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TO THE MEMORY OF THE EARLY SETTLERS OF THE QUEEN CITY OF THE ALLEGHANIES. BY THE AUTHOR. ILLUSTRATIONS. Fort Cumberland, . . . Frontispiece. Plan of Fort Necessity, .... Page 76 Plan of Fort Cumberland. .... 92 PoRTKAlT OF BrADDOCIv. ..... 100 Mat of Braddock's Route, .... 140 Braddock's Grave in 1850 .... 18S liRADDociv's Grave in 1877 . . . ' . 190 Cresap's Fort 254 The Old- Milestone 257 Washington's Headquarters .... 280 Plat of Cumberland ..... 284 The '-Narrows" S'd2 City Hall 420 Court House . . . .434 .'Vli.wjany Coi'ntv Academy .... 434 i INDEX. y P'ort Cuiiit'erlami, Indian women and jealousy 123 127 letter from Braddnek 130,135-137 Colonel Innes appointed Governor 135 Maryland militia sent to 152 arrival of the retreatint? army 174184 letter from Captain Orme 180 " Colonel Dunbar 184 Dnnhar's retreat from 185 Newspaper re)iorts from 193, 194 the wounded at 197 Indian outratjes at 198-201. 244 Governor Sharpe's opinion of it 198 the garrison is strengthened 199 troulile as to the command 202-206 letter from General Shirley 205 beseiged by Indians 207, 210 Colonel Innes' queer let r 209 Killbuck's visit 211, 212 Washington urges its ai.ihip of pro^^erty were res]^)ected to a certain extent; that is to say, when grants were obtained the settlers did not fail to give him some tritle as a pretended compensa- tion. In referring to this place it became customary with the settlers and trap]^)ers to use Will's name as the easiest method of designating it, and in a little while, very naturally, they came to speak of "Will's Creek." Thus the orig-inal Indian name for the .stream was lost; and the momitain finally obtained its name from the creek. The date of Will's death is not defuiitely known, but that event is supposed to have occurred about the close of the revolutionary war, or shortly thereafter. His remains were buried on the very top of Will's Knob, and the place of his sepulture is still pointed out to those who are curious enough to visit it. He left several children, who intermarried with white settlers, and their descendants lived near the Pennsylvania State line, on Will's creek, as late as 1810, but the last of them has now disappeared. In the map referred to above, and which was drawn in 1751, Will's Creek is marked as "Caiuctucuc Creek," and at that date was known by no other name 1 74 o.] THE POTOMAC. 23 jxmongst the liulinns. It was a stroam ol" no great pretensions during the summer months, hut frequently overflowed its hanks after he;ivy freshets, and spread over much ol' the hottom land near its mouth. Its shores were thickly fringed with trees and shruhhery, :nid its waters flowed lazily througli the cooling shadows of the "Narrows," a grand rent in the mountain, a mile to the north of the junction ol' the creek with the river. The Potomac* River obtained its name doubtless froni the Potomac tribe of Indians, At the time of the grant of Maryland to Lord Baltimore, in 1G32, it was specified as the boundary line between V^irginia and Maryland, and relerred to a.'^ "(^uiriough, or Potoinaecial interest: Washington's journal, 1754. "On the 31st of March I received from his honor* a Lieutenant Colonel's commission, of the Virginia regiment, whereof Joshua Fry, Esq., was Colonel, dated the 15th, with orders to take the troops which were at that time at Alexandria, under my command, and to march with them towards the Ohio, there to help Captain Trent to build forts, and to defend the possessions of his Majesty against the attempts and hostilities of the French. "April the 2d. — Everything being ready, we began our march, according to our orders, the 2d of April, with two companies of foot commanded by Captain Peter Hog, and Lieutenant Jacob Vanbraam, five subalterns, two sergeants, six corporals, one drummer, and one hundred and twenty soldiers, one surgeon, one Swedish gentleman, who was a volunteer, two wagons, guarded by one Lieutenant, sergeant, corporal and twenty-five soldiers. *Mr. Dinwiddie, Governor of Virginia. 56 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1754. "We left Alexandria on Tuesday noon, and pitched ouv tents about four miles from Cameron, having travelled six miles. [From this date to the 19th of the same month, the journal contains nothing more than a monotonous detail of each day's march, and a statement that Captain Stephens, with his detachment, had joined the command.] "The 19th. — Met an express, who had letters from Captain Trent, at the Ohio, demanding a reinforcement with all speed, as he hourl}' expected a body of eight hundred French. I tarried at Job Pearsall's for the arrival of the troops, where they came the next day. When I i-eceived the above express, I dispatched a courier to Colonel Fry, to give him notice of it. "The 20th. — Came down to Colonel Cresap's, to order the detachment out, and on my route, had notice that the fort was taken by the French. That news was confirmed by Mr. Wart,* the ensign of Captain Trent, Avho had been obliged to surrender to a body of one thousand French and upwards, under the command of Captain Contrecoeur, who was come from Venango (in French, the peninsula) with sixty battoes and three hundred canoes, and who, having planted eighteen pieces of cannon asainst the forts, afterwards had sent him a summons to depart. "Mr. Wart also informed me that the Indians kept steadfastly attached to our interest. He brought *Washinf;ton has evidently misspellei! this name, as the person alluded to was, beyond doubt, Eusigu Ward. 1754.] Washington's journal. 57 two young Indian men with him, who were Mingoes, that they might have the satisfaction to see that we were marching with our troops to their succor. "He also delivered me the following speech, which the Half-King* sent to me: "'Fort Ohio, April 18th, lVo4. '"A Speech from the Half-King, for the Governors of Vinjinia and Pennsylcania : " ' My brethren the English, the bearer will let you understand in what manner the French have treated us. We waited a long time, thinking they would come and attack us; we now see how they have a mind to use us. "'We are now ready to fall upon them, waiting only for your succor. Have good courage, and come as soon as possible ; you will find us as ready to encounter with them as you are yourselves. " ' We have sent these two young men to see if you are ready to come, and if so, they are to return to us, to lot us know where you are, that we may come and join you. We should be glad if the troops belonging to the two provinces could meet together at the fort which is on the way. If you do not come to our assistance now, we are entirely undone, and imagine we shall never meet together again. I speak it with a heart full of grief.' "A belt of wampum. "The Half-King directed to me the following speech : '"I am ready, if you think it proper, to go to both the Governors with these two young men, for I have now no more dependence on those who have been gone so long, without returning or sending any message.' "A belt of wampum. ■'April 23d. — A council of war held at Will's Creek, in order to consult upon what must be done on account of the news brought by Mr. Wart. "The news brought by Ensign Wart, having been examined into, as also the summons sent by Captain Contrecoeur, commander of the French troops, and the speeches of the Half-King, and of the other chiefs *Taiiiicharisson was the Half-king of the Six Nations, to which position be had heen chosen by the voice ot his people- He was a liini liieiid ot the English, and a diplomatist as welt as a warrior. At the time the French made the demand upon Ensign Ward to surrender, the Half- Kiun advifjed liini to reply that his rani; was not ot that importance which would permit him. to respond, and to ask a delay until the arrival of the Commauder-iu-Chief. 8 58 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1754. of the Six Nations; it appears that Mr. Wart was forced to surrender the said fort, the 17th of this instant, to the French, Avhowere above one thousand strong, and had eighteen artillery pieces, some of which were nine-pounders,'-' and also that the detach- ment of the Virginia regiment, amounting to one huodred and fifty men, commanded by Colonel Washington, had orders to reinforce the company of Captain Trent, and that the aforesaid garrison consisted only of thirty-three effective men. "It was thought a thing impracticable to march towards the fort without sufficient strength; however, being strongly invited by the Indians, and particularl}" by the speeches of the Half-King, the President gave his opinion that it would be proper to advance as far as Redstone Creek, on Monongahela, about thirty- seven miles on this side of the fort, and there to raise a fortification, clearing a road broad enough to pass with all our artillery and our baggage, and there to wait for fresh orders. "The opinion aforesaid was resolved upon for the following reasons: "1st. That the mouth of Red Stone is the first convenient place on the river Monongahela. "2d. That stores are already built at that place for the provisions of the company, wherein our ammunition may be laid up; our great guns may be also sent by water whenever we should think it convenient to attack the fort. "3d. We may easily (having all these conve- niences) preserve our people from the ill consequences *Ensigii Ward had doubtless exaggerated the strength of the French, 1754.] Washington's .tournal. 59 of inaction, and encourage our Indian allies to remain in our interests. Whereupon I sent Mr. Wart to the Governor with one of the young Indians and an interpreter: I thought it proper to acquaint the Governors of Maryland and Pennsylvania of the news; and I sent away the other Indian to the Half-King, with the speech which will he found in the following letter I wrote to the Governor of Maryland : "'Camp at Will's Creek, April 25, 1754. "' To His Excellennj, Horatio Sharp, Governor of Maryland: ■' ' SiK : — I am here arrived with a detachment of one hundred and fifty men : We daily e.xpect Colonel Fry with the remaining part of the regiment and the artillery ; however, we shall march gently along the mountains, clearing the roads as we go, that our cannon may with the greater ease be sent after us ; we propose to go as far as the Red Stone River, which falls into Monongahela, about thirty-seven miles this side of the fort which the French have taken, from thence all our heavy luggage may be carried as far as the Ohio. A store is built there by the Ohio Company, wherein may be placed our ammunition and provisions. "'Besides the French forces above mentioned, we have reason to believe, according to the accounts we have heard, that another party is coming to the Ohio; we have also learnt that six hundred of the Chippewais and Ottoways Indians, are coming down the river Scioda, in order to join them.' "The following is my answer to the speech of the Half-King: " 'To the Half King, and to the chiefs and warriors of the Shawanese and Loups, our friends and brethren. I received your speech by brother Buck.?, who came to us with the two young men si.x days after their departure from you. We return you our greatest thanks, and our hearts are fired with love and affection towards you, in gratitude for your constant attachment to us, as also your gracious speech, and your wise counsels. ■' Thi.s young man will inform you where he found a small part of our army, making towards you, clearing the roads for a great number of our warriors, who are ready to follow us, with our great guns, our ammunition and provisions. As I delight in letting you know with speed the thoughts of our hearts, I send you back this young man, with this speech, to 60 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1754. acquaint you therewith, and the other young man I have sent to the Governor of Virginia, to deliver him your speech and your wampum, and to be an eye-witness to those preparations we are making, to come in all haste to the assistance of those whose interest is as dear to us as our lives. We know the character of the treacherous French, and our conduct shall plainly show you, how much we have it at heart. I shall not be satisfied if I do not see you before all our forces are met together at the fort which is in the way ; wherefore, I desire, with the greatest earnestness, that you, or at least one of you, would come as soon as possible, to meet us on the road, and to assist us in council. I present you with these bunches of wampum, to assure you of the sincerity of my speech, and that you may remember how much I am your friend and brother. (Signed.) " \Vasiiington' or CONOTOCARIOUS.* "April 28th. — Came to us some pieces of cannon, whicli were taken up to the mouth of Patterson's river.f [Frora the 29th of Api'il, the date of leaving Will's Creek, to the lltli of May, the journal contains nothing of interest.] "May the 11th. J — Detached a party of twenty-five men, commanded by Captain Stephens and Ensign Peronie, with orders to go to Mr. Gist's, to enquire where La Force || and his party were; and in case they were in the neighborhood, to cease pursuing and take care of themselves. I also ordered them to examine closely all the woods round about, and, if they should find any Frenchman apart from the rest, to seize him and bring him to us, that Ave might learn what we could fi'om him. We were exceed- ingly desii'ous to know if there was any possibility of sending down a'oything by water, as also to find *Thi3 seems lo have been an Indian name adopted by Washington ivith a view to pleasing the Indians. tThis is evidently the artillery which was biought up the Potomac from the month of Patterson's creek on boats, or rafts. |At this time he was in camp not far beyond Little Meadows, |]La Force wai* a Freuch ollicer, whom Waahington had been told by the Indians was out looking up deserters. 1754.] Washington's journal. 61 out some convenient place about the mouth of Red Stone Creek where he could build a fort, it being my design to salute the Half-King, and to send him back under a small guard; we were also desirous to enquire what were the views of the French, what they had done, and what they intended to do, and to collect everything which could give us the least intelligence. '"The l!^th. — Marched away, and went on a rising ground, where we halted to dry ourselves, for we had been obliged to ford a deep river, where our shortest men had water up to their arm pits. "There came an express to us with letters, acquainting us, that Colonel Fry, with a detachment of one hundred men and upwards, was at Winchester, and Avas to set out in a few days to join us; also that Colonel Innes was marching with three hundred and fifty men, raised in Carolina; that it was expected Maryland would raise two hundred men, and that Pennsylvania had raised ten thousand pounds (equal to about fifty-two thousand five hundred livres) to paj^ the soldiers raised in other colonies, as that province furnisheth no recruits, as also that Governor Shirley had sent six hundred men to harrass the French in Canada; I hope that will give them some work to do, and will slacken their sending so many men to the Ohio as they have done. "The 16th.— Met two traders, who told us they had fled for fear of the French, as parties of them were often seen towards Mr. Gist's. These traders ai-e of opinion, as well as many others, that it is not 62 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1754. possible to clear a road for any carriage to go from hence to Red Stone Creek. •'The 17th. — This night Mr. Wart arrived with the young Indian from Williamsburg, and delivered me a letter, wherein the Governor is so good as to approve of my proceedings, but is much displeased with Captain Trent, and has ordered him to be tried, for leaving his men at the Ohio. The Governor also informs me that Captain Mackey, with an independent company of one liundred men, excluding the officers, was arrived, and that we might expect them daily, and that the men from New York would join us within ten days. "This night came two Indians from the Ohio, who left the French fort five days ago. Tliey relate that the French forces are all emplo3ed in building tlieir fort, that it is already breast high, and the thickness of twelve feet, and filled up with earth and stone, &c. They have cut down and Ijurnt up all the trees which were about it, and sown gTain instead thereof. The Indians believe they were only six hundi-ed in number, though they say themselves they are eight hundred. They expect a greater number in a few days; Avhich may amount to one thousand six hundred, then they say they can defy the English. "The 18th.* — The waters being yet very high, hindered me from advancing on account of my baggage, wherefore I determined to set myself in a posture of defense against any immediate attack from the enemy, and went down to oljserve the river. ■"^At this date the coiuniand was encamped on the Youghiogheuy, near where the present towu of Smithfield, Fayette county, Pa., stands. 1754.] Washington's journal. 63 [The 19th.— No mention of anything beyond the despatch of a speech to the Half-King on this date.] "The 20th. — Embarked in a canoe with Lieutenant West, three soldiers, and one Indian; and having followed the river along about half a mile, were obliged to come ashoi'e, Avhere I met Peter Suver, a trader, who seemed to discourage me from seeking a passage by water; that made me alter my mind of causing canoes to be made; I ordered my people to wade, as the waters were shallow enough; and continued myself going down the river in the canoe; now finding that our canoe was too small for 6 men, we stopped to make some sort of a bark, with which, together with our canoe, we gained Turkey Foot by the beginning of the night; we underwent several difficulties about eight or ten miles from thence, though of no great consequence, finding the waters sometimes deep enough for canoes to pass, and at other times more shallow. [The 21st to the 23d contains only a general description of the topography of the country.] "The 24th. — This mornino- arrived an Indian in company with him I sent to the Half-King, and brought me the following letter from him : " 'To any of His Majesty officers ichom this may concern : " 'As tis reported that the French army is set out to meet Mr. George Washington, I e.\hort you, my brethren, to guard against them ; for they intend to fall on the first English they meet ; they have been on their march these two days ; the Half-King and the other chiefs will join you within five days, to hold a council, though we know not the number we shall be. I shall say no more ; but remember me to my brethren, the English. The H.^lfKixg.' "I examined these two young Indians in the best 64 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1754. manner I could, concerning every circumstance, but was not much better satisfied. "They say there are parties of them often out, but they do not know of any considerable number of them coming this way. The French continue raising their fort, that part next to the land is very well enclosed, but next to the water is very much neglected, nine pieces of cannon, and some of them very small, and not one mounted. There are two on the point, and the other at some distance from the fort next to the land. "They relate that there are many sick among them, that they cannot find any Indians to guide their small parties towards our camp, these Indians having refused them. "The same day, at two o'clock we arrived at the Meadows,* where we saw a trader, who told us that he came this morning from Mr. Gist's, where he had seen two Frenchmen the night before ; that he knew there was a strong detachment out, which confirmed the account we had received from the Half-King; wherefore, I placed troops behind two matured intrenchments, where our wagons also entered. "The 25th. — Detached a party to go along the roads, and other small parties to the woods, to see if they could make any discovery. I gave the horsemen orders to examine the country well, and endeavor to get some news of the French, of their forces and of their motions, &c. "At night all these parties returned without having discovered anything, though they had been a *Great Meadows. 1754.] Washington's journal. 65 great way towards the place from whence it was said the party was coming. "The 26th. — Arrived Wilham Jenkins; Colonel Fry had sent him with a letter from Colonel Fairfax, which informed me that the Governor himself, as also Colonels Corbin and Ludwell, were arrived at Winchester, and were desirous to see the Half-King there, whereupon I sent him an account thereof. "The 27th. — Arrived Mr. Gist early in the morn- ing, who told us that M. La Force with fifty men, whose tracks he had seen five miles off, had Ijeen at his plantation the day before, towards noon; and would have killed a cow, and broken everything in the house, if two Indians whom he had left in the house, had not persuaded them from their design; I immediately detached sixty-five men, under com- mand of Captain Hog, Lieutenant Mercer, Ensign Peronie, three sergeants, and three corporals, with instructions. "The French inquired at Mr. Gist's, what was become of the Half -King? I did not fail to let the young Indians who were in our camp know that the French wanted to kill the Half-King; and that had its desired effect. They thereupon offered to accom- pany our people to go after the French, and if they found it true that he had been killed, or even insulted by them, one of them would presently carry the news thereof to the Mingoes, in order to incite their warriors to fall upon them. One of these ,young men was detached towards Mr. Gist"s; that if he should not find the Half-King there, he was to send a message by a Delaware. 9 66 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1754. " About eight at night received a message from the Half-King, which informed me that as he was coming to join us, he had seen along the road, the tracts of two men which he had followed till he was brought thereby to a low obscure place; that he was of opinion the whole party of French was hidden there; that very moment I sent out forty men, and ordered my ammunition to be put in a place of safety, under a strong guard to defend it; fearing it to be a stratagem of the French to attack our camp, and with the rest of my men, set out in a heavy rain, and in a night as dark as pitch, along a path scarce broad enough for one man; we were some fifteen or twenty minutes out of the jiath before we could come to it again; and so dai'k that we would often strike one against another. All night long we continued our route, and the 28th, about sunrise, we arrived at the Indian camp, where, after having held a council with the Half-King, it was concluded we should fall on them together; so we sent out two men to discover where they were, as also their posture, and what sort of ground was thereabout; after which we formed ourselves for an engagement, marching one after the other in the Indian manner. We were advanced pretty near to them, as we thought, when they discovered us; whereupon I ordered my company to fire ; mine was supported by that of Mr. Wagner's,* and my company and his received the whole fire of the French, during the greatest part of the action, which only lasted a quarter of an hour, before the enemy was •*Thomas Waggener, at this time a Lieutenant, but afterwards Captain of Virginia troops. 1754.] Washington's journal. 67 routed. We killed M. de Juraonville, the commander of that party, as also nine others; we wounded one, and made twenty-one prisoners, among whom were M. La Force, M. Drouillon, and two cadets. The Indians scalped the dead, and took awa}' the most part of their arms, after which we marched on with the prisoners and the guard, to the Indian camp, where again I held a council Avith the Half-King; and there informed him that the Governor was desirous to see him, and was waiting for him at Winchester; he answered that he could not go just then, as his people were in too imminent a danger from the French; whom they had fallen upon; that he must send messengers to all the allied nations, in order to invite them to take up the hatchet. He sent a young Delaware Indian to the Delaware nation, and gave him also a French scalp to carry to them. This 3'oung man desired to have a part of the presents which were allotted for them, but that the remaining part might be kept for another opportunity. He said he would go to his own family and to several others, and would wait on them at Mr. Gist's, where he desired men and horses should be sent ready to bring them up to our camp. After this I marched on with the prisonei's; they informed me that they had been sent with a summons to order me to depart. A plausible pretence to discover our camp, and to obtain the knowledge of our forces and our situation ! It was so clear that they were come to reconnoitre what we were, that I admired at their assurance, when they told me they were come as an embassy; for their instructions mentioned that they should get what knowledge 68 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1754. they could of the roads, rivers, and of all the country as far as Potomac;''' and instead of coming as an Embassador, publicly, and in an open manner, they came secretly, and sought after the most hidden retreats, more like desertei-s than embassadors; in such retreats, they encamped, and remained hid for whole days together, and that no more than five miles from us; from whence they sent spies to reconnoitre our camp; after this was done they went back two miles, from whence they sent the two messengers spoken of in the instruction, to acquaint M. de Contrecoeur of the place we were at, and of our disposition, that he might send his detachments to enforce the summons as soon as it should be given. "Besides, an ambassador has princely attendants; whereas this was only a simple petty French officer; an embassador has no need of spies, his character being always sacred; and seeing their intention was so good, why did they tarry two days at five miles distance from us, without acquainting me with the summons, or, at least, with something that related to the embassy? That alone would be sufficient to raise the greatest suspicions, and we ought to do them the justice to say, that, as they wanted to hide themselves, they could not pick out better places than they had done. "The summons was so insolent, and favored the gasconade so much, that if it had been brought openly by two men, it would have been an immediate indulgence to have suffered them to return. "•■On the body of M. de Jumonville were found written instructions to tliis effect. 1754.] \rAsmNGTON''s journal. 69 "It was the opinion of the Half-King in this case that their intentions were evil, and that it was a pure pretence; that they never intended to come to us but as enemies; and if we had been such fools as to let them go, they would never help us any more to take other Frenchmen. "They say they called to us as soon a,s they had discovered us, which is an absolute falsehood, for I was then marching at the head of the company going towards them, and can positively affirm, that, when they first saw us, they ran to their arms, without calling; as I must have heard them had they done so.* "The 29th.— Dispatched Ensign Latour to the Half-King, with about twenty-five men, and almost as many horses; and as I expected some French parties would continually follow that which we had defeated, I sent an express to Colonel Fry, for a i-einforcemeut. "After this the French prisoners desired to speak with me, and asked me in what manner I looked upon them, whether as the attendants of an Embas- sador, or as prisoners of war; I answered them that it was in quality of the latter, and gave them my reasons for it, as above. ^^From the pains which Washington has taken to justify this attack, on the pages of his journal, it must be concluded that he anticipated a severe criticism of ins action when the facts shonhl become known in England and France. He doubtless felt that there was at least a possibility that de Junionville was on an errand which did not anticipate bloodshed, and that the French would do all in their power to convince the world that his death was an "assassination," and had been etfected through the positive orders of the British ministry to the etiect that Washington's command should attack the French wherever they were found, notwithstanding there had been no declaration of war. The candid reader of the history of tins afRiir cau hardly resist the conclusion that the French have the best of the argument, and that the death of de .Jumonville and nine of his followers, was an unfortunate blunder. 70 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1754. "The 30th. — Detached Lieutenant West, and Mr. Spindorph, to take the prisoners to Winchester, with a guard of twenty men. Began to raise a fort with small pallisadoes, fearing that when the French should hear the news of that defeat, we might be attacked by considerable forces. "June the 1st. — Arrived here an Indian trader with the Half-King; they said that when M. de Jumonville was sent here, another party had been detached towards the lower part of the river, in order to take and kill all the English they should meet.* "We are finishing our fort. "Towards night arrived Ensign Towers, with the Half-King, Queen Alquipaf and about twenty-five or thirty families, making in all about eighty or one hundred persons, including women and children. The old King being invited to come into our tents, told me that he had sent Monakatoocha to Log's town, with wampum and four French scalps, which were to be sent to the Six Nations, Wiandots, &c., to inform them that they had fixllen upon the French and to demand their assistance. He also told me that he had something to say to the council, but Avould stay till the arrival of the Shawanese, whom we expected next morning. "The 2d. — Arrived two or three of the families of the Shawanese; we had prayers in the fort. "The 3d.— The Half-King assembled the council, and informed me that he had received a speech froniGrand- Chaudiere, in answer to the one he had sent him. *This was undoubtedly a falsehood on the part of the traders. fAn Indian squaw, whom the English had given the title of " Queen." 1754.] Washington's journal. 71 "The 5th. — Arrived an Indian from the Ohio, who had lately been at the French fort; this Indian confirms the news of two traders l3eing taken by the French, and sent to Canada; he saith they have set up their pallisadoes, and enclosed their fort with exceeding large trees. "There are eight Indian traders on this side the river, coming to join us. He met a French man who had made his escape in the time of M. de Jumonville's action ; he was without either shoes or stockings, and scarce able to walk; however, he let him pass, not knowing we had fallen upon them. "The 6th. — Mr. Gist is returned, and acquaints me of the safe arrival of the prisoners at Winchester, and of the death of poor Colonel Fry.* "It gave the Governor great satisfaction to see the French prisoners safely arrived at Winchester. "I am also informed that M. Montourj- is coming with a commission to command two hundred Indians. "Mr. Gist met a French deserter, who assured him that they were only five hundred men when they took Mr. Wart's fort, that they were now less, having sent fifteen men to Canada, to acquaint the ^Colonel Joshua Fry was the officer in commantj of the entire expeiiition.and was on his way to join Washington with a force of about one hundred and lifty men. Wliile on the road to VVill's Creek his horse stumbled and threw him to the grounil with great force, whereby lie sustained fatal injuries. The wounded officer was conveyed as tenderly as possible to Will's Creek, where he was made as comfortable as his condition would permit. Dr. James Craik, the surgeon of the regiment, a Scotchman bj' birth, was with him, and attended him faithfully, but all to no purpose, and on the 31st of May, only a few days after the accident. Colonel Fry died, and his remains were buried on the side of the hill. In the dispute as to the boundary line between Maryland and Virginia, in 1745, he was appointed one of the commissioners on the part of the crown to fix the lines, his associates being Colonel Lunsford Lomax and Major Peter Hedgeman. The death of Colonel Fry left Washington in full command, and the force at Will's Creek marched forward to Great Meadows at once. "f Montour was a Frenchman who had deserted and joined the English. 72 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1754. Govox'nor of their success; that there were yet two hundred soldiers who only waited for a favorable opportunity to come and join us. "The 9th. — Arrived the last Ixwly of the Virginia Regiment, under the command of Colonel Must,'=' and we learnt that the independent company of Carolina was arrived at Will's Creek. "The 10th. — I received the regiment, and at night had notice that some French were advancing towards us; whereupon I sent a party of Indians upon the scout towards Gist's, in order to discover them, and to know their number. Just before night we had an alarm, but it proved false." The journal recites that on the 12th nine deserters came in and stated that one hundred more were desirous of coming; that Fort Duquesne was completed and supplied with eight small cannon; also that the Delawares and Shawanese had taken up the hatchet against the English. Washington then sent messen- gers and wampum to these two Nations asking them to come to a council at Mr. Gist's, hoping to win them over. From the loth to the 18th nothing of interest is recorded. On the latter date a party of eight Mingoes came into camp, and said they had a conuuission, and wanted a council at once. The Half-King was sent fen', and a council was held, there being present some forty Indians of the Six Nations, Loups and Shawanese. This council lasted several days, and the Indians after great professions of friendship took their departure. AVashington then *This should be Muse, that officer having taken charge of the troops at Will's Creek, on the death of Colonel Fry, on the 3lst ot May, and brought them to Washington. 1754.] FORT NECESSITY. 73 pursued his way to the mouth of Redstone, where he expected to be joined by Monacatootha, and a number of other Indian warriors. Washington had ah-eady made the fort at Great Meadows as strong as circumstances would allow, and because of the exigencies of his fortunes and the scantiness of his supplies, he called it "Fort Necessity." Ilis force had now jjeen increased to about four hundred men, by the arrival of Captain Mackaye's company of independent South Carolinians; ' but Captain Mackaye held a King's commission, and he seemed likely to do about as much harm as good, since he claimed that his royal commission gave him rank above that of any and every provincial officer, and would not acknowledge Washington's authority. While this position wfis maintained by the Captain he was courteously friendly with Washington, who had referred the matter to Governor Dinwiddie, after which he had marched for Redstone Creek, leaving Captain Mackaye, with his company, in command of Fort Necessity. Before reaching Redstone, however-, and while near Gist's, it was learned that the French had received reinforcements at Fort Duquesne, and that they purposed to send out a heavy force at once to attack the English. On receiving this intelligence, Washington sent back for Captain Mackaye, who at once joined him. A council of war was held, and a retreat was determined upon. The weather was sultry and oppressive, the roads were rugged and broken, the men were worn and hungry, the horses broken down and jaded; vet, despite all, the march to the rear 10 74 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1754. was Ixjgun, and, while the Carolinians refused to perform any labor, Washington's forces dragged the artillery and wagons, and bore heavy loads of baggage on their shoulders, toiling on laboriously day after day, until on the 1st of July they arrived at Port Necessity. It had not been contemplated that a halt should be made here, but, the Virginians declared they would drag the artillery and carry the baggage no further. Washington was compelled to do the best he could, therefore, and he at once set about making the fort still more capable of defense. He found but few provisions there, and fully believing that more troops were at Will's Creek, he sent several expresses back to that point, with instructions that all soldiers there should at once join him, and that a full supply of provisions should be hurried forward to him at once. The retreat from Gist's was not made any too soon, for a short time after Captain de Villiers, a brother- in-law of de Jumonville, burning to revenge the death of that officer, had come up, with at least five hundred French from Fort Duquesne, and made an attack upon Gist's place. Finding it was deserted, he concluded that his enemies had lied to the settle- ments, and was about to return to the fort, when a deserter arrived, who told him that Washington was in camp at Fort Necessity, and could get no farther, as his men were in a starving condition. Hearing this, de Villiers determined to push on to the Great Meadows at once. From Sparks' "Writings of Washington," is taken the following: 1754.] FORT NECESSITY. 75 " Fort Necessity "was situate iu a level meadow, about two hundred and fifty yards broad and covered with long grass and low bushes. The foot of the nearest hills came within one hundred yards of the fort, and at one place within sixty yards. The space between the fort and the hills was open and smooth, the bu.shes having been cleared away. The fort itself was an irregular square, each side measuring thirty-five yards, witli a trench partly finished on two sides. The entrances were guarded by three bastions. "On the 3d of July, early in the morning, an alarm was received from a sentinel, who had been wounded by the enemy, and at nine o'clock intelli- gence came, that the whole body of the enemy, amounting, as was reported, to nine hundred men, was only four miles ofl'. At eleven o'clock they approached the fort, and began to fire, at the distance of six hundred yards, but without effect. Colonel Washington had drawn up his men on the open and level ground outside the trenches, waiting for the attack, which he pi'esumed would be made as soon as the enemy's fopces emerged from the woods; and he ordered his men to reserve their fire, till they should be near enough to do execution. The distant firing was supposed to be a stratagem to draw Washington's men into the woods, and thus to take them at a disadvantage. He suspected tlie design, and maintained his post till he found the French did not incline to leave the woods, and attack the fort by an assault, as he supposed they would, considering their superiority of numbers. He then drew his 7G HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1754. men back within tlie trenches, and gave them orders to fire according to their discretion, as suitable opportunities might jiresent themselves. The French and Indians remained on the side of the rising ground, which was nearest to the fort, and, sheltered by the trees, kept up a brisk fire of musketiy, but never appeared in the open plain Ixdow. The rain fell heavily through the day, the trenches were filled with water, and many of the arms of Colonel Washington's men were out of order and used with difHculty. "In this way the battle continued from eleven o'clock in the morning until eight at night, when the French called and requested a parley. Suspecting this to be a feint to procure the admission of an officer into the fort, that he might discover their condition, Colonel Washington at first declined listening to the proposal, but wdien the call was repeated, with the additional request that an officer might be sent to them, engaging at the same time their parole for his safety, he sent out Captain Vanbraam, the only person under his command that could speak French, except the Chevalier de Peyrouney, an ensign in the Virginia regiment, who was dangerously wounded, and disabled from render- ing any service on this occasion. Vanbraam returned and brought with him from M. de Villiers, the French commander, proposed articles of capitulation. These he read and pretended to interpret, and, some changes having been made by mutual agreement, both jjarties signed them about midnight." The articles subscribed to were written in French, and were as follows: Zvtfs A.J.y iS >v 7 Terckes JiC.S J9 '-iT. /OS C.4. S 30 w. S Tcrc^,es . Zfultcdtn^ ih^ Sin^^^S ■?". ^- contat'n^ t'n a'/l ada^t^Oper^-hes of Santt . ^14^ I^iZTid- a^ou^ 7&Jiaa'tS /roTtfthe, Tort an^ a lon^ f¥h£c7t^ th< jVattort^tZ ^JHt^ yt^w fS3S passes- 2in.ejJff.E.jPG at come so prominent a part of his future life, in the struggle his country was destined to eml^arlv in to prest>rve its freedom and integrity. The minutiiv of the preparations, and contests wliich arose, as shown by the letters and documents to be found in future pages of this work, are exceedingly interesting, and worth}- of preservation in every library in the country. Throughout the pages of history frequent reference is made to Fort Cumberland, in connection with the progress of the plans and operations to which so much importance was at that time attached, but in no single work has there been recorded any con- tinuous and intelligent narrative which could satisfj- the desires of those who feel an interest in our beautiful city, or gratify their thirst for accurate knowledge as to the discovery, settlement, fortification, improvement, cultivation, growth and progress of a section of country so richly endowed by nature with wealth and picturesque loveliness. This history has been gathered from rare volumes and precious manu- scripts, both in this country and England, as well as from oral traditions and family records, and while much has been thus fortunately preserved, many facts of great interest have doubtless been lost in oblivion, never to be recovered. The campaign which had terminated so unli)rtu- nately at Fort Necessity, served to bring Fort Cumberland into great prominence, and the English / authorities ^regarded it thenceforth as their base of operations. Intelligence of the disaster above men- 1755.] THE DUKK OF CUMBERLAND. 95 tioned was received in London in August, 1754, and caused much excitement in the cabinet. The ministry could not ignore the importance of immediate action, and as the coh^nios seemed to be fatally slow in providing the necessary means of defense, it became apparent that the Crown must furnish both troops and supplies. The Duke of Cumberland was sum- moned to the councils of the King, and his keen perceptions, and energetic nature, speedily led to preparations for a decisive stroke, the nature of which, however, was kept secret from the public. In September the Ministrj? determined to send to America two regiments of infantry, the Forty-fourth, Colonel Bir Peter Halkett, and the Forty-eighth, Colonel Thomas Dunbar, each 500 strong. These were to be recruited to 700 after their arrival in Virginia. Two other regiments, of 1,000 men each, were also to be raised at the King's cost in America, one to be conminTided by Governor William Shirley, of the province of Massachusetts, and the other by Sir William Pepperell. Sir John St Clair, Lieutenant- Colonel of Ofiarrall's regiment, had been aj^pointed Deputy Quartermaster-General for all the troops in the colonies, with the rank of Colonel, and before the close of the year he sailed for Virginia, with a view to informing himself as to the country and the necessities of the campaign. In November large supplies of clothing, tents, marquees, arms, accoutre- ments, ammunition, wagons, &c., were made ready for use, and £10,000 in cash were sent to Virginia, together with authority to draAv for as much more should it become necessary to do so. Every pi-epa^ 96 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. ration was made with a view to rendering certain the success of a simultaneous movement upon Forts Duquesne, Crown Point and Niagara; and it was thought tliat at least twelve thousand men could be secured for service, counting the Royal troops, tlie Militia, and the Indians whom the colonial Governors had been instructed to secure. The Duke of Cumberland took the deepest interest in the preparations for this campaign, and his orders were closely followed throughout. He chose for commander of the troops to be sent to Virginia, and ^s Generalissimo of all His Majesty's forces on the North American Continent, Major-General Edward Braddock. Shortly afterward Parliament voted the following sums to pay the expenses of the expedition : For tv,r> regiments of foot to be raised for North America, £40,3.50 l.J4- For defraying the charges of the otKcer.s appointed to go with the forces commanded by General Braddock ■ ■ £7,H3S 2.s Grf For defraying the charges of the oflRcers appointed to attend the hospital for the expedition commenced by General Braddock £l,77:i 7s Cxi £49,468 OS General Edward Braddock was the son of Edward Braddock, a Major General in the British army, who served for thirty years as an officer in the Coldstream Guards, and who was esteemed as an "honest, brave old gentleman." The date of the birth of the last General Edward Braddock is not known, but is supposed to have been about 1695, as it is recorded that he entered the army on the 11th of October, 1710, with the rank of Ensign in the Coldstream Guards, in which corps his father had served so long. He was promoted on the 1st of August, 171G, to a 1755.] GENERAL KinA'AKD ]iHAl)lK)CK. 97 Lieutenancy; on thle and unwilling to bear the expense of the necessary troops and supplies. Two of the transpoi'ts, the Osgood and Fishburn, arrived on the 2d of March, and a fortnight later the entire fleet had arrived and proceeded to Alexandria, where the troops were temporarily quartered. General Braddock liad not awaited the ari'ival of the fleet, but had gone to Williamsburg, where he consulted with Governor Dinwiddle, and .at once invited the Governors of the various colonies to meet him at Annapolis. On the 14th of April Governors Shirley, of Massachusetts; Dinwiddie. of ^^irginia; 1755.] ORGANIZINfi THK CAMPAIGN. 105 Delancy, of New York; Sharpe, of Maryland; Morris, of Pennsylvania; and Dobbs, of North Carolina, assembled with him, in convention, at Alexandria, and after a lengthy discussion made articles covering arrangements for the prosecution of a comprehensive campaign. In addition to these gentlemen, Admiral Keppel, commander of the ileet, was present. The plan adopted enrbraced three difterent movements, viz: One against Fort Duquesne, Ijy Braddock; one against Niagara and Frontenac, (Kingston,) under command of Governor Shirley, and one against Crown Point, on Lake Champlain, l)y General William Johnson, who was then a resident, and an influential man, amongst the Indians of the Mohawk nation. The time fixed upon for the inauguration of active operations was the end of June, and it was thought that an easy victory would be accomplished in ever3' quarter. General Braddock evidently had very crude ideas regarding the colonies and the inhabitants thereof, and expected all the orders of the Ministry to be carried into effect as concisely as was the custom at home. He therefore anticipated the prompt supply of the four hundred men who were to recruit the ranks of the 44th and 48th regiments, and which were to come from Pennsylvania. These were not forthcoming, and he wrote frequen t letters to Governor Morris, entreating him to use every effort to secure the men, and offered a bounty of £o for each I'ecruit. His persistent appeals, however, were fruitless, from which cause he gave expression to his disgust and anger in most violent language. It may readily be 14 106 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. imagined that the General's temper was not afterwards improved, when he found that his movements were to be seriously retarded by a lack of means of trans- portation, as well as by scarcity of supplies. Sir John St. Clair had bargained with two Dutch settlei-s at the foot of the Blue Ridge, for two hundred wagons and fifteen hundred pack-horses, to be furnished early in May, at Fort Cumberland; and Governor Sharpe had agreed to furnish a hundred wagons to be used in transporting stores, on the Maryland side of the Potomac, towards Fort Cumber- -, land. Neither of these contracts was fully carried into effect. The Dutch settlers neglected the matter entirely, and Governor Sharpe experienced the greatest difficulty in getting together even a few teams. In considering the difficulties of this campaign, some of which began to be apparent to him, Braddock remembered Washington, with Avhose course he was well acquainted, and he deemed it for the good of the country's service to call him again to the field. He appreciated fully the dignity of the young Virginian's action in resigning his commission, and was pleased with the spirit he had shown. Washington was already under the influence of a fever of military zeal, which was fanned to a greater heat day after day by the jjreparations he saw being made for war, and he was a frequent visitor to the camp at Alexandria. A number of prominent personages represented to General Braddock the value of Washington's services, he having experience and a thorough knowledge of the country, and the result 1755.] WASHINGTON AN AID-DE-CAMl'. 107 was that Captain Ormo wrote, by Braddock's orders, the following cordial letter, addi-essed to Major Washington : "Williamsburg, 2 March, 1755. "Sni: — The Geiieral having been informed that yon expressed some desire to make the campaign, but that you declined it upon some disafrreeableness that yon thought might arise from the regulations of command, has ordered me lo acquaint you that he will be very glad of your compauv in his family, by which all inconveniences of that kind will be obviated. " I shall think myself very happy to form an acquaintance with a person so universally esteemed, and shall use every opportunity of assuring you how much I am, Sir, your most obedient servant, "ROBERT ORME, Aid-de-camp." Washington was highly gratified by the compliment so gracefully tendered, and hastened to accept a position so agreeable to his tastes and inclinations. His position as aid-de-camp on Braddock's staff gave him no emoluments, and in fact could not be other- wise than expensive, yet he was freed thereby from the annoj-ance of questions as to rank, and was satisfied to accept as compensation the gloi'y he might win, and the experience he might gain. His private aftliirs prevented him from at once entering upon his duties, and Captain Orme wrote him: "The General ordei's me to give you his compliments, and to assure you his wishes are to make it agreeable to yourself and consistent with your affairs ; and, therefore, he desires you will so settle your business at home as to join him at Will's Creek, if more convenient to you; and whenever you find it necessary to return, he begs you will look upon yourself as entirely master, and judge what is necessarv to be done." 108 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. While Braddock was getting ready for his march from Alexandria, Sir John St. Clair had returned to Fort Cumberland, Avhere he set everybody by the ears, and startled the commissioners who had been sent by Pennsylvania to attend the construction of the road required by the government. Nothing whatever had been done towai-ds building this road, and Sir John Avas in a furious passion, hurling his strong language at Croghan and the other commis- sioners, and declaring that the want of the road would retard the expedition, and might cost them a disgraceful defeat, from the large number of additional troops the French would send into the country. He threatened to march an army into Cumberland county, to cut the roads, press horses, wagons, and forage, and that he would not permit his soldiers to handle an ax, but by fire and sword oblige the inhabitants to do the woi'k, and that he would wreak general destruction. In case the French should defeat them he threatened to march through the province with drawn sword, and treat all inhabitants as a parcel of traitors, and much more to the same effect. These liarsh threats, while they called forth a reprimand from Braddock, as being "officiously violent," had the effect of stimulating the Penn- sylvanians to activity. Governor Morris exerted himself to the utmost, and manifested an earnest desire to do call in his power to forward the construction of the road, and in the latter part of April sent Mr. Thomas Walker to Fort Cumberland, with instructions to see such persons as were necessary, and to endeavor to have them give their 1755.] GOVERNOR morris's EFFORTS. 109 aid to the work. Mr. Walker wrote to Governor Morris as follows : "Fort CuMisEiii.Axri, March ye 7tb, 1755. " HoNOURKU Sir : "I wiiiteil on Mr. .Fames Wrif^ht ami .lohn Smith, on my way here. They both expressed the greatest desire of Complying with the Instriictiona sent them Ijy the Honourable Isaac Norris and tbe other commissioners in Philadelphia. I could not wait on Mr. Armstrong, without great loss of time, which occationed me to write to him only. "I don't doubt but your Honour has had the agreeable news of the arrival of the English Forces, which will make the greatest despatch necessary in the Gentlemen who are to purchase the Wheat. Just now a party men commanded by Mr. Lowmain Brought Joseph Nelson to the camp with two other men, and one Woman, who the Men had by force taken from her Father's House ; one man of Capt. Rutherford's was shot through the arm. I am "Your Honours Most Humble Servant in Hast "THOMAS WALKER. ■' To the Hon'ble Robert Hunter Morris '■ Governor of Pensilvania."' Governor Morris undertook also to organize a band of Indians for the expedition, and he wrote to George Croghan, at his jilace at Aughquick, to get together as many warriors as possible who were friendly, and to distribute among them a number of wampum belts, engaging them to meet General Braddock at Fort Cumberland, and to take up the hatchet against the French. Croghan undertook this service, and agreed furthermore to furnish a company of hardy, resolute woodsmen, who knew every trail in the forests, and who were under command of Captain Jack, one of the most daring characters that could be found in the wilderness, and a terror to the Indians. The following letter was received by Governor Morris from Governor Dinwiddle, under date of March 10th: 110 HISTORY OF CUMHERLANIJ. [1755. '• WiLLiAMSBUKfi, March 10, 1755. "Sii!: " Your favor of the '26th ult. I recieved Yesterday — I am very glad you prevailed with Your Committee for the Flour of 14,000 bushels of wheat, to be delivered at Conogacheek : this i.s a very Seasonable Supply, as that r|Urtntity with what I have purchased, I hope will answer the Breadkind, lj that they were taken out of camp and buried. These facts aroused all of the General's bad temper, and he cursed the army contractors roundly, as well as Americans generally, denouncing the whole people as irresponsil)le and totally untrustworthy. Most of the officers shared in the harsh opinions entertained by their leader, which both Washington and Benjamin Franklin, the Postmaster-General, undertook to combat, the latter stating that Pennsylvania had voted .£5,000 to the support of the King's troops, and was even then engaged in the construction of a road, at great expense. He furthermore expressed his regret that the expedition had not landed in Pennsyl- vania, as there every farmer had his wagon, and there would have been no difliculty in seein-ing all the transportation that might be required. Braddock took hope from this stattanent, and asked Franklin if he could not yet secin-e such wagons as were required for the success of his army. Franklin thought he could, and at once undertook the task of satisfying the General's wants in this respect. He had observed that the dress of Sir John St. Clair was that of a Hussar, or nearly approached it in some respects, and taking advantage of this, he published a letter, as follows : "to the INIIAIUTANTS ok the counties of LANCASTEK, YORK ANIl CUMBERLAND. "Friends and Counirymen : " Being occasionally at the camp at Frederick a few days since, I found the General and officers of the Army e.xtremely exasperated on account of their not being supplied with Horses and Carriages, which had been expected from this Province, as most able to furnish them; but 1755.] franklin's letter to the pennsylvanians. 113 thro" the Dissensions between our Governor and Assembly, money had not been provided nor any steps taken for that Purpose. " It was pro]iosed to send an armed (bree immediately into these Counties, to seize as many of the best Carriages and Horses as should be wanted, and compel as many Persons into the Service as should be necessary to drive and take care of them. "I apprehended that the Progress of a Body of Soldiers through these counties on such an Occasion, especially considering the Temper they are in, and their Resentment against us, would be attended with many and great Inconveniences to the Inhabitants ; and therefore more will- ingly undertook the Trouble of trying first what might be done by fair and equitable Means. " The People of these back Counties have lately complained to the Assembly that a sullicient Currency was wanting; you have now an Opportunity of receiving and dividing among you a very considerable Sum, for if the Service of this Expedition should continue (as it"s more than probable it will) for 120 Davs, the hire of these Wagons and Horses will amount to upwards of Thirti/ Thousand Pounds, which will be paid you in .Silver and Gold of the King's Money. " The Service will be light and easy, for the Army will scarce mareli above 12 njiles per Day, and the Wagons and Baggage Horses, as they carry those things that are absolutely necessary to the Welfare of the Army, must march with the Army and no faster, and are, for the Army's sake, always placed where they can be most secure, w'lietlier on the March or in Camp. " If you really are, as I believe you are. good and loyal Subjects of His Majesty, you may now do a most acceptable .Service, and make it easy for yourselves; for three or four such as cannot separately spare froni the business of three Plantations a Wagon and four Horses and a Driver, may do it together, one furnishing the Wagon, another one or two Horses, and another the Driver, and divide the Pay proportionally between you. But if you do not this service to your King and Country voluntarily, when such good pay and reasonable Terms are offered you, your Loyalty will be strongly suspected. The King's Business must be done; so many brave Troops, come so far for your defense, must not stand idle thro' your Backwardness to do what may reasonably be expected from you ; Wagons and Horses must be had ; violent measures will probably be used ; and you will be to seek for a Recompense where yoa can find it, and your case, perhaps be little pitied or regarded. " I have no particular Interest in this Affair, as (except the satisfac- tion of endeavoring to do Good and prevent mischief,) I shall have only my Labor for my Pains. If this method of obtaining the Wagons and Horses is not like to succeed, I am obliged to send word to the General in fourteen Days, and I suppose Sir John SI. Clair, the Hussar, 15 114 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. with a body of Soldiers, will immediatoly enter the Province, of which I shall be sorry to hear, because " I am very sincerely and truly "your Friend & Well Wisher, "B. FRANKLIN." The pi-omulgation i)f this document was speedily effective. The Dutch farmers of the back counties of Pennsylvania had formerly lived under despotic power, and they dreaded the Hussars as a scourge, so that, believing St. Clair to have been a Hussar, and having heard of his violence and temper, they lost /no time in sending forward two hundred wagons and two hundred and fifty pack horses, all of which reported at Fort Cumlierland, for service, about the latter part of June. On the 30th of April Braddock left Frederick- town, with his staff and a body-guard of light horse. Before leaving Alexandria he had jjurchased of Governor Sharjje a chariot, one of the cumbersome carriages of tliat day. and was making his journey with a degree of style which would have been better suited to the cultivated districts of England. He quickly discovered that the road was ill-adapted to a conveyance of that character, and did not hesitate to exjoress his opinion by " damning it heartily." The route pursued was that by way of Winchester, tlie other, and shorter road, not having then been built. He arrived at Fort Cumberland on the 10th of May. He passed Dunliar's division of troops on the Oldtown road, a few miles IxdoAV Will's Creek, the entire line making room for him to pass on the narrow road, and the drums beating the Grenadier's March, as he drove past, surrounded by his staff, in 1755.] braddock's arrival at fort Cumberland. 115 their bright uniforms. When he arrived at Will's Creek he was received with a salute of seventeen guns, fired from the Fort, and the garrison drawn up in line, and ready for inspection. It was a little after noon when the General arrived, and as the i-oad had been, for several miles back, smooth and easy, lying along the beautiful river, and as the weather was mild and pleasant, he and his officers were in fine spirits, when they dismounted to take possession of their quarters and join Colonel Innes at dinner, at his table. At 2 o'clock Colonel Dunbar, with liis com- mand, arrived, and they encamped on the hill to the west of the Fort, about where the residences of Hon. George A. Pearre and Mrs. J. Philip Roman now stand. The number of Indians here at that time was about one hundred, and their lodges were clustered in the woods, a quarter of a mile distant. They were all of the Six Nations, and amongst them were Scarooyadi, or Monicatoocha, successor to the Half- King; White Thunder, the keeper of wampum; Silver Heels, and Great Tree. Besides these. Bright Lightning, the daughter of Wjiite Thunder, and several other Indian women, were quite prominent in their curiosity, and every day they came to the drill ground to witness the marching of the soldiers, seeming greatly surprised by their numbers and the uniformity of their movements. Of these natives the Seamen's Journal says: "I would willingly say something of the manners and customs of the Indians but they are hardly to be described. The men are tall, well made and active, but not strong, but very dexterous with a rifle barrelled gun, and their 116 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. tomahawk, which they Avill throAv with great certainty at any mark and at a great distance. The women are not so tall as the men, but well made and have many children, but had many more before spirits were introduced to them. They paint themselves in an odd manner, red, yellow and black intermixed. And the men have the outer rim of their ears cut, which only hangs by a bit top and bottcjm, and have a tuft of hair left at the top of their heads, which is dressed with feathers. Their watch coat is their chief clothing, which is a thick blanket thrown all round them, and wear mocasins instead of shoes, which are Deer skin thrown round the ankle and foot. Their manner of carrying their infents is odd. They are laid on a board, and tied on with broad bandage, with a place to rest their feet on, and a board over their head to keep the sun oif, and are slung to the women's backs. These people have no notion of religion, or any sort of Superior Ijeing, as I take them to be the most ignorant people as to the I-cnowledge of the world and other things. In the day were in tjur camp, and in the night they go into their own, where they dance and make a most horrible noise." These Indians were from Aughquick, in Pennsyl- vania, and were brought to Will's Creek l)y George Croghan, who was commissioned by Braddock as a Captain to command the savages during the campaign. He was thoroughly acquainted with tlie Indian customs, spoke the language of several nations, and had great influence with them, having been a ti'ader amongst them for many years. On the day of General Braddock's arrival at the 1755.] TROOPS AT FORT CUMBERLAND. 117 Fort he announced the appointment of Major Washington as aid-de-camp. By the 19th of May tlie forces were all encamped at this point, and con- sisted of the 44th and 48th regiments, each 700 strong, the Independent companies of New York 100; carpenters 100; rangers 400, and the South Carolina detachment 100, a total of 2,100 men. These troops were encamped according to the plan approved of by the council of war, and Washington had ample opportunity to study the methods of the camp. Braddock was a martinet, whose education permitted him to overlook no detail which might prove of the least importance. He enforced implicit obedience, and punished in the most severe manner every infraction of law or regulation; his soldiers were drilled with persistence and precision, and the camp was made a model of order and regularity. The recruits were subjected to the most rigid discipline, and especial pains taken to make them attain to some degree of perfection in the drill. Drunkenness and theft were punished with a severity unknown in the army to-day, the ordinary penalty being a thousand lashes and ignominious expulsion from the regiments. Braddock maintained to some extent his old habits of extravagance and conviviality. He was by incli- nation and educaticm a hon vlcant, devoted to high living, and good wine, when it was possible to obtain those articles which were pleasing to his palate. The supply of choice things to cheer the inner man was lamentably short, however, upon his arrival at the Fort. But a few days later, through Franklin's efforts, there was received by the General a present 118 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. of fifty fat oxen and one hundred sheep, for the use of the army, and the following articles for his own table : Twelve Hams, Four kegs of Sturgeon. Eight Cheeses, One keg of Herrings, Twenty-four Flasks of Oil, Two chests of Lemon.s, Ten loaves of Sugar, Two kegs of Spirits, One cask of Raisins, A cask of Vinegar, A box of Spice and Currants, A barrel of Potatoes, A box of Pickles and Mustard, Three tubs of Butter, Eight Kegs of Biscuit. In addition to these very acceptable supplies, each of the twenty subalterns of the 48th regiment received a jiarcel made up of the following : G lbs. Loaf Sugar, 1 Gloucester Clieese, 6 " Muscorado Sugar, 1 Keg, 20 lbs., good Butter, 1 " Green Tea, 2 doz. old Madura Wine, 1 " Bohea Tea, 2 gallons Jamaica Spirits, 6 " Ground Coffee, 1 bottle flour of Mustard, 6 " Chocolate, 2 well cured Hams, i chest best white Biscuit, J doz. Dried Tongues, 5 lb. Pepper, (1 lbs of Rice, 1 quart White Vinegar, (j " Raisins. Colonel Dunbar caused these latter articles to be divided between the subalterns of the two royal regiments. The General again spread a bounteous table, and his cooks devoted themselves to the preparation of dishes that might temjit his appetite. The "two kegs of spirits" were not neglected, and "punches" were with liberality passed around the board, on many and oft recurring occasions. A levee, or reception was held every day at head- quarters, from 10 to 11 o'clock a. m., at which time every officer was expected to pay his respects to the commander. On the 12th, the Seamen's Journal states that a 1755.] CONFERENCE WTTII THE INDIANS. 119 congress was held at the General's tent, at 11 o'clock, at which time all the officers attended the General, and the Indians were brought. The guard received them with tlieir firelocks rested, and the interpreter was ordered to tell them that their brothers, the English, who were their old friends, were come to assure them that every misunderstanding that had been in former times should now be buried under that great mountain (pointing to Will's Mountain). Then a string of wampum was given them, after which a belt of wampum was held forth, with the following speech, viz: that this wamjjum was to assure them of our friendship ; that ever3body who were their enemies were ours; and that it was not the small force only that we had here, but numbers to the northward, under our great war Captains, Shirley, Pepperell, Johnston, and others, that were going to war, and that we would settle them happily in their country, and make the French Ijoth ashamed and hungry. But that whatever Indians after this declaration did not come in, would be deemed by us as our enemies, and treated as such. The General told them he should have presents for them in a few days, when he should have another speech to make to them, and then, after having the ceremony of taking a drink of the spirits all round, the Indians filed out one after another in silence, and returned to their camp. On the same day one of those sudden gusts of wind, which sometimes visit this locality, with thunder and lightning, came down upon the camp, sweeping away a number of tents and eveiy- thing moveable, much to the consternation of the 120 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. soldiers. The following day the Aveather was so excessively hot, that it was not deemed prudent to require of the men any exercise until after the sun had nearly set. At night the Indians had a grand war-dance in their camp, having declared their determination to take up the hatchet against the French. At dark they had a fire built, and formed a ring about it, dancing, gesticulating and shouting in the wildest manner, their faces and bodies being covered with war-paint. Several Indians sat on the ground, beating a drum, made of a skin stretched over a tub, the name of which in their tongue is the toij-wa-eguit.. They also contriliuted to the aggre- gation of unearthly sounds by the rattling of the she>ihegwon, a bladdei- dried arid filled with pease. It was a custom with these Indians, once or twice a year, for the women to dance, and all the men to sit by, and each woman selected the man she preferi-ed, danced with him, and then lived with him for a week, at the end of which time she returned to her husband, and they lived as they did befoi-e.* The Avild dance of the savages on this night drew many of the officers of the Fort to the scene, who looked on with much interest and some degree of awe, while these children of nature roused the echoes of the wilderness with tlieir demoniacal shouts, and went through a thousand grotesque contortions. A court-martial which had been convened on the 13th had tried several soldiers upon charges made, and Luke Woodward, a private in the ranks of the 48th regiment, was convicted of desertion, and sentenced to death. General Braddock, however, *;Seftm»u'« Journal, written by a naval offlcer, under Com. Keppel, while at Fort Cumberland. 1755.] AFFAIRS AT FORT CUMBERLAND. 121 pardoned him, and was rewarded for his leniency by a repetition of the crime, by the ungrateful fellow, shortly afterwards. Three other soldiers of the 48th regiment, James Fitzgerald, James Hughes and Thomas Connelly, were convicted of having stolen a jug of beer. Connelly was sentenced to receive nine hundred lashes, and the others ei2;ht hundred each, and this punishment was inflicted just outside the Fort, in presence of the command, three hundred lashes being given each day until the punishment was complete. Washington was a close student of everything that took place in and about the camp. Especially did he treasure up all that he witnes.sed of the government and disposition of troops. He apprehended much delay and trouble because of the long train of artillery and waarons uiiicli was to be taken over the roads, of whicli he knew the wor.st. On the 14th he wrote the followinsj; lottei- to his brother, John A. Washington : " FoKT CuMBKIiLAND, 14 May, 1755. " Dear Brother : " As wearing boots is quite the mode, I must beg the favor of you to procure me a pair that are jjood and neat, and send them to Major Carlyle, who I hope will contrive to forward them as quickly as my necessity requires. " I see no prospect of mnvin^ from tliis place soon, as we have neither horse? nor wagons enough, and no forage except what is expected from Philadelphia : therefore, I am well convinced, that the troubles and diffi- culties we must encounter in passing the mountains, for the want of proper conveniences, will equal all the difficulties of the campaign ; for I conceive the march of such a train of artillery, in these roads, to be a tremendous undertaking. As to any danger from the ememy, I look upon it as trifling, for I believe the French will be obliged to e.Kert their utmost force to repel the attacks to the aorthward, where Governor Shirley and others, with a body of eight thous.ind men. will annoy their settlements, and attempt their forts. 16 122 HISTORT OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. ■' The General has appointed me one of his aides de-camp, in which character I shall serve this campaign agreeably enough, as I am thereby freed from all commands but his, and give his orders, which must be implicitly obeyed. " I have now a good opportunity, and shall not neglect it, of forming an acquaintance, which may be serviceable hereafter, if 1 find it worth while to push my fortunes in a military line. "I have written to my two female correspondents by this opportunity, one of whose letters I have enclosed to you, and beg your deliverance of it. I shall expect a particular account of all that has happened since ray departure. " I am, dear Jack, " your most affectionate brother, "GEO. WASHINGTON." Not only were horses and wagons still scarce, but the supply of food for the men was wholly insufficient, and of that on hand twenty-two casks of beef were inspected and condemned, on the 15th, as unfit for use. On the following day the last division of the train reached the Fort, under guard of two companies of Sir Peter Halket's regiment. This consisted of three field pieces, four ships' howitzers, sevei'al cohorns,* and forty-two wagons loaded with supplies. The first death at the Fort also occurred on that day. Captain Bromley, of Sir Peter Halket's regiment, who had been ill for several weeks, died on the 16th, and was buried with military honors on the 18th. The weather was excessively hot, and the men suffered greatly therefrom. The funeral took place at 10 o'clock in the morning, at which time all the troojjs in the camp and the Fort were assembled. A Captain's guard marched before the corpse, with the Captain of the guard in the rear. The men carried their arms reversed, and the drums beat the *A coborn is a Bmall bronze mortar, mounted ou a wooden carriage, and having handles, by which it may he carried a short diatance by two men. It was iuvented ny Baron Coehorn. 1755.] AFFAIRS AT FORT CUMBERLAND. 123 dead march. When the cortege approached the grave, the guard formed two lines, open order, facing each other, and rested on their arms, with the muzzle down, and their faces leaning on the buts of the gun.s. The corpse was carried between the lines, the deceased officer's sword and sash lying on the coffin, and the officers following, two abreast. The Chaplain read the burial service of the English Church, and after the coffin had been deposited in the grave, the guard iired three volleys over it, and were then marched to their quarters. The warriors who had come to Fort Cumberland, with Croghan, had, as before stated, brought their families with them, as they had no means of pro- viding for their women and children during their absence. The squaws seem to have been quite attractive in person, being well formed and having small hands and feet, languishing eyes and soft voices. To both (jfficers and soldiers they possessed a charm which led to a great degree of annoyance. The brilliant uniforms and dashing style of the British officers had so captivated these untutored beauties that they spent most of their time in and about the camp, and willingly accepted the very mai'ked attentions shown them. Presents of money and other articles were lavishly bestowed upon the young squaws, and Secretary Peters, of Pennsylvania, in a letter to Governor Morris, said, "the officers are scandalously fond of them." To such an extent were the amours of these parties carried that the warriors were roused to a fury of jealousy, and angrily denounced the officers. Bri;ilit Lightning the prin- 124 HISTORY OP CUMBERI-AND. [1755. cess, abandoned herself to the dissipation which was so novel to her, and her example was followed by most of her sisters. In order to prevent a serious outbreak, orders were issued, on the 11th, forbidding the women to come into the camp, and imposing a penalty upon officers and men who should give the Indians "rum, other liquor, or money, upon any pretense whatever." These stringent orders, however, did not remedy the evil, and the dusky maidens met their lovers in other places, a favorite resort being the shady grove just opposite the Fort, across the river, in Virainia. Finallv, Braddock determined to get rid of the women entirely, and on the 18th a convention was held at his tent, which was attended by all the warricjvs. When they hod assembled, the General made them a s[)eech. He told them he had invited them to join him for the purpose of taking up the hatchet against the French: that it became necessary now, in preparing for the movement to the West that they should send their families — the women and children — Ijack to Pennsyl- vania, where they might remain until the enemy had been punished. He said their Father, the King, had sent them presents for their families, and that he felt great interest in them, and was in much sorrow because of the death of the Half-King, and that he had ordered guns and ammunition to be given the warriors, so that they might be more successful in the chase; he wanted them to be good friends to the English, who were their brothers. The General presented them, then, with three belts and a string of wampum, as well as beads, knives, rings, paint, 1755.] AFFAIRS AT FURT CUMBERLAND. 125 cloth, &c.^ all of which they received with signs of great pleasure, and they promised to come on the next day and give their answer. They then returned to their own camp, and built a fire, around which they danced and sang all night long. On the following day they came to Braddock's tent, and notified him that they had called to give him their answer. Scarooyadi said the Indians had heard what the great Captain had said to them, and that the words of their white Brother were good; that they were thankful to their Father, the great King, for the presents he had sent, and for his kind words about the loss of the Half-King. The Indians would be the friends of their English brothers, and would take up the hatchet against the French; they would do all they could, and would furnish scouts to go into the country and see what their enemies were doing, and speedily bring them news. Tlie warriors then sung their war song, dancing wildly, and chanting the deeds by which they promised to distinguish themselves, when led against the French. The General afterwai'ds took them to that part of the Fort where the artillery was in position, which they examined with a great deal of curiosity, never before having seen any of these engines of war. He then ordered the gunners to lire three 12-pounders, three howitzers and three cohorns, the drums and fifes playing and "beating the point of war." The explosion caused by the discharge of nine big guns startled the Indians greatly, and excited their liveliest admiration. They afterwards approached the cannon with great caution, peered into their 126 mSTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. muzzles, and walked all about them, meantime gesticulating and making comments to each other upon these wonderful engines. After this display the warriors returned to their own camp. The General sent them a bullock, which they roasted, and they had a great feast, upon the conclusion of which they gathered about the fire, and danced their war dance, the warriors being decked in their feathers and hideous in their war paint. The officers from the Fort attended this affair, and were quite as much impressed by the wild antics of the Red Men, as they went through the vaunting exhibition of their deeds in war, fighting and scalping their enemies, as were the savages by the thunder of the bis; guns of the Fort. Throughout almost half the night was this wild riot kept up. the forests resounding with the terrible din of the rude drums and the yells and howls of the seemingly tireless dancers. Braddock had never before witnessed a scene like this, and he seemed to regard the painted sons of the forest as so many demons let loose from the infernal regions, and looked upon the weird ceremonies with mingled awe and amusement. While he beheld in them untutored children of the wilderness, evidently strangers to fear, and filled with a desire for heroic deeds, he regarded them witli y.a degree of contempt, because of their total ignorance of discipline, and those rules of obedience and unanimity, which he knew were necessary to render effective the soldiers of civilized nations. He had now established the most friendly relations with them, and hoped to make them useful as scouts 1755.] AFFAIRS AT FORT CUMBERLAND. 127 and messengers, to ascertain the condition and movements of the enemy. The women and children were a few days later sent back to Aughquick, and White Thunder and all but eight of the warriors went along for the purpose of protecting them, promising to return in a few days. At the same time, the three Delaware chiefs from the Ohio returned to their village, for the purpose, as they alleged, of gathering together their warriors, and promised to join the command further west. None of them ever returned. Those who remained were Scarooyadi, and his son; Cashuwa3'on. Frason, Kahuktodon, Allscheeokatha, Dyoquario. and Kash-wugh-daniunto. The bad faith of the Indians who thus deserted caused the writer of the Seamen's Journal to declare that they were "villains, and always side with the strongest." Previous to their departure they had become so addicted to the excessive use of rum that it became necessary to issue stringent orders forbidding any person to furnish them with spirits, under the severest penalty a court-martial could inflict. Braddock had expected to spend only a few days at Fort Cumberland, in preparing for his march to the West, but he was unavoidably delayed, by the non-arrival of the wagons and stores promised, which were anxiously looked for day after day. He was by this time out of all j^atience, in conse- quence of the delay he was subjected to, on account of the failure to secure the transportation and stores he deemed necessary. He made no allowance for the difficulties in the way. and expected to obtain 128 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND [1755. everything in this new country with the same facility as at home. He denounced the contractors as swindlers and frauds, and in his anger applied the harshest epithets to all the officials of the Colonies, and the inhabitants generally. Washington had a clearer conception of the difficulties to be overcome, and he defended his countrymen against the attacks of the General, often becoming (|uite vehement in his defense. Notwithstanding these affiiirs of the moment, the warm friendship between them remained unbroken, and Washington felt himself warranted in urging Braddock to abandon the idea of taking Avith him a long train of wagons, which he said would render their march slow and tedious, and involve the loss of much i)recious time. He advised the transfer of stores from wagons to the backs of horses, which he thought could be more readily obtained, and would relieve them of much incon- venience in traveling over the rugged mountains, and roughly-built roads, which lay between Fort Cumberland and Fort Duquesne. Braddock, however, could not be brought to accept the suggestions thus made, and persisted in his scheme of transporting the stores in wagons. He had the utmost confidence in his own judgment, and in the invincibility of his officers and men. This fact, together with his refusal to consult the chiefs who had come to the Fort, in all matters pertaining to the campaign, was doubtless the cause of the departure of most of the warriors. They felt hurt, and indignant that they should be regarded of so little importance in the councils, and to Croghan 1755.] AFFAIRS AT FORT CUMBERLAND. 129 they had protested loudly. Washington and Croghan had both solicited more consideration for them at the hands of the General, but he could never l)e brouo;ht to yield to their entreaties. Both were discouraged, and knowing their cause of grievance, were not surprised when the chiefs found a convenient excuse for taking their departure. Braddock's Secretary, William Shirley, was impressed by his conduct to to such an extent that he wrote to Governor Morris. of Pennsylvania, in very uncomplimentary terms, saying: "We have a General most judiciously chosen for being disqualified for the service he is employed in, in almost every respect. * * * j ^.m not greatly acquainted myself with Indian Aftiiirs, tho' enough to see that better measures with regard to 'em might and ought to have been taken, at least to the Southwd. '■■'• '" * Upon our arrival at this Fort, we found Indian Aflairs so ignorantly conducted by Colonel Innes, to whom they were committed, that, Novices as we were, we have taken 'em into our management." Alluding to Braddock's officers he said: "As to them I don't think we have much to boast. Some are insolent and ignorant; others capable, but rather aiming at showing their own abilities than making a proper use of them." The impatience of the General over the delay in furnishing supplies led him, on the 10th of May, to send Captain Leslie, Sir John St. Clair's assistant, into Pennsylvania to pui'chase forage. On the 20th eighty wagons arrived at the Fort, to be used in the expedition, and eleven wagons loaded with supjilies for the officers. He had now aljout two hundred 17 130 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. wagons and six hnndred pack-horses, and made preparations for an early start. In the Seaman's Journal it is stated that "there were one hundred carpeutei's employed, under the carpenter of the 'Sea-Horse,' in building a Magazine, completing a Flatt, and squaring timber to build a bridge over Will's Ci*eek; the Smiths in making tools; the Bakers baking biscuits; and Com- missaries getting the provisions i-eady for marching." This magazine was built in the North-west corner of the Fort, but the bridge over Will's Creek was never erected, or, if it was, no record or trace of it has been left. There was a ford just under the Fort and directly East of it, which was passable at all times except during high water. Two companies of Sir Peter ITalket's regiment, under connnand of Major Chapman, and a troop of light horse, arrived from Winchester on the 21st, and went into camp. In addition to the wagons and horses received, the supply of provisions on hand and on their way to camp was sufficient for the entire campaign, and this once more restored Braddock's good humor. On the 22d he wrote to Governor Sharpe, of Maryland, the following letter, which is amongst the MSS. in the Mai'yland Historical Society: "Fort Ciimkehi-ani), May 2'2d, 1755. " Sir : "As I propose soon to begin my march for Fort Duquesne, I am desirous of adjusting every future contingency in such a manner to avoid any mistake or misunderstanding. If I take ye Fort in its present condition I shall make additions to it as I shall judge necessary, and shall leave the Guns, Ammunition & stores belonging to ye Port with a Garrison of Virginia and Maryland forces. But should they, as I have 1755.] AFFAIRS AT FORT CUMBERLAND. 131 reason to apprehend they should, abandon & destroy ye Fortification with its Guns, &c., I will repair or construct some place ol' defence & leave a Garrison as before. But as to the Artillery, ammunition, stores, provisions, &c,, they must be immediately supply'd by ye Governments of Virginia, Maryland & Pennsylvania, separately or jointly according to ye agreement made at Alexandria. And that I may not by delays in yours or the other Governments be detained so long as to frustrate any other designs for this year I must beg that you will have all these things in readiness to be forwarded to ye Fort, escorted by your militia. A proper quantity of Flower & Meal should be preparing as these in every situation must be regarded & if care is not taken to send these convoys the men must starve & his Majesty's arms be dishonored (should they prove success- ful) & the e.xpences & Trouble which his regard for the colonies have engaged him in rendered useless. Some Indians lately arrived here from the French fort, mention a bravado of the French and their Indians that they propose when the troops are far advanc'd to fall upon this back country and destroy the inhabitants. Make what use or give credit to this intelligence as vou please. However, it may not be amiss to take all possible precautions. " As I find impracticable to take my chariot with me, if you will send for it and ye Harness for the si.x Horses I shall be much obliged to you & you will make use of it till I want it. I shall be still more as I am sure it will be less damaged by good usage than by lying still ; it will also save you the trouble of sending for another to England, as it shall be at your service at your own price when I leave this part of ye world ; let your serv'ts take care of ye harness, and have it oiled if you don't use it. I shall leave directions to Col. Innes to deliver chariot, Harness, spare axle-trees and pole to your order. " I am .Sir, your most obedient and " Most Humble Servant "E. BRADDOCK.'' On tlie 27th the commissariei?, one of whom was Colonel Cresap, engaged in loading one hundred wagons with provisions, in readiness for the march, and a guard, under command of a Captain, was sent back to Winchester to escort the rations then on their way to the Fort. A number of Delaware Indians came to the* camp on this day, and wanted an interview with the General, but they were put off until the morroAV. as the Indians of that tribe were 132 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. looked upon by the officers with suspicion. Next day they went to the General's tent, and told him they had come to join him and to make war against the French, and asked him what he intended to do. He told them he would march in a few days to attack Fort Duquesne, and thanked them for coming to join him. These warriors got out of camp at the first opportunity, and doubtless returned to the French. On the 29th Major Chapman marched towards Fort Duquesne, with 500 men, two pieces of artillery, and a provision train of fifty wagons. Sir John St. Clair, with Mr. Spendelow, two engineers, six soldiers and two Indians, accompanied them, the men to be employed in repairing the road. On the 30th Captain Dol)bs, with a company from North Carolina, arrived. Washington also returned to camp from Winchester, having in charge £4,000 in money for use of the army, which Braddock had sent him for. In speaking of this matter, Washington wrote, a week later, to Mr. William Fairfax, as follows : "Cami' at Will's Creek, 7 June, 1755. ''Sir: 1 arrived with my charge safe in camp on the 30th of last month, after wasting a day and part of another in Winchester, expecting the cavalry to escort me up ; in which being disappointed I was obliged to make use of a small guard of the militia of Frederick county. The (Jeneral, from frequent breaches of contract, has lost all patience ; and for want of that temper and moderation which should be used by a man of sense upon these occasions, will, I fear, represent us in a light we little deserve ; for, instead of blaming the individual, as he ought, he charges all his disappointments to public supineness, and looks upon the country, I believe, as void of honor and honesty. We have frequent disputes on this head, which are maintained with warmth on both sides, especially on his, as he is incapable of arguing without it, or giving up any point he asserts, be it ever so incompatible with reason or common 1755.] AFFAIRS AT FORT CUMBERLAND. 133 "A line of communication is to be opened from Pennsylvania to the French fort Duquesne, along which, after a little time we are to receive all our convoys of people, who ought rather to be chastised for their insensibilitv to danger, and disregard of their sovereign's expecta- tions. They, it seems, are to be the favored people, because they have furnished what their absolute interest alone induced them to do, that is one hundred and fifty wagons and an equivalent number of horses. •'Major Chapman, with a detachment of five hundred men, and the quarter master General, marched two or three days before I arrived here, to open the road, and lay in a deposite of provision at a small fort which they are to erect at the Little Meadows. " To morrow Sir Peter Halket, with the first brigade, is to begin his march, and on Monday, the General, with the second, is to follow. One hospital is filled with sick, and the numbers increase daily with the bloody fiux, which has not yet proved mortal to many. ********* " I am sir " Your most obdt servt "GEO. WASHINGTON." TliL' discipline of the camp was made more stringent every day, and the punishment of soldiers for violating orders was both frequent and severe. Strict orders were issued against gaming, and drunkenness, each of these offences being punishable with two hundred lashes,- without so much as a trial. Several soldiers were severely dealt with for theft and desertion, and the terror of an unyielding military law was relied upon to keep up the morale of the army. The Sabljath day was also observed, and religious services held regularly on Sunday mornings by the Chaplains of the regiments. Braddock's adherence to his ideas of thorough discipline, and his contempt for the Indians as warriors, not only resulted in the loss*- of the services of those who had been brought him by Croghan, but also of a valuable ally in the person of Captain Jack, who was a well known scout, and who 134 HISTORY OF CUMBEKLAND. [1755. followed the Indian mode of warfare. Captain Jack commanded a company of daring men like himself, who were familiar with the woods, and Avitli all the stratagems o{ the savages, to whom they had long been deadly foes. His family had been murdered and his cabin burned l>y a party of Indians, some time before, and he had devoted himself to avenging his murdered wife and children. His deeds of prowess had rendered him the terror of the Indians. He was clad in their gar)), slept in the open air, was always alert, swift and certain in his fatal visits to their haunts, constantly paying the debt which he owed them, and which he had vowed should only be cancelled when his life should end. His home was on the Juniata, and he was known as the "Black Hunter." The alliance of this powerful trapper-chief, and his men, would have been of incalculable importance to Braddock, and their services were freely offered, jjut they were not willing to submit to the regular discipline of the army. For this reason their offer Avas rejected, and they took their depirture. When everything had been made ready for the march from Fort Cumberland, the General seemed to regret siMuewhat the rough speeches he had made, regarding the country and the })eople generally, under the influence of his disappointments, though he persisted still in being much dissatisfied with the contractors, whom he declared had no patriotic impulses, and no thought other than to jiut money in their purses. Towards Franklin he entertained the most com- plimentary opinions, and before leaving he wrote to 1755.] AFFAIRS AT FORT CUMBERLAND. 135 the Secretary of State the following flattering letter regarding that eminent man : " Wii.i/s Creek, June 5, 175.5. "Sir: " Before I left Williamsburg the Quarter Master General told me that I might depend upon twenty five hundred horses and two hundred wagons from Virginia and Maryland ; but I had grftat reason to doubt it, having experienced the false dealings of all in this country with whom I had been concerned. Hence, before my departure from Frederick, I agreed with Mr. Benjamin Franklin, Postmaster in Pennsylvania, who has great credit in that Province, to send here one hundred and fifty wagons and the necessary number of horses. This he accomplished with promptitude and fidelity, and it is almost the only instance of address and integrity which I have seen in all these provinces." Everything Ijeing ready for the advance, the army was divided into three divisions. On the 7th of June the first division, under Sir Peter Halket, left the camp at Fort Cumberland; on the 8th the second division, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Gage, of the 44th Regiment, marched. There was left in camp then only a small number of troops besides the garrison of the Fort. An order had been issued by the General, on the 2d, appointing Colonel Innes Governor of the Fort, and he was to remain with enough of the colonial volunteers to hold the Fort and pi'otect the country about it from the enemy. The large ninnber of women in camp, wives of soldiers, who could Ix' of no service on the march, and would tend to impede the advance as well as to consume the stores, lie determined to get rid of, and therefore sent twenty-four of them back to Philadelphia, with the following letter and pass: "Fort Ci'MnERi.ANi), June llth, 17.')5. "Sir: " I have found it necessary to discharge a number of women who are wives to soldiers belonging to the forces under mv conniiand. and must 136 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. beg of you to give orders that they be subsisted in your government ; their names are contained in the Passes 1 have given 'era for their Protection, and I have taken care to order stoppages to be made of one-third Part of their Husbands' Pay to defray the expense of their maintenance. " I am, sir, your most obedient and most humble servant, "E. BRADDOCK." " By his Excellency Edward Braddock, Esq, General and [L. S.] commander in chief of all His Majesty's Forces in North America. "I do hereby certify that the Bearers, Mary Welch, Elizabeth Webster, Mary Walker, Mary Crab, Dorkey Moreton, Margaret Wray, Margaret Gates, Catharine McFarland, Jane Campbell, Catharine Watson, Annie Manning, Susanna Duncan, Annie McDonald, Mary Ryo, Margaret Doggett, Elizabeth Rickerby, Annie Anderson, .lean Anderson, Mary Scott, Annie Totle, Christiana Fergason,Mary Dimond, Eleanor Lemmon & Sara Lord are wives to soldiers belonging to forces under my command ; And all persons whatsoever are hereby required to .'puffer 'em to pass without hindrance or molestation. "Given at the Camp at Fort Cumberland, the 9th day of June, 17.'i.'>. "E. BRADDOCK. "By His Excellency's Command, "W. Shirley." Major Chapman had marched Avith his command, by the route marked out by Colonel Cresap and the Indian guide, Nemacolin. This route crossed Wills Mountain, as heretofoi'e described, by way of Sandy Gap. Lieutenant Spendelow, of the Seamen, who accompanied Major Chapman on his first day's march, to aid in clearing the road, returned to the camp, impressed Avith the importance of discovering a less diflficult route, and taking one of his officers and a squad of men, spent several days in examining the country. He finally concluded that a much more desirable road could be constructed along the East bank of Will's Creek, through the "Narrows," whereby he w^ould be enabled to strike the old road. 1755.] braddogk's route. 137 a few milos beyond, the distance being increased less tban two miles. His advice as to this matter was accepted, and a road was built at once, the labor not being severe, whereby the heavy grades were entirely avoided, to the great relief of the transportation department. The troops that left the Fort after Major Chapman's departure took the new route, which was used altogether in the movements of the army afterwards. This route is shown on the map here given, as well as the original road, which was located by Mr. T. C. Atkinson, an engineer of great ability and the nicest accuracy, who was employed in the survey of the Baltimore and Ohio Railway, and who spent considerable time in the examination of Braddock's route, and the traces still left in 1850 in the forests. The map as pre- pared by Mr. Middleton showed only the route over the mountain west of Will's Creek. The author has added thereto a line showing the new road opened by Lieutenant Spendelow through the "Narrows," and joining the other, five miles north of Fort Cumberland. The map as now given may be confidently accepted as perfectly accurate, in every respect. The route through the "Narrows" was eventually adopted by United States engineers in locating the great National Road, which, however, was made to cross Will's Creek at the entrance to the " Narrows, " and to skirt the mountain on the west side of the gorge instead of the east. Lieutenant kSpendelow's road skirted the margin of Will's Creek, along the eastern base of the clifls of the "Narrows" until this wonderful gorge was passed; it then crossed the creek just above the 18 138 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. mouth of Braddock's Run, and followed the course of the Run, crossing it at times, and in some instances taking the bed of the stream. It joined the other road near the Everstine place, five miles west of the Fort. Braddock's Run received its name from this circumstance, and still retains it. The task of building Lieutenant Sjjendelow's new road was begun on the 3d of June, Avhen an engineer and 120 men went to work on it, and completed about one mile a day, until the 7th, at which time Sir Peter Halket's division marched; on the 8th Gage's division followed, and on the 10th Dunbar's division left the Fort, bringing up the rear. Braddock accompanied Dunbar's command, and Fort Cumber- land was left with a small detachment of able men, under Colonel Innes. Quite a number of men were left in the hospitals here, besides several officers, amongst them Commodore KepjDel, the commander of the British fleet. Most of them were suffering from the bloody flux, which disease proved fatal to several soldiers, after only a short illness. The difficulties of the march soon brought the General to appreciate the apprehensions of Washington; the steep mountains, rocky roads, and ugly ravines, incident to this new country were all beyond his anticipations. It became necessary to double up the teams in order to pull the wagons up the rough grades ; in some instances even this was impracticable, the seamen being obliged to draw them up by means of ropes and pulleys. Not more than three or four miles a day could be made, and in order to avoid a further delay, where already weeks 1755.] braddock's route. 139 of precious time had been lost, Braddoclv eventually yielded to Washington's advice, and sent back many of his wagons, taking the animals for pack horses, and transporting his stores in the only practicable manner. The artillery was a source of great trouble; although the guns were of small calibre, yet thej- could not be left, and the army struggled on, day after day, making only short marches. Braddock's route has been discussed and speculated upon to an extraordinary extent, and was for many years not very clearly defined. In "The Olden Time," an interesting collection of papers relative to the history of the settlement and improvement of the country about the headwaters of the Ohio, is a very satisfactory description of this route, written from Cumberland, by Mr. T. C. Atkinson, in 1847, which is undoubtedly more correct than any other ever published, and this document is given here in full : braddock's route to the battle of the monongahela. "The interest with which the routes of celebrated expeditions are regarded, and the confusion which attends them after the lapse of years, is well exemplified in the case of Hannibal, whose march towards Rome, in order to divert their army fi-om the siege of Capua, was totally lost in the course of a few centuries. The constant blunders of Livy in copying first from one writer, and then from another who made him take a different path, justify a recent English historian who went to Italy to see the ground for himself, in saying that the Punic war was almost as hard in the writing as the fighting. "As the time is coming when the road by which 140 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. the unfortunate Braddock marched to his disastrous field, will be invested with antiquarian interest, akin to that attending Hannibal's route, or rather the via scelerata, by which the Fahiau family marched out of Rome, I have thought it time not idly spent to attempt to pursue its scattered traces as far as it is in my power, among more pressing occupations. In this sketch I do not design to pursue it to its extent, but only to identify it in those parts where it has been convenient for me to visit it, and in others to shadow out its general direction. Where it is obscure I hope to have opportunities to examine it at a future day. "Of the well conducted expedition of Col. Boquet, and its precise path, the publications of Mr. Hutchins, the geographer, who was one of the engineers, leaves us very well informed. It is presumable that similar details would be found of the march of 1755, if it had had a successful termination. The three engineers who were in the field were wounded; and it is probable their papers fell into the hands of the enemy, or were lost in the fight. "General Braddock landed at Alexandria on the 20th of February, 1755. The selection of this port for the debarcation of the troops was censured at the time, though it is probaljle it had the approval of Washington. The two Regiments he Ijrought with him were very defective in numbers, having but about 500 men each, and it was expected their ranks would be recruited in America. It is shown by the repeated requests on this point made by the General at Cumberland, that this expectation was 1755.] braddock's route. 141 vain. After numerous delays, and a conference with the Royal Governors, we find General Braddock en route on the 24 th of April, when he had reached Fredericktown in Maryland. Passing thence through Winchester, Va., he reached F(»rt Cumberland about the 9 th of May. Sir John St. Clair, Deputy Quarter- master General, had preceded him to this point about two weeks. "The army struck the Little Cacapehon (though pronounced Cacapon, I have used for the occasion the spelling of Washington, and vai'ious old docu- ments,) about six miles above its mouth, and following the stream, encamped on the Virginia side of the Potomac, preparatory to crossing into Maryland. The water is supposed to have been high at the time, as the spot is known as the Ferry Fields, from the army having been ferried over. This was about the 4th or 5th of May. '•The army thence pursued the banks of the river, with a slight deviation of route at the mouth of the South Branch, to the village of Old Town, known at that time as the Shawnee Old Town, modern use having dropped the most characteristic part of the name. This place, distant about eight miles from the Ferry Fields, was known at that early day as the residence of Col. Thomas Cresap, an English settler, and the father of the hero of Logan's speech. The road proceeded thence parallel with the river and at the foot of the hills, till it passes the Narrows of Will's Mountain,'-' when it struck out on a shorter ♦This is AH error, as Will's Mountain is beyond the site of Fort Cumherland. and the mountain referred lo must have been Evitfs Mountain, which is South East of Cumberland, and had to be passed by Braddock before reaching Will's Creek. 142 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. line coincident with the present county road, and lying between the railroad and the mountain, to Fort Cumberland. "From the Little Cacapehon to this point the ground was comparatively easy, and the road had been generally judiciously chosen. Thenceforward the character of the ground was altei*ed, not so much in the general aspect of the country, as that the march was about to abandon the valleys, and now the real difficulties of the expedition may be said to commence. "The Fort had been commenced the previous year, after the surrender at the Great Meadows, bj^ Colonel Innes, who had with him two independent companies of New York and South Carolina. It mounted ten four pounders, besides swivels, and was favorably situated to keep the hostile Indians in check. "The army now consisted of 1000 regulars, 30 sailors, and 1200 provincials, besides a train of artillery. The provincials were from New York and Virginia; one company from the former colony was commanded Ijy Captain Gates, afterwards the hero of Saratoga. On the 8th of June, 'Braddock haviuG;, through the interest and exertions of Dr. Franklin, principall}^, got 150 wagons and 2000 horses from Pennsylvania, was ready to march. "Scarooyadi, successor to the Half King of the Senecas, and Monacatootha, whose acquaintance Washington had made on the Ohio, on his mission to Le Boeuf, with about 150 Indians, Senecas and Delawares, accompanied him. George Croghan, the 1755.] braddock's route. 143 Indian Agent of Pennsylvania, and a friendly Indian of great value, called Susquehanna Jack, were also with him.* •■ The first brigade under Sir Peter Halket led the way on the 8th, and on the 9th the main body foUowed.f Some idea of the difficulties they encountered, may be had when we perceive they .spent the third night only five miles from the first. The place of encampment, which is about one third Colonel Gage with his command immediately folloAving; then came Sir John St. Clair, with two 6-pounder guns and the wagons and men of the working party. The main body of the army, under command of Braddock, followed; the artillery and baggage in his rear, protected by infantry and cavalry on the flanks. The provincial troojjs formed the rear guard, and aided also in protecting the flanks. The river at the point of crossing was quite shallow, and was easily fordable at any point for 158 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. more than half a mile below Turtle Creek ; the banks ^-were gently sloping, but required some cutting to enable the artillery and trains to descend and ascend witliout difTiculty. The elevation of the banks was about twenty feet, and when the troops halted after crossing they were in the shade of a grove of walnut trees, which covered the rich bottom land stretching back from the river a distance of a quarter of a mile, the ground being free of undergrowth. Farther back the surface was gradually elevated, until it reached the base of a line of hills, with steep sides -and heavily wooded. To avoid the soft and spongy ground along the river the British marched towards the hills, gaining the higher plateau at their base, and then turned to skirt them on their course down the river. The undergrowth of thickets and brambles was quite thick, and concealed entirely several ravines which stretched down to the river from the hill sides, the soft earth having been washed out liy the waters of numerous springs, leaving almost perpendicular banks. These i-avines were as perfectly adapted to the wants and purposes of the French as though prepared for the especial emergency which had now ai'isen. They were naturally formed rifle pits, so completely masked by foliage as to leave no suspicion of their existence. On the right of the unsuspecting army lay one of those ravines, broad and deep, grown full of heavy trees, and reaching to the very heart of the forest on the hill sides. As to the other, about two hundred yards from the ravine just mentioned, it commences right in the middle of the plain, or upper plateau, near the base of the hills, 1755.] BATTLE OF THE MONONGAHELA. 159 "a most singular ditch, with a depth and breadth of a few feet at its head, but increasing soon to ten or twelve, and at that time overhung and completely concealed by a thick growth of vines and bushes; of grasses and trailers and wild Indian plum. Even to this day it can scarcely be perceived, or, at least, its full capacity cannot be ajipreciated, until one is i-ight upon it, and then in it. It is a most peculiar ditch, and could not be better adapted, either for attack or defense, were engineers to devise and fashion it. It could easilv conceal a thousand men." Between these ravines was a forest of trees, and bushes, and .here the troops marched in a road newly cut, and barely twelve feet wide, their line of march being diagonal with the ravines, and within easy range of the enemy therein concealed. The army was marching with its advance almost at the head of one of these ravines, with the least conceivable caution, when suddenly the whole com- mand was startled Ijy a volley of rifle shots in front, and a terriffic yell, which announced the presence of a large body of savages. Lientenant-Colonel Burton hurried forward with eight hundred men to support Gage, leaving the baggage under Halket's care at the river. The woods seemed to be full of Fixnich and Indians, as they kept up a heavy fire of musketry, and made the air ring with their demon-like shouts ; yet not one of them could be seen. They lay along the ravines, completely concealed from view, deliber- ately selecting their victims and shooting them down. Burton's troops formed in line of battle, ready to move forward and meet the enemy from the 160 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. undergrowth, when, unfortunately. Gage's men became panic-stricken, and retreated in the utmost confusion immediately upon Burton's command, breaking his hues and imparting some of their own demoralization to their freshly arrived comrades. The two regiments became inextricably mixed, the men lost their heads, and huddled together in the narrow road, utterly heedless of the commands of their officers. Braddock became terribly enraged and charged amongst the paralyzed soldiers with his horse, striking right and left, and endeavoring to get them into position. The provincial trooj)S took to trees and opened fire upon the enemy, doing good service, and Washington urged Braddock to order the regulars to do the same, but he refused, and persisted in his endeavors to get his men formed in line. The colors of the two regiments were fixed as rallying points, and the men summoned to fall into line, but it was in vain. The officers then undertook to form them in platoons, but the terrible war whoops of the Indians and the hail of balls from foes they could not see had sent dismay to the hearts of the terrified men, and they were really worse than useless. Braddock cursed them bitterly; he cut down several soldiers whom he saw sheltering them- selves behind the trees, and others he struck with the flat of his sword. The officers labored with the utmost zeal to bring their men to some degree of reason, and to charge the enemy; they even dismounted from their horses, formed platoons and advanced in line, hoping by their example to encourage the soldiers to follow. Despite every 1755.] BATTLE OF THE MONONGAHELA. 161 effort, confusion reigned supreme; the troops were, as before remarked, worse than useless, since they not only made no assaults upon the enemy, but added horror to the havoc by tiring upon their own friends and shooting • down the only men who were doing any service on the British side. Seeing the hopelessness of the situation, unless some decisive stroke could be quickly delivered, Captain Waggoner, who had command of the provincial troops of Virginia, determined to get, with his men, on the flank of the enemy, and drive him out. Some fallen timber on the brow of the hill was pointed out by him to Scarooyadi, and they with eighty men made their way to it, where they tooI\; shelter, and poured a galling fire into the painted imps along the ravine, causing them to beat a hasty retreat to better shelter. Waggoner's men with a shout started to follow up their advantage, when the demoralized mob behind tliem, made the final blunder by firing point blank into their ranks, killing two thirds of their number. Those that remained uninjured turned and fled for their lives, disgusted and distressed. Braddock had already had five horses killed under him, and, utterly regardless of danger, was every- wlici'e. urging his men forward; Washington had had his clothing pierced, but had escaped injury; Captains Orme and Morris had both been wounded; Sir Peter Halket and his son shot dead, and nearly all the officers as well as hundreds of tlie men saci*ificed. The French and Indians, seeing the confusion and dismay of the British, and witnessing the destruction of Waggoner's party, became more and more 21 102 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. emboldened. The savages frequently rushed from cover to scalp an officer or gather a trophy, and gradually they succeeded in almost surrounding the army. Between four and five o'clock, while Braddock was delivering an oi'der, he was struck by a bullet, which passed through his right arm into liis lungs. He fell from his horse to the ground, and lay there mortally wounded ; defeated and abandoned, so for as his veteran soldiers were concerned. Captain Orme, himself wounded, begged some of the men to carry the General oif the field, and offered them his purse containing sixty guineas as a reward; but not a man would stay for love, respect or gold. Captain Stewart, of the Virginia troops, with another American oJRcer and Braddock's servant, cari-ied the fallen commander from the field in his silken sash, Avhich they took from aj)0ut his waist. When Braddock's fall became known, the panic-stricken soldiers threw down their arms and ammunition, and lied with the utmost precipitation. The teamsters and artillery men cut their horses loose, and mounting them rode off at full speed. Everything was abandoned, and the retreat became a thoroughly disgraceful rout, while the Indians added to the terror of the frightened wretches by rushing after them with the wildest yells, and occasionally tomahawking and scalping one of their number, before they reached the river. After crossing this stream, they continued their liight for more than a quarter of a mile. Here, tl;e General, with several other wounded officers, halted, and they succeeded in getting about one hundred men to take a position near the road, 1755.] THE RETREAT. 168 with a view to holding the place, until reinforcements should arrive from Dunbar. In loss than an hour, however, the soldiers ran away, and the wounded officers, with a few faithful friends who i-emained with them, continued their retreat. The General sent Washington hack to Colonel Dunbar, with instructions to send forward wagons for the wounded, and a supply of provisions and hospital stores, under the guard of the youngest two Grenadier companies, to meet him at Gist's plantation, or nearer if possible. Colonel Gage then joined Braddock with some eighty men, and continued with him. Braddock was so badly wounded that he could not sit his horse, and had to be carried in his sash, by soldiers. Dr. Craik dressed his wounds, but the old soldier seemed to tliiids; little of his bodily sufferings; he expressed his desire to die and be buried on the site of the great misfortvme of his life; he was deeply distressed, and could scarcely comprehend the calamity which had so unexpectedly overtaken him in the hour in which he had looked for a brilliant victory, which was to be / / the crowning triumph of his military career and give him posthumous fame. Few instances are recorded where so merciless a slaughter Avas accomplished ujDon a foe so largely outnumbering its assailants. Such scenes of carnage are fortunutelx' not of fre([uent occurrence. Eighty nine commissioned officers went into the battle of the Monongahela; and of these twenty-six were killed and thirty-seven wounded; four hundred and thirty soldiers were slain outright, and three hundred and eighty-five wounded. 164 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. The following is ;i list of the officers who were present, and of those who were killed and wounded in this disastrous engagement, as reported in the Gentlemen's Magazine, in August, 1755: .STAFF. Officers* Names. Kank. Killed or Wounded. Edward Braddock, Esq. Robert Orme, Esq., 1 Roger Morris, Esq., George Washington, Esq J William Shirley Esq.... Sir John St. Clair Matthew Leslie, Gent.... Francis Halkett, Esq.... Gen'l and com. in chief Aids de Camp. Mortally wounded. Wounded. Secretary. Dep'y Quar. Mas'r Gn'l Gen'l Assist, do. Major Brigade. Killed. Wounded. u FOBTY-FonRTH REGIMENT.* OiBcers' Namea. Rank. Killed or Wounded. Sir Peter Halkett Gasje, Eso Colonel. Lieut. Colonel. Captain. li Lieutenant. a 1* u it 11 it 14 a Knsign 11 11 11 Killed. Wounded, Tatton, Killed. Ilobson. Beckworth Killed. Sittler Bailey Halkett Killed Trebv Wounded Allen Dipd of wounds. Simpson Wounded. Lock Wounded. Disney Kennedy it 11 Townsend Killed. Clarke Nortlow Killed. Pennington *Tbifi list is inaccurate io eome Blight particulars, and was probably made up from memory. 1755.] THE KILLED AND WOUNDED. KORTY-KIGHTH REGIMEN'T. 165 Oflicera* Names. Burton, Ksq Sparks, Esq Dobson, Esq Cholmondeley Bowyer, Esq Ross, Esq Barbutt, Esq Walsham, Esq Crvmble, Esq Widman, Esq Hansard, Esq Gladwin, Esq* Hotham, Esq Edmonstone, Esq.. Cope, Esq Brereton, Esq Stuart, Esq , Montresore Dunbar Harrison Colebatt Maemullen Crowe Stirling Lieut. Colonel. Major. Captain. Lieutenant. Ensifi I Killed or Wounded. ' Slightly wounded. Killed. Wounded. Killed. a i( Wounded. Wounded. Killed. Wounded- Wounded. VIIUIIXIA OFFICERS. Stevens.. Poison Peyronie.... Stewart Hamilton... Woodward. Wright Spiltdorph.. Stewart MNeiU. Wounded. Killed. Killed. Killed. Wounded. Killed. *TliiB wfts Henry Gladwin, who won many laurels aflerwarda, and became Deputy-Adjutant General in America. 166 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. *INDEPENDKNTS. Officers Names Bank. Killed or Wounded. Gates Captain. Lieutenant. 11 Wounded. Suniiiin Killed. Miller Haworth Wounded. 11 ARTILLERY. Orde Captain, Capt. Lieut. Lieutenant. 11 11 Smilli Killed. Buchanan M'Cloud Wounded. McCiiUer .1 ENGINEERS. McKeller, Esq Major. Captain. Capt. Lieutenant. 11 Williamson, Esq 11 NAVAL OFFICEKS. Spendelowe.. Haynes Talbot Lieutenant. Midshipman. Killed. Killed. VOLUNTEERS. Captain, Killed. Havfr....- Wounded. Dunbar was still forty miles to the rear, having been so slow in his movements that he was therefor christened " Dunbar the Tardy." Had he been present at the battle, however, matters would have been worse, rather than better, since an accumuhition of numbers would have 2)roven of no avail where the *Araongst tlie names entirely omitted in the lists here ^iven is that of Gen. Evan Shelby, who wflH llieii a Cnjilnin of Kaiit;ers,"ai)d was especially known lor lii.s keen intellect, aieat courage, andiron cnnvtitiitmn. He was a Welshman by hivtli, bnl came to Maryland when a small lad. Alter Iliadduck'n deleat lie remained in coinii'iand ot his raniiieiH. and u hf n Boqtiefs expedi- tion waa organized, lie joined it, nnd under Forbes dif-t ingui.-liod liiin-r-li by his vnlor and energy. He wa.'i tlie lather of Isaac .-ihelby, a yallant oiticer VUo won distinction in the Revolu- lionnry war. Drs. Hugh Mercer and Jame-j Craik. surgeons of the Vir^vnia troops, were on the field, and the former was seiiously wounded. When he fell, the troops were in full flight, and finding that he was unable to join in Ihc retreat, lie concealed liiniftell behind a hilleii tree, where the undeii^rowtli was heavy, and ther<' he lay until sunset, viewini^ the wild scene nf pillage and bloody oulra-ze that followed. He witnessed the slaughter ol tiie wounded and the scalpin,^ of the dead. Alter nighttall he lelt his hiding place, and. taking the starn for his compass, slowly and painfully made hia way back towards Fi>rt Cumberland, which post he reached some six days later, half-starved, sick, and in much pain. Two years h\ter. while serving as n Captain in Colonel John Armstrong's expedition again.tt the Indians at Kittanning. he was again wounded, and a second time made hi'i way alone through the wooda to Fort Cumberland. In 1777 Dr. Mercer was made a tield officer in the Kevoliitionary army, and gave up his life at Princeton. ■5 ^11 1755.] AFTER THE BATTLE. 167 enemy could not be seen, and where the troops were demoralized by fear. His command would only have furnished more material for the murderous savages. "Nathaniel Gist, son of Christopher, with 'Gist's Indian,' were dispatched from the battle-field to Fort Cumberland, with tidings of the overthrow, but with instructions to avoid passing by, or distui-bing the repose of Dunljar. They traveled a-foot, and through unfrequented paths, to avoid the Indians. While snatching some repose during the darkness of the first night of their journey, in a thicket of bushes and grape vine on Cove Run, within view of the camp fires of Dunbar, they mistook the noise of the move- ment of some bird or beast for Indians, and run with the heedlessness of alarm. They tlius became separated. But each Avended liis way cautiously and alone. When nearing their destination, upon emerging from the bushes into the open road Gist saw a few rods ahead, his long lost Indian, who had also just taken the highway! Like two soothsayers, they had to laugh at each other for their causeless alarm and separation."* Washington, though gi-eatly fatigued by the events and exertions of the dreadful day through which he had just passed, and still weak from his sickness, hurried ofl' to the rear to meet Dfailaar, and deliver the orders heretofore referred to. He was accompanied by two orderlies, and the night was so dark that often they were compelled to dismount and search for the road. The entire night was spent *Thia story was given tbe author of tlie papers entitled "The Monongahela of Old," by Henry Beeuon, the founder ol Uuioutowu, Pa., who had it tVom the lips of Utst himself. 168 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. in the saddle, but at sunrise they reached Dunbar's camp. The distracted teamsters had arrived there ahead of Washington, and Iiad spread dismay amongst Dunbar's troops by reporting that Braddock was killed, the army destroyed, and the Indians pur- suing the few who were left. The effect of such intelligence upon the camp was instantaneous, and it was only by the most stringent orders and threats of instant death to any man who should leave the ranks, that the soldiers were kept from an imme- diate stampede. Washington returned to Gist's plantation the next day, taking with him the necessary supplies, and there met the wounded officers and their escort. They reached Dunbar's camp that night, where they remained two nights and one day. The wounded officers and men were then placed in the wagons, and as there were left no means jjy which to carry the store of provisions and ammunition, all these were destroyed by Braddock's order. The artillery had been left on the field of battle ; and the military chest containing £25,000 in coin, as well as the General's desk and papers, were all lost. What remained to them now was nothing more than was necessary for the supply of their actual wants until they should reach Fort Cumberland. On the 13th they marched to the Great Meadows. During the entire day the dying General was in the greatest distress. His wounds caused him the most intense pain, yet of these he took little account. His spirit was broken, his pride humiliated, and his mind depressed by the disgrace of his terrible defeat. He 1755.] DEATH OF BRADDOCK. 169 seldom spoke, and wlien he did it was only to give such orders as were necessary, or to briefly express his disappointment and regret. "Who would have thought it! Who Avould have thought it!" he re- peated. As the sun set on this quiet Sunday evening, it became apparent that the brave old veteran was about to close his eyes upon the earth, and his faithful friends stood around his couch, with sad hearts. He turned to Captain Orme, and in a thoughtful way, said, "We shall better know how to deal with them another time." A little later, his eyes closed, and the spirit of Braddock was with the Master. His life went out amidst the sombre shades of the forest, near the scene of Washington's reverse, the previous year, and his body was buried in silence and sorrow, at day-break next morning, the grave being made in the road, and the wagons being driven over it, that it might not be discovered and disturbed by the enemy. The services for the dead were read by Washington, the Chaplain having been wounded, and Washington being the only staff officer remaining fit for any duty whatever. Various statements have been made regarding the destruction of stores at Dunbar's camp, and several writers have asserted that artillery, ammunition and money were buried near the camp, in consequence of which many searches have been made there for such articles. These' rumors pnjbably originated in a letter written by Colonel Burd to Governor Morris, dated at Fort Cumberland, July 25, 1755, in which the Colonel relates that Dunbar told him, in a con- versation at dinner, that he had destroyed all his 22 170 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. provisions except what he could carry as subsistence, as well as all the powder he had with him, nearly 50,000 pounds, but that his mortars and shells he had buried. Dunbar was evidently misunderstood in this matter, as he afterwards, on the 25th of August, wrote to Governor Shirley : " We must beg leave to undeceive you in what you are pleased to mention of "guns being burled" at the time General Bi'addock ordered the stores to be destroyed; for there was not a gun of any kind buried." Colonel Burd, in 1759, while on his way to make the road to Redstone, searched for the guns he supposed to be buried, and dug a great many holes, but found nothing. Many relics have been gathei'ed, however, by the persons living in the vicinity of the camp, and some of them have now in their possession, cannon balls, bullets, shells, &c. Amongst other articles are fragments of 9-inch shells, showing the size of the mortars used, and masses of lead formed by bullets melted and run together, the surface being roughened by the jirotuberance of the small leaden balls only half melted. The part played by the French in the defeat of Braddock has been variously given, but there seems to be a lack of accuracy in most accounts. A recent volume of the "Historical Collections of Wisconsin" contains the Memoirs of Charles de Langlade, written by Joseph Tasse, Esq., of Ottawa, Canada, and trans- lated from the French by Mrs. Sarah Fairchikl Dean. The history of the action of Langlade in the battle of the Monongahela, was gathered by Mr. Lyman C. 1755.] THE FRENCH AGAINST 15RADD0CK. 171 Draper, Corresponding Secretary of the Historical Society of Wisconsin, from tlio lips of Cajitain Augustin Grignon, who had obtained the statement from Langlade himself, and the truth and accuracy of the statements have been abundantly verified. The Langlade family came originally from France, in 16G8. Charles was born at Mackinaw in 1729, and spent the days of his youth amongst the Ottawa Indians, who came to regard him as under the j^ro- tection of some powerful Manitou, in consequence of which he early gained a great influence over them, leading them in their wars with other tribes. "While Charles de Langlade thus exhibited his courage in the obscure combats of tribe against tribe, events in Canada were becoming complicated, and threatened to take a serions turn. Grave difiiculties had arisen ))ctween France and England in Acadia, and the valley of the Ohio, on the subject of the frontier boundaries; and although peace still existed, there had already been some bloody encounters in the wilderness, and it was evident that on either side the first occasion would be seized to come to blows. Thus, the killing of a French officer, M. de Jumonville, sent as an envoy to Washington, at the head of thirty soldiers, for the purpose of summoning the English to evacuate entrenchments raised by them near the Ohio, was the signal for that long and terrible seven yeai's' war which kindled the fii-es of two Continents, and led to consequences so disastrous to France. "Vaudreuil, Governor of tlie Colony, took the necessary measures to cope with the enemy, and 172 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. hastened to arm the regular troops, and the Canadian militia. The savages of the North-west, joined to the coureurs de hois, so numerous at that time, also furnished a valuable contingent; and he, without hesitation, confided this command to Charles de Langlade, whose exploits wei'e already well known to him. United to the savages by the ties of blood, by similarity of liabit. familiar with their dialects, and with their modes of warfare, of acknowledged bravery and ability, enjoying unquestionable authority and influence, Langlade was exactly the man for the situation. "At his appeal, the tomahawk is unearthed, the tribes incite themselves with enthusiasm, and a crowd of savage warriors gather around the folds of the French flags. We find at the head of these Indian bands many celebrated chiefs; among others, it is believed, the famous Pontiac, who some years later became illustrious by his conspiracy against the English. "After organizing his forces, Langlade received orders to direct his steps with all haste towards Fort Duquesne, of which General Braddock, recently arrived from England, with veteran troops, was about to attempt to acquire possession in order to drive the French out of the valley of the Ohio. "Langlade arrived at Fort Duquesne in the beginning of July, 1755. Le Sieur de la Perade, as well as some French and Indians, sent to observe the hostile army whose least movements were watched, announced on the eighth of July that it was only a half day's journey from the Monongahela — the 1755.] LANGLADE URGES THE ATTACK. 173 Malenguentee of the Canadians — and that it was advancing in three columns. On the receipt of these tidings, the commandant at Fort Duquesne decided to oppose the advance of the enemy; and, for this purpose, De Beaujeu organized a force of about two hundred and fifty French, and six hundred and fifty Indians. "Leaving the fort on tlie ninth of July, at nine o'clock in the morning, De Beaujeu found himself at half past twelve in the presence of the English, just at the instant when they halted on the South shore of the Monongahela, to take their dinner. The French and Indians had not yet been perceived by the enemy; and they placed themselves carefully in ambush in the ravines and thick woods, which formed an impassable belt in the steep banlv in front of them.''" '"Langlade compi'ehended at once all the advan- tages of the position, and hastened to de Beaujeu to beg him to commence the action; but that officer turned a deaf ear to his entreaties. Unwilling thus to relinquish his pur^jose, he then called together the Indian chiefs, showed them the importance of an immediate attack upon the English, and advised them to go and demand an order to commence battle. De Beaujeu gave them a no more satisfactory reply. Langlade then made a second appeal to the French commander, and insisted energetically upon the necessity of an immediate attack upon the enemy. ♦This is conflrined by the relation of M. de Godefrov, an officer in tlie Fort Duquesne garrison: •'The pirty of M. de Beaujeu advanced for attack about tliree and a lialf leagues from Fort I>uqiiesue, when the enemy were at dinner." This memoir has been published by Mr. John G. 6hea, in his " Kelatious divers sur la bataille du Malangueule." 174 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. 'If we are going to figlit,' he said, 'we must doit while the English, not suspecting danger, have laid aside their arms, or when they are fording the River, for they are too far superior in numbers for us to resist them in open country.' De Bcaujeu was evidently discouraged by the strength of the enemy, and hesitated what course to take; but finally putting an end to his indecision he ordei'ed the attack. "The action commenced with vigor, and took the army of Braddock by surprise. Officers and soldiers ran to their arms with such precipitation that many of the leaders still had their napkins on their breasts when found among the dead. As they occujiied lower ground than the French, they fired over their heads, and only hit a small number. The French and Indians, meanwhile, concealed behind the trees were, so to s^ieak, invisible; and they returned the fire of the enemy by a fusillade, which scattered death and consternation amongst the English battal- ions. At last the soldiers of Braddock took ilight, and both the Canadians and Indians charged upon them with tomahawks, foi-cing them to throw them- selves into the waters of the Monongahela, where many of them were drowned. "This was a disastrous day for the English. Braddock, who wished to make war after the European manner in the forests of the Ohio, and had been unwilling to take advice from any one, paid for his temerity with his life, and the loss of the largest part of his army. The bodies of some hundred soldiers, and many officers, strewed the battle field, 1755.] VICTORY AND SPOILS. 175 and immense booty fell into the hands of the French.* Had it not been for the Virginia militia, commanded by Washington, protecting the retreat of the frag- ments of the English army, that portion of the savages Avho did not loiter to pillage the dead, would not in all probability have spared a solitary soldier to tell the story of their sanguinary defeat.f "The French did not lose thirty men, and the most of these were killed, not by the English l)alls, but by the branches of the trees which sheltered them, and which were violently torn off by the fire of the enemy's artillei-y. The victory was more brilliant because the French had only an inferior force with which to oppose the army of Braddock, numbering at least two thousand men, Avhich constrained Washington to say: 'We have been beaten, shamefully beaten, by a handful of French- men.' ''After the rout of the English, Langlade took energetic measures to prevent the savages from seizing the stores of liquor belonging to the enemy; for, once under the influence of the liquid fire, they might have been carried to excesses which would have tarnished the glory of a day so fortunate. Frustrated in their attempt the Indians set about searching the bodies of the English dead, lying by hundreds on the *"TIicre -were counted dead on the battle field six hii.-idred men. on the retreat about lour / hundred; alonK a little t'd-eani tliree Jiundred. TIteir total toHd wan recit oned at twf-lve hundred / and seventy, otiier accounts place it at one thomand. tilteen hundred, and even seventeen hun- J dred. Tne wounded were abandoned, and almost all perished in the woods. Of one hundred ^ and ^ixty officers, only six escaped t?everal pieces of artillery were taken: also a hundred covered wagons, .the military chest, and the effects of the ofhcers, who were well equipped. The last was the booty of the "savayes and Canadians.— Memoirs des Ponchnt, vol. 1. p. .^7. t'The rout became ■general. All the English took to Ilii^ht. carrying with them their wounded General. Terror sei/.ed even those who had taken no part in this combat. Dunbar's army, encamped nearly twenty leagues from the field of action, deserted their c\uip and joined the fugitives, ivliodid not stop till they reacheii Fort (Jumberland. the longe.-t flight on record. The l-'reiich pnrened the English till lear of some ambuscade made them retrace their steps for they }iad no suspicion that tbey had struck their foes with so great a panic. — Notice of Daniel UyaciatQ Mane Ltenard de Beaujeu, by John O. bbea. I 176 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. bloody field. Many of the officers wore rich uniforms, and they despoiled them of every valuable article they might have upon them. ''Besides the Indians, many Canadians took jiart in the combat, under the command of Langlade ; among others his brother-in-law, Souligny, his nephew, Gautier de Vierville, Pierre Queret, La Choisie, La Fortune, Amable do Gere, Philip de Rocheblave, and Louis Hamelin. All won, by their brave conduct, the congratulations of their chief. "The Indians were not alone in their desire to despoil the vanquished. La Choisie haviiig found on the battle-field the body of an English officer dressed in a rich uniform, Philip de Rocheblave claimed to have discovered it at the same moment. The former took possession of the well filled purse of the officer, but the latter maintained loudly tliat he had an equal right to it, and they separatetl after exchanging more than one bitter word. However it may have been. La Choisie was assassinated during the following night, and the purse disputed with him by de Rocheblave was not found upon him. Quite naturally the tragical end of La Choisie was attributed to de Rocheblave, but his guilt could not be established. De Rocheblave was the uncle of Pierre de Roche- blave, who became one of the most important members of the North-western Fur Company." Many of these details had never before been published, and the fact that Langlade should have taken so decisive a part in the engagement, must naturally excite some surjsrise, but there is little doubt that the French triumph was largely due to 1755.] DE BEAUJEU AND LANGLADE. 177 his exertions and his ability as a military man. He figured prominently in later days, and in 1777 one of Burgoyne's officers, in a letter referring to the expected arrival of Ottawa Indians, wrote : " They are led by M. de Saint Luc and M. de Langlade, both great partisans of the French cause, in the last war; the latter is the person who, at the head of the tribe which he now commands, planned and executed the defeat of General Braddock." Burgoyne himself wrote to the same effect, and he spoke as though the important part taken by Langlade was of common notoriety amongst the English. This history of the affair divides the honors of that memorable battle between Beaujeu and Langlade, whereas all previous accounts have given the former the exclusive credit for Braddock's defeat. According to other accounts Beaujeu originated the plan of leaving Fort Duquesne to make the attack, and secured a x-eluctant consent to his scheme on the part of M. de Contrecoeur, the commander, who was indeed upon the point of abandoning the Fort, before Braddock's arrival. The Indians were afraid to march against a force so largely superior in numbers, but de Beaujeu vehemently said to them, "I am determined to go out against the enemy. I am certain of victory. What ! will you allow your father to go alone!" His language and his manner aroused the savages, of whom there were gathered representatives of nearly a dozen tribes, and they responded to his appeal by declaring they would follow him, where- ever ho might lead. Instantly the entire band prepared for action, and in less than an hour six 23 178 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. hundred braves were armed, in their war paint, and on the inarch with two hundred and fifty French and Canadians. Beaujeu led his soldiers and their allies on to the attack, with the greatest bravery and coolness; he had prepared for the worst as to himself, having received the holy communion, in company with a party of his soldiers on the evening preceding the battle. Early in the conflict he fell mortally wounded, and shortly afterwards exjiired. His death caused the Indians to falter, and when the unfamiliar roar of artillery was added to the confusion of the conflict they, becoming terrified, began a retrogade movement. Dumas, next in command, sprang quickly to the front, cheered them on and led them back, to a still fiercer attack than the first. It is too late for history to attempt to change the records of more than a century far enough to give to Langlade the glory accorded Beaujeu and Dumas; but it cannot now be doubted that the former is entitled to a full share of the credit due for the victory given the French arms on that memorable occasion. After the last sad rites had been paid the dead General, the British army continued its dreary retreat, and on the same evening reached Little Meadows. From that point Washington wrote to Colonel Innes the following letter, which was sent forward by an express: Little Meadows, 15 July, 1755. Sib: Captain Orine, being confined to his litter, and not able to write has desired me to acknowledge the receipt of yours. He begs the favor of you to have the room the General lodged in prepared for Colonel 1755.] THE 'iVOUXDED AT FORT CUMBERLAND. 179 Burton, himself and Capt. Morris, who are all wounded; also that some small place may be had convenient for cooking, and, if any fresh pro- vision, and other necessaries for persons in their condition, may be had, that you will engage them. The horses which carry the wounded gentlemen in litters, are so much fatigued, that we dread their performance; therefore it is desired that you will be kind enough to send out eight or ten fresh horses for their relief, which will enable us to reach the fort this evening. I doubt not but you have had an account of the poor gentlemen's death by some of the affrighted wagoners who ran off without taking leave. I am sir, your most obedient servant, GEO. WASHINGTON. To GOVKRXOR IXNES, At Fort Cumberland. Before the receipt of this letter by Colonel Innes a number of the teamsters had i-eaehed the Fort, and they spread consternation throughout the camp by reporting that Braddock and his officers were all dead, and that the entire army had been either killed or made prisoners. Upon receipt of Washing- ton's letter, however. Colonel Innes immediately sent forward the necessary horses, and prepared quarters for the wounded officers and men. When the sorrowful cavalcade arrived at the Fort it was received with the greatest kindness, and every effort made to relieve the sufferers. They were taken into buildings before used as barracks, and at once everything obtainable that could contribute to the alleviation of their sufferings was supplied. Washington feai'ed lest the exaggerated statements made by the badly frightened teamsters should be carried east, and at last reach his mother. In order to relieve her mind, he at once dispatched a letter, assuring her of his safety, and giving her some account of the expedition, and its unhappy results. 180 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. On the same date he also wrote to his brother, as follows : Fort Cumberland, IS July, 1(55. Dear Brother: As I have heard, since my arrival at this place, a circumstantial account of my death and dying speech, I take this early opportunity of contradicting the first, and assuring you that I have not as yet composed the latter. But by the all powerful dispensation of Providence I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation; for I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me, yet escaped unhurt, although death was leveling my companions on every side of me I We have been most scandalously benten by a trifling body of men, but fatigue and want of time prevent me from giving you any of the details until I have the happiness of seeing you at Mount Vernon, which I now most ardently wish for, since we are driven thus far. A feeble state of health obliges me to halt here for two or three days, to recover a little strength, that I may thereby be enabled to proceed homewards with more ease. You may expect to see me thereon Saturday. or Sunday fortnight, which is as soon as I can well be down, as I shall take my Bullskin Plantations on ray way. Pray give my compliments to all my friends. I am, dear Jack, your most affectionate brother, G. W. Captain OiTne wrote, the same clay, to Governor Sharpe, giving an account of the battle, as follows: Fort Cumberland, July ISth, 1755. My Dear Sir: I am so extremely ill in bed with the wound I have received in my thigh that I am under the necessity of employing my friend Capt. Dob- son to write for me. I conclude you have had some account of the action near the banks of the Monongabela about seven miles from the French Fort; as the reports spread are very imperfect what vou have heard must consequently be so too. You should have had more early accounts of it but every officer whose business it was to have informed you was either killed or wounded, and our distressful situation put it out of our powers, to attend to it so much as we would have done. The 9th instant we passed and repassed the Monongahela by advanc- ing first a party of .'iOO men which was immediately followed by another of 200, tlie General with the column of Artillery, Baggage and the main body of the army passed the river the last time about one o'clock; as soon as the whole got on the Fort side of the Monongahela we heard a 1755.] CAPTAIN ORMe's ACCOUNT. 181 very heavy and quick fire in our front, we immediately advanced in order to sustain them, but the Detachment of the 200 and the 800 men gave way and fell back upon us which caused such confusion and struck so great a Panick among our men that afterwards no military expedient could be made use of that had any etfect upon them; the men were so extremely deaf to the exhortations of the General and the officers that they fired away in the most irregular manner all their ammunition and then run off leaving to the enemy the artillery, ammunition, Provision and Baggage, nor would they be persuaded to stop till they got as far as Guerst Plantation, nor there only in part, many of them proceeding even as far as Col. Dunbar's party, who lay six miles on this side. The officers were absolutely sacrificed by their unparalleled good behaviour, advanc- ing sometimes in body & sometimes separately, hoping by such example to engage the soldiers to follow them, but to no purpose. The General had five horses shot under him and at last received a wound through his right arm, into his lungs, of which he died on the 13th inst. Poor Shirley was shot through the head, Capt. Morris wounded, Mr. Washington had two horses shot under him and his cloaths shot thro' in several places, behaving the whole time with the greatest courage, and resolution. Sir Peter Halket was killed upon the spot. Col. Burton and Sir John St. Clair wounded, & Inclosed I have sent you a list of the killed and wounded according to as exact an account as we are able to get. Upon our proceeding with the whole convoy to the Little Meadows it was found impossible to advance in that manner, the General therefore advanced with twelve hundred men, with the necessary artillery, ammu- nition, & provision, leaving the main body of the convoy under the command of Col. Dunbar with orders to join him as soon as possible; in this manner we proceeded with safety and expedition till the fatal day I have just related, and happy it was that this disposition was made, other- wise the whole must have either starved or fallen into the hands of the enemy, as numbers would have been of no service to us, and our provision all lost. As our number of horses were so much reduced and those extremely weak, and many carriages being wanted for the wounded men, occasioned our destroying the ammunition and superfluous part of the provision left in Col. Dunbar's convov to prevent its falling into the hands of the Enemy. As the whole ot the Artillery is lost and the troops are extremely weakened by Deaths, wounds and sickness, it was judged impossible to make any further attempts, therefore Col. Dunbar is returning to Fort Cumberland with everything he is able to bring with him, I propose remaining here till my wound will suffer me to remove 182 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. to Philadelphia, from thence shall make all possible dispatjch to England, whatever commands you may have for me you will do me the favor to direct to me here, I am with the greatest sincerity your most obedient and most Humble Servant, ROBT. ORME. By the particular disposition of the French and the Indians it is impossible to judge of the numbers they had that day in the Field. As the General's chariot is to be disposed of, I should be glad to know if you would have it again; it has been at this place since our departure from hence; if you propose taking it again I will send it to you and bring the General's coach back. Capt. Morris' compliments attend you with Mr. Washington's. P. S. Writing to you as a friend I flatter myself you will excuse the hurry in which this is wrote. To The Hon'bl Governor Sharpe. Notwithstanding the great distance between Fort Cumberland and the battle field of the Monongahela, the rugged mountains, and the very difficult roads, the garrison at the Fort w\is in a state of the greatest uneasiness lest the victorious French, with their Indian allies, should pursue the retreating remnant of the army and strike it another blow. So com- pletely terrified were the defeated English that every particle of courage seemed to have been eradicated from their natures; they forgot their king, their country, their honor, ever^^hing in fact save the savage war whoop of the Indian and the fatal scenes of the battle field. Dunbar, who had been so slow in going forward with his force that he did not get within sound of the conflict, made the best use of his time in marching to the rear. On the 20th of July he arrived at Fort Cumberland, having fifteen hundred soldiers fit for duty. In the hands of a proper officer these men would have been sufficient to set at defiance, and 1755.] punbar's retreat to Philadelphia. 183 eveu to overcome, any force that the French might have been able to send against them from Fort Duquesne, but Dunbar was as badly frightened as any tyro in the ranks, and he did not feel that his precious body was safe so long as he was in the shadow of the wilderness. The necessities of the case were such that he could not continue his retreat immediately, and was compelled to remain at Fort Cumberland until the 2d of August, by which time the wounded had all been looked after, the weary and foot sore men somewhat recruited, and an abundance of supplies secured. The following extract appeared in Green's Mary- land Oazette, July 31st, 1755, and is interesting in several respects: " By Letters in Town we understand, that Col. Dunbar, with the Remainder of the two Regiments, and three Independent Companies, under his Command, were to march from Fort Cumberland on Tuesday last for Rays-Town in Pennsylvania. The same Letters mentioned the arrival of one Staut at Fort Cumberland, who gave them the following accounts : That about the Middle of June last he and his Family were carried off from the Back Parts of this Province, by a Party of Indians, to Fort Du Quesne; that when he came thither the French had not above 400 Men in the Fort; that on the 2d of July, about 1100 French, and 1300 Indians, came down the Ohio, and in a few Day3 afterwards several other large Parties of both French and Indians arrived also from other Parts: That a small Party of French, with about 2,000 Indians, were soon after sent out to harrass our army on their March, who understanding the Rout the General had taken, determined to have disputed his Passage over the Monongahela, but coming too late for that Purpose, found him entered into the Valley where the action happened. That after the Engagement the Indians pursued our People to the Monon- gahela, scalped and plunder'd all that were letl upon the Field, except five or six, who not being able to keep pace with the Victors in their Return to the Fort, were all treated in the same Manner, one Virginian only surviving it. [Oh ! horrid Barbarity ! to kill in cool Blood 1 But, Protestant Reader, such is the Treatment we may expect to receive from his most Christian Majesty's American allies, if ever we should be so 184 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. unhappy as to fall into their Hands, except we give up our Religion Liberty, and every Thing that is dear and valuable, and submit to be his Vassals, and Dupes to the Romish Clergy, whose most tender Mercies are but hellish Cruelties, wherever they have Power to exercise them.] " He further says, that the same Day of the attack, all the artillery, &c., was carried into the Fort, and the Plunder distributed amongst the Indians; a great Number of whom, the second Day afterwards, took their Leaves and set out for Canada, carrying this Staut with them a Prisoner who the first Night afterwards made his Escape from them, and with much DifBculty, arrived at Fort Cumberland, almost famish'd. "He says the French have now about 3,000 Men at the Fort." On the 1st, Diuibar received a letter from Commo- dore Keppel, directing him to send the seamen to Hampton, where they were to go on board the ship Qarland. On the same day he wrote the following letter to Lientenant^Governor Morris, of Pennsylvania : Fort Cumberland, Aug. 1, 1755. Sir: With this you'l receive a Letter for Admiral Boscawen, which pray put under cover to him, directed to him or officer commanding his Majesty's ship at Halifax, and if the despatches I sent you are not gone, or an opportunity immediately offering, I would request your sending all to Halifax directed as before. I march from this to-morrow with about 1,200 Men. When I shall have the honor of seeing you at Philadelphia is uncertain on account of the long march. I hope everything will be fusilitated for our reception. It would give me infinite pleasure to hear from you on my March. I flatter myself with agreeable news of our Friends at Sea and Gen. Shirley- The latter is my greatest concern, as I am assured he will meet with a vigorous opposition. I leave here the Virginia and Maryland Companies with some of the Train to protect this Fort and the General hospital, where there is about 400 Wounded or Sick. Sir, your most humble and Ob'dent Serv't THOMAS DUNBAR. To Governor Morris. P. S. — I fear Lad^s, wives to Gentlemen kil'd, are come or coming to Philadelphia. If they arrive and want a little Assistance be so good as to supply them. Mrs. Hanson, Mrs. Brereton, and Mrs Hart is their names. 1755.] FLIGHT OF THE SETTLERS. 185 On the 2d, with his entire command, and two of the independent companies, he marched away from the Fort, and did not conckide to give up his flight until he had reached Philadelphia. Dunbar's abandonment of Fort Cumberland left that post under the cai'e of Colonel Innes' small command, consisting of one Virginia company, and a company of Maryland rangers, upon whom devolved the labor of nursing the sick and wounded, as well as of defending the position from attack. There were at this time 400 officers and men in the hos- pitals, disabled by wounds and sickness. The retreat of the army had a most disheartening effect upon the entire population of the back country. The people heard of the flight of the veteran troops, and taking quick alarm, most of them, gathering together such of their effects as they could carry, fled towards the Susquehanna. Everything was aban- doned, houses, lands, growing crops, and stock. The forts remained garrisoned by small bodies of colonial troops,and a few hardy pioneers determined if possible to hold their own. Amongst these latter was the indomitable Cresap, who prepared for any emergency that might arise. The French had no conception of the effect of their attack, and it was some time ere they learned the terrible state of demoralization and panic which followed their slaughter of Braddock's army. They were not slow to take advantage of this state of affairs, however, when they became apprised of it, and quickly the forests became filled with savages and robbers, who extended their raids 24 186 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. almost as far East as Winchester, pillaging and mur- dering in the most ruthless manner, until the whole country from New York to the heart of Virginia became the theatre ot" inhuman barbarities and heartless destruction. The defeat of Braddock was totally unlooked for, and it excited the most painful surprise, both in England and in the Colonies. The British troops had been looked upon as invincible, and preparations had been made in Philadelphia for the celebration of Braddock's anticipated victory. His defeat and his death were, therefore, startling disappointments, and it was plain that from that time forward the Colon- ists had a much less exalted opinion of the valor of the royal troops. Braddock had entered upon this campaign full of confidence, pride and self-reliance. He was utterly ignorant of the Indian and his mode of warfare, yet too proud to receive instruction or advice upon the subject at the hands of his inferiors in military rank. He was bigoted to an extent which led him into error as to the value of the allies offered him, in the bands of Indians and scouts who were ready to join him, and whom he insulted and repelled by his indifference and neglect. He entered upon the contest without having in any way fitted himself for it, and the brave, reckless old soldier paid the penalty of his errors with his life. During the fatal battle Washington had besought Braddock to permit him to take three hundred of the provincials and fight the Indians after their own method, assuring him that they could take to the trees and quickly rout 1755.] WHO KILLED BHADDOCK? 187 the enemy. To this he would not consent, and answered with much warmth, that he was competent to command the troops, and was not yet reduced to the extremity of asking advice or of resorting to the disgraceful method of warfare in vogue with the naked savages. This was the only occasion upon which he aroused Washington's anger, and even then it was quickly forgotten. It has never been clearly settled whether Braddock died at the hands of the enemy, or by the act of one of his own men, although the question has been largely discussed, for many years past. Thomas Fossit, a soldier in Captain Cholmondeleys company, in his later years persistently declared that he shot Braddock, and that he was justified in so doing. Fossit was a large man, of great strength, rude habits, and strong passions. He had enlisted at Shippens- burg. Pa., and had a brother Joseph in the same command, who was killed in the battle of the Monongahela. Fossit was living near the top of Laurel Hill, in 178;!. at the junction of Braddock's and Dunlaps roads, where he kept a small tavern. He was then an old man, but lived many years afterwards, and died at about the age of 100 years, in 1818. Fossit charged Braddock with having killed his brother Joseph by a stroke of his sword, for having taken shelter behind a tree during the battle, and for this reason, as well as to save the army, he alleged that he shot the General. Mr. Winthrop Sargent reviews this matter at considerable length, and concludes that there was no truth in Fossil's story, because he was mistaken 188 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. entii'ely in a number of statements made concerning the incidents of the engagement. There is certainly no positive proof to contradict Fossit's statement, and it is not surprising that at his great age he should have forgotten many of the facts of tlie transaction, dating back fifty years or more. There is nothing more probable than that Tom Fossit, angered by the stubbornness of the commander who was deter- mined to sacrifice the army to his foolish ideas of fighting Indians, should have been impelled to this deed by revenge and hatred, when he witnessed the taking of his brother's life. Hon. Andrew Stewart, when quite a boy, had ^ ^^' ^ heard Fossit assert that he shot Braddock, and at that time his story was generally accepted as the truth, as it still is, by nearly all the peo- ple living in that part of Pennsylvania, who have treasured up the legends pertaining to the ill-fated expedition. The place of Brad- dock's sepulture was within a few yards of a small stream, the banks of which abruptly sloped down to the water, and distant about two miles — westwardly — from Fort Necessity. The grave was made immediately in the road, about a stone's throw from the present National Road. When the march 1755.] braddock's CxRAve. 189 was resumed the horses, wagons and troops passed over the grave, the purpose being to j^revent its discovery and desecration by the enemy. About 1824, a party of workmen engaged in repair- ing the old road, came upon the remains of a human skeleton, which was supposed to be that of Braddock. Numerous insignia of rank were found with it, and there was no knowledge of the burial of any other officer in that vicinity. Those who were present on the occasion carried away with them, as souvenirs, the buttons and other metal articles which had not been destroyed by corrosion. Some of the party even went so for in the gratification of their passion for relics, as to make way with several of the small bones of the hands. Mr. James Matthews, a blacksmith, who lived at Mount Washington, as Fort Necessity has since been called, was present on the occasion referred to, and witnessed the disinterment of these remains. They were carried to a point about one hundred and fifty yards Eastward, and buried in a field, at the foot of a large oak tree, some twenty-five yards from the National Road. In order to mark the spot more clearly to strangers, Hon. Andrew Stewart had prepared a board upon which was inscribed the fiict that this was the last resting place of Major General Edward Braddock, and this board was nailed to the tree. For twenty-five years the National Road was the great highway between the East and West, and thousands of persons passed over it annually. The writer can well remember how, when a boy, each morning and evening long trains of stage coaches 190 HISTORY OF CUMBKRLAND. [1755. arrived at and left Cumberland over this great high^va3^ Braddock's grave Avas one of the great points of attraction on the road, and every day the stages were stopped, in order that the passengers might disembark for a few minutes to inspect the place. The old oak tree, ten years since, fell a victim to the imperious hand of time, and during tlie prevalence of a storm was blown down, the trunk BKADDOCK'S GRAVE IN 1877. breaking off some feet from the ground, leaving only a stripped and shredded trunk to mark the sacred spot. The stump has now entirely disap- pea,red, and no mark of the old tree remains. In 1871 a party of gentlemen from England visited the place, and before leaving it they had it enclosed with a fence of boards securely built; and thus it remains to-day. 1755.] braddock's grave. 191 A foot note in De Hass's History of the Indian Wars of West Virginia states that "many years since, the remains of General Braddock were removed to England, and now rest with the quiet sleepers of Westminster Abbey." Whence this information was derived has not transpired. However, it is certainly erroneous. Those remains vnidoubtedly still lie in the 25lace above described, and no inhabitant of that locality has ever heard of their removal to England. Those bones which were carried away as souvenirs by desecrating curiosity-seekers were afterwards gathered together by Mr. Stewart, and are supposed to have been deposited in Peale's Museum, Phila^ delphia.* It was Washington's intention, when he buried Braddock, to return at some future day and erect a monument to his memory, but his time was so much occupied by the events of the years following that it was not until after the close of the revolutionary war that he was able to undertake the self-imposed task. In 1784 he visited the place, for the purpose indicated, and "made a dilligent search for the grave, but the road had been so much turned, and the clear land so extended that it could not be found." The British government is not wont to neglect her soldiers, but she never took the smallest notice of the resting place of Braddock, and it was left for a stranger's hand to mark the spot where he lay, more than half a century after he fell. The demoralization of the settlers generally after the battle of the Monongahela was so great that *Dfty'B Penoa. 334. 192 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. Governor Sharpe again visited Fort Cumberland, and on his way to that point, promised them ample protection, whereby some were induced to remain on their plantations. Governor Sharpe said of his visit here at that time: "I found by Colonel Dunbar and the other officers at the Fort that there had been many unhappy divisions in the army that General Braddock commanded. Himself and the two Colonels were scai'cely on speaking terms, and very few beside four or five favorites mention him with regret. It has been hinted to me that in case he had succeeded against the Fort, the several companies that have been raised in, and that are supported by, these Provinces, would have been regimented, and given to Lieutenant-Colonel Burton, of Dunbar's; Captain Mori'is, one of the aid-de-camps, was to have been Lieutenant-Colonel, and Captain Dobson Major, and Captain Orme, the other aid-de-camp, was to have succeeded Burton as Lieutenant-Colonel in the regi- ment that Dunbar commands." Washington, while deprecating the lack of judg- ment shown by Braddock, in dealing with the Indians, was disposed to do him the fullest justice, and said of him: "He was one of the honestest and best men of the British officers with whom I was acquainted; even in the manner of fighting he was not to blame more than others; for of all that were consulted, only one person objected to it. Braddock was both my General and my physician. I was attacked with a dangerous fever on the march, and he left a sergeant to take care of me, and James' 1755.] NEWSPAPER REPORTS FROM THE BORDERS. 193 fever powders, with directions how to give them, and a wagon to bring me on when I should be able."* The following extracts are taken from the Mary- land Gazette, of the dates given : "Annapolis, August 21, 1755. " The latest, account to be depended on from the Westward is. That a Fortnight ago an Officer, who had been sent with a Party of Men over the Allegany Hills to reconnoitre, was returned to Fort Cumberland, and reported, That on his way towards the Meadows he met with two Friend Indians, who expressing a great Regard for the English, and for his safety, advised him immediately to retire, and save his Party from the Hands of 400 French and about 100 Indians, who were then at the Place where Col. Dunbar was encamped, when he received the News of Gene- ral Braddock's Misfortune. "The Indians also told him, that a Detachment of 100 French was ordered to advance to the Meadows, and prepare some Materials for a Place of Defence, which is to be there constructed." "Annapolis, October 2, 1755. " From Fort Cumberland we learn, that on the 21st ult. a Boy, who was coming from that Place with a Waggon, was wounded in the arm and Back by two Arrows, that were shot by an Indian, who lay concealed near the Road, just on this side Wills's Creek. " The same Day two Soldiers that were sent on Duty from the Fort, were surprized near the same place, and taken Prisoners by five Indians, who carried them towards Fort Du Quesne; one of the Soldiers has since given them the Slip, and notwithstanding he was dangerously wounded by a Tomahawk in the Head, is likely to recover." "Annapolis, October 9, 1755. "We learn from Fort Cumberland, that as Col. Stevens was going thence, with a small Party of Men, to Winchester, he was fired on at two different Places by some Indians that lay concealed by the Road's side. Two of the Virginians were killed, but the Enemy did not choose to stay for their scalps. " By a Person who arrived in Town last Monday from Col. Cresap's we are told, that last Wednesday Sen'uight, in the Morning, the Indians had taken a Man Prisoner, who was going to Fort Cumberland from Frazier's, and had also carried elf a woman from Frazier"s Plantation, which is four Miles on this side Fort Cumberland, The same Morning they fell in with a Man and his Wife, who had left their Plantations, and »Hon. Wm. Findley's letter. XIV Niles Register, 179. 25 194 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. were retiring into the more populous Parts of the Country; they shot the Horse on which the Man rid, but as it did not fall immediately he made his Escape; the Woman, it is supposed, fell into their Hands, as neither she nor the Horse on which nhe was riding, have been since seen or heard of. " The same Party of Indians have also killed or carried off Benjamin Rogers, his Wife, and seven Children, and Edmund Marie of Frederick County. On Patterson's Creek many Families have, within this Month been murdered, carried away, or burnt in their Houses, by a Party of these Barbarians, who have entirely broke up that settlement. " Another Per.son, who left Stoddert's Fort last Sunday, acquaints us that the InhabitaiUts of that Part of the Country were in the greatest Consternation; that near 80 Persons were fled to the said Fort for Pro- tection, and many more gone off in the greatest Confusion to Pennsylvania. This, it seems, has been occasioned by an Express that was sent Lieuten- ant Stoddert and the Neighborhood, by Col. Cresap, advising them, that a Party of 17 Indians had passed by his House, and had cut off some People, who dwelt on the Town Creek, which is a few Miles on this side Col. Cresap's: ^ One Daniel Ashlotf, who lived near that Creek, is come down towards Conocoeheague, and gives the same account. He says also, that as himself and Father, with several others, were re- tiring from their plantations, last Saturday, they were attacked by the same Indians, as he supposes, and all but himself were killed or taken Prisoners. It is said that Mr. Stoddert who has a Command of 15 Men, invited a few of the Neighborhood to join him, and to go in Quest of the Enemy, but they would not be persuaded; whereupon he applied himself to Major Prather for a Detachment of the Militia, either to go with a Party of his Men in Pursuit of the Savages, or garrison his Fort, while he made an Excursiou. We hope there will be no Backwardness in the Militia to comply with such a reasonable Request, especially as any Party or Person that shall take an Enemy Prisoner, will be rewarded with Six Pounds Currency; and the Person who will kill an Enemy, with Four Pounds, provided he can produce Witnesses, or the Enemy's Scalp, in Testimony of such action." " Annapolis, October 23, 175.5. " We hear that a Party of 31 Volunteers, under the Command of Capt. Alexander Bcall and Lieutenant Samuel Wade Magruder, marched from the lower Part of Frederick County towards the Western Frontiers last Saturday. " It is said that Col. Henry Ridgely will take the same Rout, with a Party of thirty Volunteers, next Saturday. " We hear that next Monday a Party of Volunteers, of about 60 young hearty Men, will set out for the Westward, from Prince George's 1755.] THE MARYLAND ASSEMBLY. 195 County, for the assistance and Defence of our distressed Friends in the back Parts of this Province.'' Up to this time Maryland had put no troops in the field, save a few companies of rangers; and previous to Washington's defeat at Fort Necessity she refused to do anything towanls defraying the expenses of the war. After the Fort Necessity aifair, however, the Assembly was convened, and without delay £6,000 was approprinted, to be expended under direction of Governor Sharpe for the defense of the frontiers, and the support of the wives and children of the Indian allies. Several appropriation bills Avere defeated by an unfortunate diflierence which arose between the two Houses as to how the revenues should be raised ; and thus Maryland took no part in Braddock's campaign. She was both willing and able to do so, but the objection of the upper house to the con- tinuance of the duty on convicts, which the lower house proposed, led to a long continued dispute, whereby appropriations were prevented. The dis- astrous result of the campaign of 1755, however, so thoroughly aroused the people of Marjdand, that when the Assembly was called together by the Governor, the lower house yielded its position in order that the necessary taxes might be levied and collected. They i-ecognized the fact that instant action was imperative. The settlers were in terror, and hundreds were fleeing from their homes. Conococheague Creek was the boundary, beyond which few settlements had extended. Fort Cumber- land was in a wilderness uninhabited by civilized men, save those venturesome trappers and hunters 196 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. who had made themselves homes near the Fort; it was separated from the settlements Eastward by an almost trackless forest, eighty miles in extent, and was easily flanked, both on the North and the South, so that it presented no obstacle to the predatory bands of savages that attacked the fron- tiersmen in Virginia and Pennsylvania. The settlers were compelled, therefore, to provide means for their own defense. They built stoccade ''forts," en- closing their houses, and thus each man's home became a castle, which was often the scene of heroic defense, and not unfrequently of heartrending disaster, when savage cunning overcame Spartan courage. Those who were unable to erect these "forts" relied for safety upon the means aftbrded by their more fortunate neigliljors, and in case of alarm they repaired with their families to the nearest stockade. On the assembling of the Legislature the emergen- cies of the situation were clearly set forth, and £40,000 was at once voted as a fund for defense. £11,000 of this was to be applied to the building of a fort and blockhouse on the Western borders, and sustaining a garrison therein; and £25,000 was appropriated in aid of any expedition for the general service." In 1750 Fort Frederick was commenced, and before the close of the year it was garrisoned with two hundred men. This fort was built upon an elevated plateau, about one iburth of a mile from the Potomac. It was constructed of the stone so plentiful in that neighborhood, and its walls were some fifteen feet in height, with bastioned corners. As a jjlace of 1755.] FORT FREDERICK. 197 defense against small arms it was all that could be desired, but was not calculated to resist an artillery attack. The shape of the fort was quadrangular, each of its exterior lines being three hundred and sixty feet in length, and its walls strengthened with earth embankments. The work was done in the most substantial manner, as it was designed for permanent use. and the expense of construction was something more than £C,000. Barracks sufficient for the accommodation of three hundred men were erected inside, as well as a substantial magazine. The walls of this fort are still standing, firm and strong, covered with wild vines, and shaded by the foliage of large trees which grow in the enclosure. It is thirteen miles east of Hancock, and maybe seen from the railroad cars in passing over the Baltimore and Ohio Road. Washington remained at Fort Cumberland a few days on his return after the battle, in order to recruit his strength, and then took his departure for Mount Vernon, at which place he arrived on the 2Gtli of July, still suflering from the effects of his illness. He was greatly depressed in spirits, in consequence of the result of the campaign, in which he had suffered a very considerable pecuniary loss, in the matter of his horses and general outfit. Colonel Innes, being left at Fort Cumberland with only a very small force of provincial troops, did all that was possible to alleviate the sufferings of the wounded soldiers under his care. Many of them died and were buried on the hillside near the Fort. Others recovered and were assigned to duty. Great 198 HISTOKT OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. care was taken by him to have the Fort kept in the most perfect oi'der. The men were required to thoroughly clean the camp and their quarters each day, and every precaution was obsei-ved to avoid a surprise by the enemy, which might bo attempted at any moment. After Braddock's armv had left Fort Cuml:>erland, on the 9th of June, for the advance on Fort Duquesne, the Indians made their appearance with great frequency and the utmost audacity. Knowing the weakness of the garrison, they had on several occasions approached the Fort and fired upon it, but without doing any damage. Not being bold enough, or strong enough, to attack it, they devoted them- selves to murder and plunder wherever opportunity offered, and several settlers were killed in the imme- diate vicinity of the Fort. Others were taken prisoners and carried off. The number of persons who thus fell victims to savage cruelty in a few weeks was twenty-six. Governor Sharpe remained some time at the Fort, upon his visit after Braddock's disaster, and on the 11th of August he declared his conviction that Fort Cumberland Avas not a proper place for a grand magazine. He had consulted with the engineers of the army, who unanimously agreed with him in this conclusion, because the Fort was badly located, being commanded by adjacent hills on two sides. During the month of August the sick and woiuided were removed to Fredericktown, Colonel luues fearing that he might be besieged by an enemjr which would prove strong enough to capture the Fort. Governor 1755.] INDIAN MASSACRES. 199 Sharpe advised him in case of such an attack, should it appear that he would be unable to hold the Fort, to set fire to it, and retire at once. After the departure of the men who had been left in the hospital the garrison amounted to barely one hundred, aiid they became in a short time almost insubordi- nate, the reins of discipline being greatly relaxed. Maryland sent a small company of volunteer soldiers to the Fort, in September, which was under command of Captain Dagworthy, whom Governor Sharpe had commissioned. The strength of the garrison was thus swelled to one hundred and thirty- seven men. Fort Cumberland had never supplied the settlers with the protection they needed, and many fell victims to the tomahawk and scalping knife. On the 24th of June the savages had fallen upon two families within four miles of the Fort, and near the river, and killed six men, women and children. On the 26th they killed seven more, inflicting upon them the most inhuman outrages. In this latter affiiir the Indians attacked the house of a settler, and toma- hawked a woman and three children; the husband seized his gun and fired upon the assailants, but without eflFcct. One of the Indians fired upon him, and the ball passed through liis mouth; he then sprang through a ])ack door and ran towards the woods, when another shot struck him in the thigh, inflicting a severe wound. He managed, however, to reach the Fort. A boy who was in the house was struck upon the head with a tomahawk and knocked down, after which he was scalped, his assailants supposing him dead. In a little while he 200 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. recovered his senses, and found the Indians engaged in plunder. Fearing they would murder him, he remained quiet and feigned death. While lying thus his mother, whose head had been crushed by a blow of the tomahawk, somewhat recovered, and attempted to rise uja, when one of the Indians seized her by the hair, twisted it about his hand, and passing his knife around her head, with a tremendous jerk tore off the bleeding scalp. As soon as the Indians left, the boy fled from the house, and ran into the river, afterwards making his way to the Fort. About the 1st of October a war party of Indians made a descent upon the families living near the Fort, of whom there were a number on both sides of the Potomac, some near Colonel Cresap's house, and others a few miles east of the Fort. A letter written by Dagworthy at the time said: "It is supposed that near one hundred persons have been murdered or carried away prisoners by these Barbarians who have burnt the houses and ravaged all the Planta- tions in that part of the country. Pai'ties of the enemy appear within sight of Fort Cumberland every day, and frequently in greater numbers than the garrison consists of" A short distance east of the Fort, near the river's bank, two trappers had Iniilt themselves houses, and had brought their families there to settle. About the 4th of October a party of savages suddenly made their appearance, completely suiTounding the houses, and taking the people by surprise. Before the men could catch up their arms they were shot down, and .scalped in the presence of their terror-stricken families. The houses were plundered, and then 1755.] WASHINGTON COMMANDER IN CHIEF. 201 burned to the ground, the women and children being carried off as prisoners, doubtless to a more horrible fate, as they were never afterwards heard of. Four other families, still closer to the Fort, were surprised by another war party a few days earlier. On this occasion the Indians ci'ept stealthily up to within a short distance of their unsuspecting victims, fired upon and killed the men, and then tomahawked every living person they found. They tore the bleeding scalps from the still breathing bodies, and with taunting yells approached the fort and waved the scalps in the air, in full view of the garrison. After burning the houses of the settlers the savages departed towards the north. On the 14th of August, only twenty days after his return to Mount Vernon, as a private citizen, Washington received intelligence of his appointment as commander-in-chief of the Virginia forces. He not only had not sought this appointment, but had declared that he would not accept it unless he could be assured of the rank and emoluments to which the office was entitled; be authorized to name his field officers, and guaranteed such supplies as were neces- sary, promptly. All his requirements were complied with, and he was commissioned as commander-in-chief of all the forces raised, or to be raised, in the colony. Governor Dinwiddle undoubtedly made this appoint- ment under the pressure of public opinion, as it was well known he desired to promote Colonel Innes to the position, and from that time forward Dinwiddle was never cordial with the new commander. Captain Adam Stephens, who had been with Washington at 26 202 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1755. Great Meadows, was made Lieutenant-Colonel. On the 14th of September Washington went to Win- chester, where he made his headquarters, and Lieutenant-Colonel Stephens went forward to Fort Cumberland. After getting matters in a satisfactory shape at Winchester, and sending out his i-ecruiting officers, Washington made a tour of inspection of all the outposts, from Fort Cumberland to Fort Dhi- widdie, on Jackson's river, and in order to facilitate military movements he built a shorter and better road between Winchester and Fort Cumberland, for the passage of troops and supplies. In the latter part of this year the old quarrel as to rank between provincial officer.s and those holding royal commissions was renewed at Fort Cumberland, and it led to many and l^itter disputes. Governor Sharpe had sent Captain Dagworthy to the Fort with a company of thirty men, which liad l)een raised in Maryland, and were the first troops furnished by that colony. Dagworthy had held a royal commis- sion, in the preceding war in Canada, and although he had disposed of the commission for half-pay, he assumed now to command all provincial officers, no matter how high their rank might be. In November, Governor Innes was called to his home in North Carolina to look after his estates, and before leaving he turned over the command of the Fort to Lieutenant-Colonel Stephens. But no sooner had Colonel Innes departed than Captain Dagworthy issued an oi'der assuming command in despite of the protest of the officer left in cliarge by the Governor of the Fort. This assumption on Dagworthy's pai't 1750.] THE DISPUTE AS TO RANK. 203 caused wrangling and insubordination amongst the officers of inferior grade, all of whom took sides. The Fort being in Maryland, Governor Sharpe was slow to curtail Dagworth^y's pretensions, and appeared rather to sustain him. Governor Dinwiddle argued that the location of the Fort should not afl'ect the matter at all, as it was a "king's fort," built by an order sent to him from the king, chiefly by troojos in the pay of the king, and that it could not in any way be regarded as under Maryland authority. The disputes upon the question of rank continued throughout the entire winter, and Dagworthy persist- ently adhered to his right to the command, even after Washington himself arrived at the Fort. Dinwiddle declared that it was preposterous for a Captain in command of only thirty men to pretend to outrank a Colonel who was Commander-in-Chief of all the Virginia forces; but as Fort Cumberland was in Maryland, Dinwiddle would not issue any orders concerning the matter, and Washington then declared that unless the dispute was settled and his authority established he would resign his commission. In order to secure a settlement of the question, it was determined to refer it to Major-General Shirley, ■■' Braddock's successor as General in command of the colonies. The officers desired Washington to present the matter in person, and on the 4tli of February, 1756, he set out upon a journey to the General's headquar- ters at Boston, a distance of five hundred miles, accompanied by Captain Mercer, his aid-de-camp, and Captain Stewart, of the Virginia light-horse. The journey was made upon horseback, the young 204 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1756. officers being dressed in the most stylish uniforms, and accompanied by their black servants. General Shirley received Washington with the utmost kindness, and entertained him in the most hos2;)itable manner. The question as to his rank, and Dagworthy's pretensions, was fully discussed, and Washington delivered to the General a letter from Governor Dinwiddle, bearing date January 23, 1756, of which the following is an extract: " Gov. Sharpe has not answered your Excellency's intentions in removinff the Dispute between Col. Washington and Capt. Dagworthy ; he has ordered him to keep the command of the Fort,* which he does iu an absolute manner. We have purchased and laid in provisions for 1,000 men for one year ; as the Fort was the most safe place, they were deposited there, and a commissary appointed at the charge of this country , he will not allow him to discharge his duty, but refuses any of the provisions to be touched but by his order; and though the provis- ions are supply'd by this country, he insists on a right to supply his own men from our magazine, tho' Maryland pays no part of the charfje ; he otherways acts in an arbitrary manner, & insists on his Rank superior to any of our officers, and he has not above oO men, when Col. Washington has upwards of .JOO. " This Fort was built by virtue of His Majesty's instructions to me, and by my orders to Col. .Tames Junes, then in the pay of this colony, and with a srreat charge to this country. It's true it happens to be in Maryland, but I presume His Majesty has a right to build a Fort where he pleases in any of his colonies ; and the guns mounted are guns sent bv His Majesty (or the service of Virginia; it cannot reasonably be suggested that His Majesty intended them for the Proprietor of Maryland. "General Braddock gave a commission to Colonel Innes to be Gov- ernor of the Fort; his private affairs calling him to his estate, in North Carolina, he appointed Lieut. Col. Stephens to command in his absence. Capt. Dagworthy, with his pretended rank, wrested the command from him without any rule but his commission of Captain in the Canada Expedition, tho' not on the half pay list, but received a sum of money in lieu ; by accepting that money I am of opinion he revoked his com- mission. ♦Governor Sliarpe bad ordered Captiiiu Da'^wortliy to confine his authority to troops within the Fort alone, aud not to attempt to conjtuaud tliose in the camp, .. 175G.] THE DISPUTE AS TO RANK. 205 " This affair makes such noise here that I thought it necessary to for'd Col. Washington to you, who can be more particular. If I was to call the assembly now, I know this affair has raised the rancour of the people so much that they would go into extremes of resentment, and do no business for the service. I am sorry I have occasion to be so long on this allair, but as it makes much noise here, and without you interpose your authority, I do not know what will be the consequence ; as formerly, I desire the favor of a Brevet commission to Col. Washington, and to the other Field ofliccrs, and that you would please to reinstate Col. Stephens to the command of the Fort till Governor Inncs returns. As commander- in-chief of the forces this is in your power only, and without some regulation in regard to this unhappy dispute I shall not be able to do anything with our Assembly. " I forgot to mention that Fort Cumberland being a King's Fort, I cannot conceive that the proprietor Governor can have any Right to appoint a Governor, and more so as it has been built by this government ; the Right is in you, and I doubt not you will assume it in order to restore Peace." After reading this letter, and hearing still further details from Washington, General Shirley put a final end to all difficulties as to rank, by writing as follows to Governor Sharpe : Boston, March 5, 1756. Sir: Inclosed is the extract of a letter which I have lately received by Col. Washington from Gov. Dinwiddle, calling upon me to determine the right of command between him and Capt. Dagworthy. You was pleased to assure me at New York that you would send such orders to Capt. Dagworthy as would put an end to this dispute, and afterwards that you had actually done it. I should be extremely unwilling to do anything that might appear in the least disagreeable to any gentleman who had the Honour of bearing His Majesty's commission, and should have been glad that no such dis- pute had come belore me. But as the command I am honored with from His Majesty obliges me upon all occasions to act the best for his service, I must desire that Capt. Dagworthy may be removed from Fort Cumber- land: or acquainted that if he remains there, he must put himself under the command of Col. Washington. I have taken some time to consider this point, and cannot think that Capt. Dagworthy, who now acts under a Provincial commission, has any right to the command, as there are no regular troops joined with those troops now at Fort Cumberland, which would be the only circum- 206 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1756. stance that could occasion a dispute coiicernin:^' the right of Provincial field officers to command in preference to Captains bearinj; commissions from His Majesty. I should have sent my orders to Capt. Dagworthy through my aid- de-camp, but as you have proposed to me to give him such as would effectually remove the occasion of the dispute, I can't but hope you will still do it ; and I think, besides, as he now acts under a Provincial com. mission it will be more regular that they should be transmitted to him from you. With respect to Fort Cumberland, I am informed by Capt. Morris, my aid-de-camp, that the late General Braddock had private instructions from His R. H. the Duke, to put it in a condition lo contain a garrison of 200 men, and that he appointed Col. Innes Gov'r of it, which was given out in orders ; if that be so the matter must remain on the same foot he put it upon. I am with great Regard, Sir, Your Honour's Most Obedient Humble Servant, W. SHHILEY. Upon concluding his mission to Boston, Washing- ton set out on his return to Virginia, sjjending some ten days, however, in New York, where he became greatly enamored with Miss Phillipse, a very elegant young lady, with whom he became acquainted, and who afterwards was married to Captain Morris, his fellow aid-de-camp while with Braddock. In March he was in Williamsburg, endeavoring to secure the legislation necessary to secure the frontiers, and to enable him to march again on Fort Duquesne, which he was most anxious to capture. He returned shortly afterward to Winchester, where he received most startling news as to the depredations of the savages on the borders. The Indians had penetrated the country almost to Winchester, and everywhere they were murdering 175G.] INDIAN INCURSIONS. 207 and scalping the inhabitants. lie determined then, to enter the woods, and punish the redskins. With this object in view he sent a courier to Fort Cum- berhind for troops, intending to take them, with such militia as he could organize, and go in search of the enemy. He quickly discovered, however, that this project would have to be abandoned. The forests about Fort Cumberland were literally alive with Indians, who were constantly devising stratagems for destroying the Fort and garrison. The troops here had been sent out in various directions to punish such parties of French and Indians as they might be able to ovei-come, and to rescue settlers. Those loft in the Fort were scarcely strong enough to defend it, and not a man could be spared. The courier i-eturned to Winchester, and reported these facts. On his return he narrowly escaped with his life, as upon leaving the Fort the Indians fired upon him, and endeavored to cut him off. His horse was shot under him, and his clothes were cut in several places by bullets. Governor Innes, who had returned, and was in command of the Fort, declared that he could do no more than maintain his position, and if his force should be reduced he would be compelled to abandon the post at once. Not only did Washington thus fail to get the troops he expected, but the militia neglected also to respond to his call. The Virginia Assembly, seeing the necessity of prompt action, appropriated <£20,000, and projjosed the establishment of a chain of forts alono- the 'o Alleffhauies from the Potomac to the borders of -o North Carolina. This did not meet Washington's 208 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1756. views. He advised the construction of a strong fort at Winchester, which shouhi te a central point for supplies and defense. He said "Fort Cunil)erland is of little vise; there is not an inlial>itant living between it and Winchester, except a few settlements about the Fort, and a few families at Edwards's, on the Cacapehon. At Fort Cumberland I would have one company to garrison the place to secure it, to procure the earliest intelligence, and to cover detachments sent to the Ohio River, which is all the use it can ever be put to." His advice as to making the fort at Winchester a strong central jjoint was adopted, and Fort Loudon was the result — the name being given in honor of the commanding General who succeeded Shirley. The plan for a chain of forts was persisted in, the pi'ojected number being twenty-three. Fort Cumberland was still maintained, however, and at great expense. Colonel Innes found it neces- sary in the spring, a second time to go to his home, and on this occasion he left Major James Livingston in command. Colonel Innes was beyond question a gentleman of much prudence, and one who had a high regard for his "Perquisites;" besides being rather eccentric in his orthography. Mr. Brantz Mayer has kindly furnished a copy of an original letter which came into his possession through Hon. Alexander R. Boteler, and which was written by Governor Lnies at the time of turning over the command of the Fort to Major Livingston. It is quite an interesting docu- ment, and is as follows: 1756.] AFFAIRS AT THE FORT. 209 By .Tames Innes Ksqr Oovr o( Fort Cumberland, May 26th 1V56. To The Fori Major of said Fort or to his assistant when absent on his Maj's Service. You are to See that all the Out Doors of that Roe of Barracks next to Potoraack or fasing the New Store be made Stench & Strong not to be opened upon anv account whatever. That the Camp CuUermen be Appointed & to keep the Garrison Sweet & clean. All the Howses & butts on the Bottome or near the Garison Not being iraediatelv occupeyd for His Majestys Use & Service Custome hath made them a Perquisite of the Governors. & as farr as the Guns in the Fort cann throw a shott the land is deerad for the use of the Gari- son- You are therefore to insist upon a moderate Rent as my Right. & the account of which you are to trance mitt to me. Given under my hand att Fort Cumberland this 2Gth May 1156, JAMES INNES. To James Livin(;ston, Esq. The "Governor" evidently received some moneys from the rent of the houses near the Fort, a number of which were occupied by traders, who had brought merchandise of such character as the soldiers cared for, in which they speculated. The sums thus collected he j-egarded as his "pert|uisites," and was careful to order that Major Livingston should promptly "trance mitt" them to him. The location of the Fort was such that several spurs of the mountain ranges in the vicinity entirely overlooked it, although when it was con- structed it was not thought to be within gun-shot of any of them. The Indians, however, found oppor- tunity to considerably annoy both the garrison and the camp at times. On frequent occasions they would post themselves on the side of Knobley Mountain and fire into the Fort. They did the same from the knob now known as McKaig's Hill. And although the distance intervening was too great to 27 210 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1756. permit them to do much damage, yet veiy often their bullets fell inside tlie palisades, and I'endered the men so uncomfortable that they became anxious to put an end to such aggressions. On one occasion, during the summer of 1756, a large party of warriors had been loitering about the Fort for several days with a view to taking the scalps of such unwary soldiers as might venture within their reach. The troops were on their guard, however, and the Indians, despairing of cutting any of them off', took a position on one of the hills, and spent the entire day firing into the Fort. By loading their guns with heavy charges of powder, they were enabled to make it rather dangerous for such of the troops as were exposed. Major Livingston became much annoyed, finally, and determined to punish the redskins severely. Accordingly he ordered a Captain to take seventy-five men and dislodge the enemy. The night was cloudy, and there was no moon. The Captain took his force out under cover of the darkness, crossed the creek at the ford just above its mouth, and in j^erfect silence marched to the foot of the hill ; here they formed a line, and cautiously surrounded the Indians, ascending and approaching to within about seventy-five yards of them. The savages wei'e totally unprepared for an attack, and had posted no guards, evidently believing the garrison was too weak to molest them. The soldiers lay quiet, awaiting daybreak, at which time thoy intended to make an assault. As the light broke in the east, every man lay with his hand on the trigger of his gun, and as soon as the Indians began to move about 175C.] kill-buck's strategy fails. 211 the signal was given, when a volley was poured into their midst. The surprise was complete. The savages were utterly confounded; they had no time to secure their arms before the whites discharged another volley, cutting down most of them. Those who were not killed or wounded sought safety in flight, but they were picked off one after another, and few succeeded in getting oil' with their lives. The Indians after this troubled the garrison but little by firing from the hills, but they sought by every means to be revenged for the slaughter of their comrades, and gathered in great numbers about the Fort. Amongst the most cruel, bold and bloodthirsty of these warriors was Kill-buck, a ShaAvanese chief, who had, previous to the war lived near the settlers, on the South Branch of the Potomac, most of whom he knew. He was a powerful man, and possessed of much intelligence, but inhuman in his nature. He had made good use of his knowledge as to the homes and strength of the settlers, and had been guilty of many cruel murders. He had command of the Indians who had gathered about Fort Cumberland, and held a council for the purpose of determining upon the best method of capturing the Fort and destroying the garrison. It was finally determined to resort to stratagem, and a plan was made by which they were to secure an entrance, on the pretense of friendship, after which they were to overpower the troops and put all, officers and men, to death. Accordingly, Kill-buck, marched up to the Fort, at the head of his warriors, making signs of friend- ship, and requested Major Livingston to admit 212 HISTORY OF CCFMBERLAND. [175G. them, in order that they might have a con- sultation; he said they were the friends of the EngHsh, and did not wish them harm, hut would bury the hatchet. Major Livingston knew the character of Kill-buck too well to trust him, but nevertheless pretended to believe his professions, and ordered one of the gates to be opened to them. Feeling secure in the success of their stratagem, the warriors filed in, grimly looking to the right and left. So soon, however, as the principal warriors had entered, the gates were closed, and Kill-buck foiuid the troops drawn up in line in front of their barracks, with their loaded guns in their hands ready for service. He turned upon the Major and haughtily asked the cause of this treatment, whereupon that officer charged him in the most forcible and con- temptuous language with having come with a lie in his mouth and murder in his heart, to deceive him; he told Kill-buck that he had seen through his stratagem, and now intended to punish him severely for his treachery. Kill-buck and his chiefs were seized and disarmed, and were then dressed in petticoats; the gates were opened, and they were driven forth with jeers and laughter by the soldiers, who taunted them with being squaws, and old women. This humiliation was greater punishment to the Indians than death, and they left the place utterly dejected and disgraced. One of the parties of Indians that visited Fort Cumberland in August was commanded by Langlade, who was sent here to ascertain what the English were about, and whether preparations were being 175().] TWO OPINIONS ABOUT THE FORT. 213 made for another advance. The order under which he came was as follows: " Dumas, Chevalier ot the Royal and Military Order of St Louis, Captain of Infantry; commandant of the Ohio and its tributaries : It is ordered that Sieur Langlade, Ensign of Infantry, start at the head of a detachment of French and Indians, to go in the direction of Fort Cum- berland. " In case the savages prefer to quit the great highway, Sieur Langlade will, with the French detach himself from them, in order to follow them ; the principal object of his mission being to e.xamine if the enemy is making any movement in those parts. " He will march with caution and distrust, to avoid all surprises and any ambuscade. If he strike in conjunction with his Indian allies, he will employ all his talent to prevent them from the e.i:ercise of any cruelty upon those who may fall into their hands : " Done at Fort Duquesne, the ninth of August, 1756." Langlade's party advanced no farther than Fort Cumberland, and they did little or no damage. Washington's views as to the campaign proposed to be now commenced differed from those of Governor Dinwiddle, very materially. Washington was anxious to get rid of Fort Cumberland, as he thought it useless, for various reasons which he gave; among others, it was commanded by adjacent hills; was not strong enough in its construction; and was easily Hanked. Dinwiddle had persistently declared that it should be maintained, and he had made it the chief depot of stores; besides which he had sent a portion of the ti'oops from Winchester, and thus hiterfered with the work on Fort Loudon, which Washington was desirous of having completed. Dinwiddle had found it convenient to oppose Washington in all of his plans, and gave him much annoyance; losing no opportunity to vent his resent- ment in this manner upon the commander of the 214 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1756. Virginia forces, because ho had secured the place the Governor intended for his favorite, Colonel Innes. Washington wrote as follows to Speaker Robinson : WixriiKSTKU, r>th August 17JG. Sir : Fort Cumberland at present contains all our provisions and valuable stores, and is not capable of an hour's defense, if the enemy were only to bring a single halfpounder against it, which they might do ■with great ease on horseback. Besides, it lies so remote from this place, as well as from the neighboring inhabitants, that it requires as much force to keep the communication open to it as a fort at the Meadows would do, and employs one hundred and fifty men, who are a dead charge to the country, as they can be of no other use than just to protect and guard the stores, which might as well be lodged at Cox"s Fort;* indeed better, for they would then be more contiguous to this place, to the inhabitants, and to the enemy, and more serviceable if we should ever carry an expedition over the mountains, by opening a road where the Indians have blazed. A strong garrison there would not only protect tbe stores, but also the few remaining inhabitants on the Branch,! and at the same time waylay and annoy the enemy, as they pass and repass the mountains. Whereas the forces at Fort Cumberland, lying in a corner quite remote from the inhabited parts to which the Indians always repair to commit their murders, can have no intelligence of any- thing that is doing, but remain in total ignorance of all transactions. When I was down I applied to the Governor for his particular and positive directions in this affair. The following is an exact copy of his answer ; — " Fort Cumberland is a king's fort, and built chiefly at the charge of the colony, therefore properly under our direction until a governor is appointed." Now, whether I am to understand this ay or no, to the plain, simple question asked, — "Is the fort to be continued or removed ?" I know not. To this letter Speaker Robinson replied, saying, "The Committee were all in opinion with you, that the keeping of Fort Cumberland was an unnecessary expense; but upon my mentioning their opinion to the Governor, he appeared very warm, and said Lord Loudon might do what he pleased, but for his part *Cox'8 Fort was on Pntteraoii'a Creek. 25 miles from Fort Cumberland. fSouth Branch of the iPotomac. 1756.] A COUNCIL AT THE FORT. 215 he would not remove the garrison, nor order the fort to be demolished." Shortly after this, Washington, while on a visit to Mount Vernon, wrote as follows to Governor Dinwiddle : I have in several letters to your Honor expressed my opinion with candor and freedom about the situation, works and garrison at Fort Cumberland. I have upon all occasions said that Port Cumberland is a place of no strength, and never can be tenable from the badness of the ground. It is far remote from any of our inhabitants, exposed to the insults of the enemy, contains all our valuable stores (save what I have removed to Winchester), and a garrison of 170 men, which is too large a number to be spared from other places, merely to defend the stores at this, and too small to afford detachments to waylay and surprise the enemy. I shall, therefore, heg leave to observe, in regard to Fort Cum- berland, that if it is continued we must be confined to act defensively, and keep our forces dispersed as they now are. The place must be fortified with strong works or else it will inevitably fall, garrison and stores, into the enemy's hands. I inclose Col. Shepherds' letter on this head in answer to one I wrote him. I have the honor to be &c., &c., GEO. WASHINGTON. Mount Versox, Sept. 'J3, 175G. Dinwiddle still vehemently opposed all proposi- tions for the removal of the Fort, and wrote to Washington, stating his reasons for its maintenance; hut finally proposed to him that the entire matter should be referred to a council of officers to be held at the Fort. This was agreed to. The council was appointed, and in due time held its sessions, at which the question was fully argued, and carefully considered in every particular. The council reported at large, assigning the reasons which might be urged both for retaining and for abandoning the Fort, but forbore to express a decided opinion. Colonel Washington approved the report, and endorsed thereon his own comments, after which he forwarded 216 • HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1756. the whole to Governor Dinwicldie. The Couucil agreed that the Fort was wholly defenseless, imperfectl_y constructed, and commanded by several hills within gunshot; but they thought it important that a post should be maintained in this quarter, since the only road to the West for wlieel carriages passed in this direction. With this view of the subject Colonel Washington concurred, l)ut was still of the opinion that a more favorable position ouglit to have been chosen, and suggested that it should be in advance of Fort Cumberland, someAvhere in the vicinity of Little Meadows. He thought, also, that Virginia should not be expected to maintain this Fort alone, but that Maryland and Pennsylvania should unite with her in the enterprise, as they were all equally interested in the prime olyect, which was to facilitate aii exjiedition to the Ohio River, and to furnish a means of protection against the advance of the enemy into either of the Colonies. Upon receipt of the report. Governor Dinwiddle wrote to Washington in rejjly: "I received the opinion of the council of war in i-egard to Fort Cuml)erlaaid; as it was an aflRxir of great consequence I called the council for their advice. In consequence thereof I hereby order you. immediately to march one hundred men to Fort Cumberland, from tlie forces you have at Winchester, which Captain Mercer says are one hundred and sixt_y enlisted men. You are to remain at Fort Cumberland, and make the place as strong as you can in case of an attack. You are to send out parties from the Fort to observe the motions of the enemy, if they should march over 1756.] COL. STEPHEN IN COMMAND OF THE FORT. 217 the Alleghany mountains. Any stores at the fort, not absolutely necessary for its defense, you are to send to Winchester." Previous to the calling of the council, Washington had been requested by the Assembly to prepare a plan of defense for the frontiers, by means of a line of forts extending from Maryland to North Carolina. In compliance with this request, he sul^mitted a plan embracing twenty-three forts, of which Cox's Fort was the most advanced, Fort Cumberland being left entirely out. Colonel Stephen succeeded Major Livingston in command of the Fort in the fall, and the Colonial Records furnish us with the following letter written by him to the Governor of Pennsylvania : Pout Cumberland, Sept. 30, 1756. Sir: Yesterday came into this garrison John Adam Long, who lived in this neighborhood, and was taken Prisoner on the 3d of April last, near to a fort on the Virginia Frontiers, commanded by Captain Cox. He is a sensible man of fifty five years of age, and informs me that he was carried directly to Fort Duquesne, on his way to which place he met one hundred and fifty Indians near to this Fort, going against the inhabitants of the Virginia frontiers ; that this party, joined with several others down before them, engaged Captain Mercer, at the head of a detachment from this Fort; that there were nine Indians killed in that engagement, which, with their seeing the Tracts of several scouting parties after them, made them return without doing much mischief to the Inhabitants ; that he was detained at Fort Duquesne about twenty days, during which time the Delawares carried in several Prisoners, One of which they roasted A liive. Two others thev put to death in a Cruel and Barbarous Manner, ADAM STEPHEN. The French officers constantly professed a desire to prevent everything of a barbarous character on the part of their Indian allies, but as there are numerous well authenticated instances in which 28 218 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1756. they were witnesses to scenes of toi-ture, which they made no effort to prevent, the honesty of their professions may well be doubted. In a letter of M. Vaudreuil to M. de Machault^ dated Montreal, August 8th, 1756, found in the New York Colonial Manuscripts — Paris Documents, vol. X., under the head of "Occurrences since the 10th of June," are the following entries: " Five deserters from Port Cumberland arrived at Port Duquesne. "A detachment under the command of Sieur de Celeron de Blainville fell in with some of the enemy's scouts at this side of Fort Cumberland. These two parties met unexpectedly, and fired point blank, the enemy immediately fell back; we killed three of them, whose scalps have been carried off by the Indians, but we lost Sieur de Blainville, one Huron, one Delaware, and one Onondago. " Five Chouanons had a similar adventure a little nearer Fort Cumberland. They scalped three English. One of their men was killed. " A party from different tribes having divided, returned in squads with a number of scalps. •'Sieur de Eocheblave, with another cadet, a corporal, a militiaman, and twenty Chouanon's knocked at the gate of a small fort, three leagues beyond Port Cumberland, where there remained some families and thirty militia. He killed four Englishmen, whom the Indians scalped; wounded three who dragged themselves into the fort, and took three prisoners.* " A detachment under the command of M. de Celeron had a fight near Cresap's Fort, in the rear of Cumberland; killed eight Englishmen, whose scalps the Indians were not able to secure, finding themselves in the dusk of the evening, under the musketry of the Fort. We have had two Indians killed and one wounded. " The garrison at Fort Cumberland is not paid; it is greatly dimin- ished by sickness which has prevailed there all winter, and still continues. " On the 8th of June the grass was growing in the roads communi- cating with Cumberland. E.^presses no longer came any further than Winchester on account of our Indians, who are always in the field. " Not a grain of Indian corn has been planted between that post and Kaneghuigik, twenty five leagues distant from it towards the sea. " It was thought that Port Cumberland would be soon abandoned; *It 13 not known that any fort was in existence "three leagues beyond Fort Cumbeilaod." Cresap's fort was about four leagues east, and is probably the one referred to. Below Evitt's Creek, and about three miles from Cumberland, there is a tract of laud which was named in 1791 "Fort Lip," which is referred to in Jacob's Life of Cresap. There may have been a small fort there. 1756.] EXECUTION OF A SPY. 219 more than three months have elapsed since a wagon or hateau had come there." It will be .seen that the French were constantly on the alert, and were kept well informed of all that transpired. In the fall of 1756, two of their spies came to Fort Cumberland, and endeavored to possess themselves of an accurate knowledge of the strength of the garrison, the number of men in the guard, the weakest points in the Fort, &c., with a view to arranging a plan by which the Indians might capture it. The movements of these fellows were closely watched, and finally the commandant of the fort ordered their arrest. The}' were immediately tried by a court martial, convened for the purpose, and the evidence being conclusive they were re- manded to prison, one of them being sentenced to death. He was taken out next morning, and hanged to a tree in the vicinity of the Fort. The other was sent under guard to Annapolis, to Governor Sharpe, his life being spared on condition that he would divulge to the Governor certain important informa- tion concerning the French and Indians. When Washington received Governor Dinwiddle's order, requiring him to march one hundred men to Fort Cumberland from Fort Loudon, he was much annoyed thereby, and wrote to Dinwiddle, assuring him that the change would occasion much inconve- nience, as the works at Winchester were still incomplete, and the force there was so small that it was barely sufficient to protect the place. He did not, however, want it inferred by his acts and words that he objected to Fort Cumberland, on any personal 220 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1756. grounds, and concluded his letter by saying, "I had rather a thousand times be at Fort Cumberland." Washington had visited the Fort only a short time before, early in November, and had ordered all stores to be removed to Winchester, except such as were absolutely needed for the use of the garrison. While here he had a conference with a number of Catawba Indians who came in, and were friendly. They asked him to supply them with clothing, wampum, pipes, tomahawks, and silver trinkets for the hands and arms. He regretted his inability to gratify their demands, but assured them of the friendship of the English for the Catawbas, and gave them tomahawks and wampum, which he purchased for them. The question as to the abandonment of Fort Cumberland was still discussed very earnestly, and Lord Loudon wrote to Governor Dinwiddle, saying: " As to the affair of Fort Ciimbprland I own it ;jives me great uneasiness, and I am of the same opinion with you, that it was very material to have supported that Fort this winter, and after that we could easily have made it a better post than ever it has been, from what I hear of it. I cannot agree with Colonel Washington in not drawing in the posts from the stockade forts in order to defend that advanced one; and I should imagine much more of the frontier will be e.xposed by retiring your advanced posts near Winchester." Washington was convinced that Lord Loudon's opinions Avere based upon the representations of Governor Dinwiddie, and he became soon after greatly annoyed by the contradictory orders transmitted to him by the Governor, in consequence of which he was uncertain as to what was really expected of him. He said "if, under these circumstances, my conduct is responsible for the fate of Fort Cumber- 1756.] SHOULD THE FORT BE MAINTAINED? 221 land, it must be confessed that I stand upon a tottering foundation indeed." He steadily opposed the abandonment of the stockade forts on the South Branch, and protested against the scheme, as dan- gerous and unwise, involving the peril of the entire frontier. He wrote to Speaker Robinson again, giving expression to his fears. That gentleman in his reply said: " I am truly concerned at the uneasiness you are under in your present situation, and the more so, as I am sensible that you have too much reason for it. The resolution of defending Fort Cumberland, and evacuating the other forts, was taken before I knew or mistrusted any- thing of the matter. I must confess I was not a little surprised at it, and took the liberty to expostulate with many of the council upon it, who gave me in answer, that Lord Loudon had insisted that Port Cumberland should be preserved, and as we had so few troops, it could not be done without breaking up the small forts and taking the men from them. " It was to no purpose to tell them that our frontiers would thereby be entirely exposed to our cruel and savage enemy, and that they could receive no protection from Fort Cumberland, as it was in another province, and so remote from any of our inhabitants; and further that the act of Assembly, which gave the money solely for the defence and pro- tection of our frontiers, would be violated and the money applied otherwise than the Assembly intended. Yet notwithstanding all I could say they persisted in their resolution without alleging any other reason than that it was in pursuance of Lord Loudon's desire. " It cannot be a ditBcult matter to guess who was the author and promoter of this advice and resolution, or by whom Lord Loudon has been persuaded that the place is of such importance. But supposing it were really so, it ought to be defended by the people in whose province it is [Maryland], or at least at the expense of the three colonies jointly, and our own frontier not left exposed for the defence of a place, from which we cannot receive the least advantage or protection. The present unhappy state of our country must fill the mind of every well-wisher to it with dismal and gloomy apprehensions, and without some speedy altera- tions in our counsels, which may God send, the fate of it must soon be determined." About the first of January, 1757, Washington estab- lished his headquarters at Fort Cumberland, where \ 222 IIISTOKY OF CUMBERLAND. [1757. he remained until March. He had conckided that Lord Loudon's opinions had been based upon Governor Dinwiddie's representations, and learning that there was to be a conference of the Southern Governors with Lord Loudon, in March, he asked Governor Dinwiddie's permission to attend, and in response to his request received a very ungracious letter from that official, granting him the privilege in the most churlish terms. Washington then wrote Lord Loudon a lengthy letter, explaining in full all military matters with which he had been connected, and the defects of the militia law of Virginia, which had caused no end of trouble and confusion. This letter impressed Lord Loudon very favorably, and when Washington arrived in Philadelphia he was received by him in the most cordial manner, and frequently consulted upon matters of importance. The con- ference discussed the plan for future operations, and the result of Washington's representations as to Fort Cumberland was, that the Virginia troops, provisions and stores were ordered to be moved to Winchester, which was to be made headquarters, and Fort Cumberland was henceforward to be garrisoned by Mai'yland forces. The Fort had been greatly strengthened during the winter, and a considerable sum of money expended in its improvement. About this time Captain Jacobs, an Indian chief, and forty warriors, made their appearance in the Cove, near Raystown, or Bedford, on their way to attack the garrison at Fort Cumberland, expecting to be joined by others to a number sufficient to enable them to carry out their project. They killed 1757.] A FIGHT FOR LIFE. 223 and captured all the people at the little settlement of the Cove, and burned the houses. Hugh McSwine, one of the settlers, was absent from his home, and on his return, finding the ruin that had been wrought, started in pursuit and overtook the Indians. Jacobs declared him a spy and made him prisoner. With the Indians was a white man, named Jackson, who was more bloodthirsty and villainous than his red comrades. McSwine and another prisoner were put in charge of Jackson and an Indian, while the rest of the party went in search of other settlers. Jackson and the Indian, with the prisoners, traveled all day, and in the evening stopped at a deserted cabin, where McSwine was given an ax, and sent to cut wood for a fire. As soon as he got the ax McSwine struck the Indian in the head with it and killed him, after which he turned upon Jackson, but that individual was too quick for him, and the result was a hand to hand encounter. Both were powerful men, and the struggle was long and fiei'ce, the other prisoner being so badly frightened that he gave no aid. McSwine finally got hold of the dead Indian's gun, and succeeded in dispatching Jackson, after which he scalped him and the Indian, and started at once for Fort Cumberland, where he arrived the following evening, and warned Washington of the intended attack. Jacobs afterwards discovered the dead bodies of his friends, and finding the trail of the prisoners to lead towards Fort Cumberland, abandoned his intention of attacking it. McSwine was sent by Washington to Winchester, where he received a Lieutenant's commission. 224 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1757. McSwine had numerous adventures with the savages afterwards, and was finally killed in a l)attle with them near Ligonior. On the 5th of April, Governor Dinwiddie ordered the immediate evacuation of Fort Cumberland by the Virginia troops, two companies of which were to proceed to Fredericksburg, under command of Colonel Stephen, to be sent thence by direction of Lord Loudon to South Carolina, where it was anticipated an attack would soon be made. This letter miscarried, and on the 8th of April a council of war was called at the Fort, at which it was determined that the place should be held until the arrival of Captain Dagworthy with the Maryland troops. On this day one hundred and twenty-four Catawba Indians arrived at the Fort, and were hospitably received by Colonel Stephen. They declared their intention to help their white brothers, the English, to di'ive out the French. A few days after their arrival, two of these Lidians were in a canoe on the Potomac, near the Fort, intending to cross the river. When they had reached the middle of the stream they were suddenly fired upon from the shrubbery on the opposite side, and both Indians fell dead in the canoe. All the Indians in the Fort, and about one hundred white men, went at once in pursuit of the foe, and succeeded in securing a number of scalps. Fort Cumberland long continued to be a source of uneasiness and dispute. It was the cause of nmch annoyance to Washington, as well as to the Gover- 1757.] COMMUNICATION UNSAFE. 225 iiors and Assemblies of Virginia and Maryland. When the Maryland Assemlily met, Governor Sharpe appealed to it for money to supply the wants of the garrison, but was met with a most indignant refusal. "That garrison," said the Assembly, "was stationed contrary to the plain destination of all the forces raised and to be supported by law; and, if any evil consequences ha^^e heretofore or may hereafter follow a want of supplies, let those answer for them who have, contrary to law, been the means of stationing troops where they had no right to place them."* The difficulties of keeping up communication between the Fort and Winchester were of the most serious chai'acter. The whole country was infested with Indians, and the couriers were often killed or captured. Dinwiddle's letter of the 5th, heretofore referred to, was lost entirely, and another, of the 7th, was three days in reaching its destination. Washington wrote to Dinwiddle as follows: Fort Cumberland, 10 April, 1161. Sir: Your letter by express ou tlie otli iustaut, I (ear has fallen into the hands of the common enemy, for I have never seen it. The other, of the 7th, I this day received, and being exceedingly embarrassed to come at your intentions, and really at a loss to know in what manner to act in such perplexed and difficult circumstances, I called a council of officers to my aid. The result of the advice you will find enclosed.! It will not be in my power to be in Williamsburg by the 22d, as your Honor desires ; but as soon as I can I certainly will. I leave orders with Colonel Stephen to march this garrison to Fort Loudon, as soon as it is relieved, which cannot be before this express may return, and then your further orders may be received. We have no advice of Dagworthy's marching, though orders were sent him. I shall order all the country's stores to be carried to Fort Loudon, ♦Votes and Proceedings Maryland Assembly, Oct. 1757. fThis n-as to the eS'ect that the Fort should not be evacuated until the arrival of the Maryland troops 29 226 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1757. and the two companies on Patterson's Creek to be posteil on the Branch to complete the number that was designed for that place. I have ordered a particular return of the provisions to be made out, and Colonel Stephen to take Captain Dagworthy's receipt for the quantity left. We have been at a good deal of unavoidable expense and trouble to furnish the Indians with such thinffs as they wanted. Some hostile Indians killed two Catawbas, on Thursday last, at about one hundred and fifty yards from the Fort, and seventy from a sentry, and made their escape, thoujrh pursued by other Catawbas and near two hundred men. And the day before yesterday, two soldiers were killed and a third taken prisoner, as they were coming to this place from the Fort below. The rest of the party, being ten in number, with Captain Waggener among them, made their escape. The enclosed remonstrance I have just received, and think it expedient to send it to your Honor, that you may know the temper and disposition of the troops. As I expect to be with you in two or three days after the express, I think it needless to add anything but an apology for the incoherence of this letter. The Indians are all around, teazing and perplexing me for one thing and another, so that I scarce know what I write. I have the honor to be &c., GEO. WASHINGTON. About the 17th of the month Washington took his departure from Fort Cumberland, and at once made his headquarters at Fort- Loudon, where he remained until near the close of the year, at which time he obtained a leave of absence, and retired to Mount Vernon to recuperate his health, which was seriously broken. On the 8th of June, Lieutenant Baker, who had been out to within a few miles of Fort Duquesne, on a scouting expedition, returned to Fort Cumberland. He had taken with him a party of five soldiers and fifteen Cherokees, and they had surprised some French and Indians on Turtle creek, about twelve miles from Fort Duquesne. They brought in five scalps and one prisoner, a French officer named Velistre; and, besides, they had killed two other 1757.] A FALSE ALARM. 227 French officers, whose names were Lasosais and St. Oure. A few days after Washington's departure six Cherokee Indians, who had heen as far West as the Ohio River, returned to the Fort, and stated to Captain Dagworthy, who had arrived and taken command, that they had seen a large force of French and Indians near Fort Duquesne; that they were armed with big guns, and had plenty of wagons and horses, and were marching to attack Fort Cumberland. Captain Dagworthy, who questioned them very closely, was so strongly impressed with their story that he at once sent an express towards Winchester to overtake Washington, and to notify the people throughout the country. Colonel Stanwix, with his regulars and the militia from the forts on the Branch, was at once marched to Fort Cumberland, and every preparation possible made for its defense. Washing- ton had long feared a movement of this kind, and was convinced that it could not be successfully resisted. He said the road from Fort Duquesne to Fort Cumberland was the only one over which it would be possible for the French to bring their artillery, unless they should build a new road, which would involve a great deal of expense and months of labor. To ascertain the exact strength and the intentions of the enemy, he had spies sent out to watch their movements. He wrote: "We have received nothing new from Fort Cumberland since the IGth. The Indians who brought the first news, imagine that some of Spotswood's party are yet watching the enemy. On the contrary, I apprehend 228 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1757. they are all cut off;* for a man who left Fort Cumberland on the IGtli says the woods appear to be quite alive with hostile Indians, who show them- selves openly in the day. This is unusual with them unless they are strong." Fortunately the rumor as to the approach of the French was untrue, and none of them made their appearance. But Washington was constantly apprehensive of an attack by the Indians on Fort Loudon, and observed the strictest caution. At the close of the month of June, Captain Beale, who was commanding at Fort Frederick, endeavored to persuade Colonel Stanwix to order Washington to reinforce Fort Cumljerland again. Colonel Stanwix, who was then at Carlisle, was commander-in-chief of the Middle and Southern provinces, at the time, and he concluded to give that matter into Governor Sharpe's hands to act according to his own judgment. Washington said he did not deem it advisable to send any of his troops to Fort Cumberland, as it was not in innninent peril, and as Virginia was under the necessity of looking after her own frontier, which was constantly threatened. Colonel Stanwix wrote to Governor Sharpe as follows: Camp near Carlisle, July 4, 1757. Sir: I ilid imagine that on receipt of an account of our First Alarm being contradicted that you would send home your militia, and I am at the same time plad to hear that you can depend upon the 500 men when any real occasion reijuires it ; as you apprehend it is for his Majesty's service that an officer & Detachment from the new companies be sent to reinforce Fort Cumberland you will please to order it to be done in such proportion as you who must be the best judge think necessary. =^Captain Bpotswood and bis party were actually cut olT by the Indiaos and every one of tbeta killed. 1757.] ADDRESS AS TO FORT CUMBERLAND. 229 A careful inspection of all the provisions in the Fort was made in August, and Mr. Kennedy, in whose charge they had been placed, had all the meats repacked and pickled, for use in the future. A considerable portion of the stores was spoiled, and Colonel Stanwix sent fresh supplies to replace them. The condition of Fort Cumberland was taken up for consideration in the Maryland Assembly at the session of 1757, and the following address was read in the House of Delegates on the 15th of December: "Fort Cumberland we are informed, was first begun by some gentle- men of the Ohio Company, as a storehouse of their goods designed for the Ohio Indian trade, and never was garrisoned by troops stationed there by the direction of any law of this province, but commonly by Virginia forces. That fort, we have too much reason to believe, from au extract from your Excellency to the Secretary of State, laid before the lower House in September session, 1756, in which are the following words : " There are no works in this province that deserve the name of fortifica- tions ; just behind, and among our Western settlements, are some small stoccado or pallisadoed forts, built by the inhabitants for the protection of their wives and children ; and besides these, there is one larger, though, in my opinion, not much more capable of defense, on Potowmack, about 56 miles beyond our settlements. It has been distinguished by the appellation of Fort Cumberland, and is at present garrisoned by three hundred men from Virginia. It is made with stoccados only, and commanded on almost every side by circumjacent hills ; a considerable quantity of military stores, that was left by Gen. Braddock, still remain there, and two of the carriages that his Majesty was pleased to order to Virginia two years ago, are mounted therein;" is not tenable even against a trifiing force, should they come with any cannon ; and therefore humbly submit it, whether it might not be a prudent measure to remove his Majesty's artillery and stores (though indeed the provisions we are told are chiefly spoiled)from thence to a place of security. " Though Fort Cumberland may be constructed, for anything we know, near a place proper for the stationing a garrison at, for his Majesty's service in general, yet being, as we have been informed, between eighty and ninety miles from the settlements of the Westernmost inhab- itants of this province, and in the truth of that information, are confirmed by your excellency's message of the 11th of this instant, wherein you .say 'the distance from fort Frederick to fort Cumberland, by the wagon 230 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1757. road, is 15 miles,' and consequently the carriage of provisions thither very expensive ; we humbly conceive it cannot be reasonably desired, that the people of this province should be burthened with the great expense of garrisoning that fort, which, if it contributes immediately to the security of any of his majesty's frontier subjects, it must be those of Virginia or Pennsylvania, who do not at present contribute anything towards the support of it, that we know of. " We understand the most common track of the Indians, in making their incursions into Virginia (which have been lately very fre(iuent) is through the wild desert country lying between fort Cumberland and fort Frederick, and yet we cannot learn that the forces at fort Cumberland (though most of these that are in our pay, the summer past, have been stationed there, contrary, we humbly conceive, to the law that raised them) have very rarely, if ever, molested those savages in those their incursions ; from whence we would willingly presume their passage is below the Ranges, which troops stationed at Fort Cumberland, can with safety to that fort, extend themselves to; and consequently, that any security arising from those troops, even to the Virginians who are most in the way cf beinj protected by them, must be very remote, and to us much more so. " When from the incursions and horrid depredations of the savage enemy in the neighboring colonies, an opinion prevailed, that a force was necessary for the defense and security of the western frontier of this province, it was thought most likely to be conducive to those ends, to have it placed some where near the place fort Frederick is now constructed; because from thence, the troops that might be judged proper to be kept on foot for the security of the frontier inhabitants might have it in their power to range constantly in such manner as to protect them against small parties ; and in case any considerable body of the enemy should appear, or the fort should be attacked, the troops might at very short warning be assisted by the inhabitants. " Near the sum of £6,000 has been expended, in purchasing the ground belonging to, and constructing fort Frederick, and though we have not any exact information what sum may still be wanting to com- plete it, (if ever it should be thought proper to be done) yet we are afraid the sum requisite for that purpose, must be considerable; and we are apprehensive that fort is so large, that in case of attack, it cannot be defended without a number of men larger than the province can support, purely to maintain a fortification." After his retirement to Mount Vernon, Washington was attacked by a fever which prostrated him, and rendered him unfit for duty during the next four 1758.] A GRATIFYING CHANGE. 231 months. On the 1st of March, 1758, he resumed his command at Fort Loudon. A great many changes for the better took j^lace in these four months. Governor Dinwiddie turned over the government to Mr. John Blair, President of the council, and sailed for England in January. Mr. Blair had charge of the government then until the arrival of Mr. Francis Fauquier, who had been appointed as Dinwiddle's successor. A still more important change was found in the addition of William Pitt to the British min- istry, he having a fuller comprehension of affairs in America than was displayed by any other members of the cabinet. Pitt determined upon retrieving the misfortunes and disgraces of Braddock's campaign, and at once a combined expedition westward was mapped out, with a view to putting an end to the power of the French on the Ohio. Lord Loudon returned to England, and the command fell upon Major-General Abercrombie. The forces were divided into three bodies; the first, under Major- General Amherst, was to attempt the reduction of Louisburg and Cape Breton, and was to be aided by the fleet under Boscawen; the second under General Abercrombie, was to march against Crown Point; and the third, under General Forbes, was to proceed to Fort Duquesne, and capture it. Many distracting questions were peremptorily disposed of before the troops marched. First, the colonial troops were put upon the same footing as the regulars, except that the colonies were to clothe and feed them; and finally the questions as to rank were settled; the provincial officers of rank no higher than Colonel were to be 232 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1758. equal in command with those who held rojal commissions. Thus Washington found everything, under the new administration, much jileasanter, as well as more encouraging. Virginia augmented its forces to two thousand men, who were divided into two regiments, one of which was placed under Washington (who still retained his position of commander-in-chief of all the Virginia troops), and the other under Colonel Burd. As General Forbes was detained at Philadelphia, Colonel Bouquet* was sent on to Raystown, now Bedford, Bedford county, Pennsylvania, with the advance of the regular troops, where the final preparations for the march upon Fort Duquesne were to be made, and where the troops were to be concentrated while the roads were being opened and prepared. Meantime the Maryland Assembly, on the 2Gth of Feljruary, had passed an order for the enlistment of four hundred men to range the frontiers, and protect the settlements. The sum of £10,000 was appro- priated to pay for their equipment and support. The construction of roads to insure easy communi- cation with all necessary points first attracted Colonel Bouquet's attention, in order that there should be no delay in forwarding either supplies or reinforcements. He regarded Fort Cumberland as a post not to be neglected in the perfection of his plans, and wrote as follows to Governor Sharpe: CoNiGOGEGH, 13th of June, 1758. Sir : As it will be the greatest benefit to his Majesty's Service to have a Road of communication open from each of the Provinces to Fort ♦Henry Bouquet was of French descent ; he was appointed Lieutenant-Colonel in the British army in 1756. He was appointed a Brigadier iu 1765, and died at Pensacola, Florida, in 176C. 1758.] Washington's return to fort Cumberland. 233 Cumberland, I am under the necessity of reciuesting of vou to have the .straightest Road reconnoitered leading from Fort Frederick to Fort Cumberland. Recommending to those you appoint to mark it out, to report the time that 500 men will take to cut it. Any Kxpense you may be at shall be paid by Sir .John St. Clair, as he will be the nearest to you. Please to send him the Report of it, that if found practicable he may send troops to work at it. I am with the highest Regard Sir, your most obdt and most humble serv't To the Honble Gov. Sharpk. HENRY BOUQUET. The Virginia troops were oi'dered to join Colonel Bouquet's forces, and Wasliington marched for Fort Cumberland on the 24th of June, arriving here on the 2d of July. The march was made in detach- ments, Washington being with the advance, and Lieutenant-Colonel Stephen taking six companies direct to Raystown by another route. Upon his arrival at Fort Cumberland, Washington addressed the following letter to Colonel Bouquet : Camp near Fort Cumiikri.and, ."! .luly, 17.58. Tn Colonel Henry Bouquet, Commanding at Baystown : Sib: According to orders I marched from Winchester on the 24th ultimo, and arrived at this place yesterday, with five companies of the first Virginia regiment, and a company of artificers from the second, as you may observe by the enclosed returns. My march, in consequence of bad teams, and bad roads, notwithstanding I had sent forward the artifi- cers and a covering party three days before, was much delayed. As I cannot suppose you intended to send any part of my men upon the roads, till joined at this place by Colonel Byrd, I shall decline sending any on that service till he arrives, which I presume will be to morrow. There came twenty-eight wagons with me to this place, and I believe, if they were wanted, ten more might be had upon the South Branch, strong and good, but carrying horses are certainly more eligible for the service to which they are destined. I have received a very scanty allow- ance of tents for the five companies, namely, sixty-nine only. Out of these most of the officers must either be supplied or lie uncovered. They will readily pay for what they receive if required. No bell tents were sent to us. 30 '234 HISTORY or Cumberland. [1758. My men iire bare of regimental flothiiifc, and I have no prospect of'u supply. So far from regrettinf^ this want during the present campaign, if I were left to pursue my own inclinations, I would not only order the men to adopt the Indian dress, but cause the officers to do it also, and be the first to set the example myself. Nothing but the uncertainty of obtaining the general approbation causes me to hesitate a moment to leave my regimentals at this place, and proceed as light as any Indian in the woods. It is an unbecoming dress, I own, for an officer ; but conve- nience, rather than show, I think, should be consulted. The reduction of bat-horses alone would be sufficient to recommend it, for nothing is more certain than that less baggage would be required, and the public benefitted in proportion. It appears that withiu a short time after writing the above letter Washington actually did put his men in Indian dress, as the fact is referred to in a letter written him by Colonel Bouquet, from Rays- town, in July, in which he commends the costume, and declares it should be a pattern for the dress of the soldiers in the exjoedition then going on. Several hundred Indians had joined Washington, and many of them were with liim still, at Fort (Jumberland. These proved useful on frequent occa- sions. The construction of a passable road between the fort at Raystown and Fort Cumberland was absolutely necessary, and had been commenced, but numerous parties of hostile Indians being about the forts, as well as along the line of the road, rendered the work exceedingly dangerous. The couriers going forth and back were constantly fired upon, and a wagoner was shot down one day within five hundred yards of Will's Creek, and in sight of the fort. Washington sent out several parties of Cherokees to attack these prowling bands, but Colonel Bouquet rather checked their efficiency by ordering that an officer and several soldiers should accompany the 1758.] A LETTER FROM THE FORT. 235 Indians. The largest party sent out consisted of eighteen Cherokees. and they succeeded in driving off the enemy. On the Gth of July Robert Munford wrote the following letter, from Fort Cumberland, to his uncle. Colonel Theodoric Bland, of Prince George's County : Hond Sir, Had opportunities offered, as frequently as Inclination would have induced me to write to yon, you might have read a Letter from every encampment. After being delayed at Winchester, five or si.x weeks longer than Expected (in which Time I was ordered Express to Williams- burgh & allowed but a day after my return to prepare) we pushed otf into the wide Ocean. I was permitted to walk every step of the Way to this humble Fort, to eat little, to lay hard, over Mountain, thro" Mud and Water, yet as merry & hearty as ever. Our Flankers & Sentrys pretend they saw the Enemy daily, but they never approached us. A De- tachment is ordered off this moment to clear a Road thirty miles, and our Companies to cover the Working Party. We are in fine scalping ground I assure you, the guns pop about us, & you may see the fellows prick up their Ears like a Deer every moment. Our Colonel""' is an Example of Fortitude, in either Danger or Hardship, and by his easy, polite Behaviour, has gained not only the "Regard but aflection, of both officers and soldiers. He has kindly invited me to his Table, for the Campaign, offered me any sum of money, I may have occasion for, without charging either Principal or Interest, and signified his appro- bation of my conduct hitherto, in such a manner, as is to my advantage. In passing my recruiting Acct : I was allowed 18f pr : man, you may judge how much I was Looser when several oflfieers had 40s. Col. Charles Carter, junr, has a horse of mine in keeping 'till my Return: where he may remain if you think proper. The Batt : money and Forage money allow'd me amounts to £6(j. In everything possible, I shall be upon the frugal scheme. You may depend upon hearing by all opportu- nities from Dr Sir, yr truly Affect: & ever obliged nephew ROBT. MCNFORD. Camp near Fort Cumberland, .luly Gth, 1758. T(i Mrs. Blaxd : Hond Madam : Tho' I've hardly a moment at my own Disposal, I can't omit sending *This refers to Colonel Wm. Burd. of tbo 2d Virginia Regiment and not to Washington, a.'^ stated in a foot note to the Bland Papers. 2;5G HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1758. a few words to my dear aunt, Employed from Sun to Sun, yet from Light to Night, I am mindful of my dear distant Friends. That you and yours may enjoy Every Blessing that Heaven can bestow, is the tribute of a Heart sincerely yrs ROBT. MUNFORD. P. S. My love to the Lasses. To Col Theo Bland, in Prince George. About this time Colonel Bouquet proposed an expedition, with a force of regulars, into the enemy's country, but Washington opposed the movement, as he said it could only be made with a cumbersome train of supplies, and must prove futile. He wanted to move at the earliest possible moment, with a force large enough to take Fort Duquesne, and thus by a brilliant stroke close the campaign. He wrote another letter then, as follows, to Colonel Bouquet: Camp near Fort Cumberland, 1!) July, 1758. Sir : Your obliging favor of this date I just now had the pleasure of receiving. You flatter me much by coinciding with me in opinion relative to the proposed expedition. Captain Dagworthy returned hither yesterday in consequence of orders from Sir John St. Clair, forwarded by the commanding officer at Fort Frederick. I will send out a party on Braddock's Road which I shall be able to reinforce when Col. Mercer returns.^" 1 am exceedingly obliged by the handsome and polite manner in which you are pleased to give me leave to attend the election at Win- chester. Although my being there under any other circumstances would be very agreeable to me, yet I can hardly persuade myself to think of being absent from my more immediate duty, even for a few days. I will not, however, come to any absolute determination till I receive answers to some letters on that subject, which I expect this night or to-morrow.f Just before going to Fort Cumberland, Washington had met, courted, and become engaged to Mrs. *Colonel Mercer was then eugaged iu making the road between Fort Cumberland and Rays- town. fWashington having resolved to quit the army at the close of this campaign, had proposed himself as a candidate for the House of Burgesses, and his frieuds wanted him to be present at the election, as he had three active competitors, who were at work in person to defeat him. He, however, declined to attend, and remained at Fort Cumberland, where he shortly after- wards received intelligence of his election by a handsome majorily. A Virginia election in those days was rather peculiar in .''ome respects, and the participators must nave bad a "good old time." an Washington was called on to foot a bill of £39 s6. Items : a hogshead and a barrel of punch ; 35 gallons of wine, 43 gallons strong beer and cider, and dinner for his friends. 1758.] ANOTHER ROAD TO THE OHIO. 237 Martha Ciistis, a charming young widow, and he wrote from this phice a volume of ardent love letters to that lady. These, howevex% have not been made public, and the curiosity of the world as to this love affair must remain ungratified so far as this corres- pondence is concerned. On the 21st a letter from Washington to Colonel Bouquet apprised him that Colonel Burd was in want of a supply of vermillion for the Indians, who needed it in putting on the war paint, and preparing for battle. He says: "The bridge is finished at this place,* and to morrow Major Peachey, with three hundred men, will proceed to open Gen. Braddock's road. I shall direct them to go to George's Creek, tea miles in advance. By that time I may possibly hear from you. If they go farther it may be requisite to reinforce the party. But this matter, I suppose, will be ordered according to the route determined on by the General, for it will be needless to open a road, of which no use will be made afterwards. "Colonel Stephen gives me some room to apprehend that a body of light troops may soon move on. I pray your interest most sincerely with the General to get my regiment and myself included in the num- ber. If any argument is needed to obtain this favor, I hope without vanity I may be allowed to say, that, from long intimacy with these woods, and freijuent scouting in them, my men are at least as well acquainted with all the passes and difficulties as any troops that will be employed." Washington had supposed that the advance upon Fort Duquosne would be made over the old road which Braddock had used. He was greatly surprised, therefore, to learn that Colonel Bouquet had declared his intention of constructing a new road from Rays- town to the Ohio River, and marching a part of his force by that route, the other part to take Braddock's *Kowhere has any record been found as to the location of this bridge. Braddock's men had prepared tlie timbers for a bridge, over Wills' Creek, in 1755. but tuere is no history of its erection. The probability is that it was found necescary to put up a bridge for use during the spring and fall freshets, as at such times the creek was too mucti swollen to permit of wagons passing the ford. 238 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1758. Road, and the two bodies to unite on the Mononga^ hela. The accounts which Braddock had given of his road, in his dispatches, were of such a character as to lead the commander of the present expedition to believe the road well nigh impassable, and Bouquet's project of a new road through Pennsylvania was encouraged by interested parties in that State, who assured him it could be easily built,- and that the grades would be light. Washington strongly opposed the idea; he assured Colonel Bouquet that it would cost the army a fatal loss of time, and result in a barren victory, at best, in the end. He wrote as follows to Colonel Bouquet: Camp nkar Fort Cumiieri,axd, 2') July, 1758. Dear Sir : I do not inclinp to propose anything that may seem officious, but would it not facilitate the operations of the campaign, if the Virginia troops were ordered to proceed as far as the Great Crossing, and con- struct forts at the most advantageous situations as they advance, opening the road at the same time? In such a case I should be glad to be joined by that part of my regiment at Raystown. Major Peachy, who commands the working party on Braddock's road, writes me that he finds few repairs wanting. Tonight I shall order him to proceed as far as Savage River, and then return, as his party is too weak to adventure further. We have received advice that our second convoy, of more than seventy wagons, will be at the South Branch to-day, where I e.xpect they will be joined by other wagons with forage. They will all proceed to this place immediately. I shall most cheerfully work on any road, pursue any route, or enter upon any service that the General or yourself may think me usefully employed in, or qualified for, and shall never have a will of my own. when a duty is required of me. But since you desire me to speak my sentiment freely, permit me to observe, that after having conversed with all the guides, and having been informed by others, who have a knowledge of the country, I am convinced that a road, to be compared with General Braddock's, or, indeed that will be fit for transportation even by pack-horses, cannot be made. I have no predilection for the route you have in contemplation for me, not because difficulties appear 1758.] TlIK TWO ROARS. ^ 239 therein, but because I dmibt whether satisfaction can be given in the execution of the plan. I know not what reports you may have received from your reconnoitering parties, but I have been uniformlv told that, if you expect a tolerable road by Raystown you will be disappointed, for no movement can be made that way without destroyinj; our horses. Bouquet was not convinced by Washington's representations, yet he was desirous of fully consult- ing with him, and fixing upon a plan which would meet with his approval. He therefore wrote to Washington, saying: '"Nothing can exceed your generous dispositions for the service. I see, with the utmost satisfaction, that you are above the influences of prejudice, and ready to go heartily where reason and judgment shall direct. I wish sincerely that we may all entertain one and the same opinion ; therefore I desire to have an interview with you at the houses built lialf way between our camps." Both officers went to the place designated, half way between Fort Cimiberland and Raystown, and entered into a discussion of the question at issue. Washington stated that the road taken by Braddock had been laid out by the Ohio Company, aided by traders and Indians, the sole object being to secure the best and most direct route; that the road was in pretty good order, and could be made ready for use with but little labor, and that the building of a new road by another route would consume precious time, and extend the campaign into another year, which would have a demoralizing effect upon the soldiers, as well as upon the colonies. But General Forbes had determined upon the new route through Pennsylvania, and Colonel Bouquet naturally took the same position. Washington succeeded, however, 240 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1758. in persuading him to abandon the idea of dividing his forces, and it was finally determined that the advance upon Fort Duquesne should be over a new road to be built from Kaystown. Washington was greatly dispirited by this, and he wrote to Major Halkett, in August, that this would ruin the expe- dition, as they would be utterly vmable to get beyond Laurel Hill during the winter. He also wrote again to Colonel Bouquet: Camp near Fort Cumberland, 2d August, 1758. Sir: The matters of which we spoke relative to the roads, have, since our parting, been the subject of my closest reflection, and so far am 1 from altering my opinion, that the more time and attention I bestow, the more I am confirmed in it, and the reasons for taking Braddock's road appear in a stronger point of view. To enumerate the whole of these reasons would be tedious, and to you, who have become so much master of the subject, unnecessary. I shall, therefore, briefly mention a few only which I think so obvious in themselves, that they must effectually remove objections. Several years ago the Virginians and Pennsylvanians commenced a trade with the Indians settled on the Ohio, and to obviate the many inconveniences of a bad road, they, after reiterated and ineffectual efforts to discover where a good one might be made, employed for the purpose several of the most intelligent Indians, who, in the course of many years' hunting had acquired a perfect knowledge of these moun- tains. The Indians having taken the greatest pains to gain the rewards offered for this discovery, declared that the path leading from Will's Creek was infinitely preferable to any that could be made at any other place. Time and experience so clearly demonstrated this trutli that the Pennsylvania traders commonly earned out their goods by Will's Creek. Therefore, the Ohio Company in 1753, at considerable expense opened the road. In 1754 the troops whom I had the honor to command greatly repaired it, as far as Gist's plantation ; and in 1755 it was widened and completed by General Draddock to within six miles of Fort Duquesne. A road that has so long been opened, and so well and so often repaired, must be much firmer and better than a new one, allowing the ground to be equally good. But supposing it were practicable to make a road from Raystown C[uite as good as Cieneral Braddock's, I ask have we time to do it? 1758.] A QUESTION OF ROADS. 241 Certainly not. To surmount the difficulties to be encountered in making it over such mountains, covered with woods and rocks, would require so much time as to blast our otherwise well grounded hopes of striking the important stroke this season. The favorable accounts that some give of the forage on the Rays- town road, as being so much better than that on the other, are certainly exaggerated. It is well known that on both routes, the rich valleys between the mountains aI)ound with good forage, and that those which are stony and bushy are destitute of it. Colonel Byrd and the engineer who accompanied him, confirm this fact. Surely the meadows on Braddock's road would greatly overbalance the advantage of having grass to the foot of the ridge, on the Raystown road ; and all agree that a more barren road is nowhere to be found, than that from Raystown to the inhabitants, which is likewise to be considered. Another principal objection made to General Braddock's road is in regard to the waters. But these seldom swell so much as to obstruct the passage. The Youghiogany river, which is the most rapid and soonest filled, I have crossed with a body of troops, after more than thirty days' almost continuous rain. In fine, any difficulties on this score are so trivial that they really are not worth mentioning. The Mouongahela, the largest of all these rivers, may, if necessary, be easily avoided, as Mr. Frazier, the principal guide informs me, by passing a defile, and even that he says, may be shunned. Again, it is said, there are many defiles on this road. I grant that there are some, but I know of none that may not be traversed ; and I should be glad to be informed where a road can be had over these moun- tains, not subject to the same inconvenience. The shortness of the distance between Raystown and Loyal Hanna is used as an argument against this road, which bears in it something unaccountable to me ; for I must beg leave to ask whether it requires more time or is more difiicult and expensive, to go one hundred and forty-five miles on a good road already made to our hands than to cut one hundred miles anew, and a great part of the way over impassable mountains. That the old road is many miles nearer Winchester in Virginia, and Fort Frederick in Maryland, than the contemplated one is incontestible ; and I will here show the distance from Carlisle by the two routes, fixing the different stages, some of which I have from information only, but others I believe to be exact. From this computation there appears to be a difference of nineteen miles only. Were all the supplies necessarily to come from Carlisle, it is well known that the goodness of the old road is a sufficient compensation for the shortness of th^ other, as the wrecked and broken wagons there clearly demonstrate : 31 242 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1758. FROM CARLISLE TO FORT DUCiOESNE BY WAY OF RAYSTOW.V. Miles. From Carlisle to Shippeaslwirg 21 " Sbippensburg to Fort Louilou 24 " Fort Loiiiion to Fort Littleton 20 " Fort Littleton to Juniatta Crossing 14 " Juniatta Crossing to Raystown 14 93 " Raystown to Fort Duqaesne 100 193 FROM CARLISLE TO FORT DUQUESNE BY WAY^ OF F0RT8 FREDERICK AND CUMBERLAND. Miles. From Carlisle to Sbippensburg 21 " Sbippensburg to Cbambers' 12 " Chambers' to Paceliu's 12 " Pacelin's to Fort Frederick 12 " Fort Frederick to Fort Cumberland 40 97 " Fort Cumberland to Fort Duquesne 115 212 All that Washington could say, however, was of no avail, and Colonel Bouquet was ordered at once to have his men go to work on the new road. About one-fifth of the force at Fort Cumberland was taken sick early in August, and no salt provisions of any kind were on hand, nor an ounce of salt, so that all fresh meat had to Ije l^arbacued in Indian style, which process caused a loss of at least one-half. There were no pack horses in camp, and in order to equip Ca2)tain McKenzie's company for a march of fourteen days, upon which it had been ordered, five horses were pressed from some country- men who had come to the camp on business. Colonel Burd's men were sick, and all were greatly dispirited. Washington said, "This sickness and depression of spirits cannot arise from the situation of our camp, which is undoubtedly tlie most healthy of any ground in this vicinity, but is 1758.] AN INDIGNANT EPISTLE. 243 occasioned, I apprehend, by the change in their mode of living, and by the limestone water." There was a vast amount of impatience exhibited by some of the officers, and this was aggravated by the selfishness and lack of patriotism displayed by those settlers and traders who had influence, and who were more interested in securing the construc- tion of a road at the expense of the government than in the success of the enterprise against Fort Duquesne. .The following letter was written by Robert Munford, a Virginian, to his uncle ,Theodoric Bland, Sr., and is found amongst the " Bland Papers :" Camp near Fort Cumberland, August 4th, 1758. Hon'd Sir : If 'tis honorable to be in the service of one's country, 'tis a reputation gain'd by the most cruel hardships you can imagine, occasioned more by a real anxiety for its welfare, than by what the poor carcase suffers. Every officer seems discontented in camp, happy on command, so deep is the interest of our country implanted in the minds of all. Sometimes the army wears a gloomy, then a joyous, aspect, just as the news either confirms our stay here, or our departure. The General with the small pox in one, the flux in the other, division of our forces, and no provision ready, are indeed excuses for our being here at present; yet all might have been prevented. A few hearty prayers are every mo- ment offered up for those self interested Pennsylvanians who endeavor to prevail on our General to cut a road for their convenience, from Rays- town to Fort Duquesne, that a trifling good to particulars, should retard what would conduce to the general welfare ! 'Tis a set of dirty Dutchmen, they say, that keeps us here I It would be impertinent to condemn, yet I must [think] our leaders too deliberate at this important juncture, when all are warm tor action, all Ijreathing revenge against an enemy that have even dared to scalp our men before our eyes. The amusement we have in the meantime is only following the brave dogs over the mountains for some miles, and our sole satisfaction sufficient fatigue to make us sleep sound. An old scoundrel has intimated to the General that the Virginians have bribed the guides; for 'tis practicable to go the new road, contrary to their report. We have lost all our Indians by the assistance of a man, the [aforesaid] old dog, who inter- posed through some dirty views he has of superseding Mr. Atkins. Thus are our officers in a manner ruined by persons whose souls scorn a 244 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1758. thought that tends not immediately to their own advantaoje. I'm sorry to live upon my country, when I've so small a prospect of repaying her by any service. We shall march to Raystown shortly, thence to the Fort* if permitted. I shall embrace the next opportunity of writing you our transactions, and am as always, dear sir, your most afiTte nephew, &c R. MUNFORD. P. S. By e.xpress, we have an acc't that some of the enemy Indians have joined the Pennsylvanians. On the 17th of August a wagoner was shot, and his horse killed, within three miles of the Fort, and several parties of hostile Indians were seen in the woods. Four days later the following letter was written to Colonel Bouquet, by Washington: Camp at Fort Cumberland, 21 August, 1758. Dear Sir : Twenty-five Catawbas came here this evening, and'the convoy may be expected day after to morrow, as it was at Pearsall's last night. Governor Sharpe may be expected here in a day or two. I am at a loss to know how he ranks and whether he is entitled to the command. In the British army his rank is that of Lieutenant-Colonel only, but what it may be as governor, in his own province, I really do not know, nor whether he has any out of the troops of his own province. I should, therefore, be glad of your advice, being unwilling to dispute the matter with him wrongfully, or to give up the command if I have a right to it. Governor Sharpe arrived at Fort Cumberland shortly afterwards, but Washington's position as commander-in-chief was not interfered with. Indeed Governor Sharpe was more interested in the suc- cessful prosecution of the enterprise against Fort Duquesne than in the matter of personal glory. He gave all the aid and encouragement in his power to the project, and did all that could be expected of him. The delay, however, in the movements of the army had resulted in the greatest depression to the entire command, and in the total annihilation of the *Fort Duquesne. 1758.] WASHINGTON DESPONDENT. 245 enthusiasm with which they had advanced thus far. Two months of inactivity had filled Washington with disappointment and apprehension, and he addressed the following letter to Speaker Robinson, of the House of Burgesses, than which a more gloomy one he jjrobably never indited: Camp at Fort Cumberland, 1 September, 17.58. My Dear Sir : We are still encamped here, very sickly and quite dispirited at the prospect before us. That appearance of glory which we had once in view, that hope, that laudable ambition of serving our country, and meriting its applause, are now no more; all is dwindled into ease, sloth, and fatal inactivity. In a word all is lost, if the ways of men in power, like certain ways of Providence, are not inscrutable. But we, who view the actions of great men at a distance, can only form conjectures agreeably to a limited perception ; and being ignorant of the comprehensive schemes which may be in contemplation, might mistake egregiously in judging of things from appearances, or by the lump. Yet every fool will have his notions — will prattle and talk away ; and why may not I ? We seem then in my opinion to act under the guidance of an evil genius. The conduct of our leaders, if not actuated by superior orders is tempered with something I do not care to give a name to. Nothing now but a miracle can bring this campaign to a happy issue. Washington evidently devoted a considerable portion of his time while at Fort Cumberland, on this occasion, to a correspondence of a more tender nature than that given in these pages. There are on record numerous evidences of many hours spent in the contemplation of the graces and perfections of his lady love, whose vision brightened the solitary evenings of canip life, and I'ecently there was sold in New York an autograph letter written by him at this time, to Mrs. Sarah Fairfax, who was formerly a Miss Gary. She had at one time been the object of Washington's affections, and he had made her a 246 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND.' [1758. proposal of marriage, which she declined, as she had already given her heart to Mr. George William Fairfax. Until twelve months since this letter was never published, and is now for the first time embraced in the contents of a book. It was found among the papers of Mrs. Fairfax; who died at the age of eighty-one years, in Bath, England, where she had lived widowed, childless and infirm for many years. The letter is as follows : Camp at Fokt Cumberland, 12th September, 1758. Dear Madam :— Yesterday I was bonoreJ with your short but very agreeable fiivor of the first inst — how joyfully I catch at the happy occasion of a renewing a corres- pondence which I feared was disrelished on your part, I leave to time that never failing expositor of all things — and to a monitor equally faithful in my own breast to testify. In silence I now express luyjoy. Silence, which, in some cases— I wish the present — speaks more intelligently than the sweetest eloquence. If you allow that any honour can be derived from my opposition to our present system of management you destroy the merit of it entirely in me by attributing my anxiety to the animating prospect of possessing Mrs. Custis — when — I need not name it — guess yourself — Should not my own Honor and country's weltare be the excitement? 'Tis true. I profess myself a votary of Love — I acknowledge that a lady is in the case — and further I confess that this lady is known to you — Yes, madam, as well as she is to one who is too sensible of her charms to deny the Power whose Influence he feels and must ever submit to. I feel the force of her amiable beauties in the recollection of a thousand tender passages that I could wish to obliterate, till I am bid to revive them, — but experience, alas ! sadly reminds me how impossible this is, — and evinces an opinion which I have long entertained, that there is a Destinv which has the sovereign control of our actions — not to be resisted by the strongest eflbrts of Human Nature. You have drawn me, dear madam, or rather I have drawn myself, into an honest confession of a simple Fact— misconstrue not my meaning— doubt it not nor expose it — The world has no business to know the object of my Love —declared in this manner to you— when I want to conceal it. One thing above all things in this world I wish to know, and only one person of your acquaintance can solve me that or guess my meaning— but adieu to this till happier times, if I ever shall see them. The hours at present are melancholy dull, neither the rugged toils of war, nor the gentler conflict of A B s is in my choice. I dare believe, you are as happy as you say. I wish I was happy also. Mirth, good humor, ease of mind and — what else ? cannot fail to render you so and consummate your wishes. If one agreeable lady could almost wish herself a fine gentleman for the 1758.] THE TWO ROADS. 247 sake o( another: I apprehend, that many fine gentlemen will wish themselves finer e'er Mrs. .Spotswooci is possest. She has already become a reigning toast in this camp; and many there are in it, who intend (fortune favoring) to make honorable scars speak the fullness of their merit and be a messenger of their Love to her. I cannot easily forgive the unseasonable haste of my last express, if he deprived me thereby of a single word you intended to add, — the time of the present messenger is, as the last might have been, entirely at your disposal. I can't expect to hear from my friends more than this once before the fate of the expedition will some how or other be determined. I therefore beg to know when you set out for Hampton and when you expect to return to Belvoir again — and I should be glad also to hear of your speedy departure as I shall thereby hope for your return before I get down; the disappointment of seeing your family would giye me much concern — From anything I can yet see 'tis hardly possible to say when we shall finish. I don't think there is a proba- bility of it till the middle of November. Your letter to Captain Gist I forwarded by a safe hand the moment it came to me. His answer shall be carefully transmitted. Col. Mercer, to whom I delivered your message and compliments, joins me very heartily in wishing you and the Ladies of Belvoir the perfect enjoyment of every happiness this world affords. Be assured that I am, Dr madam, with the most unfeigned regard, yr most obedient and most oblig'd H'ble serv't, G. WASHINGTON. N. B. Many accidents happening (to use a vulgar saying) between the cup and the lip, I choose to make the exchange of carpets myself, since I find you will not do me the honor to accept mine. On the IGtli of September Washington left Fort (Jumberhmd, for Eaystowu, at which place he arrived on the same day. He had a conference with General Forbes, in which the situation was discussed at length. Major Halket wrote to Governor Sharpe, the same date, as follows: Camp at Reastown, 16th September, 1758. Dear Sir : This evening Colonel Washington arrived, who surprises the General extremely by the account that he gives of the great scarcity of provisions at Port Cumberland, after having wrote to Colonel Boquet so fully upon that subject, however, the General (who is greatly fatigued from the business that his just coming to Reastown has oblidged him to go through) has ordered me to inform you that he will send off a convoy of provisions to morrow, the particulars of which Mr. Sinclair will inform you of, at the same time the bearer carries orders for all the Virginians to be ready to march immediately upon the arrival of Colonel Wash- ington, who sets out for that purpose to morrow morning, which will diminish the consumption of provisions at Port Cumberland very 248 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1758. considerably, and make it a very easy matter to support you for the future, as your numbers will be so much diminished. Three days ago commissary clerk wrote to Mr. Rutherford, at Winchester, to supply your people with spirits, and all the other necessarys that you desir'd which letter I hope will be in good time to answer your expectations. I am dear sir, your most obdt humble servant. To Governor Sharpe. FRANCIS HALKETT. Upon Washington's departure from Fort Cumber- land, Governor Sharpe took command of the post, and had a garrison composed of Maryland troops alone, after the Virginians had left. In the latter jjart of September, by an unavoidable accident one of the storehouses located on the river bank, and used for the deposit of ammunition was blown up, and most of its contents destroyed. A few days after this occurrence Governor Sharpe received the following letter : Camp at Reastown, '2d October 1758. Sir: About this time we e.xpect their will be a number of the Shannondo Waggons arriving at Fort Cumberland with provisions from Win- chester; the General therefore begs that you will be so good as to engage as many of them as possible upon the same terms as the Pennsylvania waggons, to go upon our Expedition, and that you will take the opportunity of their coming here, to send over all the Buck shott at Fort Cumberland, seven Boxes containing two hundred weight each, were lodged in the new store under the hill, which was sent from Fort Frederick along with the shelles. Six hundred weight was likewise lodged in store that was blown up, if any of that remains undistroyed, you will send it also, and provided the carriages can be ready time enough they may take the benefite of the officer and thirty men sent from the Second Virginia Regiment for horses, to escort them — if this party marched before that the waggons can be got Ready they must be escorted by the Recover'd men of the Virginia Regiments. If their are any spair wheels or carriages for Howitzers be pleased to send them likewise in some of the empty Waggons, Captain Hay having brought no spair ones with the Train, and we may come to have occasion for them. I am, sir your most obedient humble servt, To Gov. Sharpe, Fort Cumberland. FRANCIS HALKETT. No. of field Company Officers, Officers. Total, 1 12 363 ?'t. :i .37 !)98 1 3 12 269 1 o 32 782] :; 3.5 702) 1 10 141 1 1.5 270 :i 41 755] o 40 666 y ■' 4(1 771 j 263 1758.] GENERAL FOKBES' ARMY. 249 In compliance with this letter Governor Sharpe sent forward all the .shot and shell remaining at the fort, except a small quantity necessary for the garrison. The force under General Forbes' command, at Raystown, at this time, was as follows: Name of Corps. Division of 1st. Battal. I of Royal Americans. ] The Hidiland or G2d reg't. 3 37 !)98 | ,,^. Division of ditto. 3 12 269 | 1st Virginia Regiment. 3 32 782 ] 1484 2nd Virginia Regiment. 3 N. Carolina companies. 4 Maryland companies. 1st Batt'allion ] ^ ? 2d do i /'""='; .3d do [1^^?"'';="' The three lower Counties. Total, 5980 Detachments on the frontiers of Pennsylvania and the road of commu- nication. From the I Total Penn'a. Regiment.) 1 Major. 10 Captains. 17 Subalterns. 563 From the North I Total Carolina Regiment ) 1 3 61 624 Early in Septemljer the advance of the army at Raystown had moved forward to Loyal Hanna, near Fort Ligoniev, and on the 11th of that month Major Grant, of the Highland Regiment, marched off on a pi'eniature movement against Fort Duquesne, taking with him a force of 37 officers and 805 men. On the lltli he reached a point within eleven miles of Fort Duquesne, where he left the baggage, under a guard of 50 men, and moved forward with the rest of the command to the summit of a hill, less than half a mile from the fort, which point he reached about midnight. "Major Grant sent two officers and fifty men to 32 250 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1758. the fort, to attack all the Indians, &c., they should find lying out of the fort; they saw none, nor were they challenged hy the sentries. As they returned, they set fire to a large store house, which Avas put out as soon as they left it. At break of day, Major Lewis was sent, with 200 men (loyal Americans and Virginians), to lie in ambush a mile and a half from the main body, on the path on Avhich they left their baggage, imagining the French would send to attack the baggage guard and seize it. Four hundred men were posted along the hill facing the fort, to cover the retreat of Major M'Donald's company, who marched with drums beating toward the fort, in order to draw a party out of tlie fort, as Major Grant had some reason to believe there were not above 200 men in tlie fort, including Indians; but as soon as they heaixl the drums, they sallied out in great numbers, both French and Indians, and fell upon Captain MDonald, and two columns that were posted lower on the hill to receive them. The Highlanders exposed themselves without any cover, and were shot down in great numbers, and soon forced to retreat. The Carolinians. Marylanders, and Lower Countrymen, concealing themselves behind trees and the brush, made a good defence; but were overpowered by numbers, and not being sup- ported, were obliged to follow the rest. Major Grant exposed himself in the thickest ol' the fire, and endeavored to rally his men, but all to no purpose, as they were by this time flanked on all sides. Major Lewis and his party came up and engaged, but were soon obliged to give way, the enemy having the hill 1758.] MAJOR GRANTS DEFEAT. 251 of him, and flanking him every way. A number were drove into the Ohio, most oi' whom were drowned. Major Grant retreated to the baggage, where Captain Bullet was posted with fifty men, and again endeavored to rally the flying soldiers, by entreating them in the most pathetic manner to stand by him, but all in vain, as the enemy were close at their heels. As soon as the enemy came up to Captain Bullet, he attacked them verj- furiously, for some time, but not being supported, and most of his men killed, was obliged to give way. However, his attacking them stopped the pursuit, so as to give many an opportunity of escaping. The enemy followed Major Grant, and at last separated them, and Captain Bullet was obliged to make oft". He imagines the Major must be taken, as he was sur- rounded on all sides, but the enemy would not kill him, and often called to him to surrender. The French gave quarters to all that would accept it.""'' The rear division of the British army moved from Raystown for Loyal Hanna on the 14th of October, at which place it lay until the 18th of November, when it marched under General Forbes for Fort Duquesne. On the 25th of November the command arrived at Fort Duquesne, but the French had set fire to the fort, and retreated down the river, so that General Foi'bes had no difficulty in taking possession of the place. On approaching the fort it was discovered that a number of the Highlanders who had been taken prisoners in the fight with Major Grant, had been horribly mutilated, their heads having been impaled *Penii9ylvaiii& Gazette. IT^S . 252 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1758. on stakes driven in the ground, and their kilts at- tached thereto. This act of barbarism thoroughly enraged the Highlanders, who were in an ecstacy of disappointment at not being able to avenge their decapitated comrades. Governor Sharjje returned to Annapolis in the middle of October, and on the 22d the militia at Fort Cumberland were paid off, but were continued there on garrison duty. In December the Maryland Assembly took into consideration the condition of the road between Fort Frederick and Fort Cumberland, with a view to securing the construction of a shorter road between these points, the location of which should be entirely in Maryland, thus obviating tlie necessity of fording the Potomac. A committee, consisting of Messrs. Colonel Thomas Cresap. Crabb, Joseph Chapline, E. Dorsey, Josias Beall and Francis King, members of the Assembly, was appt)inted for the purpose of inquiring into the convenience of clearing a road from Fort Frederick to Fort Cumberland, through Maryland, and to make an estimate of the cost of the same. The committee reported as follows : Your committee have made an enquiry into the Situatiou of the present wagon road from Fort Frederick to Fort Cumberland, and are of opinion that the distance by that Road from one Fort to the other is at least Eighty miles, and find that the wagons which go from one Fort to the other are obliged to pass the river Potowmaek twice, and that for one third of the year they can't pass without boats to set lliem over the River. Your committee have also made an Enquiry into the condition of the Ground where a road may most conveniently be made to go altogether on the north side of the Potowmaek which will not exceed the distance of Sixty-two miles at the expense of £250 current monev, as may appear from the following Estimate, viz : 1758.] COST OF THE NEW ROAD. 253 AN ESTIMATE OP THE EXPEXSE OF CLEARING ROAD FROM FORT FREDERICK TO FORT CUMBERLAND, AND THE SEVERAL DIFFERENT STAGES : £ S d For clearing a Road from Fort Frederick to Licking creek, 3; miles From Licking creek to Prakes's creek, 8J miles 12 From Prakes's creek to Sideling Hill creek, 12 miles Ifi For a bridge over Sideling Hill creek 60 From Sideling Hill creek to Fifteen Mile creek, 4 miles 22 From Fifteen Mile creek to Town creek, 15 miles 140 From Town creek to Col. Cresap's, a good road, 4 miles From Col. Cresap's to Fort Cumberland, wants no clearing, 15 miles £250 Your committee are of opinion that a Road through Maryland will contribute much to lessen the e.x:pense of carrying Provision and warlike stores from Fort Frederick to Fort Cumberland, and will induce many people to travel and carry on a trade in and through the Province, to and from the back country. This road was eventually constructed. Washington returned to Mount Vernon, from Fort Duquesne, where he was married to Mrs. Custis, and settled down to domestic pursuits. After the capture of Fort Duquesne, a small force of British troops was returned to Fort Cumberland, and continued there as a garrison, the Maryland Assembly having manifested a decided disinclination to incur the expense of keeping it up. The King's officers did not feel at liberty to abandon it, since it was a King's Fort, and might be useful in preventing Indians from descending upon the settlements in force, without being observed. As a matter of fact, however, the garrison was useless, it being so weak in point of numbers that the men hardly dared go out of sight of the Fort. Hostile savages drove the people from their homes, killing many and destroy- ing their property. Colonel Cresap, whose house 254 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1758. was the shelter of many helpless neighbors, finally took his own family back to the Conococheague, for safety, and all the settlers about Olcltown followed him. Having placed his family in security, Cresap raised a comj)any of volunteers, and came to Fort Cumberland, from which point he followed Braddock's road to Savage Mountain, at the foot of which, on the west side, he met a small party of Indians, and had an engagement with them, in the course of which ''his son Thomas was killed by an Indian; but as both fired at the same time, he also killed the Indian, or so badly wounded him that he was killed a few minutes afterwards by William Lynn. Nothing more was done at this time or place, and the party returned home."* While the Indians were carrying on this desolating war upon the head waters of the Potomac the}' on several occa- sions attacked the house jof Colonel Cresap, and ^^Jsome sharp battles oc- '^ curred there. Killbuck, who hated Cresap bit- terly, made several at- tempts to kill him, on one occasion hiding about in the vicinity for several days, but never getting a view of his enemy. On one occasion when Cresap's house was attacked, the Indians killed one of his W^a^ CRESAP'S FORT. *Jacob'a Life of Captain Cresap. 1758.] COLONEL CRESAP AS A PROTECTOR. 255 friends, Mr. Wilder, which Cresap described as follows in a letter to Governor Sharjae: As Mr. Samuel Wilder was goiag to a house of his about .'iOO yards distant from mine, with 4 men and several women, the Indians rushed on them from a rising ground, but they perceiving them coming. Run towards my house hollowing, which being heard by those at my house, they run to their assistance and met them and the Indians at the Entrance of my lane, on which the Indians Immediately fired on them to the amount of 18 or Twenty, and Killed Mr. Wilder, — the party of white men Returned their fire and killed one of them dead on the spot and wounded severall of the others as appeared by Considerable Quantity of Blood strewed on the Ground, as they Run off, which they Immediately did, and by their leaving behind them 3 Gunns, one pistole and Sundry other Em- plements of war, itc, mSTORA' OF CUMBERLAND. [1788. Archibald While. .lames Wells, Andrew Workman, Arthur Watson, Peter Wells, .Jacob Workman, .Jesse Walter, .Samuel Wikoft', Stephen Workman, .John WikoflT, George Winters, Thomas Williams, Alexander Wilhelni, .lames Wootlringer. .loseph Warnick. George W'ilhelm, Alpheus Wigwire, .Tohn Whiteman, Peter WikofF, George Waddle, William Workman, .lacob Wikoff, Isaac Workman, The act of 1788 provided that three commissioners be appointed to fix the value of the lands occupied by the aforegoing persons, and to settle all disputes that might arise concerning pre-emption . The commissioners apjjointed were David Lynn, Daniel Cresap, and Benjamin Brookes. In making the surveys Mr. Deakins had ten assistant surveyors, they being Henry Kemp, Daniel Cresap, Lawrence Bringle, Benjamin Price, John Tomlinson, Jonas Hogmire, Thomas Orm, John Hooker, John Lynn, and William Hoye, and they were paid for their services ten shillings current money per day. The distribution of the lots to officers was made by lottery, each ticket designating four lots contiguous to each other, or as nearly so as possible. Dr. Jos M. Toner, of Washington City, furnishes the following extract from The Columbian Magazine, for April, 1788, page 216, showing that the brave deeds of the soldiers in the exjjedition against the French were highly esteemed. The final sentence contained in the extract, to be sure, somewhat tinges the obituary with the ridiculous, but it was doubtless quite gratifying to the returned heroes to be able to read this testimonial to their courage : To the Editor of the Columbian Magazine ■ Sir : The following is an extract from the journal ol' an officer on (Jeneral Forbes's expedition against Fort Duquesne (now Fort Pitt) in the year lY.'iS : 1789.] ALLEGANY COUNTY ERECTED. '2.i\7 " About one luinilivd yanis Iroin Kurt Ciimberlaiul, is a large square post with a pyramidical top, liaving a plate of leaJ, with the followinir inscription nailed on one side of it, viz : TO TOE MEMORY' OF SERGEANT WILLIAM SHAW, SERGEANT TIMOTHY SHAW, JEREMIAH POOR, AND JAMES COPE, SOL- DIERS OF THE 1st VIRGINIA REGIMENT; THIS MONUMENT IS ERECTED, TO TESTIFY THE LOVE AND ESTEEM PAID THEM BY THEIR OFFICERS FOR THEIR COURAGE AND GALLANT BEHAVIOUR. NOV. 175C. THEY WENT WITH 11 CATABAS TO GAIN INTELLIGENCE; AND IN THE FIRST EN- COUNTER WITH THE ENEMY MET WITH THE SUCCESS THEIR COURAGE DESERVED-INCITED BY THIS ADVANTAGE, AND FIRED WITH NOBLE AMBITION TO DISTINGUISH THEMSELVES, THEY ENGAGED A PARTY OF THE ENEMY, HARD BY FORT DUQUESNE, AND FELL GLORIOUSLY, FIGHT- ING BRAVELY, BEING GREATLY OVERPOWERED BY SUPERIOR NUMBERS. "IN PREMIUM VIRTUTIS ERIGENDUM CURAVIT. ADAMUS SIEPHEN."* Risum teneatus! — Some of these otch, afterwards returned, a.n A are now officers in the Virginia service. B. At the session of the Legislature of 1789, a petition was presented asking for the erection of a new county, and the following act was passed on the 25th of December, in that year: An Act for the Division of Washington county, and for erecting a new one by the name of Allegany : Whereas, A number of the inhabitants of Washington county, by their petition to the General Assembly, have prayed that an act may pass for a division of said county by Sideling Hill Creek, and for erecting a new one out of the Western part thereof; and it appearing to this General Assembly that the erectinir such a new county will conduce greatly to ■^Colonel Stephen was at the time in command of a portion of the Virginia troops. 268 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [178*J. the duo administration of justice, and tbe speedy settling and improving the western part thereof, and the ease and convenience of the inhabitants thereof, II. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all that part of Washington county which lies to the westward of Sideling Hill Creek, shall be and is hereby erected into a new county, by the name of Allegany county, and the inhabitants thereof shall have, hold and enjoy, all such rights and privileges as are held and enjoyed by the inhabitants of any other county in this State. III. And be it enacted, That the county court and orphans' court fur Allegany county shall be held at the town of Cumberland, until the voters of said county, by election to be held as hereinafter provided, shall determine on some other place ; and until a place shall be fixed on by the said election, and a court house shall be built, tbe justices of said county may contract and agree at the county charge for a convenient place in the said town to hold their courts, and for a convenient place in the said town for the keeping of their books, papers and records. IV. And be it enacted, That all causes, pleas, processes and plead- ings, which now are, or shall be depending in Washington county court before the first Monday in December, 1790, shall and may be prosecuted as effectually in that court as if this act had not been made, and in case any deeds or conveyances of land in that part of Washington county now called Allegany county, have been, or shall be before the first Monday in December, 1790, acknowledged according to law, the enrollment or recording thereof in either of the said counties, within the time limited by law shall be good and available. V. And be it enacted. That the county charge of Washington county heretofore assessed shall be collected and applied as if this act had not been made. VI. And be it enacted. That the County Court and Orphans' Court of Allegany County shall first be held on the first Monday in April, 1791, and the said County Court be afterwards held on the first Monday in the months of April and September yearly, and the said Orphans' Court shall be afterwards held on the second Monday in the months of June, August, October and December, and the same Courts shall have the same powers and jurisdiction respectively as other County and Orphans' Courts within this State. VII. And be it enacted. That all civil causes to be brought in Alle- gany County shall be determined within two Courts from the appearance court, and none shall continue longer, unless under such circumstances as civil causes in other County Courts may be continued longer than three courts from the appearance court. 1791.] THE FIRST COURT. 269 VIII. And be it enacted, That the Governor and Council be author- ized and required to commission fit and proper persons in the said county to act as Justices of the Peace, and fit and proper persons as Justices of the Orphans' Court, as also Surveyor and other officers, and that a fit and proper person be appointed by the Governor and Council Sheriff of Allejranv County, and be commissioned and qualified in the usual manner, to continue in office until a new appointment shall take place in the other counties of this State, under an election according to the constitution and form of crovernment. IX. And be it enacted, That at the first election to be held in the said county for a Sherift'. the voters of said county shall and may, bv a majority of votes determine the place at which the courts of the said county shall be held after the said election. In December of 1790, an act was passed appoint- ing Andrew Bruce, Evan Gwynn and Joseph Cresap Commissioners of the Tax for Allegany County, and requiring the Tax Commissioner of Washington County to transmit to them an account of all the real and pei'sonal property in the new county. The first Court held in Allegany County was convened on the 4tli Monday and 25th day of April, 1791. There being no Court House the session was held at the house of John Graham, in Cumberland. Upon the opening of the Court, Andrew Bruce produced his commission as Associate Justice, and was sworn in and took his seat upon the Bench. John Beatty was appointed Sheriff, and John Lynn Clerk of the Court. On the 27th of April Richard Potts appeared in Court and presented his commis- sion as Chief Justice of the County Courts in the Fifth Judicial District. John Sindiins also presented his commission as Associate Justice, and took the oath of office. Jeremiah Willison was appointed Crier, and the following attorneys admitted as mem- bers of the Bar: — George Magruder, Samuel Selby, 270 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAXO. [1787. John Johnson, Lenox Martin and William Claget, each of whom paid a Hcense of £3 foi- the privilege of practicing. Lenox Martin presented his appointment, from the Attorney-General, as Prosecutor for the State in this Court, after wliich the business of the Court was proceeded with. The session commenced on the 25th of April, and closed on the 29th. embracing five days. In laying off the town the ground now occupied by the county buildings, comprising four lots, was set apart for that especial purpose by the proprietor of the town, Thomas Beall of Samuel, and in 1793, by an act of the Assembly, Thomas Beall, John Lynn, William McMahon, George Dent and Benjamin Tomlinson were appointed commissioners to contract and agree for the building of a Court House and Jail, and to prepare the plans and superintend the con- struction thereof. The Justices of the Levy Court were required to levy the sum of six hundred pounds current money to pay for the same; £200 to be levied in 1794; £200 in 1795, and the remainder in 1796. In compliance with this act a building was erected on the lot adjoining that now occupied by the Allegany County Academy, on the north side of Washington street, the basement of which was of stone, and the upper story of brick. The basement was used as a Jail, and the upper portion as a Court room. At the session of the Justices of the Levy Court, held in 1794, the sum of £200 was levied, in accord- ance with the law, towards paying for the erection of 1790.] BRIDGES OVER WILL's CREEK. 271 the Court House and Jail. In 1795 a further sum of £200 was levied. In 1796 the sum of £100 was levied to pay for work on the Court House, and £37 10s for the completion of the Jail. In 1799 a hnal lev}- of £75 was made for the completion of the Court House, making a total e.xpenditure for the work of £012 10s. In 1790 there was a small wooden bridge over Will's Creek, very near the site of the present Baltimore street bridge, and in 1791 the Levy Court of the County appropriated to Thomas Beall of Samuel, and Alpheus Beall, the sum of £20, to be expended in i-epairing the bridge. In 1792 a further sum of £20 was appropriated for a similar purpose, to be expended undei- the direction of William McMahon and Joseph Kelly. In 1795 David Hoff- man, John Graliam, and P. Murdoch were appointed Commissioners to superintend the building of a bridge over Will's Creek, for which purpose £30 was appro- priated from the County Treasury. These Commis- sioners entered into a contract with William Logsden on the 29th of April, 1796, the conditions of which were that Logsden was to rebuild the bridge over the Creek, and to have it completed and ready for use by the 1st day of September following. It was to have good and sufficient abutments, to be five feet higher than the former l^ridge was; to be sixteen feet wide, and furnished with a railing three feet higli; the contractor to maintain the bridge for seven years, and rebuild it if carried away by freshets, except in case the water should become so high as to float the structure and carry it off. The sureties 272 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1791. of the contractor were John and Ralph Logsden The work was completed in the time specified. In 1799 the sum of £2Q 12s 13d was levied to pay for some improvements made upon the bridge, and to pay the balance due on account of its construction. This bridge stood until 1810. The value of the taxable property in Allegany County, in 1791, was fixed at £78,978 Is lid; the tax levied was 7s 3d on each £100. In addition to the funds raised by taxation considerable sums were secured by the rigid enforcement of the laws imposing- fines for drunkenness, profane swearing, and failure to work on the roads. In some instances the violations of these laws were quite numerous, and the penalties incurred were various, ranging IVom 5d for "■one profane curse" to £1 12s Od for "profane swearing" and £2 7s 6d for "drunkenness and Sabbath breaking." Liberal rewards were paid by the county authorities for the destruction of wolves, the premium for an old wolf's scalp being £5, and for a young wolf £1. The Judges of the Orphans' Court in 1791 were James Prather, Daniel Cresap, and John H. Bayard. The Justices of the Levy Court were: — Daniel Cresap, Thomas Beall of Samuel, Samuel Barrett, James Prather and John H. Bayard. In 1792 the Justices of the Levy Court were: — John Orm, Samuel Barrett, James Prather, Gabriel Jacob, John H. Bayard and John Reed. In 1794 Cumberland again became tlie scene of warlike preparations, and again an army was assem- bled on the historic ground about the old Fort, but 179-1.] THE WHISKY INSURRECTION. 273 now the stars and stripes of the young Republic waved in the place once occupied by the old Englisli ensign. The enactment of laws, by Congi-ess, laying a duty upon spirits distilled in the United States, and upon stills, caused a feeling of violent opposition to spring up in the Pennsylvania counties of Alleghany, Washington. Fayette and Westmoreland, where considerable quantities of whisky wei'e made. In Washington County the opposition was most bitter, and in a little while the officials whose duty it was to enforce the requirements of the law became sub- jected to violence and insult. Public meetings were held by the malcontents, and resolutions were jiassed strongly condemning the law as well as any person who might attempt to enforce it. The first effort to impose the duties levied was made in 1791, and in September of that year Robert Johnston, a collector of the revenue, was seized at a place on Pigeon Creek, in Washington County, Pa., by a jiarty of men, who tarred and feathered him, cut oft" his hair, and otherwise insulted him. The leaders in this outrage were known, but no officer dared arrest them. Other outrages were perpetrated, and for three years the ti-oubles grew worse and worse, the insurgents sending their men into adjacent Counties of Virginia and Maryland to breed disaffection. In the outset men of influence and property had encouraged the rebellion, but they had not anticipated the serious results which followed. On the 7th of August, 1794, the President issued a proclamation announcing his intention to enforce the laws by calling out the militia, and he called upon the 35 274 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1794 Governors of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia for sufficient militia to form an army of 15,000 men, which was to be organized and prepared to march at any moment. A second proclamation was published on the 25th of September, when the stub- born persistence of the insurgents rendered further temporizing impossible, calling the troops into active service. The New Jersey and Pennsylvania soldiers were ordered to assemble at Bedford, and those of Maryland and Virginia at Cumberland. Governor Lee, of Virginia, was put in command of all the troops, and the Governors of New Jersey and Penn- sylvania took subordinate commands. The assembling of the militia from Maryland and Vii'ginia at Cumberland, created great excitement in the village. How long they remained here is not exactly known, Init on the IStli of October, 1794, Washington arrived, and spent several days inspect^ ing the condition of the men and their supplies. On the 19tli he apj^eared in full uniform, and held a review, on the old parade ground of Fort Cumber- land, at which the entire population of the town was present. This was the last occasion upon which he wore his uniform. The troops had been encamped along Will's Creek, on what was known as the "Island," where they had good water from a spring, near by. On the 19 th the command was marched up to the parade ground, and drawn up for inspection. General Washington rode along the line, from the right to the left, and Avas loudly cheered l^y the men. Afterwards the com- mand marched in review, and Washington raised his 1795.] A POST OFFICE ESTABLISHED. 275 hat as a salute, while they passed. Generals Lee and Morgan were both present, and participated. Hon. Alexander R. Boteler has in his possession an oil painting representing this review. It was the work of an amateur artist, and upon its completion |)assed into the hands of General Daniel Morgan. The army marched in two divisions, from Cumber- land and Bedford. The insurrection was suppressed without difficulty, as the great strength shown by the government overawed the disturbers, and General Morgan was left with a detachment of troops during the winter, in the disaffected district, as a safeguard against further trouble. The necessitj- existing for good roads was greatly felt at this time, since all the supplies of the inhabit- ants were brought from the East, and a great part of the year the muddy roads and steep hills made transportation both slow and expensive. On frequent occasions salt, rope, cloth, iron, &c., were brought from the Eastern towns on pack horses, a cheaper and more expeditious method than by wagons. The Legislature passed acts for improving and straighten- ing the I'oads from Hancock to Cumberland, from Cumberland to Turkey-foot, and from Cumberland to Winding Ridge. On the 1st of January, 1795, Cumberland was made a Post-town, and b}' order of the Postmaster General a post office was established therein, and Charles F. Broadhag appointed Postmaster, which position he held until July 1st, 1802. In order to provide facilities for the purchase and sale of produce, &c., in the town, a shed was erected 276 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1797. on a lot oi" ground on the bank of the Creek, about sixty feet south east of the present gas works property, and in December, 1795, an act of the Legislature was passed making it a market house for the town, and providing that from and after the first day of May, 1796, Wednesday and Saturday of each and every week should be held and considered as market days, the hours to be from any time in the morning until 9 o'clock A. M. A fine of fifteen shillings was imposed upon any person who bought or sold any articles of provision at any place other than the market house during market hours. In 1797 the Justices of the Orphans' Court were John H. Bayard, Evan Gwynn and A. A Browne. The Associate Justices of the County Court were Patrick Murdoch and Hanson Briscoe. Sheriff, Robert Sinclaire. The Court House at this date was still uncompleted, and the sessions of the Court were held at the tavern of Abraham Faw, a building located on Green sti-eet, west of Smallwood, just where the residence of the late William Landwehr now stands. For the use of his house for this purpose, in 1797, Mr. Faw was paid the sum of £3, as also 4s lOd for 9 days' use of rooms for meetings of Tax Commissioners, and Is lOd for three days' session of the Levy Court. It is thought that a temporary Jail was made of an old log house of very limited dimensions, which stood on the opposite side of the road, a short distance west of the tavern. This old house was one of the structures supposed to have been built about 1755, and used as a guard house. It had no windows, 1797.] HOTEL RATKS. 277 and the single door was thickly studded with wrought iron nails. At the meeting of the Court, in 1797, Andrew McClery, Robert McClery, John McClery and Henry McClery, carpenters; John Wright, weaver; William Thistle, farmer; Thomas Thistle, student at law, natives of Ireland; and Christian Deetz, tailor, a native of Germany, were naturalized, and fully invested with all the rights of Amei'ican citizenship. The following. Inn Keepers' Rates, established at the April Term of Court, 1798, are somewhat in contrast with those of the present day : S. D. A Hot Dinner for a Gentleman, with Beer or Cider 8 A Supper or Breakfast 2 French Brandy, per i pint 1 10 Peach Brandy, per J pint 1 3 Lodging in clean sheets 1 10 ditto double ditto 9 Ditto in sheets before used 6 Hay per nisrht for Horse 1 6 Ditto for 24 hours 2 Madeira and Claret Wine per quart 10 Port, Sherry or Lisbon Wine 7 G Whisky per gill 5 J Other Wine per quart 5 Corn and Oats, per quart 3 Lodgings for Servants 6 Gold Dinner, per gentleman 1 lOJ Supper and Breakfast per servant 1 6 Dinner per Servant 1 10 The town grew steadily, and in 1797 had one hundred dwellings and one hundred and twenty families, three merchant mills and three church conn-reaations, German Lutheran, Methodist and Roman Catholic. Amongst the persons who came ti78 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1798. here to live from 1790 to 1800 were families of the following names: — Boward, Broadhag, Bridenhart, Beatty, Bayard, Brown, Briscoe, Beard^Deetz,-Davis, Deems, Ei'b, Entler, Faw, Fisher, Gephart, Graham, Hughes, Korns, Lichlider, McMahon, McCleary, Ma- gruder, Murdoch, Moore, Miller, Milburn, Morris, Osborn, Perry, Pigman, Richards, Russell, Rizer, Rafters, Shuck, Smith, Selby, Stonesifer, Sinclair, Thistle, Wineow, Wright. Benjamin Tomlinson was amongst the earliest settlers in the county, and in 1789 he built the house on Will's Creek, some five miles from Cumberland, now occupied by Mrs. Alexander King", a grand- daughter. The militia law in existence at this date caused the citizens of Allegany county much annoyance, as they were compelled to travel long distances, either on horseback or on foot, to attend the drills provided for by law. Consequently they caused a statement to be made to the Legislature setting forth their grievances, and that bodj' in 1798 passed an act authorizing the field officers having command of the militia of Allegany county to appoint certain days for drill each year, at such place in the county as they might direct. The subject of Roads attracted considerable atten- tion again in 1798, and in order to improve the condition of the road from Cumberh. id to Sideling Hill a liberal appropriation was made. A further sum of £56 5s was levied in 1802 for this purpose. In January, 1799, an act of the Legislature was secured for the opening of a road from ''Martin's 1799.] ALLKGANY COUNTY SCHOOL. 279 Ford, on the North Branch of the Potowmack, to intersect the main road leading from the mouth of George's Creek to the town of Cumberiand," and Joseph Cresap, Thomas Dawson of William, and Ebenezer Davis were appointed Commissioners for the purpose of laying off this road in the most direct and convenient way; it was to be kept in order by the persons living on the tracts of land known as "The Cove," "Long Bottom," and "Lot No. 8581." The first effort towards advancing the cause of education in Allegany county was made in 179U. On the 15th of January, ii; that year, an act was passed by the Legislature entitled " An act to incor- porate a school in Allegany Count}', by the name of Allegany County School, the purposes of which are shown by the following extract from the law, viz: " Whereas, it is reasonable that education should be extended to the several parts of this State, and that there should be a public school in Allej^any County, therefore; Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That in order to the erecting and building a house and other conveniences for a county school, the persons hereinafter named shall have power to purchase one or more acres of land in or adjoining the town of Cumberland, in Allegany county, to wit: John Lynn, Evan Gwynn, William McMahon, Joseph Cresap, David Lynn, Patrick Murdoch, Hanson Briscoe, John B. Beall and John C. Beatty, who shall be visitors of said school ; which said persons so nominated visitors for Allegany county school, and their successors, appointed in the manner hereinafter declared, shall and are hereby declared to be one community, corporation and body politic, to have continuation forever, by the name of The Visitors of Allegany County School, and by that name to sue and be sued, implead or be impleaded, antf to make and have a common seal, and the same to break, alter or renew, when and so often as they shall think fit. Under the provisions of this act a building wa.s erected for school purposes on the lot now occupied by the school building of SS. Peter and Paul's Church, 280 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1790-1800. German Catholic. The School building was of brick, one stoiy in lieiglit, and amongst the early Principals of the school were Professors Pierce and Benjamin Brown. The Academy was placed in charge of a board of visitors, who were given power to elect their own successors, and the organization is maintained to this day. The original board appointed by the act of 1798, consisted of John Lynn, Evan Gwynn, William McMahon. Joseph Cresap, David Lynn, Patrick Murdoch, Hanson Briscoe, John B. Beall and John C. Beatty, and the sum of $200 per year was gi'anted them from the State Treasury. The lack of data, either written or printed, renders it extremely difficult to procure a correct list of the people residing here at a date so early as 1800, especially since there are few persons living, old enough to remember distinctly such matters. To designate the houses that are oldest is equally difficult. Certainly the most venerable of them was that known as "Washington's headquarters," which occupied the ground on which Mr. 0. C. Gephart's residence now stands, and which is well re- membered by hundreds of citizens, as it was not removed until about the year 1844. It was co- temporar}' with Fort Cumberland, and stood but a short distance from the parade ground. This old house was occupied at one time by Mrs. Bridenhart, a daughter of Michael Kershner. and she entertained WASHINGTON'S HEADQUAETERS T 790-1 800.] OLD HorsEs. 281 .several students there as boarders for some years. It was also occupied for several years by David Lynn as a residence, afterwards liv George Bruce, and finally by John Kane. In 1844 it was bought by George Blocher, who inoved it to a lot on the Bedford road, a mile distant, where it was repaired and occupied for twenty-two years by John Baker. It still stands, on the ground of Christian Eiclmer, a short distance from Cumbei'- land. About 1784 George Lowdermilk built a frame house some fifty yards west of Washington's head- quarters, and occupied it for twenty years. The '"McMahon House," — still standing on the Southwest corner of Smallwood and Green Streets — was built about the year 1792, and had a store-room adjoining. The back building, erected several years afterwards, was constructed of brick, and was the first of the kind in the town. The brick were brought up the river in a keel boat, from some point 1 lelow. The mason work Avas done by Henry Wineow, who was then the only brick mason in the place. Mr. McMahon was a gentleman of some wealth, and thoroughly hospitable. In October. 1794, while Washington was here for the purpose of inspecting the Western Army, on the occasion of the Whiskey Insurrection, he was the guest of Mr. McMahon, and the entire population of the town called there to pay their respects to the great man. This old house is now a deserted and dilapidated wreck, but deserves to be held in some degree of veneration, as one of the few remaining landmarks of those early days. The 36 282 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1790-1800. lot on which this building stood is marked "9 "on the map. In this house John V. L. McMahon was born, a man of great intellect and scholarly acquire- ments. . On the north side ol' (ireen street, lot No. 31, Michael Kershner built a two-story house, with a porch, about 1790. This has disappeared altogether, • unless a portion of the plastered house standing there may be a remnant of it. A short distance west of the McMahon house, and about where Mrs. W. Landwehr s house now stands, was built a two-story log tavern, by Abraham Faw. In this Iniilding were born J. Galloway Lynn, and afterwards General E. (). C. Ord, of the United States Army. Previous to the erection of a Court House, several sessions of the Grand Jury and the Court were held there, and this tavern became the general resort of most of the jjersons who came to the town. The Devecmon house, on Green street, east of Smallwood, was built about 1790, by George Dent, who was the surveyor of the town. This house is still standing, the lower story being now several feet below the street. Mrs. Dent died about 1807, in the house of Dickeson Simkins, on north Mechanic street, corner of Valley street. Probably the first house built on the east side of the Creek was that erected by David Hoftman, a little south of the Blue Spring, on nortli Mechanic street. It was constructed of logs, and was about 40 x 25 feet in size. The log house on north Mechanic street, above the "Blue Spring," was built about 1791, by an old 1790-1800.] OLD HOUSES. 283 bachelor, named Wyatt. It was used in 1809 by Samuel Smith, as a store house, and the Post office was then kept there, Mr. Smith being the Postmaster. The log house, now weatlierboarded, standing on the corner of north Mechanic street and Valley street, was built by Dickeson Simkins, in 1790. About the same time the house on north Mechanic street. No. 209. next below Wegman's store, was built by Benjamin Morris, a shoemaker, and brother- in-law of Simkins, who carried on his business there. The log house next to J. Wegman's dwelling, No. 215 north Mechanic street, was built at the same time by John Snowden Hook, a farmer, who came here from Washington County, and purchased a con- siderable tract of land, embracing what is known as "Hook's Graveyard." The house occupied by the late Emanuel Easter, No. 132 north Mechanic street, was built al^out 1800, and a pottery established by Jacob Neff. Mr. Easter was an apprentice with Neff, and afterwards carried on the business up to the time of his death, at an old age, in 1877. The house of Mrs. Charlotte Wright, No. 140 north Mechanic street, was built about the year 1800, and Mrs. Wright has now been living there continuously for more than fifty years. A house, supposed to have been built by Jonathan Cox, stood near the spot now occupied by Lewis Smith's tavern on north Mechanic street, and David and Jonathan Cox, tanners, had a tannery a short distance above the ground now occupied by Withers' tannery. Cox's house was built of stone. 284 HISTORV OF CUMBERLAND. [1700-1800. George Shuck, who came here about 1790, from York, Pa., lived in a log house, where Shipley's tavern now stands, in 1800. Thomas Beall, of Samuel, built a house on Li1)erty street, a short distance below the City Hall, on the opposite side. The date of its erection is uncertain, but is supposed to have been about 178"). It is still standing A log house, was built by John Miller about 1794, on the lot on the corner of Liberty and Bedford streets, and is still in use, immediately opposite the City Hall, and is known as the -SSnyder property." George Payne had a house in 1796, on the Little Valk\y Road, near "Payne's Spriug," which was on his propert}^ Several other old buildings are still in existence, which are supposed to have been constructed previous to 1800, but their history is not positively known. The effort to preserve the chronology of the history of the town, so for as its growth is concerned becomes exceedingly diflicult at this time, since there were no newspapers in existence, and the memory of the old inhabitants utterly fails to establish dates with any degree of accuracy. (Jonsequently the events of the next twenty years must be treated as best they may be under the circumstances. It has been heretofore stated that in 1755 a bridge was built across Will's Creek, near the mouth of the stream. This was carried away by a freshet, and about 1790 a wooden bridge was built where the present iron bridge stands. The new structure was built upon wooden piers, and by frequent I'epairs and MAP OF GUI ICOF» OFOFFIi' ILAND, 1806. CEORGE DENT, I 1805.] SURVEY OF THE TOWN. 285 much patching was kept m serviceable condition until 1804, when it was damaged by high water. In January, 1805, the LegisLiture passed an act author- izing UiJton Bruce, David Iloftinan, senior, Tliomas Thistle, George Hoftman, and William McMahon to hold a lottery, and thereby raise a sum of money not to exceed $2,000 for the purpose of purchasing a fire engine for the town of Cumberland, and directing them to appropriate the balance of the money on hand, after making such purchase, to the erection of a bridge over Will's Creek. Whether the lottery was held is not recorded, but certainly another bridge was erected, and this was in turn washed away by a great freshet, in 1810, at which time the Creek rose to an unprecedented height, entirely Hooding Mechanic street. After the bridge was destroyed, in 1810, a ferry was established, and kept in use until a new bridge was erected. The ferry consisted of a rope stretched across the Creek at the foot of Baltimore street, the ends being lashed to large walnut trees, and a tlat boat being attached to a ring which was made to slip along the cable. Another wooden bridge was shortly after put in the place of the one destroyed, and this stood until 1820, when a suspension chain bridge was substituted therefor, a full description of which will hereafter be given. The survey of the town, as made in 1787, having never been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of either Washington or Allegany County, as required hy the law authorizing the survey, the Legislature passed an act January 27, 1805, reciting 286 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [ISOC. that '•' Whereas, Thomas Beall. son of Samuel, and other persons, did hiy off a parcel of their land contiguous to the mouth of Will's Creek, in Allegany County, into lots, a great part of which have since been purchased, and considerable improvements made thereon, and there lieing no record of the same, the title of the proprietors thereof are precarious and uncertain; and it appearing right and proper that commissioners should be appointed to lay out and erect a town on the said lands, and to secure the purchasers of lots therein, reserving the right of the proprietors and their interests in said lands," therefore, Roger Perry. Evan Gwynn, Jonathan Cox, George Hoffman, and Upton Bruce were appointed Commissioners to have an accin-ate sur- vey made, and an exact plot thereof showing the original location of the streets, lanes, lots, &c., filed in the office of the Cerk of the Court, They were required to have the lots numbered one, two, three, and so on, and these numbers were to be given as they were in the original location. They were authorized to summons witnesses for the purpose of securing such information as should be necessary to ascertain the true lines, and were then to set up boundary stones at the beginning of the lots. This act contained provisions for securing purchasers in their rights, and repealed the act of 1786. In 1806 the provisions of this act were fully carried out by the Commissioners, Mr. George Dent having been employed as the surveyor, and the plat made by him was filed in the Land Records of Allegany County, an exact copy of which is here given. That 180(;.] SURVEY OF THE TOWN 287 portion ot" the town lying on the east and north side of Will's Creek was first laid out in 1798. The Commissioners in making their return, sub- mitted the following remarks, which were filed together with the map, and an accurate description of each lot : The Town of Cumberland had grown into considerable size before the passage of the law authorizing its being laid out, and as no correct plat had been preserved of its ancient location, or boundaries set up, by which it could be ascertained correctly, the Commissioners for the want of some guide of this kind met with considerable difficulty in assigning to each lot its due and proper situation, particularly so, on the east side of Will's Creek, where the lots being of no given size, and the streets crooked and irregular one lot became of little service in leading to the establishment of another; the conveyances or titles by which many of the lots were held were very imperfectly drawn, and many blunders com- mitted, so that they frequently served rather to add to our perplexity than furnish us with correct information. The Commissioners, nevertheless, trust they have produced as perfect a return as could be desired or ex- pected, and that besides the advantage of every man knowing how and where to find the precise situation of his lot, many disputes will be quieted from the having a settled and determined record to refer to. Several additions have been made to the Town as just laid off, and as each addition begins with number 1, 2, and so on, it follows that there are five lots thus numbered in the Town of Cumberland, a circumstance it was impossible for the Commissioners to avoid under the restriction of the law giving them their powers. At first glance of the plat this may seem like confusion, but which it will be easy to avoid if where in searching for any number due regard be had to the .addition it is distinguished by as lying in. There are on the plat two lots numbered 219, which could not be avoided, as by some error conveyances had been made to two different persons for two adjoining lots by this number, but to distinguish we have called one the senior and the other the junior lot. Occasionally on our approach to the neighborhood of some metalic substance, we found our selves led astray from the attraction of the needle; sometimes we were unable to discover where the cause lay, though the effect was quite plain. It was observable that in passing by where had been several years back a smith shop the attraction from small particles of iron concealed under the ground was very considerable, and would have thrown us totally into confusion had it not been discovered in time. So that in any future 288 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1810. riinning due caution oujrlit to be paid to this circumstance. The Com- missioners ask for their intentions, and their return, a fair and liberal interpretation, and while they are confident strict and equal regard has been paid to each particular interest, express a hope their labors will be found to have given order, form and certainty to what was heretofore perplexed, confused and doubtful, and that each proprietor of a lot in the Town of Cumberland may discover its situation, extent and limits, bv a reference to the plat, and without an appeal to the remedy at law, which is always attended with expense and delay. ROGER PERRY, EVAN GWYNN, JONATHAN COX, GEORGE HOFFMAN, W. BRUCE. The accumulation of the records of the Court rendered it necessary that a proper place should be provided for their preservation, and in 1806 the Legislature authorized the Ci)unty Commissioners to levy the sum of $1,200, which was to be collected in one, two and three years, for the purpose of building- offices for the reception of the papers and records of the County, and for the proper accommodation of the Clerk of the Court. Such a building was erected on the public grounds in the vicinity of the Court House, and just where the Academy building now stands. It was occupied continuously until the com- pletion of the new Court House in 1840. In 1810 an act supplementary to the act erecting the town was passed authorizing the appointment of a Street Supervisor, and directing that all monies collected as taxes on the property on the west and east sides of Will's Creek should be expended on that side on which it was collected, except so much as might be necessary to pay an equal proportion of the salai'ies of the Clerk and Bailiff. 1813.] RESIDENTS AND HOUSES. 289 The following is a sketch of the houses standing in 1813, from the most reliable data that can be ()l)tained, taking the oldest streets in succession, and beginning with the west side of the Creek. On the south side of Green street, where it is intersected by Water street, stood a house and shop, which was used by a man named Glenn, who was a nail-maker; the brick building now used as the residence of the Chief Engineer of the Water Works, was erected by Roger Perry, in 1811; next was the Dent or Devecmon house; opposite Glenn's nail-shop was the house of Captain Thomas Blair, who was a hatter; nearly opposite the Dent house was the house of Michael Kershner. These com- prised the houses east of Smallwood street. West of this street were, on the south side, William McMahon's dwelling and store, and Faw's tavern; on the north side were the houses of Rev. Mr. Ken- nedy, a minister; Mr. Glissan; the old guard quarters: George Hughes, and Andrew McCleaiy. On Rose Hill was the residence now occupied by J. G. Lynn, Esq., which was built by his father, in 1810. The house now occupied by Dr. James M. Smith was built in 1810, by Upton Bruce, who resided there. Washington street was then a very steep and rough road. There wei-e but four houses on the south side, one built b}' Mr. Deakins, and afterwards bought ]jy Jolui Hoye; the old Washington head- quarters; a ft-ame house a few yards west of it, and a brick house on the site now occupied by Hon. William Walsh's residence. On the north side were 37 290 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1813 the Court House aud jail, the Clerks' office, and the house built by Roger Perry. On the ground north of Fayette street, near the present railroad line, were Hanson Briscoe's house, the Methodist Church, the Academy, and a small house in the rear of the ground now occupied by the residence of Mr. R. D. Johnson. These comprised all the houses on the west side of the Creek. On Bedford street, now Baltimore street, a black- smith shop stood near the banks of the Creek, and in close proximity to the bridge; on the southwest corner of Baltimore and Mechanic streets was a frame store house; on the ground now occuj^ied by Mrs. S. Thress's store, was a log house, built by Robert McCleary. (This was torn down and re- placed by a brick house in 1830). On the north side Peter Gephart had a dwelling where McKaig's block stands, below Liberty street; near the corner was Dowden's house. Between Liberty and Mill (now Centre) streets the ground was occupied by John Shryer's tan yard, and on the northwest corner of Baltimore and Centre stood the old Lutheran Church. On Liberty street there were no houses, except those occupied by Captain Thomas Beall of Samuel, and John Miller. Mechanic street -was at that time the main street, and the houses located there were as follows, taken in sequence from the south to the north: On the west side below Harrison street, Elnathan Russell's house and blacksmith shop, both still standing at the offset in the street; A. Rogers, butcher; Nicholas 1813.] RESIDENTS AND HOUSES. 291 Koontz; Michael Fisher, cooper; Henry Wineow, brickmason ; Thomas Dowden, blacksmith. Between Creek and Baltimore streets: — first, Slicer's tavern, the Cumberland Bank, Wyatt's drug store, corner Baltimore. Between Baltimore street and Bedford street: — Reeside"s,or McKinley's, hotel, (old National) John Scott, Dr. Reese, McGill's drug store, E. Vowell's store, Samuel Lowdermilk, Peter Lowdermilk, har- ness and saddlery shops; William Shi'yer's cabinet shop, George Holjlitzell's store. Between Bedford street and the Blue Spring: — The first house was where the gas works stand, and was occupied by a shoemaker named McDonald; then came Adam Zeigler's store; Jacob Neff's pottery; W. Boyd, a Methodist Episcopal minister; James Simmons, butcher; Robert McCleary, and Jacob Korns, black- smith, just below the Blue Spring. Above the Spring were Samuel Smith, store and post-office; Henry Korns, comb-maker; M. Soyster, tan yard; Jacob Soyster, saddler, and Wm. Beard. West side of Mechanic street: — First, Martin Rizer's house; between Harrison and Baltimore streets, Michael Kershner's new house; Arthur Rose; John Boward; -Christian Deetz;^N. Bassnet; George Hoffman, and on the southeast corner of Baltimore, John Murrell's store. Between Baltimore and Bedford: — Barton Carico's tavern; Justice's store; Ryan's tavern; C. F. Broadhag's store; George Hoblitzell ; Jacob Saylor ; John Gephart, hatter; Solomon Davis, tailor, and Jacob Hoblitzell's store. Between Bedford street and Little Valley Road : — John Scott's mill, (corner Bed- ford.) George Thistle; Peter Lowdermilk; Jacob 292 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1813. Shuck; Dr. Murray; Henry Baker; Benjamin Wiley; Francis Madore, (corner of alley below Railroad viaduct); Michael Wire's drug store; Wolf; George Cox, Jonathan Cox, tanyard; James Hook, wheelright; Jorthcraft Edward... Newton Athanias Potter John Porter Joseph Poland John Potter David Plummer Thomas Parkenson William., Peters George Peterman John Riland Thomas Rank. Private- do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do^ do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ♦Moses McKinsey and Thomas Clinton bad both served in the Revolutionary army. They lived in Cumberland, and on all public demonstvations were accustomed to come out on the streets and play the drum and Hie. 1814.] THE WAR WITH ENGLAND. 299 CAPTAIN BLAIR's COMPANY. Names. Rank. Names. Rank. Ravenscraft James Private, do do do do do do do do do do do do do Riley Elisha do Roads .Jacob Tasker Elisha. do do Stephen William Tomlinson .Jesse do Siford David Trull Abner A do Savao'e Samuel Tavlor Mai do Vansickle Zachariah Wolfe Jacob White James T WiL'^on William do Shepherd .John do Spiker Adam do Shimer .Jacob do Woodroujrh Samuel Winzett William . do Shi rcl iff Lewis do Stanton Joshua The officers of the First Regiment Maryland Militia, were as follows : The officer in command at Camp Diehl was Major General Samuel Smith. John Ragan, Jr.. Colonel. Stephen Steiner, Lieutenant-Colonel. John Blackford, Major 1st. Benjamin G. Cole, Major 2d. Nathan Cromwell, Adjutant. John Markle, Quarter-Master. George W. Boerstler, Paymaster. William Hilleary, Sergeant. Arthur Nelson, 1st Mate. Daniel Fitzhugh, 2d Mate. Christian C. Pechtig, Adjutant. Joab Doggett, Hospital Steward. Christian Baker, Sergeant Major. Adam Fisher, Quartermaster Sergeant. At the January session of the Legislature an act was passed authorizing George Thistle, Samuel Smith, John Scott. Jacob Lantz, John Folck, Peter Lowdermilk, and William Lamar, Sr., to hold a lottery for the purpose of raising $2,000 to be applied to the purchase of a fire engine for the town. In addition to the names of residents heretofore given, in 1814, the following persons were engaged in business in the town, viz : — James M. White, saddles and harness ; John Gophart, auctioneer ; W. T. A. Pollock, saddles, &c.; Dr. Read, drugs, &c.; Wm. Houx, chairmaker ; John Milburn, auctioneer ; John Folck, warehouse ; Zadoc Clark, hat factory : 300 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1814 Robert M'Guire, watchmaker ; Dr. Veirs, physician ; Miss Bradley, teacher. The Perry House, just across the river, in West Virginia, was built by George Calmes, in 1816, and afterwards passed into possession of Roger Perry. In 1811 the Legislature had established "The Cumberland Bank of Allegany," to be located in Cumberland, the capital stock to be $200,000, and to be divided into four thousand shares of lifty dollars each, and the stockholders to be exempt from any liability beyond their stock. The bank was to be managed by eight directors and a president. When the bank issued its notes, by some misun- derstanding as to the orthography of that much abused word " Allegany," the engraver spelled it '• Alleghany," and as the notes had been put in circulation before the error was discovered, in order to avoid the expense of new plates, as well as the inconvenience of calling in the circulation, an act was secured at the June session of the Legislature, in 1812, changing the name to " The Cumberland Bank of Alleghany." The officers of the bank, chosen at its first election were, Upton Bruce, President ; and M. Wallace, Cashier. In 1814, in consequence of the war, the Eastern banks suspended specie payments, and on the 17th of September, 1814, the Cumberland Bank followed their example. About 1812, the first newspaper in Cumberland was established, by Samuel Magill, and was called the "Allegany Freeman." It was Democratic in 1814.] THE FIRST NEWSPAPERS. 301 politics, and was edited in a very vigorous manner. On the 13th of January, 1814, William Brown established the " Cumberland Gazette," a sixteen- columu Federalist paper, published every Thursday. The offices of the.se two papers were located on Mechanic street, near Baltimore street. Their columns were given up entii'ely to war news, politics and advertisements. Local matters Avere wholly ignored, and the most offensive personalities freely indulged in, together with a great many high-flown patriotic sentences. In the organization of the Maryland Militia, the 50th regiment was ordered by the Council to be organized in Allegany County, and the following officers were appointed : Thomas Greenwell, Lieu- tenant-Colonel ; John Folck, Major; Captains, John McElfish, Dennis Beall, Conrad Corbns, Joseph France, and Thomas Porter; Adjutant, Levi Hil- leary. It does not appear that they acquired any great proficiency, or that they ever held even so much as the annual "cornstalk" drill. September 27th, the town was brilliantly illumi- nated in honor of the gallant victory won by Captain MacDonough, on Lake Champlain, wherein he vanquished a British fleet greatly his superior. Processions paraded the streets, singing and shouting, and the entire population took part in the celebra- tion. The town was incorporated in January, 1815, at which time the Legislature passed an "'ilct to provide for the appointment of Commissioners, for the regula- tion and improvement of the Town of Cumberland,^ 302 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1815. in Allegany County, and to incorporate the same." This act provided that five judicious and discreet persons residing in the town, and holding real prop- erty therein should be elected by ballot on the first Monday of June, 1816, and on the same day every year thereafter, at the Court House, by the free white male citizens of the age of twenty-one years, who had resided in the town one whole year next preceding the election, and that the five persons having the highest number of votes should be declared elected. These Commissioners were ordered at the first election to choose one of their own number as Chief Burgess for that year. They were required to meet at least four times each year, on the first Monday of May, July, October and December, and oftener if necessary, to attend to the business of the town. They were incorporated under the name of "The Chief Burgess and the other Commissioners of the Town of Cumberland." The limit of taxation for town purposes was fixed at one dollar for every one hundred dollars' worth of property. They were authorized to employ a clerk and a bailiff, who were to receive a reasonable compensation. In 1816 an additional act was passed by the Legis- lature, appointing Roger Perry, William McMahon and John Scott commissioners to lay off, locate, mark, bound and number into lots, streets, lanes and alleys, the land lying between Flat street and the Potomac river, and between Smallwood and Chase streets, but exempted from city taxation all the lots thus laid off until they should be improved. At the January session of the Legislature, in 1816, 1816.] THE GLASS FACTORY. 303 a petition was granted for the incorporation of the Cumberland Water Company, the object being to introduce soft water into the town. The Company was authorized to raise a capital of flU,000, by the issue of 500 shares of stock at ^20 per share. The subscri25tion books were to be opened uiider the care of John Scott, Peter Lowdermilk, Samuel Smith, George Thistle, David Schriver and Michael C. Sprigg, who were to have ample powers and privi- leges. The project was never carried into effect. On the first Monday in June, 1816, the first elec- tion in the town was held for Commissioners, and the following persons were chosen: David Shriver, Jr., George Thistle, Henry McKinley, John Hoye and John Scott. These Commissioners met at once, and elected from their own number John Scott to be Chief Burgess. Thomas Pollard was then appointed Clerk to the body. Early in 1816, Messrs. Roger and Thomas Perry erected a glass factory, on a lot of ground near the site of the residence of Mr. John B. Widener. They found sand suitable for their purposes on Will's Mountain, in the vicinity of the Narrows. The first glass they produced was fi-om a coal fire, and proved to be very green. This blast was worked up into green bottles. Wood was then used for fuel, and some very excellent glass turned out. The manufactui'ed article was sold in the towns East- ward, as well as in Pittsburgh. Mrs. Grace Neill has in her possession at present several pieces of glass made at this factory, which she carefully preserves as interesting relics. The management of 304 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1819. this enterprise did not yield the expected results, and after the lapse of a few years, about 1819, the Messrs. Perry felt compelled to abandon it. they having sustained heavy losses, and feeling unable to make any further ventures. Some portions of the old Iniilding are still standin"-. The projected establishment of slack water naviga- tion on the Potomac river, between tidewater and Cuni):)erland, led to the most extravagant expectations of commercial progress in Cumberland, and owners of lots bordering on the river expected to realize fortunes in the sale of their property. Several persons, anticipating heavy trade by the new water route to be opened up by the Potomac Company, erected warehouses for storing goods, intending to engage in the forwarding business. Amongst others, John Folck built a large brick warehouse on the river bank, near where Mr. A. L. Miller's residence now stands. The failure of the project rendered the speculation unprofitable, but the warehouse was used some years afterwards as a warehouse and store room at a time when a considerable business was done on the river in transporting coal and merchandise by means of flat boats. By an act of the Legislature of 1812 a considerable sum of money had been appropriated for the improve- ment of the road from Cumberland to Winding Ridge, and the old pike ler.ding from the mouth of Will's Creek through Sandy Gap to the old Braddock Road was built. The ford at the foot of Creek street was passable and frequently used, as repeated disaster overtook the Ijridge over the stream. In 1820 the 1 820.] THE SUSPENSION BRIDGE. 305 bridge was carried away by a freshet, and the county authorities, determined to provide against any proba- ble contingency of tlie kind in the future, after examining tlie bridge architecture of the period, con- cluded to erect a suspension bridge of iron chains, upon a plan invented by James Finley, of Fayette Count}', Pa , in 1796. Mr. Finley's were the first suspension bridges introduced into the United States, and he had already built several spans of 200 feet.* The County Commissioners contracted with Valentine Shockey to construct one of these bridges over the Creek, and in 1820 the Chain Bridge was built. The piers were single locust posts, there being two at each end, braced together at the toj). The span was 115J feet clear. Two chains stretched from one side of the Creek to the other; the deflection was one- sixth of the span. ''The double links, of If inch square iron, were ten feet long. The centre link was horizontal, and at the level of the floor; and at its ends were stirruped the two central transverse girders. From the ends of this central link the chains w'ere carried in straight lines to the tops of the posts, 25 feet high, which served as piers or towers. The back stays were carried away straight, at the same angle as the cables ; and each end was confined to four l)uried stones of about half a cubic yard each. The floor was only wide enough for a single line of vehicles. All the transverse girders were ten feet apart, and supported longitudinal joists, to which tlie floor was spiked. There were no restrictions as to travel; but lines of carts and wagons. *TrautwiDe's Civil Engineers" Pocket Book. 39 306 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1822. in close succession, and heavily loaded with coal, stone, iron, &c., crossed it almost daily, together with droves of cattle in full run. The slight hand-railing of iron was hinged, so us not to be bent by the undulations of the bridge. Six-horse wagons were frequently driven aci'oss in a trot. The iron was of the old-fashioned charcoal, of full thirty tons per square inch ultimate strength. The united cross- section of the two double links was 7.56 square inches, which at thirty tons per square inch, gives 227 tons for their ultimate strength, or say 76 tons with a safety of 3." The work was all done by Mr. Shockey in his own shop, and was of the most durable and satisfactory character. Amongst the several work- men who were engaged with Mr. Shockey in building the bridge was Godfrey Richards, father of Mr. Isaac Richards, one of the old citizens of the town. In 1831, several of the posts or piers gave way, and Jonathan Witt was employed by the Commissioners to replace them. This was done by the substitution of new and heavier locust posts, the work when comjsleted being declared more permanent than ever before. In 1822 George Bruce was Sheriff of the county. In September of 1823 the "Maryland Advocate," a Democratic paper, was established by John M. Buchanan, the "Allegany Freeman" having been dis- continued. In October, at the town election, Samuel Magill was chosen Chief Burgess, and John McNeill, Jr., was appointed Clerk. An ordinance was passed by the Commissioners requiring all property owners on Mechanic street to pave their sidewalks. 1824.] LOCAL INCIDENTS. 307 At the county election on October 1st, the follow- ing persons were elected to represent the county in the Legislature, viz: George Bruce, Michael C. Sprigg, John McMahon and John McHenry. The whole vote polled was .3.777. November 30. — Captain Thomas Beall, of Samuel, proprietor of the town, and an old revolutionary soldier, died at an advanced age, highly respected. February 24, 1824. — The Legislature passed an act limiting the levy of taxes in Cumberland, for town purposes, to fifty cents on each one hundred dollars of assessable property. April 1. — James Black refitted and opened the tavern on south Mechanic street, near Creek street, and called it the "Columbian Inn." The Judges of the Orphans' Court were Thomas Cresap, John McNeill, and William McMahon. The Levy Court was composed of Benjamin Tom- linson, Samuel Coddington, John Burbridge, George W. Glaze, William Price, (of Westernport,) Meshack. Frost and Walter McAfee. The town officers chosen were. Chief Burgess, Roger Perry; Commissioners, Peter Garey, John Boose, John Gephart, Jr , and Gustavus Beall; Clerk, C. Heck. Tax levied, 20 cents on each |100. May 26. — General Andrew Jackson, arrived in Cumberland, on his way from Washington to his home, and while here visited the site of old Fort Cumberland, and walked over the ground. A remarkable accident occurred in the summer of 1824, the result of which was little less than miraculous. At the time of the building of the Jail 308 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1824. and Court House, about the beginning oi' the century, the want of good drinking water led the Commis- sioners to determine upon sinking a well. Accordingly, in 1805, they appropriated the sum of <£2()0 for that purpose, and Upton Bruce and Roger Perry were appointed a commission to have the work done. They selected a spot just in front of the Court House yard, on Prospect street, and sunk a well ninety feet in depth, Avhich was walled up with stone, and furnished with a large wheel and two buckets. The water obtained was excellent. At the time above indicated, Belle McMahon, a little daughter of William McMahon, about five years of age, Avas play- ing about the mouth of the well, when suddenly she lost her balance and fell headlong into it. A number of persons at once ran to the spot. The light clothing of the child could be seen on the surface of the water, but every one was convinced that she must have been instantly killed. Her mother, frantic Avith grief, could with difficulty be restrained from plunging in after her child. Dr. S. P. Smith was amongst the first to come to the rescue. He procured from the jail a long rope, with grappling hooks, which was used for recovering the buckets when they were lost, and with this he caught the little girl, and drew her to the surface. She was apparently lifeless, but the prompt use of restoratives soon brought her to consciousness, and it was then discovered that she had sustained no injuries what- ever, beyond a slight abrasion of the skin on the forehead. The diameter of the well is not greater than four feet, and she must have fallen like a plum- 1824.] LOCAL INCIDENTS. 309 met to have escaped being dashed to pieces against the rocky sides, in her fearful descent. This well was covered over and converted into a pit for draining the Academy, in 1876. During the summer a military company was Ibrmed under the name of "Allegany Blues." The officers chosen were, H. B. Tomlinson, Captain; Thomas Dowden, First Lieutenant, and S. M. Keene, Ensign. August 26. — Hon. John C. Calhoun, Secretary of War, and Major Roberdeau, of the Topographical Engineers, arrived, and after tarrying a few hours, and dining, went west along Will's Creek, to view the summit level of the contemplated route of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. A line of coaches to run between Baltimore, Washington and Wheeling was established during the summer, by Reeside, Moore, Stockton & Co. Stages left the two Eastern cities named at 2 a. m., Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and made the trip to Wheeling in 3i days. An accommodation stage left every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and went through by da^'light, in four days. At the election for Congressmen in October, Thomas C. Worthinglon was elected over John Lee. The vote was as follows: Allegany County, Worthington, 669; Lee, 510. Washington Count}^, Worthington, 2,095; Lee, 1,446. Frederick County, Worthington, 1,558; Lee, 1,533. Total, Worthing- ton, 4,322; Lee, 3,489. The candidates for the General Assembly were 310 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1825. John A. Hoffman, John McMahon, Jacob Lantz, Lewis F. Klip.stine, John McNeill, Thomas Cresap, and Samuel Thomas. The first four named were elected. William McMahon was Sheriff. Samuel McGill, the Postmaster, resigned, and James Whitehead was appointed to fill the vacancy. December 1. — A post office was established at Flintstone, and Walter Slicer appointed Postmaster. Robert Kennedy was at this time principal of the Allegany County Academy. February 2, 1825. — An act was passed by the Legislature, repealing previous acts, and giving the Commissioners of the town enlarged police powers. February 5. — The following persons were appointed Justices of the Orphans' Court: Thomas Cresap. John McNeill and Robert Swann. Justices of the Levy Court: Benjamin Tomlinson, Samuel Coddington, John Burbridge, William Price. Walter McAtee, Valentine Hoftman, Benjamin Robinson, Archibald Thistle, and George Rhinehart. March 10. — A stage bound West, when four miles east of Cumberland, upset, and John S. Dugan. proprietor of a line of stages between Wheeling and Zanesville, was so badly hurt that he died in a few hours. The mail stages during this summer left Cumber- land on Tuesday's. Thursdays and Saturdays at G a. m,, for the East; and Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 4 p. m., for the West. The through rates of fare were as follows : 1825.] RIVER NAVIGATION. 311 From Wheeling to \V:ishiiio;ton, Pa $ 2.00 " Washington to I'niontown, Pa 2.25 " Uniontown to Cumberland 4.00 " Cumberland to Hagerstown ... 5.00 " Hagerstown to Frederick 2.00 " Frederick to Baltimore 3.50 Distance 2(J7 miles. Tlin>u;;h $1H.75 Sunday, May 8. — George H. Drake and Dennis M. Atliey went hunting, eight miles north of Cumberland, and after a day of amusement were x'eturning home, when a dispute arose as- to who should carry the gun. Drake threatened to shoot Athey, and drew the gini up to his side, when it was discharged, the load entering Athey's body and killing him instantly. Drake reported the facts, but avowed the killing was wholly accidental, and that he was jesting when he made the threat. He was arrested, but, on the Oth of July, made his escape from jail. A reward of $50 was offered for his apprehension. At this time a considerable amount of business was done on the Potomac River, in the way of transporting coal, flour, &c., by means of suitable boats. Coal was loaded on flat boats at Cumberland, and whenever the stage of water would permit they were floated down to Georgetown. The place of loading was the ground now occupied by the City Water Works. When the trade was first established these flat boats were only capable of transporting 300 bushels of coal, but as the river became known, and experience was gained, their size was gradually increased until they were given a capacity of 1,500 bushels. 312 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1825. "Keel" boats were also built, sharp at either end, with keel and stem posts. Their greatest length was 70 feet, and their average width 10 feet, their freightage being from 100 to 125 barrels of flour. These boats were manned by a crew of four: steersman, head oarsman and two side oarsmen. The boat was floated into the current, and when necessary was propelled by the side oarsmen, by means of long sweep oars, the steersman and head oarsman being required to guide it through the difficult channel. The season for boating generally opened in February, and continued usually until the first of May. The boats occasionally ran during the fall freshets. The round trip (from Cuml)erland to Georgetown and return) occupied from twelve to eighteen days. The down trip occupied only three days, but the return was both laborious and painful, as most of the distance the boat was propelled by means of poles, which the men placed against their shoulders; and on their arrival in Cumberland, frequently their shoulders would be raw and sore. This eiiterprise was attended with many difficulties and risks, and the wreck of a boat and the loss of its cargo was a common occurrence. The devious channel, hidden rocks, and frequent islands were serious obstacles. One of the most disastrous places on the river was "Cumberland Falls," just where the dam now is. Many boats were lost here, and several men drowned. The Potomac Company had done something towards lessening the dangers by planting signal posts to mark the channel, and had also 1826.] LOCAL INCIDENTS. 313 erected stone walls as courses, some of which may yet be seen a short distance below Cumberland. Most of the flat boats taken below, loaded with coal, were not returned, but were broken up, at Georgetown, and the lumber sold. On tlio 2d of March, John Oglebay, who went down as steersman on a coal boat, was drowned five miles below, by the capsizing of the boat. He left a wife and eight children. July 1. — Judges Orphans' Court: Thomas Cresap, John McNeill and Robert Swann. Justices of Levy Court: Benjamin Tomlinson, Samuel Coddington, William Price, Upton Bruce, Martin Rizcr, Benjamin Robinson, Archibald Thistle, William McLaughlin, Valentine Hoffman and Walter McAtee. July 29. — Between 9 and 10 p. m. a fire broke out in Gustavus Beall's large grist mill; the small mill, distillei-y, two store houses, two stables, and several smaller buildings, as well as a frame store house on the opposite side of the street, belonging to Hoblitzell & Payne, and several other houses, were destroyed. Beall's loss was $10,000; Hoblitzell & Payne's loss $3,000. Beall saved the goods in his store, and opened again in John Scott's house, next to Searight's tavern. Suspicions were entertained that James Palmer, a sort of desjjerado, living some distance from town, on the Virginia side of the river, had set fire to the mills, as he had been heard to make threats that he would burn the town. A party of citizens went quietly to Palmer's house and arrested him. A lot 40 314 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [182G-27. of stolen goods was found in his possession, and he was indicted for arson and theft, on which charges he was tried and found guilty, and sentenced to fifteen years in the penitentiary, fifteen months of which time was to be passed in solitary confinement. At the election for Congressmen, in October, the candidates were Michael C. Sprigg, John Lee. Thomas Kennedy and Samuel Hughes. The vote in the county was as follows: Sprigg, 1,030; Lee, 282; Kennedy, 41; Hughes, 12. Total vote of the county, 1,365; in Cumberland, 388; in Frostburg, 205; Flintstone, 137. The vote in the Congressional District footed up 3,085 for Sprigg; 2,675 for Lee; 671 for Kennedy, and 067 for Hughes. A vote was taken at the same time upon the proposition to establish primary schools in the county, which was defeated by a vote of 1,031 against 249. The delegates chosen to the Assembly were Wra. Ridgely, Jacob Hoblitzell, Robert Armstrong and Wm. Shaw. In June, 1827, the following justices of the Orphan's Court were appointed: Thomas Cresap, John McNeill and Robert Armstrong. Justices of Levy Court: Benjamin Tomlinson, Samuel Coddington, William Price, Valentine Hoff- man, Archibald Thistle, William McLaughlin, Walter McAfee and Francis Reid. July 27. — A fire broke out in '-Berry's Row," on Bedford street, and three houses were destroyed, two of which were occupied by Rev. N. B. Little and Samuel Magill. J. P. Carleton's house took fire several times, but was saved. 1828.] LOCAL INCIDENTS. 315 October 2. — An election held, at which Richard Beall was elected Sheriif, and John McNeill, Jr., John A. Hoffman, Jacob Holitzell and George McCulloh, Delegates to the General Assembly. In the spring of 1828, an eccentric character, by the name of Harris, made his appearance in the town, and began to preach on the street corners, prophesying a terrible calamity to fall upon the people. Harris was a middle aged man, and a Quaker, of good physical proportions, quiet demeanor, and humble manners. His home was somewhere in the neighborhood of Leesburg, Va., and he was evidently of unsound mind. After sojourning for a while he took his departure, but year after year he made his reappearance, and began disrobing himself and parading the streets in a nude state. On one occasion he suddenly made his appearance in one of the churches, in this condition, and walked up the aisle almost to the pulpit, before the congregation recovered from its surprise sufficiently to eject him. For this exploit he was sent to jail, but was shortly afterwards released. His propensity for walking the streets naked led to his chastisement on several occasions, and this infliction he bore without a mur- mui", saying his mission was to suffer and to warn the people. It was finally resolved that he should be permitted to have his walk out, the hope being entertained that he would then regard his mission as fulfilled, and cease to annoy the public. He then paraded Mechanic sti^eet from Bedford to the southei'ii end of the thoroughfare, loudl}- proclaiming a great evil near at hand, and in earnest tones invoking the 316 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1828. inhabitants to prepare for it. Upon undertaking to repeat this journey, shortly afterwards, he was arrested and sent home to his friends who thereafter guarded him carefully. The visits of this singular man extended over a period of nearly five years, and shortly after their cessation the great fii'e of 1833 took place, which is said to have consumed all the houses along the i*oute he so persistently paraded. In 1828, the Cumberland Hotel and Stage Office were kept by Jacob Fechtig. February 8. — -'The Civilian" was established by Samuel Charles, as the organ of the friends of Henry Clay, and was given its name of " The Civilian " to indicate the sentiment of its originators and supporters, in favor of a civilian for the Presidency as against Andrew Jackson, a military man. During the spring of this year business on the river was very brisk, over fifty boats leaving in a single week, loaded with coal, flour, bacon, butter, &c., for Harper's Ferry and Georgetown. Some 2,500 barrels of flour were shi2)ped. May 29. — The town was brilliantly illuminated in honor of the passage of the bill by Congi'ess appro- priating $1,000,000 towards the construction of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. A handsome arch was thrown across Mechanic street, at the corner of Bedford street, and in the windows were displayed the motto, "Gratitude to Charles Fenton Mercer, and Andrew Stuart," both of whom were indefati- gable workers in the cause. June 3. — A dinner was given at Black's Hotel to Hon. Andrew Stuart, as a testimonial to his services 1828-29.] LOCAL INCIDENTS. 317 in behalf of the public interests, on which occasion Mr. Stuart made a speech which was enthusiastically received. September 8. — George Swearingen, Sheriff of Washington county, murdered his wife, one mile above Cresaptown in the woods. Suspicion of foul play being aroused, the body of the murdered woman was disinterred on the 11th, and the coroner's jury, which sat upon the case returned the following verdict : "After a careful and full exainiuation of numerous witnesses we are of opinion that Mary 0. Swearinj;en came to her death by the hands of her husband, George Swearingen.'' Before the body was taken up for examination Swearingen fled, taking with him Rachael Cunning- ham, with whom he was known to have been on undulv intimate terms. Mrs. Swearingen was the daughter of James Scott, one of the most prominent citizens of Cumberland. Her remains were brought to town and placed in the familj- burying ground. She was a most estimable and lovable lady, and left an interesting little daughter. October 3. — William V. Buskirk, William Price, Joseph Dilly and William McMahon were elected to the Assembly. January 12, 1829. — Justices of the Oi'phans' Court: Thomas Cresap. John vScott and John McNeill. Justices Levy Court: Benj. Tomlinson, Samuel Coddington, Walter McAtee, Valentine Hoffman. Francis Reed, Arch. Thistle, William McLaughlin, Upton Bruce, Martin Rizer, and John Miller. March 25 — Henry Clay tirrived and stop2:)ed at 318 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1829. Slicer's Hotel. He was given a hearty welcome, and an enthusiastic entertainment, which was largely attended. In the evening he made a speech to the assembled crowd, and on the following day pursued his journey. March 27. — News was received of the arrest of George Swearingen, which took place in New Orleans, on the 17th of February. On his esca2)e the Governor of Maryland had offered $300 for his cajjture. Swearingen had disguised himself and changed his name to Thomas Martin. He made his way to the Ohio river, and there got aboard a flat boat bound for New Orleans. He was armed with a rifle, pocket pistols, and a large dagger. He had been in New Orleans several days before he was discovered. One day he walked into a store kept by a man named Sloo. for the purpose of making some purchases, and it happened that John V. L. Ramsay, a Mar^dander, who knew him, was in the store at the time. Ramsey at once recognized Swearingen. in spite of his disguise, and without delay lodged information with the Mayor. Officers were at once put upon his track, and followed him to a flat boat where they saw him go through a hole in the roof, to the corn, with which the boat was laden. The officers quickly followed him in, whereupon Swear- ingen started up and drcAv his dirk, but pistols being leveled at him, he surrendered, and was bound. At first he denied his identity, but when faced by Ramsay, he no longer attempted concealment. Swearingen was taken to Baltimore, on the brig Arctic, arriving there April 23d. He had a heai'ing 1829-30.] LorAL incidents. 319 before a city soagistrate, and was committed to jail to await removal to Allegany county, the scene ol' lii.s crime. A special term of Court was convened in August, for the purpose of trying Swearingen. On the 13th of August a jury was obtained, and the trial com- menced. The Prosecuting Attorney was Mr. Dixon ; Counsel for the defense, William Van Buskirk, William McMahon, and William Price, all able lawyers. On the bench were Chief Judge J. Buch- anan, and Associate Judges T. Buchanan and A. Shriver. Tiie case was not concluded until the 22d, when the jury retired and returned in fifteen minutes, with a verdict of "guilty of murder in the first degree." The Court sentenced the prisoner to be handed on the 2d of October. October 2. — An immense crowd of people came into the town, from every direction, to witness the terrible vengeance of the law. The place of execu- tion was on the flat ground on the West side of the (J reek. Swearingen was pertisctly calm and collected, and said he had no fear of death. Rev. Mr. Miller, of Westernport, was with him, administering spiritual comfort. Volunteer militia companies were present from Bedford and Somerset, Pa., as also the Wash- ington Guards, of Cumberland. The number of people assembled was estimated at 4,000. The execution was speedily accomplished, and the body given to its friends. On New Year's Day, 1830, the people ol' this section of country had a "grand circular hunt." The lirst Itrigade embraced the country from Cum- 320 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1830. berland to tlie mouth of Jennings Run. The second brigade, from Jenning's Run up the road to Cornelius Devore's Mill, on Will's Creek. Third brigade, from Devore's Mill across to Frederick Rice's in Cash Valley. Fourth brigade from Frederick Rice's along the Bedford Road to Cumberland. About one hundred persons participated in the hunt, and a large amount of game was taken. Justices Orphan's Court: Thomas Cresap, John Scott and George Hoblitzell. Justices Levy Court: Joshua 0. Robinson, Joseph Frantz, George Blocher, William McLaughlin, Jacob Holeman, John Mattingly, Thomas D. Beall, Walter Bevans, Henry Myers, and Jasper Robinette. Surveyor: Benjamin Brown. At the census taken in 1830, William McMahon Deputy Marshal, the population of the town of Cumberland was as follows: Males. Females. Total. Under 5 years years oi of ncrp 82 71 153 Of 5- ^ age and under •lO' years G2 7G 138 Of 10' a .1 " u 15' u 74 :i9 113 Of 15 u u " u 20 a 72 70 142 Of 20 u a u *• :^.o If yi 78 169 Of 30 a u " 11 40 (i 5G 5:i 109 Of 40 t( ii i( it 50 " 44 36 80 Of 50 *( a (1 It GO u 18 33 51 Of GO (( (1 li a 70 a 11 09 20 Of70 It n a • 1 80 (1 * 8 15 Of 80 11 t( u (( 90 a 5 522 475 7 997 Slaves 4G 1.5 83 21 129 Free colored-. 3G 583 579 llfi2 The population of Allegany County was 10,590. February 28. — A little son of George Kearns, four 1830-31.] LOCAL INCIDENTS. 321 years of age, fell into the well at the jail, a depth of ninety feet, and was instantly killed. March 18. — The Western stage while leaving town ran ofl' the road and upset. Bishop Chase, of Ohio, a passenger, was badly injured, having three of his ribs broken, and his left arm dislocated. Pie remained here until his recovery, and preached at the Church on Fort Hill. April 20. — The new Episcopal Church, on Fort Hill, was consecrated by Bishop Meade, of Virginia. At the election in October, William McMahon, William Ridgely, William Shaw, and William Reid, were elected to the General Assembly, and Mr. Rawlings Sherifi'. October 23. — The "Advocate"' was sold by John M. Buchanan to Richard P. Bailey and Daniel Blocher. November 22. — George Jacobs, of Hampshire County, Va., aged 50 years, was found dead on the Cresaptown Road, the result of an accident. December 111 — The Cumberland Fire Engine Company was organized, at Newnam's Hotel. December 17. — John Custer was found frozen to death, on the Cresaptown I'oad. January 14, 1 831. — Snow fell to a depth of twenty- four inches, and travel was almost suspended, as the I'oads were blocked. January 20. — A public meeting was held, and Dr. S. P. Smith, James Everstine, David Shriver, Jacob Snyder and John Hays were appointed a committee to petition Congress fur an appropriation to improve the Cumberland Road. 41 322 HISTORY OP CUMBERLAND. [1831. Justices of the Orphans' Court: Thomas Cresap, John McNeill and John Scott. The population of the county was at this time 10,602. A fire company was formed, in February, and sup- plied with ladders for use in case of fire. Two ladders were kept against Hook's fence, corner Centre and Frederick streets, and two against Shriver's shed, over the mill race, on the turnpike. August 2. —Two railroads were put in operation in Allegany County, one at the coal mine of William Ward, and the other at the mine of John Porter, both within ten miles of Cumberland. They were about one hundred yards in length, the rails being of wood, and the wheels of the cars of cast iron. The cars were drawn by horse power. Bene S. Pigman was elected to the Senate, in the fall, and William Armstrong and Thomas Blair (anti- Jackson) and George M. Swann and Jacob Lantz, (Jackson) elected Delegates to the Legislature. Francis Thomas was elected to Congress by a majority of 601 over Michael C. Sprigg. October 15. — The Synod of the Lutheran Church of Maryland assembled in Cumberland. George Smith was appointed Collector of Taxes, and Aza Beall, Clerk of the Court. November 24 — Public notice was given that the proprietors of coal mines in Allegany County, and all other persons interested in procuring a charter for a railroad from the coal mines to Cumberland would meet in Frostburg, to consider the project, and agree upon a route. 1831-32.] LOCAL INCIDENTS. 323 December 1. — Henry Clay arrived, en route to Washington, and had a reception during his stay. February 6, 1832. — A good stage of water in the river, and forty loaded boats left. February 22. — This being the centennial anni- versary of Washington's birth-day, the event was celebrated with unusual enthusiasm. February 4. — Justices of Orphans' Court: Thomas Cresap, John McNeill, Sr., and John Scott. October 2. — Andrew Bruce, Jacob Lantz, Moses H. Louthan and John Slicer were elfected to the Legislature. October 14. — The stable and carriage house of Elnathan Russell were destroyed by fire, and several dwellings in the neighborhood were with difficult}' saved. The fire was caused by a burning cigar being thrown into the stable. October 18. — A meeting was held at Jacob Fechtig's tavern in Cumberland, with a view to securing the construction of a turnpike from Cumberland to inter- sect the Cumberland and Somerset Road at the Pennsylvania line. A number of persons from Somerset were present, and a committee was appointed to draft a petition to the Legislature asking authority for the construction of the road. October 22. — Great fears wei'e entertained that the cholera, which prevailed elsewhere, might visit the town, in consequence of which a meeting was held at the Union Hotel, when it was resolved to at once prepare a building to be used as a hospital, and to procure contributions for the purpose of supplying 324 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1833. food, medicine, &c. Fortunately the epidemic did not make its appearance. February 6, 1833. — Justice.s Orphan!*' Court: Thomas Cresap, John McNeill and George Hebb. March 22. — A new assessment of the real and personal property having been determined upon, Thomas Wilson, John Slicer, Steplien Mulhollan, James Totten, John Neft', Jr., Joseph Everstine, George P. Hinkle, Israel Mayberry, Leonard Shir- cliff, and Amos Robinette, were appointed assessors. April 14. — A terrible calamity befell the town, on this date, whereby the greater part of the inhabitants were in a few short hours rendered homeless. It was Sunday, and the bells were calling the people to church, at 10 o'clock in the morning, when the start- ling cry of "fire" was given. A volume of smoke was seen issuing from the cabinet shop of William Shryer, on Mechanic street. An excited multitude of people quickly gathered at the scene of the fire, and endeavored to stay it, but in vain, as the dry- wooden building, and its highly inflammable contents furnished rich food for the eager flames. The wind blew quite strong from the west, and the means for suppressing fires lieing of the most inadequate character, in a short while the hou.ses adjoining became ignited, and the roaring flames went leaj^ing, flashing and surging down the street, enveloping house after house, in quick succession, until every building from the place of the origin of the fire to Russell's carriage shop, near Harrison street, a distance of more than a quarter of a mile, was involved in the general ruin. When it became apparent that 1833.] THE GKEAT FIRE. 325 nothing could be clone to check the conflagration, the people at once went to work to save the contents of the stores and houses, but even i)i this they were able to do but little, owing to the great rapidity with which the flames spread. The destruction of both the newspapers of the town prevented any detailed account of the disaster from being published here at the time, andAvhen the papers had been re-established it did not occur to the publishers to give a minute history of it. The following letter appeared in the Hagerstown "Herald and Torch Light," several days after the misfortune : CuMBKRLANn, April 15, 1833. Seventy-five houses comprising the heart of our town now lie in ruins. The fire originated in a cabinet maker's shop, three doors north of the "Civilian" printing office. Many citizens have nothing kft. The "Civilian'" office is burnt, e.xcept its account books. All the stores but one are burnt — Bruce & Beall's. Mr. Shriver's large 3-story tavern. Mr. Fechtig's tavern and the Bank. The fire commenced at 10 o'clock, and the wind being high, the flames soon spread, leaving little time to move goods. Xothing now remains but parts of walls and chimneys, where once the principal part of the town stood. The "Advocate" office also burnt, saving only the cast iron press (badly damaged^ and a few type. The ruins commence at Mr. Gustavus Beall's mill, and extend down to Mr. Elnathan Russell's carriage shop; the mill and Russell's house are saved, bui on both sides of the street, between these there is not one house standing — distance about } mile. The principal sufferers are : George Hoblitzell. 3 or 4 houses, James Everstine, 3 houses. Dr. Lawrence, 1 house, George Wineow, 1 house, B. S. Piguian 2 houses, Lowndes 1 store, John T. Sigler, 2 houses. Late John Scott, 1 housp. Dr. S. P. Smith & R. Wortliinglon, 3 houses. Bank property, 3 or 4 houses, Henry Wineow, 1 house and $1,500 J. M. Buchanan, 1 house, George Hoffman, 2 houses, Shriver, 3 houses, Mrs. Gephart, 1 house. Dr. J. M. Smith, 2 houses, Samuel Hoblitzell, 1 house, George Hebb, 2 houses. Thomas Dowden 2 houses, George Deetz, 1 house, S. Bowden, 1 house, John G. Hoffman, 2 houses, Butler's store, 2 houses. cash, i Robert McCleary 3 or 4 houses. 326 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1833. Robert Swann, 2 houses, Mrs. Saylor, 1 house. Adam Fiaber, 1 or 2 houses, Captain Ljiin, 1 house, Martin Rizer of M., 1 house, Besides others, mostly brick houses, and two story log buildings. At a meeting at the Court House, in Cumberland, composed of the citizens of the town, the Court, the Bar and Juries, assembled on the 15th of April, for the purpose of instituting an inquiry into the extent of the calamity occasioned by the late destructive fire, and of devising means for the relief of the sufferers, the following proceedings were had ; Upon motion of Wm. Price, Esq., the Hon. .lobn Buchanan, Chief Justice of Maryland, was appointed Chairman, who in a feeling and appropriate address e.xplained the object of the meeting. Upon motion of John Hoye, Esq., Wm. Price was appointed Secretary. Upon motion of Bene S. Pigman, the chair appointed the following Committee, to enquire into the extent of the calamity occasioned by the late fire, together with the number and description of the sufferers, and report thereon to the meeting, viz: John McHenry, Thomas I McKaig, A. W. McDonald, Wm. Price, B. S. Pigman, David Shriver, George Hebb, Dr. Samuel P. Smith, John Hoye, Dr. John M. Lawrence, Dr. Jame.s Smith, David Lynn, Robert Swann, and Richard Beall, who having retired for the purpose, afterwards returned and submitted the following report : The committee appointed to ascertain the calamity by which the town has been visited, together with the number and description of the sufferers have in the execution of the melancholly duty assigned them, ascertained the following particulars for the information of the meeting: It is ascertained that the entire business portion of Cumberland has been destroyed. All the taverns, and all the stores in the place, but one, are now in ashes; about thirty flourishing mechanics, all in prosperous business, have been reduced to ruin, and their families left without a shelter to cover them. The three physicians of the town have lost nearly all their property and medicines. It is believed that two thirds of the inhabitants are houseless. The value of property destroyed and the description of citizens to whom it belonged, the committee have estimated and classed as follows : 7 Merchants, whose loss in real and personal property and goods is estimated at $94,000 3 Physicians 12,000 3 Hotels, including the losses of the owners .50,000 30 Mechanics, (real and personal property, stock, itc).. 71,000 Citizens not included in above description ,^1,000 Citizens not residing in the town 14,000 Total loss $262,000 Upon motion of Mr. Pigman, a committee was appointed to draft an address to the people of the United States, inviting their aid in behalf of the Cumberland sufferers. Upon motion of Mr. Pigman, it was Resolved, That the Chairman of the present meeting be the Chairman of said committee. The following gentlemen compose the committee : Hon. John Buchanan, Hon. Thomas Buchanan, Hon. Abraham Shriver 1833.] THE GREAT FIRE. 327 A- W. McDonald, John McHenry, Wm. Price, James Dixon, Frederick A. Schley, and John King, Esqs. Upon motion the following gentlemen, residents of Cumberland, .vho are not sufferers by the 6re, were appointed a committee to receive donations, distribute them, and of correspondence, viz ; John Hoye, Thomas I. McKaig, Richard Bell, Rev. L. H. Johns, Wm. McMahon and James P. Carleton. Upon motion of Thomas I. McKaig, Esq., it was unanimously Resolved, That the thanks of the meeting are due to the Hon. John Buchanan, for the dignified and able manner in which he presided over its deliberations. Upon motion of Mr. Buchanan, it was Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be signed by the Chairman and Secretary and published. John Buchanan, Chairman. William Price, Secretary. N. B. — There being now no press in Cumberland the proceedings are forwarded to Hagerstown for publication. The fact that the scope of the fire embraced that part of Mechanic street, along which the demented Quaker, Harris, had so often walked while predicting a terrible calamity to befall the town, led many persons to conclude that the old man really had possessed some powers as a i^rophet, and the super- stitious wei'e thoroughly convinced that he had been sent by some supenaatural power as a messenger to warn the people of " wrath to come." The following is a full list of the persons who sustained losses in the disastrous fire, 14tli of A23ril: George Hoblitzell. lost G houses, ^ Jonathan Butler, store goods and store goods and house furniture. furniture, George Wineow 1 house, i Edward Johnson, household furni- Wm. Shryer, stock and furniture, j ture, Joseph Everstine,3 houses, furniture,! J. ^- Hoffman, 2 houses, tinware shoes and leather, | and furniture. Charles Howell, house furniture, John Gephart, 2 houses, Widow Saylor, 1 house, A. King and family, clothing and furniture. Widow .Vnders, furniture, &c.. Dr. J. Smith,2 houses, medicines, &c., John Rutter, house furniture and leather. Dr. S. P. Smith, 2 houses, medicines and furniture, Geo. Hoffman, 3 houses and furni- ture. J. M. Buchanan, 1 house, G. S. Evans, furniture and $800 in money. Widow Frithey,! house and furniture S. Bowden, 1 house, 328 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1833. Robert Swaun, 2 houses, David Shriver, 6 houses, John Murrell'a heirs, 2 houses, E. Mobley, furniture, tools and wagon stuff, M. Rizer, of M., 1 house and furni- ture, Kershner's heirs, 1 house, Geo, Deetz, 1 house and furniture, Geo. Lowderiuilk, house furniture, John Deetz, house furniture, Widow (Jephart, 1 house and furni- ture. Widow Oglebav, furniture, R. McCleary, 7 houses, tools, stock and furniture, Blocher & Harry, 1 printing press, type and office furniture. John Cress, blacksmith tools and iron. Post office, furniture and papers, David Lynn, 1 house, James Sires, furniture and tools. Widow Koontz, 2 houses, Sarah Koontz, furniture, M. Fisher, 2 houses, furniture and stock, John Fisher, $.500 in money, Wm. Fisher, $100 in money, H. Wineow, 1 house, grain, furni- ture and $1,500. Thos. Dowden, 1 house, shop, fur- niture and tools, Ja.s. Black, grain and furniture, The Bank, (! houses, Jacob Fechtig, furniture, Ac, S. Slicer, furniture, &c.. Widow Scott, furniture, &o.; John Scott's heirs. 2 houses, George Hebb, 2 houses, with furni- ture and goods, A. McNeill, tools and jewelry, John Wright, tools, jewelry and fur- niture, B. Haltingly, furniture and cloth, James Reeside, who was for a number of years largely engaged in the' stage-coach business on the Cumberland Road, upon heai'ing of the disaster, caused his son to write the following letter to the Postmaster here: R. Worthingtoii, I house, furniture and goods. Smith, Worlhington & Co., 1 house, J. F. Sigler, 1 house, saddlery and furniture, Dr. Lawrence, 1 house, medicine, and furniture, Messrs. Lowndes. 1 house and store, goods, furniture and $700, S. Hoblitzell, furniture, &c., B. S. Pigman, o houses, JP. A. S. Pigman, furniture, S. Pritchard, tools and clothing, L. W.Stockton, 2 mail coaches, J. W. Weaver, 1 mail coach, H. D.Carleton, furniture, &c., Eleanor .Merryman, clothing, John Beall, clothing, John P. Lowdermilk, clothing, Sophia Johnson, clothing, Elizabeth Bevans, clothing, H. B. Wolfe, tools, books and furni- ture, Samuel Charle.s, The Civilian office entire, J. Wolf, tools, leather and shoes, J. Marr, tools, &c., H. Smouse, 1 carryall, T. Adonis, furniture, &c., B. W. Howard, furniture, &c., W. V. Buskirk,furniture, law library and papers, Bruce & Beall,part of stock of goods, Krebs & Falls, store goods and fur- niture, S. & G. Shockey, hats, fur and tools, John M. Carleton, clothing, &o., Nancv Davis, clothing, &c., Edmund HoB'man, furniture, &c., W. W. Weaver, furniture, &c., Wm. Hoblitzell, clothing, &c., M. Rizer, Jr., a lot of bacon. &c., ,J. B. Wright, money and clothing, Louthan & Oft'utt, stock of goods, &e. 1833.] THE GREAT FIRE. 329 PHII.ADELPHI.i, April 18, 183r!. J. p. Carleton, Esq., P. M., Cumberland, Md. Dear Sir : It is with regret that we have this day heard the sad news of the conflagration at Cumberland, that once flourishing town, and the loss and condition of its inhabitants, among whom we lived so long. My father is confined to his bed, and not al)le to write, but requests to say to you that one half of all his property, in the town of Cumberland situated on the west side of Will's Creek, shall be sold for the benefit of the sufferers; he also requests nie to say to you, as soon as a committee is appointed for their relief, he will immediately transfer the property by deed or otherwise for that purpose. Yours with respect, James Reeside, Jr. Immediate steps were taken for the relief of the sufferers, and from all parts of the countr}^ contribu- tions were received. Up to June, f 15,000. had Ijeen distributed amongst them. Those who could afford to do so, set about rebuilding, and the new houses were generally of a much lietter character than those destroyed. July 4. — The celebration of Independence Day was marked bj- a feast in McClear3''s Hollow, when James P. Ctirleton, Jr., delivered the oration. Workmen were at this time engaged in building the National Road, and those employed at the "Narrows,'" placed a flag on the top of the tallest tree on Will's Mountain, from which it floated for many days. In July "The Civilian" office was located in the new building on Mechanic street below the Cumber- land Bank, which had also been i-ebuilt. (the old brick walls being used,) and its publication recommenced by Samuel Charles, who then called his paper "The Phoenix Civilian."' July 13. — Messrs. Ducatel, Tyson, and Alexander, of Baltimore, who had been appointed by the Governor to collect information, plats, and reports of surveys, with a view of publishing an accurate map 42 380 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1833. of Maryland, and to make geological researches, arrived here. They went to the western part of the county, and on their return explored the coal i-egion about Frostburg. .Tuly 25. — The work (ju that portion of the new location of the National Road, from the town of Cumberland to the t^ite chosen for the' bridge over Will's Creek at the "Narrows," was suspended, in consequence of its supposed interference with the route of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. The following is the report made by the Assessors of the real and personal property in Allegany county, assessed under the act of 1832: Real. Personal. Total. Dislriut No. I $120,628 r>H $:i5.179 30 $155,807 88 ■■ 2 04,891 t;2 44,047 75 108,939 ;i7 •• .■! 107,891 38 28,681 50 136,572 88 •• 4 115.540 36 49,291 00 161,831 36 '• .') 105,344 62 44,579 00 149,923 62 " " *6 170,652 17 48,066 00 218.718 17 Cumberland Town* 136,952 44 .36,830 00 173,782 44 District No. 7 77,822 75 33,962 00 111,784 75 " 8 65,187 73 18,527 50 83,715 23 " 9 98,457 90 37.411 50 135,869 40 $1,063,369 55 $37.3,575 55 $1,436,945 10 Mechanic street, from the mill race, at the Rail- road viaduct, was paved by the Government, under the direction of Lieutenant Pickett, the engineer in charge of the work on the National Road at this place. October 4. — At the election for Congress, Francis Thomas and James Dixon were the candidates, the former receiving 4,012 votes, and the latter 3,421 votes, in the District. October 8. — A town meeting was held at the Court 'SiBtrict No. 6 and Cumberland Town were both included in Cumberland. 1833.] LOCAL INCIDENTS. 331 House, to raise funds for the relief of James Stoddard, whose house, near Grantsville, was destroyed by fire, on the 4th, together with its contents. October 13. — Henry Smith, an aged and respected citizen, was found dead near his home, seven miles east of Cumberland. Delegates to the Legislature: Norman Bruce, William Ridgely, Jeremiah Berry, Jr., and Jacob Lantz. October 19. — A new two-story log house, belonging to Martin Rizer, Jr., on South Mechanic street, was burned out, Init the logs were not destroyed. October 20 — A public meeting was held to devise means for aiding the people of Somerset, Pa., who had suffered by a destructive fire in the town, which involved a loss of .|100,000. More than thirty families had been rendered homeless. The sum of $200 was collected and donated. October 20. — All the prisoners in the jail escaped, by digging a hole through the wall, near a window. November 19. — The entire population was in a high state of excitement, consequent upon the falling of a shower of meteorites. November 22. — A public meeting to hear the final I'cport as to the action of the Committee of Distribu- tion, for the relief of the sufferers by the fire of 14th of April, was held at the Court House. The Committee reported that it had x'eceived in money |20,684.93. From the people of Maryland 19,972.66. From Pennsylvania $7,239.89. District of Columbia $870.76. Virginia $1,075.50. Miscel- laneous $1,526.12. Also a quantity of clothing, •-532 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1833-34. Hour, bacon, &c. That all had been distributed to the best advantage. The accounts were examined, and the action of the committee endorsed. The rebuilding of the town progi'essed steadily, and before the close of the year thei-e were thirteen stores on Mechanic street, where there had been only six previous to the fire. During all of the year 1833, a party of engineers and workmen in the employ of the Government, had been engaged in changing the course of that part of the National Road extending from Cumbei'land to the Six Mile House. The original road, as surveyed and built, lay along Green street, and across Will's Mountain, through Sandy Gap. The new location abandoned that route, and lay along Will's Creek, through the Narrows, and thence along Braddock's Run, exactly as it remains to-day. In the winter of 1833 General Gratiot, the Chief Engineer, submitted his I'eport to the War Department, showing how he had repaired a large part of the Cumberland Road; that the new location had been opened, and that the bridge over Will's Creek was in course of construc- tion. He recommended still further repairs and estimated the total cost to be |645,00U. January 2, 183-4. — The tavern house of Mrs. Bruce, widow of Francis Bruce, live miles above town, on the National Road, was destroyed by fire, with all its contents. The inmates saved themselves by jumping from the second story, not even saving their clothing. January 7. — Notice was given that the Cumberland Bank of Allegany- would resume business, on the 13th inst., with Joseph Shriver as Cashier. 1884.] LOCAL INCIDENTS. 333 January I'J. — Four boats loaded with coal went down the river; two of them belonging to John J. Hoffman, sunk ten miles below, each loaded with 1,0(JO bushels. Justices of the Orphans' Court: Thomas Cresap. John McNeill and George Hebb. March 4. — Mr. Lantz presented a petition to the Legislature praying that body not to pass a bill incorporating the town. The Ijill was passed, how- ever, amending the act of 1815, and providing that seven Councilmen should be elected each year, and that they should elect one of their number as Mayor. The town was incorporated under the name and title of the •• Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Cumberland." The limits were fixed at ''half-a- mile all round the town, to be computed and measured from the town lots on the outei* edge or confines of the town proper, as located and settled by law, and by the plat already recorded among the land records." April 14. — Many of the houses draped in black, in commemoration of the fire, one year previous. June 24. — Notice received that Congress had appropriated $300,000 to repair the Cumberland Road. Work then went on, under care of Lieutenant Pickell, and the stone bridge of two arches, each sixty feet span, was completed. Contracts for work were given as follows in the repairs of the Cumberland Road : 1st Culvert Section. — Jonathan Witt; 2d Culvert Section, R. A. Clements. New Location. — Section No. 2, Gustavus Beall; 334 HISTORY OK ClI.\fBERLAN'r». [1834. No. 3, Mattingly & MulhoUan; No. 4. Edmund Bulger; No. 5, Cahoone & Moore; No. 6, Miller, Baker & Co.; No. 7. Louogan, O'Neill & Kennedy; No. 8, Thomas Feely. Old Road.— Section No. 9, R. A. Clements; No. 10, Hewes, Stewart & Howard; No. 11, John NeflF; No. 12, Josiah Porter; No. 13, Hews, Stewart & Co.; No. 14, Meshack Frost; No. 15, Joseph Dilley; No. 16. Josiah Frost; No. 17, T. Beall & Coombs ; No. 18, M. Meneer; No. 19, Adam Shooltze ; No. 20, Michael McGaverin. The U. S. Mail Stage from Wheeling for Baltimore. was attacked near the top of Savage Mountain, 17 miles from Cumberland, not far from a gloomy place known as the " Shades of Death." on the night of Wednesday, August 6th, about 10 o'clock, by two highwaymen. They had cut a quantity of brush which they threw on the road so as to obstruct it, and as the stage was ascending the mountain, one ol' the robbers sprang out from the shrubbery on the side of the road, seized the bridle of a lead horse and stopping the team, ordered the driver to dismount. The highwayman had mistaken his man, however, and had met more than his match in the person of the driver, Samuel Luman, a young man of splendid physique and perfectly fearless. He declined to dismount, and put the whip to his horses with a will. The team being spirited horses bounded forward, dragging the robber with them. A second highway- man appeared at the door of the stage, and to him the first robber called out, "shoot the driver, you d d coward, why don't you fire at him?" The 1834.] HIGHWAYMEN. 335 robber at the side of the stage called out, "how many passengers have you?" and the driver replied "a full load." The " gentleman of the road" then looked at the baggage, and seeing an unusual number of trunks on, concluded to keep clear of a shot from the door, so he took a position behind the stage. The first robber was a desperate fellow, however, and he succeeded in turning the lead horses square around and stopping the stage. He then undertook to unhitch the traces, but the brave driver lashed him about the face with his whip so mercilessly that the fellow was compelled to abandon his purpose, but he leveled a. pistol at the driver's head, and pulled the trigger. The pistol was a flint lock, and the priming having become damp from the dew and fog, it missed fire, and the horses were soon in full gallop up the hill, broke through the brush fence on the road, and never let up their pace until they went into Frostburg. The highwaymen wore masks, and gowns of tow linen, by which their identity was destroyed. In the stage were five men and one woman, and not one of the passengers was armed. They had a large sum of money with them, besides which a heavy U. S. mail was on the stage, and had the robbers succeeded they would have obtained valuable booty. After having been safely landed at Frostburg the passen- gers gave a vote of thanks to the valiant young driver. August 13. — Patrick Mahon was found dead on the side of the Cumberland Road, six miles above the town, his horse standing near by hitched to a 336 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1834. tree. He was on his road to Frostburg, and tecoming overheated he drank freely of cold water, which was undoubtedly the cause of his death. August 24. — A man named B. Risly, a stranger, who arrived in Cumberland some days jn-eviousl^', was missed on Sunday, 17th, and on the following Saturday his body was fpund in the woods, about one mile from town. CorSner's jury returned verdict, death caused by himself in a fit of derangement from dissipation. Delegates to Assembly : Alpheus Beall, Normand Bruce, G. W. Devecmon, William McMahon. County Commissioners: Jonathan Wilson, John Slicer, John Wiley, John Poland, Peter Preston. Thomas Dowden, Martin Rizer. William Newman, Daniel Folck, Daniel Woolford. November 11. — Travel began on new location of National Road through Will's Creek. The occasion was celebrated in a very enthusiastic way. by the citizens of Cfumberland and Frostburg, and others. Early in the morning a large number of the citizens of Cumberland assembled in the public square, and forming into companies marched up the new road to Percy's tavern, where they were met l)y another company from Frostburg. A grand procession, a mile in length, was then formed, under command of John J. Hoffman, Alpheus Beall, James P. Carleton and Richard Lamar of R., as marshals, and marched, with a band, in advance to Cumljerland. the line being formed of stages, carriages, barouches, gigs, wagons and horsemen. With flags flying, and the band playing, the procession passed through the 1835.] LOCAL INCIDENTS. 337 Narrows, and paraded the main streets of the town to the public square, where Thomas I. McKaig delivered a brief address, and was followed by Lieutenant Pickell, who in a length_y and eloquent speech con- gratulated the people upon the completion of this work. Februaiy 21. — A meeting of mechanics was held at the Court House, when a committee of five was appointed to prepare an address to the citizens of Cumberland and Allegany, setting forth the greviances under which the mechanics of Cumberland labor, and the best means of remedying them. The com- mittee afterwards reported at great length, to the effect that it was wrong and unwise for the merchants of Cumberland to send East for such articles as were manufactured at home; that they ought to encourage home manufactures, and build up the town, &c., and finally submitted the following pledge, which was signed by 42 persons: We, the undersigned members of tbe Farmers' & Mechanics' Union Society of Cumberland, mutually pledge ourselves to support each other by using, and causing to be used in our families, by ourselves and our servants, the manufactures of the mechanics of this community, and will give our undivided support to those who encourage us in like manner. To the faithful performance of which we individually pledge our sacred honor. Justices Orphans' Court: — Thomas Cresap, George Hebb and John McNeill. April 2. — Grand jubilee meeting in commemora- tion of the passage of the $2,000,000 Canal Loan Law of Maryland, for the purpose of completing the Canal. April 11. --Captain David Lynn, a soldier of the Revolution, died at " Rose Hill," in the 78th year of his age. 43 oo8 HISTOKY OF CUMBERLAND. [1835. Major, John Gephart; Comicilmen, Peter Hoffman, Emanuel Easter, Jacob Snyder, Richard Beall and John M. Lawrence. Clerk, William McMahon. Thomas Shriver appointed Superintendent of that part of the National Road lying in Maryland. June 20. — Elijah Curtis fell from the clifi' in the Narrows and was killed. There were at this time five Churches in Cumber- land, viz: Catholic, Father M. Marshal; Lutheran, Rev. Kehler; Presbyterian, Rev. McDonald; Metho- dist, Rev. Lipsicomb; Episcopal, Rev. Leavenworth. September 29. — A town meeting was held with a view to petitioning against the location of the Canal along the "high level," as it was feared the work would be located along the base of the hills, near the present line of the Cumberland and Pennsylvania Railroad to the Narrows. A portion of the population tavored this route. At the election October 13, William McMahon, Joseph Frantz, Jeremiah Berry, Jr., and William Matthews wei'e elected to the Legislature, over Robert Bruce, Wm. Shaw, A. Bruce and H. Shircliff. November 20. — Captain George Calmes died, at his home, on the bluff across the river, at the age of 80 years. He was an officer of the Revolution. His wife, Mary, died December 17th, following, aged 82 years. She was a daughter of Captain Thomas Price, of Frederick. At this 'time there seemed to l)e a prospect of the completion of the Canal, and in consequence thereof real estate advanced in price, the population increased, and many new buildings were erected. 1836.] LOCAL INCIDENTS. 339 In January, 1836, it was aniiuunced that the appropriation for the Canal had been exhausted, and work was stopped, whereupon a panic occurred, and town lots were oflered at insignificant prices. A town meeting was held and resolutions passed urging the Legislature to appropriate $2,500,000 to continue the work. David Shriver, John Hoye. George McCuUoh, Robert Bruce, and James Smith were appointed a conmiittee to go to Annapolis, and present the petition. In April a company of Boston capitalists purchased some coal lands, and secured a charter to build a railroad along Braddock's Run. and their operations caused some improvement in affairs. May 2 — At the town election John Wright was chosen Mayor, the Councilmen being Peter Hoffman. E. Easter, Baptist Mattingly, R. Worthington, and George Blocher. In November George Smith, Robert Bruce. Thomas Perry, and John M. Buchanan were elected to the Legislature, and Thomas Dowden, Sheriff. The County Commissioners were James D. Arm- strong, John Slicer, Henry Brown, Cornelius Kight. Peter Preston, Bui'gess Magruder, John Cress, Wm. Newman, Daniel Folck and Robert Lashley. In December the stone bridge over Will's Creek, at the Narrows, was completed, under the superin- tendence of U. S. Engineers Page and Turner, the contractors being Lane & Sumner. This work had been much delayed by freshets. Upon its completion the National Road was opened b}- this route for travel. MO HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1836-37. In 1833 the Legislature had authorized tlie erection (>r a new Court House in Cumberland, and John Hoye, Martin Rizer, John G. Hoft'nian and Bene S. Pigman had been appointed Commissioners to super- intend the work. A levy of |5,000 was to be made, •f 1,000 to be collected each year until the amount was secured. Some effort was made to have the building located on the east side of the Creek, but it did not amount to anything. The excavation for the founda^ tions was commenced in the fall of 1836. Andrew Bruce and Richard Beall were elected members of the electoral college and were of the "immortal twenty-one" whig electors who prevented the subversion of the State srovernment. January 3, 1837. — The Mineral Bank commenced business, with George E. Dyson, cashier. Justices of Orjihans' Court : Thomas Cresap, John McNeill and George Hebb. Surveyor, Benjamin Brown. Mayor, Gustavus Beall; Councilmen, Thomas I. McKaig, Moore N. Falls, J. P. Carleton, John Hoye, B. Simkins, M. Rizer of M. A forcing engine was purchased for fire protection, and a special tax of 30 cents on each flOO levied to pay for it. This engine was known as the "Goose Neck," and was about the size of a No. 1 store box. May 13. — The Cumberland Bank suspended specie payment, and the Mineral Bank followed, three days later. The receipts and expenditures of the town for the liscal year, ending May 30, amounted to !|614.97. The vote for Congress in the County was, Merrick, 1837.] LOCAL INCIDENTS. 341 (whig) 851; Thomas, (Democrat) 732. Francis Thomas had a majority in the District of 296 votes. Michael C. Sprigg, John NetF, Daniel Blocher, and .lonathan Huddleson were elected to the Leoislatnre. By the close of the year, 1837, the burnt district had been almost entirely rebuilt, and many of the houses were large and substantial. The Cumberland Bank, the National Hotel, the buildings on each of the corners of Baltimore and Mechanic streets, and several others furtlier up street, having been reconstructed. A large hotel building was erected on the North side of Baltimore street, where the St. Nicholas now stands, known as Slicer's Tavern, which was kept at this time liy Joshua Johnson. The ground on this corner was bought several years previous to this date, by Peter Lowdermilk, wdio gave in payment therefor one lady's saddle. A frame house was erected just below the hotel, and another on the Southeast corner of Baltimore and Liberty streets. A row of two- story fi-ame buildings, lathed and plastered outside, were built on Baltimore street. South side, just below Liberty street, and on the Southwest corner of Liberty a residence by Levi Hilleary. On the South- east corner of Centre and Baltimore Edward Sullivan placed a blacksmith shop. A stable was built on Shryer's tan-yard property, on Centre street, and a double brick house on Baltimore street, a short distance East of the Lutheran Church. A number of residences had been also erected on Bedford street. Commerce between the East and \yest rapidly increased, and the Cumberland Road became the great highway of traffic. The heavy passenger travel, 342 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [ISoT-ziS. and the transportation ol" goods, led to the establish- ment of hundreds of houses of entertainment along the road, and Cumberland reaped her full share of patronage, being the principal point l)etween Baltimoi'e and Wheeling. In the construction of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal thousands of Irish laborers were employed, and as bad feeling existed between the clans, riots were of frequent occurrence. On New Year's Day, 1838, a number of men employed at the tunnel marched up to Oldtown, and made a raid on the place, almost demolishing Nicholas Ryan's tavern. Thomas Dowden, the Sheriff, summoned the Cum- berland Guards, and other citizens, as a posse, and went down to quell the riot, but the disturbers had left. In view of these troubles a company of riflemen was organized, and the Governor sent to Cumberland 189 muskets and 120 rifles to arm the Militia. The following officers of the 50th reo;inient. Maryland Militia were appointed: C. M. Thruston. Colonel; Thomas I. McKaig, Lieutenant Colonel: Normand Bruce, Major; Dr. H. G. Grieves, Surgeon; Alexander King. Captain; George M. Reid. 1st Lieutenant, and John M. Carleton, 2d Lieutenant. April 25. — The chain bridge ovei- Will's Creek gave way at the Western abutment, and the structure fell into the stream. At the time of the accident two men and a boy were on the bridge, and all went doAvn Avith it. The men saved themselves by swimming to the shore, and the boy clambered over the wreck to a point of safety. The Creek at the 1838.] LOCAL INCIDENTS. 343 time was much swollen. Court was in session, and the accident occurred only about half hour before the time for persons to attend Oustavus Beall, George Blocher and George Hob- litzell were appointed Commissioners to rebuild the bridge, and on the 4th of May advertised for proposals. The construction of a wooden bridge was shortly after commenced, the plan being two wooden arches i-eaching from shore to shore, with a carriage way in the centre, and a foot walk on either side. This bridge was covered, and closed in, with heavy lattice work on the sides, and the floor covered with tan bark. May 31. — George E. Dyson, Cashier of the Mineral IJank was thrown from his buggy and killed. C. M. Thruston was then President of the bank, and Jonathan W. Magruder was elected Cashier. Mayor, Frederick Deems; Councilmen, George Iloblitzell, J. Witt, Robert McCleary, Henry Wright, Peter Hofl'man, and Henry Wineow. Clerk, Daniel Blocher. October 3. — State Senator: William Matthews. Delegates to Assembly: John Neft", Jonathan Hud- dleson and Daniel Blocher. County Commissioners: Jno. Slicer, Henry Brown, Cornelius Kight, George M. Blocher, Martin Rizer, Burgess Magruder, John W. Mountz, Walter Bevans and George H. A. Kunst. October 13. — Ordinance to grade and pave Wash- ington street from Will's Creek bridge to Spruce Alley. October 17. — Evangelical Synod of Maryland met in Cumberland. 344 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1838-39 October 28.— Methodist Protestant Church, Be«l- ford street, dedicated, Rev. Isaac Webster, President of Maryhmd Conference, officiating. October 30. — John Burbridge. living five miles below town, on line of canal, beaten nearly to death by a lot of Irish laborers, on that work. Colonel Thruston took the militia companies of Captains King and Haller to the section on which the guilty parties were at work, and arrested thirteen who were suspected, and brought them to town for a hearing. The first semi-annnal report of the Superintendent of the National Road, showed the receipts for the half year ending November 20, to be i|3,980.oG. December 15. — The Mountaineer Hose Company was organized, the following officers being chosen: President, John Beall; Treasure!'. J. Hoffman: Secretary, John M. Carleton. The town supplied them with a suction engine at a cost of $75. road, and the Baltimore and (Jhio Rairoad Company entered into a new agreement with the two old oompanies by which they were to have an advantage of $2 per passenger over the "Landlords' Line" This created great excitement along the entire I'onte, and it was liberally discussed in the newspapers, until the railroad company took alarm, and advised the old companies to buy out the Landlords. This was done, and the ''National' and the "(Jood Intent" were then left to all the honors and profits, and accumu- lated large sums of money, in the ten years follow- ing. July 22. — Abraham Frey, living near Selbysport, was murdered by William S. Chrisc, a short distance from the murdered man's house. Chrise was a large, rugged man, and for some time had been on undue terras of intimacy with Mrs. Frey. which led her husband to express his desire that Chrise should not come to his house. Chrise resented this, and threatened to kill Frey, and take his wife for himself: and did on one occasion endeavor to take her oflf'. On the 22d of July, Chrise met Frey near his house, in the the woods, and str\ick him with a hoe, the blow tailing on the back of his head and crushing the skull. The murderer then concealed the body of his victim behind a fallen tree, where it was found some days later. (Uirise was then arrested and brought to (Cumberland, where he was confined in jail until the 16th of October, when his trial came up. On the 17th a jury was obtained. Hanson B. Pigman and Wm. V. Buskirk were counsel for the prosecution. George A. Pearre. then a _\-oung lawyei- at the bar. 184;'i.] EXKOUTION OF t'HIilSK. 355 was counsel for the prisoner, and at liis request the Court ap{)ointe(] William Price as additional counsel. The trial was concluded on the fourth day. and in twenty minutes the jury returned a verdict of "guilty of murdei- in the first degree." On the 20th the Court passed sentence upon the prisoner. The execution of Chrise t(jok place in November. He was uttei-ly unmoved throughout the trying ordeal, and was apparently the least interested of all the great crowd a.ssembled on the occasion. He walked from the jail to the scaffold, which had been erected on the commons, at a point now lying very- near Fa^-ette street where it is crossed by the rail- road. On the route to the scaffold he was guarded by the "Cumberland Guards," commanded by Captain Alexander King, with a drum and life in advance. The services at the place of execution were quite lengthy and impressive, several liynms being sung, in all of which the prisoner joined. During the intervals Chrise sat calmly chewing tobacco, occa- sionally rising from his seat to spit beyond the fatal trap, as though fearing to soil it. Just before the last moment he sang in a clear, loud and unbroken voice, a hymn of which the following couplet is a part : "This is the way I loii{>; have sought. And mourned because I found it not." Tile Slieritf. Normand Bruce, was deejily affected by the unpleasant duty he was called on to perform, and it was doubtless the most painful act of his life. When the rope was cut, several witnesses of the scene fainted, and much excitement prevailed 356 HISTORY OF CUMBERI.ANIJ. [184o-44. Amongst those who looked oti, was a brother of the doomed man, who seemed to Ix' but Httle aft'ected^ but remarked, "It is a pretty hard sight. " When life became extinct the body was taken down, and conveyed to the old Court House, where the physi- cians made some experiments with it. It was afterwards dissected, and '-old Joe Shumate," an eccentric man, and one regarded as very wicked, secured a portion of the skin and tanned it, the leather proving soft and plial)le. November 6. — The Maryland and New York Coal and Iron Company asked jjermission to build a rail- road track through the town, but the Council declined to gi-ant it, unless the sense of the citizens should first be taken upon the question. May 19, 1844. — Mayor, Thomas Shriver; Council- men, John Cephart, George Shuck, A. McNeill, Benj. Simkins, A. L. Withers and Samuel Eckles. Clerk, Wm. R. McCulley. The Presidential campaign of this year was in many respects similar to that oi' 1840. The Whigs carried out a most enthusiastic campaign, repi'oducing the big ball, which a large delegation, clad in hunting shirts, took to Baltimore, and rolled through the streets of that city. Under the guidance of Thomas Shriver they erected on Fort Hill, just where the Episcopal Church now stands, a magnificent flag staff, rigged like the mast of a vessel, and at an elevation of 250 feet from the water of the creek floated a flag seventy feet in length. In October Howard Shriver and Upton K. Lowdermilk were appointed a commission to ascertain 1845-47.] LOCAL INCIDENTS. 357 the lines of such streets as were closed, and to require the owners thereof to open them and free them from obstruction. They opened Centre street through to the National Road, at the North end of the town. May 5, 1845. — Mayor, Thomas Shriver; Council- men, John Gephart, George Shuck. A. McNeill, Samuel Eckles, Benj. Simkins, and A. L. Withers. Clerk, George F. Shryer. May 6, 1846. — Mayor, Thomas Sliriver; Council- men, John Gephart, B. Simkins, Samuel Eckles. A. L. Withers. George Shuck, and A. McNeill. Clerk, George F. Shryer. November 6. — Aixjhibald Carey purchased the Civilian, and took charge of it. December 31. — "The Mountaineer," a new weekly l)aper, established by Callan & Cherry. January 1, 1847. — Lieutenant W. H. Fowler, of the Artillery which served at Palo Alto, arrived for the purpose of opening an office to enlist recruits to fill up the ranks of the First Artillery. A number of voung men enlisted. The assessed value of the pi'operty of the county, at this date, was |4,234,720; levy, $10,586.80. April 4. — A general celebration of our army's victories in Mexico was had. May 7. — A lire broke out at 4 r. m.. in a small stable belonging to Joseph Dilley, coi'ner George and Union streets. The large stable of the National Road Stage Company, near by, caught, and was burned to the ground. Two horses, four stages, and a large lot of grain wei-e destroyed. W. F. Triplett's ■•558 (rr-R^ nr crMiiEKr.A.vi/. [1847-48. dwelling took fiiv, and was partially consumed. The loss was about $5,000. May 11. — Mayor. Thomas Shriver; Councilmeiu John Beall. Peter (Jephart. J. M. Magnire, Joseph Hughes, John Humbird and J. W. Jones. Clerk, George F. Shrjer. June 21. — George W. Clark, a young man living on Bedford street, stuck a piek-ax in the ground and sat down on a shingle, which he had placed on the point of the pick. The shingle split, and the sharp point of the implement penetrated his body, causing injuries from which he died in a few hours. June 24. — John Siders fired three shots from a revolver at a dancing master named Martin. The first shot passed through Martin's hat, and the third struck him in the shoulder. Martin lived in Fi'ederick. and Siders alleged that he had caused a separation l)etweon liini and his wife. Siders was tried and acquitted. During the summer o( this year the Lena Furnace was built and put in operation. The iron ore was obtained from the Rose Hill estate. The venture proved unprofitable, and was abandoned. December 1. — William O. Sprigg, cashier of the Mineral Bank, resigned, and Joseph H. Tucker, of New York, was elected to the office. Fulton and Polk streets were graded and paved: Frederick street was extended beyond Decatur, and the sidewalks on Decatur street were paved. April 2, 1848. — An alarm of fire, about 11 o'clock at night, aroused the inhabitants, and the sky was illumined by a brilliant light, caused by the burning 1848.] LOCAL iKciDiiXTS. :155^ of a small frame shanty at the base of Shriver's Hill, where Independence street now lie^. This building was used for storing powder, as the merchants were allowed to keep only small nuantities in their stores. About 1,601 1 pounds of powder was stored in the house, and in a short while a terrific explosion occurred, which shook every house in the town, and made a report which was heard for a distance of twenty miles. Fortunately no person was injured, though the windows throughout the town were shat- tered. The large and handsome brick residence of Mrs. M. C. Sprigg, in the grove (now occupied by Judge John Coulehan), was much damaged, some of the walls being cracked, and the structure being jarred from the foundations to the I'oof. The fire was the malicious work of incendiaries, and, although a reward of $25tt was ofl'ered tor their discovery, they were never detected. The Mineral Bank building (now occupied by the First National Bank) was built und occupied early in 1848. March 30.— The Mineral Bank closed its doors, and the officers issued a card, stating that the sus- pension was due to the failure of Joseph S. Lake & tjo., of New York, who had a large amount of the bank's notes, drafts ajid bills in their hands for col- lection. April 10. -The Mineral Bank opened its doors. and resumed operations, the iudebtedness of Lake & Co., having been .secured. Ma}' 12. — Mayor, Thomas Shriver; < 'ouiicilnien. John (lephart, (reorgc M, Keid, James Anderson. •')60 fdSTOHY OF CUMBERLAND. [1848. Peter (Jephait, W. W. McKaig and George 8huek. Clerk, George F. Shrjer. This Council divided the town into two districts', the first comprising all that part lying South of Baltimore street and all West of Will's Creek; the second embracing the remainder of the town. It was ordered that the taxes levied should be ex[)ended in the respective districts in which collected. June 5. — The Cumberland Savings Bank was organized and went into operation. J. R. Annan, President; Robert Bruce. Cashier. In 1847 the Belvidere Hall Association had been organized, the officers teing: President, Thomas I. McKaig; Directors. A. Cowton, G. W. Clabaugh and Joseph Shriver; Secretary. William O. Sprigg; Treasurer. E. T. Shriver. They erected Belvidere Hall, and thus furnished the public a very creditable place for public amusements. July 10th, Belvidere Hall was opened for the first time, by Edmund Peale, of Philadelphia, lesse. with the Virginia Serenaders. The first telegraph line erected here was com- pleted in August, and extended from Cumberland to Bedford. The builder was Henry O'Reily. Another line between Cumbei'land and Baltimore was opened a few weeks later, and the office was located in a frame building, about where Mr. Alpheus Beall's residence now stands. The principal hotels at this time were the " United States," (now "St. Nicholas") kept by A. Cowton; the "Barnum," kept by Barnum & Stephens; the "Virginia Hotel," kept by Washington Evans; the 1848-4!).] LOCAL IN'CIDENTS. 361 "National" kept by James Searight, and afterwards bv James Black. October 4. — County Commissioners: John Hoj^e, Wni. Fear, Robert Ross, Fi-ancis Mattingly, Daniel Wineow, Peter Smouse, James Twigg, L. Benton, George Robinette and Isaac Thompson; Sheriff, John Barnard. November o. — At the Presidential election the vote for Cumberland was 713 for Cass, and 517 for Tajlor: in the County 1,619 for Cass and 1,579 for Taylor. The Whig miners at Eckhart had a cannon cast at the foundry of A. B. Tower in Cumberland. It was made of iron from ore mined in Allegany Couxity, fused by Allegany coal, and was named "Allegany." Tlie\" fin'd fifteen guns as a salute to "old Zack," one gun for each vote of Frostburg's majority. In November the Maiyland Mining Company was engaued in buildino; its railroad through the Nari"ows. and across the Creek to the basin, near Washington street. December 30. — Under the weight of a heavy fall of snow, the shed of the Good Intent Stage Com- pany fell. Mr. Thomas Reid was caught under it, and had his leg broken. January 12. 1849. — ^The Town Council passed a resolution giving the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad the privilege of using steam power on the line of their road within the limits of the corporation, in per- petuity, on condition that the speed of trains should be limited to six miles per hour, inside the corporate limits. 46 362 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [184'.). Jauuary 16. — Miles Alwine, a stage driver, was shot and killed by William G. Mitchell, at a house of ill-repute, on North Centre street. February' 4. — Samuel Jenkins, a colored man, died at Lanca.ster Ohio, aged 115 years. He was born a slave, and was the property of Captain Broadwater, of Fairfax county, Va., and drove a provision train over the mountains, in the Braddock campaign. He was doubtless the last of the men who took part in that disastrous affair. February 22. — General Taylor arrived here from the West, and stopped at Barnum's Hotel. In the evening he had an enthusiastic reception, and made a speech from a window, though feeble and suffering from a fall he had at Madison, Indiana. March 5. — On this evening the United States Hotel was the scene of great excitement. The pro- prietor of the hotel was A. Cowton, a highly esteemed gentleman, who had some years before married Mrs. Quantrel, the former wife of Jes.se D. E. Quantrel. Quantrel was a finely foi-med, handsome man, with a soft voice, and polished manners. He was possessed of a naturally fine mind, and had read and studied much. While quite a young man he wooed and won an estimable young lady, of good family, and they lived together in Williamsjjort, Washington county, Md. For a year after marriage their wedded life was hapi^y. Becoming embarrassed, he made application for the benefit of the bankrupt laws, and was aftei'- wards arrested on a charge of fraudulent insolvency, and was confined in the jail for six months, whither his faithful wife followed him, sharing his confinement. 184!:).] .fESSE D. E. QUANTKEL. 363 Upon trial, he was acquitted, and set at libeity, after which he removed to St. Louis. He Avas there guilty ol" fraudulent practices, and was thrown into prison, but was released through a compromise effected b\- his wife, on condition that he would return with her to Maryland. They came as far East as Cincinnati, and then went to New Orleans, where he shamefully neglected his much abused wife, and plunged into dissipation. Her health gave wa}* under the mental suffering she endured, and, stung with temporary remorse, he abandoned his haunts, and the_\- started again for Maryland. While on the river, however, a few days after leaving New Orleans, he comnutted a forgery on a Cincinnati bank, for which he was arrested, and sent to the Cincinnati jail. After seven months, she secured his release on bail, which he forfeited, and made his way to Hagerstown. True to his evil instincts, he committed another forgery before reaching that place, and was again imprisoned, but soon escaped. Other crimes of a similar nature followed, until finally he was sent to the Pennsylvania penitentiary for forgery, and served a term of three years. His wife, at the solicitation of her friends, finally determined to free herself from so bad a man, and the Maryland Legislature annulled the marriage. This made Quantrel furious, and he threatened to wreak a fearful revenge upon her and her friends. Upon his release from prison, however, he quickly married a Philadelphia woman, and in a few weeks was again arrested for forgery, and sent to the penitentiary for seven j'ears. Mrs. Quantrel then married Mr. A. Cowton. and they took up their o64 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1849. residence in (Jumberland, where tliey were higiily esteemed. Quantrel's imj^risonment came to an end in the summer of 1848; but nothing was heard of him here until on the 5th of March, 1849, he arrived in Cumberland, on the evening train. lie at once inquired for Mrs. Cowton, at the hotel, (learning that Mr. Cowton was absent,) and was shown to her room by the unsuspecting servant. Entei'ing the room, where the lad^' was seated alone, he locked the door, and seized her, with a threat to kill her. The lady cried for help, when Quantrel caught her by the throat, threw her to the floor, placed his knee on her breast, and attempted to shoot her, but for some reason his pistol missed fire. While he was in the act of drawing a knife, a number of gentlemen came to her rescue, and Quantrel was securely bound with a rope and committed to jail. On the 19th of April he was tried, convicted and sentenced to live years imprison- ment in the county jail, and a fine of $500. He soon became a favorite at the prison, and was per- mitted to walk about the grounds, becoming in fact a a sort of assistant jailor. On the 20th of November, 1851, he was pardoned by the Governor, on condition that he should leave the State and never return. Quantrel afterwards led a life of criminal romance, a portion of the time under the name oi" Dr Hayne, and is said to have married no less than six ladies, some of whom were of high social standing. During the civil war between the States, he became a noto- rious bushwhacker and robber, and finally died about the time of the close of hostilities. 1849.] LOCAL INCIDENTS. 365 The extent of the passenger travel, over the National Road during 1849 was immense, and the report ol' the agents showed that from the 1st to the 20th of March, the number of persons carried was 2,580. The Post Office was on this date removed to a one- story frame building, which stood back some forty feet from the curb, on Baltimore street, adjoining the Savings Bank, where Reynold's block now stands. James C. Magraw was the Postmaster. May 14. — Mayor, Thos. F. White; Councilmen, A Gonder, Baptist Mattingly, Samuel Soyster, John B. Widener, Gerrard S. Watts, and Francis Madore. Clerk, John T. Hoblitzell. Liberty street was extended from Baltimore to Harrison. June 2.- -Thomas Shriver, who had been for so man^" _)'ears Mayor, and under whose administration so many important improvements had been made, delivered his farewell address to the Council. It is not probable that Cumberland will ever again have a Mayor who will so generously devote his time to the public good or leave so many monuments to his energy, zeal, good judgment and self-sacrifice. In the summer of 1849 the Council ordered the destruction of the old tavern building near Baltimore street, as it had become a nuisance. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company was engaged at this time in extending its road to the Ohio River. Surveys had been made for a line on the Virginia side of the river, and the citizens fearing that route might be adopted, presented to the Com- •-)6() HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1849. pan\ mam' reasons why the road should be taken through Cumberland. Eventually the Virginia project was abandoned, and the route through Cuniberhmd determined upon. During this year the construction of tlie splendid viaduct across the town was commenced. June 18. — Hugh Walker, a watchman of the railroad company at the depot, was run over by the cars at the crossing at Baltimore street, and was killed. June 27. — A convention of the Presidents and Directors of coal companies, individual proprietors and lessees of lands, engaged in coal mining in the county, was held at the Court House, and resolutions adopted for the organization of a Board of Trade, which should have the power of regulating the rates of mining, and the prices at which coal should be sold at diiferent points. For several years James ('. Magraw had been principal of the Academy, but upon his appointment as Postmaster he resigned, and Allen P. Weld, of Boston, was made principal. He had for his assist- ant W. H. Boardman, and Captain De Hass was engaged as Military Instructor. The new principal declai-ed the Academy building insutficient for the accommodation of tlie pupils, and the Trustees at once secured from the citizens subscriptions for the erection of a suitable structure. The County Com- missioners appropriated for the purpose the lot occupied by the old C'lerk's offices, adjoining the jail. On this site was built the present Academy building, which has a frontage of 45 feet and a depth 1849.] LOCAL INCIDENTS. 367 of 60 feet ; it is two stories high, witli a Grecian portico, eight feet wide, sustained by Doric columns. The principal room on the second floor, is 42 feet square, and has recitation rooms adjoining. The lower floor has a wide hall and two large school rooms. The new building was occupied June 8, 1850. At the election in the fall Thomas I. McKaig received 1,082 votes for Congress, and William T. Hamilton 1,720. Hamilton was elected, receiving in the District 7.274 votes, against 7,158 for McKaig. The Delegates to the Legislature were J. Sands Fell, George B. M. Piice. Jacob Reel and George Kildow . October 10. — Tlie old engine house at the Balti- more street bridge was removed to the Bedford Road, and the warehouses of Clabaugh and Bruce erected. October 28. — A riot occurred on Bedford street, near the Market house, between the Far-Downs and Connaught men. who had been spending the Sabbath in drinking and carousing, and numerous ''shilalehs" were freely used, to the great detriment of sundry heads. November 7. — Henry Clay arrived from the West, on his way to Washington. He came from Wheeling in one of the coaches of the "Good Intent" line, and while passing through Uniontown it was upset by the carelessness of the driver. Mr. Clay was smoking a cigar at the tim? of the accident, and preserved such a degree of self-possession that he continued to puff away very cooly, even when going over. February 18, 1850. — John J. Hickman, a destitute •">6!S HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1850. fellow, hanged himself under the platform of one of the warehouses of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail- road. At the January session of the Legislature the following acts were passed: Providing for the pur- chase of land and erection of an Alms House; incor- porating the town of Frostburg; enlarging the powers and authority of the Councilmen of the town of Cumberland: authorizing the rebuildhig of the jail, incorporating the Cumberland and Pennsylvania Railroad. April '24 . — Joseph Mumma was shot and killed by August Beerraan and Joseph Stick, both of whom fired upon him at the same instant. Mumma endeav- oi'ed to enter the house of Mrs. Betzall, on the North end of Mechanic street, when the two men named, who were inside, shot him. They were arrested and sent to jail on a charge of nuirder. May 5. — Mayor, Thomas Shriver ; Councilmen. Frederick Shipley, John Beall, John B. Widener, Jesse Korns, George Hughes, and F. B. Tower. County Commissioners : John T. Edwards, Nor- mand Bruce, Gustavus Beall, George Rizer, and John J. Hoffman. June 11. — For years the completion of the Chesa- peake and Ohio Canal had been looked forward to by the people of Maryland with the greatest anxiety and brightest an1?icipations Cumberland, more than all others, was interested, as her future depended upon it And now the long looked for hour was near at hand. On this date the western level was declared ready for the current. At 5 o'clock p. m., Charles 1850.] LOCAl, INCIDENTS. 369 B. Fisk, tht^ Chief Engineer, opened the wickets in the feed-gates, and the waters of the Potomac rushed gla.dl3' into the new channel, which was soon to prove an artery of vital import to the interests of the County. Great crowds of people gathered at the locks to witness the ceremony. When the level was filled, a party went to the boat yard of J. H. Clark, on the Creek, above the bridge, and were furnished with a new canal boat, on which several hundred persons embarked, and floated down to the locks. Here Major Thomas G. Harris was requested to name the boat, which was to be the first to go into the canal. Major Harris jjromptly responded in a brief speech, concluding by christening the boat the "Cumberland." Amidst great enthusiasm the "Cum- berland" was then passed through the lock into the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, and floated calmly on the bosom of the great water-way. A more complete account of this important work will be given in future pages. June 27. — During the prevalence of a severe thunder storm, the stage stable of the National Koad Stage Company was struck l)y lightning, and burned to the ground, together witb James Spriggs liver}" stable. July 4. — A. daily line of stages was established between Cumberland and Bedford. An eftbrt was made to f)rgani/.e a company' to build a plank road to Bedford, but proved unsuccessful During the summer of this year there was great rivalry between the fire companies, which led to niiihtlv acts of incendiarism, and riots The Council 47 o70 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1850. tiiially adopted severe measures, whereby the evil was checked. The small-pox broke out with considerable viru- lence, and was not eradicated for several months. A plank road was built from Cumberland to West Newton, Pa., at the head of steamlx)at navigation on (the Youghioganj. The officers were Thomas tShriver, of Cumberland, President; James (J. Atchi- son, William II. Steele, Alpheus Beall, A. M. Shoemaker and John A. Woart, managers; and Dr. Howard Kennedy, Treasurer. In September, Thomas McLaughlin, an Irishman, employed on the works of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, near Oldtown, killed his wife, and buried her body under the earth at a point that was being filled up to grade, expecting the carts to be dumped there in the morning, whereby- she would be entirely hidden. The body was discovered, however, and the murderer was arrested, tried and convicted. Judge Weisel sat in the case, and John M. Brewer was the Prosecuting Attorney, assisted by Henry W. Hoft- man, then a young and rising lawyer. On the 7th of March, 1851, McLaughlin was hanged, in a hollow • >n the old pike, a short distance beyond the termina- tion of Green street. The weather was cool, and a slight snow fell. There was a great crowd of people at the scene of execution, embracing men, women and children, many of whom came from adjoining States. September 6. — William Mitchell, who shot and killed Michael AUwine, a stage driver, in January, was arrested at LaFayette, Ind., and was released on a writ oi' haheaa corpus. He was afterward 1850-51.] LOCAL INCIDENTS. oTl brought back, and tried. The jury rendered a ver- dict of " not guilty," on the ground of self-defense. At the 8ame term of Court, November, 1850, August Beerman was tried for the murder of Joseph Mumma, and acquitted. The population of Cumberland at this time was 6,105, Frostburg, 790, and of the County, 22,799. January 2, 1851. — James Evans and George W. Hoover, commenced the publication of a new paper called "The Unicmist." The Mount Savage Iron Company, in conjunction with the Messrs. Lynn, had constructed the Potomac Wharf, for loading boats with coal, and extended its railroad from the main line, at the Narrows, to the river, passing down the west side of the Creek, and through the deep cut of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to the river. This company also engaged largely in the manufacture of "continuous" railroad iron, and fire brick, at Mount Savage, giving employ- ment to hundreds of men. It also extended its railroad from Mount Savage. to the foot of the hill at Frostbui'g, where it received the coal from the mines opened at that point. The Gerge's Creek Coal and Iron Company, whose coal lands are located at Lonaconing, during this year constructed a railroad from that point to Pied- mont, where it connected with the Baltimore and Ohio Road and thus prepared for the transportation of its own coal. Tliese improvements led to the rapid development of the coal fields, and largely enhanced the value of all the property lying along the lines of the new roads. 372 niSTORV OF CU.MBEHLA.VI). [1851. Mayor, Daniel Saylor; (louncilmen. John B. Wide- ner, Ephraim Shipley, G. S. Watts, B. M. Blocher, S. A. Vrooman, and D. W. McClean . County Commissioners : R. Fairall, John Frantz, T. W. Dawson, H. Broteniarkle, H. D. Carleton. Jesse Wilson, E. R. Engle, A. Chishohn, Leonidas Bevans, George McCulloh, F. L. Friend and U. R. Long. April 30. — Richard W. (,'lark, a shoemaker, at Flintstone, was ari-ested on a charge of murdering liis wife, by strangulation, and sent to the penitentiary for eighteen years. He afterwards confessed the murder. October 1. — The election lor Congressmen resulted in the county in 1,560 votes for Wm. T. Hamilton, Democrat, and 1,542 for J. Philip Roman, Whig. Hamilton's majority in the District was 232. State Senator, Wm. Weber; Delegates to General Assembly, John Everett, Richard Fairall, Jefterson M. Price, and John Frantz, of Joseph. Register of Wills, Wm. R. McCuUey; State's Attor- ney, Josiali H. Gordon; Sherift^ George M. Blocher. Orphans' Court : Jacob Fechtig, Edward Mullen, and Jasper Robinett. County Commissioners: J. W. Browning, George Matthews, Eli Engle, G. W. Dawson, C. A. Scott, N. D. Smith, A. Willison, Elza McElfish, James Watson, Jesse Wilson, J. McC. Mason, and Perry Schultz. Clerk of the Court, Horace Resley. A passenger packet was placed on the canal and made regular trips, between ( 'umberland and George- town, carrying a full list of passengers. 1851-52.] LOCAL INCIDENTS. 373 November 2. — The Mountaineer and Pioneer Hose Companies visited Baltimore, and took part in the Firemen's Parade tliere, the former as the guests of tlie New Market Company, and the latter as guests of the Vigilant Company. Our firemen made a fine display, and were highly complimented. The Mountaineers had their apparatus surmounted with a splendid buck, which was afterwards served up for dinner. February 11, 1852 . — A distressing tragedy occurred on the evening of this day, which plunged a large number of persons into the deepest distress, and created the most intense excitement. About 7 o'clock in the evening Eobert Swann, stepped into the large room used as an office and bar-room, of the Barnum Hotel, armed with a double-barrelled shot gun, with which he instantly fired at William 0. Sprigg, of Joseph, who was seated near the stove. Imme- diately upon seeing Swann raise the gun, Sprigg sprang to a door opening into a side yard ; the door was fastened, however, and being unable to open it he turned to escape through another door, some twelve feet distant, opening into the dining room. The first shot fired by Swann passed through the woodwork of the door, a few stray shots taking effect in the object of his aim. Sprigg had hardly taken half a dozen steps when Swann fired again, with deadly aim, the charge entering the back of Sprigg's neck at the base of the skull, and lodging in the pupil of his right eye, causing instant death. Swann,- who made no effort to escape, was arrested and con- signed to jail. This tragedy was the result of a 374 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1852. quarrel which occurred between the two young men some months previous. Both were of high social standing, and the consequence was a great bitterness of feeling between their respective friends. On the 6th of May, Swann's trial was begun. His Honor, Judge Perry, declined to sit in the case, being a near relative of the prisonei', and Judge J. J. Merrick, of Washington county, took his place on the bench. The prosecuting attorney, J. H. Gordon, before the jury had been fully impanelled, applied for a removal of the case, on the ground that an impartial trial could not be had here. The motion was argued at great length, and finally granted. Swann's counsel then asked that he be admitted to bail ; after hours of argument, this too was granted, bail being fixed at $20,000. The greatest excitement now prevailed amongst the friends of all parties, and on the one side this resulted in an indignation meeting, and the passage of resolutions condemning Judge Merrick's action, after which a crowd of men carried an effigy of the Judge thi'ough the streets on a scaftbld, and burned it in front of the Revere House. Eventu- ally Swann was tried in Washington County and acquitted. April 1. — Washington Evans left the Virginia House, and took the United States Hotel, the former proprietor, A. Cowton. having removed to Baltimore. On the 1st of June. J. A. Heffelfinger left Baruum's Hotel and opened the Revere House, which had just been finished in the most attractive manner. March 9. — The annual Conference of the Metho- 1852.] l.oCAI. INCIDENTS. o75 dist Episcopal Church wa.s held here, remainhig in session one week. April 18. — A great freshet occurred, the river and creek both overflowing their banks. The water broke through the wall between Bruce's and Brengle's warehouses, on Canal street, and a considerable portion of the town was overflowed. Both the railroad and the canal were badlv damaged, the latter suft'er- ing to the extent of $80,000. April 18. — David Shriver died, in the 84th year of his age. He had been engineer in charge of the construction of that portion of the National Road lying between Cumljerland and Washington, Pa., and was at the time of his death President of the Cumberland Bank. March 1.— The City Council concluded that it was necessary to establish a night watch, and passed an ordinance for that purpose, laying off the town into districts, and appointing a captain and si.x watch- men. May 12. — Mayor, John Hayes; Councilmen, H. D. Carleton, Jesse Korns, James Duft', Samuel Ma- guire, F. M. Gramlich, and D. W. McCleary. The corporation tax was fixed at 50 cents on each #100, and |1,000 was appropriated towards building an engine house for the Mountaineer Hose Company, the building being located on South Liberty street, corner of Hay street. May 21. — H. W. Hoft'man purchased a half interest in "'The Civilian," and became associate editor with Aichibald Carey. October 7. — In order to furnish better facilities for o76 HISTOKY OF CUMBERLAND. [1853. protection against fire, the authorities liad large cisterns built in the streets in various sections of the town. These proved very useful on many occasions, and were relied upon until the establishment of the Holly system of water works, in 1871, when they became useless. January 10. — The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad was opened for travel between Cumberland and Wheeling, and two great excursion trains passed over the road, from Baltimore to the Western terminus. The effect was soon felt in Cumberland, as most of the stage lines were taken oiF, and the great business of transferring merchandise at this point was largely' diminished. February 7, 1853.— D. W. McCleary, James DuH and H. D. Carleton were appointed a committee to have the town surveyed, with a view to the exten- sion of the corporate limits. February 14. — '•Hofli'man's Row," the three stor\- block of buildings extending from Liberty to Centre streets, on Baltimore street, was set on fire by an incendiar}^, and a great conflagration resulted. The upj^er stoiy of the block was burned from one street to the other, as well as four or five houses adjoining. The losses by fire, water, breakage, theft, &c., were very- heavy. On the same day several other houses were set on fire, amongst them Belvidere Hall, the United States Hotel, and Semmes' block, corner Baltimore and Mechanic streets. Fortunately the fire was discovered in these buildings before any damage was done. March 7. — The Pioneer Hose Company having 1853.] LOCAL INCIDENTS. B77 undertaken the construction of its new house, corner of Centre and Frederick streets, the city appropriated $1,000 towards paying for the same. March 7. — A great disaster occurred on the Balti- more and Ohio Raih-oad, one mile from the Cheat River bridge, on the heavy grade. While passing down the grade, the passenger train was thrown from the track, and several of the cars rolled down the mountain side. Seventeen persons were killed, and thirty-nine wounded badly. Almost every person on the train was more or less hurt. The killed and wounded were brought to Cunil)erland, and cared for at the Revere House. April 1. — Washington Evans took charge of Barnum's Hotel. The United States Hotel Avas improved, remodeled and greatly enlarged, by M. P. O'Heru, and opened as the finest hotel in Western Maryland. April 28.— The -Cumberland Telegraph," a weekly newspaper, liad been established in 1851. by Hilleary & Ogden. On the above date T. E. Ogden sold his one-half interest to Aza Beall, who shortly afterward purchased Hilleary 's share, and became sole editor and proprietor. Messrs T. I. McKaig. William W. McKaig. ■ Alpheus Beall. J. H. Tucker. M. P. O'Hern, S. M. Semmes, M. 0. Davidson and A. T. Roberts formed a joint stock company, and erectefl and put into operation a cotton factory, which was located at the extreme north end of Centre street. The mill was managed by Ira Stanbrough. May 6. — Mavor. F. B. Tower: Councilmen, D. W. 48 378 HISTORY OF rUMBERLANO. [1853. McClearj, Joliii E. Russell, Jesse Korns, Joseph Hughes, Henry Shuck and J. B. H. Campbell. Davidson street was graded and paved in June. The bridge over Will's ('reek Ix'caine unsafe, man}' oi' the timbers having rotted and given way, and in August it was propped up with heavj^ timbers. Steps were at once taken towards having it replaced by an iron structure. July 27. — The Postoffice was x'emuved to No. 93 Baltimore street, by W. A. Taylor, P. M , where it remained until November, 1869, when it was removed to a new building, erected for the purpose, on Centre street, between Baltimore and Frederick streets. Will H. Lowdermilk being the Postmaster. August 12. — Thomas Conner, jailor, was killed while engaged in coupling cars at the Cumberland Coal and Iron Company's wharf A little daughter of U. Stineman, aged 8 years, fell into the race near Beall's mill, and was drowned. August 13. — A son of Thomas Sheridan, aged 8 years, fell into the canal, and was drowned. August 16. — A heavy rain of several days' duration caused the river and creek to overflow their banks and a great part of the town was inundated. Bedford, Centre, Liberty, Mechanic, Frederick and Baltimore streets were covered with water, and a great mass of filth and ooze was deposited .in the streets, cellars, &c., on which the hot sun poured down for several days, generating disease. On the 17th a case of cholera occurred, and this was followed by others, the scourge soon becoming epidemic, and producing a panic. Thousands of people tied to the country, and .l85o— "')4.] LOCAL IXClItKNT?. 379 to distant cities. For two weeks the town was almost depopulated, business having been abandoned. Those who remained, and escaped the disease, devoted themselves heroically to the care of the sufferers. At the expiration of two weeks frost came, fortunately somewhat earlier than usual, and the epidemic ter- minated. During that time there wei-e fifty-five deaths from cholera. Prominent among those who gave themselves unremittingly to the relief of the sick, were J. H. C. Morrison. W. H. Billmire, Asbury Simkins, Maria Shuck. Mis. McOirr and Mrs. Bacon. The City Council in September, appropriated sums of money to each of these persons, in recognition of their services. May 1, 1854. — Stone arches were built over the race on South Liberty and Harrison streets, each costing about $'HH). The necessity for the innutniiate construction of a new bridge ovei- Will's Creek became so apparent that active steps were at once taken by the County Commissioners. The l)oar0. — Joseph Prevost. a soldier, who had been convicted of the murder of Christian Miller, was hanged by the military authorities. He declared his innocence up to the last moment. When the trap fell with Prevost, the rope broke, and the unfortunate man was precipitated to the ground. He was taken on to the scaffold again, and after a new I'ope had been procured, Avas launched into eternity. In October, 416 men were drafted, in Allegany County, for the United States service. Cumberland having supplied her quota was not included in the draft. These men, however, were not required to report for duty. November 8. — The contest for (\mgressman resulted in the election of Hon. Francis Thomas over A. K. Syester, by a vote of 11,196 against 7,985. The vote in Allegany was: Thomas 2,487 ; Syester, 1,938. State Senator, C. H Ohr; Delegates, Samuel P. Smith, Henry Brown, S. W. Wardwell, M. Sherry and M. G. Dean. Judge of the Circuit Court, James Smith. The call made by the President for 300,000 men, in December, 1864, induced the County Commis- sioners of Allegany, in February, 1865, to offer a bounty of $200 to every man who should enlist in the United States army, from the county. The State also gave a bounty of $300. The sum proposed to be raised by the County was $54,200, for which it 420 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1865. ' issued and sold its bonds, the work being performed by a board consisting of Hopewell Hebb, Nelson C. Read and John H. Young. One of the most startling events in the historv of the war occurred here on the night of the 21st, or early morning of the 22d, of February, when a small body of Confederates entered Cumberland and took two Major-Generals from their beds, while not less than G.OOO or 8,000 troops were encamped in the city. This daring invasion was made by McNeill's Rangers, and was participated in by a number of Cumberlanders, who were perfectly familiar with every foot of ground about the place. One of the leading spirits in the enterprise was John B. Fay, who performed the duty of a scout. He. with C. Ritchie Hallar, a young Missourian, crossed the Potomac near Brady's Mills, and from some acquaintances obtained throrough information as to the numljer of troops in Cumberland, the location of the various headquarters, pickets, &c. With this fund of knowl- edge they returned, and reported the tacts to Lieutenant McNeill. Some sixty-five men, a num- ber of them belonging to various companies oi' General Rosser's command, under McNeill and Fay, at once started for Cumberland. They again crossed the river near Brady's Mill, and almost within hearing of a cavalry picket. A portion of the command went to the house of S. D. Brady, amongst them Lieuten- ants McNeill and Fay, J. L. Vandiver, Joseph Kuy- kendall, John Cunningham, James Daily, Charles Nicholls and Isaac Parsons, where a consultation was 1865.] CAPTURE OF GENS. CRuOK AND KELLY. 421 held. McNeill proposed to capture the picket and return, as he Avas afraid it was too late to do more before daylight. Fay and a majority of others opposed this, and without delay the command was ordered forward. When the cavalry pickets were reached, the raiders were challenged, but by a quick dash they captured the pickets before a gun could be fired. The countersign, •' Bull's Gap," was extorted, and with this the Confederates had no diflficultv in securing the picket post which was stationed at the junction of the river road and the old pike, just below Steele's. Ten men were then detailed to secure General Kelly, and put him in charge of Sergeant Jose})h Kuykendall; and ten others to take General Crook, and turn him over to Sergeant Joseph L. Vandiver. Sprigg S. Lynn and Charles Nichols were in the first squad. Lieutenant Fay's duty was to take a number of men, and destroy the telegraph lines. The party then rode rapidly along the road to Green street, down Green street and then leisurely across the bridge, and along Baltimore street to the Barnum House, bandying words occasionally with the guards on the street. Halting in front of Bar- num's, the head(juarters guard was taken in custody, and compelled to point out the rooms of General Kelly and Adjutant Thayer Melvin, both of whom were aroused from their sleep, and requested to dress as speedily as possible. The astonished General and his aid quickly comprehended the situation, and submitted. Meantime, a similar scene was being enacted at the Revere House, where General Crook was sleeping in fancied security. Lieutenant Fay 422 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1865. had also donehis work, completely destrojingthe office of the military telegraph. Eight of General Kelly's best horses, amongst them his favorite, "Phillippi," were captured, and then the Confederates rode oft" with their prisoners, taking the tow-path, and crossing at Wiley's Ford. Shortl}^ after their departure the alarm was given, and a company of mounted men went in pursuit, The fugitives were overtaken near Romney, and a skirmish followed, but the prisoners were beyond recapture. Generals Hayes, Lightburn and Duval were in camp in the city at the time, but the Confederates having carried out their plans to the very letter, did not stop to hazard a further harvest of Generals. This event caused much excitement throughout the country, and was commented upon largely in every direction. The captured officers were sent to Rich- mond, and shortly afterwards exchanged. Upon the surrender of General Lee, in April, it became apparent tbat the war was virtually ended. The Union men were proud and happy, while the friends of the Confederacy were correspondingly depressed. None of the bitterness between the dift'er- ino: elements, however, seemed to be obliterated. The bloody contest was just being terminated, and time alone could soften the memory of all the acts and words that had disrupted the political and social fabrics of the natiou. When the overthrow of the Southern armies became assured, meetings wei^e held in all parts of the county, at which resolutions were passed declaring that those who had left to take up arms against the government should not return to reside 1865.] INCIDENTS OF THE WAR.. 423 jigiiiii at their old homes. Gradually, however, this spirit became modified, and most of those who had gone South returned. For several years there was little or no intercourse between them and the men who had remained true to the Union, and not unfre- ([uently violent discussions and personal collisions occurred. The lapse of time, however, wore away the sharp edges of hate, until the soldiers of both sides became friends again, and neighbors renewed their friendly relations. At the city election, May 8th, the following officers were elected : Mavor, George Harrison ; Council- men, Dr. J. J. Bruce, C. B. Smith, H. Startzman, George Long, John Young and John R. Cruzen. Early in the sununer of 1805, Cumberland was designated as one of the posts at which troops should be mustered out of the United States service, in the Middle Department. Consequently a number of soldiers and long wagcm trains arrived almost daily during the month of June. A camp was established by the Fifth United States Cavalry in a grove on the National Road, three miles west of town. This camp was laid out with great regularity, and the grounds handsomely ornamented with arches, bridges, &c., and lighted at night by means of large lamps. Almost as rapidly as they arrived the troops were mustered out, paid off and sent to their homes. July 1. — The "Civilian and Telegraph" was pur- chased by Will H. Lowdermilk, who became there- after sole editor. August 14. — Hon. James Smith, Judge of the Circuit Court, fell dead from his horse, while riding 424 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1865-75. along the old pike, in the vicinity of Mr. Steele's house. His death was the result of disease of the heart. At the election in November, Daniel Duncan was elected Sheriff, James Chisholin, Surveyor; Commis- sioners, Robert McCulloh. Ashtbrd Trail, R. S. Day- ton, D. H. Friend and S. J. Beachj'. Hon. George A. Pearre I'eceived 2,082 votes for Judge of the Circuit Court, and had no opposition. Before the close of the year 1865, the last of the troops departed from Cumberland, and in the pursuit of peaceful avocations, a spirit of improvement soon manifested itself. The merchants began to eidarge, remodel and beautify their places of business, while numerous elegant private residences were erected. On Baltimore street, within live years following the declaration of peace, many old landmarks were destroyed, and the elegant buildings of Messrs. S. T. Little, F. Minke, M. M. Kearney, Hopewell Hebb, the fine block known as '-Merchants' Row, " em- bracing the stores of C. C. Shriver & Co., John F. Johnson, C. F. Hetzel, and others, were erected. These were followed by J. B. H. Campbell's, A. M. L. Bush's, the Second National Bank, S. J. Edwards', T. W. Shryer's, the Reynolds Block, &c. Baltimore street becoming crowded, Centre street was invaded, and the elegant furniture rooms of K. H. Butler were built, after which a new building for the Post Office followed, and blocks of business houses by M. J. Smenner & Son, 0. C. Gephart, and John E. Buck. The whole space from Baltimore street to Bedford street was soon occupied, and this became a busy part of the town. The formation of building asso- 1866-75.] IMPROVEMENTS. 425 ciatioiis proved a great incentive to poor men to secure homes for themselves. In 1867 the city authorities gave to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company- 40 acres of land in South Cumberland, upon which to erect rolling mills, for which land §28,000 of bonds were issued. The construction of these mills resulted in the employ- ment of nearly 800 men, in consequence of which there was a rapid increase of population, and a great demand for houses. Real estate advanced in price to figures never before thought of in the town, and hundreds of new dwellings were erected. Maryland avenue and half a dozen other new streets east of the railroad were rapidly built up, and Cumberland enjo3'ed a brief season of great prosperity. The railroad company erected and opened the Queen City Hotel, a magnificent establishment, which cost more than $300,000. The old depot at the Baltimore street crossing was torn down, and the station removed to the new hotel. The city authorities caught the infection, and in- augurated several much needed improvements. The necessity which had long existed for a satisfactory system of water works was now fully recognized, and in 18?0 a committee, consisting of Mayor Lowe, W. A. Piatt, F. M. OfFutt, and George H. Myers, of the City Council ; James M. Schley and Asa Willison, of the Water Board; T. L. Patterson, engineer; Dr. S. P. Smith, W. E. Weber and Will H. Lowder- milk, was sent by the city to Dayton, Ohio, for the purpose of examining into the merits of the Holly system of water supply and fire protection, in use at 54 426 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1866-75. that place. The committee reported unanimously in favor of that character of water works, and the city at once entered into a contract with the Messrs. Holly for the construction of the necessary machinery, and issued $100,000 of bonds to meet the expenses. In 1871 the works were completed, and they are still in successful operation. A year later a bridge was built over the Potomac river to connect the city with West Virginia, and shortly afterwards two bridges were built over Will's Creek. In 1874 the erection of a new City Hall was commenced, and it was com- pleted in 1876. The building is of brick, having a massive, lofty and striking extei'ior. Its length on Centre street is 126 feet; on Liberty street 115 feet; depth on Frederick street 104 I'eet; on Bedford street 80 feet; height to square of building 62 feet; to cresting 78 feet; to top of tower 140 feet. The ground floor is occupied as a market, having a superficial area of more than 10,000 feet. Above the market the building is divided into two distinct parts by a corridor thirteen feet in width, which also accommodates the stairways. On the north side of the corridor are the Council Chamber, Mayor's office. Clerk's office, and committee room. These occupy the second floor. The rooms are handsomely frescoed, and the Council Chamber, which is 50 by 38 feet, in size, is furnished with desks of black walnut. On the third floor are three rooms, used by the Independent Order of Odd Fellows; while the upper floor supplies a full suit of elegant rooms for the Masonic fraternity, the lodge room CITY HALL AND ACADEMY OF MUSIC. 1866-75.] THE CITY UALL. 427 being 60 feet long, 40 feet wide, and 18 feet high. The south side of this edifice, above the market, is devoted entirely to the purposes of amusement, and is known as the '"Academy of Music." It is elegant in all its appointments, and is one of the most beautiful interiors to be found in any place of amusement in the country. The ceiling is a work of art, upon which was expended the skill of the best painters in the emplo}- of Emmart & Quartley, of Baltimore. The lower Moor of the Academy is divided into the "Orchestra." and "Orchestra Circle," and is supplied with nearly 500 patent folding chairs. The next floor is the "Dress Circle," and above this the "Balcony." The balconies are supported by hand- some iron columns, and the fronts are of iron open ornamental worlc, i)i soft colors, picked with gold, and a vermilion background. The "Sunlisjht" re- tlector in the centre of the ceiling illumines the house, but is supplemented by handsome brackets on the walls. The dimensions of this room are: from the door to the curtain 66 feet; width 62 feet; to the ceiling 43 feet; stage 81 feet deep and 30 feet wide between the boxes, the entire width being 62 feet; the pro- scenium is 27 feet in height to the crown of the arch; there are four private boxes, two on either side. The drop cui'tain is a handsome painting, represent- ing the "Decline of Carthage." On the apron border is a faithful portrait of Shakespeare, with suitable surroundings. Dressing rooms, with water, heat and all conve- niences occupy a portion of the space under the 428 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. f'18G6-7"). stage, and a door leads directly from the stage to a comfortable room for the "stars." The entire house is heated by steam, the arrange- ments being such as to guarantee a comfortable temperature in the most extreme weather. The Building Committee, under whose care this structure was erected and completed, were, H. W. Hoffman, chairman; J. B. H. Campbell, Jesse Korns.. Josiah H. Gordon and F. Haley. The architect was Fi'ank E. Davis, of Baltimore, and the contractor, J. B. Walton. The Academy was opened Tuesday night, March 7, 187G. under the auspices of John T. Ford, when his company presented "The Big Bonanza," and a beautiful address was delivered by Frederick B. Warde. The County Commissioners being impressed with the necessity of furnishing increased accommodations for the Courts and their various officers, in 1872, caused the old Court House to be entirely remodeled and enlarged, at a cost of about $50,000, and thereby secured a handsome, commodious and complete structure, in every way suitable for the jjurposes to which it is dedicated. They also built a new jail, in the rear of the Court House, the old one, adjoining the Academy, being afterwards demolished. The depressing effects of the financial crisis which began in 1873, were not felt until a year or two later, in Cumberland, but then every branch of business was l)lighted. and much suffering followed. The closing of the rolling mills was particularly disastrous. Real estate depreciated in value to an alarming 1866-76.] CITY OFFICERS. 429 extent, and hundreds of houses were unoccupied; bankrupts became numerous, and dozens of persons who had almost secured homes finally lost them. In common with all parts of the country, Cumber- land was a sufterer. In May, 1869, the "Transcript," a daily news- paper, was established, by Will H. Lowdermilk, and was published for three months, when it was abandoned, because of the ill health of the editor. In April, 1871, the "Daily News" was established, by Charles, Fanagin & Co. It was afterwards sold to George Charles and Henr\' J. Johnson; and eventu- ally they dissolved partnership, the paper going into the sole possession of Henry J. Johnson. In the same year the "Daily Times" was estab- lished, Llojd L. Clary being the editor. After his death, it was continued by T. F. McCardell and John Broyderick, and was finally discontinued in 1876. The following is a list of the county and city officials from 1866 to 1876: May 14, 1866. — Mayor, John Humbird; Council- men, F. Mertens, Asa Willison, Francis Haley, Andrew Gonder, George Long and George W. Hoover. November G — State Senator, Dr. C. H. Ohr ; Dele- gates to Legislature, Charles Gilpin, William R. McCulley, S. M. Haller, D. C. Bruce and George W. McCuUoh. For Comptroller, Robert Bruce received 2,410 votes, and W. J. Leonard 2,292. For Congress, Francis Thomas received 2,376 votes, and William P. Maulsby 2,308. The State Senate unseated Dr. Ohr, and gave 430 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1867-76. liis seat to Alfred Spates. The House unseated Charles Gilpin, and gave his seat to William Devec- inon. May 1.3, 18()7. — Mayor, .John Humbird ; Council- men, A. J. Clark, Asa Willison, Henry Gerdeman, Andrew Gonder, Wm. O. Sprigg, and George W. Hoover. November 5. — Chief .Judge, Richard Alvey ; Associate Judges, Thomas Perry, Wm. Motter ; State Senator, Alfred Spates; Delegates, G. W. McCulloh, Anthony Kean. Wm. Devecmon, Xoali Trimble, E. G. Hall Clerk of Court, Horace Resley ; Sheriff, Hanson Willison ; State's Attorney, Charles B. Thrus- ton; Register of Wills, Elijah Fuller; Judges of Orphans' Court, John Coulehan, Patrick Hamill and John M. Buchanan, (younty Commissioners, Wm. Browning, John Farrell, Wm. Barnard, H. Shircliff, and Daniel Frazee. Surveyor, W. M. Owens. May 11, 1868. — Mayor. John Humbird; (.'ouncil- men, Frederick Mertens, Jas. H. Percy, A. J. Clark. F. M. Offutt, A. Willison, F. M. Gramlich. At the election in November, the vote in Allegany was, for President, Grant 2,428, Seymour 2,721. For Congress, Patrick Hamill 2,702, Daniel Weisel 2,421. Hamill was elected to Congress by a ma.jority of 586. May 13, 1869. — Mayor, Lloyd LoM^e ; Councilmen, J. B. Walton, John Bauer, J. J. McHenry, W. W. McKaig, Jr., J. J. Bruce, John Weible. State Senator, Alfred Spates; Delegates to the Legislature, John M. Standish, Geo. Myers, Geo. Percy, Anthony Kean, James Wilson. 1869-76.] CITY AND COUNTY OFFICERS. 431 County Commissioners, Israel Thompson, William Browning, Michael Naughton, William McCullough, Adam Garinger. Sheriff, George Layman. Surveyor, William Armstrong. May 15, 1S70. — Mayor, Lloyd Lowe ; Councilmen, James B. Walton, Frederick Mertens, F. M. Oftutt. Win. Piatt, F. M. Gramlich, George H. Myers. The Congressional election in November resulted in the success of John Ritchie of Frederick county, Democrat, over John E. Smith, of Carroll county, Republican, by a majority of 1,818. The vote stood Allegany county, Ritchie 2,843; Smith 1,980; Washington county, Ritchie 3,756, Smith 3,284; Frederick county, Ritchie 4,739, Smith 4,064; Car- roll county, Ritchie 2,966, Smith 2,558. May 8, 1871. — Mayor, Wm. Piatt; Councilmen, John B. Widener, M. Bloomenour, James II. Percy, A. J. Walton, S. P. Harbaugh, and Henry Gerdeman. November 7. — George A. Pearre was elected Associate Judge of the Circuit Court, by a majority of 2,515. Delegates to the Legislature, Dr. G. E. Porter, John Coles, Charles Young and Jasper Robinette. Sheriff, R. L. Gross. State's Attorney, William J. Read. Judges of the Orphans' Court, William R. McCulley, John Coulehan, Upton D. Long. County Commissioners, A. C. Greene, Ashford Trail, William R. Beall, S. L Townshend, George Reuschlein Surveyor, T. L. Patterson. May 13, 1872. — Mayor, John B. Widener; Council- men, W. A. Withers, Alexander McFerran, Francis Haley, Henry Shuck, Jesse Korns and C. F. Hetzel. November 5 — The election for Congressman in 432 HISTORY OF CUMBERLAND. [1872-76. the Sixth District resulted in the choice of Lloyd Lowndes, Jr., Republican, of Allegany county, over John Ritchie, Democrat, of Frederick count}', by a majority of 1,715. The vote stood, Allegany, Lowndes, 3,611; Ritchie, 2,646. Washington, Lowndes, 3,635; Ritchie, 3,385. Frederick, Lowndes, 4,892, Ritchie, 4,099. Montgomery, Lowndes, 1,920; Ritchie, 2,213. In January, 1872, a number of persons living in the western portion of Allegany county presented to the Legislature a petition, praying for a division of the county, and the formation of a new county, which should comprise all of Allegany lying west of a line extending from the middle of Savage river, where it empties into the Potomac river, north twenty-six miles to a point on the. top of Savage Mountain, where said mountain is crossed by Mason and Dixon's line. The Legislature passed an act authorizing the voters living within the limits of the proposed new county to vote upon the question of the division, as also upon the location of the county seat. At the regular election in November the ballot was taken. Oakland, Grantsville and McHenry's Glades were the competitors for the county seat. The vote in favor of the new county was 1,297; against it, 405. For the county seat Oakland received 653 votes, Grantsville, 590, and McHenry's Glades, 456. In the following year, the new county of Garrett (so named in honor of John W. Garrett, President of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com- pany) was formed, and the county seat was located at Oakland. 1873-76.] CITY AND COUNTY OFFICERS. 433 May 12, 1873.— Mayor, W. A. Withers; Council- men, F. Plaley, George Flurshutz, Henry Korns, Josei^h H. Ways, Alexander McFerran, and George Rossworm. November 4. — State Senator, Thomas G. McCul- loh ; Delegates, C. B. Wack, William Brace, John Weir and James Park. Clerk of Court, Theodore Luman. Register of Wills, C. C. Shriver.* Sheriff, James C. Lynn. County Commissioners, A. C. Greene, Ashford Trail, B. L. Turner, William R. Beall and George Reuschlein. Surveyor, Daniel Chisholm. A new charter was adopted for the city, in Januaiy, by the Legislature, whereby the city was divided into six wards, and each ward authorized to elect two members of the City Council, one to be elected each alternate year. At the election held on,, the 18th of May, 1874, the officers chosen were as fol- lows, a full board of Councilmen being elected, one from each ward to retire from office at the expira- tion of one year ; the others to serve two years from date of election : Mayor, Wm. R. McCulley; Councilmen — First Ward, Wm. 0. Sprigg, George Rossworm; Second Ward, M. Y. Rabold. John Weibel; Third Ward, A. M. L. Bush, Archer Scott; Fourth Ward, Jacob Shuck, James T. Hill; Fifth Ward, Wm. M. Price, Joseph H. Ways; Sixth Ward, H. D. Black, Francis Haley. On the 4th of December Mayor McCulley died, much regretted by the entire populace of the city, *Mr. Shriver died October 12. 1875, &Dd John Rhind was elected to fill the Tacancj. 55 434 HISTORY OF CUMBEKLAND. [1875-7('i. and John Humbird was elected to fill the vacancy. May 17, 1875.— Councilmen— First Ward, John B. Fay; Second Ward, M. Y. Rabold ; Third Ward, John Martz ; Fourth Ward, James T. Hill ; Fifth Waj-d, Joseph H. Ways; Sixth Ward, Peter Kelly. November 2. — Delegates to the Legislature, Wm. 0. Sprigg, George M. Rawlings, H. R. Atkinson, John R. Brooke. Countv Commissioners, A. C. Greene, William R. Beall, George Reuschlein, A. B. Shaw, Ashlbrd Trail. Judges of Orphans" Court, John Coulehan, Robert Bruce, C. Slack. Register of Wills, John Rhind.* Sheriff", John G. Bauer. State's Attorney, A. Hunter Boyd. Surveyor, John Schaidt. May 16, 1876.— Mayor, W. A. Withers; Council- men : First Ward, A. Spier ; Second Ward, John Weibel ; Third Ward, F. Foghtman, J. G. Greenfield;! Fourth Ward, Jacob Shuck, George W. Cromwell ;J Fifth Ward, E. M. Bynon; Sixth Ward, George w'. Morgan. November 7. — The candidates for Congress were William Walsh, of Cumberland, Democrat, and Louis E. McComas, of Hagerstown, Republican. The vote was as follows : Garrett county, Walsh 950, McComas 1,020; Allegany, Walsh 3,ilO, Mc- Comas 3,804 ; Washington, Walsh 3,893, McComas 3,986; Frederick, Walsh 4,921, McComas 5,305; Montgomery, Walsh 2,853; McComas 2,098— Walsh's total vote 15,727, McComas 15,713. The following is a list of the Postmasters, at Cum- berland, with date of appointment in each case, since *Elected to fill vacancy occasioned by the death of C. C. irbriver. fTo serve unexpired term of George Martz, refciened. |To aerve unexpired term of J. T. Hill, resigned. COURT HOUSt, ALLEGANY COUNTY ACADEMY. rOSTMASTEKS \S\) ATTORNEYS. 435 the establishment of the Post-office. January 1st, 1795: Charles P. Broadb,ib, F. S. Hoblitzell, Daniel Blocher, Henry Price, Michael Umbaugh, John A.Dille, Joseph A. Wickes, Richard H. Alvey, John McCarty, Theodore Brace, Charles B. Pearre Samuel Smith, Wm. McClay Hall, S. W. Downey Jairus W Robinette, John L. Thomas, William Walsh, Henry Bruce, William Johns Read, William Devecmon, Peter Devecmon, J, Frank Seiss, Joseph A. Cahill, Date of Admission. April 18.S,'> Oct. 1827 April 184S 1844 Oet. 1844 April 1845 Oct 184.7 April 1S46 April 1S4P April 1847 April 1847 Julv 1847 Oct. 1847 Oct 1847 April 1848 .April 1848 Mav 1848 May 1848 Nov 1848 Nov. 1848 -April 1849 Oct. 185() Oct. 1851 .^pri 1854 Oct. 1854 Nov 185t> Oct. 1853 1852 Apri 1852 June 1852 Jau . 18,53 " 1854 o 1855 Apri 1 1855 May 1856 Feb. 1859 Apri 11859 Oct 1859 Apri 1 1863 Oct 1863 Oct 1855 Apri 1 1865 It Jan < of Rangers Capt" Poison ) 2"^ ( Comp'^ of Artificers. Sir Peter Halketts and Col" Dunbars Regiments to find three Corporals one for each Company of Rangers to assist Lieu' Allayne in the dissiplining the Troops. Camp at Alexandria, April 3d, 1755. Parole — Canterbury. Field Officer to morrow Lt Col" Burton. For the Generals Guard 48th Regiment. The Generals Guard is this day reduced to a Corporal and nine men and the Corporal is to report to the Officer of the main Guard. Sir Peter Halkets Regiment to receive three days Provisions to morrow. Camp at Alexandria, 4th of April, 1755. Parole — Dorsett. Field Officer to morrow Major Sparke. For the Generals Guard 44th Regim'. XVI. GENERAL IlKADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. Colo Dunbars Regiment to have one Corporal and six men ready to march to morrow at 6 o'clock from Alexandria to Frederick with the Hospital stores they are to carry six days Provisions with them and to take the Arms and accoutrem''^ with which they are to take the field Kach man to have his Blancket and 29 ronnds of Amman". Col" Dunbars Regiment to have three days provisions to morrow. Alexandria, Saturday, April 5th. 1755. Parole — London. Field Officer to morrow L' Col" Burton. For the Generals Guard 48th Regim'. The Tents and clothing for the Virginia Company to be brought on shore as soon as possible ; Their tents are to be pitched the first fair day after they are on shore. The Artillery Hospital and Engineers to receive three days provisions to morrow. Alexandria, April 6th, 1755. Parole — Kinsale. Field Officer for to morrow Maj' Chapman. For the Generals Guard 44th Regiment. All Departments for Duty of every nature what- ever are to parade at the Grand Parade and to march from thence. Detachments from different corps to draw up by Seniority. The Grand Parade for this camp is appointed to be at the head of Sir Peter Halketts Regiment. A report to be made every morning to Sir Peter Halkets, of the Sergeants, Corporals, Drummers and Private men who are Drunk upon Duty, the Sergeants of the Companies they belong to, to keep an exact Roll of their names. Sir Peter Halkett being deter- mined to put a stop to any more prov"'^ being drawn GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. XVII. for such men. Sergeants, Corporals. Drummers, and Private men who appear Drunk in Camp tho they are not upon duty will have their provisions stop'd for one week. Sir Peter Halketts Regiment to receive three days Provisions to morrow. The Detachments from the Ordinary Dutys of camp to change from Right to left every Day. AFTER ORDERS. One Sergant, one Corporal, and thirty men are to morrow at 6 o'clock in the morning, to go to Alexan- dria to assist the Officers of the Artillery in loading the Waggons for Winchester and Shipping of Stores for Rock Creek One Officer and thirty men from ( 'ol" Dunbar's Regiment to march to morrow for Rock ('reek The Officer to call this night upon Sir Peter Halkett who will give him his Instructions. Alexandria, Monday April 7th, 1755. Parole — Dublin. Field Officer for to morrow L"^ Col° Burton . For the Generals Guard 4Sth Regim'. One Officer one Sergeant and 20 men of Sir Peter Halkets Regiment to hold themselves in readiness to morrow morning to march to Winchester the Officer at Retreat beating to call upon Sir Peter Halkett for his Instructions; They are to take six days provisions with them, subsistance to the 24th of this month and every thing with which tliey are to take the Field. Every Party ordered to march from camp is to have 24 Rounds per man. A Greater number of Women having been brought over than those allowed by the Government sufficient for washing with a view that the Hospital might be servd; and complaint being made that a concert is enterd into not to serve with out exorbitant Wages XVIII. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. a Return will be calld for of those who shall refuse to serve for six pence per day and their Provisions that they may be turnd out of camp and others got in their places. Col" Dunbars Regt is to rec. 3 Days Prov" to morrow. Col" Dunbar's Regiment is to march at 5 Oclock on Saturday Morning for Rock Creek. Waggons will be ordered on Friday to carry the baggage and whatever Tents may be struck to the Boats destend for their Transportation and at Day break on Saturday morning Waggons will attend at the head of the Regiment for the mens Tents &c. A Subaltern Officer with three Sergeants three Corporals and thirty men are to be sent on board the Boats as a Baggage Guai'd, and this Guard is to assist in conveying the Tents &c to the Boats and to help in putting them on board. AH the Boats upon that part of the River near Rock Creek are ordered to attend to cary the Ti'oop over. The sick men that are not able to march with the Regiment, to be left in the General Hospitiil. Af^TER ORDER.^ As Col" Dunbars Regimt is to march on Satui'day, they are to receive to morrow nine days Provisions one for to morrows use and the remaining 8 days the men are to carry with them. The four companys of Sir Peter Halketts Regim' the Royal Reg* of artillery Engineers and the Hos- pital are to continue to receive their provisions as usual till further Orders. March Rout of Col" Dunbars Regiment from the camp at Alexandria to Frederick in Maryland. MILKS. To Rock Creek — To Owens Ordinary 15 To Dowden's Ordinary 15 To Frederick 15 45 GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. XIX. Within a few miles of" the Minocasy cross the Minocasy in a Float. Alexandria, Tuesday, April 8th, 1755. Parole — Guilford. Field Officer for to morrow Maj^ Sparke. For the Generals Guard 44th Eegim'. The Quarter Masters of Sir Peter Halketts and Colo Dunbars Regiments to meet Mr. Leslie assistant Quarter mnster General this afternoon at 4 Oclock who will sliow them their Regimental Store Houses. The Commanding Officer's of each of the Regini"- as soon as their Regimental Store Houses are fixed are to order their Officers baggage and their mens Stores to be inmiediately lodgd. The Soldiers are to leave their Shoulder Belts, Waist Belts and hangers behind and only to take with them to the Field one spare shirt, one spare pair of stockings, one spare jjair of Shoes and one pair of Brown Gater's. For the future the Generals own and all other Guards are to beat a march to him and the Line is always to turn out when the General passes. As a mistake has happend in regard to the Com- missions of the youngest Subaltern of the Rangers; The Commissions of Second Lieu' being deliverd to them instead of Ensigns are to be immediately changd to avoid any Liconvenieuce, which may arise from disrules of Rank. His Excellency Gen' Braddock Orders that all Ensigns bearing Commissions in any of his Majestys Regiments shall take post of the third Officer in any of the Companys of Ranger's. AFTER ORDERS. Si.K Companys of Sir Peter Halketts Regiment are to march for Winchester at 6 o'clock on thursday Upon yoar arrival at Rock Creek you are XX. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. either to Encamp or lodge your Men as you shall find most convenient and as fast as the Waggons arrive you are to employ them in the Service of ye Regiment and Regulate your Detachment'^ ac- cordingl}' and to be particularly careful not to use any more Waggons than are absolutely necessary. You are to leave at Rock Creek an Officer and 30 men who is to remain there till all the Stores of the Train and Hospital are put into the Waggons is then to march and form the Rear Guard of the whole. You are also to leave at Rock Creek a Subaltern and 20 men who are to wait there till the arrival of M"". Johnston the Paymaster and to Escort him to Frederick. You will be joined at Rock Creek by an Officer and 30 Seamen who you are to take under your command and give them your Orders and Regulations as they Avill want some conve_)ance for their baggage you will dispose of it as you find most convenient. Upon your arrival at Frederick you are to encamp your men the Troops to remain there till further Orders except a Capt", two Subalterns and 50 men who are to be sent immediately on to Conogogee as a covering Party for the magazines and you are to direct the Commanding Officer of this Detach' to stop all Waggons which shall brf-' in Flower, &c, from Pennsylvania and to send a daily to you of the immbers which return you are to remit to me unless you should see Sir Jn" St. Clair and that he should have securd a sufficient number for Transporting the Stores from Frederick to Wills Creek in such case the Waggons are to be dismissd. You will find provisions at Frederick which you are to issue to your men in the same proportions as at Alexandria and to begin upon it as soon as you have expended the Provisions car'i with you. You are to direct your Officers to provide them- selves as soon as possible with Bat Horses as no GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. XXI. more Waggons will be allowd after thej get to Frederick. Alexaistdria, Wednesday, April 9th, 1755. Parole — Henry. Field Officer for to morrow L' Colo Gage. For the Generals Guard 48th Regimt. Col" Dunbars Regiment to send this forenoon two Sergeants and twenty men to Rock Creek to reinforce the Officer there. A return to be given in this Day of the two Regiments specifying all extraordinary's that have happened since their embarking in Ireland a monthly return of the two Regiments to be given in to Gen- eral Braddock every first day of the month — The companys of Rangers Artificers and the Troop of light Horse are to give in a monthly return at the same time: They are to apply to the Major of Brigade, who will shew them the proper form. The Officers to see that their men are provided as soon as possible with Bladder or thin Leather to put between the Lining and crown of their Hatts to guard against the Heat of the Sun. One Subaltorn Officer of Dunbars Regiment to march to morrow morning to Frederick in Mary- land who upon his arrival is immediately to take upon him the command of the several Detachments of the Regiment that are now there or may arrive and he is to see y' they are properly provided and Subsisted. Alexandria, Thursday, 10th April, 1755. Parole — Winchester. A Detachment from the two Regiments of a Subal- tern, two Sergeants, two Corporals and 20 men is to remain at Alexandria as a Guard for the Hospital and to march with it to Frederick. XXII. fiENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BUOK. The Generals Guard is to be taken off on Friday. A Sergeant and twelve men of Col" Dunbai's Regi- ment to raoinit as the Generals Baggage Guard and to March with it. The Provost Marshall is to March with Col'' Dun- bar's Regiment and to have a guard of a Sergeant and ten men who is to make the rear of the whole. Two Officers and forty men oT the four remaining companies of Sir Peter Halketts Regem^ is to mount the Town Guard till further Orders. Alexandria, Friday. April 11th, 1755. Parole — Kendall The Officer of the Town Guard to make his report to the General through an Aid de Camp. AFTER ORDERS. Col" Dunbars Regimen"^ to hold themselves in readiness but not to march till further Orders. They are to give their proportion of men for the Guard to morrow ; one Sergeant, one Corporal and 12 men to parade immediately at the Town Guard of Colo Dunbars Regiment. They are to take their Knapsacks, Haversacks, and provisions with them, when they come to the Town Guard the Sergeant is to enquire for M^. Leslie assistant Quarter master who will give him Order's. No Person whatever to press or employ any Waggons without an Order from General Braddock the Quarter master Gen' or his assistant. This Order to be read not only to the Soldiers but to the Officers, Servants and followers of the Army as any one who shall be found guilty of disobeying it shall be severely punish'd. AFTER ORDERS. 'As there are Boats provided to carry Col" Dunbars Regiments Baggage to Rock Creek the former orders relative to their march to be obeyd. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. XXIII. Eight Waggons will be orderd to be at the head of that Regiment on Wednesday night for the Tents, Baggage, &c. of those Companys application is to be made to M' Leslie assistant Quarter master for a proper Guide ; Every man is to receive 8 Days Provisions to carry with him. The L' Coif is to be left with the 8 remaining Companys till farther Orders. All the sick are to be left in the General Hospital. The Regiments find the Generals Guard as usual and the proportion of Duty is to be made up by Col' Dunbars Regiment in the Town and other Guards. March Rout of Sir Peter Halketts Regiment from the Camp at Alexandria to Winchester. MILES. To y'' old Court House 18 To M"" Colemans on Sugar Land Run were ] y^ there is Indian Corn, &c ( To M-- Miners 15 To M' Thompson v^ Quaker w** y" is 3000 wt corn 12 To M ' They's 1 7 y- Ferry of Shan "12 17 From M'' They's to Winchester 23 97 If the Bridge should not be laid over the Opeckon Canves will be provided for the Troops. As soon as the Artillery arrives at Winchester a Detachment of their Regiment and what ever part jrou shall judge proper of the Rangers must be orderd to march with the Artillery to Wills Creek. But if the road should be cut from the bridge on the Opeckon to Bear Garden and is made passable for y« Artillery, It is then to go along that Road and not by Winchester and your Detachment from Win- chester must join them at Henry Enochs , A Report will be made to you whether this road is passable or not. As the Removal of the Troops from Winchester XXIV. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. to Wills Creek roust depend upon the Quantity of Flower that is to be sent from Pennsylvania when a proper Quantity is arrivd you shall receive advice of it. Alexandria, Saturday, April 12th, 1755. Parole — Leicester. One Company of Sir Peter Halketts Kegim'to March to morrow Morning, they are to Parade opposite to the town Guard at 6 oclock where they will be joind by five Waggons belonging to the Artillery, which they are to take under their Escort to Winchester. The Town Guard to be reduced to morrow morning to one Subaltorn Officer and thirty men. Mr Leslie will take care that there shall be at Sir Peter Halketts Quarter Guard this afternoon .3 Wag- gons, one for the Companys Tents and Baggage and the other two are to carry ye Regiments spare arms and Stores. The Men are to take eight Days Provisions with them. Alexandria, Sunday, April 13th, 1755. Parole — M arl borough . Alexandria, Monday, April 14th, 1755. Parole — Oxford. Alexandria, Tuesday, April 15th, 1755. Parole — Petersborough. Alexandria, Wednesday, April 16th, 1755. Parole — Rochester. Thursday, April 17th, 1755. Parole — Queen Town. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. XXV. Friday, April 18th, 1755. Parole — Salisbury. Saturday, April 19th, 1755. Parole — Tarn worth. The commanding Officer of the Artillery to apply to Mr. Leslie for a Store House to lodge their new cloathing in, and the Officers are to see that their men comply with the Orders of the S'*" of Ap' (viz) to leave their Shoulder Belts waist Belts and Hangers behind, and are only to take with them to the field one spare shirt one spare pair of stockings one spare pair of shoes and one pair of brown Gaters. Frederick, Monday, April 21st, 1755. Parole — Dunbar. Frederick, Tuesday, April 22nd, 1755. Parole — Westminster. One Sergeant one Corpoi-al and 12 men to parade immediately at the Town Guard to March with the Waggons laden with Artillery Stores to Conogogee and to return back with the- Waggon's to Frederick as soon as thev are unloaded. Frederick, Wednesday, April 23rd, 1755. Parole Exeter. The commanding Officers of Regiments to order their Officers to provide themselves as soon as possi- ble with Bat men out of such recruits and Levies, as are unfit to the Duty to do the of sold'"' and such men are to be enlisted as can act as Bat men and are to be taken for any Term and to be alowed as eflcctives; and according to the number settled in Flanders 3 men to each company and 4 to the staff, vou are to go immediately to that part of the 4 XIVI. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY Bf)OK. Antietum that lies in the road to Connogogee and press such Boats or Canoes as yon shall meet with upon the river agreeable to the Orders you shall receive from Governor Sharj^e If you shall find any difficulty in the execution of this Order, j'ou are to send an express to me and you shall be immediately supplied with a party of men to inforce it sending word when they shall join you, and you are to collect all the Boats &c at that pass by the 28th of this month. Frederick, Thursday, April 24th, 1755. Parole — Yarmouth. Frederick, Fi-iday, April 2-')th, 1755. Parole — Appleby. (yol'J Dunbars Regiment to hold themselves in readiness to March by the 29tli. AFTER ORDERS. One Corporal and four men to March to morrow Morning to Rock Creek with four Waggons that came up this Evening; when the party comes to Rock Creek they ai'e to put themselves under the command of Ensign French. Frederick, Saturday, April 26th, 1755. Parole — Bedford. Col" Dunbars Regiment to furnish 3 Officers for a Court Martial, to try some prisoners of the Inde- pendant Company & Capt" Gates Presid' the report to be made to General Braddock. Frederick, Sunday, April 27th, 1755 Parole — Chester. Col" Dunbars Regiment is to march y' 29th and to GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. XXVII. proceed to Wills Creek agreeable to the following Route : MILES. 29tli From Pred'^ on ye road to Conogogee 17 30th From that halting place to Congogee 18 Ist From Conogosjee to John Even's 16 2d Rest -)d To the Widow Baringer 18 4th To George Polls 9 oth to Henry Enock's 15 6th Rest 7th To Cox's at y*' mouth of little Cacaph 12 8th To Col" Cresaps 8 «)th To Wills Creek 16 Total, 129 The men are to take from this place three Days provisions ; at Conogogee they will have more, at the Widow Baringers 5 Days, at Col" Cresaps one or more Days, and at all these places Oats or Indian Corn must be had for the Horses but no Hay. At Conogogee the Troops cross the Potomack in a Float When the Troops have marchd 14 miles from Jn" Evans they are to make the new road to their Right, which leads from Opeckon Bridge. When the Troops have marchd 14 miles from George Polle's they come to the great Cacapepon they are to pass that River in a Float, after passing they take the road to the Right. If the water in the little Cacapepon is high the Troops must encamp opposite to Cox's. At the mouth of the little Cacapepon the Po- tomaclc is to be crossd in a Float Four miles beyond this they cross Town Creek if the Float should not be finishd Canves will be provided. If the Bridges are not finishd over Wills Creek and Evans Oeek. Waggons will be orderd to carry the men over. It will be prop'' to get 2 Days Provns at Col" ("resapsyp whole shi^ not arrive till yf lO*''. XXVIII. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. A Subaltorii and thirty men are to be left behind with a proper number of tents which will be carried for them ; these men are to have six days Provisions. The Generals Guard is not to be relievd to morrow but proper Centrys are to be found from the 30 men orderd to remain. Frederick, Monday, April 28th, 1755. Parole — Daventry. The Detachment of Sailors, and the Provost Marshalls Guard consisting of one Sergeant, one Corporal and 10 men to raarcli with Cob Dunbars Regiment to morrow morning, and to make tlie Rear Guard. ToCaft^ Gates. 28th April. 1755. You are directed by His P]xcelleiicy (Jen' Brad- dock to proceed with your Company to Conogogee where you are to act as a covering j)arty for the magazines, and you are to remain there till further Orders unless all the Stores, Ammunition, &c, should be come up from Rock Creek and forwarded to Wills Creek, in that case you are to join the General at Wills Creek as soon as possible. You are to give all possible assistance and use your utmost endeavours in transporting the several Stores, Ammunition, Provision, &c to Wills Creek with the utmost expedition. Whilst you remain at Conogogee you are to send a Sergant or Corporal with such of your men as are to be trusted with all the Waggon's which arrive at that place from Rock Creek allowing one man to each Waggon and you are to send them immediately back to Rock Creek for more Stores till you shall be informd from the Officers there, that every thing is sent up. To Ensign French, at Rock Creek. 28th April. 1755. You are ordered by his Excellency Gen' Braddock GENERAL BRADDOCK B ORDERLY BOOK. XXIX. to forward with all Expedition the ammunition Stores &c at Rock Creek to Mr Cresaps Conogogee taking care to send the ammunition Train Stores &c first, then the Hospital Stores and Salt Fish. You are not wait for the Beeves but as soon as the aforementioned things are gone up you will move with your party and join the Regiment at Wills Creek agreeable to the follow- March Route; as you will find Provisions very scarce on the Road you must take with you as many days of salt Provisions as the Men can carry. MILES. From Rock creek to Owens Ordy 15 ToDowdens 15 To Frederick 15 On the Road to Conogogee 17 To Conogogee 18 . To J at Fort Cumberland, Saturday, May 10th, 1755. Parole — Connecticut. Mr. Washington is appointed aid de camp to His Excellency (Jeneral Braddock. Field officer for to morrow Maj'' Sparke. The articles of war to be read to morrow morning, at which time the servants, women and followers of the army are to attend with the respective corps and companies that they belong to. The two Independent companies and Rangers to- receive three Days provisions to morrow. For the Generals Guard 48th Regiment. Col Dunbars Regiment to relieve the Fort Guard immediately, and the Fort Guard is to march to Fraziers as a Grass Guard, and to be relieved every 48 hours. Cap' Pilson's company of carpenters is to send one corporal and 6 men with their tools and to make such fences as the officer of tlie Grass Guard shall think proper The Virginia and Maryland Rangers and the com- pany of carpenters to settle their men's accts imme- diately, giving them credit for what arrears &c are due, and they are for the future to be subsisted regularly twice a week as the rest of troops are. A return to be given in to morrow morning of the strength of each of the Regiments by companys, the return to be signed by the commanding officer of each corps the Independent Companys, Virginia and Maryland Rangers and the Troop of Light Horse are also to send in a return to morrow mornino; of their GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. XXXI. strength, which return is to be signed by the captain or officer commanding each company, and to be given in separately. The General has fixed the hour for his Levy, from ten till eleven in the forenoon every Day. Camp at Fort Cumberland. Sunday, May 11, 1755. Parole — Albanv. Field officer to morrow L' Col Burton. The Generals Guard 44th Regmt. A return to be sent in of the nuuibers of men who understand the springing of rocks, & those men that are fitt are to be told that they will, receive proper encouragement all the troops are to begin their field Days. Powder may be had from the train by apply- ing for it, and each man is to have I'J rounds for every field Day. A Pkcturn is to be given in to uiorrow morning at orderly time of the recruits of the whole army, setting forth their age size country and occupation one Sargeant and 6 men from piquet to attend during the time of marketting to prevent Disputes, and if any should happen he is to apply to the capt" of the Picquet he belongs to. This duty tt) be done alter- nately. All provisions brought into camp to be settled according to a settled rule, a copy of which will be given to the troops by the Major of Brigade and no person bringing provisions shall presume to ask more nor shall an3'bod_)' offer less for good and wholesome meat. The 48th Regiment is to receive their Days pro- visions to morrow at 10 o'clock. AFTER ORDERS. All the out guards to be relieved to morrow morn'g and parade at 5 o'clock. XXXII. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. EVENING ORDERS. It is His Excellency* General Braddocks orders that no officer soldier or others give the Indians men women or children any rum other Liquor or money upon any account whatever Camp at Fort Cumberland, Monday, May 12th, 1755. Parole — Boston. Field Officer to morrow Maj'" Sparke. The Generals Guard 48th Regiment. Whereas Capt Poulson, one of the Virginia com- pany of carpenters desired a court martial to enquire into his character, having been accused of being in arms in the late Rebellion in Scotland His Excellency has been informed that the accusations is scandalous and groundless ; if therefore any person whatever can prove Capt" Poison to have been in the late Rebellion they are desired immediately to send their accusation to the General ; ii' not His Excellency entirely frees him from any imputation of that kind, and desires that no reflections for the future may be thrown on (!apt" Poison on that ace'. after orders. A General Court Martial to sit immediately at the President's Tent, it is to consist of one field officer, 6 Capt"s and 6 Subalterns. Maj"' Sparke President. Mr Shirley Judge Advocate. His Excellency has thouglit proper to Brigade the Army in the following manner and they are for the future to encamp accordingly : The first Brigade, Commanded by Sir Peter Halket Compliment. Effective. 44tii Resiment of Foot 700 700 Capt° iiutlierford's ( ludependant Compy I ,„„ gg Capt" Gates I of New York i Capt. Poison's Carpenters 50 48 Capt. Peronnee's I Virginia Rangers 50 47 Capt. Wagner's j Virginia Rangers .^0 45 GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. XXXIII. Capt. Dagworlhy's.. Maryland Rangers 50 49 Second Brigade, Commanded by Colonel Dunbar. 48th Regiment of Foot 700 650 Capt. Demerie's South Carolina Detach' 100 97 Capt. Dnbb's North Carolina Rangers 100 80 Capt. Mercer's Company of Carpenters 50 35 Capt. Stevens's! Virginia Rangers 50 48 Capt. Hogg's j- Virginia Rangers 50 40 Capt. Cox's J Virginia Rangers 50 43 Any soldier or follower of the army who shall stop any one hriniring in provisions or forage to the camp shall immediately suffer death. No out post to march from or to camp with beat of drum, nor is any beat of drum to beat before the Troop unless when any of the Troops are out at exercise, and of Avhich they are to acquaint the (Jeneral the night before thi-o' one of His aid de camps. Camp at Foht Cumberland, Tuesday, 13th May, 1755. Parole — Charleston. Field Officer for to morrow Lt Col Burton. For the Generals Guard 44th Regiment. The quartermasters. Camp colour men, and Pioneers of the two Regiments with two men of the Independent Companies with proper Tools for clearing the ground in the Front to parade at five o'clock in the Evening at the head of the 48th Regiment, and to remain there for the Field Officer of the Day's orders. The Picquetts are to lay advanced and to remain att their panide till they receive the Field Officers orders. Each of the two Regiments to send 6 tents to the companies in each Brigade, and also to send 6 tents each for the men of their advanced Picquets. The centrys on the advanced Picquetts not to suff'er any body to pass unquestioned after sun set. The Picquett return,s at 6 o'clock in the morning. The quarter Guard of Sir Peter Halketts Regi- 5 XXXIV. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. ment for the future to be pouted on the right flank. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Wednesday, 14th May, 1755. Parole — Dumfries. Field Officer to morrow LtCol Burton. The Generals Guard 48th Regiment. The General Court Martial is dissolved. Luke Woodward soldier in the 48th Regiment, commanded by Col Dunbar, having been tryed for Desertion by a General Court Martial whereof Majf Win Sparke was president, is by sentence of that Gen' Court Martial adjudged to suffer death. His Excellency, Genl Braddock has approved of the sentence, but has been pleased to pardon him. Thomas Conelly, James Fitzgerald and James Hughes, soldiers in the 48th Regiment, and tryed for theft by the said Court Martial whereof Major Sparke was President, are by the sentence of the s'd (Jourt Martial adjudged to suffer the following punishments : Thomas Conelly one thous' ) Lashes att the Jas Fitzgerald, eight hund'' > Head Jas Hughes eight hund'' J of the Line. Also that they be obliged to make satisfaction for the Kegg of Beer stolen by them to the value of thirty three shilfe'* Maryland Cur)', and that proper stopages be made out of their pay by their officers for that purpose ; His Excellency has approved the sentence, but has been pleased to remit one hundred lashes from the puishment of Conelly and two hun- dred from each of the other two. Conelly is to receive 900 lashes at 3 different times 800 lashes each time. Jas Fitzgerald and Jas Hughes are to receive 600 lashes each at two different times, 300 lashes each time. The 48th Regiment to send the Drummers to the head ofy^- line, to put the sentence in execution, the first time of punishment to be to GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. XXXV. morrow morning at troop beating. The two Picquetts formed from the Independent Companies Virginia and Maryland Ranger.s, to consist of one Capt" 2 Subalterns, 2 Sargeants, 2 Corporals and 38 Cen- tinals. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Thursday, 15th May, 1755. Parole — Portsmouth . Field Officer to morrow Maj>' Sparke. For the Generals Guard 44tli Regiment. The Officers who were ordered to get themselves in readiness to go with the paymaster are cont^ On subaltern, one serg' 1 corpl and 30 cent'l to march this evening to Mr Martin's where the troop of Light Horse graze, the men to take tents with them and provisions for three days, the officer to receive his orders from Capt Stuart of the Light Horse ; this guard to be relievd every 3d Day. One Sei'g', one Corpl and 1 2 men to parade att the Fort Guard this Day at 12 o'clock m. The Surgeant will receive his orders from Capt Orme. AFTER ORDERS. The Subalterns Guard that was ordered to march to Martin's is countermanded. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Friday, 16th May, 1755. Pai'ole — Winchester. Field Officer to morrow Lt Col Gage. For the Generals Guard 44th Regiment. Any Indian Trader, Soldier or follower of the army who shall dare to give liquor to any of the Indians or shall receive or purchase from them any of their presents made to them by His Majesty thro' His Excellency Genl Braddock, shall suffer the severest punishment a court martial can inflict. XXXVI. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BuOK. There will be a public congress of the Indians to morrow at 12 o'clock at the Generals Tent. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Saturday, 17th of May, 1755. Parole — Eskaw. The congress of Indians mentioned in yesterdays orders is put off. Field officer to morrow Lt Col liurtun. For the Generals Guard 48tli Resiiraent. The Two Regiments, the Independent compys, the companys of carpenters, the Virginia and Maryland company of Rangers and the Troop of Light Horse are to send imtnediately to Mr Lake, commissary of Provisions a separate return of the number of persons they each of them draw provisions for, this return to be signed by the commander of the two regt and by the captains or officers commanding each of the Inde- pendent companys &c. The form of this return is sent to the Brigade Major and is to be given in regularly every eight Days. His Excellency expects that this order will be punctually obeyed, as the commissary will not be able to provide a proper quantity of Provisions for the army unless he has the above return sent to him regularly. One Subaltern, one Sergt 1 corporal, & 30 men to mount as a guard on the artillery. They are to parade this afternoon at 5 o'clock and to be relieved every 48 hours. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Sunday, May 18th, 1755. Parole — Farnham. There will be a public congress of the Indians this day at 12 o'clock at the Genl^ Tent. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. XXXVIL Field officer to morrow Maj Sparke. For the Genls Guard 44tli Reg*. One corpl, & 8 men of the line to attend the Engineer in Surveying; they are to parade at 9 o'clock. Each Regiment, Independent Company &c in the making up of their cartridges are to allow oG round of ball to 1 lb of powder, and for Field Dajs or Exercise they ai'e to allow 46 with or without ball. Six women per company are allowed to each of the two Regimts and the Independent com])anys; Four Women to each of the companys of carpenters Virginia and MarAland Rangers five women to the troop of Light Horse, as many to the detachment of seamen, and 5 to the detachment of artillery. His Excellency expect that this order will be punctually complied with, as no more Prov^" will be allowed to be drawn for than for the above number of women. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Monday, 19th of May, 1755. Parole — Guilford. Field officer to morrow Lt Col Gage. For the Generals Guard 44th Regiment. Each Brigade to send a man to the Gen'l Hospital as Orderly who are to receve and obey the directions of Doct"" Napper Director of the 2d Hospital. All the troops are to acct with the Director of the Hospital once in three months or as soon after as can be, for stoppages at the rate of 5 pence stirl'g per Day, for every Man that is admitted in the Gen'l Hospital; this stoppage to commence from the 24th of May ensuing. As soon as the Retreat has been beat this night the Drum Maj'' of each of the two Regimets are to march with the Drummers and" Drumers to the Head of the artillery where they will receive orders. XXXVIII. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. AFTER ORDERS. A return to be given into the Brigade Major to morrow at orderly time of the number of smiths and carpenters that are in the two Regiments, Inde- pendent Companies &c. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Tuesday, May the 20th, 1755. Parole — Hendon. Field officer to morrow Lt Col Burton. For the Generals Guard 48th Regmt. One Subaltern, 1 Sergt, 1 corp & 24 men to parade to morrow moi-ning at 5 o'clock They are to have three Days Provisions with them and the officer is this night to recieve his orders from Sir John St. Clair. Camp at Fort Cumberland. Wednesday, 21st of May 1755. Parole — Ilchester. Field officer to morrow Maj Chapman. The Generals Guard 44th Regmt. No soldier that is employed as a Baker b^- Mr Lake, commissary of Provisions, is to be put upon any duty whatever till further orders. It is His Excellency's orders that no Sutler give any liqvior to the Indians on any account: if any one does he will be severely punished. The provost is to go his round every Day through all the Roads leading to the camp. Every soldier or woman that he shall meet with on the other side of the River, or beyond the advanced Picquets without a pass from the Regiment or from the officer com- manding the company to which they belong, he is to order his executioner to tye them up and give them fifty lashes and to march them prisoners thro' the camp to expose them. One gill of spirits mixed with three gills of water GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. XXXIX. may be allowed each man per Day, which the officers of the picquet are to see delivered out every day at Eleven o'clock, any settler that shall sell any spirits to the soldiers without an officer being present shall be sent to the Provosts. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Tuesday, 22d May, 1755. Parole — Kensincton. 'fc"- Field Officer to morrow Maj'' Sparke. The Generals Guard 48th Regiment. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Friday, May 23d, 1755. Parole — Lincoln. Field officer to morrow Maj'' Chapman. For the Genls Guard 44th Regemt. A General Court Martial to sitt to morrow morn- ing, at 8 o'clock at the Genls Tent to consist of one Field officer, G captns G Subalterns. Lt Col Gage President. Mr Shirley Judge Advocate. If any officer, soldier or follower of the army shall dare to give anj' strong liquor, or money to the Indian Men or Women, if an officer he shall be brought to a General Court Martial for disobedience of orders; if a non commissioned officer soldier or follower of the army he shall receive 250 lashes without a C't Mart'l. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Saturday, 24th May, 1755. Parole — Monmouth . Field officer to morrow Lt Col Burton. For the Genls Guard 48th Regmt. xl. general braddock s orderly book. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Sunday, May 25th, 1755. Parole — Norwich. Field officer to morrow May Sparke. For the Generals Guard 44th Regmt. If an}' non commissioned officer or soldier belonging to the army is found gaming he shall immediately receive three hundred lashes without being brought to court martial, and all standers by or lookers on shall be deemed principals .and punished as such. One Capt", 1 Lent, 1 Ensign and 70 men of the 2 Brigades to parade immediatel}' att the Fort. They are to take Tents and 10 days Prov"'^ with them. The Capt is to receive his orders from Sir John St Clair. A Genl Court Martial of tlie Line, to sitt to morrow to try Lt McLead of the Royal Regt of Ar- tillery confined by Genl Braddock to consist of one Col. 2 Field Officers, and 10 Captns. Sir Peter Halkett President. Mr Shirley Judge Advocate. To sit at the Presidents Tent and to meet at 12 o'clock. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Monday. 2(jth May, 1755. Parole — Oxford. Field Officer to morrow Lt Col Gage. For the Generals Guard 48th Regiment. The General Court Martial whereof Lt Col Gage was President is dissolved His Excellency having approved of the several sentences allotted them. John Nugent of the 44th Regiment having been tryed for theft and found guilty of the crime laid to his charge as an accomplice in receiving a share of the money that was stole, is adjudged to receive one thousand lashes, and to be drum'd out of the Reg't GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. XLl. through the line with a halter about his neck. Samuel Draumer, of the 44th Regiin't and George Darty of Capt Demere's Independent Company having been tryed for desertion are adjudged each of them to receive two hund'^ lashes. Henry Dalton. of the 48th Reg't having been tryed for shooting Henry Pelkington, sold'r in the said Regiment the Court Marshal is of opinion that the said Dalton did not shoot the said Pelkington with design but that it was done by accident, there- fore His Excellency Gen'l Braddock has ordered him to be released and to be sent back to his duty. If any soldier is seen Drunk in Camp he is to be sent immediately to the quarter guard of the Regmt he belongs to, and the next morning he is to I'eceive two hundred lashes without a Court Martial. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Tuesday, May 27th, 1755. Parole — Petersfield. Field Officer to morrow Lt Col Burton. For the Generals Guard 44th Regiment. The party of the Picquets that lay advanced to load with raming ball, the rest of the picquets to load with powder and to have their ball in their pockets. The following detachments to march on Tuesday morning to parade at Revelle beating The men to be provided with two days- provisions ready dress'd. The 44th, 48th Regts are to furnish 1 field officer, 4 capts 12 subalterns 12 sergeants and 250 rank and file. Capt Rutherford's Capt Demere's Independent Companys, Capt Waginer's Capt Peyrouneys Com- panies of Virginia Rangers and Capt Poison's Company of Carpenters are also to march with this 6 XLII. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. detachment, who are to take with them their camp eqnippage and baggage. Major Chapman Field Officer for the detachment. Tlie Independent Company and companys of Vir- ginia Rangers ordered for this Detachment to furnish no men for the guards to morrow and any men that they may have upon the out Guards are to be relieved immediately. Particular care is to be taken that the men's arms are in good order and that each man is provided with ten flints and compleated to 24 rounds of ammunition. The Tools and Tomahawks of the 2d Brigade are to be given at Gun flring this evng to the quarter master General at his tent and a dem'd to be made to morrow nig at 6 o'clock of ye number of Tools each Brigade will want, the quarter master to attend. Camp at Cumberland, Wednesday, May 28th, 1755. Parole — Quarendon. Field officer to morrow Maj Sparke. Generals Guard 48th Regt. The Regulation of stoppages with the Director of the Genl Hospital to commence from the 24th (jf this month. As it is necessary to employ the soldiers in making and amending the roads His Excellency has been pleased to appt the followg allowances s d To ovei-y sub: nfllcer 3 0") Sterling To every serie.int I | To every corporal '.) \ ' To every drumer and private centinal (i I Day But as at present there is no public market and of course the men will have no opjjortunity of making use of the ready money His Excellency is so kind as to promise that he will see that they are punctually paid whatever is due to them when they arrive in GENERAL BEADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. XLIII. winter quarters therefore whatever Subaltern officer or sergeant has the command of any Avorking party as soon as they are relieved or come back they are to make an exact return of the number of men of their party and give it in to the quarter master Genl. But if hereafter there should be any public market or that the money will be found to be of use to the men upon a proper application His Excellency will give orders for their being paid. The companies of Rangers are for the future to furnish their proportion of men for duty with the rest of the line. As tliere will I)e an express going in a few days, any officers that have anij letters to send to Great Britain are desired to give them to either the Genl's aid de camps or to Mr. Shirley. AFTER ORDERS. The men of the Detachment that march to morrow to be commanded by the officers of their own corps or coinpany. Sixteen men from line to be appointed to the Guns to morrow that march and to be under the direction of the officer of artillery. The Indopendant company and Rangers of the two Brigades to mount but one picquet. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Thursday, 29th May, 1755. Parole — Queensbury. Field officer to morrow Lt Col Gage. The Genls Guard 44th Regiment. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Friday, 30th of May, 1755. Parole — Rochester. Field officer to morrow Lt Col Burton. XLIV. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. Generals Guard 48th Regmt. The troops to hold themselves in readiness to march in 24 hours warning. Whatever Barrells the Regiments and companys have got belonging to the artillery are to be sent back immediately with their troops to the foreman of the train. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Saturday, 31st May, 1755. Parole Field Officer to morrow Maj^ Sparke. Generals Guard 44th Regiment. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Sunday, 1st of June, 1755. Parole — Tamworth . Field officer to morrow Lt Col Gage. Generals Guard 48th Regmt. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Monday, 2d of June, 1755. Parole — Wey bridge . Field Officer to morrow Lt Col Burton. Generals Guard 44th Regiment. The Hatchet men of the two Regements and one man per company from the rest of the line to Parade this afternoon att 3 o'clock at Mr Gordon's (En- gineer) Tent. Four Sergeants 2 corporals & 100 men with arms 1 subaltern, 1 sergeant 1 coporal and 30 men with arms to parade to morrow morning at Revelle beat- ing at the head of the Line and to receive their orders from Mr Gordon Engineer. His Excellency has been pleased to appoint Col Innes Governor of Fort Cumberland. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. SLV. MONDAY EVENING. Three subaltern ofScers to march with the detach- ment of 100 men without arms, which is to parade to morrow morning at Reville beating. Camp at Fort Cumberland. Tuesday, June 3d, 1755. Parole — Yarmou th A General Court Martial of the Line consisting of 6 captains & 6 subalterns to sitt to morrow morning at 8 o'clock at the Presidents Tent. Major Sparke President. Mr Shirley Judge Advocate. Field Officer to morrow Lt Col Burton. Generals Guard 48th Regiment. Four Subalterns, 5 Sergts, 5 Corpls, and 150 men without arms to parade to morrow morning at y"? head of the line at Revelle beating One Subaltern, 1 Sergt, 1 Corpl, and 30 men with arms to parade at the same time and act as a cover- ing party ; they are to receive their Order from Mr Gordon. Engineer. 'O' Camp at Fort Cumberland, Wednesday, 4th June, 1755. Parole — Doncaster. Field officer to morrow Lt Col Burton. For the Generals Guard 44th Regiment. The 44th Regiment and Capt Mercer's Company of Virginia Carpenters to hold themselves in readi- ness to march in an hour's warning. The working Party to be relieved to morrow morning, and by the same number. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Thursday, June 5th, 1755. Parole — Boston. XLVI. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. Field Officer to morrow Major Sparke. For the Generals Guard 48th Regiment. The working party to be relieved to morrow morning and by the same number of men. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Friday, June 6th, 1755. Parole Field Officer to morrow Lt Col Barton. Sir Peter Halketts Regiment to march to morrow morning ; the sick of the Regiment unable to march to be sent to the Gen'l Hospital. One Subaltern officer to be left behind with them. The men of Sir Peter Halketts Regiment now upon Guard when they are relieved or ordered to come oft" are to be assembled together and marchd regularly to the Regiment by an officer. Capt" Gates's Independant Com})any and all ye remaining companies of provincial Troops to march on Sunday morning with the whole Park of Artillery. No more women are allowed to march with each Regiment and Company than the number allowed of by His Excellency in the orders of the 18th of May. Any soldier, sutler, woman or other person what- ever who shall be detected in stealing, purloining or wasting of any provisions shall sufler Death. The General Court Martial whereof Majr Sparke's was President is dissolved. Michael Shelton and Caleb Sary, soldiers be- longing to Capt" Edward Brice Dobbs's company of Americans tryed for Desertion are by sentence of the Court Martial found guilty and adjudged to receive 1,000 lashes each. John Igo, a convict servant, accused of theft is'by the sentence of the Court Martial found guilty of GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. XLVIL receiving and concealing goods the property of soldiers in' His Majesty's service and is adjudged to receive 500 Lashes with a cat and nine Tails by the hands of the common hangman. John McDonald soldier in Sir Peter Halketts Regiment accused of being an accomplice and con- cerned with John Igo is acquitted. The Guards advanced up Wills Creek, the Potomac and the Flats'^' to be taken off to morrow morning, and to join their several corps, the other guards to remain and to be relieved as usual. Capt" Gates Independent Company and ye re- maining companies of the Provincial Troops to furnish their proportion for the Guards to morrow and when they are relieved they are to join their companys in the same manner as those of Sir Peter Halketts Regiment are directed to do in this days orders. No Soldiers wife to be suffered to march from this ground with a Horse as their own. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Saturday, June 7th, 1755. Parole — Doncaster. Capt Yates's Independant companies & the remain- ing companies of Provincial Troops & ye whole Park of Artillery to march to morrow morning and to be under the command of Lieut Col Burton. The artillery & companies that march to morrow to receive this afternoon Provisions to compleat them to the 11th inclusive & ye women to ye 17th. The 4Sth Regiment to take all the Guards to morrow; the men of the 48th Regiment now upon ye train Guard are to join their corps to morrow morning when the Artillery marches off & that Guard to be mounted by the companys that march to morrow. *The Flats were od the East aide of Will's Creek XLVIII. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. The 48th Regiment to hold themselves in readi- ness to march on Monday next. AFTER ORDERS. The Generals Guard is to be reduced to morrow to 1 Sergt 1 corpl and 12 men who are not to be re- lieved but to i-emain with the Genl's Baggage. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Sunday, June 8th, 1755. Parole — Essex. Capt" Gates's Independant Company and the re- maining companys of the Provincial Troops and artillery are to march to morrow. The 48th Regt to march on Tuesday as Col Dun- bars Regiment is not to march to morrow the Genl's Guard to be relieved to morrow morning. The Companies that march to morrow to send immediately 1 Sergeant corporal & 12 men to assist Mr Lake commissary of Provisions at the Fort. A Return to be sent immediately from Col Dun- bar's Reg't Capt Gates's company & the American Troops of the number of men they have fitt for Waggoners or Horse Drivers. In the return of Col Dunbar's Regt they are only to include those men that have joined the Regiment since they have been landed in America. Camp in Fort Cumberland, Monday, June 9th, 1755. Parole — Fallmouth. Col Dunbars regiment to send their sick unable to march to the General 'Hospital and to leave a subaltern officer behind with them. One sergeant, 1 corpl and 24 men without arms to parade to morrow morning at Day break to assist Mr Lake, commissary of Provisions in loading of y^ waggons. general braddock s orderly book. xlix. Camp at Fort Cumberland, Tuesd.ay, June the lUtli, 1755. The Fort Guard to join their Regiments as soon as Governor Innes has taken possession of it and placed his centrys. Camp at the Grove, (First Camp from Fort Cumberland.) Pai'ole — Gainsborough. All the officers of the Line to be at the Gen's tent to morrow morning at 11 o'clock. No Fires to be made upon any acct whatever within 150 yards of the Road on either side, an}' person acting contrary to this order shall be very se- verely punished. All the waggons to be drawn up to-morrow morn- ing as close as possible and as soon as the waggons belong to the detachment under the command Tof Majr Chapman have closed vip to the rear of the Artillery that Detachment then to join the respective Corps. Col Dunbars Regiment to encnmp to morrow morning upon the left of the whole, according to the line of Encampment. Camp at the Grove, Wednesday, June 11th, 1755. Parole — Hartford. Capt" Rutherford and Cap" Gates Indep com- panys and all the American's Troops to be under arms immediatelj' att the head of their respective encampments. Any person whatsoever that is detected in stealing shall be immediately hanged with' being brought to a Court Martial. One Subaltern Officer 1 Serg' 1 Corporal & 40 men 7 L. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. with'^ arms from each of ye two Regemeut to parade immediately at y^ h"' of the artillery. One Sub: 1 Serg' 1 D"- & 30 Men of the line to Parade in the Rear of Col^ Dunbars Reg'' as soon as they have come to their proper ground The Officer is to receive his Orders from Majf Sparkes. Whatever number of Horses are furnisd by the Officers are to be paraded as soon as jDossible in the Rear of Col" Dunbars Reginit and to be reviewd by Maj'- Sparkes. The Officers are desird to acquaint Maj^ Sparkes which of their Horses for carrying Horses and which are for Draught and to be so good ak to send with the carrying Horses, Bat-Saddles & etc. if they have them. The Commands officers of the two Regt'^ & the capt"^ of the Indepond' and Provencial Troops to send in a Return to the Genl of the number of Horses furnished by their respective Officers, and opposite to the Officer's names, The number of Horses furnishd by each officer; that the Gen' inay be able to inform His Majesty of the Inclination and readiness of the particular Officers in carrying on the service. AFTER 0RDP;RS. No more than two Women per company to be allowd to march from the Camp, a List of the names of those that are to be sent back to be given into Capt" Morris that there may be an Order sent to Col" Innes at Fort Cumberland to Victual them A List of the names of the women that are allowd to stay with the troops to be given into the Majf of Brigade and any woman that is found in camp and whose name is not in that List will for the first time be severely punished and for the second suffer Death. AFTER ORDERS. Colo Dunbar's Reg' is immediately to furnish a Sergt & 12 Men as a Guard for the Provisions on GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. LI. their Left and the Scrg' is to receive his orders from M Lake Corny of Pro"?. The Line is to furnish two Serg'** & 30 Men with* arms who are to attend M' Lake Corny of Pro"^ to morrow mon? at Day break & assist in loading the Horses. It is the Gen' Orders yt M'' Lake Corny of Pro"^ with his People & y*' Party y*^ is allowed him begin weighiJ out yf Flour & oth"" Pro"s for back 2 ds to morrow ms by day b'' & his Excellency y' every th" will be in readiness by 1 Oclock in y>" afternoon. GENERAL BRADDOCK'S ORDERLY BOOK, NO. 2. Camp at the Grove, Thursday, June 12tli, 1755. Parole— "Ilford." Field Officer of the Picquet Lt Col Gage. The Picquet to load with cartridges, and not with raming Ball, to challenge and demand the counter- sign till troop beating ; and the Field officer and Picquet to be always received as Grand rounds as often as he thinks proper to visit the out posts, by Night or Day. The advanced corporals and sentrys to have their bayonets fixed ; the Detached partys from the ser- geants guard to hat fjorporals with them ; the ad- vanced sentrys not tui.AifFer anybody to come within ten paces of their arms without demanding the countersign. The advanced partys not to build any bowers, upon pain of severest punishment ; those already built to be immediately destroyed. These orders to be read to the men, by the officer of ye Picquet before the out guards are posted. Whatever communications from sergeant's guards to sergeants guards, and from corporals guards to corporal's guards are not yet opened to be done immediately. This to be a standing order, and to GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. LIII. be observed by j« troops in all camps, and no person whatever to fire their arras within a mile of y camp, but in case of an alarm or their bein2; attacked. These orders to be read to the men by the com- manding officer of each company, and the orders relative to the men of the picquet to be read to them before they are detach'd on y-' out guards by the officers of y*^ picquet. The captains of y several Picquetts to be at y Field officer of ye Picquet's tent an hour befoi'e retreat beating in order to receive the countersign from him. All the troops to be compleated this afternoon with provisions to the IGth inclusive and the waggon and horse drivers to the 2Gth. AFTER ORDERS. Sir Peter Halkett's Grenadiers and the battalion companys of that regiment to march immediately to the crossing of the new and old road, a little beyond where the detachment of seamen are now encamped. They are to encamp there; the Grenadiers camp across the road and the battalion companys according to the present line of encampment covering the ad- vanced wagons. The commanding officers to take care to advance picquets in the same manner and. proportion of numbers as ordr I in the disposition of march and to take care thai ^ns advanced picquets comply with the orders of this day. The detachment of seamen commanded by Mr Spendelow to be disposed of in such parts of the line as he shall think proper, and their arms and accou- trements are to be carried in whatever waggons he shall appoint. Three hatchet men of ye line with their tools to remain constantly with the detachment of seamen, and to receive their oi'ders from Mr Spendelowe. One Tumbril with tools to march in the front immediately after Captain Poisons company of LIV. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. carpenters and another Tumbril of tools to march in the centre of the carriages. One engineer to march with captain Poison's com- pany of carpenters and another engineer is to march in the centime of ye carriages. The Pioneers of every company of ye Line with their tools (except those that are ordered to ye detachment of seamen) to march constantly in y^ centre of y^ carriages and to be under the directions yp Engineer who marches in the centre. The troops to march to morrow and the General to beat at four o'clock in ye morning. Camp at Friday, 1.3th June, 1755. Parole — "Hertford." Field officer to morrow Major Chapman. The Line is not to march to morrow. Camp at Martin's, Saturday, June 14, 1755. Parole — "Leicester." Fhdd Officer to morrow Lt Col Burton. Upon the beating of the General which is to be taken IVom Sir Peter Halketts regiment, all ye troops are to accoutre turn out and form two deep at ye head of their respective encampments, and there wait for further orders and no soldiers tent to be suffered to be struck till ordered by the General. As soon as the tents are struck they are to be immediately loaded as also the officers baggage and then the troops are to lay upon their arms till they receve an order to march and upon the beating of ye march the whole to face to the right and left. The Field officers are not to be particularly posted excepting the one who marches at ye head of ye vanguard. The number of carisiages to be equally divided and GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. LV. Sir Peter Halkett and his Field officers with the troops of his brigade are to take under their care half of carriages and see that their officers order their men to assist the waggoners upon any point or difficulty that may happen. Col Dunbar and his Field officers with y ti'oups of the Second brigade to act in the same manner with the remaining number of carriages. In case any wagon should bi-eak down in such a manner as to be unable to keep with the Line it is immediately to be drawn out on one side of the road and a report of it with what it is loaded to be sent to Mr Scott Wagon master general who is to order it to be repaired, or see that the load is divided among the rest of the wagons as he shall think proper. Upon any halt, tho' ever so small the Companys are to form two deep and face outward. Upon a march the captains and officers of ye picquet to visit frequently- their out detachments, and see that they keep at a proper distance from their companies. Upon y<= firing of a cannon either in y front, centre or rear the whole line to form face outwards and then wait for further orders. When the troops come to Savage River the ser- vants, bat men Waggoners and horse drivers must take particular care to prevent their horses from eating of laurel, as it is certain death to them The General to beat to morrow morning at 4 o'clock. AFTER ORDERS. Upon the beating of the General to morrow morn- ing two companys from the right of Sir Peter Halkett's regiment to strike their tents and march as an escort to the carrying horses of y" army The Commanding officer to apply to Captain Morris to morrow morning for his orders. LVI. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. [Here is an omission of two days' orders, which cannot be supplied, but a blanlc may be left in the records to show the chasm.]* Camp at the Little Meadows, Tuesday, June 17th, 1755. Parole — Orford . Field ofBcer to morrow Lt Col Burton. A detachment to march to morrow morning at 4 o'clock consisting of one Field Officer 2 Captains 6 subalterns 12 sergeants and 150 rank and file of y^ two regiments; Captain Gates 2 subalterns 2 Ser- geants 2 corporals and 50 private men of his inde- pendent company, Captain Waggoners and Captain Perouney's companys of Rangers. Lt Col Gage to command this detachment A de- tachment to march on Thursday morning at 4 o'clock consisting of one Colonl 1 Lt Col 1 Major the two oldest companys of Grenadeers 5 Captains 20 subalterns 22 sergeants and 550 rank and file of y two regiments. Sir Peter Halkett Lieut Col Burton and Major Sparke field officers for this detachment The King's colour of y^ 44* reg't and ye second colour of ye 48ih regiment to be sent with this detachment. The men of the two regiments that are to march with the detachment of to morrow and Thursday to be taken out of thovse which landed from Ireland the commanding officer of each regiment to be an- swerable to his Excellency that this is complied with. A return to be sent in to-morrow morning to either of ye aids de camp signed by the command- ing officers of y^ companys of y^ two regiments of y^ names and countries of y^ men that are for *This note is written in Washington's handwriting. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. LVIL ye above two detachments their term of service and the regiments they have served in. His Excellency has been pleased to appoint the fol- lowing captains and subalterns officers for y^ above detachments and desires that they will take with them as little baggage as possible. For ye Detachment and command of Lt Col Gage. Of y'' 44th regt Of ye 48th regt Capt Beckwith Capt Morris Lieut Treby Lieut Harsard Lieut Sittler Lieut Barbutt Ensign Clarke Ensign Dunbar For the Detachment that marches on Thursday. Of the 44th Regiment Of the 48th Regiment Captain Hobson Captn Dobson Gethius Cholmley Bowyer Lieut Halkett Lieut Walsam Baile}' Hathorn Pottiuiier Edmonstone Simpson Cope Lock Brierton Kennedy Hurt Townshend Gladwin Ensign Nortlow Ensign Cowart Pennington Harrison Preston Crowe McMullen. The Surgeons Mate of y 48th regiment to march with this detachment. Capt Rutherfords Independent Company and Capt Stephens company of Rangers, to march to morrow mornin!! with the detachment under v*' command of Lt Col Gage and to return to camp at night. One Corporal and 4 light horse to march to mor- row morning with the detachment under Col Gages command, and to remain with him. The detachment of Seamen and Capt Stuart with 8 LVin. GENERAL BRADDOCK S ORDERLY BOOK. 1 subaltern, and 18 light horse to march on Thurs- day morning. No woman to be victualled upon the detachments that march to morrow and Thursday. AFTER ORDERS. Each of the two regiments as also Capt Gates Independent Company to send a sufficient number of tents for y" respective detachments that march to morrow under ye command of Lt Col Gage. AFTER ORDERS. His Excellency has been pleased to appoint Lieut Buchanan of y^ artillery to march with ye 2 guns to morrow morning and Capt L Smith and Lieut McLoud of y-' artillery to march with y detach- ment on Thursday morning. The men that march to morrow and on Tliursday morning to be compleated to 24 rounds of ammunition. *N. B. — After the orders in this, and the book preceding it, are transcribed, leave six pages blank for insertion of the commission of G. W n and the proceedings which intervened between the defeat of Gen. Braddock and the resumption of the com- mand by G. W. Next, the Letters, [nstructions, and orders, in the order they ajipear in the parchment covered book, are to be transcribed. ♦The above appears in WashiDgton'tt baudwiitiug, od a page following the last of the recorded orders. Page 23 — "The Potomac River obtained its naiue doubtless from the Potomac tribe of Indians," should read, "The Potomac tribe of Indians obtained its name doubtless from the Potomac River." Page;!30 — Lieut. Pickett should read Pickell. Page 496— The date of the re-establishment of the ' Allegauian and Times" should be 1876, instead of 1869. LRpMr?8 -t-c^ , p. f -:■■.:• ' - "%.o^ 4 o^ ^0' ^:>- ' -; r. ^° />5/Z%\ °^ ^^ V c'b' >^ A \V o ?v"^^ *' **''.-:iit-X./.-k\¥A'. V..* ,- ;■'"■<"% < O . -_ . ... ^ ,-4.^ .'I^ -f T Ku.:. .0' .•'■'*« o -fi^r^ ■.^: ' '. ->^.v "-. ■.^^'«<'^ .^"^ 0' "V'TT\^^-- ■■^' o 0' 'v3^. '»..» ^'\ ^^ ^' ■'^IrA-, .0-7*. ' '■ ■ ■ *l 0>. 'i.'-SL.h/ j' v- ^'^ .. <°. ^O. .^^ ■C;*!^B(HIBnchester. '^■-•' INDIANA