Km*- ■ fe:*s * a« ^S4-Z5 / ex- / A COMPLETE CONCORDANCE lO THE HOLY SCRIPTURES OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT DICTIONARY AND ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO THE BIBLE: VERY USEFUL TO ALL CHRISTIANS WHO SERIOUSLY READ AND STUDY THE INSPIRED WRITINGS. IN TWO PARTS: [. The Appellative or Common Words in so full and large Manner, that any Verse may be readily found by looking i'nr any material Word in it. In this Part the various Signiji<-nli„itr. of the principal Words are given ; by which the true Meaning of many Passages of Scripture is shewn : An Account ol several Jewish Customs and Ceremonies is also added, winch may serve to illustrate many Parts of Scripture. II. The Proper Names in the Scriptures. To this Partis pre- fix*. I a Table, containing the Significations of the Words in the Original Languages from which they are derived. TO WHICH I U (ttontovbana to tu iUootts talleir %L$ottvpt)a. THE WHOLE DIGESTED IN AN EASY AND REGULAR METHOD : WHICH, TOGETHER WITH THE VARIOUS SIGNIFICATIONS AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS NOW ADDED, RENDERS IT MORE USEFUL THAN ANY BOOK OF THE KIND HITHERTO PUBLISHED. BY 1 ALEXANDER CRUDEN, 3ME.A. THE TENTH EDITION, CAREFULLY REVISED AND CORRECTED BY THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. TO WHICH IS ADDED, AN ORIGINAL LIFE OF THE AUTHOR, Search Ike Scriptures ; for in them ye think ye have eternal life, and they are they which testify of me. John v. 39. Thou hast known the Holy Scriptures, luhich are able to make thee luise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, &c. 2 Tim. iii. 15 — 17. LONDON : PRINTED FOR THOMAS TEGG, CHEAPSIDE ; AND WILLIAM BAYNES & SON, PATERNOSTER ROW; SOLD BY H. S. BAYNES & CO. EDINBURGH ; R- GRIFFIN & CO. GLASGOW ; R. M, TIMS, DUBLIN ; AND ALL BOOKSELLERS. 1827. ■£5^5- V^1 Exchange Llb'ry. Amer. Unlv: Grad. School Mar. 9,1937 TO THE KING. SIRE, HPHIS CONCORDANCE was begun with a design to promote the study and knowledge of tiie holy ■*- Scriptures, and the method taken therein is deemed by competent judges to be the best towards a com- plete Concordance that hath hitherto appeared in our language. It is acknowledged to be an useful book to private Christians who search the Scriptures, and to be very necessary for all the Preachers of the Gospel : Therefore to whom can this new Edition be more properly oifered than to your Majesty, now in the begin- ning of your reign, having already manifested a great regard to religion, and an earnest concern for pro- moting it among your subjects? All other books are of little or no importance in comparison of the holy Scriptures, which are a revela- tion from God, and are given as the only rule of faith and practice. If the kings of Israel were required not only " to read the law of Moses all the days of their life, but also to write out a copy of it with their " own hand, that they might learn to fear the Lord their God, and keep all the words of his law ;" it may be reasonably expected that Christian Princes should make the glorious Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ their daily study, that it may become their constant guide and rule for the government of their people, as well as for their own salvation. It hath been often observed, that the most effectual way to a general external reformation is " to make " Religion a step to preferment, and Irreligion a bar to it ;" because example has a more powerful influence over the minds of men than precept, or even than punishment. The early declarations and strong resolu- tions your Majesty was pleased to make at your coming to the throne, " That you would encourage those " who are religious, and discourage those that are otherwise," rejoiced the hearts of all who earnestly de- sire the revival of vital and practical religion, and to sec your Majesty's subjects a holy and happy people. True piety has been in all ages accounted the truest honour ; for Religion diffuses the greatest glory around a human character, and sweetens and embalms the memory of Princes. A pious Prince, who hath shewn a hearty concern for the eternal happiness of his people, as well as for their present protection, will be remembered with great esteem and honour ; for the Scripture says, that " the memory of the just is " blessed." When they are spoken of, it is with praise and commendation by all good men. All other accomplishments, without true grace and real religion, cannot make the children of men happy, who must all die and rise again, " and appear before the judgment-seat of Christ, to receive according to what they " have done in the body, whether good or bad." The memory of Hezekiah, the religious King of Jitdah, is precious : he hath been celebrated in all ages of the Church for his pious zeal in the reformation of his people at the beginning of his reign ; for " God honours those that honour him, and they who despise him shall be lightly esteemed." It is said of that pious King, that " he trusted in the Lord God of Israel, so that after him there was none like him " among all the Kings of Jitdah, nor any that were before him : for he clave to the Lord, and departed not " from following him, but kept his commandments, which the Lord commanded Moses." Hezekiah, like your Majesty, began his reign in his youth, yet his zeal for the worship of God, and for promoting Religion among his subjects, carried him through the great difficulties of reforming a people, who had so much de- generated into gross idolatry. May the great God be the guide of your life, and direct and prosper you, that it may be said by the present and future ages, that King George the Third hath been an Hezekiah to our British Israel. I doubt not but your Majesty will pardon my forbearing to enter upon your valuable personal accom- plishments : I shall only add that, when it pleased God, the sovereign Lord of life and death, to deprive us of the blessing of your Roya4 Grandfather King George the Second, the Protector of our Religion and Liberties for many years, it was esteemed a national blessing that God had favoured Great Britain with a Prince born and educated among us, who makes the happiness of his People the rule of his government ; and without Religion there can be no real hapi^iness for Prince or People. When your Majesty came to the throne, the loyal and affectionate addresses from your subjects in all parts of the British dominions, shewed their great hopes and. strong expectations of being happy under your Majesty's government. We of the British nation have reason thankfully to remember the appear- ances of Divine Providence in the preservation of our Religion and Liberties, particularly in settling and establishing the Protestant Succession, and in disappointing from time to time all the contrivances and attempts of its enemies, whether secret or open ; and in your Majesty's coming to the throne with the hearts of all your subjects united to you as the heart of one man. May it please God to bestow his choicest gifts upon your Majesty, upon your Royal Mother the Princess Dowager of Wales, and all the Royal Family, and upon your numerous and powerful People May you be blessed, and made a real blessing, and may your reign be long and prosperous ; and after you have been enabled to serve God faithfully here upon earth, may you reign for ever with hirn in heaven through Jesus Christ. This is the sincere and earnest prayer of him who is, with great humility and profound respe May it please your Majesty, Your Majesty's most dutiful, And most obedient subject and servant, Jmell^hl. j Alexander Crude { ' TO THE QUEEN. MADAM, THIS CONCORDANCE, the work of several years, was begun with a design to promote the study of the holy Scriptures ; and, in pursuance thereof, is now published with many improvements beyond any book of this kind in the English language. Long before this Work was ready for the press, I designed humbly to offer it to your Majesty, and to beg leave to publish it under your royal protection. Your Majesty's illustrious qualities and example in the great scenes of your valuable life, encourage me humbly to beg your countenance to a well-meant attempt for promoting the knowledge of our holy Religion. The beauty of your person, and the fine accomplishments of your mind, were so celebrated in your father's court, that there was no Prince in the Empire, who had room for such an alliance, that was not am- bitious of gaining a Princess of such noble virtues into his Family, either as a Daughter, or as a Consort, And though the heir to all the dominions of the house of Austria was desirous of your alliance, yet you generously declined the prospect of a Crown that was inconsistent with the enjoyment of your Religion. The great Disposer of all things, however, kept in store a reward for such exalted virtue, and by the secret methods of his wisdom hath brought your Majesty to a Crown, as famous for defending and supporting the Protestant Religion, as it is conspicuous for its glory and splendor ; which is such a return of Divine Provi- dence as is to be admired with great thankfulness, though without the least surprise, since He whose king- dom ruleth over all hath declared, that such, as honour^ Him, He will honour. It was the fame of this heroic constancy that determined his Majesty to desire in marriage a Princess who was now more celebrated for her Christian magnanimity', than for the beauty of her person, which had been so universally admired. We of the British nation have reason to rejoice that such a proposal was made and accepted, and that your Majesty, with regard to these two successive treaties, shewed as much prudence in your compliance with the one, as piety in your refusal of the other. You no sooner arrived at Hanover than you improved the lustre of that court, which was before reckoned among the politest in Eu- rope, and increased the happiness of a people, who were before looked upon as the happiest in the Empire And you immediately became the darling of the Princess Sophia, a Princess, justly acknowledged to be one of the most accomplished women of the age in which she lived, who was much pleased with the con- versation of one, in whom she saw so lively an image of her own youth. We daily discover those admirable qualities for which your Majesty was famed in other countries, and rejoice to see them exerted in our Island, where we ourselves are made happy by their influence. We be- hold the throne of these kingdoms surrounded by your Majesty's royal and numerous Progeny, and hear with pleasure of the great care your Majesty takes to instil early into their minds the principles of Religion, Virtue, and Honour. Your Majesty is possessed of all those talents which make conversation either delightful or improving. Your fine taste in the elegant arts, and skill in several modern languages, is such, that your discourse is not confined to the ordinary subjects of conversation, but is adapted, with an uncommon grace, to every occasion, and entertains the politest persons of different nations. That agreeable turn which appears in your sentiments upon the most ordinary affairs of life, which is so suitable to the delicacy of your sex, the politeness of your education, and the splendor of your quality, is observed by every one that has the honour to approach you. But the great regard your Majesty has shewn to Religion, which diffuses the greatest glory around a human character, encourages me to hope that this Work will meet with your favourable acceptance. May it, therefore, please your Majesty to take into your royal protection this Concordance, the design of which is to render the study of the Scriptures more easy. Whatever may be wanting either in the Work or Author, is abundantly supplied by the dignity of the subject ; which consideration chiefly encouraged me to presume to offer it to your Majesty, whom God hath exalted to the most eminent station, and blessed with extraordinary endowments of mind, and with a benevolent and beneficent disposition : To whom then can I more properly offer this Work than to your Majesty, who is celebrated both for your inclination and capacity to do good? May the great God continue to multiply his blessings upon the King, your Majesty, and every branch of your Royal Family : May your life be long continued to serve God faithfully on earth, and may you reign for ever with Him in heaven, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. These are the sincere prayers of him who is, with the most profound respect, May it please your Majesty, Your Majesty's Most dutiful, and Most obedient servant, London, October, 1737. ALEXANDER CRUDEN. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. A CONCORDANCE is a Dictionary, or an Index to the BIBLE, wherein all the words used through -*--"- the inspired writings are ranged alphabetically, and the various places where they occur are referred to, to assist us in finding out passages, and comparing the several significations of the same word. A work of this kind, which tends so much to render the study of the holy Scriptures more easy to all Christians, must be acknowledged to be very useful; for if a good Index to any other book is to be valued, much more ought one to the Bible, which is a revelation from God, given as the only rule of our faith and practice, and to discover to us the way to eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ. I do not here propose to treat of the incomparable excellencies of that divine book, which is above all commendation, and will be in the highest esteem by all the true members of the church of God, whose faith, hope, and comfort are built upon these divine Oracles. What I shall further do in this Preface, shall be to present the Reader with a short historical account of Concordances, which will tend to display their great usefulness ; and then acquaint him with the method I have followed in this. igo de S. Charo, a preaching Friar of the Dominican order, who was afterwards a Cardinal, was the who compiled a Concordance to the holy Scriptures : he died in the year 1262. He had studied the e very closely, and for carrying on this great and laborious work the more successfully, we are told he oyed five hundred Monks of his order to assist him. He framed an Index of all the declinable words, referred to the places where they were to be found. lis Latin Concordance has been frequently printed with improvements ; and since that time works of wrt have been brought to much greater perfection than formerly. At first it was thought sufficient to ify the chapter wherein the word occurred, with these letters a, b, c, d, as marks to point out the begin- , the middle, or the end of the chapter. But after Robert Stephens, in the year 1545, had divided the - ters of the Bible into verses, the verses likewise began to be numbered, and the letters in the editions a . Concordances to be suppressed. And in 1555 this eminent Printer published his fine Concordance, ein the chapters and verses are exactly distinguished. i could not be thought that when so useful a work as Cardinal Hugo's came to be known, men, who ully studied the Scriptures, would be satisfied that such assistance should be confined only to those 'he understood Latin: Accordingly several have been published in various languages, particulary Rabbi Mordecai Nathan, otherwise called Isaac Nathan, composed an Hebrew Concordance in imitation of Cardinal Hugo's. He began it in the year 1438, and completed it in 1448, being no less than ten years in finishing it ; and besides, as he himself says, he was obliged to employ a great many writers in this work. After printing was invented, it was printed several times : first at Venice by Daniel Bomberg in the year 1523, under the title of Meir Netib, that is to say, Which giveth light in the way ; at Basil by Frobenius in 1581, and at Rome in 1621. This was the foundation of that noble work published by John Buxtorf, the son, being assisted by his father's papers, at Basil in 1632. As to the Greek text of the New Testament, a Concordance was published by Henry Stephens at Geneva in 1599, and republished in 1624 : But a more accurate one was compiled by Erasmus Schmidius, and published at Wittemberg in 1638, which was republished more correctly at Leipsic in 1716, and is reckoned a very complete performance. A Greek Concordance to the Septuagint Version of the Old Testament, must be owned to be very useful to such as are for comparing the expressions used in it with those of the New Testament, and to those who read the Fathers. Conrad Kircher of Augsbourg is celebrated for his Greek Concordance of the Old Testament, printed at Francfort in 1602. This author has inserted the Hebrew words in an alphebetical order, and placed under them the Greek words to which they answer. But since that time, an excellent Concordance to the Old Testament has been published at Amsterdam in 1718, by the aged and worthy Minister of Groningen, M. Abraham Trommius, who instead of following the Hebreiv alpha- bet with Kircher, has chosen rather to observe the order of the Greek alphabet. There have been Concordances likewise published in various modern languages ; in French by M. Gravelin; in High-dutch and Low-dutch by several ; the most complete one in Loiv-dutch is that begun by M. Martinitz, and finished by M. Trommius before-mentioned. In English we have had many. The first was published by Mr. Marbeck in 1550, which is dedicated to the pious King Edward VI. but this referred only to chapters, not verses : Then Mr. Cotton published a pretty large Concordance, which has been often printed: Afterwards Mr. Newman published one more complete; and lastly, we have had one published under the title of the Cambridge Concordance. There have been several abstracts or small Concordances published : First by Mr. Downame, the next by Mr. Vavasor Powell, then by Mr. John Jackson, and afterwards by Mr. Samuel Clarke. As also other works of this nature have been written by way of a Dictionary or Concordance, but in a different method, as Mr. Wilson's Christian Dictionary, Mr. Knight's Axiomatical Concordance, Mr. Bernard's Thesaurus Biblicus, and Mr. Wickens's Concordance, &c. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. Thus it appears that we have had Concordances to the Bible some centuries ago ; and the world has been so sensible of their usefulness, that many of them have been composed and published in different languages : But as there are several in our language, it may be inquired, What occasioned my undertaking this great and laborious work, or what advantage it has above any other hitherto published ? When I first began this work, I designed to compose an useful Concordance in Octavo ; but after I had printed several specimens I found it necessary to alter my scheme, and to compile one to be printed in this large volume, in order to make those improvements which now render it preferable to any other. The method is easy and regular, and each text of Scripture is generally contained in one line, whereby the reader may readily find the place he wants, if he remembers any material word. When there are two or more texts of Scripture that are parallel, I have generally mentioned the first that occurs in order in the Bible, and have directly added the parallel texts. It is printed with a good letter, though pretty small, which was necessary in order to bring it into this volume, and make it contain multmn in parvo, much in a little compass ; and great care has been taken that the figures referring to the chapters and verses of the Bible be exact and correct. When a text is marked with a f, it denotes a marginal reading. This Concordance is divided into three Alphabets. This first Alphabet contains the appellative or common words, which is the principal part. It is very full and large, and any text may be found by looking for any material word, whether it be substantive, adjective, verb, &c. In this part, I have given the various Significations of the principal words, which, I hope, will be es- teemed an useful improvement, there not being any thing of this kind in the other large Concordances : By this improvement the Reader will have many texts explained, and difficulties removed ; and the mean- ing of the Scripture may be hei-e known by that which is accounted the best rule of interpreting Scripture, namely, by comparing one Scripture with another. There is so large a collection of the various Signi- fications of many words in Scripture, as may, perhaps, be not only useful to private Christians, but also to those who preach the Gospel ; for hereby many important things may be observed at one view, without the trouble of turning over several volumes ; and occasion is sometimes taken to give an account of the Jewish customs and ceremonies, by which the Reader is led into the meaning of many passages of Scripture, as may be seen in the words, Elder, Ephod, Synagogue, &c. The second Alphabet contains the Proper Names in the holy Scriptures, which the Reader will receive with approvements, as in Abraham, David, &c. The texts referred to where those names are mentioned, give a short historical account of the remarkable things recorded in Scripture concerning them. To this part is perfixed a Table, containing the Significations of the words in the original languages from which they are derived. The third and last Alphabet is a Concordance for those books that are called Apocryphal, which is only added that this work might not be deficient in any thing that is treated of in any other Concordance ; those books not being of divine Inspiration, nor any part of the Canon of Scripture, and therefore are of no authority in the church of God. I conclude this Preface, with praying that God, who hath graciously enabled me to bring this large Work to a conclusion, would render it useful to those who seriously and carefully search the Scriptures ; and grant that the sacred writings, which are so important and highly worthy of esteem, may meet with all that affection and regard which they deserve. May those who profess to believe the Scriptures to be a Revelation from God, apply themselves to the reading and study of them ; and may they by the holy Spirit of God, who indited the Scriptures, be made wise to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. Amen. London, . ,, October, 1737. A. L. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. A s , i S to what respects this new Edition, notwithstanding the great pains taken in the First, there was ■- room for improvements. The filling up of the lines to make the text fuller could not so well be' done in the manuscript copy, as in the printed. This renders the sentences more complete in many thousands of places: moreover the texts are more distinct in many places by the leading words being distinguished in Italic characters. Some texts are added, and some improvements are made in the Significations of words, and an historical account is given of some eminent persons under their Proper Names ; and other things that need not be particularly mentioned. The labours of many persons to compile Concordances to the Bible, and their acceptance from time to time by the public, shew their great usefulness : It may be reckoned a good sign that religion is revived in some considerable degree in the present age, by the great demand for Concordances and religions books. The First Edition of several thousands in number has been long sold off, which shews this book's favoura- ble reception from the public ; and a demand has been long made for a new Edition. There are few books more necessary to those who study their Bibles than a Concordance, whether private Christians, or Ministers of the Gospel who make the Scripture the standard of their preaching. I was told by an emi- nent Minister, that the Bible and this Concordance taught him to preach : This Dictionary may be a help but the Spirit of God is the best Teacher, who alone can powerfully and -effectually teach and impress the heart with the truths revealed in the Scriptures, and make those who read and study the sacred writings wise to salvation. My great aim and design in this Work is, that it may be the means of propagating among my country- men, and through all the British dominions, the knowledge of God through our Lord Jesus Christ, and of ourselves, as the same is revealed in the Scriptures ; for whose good I heartily wish that it were more complete than it is : For though it be called in the title-page, A Complete Concordance, poor sinful man can do nothing absolutely perfect and complete, and therefore the word complete is only to be taken in a comparative sense : yet competent judges are of opinion that the method here taken is the best which has appeared in our language towards a complete Concordance. It is hoped that the above-mentioned improvements in this new Edition will serve to recommend the Work more and more to the favour of the public. May it please God, by the powerful operations of his Spirit, to make it useful for the spiritual benefit of those who diligently and carefully use it. London, ' . n June 11. 1761. ■ a - <-" HPHE First and Second Editions of this Ci ncordance having been well received by the public, seems to ■*• shew the great usefulness of such a Dictionary to the Bible ; for it may be justly said, that, if Christians were convinced that Concordances tended so much as they really do to promote the study and knowledge of the holy Scriptures, they would be more desirous of having one : And some Ministers have expressed so great an esteem for this Concordance, that they have said, " If they could not have another copy, they would not part with it for many pounds." This third Edition now appears, with some improvements, which it is hoped will engage the continuance of the public approbation this work has already been favoured with. May it please God to make it more and more useful and a blessing to the Church of God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. A.C. PREFACE TO THE OCTAVO EDITION TW'EXT to the Sacred Writings, no volume better deserves a place in the library of the Christian, than -^ Cruden's Concordance to the Holy Scriptures. On the principle now generally recognized by Christians of all denominations, that Scripture is the best interpreter of Scripture, a more accurate knowledge of the contents of the Bible may be attained by means of a correct and copious Concordance, than by any other means. As a common dictionary is referred to, for the signification of words in ordinary use, so, by comparing together the different passages of Scripture in which any word occurs, as arranged in a Concordance, the Scripture acceptation of the term will be discovered ; and the inquirer freed from the drudgery of cons-ulting Commentaries, and antiquated systems of divinity, in which every passage is gene- rally explained in conformity with the creed of the Author, rather than according to " the analogy of faith." The learned Bishop Horsley has recorded his opinion on this subject. He says, " It should be a rule with every one who would read the Holy Scriptures with advantage and improvement, to compare every text which may seem important for the doctrine it may contain, or remarkable for the turn of the expression, with the parallel passages in other parts of Holy Writ ; that is, with the passages in which the subject matter is the same, the sense equivalent, or the turn of the expression similar." — It is incredible to any one, who has not in some degree made the experiment, what a proficiency may be made in that knowledge that maketh wise unto salvation, by studying the Scriptures in this manner, without any other commentary OR EXPOSITION, THAN WHAT THE DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE SaCRED VOLUME MUTUALLY FURNISH FOR each other. I will not scruple to assert, that the most illiterate Christian, if he can but read his English Bible, and will take the pains to read it in this manner, will not only attain all that practical knowledge that is necessary to his salvation ; but, by God's blessing, he will become learned in every thing relating to his religion, in such a degree, that he will not be liable to be misled, either by the refined arguments or the false assertions of those who endeavour to engraft their own opinions upon the Oracles of God. He may safely be ignorant of all philosophy, except what is to be learned from the Sacred Books ; which, indeed, contain the highest philosophy adapted to the lowest comprehensions. He may safely remain ignorant of all histoiy, except so much of the first ages of the Jewish and of the Christian Church as is to be gathered from the Canonical Books of the Old and New Testaments. Let him study these in the manner I recom- mend, and let him never cease to pray for the illumination of that Spirit by which these books were dictated, and the whole compass of abstruse philosophy, and recondite history, shall furnish no argument with which the perverse will of man shall be able to shake this learned Christian's faith. The Bible, thus studied, will indeed prove to be, what we Protestants esteem it — " a certain and sufficient rule of faith and practice ; a helmet of salvation, which alone may quench the fiery darts of the wicked."* The Rev. T.H. Horne, in his Introduction to the Critical Study of the Scriptures, f (a work which for extent of research, and felicity of arrangement, is unequalled in the department of literature to which it belongs,) observes : " The comparison of parallel passages is a most important help for interpreting such parts of Scripture as may appear to us obscure or uncertain; for, on almost every subject, there will be found a multitude of phrases, that, when diligently collated, will afford mutual illustration and support to - each other ; the truth which is more obscurely intimated in one place being expressed with greater precision in others. Thus, a part of the attributes, or circumstances, relating to both persons and things, is stated in one text, and part in another ; so that it is only by searching out several passages, and connecting them together, that we can obtain a just ai^prehension of them." If these remarks be just, (and the authorities from which they proceed place them above all reasonable objection,) then the value of such a work as " Cruden's Concordance to the Holy Scriptures," affording such facility to the study of the Sacred Volume, will be readily admitted. The peculiar claims of the present edition remain to be noticed. The first and most important point to be regarded in such a work, is the general correctness of the various references to Scripture Texis. To secure this, the utmost pains have been employed; every passage has been carefully compared with the last edition published under the eye of the Author, in 1769, and collated with subsequent editions ; and where any difference appeared, the passage was traced out, and corrected from the Scriptures. This extraordinary care will, it is confidently hoped, obtain for this Edition the high recommendation of being the most correct edition of Cruden's Concordance ever published. The Octavo form in which the Concordance now appears, so much more portable than a ponderous Quarto, enables the Publishers to offer it at a considerably reduced price ; while the clearness and beauty of its type render it a specimen of that high degree of excellence the art of Stereotype Printing has attained in this country. A Memoir of Mr. Cruden, on an extended scale, containing some scarce and interesting particulars of his life, and several characteristic and authentic Anecdotes, has been compiled by the Editor, with great care expressly for this Edition. SAMUEL BLACKBURN. * Nine Sermons, pp. 221—228. t Vol. II. p. 552, MEMOIR MR. ALEXANDER CRUBEM. ff^HE facilities afforded by the following Work., to -*• the Minister of the Gospel, the Biblical student, and the more private Christian, when searching the Scriptures, whether for the instruction of others, or their own individual benefit, have embalmed the name of Cruden in their grateful affections; and cannot fail to attach a more than ordinary interest to the events of his life, so large a portion of which was laboriously employed for their benefit. Mr. Alexander Cruden was born at Aberdeen on the 31st of May, 1701. His father, Mr. William Cruden, was a merchant of some eminence ; and possessed the esteem and confidence of his fellow- citizens sufficiently to procure his election as one of their Baillies, or chief magistrates. In both public and private life his integrity and uprightness were exemplary ; and the terms of veneration in which his son Alexander was accustomed to speak of him, were doubtless dictated by truth no less than by strong filial affection. Few particulars of Mt.Cruden's early years have . been preserved. The acknowledged piety of his I parents, and the commendable attention paid in 1 Scotland to the religious instruction of youth, doubt- less conferred on him great moral advantages ; and led him, even from childhood, to revere the sacred volume. It is more than probable that the habits thus early formed had considerable influence on his subsequent life and studies. A higher motive than mere secular advantage led him to make choice of the Christian ministry, as the business of his future life. He had previously received a good elementary education in the grammar school of his native city ; and, as an introduction to the clerical profession, and in order to secure the advantages of that respectable seat of learning, he entered himself a student of Mareschal College, and diligently attended the lectures of the several pro- fessors. Here he made considerable proficiency in the learned languages, and fn general literature ; the degree of Master of Arts was conferred upon him ; and he was on the point of being proposed as a licentiate, when circumstances, which are in a great measure enveloped in mystery, caused a total change in his destination. Though posterity is left in igno- rance of the precise nature of these circumstances, there is abundant evidence that the purity of his moral character remained unsullied, and that his love for theological studies had experienced no abate- ment. Possibly some symptoms of that aberration of mind which more strongly discovered itself at a subsequent period of his life, rendered the abandon- ment of a profession so replete with mental anxiety and labour, when its duties are properly performed, highly prudential, if not essentially necessary. As the malady from which he so severely suffered was not hereditary, it has been referred to various causes. Some have attributed it to the bite of a mad dog ; but the peculiar symptoms of hydrophobia furnish no confirmation of such an opinion. Others, with more consistency, ascribe it to a disappointment in love, which he experienced about this period; but it is doubtful whether this operated as a cause or a consequence. If the rejection of his addresses, in terms, as would appear, not the most gentle, did not originally excite the malady, the effect produced by the disappointment,on a mind pre-disposedto insanity, caused him frequently to use such unseasonable and sometimes outrageous attempts to obtain an interview with the object of his affections, as to oblige his friends to send him to a place of confinement .* On his release from confinement, he resolved to leave the scene of his early and bitter sorrows. In the year ]722 he arrived in London; and was employed at Ware, in Hertfordshire, as classical tutor to some young persons. Several following years were spent in the Isle of Man, in similar occupations. In 1732 he finally settled in London, and engaged as corrector of the press ; blending with this occupa- tion the trade of a bookseller, which he carried on in a shop under the Royal Exchange. Here his literary attainments, indefatigable industry, and strict inte- grity, procured for him the esteem, not only of those who availed themselves of his professional labours, but of several persons eminent for their wealth and influence. To the strong recommendations of the Lord Mayor, and several of the Aldermen, and other distinguished Citizens of London, who were well known to Sir Robert Walpole, then Prime Minis- ter, he was indebted for the appointment of Bookseller The young lady above referred to was the daughter of a clergyman of Aberdeen. Shortly after Mr. Cruden was placed under restraint, it was discovered that a criminal intercourse had subsisted between her and her own brother, by whom she was actually | iwgnant. About ten or eleven years afterwards, Mr. Cruden, then resident in London, was taken by Mr. Chalmers, a Printer Aberdeen to the house of a merchant near the Royal Exchange, who was deemed likelv to assist him in his business. The door is opened by the unworthy object of Mr. Ckuden's regards ; who, upon leaving" Aberdeen, had, unknown to Mr. Cruden, his iiiend, there found a refuge far from the scene of her guilt and ruin. Mr. C I bark ; with the utmost intensity of J leenng he grasped the hand oi Mr. Chalmers, and exclaimed, "Ah! she has still hei in, l ! ' I I i "-evail on him to have any communication with the owner of the house, who was a younger brother of the ladv. As to the wretched Jinan herself, he never mentioned her name but with the bitterest grief, and most tender compassion. MEMOIR. OF MR. ALEXANDER CRUDEN. to the Queen, vacant by the death of Mr. Matthews but, though eventually successful, his patience was severely tried by the tardy measures of the Minister. About a year or two before he received this distinc- tion, he determined to begin that great work upon which he had long deliberated, A Complete Concor- dance of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. If the merit, of labour alone be given to this work, of Mr. Cruden, it must be acknowledged that it required labour the most intense, and pe: nnce which knew no interval. He was well qualified for such an undertaking ; for habits of industry were familiar to him ; and his conviction of the high utility of such a work led him both to form and to execute the plan previously to his receiving any encouragement from the public. The first edition was published in 1737 ; the preface to which explains his plan, and the motives which led to its publication. He had the honour of presenting a copy of the work to Queen Caroline, consort of George II. a short time prior to its publication ; when her Majesty " smiled upon the Author, and assured him, she was highly obliged to him." A dedication to his Royal Patroness, couched in most eulogistic terms, was prefixed ; and the Author's expectations of receiving some solid proof of royal munificence were very sanguine. The uncertain nature of all earthly de- pendencies was, however, strikingly manifested by the sudden death of the Queen, only sixteen days after the presentation of the work;* and "her declared intention of remembering the Author never took place." As Mr. Cruden had undertaken the work on his own responsibility, the expenses necessarily attendant on its publication had nearly exhausted his limited resources ; and the time it occupied had possibly diverted his attention from the duties of his shop. His embarrassments obliged him to dispose of his stock in trade, and to abandon his shop ; and his dis- appointed hopes depressed his mind, which had possibly suffered from the intensity of application to which it had been subjected while preparing the work. His malady returning with increased violence, his friends deemed his confinement necessary, and he was sent to a private asylum for lunatics at Bethnal Green ; from which he, however, contrived to escape, though he was chained to the bedstead on which he lay. In March, 1739, Mr. Cruden published a journal of his sufferings while confined at Bethnal Green, entitled : The London Citizen exceedingly injured; giving an account of his severe and long campaign at Bethnal Green, for nine tveeks and six days; the Citizen being sent there in March, 1738, by Robert Wightman, a notori- ously conceited, whimsical man; where he was chained, handcuffed, strait-waistcoated, and im- prisoned ; with a history of Wightman 's Blind Bench ; a sort of Court that met at Wightman' s room, and unaccountably proceeded to pass de- crees in relation to the London Citizen, &c. &c. Not content with bringing the parties by whom he supposed himself aggrieved to the bar of public opinion, he instituted legal proceedings against Wightman, the proprietor of the asylum, and Dr. Monro, the Physician. Mr. Cruden pleadedhis own cause, and furnished sufficient proof of the deranged state of his intellect. A verdict was, of course, found for the defendants. When the verdict, was returned, Mr. Cruden betrayed no agitation ; but on hearing it said, " I trust in God." The Judge replied : " I wish you had trusted more in God, and had not come hither." The trials, with remarks, were subse- quently published by Mr. Cruden, with a dedication to King George II. The former employers of Mr. Cruden did not deem him disqualified for resuming his labours as corrector of the press. After his release, he was employed for a considerable number of years, in those services which Printers and Publishers constantly need from men of education and learning. Under his inspection several editions of the Greek and Roman Classics were published with great accuracy. His manners were invariably simple and inoffensive ; he was always to be trusted, and performed his engagements with the strictest fidelity. Fifteen years had passed away in this laborious and useful employment, without any alarming indications of mental incapacity ; when his relatives, induced by reasons which charity would hope justified them in having recourse to such ex- treme measures, placed him a third time in confine- ment, which was but of short duration ; being from the 12th to the 29th of September, 1753. No proof as ever adduced of a mischievous propensity ; his ladness was sui generis : we find nothing like it in the annals of medicine ; nor can it be accounted for on any known principles of physiology. It is more than probable that the restraint to which he was sub- jected, and the discipline employed by those under whose care he was placed, irritated his mind, and in- creased his melancholy disorder. Upon his liberation, he afforded some rather ludi- crous proofs of the light in which he regarded those who had procured his recent confinement. As his sis- ter, Mrs. Wild, being his nearest relative, had sane- j 1 tioned that proceeding, he required from her a repara- tion of the injury. In a letter, addressed to a friend of Mrs. Wild, he makes what he calls ''proposals of reconciliation;" and begs her good offices to induce Mrs. Wild to accede to them. These proposals were, that Mrs. Wild would "voluntarily submit to confine- ment in the prison of Newgate for forty-eight hours, and pay to Mr. Cruden the sum of ten pounds." On its being intimated that a confinement in Newgate might prove prejudicial to her health, as the jail dis- temper was then prevalent in that prison, Mr. CrujHEN offered to commute the imprisonment in Newgate fin- one of twice forty-eight hours in the Tower, and a sum of fifteen pounds. These "reconciling proposals" were, however, not agreed to by Mrs. W ild, though her guardian, and other friends were urged to em- ploy their persuasions. Mr. Cruden was much sur- prised at the failure of these overtures ; and observed, "It is a little comical, that there should be so much trouble in getting this woman confined for forty-eight hours, who by a word of her mouth confined the Cor- rector for seventeen days." At length, despairing of a pacific termination of the business, he brought an ! action against his sister, and three other persons, which was tried in Westminster Hall, February 20, 1754. The damages were laid at ten thousand pounds, and a verdict was returned for the defendants. At the commencement of the followingterm, Mr. Cruden r ed the Court in person for a new trial, which was refused. He then published his case, entitled, The '- Adventures of Alexander the Corrector; three parts of which successively appeared. It is not easy I y The s presented Nov. 4, J731, and Her Majesty died o e month. MEMOIR OF MR. ALEXANDER CRUDEN. to convey an idea of the contents of these publications. They are evidently the production of a mind in which reason tottered, if she were not entirely dethroned. Various, whimsical, serious, and jocose, they form a fair specimen of the publications which he, from time to time, presented to the public relative to himself. His insanity now discovered itself in a variety of whimsical, and occasionally extravagant actions ; the narration of which, though it might gratify curiosity, would answer no valuable purpose ; only a few in- stances shall be adduced. Fully persuaded that he was intended by Divine Providence to accomplish a great national benefit, he assumed the title of, " Alex- ander the Corrector;" and gave out that he was commissioned by Heaven to reform the manners of the age ; particularly to restore the due observance of the sabbath. To convince the public of the validity of his claims to the high prerogatives he exercised, he printed and circulated detached sentences from the sermons and writings of eminent ministers and others ; all anonymous, or with the initials only of the authors' names. The substance of these predictions was, " That Mr. Cruden was to be a second Joseph, to be a great man at Court, and to perform great things for the spiritual Israel in Egypt." Furnished with these credentials, he went to Oxford, and other places, and exhorted the people whom he found in the public walks on the sabbath, to go home, and keep the sab- bath-day holy; generally enforcing his admonition with denunciations of eternal wrath in case of non- compliance. Mr. Cruden's mind seems to have cherished with no ordinary enthusiasm the scheme of reformation we have described ; and that his power might be co-extensive with his aims, he urged the necessity of a formal recognition of his authority by the King in Council ; and even, should it be found necessary, that an Act of the Legislature should constitute him " Corrector of the People." To obtain these, the aid of persons high in office was solicited ; and the influ- ence of the ladies of London was diligently sought. He drew up a testimonial of his integrity, and zeal for the public good ; and obtained the signatures of the Lady Mayoress, and some other females of rank ; who appear to have considered his ambition of so harmless a character, that it was better to indulge him by a seeming acquiescence with his pretensions, than to irritate his malady by unnecessary opposition. About the same time he made a formal application to His Majesty for the honour of Knighthood ; to which distinction he aspired, not from fondness for the title, but. from a persuasion that it would introduce hirn to greater usefulness :" for thinking men," he observed, " ought to seek after titles rather to please others than themselves." The account he gave of his attendances at Court on this business, and of his in- terviews with the Lords in Waiting, the Secretaries of State, and other persons of rank, is highly amusing. His eccentricities seem to have become familiar with the attendants ; and his acknowledged reputation for uprightness and worth appears to have preserved him from the treatment generally met with by impertinent intruders. He complains, however, that his applica- tions were not attended to ; but exempts Earl Paulett from the censures which he applies to others. That nobleman, he says, " spoke civilly to him ; for, being goutish in his feet, he could not run away from the Corrector, as others were apt to do." Wearied by his unsuccessful solicitations for court distinction, he next aspired to parliamentary ho- nours. At the general election in 1754, he offered him- self as a candidate for representing the City of London in parliament ! The endeavours of his friends to dis- suade him from this wild enterprise were ineffectual. To the suggestion of some, that he was too late in his application, he replied, "that he was not to look backward, but forward." He obtained an interview with one of the Bishops, who treated him with hu- mane attention ; commended his Concordance ; but intimated his opinion that he was not likely to obtain his election, unless Providence specially appealed for him. " This," says Cruden, in his account of the interview, "the Corrector readily acknowledged." Indeed, he appears confidently to have anticipated some extraordinary interposition in his favour ; and even hoped that the other candidates, in considera- tion of the uncommon motives by which he was actuated in applying for the honour, would decline all opposition. To the London ministers he sent circu- lar letters ; stating, that if Christian directions were given to the people by their reverend pastors, it might cause the Electors to act with caution and con- science;— and that wicked men are not fit to be chosen senators, and entrusted with the religion and liberties of the nation. His various addresses to the Livery, through the medium of the public press, were equally singular in style and sentiment. The fol- lowing is a fair specimen of both : " To the ivorthy Livery of the City of London." " London, April 30, 1754. " Gentlemen : " Your votes and interest are humbly requested for Alexander Cruden, the Correc- tor, Citizen and Stationer, and author of the New Concordance to the Bible, a work in much esteem, to be one of the Representatives in Parliament for this City. " It is thought that God in his providence signally favours the Corrector. And in order to fulfil the prophecies concerning him, he earnestly requests, that the Sheriffs, Candidates, and Liverymen, may seriously, as in the sight of God, consider the Ap- pendix to Alexander the Corrector's Adventures, and his letters and advertisements published for some days past ; which it is hoped will have a good effect on the candidates themselves, and all persons con- cerned for the honour of God, and of true religion. " If there is just ground to think that God will be pleased to make the Corrector an instrument to re- form the nation, and particularly to promote the re- formation, the peace, and the prosperity of this great city, and to bring them into a more religious temper and conduct, no good man, in such an ex- traordinary case, will deny him his vote. And the Corrector's election is believed to be the means of paving the way to his being a Joseph, and an useful, prosperous man. " The Corrector's earnest prayers are put up from time to time for your happiness in this world, and the world to come, through Jesus Christ. " I am, very respectfully, " Gentlemen, " Your most obedient and affectionate Humble servant, " Alexander Cruden." It is needless to say, that Mr. Cruden was not more successful at the hustings than at Court. But he bore this new disappointment with the most en- MEMOIR OF MR. ALEXANDER CRUDEN. tire resignation ; consoling himself with the reflection, " that he had the hearts of the people, though their hands had been promised away." The Corrector, he adds, " was very cheerful and contented ; and not. at all affected at the loss of his election. God's time is the best time." Shortly after the election, Mr. Cruden published a statement of the motives whicli induced him to aspire to the dignity and duties of a senator ; interspersed with some shrewd obser- vations on the injurious influence of faction on the morals and happiness of a people. While Mr. Cruden was aspiring to the honours of Knighthood, and a seat in Parliament, he appears to have been brought under the powerful influence of love; and with an ardour suited to the importance of the pursuit, he sought the hand of Mrs. Elizabeth Abney, the daughter of Sir Thomas Abney, who filled the office of Lord Mayor of London towards the close of the reign of William III. The object of his affec- tion is described by him in his Love Adventures, as "a woman of good understanding, of good princi- ples, and of amiable temper, with a liberal educa- tion, and acceptable person." Whether these valu- able qualities would have been sufficient to captivate his heart, unaccompanied by, what he terms, "the greatest revenues of any lady of the puritanical deno- mination," which he also states her to have possessed, is doubtful. That his ruling passion, even in this affair, was the desire of promoting the public good, may be easily conceived. He supposed that the large fortune, which was at the lady's own disposal, would put him in possession of the influence essential to the success of his benevolent schemes. As Mrs. Abney peremptorily refused to see him, he urged his suit for months, by letters, memorials, and remonstrances innumerable, of which he published some laughable specimens. As milder measures had failed of pro- ducing a favourable termination, he at length sent to her a paper of great length, formally signed and sealed, which he styled a Declaration of War. In this he rehearsed his grievances; stated the means he had hitherto adopted to reduce Mrs. Abney to a compli- ance with his reasonable requests; and that he was now reduced to the necessity of employing other measures. Being an extraordinary man, he would thenceforth carry on the war in an extraordinary manner, " by shooting off great numbers of bullets from his camp ; namely, by earnest prayer to heaven, day and night, that her mind may be enlightened, and her heart softened." He also had recourse to another stratagem, which, though highly ludicrous, could not, from its public nature, have been altogether pleasant, to the lady herself. In 1754, Mrs. Abney, being in the west of England, her eccentric lover evinced his affectionate concern for her welfare, by causing " praying bills" to be delivered every sab- bath at several places of worship, requesting the prayers of the minister and congregation for the pre- servation of herself and attendants. And on her return he sent similar bills, desiring that thanksgiv- ings might be addressed to Almighty God for her safe arrival. In an epistle he subsequently addressed to her, he urges these exertions in her behalf as a powerful argument in his favour, and a proof that he was "more thoughtful about her than all her friends." Notwithstanding these multifarious and persevering attempts to produce a favourable impression on her heart, Mrs. Abney remained obdurate ; and even his letters, he states, " were quickly tossed back." It is even said, that the- discipline of the. blanket was at length tried by the servants, to cure his trou- blesome attempts to obtain a personal interview. Justice however compels us to state, that Mr. Cru- den makes no allusion in his Adventures to any such occcurrence. At the close of the year 1754, Mr. Cruden was en- gaged by Mr. Woodfall, senior, as corrrector of the press to the Public Advertiser, a popular daily journal, in which the well known Letters of Junius first appeared. The close application required by the regular routine of business at Mr. Woodfall's office, doubtless did much towards diverting him from Ins quixotic love enterprize. Preparations for a new edition of his Concordance became shortly after necessary ; and the requisite corrections and additions furnished him with ample employment. The business of the printing-office was rarely over before one o'clock in the morning. Mr. Cruden seldom allotted more than four or five hours to rest; and before six in the morning might be found turning over the leaves of his Bible, and adding to, amending, and im- proving his Concordance with most scrupulous atten- tion. At this he laboured till the evening, when he repaired to the printing-office. These habits were well calculated to counteract the mental disease under which he had so long laboured ; and the reader will learn with benevolent satisfaction, that his mind was restored to a degree of calm regularity to which he had been long a stranger. From 1758, to the close of his life, he was mercifully preserved, in a very con- siderable degree, from those distressing visitations which had painfully characterised the earlier periods of his history. In 1762, a circumstance occurred in Mr. Cruden 's history, which, while it illustrates the charity of his disposition, will tend to show that the eccentric enthu- siast in benevolence is sometimes neither a ridiculous nor an useless being. One Richard Potter, was tried and capitally convicted at the Old Bailey, of forging, or rather uttering with a guilty knowledge of its being a forgery, a seaman's will, a crime very rarely pardoned. Mr. Cruden was in court during the trial ; and was so fully convinced that Potter was a poor illiterate creature, the tool of another, and ignorant of the nature of the crime he committed, that he determined to exert himself to obtain for him the royal clemency. He visited him after his trial; prayed with him, exhorted him, taught him the principles of religion, and, under the divine blessing produced in him a due sense of the wickedness of his past life ; and directed his inquiring mind to him " whose blood clcanseth from all sin." With the activity of enlightened zeal he represented the case of this poor man to the Earl of Halifax, then principal Secretary of State ; and the result of his unwearied applications was successful. The original sentence was commuted for transporta- tion ; and Mr. Cruden tasted " the god-like luxury" of delivering a fellow-creature from the jaws of death, and of instrumentally saving his soul from " the death that never dies." Mr. Cruden accompanied his application to the Earl of Halifax in the behalf of the above unfortunate man with a copy of the second edition of his Concordance, to which was prefixed an elegant Latin dedication to his Lordship. The success which had attended his benevolent ex- ertions to instruct and reform Richard Potter, in- duced Mr. Cruden to continue his visits to Newgate, in the hope that among the numerous prisoners some might, possibly, derive benefit from his labours. He visited them every day ; furnished them with copies MEMOIR OF MR. ALEXANDER CRUDEN. of the New Testament, Catechisms, &c. ; catechised them himself; and bestowed small pecuniary rewards on the most attentive. His efforts were, however, productive of little apparent good in a place where, from want of proper attention to the classification of the prisoners, the vicious of every age, and of every degree in vice, were permitted to associate indiscrimi- nately, and to harden each other. The books distri- buted among them by Mr. Cruden were sold, and the money spent in spirituous liquors. At length, dis- couraged by the unpropitious effects of his well- meant efforts, he discontinued his visits. Though disappointed, Mr. Cruden's zeal for the present and future welfare of his fellow-creatures suffered no abatement. The ardour of his mind sometimes carried him beyond the boundaries of pru- dence ; and he often appeared obtrusive, when he only meant to be kind. When successful in rescuing any poor creature from the barbarity of ignorance, or the open practice of wickedness, his joy knew no bounds. Another instance of his success is upon record, and well authenticated. Returning on a Sun- day evening from a place of worship, Mr. Cruden observed a man whose countenance was expressive of the deepest melancholy, if not of absolute despair. To behold misery in any of its diversified forms, and to attempt its removal, or mitigation, were necessarily connected in Mr. Cruden's philanthropic mind. He immediately accosted this man ; and drew from him a confession, that the privations to which himself and family were reduced from his extreme poverty, with other causes, had induced him to determine on com- mitting the desperate act of suicide. Mr. Cruden expostulated with him ; unfolded the wickedness of his intention ; and administered such seasonable in- struction and consolation, with present pecuniary assistance, and a promise of future support, that the poor man became cheerful, resigned, and hopeful. The following instance, though not so generally known, is inserted on the testimony of a gentleman whose character for veracity is a sufficient security for its truth. Mr. Cruden was one evening accosted by one of those daughters of infamy, who nightly prowl through the streets of the metropolis ; and who laid hold of his arm, with the familiarity of her vTetched profession. He made no reply, but allowed her to walk with him, till he arrived at his own door, when he told her he must leave her ; but could not do so, without expressing his sorrow at finding her en- gaged in so sinful and ruinous a course ; and earnestly exhorted her to abandon it. The poor girl told him with tears, she had no alternative : that she would willingly quit her present mode of life, but knew not where to go. Mr. Cruden observed, it was too late that night, to enter into the particulars of her situa- tion ; but, if she continued in the same mind the next day, she might call at his house, and he would be- friend her. She came accordingly ; and expressed her willingness to engage in any situation, however menial and laborious, rather than continue her pursuits of infamy. Mr. Croden told her, that he knew of no situation suitable for her ; but offered her an asylum in his house, as an assistant to his servant, till a situation could be procured for her. She gratefully accepted his proposal ; and immediately entered upon the duties of her new office. She con- tinued in Mr. Cruden's serviee till his death ; and conducted herself with such modesty and propriety, as proved that her reformation was complete, and her penitenc< genuine. Such actions shed on the memory of Mr. Cruden a glory more pure and last- ing than that obtained by the conquero>- of nations. His record is on high ; and though his eccentricities occasionally obscured the benevolent motives bywhich he was influenced, the great Searcher of Hearts will, in the day of his coming, reward him openly. Loyalty was a prominent feature in Mr. Cruden's character. He was of opinion that a bad man can- not make a good patriot. In the political struggle between Mr. Wilkes and the administration of the country, which threw the whole nation into a violent ferment, Mr. Cruden took a decided part against that political demagogue, whose name he could never endure to hear mentioned. He wrote a small pamphlet against him; and also testified his aversion to him, in a way peculiar to himself, by effacing " No. 45," wherever he found it chalked on doors or window-shutters. His instrument was a large piece of spunge, which he carried in his pocket, partly for this purpose, and partly for the purpose of destroy- ing those inscriptions offensive to decency and good morals, which so frequently disgrace the walls of the metropolis. This employment occasionally made his walks very tedious. Neither time nor circumstances can wholly dissolve, though they may suspend, those powerful attachments to the place of his birth, and the scenes of his child- hood and youth, which have a place in the breast of every man of sensibility. When Mr. Cruden was enabled to detach himself from those laborious occu- pations which had engrossed so large a portion of his life, he yielded to the force of these feelings ; and in the year 1769, visited Aberdeen, his native city. Here he also endeavoured to serve the cause of reli- gion and public morals. He applied for, and obtain- ed permission to deliver a lecture in one of the Public Halls of that city, on his favourite topic, the necessity of a reformation of manners. He printed the Fourth Commandment in the form of a hand-bill, and distributed several thousands among his fellow- citizens, especially on the Lord's day. His pockets were always well stored with Catechisms and other religious tracts, on which he expended considerable sums ; and these he bestowed freely on young persons, and others who promised to read them. Mr. Chalm- ers records with a grateful feeling, which does credit to his head and his heart, his recollection of the ten- der regard and winning manners by which he endea- voured to allure children to read their Bibles, Catechisms, &c. By the inhabitants at large he was received with considerable respect ; and the occasion- al singularities of his conduct were readdy excused in consideration of the general excellence of his character. Mr. Cruden measured the qualifications and conduct of ministers of the gospel, by no ordinary standard ; and wherever he discovered any marked inconsistency between the office and the man, he never failed to express his disapprobation by some word or action too unequivocal to be misunderstood. On one occasion, during this visit, he happened to meet with a young clergyman, whose spruce and conceited manners excited his disgust. With great solemnity he presented him with a child's catechism, well known in Scotland, entitled, The Mother's Catechism, dedicated to the Young and Ignorant. Mr. Cruden continued at Aberdeen about twelve months ; and then returned to London, where he closed his days, and was called to rest from his labours. He died at his lodgings in Camden Street, Islington, November 1st, 1770. The circumstances MEMOIR OF MR. ALEXANDER CRUDEN attending his dissolution were sufficiently remarkable to warrant a particular insertion in a Memoir of his life. His health had undergone no visible change. He had. indeed, complained for some days of a slight asth- matic affection, but the evening before his decease he retired to rest, as usual. In the morning the maid rang the bell, to summon him to breakfast. Receiving no answer, she went into his bed-room, but he was not there. She then entered his closet; where she found him kneeling against a chair, his hands supported by its back ; but he was quite dead ! As he never married, he bequeathed his moderate savings to his relations ; except a certain sum to his native city, to be employed in the purchase of religious books, for the use of the poor ; and he founded an exhibition of five pounds per annum, to assist in educating a stu- dent at Mareschnl College. This exhibition was to be obtained on certain terms mentioned in his will; one of which was a perfect acquaintance with Vincent's Catechism. Mr. Cruden's religious sentiments were decidedly Calvinistic, as the definitions of various terms in his Concordance sufficiently testify. But he was no bigot; and often censured with much severity the principles and practices of narrow-minded men. He was evidently warmly attached to that cause in which all true Christians, of whatever denomination, must agree ; the cause of practical religion. His zeal for the reformation of manners, among all ranks of men could proceed only from a mind deeply affected with the evil of sin ; and though his exertions in promoting the cause of righteousness, were marked with a cer- tain degree of eccentricity, arising from occasional mental infirmity, yet they entitle him to the warmest approbation of all who wish well to the best interests of mankind. His Concordance is a lasting monu- ment of his supreme regard for the Sacred Writings. None but a person who possessed the highest esteem and veneration for the Scriptures, would have under- gone the immense toil which this work must have cost him. A conscientious regard for the public institutions of religion, and an habitual respect to the duties of private devotion, shewed the genuineness of Mr. Cruden's piety towards God. Nor did he attempt to separate communion with God, from communion with the church of God ; but having first given him- self to the Lord, he made an open and decided pro- fession of serious godliness, by closely uniting himself with the Independent Church, which assembled in Great St. Helen's, imder the care of Dr. Guyse, whom he termed, his " faithful and beloved pastor." About 1762, when age and infirmities obliged Dr. Guyse to resign the pastoral office, Mr. Cruden was induced to attend the ministry of Dr. Conder, in Moorfields ; and, subsequently, that of Mr.CRUiCK- shank, in Swallow Street. He, however, never wholly separated from the church at Great St. Helen's, but attended the first Sunday in every month, when the Lord's Supper was administered. In private life Mr. Cruden was courteous and affable ; prone to give his opinions, and firm in his religious views. To the poor he was as liberal of his money as of his advice ; he seldom,indeed, separated the one from the other. His concern for them must have been sincere, for interest he could have none ; and his generosity must have been pure, for he often gave more than he retained for his own use. To such young men as were recommended to his notice, especially from his native city, he behaved with the kindness of an affectionate and judicious friend ; affording them pecuniary aid, when needed ; and in- variably cautioning them against the temptations which assail youth in the great metropolis. Though Mr. Cruden may not obtain a niche in the temple of genius, his name will stand high on the records of utility. Besides the works already refer- red to, he wrote an Account of the History and Excellency of the Holy Scriptures, prefixed to a Compendium of the Holy Bible. He also pub- lished the History of Richard Potter ; the poor man who was rescued from an ignominious death by his exertions. A Scripture Dictionary, was com- piled by him, and published in two octavo volumes at Aberdeen shortly after his decease. He also com- piled the very elaborate verbal index which belongs to Bishop Newton's edition of Milton's Works ; an undertaking inferior only to that of his Concord- ance, and which he undertook at the request of Audi- tor Benson. But his great work was his Concor- dance, to the revision and improvement of which he devoted all his leisure in the later periods of his life ; a second edition was published in 1761, dedicated to his late Majesty, George the Third, who had newly succeeded to the throne ; and who during his reign, the longest in the annals of the British Empire, fully maintained the truly honourable character ascribed to him in that dedication, of " having manifested a high regard for religion, and an earnest concern for pro- moting it among his subjects." This edition was well received, and a Third was required, which appeared in 1769, with the Author's last corrections. These two editions reimbursed Mr. Cruden for the losses he sustained by the first. For his second edition he received five hundred pounds ; and when the third was published, the Booksellers made him a further present of three hundred pounds, besides twenty copies of the work on fine paper. These sums, with the product of some other literary labours, placed him in easy and comfortable circum- stances during the last years of his life ; and enabled him to indidge the benevolence of his heart, in re- lieving the necessities of others. Such are the brief Memoirs we have been able, after considerable research, to collect of Alexander Cruden ; to whom the religious world lies under very great obligations : " whose character," to use the words of Mr. Chalmers, " notwithstanding his men- tal infirmities, we cannot but venerate ; whom neither infirmity nor neglect could debase ; who sought con- solation where only it could be found ; whose sorrows served to instruct him in the distresses of others ; and who employed his prosperity to relieve those who, in every sense, were ready to perish." A COMPLETE CONCORDANCE HOLY SCRIPTURES; & Bittioww antr mpffaUtic&l MUtx to tije ISifile. H ote _ jy^ Table of Proper Names, and the Concordance thereof, with the Concordance to the Apocrypha, placed separately at the End, in Alphabetical Order. /OB 40. U. behold every one proud, and a him Isa 31 4 as the lion will not a. -jimself Ezek. 21. 26. and a. him that is high Dan. 4. 37. that walk in pride, is able to a. ABASED. Isa 32 + 19. and the city shall be utterly a. Mat. 23. 12. and whosoever shall exalt himself mat.^. iz ,-■ 7 || Luke 14. 11. || 18. 14. ABASING. ABATED. myself Lev. 27. 18. it shall be a. from thy estimation „„ Moses' na Judg. 8. 3. then their anger was a. toward him ABBA. Mark 14.36. a. Father.all things are possible to thee !.,„, h 13 il ... ' • i ' ' ' Gal. 4. 6. sent Spirit into your nearts crying a. ABHOR. Father Signifies [1] To hath or detest, Deut. 32. 19. Job 42. 6. [2] To despi" -~ Psal. 8 >s 6. 8. [3] To reject "' & °ff, il shall not a. you 15. or if your soul a. my judgments 30. I will destroy, and my soul shall a. you 44. nor will I a. them, to destroy them utterly Deut. 1.16. thou shalt utterh. a. it. ;. cursed thi-..:: 23. 7. shalt not a. an Edomite, net a. an Egyptian 1 Sam. 27. 12. he hath made his people to a. him. Joh 9. 31. and my own clothes shall a. me " "1. they a. me, they "-- * 2. 6. I a .ivsell.a ,n dust 'sal. 5. 6. the Lord will a. the bloody man 119. 163. 1 hate and a. lying, but love thy law Prov. 24. 24. him people curse, nations shall a. him ' ■.'■■ ... :•> !t ' ■ ' ! ■' ■ ' ' '■'<''" :! 6. 8. la. the excellency of Jacob, hate his palaces Mic. 3. 9. hear, ye that a. judgment, and pervert J.'. ... IV. u. 0. ,K.i v . 1 . L . ■ h : f-'l c'ti . . - I ABHORRED. r.rurf. 5. 21. you have made our savour to be a. , .. ■. ,1.: ,-•.. .....;■ ■ : 1 ' .' > I 26. 43. they despised, their soul a. my statutes Deut. 32. 19. when the Lord saw it, he a. them 1 Sam. 2. 17. for men a. the offering of the Lord 2 Sam. 10. 21. shall hear, thou art a. of thy father 1 Khun 11. 25. Hadada. Israel, and reigned over Jo* 19. 19. all my inward friends a. me Psal. 22. 24. nor . Prov. 2 Lam. 2. 7. the .Lord, ha Ezek. 16. 25. thou hast made thy beauty to 1 Zeck. 11.8. loathed them, and their soul also a. m ABHORREST. Isa. 7. 16. the land tBat thou a. shall be forsaken . 22. thou that a. idols, dost thou commi ABHORRETH. Joi 33. 20. so that his life a. bread, and his soul .."..' II .: ■•'. •■■ '■ '•' ' ■ 1 '•' 36.4. he deviseth mist' ' Isa. 49. 7. t( oul a. liefonhisbed.h m the n; 15.1. [3] To tear or endure, Jer. 10. 10. Joel 2. 11. [4] To be, Gen. 44. 33. [5] To continue, Eccl. 8. 15. John 14. 16. [6] To •u-ait for. .lets 20. 2:1. [7] T. rest. Prov. 19. 23. [8] Tu ft., l'hil. 1. 2-1. [9] To stand firm, Psal. 119. 90. 125. 1. [10] To rule or <2>w», r-sal. 61. 7. Gen. 19. 2. but we will a. in the street 22. 5. a. you here with the ass, and I and the lad 24. 55. let the damsel a. with ns a few days 29. 19. it is better I give her to thee, a. with me 44. 33. let thy servant a. instead of the lad Erod. 16, 29. a. ye every man in his place Lev. 8. 35. therefore a. at the door of the tabernacle 19.13. the wages of him hired shall not a.with thee Nam. !5. 25. shall a. to the death of the high Ruth 2. 8. but a. here fast by my maidens 1 Sa a. 1.22. appear beforethe Lord, anda.fc 5. 7. the ark of God of Israel shall not a. with us ith me, fear not, for he that seeks 2 Sam. 10. will 1 39. 9. will the unicorn be willing to a. by thy Psal. 15. 1. Lord, who shall a. in thy tabernt UJ -i. ! '! 1 ■ ..''■-.- ...'-. :., ■- ••: ..,-,:..- 7. he shall a. before God for ever 91. 1. shall a. under the shadow of the Almighty Prov. 7. 11. she is loud, her feet a. not in her house 19. 23. and he that hath it shall a. satisfied Eccl. 8. 15. for that shall a. with him of his labour Jer. 10. 10. nations not able to a. his indignation -'. :: ■!■ '.-■I. ' •'" ■ :.i .,. 49. 18. no man shall a. there, 33. | 50. 40. 11;. 3. 3. thou shalt a. for me many days 11. 6. and the sword shall a. on his cities Jot I 2. 11. the day is terrible, who can a. it? Mic. 5. 4. they shall a. for now shall he be great Na/i. 1. 6. who can a. in the fierceness of his anger ? Mai. 3. 2. but who may a. the day of his coming > Mat. 10. 11. there a. Mark 6. 10. Luke 9. 4. Luke 19. 5. for to-day I mnst a. at thy house 24. 29. a. with us, for it is towards evening John 12. 46. believes on me, should not a. in dark- 14. 16. give another comforter that he may a. 16.1 it pleas. i cast forth .id a. in his \m j. there still d a. then saying, that bonds and afflictions :t . ji. excepuhese a. cannot b c =,*>< Cor. 3. 14. if any man's work a. he shall recefs r. 8. it is good for them if they a. even as I 20. let every man a. in the same calling 40. she is happier if she so a . after my judgmei hil. 1. 24. to a. in the flesh is more needful for yo 25. I know that I shall a. with you all Tim. 1. 3. I besonght thee to a. at Ephesus John". 24. letthata. in you which ye have heai £7. ye shall a. in him || 28. children a. in hi) hedtheea ABL Psal. 55. 19. God 119. 90. thou ha 125. 1. shall be as mount zio Prov. 15. 31.heareth reproof, a. among the Eccl. 1. 4. another Cometh, but the earth a. foi Jer. 21. 9. he that a. in this city shall die by s John 3. 36. but the wrath of God a. on hin but the forev nofw alon 34. we have heard that Christ a. for t __ 15. 5. he that a. in me hringeth forth much fruit 1 Cor. 13. 13. now a. faith, hope, charity 2 Tim. 2. 13. if we believe not, yet he a. faithful Helj. 7. 3. Melchizedec a. a priest continually 1 John 2. 6. he that saith he a. in him ought to walk ' -.- stron • . 1 the word of God a. in von 17. but he that doth the will of God a. for ever 27. the anointing a. in you and teacheth you 3. 6. whosoever a. in him sinneth not 1 John 3. 14. that loveth not his brother a. in death 24. and hereby we know that he a. in us 2 John 9.whoso a. not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God, he that a. hath the Father and the Son ABIDING. Num. 24. 2. Balaam saw Israel a. in his tents " 1 Sam. 26. 19. from a. in the inheritance of the Lord 1 Chron. 29. 15. days as a shadow, there is none a. Luke 2. 8. there were shepherds a. in the field 1 John 3.15. no murderer hath eternal life a. in him ABJECTS. Psal. 35. 15. the a. gathered together against me ABILITY. Lev E:r 2. 69. they give after the ir a. to the work Ncfi 5. 8. we after our a. rede Dai . 1.4. as had a. to stand ir, the king's palace 25. 15. he gave to each a Acts (. 4. 11. let him do it as of ietermined to send ABLE. Exod. 18. 21. provide out of all the people a. men Lev Nun 1. 3. all that are a. to go 26. 28. 30. 32. 34. 36. 38. 4 0, 42, 45. '| 26. 2. 13 30. go up for we are well Deu t. 16. 17. every man shall give as he is a. Josh o stand before you Drejtbis holy God? 1 K ,..^3. 9. who is a. to judge 6. ' so that none is a. to w Jtb Pro . 27. 4. bnt who is a. to stand before envy ? Ezel .46.11. the offering shall be rais"No deliver Dan 6. 20. thy God is a. to deliver t nee from the lions Mat 3. 9. God is a. of these children to Ab 9. 28 . fear him a . to destroy so land body in bell 19- 22. are ye drink of the ct pi shall drink of? lO.M.nnl suffer In bo Io.„i 2CW. 3.6. who hath made 9.,';,,,.tn make all gr .11 things to himself 7. '-'5.1,r is a. to sa etolhoulle mos all lliai cimii 11.19. ac that Cod « a J.,,,,. 1.21 the wo ,1 uhioh is,, bridle the \ hok ^yoursouls ■l.I2.lhrr nd in dos.rnv ./-„/, <,'l. 1. t is a. to keep you In, n, b,]li,,g T, 1.5.3. k nor look o make war th,. Least - 15.' 8.' no manw 1.1 All 1,1',. the temple. Lev. 25. 2 limsolf //-■/,. deem it l„-,,-l siaial, 11.25. ./„,/,. 1.5. 1 before ll„a 14.12. if t .- r.n.'i ,,. v.itho.el l,al /.,',,. to drive . it'll.- 1 „. loligh! w lthn J ('/„■„,,.'." I 11. thai 1 , 1 dm- lulling!. •.'i 7,„„,.:;2 11. III:,. ild , „.!ndcl,ve, /.m. 17. 1 .if SO e ilnui shall E:el: 33. i all Ih.- righl l.uhe. 14. her he be a. \ ,,l, II,,,,,.;:. :'t) h.VC Ol Cod 1 Cor. 10. 13. that ye may be /■:,,/,. 3.10. may be . to c pi'C'l •iid ." ll ; 1 ," '"'"., „ st the devi 16. faith, wherewith ye shall he a. to quench 2 Tim. 2. 2. who shall be a, to teach others als 'Tit. 1. 9. may be a. by sound doctrine to exhoi 2 Vet. 1. IS. that ye may be a. after my deceas JBtr 10. 1.1. we are „„/ o star 1 v:,,l,o IX, I 4. 10. so that w 1 ll Psa 'th 21 l^.'hoWonme! o'l'l ey a Im™ ,,. to ),( /„. ml, .,'„, -7. 10. the land ■all l,,s Luk 14. 7,„'„ 12.26. if ye bi- mt doth ■ tl.iim j ll! (IVney iv'ere ln t0 1 1"'« , !.',',Ti" .&** 6.10.andthey w BOARD. ABODE, 1 Jacob*, with hit) 6. the glory of th _J. 16. Saul and .Innath:!,. ,,'. in Gil,",,'. ' 22. 6. Saulu. II 23. 14. David a. 25. | 26. 3 w'lhi". Spirit.' and it a. upon him 12. it is an a. to e and a. with him that day 17. 15. they both at aid these words he a. in Galilee 20. 10. both of the 23. divers weights 24. 9. and the scoi er room where a. Peter and .lames Prov. 28. 9. even h ne a. they speaking boldly in the 29. 27. an unjust and ,,. with the brethren one ,!:,<- he that is upright Acts 12. 19. Herod went to Cosarea, and th 14. 28. there they ,,. long lime with the disciples 17. 14. Silas and Tin tens /,. there still ABODEST. Judg. 5. 16. why a. thou among the sheepfolds i ABOLISH. Sienilies [I] To, I „,,, •„ make raid, 2 Cor. 3. 13. Eph. 2. 15. [2] To destroy, Isa. 2. 18. 2 Lit. 2. 18. and the idols he shall utterly a ABOLISHED. Tin. 51. fi. and 11, y riglileon .ness shall not be a. 1 , /.,,/,. 2. 15. having ,,. in his flesh the enmity 2 Tim. 1. 111. Jesus Christ, who hath a. death ABOMINABLE. Lev. 7. 21. that shall touch any a. unclean thing 11.43 let" ' I tl 19. 7. if it be eaten on the third day, it is a. 20. 25. ye shall not make your souls a. by beast Dent. 14. 3. thou shalt not eat any ,,. thing Can,, "I li. l„r the king's wind v. as „.to.Ir. a h CI,,;,,. 15.11. Asa ,,„t :,«:,vil„.,,. idols I, ,„„ .1 nd.,1, ./,/, 15. Hi. how much*more a. and filthy is man id have done a. iniqt ABOMINAf.LY. '1.211. A bab did verv-7.ii. ABOMlN.Vi l"N ifles [1] /'/,,_,, - - ,' l'./.el,.' Hi! 5i.'. ft] /,- Isa. 44. 19. [4] j"ao >„■„„. ,,,/,,• „■„,,,/,„„,/./,,-, • !•" [5] Evitdoctriucs and '■fi 32. for that is an -7. to t ificethe «.of Egyptia :o the Lord thy God, 17. 1. bring an ,-. into thy house is wrought among you, 17. 4. these ihines are an a. 22. 5. re an a. to the land il,v God n a. before the Lord nrigliieously are an a. to God ABO 12. 22. lying lips are a. 10. it is an ,-. lo fools to ■1. the sacrifice of the noil . to the Lord :e the residue thereof ai 32.35. Jhat they should do this ,,.!„,■; juse .1 „dal. '-•-/a Id 5,1. they were haughty and committed ,,. 18. 12. lifted up his eyes to idols and committed „ 22. 11. committed „. « ith bis neighbour's wife 33. 20. ye stand on your sword and y, uorl „ 'Jan. II. 51, shall pla. elite,,. ll,„ i inake'll, desolal- 12. 11. and the a. thatmaketh desolate set up Mai. 2. 11. and,,, is eon mulled in Israel and .lores. Mat. 24. 15. ye see a. of desolation, Mark 13.1-1. i .. I iiall in no wise enter that worketlt „. • U'.o.U I NATIONS. )t learn to do after the a. of nations i. provoked they him to anger i, AtA „„ — ~a; — *- _n _ ~ez...: Kings 14. 24. did ac '. Rings l6,3.thio' lire according to ,,. 2 ( '/„■. gll.5 21. 2. Manasseh did evil in the sight of the Lord after the a. of the heathen, 2 Chrim. 33. 2. 23.24. a. spied did .losiahput :p.vav,2 ('/,, ::j. :;: : Chron. 36. 8. acts of Jchoiakim and his a. he did '■ : I" "I b i -a , ■ , : , |. , ,, Prov. 20. 25. for there are seven -,. in his heart ':'-'. 44. 22. the Lord could not bear for the a. .,/, . ti. I 1 .alas lor all the evil ,,. of house of Israel hi i. si est thou the great a. of Israel, but turn thee " < " ' 'in ■ ml ' ! "'" ' hall '.' , si. r ,. . I. 'I 15 9. behold the wicked a. that they do here 4.tha 18.24. V, light thing tc -ud a, , I'o. all the n. that be don, .ke away all the a. thereof Horn thmc- n away your faces from all your „. the righteous doth m. t. cause them to know the a. of their h 7. east ye away every man the a. of his 8. they did not cast away the a. of their - '•"■' '■ .'.ea '1'"" ah., ".la .ll I e, 36. 31. and shall loathe yourselves for all V( ■If II. ti Israel, let it suffice you of all yo 7. they have broken my covenant for all yc J)777,.9.27. and for the on ersprendiug of ,) ■/•■eh. 9.7. willi .ake his *. from be' i. the m full ol h, r ol liarlols and a. of the earth heir ABOMINATIONS, teach you not to do after all their --. ye have seen their ,-. and their idols /■.,„[). l.the people doing a. th.J w thy father from a. 16 from a. Psal. 18. 16. Judg.5. 2 Sam. £2. 17. hese. 1 /wi'c.i 8. 7. cheruliins covered, ark a. 2 C'Ar. 5. J C A7i,_-.c25. 28. a. the throne of kinss, /.-. 52. 32. 1 CAren. 5. 2. for Judah prevailed^, his brethre 23.27.for the Levites were numbered from twent years old and a. Exod. 30. 14 27. 6. Benaiah was mighty and a. the thirty Xeh. 7. 2. Hananiah feared. God a. manv 12. 37. they went up a. the house of L>avid Job 3. 4. let not God regard it from a. 18. 16. and a. shall his branch be cut off 28. 18. for the price of wisdom is a. rubies 31. 2. for what portion of God is there from a. 28. for I should have denied the God that is a. Psal. 10. 5. thy judgments area, out of his sight 18. 48. thou liftest me a. those that rise up 27. 6. now shall my head be lifted up a. enemie 45. 7. the oil of gladness a. thy fellows, Hi l>. 1 .1 78. 3. th nanded the clouds from a. 119- 127. 1 love-!;- commandments 0. gold 136. 6. that stretch d out the earth a . the water 137 6. if ot Jerusalem,, mv tin,! in 144 nd from a. rid me, deliver ni 148 13. 1: s glory 1 Prov k. e« established the clouds a. £ life is a. to the wise 31. 10. fo her pri e is far a. rubies La I 3.19. Isa. hall be exalted a. the hills 0.2 oodthe 7.1 the depth or in the height a. J.-r.l 0.0 tr s increased a. sand of the sea Lam 1.13 Ezek as appearance of a man a. upon it 10. 19. the . ! : . 29. 15. :.j exalt its elf anymore a. the nations 6. 13. baskets wh ch remained ov a. ye are of flu 19. 11. except it Acts 4. 22. for th man was a. for Rom. 10. 6. that is L Cor. 4. 6. not to hink of men a. w 10. 13. you to be tempted a. that u of a. 500 bret 2 Cor. 1. 8. were pressed out of mea 12.2.a. fourteen years ago, whethe 6. lest any man should think of Gal. 4. 26. but J rusalem which ABO •halt be blessed a. all people Dew. 7. 14. tho IS.he chose 2. chosen thee a. all the nations, 26. 19. I 28. 1. «»j 14. 9. done evil a. all that were before thee . provoked a. atfthat the' " ' ( re l.ll.donewickedlya.oWtheAmoi 29. 3. over and a. all I have prepared . .:. . , - - i„ ,' 11. 21. he loved Maacah a. all his wive >. for Ezra was a. all the people 7. kins loved Esther,,. W/ the women 1 1 , il 113.4. magnified thy \ pthyh, all kl L,.k, 3.20. Herod at 2. these sinners a. all the Galilea cometh from h< ABOUND. Pror. £8.20.the faithful man shall a. with blessin Tsa. 2. f 6. they a. with the children of strange. .. Mat. 24. 12. bf . love of many - e law entered that the offence might 6. 1. shall we continue in sin, that grace may a. 15. 13. that ye mayo, in hope thro' the powe: 2 Cor. 1. 5. as sufferings a. so consolation aboun 8. 7. as ye a. in every thing, see that ye a. 9- 8. God is able to make all grace a. to you 17. but I desire frui ABOUNDED, ETI . 24. when no fountain . and a furious man a. each other told Judah ABU 12. 1. set an hedge a. it, and digged a place Luke 2. 49 . 1 must be a. my Father's business 5. let your loins be girded a. and lights John 3. 25. there arose a question a. purifying 7. 19- why go ye a. to kill me ? Ictt 4. 4. the number of the men was a. 5000 18. 14. and when Paul was a. to open his mouth 27. 30. as they were a. to flee out of the ship Rom. 4. 19. when he was a. 100 years old 10. 3. going a. to establish their own righteousness : <:■.;. 4. in. always bearing a. in the body the dying- :e of half an hour ABROAD. od. 12. 46. shalt not carry ought of the flesh a c.13. 12. and if a leprosy break out a. in the sk i. 9. whether she be born at home or a. rut. 23. 10. then shall he go a. out of the can 13. when thou wilt ease thyself a. shalt dig Judg, 12. 0. took daughters from a. for his sons " Kin-. ■ 4., borrow thee vessels,,, of neiglibou Chron. 29. 16. Levites took it to carry it out 41. 25. God shewed Pharaoh what hi 42. 24. he turned himself a from them andwepi 46. 34. thyservanfs trade hath been a. cattle Exod. 11. 4. a. midnight will I go out into Egypt 13. 18. God led the people a. thro' the way 19. 23. set bounds a. the mount, and sanctify it 32. 28. there fell that day a. 3000 n— Lei: 6. 5. all that a. which he hath s- -i;nt. 115. 24. from 0. the tabernacle a. going down of the sun, 2 Ckron. 18. 34. 4. 16. a. this season according to the time 2. 9. the house which I am a. to build Isa. 5. + 2. built a tower, and madeawall a. it -'..'.-■ 'v .. . 31. 22. how long wilt thou go a. O thou 11 7 2 j < 1 ido-ngsha^e beset them a. J'. .'. 20. 3. he went out a. the third hour lieth with a bond-maid a. by at her all the night till mornii Jitdg. 19. 25. and l.s,„,,.31.4.1estui 1 Cor. 9. 18. that I a. not my power ABUSERS, ING. 1 Cor. 6. 9. nor a. of themselves will ACCEPT. Signifies, [1] To i,,,rr, (n.muihhi. a 2 Cor. 11.4. [2, r„i«h ,.)■;, »r, , 4". r\1] '/WI,,,,,,., Gen. 4. 7. J" My, Job 13. 10 highly el 18. 5. [5] To . \fS\TobeUi , [7] To he r Exod. 22. 11. an Act. 26. 41. and Dent. 33. 11. bb 1 Sam. 26. 19. I iwner shall a. thereof ,. of the punishment, 43. , I: .,,:!. ho i-:. a. an offering sanl, the L. thy Coda, thee e do secretly a. persons 7. they shall come u ACCEPTATION. 1.15. this is a saying worthy of all a. ACCEPTED. I.xou. •-;'■. :;:;. that the-, may be ,,. before (be Lord Lev. 1. 4. the offering shall be a. for him, 22. 27. 7. 18. it shall not be a. 19- 7. I 22. 23, 25. 10. KJ. should it have been a. insight of the Lord '.'I an oil", I'mg n. ill 1 ■ i" be o. 42. 9- the Lord also a. Job Tsa. 56. 7. their sacrifice -ball be a. on mine al Ter. 37. CO. let my supplication be a. before th< 42. 2. let our supplication be a. before thee Vol. 2. f 9. but ye have a. faces in the law lode. 1. f28. hail thou that art graciously a. 4. 24. no prophet is a. in his own country iris 10. 35. he that worketh righteousness is lorn. 15. 31. my sen-ice may be a. of the saint ■ Cor. 5. 9- labour, absent or present, we may b< 8. 12. it is a. according to that a man hath 17. for indeed he a. the exhortation iph. ]'. 6. he hath 'made us a. in the beloved ACCEPTEST. Mke CO. 21. neither*, thou the person of any ACCEPTETH. »A34. 19. to him that a. not persons of princes ><■/. t). 7 . eat with jov, for G oil now a. thy work ios. 8. 13. thev sacrifice, but the Lord a. them n t Deliverance. ACCESS. ■em. 5. 2. by whom also we have a. by faith 1. 2. cry unto her, that her or the ilavs of your dispersi ). my words shall be a. bef •• 11. the Lord hath ,,. bis . (i when bust n. them, lie o 1. 36. shall prosper, till the i 18. 31. concerning the Son of man, shall be a. 22. 37. that is written, must yet be a. in me •'■ /■', I'l -It. 1 e„« ih,,i i,ll i.l,,,,..,. „, ,. ,, „ b is 2 1.5. when we had a. those days, we departed Pit. 5. 9. same afflictions are a. in your brethren Accomplishing. See Service. ■\< ' (HUM tail t.ll-;s,'|'. 'cts 21. 26. to signify the a. of days of purifii ACCORD. ev. 25. 5. gToweth of its own a. shall not reap »/,. 9. 2. to fight with Israel with one a. these all continued with one a. in prayer 46. they continual" da I 4. 24. they lifted up their voice to Goa wttn on 5. 12. were all with one a. in Solomon's porch 7. 57 . and ran upon Stephen with one a. 8. 6. people with one a. gave heed to these thin, 12. 10. the gate opened to them of his own a. 1 '> '."' being ."...I nihil ,1 V.',,h , 10 -.en, I 18. 12. the Jews with one a. made insurrection 19. 29. they rushed with one a. into the theatre hil. 2. 2. t 'n. 27. 19. I . of 01 20. 21 , offered a sacrifice t ACCORDING, tave done a. as thou badest me irth began to come a. as Joseph said Exod. 12. 25. the Lord will give a. as he promised Num. 14. 17. be great, a. as thou has spoken 10. 9. his inheritance a. as God promised 0. a. as the Lord thy God hath blessed thee alked before thee " .. erj m :o find a. and did a. as the Lord comma did' ' lgeme.OGod, a. to my righteo hy mercy rente Tibe°r 1 thoume?5 106. 45 | 109. 26. | 119 124. O the me, O God, a. to thy righteou every man a to his rk, Prov. 24. 1 2,29. thy fear, so i thy word, 2 ,41, 58, 65,76 107, 11.3. that shall rule, and 2. the Lord will punish Jacob a. 1. to the days of thy coming out of Egypt u. y. xy. a. to your faith be it unto you ). 27. he will reward every man a. to his works, le of the seed of David, re the called a. to his p ffering a. to the grace gi ACC ACR (. ia. 10. that they might a. 1 e 3. 14. nor a. any falsely, a AD J ACT. i. 19. God shall supply our need a. to his riche. V7.3.5. but a. to his mercy he saved us by washin teb. 8. 9. not a. to the covenant that I made with jK,/».n.:;6.d 2 King* WAS. 2 «,.,«. 35.26 which w a< Darius sent ifcwi. 4.18. 3. (o Maf which was spoken, thy seed b 2 Cor. 5. 10. a. (0 Ma< he hath done, good or bad Accordingly. See Repay. ACCOUNT. Exod. 12. 4. shall make your a. for the lamb 2 Kings 12, 4. of every one that passeth the a. 1 I ■hrua. 27. 24. nor was the nu l — - Jobi Psal. i, 13. for he giveth no erofthei 1 that thou makest Eccl. 7 . 27. counting one by Ban. 6. 2. that the princes might give a. to them Mai. 12. ;ib. give u. thereof 111 On- day of judgment 18. 23. which would take a. of his servants Luke 16. 2. give an a. of thy stewardship Acts 19. 40. whereby we may give an a. of this Horn. 9. t 28. he will finish then. 14. 12. every one shall give a. of himself to God Phil. 4. 17. desire fruit ilia v abound to voura. Phil, ,,,. 38. if he oweth thee, put that on mine a. J teb. 13. 17. they watch as they that must give a. 1 Pet. 4. 5. who shall give a. to him that judgeth ACCOUNT, ED. Bent. 2. 11. which also were a. giants 20. that also was a. a land of giants 1 Kings 1. 21. I and Solomon shall be a. offenders " 1. 21. silver was nothing a. of, 2 Chi Psal. 22. 3 Mirl'} to the Lord for a gene: ACCOUNTING. a. that God was able 1 ACCURSED. Josh. 6. 17. the city shall be a. it and all therein 7. 1. trespass in the a. thing ; Achan took of a. 11. for they have even taken of the a. thing except ye destroy the a. from among yoi 13. there is an a. thing in the midst of thee 15. he that is taken with the a. thing £2. 20. did no! Achan connnii trespass in a. thin 1 I Are, + 13. his nsgresse.i in lie- thin: Isa. 65. 2(1. the sinner ail Hill years old shall Pom. y. 3. for I could wish myself a. from Christ 1 Cor. 12. 3. no man by the Spirit, calif " " Gal. 1. 8. preach any other gospel, let t. 27. 37. set ( :e 6. 7. that t . 8. if I have 1 Tim. 5. 19. against an elder re< 2 Pet. 2. 11. bring not a railing a Jade 9. .Michael durst not In in, a ACCUSE. 1 to the Father 25. 5. let them g. .._, 1. your good ci ACCUSED. Van. 3. 8. Chaldeans 6. 24. they brought them « Mat. 27. 12. when he was a. h >. I will hear thee ACCUSETII, ING. .udd; see De E°vil. ,\l see Field. ACKNOWLEDGE ignifies, [1] Tool . 32. 5. [2] To oh.crvr, or 3.6. Isa.33.13. [3] Toes 61. 9- 1 Cor. 16. 18. [4] 21. 17. he sh /■>..a/..32.5.I n. ,r children iniquity that thou hast Hos. 5. 15. I will go, till they a. their offence 16. 18. therefore a. ye them that are such '.Cor. 1. 13. what you a. and I trust shall a. ACKNOWLEDGED. Gen. 38. 26. Judah a. them, and said she hath bee acknowledge™. hi 2. 23. he that a. the Son hath the Father ACKNOWLEDGING. •n. 2. 25. repentance to the a. of the truth 1 . 1. to the a. the truth which is after godlines em. 6. by the a. every good thing in Christ ACKNOWLEDGMENT. 2. 2. to the a. of the mystery of God ACQUAINT, ED, ING. >2. 21. a. thyself with him and be at peace '. 139. 3. thou art a. with all my ways Eccl. 2. 3. yet a. my heart with wisdom Isa. 53. 3. a man of sorrows, and a. with griei ACQUAINTANCE. lie it, every man of his a Job 19. 1 L. 3. the Lord will not at all a. the wicked i. 14. 14, 20. men within half an a. of lane Isa. 5. 10. ten a. of vineyard ahti'.l yield on,- Lai d froi rom me, and my a. into darkness sought him among their a. . stood afar off, beholding unrigs the book of the «. of Solomon -2 CV, : Kings 10. 34. the,.-,, and all that 23. 19. according to all the a. he had don 28. the a. of Josiah and all that he didai to the children of Israel cr the mighty a. of the Lord .' share Ihy'mighty 3.6. 12. . if kt ACTIVITY. ongthen ADAMANT. /.':, ./•. 3. [I. as an ,1. have I nude thy forehead '/-ah. 7. 12. the', inailetheirhearlsasana. stone ADD. Signifies, fl] To j. „,,,„■ ,,a,lo, Deut. 4. 2. ActsS. 41. 2 t'et.1.5. [21 To ,,11,0,1,0, Prov. Hi. 23. [3] To cr.c. ,., b.-sto;; (leu. 30.24. Mat. 6. 33. |4] To,,,,,!., ..,., /,„ infraction, Gal. 2. 6. [5] To Con. 5. 16. h aall a i shall i 27. 13, 15,19. 27, 31. JY«,„. 5.7. es of refuge a forty-two elites 1), at. 4. 2. ve shall hoi ,-. lo ,he word, 12. 32. H). 9- Ihou shall n. three cities more of refuge 2 Sam. 24. 3. the Lord thy God a. to the people 2 Kings 211. 6. I a. to thy days 15 •, ears. / .„'. ::ii 5. ' 1 Chron. 22. 14. and thou mayest a. thereto 2 Chron. 2(1. 13. ye to „. more to our sins Prov.Ji. 2. long I lie 1 peace shall they a. to thee 30. 6. a. thou not to his words, lest he reprove thee Tsa. 29. 1. a. ye year to year, let them kill sacrifices 30. 1. that ihey may./, sintosia / ' ' 1 Hi ., ,,!,,,! ids" ' . ' ' 1 " i.e. ...,; .... i ,. .. i. 1 ADDED. 22. with a gTeat voice, and he a. no more J' r. 3d. 32. there were a. besides many like words 45. 3. the Lord hath a. grief to my sorrow I • '.■.......!,■ ,,,,,, a. ,0 ei, Mm A'). 33. all these shall be a. to you, Luke 12. 31. ImieS. 20. llerod a. yet this above all, he shut up 19. 11. as they heard, he a. and spoke a parable Acts 2. 41. the same day there were a. 3000 souls the Lord a. to the church daily such 49. 17. Dan sh; Psal. 58. 4. they are 91. 13. thou shalt tread on the lion 140. 3. a. poison is under their lips ,f a. that stops 1 Cor. 16.15. a. themselves to the ministry of saints ADDITION, S. A inn > 7. 2i). c a nam a. were made of thin work 30. undersell,,-, t,n, lien at the side of everva. 30. he graved cherubims, and a. round about ADJURE. ignifies, [1] To /.,,.,/ n,,a\r the penally of a feat. ful inrsi. losh. (j. 2li. [2] To rhorco', .,,■;„-,,„ ho or oath, 1 Kings 22. 16. Mat. £6. 6.3. ,<> ...-j, 22. in. 1 hi king said, how many .inie- shall tat. 26. 63, I a. thee by the living God ' ADMINISTERED. lUv. 17. 6. I saw her, 1 wondered with great , ADMIRED. 2 Hot. 1. 10. to be a. in all them that belie\ ADMONISH, ED. Jer.9.2.fortheybealla. 12. 12. and f Jer. 42. 19. k ActsZt- 9-th rtiier by ihe„- willnt ly that I have a. you cas now past, Paul a. them ili.,«. u. ii. je are able also to a. one another <-'(./. :). It). ,.-. one another in psalms and lp mns 1 77,,..,. 5. 12. Ibat are mer jam ID [anl, ar',.1 ... ye, 277,, „. 3. la. n.,t an enc„,v,"li>|l ,/. him as a brothc (/./. :;. ;.. .. v , . ,). . t; ,.', ■.-. i,. ;1 , |„ ,-, ADMONITION. 1 Cor. 10. 11. they are written for our a. i-'/h'i. ti, i. In ing ihmn up in the a. of the Lord Tit, 3. 10. after the first and second a. ieject Mark 5. 39. he sait^whym'ake ye t Euh.t.C). the a. and enemy i J«4 1.t6. and then, came als 31.35. and that my a. had - .why mi . ADOPTION .andwi „„,<„,. .1/,,,. ,, ,i» J Monlccii .ll.llur. laved. 2. II). I'elhe,- 2.7.1.'). Il„„n:,iol„o,,,ioinl,,ll,o:c fn, jiirwiiiicl tin, l then r, re ,„,„■/, ii,- sum. , ill, ,/,„„ minlioui.l in lb, lio,,,,,,, l„;i , : Tin- adopted chit- 1, vaiM'/W l/i, n ,„„'■ :/ ,a'. ■„, .1,,, «„'„,., !,! Item, and became « crenel them into 1 -'/ dG is children, when, „,,..,, 1 1 aiZlnt'thc"" ■'"■) £ '•';■ \", :', i it, ./.a ■ : /"/nil children, then heirs, heirs of God, anil |oin;. heirs with Christ, Horn. 8. 17. Psal. 34. 10. and 121. 7. Heb. 12. 6. 1 John 5. 14, 15. True believer. arc mill to be /ml into /hi, .■/,„■. . j 11 I'm , /.., ii,„i, Kph. 1.5. [2| f.„. (..■l.i , i ■ I'., ■ ,:„,,:, Rom. _ 8. 15. Gal. 4. 5, 6. [3] Jay y, >/, , t Rom. 8. 23. Bom. 8. 15. but ye have received the Spirit of a. 23. availing for the a. the redemption of our body a .. ' i , ; ' . ,„■■■' m i ... I ,■!■,■• hi, Qui. 4. 5. that we might receive the a. of sons £ph. 1.5. predestinated us to the a. of children ADORN, ED, ETH, i: ' elf w swels J r. 31. -i. thou shalt be again a. I .ill.; 21. 5. ilie temple was a. with goodly stones 77m. 2. 9 thai women a. in modest apparel '.".'.. 2. 10. a. the doctrine of God our Sa-.ionr 1 Pc/. S. 3. whose a. let it not be that outward a. 5. women who trusted in God a. themselves /.', a. '.'] . 2 [annate. I a , a hale ... Ioi' la j hii-l.ala ADVANCED. a .v,,.,,.. 12.0 it is the Lord that a. Moses and Aaroi ' a'.. :;. I. .tin, net us ... Hainan the. Agagite 5. 11. Han, an told tht.n how he had a. him jtkno H. 2d. 1 it at render e ). mine a. are all before thee ' . have turned my hand against their a . thou hast set up the right hand of h .. for my love they are my a. but I pi et this be the reward of my a. from - l a clothed with shame ill .a .at)' Hi', he will repay fury to his a. S3. 18. our a. have trodden down thy sanctuary I.iil., your hall not t to gainsay . Cor.16.9. t nil. 1. 28. and in nothing terrified by your a. / ii. 1/1. a?, Indiana. i" , whieh '-In. I' de. ntta he „ ADVERSITY, IES. _ Sam. 10. 19. vim hnn all' saved you out of all ,, 2 ■■<„,„. 4. q. who redeemed my soul out of all c 2 ( 7., ...a 15. 6. for God did vex them villi all ... id in his hea 11,1 hall never l,e in < a. hnewn my soul in a. "Ive'l'iimr) 'hom'theda sofa ength small tho' the Lord give you the bread of . r±eo. io. 3. remember them which suffer a. ADVERTISE. Num. 21. 11. I'll ... line, what this people shall do Ruth 4. 4. I thought to " Judg. 19. 20.7. g ve ; ,', '■;,"•;' dspea . and ky nsel i.y,o,..2. 1 hit edl.e « S.i, 11. 1 !' ill, ...... 1M -.■.1 them a er'the Id rmay^nswe 25. 17.1 in DOka. I' . and v ith 2 Cor. 8. 10 and herein Tgi" m y a. ADVISI s 12. 6. how do ye a ADULTERER, 5 the a. shall surely be put to death he eye of the a. waiteth for twilight teed of a. and the who us others, lallinheri 3d will judge . 4. 4. ye a. know ye not that the friendship ADULTERESS, ES. . 20. 10. the a. shall surely be put to death ti. 6. 26. the a. will hunt for the precious life I. .a, Vet, ADULTEROUS. " vayofau a> ah. 1.11 in ashamed in this a ADULTERY, IES. twofold, [1] Natural, Mat. 5. 28. Mark 1. [2] .Spiritual, which is idolatry, Jer. i izek. 23. 37. .('. 20. If. thou shalt not commit a. D««. 5. - t.5. 27. I 19. 18. Son,. V. ). 10. the m I fed them, then they I'll not punish them when they commit t 32. whosoever shall marry her that is divorc committeth a. 19. 9. Luke 16. 1 st them that commit a. with ADVOCATE, -e have an a. with the Father, Jesus "' 'st the righteous AFARjorac, ies, [1] The distance 1. 37. 18. [2] To < 10.1. [4] To be strangers, or not of th, chinch, lapb.2. IS, 17. r-.ra 3. 13. shouted, and the noise was hearda.>. 1 or this „ might a. 55. 19. C 89. 22. nor tne son ot wickedness a. him 9*. 5. O Lord, they a. thine heritage 143. 12. and destroy all them that a. my ha. 9. 1. afterward did more grievously a. 5a. 5. a day for a mln to a. his "soul ? "' 64. 12. O Lord, wilt thou a. us very sort Jer. 31. 28. as I watched to destroy and to ham. 3. 33. for the Lord doth not" a. willii Amos 5. 12. they a. the just, they take a I, u from Hemath Ztph. : li.W, 1 ,-,11 „ 12. then 1 -halloo ;. ihy-e Dent. 26. 6. the Egyptians a. Ruth 1. 21. and the Almighty hath a. me 2 Sam. 22. 28. and the a. people thou wilt save 1 /w«;j 2. 2fj. n. in all wherein my father was a. •2 /w«e< 17. CO. the Lord rejected hrael and ,,.tbei J»4 6. 14. to him that is a. pity should be -hewed 30. 11. he hath loosed my cord, and a. me 34. 28. and he heareth the cry of the a. Psal. 9. 1 12. he forgetteth nc al 22. 21. nor abhorred the affliction of the a. i. 111. have mercy 011 me, for I am desolate and a. ;. 3. do justice to the a. and needy I. 7. thou hast a. me with all thy waves ■ " a my youth r. fools, hug to da greatly a. || 119. 67. belore I was a *». ,1. ui» good for me that I have been a. 75. and lh.,1 leant 1,1 la,lhl„!„es, 1, 107. I am a. very much, quicken me, O Lord lys of the , ..aider op, ue , Ulna 10! ran ithei a, the, all .h those ■lightly a. the 1 t of tl: lofZeb. :s prosper, for the Lord hath a. h orrow wherewith the Lord hath a and I will gather her that I have Heb. 11. 37. being d, npray AFFLICTION -noio, fl] Adunit,,. trau/,1.., „-,l«ma. Job 5. 6. [2] Out;oird ; ff m«, L::od. 3. 7. I 4. 31. [3] Persecution for rJiAon, Mark 4. 17. Ileb. 10. 32. [1] twaa/raVea from t:„d. Jonah 2.2. Gen. 16. 11. because the Lord hath heard thy a. 2'). 32. surely the Lord hath looked upon my a. 31. 42. God hath seen mine a. aud labour 11. ■:. ... .-■; ,•■!■■ ,: .■'.!„ :,.:., .. _'/,■,/. ;.7.1 have seen the a.ofmypeople, .lets 7.34. 17. I will bring you out of the a. of Egypt 4. 31 . and that he had looked on their a. Dent. 16. 3. thou shalt eat even the bread of a. 1 Kings 22. 27. 2. Citron. 18. 26. 26. 7. the Lord heard rod looted on our a. . Sam. 1. 11. if thou wilt indeed look on my a. 2. + 32. thou shalt see the a. of the tabernacle : -. ■,„,. Hi. 12. it may be the Lord will look on my a. : Kin;s 14. 26. the Lord saw the a. of Israel : C heou. 20. y. cry to thee in our a. thou wilt hear 33. 12. Mauasseh was in a. andsoughtthe Lord 9. 9- and didst see the a. of our fa Job 5. 6. tho' a. cometh not forth of the du; 10. 15. 1 am full of confusion, Egyp< mourneth by r. trded their a. v a. from m loins d them iron at Lphra 16. 19. O Lord, my refuse 111 the day of a. 30. 1 5. why criest thou for thine a. / thy sorrow ■if.. Hi. Moan's calamity is near, and a. hastelh far, Lam. 1.3. Judah is amie into cap ivity because of a. 7. Jerusalem remembered in the days of her a. 9. had no comforter, O Lord, behold mine a. 3. 1. I am the man that hath seen a. by the rod ' ig my a. and my misery Hoi 5. 1 i. tl. they arly othai will se :d for the a. of. the Lord AFR ,. and they helped forward the a d he shall pass through the sea \ :r«. with people and deliver ying, thai bo, AFFORDING. garners full, a. all maimer of store AFFRIGHT, ED. D*. 7. 21. thou shalt not be a. at them sait ota. ye seek Je /:,, 11 13 andf AFOOT. Ma *6 33 ran a. thither 13 Paul minding himself AFORE. °K i.e. Is aiah was gone ou Psa 9 ; 6 l~a. 18 .the I Ere :(. tci'.'he that was escap had promised a. the bud is perfect prepared unto glory Eph. 3. 3. the mystery, as I wrote a. in few words AFOREIIAND. Mark 14. 8. she is come a. to anoint my body AFORETIME. Job 17. 6. me a by-word, and a. I was as a tabret ha. 52. 4. my people went down a. into Egypt hi' In-, hall b< Dan 0' i. he prayed before his t od, as he did a. ioi, 0. 13 they brought him that . was blind Rom 15.4 . for whatsoever things AFRAID. were written a. Gen 42.35 . saw bundles of money they were a. Eioa . 31. j 0. aud they were a. to ome nigh him and none shall make y ona.Jb4 Y„, A „ htdg .7.10 7. 3 do to all the people of i horn thou art' a. fearful and a. 15a n.i." . the Philistines were a a. of David ZSa . to destroy 15. b 17. 2. It rill come on him, and 5. ung odly men made me a. P 6.9.fc r they all made us a. sa Job .28. d.sha all make thee a. all not his excellency make you a. ? let not thy dread make juble and anguish shall make him a. 18 6.even when I remember, I am a. and tremble hen I consider, I am a :: :i 7- behold, my terror shall no make thee a. 77. 16. the waters 83. 13. and make 119. 120. and I am a. of thy judgment id ilu'y V. id none shall make them a. Ezck. 3 in Zion ar .. Z, f l,. 1. 5. the ends of the c ;. 30. 10. he quiet, and none shall make him a. 1. 19. "Zedekiah said, I am a. of the'jews AFT one made them a. AGA a. whom is the king cc iderstood not, and were a. to ask him is they followed, they were a. id they any thing, for they were a. id they being a. wondered, saying ' ' '/;,• AFRAID. dread nnt, neither be a. of thf 1. behold we he a. here in Ji M. •.'!!. he ye a. of the sword, for wrath bringoth ''... t. 27. prepare thy work, and a. b 28. 23. a. shall find more Favour tl 11. 17. thy a. 'sal. 39. 5. my a. is as nothing before thee m. 38. 12. my a. is departed and removed eeh. 8. 4. every man with his staff for a. &r* 5.42.she was of the a. of 12 years, Laie 8.42. uke 2. 36. Anna a prophetess was of a great a. t 52. Jesus increased in wisdom and a. . 7*9. 21. h im, 23. ildthyhou: ■:>„. 22. 3. Moab was sore a. of the people 1 28. io. Saul fell along on the earth, and was sore JVi/i.2.2. nothing but sorrow, and was very rarer jl/a,-/ o.ii.wist not what to say, for they were sore Luie 2. 9- s: when ye had se 1 hungered, Luie 4. 2. is findeth him in the temple 6. but thou shalt follow me a. 1 5.23. a.they that are Christ's at his com . 23. the faith that should a. be revealed 1. 8. would not a. have spoken of another day -'" yieldeth the peaceable fruit of right. 7. that in the a. to come he 1 vhich in other a. was not mat 1 him be glory in the church tl ight sli would h ,,l 0:, hi, i !. 10. 1 h. r as AFRAID. , and I 2. 7. th( .ying, I laughed m . n Jacob ;e.i> greatly a. and dist 3.0. Moses hid his face, was a. to loo 9. 19. 1 was a. of the anger and dis] 3. K. at midnight the man was a. and >. 18. 12. Saul was a. of David, 15. '.'. Saul saw the host of Philistines, h< .6.9- David was a . of the Lord, 1 Chi m. 21. 30. David could not go, for hi 25. that which I was a. of, is come tc i. destroyed them that believed n< keep thy flock '. a. thy face no n 1. whom should I 1 " " •hildcameii AGED. . im. 19. 32. Barzillai was a very a. man Joh 12. 20. he taketh away the understanding of a. ). the grey-headed and very a. men and the a. arose and stood up neither do the a..understand judgment 11. the a. with him that is full of days . that they be in behaviour Philem. 9. being such an one as Paul the a. AGO. 2 Kings 19. 25. thou n< a Ion !. Isf. s/.^'. : \i. ■. 26. 21. when Urijah heai :*. 3. 2. O Lord, I heard thy it. 2. 22. Joseph was a. to 1.30. when he- " m 19'. 8. when _ _.. ! .': "I'M and fell on my face . 7\™o.,. Nel " Joh *s 19. ; . shall y, 22. 11. respect to him that fashion ll.Sl.would have repented long a ..- 9. 21. how lone a. since this cr (10.30. 4 days a :ak thy commandments so a. I will lay hands on you die, shall he live a.? -sat. bo. o. win tnou not revive us a. that thy 10; :ji «. it, v ,w 1, lie iml and brought low deep pits, that they rise not up a. 2. 19. 11 19. 19- if th. /•,':,/,. 20. 21. ; lethat got, ■ elivei him, thou must d< :here be wicked men to w t shalt thou never be four 11 not a. pass by them, 8. AFRESH. lle.h. fi. 6. they crucify the Son of God a. and AFTER. Gen. 18. 12. saying, a. I am waxed old, 38. 24. about three months a. it was told Judah J\Wi. 15. 39. that ye s ' 1 fasting until this b 11 15. 17. ye know' how that a good while a. " 2. that Achaia was ready a year a. ew a man ajne^ ou m. 30. 13. because three days a. I fell sick AGONY. : 22.44.being in an a. he prayed more earnest AGREE, [1] To bargain with, Mat. 20. 2, 1 " /,. „ , M ... i ' ,,. [->[',.,, resolve, 2 dim. 9. 22. AGREE, ED, ETH. s 3.3.can two walk together except they be a . 5. 25. a. with thine adversary quickly 18. 19. if two of you shall a. on earth, touchii hall n< 2. 13. and a. ~!t. 1. 3.1 fori Galilean, and thy speech a. tl 6. taken out of the new, a. not wi I. the Jews had a. already if ar ). the Jews h >. when they 1.. 34. w i. froi 1 be your plowmen nonwealth of Israel Lev. 26.16. I Psal. 35. 25. hat a . hath the temple of God witl AGROUND. to seas met, they ran the ship a. AGUE, rill appoint terror and the burning i 14. 13. a. Lord God, 22. 18. a. brother, a. 32. 17. a. Lord, thou le prophets say to then: 70. 3. let (hem l« turned hank that say a. a. Jj«. 44. 16. a. I am warm, I have seen the fire E-,-l,-. 25. 3. saidst a. against my sanctuary 26. 2. because Tyrus hath said, a. she is broken 36. 2. a. the ancient places are ours Juig. 9- 24. a. him in the killing of his brethren AILED, ETH. Ce,i. 21. 17. what a. thee, Hagar? fear not sea, that thou He ALIENATE, ED. Tsa. 1. 1 4. have forsaken the Lord, they l-.ek. 23. 17. her mind was a. from then 22. thy lovers from whom thy mind is . 48. 14. they shall not „. the first frnils oil 'Zph. 4. 18. a. from the life of God thro' ig :vl. 1. 21. and you that were sometimes a. ALIKE dgnifies, [1] Without „„.,,, I,(lercnee, I'on [21 J/;w»K.»IAi«»t /««««(■;■, Psal [3| />."//./ ?,-.,„/,/,. „■, Prov. 27. 15. 1 V,„, 11.5. .-..oil 11,1 what 2 Sam 14.5. tli.- 1 1,1 „ Psal. ... O La.?: .l.Thata. thee AIR. 2 Sam Job 4,1 21. 10. nor 16. that n bird otth I'rov. 0. 19. the t an and lodge in the 52. Luke 9. 58. st into the a. st the Lord in the t 7. you shall blow, but shall not sound 9. and if ye go to war, then ye shall bl 2 Chron. 13. 12. trumpets to cry an a. a Lsa. 16. t 9- a. is fallen on thy summer Jer. 4.19. thou hast heard, O my soul, thi 49. 2. the day is come, I will "cause ; ,n Joel 2. 1. and sound an a. in my holy r Zeph. 1. 16. a day of a. attains! the fen. ALAS. 24. 23. a Sugg. 6. 22. a7bi aughter, thou ha; ,",!,. I . 11. stamp with "thv foot, 15. a. for the day, for thee " ity, Babylon.'lfj. 1 V. 18. 10. a. a. that great c. ALBEIT '.k. 13. 7. the Lord saith, t •km. 19. a. I say not, how o my mother's children 27. 15. dropping and a contentious woman are a Lei I. 9. 2. all things come a. to all; one event 11.6. whether they both shall be a. good '., ■„■. I J. ./, :n,..i . . ..1 1:. ■ ■ . . 1.1 ,- ALIVE Slata [1] Katurall,,, den. 43.27. [2] 5i^«r n.itiiralhi. In ia« railed no,,, the deatl, Luke 24 23. [3] Spiritually, when a person is made id,,, Luke 15. 24, 32. [4] Opiaionatively, when person, truth they a,e not, Rom. 7. 9- [5] *£«"/, Rev. 1. 18. :, it.'. 23 . K oah only remained a. and they in ark 12. 12. they will kill me, and save thee a. 50. 20. as it is this day, to save much people a 'jod. 1. 17. but saved the men-children a. 11. 22. 4. if the theft be found in his hand a. Lev. 10.16. he was angTy with Aaron's sons left 16. 10. the scape-goat shall be presented a. 26. 36. are left a. of you, I will send a faintness Num. 16. 33. they went down a. into the pit 21. 35. smote Og, till there was none left a. 22.33. I had si ; - - 1 - u. 46. 30. now let me die, bo lehew; re oak rother lallth lofus le of you this day •e this day jthing that breathet) I kill, and I make a.lSam.Z. 6. 13. that ye will save a. my father loshua saved Rahab the harlot 3. and the king of Ai they took a. Jadg.H. 19. if°yehad . Sam. i. 8. he to tAgagth hey h; tome for peace or war lake then .oth is not a. but dead u I God, to kill and make a. ? 3. O Lord, thou hast kept me a 2. let us swallow them up a. as t 1. lite fatherless I will preservi Dan. 5. 19. and whom he would, he kept a. Hah. 3. t 2. O Lord, preserve a. thy work Mark 16. 11. when they heard that he wasa. Ln'.i 1 5. 24. for this my son was dead and is a. 32. 21. 23. ihey had seen aneals who said he was a. dctsl. 3. he shewed himself a. after his passion 9. 41. had called the widows, presented her a. 20. 12. and they brought the young man a. '.loin. t>, 11. but a. to God through Christ out- Lord 13. to God, as those that are a. from the dead 7. 9- for I was a. without the law once, but when . Cot. 15. 22. so in Christ shall all be made a. ! 77m. 2. t 26 ■, himathiswill' :. h, ,.:.::... ,t, ,.„| 19. 20. these were both cast a. into a lake of fire Keep Ali-se; see Keep. Yet ALIVE. Jen. 43.7.; .is. saucer, is vour failier ,, ,; a ; 27. is he ye, a.' || 28. he is well, he is yet a. 45. 26. they told him, saying, Joseph is yet a. £8, E-.ek. 7. 13. which is sold, al Mat. 27. 63.thisdeee.ei , said, while he was ,l,.l„. ALL Signifies [1] Every ereature, Prov. 16. 4. Psal. 119. 91. [2] Everyman, or person, 2 Cor. 5. 10. I' I I 1"" 15 13 ICor. 1 - [Ij S I I I I I c 1 Tim. 2. 4. Til. 2. 11. {t,\ Mo„„,o, ,l„ part, -Mat. 3. 5. Phil. 2. 21. [6] Those that, believe, John 12. 32. Gen. 20. 7. thou shait surely die, thou and a. thine 24. 3d. to him hath he given a. that he hath 31. 43. Laban said, a. that thou seest is mine 37. 3. Jacob loved loseph morethana. his children 39. 3. the Lord made a. he did to prosper 13. six da vs shalt thou labour and do a. thy w< 29. stand a. of you before the Lord your G 'ash. 21. 45. failed not, a. came to pass, 23. ] Sam.6.4. one plague was on you a. and your lo: 16 25. Omri'did w orse than a. before bin 4. my lord, I a m thine, 1CI rim. 7. 3. the son ofUzzi, i.oi themchie Eir aW 9.' 6. Lord, thoi Joi 16. 2. miserable s are ye a. 34 . of it IS . for they a. ar the work of his hands Psa . 14. 3. are a. g a. become fil 22. 17. 1 may tell a. my bones they stare upc 19. the Lord de livereth h 38. 9. Lord, a. my desire is before thee 69. 19. mine adversaries are a. before thee 104. 27.these wait a. on thee, that thou mayest g 119. 91. they continue, for a. are thy servai 22. 2. the Lord is the maker of them a. 20. 4 of then adulte >f them s, Has. 7. 4. every on hall si 37. 22. and one king shall be king to them m of man, declare a. that thou see hew them a. thefo Has. 5.2. tho' I have been a woe to the bloody ci le found like Daniel 57,,/. 2.1(1. Mat. 5. 1 1. 56. a . pass from the la ,e father, >e fulfilled . with us? had her :shehad,£«Xa?21.4 e, a. shall be thiut 6. 10. looking round about on them a. he said 13 4n 3. "Wid ^oT a ^hat^/have 'is'th n P e eriS 17 so ye, when ye have done a. say, w 18 sella, that thou hast, and distribute opoc loh 16. of his fulness have a. we rece ved 13 39- woman said, he told me a. that eve . Jesus saith, ye are clean, but not "a" 17 21 that they a. may be one, as thou art let 33. and great grace was upon the 33 . we are a. here present before the he exhorted them a. to cleave to th Lord 16 . do thyself no harm, we are a. he isdaj 26 29 35 Paul gave thanks in presence of them a . 8. 1 thank God thro' Jesus Christ for but delivered Mm up for us a. how si all h IC . 22. a. are your's, and ye are CI but I laboured more a bund. mi l\ .ban ; "-; 22. the scripture hath concludeda. u ALL 2 Thcss. 2. 12. Hint they ,,. might bo damned, who ' Vim. :>. I I. (Mil nl thrill ,/. tin- I. .nil delivered me II, /j. I. 14. are they mil ,.. ministering spirits, sent I'.'. !!. chastisement, whereof «. are partakers 1 Pel. 3. 8. finally, be ye a. of one mind 2 Pel. 3. g. that a. should come to repentance 1 John 2. ly.manifest that they were not a. of us. Exod. 31. 11. .mi*. '■> ». the I ."nl commanded, 36.1. I 39. 32, 42. | 40. 16. AW 2. 34. I 8. 20. | (). 5. 1 29. W. Vent. 1. 3, 41. 37. I 24. II, 1(1. 2 ('/„,,„. 20. 4". I 27. 2. 18.3.-ar. ion. [hivulhisf. Ui.-l did . V I '/„',.« . 20. 2. 1 Chron. 17. 15. ac. ton. these words, ,,r. to :,. This 2 <-'/„'„,,. 21 lli.wew.llcut w I or. to a. 1 1) V need .V/,.5. ly.ilnnk on me for good, ac. toa.l have done J, r.21. 2. deal with us ac. to a. his wondrous works to a. that the Lord shall say, will we do SO. 29.0c;,,,,. thai llaliNlonhnllidooo.dotoher ./::. !■ ■ 24. 24. ,,<■. to „. that "he hath done, shall ye do " -dolt.. , ,. I |„ ,„.|ol.O After ALL. Dent. 20. 18. not lo do after a. their abominations ZChron . 34.21. have not kept the word to do after a. /.:,'„!). 13. ,,/",,,■ «. that is come on us for our deeds /'../. It). 23. after,,, thy wickedness, wo, wo to thee ,1 /,,/ . 0. 32 ,,//,,',,. (h.-e lliiny-'. do I lie Cent lies seek Phil. 2.20. tor he lo,,-od„,"„ , yon a. and was full of At ALL. ... S3, nor ha il di 1 ered ,hv people at a. 22. 23. if thou afflict, and they cry at a. to J.c-e. 27. 13. but if he will at „. redeem it Hut I) 1 1 Sa,a. 20. |j. ,| thv father ," „. miss me, thensa 1 Kim;, ().li. if uvshalU/a. turn 1, on, following in Jer. 11. 12. but they shall not save them at a. F.-.,. it. 20.32. conieih in your mind shall not be at Hot.. 11. 7. most High, none at a. would oxali hii Alio. 1. 10. weep ve not at a. roll thy: elf ind.m Nah. 1. 3. Lord will not at a. acquit the v ickc John 19. 11. thou couldst have no power ,,, ,,. 1 Cor. 16. 12. but his will was not at a. to com, Cm.23.18. before a. that went in at the gates of ci Lev. 10. 3. before a. the people I will be glorifi 2 «„■,.„. 33. 7. Jerusalem which I have chosen /„ ,. Jer. 33.9 .si — il,,:. 26.7C Gal. 2. 14. 1 Tim. 5. 20. them that sin rebuke befo For ALL. ^■<»!. C. 18. I have tak=" t „„;,„. *„ LI it 22 "I / tha d 31.18. hidemy face in ALL lets 27. 37. ' lorn. 8. 37. m a. Cor. 12. 6. the ■ ',„/-. 13. I inemie? he "uff ! ' ... ~. this they "sinned still, believed 116. 12. what render to the Lord/or a. hisb. fir/. 5. 9. the profit of the earth is for a. U.g.fora. these (iod will bring thee to md )"/. 10. 2. she hath received double/or a. hei „. u „ J'.'-,/.', (i. 11. alas/ay «. the evil abominations 211. -13. and ye shall loathe yourselves/or a.the evils 1 21. nam was much, and mil was meat ft' Lt<*e 3. 19. ftr «. the evils Herod had done 20. 38. God of the living, ftr a. live unto hi' Horn. 3. 13. for a. have sinned and come short c 2 Cor. 5. 14. if one died for a. then were all dea Phil. 2.21. ftr a. seek their own, not the thim 1 Tim. 2. 6. who gave himself a ransom for a Heb. 8. 11. for a. shall know me, from the leas 10. 10. offering of the body of Christ once ftr From ALL. Gen. 48. 16. angel who redeemed me from a. , Leo. 16. 30. that ye maybe clean from a. your,,,, ys acknowledge him 'is dominion shewed riol icir afflictions he was afflicted 2 done evil in a. they have done 1 a. your doings your sins appear a the ship 276 souls ire than conquerors Iworkethall in a. God may be all in a. m that filleth all in a I. speak. cs 9. 5. and Jehu said, to which of a. us 6. 10. let nothing fail of a. thou hast spoken . 13. so are the paths of a. that forget God f,,l. 6. 2. he wanteth nothing of a. he desireth ~keJ.43.ll.if they be ashamed of a. they hay. 'done ( only have 1 known of a. the families larky. 35. the same shall be servant of a. 10. 44. ■)lm 6. 39. of a. which hath given me, lose nothing Ie« 10. 36. oeace by Jesus Christ, he is Lord of a. Cor. 14. 24. he is convinced of a. judged of a. ■al. 4. 1. now I say, the heir, though he be 1. of a. •.ph. 4. 0. God who is Father of a. above all 'A*. 12. 23. and in Cod the Indue of a. and to spirits 2. 10. offend in one poini . he is guilty of a. On or Upon ALL. 39. 5. blessing of the Lord was upon a. he had 4. 5. Sot upon a. the glory shall be a defence . 40. 4. set thy heart upon a. tnat I shall shew .3.22. unto all| and upon a. them that believe 32. that he might have mercy upon a. _ ill sal. 103. 19. his kingdom ruleth over a. 'at. 24. 47. make him ruler over a. Luke 12. 44. 'hi 17. 2. as thou hast given him power over a. om. 9. 5. who is over a. God blessed for ever .0. 12. the same Lord over a. is rich to all en. 15. 10. he took to him a. these and divided .'...>.. ",..., 1. annus are e. .ionised Flab. 2. 6. shall not a. these take up a parable MatiS.33.a.these shall be added to you, Luke\1.3l 24. 8. a. these are the beginning of sorrows Mark 7. 23. a. these evil things come from within /, /, ■.'. 7. an ..... «. ,/,. n which speak Galileans? ICor. 12. ll.a. these sell-same Soiril you put off .'. ,/,,.,, auger, wrath Aetll. 1. 16. manifest to a. that dl '■om. 10.12. the Lord is rich ,0 13. 7. render therefore to a lor. 9. HI. I made ...s-e If a Km. 4. 15. that thy juolu, flee. .. 13. a , thit [cei Ge«. 41. 39. as God hath shewed Deut. 32. 27. and the Lord hath not done a. this Judtr. 6. 13. why then is a. this befallen us ? .5. thy servant knew nothing of a. this '- 'thehandofJoabina. this? 1 Chr.a .„.2o.l;i.,.. I. . I. i liashib the priest was a. to Tobiah ALLOW. Luke 11. 48. that ye a. the deeds of your fathers Bom. 7. 15. for .1 ill 1 I a not ALLOWED, ETH. 77,,.., iself in , id God tn ILb.i.l. God rested 1 he 5, i mail da v /,'..„. „ wml . In ALL. '"',,. 21. 12. ;,, a. thai s.. rah hath said, hearken 22. l lod is with thee in a. that thou dost ot humbled, tho' thou knewest a. 7. 16. I came and asked him the truth of a. >r seek him for a. ae that the prophets m ALLOWANCE. js 25. 30. his a. was a continu; 30. t 8. feed me with food of 2 Pet. 1. 18. they a. through the lusts of the flesh ALMS. Mat. 6. 1. that ye do not your a. before men 4. that thine a. maybe in secret, and thy Father Lake 11. 41. give „. of such Ibings as you have 12. 33. sell that ye have, and give a. provide bags Acts 3. 2. they laid, to ask a. of them that entered Al.Ms.un.I'iS,. .1,1, 0.36. Dorcas full of „.-,/,,,/. which she did ALMIGHTY. neGoda. :. which saw the vision of the a. 16. j. for the a. hath dealt bitterly with me despise not thou the chastening of the a. supplication to t find out the a. Eccl. 4. 8. there is 2. for I called him a. a 63. 3. 1 have trodden the w ' 10. 7.' and I Daniel ... lted in that ; appoint any pleasure to the a. thou t 26. then shalt thou I blessed him keepeth silence d ass a. by himself live Dy bread a . Luke 4. 4. me, he was a. Luke 9. 18. etwee, i tine and him a. ■were a. he expounded of sea, and he a. on the land ALT 2. 26. faith without works is dead, a. m 4. 21. thatloveth God, love his brother i ALTAR .'■'.icjniics, [I] A material altar, on u, that the a. would 22. but that his disciples t 1. 16. for I am not a. but I a 17- 20. neither pray I for " s 1Q. 26. ye see and hear t Left ALONE. 14. Jacob 'left a. and there ris dead, and he come as destruction from arthe a. God he shall honoi n ion fi ,(11 h is, wasfan°tiis tocomc! t I. the Lord God a. which was '.. 10. 8. 1 is left a id the Father, 16, 3 rese a.butforthei atnota.atEphesu icing in himself a, a. once every yea: : nad 2Q. 37. sanctify it, it shall be 44. 1 will sanctify the tabernacie ami a. 30. 27. a. ofincense||40. 10. a. of burnt-oft"( Lev. 6. 9- the fire of the a. shall be burning in " i. 7. 84. this was the dedication of the a. 3. they shall not come nigh the a. . 22. :-;j". the children of Gad called the a. ;. 6. 25. throw down the a. of Baal, and gro\ m 2. 33. whom I shall not cut off from mine , m. 24. 18. go up, rear an a. to the Loid !. Lord ithyw Etc 16. 14. the battle of that great day of God a 19. 15. treadeth wine-press ofwrathof thea. G 21. 22. God a. and the Lamb are the temple o: ALMOND, S. !. 43. 11. carry spices, myrrh, nuts, and a "37. 19, 20. _ . 8. 9- and Jesus was left a. 1 29. the Father hath not left me a . for I do alway: Rom. 11. 3. I am left a. and they seek my life Let ALONE. Exod. 14. 12. let us a .that we may serve Egyptian: 32. 10. let me a. that my wrath may wax hot y destroy them 1.37.A 17. 8. the rod of A hall 11. ALMOST. Exod. 17. 4. they be a. 1 Psal. 73. 2. a " 2. <.,„. Hl.lj 14. 6. Jes 15. 36. let Luke 13.8. ■0 months, that I : ,ve to do with Luke 4. 34. this year also, 1 a. all men will allou • :.' : . s, Heb acob, go to Beth-el, and make then :o Beth-el, I will make there an a. tc '. 15. Moses built an a. Jehovah-n " arth shalt th . shalt fa Ed 1. 30. Elijah repaire i5. and the water r; i.22.shallwi it thee. e Lord 19. 26 Old' ALMUG-TREES. 1 Ki,i:< lO.ll.bronght from Ophir plenty of a. -trc 12.made of a.-tr.\. ill ..'r-ehi re canie no such a -t ALOES. Psal. 45. 8. thy garments smell of a. and cassi Prov. 7. 17. I have perfumed my bed with a. Cant. 4. 14. myrrh, a. with all 'lie chief spices John 19. 39. Nicodemus brought a mixture of a. ALOFT. Prov. 18. t 10. the righteous runneth and is set 2 Sam. 3.16. her husb Psal. 38. 11. my frier Exod. 1. 5. for Josepl Eccl. 1. 10. it hath h Signifies, [11 ;.„ himself. Lev. ] 46. Psal. 102. 7. [2] Only, Dan. 10. 7. M 4. 4. [3] T„ ce„sefr.,m. Emu . 14. 12. Gen. 2. 18. it is not good that man should be Exod. 18. 18. art not able to perform it thyself 24. 2. Moses a. shall come near the Lord Lev. 13. 46. the leper dwell a. without the cai Num. 11. 14. I am not able to bear all this peo*- ple a. Deut. 1. 9, 12. 17. that thou bear it not thyself a. 23. 9. lo, the people shell dwell a. not be reckoned Dent :1 then e Lord a. did le salvia re a. in the field 1. 37. 16. Psal. 86 )m a. G od hath chosen is on Mordecai a. la. to tell, 16, 17, 19. 22. we will go a. by the king's highway 12. the Vine went a. the highway, lowing La.SG.J. "sal. 26. 6. so will I compass thine a. O Lord 43.4.then will I go to the a. of God, to God my joy Isa. 19. 19. ana. to the Lord in il, midst ut l-jvci 27. 9- the stones of the a. as chalk-stones 56. 7. their sacrifices be accepted on mine a. Lam. 2. 7. the Lord hath cast oif his a. Ezek. 8. 16. between the porch and a. 25 men Toel 1. 13. lament, howl, ye ministers of the a. 2. 17. the priests weep between the porch and a. ;..:..; . ■ . • i .- , -,.-i .. Mai. 1. 7. ye offer polluted bread on mine a. 10. nor do kindle fire on mine a. for nought 2. 13. covering the a. of the Lord with tears Mat. 5. 23. if thou bring thy gift to the a. 23. 18. whoso shall swear by the a. itisnothing 35.ycshwbctweciuhekuipleaeda.LKiell.51. ExaJ.3i.lZ. shall c Kin;* 19-lO.lsn Isa. 17.8. r.i. -hilsi their eii, or that he a. is fie :red, God do so': Psal. §8. 18. gifts, yea, for the r. Zec'h. 8. 21. to seek the Lordofht /,./,« 5. 19. wh it he doth, these a. doth 12. 26. where [ am, there shall a. my s 14. 3. that wl 4cts 12. 3. he proceeded to take Peter Rom. 16. 2. su ccourer of many, and of ..: I.e. . ... I, 15. 8. and las t of all, he was seen of m 2 Tim. 1. 5. I am persuaded that in the venthinea. OLordo id he shall not look to if Judah graven on ALTERETH. ccording to the law which a. ALTERING. Exod. 13. 1 },,;':',. in husband unto them ALTOGETHER. ''. ... 11 "". (■ :. . : .... Psal. 14. 3. they are a. become filthy, Pst 19. 9. judgments of the Lord .ire rieln, a- 39. 5. every man at his best state is a. v< 50. 21 . that 1 was a. such a one as thyse 139. 4. but lo, O Lord, thou knowest it a :w.5.l6.his mouth is sweet, yea, he is a TohuQ. 34. thou wasta. born in sin:, dost AMB dmost anil a. such Oto. with the fori , I.Ul linl ,', « , ALWAYS 111/. .Inhn II. [8] To, he en t] During lij hi-vwnilldkc, 31.12 setupth rwn tchm •ii, prepare tin Afwnusi . 13. Jer a. the a A M L N Hebrew, /"" i/ul, ce A «*r ,,,!., „ 'Hour In, /'; , /,, erilv, v r,l. . met .J////, those things that plea as prayed to God a. is ye have a. obeyed, iml ,n mv preset ■!"'■■'•: ' I ."Id., and again rejoice 2. Hi. to lill np their sins a. for wrath . 15. to have these a. in remembrance I AM, I AM that I AM. , 14. J am that I am hath sent me to J I. 21. the people amongst whom I am II. who is there that being as / am . 3. say to my smil, ;«»uhi -alvanon hat I may know how frail lam ie\, lam God, even thy God ' u, for Jam thy se-—' 143. 12. destroy lira,, for J am thy servant [11. Zfa.44.6 lam the first, lam the last, 48. 12. Ken. 1. 47. 8. Jam, and none else la-ide, me. /■;-/<. 2. 15. 58. 9. thou shalt cry, and he shall say, here lam Mat. 16. 13. whom do men say that I the Son of man am? Mark &. ST. Luke 9- 18. Luke 22. 70. art the Son of God, ye say that lam John 6. 35. Jesus said, J am the bread of life 8. 12. saying, lam the light of the world 58. I say to you, before Abraham was, lam i; 'i ''. ' ' ill ' !' ' .ill' " ' 'I' 'Ii .-.. I : » 27.23.aDgel of God, whose Jam, and whom I serve 0. by the grace of God lam what /am . 27. 15. all the people shall sa is glory ; . 1 Chrou. 16.36. peoph °ra..41.13.fromeverlasti; 72. 19. earth filled with 89. 52. blessed be the 106. 48. and let all the people say a. 'er. 28. 6. even the m-ophet Jeremiah and the glory fc praised the Lord 14. 16. oil. ,, II ,1 . saiththea.the faithful IS. 20. surely T. 7. 3. a. wav dm 4. 52. the Mat. 3. 1 AMENDMENT?" 1 bring fruits answerable AMENDS. Pint. 4. brelhre. . for I 1 lot, lam :t for ilttl AM I 9. I know not, am I my brother's keeper ? im 7 in God's stead, who hail, withheld 5. 7. am /God, to kill and to make alive ? ■im /come up without the Lord, /i«.36.10. 23. am 1 a God at hand, saith the Lord . 20. there am I in the midst of them l.'am I not an apostle""™ 7 notVree ? id glorifiedGod, Luke 5 3. were all a. at the mighty power of God 9. 21. but all that heard Saul were a. AMAZEMENT. 3. 10. filled with a. at what had happened AMBASSADOR. »™».32.31.theb >. 21. he sent a. w :. 18. 2. that send. Ohad. 1 they had ceen k. 17. 15. he rebelled in sendii AMBASSAGE. Joih. 8. 2. lay thee l bitterly'™" g a to Egypt for the bar) AMERCE. Devt. 22. 19. they shall a. him in an 10 ' AMIABLE. Psal. 84. 1. how a. are thy tabernacles, 2 Chrtm. 6. 37. w. nned, we ha' peak any thing a. agair. hath di leGod :eive not, because ye ask a. AMONG. urn. 14. 14. heard that thou, Lord, art a. them tra 10. 18. a. the sons of the priests were found eh. 13. 26. yet a. many nations was no king b 33. 23. if an interpreter, one a. a thousand 6. 14. and their life is a. the unclean ANATHEMA. ePreem ' '. 16. 22. lethim be a. maran-atha ANCESTORS. Lev. 26. 45. remember the covenant of th, ANCHOR. 27. 30. as though they would have t Ileb. 6. 19. which hope we have ANCIENT :.. I] ■'/.', ../ homer time, 1 Chr "T '' , V „M men] Job 12. 12. . ■ M. n 1 Sam. 24. 13. [4] Governors, po asticai, Isa. 3. 14. Jer. 19. 1. 15. for the chief things of the a. : ANG ANCIENT) CLK-liON I'.S. ANCLES. thee thy calkers 18.f36. ignihes, .1 mctn the a. hast thou laid thy yoke ake.O arm of the Lord, as 'in the a. days 1. 111 the sixth month the a. Oabllol ia: '. the a. said to her, fear not, Mary . a. answered, Holy Ghost shall come c 0. the a. said to the shepherd., fear . suddenly there was with the a. a mu ill the wilderness with the a. which spake was warned from God by an holy a. to send 3. how he had seen an a. in his house . the a. said to Peter, bind on thy sandals a. departed from t his a. and deliv, hen said they, it i: ongh we or an a. from heaven preach id la 11 by his a. to John 2.1.untothea. 5.2. 1 saw a strong a. proclaiming with 7. 2. I saw another a. ascending from 1 ANG Rev. 14. 8. another a. followed, saying, Babyh 9.third a. followed || 15. another a. came, 17. 18. 19. and the a. thrust in his sickle in the earth ]fi. 2. a. poured out his vial, 3, 4, 8, 10, 13, IT. 17! 7."the o^said, Therefore didst thoumarvel 18. 21. and mighty a. took up a stone like a great 19. 17. and I saw an a. standing in the sun 21. 17- the measure of a man, that is of the a. 22. 8. fell down to worship hi 1.1.- .,. 16. I Jesus have sent mine a. to testify to you ANGEL of God. Erod. 14. 19. a. »/'Gurf who went before removed Judg. 15. 6. like the couutonauce of an a. of God 1 Vam. 29. 1). art good in my sight, as an a. of God £ S»n. 1 V.17- as an a. of God, so is my lord, iy. '.'7 '-'". WIS.' .'CI Mill II'.'. I < wisil-Mll Ml III ,,. , I <■.'. I,t ■-, ■ ; su.'nl ( .. mi llii", niM,. 1.1." ... .'i '.' .' Gal. 4. 14. but received me as an a. of 'God ANGEL of the Lord. Gen. 16. 7. a. of the L. found Hagar by a fountair 9. the a. of the LordsziA to her, 10. 11. | 22. 11. 22. 32, 35. Judg. 13. 18. 2 Kings 1. 3, 15. 22.11. a. of the L. called to him out of heaven, 15. Num. 22. 2.3. ass sawthe a. of L. standing, 25. 27. 24. a. ofL. stood in a path of the vineyards, 211. ', mil I ,1 35. a. of the J.. said to Balaam, go with the men Jndg.Z. 1 . a. ofL. came up, 1 Kingi 19.7. Aetsll.J. 4. when a. of the I... spake these words to Israel 5. 23. curse ye Meroz, said the a. of the Lord 12. „.','.,.''/ J .' l a';';'', .i',-,.,i , 1 ,,(Vi,i",i,',''.''nl! ...Old' in i„a. 21. the a. of the L. put forth the end of the staff 22. when Gideon perceired he was an a. of the L. 1 i. ■; .',..'. L. appeared to the woman, and said 16. Wanoah knew not he was an a. of the L., 21. 1 < '.;.-, ANG a. and powers being mi le subject to L. the vi 1. of the sc saw four a. standing on the four corner: 2. and he cried with a loud voice, to the four , 11. all the a. stood round about the throne 8.13.trumpet of the three a. which are yet to sou 9.14. loose the four a. which are bound in the ri 1 15. the a. were loosed, which were prepared 14. 10. be tormented in presence of the holy a. 21. 12. twelve gates, and at the gates twelve a. LNGELS of God. ANG 1 Jer. 49. 37. I will bring evil on them, my fierce a £a»i.2.1.reniembered not hi-, t'oorstonl 11,'th,. day a 6. Lord hath despised in the indignation of his a, 21. thou hast slain them in the day of thine a. 22. in the day of the Lord's a. none escaped 3. 13. llmu hast covered with a. and persecuted 11; 4. 11. he hath poured out his fierce a. l\ek. 5. 13. thus shall mine a. be accomplished I. shall d nnplidi ,1 111 J. dun, , in thee, <;,e.2a.u ..of God id, and descend. Ji./.a] .51. isway,anda.«/Geam.ll.6. when Saul heard, hisa. was k. greatly 7.28. l-lli. d''s a. was ,f . against Pa-aid. and he said 1. .30. Saul's a. was kindled against Jonathan ?am.6.7.«.ofL.*.a. ' a,.a/, ...... . 25. the a. of the Lord k. st the m st them, how long dnst thf shepherds ANO ANOINT „. Hi. 22. t, 32. 17. I 1. Num. 35. 25. deal -fV>/i. g. 17. thou a God ready to p; iW. 103. 8. slow to a. plenteous it Prov. 15.18. he that is tine in a. a] 16. 32. he that is slow to a. better Nan. 1. 3. the Lord is time to u. ANGERED. Ptal. iofj. 32. they a. him at the • ANGLE. Isa. 19. 8. and all they that cast a Vent. 1. 37. the Lord was a.with 9.8. Lord was a. with you to h 20. the Lord was very a. with Judg. 18. 25. lest a. fellows run 2 Sum. 19. 42. wherefore be ye 1 A/«; , 8. 1(3. and thou be a. witr. 11. 9. and the Lord was a. with " B. therefore the L. E-.raQ.l- -V7j 0. I). 1 was very a. w J-W. 2. 12. ki -, 7. 11. God is a. with the 76. 7. Who may stand wh 79. 5. how lout: wilt thoi I'm-. 14. 17. he that is so 21.lg.dwellinwildernes: 22. 24. make no friendshi leve ; r nd ia l:Fe 11. 2(i. thou shalt a. the tabe; ii.ll. thou shalt a. the laver it-. 16. 32. and the priest wh eat. 28. 40. but thou shalt no >ih 3. 3. wash thyself therefi s'„„,n.](i. shalt a. him to bee 5. 1. the Lord sent me to a. tb 12. the Lord said, arise, a. 1 laele, 40. 9. md his foot u, be shall „ a. thyself wilt* ■ sob]' lac Mic. 0. 15. shall tread the olives, 1ml not ,,. the. izar and ibW. 6. 17- when thou fastest ,,. thine head !/»/■/■ 1 1 .8. she is come to a. my body to the burying 16. l.had bought spices that they miehl ,-. him I prayed Zk*« 7. 40. my head with oil thou didst not a. liev. 3. 18. and a. thine eyes with eye-salve ANOINTED. a,.h. :; ( i. / «„i. 20. Aaron'ssons after him, too At>. 4.3. it the priest that is ,,. do sin according i< 1 6. 20. the offering of Aaron, when he is a. te day that he a. them, by a sta :tabe"n,acle || U.a.the altar, Nm, poured oil on Aaron's head . and , rinces offered after it was ,,. ill, the Lords, thee captain',,!:}. 17.,, ANS « ANOINTED. *,H .1.9. ( ANOINTEDST. ANOIN'IING. '. 40. 15. their 'in 2. 27. but the a. which ye have received of him. as the same a. teacheth you all things ANOINTING Oil. [cense I. 37. 29. he made the holy a. oil and pure in- 8. 12. he poured of the a. oil on Aaron's head 7- for the a. oil of the Lord is upon you 1.4.16. to the office of Eleazarpertaineth a. oil ■ 5. 14. a. him with oil in the name of the ANON. [Lord . 13. 20. heareth, and a. with joy reccivcih it k 1. 30. mother lay sick, and a. they tell him AN O'l HER. [of her ;teadofAbel hall a, .'hallcugc,! 9- and it was so, that God gave him a. heart 2 Chron. 20. + 22. and they smote one a. Estli. 1.19. let the king give her royal estate to t Job 19. 27. whom mine eyes shall behold and not 8. my glory will I not ». shall call himself by 6. my mother' Ezck. Hi. 12. 1 .Vill be quid, ami will be no more a Van. 2. 12. for this cause the king was a. Jonah 4. 1. it displeased Jonah, and he was very a 4. the Lord said, dost thou well to be a. ? 9. 9. he said, I do well to be a. even nolo death Mat. 5. 22. whosoever is a. with his brother Luke 14. 21. the and he was , s.mdsii 1. 18. thenati selh ANGUISH. • 42. 21. guilty, in that we saw the a 1. 6. 9. but they hearkened not to 1 6.24. . hath ta le earth, and behold dimns id of trouble and,,. Iron, - ■■■ "'- 49. 24. I 5 .'"/„< 16. 21. she remembereth n< iiui' ehadthea.ofdeath 2 Tim. .16. at 1 Prt. 3 15. and be ready to give an 21. bu thea.o ANSWERS. JoJ 21. 3 in your a. remainet 34. 36. of his a. for wicked Luke 2. IT. and^ NSWER, Verb. Gen. 30 33. so ball my righteousne •\,„. 2 . 15. all the people shall a. at 1 A',,,,, 18.126. they called, saying, C J-,//l3.'- ■ ■.■!;.' ou, and I will a. and c 5.1 would kc when he vthewi 111b. 33 .12. will a . thee, God is gre; 40. 2. he that reproveth God, let him a. P„,l. 27 . 7 • have mercy also on me, and a. me II.': .,. I,.. ,, ! ■ .Li, ,1,11.- : I fl ■ .' I- ill- II ■ I f.ti-7 • will call on thee, for thou wilt a. me, 38.+1S. 102. 2. in the day when I call a. me speedily 108. 6. save with thy right hand, and a. me 143. 1. O Lord, in thy faithfulness a. me Prov. 15. 28. heart of the righteous studieth to a. 22. 21. that thou luighicst a. the words of truth 50. 2.' when l' II I I i no to a.? 66. 4. 58. 9. then shalt thou call, and the Lord will a. Dan. 3 . 16. are not careful to a. thee in this matter Joel 2. l'J.yea the Lord will a. and say to his people Had. 2. 1. what I shall a. when I am reproved Mat. 22. 46. no man was able to a. him a word Mark 11. 30. was it from heaven or of men ? a. mi 14. 40. neither v.i-i tlie\ what to a. him Lake 11. 7. and he from within shall a. and say 21. 14. not t . I litu hall a. ° Cor. 5. 12. that ye may have somewhat to a. then Col. 4. 6. may know how ve ought to a. every man I will ANSWER. Je*, I will a. 14. IS. JV 91. 15. Jer .33.3 /<«. 65. 24. come n.pas,, beture ihey call Iuill a. Not ANSWER. Gen. 45. 3. Joseph's brethren could not a. him Exod. 23. t 2. shalt not a. in a cause to decline 2 Sam. 3. 11. he could not a. Abner a word '...■■.■I :.i, . :■ ,..■ . V:,., ■,.,■,., I, ' ■!,( .i'i. . - ~i. they shall call, but ' '" APO .. 13. the Lord a. the a j. his lord a. and said, tl 14. 37- but he a. him not that day, 28. 6. i. 21. and the people a. 2 Kings 18. and I called you, but J 23. but he a. her not s ANSWERED and i J.<„.-ll.').\n:a.a,„l,„nl, l',.'ii,vlo„K fallen, i,l".,l'lei - u -it,OLord ANSWER ED.ST. 8. thou a. them, O Lord ot in the day wl ANSWERESE. Sam. 26. 14. David cried, a. thou not, , 'ob 16. 3. what emboldcueth thee, that th Mat. 26. 62. a. thou nothing ? Mark 14. 6u. 'oin 18. 22. a. thou the high-priest so > torn. y. I 20. who art thou thai ,/, against ANSWERETH. Sam. 28. 15. God is departed and a. me A"('/i ? .( 18. 21. let the God that a. by fire, r before he heareth tblish tie gospel. Uvb diately sent by Chris, 0.2. Gal. 1.1. nsider the a. and high-i APOSTLES. Lu,[, li. 13. I .0. the a 49. I w ..NT, S. the a. thou sluggard, c •e a people not strong, yi ANTIQUITY. Isa. 23. 7. joyous citv, whose a. is of an ANVIL. 7. encouraged h:' 26.4 a fool roily, lest thou 29. 19. for though. - ha. 65. 12. because when I called, ye did not Jer. 7. 27. thou shalt call, but they will not a. tl J. n>., 1 i. 6. they could not a. him again to these ANSWERABLE. ' Exod. 38. 18. a. to the hangings of the court ANSWERED. Ji roughly,: '>.■»,■<,.' .■ml, m 11, .w..,s , ,,,.-.,n 2 Cbron . 25. 9. the man of God a. the Lord Job 11. 2. should not the multitude of wort Ezek. 37. 3. I a. O Lord God, thou kno- ;V«. . 27.12. when lie was 'ecu-ed he a. nolhine, I Mark\i.§l 115.3.5. L„/,c«:i. Mark 12. 28. perceiving that he had a. well 34. when Jesus saw that he a. discreetly Acts 15. 13. after they held their peace, James a 22. 8.I0. who art than. Lord : and he said to r 25. 8. while he a. for himself, 26. 1. ANSWERED, meant of God. Gen. 35. 3. who a. me in the day of my distress Exod. 19. 19. Moses spake, and Goda.himl, j a voi Exod. 13. 12. shalt set Zev. 15. 19 she shall 1 18.19. thou shalt not; Ne/i. 12. + 47. set a. h Psal. 4. 3. the Lord h .v that the Lord had a. him called on the Lord, a ad snent all, nor could be! ie 1 nl ,1. of this way, me; will not be brought under 0,M.lN,MoitE,THI5 adth chicle,! , w, re.,,1. w 1 to his ho id SO lie I,r,,pln hale 17. the words spoken before of the Rev. 2. 2. them which say they are a. ar 18. 20. rejoice over her, ye holy a. and APOSTLESHIP Signifies, Tie office of tie apostles ; whi preach tie gospel, bapthe, work miracles, 28.' 19. Acts 14.23. 1 Cor. 3.6. Acts 1. 25. that he may take part of thi Rom. 1. 5. by whom we have received gr 1 Cor. y. 2. the seal of mine a. are ye in Gal. 2. 8. wrought effectually in Teter the o. APOTHECARY. Exod. 30. 25. ointment compounded afte art of a. 35. a confection after the art of the . 37.29. Eccl. 10. 1. dead flies cause the ointincu APPARENTLY. APPAREL. 14. f 19. Samson slew 30 men, and took a. n. 12. 20. David arose and changed his a. igs 10. 5. queen of Sheba had seen the attend- .0 the Levit m that is godly ■;■ 11. ,1, ■....,, ■' 1 a , ...... 1 : ...'. 2. 2. if a man come in goodly a. and a poor .3.3. not of wearing gold, or putting ou a. See Royal. APPARELLED. 2 Sam. 13. 18. the king's daughters, virgins, were, a. Lukel. 25. behold they which are gorgeously a. APPEAL, ED. [21. Jam. 1.21. wherefore lay a. all'filthiness "apiece. ' ■ .3. 47. thou shalt take five shekels a. by poll ). the golden spoons weighing ten sheki l 5. every one of their princes save him a three firkins a : Greek. APOSTLE 26. i a deliv. ,erty, if li 1.23. Ace 28. iy. I was constrained to a. to Cesar APPEAR Signifies, [1] To be in sight, Gen. 1. 9. Heb. 1 12] To come before, Exod. 3' " [3] To be discovered, or la, 11] Top, e,cnl one's self as an aavocate,m Gen. 1.9. God said, let the dry land a. and i Exod. 23. 15. and none shall a. before me 34. 20. Dent all males si :. 13. 26. 3 1.24. l.when all Israel is cc ■11 thou and a. b 4. 1. thy hair as a flock of goats that a. 6. 5. /,. i I. ■■., ,'h ■■■,, ;■, a ■ I .:'. . ...■ ■■,.,■. , that in all your doings your sins doa . Mat. 6. 16. that they ardlya Kev. 3. 18 . the shame of thy na kedne s do not „. APPEAR, referred Lev. g. 4 for to-day the Lord \ "to you, 6 16. 2. I the 1 Sam. 2. 27. did I plainly a. tc the ,..„-,'',.i th. 2 Citron. 1 . 7- that night did G do. S. .1..1I.. H. .Ill his ...I...- Zta.66.5.b H he ■.hall a. l» your j"V, ll.ey ash...... . Acts 26. 16. of I APPEARANCE. Num. 9. 1 5. was on tabernacle a the a . of fire, 16 1 .w,. 1 6 7. for man looketh o X>aa.8.15 feceattheT.Vfligh n'tag* ... his eyes as ./../,;, i: ''i judge not according ,'ihe 2 Cor. 5. 1 10. 1 1. w 2. which glory in a. '.'ale' amo^you 7. do ye look on things after he tward. a. ? APP APP APPETITE; 1 Xto.5.9.Godha h not a. us ,./. ;:: il..... 1.11 ihe a. of the young liens '. to 1 ...... U '.... ■-■:; .'.■.i. .il. v 1 1 ■ .'.:. 1. .... Iranian given toa. 7iV. 1 . 5. and orda .,,/. (». 7. all labour f..r ...oull., yet a. not filled 9. 27. and as it is a /,;.. til. they ate strong of n. not satisfied APPLE of the eye. APPOIN' 1.1.1 /,„„• ),■<«. 32. 10. lie kept him as the a. »///« eve Cm. 18. 14. at the 'sat. 17- il. keen me as the a. „/' Mc cm. hide me Exod 9.5. the Lord a . .1 ,„ 48. 3. Jacob said, God Almighty a. to me at F.xod. 3.2. angel of the Lorda. in midst of the 4. 1. they will say, the Lord hath not a. tc __._ 6. 3. I a. to Abraham by name of God Almighty 14. 27. the sea returned when the morning - 2 5am. 22. 16. and the channels of the sea , 1 Kings 11. 9. which had a. to Solomon twi 13. 26. the blade sprung, then a. the tares a 17-3. there a. to them Moses and Elias, Mark 27.53. and went into the holy city.and a. to m Mark 16. 9. Jesus a. first to Mary Magdalen 12.after that he a. in another form to two oft 14. after he a. to the eleven as they sat at d Luke 1. 11. there a. to him an antrel of the Lor 9- 31. who a. in glory, l.'Z. 5. c sick of lo t.and smell of thy APPLY. P>al. 90. 12. that we may a. our hearts Prov. 2. 2. and a. thine heart to understanding 22.17. hear words, a. thine heart to my knowledge 23. 12. a. thine heart to instruction, and thine e< APPLIED. Eccl. 7. 25. 1 a. my heart to know and seek wisdc 8. 9. 1 a. my heart to every work that is don Hos. 7. t fies, [1] To constitute or ordain. Josh. 20. 9. To assign or allot, Numb. 4. 1(1. [:ij To set r, Gen. 41. 34. Lev. 26. 16. [4] To decree, •e, Acts 20. 13. [6] To promise, . .... 22 29 1c, Prov. 8. 29. [10] To set, o. 5 10. 24. Neb. 7.3. [11] To limit, [12] To ordain or set apart for , 61 . 3 . to a. them that mourn in Zion, to gi Jer. 15. 3. I will a. over them four kind: 49. 19. and who is a chosen man that .5. tamed longer than the s 1. according to their a. tit 11 the days of my a. /„„,: . . the stork in heaven know< 35. Ilab. 2.3. the vision is ye 17.26. God hath d ( tke of his decease 7. 2. the God of glory 9. 17- even Jesu " ' 26. 16. 1 have 3. 4. after the 1. Hei. 9. 26. in th thee 1 3. 43. :here a. a great wonder in heaven, . APPEARETII. s the leprosy a. in the skin of the He: Prov.- 27. 25. the hay a. 2 Tim . 10. but t of the north, and dest nttilla to praise at the a. of Jesi 10 shall judge thi 3tt.'sTl3. looking for glorioi 1 Pet. 1. 7. be found to praise . APPEASE. Gen. 32. 20. I will a. him with th. APPEASED, ETII. Ahasuerus a. he remen e that is slow to anf Esth. 2. 1 !*i9.a Num. : APPERTAINED. j. 16. 32. and all the men that K APPERTAINETH, ING. Lev. 6. 5. and gi I . Abraham, our father, 51. 27. will the kingdoms Ezek. 21. 19. a. these two 1 Iios.l. 11. they shall « il a. himhispor Luke 12. 46. a. him his p. 22.29. la. yon. ' Li. ■.! el keep the passover .ffer an offering, bt ' apprehended of CI whereof I 'wa's ' lA. a. ol'Absa made an, Till 111/ ig to a. of the priests lom this determined nd that for which also I ai nst Jesus, Ph,l. 3. 12. Tin prophets ofBaal, and let non in desiro .. 1 /;./... . in/). 1 he a. Peter, he put him in which I am a. of Christ J 20.42. let go a man w', te/1. 6. 7. thou hast a. 9-17. in their rebellion Dt within the d _ .. . jver them, the Spirit to defeat the counsel . be ruler over Isr c.6. 9. hear y, ■t. 27. 10. gave '■ 1. 'after thesi 1. thee each day for a year 3, Joseph and Matthias ;nifies, \i\To draw nigh, or corship, Psal. 65. 4. Isa. 58. 2. [3] To c ract marriage wit/,, Lev. 18. 6. [4] To hast . wherefore a. ye so n : .gh the city t 13. there a. a prophet to Ahab _ Kings 20. , __. 2 Ktnee 10. 12. the king a. to the altar Psal. 27. t 2. when my enemies a. they stumbled Isa. 8. f3. I a. to the prophetess, she bare a son APPROAC1IETH, ING. Isa. 58. 2. they take delight in a. to God Lukt. 12. 33. where no thief a. nor moth corrupteth Hei. 10.25. and so much more as ye see the day a. APPROVE ;nifii , To like or commend, Psal. 49- 13. Approved of God, Acts 2. 22. Demonstrated, and beyond any contradiction proved, to be the Messiah. Psal. 49. 13. vet their posterity a. their sayings 1 Cor. Hi. 3. whom you shall a. by your letters Phil. 1.10. that ye may a. things that are excellent APPROVED. Acts 2. 22. Jesus, a man a. of God among you Horn. 14. 13. is acceptable to God, and a. of men I6.10.salute Appelles a. in Christ, salute Aristob. 1 C0r.ll.i9.they that are a. may be made manifest 2 Cor. 7. 11. in "all things you have a. yourselves 10. 18. not he that commendeth himself is a. 13. 7. not that we should appear a. but that ye Tim. 2. 15. study to shew thyself a. unto God ArPROVEST, ETII. 'jam. 3. 36. to subvert a man, the Lord a. not . ' j;:,. il.. : thi ngs that are more excellent APPROVING. APRON, S. Cm.n.-Ah, y sowed Ir-leaves together, ami made JiVA 3. 1 15. bring the a. thou hast, and hold it Act il9.12.from his body were brought to the sick < ARCHANGEL. 1 ZVkm.4.16. shall descend with the voice c Jude 9. Michael the a. when contending wi ARCHER, S. ). 'Ishmael grew and became a! Jer. 51.3. against him that bendeth let u. ben I bo ARCHES. Ezek. 40. 16. there were narrow windows to the a ABE Signifies, [1] To be of great value and esteem amo, men 1 Cor. 1. 28. [2] a-i, /.ere ,,,,./,,„-,'.v ./>,„ 1 John 4.1. [3] Reputed, judged, est. cm, 1 Cor. 7. 11- I I] J,', pros,,,/, or Ue 41. 26, 27. Rev. 1. 20. " WAicaa ,.»/« >r the fifty righteous that 42. 36. Jacob said, all these things a. against me Nnm. 15. 15. as ye a. so shall the stranger be 1 Kings 8. 8. and there they a. to this day 38.35. that they may go and say to thee, here we a. Psal.tiH.n5. bless ye God, ye that a. of the fountain 107- 27. they stagger, and a. at their wit's end Lam. 5. 7. our fathers have sinned, and a. not .l,,,o> 11.7. a. yetnol aschildrenoi Ethi na --->,-. Nali. 3. 17. the place is not known where they a. Mat. 2. 18. not be comforted, because they a. not 6. 26. fowls of air, 0. ye not much better than they 22. 30. but a. as the angels of God in heaven Marie 6. 3. and a. not his sisters here wi i. I kno . 27. 1 1 tor it Gentiles 1 Cor. 1. 28. things which a. not, things that a. 2 Cor. 11. 22. a. they Hebrews ? a. they I sraelites a. they the seed of Abraham > so am I Ifeb. 4. 15. tempted like as we a. yet without sin Rev. 1. 19. write the things which a. and shall be 4. 11. for thy pleasure they a. and were created :h therei ARGUMENTS. Job 23. 4. I would fill my mouth with a. ARIGHT. P.ta..50.23. to him that ordereth his conversation , 78. 8. a generation ihat set not iheit heart a. Prov. 4. t 26. all thy ways shall be ordered a. !■'■ ■■'• i "gee ni'ihe Wise nseiil knowledge a. £3. 31. the wine, when it moveth itself a. Jer. 8. 6. I hearkened, but they spake not a. ARISE Signifies, [1] To take rise, or proceed from, Ac • • ■ -' [3] Tot [2] To r nt, Eph. t 7. 2. It I . 2. Acts 22.'l6. a. get thee out of o Beth-el, and dwell there JJeut. 13. 1. it there a. among you a prophet 17. 8. then shall thou a. and get thee up to th Josh. 1. 2. now therefore a. go over this Jordan ■ lode. 5. 12. a. Barak, lead thy captivity capiivi -' .Vaw.2.14. let the young men a. and play before v. • 'i I H - : 1 11 1 , 1 11.20. and if so be that the I ing's «.-. M, '., 1 '» ,1,1, I , 2 h nigs 9. 2. make Jehu a. from among his brethren 1 I ■Inoa. 22. 16. a. be doing, the Lord be wit! Nell. 2.20. therefore we his servants will a and Esth. 1. 18. thus shall there a. too much con 4. 11. then shall enlargement a. to the Jei Job 7. 4. when shall I a. and night be gone 11. 1 17. thy age shall a. above noon-day 25. 3. and upon whom doth not his light a. ■ Psal. 3. 7. a. O Lord, save me, O my God , for thou 7- 0. a. O for I 1 a ., . In „,, thyself let God a. let his 88. 10. shall the dead a. and praise thee • 89. 9. when the waves of s-a a. thou stillest them in-,'. 13. thou shalta. and ,iave mercy on Zio Prov. 6. 9- when wilt thou a. out of thy sleep fair one, and come away nd anoint the shield ead body shall they a. Jer. 2. 27. in trouble they will say, a. save us 8. 4._ saith the Lord, shall they fall, and not a. ight, pour Dan. 2. 39. after thee 1, O daughter f Zion, I hall a Hat. 2. 19. wo to him that saith to the dr. 4W.4.2. you thai fear shall the S,m of riditeoufu.,.. Mat. 9. 5. is iteasier to say «. and walk ? Marl, 2. 9. " "' for there shall ,- hi he Ch rials, false urr v h. . -. . 41. damsel, I say to thee a. Luke 8. 54. 14. Lord said, young man, I say to thee a. . I will a. and go to my father, and say . and why ' ' John so I do, a. let us go hence 9. 40. turning to the body said, Tabitha, a. taking 20.30. also of yor. 22. 16. why tarriest thou? a. and be baptized Ep/i.5. U. a. from the (heal, .ami Christ a hall gi " Pet. 1. 19. till the day-star a. in your hearts See Rise. ARISETH. Heb. 7. 15. after Signifies, [1] A chest ARK [2] The great vt ■chid, Noah a, id I, ;-. fami/v wire preserved the flood, in length 547 feet, Gen. 6. : Heb. 11. 7- [3]" That chef wherein , tables of the laic, Aaron's ml, and tin pot of manna were kept, Exod. 37. 1. Heb. 9. 4. The ark of thy strength, /W. 132. 8. The seat thy powerful and clarions presence, from -.dice thou dost jnit forth and manifest thy strength ' ' xlf of thy people, when they it~— Was s Christ of his te t, Rev. . 19. te smote because th the a. of our God to us hand to hold the a. 15. 1. David prepared a place for the a. of God ~ 132. 8. 11. places are holy whereunto the a. hath co„. it. 24. 38. till Noah entered the a. Luke 17. 27 faith Noah warned of God prep. an« >et. 3.20. God waited while the a .was preparin 0. 11. 19. and there was seen in his temple the c .f Jordan were cut off he for, the ,,. 7.6.Joshua fell to the earth on ins face before the ,,. 1 Ham. 5.3. Da -on was fallen on his f. before ,l„ ,,. 1 (.'/„-. 16.37. tell before the a. Asaph ami his 2 Chi .5.6. .Solo-, .ami rnn-r.a'seiiihled before the a. ARK of the Covenant. N,„„ .he?,'',. a. of c„, , iiant of Lord went before thei 11.21). p -7. thews ookoflaw 1 Cl„. 17.1. a . ofcrccu,,,,! remained under curtai Jer. 3. 16. shall say no more, the a. of the coi , ..... J'/,'). 1|. l-.t jher Mrh-ellleh hall l he Cl.ef ii,, ■,,;., ,, ARK of God. 1 Sam. 3. 3. in the temple where the a. of God w 4. 11. the a. of God was taken, 17. 22. 6.3. if ye send away the a . of God, send it not emp 2 &i,-pbcu HI. 23. I he re a. no small stir about that way 2.1. 7. when he so said there „. a dissension, to. See Rose. AROSE ana" went. I .SW3.6. Samuel a. ,,,,,/ aaa.Mo I'.li, and s : ,„l. here 23. Hi loaaihm, „.„„./. ,,,/io Ue.alii, o I ha '..a,o,l 25. 1. David ,...„„,/; - ! : '-'- "»- 19. 21. Elish ,/,'::. 3. : tf with them ARRAY l,[l] To ;«i»a a/mare., Esfh. 6. 9. Rev .2 J To put an army in a fit posture to fit i:>:/i. 6. 1). that they may a. the man withal Job -li). 111. and a. thvsi If with glory and beauty / 4 1 _ h 11 a hi, 11 If ithth 1 ilo I _,pi ARRAY.' &tm. 4. + 2. they slew of the a. in the field - i'aOT.lO.y.Joabputthechoice in a. again .. Job 6. 4. the terrors of God -el themselves in ... .'.,. .'hi. I '. a-,, ..,., , :l , ..... 1 ,.., iaa. I ,„ See Battle. ARRAYED. -.... 41. 42. Pharaoh a. Joseph in line linen 2 ('.',,,.,7. 211.1 3. look! her., ,; iv. -. Willi : p, al a . ihelll Mat. C. 29. was not a. lil a one of these, J-anve 1,2.27. . 11. Herod and his men of war a. Christ o,„ **. 21. Herod a. in royal apparel sat on his l[ev. 7 . 13.what are these that are a. in white robes ? 1 purple and scarlet colour 19. i :oherw— ft .a ARRIVED. 0. 26. they a. at the country c 20. 15. am! the next day we a ARROGANCY. theGadar 1 Sam. 0. 3. let not a. come out of your mouth '"0; ;;. 13 pride and a. and theevilwav do 1 /■a. 13. 11.1 will cause the „. of the proud to em a- [5] The judgmen. 15. Tzek"!'. lfTpial &ra. 20. 36. Jonathi KiBg* 9- 24. and the 3. 17- a. of Lord's deli Jo* 34. Bothea .„..„.' there, ha. 37.33. :u, able wi ho, it transgressioE t'xat. 11. 2. they make ready their a. on the string Of.?, with an',,, sudd, ,dy*sh:l!ihcv be wounded 91. 5. nor afraid for Hie ,,. lieeth by day fr„,-. 25. f ;;. that beareth false witness is a sharp a. Je/a 9. 8. their tongue is as an a. shot out Lam. 3. 12. he hath set me as a mark for the a. Zech. 9. 14. and his „. shall go forth as lightning ARROWS. urn. 24. 8. he shall pierce them thro' with his a. . ■ ■■.'."; 1 e. ai •.;.. !,..;■,■, 1 • •■ e, cattered them, Psai t. VI. shah m.d.e r, ady thine «. against tlnan 5. 5. thine a. are sharp in the heart of enemies ?. 4. sons of men, whose teeth are spears and a. J2ii. >. sharp a. oi the 1, uglily, with coals of juniper 144. 6. shoot out thine a. and destroy them Proa. 26.18. asamadmanwhocastetha. and death with a. ■s shall ni 1 of an ei u. 11. make bright the a. gather tne shields am. 3.13. hath the ,,. .„ I,,., quiver toenter :ek. 5. 16. I shall send the evil a. of famine I ■ "I . he malic ha a. ia asm, he ci.nsnkeil ■-,- 10-3. 1 will cause thy a. to fall out of thy hand 9. Israel shall go forth, and burn bows and a. llab. 3. 11. at the light of thine a. they went ART, Verb. Oen. 3. 9. God said to Adam, where a. thou? 13.1-1. Lord said, look from the place where thou a. 24. 23. he said whose daughter a. thou? 47. 27. 24. and he said a. thou my very son Esau > 32. 17. whose a. thou > whither goest thou ? 39. 9. kept back but thee, because thou a. his wife If.. 0. 1 here is none so discreet and wise as thou a. 46. 30. now let me die because thou a. yet alive Exod. 4. 26. she said, a bloody husband thou a. Judg. 8. 18. they answered as thou a. so were they 12. 5. the men said to him, a. thou an Ephraimite? 13.11. a. thou the man that spakest to the woman ? .W19.3. 1 will go out and stand by where thou a . Kings 13.18. he said, I am a prophet also as thou a. 22.-1. Jehoshaphat said, Iamaslhoua. 2S7agi3.7. C/iron. 20. 7. a. not thou our God, who didst drive ■'■"', 15. it. a a kedne ■ may hurt a man as thou a. " 3. a. thou also become weak as we > a. like _ _ 2. a. not thou he, O Lord our God, we Uikel. 19. a. thou he that should come, or look we TohnlAQ. Rabbi, thou a. the Son of God, King of Is. './,', s21. 38. ,7. not thou that Egyptian made uproar 22. 27. the captain sa' J '-" I. 17. . andw ART, ,1'ter the a. of the apothecary c'/ren. 10.1-1. uivers spices prepared by a. of apoth. .'1 a. 1? .20. the I lodhcad 1101 like stones graven by a. 19. 19. many also of them which used curious a. ARTIFICER. ARTIFICERS. Signifies, [1] Lite, 1 Pet. 3. 8. [2] White, /'.,: 20. i|. [3] For, Mat. 6. 12. [4] Because. John 15. 12. |17.2. [5] After the manner af. Job31.33. llshcuelb, [II die,,.,,, a ,,„„/ ,,,, hat not in quantity, Mat. 5. 48. [2] T/itati,,. John.,. 23. 13] The/,/,,,,,,,,,/ „ thing, hat net " [4] The willm io/ a Heb. ... . help a. before hi- 1. 16. 7. the Lord seeth not a. man seeth 2 Kings 8. 27. he did evil a. did the house of Ahab ,13 . had made in the temple, a . the Lord had said z 10. 12. a. thou hast said, so must we do /. 125. 5. a. for such a. turn aside to crooked ways a. 21. 2>J. sav 1, a, 1 will do to hima. he hath done. ha. 24. 2. a. with the people, a. with the servant 1/ to 25 3i 1 iph a laaslm n ant a. his Lord 19. 19. shalt low thyneighb.i , by! ilf, --' -"'- '..•■■ John > 1 1 ■. beheld ilia glory a. of the only-begotten Acts'?. +37. the Lord raise, up ■ prophet a. myself 51 .ye resist II .G host , a.vour fathers did, so do ye 2(1.,. 2. 17. but a. of sincerity, but a. of God, speak C.t -1.12.1 rethreri, be a. I am, for I ama. ye are Even 11 gave i ASH ASCEND Signifies, [1] To get or dim!, up, J .'.,/,. 6. 5. the people shall a. up every tun;. a.raiakt 1 1 into the hill of the Lord. and shall stand in his holy place ? Rom. 10. 6. 135. T.hecauseth vapours to a. Jer. 10.13. | 51.16. 13. thou id, I will a. t h ave *. 8E a. and come x: shall see the Son U.' Tathc r, and vour Each. .17 shall . out of the ASCENDED. ff.13 of the Lord c the ib. .;. hist npuil.nj. th uh John 3. 13. no man hath a. to heaven, but he uit r gods a. out of the earth uuha.-s „. 1. 18. 8 ASCRIBED, to David 10,000,1 ASH. i ... I I . miff, the rain doth nourishi ASHAMED. Gen. 2. 25. naked, themanandhis wife were not a. . ?»„'.;. 3. 25. and they tarried till they were a. 2 .<■»,. 10. 5. the men were greatly a. I Cate«. 10.5 II 3. asi r 1 [ >" 1 I ' ' li . , . ,.,■•. . .; :..-.... i •: CM iettlcd h: •.ill i.e vt priests and the Levites were a . a 8. 22. 1 was a. to require of the king a band 6. I am a. and blush to lift up my face to thee 6. 20. they came thither, and were a. 1 ... 1 nil I J«a 2. 8. Job sat down among the a. 24. 21. the ,un shall he ,,, wh n the Lord shall reign 30. 5. all a. of a people that could nor prom then, 33. 0. carlil mourns, Lebanon is a. tarn ht-wn Jovn 42. 6. I abhor myself, and repent in dust an Jr. 2. 2o. as the thief is a. when he is found, so is Pial. 20. + 3. and turn to a. thy burnt-sacrifi 102. Q. for I have eaten a. like bread, and mil 6. 15. were they a. ? they were not at all a. 8. 12. 8. 9. the wise men are a. they are dismayed 147. 16. he scattered! the hoar-frost like a. 14. 4. plowmen v ere a. the-.- c reared their ha/els 2m. 44. 20.hefeedetb.ona. a deceived heart tu -! 8.1 3 . hoalj shal 1 1 : a .of Israel was a. 58. 5. and to spread sackcloth and a. under Abtia lti. 27. the daughters of the Philistines ait. ■. h lti, e a. of their rniri 61. 3. to give them beautv for a. the oil of Jer. 6. 26. O daughter, wallow thyself in a. £;;/.il3.17.all h's teh. , rsarieav.-ere a. and the people Lam. 3. 16. he hath covered me with a. li. 3. what shall! dor 1 cannot din, to begl am a. Eselt. 28. 18. I will bring thee to a. on the e /cam. 1. 16. I am not a. of the gospel of Christ Dan. 9. 3. I set my fare to seek in sackcloth a. 1 tin \t hereof ve are now a . Mai. 4.' 3. the wicked shall be a. under your 7 i 1 it g Iamnota. Mat. 11. 21 if works were done, they would '). One-u.horm .' 16. God is n HAMED andconfou,, Be AS' . 23. let her tal Psal. 6. 10. let all my ei 3.yea,le 31.1. in th 17. letm. . 69. 6. let no! 86. 17. they - •e do I pi 1.29. f hathsj 21). 11. they shall sea and be < 42. 17. they shall be greatly a. that trust in imag 44. 9. they see not nor know, that they may be 11. all his fellows shall be a. shall be a. togeth 60. 13] my servants rejoice, but ye shall be a. 66. 5. shall appear to your jot-, rua! tht'v sh .11 a. ' • , • ct . *•, l t t jr n a ofAssyr lb. d 1 11 n ! tetusedsttooe, 12. 13. and they shall be a. of your revenues 17. 13. O Lord, all that forsake thee shall be a 20. 11. my perseeutors shall stumble and be a 48.13. Moab shall be a. of Chemosh, as Israel w; 50. 12. your mother that bare you shall be a. Ezok. Hi. til. shah remember thy v. ays, and be , 4 :. 10. shew [srael,thevmt,v/a a. of their iniquitii 11. and if they be a." ol" all th. t thee harm tloi II-'. l.lo.ihovshalle, ,,. been;; era ,!. . . ... 10. ;i. raid Israel shall be a. oi Ills own enamel ./ae/l. 11. Seye a.Oyehusba 2. 26. and my people shah Zeeh. 9. 5. for her expectat ashalUea. ' 8.38.shall be a. of me andmywoids. £m',a tj.2 .ay be a. that falsel v accuse your goo >e, or Be not, ASHAMED. should she not be a. seven days ? ' a,../ 25.2 .0 my God, f trust in thee, let me not be t 31. 17. let meat be a. O Lord, 119. 116. 37. 19. they shall not be a. in the evil time 1 1J.6. than shall I not be a. when I have respect t 46. I will speak of thy l, shmouios. and net be 1 80. let mv heart be sound, that I be not a. hall speak with Don. 6. 7. tin,. -1. 12 (/era 2. II >., for t a, ll.a w 1 sia.U ,:. now the priests - . _ . ye of the Lord rain in time ■ Mat. 6. 8. what ye have need of, before yi 7. 7- a. and it shall be given you, Lake 11. 9. 9.what man of you, if his son a . bread, Lutell .11 . 11. shall give good things to them that a. him 18. 19. agree touching any thing they shall a. 20. 22. y. ' that day shalt thou not be a. Rom. 9. 33. whobelievethonhimshallMafaf, 2 Cor. 10. 8. for though I boast, I should not . . 2 Tim. 1.8. be not therefore a. of testimony of Lord 2. 15. to God, a workman that needeth not bi Pet. A, . suffer ;■ ignifles, Too romoin; V fv.d afior it /„, be e Awmed, 2 Pet. 2. 6. They denote, [1] Tbe frail, I sth. 4. 1. Jonah 3. 6. a. . 18. 27. to speak, which am but dust and a. £e . 6. 10. and the priest shall take up the a. 1. and carry forth the a. without the camp n. 19. 9. a man that is clean shall gather the tnda.Z? Heb. 9. 13. if the a. of an heifer to ti " " :t. 2. 6. and turning the cities of Sodom into . ASIDE. I. H9- came 'a it 1 1 \ 1 ■* 7- 33. he took him a. from the multitude 1 13. 4. he riseth and laid a. his garment -He}. 12. 1. let us lav a. every weight, and sin th See Go, Gore, Turn, Went, Lay. [do ASK •:. ; ..' ..;. !• 10. [3] To seek counsel, Isa. 30. 2. Hag. 2. 1 [ail To pray, John 15. 7. Jam. 1.6. [51 Tu c peel, I.uke 12. 48. [6] To salute, 1 Sam. 25. 1 5. 2 Sam. 8. f 10. [7] To lay to one's charge, Psal. 35. til- ■Jen. 32. 2 J. wherefore dost thou a. after my name ' .31.12. a ."me never so much dowry and gift, I give Dent. 4. 32. for a. now of the days that are past 13. 14. shall a. diligently, and if it be truth 32. 7. a. thy father, antl he will shew thee Tosh. 4. 6. when your children a. their fathers, 21 . hidg. 13. 5. a. counsel, we p-ray thee, of God . 6am. 10. I 4. antl they will a. thee of peace , 2 Sam. 8. . 28. 16. why dost thou a. of me, seeing the Lord : Sam. 14. 18. hide not from me the thing I a. Kin;s 3.5. a. what I shall give thee, 2 Citron. 1. 7- 14. 5. the wife of Jeroboam cometh to a. thee 2 A 2. 9. Elijah 1 ! 1 hnlldoforthee " "'iron. 20. 4. Judah gathered to a. help of God 12. 7. a. the beasts, and they shall (each thee '.2. 8. a. of me, antl I will tare thee the heathen 7. 11. a. thee a sign of Lord, a. it of the depth '.. I will not a. nor will I tempt the Lord 11, saith the Lord, a. me of things to come 2. they a. of me the ordinances of justice 6. 16. a. for the old paths, and walk therein 5. who shall go aside, to a. what thou dost 13. a. ye now among the heathen who heard 19- a. him that tleeth, and her that escapeth inathilj bread, a )f any God, 1 the law if latter 22.4 !2rwhat; ,r ye a. in prayer j.himm ' shall ). taketh thy goods, a. them not ; ;ve the Holy Spirit to them that c uch committed, of him they will a. '. when the Jews sent priests to a 13. 24. Peter beckoned to him that he should a 14. if ye a. any thing in my name I will do i 1 5.7. if ye abide in me, a. what ye will, it shall b< 16. 19. Jesus knew that they were desirous to a 23. and in that day ye shall a. me nothing 24.a.andyeshallr:ceive,thatyourjoym at, fel , 1, ,,rj . ' ., . 1 . , b.atbi 18. 21. a. them which heard me what I said Jew 10. 29. 1 a. therefore for what intent ye sen, C.-r. 14. .35. let them a. their husbands at home Iph. 3. 20. to do above all that we can a. or thin!. any thine according to hi •he heareth us, vrhalsoeve hich is not uuto death, he s 7 th man a u trait! ot our ktndrel 1 t o t! 1, - 1 18. 1 15. a. him of peace, ISam. 17. +22. | 30.121. Sam. 1. 17. God grant the petition thou hast a. 120. she called his name Samuel, that is a. of God 27- the Lord hath given me my petition J a. /wary 3. li. because thou a. this thing and cot a. 2. 10. he said, thou hast a. ahard thing \tra 5. 10. we a. their names to certify thee ib 21. 29. have ye not a. them that go by the way > Ato.l5.13.hea.his a. him the truth of all this isciples,.,'a,i8.C7.i«*«9.1i m,35..a/a Oil J10 2 I 12.1 A.SSLMBLl''.. Wm. 10. 3. when they blow, the assembly shall Sam. 20. 4. a . me the men of Judah, and he her :.'. a e alive si l\,lt. 32. .la. lhcir«inoisll,eei-llelvcn U l,, t)fa 10. he shall surk the poison oi a. (lie VI per 'stole />«. 11. 8. till' child shall pl;.\ tti the ln,I.- oi lln /<0OT. 3. 13. the poison of «'. is under their li, ASSAULT, ED. I' 11. to cause to perish all that would a. them .-/rf..l4.5. when I here was an /,. made ol i.V Gentiles 17- 5. they a. the house of Jason, and sought to ASSAY, ED, 1NG. Vent. 4. 3t. hath God a. to go and take a nation l-W/.17..iL).D avid a. uifo, ior he had not proved Job 4. 2. if we a. to commune wiili thee, will Ihou .if/./< 15. 111. and Achsnh indited nl] her . ,,, ,■ ,. *. 20. the priest shall make an a. for them, an be forgiven, 26. 31, 35. ',5. 6. 1 6. 7. 12. 8. 1 14. 18. Num. 15. 25. 8. 34. so the Lord hath commanded to make e for thyself and for them, 16. 24 i. 24. let thine handmaid speak in thy 8. 8. in the a. of our God k, . p and si they read in the book of Moses in the Lulo 7. l.i nil, ,' all his sayings m then, of the pen) in a. of the people he said to his discipl 16. Israel, and ye that fear God, give then all the multitude gave a. to Barnabas and they gave him a. to this word AVENGE. Lev. 19 . \B. thou shalt not a. nor bear grudge 10.1' . God hi I Civ, .tyout d she s all h«. ele.,1, 16.10. 11. Aaron shall make ana. for himself I house 16. he shall make an a. for the holy place 17. shall be no man there, when he maketh a. 18. he shall go and make a. for the altar 27. whose blood was brought in to make a. 33. he shall make a. for the holy sanctuary 34. everlasting statute to make a. once a year 23. 27. tenth day of 7th mouth shall he a day of a. ._k,for 25.9- in the day of a J\ 19. given the Levitt .. lie in. goi|uic!.l\, make a. for wrath. ,',,,1, ',,!"' 2'). 5. a kid of the goals to make an „. for yo ' v ", 21. 3 whei i irh shall I make the a. ? <■■■■ ■ '.O. -hi '. i.c.i.l ■ ,:■.. , „' ■'•ho. 20 24.theprii its killed them to make an a - -7 !- ll ll, i i he ,", ,,. I'l, i,„, ATTAINED. "• 47.0. , ndhavenota. tothedaysof m; - *■»«. 23. 19. houhcit h three, 23. Horn. (J. 30. the Gentile, ha' righteousm 'ah r had already a. or pc Cor. 7. 35. may a. on the Lord wi 2, 1 1 r.M).\ Kings 10. 5. saw the a. of his min . Tim. 4. 13. till I come, give t Heb. 7. 13. of which no man gav (/. 66. 19. he hath a. to the voice of my prayer 1,1. I i . e. , , th inn, ,„,l e,, i, , I-.-,,, I ATTENDING. ontinually on this very thing AWA AVOUCHED. )eni. 2(1. 17 . hast this day a. the Lord to be thy God It), the Lord hath a. thee to be his people 'rov. 4. 15. a. it, pass not by it, turn from it fom.l6.17. mark tin ,oi.h.,i cause divisions, and a. Cor. 7. 2. to a. fornication, let every man have his Tim. 2. 23. foolish and unlearned questions a. 'it. 3. 9. a. foolish questions and genealogies AVOIDED, ING. Sam, 18. 11. David a. out of his presence twice this, that no man should blame us a. profane and vain babblings AUSTERE. Luke 19. 21. I feared, because thou art an a. man AUTHOR. and killed the a. of life s shall be rsbea. rayer Eiod. 2 tofct Signifies, [1] Power, Luke 19.17. [2] A con,,,,,,,,, ,,„,„,,/„„,, power, Wat. 7. 2y. [3] A warrant, order, or in,//,, „',o permission, Mat. 21. 23. Actsg. 14. Luh. 0. 29. Esther and ilordecai wrote with a. .bta.7.29. taught tl 1 M 1 \ 8. 9. for I am a man under a. and say, Lvkel. 8. 20.25. they that are great exercise n. M, n, in ! 21. 23. by what „. dost lie.n these - M„rl, 11 . 2c Mark 1. 27. for with a. commandeth he even the unclean spirits, and they obey him, Lake 4. 36. I ' ill he e 1, .,,.... ■ •' .,., e, II ,! ■. li 19.17. been faithful, have thou a. over ten cities 20. 20. might deliver him to a. of the governor 22. 25. that exercise a. are called benefactors John 5. 27. hath given him a. to execute judgment 8. 27. eunuch of great n. under Candace queen 4. here he hath a. to bind, 26. 10, 12. '. 15. 24. when he shall have put down all a. should boast so 20. 2,3. . ,t shall a tell y 12.10. I . the quarrel of m Israel of the Midianiies, 3. i will a. the blood of his servant the Lord judge and a. me of the ill a. me of mine enemies lay of vengeance that he may a. 11 a. the blood of Jezreel on Jeh hat he will a. them specdily 6. 10. how long dost thou not a. our 1 AVENGED. 4. 24. if Cain should be a. seven-fold, Lamech 21. +20. and he die, he shall be surely a. 10. 13. sun and moon stayed fill people had a. Jmlo. 15.7.1 nonghvc have done this, yell will be a. ay two eyes I maybe ,7. .Sum. 11.21. that eateth any IS. 25. an hundred foreskin 25. 31. or that my Lord hi imself '.cts. 7. 24. Moses a. him tl._. ... ■ev. 18. 20. rejoice, for God hath a. you on h< 19. 2. hath a. blood of his servants at her han AVENGER. ,'um.35.12. cities for refuge from the a. Josh.10.: hut. 19. 6. lest the a. of blood pursue the sla.y< 12. the elders deliver him into the hand of the 1 e Lord i's the a. of all such dr. 8. 2 I. God i ll the , R1TY I ' '■ " 1 r, In ■' , I n, Hid .11 m „ 12. I suffer not a woman to usurp a. over the man Tit. 2. 15. exhort and rebuke with all a. 1 Pet. 3. 22. angels and a. made subject to him Rev. 13. 2. the dracon cave him power ami great a. AWAKE Signifies, [1] To come out ■•/ „„i;r„/ ./,, l ,,Lnl.t ').: :. [2] To r„„ i e„po,,,o,sp,,,,„.,l,l,.p.l„, „,,_,.,,.„, ' I 'it' ,,<><<,, 1. I;,,,,], l".. 11. /ph. ... 1 I. |":;| 'Jo ,„,,,• from the dead, Job 1 1. 12. John 11. 11. [4] To give present help after it hath long been kept from us, as though God had forgotten us, Psal. 7.6. Isa. 51.9. Awake not my love till he please, Cant. 2. 7. ilipni/iire , litiihir in.iri opl /ho/ p, nee 1 enjoij Jin/!. ':, 19. + 26. I shall a. though this 'body be destroyed Psal. 7. 6. a. for me to the judgment, 35. 23. satisfied when 1 n. v. 1 1 li thy likeness 44. 23. a. why sleepest thou, O Lord ? arise 57. 8. a. my glory, I myself will a. early, 108. 2. 50. 4. they piepare, a.' to help me, and behold 5. O Lord God, a. to visit all the heathen 3.35.M .2. 7. not, , ii,-. O north wind, . 1 01 the land up, O Jerusalem, which hast drunk 2tual sleep, and not a. Jeep iu the dust shall a. Is, weep and howl all ye Hab. 2. 7. shall they not a. that shall vex thee 19. woe to him that saith to the wood, a. tch. 13.7. a. O sword, against my Shepherd, smite ' ' was asleep, and they a. him they were a. they saw his glory Jer. 51.57. : Luke 9. is hieh tl li.a. thou that 2.120. may a. 28. 16. Jacob a 6.14. Samson a leepest, and arise from dead heir,.., 1 ves out of the snare AKED. out of his sleep, and said gs 18.~27. he si %s 4. 31 . Gehazi epeth and must be a. old him. the child is not a. b.u: ,/. 70. 63. then tho Lordn. i .EW.21.6. hisniastershallborchisearu-iihan JOeut. 15. 17. take an«. anil lluu.,l i. AWOKE. Get. 9.21. Noah,,. Iron, his. wine, and knew wh 41. 4. cat up l In- I. u kinr. 5,0 I'haraoh a. 7- 21. Go, Bring, Keep, Kept, Tub BACK, Substantive. i. he turned his i. to go from Samuel J.hastcast me behind ihv/,. JC.flt.1s.: PW. 21. 12. Hum shall make llu'n, tan: their st'.lb.lS.arodfbrthefcof! .38.17. thouhasl east i„y 2. 27. they hai 'J- '-■'.»■ r-'ti. i» my sins behind thy 7. I will shew them the 4. and not the face 2. 33. they have turned to me the i. and not fa i. 7. 6. wh 1. 11.10. n it lour Mat.ti.25.hi. AX Signifies, [1] A [2] A h.nnan „,<„«„„,:, Isa. 10. 15. [3] God's i Dent. 19. 5. his 1. -in, I r, ;•■!,. 20. 19. nor destroy the tre, Judg. 9. -18. Abimeleeh too: 1 Sam. 13.20. Israel wenl d lffia " 2 A7«. md«.hftn,£K*»8 roo/, Judg. 9. leither K-BONE. ump shall he take off hard by ihe /,.-// BACK-PARTS. /■:,„,, Ilos. 1 iment and laws, winch, like fe in from aided practices, Psal. 2. Zech. 11.7,14. [5] Eaith and lore, which trod the sou! to Christ, Col. 2. Jos. Erod. 39. 23. a b. round that it should not ren Lev. 2li. 13. I have broken the b. of your yoke Jndg. 15. 14. and his b. loosed from oft" his hands 2 hi,,.^ 23. 3 i. Pharaoh put Jehoahaz in b. Job 38. 9. I made darkn.-ss a swaddling /,. for it I , ,i,-t fin.! ile I'leiailes.orlooseihee.ol Urban- 39. 5. or who hath loosed the b. of the wild ass \ 10. canst thou bind the unicorn with his b. ? 73. 4. for there are no b. in their death Etc!. 7 . 26. woman whose heart snares, hands as b. Jer. 2. 20. I have broken thy yoke, l»n 1 1 1 > v /. E:ck. 3. 25. son of man, they shall put b. on thee •!•. 8. and behold I will lay b. upon thee :it. 27. when I have broken I he b. of their youth Van. 4. 15. even with a b. of iron and brass, 23. Ilos. 11. 4. I drew them with b. of love, and I was Zech. 11. 7. I took me two staves, beauty and b. Iwicti. 29. he brake I,, anil was driven oi the devil Acts 16. 26. and every one's b. were loosed 22. 30. the eeutnn on 'loosed Paul from his /,. Col. 2. 19. the head, from which all the body by b. See Bonds. BAND.. S. Gen. 32. 7. Jacob divided the camels into two *. 1 Sunt. 10. 2(i. and there went with him a b. of men 2 A'inw 6. 23. so the b. of Syria came no more id the b. of the Moabkes invaded the Iced . (hey Wi 24. 2. the Lord sent against him b. of Chaldi 1 Chrcn. 7. 4. with them were b. of soldiers for 12. 18. David made them captains of the b. 21 . they helped David against the b. of the re E-.ra 8. 22. I was ashamed to require of the kins Job 1. 17. the Chaldeans made out three b. am 'Psal. 119. 61. the b. of the wicked ha-s b. of tht 30. 27. the locusts go forth all of them by b. 2.14. I will scatter all his/,, and draw swore Gomel- and all his b. Togarnuh his A. 20. 15. [3] A plact ',. 12.2 3,16. Sam. 20. 15. they cast up a*, against the city ' h,«,«, 2. 13. Elisha stood by the b. of Jordan jo. 32. the king of Assyria not cast a*. Isa. 37.33 '■:.ek. 47.7. at the a, of the river were many trees 'Jan. 12. 5. one on this side of the b. of the river the other on that side of the b. of the rivei ", „ the head of John the b. 33. John the/,, earne neither ealii,-; no, ilimk'im 1). 10. they answering said, John ..he b. BAPTIZE. Mat. 3. 11. 1 J. you with water, he shall /,. you v . 1, ' the H. Ghost, Mark 1.8. infe 3.16. jV/„, 1. 21 :!/.■!,-/ 1.4. John ilid/,. in the wilderness, anil pica, 1, I Cor. 1. 17. Christ sent me not to b. but to preach BAPTIZED. Mat. 3. 6. were b. of him in Jordan, Mark 1 . 5. then cometh Jesus to John to be a. of him • BANKS ' Josh. 3 thall 1 Chrc 15. Jordan had 7 . the hall g Van. .16.1 heard a man's BANNE voice between the a Thou hat fear thee Pra r'.a// An army of « ability to defer inei i ited under one "ing'asignlj well as 'of battl His banner ver me was lov e, Can . 2. 4. The Erod. 17» t 15. called the altar, the Lor Psal. 60.4. hast given a a. to them that f 2. 4. to banquet, and his b. over me 3. 2. lift ye up a b. on the high m BANNERS. BANISHED. 1. 14. 13. the king doth not fetch he he doth devise means that his n> BANISHMENT. E--ra 7. 26. whether it be to death or to BANQUET-HOUSE. 5. 10. now the queen came, into the a.-hou liANQUEJ 1NG, S. 2. 4. he brought me into the /,.-house 4. 3. we walked in lusts, revellings, a. BAPTISM Signifies, [1] TU on.,:: or,/ ordinance, or sacrame? ■.therein the wa. 11,11- with water rcpro, nt, I cleansing of the son! from sin by the blood Christ, Luke 7. 29- 1 Pet. 3. 21. [2] lima s/iiritnal washing, where,',;/ the gifts and grac of the Spa it, signified by the outwards, en, a really and actual/,, eicslowcl, Mat. 3. 11. [3] 7 sufferings of Christ, win rein, he was eonasra, and prepared for h,s entrance ryon h,: l.,„c ' -2.50. [4] So mu 16. Jesus, when he Mark 1. 9. Jesus was a. of John in Jordan 10. 39. the baptism I am /,. withal, shall ye ha /,. 16. 16. he that believeth and is a. shall be saved 3. 7 ■ said to the multitude that came to be /. 12. then came the publicans to be b. 7. 29. 21. Jesus being b. and praying, heaven wasopenc ' 7.30. Pharisei ml l.v 1 1 1 not a. nl In, John 3. 22. there he tarried . m,i, thi m I 1, 23. much water there, and they came and were /■. 4. 1. Jesus made and /,. more disciples than John 2. though Jesus hiimall /,. not, but his disciples 10. 40. into the place where John at first a. icts 1. 5. for John truly /,. with water, but \„ shall be a. with the Holy Ghost, II. ]'ii. 2. 38. repent, be a. every one of you in the 41. they that gladly received his word were b. 8.12. they were a. both men and women 13. Simon believed also, and when he »">' * Jo. only they were a. in the of the gospel a. disciples ; ' ' Mat. 3. 7.W ark 1. 4. John did baptize in the wilderness preach the a. of repentance, Lnki ■ike 7- 20. publicans baptized with the a. of 2.50. 1 have a /,. to be baptized with, ami ho ets 1.22. beginning from the a. of John to tlu 0.37. that wool, after the b. which John pre; :.21. reached the a. of re) ents.iiee ,0 hrael 3.25. \ polios knowing only the*, of Joh 9. 3. were ye baptized ? they said unto Job ,f /,. and laying on of hail (. 17.13. u e a. of th I. Ill I'e is Of.lesl to be/,.? down Philip and eunuc 9. 18. Saul received sight, and arose and was a. 10.47. can any forbid.that these should not be b. . 48. Peter commanded them to be a. Hi. 15. Lydiawhcu she was a. and her household 33. jailer was }. and all his straightway 18. 8. many of the Corinth, believed, and were /,. 19. 3 ..he said to them, to what then were ye a. ? 5. when they heard this they were a. 22. 10. arise, and be b. and wash away thy sins Horn. 6. 3. were a. into Jesus, were /,. into ids deal b 1 Cor. 1. 13. were ye a. in the name of Paul? 14. think God that I*, none of you, hut Crispu -. 16. 1 a. household of Stephanas, not a. any other 10. 2. and were all a. to Moses in the cloud 12.13. for by one Spirit are we all b. into one boil ; 15. 29. else what shall they do who are a. for the dead, why are thev a. for the dead ; Cat. 3. 27. as many as have been a. into Christ BAPTIZEST. John!. 25. why a. thou, if thou be not the Christ ? BAPTIZETH. JohuA. 33. the same is he who a. with lh.- IT.Gbo-.l 3. 20". ft bold, the same /,. all men come to him BAPTIZING. Mat. 28. 19. go ye and teach all nations, a. them leyond Jordan, where J ohn was /, . refon id John v nlc 36. 33. be made ii,e middle a e a. of Dan hick doors and gal, 3, 6. [2] That wh [4] The bow, and a. 1 Kings 4. 13. 2 Chroi, Sam. 23. 7. entering into a towi •h. 3.3. setup locks I hereof ami /,. ',.17.1(1. they shall godown to th B. t 13. it shall devour the /,. t, BAR Jer. 50. | 30. a sw ml iiiinn Lev b. fc]ia.H l.u .li-ni.iyi-J 7. 17. a. the ark, ,>,av. 31. 9, 2.3. ./„.'/: .:' ' 1 J I f J ' ,], ", ',', ' 1 I r I . 7 [Il I'.-fti.rdoJ ctlx.ard comfort:., ler. 49. 10. ;;i (e/o.,;, /„/<„ „,„.,/, J er . 13. 1 22. Psal. 137. t 7. make Zya. 32. 11. strip ye 47. 2. make b. the 1 I 1-U( lh , nil lalliillll as thou wast naked and b. ■ast naked, and A. and polluted ave thee naked and b. 2.1 Jam. 15. 30. he wei , 20.2, [saiahdid I. led the Egyptiat 1. 56. 10. they are u vr BASER. Ails 17- 5. .lews lool; lev.. I fellows of the A. sor BASEST. .>.,/.. 2y. 15. Pathros shall be the b. of kingdoms Dun. 4. 17. and setteth up over it the b. of men BASKET. 1. 40. 17- in the /,. all manner of bake-meats ;l. 29. 23. out of 1 he,',. ofi!,.- w, he, woied bread, /.,v.H. 2,20. jXtint. 6. 15,17. I Lev si :,'i,ali' I. 'of o, «i thy be thy b. and thy si ad very good figs lihyl, ISa.ll. 14. 311.. loaf's field is near, he halll b. there 1?. 2o. Baraillai brought beds, b. and. flou 21. 9. Saul's sons were hanged in b. harve ! Kings 4. 42. brought the man of God 20 1 13. a parcel of ground full of*. 11. I will give 20,11(10 measures of b. , and 4. the oil, ami v. in. , let him -cm! ixtno, o. l. aim I =110111 a b. of Summer fruit, 2. .■irv.iy.25. lllcdc.-ipl, esto,,! ;,,.unl!el him down by the wall in a. b. 2 Car. 11. 33. BASKETS. 'en. 40. 16. I had three white I. on my head 1!!. Joseph said, Ihe three A. are three days Kings 10. 7- slew 70, and put their heads in b. er. 6. 9. turn hand as a grape-gatherer into the b. 24, 1. behold, two b. of figs before the temple {at. 14. 20. and they took up twelve b. full, Mark 6 43. J.tii.u 9. j;. .;„/,„ ii. 1.3. 15. 37. they did all eat, ami look of briil:. ■„ meat :o thee . of wllC.i 12. the 13. 19. will ye pollute me for handfuls of b. la. 13. Math pal, of an ci.h.ah of all homer of ll. hs. 3. 2. bought her for an homer of /,. and half oel 1. 11. O husbandmen, howl for wheat ai ' olm 6. 9. a lad here which hath five b. lor Ii. 13. with the fragments of the five b. loa .. lev. 6.6. a voice 'a v, 3 measures of b. for a penny BARN ignif:e.,[l] J ,,,„„/,„,,, for any .00. of grain, Luke 12. 24. [2] Heaven, Hat. 13. 30. Kings 6. 27. shall 1 help thee out of the b. door ? bb 39. 12. and gather thy seed into the b. lag. 2. 10. is seed vet ill J. vine not brought forth Mat. 13. 30. hut gather the wheat into my a. /..«/.<; 12. 24. which have no store-house nor a. BARNS. 28. f8. the Lord shall command the blessing upon thee in thy b. and in all thou dost 3. 10. so shall thy b. be tilled with plenty ). 26. the fowls sow not, nor gather imo /,. 12. 18. I will pull down my b. and build BARREL, S. lC/tron. 28. 17. gave gold by weight for evei BASONS. /■'re,/. 21. 6. ;m„.,. s p ., i half of the blood in - ■>■'<«'. 17. 2li. l'.arziilai brought beds and b. Kings 7. 40. Hiram made the lavers and shovels and the b. 45. | 2 C/tron. 4. 8 er. 52. 19. b. and fire-pans the captain took a BASTARD, S. Dent. 23 .2. a b. shall not enter in' the congre"; Zech.g.C '■■ half. ut chastisement, then are wow Mc Hebrews, of t, e Ephah, which contain, almost an half; or sevt Kingsir.l 1 ill I 1 I BARREN. Jen. 11. 30. but Sarai was a. she had no child 25. 21. Rebekah was b. ||2g. 31. Rachel was b. I .rml. 23. 20. nothing shall cast young nor be a. Unit. 7. 14. there shall not he male or female /,. /»,.'_-. 13,2, Hannah's wife was A. and bare not, 3. I -W. 2. 5. so that the a. hath born seven .' /war.. 2. 19. the waler L nan sin , ami ihe grosmU. /ia i in v , tin 111. olvini'inl hall yield one „. "zei.45. 10. ye shall have a* just ephah, a just b. 1 1 . the enhah and b. shall be of one measure 14. ye shall offer the tenth part of a a. BATHE. .re. 15. 5. shall J. himself in water, 8,11,13,21. 22,27. I ID. 2li, 21!. I 17. 15. hum. l'|.7,8,HI. ii. "' I'm ' Weill 1 hem not, nor a. his llesh BATHED. La. 34. 5. my sword shall be b. in heaven, behold it BATHS. 1 King* 7. 26. molten sea contained 2000 //. 38. one laver containing 40. a. every laver 2 fliroii. \ I", give :,: s, .-van! '.'O i a oj van 4. 5. the sea received and held 3000 a. Ezra 7. 22. to an hundred a. of wine, 100 a. of oil nerof ten b. tena. are an homer BAT, S. and a. are unclean, 23etK.14.18. Signifies, m A gene ', Deut BASE, Adjeui.c. 2 Sam. 6. 22. and will be a. in mini ■/'.,'. ';. 5.' ami tl,el. W 'a' , £■.,/■. 17. 11. that the u migl 29- 14. and they shall be there a b Mai. 2. 0. Inoreiore 1 have made y 1( ' / . lungs of ll'i . !0. he cjme, as the host shouted for the a. -„. for thou art come down to see the b. 47. for the a. is the Lord's, 2 Chron. 20. 15. 10. he shall descend i.».to the b. and perish . know that thou shalt go out with me to b. set L'riah in Ihe torch-out of ihe holt ,.j. 10. Absalom whom we anointed is deai 1 Kings 8.44. if thy people go out to b. agains 1SEA Job 41. 8. remember tlie b. do no more Psal. 18. 30. i'.'"" li-i ■ > v.ii-Ji il .!"-■ will. slnmiUh io / • ;.. li: ,hc Kin- ni i-lovv, the Lord niighiy in / 55. 18. he hath delivered my soul from the b. 76. S. he brake the shield, the sword, and the t 89. 43. and hast not made him t Isa. 9. 5. every b. of the - wii 1,111 lo the s tickle] 50.' 22. a sound of 4. is ' array, like a ■ii in' -bin by sword inb. in land, and destruction 1. haveblown, but none goeth. to the b. 13. 5. to stand-in the b. in the day of the Lord Has. 1. 7. I will not save them by bow nor by b. 2.18.1 w>ll break the bow and b. out of the earth 10. 9. b. in Gibeah; did not overtake them Joel 2. 5. as a strong people set in b. array Obad. 1. let us rise up against Edom in b. Zeeh. 10. 3. made them as his goodly horse in the b. 5. which tread 14. 2. gathei 5. 28. under him, that God may be all in all :, let him be anathema maran-atha in Christ let him be a new creature first a willing mind, it is accepted Gal. 3. 9. they which be of faith are blessed with ' "" I beseech you, be as I am, for I am as ye are .vm] bear hi judgment, whosoever he be I'h, I. 2. 5. let (ins mind he in you that was in Christ Ueb. 12. 8. bin ii ye be v, chastisement W i " h I 3. 17. for it is better, if the will of God be so ' , .ni 22. 11. he that is unjust, let him be unjust still ; ■ 'ilthy, let him be filthy still elf to the i. ? 9.7. shapes of locusts like horses prepared to b. sound of chariots of many horses running to b. 14. to gather them to the 4. of the great day,20.8. Day of BATTLE. n. 13.22. so it came to pass in the day of b. that 8. 23. 1 reserved against the day of b. and war . 78. 9. Ephraim turned back in (In; ,la, i of b. 7.thou hast covered my head in the day of b. .21. 31.fhe horse is pre) larcdagci nisi ilu-,!„„ oi /,, 10.14. Shalman spoiled Beth-arbcl in day ,./ /.. . 14. 3. as when he fought in the day of b. Battle-Ax, see Ax. BATTLE-BOW. . 9. 10. and the b.-bow shall be cut off 4. out of him came forth the b.-bow BATTLES. m. 8. 20. may go out before us and fight our I, n. ilv be './lie. ii ami fight the Lord's I 28. my lord fighteth the b. of the Lord , on 'ii lb i ii 1 ei i i il, ih. if, 30. 32. and in b. of shakings will he fight v If it BE. '.».;:.// ii be ni ■ .. .2. and she said, if i Ezod.l.l6. if it be a son km mm, i t '' '■'-'■■ -.(10.15. if it be, give me thy hi l.ri. ifii'bc marvellous in the. -1. Co, if it be thou, bid 2 Sam, 20. 15. the people with Joab }. the wall BATTERING. F.zek. 4. 2. and set b. rams against it round about 21. 22. to appoint />. rams against the gates BATTLEMENT, S. Vent. 22. 8. thou shalt make a b. for thy roof Jer. 5. 10. take away her b. they are not the Lord' BAY. A. 1. 1 8. behind him red horses, b. and wl . and the b. went forth and sought to go BAY-TREE. zl. 37. 35. wicked spreading like a green b. BDELLIUM. n. 2. 12. in Havilah there is *. a"nd onyx s m. 11. 7. the colour of manna as the colour :>/,, i.e.- [il T„ n,;. or have a being, Rom. 4. 17. [2] To be made or become, Jer. 32. 38. Mat. 19. .,. 1-j To be hwwn and apparently seen, Rom. 14. 9- [4] To consecrate and set apart to, Judg. Gen. 2. 18. it is not good that man should be alone 27- 21. whether thou be my very son Esau, or not Vent. 10. 5. there they be as the Lord commanded J,„ls. 6. 13. if (he Lord be with us, why is all this : , 1 il. 1 1 / 1 1 I tbt with us are more than they that be with then: 2 Chr. 36. 23. Lord his God be -villi him. J era 1 . 3 L ,:, in 11. /- ye far from thence, let the work alone Job 10.lj.ii Ibt wicked, wo to me; if I be righteous 10. 1 and /.- 11 indeed that I have erred,mine erroi /',„/, 1:111. 'H.sceil there/,. :niy '-.'ieked w.i, in n„ 1. if God; shall be as David, house of David shall be as " . v 'e shall be a delightsome land e. 1 ,.o„,, i,, M„, lie. I" Maiig. 19. how long shall I be with you, Luke 9. 41 . '•il,,, 11.17. he thvellelh with you, and shall he in 19- 24. but cast lots for it, -*— .15. but, fit be a i.-.c Peac, Not BE. BE » I bury my dead I thus! d.iil.C.biei 't 1'L'At'li. 7. 25. that 15. 37.thou 1 3. 2. it doth n< liev. 16.5. O Lord wh 28.13. JobT.n.siLB in thy sight .vill not be willing to follow at the seed should not be his father, and the lad be not with honld not be their bond-men not be as one dead, of whom 10. that he be not as Korah and his company 7.12. neither will 1 be with you any more 3 . 18. the man will not be in rest till finished " .flfj. shall there not be peace in my days {..5. ifthewoma 0.26. 13. that y .- Hkeyc thou far away, 3.3 22. | 38.21. | La. 28. 22. be ye not mockers, lest bands [71. 12 8.11. 1 will not be to the residue of thispeoph 13. 33. for it can not be that a prophet perish 10. hate his life, he can not be my disciple, 33 1 . 25. if thou be not that Christ, nor Elias 12. 16. be 9. 2. if I, 14. 20. b, 2 Cor. 0.1 11 in, ih an wisdom children in imderstanding, bt 1 not unequally yoked togetl they be not unfr, Id ,«»■*<; of nece. 1, should not be a Cant. 8. 9- if si Isa. 8.13. let him be your fearjetb Jer. 36. 19. go hide.and let none ki 47. 6. how long will it be ere tl Dan. 12. 13. but go thou thy ws Jiw.B.o.howlongwillit,' Mat. 4. 3. if thou be fh< 7 .1 3 and a.a-v iheri" fliej till the end be )d, 6. |27.4o'. 16. 23 . for thou savourest not the thing God, but those 'hat be of men, Mae!, a. 18. 17- let him be to theo as a heathen man c „■ ':,:■]'.',:','/• ■e be search made '1 !',.."' n'l'l'he on the men ■ falletl Viihyve 1. 6. 13. so the holy se 3. 8. the glory of the Lord sh -.13.27.not be made clean, when >„au nonce oe/ 5. 19. thou shall be as my mouth, let them return. 2. 5. and there shall he be till I visit him ;. i) it shall be to me a name of joy, a praise eh. 16. 16. like shall not come, neither shall be s ,-, !. 20. wickedness of 1 he wicked shall be on him : . 30 , 1 1 1 • ) 1 1., hall be a terror,and never shalt be more :n. 2. 28. what shall be in the latter days 19. at the time appointed tin i lAallbe, 1 1 ■■; i It 0. have I made i hum n 'hai il !, ,/,„// .'.,. " ' of hosts shall be with you 13. s, 1 .,/,./// lie at that body tb is told it aying, ihis shall not be thine heir ( ,1 1 'I.'", ' -ii mil be beneath . if thou see me not, it shall not be so >f the wicked shall not be,Jer.ia.30.Dan.U.2s).. b„.J .3,0. 3. lb.,,, ,/,„/, „„t „, for another man Vat. J 0. -'.'. be it far from thee ,this shall not be to thee 20.26.j/i.,j.4e so among you,JU«'.10.43.LHi.22.26. lb BE. Gen. 17. 7. to be a God to thee and thy seed after - . — to her to be with her Lev. 22. 33. brought you out to be your God, 25, 38. r.either desire to be with them Led. 3. 15. that which is to be hath already been LuhelS 14.wheuhe spent alhhe began to be in want 7. 26. I say it is good for a man so to be 2 Cor. 12. 6. above that which he seeth me to be 23. having a desire to be with Christ Jam 3. 1.1 these things ought not so to be 2 Pet. 3. 11. what manner of persons ought ye to be 28. 20. if God mil be with me, and will keep me 3-1. 15. if ye -.eill be as we he, circumcised At//. 4. 12. from all places they mil be upon you Psal. 48. 14. he eenl b, our guide, even 111110 death Ay. 7. '33. obey m, voice, 1 ;,,///„ yo.n'< :,..|. 3.1.:.".' Lzek. 11. 16. 1 Kilt be to them as a little sanctuary 20. 32. that ye say, we mil be as the heathen Bos. 13. 14. I will redeem them ; U deal),, I ,e,ll ,h 1 1 . 11 i,,,l '/„. thy di true H in 5.17. Psal. 69. t Shall BE, or shall BE. Jen. 2. 24. to hi:,, . ami they shall be one flesh 4.7. to thee shall /,.. .bisdc r. and thou shalt rule 9- 25. a servant shall he be to his brethren 20. God oi e'.hcm. and (.':. -a.a.u .-,/,-.// a ,, his a, man 11,111,1 ! 15.5 h, :aitX-e 11.48. truly ye 4. weary tc the shoulder,' , .„ carry hii vessels of the Lore Jer. 10. I9."truly this is a grief, and 1 must b. 17.21.4. no burden on the sabbath-day, 27. 31. 19. because I did b. the reproach of my yout 44. 22. so that the Lord could no longer b. Lam. 3. 27. it is good to b. the yoke in his youth E-.ek. 12. 6. in 1 t-.-n- :-T-li. shah thou b. on should, v 12.lhe prince shall A. upon his shoulder in twilight 14. 10. they shall b. punishment of their iniquity 16. 52. b. thou thine own shame for thy sins, 54. 32.30.and4. their shame with them, 36.7. I 44.13. />-,«. 54.20. nor 4. the shame of the heathen. 3ii. 1 ;>. J»» 7. 10. the land is not able to I. his words Mic. 6. 16. ye sled! 0. the reproach of my people 7.9.Iwill 1 . ■ 1 ■: • ■■ si- ,':, Hag. 2. 12. if one b. holy flesh in the skirt Zcch. 5. 10. whither do these b. the ephah 6.13. he shall b. glory, and shall rule on his throne ■ tat. :;. 1 1. whose 'hoes I am not worthy to 27. 32. they found Simon, they compelled hi b. his cross, Murk 15. 21. Luke 23. 18. 7- avenge his elect, tho' he b. long with the John 16. 12.manythings,butye «.17.17.a three that b. witness in e< BEAR. Sarah that is 90 years 0] but if sheTI mai'efchiid/then un . J7. and towards her children she sh Jru/g. 13. 3. but thou shalt conceive and b. a ' Kings 3.21. behold, it was not my son that 1 ' ' 2. sheep, whereof every one b. twins 15. Kiel 1, 10. a yoke, our fathers nor we were . . . 14. O Jews, reason would I should b. with 3 . 15. 1. we ought to b. infirmities of the wi 15. 49. we shall also b. 2 Cor. 11. 1. would to «.5.|2. who ra ivil 20.19 they sha 22.16. or suffer t 31. this 14. 34 v.- sit. ill 18.1. 30.1.5 La. 53 i.'-.e/.l 18. 19 el, do,, BEAR iniquity. aron may 4. iniquity of holy things id his sons, that they 4. not iniquity ii/,.i,is;«„ / „,v„,J7. 1 7.18. I 17. wi. _ J iy.« 1 20. 17. 5. theii t.iall'lh 5. 31. if I 4. Kit. of myself, mv witness is n 36. same works Unit. I do 4. ., ,t,ir>.. oi me. ill. 25. 8.18.1 am one the; 4. .-.■■/(. of mysclf.and the Fathe 15. 27. ye hall also 4. ..//. because ye have been 18. 23. if I have spoken evil, 4. witness of the ev 37. for this cause came I, that I should 4. wilne. icts 22.5. also the high-priest doth 4. mc witness John e, 7™. 7 .1 a virgin t ng, O barren, thou il 29- 6. that they may 4. sot ■ wife Elisabeth mger women n BEAKERS. *. 2. 18. he set70,000 to be 4. of burd, 1. 10. the strength of the b. is decayt 3. thou*, record of tin .,• 37. 20. so Era.-/. ].|. ] 22. 5. put 10. deliv reiie.; lathee / nnong you a r hat which 4. thorns is BEARETH rule. BEARETH witness leamiess rising up b.wi .a man that 4. falser here is another that 4. t . and the father that sent me, 8. 16 the Spirit b. witness v. «5. 6 and it is the Spirit th BEARING. 1.29. Lord hath restrained n 35. sh called his name Jnda 25. Ishmaelites with camels 7. set forward, b. the theK hathites set forward, 4. and then return, 1 Cbrou. 10. 5. 'ti 'i lot,!, tool, \masa by the 4. to kiss him E-.rnU. ?.. plucked of] hair of my head, and of my 4. I '.'.;/. 135. 2. ran down 0,1 the 4. , ,,e. ,\ac„n's4. Xsa. 7. 20. and it shall also consume the 4. 15.2.0 " ' ig theit Lev. 18. 23. I 2( ?. the b. of fhe fieli I.47. 4. that may 1 27. 0. .fit 'Jan. 4, 17. ■ We. 2,1. j;s. Iii,,l.\ a.e.'in, ue eaten, and 4. th eof men bring an. of any 4. on the any 4. save the 4. I rode on ebuke the 4. of the reeds out of the ground God lot then rrtcur-'id above <■;■/; BEA .9. 5. your blood will I require at hand of en 1. with ever 11 b. of earth 1 establish my covt I J. 21 >. l-J 1 1 ■ i:aira>r,(if(, ,■/■;/ /;. which ill', id, -lb. the hoof, nor cheweth the cud, Dent. 14. 6, '. 50. 10. for every 4. of the forest is mine ■ . 11 . they give drink to every b. of the field ', spe.i 39. 17.S01: BEAST, j. Cot. 6. T- Lord said, 1 19.1 le field BEA. in midst of the throne and four4. stood a Land the four b. said .Amen, and the 24 elders fell 1 . angels stood about the throne and the four b 3. a new song before the throne and four b. • .the 24 elders and four b. fell down to worshij BEASTS of ■ - i. 2;i.2ii.e hall be JO all A. of ear, revise ; i.f rhilistiue- It thou be afraid of the b. of earth v.-th us more than the b. of earth lliipp'.i: erthem, |19.7.| it shall ni Lev. 27. 28. no devoted thoie, <<( muu or/;, shall be -\;i/«..3.1 3.1 h ilhuved in ni'' best l"U'ii of «,y./i . 31.20. the prey that was taken.both of man and b. Jcr. 7.2o'. fnrypou,,.' „l ',.■■,,, ; . I 25. 13. I 29.8. Zeph 5.1h; idA.lhiit' I. 27. 1 will sow J idah with seed >,:,< .r.'-i 2. 43. ye say, it is ■solate without 10, 12. | 36. 29- 1 51 0. 3. they shall de set. 36. 11. I will mltiply uponyo nail 3. 7- let not ?, Unci an BEAST. ev. 5. 2. or if a soul n 4. 7. S 7. 11. if it be !<«c/.4. Wil i BEAST. Kii'i'S 14. 0. there passed by ., ici/,1 b of Leba Hon. 13 3. the WW 4. of the held d, .,1,1 / a them BEAST! . Gen. 31. 39. that which was torn of 4. Exod. 22. £«,. 7. CI. |17. 15. I 22. +54. then Jacob killed b. upon the mount 36. 6. Esau took all his b. and his substance i I. 5. all the first- hall d 12. 7. ask the 3. wherefore as I 8. then the b . 49. 12. man i 50. he trave \ W ' '/..' -,': at; . 20. wherein all the 4. 1 en <. 9. 2. wisdon whvh is .lie.'.- t Ecel. 3. 18. they 19. that whirh heie.l'.eth men, bof.,1 Isa. 30. 6. the burden of the 4. of th l'i. 10. nor 4. thereof for a burnt-of 46. 1. their idols were on the b. and my holy mc >.'W,. will st erof four-footed 4.0/VarM, ■;■. 0. 8. hill with hunger, and with the b. of BEASTS of the Field. W/.23.11. whet the poor leave, b. offieldm\ ■a. 7. 22. lest the /,. of the ,„ 1,1 inerease upon thee >V/«.17.44. eome, 1 v.ili give thy llesh to b. off eld v«. 21. 10. birds by dav, urn- i-.„f tin , , .5. 23. 1. of the //../,/ si, 01 |„. or pence with thee 1.20. mountains, when- .,11 the b. „l the it,./,' pies a/.ii.-. lli'.U h. Stpul I: efl'.e ti./d UlldcT his fee't ' " ,U ye ; — 1 , ulll, \b.ofth, held, come to dev ,.•/>/,( h..vt I given him, 28.14. Dan" : 5. 1 have •iveii thee lor meat to the 3 the lie/,/, and to the fowls, 34. 5. | 39 f .-_„ Jbrth 13.allthe4.»/r/i< " " _ 36.20.the b. of tlie J Jan. 4. 12. the b. of the li.Hliatl she,!,,., 25. thy dwelling shall be with b. of the Vox. 2.18. m, d,e a covenant for them with 4. e/'/fc/rf 4. 3. therefore shall the land mourn with b. of field r oel 1 . 20. b. of field cry also to thee, for the rivers 2. not afraid, ye b.of ti, I,', the pastures serve Wild BEASTS. :•.",■. 26. 22. I will also -v nd ,-.,/. [2] A chief person, or e,t„, 2 .Sam. 1. ly, a.13. 19. Lam. 2. 1. [3] 6>/e»(for, j/ ,y, or ■.■ait'/, I .am. 1. 6. Zech. 11.7. [4] Joy ™rf "./«..... Isa. ill. .;. [51 The excellent order of a 'I i t id peace of a lethat b. the air and killing some •lory, Ezek. 16. 14. l". 19- the 4. oflsraeY for glory and b. i on high places bsalomfor b. 1 Chro. 16.29. worship the Lord in the A. of holini C/tro 3- 2. I 9f Job 40. 10. a /. 30. ail. ;,■ 0. [4] To get the ;sl3. 25. [5] Tot, [6] To turn, or eon .2.4. Joel 3. 10. of the spices shalt the gold into thin :ople b. the manm le exceed and b. hi: 1. Ahimelech b. down the city, and so 2. 17. she b. out that she had gbsun-d t. 22.43. then did I b. them small, Pml. 1 2 /<:„., 3.25. the [sra.dil-s i. down ibe eh 3. 25. three times did Joash 4. Ben-hadad 3. 12. the altars did the king b. down, and al. 52. 1 5. God shall likewise b. thee do. J. 23. 1 will b. down his foes before his fa '.2.-1./'. their swords inio plow-shales, aiVc. -1-. .3. . 15. what mean ye, that ye b. my people 7. 12. the Lord shall b. off from the channel 1. 15. thresh the mountains, b. them small ;/ 3.10.4. your plow-shares into swords, and youi ■tali 4. 8. the sun b. on the head of Jonah \c. 4. 13. thou shalt b. in pieces many people J..7.25. and b. on that house, 27. Luke 6. 48, 49. I. 35. the husbandmen took his servants, and b. ' ' >7 1 1 hiii 1 w 11 ke 12. 45. and shall begin to b. the men-servants ts 16. 22. the magistrates commanded to b. them J. 17. the Greeks took Sosthenes and b. him :. 19. 1 imprisoned and b. in every synagogue '.tl4. there b. a wind called Euroclydon BEATEN. od. 5. 14. the officers of Israel were b. 16. >. 18. cherub, of 4. work, .37. 17,22. Num. a. 4. '. 1. made two cherubims 4. out of one piece i>. 2. 14. shalt offer corn 4. out of full ears t be worthy to be 4. 2.17.T II Is, a el in , if v.. id the r noflsr; 20. 21. that should praise the 4. of holiness " ' j shew the people and princes her 4. .self with glory and 4. l'sal.0,1. 4. to behold the 4. of the Lord, and inquire 45. 11. so shall the king greatly desire thy 4. 49. 14. their 4. shall consume in the grave 50. 2. out of Zion the perfection of 4. God shined 90. 17. let the 4. of the Lord our God be on us 'in. (1. siiiiteali and A. tire in his sanctuary Vrov. 6. 25. lust not after her 4. in thy heart 29- the 4. of old men is the gray-head ). fav. ■eiilul.andi. 1' Isa. 4. + 2. branch of the Lord shall be 4. and glory 13.19. Babylon the 4. of the Ch.alde.Y excellency 28. 1. whose glorious 4. is a fading flower, 4. 5. the Lord will be for a diadem of 4. to residue 33. 17. thine eyes shall see the King in his 4. 44. 13. he maketh it according to the 4. of a man 53. 2. there is no 4. that we should desire him 61. 3. to give to them that mourn 4. for ashes Lam. 1. 6. from Zion all her 4. is departed 2. 1. and cast down from heaven the 4. of Israel 15. is this the city men call the perfection of 4. .' Exek. 7. 20. as for the 4. of his ornament he set it 16. 14 thy renown went among the heathen for 4. 15. but thou didst trust in thine own 4. 25. thou hast made thy 4. to be abhorred 27. 3. thou hast said I am of perfect 4. 28. 12. 17. thit - 10 I 1 H„s. 10 tl ..„-- stthei.ofthy ,va? lifted up because of thy 4. is like the Assyrian in his 4. m the 4. of her neck shallbeas 9. 17- how great is his goodness and his r. I took two staves, one I called b. 10. BEAUTIES. 110. 3. in the 4. of holiness, from the wc BEAUTIFY. Eira.7.27.put in the king's heart to 4. Lord'sl Psal. 149- 4. he will 4. the meek with salvatk Isa. 60. 13. to 4. the place of my sanctuary BEAUTIFUL. 29. 17. Rachel was 4. and well-favourec .21.11,seestamongtheca ' .11.2, Bath-sheba\ 25. in Israel was not 2. 7. Esther was fair: ;ofa4.e BED La. 4. 2 in that day shall the hi 52. 1 . () Zion, put on thy b. ga: 7. how b. the- feet of Iheni I 3. 42. the Sabeans p BECAME. Gm.2. 7. the breath of life, and 19.20. Lot's wife looked back a .11 llmh I'rie p. 16. softh dead man BECAMEST. on. 17. 22. and thou, Lord, 4. their God . 16. 8. I sware unto thee, and thou 6. mine BECAUSE. 3 + 1.4. God hath said, ye shall not eat said to the serpent, b. thou hast done this they despised my judgments iam. 12. 6 . i my 111. ,-e hearken to these judgi le did this, b. he had no pity Jsa. 7. f 9. do ye not believe, b. ye are not stable E'.ek. 13. 10. b. even b. they seduced my people 36. t 3. b. for 4. they have made you desolate Mat. 20. 31. all ye shall be offended b. of me Mark. 9. 41. give you water, b. ye belong to Chri Join 6, 26. ye seek me, not b. ye saw the miracle but b. ye did eat of the loaves, and were fille 8. 43. even b. ye cannot hear my word 10. 13. the hireling Heeth, b. he is an hireling 14. 19. but ye see me, b. I live, ye shall live als. Rom. 8. 10. the Spirit is life b. of righteousness t 11. quicken your mortal bodies A. oi his tpiin Epb. 5. 6. b. of. these cometh the wrath of God lhb. 4.+2. not profit, b. not united by faith to thei 6.13.*. he could swear by no greater, he swan 1. 1 John 3.14. from death to life, b. we love brethre 4. 19. we love him 4. he first loved us BECKONED. Luke 1. 22. Zecharias I. and remained speechle: 5. 7 . they 4. to their partners in the other shir T ' ' 3. 24. Peter b. to him that he should ask ,, ly. i. Alexan. 0. Paul st< 24. 10. Paul, after the governor had b. 1 BECKONING. Acts 12.17. Peter b. unto them with the 1 13. 16. Paul stood up, and b. with his he BECOME. Gen. 3. 22. n 17. 1 16. 1 37.21 11 bless will se ,ii .-;>,. sh.-,n /.. Ezod. 15. 2. the Lord is my strength, and is 32. 1. for as for this Moses that brought us 1 wot not what is 4. of him, 23. Acts Dcut. 27. 9- O Israel, thou art 4. the people < 1 Sam. 28. 16. seeing the Lord is 4. thine ene Jonah 4. 5. he might see what would b. of the Mat. 21. 42. the same is 4. the head of the c Mark 12. 10. Luke 20. 17. Acts 2 Cor. 5. 17. in Christ, behold, all things are Rev. 11. 15. are 4. the kingdoms of our Li BECOMETII. Psal. 93. 5. holiness 4. thy house, O Lord, fc Pnv.lOA. he 4. poor that dealeth with a slac 17.7. excellent speech 4. not a fool, much 18. a man void of understanding 4. surei Mat. 3. 15. thus it 4. us to fulfil all righted 13. 22. the deceitfulness of riches choke word, and he 4. unfruitful, Mark Item . J 6.2 .that ye receivePhebe our sister as b /.>/i.5.3.covetousnessnotbeoncenamed,as4 et your con' lob 7- 13. 17. 13. I 33. 15. C have made my deviseth mischief or the darkness slumberings upon the 4. 139. 8. if 1 make my 4. in hell, thou an there I'mv. 7. Hi. I haveiiei-keilmj A. wall, tapestry, 17 ■ take thy 4. from underthee doth the slothful on his 4. mi. 1.16. fair, yea pica: .l.l.y mghi f.n my 4. 1 sought! 7. behold, his 4. whirl. IS Solo. t 9- Solomon made himself a 4. a. 28. 20. the b. is shorter than a man can strett 7. 7- on a lofty mountain hast thou set thy 4. lith, take up thy 4. and 10m my soul ofLeba Exod. Q.18. 1 /,,„,,:;. 14.8. yet Job 3. 16. a 16. they shall be, a ■'•■■■:■ ' ' > 11. I. John 5 1, 12. Mat. 9. 6. Jes, _. - 4.21.a candle to be put under a 4. Luke 8 Luke 11. 7. my children are with me in 4. I cannot 17. 34. two men in one 4. one taken, the other left lev. 2. 22. behold I will cast her into a b. BED of love. :,i.-::\. 1?. ll:,b ylo, nausea, ne to h.T in Hi., A. ..;/.,;. Cant ■ BED ° f SpiC "' 6. 2. my beloved is gone down to the b. of y>,,-. thou i^'.Vifth which is to be hath already b. In. ' ■ 1 I. -in .111 . rh im thy youth .11 thy sight, O Lord m the begin. will of the 4. of sheep the Lord of the 4. last days, Deut. 1. 21. when n.nny troubles a 13. if Lord be with nswhvis 20. 26. he thought something Sam. 19. 7. will b. Mark 5.16. told how 4. thee .:,.-■ 1 ■.••;..'.., .;.'.,: , BEFORE .,i.Ih,.. [1] lajhhlof, (.on. 4;. 11, WRa/k.r choice' Gen. 20." 15. [4] At, K.-v. :i. 9. |..| [6] lu"t\\]"l 1 I a 4° 11 [2] '- 'cr of place, Josh. 8. 10. Luke 22. 47. L"*J u - - 15, 27. 24.4 .20.15. [ my land the Lord give you men and he set Ephraim b. 18."jordan e flowed o'ver .leao. dwell IV e 4. shall be iost behind, 1 Chron. 19. 1 was 4. and behind 119. 67.4. I was afflicted 1 went as 139. 5. thou hast beset me behind a Ere/. 7. 17- why shouldest thou die I. ha. 9. 12. Syrians 4. and the Thili BEG ihold, 4. the m Jer. 1.5.4. I fori Zzek. 44. 12. the^ 22. theysh Mal.1.18. 4. they iwn doing,, they are 4. m i'il mi', ,ii id was afraid 4. m id Elij ah the prophet b. the c ). 3. if a man 6. 100 children, and live many ). 6. take wives, and b. sons ami d,e, enters 18. 10. if he b. a son that is a robber if he b. a son that seeth all hi„ father's sins BEGETTEST. Gen. 48. 6. issue which thou b, shall be thine Isa. 45. 10. that saith to his father, what b. thou ? BEGETTETH. 17 . 21 . he that b . a fool , doeth it to his sorrow of which I b. as told . as I wrote ,i liille reaching forth to tho ethin :.r.l /-. i. the word of rut tier 111,, I dsaffe red dth you, d yoe b. 3. who was b di.-aiiiiulli: ; of the after that he had said . mindful of by pr ■ ■'■ lg ye know le o worsh pi.'t ay feet 4. C. were (cm, . .it ,, , ,,! ...< Come BEFORE. Exod. 22. 9- both parties shall come b. the judge Pint. 101). 2. come b. his presence witi, : M„. o. 0. wherewithal shall I come b. the Lord > 2 Tim. 1, 21, do rhy diligence to come b. winter BEFORE the people. Gen. 23. 12, Abraham bowed b.tlie people of the land Exod. 13. 22, nor the pillar of fire from b. the people 17. 5. the Lord said to Moses, go on b. i!u u. „i4, 34. 10. b. all thy people I will do marvels Jees/i.B.lO.Joshua and elders went b.the people to Ai 1 Sam. 18.13. he went out.and came in b. the people Mark 8. 6. gave disciples, did set them b. the people Luke 20.26. not take hold of his words, b. the people Rev. 10. 11. thou must prophesy b. many peoples BEFORE whom. Gra.24.40. Lord b . , H will send his angel 48. 15. God b. whom my fathers did walk 1 Kings 17.1. Elijah said to Ahab, as the LordGod of Israel liveth, b. whom I stand, 18. 15. : h z n l , it, ~ ' i b.whom thou hast begun to fall Dan. 7.8.4. whom there w Acts 26. 26. the king, 4. ■See farther, All, Ark, God, Hi Mount, Stand, Stood, Thi le first hi i 13. 11. r. 9- 5. BEFOREHAND. take no thought 4. wL i and make up 4. your mnty 1 Tim. 5. 24. some men's sins are open 4. 25. the good works of some are manifest 4. 1 Pet. 1. 11. testified 4. the sufferings oi BEFORETIME. Josh. 20. 5. because he hated him not 4. 1 Sam. 9.9. 4. in Israel, when a man went ; he wh is called a prophet was 4. called a see 2 Sam. 7. 10. nor afflict them any more as 4. 2 Kings 13. 5. Israel dwelt 111 their tents as 4. Xeh. 2.1. I had not been 4. sad in his presenci Isa. 41. 26. who hath declared 4. that we may sa ■' ' " " ' "•■'- : '.'. '■ ■ '■ u eJ .'mi,' 1 BEGAN. Gct . 4. 26. then 4. men to call on the name of Lord lSam. 14,f35. that aitarhe4. to build to the Lord . 32. the Lord 4. to cut Israel ' ng, the I 31. 7. in the third month they b. to lay the hi 34. 3. while young Josiah 4. to seek after Goi Ezek. 9. 6. then they 4. at the ancient men Mat A. VI. from that time Jesus 4. to preach and say Mark 14. t 72. he 4. to weep when he though - Luke 1. 70. which have been since the world 14. 30. this man 4. to build and was not abl Johni. 52. enquired the " Actsl I. Herod 4. 1. Horn. 16. 2i. n of the church at first 4.tobe spoken by the Lord BEGAT, ken to thy father that 4. tl ech. 13, 3. his father and mother that 4. him am. 1. 18. of his own will 4. he us with the word John 5.1. every one that lovethhim that 4. lovett BEGET. ■en. 17. 20. twelve princes shall he I. I will in.ilie '. in. 4. 25. when thou slialt b. children, children's n Jer. 17. 12 . Mat. 111. a 0. declaring the end fro ',„ iii,- b. : /,. lindane ic . Lukt I ,„>, n ashan BEGGED. Mat. 27 . 58. and 4. the body of Jesus, Luke 23. 52 John 9. 8. is not this he that sat and 4. . BEGGAR. Sam. 1. 8. he lifteth the 4. from the dunghill 22. the b. died, and was carried by the angels BEGGARLY. '■!■ 4. 9. how turn ye again to the 4. elements BEGGING. Psal. 37. 25. I have not seen his seed 4. bread " "10. 46. Bartimeus sat 4. Luke 18. 35. BEGIN. Gen. 11. 6. this they 4. to do, and now nothing '-- ". 25. this day I 4. to put the dread ofyou 7. this day will I 4. to magnify thee 3. 12. when I 4. I will also make an end , did I then 4. to inquire of God for him ? .17. Mattani.ihto4. the thanksgiving 29. I 4. to bring evil on the city called /-'... t.'J. 'J, sU,v eld ,,ud ■;, ing, u d /,,at my sanctuar IIos. 8. 1 10. they shall 4. a little for the burden ' / uit 3. 8. and 4. not to say within yourselves " ~ 26. th-u shall he 4. to say, we have eaten 29. all that behold it, b. to mock Mm 28. when these things b. to 64. Jesus knew from the 4. who believed not o. ». Jesus saith, even same I said to youfromb. 44.was a murderer/ru«i 4. and abode not in truth 15. 27. because ye have been with me from the 4. .9. which/ran 4. of the world hath been hid '. 2. 13. God hath from 4. chosen you to salv. 3.4. all continue as they were from the 4. 2. 7. word which ye have heard/nwi 4.3.11 . of the devil, for the devil sinneth/rom the b. 5. but tnat which we hai from the 4. In the BEGINNING. 1 . in the 4. God created the heaven and earth 20.+ 18. they plainly spake in 4. ask at Abjl 5. 22. the L. possessed me in the 4. of his way . 1 . in b. was the Word, Word was with God le same was in the b. with God 4. 15. ye know that in the 4. of the gospel .10. thou Lord in the 4. hast laid foundation BEGINNING. .4. 30. 4. to sink he cried, Lord, save me . give their hire, 4. from the last to the first 14. 47. among all nations, 4. at Jerusalem ■.y. wentout,4. at the eldest even to the last 1. Gen will d, Cor. 3. 1 1 BEGINNEST. Lieut. 16. 9. time thou 4. to put the sickle to corn BEGOTTEN Is taken, [1] Properly and naturally, Judg. 8. 30, [2] Supernatural!;/, thus Isaac was begotten oj the dead body and womb if Abraham and Sarah, Heb. 11. 17. [3] Spiritually, thus Christian: in-stmmeL\'t ' 'lcor'Vl5 [4] Eternally, such only is Christ the only be- gotten of the Father, John 1. 14. Xuiii. 11. 12. have I conceived, have I 4. them Dent. 23. 8. the children 4. of them shall enter ? Judg. 8. 30. Gideon had 70 sons of his body 4 I am the beginning ai the house c BEGINNER. leb. 12. 1 2. Jesus the 4. and finisher of BEGINNING. 1 j That which is the first, Exod. 12. 2. creation. Gen. 1. 1. [3] At the firs Prov. 20. 21. Isa. 1. 26. [4] That which '. Prov. 1. 7. I 9- 10. ending, Rev. 1.8. I a ave all things a being and art the 4. of my strength shall be the 4. of months Lh ,,,.21. 17 . he is the 4. of his strength, the right Tob 8. 7. tho' thy 4. was small, yet thy end increa 42. 12. blessed the latter end of Job more than °fW.111.10.iearof Lord/,, of wisdom, Prov. 9. 10. D rov. 1. 7. fear of the Lord is the 4. of knowle ' 17. 14. 4. of strife, as when one letteth out wat Err/. 7. 8. better is the end of a thing than th 10.13. the 4. of words of his mouth is foolishness La. 04. 4. since4.of the world, men have not heare' "" .1. 13. is the 4. of sin to the dang! .24. 8.all these are the 4. of sorrows, Mark 13.8 . tribulation, such as was not since the b. Mark 1.1. the h. of the gc ' Z«/c 6. 1 ;rt, A. he is in the secret lace where they laid hin and my feet, that it is I F God, which taketh, 36. Kadesh and Bered large enough for then ;tilt-necked people ■ dry, it is mouldy ■0 L.i-.nuL!),or BEIIiil.l) no:.-. 1.21. no:. A.lhoiiuu ie,;t Oil staff of Etr . also now A. my witness is 1,1 heave no:. A. I Inf. .1 111. e il imI.i . iron; , ball 15. now A. ve have lieal',1 'his hiuspnoi V.noW A. the bund 01 tile l,n,.il I; ,„,,: ,:. A. I go bound in the spirit to Jerusal it at, Flhi 1 BEHOLD, Verb, n'.ilitud. tin Loid shall he BEIIOLDETH. Z«A 24. IB. he A. not the way of the vineyards Psal. 33. 13. the Lord A. all the sons of men Jaw. 1. 24. for he A. himself and goeth his way BEHOLDING. Psal. 119. 37. turn away mine eye.; from A. vanity i J ,<<: . 15. a. Lord ill even idle;-. A. I lie evil anil 'Jon, I Eecl. .1. 11 . saving the /". of ih' n villi their eyes BEING. 14.27. 1 A. itulu way, the 1 .01 died me to house / ■■;.•. I I. • .. 11 1; •■!■ : e ,'. V '.'. I ' 1,1 !J ,1 111, in In in l,e A jiul is I 1 1 I .1 1 1 In . 1 King* 35. 13. Maaehah his mother, e.en her he uty of the Lord a 02. ML Jr. 1 13. li. lie- ii 19- 18. opei \,' 6. 11. who is there that A. as I am wo Psa .PI. 12. man A. in 1 01, our. abiilelli ir ;. come, and let us cut them off from A './-. 31. 9. A. an Hebrew or Bebrewess ■ . 1.19. Joseph her husband A. a ]usi ..,'/ 11. Hi. ihiswom.mA.adaughterofj? Hi 23. in hell he lift up his eves A. in "; 2.1 who a. in the form of God, hought it not ,!,/■ 13. >. as A. yoniselee, also in Ren 12. 2. she A. with child, cried BSING. travailing Psa 33. 1 will sing to the Lot 1, I will sing ;e to ray Cod while I have nyA. 116.2'. BELCH, ETII. Psa . 59. 7- behol Pro 1 2. the mouth of fools A. o\i 1 foolishness BELIEF. 2 27 L.;.snlloiire,ilonoi;;rni'i ll ; BELIEVE nd A. of truth fies, [1] To give credit lo an:, tl ng, Gen. 45. [2 ' I\, assent !,„„!,, to . ,„ 1 8; [] 1 ,, n > '' "'L 'To 20. 20. [7] To LW.4.5.that thej 19. ij. that they n Num. 14. " ' }..,.' i-f. i may A. the Lord hath ai ay hear and*, thee for long will it be ere lliev A ;. in the Lord God, 4 it ye may know and . „. 8. A. ye th; 18. 6. but who*., shall or/end one of these littl 2 1.32. repented not afterward that . jui In , mi 27. 42. let him come down, and we will b. him Murk 1. 15. repent ye, and b. the gospel 1 i .83. but shall b. those things he s'aith shall cm 24. //. ye receive their, and ye shall have them I."). :;2. let descend, tieit we may see and b. llj. 17. these signs shall follow them which b. Luke 8. 12. devil taketh away the word, lest they b 13. these have no root, which for a while A. 24. 25. O fools, and slow of heart to b. all that John 1. 7. that all men throued him might b. 12. sons of God, even to them that b. on his nam. 3.]8.howshaUyeA.if I tell you ofhcai i idy things in ye b. -which r( ill ye b. n 47. if not his.. 0". 2y. work of God, tl , 7. 5. for neither did his brethren b. in him 30. Spit-it, which theythatS.on him should re 9. 35. dost thou b. on the Son of God ? 36.he said.who is he, Lord, that I might A.oi "8. b. the -works, tl J8. if I do, though ye b. 2.39. they could not b. because Isaiah said agaii 17. if any hear words, and A. not, 1 judge him no 5. 9. reprove of sin, because they A. not on mi m. 3. 3. what if some did not b. shall unbelief ~>. 31 . 1 may be delivered from them that do not b '■or. 10. 27. if any that b. not bid you to a teas i. 22. tongues are for a sign to them that b. no, : „.-. >.;.!. e i 1, i •,! ,„ ■ ,,,,;„ , 1 ... , ideth faithful righte Exod. i 27 1. 15. I that thou art the Christ, the Son of God I not to thee, if wouldst b. thou shouldst 2. that they may b. that thou hast sent i 17.2 SO.bytbiswe*. I pray ir them also which shall b. on 1 19. 35. he knows that he saith true, that ye migl 20. 31. these are written that ye might b. Aei- 8. 37. I A. thai I. -sirs Christ is the Son of God 13.39.byhimallthatA. are justified from all 1" 41. 1 work a work which you shall in no wi 15. 7. that the' 16.31. A.on the fori 27. 25. 1 A. God that ft™.3.22.righteousne: 4. 11. he might be f; L.19. t ve shall b< of God on all them that ter of all them that b, e imputed, if we A. on h isofhl who b. a Macedon if. 1.7. ensamples to al! j. we behaved ourselvt word which effectually .. if we b. that Jesus dieu ana rose again k. 1 . 10. come to be admired in all those that A I. send delusion that they should b. a lie s. 1. 16. for a pattern to them that should b. . received with thanksgiving of them that b. Saviour of all men, especially of those that b. BEL wi b. ye shall not be established / iem, dio' they speak fair words will not I), though it be told you ndidye«iv/<.him?il/«rtll.31. G hrist, M c.',26. Mark DEM if the Corinl nigs, u-.IU, ■n them, they A. it 47 .if ye b. not his writ, how shall ye b. my w< 64. but there are some of you which b. not 8. 24. if ye b. not that I am he, ye shall die in 45. because I tell you the truth, ye b. me -../, beta yFat if my sheep tin: works every s ad the j .'. 23. 31. they b. the Lord and his ■-■■■"/!. 27- 12. and Achish h. .1 ) as- id, sawne, nc na.ti ".«:!_. 27. 13. 1 had fainted, unless 1 had b. to se< Int.. 12 then i. they hiswords, they sang hisju-.tisi 110. Hi. 1 l>. therclore have I :,,.; Urn, 2 Cm-. 4. 13 1 1 9- 66. it ach me, for I have b. thy commandment; ',11. 53. 1. who hath b. our report, to whom arm of the Lord revealed ■ John 12. 3li. l.'o.n. Jan. 6. 23. no hurtonhim, because he b. in h r ona/t 3. 5. so the people of Nineveh b. G Mat. 8. 13. as thou hast b. so be it done t 21. 32. but the publicans and harlots it. h I/-.-,/- lei. 13. went and told it, neither b. they them Lake 1. 1. of those things which arc most sun Iv b. 45.blessedis she that A. for there shall be a perform John 2.11. his glory, and his disciples b. on him 22. they b. the scripture and the word Jesus said 4. 50. the man b. the word that Jesus had spoken 53. iln- father himself A. and his whole house i. 40'. had ye b. Moses, ye would have b. me oyofruh 32. sinned, and b. not for his wonderous works 106. 24. despised the land, they b. not his word :>■'. 40. 14. but Gedaliah b. them not am. 4". 12. inhabitants of world would not have b. int. 21.32. John came unto you, and ye A.him not T .ark 16. 11. when theyhad heard he was alive b. not 14. he upbraided them because they b. not Luke 20. 5. he will say, why then b. ye him not ? 24. 41. while they b. not for joy and wondered lu/m 3.1;;. condemned already .because he hath not b. 6. 64. Jesus knew who they were that b. not 10. 25. Jesus answered, I told you and ye b. not 12. 37- had dona so many miracles, yet they h. ,,„. lets 9. 20'. afraid, and b. not that he was a disciple 17. 5. the Jews which b. not moved with envy 19- 9- but when divers were hardened and b. not i?c)rt.l0.14.howcalion him inwhomtheyhave not b. for as you in times past have not b. God 'en so have these also now not b. I :-.. . ,1! ;,, • !.,■ ,1 e , .1 .1 , . LLeb. 3. 18. not enter into his rest, that b. not 11. 31. llahab perished not with them that b. not Jade 5. Lord afterward destroyed them that b. n TVF.T.TRV" "" .let. BELIEVERS. were the more added to the Lord 12. but bethou an example of the b. BELIE VEST. ke 1. 20. be dumb because thou b. not my words m 1. 50. I saw thee under the fig-tree, b. thou ? .. 20. believeth in me, never die, b. thou this ' 1. 10. b. tnou not that I am in the Father •s 8. 37. if thou b. with all thine heart, thou i. 27. b. thou the prophets > I know thou b. Jam. 2. 19. thou b. that there is one God, thou dost BELIEVETH. •b 15. 22. he b. not that he shall return out of rov. 14. 15. the simple b. every word, but the a. 28. 16. he that b. shall not make haste '.'//. y. 23. all tiungs are possible to him that b. 6. 16. he that b. and is baptized shall be saved, but he that b. not shall be damned John 3.15. whoso b. in him should not perish, 16. "i. he that b. on him is not condemned, but he jondemned already 1.31. then s; Uesi rohadse ,'sib.ii ). he that 3. 35. h . . hath ei lasting life, life at thou daisi: si iwandA. d yet have b. ', had things of one heart •e scattered . 8. and they hi 20. 3. then went that otner urs< 29- thou hast b. have not seen at lets 2. 44. all that b. were togethe: 4. 4. many of them which heard ti 32. multitude of them that b. wen 5. + 36. as many as b. Theudas we: 8. 12. but when they b. Philip preaening tnings 13. then Simon himself b. also and we ; bam iacl 10.45. they of circumcision who b. were astonish, d 11. 17. God gave them like gift as to us who b. 21. a great number b. and turned to the Lord 13. 12. then deputy b. l.ein-: asb.iiished at doctrine 48. as many as were ordained 10 .iei-nal he- a. 14. 1. a multitude of both Jews and Greeks b. 28. commended them to the Lord on whom lite . 1, 17.4. some id them ,',. and consorted with Ian! 34. howbeit certain men clave to him and b. 18. 8. Crispus chief ruler of the synagogue b. on L. 27. helped them n-.ueh which had b. thro' grace 18. 2. received ye the Holy Ghost since ye A.? 22. 19. I beat in every synagneuc them ilia; h 27- 11. the centurion A. the master of the ship ■8 ■ . , ,,,. .■,. 8, , : , ,„| . ,,,, s Ilel,. It). 8s). but of them that A. to saving of soul 11. whether I or they, so we preach, and so ye A. 11. 6. he that Cometh to God must A. that he is Col. 2. 16. even we have A. in Jesus Christ that we Jam. 2. 19. the devils 1 ho A. and tremble lltih. 1. 13. in whom after ye A. ye were sealed 2 The.i\. 1. I1.1. our testimony among you was A. 1 Pet. 1. 21. who by him do A. in God that raised him 2. 7. to you therefore which A. he is precious i 'J 'in . 3 .Hi. A .on in the world, received up into glory 1 John 8. 28. is his commandment that we should A. 2 Tim. 1. 12. for I know whom I have A. he is able 5. 13. I have written to you that A. that ve may A. lit. 3. 8. they which have A. in God, be careful to BELIEVE not. or not BELIEVE. Exod. 4.1. behold, they will not A. me, nor hearken 1 John 1. 16. we have A. the love of God to us •8. 1 1 ' V -..-■ ,:, . . • 8 ; , 1: ,. ^ .. ,, Many BELIEVED. Dent. 1. 3C. yet in this ye did not A. the Lord John 2. 23. at the pussover ft. urn b. in his name ■' hin-j, 17. 14. bis, tl„ ir'f.ither, did not It. in Lord !■■.•,'. : . ,,,, , . .. _, ) H Mil hid he rkened 11 15. wm^of the Jews which came to Mary A. on .1. 25. he that A. though he were dead vet shall live 26. whosoever liveth and A. 111 mc shall neve,- die 2.1-1. he that A. on me, A. not on me, but on him 46. whoso A. on me, should not abide in darkness 4. 12. he that b. on me, the works that I do .7) 10.43. win, A. 111 him receive remission of sins i'm . 1 . 16. it is the power of God to every one that A . I. 26. and the justifier of him that A. on Jesus 1. 5. but to him that worketh not, but A. on him '. 3 -1. v.hoso A. on him shall not be ashamed, 10.11. o.4. Christ is the end of law to every one that A. 10. for with the heart man A. to righteousness ill things ife that A. not dngs, hopeth all things, endureth it part hath he that A. with infidel t>. 2. for ( 1. 24. a ided Tim. 5. 16. it , Pet. 2. 6. he that A. shall not be confi John 5. 1. whoso A. Jesus is the Christ, is ot U 5. who is he that overcometh, but he that A. 10. he that A. on the SonofGod; he that A. BELIEVING. 31. that A. ye might have lit lets 16. 34. rejoiced, A. in God- 24. 14. b. all thiugs which are written in t Horn. 15. 13. fill you with all joy and pe; faithless but A. ronelih, . ,„ 1 all his house 1 unspeakable S. .f gold behv. pomegranates, 39. 25 ~ J - nometrranate. 30. 26. Lord a pilieiMi-aiia Bellow, see Bulls. BELLOWS. 9. the A. are burnt, the lead BELLY I, [1] Thafpart of the body 1 .niV'n'll'hl-. '/. ,1 feeluiii, „l shall r. 32. t 18. the spirit of . 19. behold my 4. is as wine which hath no vent r.sal. 17. 1+. whose*, thou fillest w iththy hid ticas. 22. 10. thou art my God from my mother's 4. 44. 25. soul bowed down, our /,, cleaveth to earth 58. I 3. they go astray from the «. 132. +11. of the fruit of thy «. I will set on Prov. 13. 25. tut the *. ol ihc wicked -li..l 1 v. am 20. a man's 4. shall he satisfied with fruit 20. 27. searching all the inward parts of the *. 30. so do stripes the inward parts of the *. 22. 7 18. is a pleasant thine, ll Let p lliem 111 iliv *. 5. 14. his *. is as bright ivory overlanl with 7. 2. thy *. is like an heap of wheat set about with born by me from the *. Dan. ethy*.l, isthigl Jona/il.n. Jonah we 2.2. out of the *. of hell cried I, and thou heardst Mic. 6. 1 7. fruit of my *. for the Hab. 3. 16. when I heard, my 4. trembled, my lips Mat. 15. 17. whnts ,-er emcieth in at the mouth goethinto the *. and is cast out, Marl. 7. 19 Luke 15. 16. fain have filled his *. with the husks '■"'■« 1 ■■■■■ i he ' ' > !i i< V .1 .. ■ oi ',',,, flom.16.18. they serve notour Lord hut their own*. 1 Cor. 6. 13. meats for the 4. and the *. for meats Phil. 3.111. whose God is Iheir*. and glow in shame Set: 10. 9. eat it up, and it shall make ili'v /,, bniei 10. as soon as I had eaten it, u,v *. was i.itiei BELLIES. Tit. 1. 12. the Cretians are always liars, slow *, BELONG. Gen. 40. 8. do not interpretations *. to God' Lev. 27. 24. in jubilee return to whom it did *. ■' »" !; n lot in la , I,,'.' ,,. 68. 20. to our God *. the issues from death Prov. 24. 23. these things also 4. to the wise r..ek. 21.+13. shall they not *. to the despising rod Luke 19. 42. the things which 4. to thy pe 1 Cor. 7. 32. careth for things that 4. to the Lord BELONGED, EST. 1 Sam. 30. 13. to whom 4. thou, wh 1 Kings 1 . 8. and the mighty men, wh 2 Kings 7. + 2. a lord which /, to the Luke 23.; Deui.32. Judg. 19. 14. Gibeah Ptal. 3.' 8.' Salvador 62. 11. twice have I heard, power 4. unto ( 12. also unto thee, O Lord, *. mercy Dan. 9. 7. O Lord, righteousness *. to thee 8. to us 4. confusion of face, to our kings lieb. 5. 14. strong meat 4. to them of full ai BELONGING. Num. 7. 9- the service of the sanctuary 4. to 1 Ruth 2. 3. to light on a part of a field 4. to ] Prov. 26. 17. meddleth with strife 4. not to Luke 9. 10. he went into a desert 4. to Beth: BELOVED . [1] To Christ, Mat. 3 '■' ' ) lie/., in. :s, iamin, 20. ■ M9,7. [2] e Chun 13.2 I. 25. [3] To parti " [4] To 1.28, they are j. 12.salutcA. 1 !'21.Tychicusa BES BENEFIT; S, ,es, [1] The gifts, null, ,.,,„■> of C.ed'o lir..n. 32. 25. IV, 1. lit',, HI. [2] J I'.- 1. Uod to other*, 2 for. 1. 15. Philem (W'i right com acts. 1 Sam. 12. i. 19. Lord who daily k 14. Luke the I,, physician aiel llemas greet you 1 Thess. 1. 4. knowing *. your election of God I Tim. (1, '.'. do Ilea, 1 service, because they a: Philem. 16. but above a servant, a brother 4 Heh. 6. 9. 4. we are persuaded better things of ',. if God so loved us. we ought also to 11. 4. follow not that which is evil Jude 20. but ye 4. building up yourselves in Rev. 20. 9. and they compassed the 4. city Dearly Beloved, see Dearly. My BELOVED. 16.' behol'd"thou art fair, my 4. yeaVeaTant'"' which I have laid up for thee, O my 4 Tim. (i. 2. faithful and beloved pa Y.I.Sf.v'dl.l.M I Cor. 7. 3. let the husband render t> BENT. 1.1. 12. h 4. their J. I 3 ha. 5.28.1 21. 15. for they lied from the swords anil A. b Zec'h. 9. 13. whenYhav'e A. 'hidali fo','"i„e"" BEREAVE. 32. 1 25. sword and terror shall 4. young L, el ■ 15. Hos. 9. 16. [5] To th, Jerusalem, Rev. 20. 9. 33. 12. the I,, of the Lord shall' dw-e 11 in _ . 2 Sam. 12. +25. Jedidiah, that is 4. of the Lord A T eh. 13. 26. Solomon, who was 4. of his God Psal. 60. 5. that thy 4. may be delivered, 108. 6. 327. 2. for so he giveth his 4. sleep 16. 8. greet Amplias my 4. in the Lord I sent Timothy my 4. son, 2 Tim. 1. 2. BELIE,' BELI 1,1).' Prov. 30. +9. lest I be full and 4. thee Jer. 5. 12. they have 4. the Lord, and isn 10. weep ye not for the dead, nor 4. him 18. I have surely heard F.phraim 4. himsel __. 17. all ye that are about him 4. him Nah. 3. 7. Nineveh is laid waste, who will *. her BENCHES. 27. 6. the Ashuritcs made thy 4. of ivon 64. 3. who 4. their bows to shoot their arrow Jer. 9. 3. they 4. their tongue like a bow for li 46. 9. the Lydians, that handle and 4. the bo 50. 14. all ye that 4. the bow shoot at her 25 51.3. against him that bendeth, let the archer Ezek. 17. 7. behold, this vine did 4. her roots BENDETH, ING. Psal. 58. 7. when he 4. his bow to shoot arroi ha. 60. 14. that afflicted thee shall come 4. to th Jer. 51. 3. against him that 4. let the archer bei BENEATH. Exod. 20. 4. or that is in the earth 4. Deut. 5. i 32. 19. he brake the tables 4. the mount Deut. 4. 39. on the earth 4. there is none else 28. 13. thou shalt be above only, and not be J. 1 1 :. '• .Meld /•. Job 18. 16. his roots shall be dried up *. Prov. 15. 24. that ye may depart from hell 4. Isa. 14. 9. hell from *. is moved for thee 51. 6. lift up your eves, look on the earth 4. Jer. 31. 37. if foundations can be searched 4. JohnS. 23. ye are from 4. I am from above BENEFACTORS. Luke 22.25.they that exercise authority-are called 4. BENEFIT. Jer. 18. 10. repent of good wherewith I 4. thei 8. for- ..if I. ml la I,, tire Ir, .thee ...jforthA.tL HOS. 9. 12. britie .,,., hild-e .1,11 I /, ,,,. :„ BEREAVED. Gci!.42.36.. Jacob said, me ye have h. of my children 43. 14. if I be 4. of my children, I am'4. 1 ..el. 36. 13. thou land hast*, thy nations BEREAVETH. . 1. 20. abroad the sword 4. at home is as death BERRIES. 17- 6. two or three 4. in the top of the bough 3. 12. can the fig-tree bear olive *. a vine figs > BERYL. . 10. 6. his body also was like the 4. and face 21. 20. eighth foundation was *. ninth a topaz BESEECH. Exod. 33. 18. he said, I 4. thee shew me thy glory Num. 12. 13. heal her now, O Lord, 1 4. thee t'sal. »i. 11. return, we 4. thee, O God of hosts 116. 4. O Lord, I 4. thee deliver my soul 118.25. save I 4.0 Lord, I 4. thee, send prosperity 119. 108. accept, I 4. thee, free-will offerings ' Ter. 38. 20. obey, I 4. thee, the voice of the Lord Smoi 7. 2. I said, O Lord Gcd, forgive I 4. thee louali 1.1-1 ,i la- v said, we *.thee, O Lord, we 4.thee 4. 3. O Lord, take, I 4. thee my life from me Mai. 1. 9. 4. God, that he will be gracious to us Luke 8. 28. Jesus, I *. thee, torment me not 9. 38. saying, master, 1 4. thee look on my snn kt> 26. 3. wherefore 1 *.thee to hear me paueui ly Rom. 12. 1.1*. you by the mercies of God J 1 4. you, be ye followers of me 2 Cor. 2.8. I 4. you, confirm your love toward him 5.20. as though God did b. von hv Us, we pravvou 6.1. we*. yon receive not the grave of God in' vain 10. 1. I Raul 4. you by tr, !.,,!,. 1 3.19. the prisoner of the Lord *. you to w all. yet for love's sake I rather 4. thee ' at I 4. you the rather to do this 4. you as strangers and pilgrims 4. thee, lady, not as though 1 wrote BESET. Judg. 19.22. sons of Belial*. the house round, Psa/. 22. 12. strong bulls of Bashan have *. 139. 5. thou hast *. nie behind and before Uos. 7- 2. their own doings have *. them af Ueb. 12. 1. lay aside sin which doth so easily BESIDE, BESIDES. Jen. 19. 12. hast thou here any *. bring them 28. 23. offer these *. the bun Deut. 29. 1. *. the covenant n Josh. 22. 19. in building an al Judg. 6.37. if it be dry on al 11. 34. 4. her Jephthah had n< 1 Kings 22.7 not aprophet of the L. b. HC/non.18.6 2 Kings 21.16. o.hissin, wherewith he madejudat Psal. 23. 2. he leadethme o. the still waters 2 C/Sron.36. 15. God se God o. S b. for prey JO. E allw; and you a .: 6. o. 24. 21. b. all this, to-day is the thin riukm 10 thou mvest to me thine ownsclf b. BESIDE. Mark 3. 21. his friends said, he is b. himself Acts 26. 24. Paul, thou art 4. thyself, 2 Cor. 5.13. whether mi: be/', out selves, ii is to (.< BESIEGE. Dent. 28. 52. he shall o. thee in thy gates Jsa. 21. 2. go up, O Elam, o. O Media BESIEGED. 2 A7m«sj 19. 24. with the sole of my feet I have drie BETRAY. . 12. 17. if ye be come to b. me to 1. 10. and shall b. one another ai from that time he sought opportu ■ shall 0. BET I will settle you, and do o. t ■e they 0. than these kingdon it thou 0. than populous jNo behold the fowls of the air ai . 12. how much then i .6. it were 4. for him tl about his neck, r.7.38.hethatgivethl ip all th Eccl. 9. 14. came a greal king aga Isa. 1. 8. the daughter of Zion is Jiiet. 6. 12. he that is b. shall die )f b. places, Jsa. by ,1 and 0. it ! pal nan tin- ln-art of Judas too. hii BETRAYED. as Iscariot who 0. him, Mark 3. It man shall be 0. into the hand, o in, 20. 18. I 26. 2, 45. A/or* 14. 41 nan by whom the Son of man i 0. Mark 14. 21. Luke 22. 22. sign Mail Isa. 14. 23. I will sweep it with the 0. of destruction BESOUGHT. Otn. 42. 21. when he 0. us, and we would not hear Kncl. 32. 11. Moses 0. the Lord, D«rf. 3. 23. 2 6"a)«. 12. 16. David 0. God for the child 1 Kiw> 13. 6. and the man of God 0. the Lord irf.K. 3 A.him with tears to put away the mischief r. 26. 19. did not Hezekiah fear, and 0. the Lord at. 8. 31. so the devils 0. him, Mark 5. If " Acts 1.5 ave sinned, in that I 0. i; .6. and ye shall be*, both by p !. Judas which 4. him knew 23. same night he was 0. he tc BETRAYERS. .just One, of whom ye have b< BE! KAYESl, "Elll. t blood !,' ,i, " n the 0. 47. the no! 19.38.0. T Ads 13. 4,1. C ley 0. him to depart, Luke 8. 3', : 0. him, Lord, have patience as 0. him greatly, Luke 8. 41. iritans 0. that he would tarry in of Capernaum 0. him to com that he might take the body es 0. that these words be preache us, saying, if i /,. them, far* 14. 42 i,U-22. 21. the hand of him that o. me i 48. Judas, 0. thou the Son of man wi John 21. 20. Lord, which is he that 0. th BETROTH. .30.shalt o.a wife, another shall li Has. 2 19. I will 0. thee to me for ever in "" BETROTHED. -Erorf. 21. 8. if she nlease not her master v 16. if; ■*9- 42..XK/tel7. 2. make my glorying v ot for o. but for won I,,,:, ..,■■ I ■ 1. , I. 'ii la 1 '," " ill i.i I. In.;:, 1!: I 22. Jesus was made a surety of a b. testament ; li I',: ll'.M 1 'h .0 a l„- i , 1,'.,/, .Mai 1.23. y< WO, Psal. 15. 16, 17. ie child than 6. 9. b. is the sight ofthe eyes thai r 7- 8. 0. is the end of a thing th: Cant. 4. 10. how much 0. is thy Ji BETTER, or is it BETTER. Judg. 9. 2. whether ' " :i. 10., : I. 15. thy d. e,than foolish king all reign "'■a/,,,/,: ;/„„/ i./resurrecllon, ,,., :.„.w, '„„ 0,/"<',v V a',,/ a „/,,/'.'',. '.o«,.o,l,«,//„r, i;l.-fi,blist, and /.I. nune, to be euji'iicdbythe: lo you t isbym churches Father 0. on 1 ha. what manner of lo, BETAKE. !. poor of his people 0. themselves 1 BETHINK. Kingsit. 47. if they shall 0. themselves in the whither were carried captives, 2 C/iron. 6 BETIMES ignifies [1] Early, Gen. 26. 31. [2] Season . for us to have served the Egyptian: ire it not 0. for us to return to Egypt anings of Ephraim o. than vintage rt thou any thing 0. than Balak m not I 0. to thee than ten sons • ng 0. than to go to the Philistines God make the name of k. Solomon 0. ill upon two men 0. than he, and slew han both they, which have not b than one ||6. 11. what is man the former days were 0. than these! Cm. and carefully, 2 C Lull. 1 1.17.1 19. e sclofllush. itheA 37. 16. 6.3. 3. thy loving-kindness is 0. than life 84. 10. a day in thy courts is b. than a thousand 1 19. 72. the law of thy mouth it b. to me than gold Prov. 3. 14. for the of wisdom it b. 8. 11. wisdom it b. than rubies, and all things 19. my fruit is b. than gold, yea, than fine gold 12. l). is b. than lie ilia, him. nil fill himself 16. S2. that is slow to anger it b. than the mighty 19.2 22. t 27. 5 ; _open rebuke nan it 0. than . than silver and gold it b. than secret love sly birth it 0. than lie laughter, for by the sadue hi. 1.2. ft /-, ... .30. i- it' it «.29. 19. n ,, - ov. 16. 19. *. .>j.„;< /'.to, y. /, ^ i,. t„ thy love it b. than wine ior he saith, the old is b. and 10 be with Chi is; , which BET1P.R, or BEIT Ell it ir the rebuke of the wi >r. 7. 9. for it it b. to marry than to burn e/.3.17. it it 0. that ye suffer for well doing than BETTERED. rk 0.26. she was nothing*, but rather grew won e isseth 0. those places om 0. his feel, till Shiloli E'od. 12.16. kill it A. the 13.9. aiuliislKill Ik- tor ml 4. thine eyes ',. them farewell at Job 3(>. 32. to shn.e l.v the 1I..11J that cometh 4. h, ? s fo rf««;,.Y.v /'ore/,./,/, 2 Kings 6. 9- Job 3t>. 18. [ Got/'.. avatt/t, Acts 13. 40. [6] (V /W..0 (fas Mat. 7. 15. I 16.6,11. [7] Of men, Mat. 1 [8] Uf evil workers, Phil. 3. 2. [9] 0/ Me o/-M,,v,o/,v/,2I'eI.3,17. 110] Of eovctou. Luke 12. 15. |20.46. Gen. 24. 6. 4. that thou bring not my son th Exol. 23. 21. 4. of him and obey his voice -Dear. 6. 12. then 4. lest thou forgot the Lord,: Judg.Vi.l. 4. I |.ray thee, anil drink no win, . 2 .Vaw. 18. 12. 4. that none touch the young man 2 King, (jo. saying 4. that thou pass not such aplr- BILLOWS. 12.7 all thy 4. are gone OV' BIND Signifies, [1] To tie up, or fast, 37. 7. Deut. 14. 25. [2] To Mark 5. 3. Acts 12. 6. [3] Pratt. 19. 2 >. lest II simple will/ ,1 lake pn.phe.s || 10. 17. 4.0 'and 4. ol the leaven of the] sees) I. MarkS.lS.Luke Col. 2. 8. 4. lest any man spoil you thro' philosoi 2 /',•/. 3. 17. 4. lest ye also, being led away v BEWITCHED. [ei Acts 8. 9. Simon 4. the people of Samaria, 11 o.„l. 3. 1 11 foolish (lalatians, who hath 4. yt BEWRAY. J>«.l6.3.hide the outcasts/. not him that wandei BEWRAYETII. Prov. 27. 16. the ointment of his right hand 4. it a!.'.'!, he hearotlt cnr,ing, anil 4. 11 not 1 .Sam. 20.22. the arrows 4. thoe, 30. 37. 2 .torn. 10. 16. 4. the river, 1 A,««, 14. 15. 1 < 19.16. Ezra 4. 17,20. | 6.6,8. | 7. 2 A,/,. 2.7.9- J..«.7.20. I 10.1. Zcph. lX/iM.t.4.6.thatnomaneo/,.ainl .h • fraud his fusa Pel Beyond Jordan. See Jordan. BlBBEK. C7«WINE. BID fi] 7a ;,.;/,,•, .Mat. 22. 9. Lukel4.12 [2] To command, Mat. 14. 28. [3] 7» aft* 2 John 10. [4] To sanctify, or prepare, Zeph.l.f7 BIRD at that be 4. signifies. [)] A font >mall or large, Jam. 3. 7. I.miiI haih /-, 1-1 Cyrns. r,4o <■ : .at/V/y Jr.;,, Persia ,„ ol had 4.hnn ,/,../,,.„ Babylon, Isa. 46. 11. [3] 7/,c Chal- 4. to wedding cd my dinner „!]:,, ,e,l tl„- lews. .for. 12. y. fl '//,. /■„//„/,,/ and corrupt ml,,,/,,/,,,,,, ,f I'-abelon, [lev. 18. 2. J., .1 1 52. shall cleanse the house with 1I10 l:\mg 4. of my Slipper 121. 7. our soul is escaped as a 4. out of the snare l'r„. 1.17. in vain the not is spread in sight of any 4. 6. 5. and as a 4. from the hand of the fowler s In livable 1, is partaker 7. 23. as a 4. hasteth to the snare, knows not 20. J. as the 4. by wandering, so the curse causeless a 4.that wandcreth 1 , on, her nesl , so a man Heel. 10. 211. the 4. „1 I lie air sin, .11 toll the matter [1] T, en, 2, l), 13. 1.1. [li] J,,d, or trouble, Luke 13. 16. [8] To restrain, Job 28. 11. [9] 'To be -under a marriage tie, or ob- ligation to perform the duties incumbent on a person in that relation, Rom. 7- 2. 1 Cor. 7. 39. [10] Powerfully to ,,er,nade, infuence, 0/ constrain. Acts 20. 22. hey bind heavy burdens on men, Mat. 23. 4, Exod. 28. 28. they Num. 30. 2. if a 1 ilea/. 6. 8. thou ill 4. the breast-plate by rings up the money, and go to the plac. 1 shaft 4. this line in the window lli.' 5." ll,:T- BIR 21.11. so shall the lows 4 the man that BIKDE'l II. ",. 18. hoinakolh sore and 4. up, ho won II. he 4. the ll.tods 1,-mio merllnwllig lit. it 4. ino about as the collar of m Has. 9. 11. their glory shall fly away like a 4. 11. 11. they shall tremble as a 4. out of Egypt 'lev. 18. 2. a cage of everv unclean and hateful 4. BIRDS. ?c». 15. 10. but the 4. divided he not 40. 17. the 4. did eat them out of the basket 19- the 4. shall eat thy flesh from off thee Cant. 2. 12. the time of the singing of 4. is cot Ira.31.5.asi.nying,sowill Lord 'defend l.-rusah 4. 25. and all the 4. of the heaven were fled Jer. 5. 27. ; 12. 4. the beasts are co 9- the b. round about at , their houses against her, come ye 8. 20. the 4. of the air have nests, Luke 9. 58. 32. the 4. lodge in the branches thereof . 1. 23. into an image like to 4. and beasts r. 15. 39. another of fishes, another of 4. 3. 7. every kind of beasts and. 4. is tamed Is [1] 4. them about thy nook, wr a in o'Hiuiiually upon thini Thybi: .i/.'V. i' 13. 4. the chariot t and then he will spoil h whatsoever thou sh -2. 1.3 23.4. II.,, 1, : Arts 9. angel said, gird thys I, Exod. 28. 10. [2] Abortive, or un- timely, jod 3. 16. Psal. 58. 8. Eccl. 6. 3. [3] Supernatural, as a a,., the birth of Christ. Mat. 1. 18. Luke 1. 14. [4] Figurative, for heavy an- gm-h 0,1,1 t/A/rm, 2 Kings 19. 3. Isa. 37. 3. [5] Tor deliverance at band, Isa. In',. 0. [6] For a nal,,,,,/ s lutein.,!,,, Iszek. lli. 3. \j\Vnr,;,i,,c- good of seals. Gal. 4.19. he children are come to the hii-ib, 2 Kings 19. 3. We hare begun a l,„ vr ., r.foen /..perf/.t 1 is ,,f ll, ,,frombringin, 1; Ezek. 16.3 2 Kings 19. 3. children are come to the b.Isa. 37-! Job 3. 16. as an hidden untimely 4. 1 had not bee ■" ■/ ,:: :: i,a ilea, „.,. like the untimely b. Eccl. 6. 3. an untimely 4. is better than he 7. 1 . day of death is better than day of one's 1 '■•' ball I la ino im 1I1 ' 4. 1 1 e 10 I,,-,,. Eiek. 16. 3. thy 4. and nativity is of Canaan Hos. 9. 11. glory of Ephraim shall fly from the < BIT Rev. 12J2. and she cried, travailing In b. and passed BIRTH-DAY. GenA0.20.the third day .which was Pharaoh's b.-d. a..- M.ri ...i,:,. ii .■iod"'s«.-rf.waskept,ittir*6.21. BIRTH-RIGHT. Gen. 25.31. Jacob said.sell me this day thy b. e, and sold h 'rJ.fJ.Ut 34. thus Esau despised his 27.36. took away my b.-right, and h. 43.33. sat, the first-born according . . 1 Ghrm. 5. i. Reuben's b. -r.given to sons of Joseph Heb. 12. 16. Esau for one morsel sold bis ' and rule them by the W, to all saints at Phil ippi, with ».ai then must be blameless, Tit. : BISHOPRIC. 1 his b. let another BIT, S. Amos 9. 3. I will command serpent, and he shall b Mic. 3. 5. the prophets that b. with the teeth Hab. 2. 7. shall they not rise up that shall b. thee Gal. 5. 15. but if ye *. and devour one another BITETH. Gen. 49. 17. Dan an adder, that b. the horse-heels Prov. 23. 32. at the last it b. like a serpent BITTEN. Num. 21. 8. every one that is J. when he lool 9. came to pass, that if a serpent had b. any BLACK Signifies, The colour so called, 1 white, Mat. 5. 38. is applied, [1] To the chut Gen. 27. 34. Esau cr'ed with an exceeding Exod. 1. 14. the Egyptians made their live: 12. 8. with b. herbs shall ye eat it, Num. at drink of the waters, for they w i. shall be ■e grapes ofge il. „ ._ |25. lestfellot Ruth 1. t 20. call me not Naomi, but b. 1 Sam. 1. + 10. Hannah was b. of soul and prayei 22. +2. every one b. of soul gathered to him 30. + 6. spake of stoning, the peoples' soul was b. 2 .W17.+ 8. father's men be mighty, and J. of so .' ' '": III -E«/i.4.1,Mordecai criedwith a loudvoice and b.c Job 3. f5. terrify it, as those who have a b. da 20. and why is life given to the b. in soul ? 1 ': . ':u . to . ., -j , . .,, ; , ,. 23. 2. even to-day is my complaint b. 2. the Almighty who hath made my soul b Psal. 64. 3. Prov. 5. 4. 1 27.7-toth( 31. t 6. give Bccl. 7. 26. angry so end is b. b. than death the woman Jsa. 5. 20. that put b. for sweet, and sweet for b. 22. + 4. look from me, I will be b. in weeping 24. 9. strong drink shall be b. to them that drink Jer 2. 19. it is an evil thing and b. that thou 4. 18. this is thy wickedness, because it is b. 31. 15. a voice was heard in Ramah, b. weeping Ezek. 3. + 14. Spirit took me away, and I went b. 27. 31. shall weep for thee with b. wailing Amos 8. 10. and the end thereof, as a b. day Hab. 1. 6. Chaldeans, that b. and hasty na'tion Col. 3. 19. love your wives, be not b. against the. Jam. 3. 14. if ye have *. envying and strife Rev. 8. 11. men died of waters because made b. 10. 9. eat it up, and it shall make thy belly b. 10. as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was b. BITTER-WATER. 1" ' hi t th the curse Jam. 3. 11. doth a fountain send sweet a. ssidb.r BITTERLY. Judg. 5. 23. curse ye *. the inhabitants thereof Ruth 1. 20. the Almighty hath dealt b. with me Isa. 22. 4. look away from me, I will weep *. 33. 7. the ambassadors of peace shall weep b. Ezek. 27. .10. the pilots of Tyre shall cry b. Hos. 12. 14. Ephraim provoked him most b. Zeph. 1. 14. the mighty man shall cry b. Jttri.36. 75. Peter went out, wept J. U BITTERN. Isa. 14. 23. make it a possession forthe b. 34. 11. Zeph. 2. 14. the b. shall lodge in the upper lintels BLA BITTERNESS gnifies, [1] That which is opposed Exod. 15. 23. [2] Deep sorrow , and ambit . 12. 15. A urely the b. of death is past I will complain in the b. c take my breath, but filleth will speak in the b. of my is called b. 21. 25. _ °rov. 14. 10. the heart 17. 25. a foolish son i ha. 38. 15. go softly al "k 15. toe hath filled m Ezek. 3. 14. Spirii ;h b. sigh before their eye r . 31. they shall weep for thee with b ■s. 12. + 14. Ephraim provoked him wi ch. 12. 10. be in b. for him as one that is in b. for ts 8. 23. I perceive thou art in the gall of b. m. 3. 14. whose mouth is full of cursing and b. ' V. 31. let all b. be put away from you 2 Pet. 3. 14. ye may be found without spot and*. BLASPHEME ifies, [1] To speak evil of God, Rem. C. CH. r'k'of the Holy Spirit out of malice, Mat. 2 Sow. 12. 14. occasion the enemiesof the Lord to b. g»21. 10. thou didst b. Godand the king, 1 i. 74. 10. shall the enemy b. thy name for ever? 3. 28. wherewith soever they shall b. but he that shall b. against the Holy Ghost 26. 11. and I compelled them to b. 1. 1. 20. that they may learn not to b. 2. 7. do not they b. that worthy name 13. 6. to b. his name and his tabernacle BLASPHEMED. 24. 11. the Israelitish woman's son b. 2 Eiu;> 10. 6. with which the servants of the king le foolish people have b. thy name name continually every day is b. irnt incense, and b. me on the hills Ezek. 2i). 27. in this your fathers have b. me Acts 18. 6. when they opposed themselves and b. Rom. 2. 24. for the name of God is b. through you 1 Tim. 6. 1. name of God and his doctrine be not b. lit. 2. 5. that the word of God be not b. Rev. 16. 9. men were scorched with beat, and b. '.. 15. 1 any r : of b. s horror, and misery, Jude 13. ,ev. 13. 31. and that there is no b. hair in it 37. and there is b. hair grown up therein Kings 18. 45. the heaven was b. with clouds ob 30. 30. my skin is b. upon me, my bones burn sun became b. as sackcloth of hi BLACKER. I. their visage is b. than a coal b 6. 16. which are b. by reason of the ic BLACKNESS. b 3. 5. let the b. of the day terrify it 11 faces shall gather Exod. 9. 9. a boil breaking forth with b. 10. BLAME. Gen. 43. 9. then let me bear the b. for ever, 44, 2 Cor. 8. 20. avoiding that no man should * Eph. 1. 4. holy and without b. before him iui BLAMED. 1 '.Cor. 6. 3. no offence, that the ministry be nc BLAMELESS. Gen. 44 . he shall be my Jo./,. Judg. 1 17 >.3 we will be b. this thine oath U„t. 1 .5 the priests profai e sabbath, and are b Luke 1 6. walking in ordin anees of the Lord * BLA Cor. 1 . 8. that ye may be b. in the day of the Lord '/til. 2. 15. that ye may be b. and harmless 3. 6. touching the righteousness of the law b. Thess. 5.0.3. spirit, soul, and body, preserved b. Tim. 3. 2. a bishop then must be b. Til. 1. 7. 10. use the office of a ii; r; : of Ass' I. 74. 18. BLASPHEMES T, Kill. Lev. 24. 16. whoso b. the Lord, be put Psal. 44. 16. for the voice of him that Mat. 9. 3. certain of the scribes said, th John 10. 36. whom the Father sanctilieth BLASPHEMING. Acts\3. 45. spoken of Paul, contradictin gandi. hall be BLASPHEMY. 2 Kings 19. 3. this day is a day of b. Isa. Mat. 12. 31. all manner otb. shall be forgive b. against the Holy Ghost shall not be foi 26. 65. he hath spoken b. behold, now ye heard his b. Mark I- 7. 22. out of the heart of men proceed b. 64. Col. S it for b. ce, b. _ I know b. of them that say they ar L3. 1. and upon his heads is the name of b. 6. and he opened his mouth in b. against God BLASPHEMIES. zek. 35. 12. know that I have heard all thy b. (at. 15. 19. out of the heart proceed thefts, b. lark 2. 7. why doth this man thus speak b. .' i. 28. and b. wherewith they shall blaspheme Luke 5. 2j . who is this which speaketh b. ? Rev. 13. 5. was a mouth given him speaking b. BLASPHEMOUS. Acts 6. 11. we have heard him speak b. words 13. this man ceaseth not to speak b. word3 BLASPHEMOUSLY. Luke 22. 60. many other things b. spake they BLAST Signifies, [1] Wind and frosts that immediate-, follow rain, and are very desirmtivc to fruits. Gen. 41. 6. 1 Kings 8. 37. [2] A blowing in horns, Josh. 6. 5. [3] God's an-.r and, Exod. 15. 8. 2 Sam. 22. 16. Job 4. 9- [4] A violent, sudd,,,, and tumble stroke sent by God upon the wicked, 2 Kings 19. 7. [5] The furious temptations of men and the devil, Isa. 25. 4. Exod. 15. 8. with b. of thy nostrils the waters were Josh. 6. 5. when they make a long b. with bonis 2 Sam, 22. 16. at rebuke of the Lord, at the b. of the breath of his nostrils, Psal. 18. 15, 2^019.7. HI sendai. on Sennacherib, Ita.37 .T. Job 4. 9. by the b. of God they perish Isa. 25. 4. when the b. of the terrible is as a storm BLASTED. Gen. 4 with the e 2 Kings 19. 26. as corn *. before grown, Isa. 37. 27. BLASTING. ■;.:. ■_■ \ ,'ne Loi.i .1 1 ■'■ ■ ■ gs 8. 37. if there be b. mildew, 2 Chron. 6. 28. 4. 9. I have smitten you with b. and mildew Hag. 2. 17. I smote you with b. and mildew BLAZE. ..'he began to b. abroad the matter ing i, [1] To /■ «,Gon. 12. 2. | '-'I, 35. I'.ph. ] '<""■" /'■''"'"-■ "<'• ""'• 11.13- [4 Ml 1 '.I '] I ' I , I „» ['] J g tl , t ( / I , , tl I ,11 i Father, Mat. 1-t. 19. Mark 6. 41. [2] 1\ commend others to God in prmicr. us he ■„•„. man Mark 10. 16. [3] J'ourrf,,//,, and rjfe 148. l'T'm to t [I] To extol an,, tare, Psal. 104. 1. | iant which Cod made m '.rs; both praying for, a 47. 7. 1 Sam. 13. + 10. Psal. '129. 8. "[5] To pray to God in behalf of others, that he ma. I,c;.to;o hh blessing upon ill, 1,1, Num. 23 21 2 Sam. 6. 18. Luke 0. 28. [C,j To „,;a„,.t .,„, reckon one's uli /„,,,.,„ ,„ /,„,„„ r_;,„j („,. ,,, God, Isa. 65. 16. Jer. 4. 2. [7] T„ a,,,,!,,... one's self as a raise and happy prr,o», ,al,„ noli.,,,;! pro. p,,, hi lorn, a, •■ameul of I ■'<"''•> A'; and favour, Psal. 49. 18. [8] To flatter one' self with the hopes of impunity, „,' ,/- God di, -would not, punish sinners, Deut. 29. 19. God hath promised to bless, [1] Sue/, a* put trust in him, Psal. 2. 12. [2] Such a< far hi,,, and :.„//.■ in his ways, Psal. 1211. 1. ' [3] V„„ the duties of„ S iTLr's1!ip ! ' S sL\'.65. 4.' [ V .',',"/, ,',' have the sating hnotelcdge of J,„„ tjhri* wrought in them bo the Spirit of God. Mat. Hi help themselves. Mat. 5.' 3. [7] Sm A «.f or, those that M | ) *"»;" «»,/ ""«' ' Aok .. :";. ... ' <•><■».. '." -KJ. 25. by the Almighty who shall A. thee Exod. 20. 24. 1 will come to thee, and I will b. th< 27. put my name on Israel, 'and 1 will A.'thei 24. 1. saw that it pleased the Lord to b. Israe 7. 13. he will b. thee. A. the fruit of thy womb 15. 4.' shall be no poor, lor rii,- I o'rd shall A.~(ln-,' 10. for this thing the Lord thy God shall A. the 18. the Lord thy God shall A. thee in all, 30. lfj. 16. 15, because the Lord shall b. thee in all 26. 15. look down and b, thy people Israel 1 Shall A. thee in the land he giv-rth r.i.Lss. - Cor. 10. 16. the c BLESSED, Jen. 14. 19. Melchi 24-. 60. they A. Reb ■kali, and . .. 11 the w 13. 11. A. Lord, his subs 'nth 2. 4. saving, the Lord b. ihee, Jer. 31. 23. house of thy servant, I Chron. 17. 27- Chron. I. 10. Gthat thou v.oulilvst A. me indeed '.>»<'. 5. 12. thou Lord, wilt /,. the righteous :.-l. 0. saw- ili.v people. A. iliine inheritance -'./. II. t lie- Lord will A. ins people with peace )7. 1. God, even our own God, shall b. us, 6, 7. 115. 12. the Lord will A. us, he will A. the house Mill A. 5. the Lord shall A. thee out of Zion 15. [ will abund.milv I,, her pnni-inn i. the Lord A. thee out of Zion Isa. iy. 25. whom the Lord of hosts shall A. :. li). Iron, this day will 1 I,, you . 26. sent him to A. you in turning you BLESS, God being the object. Deut. 8. 10. art full, then thou shall A. the Lord " 'g. 5. 9. A. ye the Lord, Psal. 103. 21. I 1 hron. 20. 20. David said, now A. Lord you '/. 9- 5. stand up and A. Lord for ever ant /'>.;//. 16. 7.1 will A. Lord who hath given me c< i. O A. our God, make his praise to be heard 26. h. ye find in tie- congregations, even 96. 2. sing to tin- l/ml, /,. his name, shew forth '110.4. be thankful to him, A. hi, name, 103. 1. 20. A. the Lord, ye his angels || 21. A. ye his hosts 22. A. the Lord all his works in all places 15. 18. we will A. the Lord from this time 34. 2. lift up your hands, and A. the Lord 35. 19. A. the Lord, O house of Israel, A. the Lord, O house of Aaron 20. O Levi, ye that fear the Lord, A. the Lord 15. 1. I will A. thy name for ever and ever . every day will I A. thee, and praise thy name 0. O Lord, thy saints shall b. thee holyni Jam. 3. 11. therewith b. we God, even the Father BLESS, man agent and object. Gen. 27. 4. my soul may A. thee before 1 die, 25. 34. A. me, even me also, O my fatheT, 38. 8. 9. bring them to me, and 1 will A. them 211. 111 then shall Israel b. saying, God make thee I'm,/. 12. 32. lake llocl.s and begone, and b. me als Nan,. 0. 2 1. on this wise ye shall b. Israel •25. neither curse them, nor A. them at all hut. 10. 8. the Lord separated Levi to A. 21. 5. " 'lis own raiment, and A. thee 27. 1 '. 19. heareth words of this curse, he A. himself h. 8. .33. as Moses commanded they should A. am. 9. 13. because he doth A. the sacrifice In- gam hiin a charge, Hi b, 1 1 daughters will call me A. and Moses A. them, Deut. 33. 1. Judg. 5. 24. A. a 1 shall J; still Hail, 2. 19. A. be he that took knowledge of thee I Sam. 2 2(1 A. Llkanah and his wife Hannah 26. 25. Saul said, A. be thou my son David ! Sam. 6. 18. David A. the people, 1 Chron. 16. 2. 13. 25. howbeithe would not go, but A. him 19. 39. the king kissed Barzillai, and A. him Kings 2. 45. and king Solomon shall be A. 8. 14. king Solomon A. all the congregation, 55. 66. congregation A. Solomon, 2 Chron. 6. 3. : Chron. 30. 27. priests and Levites A. the people Veh. 11. 2. people A. all that willingly offered 31.21 I. -19. 1 is Ion 72.17.n 118.26. A. he lhatcometh in name of the Lord, we have A. you out of house of the Lord ••■■■■■■ 3i 28 her children arise, and call hear b. feci. in. 17. A. art thou, O land, when thy king Jant. (i. 9. the daughters saw her, and A. her Isa. 66. 3. that burnetii incense, as if he A. an idol J. r. 20.14. let not the day my mother bare me be A. Mai. 3. 12. and all nations shall call you A. ' /. k 11. 10. A. be the kingdom of our father el. 48. all generations shall call me A. 2. 34. Simeon A. them, and said to Mary ., 2. 13. looking for that A. hope and appean let 7-1. .Melchisedek met Abraham and A. him 7 without cool radiclinu 1 he less is b. of the bet BLESSED, God the agent. 1.22. GodA. them, saying, be fruitful, 28 | 5 . and God A. the seventh day, Exod. 20. 1 M and God A. IN oah and his sons, and said 10 tli 3. in line shall all families be A. 18. 18. I 2 IB. | 26. 4. | 28. 14. Acts 3. 25. Gal. .3. 17 20. I have A. Ishmael||24. 1. Lord A. Abraha 31. and he said, come in thou A. of the Lo 11. after death of Abr'am.God A. Isaac, 26.1 26 29. thou art now the A. of the Lord 27 27. the smell of a field which the Lord hath 27. that the Lord hath A. me for thy sak . the Lord hath A. thee since my coming 32 29. and he A. Jacob there, 35. 9- 1 48. 3. 39 5. that the Lord A. the Egyptian's house ;««/.2.7.thyGodhathA. thee, 12.7. | 15.14. | 16. 7. 14. thou shall be A. above all people [10. 1 1 . 2 1. if place be too far, when the Lord hath A. 2.1 3.A. shah thmibe in iliecitv, A 01 the field 4. A. shall be fruit of thy body j| 5. A. thy basket 33. 13. of Joseph he said, A. of the Lord be his VoA. 17. 14. forasmuch as the Lord hathA. me 'mig. 1 3. 24 Samson grew, and the Lord A. him 17-2. A. be thou of Lord,/iW< 3. 10. 1 San. 15.13. Psal. 21. 6. for t 37.22. for such 26. heismercil 41. 2. the Lord i if the Lord, my daughter S. of him shall inherit lendeth, and his seed i 3 him, and he shall be I ie Egypt my people 32. 20. b. o '. 5. 11. b. i BLE BLESSED are ball hi ar ye shall laugh BLESSED . b. i> he that blesseth thee, and cursed b. is he whose transgression is forgivei .- he that considereth the poor :. b. is he that waiteth, cometh to day and /,. is he whosoever shall not bi ne, Luke 7. 23. Naphtali full with the b. of the Lord a. 25. 27- this b. thy handmaid hath'br \ 26. behold a b. for you from the spoi «. 7. 29. with thy b. let my house be b! ■i::- 5 15. ! pi i> tlii-e laic • b ui ii, ; , ,, 1-31. make with me a b. and come out t ir God tt ted the , >e all b. a 1.9. Luke 13. 35. sayings of the prophecy- Jo* 29. 13. the I Psal. 3. 8. thy b. is upon thy people 24. 5. he shall receive the b. from the Lord 109. 17. as he delighted not in *. let it be far 129. 8. the b. of the Lord be upon you !■■;;. -• there Loi I commanded the 6. even life Prov. 10. 22. the b. of the Lord niakcth rich 11. 11. by the b. >■! he „, ,, ■'., ,| ir . ,., ,- , , .j u ,) + 25. the soul of b. shall be made fat 26. but a *. on the head of him that selleth it 24. 25. a good b. shall come on them that rebuke La. iy. 21. even a h. in the midst of the land 44. 3. and 1 will pour my b. on thy offspring 65. 8. destroy it not, for a b. is in it " ' 26. I will make them and the places about my hill a nail bi ' 9. b. are the peace-makers || 10. b. are perseci ! ; 11 . / ' in 14. 19. he*, aiid brake, and gave the loaves,26.26. Mark 6. 41. I 14. 22. Luke 9. 16. | 24. 16. 17. Jesus said, b. art thou Simon Bar-jot 24. 46. b. is that servant, Luke 12. 43. 25. 34. come ye b. of my Father, inherit kingdom Mark 10. 16. took them up in his arms, and b '' 14. 61. thou art Christ, the Son of the b. 45. b. is she that believed || 6. 20. b. be ye poor ' 11. 27 *• is the womb that bare thee, and paps 12. 37. b. are those servants whom the Lord whe he cometh shall find watching, 3i 14. 14. thou shalt be b. they cannot recompense 19. 38. *.be the King that cometh in •ame of Lord 23. 29. b. are the barren that never bare 24. 50. he 3. them || 51. while he b. them ■ with faithful Abraha: 4.6. Gal. 4 is the man that endureth tempta BLESSEDNESS, is David describeth the b. 15. where is then the b. ye spake < BLESSEST. Num. 22. 6. 1 wot that he whom thou b. is b 1 C/S,-. 17.27. thou b. O Lord, and it shall be ' lging thereof BLESSETH. I. blessed ' i. thy Go< im the Lord abhorri tabitation ofthe P jus -1. .1 ;. Hi l!l.. I r- ,!, ■,!(-■ i , ,];>,,: , 11 To,,,. 15. 29. in the fulness of the *. ' '"" 10. 16. the cup of b. which we i. 14. that the b. of Abraham m 2 Car. [I. |5. make up beforehand you thereunto called, that ye should inherit a b. v. 5. 12. worthy to receive honour, glory, b. :i. b. to him that sitteth on the throne 12. b. and glory to our God for ever and ever BLESSINGS. n. -19. 25. Almighty who shall bless thee with b. id lieavi 11 above, b. of the deep, b. of the breasts >f thy father prevailed above the b. of m Eph. 1 1 -h ,11 U BLESSING 5, [1] The favour. kindness, an Ml. making u-hat Ins people do orosper, Psal. 3. 8. [2] All go '. 28. i all tl . shall c afterwards he read the b. a I. for thou preventest him i. b. are upon the head of I faithful man shall abound [hearken ith the b. h all spiritual b. Ezra 7. 27. Psa, .. ,31.21. I ... I 89. 52. I 106. 48. I 124. 6. [ 135. • " 5. Luke - "-' )i,h God 2.47. i id the t S.God Neh. the Lord, b. thou, O Lord e congregation b. the Lord God 1. 26. for there they b. the L"rd 1 they saw the heaps, they b. the I ind Ezra b. the Lord, the great G thy glorious name, Psal. 72. 19- be the name of the Lord, Psal. IV. Job 1. 21. b. Psal. 66. 2C 119.12. b. art thou, O Lord, Ezck. 3. 12. saying, b. be til Dan. 2. 19. Daniel b. llii; G 4. 34. Nebuchadnezzar b. Luke 2. 28. took him in his John 12. 13. *. is tiie Kiugo Item. 1. 25. than the Creato 9. 5. Christ, who is over a Cor. 11. 31. is*, foreverm Psal. a. 1 106. 3. *. are t. 119. 2. *. are , Prov. 8. 32. for .e thy st To Ihu frieuds .,„,! >ejea>it>,u-ho.-hult he h J , ,u, , tor their support, and his The blessing of Abraham, Gal. 3. 14. The ■ 27. 13. \ >ets and brake, 20, 22. ng, let the Hebrews hear •umpet, 18. 16. I 20. 22. urn] Mile said, God 2 Kings 9. 13. J 11. 14. blood of Chr Gen. 12.'2. I -i 22. 17. that ii ~3J. ihy brot ill bless thee, thou si: e uil;'/fllii oud obstinately il°no , [1] To Viiioran, .42. 19.' Mat!' 2 lospel, 2 Cor. 1 John 2. 11. eine polled „,, ire then who are called to the marriai supp 'e they that do his commandments e Lord, 16. 17. 'loses blessed, 7- '- to the Lord, Vein. 15. 21. it maketh the *. to wander iy, a^ h. cropeth in darkness 'n the eyes of the b. Rev. 3. IT. ;nd knowest not that thou art * BUND, Verb. Dcut. 16. 19. a gift doth b. the eyes of the • BLINDFOLDED. I. ale 22. 111. v. lien ihcv had 4. him, they struck 21.32. thy 4. shall he 111 inl.l-.tnfl he land, 22. I'J. BLINDNESS. 22. 3. the city sheddeth b. in the midst of it V en. 10. 11. smote the men at the door with b. 23. 37. and b. is in their hands, 45. I >, m . '.>>;. 28. the Lord shall smite thee with b. 24. 8. I have set her b. on the top of a rock 2 A"('«;.v Ii. 1!!. I--.1 1 -ha pr.-iyeil. smile this people, [ 28. 23. for I will send b. into her streets 32. (i. 1 will also water wilh ll.v *. the land Zed,. 12. 4. l' will smile every horse with b. 35. 6. saith the Lord, I will prepare thee to 4. thou Mark 3. t 5. being grieved for their b. of heart hast not hated b. even b. shall pursue thee Horn. 11. 15. 4. in pari lias happened to Israel 44.7.when ye offer my bread, the fat and (1,-4.1 .', Eph. 4. 10. because of the b. of their heart Has. 1.4. for yet I will avenge the b. of Jezreel Block. See Stumbling. 4. 1 2. they break out, and *. toucheth b. BLOOD Jo, 1 2. 3d. b. fire, and pillars of smoke, Jets 2.19 l„li,,,, //„■;.,/../, ,/(,■ a4c,c 4o,7,. l'.xod. '.'0. IS. 3.21.lwill cleanse (heir 1 have not cleansed /■•pli. 1. 17- (loir 4. slui'l 1 - poured out as dust // It 1 1 11 1 Gen. 1. 1 V it <:?. V»(.0. 2d. behold a woman di-eascd wilh an issu of b. twelve years, Mark 5. 25. Luke 8. 43 Hi. 17 de-li and .4. hath not revealed it to thee blood. Arts 1. "HI. [5] Wealth, coodt, Gen. 49. ll'. [11]' A sacra,,,, at,,/ ,«mb„ Teprise„t„li„„„fthebl-„l„, < 7 r , > / . Mat. J 1121 74a ,le„,h „,:,! sajlertnes „f Citric, Roll, 3. 25. | 5. 9. Eph. 1. 7. 1, Heb. 10. 29. Th, ,f Chris .„.;l 'a a, I „.Jt, BLOODS. Gen. 4. + 10. the voice of thy brother's b. crieth ||. I. iin life which is the *. shall you not eat 5. surely your b. of your lives, I will require Exod. 4. 9: water shall become b. on the dry land 7. 17. and the waters shall be turned into b. 12. 13. the b. shall be for a token, when I see 4. 23. 18. shalt not offer the*, with leaven, 34. 25. 29. 21. thou shalt take of the b. upon the altar ;. 10. 18. the b. of it was not brought in BLO llcb. 13. 11. who., /,. ishroue.lit inlo the sanctuary 1 Pet. 1. 2. and sprinkling of the b. ol lesus Christ 1 .;,./,« 1.7. (be 4. ol'. leans Chris, rleanselh „:, from (i. this is he Ibal rame by water and b. !. three in earth, th, Spun, th- water, and *. llev. 5. 9- tbou hast redeemed us to God by thy b. isthe/,. oHhemen.' 1 C/ I put the 4. of war on his 58. 10. righteous wash his feet in the b. of wi 08. 23. foot may be dipped in the b. of thy ei 72. 14. precious shall their b. be in his sigl Prov. 28. 17. that doth violence to the b. of a Isa. 1. + 15. your hands are full of b. 4. 4. the Lord shall purge the b. of Jerusalem O.5. with noise, and garments lolled in b. wash ye >ur out their 4. by the force of the sword irsed he he that kecprlh his sword from 1 y b. be on the inhabitants of Chaldea 1'. 1 In;,- have polluted themselves wilh , 7. pestilence and b. pass through thee I lis lull of 4. ami, he city is full of .if I pour on' Exod. 2 in thy J. I away thy 4. f 7. pour*. 10. 15. do with that as he did with b. of the bullock m. 1. 11. I delight not in*, of 4«//w^ or of lambs BLOOD 0/ Christ. Cer.10.l6. is it not communion of the Christ? I '.pi,. 2. 13. were far oil', are made nigh by ',.' „f Christ lie/,. ;u I .how much more shall 4. o/Ch, ,,', purge - 1 /'<■/. 1. 19. bulv.-iih|„rrinus*.„/ ' '/,, , a/ as o I' a 1 a ml . •'"/'« 1.7. 4."/ '7„v./cha„5cll,u. Iron, all sin BLOOD of the Covenant. Exod. 24. 8. Moses said, behold the 4. of the covenant iech. 9. 11. as for thee,, l-ol. y t he 4. ,./ ,!,. ,,„■,„„„, U,l,. 10.29. hath counted*. of .3.17. a statute thai ve «,< n-nlier fat nor*. 7.26. ye shall eat no manner ol 4. ol lowl or beast 27. | 17. 14. Bent. 12. 16, 23. I 15. 23. 27. thattwa.4 4. that soul shall he cutoff, 17. 10. 17. 19. and if the is: 4. *. shall be imputed unto that man 11. not stand against the *. of thy neighbour *. of the prophet: 35. from the *. of righteous Abel, Luke 11.51. 26. 28. my 4. of the new testament, Mark 14. 21 27.6.not to put into treasury .because it is price of* 8.was called the field of *. to this day, .-Jm 1. lW 35. 33 . not pollute land, for b. it defileth land •bam. 3. 27. he died ,,„■ ihe 4. of .Wallet his brother Citron. 24. 25. for the 4. f t h e sons of Jehoiada 'sal. 9. 12. when he maketh inquisition for 4. 'roe. 1. 11. they cay, come let us lav wait fori,. Ifi. 12. 6. the words of wicked are to lie. 7. 2. they all lie in wait/oi His BLOOD. °. e "- ^l".- if ™ e sla y our Dro ther and conceal In i behold his b. is required 1 1 not require his 4. of your ha ■rd shall re- lit for 4. '.ei. 3.1£ Hos. |uire at thy h luity, b 111 II hole is mouth Zecli.y.n. takeawa- "' 27. 25. hub. be !0. 28. church he hath purchased w ith his /,. 3. 25. a propitiation through faith in his *. """■I I" 10 ■ jnsiiii. ,1 I /r, I, Eph. 1.7. we have redemption thro' hisb. Col. 1.14. 13. 12.thathemightsanciiiy lie pe.iph ■;,!, /„,.: ■>. and washed Ann sfrom ( BLOOD. ay not innocent 4. to thy people's charge 9. 5. wilt thou sin against innocent b. to slay /Voc.6.17. I.onlh.UMhh -*.59.7. a " Is thai '.bed ,11 in, to shed inno Jer. 7.6. if ye oppress not, shed not innocent *.22.3 :ii.15. ye shall surely bring ,„„,„:. 4. on von, die Joe/3. 19. because they have shed ,11,10c. 4. in lau, Ja,,„4LU. (Il.ord, vac beseech, lavnut onus,,,,,,,,. .4 Mat.1T-*. I sinned in that 1 have betrayed innoc. I Shed BLOOD. G«!.0.6.-who sheddeth man's 4. by manhis *.be she 37. 22. Reuben : ' ' 3. if the s :. there in him, d for him shed for him lan shall be cut off if *. shcdbulbyb withholdcn from ci Prav. 1. 16. they make h Lam. 4.13. prophets that V:.-,X.lti.38.juJgetheeas le rod hath b. pride hath budded [Hag. 1. nd he shall 4. as the lily Luke 1 ho' the fig-tree shall not b. nqrfr • " BLOT insure, scorn, or reproach, Prov. e guilty in thy b. thou 1 .1/, /.■::;. :j.5. on you c ome. II the 1 1 / 1 J . J4 Lu tell. 50 j 22. 20 4. ,.l all "H • ■|.Uel -. ul 1 .Stephen He v. 16. 6. nd ill,- 4. Sprinkle BLOOD. Kr eti.29.16. .Kr »«.. 29. 20 I,.,h , .U, 4. On, 8,13. I 7.2. I 17-6. I * 5. 9. yi»*(« 4. of sp. J. seven times, 17. | id. 14, 19. , nilein JVhw. 19. 4. sprinkle ol'the 4. before the taberna< 2 Kin-is 10.15. .-/""^ /6'<>n 11 the 4. ,,, l,ii,m-,>ll,-i-> / 43. la. when make an altar to -yir. 4. there BLOOD sprinkled. iW.24.f>.halfof4.Mosesvir.oiialt,ir,/.a 1 -.8.10, r 8. Moses took the 4. and i^mi/t/erf on the peoj /.,;-. 6. 2?. when Un-re is -pniil.l-.dh on any tiannenl 8. 30. Moses took of the 4. ar J as presented 2/fi«| a-,,,/./,,/ 3. Ahaz spriukledttiz 4. of his peace-offer _ i ///,;«. 20. 22. sprinU, ilt lie 4. ol bullocks, :;u. 35.11. the priests sprinkle,/ the 4. 1 mm their 1, a, '.,-. 1, ; 1 iliei, I, .ball he y«'/„//, ,/ni, ,,,-, i.„i„ iA;4. 9. 21. he sprinkled with 4. the tabernacl, WiM BLOOD. £»<*. 30. 10. Aaron shall make atonement wir/ . cleat 19. 26. ye. shall n< Psal. 106. 38. and the land w J^.Sl.O.sword of Lord filled »ii 7. and their land shall be sc 49. 26. they shall be drunkei people, when ye brought it hat wind should no I did 4. upon it 4. on the earth 4. tilled this place with th 14. they have polluted th B. 22. I will plea, 1 8. Gilead is a cit, .0. they buildup Zioi 12. wotohimthatDunaetn a to 16. immediately I conferred no 22. all things are by the law pur] 7. followed hail and fire, mingl y polluted i. '. that rebukes the wicked, » BLOT out. 4. every living thing will 1 lo.fhc Lord shall I1.1 .51.1. have mercy, C 109. 1.5. pu sterity cut off, let their na 14. lsa. 4 Acts 3 4. 22 • 19. repent, that your Mlis ma BLOTTETH, ING. BLOOD-TIIIUS: Prov. 29. 10. F.xod. 4.25. surely a 4. hi UILTINESS. b. -guiltiness, O God tSTY. Tight r famine, ah, eh <-',„/ ,„,/, r'sins, Jer. 14. 17- I north-wind, and blowu] tw.4.16. Let the Holy Spi apaa (i ,-,,-pl, y garden, BLUENESS. ). 30. 4. of a wound cleanseth away evil BLUNT. . 10. if iron be 4. and he do not whet it BLUSH. 6. I 4. to lift up my face to thee, my God .5. not n-hamed, nor could they 4. 8. 12. BOAR. 0. 13. 4. out of the wood doth waste it BOARD, S. !"). 2U shall overlay 4. with gold, 36. 34. hollow with 4. shall thou make it, 36. 34. Cam. 8. 9. we will enclose her 1 llh 4. „1 CL me to land BOAS 1, .s„/,e„'„; Psal. 34. 2. my soul shall make h 1-4. in the I How. 2. 17. art a.lew. and makes th\ 4. nl'C the law BOAST, Ver 1 Kings 20. 11. not 4. as he that 2GW.25. 19. thine heart lifteil Psal. 44. 8. in God we 4. all th 49. 6. and 4. themselves in tin r riches 94. 4. the workers of iniquity 4 97. 7. confounded be they that 4. of idols Prov. 27.1. 4. not thyself of to morrow «i!ll„ b. ofth without 11. 16. receive me that 1 may 4. myself a little '.ph. 2. 9. notof works lest any man should 4. BOASTED. '-,/,. 35. 13 with month ye have 4. against me CV. 7. 14. if I have 4. any thing to him. 3. for the land is full of 4. ci ,n of man, wilt thou judge the o to the 4. city, 9. Nah. 3. 1. 1. father of 1'ublius lay sick of a 4. flux BLOOMED. 8. Aaron's rod 4. blossoms and almonds BLOSSOM mAju . 17. 1 -1 /.„-,. flourish, i , Their root shall be a: som shall go up a 1. 17. [3] To lsa. 27. 6. I 35. a. 27.6. Israel shall 4. and b 5. 1. the desert shall rejoic 2. it shall b. abundantly a -'!•■" sme. /he Spin, picas, s .-,,, I I, u, as ,„ ,,u,k, an evident en ,haa--h the manner thereof be inco -it is In-een I-:, the effects. I did blow upon it, Hag. 1. 9. I : not blown. Job 20. 26. Some a that comes no man knows hot 39. 10. I am comsumed by the 4 .11 alarm, camps shall go, withatrumpet, then 4. ye BOASTERS. 30. proud, 4. invento rsof evil things 3. 2. covetous, 4. pro BOASTEST, E'i I. . 3. the wicked 4. of vhy 4. thou thyself s'chief ? . 14. when he is gone his way. then he b. whoso b. himself of a fa lsegift nd 4. great things BOASTING, P iple. fto be somebody 36.roseTheudas,4.h 0. 15. not 4. of things without our measure BOASTING, Si bsta 27. where is 4. then s excluded 14. even so our b. befo •el tus is found truth hew ye to them the f of our 4. tourfl.of you should! vaiuinthishehalf should be ashamed ii .-:'. same confident 4. oftl i6 S Durn r o e w f00 er h f 'oi nth s confidence of 4. ce i your 4. BOAT, S. •16. 22. the people saw there was no oth< there, and that Jesus went not into th 3. there came other 4. from Tiberias ,27. Hi. h.-.dnnn-h work to come by the 4. 0. when they had let down the 4. into the s, 32. the soldiers cut off the ropes of the 4. Signifies, [1] The m 44. [2] The wh- [3] The substam BODY ■t ofm, •re/, of God firmly BOD •/ shit mmtical body, 1 Cor. 10. 17. Kph. 4. 16. Col. 1. 111. [5] The human nature of Chriit, Heb. 10. 5. [6] The unrenewed pari of man, such as the Semitic,: ;».vm, carnal of" tions, and sinful inclinations. 1 (or. I). 27. This is my body. Mat. 26. 26. This bread BO I .In. •li>. 23. and cast In-, deatl h. nun the graves Ml :;u. his ,/e„„'/-. shall ..utin the day fhu'< o/*/« BODY. Dent. SB. 4. Ides.e.1 sIi.lII be the fruit of thy b. II. make thee phnieons in 1 1, .-/,„,/ „/ ,/,„/, :;n y. III. cursed shall lie /,;,//„/ .//;/ *. and til Iliy land 5.1. iho.l shall .Ml ill.' foil "I lb:, b. I. .besiege -Daa 7.15. I was grieved in spirit in mi ;!/,,( .'. thelighi of ihe*. is the eye, Ltd thy*, shall be full of light. /,»/■. 24. 17.37. 1 Ih.-yf end' the /, is.tllilherHl /.. of! he if!." ■„!., .'ll. 12. \ 1 Hie he /,. ofjcsiishad royed 7.4 ilea, to th e n i'aw y by e the S .ofCh 24 who shall del from the *. r thtsdea ft. in. Christ 13 if ye ll„ fori he. a' the ;,,:,, n, ,1, dm i'cd.'.ii|ilinii four*. Cor 6. 13. no vthe /,.V. i M ho' IVirnica Lord end ihe l,„ 18 every s th IS V.llllOII the h. 6.19 IS III temp eof the Ilolv Ghost B01LETII, ING. i'.sal. 45. | 1. my heart *. up a good matter Ezck. 4li. 2.'). nude .villi b. p under the rows Mat. 14. 30. when 1 Pros. 28. 1. but th ■of 1. 24. for his h. sake, which is the cdiurch t'et. '.'. 24. who hare our sins in /,/, *, on the Ire la BODY. .am. 4. 7. they were more ruddy in b. than rubi. communion of the I dltyofthe*. and bio imnation, not discern :he h. is not one men aerefore not of the I lot ,l„.'l.ord it hath pleased him absent from the b. 2 Cor. 5. 8. waiting r,,lhe, Efh. 3.6. Geniiles he IV. .v-n.-irs m me same ». 4. 12. for the edifying of the h. of Christ 16. from who,,, ihe whole /,. ink : I lugoih,- J>. 23. and he is the Saviour of the b. '" mange o 1 Thtss. 5. 2.1. I pray your soul and *. he prefer.'! Heb. 10. 5. but a b. hast thou prepared me 10. through the offering of the b. of Jesus Jam. 2. 16. give not things are needful to the ,6. 26. as the b. without the spirit is dead, so feiili Judc 9. Michael, Dead BODY. 7-en.21.ll.nor shall ye go into any dead h. Xem.h f, Num. 0. 6. certain men were defiled by a deadb. 1. lO.any of ynubennelenn by a. /,-«,/*. Hag. 2.13. 19. 11. he that toucheth dead b. be unclean, 16. '. h,„ v ft. 5 how he had restored a d, ad I, to life Pa, 26 Ifl. witli my dead b. shall they arise )an. 3. 27. on whose I 28. yielded their b. t to. 27. 52. many b. of :«». 18. 1 13. the merchandise of b. and souls Dead BODIES, Chron. 20. 24. behold they wore dead b. fallen ■2j. ihey Ion, id wiib ,/,.„,/'/,. precious jewels *10. 6, he shall fll the planes .villi ihe dead b. ■ 31. 40. whole valley of dead b. shall be holy . 20. their dead b. shall he for meat to the fowls >n the < '.'Li. he spake /,. in the name ol (he Lord Jesus 18. '-'ii. A polios began to speak //. in ihe synagogue Itom. 15. 15. I h;, v.- written the more b. to you l-'-jih. ti. HI. given me, that 1 may open my mouth b. 20. that 1 may speak b. as 1 ought to speak "Heb. 4. 16, let us come b. to the throne of grace 13. 0. that we may b. say, the Lord is my helper BOLlliN ESS. Eccl. 8. 1. and the b. of his face shall be changed 2y. that Willi all b. they may speak thy word 31. and they spake the word of God with b. 2 Cor. 3. t 12. we use great b. of speech 7. 4. great is my b. of speech toward you 1 /di. 3. 12. in whom we have b. and access by faith 3. 13. they purchase great b. in the faitl 1. li|. having b. to enter into the holiest 1. 17. that we may have b. in judgment Hesh thro' death BOLLED. so in the b. Exod. p. 31. b arley was in the ear, and the flax b. BOLSTER. ISam 19-13 a pillow of goats' hair for his *. 16. ist,l Cor.10.17. harlot, is tmeb. 26.7 spear it his b. 11, 12.||l6. water at his b. BOLT, ED. 2 Sam 13.17 b. the door || 18. he b. the door BOND s, yet butane J. u ^rlf n obligation, or vow, Num. 30. 5, 14. to God in one b. 12]- ■for Christ and his gospel, Heb. 13.3. Her. 1 .8.' tin v deadb. shall li in the street of city 9-na their deadb. tit ee days and an half, nors uffer their , BONDAGE Kxod.'6. 5. Ezra 9- 8, 9- [2] Spirit™ jeclion to sin and Satan, lleb. 2. 15. [3 52*"' ^ gets c dereth t< , of a i/age ; love, lint slavish fi-nr, Ron], 8. 15. ami thinl.iiig La:.k. 37. 7. the bones came tog I. 15. when any seeth a man'; !M 19- 36. a*, of him shall m EONES. id. 13. 19. Moses '00k the *. 1 and Jonathan buried men's b. shall be burnt touched the b. of Elist In, i i all their 1. that they might brir jre in b. under the elem again to be in b .lem, which is », he brought ii •>et. 2. 19. of the BOND-MAN. n. 44. 33. let me abide instead of the lad a b. ut. 15. 15. remember thou was a b. in Egypt, the Lord redeemed thee, 16. 12. I 24. 18, v. 6. 15. every 4. hid themselves in the den BOND-MAID, S. :. 19. 20. whoso lieth with a *. betrothed " ">e of the heathen, buy ye I. tebya .thee ND-MEN." Lev. '.'5. -12. they shall n. 46. they si 11 be of the heathen, of them br. 26.1. t.ti. lha, y, : ,e theii rare lest thou forget the Lord, urougm thee out of the house of b. 13. + 10. 21. then say to thy son, we were l'haraoh's b. 7.8. and redeemed you out of the house of b. 28.68. there ye shall be sold for A. and bond-women Jo-b. 9. 23. none of you be freed from being*. 1 Kings 9. 22. but of Israel Solomon made no b. 2 Kings 4. 1. is come to take my two sons to be b. SCArm.QB.U). p , :„■ , h.l.lrcn ,4 li,.l.,l, i.„ *. Jer. 34. Ii. brought ihem out of the he BOND-SERVANT. Lev 25. 39. BOND-SERVICE. as a 4. IK ngsg.Z 1. Solomon did levy a tribute of*. BOND-WOMAN. Gen 21.10. cast out this/,, and her so,,, b rthesor the b. shall not be heir, C . let it 13 of the son of the b. will 1 nalce i Cnl flesh 31 not children of the*, but the free Bon 'Women. Sue Bond-Men BONE That part of the body w ■Sign nes, [1] lite ana nade old.he hath broken mvb, s c,„. -led into my b. r BONES. 21' an oak at Jabesh ey ,1 shall have BOOK -".;:rf- {1 v.22. 19. 3 lb, . Rev. CO. ,2. |4 I.I.39.16. VA'-i. ■1. 5.23. the prie; 14. it is said 1,1 (.17. 18. shall w) :. 11,11. ,1 the graveS 1. 11. the Lord shall make fat thy *. t. jour b. shall lloiiri-h like an bell, 1. bring the *. of the kings, and *. of the priests, *. of prophets, and *. of inhah Ii. in. that hi. 'if ph. 3. 3. tin Mat. 23.27. t„ le of his b. with st ). 25. ye shall carr; !. O Lord, heal me, for my ll^.areoutofjo, 17 1 i„ Sj y*.areconsumed|i32.:l. r ,/ ,11 mvb. shall say, Lord who tod. 13. 19. esh ). are written in the *. ■1.9. 29.actsof Solomc i. acts of Rehoboam ii \. the acts of Jehoshan i. Shaphan , gave the *. to SI: me a*. iChron.o :a all the words of all the ci 1. 15. sea " ■Slha, the*, of Nathan in the *. of Jehu i 4. that is found ten in the *. the volume of thy *. tleb. 10. 7. i my tears, are they not in thy *. ? mbe blotted out of 4. of the living y I,, all my members were written the word, of a 4. that is sealed vend to him that is not learned and note it in a *. that it may be e out of the 4. of the Lord, and read ote in the *. the evidence that subscribed the 4. of the purchase roll of a *. || 10. read in the *. the words in a 4. from Jeremiah 3 Daniel, shut up the v 1.1. the*, of the visio 3. 16. a *. of remembr; 1. 1. the *. of the gene ind to loose seals ? ,en the *. a little *. open '.. 19. if any take anoi Iron, 1 1,,- words of the 4. See Covexjnt. Drar. 28.61. every plague not written in*.,,/" the law ; '.',, ..' :■,!,!:.,; „ ■;./.,, ,■ ,.,,... Josh. 1. 8. this *. of the law shall not depart out of 8.31. written in 4. of law of Moses, 2 Kings 14.6. ! Kings Q2.U. I have found b. if the lavi in the hou,.e BOR 4.8. 8. so they read in the b. of the la I. 3. 10. that are written in b. of la;, BOOK of l.ifr. 20. 12. another It. ..p. ru-.l, which is 15. was not found written in lho4.w BOR ■tltMincllj In (lit (In-, ii Ezra 6. IB. set priests, as it is wr 1,1 i !,<■ /,... Murk 12. 2(3. have ye not read i ithe4.»/ This BOOK. <:,„.:,. I. ,/„•, is the 4. of thege /,.':<■/„,■„ 20. 20. the curses that are vri .•it in th, 2:1. 3. to perform the words writt Jit. 25. 13. I'll bring all that is written in f/ji 51 . 63. when hast made an end of reading th J.-lin 20. 30. signs which are not written in th Rev. 22. 7. the sayings of the prophecy of th, Jtr. 15.13.11 " .45. 1. this shall be holy in s 5. (i. when he (readelh with 1. 13. in the//, ol'/ahulon ai BORDERS. . 15. 311. fringes in*, on I'ring „:■--. 2».lheyh,id//.,ilid //.wei ni; i 11). 17- Allan cut off I lie I BORED. [6. + 21. the Philistines 4. out his eyes ;s 12. 9. Jehoiada took a chest and 4. ahob Is taken, [1] Naturally, for being brought in the world, Gen. 30. 22. Job 1. 2. [2] Supe naturally, thus the viightij and miraculous paw of God was seen in the production of Isaac, e 9. of them whic 10. seal notth lii. he-.ireihthi yings.d Ihr prophecy ,1 prophecy of him plagues written in this b. 19. his part I'nmi tin- things written in this b. books: Dun.~. 10. and the A. were" opened, lira. 20. 12 9. 2. I understood by 4. the number of years Jc/m 21 25. the world conld not em, tan, ll, e /,. -lot- 19.19- many brought their 4. and burned ther 2 Tim.-l. 13. bring the //.especially the parchment Rev. 20. 12. dead judged .,! things written in / BOOTH. Jab 27- 8. as a b. that the keeper Jonah 4 5. Jonah went and made ima4. Gen. 33 17. and Jacob made/, ho- his cattle t therefore the name of the place Lev. 2; le, ye shall dwell in *. s 43. I nude the children ol Israel dwell in /,. Neh.8. 14. Israel should dwell in * BOOTY, IES. || 16. made *. Num. 31. 32. b. the rest of the prey 675,000 sheer . and their . 7. thou shalt be for *. unto them t. 13. therefore their goods shall become a BORDER. Zeph. Gen. 49. 13. 2 Exod. 19. 12. 1 \ it 1,1. 21 . 23. not suffer Israel to pass thro' his b. 34. 8. from I lor ye shall point out your 4. 35. 26. if the slayer shall come without the *. I), in. 12. 20. when the Lord shall enlarge thy / Josh. 22. 25. the Lord hath made Jordan a 4. 24. 30. and they buried Joshua in the //. of his i heritance in mount Ephraim, J,,,/?. 2. hall be to Zidc *. of the m \. 12. 1 dead, Gen. 17. 17. Kom. 4. 19. Heb. 11. 11. [3] Carnally, so was_ Ishmael born, according to as Isaac was, Gal. 4. 23, 29. [4] Spiritually' power and grace of the Spirit of God, in the ministry of the word, and so are made like God, liu purtaknis of a limine nature, John 1. 13. I 3. 5, 6. 2 Pet. 1. 4. 1 John 3. 9. c//m3.3. except a man be b. a. 5.||7. ye must be b. a. Pet. 1. 23. being//, again, not of corruptible seed See First-Born, Witness. BORN, for brought forth. Gin. 17. 17. a child /,. to him Ion years old, 21. 5. " 7. I have b. him a sou in his old aue 15. Rt le I have b. him th] 30. 20. because I hi 31.43.whatdotolhe Exod. 1.22. every son Lev. 12. 7- this is the 19. 34. the strangers called city after the 15. for thy daughl 2. 5. so that the b; ■thuel ich they have*. iv/,. habesde.., re since,, 1. of word a' doth right e.ncs,s,,s/,.ofhim ■vnurihecluhlassounasitwas*. BORN of God. el, wore //. not of blood, bat of God I I 1 1 1 II ,, ' '■■■ is Christ is/,. of Gad I.,./' (,W Led. 2. 7. I had servants /,. BORN in the Exod.l". 19. no leaven, whether . in my house ismyheir ,0 circumcised, 13,23.27. I's l,o,o-o eat of bis meat it the t may b, ,1 !i', V . '-i. 46. 3. which are *. by me from the belly j.12. ye shall be*, upon her sides and be dandled no- 5. 20. ye have *. the tabernacle of Moloch tin, I 2.3. bringing one sick of palsy, was*, of four hast b. him hence tell me is that he was 4. of the soldiers ave *. the image of the earthly BORNE. Job 34.31. to be said to God, I have *. chastisement I'.-ul was not an enemy, then I could have*. 69. 7- because for thy sake I have *. reproach ' auel , in li. ,li /,. 711,'i , e.,i rii d s i v, : d Solon II kin. doms unto the *. of Egypt, 2 C Kings 3. 21. all that were able stood in the :al. 78.51. brought them to the *. of his sanctu ■ I ■ ■.'.-. he Will . laldi-b he /, Oi he ,.■ ,1 > : : i 1a v a: tal and rye in their *. 7. 24. I will enter into the height of his *. r. 31. 17. thy children come again to their i ■ck. 11. 10. 1 will judge you in the *. of Israel, 7. 13. this shall be the 4. whereby ye inherit el.3. 6. might remove them from their *. mos 1. 13. that they might enlarge their *. ' "m your*. )uch, if it were but the *. of his gari ne behind, and touched *. of his gari B'lUDIiR, Verb. 11 b. thereby come to the 4. of Canaar nations, and enlarge thy 4 ne. e picsed thy *. 21. 22. 22. 9. behold a son sh o* 3. 3. let the day pi . art thou the first r I . knowest thou it, b 2.31.shall declare tc 1, fear not, thou bast /,. a son Id 4. to thee shall surely (l„ ; nail be».to the houseoiliav iofGath4.inthatlandsl< 4. to the giant ' " l e 4. to thee wherein I was 4. ; as sparks fly upward ;e a wild ass's co' n that was 4. ? Lam. : 5. 7. fathers /'-//. Hi.."/;;, thou hast //. thy lewdness and abomin. 32. 24. they have /,. Iheir'shame, 36. I). | 30. 20. 23.1. heavy burdens, grievous to be 4. Luke 11.40. /.ai-. 2, 3. has //. and hast patience, and not fainted BORROW. /. '. ,■,/. ■',.22. evci y woman shall b oi neighbour, 11.2. .-,-/.3.2.athx ha. 9. 6. for unto us a child is 4. tc 66. 8. or shall a nation be 4. at o Tcr. 15. 9. she that hath 4. sey 10. wo is me, that thou hast .. . _ 16.3. concerning sons and daught 20. 14. cursed be the day wherei 22. 26. where ye wree not 4. there shall ye di Ezek. 16. 4. in day thou wast 4. thy navel not cu " lathing of thy person in day thou wast strife l,. in this -Ve/2.2. wi 1. Herod I set her as, in It aded where ;ood if he had not be 5. that holy thing th ■■■■■■■' 28. I . if a 2 Kings6.l 22.7. ought, led. alas; it be hur ney for the king's BORROWER, id the 4. is servant to the lc 4. 2. as with the lender, so with the BORROWETH. 37. 21. the yvicked 4. and payeth not n of the Father. i, Psal. 79. 12. Pun, /V.rahaiu's bosom, Luke 16. 23. Laiarus was in the -Hints, and enjoyed the same jili, m, ,,,ih . 1 /„■„/,„„, the friend of God ; and this place wai On,. 16. 5. Sarai said, I have given my maid into Exod. 4. 6. put now thy hand into thy b. 7. [thy ». BOT 11 . 1 -2 .that shouldst say, carry them in thy A. 13.6. if the wife of thy A. entice thee secretly 17. 19. Elijah took 22. t 35. the blood Job 19. +27- though 1 " ""> by hiding m her dead child in my :o the A. of the chariot is be consume " iniquity in my Psal. 35. 13. my prayer returned into my ov 74. 11. pluck thy right hand out of thy A. 79. 12. and render seven-fold into their A. 89. 50. how I do bear in my A. the reproach of all Prov. 5. 20. wilt thou embrace the J. of a stranger? 6. 27- can a man take fire in his b. ? 17. 23. a wicked man taketb a gift out of the A. 19. 24. a slothful nianhidcth bis hand in*. 26.15. 21. 14. a reward in the b. pacifieth wrath J'.ccl. 7. 9. for anger resteth in the b. of fools ha JO II I" II 'I nil/ 49. 1 22. they shall bring thy sons in their A. 65. 6. v. ill recompense, even recomp. into their I. 7. I will measure their former work imn divii b. I., 32 Ill ill"! Hli. ... I ulirr 11 I, ol child, hum. 2. 12. Ill"" . ""-I v. .• 1 -c I iulnniuibei . A 43. tl3. b. of the altar shall h Mic. 7. 5. keep from her that lieth Hos.7-5. theprii e Kim he A. b Jonah 2.6. li Mut.Ti.5\.\ Abraham's - J-38. good me 10. 22. was carried by the angels 23. seeth Abraham, and Lazarus in nis 0. John 1. 18. which is in the A. of the Father 13. 23. now there was leaning oii.l e s us' A. a disci] >b BOSSES. Job 15. 26. upon the thick b. of his bucklers BOTCH. /',,,, 2H.27. J nil .ull smite thee with the J. 35 both. Got. 2.25. were*, naked II 3. 7. the eyes of b. opened 19.36. thus were b. the daughters of Lot with child 22. 8. so they went b. of them together £7.45.wb.yshould 1 bi deprived... ,,..,,/,.,,., 31, 37. that they may judge betwixt us huiil. 22. 9. cause of A shall come befo 11. then shall an oath if the Lord be bei Zw. SO. U. A. of them sir blood shall be upc Num. 12.5. called Aaron and Mi 25. 8. Phinehas went after anc I), ,„. 19. 17. b. the men shall stand before the Lord 1 Sum. 2. 34. in one day they shall die A. of thi 9.20. went out A. of them, he and Samuel, abro ). 42. foi f b. shall be filled with wine :r's earthen b. || 10. break the b. BOTTLES. hese A. of wine 25.18. Abigail ti 19. my belly re ;ak, Mark". 22. Luke 5. 37, 38. BOTTOM. de the b. thereof of gold iaiththe Lord to hills and b. they came at the b. of the den my sight in the A. BOU Tudg. 15. 13. they A. Samson with two new cords 16.8. A. with withs||12. ropes||21. fetters ; Kings j. 23. he A. two talents of silver in two bags 17. 4. he shut up Hoshea and A. him in prison 25.7- they*. /e,hl iah wiih huers of brass 2 Uir.w. 33. 11. A. Manassch || 30. 6. A. Jehoiakim hath A. the waters in a garment Hos. 7. 15.thoT have A. and strengthened their anus " lat.U.-.i. Herod*. John anil p. a 1 1 i.-. II..,-. u.i; •7 2. m. v liad A. Jesus, MarklS. 1. John 18. 12. uke 13. 16. this daughter whom Satan hath A. Acts 21. 11. Agabus A. his own hands and feet 22. 25. as they A. Paul with thongs he said, 29. 23. 12. A. themselves under a curse, 14, 21. Rev. 20. 2. he A. Satan a thousand years BOUND, passively. (rV-H.3o.20.a place where the king's prisoners are A. 40. 3. into the prison where Joseph was A. 5. Ihebuller and bakerwhieh were A. in prison '" '".ye shall be A. in prison to prove your words :o the A. of the r to A. Mark smoke st that ascendeth out of the A. pi '. 8. the beast shall ascend out of the A. pit 1. 1. an angel having the key of the A. pit I. and cast him into the A. pit, and shut him i BOUGH. n. 49. 22. Joseph is a fruitful A. even a fruitful Judg 19. let one of your brethren be A. 19. 15. vessel which hath no co 16. 6. wherewith thou mightest be A. 10, 13 Sam. 25. 29. the soul of my lord shall be A. Sam. 3. 34. thy hands were not A. nor feet oA 36. 8. and if they be A. in fetters and holdei 'sal. 107. 10. being A. in affliction and iron >n,v. 22. 15. foolishness is A. in the heart of a chi sa. 22. 3. are A. by the archers, all are A. togetht '" : ■' — -'thepris ' Lam. I. the ofm in to them th msgressions is A. 23. fell down A. 1 A. into the furnace? A. in heaven, 18. 18. Judg. 9.48. Abimelcche 49. the people cut dc sa. 10. 33. the Lord sh 17. 6. two or three ber er the wall a A. from the trees 2sbe as a forsaken A. 18. 9. the mule went under the A. of an c 9. and brought forth A. like a plant ). 10. the A. werelikethegoodlycedar.tri 1 17. till ye be le k. 17. 23. it shall tofA. 24. did not we cast three me. (at. 16. 19. bind on earth, be !3. 1 18. he that sweareth by rue giu, u: is o. Iarkl5.1. layA. wiili ilieui thai made insurrection mn 11. 44. A. hand and foot, his face was A. 18. 24. Annas had sent him A. to Caiaphas.t 13. en 9. 2. that he might bring them A. 21. | 22. 5. 12.6. Peter A. with chains j| 24. 27. left Paul A. .'0.22. behold I goA. in the Spirit to Jerusalem 21. 13. I am ready not to be A. only, but to die Worn. 7. 2. is A. by the law of her husband, 1 Oir.7.39. is. 1. 3. we are A. to thank (I oil always, 2. 13. 2 Tim. 2. 9. but the word of God is not A. lieb. 13. 3. them that are in bonds, as A. with there 9.14. loose the the river Euphrates BOUND with chains. '. 33. + 11. Manasseh A.- 1| 36.16. Jehoiakim A. J..A(|. 1 ■ ,i . i n.i-.litlav '). 17. 15. A. are abomination le Lord, 20.10. 0. of them n of them A. ? Peel. 4. 3. better than A. is he that hath not been ha. 1 . 31 . they shall A. burn together, none quench 7. 16. the land shall be forsaken of A. her lines Jer. 46. 12. and they are fallen A. together AVA.21. 19. A. twain shall c e forth of one land 23. 13. then I saw that they A. took one way Mic. 7. 3. that tin' v may do evil with A. hands Zech. 6. 13. counsel of peace shall be between '1 I., ilie i ... 1 1 nil A. thebowls [them A. Mat. 15. 14.' A. shall fall into the ditch, Luke 6. 39. LtikeT.42. nothing to pay, frankly forgave them A. Eph. 2 lgel nor spirit, but" Pharis.i s our peace, who hath made reconcile A. unto God by the A. I stir up your 1 .fessA. 31. 3. hi . (). tin i owls made their nests in his A. Dan. 4.1 BOUGHT. 1 Sam. 25. 1 29. in the midst of the A. of a sling BOUGHT. Gen. 17. 12. circumcised every man-chihl horn 1 ■ .'......ell 11....1. ■ 1 ;.■::■,. 1 .... r:. _ 33. 19. Jacob A. a parcel of a field, Josh. 24. 32. ~Z ' Potiphar A. Joseph of the Jshmaelites 47. 14. Joseph gathered money for the cornthey 20. Joseph A. all the land of Egypt, 23. 19- 30. which Abraham A. 50. 13. Acts 7. 16. iO. he shall reckon with him that A. him >. 51 . give out of the money that he was A. for !. 22. sanctify to the Lord a field that he A. !4. in jubilee return to him of whom it was A. .h ', 11. I l,.,.,e I, nil 1I1..1 ..1.1. I I I Jam. 12. 3. one little ewe-lamb which he had i 1. 24. so David A. the threshing-floor and oxer lings 16.24. Omri A. the hill Samaria of Sbeme •h. 5. 16. I continued in work, nor A. we any land . ;■.' .). I A .le. iiel.l ..I 1 lanameelmy Rev. 19. 20. A. were cast alive into the lake of fire BOTTLE [1] J vessel to contain liquids, Gl - 1. Josh. 9. 4. [2] The inhabitants of Jerusalem, 1 God thre. i.".l3] TAel esfil'" "3. 37. // (.'.,,„/ i Psal. 119. 17. ileal A. with iliy servant that I may 142. 7. for Ihmi -I. .It .lv.,1 A. with mc 2 Cur. (). 6. he which soweth A. shall reap i 49-44. his A. abode i 1 Chrem. 5. 18. valiant men, able ti 12. 2. armed with A. and shooting Jab 29 20- my A. was renewed in r Jer. I). '.':'.. they shall lav hold ™ 49. 35. behold, I will break the 50. 42. they shall hold the A. ai Lam. id the 1 1 apiir.ll'j ce of the A. in the cloud . .. .it of thy left hand //,». 1.5.1 will break A.'of I ,,,,1 „, valley of Jczreel 7. I will not save them by A. nor by sword 2. 18. I will lava!, ilia A. and the sword 7.16. not to most High, they are like a deceitful A. .//«.« 2. 15. he that handled. A. not deliver himself Ihili. :i. (I. thy b. was made quite naked, thy word '/.eeh. 9. 1.1. when I filled the A. with Ephraim i(V». 6. 2. he that sat on the white horse had a A. &e Bend, Bent, Battl ~ BOW-SHOT. Gen. 21. 16. sat over-against him BOWS. 1 5am. 2. 4. the A. of the mighty .11. I A. myX««cto Falhcrof on '.. 10. at the name of. Jesus every BOWED. .1. 6. the handmaidens and their eah also with her children A. ] Jiidg. 5. 27. at her feet " " 2. 10. she fell or '.4.1i).Fhinehas' > 2 A,,,,.,- J. I 2. 15. the ' 4. 37. b. h her face and A. herself ife A. herself and travaile If || 25. 23. Abigail A. 41. ipr.n the pave .cut//, ihemsel 2.(i. .loscp «». 25. 2. I rrf.-.7.U.rt 2 A /„;■-:!. . BOWELS Signify, 1 1 I The ,„,,„,: . Job 20. 14. Acts 1. 18. |2| ■/'/„ /„,„•/, 2 for. li. 12. I'hilnn.7. [.1] The lennili. fen. 25. 23. |l| I',,,,, ,„ r„„,,,„,u„„, Isa.63.15. Jim-. 31. 'jo. 1 5 1 ( -« ,■ ■• « c«fy Mto V ed 7. 12. thy seed wl .'I'.'iab sh',"|\,','it ) "'"""1 "I my i "cr's A. of the people A etthemup'tobl 1. ,A,rc« heavily ./a:, u greatly. I lCArm 16. tl 1 Clinm. 10.3. in v.-iil, A. and could u t of Benjamin thai drew A ed for them A 1 slim; he people with their A. Ii'dd both spears and A Psal. 37. 15. Jt r. 51 . 50. every one of their A. is broken /.';• that dwell in wihlerncs' !. 131. wrath ofG. made to, 14. 5. A. thy heavens, O Lou BOW dou: 11 I, thy mother! a le house of Rimmc to the dusC shall A i shall A. before hii 57. fi. my soul is A. d 145.14. raiseth up al 17. and' the loftines 21. 3. I was A. down Lnke 24.5. they were : BOY Gen. 24. 26. man A. hi J and A. down their face 'tf and worshipped, 48. 12.27. Ke/i. made haste and A. his head to earth alaamA.hisAesa'andfellnato " .Mm 1"). Hi. JesusA. his bead and gave BOWED Awt«/f. 18.2. Abraham A. A. 23. 7, i2.||ig. .Jacob A. himself, 47. 31 .||48. 12. atlliisniic, „d a. /,;.„.,/,; i. Mephibosheth A. ;»«»/i to D; abA./;iOTj.toDavid||.13 Absalom . Xmgjl.SS. Nathan 5 a . .\donijah came,. 2 ly Solomon ro,c ,ml A A, ,/, to hi BOWETH. himself to belorc the king, b. A. |i 47. the ki Psal. 17. 1 v„ ;,:'i 5. i set their eyes, A. down to the earth yall shall ye be, and a tottering fence hey did spit upon him, A. their knees BOWMEN. ;ty shall flee from the noise of the A. t ./"/.,/... ti. 38. and wringed the dew, a A. 'full .,1 water Led. 12. li. or ever the golden A. be broken '/.ceh. 1. 2. a candlestick of gold with a A. on it BOWLS. r.,.,,1. 25. 29. thou shall make A. to cover, 37. 16. snuffers of pur, ). 13. the glory of I ,el,, mm BOY, S a. 25. 27. the A. grew, and Exod. 9. 9. it shall be Gen. 24. 3( 38. 18. th /■■>,.'/. 30.22 A. breaking forth wnh Mains cians could not stand.because of the. he flesh also in which was a A. 00k figs and laidon the A. Isa. 38. 2 BRACELET, S. signet, thy A. and thy staff, 25. vere \villiii2, brought A. Num. 31. 51 the A. on his arm I have brought >:■.,/. 1.1 ,■ i,. , ,1 •/»<$» 19. 32. tlie soldier, *. 1 lie legs of the fir 33. and saw that he was dead, they*, not his 1 BRAKE down. 2 7w«i'.( 10. 27. *. down image of Baal, 2 C/ir.23 14. 13. king ol Israel* J u 1 1 ol I, , 1 I , , 2 Chron. 25. 23. | 36. 19. Jer. 39. 8. | 52. 14. 23. 7. he 6. do:, n the houses ol the Sodomite; 2 Citron. 14. 3. Asa b.doxn images, cut down grov 26. 6. Uzziah *. rinm the wall of Gain 34. 4. they *. down the altars of Baalim BRA K EST. •EiW.34.1.words in the first table thou b. Vent. 10.' /'..«/. 74. 13. thou b. the heads of the dragons, k lsa. 9.14. when thou 6. the yoke of his burden 29. 7. when they leaned on thee, thou i. BRAMBLE, S. Jvdz. 9. 14. then said all the trees to the b. 15. the b. said, let fire come out of the b. La. ■)1.13. nettles and b. shall come up in fortressi Lute 6. 44. nor of a *.-bush gather they grapes BRANCH Signifies, The bough of a tree, Psal. 101. 12. 'Jo which are compared, [1] Jesus Christ tl. people and members de, ue hf,, grate „ • , and all good; a, ,, „,„ „l I; ,„u'n , ,. naat • „■:■ loDavidarigr. 11 cause the *. of righteou highest*. 22. Luke 1 Jo/mlo 6. if he abide"i BRAN* 1 m the v 1, the tin HES. lorn. 11. 16. if the 17. if some of th. 21. for if God span 3. 2. is not this a *. plucked ot BRANDISH. /-;i,<\:;_. in. v,h en .-],. u! I b. my sword BRASS BRE 6. 1 13 or t. 0.9 13.1 ■ ' • l "^ | " , ! >me as soundi g«. O cymki 'that theV'sho hi no* wor'sh p idol of*. ud Ilk ASS. diran in 11 in ki m which ma.. the fire 1.25 db.&s thydays turn Willi . 22 14.pre|.. outw mht. Hi. La. 48. 4. and thy neck is at 60. 17. for*. 1 will bring Jer. 6. 28. they are *. am ■.they pi . and iron, Ezek. 22. 1 on,clay,*.brok. to piece gods of silver, b.and iron, •sets of BRASS. Exod.17.3. make all ;<.-.:,./- ofb. |l IK. 3. made v.ofb, 6.19. a\l vessels of h. are consecrated to'' T 1 vessels ofb. are conse f *.and iron they put ij (.■/»•. 18.1U. ,_ -„',Jer.52.18 in which Solomon 'had made.i he *. of all these 52. 20. I'COjd, tmpo.h nliitsiu, I sa. 48. Jer. 6. 21 22.18. 2] Iheinlinttt /.e.o e, Client, K i kingdom of brass, Dan. 2. 39. The mottaeehv „„,/,,- Alexander the Great, s, of brass, because of their many tears, C '"'" n/ '"'""' a/ " c/ ' aere senera!! y '• will make thy hoofs brass, Mie. 4. 13. eforethen t.otes,[l] Exod. 25. 3. theofferi 37! thou shalt cast f 27. 2. shall overlay ;e gold, silver, *. 35. :kets of *. for them, 2 29. the *. of the offering was seventy talei 39. 39. the brasen altar, and his grate of * A'ra. 21. 9. made a serpent of *. and put i , when he beheld the serpent of *. he 8. 9. out of whose hills thou niayest t 23. the heaven over thy head shall be l'i. 21. .Samson bound with fetters of/ >. 17. 5. Goliath had an helmet of *. : nd he. had greaves of *. on his legs 11. 8. 'king David took much *.l Chron. ,veight°ofth" 2 A iug, 25. 7. b " :arriedthe >i. 15. 19. 1 shovels were of bright *. }. was not found, « Chron. i. II and Zedekiah with fetters of , 5. to Babylon, Jer. 52. 17. i sound wiih cymbals of *. lared *. in abundance, 29. 7. pared the*, for things of*. Jo; 0.12. th 41.27. Lev b is my flesh *. the ga will break in pieces the gates of b. -ood I will bring *. for *. gold that the *. of it may be hot and bur is belly and his thighs E~.ek.Qi. 1 -lan.Z. 32. 39. shall arise another third 1 . 19- the fourth beast, ngdon ■eof I was without 3. +27. two vessels of ye. . 27. 13. they traded in vessels of b. Rev. 18.1' BRAZEN. / W.27. 4. make. h. rings || 35. l6. *. grate, 38. 4 38. 8. t *• glasses , l'i. till n * sockets twenty Lev. 6. 28. the sin-offering sodden in a *. pot Sum. 10. 39. *. censels jl \hiug. 4. 13. *. bars 1 Kme.i 7. .'in, *. wheels ,| 14. 27. made *. shield: 2 /wag. Hi, 17. *. oxen Mii.J.hrake the *. serpei 25. 13. the*. seadidCb.aldeesbreak.J r. ;..- i; 2 ( h:o-u. 6. 13. Solomon had made a *. scaffold. Job 6. 1 12. strength of stones, or is my flesh *. ? Jer. 1. 18. I have made thee this day *. walls 15. 20. I will make thee a fenced *. wall 52. 20. the *. bulls || Mark 7. 4. b. vessels See Altar. BRAVERY. Lsa. 3. 18. the Lord will take away their b. BRAWLER, S. 1 Tim. 3. 3. a bishop must be no *. || Til. 3. 2. to b BRAWLING, S. [no I woman in wide house, 21 . 19. BRAY, ED. i. 6.5. doth the wild ass «. when he hath grass ? 1.7. among 1 he hushes they 4. they were gathered oc 2?.22.tho'thoushouldest4.afoclinaniortar BREACH ;nifies, [1] The ruin of a mall by viarlile "..«.'.' i":/.-i ■" ''■> ', , : • .. ■'■.,., lsa. 58 12. [ 51 J J-„„ at' or Sain. ti. 8. ffi 1. In). 2. od in the ,P.lti I. 106. 23. , hedge, them; but .'Tl ')« . bo their till beam; te, had , ot Moses m ercededfor 38. 29. the midwife said, this *. be u herefore his name was called a *. Lev. 24. 20. *. for *. eye for eye, tooth Sum. 14. 34. ye shall know my *. of pi Prov. 15. 4. but perverseness is a *. in ti /v<7.7.b'.letusmake a*, therein forus.ands -". 13. this iniquity shall be to you as ; 3. in the day that the Lord biudeth u] 58.12. thou shalt be called the repairer 6. 1 14. they have healed the *. sligh . 17. daughter of my people is broken ' . + 18. break them with a double b. n. 2. 13. thy *. is great like sea, who c t. 9. + 25. the *, built in troublous tin os 6. 1 6. not grieved for the *. of Jost BREACHES. Judg. 5. 17. Asher continued and abode i BRE 2 Sum. 5.K0. called place, plain of b. 1 Cht 1 Kings 11. '.'7. repaired l In- 4. tit" tin- city of David 2 Knies 1'.'. 5. let them repair the 4. of the. house 6. thepriestshad arrf.4.7." y\,w. iki. Zt/" ,/,,;■„, nolhnvo hoi «;-.-,-, f Salem brought forth b. of*. . ;oHagar 25. 34. then Jacob gave Esau i. and pottage 27. 17. she gave savoury meat and b. to Jacob 41. 54. in the land of Egypt there was b. 55. the people cried to Pharaoh for b. 43. 31. set on b. || 45. 23. b. for his father 47. 12. Joseph nourished his father's house with * 15. give us b. || 17. gave them 4. for horses 19. buy us and our land for 4. that we may liv. 49. 20. out of Asher his b. shall be fat Exod. 16. 4. I will rain b. from heaven for you ev. 8. 26. he took a cake of oiled b. and a wafer 32. what remaineth of the b. ye shall burn !1 .6. the 4. of their God they do offer, 8, 17, 21, 22. 11. 25. nor from a stranger shall ye offer b. >.!. 18. ye shall offer with the b. seven lambs Turn. 4. 7. and the continual 4. shall be thereor. 14. 9. the people of the land, they are 4. for us doth not live by 6. only, Mat. 4. 4. Luke 4. 23. 4. they met you not with b. and water 29. 6. ye have not eaten b. nor drunk water 19. 5. comfort thy heart with a morse 19. and there is b. and wine also for Ruth 1. 6. Lord visited his people in givi 1 Sam. 2. 5. they hired out themselves 22. 13. t 25. 11. s 28. 22. 1 ERE -e islialliiwi-d4.|| 1 hallowed i.H .i.lsc i. and a sword set a morsel of i. before thee mil an r.gyptian and gave him 4. ot fall from I oal. one that lack. -th 4, . or ought else till the sun be dowr -a cake of h. 'si. fori, 1st eaten i. and drunl 0. they of Zabulon 13.2.because they met r ob 15.23.wandereth abi 22. 7. thou hast withh 27. 14. his offspring sh 28. 5. as for the earth 33.20. his life abhom °sal. 37. 25. nor have 78. 20. can he give 4. i 80. 5. thou feedest thi man of God i. dofi. Jia.36.17. rought 4. on asses m heaven ^hunger' srael with i. and water oi-4.saying,whereisit han he that honoureth illeth land shall be sa 20. 13. open thy eyes, thou si ify her poor with 4. :rssweet,4. eat. secret is iedaiiilhathaservaiitis- iselfandlackethi. with 4. 2 22. 9. for he giveth of his 4. to the poor 31. 27. she eatefh not the 4. of idleness Iff. 9. 11. I saw race isnot to swift, nor/, lo ... 11. 1. cast thy 4. upon the waters, for shall find it Isa. 3. 1. Lord doth take away the whole stay of i 7. for in my house is neither i. nor clothing 21. 14. they prevented with their b. him thai II. d ' " ' tin ! .onl ;;i\o von lb.- 4. el a.Ki 1 -It) ..! Hi. h 5. hebakethi. t. should not d why spend mi li 1 1 ,1 .,.. eof, 19. leed to the s thy 4. to the hun r er. 11. 1 19. let us destroy the stalk witl 42. 14. we shall see no war, nor have hun 44. + 17. for then had we plenty of 4. 'mm. 1. 11. all her people sigh, they seek 4.4. young children ask 4. no man breaks 5.6. given hand to Egyptians to be satisfi. ,1 ivithi. 9- we gat our 4. with the peril of our lives ' '-., ■'■■■ I 15. thou shalt prepare thy 4. therewitl 17. that they may want 4. and water and consul 16.49. pride, fulness of 4. and abundance of idlem 18. 7. but hath given his 4. to the hungry, 16. 44. 7. brought strangers when ye offer my 4. Hoi. 2. 5. I will go after my lovers that give me , 9- 4. their sacrifices shall be as the 4. of moui See Arn.icrw bread-cor: ""BREAD with , 3«», 3. 19. in the sweat of thy fa 28. 20. if Lord will give me 4. t. 31.54. Jacob called his I, nth. 35. 27. Jos, id of Lord, that the Lord Jesus, betrayed, took 4. '-[Mi 1, ought h< full atb. 32. Egyptians might not cat 4. '-■:.w/.2.2tl.u here is her call hiii 16. 3. and when we did eat 4. 15. this is the 4. the Lord hath given you to eat 18. 12. came to eat b. with Moses' father-in-law 34. 28 he did not eat 4. forty days, Dent. 9. 9, 18. Uv. 8. 31. then- cat it. with Hi, 4. in the basket 21. 22. he shall eat the 4. of his God, both of holy 2:5. 14. ye .shall 11, -iiher cat i. nor parched corn 26. 5. and ye shall eat your i. to the full and dwell Vam. 15. 19. when ye eat the i. of the land font. 11. {), thon shall cat 4. without scarceness . I ado . i .-; . i (i tho' thou detain me, I will not eat thy 4. 12. 17. n :, 10. 21. 1. arise, eat b. let thy heart be merry ! Kings 4. 8. Shunamite constrained Elisha to eat b. '■• " ' set I water, the; / at and drink 23. 9. but they did eat of the unleavened 4. 25. -.'.|., lid, ■«,->,. comlnualls L„- h,,-,- >„„,, .1, ,-. a".:;:; Job 42. 11. and did eat 4. with Job in his house it the 4. of wickedness J. and drink of the wine Jer.5. 17. they shall ,ai up lh> harvest and thy 4. 41. 1. there tin' , 1 Alizpah ' heir lhd.ih.-d 4 16. they shall eat 4. by weight and with care 12. 10. co, 1 ith quaking || 1Q. eatb. with care 24. 17. cover not thy lips, and car not 4. of men, 22. I 1 I ! Amosl.Xi. flee into Judah, there cat 4. and prophesy they that eat thy 4. h~™ '~ ; Mat. a fam ur plac- ing tho iv. 11 111 I ' 1 1 1 1 7. 9- if his son ask 4. will he give him a stone > 15.26 not nicettotakethechildren'si.ilh.rt :', ■; ":\ win nee should ivr h ,..,-■ .,-.,-,. ,„.|, 4 - !/.,,< :>. 1 d 1 ,. 1, 1, nottoyouconcerr ot beware of the 1 . and blessed it, A 33. John Be ptist came neithe k !™*!, n gr or your journey, I ll , o-...|h ,-,!. 1 , 33.the4. ofGodishe|| 34. Lord 2&OT.16.1. 35. J esus said to them, I am the 4. of life, 48. lC/,ro.l6.3 41. I am the 4. which came down, 50, 58. 58. he that eat , 1 1 ti H live forever Gen. 47. 13 13.18. he that eatefh 4. with me hath lift, bis hi 1 :\«,«.2i..5 21. 9. they saw a fire and fish laid thereon and 4. 13. Jesus then taketh 4. and giveth them 6. for the Acts 2. 42. they continued in breaking of b. 28. 20. Sa i 11. when he had broken 4. and eaten, and talked 27. 35. he took 4. and gave thanks to God 5. why th . 4. be seen, Dent. 16. 3, 4. Ezod.23.18. not offer blood of my sacr.with leav. 4. Lev. 7. 13. he shall offer for his offering leavenedb. Loaf, or Loaves of BREAD. / i aeloafqj b with ram of consecration Judg. 8. 5. give loaf of 4. to people that, follow me ' a 1 they will salute, and give thee two loaves of b. 3. cive me five loaves ofb. in my hand " he dealt to every one of Israel a loaf ofb. No BREAD. . there was no 4. in all the land eaten no b. all the day nor nighl no 4. nor drink water, 17-22. ay his face, and would eat no b. t so sad, that thou eatest nob.? BRE 2 A'mjj25.3.there was no 4.for the people, Jer. 52.6. Ezra in. 0. when he came thither, he did eat no 4. Jer. 38. U. lor there is »o more 4. in the city 'because we have taken no 4. 8. Mark 8. In, 17. Mark 6. 8. take no scrip, no b. no money in purse Piece, or Piece* of BREAD. 1 Sam. 2. 36. put ine.t pray .that I may em piece of l>. Prov. 6. 26. for by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of b. 28. 21 . for a piece ofb. that man will transgress Jer. 37. 21. to er . i ii < 'l.ol; £ee*. 13. 19- and will ye pollute me for /.....a - ;- wild" asses b. their thirst i. shall be an oil which shall not b. J. 17. until day 4. and shadows flee ; .. 25. I will b. the Assyrians in to Ezek. 4. 16. Iwillbreal .,.-, .., i, .'.. ni | 1 ! i Unleavened BREAD. 3e«. 19. 3. Lot did bake to. 20. in all yo, 29. 2. take tot. Lev. 6. 16. me; ; offering ye sh ,r. I, ni I i:.l. 1 their brethren '. ;e/.. '|5.2I .011 1 ithdav passover of unl. b. be Mark 14. 12. first day of unl. b. when they ki Luke 22. 7. then came the days of unl. b. Act. See Basket, Feast. BREADTH. Gen. 6. 15. the fashion of the ark, and b. fifty cubit: 13. 17. arise, walk thro' the land in the b. of it . 18. b. of the court fifty cubits every wt 28. 16. breast-plate, a span the b. thereof, 39. t 38. 1. he made the altar, five cubits the 4. the Z>ettf.2.5. not give of theirland, somuchasafoc Judg. 20. 16. could sling stones at an hair's b. 1 Kings 6. 2. the b. of the Lord's house was twt cubits, the length threescore cubits, 2 Chron. 1. 6. the b. of the porch was thirty cubits 2 Chron. 4. 1 . the b. of the altar was twenty cub Ezra6. 3. the b. of the Lord's house sixty cubit Job 37. 10. and the 4. of the waters is straitenec 38. 18. hast thou perceived the b. of the earth Jsa. 8. 8. his wings shall fill the b. of the land ■ /,..,, ilicl.mhli, ..■•'. 1.1 I,, niihc ,„uv -l-:. :;. ihru . 6. is not en 4. bread for them 18. b. them with a double breach 3. b. the bottle, so will I b. this people, 11. . I will b. yoke of king Babylon, 11. | 30. 8 3. he shall b. the images of Beth-shemesh BREAREST. Psal. 48. 7- thou b. ships of Tarsh BREAKETH. I. 35. saith the Lord, I will b. the bow of El. ;kA. 16. 1 will b. the staff of bread, 5.1fi. | 1- i. 38. judge thee as women that b. wedlocl I. 34. thou shalt b. the shreds thereof I. 7. when they took hold of thee thou didst ). 18. when I shall b. the yokes of Egypt .l.Judah shall plow, < 2. 7. they shall marc! ,1.6. I will b. the! 3. 3. who flay their :A.ll. 14. that I might b. it. 5. 19. b. one of these least coi 17. else the bottles b. and the w Is 20. 7. the disciples came togetht id b. their bones ke from off thee brotherhood 10. 16. the bread which BREAK coven c. ||- 1. 16. this people will b. !. 1. I said, I will never 3. the b. of the g l.thej. ofthi ■ H9-b Esek. 17. 15. shall he b. covena; Zech. 11. 10. that I might b.m? BREAK down. Exod. 25. 24. quite b. down their images, I.,. I ! !.. anij he si IU. Aw K house, Dew 12. +3. ye shall 4. down their all Juig. 8. 9. when I come again, I will b. *'-' 4. 3. if a fox go up, he shall b.dowi 74.6. ueuvered which I made fs 3. 26. to b. thro' to the king of Edom ). 19. thieves b. thro' || 20. thieves 4. not thro' BREAK tip. BREAKER. 18. 1 10. if he beget a son, a b 1. 13. b. is come up || Row. 2. BREAKERS. ;, covenant- J. vith east-wind Psal. i. the blood b. it from ._. .self, that the p breach fall b. the cedars j| 46. 9. he b. the bow 119. 20. my soul 4. for the longing that it hath 'rov. 25. 15. and a soft tongue b. the bone Eccl. 10. 8. whoso b. an edge, a serpent shall bite "" 59. 5. which is crushed b. out into a viper ./o.l'J.ll 23. 29. 1. 4. children ask bread, and no man BREAKING. 2. 24. there wrestled a man till the . of day 9. 9. shall be a boyl b. forth with bl if a thief be found b. up, and be smi ins, 10. . + 15. Gideon heard the dream, and s 11 .+ 6. keep the watch of the house t omj.up Job 30.14. come upon me as awide b. in ol 25. by reason of b. they purify themsi I. 144. 14. that there be no b. in nor gi 22. 5. b. down walls, and of crying to jEw<-.l6.59.desp: 21. 6. sigh, son Hos. 13. 13. not 46. it e, b. bre; i.covenant,17.18. ceofi.forthofchil. i .. ,, lei 2. 5. b. of side chambers ||7.4. of house was upwar. 11. the b. of place left || 14. b. efface of thehous ccl. 3.3. a. 5. 5. 1 vill b. c :o b. down and a time t xn the wall of the 1 ave built will lb. d Hab.lS.w I. the b. of the image 1 5. ofthelai ee the b. 5. 2. 1 see a flying roll, the b. the Eph. 3. 18. what is the b. and length and depth icet>. 20. 9. thev went up on the b. of the earth 21. 16. the length of the city is as large as the b. BREAK. r ' Sam. 2. 32. .Toab came to Hebron at b. of day Acts 10. 11. he talked a long while till b. of day BREAK Signifies, [1] To dash to pieces, Exod. 34. 13. [2] To make void, or of none effect, 1 Kings 15. 19. [3] To punish, or afflict, Job 13. 25. _ [4] plntToTfau' 1 ;i. 20 [\}To'tak Psal. 105. 16. [7] To weaken, Psal. [8] To plough, Jer. 4. 3. [9] To cam sorrow of heart. Acts 21. 13. [10] 21 or appear, Cant. 2. 17. [11] To profant Gen. 19. 9- they cs 27. 40. thou shalt Exod. 12. 46. nor i 13. ,is yoke f 'Vhis n< .31. 2t 3 shall b. their images, and cut < Lev. 11.33. every earthen vessel unclean ye sh 20. 19. I will b. the pride of your power Num. 24. 8. Israel shall b. their bones, pierce . 30. 2. if a man vow, he shall not b. his wo 32. t7. wherefore b. ye the heart of Israel " 'pillars, and burn g 5. 10. I m fro hi m 1 Kings 15.19. 4.thy league with Baasha,2C/„ .16.3 Ezra. 9. 14. should we again b. thy commanami a Job 13. 25. wilt thou b. a leaf driven to and fro > 39. 15. forgetteth that the wild beast may b. them Psal. 2. 3. let us b. their bands asunder 9. thou shalt b. thein with a rod of iron 10. 15. 4. thou the arm of the wicked 16. 39. they shall b. down 26. 4. they shall b. down 12. and they shall b. do Hos. 10. 2. he shall 4. Aw; K>" ir altars, and spoil Exod. 19. 22. lest the Lord b. forth upon them, 24. I,.,. 14.7. they 4/. into sing. 44.23. 149.13. | 54.1. 52.9.4/0,7/, into jr,,gtog..thei . ye w.i,to place: :.: ; ... ,!..,. /, f,„;h on ih" ri-Ji ha,,,! 55. 12. hills shall 4. forth before you into ringing .:: ;; ll.ri ill. ill ih\ le;lii .' •.oil. ' In m in Jer. 1. 14. out of the north an evil shall 4. forth ■:,'■ 1 h " • ol .. BREAK off. Gen. 27. 10. thou shalt b. his yoke off thyneck Exod. 32. 2. 4. o#the goldi d eai .ee 21. Dan. 4. 27. O kii ".. 2 . ■: ...ui ■. BREAK out. Exod. 22. 6. if fire 4. out || Lev. 13. 12. if leprosy b.ou 14. 43. if the plague come again and 4. out 58. 6. 4. out the great teeth of the younglioi 15. 6. in the wilderness shall waters b. out est he 4., (like fire in the ho BREAK it Kn:~s 25.1 5. Chaldeans i.iti 4 19.2. how long will ye 4.m e of Jose 1. 2. 23. through 4. the law, dishonou BREAST. Zxod. 29. 26. take the 4. of the ram of consecration 27. shell sanctify the 4. of the wave offering Cev. 7. 30. 4. may be waved, the fat with the 4. 31. but the 4. shall be Aaron's and his sons' 34. the wave-J. and heave-shot Idi h , ■. ■ 1 8. 29. Moses took the 4. andwavedit for an offering 10. 14. the wave-4. shall ye eat in a clean place Vum. 6. 20. is holy to the priest, with the wave-4. ,:; IK '.- v. iv. .- 1 . i-ln ,h! 1 .in , ,,.. Tub 24. 9. thev pluck the failici ',.•-.+ from the 4. Tea. CO. 16. thou shalt st: ' " !. 32. 1 w out the 4. 1 of gold, his 4. and his arms of publican smote upon his 4. saying aen lying on Jesus' 4. saith, 21. 20. BREASTS. > with blessings of the4. and womb 5. thy two 4. i.'thy b. shall , 1 . my brother ,, 1 1I1 1 .,1 ! sucked the 4. of sister, and she h Em. 28. 9. are weaned fror_ .__ 66. 11. be satisfied with the 4. 1 Ezek. 16. 7. thy 4. are fashione "3 .3. there were their 4. pressei I. and they bruised the 4. c M. and thou shalt ' ' inity !. 16. ly her adulteries from betw. her 4. them a miscarrying womb and dry 4. and gather those that suck the 4. . as with voice of doves tabring on their 4. 43. the people smote their 4. and returned . having their 4. girded with golden girdles BREAST-PLATE ,of ve :ofe, very -.... .,. win h the 1 , mest s ofprec upon teof 1st deo t bag that it might the be ter n pport Ike precious stones, and that it might rccei I'nin and 'I'lbiiuiiin, Uv. 8. 8. /( was tl,e llrcast-plate of judgment, l.uut. 28. 15. be- dot/ in all tho\c wrishlu an,/ mam, atom m of war and peace, uherein they consulted God Breast-plate ii likewise a piece of defensiv I in b. of judgment the I'rii Signifies, [1] The air received and discharged , t I ll 7 III Dan. 5. 23. [3] Cod's powerful word, IN a 33. 0'. Isa. 11. 4. [4] Uis anger. Job 4. | On."..-,. (Joel breathed into his nostrils the b. of li 6. 17. to destroy all Ne,h wherein i-i the «. ot life 7.15 entered lv:o and nw, wherein is I he b. ol l,|e 82. all in whose nostrils was b. of life died Josh. 11. 1 11. he destroyed, there was not any i 3 "'[»]" By en. ly. 7. [':.",";;:;■ '■"'"'-"•.'"' . 13. u. i ;: J a, I,, i, . Abim 1 ' 'ech w ;r father and , e among the, n, 'm-'-I,,','],,, ither'si. spake of hi 2 A )'„;•> In. l:;. they answered, we are i. oi yinaziali '2. 2. there came to David of Saul's h. is of Shemaiah, whose b. wire strong men f Judah. Elihu. one of the b. of David I Jehoshaphat u foun id b. the s if Ahaz 33. b. of the Lord lik 33.11. your*, as fire 42.5. he that giveth // Jer. 10. 14. and there is Lam. 4. 20. the b. of our L:ck.:i..S. I will cause J. 8. there was no b. in th 10. and the b. came i X>«».5.S3. the God in 10.17. no strencih. nei /W.2.1II. there i> ,,„/,., Jo,,., e'.'l Oti. the body v S races of the Hah Josh. 11.11. there'' Job 31. iSf). caused /\.a/.27.12-witnesse [3] To lice a sign of life ith the gifts am I ■ do hate him i. one is your Master, ^ en Christ, all ye r 10. 29. no man hath left house or b. father, her, wile or children, lor my sake, Luke 18.29. 14. a 26. re if any come! and hate not children', *. '8. for 1 have five b. that he may testify to them in. ye shall be betrayed by parents and b. i. if *. 1 wot that through ignorance ye did ii i S 'cV e - are *'l 9 mJo WU tccor^lT 11 ^ 11. <). the A. which came iVoin M acedonia supplied l.l.ll.linally/y.farcw, II, be perfect/)!' good Comfort '.'.4. because of false b. unawares brought in ;)//. (i. 23. peace be to the b. and love with faith 'hit. 1. 14. many of the b. waxing confident '«/. 1. 2. to the s.iii is and fauhtiil b. in Christ 7» 1J1 .4.1.webescc'ch you /,.10. 1,5.12. 2 7/„,o. 2.1. !". indeed -,r,lo it mwards all /:. in .Macedonia 5. 2.5. b. pray for us, 2 Thess. 3. 1 2 i. greiH ail the b. with an holy kiss 27. that this epistle be read to all the holy b. TtmA.O. put the b. in remembrance of these things . 1 . holy b. partaker! ■ii by the b. tog nediatelysent away Pan 18. 7. he shall minis 20. 8. lest his b. heat 24. 7. if a man be fo d go up with bed his fathe :>e not lifted up above his b. : as all his b. the Levites do I I lyof/iw* sed'and acceptable Tolls b. 2. 1. -when his b. and father's house heard it Kings 9. 2. make him rise up from among his I -. 2. for Judah prevailed above his b. .22. Ephraim mourned, his b. came to comfortbi 5. 9. with his b. and sons were twelve [So to the end of the chapter. .] L 2 Chron.1\.\. .lehoram slew all his b. with the sword . Et!h. 10. .1. Mordecai the Jew was accepted of his I), | IIos. 13. 15. though he be fruitful among hit b. HRE itof///V4. shall n tiring to speak withhim, Marks. 31. Luke: John 1. 5. for neither did his 4. believe in h Acts 7. 13. Joseph was made known to his b 1 Cor. 6. 5. no not one able to judge between hi. Bel: 2. 17- it behoved him to be made like to h. Men and BRETHREN.»,n„/ /,. ilns srnn.ui-e must be fulfilled 2. 29. men and b. let me freely speak to you of D. 37- to Peter and rest, men anilb. what shall we do 7. 2. and he said, men, b. and fathers, hearken .3. 15. /«<•»e shall not do so, „,,, /,. 2 -Sam. 19. 12 ye ore » 7 *. my bones, and my flesh 1 Chr. 28. 2. David said, hear me, my b. and peopl. 4. 23. I nor my b. nor guard put off our clothe 5. 10. I and my b. might exact of them money 14. 1 and my b. have not eaten bread of governo Job 6. 15. my b. have dealt deceitfully 19.13. he hath put my 4. far from me, and icqua " ' ": ."MY.-iMd,ei.,,ei„..„.,),e- ...4 ,/,/, j. 69.8 ., and companions- sake, 1 will say Mat. 12. 48. he said to him.whoaremyo. / J7„, k:i:.'A. 49. behold my mother and my b. MarkZ. 34. 25. 40. ye have done it to the least of these my b. 28. 10. go tell my h. that they go into Galilee Luhe8.21. myb. are these which hear word of God John 20. 17. go to my b. and say to them, I ascend /W.9.3.myself were accursed fromChrist for my b. Jam. 5. in. takemy b. the prophets who have spoken 12. but above all things, my b. swear not Our BRETHREN. Gen .31. 32. before our b. discern whatis thine, take it Num. 2D. 3. when our b. died before the Lord Dent. 1. 28. our b. have discouraged our hearts 2 Sam. 19-41. why have our b. stolen thee aw...-; < 1 Chr. 13. 2. let us send abroad to our b. every where Kelt. 5.5. yet no... our flesh 1- as the flesh ui vu.b. 8. after our ability have redeemed our b. the Jews Acts 15.36. let us go again visit our b. in every citv 2 Cor. 8. 23. or our b. be inquired of, are messengers n. 8. 26. but \r BRETHREN. 2 people return from following their 2 Kings 23. 9. did eat unleav. bread among their J Chr 8 ). I I 1 1 I r b inJerus.9.3 39. drinking, for their 6. had prepared for th< J 2 Chr. 28. 15. brought them to their b. to Jericho I Neh. 5. 1 . was a great cry against their b. the Jews 13. 13. their office was to distribute to their b. Job 42. 15. father gave fheni inherit, among their b \ Jer. 41. 8. for he slew them not among their b. 1 Heb. 7. 5. to take tithes of people, that is of their b Rev. 6. 11. till ... i aid be killed as they wen I Thy BRETHREN. Gen. 27.29. be lord over thy o.let mother's sons bow i 31. 37. set it before thy 4. that they may judge I 37. 10. 1 and thy b. come to bow ourselves to thee 13. do not thy b. feed the flock in Shechem ? I 14. whether it be well with thy b. and the flocks I 48.22.1 have given to thee one portion above thyb 49. 8. thou art he whom thy b. shall praise j Deut. 15.7. ifapoormanof thy b. be within gates 17. 15. from among thy b. shalt thou set king ove". ! 18,15. 1 will raise up a prophet of thy b. like to mi 24. 14. not oppress the poor of thy b. or strange. I Josh. 2. 18.. thou shalt bring thy b. home unto thee I Judg. 14. 3. no woman among daughters of thy b. l&m. 17.17. take for thy b. run to camp to thy b. I 18. look how thy b. fare, and take their pledge | BRI P*al. 32.9-whose mouth must be held in with t i. t 39. 1. I will keep my mouth with a b. '/-or. 26. 3. a b. for the ass, a rod for the fool's back fro. 30. 28. there shall be a b. in jaws of the people Zech. 14. t 20. on the b. holiness to the Lord 26.if any seem religious and 4. not his tongue ' " also to b. the whole body Rev 19.10 see thou do i Your BRL ier 42. 1C let one of y Leo oneofyo*/ 1 ' 25. 46. ov W.llj.D. r your b. ye behold I have Dei 1. 1. 16 hearrtfeau Rom 22.3. ye have not I eftvo ., ■ . and now the Lord divide the spoil oi con. 19. 10. what cause our b. and so wrath 11. deliver captive lave take ur b 4.14. and fight for j our n d . .in 6. 5. your b. that hated you, that cast you 01 they shall bringyow 4.ior an offering to Lor cslhc Lord 2.1. say toyonr b. Amnii, to sisters, Ruhamah "" a prophet shall Lord raise of yo«r 4.7. 37 ). same aftlicions accomplished myour b BRIBE, " camel's! and have Jko.andpe erted judg. I I',/. 5. 12. l.\ Syh anus a brother I h; BRIER a ,,. id-/,, hurtful sort of plant, Isa. 5. 6. To which are compared, [j] An enemy, the Assy- Isa. 10. 17. [2] Mischieious and hurtful per. sons, Ezek. 28. 24. [3] Sins; lusts, and corrup- . . .., , ..... ,.. ,,. „ o .. . ; ,.,,,./ ,,„,, . . „ Isa. 5.3.13. instead of .he 0. come up the myrtle-tree "" ' e.nomore aprickjng4. to Israel of them is as a J. BRIERS. Judg. 8. 7. then I will tear your flesh with t. 16. he took the elders of the city and b. Isa. 5. 6. there shall come up b. and thorns 24. because all land shall become b. and thorns 25. not come thither the fear of A. aud thorns 9- 18. wickedness shall devour the b. and thorns 10.17. it shall devour his b. and thorns in one day 32. 13. on the land shall come up 4. and thorns Ezek. 2. 6. son of man, tho' 0. and thorns be with thee i/eo.6.8. that which beareth b. and thorns is rejected BRIGAN.DINE. Jer. 46. 4. furbish the spears and put on the b. that lifteth up himself in his b. BRIGHT. Lev. 13. 2. when a man shall have a 0. spot, 24, 3. I. 26. 10. and their right hand is full of b. 33. 15. that shaketh his hands from holdin; w 5. 12. they take a b. and turn aside the pc BRIBERY. 15. 34. fire shall consume the talernacles of BRICK. Exod. 1. hey n ,e their :v had 4. for 8. the tale of b. you shall lay upon them .He ,1 ;.,,..'. .... ,,i /, i- 1 0. the b. are fallen down, but wc will build BRICK-KILN. L2. 31 . and made them pass through the b. Isa. 49.11 61.10. a 02. 5. as a b. adorneth herself w 7.34.causetocease the voice oftheo.16.9. | 25.10. 33. 11. shall be heard in this place voice of the b. oel 2. 16. and let the b. go out of her closet ohu 3. 29. he that hath the b. is the bridegroom 21. 2. prepared as a b. adorned for her husband 9. I will shew thee the b. the Lamb's wife 22. 17. and the Spirit and the b. say, Come BRIDE-CHAMBER. tat. 9. 15. can the children of the b. mourn? lark 2. 19. can the children of b. fast- l.„u J .;>, BRIDEGROOM. sa. 61. 10. as a b. decketh nimself with orna 62.5. as b. rejoiceth over bride, so God ove: lal. 9. 15. can children of bride-chamber ir bn 2. 9. the governor ot the least called the b. . 29. he that hath the bride is the b. but the friei of the b. rejoiceth greatly because of the I. voi BRIDLE. s taken, [1] Properly, for the rein Psll.' 3C. C 9. "'[C] l'i^Mianw l : ! i'i strains of late, humanity, or m, people are kept m awe, Job 30. ] iylips,L■ t 6. then the king's 4. was changed, 1 9. 1 1 . 1 ■ ■--- . ... . ..ieasthe4.ofthefirmament Amo,5.20. day of Lord shall be very dark and no 4. ' ■' " 1. his 4. was as the light, he had horns 13. light from heaven above 4. of the sun 2 Tl.css. 2.8. shall destroy with the 4. of his coming - ■'*■ " being the 4. of his glory and image BRIM. : of the priest dipped in 4. of water .wrought like b. ofacup,2 Chr A Chroi ...... a b. ,. aev filled them BRIMSTONE. Gen.19-24. rained on Gom. 4. and fire, Lute 17.29- n,.,.t. 29. 23. the whole land thereof is 4. and salt habitation :U. y. and thi lUv. 9. 17. out 10. the third ;o me, Mark 9. 19. that they should . I went to' Dam . them into b bound to Jtr sous to b. th( b. this young ma 1.19.1 will J. to things that arc not 4. Paul into t 1 to the chief nothing the u b. to nought th . for -why shouldest tin .3.12. my hand with t except thou*. Michal 2. the wicked, to b. h 4. 6.'b. yet a vessel || <■ 6. 19. I will b. you to 1 Chnm. 13. t3. letusi. about the ark of our God Job 6. 22. did I say b. unto me, or give a rev, 10. 9. wilt thou b. me into the dust again 1 14. 4. -who can 4. a clean thing out of an un< 1 : *.o the king of te 30. 23. fo 1 1 n ,w time wilt A. me to death 33. 30. to b. back his so Psal. 43. 3 let them b. me to t oly hill 60. 9. whe 72. 3. the mountains sha uii 9*. 23. he shall b. on th Ptov. 29. 8 :;. 22 shall b 12.1-1. Gr d shall b. eve C™r. 8. 2. I would 4. the othe r.«.7. 17. loi.l shall h. peopl 14. 2. the people shall b place 15. 9. for ..ill A. more i 1(5. t 3. *. " unse )> exe J ut ma cethy •M. 21. I'll ve and'/,'"ui t the'mtak 46.13.14 ...-far. 56. 7. eve them mil I . to mv h r>::. 7. end th..t ih'iu b. thenoor'tn 60. 17. for brass I will I Sold, for 66. 4. I w 11 b. their f . c upon the Jer. 3. 14. will lake yo and 5. y u tc Zion under my body, I b. it into subjecti [■may on my journey whither I mr schoo'l-master to b. us to Chris 1. them that sleep will God b. with h . take Mark and b. him with thee BRING again. ou, that thou b. not my son r/ ; rhiiii. and I'll b. him to thee It, loose them and 26. 20. wher 1.2. Luhc 19.30. 28. 8. they shall Hos. 7. 12. I will Joel 3.2. b. them d no fruit to perfect. + 11. the Lord si the synagogues Amos 3. 11. he sha ilso I must b. 9.2 tho' climb to itionTyouT 06 Acts 23'. 15.' that h ave now caught aan's blood on us Rom. 10. 6. that L c together with spoils to 6. Christ down from above See Evil. UNG forth. O.that thou mayest l.Jtri ). the 1 nay b fort. b. forth frogs Kings 8. 34. forgive and b. them again, 2 CAiwi. 2. 21. he assembled Judah against Isr. to b. king- dom «£3m to Rchoboam, 2 C7«'0». 11. 1. ?Ar«2. 13. 3. let us b. again the ark of our God 1 1 o . . ord I shall b. again to him 2 Chron. 24. 19. he sent prophets to b. "them ng.iin Nell. 9. 29. that might, si /,, them i<~ : n,i to lb;, "lev. I will A. again my people from lb. d. nlhs oi sea Proi/. 19.24. not so much as 4. it to his month -:v,,« ' n 1 11 ill 4. ajaiB the shadow of the degrees 46. 8. b. it again to mind, O ye transgressc" 49. 5. saith the Lord, to b. Jacob again t< shall see w! .12.15.: '" -> 111., Me villi, b. thee as and.2!.(i. I 32. their folds pan the vessel antly v. 21. 14. 4. /,„7/, him belli cursed, 23. 5. 21. it shall A./»«/i fruit for three years 6.10. vt-h.ill cat'and4. forth old. because of new <« -11 . 1, b , / , 1, tin »« ,N rout of rock ut. 14.28. thou shalt b.forth all tithe of increase .,/,. 2.3 J./ort. of the d 2'; 1 l'o4 , 11 lb, ", N v. .c made for Baai £ara 1.8. those did Cyr nb. forth by Mithredath ./«/. 14.. 1. II v.-ilj l.ud ;.n.l . full, leoebs like a plant ,0.,. ,„l„ . ■■ . ; ' wild goats b. forth ? 2, 3. 10. 20. surely the mouu / .W.20. shall b.1 37. 6. he shall/. 0,,//, il I ness as light 02. !l. tbev shell siill . forth fruit in old age r.....i. f„„,t r.,,1 „( th a »T.t, if the earth 13. that our sheep may A. forth thousands 8.+ 35. whoso fiudeth me shall b. forth favour .. thou knowest not what a day may b. forth . 2. he looked that it should 6. forth grapes, 4. 1. saying, I travail not, nor I. forth children 1. ye shall conceive chaff, and b. forth stubble 1. b.forth your strong reasons, saith the King let them b.forth and shew what shall happen . he shall b.forth judgment to the Gentiles b.forth blind people that have eyes, anddeaf . etthem A. foul cln-ir witnesses that they may 45.8.1et earth open, and let them b. forth salvation '" ' they conceive mischief and h. forth inm.uily . and I will b.forth a seed out of Jacob . ;,;,,, „ in noi I ..,/, for trouble all I bringTo bin ™and not cause to b.forth ? 2. 2. they grow, y_ea they b.forth fruit 12. 4. thou shalt b.forth thy stuff by day y people Isr. and 17. 23. and it shall b. forth boughs and bear fruit ' ' 6. to b. them forth of the land of Egypt __. I will b. them /o«A out of the country vity of Amnion || 39. of Elam 28. 18. therefore v, ill I /,. /, ,-rM to the light >':;>//. 2. 2. beloi-r Hi.' ileeree //. forth, the day pass Zoch, 3. ii. I will h. forth my servant the Branch 3. 8. 6. fort, II /■.,/,./ ,7, my servant the Bi curse, and it shall enter the house ilil. a virgin shall b. forth a son, 21 — '- nee, Luke 3. 8 .,! /,./.„' tullni Mark 4. 20. «./iwv/i fruit, some 30 fold, some :h/J*1.31. *./. ason, and shalt call his name.; 8.15. having heard won), l..-i-|. ii, .md /, /.//'- 15. 22. b. forth the best robe and put it on 'ohn 15. 2. purgeth, that it may //. forth more 1 16. I ordained you, that you should b. forth 19. 4. I b. him forth to you that ye may kn ■his 12.4. alter Easter to b. h\m forth to the pi 'tarn. 7. 4. that we should b. fori/, fruit unto G 5. the motions of sin to b. forth fruit unto de BRING in. _ _ will b. you into the land I did sw 16. 17. shall /;. in and plant them in the moui 1(3. 5. on the sixth day prepare that they b. 23. 23. my Angel shall go before and b. thee Num. 14. 31. your little ones, them will I b. 2 Chron. 24. 9. they made proclan Exod. 6 28. 13. e Lord the collection Moses laid o: hall nt . . captives 10 burden on the sabbath-day 2 Pet. 2. 1 Gen.lQ.5. 4. theme ilv b. I RING on, and b. me out of this house. 50. 24. God will visit and b. you out of this In ml Exod. 6. 6. 1 will b. you out from under the burden 13. gave them a charge to *. the children of Israel tmtot Egypt, 26 27. | 7-5. | 12.51. Jer. 31.32. 32. 12. for mischief, lid he/,, ihiin out to slay them Dent. 21. 19. lay hold and b. him out to the elders 22.21. b. out the damsel || 24. b. both u«r to the gale 24.11. shall J. ora the pledge abroad unto thee JmA. 6. 22. b. out thence Rahab and all she hath 10. 22. b. out those five kinos out of the nvi. 19. 24'. th< Psal. 25. 17. O b. thou me out of my d 142. 7. *. my soul out of prison, that I will b. out, and humble ye them lsa. 42. 7. to b. out the prisoners from the prison Jer. 8.1. shall the him, ,1 ,h« kingsof Jndab 38.23.*.»jrf all thy wives and children lot ilmldcuj' ' - 20. 34. I will b. you out from the people, 34. 13 41. accept you, when I b. you 070; from the peopls 24. 6. b. it out piece by piece, let no lot fail Amos 6. 10. that burnetii him to b. out the bones Acts 17. 5. sought to b. them out to the people BRING to pass. Cen. 41.32. the dream, God will shortly b. it ,0 ,■„.,■.. :.«.i Sim,,/,. /,./.„,,,., ,,i tbisj.'iv 10 save people alive Psal. 37. 5. trust in him, and he shall /J. it rnym Zia. 28. 21. and b. to pass his act, his strange act 46 11. I have spoken, I will also b. i, /,. ,™.,, ».46.4 and I w BRINi 1 surely £. thee up agai "if I hav r S a U ",/ out of\ffliction 33. 12. see, thou sayest to me, b. up this people Num. 14. 37- men that b. up evil report on the land 20. 25. b. up Aaron and his son to mount Ilor Vent. 22. 14. b. up an evil name on her, and sa; Judg. 6. 13. did not the Lord b. us up from Egypt" 1 Sam. 19. 15. / bio, ».», the I ed, that I may sla- 28. 11. whom shall I b. up, he said b. many Samuel I. 1 Chron. 13. 6. | 15. 3, 12, 1 ;e I did /3. «// Israel to this day oMvisti up young me hen will I I. then 32. 3. a company shall b. 37. 6. I will b. up flesh on you, ana cover you 1,1 ! 1 .1 Amos 8. 30. I will *. wp sackcloth upon all loins BRO Horn, 10. 7. to J. up Christ again from the dead J. //. them „,, iii the 1, enure of the Lor BRINGERS. 2 l\,„"> in. 5. ii"' //. up "i chiiik-cn sent to .Tel BRINGEST. Jb/> 14. 3. and b. me into judgment with thee lsa. 40. 9. O Jerus. that b. good things, lift up voi, /to 17. 30. for thou 4. strange things to our ea BRINGETH. Exod. 6. 7. who />. you out from under the burde Leo. 11. 4.5. 1 am the Lord that//, you out of Egy 17.4. 3. it not to the door of the tabernacle, y. Deut. 8. 7. the Lord b. thee into a good land 1 Sam. 2.6. he />. down to the grave, and 5. uj ; I ,onl nm lei h poor, he b. low, andlifteth up mm. 22. 48. that i.down the people under 11 BRO , 16. 39. make b. platesforthe covering of altar 3.8. Iv/.iol mid Hananiali repaired, and they fortified Jerusalem to the b. wall, 12. 38. i. the city via. b. in spaces, the people few Job 36. 16. removed out of the strait into a b. place Psal. 119. 96. thy commandment is exceeding b. " 3. 2. and in the b. ways I will seek him 13. 21. the Lord will be a place of b. rivers Jer. 5. 1. know and seek in the b. places thereof 51. 58. the b. walls of Babylon shall be broken *aytl pays .49. z b froi Job 12. 6. into whose hand God //. abundantly 22. he b. out to light the shadow of death ■in. •.'■>. iir.iili b ilie iiiniish.iiciiis of the'il v. 10. 31. them st//. iur.ii w in ti 1 1 m ih 11 1 urn, if , 11 11 11 eU reproach 21. 27. much more when he *. it with a v, 21. he that delicately //.up his servant from a 25. the fear of man b. a snare, but whoso 30. 33. b. forth butter, b. blood, 4. forth s 31. 14. like ships, she b. her food trom afo 1. Hi. the sin 1.11. for as i. they make b. their phylacteries and enlarge BROADER. I. 9. the measure thereof is b. than the sea BROIDERED. Ezek. 16. 10. I clothed thee also with b. work 13. and thy raiment was of silk and b. work 18. tookest thy/), garments and coveredst them " 1 ' hi pi b II put off their b. garments 27. ". linen with/;, work from Egypt to be thy sail 16. they occupied in thy fairs with b. work Si. thy merchants in blue clothes and b. work Tim. 2'. i). that women adorn, not with / BROILED. Luke 24. 42. they gave him a piece of a b. fish BROKEN. Gen. 17. 14. he hath b. my covenant, Psal. 55. 20. lsa. 24. 5. I 33. 8. Jer. 11. 10. iei,.6.28. earthen vessel wherein sodden, shall be b 15. 12. the vessel that he touched shall be b. 21. 19. or a man that is b. footed, or b. handed 22. 22. blind, I,, or maimed, ye shall not offer, 24. 26. 13. and I have b. the bands of your yoke 26. when I have b. the staff of your bread re the 1 5 b pi milgS 7.17. 1 tofhea; and an evil man b. forth evil things, Luke 6. 4 13. 23. b. forth some an hundred fold, some six i i I lesllS /. illi'lil lio .'Ml hi 'i 01 Mark 4. 28. the earth b. forth fruit of herself Luke 6. 43. a good tree b. not forth corrupt frt John 12. 24. if it die, it *. forth much fruit, 15. ')'. gospel b. forth fruit, as it doth also in y, 11. the grace of God that b. salvation 6. b. in the first-begotten into the work II 17. a 5. and the high arm shall be b. 3. 7. thou hast b. the teeth of the ungodly 2. I am forgotten, I am like a b. vessel 8. the Lord is nigh them of a b. heart, 51. 17. he keeneth his bones, not one of them is b. dlbe/j. 1 hast b. us in the place of dragons aones thou hast b. may rejoice st cast us off, thou hast b. us re earth to tremble, thou hast I: it 1 hath b. my heart 6.7. t h b. fort .fort hiy-he/ *. 12. 4 ved for 6. so the people 14. 36. by b. up a slander upon the land Sam. 19. 10. speak ye not of b. the king back, 4: Smjfl0.22. navy b. gold and silver, 2 Chron.q.i Kings 21. 12. I am b. such evil on .Terusalerr T eh. 13. 15. some on the sabbath b. in sheaves •sal. 126. 6. rejoicing, b. his sheaves with bun lor.Vi.Vj. b. hiM'm-ofb.m,,,.'-. /, .seicriiici'soi ,,1.11: Ezek. 20. 9. I made myself known in b. them 01 Dan. 9. 12. his word by b. upon us great evil TJnt. 21. 43. to a nation //. forth the fruit thereof Mnik 2. 3. //. one sick of the palsy borne of four LuUU. i. I,, trie spices which they prepared .too. ifi. a multitude b. forth sick folks Rom. 7. 23. b. me into captivity to the law of sin 2 ( 01 10 ;, 1 11 Ileb. 2. 10. iab. many sons unto glory to make Capt. 7- 19. but the b. in of a better hope did 2 Pet. 2. 5. b. in the flood on the world of ungodly BRINK. Gen. 41.3. stood by the other kine on the 4. of r Exod. 2. 3. laid the ark in flags by the river' 7. 15. shalt stand by the river's b. when he co Lent. 2. 36. from Aroer by the b. of the rive me to the b. of Joi E-.ek.47 .6. he caused me return to the b . of the r BROAD. Num. 16. 38. make censers, b. plates for cove 69. 20. r 107.16. IO9.I6. thathe 124. 7. the sna ■-I!.', rieheulerhihc//. ,11 hc.i 1 , , and billdeth Up "'«. t..i... itddenlyshallhebei.withoutremedy H.tl5.that is surety for a stranger, shall be sore *. 13. , 20. a companion of fools shall be b. 15. 13. but by sorrow of the heart the spiritism. 17.22. but a //. spirit drieth the bones 25. 19. is like a b. tooth and a foot out of joint Iccl. 4. 12. and a threefold cord is not quickly b. 12. 6. or the golden bowl be b. or pitcher be b. I ' ' 11, ' ib I „ !,., „l ] 0-1. be I, 7 ii ivuhin si'i.y.lire •. -.,,--. >ha !l I '.phi-aim be // 8. 15. many among them shall fall and be b. 9- 4. for thou hast b. the yoke of his burden 14. 5. the Lord hath b. the staff of the wicked 29. because the rod of him that smote thee is b. 19. 10. they shall be J. in the purposes thereof 21 . 9. all graven images he hath *. to the ground 28. 13. that they might fall backward and be *. 33.8. he hath />. the covenant, he regardeth no man 20. nor shall any of the cords thereof be I. 36. 6. lo, thou trustest in the staff of this b. reed 42. t 4. he shall not fail nor be b. till he have set hr. 2. 13. hewed out*, cisterns that hold no water 16. the children have *. the crown of thy head 20. of old I have b. thy yoke, and burst bands these have b. thy yoke, and burst thy bonds all j e.ypme ... dndled a fire, and t. . 17. for the virgin daughter of my people is , 28 IS Haoanlah, thou halt A. the yokes of | Jl -.1 lli-n m:i> -abum} •,-„(,.„ „,i |„ A, viil, ll-,vnl .1 •. 17- llU.V ISlllO MMII< Mad /, .imllilMllilt'llI lull 16. a shepherd shall not heal 1 Mat. 15. 37. took up of the o. m CI. 44. fall on this stone, shall hi .'.-»•. 12. 39. not have suffered h my. y,l ,r. the 1 27. 33. gave thanks, whin he had I, it !. ■ began to 41. but the hinder part, was 0. with the waves dice. 2. ?7. as vessels of a potter shall they be 0. BROKEN dotm. J rv. 1 1 .35. oven or ranees b. d. for they are unclean 1 Kings 18. 'M repaired nharof Lord thai was/..,/. '-' Kings keep the watch, that it be not b. d. '-' C.',re«. 33. 3. built high plans Hczekiah hail /,. d. 34.7. .losiah had b. doun the altars and groves Kch. 1.3. the v.'MI ,,l lernsalem 15 i. d. gates burnt 2. 13. and 1 viewed 1 he wells which were b. d. 7W.8rt.l2. wlr, hastiho,, th.-n /,. ,1,,-un her hedges' ."•:>. 10. thou hast b. do-urn all his hedges I'm: 24. 31. the stone-wall thereof was o. down 53.28. hath no rule over his spirit, like a city b. d. Jsa. 16. 8. haves, doum the [irnu i|,al ol.u.i, thereof . -'. in. the houses have ye b. d. to fortify the wall 19- the earth is utterly /, ,/,«■„ h" is dis.vdved Jc. . \. »fi. cities were A. ,'/. |! ,8. ill. aloab b. d. 3'J. /;,(. 30.4. and her foundations shall be *. rfoaro •/>»/ 1. 17- the harns are b. do.,,, tin- rmi withered 1>/,.2.14. Christ hath i. rf middle wall hetwecu us BROKEN /or//.. f '"n 30. 1 30. and it is now 4. /"orc/i to a multitude I r< ich be on thee 1 Chrm BROKEN";. I. God h " BROKEN off. M 17. 11. my days are past, my purposes are b. off Jsa. 27. 11. wh, n l„„;, 4 l,i are „ nhered, shall b. off Bom. 11.17. and if some of the branches be*, of SO. because of unbelief they were b. off, 10.. BROKEN out. I«n 13. 20. plague of leprosy b. out of the boyl.SS. BROKEN in, or to pieces. 1 Sam. 1. 19. adversaries of Lord shall be t.mpiecei ■- CI, ron. 25. 12. cast them from rock, were*. ,>,/■,,; h Psa/.sg. 10. thou hast*. Rahab in yic«j as one slain <■ ■ ,., ..;,le ..e ...I, ill h, „ .,, , 30. 14. break it a s a pntier s -.'essc-l that isb. in pieces J,r .5ii .2. Meroilai h i, A. ;,,,,/',>,■£.,, her images 4.i?i/>. &»• 2. 35. brass, silver, gold, t.tofiea ' Wnj. 8.6. but the calf of Samaria shall be b. in pieces Mark $. 4. had been bound, and fetters been b. in p. BROKEN up. Gen. 7. 11. all the fountains of the great deep b. tlj 2 Kings 25.4. city Jerusalem b.vp Jcr. 39.2. I 52.7 .....■,;.. ,;,!,■ ,.;, .i. .,.! , ;,!■(, .' Prov. 3. 20. by his k ido.ofArnoi JO. 17. lies the ),. J'J. Jl. the. »,/. 4'J. 1. „.io.6./..< hall hi by he/,, i 8. all they hat c »' ,■■:.■ ,. 65. 4. b. of abominable things is in their vessels BROTHER. See Signification on Brethren. /■',;., Q. 5. at hand of e.ert man's //.will I require Ilk "' ?9. Rebekah had a b. whose name was Laban gave also to her b. and mother precious thing! 2. Jacob told Rachel he was her father's b. 5. the man asked, have ye another b. > 44. iy Jmlg. 0. 24. their blood laid on Abimelech their h. 21. 6. Israel repented them for Benjamin their b. r ob 1. 13. were eating in their elder b. house, 18. 30. 29. I am a b. to dragons, a companion to owls u rov. 17. 17. and a b. is born for adversity I8.9. he that is slothful is b. to him that is a waste) 19. a b. offended is harder to be won than a city or every o.will supplant lay defile themselves .'.13. ■n the : 10. 21. b. shall deliver up the b. Markl3.11. k 12.19. if a man's o.die and leave, Luke 20.28. 11. 2. Mary, whose 0. Lazarus was sick 9. 17. b. Saul, receive thy sight, 22. 13. 2. he killed James the b. of John with the sword 20. thou seest, *. how many thousands b , b'.tc 11, . Iter that can nd.andhe is left alone, 4 r "se, ,ll„ /„,/,,' .y,„/ 12.10. /«<,■ 2U.2I5. win; no issue, left Ins wife to l„s b. 1 Jo/In 4.21. hew lo'.elh Go, 5. 16. if any see / My I1KOI III I; Gen. 4. 9. Cain said I know not, a ,1 I my 1 hi, 27.41. Esau said then will I s 0. Jacob 29.15. Laban said Judg. 20. 23. to bat leag -' I'e ,1 b. 28 s«e,l for thee, ,,.„„.. 13. 12. 11 iy //,,/ //. me, do not this Kings 13. 30. they mourned, s /W.35.U. Ibeha ed as though Cant. 8. 1. that thou wert as my 0. that sucked Jer. 22.18. they sh ah,,,,//, Mat. 12. 50. same ter, M irk 3. 35. 18.21. Lord, how ,11 lull / , ' e ilivi, John 11.21. if hadst been here, m I hai not died offend, e J Cor. 2. 13. because I found not Titus my 0. Our BROTHER. ';,-«. ".7. 26. what profit is it if we slay our b. ? 27. for he is our b. and our flesh, Judg. 9. 3. 42. 21. we are verily guilty concerning our b. '..'■ < '■ -hi ill end aurt. with us, we will go ! Cor. 8. 22. and we have sent with them air b. P/ii/em. 1. and Timothy our b. to Philemon Thy BROTHER. 1en. 4. 9. Lord said to Cain, where is Abel thy b. t 10. the voice of thy b. blood crieth unto me by thy sword, and shalt serve thy 0. thy 0. wife and raise up seed to thy 0. is not Aaron the Levite thy b. ? to thee Aaron thy 0. and his sons .. 19. 17. thou shalt not hate thy b. in thine heart 36 B u thy God that thy b. may live with the« _ m.27.13.asAaxon%4.wasgathered,D««.32.50. Deut. 13. 6. if thy b. entice thee secretly, saying ipen thy hand wide to thy 0. to thy poor - 1 - be sold to thee and serve » them again to thy b. 3. in like manner with all lost things of thy b. 3. 7. not abhor an Edomite, for he is thy I. 19. thou shalt ni " ' 27.40. Exod. 4. ' " ab thy b. ? is thy h. they said, thy b. Benhadad 1 pledge from thy b. for nought test and speakest against thy b. ■ into thy 0. honse in calamity Lve looked on the day of thy b. est that tln/b. hath ought against iled to thy b. then offer thy gift Mat. 7.3. behold, mote in thy b.eye,5.Luke 6.4M2. lti.l.n.if//,t/*.tre3pass,hastgainedMj/*.Zufcl7.3. John 11. 23. Jesus saith, thy b. shall rise again Rom. 14.10. but why dost thou judge thy 4. ? or why dost thou set at nought thy b. ! Your BROTHER. Cen. 42.34. bring your b. so will I deliver you^. b. 43. 3. not see my face, except your b. be with you 13. take your b. arise, and go again unto the man 45.4. 1 am Joseph your b. whom yesoldinto Egypt " g. 9- 18. Abimelech king, bee ' ■;. 1.9. John, who al BROT] Zech. 11. 14. might break b. between Judah and Ts 1 Pet. 2. 17. love the b. fearGod, honour the kin| BROTHERLY. Amosl. 9. they remembered not the b. covenant Rom. 12. 10. be kindly affectioned, with b. love ouching*. love, ye need not that '. Heb. 13. 1 to godline OUGHT. Gm. 20.9. hast*.onineandmykingdoi 27- 20. because the Lord thy God b. 31. 39. that torn of beasts 1 b. not t, 43. 26. they b. him the present in th Liod.g. 19. every beast: S.kindn ,ord*.'e rind, the e id b. locu. 18.26. the hard 19. 4. how I bare you and b. you to myself 32. 1 . the man that b. us up out of Egypt, 23. 21. that thou hast b. so great a sin on them .35. 23. they that had purple and starlet //. them Lev. 13. 2. he shall be b. to Aaron the priest, 9. 23. 14. till he have t. an offering to your God 24. 11. they b. the blasphemer to Moses Num. 6. 13. he shall be b. to the door of tabernacle 9. 13. because b. not the offering in his -eason 14. 3. wherefore hath the Lord b. us to this land ; 16. 10. and he hath b. thee near to him 27. 5. Moses b. their cause before the Lord 31. 50. we have therefore b. an oblation for Lord 32. 17. till we have b. them to their places Dent. 5. 15. the Lord thy God b. thee out thence 26. 10. 1 have b. the first-fruits of the land Josh. 7. 14. in the morning ye shall be b. 23. they took and b. them to Joshua 24. they b. them to the valley of Achor 24. 7. Lord J. the sea upon them and covi red them Judg. 2.1.1 have b. you unto the land I sware 16. 18. the Philistines b. money in their hand 18. 3. who b. thee hither? and what makest thou 1 Sam.l.U. she b. Samuel to the house „t the. J.d. 25. they slew a bullock and b. the child to Eli 10. 27. they despised him, and b. him no presents refore en have n Egyptian to David 2 Sam. 1.10. crown and bracelet, i.theml 7. 18. who am I, O Lord God .' what is my house that thou hast b. mehitherto? 1 Citron. 17. 16 1 Kint . 9.9. Lord b. on them this evil, 2 Chron.l.ZI 10. 25. they b. e ,ch his present, 2 C/ewe 9. 21. 7 si tli kin dad md w.i, *. 1 », iiu S/fi7iw5.20.sparedNaaman,inuotrereiv.wh.-.thc.', 17- 4. Hoshea b. no presents to the king of A ssyris 27. carry thither the priest ye b. from thence 20. 11. he b. the shadow ten degrees backward 24. 16. craftsmen the king b. captive to Babylon 1 Chron. 11. 19. with jeopardy of lives they b. it eh. 1. 1, a oi Is, I v. . :', ,', ,,,,,, , 22.9! b Ah .., •. 1 , I ■■. .. ' 28. 5. the king of Syria b. Israel to Damascus 15. b. captives to Jericho to their brethren 32. 23. many b. gifts to the Lord to Jerusalem l'zm U. ill. they b. us a man of understanding 10. t 10. ye have b. back strange wives Ne/i.-t. 15. God had b. their counsel to nought 8. 16. the people b. them and made them booths 11. 12. Indah b. tithe of corn and new wine Lsth. 6. 8. let the royal apparel be b. the kinc ,,set 9. 11. number of slain in Shushan b. to the lung '"■'< !. ' 1,0 iv a a s i . / . ,,, „,, 21.32. yet shall '->■-' ■/. :;.-.."■ 1 Pros. _-.-., jy shall they 1 they are b. to shame that seek mj Jant. 2. 4. he b. me to the banquetii Xta. 15. 1. Ar. b. Kir of Moab is b. 23. 13. b. the land of the Chaldeans to r 29- 20. for the terrible one is b. to nougl 43. 23. thou hast not b. small cattle tome. 48. 15. yea, I have called him, I have < 51. 7- he is b. as a lamb to the slaughtt ha. 59. 16. therefore 1 60. 11. and that theii 62. 9- they that b. it em a spoiler at noon-day 11 this evil on this people 32. 42. as I have b. all 40. 3. now Lord hath b. it and done as he said Eiei. 14. 22. be comforted concerning the evil 1 b. " Egypt together nor gathered n ye *. d blow ., ,i lai Mat. 10. 18. ye shall be b. before kings for my sake, fora test, against them, Mark 13. 9. Lnkell. 12. 12. 25. kingdom is b. to desolation, Luke 11.17. 14. 11. she b. John Baptist's head to her mother 17. 16. 1 *.him to thy disciples, could not cure him 18. 24. one was b. that owed him lilllei en, Mark 10. 13 : under a bushel 7. Barn ibas S.him leing b.m. the apof ties and declared leir way by the church ters gain by soothsaying ai.ues, saying, those men BRO 3m; 1. 21. waters*, f. abundantly after their kind 14. 18. the king of Salem b. forth bread and v. -at 15. 5. the Lord b. forth Abram abroad, and sain !. 19.16. angels b. Lotforth, and set him without ra - 24.53. the servant*, forth jewels of silver and gold 38. 25. when b. forth, she sent to her father-it, -I.- .-.• 41.47. in plenteous years earth b forth by hand!,,;. Erorf. 3. 12. when thou hast b. forth the people lC. 3. for ye have b. us forth into tht .■ tide, 29. 46. shall know I am the Lord who b. then, torn, out of the land of Egypt, Lett . 25.38. | 26. 13, 15 Num. 17. 8. Aaron's rod *./o;Mbuds,and bloomed 20. 16. sent an angel, and b. us forth out of !',;••, , a 24.8. God b. him forth out of Egypt, he hath Deut. 6. 12. lest forget Lord who b. thee forth, B. 1 1 8. 15. who b. forth water out of the rock of Hint 9. 12. thy people ,j,,ai /,. , t ,, 1 ,,,,,< ,1 ,!.-. 26. 8. the Lord *. as forth with a mighty hand 29.25.1he covenant he made when he b. them /„, • '. 33. 14. for precious fruits b. forth by the sun Josh. 10. 23. b. forth those five kings out of the c .>.-.- Judg. 5. 25. she b. forth butter in a lordly dish 6. 8. I b. you forth out of the, house of bondage 1 Sam. 12. 8. sent Moses, who b. forth your fat las ; 2 Sam. 22. 20. 4. me /'. into large place, I'sal. 18. 19. 1 Kings 9. 9. they forsook the Lord who b. f. thei- fathers out of the land of Egypt, 2 Chr. 7 . 22 . 2 King, 10. 22. b. forth vestments for worship, 1 -. ' 1 ' ' 1 , , , I I ■ ,,,,:/, ,„,, ,,i , < ■« tin asei.uM, III,,-/ ■//. ,,,!,., ,»,., -PW. 7- 14. conceived mischief, and b.f. falsehood 16. 16. wh 20. b. thet 19. 12. froi 19.4. their books, and burned them before a 37. ye b. hither these men, no robbers of chi 20. 12. and they b. the young man alive 21. 5. they all b. us on our way, with w 1 Pet. 1. 13. for the grace that is to be b. to you 2 Pel. 2. 19. of the same is he b. in bondage BROUGHT again. Gen.14. 16. Abra-oab. again hisbrother Lot at.„l aood 21. the Phil n. 3.26. b.a ■Kings™. 9. t *s 20. 9- 2 Chroi and b. tht 2 '.',',..;;. 13. Lord*. Vana,=-h n«nin to Jerusalei Nch. 13. 9. thither/,. J «... the vessels of the house /f. 27. 16. the vessels shall shortly be b. agaii, L.ek. 31 . 4. ye have not *. ajam what was driver 39. 27 when I have b. them ag. from the people Mat. 27. 3. repented and b. ag. 30 pieces of silvei Heb. 13.20. God of peace that b. ag. from the deac BROUGHT back. Gen. 14. 16. Abram b. back all the goods and Lot: Num. 13.26. *. *a. and her maids lend he a G*nm. '.'tt.l'i. Lord J„iii. M. they ate. 7 W. 79 0. let mt-rci lot). 4). and won / 10T.S9. 116.0. 142. 6. attend to my cry, for I am A. very A.:.- lCccl. 12.4. all daughters of music shall W /,. I. lla.'i.Vl. upon i very oin- ln'ti-d up. lies!] :ll he/.. /,.; Luke 3.5. every r Gen. 15. 7- « BROt OHT i ■Ol I r, 10 Chald BUI lC/«wi.l2.8.Gadites that could my In* tower nd up for help lios. 7. '."2. in the day I A. them out of Egypt " ':'.. whom the king my father A. out of Jewry "— - prophet the Lord A. Israt' Acts 7. 4 12.17. declared how the Lord 4. him ,.,..• of p.-. 13. 17. with an high arm b. their, out of Egypt 16.30. b.oul, and said, what must I do lo bo sa\ c. StJ.thcy came and hesought them, and b. them a BROUGHT to pass. 1 h in; . ■ iy. 25. now I have A. it to pass, ha. 37. 2c I, .,11 In d shall I, >-•:■<■■, BROUGHT up. J 'xod.\J. 3. wherefore hast thouA.usw,? ? Num." 3?. 1. as for Moses, the man that b. us up. '. 4,thcse thy gods which b. thee a/,,8.1 Kings 12 33. 1. thou" and the people which thou hast. b. t Num. 13. 32. they A. »p an evil report of the lai i6. 13. isitasniallthicgthatthouhastA. usmj 20. 4. why have ye b. up the congregation of Lc Dent. 20. 1 . the Lord is with thee, which b. the 16. 8. the lords b. up to her seven green withs BRUISING. 1 Sam. 2. 14. all the Hesh-hook b. up the priest took E-.ek. 23. 21. in A. thy teats by the Egypti 8. 8. since the day I 6. them up, 2 Sam. 7. 6. Luke 9. 39. the spirit A. him.hatdlv Jtiorti t 1 Chron. 17. 5. BRUIT. 12. 6. Lord that b. your fathers up out of Egypt Jer. 10. 22. behold, the noise of the A. is c SSam. 6.J2. David went and *.«/> the ark of God, Nah. 3. 19. all that hear the A. of thee, sha 15. 1 Kin;, 8. 4. 1 C'Ar. 15. SB. 2 C'Ar. 1. 4. Brute ; see Beasts. 21. 8. A. up for Adriel || 13. A. h/> the bones of Saul BRUTISH. 2 ktu;r l').l. to them that b. up Ahab's children, 6. 17. 7- Israel sinned against Lord who A. them up Psal. 49. 10. the fool and the A. person per 92. 6. a A. manknoweth not, nor afoolunde 36. the Lord who A. you : V , him fear and worship 94. 8. understand, ye A. among the people 25.6. A. up Zedekiah to king of I' J, r.3'1.5. Proo. 12. 1. but he that hateth reproof is A. 2 C'AV.8.11. Solomon b. up the daughter of Pharaoh Isa. 19. 11. the princes of Zoan are fools, iliec JT.-.ra 1.11. all these vessels A. n/ ; from Babylon ' of the wise counsellors of Pharaoh is bee 4. 2. Esar-haddon king of Assur A. us k/i hither <■', !".:.,: . . .■ . n .n , . .: _\. ■•..ii.lg.ihisisthytiodthatA.lhee «;, out of l.evpt 14. every man is A. 51.17. 1] 21. pastors a Lstb.^.7 .Movlecaii.up Esther his uncle's daughter ,'-.,/,. 'Jl..'il. deliver line into the hand of A 20. like as when she was A. up with him BUCKET, S. Job 31 . 18. from my youth he was A. up with me Num. 24.7. he shall pour the water out of y./i/. MO. 3. thou hast A. w/, my soul from the grave BUCKLER f'rav. (>.:>' l. thou I was by him, as one A. ?#/> with him Is a pieee of defensive armour, 1 Chron. Isa. 1. 2. 1 have nourished and A. t V children '■0,1 i, often called the Buckler, or Shi. Id people, Psal. 18. 2. Prov. 2.<7- He will p 51. 18. none to guide her of all the sons she A. up '■-' ';'" ">•"w.2.22.those I A 4. 5. that were A. 1 &«*. she *.«* ! shall Id.,. so„i and/, aodf.llil, ill the earth to bring forth an .mi. „• the horn of Israel to A. BRUISE vl?%\Top\ 5. (4) Politically, break, ha. .t it pleased the Lord tc . as iron shall it break i j. theCJodofpea. ». 22. 24. ye shall not offer to the Lord what is I iinss 18. 21 . trusteth on the staff of this A. ree . 1 ph. li. iO. " BUFFET. 2 Co . 12. 7. the messenger of Satan BUFFETED. Mat in his face and 4. him, I Co, IPe 2. 20. if when ye be A. for you BUILD Sign. ues, [1] To erect, or make homes f'aitf 'lole'anT'll' 1 h nd r" 32 ' [Z] To cement and knit togcthe, did increase Ins family by a num I wi'li build up thy throne, Psal. 89. 4. 1 SlwJl'build 6 . the oil! Taste s'/ZT %!?'*. I,, tb, ministry of the word, to know and serve the true God. BUILD referred to God. ^jw.2.35. I will raise up a pri jt, and will A. him a sure house, 2 Sam. ,. 27- 1 Kings 11. 38. Z'hiau. 17. 10. lliat the Lord will A. thee an house 25. hast told that thou wilt A. him an house ;al. 28. 5. he shall destroy, and not A. them up 1. 18. do good to Sion, A. the walls of Jerusalem 9. 35. for God will A. the cities of Judah . . ■■' A , .1 flrrone to all generations 02. 16. when Lord shall A. up Zion, will appear 27. 1 • except Lord A. house, they labour in vain 17-2. Lord doth A. up Jerusalem, gathers outcasts '. 18. 9. I speak concerning a nation to b. it .11 4. again I ce, O v rgin of Israel ;;" 10 will A lurlali ; 1 this la el as at the first id I will A. you l'."c !3? e th at I the Lord 6. the ruined places ig ill A. it days of old Ma 16 .hi, rotl 26.61. ays,,,/„r,tl4.58. Act 15 10.' I v I'.'.'l 1.1. altar,. ernacle of David Ero . 25. shalt not A r of hewm stone .1. Bala seven altars, 29. 7.5. the e thou sh .It b. an altar to the Lord 6 tlr u shalt 29. G d forbid we reb d of whole stones 1 and 4. m. altar BUILD job I'w'it'h Deu .9. ma 28 shalt A. otdwe in it, ZcphA.U. Rut i4. 11. wh ■ll two .1 d A. the house of Israel 7 . spake 1 , saying.why A. ye not me an h. of ce 13. thy seed shall A. an home for my n; Vines 5. 5. | H. It). 1 C'Ar. 17. 12. | 22. lo! KingsZ. 36. A. thee an A. in Jerusalem, and dwell lX"in;j5.3.David could not*. an/i. for wars. abra 5. 1 purpose to b. an h. to Lord, 2 Chr. 2. I . | hi 8. 16. I chose no city to b. an hmue, 2 Chron. 6. . 17. it was in heart of David my father to b. an ; for God of Israel, 1 Chr. 28. 2. 2 Chr. 6. ', 1 Chr. 17. 12. he shall b. me an/im«e, 2 Chr. 6. ( 22. 8. shalt not £. an h. because thou shed bloo 11. my son, b. the/i. of Lord, as he said of the 28. 6. Solomon shall b. my bouse and my cour 2 Chr. 2. 4. behold, I *. an house to Lord my Go 5. the house 1 A. is great, for great is our Go 6. who is able to b. him an house ? that I shoul 36.23.he hath charged me to b. him an h. V.znil.'. Ezra 1. 3. go to Jerusalem and b. the house of Lor . , kIi.! had, commanded you to b. this house ? C 6. 7. let the governor of the Jews 4, this house Psal. 127. 1. they labour in vain that b. the horn Prov. 24. 27. prepare, and afterwards b. thy horn a. 65. 21. they shall *. houses and inhabit then -Mhy m,,! i. £a>». 3.5. he ha 1 £«*. 36. 10. ai 5'.3~'hew: BUI • . 3. through wisdom is an house b. establi ic houses, I planted vineyards y Dan. 4. 30. is n g. 25. the stree " ' 8. 9. let h t. for< it, • a, b. by so: BUILD EST. Deut. 6. 10. to give thee goodly c BUILDER, S Is spoken, [1] Of such as erect hou ' [2] Of God, the grea, a, he that buil r, &c.2King 66.1 where is the //, e that ye b. and large chaml 29. 5. b. bouses and dwell in them, and plant, ' 35.7. neither shall ye b. house nor sow seed Ezei. 11. 3.\vhich say, it is not near.ler us b. ho; 28. 26. they shall dwell safely, and shall b. ho. Hag. 1. 8. go to the mountain, bring wood, b. he Zech. .5. 11. to b. it an house in the land of Shim is 7.49. what house will ye b. me, saith the Lord > Gen. 1 BUILD. L. 4. go to, let us b. us a city _..d they left off to b. the city n. 32. 16. we will b. sheep-folds ft b.11.10. [3] Of faithful min / only way Z'sah make th,„ ' sup, rstruclitrc vpo I Cor. 3. 10. Solomon's and Hiram's b. di aid money out to the b. that wi to carpenters and b. 2 Chr. 3 en b. laid foundation of the t all things is God altar, El-elohe-Israel II 22. 10. half tribe 4] a. . || 21. 4. people b. an which 1 destroyed BUILDED. G«i. 2. + 22. of the rib the Lord b. a woman 4. 17. Cain b. a city, and called it Enoch 8. 20. Noah b. an altar to the Lord, and offered 10. 11. Asher b. Nineveh, Rehoboth, and Caleb 11.5.Ld. came to see the tower children of men b 12. 7. Abram b. an altar to the Lord, 13. 18. it maybe I may be b. by her, 30. + 3. 20. 2.5. \\xc,\Exo&. 24. 4. 11. sb. 10. in tnat ye have b. you an altar ing much less this house I have b. 4 i. 22. the stones wherewith Baasha had b. tings 23. 13. Solomon had b. for Ashtoreth »1 aid that they b. if this city be b. 16. it that this city be not b. se ofgreat God which is £. that was b. many years a a. 13. be it ki 21. give co Ito/i.4.18. everyone had his sword gi. Job 20. 19. he hath taken away an hot Pmt 122 . 3. Jerusalem is b. a city tt JVa: 0.1. Wisdom hath b. her house, which the b. disallows BUIJ.DEST. Deut. 22. 8.when thou b. a new house, make battle Neh. 6. 6. for which cause thou b. the wall Ezei. 16. 31. in that thou b. thine eminent pit Mat. 27. 40. thou that destroyest the temple and b. it in three days, save thyself, Mark 15. £9. BUILDETH. Josh. 6. 26. cursed be the man tha Job 27. 18. he b. his house as a m ke*. 29. tt BUILT cities, id. 1. 11. they b. for Pharaoh treasure-c«i'< h. 24.13. 1 have given you cities which ye b. n tings 15. 23. the cities which Asa b. are writt< '/(/<)M.B.2.riWeut. 8. 12. .V. 5. What an is there that hath b. a b.h. 14. i| 8. 13. 1 have if hid:,-. •:i-«4. 12. i. the leneila .,,-, and the bad city :=e*. 17. 17. by b. forts to ut off many persons -/„, 2.20. this temple was oriy-six years in b. „«5j20. 4. up yourselves 0, your most holy fait BUILDING, & Kings 9.1. when Solomon iiished b. house of L 1.5.21. he left off 4. of Ita nan, 2 Chron. 16. 5 Chron. 28. 2. and had mad e ready for the b. hall do for the b. of this house of God Eph. 2. 21 . IUi: 21.18 i all the 4. fitly framed together city pure gold 1 Kings 22. 39- the i othain b. in the forests castles and towei . who b. desolate places for themselves le breaketh down, and it cannot be b. agai '8. 69- he b. his sa . . , I have said, mer Isa. 5. 2. he b. a tower i ■ shall be b. up for ■r. 12. 16. shall they be b. in midst of my peoplf :l. 4. thou shalt be b. O virgin of Israel ;2. 31. as a piovevetian fiam the day they b. it Chr. 17. 6. saying, why have ye not b. me an h.? : Chr. 6. 18. how much less this house I have b. 1 /™a 1. 2. the- ua,l-\hatThTLo°rd's e r. n shouldbe«. . Manasseh b. up again high p. 2 Chron. 33.3. /«-.7.31. b. high i>. ,d J .,;,het!|in.5. of Baal, 32.35. BUILT Kail, m walls. K,i,7s6. 15. Solomon 4. the iW/s- of house within ('/,. 27 3. and on the a,B«j- of Ophcl he b. much 3. 14. Manasseh b. a »«K without citv of Dav -h. 4.6. so b. we the watf || 7. 1. when wall was ck. 13. 10. one 4. up the wall, another daubed in. 9. 25. the street shall be b. again and the wo k. 7. 11. in the day that thy walls are to be [4] Thee mad (',. : and f :i ,h 51. 20. thy sons lie as a wild b. in a net BULLS. . 32. 15. Jacob took ten b. as apresent to Esau ........ a , ,.i , ,.i.... ... 30. rebuke the a, l v ,., „ Isa. 34. 7. bullocks with the b. shall come down J. 11. because ye bellow as b. O destroyers . twelve brasen b. under the bases with calves '. 13. if the blood of b. and goats sanctifieth . it is not possible blood of b. take away sins BULLOCK. Erorf.29.3. shalt bring them in the basket with the b. halt kill the*, before Lord, Lev. 1. 5. | 9-18. a. 4. bring the b. to the door of the tabernacle JVum.l5.9.bring with the b. a meat-offering, 2Q.37. BUR Dm. 17.1. not »acrinco to Lord any b. with blenrul 33. 17. llis glory is like ih.. Iiis.'ling of a *. .'11./-. (1. 25. lake tl». vii 1.115 >>. III.- second 4. '.'(i. 1 hi,,-, ih. •:.■!. .111.1 1,1 ii„ ■„, choose „,„. /,. <•:,. I i| /• ,.i ,,i. .,■,•■., :,inl I. ml In,., mi w,„„ '-,, ..■. II ».l !•,!■ ■!. /.Jul ii.i, 2<7,r. 35. :l. It si. .11 not li,. .-, A. „i, v„,r 1 1,1,., \.'/i. 1J. H.l. no b. In- brought 1,1 on ill,- sabhall, irepare a b. for ; to BLOOD. ■J IHJI.LOCK. lli, ,111 go down lo , 1. uighlc r i,!. li,,' lil, mil ,,l ;;',;, Is, ol /,. they sacrifice b. in Gilgal Eiod. 2.3, Vm.18.2 s 58. 5. is 1C7„„„ 12.-10. Zeb„.„„ Zra.30.6.will carry the BUNDLE, S. •y man's*, of money ir isoul of my lord bound Mat. I J. 30. hind the tares in b. to 1 i4«f28. 3. when i'.-nil I, :,.,1 -.'there,! a BURDEN Signifies, [1] A load, or wekht of a what is the «. of the Lord > ■ 1. of the Lord shall ye mention sith ye say, the }. of the Lord BURDEN, ED. the king of Egypt said, get you to your •oil make I hen, n-t Iron, their b. .. I will bring you from the b. of Egyptians, Num. 4. 27. ye shall appoint to them all their , " 'eh. 4. 10. the strength of the bearers of b. decay, 17- they that bare b. with other hand held a wea loaded or ■ m 'J 22. [.Vj I,,,,, 1 | s / / , den, Psal. 38. 4. lleb. 12. 1. [11] 'fl.e l,,di„c The iovrine V commands' of t'br, t ,.r. ,„llr,i ,. burden, Mat. 11. Jo. \„/«»- ,„„/,. the,,, .,„ £j:';"ll5 . U.tothyserva have hornelh b. and heat of t »eday emed good to 1 ay or iter*. ere the ship was t uula le |„ r b. BURD s, none ot er " 1 til ■b. of llahyh 1 III .■lil- 'it, id see ',',f' r \i,!li,|| i; fDar ..M-rgypI || 2: 1. he b. of 1 ■re 11. the b. of Dumah || 1.1. the 88. 1. the*, of the valley of vi 2 Ham. 2. 5. blessed be ye that 21.20. they b. Jehorai e fast eavy 6. 5. 11. ye take from the poor b. of wheat 23. 4. they bind heavy b. Luke 11. 46. 5. 2. bear ye one another's b. and so fulfil BURDENSOME. . 11.9. 1 have kept myself from being b. to yo 13. except it be that 1 myself was not b. toyot BURIAL. halt not be joined with them in ,11 he buried with the*, of an ny dead out ot my sight :hres«. thv dead, 11,15. ythee, in Egypt, 49. 29. father, I will come again r, as he made thee swear 2 A, ,,,..9 /',„/_ 79. :.m!;?'; '|V. l'li." E »*.sg. ,,,1 .1,,..,' 1 .there si //';'," ( ,' 1 ...|,i -. ,, .Memphis shall //. them 1. there they *. Abraham and Sarah his wife, aae and Hehekah his wife, and there lb. Leah 11. 34. there they /;. the people that lusted . Miriam died there, and was b. there . forthe Egyptians b. all their first-born 10. 6. there Aaron died, and there he was b. 24.32. the bones ol Joseph b. they in Shccheni 1.17. where diest I will ilic.iinil there will he A. .4. 12. they took saw the w . J 33 - 16. 4. they shall not bi 22. 19. he shall be b. v E-.ek. 39. 15. set up a 8: 12. his disciple: Lube 16. 22. the rich ma Acts 2. 29. the patriarch 5.9- the feet of them wi )k the body and b. it 1. A. Jell • of Dav iy ol 11.,,. , among kings sepulchres of the- kings lets .'1.(1. the ,,,1111,4 men earrieil hi in n,,,. and /,./„,„ BURIED in. Uen. 15. 15. and thou shalt be b. in agood old age 1 A'/« s .i 2. 111. David was b. in the city ol David 2/w,i r <21.1tj. lljnass, h was/,.;,, garden 01 his house Joi '-'7. 15. those that remain shall he b. in death BURIED I /W,,".vU.31, Kehob, 22.50 Jchoshap]ial||2/w„,wl,2 . . 12.21 . .loash b. ,,„/,,. || 1 1. 20. Amaziab b. u-ithf. 1.3.7. A zariah || 38. .lDllinm|| 16.20. Aliaz A.., >//,'/. BUR1ERS. L'-.i/. 39. 15. shall sel up a sign till b. have buried BURYING. ' ' It, ,1 1 ,11 1 i.nsoii n place ofManoah' ,they spied a band ,,./„,/„,■, ■ith hhf lonthssha d°ay e of°my BURN y body to the A. V .( |lj / h,,i 1 sh ^nation, l'i, 2" '3." ,,"/„',' /,'"/' , ,,"'// ' nted-.euh violent, ,„.,,„/,/,,„,,, I lor. 7 . .,. lo be filled with an holy -.ealfor the s lo,u „f I. and:!,. ,,„„/ of others, 2 Cor. 11.29. [people e/'Israel, who tocre then in 'the fir e° of /,, (,,„/.„,„/ .,„/,,„■ Am glory. ',,,,. 41. lil. Jmlah said, lei not thine anger b. Exod. 27.20. command that they bring pure olive-c 29. 13. shalt take caul, liver, and kidneys,' and upon the altar, 18, 25. Lev. 1. 9, 15. | 2. 2,9, V I 3.5,li;i6. I 5.12. I 6.15. I 9.17. x\k».5.2i Lev. 4.HJ. priest shall take fat and A. upon the alta 26, 31. I 7. 31. I 16. 25. I 17. 6. Nun,. 18. 1 AW 19. 5. one shall /,. the heifer in his sight Josh. 11. 13. save Dazoronly, that did Joshua A. Tiu.27.4.1 would go thro' them, and *.them together 40. 10. Lebanon is not sufficient to 4. nor the beasts 44. 15. then shall it be for a man to 4. he will take Jer. 7. 20. my fury shall 4. and not be quenched 34. 5. so shall they 4. odours for thee, and lament 36. 25. that the kin? would not 4. the roll Ezek. 24. 5. *. also the bones under it, make it boil hey shall si . bullock in the appointed pi ace Nah. 2. 13. I will *. her chariots in the smoke Mat. 4. 1 . the day cometh that shall *. as an oven Mat. 13. 30. bind the tares in bundles to b. them Luke 3.17 .but chaff he will b. with fire unquenchable 24. 32. they said, did r ' r. 7. 9. * 2 Cor. 11. 29. who is offended, and BURN, joined wither. Exod. 12. lO.that which remaineth of it till morning ye shall b. withers, 29. 34. Lev. 8. ~ Lev. 13. 57. b ilioi aheiem 1. pLe-iie is e,,,l, 16. 27. b. with fire their I b ai idun Deut. 5. 23. for the mountain did b. with fire 32. 22. a»,. Josh. 11.6. thou shale b. their chariots with fin Judg. 9. 52. went to the tower to b. it with ./ire l ' ' i'. ill,', urn 1 • -<, .... ill. , '11 I'",/. ,!,., ,, I sal TU . h , 1 I II I 89.46. how Ion- . 1. -...I. -hill 1 hv wrath*, like Ifa. 47 .14. shall be as stubble, the>e shall 6. Jer. 4. 4. my fury come forth like/™ audi. 2i 7- 31. to 4. sons and daughters in the fire, 19. 21 . 10. Nebuchadnezzar shall b. this city wil 32.29. I 34. 2,22. I 37. 8, 10. I 38 . . Ezek. 5.2. b. with fire a third part in midst of city 16. 41. they b. thine house ml /,',-,■. 2; !, Mat. 3. 12. he will gather his wheat, but he will b. "I' i : " • I ■'•'■■' 'J 1 ''... I.i.l, .'.. 17 Rev. 17. 16. shall eat her flesh and b. her with fire BURN incense. Exod. 30.1. thou shalt make au altar to b. incense on 140. 10. let J. coals fall upon them, cast into fi Prov. 16. 27. in his lips there is as a b. fire 26. 21. as coals are to b. coals, and wood to 23. b. lips and a wicked heart are like a potsherd Tsa. 30.27. name of Lord cometh far, b. with ange 34. 9. the land thereof shall become b. pitch Jer. 20. 9. his word was in my heart as a b. fire Ezek. 1. 13. their appearance was like b. coals 21. t:s_l. [will deliver into the hand of*, men 3 flame, his wheels were as*, fire 1 King n 1. Jeroboam st o,!l,, 1: • '■ 1H 4. the children "i-|.i,-„ 23 2. 13. he and his 4. I build an h sons for 13.11 26.16 28.25 29-11- 1, • ,,-., 32. 12 e altar, Jer. 7-9-will ye steal and** 44.17 we w\i\b. incense u ai.'.jn BURNED. Erod. 3. 2. bush *. with fire, and was not consume 3. 1 will turn and see why the bush is not *. Deut. 9. 15. I came down, and mount *. with fire 32. \ 22. a fire kindled and hath *. to lowest hell Josh. 7.25. *. them with fire, after they stoned thei ■ ' ieuse to the gods 34. 25. have forsaken me, and *. Esth. 1.12. the king was wroth, ar Psal. 39. 3. while I was musing the fire *. Zm.24.6.therefore the inhabitants of the earth a", 42. 25. it *. him, yet he laid it not to heart Lam. 2. 3. he *. against Jacob like a flaming i ts 19. 19- n Heb. i. for ye ny brought their books and *. the d though I give my body to be *. jected, whose end is to be *. :ome to the mount that *. Rev. 1.15. his feet 1„ . „ , 16. t 9. and men were *. with great heal BURNETII. Lev. 16. 28. he that *. them shall wash hi; bail] 111 , He I, , , , ; ., , ' ""' : "-" "•- tire !■'!.. the bowandi.cb.ari 83. 14. as the fire «. wood, and as the flam 97. 3. a fire *. up his enemies round abou ' " ' '■:■ i'"' in ■!.'■., 1 Lev. 10. 6. bewail the *. which the Lord kindled 13. 28. if the spot stay, it is a rising of the *. Num. 11. 1 3. he called the name of the place a 4. " ' 29.23. the whole land is brimstone, salt, and*. m. 16. 14. they made a very great 4. for him 9. people made no 4. like the 4. of his fathers . 24. there shall be 4. instead of beauty purged blood of Jerusalem by the spirit of 4. .6. under his glory, kindle «. like *. of fire 2 Kings 1 .14. fire from heaven 4 .up the two captains 17. 31. the Sepharvites *. their children withers 23. 11. and 4. the chariots of the sun with fire 25. 9. every great man's house 4. he with Jim 1 C/uon. 14. 12. their gods were 4. with fire '. Chron. 28. 3. Ahaz 4. his children in the fire Neh. 1. 3. the gates thereof are 4. with fire, 2. 17. Psal. 80. 16. it is 4. with ilre, it is cut down Tsa. 1.7. your cities are 4. with /re 43. 2. when walkest thro' fire thou shalt not be*. 64. 11. our holy and beautiful house is 4. with fire Ter. 38. 17- this city shall not be 4. with fire 23. thou shalt cause this city to be 4. with fire 49. 2. and her daughters shall be 4. with fire 51. 32. and the reeds they have 4. with fire 58. Babylon's high gates shall be 4. with fire Mic. 1. 7. the hires thereof shall be 4. with the fire Rev. 18.8. she shall be utterly 4. with fire BURNT incense. Exod. 40. 27. 4. sweet inc. thereon, as commanded 1 Kings 3. 3. only Solomon 4. inc. in high places 9. 25. Solomon 4. inc. upon the altar before L. 12. 33. Jeroboam offered on the altar and 4. inc. 22.43.people*.;«r-.2/w«i'<12.3. | 1-1.4. | 15.4,35. 2A-|« ? il6.4.Ahaz „c.inh hpla. - -< ,".28.3,4 2 Vlnon. 2'J. 7. put out lamps and have not 4. inc. Isa. 65. 7- which have 4. inc. on the mountains Jer. 18. 15. my people have 4. inc. to vanity I I" i'l a lhat their wives had 4. mc. Bos. 2. 13. the days wherein she 4. inc. to them 1 1 ' ii».-'. i.-.-iiic i[ ,..,'l ',. - r Uii.-e-i - BURNT-OFFERING. Gen. 22. 7. but where is the lamb f ". 34. 5. with 4. of thy fathers the former kings BURNISHED. ek. 1. 7. they sparkled like the colour of 4. brass BURNT. ■n. 38.24. Judahsaid, bringher forth, let her' v. 2. 12. for they shall not be 4. on the all . 22. meat-offering shall be wholly 4. 23. | 8 Dught the gc ' 5. 39. I ih they that w it took the b) had offer Jeut. 32.24. shall be 4. with hunger, and di Sam. 2. 15. before they 4. fat, priest's servant came Sam. 5. 21. David and his men 4. their images • 13. 2. mens' bones shall be 4. upon thee 15.13. Asa 4. her idol by the brook, 2 Chr. 15.16. Jer. 2. 15. h and his clothes not b >als and his feet not 4. || 6. 29. .the bellows 51. 25. and I will make thee a 4. mountain Ezek.HO. 47. and all faces shall be 4. therein 24. 10. kindle the fire, and let the bones be 4 Toe! I.19. the flame hath 4. all the trees of the fi.._ Amos 2. 1. because he *. the bones of king of Edom fvs/i.1.5. and the earth is ' ' I Cor. 3. 15. if any mat Heb. 13. 11 . those bee BURNT, Exod. 32. 20. he 4. the Lev. 6. 30. the sin-offi 7-17-buttheremaind on the third day 20. 14. if a man tali they shall be *. 21. 9. if the daughter ot any priest profane her ' l'l '>'i' ■ -. in . '■ il i-i- . n . -\ am .11.1. the fire of the Lord 4. among them, 3. Deut. 4.11. ye came near, the mountain 4. wither . . . ,.,,1 .!.,. :,,. ,- tlii - -.. ... ii . Josh 6. 24. they 4. Jericho with fire and all 1 1-„ ■■ , in 7.15. it shall be, he that is ,,'.-■ tl he thing shall be 4. with fire, he and all he hatl 11. 9. Joshua 4. their chariots with fire 11. and he took Ilazor and 4. it with fire Tvdg. 15. 6. they 4. her and her fathe — ; " 14. the cords her. e, as n.-.\ ih.-t '.vii 18. 27. they came to Laish; work ■1 iuffi r loss ■,, irl, jut the If in he fire Den, 11 he . in the , the sac il,., ifire, 19. 6 tli.„, 1 ' - -,-.,. 2 n. 30. 1. the A 7. they shall be /.. ,-.ik].-., ,-llye. ' ■b^fire 'ithfire lamb for a 4. -ojj'. ; instead of Isaac .-offering for Cod lead oi b.-offering rag in the place of .. I 7.2.11- - 13. 13. he offered him for a b.-offen Exod. 18. 12. and Jethro took a 29- 18. the ram is a h.-offerin. Lev. 1.4. he shall puthishando 4. 29. he shall slay the sin-offt the b. -offering, 33. | 6. 6. 9. saying, this is die lav. ( ,i t'n „.-,.,, .,;. .; 7.8. the priest shall have the skin ofii.e /.. offering 9-2.taketheearamlbra4.-»(,.l6.3,5 I 23.18. 5. take a calf and a lamb for b.-off. 12. fi. | 23. 12. Num. 7. 15. one lamb of the first year for a b.-off. 21, 27, 33, 39, 51, 57, 63, 69, 75, 81. Ezek. 45. 15. 23. 3. stand by thy b.-offcring and I will go, 15. 28. 10. this is the b.-offering of every sabbath 13. for a *. -off. of a .-offering of every n >nfh „ and the daily b.-ff. lid us an altar not for a 4. -,.//,:„, ; Judg. 13. 23. not have received a}. -of. atour hands Samuel was offering up a b.-offering ■ - 1. and offered a b.-offering jffered him for a b.-off. on the wall 2 Chr. 7. 1 . fire came down and consumed the b.-off. 29. 24. theb.-offering should be made for all Israel *,:/,,,„,.'. 1 b.-off. isa. w. id. nor the beasts thereof for a b.-offering 61. 8. for I the Lord hate robbery for b.-off ring Ezek. 44. 11. they shall slay the *.-„//. and sacrifice 45. 17 .princes shall prepare the b.-off. for Isr. 46. 2. the priest shall prepare the prince's b.-off. 13. thou shalt daily prepare a b.-off. to the Lord Continual BURNT-OFFERING. Exod. 29. 42. a continual b. "/,3,,',,», Num. 28. 3, 6, 10, 15, 24, 31. I 29. 11, 16, 19, 22. Ezra 3. 5. Neh. 10. 33. Ezek. 46. 15. Offer BURNT-OFFERING. Ge«.22.2.ta'ke Isaac mA offer him therefor a 4. -off. 1. 7. go to the altar and offer thy b.-offering 28. 11. in beginnings oi 1 >Jv , a -• - ■•,, ye shall offer these besides the b.-offeri. I. 31. ] 3. 16. if thou offer .«ff. offer it to the Lord he kine for a b.-offering b.-ffrring b.-oitsnn, offrb.-o,. 2 Kinssa.n .will henceforth offer nei 2OW.29. 27-Hezekiah commands '" " and offer up for yourselve -OFFERINGS. . 8. 20. Noah offered b.-oferings on the altar !. 10. 25. also give us sacrifices and b. -offerings 24. and shalt sacrifice thereon thy 4.-„(/'< rhir , Num. 10. 10. blow with trumpets over your b.-off'. ■■ bring your b.-offering,, II, 14,27. e service of the Lord with b.-off. h Lord as great delight in b.-off. mon stood and offered b. -offerings re he offered b.-off. 8. 64. middle 1 2.W.21. ,1, hei-beo, color 1 /w„,m 18. Ili.hrr fell ami consumed tl, '.'A >,,: , lli.lj.dti l hi; great altar bum rt burn r-SACi;iFicV:s. BURNT up. Jiid;. 15. 5. Ik foxes A. „ 7 , il„. .hocks and con 2 /w«r,, l.H.ftreeainr down, and /,.,0-ihelwooau Job 1.16. tin- lire of God hath /.. „,, the sheep /'.>«/. 7 1. 8. they have b. up all the synag ,.«e part of tr, , I ,11 , / , BURST. J™ 32. 10. it is ready to b. like new bottles JVott. 3. 10. thy prc'o'ss shall be /,. with ri-w wine >r.2.2o.I have'/,. tin I Is. /...a. [ :;,i.;:. \„/,.i.i:i. itf«-*2.22. ' r 1.18. hi BURSTING, be found in the *. of it a sherd BUSH, ES. flame of fire in the b. Acts 7. 30. 1 to him out of the midst „f the *. it. 33. 16. the good-will of hint that dwelt in «. 30. 4. who cut up mallows by the b. for meat • l ', rayed, ' 1. God ci r. 19. tl r.86.1 n the b. God spake to upon all b. BUSHEL. Mat 5 bufo° acandlestick, l'/„ ' l.2i\ Li BUSHY. \\ tnder Can 5.11 his locks are b. and black a lU'SV-l'.ODY, IES. a raven 2 Tl ll'c .4.15 kit lot none ,',fyo„ suffer as BUSY, I£U. b '""'-' ccv .«. 35 14. the sons of Aaron*, in BUSINESS. offe ring Joseph went into house to d //,» . 21. nor shall he be charged wit 20 2. It. if lie '/,. we will 1 ur*. '";'■ 18.7 11. 19. didst hide thyself when the h. -v.- h ,i„l 21. 2. let man know any thinT of,', becaus e the kill's b. required hast armel C ' 7 10. and the Lcviles wait on 2!'. n.'m *Tl^ttea™{!!"."l!"'b o % l,,r,l ai~ , shall R, S. sing of Egypt offended 17. 10. b. us and (airland for bread, we be serv Exoil. 21. 2. if thou b. an Hebrew servant Lev. 22. 11. if the priests b. any soul ••"••- — 25. 15. after the jubilee *. of thy n ... the jubilee *. of thy neighbour Mr«'"' II , , f- i'em"ibr money 28. 68. ye shall he sold, and 1,0 man shall/,, yea 11,,,/, 1. 4. b. it before the inhabitants, before elder; '.-abl, to/,, the threshing-floor to the Lord, 24. 1 C/ir. 2 1 . 2-1 ild not 6. it on'thc'sakalh /-.held that is in Anathoth elds for money and subscrib he„:SelvCSViel„als,.i;„,-A,,.:V hat -ell, and //.for art to b. the bride? e go and b. 200 pe !. 20. b. those things that ha. 24. 2. as with tl ,read that tin- , 4. 12. and thou shalt eat it as barley . «. I'.phraim is a c. not turned See Figs, Unleavened. CALAMITY, TES. .'22.T0. prevcnleii'me',,, ,ky ofc'.'A. i J. they set forward my c. they have no 1 Psal. 57. 1. my refuge until these c. be ov, 5. for yet my prayer also shall be in tl 10. 13. a. foolish son is the r. of his father 24. 22. for their c. shall rise suddenly 27.10. nor go into thy hi other's house in day off. I, r. 18. 17. I will shew them the back in day of c. ■Hi. 21. the day of their r. war, come upon Ilit-ui : shed blood of Isr. in day of theirc. eir substance in the day of their c. CALAMUS. kenard, saffron, c. and cinnamon 'ob 41. 20. gocth smoke, as out of a seething c. ■ 1 1 . 3. this city is the c. and we the flesh, 7. tomcame CALDRONS. ,,,]./ offerings sold they in pots and c. bis people also' and spoons took they away, 19- CALF. Gen. 18. 7. A braham fetched a c. tender and good Exod. 32. 4. after he had made it a molten c. 20. Moses 1 ,';'"",',, Lev. 9. 2. tai e thee a young c. for a sin ottering D,„t.. 23. and bring hither the fatted c. and kill r 27. il.y fallie, killed tie- fatted c. 30. acts 7- 41. and they made a c. in those days ifies, [1] To n, m, Ezek. 36. 29. [6] To 1 ,.- //»/,/ .Spirit, or by theii >rov. 1. 24. Mat. 22. 14 ■jm, by the preaching of tin. aidst of se •2. [2]: • 11. [9] _ (in] ■/;, Psal. 50. 15. Jonah 2Cor.l. 23. [12] To proclaim, Joel 1. 14. | 15. [13] To reckon, or account, Mai. 3. ] Acts 10. 15. [14] To be, Luke 1. 32. where is w/rf 0/' Christ, Thou shall be called the S of the Highest ; ?to «, T/iok j/i»/f real!,/ and be acknowledged, the trite, eternal, and initial .Son of God. C:< «. 2. 19. to Adam, to see what he would c. them Erod.2.1.0 es sent to c. Dathan and Abira c. thee, rise up and go with the lis in all things wee on him 1. and earth to witness against yt lA7« ? .sl.28.c. I.;.,,h.sheb ,j,32. c. Zadr,k ..nd N;h1o,i i'.. 52. hearken to them in all they c. for unto thei ift.18. art come to ine toe. my sin to remembrance 18. 24. and c. ye on the name of your gods, 25. 2 Kings 4. 12. Elisha said, c. this Shunamite 10. 19. c. unto me all the prophets of Baal Job 5. 1. c. now if there be any that will an.,woi 13. 22. then c. thou, and I will answer, 14. 15 3. the Lord will hear when I c. unto him 14.4. who eat up my people, and c. not upon Lore 20.9. save, Lord, let the king hear us whim we <■ 49. 11. they c. their lands alu.r thi ir own name- 77. 6. I c. to remembrance my song in the nighi 86. 5. and plenteous in mercy to all that c. on the f 11)2 2 111 tin il <\ win 11 1 , 1 \ 1 1 m n 1 145. 18. the Lord is nigh all them that c. on him <). 15. to e. passengers who go right on their ways 31. 28. her children arise, and c. her blessed' i>a.3.fl2. O my people, they who c. theeblessei cause thee to err, and destroy thy paths, 9. f 16 ■ 211 ,.'«/ I ill 11 , reil go .J.. .11,! ;,,,i„[ , s i 22. 12. in that day did the Lord c. to weeping 45. 3. I the Lord which e. thee by thy name 48. 2. for they c. themselves of the holy city 13. when I c. to them they stand up together 55. 6. c. ye upon him while he is near 58. 5. wilt thou c. this a fast to the Lord ? the sabbath a delight, holy of the Lord 72. 17. blessed inhim.allna ha. 7. 14. simile, his nan e Eim.lanuol. Mat. 1.2. 34. 12. they shall c. the nobles to the kingdom 41. 25. from rising of sun shall he c. on my nan 44.5. anotherf//««c.himselfbythenameofJac< 7. and who, as I, shall c. and shall declare i 58. 9. then shah thou c. and the Lord shall answi 60. 14. they shall c. thee the city of the Lord til () i I "is of ourGod 62.12. ih-y.oW/c. then i the hoi y people, Jer. 3.17. they shall c. Jr— --'• 65. 15. and 24. it shall come, that before they Jer. 9- 17. consider and c. for the mi 33. 3. c. unto me, and I will ans- Lam. 2. 15. is this city men c. perfec . 4. the Lord said, c. his na >. Godsa le Lo-ai Zech. 3. 10. ye si, all c. Mat. 9. 13. I am not col m thy God - Ms neighbor 20. 8. c. the labourers and gi 43. how then doth David i i 23. 9- c. no man your father upon I '. 6, '6. me L. and do not d happy, the :2. 17. Lake 5. 32. !M 4. 10. go c. thy husband and come call me Master and Lord.and y nb!e,l will del w e 91. 15. he shall c. anon me ai.d I will answer hi, / 1 ,,., .... , . I 1 CALLED. Gen. 11. 9. therefore is the name of it c. Babel "" "I. the angel ofGodc. to 1 1 agar out of heavei 1. the angel ■ ■ ji Ben-< hall nc ls|.,il,er m Benjai 1. 18. the king of Egypt e. for the midwives ■har.cforM.2S. | 9-27. | 10.16,24. | 12.31. 13. 16. Moses c. Osheason of Nun, Jehoshua 5.1. Moses c. all Israel and said to them,2g. 2. not exact it,becattse itisc. the Lord's release 5. shall see thou art c. by name of the Lord jWi.21.t9- Rave these cities here c. by name r 'dg. 12. tl. the men of Ephraim were c. together 5. 17. he cast away the jaw-bone, and c. the place 26. they e. c 2 Kings 4.22. s 7.10. theyca 1 C/iron. 4. 10. 13. 6. bring th 21.26. David £sl/i.2. 14. came Job 17. 1 14. I n;.l.l6.ofwho 0. 2. the first ! 3. 55. they sat 8. 2. and Jesu: 0. 16. for man 32. and Jesus CAT, it the well of him that c. or cried . to the Lord and said, O Lord ,cople, they have note, upon G, hepherds is c. forth aga'imt him 1st not c. on me. O Jacob if Israel andc. IV Chl.s- c. Rabbi, < re twelve r. Judas lsc.ari,,; Mark 10. 49. Jesus commanded 'him to be ', "4. 72. Peter c. to mind the word that Jesu? like 1. 61. none of thy kindred is c. by this 62. they made signs how he would have hi /, >" itolh, ,i,,l , ■, 111 I, 11. 26. disciples were ,. Chi isi iaos iirs l.'S.7.whoc.forBarnabasandSaul,de: . 9. then Saul, c Paul, filled with the Holy 15. 17. all the Gentile ill the Gentiles on n m nan., , :o be c. in question for this day's uproar 3. 6. I am c. in question by you this day, 24. 21 . 18. Paul the prisoner c. and prayed me to bring vn. 1. 1. Paul c. to be an apostle, 1 Cor. 1. 1. 6. among whom are ye also the c. of Jesus " — them that are c. to be saints, 1 Cor. 1. 2. 1. 9. by whom ye - ind restest in the la rding to his purpose ec.tofhe fellowship oth Jews and Greeks many noble, are c. 13. for, brethren, yi Eph.1. 11. who are c. 1 walk worthy of v< c. being circumcised > is any c. 5. they al life, whereto thou art c. ositions of science, falsely so c. laily while it is c. to-day hieh is c. the sanctuary ashamed to be c. their God 2 4. .M ,,-es refused to be e.son of Pharaoh's daught. , am. 2.7. blaspheme ihat name bv which ye are c. 1 Pet. 2. 9. of him who hath c. you out of darkness 21. for hereunto were ye c because Christ suffered 3. 9. knowing that ye are thereunto c. to inherit r I I v old be « iil'i -on of God We l.tosanctified.rireserved in Jesus Christ, ami e. 11 .8. city which spiritually is e. Sodom and Egypt 12. 9. that old serpent e. the Devil, and Satan 17 .14. they that are with him, are e. and chosen 19. 'i. bh'v'cd that arc e. to the marriage supper CALLED, joined with God, or "Lord. ",en. 1. 5. God c. lissht d >v. darkness he e. night 8. and God r. the firmament, Heaven 10. Code, drv! aid I'.-, rib. ,h< waters c. he Seas CAL C«t.5.!.God Messed them, and r .their namcAdam /■.'r.x(.3.4.Coil r. to him out ol tin- midst of the hnvh ip. 3. the Lord r. to him out of the mountain SO. th? Lord r. Moses up to the top of the mount S5. 30. see, the Lord hath r. my name- llczalccl Num. 12. 5. and the Lord c. Aaron and Minim 1 Sam. 3.4. the Lord r. Samuel, 6, B, 10. 2 A. .tfr 3. 10. alas, Lord, hath,. those three kinrs, 13. B. 1. 'for the Lord hath r. lor a famuli- on the land 7'.o-./.50.1.I.nrd hath,, the earth Iron, rtsini! of sun /•fl.41.2. the Lord raised,. -imlr. him t.. his foot 42.6. I the Lord have e. thee in righteousness 40. 1. the Lord hath c. me from the womb M.6. the Lord hath r. thee as a woman forsaken Amos 7. 4. the Lord God c. to contend by fire 17. as the Lord hath ,-. every one, so let him wa Gal. 1. 15. it pleased Cod, who <-. by bis grai 1 7V...2. 12. V, hoe. you in his k, mob. ul-,lo, 2 Tim. 1. II, who hath <-. us with .1 boh, calling JLh. 5. 4. but he that is c. of God, as was A.-ir. lO.r.oi'Cod .in Inch priesl al'ler order ol MeU-lii 1 Pet. 5. 10. the find of all era.-.-, who halite. . lie CALLED. Gen. 21. 31. wherefore he r. that place P.rer-shrba CAL ha. 13.1.1 have r.thce by thy n.thou artmine.43.4. 63. l'J. we are thine, they were not r. ty thyn. Jer. 1 I. ,, 1 : 1 lis,,,) / I„ igitn I, /'",'■'/ I I |ll" AW.. 5. 12. 7 nth,- prions, audio,,! aiioatboi'tl,.-,,, 7.10. 16. if I bail c. and be had answered me 19. 16. Ie. my servant, and be gave me no answer Psal. 17. 6. 1 have c. on thee, for thou wilt bear 31. 17. let me not be ashamed, for I have c.uponthee llii! 1. then',. / upon the name of the Lord Prof. 16. 21. thev 9. Uavec. thee from 1. 7 c. thee by thy na 15. yea, 7 have c. bin 2. when 7 e. was titer 2. for Ic. him alone, -Lbecause when 7c. 35. 17. because 7 have 7. 1.19.7c. for my love , i have broi'igl md"b'less,.d'hi'n ot answer, Jer. 7 .11.1. then 7r.mySon '. 1.11. and 7c. for a i.ll. 7. one Ie. Beaut the day 7,-. upo out of Egypt. .17 » 15. 15. not servants. SO.'for this cause have CALLED hy 7 c. for you to' s /.•„' 7 : ,1 he be married, i/.e/.V.c c. nadul 9- 26. they hall h, , . the children She // he CALLED. Isa 1.26. th ilt lee. the city of r 47 l.thou e e. no more tender It an ngdou i2.1h.11 .hah ".Shalt shall .'ilephzi-bah.thyl c. sought for, a city Lnk -l.-lb 1 Oil .. alt bee. Piophetof Toh arf J It bee. Cephas, W hi /.cy CALf.ED. his, a lamabns, Jupiter; Paul, Mert »r«j CALLED, hich teas r. the land of giants CAL onth with her whom Mat. 19. 7. why c. thi good but Cod, CA] ie friend of God Mark 10. 18. Lai., III. 19. LETIL in heaven, do according m ■r. to thee for, 2 t.'hr. 6. 33. 117. I her . ib.-in all I,-, iheir names. Jib. 40. 2 Prov. 18. 6. a fool's mouth c. for strokes Isa. 21. 11. he c. to me. out of Seir, watchman 59. 4. none .-. for juslieo, nor any pleadcth 77m. 7. 7. there is none among them that e. to 1 Amos 5. 8. that e. for the waters of the sea, 9. (i Mat. 27. 47. this man c. for Elias, A/,,,/ 15. 3 Marks. 13. c. to him whom he would, they cam 0.49. be of go,,,! comfort 2.37. if Ilavid therefore c. Jo/ml0.3. and he c tim Lord, £h*« 20.44. friends, saying the God of Abraham f election might stand.of him that r. Cat. .'..::. pels-, isioncometh not of him I bat c. you I The. ,...5.2 I. faithful she that c. you, wbowill do it .Won.b'rfui, Counsellor Rev. .'. 20. .Ie;-..bel, that e. herself a prophetess CALLIJSG ^/"Tw.y f'-'li'-s-. Men ""'- i'i J„,l/„..;rl <„,,,!„;, :„, , „■_. 1 tor. 7, 2.1. [2] That ejlcetual rail,,:-. '.ha'/lUeiec. reby .unners savingly believe, and obey tl, .1/../.2 1 . 1 3. •el, Phil. 3. 14. Ileb. 3. 1. [3] The stair of ■ be e. 1 ophct, 19. 6. t :/, and blessedness in heaven, to lehich be- .1- Hielileousni— ,33.16. ers are railed, 2 Thess. 1.11. / /,, <-... city of in. lb In, 2. use truinpets for the e. of lite asw-inbl '.- .halt h.-r. Emmanuel Isa. . 13 the c. of assemblies I cannot away with ,-. Ibeehiblrenol ll-.J Ham 1 (■„ . 1. 26. for ye see your c. brethren, not many ,-. iheSonoltbelln.he.l '•'- J. let every man abide in same e. wherein called .opeofhi ■I. 1. as ye are called in one hope of your c. I'/nl. 3. 14. lor the prize of the high r. of God 2 Th, -.... 1.11. thai Cod count sou viottby of thisc. lleh. 3, 1. partakers of the heavenly c. consider CALLIM., Vaelieiyle. Mat. 1 I. ill and c. to their fellows, Luke 7. 32. 22. I'i. wash away thy sins, .-. on name of the Lord °CAXM. r am, 22.21 . c.t. a spirit, and stood before Lord " ".«.,* 2.23. c. ,. hi le, MM,, n .,„d mocked him I. <-. forth two she-bears and tare 42 children . 15. their lathers,-, f. out of Egypt, Jer.T.Zo. - - <-«h.32.21. that c. filth of his bowels slew him Prov. 7. 15. therefore c. 1 forth to meet thee e Eccl. 5. 15. as he c. forth naked, shall he return y Jer. 20. 18. wherefore c. I forth out of the womb ? . 3. 26. they c. forth of the midst of the fire ,. c. forth fingers and wrote on plaster of wall 0. a fiery stream c. forth from before him 8. 9. out of one of them c. forth a little horn . 9- 23. the command c.f. and 1 am come to shew Zech. 10. 4. out of him c. forth the corner, the nail Mark 1.33. that 1 in ivpiv.n-b. lor therefore c. I f 'ohn 11.41. and he that was dead c. forth bound 16. 28. I c. forth from the Eather into the world "' J CAME. Gen. 24. 42. and Ic. this day to the well, and said 30. for it was little thoi- hadst before 1 c. 5. which were born before Ic. into Egypt 7. wh( ('r.ui :,.■: Dent. 22 Jod^. 20. -. from nany as Padan, o speak to Pharaoh in thy name c. to her found her not a maid aid, Ic. into Gibeah of Benj. iv=dnottillIc.2C7.™«.y.o. s Ic. to the house of Shemaiah ssel descended, and it c. even to me 23. when hec. andhad seen tin ■_ .■, --i: -■ 19- 18. and many that believed c. and confessed 28.21 .nor brethren that c. spake any harm of the lorn. 5. 18. judgment c. the free gift c. on all mer 1.17. w ■ such a [pow, 18. this voice which c. from heaven we heard 2 1 prophecy c. not in old time by the will of man John 5. 6. this is he that c. by water and blood John 3. when brethren c. and testified of the truth ltev. 16. 19. and great Babylon c. in remembrance '.-,, .>///■ „/ th.: i 1,1; u CAME again. Jndg. 13. 9. angel c. again to the inspirit , J. 12. 21. 14. and Benjamin c. again at that Kings 11 22 tl into him again 19.7.the angel of the Lord c. again the second time 2 R'ingx 5.1i In . 1 h< tleshof achild 7. 8. lepers c. again, and entered into another tent Ezra 2. l.fhese c. again to Judah and Jerus. Neh.7 .6. Est/,. 6. 12. Mordecai c. again to the king's gate Dan.10. 18. c. again and touched me one like a man Zech. 4. 1. the angel c. again and waked me Luke 8.55.herspir.r.oj. and she arose straightway 8. 1. and early he c. again into the temple CAME down. 11.5. Lord c. down to see the city and tower 11. when the fowls c. down on the carcases Ezod. 19. 20. the Lord c. down upon mount Sinia 34. 29. when Moses c. down from mount Sinai Cet>. 9. 22. and Aaron c. down from offering 'Vum. 1 1 . 25. the Lord c. dovsn in a cloud, 12.5. 14. 45. then Amalekites c. down and smote them Jntlg. 5. 14. out of Machir <;. down the governors . . Ic. to Jerusalem'and understood of the evil Isa. 50. 2. wherefore, when Ic. was there no man Ezek. 3. 15. then Ic. to them of the captivity 43. 3. when I c. to destroy the city Mat. 10. 34. I c. not to send peace, but a sword Mark". 17. Ic. not tocall the righteous, Luke 5.32. John 8. 14. I know whence / ,-. and whither I go 42. Ic. from God, norc. J of myself, he sent me 12. 27. but for this cause I c. to this hour 47. for 1 c. not to judge the world, but to save 18. 37- for this can-ec /into the world, that I bear /lets 10. 29. therefore c. -Tas soon as I was sent for 20. 18. ye know from the first day Ic. into Asia 22. 11. being led by the hand, Ic. into Damascus 24.17. 1 c. to bring alms to my natiou, and offerings 1 Cor. 2.1. when Ic. to you Ic. not with excellent , 2 Cor . 1 . 23 . that to spare you Ic. not as yet to Corinth 2.3. lest whenJTc.l should have sorrow from them 12. when Ic. to Ti oas to preach Christ's gospel lal. 1. 21. afterwards I c. into the regions of Syria CAME in. Jen. 6. 4. the sons of God c. in to daughters of men 19. 5. where are the men that c. in to thee this night ; Josh. I. .J. s».18 .1 tbefori lie, 10. 2.10.bowedheav l.lo.tlH-rec.rfuwBfirefroi r. CI. men of Oath erf. to . mdhelayw: « at the door, Ahijah said himthatc. in.Zech.B.W. Esth. 2.14. she c. in to the king no more except Jer. 32. 23. and they c. in and possessed it Jeremiah and went out among people Ezek. 46.9. not return by way of the gate he c. in .', ili, n , , , ■■ ,„ 11 1 n i,i • I, ho .in . , ; it at the last Daniel c. in before me Jonah 2. 7- my prayer c. in to thy holy temple. Luke 1. 28. the angel c. in to Mary, and said, hail cts 5. 7- his wife not knowing what was done c. in 10. the young men c. in and found her dead Gal. 2. 4. who.c. in privily to spy out our liberty lie then •attle i Bri)rf.40.38.wheotheyi-.ii.toiln>.ilnv,ili.-.vw.i-ii..l| Then ( Wll". .Vwn. .11. -111. officers . Moses /Jvrf. 17 . 11. f /««<-. A. mild, :,...! f.nrditwith Israel .'ti' -l !!■■ i.i' ■: ■/ I •■ M"s.s A«<«. '.■;. 1. il; a • il .ii-.-.ln.T-. since I r. out 2 \im. 2. -1. the spear /'. ,..vl!..|i:iiil Inn.:: lui In' tell (i. 20. Michael r. out to inci-l David and said 11. 23. the men prevailed gainst us and r. ml 1 A'./,.'. H. y. when the Lord made a i:o> . nam v. .i'h Jer. 17. 10. that Btek.l.i. awh :«::,. i/„o. 3. 14. they /«•/,. 5.■ even the self-sam .« 2. l6.soitc.«;«i«,l 15. 12. JB i.17.1". .itr.;»M«wbe: "l.iir. lojiass.UKmgsS I i , ' ' / "tli' ' il '... i ' 2 Kings' 6. 2 1. 2 I'/ire:/. 20. : children y CAME, or CAME >/«,/. it." l'ii" l..'nd of Canaan, tin;, •.to the place which God told 1. outofalljudat/iey John 12. p. and they c. not for .lesus' sake c ■lets 8.36. thcyc. unta acertain water, annuel 12. 10. (/my c. to the iron gate which open! 20. they c. -with one accord and desired p. 17. 13. Mcyc. thither al-o and'.plhi'l: 33. -who when tha/c. to Cesarea, presented ] Rev. 7-13. what are these, and whence c. t, Word of the Lord CAME. ■en. 15. 1. aord of Lord c. to Abram in a visi< Sam. 15. 10. moid of Lord c. to Samuel, sa S„,„. C\. 11. c. the u-nrdof Lord to Gad, Dz . . /.":«.." ■ Ci. 11. -.cord of Lord c. to Solomon, sa.inp lti.1 . :.,.,-,/ ,./■ L.v i" lehu .against Baasha,s,,yim.:,7. 17. 2. the worio/ £011/ c. unto Elijah, 8. | 18. 1. | ly.Q. | 21. 17, 28. ' , whom aord of ' L. c. saying, Israel thy name A7« ? .v dr. 17.3 dofL. c. tolsai; r toNath— "" : I: ■-".'.!;. iDavi' ll.2.;r.i./7"..c.loShcm;:i..h,12.7. ""|Vi" M 20.' 30. '| iiX.o!'.D,i. o.'c. 3.a'or/"<:. from Saul 3. he said to him, out of c. of Israel amies .,'„.,„,/ „/.,,.,. ■•/„ IJ V Ml' •Tiirfj. 7. 21. stood every m Exod. 29. 1 ;. £«». 8. le bullock shalt thou t 33.7. pitched tabeni. sought Lonl, went .. ilhoul , Leo. 6. 11. and shall carry I'nrili ..-.lies.. ith„u, ,'he, > in IVion. 5.3. every leper shall be put out without il„ , 15. 35. gatherer of sticks shall be stoned without , 19. 3. bring the red heifer without c. and slay hi 1 do ye abi * Heut. ! i..,i.l,„, Josh. 6. 23. Rahab le ffeJ.13.11.bodies of those 13. let us go forth to h aplac. liv.l with Jer. 50. 29. all ye that bend the bow c. aga Nah. 3. 17. which c. in the hedges in the coi CAMPED. Exod. 19. 2. and there Israel c. before the 1 y plants are an orchard of c. with spikenard 8. Phara. said, e.we findsuch aone at 'J Sam. 12.23. h 1 ,1 il , I bring him back again 19.35.C. Idis cern, c. I he ar voice of singing-men Job 6. 6. c. tha 8.11. ether ish grow wi hout mire ? c. the flag X compared ? c. be likened to Lord ? 28. c. one go on hot coals and not be burnt ? Isa. 46. 7. one shall cry, yet c. he not answer 49. 15. c. a woman forget her sucking child ? 23. 24 c anj 1 I ret places that I AmosS 3 c twn ,11 hi.. it pt they be agreed? 8. Lord God hath spoken, who c. but prophesy? Nat. 19 saved? MarilO.z6.LulelB.26. 27. 65. go your way, make it as sure as you c. Mark 2. 19. c. the children of bride-chamber fast ? 9. 29. this kind c. come forth but by prayer 10. 38. c. ye drink of the cup that I drink of? Luke6. 39. spake a parable,. ' ' id lead blind ; .In, 1, , I . ,'J • 10. 21. c. a devil open the eyes of the blind ? Acts 10. 47. c. any man forbid water, that these Rom. 8. 7- mind is not subject to law.nor indeed c. be Jam. 2. 14. and have not em, 3. 12. c. the fig-tree bear olive-berries ? a vine figs ? How CAN. . :.:„,„ M,, <• 1 go, il evul beer, he'v.-iit kill me £«A. 8. 6. i.» c. I endure to see evil or desti action Job 25. 4. /«ra><;. a man be justified with God Prov. 20. 24. how c. a man understand his way ? Jer.47 . 7. how be quiet seeing Lord given charge 1/ I Si !„,::, e ,1 , ] I I , John 3. 4. how c. a man be born when he is old ? 9. Nicodemus said, how c. these things be? 6. 52. how c. this man give us his flesh to eat ? 14. 5. Thomas said, Lord, how c. we knowthe way ? ActsB. 31. how, CANNOT. Isa. 1. 13. the calling of assemblies I c. away with 29. 11. read this ; he saith, I c. for it is vve.i Jer. 5. 22. yet the waves c. prevail, c. pass over 18. 6. c. I do with you as this potter, saith Lord ? L<„„ •V.I.iec.-ei I 1 I I I Sfit. 16. 3. c. ye discern the signs of the times ? Luke that a prophet perish out of Jerus. 16. 26. which would pass from hence to you c. 1 Cor. 11. + 20. ye c. eat the lord's supper Ileb. 9.5. of which we c. now speak particulars CANST Exod. 33. 20. thou c. not see my face and live CAN Dent. 28.27. with itch.whereof thi Job 33. 5. if thou c. answer me, set I Mat. 8. 2. Lord, if thou wilt, thou CANDLE Is a long roll or cylinder made of talk for giving light, Jer. 25. 10. Luk To which are compared, [1] The by God, and ddirectus,Yxov. 20.27. [21 gifts and graces-.: hick Cud i „,,,/,, ,/ (lee. 37. 136. [3] Toe ,,,.n,,,,e„,u, Cen.-jli.2li l>, t,„d of a family, or Christ Jesus is called the Captair ' ' he author lie In, his Mat. 5. 15. [3] The favour and blessing of jui',/.;;,."^ ott tre " They need no candle, Rev. 22. 5. Light, ' ■ " " '- 'tall have' ik se; God a A- w,th k, 8. 6. his ■o ho/,, ,!. ou/tdee w.d fo hall t e fill t ihalll J.I -.;; II u-illllel.i ii-Ve. it, e f 1 i Prov. 20. 27. the spirit of man is the c. of the Lord 24. 20. the c. of the wicked shall be put out 31. 18. her c. goeth not out by night Jer. 25. 10. and from them the light of the c. Mat. 5. 15. nor do men light a c. and put it under a bushel, Mark*. 21. LukeB. 16. | 11. 33. Luke 11. 36. when bright shining of at. giveth light 15.8. doth not she light a c. and sweep the house 22. 5. and they need no c. nor light of the sun CANDLES. Zejih. 1. 12. I will search Jerusalem with c. CANDLESTICK. In Exod. 25. 31, 32, &c. we read of the candle- stick of gold v,lh si.r benches,' which AIum-s nade by the command of God to be put into the ■abernacle : It was of hammered gold, a talent in hoi; ,,/,,, Il was placed hofshew- The seven guide,, candh iticL ,,,; , u„. , ■„„ . Rev. 1. 20. enlightened by the Spin, of <„.,/ with l„s- sevenfold, or venous o-jemtiom, Rev. 1. 4. And a candlestick may be an emblem of the church, which has not 'the li-ht ir .,,'., :s from U'Clf but unit I Is ufuuhfrom Christ. .1 make coi pure gold, 37.17- Num. 8.4,. 33. six branches that came out of the ,-. 37 jty 34. in the c. shall be four bowls, 37.20. 26. 35. thou shalt set thee, over against the fable '" 24. put the c. -- '' Lev. '2 hall 0: x the la idc. t 4. 9. shall take a cloth anu covi 8. 2. the lamps shall give light 1.1 let us set for him the I Chr. 28. 15. lamps of gold, by weight for every IChr. 13. r -'-- --*»■—-•- -j 6 .. r ■>. ot gold, by weight for every c. st they in-order the c. of gold Mat 5. 15. „ ast the c. -.-,-. 4. 2. I looked, and behold a c. all of gold two olive-trees on tb.e right side of £he c. •■ ' ■ ana it giveth light to all in 3- |1 Mark 4.21. jsacandle Heb. 9. 2. the first, whe. Rev. 2.5 .1,111 . I ', , ill, 1,1 , , ,|, CANDLESTICKS. igs 7. 49. mad' a the c. of pure gold, 2 Chr. 4. 7. the weight for the c. of gold t'aok av tg before the Lord Jer. 6. 20. and the ? CANKER, ED. ' ' <; I 1 el,,, "»• -J. 3. yov-x gold and silver is c. and the rt CANKER-WORM. ft 1. 4. h.ath c. eaten, and whate. left, 2. 25. ah 3. If,. s h a ll eat thee like c. make thyself as 10 thfj c . spoileth, and flieth away bief marshal, 5. aHM To I guide death merited « all opposers of it ■ and puts 1 hem finally into the 111 1 toPotiphar.c of the guard 40. 4. c. of the guard charged Joseph with them Num.2. 3. Nahshon, c. of the children of Israel of the children of Issachar of lb in, A'rf.9.17. 15. tlje c. of the Lord's rKrf£.4.2.c.ofJabin'shostwasSisera,7.1cto«.12.9. 11. 6. they said to Jephthah, come and be our c. 11. the people made him head and c. over them Sam.9.16. shalt anointhimc.over my people.10.1. 13. 14. Lord command, him to be c. over his people 17.18. carry these ten cheeses to thee, of thousand 22. 2. and David became a c. over them "<•■■ 1 2 .1. .1 i< -I . ... !., - , eie, i-l ,-e 1 19.1 I Vhru mof Joab 15. 2. -1, co nspired against him 18.24 will turn away the face ofonec. 7^.36. y. 20.5. and tell Hezekiah the c. of my people ame Nebuzar-adan, c. f guard, Jer. 52.12. + 19. 00k away scribe of c. of host, Jer. 52. t 26. <:h 11.21. more honourable, for he was their <\ 19-18 killed Shophachc.of the host, 2Sam.10.18. 27.5. the third c. Benaiah II . fourth c. Asahel 8. the fifth c. Shamhuth || 9 the sixth c. Ira - Chron 13. 12. God himself is with us for our c. La. 3. . the Lord doth take a way the c. of fifty Ice. ",7 13. a c. of the ward Ir jah took Jeremiah the c. of the guard took 5. c. gave victuals and a rew ard, and let him go 51.27 call together, appoint a c. against her ling. 1 + 1. word came to Zerubbahel, c. of Judah yJcej-5. 26. then ih c v.iih ofhcei ut and brought Heb.2,W, to make c. of their salvation perfect thro' CAPTAINS. £/,.,;.] 5.4. his eliosei. c also are drowned in Red-sea Num. 31.14. Moses v.os wroth wiihr. of thousands Dent. 1. 15. I made wise men c. over thousands "> 'J. shell make 1 oi 'the army to lead the people 1 Sam. 8. 12. he will appoint him c. over thousands 22.7. will son of Jesse make you all c.of thousands? 2 Sam. 18. 5. when the king gave all the c. charge 23. 8. that sat in the seat chief among the c. 1 13. the three c. came to the cave of Adullam 1 Kings 2.0. thou knowest what Joab did to thee. 9. 22. they were his princes, and c. and rulers 20. 24. take kings away, and put c. in their rooms 22. 33. when the c. perceived that he was not the king of Israel, they turned b.i-.i 2 Chron 18.52 2 Kings 11.15. Jehoiada commanded^, ofhundreds 1 Chron. 4. 42. having for c. Pelatiah and Neariah 11. 15. now three of the 30 c. went down to David 12. 34. of Naphtali a thousand c. and with them 2 Chron. 21. 9. Jehoram smote the Edomites and c. ■ " Lordb) '• eh 1 ,;„..):,„■ c. of th thunder of the c. and the shouting r. 13'. 21. for thou hast taught them to be c. 1.23. with thet 1 srandrulers . the c. have consulted to establish a statut 3. 17. and thy c. as the great grasshoppers I;. ,-,:,.. ;i t rod on ■■ th-d ty - vie supper to u: - - ought away c. a little mail i smiti r»«.4S-Bl.Iundn 24. or shall ih • 61.14. ther. exili 52. 2. loose thy* ricd from Jerusalem 10,000,. Csesar. After .-. ■/■/. h, 11 not bring in the c. hither I, ",\ \J,",,I, loi," 'lV HI them c. whose c. they were Ethiopians c. young and old invr. do! for price nor reward inHitv shall be taken awav berty to the e. Luke 4. W. In Eph. 4. 8. Lie led c ..ok them c. held then, last Our Lord Jesus Chris ong thee by the river Chebar again the captivity of thy c. und a man of thee, ofjudah -Rom. 2.25. CAPTIVITY. God generally punished the vices and injidelu hh people by different captivities or >erv ../„.. ■„■„ he pe,, u „!,,l Hen, to toll If,. deliverance of the Israelites out of Egypt, ■'", e_:/o„o.t w, ioo.oioees or captivities t the goverum, , •, < ' . • ■' ;. .,,-,, ,,,,,1. t shan-rishathaim, king of Mesopotamia, which continued about eight years, Judg. " " "■ ' / ■■» 1,15. -, - - of which they ; Judg. 3. 31. The from whi ■ . tered by B The third under the P" ,: were rescued by Sh; i I '<"'.; ! '"' " He a fit, ' ■ ,/: t : from which Gideon freed them, Judg. 6. 2, 12. The sixth under the Ammonites and Philis- tines, during the judicatures of Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon, Eli, "-— The gr \4£ Tiglath-jileser, iing of Assyria, in the year of the world i'Zdi e.ok •■leer',,!,, ties belonging to the kingdom of Is— -' - „ _jy people WW. '.Ml, lie" ,''."'„l' ll'.'i'C ho't,\he 'c .Vjcn,'n!eni "■'-■ 16. for they are gone into c. from thee 10. No went i„t„ ,-. her children dashed Hub. J .17. from them shall proceed the c. of these " nd they shall gather the c. as the sand 2.7. the Lord shall turn away their c. ,3. 20. 6. 10. take of them of the c. even of Ileldai t the Lord turned is, he brought n which he hod i,o pie J. 21.29. he hath *' v " Li ' !i wghters into .. 9eut.2X.l3. he shall put the raiment of c. from her 30.3. Lord will turn thy c. and have compassion Judg. 18. 30. till the day of the c. of the land ". Kings 24-. 15. those carried he into c. to Babyloi 25. 27. in thirty seventh year of the c. Jer. 52. 31 . Chr. 5. 22. they dwelt in their steads until the c. 6.15. Jehoadak went intoc. when the Lord carriei /iron 6. 37. if they pray to thee in the land of c 38. if they return to thee in the land of their c. Ezra 9.7. have been delivered to c. and to a spoil Neh. 1. 2. the Jews which were left of the c. 4. 4. give them for a prey in the land of their c. Esth. 2. 6. Mordecai carried away with the c. Job 42. 10. and the Lord turned the c. of Job 78. 61,'and he delivereth his strength into c. 126.1. when the Lord turned again the c. of Zion 4. turn again our c. O Lord, as streams in sout Isa. 5. 13. therefore my people are gone into c. 20. 1 4. so Assyria shall lead away the c. of Egypt ■ 1 I • II . . 1 -..Mi. .. 1 . I 1 . e, tselv, as good figs, so will I at I will turn away youi SO. 3. I 32. 11 by. and bj q -e, will 1 bring again the c. of Moab will hrin ainther. of Elam, saiththe L. bring again the c. of Egypt ow will I brio- again the c. of Jacob ing again the c. of Judah 4. 1 will* ■,,/g again the c. of my people Child, ei ol ■<_\.\l'l 1V1TY. heard tha childr. d/r.buildedthe temple 1). 10. 1 he rest of children ofe. kept the ded cation ly. the child, of c. kept passover on the 1 arated /.'.".."> I.UJ '1 uhich artol ,/„/,/,. of e.o Go into CAPTIVITY. Dew. 28.41. thy sons and daughters shall ,.„ Jer. 20. 6. thou and all in thine house shall :ek. 12. 4. shatt go forth, as they that go into c 0. 17. and these cities shall go into c. 18. as for Egypt, her dang ters shall go into c. Amos 1.5.the people of Syria s lallgniwoc.untoKir 15. their king shall go into i 5. 5. forGilgal shall surely into c. and Beth-el 27. therefore Willi cause yo u to go into c. beyond 7. 17. Israel shall surely go b toe. forth of his land 9.4. and though they go into c before their enemies Zech. 14. 2. and half of the c ity shall go into c. Out of CAPTIVITY. 1. now these went up out ofe. Neh. 7.6. 8. all that were come up out of c. Neh.B.17. le children of Israel which were come again out of c. kept the feast with joy vere come out of c. offered to God of Israel CARBUNCLE, S. Ezod. 28. 17. the first row shall be a c. 39. 10. Isa. 54. 12. and I will make thy gates of c. E-.ek. 28. 13. the topaz and c. were thy covering CARCASE. Leo. 5. 2. touch c. of unclean thing, is unclean 7. 124. fat of the c. may be used, but not eaten 11. 8. their c. ye shall not touch, Deal. 14. 8. 17. + 15. every soul that eateth a c. shall wash Dent. 28. 26. thy.;, shall be meat unto fowls of air Josh. 8. 29. that they should take his c. down Judg . 14. 8. to see the c. of the lion, honey in the r. 1 Kings 13.22. thy c. shall not come to the sepulchre 24. his c. cast in the way, a lion stood by the c. ' 37. the c. of Jezebel shall be as dung . cast out as a c. trodden under feet S. where the c. is, there will the eagles be CARCASES. when the fowls came down on the c. . .. Mi, st your c. on the c. 16.18. they have CAR •. shall fall it r the c. of Israel before idols ore defile bye. of their 1 Bel,. 3. 17. grieved with then, whos CARE Is applied, [1] To God, (1) In i ■our to please ( 2 Cor. 7. 11. w.tfarc o'f i,ll„i>. and (In ail, anon „/ ,/„„' >.,„/,; 2 Cor. 7. 1'-'. Phil. 2. 20. <3) W Ian they mo- e will and v rorldt ice of Cod, 1 P nlawful, (1) Whe ake provision fort Cjlish, to fulfil of Ron: 13 14. ,21 /!//«« Hi. CARNAL r.l.ifi.s, l'„l„,r:;,r.,, 1 1,, ll, ,/,, fli-My, or .casual. II lis ,pplicd,[l]7» uchas r ■s 1U. 11. king of Assyria did c. away Israel 1. the fugitives d.d Nel.uzar-adan c. away ■i. 20.25. found more than they could c, away . 16. fan ther «.4. 22. hew: ■l)' In .OoiiJ/a tody, Rom. 15. 27. in. '2. thy father of the asses 2 Clan,,. 24. 12.' they hired c. to repair, £ (4.13. hast been careful for us with all this c. Isa. 41. 7. so the e. encouraged the golds 31. the nation that dwelleth without c. 44. 13. the r.stretcheth out his rule, he m Jer. 24. 1. the c. and smiths he carried aw 3. 22. the c. of this world chokes the word Zec/i. 1. 20. and the Lord shewed me fou 0. 34. he took c. of him, || 35. take c. of him Mat. 13. 5.5. they said, is not this the c. 9. 9. doth God take c. for oxen > Mart 6. 3. is not this the c. the son of IV should have the same c. one for another CARRIAGE, S. 7. 12. but that our c. for you might appear Num. 4. t 24. this is the c . of the Gersho Judg. IB. 21. the Danites, and the c. befo . besides the c. of all the churches 1 Ham. 17. t°0. David came to the place 3.5. how shall he take c. of the church of God 22. David left his c, with the keeper of j. ". ei.Hine. vourc onhim.forhecarethfor Isa. 10. 28. at Michmash he hath laid u CARE, ED. 18. 3. for if we flee, they will not c. for us Aits 21. 15. we took up our c. went up to J Luke 10. 40. dost th c. for with CAREFULLY about many things prayer let requests iked opportunity n good works the Lord .12. for the inhabitant of Marol 2. 28. I sent him therefore the 12. 17. though he sought it c. \ CAREFULNESS. Judg. 18.7. the five men saw how hi. 1 K«i<«6. 18. theceda r of the 2 C/,rou. 33. 7. he set a 31.3. Josiah pureed. 4. he cut down the c Psal. T4. 6. they break down Prov.7.\6. lhavede C, SE, S Exod. 5. 19. officers du iW.ig.4. this is thee of the 24. 13. in any <■. thou shalt deliver the pled Psal. 144. 15. happy that people that is in snr Jcr. 1. t 25. but thou saidst, isthe c. despera' .'.< sin J to he 'the 'Lrkof'auee very likeeimu mdermuinil,e Imli, , without ,,:/,, can,,,,. Exod. SO. 24. take of c. 5110 shekels fur the < Psal. 45. 8. all thy garments smell of aloes ; Eiek. 27. ig. c. and calamus were in thy ma .'5. 12. shall r. four J2.ig. Moses r.lal 24. I c. into the S ■on,. j.i.(i. ,„-,■ si spring and c. the salt" in"! aught Balak to c. i f.,v. 2(i. .1 'JA-'/'^w.l: /.i.-Xcy. 25. They c; Thou hi 5. [3] To melt, » I. Jb/,a9.34. 7'// /. /' '. ) ■::;.<;< 1 -li.ill r th ,ur\ ol IliMtl 27. 22. God po 29- 17.1 c the spo i'i «f lils lei.-lh o the mire and ge of thy wrat Pm 74 2 ~'>l;,y rd'en on he inTo thy S sa a nct $ 78. 49. he c fierceness of fa Pro / ah 2.3. for thou hadst c. me into the deen c. 4.7.1 will make her c. off, a stron 1. 29. they might c. Jes 7.6. God that 6. 7. he shall be c. into the den of lions, H Jonah 2. 4. then I said, I am c. out of thy Mat. 4.12. Jesus heard that John was c.into prison "ecA. 5. 8. r. it into the ephah, c. the weight 11. 13. c. it to the potter, c. them to the pott Int. 3. 11. nor vine c. her fruit before time in Hat. 3.10. is hewn down and e. into the fire, 7- 19- 5.2V pluck it out from thee, 3" ■ 15.26. childrens' bread, to dogs,ibtarJ7.27 2 Pel. c. the ; CASTforth. Psal. 144.6. c. forth lightning, an Jer. 22. 19. Jehoiakim c. forth be- Ezek. 32. 4. I will c. thee / 6. 21. ye see my c. down and are afraid 'sal. 74. 7. by c down dwelling place of thy nam 39.39. and profaned his crown by c it to the grour lie. 6. 14. and thy c. down shall'be inmidst of the [at. 4. 18. Peter and Andrew c. a net into the se CAU CATERPILLER, nade the c af said, thou art ( d, both of fowl 1. if I and my c drink, I will . is a land for c. and thy sen 2. 35. the c. we took for a pr< . 2. only the c. shall ye take Kings l.g. Adonijah s i. ifc away of then idling « the r 23. thou hast not brought me 1 1 . their idols were upon the be Jjr.g.W. nor can men hear the v. ailed for a drought up ccob, hU a childie'n S dra Much CATTLE, acob increased and h Isr. went out of Egvj >r I know that ye ha ). Uzziah had much , pare Nineveh, wherei Our CATTLE. our c. also shall go v s, our children, and ou lat we and our c. sho mild sheepfolds h he careth for CASTLE. >ir. 11. 5. David took c of Zion, city of Dav . David dwelt in the c. the city of David •». 18. 19. their contentions are 'like bars of s 21. 34. the chief captain commanded Pai 5. 37- I 22. i 1. 10. they burnt their goodly c. .54. these the priest's c. in'thi . over treasures, and in e. Jeh , 17. 12. Jehoshaphat built in . Jotham in the forest built c ai Castor; see Sign. CATCH. . if fire I. 21. i :. you e w the m 2 ii'»:i;.l».iit sb.illc ■ 1 a 1 J: , .. 26.they laid wait et a tr Tr m 19. 3. and it lea 6. 1. 15. they c th heir , mi gathe l.ri 5. 10. from hence brth thou s .alt c methi CATCt !■■.■ I'll 1 17.13. who cany foi may' L-, :selt, 13. 19. the devil John 10.12. the wolfe . and scatte tl e shee hall be [',".', ';' .: , ,, ;:'; ' ',';:..;: '..:.;, 1,3 3. he suburbs shall b • , ■ - ■■ ! ' .' 1 0.0. li 5. the_Vi.lini.iles came Hi. with ./...A c .5.David fought, and brought away thar c. 5. 9. because their c were multiplied 7.21. ecause thevcame .1, ovu 10 tale away'/: /,- / Psal. 78. 48. he gave up their c. also to the hail 107. 3E let. 49. 7'/,,/ CATTLE. Gen. 30 1 ser-.vd thee six years 'for thy c. £.,„'., ;, 3.hand of the Lord 'is on thy c. m ih? fiel.l 19. s nd therefore now and gather tin c. 20.10 servant novthpe. do any work, Vevt.S.i ! . 34.19 every firstling among thp c. is mine Lev. 19 11. let not t/r.i c gender with a dr. elge Mod a '(.balk of till-- land daaJl he meat for thy c. Deut. 1 .15.1 will send grass in fields for thp c shall eat the fruit of thp c. and thy land 51. h Lsa.30. :;.fiv !: ci.rn shall t i nJ r.feed in large pastures Your CATTLE. Gen. 47 . 16. give you bread for your e. r.,-;-.2ti 22. if ve will not heat ken, v, ill deslro ,- „ c. Deut.3 19. your c. shall abide in cities, Josh. 1. 14. 7-14. male nor female shall be barren among v. c. :• /w', ? 3. 17. that ye may drink, both ye andy. 0. CAUL, S. the c. that is abov Lev 3.4,10,15. | 4.9. | 19. 10, 19. Lord will take away Jias. 13. 1). Mil! iviul the r. rd their heart amid' w.i CAUSE Sistnifies. [11 A ground, reason, or motive, 1 San 17. 2V,. (2] .1. U , !.,„,,,„,,„,■„„„„;, r~„. I'xoi 22. 9. Isa. 1. 23. [3] Sate, or account, 2 Co ainlaiiilheirr. -HI, 5(1. 2 C/,.li.35,3 r. was from the Lord, 2 C/ir. 10.1 will he be a c.of trespass to Israe what e. shall come ofyourbrethr HO. 12. I JW. 18.11 25.g.debi 10.3. for a man to pu Xt/*c 8. 47. declared i 23. 22. I have found CAUSE. •en. 1. 4. I will c. it rain on the earth forty days '.tod. 8. 5. c. frogs to come up on the land of Egypt . 1. 3o.eiicour'a tt eliiui, for he shall c. Israel ti 11. Cod shall clniose lot. his name to dwel 1. and thou shalt not c. the land to sin whicl -111. them will Lord,-, to asc I (ill destroyer 6. + 11. Gideon threshed wheat to c. it flee ,. 13. 13. whither shall I c. my shame to go ? a " ""llby'swVnl. Te.37.7 (i. + r. .,-.!, rV,0.21. f. I 27. yea didoutlandisl make haste to do as Esther said ride on horseback through the ci ie down the bottles o shine upon us, 80 a. wilt r. thiin- i yes to flee .. 6. sutler notthyninmhio l,V sl.'all 1 "hem oH» 1 will ,-. you to dwell in thisplac , 7. 9. c. beasts of the field to come and devc fi. give glory to the Lord before he c. darkn. 11 . 1 will c. the enemy to entreat thee wel K, ...■• in casea !.,!.,■- 1 Inrthi 1 ■< 1, hecallpresi Ezra 1..1.CJ itesc.p ha-h , his name \.l,. i.?. I.ri JobS Jlaili.,1 ni. ,i c. the I have !■•!!'«■ to he ma /'W. till. 12.1 houha. turner to rule m I'J. 14. they have c. Ilgyp ■13.23. I have not c. thee tc ha. 47. t 10. thy wisdom c. 12. 14.whi 29! 3l! She 12. 2.3. therefore rn, 16. cry to be heard I'.-ck. 10. 7. I have r. thee to multiply as the bud 24. 13. till 1 have c. my fury to rest on thee 2'l. 18. Nel.ur h. c. his arm V to serve against Tyrus 32. 23. which c. terror in the land, 24, 25, 26. t. 9. 21. Gabriel being c. to fly swiftly, touched l.ycluv. jl should not have died 2 Cur. 2. 5. but il 1. I , 11 I 1 uhgri dp rt /.■•■ .1 l.Hi , , 1 ■.. ,., an,., ell ,. ■tried,, h.nei CAUSES. E101J. 18. 19. that thou mayest bring c. to God 26. the hard c. they brought to Moses 'ml. 1. 16. hear the c. between your brethren , ; ;: ,11 ih, , ■ ■.;,, n I, , 1 - ! nine. I 1 - I 3.58. OLord thou has pleaded the re. of my soul Acts 26 21. for In 1 1 th Jews ca ghtme in temple Job 30 22. th ■m c me t , 11-le ie the wind Psal. 6 5.4. blessed is man thou c. CAUSETH. Num. 5 18. th r. there, se, 19,22,24,27. fob 12. c. them 1 where ther ', Ptal. 107. 40. rit of unde 37. Ill he. from the age nl fifty years shall r. /«rfj. 15.7. yet will I be avenged, after 1 will e. 20. 28. shall I yet again go to battle, or shall I c? 1 Sam. 7.8. c. not to cry to Lord our God for us 2 l\i,is> 23. t 5. caused toe. the idolatrous priests 2 ('/„■„«. 10.5. when ISaasha heard it, let his work *. £-;■« 4. 23. made them to c. by force and power ■Jobs. 17. 10. 20. 1 . , l v",iay's uld the 1 89. 44. thou hast made, his glory to c. 119. 1 119. thou causest the wicked to < Prov. 19. 27. c. to hear instruction that c. heel. 12. 3. the grinders c. 1 the sighing thereof h; Jer. 1 1. 17. let tears rur 17.8. 31.36 18. let not the I.:ek . 1 6. that your id 7.24. [ will make the 12.23 saiththe Lord, thus will I ma 30.10 I will make the Hos.T. Amos 7 5. O Ld.God, c. hall c. from yielding fru f Israel shall e. apple of thine eye c. CED Cause to CEASE. /. 85. 4. cause thine anger toward m 13. 11. 1 will cause the arrogancy of .11. emu* the holy One of Israel /». r Jer.T.-ii. cause mirth toe. from Untitle 36. 29. cause to c. man and beast, IIos 48.35. I «ill i-,. us,, to c. in iUnab bin, that ofiYreth 26. 13. 1 will I vill CO lewdnei of thy S( Dan. .27 he shall a, '.„, the , .Iatio',1 , 11. lh.CMI ■holler. lb,!,,,,, ill cause toe. CEASED. Gen. 1 8.11 it c. to be * ith Sar I. ,;,,/. ). 33 thunders ai dhail*. ,,,,! rain 31. A,,/,. ,: 12. /,„/_.. ■ 19 ir own d 5.7. t ^andtheyt .lh,,v,,. In, e'l'v 25.9 they l pake "V th .".',"" ,f Davi, lets 5. 42. they c. not to teach and preach Jest 31 . by space of three years I c. not to warn ever 5. 11. then is the offence of the cross c. :. (or ilnn they would not have c. to be , ■.4.1. who suffered 111 flesh, hath ho, CEASETH. 12. 1. help, Lord, for the godly man t 26.20. so where then nielli of la .ways lie v. end, the spoiler c. ickleth down "nd% m not C ' Hos. 7. 4. c. from raising after he kneaded ,l„„gh .lets 6.13. Ibis man c. not speak blasphemous words CEASING. shall pay for the c. of his time houldsin in c. to pray for you ha. 6 HI. hear ye without*, b -- - J /.'■.- . 1 9. n:u„„ , I u.ake mention, 1 Thess anches e lar k d distils a kind of gum. to which different ects are attributed : The wood of it is incor. otible. beautiful, solid, and indiums to a iron,, \.,,r . it b, ,-,,, ,, s.,,.,11 ,,/,,,/e, lite that of tin ie. They made use of this wood not only for ■reed for Hereunto also the felicity and growth tfthefaith- ,'„/,„'. eo,,,,o.,,d l's.,1. ,;■'. 12 2 Sam. 7.2. king said, 1 dwell in an house of c. ' from the c. to the hyssop 15. because thou closest thyself in c. /.,'.,/ 17. 3. a great eagle look highest branch of*. 22. I will take of the highest branch of the c. Ezra 3.7. gave money to bring c. from Lebanon CEDAR-WOOD. Lev. 14. 4. take e. and hyssop, 6. 49, 51, 52. AW. 19. 6. the priest shall take c. and hyssop 1 Chron. 22. 4. they brougbl much c. to D'avid 1 A '/«..., 10. 27. c. made he to be as sycamore-trees 1 Chr. 17. 1. David said, 1 dwell in an house of c. 2 Chr. 2. 3. dnlsl send David e. (o build an house Psal. 29. 5. the voice of the Lord breaketh the c. like goodly c. ;;. 0. prae (.5.15. 1) Isa. 9. 1 id truluiil excellen 1 will ,-u 1 down the tall c. thereof . __. he heweth him down c. and taketh oak Jer. 22. 7. they shall cut down thy choi e c. ~~ O Lebanon, il,,,t ,,,;,!,, ^; 1 by nest in the c. 31. 8. c. in garden of God could not hide him 11.1.0 Lebanon, that fire may devour thy c. CEDARS,,/ Lebanon. JudgS). 15. fire out of the bran, hie devour*. ofLeb. Psal. 104. 16. the c. of L> b. which he hath planod 'fLeb r 1 ,1 , tb 1 Ezet. 27. 5. *. from Let,, to make masts for thee CELEBRATE. :«■. 23. 32. from even to even shall c. your sabbath 41. a statute, ye shall *. it in the seventh month 'sa. 38. 18. for the era ve cam, oi, death cannot c.thee CELESTIAL. C01. 15. 40. are c. bodies, glory of the c. is one CELLARS. CI.,,,,,. 27. 28. and over the c. of oil was Joash CENSER, S. lev. 10. 1. sons of Aaron took either of them c. 16. 12. he shall take a e. full of burning coals 16. 6. this do, take ye c. || 17 . every man his c. 19. Eleazar the priest took the brasen *. Kings 7. 50. made c. of pure gold, 2 Chr. 4. 22. ' C/„w,.2lj. 19. I .-.a ,1, had a, sin his hand to burn Zzet. 8. 11. with every man his *. in his hand Heb. 9.4. the holiest had the golden c. and the ark. Rev. 8. 3. the angel came, having a golden c. the *. and filled it -with fire- _ ENSURE. 2 Cor. 2. + 6. sufficient to such a man is this *. CENTURION, S. 8, c. said, Lord, I am not worthy thou shouldst 27. 54. when the c. saw the earthquake [come Lutein, c. servant, who was dear to him, was sick 23. 47. now when the c. saw what was done , of the c. to him saying, make ready 1 c. of Augustus' band :er more than Paul from purp. the captain iver aieordingto all thee. an. See Man.' If.rod. Hi. ., .\„m. 10. o V. ,,/.13.i: every- day >n of Isr. le children of Belial at „ . c. rate every day offering me, he and *. men of Judah ays, and fasted, and prayed hould be for singers every day them, and plucked off hair c. from Shechem, from Shiloh arried away*, of poorpoople oted and was si.k c. days lu.SQ.S.t 11. 13. the 1 laJJ i i • ..n . Mat. III. 2.1. klll.-.l. '.I I.e.... hVvlK-,1 1... ,. . 1 in Cii* :i ! ,. id. ::n. 17. l.\ S7. >t. Phai i »-,ii,h,M 111. (I. lln-r ' |..r iniml.T Il.i'.'.r.iviMii™ aU, in.. :,■ ii. ..Mnmshed, »h..wi-n- 7. nil) >■.,,, t, D»«.5.7,10,C(J J«(/e 4. tor thei D«i/.lfl. II. if mined by my father 25. 28. thus saith the Lord, vc .-hail <■. drink :;0. CO. king id llahylon sh.-.U" <■ -]. --:.--,j thisl.u- lis Ii t We I.. ked foi shall new it was word o the 1, this was a CERTAINTY. w for c . 1.01.1 will i drive .me y< again to m Villi he c. /.«.i C l.-l.tho mightest know the'r ,,i tho^.- •■■ J.M21..1+. h could not know the r. for turn 22. 30. becau se he would have known the c. \ CERTJI'Y, 1F.D. 2 iom. 15.28.1 1 there come word from you to c vEm 4. 14. th 16. wee. the you to impose no toll on the Lev rj//,.c'.22.'i;' 5 i Cat. 1.11. 1 e CHAFED. re compared. (1) ie thee this day from thy c. -. fell off from his hands CHALCEDONY. . 19. the third foundation was CHALK-STONES. 9. he n.aketh all the stones of th CHALLENGE HI. CHAMBER 4:1. 30. Dan. 6. 10. [2] ' to Cod In, faith, ')o,.:„:r. and repentance, for pro- ers in wait abiding in thee. 12 /', ;■. '-'4. ' meat into the c. that 1 mar eat /., //, .ml lor lobiah a great c. >e household stuff out of the c. tie . 35. 2 te c. cometh the whirlwind l,e .lot 17. 12 ft e book in the c. of Gemariah lsa 9. 10. (>/,«■-(. IIA.M I'.l.lis. . and he overlaid the .,,.,«/■., . the u), r cr.c. were shorter ! CHAMBERING. ( IIA.M I' LAIN, S. It stus the king's c. th irSnd ' om 16 23. El astus, e. of the city, CHAMOIS. salateth you ~>eu n 5.thes e ye shall eat, wild CHAMPAIGN. dwell 1.1 the cover a x and the c. gainst Gilgal 1,1. CHAMPION. Sa m. 17.4. t 51 wh en the CHANCE. c. was dead Co Sa ,,.( . 37. it 9. it v may c . of wheat or CHANCE, as a c. that happene dtous u-l V ime and c . happenet nount Gilboa to them all yen 10 31. by c. a priest came dot CHANCETH. cleanness that c. hio I1ANCELLOH. 1 by night ing sent answer to E ehum the c. :HANGEABLE. J. Lord CHANGE, S. ' ts of apparel 27. 33. hot it and the c, thereof shall be holy 12. 1 will give you thirty c. of raiment u shall oi 10. il 14. 14. all i.iv days will I wait til my c. come c. of the law r. it, if he c. CHA i Eiod. 6. 13. the Lord gave Mi 55. if the plag 1 &i»i.Cl. 13. In S&m.l2.20.Dav l. thus they r. iheir "lory I 15. that no decree the king established ma > 1, Mr. 2. 4. lie hath c the portion of my people -drtj 28. fi. the barbarians r. their minds, and : Horn. 1. 23. <-. the glory of the uncorruptible < 3 Cur. 15. 51 . not all sleep, but we shall all be c. ablcs of money-c. /l/«r 15. John". CHANGES Gen. 2 k, give U. n e "pr-iy'l hit wo7.'o°f f qa 23 bound t vd c. of gar Job 1 Psal 55. 19. C11AN( noc. they f Ruth *.7.thi srael concer C1IANN el, 2 Ha, .!,■!, :, .22.16 I'myantw" ... a'red, Psal. 27. 2. the Lord shall bea si ■ ,1 .',1 11 CIIAl'll :k. Erorf 36.38. he overlaid their c .with gold, 38. 7. the ■erlaying of /■■ merchants brought g laid to his c. worthy of deail shall lavanvthiNgtor.ofGod'se ake the gospel of Christ wiihou e thincs ■•iie in charge! I 7V«/. 1. 3. r. that they leach no other doctrine 5.2 1 . Ic.lhee before God and Jes.Christ, 2 7 ',.,, 1.1. CHA c. of silver w« 111 safely Gen. 46. 29. r. of the wood of Lebanon CHARGED. if the guard <-. Joseph w 43. 17. who bringeih forth the c. and liorse Jer. 51. 21. will 1 break in nieces the c. and Mic. 1. 13. bind the c. to the swift beast ZccIl. 6. 2. first c. red horses, secontl c. black h 9. 10. 1 will cut off the c. from Ephraim Acts 8. 29. said, go near and join thyself to his 38. he commanded the c. to stand still His CHARIOT. Gen. 46. 29. Joseph made ready his c. and we Exod. 14.6. Pharaoh made ready his c. and 1006 Ji'iig. 4. 15. Sisera lighted off Itis c. and fled aw 5. 28. wh v is his c. so long in coming r why la rry 1 kin;, 12.18.kiugmadespeedto/m<-.2C/,r.l 22.34. he said toihe driver of liisc. turn thy 35. Ahab was stayed up in his c. and died at ime with his c. and too. 1 alter sahbul I , ,,h-i 1 ad foolishly C1IA RIOT-MAN. . 4. Pharaoh's c. and host hath hi 9. for the horse of Pharaoh went i //. 17.16. have c. of irou, 18. Jndg, ' ? . 4 15. Lord discomfited Sisera CHE irlosed Beujaniites and c. them CHE CHEER. Deut. 24. 5. anil shall r. up his wife he hath taken Eccl. 11. (J. let thy Immi-i r. tin ■<■ in days of thy youth II.ig.Q.' Eioi. 1 1 Am; • 'JO 50.37. 'jii 7. '. 3[>.2o.s A,,',. 3. ' ;/.,/,. 3.1: /e« B . is 1. no n :.n :■■.;,- il *-H t n a k i is «. pen ciple ,f ,„.~.,.ili,,. i, /,„■/, ,,;.,,, ',., 1, 4.3.1. 10 he isc als will pa ., on hi. .„/.,;,, i ul with la 3 U. all l.,vl... ,,!., IB. 18. I ...7.H:) ordhatt ,l,..,.:h yil iiV 1 E ,!"' ,1".'' CIIAST \ 1 s 11 INC. ntf. 8. 5. is .. ma so ill.- Lord 'eZ7t; is' sorry Jo'r'lL "!,'„ ," ./ "oil ■', 14. l! follow after c. and desire spiritual gifts ! W.' 3. 14. above all these things put on <•.' !V/u ,,. . ■;.(',. i„ ought -ood tiding of your faith and 1 3 John ii. strangers who have borne witness of thy c. Jiu/e 12. these arc spots in vour feasts of c. Rev. 2. 19. I know thy work's, and c. and service CHARMED. Jer.B.17. I will send s,,p,nis which will not be e. CHARMER, S. Vein. 18. 11. there shall not be found among von a c VW.58. 5. not hearken to the voice ofc. charming t not hearken to c. be the c. never so cunning " CHA^E. Lev. 26. 7. ye shall c. your enemies, and they fall 8. and five of you shall c. an hundred 36. and the sound of a shaking leaf shall c. them Vc.-t. 32. 30. how should one c. 1000. Josh. 23. 10. P,,il. 13. 3. let the angel of the Lord c. them CHASED, ETH, IKG '... .-. 20. 2H. I 'J fin. 22. 111. A';//;» 12.11. 1 Kings 15 Ps. 94. 10. Amos 6.5. they Isa. 38. 14. life Ezek. 29. ttseemstobejoyous.but I IASTISE. you seven times for your •. him, and release hiir riSED, ETH. ade with heavy yoke ; father CHERISH. < Hi.nisiii';i). the damsel was fair, CHERISHETH. innid% a %ct, Dut c. then are ye bastards, not sot CHANT. .to the sound of the viol and inve: CHATTER. CHAWS. I will put hook Cheabful ; see Ch CHECK. CHECKER-WORK. A7«m7.17. Hiram made nets of cm. CHEEK. Kings 22. 24. Zedekiah smote Micai said, which way Spirit of Lord, 2 C. Eight CHEEK. lite thee on thy right c. CHEEK-BONE. Deut. 18. 3. shall gi CHEEK-TEETH. Exod. 25. 19. make .,'£W. 2 on the otl rode upon a c. I 211. il. thou art the anointed c. that covereth ■J I lo\ I .otween ac. and ac. every c. hud 1 .... fsc s CHERUBIMS. 'w/i... r,. 23. within the oral 15. both the c. were of one n II 1,1 III most holy place le niadl two r. 5. the s sn the c tinted, : 1.22. ,/,, 1 UKRUBIMS. neet thee from he 9. from 2 &w>, 6. 2. 2 Kings 19. 5. £« 37-16. CHI Psal. 80. 1. that dwelleth between the c. shine fort 99. 1. he sitteth between the c. let earth be move Ezek. 10.2. fill with coals of fire from ben. cm tin- , 7. hand from brtwcmc to fin- that rafa,T,M, CHESNUT-TREE, S. Gen. 30. 37. and Jacob took him rods of c.-tree J' 31. 8. the c-mr.i -were nol like Ins branchi CHEST, S. 2 A'mji 12. 9. .lehoiada took c. and bored hole in lid 2 C'hr'n. 8. .11 kin?'* cainmRiidment they m.-ide r. 11. high-priest's officer came, and emptied the c. E-..-L 27. 21. thy merchants in c. of rich apparel CHEW. £ro.ll.4.not eatof them that c. the cud, . CHEWED. JVkim.11. 33. ere the flesh w is r wrath knelled CHEWETII. Z«». 11. 4. because he c. the cud, 5, 6. Dent. 14. 6. 7. yet the swine c. not the cud, Dent. 14. 8. CHICKENS. Mat. 23.37 . gathered even as a hen gatbereth her c. CHIDE. Esod. 17. 2. the people did c. why c . you with me ' Judg.8. 1. the men of Ephraim didc. w nh Gideon Psal. 103. 9- he will not always c. nor keep anger CHIDING. Ezod. 17. 7. called Meribab, because of c. of Israel CHIEF is, [1] The principal person of a fan arc -nl, 1. 15. 1 tribe, in , &c. Nun 2 Sam. 5. 8 3. 3 : Gen. 37. + 36. they s 40. 9. the c. butler 22. but hanged the e, Ezra Q. 2. [8] Most butler to his o'joseph tlership again i. 27. 5. Benaiah a c. priest was third capt. ' anointed Zadok to be c. priest Azariah the c. priest looked on 4. then I separated tv ade the c. pi ' tidsuffe titude with st was accused mocking with sc and all Israel to . . . these -were c. priests in days of Joshua (.16. 21. and suffer many things of the c. priests used of c. -j death, 55. Mo Iatke 23. 23. Johnl. 32. c >f then-, 6. 59. J s, Hark 15.31. dm and put him e -9.22. | 22. 2. in this Job 12. 24. he taketh away heart of c. of people 29. 25. I chose out their way, and sat c. dwelt 40. 19. behemoth is the c. of the ways of God Psal. 78. 51. he smote c. ot their strength. 105. 36. 137. 6. ifl prefer not Jeru: "" Wisdom crieth >r had made c.part of Isa. 14. 9- he stirreth Jer. 13.21. thou hast 31. 7- sing and shout 1 50. + 36. a - 51. + 59- this Seraiah ». 2. +14. Daniel an with all the c. aught them as , c. of children of Ammon arked how they chose the c. Is 14. 12. because Paul was the c. .4. some believed, and of c. worn «.2.20.Jesus Christthe c.corner-sto «.5.4.when c. Shepherd shall appear CHIEF captain. am. 5. 8. who smiteth he shall be c. 1.10.' 13. Michaf CHIEF he c. p. and council to appear i J ; :.i I lie ( />' ' of. 1 slier, c. of the princ rince of Mesech, 3. | 39. Hub. 3. 19. to the c. singer on CHIEFEST. 1 Sam. 2.29. to make yourselves mel made them sit i ,anEdomite,c.ofth 33. Hezekiah buried who will be c. sh. 1.7. Doeg CHIEF captains. 1.23.8. Adino the Tachmonite sate, among cap t. on. 27. 3. c. of all the captains for first month 2 Cor. 11. 5. not CHIEFLY. 'Ml. 4. 22. c . of they that are of Cesar's Pet. 2. 10. but c. them that walk after ignifies, [1] One young in years, 1 Sat [2] One weak in knowledge, Isa. 10. 1C 2. 13. ' [4] S / remain in darkness: the children of the ki child, though he was at least sixteen yean , Gen. 37. 30. and Benjamin of the age of ab thirty, is still called a little child, Gen. 44. children given them, Isa. 65. 20. The child si die an hundred years old ; that is, men shall 5N, or Sons of God. By this name c etimes described, as,3ohl. 6. ) 2.1,'. ves before the Lord. Good men, in op- 12. I. | 57. 4. But very often, bu sons of men, Uiidarc to be umhrnood, i. i/hout am, odious m, as, Psal. 8. 4. "What is the son of man, tha ■:,l.-i .lS.Hagarcastthe c. under one of the shrubs 16. 37. 3 J. the c. is not, ami I , whither shall I go '. 2. spake I not, do not sin against the c. ? Ezod. 2. 8. the maid went, and called the (-.mother . ye shall not afflict any fatherless c. 1. 34. Jephthah's daughter was his only c. 13.8 and teach us what we shall do to the c. 15. Lord struck the c. that k'nah's- 16. David therefore besought God fo 19- David perceived that the c. was g h i 25 k-i 1" il'iie, these il of th 4.31. he told 2: 13. withhold Eccl. 4. 8. yea, he hath neither c. 15. with second c. that shall stand Tsa.3. 5. the c. shall behave hims 7. 16. for before the c. shall know tc 8. 4. before the c. shall know to ( 1 1 . 8. the weaned c. put his hand or 65. 20. the e. shall di !0. is Ephraim my '. to cut off from W.21. the I". eeik inn , pleas.., shall deliver the c. to death red from that very hour twofold more the c. of hell Lukel.5g. on eiahth day they came to circumcise r. 6C. savins, what manner 'of c. shall this be .' 76. thou c .shalt be called Prophet of the 1 1 i,hest 80. the c. grew, and waxed strong in spirit, 2. 40. '. 27. when the parents brou«ht in the c. Jesus I. 38. Master, look on my son, he is my only c. Ezod. 2. 5 8. Samuel, ac . '-hall l.e'bori, -inledw' i ,- e.-llhhe - ol Dav 22. 6. tram 15. foolisht 29. 15. but c fresher than a c. lown by his doings vay he should go 1 the heart of a c. 1 to thee, O land, when thy king is a c. s shall be few, that a c. may write them hold I cannot speak, for 1 am a c. 1. vhen Israel was a c. then 1 loved him c. and set him in the midst, Luke 9. 47 . understood as a c. I thought as a c. j, the heir as long as he is a c .d i iTcv; not AY, . IS. 5. »h Mark 10.15.U In. so. -\ it shall uiil receive Ihe kiliKdom of God as a tittle c. shall not enter it, Luke 1 Vo (MILD. . clcavcth to the rocif M.ig.woetol suck in the Lute 2.5. to be CHILDISH. 16 . IS. 11 when a man, ] put av CHILDLESS. ay c. th Gen Lev. 15.2,-w hat wilt thou give me, s yshall bear their sin, th T'h'lN .. 1... ;-,. Samuel said, as thy sw Jer. 22. 30. s lith the Lord, write yo 1 this in Luk 20.30. the second took her tow CHILDREN. Gen 3. 16. i sorrow shalt thou bri g forth 16. IVVnT . struggled together w hinder 11 29 bcame into land of the 30 ael said to Jacob, give '.. Ihe <• which God hath give Y'i '-' 49 8. thy f ither's c. shall bow dow mien.c. ofKelU 11. (i. but the c. of mui written in the law 17. 34. nor do as Lord I 19. 3. for the c. are con Chrtm. 2. 30, but Scled 32. and Jether died w 4. 27. but Shimei's brct 16. 13. O ye c. of Jacot \Chron. IS. 7. gathered 25.7. the Lord is not t 12. 28. the c. of thy horn they had c. Luke (S. 35. be great, ye shall bell c. sake of my body 20. 29. the first took a wife, and i 34. the c. ofthisworldma.-v.a John 8.39. if ye were Abraham's c. 21. 5. .lesus saith to them, c. have Af.i 3.25. yc are thee. of the propht Horn. 8. 17. if c. then heirs, heirs of £L*&.i-J 9. 7- because the seed of Abrahan 4. as arrows in th hanil^so of youth 37.7. remember, C Lord, the c. of Edoffl 48. 12. let old men and e. praise the Lord Zion be joyful ill their king 7.6. and the glory ip and call her blessed eget 100 c. and live years r's c. were angry with me ant. 1.6. my moth a. 1. 2. 1 have bro ight up c. and they rebelled 2. 6. they please th e. that are corrupters ,, ,1 ism tin , ol tr,„,.,i ). 1. woe to the rebellous e. saith the Lord ). lying c. c. that will not hear the law of the I i. 19. father to the c. make known thy truth 63.8. they are rny people, 5. I. be ye therefore followers of God as dear e. Ii. wrath Cornell, 0,1 ,-. of disobedience, Cat. 3.6. Ii. 1 . obey your parents ill the Lord, CW. 3. 20. 10. if she hath brought up c. if she hath lodged '.' 'm. • I !. I, , U., e M ,.i ni ,ll. ... ,. .,1 , I John :;. 10. c. of God manifest, and r. of the devil " - 1 1. the elder to the elect lady and her c. the c. of thy elect sister greet thee 6. there came of c. of B. to the hold lo David . l.Oyec. of Benf. gather yourselves to flee Children's CHILDREN. Gen. 45. 10. shall be near tome, thou and thy eh. e. 34. 7. visiting iniquity of fathers on eh, Mr. e. 17.7 token agair ig the c. of rebellion orah died not Dent. 2. 9 . 9. 2. who can stand belore the c. of 13. 13. the e. of Belial are gone out fi 14. 1. ye are the c. of the Lord your 21. 15. have born him c. both beloved 23.8.the c. begotten of them shall enter 24.l6.the fathers shall not be put to death for the c. nor the c. for the fathers, 2 Chron.C 32. 20 they are c. in whom there is no fail Jet. , ll li 1 / / 1 dip r-cthem eil against me. they walked CHILDREN of God. Mat 5 0. peace makers shall be called the e. ofG. 20. 36. are thee. ofG. being c. of resurrection John || ,, I,,.. |,l ,aile ; .......... ...a.. ,./ ',',,/ turn „ was no blemish, Mil " i il ful ces fairer and falter than; all r. 9- . the c. of the fie' b, these are not the e. of God 26 Cat 1 stand for the c. of thy people i .;. n 3. 10. c. of God manifest, and c. of the devil 5. b-, this ive 1 no..'/ that wc love the c. of God ainst'thec. of iniquity did not Hit CHILDREN. Geo 18. 19. T know Abraham will command his c. s dashed in pieces upon her r 1 37 3. Israel loved Joseph more than all his c. CHI Deur. 17.20. may prol 32. 3. corrupted, their spot 33. 9. neither acknowledge, 2 C'hr. 28. 3. b 33. 6.hecaus Job 5.4. his c. 20.7. the just man, hit c. arebl J.w.l4.21.prepare slaughter fur /,, 29. 23. when he seeth his c. in tl Hos. 9. 13. but Ephraim shall b 5. the earth hath h« £>a». 2. 38. wherever,-, of ma, dwell hi Men-CIIlLDrlEN. 1.17. the midwives saved the men :, so Lord pities 1 .22.10., HILDREN. jyedm. women, 0. 25. .(oseph took an oath of the c. of Israel ExodA.TXaac. of Israel were frnitlu land increase,! 12. they were grieved because of the c. of Israel '.■'I ■ .7 /,. sighed 1[ 25. God looked Oil <•■ of!,,;,,/ 4. 31. when they heard Lord had visited c.ofhra, I 6.5. I have also heard the groaning of the c'.of Isr. 13. to bring c. of Isr. out of F.gypt, 26,27 . | 12.51 . 9.4. shall nothing die oi ell ,l,, (1 is, he,-. of !..,;,. , 12. 37. c. of Isr. journeyed about 600,000 on foot "I ! :. . in re I 1, 1 1 1 Corel Willi thee, c, /.,-„,/ is a sign between me and c. ofLr. tor ever J.«tU7.13. whosoever he be, c.o/"i«W or stranger 25. 55. for to me the c. of of Israel are servants Num.l4t.Vl. glory of Lord appeared before c.oflsr. Josh. 7. 12. c of It. could not stand before enemies 1 Sam. 11.8. when numbered c. of Isr. were 300,000 2 .W,. 21.2. the Oih, in; were not olV e, /„'„,./ !m instead of c. of Isr. ot the c. of Isr. don. edtoGedalia ,4. 21. and they that had eatc 5000 men, beside women , - My CHILI >U I.N'. >. these e. are my c. these catfl i. if I be bereaved of my c. I 49. n,t7iyc. i. I will contend, anu 1 win save inyc. 13. and all thy c. shall be taught of the Lord, and great shall be the peace of thy c. 5.7. i/iyc.have forsaken me, and sworn by them 17. there is hope that thy c. shall come again 23. they shall I, ring out tlm ... to the Chaldeans £se*.l() blood of thy c. thou didst gb Job eg. 5. that Iw, Ifos. ). 20. my c. are gone forth of me, ai 1.16. my c. are desolate, the enemy 16. 21. is it small that thou hast si; 1.7. trouble me not, my c. are with 6. 13. I speak as to my c. be ye No CIIILDKI'.N. 6.1. now Sara ■ " when Rachel 3. 4. "Nadab ai 1. 2. Peninna ifebarehi ihu died, and had .37. how often would I have gathered thy c £«*«19.44. tiler, shall 1.,^ lln,o. within thee' r ' 4. that T '— J ' ,* of your'c. s. of Israeli .../'/„■„ I, , he Lard many of the c.of Israel shall turn to Lord Acts 7. 23. to visit his brethren the c. of Isr at " 37.thisisthat.M .-.r,,,hiel, ..,.,1 -. t',.- .., 9. 15. chosen to bear my name before the c. i 111. 3(5. ward God sent tor. ofLr. prenchin-' Jiom.g.27- though number of c.ofLr. he as the sand ■'■..,'..:. ;., ... /w. hie... ;..!.. .hi . ... ... ,> ,.,. Hob. 11. 22. made mention of departing of,-. of /, ' ' imbling-bloc' ' r eh.5.5.-c Mat. 27. 25. ). belong to ns and to on . your c . might speak to isthe flesh of brethren, , and said, his blood be on CHILDREN of prom we, brethren, as Isaac , ealed Is 11 the tr oflsr. 2.thena. CHILDREN of Jua ■'* 'z/i by their generatic 3m. 31. 43. v, Dei/,. 4. 10. 5. 2/1 that and deliver me from . 7W CIIll.MilA 4.14.6. 8.10. . 2fi. of the c ofJudai 18. bade teach S.18. c. of J. pi other 10,000 di, now ye purpose to kc- . 32. because of alltht they and thee, of Jut of. I. carry ,n ertheco/Viirf evil of the c. ._, ... i/< going and weeping i> oj.Lai-aei aiiut. „, .,„,,„„ were oppressed together Joel 3. 19. for the violence against the c. of Judith CHILDREN of light. Luke 16. 8. c.of this world are wiser than c. of light I loh: 12. :;ii. believe, that ye may be thee, of tight '■■oh 5 a hul M„vr.,,, light in Lord, walk use. of I. ir/«M.5.5.veareall r„,7,,/„,:, el children of clay Little CHILDREN. in the speech of Ashdod 2 hi,, ». 16.27. ■ of their ild arise and declare them to and let thy glory appear to ./'.', h ill be dashed to p 1. 19. my li le forth little c. and mocked hi -I |T ,l,|,'/„,/. ,■ J, „1 WO,,'„. .onverted, and become as little toeome.Marho. lie I an ;o you, 12,13. 4.4. are of God, littlec. and have over, ,, ,.h 5.21. little c. keep your,, ees 1™., idols CHILDREN of men. Ctn. 11. 5. to see the tower which c. of ,„. „ I nil. „„.. ■-,, ,0 II the h, , e, „,.;, en .:,! |„ I,..,, 2&m.7.14.l'll • I. . -.. . I iih stripes off. of m '• ,,,-,. II. -. ,e ., hearts of c. of m.2 Chr.S.M Psal.llA.eyo behold. I 1 is try the c. of m 12. 1. for the faithful fail from among c. of men 14. 2. looked down from heaven upon c. ofm. 53. C CHO Thy CHILDREN. cod. 13. 13. the first-born among thy e. redeem . 7. thou shalt teach tbei-.i diligently to thu c. " ' ey with all thine hc-a: and thy c. for eve] "— ' all thy c. > i,28. i.2.ili„n, .. if thy t: te heed to theit id, 2 Chron. 6. K5. e thou and thy c. of the rest Lord will smite thy people and r. tead of thy fathers shall be thyc. olive-plants round about thy table 12. if thi/r. will keep my c 13. he hath blessed //,,, <-. . shall n ke haste, thy destroyers ).. forge forget thy c 19 these mywords.yeshal teach them your c. 21 that days of your c. be multiplied in the land 59. of your c. shall say 32. 16. ' ni yourc. to observe 4. 6. heir fathers, 21. -e shall let .,/„,„■ c. k now, saying, Israel tgs§. 6. if your c. turn rom following me 1 VI, 8. for an inherit, t > yourc. Eira. 9. 12. 9. yourc. shall fin 1 compassion before r,„i 11.5.1 i.the Lord shall inc rease you and yourc. Jer. 2. 30. in vain have I sn Mat to give good gifts to yourc. LnkeW.lS. 27. by whom do your c. Luk 3. but weep for your selves and your c. 2. 39. for the promise is t 1 C, .7.14 clean, but now holy Eph wrath, Col. 3. 21. l'.«»; CHILDREN. Job 19. 18 yea, „o„„g c. despi Larr . 4.4 the young c. ask bread, no man breakcth Hot. 13. Gen. 31. 7. 19- so that they cast ou CHIMNEY, they shall be jas_smoke out of the CHODE. :ob was wroth, and c. with Laban people c. with Moses and spake CHOICE, of our sepulchres bury thy dead hall bi all y Sam. 9. 2. Saul a c. young man and Sam. 10. 9. hechoseof r. of Israel 1 Kings 19. 23. cut down thee, fir-trees Chron. 25.5. he found them .(.icuim 5. take the c. of the flock and burn the bones Acts 15. 7- God made c. amongus, that the Gentiles CHOICEST. ," . ... 2 -. id ,1 ■ led a. . ... 1 a...: a , 11 22. 7. thy c. valley shall be full of chariots CHOKE. Mat. 13. 22. the care of this world and the deceit, fulness of riches c. the word, Mark 4. 19. Mat. 13. 7. thorns c. them, Mark 4. 7. Luke 8. 7. Mart 5. 13. and were c. in the sea, LukeS. 33. Luke 8. 14. go forth and are c. with cares and rn hes CHOLER. Dan. 8. 7. an he-goat moved with c. smote the ram 1 1 . 1 1 . the king of the souti shall be moved v. ith c. CHOP. Kic. 3. 3. break tln-ir I ~..nd r. lli. in in pieces ■ H00S1 Sicnific, (II /;■ .,/.,■/. ,., ,„„k, eh„ice of, Exod. • ,':::;! Ins 17.8.10. I !».(,. I Vf.. -J. I 31 1 ../,../,.. ,.27 17. 15. shall >.-! hi... lsj.,-4. « l.o:,,!!,,- Lord sl.ill ,-. 1 S,„„. 2. 28. .lnl Ir.lm to, all tribes of I -..,.■ 1 l\'ia"S 11. CI. the eltv which the Lord did c. J\VA. .in the God who didst r. Al.r.,1,, 2 ia,„. 17.1. let nier. 12,000 men, audi will I 19- 1 38. what th,.u shall , . that will I do for thee 24. 12.1 offer l hive. e. one of them, 1 C'/.r.2l. 10. 1 A'i,,e< 10. 2a. let them e. one bullock, 25. Job y. 14. c. out my words to reason with him 33. whether thou refuse; or whether thou c . 56.4. to the e.. ... i: li.a , . li... . i I . a . !■! .r , ,. 65. 12. and did c. that wherein I delighted not Lick. 21. 19. c. a place, c. it at the head of the w Phil. 1. 22. yet what I shall r. I wot not (JIOOSK.Vr, Kill, INC. JVJ 7- 15. so that my soul c. strangling and death 15. 5. and thou c. the tongue of the crafty Psal. 65. 4. blessed is the man whom thou c. Heb. ll.25.i-. rather n< sutler affliction with peoph CHOSE. Gen. 6. 2. they took them wives of .,11 which they e 13. 11. then Lot c. him all the plain of Jordan Erod. 18. 25. Moses c. able men, and made heads Veul. 4. 37. he c. their seed after them, 10. 15. Josh. 8. 3. Joshua < ;ai .111111 mighty men of yaloui Jude . 5. 8. they c . new gods, then was war in gate; 2 Sam. 6. 21 . the who < . me before thy I'aiher 1 Jfiny.f8.l6. Ir. no city out. .f all the tribes of Isr. to build an house for my name, 2 Chr. 6. 5. 1 Chr. 28. 4. the Lord c. me before all the house ol Job 20. 25. 1 c. out their way and sat chief Psal. 78. 67. ' Luke 10.42. and M.ry hath c. tli : Ac Is 1 . 24. shew whether of these two thou I y. IS. go thy way, for he is a c. vessel to Ram. 16. 13. salute Rufus, r. in the Lord . 17- i l/lhcv are .",11,-d, ,-. a. i.l f.nllifu CHOSEN or God. ,: 2.!. .15. if he be the Christ, the c. of I t 10. 41. but to witnesses c. before of C ct. 2. 4. a living stone. c . of God and pr. God hath CHOSEN. 68.1 .. _ j. David als. ... ha. 66. 4. and r. that in /.:./. 20.5. say to them, i Lmke 6. 13. of his disciple 14. 7. when he marked how they c. chief rooms Ac's 6.5. c. Stephen a man full of faith and II. Chose 13. 17. God of this people Isr ' Exod. 1. 1. his CHOSEN. capeains are drowned in whom he haeh c. cause or. 1. 27. God had, c. foolish things, God hath c. weak things B. things despised God hath c. and things that are 'less. 2. 13. Corf from the beginning bath c. you 1. 2. 5. hath not God c. the poor of this world I have CHOSEN. inas 11. 13. for David's sake and Jerusalem's sake I have c. 2 Kings 21.7. | 23.27- 2 Chr. 6.6. 2. the city which 1 have c. out of all the tribes 43. 10. my serv: cast thee a have c: Ma 2. .lesurul. ofAbrah way Iha,', e. at 1 Inn, , of hosts lhavec. Samuel said the Jon 1 Chr-n. 15.2. for them the L J8. 4. Lord hath cJuiahn 5. Lord hath c. Solomon to: ?/,rou. 29.ll. Lord I,,,,/,,-.} 400,000 c. Acts 15. 22.' to 1 A'i'nyj3.8.hastc.agreat people.cannolbe numb 8. 44. the city thou hast r. 48. 2 Chron. 6. 34, 1 C4r<™. lb. 13. ye children of Jacob his c. ora Job 36. 21. this hast thou r. rather than afflict UMe object for , ;s from, as by h ,' ' t'l.'ia, of his person, Heb. 1. 3. the glory of all worlds '""' " ""■"•'< ' "'<' "«■■ o„„,,/,n„H ,,f the,,, ,„ l,,„„, I,. ■!/,, f, ,,„,(/, Ms take care to put the, ,,, mind of the,,,, to prove there!,:,, ,h„t Jesus is the Christ :. ho,„ they er,,,e,,,/. The "» OOO', " ' , I . ',.,: ,' hath anointed me to preach the gqspel to the '/'/„■ Lord had : \\ body of Christ, ill I It I many, Mark 13. 6. Luke 21. 8 to us, thou C. who smote thee y name because ye belong to C not die, before he had seen C. Xu*e23..'\ ing, il tli 24. 26. ought not C. t 46.thus it behoved C. 42. said, that C. cometh of the seed (J. '-"J. that if any man did confess that 12. 34. we have heard that C. abideth (i. in due time C. died for the ungodly hat while we were yet s ers C'.died lor ke as C. was raised up from the dead 1 ; are become dead to law by the body of ( 9.: . 1 CM old wish myself we ■e accursed from C 5. ver all. God blessed 1C. 4. C. s the end of the la iv for righteousness that i , to bring C. down from above 7. s. to bring up C. a o this end C. died, a ain from the dead d, that in these things t for whom C. diet 18.forhe accept. 15. .fore ven C. pleased not hi nself, but reproach. 7. as C. 18 of th ngs which C. hath not wrought by me I str here C. was named 5. Epe netus the first-fruits of Achaia to C. Cor .1.23 . but we preach C. c ucified.totheJews 24 C. the power of God, and the wisdom of God 16. 13. and ye are C. and C. is God's f. even C. our passover is sacrificed for .1. the weak brother perish, for whom C. died !1. but under the law to C. that I might gain 4. all drank of that rock, and that rock was C. ' 'id, i, ,,"!!",.', .',,, 'i,',','. , ' liiTi M„'l!m . if C. be preached that he rose from the - dead rise not, then is not C. rai; ' C. be not raised, your faith is v; man in his own order, C. the fii tekingd. ofG.poi u< CHRIST. rulers gathered . ' « C shall be magnified in my body 3. 8. 1 count them but dung, that I may win C. 4. 13. lean do all through C. who strengtheneth me Col. 2. 8. after rudiments of world, and not alter < 3. 1. where C. sitteth on the right hand of God I "him '' ni- life ,-.]i:i II appea, hell si, J] 11. bond nor free, but C. is all and in an 13. even as C. forgave you, so also do ye 24. receive the reward, for ye serve the Lord C. Beb. 3. 6. but C. as a son over his own house 5.5. so also C.glorified not himself to be an high-pr. 9. 11. but C. being come an high-priest of good 24.C.notcntered ' le an high-priest of good holy place made with hands .2.21 .because C. also suffered for us, ant 4.10. by the name of Jesus C. doth this man star 5.42. and daily they ceased not to preach Jems C 8. 12.when they believed Philip preaching thinj concerning name of .Testis C. they were baptize 37. I believe that Jems C. is the Son of God 9. 34. Eneas, Jesus C. maketh thee whole, ari: 10.36.preaching peace by Jesus C. he is Lord of a 16.18.1 command thee in the nameof J.C.comem 17- 3. and that this Jems I preach to you is C 18. 5. Paul testified to the Jews that Jems was C 28. shewing by the scriptures that Jesus was C 19.4. that they should feli > ./ ■ - ■ • iom. 1.1. Paul a servant of Jesus C. Phil. 1. 1 3 .concerning his Son Jesus C. our Lord, of seed 6. among whom are ye the called of Jes 8. I thank my God through Jesus C. for 3 2. 16. shall judge the secrets of men by Ji 3. 22. righteousness, which is by faith of Jt 24. justified through the redemption in Jt 5. 15. gift by grace, which is by one man Jt 17. shall much more reign in life by one Jt 2.the Spirit of life in C. Jems hath n 6. 3- I'riscilln and helpei Tor.1.1. Paul apostle of J", C. 2Cw.l 2. with all that call on the name 4. for the grace of God given you 'i aayes coming of our L. J. C. ■ess. 2. 1. we beseech you by coming of L. J. C. i. now our L. J. C. hath given us consolation. 11. 5.21. 1 charge thee bef. L.J. C.9. Tim. 4.1. m. 4. 22. thei. J. C. be with thy spirit, amen 1. 1. 11. an entrance into kingdom of L. J. C. ;; :t..v. in ' md in knowledge of L. J. C. In CHRIST. '.'!. '.'!. Iieani I, win-rane 1 he faith in C. Horn. 9. 1. 1 say the truth in C. I lie not, my cons. 12. 5. so we being many are one body in C. 16. 7. are of note, who also were in C. before me 9- salute Urbane, our helper in C. and Siarhys ( i 1 I 1 I t I ale inC made in C.J. 5. 18. hath ve I begotten you thro' gospe! ./ledge of God in face of J. C 8. hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus C. 2. 16. a man isjustified by the faith of Jems C. i. blessing come on the G"entlles thro' Jesus C. male nor female, for ye are all one in C. Jesus .ye received me is !.6. made us sit in heavenly places in C. Jestu Jems C. being the chief 'corner stone 1.8. I long after you in the bowels of Jems C. mind be in you, which was also in C. Jesus I . Jesus C. is Lord, to the glory of God the F. ali seek not the thin which ,., '. I count all loss for the excellency of C. Jems for which also I am apprehended of C. Jesus . according to his riches in glory by C. Jems 6. as ye have received C. /. so walk ye in him . 1. 15. that C. J. ci in C. Jes 13. in faith and lc in Chris/ us Chris in C.J. /, 9.23. tieo. 13. a. J. c. tne same yesterday, and for ever John 1.7. blood of Jesns C. cleanseth from all sin 2.1. we have an advocate. /.,.,■ < ,l„ 5.6. this is he that came by v, u; , and i, I, ),,,!. ./ .■ 20. we are in him, even in his Son Jesus C. Lord Jesus CHRIST. lets. 11 . 17. as to us who believed on the L. J. C. ).'.. n. thro' the gr.icc ,.!"/,. ../. C u e -hall be saved 16. 31. believe on the L. J. C. thou shah be saved 20. 21. testifying faith toward our Lord Jems C. 11. we also joy in God, thro' our Lord Jems C. 6. 23. gift of God is eternal life thro' our L.J.C. 8.39. separate from love of God in C. Jems our L. 13. 14. put ye on L. J. C. and make not provision 16 20 race of L. J. C. be with you, 24. 2. Cor. 13. 14. Gul. 6. 18. 2 Thess. 3. 18. Mev. 22. 21. , Cor. 1. 7. waiting for the coming of Lord Jesus C. 8. G. but to us one L. J. C. by whom are all things 15. 57 .God giveth us the victory thro' ouri. J. C. r; ,-,,„: 1;,,, ,,, i„ „.. : h, . , (,,„( -.real «,■.■„< 3. U. vail untaken away, vail is done away in C. 5. 17. if any man be in C. he is a new creature 19. that God was in C. reconciling the world -11. w e pray you in C. stead, be reconciled to G. 12.2. 1 knew a man 111 C. above fourteen years ago 19- we speak before God, in C. we do all things 'ial. 1, 22. unknown to the churches of Judea in C. 3. 17. the covenant confirmed before of God in C. 27. as many as have been baptized into C. Eyh. 1.3. blessed us with spirim ,1 id, ,,.,„, 10. he might gather in one all things in C. 12. should be to his glory, who first trusted in C. 20. which he wrought in C. when he raised him 3. 6. partakers of his promise in C. by the gospel 'Ait. 1. 13. so that my bonds in C. are manifest in 2. 1. if there be any consolation in C. if comfort hi. 2. 5. beholding stedfastness of your faith in C. Thess. 4. 16. and the dead in C. shall use lust 1 Tim. 2. 7. I speak the truth in C. and lie not 1 Pet. 3. 16. accuse your good ct 1 Is cr^'"' Mat. 24. 23. if an Mark U.S. that C -Cafe 2. 11. is born a Saviour 2.'!. 2. sayiiie, that he himself is C. a king John 7.41. others said, this is the C. some said Acts 9. 22. Saul increased, proving this i'jvery C. 17. 3. that this Jesus whom I preach you is C. /■' .; ! i! is ' da; died, yea rather risen again 1 Cor. 1. 13. it C. divided ? was Paul crucified for 7. 22. he that is called, being free, is C. servant that the head " Is CHRIST. 23. if any say, lo, here is C. Mark 13.21. 5. thatt'. ;.( 1 he son of David, Lute 20.41. ' . •' nany are t, then 1 le body, s isC. en, 16. if any man trust that he is of one, and to thy seed, wh you, the hope of glory 1.21. fc 11. 2. John heard in prison the works 2. what think you of C. ? whose son" B. 9. if auy man have not the Spirit '.we shall all stand before judgment sea 10. 16. cup, is it not the communion of blood e/C. the i ea.l, is it not the communion of body of C. 11.1. be ye followers of me, even as I also am of C. 3. head of woman is man, the head of C. is God 12. 27. now ye are the body of C. and members Cor. 1. 5. as the sufferings of C. abound in us 2. 10. for you forgave it in the person of C. 15. for we are to" God a sweet savour of C. . 1 , li iofC. ministered by us 1 ! hi (he ll hi ,„ ihe J,in,„, , ., .„ I , , I I,,, 5. 14. for the love of C. constraineth us, because ■ " : ,., our brethren, they are the glory of C. 10.1 . beseech by the meekness and gentleness of C. 5. bringing every thought to the obedience of C. 1 1 . 10. as the truth of C. is in me, none shall stop 12.9. power of C. may Test on me, liev. 12. 10. ■at. 1 . 10. if pleased men, should not be serv. of C, fia/ 8. IS: lest suffe Eph.S fS, Jt I ilho/C.I /)<•/. S.47.L i „, C. 5.13 indp C1R i. 32. 7. Ihu instruments also of the c are evil CHUBLISH. V,„ 2., 3. man N.' w.i'. i- :nilli".'il lnb.lS(b,iii.r". OUURMING. '.- found the Mcssias, whi.-l iie C. , plainly "'"' 24. if thou be the C. 27. I believe thou art the C. t'ht 31. that ye may believe that Jesu hn 2. 22. but he that denieth that Jesus is the C. 1. whoso belii-vc-th Jesus is tht With CHRIST. 8. 17. if children, the Gal. 2. 20. I am crucifi F. v h. 2.5. God hath qu Phil. 1.23. having a de Col. 2.20. if ye be dea. CHRISTIAN, S Acts 11 . 26. disciples were first call 26. 28. almost thou persuadest u 1 Pe,. 4.16. yet if any man suffer as CHRONICLES. kill .ils„ . Mark 13. 22, 11.18. first of all wl 14. 19. yet int/te c. c. al Ami,,, , Hi.-,-,,, ,/' ■u IS. 6. saying, i 1.21. that thevo cm m. 17 .10. every n ,e CHURCH. . Antioch came t 1 Cor. 11, /,,/,. 5.2: I,/, 211.28. feed th,- r. „/ '-'„,/ which he pnrcha'cd Cor. 1. 2. to the c. of 'God which is at Corinth 10. 32. give none offence to the c. of God 11.22. or despise ye the c. of God and shame them 15. 9. because I persecuted c. of God, Gal. 1 . 13. tight lelo 15. 41. l'aul went throm-h Syria < 16. 5. so were the c. established 19. 37. these men who are neith, Sm».i6.4. to whom all c. of Gen c. of God ;h all Jud< ■o ordain I in all c , neither c. of Chri; in all c. of the saint nc. the flesh of their foi e, that every male of yo ,'„/ 2 3. neither was inns compelled to be c. .',. 2. if ye he ,-. Christ shall prohi yon nothmt; (i. 12. they constrain you to be c. lest they suffer 13. for they that arc c. kept i.ot 'he law ,'/,,/ i 5. c the . lehih day, ol the stool, ,,1 Israel t'l'li'ci MUM..'. J..-I, 5, P, wh,n they had .lone,', all the people /„/,.• .,, -vlieneighl days aci iplishedfope.chila CIRCUMCISION. ■orrujition, signified by Thes'sT. 14. ye became followers of the c . of God r, Gal. 2.7,8, 9- ., ally circumcised, tch ',/.„■ true spiritual set d of Abraham, who hate the thing sigiiiji, d by that .we,,, or ctumfnii 11. send it to the seven e. which and the seven candlesticks ar 2. 7-he that hath an ear.lethimhea rytuynuinr. ,„„, ( „ J/ ;,„„,/„„,/,„/,„„„,„', I ,„»»«*jig»rf /„ csaee >t:,lo, Thil. 3. 3. Jahn't. 22. Moses therefore gave unto you c. Bom. 2. 25. for c. profiteth, if thou keep the law; if th,,,., break the law, thy c. is made uncr- "8 nor is that ,. which is outward in the 11, ,h 23. c. know I am he which searc 22.16. 1 Jesus sent to testify these CHURL. /fa. 32. 5. nor shall said obeblntifu 29. and c. is that ol the heart, 111 the Spirit 3. 30. one Cod, v. ho shall justify the c. by faith 4.9. cometh this hhs'eiliiess then on thee, only' !. 18. to trouble til ra 4. 12. the Jew /..2. 3. why not s: )/• CIRCUMCISION. all thint CIRCUMSPECT. ontended with Pe ..'much every wa >apostlesh. of the t Jcially theye/Y circu: cisitcrn Signifies, [1] hold mes, 2 Kings 18. 31. [2] Any thin? that heart, Eccl. 12. 2 Km?, 18. 31. dri Prov. 5. 15. drink oken at the c. he waters of his ov Neh. g. + 25. possessed houses fu Jer. 2. 13. my people have hewei CITY Signifies, [1] A nailed town for ■ 122. 3. Jerusalem is builded as a c. compac 127. 1. except Lord keep the c. watchmen in goeth well with the i CIT CITY of David. jring the ark out I. Rehoboambui nc.ofD. 2 CAr. 12.16. nc.ofD. 2 Chr.U.l. mc.ofD. 2 Chr. 21.1. mc.ofDS ed in the c '-" ' ed in c.of~D Tc.qfD. 2C/„---:-.o David Jehoidau thee. o/D es of the c ofOaM where Da t into the '. ,1 Da, I c. of Dai; cur. r sa. 1. 26. called c. of righ's 14. 31. howl, O gate, cry, ( IT. 1. Damascus 15 taken 19. 2. shall fight, c. against 33^ 20. look on Zion. the ■ss, faithful c. 2 hole Palestina .12.thuswillIdo,ei It be called a c. take you one of a 11 flee from 11. :d by my name war fled, 52. 7. F. and called it Enoc S. Ld. scattered them, and they le! . 8. 26. if I find in Sod. fifty righteo 28. wilt thou destroy all the c. fo 34. 24. Nvm. 21.28. Dent. 2. 36. there was not one e. too strong for us 13.15. shalt surely smite the inhabitants of thatc. ir fro the < ,\Ja i. they b with fire and 8,19. Judg.l 8. 2. lay thee an ambush for the c. 17. they left the c. open, andpursi 20. the smoke of the c. ascended t 11. 10. was not a c. made peace, sav 19- 50. tl e Jos c. of A 8. 17. and Gideon slew t 9-45. and beat down the 51. all they of the c. fl 20. 40. the flame of the , Ruth 1.19. that all the c 3.11. for all thee, of m lSam. 1.3. this man went 4. 13. when the man to! people know that tl n Absalom called, of w] 2 Kings 6. 19. neither is this the c. folio 11. 20. the people rejoiced, and the c. was 24. 10. the c. Jerusalem was besieged, 2 2 Chr. 15.6.was destroyed of c. forG.did \ of blood, the c. is I c. is like Tyros in Hi. Ci ',-.„, CO''. of the c. 2. Hoa2 men of the Iders of th em the elde rs of every Etery CITY. D. 48. smote a •ell the men of every c 3. 19. ye shall y c. of J idah he ma le high pla l.t-unj e forsaken, n ota man dv mgsVb.l.n shouldest ordain elders in ex fenced CITY. '1 you a/imc(>rf<\also and at : from the tow'er of nratpl .: «.ll. 23. he dispersed of all bis children thro' '- 1 - nd Benjamin unto every fenced c. CITY of God. ".thec.shallbeta . 5.14. a c. that i i.norbyJerusaleu 1.33. all thee yas gathered together a rd greatly to be pra . of God, Godwill ■rious things spoken 10. 2. feared, because G 7. 4. now thee, was large 2. 8.whyhath Lord done il. 2. arise, eo to Ninev .now Kin, 14.8.Babylon 10'. 19. - 17. 18. onfallen.thatjrMrrc.l great c. was divided ; .10,16,19,21. ito three parts ming down from God 10. 29. the whole c. was filled with confusion In, or Into the CITY. 21 . 30. all the c. was moved, and the people ran Gen. 19. 12. whatsoever thou hast in the c. bring f/eJ.l 1 .10. he looked for a c . that hath foundations Dent. CO. 14. all lhat is in the c. take to thyself 16. for he hath prepared for them a c. 28. 3.bli ssed shalt thou be in the c. and in the field 12. 22. ye are come to 'he c. of the living God 16. cursed shalt thou be in the c. and in the field 13. 14. for here we have no continuing e. but seek Josh. 6. 20. so that the people went into the c. 21. they utterly destroyed all that was in the e Tarn. 4. 13. we will go into such a c. buy and sell Rev.QO.Q. they v i-r.r ar.J com; i-'td the beloved c. 21. 14. the wall of the c. had twelve fonndations Jvdg . 1 . 24. shew us the entrance into the c. 8. 27. Gideon put the ephod in his c. in Ophrah 23. the c. had no need of the sun nor moon 1 Sam. 4. 13. when the man came into the c.and told Bloody CITY. 2 Sam. 15. 25. carry back the ark of God into thee. £--rf.22.2.son of man.wilt thou judge the bloody c. ? 27. return into the c. and your sons with you 24. 6. woe to the Moody c. to the pot, 9. Nah. 3. 1. 1 Kings 13. 25. and they came and told it in the c. Defenced CITY. 14.11. that dieth of Jeroboam in the c. dogs eat ha. 25. 2. thou hast made of a defenced c. a ruin 12. arise, and when thy feet enter into the c. 16. 4. that dieth of Baasha in the c. shall dogs eat Jer. 1. 18. 1 have made thee this day a defenced c. 20. 30. came into the c. into an inner chamber CIT 1 ffmpil.M that (lieth of Ahali, i, 2 Am;. 7. 4. ifue My. WO "ill Ml 55. 9. I hnv, Prov. 1.81. m Eecl.T.ig, thai It thy /,■„,-,■,/ as for the people he ret .32. thee oftheLevit :>. 19- suffer them not to ,/ Jud'g'. 1'.'. 7. .lei.iluha'h «,,, 1 Kings 9.12. Hiram ci ». 34. 6. and so did he i 8. he hath despised the < lif.K). thy holy r.areawild 14. 19. r, 36. 13. a 21. 5. thi en ye go out of thatc. shake off'thi 1. then tin v went out of the c. and • st Stephen out of the c. and sto :ording to the number of thy c. 'Jo.lo.ihatmanbe as the c. ■i 13. all the r. 'there. .Ill 50. 32. 1 will kindle fire it it shall devo >t inhabited 12. for him that is fled to the c . of refuge h. 21. 13. thev gave Hebron to be a r. of refute ll.Shechem || 27. Golan || 32.Kc.le>h |i 3li. Kamol ar«...6.57.tOSOn«of,-\, ; ;r,.n v Il,,l J ronar,./V ;: /„;, ■ity by city 2. gather the Levi e. of Judah 6. Israel in Utc c ,-..., J,„l„h . 11.3. inc. of Jud 1. 69. 35. God will sltzlotand i |...-.e i ,i„„ build r of Judah 40. 9. say to the c. ofJudah, behol d your Gotl .all he built 2(i. and that saiih 1 or, /J,*/, yes /., 1. 15. the lamilies ntthe ,„.r.l, against c. ,/. A 4. lfi. give outlhe.rv.meagainsither. of Judah 7. 17. stfM thou not what -hry do in the c. of Jud. 9. 11. 1 will maker, of J. desolate, It) 22. j 31.22. 1 I. 12. then shall <-. of Jud. co anil cry to the gods 33. 111. without man Jhrait.eM-iuntlier. of' J. 41. (i. my fury and anger was kindled in c. of Jud. l-lliw "/ rejuge. Sim .35. fi. tin u -I. ..II b. MM'- hi- refuge, 11. 11. 1 1. ye shall 1 appoint lor you e., In J...J, 20.2. 1 Chr. 6.67. thev gave m mum of Kohath of c. ofref. bs for the c. Lev. 26. 31. and I will make your c. teaste, 33. ha. 61.4. they shall repair the waste e. desolations * '.T.thyc. shall be laid av,./, ivtlhoul inhabitants 0. 6. in all your dwellings your c. shall be w. '. laid a. their c. || 35. 4. 1 will lay thy c. w. 15. waste e. are become fenced and inhabited so shall the unite e .be filledwith flocks of men man of God r e. is pleasant ■red, 7.W.36. 15 he departed to teach and preach in their e Jude 7. and c. about them in likei AV;. 16.19. and ther. ofthenatiot Aii crm.s. .., ye hav AW.. 13.18. did not God brie-:-, il Jet. 6. 6. this is the c. to I. 17- 25. Jerusalem, and thisc. shall 1 s, Deut. 2. 34. | 3. 4. Josh. 10. 39. nt all their c. Judg. 20. 48. he e . of the Levites shall be 48 c. he c. of the kings utterly destroy. . of children of Aaron were 13 c. f children of Merari by lot 12 e. CITIZEN, S. • 15. 15. the prodigal joined himself to a c. 21. 39. I am of Tarsus, a c. of no mean city Lpl. 2. 1'j. but fellow-r. with saints and household CLAD. .29.Jeroboam c.himself with anewgarm. Isa. 59. 17. for clothing was c. with zeal as a cloke CLAMOROUS 9. 13. a foolish woman is „,„■;, /„,,.: grace, John 13. 10. [4] 'J /,.,.< :,/„,/, ,„„„ /., 11 11 f ( T™"n iZptyXt. u.4 Cured ' 2 Kmgs 5 "!» i". ii oi the Lord is cle 11, Psal. 19. 9. I7« -i/.v '.,- ; . , 7 f;„,,, ,;/„-,■/ ,.,-,/;■, „ „,.. /,,.■,■ ,,3 <33, and teaches men hon to vor.-hi,; hi,,,, ;3 ,'.„,,,..■ .,'..• rvo" ,',.-!,', I .1. .::: |... .,•.-, 8. 20. Noah took of every c. beast and c. fowl 35. 2. Jacob said, be c. and change your garment: Lev, 4. 12. carry the bullock unto a c. place, 6.11 7. 19. the flesh, all that be c. shall eat thereof 10. 10. that ye may put difference between c. ane unclean, 11. 47. | 20. 25. 2 3 26. 14.the wave-breast eat in a c. place, i\„,„. 10 3 16.30. that ye may bee. from your sins 3ei..iv L 22. 4. he shall not eat of holy things till he be c. Nam 19 1 • j 1 I r 1 . 1 1 1 ' Hr.t5.10.ihvliesl .'.may not I was r ob 9. 30. if I make my hands ever so c. 17. 9. he that hath c. hands shall be stronger ' nds and a pure heart Psal. 24. 4. he th I'.oc. 2d. Q. who can say, [have made my Aeatt c-.? Zr CLEAN. .;:;■. 13. 13. he 3, v. 1? , 37, 39- \\ 40. yet » he c.41. W. 19. 9. fear of the Lord /.tr.cudu ing lor ;.•/»» 13.10. to wash his feet, but is c. every whil Pronounce CLEAN. Lev. 13.6. the j..'i s! ,h;ill ,.f,.„«™r« him c. 14. 7. S/i««J« CLEAN. £er. 11. 36. a fountain -vhoivin ism;,'r-'-//fc'r. 12. I'., so. w.l 3. 28. || 13. 58.1. c.i 1.33. 3 •/.,,. 3 I .23 14. 9. he shall wash his flesh in woter.he .*(/ be c 20. I 15.13. I 17. 15. I 22.7. Num. 19.12,19 ram. 31. 24. and ye shall be c. Ezek. 36. 25. '.../. 31 . 7 i'Ui 'i me veil hyssop, and I shallbz c CLEANNESS. Sam. 22. 21. according to the c. of my hands half the Lord recompensed me, Psal. 18. 20. 33 aborning i/. n.v hisevi -::.2hi, /"'..,//. 18.21. Imosi. 6. I have 1 1 1 1 1 1 th 1 : 2 Chron. 29. 15. to c. the house of the Lord, 1 ■' - 13.22. that the Lee lies should 0. tliums, >.. wash' me thoroughly ."and c. me from my sin 9. wherewith shall a young man c. hiswa r ' 1.11. a dry wind not to fan nor to c. i. 20. thus shalt thou c. and purge : c. yon omallfilthinessoffles he washing of water .purify he us from all unrigr, CLEANSED. lev. 1 1. 32. be unclean until even, so shall it be . 12.7. she shall he c. from the issue of her blood 14. 4. to take for him that is to be c. 19. 31. 14. the ear of him that is to be c. 17, 18, 25, 28. \-„m. 33. 33. the land cannot he c. of the blood ■.Chron. eg Li I./ I 1 1. - -use of the L. 30.18. for many had not c. themselves, yet did e: 19. that prepareth h's heart, though he be not c. 34. 5. Josiah c. Judah and Jerusalem Veh. 13. 9. 1 commanded, and they c. the chambei 30. thus I c. them from all straneers Job 35. 3. what profit, if I be c. fr Tsa. 3 7.73.1 v,ly 1 h. i'.,k. 22. 2 1-. thou art the land that 6. after he is c. recko 8. 14. then shall the s 1.21. c. their blood 1 : on the ground ly c. Luke 5. CLLAKEK. te age shall be c. th CLEARING. irGod irby 42.f] 17 shall'r nought of cursed thing to thy hand i. 23. 8. but c. to the Lord your God if you will c. to the Lord your God ings 5.27 .the leprosy of Naaman shall thee .18. 38. and the clods c. fast together I. 5. by my groaning my bones e. to my skin 1. fi. let my tonrae c. to the roof of my mouth 11. 1. they shall c. to the house of Jacob ' we 1 caused to c. tome Israel ■r yon 111 Egypt, and there ye : S. 26. I Dan. 2. 43. but they 11. 34. many shall Rom. 12.Vabhor r e U v CI 2 ft'm ? j3.3.Jehora M,Q9- Lam. A mybi mgue c. to the roof of their mouth j blot have c. to my hands CLEAVETH. my soul c. to tl 1. diet aeofsu Luke 10. 11. the dust of your city which c. on us CLEAVETH. Dent. 14. 6. boast that c. the cleft into two claws Job 16. 13. he c. my reins asunder, and spareth not Psal 111 7 hen 1 • ." ood on earth &i7.10.9.that c.wood shall be endangered thereby CLEFT. Mic.lA.the valley shall be c. as wax before the fire Deut. 14. 6. that cleaveth the c. into two claws CLEFTS. Cant. 2. 14. O my dove, thou art in c. of the rocks U„ 2. 31. to go'iino the <-. of the rocks for fear ■'. .- ! I. 1.3 ... ..■.' .. ' -. m ■.)!■■: ■. - '.' -. ^i«iw6. 11. he will smite the little I se >• 3, CLEMENCY. Acts 24. 4. that thou hear us of thy c. a few wordj CLERK. Ac ts 19. 35. when town. c. had cooc-v .:3 the pe ..-.. \, "LIFT, S. Exod ,. 22. I w . of lb . of Ziz CLO ct. 1MB, in i ; n. IH'V shall C. lip upon 111,' Job 7. a. my flesh is clothed with c. of dust 21. 33. the c . of the valley shall he sweet to 38. 38. and the . . cleave Vast together CLO |7o» 39. 11). h.s'r thou r. hi. neck with thunder • i'tal. 35. 26. let them be r . with shame, 11111. 29. 65. 13. ihc pastures are ,-. with Hoclis, tin- willies CLOTHING. Job 22. 6. thou hast stripped the naked of their , T.they cause the naked In lodre without r. JamttS. S.T&i Signifies, [1] A ii;,'" ',""."." Lnke'J. 3fi. they kept it ,-. ami told no man in /IctsiT. 13. loosing thence, thev sailed c. hv CLOSED. Grn.2. 21. Lord c. up the llesh instead thereof 20. 18. the Lord had fast r. up all the woi Nam. 16. 33. the earth c . upon them, they per Jui/i;. 3. 22. and the fat c. upon the blade, so tl ha. 1. 6. they have not been c. nor bound t 29. 10. for the Lord hath c. your eyes Dan. 32.9. for the words are c. up and sea Jonahl.S. the depth c. me round about, weeds' CLOSER. k there is a friend that sticketh c. than »■«». 19. 2 2 Ctei ol l,i CLOSET, S. Joel 2. 16. let the bride go out of Mat. 6. 0. when thou prayest, en Luke 12. 3. what ye have spoken i Dent. 22. 17. shall spread the c. before i hi eiders ISam. 19. 13. Michal covered the image with a ,.-. CI. 9- the sword of Goliath, it is wrapt in a r. 2 S,,m. 20.12. removed Amasa, and cast a ,-. on him ;• Kings 8. 15. Ilazael took a thick c I dipt ii /.n.30.22. shall e;, 5 t ,h, ,„ awav as a menstruousc. Mat. 9. 10". putteth a piece of new c. 27.59. taken 1 lie body, he wrapped it in a linen c. il/arX- 14. 51. having a linen c about his body CLOTHE. Exod. 40. 14. shalt bring his sons and c. with coats I'sal. 132.' 10. f 11 ill ,. h,r priests with salvation 18. his enemies ,r, I! I ,. with shame, but on hims. nan with rag! t. 27. thou didst rend thy c. and weep I nor brethren, none of us put off our c Jol, y. 31. and my own c. shall abhor me 6. thou hast stripped the c. off the naked (i. 27. lake lire, and his c. not be burnt? /.;./. 16. 3t,l. shall strip thee also of thy r. 23. 26. 19. 36. a in the way nd hand and foot with gn took body of Jesus, and wound it in li the napkin not lying with the linen < j3««7.58.witliesscs laid doivn ihiir, a Said 22. 23. as they cried out and cast off their Bent CLOTHES. Gen. 37. 29. Reuhen || 34. Jacob rent his c. 44.13. Joseph's brethren rent their c. and ret Nam. 14.(1. Joshua and Caleb rent their c. Josh.7.6. Joshua y 7i«r e .11.35. Jephthahrm! " Sam. 3. 31. rent your c. gird you with sackcloth Kings 21. 27. Ahab || 2 Kings 5. 8. king of I more c. you, O ye of little faith ? Luke 12 CLOTHED. Gtn.S.Zl.L. God made coats 1 Lev. 8. 7. Moses c Aaron with robe, and put ephod Judg. 6. t 34. the Spirit of the Lord c. Gideor 1 Sam. 17. t 5. Goliath was c. with a coat of r t 38. Saul c. David with his clothes 2 Sam. 1 . 24. weep over Saul who c. you with si 1 Chnm. 12. I 18. then the Spirit c. Amasai 21.16. Pa-, id 2 Chro, thy p 8. 9- the king of ls'r.'and Judah c. in robes " 120. the Spirit of Gi ' 15. spoil c. all that were naked among them gf 11.14. Athaliah rent here. 2 C/ir. 23. 1; when Hezekiah heard he rent his ,./,«. 37. LI. when Mordecai perceived, he rent his Mat. 26. 65. high priest rent his c. Mark 14.6.1 " "4.-14. apost. Barnabas and Paul mil their 2. and the magistrates rent off their c. CLOTHES rent. Lev. 13.45. the lerer'sr. shall berra/,hisheadba m. 4.12. a man came to Shiloh with his c. re. >k. 1. 2. came a man from Saul with his c. re. 31. all his servants stood with their c. ren. 2 Kings 18. 37- to Hezekiah with c. rent, 7wi.36.2- Jer. 41. 5. men came to Mizpeh with their c. re. Wash clothes. Erod. 19. 10. let them wash their c. Nnm. 8. 7- Lev. ll.25.shallaWihisc.40. | 13.6. | 14.8,9,4 I 15.5,8,11,22. I 16.26.28. .Yi™. 10. 10,1 Nam. 19. 7. then the priest shall wash his e. 8, 19 31. 2 1. ye shall wash your c. on the seventh d", Haste! CLOTHES. Exod. 19. 14. and the people washed their c. Nam. 8. 21 . Levin ; purified and washed their c 2 Sam. 19. 24. Mephiboshcih washed not his r. 1. 1 pi onnnand, Job 26. is. lie , in his thick clouds. Cod the chads, as in a bottle ; ■ing-jiot. Job sjientiilg fij front of the Israelitish army; Imt when they were come to the Bed Sea, and the Egyptian aim 1 000 „, 1 stood before the camp of Israel, placed itself be- tween that and tin campofthi 1 plians, sothat the Egyptians conld not come near the Israelites all night, Exod. 14. 19, 20. Bat in the morn- ing about break of day, seeing the cloud moving on toward the sea, and following the Israelites left dryfo, thei 'the Egypti- . ,./• ..e ..... . -/, l;'..t ,,, . In : to ,le 1 1 ml ibian it- journey was high and elevated, as it were a pile and heap of fogs. This cloud not only enlightened the ,..„,,„„„i ,./,,/..,; „, ■::.,/ . ,„..:.„,. . ;iO.,,, ,,,„/ when he says,')' ' - i e upon every jt e .-footed are unclean to you, j there appeared to them c. tongues CLOUTED. Josh. 9. 5. they took old shoes and c. on their fee 38. 9. thou shalt be like a c. toe Ma. 1. Zin the uttermost part of the south c. ,::i'!.,, > . ; .,.,,!.., ■:■-, ',., . sm COASTS. Exod. 10.14. the locusts rested in all the c. of Egypt to all the c. of Israel 4.ther. thereof did b. Will, me. all a. oi 1'al'e part out of their,. ,17,,,' ; m.1. 19. h s mother mad e S muel 'a little c 5. was armed w 111. 15. 32. lushainiet I), collar of my c shall 1 put it'oi . 5. 40. if a id ike away thy 1 «6.29. thy take thy cab 19.23. no v the till 7. I'etergir COATS'. .3.21. God made c. of ski s, and clothed then /. 28. 111. ft th 8. 1.1. All, es pet c. upoi As led them in lb out of the cam .3.21. the juund in their, their c. changed, nor smell of fir / 0.0. shoi with sandals, nil put not on two c 21, ,i. 20. 34. this night before f. crow, thou shalt deny inetbriee, 75. Mail, 11. 30,72. Luke 22. 34, 6l. 74. immediately c. crew, Luke £2. 60. John Lzia (J. I 2. there was b CO I r;,„.5o. 2ii. .loseph was \ 14. he came ai COGITi COLD.sCC Gen. 8. 22. c. and heat, day ai r ' "4. 7. the naked have 11 id, love of many shall v bad made a fire, for it v ./W ? .8.£0.goldc Job 30. 18. my tl ( 2 Chrtm. 24. ft t r.16.1. not of Jt COLLEGE. 2 Kni2< 22. 14. lltildah dwelt iii c.SC/i™. COLI.OPS. COLON V. Acts lfi.l2.T'hilippi. chief city of Maccdon COM COLOL'K. Ljr. is. 53. if the pi igue fi ive d - Sum. 11. , . Il"' r. llji'li "I .1 ■ 111.' r. .1! h.h ■'I.m-ii ii. a] ibuter and stone of blue e. /Voe.23.31. when tin- in T.'i'Oi hisr. in the cup Ew*, 1. 4. urn of the midst then of as the c.of amber in 1. 10. the h 1. in. 9. 22. the hrmamenl was j- tlu-r. of ihc crys'al [lei r. COLOURS. ., ,. for Joseph ./: 15. 18. c. forth from the heart, and defile th Mart 9. 29. this kind c. forth by nothing but 1 John 5. 29. shall v. forth, they that have dom Acts 7 .7- after that they shall c. forth and sei COME hither. Gen. 15. 16. in the fourth generation shall c. Judg. 16. 2. it was told Gazites, Samson is c. lluth 2. 14. at meal-time c. thou hither an 1 Sam. 10. 22. they inquired if the man shoul 16. 11. we will not sit down till he c. hither 1 Sam. 14. 32. c. h. that I may send thee to tl 20. 16. say to Joab, c. h. that I may speak wit 2*7^(8.7. toldBi ' ' ' ' Josh. 1 3 It tsofG.c. forth lO-Mi. winch c. l6.they shall, 10. 9.kingdom of God is COME nc Exod. 19. 15. be ready, c. no 24. ".but they shall not c.i jl/a<.8.29. artthoi John*. 15. that I thirst not, neither c. 16. Jesus saith, call thy husband a: Acts 17. 6. that have turned the world and Gen. 6. 18. thou shalt c into the ark, j n in the earth 1 thou blessed M. I21.9. nd thy sons 28. 43. when they c. in unto the tabernacle if 7 16 20 1 h and afterward shall ye will not c. to me that ye might have life !■. where I am thither ye cannot c 36. 56. think ye that he will not c. to the feast > it away, the Con though 1 would COME out. [sts 24. 13. the daughters of city c. out to draw watei lev. 16.17. till he r. out and have made atonemen Dent. 28. I.e. out one way, and flea seven wars 24 '4. after whom is the king of Israel c. out f Sam. 16. 7- c. out, c. out, thou bloody man King 1 6.1. in the 480th year after Isr. were etna 2 Kin '1 5. 11 hi v.'ill c,tmt tome', and lay his hand 18. 31. make an agreement and c . out, Isa. 36. 16. 19. 9- behold, he is c. out to fight against thee Psal. 14. 7. O that salvation were c. out of Zion! 68. 31. princes shall c. out of Egypt, Ethiopia Prov. 12. 13. but the just shall c. out of trouble Isa. 34. 3. their Mat. S. 26. by nc that imagine-ill till thou h, " a thief with John 1. 46. can any good thing c. out of Nan 7. 41 . some said, shall Christ c . out of Ga ...6. 17. wherefore lleb.l.'j. though they c. Rev. 16.13. saw spirits c. COME to pass. shall c. to pass if they w 14. all are c. to pass, no good thing failed Judg. 13. 12. Manoah said, letthy words c. to pass hen diy savings c. to pa,s '\ e may do lio:! -ur O Lord, why is thisc. to pass in Israel, that gs 13. 32. the saying shall surely e. to past 1- 1 ! ■ ihole.., I, s , . i 1 ■ ■ " ■ ■■ 0. ,. ,' . •'"■■ ! . ; . ' .li„: - ihitig. arc c. :o ,„,.. t -.ball , ,.. „ . 1 .a- ,'|i , ■ 1 I ; 25. the word that I speak shall c. to pass 24. 14. Ihave shall r. c./c,,, I will do 1' Dan. 2.29. makethknown to thee what shall e. top. Jlos. 1. 5. c. to pass that I will break the bow of lsr. Joel 2. 32. c . to pass that whosoever shall call on L. rbnos8. 9. c. to p. I will cause snn go down at noon Zech. 6. 15. this shall e <,,,. ;> , diligently obey 7- 13. therefore it is c. to pass, that as he cried .War.24.6. all these things must c ,0 pa is, etii not yet 23. things which he saith shall c. to pass .'hen ye shall see these c. top. Luke 21. 31. Luke 2.15. and see this thing which is c. to pass 7. what sign v/heu these things shallc. to p. 28. *" rendering in him eh .,, v i, ;u ,. lV . , ..-,. ,„. . 18.hi 3,19. w top. ye may believe,14.29. i must shortly c. to p. 22.6. >, . 3. 18. shall c. together out of land of the norrt 50.4.Isr.and Jud. shall c. together, going and wee[ ■Jets . 6. when they were c. together, 28. 17 T. he found many that were c. together iy.3 21. 2. knew not wherefore they were c. toget 2. the multitude must needs c. together LW.7.S r. yu 'together. ■ , lS.whenyec. (ogf(/icrin church, 20. 3_. , _. 34. that ye c. not together to condemnation .4. 23. if whole church be c. together to one place COME Tip. Erorf.l9.13.trumpet sound they shall c. up to mount 24. thou shalt c . vp, thou and Aaron with then 24. 12. , npi, mt inn mount and be there 34. 2. and c. up in the morning to mount Meat eh,w 2 5. why have ye made us c. up out Egypt > • if Jordan, 17,18. 2 Kings 10.25. am I now crip without L. Isa. 2 dir. 20. 16. behold, thev c. up bj the cliff /0J7.9. thatgocthlo the grave, shall c. up m Prov. 25. 7. better that it be said, c. up hi J,a. 5.6. but there 1, 11 r. •■■,.. brie . a, ul 1 »K 7/w.l.ll. ai 10.8. the th 13. 15. the \ Joe/ 2. 20. hi 1 10. Ii lethi Brink of you (.>«. 21. saviours shall 07,0,1 mo, r.mrl. IB. C. /thy father-in-law em e. to thee \,o„- 2" .1!; Balaam said, lo lam c. to thee ' I mnt. into the country the Lord -ova w. 16. 2. / am c. to sacrifice to the Lord, £ 15. now that J am t. to speak of this thi . to say, wherefore a " I. 2. 7 in lord the kit: where th, ii, COME, Passive. Ctn. 6. 13. the end of all flesh is c. before n your serve 21. according to the cry which 42. 21. therefore is this distress Exod. 3. 9. cry of the children of 20. 20. fear not, for God is c. to Num. 22. 11. there is a people c. out of IV, ; Josh. 5. 14. as captain of the host af Lord am Jndg. 16. 2. it was told, Samson 1 s c. hither 1 ■'Sam. 4. 7. for they said, God is 0.16. looked on my peop. because t .-ircryi.-.f 0. 7. told him, Si r ; the 1 , - '.■ ,1 : , EtraQ. 13. and after all that is c. upon us Job 3. 25. the thing I greatly feared is c. 4 Peal. 44. 17. all this is c. upon us, yet we h: 53. 6. O that the salvation of Israel were Ice. 10. 28. he is passed to.Mieron 56.1. formysalvat. is near toe. and my righteous. 1)0.1. arise, shine, forthy lightisc. and glory of L. 03.4. and the year of my redeemed is e. Jrr. 40. 3. have sinned, therefore this is e. upon you 47- 5. baldness is c. on Gaza, Ashkelon is cutoff 50. 27. woe to them, for their day is t. the time 01 31. thy day is e. the time that I will visit thee 51.13. that dwellest on many waters, thy end is r. Lam. 4. 18. our days are fulfilled, our end is e. F.zck 7. 2 an end, the n d 1 , , .ti th bit I lb 5. thussaith L. an evil, an only evil, behold is r. 7. the morn, is e. upon thee, thou that ,b.vel!esi 10. behold the day, behold, it is e. 39. 8. 17. 12. the king of Babylon is c . to lent, .lent Dan. 9- 13. as it is written, all this evil is c.'on us Amos 8. 2. the end is e. on my people of Israel Wte.l.rj.he isr. to gate of my people, to Jerusalem / 7 1 I torn wrath tor? 44. when he is e. he findeth it empty, swept 18.11. Son of Man is e. to save that whii Ii was losl I. 17. "the" time is e. that judgm. 1 Yet COME. John 2. 4. Jesus saifh.woman, my hour it in the s 10. 9. this day is salvation 10. the Son of Man is etc Jon« 3. 19. that lisht is r.intc 4. 25. when he is e. he wil 11.28. the Master is e. ant 12.23. the hour is c. Son ofl 15.26. when the Comforter lti.S.whenheisr. hcwillre 13. when the Spirit of tru e.Jorif.,-,1,1 whom I will e the world of sin e. he will guide COME joined with t. .yourohildr.migh; speak. 0!',. i e. after Hannah con, ' ' e. the Lord's house b e. he should be recer fulness of time was Sam. 16. 18. David, thy cbe- COMELY. thy voice P. 4. thou art e.O my love, as Jerusalem, te Tie. 4. 2. fruit ofti, , :• ii ,-,■;:, Jer. 6. 2. I likened daughter of Zion to a c. 1 Cvr. 7. 35. but I speak for that which is i:,24. 1"! our r. pails ha.e no raid, be COMELINESS. Tea. 53 . 2. he hath no form nor e.nor beauty Ezek. 16. 14. for it was perfect throne!, 1, ind Lud rnrdinme tshav COMERS. Heh. 10. 1 . can never make the c. thereunto perl COM EST. , ,. '-., 1 13. 10. like the land of Egypt, as thou e. to Zo Dent. 2. 19. thou e. nigh the children of A mm 19. cursed shalt thou be when thou c. in Jndg. 17. 9- Micah said to Levite, whence e. th< 19.17-the old man said to Levite, whence c. thi igi 9.18.came to them, b B. he ye with the king as . 21. which long for de; I 1 t 1 1)1 th wrath 27. the name of the Lord e. from far, burning 14. t 19. fall down to that which r. on a tree ii] 1. who is this that c. from Edom, from Bozra > , J7.ti.lil e h,-ai he a, he .hail not see when good e. he shall smile the land 3.37.V iaith, a a prophet to r.forp re, 7. te people e. and sit whither the'rivera «. to the 1335 days the troop of robbers obear, ilferil.7. £a;-e3.l6. is more than these c. of evil ther, come, and he e. LukeT. 8. e wicked one, and catcheth away , king e. unto thee, John 12. 15. hat e. in name of Lord, hosanna /art 11.9- Juke 13. 35. | 19.38. )g time lord of those servants c. when he e. in glory of his Father irst, and restoreth all things t spake e. Judas one of the twelve ly sayings n he e. shall find sc 6. 35. he that e. t 45. man that hath 7. 27. when Chris 42. said, that Ch 9. 4. the night c. . jo the Father bu I shall no more spe . that ye shall be s h t. by bearing, bearing by word c. the end, when he shall have c. the w le daily the children of disobc__. ._ 1 TAcss. 5.0. dayofthe Lordso c.asathial in night J/M.11.6.hethato.toGod must believe that he is Jin: 1.7. he c. with clouds, every eye shall! see him COMETH downT Jsa. 55. 10. as the rain c. down from heaven John 6. 33. bread of God is he which e. *t>», 50. JWu 1. 17- every good and perfect gift c. down Rev. 3.12. new Jerusalem which c. down from God COMETH forth. Gen. 24. 43. when the virgin c. forth to draw water Exod. 4. 14. also behold he c. 'forth to meet thee 8. 20. before Pharaoh, lo, he c. forth to the water Judg. 11.31. whatsoever c. forth of the doors 1 Sam. 11. 7. whosoever c. not forth after Saul Jo* 5. 6. though affliction c. not forth of the dust 14. 2. he c. forth like a flower, and is cut down Jsa. 28. 29- this also c. forth from the Lord Etek. 33. 30. hear what words c. forth from Lord liie. 1.3.behold, the Lord COMETH nigh. that c. nigh sh Exod. Num. 12.12. flesh i. .Dew. 28. 57. her ey .alf e, xvd young that c. out Job 20. 25. it is drawn, and c. out of the body 37 .22.fair weather c.oirf of the north, iviil.i , Cant. 3. 6. who is this that c. out of the wilderness ? Jsa. 26. 21. the Lord c. out of his place to punish 42.5. spread forth earth, and that which emit of it Jer .46.20.destruction cometh, it c. out of the north E !■ U !.sh 'i 1 bak( itwitl thai com* of man Mai. 15. 11. but that which c. out of the mouth, this defileth a man, Mark 7. 20. 24. 27. for as the lightning c. out of the east COMETH up. 15aOT.28.14.andshf " COM •Eref.14.23.thcy shall when ye see their ways Z,, ■/,.!. 17. Lord shall yet c.Zion, and clu.nse Icrus. Hi. .... dn iners ml,] false dreams, they e. ill vain 1 Cor. 1. 4. that we may be able to c. them who 2. 7. ye ought rather to forgive and c. him l-'./ib. (). 02. and llial he nii';ht c. your hearts Vol. 4.8. he in i ■ in know your estate, c. your hearts 4. 18. wherefore c. one another with these words 5. 11. wherefore <-. yoursehes together and edify 14. c. the feeble-minded, support the weak 2 Thess. 2. 17. now our Lord Jesus c. your hearts COMFORTABLE. _ J. 17. the word of my Lord shall now be c. Zech. 1. 13. Lord answered the angel with c. words COMFORTABLY. . . go forth and speak c. to thy servants 2 Chron. 30. 22. he spake c. to all the Levites 32. 6. he set captains over the people, and spake c. Jsa. 40. 2. speak ye c. to Jerusalem, cry to her Hot. 2. 14. I will allure her, and speak c. to her COMFORTED. Gen. 24. 67. Isaac was c. after his mother's death 15. Jac. refus. to be c. for he said, I go to grai 2. Jud. was c. and went up to his sheep-shea .21. Joseph c. his brethren, rind p .! . '. ., d /,'„,/, o. 13. lei n,e had fav. for that thou hast c. n : ■■<„.„. 10. 01. David c. Bath-sheba his wife 13. 39. for he was c. concerning Ammon Toh 42. 11. all his brethren c. him over all the e\ "sal. 77- 2. my sore ran, my soul refused to be 86. 17- because thou, Lord, hast holpen and c. n 119.52. 1 remember, thy judgments, have c. my Tsa. 49. 13. for God hath c. his people, 52. 9. 54. 11. oh, thou afflicted, tossed, and not c. " ' : c. in Jerusalem Cant. 8 L6.-W c. up to [of lie ■Sfc/.lT.flT.c COMFORT, Snl.sian Job 6. 10. then should I yet have . 10. 20. let me alone, that I may .TW.119.50.this is my my am 76. let thy merciful kindness b i 6 il mid I n that tl X 49. b calleth thee Holy Ghos the scriptur Pom. 15.4. tin e . a .■ m 1 Cor. 14. 3. speaketh 2 Cor. 1. 3. blessed be God, even the God of all 1 4. by the c. wherewith we are comforted of Go 7.4.greatismy glorying of you, I am filled with, 13. therefore we were comforted in your c. 13. 11. brethren, be perfect, be of good c. Phil. 2. 1. if there be therefore any c. of love 19. that I may also be of good c. when I kno- COMFORT, vlrt. Gen. 5.29. this same shall c. us concerning our wot your hearts, after ihai von shall pass <> 27. 42. Esau as touching thee doth c. himself 37. 35. all his sons and daughters rose up to c. hii Judg. 19. 5. c. thy heart with a morsel of bread, ( 2 Sam. 10. 2. David sent to c. him, 1 Chron. 19. i ' "' ■ n. 7. 22. and his brethren 10.2 i of David ca an Job 2.11.his friends came to mourn with and c.him 7. 13. when I say, my bed shall c. me, mycouc" 9. 27. if I say, I will forget, I will - , i. itaff, they 1.01. t ■I'.al, ,„ 19-176. let thy men 82. my eyes fail, saying, when w 22. 4. look away from me, labo iy people, sait ck of I01 40. 1 51. 3. Lot „;;':,:; ne, by whom shall I c.thee : le to c. all that mourn 1, ye shall be in lerusalen: c.myselt.heartislaiiu in m, ;ar toe. them for the dead Mat.lfi.1l 24.3. tell us .shall h,. Ihe sign of thy • 27. so shall the c. of the Son of M an he, 37'. :;y, 30.whenthevsha.!l see liie S, £ Man < .111 e'bmds 26. 61. Mark 13. 0(i. I If. 02. /,,,/,,; 21. 27! ■111. shall say any 1 ,ord delay elh his c. Luke 12.45 0.".. 27. at my c. have received my own,/.,,/,: I o.g;;. Mark 6. 31. for there were many c. and going l.ul.e i). 42. as he was yet c. the devil lare him 18. 5. lest by her continual c. she weary me John 5. 7. while I am c. another steppeth before me 25. the hour is c.28. || 10. 12. seeth the wolf c. ' iwer of the Holy Ghost c. 10. 25. as Peter was c. in Cornelius met him 13. 24. when John had preached before his c, <;>, i s ivaitin for the c. of our Lord Jesoj 15. 03. afterward they that are Christ's athisc 16.17.1 am glad of c.of Stephanus and Fortunatus 2 Cor. 7. 6. God comforted us by the c. of Titus 7. not by his c. only, but by the consolation Phil. 1.26. be more abundant by my c. to you again 77,™. 2. 19. are not ye our rejoining at our Ld's. c. !. 13. hearts unblameable at the c. of our Lord i. 15. -we who remain to the c. of our Lord or/,, 11.15. K ). I will Ci c. for c 4. bless, are they that mourn, for they shall be c Rom. 1. 12. that'l may be c. together with you 1.4. the comfort wherewith we are c. of C God c. us by the coming of Titus he consolation wherewith he was c. in yo COMFORTEDST. !.l .thino anger is turned away, and thou <•. I COMFORTER, S. 2 Som.l0.3.thfit he hath sent c. to thee, 1 Chr.ig. ./,./, Mi. 2. heard many thine-., miserable f. are ye all Psal. 69. 20. I looked for c. but found none Eccl. 4.1. tears of the oppressed, and they had Lam.l.Q. she came down wonderfully, she had 16. c. that should relieve my soul is far froi Nah. 3. 7- whence shall I seek ,-. of thee ? .3. 11. beheld another beast c. up out of e new Jerusalem.-, down from God out of COMINGS. Ezek. 43. 11. shew them the goings out and c. COMMAND. . 23. -t 23. David set Benaiah at his c. Job 39. 27- doth the eagle mount up at thy c COMMAND Is referred (1) To God, whose command exler, \e earth, Psal. 33. 9. To the heavens, 1 f. 1(1.1, abid, !6. but the C. which is Holy Ghost, shall teach i. 26. when the come || 16. l.C. will not c COMFORTETH. Job 29. 25. I dwelt, as one that c. the mourr 7.ia. 51. 12. 1, even I, am he that c. you, who art 66. 13. as one whom mother c. will I comfort 2 Cor. 1. 4. who c. us in all our tribulations 7. 6. God that c. those that are cast down COMFORTLESS. John 14.18. I will not leave you c.will come to COMFORTS. Psal. 0-1 .10. ,,f my tie nights, thy c. delight my soul Isa. 57.18. 1 will lead him abound restore e.tohi- COM1NG. jen. 30. 30. the Lord hath blessed thee since my 43. + 20. O sir, c. down we came to buy food Lev. 14. +48. if the pri-st r. in shall come and look AW. 22. 16 let nothing hinder thee from c. Judg. 5. 28. why is his chariot so long in c. T 1 Sum. 16. 4. elders of the town tremble at his c. 29. 6. thy going and c. in with rae, since day of c. 2 Sum. 3. 25. to know thy going out anil thy c. in 2 Kings 13. 20. invaded the land at c. in of the veai 19. 27. 1 know thy going out and c. in, J, a . 37 . 28. Psal. 37. 13. for he seeth that Lis day is c. 101. 8. Lord shall nresei se iliy s'niry. mil and a. i, Is,,. 14 9 h. II 1 II 1 meet thee at < 44. 7- the things that are c. let this ' as. 1 1 a. , holy 01 -e the nfroi jf their COM :fore the c. of the great day of the Lord 7.52. 2wed before of th il blatt aythec.e id shall dea'li-;, ,.. ill) .he learl ■ s iii hi, .; 0. even him whoso e. is a tier the working of Satan :m. 5.7. be patient, brethren, to the c. of the Lord 8. for the c. of the Lord draweth nigh ,l6.makeknownpowerandc. of our Lord J. !. -asm of his c of the day of God clot ds, sai.di 5. f> To serpents Amo s 9. 3. To Mark 1. 27. [1] //,'. r- 8.5. [.vcn„l\li, :,;:.! l'lnl»ln.:h »asr. .fall, g. leLoi 1.. I word Tabor- 1 C/,rcm. 11. 16. David therefore did as GWc. him 2 C/». 35.21. Code, me, make haste, forbear thou J-.-.ia-,. 23. wlial-oevcr is,-, l.v the GW.if heaven r.a/.dK.'.'t;. ihvt;. hath <-. tli v sir- ngih.strensthen Mm. 15 4. for" Cod c. saving, honour thv father /Jew 10. 3.1. to In :.r .-.11 thine- that are c. thee of G. 2 Cor. 4. 6. G. « ho <■ . l,. ; i,i ,,, ihino out of darkness £«tf COMMANDED. Cm. 7. 5. Noah did .,. en,-.i! r. to all the Lord c. ■End. 7. 6. Moses and Aaron did as the Lord c. them, 10, 20. | 12. S8, 50. Num. 17. 11. 16.16. this is the thins Ld.c. 32. | 35.1. \».ii.:it).i. 34. as the Lord c. Moses, 31. 4. | 39. 1, 5. 7, if. 40. ig, 4-e. Lev. 8. 9. | 9. 10. /.«.(!. 4. Mnsosdid as /..r. him, Ai.m.211.27. I '-7 -11. Num. 36. C. Lord c. mv lord to five land to Israel Jhui.6. 21. the /,.,-,/ r". us to do all tiics- statutes 9-16. h lC/,r. 21.2; 24. 19- 'he JW. 106.3 J33. 3. for 1. thou <-. them prcr-it's. si "COMMANDE1 !5. 1. riven him for a hv.'.-r COMMANDES COMMANDET] AW. 12. 25. thy servants will d 7c* 9. 7. God, who c. the si 36.10. he c. that they 10. 10. he e. that they return from ini'tuily Wv 6. II. Lordc. COMMANDING. im. 4. 3. c. to abstain fro.i. meats ( COMMANDMLM. d. 31. 32. he gave them inc. all Lore ovethGod >lll li. -lull. COMMANDMENT of lie Lord. il i.W.17.1. jouni.c. ,./ ' L. Sum. 9. Hi, 20. | 10.13. • ..,,,,,.3 ..T). .11cs:s ami Aaron numbered at c. of L. .3. 1 cannot •,., beyond the r. „/ /,. to do "good ;B.A.,:,,,v,,:., 1; ,,oll„ r ,..c.,yy.,Wanddied have le-pteharueolV.e/y.. you. (iod 1 /u'»...H.:u.b 1-1.8. Davids 18. 18. in that and !■ "Howe and they left all li). Judah kept not the c. of the Lord their God 18.6. but kept hisc. u'lin-h In- commanded" 21. 20. wkv trangr.-ss ye the c. of the Lc -£-.,■„ <). 10. O our God, I'o'r v.e have forsaken thy r. 14. should we again break thvc. ami join in .- u; - Psal. 89.31. if they keep not my c. then will I 111. 7- his works ar, verily, ,'.11 his r. arc ■ 112. 1. blessed is he that delight. greatly in 1 119. 10. O let me not wander from thy c. 19- I >t thy c if thy e. .- thy r. i'l.'ll. I legal for thy c. , ',' ., .','„'„ '.,;.',' ",p'. n , f thou wilt hide my c. with thee iv tenuis and la> no my c. with thee Tat. 5. 19- whoso shall break one of these least c. .5.9. teach, for doctrines the c. of men, Mark 7. 7. 12. 40. on these twoc. hang all the law and proph. (ark 10. 19. thou knowest the c. Luke 18. 20. .2. 29. the first of all the c. is, hear O Isr. the L. :o tcath and seduce my servan COMMIT ',ni,], l ,'i„. ■2 A',,«,.7.1 1. if hi. ,: „n,,,nt,i I trill .lib 34. 10. Almiehtv, that he shoul T - 1. 5. they weary themselves to c 3. 20. turn from righteousn. and s I have kept 111 y Fatht s, but keeping the c. of God e yon, are the c. of the L01 ■wwhat c. we gave you by ) Do COMMANDMENTS. Signifies, [1] To [2] To commit, 0, [3] To render mo, Horn. 3. 5. [4] acceptable, 1 Cor Luke 23. 46. Father, COMMEND utol, or praise', Cor. 3.1 , or give in charge, Luk :o thy hands I c. my spi ousne ■,: ■<■. righteous, of God . do we begin again to COMMENDATION. Gen. 12. 15. the p: COMMENDED. ne others, epistles of c. J 2Cc. :.■■/,..,-. with the daughters of Moab Ezek. 16. 17. and thou didst c. whor. wiih imace- 34. whereas none followeth thee to r. ■..■hom.'.m. 20. 30. eye whoredom after llieir ahomiiialions lAv. 4. 10. they shall c. whoredoms and not increase " ttterefore your daughters shall <■. rr/w. 14. COMMITTED. Gen. 39. 8. he hath c. all that he hath to my hanc 22. the keeper c. to Joseph all the prisoners ev. 4. 35. priest make atonement for sin he hath c. .'0. 23. they c. these things, and I abhorred their r um. 15. 24. if aught be c. by ignorance Dent. 17. 5. bring forth that man or woman that c. 21. 22. if a man have c. a sin worthy of death JvJgZO.6. they have c. folly and lewdness in i -uii 1 A .■'/.. ».i 8. IT- we leave si nncd, wc ha\c c. wicked:] " ' 22. they provoked him with sins, they c. .brasen'shields r.heto the guard, 2 Chr. 12.10. r. 10. 13. Saul died for his transgression he c. 2. 13. for my people have c. two evils ). a wonderful and horrible thing is c. in land 51. nor hath Samaria c. half of thy si 18. 21. turn from ail his sins he hath c. 20. 43. shall lothe yourselves for evils ye have c. 23. :;. the,» 1: whoredoms in Kept in their youth .7. thus she c. whoredoms with them 33. 16. none of the sins he c. shall he mentioned Jos. 1. 2. for the land hath c. great whoredom 4. 18. they have c. whoredom continually Marl 15.7. who hade, murder in the insurrection ■ •In, 5. spel of circumcision to Peter, 1 Tim. 1. 11. 6. 20. O Timothy, keep what is c. to thee 1 .12.he is able to keep that which I c. to him Jam. 5. 15. ifhe have c. sins, Uicv shall lie lereiven "' slfto him that i"du-. liriel.ii »usl.v ungodlydeeds w-hich theyh Rev. 17.2 c. fornication 18. 3 20.27. in that they c. a I COMMITTEST, "sal. 10.14. the poor c. him thouhelper stealing, and c. adultery '. after the fou, year. Lev. 19. 24, 25. See Profa 'im. 16. 29. if these men diet W.20. 1 6. planted a vineyara, ananotmaaeit c. !8. i 30 shall plant, and not use it as c. meat Sam. 21. 4. there is no ,: bread under my hand ccl. 6. 1. there is an evil, and i is c. among men ■r. 31. 5. the planters shall eat them as c. things .ik. 23. 42. men of c. sort were brought Sabeans 'at. 21. 27- the soldiers took Jesus into thee, hall 'ark 7. + 2. the disciples eat bread with c. hands cts 2. 44. believers had all things c. 4. 32. >. 18. and put the apostles in the c. prison 0. I I.I li." cm in that isc. 11.8. L, ' Utioil ha, In! uiscI e ,11 „. . I a .„ , It ' n 11 111 tin 11 1 In. 11 - of ilseli I ill to him that esteemeth any thing to be c. Cor. 10. 13. no temptation taken you but c. to men it. 1. 4. to Titus my own son, after the c. faith id, 3. diligence to v, rite to you of the c. salvation COMMON people. r. -1.27. il any of the c. people sin thro' ignorance . , . h) . S |..,n . pao i'.., j i-so , . r . •ark 12. 37- and the c. people heard him gladly - COMMON-WEALTH. Eph. 2. 12. being aliens from the c. -wealth of Israel COMMOTION, S IChr on. eg. 8.Lord hath delivered them to great c. J,;: 10. 22. a great c. out of the n orth country Luke 21.9- when ye hear of c. be COMMUNE. not terrified Excd and there I will meet e .with David secretly ulsa; behold 19- Job 4 I.ifi Psal vUh your own heart on -our still' 64. ■they c. of laying snares pn vily, they say 77- COMMUNED. 42. 24. Joseph c. \\ Judg. 9. 1. Abimelech c. .s„„..t><-,-,.Samuelr.||25.39.Davidc.wil ,1 Kings 10.2.the queen ofSheba c.with Solomon of :h Huldah the prophetess 2 Ki,i°s 22. 1 Eccl.- '" 1.10. and king c. with them, none like Daniel 6. 11. they c. what they might do to Jesus 4. Judas c. to betray Jesus unto them 1 5. that while they . . Jesus himself drew near 24. 26. Felix sent and c. the oftener with Paul COMMUNICATE. I'c/.fi.ii.lcthim liiatistaiiehl c to him I hat leaehcib ye did c. with my affliction • COM Ileb. 13, 10\ hut to do Rood and to c. forget COMM1 mi ITED Gal. 2. 2. 1 r. i Im h I preach I'M. 4. 15 n» .-. wiih li.- Imi ye on" ( llMMI MCAIION. S." tSam.3. 17. had c. with the elders oflsracl \lal. 5. ::*■ hul hi Your c. hi- yea, yea, nay, nay Cttta 24. I". whal i.i.iiiii. -i-..r c. :ii.- these ye have"? 1 Cur. 15. 'II i il ■ ■■ i mi Mm / ;/i.4.'.y. no corrupt c proceed out of your momh, Col. 3. 8. 7'Aifcm.G.lhat ,-...l ili-. I ( 0MM1 mm.'. r„n. IB. .1.1. the I.ord left c. with Abraham /.'r,.i/.31.1U. when he had made an end ofc. on Sinai ''hit word signifies fellowship, concord, or . mem, 2 Cor. 6. 14. What communion hath light with darkness > Such as arc enlightened by III word and Spirit of God can nave no profitable Talk* 0.17. he came down the c. ofhis disciples an "2. when they separate you from their c. 14. make them sit down by li Hi. . in .. , Gen. 50. 9. there weni up with Joseph a grea, 2 CliraiiM.l. the queen of Sh.bacamc Willi a g, il!. 1 1 . great was the ,-. of those that published 'ZTafu", ae, (?) ?cllZ°h% r i,i doctrine, art lief. Acts 2. 42. Gal. 2. 9. (2) In erhortation Ileb. 10. 24. 25. (3; In consolation, 5. IS Horn. 12. 10. Eph. 5. 21. 15) In love. Horn'. 12 10; (6) In pity, Rom. 12. 16. (7) In prayet Eph. 6. 18, 19. (8) In helping and relievin j. 16. c body of Chri: 2 Cor. 6. 14. what c. hath light with ii.ul :«, r 13. 14. the c. of the Holy Ghost be with you a COMPACT. sbody fitlyjoined and , COMPANY. Gen. 30. 1 1 . Leah called his n me Gad, a 32. 8. if Es vu come to the one 21. and hi mself lodged that ni 35. 11. a c of nations shall be ol the-, k lie's \um. If,, a. ake ye censers, Ko ah and ail 1 16. be thoi e the Lord stran 22. 4. now shall this c. lick up all that are r 26. 9- who trove in the c. of K Jndg. 9. 37. nother e. come alon by the pla £fm!i5.1! 9-17. h 2 Chror, le and ai . of Jeb. said. I se 4. 24. the Syrian 6. 7. thou hast made desolate all my c. 34. 8. goeth in c. with the workers of invpii .- 'sal. 55. 14. we walked to the house ol l„,l ,,', , 68. t 27. the princes of Judah with their c. 30.rebuke the c. of spearmen, the bulls, the calvi 84. t 7. they go from c. to c. every one in Zion 106. 17. the earth covered the r. of Abiram 1 19. k dndled ii wicked Mai. ' /■:■.<■/-. 17. 17 nor shall Pharaoh with his grcaf c lolin 0. 5. s gr«« c of pricsls obedient to the fait COMPANY. 1 Cor. 5. 9. I wrote not to c. with fornicators COMPAMKI). Acts 1.21. COMPANIES. Juig. 7. 16. he divided the 500 men into three c laid wait against Shechcm in four c. 43. the p *,„„. 11.1 1. Saul put the people in three c. 13. 17. the spoilers came out of camp in three c. 2 /w«;..5.l. the Syrians had gone out by c. V,/,. 12.31 (.7,0. 10. .1 e c. of Sheba waited for them ha. 21.13. ye travelling c. of Dedanim a thou criest, let thy c. deliver thee I/,./-/ 0.3'j.t make all sit down by con green gras COMPANION. Exod.3l.17 gothroVamp and slay every man his c W;.lf.'ii. 1 (7, ,,,,.27 ,,,/,. a,. 2.1. am a brother to dragons, a c to ow Luke 19. 43. thine enemies shall COMPASSED. l'J. 4. the men of Sodom c.l JmIi. 0. 11. so the ark of the Lord c. the city Judg. 11. 18. then theyc land of Kdom and Aloab Hi. 2. theyc .San, son in, and laid wait all ni- 1 -' ■Sam. 23. 20. Saul and his men c. D. and his mi ■Sam. 22. 5. waves of death c m*,r>sM,\. | llf Kings ft. lS.heheldanhost c the city with hoi Chron. 21. 9. smote the Edomites which c. hin Jol, KJ. 6. know that God hath c. me with his i 26. 10. he hath c. the waters wilh hounds Psal. 17. 1 i thy c. wife of thy cove. COMPANIONS. hey brought thirty c. to be with hi lall the c. make a banquet of him 1.7. that iside by 'the fl i of thy, 11,/,. l<\:,. ,us andc.of thievi /..../.. :,7. Iti. wri.f ■on ii f..r linl.i.l, „nl Israel Insc Dan. 2. 17. he made the thing known to hi: l.-r 19- 29. having r.-.a,!,, Paul's c. intra- COMPARABLE. he pn-eions sons of Zion c. to fine gold COMPARE, ED, ING. jt worthy to be c. with the glory liritual things with spiritual COMPARISON. lat have I done now in c. of you ? 3 not in your eyes in c. ofitasnothin Exod. 27. 5. shall put the net under the c. of alta Sam. 5. 2.3. but fetch a c. behind them and coins l\,ngs3.i). they fetched a c. of seven days' journe lets 28. 13. from thence we fetched a c. to Rhegiui COMPASS, Verb. Num. 21. 4. they journeyed toe. the land of Edoi Josh. 6. 3. ye shall c. the city, all ye men of wj 4. and the seventh day c the city seven times 2 Sam. 24. t 2. c. the tribes of Israel and numbei 2 Kings 11.8. c. the king round about, 2 Chr. 23/, i,, 1., all c. me about i, , l,l'o,''!l',;J, deal DutTiAwrks ut the righteous 22. 12. ..,7.7. .any bulls c. me || 16. ^25. I and my heart r .o d k g nowwUon, e /.r,h. U I.,,/,,' 21 /i, 4.5.2. or that he himself als COMPASSED D«tf.82 1 10. in howlingwilderness he cthem aliovl 22.0.1 e about, Psal. IS. 5. '"'«-, 'ram fm^ESe? night and c. city a . 8. 21. J ' CI: ,;■„. 18. 31. they c. about ehoshaphat to fight I'wil. .10 12. innumerable evi 88. 17. hey c. me a. together 109.3. ! 118.11,12. 113. 10 all nations c. me about, but in the name /..«„/, 2. 7M. 11. 12.1. c 5. they went up and c cLpotlS^ioat Cm. 2. 1 1. cllavilah'||13.c' 1. 1 1 1 . he land of Ethiopia /',.,/. 73 6. therefore pride e.lh HM.ll.12.Eph COMPASSIO i /■:,«." 8. 50. give them c. be ore them who carry Full of COMPASSION. 78. 38. he be. n" full of e. forgave their iniquity 5.thouartaG./.o/c.lll.4. | 112.4. | 145.8. Have or had COMPASSION. End. 2. 0, the babe wept, and she had c. on him Dent. 13.17- the Lord may turn and hate con thee 30. 3. then the Lord shy God mil have c. on thee 1 Sam. 23.21. blessed be ye of L.forye/ on me 1 Kings B. 50. that they may have c. on them 2 Ernes 13. 23. Lord if as ai'.n lousand hade. on them 2 Chum. 30, 15. because he had c. on his people 17. Chaldces W nor. o„ young man or maiden Im.49.i5.that she should not 'have con son of womb Jcr. 12. 15. 1 will return and hair c. on them hum. 3. 32. vet will he hare c. Mie. 7. 19. Mat. 15. 32. I /«h*c. on ibe multitude, Marl 8.2. 18. 33. also have W c on thy fellow-servant 20.34. so Jes.had con them and touched their eyes Mail: 5. 19. how the Lord hath had c. on thee huke 7 . 13. when the Lord saw her, he had c. on her 15 20 father' I II "on his neck l.' 15. I will hare c. on whom I will havec. Ileb. 5.2. who car. have c. on the ignorant, and them 10. 34. for ye had c. of me in my bonds JiuleZZ. of some have c. making a difference .3.22. a COMPELLED, I ehoram c. Judah thereto 14. why <•. thou ilietlcntileste, In,. COMPLATN, ED, ING Slum- 11> 1- l ' ie P» pl e c - '' displeast J,,,/,. 2 I .'.'2. or their brethren came J,,/, ?. II. I will ... l" the li.llerncss //c.y.n when people were ,'. ii displeased Lord ■ are runrmurers, c. walking afte: ' ' COMPLAINT, S. ;e of myc.have I ! when I say, n I say, I will lot CON ' glory shall flee from the birth and c. CONCERN, ETH. 12. 10, say i" i hem, this burden c. the prince ~:u. .11 . teaching things which c. the L. J. C. , 11.30. glory in things which c. my infirmities CONCERNING. 19.21. I have accepted thee c. this thing Is' which I did swear to give, Ah,m. 14.30. Lev. 4. '-'Ii. priest make atonem. for him r. sin, 5. Ii. (i. .1. l.aili found what was lost, and lieth c. it Num. in. '.'(J. the Lord hath spoken good ,-. Israel 1 Kings 11. 10. had commanded him c. this thing 2 i< ,■,,;.-!). ! l.givi charge c. thyhouse.Tra. 38. tl. AVi. 1. 2. I asked them c the Jews that escaped Psal. 90. 13. repent thee c. thy servants, 115. 1 1. Lee/. 7. ID. for thou dost not inquire wisely r. .lie 10. woe to them that say c. evil, it is goo- ill help in vain, theref. have I cried c. thi sk me e. my sons, and c. work of my hands . thus saith the Lord e. sons, c. daughtei l his plaie, r. their mothers, c.thr-- r —' . the pillars, c. the sea, c. bases, I poured out mj ,7.1aidr.against H3. if any man .... . COMPLETE. I sabbaths shall be c 4 12. that'ye may stand e. in all the will of God COMPOSITION. Exod. 30. 32. nor make any like it after the c. .17- COMPOUND, ETH. Exod. 30.25. an ointment c. after art of apothecar 33. whosoever c. any thing like it, or putteth any COMPREHEND. Job 37. 5. great things doth he which we Ejih.3.m. may be able to e. with saints t COMPREHENDED. /M.40.12.hath c .the dust of the earth in l..lm 1. 5. Iteh; slimed, and the darkne: 7J„ briefly c. in this saying, thoi CONCEAL, ED, ETH. Cm. 37. 26. if we slay ourbrother and i Deut. 13. 8. not spare, neither shalt th 28. thus saith the Lord God c. the Amn 47. 14. c. which I have lifted up my hand Dan. 2. 18-would desire merciesof G. c. thi; . that purpose might not be changed c. ' 16. 11. that I speak it not to you c. bread Mark 5. 16. they that saw, told also , Ln/.c 24. 27. he expounded the things 3. 34. as c. that he raised him u] s the glory of God tc declare ye, publish i CONCEIT, S swer a fool, lest he be Id be wise in yot 1, ING. ir iathei hall Ik l!„,n.\ 1. 5. oi I ph. 5.12. I ■'hit. 4. 15. ; VV/h.6.21.: horn as c. flesh Chris the gospel, are cnemi vise to what is good, a: :. played the whore against him , on his c. and divided her lather's,.'. ! had done 2o! 3. the king put hi i ^vard .mil ted ll,'e„ 1 Ki ngs 11. 3. a .ndSo on. 11.21. for llehob k threescore 2. 14,tocu stody ofSh Can .6.8.there a ueens and 80 c. and virgi . multitudes in the valley of c. beware of dogs, beware of the. r . CONCLUDE. wee. a man is justified hv fail 1 1 v. ilium CONCLUDED. as touching tin- CI. miles, we have e >.. for God hath c. them a'l in .... belie hut the scripture hath c. all under sit CONCLUSION. 11. sin wrought in me all manner of ('e/..!. 5. mortify members, evil e. and c 1 Thess. 4. 5. not in the lust of c. as U CONDEMNATION of condemnation, John 3. 19. [3] The punisi merit itself, wherennto one is adjudged and cm demned, 1 Cor. II. .12. [4] A censuring otlu ra,l,l„, unjustly, or uncharitably, Luke '6. 31 [5| A witnessing against and convicting perso, ample and conduct of others; thus the Nini vites shall condemn the obstinate Jews, Ma 12. 41. because the former repented at t! preaching of Jonas, but the others shewed no sig, id and did many might// works among them. CONCORD. ad what c. hath Chris CONCOURSE. .of the whole CONCEIVED. ' c. and bare Cain c. || 21. 2. Sarah, to drink '.S.I.Lukel.X [vanity, Isa. 50. vords of falsehood engtb ti 16. 4. Haga 25. 21 . Hebekah his wite c. || 29. 32. Leah c. 3.1 30. 5. Bilhah c. || 23. Rachael c. and bare a son .19. the flocks c. 31. 10. || 38. 3. Shuah c. 4, 5. 38. lS.Tamarc. || Exod. 2.2..lochched , .aol bar Lev. 12. 2. have c. seed, and born a man child Num. 11. 12. Moses said, have I c. all this] l&m.l.20.Hannahc.andbare a son,Samuel,2.21 2 Sam. 11. 5. Bafhsheba c. sent and told David 2 Kings 4.17.Shunamitc c. j| La. C. 1. prophetess t Job 3.3. it was said, there is a man child c. Psal. 7. 14. c. mischief, brought fonh . : . 1 '-'- 'he chamber of her that c. me lios. T.49. 3 she that c. them hath done shamefully 1 .SO.that which is c. in her is of the H.Gho 1. 36. Elizabeth hath c. a son in her old a; ;,,/,»■, wife of th m the concubines, (1) In that thru;, or, I, tolhncship with their husbands bv sot vitiation, and with consent and solemn re : of friends. (2) They brought with ) cries to their husbands. (3) They hoc hem: Thus Sar horn he had Isaa hit he had hesi taking void the law of God.- he Mediator and Saviour of ired for the purpose, letter of Absolvo ;' tyofjudgmeni ) are in Christ Jesus ■■or. 11. 34. tnat ye come not together to c. lor. 3. 9- if the ministration of c. be glorious "im. 3. 6. lest he fall into the c. of the devil . 12. let your nay be nay, lest ye falf into c. CON Ait p. CO. if I justify myself, mv moiitli shall r. me i... 2. iwilltu toG.d .11.17. and will llioli .-. In,,, .!,,! is inosljust- 40. II. will lli.iu ,-.,„,■. ll, .Ml P«/.37.31 lm I' ........ I ,1 91.21. and ■ blood UXJ.3I. 10 save linn l"r ■ , 1,, J'nv. 12.2. aminofwii ki /j«. oO.y. L.will help mi' .who is lie that shall c I, Mat. 12.41. anil shall r. il I ■ . / . . II. 42. queen of the ! lath si ■ ., Psal. 32.5. Mai. 3. 6. Jam. , !(. [5] To nrhuncledgc a crimel'. yv,.,.M7J:.!iiM:''.t','j'l'; l ''j',si.' "holI'mnU CONDESCEND. -LiuleU. 32. he sciideth a.. I de i,.lh ,. oi pear.- CONDUCT, ED. 2,." I 40.all the pe aplr of Indah r. (lie hiii = and Isla. yJr(j 17.15.they that f .Paul brought him In Allan lCoi-.l6.ll.huir. him loril, m [.race to come to mi CONDUIT. 2 A/.,;., 13. 17. ihey came and stood bye. La. 36.2 20. 20. llezekiah, how he made a pool and a r ha. 7. 3. co loi th 10 meet at the end of the r Tick. 31.^ -1. sent out her r. to the trees of the fieli CONFECTION. ""'li'NlTr'r'lo'NAut 11 .laiiglde Gen. 1 CONFEDERAL Psal.83. 5. have consulted, they are r. nc.-iinsi th- ha. 7. 2. it was told. Svi-in is r. v.ith J', CONFERENCE. ' Co/. 2.6. for th.-v in r. added nothing to me -"CONFERRED. 1 Kings 1.",. Ad jah r. with Joab and Ahiatha 1. lli.ii a el;, I f . h the i / », IuVel2 8 [2] J, id the fruit ol'yc j and offence,, e 2 I. 1 1. ll,i,"l c. lhat a.ter the way they call hero Rom. 10. 9. shall r. with thy mouth the Lord Jes H . 1 1 . trn-y knee how, every tongue shall e. to L . la !.) i i-.-llr. lolin-c aiming llie'lciitllcs anil dug /'/./. 2. II., |,at e-.ei V tongue shall,, lesiisis I, ad -<»»■'. a.lli.e.yn.r fitlltsinai to another and praj l ./..»., 1 una. -,-. o„ sins, he is faithful to forgiv, 1. 15. whoso shall r. that Jesus is I he Sou of I .oil 1U\ 'i I M Wlllr.'i i'iIoii' n" I Hi. . COM-ESSED, Ml II, IMi. /-.':r„10. J. when Ezra had r. oailiia Ar'i.iJ.J. Is.-, siood.-in.'u-. iheu-sins, aIourthpart < /»,..,. 9.21 Acts ly.l8.manycame and c. and shewed theirde 13.', 15. the fruit of our "lips. r. to his name Josh. 7. 19. give glory hope. Job 4.6. I Ij Tint wherein one trust- i. ler. 18. 13. [5] Succour, or help, 2 Kings - 19. [6] KufUp ,'0, ■ ,..,nrit„, lizek. 28. 26. ] A due rcsolnlwn, 2 Cor. 10. 2. [8] A free ,1 bold profe.s>ion of Christ and the gospel, Judo. (J. CI), men of M-.eihem put their r. inGaal 2 /are 18. 10. thus saithlhe great king of Assyria ' ate. is this wherein 1 lion tru.testr /..„. do. 4. 6. is this not thy fear, thy c. ihy hope : Piro.3.26. for Ed. shall be thy r. anc : - -\e fear of the Lord is s th down the strength of lquietn. and r. shall be' slsr. was ashamed of I ) more the c 26. in th h'.'vj.c thy c. not prosper in this will I bcr. -../«. 2.1 'J. all e .th hi thyself art a guide of the blind CONFIDENT] • I05.ludahandlsr.dw. , a,/ 0, of Gorf '' ( 7of ifirm and s /„; nut ho, -«« °/ "u'nnut. or ,a//.., Ll . IS2 , strengthe ,l, ; , h.ell // m u see..' :,.-., /„//:. ed himself i the Lord hi God s the mann r for to c all 11. uni 111 ■ .e.-andr. thy vord: 2. 8. that ye dr.yc-u love tow ad h CON1 lUM ED .7. 24. thou To -.lothys the king, lfthype oplels ■u. 14. 2. Eo 7. and hath r the "" ' ' ! job, i's Ilia 1 he si. ,.. 0, 1- i,s words win h he s,,a eug. CON to us by then I i k m i'vri i , ' 15.41 ntlhro' con: Etra 7.26.1et judgm. be executed to i CONFLICT. 7W.39.tlO. I am consume. I l,y the c Phil. 1. .10. having the same c whicl Co/.e.l. that ye knew what gnat,-. C0NF01UIAIH.E. Phil:. nayki CON UMI'.I). [5] Tot •amaz ston shcd.ortio i««(l 1 „„,,<7, Acts 2 6. It is said 1 Pet. .6 He that ': eth s ,,,.„,/,. pointed " ;': ,,;„„ .,, „ /,,■/,, scrip/in ed v. Is. '.'!'.. If), belie 101 ! ilt 11 not mat \!'^ 6 «'^ dm i( if wrong : iu SI ill .•,'//../ r.',„, Jodfor delivera Gc.U.l age, 9. lest 1 c. the e them L Cor. 1. 2 .loc. A mighty INFO jnde'd. 2 Kings 19. 26. tl tal .Zia 37.27. Job 6. 20. theyw 1 <••*• ,„ .,■',!„■, nad hoped 27. 16. let the Lord set a man over the c. 35. 12. cities of refuge that manslaycr ilie not. till he stand before the c. lor judgment, J,,,/,. 2(1.6 20. l.the c. was gathered as one man from Dai ). that came not up with the c. to the Lord igr 12. 20. they sent and called .lerob. to the c 2 i"7,r. 30.24. give mr. IiiCjj hclloe!. /isra 10. 8. and himself separated from the c. ,Veh. 13.1. the Moabi 83. 17. let them be c. and troubled for ever 97.7- c be all they that serve graven images 121.1.5. let (hem all be c. turned back thathateZi In,. 1 .29. shall be c. for gardens that ye have chos 19- 9- they that weave net-works shall be c. Jer. 9. 19. greatly r. because we have forsaken land )le land shall be ■e have heard rei 1 bear thy shame, who dwelt a; li.ona.cns .alloftbei ./,„„,.„ ,/, 15 O ilM i 1 b 1. n , > ihath ,.„,„,/„,„ mt 22 thou c „,/,„,„,/ , 31 IU. 1 ,.: ,e ause 1 di be 1 k. 3(5. 32 I„ ..,/,.„ „ ttndc. Mi .3.7. the ',1, 1, Not CONFOUNDED. Pal. 22. 5. our fathers t and were n Xsa 45. 17. „ol ashamed 1 P 7. God tl. 2. 6. .(II help, lie efore h.,M „a, !• him shall no be CONFUSED Jsa 9- 5. fo ll R 1 Ac J 19- 32. assembly w CON FUSION r,c .11. + 9 therefore is ed 1 , ,', ,i dot 1 thereto, it ght 44.15 7l! 1. 109.2 Lord! let m 9- let them co 11; 1 ... . JO.:; ' andthetrasTin th eshadow'o f Egypt yo is filled with c. ithorcfr. butpe id strife is, there 5. 34. for . of hypo s duill U . in the m 1 have ' s thee ye indeed speak righti 71 ■ 2. remember thy r. thou lj.10 purchased of old 19. forget not the c. of thy poor lor ever 75. 2. when I receive the c. I will judge uprightly 82. 1. God standeth in the c. of the mighty" 21. II). the men -hall lemaul hi ll'e c. of the dead Isa. 14.13. I will sit 11 , the mount of the c. Jer. G. 18. and know, O < /.in,,. All tl. should m m;i:ec.\ befort 16. 17. make aton 24. 14. let all the 10. all th door of tab him, 1(5. .W. 15. ... ,J allth.r had, 16. 3. seeit . shall one sin, wilt thou be wroth wi 27. they went up in sight of all the 19. set him before Eleazar and all t . 8. 35. which Joshua read not before ngs 8. 14. the king blessed all the c. ol 2y. 28. all the c. worshipped and the sinem ,u \eh. 5.13. nil thee, said, amen, and praised the L. 8. 17. all the c. that were come again made booths Elders of the CONGREGATION. Lev. 4. 15. elders of the c. shall lay (heir hand:. Great CONG 1 LEGATION. 'w: ;■ 65. at that time Solomon held a feast, all 0.9. I have preached righteousness in the gr 10. I have not concealed thy truth from gre, CONGREGA ['ION of Israel. ' Eiod.\«.§.e.ofhr„ CONGREGATION of the Lord. 2v"wm.l6.3.why lift you yourselves above c. of the . 27. 17. c. ofL. not as sheep that have noshephe 31.l6.was a plague among c. of the L. Josh. 92.1 CON .23. 1. shall not enter into the e.ofth /../'.(ha'slmlle'.".' \',','.s\\ h,' i,',! i,,' ,' l", 9 iii. h, ■!-, bronehi before the i called .26. a itbef. l. ball nol e u iroi Es.,,1. 3ij. 32. ~t. .;/■ c. lini .had j| If). 2. set up /. „f 26rand a he put the golden attar in the "««'/«/ 35] Moses was U not C able r to enter fnto "ihetcnt of Whole CONGREGATION. rod. 16.2. the : ,h.dc c. of Israel murmured '11m. 3. 7. they shall keep the charge of the u\ ish. 22. 18. to-morrow he will be wroth with w. 13. the uhole c. sent to speak to Benjam 2 17, ,,, (,. a,, ihakinehhssedtheat/io/ec.oflsra Ezra 2. 64. the -ohole c. was 42,360. JVWi. 7. 6 26. 26. wickedness be shewed before uhole CONGREGATIONS. CONQUERORS. ' t Kom. 2. 15. It is ether (I) Good, 1 I im. 1. 5. And this is ailed. [1] A conscience void of offence toward a/„, <„„„„/ /,V, Rom. 9. 1. [3] Pure and good, i,u„« /,!,,■; ■;,,! /■:, tie w„ ,/ ,./■ f ,:,,./, iieb. 9. 11. 1 Tun. 3. 0. [a] Purged from dend works ; - / " ' „ t n, Ileb'9 14 [5-M lleb. 10. 2!'" [6]' A conscUnce^hechiig'aiid th 11 J < and itj ' ,, , , I , i.hen then ha-.c i oii-onned to it, Rom. 2. 15. Or, (T I)" Evil, lleb. 10. 22. uhen it is denied a,,-/,!. I, ,s , „//,,!, ill A eouJeieuce seared with a hot iron; that is, i/ttue uiiiict filed conseuela.';'"!'!',,,', ,! lli*ded\}d)mctri~- tat of it after your crample against Ail flj.ii Let: 7.37. this i the law of the c. and sacrifice Mar k 6. 52. they e Dot the nir&cle of the loav coniciemr, and m //„• guilt of hi* ..,-, r, ,// «f imputtj /.' i/ou. //'/ii - i> ffl« llcalh. pi, :/:< .1,, ./.',• n./uii.-i ioop,Lorfwilld«lh Chriituru to Si mfcniMi i M k b> not only for wrath, Imt ,i! , he c. his way ««m. 11.5. //,,■/ n, «,./..,.•.'(, p,.i inir of puHisA. have a c.VOid of offence to 7.16. v ! Tim. 6. 3. if any man i-.n-.l l„ wholes. CONSENT. 1 Sam. 11. 7. and they came out with c sothero ,-iiiyol'lh.-[ine,lsiiiii Zeph. 3. 9. i 4. 2.' cmmic din- yourselves t 19- war a 3. 9. holding the mystery of 2 7Y,„. 1..1. I "thank God, whon Tit. 1.15. b. lleb. 9. 9- ma ke perfect, as pe 14. purge c from dead works rinkled fr f.ofsi 10.2. 22. h 13. 18. we trust we have a good c. in all things 1 Pe/.2.19-ifamanfor„.,„ 24. 21. an d they c. agains Jehoiada 25. tl of Joash c. aga ,st him, 26. call of th em together, and on,e , id tight mos 7 hee in Israel CONSTANT LY. Chron 28. 7. if h ommandments ;""-'. t8. to give his holy place man that heareth, spcaketh c. c. the horns, and behold there e c. not the beam that is in thine CONSTELLATIONS, 13. 10. the c. thereof shall not give their CONSIRAIN. . 6. 12. they c. you to be circumcised, only lest CON CONSTRAINED, ETII. 8 ffing.t4.8.the woman of Shimi -.11 r. him 1 Job 32. 18. full of matter, the spirit withi Mat. 14. 22. Jesus c his disciples Ma ' "e24. 29. but they c him, saying, ah 2 Co 16. 15. Lydia .14. for love of Chr. rejudgi 1 Pet. 5. 2. taking oversight, not by c but willingly CONSULT. Psat.f&A. only cast him down from excellency CONSULTATION. MarklS.l. theciinl priesi-. hi-ld it. u uli