Class Book Copyright N?._ COPYRIGHT DEPOStT. They had gone about two blocks when they ran into a tribe of Indians. — Frontispiece. T WI^TTET) HI^TTOP^y "By FRANK C. VOORHIES AX/THCfR OF " LovJe Letters of an Irish XOoman" "Mrs. McYiggs of the Very Old Scratch." '"Reflections of "Bridget McJSTulty." Etc. Illustrations by T. CROMWELL LAWRENCE G. W. DILLINGHAM COMPANY Publishers Now York LIBRARY of CONGRESS Tw# Copies Received MAR 4 1904 X. Copyright Entry OLASS * XXc. No, ' COPY 8 Copyright, 1904, by G. W. DILLINGHAM COMPANY Twisted History. Issued March, IQ04 TO D. A. V., WHO IS JEALOUS OF THIS BOOK BECAUSE SHE CLAIMS THAT I SAT UP LATER AT NIGHT WHILE WRITING IT THAN I DID WHILE COURTING HER Preface AM about to speak plainly, and about myself. Every one who buys this book is my friend — at the time of buying it, anyway — and, as it is perfectly proper to speak about one's self to friends, I feel that you will not think me magniloquent, thrasonical or gasconading when you read what I have to say in this little foreword. I am a historian, a statistician and a philanthropist. I am : A historian, because I can write his- 7 PREFACE tory the like of which no man has ever dared to turn out. Facts and fiction are sisters, and as they were strangers — according to an old adage — I have brought them together at a family re- union. A statistician, because I have learned, by looking over statistics, that there are about 80,000,000 people in the United States to-day. A philanthropist, because I have given my brethren a history of the early years of their country that will benefit them greatly. I can also truthfully say that it contains not one word that will harm the sturdy minds of "Young America." As I have said, I have figured that PREFACE there are 80,000,000 people in the coun- try now. I have also reckoned on the saying that the average American family consists of five people. Now, you must admit that every American family should own a history of the United States, and to tell the truth, I cannot at the present moment think of any history that would better adorn your bookshelf or parlor table — if you keep your precious volumes in the parlor — than my own great book, which you now have in your hands. By dividing 80,000,000 by 5, I find that there are 16,000,000 families amongst us at the present time. I am planning on copies of this book entering at least PREFACE 15,000,000 of these family circles by June 1st. I trust that I may not be disappointed. I know you will be pleased with "Twisted History," for we guarantee it can be readily digested without the aid of pepsin. TO Contents CHAPTER PAGE I. Christopher Columbus ... 75 II. More Wise Boys . .... 37 III. Raising the Dutch . . . 55 IV. Reverse English Companies . 71 V. More English Doings . . . qq VI. i>Y//y /Vj*» #«df iS&ftK* 0/" His Friends ....... 7/7 VII. The Lucky Thirteen . . . iji VIII. The Beginning of the Scrap . /