c Cincinnati', rfawi^n 3*>^ jaaytov% railway- 3 7* > I 8& W Class. Book. ~s OODSDALE Vw \ WW \~£W \ W W W. W W W W W W W \ W W W \ Wis** T A CH&D Park CINCINNATI.HAM1LT0N&DAYTDN R H. \A?OODSDALE ISLAND PARK GENERAL OFFICES 200 West Fourth Street, M. D. WOODFORD, Pn ndent and Gem ral Uanagi , . CINCINNATI, O. C ' NE ;,t S ° N ,; ,.„, b. o. Mccormick, ■ Passengei I Ticket \-_i- > T353rw> ^ Moobsbale Islanb park, WOODSDALE, OHIO. " where Nature's heart Beats strong amid the hills." (55J9MLNES' poetic phrase aptly expresses the natural c«vc^> advantage of Woodsdale Island Park. Surrounded by the historic Miami, and adorned by an open grove of majestic forest trees, it is truly an ideal spot. Located on $ the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Railroad, but an hour's ride from Cincinnati, it is just far enough away to make the railroad ride a fitting prelude and finish to a p. f *\ °\ °\ Marcus Benjamin day's outing. The Island has two large springs, one, from which bubbles up ice-cold water, and the other a chaly- beate spring of strength and efficacy. Supplementing these natural advantages, the C. H. & D. have expended some twenty thousand dollars in improvements and at- tractions, leaving nothing undone that human ingenuity could suggest for the amusement of the patrons of the Island. The grounds are well sodded, and equal the lawns of the finest city residences. Among the buildings erected are noted, the best dancing platform in the State, a complete restaurant, lemonade and ice cream pavilions, band stands, boat and bathing-houses and enough covered buildings to provide ample shelter for five thousand people, in case of showers. The restaurant includes, in addition to the regular dining-room, a lunch-counter, where reasonable prices will prevail, under the management of Ohmer & Noonan, whose reputation for high class catering is second to none. They have added to their laurels by the manner in which they have conducted the dining-car service between Cincinnati and Chicago, and the same high standard will prevail at Woodsdale Island Park. The grounds are provided with base-ball parks, tennis courts, croquet grounds, quoit grounds, pony and foot- race tracks, merry-go-rounds, bowling alley, swings, puz- zling labyrinth, flying dutchman, shooting galleries, and numerous other sports and games. Among the new at- tractions for this year is the river toboggan slide, an *„^--.'3T ! * v P" ."V* accessory of the bathing-house. The toboggan slides down a boxed incline tilled with running water. Another novelty will be the swan-boats, of which there will be several. The smaller swan-boats, propelled by treadle, will be used only on the Island lake, but the larger ones will be run by naphtha engines, and ply up and down the river. These boats will accommodate parties of twenty or more, according to size, and are built with a special view to safety, the center-board and other attachments making it impossible to capsize them. Naphtha launches and many new row-boats — the latter being clinker-pattern skiffs, light and well built — complete the Woodsdale fleet. The bathing-houses have been considerably improved, and, as the river bed is of gravel and sand, bathing is a chief and delightful feature. Among the other conveniences are the parcel-room and ladies' toilet-room. As there are but few approaches to the Island, and these are guarded by the Company's special policemen, the intrusion of un- welcome guests can be prevented. Gambling of any kind is not permitted on the grounds. Trains are run daily between Cincinnati and Woods- dale Island, leaving at seasonable hours and returning to the city in time for supper. The immense traffic of last year has encouraged the C. H. & D. to augment their facilities for the coming season, and arrangements have been perfected so that excursion trains will run through between Cincinnati and Woodsdale, and the average trip will be made in an hour. The smallest or largest picnic can be accomodated, but notice must be given at the general office, 200 West Fourth street, to assure the privi- lege of the grounds. Special efforts will be made to accomodate family parties or groups desiring to spend a day on the Island. There is no charge whatever for the use of the grounds. They are free to the organiza- tions with whom we arrange. To secure good dates, societies, churches and other organizations desiring a day's outing at Woodsdale Island, should perfect arrange- ments at once. For further information, rates, dates, etc., call on or address, e. o. Mccormick, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, CINCINNATI, HAMILTON & DAYTON R. R. 200 W. FOURTH ST., CINCINNATI. BIRDS EYE VIEW OF WOODSDAT.E ISLAND PARK. \ 014 433 162 A