,0>^' ^r V ,-^- ■^^ I) n S. \ ..5 -n> % * . .^^ v>^ .'?-'' < ■'«,».* .'"^ ..-^^ -"^a^ ^0 O, \^^ ■':-. >^ C-^ .0 O. • u o^ ^ 1 « . '% ^■^' ,^ 'J ■^ ■S>o, 3 N ~.^Jr ^^ - -. v^^ V ^ -^z- V ^^-- .#• \^°<. ^<^- -.'5' .:-^'- .0 r. Animal Parasites AND PARASITIC DISEASES SECOND EDITION. REVISED p B. F. KAUPP. M. S., D. V. S. PROFESSOR OF PATHOLOGY AND PARASiTOLOGY, VETERINARY DEPARTMENT. COLORADO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. LATE PROFESSOR OF PARASITOLOGY, KANSAS CITY VETERINARY COLLEGE. LATE VETERINARY INSPECTOR, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. SECRETARY OF THE MISSOURI VALLEY VETERINARY ASSOCIATION. LATE PRESIDENT OF THE MISSOURI (STATE) VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. ETC., ETC, CHICAGO ALEX.ANDER EGER 1910 x .o N />5 ^ \^ Copyrighted at VVashinKton D. C, ALEXANDER EGER 1910 by CCI.A25637U LINDEN BROS. PRESS, CHICAGO PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. The first edition of Animal Parasites and Parasitic Diseases has been exhausted in twelve months. The demand for this little concise work has far exceeded the expectations of the author and publisher. The illustrations, which have been so useful, have been doubled in number in this edition. Acknowledgment should be made to my laboratory assistant ]Mr. E. H. Aicher for the productioin of the additional pen draw- ings made from specimens in my collection. The work is divided into four chapters, treating on the following subjects, viz. ; External Parasites, Internal Parasites, Protozoa, Preparation of Speci- mens. An addenda, on the present status of our knowledge of the chemistry of animal parasites, has been added. The names of the parasites are arrai'.iged in tabular form at the beginning of each of the first three chapters. In the first column of the table will be found the Branch ; in the second the Class ; in the third the Order ; in the fourth the Family ; and in the last the Genus and Species, names by which we know the parasites. By reference to this table one cain trace each species at a glance down through the classification to the starting point, — the Branch. in IV PREFACE. Each parasite is dealt witli in the order of the tabulation. The facts about each are noted under the headings ; Synonym, Distribution, Life Cycle, Animals In- fested, Parts Infested, Conditions Produced and Treatment. (The latter when treatment is of any avail.) The photomicrographs are made by myself with an ordinary kodak placed over the occular lense of the microscope and given time exposure. By gas- liglit the exposure was from three to five minutes. The Author. \'eterinary Department, Colo. Agri. College, 1910. CONTENTS. PAGE INTRODUCTORY 9 CHAPTER I. ECTOZOA (Classification of the Common External Parasites — Ectozoa) 12 Branch Arthropoda 12 Class Insecta (Insect Parasites) 12-15 Order Diptera 16 Order Siphonaptera 31 Order Hemiptera 33 Class Arachnida 41 Order Acarina , 41 Order Linguatulida 71 Fungi 72 CHAPTER II. Entozoa 76 Branch Vermes 76 Class Annelida 76 Order Discophori 80 Class Nemathelmintha 81 Order Nematoda 81 Order Acanthocephala 136 Class Plathelmintha 77-79 Order Trematoda 138 Order Cestoda 148 CHAPTER III. Protozoa (Classification of the More Common Parasitic Protozoa) 174 Branch Protozoa 174 V vi CONTENTS. Class Flagella 174-175 Order Monadida 175 Class Sporozoa 174-181 Order Coccidia 181 Order Sarcosporidia 181-186 Order Hemasporidia 181-187 Class Amoeba 193 CHAPTER IV. To Preserve Insect Parasites 195 To Mount Ectozoa 195 To Preserve Entozoa 195 To Stain AND Mount Entozoa 196 Preservation of Museum Specimens 197 To Prepare Specimens to be Sent to the Labo- ratory 197 Technique of Staining the Protozoa in Blood Cells 198 To Stain the Trypanosoma 198 To Stain Coccidia Sarcosporidia or A:^ioeba Meleagridis in Tissues 199 A LIST OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. FIGURE PAGE 1 — Cayor Fly, Lai'va 21 2— Melophagus Ovinus, Adult 26 3 — Melophagus Ovinus, Pupa 26 4 — Gastrophilus Equi, Larva 27 5^0estrus Ovis, Larva 28 6 — Hypoderma Lineata, Larva 30 7 — Hematopinus Suis 37 8 — Trichodectes Scalaris 39 9 — Trichodectes Scalaris, Ovum : 40 CONTENTS. vii 10 — Psoroptes Communis, Variety Ovis, Male 51 11 — Psoroptes Communis, Variety Bovis, Females 52 12 — Psoroptes Communis, Variety Ovis, Head 53 13 — Psoroptes Communis, Variety Bovis, Head 53 14 — Demodex Folliculorum, Variety Canis, Stages of Devel- opment 60 15 — Demodex Folliculorum, Variety Canis, Adult Male 60 16 — Red Mange. Photograph of two pups 62 17 — Argas Miniatus, Larvae 63 18 — Ornithodoros Megnini, Larva 64 19 — Boophilus Annulatus, Larva 64 20 — Dermacentor Electus, Larva 64 21 — Amblyomma Americanum, Larva 70 22 — Spiroptera Scutata 82 23 — Spiroptera Megastoma 83 24 — Spiroptera Microstoma 83 25-Filaria Papillosae . 86 26— Ascaris Megalocephala 90 27— Ascaris Ovis 91 28— Ascaris Suis 92 29— Ascaria Marginata 94 30 — Oxyuris Curvula, Female 96 31— Strongylus Arnfieldi, Caudal Extremity of the Male. 102 32 — Strongylus Arnfieldi, Ova in Process of Segmentation .103 33— Strongylus Arnfieldi, Head Part 103 34 — Strongylus Arnfieldi, Caudal Extremity of Female 101 35— Strongylus Arnfieldi, Male and Female 103 36 — Strongylus Contortus, Male and Female 107 37 — Strongylus Armatus, Male and Female 109 38 — Strongylus Armatus, Caudal Extremity of Male 110 39 — Strongylus Armatus, Larva Ill 40 — Sclerostoma Tetracanthum, Male and Female 113 41 — Stephanurus Dentatus, Male and Female 115 vill CONTENTS. 42 — Oesophagostoma Inflatum, Male and Female 118 43 — Oesophagostoma Inflatum, Cephalic Extremity 119 44 — Oesophagostoma Inflatum, Caudal Extremity of Male.. 119 45 — Oesophagostoma Inflatum, Caudal Extremity of Fe- male 120 46— Oesophagostoma Columbianum, Male and Female 121 47— Nodular Disease 122 48 — Oesophagostoma Dentatum, Male and Female 124 49 — Uncinaria Radiata, Male and Female 124 50 — Uncinaria Canina, Male and Female 127 51 — Uncinaria Canina, Caudal Extremity of Male 127 52 — Uncinaria Canina, Cephalic Extremity 128 53 — Uncinaria Canina, Section of Body of Female 128 54 — Uncinaria Canina, Caudal Extremity of Female 128 55 — Trichocephalus Depressiusculus, Male and Female 130 56 — Trichocephalus Affinis, Male and Female 132 57 — Echinorhynchus Gigas, Female 136 58 — Echinorhynchus Gigas, Cephalic Extremity ...137 59 — Distoma Hepaticum 140 60 — Distoma Araericanus 144 61 — Cysticercus Cellulosse 152 62 — Taenia Expansa of Ox 156 63 — Taenia Expansa of Sheep 157 64— Taenia Alba of Sheep 158 65 — Taenia Fimbriata 159 66 — Taenia Marginata 160 67 — Cysticercus Tenuicollis 161 68— Taenia Canina 170 69— Surra; Photograph of Horse 177 70 — Trypanosoma Evansi 176 71 — Sarcocystis Miescheri, Longitudinal Section 184 72— Sarcocystis Miescheri, Cross Section 185 73 — Piroplasma Ovis 190 LIST OF PLATES. PLATE 1. Fig. I — Tabanus Atratus. " 2 — Tabanus Atratus, cephalic extremity. " 3 — Tabanus Lineola, dorsal view. " 4 — Tabanus Lineola, side view. " 5 — Sarcophaga Carnaria. " 6 — Hematobia Serrata. " 7 — I-Musca Vomitoria. II-Musca Domes- tica. " 8 — Stomoxys Calcitrans. " 9 — 'Gastrophilus Equi. " 10 — Hematobia Serrata, egg shell. Inserted between pages IS and 19 PLATE 2. Fig. I — Suctorial apparatus, Musca Domestica. " 2 — Piercing apparatus, Stomoxys Calcitrans. " 3 — Pulex Serraticeps. " 4 — ^Trombidium Holosericium. " 5 — Dermanyssus Gallinae. " 6 — Cvtodites Nudus. Inserted between pages 32 and 33 PLATE 3a. Fig. I — Symbiotes Communis var. Caprae, male. " 2 — Symbiotes Communis var. Caprae, fe- male. PLATE 3b. Fig. 3 — Sarcoptes Scabei var. Canis male. " 4 — Sarcoptes Scabei var. Canis, ovigerous female. Inserted between pages 48 and 49 PLATE 4a. Fig. I — Boophilus Annulatus, a-Ventral view, b Dorsal view. " 2 — Amblyomma Americanum, a-Dorsal view. b-Ventral view. " 3— Ornithodoros ^Nlegnini, a-Ventral view. b.-Dorsal view. PLATE 4b. " 4 — Argas Miniatus, a-Dorsal view. b-Ven- tral view. " 5 — Dermacentor Electus. " 6 — Boophilus Annulatus, male. " 7 — Ornithodoros Megnini, Section of skin showing spines. " 8 — Leg, Boophilus Annulatus. Inserted between pages 66 and 67 PLATE 5. Fig. I — Stigmen, Boophilus Annulatus larvae, Drawing from moult. " 2 — Leg, Boophilus Australis, Sideview. " 3 — Leg, Ornithodoros Megnini. " 4 — Stigmen, Boophilus Annulatus. " 5 — Stigmen, Dermacentor Reticulatus. 6 — Capitulum, Boophilus Annulatus. Inserted between pages 68 and 69 PLATE 6. Fig. I — Amblyomma Americanum, ovipositing. 2 — Boophilus Annulatus, ovipositing. 3 — Boophilus .A.nnulatus on skin of cow. 4 — Sarcoptic scabies, cat. Insetted between pages 72 and 73 PLATE 7. Fig. I — Spiroptera Scutata, a-male, b-female. " 2 — Spiroptera Strongylina, cephalic extrem- ity. " 3 — Spiroptera Strongylina, caudal extremity of male. " 4 — Spiroptera Strongylina, caudal extrem- ity of female. " 5 — Ascaris Mystax. " 6 — Oxyuris mastigodes, female. " 7 — Ascaris Suis, front view of cephalic ex- tremity. Inserted between pages 82 and 83 PLATE 8a. Fig. I — Spiroptera IMicrostoma, cephalic extrem- ity. " 2 — Spiroptera Microstoma, caudal extrem- ity of male. 3 — Spiroptera Megastoma, cephalic extrem- ity. " 4 — Filaria Cervina, female. PLATE 8b. Fig. 5 — Filaria Papillosa, cephalic extremity. " 6 — Filaria Papillosa, caudal extremity of male. " 7 — Heterakis Papillosa. " 8 — Filaria Immitis, male. Inserted between pigel 86 and 87 PLATE 9. Pig. i_Heifer infested with flukes and lung worms. " 2 — Oesophagostoma Columbianum, cephalic extremity. " 3 — Oesophagostoma Columbianum, caudal extremity male. " 4 — Oesophagostoma Columbianum, caudal extremity female. Inserted between pages 120 and 121 PLATE 10. Fig. I — Stephanurus Dentatus, cephalic extrem- ity. " 2^Syngamus Trachealis, male and female. " 3 — Trichocephalus Crenatus, i female. 2 male. " 4 — Echinorhynchus Canis. 5 — Echinorhynchus Canis, Section of uterus filled with eggs. 7 — Trichina Spiralis, encysted larva. 8 — Paragonimus Westermanii. Inserted between pages 134 and 135 PLATE 11. Fig. I — Taenia Marginata, cephalic extremity. 2 — Cysticercus Tenuicollis. 3 — Taenia Fimbriata, cephalic extremity. 4 — Cysticercus Echinococcus, cyst. 5 — Cysticercus Echinococcus, larvae, xii Inserted between pages 164 and 165 PARASITOLOGY. INTRODUCTORY. The study of parasites is called parasitology. The study of worms is called helminthology. The condition of an animal infested with parasites is called parasitism. Organisms that live upon different hosts are called FACULTATIVE PARASITES. Organisms that pass their entire life upon a single host cause constant parasitism. Parasites that visit their host for nourishment only, as is the habit of blood-sucking flies, are INTERMITTENT PARASITES. Parasites that pass part of their life external to their host, as species of the bot-fly family, are tran- sitory PARASITES. Parasites that can live only upon one species of animals are called obligatory parasites. Animal parasites are separated into two divisions, viz.: Ectozoa, or external parasites, and Entozoa, or internal parasites. Ectozoa (ektos — without, zoa — animal) are those parasites that live outside the body. Entozoa (entos — within, zoa — animal) are those parasites that live within the body. A Parasite is an organism, animal or vegetable, that lives upon another organism, animal or veg- etable. Parasites are placed in three branches, viz.: Arth- ropoda. Vermes, and Protozoa. 9 10 PARASITOLOGY. The Arthropoda are those parasites that are pro- vided with jointed legs. This branch is divided into two classes, viz.: Insecta and Arachnida. Under the class Insecta are placed the orders : Diptera, Siphonaptera and Hemiptera. The order Diptera includes the following families, viz.: Culicidae, which include the gnats and mosquitoes. Simuliidae, which include the buffalo gnat. Tabanidae, which include the horse and ox flies. Muscidae, which include the horn=fly, the horse= fly, etc. Hippoboscidae, which include the sheep-tick. Oestridae, which include the bot-flies. The order Siphonaptera includes the fleas. Under the order Hemiptera are placed the follow- ing families, viz.: Pediculidae, which include the blood-sucking lice. Philopteridae, which include biting lice. Liotheidae, which include lice of birds. The first two families live upon mammals. The class Arachnida includes the orders Acarina' and Linguatulida. The order Acarina includes the families Ixodidae, Argasidae, Gamasidae, Trombidiidae, Acaridae. The family Acaridae is divided into sub families, SSarcoptidae and Demodecidae. The families Ixodidae and Argasidae include the ticks. The family Gamasidae includes minute parasites of birds and small animals. The family Trombidiidae includes the chiggers. PARASITOLOGY. 11 The sub-family Sarcoptidae includes the scab or mange parasites. The sub-family Demodecidae includes the follicu^ lar or red mange parasite. The order Linguatulidae includes a parasite which in the adult state infests the nasal chambers of the dog, etc. CHAPTER I. CLASSIFICATION OF THE COMMON EXTERNAL PARASITES. Branch Arthropoda Class Insecta Order Diptera Family Culicidse Genus and Species Culex Pipiens. Culex Pungens. Anopheles Punctipennis. Stegomia Fasciata. Family Simuliidae Genus and Species Simulium Pecuarum. Family Tabanidae Genus and Species Tabanus Atratus. Tabanus Lineola. Family Muscidfe Genus and Species Musca Domestica. Musca Vomitoria. Lucilia Macellaria. Sarcophaga Carnaria. Glossiua Morsitans. Hematobia Serrata. Stomoxys Calcitrans. Family Hippoboscidae.. Genus and Species ...Melophagus Ovinus. Family Oestridae Genus and Species. Gastrophilus Equi. Gastrophilus Hemorrhoi- dalis. Oestrus Ovis. Hypoderma Lineata. Order Siphonaptera (Siphon — tube; a — with- out; pteron — wing.) Family Pulicidae 12 PARASITOLOGY. 13 Genus and Species Pulex Irritans. Pulex Serraticeps. Pulex Avium. Order Hemiptera Family Pediculidae Genus and Species Hematopinus Asini. Hematopinus Euryster- nus. Hematopinus Vituli. Hematopinus Suis. Hematopinus Piliferus. Hematopinus Stenopsis. Family Philoptenda; .. Genus and Species Trichodectes Pilosus. Trichodectes Scalaris. Trichodectes Spheroce- phalus. Trichodectes Latus. Trichodectes Subrostra- tus. Family Liotheidae Genus and Species Menopon Pallidum. Menopon Biseriatum. Class Arachnida Order Acarina Family Gamasidae Genus and Species Dermanyssus Gallinae. Family Trombidiidae Genus and Species Trombidium Holoseri- cium. Leptus Irritans. Family Acaridae Sub-Family Sarcoptidae.. Genus and Species Sarcoptes Scabei \^r. Equi. Sarcoptes Scabei Var. Canis. Sarcoptes Scabei Var. Suis. 14 PARASITOLOGY. Genus and Species — Co/// i>///rd Saccoptes Scabei Var. Ovis. Sarcoptes Scabei Var. Caprae. Sarcoptes Mutans. Var. Gallinae. Psoroptes Cora m u n i s Var. Equi. Psoroptes Communis Var. Bovis. Psoroptes Communis Var. Ovis. Psoroptes Communis Var. Caprae. Symbiotes Communis Var. Equi. Symbiotes Commanis Var. Bovis. Symbiotes Communis Var. Ovis. Symbiotes Communis Var. Caprae. Svmbiotes Auricularum Var. Canis. Cytodites Nudus. Family Acaridae Sub-Family Demodecidae Genus and Species Demodex FoUiculorum Var. Equi. Demodex FoUiculorum Var. Bovis. Demodex FoUiculorum Var. Ovis. • Demodex FoUiculorum Var. Suis. Demodex FoUiculorum Var. Canis. Demodex FoUiculorum Var. Cati. Family Argasidae PARASITOLOGY. 15 Genus and Species Argas Miniatus. Ornithodoros Megnini. Family Ixodidae Genus and Species Rhipicephalus Sangui- neus. Ixodes Ricinus. Boophilus Annulatus. Boophilus Australis. Dermacentor Electus. Amblyomma American- um. Order Linguatulida Genus and Species Linguatula Rhinaria. Fungi Trichophyton Tonsur- ans. Achorion Schoenleinii. r Achorion Keratophagus. Saccharomyces Albicans. Actinomyces Bovis. INSECT PARASITES. The life cycle of most insect parasites is divided into four stages, viz.: oval, larval, pupal and adult. The oval stage is the first stage — the q^z- The larval stage is the second stage— the stage in which the insect is a worm. The pupal stage is the third stage— that metamor- phosis passed through in a dirt or membranous sac ; the cocoon. The adult is the fourth stage — the mature state. Some insect parasites do not pass through the oval stage. Those parasites belonging to the class insecta, anatomically speaking may be divided into three parts, viz.: The head, the thorax and the abdomen. The head is provided with two eyt5§, twa antennae- (feelers) and the mouth parts. 16 PARASITOLOGY. The antennae are composed of segments (joints or articles) which vary in number according to the species. The mouth parts are provided with a proboscis for piercing the skin and sucking blood, or with an apparatus for sucking up liquid substances. The thorax of those belonging to the order Diptera is provided with three pair of legs and one pair of wings. Those we study under the orders Hemiptera and Siphonaptera are provided with three pair of legs only. With regard to reproduction, the female may lay the ova, larva, or ova containing the larva fully de- veloped. The insect laying the ova is called oviparous (ova — egg, parous — to bring forth). The insect producing the larva is called vivipar= OUS (vivo — living, parous — to bring forth). The parasite producing the egg with the Jarva fully developed within is called ovoviviparous THE FLIES. MosouiTOES — (Musca — fly, ito — small.) History. — Mosquitoes are found in all parts of the world, from the cold countries of the north to the hot countries of the south. One hundred and fifty species have been described. More than thirty spe- cies are found in the United States. Among the common species may be named the Culex Pungens, Culex Pipiens, Culex Equinus, Stegomia Fasciata, and Anopheles Punctipennis. Description. — Mouth parts provided with lancet-like piercing mandibles ; long, slender body ; delicate, PARASITOLOGY. 17 gauzy wings ; antennae composed of fourteen seg- ments; three pair of long and slender legs; one pair of eyes. Life Cycle. — The ova are laid in boat-shaped masses on the surface of the water. The larvae are small, black, worm-like bodies, with forked tails in which are placed the breathing tubes. They are noted to come with this end to the surface of the water for the purpose of obtaining oxygen. They are found in cisterns, ponds and pools of water everywhere, and are commonly called wigglers. They pass this stage in seven days, if conditions are favorable. The pupal stage is passed in twenty-four hours. The ova hatch in from sixteen to twenty-four hours. Animals Attacked. — Among the species that attack man and beast are the Culex Pipiens. The Culex Equinus especially attacks the horse. The genera Anopheles and Stegomia furnish species which attack man and communicate the protozoa producing mala- ria and yellow fever. Parts Infested. — The attack is made upon the skin, principally in the evening and at night, by means of the stylet of its rostrum. In piercing the skin it instills a poison which produces inflammation, itching and swelling. Prophylactic Treatment. — It has been suggested to put fish in the ponds and large bodies of water, to consume the larvae. Kerosene, one ounce to each fifteen square feet of water, will prevent deposit of ova. Cisterns and wells should be kept screened. No tin cans or other means of providing pools of water should be allowed, in which mosquitoes might 18 PARASITOLOGY. propagate. Houses should be screened. Sleeping rooms may be smoked with pyrethrum. The py- rethrum should be molded into cones and dried. These cones, when lighted, will smoulder for a long time, and give off a pungent odor which does not kill the mosquitoes, but stupefies them, rendering them harmless. SiMULiUM Pecuarum (Pecus — cattle, simulo — to simulate.) Sy)i07iyiii. — Buffalo gnat. History. — Found in the South, along the Mississ- ippi river and its tributaries. Their destructive effect upon animals dates back as far as 1850. Description. — A small black fly ; abdomen broad and thick ; thorax short, thick and provided with a hump from which it gets its common name, resem- bling the hump of a buffalo. The antennae are com- posed of eleven segments. Its wings are wide and short, and its three pair of legs are thick and short. Life Cycle. — The adult flies are found from April until after June. They lay from 5,000 to 10,000 eggs in a compact mass on some object directly over the water's edge. Upon hatching, the larva falls into the water. The larva is composed of twelve joints. It fastens itself to rocks and other objects in the river bed, often loosening its hold and floating in the current till another favorable place is found. The larva is carnivorous. The pui^al stage is passed in a tough brown cocoon with the upper part open. This cocoon is fastened to sticks and other objects in the water. Animals Infested. — They attack the animals, as horses and cattle, in swarms. By means of their Plate I. Fig. 1 — Tnbanus Atratus. a, Head showing anten- nae and compound eyes . b, Thorax with 3 pair lege and 1 pair wings. c, Abdomen, Fis'. "i — Tabanus Liueola. Side view, ghowinii proboscis. Fij;-. 2 — Tabauus AtratiiM. (Cephalic extremity) a, Thorax, b, Compound eyes. <", Antennae. d, Kcstrum. ig. 3 — Tabaniis Liueola. a, Head. IJ, Thorax, c, Abdomen 4'- Fig. 5 — Sareophaga Fig. 6 — Heniatobla Caruarin. Serrata. a, Compound eyes. a, Head, b, Thorax. b, Thorax. c, Abdomen. c, Abdomen. d, Young larvae. d, Eggs. Fig. 7 — I-Musea Vomitoria. a. Head. Thorax. b, Globular shaped abdomen. Fig. 7 — lI-i>Iu.soa Fig. S — Stomoxy doinestioa. (alcitrans, a, b, c, same as I a, Stilet, b, Eyes, c, Thorax. d, Abdomen. g. !t- -Gastroplii (Female) lus Equi. a. Head. b, Thorax, e, Wing. d, Abdomen, ». Ovipositor. -llcmatobia Serrata (Egg Shell), a, Operculum, PARASITOLOGY. 19 rostrum they pierce the skin, suck the blood and in- still a poison into the wound which produces inflam- mation and pain. The animals may inhale the small insects in numbers, and in this way they produce irritation which results in mechanical injury, causing bronchitis and pneumonia. Many animals die. The greatest loss among live stock has been reported in the lower Mississippi Valley. Treatment. — Rub parts affected with five percent ammonia water. In weak animals give stimulants, as carbonate of ammonia, one dram to one pint of whiskey, three times a day. Keep animal in cool, dark stable. Solutions of quassia, tobacco and oil of tar are often applied externally as a preventive. Tabanus Atratus (Ater — black;. Horse-fly. Synonyms. — Mourning horse-fly ; large black horse- fly; black gad-fly; breeze-fly. History. — Widely distributed throughout the United States. Description. — The largest fly of the family Taban- idae. It measures about one inch in length. Entire fly is black. The wings are large, and set almost at right angles with the body. Its head is provided with a powerful proboscis. Life Cycle. — The adult fly lays her eggs in moist places ; they hatch into larvae composed of twelve segments each. The pupal stage is passed in the ground, and lasts only a few days. The pupae are nearly an inch and a quarter in length. The adult emerges from the pupa by splitting the case length- wise. Animals Attacked. — Horses and cattle are attacked 20 PARASITOLOGY. during the warmer parts of the day. By means of its powerful proboscis it pierces the skin and sucks the blood. Often a drop of blood oozes from the point of puncture after the insect has left the animal. They do not attack the animal in swarms, as does the buffalo gnat, nor is the bite so poisonous. Horses and cattle will flee from the buzzing sound of the fly. Tabanus Lineola (Linea — line). Synonym. — Green-head horse-fly. History. — Found in all parts of the United vStates. Most abundant in the prairie districts. Description. — This fly is about the size of the honey bee. Its head is provided with a powerful proboscis for sucking blood, and is a brilliant green. Its ab- domen is elongated and brownish in color. Life Cycle. — The life cycle is similar to that of the Tabanus Atratus, passing its oval, larval and pupal stages in moist places. Animals Attacked. — They attack horses and cattle during the warm part of the day. They do not fly in cold or damp weather, and die with the frosts of au- tumn. They do notmaketheir attack in large numbers. MuscA DoMESTiCA (Domiis — a house, Musca — flyj . Synonym. — House-fly. History. — Found in all parts of the world. Description. — Medium size ; grayish in color. Its head is provided with a trumpet-shaped suctorial ap- paratus for sucking up liquid substances. Life Cycle. — Oviparous. The eggs are oval in shape and white in color. They breed in manure and door-yard filth. PARASITOLOGY, 2l Animals Attacked. — They produce irritation by their numbers upon the skin or wounds of any animal, and by imbibing the exudate and perspiration. They carry germs from the wounds or excreta of one ani- mal to another. MuscA VoMiTORiA (Vomitoria — causes vomiting, musca— fly.) Synonyms. — Blow-fly; bluebottle fly; calliphora vomitoria. History. — Found widely distributed. Description. — The fly is about four times the size of a house-fly. Its eyes are brownish in color ; thorax and abdomen bluish green. Life Cycle. — The eggs are oval in shape and white in color. They are deposited on decomposing ani- mal and vegetable matter, in the wounds of animals and in fresh manure and garbage. When the weather is hot the eggs hatch in a very few hours. The larvae are called maggots, and develop rapidly. On reaching maturity the maggots, if in a wound, drop to the ground and pass through the pupal stage in a short time. LuciLiA Macellaria. Synonyms. — Screw-worm fly ; compsomyia macel- laria ; cayor fly. History. — Found throughout the world. Its great- est damage is done in hot climates. Description. — The fly is about one-half inch in length Fig. 1-Cayor Fly Larva. and of a bluish green color, a, Ventral View; b, Side View. j|. jj^g three longitudinal black stripes on the dorsal surface of the thorax. 22 PARASITOLOGY. The head is yellowish or reddish in color. The thorax and abdomen are covered with short, stiff black hairs. Life Cycle. — The time at which the fiy appears de- pends upon the latitude. In Texas and Louisiana they appear in June and last till autumn. The female is oviparous, and lays as many as 200 eggs at one laying. The larvae invade the wounds of animals, and also decaying matter. The eggs hatch in about nine hours, and the larvae develop rapidly. The head part of the larva is provided with two teat-like projections, and two booklets. The segments are also provided with booklets. Its general appearance is like that of a screw, from which it gets its name (screw- worm). In the wound they are found bur- rowing into adjacent tissue, with the posterior ex- tremity upright. While these are developing other eggs are laid in the wound. The pupae are brown in color, and about two-fifths of an inch in length. The pupal stage is passed in the ground, in ten days. Treatment. — Chloroform injected into the wound will destroy them : also creolin or carbolic acid solutions. Curet or forceps may be used in remov- ing them. The wound can then be treated with the zinc and lead solution, made as follows : 3^ Zinc sulph 5vi Lead, acetate oi Water Oi Sarcophaga Carnaria (Sarcophagous — flesh-eating). (Carnivora — dead meat). Synonyms. — Flesh-fly; gray carnivorous fly; car- nivorous sarcophagus. PARASITOLOGY. 23 History. — Distributed throughout the world. It was first described in 1761 by Linnaeus. Description. — The fly is about the size of the musca vomitoria, and is grayish in color. Its markings are similar to those of the house-fly. Life Cycle. — The female is viviparous; lays the larvae on fresh meat or in the wounds of animals. The fully developed larvae seek a secluded place and in a few days pass through the pupal stage. Gt-OSSIna Morsitans (Glossus— tongue ; Morsitans — biting.) Synonym. — Tse' Tse' fly. History. — It is found in swamps and river-bottoms in Central Africa. Description. — It is a little larger than the common house-fly. The piercing stylet of its proboscis is barbed, and is twice as long as its head. The thorax is orange colored, with four black lines on the dorsal side. The abdomen is yellowish white and the wings are dark in color. Animals Attacked. — All animals except the ele- phant, zebra and hen are attacked. It pierces the skin instantly, drawing blood. It inoculates the an- imal with the Trypanosoma Brucii, the protozoa producing Nagana. Co7idition Produced. — The protozoon lives in the blood; high elevation of temperature — 104° to 106.5°; anemia; oedema in region of the head, neck and abdomen ; nasal catarrh, conjunctivitis, etc. Post Mortem Findings. — Enlargement of lymph glands and liver ; spleen dark colored and friable ; petechia and hemorrhages in the serous membranes; atrophy of fat tissue and muscular structure. 24 PARASITOLOGY. Hematobia Serrata (Hema — blood; bios — life; serra — saw.) Synonyms. — Horn-fly; saw-fly. History. — It was introduced into this country in 1887 by an importation of cattle from Europe. It first appeared around Philadelphia, and in a few years was found in all parts of the country. Description. — A small black fly, about one-third the size of the common house-fly. When at rest the wings are nearly parallel with the body. The head is provided with a proboscis for sucking blood. Life Cycle. — The flies appear with warm weather, and die with the frosts of autumn. The eggs are oval in shape and brown in color, and are laid in the fresh feces. The eggs are nearly straight along one side and the larva emerges from the shell by raising a long, ribbon-shaped strip at this side. The ovum hatches in about twenty-four hours. The larvae reach their fully developed stage in about five days. They then burrow into the ground about half an inch, where they pass the pupal stage, which lasts about eight days. Animals Attacked. — Cattle are most often attacked, the flies attacking them in large swarms, burying themselves in the hair and sucking the blood. In rainy weather they are found to attack the animal under the belly. At night they may be found in clusters around the horns. Conditions Produced. — The constant harassing of the animal by large numbers of the flies causes milch cows to fall off in the yield of milk. Fattening and other animals do not thrive. Treatment. — Fish-oil and tar, equal parts, will keep iPARASITOLOGY. 25 the flies away. Coal-tar solutions, such as creolin and kreso, keep the flies away for only a short time. Stomoxys Calcitrans (Stoma — mouth, calcitro — sting). Syno7iyms. — Stomoxys stabulans ; stable-fly; sting- ing fly. History. — Widely distributed, they appear in the latter part of summer. They were first described in 1761. Description. — It is about the size of the house-fly. When at rest the wings are nearly at right angles. The head is provided with a solid, elongated stylet- shaped proboscis, bent near its base. Life Cycle. — The ova are laid in the fresh feces, where the larval stage is passed. The pupal stage is passed in the ground. Ajiimals Attacked. — It enters stables and attacks horses and cattle. Its bite is severe, causing vesi- cles, which rupture and produce scab ; the hair be- comes erect and the legs become sore. This fly has been thought to carry the germs of anthrax and of glanders, by attacking healthy animals soon after diseased ones have been feasted upon. Melophagus Ovinus (Mallos — wool, phagein — to eat). Syno7iyms — Sheep-tick ; louse-fly. Description. — The head is small and sunken in the thorax. It is provided with a tubular-shaped pro- boscis adapted for piercing the skin and sucking the blood. The thorax is distinctly separated from the abdomen, and is provided with three stout pair of legs, which are covered with hair. The last seg- 26 PARASITOLOGY. ment of each leg is provided with a bi-dentatedclaw. The abdomen is large, and globular in shape. Life Cycle. — The female lays eight to ten young in the form of pupae. The pupal case is ovoid in shape and brown in color, and is cemented to a few fibres of wool. These hatch in about four weeks. Animals Infested. — They are found most abundant on long-wooled sheep. After shearing they have a tendency to leave the sheared sheep for the lambs. s wM ^(^ \y^sA X %c F is- 3— Melophagus Ovinus Pupa. a, Pupa. b, W ool Fibers. Fig. 2— Melophagus Ovinus. a, Head with Piercing Rostrum b, Thora.x, with 3 Pair of Legs. c, The Large, Globular .Abdomen. They live upon blood of the host, and grease or yolk of the wool. At point of puncture there is injected a small quantity of poison, which causes irritation and swelling. Symptoms. — The infested sheep rubs, scratches and bites itself. When present in large numbers these parasites cause unthriftiness and debility. Treatment. — The sheep dip or kerosene emulsion will kill them. ( Gaster — stomach ) Gastrophilus Eoui (Equi — horse) (Phileo — to love). Synonyms. — Horse bot-fly; oestrus equi ; gad-fly. History. — They were described by the earliest writers and are universally found. Description . — A fly about the size of a honey-bee ; PARASITOLOGY. 27 body heavy, and covered with soft, yellowish hair. The eyes are small. The female is provided with a long ovipositor. The posterior of the male is rounded. Life Cycle. — The eggs are oval in shape, light yel- low in color, and are cemented to the hair of the animal attacked, principally in the region of the jaws and fore limbs. The fly hovers over the region on which the ^^^ is to be deposited, then darts down, cements it to the hair in an instant, retreats a few feet, hovers again, then deposits another &^z- The cap or operculum is pushed off the large end, through which the young grub escapes when the &^q, is hatched. The eggs hatch in three weeks. The animal, by lick- ing, gets the larva into its mouth ; the larva finds its way to the stomach, attaches it- self to the pyloric portion by means of two booklets (small hooks) and remains there ten months. Upon reaching the fully developed larval state it loosens its hold, passes out to the ground with the feces, burrows into the ground one inch and there passes through the pupal stage, which lasts from four to six weeks. Animal Attacked. — The horse. Part Infested. — The stomach. Injury to Host. — Seldom if ever any injury. Fig. 4— Gastrophilus Equi Larva. a, Dorsal View. b, Ventral View. Gastrophilus Hemorrhoidalis (Gaster — stomach) (Phileo — to love) . Syno7iyms. — Oestrus hemorrhoidalis ; red-tailed bot-fly; bot-fly of horse. 28 PARASITOLOGY. History. — Found in common with the Gastrophilus Equi in North America and Europe. Dcscriptio7i. — Not so large as the Gastrophilus Equi. The thorax is covered with olive-gray hair ; a black band is found in the middle. The abdomen is white in front, black in its median part, and orange red at the posterior end. Life Cycle. — The eggs are oval in shape and black in color. The larvae are taken into the mouth and swallowed, and then, by means of two booklets, at- tach themselves to the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. They are found mostly in ihe right and left sacks of the stomach. They may loosen their hold and become attached at another point. They often become attached to the rectum, causing itching, and rubbing of the tail. The pupal stage lasts from four to six weeks, and is passed in the ground. Animal Attacked. — The horse. Parts Infested. — Stomach and intestines. Oestrus Ovis (Oestrus— gad-fly; ovis — sheep). Synonyms. — Cephalemyia ovis (cephalo — head, myia — fly); sheep-bot; grub; head-maggot ; sheep gad-fly. History. — Found in Ameri- ca, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. Description. — Small, yel- ^. ^ ^ ^^ t ' ' •' Fig. 5— Oestrus Ovis Larva. lowish gray fly, slightly larger a, Side View. than the house-fly. Body b, Posterior view. covered with short fine hair. The abdomen is orna- mented with five rings; under side of head is white. PARASITOLOGY. 29 Life Cycle. — The fly is viviparous, and attacks the sheep and goats from June to October, but only in the warmer part of the day. It deposits its larvae in the anterior nares. The larva is provided with two booklets, by means of which it gradually works its way to the frontal sinuses, where it passes the larval stage, which requires ten months. It then passes out to the ground, burrows into the ground and there passes through the pupal stage, which lasts from four to six weeks. Animals Attacked. — Sheep and goats. Parts Infested. — Frontal sinuses and turbinated bones of the head. Condition Produced. — The sheep, hearing the noise of the fly, runs, thrusts its nose into the ground or amongst other sheep, and strikes at its nose wnth its feet in an effort to rid itself of the pest, which, slug- gish at other times, now flies at the nostrils with great rapidity. The larvae work their way to the frontal sinuses by means of booklets and contractility of the body. In the frontal sinuses they attach themselves, by means of two booklets, to the mucous membrane. If only three or four are present in the sinuses they do not produce much disturbance, — a slight catarrhal discharge of a muco-purulent na- ture. When many are present there is noted a pro- fuse muco-purulent discharge from the nostrils, loss of appetite, frequent coughing and sneezing, slow, weak gait, and tossing of the head. The animal becomes too weak to rise, and finally dies. Treatment. — Trephine and remove larvae with for- ceps. Prophylactic Treatment. — The nose maybe smeared 30 PARASITOLOGY. with tar. It is advocated to make troughs with holes bored in sides large enough for a sheep to lick salt from. Tar, smeared around these holes, is lodged on the nose in the sheep's efforts to get the salt. (Hypo — under) Hypoderma Lineata (derma — skin) (linea — line). Synonyms. — Oestrus lineata. Ox gad-fly; warble- fly; grub-fly; striped hypoderma ; heel-fly. History. — A species found in America ; most com- mon in southern states. Description. — About the size of a honey-bee. Its body is black, covered with fine hair. The thorax is ornamented with longitudinal gray bands. The fe- male is provided with a cone-shaped ovipositor, with which she deposits her eggs, cementing them to the hair. Life Cycle. — The fly deposits its eggs upon the hair in the vicinity of the heel. From this point the larvae are taken into the mouth and become lodged in the mucous membrane of the oesophagus. The eggs are laid in summer and the larvae are found in their most fully developed stage in the oesophagus this time they are about five-eighths of an inch long. They now leave this locality and wander through the connective tissue to a position under- neath the skin in the region of the back. Here Fig. 6— Hypoderma Lineata Larva. a, Dorsal View b, Ventral View. about November. At PARASITOLOGY. 31 tumors are formed, with holes at their summits. The holes become larger as the tumors and larvae develop. The larval stage lasts ten months. In this stage they are called grubs, or warbles. By spring they have developed into full-grown larvae, and leave the tumors through the holes in the summits. At this time they are three-fourths to seven eighths of an inch long, and nearly one-half inch thick. It has been observed that they leave behind a tough brown or black skin. They bur- row into the ground and pass through the pupal stage in from four to six weeks. Animal Attacked. — The ox. Parts Infested. — Oesophagus and sub-dermal tu- mors in region of back. Injury to Host. — Some irritation. If attacked by large numbers the animal does not thrive. In those cattle that are slaughtered during the grubby season there is a great commercial loss to hides, on account of the holes in the skin. The percentage of cattle infested varies from practically none in the northern states to seventy-five or eighty percent in the south- ern states. THE FLEAS. PuLEX Irritans (Pulex — flea, irrito — to excite). Syno7iyni. — Human flea. History. — Common in dwellings in Europe. Not very common in the United States. Description. — Body flattened from side to side; head small and rounded ; stylet arranged for pierc- ing the skin and sucking the blood ; two eyes and two antennae. The abdomen is provided with nine rings. 32 PARASITOLOGY. The legs are thick and strong, terminating in two hooklets or claws. The posterior pair are the long- est, giving them great power to jump. Life Cycle. — The eggs are ovoid in shape and brown in color ; they hatch in from six to twelve days, depending upon the temperature. The larvae are worm-like and are composed of thirteen seg- ments. The mouth parts are arranged for mastica- tion. The larval stage lasts about eleven days ; they then pass their pupal stage in tough brown cocoons. The cocoon stage lasts about fourteen days. Fleas breed in filth, carpets, rugs, kennels and barns. Animal Infested. — Man. Injicry to Host. — In the adult state they attack the skin. The pvmcture causes itching and inflammation. Treatment. — Cleanliness ; pyrethrum or tobacco dust sprinkled in the infested quarters. PuLEX Serraticeps (Seco — to cut). Synonym. — Dog and cat flea (Fleon — to flee.) History. — Universally found. Descriptio7i. — Similar in appearance to the Pulex Irritans, with the exception that it is provided with fifteen to eighteen spines on the posterior margin of the pro-thorax. In the preceding species the thorax is entirely nude. Life Cycle. — Eighteen to twenty eggs are laid in some dirty or dusty corner, which pass through the same stages as the preceding species. Animals hifested. — They attack the cuticular sur- face of dogs, cats and men. Treatment. — Dogs can be dipped in a five per-cent Plate II. Figr. 1 — Suctorial apparatus. (Musca DoniestK-a). FiK. 2 — i'ierolUR- apparadiN. (Stouioxys raloitrjiiis ). a, Proboscis. b, Palpi. Fig. 3 — Pulex Serraticeps a, Mandibles. b, Palpi. c, Anterior pair of legs. d, Ocelli. e, Antennae. f, Thorax. g, Abdomen. h. H'ooklets on terminal tarsii.' Fis. 4 — Trombidiuni Holoseri- oiuni. a, l^iercing- mandibles, b, Palpi, c, Uterus. Fig-. 5 — Derniauyssus Galliuae. a, Rostrum. b. Palpus. Figr. 6 — Cytodites Nudus. a, Rostrum. b, Ambulacrum. c, Pedicle to same. PARASITOLOGY. 33 solution of creolin. Creolin may prove fatal to cats. Tobacco dust orpyrethrum may be dusted in infested quarters. PuLEX Avium (Avis — bird). Synonym. — Bird flea. Description. — The head is rounded, and is not pro- vided with spines on the lower border, but a row of minute bristles is found on the side. The mandibles are short. Animals Infested. — The attack is made principally upon small birds. THE LICE. Phthiriasis (Lousiness) — (Louse). Phthiriasis is the condition of an animal or bird infested with lice. The lice infesting the domestic animals are divided into three families, viz.: Pedicil- lidae, Philopteridae and Liotheidae. Under the first is placed the genus Hematopinus. Under the second is placed the genus Trichodectes. Those species of lice belonging to the genus Hem- atopinus are provided with a piercing apparatus which projects anteriorly from the head. They live upon the blood of the host. Those species belonging to the genus Trichodec= (es are provided with mouth parts arranged on the under part of the head. They live by mastication from epidermis and hair of the host. The lice are oviparous ; the eggs are called nits and are cemented to the hair. The eggs are oval in shape and white in color. Symptoms. — Infested horses and cattle are noted to rub against fences and posts, corners of buildings. 34 PARASITOLOGY. in an effort to relieve themselves of the itching sen- sation produced by the lice. Cattle are noted to lick themselves. The hair has a rough, stairy, matted appearance. Dogs scratch and bite themselves, show- ing evidence of great pruritus. The hair becomes matted or scratched off and emaciation follows. Sheep and goats show much the same symptoms. In hogs, the animals rub and scratch. Upon close examination the lice and nits can be found. In hogs a favorite place for the lice to deposit their eggs is in the folds of skin posterior to the ears. In later stages the animals may become emaciated. Lousiness is noted to be more prevalent in winter and spring, on account of close association of animals during these seasons, and the long hair, which forms a protection for them. Treatment. — All quarters, stalls, mangers, harness, blankets, curry-combs, rub-rags, etc., should be dis- infected. If in the spring of the year, the horse may be clipped. The animals may be sponged or dipped in any of the following, or in a five-percent solution of cre- olin or kreso : I^ Tobacco stems Siv Water gal. i M. vSig. — Boil for thirty minuies. it Stavesacre seeds Siv Water gal. i M. Sig. — Boil for thirty minutes. 3^ Quassia chips 5iv Water ga!. i M. Sig. — Boil for thirty minutes. For hogs, the kerosene emulsion, sprayed on the PARASITOLOGY. 35 herd by means of a sprinkling can or spray-gun will be found to be very effective treatment. The emul- sion is made as follows: I^ Kerosene gal. ii Common soap Sviii Water gal.i M. Sig. — Dissolve the soap in boiling water; add this solution boiling hot to the kerosene, stirring the mixture for ten minutes. When used this emulsion is usually diluted as fol- lows : One part emulsion to nine parts water: Hematopinus (Hema — blood, pinein, to drink). The species belonging to this genus are blood- suckers, and are much larger than the biting lice. They are bluish in color. The head, thorax and abdomen are distinct. The head is provided with a rostrum which projects anteriorly. It is arranged for piercing the skin and sucking blood. There are two simple eyes and two antennae (feelers). Each antennae is composed of four or five articles, or seg- ments. The thorax is wider than the head, and is provided with three pair of legs. The legs are short and strong, and the terminal segments are pro- vided with one or two booklets. By means of these booklets the louse is enabled to creep, and to hold on to its host. The abdomen is large and is usually composed of nine segments. The female is larger than the male. The following are the common species of blood- sucking lice : Hematopinus Asini (Asinus — ass^. Synonym. — Hematopinus Macrocephalus. 36 PARASITOLOGY. Anhnal Infested. — The horse. Description. — The head is long and narrow. A deep notch is noted just back of the attachment of the antennae. In this notch are located the eyes. The abdomen is oval. A few hairs or bristles are found on the head, legs and body. The legs are composed of four articles each, and the antennae of five. Hematopinus Eurysternus (Euros — broad). Synonym. — The broad-nosed ox-louse. Animal Infested. — Cattle. Description. — The head is short and broad ; the thorax is wider than long, and widest at the posterior border. The abdominis large and oval and a broad stripe is noted on the dorsal side of the abdomen of the male ; on the female two black blotches are found on the terminal segment. This louse, like the preceding one, is about one-eighth of an inch long. Hematopinus Vituli (Vitulus — calf). Synonyms. — Hematopinus Tenuirostris ; the long- nosed ox-louse. Animals Infested — Cattle. Description. — The head is long and slender and somewhat sunken in the thorax. The thorax is longer than broad. The abdomen is also long and slender and the entire louse has a long and slender appearance. Hematopinus Suis (Suis — hog). Synonyms. — Hematopinus Urius ; Hematopinus Ir- ritans. Animal Infested. — The hog. Description. — Largest species of the genus. Five PARASITOLOGY, 37 hairs are noted on each side of its piercing stylet. Two protuberances are noted just posterior to the attachment of the antennae, forming deep notches. The legs are marked by dark bands at the joint. The terminal end of the last segment is provided with one large and one small claw, and between them is found a disk that is provided with small Fig. 7— Hematopinus Suis. Photomicrograph, ix% inch. a, Head with piercing stylet. b, .'Antennae — 5 segrments. c, Deep notch in which the eyes are implanted. d, Claws on end of terminal segment. e, Abdomen. f, Thorax, bearing 3 pair of legs. spikelets, thus giving it a great power to hold on. It is about one-fifth of an inch long. While this louse is found on all parts of the body, a favorite place is in the folds of skin just back of the ears, where the nits or eggs may- be found in abundance. 38 ■ PARASITOLOGY. Hematopinus PiLiFERiTS (Pilus — a hair). Animal Infested. — This is the blood-sucking louse of the dog. Description. — Its head is short, almost as long as broad. The antennae and legs are short and the abdomen is large and oval in shape. Hematopinus Stenopsis (Stenos — narrow). Ani)na!s Infested. — Goats and sheep. Description. — The head is long and narrow ; thorax short ; abdomen long. Trichodectes (Trix— ahair; dectos — biter). The species of this genus are small and light in color. The mouth parts are located on the under side of the head. The mandibles are strong and are arranged for mastication. The head is provided with two simple eyes and two short antennae. The head is as wide as long, and wider than the thorax. The abdomen is globular in shape and divided into nine segments. Its food consists principally of epi- dermis. Trichodectes Pilosus (Pilos— a hair). Animals Infested. — The horse, the ass and the mule. Description. — The head is rounded in front ; the antennae are inserted well back and are composed of three articles each. The abdomen is oval and tapers posteriorly. Trichodectes Scalaris (Scalaris — to climb — a ladder). Animals Infested. — Cattle. Description. — This species is very common. Its PARASITOLOGY. 39 head is crescent-shaped and scarcely as wide as long. The abdomen is narrow and rather ovoid in form, and is comprised of nine segments. The legs are short and are equipped with claws which aid it in Fig. 8 — Trichodectes Scalaris— magnified, a, Mouth Parts. c, Legs. e, Thorax, b, Antennae. d, Head. f, Abdomen. holding on to its host. A few scattering hairs are noted over the head, legs and abdomen. Trichodectes Spherocephalus (Spher — a sphere) (Cephala — a head). Ayiimal Infested. — This louse infests sheep. Description. — The head is nearly as wide as long, the anterior part being crescent shaped. The thorax is narrower than the head; the abdomen is oval in shape and the legs are short. It is common. 40 PARASITOLOGY. Trichodectes Latus (Latus — broad). Animal Infested. — The dog. Description. — The head is wider than long ; the antennae and legs are short and each is composed of three articles or segments; the abdomen is globular Fig. 9— Trichodectes Scalaris— Ovum. a, Ovum in Process of Segmentation, b, Hair. \y.% inch, magnified. in shape. It is the host of the Cryptocyst, which is the larvae of the Taenia Canina. Trichodectes Subrostratus. Animal Infested. — The cat. Description. — The head is slightly longer than broad, and pointed in front; the abdomen is ellip- tical in shape; the legs and antennae are short, and are composed of three articles each. Liotheidae. The lice of chickens belong to the family Liothei- dae. The lice from birds roosting in the barn, or PARASITOLOGY. 41 whose quarters are separated only by a partition, may get upon horses and cattle and cause temporary parasitism. Each parasite has its own host or hosts and will not live permanently upon another. Menopon Pallidum. This is the most common louse of the chicken. The head is crescent shaped and slightly angular in front; the thorax is wider than long, but narrower than the head; the abdomen is an elongated oval. Fine hairs are found over the body and legs. Menopon Biseriatum. A louse infesting the chicken. The head is cres- cent shaped in front ; the antennae are very short ; the thorax is narrower than the head ; the body is long and oval. Fine hairs are found distributed over the body and legs. This species is larger than the preceding. It may be found on the head of the young chick. ARACHNIDA. The parasites belonging to this class are not in- sects, — the head, thorax and abdomen are not dis- tinct, and the head is not provided with antennae. ACARINA. Under this order we study the following families,, and sub-families, viz: Gamasidae and Trombidiidae, to which belong species of parasites infesting birds and small ani- mals. The chigger belongs to the latter family. Sarcoptidae (Sarco— flesh; kopto— to cut). This sub-family is divided into thxee importaAt genera, 42 PARASITOLOGY. producing scabies in all animals. It includes the air- sac mite. Demodecidae include the parasites that produce follicular or red mange. Argasidae and Ixodidae include the ticks. In these parasites the divisions of head, thorax and abdomen are not distinctl}^ marked, macroscopically. They are all blood-suckers. The head is provided with a stylet for piercing the skin and sucking the blood. The piercing mandibles are surrounded by two palpi. The eyes are small or wanting. The larva is provided with three pair of legs, the adult with four. The free extremity of the last segment is provided with a booklet, ambulacrum orpulvillum, which aids the iDarasite in holding on to its host. ACARIASIS. This is a condition of an animal being infested with some species of parasites belonging to the order Acarina. There are two kinds of Acariasis, viz : Psoric and non-psoric. Psoric Acariasis is a condition in which the para- sites produce scab ; infested by species of the sub- families Sarcoptidae and Demodecidae. Non=Psoric Acariasis is a condition in which the parasite does not produce scab ; infested by species of the families Gamasidae, Trombidiidae, Argasidae and Ixodidae. THE ACARL Dermanyssus Gallinae (Derma — skin ; gallus— a cock). Synonym. — Chicken mite. History. — Universally found in hen-houses. Descriptio7i . — They are very small, as the word PARASITOLOGY, 43 "mite" indicates. The body is ovi-pyriform in snape and broadest through the posterior third. The pierc- ing stylet is cone shaped, and on either side is a rounded palpus. The color of the body is yellowish red, depending on the amount of blood contained in the digestive tract. The legs are arranged on the anterior half of the body. Animals Infested. — Birds. Co7idition Produced. — They attack the birds in large numbers, piercing the skin and sucking the blood, and produce great irritation (pruritus). They may even cause death of the host. Infested set- ting hens may leave their nests. The parasites hide in the nests, and cracks and crevices of the building. If the nests are in the same building with horses or cattle, or if the birds so infested roost in the stable with larger animals, the mites may become tempo- rary parasites of the larger animals, causing pruritus and scratching, rubbing, rough coat, etc. Treatment. — Roosts, nests and buildings should be whitewashed with limewater to which has been added creolin or kreso. The roosts should be drenched with kerosene. Pyrethrum and sulphur, equal parts, may be sprinkled in the nests two or three times a week. Trombidium Holosericeum (Trombos — harvest) (holo — whole.) Synonyms. — Chigger ; mite ; harvest bug. History. — Found in Europe and America. Description. — This parasite is just visible to the unaided eye. The body is oval in shape and reddish in color; the legs are provided with six articles each, the terminal end of the last segment being fur- 44 PARASITOLOGY. nished with two booklets and a hair ; the piercing apparatus is conical in shape and on either side is found a palpus ; the legs are located on the anterior half of the body. Life Cycle. — The eggs are laid in the cracks and crevices and in the filth of hen houses, where they hatch, the &^ K rf 3 •< y ^* ^ r'l o -. tn »Q - n •D v^ Q. ^ o -» » i-a < -1 ff a. 3^ 3> ." o -o 2. S- -1 » O -^ •u ;: 3 -^ loosened ; possibly some saliva will be noted at this point. If the skin be examined with the aid of a hand lens, or if a scraping be made with a knife (care must be taken to get close to the skin), the 54 PARASITOLOGY. parasite will be found. Or, if the scraping be placed in a clear glass bottle and the bottle set in the sun- shine or a warm place, the parasites will soon be found crawling over the walls of the bottle. In the later stages the scabs will appear on the back and rump. The scabs continue to pile up and the wool falls out, revealing large scabby woolless patches. The animal becomes emaciated, and finally dies. This parasite causes great loss in the wool crop. Mode of Infestation. — By being placed in quarters where infested sheep have recently been kept; by- being shipped in cars not disinfected after using for transportation of infested sheep; through shipping centers, unless such centers are controlled by proper quarantine regulations ; by the introduction of an infested sheep into a bunch not infested; or, by being driven over a trail recently followed by scabby sheep. PsoROPTES Communis, variety Caprse (Capra — a goat). Produces scabies in goats in the same manner as the Psoropt in sheep. Symbiotes Communis, variety Equi (,Equus — horse). Synonym. — Foot-scab parasite. History. — Symbiotic scabies is not common. It has been found in some parts of the old world, and is more prevalent among coarse horses and those that are poorly cared for. Description. — This mite is a trifle smaller than the species of the two previous genera. The rostrum is nearly as wide as long. Animal Infested. — The horse. PARASITOLOGY. 55 Condition Produced. — It produces scabies of the legs, usually in the region of the fetlock and pastern of the posterior extremity. In later stages the scabby condition extends up the leg, possibly as high as the body. The skin becomes thickened and rigid and the legs swollen. Cracks may be formed in the pastern region from which may be found a secre- tion of a fetid nature. The parasites live in colonies under the scab. Treatment. — Thoroughly scrub the affected parts with soap and warm water. After thoroughly soak- ing the parts with water and soap the scabs may be easily removed. Then apply any of the dip prepa- tions. Symbiotes Communis, variety Bovis. History. — Not common. Animals hifested. — Cattle. Condition Produced. — Symbiotic scabies in the ox begins around the base of the tail and rump. It is slow to spread from this locality and has been known to affect the animal for years, with a slow tendency to spread toward the body. It is said that it does not cause such intense pruritus as the sarcoptic form. Symbiotes Communis, variety Ovis. Synonyi7i. — Foot-scab parasite. Animals Infested. — Sheep. Condition Produced. — It produces scabies of the feet and legs. It is slow to spread, showing a ten- dency to recovery in summer, but spreading more from sheep to sheep in winter. Like other scabies it produces itching and the animal stamps and rubs the affected parts. Symbiotic scabies most often 56 PARASITOLOGY. attacks the hind legs, but may spread to the fore limbs. Symbiotes Communis, variety Caprae. Animal Infested. — The goat. Condition Produced. — Attacks by preference the neck and back. Yellowish, thick, hard crusts form. The skin underneath the scab becomes thickened and cracks are often observed. Tumefaction of the lymph glands that receive the lymph from these parts has been noted. The hair becomes matted and falls out, exposing the scabby area. Symbiotes Auricularum, variety Canis (Auris — ear) (Canis — dog). Animal Infested. — The dog. Natnes of Disease. — Otacariasis, auricular scabies, parasitic otitis, epileptiform disease of dogs. Condition Produced ; Symptoms. — The parasites produce an inflammation of the external ear, and in some cases ulcers are observed. In the scrapings fiom these ulcers the Acari can be found. Evidence of itching is manifested; the dog shakes his head from side to side and scratches bis ears with his paw. The hunting dog, after vigorous exercise, shows symptoms like those of epilepsy. Later the dog is attacked more frequently with these fits, and becomes sullen, with a tendency to be cross. Treatment. — Disinfect kennels with five-percent kreso, or sediment from the lime and sulphur dip, etc. Thoroughly cleanse the ear and apply the follow- ing : I^ Olive oil ovii Naphthol ov Ether - 5xv PARASITOLOGY. 57 M. Sig.— Inject a small quantity of this mixture into external auditory canal once a day. A saturated solution of alcohol with boracic acid can be used. Cytodites Nudus (Cyto— cell; Nudus— nude). Synony^n. — Air-sac mite. History. — Rare in this country; found in Europe. Description. — Scarcely visible macroscopically. The body is rounded in shape and whitish in color. The rostrum is conical. The legs are strong, con- ical in shape and composed of five articles each. The free extremity of the last segment of each leg is provided with an ambulacrum. (An ambulacrum is a cup-shaped sucker attached to the extremity of the leg by a pedicle.) The adult is provided with four pair of legs ; the two anterior pair are located on the anterior third, and point forward ; the two posterior pair are located on the posterior half, and point backward. Ajiimals Infested. — They infest the air-sacs of fowls and pheasants. They are white in color and can be seen macroscopically as small bodies, very mi- nute in size. They even reach the air cells of the bones. Condition Produced. — Their irritation causes inflam- mation and results in death of the host. TREATMENT OF SCABIES. Large bunches of cattle and sheep which become infested with scab parasites must of necessity be dipped. For this purpose the dip which has proved the most successful is the lime and sulphur dip. 58 PARASITOLOGY. The lime acts as a solvent for the sulphur. The sulphur is a parasiticide. This dip is made in the following proportion : Unslaked lime 8 pounds. Sulphur 24 pounds. Water 100 gallons. Boil for two hours. Use at a temperature of 100 degrees to 110 degrees Fahr. Keep the animal in the dip two or three minutes by the watch. Clean the sheds or barns and yards. Disinfect the fences, stalls, racks, and feed troughs with the sediment of the dip. Another dip is the arsenical dip, made as follows : Arsenious acid (white arsenic) __ 10 pounds. Sulphur ' 1 ounce. Soda ash 10 pounds. Soft soap 2 pounds. Boiling water 2 gallons. After cooling add enough water to make twenty- five gallons. It is estimated that this quantity of dip is sufficient for twenty-five sheep. The tobacco-sulphur dip is made as follows : Tobacco leaves 1 pound. Sulphur 1 pound. Water 6 gallons. Place the tobacco in a vessel of warm water, cover and let steep for twenty-four hours. Bring to a boil, let cool and strain. Press all the juice out of the leaves. Mix enough water to the sulphur to make a paste, then mix with the tobacco infusion, thoroughly stir and heat to a temperature of 110 and sponge or dip the animal. PARASITOLOGY. 59 Coal tar products are used to some extent. Some are reliable and some are not. The kreso dip put up by P. D. Co. is said to contain some dissolved sulphur, therefore has a double combined parasiticide effect. Scaby sheep should be clipped. After one week dip. At the end of ten days dip the second time and remove to non-infested quarters. In case of scabies in horses clip the animal. Thoroughly scrub with a dip. Repeat in ten days. For dipping devices for cattle there are used the plunge dip, the cage dip and the spray dip. DEMODECIDAE. The sub-family Demodecidae includes a group of parasites that live in the hair and sebaceous follicles of the skin and produce cuticular pustules. They are placed under one genus, — Demodex (worm-like) and one species, — Follictiloruin (follicle). General Description. — Under a low-power micro- scope the parasite has a general outline similar in shape to an oat grain. The Ijead part is broad and is provided with a stylet or lancet-piece arranged at the anterior extremity. The thorax is not distinctly separated from the abdomen. The larva is provided with three pair of legs, the adult with four. Each leg is made up of three short segments, the last one being very short and provided with two hooklets or claws. Lite History .^T\ie life history is similar to that of the sub-family Sarcoptidae. The ova are laid in the pustule. The newly hatched larvae are asexual and are provided with three pair of legs which are mere tubercles. After moulting the larvae are observed 60 PARASITOLOGY. to have four pair of legs. Another moulting brings the larvae to the pupal stage, with legs fully devel- oped, and after still another moult they are sexually mature. — •-• (L >. -', *^ .2 T3 ^ O .ti 0^ O 1-1 o O -a re re ■a re so X 'c re "a u ::/. o w o n: E T3 z -a .2 o re «J "re So j= n: S c , S 1 S e _« — c :^ u in -a < .c - N Of the varieties of Demodex Folliculorum enumer- ated only two are common in the United States. Demodex FoLLicrLORUM, variety Canis. History. — First studied in Europe. It is common in many localities of the United States. PARASITOLOGY. 61 Animal Infested. — The dog. Parts Infested ; Symptoms. — The parasite burrows into the hair or sebaceous follicles, occluding the ducts and producing pustules. These pustules are prominent, and give the skin a rough appearance. The animal is usually first attacked by the parasite in the region of the breast, legs, axillary and facial regions. The skin becomes red, and hence it is called red mange. Considerable irritation accompa- nies the malady. The dog scratches and bites the parts, the hair falls out and the skin becomes thick- ened. In later stages the entire cuticular surface becomes affected. Tr-eatment. — Successful treatment of this malady is difficult because of the difficulty of getting the solu- tion to the interior of the pustules. A mixture of gasoline, oil of tar and oil of cade has been used with more or less good results. Also Oleo-resin aspidii 8 parts Creolin 42 parts Alcohol 50 parts Demodex Folliculorum, variety Suis. History. — Frequently fL.und in America and in Europe. Animal Infested. — The pig. Condition Prodiieed. — The parasites attack the cu- ticular surface in the axillary region and flanks ; then the disease spreads over the entire surface of the body and legs. The skin becomes thickened and rough. The pustules push up, giving the skin a papillated appearance. Mode of Infestation. — The animal may be infested 62 PARASITOLOGY. through coming in contact with infested animals, by being placed in quarters in which infested animals Fig. 16— Two pups atfected with Demodecic Scabies or Red Mange. (Photograph). have been kept, or shipped in cars or other vehicles in which infested animals have been transported. PARASITOLOGY. 63 THE TICKS. ARGASIDAE. The family Argasidae includes the ticks. They are provided with flat, oval bodies. The piercing man- dibles and hypostome are located beneath an over- reaching cephalo-thorax, or anterior part of the dorsal Fig. 17— Argas MiNiATUS, Larva. a, Mandibles and Palpi. b, Legs. c, Body. surface. The dorsal shield is absent. The life his- tory is similar to that of the common ticks. Argas Miniatus. Synonyms. — Argas Americanus; Chicken tick. History. — Found in Mexico and the Southern part of the United States. Description. — The parasite is flat like a bedbug, and ovoid in shape. It is provided with an over- reaching dorsal surface, the top of which is pitted. The head parts consist of two mandibles provided with teeth at the terminal end. Beneath these is a 64 PARASITOLOGY, spatula-shaped hypostome divided into two symmet- rical halves, and on each half there are arranged three 4' 9^ pa <=. >-i Oi S 1-1 CQ O 1 O o ~0 OJ rows of irregular shaped denticles. are surrounded by palpi. The mandibles PARASITOLOGY. 65 Animals Infested. — The tick is found in the hens' nests and in the litter. They attack the birds mostly at night. They drive the hens from their nests and cause death of the host. They may be found on larger animals. Ornithodoros Megnini (Megnin). Synonyms. — Spinose tick; ear tick; spider tick; Rhyncoprium Spinosum. History. — Four.d in the South and middle West. Description. — The female, when engorged with blood, is about the size of a castor bean. The body is oval in shape, with the transverse diameter of the anterior third greater than that of the posterior third. Its cuticular surface is covered with spines, from which it gets its name, — ^" spinose tick." The head parts are prominent; the hypostome not provided with denticles in the larval stage. The palpi are round in shape, and long. Its color varies from brown to violet. A specimen, two-thirds engorged with blood, taken from a steer, moulted once, and lived from Feb. 10. 1906, to July 8, 1907. Animals Infested. — It infests the ears of horses, cattle and other animals. Conditio7i Produced. — They attach themselves to the skin lining the conchi, and also invade the audi- tory meatus. This causes much irritation; the animal shakes his head and shows other signs of nervous disorder. It is reported to have caused death. Treatme7it. — Oil, or any antiseptic solution of suffi- cient strength to be a parasiticide. Oil coats over, closing the breathing tubes, and asphyxiates the tick. 66 PARASITOLOGY. IXODIDAE. This family includes a group of ticks, the head parts of which are slightly longer than broad. The palpi are short. The head is provided with mandi- bles and hypostome as in the preceding family. Rhipicephalus Sanguineus (Sanguis — blood.) Distribution. — Has been reported in Southern states. Description. — Resembles the Boophilus Annulatus in size and shape, though the head is more prominent and the palpi are short and broad, but longer than the hypostome. The base of the capitulum (or head parts) is broader than long, forming a projecting an- gle at each side. In the male the dorsal shield is red and covers nearly all of the dorsal surface. Animals Infested. — Cattle and other animals. Ixodes Ricinus (Ricinus — castor oil plant; eidos — like.) Syno7iy7n. — Castor bean tick. History. — Found in America, Europe and Africa. Descriptio7i. — In shape it resembles the castor bean. Its color is variegated like that of the castor bean, the dorsal shield being a deep chestnut brown. The mandibles are armed with teeth ; the hypostome is lanceolate in shape, each half being provided with six rows of denticles. The body of the male is flat, oval and of a deep reddish brown, the dorsal shield covering almost all of the dorsal surface. Animals Infested. — It attacks the cuticular surface of the horse, ox, dog, etc. Plate IVa. Fig. 1 — BoopbiIu8 Aiiiiiilntiis. (Engorged females). A — Ventral view. B — Dorsal view of same. 1, Anus. 2, Lateral constrictions. 3, Rudimentary dorsal shield. 4, Short rostrum. 5, Longitudinal dorsal depres- sions. 6, Legs. 7, Stigmen. Fig. 2 — Ainblyonima Ameri cnmini. (Engorged female). A — Dorsal view. B — Ventral view. 1, Anus. 2, Well developed dorsal shield, showing white spot. 3, Rostrum. 4, Longitudinal depressions. 5, Stigmen. 6, Legs. Fig. 3 — Oriiithortoros Megnini. (Engorged females). A — Dorsal view. B — Ventral view. a, Rostrum. b, Legs. c, Body tapering posteriorly. Plate IVb. Fig. 4— Argas Miuintus. (Engorged females). A — Dorsal view. B — Ventral jiew. a, Rostrum. b, Legs. c, Body. -# Fig, 6 — Boonhilus Aiinulatiis. (Mature, male). Fis. 7 — Oriiitlio»loros 3Ies,niiii. (Section of skin, showing spines). Fir. 5 — Derniaeentor Electiis. (Engorged femalej. a, Prominent rostrum. b, Large white shield. c, Legs. F!r. S — I.esT Boopliilua Annii- I at lis. a, Tarsus. b, Pulvillum. c, Hooklets. PARASITOLOGY. 67 BooPHiLus Annulatus (Annulus — a ring). Sy?io7iyms. — Boophilus Bovis ; Margfarapus Annu- latus ; fever tick; Texas fever tick; Ixodes Bovis. History. — Found in southern part of United States and in southern Europe. Animal Infested. — The ox. Description. — The engorged female is about the size of the castor bean, has a constriction in the mid- dle of the lateral sides, with two longitudinal depres- sions anterior to, and three posterior to this con- striction, on both dorsal and ventral surfaces. The legs are not . strong, and are located on the ante- rior half of the body. The head is not prominent ; it is provided with mandibles, palpi and hypostome, and the latter is furnished with eight rows of denti- cles. The dorsal shield is small and brownish red in color. The surface of the parasite is often marked with delicate yellowish white wavy lines. The ex- tremity of each leg is provided with a pulvillum, two booklets and a globe shaped apparatus. Breathing is by means of a trachea located on either side pos- terior to the last pair of legs, and covered by a per- forated scale called a Stigmen. The male does not become engorged with blood, but remains flat. Its dorsal surface is a brownish red color. Life History. — The engorged female drops to the ground, seeks a secluded place, as under some ob- ject, and begins ovulation (laying eggs) in from three to five days. This period lasts about two weeks. During the period of ovulation the female scarcely moves. The eggs are ovoid in shape and brown in color, and are covered with a varnish-like substance. The eggs are pushed out from the ante- 68 PARASITOLOGY. rior extremity of the body, forming a mass number- ing, usually, 4,000 to 5,000. These eggs hatch in about three weeks, if the temperature is favorable. The larvae are small, six-legged asexual parasites. In this stage they have lived in a bottle for six months without food. They crawl over the ground or upon the blades of grass or weeds, and thus are brushed off by animals passing along. Once on the animal they attach themselves usually in the region of the thigh, between the hind legs. After one week they moult (passing through a change in the ana- tomical structure, during which time they shed the skin.) They are now provided with four pair of legs and at the end of another week they moult again, and become sexually mature. The males seek the females and place themselves in apposition, in which position the male can be found still alive after the female is fully engorged. But its life is short after being removed from the host ; it dies within a few hours. The female draws blood slowly for the first two weeks, then rapidly for the third week, becom- ing fully engorged in three weeks, drops off, and is ready to begin ovulation ; gradually shrinks during ovulation until she is only about one third of her original size, then dies. Condition Produced. — The tick carries the proto= zoa (Piroplasma Bigeminum) causing Texas or Splenic Fever. The larva, as soon as it gets onto the host, attaches itself to the skin and begins to draw blood. At this time it inoculates the host with the protozoa. The single celled parasites enter the red blood cells, break them up and liberate the hem- oglobin; the protozoa have multiplied in sufficient Plate V. Fig'. 1 — Stis'iiioii, Booi»liilii> Aniiulatiis lariJie. (From moult). Fig. 2 — Boophilus A Ijeg-, side view, a, Hooklet. b. Side view of disc. c, Pedicle. d. Tarsus. Pig. 3 Leg of Oruithodoros Meguini. a, Hookl'=t. b, Sense pore. c, Tarsus. d, Protar^us. e, Tibia. f, Femur. g, Trochanter. h, Portion of body. Fig. 4 — Stigmen from adult Boophilus Auuulatus. Pig. 5 — Stignieu from Derma- centor Reticulatus. Fig. 6 — Ventral A-ieyr of eapi- tuluin, Boophilus Auuula- tus. a, Palpus. b, Hypostome armed with s rows of Denticles. c. Mandibles showing digits. d. Base of capitulum. a, PALPUS. 1 , Basal Article. 2, Ante-penultimate article. 3, Penultimate article. 4:, Apical article. PARASITOLOGY. 69 numbers to produce the acute symptoms of tick fever by the eleventh day. The liver becomes congested, the bile thickened and granular; the spleen becomes greatly enlarged, and the contents is the consistency of blackberry jam. The urine is port wine colored, and the cancellated portion of the bone is black ; the fat is lemon colored, due to staining of the cells of the tissue with hematin. During this time the ani- mal sl'ows loss of appetite, stands off by itself, back arched, high elevation of temperature, accelerated respiration and pulse, port wine colored urine. BooPHiLUS AuSTRALis (Australia). Synonym. — Australian fever tick. History. — Found in Australia, South America, Cuba, Porto Rico and India. Animals Infested. — The ox, the deer and the horse. Description. — The female is about the same size as,, and has markings similar to, the Boophilus Annula- tus. The dorsal shield is slightly smaller, and is light in color ; the palpi are short. In the male the dorsal shield covers the entire dorsal surface. The free extremity of the leg is provided with two hook- lets and a fan-shaped organ, instead of the globule shaped apparatus, as in the species Annulatus. Condition Produced. — They carry the protozoa pro- ducing fever as Boophilus Annulatus does in the United States. Derjviacentor Electus (Dertna — skin ; kentesis— puncture). Synonyms. — Dog tick; wood tick; Dermacentor Americanus. History. — Very commoyjiin, t.he. yifQods of tha United- States. 70 PARASITOLOGY. Animals Infested. — Dog, horse, ox, etc. Description. — The engorged female is about the size of the fever tick, though the legs are longer and the head parts more prominent. The dorsal shield is large, somewhat elongated through the antero- posterior diameter, and is white in color. The hy- postome is provided with six rows of denticles. The Fig. 21— Amblyomma Americanum Larva. Photomicrograph 1x2/3 inch. a, Mandibles. c, Body. b, Legs. d, Palpi. dorsal surface of the male presents a large, white dorsal shield and silvery markings. Amblyomma Americanum (American). Syno?iym. — Lone Star tick; Amblyomma una- puncta. Distribution. — Southern United States and South America. Animal Infested. — The ox. Description. — About the same size as the preceding described tick. The dorsal shield is triangular in PARASITOLOGY. 71 shape and reddish brown ; it is marked with a white spot in the posterior border. The head parts are more prominent than in the Boophilus Annulatus. The hypostome is furnished with six rows of denti- cles. LINGUATULIDA. This order includes a group of degraded Acari, the most common of which is the LiNGUATULA Rhinaria (Lingua — tongue). Sy7ionyvis. — Pentastoma Taenoides ; Linguatula Taenoides. Distribution . — Common in Europe ; not reported in the United States. Description. — The body of the adult is white, elon- gated and lanceolate shaped toward the head. It tapers posteriorly and presents the general appear- ance of a worm. The ventral surface is flattened ; it is rounded dorsally ; the body is composed of about ninety rings ; the head part is provided with small booklets which enable it to hold on firmly. The males are much smaller than the females. Animals Infested. — Adult infests dogs; larva infest cattle, sheep, etc. Life History. — The adult deposits the ova in the nasal chambers of the dog, and they are afterward expelled by the animal when sneezing ; thus the grass of the pastures or other food or water become con- taminated with the eggs. These eggs are taken in by the intermediate host, and upon reaching the stomach hatch and liberate the embryos. The em- bryos are ovoid in shape, flat below and convex above, and thus somewhat resemble the Acari. 72 PARASITOLOGY. They are provided with two pair of legs. The head extremity is furnished with a stylet-shaped boring apparatus. By means of this boring apparatus they find their way through the stomach or intestinal wall and become located in the mesenteric lymph glands, lungs or liver, where they develop into fully formed larvae. This transformation requires about seven months. Condition Prodnced. — The larvae thus encysted are taken in by carnivorous animals, through consump- tion of the affected part, or the larvae may leave the cyst by migration, and if they reach the bronchi may be expelled with mucus through fits of coughing, and thus soil the feed or water. In the adult state the parasites infest the nasal chamber, and possibly the pharynx and larynx. They hold on to the mucous membrane by means of booklets and produce an inflammation which is accompanied by a muco-puru- lent discharge. The animal sneezes, scratches and rubs its nose, etc. FUNGI. The fungi that attack animals are vegetable para- sites and are similar to the common moulds in their general appearance and method of reproduction. Reproduction is by spores, which are small round bodies, microscopic in size, resembling small seeds. The filaments, or mycelia, consist of a series of cells arranged end to end. These cells consist of a cell wall and protoplasm. The spores have a greater resistance to unfavorable conditions than the mycelia, and when placed under favorable conditions, or "fer- tile ground," produce the mycelia. Plate VI. ris. 1 — Aniblyominn Aiiierica- II II III. (Oviprisiting-). Note white spot in dorsal shield. FiK. " — Bcoiihilus Aaiiiilatu : (Ovipositing-). Note sJirinlting- of the bod\ posteriorly. Vifs. S — Booiiliiliis Aiiiinl.-itiiN (In different stages ut .1.?- velopment on .sliin of cow) Pis- 4 — Surcoptic scabies, cat. PARASITOLOGY. 73 Trichophyton Tonsurans (Trix — hair ; phyton, a plant.) (Tonsurans — to shear.) Disease. — Tinea tonsurans: circinate ringworm; ringworm. Animals Infested. — Man, horse, ox, hog, dog, cat, and bird. Symptoms. — The affected spot is at first red ; it gradually enlarges and is covered with a thin, gray- ish scale, under which is found serum. The hair is cut off at the surface as a result of the invasion of the skin by the fungi. The circumference is red, while the older inner portion assumes a grayish color. The condition is accompanied by itching; the animal rubs and scratches itself. Parts Infested. — In man it is noted in the facial region and arms ; sometimes contracted by handling infected pets. In horses it infests principally the body, but has been observed on the extremities. In cattle the facial region is a favorite location. In hogs we observe the body as the most usual part attacked; in dogs the body and extremities ; in birds the dependent part of the head, as the comb and wattles. Modes of Infection. — Animals may become infected by coming in contact with infected ones, by being shipped in cars or boats in which infected ones have recently been transported, by being placed in other infected quarters, as barns, pastures, etc., or by using blankets, rub-rags, etc., which have recently been used upon infected animals. Treatment. — The most effectual remedial agent is iodine, which should be brushed on the affected part once a day ; or, four percent nitrate of silver may be used. 74 PARASITOLOGY. AcHORiON Schoenleinii (Achor — scurf; Schoenlein.) Disease. — Tinea favosa; honeycomb ringworm. Animals Infested. — Infests by preference the smal- ler animals, as the dog, cat, bird, rat, mouse, etc. Symptoms. — The fungi implants itself in the skin at the opening of the hair follicle ; here it forms a cup-shaped mass surrounding the hair or feather. Later the hair falls out, which gives the skin a honey- combed appearance. There is an odor given off which simulates the odor of mice or cat's urine. Mode of Infection. — Cats and dogs usually become infected from infected prey, as rats and mice. As a result the parts most infected are the fore legs and head. Treatment. — Same as in the preceding forms, or hyposulphite of soda, one ounce to the pint of water. AcHORiON Keratophagus (Kerato — horn ; phagean — to eat) Disease. — Seedy toe. Animals Infected. — The horse and mule. Parts Infected. — The mycelium develops along the line of the horny tubes ; this results in a degenera- tion of the horn tissue, and a soft, powder-like sub- stance accumulates between the wall and the sole. (vSaccharos — sugar) Saccharomyces Albicans (Myco — mycelium) (Alba— white.) Synonym. — Oidium albicans. Disease. — Thrush ; mycotic stomatitis. Animals Infected. — Foals and calves. Parts Infected. — Mucous membrane of the mouth. Condition Produced. — The infected mucous mem- brane becomes red, inflamed and tender to the touch. PARASITOLOGY. 75 In the center of the inflamed area are white ulcerous spots invaded by myceHa and spores. Treatment. — Wash the mouth with a solution of boracic acid, chlorate of potash or other antiseptics. (Bovis — ox) Actinomyces Bovis (Aktis — a ray) (Muke — a mushroom). Synonym. — Ray fungus. Disease Produced. — Actinomycosis. Distribiction. — Widely distributed throughout the United States and Europe ; especially common in the middle West. Animals Infected. — Man, horse, ox and hog. Parts Affected. — Superior and inferior maxilla and soft structures adjacent to them, glands of the head and neck ; also lung tissue ; rare in other organs. In the sow it has been found involving the mammae. In the ox it has been found in the liver, prescapular and superficial inguinal lymph glands. Description of Fungus. — The fungi appear in the pus as yellowish granular bodies. A microscopic study of these bodies shows clusters of club-shaped cells in ray formation ; the small ends are directed inward, forming a rosette-like circle. CHAPTER II. ENTOZOA. The internal parasites, or entozoa, are placed under the branch Vermes. Vermes (vermis — a worm) is divided into three classes, viz.: Annelida, Nemathelmintha, and Plat- helmintha. Annelida (annulus — a ring) includes the order Discophori. This order includes the family Gnath- obdellidae. This family includes the genus Haemo= pis, which infests the pharynx and mouth. Nemathelmintha (nema— thread; helminth- worm) is divided into two orders, viz.: Nematoda and Acanthocephala. Nematoda (thread-like) is divided into five fam- ilies, viz.: Filaridae, Ascaridae, Oxyuridae, Strongy- lidae and Trichotrachelidae. Filaridae (filum — a thread) include the genera Spiroptera, Simondsia, and Filaria. They are thread-like worms infesting various parts of the body. Ascaridae (askarizo — to move briskly) include the genus Ascaris, which infests the small intestines. Oxyuridae (oxyo — pointed; oura — tail) include the genus Oxyuris, which infests the posterior bowel. Strongylidae (strongylos — cylindrical) include the genera Strongylus, Sclerostoma, Stephanurus, Syngamus, Oesophagostoma and Uncinaria, which infest the various parts of the body. Trichotrachelidae (trix — hair) include the genera Trichocephalus and Trichina, which infest the in- testinal tract. 76 PARASITOLOGY. 77 Acanthocephala (acantha — thorn; cephale — head) includes the genus Echynorhynchus, which infests the intestinal tract. Plathelmintha (flat — wide) includes the orders Cestoda and Trematoda. Cestoda (kesto — girdle) includes the family Taenidae and genus Taenia (tape worms) which in the adult state infest the intestines. The family Bothriocephalidae includes the genus Bothriocephalus, which passes the larval stage in fish. Trematoda (perforated) includes the families Fasciolidae, Paramphistomidae and Schistosomi^ dae. The family Fasciolidae includes the genera Disto= ma and Paragonimus, which live in the liver and lungs. The family Paramphistomidae includes the genus Amphistoma, which infests the stomach. The family Schistosomidae includes the genus Schistosoma, which lives in the blood. CLASSIFICATION OF THE COMMON INTERNAL PARASITES. Branch Vermes Class Annelida Order Discophori Family Gnathobdellidae Genus and Species Haemopis Sanguisuga. Class Nemathelmintha Order Nematoda.. Family Filaridae Genus and Species Spiroptera Scutata. Spiroptera Megastoma. Spiroptera Microstoma. 78 PARASITOLOGY. Genus and Species — Continued Spiroptera Strongylina. Spiroptera Sanguino- lenta. Siraondsia Paradoxa. Filaria Papillosa. Filaria Cervina. Filaria Immitis. Family Ascaridae Genus and Species Ascaris Megalocephala. Ascaris Vituli. Ascaris Ovis. Ascaris Suilla. Ascaris Marginata. Ascaris Mystax. Ascaris Inflexa. Family Oxyuridae Genus and Species Oxyuris Curvula. Oxyuris Mastigodes. Family Strongylidae ... Genus and Species Strongylus Arnfieldi. Strongylus Micrurus. Strongylus Pulmonalis. Strongylus Filaria. Strongylus Rufescens. Strongylus Paradoxus. Strongylus Pusillus. Strongylus Contortus. Strongylus Ostertagi. Strongylus Armatus. Strongylus Vasorum. Sclerostoma Tetracan- thum. Sclerostoma Hyposto- mum. Stepbanurus Dentatus. Syngamus Trachealis. Oesophagostoma Inflat- um. Oesophagostoma Colum- bianum. PARASITOLOGY. 79 Genus and Species — Continued OesophagostomaDentat- um. Uncinaria Radiata. Uncinaria Cernua. Uncinaria Canina. Uncinaria Stenocephala. Family Trichotrachelidae. Genus and Species Trichocephalus Depress- iusculus. Trichocephalus Affinis. Trichocephalus Crenatus ■ Trichina Spiralis. Order Acanthocephala .... Genus and Species Echinorhynchus Gigas. Class Plathelmintha Order Trematoda Family Fasciolidae Genus and Species Distoma Hepaticum. Distoma Americanum. Distoma Lanceolata. Paragonimus Westerm- anii. Family Paramphistomidae. Genus and Species Amphistoma Cervi. Family Schistosomidae Genus and Species Schistosoma Bovis. Order Cestodae Family Taenidae Genus and Species Taenia Solium. Taenia Saginata. Taenia Perfoliata. Taenia Mamillana. Taenia Plicata. Taenia Expansa. Taenia Alba. Taenia Denticulata. Taenia Fimbriata. Taenia Marginata. Taenia Echinococcus. Taenia Coenurus. 80 PARASITOLOGY. Genus and Species — Continued Taenia Serrata. Taenia Serialis. Taenia Canina. Taenia CrassicoUis. Family Bothriocephatidae. Genus and Species Bothriocephalus Latus. ANNELIDA. Haemopis Sanguisuga (Sanguis — blood; stigen. — to suck). Synonym. — Horse-leech. Distribution. — Found in Europe, America, Turkey and Africa. Descriptio7i. — The leech is black or brownish in color, flattened ventrally and rounded dorsally. The body is composed of ninety-five to ninety-seven rings. It is soft, slimy and capable of great exten- sion and contraction. It is provided with an oral and an anal sucker ; the suckers are shaped like the beak of a flute. The mouth is located in the oral sucker; it is arranged in the form of a three-rayed star, each ray forming a slit through which a jaw may pass. By means of this sucker it holds firmly to the mucous membrane, and by means of the teeth in the jaws to wounds it, and thus is enabled to suck the blood. The anal sucker is nearly twice as large as the oral one, and aids in holding on to the host; the anus opens at the upper border. Ten eyes are located on the anterior part of the dorsal surface. The leeches are hermaphrodites ; they are two to three inches in length. Life Cycle. — Leeches inhabit the water. The fe- males, at the time of ovulation, leave the water and bury themselves in the mud, where twelve to twenty eggs are laid ; the female then crawls out, leaving the eggs buried as in a cocoon. These eggs hatch PARASITOLOGY. 81 in from three to four weeks. The leeches reach their adult state in about five years, and may live to be fifteen to twenty years old, A7iimals Infested. — The horse, the ox and the dog. • Parts hiiested. — Mucous membrane of the mouth, pharynx, nasal chambers, eyes and lips. Symptoms. — When infested by large numbers there is observed loss of appetite, emaciation, anemia, hemorrhage from the nostrils or mouth, depending upon the location of the leeches ; pale visible mucous membrane; later weakness and possibly death. A single leech, when engorged, will hold two drams of blood. When thus filled they loosen their hold, fall to the ground, and in this condition can fast a whole year. The buccal apparatus of the leeches secretes a fluid which in a measure prevents coagulation of blood, so that hemorrhage follows after their detach- ment from the mucous membrane. Animals become infested through drinking water from infested pools or streams. Treatment. — Leeches may be removed by throwing a strong salt solution upon them, which causes them to loosen their hold. They may be removed with the aid of a dry towel or with forceps. NEMATODA. The order Nematoda includes worms that are round or cylindrical in shape. They are provided with a complete digestive apparatus. There are two sexes — male and female ; the females always larger than the males. They infest various parts of the body, as the intestinal tract, vascular system, lungs, abdominal cavity, etc. They may produce abscess, 82 PARASITOLOGY. hemorrhage, pneumonia, etc., causing unthrifty con- dition, loss of appetite, emaciation, anemia and death. FILARIDAE. The family Filaridae includes thread-like worms that infest various parts of the body, as the esopha- gus, stomach, vascular system aud abdominal cavity. Thev are not blood-suckers. (Scutem — shield) ScuTATA (Sp.ira — spiral) (Pteron — wing). Syjwnym. — Gongylonema scutata. Distribution. — Common in Am- erica and Europe. Description. — A thread-like worm, yellowish in color and two to four inches in length. The tail of the male is coiled, and is provided with two wings and two spiculae. The tail of the female is straight and the head is nude. It is ovoviviparous. Animals Infested. — The horse, the ox, the sheep and the pig. Parts Infested. — They are found coiled in a zig-zag manner in the mucous membrane of the esopha- gus. — No injury has been attributed to Fig. 22— Spiroptera Scutata. a, Esophageal Mucous Membrane. b, Worm imbedded in spiral manner. Injury to Host their presence. Spiroptera Megastoma (Mega — large ; stoma— mouth) . Distribution. — Common in America and in Europe. Description. — A thread-like worm, white in color Plate VII. KJK'. i — S|»iroi»ter« Soiitatu. a, Male. b, Female. Figr. 3 — Spiroptera .Stroiinjli- ■la. (Caudal extremity of male. Showing- 2 ppiculae and wings, also papillae). FiR'. 5 — Ajicaris Jily.slax. a, Ceplialic extremity. b. Caudal extremity. Fij;. iT — Syiro|»teru s(r«>UKyli- II a. (Cephalic extremity show- ing mouth and oesopha- g-us). FiK. 4 — Spiroiitera Strongyli- II a. (Caudal exti-emity of fe- male showing utei-us filled with eggs, vulva and anus). I'^Ik. 7 — O.vyiiri ( Female). a, Cephalic extremity b, Caudal extremity. " >l:iMtiuo(les. FiR. (; — Ceplinlie extremity of A.searis Siiis. (Front view-). a, Oral opening. b, Lips. c, Cuticular surface surround- ing mouth. d, Portion of body. PARASITOLOGY. 83 from one-half to three-fourths of ah inch in length. The tail of the male is coiled in a spiral manner. This exttehiity is provided with i* i b two unequal spiculae and five anal papillae. (^ The tail of the female is straight and ob- Fig. 23— Spi tuse; the vulva' is situated near the ante- ^optera ', .■ , ' Megastoma. nor third of the body ; the female is ovo- a, Male, viviparous. The head is provided with b, Female, four thick lips'. Animal Infested. — The horse. Parts Infested — Condition Produced. — The worm s are found in the stomach of the horse, where they cause tumors ; the larvae find their way into the ducts of the gastric glands, where by their presence they pro- duce sub-mucous tumors ; these tumors develop until they are as large as pigeon's eggs and round or oval ini ■shape, and the cavity ;of the tumor may contain dozens of the worms; an Opening communicates with the iriterior of the stomach. The color of the mucous membrane over the tumor does not .differ from that of the remainder of the mucous surf^de. ' Injury to Host. — When found usually only one Or two tumors are present; and no serious disturbance has been noted. - ' Spiroptera Microstoma (Micro — smj.ll; stoma-^rtittiith) . ' Distributilhi. — Found frequently in the United States and in Europe. Descriptio7i. — In shape and color this worm resembles the preceding one. The Fig 24-Spi- male is about one-half inch long, the fe- ; ■' ■ ROPTERA •• . I • Microstoma, male three-fourths. The tail of the, male b, Female, is coilcd in 2, Spiral manner; the tail of 84 PARASITOLOGY. the female is straight ; she is ovoviviparous. The caudal extremety of the male is provided with two spiculae of unequal length and two ai:al papillae. The head is provided with two lateral lips. Animals Infested. — The horse, the ass and the mule. Parts Infested. — The stomach. Injury to Host. — The worms may be found in myriads, free in the stomach co"itents. Occasionally one will be found with its head lodged in the mouth of a duct of a gastric gland. They may produce ulcers and interfere with the health of the animal. Treatment. — Benzine or gasoline, in doses of tAvo to four drams, followed by a physic. Spiroptera Strongylina (Strongylos-round.) Distribution. — Found in Europe and the middle west of the United States. Deseription. — A small white worm, thread-like in calibre. The male is about one-half inch in length : the female three-fourths to four-fifths of a^n inch. The mouth is round, and is not provided with lips or papillae. The worm may be straight or curved in a half moon shape, it has a narrow lateral wing on one side, just posterior to the head. Tail of male is tightly coiled, one and one-half times and is provided with two broad unequal membraneous alae, six papil- lae and two spiculae. Animal and Parts Infested. — Stomach of the hog. Injury to Host. — The worms are usually fowid free although they have been reported to have formed tumors in the wall of the stomach. No harm has been attributed to them. Spiroptera Sanguinolenta (Sanguis-blood.) Distribut'on. — North and South America, Asia and Europe. Description.- — A thread-like worm, red in color. PARASITOLOGY. 85 The male measures one to one and one-half inches in length; the female two to two and one-half inches. The tail ot the male is curved in a spiral manner and provided with two unequal spiculae; the tail of the female is straight or slightly curved. The vulva is situated about one-fourth of an inch poste- rior to the head. Life Cycle. — The cockroach is the intermediate host. The roach finds the eggs of the worm in the feces of the dog. In the digestive tract of the cock- roach the embryo is liberated from the egg; the embryo burrows through the intestinal wall and becomes encysted in the abdominal cavity. The dog in turn eats the cockroach whose abdominal cavity contains these encysted larvae. Animal Infested. — The dog. Parts Infested. — The esophagus and stomach. Condition Produced. — The larva becomes lodged in the walls of the esophagus or stomach and causes a tumor which may reach the size of a pigeon's egg. A cavity in the center of the tumor may contain as many as twenty worms. There is usually an open- ing at the summit of this tumor. If the tumor is located in the wall of the stomach it may rupture on the peritoneal surface, and may cause a fatal peri- tonitis. When tumors are located in the wall of the stomach vomiting is sometimes noted ; catarrh of the stomach and rapid loss of condition may follow. SiMONDSiA Paradoxa (Simonds). Distribution. — Found in Europe ; have not been reported in the United States. /2^w/<7rj/.— Discovered in 1852 by Mr. Simonds in a German pig in the London Zoological Garden. 86 PARASTTOlOGV'. ' i)escripHdit]-^The body is thread-like in calibre and tapers toward the head; the cephalic extremity is provided with two laterdil membranous wings; the mouth is supplied' 'with' two pa:pillae ; 'toward the 'posterior part of ' the body of' the female there is developed 'a rosette-sha|Jed organ which is formed by the everted uterus ; the tail of the male is coiled in a spiral manner and is provided with two spiculae; the male is one-half inch long, the female three-fifths inch. Animal Infested. — The pig. ' Part Infested. — The stomach. Condition Produced ^^^The males are found free in the stomach, while the females are found in small tu- mors. Large numbers of them may produce indi- gestion and inflammation. ' "' - FiLARiA Papili-OSA (Filum — thread ; vpapilla). ^ Synonym. — Filatja equina. :; Distribution. — Found in Amer- ica, Asiia, Philippine islands, etc, Destription.—-'^\i& '^Q&.Y is long, thread-like, and white ■ in color. It is attenuated at both ends. Sur- rounding- the mouth are two rings, each provided with font papillae. The tail of, the male is coiled in a Fig. 25-FiLARiA papil- spiral manner; the tail of the fe- ^°^^- male is straight or slightly curved. a, Male. . . & j b, Female^ ., ,, The tiiale is two to three inches c, Spiral Tail of Male. d, cfephaiic Extremity, long; the female three to four inches; the female is ovoviviparous. ' ■ Animals Infested. — The horse, the a&s and the mule. Parts /:^/(?5/^df.— Peritoneal cavity, and, by nligra* VIII a. Ff.g. 1 — Spiroptera j>liorostoin:«. (Cephalic extremity). g., Oral cavity. b, Pharynx. c, Oesophagus. d, Cuticulav surface. •Fiy* 2 — SpiropterH >IioroHtoma'. (Caudal extrem- ity of male). a. Anus. b, Spiculae. c, Transverse markings. Fig. 3 — Spiroptern Megastonia. (Cephalic ex- tremity). a, Oral cavity. b, Pharynx. c, Oesophagus. Figr. 4 — Filaria fervina. a, Cephalic extrem- ity. b, Caudal extremity. Plate Vlllb. FiK- J> — Kiljiria Paii'Ilosa. (Cephalic extremity). a, Oral cavity. b, Two rings with four papil lae each, two in situ. c, Pharynx. d, Oesophagus. FiS". 6 — Filaria Papilloma. (Caudal extremity of malfi). a, Spiculae. h, Anus. Fis'. 7 — Heterakis Paiiillosa. fCaudal extremity of male). a, Spiculae unequal leng-th. b, Preanal sucker. c, Papillae. Fis'. S — Filaria Iiiiinitis. (Male), a, Cephalic extremity. b, Caudal extremity. PARASITOLOGY. 87 tion, other parts of the body, as scrotum, pleura, between muscles, etc. Injury to Host. — The Filaria Papillosa are common in horses in the United States, but are found only in small numbers and do not produce serious results. If found in large numbers they may cause anemia, debility and death. This filaria while in the imma- ture state may find its way to the eye, and the worm can then be seen floating in the aqueous humor. By opening the anterior chamber the worm can be taken from the eye. The name, Filaria Oculi, or Filaria Oculi Equina, has been given to this worm when found in this locality. When the worm finds its way to the eye it may cause inflammation, swelling of the eye and closure of the lid. The cornea may become opaque. Filaria Cervina (Filaria — a hair). Sy?ionym. — Filaria Labiato-Papillosa. Distribiition. — Very common in the United States, India, etc. Description. — In size, shape and color this worm resembles the Filaria Papillosa except that the head is provided with four papillae, the four outer ones being absent. The female is furnished with two lateral caudal papillae. Like the preceding it is ovoviviparous. Parts Infested. — Peritoneal cavity and by migration other parts of the body. The worms are found free ; occasionally one is found imbedded in a roll of fat just under the serous membrane. Injury to Host. — In the United States it is not found in large numbers, and no serious results are noted. Deaths due to infestation with myriads of 88 PARASITOLOGY. the^e worms are reported from India. They have been reported as finding their way to the chambers of the eye. FiLARiA Immitis (Im — in ; mittere — to send) . Disirihitidn. — America, ' Denmark, Italy, China,' Japan, Brazil and other countries; especially preva- lent in low, marshy places. Description. — A long, thread-like worm, white in color and obtuse at both ends.' The mouth is circu- lar and surrounded by six small papillae. The tail of the male is coiled in a spiral manner, making about three and one-half turns, and is provided with twenty- two' papillae ; the spiculae are of unequal length. The male is six to seven inches long ; the female eight to ten ; the tail of the female is straight ; she is ovo viviparous. Life Cycle. — The i mosquito is known to be an in- termediate host; in the intestinal tract of this insect the minute embryo finds its way up the Malpighian tu;bes and there passes through a non-motile stage into the larva. Later the larva becomes motile and migrates through the tissue to the hiead and enters the proboscis; thus the dog is inoculated with the larval form at the time the mosquito punctures the skin. AnimalJnfested. — The dog. Paris Infested. — Right side of the heart and the pulmonary artery. Injury to Host. — Perhaps the first symptom noticed will: be dullness, followed by debility and dropsy ; the. dog is seized with convulsions, which become, more' severe as the worms become more numerous ji PARASITOLOGY. B9? vomiting' has: been noted.: the patient usuallir dies' ini convulsions. : . ■ Pos^ Mortem Findings. — In some cases hundreds of worms may be found in the right sida^of the heart and in the puhnonary artery; in oth^r instances a lesser number. Sometimes the worms are f6j.ind wound in a mass obstructing the passage of blo^d and causing' an endocarditis and endarteritis. ,( ; \ \ ASCARIDAE. / ' The family Ascaridae are commonly called Lum= bricoids because they resemble the earth worms in shape and color. They include a group of worms the bodies of which are much larger in calibre than the preceding family. The head parts are' provided with three lips, and in most spet;ies stand put promi- nently, being marked by a constricttDJl;^ posteriorly. Species of this family infest the intestines of alb animals, principally the young. Under the 'family Ascaridae is placed the genus Ascaris. They are not blood suckers. AscARis Megalocephala (MegaloT— large; Cephale— head). Distribution. — Widely distributed; common in the United States. '''';■'- '^-'l -y-' Description.— ^'^'Wx's, 'v~>. the largest species of the' family Ascaridae. The body is as large in calibre as a lead pencil; its color is'a 'yellowish white and -it'is marked with tranSveirse ridges'"; the head is distinct and is provided with three lips ; the tail of the male is straight and it is provided with small lateral mem- branous wings and 80 to I'OO papillae:- In the female the vulva is located in the anterior one-fourth ^f'-the' 90 PARASITOLOGY. body. The male rneasures eight to ten inches ; the female ten to twelve inches ; the female is ovipa- rous Animals Infested. — The horse, the ass and ihe mule. Parts Infested. — The small intestines. Symptoms. — They are found free in the small intestines and consume food taken in by the host and digested ; thus ihey rob the host of its nutrients. By their ^•' , ir-- •, Co?idition Produced. — Their presence in large nuni- bers causes considerable irritation, which results in a catarrhal state. After evacuation of the bowels there is noted a small quantity of thick, whitish fluid 'around the arilis (the product of catarrh) wXich dries PARASITOLOGY. 97 in this region and appears as a white deposit. Pru- ritus may accompany this affection if the worms be lodged in the rectum. The animal rubs the root of the tail ; as a result the hair becomes rough, broken, and has a matted appearance. The animal is un- thrifty ; the coat is rough; worms are passed with the feces, which is a diagnostic symptom. Treatment . — An aloetic ball containing powdered aloes one ounce and powdered nux vomica two drams, followed by tartar emetic two drams twice a day for three days ; or, iron sulphate, two- to three-dram doses twice daily for several days. OxYURiS Mastigodes (Mastix — whip ; eidos — form). Synonym. — Long-tailed Oxyuris. Distribution. — Found throughout America and Eu- rope. Description. — Similar to the preceding species in size, shape and color ; the tail of the female is atten- uated ; the attenuated portion is three to four times the length of the body ; the female measures from three to four inches in length ; ttie male is similar to the male of the Oxyuris Curvula. Animals Infested. — The horse, the ass and the mule. Parts Infested. — The caecum, the colon and the rec- tum. Symptoms and Treatmt7it. — Same as with the Oxy- uris Curvula. STRONGYLIDAE. The family Strongylidae includes a large group of blood-sucking worms. It includes six genera com- mon to the domesticated animals, viz.: Strongylus, Sclerostoma, Stephanurus, Syngamus, Oesophago= stoma and Uncinaria. 98 PARASITOLOGY. The condition produced by the genus Strongylus is called Strongylosis. The condition produced by the genus Sclerostoma is called Sclerostomiasis. The condition produced by the Stephanurus is called Stephaniasis. The condition produced by the genus Syngamus is called Syngamosis. The condition produced by the genus Oesophag- ostoma is called Oesophagostomiasis. The condition produced by the Uncinaria is called Uncinariosis. The heads of some are provided with papillae ; others are nude, while some have a buccal armature consisting of membranous teeth. Some infest the stomach and the small or large in- testines ; others are found in the fat around the kid- ney and in the lungs, etc. The male is provided with a caudal pouch which may be a single pouch or divided into two (bilobate). The caudal pouch is composed of finger-like projections or ribs ; stretch- ing from rib to rib is a delicate membranous expan- sion which forms the pouch, the ribs acting as sup- ports. Two spiculae, usually of equal length, are observed. In some species they project beyond the pouch, others scarcely to its posterior border. The caudal pouch is used to clasp the female during th act of copulation. STRONGYLOSIS. Strongylosis is a condition in which the animal is infested by some of the strongle. There are five forms of strongylosis, viz.: PARASITOLOGY. 99 Bronchial or Pulmonic Strongylosis, — infestation of the bronchi or lungs. Gastric Strongylosis,— infestation of the stom- ach. Intestinal Strongylosis,— infestation of the intes- tines. Vascular Strongylosis,— infestation of the blood vessels. Renal Strongylosis,— infestation of the kidney or fat around the kidney with strongle. Wet seasons favor the development of the disease, as moisture insures the life of the embryo outside of the body of the animal. The disease is most preva- lent on low-lying and swampy lands. It may be spread by the ova or embryos being carried in the stream of water, or by infested animals being intro- duced into a herd ; the animal becomes infested through contaminated food and water. It is probably necessary for these worms to pass out of the host in order to complete a portion of their life history. If the ova or embryos fall into water or moist places they may remain alive for several months, provided there is no putrefaction of organic matter. At the end of one week they have been noted to moult, After a second moulting they apparently become shriveled and remain in the skin. In this state they may resist desiccation, and possibly cold tempera- ture, for a long time. Upon being taken in by the host they become revivified and develop into adult worms. A weakened physical condition lessens the animal's powers of resistance to the invasion of the parasites. 100 PARASITOLOGY. BRONCHIAL AND PULMONARY STRONGYLOSIS. This condition is also called Verminous Bronchi= tis, or Verminous Pneumonia. In Bronchial Strongylosis the worms are found coiled in small balls in the bronchial tubes ; their presence causes bronchitis and may occlude the bronchial tube. In Pulmonary Strongylosis the worms find their way to the air saccules and produce a like condition. Broncho=pneumonia may develop as a result of in- festation of both bronchi and air saccules. The bronchial type of the disease is most often found in the young animals, while the pulmonary form is found in the old ones. All animals are infested by their respective species of the genus Strongylus. Symptoms. — At autopsy, a few worms have been found in the lungs of animals that showed no signs of disease during life. The symptoms are slight at the commencement of an attack ; there is a loss of appetite and an unthrifty appearance of the animal, and finally emaciation. There is a rise of tempera- ture ; accelerated respiration due to the plugging of the bronchi with worms and mucus. It is accompanied by a cough which becomes more painful as the disease progresses. In later stages the fits of coughing are accompanied with convul- sions, and the animal finally dies of suffocation. The animal may expectorate ova or larvae. Upon aus- cultation mucus rales may be heard ; dullness may be noted on percussion. Treatment. — The problem of medicating large numbers of cattle, sheep or hogs:infested by the lung worms is somewhat difificult. In horses and asses PARASITOLOGY. 101 the steaming with oil of eucalyptus and turpentine, of each one dram in one-half gallon of water, for one-half hour twice daily, will be effective treatment. The can is made cone shape, so that one end of a rubber hose can be attached to the top. The other end of the hose is attached to a hole in a disc-shaped board placed in the bottom of a grain sack ; in the top of the sack is a hoop which holds the sack open for the reception of the nose. THE LUNG WORMS. Strongylus Arnfieldi (Arnfield). Distribution. — Rare in the Unit- ed States. Description. — It is a thread-like worm, white in color; the mouth is orbicular and nude ; the caudal pouch of the male is short ; the spiculae do not project as far as the posterior border of the pouch ; the tail of the female ends obtuse- ly ; the male is from one to one and one-half inches long, the fe- male from two to two and one- half inches ; the female is ovipa- rous. Ayiimals Infested. — The horse, the ass and the mule. Parts Infested. — The bronchi and lungs. Fig. 34— Strongylus Arnfieldi. Caudal Extremity of Female, a, Anus. 102 PARASITOLOGY. ^-b Fig. 31-STRuNGVLUS ARNFiELUi; Caudal Extremity of Male a, Spiculae. ., b, Caudal Pouch showing special arrangement ot ribs. PARASITOLOGY. 103 Fi^'. 32.— Strongylus Arnfieldi, Ova. Process of Segmentation. Drawing made from Ova in Utero, stained with eosin and methylin blue. .(^ Fig. 35— Strongylus Arnfieldi Adults about natural size, a, Male. b, Female. ^3X1 Fig. 33— Strongylus Arnfieldi Cephalic Extremity. a, Mouth, b, Oesophagus. C, Intestines. 104 PARASITOLOGY. Strongylus Micrurus (Micros — small ; oura— tail). Distribution.— Coxnxnon in certain localities of the United States ; found in Europe. Description. — The parasite resembles the preceding one in general appearance ; is white in color ; the mouth is circular and nude ; the spiculae of the male are short and strong, the caudal pouch small ; the body of the female tapers to a short, sharp tail ; the male is one and one-half to two inches long, the fe- male two to three inches ; the female is ovovivipa- rous. Animal Infested. — The ox. Parts Infested. — Bronchi and air cells. Strongylus Pulmonalis (Pulmo — a lung) . Distribution. — Found in America and Europe. Description. — The mouth is circular and is sur- rounded by small papillae ; the caudal pouch of the male is bell-shaped and is provided with seven ribs ; the tail of the female is attenuated, tapering to a sharp point ; the male is one to one and one-quarter inches long, the female one and one-quarter to one and one-half inches. Animals Infested. — Principally young calves. Parts Infested. — Principally bronchi. CoJidition Produced. — The conditions and symptoms are the same as given in the general description of verminous bronchitis. The malady is often called Hoose, Husk, or Paper Skin. Strongylus Filaria (Strongylos — cylindrical) ifilum — a thread). Distribution. — Found in the United States and other countries. PARASITOLOGY. lOS Description. — This parasite is filiform, white in color and attenuated at both extremities ; the mouth is circular and nude ; the caudal pouch of the male is well developed ; the spiculae do not reach to the outer border ; the male is two to three inches long, the female three to four inches ; the female is ovo- viviparous. Animals Infested. — The sheep, the goat and the camel. Parts Infested. — Bronchi and lungs. Disease Produced. — The disease is called Hoose, Husk, Paper Skin or Lamb Disease. Conditions and symptoms are the same as de- scribed under general symptoms. Strongylus Rufescens (Rufescent — reddish) . Synonym. — Strongylus Ovis Pulmonalis. Distribution. — Found in some localities in United States. Description. — Thread-like and reddish brown in color ; the mouth is provided with three papilliform lips; the caudal pouch is small and has a shallow notch on each side ; the tail of the female terminates in a blunt point ; the male is one to one and a quar- ter inches long, the female one and one-quarter to one and one-half inches. Animals Infested. — Sheep and goat. Parts Infested. — Bronchi and lungs. Strongylus Paradoxus (Paradoxum — beside). Synonym. — Strongylus Elongatus. Distribution. — Common in the United States. Description. — The body is thread-like and white or 106 PARASITOLOGY. brownish white in color ; the mouth is surrounded by six papillae ; the caudal pouch of the male is fairly well developed ; the spiculae are very long ; the tail of the female terminates in a blunt point ; the male measures about one inch in length, the fe- male one to one and one-half inches. Animal Infested. — The hog. Parts Infested. — The bronchi and lungs. Strongylus Pusillus (Pusillus — very little) . Distribution. — Rare ; has been reported in Europe. Description, — A hair-like worm ; the mouth is nude ; the caudal pouch of the male is short ; the spiculae are long and slender ; the tail of the female termin- ates in a blunt point ; the male is about one-sixth inch long, the female one-half inch ; the female is oviparous. Animal Infested. — The cat. Parts Infested. — The bronchi and lungs. Condition Produced. — Small pneumonic areas are produced throughout the lung by the presence of embryo or adult. These granules are yellowish white, and vary in size from a pinhead to a millet seed. The nodules project from beneath the pleura or they may be imbedded in an area of gray hepati- zation. The symptoms are similar to those mani- fested in larger animals. The frequent fits of cough- ing may be followed by vomiting. In later stages they lose condition, — stairy coat, emaciation and death. Treatment . — Steam inhalation of oil of eucalyptus and turpentine. u PARASITOLOGY. 107 Strongylus Contortus (Contortus — twisted). Syyionym. — Haemonchus Contortus. Distrihition. — Common in many states, especially in the South and middle West. Description. — Hair-like in appearance ; Strongylus body white or pinkish white in color ; Contortus the mouth is nude ; two lateral papillae b', Female, ^^c notcd a short distance from the head ; the cuticular surface has fine transverse striations ; the caudal pouch is bilobate, i. e., the pouch is divided into two parts ; the body of the female tenninates in a pointed tail ; the male meas- ures four-fifths of an inch in length, the female about one inch. Life Cycle. — The female is oviparous. The ova are passed from the animal in the feces ; the egg thus passed has been found to be undergoing- seg- mentation, and has hatched in from two to three days. The embryo is very small and is provided with a fine-pointed tail. In the development from the embryonic to the fully developed larval stage, it moults at least twice ; the embryo becomes shriv- eled in the last moult, and remains in the skin, in which state it is usually found upon blades of grass or other objects. In this state it can retain its vital- ity for several weeks, withstanding desiccation and freezing. When taken into the stomach the larva becomes revivified and developes into the adult stage. The worm is a- bloodsucker and is often found attached to the mucous membrane, holding on by means of its buccal armature. Animals Infested. — The ox, the sheep and the goat. Parts Infested. — Abomasum and intestines. 108 PARASITOLOGY. Symptoms. — This is a serious form of intestinal strongylosis, often causing great loss among cattle and sheep. The first symptoms are those of diar- rhoea loss of appetite, followed by gradual loss of condition. The mucous membranes become pale, due to the loss of blood; the hair becomes rough; there is great thirst and languor ; swellings may be noted about the head and chest ; the skin becomes dry, hence the condition has been called paper skin. The animal may die. Treatment. — Kamala, thymol, benzine, turpentine and gasoline have been given with more or less good results. The best results are probably derived from the following treatment : To cattle that have fasted over night give two to six ounces of gasoline once a day for four or five days. The first day give one to two pounds of Epsom salts. To lambs and sheep give two to eight drams of gasoline, after fasting, ^nd drench with the proper amount of salts, as in cattle. It is recommended to give gasoline in doses sufficient to make the animal show symptoms as though drunk. Strongylus Ostertagi (Ostertag). Synonym. — Strongylus Convolutus. Distribution. — Found in the middle West and in the southern states ; also in Europe. Description. — The anatomical structure resembles that of the Strongylus Contortus. The color of the body is brownish yellow. The male measures one- third of an inch in length, the female one-half inch. Animals Infested, — The ox, the sheep and the goat. Parts Infested. — Abomasum and intestines. PARASITOLOGY. 109 Conditio7i Produced. — It becomes lodged in the mu- cous membrane of the abomasum and intestines, more commonly in the former location. Upon ex- amination of the infested tissue small nodules, the size of a pinhead or millet seed, will be observed. These nodules may be slightly depressed in the cen- ter. If this membrane be placed in a compressor glass it will be found to contain the larva or adult worm. Symptoms. — The symptoms are the same as those produced by the Strongylus Contortus. Treatment. — The same as for the Strongylus Con- tortus. Strongylus Armatus (Armatus — armed). Synonyms. — SclerostomaEquinum, Palisade Worm, Armed Sclerostoma. Distribution. — Common in the "^ m \\ United States, also found in other parts of the world-. Desc7'iption. — In calibre the body is the size of a small darning needle. It is whitish-brown shading to red, depending on the quantity of blood contained in its intestinal tract. Its Fig. 37— body is marked with transverse Strongylus Armatus , . ^i i j j. • ^ ^^ 3 i^jgjg Striae; the head termmates rather b, Female. bluntly ; its mouth is circular and c, Caudal extremity. , - . .^, , , d, Cephalic extrem- providcd With a buccal armaturc 'ty. (membranous teeth) by which means it holds on to the mucous membrane and sucks blood; the male is provided with a well developed caudal pouch which gives the posterior part a "cut off" appearance; the tail of the female no PARASITOLOGY. terminates in a blunt point ; the male is from one to one and one-quarter inches in length, the female one and one-half to two inches. Animals Infested. — The horse, the ass and the mule. Parts Infested. — Large intestines. Fig. 38— Strongylus Armatus,— Caudal Extremity, Male. Photomicro- graph Ix?^ inch. a, Ribs, b, Web. Life Cycle. — The female is oviparous ; the ova pass out to the ground with the feces ; the embryos are taken in with the food or water which is contamin- ated with the excrements laden with the ova and embryos ; they penetrate the mucous membrane and cause a cyst or tumor varying in size up to a pea; in this tumor thus formed is found the imma- ture worm ; the embryos are also found in little pel- PARASITOLOGY. Ill lets among the intestinal contents ; after moulting they leave the cyst and become sexually mature in the intestines; in the embryonic stage they may en- ter the blood stream, or possibly penetrate the tis- sues and become located in the trunk of the anterior mesenteric artery, where they produce aneurism. In the old horses used for dissecting purposes at the Kansas City Veterinary College, about sixteen percent are affected by these aneurisms. In some the larva are found penetrating the wall of the vessel, partly within and partly outside ; again they are found under the epithelial layer of the vessel, while many are found within the fibrin formed in the aneur- ism. If the aneurism becomes so serious as to clog the artery, then a condition known as thrombo=ein= bolic colic results. Symptoms. — Many horses harbor the adult worms in the intestines without showing constitutional effects of such infestation ; but if the parasites are in suiificient numbers they cause an unthrifty coat, loss of appetite, Fig. 39 — anemia, diarrhoea, emaciation and possibly Strongy- r J Lus arma- death. It is now believed that the wounds Tus, Larva, caused by blood-sucking worms in the in- taken from an aneur- tcstiual tract fumish an avenue for entrance ism of the -^^^^ ^.j^g system of infective micro-organ- great mes- enteric ar- isms. In thrombo-embolic colic the animal *^'^^; „ suffers great pain, trembles, paws, lies a, Partially ^ ^ ■> > f > developed dowu frequently, perspires, looks at his ab- b; Fully domcu, lolls, and is in constant pain. In Larva.*^ later stages the patient has a drawn facial expression and an anxious look. The limbs and ears are cold. The pulse, which is at first 112 PARASITOLOGY. strong^, now becomes gradually weaker, still more accelerated, the breathing is hurried and the animal dies. Post Mortem Lesions. — Upon autopsy the aneurism is found which has obstructed the artery; or, it may be that an embolus from the aneurism has caused the plugging of one of the mesenteric arteries, and thus cut off the blood supply to a part of the bowel, — this portion of the bowel becomes very dark, in some instances black, due to venous congestion. Strongylus Vasorum (Vas — a vessel). Distribidion. — Reported in Europe. Description. — The worm is thread-like in calibre and white or pink in color ; the mouth is nude ; the male is provided with a short, bilobate caudal pouch and two long spiculae ; the male is two-fifths of an inch in length, the female one-half inch. Animal hifested. — The dog. Parts Infested. — The adult infests the blood-vessels, especially of the right side of the heart, and the pul- monary artery ; the larva infests the lungs. Condition Produced. — The ovum or embryo becomes lodged in the small arteries of the lungs, and it pro- duces thrombosis. Its presence also causes a small granule or tubercle to form in the lung tissue; in the center of the tubercle is found the ovum or em- bryo, surrounded by epithelial, embryonic and giant cells, as found in the tubercles caused by the bacillus of tuberculosis. Symptoms. — Sudden dyspnoea, anemia, emaciation and oftentimes cough. Ova or embryos may be ex- pelled by the fits of coughing. PARASITOLOGY. 113 ScLEROSTOMA Tetracanthum (Sclera — hard ; stoma — mouth) ^ (Tetra — four ; acanthos — thorn). Distr ibid ion. — Common in the United States. Description. — In calibre the body is the size of an ordinary pin, and white or pinkish in color; it tapers slightly Fig. 40— ScLERo- anteriorly, and in this respect it differs STOMA Tetra- fj-Qm the Strongylus Armatus that is a Male. oftcn found in company with it. The b, Female. mouth is Circular and is provided with c, Caudal Ex- . . , . , , tremity. SIX papillae, tour ot which are mnch d, Cephalic Ex- larger than thfe two remaining ones, and tremity. ., j. are arranged so as to torm a square ; the caudal pouch is short ; the tail of the female ter- minates in a blunt point ; the male is two-fifths to three-fifths of an inch long, the female three-fourths of an inch. Life History. — The ova pass out to the ground with the feces ; they are taken in by the host through food or water soiled by the excrement of infested animals. The embryos embed ' themselves in the mucous membrane of the bowel and form cysts. Some arg found in small, hard pellets in the bowel. In the adult state they are found free in the intes- tinal tract Animals hifested. — The horse, the ass and the mule. Parts Infested. — Caecum and colon. Condition Produced. — The adult 'sclerostomes are blood suckers; by means of their buc::.! ::rmature they wound the mucous membrane and suck blood; 114 PARASITOLOGY. these wounds often furnish channels through which infection may take place. When found in large num- bers they produce an unthrifty appearance, anemia, emaciation, hemorrhagic diarrhoea and may pro- duce death. Treatment— The same as for the Strongylus Arma- tus, viz: Physic and tartar emetic. SCLEROSTOMA Hypostomum (hypo^under, stoma— mouth) Distribution. — Found in the United States and Europe. Not very common. Description. — The body is thread-like, white in color and rigid; the head is slightly globular; the mouth parts are provided with a double row of mem- branous teeth; the head is surrounded by six papillae; the caudal pouch is short and gives the male a cut off appearance; the tail of the female terminates in a blunt point. The male is three fifths of an inch in length, the female about one inch. Life History. Mode of Infestation. — The female is oviparous, the ova pass out to the ground with the feces; the embryos after emerging from the ova go through certain changes and are then taken in by the host through the food and water. Upon reach- ing the intestinal tract they develop into the mature form. Animals Infested. — The sheep and goat. Parts Infested. — Small and large intestines. Condition Produced. — By means of the buccal arm- ature they hold on to the mucous membrane and suck the blood; punctiform hemorrhages have been noted in the intestinal mucosa; when in large numbers they cause disturbance in digestion, a general un- PARASITOLOGY. 115 thrifty appearance, diarrhoea, emaciation, anemia and possibly death. These wounds often furnish channels through which infection may take place. Treatment. — Physic and gasoline are prescribed as in infestation with the Strongylus Contortus. ( Dentos — toothed ) Stephanurus Dentatus (Stephanos — a crown) (Oura — a tail"). Synonym. — Sclerostoma pinguicola. Kidney worm. Lard worm. DistribtUion. — In the United States found espec- ially in southern hogs; not so common in northern ones. Also found in Brazil and Australia. Descriptio7i. — The body is slightly larger than a knitting needle; the outer integument is transparent; the dark intestinal tract shows through the integu- ment, which gives the worm a mottled appearance. Both caudal and cephalic extremities present a blunt appearance; the head part is provided with six papillae; the tail of the male is provided with a caudal pouch ; the male is one to one and one- fourth inches long, the female one and one-fourth to one and one-half inches. Animal Infested. — The hog. Parts Infested.— \\. infests the fat in the sublumbar region. Condition Produced. — Small abscesses varying in size to a pigeon's egg are found in the fat in the Fig. 41.— Steph.\nurus Dent.atus a, Male. b, Female. c, Caudal extremity. d, Ceplialic extremity. 116 PARASITOLOGY. sublnmbar region ; when these abscesses are cut open the center is found to contain a small amount of purulent material and usually a male and female sometimes three or four worms; the worms rarely invade the kidney ; occasionally they may be found in the pelvis of that organ. They may invade the psoae muscles and lymph glands in various parts of the abdominal cavity; they have also been observed in the liver ; thus multiple abscesses are sometimes observed in advanced cases. Syngamus Tracheat.is (Syn — with; Trachea.; (Gamus — Marriage) . Synonyms. — Gap worm. Sclerostoma Trachealis. Distribution. — Found widely distributed through- out the United States. Description. — The head is provided with capsule- like rings in the center of which are placed six lancet- like teeth; the male is small, only one-fourth to one- third of an inch in length, and is provided with a caudal pouch ; the female is about one inch in length ; the tail teminates in a blunt point ; the vulva is located in the anterior third; the male clasps the female firmly during the act of copulation and does not release its hold even after it is removed from the host; this gives the specimen a forked appear- ance ; the small one the male, the large one the female. Life Cycle. — Upon death and decomposition of the gap worm the ova are liberated in water or moist places, and the embryos develop into minute hair-like worms. The bird becomes infested through the food or water ; the larva migrate through the abdominal PARASITOLOGY. 117 air sacs to the bronchi, where they develop to full size. Animals Infested. — Principally young chickens, turkeys, pea fowls and wild game. Parts hilested. — The trachea. Disease Produced. — Gapes, syngamus bronchialis, syngamosis. Syinptotns. — The worms, finding their way to the trachea, attach themselves to the mucous membrane by means of their buccal apparatus, and by means of the six teeth they wound the mucous membrane and suck the blood; the bird is noticed to open its mouth frequently and gasp for air on account of the partial occlusion of the air passage by the worms; wheez- ing and coughing are also noted. Often the worms may be expelled during a severe lit of coughing ; the bird has a loss of appetite, appears dull and stands around with drooping wings ; finally when the worms form sufficient bulk to occlude the lumen of the trachea the animal, in its death struggle, is observed to throw its head over the back and, gasp- ing, dies of asphyxiation. Prophylaxis. — Moisture is necessary for the devel- opment of the larva; if birds be kept on a board floor until they are half grown the greatest danger will be eliminated; the floors and runs should be frequently sprinkled with a 1% solution of creolin or carbolic acid. The drinking and feeding dishes should be cleansed occasionally with antiseptic solu- tion. The dead carcasses should be burned. Treatment. — A horse-hair doubled several times, forming a loop, is often thrust down the bird's throat, twisted several time and withdrawn ; the worms in this way are removed. ^ 118 PARASITOLOGY. Oesophagostoma Inflatum (Stoma — mouth ; Inflated). Distn'biitjoji. — Found in the middle west and south. I Description. — The worm is thread- like in calibre and white in color ; the cephalic extremity is crooked, which gives the worm the appearance of a Jf cane ; the mouth is circular and pro- vided with six prominent papillae ; the F'i^ *2. anterior extremity of the worm is pro- Oesophagusto.ma . t ^ . , , , , T Inflatum vided With a transparent, globe shaped a- '^laie. apparatus ; this is followed by two b, Female. . , . .11 c, Cephalic ex- lateral wmgs; the male is provided tremity. with a wcll developed caudal pouch, d, Caudal ex- , . , . , ~. tremity. which givcs the worm a cut-off appear- ance; it is provided with two long spicu- lae ; the tail of the female terminates in a sharp point; the male is about three-fourths of an inch long, the female one inch. Life Cycle. — The ova find their way to the ground through the feces ; the animal becomes infested through the food or water that is contaminated by by the ova or embryo. Upon reaching the intestinal tract the embryos embed themselves in the muc- ous membrane, forming a cyst, where they proceed with their development; they reach maturity only in the intestinal tract. Animals Infested. — Cattle. Parts Infested. — Small and large intestines. Symptoms. Condition Produced. — Oftentimes cysts in the mucous membrane are so numerous as to thoroughly stud the surface of both small and large intestines ; this interferes with digestion and absorp- tion and is a source of irritation ; the adults in the Fig. 43.— Oesophagostoma Inflatum. (Cephalic extremity) Photomicrograph, IxlJ^. a. Mouth with papillae c. Lateral membranous wings b, Globe shaped inflation. d, Anterior part of body. iig. 44.— Oesophagostoma Inflatum Caudal extremity of male. Photomicrograph, 1 x ^. a, Caudal pouch. b, Spiculae. c, Posterior part of body, [ 119 120 PARASITOLOGY. intestinal tract are blood suckers ; they wound the mucous membrane and suck the blood; this adds to the irritation and produces anemia; the symptoms as noted are diarrhoea, thirst, loss of appetite, unthrifty coat, anemia and possibly death. Treatment. — Many drugs have been tried with more or less good results ; areca nut, santonin, ka- mala, etc. Good results will be obtained by fasting Fig, 45.— Oesophagostoma Inflatum. Caudal extremity, female a, Sharp terminal point. D, .•\nus. Photomicrograph, 1 x % the animal for 24 hours, then give one and one-half pounds of salts followed by from two to six ounces of gasoline; calves must receive a proportionately smaller dose; for large bunches of cattle sulphate of iron and salt kept constantly before the animals wil) be effectual in destroj^ing many of the worms. By Plate IX. Fig. 1 — Heifer infested with lung worms and liver flukes. Note emaciation and edema. Fig. 2 — Oe.«iU|ilisigostonia liinibiniiuiii. (Cephalic extremity). a, Oral cavity. b, Oesophagus. c, Papillae. Fig. 3— Oe.sopliaerostoma Co- liinibianiiiii. (Caudal extremity of male ). a, Rib of caudal pouch b, Web. c, Spiculae. Fig. 4 — »0«*sop]iagostonia Co_ liinibiaiiuni. (Caudal extremity of fe- male;. a. Vulva. b, Anus. PARASITOLOGY. 121 constantly taking the sulphate of iron into the intestinal tract it will create an unfavorable place for the development and life of the worm. Oesophagostoma Columbianum (Columbia). Synonym. — Oesophagostome of Columbia. Distribution. — Found commonly in the United States. First discovered in the District of Columbia. Description. — The worm is thread- like in calibre, white in color, slightly tapering anteriorly; the mouth is circu- lar and provided with a double row of teeth arranged in a crown -like form; Fig. 46— the caudal pouch of the male is saucer- Oesophagostoma shaped ; the tail of the female termin- COLUMBIANUM . . , , a, Male. 2l\.q% in a rather sharp point ; the male b, Female. measures about three fourths of an inch in length, the female about one inch. Life Cycle. — The ovigerous female lays its eggs in the intestinal tract, which find their way to the ex- ternal world with the feces ; the embryos are taken up by the host through the contaminated food and water; upon reaching the intestinal tract they pene- trate the mucous membrane and produce nodules which are irregular in outline and vary in size up to a pea ; these nodules are found in both small and large intestines; often in badly infested cases em- bryos are noted to invade the mesentery and mes- enteric lymph glands and liver. The tumor, smaller in size than a pin-head, contains a cyst in which is found a growing embryo coiled in a ring-like shape, floating in a colorless fluid ; in the second stage the embryo is still in the cyst but a small quantity of 122 PARASITOLOGY. greenish, cheesy pus has accumulated around it ; in nodules larger than a pin-head the entire contents are a cheesy mass ; the cyst wall is ruptured and the worm is found free, wandering within the capsule ; in the larger nodules the cheesy material is quite hard except at the side where the worm is found. Nearing maturity the worm leaves the nodule and becomes sexually mature only in the intestinal tract; the nodule now gradually shrinks in size until it is quite small and filled with earthy material. Animals Infested — The sheep, goat and ox. Fig. 47.— Nodular Disease. a, Nodule caused by larva of Oesophagostome of Columbia. b, Section of small Intestine. Parts Infested. — Small and large intestines. Disease Produced. — Nodular disease. Condition Produced. — Nodular disease is common in native but seldom if ever found in range sheep. In badly infested cases the entire intestinal canal may be thorougly studded with the nodules, which are irregular in outline and push the serous coat out; the nodule lies under the serous covering of the bowel and can be readily told from the tubercle pro- duced by the bacillus of tuberculosis by the fact that the latter is smooth, and that in tuberculosis the lymph glands adjacent to the affected part will be PARASITOLOGY, 123 tuberculous; in the infested sheep that are slaught- ered the gut is rendered unfit for casings, by the disease. Symptoms. — This form of oesophagostomiasis is not so fatal as that caused by the oesophagostoma inflatum; the fleece may appear dry ; it may be the cause of partial loss of the wool crop. There may be diarrhoea, general debility, anemia, sunken eyes, emaciation and death. In cattle it does not prove serious in the United States. Only a few nodules are found when these animals are infested; these nodules are usually con- fined to the small intestines. Treatment. — To destroy the adult worm in the intestinal tract, the same treatment is advised as in the Strongylus Contortus ; salt and sulphate of iron constantly before them will also prove beneficial. Oesophagostoma Dentatum. (Dentis — tooth). Sy7io7iym. — Oesophagostoma Subulatum. Distribution. — Occasionally found in the United States. Descriptio7i. — The body is small in calibre and white or grayish-brown in color; the worm slightly tapering anteriorly; the mouth is circular and pro- vided with six papillae; the head is followed by a constriction. The caudal pouch of the male is short; the tail of the female terminates in a rather sharp point ; the male is one-third to one-half inch long ; the female is one-half to three-fourths inch. Animal Infested. — The hog. Parts Infested. — The caecum and colon; the writer has found them in the kidney once; they have also been reported once in the liver. 124 PARASITOLOGY. Symptoms. — If only a few worms are found no se- rious results are noted; if infested in great numbers they produce gradual ^h ^ anemia as a result of the loss of blood ; _^ irregularities in digestion, diarrhoea, Oesophagostoma unthriftiness, emaciation and finally Dentatum. death. In some cases of infested hogs a, Male. b, Female. wheu the colou is Opened the con- tents are fairly alive with the wriggling myriads of the Oesophagostoma Dentatum ; a posi- tive diagnosis is finding the ova and worms in the feces. Treatment. — Fast the hog for twenty-four hours ; then give areca nut and santonin the same as for the Ascaris Suilla. Uncinaria Radiata. (Uncinatus — hooked) (Radiatus — radiate) . Syno7iym. — Hook worm. Distrilnition. — Found in various parts of the United States. Common in certain parts of Texas. Description. — The worm is the size of a large thread in calibre and white in color ; the caudal pouch of the male causes that extremity to appear blunt ; the tail of the female terminates in a rather sharp point ; the mouth parts are provided with booklets with which f '^- '*^~ , ^ Uncinaria it holds on to the mucous membrane ; radiata the male is about three-fourths of an ^' ^^'®- , b, Female. inch long, the female about one inch. d, Caudal extrem- ity. Animal Infested. — The ox. c, Cephalic ex- Parts Infested.— ^xa2\\ intestines. femity. Conditions Produced.— Qa.usQ^ uncinariosis in cat- PARASITOLOGY. 125 tie; they are blood suckers of the worst type, and myriads robbing the host of blood cause an un" thrifty condition; in calves they cause a stunted growth; later anemia, emaciation and possibly death. Treatment. — The same as for the Strongylus Con- tortus. Uncinaria Cernua. (Cernuus — bent down). Syyionyms. — Hook worm. Dochmius Cernua. Distribution. — Frequently found in Southern United States. Description. — A thread-like worm, yellowish white in color ; the body is rigid and attenuated at both ends ; the mouth is circular and provided with four hook-like teeth; the buccal cavity is ovoid in shape; the male is one-half to three-fourths of an inch long, the female one inch. Life History. — The ova, reaching water or moist earth, hatch into the embryonic state ; if conditions are favorable they moult in three days; in five days they moult the second time ; when taken into the intestinal tract at this time they invade the mucous membrane (if not taken in at this stage they will perish in about four weeks) ; they now fasten them- selves to the mucous membrane and develop into the mature worm in about fifteen days; during this time they moult twice. Animals Infested. — The sheep and goat. Parts Infested. — Small and frequently the large intestines. Mode of Infestation. — Like other worms of the family Strongylidae, the pools of water, ponds, pastures and other food become contaminated by feces from infested sheep, laden with the ova ; here 126 PARASITOLOGY, under favorable conditions the larval form develops; thus the sheep become infested through food and water; the embryo may be carried by small streams of water and thus spread contagion. Conditions Produced. — Seldom cause serious results, but if found in large numbers they may cause con- ditions similar to those caused by the Strongylus Contortus, such as unthrifty coat, partial loss in wool crop, diarrhoea, anemia, and if in sufficient numbers emaciation and death. Treatment. — The same as for the Strongylus Contortus. Uncinaria Canina (Canis — dog). Synonyms. — Uncinaria Trigonocephala. Dochmius Trigonocephala. Anchylostoma Trigonocephala. Distribution. — Common in the United States, also found in Europe. Description. — It has a thread-like body, white in color; a large buccal cavity ; the mouth is provided with six hook-like teeth ; by means of these booklets it holds firmly to the mucous membrane and aided by its strong muscular oesophagus draws blood ; they are still found attached to the mucous mem- brane after death of the dog; the tail of the male has a well developed caudal pouch; the tail of the female terminates in a sharp point ; the male is about one-half inch long, the female three-fourths inch. Life History. — Same as the other species of the Uncinaria. The methods of infestation are the same. Animals Infested. — The dog, cat, and fox. Parts Infested. — Small and large intestines. Symptoms — Uncinariosis among the dogs is very common ; it is more fatal among puppies than older PARASITOLOGY. 127 Fig. 50.— Uncinaria Canin.-^, natural size. a, Male. b, Female. Fig. 61. — Caudal extremity of the male, magnified 350 diameters. a, Spiculae. b, Ribs of caudal pouch. c, Web of caudal pouch. d, Posterior part of body. r'lrf. 62 -Uncinaria Canina. Cephalic extremityof female, magnified 350 diameters. a, Hookl-ets. b, Mouth cavity. c, Oesophagu.^. Fig. 53.— Section of body of female, magnified 100 diameters, sh(;winy the ova to have formed in worm not to exceed five weeks old. a, Ovum. b. Intestine. Fig. 54. — Caudal extremity of the female, magnified 100 diameters. [1?8 PARASITOLOGY. 129 dogs ; the worms, when occurring in large numbers, cause derangement of digestion, dullness and indif- ference; the young pup may whine or cry ; tympani- tes, and in some cases diarrhoea ; there is loss of appetite, nervousness and in some cases nausea ; later anemia and emaciation is noted and the animal succumbs to the disease. Treatment. — Santonin and areca nut prove the most effectual parasiticides. The areca nut is an irritant to the bowels and acts as a vermifuge or purge. The following combination gives good results in ridding the bowel of these worms. I^ Powdered areca nut 5 iii Crystal santonin 1 gr xx Syrup ad. q. s o iv Mix. Sig. — Give two to three drams at a dose. Repeat dose in five days. Uncinaria Stenocephala (Stenos — narrow). (Cephale — head). Syno7iyms. — Dochmius Stenocephala. Anchylos- toma Stenocephala. Distribution. — Not common in the United States, more common in Europe. Description. — The body is thinner than the Uncin- aria Canina ; the head is narrow ; the caudal pouch is trilobate ; on each side of the ventral wall of ths buccal cavity is a booklet ; the tail of the female terminates in a rather sharp point ; the male is about one-third to one inch long ; the female three-fourths inch. The life history, symptoms, and treatment are the same as for the Uncinaria Canina. 130 PARASITOLOGY. TRICHOTRACHELIDAE. The family Trichotrachelidae includes a group of blood sucking worms, provided with a nude head; in the adult state they infest the intestinal tract. (Trix— a hair) Trichocephalus Depressiusculus (Cephale— head) (Depressus depress) Synonym. — Whip worm. Distribution. — Found occasionally in the United States, also in Europe. Description. — This worm in shape resembles the old fashioned "black snake" whip; the posterior part of the body is about the calibre of a thread; the anterior two-thirds is attenuated, resembling a hair ; it is white in color; its mouth is nude; the large part of the body of the male forms a coil ; the correspond- ing part of the female is straight or slightly curved; the male is provided with a spicula; the vulva of the female is located in the anterior portion of the large part of the body ; the male measures from one to one and one-fourth inches in length; the female from one and one-fourth to one and one-half Fig. B5.- inches. Irichocephalus Depres- , ., tt- j /ta-u i a siuscuius. ^^^^ History.— The ova, placed 1, Female. in water and kept at a warm tem- J Shaiic extremity, perature will hatch and develop b, Caudal " complete embryos in from four to five months ; if these be fed to dogs they develop to the adult stage; drying or desiccation of the eggs or embryos stops their de- PARASITOLOGY. 131 velopment, but upon again being placed in moist sur- roundings, they will revivify and complete thi» phase of their life cycle, providing the desiccation has not been for too long a period. Animal Infested. — The dog. Part Infested. — The caecum. Symptoms. — They hold firmly to the mucous mem- brane of the caecum and suck blood; specimens of the bowel prepared for the museum still contain the worms, though dead, tightly holding on to the mu- cous membrane. Conditions Produced. — If the animal is infested by large numbers it may show a progressive anemia and gradual emaciation; a derangement of digestion, diarrhoea and possibly death of the host. Treatment. — The same as for the Uncinaria Canina, (Affinis — marriage) Trichocephalus Affinis (Trix — hair) (Cephale — head) Distribution. — Found in the United States and Europe. Description. — Its body and general appearance re- sembles the Trichocephalus Depressiusculus ; the large part of the body of the male is tightly coiled ; the body of the female is straight; the tail terminates very bluntly ; the head is provided with two vesicu- lar lobes; the hair-like portion contains the oesoph- agus and a portion of the intestine ; the large portion the intestine and reproductive organs; the male measures from one to two inches in length ; the female one and one-half to two and one-half inches. The only difference between those of sheep and those of cattle is the length. 132 PARASITOLOGY. Animals Infested. — The ox, sheep, and goat. Parts Infested. — The colon and caecum. Condition Prodiiced. — The em- bryos, upon being taken into the digestive tract of the host, have been observed to reach maturity in two to three weeks ; they hold xricHocEPHALus AFFiNis ^^^y ^o the mucous membrane Sheep and suck blood ; only a few have 2 ly^^^g been noted in infested animals 3, Cephalic extremity, and uo scrious results have been b, Caudal extremity. reported in this country. Trichocephalus Crenatus (Crena — notch). Synonyms. — Whip worm; Trichocephalus Dispar. Distribution. — Occasionally found in the United States. Description. — In shape and appearance the male and female resemble the Trichocephalus AiKnis of sheep ; the male measures one to one and one-quarter inches long, the female one and one-half inches. Animals Infested. — The pig. Parts Infested. — The small intestines. Conditions Produced. — They are found firmly attached to the mucous membrane. When only a few are present no serious results occur ; when myr- iads are present they cause diarrhoea, indigestion and an unthrifty condition. Trichina Spiralis (Trix — hair; spira — coil). Distribution — Common in United States and many European countries. Trichina was first discovered by Peacock in 1828, in England. Found in about one PARASITOLOGY. 133 and one-half percent of the hogs in the United States. Description. — The adult worm is capillary in size and one-twelfth inch in length ; the larva is one- twenty-fifth inch in length ; the female is ovovivipa- rous ; the ova undergo complete development in the uterus and hatch in the external genital organs and then escape; the larvae become encysted in lemon shaped cysts which appear as very minute white specks, scarcely visible to the unaided eye ; a micro- scopic examination is necessary to make a diagnosis. Life History. — When meat containing the live encysted larva is eaten by animals, in from eighteen to twenty hours the meat surrounding the cyst and cyst capsule is digested ; the larva thus liberated develops into mature form in from three to four days ; frequently on the third day the ovary shows ova in process of segmentation ; ovulation commences about the sixth or seventh day ; this period lasts five to six weeks, during which time as many as two thousand embryos may be produced by each female; as soon as laid the embryos pass through the stomach or intestinal wall and migrate to various parts of the body; they may burrow directly through the tissues or they may enter the blood and be carried by the blood current, or the lymph vessel and be carried by the lymph stream ; at the end of eight or ten days the embryo reaches a resting place and coils in a kind of loop, then in a figure three shape, finally in a coil of about one and one-half turns. As a result of the irritation in the elements of the surrounding tis- sue there is produced a cyst enclosing the embryo ; the embryo soon arrives at the fully developed larval state ; the cyst is usually lemon shaped, although it 134 PARASITOLOGY. may appear nearly round ; the long axis is parallel with the muscle fiber ; the cyst usually contains only one larva although as many as seven have been ob- served ; in this cyst the parasite remains dormant until the animal is killed and the meat is eaten, or if not slaughtered for several months the cyst will undergo degeneration. Two kinds of degeneration are noted, fatty and calcareous ; in a few months the cysts are usually observed to commence fatty degeneration; first there are noted a few fat globules at the polls ; these gradually increase and the fat is set free and invades the whole cyst; at about the seventh month lime salts (carbonate and phosphate) begin to ap- pear; calcification is usually complete about the twentieth month; during this process the cyst gradu- ally becomes opaque until the outline of the larva can scarcely be seen. Birds prove unfavorable sub- jects for muscular trichinosis; they, however, de- velop the intestinal form. Animals Infested. — Man, hog, dog, rat and, experi- mentally, other animals. Parts Infested. — Adults infests the intestine ; the larval form infests the muscle structures. Conditio)is Produced. — This parasite produces two form of trichinosis ; the adult infests the intestinal tract and produces intestinal trichinosis; the worm lives about six weeks ; the larva is found wandering in the tissues and, finally encysted, this form is muscular trichinosis. Symptoms. — Man: — Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and vertigo; elevation of temperature with acceler- ated pulse and respiration ; great muscular pain dur- ing migration of the embryos ; contraction of certain Plate X. ---OL I- b Fis. 2 — Syiigainiia Traeliealis. CMale and fe- male). a, Head. b, Caudal extrem- ity. Pig. 1 — Stephaniiru.s Deiitatus. (Cephalic extremity). a, Papillae. b, Mouth c, Bucal cavity. d, Oesopliagus. c, Intestines. Fig. 7i — E^oIiiiiorliyiioliiiK Caiiis. (Globe shaped probi>sc-is showing' booklets I. Ffg. 7 — Larvae Trichina Spi- ralis. (Encysted, suirounded witli muscle fibers). Fig. 3 — TricliooeplialiLS C'rc:in ins, (1, Female. 2, Male). a, Cephalic extremity. b, Caudal extremity. Fig. 4 — Eobiuorliyuchus Cauis. Fig. 6 — Fcliinorliyiiclias Canls. (Section tlirough uterus showing ova). aragouiiiiiis Wester- rig- S III ail ii. (Ventral surface). a, Oral sucker, b, Ventral sucker. PAkASITOLOGY. 135 groups of muscles; the pain lasts only during the migration of the embryos ; after encystment there is no pain. Hogs: — The intestinal form causes diarrhoea ; the migration of the embryos pruritus, rubbing, scratching, stiffness of gait, difficulty in swallowing and mastication, difficult and painful respiration. The disease is usually fatal in man; it is not liable to be fatal in the hog or rat. Vitality. — Vermifuges and vermicides have little effect upon them. Degeneration usually destroys the larvae in the cysts in from twelve to eighteen months, although cases are on record where their vitality has lasted much longer. They will live one hundred days in decaying meat. Fourteen degrees below zero. Cent., will kill them. Complete salting kills those that are superficial in a short time, but those in the deeper parts live for a long time. Sausage in pickle 15 days destroys them. Sausage in hot smoke kills them in 24 hours, cold smoke 3 days. To determine if Trichina are alive two methods can be used. First, feed a small bird the trichinous flesh and kill the bird 8 to 10 hours after; if the trichini are dead they will be digested with the cyst; if they are alive they will be coiled or moving. Second, if a small particle of macerated meat contain- ing the cysts be placed on a platinum plate and heat- ed to a temperature of 100 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit, then noted under the microscope, movement will be seen if they are alive. Thorough cooking destroys them. To destroy the trichina in a ham it should be cooked thirty-five minutes for each two pounds of weight. 136 PARASITOLOGY. ACANTHOCEPHALA (Acanthos— thom) (Cephale — head) . This order belongs to the class Nemathelmintha and includes a group of parasites that are round in shape but are not provided with a digestive tract as the order Nematoda ; they obtain nourishment by absorption of digested nutrients from the intestinal tract of the host; there are complete sexes, male and female; the cephalic (head) extemity is provided with a globe-shaped proboscis armed with six rows of booklets by which means it holds on to the mucous membrane ; it includes the genus Echinorhynchus, species of which infest the small intestines of the dog, others infest birds and still another, the most im- portant, infests the hog. ( Echinos — spined) Echinorhynchus Gigas (Rhynchus — proboscis) (Gigas— giant). Distribution . — Very common in the United States ; also found in Europe. Description .-Round in shape, about two- thirds the calibre of a lead pencil, with transverse markings. Milk white in color; the cephalic extrem- i t y t ermin ate s Fig:. 57— EcHiNORHYNCHUS GigAs, Female, abruptly and is pro- a. Globe-shaped proboscis, armed with six rows of booklets. b, Caudal extremity. that vided with a globe- shaped proboscis is armed with six rows of booklets irregularly PARASITOLOGY. 137 arranged, point backwards. The booklets are very small and resemble, in shape, those of a cat's claw. The posterior half of the female is attenuated until it is no larger than a knitting needle; the female is eight to twelve inches long, the male three to four inches. Life Cycle.— The fe- male is oviparous ; the eggs are oblong and contain fully developed embryos, in a few days after they have passed to the ground with the feces; if they are in- gested by the intermed- iate host, which is the larva of the May bug ( white worm or grub worms) they soon hatch in its digestive tract ; this embryo is very small and provided with four small hook- lets with which it burrows through the intestinal wall and becomes encysted in the abdominal cavity ; when this cyst matures it contains the fully developed larva, which retains its vitality during the existence of the larval worm and has been noted still alive after metamorphosis into the perfect insect; it is possible that other invertebrates may act as an intermediate host; if the pig eats these white worms or May beetles containing the encysted larva, the young echi- norhynchus is set free by the process of digestion Fig. 58— ECHINORHYNCHUS GiGAS. Cephalic extremity showing globe- shaped proboscis and six rows of booklets. Photomicrograph, 1 x % 138 PARASITOLOGY. and attaches itself to the mucous membrane of the small intestines by means of its six rows of booklets and develops into the adult worm. Animal Infested. — The hog. Parts Infested. — The small intestines. Condition Produced. — By the anchorage of the cephalic extremity, by means of its hooked proboscis, there is produced a small tumefaction which pushes the serous covering of the intestine out ; from the serous surface of the bowel this nodule resembles a tubercle, and may be mistaken for tuberculosis; upon close examination the head of the echino- rhynchus will be found atta -'-'"' \o the inner part of the nodule. Symptoms. — When infested by large numbers they may cause a loss of appetite, derangement of diges- tion, general unthrifty condition and later emaciation and convulsions ; they may prove fatal among pigs. Treatment. — To remove the worms from the in- testinal tract the same treatment is used as for the Ascaris Suilla ; to prevent the hogs from becoming infested it will be necessary to keep them on a board floor so that it will be impossible for the ova to reach the intermediate host, or to subject the feces laden with ova to an antiseptic solution ; as the white worms are found most frequently in manure piles and in very rich earth, these are the most fertile fields for the intermediate host. TREMATODA (Trematodes— flukes). The order Trematoda belongs to the class Plat- helmintha and includes a group of worms that are commonly called flukes. They produce a disease PARASITOLOGY. 139 called Distomiasis or Distomatosis, which is divided into various forms viz.: Hepatic Distomiasis caused by the Distoma Hepaticum, Distoma Americanus, Distoma Lanceo- lata. Pulmonary Distomiasis caused by the Paragoni- mus Westermanii. Gastric Distomiasis caused by the Amphistoma Cervi. Vascular Distomiasis caused by the Schistosoma Bovis. FASCIOLIDAE. The family Fasciolidae belongs to the order Trematoda and includes the genus Distoma. THE FLUKES. (Dis — twice) Distoma Hkpaticum (Stoma — mouthy (Hepatic — liver) Synonyms. — Fasciola Hepaticum. Liver Fluke. Distribution. — Found in the low-lying lands of the United States where the weather is warm and con- ditions are favorable for the development of the lar- val state. Also found in the low-lying land of Scot- land and other countries. Descriptioyi — The body is flat and leaf-like; it is oblong, larger and rounder in front; at the extreme anterior end it is abruptly contracted in such a way as to present a conical neck ; it terminates ob- tusely behind. The antero-posterior diameter is about one to one and one-fourth inches ; the width jueasures one-third to one-half inch. It is provided 140 PARASITOLOGY. with two suckers, oral and ventral. At the bottom of the oral sucker is placed the mouth, which com- municates with the intestines by means of an oesoph- agus. The intestines consist of two ramifying branches which permeate the whole body. The ventral sucker lies about one-sixth of an inch behind the oral one. The fluke is brown in color and is a hermaphrodite ; the penis projects in front of the ventral sucker, always recurved ; the vulva is small and situated at the side or a little behind the male orifice. Life History. — The fluke is ovip- arous ; the eggs are ovoid in shape and brown in color; they are laid in the bile ducts and through the hepatic duct find their way to the intestinal tract, then to the ground through the feces ; if the ova fall in dry places they soon perish, if in damp or marshy places they hatch in from five to six weeks ; at this stage the whole body of the em- bryo is covered with cilia, which enables it to move about in the water. At one end is a lancet-like projection which can be thrust out or withdrawn; by means of this apparatus it bores into the second host; if it does not meet one in a day or two it dies ; if it meets a water snail it penetrates it and be- comes lodged in the respiratory cavity and begins its metamorphosis into the larval Fig. 69.— DisTOMA Hepaticum. The specimen from which this drawing was made was placed be- tween two glass slides with rubber bands around each end, giv- ing specimen gentle pressure, then kept im- mersed in alcohol one week, then mounted in Canada balsam. a. Intestines. b. Oral sucker. c. ventral sucker. d. Uterus. PARASITOLOGY. 141 state. It loses its layer of ciliated epithelial cells and the small mass of round cells forming the interior of the body rapidly grow ; it soon develops into the Spo= rocyst. From the cells in the sporocyst are formed five to eight redia ; each redia in turn develops from fifteen to twenty cercaria ; the cercaria is the fully developed larval stage, oval in shape, provided with an oral and ventral sucker, a rudimentary di- gestive tract and a tail. It now leaves the snail and is enabled to move about in the water by means of its tail and crawls upon a blade of grass or an aquatic plant ; it loses its tail at this period and be- comes encysted with a gelatinous substance with which it provides itself ; this is the fully developed larval stage. The cysts are the most numerous on the part of the grass close to the ground ; the larva retains its vitality for a long time if it is in a moist locality; these cysts appear as very small white specks and are eaten by the herbivora grazing upon these infested pastures. The cyst upon reaching the stomach is digested and the larva, set free, soon finds its way to the bile duct, and thence to the liver. Animals Infested. — The ox, sheep, goat, pig, horse, and man. Part Infested. — The liver. Conditions Produced. — The worms invade the bile ducts and here develop into the mature worm ; here they live for six months, then die. In autopsy work one's attention is attracted by the enlargement of the large bile duct on the posterior face of the liver; a cut section of this part shows a greatly thickened wall and many worms contained within the duct ; the bile may be somewhat thicker than 142 PARASITOLOGY. . normal with a few dark flocculi. As many as a hundred flukes have been taken from the ducts of a single liver. The liver is unfit for food. Symptoms. — Distomiasis or liver rot appears mostly among cattle in the United States on account of the fact that cattle are grazed on the low lying in- fested lands ; while the sheep come mostly from the high table lands where conditions are not favorable for their development into the larval stage. In Eng- land the sheep are most often affected on account of the reversed conditions to what they are in the United States. The symptoms given us by observers in that country are as follows : The malady is di- vided into four stages or periods. First period is that of immigration; the flukes are small and do not cause excessive disturbance. This period lasts from four to thirteen weeks. Second period is that of anemia after the thir- teenth week from infestation ; the sheep are less lively, the mucous membrane is pale, the appetite good and the sheep show a tendency to fatten ( as a result of the stimulus to the liver which causes an increased flow of bile). In the latter part of this period the appetite diminishes, thirst increases ; rumination irregular; mucous membrane yellowish; may show edema ; wool is dry and brittle, and the sheep show great weakness. The feces contain the ova of the fluke. Third Period. — This is a period of loss of flesh ; the sheep becomes gradually weaker and emaciated ; the temperature is irregular, the respiration feeble and frequent ; pregnant ewes abort ; the milk of nursing ewes is poor in quality. Oedema is noted PARASITOLOGY. 143 in dependent parts, as intermaxillary space, along the trachea, under part of the thorax. Pain is noted on pressure on the region over the liver. Fourth Period,— That of emigration of the flukes, can be considered the period of convalescence. All symptoms grow gradually less. The liver, though infected only once, never entirely recovers. There is great mortality among sheep. Not such a large percentage of mortality among cattle. The symptoms in cattle are similar to those given above for sheep, though cattle have a greater resisting power to the effects of the invasion. DiSTOMA Americanus (Americanus — America). Sy7ionyms. — Distoma Magna; Fasciola Ameri- canus; Distoma Texicanum; Fasciola Magna; American liver fluke. Distribution. — Found common in the cattle from the low-lying lands of the South and Southwest. Description.— ^\vQ body is flattened, leaf-like and slate colored ; it measures one to one and one-quarter inches long and about one inch wide ; it is provided with two suckers, oral and ventral, as in the preced- ing species. The mouth is located at the bottom of the oral sucker. The ramifying intestinal branches permeate the entire worm and can be plainly seen when the worm is placed between two glass slides and pressed. It is a hermaphrodite, the male and female genital organs being placed anterior to and around the ventral sucker. The ventral sucker is located about ne-fourth inch behind the oral one. Life Cycle. — The life cycle is similar to that of the Distoma Hepaticum. 144 PARASITOLOGY. Anhiiah Lifestcd. — The ox, sheep, pig, etc. Parts Infested — Liver, sometimes the lungs. The writer has noted one case of Hepatic Distomiasis in a pig ; four specimens of the Distoma Americanus were found. Condi ti07is Produced. — The larval fluke upon being taken into the stomach on grass is liberated by the dissolving of the gelatinous capsule enclosing it. It finds its way to the liver through the hepatic duct and finally becomes stationary in a small bile duct ; or it may penetrate the duct and become lodged in Fig. 60.— DisioMA Americanus. a, Oral sucker. b, Ventral sucker. c, Intestine the tissue outside. It here forms a cyst which varies in size up to a hen's ^ZZ* The outer surface of the liver presents the appearance of black prominent elevations. Upon section of these tumefactions they are found to contain a cavity within, which is filled with a chocolate-colored fluid and some debris, and in the older cysts some earthy material. One or more flukes are found in each cyst. The portal lymph glands, that lie against the posterior surface of the liver at a point where the portal vein PARASITOLOGY. 145 enters, are swollen and appear slate colored or black. The serous membrane adjacent to the liver is slate colored. The young flukes may migrate through the diaphragm and become lodged in the posterior lobe of the lung, where they form a cyst as in the liver , the attention is first attracted to the infested part by the interlobular substance being stained dark, often- times black ; upon closer examination a tumefaction is found which, when sectioned, is found to contain the characteristic cyst. The adult fluke lives about six months. The symptoms and general debilitating conditions are the same as in infestation with the Distoma Hepaticum. Often cattle are infested with both Distoma Hepaticum and Distoma Americanus. Distoma Lanceolata (Lancea — lance). Distribution. — Found in countries and localities where the preceding species are found. Description. — The body is lancet shaped, brownish in color and semi-transparent ; when the uterus is filled with ova the body presents a mottled appear- ance, on account of the fact that the integument is semi-transparent. The intestinal tract consists of two non-ramifying branches. The adult is from one- third to one-half inch in length and one-tenth inch wide. Life Cycle. — The life cycle is the same as in the preceding species ; the ovum undergoes segmenta- tion and develops embyos in the maternal body , but is not hatched until it has been in water three weeks. The embryo is globular or pyriformin shape, ciliated on the anterior third of the body, and armed with a sharp protractile and retractile cephalic needle. 146 PARASITOLOGY. Ariimals Infested. — The ox, sheep, hog, etc. Paris Infested. — The liver. Symptoms. — Similar to that caused by infestation with the preceding species. Paragonimus Westermanii (Westerman). Synonyms. — Distoraa Ringeri; Distoma Pulmonale; Distoma Westemanii. Distribution. — Rare in the United States. Common in China, and other Asiatic countries. Description. — The body is thick and elongated ; bluntly rounded at both extremities ; its other anatomical structures are similar to the preceding flukes; the ventral sucker is located about three- sixteenths of an inch behind the oral one ; the adult is about one-half inch long ; it is reddish brown or slate colored. Animals Infested. — Man, hog, dog and cat. Parts Infested. — The lungs. Conditions Produced. — The fluke invades the lung tissue and produces a cyst; some are located super- ficially, some deep; the cyst is usually from one-half to one inch in diameter and contains a small quantity of chocolate colored fluid and usually two flukes. Amphistoma Cervi lAmphi — both) (Stoma — mouth) Synonyms. — Conical Stomach Fluke ; Amphistoma Conicum. Distribution. — Rare in the United States. Have been reported in Canada, Europe, Australia and Egypt. Description. — It is conical in shape, thin in front PARASITOLOGY. 147 and gradually thickening toward the posterior part ; slightly curved on the ventral surface. It fixes itself to the mucous membrane by means of a sucker on the posterior or large end. It is of a pinkish color and about one-half inch in length. Animals Infested. — The ox, sheep, goat, and camel. Parts Infested. — The Rumen. Condition Produced. — They attach themselves to the mucous membrane between the papillae of the rumen ; most common near the oesophageal groove. They are not reported as causing serious results. SCHISTOSOMIDAE. The family Schistosomidae includes the blood flukes. (Soma — body) Schistosoma Bovis (Bovis — ox) (Schistos — cleft) . Synonym. — Blood fluke. Description. — Small in size, round in shape and provided with two suckers located on the anterior end. The female is larger than the male. The eggs are elongated and armed with sharp points. Animals Infested. — The ox and sheep. Parts Infested. — Blood vessels. Condition Produced. — The animals presumably be- come infested through drinking water. The flukes are found principally inhabiting the veins of the ab- domen, more especially the venous plexuses of the bladder and rectum. They may cause nephritis, cystitis, and as a result bloody urine or feces. The adjacent lymph glands become hypertrophied. The condition may terminate in death. 148 PARASITOLOGY. CESTODA. The order Cestoda (kestos — girdle, eidos — like) belongs to the class Plathelmintha and includes a large group of worms that are provided with a ribbon shaped body, proceeding from a small head and neck. The head or scolex may be provided with four sucker discs and a rostellum of booklets. The booklets are arranged in two circular rows in the center of a square formed by the four sucker discs at the extreme cephalic extremity. This is called an armed taenia (tapeworm). The head may be pro- vided with only four sucker discs. This is called an unarmed taenia. These constitute its fixation ap- paratus by which means it fixes itself firmly to the mucous membrane of the intestine and floats back in the intestinal contents. A neck connects the head with the body; in some species it is short, in others long and slender, while in others, as the species found in the horse, the neck is absent. The body is flat, ribbon-shaped and segmented ; it is composed of a network of cells with anastomosing prolonga- tions. The integument comprises a homogeneous cuticle lying on a subcuticular layer of longitudinal and transverse fibers. It is provided with a rudi- mentary nervous system which consists of two long- itudinal cords united by a transverse commissure at the head. There is no digestive apparatus ; the worm absorbs nourishment through fine canaliculi which traverse the cuticle. There is no circulatory apparatus ; the integument serves for the exchange of gases. The excretory canal consists of four tube- like structures which traverse the entire length of PARASITOLOGY. 145 the worm; two are located dorsaily and two ventral- iy and open at the posterior border of the last seg ment through an opening called the caudal foramen. The segments develop from the neck ; each new seg- ment pushes the preceding one on, until there is a chain of segments. As the segments grow they be- come longer and wider so that the strobilus (strobilos — pine cone, meaning adult tapeworm) has an attenuated appearance anteriorly with a narrow neck and a very small head. Each segment is, to a certain extent, an individual within itself. It absorbs nutrients and through its integument exchanges gases. It is a hermaphrodite, possessing both male and female genital organs. The genital pore is located on the side of each segment. In some spec- ies there is a genital pore on each side, the segment being a double hermaphrodite. The sexually devel- oped segment is called a mature segment; the seg- ment whose uterus is filled with mature ova is called a ripe segment and is ready to detach itself and produce its kind. The tapeworms of the horse, ox and sheep are all unarmed. The life cycle is un- known ; most of the adult tapeworms of man, dog and cat are armed, and the life cycle known. In this life cycle the larval stage is developed in another animal ; this stage is called the cystic or hydatic stage. The condition of an animal harboring tapeworms is called taeniasis. TAENIDAE. The family Taenidae belongs to the order Cestoda under which the genus Taenia is placed. 150 PARASITOLOGY, TAPEWORMS OF MAN. Two tapeworms of man find a lower animal as an intermediate host, viz. : Taenia Solium and Taenia Saginata, Taenia Solium (Taenia — ribbon) (vSola — alone) Syyionym. — Taenia Armata. History. — Adult tapeworms in man and their effect upon the health of the host dates back to the begin- ning of history; we find the first description of tape- worms in the seventeenth century. The life cycle was worked out about 1850. Distribution. — Frequent in the United States ; also found in many other countries. Description. — The head is scarcely larger than a pin head and is provided with four sucker discs and twenty-four to thirty-two booklets. The worm may reach the length of forty feet. The latter segments are as long or longer than broad ; the genital pores are prominent and irregularly alternate ; as soon as the segments are filled with mature ova they detach themselves and pass out to the ground with the feces. From one to half a dozen detach themselves at one time. Each segment contains many hundred ova. Life Cycle. — The ova become disseminated through the water or food and are through these channels taken in by the intermediate host, which is the hog. In the stomach the ovum hatches into a six-hooked embryo, which, by means of its booklets finds its way through the stomach or intestinal wall and wanders through the tissues or is carried by the blood stream or lymph current ; in nine days the em- PARASITOLOGY. 151 bryo finds a resting place. From this small mass of protoplasm is developed first an acephalo cyst, which is provided with two membranes, the outer one called the hydatic membrane and the inner one called the germinal membrane ; from the germinal membrane there is developed the larva ; this consti- tutes the fully developed larval state. The cyst is oval in shape and about one-half to two-thirds the size of a navy bean ; the larva can be seen through the cyst wall as a small white body and consists of the head, provided with four sucker discs and twenty- four to thirty-two booklets arranged in a double row. This head or larva is attached to the inner or ger- minal membrane by means of a pedicle and floats in a colorless fluid ; each cyst contains but one larva. The cyst is fully developed in sixty days ; it infests voluntary, involuntary and heart muscles, and the glands and organs of the body, invading the cancel- lated portion of bone. After cysts are quite old they undergo degeneration, beginning from without to within ; through this degeneration process the cyst wall may rupture and and cyst collapse, or it may become filled with a cheesy or earthy material. Should man eat the meat of the hog infested with the cyst containing the living larva, through diges- tion the larva is liberated and finds its way to the small intestines and fixes itself to the mucous mem- Tarane by means of its booklets and four sucker discs, and develops into the mature form. Animals Infested. — Man, hog and dog. Parts Infested. — Adult infests the small intestines of man. The larval form infest the muscle structure of the hog and sometimes the dog, in cyst formation. 152 PARASITOLOGY. The condition of the muscle being infested by these cysts is called measly pork; the cyst or larva cysticercus cellulosae. Symptoms. — In badly infested cases the cysts may be found bulging from the mucous surface of the sides of the tongue or phrenum, or from the conjunc- tival or rectal mucous membrane. When the cysts in the tongue are numerous they may cause partial paralysis, and as a result, difficult prehension of food. If the cysts are formed in the brain or spinal cord various nervous disorders, as vertigo, convulsions, etc., may be observed. When generalized the ani- Fig. 61— Cysticercus Cellulosae of tongue, (measly pork), a, Muscle fibers b, cyst showing larva wiihin. mal is unthrifty, weak and emaciated. In post mor- tem v^ork the meat from such infested hogs should be condemned as unwholesome and dangerous. In man the adult worm causes disturbance in digestion, nausea, tmcomfortable fe-^iing in the abdominal re- gion, loss of flesh, etc. Taenia Saginata (Saginatus — to make fat). Syiiojiym. — Taenia Mediocanellata. Distrilmtion. — More common in the United States than the preceding species ; also common in othei countries. PARASITOLOGY. 153 Description. — This worm is flat and ribbon shaped, with a narrow neck of medium length joining- the head to the body ; the head is small and provided with four sucker discs. It is the unarmed tapeworm of man. The latter segments are a little longer than broad ; the terminal segments are about three-six- teenths of an inch wide ; the genital pores irregu- larly alternate. The worm may reach the length of forty feet. Life Cycle. — The life cycle is similar to that of the Taenia Solium. The intermediate host is the ox, which becomes infested through water or food contam- inated with the infested excrements of man. The ovum upon reaching the stomach of the ox is hatched into a microscopic globular-shaped embryo provided with six booklets. Like the embryo of the preceding species they penetrate the tissues, through which they gradually work their way to various parts of the body, and in the course of nine days become station- ary and they form a cyst through the same trans- formation as in the preceding, which requires about sixty days. These cysts are about two-thirds the size of a navy bean and contain a single larva which consists of a head and neck. The head is provided with four sucker discs ; by examining the cyst the larva appears as a small white mass attached to the mother or germinal membrane, floating in a color- less fluid, and plamly visible through the cyst wall. Should a member of the human family eat meat (beef dried, rare done or raw,) containing the cysts in which is found the living larva, he would become infested with adult tapeworm. In the stomach the larva would be liberated and upon reaching the 154 PARASITOLOGY. small intestines would attach itself to the mucous membrane by means of its four sucker discs and de- velop into the adult worm ; if the meat is thoroughly cooked the larvae are destroyed. These cysts undergo degeneration as in the preceding species. The writer has observed cysts in the heart of a four year old steer in which many of the cysts had under- gone degeneration. The cystic tissues had been re- placed with a yellowish cheesy pus. The cystic larva is called cysticercus bovis. The infestation of beef with the cystic form of the Taenia Saginata is called measly beef. Aniuials Infested. — Man by the adult worm ; cattle by the larva. Parts Lifested. — The adult infests the small intes- tines; the cystic form infests the muscle structures. The most common locations of these cysts are the masseter muscles, then the tongue and heart, and in badly infested cases in all tissues of the body. Symptoms. — The symptoms of animals and persons infested by this species are the same as that caused by the preceding species. TAPEWORMS OF HORSES. The tapeworms of horses are three. Their life history is unknown, and all are unarmed. They are rare in the United States. Taenia Perfoliata (Per — through ; folium — leaf.) Description. — The head is large and globular in shape, and is provided with sucker discs; the neck is absent; the segments are very short and at the terminal end are about one-half inch wide. There PARASITOLOGY. 155 is a slight attenuation toward the posterior extrem- ity. The entire worm measures from two to two and one-half inches long. Animal Infested. — The horse. Parts Infested. — The caecum. Taenia Mamillana (Mammalis — mammal). Description. — The head is rounded, with the sucker discs located at the side, in the form of slits; the neck is absent, and the posterior border of the seg- ments is wider than the anterior; the worm is much smaller than the preceding one, measuring one to one and one-half inches long. Animal Infested. — The horse. Parts Infested. — Small intestines. Taenia Plicata (Plicatus — to fold) . Description. — The head is thick and wide ; it is depressed on either side ; the suckers are located at the free end of the head, and are round; the neck is absent; the segments are about one-half inch wide; the worm measures from two to three inches in length. Animal Infested. — The horse. Parts Infested. — The intestines and colon. TAPEWORMS OF CATTLE AND SHEEP. The tapeworms of cattle and sheep are unarmed Taenia. The segments are wider than long. The life history outside of the body is unknown. Taeniasis among cattle and sheep is more com- mon in summer than in winter. During the grass season range cattle are especially prone toward this infestation. 156 PARASITOLOGY. Taenia Expansa (Expansus — broad). Synonym. — Moniesia Planissima. Distribution. — Common in the United States, es- pecially in range cattle. Description. — Its head is very small, and is pro- vided with four sucker discs ; the head is followed by along, slender neck; the segments of specimens from cattle often measure an inch in width ; these widest segments are only about one-eighth of an :== : -' ^ • : * ) Fig. 62.— Taenia Expansa (from ox). a. Head. C; Mature segments. b, Neck. d, Partially developed segments. inch long. The specimens infesting sheep measure only about one-half inch in width. The worm is thin and segments translucent; each segment is pro- vided with two genital pores ; one located at each margin. This worm may reach the length of twenty to forty feet. Life Cycle. — Animals are supposed to become in- PARASITOLOGY. 157 fested through water or food contaminated by the ova or embryos. Animals Infested. — The ox and sheep. Parts Infested. — The small intestines. Symptoms. — Cattle and sheep infested by only a few worms of this species, do not show any notice- able constitutional effect. Should myriads infest them, the animal may show an unthrifty condition, due to irritation and loss of nutrients. Treatment. — After the infested animals ^ , have been fasted for twenty - four hours, they should be given a physic and parasiti- cide. Cattle take one to two pounds of Ep- som salts, according to the age; this should be accompanied with fluid extract male shield fern from four to six drams, powder- ed areca nut one-half to one ounce. Sheep take four to six ounces of Epsom salts according to their age. This should be given in conjunction with one to two drams fluid extract male shield fern, and one to three drams powdered areca nut. Fig 63.— Taenia Expansa (from sheep.) a, Head. b, Neck. c, Mature sejjriients. 158 PARASITOLOGY. Fig. 64.— Taenia Alba (from sheep). a, Head. b, Neck. c, Mature segments. Taenia Alba (Albus — white). Syfionyjn. — Moniesia Alba. Distribution. — Common in native and range cattle and sheep. Description. — This worm is whitish in color, the head small and provided with four sucker discs, which constitute the fixation ap- paratus. The neck is short. The segments are thicker and not so wide as com- pared to the preceding spe- cies. The widest segments reach about one-half inch. The worm, when fully de- veloped, measures from three to seven feet. The ones infesting cattle de- velop larger, and longer than those in sheep. Life Cycle. — Same as preceding one. Animals Infested. — The ox and sheep. Parts Infested. — Small intestines. Symptoms. — Usually found in small numbers in cattle and no serious results are credited to them. Outbreaks of Taeniasis among lambs have been reported in which the fatality ran fifteen to twenty percent. If in small numbers in sheep they do not cause serious disturbance. Treatment. — Same as for Taenia Expansa. Taenia Fimbriata (Fimbria — fringe). Synonym. — Thysanosoma Actinioides. Distribution. — The most common species of tape- worm infesting sheep. PARASITOLOGY. 159 Description. — The head is some larger than that of the two preceding species and is provided with four sucker discs ; the neck is short and thick ; the seg- ments are wider than long. The terminal segments are narrower than the preceding ones, which gives the worm an attenuated appearance. The posterior borders of the segments are fringed both dorsally and ventrally with finger-like projections ; those on the border of the segments close to the head are short but on the lateral segments the fringe covers the succeeding ones. The fully developed worm varies from three to six inches in length. Life History. — The history outside of the animal is not known. Animals become in- fested through contaminated food or water. Ajiimals Infested. — Sheep. Parts Infested. — Small intes- tines. Symptoms. — When the animal is infested by many worms they may interfere with digestion and by robbing the host of nu- trients cause an unthrifty con- dition ; they may prove serious to lambs. Many times the worms find their way from the duodenum, through the bile duct to the gall bladder ; they may clog the gall duct and cause serious results. Treatment. — Same as for the Taenia Expansa. Fig. (35- Taenia Fimbriata. a, Head. b, neck. c, Terminal segments with fimbria. 160 PARASITOLOGY TAPEWORMS OF DOG. The tapeworms commonly found in the dog are armed ; their life history is known. Taenia Marginata (Marginatus— margined). Synonym. — Marginate tapeworm. Distribution. — One of the common tapeworms of the dog; the shepherd dogs are a common carrier of the worm. Description. — The head is scarce- ly wider than the neck and is pro- vided with four sucker discs be- tween which is located arostellum of hooklets ; this rostellum is arranged in a double circular form and consists of from thirty to forty hooklets. The neck is short ; the segments as they develop from the neck are shorter than broad. As the distance from the head grows greater the segments be- come wider and longer; the mature segments are nearly square ; the ripe segments are slightly longer than wide; the genital pores irregularly alternate. The worms may develop to a length of five feet. Lite History. — The ripe segments detach them- selves and pass out to the ground with the feces ; the segments soon decompose and myriads of ova are liberated; these become disseminated by rain. The sheep become infested through the food and water ; upon reaching the stomach the ovum hatches into a six hooked embryo which penetrates the stomach Fiy. 0(5- TAENIA MAKdNATA. a, Head. b, Neck. c, Genital pore, d, Ripe segments. PARASITOLOGY, 161 wall and invades the liver tissues, where it passes part of its life in its transformation into the larva; later it leaves the liver and becomes lodged in tlie peri- toneal cavity ; here it forms a cyst which varies in size up to a hen's egg. This cyst is fully developed in 250 ////,//' /''/J/i, Fig. 67.— Cysticercus Tenuicollis. a, Small intestines. b, Mesentery. c, Cyst. days and is provided with two fibrous walls, an outer thick membrane called the hydatic membrane and a thin inner one called the germinal or mother mem- brane ; from this mother membrane is developed a single larva which is suspended by means of a pedi- 162 PARASITOLOGY. cle and floats in a colorless fluid ; the larva consists of the head and neck, from which is developed the adult worm, when ingested by the dog. The larva can be seen as a small white body through the cyst wall ; these cysts are attached to the mesentery, omenta or capsule of the liver. They are called cysticercus tenuicollis. When this cyst is devour- ed by the dog, the larva is liberated through the di- gestion of the cyst walls ; upon passing out to the small intestines it becomes attached by means. of its fixation apparatus, which consists of four sucker discs and a rostellum of booklets, and develops into the adult worm in four months. Animals Infested. — Adult infests dog ; larva infests sheep ; also observed in hog and other animals. Parts Infested. — Adults are found in the small in- testines. The cystic or hydatic form in the perito- neal cavity. Symptoms. — When the dog is infested by large numbers they cause irregularity of digestion, ner- vousness and loss of condition. Treatmerit. — For a dog of twenty-five pounds weight, give the following: I^ Fid. ext. male fern 5i Pulv. areca nut-_ - --grs.xx Simple syrup qs. ad 5iv M. S. Give at one dose. This can be repeated in four or five days. Taenia Echinococcus (Kokkus — be-ry). Distribution. — One of the most common tapeworms of dogs in the United States. In autopsy of eighty dogs fifty percent were found to be infested by the PARASITOLOGY. 163 Taenia Echinococcus ; also found in Europe On an average about one percent of hogs harbor the cystic form ; rare in sheep ; not reported in cattle in this country. Description. — The head of the adult worm is glob- ular in shape, provided with four sucker discs and a rostellum of from twenty-eight to fifty booklets; the neck is long and distinct; the entire worm consists of four segments, including the head; the terminal segment is nearly as long as the balance of the worm. It is four or five times as long as wide. As soon as the segment is ripe (filled with mature ova) it detaches itself, and is passed out to the ground with the feces. The entire worm measures from one-fifth to one- fourth inch long and is very slender ; as a result it may be easily overlooked in holding autopsy. Life History. — The intermediate host is the hog, sheep, ox or man. The detached segment, which passes to the ground, soon decays and liberates myriads of ova, which become disseminated over the ground, pasture and water supply by the rains ; thus through contaminated water and food this microscopic o^z^ is taken in by the intermediate host. Upon reaching the stomach a minute six=hooked embryo is liberated which invades the tissues and becomes lodged in some organ, usually the liver or lungs; it here undergoes a metamorphosis into the larval form. First is developed an acephalocyst ; this is provided with hydatic and germinal mem- branes; the hydatic membrane is thick while the germinal membrane is thin. The cyst develops very slowly and arrives at this stage in about five months ; on the inner surface of the mother mem- 164 PARASITOLOGY. brane appears a minute papillary elevation which becomes hollowed in the center and forms another cystcalled the daughter cyst (secondary or proliger- ous cyst) . This is attached to the mother membrane by a short pedicle ; the bud from the mother mem- brane may develop a larva or scolex which is attach- ed to it by a short slender pedicle ; this development may proceed until fifteen or twenty heads are there attached; on the inner side of the daughter vesicle may be developed five to ten heads or larvae or another vesicle called a grand=daughter vesicle ; the grand-daughter vesicle may develop within it another cyst called a great=grand=daughter vesicle, which is always an acephalocyst. These secondary cysts may develop so as to be practically outside of -the mother cyst, thus, multiple cysts result. The cyst contains a colorless poisonous fluid of saline, neutral or slightly acid reaction ; this development goes on until the entire organ is filled with multiple cysts ; these cysts vary in size up to one and one-half inches in diameter. This condition is called echino= COCCUS veterinorum, echinococcus polymorphus, or cysticercus echinococcus. Sometimes instead of this form of cyst formation there is formed a cluster of cysts varying in size from a millet seed to a pea ; these are in clusters like a bunch of grapes and are called echinococcus multilocularis or echinococcus alveolaris. These cysts may under- go degeneration; the cyst wall ruptures and the cyst collapses. Cysts have been known to retain their vitality for many years. Dogs consuming these cysts develop the mature worm. Animals hifested. — The adult Taenia infests the Plate XI. Fig. 1 — Taenia ^largiiiata. (Cephalic extremity). -a, Hooklecs. b, Sucker. c, Neck. Fig. 3— Taenia Fiinbriata. (Cephalic extremity. Par- tial front view). a, Sucker — a partial vie-w of under sucker. b, Neck. 2, First segments of body. £ Fig. 2 — -C.rsfieercns Teiiiiieol- (Larva of Taenia Margina- ta. Sliowing four sucker discs and rostellum of hooklets). Fig. 4 — Seetion tlirougli oyst of Cj-stieerciis ICcliiiioeoe- eiis. Germinal membrane slight- ly detached, with larvae. b, Hydatic membrane. c, Section of liver. Pig. 5 — L a r V a e Cystieereus Ecliluoeoecus. (Magnified). a, Larvae showing rostellum of hooklets. b, Germinal membrane. to which larvae are attached by means of pedicle. PARASITOLOGY, 165 dog; the larval (cystic or hydatic) form infests the hog, sheep, ox and man. Parts Infested. — The adult is found in the small in- testines; the larval form in the liver, principally; occasionally in the lungs and sometimes in other organs. Symptoms. — When the cysts invade an organ to a sufficient extent they interfere with the functions of that organ ; animals so infested gradually lose con- dition; there is loss of appetite, jaundice, oedema under breast or neck and jaws; nervous disorders if they should invade the brain. In dogs, infestation by myriads of adults, produces indigestion, nervousness, nausea and gradual loss of condition. Taenia Coenurus (Common tail). Distribution. — Found in European countries ; not reported in the United States. Description. — The head is small and provided with four sucker discs and a rostellum of from twenty-two to thirty-two booklets ; the neck is narrow ; the mature segments are as long as wide ; the genital pores irregularly alternate ; the ripe segments are nearly twice as long as wide. The worm usually attains the length of two to three feet. Life Cycle. — The ripe segments from the small in- testines of the dog pass out to the ground with the feces ; these segments soon decompose and myriads of ova are liberated which become desseminated in food and water. The intermediate host is sheep which become infested through contaminated food or water. The ova, upon reaching the stomach, hatch into six- hooked embryos which immediately begin to migrate 166 PARASITOLOGY. through the tissues, or they may penetrate an artery and be carried by the blood current ; the embryos will develop only in nerve tissue, and may be carried to these centers through the blood stream ; if lodged in tissue, not nerve, they perish, but if lodged in the brain or spinal column they begin their transformation into the hydatic state ; in eight or nine days after the ova are ingested the embryos have reached the brain and in twenty days are about one-tenth inch in diameter; development continues and they are fully developed in ninety days. The cysts possess a hydatic and germinal membrane ; from this inner or germinal membrane there is devel- oped from one to two hundred heads or larva. The encysted larva is called Coenurus Cerebralis or Cysticercus Coenurus. They may develop in the coverings of the brain or spinal cord or in the brain and cord substance ; if the dog eats these cysts, through digestion the larva (which consists of ahead provided with four sucker discs and a rostellum of booklets and a neck) is liberated and fixes itself to the mucous membrane of the small intestines and develops into the mature worm in two months. Animal Infested. — The adult infests the dog ; the larva infests sheep, and, rarely, cattle. Parts Infested. — The adult worm infests the small intestines of the dog ; the larval or cystic form is found in the brain or spinal cord. Disease Frodticed. — Gid ; turnsick; sturdy; water- brain. Symptoms. — A dog infested by the adult worms shows the same symptoms as when infested by any one of the preceding species, and is amenable to the PARASITOLOGY. 167 same treatment. If many embryos become lodged in the cranial cavity of the sheep the first symptoms will appear about the eighth or tenth day ; they cause a cerebral congestion which produces dullness ; the head is held in a drooping position, the eyes are red, and the head hot over the affected region ; there may be spasms and paralysis. If only a few embryos are present they will not produce the symptoms so quickly ; later the sheep keeps apart from the flock, the pupils are dilated, and the animal mxanifests an unsteady gait ; the animal may turn in a circle, to the right or left, depending on which side the cysts are developed ; if the cysts are in the right hemis- phere it will turn to the right; if in the left hemis- phere it will turn to the left. The limbs on the opposite side of the body are stiff or partially para- lyzed ; if both hemispheres are invaded the sheep may turn to the left, then to the right, depending upon which side the greatest irritation exists ; if the cysts are in the center, in the region of the corpus callosum or hippocampus the sheep elevates its nose and goes straight forward ; if the cysts are lodged in the cerebellum they produce great incoordination of movements ; if in the corpus striatum or optic thal- mus the animal will become blind ; if the cysts devel- op in the spinal cord, they produce partial or com- plete paralysis of the part posterior to this point. Treatment. — If these cysts are located superficially they may be removed by aid of a trocar or by trephin- ing over the part ; as the fluid escapes from the punctured cyst the mother membrane floats out and by aid of a pair of forceps can be removed, 168 PARASITOLOGY. Taenia Serrata (Serratus — a saw). Distributio7i. — Not common in the United States ; found in the European countries. Description. — The head is only a trifle wider than the neck, and is provided with four sucker discs and a rostellum of from thirty-four to thirty-eight hooklets ; the first segments, like those in the preceding species, are narrow and shorter than wide ; farther down the strobilus the segments are as long as wide and slightly contracted at each end, which gives the worm a serrated appearance. The ripe segments are about one-half inch long. Life History. — The ripe segments detach them- selves, pass out to the ground with the fecal matter of the dog, and thus the ova become desseminated over the ground, and through the food or water the intermediate host becomes infested ; the intermediate host is the rabbit. In the stomach of the rabbit the microscopic six-hooked embryo is liberated, which migrates to the peritoneal cavity and forms a cyst called the cysticercuspisiformis; the cyst contains a single larva or scolex (head) attached to the mother membrane by means of a pedicle, and floats in a colorless fluid ; the dog becomes infested by eating the viscera containing the encysted larva. Animals Infested. — The adult infests the dog ; the larva infests the rabbit. Parts Infested. — The adult worm is found in the small intestines of the dog ; the larva or cystic form is found in the peritoneal cavity of the rabbit. Symptoms. — The adult form in the intestines of the dog produces the same symptoms and is amenable to the same treatment as the preceding species ; the PARASITOLOGY. 169 cysticercus pisiformis as a rule do not cause serious results in rabbits. Taenia Serialis. Distribution. — Not common ; reported more common in European countries. Descriptiori. — The head is wider than the neck and is provided with four sucker discs and a rostellum of from twenty-six to thirty hooklets ; the neck is long and slender ; the segments, at first shorter than broad, farther down the strobilus are as long as broad ; finally the ripe segments are about two and one-half times as long as broad ; these latter segments are narrower at the ends than at the middle. The genital pores irregularly alternate. Life Cycle. — The intermediate host is the rabbit and rodent, which become infested through water or food contaminated with the ova from the dog; in the stomach the six-hooked embryos are liberated; they migrate to the connective tissue and develop small cysts which contain a single larva suspended from the mother membrane by means of a pedicle, which floats in a colorless fluid. Dogs become infested by devouring the carcasses of rabbits or rodents harbor- ing the cystic form ; the larval or cystic form is called the coenurus serialis. Animals Infested. — The adult infests the dog ; the larval or cystic form infests the rabbits and rodents. Parts Infested — The adult infests the small intes- tines; the larval or cystic form the connective tissue. Symptotns. — The symptoms of a dog infested by the Taenia Serialis are the same as from infestation with other tape worms. The same treatment is indi- cated. 170 PARASITOLOGY. Taenia Canina (Canis — clog). Synonym. — Taenia Cucumerina. Distribiition. — The most common tapeworm found in the middle West; found in European countries. Description. — The head is suc- ceeded by a narrow, short neck ; it is provided with a club-shaped protractile proboscis which is lo- cated in the center of the head between four sucker discs ; this proboscis is provided with four rows of small booklets which point backward ; by means of this pro- boscis and the sucker discs it is enabled to hold firmly to the mu- cous membrane of the small intes- tines of its host. The terminal segments are about one-sixteenth of an inch in width and one half inch long; each seg- ment is provided with two genital pores, one located in the middle of each lateral side. The adult worm measures from five to twelve inches. Life History . — The intermediate host of the Taenia Canina is the biting louse (Trichodectes Latus) and the flea (Pulex Serraticeps). These insect parasites become infested while procuring food which is con- taminated ; the minute embryo is liberated in the di- gestive tract, migrates to the abdominal cavity and there forms a cyst known as the cryptocystis tricho= dectis (if formed in the louse) or cryptocystis pulecidae (if formed in the flea). The dog, by biting itself to relieve the irritation caused by these insects, gets them in its mouth ; thus the larva, which consists Fis-. 68- Taenia Canina. a, Head. b.Neck. c, Genital pore. d, Ripe segments. PARASITOLOaV. 171 of the scolex or head, and neck, after being liberated through digestion finds its way to the small intes- tines, and attaching itself to the mucous membrane becomes fully developed in about five weeks. Animals Infested. — The adult infests the dog; the larval or cystic form infests the flea and louse of the dog. Synnptoms. — Treatment. — Same as in the preceding species. Prophylaxis. — Keep dogs and kennels free from fieas and lice ; in this way the chain of the life cycle is broken. TAPEWORMS OF THE CAT. The tapeworms of the cat are armed ; the following is the most common. Taenia Crassicollis. Distribution. — Found in the United States. Description. — The worm may reach the length of five feet; the terminal segments are longer than wide; the head is provided with four sucker discs and a rostellum of from thirty to fifty booklets ; the neck is thick and short. Life Cycle. — Rats and mice become infested through food and water, in which animals the cystic or hydatic stage develops. The cyst is ovoid in shape, about the size of a pea and contains a single larva; the cystic form is called cysticercus fascio= Animals Infested. — The cat, rat and mouse. Parts hifested — The adult infests the intestines of the cat; the larval or cystic form, rats and mice. 172 PARASITOLOGY. Treatment. — Same as for dogs, with corresponding smaller dosage. BOTHRIOCEPHALIDAE. This family includes a group of worms which are close allies of the tapeworms. The head is oblong and is provided with two suckers arranged on the sides of the head in the form of slits. Each segment is provided with one genital pore, which is located in the center of the ventral surface. There is one genus, viz., Bothriocephalus. BoTHRiocEPHALUS Latus (Bothfida— suckcr) (Latus — broad). Syfionym. — Pit-headed tapeworm. Distribution. — Found in Japan, Switzerland, Holland and other countries. Description. — Its head is elongated and followed bj' a long, slender neck ; the head is provided with two suckers in the form of slits, located on the sides of the head ; the segments are very short ; the widest ones reach one-half inch in width. The genital pore is located in the center of the ventral side of each segment ; when the segment is full of mature ova it ruptures and the ova escape ; the segment now shrinks, which gives the posterior extremity of the worm an attenuated appearance. Life Cycle. — The ovum hatches a six-hooked em- bryo, which is covered with cilia; by means of the cilia it is enabled to move about in the water in quest of an intermediate host, which is a fish; in the fish it develops into the cystic or larval form, called the plerocercoid. Man eating the fish infested with PARASITOLOGY. 173 the live plerocercoid develops the adult Bothrioceph- alus Latus. Animal Infested. — Adult infests man; larva infests fish. Farts Infested. — The adult infests the smar intes- tines. The larval or cystic form infests the flesh of fish. CHAPTER III. PROTOZOA. CLASSIFICATION OF THE MORE COMMON PARASITIC PROTOZOA. Branch Protozoa Class Flagellata Order Monadida.. Family .Trypan"somidae Genus and Species Trypanosoma Evansi. Trypanosoma Brucii. Trypanosoma Equiper- dum. Trypanosoma Equinum. Trypanosoma Lewisi. Class Sporozoa Order Coccidia Genus and Species Coccidium Oviforme. Coccidium Bigeminum var. Canis. Coccidium Perforans. Order Sarcosporidia Genus and Species Sarcocystis Miescheri. Balbiania Gigantea. Order Hemasporidia Genus and Species Piroplasma Bigeminum. Piroplasma Ovis. Piroplasma Canis. Piroplasma Equi. Class Amoeba Genus and Species Amoeba Parasitica. Amoeba Meleagridis. Protozo.\ (Proton — first) (Zoon — animal) The word protozoon is derived from two words, protoon, first and zoon, animal. It is the first or 174 PARASITOLOGY. 175 lowest form of animal life. The single-cell parasites are classified according to their structure or mode of reproduction. The branch Protozoa includes three classes of interest to us, — viz. Flagellata, Sporozoa and Amoeba. FLAGELLATA. The class Flagellata includes single celled para- sites that are provided with one or more flagella ; by the aid of the flagella they are enabled to move about in the liquid substances in which they exist. Under this class is placed one order, viz., Monadida, and one important family, viz., Trypanosomidae. THE TRYPANOSOMAS. Trypanosoma Evansi (Borer, soma — body) (Evans). History. — Discovered in 1880 by Evans. Distrihition. — Found in India, Bombay, Southern China and Indo-China, Philippine Islands. Descriptio7i. — The protoplasmic body is elongated, pointed at both ends, and provided with a nucleus in the center. In the posterior end is a small centro- some; from this centrosome there proceeds a thread- like structure which, passing the anterior end, forms a long, projecting flagellum ; by this flagellum it is enabled to rapidly move about in the blood. They are twenty-five microns long and one-half micron broad. Life History. — The Trypanosomas are found free in the blood plasma and obtain their nourishment by osmosis ; multiplication occurs by simple cell divi- sion; the centrosome, nucleus, flagellum and proto- 176 PARASITOLOGY. plasm divide into two. The newly formed Trypano- somas develop to full sized organisms and divide again. An insect, — as a blood sucking fly — feasting upon an animal affected with surra, becomes infested, and in turn by piercing the skin of another animal to draw blood, inoculates it. Animals Infested. — Horse, camel, elephant and dog. Parts Infested. — The blood. Disease Produced — Surra ; rot. Fig. 70— Trypanosoma Evansi and blood cells. Symptoms. — The Trypanosoma invades the blood stream and develops very rapidly ; if they be im- mediately introduced into the blood stream they cause the first symptoms of surra to appear in from six to eight days. Surra is marked by a thermic disturbance ; there is noticed a remittent or inter- mittent fever which lasts for several weeks; erup- tions, resembling those of urticaria, may appear ; petechia of the mucous membrane of the eyes and PARASITOLOGY. 177 nose may be observed; there may be a nasal discharge and swelling of the submaxillary lymph glands ; there is a loss of appetite, a stairy coat and the ani- mal gradually becomes emaciated ; swellings appear in the region of the chest, abdomen, sheath, etc. 178 PARASITOLOGY. When these swellings are incised a serum escapes in which the protozoa can be found. Trypanosoma Brucii (Bruce). Distribution. — Found in Africa. Descriptio7i. — The Trypanosoma Brucii are elon- gated and more pointed at the flagellated end ; the body is slightly curved ; the nucleus is located in the center, close to the surface; the centrosome is in the blunt end and is clearly separated from the fiagellum. The flagellum proceeds from this end, follows the entire length of the body, and projects a distance out from the extremity, forming a hair-like appendage as in the preceding species. The protozoon measures about twenty-eight microns in length by one-half to two microns wide; if a drop of blood be drawn they can be found actively moving about in it. Life Cycle. — The protozoon divides by simple cell division; the centrosome becomes larger and elong- ated, then divides into two ; the flagellum becomes thickened and divides likewise into two ; this is ac- companied by a like division of the nucleus. The newly formed centrosome, nucleus and flagellum find their way to their respective sides; then comes the division of the protoplasm lengthwise. The two newly formed parasites now develop to full size and again divide. Intermediate Host. — The Glossina Morsitans or tsetse fly is the transmitter of the protozoon. Animals Infested. — The horse, ass, mule, ox and dog. Parts Infested. — Found free in the blood. Disease Produced. — Nagana ; tsetse fly disease. PARASITOLOGY. 179 Symptoms. — The period of incubation is about five days ; the temperature may reach 106 degrees Fah. Swelling appears in various parts of the body, as the chest, abdomen or head ; there is a loss of appetite, anemia and gradual emaciation. Trypanosoma Equiperdum (Equus— horse). Distribution. — America and Europe. Description. — The general appearance and method of cell division does not differ from the description given in the two preceding species ; the distinction between the species is largely by the symptoms and lesions produced. The protozoon measures about twenty microns long, one and one-half to two microns broad ; it is a trifle- shorter than the Trypanosoma Brucii. Life Cycle. — Its mode of multiplication is the same as in the preceding species ; the method of inocula- tion is by coition ; the diseased genital organ con- veyes the protozoon ; the Trypanosoma is found in the blood and also in the serum from the oedematous and ulcerous parts- A^iimals Infested. — The horse, ass and dog. Parts hifested. — Primarily genital organs ; later other parts. Name of Disease. — Maladie du coit; dourine; equine syphilis. Symptoms. — In the mare oedematus swellings ap- pear in the vulvar region, which develop in eight to ten days after coition ; in the horse, in the sheath, scrotum and penis ; the skin over these organs may show eruptions, in the form of vesicles; later, after the vesicles have ruptured, white spots appear. ISO PARASITOLOGY. The inguinal lymph glands which receive the lymph from these parts become swollen ; later, fibrous de- generation may take place both in these glands and the testicles ; the testicles may contain cavities of caseous pus; there may develop ulcerous patches on the penis, sheath and vulva. In later stages the nerve tissue, kidneys, lymph glands and other or- gans become infested. Trypanosoma Equinum. Distribution. — Found in Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia and Argentine Republic. Description. — This protozoon has the same general appearance as the trypanosoma Brucii, and multiplies in like manner. It measures from twenty-two to twenty-four microns long and about one and one-half microns broad. Life Cycle. — It passes through the same changes as the preceding species. The animals probably be- come inoculated by blood-sucking flies. Animals Infested. — The horse and, by experimental inoculation, ox, sheep, pig and dog. Part Infested. — The blood. Disease Produced. — Mai de caderas ; disease of hind quarters; flagellosis of equidae. Symptoms. — High elevations of temperature; the animal becomes weak and sluggish. The weakness is greatest in the hind quarters. Later he sways from side to side; scarcely able to move; gradual emaciation ; down, vmable to rise ; death. Trypanosoma Lewisi iLewis) Distribution. — Found in Cuba and other countries. Descriptio?i. — It somewhat resembles the other PARASITOLOGY. 181 trypanosomes and is about twenty-five microns long and one and one-half microns broad. Animals Infested. — Rats. Part Infested.— The blood. Condition Produced. — The mode of infection is sup- posed to be by means of lice and fleas. The rats suffer no inconvenience from this infestation, and therefore it must be considered non-pathogenic for this animal. SPOROZOA (Spore; zoon— animal). The class Sporozoa includes a group of single- celled microorganisms provided with a protoplasmic cell body in which is found a nucleus. It is pro- vided with a limiting membrane. The method of re- production is by the formation of spore corpuscles, or the division of the nucleus and protoplasm into several parts. Three orders of this class interest us, viz., Coccidia, Sarcosporidia and Hemasporidia. CocciDiUM OviFORME (Coccum — a kernel). Synonyjn. — Psorospermia oviforme. Distribution. — Found in the United States and Europe. Descriptio7i. — A single-celled animal organism, ovoid in shape, and forty to fifty microns long by twenty-two to twenty-eight microns thick. It is pro- vided with a double limiting membrane. The nu- cleus is three times as large as that of an epithelial cell; it readily stains with hematoxylin. Life Cycle. — From the protoplasm of the adult Coccidium there is developed small, rounded, nucle- ated masses (the spores). At first the diameter measures from nine to ten microns; this body grows 182 PARASITOLOGY. till it increases to twenty; later there is developed around this spherical mass a limiting membrane; as the development progresses the protoplasm sepa- rates from the cell wall; it then divides into two, then into four bodies called sporoblasts ; each sporoblast divides into two corpuscles. Each of the corpuscles, under favorable conditions, becomes an amoeboid individual, capable of invading epithelial cells. Animals Infested. — The ox, sheep, goat, pig, rabbit and man. Parts /,'//(?^/(?«'.— Epithelial cells of the intestinal mucous membrane and liver cells. Name of Disease. — Coccidiosis. When the liver cells are invaded it causes coccidian hapatitis. When the intestinal epithelial cells are invaded it causes intestinal coccidiosis. Condition Produced. — When the intestinal mucosa is infested there is a fetid diarrhoea, an elevation of temperature, loss of appetite, weakness, followed by death. On autopsy there is found a thickened, red- dened mucous membrane with ulcerated patches ; the mesenteric lymph glands are enlarged. If the liver is infested, small, round abscesses, varying in size to a hazel nut, are observed ; these abscesses are filled with a thick, creamy or cheesy pus ; the wall is thick and the inner surface velvety in appearance ; often the liver is several times its normal size, thoroughly studded with small abscesses. The carcass will be in an emaciated condition. CocciDiUM BiGEMiNUM, Variety Canis (Bis— twice) (Canis— dog). Synonyms. — Tetrasporous Coccidia; Cystosperm- ium Villarum Intestinalium Canis. PARASITOLOGY. 183 Distribution. — Found in America and Europe. Description. — These protozoa are elliptical micro- scopic bodies from twelve to fifteen microns long by seven to ten microns broad, and are found in pairs. In the center is a small granular nucleus. Life Cycle. — The protoplasm of the parent cell di- vides into four elongated spores, which are capable of invading new tissues, and which develop into mature form. Animal Infested. — The dog. Parts Infested. — Intestines, Condition Produced. — They are found infesting the intestinal mucosa, lodged immediately beneath the epithelial cells ; they are not attributed as causing serious disturbance. They have been found in the intestinal mucosa of healthy dogs. CocciDiUM Pkrforans (Per — through) (Forare — to bore). Distributio7i. — Reported in European countries; first reported in cattle in 1877- Description. — Rather ovoid in shape, measuring twenty-five to thirty-five microns long and fourteen to twenty microns broad ; the adult produces corpus- cles which invade the tissue and develop to full adult size. Animals Infested. — The ox, dog and rabbit. Parts Infested. — Air passages and bowels. Condition Produced. — Catarrhal inflammation of the upper air passage; thickening and inflammation of the mucosa of the stomach and the intestines; the mesenteric lymph glands, liver and spleen are also in a state of inflammation. The lesions all contain the coccidia. Fig. 71.— Sarcocystis Miescheri. Drawing made with Camera Lucida. 1, Longitudinal section of sarcocyst showing it enclosed in heart mus- cle cell. (3) 2, Nucleus heart muscle cell. 3, Loiiu'itudinal section heart muscle cell. [184 PARASITOLOGY. 185 Fig. 72— Sarcocystis Miescheki, Drawing made with Camera lucida. 1, Cross section sarcocyst, muscle cell enclosing sarcocyst ruptured. 2, Cross section of heart mugcle cell. 3, Fibrous connective tissue. 186 PARASITOLOGY. Symptoms. — Loss of appetite, elevation of temper- ature, 102° to 105° ; sunken eyes; grinding of teeth; later, fetid diarrhoea ; feces may be streaked with blood; may prove fatal in one or two days, or patient may live two or three weeks. Treatvient. — Intestinal antiseptics, as eucampholor kreso solutions. Sarcosporidia (Sporidum — a spore) (Sarx— flesh). This order, Sarcosporidia, belongs to the class Sporozoa, and includes single-celled parasites that infest the muscle structures. Sarcocvstis Miescheri (Miescher). Synonyms. — Utricles of Miescheri; Rainey's cor- puscles. Distribution. — Common in the United States; dis- covered in 1843 by Miescher. In sections of the oesophagus of the hog and sheep examined in the laboratory of the Kansas City Veterinary College these parasites have been found to be very common. Description. — The adult is elongated, tapering at both ends ; it measures two to three millimeters in length and eighty to two hundred microns wide; it presents a granular appearance, due to spores, and is surrounded by a limiting membrane. Animals Infested. — The ox, pig, sheep and horse. Parts Infested. — Muscle structures. Conditions Produced. — The sarcocyst is located under the sarcolemma, lying longitudinally of the muscle fibre. Pigs whose muscle structures become badly infested are noted to show symptoms of weak- ness, partial paralysis, loss of appetite, unthrifty PARASITOLOGY. 187 appearance. In a cow which was badly infested there was noted restlessness; constant getting up and down ; she presented an unthrifty appearance ; skin dry and rough; severe diarrhoea; the fecal discharge had a putrid odor; temperature 105.5° Fahrenheit; pulse 108, soft and compressible; respi- ration shallow and hurried. She gradually grew weaker and died. Only the liver and heart were saved and studied by aid of the microscope; in these myriads of sarcocysts were found, as illustrated by Figs. 71 and 72. Balbiania Gigantea (Balbiana). Distributio7i. — Found in Europe. As yet there is no record of their being found in the United States. Descriptioyi. — This sarcospore appears as a whitish spot and varies in size from a rye grain to a hazel nut. It has a thin outer membrane ; the interior is filled with cells. In the larger bodies there is located a capsule the size of a pin-head, which contains cres- cent-shaped non-nucleated bodies. Ajiinials Infested. — The ox, sheep, pig and goat. Parts Infested. — Most common in the oesophagus; also found in the muscles of the trunk, head, and heart. Conditions Produced. — They may cause an effusion into the tissues. If only a few are present no harm comes from the infestation ; many may cause con- ditions similar to that produced by the Coccidia. Hemasporidia (Hemo — blood) (Sporidum — spore). The order Hemasporidia belongs to the class Sporozoa, and includes the the genus Piroplasma. 188 PARASITOLOGY, PiROPLASMA BiGEMINUM ( Bis — twice) (Geminus — twin) . Syno7iyms. — Pirosoma Bigeminum (soma — body), Piroplasma Bovis, Apisoma Bigeminum, Ambospor- idies, Portensis Virulentissimus, Babesia Big-eminum Bovis. Distribution. — Found in the southern part of the United States; also in other warm countries. Description. — They are pear-shaped protoplasmic bodies three to four microns long. Life Cycle. — The adult protozoon inhabits the red blood cell. From this pear-shaped adult is formed corpuscles which are capable of invading other cells. The pear-shaped body becomes rounded, then divided into three to five corpuscles; these corpuscles have been noted to possess amoeboid movement, and are capable of invading new red blood cells. These divide into two parts, which develop to the full sized pear-shaped bodies ; the pointed ends of these protozoa are usually close together, joined with a fine film. The tick, feasting upon an infested ox, takes the infested blood cells into its intestinal tract; the piroplasma leaves the red blood cell, passes through a change in which new bodies are formed ; these new corpuscles leave the intestines and migrate to the ovary; thus the egg becomes infested. These virulent protozoa are contained in the larva, and after it emerges from the egg it is capable of inocu- lating susceptible cattle. Parts III festcd. — The red blood cells ; may be found free in the plasma. Name of Disease. — Texas fever ; splenic fever ; Spanish fever ; tick fever; red water; black water; southern cattle fever ; Australian tick fever. PARASITOLOGY. 189 Condition Produced. — The liver is congested, bile thick and granular; fat is icteric (jaundice) ; the spleen is enormously enlarged and contents consist- ency of blackberry jam; kidneys congested; urine port-wine colored ; cancellated portion of the bone is black. An animal so affected is unfit for food. Symptoms. — The animal has a loss of appetite ; unthrifty appearance ; rise in temperature accom- panied by an accelerated respiration and pulse. The back is arched; animal stays ofif to itself ; port-wine colored urine, hence the chronic form has been called red water, or bloody murrain. A condition produced by some species of the genus Piroplasma is called piroplasmosis. Treatment. — In all forms of piroplasmosis of the blood stream the essential treatment would be quinine in full medicinal doses. Piroplasma Ovis (Ovis — sheep). Distribution. — Found in Montana and other locali- ties in the United States. Description. — The protozoa is round or oval in shape and from one-tenth to one-sixth the diameter of a red blood cell. They show amoeboid movement. From one to four are found in a cell. They may also be found free in the serum. Animals Infested. — The sheep. Parts Infested. — The red blood cells. Name of Disease. — Ictero-hematuria. Conditio7i Produced. — The disease usually runs a rapid and fatal course ; the animal does not greatly lose in flesh in these acute attacks. The spleen is enlarged and contents like blackberry jam ; the kid- 190 PARASITOLOGY. neys dark and congested ; the urine port-wine col- ored ; the fat icteric; the liver congested. An animal so affected is unfit for food. Symptoms. — The sheep at first show dullness, loss Fig. 73.— PiROPLASMA Ovis. Showing the protozoa, some in the red blood cells, some free. of appetite ; stay apart from balance of flock ; arched back; weak; elevation of temperature, pule and respiration. Swellings may be noted in the head or neck. The duration of the disease is twenty-four hours to four days. PARASITOLOGY. 191 PiROPLASMA Canis (Canis — dogj. Distribution. — Found in Europe and Africa. Description. — The protozoon is larger than the Piroplasma Bovis, when only one is found in a single red blood cell ; as many as ten or twelve have been counted ; when many are found they are small, rounded and may be irregular in their outline. Their amoeboid movement has been noted in the blood cells of the fresh specimens. They are noted to elongate their bodies, then contract into spherical masses. The cells present a swollen appearance and are pale in color. After the acute stage of the disease has passed, the parasite apparently ceases its movements, remains stationary and has a round- ed contour. Life Cycle. — The parasite multiplies in the red blood cell. The nucleus of the adult becomes elon- gated, then constricted in the center, finally dividing into two. The newly formed nuclei pass to the side of the cell, opposite each other ; now begins the constriction of the protoplasm ; finally only a film holds the two newly formed corpuscles together. These corpuscles are at first pear-shaped; later the nucleus passes to the center and the corpuscles be- come round. This process goes on till as many as sixteen corpuscles may be formed. The great dis- tention of the cell caused by the corpuscles causes it to rupture. These newly formed corpuscles possess amoeboid movement and invade new cells, where they develop to full size. A7iimal Infested — The dog. Part Infested. — The red blood cell. 192 PARASITOLOGY. Name of Disease. — Canine piroplasmosis; malig- nant malarial jaundice. Condition Produced. — The spleen is two or three times its normal size, black and soft. The liver is congested; the bile thick and granular; the kidneys are congested and friable ; the urine is port-wine colored ; medulla of the bone is congested ; the fat is yellow. Symptoms. — Loss of appetite ; high elevation of temperature; icteric visible mucous membranes; great prostration and finally death. PiROPLASMA Eoui (Equus — horse). Distribution. — Africa, China, and Philippines. Description. — The parasite is crescent-shaped and takes staining deeply in its center. It varies from one-half to two microns in length. Animal Infested. — The horse. Parts Infested. — The red blood cells. Name of Disease. — Equine piroplasmosis; paludism in horse. Condition Produced. — Fat is icteric ; mucous and serous membranes may be marked with petechia; the liver is engorged with blood, and yellowish in color; the kidneys are congested and softened ; the lungs may be congested. Dropsical swellings may appear in chronic cases. Symptoms. — Great depression, weakness, unsteady gait; loss of appetite; high elevation of tempera- ture (103° to 105° Fahrenheit); accelerated respir- ation. The kings may become congested and a foamy mucous discharge from the nostrils ; in the latter case the respirations would be hurried and PARASITOLOGY. 193 painful ; in later stages port-wine colored urine. Death occurs in acute cases in from a few hours to five or six days. Chronic cases may last two to three months. AMOEBA (Amoebas— change). The class amoeba includes a single-celled group of parasites that are provided with a nucleus and protoplasm and possess amoeboid movement. They infest various parts of the body. Amoeba Parasitica (Amoebas — change) (Parasitus — eating beside). Synonym. — Amoeba Principes. Distributio?i. — Found in Australia; not reported in the United States. Description. — A single-celled protozoon apparently identical with the Amoeba Principes of fresh water. Animals Infested. — Sheep. Parts Infested. — Feet, lips, gums and nostrils. Symptoms. — Manifests itself as ulcerous patches on lips, gums, nostrils, and involves the sensitive structures of the foot. The granular masses found in the ulcers contain the amoeba. Treatment. — Copperas solution or any antiseptic as a one-percent solution of kreso or creolin. Amoeba Meleagridis. Distribution. — Found in various parts of the United States. Description. — They are microscopic granular proto- plasmic masses from ten to fifteen microns in diameter. Animal Infested. — The turkey. Parts Infested. — Caecum and liver. 194 PARASITOLOGY. Symptoms. — Loss of appetite ; droopy ; head down ; diarrhoea; feathers erect; emaciation and death. Most fatal in young birds from one to four months old. Condition Produced. — Thickening of the walls of the caecum due to inflammation as a result of the in- vasion of the protozoon. The liver is congested or inflamed, has brownish or yellowish areas of degen- eration. There is a blackish discoloration of the head. Name of Disease. — Entero-hepatitis , black head. Treatment. — Intestinal antiseptics, as teaspoonful doses of listerine, bi-chloride of mercury solution one to a thousand, or carbolic acid one to five hundred. CHAPTER IV. TO PRESERVE INSECT PARASITES. In collecting specimens place them in a bottle containing a piece of gum camphor. After the in- sect is dead it can be mounted on a block of wood by means of a pin thrust through the thorax. Dark or black parasites should be mounted on a light back-ground. These can be placed in suitable bottles with moth ball or gum camphor, and will keep indefinitely. Another way is to fill the bottle with alcohol. This forms a good preservative and does not rust the pins. TO MOUNT ECTOZOA. 1. Wash in alcohol till all dirt is removed from the parasite. 2. Place specimen in xylol for five minutes. 3. Mount in Canada balsam. By this method lice, gnats, parts of flies, ticks, and scab parasites can be satisfactorily studied. Thus preserved the specimen will keep indefinitely. In mounting thick specimens the glass or rubber cells may be used. Keep slide face up, as in the summer the Canada balsam will become soft and the speci- men gravitate to one side if the slide be kept edge- wise. TO PRESERVE ENTOZOA. 1. The Keiserling method tnay be used. 2. A four percent solution of formalin. 3. Alcohol. 195 196 PARASITOLOGY. If alcohol be used then the parasite should be placed in a 25% solution for one week. Then a 50% solution for one week. Then a 75% solution for one week. Then absolute. Alcohol has a tendency to shrivel the tissues of round worms. Formalin has a tendency to expand or swell the tissues, hence some worms, as the Stephanurus Dentatus, have a tendency to rupture at the genital or anal openings, if too strong a solution be used. For museum purposes the smaller specimens can be placed between two glass slides held together with silk thread tied together at each end and placed in an upright position in the fluid. The back slide shovild be covered with black shellac and allowed to dry before being used. TO STAIN AND MOUNT ENTOZOA. When collecting worms for laboratory study they should be immediately placed in the following solu- tion : 50 parts of 70% alcohol. 50 parts aqueous solution bichloride of mercury. A few drops acetic acid. The parasite thus killed and preserved should then be washed in a gentle stream of water for several hours. Then place in 25% alcohol for twenty-four hours; then absolute. The parasites stain with either alcoholic eosin or picric acid stains ; hema- toxylin or methylene blue can be used for secondary stain if desired. After staining the desired shade (the time of which varies with the species of worm) the specimen should be clarified in xylol, oil cedar or PARASITOLOGY. 197 oil of cloves. The first clearing- agent will perhaps give the best results. PRESERVATION OF MUSEUM SPECIMENS. The Keiserling- method gives the best results be- cause the tissues retain their normal color. This method consists of three steps as follows : 1. Place in the following solution and leave from one to seven days, depending upon the size of the specimen : Formalin 200cc Potassium Acetate 30 grams Potassium Nitrate 15 grams Water 1000 cc 2. Pass the specimen through each of the follow- ing solutions, leaving it in each for twenty-four hours. This should restore the normal color : 40% Alcohol 60% Alcohol 80% Alcohol 95% Alcohol 3. Place in the following solution permanently : Glycerine 4 cc Potassium Acetate 4 grams Water 40 cc Mix PREPARING SPECIMENS TO BE SENT TO THE LABORATORY. 1. Obtain specimens as fresh as possible. 2. Wash clean in water. 3. The specimen, should now be placed in a four 198 PARASITOLOGY. percent formalin solution. The receptacle for the specimen should be large enough so that it will not be crushed in taking it out. TO STAIN ANY PROTOZOA IN THE BLOOD CELL. 1. Make smear by obtaining a drop of blood on a slide then with another slide scrape ofE the excess. This leaves a thin film. 2. Air dry. 3. Cover with Wright's stain. Leave for one or two minutes. 4. Add distilled water drop by drop and agitate for two minutes. 5. Wash with water until you leave the color you desire. 6. Air dry. 7. Mount in Canada balsam. TO STAIN THE TRYPANOSOMA. 1. Obtain blood smear as above. 2. Air dry. 3. Fix by dropping the slide in alcohol for two minutes. 4. Cover with methylene blue or gentian violet one to three minutes. 5. Wash in water. 6. Air dry. 7. Mount in Canada balsam. PARASITOLOGY. 199 TO STAIN COCCIDIA, SARCOSPORIDIA OR AMOEBA MELEAGRIDIS IN TISSUES. THE PREPARATION OF TISSUE. 1. Secure block of tissue one-fourth inch square. 2. Place in four percent formalin solution twenty- four hours. 3. Place in alcohol and ether equal parts twenty- four hours. 4. Place in thin celloidin twenty-four hours. 5. Place in thick celloidin twenty-four hours. 6. Block on tile or wood. 7. Cut eight to ten microns thick. TO STAIN THE PROTOZOA AND TISSUES. 1. Cover section with Delafield's hematoxylin one- half to two minutes. 2. Wash in water. 3. Stain two minutes in a one percent aqueous eosin solution. 4. Wash. 5. Dehydrate with alcohol. 6. Clarify with olive oil, xylol or cedar oil. 7. Absorb clarifying fluid with blotting or filter paper. 8. Mount in Canada balsam. TO STAIN ENCYSTED TRICHINA. Prepare the block of tissue and section the same as for coccidia. The following staining method stains the nuclei 200 PARASITOLOGY. of the cells violet or deep blue ; the cell bodies ajid intercellular substance red : 1. Immerse the section in hematoxylin three to five minutes. 2. Wash in water. 3. Add a drop of weak hydrochloric acid 1 minute. 4. Wash in water. 5. Aqueous eosin 2 minutes. 6. Wash in water. 7. Dehydrate in alcohol 3 minutes. 8. Clarify in clove oil. 9. Absorb clearing fluid. 10. Mount in Canada balsam. ADDENDA. THE CHEMISTRY OF ANIMAL PARASITES. Some parasites cause harm mechanically and pre- sumably in no other way. In most of them there is more or less evidence of the formation of a poison- ous substance. Little, is as yet, known of the chem- istry of a^nimal parasites or their excretions. It is known that the cells, at least in part, differ in chemical composition from the cells of the higher animal organisms. Chitin is one substance that con- stitutes a large part of the outer coverings of en- cysted parasites as well as the outer portion of many of the worms. Protozoa. — These are the single celled parasites and possess all the chemical characteristics of the cells of the higher animal bodies. These parasitic pro- tozoa co»ntain proteolytic enzymes. They secrete an acid which aids in the digestion. Spontaneous re- covery takes place in many of the protozoan infesta- tions which indicates the formation of anti-bodies against these organisms. As an example : — the piro- plasmosis caused by the piroplasma bigeminum. Sarcosporida. — The body of this protozoon con- tains a toxic substance. A small quantity of the aqueous extract has proved fatal to rabbits. Its 202 ADDENDA. toxic property is impaired when heat at 56° C. is apphed for two hours, and is destroyed when sub- jected to a temperature of 85° C. for 20 minutes. The fact that it has been found that some of the pro- tozoa are affected by changes in osmotic jiressure in- dicates tliat their outer covering is permeable or semi- permeable. Nematodes. — The intestinal parasites without a doubt give off an active antitrypsin which enables them to live in the intestinal tract. It is also be- lieved by some investigators that they give off a toxic substa^nce which is absorbed from the intestinal tract and produces the constitutional disturbance noted, when in large numbers. The fluid from these worms have proven toxic for guinea pigs. The intoxication and febrile state noted in infestation with Trichina Spiralis indicates a toxic substance. Ccstodcs. — The fluid i^n tape worm cysts as the Cysticercus Echinococcus, Cysticercus Tenuicollis. Cysticercus Pisiormis, Cysticercus Cerebralis and the Cysticercus Serialis have been found to be highly toxic. The symptoms this fluid produces are local irritation, inflammation and urticaria. No toxic symptoms are noted till the cyst wall is ruptured and the liberated fluid absorbed. These cysts contain a colorless fluid which has a specific gravity of from 1005 to 1015, and contains from 1.5 to 2 per cent solids, of which, .25 to .5 per cent is sugar, about one per cent chloride of sodium, cholesteii.n, succinic ADDENDA. 203 acid, creatin and traces of lipase and proteids. As the cyst wall contains glycogen it is probable that the sugar comes from this source. The walls also con- tain chitin. Eosinophilia. — The chemic substance of the animal parasites produce a positive chemotaxis. This aiTects particularly the eosinophile leucocytes. There is a local accumulation of the eosins in the tissues nearest the parasite. In some instances there is an increase in the blood. These conditions have, particularly, been noted in parasitism due to species of the follow- ing genera : Taenia, Filaria, Uncinaria. Ascaris, Strongylus, Trichina and certain protozoa. The de- gree of eosinophilia depends upon the degree of in- festation. In this edition will be found illustrations for three additional parasites, viz. : Dermaccntor Riticulatus. — The parasite is found in some parts of the United States especially in the cen- tral part of the rocky mountain region. This tick is about the size of the Dermacentor Electus. Its dorsal shield is large and rusty white in color. The stigmal plate dififers in appearance from that of the electus. It is parasitic for cattle. Echinorh\nchus Caiiis. — This is a worm about one- half inch in length. The cephalic extremity is pro- vided with a globe shaped proboscis armed with six rows of luookiets, which regularly alternate. Its body presents transverse markings. It has been 204 ADDENDA. found ill the small intestines of dogs in Texas. Symp- toms : Exhaustian, tucked up abdomen, muscular in- co-ordination, later paralysis, loss of appetite and death. Hctcrakis Papulosa. — The male measures from one-third to one-half inch in length, the female one- half to three-fourths inch. The body is white. The mouth is surrounded by three lips. The caudal extremety of the male is provided with two spiculae of unequal length, a pre-anal sucker surrounded with a vesicular ring. It is provided with a row of papillae. The tail of the female is gradually atten- uated. This parasite is found in the intestinal tract of the chicken. Often in company with the Ascaris inflexa. INDEX Acanthocephala, 11 , 79, 136. Acari, 42. Acariasis, 42. Acaridae, 10, 13, 14. Acarina, 10, 13, 41. Acephalocyst, 163, 164. Achorion Keratophagus, 15, 74. _ .^chorion Schcenleinii, 15, 74. Actinomyces Bovis, 15, 75. Actinomycosis, 75. Air Sack Mite, 57. Amblyomma Americanum, 70. Amblyomma Unapuncta, 70. Ambosporidies, 188. American Liver Fluke, 143. Amoeba, 193. Amoeba Meleagridis, 174, 193. Amoeba Parasitica, 174, 193. Amoeba Principes, 193. Ampbistoma Cervi, 79, 146. Amphistoma Conicum, 146. Ancbylostoma Canis, 126. Anchylostoma Stenocepbala, 129. Anchylostoma Trigonoceph- ala, 126. Annelida, 76, 77. Aneurism, Verminous, 111. Anopheles Punctipennis, 12. Apiosoma Bigeminum, 188. Arachnida. 10, 13, 41. Argas Americanus, 63. Argas Miniatus, 15, 63. Argasidae, 10, IS, 63. Armed Sclerostoma, 109. Armed Taenia, 148. Arsenical Dip, 58. A-thropoda. 10, 12. Ascaridae, 76, 78, 89. Ascarij Bovis, 91. Ascaris Inflexa, 78. 95. Ascaris Lumbricoides, 92. Ascaris Marginata, 78, 93. Chemistrv of An Ascaris IMegalocephala, 78, 89. Ascaris Mysta.x, 78, 94. Ascaris Ovis, 78, 91. Ascaris Suilla, 78, 92. Ascaris Suis, 92. Ascario Vituli, 78, 91. Auricular Scabies, 56. Australian Fever Tick, 69. Australian Tick Fever, 188. Babesia Bigeminum Bovis, IL'8. Balbiania Gigantea, 174, 187. Beef Measles, 154. Bird Flea, 31. Black Head, 194. Black Water, 68, 188. Blood Fluke, 147. Bloody Murrain, 189. Blow Fly. 21. Blue Bottle Fly, 21. Boophilus Annulatus, 15, 67. Boophilus Australis, 15, 67. Boophilus Bovis, 67. Bot Fly of Horse, 26, 27. Bot Fly of Ox, 30. Bot Fly of Sheep, 28. Bothriocephalidae, 77, 80, 172. Bothriocephalus Latus, 80. 172. Breeze Fly, 19. Broad Xosed Ox Louse, 36. Bronchial Strongylosis, 100. Buffalo Gnat, 18. Calliphora Vomitoria, 21. Canine Piroplasmosis, 192. Carnivorous Sarcophagus, 22. Castor Bean Tick, 66. Cat Flea, 32. Cayor Fly, 21. Cephalemyia Ovis, 28. Cercaria, 141. Cestoda, 77, 79, 149. imal Parasites, 201. 205 2(»G INDEX. Chigger, 10, 43. 44. Chicken Mite, 42. Chicken Tick, 63. Circinate Ringworm, 1Z. Coccidia, 174. Coccidia, Staining, 199. Coccidian Hepatitis, 182. Coccidiosis, 182. Coccidium Bigeminum Vari- ety Canis, 174, 181. Coccidium Oviforme, 174, 181. Coccidium Perforans, 174, 183. Coenurus Cerebralis, 166. Coenurus Serialis, 169. Colic, Thrombo-Embolic, 109. Compsomyia Macellaria, 21. Conical Stomach Fluke, 145. Cryptocystis Pulecidae, 170. Cryptocystis Trichodectis, 170. Culex Pipiens, 12. Culex Pungens, 12. Culicidae, 10, 12. Curved Oxyuris, 96. Cysticercus Bovis, 154. Cysticercus Cellulosae, 152. Cysticercus Coenurus, 166. Cysticercus Echinococcus. 164. Cysticercuj Fasciolaris, 171. Cysticercus Pisiformis, 168. Cysticercus Tenuicollis, 162. Cystospermium Villarum In- testinalium Canis, 182. Cytodites Nudus, 14, 57. Demodecidae, 10, 14, 59. Demodex Folliculorum Va- riety Canis, 14, 60. Demodex Folliculorum Vari- ety Suis, 14, 61. Dermacentor Americanum, 15, 69. Dermacentor Electus, 69. Dermanyssus Gallinae, 13, 42. Diptera, 10, 12, 16. Discophori. 11 . Disease of Hindquarters, 180. Distoma Americanus, 79, 143. Distoma Hepaticum, 79, 139. Distoma Lanceolata, 79, 145. Distoma Magna, 143. Distoma Pulmonale, 146. Distoma Ringeri, 146. Distoma Texicanum, 143. Distoma Westermanii, 146. Distomiasis, 139. Dochmius Cernua, 125. Dochmius Stenocephala, 129. Dochmius Trigonocephala, 126. Dog Flea, 32. Dog Louse, 38. Dog Tick, 69. Dourine, 179. Ear Tick, 65. Echinococcosis, 164. Echinococcus Alveolaris, 164. Echinococcus Multilocularis, 164. Echinococcus Polymorphus, 164. Echinococcus Vcterinorum, 164. Echinorhynchus Gigas, 79, 136. Ectozoa, 9. Ectozoa, Classification, 11. Entero-Hepatitis, 194. Entozoa, 9. Equine Piroplasmosis, 192. Equine Syphilis, 179. Fasciola Americanus, 144. Fasciola Hepaticum, 139. Fasciola Magna, 143. Fasciolidae, 11. 79, 139. Fever Tick, 67. Filaria Cervina, 78, 87. Filaria Equina, 86. Filaria Immitis, 78, 87. Filaria Labiato-Papillosa, 87. Filaria Oculi, ^1 . Filaria Oculi Equina, 87. Filaria Papillosa, 78, 86. Filaridae, 67 11. 82. Flagellata, 174, 175. Flagellosis of Equidia, 180. INDEX. 207 Flea, 31. Flesh Fly, 22. Flies, 16. Flukes. 139. Foot Scab Parasite, 55. Fungi, 15, 72. Gad Fly, 26. Gamasidae, 10, 13. Gape Worm, 116. Gapes, 116. Gastric Distomiasis, 139. Gastric Strongylosis, 99. Gastrophilus Equi, 12, 26. Gastrophilus Hemorrhoidalis, 12, 27. Gid, 166. Glossina Morsitans, 12, 23. Gnathobdellidae, 17 . Goat Louse, Zd. Gongylonema Scutata, 82. Gray Carnivorous Fly, 22. Green-Head Horse Fly, 20. Grub, 28. Grub Fly, 30. Grub in Head, 28. Harvest Bug, 43. Head Maggot, 28. Heel Fly, 30. Hemasporidia, 174, 187. Hematobia Serrata, 12, 24. Hematopinus, 33, 35. Hematopinus Asini, 13, 35. Hematopinus Eurysternus, 13, 36. Hematopinus Irritans, 36. Hematopinus Macrocephalus, 35. ^ Hematopinus Piliferus, 13, 38. Hematopinus Stenopsis, 13, 38. Hematopinus Suis, 13. 2)6. Hematopinus Urius, 36. Hematopinus Tenuirost'-is, 36. Hematopinus Vituli, 13. 36. Hemiptera, 10, 13. Haemonchus Contortus, 107. Haemopis Sanguisuga, 11 , 80. Hepatic Distomiasis, 139. Heterakis Iniie.xa, 95. Hippoboscidae, 10, 12. Hog Louse, 35. Honey-Comb Ringworm, 74. Hoose, 104. Hook Worm, 124, 125, 126. Horn Fly, 24. Horse Bot Fly, 26, 27. Horse Fly, 19, 20. Horse Leech, 80. Horse Louse, 35, 36. House Fly, 20. Human Flea, 31. Husk, 104. Hypoderma Lineata, 12, 30. Ictero-Hematuria, 189. Insecta, 10, 12, 15. Intestinal Coccidiosis, 182. Intestinal Strongylosis, 99. Intestinal Trichinosis, 134. Itch Mite, 47. Ixodes Bovis, 67. Ixodidae, 10, 15, 66. Ixodes Ricinus, 14, 66. Kidney Worm, 115. Lard Worm, 115. Larva in Head, 28. Leech, 80. Leptus Irritans, 44. Lice, 33. Linguatula Rhinaria, 15, 71. Linguatula Taenoides, 71. Linguatulidae, 10, IS, 71. Lioatheidae, 10, 13, 40. Liver Fluke. 139. Liver Rot, 142. Lone Star Tick, 70. Long- Nosed Ox Louse. Tid. Long-Tailed Oxyuris. 97. Louse Fly, 25. Lucilia Alacellaria, 12, 21. Lumbricoid of Horse, 89. Lung Fluke, 146. 208 INDEX. Maggot, 21. Maladie Du Coit, 179. Mai de Caderas, 180. Malignant Malarial Jaundice in Dog, 192. Mange, 47. Mange Mite, 47. Margaropus Annulatus, 67. Marginate Tapeworm, 160. Maw Worm. 93. 96. Measles in Swine, 152. Measly Beef, 154. Melophagus Ovinus, 12. 25. Menopon Biseriatum, 13, 41. Menopon Pallidum, 13, 41. Mite, 43. Monadidae, 174. Moniesia Alba. 158. Moniesia Planissima, 156. Mosquitoes, 16. Mourning Horse Fly, 19. Musca Domestica, 11. 20. Musca Vomitoria, 11, 21. Muscidae 10 12. Muscular Trichinosis, 134. Mycotic Stomatitis, 74. Nagana, 23, 178. Nemathelmintha. 76. 11 . Nematoda. 76, 11, 81. Nodular Disease, 122. Non-Psoric Acariasis, 42. Oesophagostoma Columbi- anum, 78, 121. Oesophagostoma Dentatum, 79, 123. Oesophagostoma Tntlatum, 78, 118. Oesophagostoma Subulatum. 123. Oesophagostome of Columbia, 121. Oesophagostomiasis. 98. Oestridae. 10. 11. Oestrus Bovis, 29. Oestrus Equi, 26. Oestrus Hemorrhoidalis. 27. Oestrus Lineata, 29. Oestrus Ovis, 12, 28. Oidiuni Albicans, 74. Urnithodoros Megnini, 15, 64. Otacariasis, 56. Ox Gad Fly, 30. Ox Louse, 35, 38. Oxyuris Curvula, 78, 96. Oxyuridae, 76, 78, 95. Oxyuris Mastigodes, 78, 97. Palisade Worm, 109. Paludism in Horse, 192. Paper Skin, 104. Paragonimus Westermanii, 79. Paramphistomidae, 11 , 79. Parasite, 9. Parasitic Otitis, 56. Parasitism, 9. Pcdiculidae, 10. 13. Pentastoma Taenoides, 71. Philopteridae, 10, 13. Phthiriasis, 33. Pin Worm, 95, 96. Piroplasma Bigeminum, 68, 174, 188. Piroplasma Bovis, 188. Piroplasma Canis, 174. 191. Piroplasma Equi, 174, 192. Piroplasma Ovis. 174, 189. Piroplasmosis, 189. Pirosoma Bigeminum, 188. Pit-Headed Worm, 172. Plathelmintha, 11, 79. Plerocercoid, 172. Pork, Measly, 152. Portensis Virulentissimus, 188. Protozoa, 9, 174. Psoric-Acariasis, 42. Psorospermosis, 181. Psoroptes, 45. Psoroptes Communis Variety Bovis, 14, 52. Psoroptes Communis Variety Caprae, 14. Psoroptes Communis Variety Equi. 14. 50. Psoroptes Communis Variety Ovis. 14, 52. Psorospermia Oviforme. 181. INDEX. 2U9 Pulex Avium, 13, 33. Pulex Irritans, 13, 31. Pulex Serraticeps, 13, 33. Pulicidae, 12. Pulmonary Distomiasis, 139, 146. Pulmonary Strongylosis, 100. Rainev's Corpuscles, 186. Ray Fungus, 75. Red Mange, 62. Red Water, 68. 188. Red-Tail Bot Fly, 27. Redia, 141. Renal Strongylosis, 99, 115. Rhipicephalus Sanguineus. 15, 66. Rhyncoprium Spinosum, 65. Ring Worm, 73. Rot, 142. 176. Round Worm, 81. Sacciiaromyces Albicans, 15, 74. Sarcocystis Miescheri, 174, 186. Sarcophaga Carnaria, 12, 22. Sarcoptes, 45. Sarcoptes Scabei Variety Canis, 13. 48. Sarcoptes Scabei Variety Caprae, 14, 49. Sarcoptes Scabei Variety Equi. 13, 47. Sarcoptes Scabei Variety Ovis, 14, 49. Sarcoptes Scabei Variety Suis, 14, 49. Sarcoptes Minor Variety Cati. 14. Sarcoptes Mutans Variety Gallinae, 14, 50. Sarcoptidae, 11, 13, 45. Sarcosporida, 174, 186. Saw Fly, 24. Scabies, 47. Scab Parasites, 11, 47. Scaly Legs, 50. Schistosoma Bovis, 79, 147, Schistosomidae, 77, 79. 14/.- Sclerostonia Equinum, 109. Sclerostoma Hypostomum, 78, 114. Sclerostoma Pinguicola, 115. Sclerostoma Tetracanthum, 78, 113. Sclerostoma Trachealis, 11^. Sclerostomiasis. 98. Scolex, 148. 168. :5crew Worm. 20. Sheep Bot. 28. Sheep Dip, 58. Sheep Gad Fly, 28. , Sheep Louse, 36, 38. Sheep Tick. 25. Simondsia Paradoxa, 78, fcS. Simuliidae. 10, 12. Simulium Pecuarum, 12, IL. Siphonaptera, 10, 12. Southern Cattle Fever, 68, 188. Spanish Fever, 68, 188. Splenic Fever. 188. Spider Tick, 65. Spinose Tick. 65. Spiroptera IMegastoma, 77, 82. Spiroptera Microstoma. 77, 83. Spiroptera Sanguinolenta. 78. 84. Spiroptera Strongylina. 78, 84. Spiroptera Scutata, 77, 82. Sporocyst, 141. Sporozoa. 174, 181. Stable Fly. 25._ Stegomia Fasciata, 12. Stephaniasis, 98. Stephanurus Dentatus, 78, 115. Stinging Fly. 25. Stomach Flukes, 146. Stomoxys Calcitrans, 12. 25, Stomoxys Stabulans. 25. Striped Hypoderma, 30. Strobilus. 149. Strongylidae, 76. 78, 97. Strongylosis, 98. 210 INDEX. Strongylosis Bronchial, 99, 100. Strongylosis Gastric, 99. Strongylosis Intestinal, 99. Strongylosis Renal, 99. Strongylosis Vascular, 99. Strongylus Armatus, 78, 109. Strongylus Arnfieldi, 7S. 101. Strongylus Contortus, 78, 107. Strongylus Convolutus, 108. Strongylus Elongatus, 105. Strongylus Filaria, 78, 104. Strongylus IMicrurus, 78, 104. Strongylus Ostertagi, 78, 108. Strongylus Ovis Pulmonalis. 105. Strongylus Paradoxus, 78, 105. Strongylus Pulmonalis, 78, 104. Strongylus Pusillus, 78, 106. Strongylus Rufescens, 78, 105. Stronglyus Vasorum, 78, 112. Sturdy, 166. Surra, 176. Symbiotes, 45. Symbiotes Communis Variety Bovis, 14. 55. Symbiotes Communis Variety Canis, 14, 56. Symbiotes Commtmis Variety Caprae, 14, 56. Symbiotes Communis Variety Equi, 14, 54. Symbiotes Communis Variety Oyis, 14, 55. Syngamosis, 98, 117 Syngamus Bronchialis. 116. Syngamus Trachealis, 78, 116. Tabanidae, 10, 12. Tabanus Atratus, 12. 19. Tabanus Lineola. 12, 20. Taenia Alba, 79, 158. Taenia Armata, 150. Taenia Armed, 148. Taenia Canina, 80, 170. Taenia Coenurus, 79, 165. Taenia Crassicollis, 80, 171. Taenia Cucumerina, 170. Taenia Denticulata, 79. Taenia Echinococcus. 79, 162. Taenia Expansa, 79, 156. Taenia Fimbriata, 79, 158. Taenia Alamillana, 79, 155. Taenia Marginata, 79, 160. Taenia IMediocanellata, 152. Taenia Perfoliata, 79, 154. Taenia Plicata, 79, 154 Taenia Serialis, 80, 169. Taenia Saginata, 79, 152. Taenia Serrata, 80, 168. Taenia Solium, 79, 5(J. Taenia Unarmed, 148. Taeniasis, 148. Taenidae, 79, 149. Tape Worm, 148. Tetrasporous Coccidia, 182. Texas Fever, 68. 188. Texas Feyer Tick, 67. Thrombo-Embolic Colics, 111. Thrush, 74. rhysanosoma Actinioides, 158. Tick Fever, 68, 188. Tinea Favosa, 74. Tinea Tonsurans, 73. Trematoda, 77. 79. Trichina Spiralis, 79, 132. Trichina, Staining, 199. Trichinosis. 134. Trichocephalus Affinis, 79, 131. Trichocephalus Crenatus, 79. 132. Trichocephalus Depressius- culus, 79, 130. Trichodectes, 33, 38. Trichodectes Latus, 13, 40. Trichodectes Pilosus, 13, 38. Trichodectes Scalaris, 13, 38. Trichodectes Spherocephalus, 13. 39. Trichodectes Subrostratus, 13, 40. Trichophyton Tonsurans, 15, 73. Trichotrachelidae. 76, 79, 130. Trombidiidae, 10, 13. INDEX. 211 Trombidium Holosericcum, 13, 43. Trematoda, 11 . Trypanosoma Brucii, 174, 178. Trypanosoma Equinum, 174, 180. Trypanosoma Equiperdum, 174, 179. Trypanosoma Evansi, 174, 175. Trypanosoma Lewisi, 174, 180. Trypanosoma, Staining, 198. Trypanosomidae, 174. Trypanosomiasis, 175. Tse Tse Fly, 23. Tse Tse Fly Disease, 178. Turnsick, 166. Unarmed Taenia, 148. Uncinaria Canina, 126. Uhcinaria Cernua, 79, 125. Uncinaria Radiata, 79, 128. Uncinaria Stenocephala, 79, 129. Uncinaria Trigonocephala, 126. Uncinariosis, 98. Utricles of Miescheri, 186. Vascular Distomiasis, 139. Vascular Strongylosis, 99. Vermes, 76, 71 . Verminous Bronchitis, 100. Verminous Pneumonia. 100. Verminous Thrombosis, 111. Warble Fly, 30. Water Brain, 166. Whip Worm, 130, 132. Wire Worm, 107. Wood Tick, 69. V^ ■\^ '■: xo, '• '■ ."'%, "f^*. x^- x^ .0 > o "^^ v^^ x^" '''^-- '/- '' :J N \\ .^.'«-' ^< ^^- : ^r ~'V ''/ C- .^''% G' 0-