PS iW % 1 35/3 • • t « 1 %$'• •*.« ostpouj r * (Elizabeth Gordon, 91 t • • r **. ■ : .-**w ' • ■ ■ : . . • J»# £ ^VT... $£"•' Class „ Book._ Copyright N°. COHfRIGHT DEPOSIT. 5 /^>.fj ••*.:' 4ri. /-/■ ' i .in i^r ?A • ' *' :*".■.' \, - - «grvr ^..*t £&£&£.■ % Gflizabeth ©drdon PUBLISHED BY P. F. VOLLAND COMPAQ NEW VORK. CHICAGO TORONTO COfVP.ieriT I 92.0 P-FVOUAND CO- »'*-£* ffc ^ ©CU59723 9Q2 SEP -I 1920 T^ sunnv dav in earl y day in early June, iViade bridhfc by recent rain, uome nappy cnildren in a field Weavind a daisy cnam, J\ xoallet \x?itrt a crust o bread., Ike sky above me clue, line dood brown road beneatk my yeet And close beside me — ■ You. meadow smiiind the sun, K-sO^s knee deep in th< ill: f in stream, An elm tree \oavind m tne \0ina, A silvery birch's dleam, A lond \x?hrte road, a rustic bridde, A brooklet tflidin<^ tnroudh, And \»ith the sunlidht o your hair ; Oomirtd toward me — You. fj kigk old Wl of ancient make, Vx/itk ivy over dromon, J\ fountain sparklind in tke sun, Careen prom draft old stone ; G[ay beds of pinks and kollykocks, Ike kind my motker d>re\£, jonie kummLntf -birds and butterflies, J\ climbind rose and — lou. p; stately kouse of dood c^ray stone, io face trie rising sun ; A \oide old porck \okere one nudnt rest, vJken tke day's \Qork ^as done; Dark polisked floors, deep \c>indo^ sills, J\ \01de kail running tkroudk, J\ red tiled roof to skelter me, Ana underneatk it ~^ You. pf skelf of Looks, a Lit of blue Old china, fine and rare, A faded Persian r\x6 across A deep old leatker chair ; A shaded lamp, some cloisonne, A magazine or t^x>o, And, if the £ods \sould drant so much, An open fire and - — - •you - . -. ■ • '<,:■ • ■ ' •« % ■ ,•*•• -*%M wr : I* « V •« LIBRARY OF CONGRESS * i • ■< 012 402 672 6 * * »f '•♦ •• * f • • I? **;* 4 v/ # * •• » « • V":'." 5* ■W * s% 9 9 ** # ~ *