(> Class. L i) fu 4 Book I g <\^T FRESEMTEU BY Jambs Johnson, by Goi,f ! f.^l■ncXt;., ,..n:w<.v^ .C^«- i '«''^ A ISTORY OF THE C^lass of ^ \ inety-"Pive JOHN FOX WEISS FORSAN ET HAEC OLIM MEMINISSE JUVABIT " •^ PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY 189^ XSv^d^GO^ ,190* PRESS OF EDWARD STERN & CO., INC., PHILADELPHIA. To every man— yedj to all the menj whose names are scrolled with immortal fame upon the gateway of gloryj as '''' Members of the Class of ^Ninety>^Pive"; to yoar sweetheartSj yoar fianceesj your wives and your childrenj and to our dear departed deadj is this '■'' labor of love'^ affectionately dedicated. / Preface. " Every man, however brief or inglorious may have been his Academical career, must remember with kindness and tenderness the old University comrades and days." — Thackeray. As Marcus Valerius Martialis, whose "fame was widely extended," and whose " books were eagerly sought for, not only in the city, but also in Gaul, Germany and Britain," wrote to the Ancients : " You, who are anxious that my little book should be with you everywhere, and desire to have a companion on a long journey, buy a copy, which the parchment envelope confines within short pages : fill the libraries with the great works, one hand carries me," — so I write to you. You will find my little book at the shop of one Bibliopola, on the Campus Princetoniensus, near the Halls of Minerva. Now hear me, for I will speak. The writing of a Class History is an undertaking which very few people appreciate. It takes a great deal of time, it lays bare one's weakness, and it exposes him to much censure and ridicule. And yet it is a pleasant work — it is a "labor of love." Honestly, it has been a pleasure to me to write these pages, (5) 6 PREFACE. and to tell what I know about you all— and if I have wronged any one of you, I beg forgiveness, for no injury was meant. To you, Professors, my apologies ! for the disrespectful way in which I have spoken of you. Among ourselves we call you "Jack" Hibben; we speak of you as "Billy" Sloane ; you as " Harry " Fine ; you as Bliss Perry ; you as Woodrow Wilson ; or you as "Andy" West. You know it, and smile in your sleeves. So do not charge me with disrespect — we honor and respect you. Fellow-classmates, I ask of you only this : that when, in years to come, by chance you take this dusty History from the shelf of some old book-case, you will remember with kindness the one who wrote it — one who was put in the scales and found wanting. Princeton, N. J., May 2, 1895. '* Wii^t men altoage EfKrme anH gjage Ef^B,t *ti^ test for a man ©iUgentlg jFot to applg ^0 tfte tugincieig f)e can, ^ntr in no \»gse €^0 enterprise Enotijer facultie. E simple i)atter g>1)oultr not go smatter $n pijilosopijie ; ISfor ougi)t a peutilar Become a metitrlar $n ti)eologie/' (7) CHAPTER I. Fr^fshman V