SF (W\. AJCUV^ StlW^UXf-^ -ttl - (AjViK i\ I •y ^\J-OiAX*-i . ^/^ 1915 STATE OF MICHIGAN LIVE STOCK SANITARY COMPILED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF COLEMAN C. VAUGHAN SECRETARY OF STATE BY AUTHORITY LANSING, MICHIGAN WTNKOOP HALLENBECK CRAWFORD CO., STATE PRINTERS 1915 1915 STATE OF MICHIGAN LIVE STOCK SANITARY LAWS COMPILED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF COLEMAN C. VAUGHAN SECRETARY OF STATE BY AUTHORITY LANSING, MICHIGAN WYNKOOP HALLENBECK CRAWFORD CO., STATE PRINTERS 1915 n 1-^ D. Of D. 'A': 3 1917 t\ LIVE STOCK SANITARV COMMISSION. H. H. Halladay, President Clinton. Mabtin Stapleton Emmett. W. R. Harper, Secretary Middleville. STATE VETERINARIAN. George W. Dunphy, East Lansing. Office, Lansing. CONTENTS. Sections. State live stock sanitary commission, powers and duties 1-33 Yarding and feeding of Texas cattle. 34-38 Foot-rot among sheep 39-40 Running at large and sale of diseased sheep 41-43 Feeding of unwholesome flesh to animals or fowls 44-45 Pasteurizing by-products of cheese factories, etc 46-47 Horses and mules permanently unfit for work 48-50 Marking and branding live stock 51-53 Regulation of practice of veterinary medicine and surgery 54-67 Registration of stallions 68-76 Note. — Tlip numbers in parenthoso'i ( ). are compiler's sections and are consecutive throughout the book. The section marlv § refers to the section of the compiled laws of 1897. LIVE STOCK SANITARY COMMISSION. An Act to provide for the appointment of a state live stock sanitary commission and a state veterinarian, and to prescribe their powers and duties, and to prevent and suppress contagious and infectious diseases among the live stock of the state. [Act 182, P. A. 1885.] The People of tJie State of Mlcliigun, enact: (1) § 5027. Section 1. A commission is hereby establislied commission- which ^liall be Icnown tinder the name and style of "The quaimcat^ions. State Live Stock Sanitary Commission."' The commission shall consist of three commissioners who are practical agri- culturalists and engaged in the live stock industries of the state, who shall be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. One shall be appointed for the How ap- term of six years, one for the term of four years, and one for ^°'" ^ ' the term of two years, whose term of office shall commence on the second Tuesday of July of the year in which they are appointed and shall continue until their successors are ap- pointed and qualified; and at each succeeding biennial session of the legislature there &hall be appointed in like manner one commissioner who shall hold his office six years or until his successor is appointed and qualified. The governor shall veterinarian, also aj»p()int with the advice and consent of the senate, a qualifications. veterinarian who shall be a graduate of a veterinary college legally qualified to confer the veterinary degree, and who s^hall be skilled in the diagnosis and control of infectious diseases of live stock, and who shall be recommended by the live stock sanitary commission, and shall serve for a term of six years from the second day of September of the year nineteen hundred thirteen, and until his successor is appoint- ed and qualified. The governor shall also appoint every six How ap- years thereafter, upon the recommendation of the state live P^i^j^®*^- ^*^™ stock sanitary commission, a competent and skilled veteri- narian having the qualifications above mentioned, whose term of office shall be for six years or until his successor is appointed and qualified. Am. 1913, Act 199. (2) § 5028. Sec. 2. Said commissioners and veterinary oath of office, surgeon before they enter upon the duties of their office shall each take and subscribe the constitutional oath of office and file the same with the secretary of state. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Salary. Duty. Duty of commission. (3) § 5G20. Sec. 3. Each commissioner shall receive the sum of five dollars per day and necessary expenses for the time actually .spent in the discharge of his duties; and the veterinary surgeon shall receive the sum of two thousand dol- lars per annum and neces.sary expenses. The said veterinarian shall be required to carry out the directions of the live stock sanitary commission, and shall devote his entire time to the duties of his office. Am. 1-909, Act 172 ; 1913, Act 199. (4) § 5630. Sec. 4.' It shall be the duty of the com- mission to protect the health of the domestic animals of the state from all contagious or infectious diseases of a malig- nant character, and for this purpose it is hereby a-uthorized and empowered to establish, maintain and enforce such quar- antine, sanitary and other regulations as it may cleem necessary. It shall be the further duty of the commission to furnish proper office facilities, at Lansing, for the state veterinarian, and a laboratory for the investigation of infec- tious diseases of live stock. Am. 1913, Act 199. The commission is tlie sole tribunal to determine wlietlier tlie animals are diseased and to ascertain tlieir value, and is to be governed by tlie value at the date of appraisal. The only appellate jurisdiction provided for by the statute is the governor, whose approval of the action of the commission is necessary. — Shipman v. Sanitary Commission, 115/488. Duty of per- sons to report disease to liealth officer. Duty of local board of health to in- vestigate cases reported Commission to quarantine. (5) § 5G31. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of any person who discovers, suspects, or has reason to believe that any domestic animal belonging to him or in his charge, or that may come under his observation, belonging to other parties, is affected Avith any disease, whether it be a contagious or in- fectious disease, to immediately report such fact, belief, or suspicion to the live stock sanitarj' commission, or a mem- ber thereof, or to the local board of health or some member thereof. (6) § 5G32. Sec. 6. It is hereby made the duty of all local boards of health, to Avhom cases of contagious or in- fectious diseases are reported, to immediately investigate the same, either in person by some member or members of the board, or by the employment of a competent and skilled vet- erinarian; and should such investigation show a reasonable probability that a domestic animal is affected with a con- tagious or infectious disease of a malignant character, the local board of health shall immediately establish such tem- porary quarantine as may be necessary to prevent the spread of the disease, and report all action taken to the commission or to some member thereof; and the acts of local boards of health establishing temporary quarantine shall have the same force and eft'ect as though established by the commission it- self, until such time as the commission may take charge of LIVE STOCK SANITARY LAWS. the case or cases, and relieve the local board of health. All Expenses. ex])enses incurred by local boards of health in carrying out^^^^*^*^" the provisions of thi& act shall be paid in like manner as are other expenses incurred by said boards in the discharge of other official dnties. _ (7) § 5033. Sec. 7. The commission or any member there- Examination of, to whom the existence of any infections or contagious" ^"™f^ • disease of domestic animals is reported, shall forthwith pro- ceed to the place where such domestic animal or animals are and examine the same, and if in his or their opinion any in- fections or contagions disease does exist he or they are au- thorized to call upon the state veterinarian or other com- ]»etent and skilled veterinarians to proceed to the place where said contagious or infectious disease is said to 'exist and examine said animal or animals, and report his or their finding to the said .commission, which then shall prescribe suppression of such rules and regulations as in its judgment the exigencies of the case may require for the effectual suppression and eradication of the disease, and for that purpose the said commission may list and describe the domestic animals af- fected with, such disease and those which have been exposed thereto and included within the infected district or prem- ises so defined and quarantined, with such reasonable cer- Quarantine. tainty as Avould lead to their identification, and no domestic animal liable to become infected with the dis^ease or capable of communicating the same shall be permitted to enter or leave the district, premises or ground so quarantined, except by the authority of the commission. The said commission separation, shall also from time to time give and enforce such directions *^'^^- and prescribe such rules and regulations as to separating, mode of handling, treating, feeding and caring for such dis- eased and exposed animals as it shall deem necessary to prevent the two classes of animals from coming in contact with each other, and perfectly isolate them from all other isolation. domestic animals which have not been exposed thereto and which are susceptible of becoming infected with the disease, and the said commission and veterinarian are hereby author- ized and empowered to enter upon any grounds or premises to carry out the provisions of this act. When in the opinion Destruction of the commission it shall be necessary to prevent the further °^ ammais. spread of any contagious or infectious disease among the live stock of the state, to destroy animals affected with or which have been exposed to any such disease, it shall determine Avhat animals shall be killed, and appraise the same, as herein- after provided, and cause the same to be killed and the car- casses disposed of as in i(s judgment will best protect the health of domestic animals of that locality. Said commission Dogs may be shall also have power to declare and entVn-ce a (piarantine on '^"^'■*"*"'^''- dogs in any district of this state in which there is an out- break of rabies, hog cholera, hoof and mouth disease, or any 10 STATE OF MICHIGAN. other contagious or infectious disease among live stock; and may order that all dogs in said district shall be securely chained or otherwise confined. Any dog found at large in contravention of the terms of such quarantine or order may be killed. It shall be the duty of the sheriff of each county in the district aff'ected and of his deputies, constables and other municipal police officers to see to it that such quar- antine and orders are enforced. Any officer killing a dog pursuant to the provisions of this act shall not be subject to any liability therefor. When dogs may be killed. Duty to enforce quarantine. Immunity of officer. .\m. 1900, Act 172; 1915, Act G6. To notify the governor of quarantine. Governor to issue quaran- tine proclama- tion. Proviso. Commission to appraise animal ordered killed. To issue a certificate to owner. To report the same to the governor. Auditor gen- eral to draw his warrant for amount. Owner to be paid for ani- mal killed. (8) § 56.34. Rkc. 8. When the commission shall have de- termined the quarantine and other regulations necessary to prevent the spread among domestic animals of any malig- nant, contagious, or infectious disease found to exist among the live stock of the state, and given their order as herein- before provided, prescribing quarantine and other regula- tions, it shall notify the governor thereof, who shall issue his proclamation proclaiming the boundary of such quarantine and the orders, rules, and regulations prescribed by the com- mission, which proclamation may be published by written or printed hand bills posted within the boundaries or on the lines of the district, premises, places, or grounds quaran- tined: Provided, That if the commission decide that it is not necessary, by reason of the limited extent of the district in which such disease exists, that a proclamation should be issued, then none shall be issued, but such commission shall give such notice as may to it seem best to make the quaran- tine established by it effective. (9) § 5685. Sec. 9. Whenever the commission shall di- rect the killing of any domestic animal or animals it shall be the duty of the commissioners to a])praise the animal or ani- mals condemned, and in fixing the value thereof the com- missioners sliall be governed by the value of said animal or animals at the date of appraisement. (10) § 5636. Sec. 10. Whenever any live stock shall be appraised and killed by order of the commission, it shall issue to the owner of the stock so killed a certificate show- ing the number and kind of animals killed, and the amount in their judgment, to which the owner is entitled, and re- port the same to the governor of the state, Avhich certificate, if ajtproved by the governor, shall be presented to the auditor general, who shall draw his warrant on the state treasurer for the amount therein stated, payable out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. (11) § 5637. Sec. 11. When any animal or animals are killed under tlie ]>rovisions of this act, by order of the com- mission, the owner thereof shall be i)aid therefor the ap- praised value as fixed by the appraisement hereinbefore pro- LIVE STOCK SANITARY LAWS. 11 vided for : Provided, The right of indemnity on account of Proviso. animals killed by order of the commission under the provi- sions of this act, shall not extend to the owners of animals which have been brought into the state in a diseased condi- tion, or from a state, country, territory, or district in which the disease with which the animal is affected, or to which it has been exposed, exists. Nor shall any animal be paid for by the state which may be brought into the state in vio- lation of any law or quarantine regulation thereof, or the owner of wliich shall have violated any of the provisions of this act, or disregarded any rule, regulation, or order of the live stock sanitary commission or any member thereof. Nor shall any animal be paid for by the state which came into the possession of the claimant with the claimant's knowledge that such animal was diseased, or was suspected of being diseased, or of having been exposed to any contagious or in- fectious disease. (12) § 5638. Sec. 12. Any person who .shall have "ijiis oisposiUon possession any domestic animal affected with any contagious animal . /. ,. 't 1 • 1 '1x1^^^ t^ee^^i-r^A affected with or infectious disease, knowing such animal to be so attectea, contagious or, after having received notice that such animal is so disease. affected, who shall permit such animal to run at large, or who shall keep such animal where other domestic animals not affected by or previously exposed to such disease may be exposed to its contagion or infection, or who shall sell, ship, drive, trade, or give away such diseased animal or animals which have been exposed to such contagion or infection, or who shall move or drive any domestic animal in violation of any direction, rule or • regulation, or order establishing and regulating quarantine, shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not less than ten nor more than ninety days, or both such fine and imprison- ment in the discretion of the court, for each of such diseased or exposed domestic animals which he shall permit to run at large, or keep, sell, shij), drive, trade or give away in violation of the provisions of this act. (13) § 5639. Sec. 13. Any person who shall knowingly Penalty for^ bring into this state any domestic animal which is affected ^^gel'^fiimtis with any contagious or infectious disease, or any animal into the state, which has been exposed to any contagious or infectious dis- ease, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on con- viction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five thousand dollars, or be imprisoned in the state ])rison not to exceed one year, or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. (14) § 5640. Sec. 14. Any person who owns or is i" j['g^f5J|J^y {°^ possession of live stock which is aftected, or which is sus- allow the vet- pected or reported to be affected, with any infectious or con- |X^|feVtock. 12 STATE OF MICHIGAN. tagious disease, who shall wilfully prevent or refuse to allow the state veterinarian or commissioner or other authorized officer or officers to examine such stock, or shall hinder or obstruct the state veterinarian or other authorized officer or officers in any examination of, or in an attempt to examine such stock, shall he deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not less than ten nor more than ninety days or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. Penalty for (15) § 5641. Sec. 15. Auy person who shall wilfully this act. violate, disregard or evade, or attempt to violate, disregard or evade any of the provisions of this act, or who shall wil- fully violate, disregard or evade any of the rules, regula- tions, orders or directions of the live stock sanitary com- mission establishing and governing quarantine, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction there- of, shall be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not less than ten nor more than ninety days, or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. Authorized to (16) § 5642. Sec. 16. The commission provided for in sons and pur- tliis act sliall have power to employ at the expense of the chase supphes, ^^g^g such persons and purchase such supplies and material as may be necessary to carry inta full effect all orders by it given. May call upon (17) § 5643. Sec. 17. The commissioners shall have the sheriff etc., to exe- power to Call upou any sheriff, under-sheriff, deputy sheriff, cute orders, qj, constable to exccutc their orders, and such officers shall Compensation, obey the Orders of said commissioners, and the officers per- forming such duties shall receive compensation therefor as is prescribed by law for like services, and shall be paid therefor May arrest, in like manner. And any officer may arrest and take before any justice of the peace of the county any person found vio- lating any of the provisions of this act, and such officer shall Duty of immediately notify the prosecuting attorney of such arrest, attorney'."^ «^iid he shall prosecute the person so offending according to law. Governor to (IS) § 5644. Sec. 18. Whenever the governor of the maMo?/pro^- state shall have good reason to believe that any dangerous, importat'ion coutagious, or iufectious disease has become epizootic in cer- of live stociv, tain localities in other states, territories or countries, or that there are conditions which render such domestic animals from such infected districts liable to convey such disease, he shall by ]iroclamation prohibit the importation of live stock, of the kind diseased into the state, unless accompanied liy a certificate of health given by a duly authorized veterinary LIVE STOCK SANITARY LAWS. 13 surgeon; and all such animals arriving in this state shall be To be ex- exaniined immediately by the commission or some member qJ^'^Tanthfed. thereof, and if he or they deem necessary he or they shall have said animals inspected by the state veterinary surgeon, and if in his opinion there is any danger from contagion or infection, they shall be placed in close quarantine until such danger of infection or contagion is passed, when they shall be released bv order of said commission or some member there- of. (19) § 5645. Sec. 19. For the purposes of this act each May admin- member of the live stock sanitary commission is hereby an- gfa'^ "^^^^' thorized and empowered to administer oaths and affirma- tions. (20) § 56-iG. Sec. 20. This commission is hereby author- Required to ized and required to co-operate with any board or commis- wTttfboards sion acting under any present or future act of congress for ^ct'of "on^'^'^ (he suppression and prevention of contagious or infectious gress. diseases among domestic animals, and the same right of entry, insi)ection and condemnation of diseased animals upon private premises is granted to the United States board or Authority of commission as is granted to the commission granted under ^^' ^- •^^ard. (his act. (21) § 5647. Sec. 21. The commission shall make bien- to report to nially a detailed report of its doings to the governor, which the governor, report shall be transmitted to the legislature at its regular biennial session. (22) § 5648. Sec. 22. This act shall be construed so sheep and as to include sheep and horses. ciuded."^" (23) § 5649. Sec. 23. Any railroad company, navigation Relative to company, or other corporation, or common carrier, who shall ac" by'rai?- knowingiy, or wilfully violate, disregard, or evade any of ^"'^'fg^o™'^ the provisions of this act, or who shall wilfully violate, dis- regard, or evade any of the rules, regulations, orders, or di- rections of the live stock sanitary commission establishing or governing quarantine, or who shall evade, or attempt to evade any quarantine proclamation of the governor of this state declaring quarantine limits, shall forfeit and pay to the l)eople of the state of Michigan not less than five hundred dollars nor more than five thousand dollars, for each and every offense, and shall be liable for all damages caused to any neat cattle by its or his failure to comply with the re- quia'emeuts of this act. (24) Sec. 24. In case of tuberculous cattle, whenever the Appraisal of commission shall direct the killing of such cattle, it shall be cauie! the duty of the commission to appraise the animal or animals condemned, the owner or owners thereof to receive fifty per cent of value of animals as though not diseased, but such sum in no case shall exceed the sum of fifty dollars: Pro- proviso, vided. That the owner or owners of slaughtered animals shall receive no compensation for the same unless the commission 14 STATE OF MICHIGAN. Slaughter of diseased cattle. Proceeds to owner. Proviso. shall be satisfied that the premises have been kept in a sani- tary condition, nor shall they receive compensation until said sanitary commission is siatisfied that the infected prem- ises have been disinfected in such manner as to prevent the further spread of the disease. When the state live stock sanitary commission, or a member thereof, shall deem it expedient to have cattle that have reacted to the tuberculin test slaughtered under federal inspection, or under the in- spection of a competent veterinarian authorized by the state live stock sanitary commission, it shall have the power to order such slaughter. If the carcass of any such animal shall pass the inspection without being condemned, the owner of the animal shall receive all proceeds secured from the sale of such carcass after payment for shipping, handling and slaughtering charges have been deducted, in addition to the above mentioned fifty i)er cent appraisal value. If the car- cass of an}' such animal shall be condemned by the inspectors, the owner of the animal shall receive the proceeds of the sale of the hide, tallow, olTal or any other proceeds from the sale of the carcass, after deducting the cost of handling, shipping and slaughtering, in addition to the above men- tioned fifty per cent appraisal valuation : Provided, That any animal, upon being slaughtered, and showing no tuber- culin lesions, the owmer thereof shall be paid full value for such animal, but such sum in no case shall exceed the sum of seventy-five dollars. The state live stock sanitary com- mission shall have power to designate the places where sus- pected animals shall be slaughtered, and also to employ a competent Inspector to examine the carcasses of slaughtered animals. Added 1900, Act 172 ; Am. 1013, Act 199. Certificate to accompany imported cattle. What to show. Certificate of inspection, to be prepared in triplicate. Expense. (25) Sec. 25. The importation of cattle into the state for breeding or dairy purposes is hereby prohibited, except- ing when such cattle are accompanied by a certificate of in- spection made by a duly qualified veterinary surgeon, who is a graduate of a recognized veterinary college in the United States, Canada or Europe. Such certificate shall show that at the time of said inspection and within sixty days prior to shipment said cattle had been subjected to tuberculin test and were free from tuberculosis. Duly certified certificates of inspection, giving in full the temperature records of the tuberculin test, must be prepared in triplicate, one of which is furnished the shipper, one furnished the transportation company hauling the cattle, and one forwarded immediately to the president of the state live stock sanitary commission. The expense of such inspection and certificate shall be paid by the owner of the cattle. Added Id. LIVE STOCK SANITARY LAWS. 15 (20) 8ec. 2(!. The provisious of this act shall not apply Provisions, to persons transferring cattle through the state on cars to *'*''^ ^pp^"""^- points bej'ond the state, or to i^ersons living near the state line and owning land in adjoining states, and who may drive said cattle to and from said land for pasturage. Added Id. (27) Sec. 27. It shall be required of all individuals or selling of firms who sell mallein or tuberculin to any resident of the "^"^ ®'"' ^ ^' state of Michigan to report such sale immediately to the state veterinarian, including the date of sale, name and address of parties to whom sold, and the amount of such sale. Added 1013, Act 199. (28) Sec. 28. In case of an outbreak of hog cholera in outbreak of any county in this state, the state live stock s^anitary commis- ^os cholera. sion shall be immediately notified of the same by the county agent hereinafter provided for. It shall be the duty of the Appointment board of supervisors of each county to appoint some com- ganuary^agent. petent person to be known as the 'dive stock s.anitary agent" for such county: IMovided, Such appointment shall be upon Proviso, the nomination of the state live stock sanitary commission, foTappoint- and to this end the commission shall submit to such board ™^^^- a list of at least three names from which list said appoint- ment shall be made. Said county agent shall hold office un- Term of til the appointment of his successor and shall be vested with ° ^^■ all necessary power to carry out the provisions of this act. Powers. under the direction of the state live stock sanitary commis- sion. Such county agent shall receive such compensation as compensation. the board of supervisors may determine, which compensa- tion shall in no case be less than three dollars nor more than five dollars per diem for time actually spent in the perform- ance of his official duties, together with all actual and nee- Expenses. essary expenses incurred in connection therewith, such com- pensation and expenses to be paid from the contingent fund of such county upon approval thereof by the board of super- visors or board of county auditors : Provided, That in conn- Proviso, who ties having a county agricultural agent or farm commis- f^/^^^^ ^^ sioner as provided by act number sixty-seven of the public acts of nineteen hundred thirteen, or any similar act here- tofore or hereafter passed by the legislature, such agent or commissioner shall assume the duties of the live stock sani- tary agent as enumerated in this act and no such appoint- ment shall be made by the board of supervisors. The live Annual report stock sanitary agent herein provided for shall each year °^ '^s*''^*- make a repoi-t in duplicate, one copy of which shall be filed with the board of supervisors and one copy with the state live stock sanitary commission, giving in detail all matters connected with his work as such agent for the preceding 16 STATE OF MICHIGAN. When per diem provi- sions not to apply. year. In counties in which the agi-icnltural agent or farm commissioner shall assnme the dnties of the county live s.tock f*anitary agent, the provisions of this section relative to the per diem compensation of snch agent shall not apply. Added Id. ; Am. 1915, Act 19. Use of certain (29) Sec. 29. From and after the taking effect of this prohibited. act it sliall not be laAvfnl to nse any liog cholera serum in this state, except that made by the state experiment station, agricultural college, or some s^erum manufacturing plant li- censed by the United States bureau of animal industry. Such serum may be used or administered by any competent person, and the use of hog cholera virus is prohibited in this state, except when used under the direction of the state veterinarian or a regular qualified veterinarian authorized by the state live stock sanitary- commission or state veteri- Expense, how uariau. All expense connected with the purchase of such serum or virus shall be borne by the owner or owners of such infected hogs. Added 1915, Act 19. How serum may be used borne. When lierds to be slaughtered. Disposal of sums realized. Proviso, freight charges. Further pro- viso, care of infected herds. Further pro- viso, law not to apply. (30) Sec. 30. In case of an outbreak of hog cholera in any county in this state, and it is deemed best by the state live stock sanitary commission, or the county agent, to re- move any infected or exposed herd or herds from any portion of such county, such herd or herds may be loaded in a tight bottom rack and conveyed to the nearest railroad station and shipped to s.oine abattoir where federal, sitate or municipal inspection is maintained, there to be slaughtered and dis- posed of, either as a food product or for other purposes as determined by the inspecting authorities, and all sums real- ized from such disposal of infected or exposed hogs, less the expense of killing, disposal and such inspection, shall revert to the OAvner or owners of such herd or herds : Provided, That all freight charges upon the shipment of such infected or exposed hogs to such abattoirs shall be borne by the state and allowed by the board of state auditors as other claims are allowed and paid : Provided further, That such infected or exposed herd or herds shall not be allowed, dur- ing conveyance or shipment, to mingle Avith other hogs or cattle, nor be permitted to enter any loading yards main- tained for the shipment of live stock at the place of embarka- tion and destination : Provided further. That in cases of the shipment of infected or exposed hogs under the provisions of this act. section four of act number seventy of the public acts of eighteen hundred seventy-seven shall not apply. Added Id. LIVE STOCK SANITARY LAWS. 17 (31) Skc. oI. In nixm it shall not be deemed expedient by when hogs the state live .stoek sanitary commission, or the county agent, ^"ock'^saiiitary to permit the shipment of such infected or exposed hogs, as commission. ])r()vided in the foregoing section, then all such hogs shall be subject to the ])rovisions of this act relative to the powers and duties of the state live stock sanitary commission in con- nection with other contagions or infectious diseases of live stock. Added Id. (32) Sec. 32. It shall be the duty of the owner or owners Premises to be of any premises from which such infected or exposed hogs ^'^^"^'i- may have been sliipi)ed or otherwise disposed of, to thorough- ly clean all yards, pens or other enclosures in which sucli hogs may have been kept, and to place the same in proper condition for disinfection by the state live stock sanitary com- mission, or the county agent, as hereinafter provided. Imme- Live stork diately upon notification by the owner or owners of such f^j^g^jon^t'^''"^' premises that said premises have been cleaned and put in disinfect such condition, it shall be the duty of the state live stock p'"^"^'^*'*^- sanitary commission, or the county agent, to proceed to such premises and thoroughly disinfect the same, using therefor such equipment as the commission or the agent shall deem best. All expense of such disinfection shall be borne by the Expense, state and payable as are other expenses of the state live stock sanitary commission. Added Id. (33) Sec. 29. It shall be unlawful to import horses into importation this state for any purpose except when such horses shall fdrwdden. have been subjected to the mallein test by or under the di- rection of a graduate of some recognized veterinary college. A certificate shall accompany such horses and shall show Certificate of the time and manner of making such test, the results there- ^^^^' of and the manner in which said test was conducted. It shall further state that at the time of the inspection, which shall not be more than sixty days prior to the importation, such horses were free from any contagious or infectious dis- ease. Certified coi)ies of such certificate shall be prepared in Copies of cer- tificate triplicate, one for the use of the shipper, one for the trans- portation company and tlie third shall be forwarded imme- diately to the president of the state live stock sanitary com- mission. The expense of procuring the inspection, testing Expense. and certificate aforesaid shall be paid by the person seeking to import such horses into this state: Provided, That the Proviso, act provisions of this section shall not apply to the shipment"" o^^pp^- of horses on cars through the state to points beyond where there is a continuous passage; nor to persons living in this state and owning land in an adjoining state who may take 3 18 STATE OP MICHIGAN. their horses across the state liue for pasturage or in oou- nection with the working of such hind. Added 1915, Act CG. Act No. 19, I'. A. 1915, approved IVlarch 17, and given immediate effect, added sections 29, 30, 31 and 32 to this act; Act No. 66, P. A. 1915, ap- proved April 21, and given immediate effect, added the above section, whicli doubtless should have been numbered 33. YARDING AND FEEDING TEXAS CATTLE. An Act to regulate and provide for the carrying, yarding and feed- ing of so called Texas cattle while in transit into or across this state between the first day of April and the first day of November of each year. [Act 198, r. A. 1885.] Transporta- tion, yarding, etc., of cer- t lin cattle, unlawful. Duty of rail- road trans- porting cer- tain cattle. Proviso. Care of cer- tain cattle at stock yards. Location of such yards. The People of the ^tate of Michigan enact: (34) § 5G50. Section 1. That it shall not be lawful to transport any neat cattle into or across this state, j^ard or feed the same, that have been reared or kept south of the thirty-sixth parallel of north latitude, and that have not sub- sequently been kept continuously at least one winter north of said parallel, and which ma}- be brought within the limits of this state between the first day of April and the first day of November, following, except in the manner hereafter provided. (35) § 5G51. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of all railroad companies doing business in this state to receive and trans- port while in this state, the class of cattle mentioned in section one, only in cars that are branded or lettered legibly and distinctly and in plain view, the words "for the transpor- tation of Texas cattle only;" and they shall not permit or allow any other class of cattle to enter those cars between the first day of April and the first day of November follow- ing: Provided, That cattle coming from other states for transportation through this state when it is impossible to ascertain where they came from may be shipped in such cars, but shall be treated in all respects as coming from the country south of the thirty-sixth parallel of north latitude. (36) § 5652. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of any rail- road company, stock yard company, or private individual awning and operating any stock yard in this state, to re- ceive and feed the class of cattle mentioned in section one only in yards separate and apart from yards used for the feeding or yarding of other cattle; and these yards shall be in the immediate vicinity and contiguous to a railroad side track so that these cattle may not pass over any open LIVE STOCK SANITARY LAWS. 19 commou that might be crossed by other catlle; and said yards Entrance shall have a sign posted at each entrance thereto, on which '''^"' shall be plainly lettered '*for the yarding of Texas cattle only," and no other cattle sliall be admitted to these yards be- tween the first day of April and the first day of November of each year. (37) § 5653. Sec. 4. Any railroad company, stock yard Penalty for company, or private individual oAvning any stock yard in this state, who shall violate any of the provisions of sections one and two of this act, shall forfeit and pay to the people of the state of Michigan not less than fifty dollars nor more Fine. than five hnndred dollars for each and every such offense, and Liability for shall be liable for any and all damages caused to any neat ^"^''*^'''^- cattle by their failure to comply with the requirements of this act. (38) § 5654. Sec. 5. Any person or person [persons] Certain yioia- who shall knowingly or wilfully place or attempt to place mean^or. ^ any neat cattle, or others than those mentioned in section one, in any car or 3'ard provided for in section two or three of this act, and branded and lettered as therein provided for between the first day of April and the first day of Novem- ber following, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined not less than ten dollars. Punishment. nor more than one hundred dollars or be imprisoned not less than ten days nor more than sixt}' days, or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. FOOT-ROT AMONG SHEEP. An Act to prevent the infection of foot-rot among sheep. [Act IGG, P. A. 18T9.] The People of the State of Michigan enact: (39) § 5655. Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for unlawful tp any person or persons to allow to run at large on, or to drive fiHertefisliTep along any highway in this state between the first day of May o" highway. and the first day of Novendjer of each year, any sheep known to be infected with the disease known as the foot-rot. (40) § 5656. Sec. 2. Any person or persons violating penalty, the provisions of the foregoing section, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall })ay a fine not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dol- lars, in the discretion of the court, in addition to the costs of prosecution ; and in case the fine imposed, and the costs of prosecution shall not be paid, the deftjndant shall be con- fined in the county jail not less than tliirt}- days nor more than sixty days, in the discretion of the court. 20 STATE OF MICHIGAN. DISEASED SHEEP. An Act to prevent the importation, running at large and sale of dis- eased sheep. [Act 185, Laws of 186.3.] The People of the State of Michigan enact: Penalty for (4:1) § 5657. SECTION 1. That it sliall not be lawful for e'tc'^disea'sed ^^^ owner of slieep, or any person having the same in charge, sheep. knowingly to. import or drive into this state sheep having any contagions disease; and an}" person so offending shall be deemed gnilty of a misdemeanor, and shall l)e punished by line in any sum not less than fifty dollars, and in default of the payment thereof, by im])risonment in the county jail not more than three months. Penalty for (42) § 5658. Sec. 2. That any person being the owner eilfeT sheep to ^^ shcep, or having the same in charge, who shall turn out, run at large. ,,i. suffer any shccp having any contagious disease, knowing the same to be so diseased to run at large upon any common, highway, or uninclosed lands, or wlio shall sell or dispose of any sheep, knowing the same to be so diseased, without first apprising the purchaser thereof of such disease, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by fine in any sum not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and in default of the payment thereof, by imprisonment in the county jail not more than three months. Damages in (43) § 5659. Sec. 3. Nothing in this act shall be so civil action. coustrued as to i)revent the recovery of damages, in civil actions, against any person or persons who sliall import or drive such diseased sheej) into this state, or who shall allow such diseased sheep to run at large, or who shall sell such diseased sheep. FEEDING OF UNWHOLESOME FLESH TO ANIMALS OR FOWLS. An Act to regulate, prevent and punish the feeding of the flesh of old, decrepit, infirm, sick or diseased animals and unwholesome offal to animals or fowls, and provide a penalty for the violation thereof. [Act 179, P. A. 1013.] The People of the State of Michigan enact: Offal, etc., un- (44) SECTION 1. No persou sliall feed to animals or Knhiiais?^'^ foAvls the ficsli of au animal which has become old, decrepit, etc. ' infirm or sick, or which has died from such cause, or offal or flesh that is putrid or unwholesome. LIVE STOCK SANITARY LAWS. 21 (45) Sec. 2. Whoever shall do any of the acts or things Misdemeanor,* prohibited by this act, or in any way violates any of its pro- P^'^^^'^y- visions, shall be deemed giiilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars and the costs of prosecution, or by imprisonment in the county jail not more than ninety days, or by both such fine and im- prisonment in the discretion of the court. PASTEURIZING BY-PRODUCTS OF CHEESE FACTORIES, ETC. An Act to provide for pasteurizing the by-products of cheese factories, creameries, skimming stations and otlier places where milk is re- ceived and distributed. [Act 03, P. A. 1915.] The People of the State of Michigan enact: (40) Section 1. Every owner, operator or manager of a By-products cheese factory, creamery, skimming station or other place euriled*^*' where milk is received and the by-products distributed, shall, before returning to or delivering to any person or persons any skim milk, whey, buttermilk, or other milk by-products to be used for feeding purposes for farm animals, cause such skim milk, whey, buttermilk, or other milk by-products to be thoroughly pasteurized by heating the same to one hundred forty-five degrees Fahrenheit and holding at that tempera- ture for not less than thirty minutes or to one hundred eighty- five degrees Avithout holding: Provided, That the provisions Proviso, when QiCv not to of this act shall not apply to cheese factories or creameries apply. that |)asteurize the milk or cream prior to manufacture. (47) Sec. 2. Whoever violates any of the provisions of Penalty. this act shall be deemed guilty of a mis-Hlemeanor, and on conviction shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars", or imprisonment in the county jail for not exceeding ninetv davs, or both, in the discretion of the court. HORSES AND MULES PERMANENTLY UNFIT FOR WORK. An Act relative to the use, sale, trading and disposition of horses and mules permanently unfit for work, and to provide a penalty for the violation thereof, (a) [Act :!.-)4, ]». A. 1913.] The People of the State of Michigan enact: (4S) Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to unlawful sale otter for sale or sell or trade any horse or mule which by °^ reason of debilitv, disease, lamenef?s, injury, or for any oilier (a) Title Am. 1915, Act 129. 22 STATE OF MICHIGAN. cause is perinahently nnflt for work, except to a person or corporation operating- a liorse hospital, animal retreat farm, or other institution or place designed or maintained for the humane keeping, treatment or killing of horses, mules or other live stock. Am. 1915, Act 129. When unlaw- ful to drive, etc. Penalty. (49) Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to lead, drive or ride any such animal on any public way for any purpose, except that of conveying ixnj such animal to a proper place for its humane keeping, or killing or for medi- cal or surgical treatment, any horse or mule which, by reason of debility, disease, lameness or injury, or for other cause is permanently unfit for work. (.50) Sec. 3. Any person violating any provision of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on being convicted thereof before any justice of the peace or police jus- tice shall be fined in a sum not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars or imprisoned for not more than three months in the county jail or Detroit house of correction. BRANDING LIVE STOCK. An Act to provide for marking and branding live stock. [Act 3 22, P. A. 1883.] Owners may adopt brand, etc. To be re- corded. Proviso. Duties of county clerks in recording. Fee for. Penalty for changing, etc. brand. The People of the State of Michigan, enact: (51) § 5G60. Section 1. That every person who has cat- tle, horses, hogs, sheep, goats, or any other domestic animals, may adopt an ear mark or brand, which ear mark or brand may be recorded in the office of the county clerk of the county where such cattle, horses, hogs, sheep, goats, or other domestic animals shall be: Provided, That the mark or brand so adopted and recorded shall be different from all other marks or brands, adopted and recorded in such county. (52) § 5G61. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the county clerks of the several counties of this state, to keep a book in which they shall record the mark or brand adopted by each person who may apjily to them for that purpose, for which they shall be entitled to demand and receive twenty-five cents. (53) § 5002. Sec. 3. If any person shall mark or brand, or alter or deface the mark or brand of any horse, mare, colt, jack, jenny, jennet, mule, or any one or more head of neat cattle or sheep, goat, hog, shoat, pig, or other domestic ani- LIVE STOCK SANITARY LAWS. 23 nial, the property of anotlier, with intent thereby to steal the same, or to ])reveut identifioatiou thereof by tlie true owner, lie shall be deemed guilty of felony, and shall be punished by imprisonment at hard labor in the state prison, not to ex- ceed tAvo years, or by a fine of not more than two hundred dollars., or both, in the discretion of the court. PRACTICE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY. An Act to protect the title and to regulate the practice of veterinary medicine, dentistry and surgery, and the various branches thereof in this state; to provide for a state veterinary board and to fix its duties; to make provisions for those now engaged in practicing veterinary medicine, dentistry and surgery; to permit undergradu- ates to practice under certain conditions; to provide for reciprocity with other states and provinces; to prescribe penalties for the violation thereof; and to repeal all inconsistent acts, (a) [Act 244, P. A. 1907.] The People; of the State of Michigan enact: (54) Section 1. It shall be unlawful for anv person to veterinarians ,, -ji j_- A.- to be regis- eng-age or attempt to engage m the practice ot veterinary tered. medicine, dentistry or surgery, in any of its various branches, unless he shall comply with the provisions of this act and be duly registered by the state veterinary board in the manner hereinafter provided : Provided, That the provisions of this proviso, act act shall not be governing or apply to dehorning of cattle and '^'^^ ^° ^p^'^' ordinary animal castration, except castration of horses. Am. 1909, Act 143; 1915, Act 45. (55) Sec. 2. The members of the state veterinary board state vet^eriu- appointed pursuant to act two hundred forty-four of the ^^^ public acts of nineteen hundred seven shall constitute the state veterinary board. Said board shall hereafter consist of Qualifications. three members who are required to be residents of Michigan and citizens of the United States, and must also be regularly registered graduates of some college giving instruction in veterinary medicine, dentistry and surgery. No member of said board shall be connected with the faculty of any such college. On or before the first day of April of each year. Appointment, it shall be the duty of the governor to appoint a member of said board to succeed that member whose term then expires in accordance with his original appointment, and any va- cancies that may occur shall be filled by appointment of the governor for the balance of the unexpired term. Tn no case Experience shall any person be appointed as a member of said board (a) Title Am. 1915, Act 45. 24 STATE OF MICHIGAN. who has not at least three years experience in the practice of liis profession. Each member regularly appointed shall hold office for three years and until his successor is appoint- ed and qualified : Provided, That none of the provisions of this act shall in any manner interfere Avith the present tenure of office of the members of said board heretofore appointed. Term of office. Proviso, present tenure. Am. 1915, Act 45. Annual meeting. Other meetings. Bond of treasurer. Annual report. List of colleges. Temporary permit. Effect of permit. Expiration. List of permits. Unlawful use of degree or title. (5G) Sec. 3. Said veterinary board Sihall hold an annual meeting: at Lansing on the first Tuesday after the first Mon- day in February of each year, at which time said board shall organize by electing a president, a secretary and a treasurer. Other meetings shall.be held quarterly at such times and places as the board shall fix by resolution. The treasurer so chosen shall give bond to the people of the state of Michi- gan conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office, in such amount and with sureties to be approved by the board. At the end of each fiscal year, said board shall make a report to the governor, which report shall contain a full and complete statement of the official acts of the board with an itemized account of all moneys received and paid out. It shall be the duty of the members of said board dur- ing each year to assist its secretary in compiling a list of such colleges as have a curriculum of not less than three years of six months each which have the authority to confer the degree of doctor of veterinary medicine, doctor of veterinary science, doctor of comparative medicine, or veterinary sur- geon. It shall be the duty of the secretary of said board to issue to any graduate of one of such colleges who may apply therefor a temporary permit to allow such applicant to prac- tice until the next regular meeting of the board. Such tem- porary ]>ermit shall stand in lieu of a regular license during the time that it is in force and shall allow the holder thereof to exercise such privileges as a regularly registered and licens- ed practitioner of veterinary medicine, surgery and dentistry may exercise. Such permit shall ex])ire on the day of the next regular meeting of the board. It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep on file in his office a list of all persons, with their respective addresses, to whom temporary permits may be issued. Am. Id. (57) Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person who is not a graduate of any college giving instruction in veteri- nary medicine, surgery and dentistry with a ourriculum of not less than three years of six months each to use any college degree, or professional title or abbreviation in connection with his name which might be calculated to cause the i)ublic to believe that such jjcrson is a graduate as aforesaid and licensed under the terms of this act. Am. Id. LIVE STOCK SANITARY LAWS. 25 (58) Sec. 5. From and after the passage of this act it unlawful shall be unlawful for any person to practice veterinary medi- p^^^^^^- cine, surgery or dentistry or any of the various branches thereof unless such person shall be duly registered and li- censed by the state veterinarj' board as herein provided. No person shall be registered by said board unless and un- til he shall take and pass in a satisfactory manner such ex- amination as may be required by the state veterinary board and shall furnish satisfactory proof of his identity. No per- Conditions of son shall be eligible to take the examination herein provided '^^sistration. for unless he has completed a course of study in a regular veterinary college having a curriculum of not less than three years of six months each and which shall require the per- sonal attendance of its pupils, and shall have received a di- ]>loma from said college. The examination shall be upon Examination. such subjects as may lie prescribed by the state veterinary board and an average percentage of not less than seventy- live per cent with a standing of not less than fifty per cent in any subject shall be required. The examination shall bewhenheui. granted to applicants entitled to take the same at the time of the annual meeting of the board on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in February. Said board may make all nec- essary^ and reasonable rules for the conduct of the examina- tion : Provided, That the provisions of this section shall not Proviso, be deemed to appl}^ to those persons who are duly licensed ucerfses. under the laws of this state to practice veterinary medicine or surgery, and the various branches thereof at the time this amendment becomes operative, it being the intention hereof to allow such licensees to continue in the practice of their pro- fession. A fee of ten dollars shall be paid by each applicant Examination for examination and registration, and any such applicant ^'^^ who fails to pass the examination may be permitted to take the next following examination without the payment of an additional fee upon furnishing satisfactory evidence to the board that he has taken work to prepare himself for such re- Re-examina- examination and for the practice of the profession. ^^°"' Am. Id. The requirements of this act, that an applicant for registration as a veterinarian shall be a graduate of a state institution having a curriculum of at least six months each, are 'not met by an applicant who obtained a diploma in a state institution which had adopted such a curriculum, the applicant laving taken a two years" course with equivalent studies. — Folsom v. State \'eterinary Board, 158/277 (59) Sec. 6. It shall be unlawful for any person in this j^^^^^j^^' state to perform the following named surgical operations perform upon animals without first administering either local or gen- operaUons. eral anaesthesia : The emasculation of hermaphrodites, the emasculation of mares and female dogs, the operation of fistulous Avethers and poll-evil, lithotomy and all forms of neurectomy, the Caesarean operation, the operation for urn- 26 STATE OF MICHIGAN. bilical and scrotal hernia and the operation for wind-broken horses called laryngio crycorectomy. Am. 1909, Act 143. (GO) Sec. 7. It shall be the dnty of the secretary of the state veterinary board to keep a proper book or books in which shall be entered the names and addres>ses of all per- sons in this state who shall be registered and licensed to practice veterinary medicine, surgery, or dentistry in nnj of its branches. All fees received by said secretary shall be im- mediately turned over by him to the treasurer who shall Certificate of pay the saiue into the general fund in the state treasury. A suitable certificate of registration shall be furnished by the state veterinary board to each person entitled thereto, which said certificate shall be conspicuously disiplayed in the office of the applicant and shall be evidence that such person is entitled to practice veterinary medicine, surgery and dent- istry in all of the various branches thereof. Am. 1915, Act 45. Secretary to keep books. To turn over fees. registration. Compensation of board. Expenses of board, how paid. Students, when certain may practice. Michigan to reciprocate witli other states. Veterinarians living in ad- joining states. License granted on certain conditions. (Gl) Sec. 8. The members of the state veterinary board shall not be entitled to receive any salary, fee, or compensa- tion for their services as such members, except that the sec- retary shall receive such compensation as the board shall determine, not to exceed fifty dollars per annum. The ex- l)enses of s.uch members actually and necessarily incurred in the performance of official duties shall be paid by the state treasurer upon the warrant of the auditor general out of any money in the general fund not otherwise appropriated. (G2) Sec. 9. Any student having attended a recognized veterinary college for six months may, upon the presentation of a certificate of attendance, bearing the college seal, be allowed to practice in the office of and under the instructions of any registered veterinary surgeon in this state to whom he may apply during one summer vacation, or until October following the date of his certificate of attendance and no longer, nor elsewhere as an under graduate. (G3) Sec. 10. Michigan shall reciprocate with other states and provinces in an interstate recognition and ex- change of licenses upon a basis of equality of educational standard and mutual recognition, which standard shall not be lower than required by the provisions of this act. (G4) Sec. 11. Veterinarians living near the border line of Michigan, in an adjoining state or province, and wishing to practice in this state, shall, before doing so, apply to and receive from the state veterinary board a certificate of reg- istration. The state veterinary board shall grant such li- cense and issue a certificate upon the payment of the pre- scribed fees, provided the applicant's educational attainment LIVE STOCK SANITARY LAWS. 27 shall conform to the requirements of the provisions of this act, and the said state or province shall grant a like reci- procity to veterinarians of this state. (65) Sec. 12. Any person violating any of the provi- Penalty for sions of this act shall be deemed gnilty of a misdemeanor, '^'oi*^'^'""^- and shall, upon conviction, be punished for the first offense by a fine of not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars, and for each subsequent offense shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars or be confined in the county jail for not less than thirty nor more than ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the disK-retion of the court. (06) Sec. 13. Complaints for a violation of this act shall complaints of be made to the prosecuting attorney or humane agent of the how^made. county in which the offense is committed and the method of procedure shall be the same as in other criminal cases. Sec. 14 repeals inconsistent or contravening acts. (67) Sec. 15. Any license heretofore or hereafter grant- Revocation ed under the provisions of this act may be revoked by the °*^'^^"^®' state veterinary board after proper notice and hearing, if the holder thereof shall violate anv of the provisions of this act. Reasonable notice of the time and place of such hearing Notice of shall be served on the person whose license it is proposed to ^^^""s- revoke and proper opportunity shall be given to him to be heard in his defense : l*rovirovisions of this act, or used by him or his agent for the purpose of advertising such stallion, shall contain a copy of the certificate of enrollment of such stallion, and said bills or posters shall not contain illustrations, reference to pedigree or other statements that are untruthful or misleading. Reference to such stallions in ne\vspa]»ers, stock papers and other advertising medium shall contain the name of such stallion, number of certificate of enrollment, and shall designate in letters not smaller than pica the true breeding of such stallion as given in said certi- ficate of enrollment. Am. Id. LIVE STOCK SANITARY LAWS. 29 (71) Sec. 4. The state veterinary board shall issue enroll- EnrpUment ment certificates which skhall state the true breeding of such certificates. stallion licensed under this act. Such enrollment certificate Form. shall be in a form designated by the board and said form shall be such as to show the true breeding of the stallions en- rolled. Any stallion, the sire or dam of which is. pure bred Grade. and recorded in a stud book recognized by the state veteri- nary board, shall be designated as a "grade". Any stallion Mongrel or of which neither the sire nor dam is of pure breeding, nor ' recorded in a stud book recognized by thQ state veterinary board shall be designated as a mongrel or "scrub." After January fir.«it, nineteen hundred seventeen, no certificate of such enrollment shall be issued by the state veterinary board for any stallion designated as a "grade" or mongrel or "scrub," excepting for the enrollment of such stallion as shall have been enrolled prior to that date. Am. Id. (72) Sec. 5. A fee of three dollars shall be paid at the Fee for ■ enrollment. time of the first application for a certificate of enrollment to the secretary of the state veterinary board, for the ex- amination and enrollment of such pedigree, and the issuance of a certificate of enrollment of the breeding of such stallion as above provided. Enrollment certificates shall expire ^gj^j'^^at'e" "^ January first of each year, and renewal of same must be made prior to March fifteenth, following such expiration. It Y^i^^g^^gg^ shall be a violation of this act to off'er or use any stallion staiiion. for public service, unless licensed by said board : Provided, ^^^'^^^ Proviso act this act shall not apply to grade stallions standing at owner's premises and not advertised for service. A fee of one dollar Am^uai fee. shall be paid annually at the time of application for such renewal. Upon the transfer of ownership of any stallion en- J^nersWp.^ rolled under the provisions of this act. the certificate of en- rollment must be transferred to the transferee by the state veterinary board upon submittal of satisfactory proof of such transfer, and upon the payment of the fee of one dol- ^^®- lar. In case of death of any stallion enrolled under this act, ^^fjl^j^*^^ owner of same shall immediatelv inform the secretary of the state veterinary board. All' fees received by the state Disposition of veterinary board under the ])rovisions of this act shall be paid into the state treasury to be credited to the general fund. Am. Id. (73) Sec. G. In addition to the powers of the state veteri- feterinary nary board as prescribed by act number two hundred forty- J^oard, power four of the public acts of nineteen hundred seven, as amended by act number one hundred forty-three of the public acts of nineteen hundred nine, said board is hereby authorized to 30 STATE OF MICHIGAN. Expense. Foreign stallions. Penalty. provide for official examination of pedigrees and certificates of breeding and ownersliij*, to issue license certificates for stallions enrolled nnder this act. to compile and publish statistics relative to horse breeding in Michigan and other information of value to the horse breeders of this state, and to incur such other reasonable expenses as may be necessary to carry out and enforce the provisions of this act. All bills incurred and authorized by said board shall, when approved by a majority of its members, be allowed by the board of state auditors and paid out of the general fund of the state treasury. (74) Sec. 7. Every stallion brought into this state from another state or from a foreign country to be offered for sale or for public service shall, before any such sale or use is made, be examined by the state veterinary board or its regularly appointed representative, and certified by said board or its representative that said stallion is free from hereditary, contagious or transmissible uns.oundness or dis- ease and is of good conformation and breed type and suit- able to improve the horse stock of the state. (75) Sep. S. Any person, firm, company or association violating any of the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than three hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not more than thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. (70) Sec. 9. Having complied with the provisions of this act, the owner of any stallion shall have a lien for the sum sti])ulated to be paid for the service thereof, upon the mare served by any su<'h stallion in breeding thereof, and upon the offspring of such stallion by filing at any time within eighteen months after the date of service, a statement of the account thereof, together with a description as to color, and white markings of the female served, and the name of the owner at the date of service, in the office of the town- ship clerk wherein the owner of said female resided at the time of service. Such lien shall exist for a period of one year from the date of foaling of said colt, or if credit is given, from the expiration of the credit, and shall have priority over all other liens and encumbrances upon the offspring. Neither the mare nor the foal shall be sold within eighteen months after the date of service, unless the seiwice fee shall be ])aid, unless such sale shall be agreed to and approved in writing by the owner of the stallion at the time of the sale or transfer of the mare or foal. At any time after the off- spring shall have been foaled, any person having such lien may enforce the same by the same proceedings and in the same manner as is provided by sections ten thousand seven Lien for service. Statement of account, etc. Term of lien. Sale of mare or foal. Enforcement of lien. LIVE STOCK SANITARY LAWS. 31 liuiidred fortj-niiie, ten thousand seven hundred fifty, ten thousand seven hundred fifty-one and ten thousand seven hundred fifty-two of the compiled laws of eighteen hundred ninety-seven. Added 1915, Act 44.