.CM ^uiMii»iiiiinnniiiMiiniiiiiiiniiiiiniHiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinHiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiMMiiiMiii»iiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiMiiHiiHiMiii»iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii; Educational Survey of Candler County Georgia By M. L. DUGGAN, Rural School Agent No. 22 Under Direction of State DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION M. L. BRITTAIN State Superintendent of Schools 1918 — 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 ) 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 ) 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 n l L 1 1 1 1 1 1 M ) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M ) 1 1 1 1 ■ ■ I ■ 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 ) 1 1 1 1 M M ) 1 1 1 ( M ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M t M t 1 4 1 1 1 1 M I f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M ( . Monograph Educational Survey of Candler County Georgia By M. L. DUGGAN, Rural School Agent No. 22 Under Direction of State DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION M. L. BRITTAIN State Superintendent of Schools 1918 1 2 3 4 5 6 CANDLER COUNTY SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION. 2. Hon. M. H. Williams, Superintendent Metter, Ga. BOARD OF EDUCATION. 1. Hon. Geo. O. Franklin, Chairman Pulaski, Ga. 4. Hon. H. B. Durden Graymont, Ga. 5. Hon. L. H. Sewell Metter, Ga. 6. Hon E. J. Bird Metter, Ga. County Home Economics Agent. 3. Miss Lucile Brown Metter, Ga. County Farm Demonstration Agent Mr. F. W. Atkinson Metter, Ga. CANDLER COUNTY. THE ONE THING MOST NEEDFUL to the public school system of Candler county is a more liberal and permanent maintenance fund to adequately support the rural schools for a uniform school year of at least seven or eight months. Nothing less will satisfy the educational demands of the county's children. Judging from all past experiences in Georgia and else- where THE ONLY WAY to secure for and guarantee to the schools such support is through countywide local tax- ation, as provided for under Georgia laws to such counties as will ratify it by two-thirds majority vote. This has been done by fifty-four progressive counties in the state, and their rural schools stand today as sufficient evidence of the success of the plan. (See map.) No county having once adopted this plan has ever repealed it. WHAT IT WOULD COST AND WHAT IT WOULD BE WORTH. The taxable property of Candler county, including rail- roads, is returned at $1,866,122.00 A county-wide school tax of 5 mills would yield 9,330.61 The state school fund for Candler county for 1918 is 10,014.00 To which would be added under local taxation 9,330.61 Making a total school fund for the county of 19,344.61 Which would be an increase of nearly 100 per cent. Such increase would immediately enable the county Board of Education to keep ALL of the rural schools open for at least eight months, put in an adequate equipment of school- room helps at each school, and pay considerably better salaries. Or, in other words, it would raise the rural schools throughout the county to a standard of efficiency such as they have not hitherto attained. UNCERTAIN METHODS. We can not afford to trust the education of our children to methods that are uncertain or temporary. Candler county is enjoying unusual prosperity, and her citizens are exhibiting commendable liberality towards every wholesome public enterprise. The exceptional liberal- ity of these good people towards special needs of their public schools when strongly presented to them on par- ticular occasions, such as subscriptions towards building or painting a new or larger school house, or "box suppers" to defray incidental or extra expenses, is prompt and hearty. So long as present prosperity continues in the county such extra demands will continue to be met prompt- ly and willingly. But it would be unbusiness-like and unreasonable to ex- pect any permanent and regular maintenance funds to be supplied by such spasmodic methods depending upon so many uncertain contingencies. And as a matter of fact no system of public schools any- where ever have been permanently or satisfactorily sup- ported by these temporary methods. Experience everywhere, both in city and country, has shown that the only way to provide for regular and permanent maintenance funds for public schools is by taxation. THE ADMINISTRATION. The Administration has adopted the motto "EVERY SCHOOL A STANDARD SCHOOL", and is working en- ergetically and earnestly for the attainment of this high ideal. It can not be attained without the active co- operation and some sacrifices on the part of the people for whose schools they are working. The lack of adequate financial support is the main handicap, and this can be re- moved by a vote of the people of the county. Where the cost against their property is so little, and the results to the prospective citizenship of the county so great, any op- position will be hard to explain. THE SCHOOLS. The itemized report upon each school in the county accurately given in this Bulletin will reveal to any careful reader their deficiencies. We respectfully suggest that they be compared with each other, and with "A STAND- ARD SCHOOL", hoping that thereby a more vital interest in them may be created. We do not deem it necessary to point out these deficiencies here, as they will so readily ap- pear to every interested reader. A WORK DAY OBSERVED. As planned by the superintendent and stimulated by about $80.00 in prizes offered by the county board of education a "Work Day" at all of the schools was observed by pupils and patrons on February 27th, from which the schools realized in work and donations above $4,000.00. But this amount does not nearly represent the value to the cause of the increased interest in the schools and their pupils on the part of the many citizens who were present and helped by their work or contributions. "ASSOCIATED ACTIVITIES". The vigorous work being done through the Boys' and Girls' clubs at practically every school in the county by the Farm Demonstration Agent and the Home Economics Demonstration Agent, in thorough co-operation with the county superintendent and teachers, is one of the most hopeful signs of the future. The time has come when any rural teacher who fails in hearty and active co-operation with this practical form of education handicaps seriously her own work and future prospects. COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE. It is worthy of special attention that the new Georgia "Compulsory Attendance Law" is being enforced in Candler county. It is also worthy of attention that this law is not "a weak law" in Candler county. (Ask the delinquents.) As witnesses call those parents and guardians who have been cited by the Candler county board of education to "ap- pear and give reasons" why their children were not in school "as required by law." Reports on non-attendance has been required of the teachers. Of all those reported for non-attendance every one was entered in school within the required ten days, excepting only a very few cases of serious illness. This new law seems to work successfully only where it is enforced. In Candler county it is being enforced. With the earnest hope that this report to the people of Candler county on their public schools will serve to stimulate and vitalize their interest in them I respectfully submit it to their consideration. M. L. DUGGAN, March, 1918. Rural School Agent for Georgia. METTER HIGH SCHOOL. (A Standard School.) Faculty: Prof. O. F. Helm, Supt.; Misses Bertha Hollingsworth, Lula Howell, Blannie Trapnell, Agnes Adams, Essie Freeman, Eula Peacock, Lucile Kennedy. Grounds: Area, two acres; titles in city council; grounds well cleaned off, but unimproved; ample playgrounds; no gardens; two toilets in good condition. Building: Value, $18,000.00, brick; nine class rooms; good audi- torium; library room; no cloak rooms planned in building, but halls provided with racks; well lighted; building in good condition and well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks and teachers' desks; good black- boards; sets of maps mounted in cases; charts; globes: pic- tures; reference dictionaries on stands; library of 525 vols.; two pianos; a stove for club work; etc. Organization: Eight teachers; school year nine months; ten grades; enrollment 396; programs posted; two literary societies; music, etc. Maintenance: From county funds $1,650.00; from local taxes and non-resident tuition fees, $2,697.00; total, $4,347.00. Members Canning Club: Misses Alva Lee, Mittie Vaughn, Nellie McLean, Mattie Lanier, Eva May Smith, Sallie May Whid- don, Virginia Peddy, Leona Wallace, Janie Kennedy, Florida Register, Julia Trapnell, Ida Bird, Willie Cooper, Imogene Camp, Marguerite Sewell, Cora New, Clara Belle Parrish, Mary Lou Tatum, Genevive Camp, Fannie Kirkland, Grace Mullins, Martha Vaughn, Lota Trapnell, Eloise Marshall, Ruby Collins, Bonnie Tatum, Cora Creech, Nita Belle Lee. Pig Club: Gilmore Grubbs, Benn Walls, Langdon Slater, Onida Trapnell, Marcell Lanier, Comer Lanier, Beuford Lanier, Wade Trapnell, Virginia Peddy, Denva Bowen, Mittie Vaughn, Frank Jones. Britt Dekle, Comer Lanier, Eva May Smith, John Dennis Durden, Lee Trapnell. 9 MMBHMMWMBBMBBBMBWWWMBBMBI ALINE SCHOOL. (A Standard School.) Teachers: W. C. Kicklighter, Miss Fannie Price, Mrs. Gertie Lake, Post Office, Aline, Ga. Location: Three miles west to Cool Springs; three miles south- west to Coleman. Grounds: Area, one and half acres; titles in trustees; grounds be- ing improved; ample playgrounds; Basket ball, etc.; school gardens; two toilets in good condition. Building: Value, $2,500.00; three class rooms; well lighted; wide halls for cloak rooms; painted inside and outside; floors oiled; in good repair and well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks; good blackboards; set of maps mounted in case; globe, framed pictures; a reference dic- tionary; library of fifty volumes; a stove for club work. Organization: Three teachers; school year, seven months; eight grades; enrollment 82; programs posted; A Home Helpers' Club and a Community Civic Club. Maintenance: From county, $460.00; from tuition, $150.00; total, $610.00. Members Canning Club: Misses Gency Durden, Audrie Edenfield. Members Boys' Club: Felton Pland, Rufus Brinson, Frank Bland, Burris Sellars. 10 SAPPLING GROVE SCHOOL. Teachers: I. L. Tyson, Miss Rubie Phillips, Pulaski, Ga. Location: Four miles south to Pulaski; four miles north to Maine High School. Grounds: Area, two acres; titles in local trustees; fenced and well improved; well kept; ample playgrounds; school gardens; only one toilet, in bad condition. Building: Value, $2,000.00; two class rooms; improperly and insuffi- ciently lighted; cloak rooms; painted inside and outside; floors oiled; in good repair and well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks and teachers' desks; first-class blackboards; good set of maps, mounted; chart; globe; framed pictures; a reference dictionary; small library; organ. Organization: Two teachers; seven months school year; eight grades: enrollment 57; program posted. Maintenace: $325.00 from county, $325.00 from tuition, total, $650.00. Canning Club Members: Misses Clara Bland, Floy Saxon, Pearl Davidson, Eunice Mae Bevie, Allie Brown, Clare Belle Col- lins, Bertha Brown. 11 COOL SPRINGS SCHOOL. Teachers: Miss Annie Lee Warren, Miss Lola Culpepper, Stillmore, Ga. Location: Three miles east to Aline; four miles southeast to Cole- man. Grounds: Area, one-fourth acre; titles (?); adjoining a church lot; unimproved; no playgrounds except on the adjoining church lot; no school gardens; two toilets in fair condition. Building: Value, $800.00; two class rooms; insufficiently and im- properly lighted; no cloak rooms; floors oiled; ceiled, but unpainted; in good repair and well kept. (This building is inadequate to the demands of the community, and plans are already on hand for a three-room up-to-date building which will be erected at a very early date.) Equipment: Shop-made desks and teachers' desk; good blackboards; United States and State maps, charts, globe; framed pictures; a reference dictionary; library of fifty volumes in a good case; covered water-coolers, individual cups; a stove for cooking and canning club work. Organization: Two teachers; school year, six months; nine grades; enrollment 109; programs posted. Maintenance: From county funds, $347.50; from District local tax, $226.50; total, $540.00. Members Canning Club: Misses Maggie Bradley, Alma Durden, Charlie Warren. Olivia Warren, Maxie Morgan, Palma Durden, Mina Morgan, Oza Powers, Mamie Davis, Estelle Bird, Verta McDilda, Gertrude Phillips, Iola Rauten, Clara Boyd, Annie Martin, Patriel May, Callie Durden, Dovie War- ren. Boys' Club: Rawlings Morgan, Terrell Warren, Glenn Warren, Lewis Bradley. 12 COLEMAN SCHOOL. Teachers: Miss Ruby Hooks, Miss Pearl Holloway, Cobbtown, Ga., R. 2. Location: Three miles northeast to Aline; four miles east to Wolf's Creek; four miles northwest to Cool Springs. Grounds: Area, two acres; titles in trustees; unimproved; ample playgrounds; no school pardens; two toilets in average con- dition. Building: Value, $1,000.00; two class rooms; fairly well lighted; no cloak rooms; ceiled; unpainted; floors oiled; in good repair and well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; good blackboards; United States history and small state map; no charts; no globe; framed pictures; a reference dictionary; librarv case, 50 volumes. Organization: Two teachers; school year, six months; seven grades; enrollment, 66; programs posted. Maintenance: From county funds, $325.00; from District local tax, $293.00; total, $618.00. Boys' Club: James Cooper, Loren Youmans, Raspus Coleman, John L. Youmans, Earl Dye. 13 WOLF CREEK SCHOOL. Teachers: H. A. Bacon, Miss Vera Collins, Cobbtown, Ga. Location: Four miles west to Colemen; four miles south to Cowart; four and half miles northeast to Metter Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in trustees; well fenced; well situated; small playgrounds; school gardens; twi toilets in good condition. Building: Value, $1,250.00; two class rooms; well lighted; cloak rooms to be added; painted outside; ceiled inside; well kept; in good repair. Equipment: Single patent desks; po<.r blackboards; only a United States history map; charts; globe; no framed pictures; a reference dictionary, on a good stand; a library of 100 volumes. Organization: Two teachers; school year, six and half months; seven grades; enrollment, 60; programs posted. Maintenance: From county funds, $275.00; from tuition, $177.50; total, $452.50. Members Canning Club: Misses Annie Mae Youmans, Laura Belle Bird, Nebie Lanier, Bertie Mercer, Julia Turner, Maggie Mercer, Gertie Collins, Mattie Mae Newman, Louise Cooper, Carrie Lively, Norah Hendrix, Annie Lanier, Rubie Mae Holloway, Eloise Bird, Florence Bird. Members Pig Club: Jobie Youmans, Willie Cooper. 14 ELBETHEL SCHOOL. Teachers: Miss Ruth Jarriel, Summit, Ga. Location: Near county-line; five miles east to Magnolia; 4 1-2 miles southwest to Rosemary. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in local trustees; fenced; unimprov- ed; small playgrounds; no school gardens; only one toilet, average condition. Buildings: Value, $1,600.00; two class rooms; no cloak rooms; well lighted; ceiled, but unpainted; in good repair and well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks and teachers' desks; good black- boards; one United States history map; no charts; no globe; no pictures; no reference dictionary; no library; improve- ment in contemplation. Organization: One teacher; five months school year; seven grades; enrollment, 39; programs posted. Maintenance: From county funds, $175.00; from tuition, $75.00. Members Canning Club: Miss Maggie Lee Ellington, Queenie Land, Mary Williams, Rhody Banks, Pearl Banks. Members Pig Club: Foster Johnson, Grover Culver, Susie Belle Culver, Jim E. Ellington. 15 MAGNOLIA SCHOOL. Teachers: Miss Myrtle Frederick; Miss Lilla Belle Yates, Metter, Ga., R. 1. Location: Three miles southeast to Maine school; four miles south to Green Valley; five miles west to El Bethel. Grounds: Area, three acres; titles in local trustees; fenced, other- wise unimproved; ample playgrounds; school garden; only one toilet, condition average. Building: Value, $1,500.00; two class rooms; cloak rooms; insuffi- ciently lighted; unceiled and unpainted; new building un- finished. Equipment: Single patent and shop-made desks; cloth blackboards; United States history map only; small globe; no chart; no charts; no pictures; a reference dictionary on stand; small library. Organization: Two teachers; school year, five months; eight grades; enrollment, 54; a literary club; programs posted. Maintenance: From county funds, $300.00; from tuition, $200.00; total, $500.00. Canning Club Members: Misses Vashti Drue; Missouri Beasley, Ida Lanier, Mellie Brinson. Boys' Club: Charlie Johnson; John Lanier, Aubrey Webb. 16 MAINE HIGH SCHOOL. (A Standard School.) Teachers: A. D. Finley; Miss Emma Collins, Metter, Ga., R. 1; Miss Zeta Parrish, Music. Location Three miles northwest to Magnolia; four miles south- west to Pine Hill; four miles west to Green Valley. Grounds: Area, four acres; titles in local county board; well fenced and improved; ample playgrounds; school gardens; two toilets in good condition. Building: Value, $2,000.00; two class rooms; cloak rooms; well light- ed; floors oiled; painted inside and outside; in good repair and well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks and teachers' desks; good black- boards; United States history and state maps; charts; globe; framed pictures; a reference dictionary; library of 200 volumes; piano; sand tables, etc; a stove for club work. Organization: Two teachers; school year, seven months; nine grades; enrollment, 81; programs posted; special class of 20 in piano. Maintenance: From county funds, $437.50; from tuition, $367.50; total, $805.00. Canning Club Members: Misses Mamie Cook, Amy Jones, Una Hendrix, Jewell Cook, Nettie Jones, Eva Adams, Denie Davis, Delia Davis, Bertie Lee Dixon, True Watson, Clara Belle Watson; Chloe Hendrix, Neta Rodgers, Leta Adams, Lilian Kitchens. Pig Club: Emerson Jones, Tolbert Jones, Bill Jones, Wallace Wat- son, Roy Hendrix, Louise Boylston, Charlie R. Hendrix, Tay- lor Hendrix, Leon Hendrix. 17 GREEN VALLEY SCHOOL. Teachers: Miss Fannie Isbell; Miss Edna Dasher, Metter, Ga. Location: Two and half miles south to Pine Hill; four miles north to Magnolia; four miles east to Maine. Grounds: Area, two acres; titles in county board; well fenced and otherwise improved; ample playgrounds; school gardens; two toilets in fair condition. Building: Value, $2,000.00; two class rooms; cloak rooms; improper- ly lighted; ceiled inside; painted outside; floors oiled; in good repair and well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks and teachers' desks; good black- boards; three maps; chart; small globe; reference dictionary; library of 65 volumes; sand tables; organ, etc. Organization: Two teachers; school year, seven months; seven grades; enrollment, 62; programs posted. Maintenance: From county funds, $325.00; from tuition, $305.00; total, $630.00. Members Canning Club: Misses Elberta Watson, Susie Lanier, Clida Roberts, Ola Yandle, Mary Tidwell, Corrinne Lanier, Eva Jones, Eunice Cannady, Terrah Cannady, Zenia Patterson. Boys' Club: Willie Jones, Elmer Jones, Hugh Tidwell, Bennie Elder - , Robert Youndle. 18 PINE HILL SCHOOL. Teachers: Rouchen Horton, Mrs. Lizzie Moore, Metter, Ga. Location: Two and half miles north to Green Valley; four miles east to Maine school; four miles west to Rosemary. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in Board of Education; grounds well fixed. Two toilets in good condition. Building: Value, $1,500.00; three class rooms; insufficiently lighted; cloak rooms; painted inside and outside; in good repair and well kept. Equipment: Double and single patent desks and teachers' desks; good blackboards; United States history and state maps; no charts; no globe; no pictures; reference dictionary; library, 40 volumes. Organization: Two teachers; school year, seven months; seven grades; enrollment, 85; programs posted. Maintenance: From county funds, $300.00; from District local tax, $365.00; total, $665.00. Canning Club Members: Misses Rubie Lanier, Clara Belle Still, Mary Bird, Fleta Dominy, Allie Creech, Elmer Lucus, Myrtle Bird, Addie Dyches, Gladys Miles, Bertha Norton, Bertie Mae Hurt, Ida Hurt, Eula Bird, Beulah Miles, Mozelle Dyches, Irmy Dominey, Lizzie Miles, Mamie Creech, Cora Faulkner. Pig Club: Willie Hurt, Paul Miles, Fred Miles, Kelmer Lucus, Herbert Norton, Onnie Doyle, David Norton, Geo. Bird, Comer Bird, Mary Bird, Addie Dyches, Clara Belle Still, Willie Jones. 19 ROSEMARY SCHOOL. (A Standard School.) Teachers: D. W. Grantham; Miss Cassie Yeomans, Graymont, Ga. Location: Four miles south to Pine Grove; four miles west to Beulah. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in County Board of Education; well fenced; ample playgrounds; school gardens; one acre in potatoes; two toilets, fair condition. Building: Value, $1,800.00; two class rooms; one cloak room; in- sufficiently lighted; painted inside and outside; in good re- pair and well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks and teachers' desks; good black- boards; United States history and small state maps; no charts; small globe; framed pictures; a reference dictionary; sand tables; good library case with 100 volumes; covered water coolers; a stove for club work. Organization: Two teachers; six and half months school year; eight grades; enrollment, 83; program posted. Maintenance: From county funds, $325.00; from District local tax, $110.00; total, $435.00. Members Canning Club: Misses Louise Coleman, Corrine Olliff, Hat- tie Durden, Stella Edenfield, Alice Olliff, Alma Akins, Eunice Rigdon, Martha Watson, Cora Lee Lanier, Inez Edenfield. Pig Club: Loyd Watson, Hurbert Watson, Hattie Durden, Inez Eden- field, Edna Olliff, Claud Lanier, Etta Olliff, Horace Coleman, Noah McGowan, Arlie Rigdon, Leo Atkins, Stella Edenfield, Clyde Lanier, Frank Watson. 20 COWARTS SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Mae Collins, Cobbtown, Ga., R. 4. Location: Three miles south to Evergreen; four miles north to Wolf's Creek school. Grounds: Area, (?); titles in local trustees; fenced; otherwise un- improved; ample playgrounds; no school gardens; only one toilet, condition average. Building: Value, $900; one class room; no cloak room; improperly lighted; ceiled, but unpainted; in good repair and well kept. Equipment: Single patent desks and teachers' desk; good black- boards; one United States history map only; chart; globe; reference dictionary; no library. Organization: One teacher; school year, five months; six grades; en- rollment, 54; program posted. Maintenance: From county funds, $150.00; from tuition, $25.00; total, $175.00. Canning Club Member: Miss Avis Boyd Members Boys' Clubs: Wafford Edenfield, Frank Puckett, Frank Smith 21 BEULAH SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Ila J. Foster, Stillmore, Ga. Location: Four miles east to Pine Grove, four and one-half miles northeast to Rosemary. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in private individual; grounds en- tirely unimproved; yards well cleaned up; ample play- grounds; no school gardens; only one toilet, in bad condition. Building: Value, $900.00; one room; no cloak rooms; fairly well lighted; not very well kept; ceiled, but unpainted; in good repair. Equipment: Single patent desks and teachers' desk; good black- boards; United States history map only; no charts; no globe; no framed pictures; no reference dictionary; library of 50 volumes. Organization: One teacher; school year, six months; seven grades; enrollment, 32; no schedule posted. Maintenance: From county funds, $175.00; from tuition, $95.00; total, $270.00. Canning Club Members: Misses Idelle Durden, Louise Black. Members Boys' Clubs: Josh Durden, Miller Flanders, Harrold Dur- den, Carmel Daughtry. 22 PINE GROVE SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Beulah Hulsey, Graymont, Ga. Location: Four miles west to Beulah; four miles north to Rose- mary, four and one-half miles southeast to Metter. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in local trustees; fenced; other- wise unimproved; ample playgrounds; no school gardens; only one toilet, condition bad. Building: Value, $900.00; one class room; no cloak rooms; im- properly lighted; ceiled, but unpainted; in good repair and well kept. Equipment: Shop-made desks; good blackboards; no maps; no charts; no globe; no reference dictionary; no pictures; no library; a stove for club work. Organization: One teacher; seven months school year; seven grades; enrollment, 47; program posted. Maintenace: From county funds, $175.00; from tuition, $215.00; total, $390.00. Canning Club Members: Misses Gertrude Pierce, Alma Daughtry, Eunice Collins, Myrtle Daughtry, Eddie Lynn, Selma Mikell, Lillian Jennings, DeAlva Deakle. Pig Club: Rhonnie Moore. 23 EVERGREEN SCHOOL. Teacher: J. M. Creech, Jr., Cobbtown, Ga. Location: Three miles north to Cowarts, near Tattnall county line. Grounds: Area, two acres; titles (?); fenced, but otherwise unim- proved; ample playgrounds; no school gardens; two toilets in fair condition. Building: Value, $600.00; one class room; improperly and insuffi- ciently lighted; one cloak room; ceiled, but unpainted; in good repair and well kept. Equipment: Home-made and patent desks; good blackboards; two maps; a small globe; no charts; a reference dictionary; no framed pictures; no library. Organization: One teacher; school year, five months; five grades; enrollment, 44; program posted. Maintenance: From county funds, $175.00; from tuition, $50.00; total $225.00. Canning Club Members: Misses Susie May Green, Ellie Belle Brown, Tessie Roberts. Boys' Club Members: George Thrift, Morrison Rushing, Harvey Green, Willie Hackle. 24 PULASKI SCHOOL. (Temporarily Used for School.) Teachers: 0. T. Taylor, Miss Elenor Ray, Pulaski, Ga. Grounds: (The school building- having recently burned down a new location is being selected. It will be well located, and ample in area. Titles will be vested in the local trustees.) Building: (A Lodge building is being used temporarily until a new building can be erected. Plans are in hand and contract let for a $5,500.00 building, which will serve the community well.) Equipment: The temporary buildinq- is comfortably fitted up with single patent desks, first-class blackboards, sets of maps mounted on rollers, charts, globes, reference dictionaries, etc. There is a library ordered ($165.00). Organization: Two teachers; school year, eight months; eight grades; enrollment, 65; programs posted. Maintenance: From county funds, $175.00; from tuition, $385.00; total, $560.00. (District has voted local tax.) Canning Club Members: Miss Mary Kate Ellis. 25 EXCELSIOR SCHOOL. Teacher: J. W. D. Licas, Register, Ga. Location: Three miles east to Atwood; four and one-half miles northwest to Franklin school. Grounds: Area, five acres; titles in local trustees; pine grove, un- improved; ample playgrounds; only one toilet, condition bad. Building: Value, $2,000.00; two-story, three rooms; no cloak rooms; insufficiently lighted; painted inside and outside; in bad repair but well cleaned up. Equipment: Double patent desks and teachers' desk; very poor blackboards; one United States history map and tmall state map; no charts; no globe; no reference dictionary; no framed pictures; no library. Organization: One teacher; seven months school year; five grades; enrollment, 54; program posted. Maintenance: $175.00 from county; $75.00 from tuition; total, $250.00. Canning Club Member: Miss Laura Dell Saunders. Boys' Clubs: Dennis Bragg, Isadore Sanders, Roy Freirson. 26 FRANKLIN SCHOOL. Teachers: Miss Lera Mulleing, Miss Nona Phillips, Pulaski, Ga. Location: Four and half miles west to Metter, four miles north- east to Pulaski, four and one-half miles southeast to Ex- celsior. Grounds: Area, three acres; titles in county board; fenced, but otherwise unimproved; ample playgrounds; school gardens; only one toilet; condition average. Building: Value, $1,400.00; three class rooms; improperly and in- sufficiently lighted; no cloak rooms; ceiled, but unpainted; in good repair; not very well kept. Equipment: Insufficient number single patent i>sks and some shop- made desks; teachers' desks; poor blackboards; chart and globe; no maps; no framed pictures; no reference dictionary; no library; organ. Organization: Two teachers: seven months school year; seven grades; enrollment, 60; program posted. Maintenance: From county funds, $325.00; from tuition, $415.00; total, $740.00. Canning Club Members: Misses Cora Wilson, Sallie McGauley, Luna Dixon, Edith Dell Trapnell, Meda Brown, Effie Aldridge, Amelia Brown, Essie Mae Boyd. Boys' Club: Lonnie Dixon, Jim Boyd, Joe Wilson, Ned Lane, J. T. Brookins, Alton Daniels, W. D. McGauley. 27 LETTER FROM STATE SUPERINTENDENT M. L. BRITTAIN To the County Superintendent and Teachers: Educational results and good teaching generally are not often secured in a shiftless-looking building in which neith- er patrons, pupils, nor teachers take any pride. Indefinite- ness has been removed at this point through the standard school. In the larger towns and cities pressure of public sentiment and the comment of visitors will sooner or later force good educational conditions — and they are improv- ing constantly. Rural communities need to be shown and inspired by educational leaders and we. have sent diplomas to more than two hundred county schools where the super- intendents have certified to the fact that they have meas- ured up to the standard in every particular. There are a number of localities in the State where the feeling is that no community in the county is able to bring its school up to these very reasonable requirements. I cannot help but think that this is a mistaken view and that some standard schools could be secured in every county in Georgia and that these would serve to inspire the others to progress. Superintendents have written that the use of this efficiency test has developed more progress in the past 12 months than for years previous in the way of improvement. The plan is of no value, however, where it is not used or applied and I earnestly hope we will have the effort at least of every superintendent in the State to have his county repre- sented on this roll of honor. The list will be published in the next Annual Report. The standard is not unreasonably high and no more than the Georgia parent has the right to expect. Copies should be posted in every county school room in the State and can be secured for this purpose at any time on application to the State Department of Edu- cation. To be entitled to a diploma a school should measure up to the standard in the following particulars: 28 I. The Teacher. 1. Good Teaching. 2. Good Order and Management. 3. First Grade Certificate. 4. Full, Neat, and Accurate School Register. 5. Daily Program Posted in Room. 6. Teacher's Manual on Desk. II. Grounds. 1. Good Condition. 2. Playgrounds. 3. School Garden. 4. Two Separate Sanitary Closets. III. .Building. 1. Painted Outside. 2. Plastered, or Ceiled and Painted. 3. No Leaks. 4. Windows without Broken Panes. 5. Cloak Rooms. 6. Good Doors with Locks and Keys. 7. Clean and Well-kept. IV. Equipment. 1. Patent Modern Desks. 2. At least 20 Lineal feet of Blackboard per Room. 3. Building Comfortably Heated and Ventilated. 4. Framed Pictures on the Wall. 5. Dictionary, Maps and Library. 6. Sanitary Water Supply. V. Associated Activities. 1. Manual Arts, Corn, Canning, Pig, Poultry, or Cook- ing Club. VI. Salary of Teacher. At least $40 per month. VII. Term. At least seven months. 29