Cfass, Book__ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT Historical Sketches OF Willies County By John Crouch 'rite ■pi'incipal office of JiUtory I take to he thi><: to prcrcnt v: :-t 11 011^ actions froiii tteinrj forgotten, — ■Tacitus. PriiilL'd and Bound bv John Crouch at THE CHRONICLE JOB OFFICE WILKESBORO, N. ('., m)2. THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, T^nf) Cow 68 Reosived 3£5^. ^0 1902 COPVRIQHT ENTRY AvfL . / i - / 'f ■2- CLASS tx.-XXa No. COW b; Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1902, bj JOHN CROUCH', in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Introduction Formation 1 Early Settlers 4 The Moravians in Wilkes 9 Benjamin Cleveland 11 First Will Probated 8(3 General Wm. Lenoir ' ' 86 Zebulon Baird, Grandfather of Zeb Vance, 48 First Church in the County 44 Early Schools 45 '^To Thumb the Notch" 46 Daniel Boone 47 Kings Mountain 56 The Siamese Twins 59 The Show Fight 61 James Henry Spainhour 68 Col. W. H. H. Cowles ()4 Rev. Geo. W. Greene 68 Doctor Tyre York ()9 Montford Stokes 71 C. C. Petty (col.) 74 The Cleveland Oak 74 Rufus A. Spainhour 75 Lovers' Leap 76 Courthouses and Jails 77 Harry Holland 80 Agricultural Possibilities 81 Fort Hamby 85 Simmons' Gang of Robbers 91 Stoneman's Raid 98 Montforcl Siclne}^ Stokes 95 Gen. John vSevier 97 Chas. Gordon 99 Gen. John B. Gordon 100 The "Blizzard Roost" 105 Gen. James Wellborn 10(5 Hon. Anderson Mitchell 107 Col. Wm. M. Barber 108 Lee Carmichael 108 Col. Thomas C. Land , 109 Rev. W. R. Bradshaw 110 Newspapers 112 Lawyers * 119 Physicians IBB Schools of Wilkes County 1B7 James Gordon Hackett 1B9 Calvin J. Cowles 1B9 JOHN CROUCH. INTRODUCTION. ^ILKES county has been the scene of many historic occurrences. From the time that the Moravians first made their ap- pearance within her borders her inhab- itants have been making history hj the wholesale. During the Revolutionary struggle I dare say there was not another county throughout the colonies that figured so prominently as Wilkes. At kings Mountain, the turning point of the ..evolution, about one-half the American forces were from Wilkes. And gallantly they did their country's service until the enemy's commander, who sworf^ he had found a place "where God Almighty could not drive him from," lay dead upon the bat- tle fi<4d and his forces either killed or taken prison- ers. And when the Tories and Indians needed at- tention, "Cleveland's Devils," as the Tories called them, were always equal to the occasion, and there always had to be some earnest "cleaning up" on the partV)f the Tories and Indians or some of their par- tv would dangle from a limb. " In the conflict Avith Mexico Wilkes furnished a company which did valiant service in behalf of the American cause, and our illustrious Colonel Sidney Stokos was so admired by those under his command that a Ijeautiful sword was presented him as a token of respect and love. An-^ when it came to the Civil war our record sta ■ ^ without a parallel. Some men from Wilkes madt Kcellent soldiers in the Union army, but mo '. ( ^ the men of Wilkes took their stand with fhe " 'ederacy. Such leaders as Gordon, Stokps. TXTHODUcTTOX. Barber, Cowlos and others, with their brave subor- dinates, won th(^ esteem and love of the whole Con- federate army ; and their achievments on the battle tields sliow the display of such courage and bravery as has never ))een excelled in the world's history. In the recent wars with Spain ^ and the Filipinos Wilkes s()ldiers have served with distinction. It is a lamentable fact that the history of our county has been so strangely neglected. Any of «^ur school teachers and scholars can tell us about the history of Rome and Greece, but few of them know anything of the history of their own county, not even the date of its formati(m. The fair records of her early fame are almost forgotten. It is the purpose of this little l)ook to gather such as can be ., obtained of these records and give them to th(^ peo- ple of the county in a shape that the}^ "^^^J ^^' '^^'^-- served, and that future generations may know ,of , and share in the glory of our ancestors. It is more J than probable that I have made mistakes in recoi-d- | ing these sketches, but all the available inforniatiop j has been obtained, and every statement, according I to my view, is as near correct as could l)e asce ''twin- ed. The author does not aspire to be an IiistoriMiu in collecting and compiling and composing, little book, T shall succeed in "rescuing from dust of age cr the obliterating hand of time'' - • few of the events and a few of tlie names "t time persons that so characterized our comt.v days gone by, my efforts w411 not be in vain. 11' i^ { my desir(- that the people of Wilkes county] read the pages of this bo(-k and there1";y l-e p < ed to increase their ]mtrioiism and take a{ I interest in the history of tlieir own county. / Surely the young peoj^e will take an int/ '^^^ reading this hook. If only the voiiijis / INTRODUCTION. )i'ar()liiia and Wilkes county could get a forctasto <>1 our liiBtory, our records would not be hidden in darkness but our history would be given to the Avorld, that not only ours -Ives, but all people might I k^w of our achiev^ements and profit tlierel)y. The young *people ought to be encouraged to emulate the noble record of our worthy ancestors. We are told l>y Sallust tluit Scipio and Maximus, when looking upon the statues of their illustrious countrymen. !)ecanie violently agitated. He says, ''It could not l)e the I inanimate marble which possessed this mighty power. It was the recollection of noble ac- tions which kindled this generous flame in their l)osoms, only to be quenched when they, too, by I heir achievements and virtues, had acquired equal I'eputation." "And by their light Shall every gallant youth with ardor move '^o do brave deeds." Free from the shackles of parties and sects I have tried t<> divest myself of all partialities or preju- dices and present Wilkes county and her sons as Cromwell would have Lely to paint his portrait : "True, as it is." Nothing has been omitted from personal motives, nor have I neglected to express yiews and opinions of any inan or event sketch- fi this book because of party affiliations or sec- m principles. 'ilkesboro, N. C, Dec. 12, 1901. ISTORIOAL SKETCHES OF WILKES COUNTY. FORMATION. , .^iLKES county was formed from Surry county in r7, and was named in honor of John Wilkes, a ...,tinguished English statesman and member of ■Vliament. He was ejected by the Ministerial par- .- rom Parliament on account of his liberal polit- ':^%\ dews; and as often was returned by the people. \m . led in 1797. I'lie county is situated in the north-western part porth Carolina, and is bounded on the north by I Blue Ridge, which separates it from Ashe and Lghany counties ; on the east by Surry and Yad- couiities ; on the south by Iredell and Alexan- , counties, and on the west by Caldwell and Wa- i[TSi counties. The larger portion of the county j; between two great mountain ranges and the |<;kin river flows between, thus forming a valley ■ unexcelled fertility and picturesque beauty. |^;des the Yadkin there are Mitchell's, Roaring ill Red dies rivers and numerous large creeks in the ^uity. These rise in the mountains and flow into M Yadkin, running sometimes through broad and te ile bottoms and sometimes leaping over rocks It breaking through ridges, thus affording im- Ji se water p^wer and delightful scenery. V- I kesboro, i he capital, is a beautiful town of ,al o t 800 population, situated on the south bank of ^le^iadkin near the center of the county. It was ^- HISTORICAL SKETCHES founded in 1778 by John Parks, John Barton, Cf _ Gordon, Francis Hardgrave, Rowland Jiidd, Georgia Morris and John Witherspoon, who were appointed bv the General Assembly to select a county seat for \ViLk'3s county. It is about 175 miles north-west of Raleigh. The committee appointed by the General Assem- bly to survey the dividing line between Wilkes and Surry made the following report of their work, which is the first paper recorded in the county records : • Wilkes County Line, &c, "A return of the proceedings of the commission- ers who were ap|x>inted to run the dividing line Be- tween the counties of Surry and Wilkes, to wit : ' "Beginning on Rowan county line about half a \ mile below Daniel Rash's at a white oak standing 'iii ' the head of a branch of Hunting creek, thence noi^li crossing the Mulberry Field road about half a mile below Hamlin's old store house, thence through Solomon Sparks' plantation, leaving the said Sparks' home in Surry county, thence crossing the Brushy mountain at the head of the north fork "of Swan creek, then crossing the Yadkin river a little below Capt. Parks' and through the lower end 'of \ Carroll's plantation on the north side of said rivWj i thence crossing the Big Elkin at the Long Shojils, , thence crossing the south fork of Mitchell's riveic a- ' bout half a mile above Bigg's road, thence cross&g ; Mitchell's river a little below John Scott's, crossfn the top of the Poiney Knob to the main ridge^ mountains about two miles west of Fisher Pe: thence to the Virginia line ; being run exactly : miles west of Surry court house, agreeable to act Assembly, by Robt. Lanier, ) Henry Speer, > Commissionei Joseph Herndon." ) OF WILKS COUNTY. 8, F/oiii the best information, the county of Wilkes origiiuilly embraced all the territory included in the follo^ving boundary lines : Beginning at the white o«k mentioned as the starting point in the above re- port and running west to the Mississippi river, then north with said river to the Virginia line (now the "Tentncky line), then east wdth said Virginia line to le ijorth-west corner of Surry county, then soutli [th the Surr}^ county line — as given in the above )rt — to the beginning. When the county was :med it included all of the counties of Ashe, iVlle- iny, W^atauga and Mitchell, and a portion of the ^unties of Iredell, Alexander, (the line ran a mile or so south of where Taylorsville now stands) Cald- f, Burke and Yancy, and probably others, and a large portion of Tennesse. In w^hat is now n<^ssee there w^ere local governments organized, they were hardly recognized as counties by the "l^^te government. The districts of Washington. 1 • 't. :i^•a and Greene were organized within the bor- Wilkes and later were admitted as counties ^^ate of Franklin, but until Tennessee was or- ; ! Wilkes county was the legal division of all itory included in the borders of the county. .- is not near so large now. She has given !,;-> I .;i territory and other counties have grown out >|' ^^L. Like a venerable mother she now nestles •i't'*. 'en the Brushies and the Blue Ridge with her i^^ -"era settled around her. We look upon the ^■i'-i ^W8 of the counties beyond the Blue Ridge, the llpv bottoms of the Yadkin in Caldwell, and on ^\ o d til!; Smokies we see a section w^ell developed I msperous. Cities have sprung up; railroads l"e )een built, and mines that produce millions of lla s worth of coal, iron, mica, copper, etc., have in evelo]»ed. They are all the otif'spring of the d V ilif"- countv. We, look u[)on th(^m to-day and ' ■ \ 4. HISTORICAL SKETCHES bid th'^m God speed in their march of progress, EARLY SETTLERS. One hundred and seventy-five years ago Wills^ county had never been trod by the feet of Anglor- Saxons. All this vast country was inhabited only by savage Indians and the wild beasts of the forest. How little did the Indian think that in a short time he would be driven from his model hupting ground by the whites, who would clear away the giant trees of the forest and the dense jungles in the swamps along the banks of the Yadkin and oth. ji^ and cultivate the lands that were the hoir" deer, elk, bear, wildcat, fox and other wild ..k. But the goodly lands of this section wer ^ m :•: tended to be always inhabited by savagen -xnu. : ' animals. A nobler race of people needed th<.' tory in which to live and build homes ar'd and schools. Tradition tells us that the swamps along J 3 Yadkin were the scene of many hard fought bf-itles between different Indian tribes before the w'-^. made their appearance in this section. 7^ u good evidence to sustain this tradition. Indi5- ■ implements, such as arrow flints, tomahawk- have been found in large numbers sinc-^ have been cleared. Also many Indian ^<^ have been found. The jungles along ilu- \ furnished excellend hiding places for the ^avag. would conceal themselves and lay in whites, and so the swamps were also t1 many fights between the Indians and The freshets in the spring of 1901 unea skeletons ; minie balls* were also fo. i> i OP WILKES COUNTY. O. freshet. Just when the first white setth^rs came to what !> now Wilkes county is not known. As early as 1740 the crack of the white man's rilie had brought tlie timid deer to the ground and friglitened the otlier animals of the forest. Governor Rowan wrote tliat, "'In the year 174(3, I was in the territory from the Saxapahaw (now Haw river) to the mountains, and there were not above one hundred fighting men in all that back country." According to the Colonial Records there were, in 1749, only tliree hundred taxable men in North Carolina west of Haw river. About the year 1750 three streams of i migrants began to poiir into this section of the State — one from south-eastern Pennsylvania, one from eastern North Carolina and one from South Carolina. But most of the settlers coming within the present bor- ders of Wilkes county came from eastern North Carolina, Among them may be mentioned the Stokes, Greenes, Mitchells, Wellbornes, Browns and others. Most of these were of English descent. The Moravians were probably the first whites to explore the upper Yadkin valley, but few, if any, of them became permanent settlers. They came, -sur- veyed sonie land, made some exploration and re- turned to the Moravian settlements about Salem. Different motives prompted the first settlers to come here. Some came seeking religious freedom which was not accorded them by the provincial gov- ernment. Others grasped the opportunity to come and take up the lands, while others came probably to gratify their desire for a frontier life. The desire for absolute freedom from British rule was spreading all over the colony, and in this sec- tion, remote from the seat of the provincial govern- ment, the inhabitants could exercise more freedom han other settlers who were in closer proximity to 2 6. HISTORICAL SKETCHES the British agents. Thus it was that such men as Colonel Cleveland, General Lenoir and others were ready to make their mark when the struggle came on. They cherished the thought of independence and kept adding fuel to the flame. The early settlers found certain sections clear of timber. The places where Wilkesboro and North Wilkesboro now stand were among these sections. The early settlers supposed that the Indians had cleared away the timber, but it is my opinion that the natural state of the land in these sections at that time was barren of trees. There are certain sections in the western part of the State yet where trees will not grow. Among them may be mention- ed the Elk Gardens on White Top mountain and several places along the Blue Ridge. There is a small mountain in Trap Hill township called Gras- sy Knob that used to be barren of trees. J. Addison Spencer, in a recent letter, said that, "In 1854 my father moved from Randolph to Wilkes county and settled on the Elkin near the foot of the Blue Ridge, between two knobs known as Wellsey and Grassy Knobs, in the McCann neighborhood. The oldest man in that section at that time was James McCann, ancestor of the McCann generation. He was then about 80 years old and was one of the first settlers. I have heard him say that when he was young Gras- sy Knob had nothing but grass on it, from which it derived its name, and that he had seen large herds of deer grazing on it. It is now and was forty-five years ago heavily timbered. The Cherokee Indians were quite numerous in those days, and where North Wilkesboro now stands seemed to be their capital village. Here the Indi- ans held their annual corn dance, which was their festival of harvest. There they reeled and frenzie^ and made merry for days and weeks. In the botj t .. OF WILKES COUNTY. 7 toms along Yadkin and Reddies rivers, which were then heavily timbered with stately cedars, were hundreds of Indian wigwams. On the hill where Gus Finley lived and died was erected by the early settlers a kind of fort known as the "Black House." Here the whites, when attack- ed by the Indians, would flee for refuge. They could spy the approaching enemy in every direction and bring him down with their deadly rifles before he could get close enough to do any injury to the whites. This house, or fort, seems to have been burnt by the Indians, but another was built on the same spot. The last one was called the "Red House." How long the "Red House" stood or how it was destroyed is not known, But it is probable that before it was destroyed the savages had been driven from the Valley of the Yadkin and it was no longer needed as a fort for protection from the at- tacks of the Indians. The early settlers had to go nearly two hundred miles to Cross Creek to get salt, sugar, iron and other necessities that they could not produce here. The women of those days were more industrious than the bon tons of the elite of society that we have with us to-day pretending to be wives and mothers. They would work in the fields all day. and at night they had the cotton to seed, flax to spin, carding, weaving, knitting and many other things to do. The meals had to be prepared too, but it required only a short time to do that ; the principal articles of food were "hog and hominy," and such other articles as could be produced on the plantation. Coffee and tea were rare ties. Tea made from spicewood twigs, sassafras roots and sage leaves and "cofl'ee" made of parched corn or rye was commonly used. In the spring of ';he year all the stock was belled <'^. HISTORICAL SKETCHES ;in(i turned loose in the woods to shift for theni- ^ielves. Troughs were hewn in logs where the stock salted about twice a week. These troughs were c-illed ''salt licks." In those days there was a kind of wild pea vine that grew abundantly in the woods and the stock would graze upon these pea vines and do well until cold weather. These wild pea vines (•eased to grow about fifty years ago. Thei'e is quite a contrast in society then and now, [n those days the dwellings usually consisted of two log houses — the kitchen and the "big house," and occasioucilly the "big house" had "up stairs." The "big house" was the parlor, sitting room and bed room combined. There was no organ nor piano, but the tiddie, banjo, flute and fife were the musical in- ^^truments in those days. Courting was carried on in those da}^, you bet, but the bon tons of to-day \V(VLildn't have recognized the style in those days. There were no drives in costly vehicles nor expensive hridal tours. When the distance to be traveled was too far to walk they rode on horseback. Bride and groom or beau and sweetheart would both ride the same horse and hie away over the rough roads as merrily as the mated sparrows fly about their nest. The courting at home was done in the "big house" in the corner by the fire while the old folks WHi'e in bed and pretendedly asleep in the back end of the room. Corn shuckings, quiltings, etc., were great social events. At night after the work was ('om})lHte, the neighborhood fiddler came in tind the Fun began. Until an hour or two before day both old and young, male and female, would dance and skip and play keeping step with the music all thf while. Everybody believed in helping his neighbors do their work and in turn his neighbors would hel{) him. The whole comtniiriity would engage in shuck- iii.L;- coi-M, (4('.. and keep moving j.bout until every OF WILKES COUNTY. 9. inan'8 work was done, keeping up the frolickR every iijight. When a man killed a hog or a yearling he would divide with his neighbors who would repay when butchering day came with them. The principal sports among the men were hunting and horse racing, and in later years, mustering. In those days there was no tax on "grog," as they called it, and from all information it was freely used. It is peculiarly interesting to study the habits and customs of our fore fathers who first inhabited this country ; think of them chasing the deer, elk. bear and other game ; their conflicts with the Indians ; the eyery day association with such pioneers as Daniel Boone and Benjamine Cleveland. But the frontier life is a thing of the past ; the pioneers have long since passed away, and all that is left is the county which they founded and nurtured in its in- fanc3^ Let us honor them by keeping the records of our county spotless and clean. THE MORAVIANS IN WILKES. Lord Granville was one of the eight Lords Propri- etors of North Carolina. He did not sell his inter- est m the lands of North Carolina back to the King of England as did the other seven Lords Proprietors. In 1752 he granted ten thousand acres of land to the Moravians, who surveyed a part of the ten thousand acres — 8778 acres — within the present borders of the county of Wilkes. Two surveys were made, knowni as the upper and lower Moravian surveys. The hnver survey included the site of Wilkesboro and ^'xtended down the river to Blair's island, and up t he river about a mile above North Wilkesl)or(» 10. HISTORICAL SKETCHEg crossing the river and running on the north side, then again crossing the river between the Hackett and Stokes farm, leaving the latter out of the sur- vey. The line crossed the Wilkesboro and Moravian Falls road near where R. C. Lowe now lives, and ran out near Oakwoods and back to the beginning. The upper survey included the sections about Mo- ravian Falls and Goshen. The exact lines of either survey can not now be located. It is said that the Moravians intended to include in their survey the bottoms on the north side of the Yadkin about where North Wilkesboro now stands, but when the surveyors came to the heights on the south side of the river and looked over and saw so many smokes rising from Indian wigwams they con- cluded it would be best to leave the savages unmo- lested, so they went a mile further up the river be- fore crossing. It is said that the Moravians were in search of potter's clay, and failing to find it in desirable quantities, they failed to pay Lord Granville for the land. Lord Granville afterwards sold the lands that the Moravians had surveyed to a man in Ireland named Oassart. His son. Christian Frederick Cassart. sold the lands, by power of attorney , to Hugh Mont- gomery, of Salisbury. Montgomery made a deed of trust to James Kerr, David Nesbit and John Brown, who were to divide the lands to his daughters, Ra- chel and Rebecca. Rachel married Gov. Montford Stokes and Rebecca married General James Well- born . OF WILKES COUNTY. 11. FIRST COUNTY OFFICERS. Wilkes county was formed in 1777, but it was not organized until in the spring of the next year. Following is a list of the first county officers, who took charge of the affairs of the new county on the ^nd day of March, 1778: Sheriff, Richard Allen. Treasurer, Richard Allen. Entry Taker, Benjamin Herndon. Surveyor, Joe Herndon. Register, John Brown. Ranger, John Brown. Coronor, Charley Gordon. Clerk Coui^ty Court, William Lenoir. Representatives, Benjamin Cleveland and Elisha Isaacs. BENJAMIN CLEVELAND. Ancestry, A STORY has it that a beauty in the time of Charles the First named Elizabeth Cleveland, a daughter of an officer of the palace of Hampton Court, attracted the attention of her sovereign, and an amour was the result. When Oliver Cromwell became the rising star of the empire the same charms won his sympathies, and a son was born unto them. The mother retired from public gaze and subsequently married a man named Bridge. When this illigitimate son grew up he took his mother's name and was the reputed author of a book, ^'The Life and Adventures of Mr. Cromwell, Natural Son of Oliver Cramwell/' published after his 12. HISTORICAL SKETCHES death by consent of his son, first in 1731, a second edition, with a French translation in 1741, and yet another edition in 1760. Whether or not Benjamin Cleveland descended from this man and from Oliver Cromwell is a mat- ter of conjecture. But whether or not the story is a romance or records a series of facts it is novertheless true that Colonel Cleveland had a copy of the book and claimed in this way to have descended from the illustrious Oliver Cromwell. Others of the Cleve- land family made the same claim. The Clevelands derive their name from a tract of country in the north Riding of Yorkshire, England, still called Cleveland. John Cleveland was one of the early imigrants to Virginia. He settled on the since famous Bull Run, and his occupation was that of house-joiner. His son, Benjamin Cleveland, the subject of' this sketch, was born there on the 26th of May, 1788; and while yet very young his father moved some sixty miles to the south-west, locating in a border settlement on Blue Run, some six or eight miles above its junction with the Rapidan, near the line of Albemarl. Boyhood. When little Benjamin was about twelve years old. some drunken rowdies came to Cleveland's home one day when both parents were away from home. The rowdies commenced throwing the stools in the fire, when little Ben snatched his father's riflle from the racks and simply said, "gentlemen do you see this?" They saw the gun and the determined atti- tude of the youth, which led them to think discre- tion the better part of valor, when one of the party "said to his fellows : "We'd better be off ; we don't know what this excited child might do." So little Ben's conduct caused the rowdies to lenvp. OF WILKES COUNTY. 18. Young Cleveland did not "fancy" farm life, but, like Daniel Boone, he preferred a dog and gun and the forest. He spent much of his time from parly youth in the wilderness, securing pelts and furs which found a ready market. Fire-hunting at that day was a very common and popular mode of en- tra])ping the deer in warm weather, when they re- paired to certain localities at night in shallow streams, where they could find food suiting tlieir taste. The torch lights of the hunters would so daz- zle the attention of the deer that he would stand in amazement watching the strange light, while the hunter had only to blaze away at its glaring eyes and. bring it down. There was an old Dutchman in that region who had a good stand for fire-hunting, and young Cleve- land wanted it himself. One day he peeled some bark off a tree and placed it in the water to resem- ble a deer. At night he concealed himself nearby where he could watch operations. In due time the Dutchman made his appearance — fired upon the supposed deer without bringing him down ; he re- peated his shot but still the deer remained unmoved, The Dutchman became alarmed and exclaimed, "It's de duy-vil," and at once abandoned that hunting ground. Young Cleveland chuckled not a little over the success of his stratagem. Cleveland Marries. At length young Cleveland married Miss Mary Graves, in Orange county, whose father was quite wealthy. But his marriage did not reform his wild and reckless habits. He still loved gaming, horse- racing, and the wild frolicking common in frontier life. In company with Joseph Martin — afterwards General Martin — he put in a field of wheat on Pig river, about the year 1767, where he settled some 8 14. HISTORICAL SKETCHES four years before ; ]:>ut they were too indolent to fence it properly. When harvest time came there was something of a crop:. As w^as the custom at that time, they invited their friends to join them in cutting the grain ; for which occasion some liquor and a fiddler were provided, and a good time was necessary before entering upon the work, which end- ed in a debauch, and the grain was never harvested. Tradition tells us that Cleveland took an active part in the French and Indian wars, but the facts are lost to history. No doubt he was initiated into the military service in that border conflict, which proved a training school for his Revolutionary ca- reer. Cleveland Moves to Wilkes. In order to break away from reckless habits and old associaltions, Cleveland, about 1769, removed, with his father-in-law and family, to North Caroli- na and settled on the waters of Roaring river, then in Rowan, later Surry, and a few years later Wilkes county. Here Cleveland raised stock and devoted much of his time to hunting. Some time later he located on the noted tract on the north bank of the Yadkin, near Ronda, where Dr. James Hickerson now resides, known as the "Round About," taking its name from the horse-shoe shape of the land, nearly surrounded by the river. Cleveland's Kentucky Experience, Daniel Boone, on one of his visits from Kentucky, gave such a charming description of the "Dark and Bloody Ground"-^that land of cane and pea vines, abounding with deer and buffaloes — its wild charms, its rich soil, and its teeming game — that Cleveland could not resist the temptation. In the summer of about 1772, in company ,with Jesse Walton, Je^^se OF WILKES COUNTY. 15. Bond, Edward Rice and William Hightower, he set out to visit the hunting grounds of Kentucky. When they had safely passed Cumberland Gap, and enter- ed upon the borders of the famous Kentucky, with cheerful hopes and glowing prospects, they were un- expectedly met and plundered by a band of Chero- kees, who relieved them of their guns, horses, peltry and all that they possessed even to their hats and shoes. An old sorry shot gun was given in turn, with two loads of powder and shot, when they were threat ningly ordered to leave the Indian hunting grounds. There was nothing else they could do. On their way home they kept their amunition as long as possible ; with one load they killed a small deer — the other was spent without effect. They were so fortunate as to catch a broken-winged wild goose, and at last had to kill their faithful little hunting dog. In after years Cleveland said that this dog, owing to the circumstances, was the sweet- est meat he ever ate. With this scanty supply, and a few berries, they managed to hold out till they reached the settlements, but in a nearly famished condition. Several months afterwards Cleveland with a party of chosen men wended his way to the Cherokee towns, determined to recover the horses that had been taken from him and his associates. Cleveland applied to a noted Cherokee chief, known as Big Bear, who told him that the Indians who had his horses would be likely to kill him as soon as they should learn the object of his visit. Big Bear sent an escort with Cleveland to several towns to aid him in recovering his property. He succeeded without much dificulty except in the last place. The Indi- an having the horse showed fight, raised his tomma- hawk, and Cleveland cocked his rifle, when hie friendly escort interrupted, and saved his red broth- 16. HISTORICAL SKETCHES er from a fatal shot by throwing him to the ground : but not before he had hurled his battle-axe at hi.s antagoni^)t, which did no other harm than cutting away the bosom of Cleveland's hunting shirt. Then Cleveland, at the instance of the Indian guide^ mounted the horse which was at hand and was riding away when the enraged Indian fired at him wound- ing the horse but not severely ; and Cleveland and party returned with their horses in triumph. Some Hunting Experiences. Reuben Stringer was a noted woodsman of the upper Yadkin Valley, and was often Cleveland's as- sociate in his hunting adventures. They took an elk hunt together, in the month of August, when these animals were in their prime. The elks were large and very wild, and gradually retired before the advancing settlements. A few years before the Revolutionary war they were yet to be found at the foot of the mountain ranges on the head waters of N nv river. Pursuing a wounded elk, Cleveland in attempting to intercept him at a rocky point of the river, where he expected the elk to cross the stream, found himself surrounded by a large number of rat- tlesnakes, coiled, hissing, and fearfully sounding th3ir alarm rattles on every hand. From this dan- gerous dilemma his only deliverance seemed to be an instantaneous plunge into the river, which he made without a moment's hesitation, and thus probably escaped a horrible death. One day while Stringer was busy in preparing a fire to cook some of their wild meat for a repast, Cleveland spread his blanket on the ground under a large oak and lay down to rest himself and soon fell asleep. In a few moments he suddenly awoke in a startled condition — why, he could not tell — OF WILKES COUNTY. 17- and, casting his eyes into the treetops above, he saw a large limb, directly over him, nearly broken off, hanging only by a slight splinter to the parent tree. He said to his companion, pointing at the limb : "Look, Reubin, and see what an ugly thing we have camped under!" "It has, indeed, an ugly appear- ance," replied Reubin, "but since it has apparantly hung a great while in that condition, it may likely do so a good while longer." "Ah," said Cleveland, "as long as it has hung there, there is a time for it to come down, and I will not be in the way of dan- ger," and gathered up his blanket to spread it in a safer place. As he was passing the fire he heard a crack above — the splinter had broken and the liml) came tumbling down directly upon the ground where Cleveland but a moment before had lain. They pulled over the limb and found that its prongs had penetrated into the earth to the depth of four- teen inches. Stringer congratulated his comrade on his fortunate awaking and removal, "for," he add- ed, "in one minute more, you would have been in- evitably killed." "Ah Reubin," said Cleveland, "I always told you that no man would die till his appointed time ; and when it comes there can be no possible escape." His War Record Begins. In 1775, when Cleveland's neighbors and friends had occasion to go to Cross Creek to sell their sur- plus products and buy salt, iron, sugar and other necessaries, they were compelled, before they were permitted to buy or sell, to take the oath of allegi- ance to the King. When Cleveland heard of these tyrannical acts, and attempts to forestall the poli- tics of the people, he swore roundly that he would like nothing better than to dislodge those Scotch scoundrels at Crop ■ Creek. Soon an opportunity 18: HISTORICAL SKETCHES was givon liim. In February 1776, the Higlilaii;! Tv)ries of that locality raised the British stanJarcI, when C I ptain Cleveland -marched down from the mountains with a party of volunteer riflemen ; and* tradition has it that he reached the front in time to share in the fight and in the suppression of the re- volt. He scoured the country in the region of Wake Forest, capturing several outlaws, some of whom he • hung to trees in the woods ; one of whom was Capt . - Jackson, who was executed within half a mile of Ransom Southerland's homestead, whose houses und merchandise Jackson had caused to be laid in ashes a few days after the battle of Moore's Creek Bridge. "I don't recollect," said Colonel Southerland in the N. C. University Magazine for September, 1854, ''after Cleveland had done with them, to have heard much more of those wretches during the war." In 1776, when the Cherokees were inveigled into hostilities by the British, Captain Cleveland with a . company of mountaineers marched into the Indian territory and laid waste their vilages and crops, and the hostile Indians had to sue for peace. First Senator from Wilkes. When the British invaded Georgia in 1778 Colonel Cleveland and his regiment from Western N. C. served with distinction under General Rutherford. Returning from this service, in 1779, he was chosen to represent Wilkes county in the State Senate, be- ing the first Senator from the county. The year previous he and Elisha Isaacs were chosen to repre- sent the county in the House of Representatives, or House of Commons, as it was then called, as the first Representatives of the county. In 1780 Colo- nel Cleveland marched with his regiment against the Tories assembled at Ram^our's Mill, but reached that place too late for service as Clolonel Bryan '.<^ OF WILKES COUNTY. 1 '. band was chasing them from the State. He als > scoured the New River settlements, checking th3 Tory uprising in that section, capturing and liang- ing some of their notorious leaders and outlaws. Cleveland at King's Mountain. Then his King's Mountain campaign — the crown- ing achievment of his life — the wounding of his brother Larkin Cleveland, while on the way, near Lovelady Shoals, on the Catawba river; and then hurrying forward to "graj^ple with the indomital^le Ferguson." The great service of Cleveland at this fight will be given in another chapter under the heading, "Battle of King's Mountain." Colonel Cleveland had assigned to him one of Ferguson's war horses which lived to an uncommon old age: he also carried home with him a snare-drum, which he kept as long as he lived, pointing to it with pride as a trophy of King's Mountain. Trouble for the Tories. James Coyle and John Brown, two notorious Tory plunderers, passed through Lincoln county and robbed the house of Major George Wilfong of every thing they could carry away, and then made off with a couple of his horses, using the clothes-line for hal- ters. Major Wilfong with a party followed the cul- prits, overtaking them near Wilkesboro, recovered the horses, but the ruffians made good their escape. Major Wilfong left the halters made of his clothes- line with Cleveland, with which to hang the rascals, should they ever be captured. Not long after, as they were returning to Ninety Six, they were capt- ured by some of Cleveland's scouts and brought to Wilkesboro and Colonel Cleveland had them hung with Wilfong's clothes-line on the oak tree that is yet standing just north of the court house in Wilkesboro. 20. HISTORICAL SKETCHES Captured by Tories; His Timely Rescue. On the South fork of New river in the extreme south-western portion of Ashe county (formerly a part of Wilkes) was a large ])oundry of land that was clear of timber and heavily set in grass. These lands — called the "Old Fields," and known by that name to this day — belonged to Colonel Cleveland, and served as a grazing place for his stock in peace- ful days. In 1781, having occasion to visit his New river plantation, Colonel Cleveland rode there accompa- nied only by a negro servant, arriving at Jesse Dun- can's, his tenant, on Saturday, the 14th day of April. Unfortunately for the Colonel, Captain William Riddle, a noted Tory leader, son of Loyal- ist Riddle, of Surry count}^, was approaching from the Virginia border with Captain Ross, a Whig captive, together with his servant, now en route for Ninety Six, where, it seems, the British paid a re- ward for Whig prisoners. Riddle, with his party of six or eight men, reached Benjamin Cutbirth's, some four miles above Old Fields, a fine old Whig and an old associate of Daniel Boone, who was just recovering from a spell of fever. The Tory Captain, probably from Cutbirth's reticence regarding solic- ited information, shamefully abused him and placed him under guard. Descending the river to the upper end of the Old Fields where Joseph and Timothy Perkins lived — about a mile above Duncan's — both of whom were absent in Tory service. Riddle learned from their women that Cleveland was but a short distance a- way, at Duncan's, with only his servant, Duncan, and one or two of the Callaway family there. Every Tory in the country knew full well that Cleveland was probably their worst enemy ; how prominently OF WILKES COUNTY. 21. he had figured at King's Mountain, and had given his influence for the Tory executions at Bickerstalf'8 and caused the summary hanging of Coyle and Brown at Wilkesboro. Riddle thought that such a prisoner would be a valuable prize to offer to the British at Ninety Six, or it would be a crowning honor to the Tory cause to rid the country of prob- able their worst enemy. The prospect was too tempting and he at once set about to capture Cleveland. His force was too small to run any great risk, so he concluded to re- sort to stratagem. He resolved to steal Cleveland's horses in the quiet of night, judging that the Colo- nel would follow their trail the next morning, sup- posing they had strayed off, when he would ambus- cade him at some suitable place, and thus take **01d Round About,'* as he was called, unawares and at a disadvantage. The horses were taken that night, and a laurel thicket, just above Perkins' house, se- lected as a fitting place to waylay their expected pursuers. During Saturday, Richard Callaway and his brother-in-law, John Shirley, went down from the neighboring residence of Thomas Callaway to Duncan's, to see Colonel Cleveland, and appear to have remained there over night. Discovering that the horses were missing on Sun- day morning, immediate pursuit was made. Having a. pair of pistols. Colonel Cleveland retained one of them, handing the other to Duncan, while Callaway and Shirley were unarmed. Reaching the Perkins place, one of the Perkins women, knowing of the ambuscade, secretly desired to save the Colonel from his impending fate ; so she detained him as long as she could by conversation, evidently fearing person- al consequences should she divulge the scheme of his enemies to entrap him. His three associates kept on with Cleveland some little distance behind. 22. HISTORICAL SKETCHES Mrs. Perkins still following and retarding him by her inquiries. As those in advance crossed the fence which adjoined the thicket, the Tories fired from their places of concealment, one aiming at Cleve- land, who, though some distance in the rear, was yet within range of their guns. But they generally shot wild — only one shot, that of Zachariah Wells who aimed at Callaway, proving effectual, breaking his thigh, when he fell helpless by the fence and was left for dead.* Duncan and Shirley escaped. Cleveland from his great weight — fully three hun- dred pounds — knew he could not run any great dis- tance, and would only be too prominent a mark for Tory bullets, dodged into the house with several Tories at his heels. Now flourishing his pistol rap- idly from one to another, they pledged to spare his life and accord him good treatment if he would qui- etly surrender, which he did. Wells by this time having reloaded his rifle, made his appearance on the scene, swearing that he would kill Cleveland; and aiming his gun, the Colonel in- stantly seized Abigail Walters, who was present, and by dint of his great strength, and under a high state of excitement, dextrously handled her as a puppet, keeping her between him and his would-be assassin. Wells seemed vexed at this turn in the afl'air, and hurled his imprecations on the poor woman, threatning if she did not get out of the way that he would blow her through as well. Cleveland * Richard Callaway had been seriously wounded on the head, arms, shoulder and hand by Tarleton's cavalry, at 8umpter's surprise, Aug. IS, 178l>, and left for dead; yet re- covered, though he had a crippled hand for life. In due time his broken limb, so hadly disabled by Wells' unerring shot, healed up and he lived njany years. He aided in run- ning the boundary line from the "White Top mountain to the Mississippi, and died in Tennessee in 1822. OF WILKES COUNTY* 23. got his eye on Captain Riddle, whom he knew, or juiged by his appearance to be the leader, appealed to him if such treatment was not contrary to the stipulations of his surrender. Riddle promptly re- plied that it was and ordered Wells to desist from his murderous intent, saying they would take Cleve- land to Ninety Six and make money out of his capture. The terrified woman, who had been made an unwilling battery, wa^ now released from Cleve- land's gntsp as from a vice ; and the whole party with th ur prisoner and his servant were speedily mounted and hurried up New river. This stream, so nexr its source, was quite shallow, and the Tories traveled niosfcly in its bed to avoid being tnicked, in case of pursuit; A^'ter Riddle and his party had called at Cut- birth's on their way down the river, young Daniel Cutbirth and a youth named Walters, who were ab- sent at the time returned, and encouraged by Mrs. Cutbirth they resolved to take their guns, select a ■good spot, and ambuscade Riddle on his return, and perhaps rescue whatever prisoners he might have. But on the return of the Tory party the next day, they made so much noise, and gave so many milita- ry commands, tint led the youthful ambus waders to conclude that the Tories had' received a reenforce- meht, and that it woiild' be rasiin3ss for two single- handed youths to undertake to cope with numbers so unequal. So Riddle and 'his party reached Cut- birth's undisturbed, and Ordered dinner for himself, men, and prisoners: Riddle abused and even kicked one of the Cutbirth girls who did not willingly aid in preparing the dinner. After dinner they pro- ceeded up New rivef; mostly along its bed, until • they cjime to the moutfh of Elk creek, up which they "made their way in the same manner. Colonel Cleve- land managed to break off overhanging twigs and 24. HISTORICAL SKETCHES drop them in the water to float down as a guide to his friends, who he knew would make early pursuit. From the head of the south fork of Elk they ascend- ed up the mountain to what has since been known as Riddle Knob, in what is is now Watauga county, and about 14 miles from Old Fields where he was captured ; here they camped for the night. Early on the morning of Cleveland's capture Jo- seph Callaway and his brother-in-law, Berry Toney, wanting to see Cleveland on business, called at Dun- can's and learned of the missing horses and the search for them ; and at that moment they heard the report of the firing at the upper end of the plantation, and hastened in that direction, soon meeting Duncan and Shirley in rapid flight, who could only tell that Richard Callaway had fallen and that Cleveland was either killed or taken. It was at once agreed that Duncan, Shirley and Toney should notify the people of the scattered settlements to meet that afternoon at Old Fields, while Joseph Callaway should go to his father's close by, mount his horse and hasten to Captain Robert Cleveland's, on Lewie Fork, a dozen miles distant. His brother, William Callaway, started up the river and soon came across Samuel McQueen and Benjamin Greer, who readily joined him ; and all being good woodsmen, they fol- lowed the Tory trail as best they could, till night overt-ook them some distance above the mouth of Elk creek, and about ten miles from Old Fields. William Callaway suggested that he and McQueen would remain there while Greer should return to pilot up whatever men may have gathered to engage in the pursuit of the Tories. By night-fall Captain Robert Cleveland and twen- ty or thirty others, good and tried men, who had served under Colonel Cleveland, had gathered at Old or WILKE8 COUNTY. 2 . Fields, determined to rescue their old commander at every hazzard, even though they had to follow the Tory party to the gates of Ninety Six. Greer made his appearance in good time and at once they were on the trail of the enemy. They reached Will- iam Callaway and McQueen a while before day ; and as soon as light began to appear, John Baker joined Callaway and McQueen to lead the advance as spies. A little after sunrise, having proceeded four miles, they discovered indications of the enemy's camp on the mountain. But little arrangement was made for the attack ; nine men only were in readiness — the others seem to have been some distance behind. Only four or five of these were ordered to fire on the enemy, the others reserving their shots for a second volley, or any emergency that might happen ■ — of these was William Callaway. Part of the Tories had already breakfasted, while others were engaged preparing their morning meal. Cleveland was seated on a large log while Riddle had Cleveland's own pistol pointed at him, also Zachariah Wells had his pistol pointed at Cleveland, forcing him to write out passes for the several mem- bers of Riddle's party certifying that each was a good Whig — to be used when in tight places, to help out of dificulty by asserting that they were patriots of the truest types. Cleveland's commendations passed unquestioned along the borders of Virginia and the Carolinas. But the Colonel had a strong suspicion that, since his captors were in such haste for the passports, as soon as they were out of hie hands his days would be numbered; and thus, natur- ally but a poor penman, he purposely retarded hie task as much as possible, hoping to gain time for the expected relief, apologizing for his blunders and renewing his unwilling efforts. Several of the Tory party were now saddling their horses for an early 26. HISTORICAL SKETCHES vstart, and Cleveland was receiving severe threats if he did not hurry up the last passport. Just at this moment the relief party was silently creeping up ; and the next moment, several guns were fired and the whigs rushed up, utteri.ig their loudest yells. Colonel Cleveland, comprehending the situation, tumbled off behind the log, lest h^is friends might accidently shoot him, and exclaiming at the top of his thundering voice, "Huzza for BiioTHEK Bob! That's right, give 'em hell," Wells alone was shot as he was scampering away by William Callaway in hot pursuit, and supposed to b} mortally wounded; he wa-^ l^ft to his fate. The rest fled with the aid of their fresh horses, or such as they could secure at the moment — Riddle and his wife among the number. Cleveland's servant, a pack-horse for Tory plunder, was overjoyed at his sudden liberation. Cleveland and Ross were thus fortunately rescued:, and having g lined their pur- pose the happy \vhigs returned to their several homes. William Callaway was especially elated that he had shot Wells who held so badiv w jund'ed his brother, Richard Callaway, at the skirmish )xt Old Fields the morning before. Riddle Capture'd and Hung. A short time aftpr this occirrence. Captain Rid- . die ventured to make a night raid into the Yadkin Valley, where,, on King's creek, several miles above v Wilkesboro, they surrounded the house where . two :;of Cleveland's noted soldiers, David and John With- ».;erspoon,;resided, with their parents. The two were .taken prisoners and carried to the Tory camp on : Watauga rivjer, ^^^here.both were sentenced to be shot ' •rT-rbiindfold.edi, and men detailed to do the fatal work. .. It was then propps.ed, if they would take the oath of allegiance to the King, return to their home OF WILKES COUNTY. 27* and speedily return with a oertain noble animal ber longing to David Witherspoon, known as the O'Neal mare, and join the Tory band, their lives would be spared. They ghidly accepted the proposition — with such hesitation as they thought best to make. As soon as they reached home David Witherspoon mounted his fleet-footed mare and hastened to Col. Ben Herndon's, several miles down the river, who quickly raised a party, and piloted by the Wither- spoons, they soon reached the Tory camp, taking it by surprise, capturing three and killing and dis- persing others. The young Witherspoons fulfilled their promise of speedily returning to the Tory camp bringing the O'Neal mare, but under somewhat dif- ferent circumstances from what the Tories expected. The prisoners were Captain Riddle and two of his associates named Reeves and Goss. They were brought to Wilkesboro and tried by court martial and sentenced to be hung. But in order to gain fa- vor with the Whigs or get them in a condition so that they might escape Riddle treated them freely to whiskey. Colonel Cleveland informed him that it was useless to be Wasting his whiskey as he would be hung directly after breakfast. The three Tories Avere accordingly hung on the notorious oak that is yet standing in the town of Wilkesboro. Mrs. Riddle, wife of the Tory leader, was present and witnessed the execution of her husband and his comrades. How the Tories Hated Him, Colonel Cleveland wa;s the Tories' worst enemy in this section. He was determined to break up the Tory bands that infested the frontier. Cleve- land and his regiment were known far and near for their courage. They were known among the Whigs as Cleveland' s Heroes, or Cleveland's Bull Dogs, 28. HI8T0KICAL SKETCHES while the Tories denominated them ''^ Cleveland'' s Devils.'''' Cleveland himself rated each of his well- tried followers as equal to five soldiers. Zachariah Wells Captured and Hung, It was not long until one of Cleveland's men capt- ured Zachariah Wells, who had not yet recovered from the wounds received at Riddle Knob. He was taken to Hughes' bottom, about a mile below Cleve- land's Round About residence. Here James Gwyn, a youth of thirteen, with a colored boy, was at work in the field, when Cleveland, who had joined those having the prisoner in charge, took the plow-lines from the horse with which to hang Wells to a tree on the river bank. Young Gwyn, who knew noth- ing of the stern realities of war, was shocked at the thought of so summary an execution. Being well acquainted with Colonel Cleveland he begged him not to hang the poor fellow, who looked so pitiful and was suffering from his former wound. This ex- cited the Colonel's sympathies, and he said, "Jirr- mie, my son, he is a bad man; we must hang all such dangerous Tories, and get them out of their misery." Captain Robert Cleveland, who was pres- ent, was cursing the wincing Tory at a vigorous rate. With tears coursing down his cheeks, the Colonel adjusted the rope, regretting the necessity for hang- ing the trembling culprit — remembering very well the rough treatment he had received at the hands of Wells at the Perkins place at the Old Fields ; and firmly convinced that the lives of the patriots of the Yadkin Valley would be safer, and their slumber all the more peaceful, when their suffering country was rid of all such vile desperadoes. Wells soon dan- gled from a convenient tree and his remains were buried in the sand on the bank of the river. t>F WILKES COUNTY. 29. Other Tories See Trouble. "Many other Tories fell into the hands of Cleve- land's brave troopers and summary punishment was meted out to them in Cleveland's usual way. Once a Tory leader named Tate and eight others were captured and Cleveland and his men had them near tjld Richmond, m Surry county. When Cleveland was about to execut^e the leader, Colonel William Shepherd protested against such summary justice. ''Why," said Cleveland, '*Tate confesses that he has frequently laid in wait to kill you," *'Is that so?" inquired Shepherd, turning to the Tory cap- tain. Tate confessed, and Shepherd yielded to Cleveland's plan and Tate soon dangled from a limb. Tate's associates suffered only imprisonment as oth- er prisoners of war. On another occasion Colonel Cleveland visited Colonel Shepherd at Richmond, where he had two notorious horse-thieves in prison. Cleveland insist- ed on swinging them to the nearest tree lest they should make their escape and yet further endanger the community — ^at least one of them, whose crimes rendered him particularly obnoxious to the people. One end of a rope was fastened to his neck when he was mounted on a log and the other end tied to a limb; then the log wa^, rolled from under him and he dangled from a limb in plain view of the prison. The other culprit was shown liis comrade swinging from the limb and he was given liis choice, to take his place beside him. or cut <>tf Ix^th his own ears and leave the country forever. The Tory knew it would not do to meddle with, old Round About, so Iih called for a knife. He was handed a case knife, and ufter whetting it on a brick lie gritted his teeth and 38. HISTORICAL SKETCHES circulate for signatures, in order to ascertain the Avishes and determination of the people. Soon after his removal to Surry he was appointed a member of the Committee of Safety for that county and con- tinued to discharge his duties as such, and as clerk to the Committee until their authority was super- seded by the adoption of the Constitution of the State. On the commencement of hostilities with Great Britian, General Lenoir very early took a de- cided and active part. It is well known to all those acquainted with the history of the times that about the beginning of the war of the Revolution the Cherokee Indians were exceedingly annoying and troublesome to the white settlements in the Western part of North Carolina. The Whigs therefore in that section of the country were obliged at the very outset to be constantly on the alert — they were fre- quently called on to march at a moment's warning, in small detachments, in pursuit of marauding bands of Indians, in the hope of chastising them for depredations committed on the settlements — they were also compelled to keep up scouting and ranging parties, and to station guards at the most accessible passes in the mountains. In this service General Lenoir bore a conspicuous part, which was contin- ued until the celebrated expedition of Gen. Ruther- ford and Gen. Williamson in 1776, put an end to the difficulties with the Cherokees. In this expedi- tion General Lenoir served as a lieutenant under the distinguished Colonel Cleveland, who was then a a captain, and frequently has he been heard to re- count the many hardships and sufferings which they had to undergo. They were often entirely destitute of provisions — there was not a tent of any kind in the whole army — very few blankets and those only such as could be spared from their houses for th^' occasion; and their clothing consisted principally of OF WILKES COUNTYi 6\f. rude cloth made from hemp, tow and wild nettle bark — and as a sample of the uniform worn by the General officers, it may be mentioned that General Rutherford's consisted of a tow hunting shirt, dyed black and trimmed with white fringe. From the termination of this campaign until the one project- ed against the British and Tories under Major Fer- guson, Gen. Lenoir was almost constantly engaged in capturing and suppressing the Tories, who, at that time, were assuming great confidenee and ex- hibiting much boldness. Indeed, such was the char- acter of the times that the Whigs considered them- selves, their families and property in continual and imminent danger. No man ventured from his house without his rifle, and no one unless his character was well known, was permitted to travel without undergoing the strictest examination. Gen. Lenoir has frequently been heard to say that owing to his perilous situation he has often been compelled, on retiring at night, to place his rifle on one side of him in bed while his wife occupied the other. In the expedition to King's Mountain he held the position of captain in Col. Cleveland's regiment, but on ascertaining that it would be impossible for the footmen to reach the desired point in time, it was determined by a council of officers that all who had horses or could procure them should advance forth- with. Accordingly Gen. Lenoir and his company officers volunteered their services as privates, and proceeded with the horsemen by a severe forced march to the scene of action. In the brilliant achievement on King's Mountain he was wounded in the arm, and also in the side, though not severely — and a third ball passed through his hair just above where it was tied. He was also at the defeat of the celebrated Tory, Col. Pyles, near Haw River, and in this en- 40. HISTORICAL SKETCHES gagement had his horse shot and his sword broken. He also raised a company and marched toward Dan river, with the hope of joining General Greene, pre- vious to the battle of Guilford, but was unable to effect a junction in time. Many other services of a minor character were performed by him, which it would be tedious to enumerate. In the militia of the State he was also an active and efficient officer, having passed through different grades from that that of an Orderly Sergeant to a Major-General, in which latter office he served for about eighteen years. In a civil capacity also General Lenoir discharged many high and responsible duties. He was appoint- ed a Justice of the Peace by the convention which met to form the State Constitution, and was reap- pointed by the first General Assembly which met under its authority. He continued to discharge the duties of this office until his death, with the excep- tion of a temporary suspension of about two years, whilst he acted as Clerk of the County Court of Wilkes. It is therefore more than probable that at the time he died he was the oldest magistrate in the State, or perhaps in the United States. He also filled at different periods the various offices of Reg- ister, Surveyor, Commissioner of Affidavits, Chair- man of County Court, and Clerk of the Superior Court for the county of Wilkes. He was one of the original trustees of the University of N. C, and was the first president of the Board. He served many years in both branches of the State Legislature, em- bracing nearly the whole period of our early legisla- tive history, and during the last five years of his service in the Senate was unanimously chosen Speak- er of that body. It may also be remarked that he performed the duties of that important station with as much general satisfaction, i>robably, as was ever OF WILKES COUNTY. 41. given by the presiding officer of any deliberate as- sembly. He was for several years elected a member of the Council of State, and when convened, was chosen President of the Board. He was also a mem- ber of both the State Conventions which met for the purpose of considering the Constitution of the Uni- ted States ; and in the discussions of those bodies he took an active and distinguished part — insisting strenuously on the adoption of the amendments pro- posed to the Constitution, and guarding with great jealousy the rights of the States. Owing to the dif- ficulties which existed among the States in the adoption of the Federal Constitution, an opinion prevailed that another General Convention would be called to revise and amend it. The Convention of North Carolina, acting upon this supposition, pro- ceeded to elect five delegates to represent the State in the proposed General Convention, of which num- ber General Lenoir was one. It is also in honor of him that the respectable county of Lenoir bears its name. These, together with many other services of a mi- nor character, though important in themselves, or in furtherance of the due execution of the law, con- stitute the sum of that portion of the public bur- dens which have been borne by this venerable man, f jr many of which he declined to receive an y com- pensation. Those who knew Gen. Lenoir will read- ily concur in the opinion that it is questionable whether any man ever performed a public duty with a more punctilious regard to the promotion of the public welfare or in more strict accordance with the requirements of the authority under which he acted. For the last several years of his life he devoted much of his time to reading and reflection on public affairs, and manifested great concern and expressed much apprehension lest, from the signs of the times, 42. HISTORICAL SKETCHES our inestimable government, which cost so much blood and treasure, hardship and suflPering, was des- tined, at no distant period, to share the fate of the republics of other days. Indeed, so great were his fears on this subject that it was a source of real dis- quietude and unhappiness to him. In private life Gen. Lenoir was no less distin- guished for his moral worth and generous hospitali- ty than in public life for his unbending integrity, firmness and patriotism. His mansion was open at all times, not only to a large and extensive circle of friends and acquaintances, but to the stranger and traveler. Although he lived for many years upon a public highway and received and entertained all per- sons who chose to call upon him, he was never known in a single instance to make a charge or re- ceive compensation for accomodations thus furnish- ed. In his manners and habits of life he was plain and unostentatious. Steadily acting himself upon prin- ciples of temperance and frugality in all things, he endeavored both by example and precept to incul- cate similar principles upon others. To the poor he was kind and charitable, and by his will made lib- eral provisions for those of his own neighborhood. He had long enjoyed almost uninterrupted health which he was careful to preserve by moderate but almost constant exercise either on horseback or in his workshop, of which he was very fond. As evi- dence of his physical ability^, it may be mentioned that he attended the Superior Court uf Ashe county, d to the attack, and in turn drove the enemy. They gain- ed the summit and drove the enemy before them to the western end, where Cleveland and Williams had been contending with another part of their line. Campbell now reached the summit and poured on the enemy a deadly fire. The brave Ferguson, like a lion at bay, turned on these new adversaries and advanced with fixed bayonet. They gave way for the moment, but rallied under their gallant leadere to the attack. '*The whole mountain was covered with smoak. and seemed to thunder." Attacked on all sides, the circle becoming less and less, Ferguson in a desperate move endeavored to brake through the American lines, and was shot dead in the attempt. This decided the day. The British flag was lowered, And a white flag raised for quarters. One hundred and fifty of the enemy, including their commander, lay dead on the field, 810 wound- ed and prisoners. 1500 stands of arms, and the American authority restored, were the fruits of this victory. This was the turning point of the fortunes of America. This decisive blow prostrated the British power for the time, vanquished the Tory influence, and encouraged the hopes of the patiots. Lord Cornwall is left Charlotte and fell back Uj Winnsboro, deeming any pr^)ximity to such fearless OF WTLKIJS COUNTY, 59. mBn unsafe for the main army, nor did he advance tintil reinforced by Oeiieral Leslie with troops from the north. The total loss on the American side was twenty- eight killed and sixty wounded. THE SIAMESE TWINS. The celebrated Siamese Twins, Chaner and Eng, after traveling over all the world and seeing the ad- vantages and disadvantages of every country, chose the quiet glens of Wilkes as the loveliest spot for re- tirement and repose. They were bom in May^ 1811, at Maklong, Siam, and died in Wilkes county, near Hays postoffice^ about the year 1880. In 1829 they left their country for America, and since they have traveled over the whole of this con- tinent, England, France and other countries, exci- ting the admiration of the crowd, and the investiga- tions of the scientific Sir Ashley Cooper, of London, Dr, Samuel L. Mitchell, of New York, and others, who have reported upon this singular phenomenon in the natural world. They were united together as one by an ensiforni cartilage from the side. The blood vessels and nerves of each communicated. There seemed to be a perfect sympathy, for when one was sick so was the other. They went to sleep at the same moment, and woke at the same. Both died on the same day, only a few moments intervening between their deaths. A time or two was ap])ointed to separate the twins but the scientific doctors decided that such an oper- ation would terminate their lives. 60. HISTORICAL SKETCHES They were wealthy, well settled, and both happily married and had interesting families around them . They married twin sisters named Yates, sisters of Austin and Jesse Yates, late of this county. Ex- County Commissioner, Robert Yates, who lives near Boomer, is a nephew of the wives of the Siamese Twins. Several of their descendents yet live in Sur- ry county and they have adopted the name Bunker as their surname. The house now owned and occu- pied by Ambros Wiles was built by the Siamese Twins, and there they lived and died. They differed widely in appearance, character and strength. One was sober and patient; the other in- temperate and irritable. It is said that they fre- quently fell out — generally about their movements — whether they should or should not go somewhere — and sometimes fought like dogs. In 1870 Chang was stricken with paralysis from which he died a few years l^ter. In a short time — probably about 80 minutes — Eng followed him to the great beyond. They were the most interesting persons that ever lived in the county. In the natural history of the world there is not another case like them. OF WILKES COUNTY. 61. THE SHOW FIGHT. Between the years 1855 and 18t)0, in Wilkesboro, occurred one of the niOvSt remarkable fights in the history of the county. Robinson's Show had pitch- ed their tents in the vale on the north side of Main street, ju«t op]>osite where the new Methodist church now stands. The show people had a stand where they sold candy, lemonade, etc. It was at this stand that tlie trouble arose. George Johnson went u':; to the stand to buy some candy ; the showman wanted to charge him about three times the usual l^rice of candy in the stores at that time, when final- ly Johnson told him to take the candy and go to h — ] with it. This insulted the showman who in turn insulted Johnson, who was something of a fighter, and he at once began the fight. The show- man's partners came to his aid, armed with sticks, singletrees and such other weapons as they could get their hands on. Johnson's friends came to his aid about as fast as the showmen to the aid of their comrade. A desperate battle followed. Among Johnson's friends who engaged in the fight may be mentioned the following: Ellis An- derson, Andy Porter, "Bill" Transou, Wesley Nich- olls, Peter Johnson, Jones Transou and others. Such weapons were used as were most convenient and several on each side were badly hurt, but no one killed. Sherifi' Staley was informed of the fight and he soon had the participators under arrest and under guard. After the showmen who had engaged in the fight had been arrested, a party who were absent wi^h the horses during the fight, came up. They were attacked by the Wilkes party, who by this time had procured sticks, axes and other deadly 62. HISTORICAL SKETCHES weapons, and were prepared to do some fatal execu- tion. The showmen told them they knew n :)thing of the trouble and were not concerned in it, but the enraged citizens were not disposed to hear them. About that time Sheriff Staley appeared on the scene and informed the citizens that the showmen who had engaged in the fight were under arrest ; then the citizens calmed down and another bloody fight was averted. The showmen under arrest were marched to the court house and a preliminary trial was held before Dr. R. F. Hackett, who was a Justice of the Peace at that time. The trial lasted until about midnight when the whole party was bound to court. The showmen did not want to go to jail and the jail was was not sufficient to hold them, so they were kept in the court house, under guard, until morning, when, after the showmen had paid him $500, Gen, James B. Gordon stood surety for their appearance at court. They never appeared and finally the case was dismissed upon payment of the cost by Gordon. The cost in the case amounted to about $180, so Gordon cleared about $870 in the transaction. After the ones engaged in the fight were arrested the show proceeded and a large crowd witnessed the exhibit. OF WILKES COUNTY. 63. JAMES HENRY SPAINHOUR. BY FRANK. B. HENDREN. James Henry Spainhour was born in Burke coun- ty in 1835, and came to Wilkes county in 1858. New Hope Academy, in Lewis Fork township, had just been completed and was in quest of of a princi- pal. Maj. Jas. H. Foote recommended Mr. Spain- hour to the position and he was elected. He re- mained in this position until the outbreaking of the war, when he enlisted in Company B., Capt. Stokes, which company was attached to the First Regiment N. C. Volunteers. Mr. Spainhour being a licensed minister of the Baptist church, was appointed Chap- lain of this Regiment in which capacity he served until his death at Fredericksburg, on the 17th day of October, 1861. It was under Prof. Spainhour's principalship, that New Hope Academy enjoyed its brief period of ascen- dency among the schools of this county and had its career not been cut short by the war it would doubt- less became one of tbe leading institutions in the western part of the State. It was located in what was justly considered at that time the most progress- ive community in the county. The Academy was burned during the war and after that unhappy strug- gle still-houses took its place and the community long suffered from their blighting influence. Re- cently, however, the Academy has been rebuilt and the community, which contains some of the best people in the county, is regaining some of its old time activity and progress. The late Maj. H. Bingham, as well as many of the leading citizens of this county of the older class, received their education at New H(>]3e Academy. 64. HTSTORICAL SKETCHES COL, W, H. H. COWLES. [For the leading facts in this sketch the author fa indebted to Jerome Dowd's sketch of CoL Cowles in ' ' Sketches of Prominent Living North Carolinians, ' ' and to the sketch by W. W. Barber, which appeared in The Wilkesboro Chronicle Jan. 8, 1902.] Colonel Cowles, the subject of this sketch, was born at Hamptonville, in Yadkin county, April 22, 1840, and spent his youth in his father's store and on his farm. He attended the common schools and academies of his county. He was fond of outdoor exercise and delighted in hunting. In 1861 he volunteered as a private in a cavalry company being formed by T. N. Grumpier, but upon the organization of the company he was elected First Lieutenant. Much caution was used in select- ing the company ; every member was strong and sol- dierly. In the hitter part of 1861 Col. Cowles' company marched to Centerville, then the seat of war, where the First N. C. Cavalry became a part of the First Cavaliy Regiment of the Confederate army, and was connected with the army of Northern Virginia until the surrender, Cowles was promoted to Major and later to Colonel of his Regiment. His dashing bra- very and courage won the admiration of his superior officers so much that in the First Maryhmd raid ht- was put in commiiid of the extreme advance guard of the cavalry by Stewart. On return he was placed in command of the extreme rear guard. At AubuiTi, where Col. Thomas Rufiin fell, Cowles rallied tl^e men and continued the charge. At- Jirandy Btati ned ds the cultivation of Genseng or Sang. The roots of this plant sell for fabulous prices, as the plant has been almost extinguished. Wilkes is the natural home of this plant and it will grow luxuriantly if it can be protected from thieves. The United States De- partment of Agriculture has sent out a bulletin on Sang culture, and any one contemplating trying to raise this plant should write to the Secretary of Ag- riculture, Washington, D. C, and ask for a copy. It's free. Sheep raising could be made a profitable branch of agricultural industry. Before the stock law was enacted nearly overy farmer had a herd of scrub isheep running * 'outside" on mountains and hills. 84. HISTORICAL SKETCHES These herds of scrub sheep paid better than any- thing else the farmer raised considering the cost and Jabor. The wool furnished the whole family in winter clothing and lots of wool to sell to the facto- ries besides, and the sheep still left for mutton or market. When the stock law was enacted the peo- ple thought that since their sheep could not run at large their sheep raising industry was destroyed, so they sold their sheep and quit the business. That was a very foolish step indeed. Nearly every farm in the county has some land that is too rough to plow that would make excellent pasturage for a herd of sheep. Suppose you fence in such a scope of land, say 25 acres, and put in it twenty-five the best improved stock of sheep. Each year you can clip $75 worth of wool and you will have the in- crease of the herd besides. This is simple logic and the people wont be long in catching the idea. When all the agricultural advantages of Wilkes county are considered it is hard to find a county that will compare with it. We can raise almost anything that is grown in a temperate climate, live * 'under our own vine and fig tree," live sumptuously from the products of the plantation, and besides sell a surplus each year. We have the purest free- stone water and the purest air in the world and the healthfulness of our climate is not surpassed. After considering the blessings the Creator has so lavishly spread over our county why wall our young men leave the old "State of Wilkes" and seek better chances elsewhere? There can be but one answer to that question : they lack information about the re- sources of their own county. OF WILKES COUNTY. 85. FORT HAMBY. In the spring of 1865 about the time of tlie sur- render of General Lee and immediately following, there was a band of desperadoes under the leadership of a man named Wade, a deserter of the Yankee ar- my, who made headquarters at Fort Hamby. Fort Hamby was an old fashioned residence built of logs ; there were two buildings, the larger one was two stories high and was the one used as the fort. The other building was about thirty feet from the main building, only one story high and w^as used as the kitchen. These buildings were on the north side of the Yadkin river near the mouth of Lewis Fork, about eight miles west of Wilkesboro. They were situated on top of a hill overlooking the bottoms of the Yadkin river and Lewis Fork creek, and from the fort windows was an excellent view on either side. It was an ideal location for a fort and no doubt Wade and his gang of robbers felt secure in- side the heavy log walls. The gang consisted of Wade and Lockwood, two renegade Yankee deserters, and about eighty- five men from this and adjoining counties. They were a terror to the people round about and committed many depredtitions, robbing dwellings, smoke-hous- es, stores and anything else they could plunder and destroy, killing innocent women as well as men. On one occasion a woman (the wife of Frank Triplett) was passing along the road on the oppo- site side of the creek several hundred yards away in a covered wagon when one of the robbers decided to try his rifle. He fired upon the wagon and the ball struck the woman and killed her. The last raid of Wade and his gang of robbers 12 86. HISTORICAL SKETCHES was a raid into Alexander county. John Greene, father of Dr. W. C. Greene, was one of the most prosperous planters in Alexander county. He had learned. that the robbers were marching in the direc- tion of his house, and supposing that they would attempt to rob him he set about making preparation to resist them. He supplied all his negroes and laborers with arms and stationed them in the house. The negroes were stationed in the dining room and the old man Greene and his son W. C. Greene, whom Wade's men had threatened to kill, took position in the front part of the house. About bed-time Wade's men surrounded the house and Wade and two others went to the front door and tried to deceive Mr. Green by pretending to be Con- federate soldiers returning from the war. Their story was not believed and while Wade and Greene were talking some of the robbers were trying to force an entrance at a back window. Young Greene rushed to the window and began firing on the rob- bers who at once retreated. The robbers went up on the Brushies and stayed until about daylight and then made their way back to Fort Hamby. W. 0. Greene at once set about to raise a company to pur- sue the robbers and capture them before they could reach Fort Hamby; but they soon found that they could not overtake them. The people were enraged at the conduct of these robbers and determined to drive them out of the country or capture and destroy them. A com- pany was soon made up — mostly of men from Alex- ander county — which was prepared to make an at- tack on Fort Hamby. The company came across the Brushy mountain by Solomon Davis', who had been robbed by Wade's gang. Davis told the men that he was too old to engage in the attack, but he OF WILKES COUNTY. 87. wanted to encourage them all he could. He had some four-year-old peach brandy to which lie told the men to help themselves. They drank what they wanted and some of them filled their bottles and carried them with them. Jones Brown who had just returned from the Confederate army waa in the company, and was riding a mule beside Parks Gwaltney. When they were riding along the bank of the Yadkin river Brown was in a very solemn mood. Suddenly he drew his bottle of brandy from his pocket and tossed it over on the river bank and said: "Parks, I never intend to touch that ai^ain." Gwaltney, in relating the incident several years later, said that "coming events seem to cast a shadow before." But they marched on, and when they were near the fort a consultation was held and a plan of attack was agreed upon . The company, which was composed of about 26 men, was divided into two squads — one under the command of Captain Evan Ellis, of Wilkes, and the other under the command of Colonel Sharp of Alexander. One squad wa» to dash by and be ready to commence the attack on all sides simulta- neously. When this was done the fort was sur- rounded and firing began. The robbers within the fort returned the fire and the battle was hotly con- tes.ted. James Linney w^as shot and killed during the engagement. The robbers had all the adv^an- tages of the fight, as they were protected from the fire of the citizens by the thick log walls of the fort, while the citizens were in open view to the rob?jers. After seeing that the attack could only, result in dis- aster to the citizens they retreated under a heavy fire from the robbers. Parks Gwaltney said that he was marching back and forth firing into one of tbe windows of the fort where the robbers were con- 88. HISTOllICAL SKETCHES staiitly passing when he discovered that his com- rades were retreating. He followed them and again happened to get with Jones Brown. They were ri- ding side by side when they came to the ford of Lewis Fork creek. While they were in the ford the mule which Brown was riding became stubborn and would not go along. The balls from the fort were flying thick and fast all around them. Gwaltney was aiding Brown in trying to get the stubborn mule along. \¥hile they were yet in the ford a ball struck Brown on the thigh and the blood spouted and the clear mountain stream flowed on toward the sea crimsoned with the blood of a Southern hero. When the ball struck Brown he said, "Parks, take care of yourself, I'm killed 1" Tlie blood was flow- ing in a stream from the wound and the bullets from the fort were coming thicker and faster. By this time the mule had become manageable and the the two comrades were riding along the road by the bank of the stream while the balls knocked up the sand all around them. Gwaltney was trying to hold his wounded comrade on his mule, but Brown was getting weaker every second from the loss of blood, and he again told Gwaltney to take care of himself as he was already killed. Brown then fell from his mule upon the sand and died, and Gwaltney hurried on to get beyond the danger line. A company of men from Caldwell county had previously attacked Fort Ham by, and had succeeded in getting to the i*ort but were unable to capture it. In the engagement the Cildwell crowd lost two men — Clark and Hensely — who were shot and killed by the robbers. Although defeated m the first engagement, the people were more determined than ever to burst up the gang of robbers congregated at Fort Hamby, OF WILKES COUNTY. Oy. and immediate preparation was made for a second attack. The first company was reinforced by men from Wilkes, Alexander and Iredell counties, and about 8 days later they went more determined than ever to capture the robbers. The intention was to camp on the south side of the Yadkin and wait un- til just before day to surround the fort. When the citizens approached the place where they intended to camp they saw several lights and they supposed that Wade and his gang had started out on another raid and Sharp's men thought they would intercept them and give battle. They charged down on the men but to their surprise and delight instead of finding Wade's gang found a company of about sev- enty-five men from Caldwell awaiting to uttat-k Wade's gang of robbers. The Caldwell men and the Alexander, Iredell and Wilkes men joined forces and awhile b«fore day they surrounded the fort and began the attack. All that day and all the next night the firing was kept up but no man on either side was killed. Awhile before daylight the second night Wall Sharp slipped up to the kitchen under the cover of the darkness of night and set it on fire. When Wade and his men discovered that the kitchen was burning they thought the fort would be certain to catch on fire and that they would either have to surrender or be cremated in the fort, so W^ade asked what quarters would be given if they would come out and surren- der. One of the men replied: "We'll give you a passport to h — 1." But Wade thought it better to surrender than to remain and be burned up in the fort ; so he announced that they would come out and surrender. But by some means, presumably by jumping from a window, Wade got out of the fort without being detected and instead of surrendering 90. HISTORICAL SKETCHES made a break for the river. He dashed through the citizens' line and was fired upon a number of times but without effect. Wade reached the river in safe- ty. The others came out and surrendered. The robbers under the leadership of Wade num- bered eighty-six, but during the seige all had escap- ed but four— Bill Beck, Bill Wood, Enoch Wood and Lockwood. After these had surrendered the fort was searched and all the articles that had been stolen by the robbers that could be identified were returned to the proper owners. Then the fort itself was fired and the people who had been robbed and their friends stood by and watched Fort Hamby dis- solve to ashes and smoke. After the fort had burned to the ground a court martial was organized and the four robbers were tried and condemned to be shot at the stake. They were taken a few paces east of the burned fort and tied to stakes. Revs. William R. Gwaltney and Isaac Oxford, two Baptist ministers, were in the company of citizens, and they both offered prayer for the robbers about to be shot at the stake. Wells Linney asked to be allowed to shoot Beck, who con- fessed that he had shot James Linney in the engage- ment on the previous Sunday. The signal was giv- en and the detailed men fired upon the four robbers tied to the stakes ; their bodies were riddled with bullets and their souls went back to the God who gave them. The citizens then searched along the river for Wade but failed to find him. Then they dispersed, leaving the four robbers hanging to the stakes, and returned to their homes. Wade told some of his friends in the community that he sank himself un- der the water and got breath through a reed and stayed concealed in that wa\^ until late in the even- OF WILKES COUNTY. 91. ing; he went up and looked at bis comrades hanging to the stakes dead ; he immediately left this country and has not been heard of since. The bodies of the robbers were proba])ly cut down in the evening after they were shot, then they lay about the ruins of Fort Ham by for three days and nights; finally the people of the community put them in boxes and hauled them away and buried them. SIMMONS' CxANG OF ROBBERS. There was another gang of robbers under the leadership of another renegade Yankee deserter named Simmons. They made headquarters out on the Brushy mountains. They were as mean and daring in their deviltry as the Fort Hamby gang, and sometimes the two gangs would raid together. A number of innocent people were wontonly mur- dered by this gang for no purpose whatever except to gratify their hellish desire to kill. On one occa- sion a young man who was rather idiotic was capt- ured by one of the gang who thought he would take him to the camp and have all the fun they wanted t)ut of him and then kill him. The young man was put in the road before the robber and made to march at his command. As they were mai'ching through a dark hollow the robj^er was sighting at the back of the boy's head and the opportunity to commit murder was so tempting that he pulled the trigger and the innocent man fell dead. 92. HISTORICAL SKETCHES About twenty years before the outbreak of the Civil war one morning there was a boy baby found lying on the court house steps. The child's parent could not be found, so a Presbyterian minister named Pervis, who lived on the lot east of the court house known as the Cowles place, adopted the child into hii home and raised it. Since the boy was found at the court house he was named John Wilkes after the county. It grew up to manhood and was a bright young man. He was wontonly killed by a member of the Simmons gang. When Stoneman's division of the Federal army marched through Wilkes the people hid their horses in the woods and mountains for fear they would be stolen, and it was several clays that the people were afraid to venture ovit. About three days after the raid Willian Transoii ventured up to Wilkesboro to hear the news. Simmons captured him on his way home and intended to kill him. He told him if he wanted to pray he would give him a moment. Tran- Hou fell to his knees and began beggiiig Simmons not to kill him,. One of Simmons' associates was touched by Transou's pleading and he too begged Simmons to spare him. Simmons finally consented to spare Transou if he would tell where his horses were at. Th© Simmons gang committed some daring rob- berie« MioHtly in Alexander and Iredell. After the Fort Hamby gang was broke up the band dissolved and Simmons left the country. OF WTLKES COUNTY. 98 STONEMAN'S RAID. In April, 1865, a detachment of the Federal army numbering about twenty-five thousand men marched through Wilkes county burning houses, barns, etc., robbing and plundering everything in sight leaving their trail almost a howling wilderness. They came to Wilkes by way of Boone where they burned the court house as well as much private property, thence by Patterson's Factory where the}^ burned the wool- en mills located there, thence down the Yadkin into Wilkes. They crossed the Yadkin at Holman's ford, and the river being swollen, it was with difficulty that they succeeded in crossing ; but they crossed in safe- ty to the men and horses but a wagon of amuniticu and a cannon were overturned and lost in the river. The cannon and a lot of the amunition was found after the war was over. Here the army was divided into two sections ; one section was put under the command of General Palma while General Stoneman commanded the other section. Palma and his de- tachment went on the North side of the Yadkin, and Stoneman's section on the South side. When the wing of tl e army under Stoneman's command reached Cub creek it was too high to ford eo he pitched his tent on the hill this side, just east of where W. W. Barber now lives, and camped there for several days, during which time his soldiers were plundering and burning. One morning one of his men had entered and was preparing to set fire to the tithes the Confederates had collected here, which were stored in the old Hall store house just north of the court house. Just at that moment Calvin J. Cowles stepped in and pursuaded the soldier not to burn the building. He argued that the provisions « 13 94. HISTORICAL SKETCHES ought to be distributed among the poor women and children of the Union men in this county. The sol- dier told him he would wait until. he could run to Sto»*man's camp and see him. This Cowles did at the peril of his life and succeeded in saving the stores and the court house and jail and other build- ingi ai well. Stoneman sent Cowles with a number of soldiers with a. message to General Palma who was encamp- ed on the opposite side of the river with the other wing of the army. Cowles urged Palma not to burn the factory at Elkin ; this request was complied with and the army soon left the county. They went down the river to Elkin, then to Mount Airy and then to Salisbury. The people were left in a desolate condition. Many families were left entirely without provisions with their houses and barns burned; the men were nearly all in the army, robbers abundant in the county, and it was with difficulty that starvation was avert- ed. OF WILKES COUNTY. 95. MONTFORD SIDNEY STOKES. The subject of this sketch was born at "Morne Rouge," in Wilkes county on October the 6th, 1810. He was the son of Montford Stokes, who was a U. S. Senator and later Governor of North Carolina. Sidney Stokes was appointed a cadet to the United States Naval Academy at Anapolis, where he gradu- ated. Upon his graduation at Anapolis he entered the Navy and served for ten years or more when he resigned and returned to his plantation to engage in farming. Stokes was appointed Major of the North Carolina Volunteers in the war with Mexico. As an officer in the Mexican war he displayed his ability to com- mand troops and proved himself a man of superior courage. He was the soldiers' favorite officer, and as mark of their love and admiration for him they presented him a beautiful sword. The sword is now in the possession of his daughter, Mrs. C. N. Hunt. It is mounted in gold and silver and furnishes a handsome appearance. On it are the following in- scriptions ; "Presented to Maj. M. S. Stokes, of the N. C. Vol, by the non-commissioned officers and privates under his command in Mexico." "Major M. S. Stokes, the Soldiers' Friend." After terms of peace were made with Mexico Stokes returned to his farm in Wilkes and was one of the most successful farmers in this section. Pie raised many fine cattle and often drove them on foot to Philadelphia to market them. On one occa- sion as he was returning from Philadelphia, where he had been with a drove of cattle, he stopped for a few days with friends in Washington. It was dur- ing Andrew Jackson's administration as President 96. HISTOltlCAL SKETCHES and Jackson and Stokes had been school mates at Ananolis. While in Washington Stokes was invited to attend a banquet where the President was to be the guest of honor. Stokes was a tall athlete with long limbs and large hands. He rented a conven- tional suit for the occasion but it was impossible to find a suit that would fit the athletic figure. But he went to the banquet and when the reception was being given Stokes went up to shake the hand of the President. ''Is that you, Sid Stokes?" exclaimed the President, and the two old schoolmates em- braced and gave a singular coincidence to Washing- ton society. Sidney Stokes was a perfect gentleman and tried to regard everybody else as such. The writer asked one of his old slaves — Sam — what kind of a man Stokes was. The old darky replied that he was one of the best men that ever lived. He said that the worst fault he had was that he put too much confi- dence in everybody. When the Civil war came on Major Stokes formed the first company that left this county to join the Confederate army. He was elected captain of the company, and when the First North Carolina Regi- ment was organized on May 11th, 1861, at Warren- ton, Stokes' company was put in that Regiment and was knowai as Company B. and he was elected Lieu- tenant-Colonel of the Regiment. Stokes was highly regarded by his superior offi- cers as well as by the privates under his command, and he had been recommended for promotion in recognition of his able services and daring courage. But unhappily on the 26th day of June, 1862, he was mortally wounded at Chicahominy during the Seven Days fight around Richmond. On July Brd, 1862, this gallant hero died from the wound he had received a few davs l^jfore. His remains were OF WILKES COUNTY. 97. brought home and buried in front of the old Stokes residence. GENERAL JOHN SEVIER. Genral John Sevier was not a native of Wilkes county but in that section of country west of the Blue Ridge and Smoky mountains that was in the time of Severe a portion of Wilkes county he was the most conspicuous man. In 1790 he was a mem- ber of Congress from North Carolina, living at that time in Wilkes county, the portion now Tennesse. This year Tennessee was organized and admitted into the Union as a State and General Sevier was made the first Governor. John Sevier was born in Virginia about 1740. He came to the Holston river with an exploring par- ty about 1769. He directed and aided in the con- struction of the first fort on the Watauga river. While in defense of Watauga Fort he discovered a young lady of tall and erect stature coming with the ileetness of the roe towards the fort closely pursued by Indians ; her approach to the gate was cut off by the Indians, but turning suddenly she eluded her pursuers and leaped the palisades at another point and fell into the arms of Captain John Sevier. This resolute woman was Miss Catharine Sherrill, who in a few years became the devoted wife of the Colo- nel, and the bosom companion of the General, the Governor, tlie Congressman, the Senator, the peo- ple's man and the patriot, John Sevier. Sevier was a contemporary of Daniel Boone, and devoted much of his time to bunting. He was con- 98. HISTOKICAL SKETCHES stantly engaged in defending the fort from the at- tacks of the Indians, and from the beginning the people of the settlement regarded him as their leader. During the Revolutionary war he and his associates went into the Indian territory, scattered the hostile bands, burnt the Indian towns and re- turned to their homes in better security and some more confidence of peace. At the battle of King's Mountain Sevier com- manded a section of the American army and shared in the victory at that battle. The North Carolina Legislature passed a resolution thanking Sevier for his brilliant work at King's Mountain. In 1784 came the scenes of the State of Franklin. The people beyond the Smokies organized a govern- ment of their own under the name of the State of Franklin. Sevier was made Governor of Franklin, and received his salary in coon skins which was the currency of the State. The measures adopted by North Carolina to cede the territory to the general government caused Sevier and the supporters of the State of Franklin to come into measures of adjust- ment. Franklin ceded her claims to the 'territory to the United States and the territory south of the Ohio river was organized. The State of Franklin quietly died ; the stage of territorial government was passed ; the State of Tennessee was established and admitted into the Union, and General Sevier was chosen first Governor. The authorities in North Carolina had Sevier ar- rested and he was taken to Morganton and put in prison on the charge of rebelling against the State, but was relea^sed because of his services at King's Mountain. In 1811 he was elected to Congress: he was re- elected in 181B. He was a member of the Military Committee during the #ar of 1S12. OF WILKES COUNTY. 99. In 1815 President Madison appointed him on a commission to adjust some difficulties with the Creek Indians. He engaged in the duties of a com- missioner, was taken sick and died at an encamp- ment on the east side of the Tallapoosa river, near Fort Decatur, Ga., on the 24th of September, 1815, and was buried with the honors of war. CHARLEY GORDON. Charley Gordon was a native of Wilkes county and was a Captain under Colonel Cleveland during the Revolutionary war. He was at the battle of King's Mountain and distinguished himself by siezing a British soldier by the "Q" of hair on the back of his head and dragging him down the side of the mountain. Finally the soldier was enabled to draw his sword and immediately Gordon drew his revolver and killed him. The subject of this sketch was the great-grandfather of General John^B. Gor- don, late Governor of the State of Georgia, and a cousin of our illustrious Gen. James B. Gordon, 100. HISTORICAL SKETCHES GENERAL JAMES B. GORDON. Among the great men of Wilkes county the name of General James B. Gordon stands in the front. He was born in Wilkesboro on the 2nd of November, 1822, and was a descendant of a respectable KScotch ancestr}^. He was educated in the common schools and academies of this section and at Emory and Henry college. He engaged in the mercantile busi- ness and was probably the most successful business man in the county in his day. Gordon always took a lively interest in politics and he became the lead- er of his party in the county. In 1850 he was elect- ed to represent the county in the lower house of the General Assembly. At the outbreak of the Civil war he was one of the first to answer the call for volunteers. He enlisted in Company B, formed by Sidney Stokes, and was elected Lieutenant of the company. This company was attached to the First North Carolina Regiment upon its organization at Warrenton. When the Ninth Regiment (afterwards known as the First Cavalry) was organized Governor Ellis ap- pointed him Major of the regiment. The regiment was composed of picked men and only men of cour- age and bravery were chosen for this regiment. In a few days Gordon was promoted to Lieutenant- Colonel. On the 25th of July, 1862, the cavalry was reorganized and the Ninth Regiment was placed in the Hampton Brigade. Gordon's regiment was Boon called to the retreat at the second Manassas, where he showed his skill as a cavalry commander, checking the enemy and giving time for the Con- federates to euCcessfully retreat with their men and artillery. At Gettysburg the fightiijg was mostly by infantry OF \\aLKES COUNTY, 101 and artillery and the cavalr}" was not so extensively engaged. However, Hampton's Brigade bore the 5)riint of a severe fight. Gordon commanded the First N. C. Cavalry and bravely held his ground. Alter the fall of Colonel Kvans he was put in com- mand of the 6-3rd Regiment and he commanded that regiment during the remainder of the Gettysburg c'ampaign. At the battles of Culpepper, Jack's Shop and Brandy Station, Gordon did such brilliant work as to receive the commendation of General Stuart and which led to his promotion to Brigadier General. In March, 1864, the Fifth N. C. Cavalry returned to their several homes for new horses and recupera- tion. On May 2nd, they returned to the army and were ordered to report to General R. E. Lee for as- signment in Gordon's Cavalry Brigade. At that time Gordon's brigade consisted of the the First, Second, Fourth and Fifth North Carolina Cavalry Regiments. On April 80th, 1804, a special order was issued taking Gordon's Brigade out of Hampton's division and placing it in the di\ ision of General W, H. F. Lee. Hami)ton regretted to have this done, and his order in executing this transfer is here given in full, 4is it shows the high esteem in which Gordon and ills men were held : "Headquarters Hampton's Division Cavalry, "Cavalry Camp, Army of Northern Va., "Milford, May 6, 1864. "Brigadier General J. B. Gordon, Commanding Cavalry Brigade: "General: In pursuance of Special Orders No. lis, Department of Northern Virginia, of April 30th, and of instructions from Major General J. E. B. Stuart, commanding cavalry, you are directed to proceed without delay with your command to the 102. HISTORICAL SKETCHES vicinity of Shady Grove, where you will concentrate your brigade and report for further orders to Ma- jor General Stuart. I am directed by Major Gener- al Hampton, in communicating the above orders, to express to you, and through you to your whole brigade, the suri3rise with which he has received the orders and the pain it causes him to execute them. He indulges the hope that his wishes may be con- sulted, and that a new assignment may be made as soon as the present emergency shall have passed, which will return your brigade to his division and give him back the troops to whom he has become so attached and whom he has learned to trust in times of danger and trial. "Indulging this hope, he refrains from saying farewell, but will watch the performance of affairs and men in the approaching contest with the same anxious interest as if they were under his own com- mand, confident that if your regiment should be eventually returned to him they will bring back unsullied banners and a record of glory increased and illustrated by new achievements in the coming campaign. I am, General, very respectfully Your obedient servant, "Theo. G. Barker, "Major and Assistant Adjt. Gen." At the battle of the Wilderness Gordon's Brigade did valiant service. He was continually riding and walking along the lines of his dismounted regiments. On the return of the Confederate forces from Mine Run to Spottsylvania C. H. Gordon's brigade made the whole distance of of sixty-six miles in 23 hours, without rest or sleep, reaching Spottsylvania about sunset. Immediately he Avas ordered to attack the enemy's right. He responded and succeeded in driving the enemy back before he or his men slept. In the famous retreat from Petersburg to Appo- OF WILKES COUNTY. 108. mattox when the Confederates came to Sailor's creek they found the bridge burned. The enemy was close behind and the Confederates were in a perilous situation. The enemy was held in check by Gordon's regiments until the bridge was rebuilt and the retreat continued. At Hagerstown Gordon repulsed an attack that General Stuart said saved the trains of the Confed- erates. On May 9, 18G4, Sherridan began his raid on Rich- mond. He had with him his whole corps, three di- vieions of cavalry, at least 12,000 mounted men and one brigade, and six batteries of artillery. To con- tend with this great invading force Stuart could command but three brigades — Lomax and Wick- ham's, Fitz Lee's division, and Gordon's brigade, and of artillery Johnson's battery and a section of Hart's. All told not over 4,000. By forced marches the two brigades of Fitz Lee suc<'eeded in getting in Sherridan 's front at Yellow Tavern on the Brook turnpike early in the morning of the 11th, and began the battle of Yellow Tavern. About the same time Gordon's forces attacked his rear ferociously. The Federals burned the Ground Squirrel bridge over the South Anna river but Gordon found an old ford, almost impassable, where he and his men crossed rushed up the hill and drove the enemy back in con- fusion. While Sheridan claimed the victory at Yel- low Tavern it was about such a victory as Cornwallis won at Guilford Court House. It was Sheridan's aim to march into Richmond on the 11th, and had it not been for Gordon and his gallant men the cap- ital of the Confederacy would have fallen into the hands of the Yankees that day. On the 12th came the fight at Brook Church. Gordon was in Sheridan's rear. He had ordered some artillery from Richmond which came in due 104. HISTOKICAL SKETCHES time and was trained and fired upon the enemy. Im- mediately one or more of Sheridan's guns were- turned upon it. Gordon was furious. He raved and begged, and called it "band box artillery," but his men stayed in the trenches. He became disgust- ed and went in a gallop right into the fire down that military road, and there he received his death wound. He was taken to the hosi^ital but six days later he died. General Stuart also received his death wound at Brook Church, and when at last he was sorely press- ed and his squadron broken, just before his death, his last words were: "Would to God, Gordon were here." But Gordon, too, had received his death wound. Gordon's remains were brought home and buried in the Episcopal cemetery at Wilkesboro. His last resting place is marked by a beautiful monument, and the ever<^reens and ftowers that grow about his grave show the lasting admiration of his comrades, friends and relatives. Wilkes is glad that the whole country glories in the achievement of her noble son, but his fame, his glory, and his tomb are all her (nvn . In his history of t?he 5th N. G. Cavalry, Col. Paul B. Means has this to say : "Our great loss at Brook church was the gallant and glorious James B. Gor- don. The Fifth loved him as its commander during the Gettysburg campaign and as his entire brigade did for his splendid courage and merit in all re- spects. He was the Murat of the army of Northern Virginia, and had he lived he would have added in- creased lustre to our North Carolina Cavalry." Of him Gen. Julian S. Carr said: "On the 28th of Sept., 1863, James B. Gordon, Col. of the 9th, was commissioned Brigadier General and took com- mand of the Brigade. Under General Gordon it OF WILKES COUNTY. 105. made famous its name of "The North Carolina Cav- alry Brigade," and was thus to the end of the war widely known throughout the army of Northern Virginia and by a very great many in the army of the Potomac. Of course, it was often spoken and written of as Gordon's and afterwards Barringer's Brigade. "Gordon was a genius of war, a "veritable god of battle." He did more than any other one man to make his brigade what it was, and had he lived his brigade would have placed his name as high on North Carolina's roll of honor as that of any Con- federate, if not higher. At Brook church on the 12th of May, 1864, he received a wound which prov- ed mortal within a week." THE "BUZZARD ROOST." In the early daj^s of Wilkes county the bottoms along the Yadkin and Reddies River at the junction of the rivers was heavily timbered with tall cedars. The buzzards of all the adjacent country would gather there to roost in those cedars. So it became known as the "buzzard roost." The bottoms were cleared by the late John Finley and were so produc- tive that the name, "buzzard roost," was very ap- propriate, and as long as Mr. Finley lived the bot- toms were known as "John Finley's buzzard roost." 106. BISTOKTCAL SKETCHES GENERAL JAMES WELLBORN. In his day General James Wellborn was probably the most prominent man in the county. He mar- ried Rebecca Montgomery, one of the two heirs to the large tracts of land knc^iwn as the Moravian sur- veys. James Wellborn was appointed General of the malitia about the close of the Revolutionary war. From the year 1796 to lcSB5 General Wellborn serv- ed in the State Senate thirty years. He served in succession from 1796 to 1811, from 1817 to 1821, in 1823 and 1824, in 1828 and 1829, in 1832, and in 1834 and 1835. Prior to 1835 members of the Gen- eral Assembly were elected each year, so Wellborn was elected thirty time-! in thirty-nine years. The fact that a man can stand so popular for thirty-nine years is honor enough for one man. I doubt if the world can furnish a like example. During his terms in the Senate General Wellborn made streneous efforts to have the State build a turnpike road from the mountains to the sea, but he failed. That was before any railroads were built in North Carolina and the turnpike would have been a great thing for the people of the west, but east had the majority and they knew that the peo- ple of the west had to come to them for their neces- sities turnpike or no turnpike, aud they were not willing to be taxed to build the road for the accom- odation of the people of the west. It was largely through the efforts of General Wellborn that his brother-in-law, Montford Stokes, was twice elected to the United States Senate and once elected as Governor of the State. He was buried on his plantation about 3 miles west of Wilkesboro. OF WTLKES COUNTY. 107. HON. ANDERSON MITCHELL, Anderson Mitchell was at one time a distin- guished citizen of Wilkes; he was born in Caswell county in the year 1800; was educated at the Bing- ham School and at the State University at Chapel Hill where he graduated in 1821. He read law un- der George Henderson and was admitted to the bar in 1823. Mitchell located in Jefferson, Ashe county, to practice his j^rofession. In 1827, '28 and '29 he represented Ashe county in the lower branch of the Legislature, and in 1838 he was elected to the 'State Senate. In 1840 he moved to Wiikesboro and the same year was elected to the State Senate from Wilkes. In 1842 he was elected to Congress but re- sigried in 1843 to devote his entire time to the prac- tice of law. In 1859 he removed to Statesville. In 1866 he was appointed Judge of the Superior Court, and in 1872 was elected, without opposition, to succeed himself as Judge and he served until his death in ISlic^ when Governor Brogden appointed D. M. Fur- I'hes to succeed him. On Dec. 24th, 1876, he died, and was buried in the 1-emetery at Statesville. Judge Mitchell's conduct during the Ku Klux era in North Carolina has won for him lasting fame. In his district there was no such thing as Ku Klux a Howled ; neither was there any necessity for such, for all the violators of the law were punished with- out fear or favor. Our distinguished county man Anderson Mitchell Vannoy was named after him ^nd was a close companion of the Judge until his death. Mitchell was an able lawyer, an excellent Judge, and a great and noble man. 108. HISTORICAL SKETCHES COL. WM. M. BARBER. The subject of this sketch was born Jan. 24th, 1884. He enlisted in the 87th N. C. Regiment and on its organization at High Point, Nov. 20th 1861, he was elected Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment. At Fuzzell's Mill Lane's Brigade, led by Col. Bar- ber, recaptured the Confederate entrenchments, which had been lost by other Confederate troops, on the Darbytown road in the presence of General R.E. Lee. At* Gravely Hill he led the regiment in a hot fight and was wounded in the engagement. The officers of Lane's brigade presented their leader with a sword and General's sash at Moss Neck and Col. Barber was chosen to present the presents which he did in a neat and graceful speech. Col. Barber was engaged in the battle of Freder- icksburg and performed his duty bravely. At Chan- cellorsville he grappled with the enemy bravely and drove them back but he descri'^ed the fight by his regiment as the bloodiest battle he ever saw. He was wounded in the fight at Jones' farm near Petersburg on Sept. 80th, 1804, and died from the wounds on the 8rd of the following October. His remains were brought to Wilkesboro and buried in the Episcopal cemetery. Lee Carmichael was a prominent man in Wilkes before the Civil war. He was a fine lawyer and was a candidate for Congress against General Thomas L. Clingman. He represented the county in the Legis- lature a number of times. He died about the close of the war. OF WILKES COUNTY, 1(X\ COL, THOMAS C. LAND. Thomas C, Land is one of <^he landmarks of thr^ «couaty. He was born March 18, 1828, and was raised on sl farm, attending the old fi-eld schools a few weeks for a part of the winters. He attended Did Beaver Creek Academy for a short time while Hugh Stokes was principal. At the outbreak of the war he joined Col. Sidney Stokes' company as a private and served during the war. K« was appointed ^commissary and later cor- poral. Inn the Seven Days Fight around Richmond he was wounded and was allowed to come home on furlough. During his absence from the army he was iippointed Lieut»8nant-Colonel of the 58rd regiment, which position he assumed on his return to the ar- my. He was wounded at the battle of Winchester jand a number of other times but not seriously. After the war GoL Land returned to Wilkes and engaged in teaching school and farming. In 1870 he went to Oregon and took up land and lived there until 1884 when he returned to Wilkes. In 1891 he again went to Oregon and lived there until 1898 when he returned tx) Wilkes where he has since lived. While in the West he engaged in farming, teaching and mining. Col. Land has considerable literary talent and is the author of the popular ballad, *'The Death of Laura Foster," and a number of other poems. Col. Land has been fond of hunting and while in the West he had quite a little experience in hunting deer, bear and elk. He has the horns of a large elk that he killed which he prizes very highly. Col. Land is at present a member of the county Board of Education, the t:>nly office he ever held. 15 no. HISTORICAL SKETCHES REV. W. R. BRADSHAW. BY F. B. HENDREN. Rev. W. R. Bradshaw, the pastor of the Baptist church in Wilkesboro and North Wilkesboro respect- ively, was born in Burke county, N. C, on the 14th of July, 1866. His father was a farmer and young Bradshaw worked on his father's farm until he was eighteen years old. He attended the district school REV. W. R. BRADSHAW. a few months in the winter, and at eighteen years of age he entered Amherst Academy, situated near his father's farm, under the tuition of Rev. R. L. Pat- ton, one of the ablest ministers and educators in the OF WILKES COUNTY. 111. State. Here he was fitted for college and, having decided to enter the ministry, matriculated at Wake Forest College in the fall of 1888 and graduated in the class of '92. The following fall he assumed the principalship of Moravian Falls Academy and also took charge of the Baptist church at Moravian Falls, and during the year had charge of other churches in this county. Soon after his removal to this county he took charge of the Baptist churches at Wilkesbo- ro and North Wilkesboro. These pasturates he has most acceptably and successfully filled up to the present time. He has received several calls to good churches in other towns in this State but has uni- formly declined them. Under his eloquent sermons and wise ministry the churches in the two Wilkes- boros have enjoyed a most gratifying and steady growth. Nor does his influence cease at the borders of the two towns, but reaches out all over the coun- ty, throughout which he is well known. He is also a prominent personage on the floor of the Baptist State Convention and occasionally electrifies it with his bursts of eloquence. He is often referred to as the "Boy Orator of the Mountains." Pure in life and chaste in demeanor, he is yet the stern and uncompromising enemy of evil in every form, especially of the liquor evil. He is promi- nently connected with the educational interests of the county. 1I2\ HTSTOKlCAt SKETCHES NEWSPAPERS, The Husffler, North Wilkesboro. The HugTPi>MK was e^ablished in July, 1896, by T, J. RobertsoD, the present owner and editor. It was a three column, 8 page paper. On January 2, I8C67 T. J. ROBERTSON. tlie entire outfit was destroyed by fire and not a cent of insurance on the phint. Mr. Robertson assumed the proportions of the name of his paper and in tw ? weeks a new outfit was put in and the paper re-ap- peared in an enlarged form — a 5 colun n, 8 page paper. The Hustler has made steady advancement OF WILKES COUNTY. and now has a firm hold on the people 118. of North Wilkesboro and the county. The editor and owner, T. J. Robertson, was born in Pittsylvania county, Va., Feb. 27, 18(^5. In 1877 his parents moved to Kernersville, N. C, where he received an academical education. He came to North Wilkesboro in 1895 and was editor of the North Wilkesboro News until 1896 when he estab- lished The Hustler. ROBERT A. DEAL. The Chronicle i Wilkesboro, The Chronicle was established at Lenoir by H. S. Blair in 1883, but a few years later was moved 114. HISTORICAL SKETCHES to Wilkesboro, and has been published continnously ever since. Soon after the paper moved to Wilkes- boro R. A. Deal bought it and has owned and con- ducted it ever since. In 1899 he bought the Moun- tain Breeze and the two offices were consolidated. Robert Avery Deal, editor and owner of The Chronicle, was born in Caldwell county Dec. 6, 1863, and was raised on the farm, attending the public schools a part of the sessions. He attended Ruth- erford College under Prof. R. L. Abernethy for about two years, going in debt for his tuition. After leaving Rutherford he taught school, and when The Chronicle was established he worked with it until he bought the paper, paying the last of his Rutherford College tuition after coming to Wilkes- boro. On Feb, 7, 1900, he was married to Miss Mamie Wallace, by which union two children have been born. Mr. Deal is a man of deep thought, and by close application has made a reputation for thor- oughness in whatever he undertakes. He is an ardent democrat and an earnest worker for his par- ty, having served for a number of years as chairman of the county executive committee. Pie was post- master at Wilkesboro during Cleveland's last ad- ministration. The Yellow Jacket, Moravian Falls. The Yellow Jacket was established by R. Don Laws in June, 1895, as a three column, four page, monthly paper. When the paper was started, out in the country, away from any public road and two miles from the postoffice, many people predicted the thing a failure. As the name implies, the Yel- low Jacket was from the beginning a "warm baby." It discusses politics almost exclusively from a re- publican standpoint. The paper has been enlarged OF WILKES COUNTY. Ill from time to time until now it is a five column folio and is issued twice a month. The circulation has built up wonderfully. The paper now has about 20,000 subscribers in every State in the Union. I]i order to issue the paper in such quantities it was necessary to install new machinery from time to time. Now the Yellow Jacket outfit is the best printing plant in this section of the State. The paper is about to outgrow its present equipment and R. DON LAWS. Mr. Laws is making arrangements to put in a per- fecting press. R. Don Laws, the editor and proprietor of the Yellow .Jacket, was born in Wilkes county in 1868, und worked on the farm till he was 21 years old. Mr. Laws printed the following account of himself in his paper some time ago : 116. HISTORICAL SKETCHES "We were born in Wilkes county, North Carolina, in 1868, lived on a farm, ate corn bread and fat meat and plowed a steer until we were 21 years old. We were blessed with the opportunity of getting to attend school for about eighteen months, all told. At the age of thirteen we made the first printing press we ever saw, carving the type from ivy wood. When we obtained money enough a small hand press and a few fonts of type were purchased. Print- ing seemed to be our fort so we stuck to it. Some- how we got the idea in our noggin that we wanted to be a one hoss editor, so in June, 1895, without any money, and with a printing outfit that was not worth twenty-five dollars, we founded the Yellow Jacket. For a long time it looked like the game was not worth the candle, but we worked the harder, hoping that a brighter day will come by and by. At last our hopes are partly realized. To-day we have a larger paid-up circulation than any other paper published in North Carolina, and have at last succeeded in replacing the little old printing outfit with an up to date plant and have that paid for." Mr. Laws is a man of more than ordinary wit and seems to be specially suited to the work he has a- dopted. He married Miss Dora Wallace and they have three children. The Patriot, Moravian Falls. The Patriot is a three column, four page paper established a few months ago by James Larkin Pearson. Mr. Pearson is a young man, about 23 years old. He in widely known throughout this county as a poet, having been writing verse since his youth. He made his first printing press out of wood. OF WILKES COUNTY. 117. The Blue Ridge Baptist, North Wilkesboro. The Blue Ridge Baptist was established in Wilkesboro in 1900 with Rev. W. R. Bradshaw and F. B. Hendren editors. The next year the paper changed hands and A. C. Hamby became editor and A. C. HAMBY. D. W. Lee manager, and the paper was moved to North Wilkesboro. The Baptist is a clean religious paper and speaks well for its young editor and man- ager. A. G. Hamby, editor, was born in Wilkes county Aug. 28, 1876, and worked on his father's farm un- 118. HISTORICAL SKETCHES til he was seventeen years old. He attended Bethel Hill Institute, Trap Hill Institute, Whitehead Acad- emy, and he also spent nine months at Wake Forest College. He paid his tuition and board by teaching and working as a farm hand. He also attended the Blue Ridge Institute for one session. He was licens- ed to preach by hiB church but has not yet been or- dained. D. W. Lee, manager of the Baptist, was born June 28, 1875, was raised on the farm and attended school at Bethel Hill, Trap Hill and Whitehead. At the last named place he taught a commercial de- partment for one session. He was principal of New Hope Academy in 1898 and 1899. In 1900 he, in copartnership with his brother, established the Bap- tist Instructor which was consolidated with the Blue Ridge Baptist in 1901. The Curfew, Breivers. The Curfew was established m 1898 by W. L. Brewer and J. J. Spicer ; at first it was a 3 colum, 4 l^age paper but it has been enlarged to a 6 column, 4 page paper. Mr. Brewer, the present editor, is a man of character and ability. (Further particulars about the Curfew have not reached the author.) OF WILKE8 COUNTY. 119. LAWYERS, John S, Cranor, John Samuel Cranor was born at Rockford, in Surry county, April 26, 1847. When he was about JNO. S. CRANOR. ten years old his father moved to Wilkesboro and engaged in running a hotel. In 1864 he entered the Confederate army, being then only seventeen years. He enlisted in Company B, and was intended to be assigned to the First Battalion North Carolina Re- serves and was stationed at Camp Vance for instruc- tions. Here he was captured by Col. Kirk of the 120. HiaTOKlCAL SKETCHES Federal army and was carried as a prisoner of war to a prison camp at Chicago, where he was kept for twelve months. While in prison he endured many hardships and witnessed the death • of many com- rades from exposure and hardships. After being paroled after peace was proclaimed he returned to- Wilkesboro, studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1868. On Nov. 27, 1872, he was married to Miss Sarah Taylor and to them were born nine children. Mrs. Cranor died in May, 1902. Mr. Cranor was Register of Deeds from 1884 to '86. In 1893 he represented his district in the State Senate ; he was elected by 745 majority when the majority was iisually about that much for the oppo- sing party. Mr. Cranor is at present Mayor of the town of Wilkesboro. Frank B, Hendren. The subject of this sketch was born Feb. 24, 1860, and worked on the farm until he was 21 years old attending the public schools about two months during the winter for a part of the winters. He en- tered Moravian Falls Academy and was prepared for college by Rev. Geo. W. Greene, principal of the academy. Before entering college he taught school in Ashe county one year and at Vashti academy, in Alexander county, one year. In 1884 he entered Wake Forest College and graduated in 1888. After his graduation he taught school for ten years, teach- ing in Montgomery county, in High Point Female College, in the Winston Graded Schools, in Jackson county, and finally for four years was principal of Moravian Falls academy. In 1895 he was admitted to the bar, but taught school two years after. In 1898 he moved to Morganton and formed a partner- OF WILKES COUNTY. 121. ship with J. F. Spainhour for the practice of law. He returned to Wilkesboro in 1900 where he has since resided practicing his profession. While he was at Morganton he was elected County Superin- tendent of Schools of Burke county. Mr. Hendren FRANK B. HENDREN. is a ripe scholar and an able jurist. He is an en- thusiastic member of the Baptist church and is a great Sunday School worker. William W, Barber, The subject of this sketch was born in Wilkesboro Oct. 14, 1855, and was educated by his father, Rev. 122. HISTOKICAL SKETCHES R. W. Barber; he read law at Lenoir under CoL Geo. N. Folk and was admitted to the bar in 1879. In 1882 he formed a copartnership with Col. W. H. H. Cowles for the practice of law; the partnership existed until 1887, several years after Col. Cowles had been elected to Congress and was mutually dis- WILLIAM W. BARBER. solved ; since that time he has practiced law alone in Wilkes and adjoining counties. In early life he showed a fondness for politics and since 1876 he has been an active worker for his par- ty. He has several times been chairman of the County Executive Committee of the Democratic party ; he served eight years as a member of the ex- OF WILKES COUNTY. 128. ecutive committee for the judicial district, four years as chairman ; for ten years he has been a mem- ber of the Congressional Executive Committee, two years as chairman, and is still a member of the committee ; he also served six years as a member of the State Executive Committee. He was clerk to the committee in Washington of which Col. Cowles was chairman, but he resigned in 1889, after serving nearly two years, to take his seat in the State Sen- ate to which he was elected the previous year. In 1890 he was the Democratic candidate for So- licitor in this district ; he canvassed the district against Hon. Thomas Settle, the Republican candi- date. As the district was largely Republican Bar- ber was defeated but he ran ahead of the ticket. Mr. Settle resigned in 1898 and Gov. Thos. M. Holt appointed Mr. Barber to succeed him and he served till 1895. In 1894 he was again nominated by his party for Solicitor but with his party he went d«:)wn in defeat in that memorable campaign of 1894, again running ahead of his ticket. In 1891 he was married to Miss Wilcox, daughter of Dr. J. O. Wilcox, of Ashe county, and four chil- dren bless their home. Mr. Barber stands in the fore front in his profession. Frank D. Hackeff. Mr. Hackett was born near Wilkesboro June 14, 1857. His father was a distinguished educator and his mother was a Miss Sturgis, daughter of Judge Sturgis of the Georgia Supreme Court. He studied law under Maj. Bingham, of Statesville, and was admitted to the bar in 1890. He was Distiller}- Surveyor during Cleveland's second administration. In the Legislature of 1899 he was assistant to the Principal Clerk of the House; in 1901 he was again 124. HISTORICAL SKETCHES FRANK D. HACKETT. selected for the same position. In 1900 he was a candidate before the Democratic convention for the nomination for State Auditor, but retired in favor of Maj. Dixon. Lytle N. Hick er son » The subject of this sketch was born in Boone OF WILKES COUNTY. 125. 'County, Arkansas, August 20, 1874. When he 'Was :jibout seven years old his parents movfed td'this ■county. Lytle worked on the farm and attended the academic school at Eonda^ he also went to Mo- ravian Falls Academy two years and finally took the four years course at the State University at Ohapel Hill, after which he studied law at States- ville under Judge R. F. Arnifield and was admitted to the bar. He located at North Wilkesboro where he has since lived. He married Miss Jarvis, daugh- ter of L. A, Jarvis, of North Wilkesboro. Ewkard N. Hackett, The subject of this sketch was born in Wilkesbo- ro on the 4th of December, 1866. He was educated at the State University at Chapel Hill where he graduated in June, 1887. Then he took up the study of law under Col. Geo. N. Folk, and in September, 1888-, was admitted to the bar. He located in his native town and has become one of the ablest jurists and advocates in this section of the State. Mr. Has always taken a lively interest in politics, and when he was only twenty-one years old he was chosen as chairman of the county Democratic Exec- utive Committee and he served continuously for six years. While he was chairman his party made steady gains until in the election following the last campaign under his direction a part of the Demo- cratic nominees were elected. For more than ten years he has been a member of the State Democratic Executive Committee, and is also a member of the Judicial Executive Committee. At all times he has taken an active personal interest in the advance- ment and campaigns of his party, and he is one of the most forceful orators in the West. In 1889 he was Commissioner of State to repre- 16 126. HISTORICAL SKETCHES sent North Carolina in New York at the centennial alnniversary of Washington's Inaugeration. In 1896 he was a candidate for the Lesjislature but OF WILKES COUNTY. 127. was defeated though he led the Democratic ticket by f]00 votes. In 1898 he was a candidate for the nom- ination for Congress from the eighth district and was defeated by only four votes. In 1900 his name was again brought before the convention, but he was defeated by J. C. Buxton, after which he grace- fully took the stump and canvassed the district for Mr. Buxton. In the campaign preceeding the August election of 1900 Mr. Hackett canvassed the north-western portion of the State in behalf of the State ticket and the constitutional amendment. In 1901 he was appointed Assistant Secretary of State for the purpose of annotating and indexing the laws of the G-enoral Assembl}^ of the session of 1901. He is an officer of the Grand Lodge of Masons of North Carolina, and is an earnest worker for the order, especiall}^ for the orphanage of the order. He is a distinguished looking gentleman of pleasant and agreeable manner, a man of unsullied honor, a lawyer of much ability, and one of the coming statesmen of North Carolina. Herbert L. Greene. Mr. Greene was born in Wilkesboro May 28, 1865, and was educated at the Wilkesboro Academy and at the State University. He read law under Col. Geo. N. Folk and was admitted to the bar in 1887. Instead of becoming a candidate for office he stuck to the practice of law and, in partnership with T. B. Finley, has built up a large practice. Although against his wishes, he was nominated for the Legislature in 1900 by the Democratic party, and he represented the county in the next General Assembly. Mr. Greene has been chairman of the 128. HISTOKTCAL SKETCHIT^ Coimty and also the Congressional Executive Cbiii- niittees of his party. Mr. Greene is the author of the bill enacted by the Legislature of 1901 commanding the commis- sioners of Wilkes county to build a new court house. HERBERT L. GREENE. He also helped to secure the passage of the bill to build the Wilkesboro and Jefferson turnpike by the penitentiary convicts. He was married in 1898 to Miss Davie Wellborn. Hugh A. Cranor, Mr. Cranor is a son John S. Cranor and was born OF WILKES COUNTY. 129. in Wilkesboro Nov. 20, 1875. He attended Wilkes- boro Academy and the State University ; studied law at the law department of Wake Forest College and was admitted to the bar in 1902. He is a bright young lawyer and has a promising future. Col. Thomas J. Dida. The subject of this sketch was born in Caldwell county and was raised on the farm ; he attended the common schools and Emory and Henry college. He studied law under Judge Anderson Mitchell and was admitted to the bar about 1855 and located at Le- noir ; in 1858 he was elected to the Legislature from Caldwell. When the Civil war broke out he entered the Confederate army as a private in company I, 26th N. C. regiment. He was detailed to return home and form a new company ; he was elected Ma- jor and later was promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel. During the war he was twice wounded. In 1871 he moved to Wilkesboro and the next year was elected to the Legislature, and also in 1874. In 1875 he was elected a delegate to the Constitutional Con- vention. In 1876 he was the Republican nominee for Congress but was defeated by Maj. Robbins. In 1900 he was elected to the State Senate. L. C. Carter, Littleton Calhoun Carter was born May 14, 1871, and was raised on the farm. He was educated in the common schools and at Fair View College, Trap Hill. For a number of years he engaged in teaching school. At the age of twenty-two he be- gan the study of law under Maj. Bingham, of States- ville, and seven months later was admitted to the bar. 130. HISTORICAL SKETCHES Thomas B. Finley. The subject of this sketch is the son of the late Augustus W. Finley, one of the \yelthiest and most- influential men that ever lived in the county. His mother's maiden name was Miss Martha Gordon. On his farm — where North Wilkesboro now stands — in the year 1862 was Thomos B. Finley born. Dur- ing his boyhood he worked hard on the farm, keep- ing his work apace with that of the negroes hired by his father. He was educated at Wilkesboro Acade- my, Finley High School at Lenoir and at Davidson College, completing an elective or scientific course at the latter place in three years. At Davidson College he won a gold medal for declaming. Re- read law under Col. Geo. N. Folk and was admitted to the bar in 1885. After receiving his license he located at Wilkesboro to practice his profession. He formed a partnership with H . L. Greene which ex- ists up to this time. Mr. Finley has been the promoter of many of the business institutions of this county. He was one of the men who planned and founded the town of North Wilkesboro ; he was the first man to advocate the establishment of the Bank of North Wilkesboro and it was largely through his efforts that the bank was established. At present he is a director of the I)ank. In 1888 he canvassed the county in favor of the county issuing $100,000 bonds for the construc- tion of a railroad to Wilkesboro. He has helped to promote several other business institutions. Although streneously urged by his friends Mr; Finley has never been a candidate for office. In 1902 he was speciallv urged to become a candidate for Judge of the Superior Court ; although assured of the nomination he declined to abandon his prac- OF WILKES COUNTY. 131. tice. He has appeared in a majority of the civil ■cases tried in the county since he was admitted to the bar. In 1893 he was married to Miss Carrie Lizzie Cowles, and five children bless their home. James W. McNeill. The subject of this sketch was born in Beaver Creek township Feb. 8, 1872. Until he was ten years old he lived on a farm and attended the public schools ; in 1882 his father, Rev. Milton McNeill, was elected Sheriff of the county and moved his family to Wilkesboro where they have since resided . The subject of this sketch attended Wilkesboro Academy, and in 1892 entered Wake Forest College ;and took a special course preparatory to the study of law. He studied law at the State University and was admitted to the bar in 1895. Before entering college he was Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court under his father. After obtaining license to prac- tice law he located at Winston for six months. In 1896 he located in Wilkesboro and became the law partner of Solicitor Mott. During this partnership and since he has done much work for Mr. Mott, acting as Solicitor pro tern. In 1899 he formed a partnership with his brother R. H. McNeill and they now have offices in Wilkesboro and Jefferson, and at each place they have a large practice. In 1900 Mr. McNeill was nominated for the Leg- islature by the Republican party and was elected by 259 majority, but by means of the trickery of polit- ical machines four largely Republican precincts were thrown out by the Canvassing Board, thus giv- ing the place to another man by 41 majority. In 1900 he was married to Miss Anna Gertrude Johnson of Raleigh. 132. HISTORICAL SKETCHES JAMES W. M NEILL. At the present time Mr. McNeill is the chosen candidate of his party for Solicitor in this district ; his chances of election are good. The experience he has had as Solicitor pro tern, makes him special- ly qualified for the office, while his services as So- licitor have distinguished him as an able prosecu- ting officer. Mr. McNeill is a distinguished looking gentleman and is one of the most gifted orators in this section. He has made a marked success as a lawyer — seldom equaled in so short a time — and a bright future is before him. OF WILKEB COUNTY. 133. Luther M, Lyon. Mr. Lyon was born in Wilkes county Jan. 24, 1871, was raised on a farm and was educated in the common schools and academies of his section. He taught school for a number of years, and then read law at the State University and under Chas. H. Armfield and was admitted to the ]mr in 1899. He is locat^ed at Wilkesboro. His great grandfather Jacob Lyon, was a soldier in the Revolutionary war ■and was in the ba;ttles of Brandy Wine and Kings Mountain. PHYSICIANS, Dr. J. W. WMte. Dr, White was born near Hamptonville in Yad- Idn county March 9, 1861, and was raised on the farm. When he was onl}^ six years old his father died leaving three children, two younger than the subject of this sketch. When he became old enough the duty fell upon him to take the lead in caring for liis mother and plantation. He received his literary education in the public schools and academies of his community, and he attended Jefferson Medical -College, Philadelphia, wh«re he graduated in 1889. He practiced medicine at Osbornville four years and then moved to Wilkesboro where he has since resid- ed. He has also takon two post graduate courses. He is a member of the North Carolina Medical Soci- ety and in 1898 was elected Vice President of that body. He was county physician for about four 18 184. HISTORICAL SKETCHES DR. J. W. WHITE. years. In 1898 he was married to Miss nor and one child blesses their home. Dr. Geo. Doughton. Pearl Syd- The subject of this sketch was born in Alleghany county in 18(^0 and was raised on the farm ; was ed- ucated in the public schools and academies of the community, and is a graduate of the Baltimore col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons and a post graduate of the New York Polycinic in the class of 1891. He has also attended several other short courses — at John Hopkins and elsewhere. At present he is local OF WILKES COUNTY. 185. surgeon for the Southern Railway, surgeon for. the Penitentiary convict camp. In 1888 he was married to Miss Nannie B. Edwards and they now have four children. Dr. Wm. P. Horton, The subject of this sketch was born in Watauga county in 1867, was raised on the farm and was ed- ucated in the public schools and academies. He studied medicine under Dr. Council and at the Bal- timore College of Physicians and Surgeons. At first he located at Southerlands, and in 1892 he moved to North Wilkesboro. Pie has been phvsician for the Southern Railway and he is now physician for the county. He was married to Miss Emma Wynn and they have four children. Dr, James M. Turner. Dr. Turner was born in Iredell county on the 80th of April, 1858, was raised on the farm and was edu- cated at Cool Springs Academy. For a short time he taught school in this State and Tennessee. He studied medicine under Dr. John Anderson and at Louisville University where he graduated in 1881. He first located in Davie county and remained there for more than five years, then moved to Wilkesboro in 1886 where he has since lived. He has been Co. Supt. of Health at least half of the time since he has been in the county. He is half owner of one of the first roller flouring mills established in the county. Dr. Turner has taken much interest in the material development of the tow^n and county and owns considerable property. He has been married twice, first to Miss Mollie E. Howell who died in 1887; in 1889 he was married to Miss Sallie Bledsoe. 136. HISTORICAL SKETCHEB DR. JAS. M. TURNER. He has had eight, children, three by his first wife (two of whom are dead), and five by his last wife. Dr. Comedore L. Hamby was born in Rowan county June 28, 1857, was educated in the common schools and academies of his section. He graduated at Louisville Medical College in 1886. He first lo- cated at Trap Hill where he remained there ten years and then moved to Myers where he now lives. For the last six years he has been a member of the U. S. Examining Board of Surgeons for pensioners. In 1878 he was married to Miss Evaline Darnall and they have six children. OF WILKES COUNTY. IBT- Dr. F. H. Gilreath was born in Wilkes county March 15th, 1869, was educated at Moravian Falls Academy and at Vanderbilt University and at the Medical University at Nashville where he graduated in 1898. He served for more than three years as Stewart in the U. S. Army at Fort Myre. In 1901 he was appointed by the Superintendent of the Pen- itentiary as physician for the convict camp in Mitchell county. Drs. R. W. S. Pegram and L. P. Somers are a- mong our county physicians but the author is un- able to give sketches of them. Both are members of the U. S. Board of Examining Surgeons. SCHOOLS OF WILKES COUNTY. BY C. C. WRIGHT, CO. SUPT. OF SCHOOLS. Wilkes county has had and now has a numl^er of excellent schools of high grade. Among tliese are Moravian Falls, one of the oldest higher institutions of learning in the county. It flourished for a num- ber of years under the wise and prudent manage- ment of Rev. Gr. W. Greene and in later years of Rev. W. R. Bradshaw, F. B. Hendren, Rev. J. J. Beach, Profs. Patton, Surratt and others. Another one worthy of mention is Boomer High School, which for a number of years was prosperous under the care of Profs. A. E. Booth and W. S. Surrcitt. The school is now in the hands of Prof. J. A. Bol- din and bids fair to be one of our best schools. The college at Trap Hill and the Institute for quite a while did great good under the management of Prof. Wagoner, Smith and others sending out many teach- ers for the public schools of this and adjoining 188. HISTOKICAL SKETCHES. counties. The schools in the towns, Wilkesboro and North Wilkesboro, have usually been undei: the care of competent and able instructors and in the main have been successful. The Blue Ridge Insti- tute now under the care of Rev. W. R. Bradshaw bids fair to be the leading preparatory school in western N. C. There are academies at Braver Creek, New Hope, Cross Roads, Sulphur Springs, Peach Orchard, Buggaboo and Ronda but for some time no school has been taught in these save the public school. JAMES GORIK)N HACKETT. OF WILKES COUNTY. 189. James Gordon Hackett is one of the prominent citizens of the county. He was appointed by Gov. Aycock as one of the Penitentiary Directors. He was one of the promoters of the Jefferson turnpike. He is the brother of Richard N. Hackett. CALVIN J. COWLES. Mr. Cowles, the subject of this sketch, is one of the pioneer citizens of this county. Probably he knows mor« of the history of the county than any •other man now living. The author of this work is CALVIN J. COWLES. 140. HISTORICAL SKETCHES largely indebted to him for his assistance in getting lip this voliimn. He Avas born at Hampton ville in old Surry county Jan. 6th, 1821. When 18 years old he entered his father's store as a clerk where he spent most of his time until he was 21 years old. In his school days there were no free schools and he got his education at the old field subscription school and by studying his books at home. At the age of twelve he was afflicted with white swelling from which he has suf- fered more or less ever since. He was appointed by Congressman Lewis Williams as cadet to the Naval academy at Anapolis but declined in favor of his step brother. In 1846 he moved to Wilkes and put up a store at the mouth of Elk hauling his goods in wagons from Fayetteville, N. C, and Columbia, S. C, the near- est railroad points at that time. He was the first man in the county to deal in roots and herbs. In 1858 he moved to Wilkesboro. During the war Cowles was an avowed Union man but would have been conscripted into the Confeder- ate service had it not been for his physical disabil- ity. After the war he took a prominent part in re- construction. In 1866 he was a candidate for a seat in the Constitutional Convention but was de- feated. In 1867 he was again a candidate for the same position and was elected and was made Presi- dent of the Convention, receiving 101 of the 109 votes cast. The convention was composed of 87 native Carolinians, 18 carpet baggers and 15 negroes all elected by the people under martial law. To this Convention we are indebted for our present constitution (with a few changes), including our splendid court system. (Hon. J. Q. A. Bryan was a member of this Convention.) During the Ku Klux regime Mr. Cowles went to OF WILKES COUNTY. 141. Gen. Grant for aid in protecting life and property in the State. In '67 Cowles was a candidate for the State Sen- ate but was defeated* by one vote. In '68 he was a candidate for Congress but was defeated by Nathaniel Boyden. Cowles was a director of the W. N. C. R. R. and only lacked one vote of being elected president. In '68 he was appointed by President Johnson as Assay or in charge of the mint at Charlotte, which position he held for 16 years. In '75 Congress fail- ed to make any appropriation for the mint, and the Collector of Internal Revenue sold the property for $7,000. Cowles was successful in getting the sale canceled. Mr. Cowles has been married twice ; first to Mar- tha T. Devaul by whom he had eight children three of whom died in infancy ; in 1868 he was married to Ida A. Holden, daughter of ex-Governor Holden ; by his second wife he has eight children — five living and three dead. For the last few years he has lived the life of a private citizen in Wilkesboro. He is the largest real estate owner in the county and one of the lar- gest in the State.