BENJAMIN HOUSTON MANN, M. D. Private 24TH Mass. Vols. 4 Sept., 1861. Hosp. Steward 13 Aug., 1862; all battles of regt, except New- bern, N. C, and Morris Island, S. C. Mustered out 4 Sept., 1S64. Practised medicine in Roxbury, Mass. Died at Boston, Mass., 26 Oct., 1881. JAMES G-ARDNER MAXFIELD, M.D. BENJAMIN FRANCIS MOULTON, M.D. Act. Assr. Surgeon U. S. A. Sepi'., 1864. Hosps. Point of Rocks, Va., and Petersburg. Discharged Dec, 1865. ABIRAM FRANCIS SQUIRE, M.D. Private 74TH N. G., N. Y., summer of 1863. Service in Pa., Md., and N. Y. JAMES VAUGHAN TABOR, M.D. Private, Maine. Hosp. Steward ; detailed as Clerk to Brig. Commissary 24th A. C. ; battles Hatcher's Run, Va.; Clover Hill; Appomattox. Mustered out 29 May, 1865. * ROBERT WHITE, M. D. Hosp. Steward 42D Mass. V. M. 22 July, 1864. Battles Fisher's Hill, Va. ; Orange ; Alexandria R. R. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Sept., 1864. Discharged Dec, 1865. 3IO HARVARD L'NIVERSITV [1867-68. Practised medicine in Boston, Mass. ; Asst. Surgeon U. S. Marine Hosp. Service. Died at Bedloes Island, New York Harbor, 24 Feb., 1880. REUBEN WILLIS, M.D. Private 25TH Mass. .Vols. Sept., 1861. Attack on Roanoke Island, N. C, and battle of Nevvbem. Mustered out 23 Nov., 1863. i863. FRANCIS WAYLAND ADAMS, M.D. First Lieutenant 51ST Mass. V. M. 20 Oct., 1862. Resigned 25 Jan., 1863. HENRY HARRIS AUBREY BEACH, M.D. Hosp. Steward U. S. A. Aug., 1864. On duty at Readville, Mass. Discharged 15 Sept., 1866. EDWIN HOWARD BRIG-HAM, M.D. Private 4th Batt. Inf. Mass. V. M. i May, 186 i. Private 13TH Mass. Vols. 20 July, 1861. Service in Md. and Va. ; Banks's expedition ; battle Thoroughfare Gap, Va. ; prisoner at second Bull Run, 30 Aug., 1862 ; in Boston, Mass., on sick leave ; detailed as Clerk, Office Med. Dir., Dept. of New England, at Boston. Hosp. Sj'eward U. S. A. 28 Feb., 1864. On duty at Boston. Discharged 24 Feb., 1875. ASHBEL HENRY CRAM. Private Cav. l868.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 311 BENJAMIN EUGENE DONHAM, M. D. Private 2D Me. Vols. 28 May, 1861. Battle first Bull Run, Va. ; siege of Yorktown. Mustered out 9 June, 1863. CHARLES TOTMAN FRINK. Sergeant ist Art. U. S. A. (at opening of war). Stationed at Fort Brown, Texas; on surrender of that post, 9 March, 1861, ordered to Tortugas, Fla. ; to Beaufort, S. C. ; 16 June, 1862 ; New York, May, 1863 ; in hosp., and on leave till Discharged July, 1864. JAMES NATHANIEL GRANGER. First Lieutenant 2D R. I. Vols. 21 Jan., 1865. Campaign near Petersburg, Va. Mustered out 13 July, 1865. GEORGE WASHINGTON HANDY, M. D. Private 220 Iowa Vols. 26 Aug., 1862. Sergeant, 26 Aug. Second Lieutenant 22D Iowa Vols. First Lieutenant 22D Iowa Vols. 28 March, 1864. Battles Port Gibson, Miss. ; Jackson ; Champion Hill ; Black River Bridge ; Vicksburg ; Fort Esperanza ; Atchafalaya, La. ; Peters- burg, Va. ; Winchester ; Fisher's Hill, where he was wounded. Mustered out 25 July, 1865. SANFORD HANSCOM, M. D. First Lieutenant 8th Unat. Co. Me. Vols., 1864. Assigned to nth Me. Vols. ; Adjutant, April, 1S65 ; battles about Petersburg, Va., and Richmond ; surrender of Lee. Mustered out Dec, 1865. 312 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1868. EDWARD BROWN HOLT, M.D. Private 6th Mass. V. M. 31 Aug., 1862. Mustered out 3 June, 1863. Private 6th Mass. V. M. 15 July, 1864. Corporal. Mustered out 27 Oct., 1S64. WALTER MARSH JACKSON, M.D. Second Lieutenant 2D R. I. Cav. it Nov., 1862. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 2D R. L Cav. 4 April, 1863. Teche campaign ; siege of Port Hudson. Mustered out 24 May, 1863. EDWIN DEVEREUX JAQUES. Private 17TH Me. Vols. 18 Aug., 1862. Battle Fredericksburg, Va. Mustered out 10 Feb., 1863. RUFUS PRATT LINCOLN, M.D. Second Lieutenant 37TH Mass. Vols. 27 Aug., 1862. Captain 37TH Mass. Vols. 15 Oct., 1862. Major 37TH Mass. Vols. 27 July, 1864. Lieut. Colonel 37TH Mass. Vols. 4 March, 1865. Colonel 37TH Mass. V015. 19 May, 1865. Transferred to 20th Mass. Vols, as Lieut. Colonel. Mustered out 15 July, 1865. * CHARLES NATHANIEL MILLER, M. D. Private 3D U. S. C. T. July, 1863. Hosp. Steward ; siege of Charleston, S. C ; battle of Olustee, Fla. ; hosps. at Jacksonville and Tallahassee. Mustered out 18 Nov., 1865. Died at Boston, Mass., 16 June, 1878. l868.] IN THE WAR OF 18G1-18G5. 3 1 3 SAMUEL LAWRENCE MOORE, M.D. Private ist Mass. Vols. 23 May, 1861. Battles Blackburn's Ford, Va. ; first Bull Run, where he was wounded. Discharged 25 July, 1S61. Private 47TH Mass. V. M. 9 Oct., 1862. 22 Dec, 1862. * WILLIAM CHAUNCY HALL NEEDHAM. Private 6oth Mass. V. M. 19 July, 1864. Mustered out 30 Nov., 1864. Practised medicine at Gallipolis, Ohio; City Physician, 1878; member of Ohio Senate. Died at Columbus, Ohio, Jan., 1882. HOSEA MASON QUINBY, M.D. Sergeant 27TH Me. Vols. 14 Sept., 1862. Served in Va. Mustered out 17 July, 1863. AUG-USTUS REMICK, M.D. WILLIAM HENDERSON RUDDICK, M.D. Agric. B. 1881. Private 7TH Mass. Baty. 3 May, 1862. Act. Hosp. Steward, June, 1863 ; battles Deserted House, Va. ; Somerton Road ; siege of Suffolk ; Mansura, La. ; Red River Camp ; Spanish Fort, Ala. ; Blakely ; capture of Mobile. Mustered out 3 May, 1865. 314 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1868-69. * ALEXIS JOSEPH SULLIVAN, M.D. Hosp. Steward U. S. A. Battles Bristoe Station, Va. ; Rappahannock Station ; Mine Run ; Wilderness ; Spottsylvania ; North Anna ; Bethesda Church ; Shady- Grove ; Cold Harbor. Surgeon's Steward U. S. N. Miss. Squad. Discharged 21 June, 1864. Died at Fall River, Mass., 6 Dec, 1879. JOHN ORDWAY WEBSTER, M.D. Private 8th Me. Vols. 9 Sept., 1861. Corporal, 31 Jan., 1863; Sergeant, 8 May, 1864; capture of Hil- ton Head, S. C. ; campaign in Fla. ; Bermuda Hundred, Va. ; Dru- ry's Bluff; Cold Harbor; Petersburg ; detailed as Clerk in U. S. A. Hosp., Augusta, Me., fall of 1864. Mustered out 28 Aug., 1865. SAMUEL WORCESTER, M.D. Med. Cadet U. S. A. 27 Feb., 1865. National Hosp., Baltimore, Md. Discharged 31 May, 1865. 1869. ROYAL LOUIS CLEAVES, M.D. Hosp. Steward U. S. A. April, 1863. Battles Fredericksburg, Va. ; Chancellorsville ; Gettysburg, Pa. j Wilderness, Va. ; Spottsylvania ; Laurel Hill ; North Anna ; Peters- burg ; Weldon R. R. ; Hatcher's Run ; Five Forks. Discharged 9 June, 1865. 1869.] . IN THE WAR OF 1861-18G5. 3 1 5 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN CLOUGH, M.D. Surgeon's Steward U. S. N. Aug., 1863. Red River expedition ; Hosp. Ship Red Rover. Discharged 12 Aug., 1865. * CHARLES HIRAM COLG-ROVE. Sergeant. Marine Hosp., New Orleans, La. Mustered out June, 1863. Died 3 Jan., 1866. FRANK WINTHROP DRAPER, M.D. Private 35TH Mass. Vols. 16 Aug., 1862. Detailed for service in med. dept. of regt. ; campaigns in Va. ; Dept. of Ohio ; siege of Vickslnirg, Miss. ; capture of Jackson ; detailed for duty with Army Med. Board at Cincinnati, Ohio, and Post Commandant at Lexington, Ky. Captain 39TH U. S. C. T. 26 March, 1864. Joined 9th A. C, April, 1864 ; campaign of Wilderness, Va. ; Aid to Col. Sigfried, commanding brig. ; actively engaged in actions of campaign ; battle Hatcher's Run; Act. Asst. Adj. Gen. of ist Brig. 3d Div. 2sth A. C. 20 Oct., 1864 ; joined Gen. Terry's army in N. C. Jan., 1865 ; surrender of Johnston. Resigned 23 June, 1865. NATHANIEL BRIGHT EMERSON. Private ist Mass. Vols. 22 May, 1862. Battles Fredericksburg, Va. (wounded) ; Chancellorsville (wounded) ; Gettysburg, Pa. ; Locust Grove, Va. ; Mine Run ; Wilderness ; Spottsylvania. Mustered out 25 May, 1864. • 3l6 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1869. * LEONARD MARSHALL ENDY. Private 15TH N. H. Vols. Aug., 1862. Attack on Port Hudson, La. Mustered out 13 Aug., 1863. Died at Bartleit, N. H., 29 Nov., 1876. * JACOB GILBERT FORMAN. Chaplain 3D Mo. Vols. 17 Sept., 1861. Also Act. Chaplain ist Mo. Cav. and 3d Inf. U. S. A. ; battle Cape Girardeau, Mo. ; hosps. St. Louis, Mo., Cassville, and Helena, Ark. ; Supt. of Refugees at St. Louis, Mo., and Sec. Western San. Com. ; Author of " History of Western Sanitary Commission." Mustered out 31 Nov., 1865. Returned to Mass. Oct., 1S66 ; studied medicine at Harvard Med. School ; accepted call to preach at West Bridgewater, Mass., April, 1867 ; purchased a store in Lynn, 1869, and engaged in the busi- ness of a druggist for remainder of his life. 'at3 Died at Lynn, Mass., 7 Feb., 1885. * BARKER BROOKS KENT, M.D. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. Captain 6oth Mass. V. M. 28 July, 1864. Mustered out 30 Nov., 1864. Studied medicine ; M. D. (Harvard) 1869 ; Assistant at Boston, Mass., Lunatic Hosp. ; House Pupil at Mass. Gen. Hosp. ; studied in Vienna, Austria, for two years ; practised medicine in Boston, Mass. Died at Boston, Mass., 2 Feb., 1873. CHARLES "WILLIAM LYNN. Private Ocr., 1861. Attack on Roanoke Island, N. C. ; battles Newbern ; Kinston ; 1869.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 2>17 Goldsboro; Petersburg, Va. ; hosps, Newbern, N. C, Hammond, Fort Monroe, Va., Point Lookout, Md., Dale, Worcester, Mass. Mustered out Oct., 1864. JOHN HILDRETH McCOLLOM, M.D. Private 30TH Mass. Vols. 5 April, 1862. Ordered to Ship Island, Miss. ; bombardment of the forts below New Orleans, La. ; battle Baton Rouge ; Hosp. Steward, Oct., 1863; siege of Vicksburg, Miss.; Shenandoah Valley, Va., July, 1864 ; battles Winchester ; Cedar Creek. Mustered out April, 1865. HENRY TUCKER MANSFIELD, M.D. Act. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. 13 Aug., 1863. U. S. S. Nipsic, S. A. Squad. Resigned 30 Jan., 1865. * ALGERNON SIDNEY NICHOLS, M.D. Private 1 7TH Mass. Vols. 26 Dec, 1863. Battles Batchelor's Creek, N. C. ; Washington ; Kinston ; Hosp. Steward, 4 March, 1865. Discharged ii July, 1865. Took degree of M. D. Hosp. Steward U. S. A. Ordered to duty at Fort Sumner, N. M., where he served two years ; practised medicine at Hilo, H. I., for six years. Died at Hilo, H. I., 7 Feb., 1877. IRA SINCLAIR SMITH, M.D. Private 7TH Conn. Vols. 6 Aug., 1862. Discharged 26 Feb., 1864. Second Lieutenant 30TH Conn. Vols. 17 March, 1864. Incorporated with 31st U. B.C. T. 18 May, 1864. 3l8 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1869. First Lieutenant 31ST U. S. C. T. Captain 31ST U. S. C. T. i Sept., 1865. Battles Petersburg, Va. ; Mine ; embarked for Texas, 25 May, 1865. Mustered out 7 Nov., 1865. Battles Pocataligo, Va. ; Forts Wagner and Sumter, S. C. ; Wilder- ness, Va. ; Hatcher's Run ; Bermuda Hundred ; Petersburg. *GEORG-E WASHINGTON WARREN. Private iith Batv. Light Art. Mass. Vols. 2 Jan., 1864. Mustered out 29 May, 1863. Died at Brighton, Mass., 3 Sept., 1864. EDWARD NEWTON WHITTIER, M.D. Private ist R. I. Det. Mil. 2 May, 1861. First battle Bull Run, Va. Mustered out 2 Aug., 1861. ■ Private 5TH Me. Baty. 29 Nov., 1861. Sergeant ; battles Cedar Mountain ; Rappahannock Station. Second Lieutenant 5TH Me. Baty. i Sept., 1862. First Lieutenant 5TH Me. Baty. 5 May, 1863. BvT. Captain U. S. Vols. 19 Oct., 1864. Mustered out 25 July, 1865. A. A. A. G. Art. Brig. 6th A. C, June, 1864. Battles Thoroughfare Gap ; second Bull Run ; Fredericksburg ; Chancellorsville ; Gettysburg, Pa. ; Wilderness, Va. ; Spottsylvania C. H. ; Cold Harbor ; Petersburg ; Sheridan's Shenandoah cam- paign ; Winchester (wounded) ; Fisher's Hill ; Cedar Creek. CHARLES ALONZO WILSON, M.D. Private 25TH Mass. Vols. 30 Sept., 1861. Surgeon's Steward U. S. N. 7 June, 1863. U. S. S. Onward. Discharged 30 June, 1865. 1870-71.] IN THE WAR OF 18G1-1865. 319 1870. ROBERT ALLEN BLOOD, M. D. Private iith N. H. Vols Aug., 1862. Service in Va. after Md. campaign ; battle Fredericksburg, Va., where he was wounded; Campbell Hosp., Washington, D. C. Mustered out May, 1863. ISRAEL THORNDIKE HUNT, M. D. Private 2D N. H. Vols. May, 186 i. Detailed for hosp. service at Portsmouth, N. H. ; served in Va. ; first battle Bull Run ; transferred as Hosp. Steward to 4th N. H. Vols., Sept., 1861 ; Sherman's expedition to Hilton Head, S. C ; capture of Fernandina, Fla., and Jacksonville. Mustered out July, 1862. RICHARD D. MCGRAW. Second Lieutenant 5TH N. Y. Vols. 1862-65. FREDERICK HENRY THOMPSON, M.D. lOTH Mass. Vols. Aug., 1862. 1871. AZEL AMES, M.D. Hosp. Steward U. S. A. 15 Sept., 1862. Hosps. Cliffburne, Bridge Street, and Douglass, Washington, D. C. ; Secretary to Med. Insp., and ordered to Dept. of the Gulf, Feb., 1863. Med. Cadet U. S. A. Jan., 1863. Teche, La., and Port Hudson campaigns. 320 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [ 1 871-75. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 2d La. Engineers (96 U. S. C. T.) 13 Aug., 1863. Resigned 10 Nov., 1863. * SHIRLEY HENRY FRANCE, M.D. Private 19TH Pa. Vols. 18 April, 1861. Mustered out 9 Aug., 1S61. Captain Fire Zouave Regt. Pa. Voi^. Died at Quincy, Mass., 14 Aug., 1879. "WILLIAM PELBY JONES, M.D. Private ist Light Baty. (Cook's) Mass. V. M. 19 April, 1861. Mustered out 2 Aug., 1861. 1874. SAMUEL PAGE FOWLER, M.D. Sergeant 8th Mass. V. M. i Oct., 1862. Mustered out 7 Aug., 1863. 1875. • GEORGE EDWARD MECUEN, M.D. Private 4TH Batt. Rifles Mass. V. M. Private 13TH Mass. Vols. 16 July, 1861. In service in Va. \ wounded at Cold Harbor, June, 1864; on sick leave. Mustered out i Aug., 1864. Hosp. Steward U. S. A. 7 Oct., 1864. Discharged 7 Oct., 1870. IN THE WAR OF 18G1-18G5. 321 The names of the following eight men were given to Dr. H. I. Bowditch in 1866 as having been engaged in the service of the United States during the War. They are not found in the Annual Catalogues or in the matriculation books of the Medical School. It is believed, however, that the men were temporarily members of the School, and that they left for the purpose of entering the service before their names were enrolled as actual students. G. D. BASSETT. ORLANDO BROWN. * BENJAMIN FRANKLIN EATON. Died at Hartford, Vt., i March, 1882. * JAMES HARRIS. Died, 1865. HUFF. D. McAllister. M. L. morse. J. W. ONGLE. LAW SCHOOL. 1838. NATHANIEL COLLINS MCLEAN, LL. B. Colonel 75TH Ohio Vols. 18 Sept., 1861. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 29 Nov., 1862. Resigned 20 April, 1865. 1839. * HENRY CHAMPION DEMING, LL. B. Colonel i2TH Conn. Vols. (Charter Oak Regt.) 31 Dec, 1861. Left for Ship Island, Miss., 24 Feb., 1862 ; in New Orleans, La., winter of 1862-63; engaged for greater part of time as mayor of New Orleans. Resigned 31 Jan., 1863. Elected to Congress, 1863 ; Collector Int. Rev., 1869. Died at Hartford, Conn., 9 Oct., 1872. * GEORG-E FOSTER SHEPLEY. Colonel i2Th Me. Vols. 20 Nov., 1861. In command of troops in New Orleans, La., after its capture ; Acting Mayor ; Mil. Governor La. until relieved by the new State Government. Brig. General U. S. Vols. iS July, 1862. 1839-41-] HARVARD UNIVERSITY IN THE WAR. 323 In coriimand Mil. Dist. E. Va. and N. C. ; Chief of Staff to Gen. Weitzel, 25th A. C. ; entered Richmond, Va., April, 1865 ; Mil. Governor. Resigned i July, 1865. Engaged in practice of law in Portland, Me. ; elected to Me. Legislature ; tendered appointment to Supreme Bench of Me., 1866 ; appointed by President Grant Judge U. S. Judicial Circuit Court, embracing Me., N. H., Mass., and R. I., 1869. Died at Portland, Me., 20 July, 1878. 1841. *JOEL WHITE FLETCHER. Second Lieutenant 2ist Mass. Vols. 21 Aug., 1861. Resigned 12 May, 1862. Died at Chicago, III., 15 Feb., 1880. WILLIAM KING- KIMBALL. Lieut. Colonel i2Th Me. Vols. 15 Nov., 1861. Colonel i2TH Me. Vols. 31 July, 1862. Mustered out 7 Dec, 1864. Colonel i2th Me. Vols. 10 March, 1865. BvT. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Mustered out 17 March, 1866. * CHARLES RUSSELL TRAIN. Vol. A. D. C. Staff Brig. Gen. G. H. Gardner ; A. A. G. ; battle Antietam, Md. Resigned. Engaged in the practice of law in Boston, Mass. Died at North Conway, N. H., 29 July, 1885. 324 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1842-45. 1842. * CHARLES JARYIS, LL. B. Captain 9TH Vt. Vols. 9 July, 1862. Service in Va. ; prisoner at the surrender of Harper's Ferry, Va., 15 Sept., 1862; exchanged, March, 1863; guarding Confederate prisoners at Chicago, III. Major 9TH Vt, Vols. 24 May, 1863. Ordered to Newbern, N. C. Killed near Newbern, N. C, i Dec, 1863. 1845. RUTHERFORD BIRCHARD HAYES, LL. B. Major 23D Ohio Vols. 9 June, 1861. On duty defending the railroad in W. Va. and protecting the border from raiders ; Judge Adv. Staff of Gen. Rosecranz. Lieut. Colonel 23D Ohio Vols. 4 Nov., 1861. Wounded at Giles C. H., Va,, 10 May, and South Mountain, Md,, 14 Sept., 1862. Colonel 2 3D Ohio Vols. 15 Oct., 1862. Wounded at Martinsburg, Va., 25 July, and Cedar Creek, 19 Oct,, 1864; Act, Brig. General, 25 Dec, 1862; in charge Kanawha Div, at the capture of Morgan's command on Ohio River ; action at Cloyd's Mountain, Va,, and Va. and Tenn. R, R. ; battle Win- chester ; Fisher's Hill ; Cedar Creek. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 19 Oct., 1864. BvT. Maj. General U. S, Vols, 13 March, 1865. Mustered out 8 June, 1865, Governor of Ohio, 1875-76; President of the U. S., 1876-80. 1846-48.J IN THE WAR OF 1861-1S65. 325 1846. * THORNTON FLEMING BRODHEAD, LL. B. Colonel Pa. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 30 Aug., 1862. Mortally wounded at Bull Run, Va., 30 Aug., 1862. FRANCIS SKINNER FISKE, LL. B. Lieut. Colonel 2d N. H. Vols. 30 April, 1861. Resigned 23 Oct., 1862. 1847. ISRAEL LUDLOW GARRARD, LL. B. A. D. C. Staff of Maj. Gen. McDowell. Colonel 7TH Ohio Cav. 18 Sept., 1862. In active service most of time in command of brigade. Bvr. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 21 June, 1865. Mustered out 4 July, 1865. 1848. * GEORGE DUNCAN WELLS, LL. B. Lieut. Colonel ist Mass. Vols. 22 May, 1861. First battle Bull Run, Va. ; Peninsular campaign. Colonel 34TH Mass. Vols, ii July, 1862. Left state Aug. ; in command Fort Lyon, near Alexandria ; garrison at Washington, D. C. ; in command brigade under Gen. Naglee, July, 1863; drove back Gen. Imboden, Oct.; in com- mand post at Martinsburg, Va. ; battles Newmarket ; Piedmont ; Lynchburg ; Snicker's Ford ; Martinsburg ; Halltown ; Berryville ; Winchester, where he received personal congratulations of Gen. Sheridan on the field ; Fisher's Hill. 326 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1849-51. BvT. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 12 Oct., 1864. Mortally wounded at South Cedar Creek. Died at Strassburg, Va., 13 Oct., 1864. 1849. * WALTER HERBERT JUDSON, LL. B. Second Lieutenant 13TH Mass. Vols. 16 July, 1861. Ordered to Washington, D. C, 30 July ; on patrol and outpost duty ; battles second Bull Run, Va. ; Antietam, Md. ; Fredericks- burg, Va. ; taken prisoner near Culpeper ; supposed to have been killed, and so was dropped from the. rolls ; confined at Richmond. Died at New Haven, Conn., 10 March, 1863. CHARLES BENJAMIN MERRILL, LL. B. Lieut. Colonel 17TH Me. Vols. 18 Aug., 1862. Battles Fredericksburg, Va. ; Cedars, Tenn. ; Chancellorsville, Va., where he was complimented on the field for valuable services ; Gettysburg, Pa. ; Locust Grove, Va. ; in command of regt. most of the time of service. Mustered out Oct., 1864. 1850. WILLIAM MARTIN DICKSON, LL. B. Ohio V. M. 1851. JOHN REDMAN COXE, LL. B. Captain and C. S. LT. S. Vols. 28 Aug., 1862. At headquarters Army of the Potomac, Staffs of Gens. McClellan, Burnside, Hooker, and Meade. Mustered out ii July, 1865. 1851-52.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. '^2'] STEPHEN MOODY CROSBY. Major and Paymaster U. S. A. Nov., 1862. Service in W. Va., Mo., Mich., 111., Texas. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 16 Oct., 1865. Mustered out 15 Jan., 1866. 1852. * HARTMAN KUHN, LL. B. 1ST Philadelphia Cav. April, 1861. Served on Upper Potomac. Mustered out Oct., 1861. Died 1870. EDWARD LILLIE PIERCE, LL. B. Private 30 Mass. V. M. 18 April, 1861. Left Boston, Mass., 18 April, by St. S. R. Spaulding; present at dismantling of Norfolk Navy Yard, Va. ; garrison duty at Fort Monroe and vicinity. Mustered out 22 July, 1861. ADIN BALLOU UNDERWOOD. Cafiain 2D Mass. Vols. 24 May, 1861. Major 330 Mass. Vols, ii July, 1862. Lieut. Colonel 3 30 Mass. Vols. 24 July, 1862. Colonel 33D Mass. Vols. 3 April, 1863 Wounded at Lookout Mountain, Tenn., 29 Oct., 1863. BvT. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 6 Nov., 1863. BvT. Maj. General LT. S. Vols. Aug., 1865. Served in Va., Md., and Tenn. Mustered out i Sept., 1865. 328 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1853-54. 1853- THOMAS MILLER THOMPSON. Captain 14TH 111. Vols., 1861. 1854. * JAMES DEERING FESSENDEN. C.\PTAiN 2D Regt. U. S. Sharpshooters (Colonel Berdan), Nov., 1 86 1. Staff of Maj. Gen. Hunter, Dept. 'of S. C, and commanding first regt. of U. S. C. T. ever organized, May, 1862. Colonel and Add. A. D. C. Staff of Maj. Gen. Hunter, II Sept., 1862-MAY, 1863. Colonel and Add. A. D. C. Staff of Maj. Gen. Hooker, Sept., 1863-JuLY, 1864. In Chattanooga, Tenn., and Atlanta, Ga., campaigns. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 8 Aug., 1864. With Sheridan in Shenandoah Valley, Va., at Cedar Creek, 18 Oct., 1864. BvT. Maj. General U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Resigned 15 Jan., 1866. Died at Portland, Me., 18 Nov., 1882. * WILLIAM FREDERIC GOODWIN, LL. B. First Lieui'enant i6th Inf. U. S. A. 14 ]\Iay, 1861. Wounded at Chickamauga, Ga. Bvi\ Captain U. S. A. 20 Sept., 1863. Captain i6th Inf. U. S. A. 14 May, 1864. Retired on account of disability ii Feb., 1865. Died at Concord, N. H., 12 March, 1872. l854-] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 329 JOSIAH BURNHAM KINSMAN, LL. B. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 24 June, 1862. Add. A. D. C. Mustered out 20 July, 1S66. WYLLYS LYMAN, LL. B. First Lieutenant and Adjutant ioth Vt. Vols. 8 Aug., 1862. Wounded 19 Oct., 1864. Major ioth Vt. Vols. 2 Jan., 1865. Lieut. Colonel ioth Vt. Vols. 15 June, 1865. Mustered out as Major 28 June, 1865. Captain 40TH Inf. U. S. A. 28 July, 1866. BvT. Major U. S. A. 2 March, 1867. Transferred to 25th Inf. U. S. A. 20 April, 1869; transferred to 5th Inf. U. S. A. 15 Dec, 1870. G-EORGE MURRAY McCONNEL. Paymaster U. S. A. 20 April, 1864. In service in the Southwest and at Springfield, 111. Mustered out 31 July, 1865. JOSEPH TUCKER. Private 49TH Mass. V. M. 4 Aug., 1862. First Lieutenant 49TH Mass. V. M. 19 Sept., 1862. A. A. G. Staff of Gen. G. W. Andrews ; A. D. C. Staff of ist Brig., Angler's Div., 19th A. C. ; lost leg at Plain's Store, La. Mustered out i Sept., 1863. Superintendent of recruiting for Berkshire Co., Mass., 25 Nov. 330 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1855. 1855- ABIAL RALPH ABBOTT. Private ist III. Light Art, 1861. Corporal; Sergeant. First Lieutenant (Waterhouse Baty.) ist III. Light Art. Captain ist III. Light Art. * G-EORGE ALBERT GERRISH, LL. B. Captain ist N. H. Baty. 26 Sept., 1861. Gen. Dowell's Div., Army of the Potomac ; Chief of Art. ist Div. ist A. C, spring of 1862 ; battles Thornbury, Va. ; Rappahannock Station ; second Bull Run, where he was taken prisoner and con- veyed to Libby Prison, Richmond ; Fredericksburg, where he was wounded. Resigned on account of disability 8 March, 1863. Never able to resume his profession ; attack of paralysis, autumn of 1865, and again in March, 1866. Died at Chelsea, Mass., i Sept., 1866. JOHN LATHROP, LL. B. First Lieui'enant 35TH Mass. Vols. 13 Aug., 1862. Captain 35TH Mass. Vols. 27 Aug., 1862. Battles South Mountain, Md. ; Antietam ; Fredericksburg, Va. Resigned on account of disability 13 Nov., 1863. * WILLIAM GOUVERNEUR MORRIS, LL. B. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 2D Cal. Cav. 2 Oct., 1861. Captain and Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Vols. 27 June, 1862. In practice of the law in Cal. ; U. S. Marshal ; special agent of the Treasury Department at Sitka, Alaska ; Collector of Customs. Died at Sitka, Alaska, 31 Jan., 1884. 1 855. J IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 331 JAMES PRENTISS RICHARDSON, LL. B. Captain 3D Mass. V. M. 23 April, 1861. Mustered out 22 July, 1861. Capi'ain 38TH Mass. Vols. 12 Aug., 1862. Major 3 8th Mass. Vols. 4 Dec, 1862. Lieut. Colonel 3 8th Mass. Vols. 16 July, 1863. Wounded at Opequan Creek, Va,, 19 Sept., 1864. Mustered out 30 June, 1865. WILLIAM STEELE SHURTLEFF. Private 46TH Mass. V. M. Aug., 1862. First Lieutenant 46TH Mass. V. M. 26 Sept.,. 1862. Lieut. Colonel 46TH Mass. V. M. 30 Oct., 1862. Colonel 46TH Mass. V. M. 5 Feb., 1863. In service in N. C, Va., and Md. ; battles Whitehall, N. C. ; Kins- ton; Goldsboro ; Newbern; siege of Washington ; Plymouth. Mustered out 28 July, 1863. * GEORG-E HENRY WOODS, LL. B. First Lieutenant ist Minn. Vols. 29 April, 1861. Chief Quartermaster Corps of Observation. Captain and C. S. U. S. Vols. 16 Nov., 1861. Richardson's Div., 2d A. C, April, 1862 ; Chief C. S. 2d A. C. Lieut. Colonel and Chief C. S. 30 A. C. i Jan., 1863. Chief C. S. Cav. Corps (Sheridan's), 28 March, 1864; severely wounded near Williamsburgh, Va. ; Staff Gens. Gorman, Sedge- wick, French, Sickles, and Sheridan ; President of Mil. Board for examination of commissioned officers, Washington, D. C. Mustered out ii June, 1865. Died at Decatur, III., 30 Sept., 1884. " 332 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1856. 1856. *RUFUS CHOATE. Second Lieutenant 2D Mass. Vols. 28 May, 1861. Battles Jackson, Miss. ; Front Royal, Va. ; Winchester ; Cedar Mountain ; Antietam, Md. Captain 2D Mass. Vols. 17 Sept., 1S62. Resigned 31 Oct., 1862. Died at Dorchester, Mass., 15 Jan., 1866. GEORGE HENRY GORDON. Colonel 20 Mass. Vols. 24 May, 1861. On Upper Potomac, Va., July-Dec, 1861 ; Frederic, Md., Jan.- March, 1S62 ; operations in Shenandoah Valley, Va., under Banks, March-June. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 9 Jijne, 1862. Battle Winchester; N. Va. campaign, June-Sept., 1S62 ; battles Cedar Mountain; Chantilly ; Md. campaign, Sept., 1S62 ; battles South Mountain, Md., and Antietam ; guarding Upper Potomac at Harper's Ferry, Va., Sept.-Dec, 1862 ; defence of Suffolk, May, 1863; expedition toward Richmond, June, 1863; in several skir- mishes; operations about Charleston Harbor, S. C, Aug., 1863- Aug., 1864 ; in command of Fla., May, 1864 ; guarding and keep- ing open communications by White River, Ark., with Little Rock, July, 1864; operations against Mobile, Ala., Aug., 1864; Dept. of Va., Nov., 1864-June, 1S65. BvT. Maj. General U. S. Vols. 9 April, 1865. In command E. Dist., Va., March- 10 June, 1865. Honorably mustered out 24 Aug., 1865. Author " History of the Campaigns of the Army under Pope from Cedar Mountain to Alexandria," Boston, 1880; "A War Diary of Events in the History of the Great Rebellion," Boston, 1882; "Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, 1861-62," Boston, 1883. 1856-57.] IN THE WAR OF 1SG1-1S65. 333 EGBERT OSWELL HILL, LL. B. Captain 31ST Mo. Vols. 5 Sept., 1862. Wounded at Chickasaw Bayou, Miss., 28 Dec, 1862 ; and again near Vicksburg. Resigned March, 1864. FRANK GARDNER NOYES, LL. B. A. D. C. Staff of Gov. of Iowa, 1861. Captain and C. S. U. S. Vols. 1862. On duty with 13th Div., Army of Tenn. ; siege of Vicksburg, Miss. ; served at Memphis, Tenn. ; Helena ; New Orleans, La. ; Bayou Teche; Red River; Mobile, Ala. Lieut. Colonel and C. S. U. S. Vols. Chief C. A. Dept., Texas. Mustered out Nov., 1865. 1857. GEORGE SHERMAN BATCHELLER, LL. B. Colonel N. Y. * CHARLES PELEG CHANDLER, LL. B. Major ist Mass. Vols. 22 May, 1861. First battle Bull Run, Va., and all engagements of Peninsular campaign. Killed at Glendale, Va., 30 June, 1862. LUCIEN EATON, LL. B. Private 30 U. S. Reserve Corps 8 May, 1861. Sergeant ; capture of Camp Jackson, St. Louis, Mo. Mustered out 18 Aug., 1861. Captain 23D Mo. Vols. 2 July, 1863. 334 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1857-58. Judge Advocate Staff of Gen. Strong. Major and Judge Advocate U. S. Vols. 6 July, 1864. Dept. of the Missouri. Mustered out 17 Aug., 1865. JOHN WHITTIER ELA. Captain i5rH N. H. Vols, i Sept., 1862. In camp at Concord, N. H. till Oct. ; went to New Orleans, La., Nov. ; on duty in and about New Orleans ; siege of Port Hudson. Mustered out Sept., 1863. * JOSIAH GORDON WOODBURY. Act. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. Dec, 1862. Ordered to U. S. S. Catskill, Feb., 1863 ; served in S. A. squad. Killed on board U. S. S. Catskill in the aitack on Forts Wagner and Sumter, S. C, 17 Aug., 1863. 1858. * NELSON BARTHOLOMEW. First Lieutenant 15TH Mass. Vols, i Aug., 1861. Battle Ball's Bluff, Va. Died at Philadelphia, Pa., 21 Nov., 1861. HENRY NICHOLS BLAKE, LL. B. Sergeant iith Mass. Vols. 13 June, 1861. Wounded at first Bull Run, Va., 21 July, 1861 ; siege of Yorktown and Richmond. Second Lieutenant iith Mass. Vols. 4 May, 1862. Battles Fair Oaks; Savage's Station; Glendale ; Malvern Hill; Bristoe Station; second Bull Run; Chantilly; Fredericksburg; 1858.] IN THE WAR OF 1S61-1S65. 335 Chancellorsville ; Gettysburg, Pa. ; Wilderness, Ya. ; Spottsylvania, where he was wounded. First Lieutenant iith Mass. Vols, ii Sept., 1862. Captain iith Mass. Vols. 26 April, 1864 (not mustered). Mustered out as First Lieutenant 24 June, 1864. NATHANIEL WILLIS BUMSTEAD. Captain 45TH Mass. V. M. 5 Sept., 1862. Battles Kinston, N. C, and Whitehall. Mustered out 17 July, 1863. FREDERIC COCHRANE. Second Lieutenant 59TH Mass. Vols, ii Sept., 1863. Captain 59TH Mass. Vols. 20 April, 1864. Transferred to S7th Mass. Vols. Mustered out 30 July, 1865. * ARIAL IVERS CUMMINGS, LL. B. Surgeon 42D Mass. V. M. ii Nov., 1862. Died in Confederate prison at Hempstead, Texas, 9 Sept., 1863. JAMES MARSH ELLIS. Second Lieutenant 2d Mass. Vols, ii May, 1861. Captain and C. S. U. S. Vols. Oct., 1861. On Staff Brig. Gen. Abercrombie ; ordered to report to Gen. Hart- suff ; battles second Bull Run, Va. ; Fredericksburg ; Antietam, Md. Lieut. Colonel and Chief C. S. of Corps. E. Tenn. campaign. Resigned Dec, 1864. 336 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1858. * HENRY SANFORD GANSEYOORT, LL. B. Private 7TH N. Y. V. M. 30 April, 1861. Second Lieutenant 5TH Art. U. S. A. 14 May, 1861. Mustering ofificer, Harrisburg, Pa., Sept., 1861. First Lieutenant 5TH Art. U. S. A. i ]VL\rch, 1862. At Fort Monroe, Va., March, 1862 ; served with Baty. C, 3d Art., U. S. A., in Peninsular campaign, and in Keyes's Corps during Seven Days' battles ; battles Groveton ; second Bull Run ; South Moun- tain, Md. ; Antictam. Lieut. Colonel 13TH N. Y. Cav. 20 June, 1863. Colonel 13TH N. Y. Cav. 28 March, 1863. In Lovell's Brig., in region southwest of Washington, D. C, and east of Blue Ridge, etc., to close of war. BvT. Major U. S. A. 14 Oct., 1864. BvT'. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 24 June, 1865. Died 1S71. GUIDO NORMAN LIEBER, LL. B. Lieutenant iith Inf. U. S. A. 14 May, 1861. Regimental Adjutant, 1861-62 ; Peninsular campaign; battles sec- ond Bull Run, Va. ; Gaines's Mill. BvT. Captain U. S. Vols. 27 June, 1862. On Staff of Maj. Gen. Banks, 1862. Major and Judge Advocate U. S. A. 13 Nov., 1862. Dept. of Gulf, 1863-64. Captain iith Inf. U.S.A. 2 July, 1863. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 28 May, 1864. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Chief of Bureau of Southern Archives, 1865-67 ; Judge Advocate 5th Mil. Div., 1867-68; Dept. of Dakota, 1868-73; Mil. Div. of South, 1873; Mil. Div. of Atlantic, 1873-78; Professor of Law, West Point Mil. Acad., N. Y., 28 Aug., 1878; transferred to 29th 1858.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 337 Inf. U. S. A. 21 Sept., 1866; Judge Advocate U. S. A. 25 Feb., 1867; resigned commission 29th Inf. 25 April, 1869. Ac'i'. Judge Advocate General U. S. A. * HARRISON LINDENBOWER, LL. B. Captain. Battles Carthage, Mo., and Wilson's Creek ; Judge of Green Co. Died at Springfield, Mass., 24 Jan., 1871. GEORGE DE FOREST LORD. First Lieutenant 22D N. G. N. Y. S. M. May, 1862. Mustered out Sept., 1862. DANIEL SMITH MOULTON, LL. B. Mass. Vols. RODERICK EMILE ROMBAUER, LL. B. Captain ist U. S. Reserve Corps (Mo.) 7 May, 1861. Lieut. Colonel ist U. S. Reserve Corps 7 May, 186 i. Discharged 20 Aug., 186 i. Colonel ist Reserve Corps Mo. Vols. 12 Sept., 1861. Engaged in important services in Mo. in Gen. Lyons's command. Mustered out 6 Oct., 1862. * JOHN WILDER, LL. B. Second Lieutenant 54TH Mass. Vols. 9 Feb., 1863. Captain 2D U. S. C. T. 23 June, 1863. Raised first colored troops enlisted in Va. ; served in Va., N. C, S. C, La., Miss., and Fla. ; operations against Charleston, S. C. ; Draft Riot in New York ; ordered to Key West, Fla. ; in charge of troops around Tallahassee, Fla. 338 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1858-59. Major 2D U. S. C. T. May, 1864. Lieut. Colonel 2D U. S. C. T. July, 1864. Provost Judge, Key West; Judge Advocate Staff of Maj. Gen. Foster, Dept. of Fla. Mustered out Jan., 1866. Died, 1870. * SAMUEL FAY "WOODS. TfflRD Lieutenant 30 Batt. Rifles, Mass. V. M., 19 May, 1861. Mustered out 3 Aug., 1861. First Lieutenant 34TH Mass. Vols. 18 June, 1862. A. A. A. G. Staff Gen. Weber. Died at Worcester, Mass., 26 June, 1864, of wounds received at Piedmont, Va. 1859. SOLOMON ALONZO BOLSTER, LL. B. Private 23D Me. Vols. 29 Sept., 1862. Sergeant, 29 Sept. ; guarding Potomac Fords, Va. Second Lieutenant 23D Me. Vols. 15 Nov., 1862. Mustered out 15 July, 1863. JAMES CHAMBERLIN, LL. B. Captain 52D Pa. Vols. 28 Aug., 1861. Resigned ii May, 1863. ROBERT LIVINGSTON CUTTING, LL. B. ♦ HENRY DOANE, LL. B. Captain 43D Mass. V. M. 20 Sept., 1862. In service in N. C. ; battles Kinston, N. C ; Wliitehall ; Goldsboro ; siege of Washington. 1859.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 339 Mustered out 30 July, 1863. Returned to his home in failing health. Died at Orleans, Mass., 2 Sept., 1865. WILLIAM EMILE DOSTER, LL. B. Captain Haskins Light Cav. 15 Aug., 186 i. Transferred to 4TH Pa. Cav. Major 64TH Pa. Vols. (4TH Pa. Cav.) 18 Oct., 1861. Body-guard to Gen. Keyes, in front of Washington, D. C. ; Provost- Marshal of Washington, March, 1862 ; rejoined regt. Feb., 1863. Lieut. Colonel 64TH Pa. Voi^. (4TH Pa. Cav.), 30 Oct., 1862. In charge of regt. at Potomac Creek Station, Va. ; battle Kelly's Ford, and every action of cavalry of Army of the Potomac till 1863, — Rappahannock Station; Bealton ; Upperville ; Snicker's Gap ; Thoroughfare Gap ; Aldie ; Middleburg ; Stoneman's raid ; Rapidan ; Catlett's Station ; Ely's Ford ; Gettysburg, Pa. ; Cul- peper, Va. ; Chancellorsville ; Shepherdstown ; prisoner at Mid- dleburg. Resigned 18 Oct., 1863. Colonel 65TH Pa. Vols, (5TH Pa. Cav.) 5 Dec, 1863. Honorably discharged 5 Dec, 1863. BvT. Brig. Gen. U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. FARWEL FOSTER FAY, LL. B. Captain 53D Mass. V. M. 17 Oct., 1862. Mustered out 2 Sept., 1863. * THOMAS WILLIAM FOX, LL. B. Died at Worcester, Mass., 28 Aug., 1883. * HENRY WILLIAM FULLER, LL. B. Private. First LiEUTENAinr ist N. H. V. M. 30 April, 1861. 340 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1859. Mustered out 9 Aug., 1861. Captain 5TH N. H. Vols. Lieut. Colonel 15TH N. H. Vols. Colonel 33D U. S. C. T. BvT. Brig. General U. S. V013. 13 March, 1865. In practice of law in Roxbury, Mass. ; Judge of Municipal Court. Died at Roxbury, Mass., 7 April, 1885. * FRANK CHESTER GOODRICH. Private 3D Mass. V. M. 16 April, 1861. Left Boston, Mass., in the St. S. R. Spaulding ; Sergeant ; claimed to be the first Boston boy who shouldered a musket in defence of the Union. Mustered out 22 July, 1861. Second Lieutenant 2D Inf. U. S. A. 5 Aug., 1861. First Lieutenant 2D Inf. U. S. A. 19 Nov., 186 1. Killed at Geti-ysburg, Pa., July, 1863. * THOMAS RYERSON HAINES. First Lieutenant ist N. J. Cav. 15 Aug., 1861. Captain ist N.J. Cav. 19 Feb., 1862. Killed at Harrisonburg, Va., 9 June, 1862. GEORGE LABAN PADDOCK, LL. B. First Lieutenant i2TH III. Vols. April, 1861. Garrison and guard duty at Caseyville, 111., East St. Louis, Mo., and Cairo, 111. Mustered out July, 1861. First Lieutenant i2Th III. Vols. July, 1861. Expedition to Paducah, Ky., Sept., 1861 ; capture of Smithland ; A. A. Quartermaster of brigade ; attacks on Forts Heiman, Tenn., Henry, and Donelson ; battle Shiloh ; Halleck's campaign against Corinth, Miss. ; Div. Quartermaster at Corinth. 1859.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 341 Resigned June, 1862. Major 7th U. S. Colored Art. 3 June, 1864. Special Insp. of colored troops in Tenn., Ky., Ga., and Miss. ; relieved 30 Jan., 1865, and ordered to Headquarters, Dept. of Miss., as A. A. I. G. Mustered out 28 July, 1865. JOHN McCLARY PERKINS. Private ist Me. Cav. 28 Sept., i86i. Sergeant, 31 Oct. ; service in Northern Va. Discharged for disability 21 Nov., 1862. Clerk in War Dept., Washington, D. C, till Nov., 1864. GILES HOPKINS RICH, LL. B. Private 39rH Mass. Vols. 5 Aug., 1862. Sergeant, 1 8 Aug. ; served in Md. Captain ist U. S. C. T. 18 June, 1863. Battles Wilson's Landing, Va. ; before Petersburg (wounded) ; Newmarket Heights ; Fort Harrison. Lieut. Colonel ist U. S. C. T, 12 Oct., 1864. Battle York River Road ; first and second attacks on Fort Fisher, N. C. ; battles before Wilmington ; Cox's Bridge. Mustered OUT 12 Oct., 1865. NICHOLAS SMITH, LL. B. Captain 19TH Inf. U. S. A. May, i86r. Mustering and disbursing officer for Ky. Resigned Aug., 1863. RICHARD BRYAN TREAT, LL. B. Major and A. D. C. Staff of Gen. Cox. Captain and C. S. U. S. Vols. 26 Aug., 1862. Mustered out 23 Sept., 1865. 342 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1859-60. * THOMAS SWAN TRUMBULL. Private 30 Conn. Vols. 2 May, 1861. Sergeant Major. Transferred to 4TH Conn. Vols. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 4TH Conn. Vols. 23 May, 1861. Left Conn. 10 June for duty on Upper Potomac; injured by fall of horse at Darnestown, Md. ; rejoined regt. at Fort Richardson ; regt. changed to ist Conn. H. A. Major ist Conn. H. A. i March, 1862. Defences of Washington, D. C, till April, 1862 ; siege of Yorktown, Va., where he was in command of important mortar battery ; Pe- ninsular campaign ; battles Hanover C. H. ; Gaines's Mill ; Mal- vern Hill ; in command of Forts Richardson, Scott, and Barnard in defences of Washington, D. C. ; battle Fredericksburg, Va. ; in post of honor at Bermuda Hundred, spring of 1864 ; in command of all siege artillery in front of Petersburg, 2 7 June. Lieut. Colonel ist Conn. H. A. 29 Nov., 1S64. On Staff of Gen. Benham, completing line of defences at City Point, and in charge of reserve artillery there ; on sick leave early in 1865 i 01"^ General Court Martial at Washington, D. C. Died, 30 March, 1865. THOMAS WESTON. Captain i8th Mass. Vols. 20 Aug., 1861. Major i8th Mass. Vols. 15 Oct., 1863. Mustered out 2 Sept., 1864. PIERCE L. WIGGIN. N. H. Vols. i860. * GEORGE BROWN BUTLER, LL. B. Private 4TH Ct. Vols, (afferward ist Ct. Art.) 22 May, 186 i. i860.] in the war OF 1861-1865. 343 Corporal ; in defences of Washington, D. C. ; siege of Yorktown, Va. ; Peninsular campaign. Discharged for disabilitv ii Feb., 1864. Died at Hartford, Conn., 16 April, 1864. WILLIAM COG-SWELL, LL. B. Captain 2D Mass. Vols. 24 May, 1861. Lieut. Colonel 2D Mass. Vols. 23 Oct., 1S62. Colonel 2D Mass. Vols. 6 June, 1863. BvT. Brig. General U.S. Vols. 17 Jan., 1865. Mustered out 25 June, 1865. JAMES MADISON CUTTS, LL. B. Private ist R. I. Vols. 9 May, 1861. Served in Va. Mustered out 23 June, 1861. Captain iith Inf. U. S. A. 14 May, 1861. Judge Advocate Staff of Gen. Burnside ; detached from Staff 28 Sept., 1863. BvT. Major U. S. A. i Aug., 1864. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. A. i Aug., 1864. Captain 2oth Inf. U. S. A. 21 Sepi'., 1866. Resigned 19 June, 1868. FRANCIS FESSENDEN. Capi'ain 19TH Inf. U. S. A. 14 May, 1861. Battle Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., where he was severely wounded. Colonel 25TH Me. Vols. Sept., 1862. Commanded 3d Brig. Carey's Div. and ist Brig. Abercrombie's Div., Dept. Washington, D. C, 1862-63 '> member Gen. Court Martial, Court of Inquiry, and Board for Examination of Officers. Colonel 30TH Me. Vols. (Veteran) ii Jan., 1864. 344 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [i860. Red River campaign ; battles Sabine Cross Roads, La., and Pleas- ant Hill; commanded 3d Brig. Emory's Div. 19th A. C. ; battle Montell's Bluffs, where he was severely wounded and lost leg. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 10 May, 1864. BvT. Major U. S. A. 6 July, 1864. Bvr. Lieut. Colonel U. S. A. 6 July, 1864. Member Mil. Commiss., Washington, D. C. ; commanded ist Inf. Div., Mil. Dept., at Grafton, W. Va., and i«t Brig. Hancock's Vet. Corps; Member Board for Examination of Officers, and Wirz Mil. Commiss. Major General U. S. Vols. 9 Nov., 1865, Commanding Dept. of Md., W. Va., and Valley of Shenandoah for Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands. BvT. Brig. General U. S. A. 13 March, 1865. Bvi'. Maj. General U. S. A. 13 March, 1865. Transferred to 28th Inf. U. S. A. 21 Sept., 1866. Brig. General U. S. A. i Nov., 1866. Honorably retired as Brig. General U. S. A. for wound re- ceived IN LINE OF DUTY, NoV., 1 866. JOSEPH COOKE JACKSON, LL. B. A. D. C. TO Brig. Gen. Robert Anderson, spring of 1861. Ordered to Ky. Second Lieutenant ist N.J. Vols, ii Oct., 1861. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Kearney; tendered the colonelcy of 6ist N. Y. Vols. ; declined commission; ordered to Div. Staff of Maj. Gen. Franklin, Dec, 1861. Captain and A. D. C. U. S. Vols. 30 Sept., 1862. Staff of 6th A. C, Army of the Potomac. Lieut. Colonel 26th N.J. Vols. 2 Dec, 1862. BvT. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 Dec, 1862. Resigned 21 Sept., 1864. BvT, Brig. General U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1S65. i860.] in the war OF 1861-1865. 345 Participated in the following engagements, — Burke's Station, Va. ; Manassas Junction; Golding Farm; Yorktown; West Point; Mechanicsville; Fair Oaks; Gaines's Mill ; Savage's Station; White Oak Swamp ; Charles City Cross Roads ; Malvern Hill ; second Bull Run ; Chantilly ; Crampton Gap ; Antietam, Md. ; Fredericks- burg, Va. ; second attempt on Fredericksburg. GEORGE PORTER LAWRENCE, LL. B. Ad. Paymaster U. S. A. 24 July, 1863. Resigned 3 May, 1864. ISAAC BROWN PARKER. Captain and A. D. C. U. S. Vols. 25 June, 1863. Staff of Maj. Gen. Hancock. Mustered out 20 Jan., 1866. Colonel N. J. Vols. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. Bvt. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. EUGENE SNYDER, LL. B. NELSON TAYLOR, LL. B. Colonel N. Y. Brig. General U. S. Vols. MANNING C. WELLS. GEORGE WHEATLAND, LL. B. Captain 48TH Mass. V. M. 19 Sept., 1862. Major 48TH Mass. V. M. 6 Dec, 1862. Dept. of the Gulf; Provost Judge, Dept. of Baton Rouge, La. Mustered out 3 Sept., 1863. 346 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1860-61. * WILLIAM WHEELER, LL. B. Captain 7TH N. G. N. Y. S. M., 1861. Lieutenant 13TH N. Y. Independent Baty. Cafiain 13TH N. Y. Independent Baty. Campaign in Shenandoah Valley, Va. ; battles Gettysburg, Pa. ; Lookout Mountain, Ga. ; advance into Ga. ; Chief Art. Staff of Gen. Geary. Killed at Gulp's Farm, near Marietta, Ga., 22 June, 1864. 1861. SHERMAN WOLCOTT ADAMS, LL. B. Act. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. 10 March, 1862. Resigned ii Oct., 1S64. * FRANCIS MARKOE BACHE. First Lieutenant i6th Inf. U. S. A. 14 May, 1861. A. D. C. Staff of Col. Porter ; battle first Bull Run, Va. ; relieved from staff duty 17 Oct.; on duty in Provost-Marshal's office, Washington, D. C. ; Staff of Major General Meade ; in all actions of Army of the Potomac till fall of Richmond, Va. Captain i6th Inf. U. S. A. 25 Ocr., 1861. BvT. Major U. S. A. 2 Dec, 1864. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. A. Resigned 16 Nov., 1865. Admitted to the bar in Philadelphia, Pa., and soon after removed to New York. Went to France on account of his health, spring of 1866. Died at Montpellier, France, 23 Nov., 1867. GREEN CLAY, LL. B. A. D. C. Staff of Gen. Koepf, 1861. Major 3D Ky. Vol. Cav. 13 Dec, 1861. Resigned ti Jan., 1862. 1 86 1.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 347 JAMES MONROE DONNELL, LL. B. Private ist Mass. Cav. 1862. JAMES AUGUSTUS FOX. Captain 13TH Mass. Vols. 16 July, 1861. On duty on the U|iper Potomac. Resigned 14 Aug., 1862. CHARLES CONVERSE GODDARD, LL. B. Cafiain 17TH Inf. U. S. A. 20 Sept., 1861. Resigned 26 May, 1864. ROSS GUFFIN, LL. B. Private 52D Ind. Vols. 14 Sept., 1861. First Lieutenant 520 Ind. Vols. 25 Oct., 1861. Battle Fort Donelson, Tenn. ; on sick leave ; Commissary Gen. Lauman's Brig. ; Judge Advocate on Gen. Court Martial till Sept., 1862 ; rejoined regt. at Fort Pillow. Captain 520 Ind. Vols. 4 Sept., 1862. Battle Durhamville, Tenn., where he was wounded ; Provost- Marshal till Jan., 1864 ; Meridian campaign. Miss. ; Engineer Officer 3d Div. 1 6th A. C- Mustered out 18 Nov., 1864. * THOMAS ALBERT HENDERSON, LL. B. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 7TH N. H. Vols. 4 Nov., 1861. Left the state 14 Jan., 1862 ; at Fort Jefferson, Tortugas, Fla., till June, 1862; assault on Fort Wagner, S. C. Major 7th N. H. Vols. 26 Aug., 1862. Stationed in Fla. and S. C. till April, 1864. Lieut. Colonel 7TH N. H. Vols. 22 July, 1863. 348 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [l86l. Provost- Marshal, Dept. of Fla., campaign of Feb., 1864; sent to Va., April ; battle Ovving's Bluff, Va. ; Bermuda Hundred. Died at Deep Run, Va., 16 Aug., 1864. ABIJAH HOLLIS LL. B. Second Lieutenant 45TH Mass. V. M. 26 Sept., 1862. Mustered out 7 July, 1863. FRANK JOHNSTON JONES. Captain and A. D. C. 11 March, 1863. Resigned 28 April, 1864. JAMES HAMILTON MOORE, LL. B. * ELLIS WESLEY MORTON, LL. B. JOHN WOODBRIDGE ODLIN. Private 2D N. H. Vols. 27 May, 1861. Slightly wounded at first Bull Run, Va. Transferred to 3D N. H. Vols. Sepi., 1861. Sherman's exped. to Port Royal, S. C. Mustered out April, 1862. WILLIAM ELMER POTTER, LL. B. Lieutenant i 2TH N. Y. Vols. Judge Advocate Staff of Maj. Gen. Hayes. Captain i2TH N. Y. Vols. * WILLIAM LOWELL PUTNAM. Assisted in raising company for 19th Mass. Vols., G. A. Schmitt Capt., J. J. Lowell First Lieutenant ; transferred to 20th Mass. Vols. l86l.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 349 Second Lieutenant 20th Mass. Vols, 10 July, 1861. Left Boston Sept. ; at Poolesville, Md., until 20 Oct. Killed at Ball's Bluff, Va., 21 Oct., 1861. * CHARLES HENRY SMITH. Entered service 1861. Died at Geneseo, N. Y., 30 March, 1863. RICHARD SWAIN THOMPSON, LL. B. Captain i2TH N.J. Vols. 14 Aug., 1862. Major i2TH N.J. Vols. 25 Feb., 1864. Lieut. Colonel i2Th N. J. Vols. 2 July, 1864. Wounded at Reams's Station, Va., 25 Aug., 1864. Discharged 17 Feb., 1865. THOMAS FRY TOBEY, LL. B. Private ioth R. L Vols. 26 May, 1861. Sergeant 29 May. Mustered out 6 Aug., 1862. Second Lieutenant 7TH R. L Vols. 5 Aug., 1862. Captain 7TH R. L Vols. 4 Sept., 1862. Joined Army of Potomac Sept., 1862 ; battle Fredericksburg, Va., where he was wounded. Major 7th R. I. Vols. 7 Jan., 1863. Ordered to Ky. March, 1863 ; siege of Vicksburg, Miss. ; battle Jackson: on sick leave Aug. and Sept., 1863; rejoined regt. at Lexington. Resigned on account of disability, 4 Feb., 1864. Private 14TH Inf. U. S. A. 27 Feb., 1865. Sergeant i March. Second Lieutenant 14TH Inf. U. S. A. 3 May, 1865. 350 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [i86i-62. First Lieutenant 14TH Inf. U. S. A. 6 May, 1865, Adjutant 11 Jan., 1866-30 Sept., 1867. Captain 14TH Inf. U. S. A. 23 Nov., 1874. LEWIS WILLARD WEST. Corporal 27TH Mass. Vols. 16 Sept., 1861. Discharged on account of disability 19 April, 1863. HENRY WINN. Major 52D Mass. V. M. 19 Nov., 1862. Service in La. Mustered out 14 Aug., 1863. JAMES JOSEPH WRIG-HT, LL. B. Private 2D R. I. Vols. 30 Aug., 1862. Battle of Wilderness, where he was severely wounded and taken prisoner; engaged in 18 battles and 11 skirmishes. Mustered out 20 June, 1865. 1862. * GEORG-E WATERMAN ARNOLD. Private i2th R. I. Vols. 13 Oct., 1862. Sergeant. Died at Fairfax Seminary, Va., 5 Dec, 1862. CHARLES SHEPHERD COLBURN, LL. B. Paymaster U. S. A. * JOSEPH WILLIAM MORTON. Private 2D unatt. Co. Mass. Cav., afterward Co. L, 3D Mass. Cav., II Dec, 1861. l862.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 351 Second Lieutenant 3D Mass. Cav. 20 Feb., 1862. Battle Baton Rouge, La. First Lieutenant 30 Mass. Cav. 10 Sept., 1862. Second Lieutenant 4TH Mass. Cav. 24 Aug., 1863. Captain 4TH Mass. Cav. 5 Jan., 1864. Prisoner at Gainsville, Fla. ; confined at Macon, Ga., and Charles- ton, S. C. ; escaped 17 Feb., 1865. Mustered out 15 IVIay, 1865. Died at Quincv, Mass., 17 Dec, 1865. HALSEY RILEY PADDOCK, LL. B. Military Storekeeper, Army of the Potomac, Nov., 1862. Resigned summer of 1863. Chief Clerk, Office of Paymaster, Army of the Cumberland, till close of War. GARDNER ENYART PHIPPS. SILAS ALBERTSON UNDERBILL, LL. B. . LUCIUS HENRY WARREN, LL. B. Private 32D Mass. Vols. 24 July, 1862. Second Lieutenant 32D Mass. Vols. 31 July, 1862. Battles second Bull Run, Va. ; Chantilly ; Antietam, Md. j Fred- ericksburg, Va. First Lieutenant 32D Mass. Vols. 13 Dec, 1862. Battles Chancellorsville, where he was wounded ; Gettysburg, Pa. Major 38TH U. S. C. T. 24 March, 1864. Commanded regt. in front of Petersburg, Va. ; wounded ; Judge Advocate ist Div. 5th A. C ; ordered to Texas June, 1865. Lieut. Colonel 38TH U. S. C. T. 13 March, 1865. Colonel 38TH U. S. C. T. 13 March, 1S65. 352 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1862-63. Commanded Brig, and Mil. Dist. in Texas. First Lieutenant 39TH Inf. U. S. A. 28 July, 1866. BvT. Brig. General U. S. Vols. Dec, 1866. Mustered out of Vol. service Feb., 1867. Captain 39TH Inf. U. S. A. 31 July, 1867. BvT. Major U. S. A. 31 July, 1867. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. A. 31 July, 1867. On duty in La. Resigned 15 Nov., 1869. 1863. GEORGE BERNARD BONNEY. Private ioth R. I. Vols. May, 1862. Served in fortifications about Washington, D. C. Mustered out Aug., 1862.' HUBERT SANFORD BROWN. Captain and A. A. G. 3 Feb., 1865. Staff of Maj. Gen. Hazen. Mustered out i Sept., 1866. ANTHONY HIGGINS. Private 7TH Del. V. M. CHARLES HUNTER OWEN, LL. B. Vol. Aid to Gen. R. O. Tyler, Jan., 1864. First Lieutenant ist Conn. H. A. spring of 1864. A. D. C. Staff of Gen. Tyler ; A. A. Q. M. ; A. A. I. G. ; trans- ferred to Gen. Hancock's command, 4th Div. 2d A. C. ; battles Spottsylvania, Va. ; Cold Hai'bor, where he was wounded. 1863-64.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 353 BvT. Captain U. S. Vols. 19 May, 1864. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 3 June, 1864. Discharged for disability 15 Dec, 1864. LUCIUS BREWSTER WELLS, LL. B. 1864. HORACE HARMON BURBANK. Private 27TH Me. Vols. 30 Sept., 1862. Mustered out 17 July, 1863. First Lieutenant 32D Me. Vols. 3 March, 1864. Captain 32D Me. Vols. 3 March, 1864. Regt. transferred to 31st Me. Vols, Captain 31ST Me. Vols, i Dec, 1864. Prisoner for seven months ; escaped. DANIEL HENRY CHAMBERLAIN, LL. B. Second Lieutenant 5TH Mass. Cav. 25 Jan., 1864. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 5TH Mass. Cav. 15 March, 1864. Service in Va. in Army of the James ; siege of Richmond, Va., and Petersburg ; ordered to New Orleans, La., and thence to Clai'ks- ville, Texas, and other points on the Rio Grande. Mustered out 31 Oct., 1865. * SOLON EATON, LL. B. Captain 2D N, H. Vols. Battle Bull Run, Va. Died at Addison, Vt., 4 April, 1886. HENRY ROSE HINCKLEY, LL. B. Second Lieutenant sth Mass. Cav. 8 March, 1864. Resigned 23 May, 1865. 23 354 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1864-65. HARRISON MALTZBERGER, LL. B. First Lieutenant iith Pa. V. M., 1862, Mustered out. First Lieutenant 42D Pa. V. M., 1863. Mustered out. Captain 195TH Pa. Vols. Mustered out. GEORGE PARKER, LL. B. Captain 6th Vt. Vols. 15 Oct., 1861. Resigned 21 Oct., 1862. MOSES HUBBARD TUTTLE. Mass. Vols. 1865. CHARLES UPHAM BELL. Private 42D Mass. V. M. 14 July, 1864. In defences of Washington, D. C. Mustered out ii Nov., 1864. * EBEN THOMAS HALE, LL. B. Private 45TH Mass. V. M. 26 Sept., 1862. Mustered out 7 July, 1863. Died at Newburyport, Mass., 7 Sept., 1868. JOHN WILKES HAMMOND. Private 30 Mass. V. M. 23 Sept., 1862. Service in N. C. Mustered out 26 June, 1863. 1865-66.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 355 HUNTINGTON WOLCOTT JACKSON. Second Lieutenant 4TH N. J. Vols. 6 Sept., 1862. First Lieutenant 4TH N. J. Vols. 8 Jan., 1863. A. D. C. Staff of Maj. Gen. Newton, ist A. C, and Maj. Gen. Howard, Army of Tenn. ; battles Fredericksburg, Va. ; Chancel- lorsville ; Marye's Hill ; Gettysburg, Pa. ; Mine Run, Va. ; with Sherman's army from Chattanooga, Tenn., to Jonesboro, Ga. ; battles Rocky Face Ridge ; Resaca ; Kenesaw Mountain, where he was wounded. Mustered out 9 Sept.,, 1864. BvT. Captain U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Bvt. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. 1866. "WILLIAM ANDERSON BULLITT. Colonel. THOMAS COGSWELL. First Lieutenant 15TH N. H. Vols. 2 Oct., 1862. Captain 15TH N. H. Vols. 8 April, 1863. Mustered out 13 Aug., 1863. ULYSSES DAVID COLE. Captain. CHARLES EMIL HESS, LL. B. CHARLES NELSON KENT. First Lieutenant 17TH N. H. Vols. Nov., 1862. Mustered out April, 1863. 356 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1866. CHARLES FREDERIC LEIMER. JOHN GRANT MITCHELL. Private ist Batt. Ohio Reserves, May, 1861. First Lieutenant 3D Ohio Vols. July, 1861. Captain 3D Ohio Vols. Dec, 1861. Lieut. Colonel 113TH. Ohio Vols. Sept., 1862. Colonel ii^th Ohio Vols. March, 1863. Assigned to command of 2d Brig, ist Div. Res. Corps, Army of the Cumberland ; continued till close of war. Brig. General U. S. Vols. Jan., 1865. Bvt. Major General U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Resigned 4 July, 1865. LIVINGSTON SCOTT. Private ioth R. I. Vols. 26 May, 1862. Mustered out 26 Aug., 1862. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 30 R. I. Cav. 24 Aug., 1863. Captain 3D R. I. Cav. 4 Feb., 1864. Mustered out 29 Nov., 1865, FREDERIC A. STARRING. Major 2D III. Light Art. 30 Jan., 1862. Colonel 72D III. Vols. 20 Aug., 1862. BvT. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Mustered out 26 Feb., 1866. WILLIAM BALCH TODD, LL. B. 1866-6;.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 357 RICHARD WATERMAN, LL. B. Private ist R. L Vols. 17 April, 1861. Battle first Bull Run, Va. Mustered out 6 Aug., 1861. First Lieutenant ist N. E. (afterwards ist R. I.) Cav. 14 Dec., 1861. Pope's campaign ; battles Cedar Mountain ; Groveton ; Chantilly ; second Bull Run. Resigned 5 Dec., 1862. GEORGE FOSTER WHIDDEN. Yeoman U. S. N. 2 Nov., 1863. Discharged 8 June, 1865. 1867. EDWARD PAYSON BROWN, LL. B. Second Lieutenant 4TH R. I. Vols. 27 Aug., 1862. First Lieutenant 4TH R. L Vols. 13 Jan., 1863. Captain 4TH R. L Vols. 2 March, 1863. A. D. C. Staff ist Brig. 2d Div. 9th A. C. 4 July, 1864. Captain and A. L G. U. S. Vols. 8 July, 1864. A. A. C. S. ist Brig. 2d Div. 7th A. C. 28 July, 1863. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 2 April, 1865. Mustered out 15 June, 1865. * GEORGE HENRY CHANDLER, LL. B. First Lieutenant and Adj. qth N. H. Vols. 18 Aug., 1862. Major qth N. H. Vols, ii Oct., 1863. Wounded at Spottsylvania, Va., 12 May, 1864; rejoined regt. 358 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1867. Aug. ; President Court Martial at Washington, D. C, Nov. ; de- tailed to aid Navy Dept. in investigations at Philadelphia, Pa. ; rejoined regt. April, 1865. Lieut. Colonel qth N. H. Vols. April, 1865. Mustered out. Attended Law School ; Clerk of Commission at Washington, D. C, to codify the U.S. laws; LL. B. (Harvard), 1867; went with Judge Isaac Redfield to Europe Jan., 1867, to assist in U. S. Gov. cases then in suit ; practised law in Baltimore, Md. Died at Concord, N. H., 12 Aug., 1883. GEORGE WASHINGTON FOGG. Quartermaster Sergeant 7TH Me. Vols. 18 Oct., 1862. Regt. organized as ist Vet. Vols. 20 Sept., 1864. Second Lieutenant 7TH Me. Vols. First Lieutenant 7th Me. Vols. Captain 7TH Me. Vols. 19 March, 1865. Mustered out 28 June, 1865. SAMUEL AUGUSTUS GARDNER, LL. B. THOMAS JEFFERSON GRIER, LL. B. Private 163D Pa. Vols. (i8th Pa. Cav.) 19 Sept., 1862. Orderly Sergeant 29 Oct., 1862 ; on duty in Va. ; Gettysburg, Pa., campaign ; action at Hanover ; battle Gettysburg ; actions at Hagerstown, Md. ; Snicker's Ferry, Va. ; Brandy Station ; Rac- coon Ford ; Kilpatrick's raid on Richmond ; actively engaged before Richmond. Second Lieutenant i8th Pa. Cav. 26 April, 1864. Joined Army of the Shenandoah ; battles Kearneysville ; Winches- ter ; Cedar Creek. First Lieutenant i8th Pa. Cav. 6 April, 1864. 1867.] IN THE WAR OF 1SG1-1S65. 359 Captain i8th Pa. Cav. 7 Feb., 1865. Regiment consolidated with 2 2d Pa. Cav., forming 3d Provisional Pa. Cav. Mustered out 21 July, 1865. CHARLES PORTER MATTOCKS, LL. B. First Lieutenant 17TH Me. Vols. 31 July, 1862. Captain 17TH Me. Vols. 13 Dec, 1862. Garrison duty on Potomac ; fall campaign, 1862 ; battle Fredericks- burg, Va. Major 17TH Me. Vols. Dec, 1863. Battles Chancellorsville ; Gettysburg, Pa. ; recruiting service in Me. 23 July, 1863 ; command of ist U. S. Sharpshooters ; taken prisoner at the battle of Wilderness, Va., 5 May, 1864; confined at Lynch- burg, Macon, Ga. ; exchanged 15 Oct.; again taken prisoner; escaped 3 Nov. ; returned to Danville, Va. ; transferred to Libby Prison, Richmond, 19 Feb., 1865 ; exchanged 22 March. BvT. Colonel U. S. Vols. 9 April, 1865. Colonel 17TH Me. Vols. 9 May, 1865. Mustered out 4 June, 1865. GEORGE NORRIS, LL. B. Captain and A. Q. M. U. S. Vols. 26 Nov., 1862. Under Gen. Sherman. Resigned 23 Nov., 1S64. * FRANCIS PERRY PEIRPOINT, LL. B. Second Lieutenant i2Th W. Va. Vols, ii Jan., 1864. Major i2Th W. Va. Vols. Died at New Orleans, La., 7 Jan., 1869. 360 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1867-68. DUDLEY FARLEY PHELPS, LL. B. First Lieutenant 20th U. S. C. T. 17 Feb., 1864. Captain 20TH U. S. C. T. 24 May, 1865. Mustered out 7 Nov., 1865. WILLIAM BURNHAM STEVENS. Corporal 50TH Mass. V. M. 19 Sept., 1862. Banks's expedition ; siege of Port Hudson, La. Mustered out 24 Aug., 1863. ETHAN CORTLANDT WILLIAMS, LL. B. Act. Master's Mate U. S. N. 5 Aug., 1862. Act. Ensign U. S. N. 14 Jan., 1864. Discharged 20 Sept., 1865. THOMAS STANLEY WILSON, LL. B. HORATIO DAN WOOD, LL. B. Private May, 1861. Captain and C. S. U. S. Vols. 21 Jan., 1865. Mustered out ii July, 1865. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 2 Sept., 1865. 1868. WILMON WHILLDIN BLACKMAR, LL. B. Private 15TH Pa. Cav. 23 Aug., 1862. Corporal ; Sergeant. Second Lieutenant ist W. Va. Cav. 15 March, 1864. Brigade Provost- Marshal. Captain ist W. Va. Cav. Mustered out 8 July, 1865. 1858-7 1. J IN THE WAR OF 1861-1SG5. 36 1 WOOD FOSDICK, LL. B. First Lieutenant 30 Ohio Cav. 25 Oct., 1861. Mustered out as supernumerary. Private 6oth Ohio Vols. Campaign in W. Va. 1861. JOHN THOMAS WILSON, LL. B. Private 24TH Mass. Vols. 26 Sept., 1861. Corporal ; Sergeant, Second Lieutenant 24TH Mass. Vols. 19 Sepi\, 1863. First Lieutenant 24TH Mass. Vols. 22 May, 1864. Captain 24TH Mass. Vols. 23 Sept., 1864. Battles Roanoke Island, N. C. ; Newbern ; Tranter's Creek ; Rawles's Mills ; Tarboro ; Kinston ; Whitehall ; Goldsboro ; Fort Wagner, S. C; ; Weir Bottom Church, Va. ; Drury's Bluff; Bermuda Hundred ; Deep Bottom ; Fussell's Mills ; Deep Run, where he was wounded ; Charles City Cross Roads. Resigned 14 Nov., 1864, as First Lieutenant. 1869. GEORGE EDMUND OTIS, LL. B. 1871. MOSES MILTON BANE, LL. D. Colonel 50TH III. Vols. 21 Aug., 1861. Moved to Hannibal, Mo., 9 Oct. ; to Ky., Jan. ; took active part in capture of Fort Donelson, Tenn. ; battles Shiloh ; Corinth, Miss. ; in command of brigade, 1 1 Oct. ; regt. re-enlisted, Jan., 1864; service in Ala. Resigned ii June, 1864. 362 HARVARD UNIVERSITY IN THE WAR. [1871. ALOYSIUS JOSEPH KANE, LL. B. Master's Mate U. S. N. 14 March, 1861. U. S. S. Mohawk; served in the Gulf and on blockade until Sept., 186 1 ; Executive Officer Steam Gunboat Mercury, 20 Oct., 1861 ; battle Port Royal, S. C. ; capture of Hilton Head ; ordered North, March, 1862; resigned on account of illness; reappointed to Mohawk, June, 1862; served until Oct., 1863; ordered North; gunner of Ship Savannah ; Flagship Malvern, Jan., 1864 ; North Atlantic Fleet; Gunboat Commodore Jones, March, 1864; James River, Va. ; wounded 8 April and 6 May ; Gunboat Commodore Morris. Act. Ensign U. S. N. Sept., 1864. Naval Howitzer Battery until Nov., 1864 ; Navigating Officer U. S. S. Delaware, Feb., 1865 ; U. S. S. De Soto, Aug., 1865 ; served in W. Indies ; U. S. S. Mackinaw, Jan., 1866. Dismissed, 15 Nov., 1866, by the Secretary of the Navy. Case re-opened by Secretary of the Navy 2 2d March, 1871, and Resignation accepted, to take effect 21 M-a.rch, 1871. SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL. 1851. GREELY STEVENSON CURTIS. Captain 2d Mass. Vols. 24 May, 1861. Served in Va. Major ist Mass. Cav. 31 Oct., t86i. Lieut. Colonel ist Mass. Cav. 30 Oct., 1862. Ordered to Army of the Potomac ; served in S. C. ; attack on James Island, S. C. ; capture of Fort Pulaski ; batdes Antietam, Md. ; Fredericksburg, Va. ; Chancellorsville ; Gettysburg, Pa. ; Brandy Station, Va. ; Kelly's Ford ; Aldie. Resigned on account of disability 4 March, 1864. BvT. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Bvi'. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. 1853. "WILLIAM LE BARON JENNEY. Civil Asst. Engineer Dept. U. S. A. ; sent to assist in building fort at Cairo Point, 111., and later put in charge of work. First Lieutenant Vol. Engineers. Captain and Ad. A. D. C. U. S. Vols. 19 Aug., 1861. Retained in service by order of Secretary of War ; attack on Fort Henry, Tenn. ; Fort Donelson ; battle Shiloh ; A. D. C to Lieut. Col. McPherson ; assigned to Staff of Gen. Grant for engineer duty ; siege of Corinth, Miss. ; Staff of Gens. Rosecrans and 364 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1853-54. Sherman ; siege of Vicksburg ; battles Jackson ; Mission Ridge, Tenn. ; Chattanooga ; in charge Engineer Headquarters at Nash- ville ; removed to Savannah, Ga., and Newbern, N. C. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Accompanied Gen. Sherman to St. Louis as Staff Engineer Officer. Resigned 19 May, 1866. CHARLES LAWRENCE PEIRSON, S. B. First Lieutenant and Adjutant 2oth Mass. Vols, i July, 1861. Prisoner at Ball's Bluff, Va. ; confined for three months in Libby Prison, Richmond ;' Staff of Gens. Dana and Sedgwick ; siege of Yorktown ; battles West Point ; Seven Pines ; P'air Oaks ; Peach Orchard ; Savage's Station ; White Oak Swamp ; Glendale ; Mal- vern Hill. Lieut. Colonel 39TH Mass. Vols. 30 Aug., 1862. Colonel 39Tn Mass. Vols. 13 July, 1S64. Battles Mine Run ; Wilderness ; Petersburg ; Spottsylvania, where he was twice wounded ; Weldon R. R., where he was severely wounded. Resigned 4 Jan., 1865. BvT. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. BvT. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. 1854. GEORGE P. BANGS. First Lieutenant 2D Mass. Vols. 28 May, 1861. Captain 2d Mass. Vols. 13 June, 1862. Resigned 29 March, 1863. WILLIAM AUGUSTUS BREWER, S. B. Private 22D N. G. N. Y. S. M. 28 May, 1862. Corporal; Sergeant. Mustered out 5 Sept., 1862. 1854-56-] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 365 * CHARLES ROBINSON JOHNSON. Captain i6th Mass. Vols, i Aug., 1861. Left for Baltimore, Md., 17 Aug.; ordered to Fort Monroe, Va., Sept. ; Peninsular campaign, June, 1862 ; action at Woodland ; battles before Richmond ; Seven Days' Fight ; Malvern Hill ; Manassas ; Chantilly ; Fredericksburg ; Chancellorsville, where he was wounded; Gettysburg, Pa., where he was three times wounded. Died at Boston, Mass., 17 July, 1863. 1855. HORACE PORTER. U. S. Mil. Acad., West Point, N. Y., i860. Bvt. Second Lieutenant Ord. U. S. A. 1 July, i860. Second Lieutenant Ord. U. S. A. 22 April, 186 i. First Lieutenant Ord. U. S. A. 7 June, 1861. Bvt. Captain U. S. Vols, ii April, 1862. Captain Ord. U. S. A. 3 March, 1863. Bvt. Major U. S. Vols. 6 May, 1864. Bvt. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 16 Aug., 1864. BvT. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. BvT. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Major Ord. U. S. A. 7 March, 1867. Resigned 31 Dec, 1873. 1856. FREDERIC WILLIAM BARDWELL, S. B. Second Lieutenant ioth Ohio Vol. Art. 20 Nov., 1861. First Lieutenant ioth Ohio Vol. Art. 9 Jan., 1862. Resigned 17 March, 1863. Major 3D U. S. C. T. 14 July, 1863. 366 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1856-57. Lieut. Colonel 3D U. S. C. T. 29 June, 1865. Colonel 3D U. S. C. T. 9 Sept., 1865. Mustered out 17 Nov., 1865. * JOSEPH BRIDGHAM CURTIS, S. B. Vol. Engineer on Staff of Colonel 9th N. Y. Vols. 27 May, 1861 ; Patterson's campaign. Adjutant 4TH R. I. Vols. Aug., 1861. Second Lieutenant 4TH R. I. Vols. 16 Sept., 1861. First Lieutenant 4TH R. I. Vols. 2 Oct., 186 i. Battle of Roanoke Island, N. C. ; siege and surrender of Fort Macon. Cafi'ain and a. a. G. U. S. Vols. 9 June, 1862. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 12 Aug., 1862. Battle Antietam, Md. Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., 13 Dec, 1862. 1857. GEORG-E WILLIAM WEBSTER DOVE, S. B.' Third Asst. Engineer U. S. N. i July, 1861. U. S. S. Richmond, under Admiral Farragut ; bombardment Pensa- cola, Fla. ; capture Forts Jackson and St. Philip, below New Orleans, La. ; Port Hudson ; Vicksburg, Miss. Resigned 10 Aug., 1863. WALTER SIMONDS FRANKLIN, S. B. First Lieutenant i2Th Inf. U. S. A. 14 May, 1861. Regimental Quartermaster ; operations before Richmond, Va. Captain i2TH Inf. U. S. A. 6 Feb., 1863. Ordered to Fort Hamilton, N. Y. ; in command of Fort Wads- worth ; New York Riots, 1863 ; joined Army of Potomac; Mine Run, Va., campaign ; Staff of Gen. Sedgwick, 6th A. C, as Com. 1857-58-] i^ THE WAR OF 1861-1863. 367 of Musters ; transferred to Staff of Gen. Wright ; Grant's campaign to Petersburg, and Sheridan's campaigns. Valley of Va. Lieut. Colonel and I. G. U. S. Vols. Insp. General Provisional Corps after surrender of Lee. Mustered out of Vol. rank. Rejoined his regt. at Fort Hamilton, N. Y. BvT. Major U. S. A. 19 May, 1864. BvT. Colonel U. S. Vols. 9 April, 1865. Transferred to 21st Infantry U. S. A. 21 Sept., 1865. Discharged 30 Sept., 1870. * CHARLES FROEBEL. Served in the West; Professor of Analyt. Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, New York. Died at New York. 19 June, 1886. 1858. CHARLES FESSENDEN MORSE, S. B. Private 2D Batt. Mass. V. M. (New England Guards). Corporal. First Lieutenant 2D Mass. Vols. 28 May, 1861. Captain 2d Mass. Vols, ii July, 1862. Major 2D Mass. Vols. 6 June, 1863. Lieut. Colonel 2d Mass. Vols. 4 July, 1863. Colonel 2d Mass. Vols. 24 July, 1865. BvT. Colonel U. S. Vols. Battles Winchester, Va. ; Cedar Mountain ; Antietam, Md. ; Chan- cellorsville, Va. ; Gettysburg, Pa. ; Resaca, Ga. ; Gulp's Farm ; Peach Tree Creek ; Atlanta ; Savannah ; Averysboro, N. C, where he was wounded. Mustered out 14 July, 1865. 368 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1859-60. 1859. * FRANCIS WASHBURN. Second Lieutenant ist Mass. Cav, 26 Dec, 1861. First Lieutenant ist Mass. Cav. 2 March, 1862. Captain 2D Mass. Cav. 26 Jan., 1863. Lieut. Colonel 4TH Mass. Cav. 4 Feb., 1864. Colonel 4TH Mass. Cav. 4 Feb., 1865. BvT. Brig. General U. S. Vols. April, 1S65. Under Sheridan in S. C. ; in Va. under Grant and Ord. Died at Worcester, Mass., 22 April, 1865, of wounds received at High Bridge, Va., 6 April. "WILLARD LEE WELLMAN, S. B. Private Independent Corps Cadets, Mass. V. M., 26 May, 1862. Mustered out 2 July, 1862. Private 45TH Mass. V. M. 26 Sept., 1862. Sergeant. Mustered out 7 July, 1863. i860. ALBERT ORDWAY. Private 4TH Batt. Mass. V. M. (New England Guards) 19 April, 1861. First Lieltenant 24TH Mass. Vols. 2 Sept., 1861. Bumside expedition ; Acting Adjutant of regt., serving as such through campaign of 1862 in N. C. ; A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Prince, 5th Div., i8t'i A. C, Dec, 1862; ordered to Army of Potomac, July, 1863, on Staff 2d Div., 3d A. C. ; rejoined regt. Nov., 1863 ; served in Fla. with regt. ; detached and . ordered to Va., April, 1864, as Ordnance Officer ist Div. loth A. C. ; campaign Army of the James; on sick leave July, 1864. l86o-6l.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 369 Captain 24TH Mass. Vols, i June, 1864. Major 24TH Mass. Vols. 24 Sept., 1864. Rejoined regt. and assumed its command Nov., 1864. Lieut. Colonel 24TH Mass. Vols. 15 Nov., 1864. BvT. Brig. General U. S. Vols. 25 March, 1865. Ordered to Richmond, Va., 8 April, 1865. Colonel 24TH Mass. Vols. 7 May, 1865. Provost-Marshal General, Dept. of Va., 9 June, 1865. Mustered out 10 Feb., 1866. GEORGE BAXTER POMEROY. Med. Cadet U. S. A. Wood Hospital. AssT. Surgeon iioth Pa. Vols. 14 March, 1863. Surgeon 1620 Pa. Vols. (17TH Pa. Cav.) 21 April, 1864. Surgeon-in-Chief 2d Brig, ist Div. Cav. Corps ; wounded at Chan- cellorsville, Va. Mustered out 28 June, 1865. 1861. FRANCIS HIGGINSON ATKINS, S. B. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 22 Aug., 1862. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. Act. Med. Cadet U. S. A. July, 1863. Judiciary Square Hosp., Washington, D. C. Med. Cadet U. S. A. i Jan., 1864. Discharged March, 1864. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. N. March, 1864. Farragut's Fleet, West Gulf Squad. Resigned 28 Nov., 1864. 24 370 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1861-62. * NATHANIEL BOWDITCH. Second Lieutenant ist Mass. Cav, 5 Nov., 1861. A. D. C. to Gen. Williams ; expedition against Charleston, S. C. ; Pope's retreat in Va. First Lieutenant ist Mass. Cav. 30 Oct., 1862. Adjutant, Dec, 1862. A. A. G. U. S. Vols. 26 Feb., 1863. ist Brig. 2d Div. Army of the Potomac. Died of wounds received while leading charge at Kelly's Ford, Va., 18 March, 1863. * GEORG-E BROOKS, S. B. Private 4Sth Mass. V. M. 12 Aug., 1862. Battle of Newbern, N. C. Died at Newbern, N. C, 10 Feb., 1863. CHARLES H. MANNING-. Third Asst. Engineer U. S. N. 19 Feb., 1863. U. S. S. Adelaide in Chesapeake Bay, Second Asst. Engineer U. S. N. 25 July, 1864. U. S. S. Dacotah, Feb., 1865 ; South Pacific Squad. ; U. S. S. Semi- nole, 1869-70. First Asst. Engineer U. S. N. 26 Oct., 1872. Asst. Instruc. Engineering U.S. Naval Acad., 1870-75. Passed Asst. Engineer U. S. N. U. S. S. Swatara, 1875-78. i852. ALPHEUS HYATT, S. B. Private 47TH Mass. V. M. First Lieltenant 47TH Mass. V. AL 19 Sept., 1862. Captain 47TH Mass. V. M. 8 Nov., 1862. l862.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 371 Served in and near New Orleans, La. ; Act. A. D. C. to Gen. Emory ; Act. A. A. G. at headquarters west bank of Mississippi. Mustered out i Sept., 1863. Private i2Th unatt. Co. Mass. V. M. 16 May, 1864. Sergeant ; on duty at Provincetown, Mas§. Mustered out 15 Aug., 1864. GEORGE EVERETT MARSH, S. B. Private 52D Mass. V. M. 2 Oci'., 1862. With Maj. Gen. Banks in La., Dec, 1862-Feb., 1863; recon- noissance toward Port Hudson, La. ; Teche campaign ; siege of Port Hudson ; expedition to CHnton. Mustered out 14 Aug., 1863. * THEODORE PARKMAN. Private 45TH Mass. V. M. 26 Sept., 1862. Color Sergeant Sept., 1862. Killed at Whitehall, N. C, 16 Dec, 1862. ANDREW ROBESON, S. B. First Lieutenant ist N. Y. Engineers 26 May, 1864. Adjutant 28 Sept., 1864 ; on engineer duty at Bermuda Hundred, Va., and before Petersburg. Captain ist N. Y. Engineers 21 April, 1865. BvT. Major V. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Pontoon duty at Richmond. Mustered out 30 June, 1865. NATHANIEL SOUTHGATE SHALER, S. B. S. D. (Hist. Nat), 1875. Captain 5TH Ky. Baty. (Shaler's Baty.) July, 1862. Bragg's invasion of Ky. ; on staff Gen. Tillson ; Chief of Art. for fortifications under Burnside ; Morgan's raid into Ohio. 372 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1862-64. BURT GREEN WILDER, S. B. M. D. 1866. Act. Med. Cadet U. S. A. July, 1862. Med. Cadet U. S. A. 27 Oct., 1862. On special duty with Surgeon Brinton, U. S. A., engaged in com- piling Surgical History of the Rebellion. AssT. Surgeon 55TH Mass. Vols. 22 May, 1863. Expedition to N. C, July, 1862 \ Folly Island, S. C, Aug. ; Fla., Feb., 1864; again to Folly Island, April ; attack on James Island; battle Honey Hill; went to North, Jan., 1865; rejoined regt. at Charleston, March ; exped. to Eutaw Springs, April ; Orangeburg, May. Surgeon 55TH Mass. Vols, ii July, 1865. Mustered out 29 Aug., 1865. 1863. ALBERT SMITH BICKMORE. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Expeditions to Tarboro, N. C, and Goldsboro ; battle at White- hall ; detailed for meteorological duty at Beaufort. Mustered out 18 June, 1863. JOHN HERBERT FISHER, S. B. Captain and Vol. A. D. C. Staff of Maj. Gen. McCook JuLY-OcT., 1863. 1864. FREDERIC D. BURNHAM. Fmsr Lieutenant 3D Engineers U. S. A. 12 April, 1864. ALPHEUS SPRAGUE PACKARD. AssT. Surgeon ist Me. Vet. Vols. Oct., 1864. * Mustered out July, 1865. 1864-65.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 373 JOSEPH TRIMBLE ROTHROCK, S. B. Private 131ST Pa. Vols. Aug., 1862. Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va. Mustered out 23 May, 1863. Captain 2oth Pa. Vol. Cav., i July, 1863. In service in Pa., Va., and W. Va. Private i2Th unait. Co. Mass. V. M. 16 May, 1864. In service at Provincetown, Mass. Mustei?ed out 15 Aug., 1864. HARRISON LYMAN WATERMAN, S. B. Second Lieutenant ist N. Y. Engineers 25 Nov., 1864. First Lieutenant ist N. Y. Engineers 16 Feb., 1865. Mustered out July, 1865. 1865. CHARLES FOLLEN ATKINSON, S. B. Private i2th unatt. Co. Mass. V. M. 16 May, 1864. Corporal. Mustered OUT 15 Aug., 1864. DIVINITY SCHOOL. I! *JOHN PIERPONT. Chaplain 22D Mass. Vols. 12 Sept., 1861. Resigned 5 Nov., 1861. Engaged in the Treasuiy Dept., Washington, D. C. Died at West Medford, Mass., 27 Aug., 1866. 1834. GEORGE "WHEELOCK "WOODWARD. Chaplain 45TH III. Vols, i Jan., 1862. Capture of Fort Donelson, Tenn. ; battle Shiloh. Resigned Feb., 1863. 1843. MARTIN WYMAN WILLIS. Chaplain 4TH N. H. Vols. Sept., 1861. Resigned 20 Jan., 1862. EDMUND BURKE WILLSON. Chaplain 24TH Mass. Vols. 21 Oct., 1863. Joined his regt. at St. Augustine, Fla., 18 Feb., 1864; James River, Va., 24 April ; battle Drury's Bluff. Resigned 6 July, 1864. 1845-52-] HARVARD UNIVERSITY IN THE WAR. 375 1845. * "WILLIAM BATCHELDER GBEENE. Colonel 14TH Mass. Vols, (ist Mass. H. A.) 5 July, 1861. Resigned ii Oct., 1862. Died, 1878. EPHRAIM NUTE. Chaplain ist Kansas Vols. 10 June, i86i. Mustered out 17 June, 1864. 1849. AUGUSTUS WOODBURY. Chaplain ist R. I. Detached Mil. 2 May, 1861. A. D. C. to Col. Burnside ; battle first Bull Run, Va. Mustered out 2 Aug., 186 i. Author " Campaign of the First R. I. Regiment," " Burnside and the Ninth Army Corps," and " History of the Second R. I. Regi- ment." 1850. * CHARLES JAMES BOWEN. Hosp. Chaplain U. S. A. 31 May, 1862. Camden Street Hospital, Baltimore, Md. Honorably discharged 10 June, 1865. Died at Roxbury, Mass., 10 April, 1870. 1852. SYLVANUS STANLEY HUNTING-. Chaplain 27TH Mich. Vols. 26 March, 1863. Dismissed the service on account of a letter \vritten by him con- 376 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1852-56. cerning the return of a fugitive slave ; reinstated by the President; rejoined regt. at Blain's Cross Roads, Tenn., Dec, 1863 ; Annapo- Us, Md., March, 1864 ; battle Wilderness, Va., and other actions of Army of Potomac from May, 1864, to April, 1865. Mustered out 26 July, 1865. 1854- JAMES HACKETT FOWLER. Chaplain ist S. C. Vols. (33D U. S. C. T.) Oct., 1862. Mustered out 31 Jan., 1866. 1855. GEORG-E HUGHES HEPWORTH. Chaplain 47TH Mass. Vols. 7 Nov., 1862. A. D. C. Staff Gen. Banks. Resigned 11 Feb., 1863. Author of "Whip, Hoe, and Sword," etc., Boston, 1864. 1856. STEPHEN BARKER. Chaplain 14TH Mass. Vols, (ist Mass. H. A.) 16 July, 1861. Mustered out 8 July, 1864. EDWIN MILLER WHEELOCK. Chapiain 15TH N. H. Vols. 5 Nov., 1862. Mustered out 13 Aug., 1863. 1857-59-] I^ THE WAR OF 18G1-1865. 377 1857. * G-EORGE WASHINGTON BARTLETT. Chaplain 14TH Me. Vols. 28 Dec, 1861. Accompanied regt. to New Orleans, La. ; battle Baton Rouge, where he served as Vol. Aid to Gen. Nickerson. Resigned Feb., 1863. Sick at home ; drafted and rejected for disability ; volunteered to serve in cav. ; rejected. Chaplain ist Me. Cav. 13 Feb., 1864. About Richmond, Va. Killed at McGee's Mills, Va., 2 June, 1864. * GEORGE FREEMAN NOYES. Captain and C. S. U. S. Vols. 21 April, 1862. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1863. Resigned 22 March, 1864. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. BvT. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Died at New York, Jan., 1868. Author of " The Bivouac and the Battle-field ; or. Campaign Sketches in Virginia and Maryland," New Yoik, 1864. 1859. * GERALD FITZ-GERALD. Private i2TH Mass. Vols. 26 June, 1861. Sergeant Major 7 Sept. Second Lieutenant 2D Mass. Vols. 25 Aug., 1862. First Lieutenant 2D Mass. Vols. 20 March, 1863. Killed at Chancellorsville, Va., 3 May, 1863. 378 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1859-63. JOHN CALVIN KIMBALL. Chaplain 8th Mass. V. M. 7 Nov., 1862. Served in 8th A. C. ; battles Newbern, N. C. ; Roanoke Island ; Elizabeth City; ordered to Baltimore, Md., 25 June, 1863; to Army of the Potomac, July. Mustered out 7 Aug., 1863. i860. JOHN SAVARY. Private 47TH Mass. V. M. 30 Nov., 1862. On guard duty near New Orleans, La. Mustered out i Sept., 1863. 1862. EDWARD ILSLEY GAL YIN. Second Lieutenant 42D Mass. V. M. 11 July, 1864. Acting Chaplain ; on guard duty at Alexandria, Va. Mustered out ii Nov., 1864. 1863. EVERETT KENT DEXTER. Corporal 6oth Mass, Vols. 23 July, 1864. Mustered out 30 Nov., 1864. MILTON JENNINGS MILLER. Chaplain iioth Ohio Vols. 8 Aug., 1864. Mustered out 25 June, 1865. 1869.] IN THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 379 1869. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN McDANIEL. Drummer 8ist Pa. Vols. April, 1861. Private 8ist Pa. Vols. April, 186 i. Served in Md. and Va. Discharged for disability 27 Nov., 1861. Private ist Del. Light Baty. id Aug., 1862. On duty in Washington, D. C, and Va. ; New York Riots; Dept. of Gulf ; Red River expedition. Mustered out 23 June, 1865. DAVID PATTERSON MUZZEY. Private ist Mass. Vols. 23 May, 1861. Second Lieutenant 230 Mass. Vols, ii Oct., 1861. Resigned 17 July, 1862. Second Lieutenant 4 ist Mass. Vols. 16 Sept., 1862. First Lieutenant 41ST Mass. Voi^. i Nov., 1862. Captain 3D Mass. Cav. 17 June, 1863. Major 3D Mass. Cav. 15 Aug., 1865. Lieut. Colonel 30 Mass. Cav. 5 Ocr., 1865. Mustered out 8 Oct., 1865. Bumside's expedition in N. C. ; Banks's campaign in La. ; Port Hudson, La. ; Dep. Provost- Marslial, Baton Rouge ; Shenandoah Valley, Va. ; Captain and A. D. C. Staff Gen. Sheridan ; present in nearly thirty engagements. GEORGE AUGUSTINE THAYER. Second Lieutenant 2D Mass. Vols. 16 Oct., 1862. First Lieutenant 2d Mass. Vols. 30 March, 1863. Captain 2D Mass. Vols. 26 July, 1863. Joined regt. at Antietam, Md., Nov., 1862; "mud march" to- ward Fredericksburg, Va. ; skirmish at Germania Ford ; battle 380 HARVARD UNIVERSITY IN THE WAR. [1869-71. Chancellorsville ; Gettysburg, Pa., campaign ; battle Gulp's Hill, Ga. ; joined Army of Cumberland Sept. ; campaign toward Atlanta ; battles Resaca ; Peach Tree Creek ; on provost guard duty at At- lanta ; Sherman's march to the sea ; on sick leave ; rejoined regiment at Raleigh, N. C, 25 April, 1865. Mustered out 14 July, 1865. 1871. JOHN WILLIAM QUINBY. ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY. 1857. * SIDNEY COOLIDGE. Major i6th Inf. U. S. A. 14 May, 1861. Army of Cumberland, summer of 1863 ; movement upon TuUa- homa, Tenn. ; occupation of Chattanooga. Killed at Chickamauga, Ga., 19 Sept., 1863. 1868. HORACE PARNELL TUTTLE. Private 44TH Mass. V. M. 12 Sept., 1862. Served in N. C. Mustered out 26 April, 1863. Act. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. 17 Feb., 1863. U. S. Naval Acad. ; U. S. School-Ship Macedonian, 1863-64. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. 2 July, 1864. U. S. Ironclad Catskill ; S. A. Block. Squad. ; Bureau Provisions and Clothing, 1865-66. Paymaster U. S. N. 4 May, 1866. Store-Ship Onward, S. A. Squad., 1867 ; Store-Ship Guard, Europ. Squad., 1868-69. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 1834. * GIDEON FORRESTER BARSTOW. M. D. 1837. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Died at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, Mass., 5 June, 1864. 1842. ANDREW DELAY AL BLANCHARD. M. D. 1846. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 22 May, 1862. Service at Mill Creek Hosp., near Fort Monroe, Va. ; Yorktown ; Lovell Hosp., Portsmouth Grove, R. I. Discharged 4 March, 1863. 1844. *JOHN ADAMS HARRIS. After the close of the War he paid a visit, in June, 1865, to his family at Jamaica Plain, Mass., passing several months there ; then returned to Vicksburg, Miss., and engaged in business. He never married. He was engaged in planting. Died at Greenville, Miss., 25 July, 1886. l86i-66.] HARVARD UNIVERSITY IN THE WAR. l%l 1861. JAMES PUTNAM WALKER. Sergeant ist Me. State Guards 3 Sept., 1864. Stationed at Fort McCleary, Portsmouth Harbor, N. H. Mustered out 7 Nov., 1 864. 1863. HASWELL CORDIS CLARKE. A. B. 1867. Second Lieutenant and Vol. A. D. C. on Staff of Maj. Gen. Butler, 10 Feb., 1862. Captain and A. D. C. U. S. Vols. 9 Nov., 1863. Took part in all engagements during his term of service in Depts. of Gulf, Va., and N. C, and Army of the James. BvT. Major U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 March, 1865. Mustered out 22 Nov., 1865. 1866. EDWIN CLARENCE BROWN. Left College 1862-63. Private 59TH Mass. Vols. 5 Dec, 1863. Battles Wilderness, Va. ; Spottsylvania ; transferred to 5 7th Mass. Vols. I June, 1865. Mustered out 18 July, 1865. 384 HARVARD UNIVERSITY [1847-55. MEDICAL SCHOOL. 1847. * MARCUS AURELIUS MOORE, M. D. Captain ist Mass. Cav. 31 Oct., 1861. 5 Jan., 1863. Died at Boston, Mass., 30 March, i 864. 1851. * CHARLES HOSEA HILDRETH, M. D. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 1865. Eastern Point Fort Hosp., Gloucester, Mass. Died at Gloucester, Mass., 18 May, 1884. 1855. GEORGE MCLELLAN STAPLES, M. D. Surgeon 14TH Iowa Vols. 2 Nov., 1861. Joined regt. at Davenport, Iowa; St. Louis, Mo., Dec, 1861- Feb., 1862 ; ordered to Fort Henry, Tenn., which had just been cap- tured ; investment and capture of Fort Donelson ; on duty in left centre field hosp. 5 batde Shiloh ; Surgeon in Chief Gen. Wallace's Div. ; capture of Corinth, Miss. ; leave of absence on account of illness ; while at home examined recruits for Iowa regts. ; rejoined command at Corinth; Surgeon in Chief 6th Div. i6th A. C. in spring of 1863 ; on Gen. Asboth's Staff at Columbus, Ky.; Sher- man's raid from Vicksburg, Miss., to Meridian in winter of 1863- 64 ; Surgeon in Chief 3d Div. right wing i6th A. C, on the Red River expedidon ; attack on Fort De Russy ; batde Pleasant Hill; Med. Dir. right wing i6th A. C, and detachment of 17th I855-59-] ^^^' THE WAR OF 1861-1865. 385 A. C. ; in all engagements of the expedition ; battles Lake Chicot, La. ; Tupelo, Miss. ; expeditions to Holly Springs and Oxford ; accompanied army into Mo. to repel invasion of Gen. Price. Mustered out Nov., 1864. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 13 AUrch, 1865. 1859. ALEXANDER HUTCHINS. AssT. Surgeon U. S. N. 30 July, 186 i. Served in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; U. S. S. Wyandotte ; U. S. S. Harriet Lane 3 U. S. S. Massachusetts, supply ship to Atlantic Squad. Resigned 24 June, 1863. GEORGE AUGUSTUS WHEELER. Surgeon i8th Me. Vols., afterwards ist H. A. Defences of Washington, D. C. AssT. Surgeon U. S. Vols. Oct., 1862. Ordered to report at U. S. Naval Acad., Annapolis, Md. ; in charge hosp. at Annapolis Junction. Surgeon U. S. Vols. 5 April, 1864. Ordered to the field ; in charge Depot Field Hosp. 9th A. C. at City Point, Va., for ten weeks ; Asst. Med. Dir. and Insp. of Hosps. 9th A. C. until close of War ; on duty in Jeffersonville, Ind. BvT. Lieut. Colonel U. S. Vols. 20 March, 1865. 25 INDEX. Abbot 1864 Edward Stanley, 202 Abbott / 1855 Abial Ralph, 330 i860 Edward Gardiner, 134 i860 Henry Livermore, 135 tn 1862 Samuel Warren, 269 Adams 1S49 Zabdiel Boylston, 39 1856 Charles Francis, 87 i860 George Everett, 135 / 1861 Sherman Wolcott, 346 m 1866 James Forster Alleyne, 297 m 1 868 Francis Wayland, 310 Ainsworth m 1844 Frederic Smith, 231 Alden 1S61 Leonard Case, 157 Allen m 1864 Charles Gilbert, 284 m 1866 George Otis, 297 Allyn 1863 John, 190 Almy 1 86 1 Pardon, 157 Ames 1850 1854 1859 7n 187 Amory 1S63 Charles Walter, igo Anderson 1852 Elbert Ellery, 54 1858 Nicholas Longworth, 109 1864 Frederic Pope, 203 Appleton 1S63 Nathan, 191 Arnold m 1861 George Jerome, 262 / 1862 George Waterman, 350 Mitchell, 43 John Worthington, 70 Pelham Warren, 121. Azel, 319. Atkins s 1 861 Francis Higginson, 369 Atkinson 1S61 Henry Martyn, 157 s 1865 Charles Follen, 373 Avery 1850 John, 44 Babbidge 1S2S Charles, 3 Bache / 1 861 Francis Markoe, 346 Bacon 1857 Grenville, 99 Badger 1855 William Whittlesey, 77 Bagley 1S63 Charles Hazlett, 191 Bailey 1863 Andrew Jackson, 191 Baker m 1851 George Pierce, 237 Balch 1859 Francis Vergnies, 121 Bane / 1871 Moses Milton, 361 Bangs J- 1 8 54 George P., 364 Banker 1866 Benson Beriah, 220 Barber VI 1866 Rio Delos, 297 Bardwell s 1856 Frederic William, 365 Barker t 1856 Stephen, 376 1863 Augustus, 192 Barlow 1855 Francis Channing, 77 388 INDEX. Barnard 1832 Charles Francis, 6 1857 George Middleton, 99 Barney 1859 William, 122 Barstow 1834 Gideon Forrester, 382 1837 Simon Forrester, 8 i860 Nathaniel Saltonstall, 136 Barteaux 771 1S67 Edward Lawrence, 306 Bartholomew 771 1S47 H. L., 233 / 1858 Nelson, 334 Bartlett t 1857 George Washington, 377 1862 William Francis, 177 Bassett 771 G. D., 321. Batchelder 1859 George Wellington, 122 i860 Frederic William, 136 Batcheller / 1S57 George Sherman, 333 Beach VI 1868 Henry Harris Aubrey, 310 Belknap 1845 Henry, 26 Bell / 1865 Charles Upham, 354 Bickmore s 1863 Albert Smith, 372 Bigelow VI 1848 Samuel Lee, 234 1854 Frank Winthrop, 71 1861 John, 158 Binney 1864, John, 203 Birney 1S64 Fitzhugh, 203 Bixby 771 1857 George Holmes, 247 Blackmar / 1868 Wilmon Whilldin, 360 Blackmer 771 1 8 54 John, 240 Blagden 1S56 George, 88 Blair 1878 Lafayette Gilbert, 226 Blake TTi 1840 Eli Whitney, 229 771 1S53 Samuel Coleman, 239 / 1S58 Henry Nichols, 334 1S63 Marshall William, 192 Blanchard 1S42 Andrew Delaval, 382 771 1 85 1 Albert Henry, 238 1864 Edward Richmond, 204 Bliss 1847 Alexander, 32 1 85 1 George, 48 Blodgett 7)1 1S65 John Hardy, 290 Blood 1840 Benjamin Franklin, 14 771 1870 Robert Allen, 319 Bolster / 1S59 Solomon Alonzo, 338 Bombaugh 1850 Charles Carroll, 45 Bond 1859 Henry May, 122 1859 William Sturgis, 123 771 1862 William Lycurgus, 270 Bonney / 1863 George Bernard, 352 Boone 1 86 1 Allan Foster, 159 Bowditch 1561 Henry Pickering, 159 1863 Charles Pickering, 192 J- 1 861 Nathaniel, 370 Bowen t 1850 Charles James, 375 771 1867 William Shaw, 306 Bowman 1562 Edward Carson, 178 Boyden 1 861 Jeremiah Wesley, 159 Boynton 1863 Winthrop Perkins, 193 Bradshaw 1S71 Charles, 225 Bradt 1857 James Gerritt, 100 Bragg m 1859 Ira Wilson, 252 Braman 1864 Chandler Balch, 204 1867 Joseph Balch, 222 INDEX. 389 Breck m 1866 Theodore Frelinghuysen, 297 Breed m 1S57 Bowman Bigelow, 248 Brewer J 1854 William Augustus, 364 Brewster m 1S65 Ethan Allen Paul, 290 Bridgham m. 1864 Charles Burr, 285 Briggs 1S53 Charles Edward, 64 Brigham m 1865 Frank Whiting, 290 m 1868 Edwin Howard, 310 Bright m i860 George Adams, 256 Brinckerhoff 1866 Henry Walter, 220 Brodhead / 1S46 Thornton Fleming, 325 Brooks s 1 861 George, 370 Brown 1 85 1 Edward Wyeth, 49 1853 Joseph Mansfield, 64 1856 Charles Brooks, 88 m 1856 Henry Wheelock, 246 1857 Francis Henry, 100 i860 Charles Edwin, 136 in i860 Francis Frederic, 256 1863 Henry French, 193 / 1863 Hubert Sanford, 352 1866 Edwin Clarence, 3S3 / 1867 Edward Payson, 357 m Orlando, 321 Browne m 1852 John Mills, 238 m 1864 William Andrews, 285 Bryant 1840 Henry, 14 m i860 Albert Henry, 257 Bubier m 1865 Joseph Augustus, 290 Buck 1856 Robert Herrick, 89 Buckley m 1865 William Barry, 291 Bull m 1867 George Henry, 306 Bullard 1S61 John Lincoln, 160 Bullitt / 1866 William Anderson, 355 Bumstead / 1858 Nathaniel Willis, 335 Bunker ni 1862 David Thayer, 270 Burbank 111 1859 Charles Henry, 252" / 1864 Horace Harmon, 353 Burgess m 1865 Frederic Newton, 291 Burleigh m 1S64 Daniel Coffin, 285 Burnham s 1S64 Frederic D. 372 Burrage 1862 Joseph Perrin, 178 Burroughs 1861 George, 160 Burt 1850 William Lathrop, 45 1858 John Otis, 109 Bush 1S71 Archibald McClure, 225 Butler m 1854 John Freeman, 241 / i860 George Brown, 342. m 1866 Winthrop, 298 Buttrick 1852 Edward King, 55 1856 Frank, 89 Cabot 1858 Louis, no Cameron m 1865 John Thomas, 291 Campbell VI 1857 Benjamin Franklin, 248 m 1864 James McGregor, 285 771 1S65 William Henry, 291 771 1866 Merritt Bates, 298 Canfield 1S52 Charles Taylor, 55 Carleton ;;/ 1S61 Charles Monro, 262 771 1867 Charles Greenleaf, 306 390 INDEX. Carter 1865 John Wilkins, 214 Chadsey 1S64 William Harrison, 204 Chamberlain / 1S64 Daniel Henry, 353 Chamberlaine 1847 Augustus Porter, -^i Chamberlin / 1859 James, 338 Chandler m 1854 Charles Marcellus, 241 / 1S57 Charles Peleg, 333 / 1867 George Henry, 357 Channing 1S29 William Henry, 5 Chapin 1864 Edward, 204 Chapman 1856 Jonathan, 89 1869 Frederic Lord, 224 Chase 1850 James Morss, 46 Chauncey 1859 Charles, 123 Cheever 1S52 David Williams, 55 Choate / 1S56 Rufus, 332 Churchill 1840 Joseph McKean, 15 Cilley 1858 Jonathan Longfellow, no 1S59 Clinton Albert, 123 Clapp m 1850 Fayette, 236 1855 Channing, 78 i860 Henry Austin, 137 Clark 1855 Randolph Marshall, 78 1S57 Joseph Horace, 100 m 1862 John Howe, 270 771 1866 John Laing, 298 1S71 Galen Alonzo, 225 Clarke m 1847 Rowse Reynolds, 233 1855 Thomas William, 79 m 1862 Augustus Peck, 271 1863 Haswell Cordis, 383 m 1864 Elisha Peckham, 285 1867 Eliot Channing, 222 1867 John Houghton, 222 7n 1867 William Johnson, 307 Clay / 1S61 Green, 346 Cleaves 771 1869 Royal Louis, 314 Cleveland 1827 Richard Jeffry, 3 Clift 771 1S62 Joseph Wales, 271 Clough m 1869 Benjamin Franklin, 315 Cobb 1858 John Edward, no i86r John Doggett, l6l Coburn m 1864 Benjamin, 286 Cochrane / 1858 Frederic, 335 Codman 1S49 Charles Russell, 40 Cogswell 771 1844 William, 231 / i860 William, 343 1864 Edward Russell, 205 / 1 866 Thomas, 355 Colburn / 1862 Charles Shepherd, 350 Cole 771 1858 Palmer Cook, 251 771 1865 Isaac Griswold, 291 / 1866 Ulysses David, 355 Colgrove 7)1 1869 Charles Hiram, 315 Collamore m 1859 George Anthony, 252 Cook 1867 Silas Parsons, 222 Coolidge 711 1S53 Algernon, 240 ast. 1857 Sidney, 381 Copeland 1 85 1 Robert Morris, 49 i860 William Ellery, 137 Coues 1845 Samuel Franklin, 27 Cowdrey 771 1 85 7 Arthur Harris, 248 INDEX. 391 Coxe / 1S51 John Redman, 326 1864 Charles Henry, 205 Cram m 1868 Ashbel Henry, 310 Crane 711 1847 Charles Henry, 233 1863 William Dwight, 193 Crehore w 1S59 Charles Frederic, 253 Crocker 1862 Augustus, 179 Crocker m 1 86 1 Benjamin Tower, 262 Crosby / 1S51 Stephen Moody, 327 m 1865 Atwood, 292 Crowninshield 1858 Benjamin William, in i860 Caspar, 137 1864 Francis Welch, 205 Crozier m 1863 Thomas, 277 Cudworth 1850 Warren Handel, 46 Cummings / 1858 Arial Ivers, 335 Curtis 1849 Caleb Agry, 41 s 1851 Greely Stevenson, 363 1851 Herbert Pelham, 49 1854 Hall, 71 s 1856 Joseph Bridgham, 366 1859 Edward, 124 i860 Walter, 137 Gushing 1859 Edmund Henry, 125 m 1861 Joseph Whitney, 263 m 1866 Stephen, 298 Cutler m 1863 Edward Rowland, 278 1864 Nathan, 206 Cutter m 1830 Calvin, 227 Cutting 1859 Heyward, 125 / 1859 Robert Livingston, 338 Cutts / i860 James Madison, 343 Dabney 1844 Charles William, 22 1S61 Lewis Stackpole, 162 Daland 1S56 Edward Francis, 89 Dale 1837 William Johnson, 9 Dalton 1844 John Call, 22 1850 Joseph Grinnell, 46 1855 Edward Barry, 80 Dana tn 1847 David, 233 David 711 1S54 William Glenn, 241 Davies 1S56 Henry Eugene, 90 Davis 1825 Charles Henry, 2 1844 Henry Tallman, 23 711 1862 Samuel Alonzo, 271 Dawson m 1864 Thomas, 2S6 Dean 771 1 861 Henry Claudius, 263 1864 Chauncey Child, 206 Dearborn 771 1865 Frederic Merriweather, 292 Dearing 771 1864 Henry Livingston, 286 Dehon 1861 Arthur, 162 Deming / 1S39 Henry Champion, 322 Denny 771 1867 James Henry, 307 Derby 1838 George, 10 Devens 1838 Charles, il Devereux 1856 John Forrester, 91 De Wolf 771 1866 James Edward, 299 Dexter 1858 George, in i860 Julius, 138 t 1S63 Everett Kent, 378 Dickson / 1850 William Martin, 326 1854 Jonathan Bates, 72 392 INDEX. Dinsmoor 1863 George Reid, 194 Disbrow m 1865 Robert, 292 Doane / 1S59 Henry, 338 Dole m 1864 John, 286 Donham m 1868 Benjamin Eugene, 311 Donnell / 1861 James Monroe, 347 Doolittle 1861 Henry Jonas, 163 Dorr 1854 Frederic William, 72 1864 Jonathan, 207 Dorsheimer 1853 William, 65 Doster / 1859 William Emile, 339 Dove s 1857 George William Webster, 366 Downes 1S52 Henry Hill, 55 Draper m 1864 Joseph Rutter, 286 m 1867 Edgar Leroy, 307 m 1869 Frank Winthrop, 315 Driver 1S60 Stephen William, 138 Drummond m 1862 Thomas Menzies, 271 Duncan 1859 Henry T., 125 Dunn 1863 Horace Sargent, 194 Dunning 1 868 Edwin James, 224 Dunster 1856 Edward Swift, 91 Durgin m 1864 Samuel Holmes, 286 Dutton VI i860 Samuel Lane, 257 Dwight 1853 Wilder, 65 1857 Howard, loi 1862 Charles Trowbridge, 179 Dyer 1857 Ezra, loi m 1858 William Snow, 251 Eaton 7n 1856 John Marshall, 246 / 1857 Lucien, 333 / 1864 Solon, 353 m Benjamin Franklin, 321 Edes 1858 Robert Thaxter, in Edmands 1862 Albert William, 179 1867 Thomas Sprague, 222 Edson in i860 Ptolemy O'Meara, 257 Edwards 1863 Henderson Josiah, 194 Eells 1858 Samuel Henry, 112 Ela / 1857 John Whittier, 334 Eldridge 1864 John Loring, 207 Elliot m 1848 Stephen Fuller, 235 1864 James Henry, 207 Ellis 1846 Calvin, 30 m 1852 Joshua James, 238 / 1858 James Marsh, 335 ni 1866 Calvin Curtis, 299 Emerson 1561 Stephen Goodhue, 163 1863 Charles, 194 1865 George Aaron, 215 m 1869 Nathaniel Bright, 315 Emery m 1864 Alfred Eastman, 287 Emmerton 1855 James Arthur, 81 Endy m 1869 Leonard Marshall, 316 Ensign 1562 Edward Eli, 180 Ernst 1862 Oswald Herbert, 180 Erving 1853 John, 6s INDEX. 393 Bst6 1852 William Miller, 56 Eustis 1S3S Henry Lawrence, 11 Evans 1849 Andrew Wallace, 41 1855 Alfred Douglas, Si 1863 Samuel Edwards, 195 Everett 1855 Henry Sidney, 81 i860 Edward Franklin, 138 Fairchild 1858 Charles, 112 Falconer m 1865 Alexander Frank, 292 Farnsworth 1847 George Bourne, -t^t^ Farrar 1861 Henry Weld, 163 m 1862 Daniel, 272 Faxon m 1862 William Lyman, 272 Fay / 1859 Farwell Foster, 339 Fenton 1S61 John Lyman, 164 Ferrin m 1866 Chester Manning, 299 Fessenden / 1854 James Deering, 328 / i860 Francis, 343 Fillmore m 1856 Charles Wesley, 246 Fisher m 1834 Nathaniel Augustus, 227 1848 Francis Porter, 35 1856 Edward Thornton, 92 1857 Aron Estey, loi 1857 Horace Newton, 102 m 1 861 Theodore Willis, 263 s 1863 John Herbert, 372 1865 George Albert, 215 Fiske / 1846 Francis Skinner, 325 1861 Joseph Emery, 164 1862 George Alfred, iSi Fitz-Gerald t 1859 Gerald, 377 Fletcher / 1 841 Joel White 323 m 1858 Samuel William, 251 1862 George Albert, iSi m 1862 William Kelley, 272 Flint 1851 Edward Austin, 50 m i860 James Milton, 257 Flowers in 1861 William Caldwell, 263 Floyd m 1 861 Theodore Scott, 264 Fogg / 1867 George Washington, 358 Folsom 1845 Charles William, 27 in 1S64 Norton, 287 Foote 1865 Cleaveland, 215 Forbes 1861 William Hathaway, 164 Force 1S45 Manning Ferguson, 27 Form an in 1869 Jacob Gilbert, 316 Fosdick / 1868 Wood, 361 Foss in 1859 Stephen, 253 Foster 1S3S Charles Francis, 12 Fowler / 1854 James Hackett, 376 m 1S74 Samuel Page, 320 Fox in 1S35 John Lawrence, 228 / 1S59 Thomas William, 339 1S60 Thomas Bayley, 139 / 1 861 James Augustus, 347 in 1S63 Lorenzo Smith, 278 1S64 Charles William, 207 1S67 Edward Winslow, 223 Foye m i860 John Wilson, 25S France in 1S71 Shirley Henry, 320 Francis 1858 George Ebenezer, 112 1864 Charles, 208 Franklin s 1857 Walter Simonds, 366 French 1828 Henry, 4 394 INDEX. m 1S41 Otis Everett, 229 1859 George Franklin, 126 1864 William Mercliant Rich- ardson, 208 Frink in 186S Charles Totman, 311 Frisbie 7)1 1 86 1 Jesse Frank, 264 Froebel s 1857 Charles, 367 Frothingham 1863 Benjamin Thompson, 195 Fuller 1843 Arthur Buckminster, 19 / 1859 Henry William, 339 Furness 1S60 William Eliot, 139 1863 Charles Eliot, 195 Gage t?i 1855 Daniel Parker, 245 Galloupe m 1849 Isaac Francis, 235 Galvin t 1862 Edward Ilsley, 378 Gannett i860 Alfred White, 139 Gansevoort / 1S58 Henry Sanford, 336 Garbutt 1867 Frank Clarkson, 223 Gardner / 1867 Samuel Augustus, 358 Garrard / 1S47 Israel Ludlow, 325 1848 Kenner, 36 Garvie m 1863 John Brown, 278 Garvin m 1867 Lucius Fayette Clark, 307 Gavin in 1864 Michael Freebern, 287 Gerould in 1866 Martin Luther, 299 Gerrish / 1855 George Albert, 330 Gholson 1S61 William Yates, 165 Gibson m 1862 William Borrowe, 272 Giddings 1856 Edward Leach, 93 Gilbert 1 861 Daniel Dudley, 165 Gill in 1S64 George Fuller, 287 Gilman in 1863 John Henry, 278 Gilmartin in 1865 Peter Paul, 292 Glazier 1844 Francis, 23 Goddard / 1861 Charles Converse, 347 Goodrich 1S48 John Franklin, 37 / 1859 Frank Chester, 340 Goodwin 1854 Richard Chapman, 72 / 1854 William Frederic, 328 in 1865 Richard James Plumer 292 Gordon / 1S56 George Henry, 332 Gorham 1851 Jason Martin, 50 Gould in 1859 Joseph Ferdinand, 253 1861 . Ezra Palmer, 166 1 861 James Reeve, 166 1863 Arthur Frederic, 195 1863 Samuel Shelton, 195 Grafton 1862 James Ingersoll, 181 Granger m 1866 Reed Bartlett, 299 in 1868 James Nathaniel, 311 Gray 1S59 John Chipman, 126 Greely in 1850 Moses Reuben, 236 Green 1849 James Durell, 42 185 1 Nicholas St. John, 51 1851 Samuel Abbott, 51 1855 John, 82 Greene t 1845 William Batchelder, 375 1862 Charles Ezra, 182 Greenough 1859 Francis Boott, 126 INDEX. 395 Grier / 1S67 Thomas Jefferson, 358 Griffin 1S64 Perley Morse, 208 Grover m 1S63 William Barrows, 279 Guffin / 1861 Ross, 347 Gunn tn 1S63 Neil K., 279 Gutman 1S55 Joseph, 82 Hack 1S56 Daniel, 93 Hackett 1861 Frank Warren, 167 Hagar 1864 Charles Willard, 208 Haines / 1859 Thomas Ryerson, 340 Hale / 1865 Eben Thomas, 354 Hall 1 85 1 Edward Henry, 52 1853 William Ware, 65 1856 Rowland Minturn, 93 1S60 Henry Ware, 140 Hallowell 1861 Norwood Penrose, 167 Ham m 1864 John Randolph, 288 Hamilton 1 861 Frank Hastings, 16S m 1865 Charles William Frederick 293 Hamlin m 1S55 Augustus Choate, 245 Hammond 1863 Walter Whitney, 196 / 1865 John Wilkes, 354 m 1866 Henry Louis, 300 Handy m 1868 George Washington, 311 Hanscom m 1868 San ford, 311 Hanson 1865 James Ira, 216 Harding 1847 Chester, },t, 1856 Martin Van Buren, 94 Hardy 1861 Alpheus Holmes, 16S Hare 1864 Horace Binney, 208 Harris 1844 John Adams, 24, 382 1S63 Thomas Robinson, 196 m James, 321 Hartwell 1844 Shattuck, 24 1853 George Walker, 66 1858 Alfred Stedman, 113 Haseltine 1863 Albert Chevalier, 196 Haskell 1S56 Augustus Mellen, 94 Hassam 1S63 John Tyler, ig6 Hastings m 1856 Joseph Wilcox, 246 Hatch m 1867 William Allen, 307 Hauteville 1859 Frederic Sears Grand d', 127 Haven 1852 Samuel Foster, 56 1857 Franklin, 102 1858 Alfred Houston, 113 1862 Samuel Cushman, 182 Hawes 1845 John Alexander, 29 1858 Marcus Morton, 114 Hayden 1854 Edward Daniel, 73 1859 David Hyslop, 127 i860 Horace John, 140 Hayes / 1845 Rutherford Birchard, 324 1855 Joseph, 82 Hayward 1850 Nathan, 47 ni 1858 John McLean, 252 Hazelton i860 Isaac Hills, 141 Head m 1843 John Frazier, 230 1852 George Edward, 56 Heard m 1859 John Theodore, 253 396 INDEX. Heath m 1853 William Henry, 240 Heaton 1563 Charles William, 196 Hedge 1 85 1 Frederic Henry, 52 1862 William, 1S2 Hedges 1564 James Neville, 209 Henck 1S65. William Channing, 216 Henderson / 1S61 Thomas Albert, 347 Hepworth t 1855 George Hughes, 376 Hess / 1866 Charles Emil, 355 Hickling 1862 Charles Edward, 182 Higgins / 1863 Anthony, 352 Higginson 1S41 Thomas Wentworth, 16 1855 Henry Lee, 83 1856 William Cochran, 94 1857 James Jackson, 103 1863 Francis Lee, 197 1863 Samuel Storrow, 197 Hildreth 711 1 85 1 Charles Hosea, 384 m 1S61 Charles Floyer Pond, 264 Hill / 1S56 Egbert Oswell, 333 in i860 John Edward, 258 Hinckley / 1864 Henry Rose, 353 Hinds 1844 Ebenezer Pierce, 24 m 1861 William Henry Weed, 264 Hitchcock m i860 Thomas Barnes, 2 58 Hoar 1867 Samuel, 223 Hobart 711 1S66 Matthew Thornton, 301 Hodges 1855 George Foster, 83 1857 Thorndike Deland, 103 1862 John, 183 1864 Almon Danforth, 209 Hoffman 1 84 1 Wickham, 16 1859 Southard, 127 Holland 711 1 84 1 James, 229 Hollis / 1861 Abijah, 348 Holman m 1855 Silas Atherton, 245 Holmes 1837 Christopher Columbus, 10 711 1848 Alexander Reed, 235 1S61 Oliver Wendell, 168 771 1865 Arthur Almond, 293 Holstein 1S67 Charles Louis, 223 Holt 1857 Jacob Farnum, 103 7/1 1859 Alfred Fairbanks, 254 711 1868 Edward Brown, 312 Homans 1858 John, 114 Homer 1847 Charles Whitefield, 34 Hooker 1S51 Anson Parker, 53 Hooper 1852 William Sturgis, 57 1859 Edward William, 127 Hopkins m 1854 Elisha, 241 Hopkinson 1S59 Francis Custis, 128 Hoppin 1859 Henry Parker, 12S Horton 1S57 Charles Paine, 104 i860 Edwin Johnson, 141 Hosmer 1S55 James Kendall, 83 1856 Henry Zelotes, 94 111 1867 Charles Edward, 308 Houghton 1861 Oliver Cleaveland, 169 How 1859 Henry Jackson, 128 Howard 1848 Thomas Dwight, 37 INDEX. 397 Howe VI 1854 Francis Augustine, 242 1864 Edward Robbins, 209 1864 Franklin Tlieodore, 209 Howes m 1S5-I. Woodbridge Ruggles, 242 Hoyt m i860 Dixi Crosby, 259 Hubbard ;« 1 861 Charles Thacher, 265 Hudson 1S56 John Williams, 95 Huff m 321. Huidekoper 1862 Frederic Wolters, 183 1862 Henry Shippen, 184 1864 Herman John, 210 Hull 7n 1865 William Henry, 293 Humphreys 1S60 Charles Alfred, 141 Hunt m 1870 Israel Thorndike, 319 Hunting t 1S52 Sylvanus Stanley, 375 Hurd 1852 Samuel Hutchins, 57 1853 Charles Henry, 66 Huse ;« 1S66 Ralph Cross, 301 Hutchins in 1S61 Edward R., 265 vt 1859 Alexander, 385 Hyatt s 1862 Alpheus, 370 Inches 1861 Charles Edward, i( Ingalls 1835 William, 8 Jackson / i860 Joseph Cooke, 344 1865 Patrick Tracy, 216 / 1865 Huntington Wolcott, 355 m. 1865 Cornelius Sampson, 293 m 1868 Walter Marsh, 312 Jameson m 1S61 Robert Edwin, 265 Jaques m 1S6S Edwin Devereux, 312 Jarves 1S60 Horatio Deming, 142 Jarvis / 1S42 Charles, 324 Jeffries 1854 Benjamin Joy, 73 Jenks 1S63 William Furness, 197 Jenney s 1853 William Le Baron, 363 Jennison 1852 Samuel Pearce, 58 Jewett m 1S47 George, 234 Johnson 1845 William Otis, 29 s 1854 Charles Robinson, 365 i860 Edward Crosby, 142 1861 Alfred Perry, 169 m 1865 Henry, 293 Jones 1856 Jesse Henry, 95 / 1861 Frank Johnston, 348 1863 George Seneca, 197 1S63 William Frederic, 198 m 1864 George Howard, 28S 1865 Ludlow Ap, 216 771 1S71 William Pelby, 320 Judson / 1849 Walter Herbert, 326 m 1S60 Adoniram B., 259 Kane / 1S71 Aloysius Joseph, 362 Kemble m 1S63 Arthur, 279 Kendall 1S47 Charles Grant, 34 Kennedy m 1846 Thomas Joseph William, 232 Kent / 1866 Charles Nelson, 355 m 1S69 Barker Brooks, 316 Kidder 1862 Jerome Henry, 184 398 INDEX. Kimball / 1841 William King, 323 t 1859 John Calvin, 378 King 1S39 John, 13 1S52 Benjamin Flint, 58 1867 Rufus, 223 Kingman 1843 John William, 20 Kinsman / 1854 Josiah Burnham, 329 Kittredge m 1845 Floyer Galen, 231 m 1867 Charles Marsh, 308 Knapp i860 Arthur May, 143 m 1863 William Dickson, 279 Kneeland 1840 Samuel, 15 Knight 1864 Frank, 210 Kuhn / 1852 Hartman, 327 Lamb 1861 Charles Duncan, 169 Lamson m 1863 Horace Samuel, 279 Langmaid 1859 Samuel Wood, 129 Larabee m 1864 George Herman, 2S8 Lathrop / 1855 John, 330 1S63 William Henry, 198 Lawrence 1855 Samuel Crocker, 84 1856 Albert Gallatin, 96 1859 George, 129 i860 Frank William, 143" / i860 George Porter, 345 1863 Arthur, 198 Lawson m 1863 Frederic Bartlett, 280 VI 1865 Frank, 293 Leach m 1857 Thomas Walter, 249 Leavitt 1861 Thomas Joseph, 170 m 1862 Daniel Frye, 272 Lee 1843 Francis L., 20 1846 John Rose, 30 Leimer / 1866 Charles Frederic, 356 Leland 1S32 Cyrus, 6 771 1842 Francis, 229 i860 Daniel Talcott Smith, 143 Leve 1S63 Adolphus Maximilian, 199 Lewis m i860 Frederic Benjamin Adams, 259 m 1867 Edwin Rufus, 308 Lieber / 1858 Guido Norman, 336 Lincoln m 1854 Francis Minor, 242 1861 David Francis, 170 1864 Robert Todd, 211 m 1868 Rufus Pratt, 312 Lindenbower / 1858 Harrison, 337 Lindsly 711 1S57 Webster, 249 Livermore 1853 Charles Frederic, 66 Lord / 185S George De Forest, 337 Loring 184S Charles Greely, 38 1859 Francis William, 129 Lothrop 1854 Thomas Jackson, 73 Levering 1S56 Joseph Foster, 96 Lowe 771 1864 Lewis Gould, 2S8 Lowell 1S54 Charles Russell, 73 1858 James Jackson, 114 Lunt 1S63 Henry, 199 Lyman / 1854 Wyllys, 329 1855 Theodore, 84 Lynn m 1869 Charles William, 316 INDEX. 399 McAllister m D., 321 McCluer 77t 1S52 Benjamin, 239 McCollom m 1869 John Hildreth, 317 McConnell / 1854 George Murray, 329 McDaniel t 1869 Benjamin Franklin, 379 McGraw m 1870 Richard D., 319 Macgregor 7n 1863 Murdoch, 280 McGregor m 1861 John H., 265 Mack m 1863 David, 280 Mackenzie m 1S63 Alexander Sydney, 280 Mackie m 1849 John Howell, 236 McLaren m 1865 Andrew, 294 McLean / 1838 Nathaniel Collins, 322 m 1863 Daniel, 280 McLellan m 1843 Francis Miller, 230 McNutt m 1862 William Fletcher, 273 McPhee m 1863 Daniel, 281 McSheehy m 1864 John James, 288 Maglathlin 1843 Henry Bartlett, 20 Maltzberger / 1864 Harrison, 354 Mann 7n 1843 Cyrus Sweetser, 230 m 1859 Augustine Alvan, 254 m 1867 Benjamin Houston, 309 Manning s i86i Charles H., 370 Mansfield m 1869 Henry Tucker, 317 Marcy m 1864 Henry Orlando, 288 Marsh s 1862 George Everett, 371 Marston 1863 Elias Hutchins, 199 Martin 7)1 1845 Henry Austin, 232 Mason 7)1 1844 Augustus, 231 1856 William Powell, 96 1858 Edward Bromfield, 115 1S62 Herbert Cowpland, 185 m 1863 Joseph, 2S1 7)1 1865 George Edward, 294 Masters 7)1 1865 George W., 294 Mattocks / 1867 Charles Porter, 359 Maxfield m 1867 James Gardner, 309 May 1861 James Rundlet, 170 Meconkey 1S64 Richard Jones, 211 Mecuen 7)1 1875 George Edward, 320 Meigs 7)1 1S60 John Jay, 259 Mercer 7)1 1861 Frederic Wentworth 266 Merriam 1856 Joseph Waite, 97 Merrill / 1849 Charles Benjamin, 326 771 1857 John Hill, 249 Mifflin 1862 Benjamin Crowninshield, 185 Miller / 1863 Milton Jennings, 378 7)1 1868 Charles Nathaniel, 312 Mills i860 Charles James, 143 Milton 1858 William Frederic, 115 Mitchell 1855 James Tyndale, 84 7)1 1863 Albert Leshman, 281 1865 Lebbeus Horatio, 216 / 1866 John Grant, 356 Monro 771 1865 George Albert, 294 Monroe z« 1861 Francis Le Baron, 266 400 INDEX. Moore vt 1847 Marcus Aurelius, 384 / 1861 James Hamilton, 348 m 186S Samuel Lawrence, 313 Moors 1842 John Farwell, 18 Morgan m 1 866 Edwin Jeremiah, 301. Morong 7n 1S54 Edward Ferine, 243 Morrill 1865 Ferdinand Gordon, 217 Morris / 1855 William Gouverneur, 330 Morse s 1858 Charles Fessenden. 367 m M. L. 321 Morton / 1 861 Ellis Wesley, 348 / 1862 Joseph William, 350 Motte 1S59 Ellis Loring, 129 Moulton / 1858 Daniel Smith, 337 m 1S67 Benjamin Francis, 309 Mudge i860 Charles Redington, 144 Mumford 1861 George Hart, 171 Munn m 1866 Curtis Emerson, 301 Munroe m 1866 William Francis, 302 Munsell m i860 George Nelson, 260 Munson i860 Myron Andrews, 144 Muzzey t 1869 David Patterson, 379 Myrick 1858 John Dole, 115 Needham m 1868 William Chauncy Hall, 313 Nelson VI 1 86 1 Abiel Ward, 266 m 1865 Daniel Thurber, 294 Newcomb j86o Edgar Marshall, 145 Newell 1835 Charles Stark, 8 1865 Robert Ralston, 217 Nichols m 1S59 John Taylor Gilman, 255 m 1862 William, 273 7)1 1869 Algernon Sidney, 317 Nickerson i860 Franklin, 145 Norcross 1S58 Frederic Malcolm, 116 Norris ;« 1865 Albert Lane, 294 / 1867 George, 359 Nourse 1853 Henry Stedman, 67 Noyes 1 8 56 Charles, 97 / 1856 Frank Gardner, 333 t 1857 George Freeman, 377 1858 John Buttrick, 117 Nute t 1845 Ephraim, 375 Oakes m 1852 Thomas Fletcher, 239 O'Connell 1857 Patrick Aloysius, 104 Odlin / 1861 John Woodbridge, 348 Oleson ?« 1866 Charles Wilmot, 302 Oliver 1849 Samuel Cook, 42 7n 1854 George Henry, 243 in 1862 James, 273 Olloqui m 1865 Rufino Agustin, 295 Ongle m J. W.,321 Ordway s i860 Albert, 368 711 1S61 John Pond, 266 Osborne i860 George Sterne, 145 Otis 1849 Jenckes Harris, 43 / 1S69 George Edmund, 361 Owen / 1863 Charles Hunter, 352 1864 John 211 INDEX. 401 Packard s 1864 Alpheus Sprague, 372 Paddock / 1859 George Laban, 340 / 1862 Halsey Riley, 351 Page 1852 Calvin Gates, 58 1864 William Robertson, 211 Paine 1853 Charles Jackson, 67 1854 William Gushing, 74 1859 Horatio, 129 m 1862 Jansen Tasman, 274 1865 Sumner, 217 m 1865 Amasa Elliott, 295 Palfrey 1S51 Francis Winthrop, 53 1853 John Carver, 68 i860 Hersey Goodwin, 146 Palmer m 1859 William Henry, 255 1863 William Henry, 199 Papanti 1865 Lorenzo Francisco, 217 Park 1858 John Gray, 117 Parker / i860 Isaac Brown, 345 1861 Scollay, 171 1862 Arthur Cortlandt, 185 tn 1863 Edgar, 281 1864 Henry Ainsworth, 211 / 1864 George, 354 Parkman J 1S62 Theodore, 371 Parsons i860 Charles Chauncy, 146 m 1863 John Eleazar, 281 m 1865 John William, 295 Pasco 1865 Frederic, 218 Patten m 1848 Sumner Augustus, 235 1858 Henry Lyman, 118 Payne 1858 Daniel Chamberlain, 118 Peabody 1849 Everett, 43 Pease m 1863 Giles Moseley, 282 Peck m 1S63 George Bachelder, 282 Peirce m i860 Benjamin Franklin, 260 Peirpoint / 1867 Francis Perry, 359 Peirson s 1853 Charles Lawrence, 364 Perkins 1856 Stephen George, 97 1857 James Amory, 105 m 1857 George Thomas, 249 / 1S59 John McClary, 341 i860 William Edward, 147 Perry i860 George Browne, 147 m 1S63 John Gardner, 282 Pettengill m 1866 Edward Henry, 302 Phelps / 1867 Dudley Farley, 360 Phillipps 771 1865 Frederick Henry Richard, 295 Phillips i860 Charles Appleton, 148 Phipps / 1862 Gardner Enyart, 351 Pierce / 1852 Edward Lillie, 327 Pierpont / 1818 John, 374 Pineo 771 1846 Peter, 232 Pinkham 771 1862 George Edwin, 274 Piper 1867 George Frederic, 224 Plant 771 1862 Azro Melvin, 274 Plumer 1845 William, 29 Plympton vt i860 Henry Sylvanus, 260 Pomeroy • 1S53 Charles Coolidge, 69 s i860 George Baxter, 369 Pond 1858 George Edward, 119 Porteous m 1866 James George, 302 26 402 INDEX. Porter 1845 Peter Augustus, 29 1852 Josiah, 59 s 1855 Horace, 365 1862 Charles Burnham, 186 Post 1863 Albert Kintzing, 199 Potter 1854 William James, 75 / 1861 William Elmer, 348 Powers 1861 George Herman, 172 Pratt 1S63 Herbert James, 200 iTi 1863 Gustavus Percival, 282 1866 George Greenleaf, 220 m 1866 Calvin, 302 Pray m I 861 Ezra, 267 Priest 1862 George Eaton, 186 Primer 1874 Sylvester, 225 Pryor 1859 Thomas Henry, 130 Putnam / 1 861 William Lowell, 348 Quinby m 1868 Hosea Mason, 313 t 187 1 John William, 380 Quincy 1852 Samuel Miller, 59 Rand 1S65 Charles Arthur, 218 Randlett m 1864 Howard Malcolm, 289 Rea 1859 Mason Archelaus, 130 Read 1862 John, 186 Reed 1862 Arthur, 1S6 Remick m 1868 Augustus, 313 Revere 1847 Edward Hutchinson Rob- bins, 34 1852 Paul Joseph, 60 Reynolds VI 1862 Joseph Brown, 274 Rice 1849 Nathan Payson, 43 1S56 Francis Blake, 97 1861 James Holton, 172 m 1865 Albert Raymond, 296 Rich / 1859 Giles Hopkins, 341 Richardson 1837 James, 10 / 1855 Jarnes Prentiss, 331 1858 Henry Augustus, 119 Richmond 1828 James Cook, 4 Ricketson 1859 John Howland, 131 m i860 Arthur, 261 Riddle 1855 William Quincy, 85 Ripley 1S46 Ezra, 31 Ritchie 1846 Montgomery, 31 1S61 John, 173 Rivers in 1S38 Henry Wheaton, 228 Robbins m 1863 Eugene Patterson, 282 in 1864 Nathaniel Alden, 289 Roberts in 1864 Jerome Elmer, 289 Robertson 1850 Charles Archibald, 47 Robeson 186 1 Thomas Rodman, 173 s 1862 Andrev.', 371 Robins 1864 Edward Blake, 212 Robinson in 1859 John Lombard, 255 Rockwood in 1855 Henry, 246 Rodgers 1865 Horace Clap, 218 Rodman 1842 William Logan, 18 1846 Thomas R., 32 Rogers 1843 William Crowninshield, 2' i860 William Matticks, 148 INDEX. 403 1862 Henry Munroe, 187 1865 James Swift, 218 Rombauer / 1858 Roderick Emile, 337 Root m 1854 Oliver Dean, 243 Ropes 1857 Francis Codman, 105 1862 Henry, 187 Rotch 1 84 1 Francis Morgan, 17 Rothrock s 1864 Joseph Trimble, 373 Ruddick VI 186S William Henderson, 313 Russel 1865 Cabot Jackson, 219 Russell 1858 Nathaniel, 119 i860 Henry Sturgis, 148 i860 Warren Diitton, 149 m 1862 Edward, 275 1865 George Briggs, 219 Ryan m i860 John, 261 Safford 1 86 1 De Forrest, 173 Sanborn m 1850 John Eastman, 237 Sargent 1843 Horace Binney, 21 1848 Lucius Manlius, 38 1S62 Charles Sprague, 1S7 1866 William Story, 221 Savage 1847 James Woodruff, 34 1854 James, 75 Savary t i860 John, 378 Saville m 1856 Henry Martyn, 247 m 1865 John Francis, 296 Sawyer m 1S56 Frederic Augustus, 247 1861 Wesley Caleb, 174 m 1865 Benjamin Addison, 296 Scammell m 1842 Lucius Leslie, 229 Schmitt a 1S60 George Adam, 53 Schouler 1859 James, 131 Scott 1S60 Henry Bruce, 149 / 1866 Livingston, 356 Seaverns 1850 Joel, 47 Sedgwick 185 1 William Dwight, 54 1864 Arthur George, 212 Sewall 1S54 George Ward, 75 Shaler s 1862 Nathaniel Southgate, 371 Shattuck m 1862 George Francis, 275 m 1866 Henry Perkins, 303 Shaw i860 Robert Gould, 149 Sheldon 1863 Henry Newton, 200 Shepard 1842 Isaac Fitzgerald, 19 Shepley / 1839 George Foster, 322 Sherwin i860 Thomas, 150 Shipley m 1861 George Thompson, 267 Shurtleff / 1855 William Steele, 331 1859 Nathaniel Bradstreet, 131 1861 Carleton Atwood, 174 1861 Hiram Smith, 174 Sibley 1862 Arthur, 187 Simmons 1841 Charles Francis, 17 in i860 Marshall Edwin, 261 1861 George Washington, 175 Slayton in 1S66 Edmund Willis, 303 Sleeper 1 86 1 Herbert, 175 Smith 1841 Thomas C. Haskell, 17 1S47 Charles Gilman, 35 / 1859 Nicholas, 341 / 1861 Charles Henry, 349 404 INDEX. m 1 86 1 Isaac, 267 m 1S65 Merman Joseph, 296 111 1S69 Ira Sinclair, 317 Snow 1861 William Franklin, 175 Snyder / i£6o Eugene, 345 Soule m 1854 Horatio Sprague, 243 1862 Charles Carroll, 188 Spare 111. 1842 John, 230 Spaulding in 1866 Ebenezer Farrington, 303 Sprague VI 1850 Seth Loring, 237 m 1857 Francis Peleg, 250 Sproat m 1865 Henry Hamilton, 296 Spurr 1858 Thomas Jefferson, 120 Squire m 1S67 Abiram Francis, 309 Stackpole 1857 Joseph Lewis, 105 Stanfield 1864 Henry Robinson, 212 Stanton ;;/ 1866 Nathaniel Greene, 303 Staples m 1855 George McLellan, 384 Starr 1S57 James, 106 Starring / 1866 Frederic A., 356 Stearns 1846 John, 32 m 1854 Henry Putnam, 244 i860 James Pierce, 150 Stedman 1852 Charles Ellery, 60 1864 P'rancis Dana, 212 Stevens 1848 William Oliver, 39 1863 Gorham Phillips, 200 1864 Hazard, 212 / 1867 William Burnham, 360 Stevenson in 1861 John Fletcher, 267 Stickney 1859 Albert, 131 m 1862 Alonzo Lawrence, 275 Stocker in 1853 Alfred Augustus, 240 Stoddard 1862 Charles Brigham, 188 Stone 1843 Eben Francis, 21 1852 Henry, 61 m 1854 Lincoln Ripley, 244 m i860 Silas Emlyn, 261 1861 James Kent, 175 in 1861 Vertulan Rich, 268 1862 Goodwin Atkins, 188 Storer 1859 William Brandt, 132 Storrow 1861 Charles, 176 1864 Samuel, 213 Stowe in i860 Frederic William, 262 Stratton m 1857 Robert Folger, 250 Strong 1S63 John Lorrimer Graham, 200 Stuart in 1866 George Albert, 304 Stubbs in 1863 George Eastman, 283 Sturgis 1852 Russell, 61 in 1863 Benjamin Franklin, 283 Sturtevant m 1866 Edward Lewis, 304 Sullivan m 1861 James Francis, 268 m 186S Alexis Joseph, 314 Swan 1859 Francis Henry, 132 1859 William Willard, 132 i860 Charles Walter, 150 Swift 1852 Elijah, 62 1854 Foster, 76 Tabor in 1867 James Vaughan, 309 Talbot m 1848 Thomas Hammond, 235 INDEX. 405 Tappan 1S60 Lewis William, 151 Tarbell 1S62 George Grosvenor, 1S9 Taylor / i860 Nelson, 345 1861 George Harvey, 176 Tebbets 1859 Ezra Martin, 133 Temple 1862 William James, 1S9 Thaxter 1 861 Sidney Warren, 176 Thayer 1841 William Henry, 18 1850 Joseph Henry, 48 t 1869 George Augustine, 379 Thompson / 1853 Tiiomas Miller, 328 in 1S61 Andrew Jackson, 268 / 1861 Richard Swain, 349 m 1S70 Frederick Henry, 319 Thorndike 1854 William, 76 Thurber 1S58 James Danforth, 120 Thurston 1864 Anson Grandcelo, 214 Ticknor 1S62 Benjamin Holt, 189 Tillman 1848 Walter Patterson, 39 Tobey / 1S61 Thomas Fry, 349 Todd / 1866 William Balch, 356 Tower 1830 Charlemagne, 6 1856 Charles Carroll, 98 1866 Charles Bates, 221 1867 Charles Walter, 224 Towle m 1857 Samuel Knapp, 251 Townsend 1839 William Edward, 14 1858 James Percival, 120 Tracy m 1866 William Clinton, 304 Train / 1841 Charles Russell, 323 m 1846 Horace Dwight, 233 Treadwell in 1S62 Joshua Brackett, 276. Treat / 1S59 Richard Bryan, 341 Trumbull / 1859 Thomas Swan, 342 Tuck 1863 Henry, 201 Tucker 1854 Payson Elliott, 76 / 1854 Joseph, 329 1862 John Henry, 190 Tuttle / 1864 Moses Hubbard, 354 ast. 186S Horace Parnell, 381 Underbill / 1862 Silas Albertson, 351 Underwood in 1S47 Joseph, 234 / 1852 Adin Ballou, 327 Upham m 1847 Jabez Baxter, 234 Van Brunt 1854 Henry, 76 Van Rensselaer 1867 Schuyler, 224 Vaughan 1856 Charles Everett, 98 m 1864 Hiram Chaney, 289 Verplanck 1863 Robert Newlin, 201 Vickery 1858 James Edward, 121 Vincent 1859 Strong, 133 Wadsworth 1828 James Samuel, 4 i860 Oliver Fairfield, 151 Walcott 1857 Charles Folsom, 106 1S58 Henry Pickering, 121 Waldock 1845 James, 30 Wales 1S63 Benjamin Read, 201 Walker 1855 Henry, 85 i860 James Bryant, 151 4o6 INDEX. 1861 James Putnam, 383 m 1865 James Edwin, 296 m 1S66 Augustus Chapman, 304 Walley 1S59 Henshaw Bates, 134 Ward 1862 John Langdon, 190 1863 Edmund Augustus, 201 Ware 1852 Robert, 62 Warren / 1862 Lucius Henry, 351 m 1S69 George Washington, 318 Washburn 1852 Andrew, 63 J 1S59 Francis, 368 i860 Emory, 152 Wate 1866 Theodore Murray, 221 Waterman J 1864 Harrison Lyman, 373 / 1866 Richard, 357 Waters 1855 Henry FitzGilbert, 86 Watson 181 5 John Lee, i 1820 Adolphus Eugene, i Webber i860 Samuel Gilbert, 152 m 1863 George Clark, 283 in 1S63 Oliver Hatch, 283 Webster 1833 Fletcher, 7 m 1861 Warren, 26S m 1868 John Ordway, 314 Weld 1856 Richard Harding, 98 i860 Francis Minot, 152 i860 Stephen Minot, 153 iS6r Franklin, 176 Welles 1857 Henry Coit, 107 Wellman s 1859 Willard Lee, 368 • Wells / 1848 George Duncan, 325 1854 John Doane, 76 m 1859 Henry Martyn, 256 / i860 Manning C, 345 / 1863 Lucius Brewster, 353 1864 Frank, 214 Welsh 1S39 Thomas, 14 West / 1S61 Lewis Willard, 350 Weston / 1859 Thomas, 342 i860 George Fiske, 1 54 Wheatland / 1S60 George, 345 Wheeler 1852 William Fiske, 63 m 1859 George Augustus, 256, 385 / i860 William, 346 1863 Edmund Souder, 202 1863 Moses Dillon, 202 Wheelock / 1856 Edwin Miller, 376 1856 Henry Gassett, 99 i860 George Gill, 154 Wheelwright 1834 Charles Henry, 7 Whidden / 1866 George Foster, 357 m 1866 Philon Currier, 305 Whiston VI 1S61 Edward Andem, 269 White i860 John Corlies, 154 m 1S62 Charles Henry, 276 m 1S63 Elisha Mann, 283 711 1867 Robert, 309 Whitman 1S38 Edmund Burke, 12 Whitney m 1S52 Allston Waldo, 239 Whittemore 1853 Horatio Oscar, 69 ii'57 George, 108 i860 Edmund Winchester, 155 Whittier i860 Charles Albert, 155 ni 1862 Samuel Crook, 276 m 1869 Edward Newton, 318 Wiggin / 1S59 Pierce L., 342 Wigglesworth 1 86 1 Edward, 177 Wightman m 1863 James, 2S4 INDEX. 407 Wilbur m 1862 Joshua Green, 277 Wild 1S44 Edward Augustus, 25 1855 Walter Henry, 86 Wilder 1856 Daniel Webster, 99 / 1858 John, 337 s 1S62 Burt Green, 372 m 1863 Abraham M., 284 Willard 1852 Sidney, 63 1857 Josiah Newell, loS i860 Robert, 156 Williams 1840 Joseph Otis, 16 1843 Francis Charles, 22 1849 James Otis, 44 / 1S67 Ethan Cortlandt, 360 Willis t 1843 Martin Wyman, 374 ;« 1867 Reuben, 310 Willson / 1843 Edmund Burke, 374 Wilson 1853 Davies, 70 / 1867 Thomas Stanley, 360 / 1868 John Thomas, 361 in 1869 Charles Alonzo, 318 Winn / 1861 Henry, 350 Winslow 1859 John, 134 Winsor 1S51 Frederick, 54 i860 Henry, 156 Withington 1865 James Harvey, 220 Wood 1S60 William Converse, 156 m 1862 Albert, 277 / 1867 Horatio Dan, 360 Woodbury / 1S49 Augustus, 375 / 1S57 Josiah Gordon, 334 Woods / 1855 George Henry, 331 / 1858 Samuel Fay, 338 Woodward t 1834 George Wheelock, 374 i860 Calvin Milton, 157 Woolverton m 1 86 1 Theoron, 269 Worcester m 1868 Samuel, 314 Works 1861 George Franklin, 177 Wright 1834 John Harvey, 8 1861 James Edward, 177 / 1S61 James Joseph, 350 1866 Theodore Francis, 221 m 1866 Eli Mellen, 305 Wyatt m 1866 Henry Davis, 305 University Press : John Wilson and Son, Cambridge. 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