T S 2030 Class Book_4JM*T Oopy#tN° COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. Carriage Painting A Series of Practical Treatises ON THE PAINTING OF CARRIAGES AND WAGONS, EMBRACING FULL DIRECTIONS FOR THE PRACTICAL EXECUTION OF ALL KINDS OF CARRIAGE AND WAGON PAINTING, INCLUD- ING STRIPING, LETTERING, SCROLLING, ORNA- MENTAL WORK, VARNISHING, TRANSFER ORNAMENTS, APPLYING GOLD LEAF, ETC. : Each Treatise is followed with Test Questions : : : for the Student : : : By F. MAI RE Author of "Modern Painter's Cyclopedia," "Exterior Painting," "Graining and Marbling," Etc. ILLUSTRATED CHICAGO Frederick J. Drake & Company PUBLISHERS r C!.A280984 PREFACE. 1. The subject matter of this volume, | the fifth in the series of the red manuals "Carriage Painting," is really too com- plex to be fully detailed within the space of a small volume of the restricted num- ber of pages as this is to be. There are a number of excellent treatises published on carriage painting, and outside of the gleaning and arrangement of the matter, and its presentation in the shape of les- sons graded and paragraphed with ques- tions at the end of each, each of which have corresponding numbers to the above para- graphs containing the answers to the ques- tions asked, the author does not lay any claim to, and readily acknowledges that he has been greatly helped and inspired by the previous work of others, more espe- cially by that of "Practical Carriage and 17 18 PKEFACE Wagon Painting" by M. C. Hillick, whose presentation of the subject matter is mas- terly done. Much of the subject matter of this volume has been culled and re-ar- ranged from that masterpiece of carriage painting literature and to a few others also, who had written up their experiences in some of the ' ' Trade Journals. ' ' F. Maire. Carriage Painting LESSON I. PRELIMINARY. 2. Under the title of this manual is in- cluded a great deal. Heretofore, in the volumes of this series of trade manuals, the manner of using and doing painting has been from an entirely different stand- point—with an entirely different object in view, so much so, that much of it will have to be forgotten in order not to become biased and to have one 's mind free to adapt the principles which govern "Carriage Painting. ' ' Under this general name it must be re- membered that it is not only the painting of vehicles drawn by horses, such as bug- gies, landaus, carriages etc. that it cov- ers, but railway carriages, automobiles 19 20 CARKIAGE PAINTING and every form of vehicles known; there- fore it has become one of the branches of painting which covers a field of vast im- portance. The principles which lay at the foun- dation of carriage painting must be well understood in order to comprehend all the various operations demanded to produce good work. When these funda- mental principles are learned thoroughly, it will matter little upon what scale they may be practically put into play— whether in an up-stairs shop over the wheelright's repair shop, or in large factory rooms or oar shops. In the latter, every facility will usually be found at hand to do the work rapidly and freed of much of the annoyances usually connected with the small shop; but that is only a matter of convenience after all, for the work itself must be done in much the same fashion. It will be the object of the next lesson to -commence the study of the principles CARRIAGE PAINTING 21 which govern carriage painting, then of the material and tools needed in doing the work, then in the several methods of do- ing the work itself. As nsual, the subject matter will be treated as much as possible by graduated steps, in order that it may be well understood by the student, and that he may become familiar with the vari- ous operations by easy steps. Some of the finishing parts in carriage painting such as striping, scrolling, decor- ative painting and of sign work, are made separate trades, or parts of trades in all the large carriage shops. As each of these would require more space than can be spared in this manual in order to give them the most elementary survey, but little will be said regarding them with the one exception: that of striping, which every carriage painter should be familiar with. The study of ornament painting and that of signs will form a separate manual. There are some excellent books published 22 CARRIAGE PAINTING upon the latter in lesson form copiously illustrated— especially that of Atkinson's, and the student will do well to procure it. As this manual is written principally for the use of students who wish to take up the painting of carriages in the smaller towns, either as a separate business, or in connection with general painting, to fill up slack times, the descriptions given for doing the work will be found more ap- plicable to these smaller shops than to the large factories. In these everything being specialized, every advantage can be taken for doing the work quickly and safely, which cannot be done usually in the smaller repair shops— but the underlying principles are the same, and when well understood, the student would find no diffi- culty in understanding their application on a large scale, and while employed on general work he could not expect to ac- quire the speed of the men who are spe- cialists, working on piece work; probably CARRIAGE PAINTING 23 he would soon acquire this extraordinary speed by practice if he »took up some spe- cialty. Having outlined the manner in which the subject matter will be handled in this man- ual, the next lesson will take up the study of the underlying principles of carriage painting. LESSON II. REASONS WHY LINSEED OIL IS SPARINGLY USED IN CARRIAGE PAINTING. 3. The old adage heretofore preached from in former manuals, i.e. "Oil is the life of paint," must be forgotten to a great extent, when it comes to carriage painting. Heretofore the surfaces covered with paint were stationary, motionless, and with the exception of floors, were not subject to abrasion. The worst enemies were from atmospheric conditions, and it was shown that linseed oil was a capital substance to use as a protection against these. 24 CAEEIAGE PAINTING 4. In carriage painting, the principal, and only use made of linseed oil is in the priming or foundation coats. No work which is not filled and made waterproof can be expected to stand any length of time, and few of the many make-shifts or short-cut methods of painting carriages which ignore a generous use of it— in the priming at least— can be depended upon for lasting results in the finishing coats. 5. The old time methods were very good, but were too slow for the fevered hurry of the present, so that it has been the aim of every man employed in car- riage painting to devise some way whereby an hour or two could be saved in turning out finished jobs. This hurry has not al- ways been advantageous to the durability of the finished work, even where the resem- blance of the finished, to that of olden times has been preserved, but the work- man 's protests have not been able to check the demand for quicker work. Given good CARKIAGE PAINTING 25 material and a reasonable allowance of time, a medium course can be pursued in carriage painting, which will be found to give fair results, both as to a good looking finish or herein, the time required to do the same in. 6. Were it possible to produce such a surface as the fastidious taste of the day demands, with and by the use of linseed oil coats— there is no question but that the results would be far more durable than they are by the other methods, but this is impossible. So as said before, the use of it made in carriage painting must be re- stricted to the foundation coats. These are not confined to the one coat or first coat as in structural painting, and for this reason it is named foundation coats, in order that it may not be confounded with what is understood as priming in former manuals. 7. The middle coats used in carriage painting are used principally to produce at 26 CARRIAGE PAINTING surface and they might very appropriately be called surfacing coats. They should consist chiefly of material which has been mixed with such liquids as will allow of their being spread easily, and which must possess sufficient adherence as to bind the material it is mixed with into a hard dry- ing mass capable of being leveled up to a smooth surface by rubbing down with pumice stones. These intermediary coats are best known in carriage work as "fill- ing coats." 8. When the filling coats have been per- fectly leveled and smoother, then only do the coloring coats proper, commence in carriage painting. It is obvious that they should conform stricty to the composition or rather the elasticity of the compounds used in surfacing the work, for it is obvious that if the variation is any way noticeable the finishing color coats will surely crack from their inability to conform themselves to that of the surfacing coats under them. CAEEIAGE PAINTING 27 At the present time while giving a general look over the scope of carriage painting it is not the purpose to inquire into the why and wherefore of things, as this will be done when that portion of the description of that part of the work is reached. The present synoptical viewing is merely in- dicative of the progressive stages through which a carriage passes before it is passed on to the repository. 9. Carriage work is frequently striped and ornamented. When this is done, it follows upon the last color coat, and when completed the jobs are ready for the var- nishing, which completes all that the sub- ject matter of this manual proposes to treat. QUESTIONS ON LESSON II. 3. What is said concerning the use of linseed oil in carriage painting? 4. What use is made of linseed oil painting chiefly? 28 CARRIAGE PAINTING 5. Wherein do present methods of car- riage painting chiefly differ from the old ? 6. What is usually understood by "foundation coats" in carriage painting! 7. What is the object and purpose of the filling coats ? 8. What are the last coats of paint used in carriage painting called? 9. When is the striping and ornamenta- tion done? LESSON in. MATERIAL USED IN CARRIAGE PAINTING. 10. It is proper before the study of car- riage painting commences that the stu- dent be made familiar with the material, tools and appliances that are needed in doing the work. Therefore a short review of these will be made before proceeding to give the details of the various operations necessary to finish a job. The material used in carriage painting is an important factor in the prosecution CARRIAGE PAINTING 29 of the work. As in other branches of painting it means that good material is necessary in order to obtain good results in the finish. It will not be necessary to go all over the details given in Volume III entitled "Colors" as to the derivation of each color used, and the reader is referred to that manual for more extended details regarding them. Some however, such as the fillers and varnishes which received little if any attention in that volume will be given sufficiently extended examination in this as their importance demands in con- nection with the subject matter. 11. As may be expected the blacks are the one color of most importance to the carriage painter. Lampblack in oil is used usually for the tinting of white lead in the foundation coats. It is sometimes used in compounding some of the proprie- tary named black as it is so very strong but on account of its dull gray black color it must be touched up with a good bone black, or gas black. 30 CARRIAGE PAINTING 12 Gas black is extensively used in pro- prietary named blacks to doctor up poor blacks, or to compound with some cheap make weight material into a black which imitates the bone blacks in so far as cover- ing properties, and strength of coloring matter goes and pretty nearly in jettiness of coloring, especially the ordinary sorts of bone blacks. By its use a fair black can be had at a lower cost than by the use of any other black pigment. 13. Ivory black, coach black, drop black are about one and the same thing— b one black. The finer qualities of this black are very good and are very intense in their jet tone, besides being clear and free of muddiness. They are sometimes improved by the addition of a small quantity of Prussian blue, but the finer qualities do not require it as it hurts them; in time it fades out, leaving the black to its own tone good or bad. These blacks are all of them rather deficient in opaqueness bone black CARRIAGE PAINTING 31 being considered a sem-transparent color. 14. The blue group of colors is used to a considerable extent especially in wagon and automobile painting. Prussian blue is seldom used solid, but some of its tints are sometimes. It is also used in com- pounding some of the green tints. Ultramarine blues of various shades of both the opaque, and transparent varieties are mostly used for painting solid colors as being less likely to fade than Prussian blue. 15. The Brown group of colors is well drawn upon by the carriage painters. All the colors found in that group are used. The raw and burnt umbers and raw and burnt Siennas, and in rough stuffing some of the special earth browns called umbers are used, beside an endless variety of fancy named browns compounded from the above named colors mainly, and many others which have proprietary names. Van Dyke brown is sometimes used as a glaze and a 32 CARRIAGE PAINTING great variety of brown and reddish brown lakes are also used in glazing. The stu- dent must not think that all the carriage browns that he may see listed are distinct colors, in reality they are only tints com- pounded very much in the same manner as the same would have to be prepared for house painting only that for carriage work the colors must not be ground in linseed oil but in japan or varnish. QUESTIONS ON LESSON III. 10. General remarks on material used in carriage painting. 11. What is said regarding the black group of pigments, especially about lamp- black? 12. What uses are made of gas black ? 13. What is said concerning bone blacks including ivory, coach and drop blacks? 14. What colors of the brown group are used in carriage painting? CARRIAGE PAINTING 33 LESSON IV. MATERIALS USED IN CARRIAGE PAINTING CON- TINUED. 15. The green group of colors is also largely made use of in carriage painting, but more especially in wagon and automo- bile work. Chrome greens in all shades; verdigris and Paris green for glazing, but more especially the very pretty greens (transparent) extracted from coal tar— some of which are excellent. In carriage painting proper nearly all the greens are compounded with blacks, and simply carry a cast of green the black predominating, such as the Brewster's greens, bottle and olive greens, which in addition to the black also carry some yellow in their composi- tion. The green list carries also a large number of proprietary named greens; as each manufacturer chooses a different name for goods of their preparing, the list is too formidable for each group of color to 34 CAKKIAGE PAINTING attempt to even do it a partial justice in the naming, therefore none such will re- ceive any attention. It is an easy matter in the smaller shops to prepare and com- pound all such tints from stock colors and it will not cost as much as the carrying of the numberless tints that are offered for sale. In the large factories where jobs are turned out in large numbers and where each color must be "semper idem/' it will be found best to have these special shades made up and prepared from a regular for- mula at the factory. 16. The red group of colors is also largely used from, in all branches of car- riage painting. From the amaranth reds used in running gear work of buggies, etc., to the bright vermilions used for the same purpose in wagon painting to which may be added even the painting of the beds in that bright garb. Then in its more sub- dued shades as Tuscan reds in railway car work and in short reds, either bright or CAEEIAGE PAINTING 35 subdued are indispensable to the carriage painter. The naming of the reds used by the trade is the naming of all the leading reds made ; such as the English vermilions pale and deep. The numberless imitation vermilions known to the trade as Vermilion reds are more usually accompanied by a high sounding proprietary name. The various red oxide reds are better known as Venetian red, Pompeian reds, etc. The great variety of red or red brown lakes are used in glazing. Most of these are sold also under some proprietary name. As all dealers usually have color cards showing what the true color of the contents of a car looks like, it is easy enough to pick out the right color desired no matter by what name it may be called; especially if the dealer sells it under a guarantee of permanency. 17. It is hard to say which of the several groups of color is the most useful to the carriage painter; all the other groups ex- amined were found useful, and indispens- 36 CARRIAGE PAINTING able, and now that the last group of the colored pigments is reached ( ' ' the yellow ' ' ) it is found to be fully as useful and indis- pensible as the preceding ones. Either in a self color as in running gears of buggies carts and wagons, to the solid painting of railway cars on some systems, they occupy a very prominent place indeed. There seem to be no shades of it so bright but may be used for some purpose, and in the tints with white and other colors, the use made of the yellows is very great. The ochres enter largely in some of the tints made, and the chrome yellows in their va- rious shades probably predominate the list. The transparent yellow lakes are also used for glazing to some extent. 18. The last group is the whites ; there is much use made of them; no jobs are hardly ever painted in any color no matter which it is, but that white lead enters into at least the preparatory coats. It is used also largely in the painting of business CARRIAGE PAINTING 37 wagons, hearses, etc., in its self -color and in combination with other pigment in the preparation of a number of tints. It is nsed ground in oil when it is known as "keg lead, ' ' and hereafter when that name shall be used it means that kind of lead and it is ground in japan or varnish for paint- no other. Then there is the dry white lead used in making putty and surfacing. Then ing the jobs in its self color. QUESTIONS ON LESSON IV. 15. What is said regarding the green group of colors? 16. What is said concerning the red groups of colors 1 17. What is said regarding the yellow group of colors? 18. What is said about whites in car- riage painting? 38 CARRIAGE PAINTING LESSON V. MATERIAL. USED IN CARRIAGE PAINTING — CON- TINUED. 19. Under the heading of materials used in carriage painting must be included any- thing and everything useful in connection with the work, not merely as a paint but in preparing the way for it as well. This ac- cessory material is as necessary in its place as is any of the other and should require as much attention and care in the buying. 20. Pumice stone— powdered in differ- ent degrees of fineness— the Italian is the best. The American being gritty will scratch worse. The lump pumice stone which should be also the Italian kind for the same reason. 21. Whiting or carbonate of lime is useful at times for many purposes which will be noted in the course of this manual but principally in the preparing of certain kinds of putty. ; CARRIAGE PAINTING 39 22. Chamois skins— which by the way are not Chamois skins but sheepskins tanned in a particular Way— are also hard to get along without in carriage painting as they are useful in many ways, nearly all through the preparing and the finishing of a job. 23. Under this heading must be a long- list of articles and material used in the decoration of vehicles such as gold and other metal leaves. Bronzes also of all colors and qualities, met allies and flitters also in all colors. Transfer ornaments of every kind. In short every thing that is ever used in the shop for the purpose of ornamentation. THINNERS OR VEHICLES FOR COLORS. 24. It was stated at the beginning that but little linseed oil was used in carriage painting— but that little must be good and the best. The raw should invariably be used, as the object for which linseed oil is 40 CARRIAGE PAINTING used is partially defeated by the use of boiled oil. 25. Volatile oils. There can be no question as to which is the best to use where there is any choice at all possible, that is— " Turpentine." It is head and shoulders above the petroleum, volatile oils, benzine, naphtha and gasoline. But of course where they must be used— they are, that's all. 26. Japans and other varnishes are used in both the filling up coats for rough stuffing, but the latter more especially in the coloring coats and finishing. Japans do not differ much from varnishes and un- der that name all kinds of liquid stuff is sold in the market which have nothing much in common but the name under which they are sold. The formulas for making them differ so much that it is really impos- sible to give a clear definition of them. In so far as carriage painters make use of them they are expected to bind the pig- CARRIAGE PAINTING 41 ments mixed with them, and to have but little elasticity at least no greater than that of the supervening coats. Most varnish makers prepare one for the purpose of the carriage trade which is sold under the name of "Carriage japan,' ' this is usually to be depended on when made by a varnish house having a reputation to loose. Varnishes for the carriage painter 's use are prepared with a view to suit his various requirements such as "rubbing," coloring" and "finish- ing/' each of which are again sub-divided into quick drying, medium drying and slow drying and again into elastic and non-elas- tic. There is a varnish prepared for any special use that the painter will ever have and the only trouble with him is to pick out the good ones. In the course of the details of the work proper when the various operations are reviewed, the various kinds of varnishes to be used for each purpose will be named under the appellation given them by the 42 CARRIAGE PAINTING various manufacturers and which has now become universally adopted by them. QUESTIONS ON LESSON V. 19. Some general remarks concerning accessory material? 20. What is said regarding pumice stone ? 21. What is said of whiting or oarbo- ate of lime? 22. What is said of chamois skins ? 23. What ornamental material is used in carriage painting? 24. What oil is used in foundation coats ? 25. What volatile oils should be used? 26. What is said of japans and var- nishes ? LESSON VI. TOOLS USED IN CARRIAGE PAINTING. 27. The tools used in carriage painting are not very numerous nor costly and must Fig. 1 OVAL CHISELLED VARNISH BRUSH 44 CAERIAGE PAINTING be kept separated from useful devices used in facilitating the work as these may vary greatly or be dispensed altogether if neces- sary — but the tools cannot, without some other ones which would have to take their place are used instead of them. The more important tools as may well be surmised are the "brushes" and these are made up of nearly all known variety of hair used in the art of brush making. 28. The heavy brushes used in carriage painting are usually made up from hog bristles and they are used for a number of purposes. Fig. 1 shows a metal bound chiselled haired (bristle) varnish brush. This brush is useful in many sizes and runs from 1.0 to 8.0. They are used in priming coats to lay color with and may also be used for laying rough stuff and for var- nishing running gears and bodies of large wagon work which is not to be finished ex- tra fine. They will be found useful for a wide range of work and with the great CAKEIAGE PAINTING 45 Fig. 2 ROUND PAINTER'S DUSTER range of sizes will come as near being worthy to be called a universal tool as it 46 CARRIAGE PAINTING is possible to call a brush by that name in carriage painting. 29. Fig. 2 repesents a round paint- er 's duster. There is no economy in buy- ing a cheap one are entitled to consideration do the same, so it must be 0. K. QUESTIONS ON LESSON XVIII. 115. What is said about the use of the proprietary reds in carriage painting? 116. What is said about the use of the dark reds, Indian, Tuscan and wine colors ? 117. What are the various red and brown lakes and how should they be treated? 118. What is said of the yellow group of pigments in a general way? 120 CARRIAGE PAINTING 119. How should the yellow pigments be applied to the running gears? 120. How should they be applied to the bodies of carriages and wagons! LESSON XIX. THE WHITES. 121. This will end up the color coats on the list, and while it comes last is by no means the least important. It is used in the painting of all kinds of business wagons, and for all kinds of uses including milk wagons which are usually painted white. Busses, hearses for children, all must be painted white, and white will be the foundation upon which some very showy business wagon ornamentation and lettering will be done. 122. 'This lesson is entitled the whites, a plural designation which may be mis- leading, as some may suppose that any and all whites may, or can be used in carriage CARRIAGE PAINTING 121 painting. The plural in this case must apply to white lead or to the many makes of it including the flake, whites, kremitz and Florence white, all of them white lead pure and simple. Zinc white however useful it may be in other lines of painting should never be used in carriage work. As adjuncts in preparing some special mix- tures a little whiting or carbonate of lime is made use of— but not as a coloring agent— on the contrary. Its use is simply a mechanical one. 123. The process of progression of the painting of a white job is somewhat simi- lar to that described in the previous les- son for yellow— only more so. The job should be more thoroughly well cleaned of all spots and stains before the priming begins, than for the other colors. When it has been properly cleaned, proceed to give it a coat of raw linseed oil, well and uniformly brushed in. "When dry sand- paper it also uniformly alike. Then pro- 122 CAKRIAGE PAINTING ceed to put on a coat of what may be termed second priming of keg lead thinned with % linseed oil to % turpentine with a teaspoonful of light japan to a quart of the primer. 124. The puttying should be put on over this first coat of white. The putty should be made from white lead, dry and pale rubbing varnish 1 part and gold size japan 2 parts. This putty for stopping holes may be used considerably stiff er than for general puttying. For glazing it must be reduced to the proper consistency of thinness with turpentine. 125. A second coat of what may be called the priming white coat very similar to the first and thinned with t& of raw lin- seed oil to if of turpentine should now be given the job, after the putty has been properly sandpapered and dusted. 126. For most purposes the job can be surfaced, and the coloring carried along without the special rough stuffing de- CARRIAGE PAINTING 123 scribed heretofore, although on the very best work it is still followed, but the follow- ing system will give nearly as good re- sults : mix flake white or any other special white lead of great body and good color, bind it with hard drying finishing varnish, thinning it with turpentine to reduce it to a good brushing consistency, applying two coats of it with care in order to have no brush marks showing. After this give a coat of hard drying finishing varnish to which has been added sufficient white lead to kill the yellow of the varnish. This coat should be flowed on full. When dry it should be rubbed with pumice stone and water, and after cleaning give another coat of color and varnish which should also be rubbed and cleaned as the other, and an- other coat of color and varnish applied. This is usually enough to produce a smooth, solid, clean surface of good lustre. If it is desired to stripe, letter or ornament 124 CARRIAGE PAINTING over this it can be done, and pencil var- nished over such. 127. Where gold or any other leaf gild- ing is to be done, the finishing coat should be flat or very nearly so, as otherwise it will be next to impossible to prevent the leaf adhering to the varnished surface. It will be better to let the gloss coat remain until it has had time to dry hard, not less than a week to 10 days, then rub with pumice and water, then ornament over that and polish when dry with rotten stone and sweet oil. For cleaning up the oil, dust some wheat flour over it and clean up with a soft duster, wiping off with silk cloth. QUESTIONS ON LESSON XIX. 121. What is said of the whites in general ? 122. What are the white pigments use- ful in carriage painting? CARRIAGE PAINTING 125 123. How should the priming be done on a white job? 124. How is the putty made and ap- plied? 125. IVhat is said of second coat lead priming! 126. How is a white job colored and finished without rough stuff? 127. How is the ornamenting done on a white job? LESSON XX. THE ORNAMENTING. 128. Many vehicles are finished plain without any kind of ornaments, but many again are striped and otherwise orna- mented and business wagons sometimes very highly so and are lettered, also serv- ing as an ambulant advertisement to the firm in whose service they are employed and no doubt many times paying for them selves in effective and far reaching adver- 126 CARRIAGE PAINTING tising. There is no doubt now in the mind of advertisers that money expended on good wagon advertising pays better than in any other advertising agency, as it forces itself upon all classes of people if it has been well done and frequently upon many who would never look at news- paper advertising. 129. It is usual to go ahead and varnish and finish a job with varnish before the ornamentation takes place, and it may seem strange that the details are here given ahead of time as it were before the finishing process has taken place. It really matters little about that when it is understood before hand. The reason why it is here given is that it is frequently the case that when jobs that are simply orna- mented with striping which are not se- riously dulled by the varnishing may be striped and ornamented at this stage of the finish, and the final coat of varnish .given over it. It matters but little really CARRIAGE PAINTING 127 as to when the details are given and tEe operation can be delayed until after the final varnishing has been given. STRIPING. 130. The striping is the main ornamen- tation given all vehicles that are orna- mented at all and frequently consists ex- clusively of that. It is really the most difficult of all the rest, for if it is not well done it will show at a glance by the unev- enness of its lines, while mere ornaments may look fairly well even when the lines are not all perfectly true. It is therefore of the greatest importance that the ope- rator should have had some practice in or- der that he may have enough confidence to enable him to produce perfect lines. This confidence can only be acquired by prac- tice, and while not very difficult, no one ever drops into it without practice, and some re- quire lots of it before they can trust them- selves to do it right. To the experienced 128 CARRIAGE PAINTING it is as easy as falling off a log, as the say- ing is, and some of these frequently do ex- cellent work when they could hardly walk straight from intoxication, but then they are experienced, and it has become second nature to them to make perfect straight lines of any widths. 131. Fig. No. 9 gives the usual shape of striping brushes. For the lighter weight colors camel's hair will be found the best for use, and for the heavy colors such as flake white and English vermilion the sable and ox hair stripers of the same shape will be found better as they will not sag under the weight as readily as the others. Fig. No. 12 gives the shape of the so called sword or dagger striper for making fine lines with. Many prefer to make them themselves from the larger sized striping brushes which they break open and gradu- ate to suit themselves, placing the hair into a red cedar stick which is split in the cen- ter and which when properly filled is tied CARRIAGE PAINTING 129 around above the split, and a handle is whittled from above the tie. 132. The material used for striping may cover the whole field of color, but in actual practice the colors are not numerous for the reason that but few are sufficiently opaque as to make it possible to make a good stripe with one coat. White lead or rather flake white on extra good bodied white lead and the chrome yellows, are ex- cellent bodied colors and also pale English vermilion. The above colors for striping over black will cover in one coat. For strip- ing over lighter colors however a much larger number of fairly well bodied pig- ments can be used which would be unavail- able over a very dark ground. 133. The thinners have a great deal to do as to the proper working of the colors in striping. Each color really requires a somewhat differ ent manner of thining. Linseed oil is not the best medium to thin striping colors with as the flow will be 130 CARRIAGE PAINTING rather uneven and while it will not be pos- sible to present an absolutely perfect rem- edy a mixture of varnish, japan and tur- pentine in various proportions to suit the colors being used will in a great degree help out. When oil has to be used with some colors always mix it with quick rub- bing varnish. QUESTIONS ON LESSON XX. 128. "What is said concerning the orna- mentation of vehicles! 129. What reason is given for present- ing the subject of ornamentation before the final varnishing. 130. What is said of striping in a gen- eral way? 131. What tools are required for strip- ing? 132. What material is used and how should it be mixed? 133. How should the colors be mixed for striping? CARRIAGE PAINTING 131 LESSON XXL ORNAMENTING CONTINUED. 134. The striper is now ready with pen- cil, material and with a few previous trials it is hoped with sufficient experience to go ahead and try his luck. He will be called upon to make the following named stripes : 1. Hair line— the finest made. 2. Fine line— the next finest. 3. Stout line— a medium fine line. 4. Round line— nearly double the size of 3. 5. Narrow stripe— nearly double the size of 4. 6. Heavy stripe— nearly double the size of 5. After that the striping may be called by the actual width it occupies in %, %, % or 1 inch as the case may be. The extra wide stripes cannot usually be made at one stroke, so that the two outer edges are made, and the center may take care of it- 132 CARKIAGE PAINTING self and if need be can be filled np after- ward solidly. 135. In the larger wagons many fanci- ful lines are made— some consisting of double lines of equal widths, others again of a heavy center stripe bordered with two fine lines or that order reversed, a fine line in the center with a flanking of two heavy lines and any number of other com- binations. 136. Wagons are usually ornamented with fine lines of striping made up into all sorts of fanciful designs with here and there an addition of free-hand lines in- terspaced with said short stripe work. This is much used on springs and corners of small panels, etc. 137. Scrolls are also largely used in large wagons and omnibus work. The space that this manual can devote to the subject of ornamentation will hardly suf- fice to much more than mention it. The reader and student must take up some CARRIAGE PAINTING 133 good book on decoration and on scrolling, and must expect to devote considerable time to study and practice before be can expect to become good or even passable at tbis work. Many very good carriage paint- ers never attain to any great degree of skill in ornamenting outside of being able to do some good striping, and it is not given to every one to become such— but it is any- thing but impossible to the one who will try, and is willing to give the proper time to the study. 138. For this reason and also because it is possible to do ornamenting much quicker by the use of what is known as " Transfer paper" a great deal of this work is seldom done by hand at the pres- ent time, as it can be bought ready made much better than the average workman can do it, at much less figures— and any one can put them on. They come in gold and color and in an endless variety of sub- jects, including some of the largest sized 134 CAEKIAGE PAINTING gold shaded scrolls, down to the finest of heraldic ornaments, gold corners, breaks and even lines and lettering. These orna- ments are printed npon a paper which has been sized with a preparation that swells and slips off when it has been wetted on the back. The places on the job which they are to occupy must be carefully marked out, and the transfer which has been traced over with varnish should be applied and held tightly against it and well smoothed out, then dampened on the back with clean water and a sponge, when in a few minutes the paper will slip out and leave the printed design upon the vehicle. It will remind the average workman of his boyhood days when he used to dally with decalcomanie designs as they were then called. By the help of these transfers the aver- age workmen, especially those working in country repair shops need not be afraid to tackle any kind of ornamental work, and by aid of catalogues of firms handling CARRIAGE PAINTING 135 carriage-transfers he will be able to tell in a few minutes just exactly how much the ornamentation will cost— which would hardly be possible except in shops where the original building of such vehicles ie made a specialty of. QUESTIONS ON LESSON XXL 134. What are the various stripes named ? 135. What is said about the combina- tion of stripes? 136. Where are the combinations of stripes and free hand ornaments princi- pally used? 137. What is said of scrolls and other ornaments ? 138. What use is made of transfer or- naments on carriage and wagon work ? 136 CARRIAGE PAINTING LESSON XXII. LETTERING ON WAGONS. 139. Lettering may well be reckoned as a part of the embellishment or ornamen- tation of a vehicle. Either in plain colors surrounded by a becoming color setting, or done in colors plain or shaded there is much room for artistic display, not only in the execution of the lettering itself but in the proper selections of the colors used in doing the work. 140. All that has been said as to colors and the mixing of them is applicable to "lettering" as well as to striping and other ornamentation with the exception that the brushes of course will be letter- ing brushes of the kind and shape suitable for the same kind of work anywhere else, as there is no difference in the execution of the same— only that a little more pains must be exercised in order that it may be done with absolute cleanness. CARRIAGE PAINTING 137 141. Some styles of lettering look good on wagon painting, others again do not. It is possible to use styles of lettering upon a sign which is stationary, that can be read readily by a person who is walking towards it, or past it, which if placed upon a wagon passing him on the run perhaps would ap- pear illegible to him. Therefore many of the ornamental alphabets which are crowded into the inside of the various books on lettering are totally unsuited for wagon lettering. Plain block, either capi- tals, or lower case or the same shaded, look best. Even the Romans which are so ele- gant in form do not do well unless given a much heavier thin stem than usual. 142. Gold work is always in good taste and looks well with any of the dark colors, and even with whites and other light tints when edged up with some darker color to enhance the contrast between them and the ground color. It will be unnecessary to go into details as to how to gild properly, 138 CARRIAGE PAINTING as there is not enough space to do so, neither to give an extended lesson as to how to do the lettering. Excellent books upon the subject are being published and one of them "Atkinson's" with " ques- tions" which makes it a valuable aid to students, or for use as a book of reference, and the student who desires to learn this branch of trade and which really is a sepa- rate one from carriage painting proper— can do no better than to procure a copy of it. 143. Monograms are frequently painted in colors and gold on panels of coaches and vehicles, and in large and fancy colored schemes on business wagons. This re- quires considerable skill in order to prop- erly balance the various letters. The rule is that the family name letter shall always be the most prominent, then the first sur- name and the others if any, to follow in importance— the above of course applies to a one name monogram. In business CARKIAGE PAINTING 139 monograms the letters of two or three partners should be very nearly of equal prominence, and the Co. across or entwined between. It of course depends somewhat upon the prominence of the partners, and a junior with little capital in the business is not entitled to the same prominence as the senior who may own nearly all the business. QUESTIONS ON LESSON XXII. 139. What is said of lettering on wag- ons in general? 140. What tools and material are used in lettering! 141. What are the best letters to use on wagon lettering? 142. What is said about gold work on vehicles ? 143. How should monograms be gotten up? 140 CARRIAGE PAINTING LESSON XXIII. VARNISHES AND VARNISHING. 144. The varnishes used in carriage painting of whatever sort can be placed in two classes— hard drying and elastic. The first or hard drying class could also be des- ignated as quick drying— for the two usually go together although not always so but as a rule the elastic sorts are slower in drying than the hard drying sorts. Be- sides the above divisions varnishes may be divided into color mixing varnishes, rub- bing varnishes, gear varnishes and finish- ing, each of which being graded as hard or elastic and also of many qualities as to the composition and value of the gums enter- ing it. 145. Varnishes are never prepared by the carriage painter as in the old times, the processes being too intricate and the technical knowledge required >to make them too deep for the average workman. There- CARRIAGE PAINTING 141 fore he now depends upon the varnish manufacturer for all the goods in that line that he needs. The manufacturers have kept in close touch with him and as fast as a new need has developed for a special varnish to fit it— such have been evolved by him after proper experimenting. Every manufacturer tries to cover the field of carriage painters' requirements fully and there are few such who make any attempt at catering to that branch of the varnish trade who do not list at least a dozen or two of separate carriage varnishes from quick rubbing to wearing body. 146. The rubbing varnishes as the name indicates are intermediate in their use in carriage work. They are used exclusively in surfacing up the colored job and pre- paring it for the application of the finish- ing coat. Its application requires skill and a good knowledge of how to judge of the surface. The rubbing coats should never be skimpted on nor skinned, for as sure as 142 CAERIAGE PAINTING it is not given full the dust pits will surely show while if properly put on these will be absorbed and will not show. 147. It is usual to give the job two coats of rubbing varnish and a third one called the finishing rubbing coat, but from the first to the last as great care must be ex- ercised in their application as possible. Let them be full to the limit as only full coats will give that proper rounding out which is brought out to full perfection by the flowing finishing coat. It is the only way to apply varnish which will prevent the showing of brush marks. 148. The best devices upon which to do body varnishing is upon stands which can be titled to any angle desired. Of course all the large shops are equipped with a variety of tilting stands to suit their spe- cial requirements. Any handy mechanic can readily make them. CARRIAGE PAINTING 143 SURFACING THE RUBBING VARNISH COATS. 149. The job it is supposed has been given the full length of time required for the proper drying of the coats according to the manufacturer's directions which are usually placed upon the cans containing the rubbing varnish; then it is ready for the surfacing. In order to do this work advantageously and with the least waste of time and labor, everything required for its performance should be placed so it can readily be reached. Galvanized iron pails to hold the water, some good sheep's wool sponges and chamois skins. Felt rubbing pads and a box containing or 00 pul- verized pumice stone. The water used should be cistern water and soft. If at all hard, some washing soda, or carbonate of soda should be put into it in order to break its hardness. One teaspoonful will be enough for the purpose to the pailful of water. 144 CARRIAGE PAINTING QUESTIONS ON LESSON XXIII. 144. What is said of varnishes in a general way? 145. What various grades of varnishes are used in carriage painting? 146. How should the rubbing varnish coats be put on? 147. How many coats of rubbing var- nish are usually required? 148. What is said of the tilting stands? 149. What tools are required for sur- facing rubbing varnish? LESSON XXIV. VARNISHING CONTINUED. 150. The surface of the job to be rubbed should be first washed with clean water. Then take up the rubbing pad and dip it lightly in clear water then afterward into the powdered pumice stone then over to the surface to be rubbed. The rubbing should be done lightly at first and the pres- CARRIAGE PAINTING 145 sure gradually increased until the full force allowable is applied. The mould- ings and outer edges should be rubbed first and the work proceed on toward the center, where it is finished. It is a hard matter to state exactly "how to rub" just right, nothing but experience can teach that. A good rule is to rub lightly over the first coat of rubbing varnsh, increas- ing the pressure on the second and so on to the third or fourth or as many coats as are given sometimes. Too much pumice stone or too much water should be avoided as much as possible nor should the pumice stone be allowed to dry upon the surface. 151. The rubbed surface should be washed with clean water and a sponge as soon as the rubbing is done in that part and a change is made to rub another por- tion ; in that way there will be no chance of the pumice drying on the job. Bear in mind to do the work evenly and uniformly all over alike including the corners, etc. 146 CAEMAGE PAINTING "When one is able to do that he is then fully entitled to the distinction of being called a good rubber which by the way is a title which does not fit the green one as a rule, for the good rubber usually is made but not created, nor does he drop into it as a drop of rain to the earth. 152. After the job has been rubbed all over, a general cleaning up should take place. To do this properly, every chamois skin and sponge as well as the water must be absolutely clean, and used for that pur- pose only, and as soon as the washing and cleaning has been done, they should be rinsed beyond a doubt as to their cleanness and stored away in a dust-proof closet. This cleaning must be done first on the in- side of the job and every part of it must be washed free of grit, or the finishing flow- ing coat will not be as good as it should, therefore there cannot be too much said in recommending absolute thoroughness in its performance. The flowing varnish is CARRIAGE PAINTING 147 pretty sure to find every speck of grit and to bring the same in full sight or to roll it around and scratch. 153. The flowing coat of finishing var- nish should always be given a job as soon as it is dry from the final washing and cleaning up after the rubbing. If for any reason it should have to be left overnight before the varnishing takes place it should receive a light rubbing the next day before it is applied. The reason for this is that the surface will be scummed over with a light coat of something caused by oxida- tion, and which will greatly hinder the good work intended by giving the job its final coating. 154. To resume into a few rules the pith of good rubbing as they have been given by Hillick they are given below: No. 1. Use roll or blocked broadcloth or felt rubbing pads. No. 2. Direct the rubbing strokes all in one direction and lengthwise of the panels. 148 CARRIAGE PAINTING No. 3. Avoid the excessive use of pumice stone or water and indulge in not too heavily applied pressure of the rub- bing cloth. Moderate pressure uniformly sustained, is the correct practice- No. 4. Maintain constantly and at all times, a conspicuously clean washing up kit; and in washing the surface do not stop short of having it unmistakably and shiningly clean. QUESTIONS ON LESSON XXIV. 150. How should the rubbing be done? 151. How should the powdered pumice stone be cleaned up? 152. What is said of the final cleaning up? 153. Should a job be cleaned up very long before the flowing finishing coat is given ? 154. Kepeat the four rules giren for doing good rubbing. CARRIAGE PAINTING 149 LESSON XXV. VARNISHING CONTINUED. 155. The proper location of a varnish room for finishing coat and indeed for all coats, is an all important item for it is next to impossible to do a good job of var- nishes if the proper conditions for doing good varnishing are not maintained. The requisites for a good varnish room are many. The most important one perhaps is the possibility of perfect cleanliness, and consequent freedom of dust and dirt. Then of nearly of as much importance a room where the proper amount of temperature and ventilation can be kept up at will. It has already been noticed that shops which can be steam heated are better than those heated by hot air or stoves. 156. The floor of the varnish room should be tight, and then it can be swept up clean and given a coat of the patent oily coarse sweeping mixture which at- 150 CARKIAGE PAINTING tract every particle of dust into itself in- stead of scatterng it into the atmosphere of the room to be later on deposited upon the varnished job. The next best thing is to take dampened sawdust, scatter it over the floor and carefully sweep it all up af- terwards. Never flood a floor but moisten it only. 157. Every varnish room should have a thermometer to register the heat which should be looked after if it drops below 70° Fah. for varnish must not chill. A hy- grometer should also be in the room so that the amount of humidity can be ascertained. There should be a closet in the room in or- der to hold the varnishes to be used. These should have been maintained at the tem- perature at which they are to be used, 70° upward. Have some good strainer in the closet in order that the varnish may be strained before applying it. This may seem superfluous but it is the practice fol- lowed by most carriage varnishers— who CAKBIAGE PAINTING 151 just will not take any chances and for good cause too. The trouble is a very slight one, and it insures against mishap. 158. Before applying the varnish, the surface of the job should be carefully dusted over with a soft silk cloth. Next moss off the inside of the body and var- nish it, then proceed to varnish the outer part of the job. It is best to use a one inch flowing brush and run along the base of the panel and sides to do the rise of the seat as one proceeds to do the upper edge of the panel or box. Then take a 2 or 2% inch flowing brush and -flow on the varnish over the main surface. The brush should be held rather flat, and always pretty well filled with varnish. This will greatly help the equable distribution of the varnish over the whole surface. Every precau- tion and advantage must be taken advan- tage of in order not to have to touch the varnish any more than can be helped in order to have it free of brush marks and 152 CAEEIAGE PAINTING if it is fully and properly flowed on it will need but little cross brushing to bring it to a perfect level. It is an axiom well known of every carriage varnisher that the least brushing of varnish will produce the maximum of lustre and mirror-like finish. 159. In finishing the running gears there will not be nearly so much trouble as over the finishing of the bodies, as they are more or less rounded and angular, and they take on a fine lustre but it requires skill nevertheless. The greatest care must be exercised in washing and cleaning up, as bolts and nuts and closely angled irons make it difficult to get at the parts. After the rubbing, a small syringe can be utilized to good advantage in squirting out the pumince stone from its hiding places and it will give the proper force to hoist and wash them away, after drying and care- ful dusting. Below Hillick's way of put- ting on the finishing coat on gears and CARRIAGE PAINTING 153 wheels is given in his own words: "In finishing the gear begin at the front axle and proceed to flow the whole front end be- fore wiping up. This gives the varnish a chance to take its position on the sur- face, and the wiping up serves to level out the inequalities and remove the surplus. After the front, the rear, then the reach and last the side bars if any. A brush should be kept solely for wiping up the underside of axles, head blocks, spring bars, side bars, etc. In many factory shops the finishers wipe such parts with the palm of their hands. The varnish stripings are thus caught by the hand and distributed in the form of a glaze to the parts in question." 160. "In varnishing wheels, which are always included in the term running gears, slip the wheel upon the revolving jack, and standing with the left side nearest the wheel and partly facing it, begin by flow- ing the sides and face of the spokes, reacK- 154 CARRIAGE PAINTING ing the brush well over to the back surface of the spokes. Then flow front of hub. Next the inside and face of the felloe. Now whirl the wheel so that its rear surface takes the place of the front. Catch up and close in with varnish all strips on the rear surface of spokes not flowed when the sides were done. Then flow rear of hub and lastly the back surface of the felloe. Reverse the position of wheel and slick up all places needing it and set away on a sec- ond wheel jack, giving the wheel a sharp spin necessary to flow the wheel properly. Four wheel jacks are necessary. . . . When applying rubbing varnish it is ad- visable to flow not more than six or eight spokes before wiping up." QUESTIONS ON LESSON XXV. 155. What is said about the proper req- uisites which should be in the finishing varnish room? CARRIAGE PAINTING 155 156. What is said concerning the treat- ment of the floor of the varnish room? 157. What tools and appliances are necessary for best work in applying finish- ing varnish? 158. How should the flowing finishing coat be applied to bodies? 159. How should the running gear be finished ? 160. What is the best manner of finish- ing the wheels? LESSON XXVI. REPAINTING OLD JOBS. 161. The country shop has really more repainting of vehicles to do than the ac- tual painting of new vehicles. It is not to be supposed that very much of this re- painting is actually done from the ground up as described in the previous lessons. Indeed, there is but little of that done, and when it is it no wise would differ much from the description given except that 156 CARRIAGE PAINTING there is the burning off and cleaning up of the old paint to be attended to extra. There are several cheap and hurry ways of doing this " Crushing up" of vehicles in order to restore them to a presentable condition and gave them back a portion of the old lustre. 161. Much of the repair work done in country shops is really only ' * touch up and varnish. " This of course will only apply to vehicles which are not in very bad shape. Where there is much room so that the jobs can be done "as they are" with- out the having to take them to pieces and a sufficient number of them can be done at the same time, this sort of work will pay very well, as the cleaning up will usually take up as much time as all the rest of the work, and some cheap man or cub can be used to good advantage at that. Of course the shafts, wheels and some- times the tops will have to be removed for easier cleaning and ease of getting at the CARRIAGE PAINTING 157 jobs, but that does not take long in either the taking off or putting back on. 162. Benzine is the best dissolvent of the grease and dirt that accumulates about wheel and axles and the smivings found elsewhere are usually of the same category having been carried there in some way. The loose inside traps, as carpets, seat cushings, etc., should be removed and placed where they will be easily found and the whole carefully dusted off and cleaned up. Then give the bodies a slight rubbing with pumice stone and water which must be well rinsed off and the running gears must also be well washed and dried with chamois skin. 163. One of the greatest troubles usually encountered is in matching up colors for a touch up job. This will exer- cise the ingenuity of the average painter. He will gain some experience in this line with time but he is likely to make some mistakes at first for it is not only match- 158 CARRIAGE PAINTING ing the original colors which were put on the job when new which he has to cater to, but he must make an allowance for fad- ing which in some of the reds and yellows may amount to a good deal. Then again the fading is not universally alike owing to some part of the job being better pro- tected from sunlight than others, so that there is a Joseph's coat sort of uniformity to cover up. There is one rule in matching that will help one to some extent in his di- lemma: A color mixed to dry with a good gloss will reflect more light than it absorbs, and a flat will absorb more than it gives out, so that the colors should be tested upon some part of the job in order to ascertain its nearness to the original as it is then. Even with a full quota of varnish most colors are likely to dry out lighter than they look when first put on. 164. When the color is satisfactory in tone, proceed to touch up the felloes and CARRIAGE PAINTING 159 all other places on the job from which the color has been worn away to the bare wood, with lead paint thinned with linseed oil to which has been added a little japan. This tonching np of the bare places should have been attended to as soon as cleaned in order that it may be nearly dry by the time the colors are prepared for use in the touch up. As soon as set proceed to go over them with the color, and varnish touch up. Then go over the dressing of the top curtains and dash Hoards. Then finish by varnishing the inside, and by a good flow- ing coat on body and gears. 165. Many jobs however require to be painted all over with one coat of color and varnish and afterwards to be flowed var- nished. If there is any striping this will of course have to be done over if required, otherwise it will take but little more time to go over the job than to match up a touch up of color varnish. The operator must be very careful not to cut in too deep in 160 CARRIAGE PAINTING the rubbing with pumice stone and water, as otherwise a lot of fine cracks will be likely to show up, so he must only give a very light rubbing. 166. But many old jobs are brought to the shop to be repainted which are in very bad shape and which really should be burned off, and receive a complete renewal of the painting. But the owners will not stand for the cost and will ask the painter to do the best he can— but cut expense out of it. There is no good way to do this and at best the whole method given is but a makeshift. If the job is badly cracked and fissured, the best thing short of burning it off is to scrape it off with a two inch scraper down to the undercoats, then coat this over with rubbing varnish, rub it with pumice and water, or brick and water avoiding a close touch to the wood. Next proceed to give the job a coat or two of lead color, and varnish. But there is nothing after all CARRIAGE PAINTING 161 that will take the place of burning off all the old paint and varnish, and rebuilding all the paint structure from the ground up. It will cost a few dollars more it is true, and if the rig is in fair condition it will be better, much better in the end, and really the more economical, for the makeshift will be as bad as ever after a year or so. 167. Taking care of "tops and dash- boards" while not particularly a painter's job, in the carriage factory, really becomes a part of it in repair shops. The car- riage trimmer may have to make some re- pairs in the way of replacing worn out parts, but after that, he turns it over to the painter, who must see to it that it is made to look as good as new, (if he can). Leather tops really require little more to keep them in good condition that be- ing washed with castile soap and soft water. There are numerous carriage dress- ings upon the market which preserve the enamel of the leather and rubber cloth 162 CARKIAGE PAINTING used on carriage tops, and each giving full direction as to their application. All con- tain or should contain neatsfoot oil and tallow in their composition, in order to soften the leather and to prevent its crack- ing, but of course they do not carry an enamel with them. The addition of a little beeswax adds some lustre, but not as much as the average man likes to see. QUESTIONS ON LESSON XXVI. 161. What is said in a general way about the painting of carriages? 162. Which is the best way to clean up an old job for color and varnish? 163. How are colors for touch up work to be matched? 164. How is the touching up done? ' 165. How is one coat of color and var- nish, and one coat of varnish done? 166. What is said about old jobs that are badly cracked? 167. How should carriage tops and dashes be taken care of? INDEX A Page Amaranth red 34 Artist's flat and round brushes 50, 51 Artist's red sable brushes 53, 54 B Basic principles of carriage painting 20, 21 Blue group of colors 98-100, 105 Glazing coats 103, 104 Methods of compounding 98, 102 Uniformity of 98 Body Trestle 63, 64 Bottle green 33 Brewster's greens 33, 107 Bronzes 39 Brown group of colors 31, 100 Principal uses of 100 C Carbonate of lime (Whiting) 38. 39 Carriage browns 32 Carriage japan 41 Chamois skins 39 Chiselled varnish brush 44 Chrome green 33, 105 iii lv INDEX Coach painter's brush 46 Color cards 35 Color coats 96-98 D Difficulties in striping 127, 128 Drop black 30 E English vermilions 108-110 F Filling coats 26 Finishing varnish brush 50, 51 Flat varnish brush 46, 47 G Gasoline torch ....'...* 56-60 Green colors 33, 34-105 Compounding of 34 Tendency to separate 105 Transparent Greens 106, 107 Gold Leaf 39 H How to apply colors 110-113 Humidity of varnish room 150 I Indian red 115 Ivory black 30-99 IXDEX v J Japans and varnishes 40, 41 Japans for carriage work 41 K Keg lead 37 Knives, scraping 56-58 Knives, putty 56, 57 Knifing in Lead Coat 75 L Lettering 52, 136 Gold work 137, 138 Pencils 52-54 Various styles of 137 Linseed oil 23 Uses of in painting 23-27 London smoke 102 M Materials used in carriage painting 28-42 Bone black 30 Coach black 30, 99 Drop black 30 Gas black 30 Ivory black 30-99 Lamp black in oil 29 Prussian blue 30, 31 Monograms 138, 139 N New jobs — Preparing for 65, 66 INDEX Olive green 33 Ornamental work 21, 125-127 Advantages of 126 P Painters' round duster 46 Paris Green 33, 107 Patent brush keeper 56, 60 Pompeian red . 35 Primer — What is the best 69 Priming — Function of 65 Lead and oil - 68 Methods of 68-71 Preparations for 67, 68 When to prime 66 Lead coats 71-75 Rough stuffed 73 Rub lead coat 74 Knifing in lead coat 75 Preparing for new jobs 65, 66 Pumice stone 38 Putty — Formulas for making 78-81 Putty knives 56, 57 Putties and puttying 77-81 R Red and brown lakes 116 Red group of colors 34, 107 How to apply 110-113 Sources of 107-115 Uses of 107 INDEX vii Red Oxides 35 Repainting old jobs 155-162 Benzine as a dissolvent 157 Matching colors 157, 1 58 Rough stuffing 86-95 Formulas for making 88-90 Materials for 87 Method of applying 91-93 Object of 86, 87 Rubbing down 94, 95 Running Gears — How to finish 152-154 S Sandpapering — Rules for 81-83 Scrolls 132 Scraping knives 56-58 Short reds 34 Siennas — Raw and burnt 31 Sponges 60-62 Stripes 131, 132 Striping 21-127 Brushes for 128 Difficulties in 127, 128 Material for 129, 130 Width of 131, 132 Striping pencils 51-54 Sword striping brush 54, 55 T Thinners for colors 39 Tools used in carriage painting 43-64 Transfer ornaments 39 vni INDEX Transfer paper — How to use 132-135 Tuscan reds 34, 115 U Ultramarine blue 31-102 Umbers — Raw and burnt 31 V Van Dyke Brown 31, 101 Varnishes and varnishing 140-152 Flowing coat 147 Rubbing 141-147 Rubbing coats 141, 142 Rules for 147, 148, 152 Surfacing 143-147 Varnish room , . . . 149, 1 50 Floor of 150 Humidity of 150 Location of 149 Vermilion reds 34, 35 Venetian red 35 Vienna brown 101 Volatile oils '. 40 W Wagon work 132 Wheel jack 61-63 White group of colors 36, 120 Progression of a white job 121-124 Uses of in carriage painting 120, 121 White lead 36 INDEX 1X Y Yellow group of colors 36, 117 For wagons 118} 119 Methods of applying 117 > 118 Uses of in carriage painting 117 Yellow lakes for glazing 36 Yellow ochres Z Zinc white • 181 m U 193 L One copy del. to Cat. Div. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 470 369 5.