^r '^ ,■?-' ;.w :<^^^r s' -' '"^^ 4 vO- .A"^- ■^ ' ' » * S *> , .-^^ ..^^ '^'t. V ,0 a . .^^ '^^.. /' .^^ #'^ ' ^. ^C.- ,0 o^ '^^ ,*■ ^^-^ "*. . \ s- "^^ ^-..<^- ,/ % ,0 o. %^.<^- ^o "oo^ . ^ N 0- '. V ■?Z. ' , .. -^ ^^ rs\ ^%--^> ..^ ^. ,^^ -n.. 'V. c^^ '^^. o^ n" ^'^ ^, X oj^ ,0- 'O '■■ : ^•.x:^^- . ,^^"^/>- "" ^^% "' -, , ^■/.,;-^.- , . « '/•• ■<^ ' " » ■* \\ 0-, 1- ^^^ '^^.. ') S ' \^ civ u ^' • * \> '■ ' "^ a''^ '<^>.^^' ^/ '^.<^' y-\-:V-^\o^^ '^^ V^ ' -oo^ x^^"^^.. ; ,^' v-^- INTRODUCTORY NOTE TO HISTORY SERIES This is the first of a series of bulletins reproducing historical material not readily accessible. The New York state library has over 250,000 manuscripts from which selections will be made of the matter most frequently in demand not only l)y historians but b}- genealogists, members of patriotic societies and others who in recent years are showing so much added interest in everything pertaining to our early histery. The pamphlet form of the bulletins has been adopted instead of the costly large volume, as in most cases the in(piirer finds what lie needs in the pamphlet without incurring the expense of the book. As fast as enough bulletins are printed to make a volume they will be bound together, with suitable contents and indexes. It is thought that we can in this way with a minimum of expense make our historical treasures more widely available. Melvil Dewey Director S6 ABBREVIATIONS C. M. Colonial manuscripts D. Deeds G. B. R. New York genealogical and biographical record G. E. General entries, v. 1 L. W. Licenses and warrants M. B. Marriage bonds W. O. P. Warrants, orders, passes Yolume and page numbers are separated by a colon ; e. g. 3 : 145 means vol. 3, page 145. '^* University of the State of New York State Library Bulletin HISTORY No. I. ' April 1898 SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF MARRIAGE LICENSES PEEFACE Since tlie publication of the ]}^ames of persons for lohom marriage licenses were issued hy the secretary of the province of New York previous to 1781^. Albany 1860, to which this volume is a supple- ment, there have been found three thin folio volumes of marriage bonds which have been bound as v. 41 of the series of Marriage bonds. Of this volume p. 1-66 cover the years 1752-53, p. 67-14-1 the years 1755-56, and p. 145-240 the year 1758. Some of thes'j names were printed by E. B. O'Callaghan in the New York genealogical and biographical record, October 1871, 2:194-200, but they are all entered in this list as in Marriage bonds, v. 41. For an account of marriage licenses and description of the original volnioes of Marriage bonds see introduction to the Names of per- sons for lohom marriage licenses were issued pre nous to 17 8 J^,. The names in the present supplement have been obtained from the following sources : 1 Marriage bonds, v. 41, above mentioned. 2 Addenda on p. 478-80 ot the volume entitled Nam.es of per- ,, , r -.. ,../. v->. ortqrriage licenses were issued previous to 178Jf, ; ; list of addenda contains names occurring in the > of Marriage bonds and overlooked in the b NEW YOUK STATE LIBRARY preparation of tlie printed volume or there given with a different spelling. 3 List of 29 marriages 1.(583-1751, from various volumes of Isew York archives, printed by B. Fernow in New York state librai-v Report^ 1884,67:35-36. Part of this list is also printed with some variations in New York genealogical and hiograpliical record^ 1874, 5:174 in a communication from J, J. Lattiug. 4 List of Staten Island marriages in New York colonial manii- sci'ijyts^ 82 : 62, where the list is accompanied by the following letter from Gov. Hardy to Kev, Kichard Charlton of Staten Island : New York, 28 Januv 1756 Sir Yesterday Major Taylor of your island came with a Complaint to me, that you had married John Lo Conte Jun^ Son of Judge Le Conte, without a Lycense, he told me that after it was spoke of there, you sent the 30/ you raced, back to M"" Le Conte, and desired him to go himself to the Office for a Lycense which he did and ol)taiiied one two days after he had been married by you. These ho said are Facts he can prove, and which he said confirmed their Suspicions that you had marry ed many others without any License. For w*'** he said he was determined to prosecute you. I interposed by telling him I would write to you before he proceeded any fur- ther: he answered 'twas well, but if yon did not produce either a Lycense in the Case of those whom he & others thought you had marryed without any, or return y? 30/ in every Case so circnm- stanced they wou'd by no means be satisfy ed. He gave me a Paper eontaing y* Names of the Persons they imagine have been marryed without a License, a Cop}' of w*?*^ I enclose you. Justice Rezeau came Avith Major- Taylor, but I did not see him. About an hour or two after this application to me, I reced your Le'^^'^r from your Son, and had done what I probably shou'd have done, if I liad reooived your Letter before I saw M^ Taylor, Avhose rese ifin*^ ap'^"- -^ •■ be very strong ag?' you. You will undoubtedly tak- ''le •:• .nt a\[easures on this Occasion, as if their Suspicion- will apparently be of some consequence to your (Jbarract r. I am &c M"^ Charlton SUPPLEMENT TO MARRIAGE LICENSES 7 The lii^t referred to was printed in the New York state library Report^ 1884^, 67 : 35, and also in the New York genealogical and hiograpliical record^ 189-1:, 25 : 95-96, though in the latter case it seems to have been based on another copy. 5 List of marriage licenses^ 691-93 from Records of wllls^ v. 4, in the surrogate's office, New York, communicated by J. J. Latting to New York genealogical and biographical record, 1873, 4 : 31. 6 List of Now York marriage licenses granted by Lord Cornbnry, 1703-6, which are recorded in an old book oL records in New York city and were communicated by John S. Gautier to Neio York genealogical and biographical record, 1870, 1 : 3, 13 ; 1871, 2 : 25-28. 7 New York marriage licenses, 1692-1701 in the surrogate's office, New York, communicated by E. B. O'Callaghan to New York genealogical and biographical record, 1871, 2: 141 ; 1872, 3 : 91-93. Although the present supplementary list is properly limited to the record of marriages in the state archives, we add for the assist- ance of genealogists and students of early New York history, the follovying references to other lists of New York marriages recorded in the New York genealogical and biographical record. Lists co)i- taining only a few names are not included. East IIam2)ton. h^ecovds of marriages recorded by Rev. Nathaniel Iluntting, 1700-46, 24 : 184-94. Hempstead. St George's church, 1725-86, v. 11-15, 24. Long Island. Marriages from the Suffolk gazette, 1804-9, 24 : 86- 88, 159-61; 25:6-8, 89-90. New York city. First and Second prcsbyterian churches, 1756-1812, . V. 11-16. Tieformed Dutch church, New York, 1639-1731, v. Q-^, 10-13, 16. Also published with additions to 1801, in New York genealogical and biographical society, Collections, 1890, v. 1. -Reformed Dutch church at Harlem, 1816-36, 8:41-43. Society of friends at New York and vicinity, 1663-1766, 6:97-107,192-93. All the records referred to are in the New York state library except the Deeds wliich are in the office of the secretary of state. Gkokge Rogers Howell Archivist ALPHABETIC LIST OF sAMES 17U5 Nov. 23 Adams, John, and Martha Str-itton 1703 Aug. 7 Adams, Rebecca, and John Stewart 1703 June 18 Adams, Thomas, and Hannah Patting 1()93 Sep. 27 Adolph, Ddfck, and Ariaentie Kierstend. 1758 June 19 Agnew, John, and Abi.uail Stout 175G Dec. 1 AkerJy, Urselah, and Peleg Seamans 1758 June 30 Alexander, James, and Judah Hutchinson 1705 Dec. 2G Allard, Francis, and Mary Ashfuld 1756 Ap. 27 Allen, Hannah, and Isaac Skinner 1702 Dec. 28 Allen, Jane, and John Nedry 1758 Aug. 31 Allen, Jasper, and Elizabeth Wright 1(;93 June 7 Allin, Isabel, and John Hope 1703 Oct. 27 Allison, Cornelia, and John Gilbert 1770 Dec. 28 Allison, Edwai'd, and SaraJi Clows 1703 Ap. 12 Allison, John, and Christine Hyndes 1703 Ap. 17 Allison, Thomas, and Anije Gallutton , 1098 July 4 Allison, Thomas, and Cornelia Johnson 1097 Oct. 15 Allyn, Susannah, and Christopher Price 1753 Feb. 9 Alner, Abraham, and Martha Montanye 1756 Sep. 24 Amar, Daniel, and Ann Money 1761 Nov. 19 Amerman, Cornelius, and Lambert Vanausdalla M.B 1703 Nov. 6 Andere, Marie, and Jean Garreau 1697 Oct. 7 Andersen, William, and Deborah Lyndall 1756 Ap. 23 Anderson, Elias, and Susannah Dawson 1693 June 26 Anderson, George, and Elizth Stevenson 1C96 June 2 Anderson, Kathrine, and Jaspar Hood 1758 Aug. 16 Anderson, Robert, and Ann Ball 1752-56 Andrewnat, Ann, and Kias Vandick 1761 Jan. 9 Angues, Robert, and Margaret Underbill 1756 Jan. 16 Anthony, John, and Elizabeth Dally 1693 Oct. 18 Anthony, Jobn, and Elizth Geritse 1700 Feb. 14 Archambeau, Elizabeth, and Peter Berton 1704 June 5 Archanbaw, Jane, and Andrew DePuy 1686 Oct. 7 Archer, John, of Westcher, and Sarah Odell 1691 Aug. 11 Arentse, Huybert, and Elizabeth Konning 1691 Oct. 30 Arnold, Isaac, and Sarah Washbourne 1702 I'eb. 1 Arrowsmith, Joseph, and Martha PoUom 1691 Nov. 7 Ashfordby, Susannah, and John Betlyes 1705 Dec. 26 Ashfuld. Mary, and Francis Allard 1700 July 13 Aspinwalle, Joseph, and Hannah Dean 1700 Feb. 14 Astin, Rebecca, and Tho, Skelding 1753 Kfi' 1" Vtkinson, William, and Leaneh Claus G.B.R. 2: 28 G.B.R, 2: 25 G.B.R. 2: 25 G.B.R. 2:142 M.B. 41:161 M.B. 1:369 M.B. 41:173 G.B.R. 2: 28 M.B. 41:116 G.B.R. 1: 3 M.B. 41:236 G.B.R. 2:142 G.B.R. 2: 25 M.B. 16.307 G.B.R. 1: 13 G.B.R. 1: 13 G.B.R. 3:193 G.B.R. 3:192 M.B. 41: 64 M.B. 1:304 a M.B. 5:233 G.B.R. 2: 25 G.B.R. 3:192 M.B. 41:114 G.B.R. 2:142 G.B.R. 3: 93 M.B. 41:215 CM. 82: 62 M.B. 4: 6 M.B. 41: 75 G.B.R. 2:142 G.B.R. 2:142 .G.B.R. 2: 26 L.W. 67 G.B.R. 4: 31 G.B.R. 4: 31 G.B.R. 3:194 G.B.R. 4: 31 G.B.R. 2: 28 G.B.R. 3:194 G.B.R. 3:194 M.B. 41: 57 SUPPLEMENT TO MARRIAGE LICENSES 9 1703 June29 Attkins, Bellekie, and Peter Christiense 1702 Nov. 28 Auboynea • John, and Frances Sliukey 1G91 Ap. 9 Aukes, Ai^netie, and Dirck Janse Woertman 1684 Aug-. 2 Avens, Janaeay, and William Francis 175G Feb. 2 Aymar, Jane; and Dennis Wortman G.B.R. 2: 25 G.B.R. 1: 3 G.B.R. 4: 42 CM. 34: 28 M.B.41: 83 1758 June20 Baceheuse, Margaret, and Andrew Coest M.B. 41:162 1705 Feb. 19 Bally, Abigail, and Robert Reid G.B.R. 2: 27 1694 Jan. 11 Baily, Rebecca, and Richard More G.B.R. 3:91 1700 Ap. 26 Buird, Alexander, and Magdelena Kipp G.B.R. 3:194 1758 June21 Baird, Francis, and Esther Eagles M.B. 41:165 1693 Ap. 10 Baker, Catharine, and Henry Kemble G.B.R. 2:142 1702 Dec. 12 Baker, Mary, and Richard Harris ' G.B.R. 1: 3 1C93 Sep. 4 Baker, Roger, and Mary Walkington G.B.R. 2:142 1699 Aug. 31 Ball, Adam, and Elizth Collins G.B.R. 2:142 1758 Aug. 16 Ball, Ann, and Robert Anderson M.B. 41:215 1758 July 7 Ball, Mary, and John Coffram M.B. 41:175 1694 Sep. 19 Bancker, Maria, and Cornells de Peyster G.B.R. 3: 92 1701 June 26 Bant, Peter, and Mary Vanhoven G.B.R. 3:194 1756 June 2 Banta, Paulus, and Frances Minthorne M.B. 41:136 1752-56 Baragor, Jacob, and Mai-y Martennow CM. 82: 62 1696 Aug. 31 Barber, Jane, and Henry Jaman G.B.R. 3: 93 1706 Mar. 30 Barden, Abiny, and John Brown G.B.R. 2: 28 1695 July 8 Barents, Margt., and Joseph Smith G.B.R. 3: 92 1783 May 9 Barger, Hendrick, and Mary Tysen M.B. 39: 6 1753 Jan. 25 Barker, Benjamin, and Mary Rhodes M.B. 41: 51 1704 Jan, 6 Barker, Sarah, and Philip Bosen G.B.R. 2: 26 1690 May 1 Barnes, Ijawrence, and Eleanor Lawrence D. 8:244 1699 Dec. 20 Ban-e, Mary, and Theunis Titus G.B.R. 3:193 1759 Jan. 10 Barre, William, and Elizabeth Polhemus M.B. 2:149 1695 Ap. 8 Barriman, Martha, and Peter CuUom G.B.R. 3: 92 1696 Aug. 1 Barsley, Ann, and William Fisher G.B.R. 1728 July 19 Barton, and 1696 July Barton, William, and Hannah Hull lO&G June 16 Basford, John, and Damares Lynns 1752-56 Bate, Need, and Mary Lack 1703 June27 Battery, Peter, and Janekie Davis 1781 Ap. 24 Bauer, Barnyby, and Roseny Moore 1697 Oct. 27 Bayard, Ann Mary, and Augustus Jay 1703 Dec. 18 Bayard, Jaco])US, and Hillyden Deray 1703 Aug. 12 Bayard, Sarah, and Abraham Guesbeck Chambers G.B.R. 1695 Sep. 16 Bayer, Mary, and Moses Leuwis G.B.R. 1703 July 14 Bayeux, Thomas, and Magdleleine Boudluot G.B.R. 1705 Nov. 14 Baylie, AUinar, and James Fliraming G.B.R. 17r.2 Dec. 6 Beadle, Hannah, and Joseph Hall M.B. 41:10 3: 93 CM. 68: 86 G.B.R. 3: 93 G.B.R. 3: 93 CM. 82: 62 G.B.R. 2: 25 M.B. 32: 13 G.B.R. 3:192 G.B.R. 2: 26 2: 25 3: 92 2: 25 2: 28 10 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1758 Aug. 1 17(33 July 2 1758 Aug. 2 170?, Oct. 30 17U5 July 14 1703 Jan. 16 1703 Aug. 26 1702 Jan. 20 1703 May 26 1705 Feb. 1 1758 June 12 1703 Sep. 6 1704 Jan. 25 1701 Oct. 2 1703 Nor. 18 1771 May 18 1758 .Tune 15 1706 Jan. 9 1756 Ap. 30 1758 Aug. 5 1704 June 8 1U96 Aug. 1 1750 Mar. 23 1702 Dec. 16 1753 Mar. 30 1705 May 2 1758 Aug. 5 1700 Feb. 14 1695 Sep. 12 1701 Oct. 27 1(591 Nov. 7 1701 Sep. 15 1696 Jan. 19 1697 Nor. 17 1703 July 12 1703 May 12 1695 June 28 1703 Jan. 16 1703 Feb. 27 1700 Jan. 15 1756 May 20 1699 May 19 1602 July 8 1696 Feb. 15 1692 Dfr- 1(". Bears, Elizabeth, and Isaac Wheeler M.B. 41:197 Beattie, Robert, and Elisabeth McDonald M.B. 7:254 Beatty, Jane, and Thomas Pool 5I.B. 41:199 Beck, Caleb, and Hannah Harley G.B.R. 2: 25 Bedlow, Isacli, and Susannah Brasier G.B.R. 2: 27 Bedwell, Isaac, and Hannah Blank G.B.R. 1: 3 Beeck, Deborah, and Coenradt Iluyblingh G.B.R. 2: 25 Beeke, Aeltie, and Thomas Fell G.B.R. 3:194 Beckeman, Janeke, and Isaac Lansing G.B.R. 1: 13 Beekman, Adry, and Abigail Lispenar G.B.R. 2: 27 Beekman, Catharine, and James Cebra M.B. 41:1.52 Beekman, Charles, and Ekay Hansant G.B.R. 2: 25 Beekman, Christopher, and Maria De Lanoy G.B.R. 2: 26 Belline, Mary, and Ferdinand Ravaud G.B.R. 3:194 Bend, Margrett, and Zachariah Goscott G.B.R. 2: 25 Beneway, John, and Maria Stornj M.B. 17: 85 Benneway, Eva, and Abraham Fort M.B. 41:1.58 Bensinck, Matthew, and Katherine Provost G.B.R. 2: 28 Benson, Benjamin, and Catharine Deronde M.B. 41:117 Benson, Catharine, and Terence Conoway M.B. 41:204 Benson, Katherine, and John French G.B.R. 2: 26 Bentie, John, and Elizabeth Van Clyff G.B.R. 3: 93 Bergen, George, and Magdalin Bratt M.B. 4l: 99 Berkley, William, and Elizabeth Randall G.B.R. 1: 3 Berrien, John, and Altie Braisher M.B. 41: 18 Bert, Jonimah, and Robt. Williams G.B.R. 2: 27 Berton, Peter, and Anne Duncan M.B. 41:206 Berton, Peter, and Elizabeth Archambeau G.B.R. 2:142 Betterworth, Pajtrene, and William Finiconie G.B.R. 3: 92 Betts, Joseph, and Grace Mott G.B.R. 3:194 Bettyes, John, and Susannah Ashfordby G.B.R. 4: 31 Bilj an, Peter, and Maria Brean G.B.R. 2:142 Billian, Peter, and Perkie Hendricke G.B.R. 3: 93 Bingham, Mary, and William West G.B.R. 3:192 Bissett, Ellen, and John Lesley G.B.R. 2: 25 Blagge, Edward, and Johanna Vrikers G.B.R. 1: 13 Blanchard, John, and Joanna Gaultier G.B.R. 3: 92 Blank, Hannah, and Isaac Bedwell G.B.R. 1: 3 Blorkome, Lubert Jansen, and Angell Hendricks G.B.R. 1: 13 Bley, Dina, and Stephen Van Brackeling G.B.R. 2: 28 Bloom, Mary, and George Rapelye M.B. 41:131 Blydenburgh, Joseph, and Cathrine Dehart G.B.R. 3:193 Blydenburgh, Joseph, and Mary Smith G.B.R. 4: 32 Boedann, Helena, and Daniel Letson G.B.R. 3: 93 Po-iPH, Antie, and Abraham Ketteltas G.B.R. 2:141 SUPPLEMENT TO MARRIAGE LICENSES 11 17U0 Jan. 10 Boerman, Altie I., Jaques Oorteleau G.B.R. 2: 28 1T03 Sep. 15 Bogaert, Hendrick, and Ruttie De la Metze G.B.R. 2: 25 1G03 Ap. 10 Bogardus, Catharine, and Cornelius Vielle G.B.R. 2:142 lT5t5 May 2 Bogarilus, Catharine, and John Wlllson M.B. 41:135 1704 May 30 Bogardiis, Eporordus, and Hannah Dayly G.B.R. 2:26 1756 Jan. 28 Bogardus, John, and Mary Du Bois M.B. 41: 81 1756 Ap. 23 Bogart,. James, and Elizabeth Pococlc M.B. 41:112 1756 Mar. 11 Bogert, Isaac, and Mary Strickland M.B. 41: 94 1756 Jan. 3 Boghart, Lenah, and Lodowick Inslaer M.B. 41:69 1699 Mar. 14 Bolen, James, and Elizabeth Godfrey G.B.R. 3:193 1756 Aug. 21 Booerum, Charles, and Maria Lott M.B. 1:275 1704 May 5 Books, rhiilip, and Mary Carter G.B.R. 2: 26 1704 Ap. 21 Booth, George, and Mary Rowlr G.B.R. 2: 26 1703 July lli Boron, Margaret, ffrench, and John Kelly G.B.R. 2: 25 1756 Ap. 5 Borright, Catherin, and Thomas Noble M.B. 41:104 1095 Oct. 16 Bosch, Juriaen, and Geshennamah Bruyor G.B.R. 3:92 1704 Jan. 6 Bosen, riiilip, and Sarah Barker G.B.R. 2: 26 1703 July 14 Boudinot, Magdleleine, and Thomas Bayeux G.B.R. 2: 25 1695 Nov. 8 Bougeaud, Lewis, and Mary Anne van Bursum G.B.R. 3: 93 1756 May 14 Bound, Hannah, and Joshua Ferris M.B. 41:126 1753 Jan. 20 Bouud, Jacob, and Hannah Lawrence M. B. 41: 44 1706 Feb. 1 Boundinot, Susanna, and Charles D'Val G.B.R. 2: 28 1705 Dec. 28 Bounn, Aman, and Mary Prudence G.B.R. 2: 28 1693 Feb. 20 Bourthier, Michael, and Mary English G.B.R. 2:142 1758 Aug. 1 Bown, Hannah, and Godfreyd Streit M.B. 41:198 1738 Dec. 18 Bowyer, Samuel, and Mary Cloudy M.B. 1: 12 1701 Feb. 24 Boyle, Frances, and Robert Elliott G.B.R. 3:194 1693 Feb. 8 Boyle, Jane, and Andrew Groves * G.B.R. 2:142 1758 Aug. 21 Bradt, Catherine, and Richard Green M.B. 41:221 1753 Mar. 30 Braisher, Altie, and John Berriem M.B. 41: 18 1098 Nov. 26 Branch, Cathrine, and Thomas Petit G.B.R. 3:193 1761 June 12 Brash, Sarah, and Jonathan Titus M.B. 4:236 1758 July 13 Brasher, Abraham, and Helena Kortright M.B. 41:184 1756 May 3 Brasier, Catharine, and Albert Ryckiuau M.B. 41:119 170.")*July 14 Brasier, Susannah, and Isack Bedlow G.B.R. 2: 27 1752 Dec. 1 Bratt, Jane, and Stephen Van Shaik M.B. 41: 5 1756 Mar. 23 Bratt, Magdalin, and George Bergen M.B. 41: 99 1750 June 9 Bratt, Tryntie, and Jacob De Foreest M.B. 41:140 1697 Sop. 16 Brazier, Mary, and Philip Wilkinsen G.B.R. 3:192 1699 May 10 Breadstead, John, and Margaret Petoi:^ G.B.R. 3:193 1701 Sep. 15 Brean, Maria, aiul Peter Bil.ian G.B.R. 2:142 1738 May n Bregaw, Mary, and John Updike M.B. 1: 9 1737 Aug. 23 Brested, Garret, and Catherine I'rovoost M.B. 1: 7 1703 Aug. 28 Bresty, Mary, and Alexander Watkay G.B.R. 2: 25 1697 Sep. 9 Brett, Mary, and Capt. John Tuder G.B.R.' 3:192 1703 Nov. 25 Brett, Roger, and Katharine Rumbout G.B.R. 2:25 12 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 175G Mar. 25 Brinckerhoff, Daniel, and Ann Montfort M.B. 41:100 1758 July 10 Brinckerhoff, Elizabeth, and John A. Brinckerhoff M.B. 41:178 1750 Ap. 10 Brinckerhoff, John, and Mary \ayster M.B. 41:107 1758 July 10 Brinckerhoff, John A., and Elizabeth Brinckerhoff I M.B. 41:178 1095 Mar. 9 Britten, llebecca, and Abrani Cole G.B.R. 3: 92 1704 Ap. 5 Britton, Anne, and Nathan Whitman G.B.R. 2: 26 loyt) Aug. 12 Brookesbanck, , and Humphrey Tregenny G.B.R. 3: 94 1753 Jan. 5 Brookman, Catherine, and Alexander Phoenix M.B. 41: 40 1706 Jan. 10 Brougihton, Andrew, and Mary Mansey G.B.R. 2: 28 1705 Dec. 24 . Broughton, Samson, and IMary Ravaud G.B.R. 2: 28 1752 Dec. 22 Brower, William, and Mocletia Van Duyn M.B, 41: 35 1752 Dec. 20 Brown, Abigail, and Joshua Mersereau M.B. 41: 32 1753 Jan. 24 Brown, Hannah, and Benjamin Quereau M.B. 41: 50 1706 Mar. 30 Brown, John, and Abiny Barden G.B.R. 2: 28 1704 July 29 Brown, Mary, and Hendrick Jansen G.B.R. 2: 20 1705 Dec. 24 Brughman, Harmanus, and AUite Stevense G.B.R. 2: 28 1695 Oct. 16 Bruyor, Geshennamah, and Juriaen Bosch G.B.R. 3: 92 1G9S Nov. 10 Bryan, ElizabeUi, and John Durend G.B.R. 3:193 1763 Oct. 26 Bryant, Jesse, and Mary Ketcham M.B. 7:406 1696 May 7 Buckenhoven, Stephen, and Anna van Hoist G.B.R. 3: 94 1703 Dec. 9 Buckley, Elizabeth, and John Huttkins G.B.R. 2: 26 1695 Oct. 11 Budd, Joseph, and Sarah Underbill G.B.R. 3: 92 1758 July 22 Bufflere, Jacob, and Margaret Simonsen M.B. 41:191 1698 Dec. Bunt, Mary, and Christian Lawrier G.B.R. 3:193 1705 Nov. 21 Bunting, Benjamin, and Cornelia Caroleiu G.B.R. 2: 28 1693 Sep. 4 Burch, William, and Hanna Robinson G.B.R. 2:142 1758 June 5 Burdett, Susannali, and John Low M.B. 41:146 1696 June30 Burger, Eva, and George Hulgrow G.B.R. 3: 93 1704 Sep. 9 Bui^ger, Myndert, and Sarah Dese G.B.R. 2: 26 1698 Sep. 5 Bur\e, Joshua, and Judith Sexton G.B.R. 3:193 1752 Dec. 13 Burnet, John, and Anne Smith M.B. 41: 24 1758 July 13 Burney, Edward, and Elizabeth Cramshire M.B. 41:185 1758 Aug. 4 Burns, Elizabeth, and Charles Merry M.B. 41:202 1753 Jan. 22 Burns, Margret, and Silas Lawrence M.B. 41: 40 1705 Sep. 15 Burroughs, Mary, and Thomas Oakley G.B.R. 2: 28 1703 Dec. 13 Burroughs, Raechall, and William Iluggen G.B.R. 2: 20 1095- Nov. 10 Burroughs, Thomas, and Mary Tayler G.B.R. 3: 93 1704 Ap. 25 Burroughs, Unis,' and Nathaniel Lynes G.B.R. 2: 26 1753 Jan. 23 Burrows, Jeremiah, and Marj- Stringhara M.B. 41: 49 1697 Oct. 18 Burt, Richard, and Maigaret Glenn G.B.R. 3:192 1704 Oct. 4 Burton, Peter, and Margerett Van Clyff G.B.R. 2: 27 1694 O'-' 11 Burton, Mary Ann, and Ilend'k Jansen Vandenbergh G.B.R. 3: 91! ]6r»7 Mil 1 iui8.li, Cor'i"iin, nnd I»etor Cavaleer G.B.R. 3: 93 SUPPLEMENT TO MARRIAGE LICENSES 13 ITHS Aug. 24 Bush, Anne, and Isaac Somendyck M.B. 41:229 175;> Feb. 19 Bussing, Feter, and Susannah Myers -M.B. 41: 58 175G June 14 Butler, Hannah, and Nathaniol Ck)les M.B. 41:143 Butler, Mar«„^ and Johannes Vandferheyden M.B. 41:205 Butteler, John, and Rachel Wiuant CM. 82: 62 Buttlei', John, and Ilanah Saunders G.B.R. 3:194 Buttler, John, and Sarah G.B.R. 2:142 Caen, Daniel, and Wyntie Pettit M.B. 25:100 Cagill, James, see Cargill, James. Cain, Catherin, and Jeremiah Pundt Caithness, David, and Mary Patten Oalhown, George, and INfary Sneeden Calyer, Peter, and Margarita De Bevois Campell, Jane, and George Gilbert Cane, Samuel, and Flora Cannon, Ab'm, and Cannon, Abraham, and Maria Springsteen Cannon, Andrew, and Ann Puppyn Cantaiu, Moses, and Mary DeWitt Car, Charles, and Sarah Collins Cargill, James, and Ester Earl Cargill, John, and Phebe Strilier Oarhart, Thomas, and Mary Ivord Carille (or Daville), Adam, and Elizabeth Gizebert Carly, Mary, and James Spencer Carman, Amy, and Joseph Dx^ake Carman, John, and Elizabeth Ludlom Carmick, David, and Elenor Vance Carnaby, Nicholas, and Jane Dawning Carolein, Cornelia, and Benjamin Bunting Carr, Joanna, and Arthur Willis Carter, Mary, and Phillip Books Carter, Zobulon, and Heiltie Sloot Cauley, John, and Agenitie Vande Spegel Cavaleer, Magdalen, and William Chisnall Cavaleer, Petei', and Cornelia Busch Cavalier, Alida, and John Parsons Cavanaugh, Sylvesiter, and Lucy Moore Cavelir, Adam,_and Mary Dalcale Cayton, Elizabeth, and Philip Welch Cebra, James, and Ann Meyer Cebra, Janu'S, and Catharine Beekiiian Cergoe, Margery, and Edw'd Willake "cysler, ITesther, and Barnet Reyners 1758 Aug, 5 1752-i r>6 1701 Sep. 15 17U1 Sep. 15 1778 June 13 1758 Aug. 16 1756 Mar. 1 17GI Dec. 23 17&3 May 24 1758 Sep. 6 1098 May 4 1759 May 17 1728 J uly 19 1760 Oct. 18 1695 Nov. 18 1703 Aug. IS 1753 Aug. 20 1758 Aug. 16 1752 Dec, 15 1691 Nov. 22 1700 Ap. 27 1695 May 28 1753 Jan. 11 1683 Jan. 20 1761 Aug. 6 1694 Dec. 12 1705 Nov. 21 1701 Aug. ,29 1704 May 5 1698 Dec. 19 1701 J Illy 23 1701 Dec. 22 1697 Mar . 1 1753 Jan. 10 1761 Feb. 10 1703 Dec. 3 1760 July 3 1702 ; July 29 I7r,s iii.i T"r- -12 M.B. 41: 91 M.B. 5:296 M.B. 9:139 M.B. 2: 5 G.B.R. 3:193 M.B. 2:288 CM. t^: 86 M.B. 3:371 G.B.R. 3: 93 G.B.R. 2: 25 M.B. 1: 93 M.B. 41:214 M.B. 41: 27 G.B.R. 4: 31 ibert G.B.R. 3:194 G.B.R. 3: 92 M.B. 41: 42 CM. 31: 7 M.B. 5: 28 G.B.R. 3: 92 G.B.R. 2: 28 G.B.R. 2:142 G.B.R. 2: 26 G.B.R. 3: 91 G.B.R. 3:194 G.B.R. 3:194 G.B.R. 3: 93 M.B. 41: 41 M.B. 4: 56 G.B.R. 2: 26 M.B. 3:204 G.B.R. 3:195 M.B. 41:152 G.B.R. 4: 32 G.B.TI. 3: 93 14 NEW YORK STATE T.IBRARY 1705 Dec. 24 Chamberline, Elizabeth, and John Fleet G.B.R. 2: 28 1703 Aug. 12 Chambers, Abraham Goesbeck, and Sarah Bayard 1G93 Aug. 17 Chambers, John, and Mary Drummond 1702 Dec. 5 Chambers, Mary, and Richard Robinson 1703 Oct. 10 Champion, ffraucis, and John Jusell 1758 Aug. 24 Chapman, Mary, and William Hawhurst 1695 Nov. 27 Chappell, Francis, and Ann Fromanteel 1705 Jan. 8 Charleton, John, and Hester Gleve 1G96 Sep. S Cheek, Elizabeth, and John Moore 1758 Aug. 11 Child,. Gtrtruy, and Abraham Leggett 1G94 Sep. 18 Childers, Delia, and Johannes Groenondyke 1701 Dec. 22 ChisnaJl, ^^'illiam, and Magdalen Cavaleer 1703 Ap. 8 Chiswell, Jane, and Augustine Graham 1703 June29 Christiense, Peter, and Bellekie Attkins Ib'SO Oct. 27 Clare, Kathorine, and Jeremy Kittle 1752 Dec. 16 Clark, Daniel, and Elizabeth McGuire 1703 June 23 Clarke, Eliza, and William Glenrosse 1G94 May 10 Clatworthy, John, and Mary Leeson 1753 Feb. 10 Claus, Leannehand, and William Atkinson 1761 Feb. 14 Cleghorne, Wilet, and Darid Ramsey 1753 Jan. 22 Clement, Elizabeth, and James Farrington 1096 July 2 Clement, James, and Sarah Hinchman 1G99 Sep. 24 Gierke, Charity, and Richard Lawrence 1758 Aug. 14 Cline, William, and Joanna Underwood 1704 Jan. 11 Clottworthy, Hanna, and Johannes Johnson 1702 Oct. 26 Clouder, Mary, and Ralph Thurman 1698 July 18 Clowes, Samuel, and Kathrine Douw 1694 Jan. Coats, Edward, and Sarah Thomson 1086-87 Jan. 21 Cobbitt, Ann, and Samuell Henry 1696 Aug. 28 Cobbitt, Lydia, and Thomas Wright 1756 May 6 Cobham, Robert, and Mary G'ereau 1750 Jan. 27 Cock, Abraham, and Hilah Minthorne 1702 Oct. 20 Cock, Catherine, and Conradus Vanderbeeck 1701 Oct. 25 Cockling, Thomas, and Deborah Smith 1703 May 12 Coderese, Rachell, and Adolphe De Groosse 1695 Ap. 6 Coel, Lydia, and Peter Masett 1736 June 3 Coen Oven, John, and Jane Briant 1703 Aug. 9 Coenraats, Octave, and Mary Longfield 1701 May 22 Coerten, Henry, and Elizabeth De Riemer 1758 June 20 Coest, Andrew, and Margaret Baceheuse 1758 July 7 Coffram, John, and Mary Ball 1705 May 19 Colburne, Frances, and John Riggs 1G95 Mar. 9 Cole, Abram, and Rebeeck Britten 1758 June 8 Cole, Catharine, and John Noedhara M). 1706 Feb. 1 Cole, Rose, and John Townsend G.B.R. 2:. 25 G.B.R. 2:142 G.B.R. 1: 3 G.B.R. 2: 25 M.B. 41:228 G.B.R. 3: 93 G.B.R. 2: 27 G.B.R. 3: 93 M.B. 41:209 G.B.R. 3: 92 G.B.R. 3:194 G.B.R. 1: 13 G.B.R. 2: 25 L.W. 63 M.B. 41: 28 G.B.R. 2: 25 G.B.R. 3: 92 M.B. 41: 57 M.B. 4: 63 M.B. 41: 45 G.B.R. 3: 93 G.B.R. 2:142 M.B. 41:213 G.B.R. 2: 26 G.B.R. 1: 3 G.B.R, 3:193 G.B.R. 3: 91 L.W. 86 G.B.R. 3: 93 M.B. 41 :122 M.B. 41: 80 G.B.R. 1: 3 G.B.R. 2:142 G.B.R. 1: 13 G.B.R. 3: 92 M.B. 1: 1 G.B.R. 2: 25 G.B.R. 3:194 M.B. 41:162 MT^ d"! -I TK-. SUPPLEMENT TO MARRIAGE LICENSES 15 1752-56 1698 July 27 1691 Dec. 1753 Mar .27 1756 June 14 1757 Ap. 4 1699 Aug, .31 1692 Ap. 17 1701 Oct. 27 1705 Sep. 29 1758 Aug, 5 1694 Aug. 9 1694 Ap. 7 1702 July 29 1752 Dec. 16 1703 Dec. 14 1699 May 6 1698 June '30 1700 Jan. 19 1756 May 6 1704 July 20 1705 Dec. 8 1753 Jan. 31 1752 Dec. 20 1703 Dec. 6 i7as Dec. 6 1756 May 15 1699 Aug. 14 1756 May 15 1756 June 3 1706 Jan. 10 1752- 56 1700 Jan. 19 1695 June 20 1703 July & 1753 Feb. 5 1697 Ap. 28 1699 Aug. 9 1704 Sep. 21 1705 Sep. 3 1758 Sep. 1 1786 Nov. 17 1694 Dec. 31 1687 Mar. 30 1758 July 13 Cole, Susannah, and John Marshal Coliiuan, Henry, and Eleanor Hunt Coleman, Henry, and Mary Meads Coleman, Thomas, and Elizabeth Roe Coles, Nathaniel, and Hannah Butler Collier, Mary, and Jacob Wiltse Collins, Elizth, and Adam Ball Collins, James, and Elizabeth Kennedy Collins, John, and Margaret Verplank Colsen, Robert, and Elizabeth Jones Conoway, Terence, and Catharine Benson Coolcy. Deborah, and Nicholas Lleldiug Cooper, Benj., and Helena Wllkins Cooper, John, and Hannah Frost Cooper, John, and Ruth Wilse Corbett, John, and Mary Graham ) Corbitt, John, and Christian Milton Coreman, Daniel Peterse, and Anna Jlaria Plevier Corlandt, Ann, and Stephen Delancy Cornel, Gilliam, and Margaret Schanck Cornelise, Altic, and John Foster Cornelisou, John, and Elizabeth Hazareth Cornell, Daniel, and Charity Valentine Cornell, Elizabeth, and Anthony Sarly Cornell, Elizabeth, and Nicholas Stillwell Cornell, John, and Letitia Printz Cornuell, Joseph, and Sarah Heady Cornwell, George, and Ann Merchant Comwell, Joseph, and Sarah Heady Oorsen, Ann, and David Kingsland Corteleau, Jaques, and Altie I. Boerman Cortelyou, Cornelous, and Sary Spragg Cortlandt, Ann, and Stephen Delancy Cortlandt, John, and Anna Mary van Schaick Corvaxd, Hugh, and Patience Throgmorton Cosby, Arthur, and Marj'^ Hagins Cosins, Barne, and Grace Sanford Goulylie, Margt., and Henry Roof Courtie, Hmtie, and Peter Roose Cowne, Debora^ and Richd. Stilwell Cox, Anne, and Michael Hay Cox, Dorothy, and Richard Harford Cox, Jacobus, and Catharina Davids Cox, William, and Juda Martins Cramshire, Elizabeth, and Edward Burney CM, ,82: 62 G.B.R . 3:193 G.B.R . 4: 31 M.B, 41: 15 M.B. ,41:143 M.B. 1:486 G.B.R. 2:142 G.B.R. , 4: 32 G.B.R. 3:194 G.B.R. 2: 28 M.B. 41:204 G.B.R. 3: 92 G.B.R. 3: 91 G.B.R. 3:195 M.B. 41: 31 G.B.R. 2: 26 G.B.R. 3:193 evier G.B.R. 3:193 G.B.R. 3:193 M.B. 41:120 G.B.R. 2: 26 G.B.R. 2: 28 M.B. 41: 53 M.B. 41: 33 G.B.R. 2: 26 G.B.R. 2: 26 M.B. 41:128 G.B.R. 2:142 M.B. 41:128 M.B. 41:137 G.B.R. 2: 28 CM. 82: 62 G.B.R. 3:193 G.B.R. 3: 92 G.B.R. 2: 25 M.B. 41: 56 G.B.R. 3: 93 G.B.R. 2:142 G.B.R. 2: 27 G.B.R. 2: 28 M.B. ■ 41:237 L.W. 72 G.B.R. 3: 92 L.W. 89 M.B.' 41:185 16 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 175G May 14 Cramshire, Jane, and William Finney ITO;) May IG Crawford, Patrick, and Katherin Potter 1760 Dec. 16 Creed, Benjamin, and Jane Hewlet 170;> Dec. 2i Creed, Jane, and Thomas Whitehead 1701 June G Cregers, Marej'a, and Johanes Vreland 1702 Aug. 28 Cregier, Elizabeth, and Nicholas Dally 1702 Aug. 27 Cregier, Martinus, and Margarett Van Dalsen 1704 Mar. 4 Crego, Josias, and Anne Ellsworth 1G9G June 29 Crego, Kichard, and Sarah Stilwell 1752-56 Crips, Richer, and Martha Wolcan 1700 Nov. 25 /Croaker, Robert, and Susannah Peterson 1756 Jan. 23 Crocheron, Abm. and Eliz. Du Puy 1758 June 21 Crosfield, Stephen, and Marj C. Kerbyle 1G91 Sep. 7 Crunda]!, Deboi\ah, and Thomas Lyndall ^ 1703 Mar. 2 CruygeV, John, and Mary Cuyler 1G95 Ap. 8 Cullom, Peter, and Martha Barriman 1758 June 10 Cussouw, Jacob, and Famytje Van Kleef 1703 Mar. 2 Cujier, Mary, and John Cruyger 1G93 Oct 23 Cuyler, Rachel, and Meyndert Schuyler 175G Ap. 12 Ouyper, Rachel, and Dennis Van Dorson 1759 Nov. 17 Dacon, James, and Mary Dobbs IGUG Aug. 13 Daillfi, Peter, and Seijtie Duyckinck 1703 Dec. 3 Dalcale, Mary, and Adam Cavelir 1701 May 24 Dale, Robert, and Elizabeth Turner 1756 Jan. 16 Dally, Elizabeth, and John Anthony 1702 Aug. 28 Dally, Nicholas, and Elizabeth Cregier 1758 July 19 Dalton, Margaret, and Edward Kaho 1704 Feb. 27 Daniel, Thomas, and Sarah Godfrey 1702 Dec. 24 Dani«. Eobt., and Susanne Nicholas 1705 May 25 Dant, Pierre, and Elizabeth Holt 1G9S May 25 Darkins, Lydia, and Jacobus Kolloqain 1092 Dec. 1 Darvall, Katharina, and Frederick Philips 1702 Oct. 27 Davenp -yrt, Thomas, and Magarett Lepenar 1756 Dec. 6 Davenport, William, and Eleanor Kelly 1694 Dec. 31 Davids, Cathainna, and Jacobus Cox lG9(i July 6 Davies, Engeltie, and Thomas Giles 1758 Aug. 14 Davis, George, and Elizabeth Turner 1 693 Mar. 25 Davis, Hester, and John Finch 1702 Ap. 30 Davis, James, and Elisbeth Santford ' 1703 June27 Davis, Janekie, and Peter Battery 1G93 Ap. 14 Davis, Mary, and Michael Greenham 1703 Ap. 10 Davi, Ruth, and John ShepsLrd 1758 July 22 Davis, Sarah, and Jonas Higby 1699 Feb. 25 Davison. William, and Eleanor Goff 1G94 Nf\. 'j DawDuig, James, and Sai-ah Evans M.B. 41:125 G.B.R. 1: 13 M.B. 13:478 G.B.R. 2: 26 GBR. 3:194 G.B.R. 3:195 G.B.R. 3:195 G.B.R. 2: 26 G.B.R. 3: 93 CM. 82: 62 G.B.R. 3:194 M.B. 41: 77 M.B. 41:164 G.B.R. 4: 31 G.B.R. 1: 13 G.B.R. 3: 92 M.B. 41:149 G.B.R. 1: 13 G.B.R. 2:142 M.B. 41:100 M.B. 2:503 G.B.R. 3: M G.B.R. 2: 26 G.B.R. 3:194 M.B. 41: 75 G.B.R. 3:195 M.B. 41:189 G.B.R. 2: 27 G.B.R. 1: 3 G.B.R. 2: 27 G.B.K. 3:193 G.B.R. 4: 32 G.B.R. 1: 3 M.B. 1:374 G.B.R. 3: 92 G.B.R. 3: 93 M.B. 41:212 G.B.R. 2:142 G.B.R. 3:195 G.B.R. 2: 25 G.B.R. 2:142 G.B.R. 1: 13 M.B. 41:193 G.B.R. 3:193 G.B.R. 3: 92 SUPPLEMENT TO MARRIAGE LICENSES 17 1694 Dec. 12 1756 June 7 1756 Ap. 23 1705 June ^ 9 1704 May 30 1756 Jan. 1?. 1758 Mar. 28 1758 July 11 1693 Oct. 10 1700 July 13 1764 June * 4 1752-56 1752-56 1756 Feb. 3 1704 June 23 1753 Jan. 5 1756 June : 9 1705 June 23 1704 Rep. 20 1753 Jan. 5 1706 Ap. 11 1702 Jan. 30 1753 Jan. 5 1756 Feb. 12 1705 Dec. 19 1703 May 12 1703 Sep. 14 1703 Feb. 3 1701 Oct. 27 1697 Oct. 9 1703 Jan. 5 1704 Dec. 4 1699 may 19 1691 Aug. 22 1695 June 27 1694 Ap. 12 1702 May 14 1694 May 9 1704 Max. 7 1705 Nov. 2 1703 Sep. 15 1700 Jan. 19 1704 Jan. 25 D.iwuiug, Jane, and Nicholas Carnaby Dawson, Mary, and Myndert Van Evera Dawson, Susanna, and Ellas Anderson Dawson, Thomas, and ISIary Thoxter Dayly, Hannah, and Eport>rdus Bogardus Dean, Alexander, and Elizabeth Lynch Dean, Daniel, and Charity Odell Dean, Elizabeth, and Joj'an ''Yelch Dean, Hannah, and Benj. Phips Dean, Hannah, and Joseph Aspinwalle De Bevois, Charles, and Mary Van Houten Decer [Decker], Eve, and Jcams Wood Deccr [Decker], Sarah, and John Merril Decker, Charles, and Marsey Merril Deerby, Merltie, and Albert Van Winkel Deforeest, Isaac, and Alida Fonda De Foreest, Jacob, and Tryntie Bratt DeForeest, Joannes, and Tryntie Garretse Ravestein G.B.R. DeForeest, Sarah, and John Meyer Deforeest, Susannah, and Isaac Defunda D'Forest, Mary, and Isaac D'Reymer Deforest, Sarah, and Johanes Hanse Defunda, Isaac, and Susannah Deforeest De Graw, James, and Ann Rapelje De Gray, Anne, and William Warner De Groosse, Adolphe, and Rachell Coderese De Groot, Aegie, and Gerard Schyler De Haeese, Susannah, and Robert Hickman De Haert, Elizabeth, and William Van Newenhuysen G.B.R. Dehance, Jan, and Margaret Symonfee Uthuse G.B.R. Dehart, Balthazer, and Margrltta Maurltz G.B.R. D'Hart, Catalina. and Jacobus Kip G.B.R. Dehart, Cathrine, and Joseph Blydenburgh G.B R. DeHart, Katheriue, and James Lnrkon de Hart, Matthew, and Jannetie Mauritz d'Honneur, Johannes, and Johanna Maynard De Key, Catherine, and Abram Wandall Dekey, Jacobus, and Sarah Willet De Kleyn, Leonard Huygen, and Susannah Vaiighton G.B.R. De Klyen. Elizabeth, and Anthony Lispennrd De la Metze, Ruttie, and Hendiick Bognert Delancy, Stephen, and Ann Cortlandt De Lanoy, Maria, and Christopher Beekman G.B.R. M.B. M.B. G.B.R. G.B.R. M.B. M.B. M.B. G.B.R. G.B.R. M.B. CM. CM. M.B. G.B.R. M.B. M.B. G.B.R. M.B. G.B.R. G.B.R. M.B. M.B. G.B.R. G.B.R. G.B.R. G.B.R. G.B.R. G.B.R. G.B.R. G.B.R. G.B.R. G.B.R. G.B.R. G.B.R. G.B.R. 3: 92 41:139 41:114 2: 27 2: 26 41: 74 41:145 41:181 2:142 3:194 8:245 82: 62 82: 62 41: 85 2: 26 41: 39 41:140 2: 27 2: 27 41: 38 2: 28 3:194 41: 38 41: 87 2: 28 1: 13 2: 25 1: 13 2:142 3:192 1: 3 2: 27 3:193 4: 31 3: 92 3: 91 3:195 3: 92 2: 26 2: 28 2: 25 3:193 2: 26 18 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1690 Feb. 21 DeLanoy, Peter, and Mary Edsall 1(U)2 JuDe27 De La Plaine, Mario, and Jean Le Charelier 1696 Aug. 11 De Meyer, Mrs Agnetie, and William Jenoway G.B.R. 1G86-87 Jan.20 De Morris, Nicolas, and Eleanor Williams 1099 Aug. 18 Denham, David, and Marj- Elsley 1704 Jan. 14 Denike, Mai-y, and John Denmark 1704 Jan. 14 Denmark, John, and Mary Denike 1753 Jan. 18 Denmark, Mary, and Henry Peckwell 1750 May 1 Denton, Martha, and Stephen Herriman 1099 Aug. 29 Denton, Pheoe, and Richard Thorne 1094 Sep. 19 de Peyster, Cornelis, and ;Maria Bancker 1099 Aug. 18 Depheyster, Cornelia, and Alexander Steuard 1752-50 Depue, Elizabeth, and Oornelous Simeson 1704 June 5 DePuy, Andrew, and Jane Archanbaw 1703 Mar. 30 DeiuvaJ, Francis, and Eiehard Willett 1703 Dec. 18 Deray, Hillyden, and Jacobus Bayard 1700 Ap. 11 D'Keymer, Isaac, and Mary D'Forest 1701 May 22 De Riemer, Elizabeth, and Henry Coerten 1705 Ap. 27 De Riemer, Isaac, and Anne Woortman 1750 Ap. 30 Deronde, Catharine, and Benjamin Benson 1703 Oct. 18 Desbrosses, James, and Hellena Gaudineau 1704 Sep. 9 Dese, Sarah, and Myndert. Burger 1705 Feb. 1 D'Val, Charles, and Susanna Boundinot 1758 July 29 Devoe, Aron, and Jlary Van Vey 1704 Nov. 8 DeVore, Elizabeth, and Andrew Sweroer 1750 Ap. 5 De Vou, Catherine, and Wm. Van Northstrand 1703 Sep. 14 de Vrees, Albert, and Eunnetie Van Dycke 1098 May 26 Dewind, Lewin, and Ariaentie Moll 1703 Aug. 18 DeWitt, Mary, and Moses Oantain 1090 Feb. 15 DeWitt, Sarah, and Christopher Hooglaudt 1087 May 31 Dewitt, Sophia, and Humphry Seward 1703 Jan. 8 DeYou, Elizabeth, and John Journey 1752 Dec. 30 Dike, Mary, and Tobyas Van Zandt 1752 NoA^ 30 Dillingham, Silvanus, and Ann Turner 1701 Aug. 25 Direcks, Psyche, and Francis Van Dyke 1095 Ap. 10 Dischington, Cornelia, and Andrew Law 1099 Aug. 18 Dishington, Cornelia, and Alexander Streard 1096 Oct. 15 Dodridg, Philip, and Frances Moore l(i91-92Mar.23 Donaldson, John, and Elizabeth Harmon 1753 Jan. 22 Doran, Thomas, and Sarah Van Law 1779 Mar. 10 Dorland, Garret, and Sarah Smith 1701 June 20 Dorlin, Elias, and Phelena Rushmore 1701 Oct. 3 Dorton, William, and Prudence Shelston 1705 Ap. 11 Doughty, Hannah, and Samuel Thorn, Junr. 1756 May 20 Douglass, Margaret, and Thomas Fullard 1698 July 18 Douw, Kathrine, and Samuel Clowes G.B.R. 3: 93 G.B.R. 4: 32 G.B.R. 3: 93 L.W. 86 G.B.R. 2:142 G.B.R. 2: 26 G.B.R. 2: 26 M.B. 41: 43 M.B. 41:118 G.B.R. 2:142 G.B.R. 3: 92 G.B.R. 2:142 CM. 82: 62 G.B.R. 2: 26 G.B.R. 1: 13 G.B.R. 2: 26 G.B.R. 2: 28 G.B.R. 3:194 G.B.R. 2: 27 M.B. 41:117 G.B.R. 2: 25 G.B.R. 2: 26 G.B.R. 2: 28 M.B. 41:195 G.B.R. 2: 27 M.B. 41:105 G.B.R. 2: 25 G.B.R. 3:193 G.B.R. 2: 25 G.B.R. 3: 93 L.W. 92 G.B.R. 1: 3 M.B. 41: 36 M.B. 41: 2 G.B.R. 2:142 G.B.R. 3: 92 G.B.R. 3:193 G.B.R. 3: 93 G.B.R. 4: 31 M.B. 41: 47 M.B. 27: 62 M.B. 4:249 G.B.R. 2:142 G.B.R. 2: 27 M.B. 41:130 G.B.R. 3:193 SUPPLEMENT TO MARRIAGE LICENSES 19 1697 Sep. 23 Dow, Hendryck, and Neeltie Meynderts G.B.K, 3:192 1G9G Nov. 11 Downing, Jane, and Edward Lambert G.B.R. 3: 93 1753 Jan. 11 Drake, Joseph, and Amy Carman M.B. 41: 42 1704 Mar. 29 Drakes, Sarah, and Arthur Willis G.B.R. 2: 26 1G99 Ap. 17 Drincall, Thomiis, and Ann Watson G.B.R. 3:193 1()93 Aug. 17 Drummoud, Mary, and John Chambers G.B.R. 2:142 1G99 Mar. 14 Duboies, Anne, and Peter Chevalier I^upin G.B.R. 3:193 1(590 Aug. 28 Dubois, Louis, and Hester Grasset G.B.R. 3: 93 1756 Jan. 28 Du Bois, Mary, and John Bogardus M.B. 41: 81 1703 July 6 Dubois, Mary, and John Lafon. G.B.R. 2: 25 K ".99 July Du Boy, Anna, and Beuju Fuueile G.B.R. 2:142 1087 Sep. 17 Dudly, Marjary, and Ebenezer Willson L.W. 101 1758 Aug. 5 Duncan, Anne, and Peter Berton M.B. 41:206 1758 Aug. 22 Duncan, Frances, and George Duncan Ludlow M.B. 41:226 1756 Mar. 22 Dunkel, Jan Lode^^^ck, and Sarah Van der Voort M.B. 41: 98 1696 July 8 Dunscomb, Daniel, and Helena Swann G.B.R. 3: 93 1753 Jan. 22 Dunton, Ebenezer, and Dorothy Field M.B. 41: 48 1699 Mar. 14 Dupin, Peter Chevalier, and Anne Duboies G.B.R. 3:193 1764 Jan. 27 Dupuy, Aron, and Martha Tysen M.B. 8: 41 1756 Jan. 23 Du Puy, Elizabeth, and Abraham Crocheron M.B. 41: 77 1698 Nov. 10 Durend, John, and Elizabeth Bryan G.B.R. 3:193 1752 Nov. 30 Duryee, Jacob, and Cornelia Schenck M.B. 41: 3 1704 Feb. 10 Dushen, Valentine, and Mary Stillwell G.B.R. 2: 26 1703 June 18 Du Tay, Mary, and William Thibowe G.B.R. 2: 25 1758 Aug. 22 Dutcher, Elizabeth, and John Polhemus M.B. 41:224 1696 Aug. 13 Duyekinck, Seijtie, and Peter Daille G.B.R. 3:94 1704 Jan. 25 Duyckink, Evert, and Elsie Myer G.B.R. 2: 26 1756 Ap. 20 Duyckman, Rebecca, and Abraham Hooper M.B. 41:110 1702 Dec. 12 Dyekhuyse, Swantie, and Arent Schuyler G.B.R. 1: 3 1695 Sep. 16 Dykeman, Mary, and James Hewett G.B.R. 3: 92 1758 June21 Eagles, Esther, and Francis Baird M.B. 41:165 1758 Aug. 16 Earl, Ester, and James Cargill M.B. 41:214 1702 A% 30 Eaton, John, and Elizabeth Michel! G.B.R. 3:195 1696 Feb. 21 Edsall, Mary, and Peter De Lanoy G.B.R. 3: 93 1758 Aug. 19 Edwards, Frances, and William Fielding M.B. 41:220 1698 Jan. 13 Edwards, Robert, and Judith Mosston G.B.R. 3:193 1701 Mar. 26 Ekles, James, and Rebecca Lynus G.B.R. 3:194 1753 Mar. 12 Bldert, Rachel, and Thomas Van Wyck M.B. 41: 65 1701 Feb. 24 Elliott, Robert, andFrances Boyle G.B.R. 3:194 1758 Aug. 21 Ellis, Elizabeth, and Thomas McBride M.B. 41:222 1704 Oct. 9 Ellsou, Hannah, and John Ogleby G.B.R. 2: 27 1704 Mar. 4 EllsAVorth, Anne, and Josias Crego G.B.R. 2: 26 1696 June 3 Ellsworth, Johannes, and Anna Peters G.B.R. 3: 93 1699 Aug. 18 Elsley, Mary, and David Denham G.B.R. 2:142 20 NKW VOltK STATE LIBRARY 1703 Sep. 2 1695 May 10 1702 Aug. 17 1758 July 15 1093 Feb. 20 1094 Sep. ,1,0 1694 Nov. 6^ 1701 Aug. 7 1698 July 11 1703 May 4 1697 Dee. 13 1704 Mar. 2 1753 Jan. 22 1737 May 16 1697 Dec. 20 1692 Nov. 9 1756 May 14 1(S7 May 4 1696 July 23 1687 May 16 1694 Mar. 31 1753 Jan. 22 1705 July 19 1604 Aug. 9 1758 Aug. 19 1093 Mar. 25 1704 May 10 1700 July 20 1695 Sep. 12 175.8 June 30 1692 Ap. 22 1704 July 20 1756 May 14 1695 June ( 1 1696 Aug. 1 175S June 10 17r>5 May 7 1705 Dec. 24 1705 May 23 1705 Nov. 14 1704 June 23 17.53 Jan. 5 1705 Nov, .16 1G99 July 5 1758 June 15 Elsworxii, rs.'irab, ;iud Cornelius Klersted G.B.R. 2: 2 Elum, Ann, and Simon Young G.B.R. 3: 92 Emmons, Abram, and Margarett Williamson G.B.R. 3:195 Emotts, Annatje, and Edward Kelly M.B. 41:187 English, Mary, and Michael Bourthier G.B.R. 2:142 Evans, John, and Catherine Macgregere G.B.R. 3: 92 Evans, Sarah, and James Dawning G.B.R. 3: 92 Evans, Thomas, and Jane Timmer G.B.R. 3:194 Everinden, Robert, and Ann Smith - G.B.R. 3:193 Evetts, Anne, and Richard Hall G.B.R. 1: 13 Evorste, Capt. Nicholas, and Margaret Van Baal G.B.R. 3:192 Farmer, Elizabeth, and John Markman G.B.R. 2: 26 Farrington, James, and Elizabeth Clement M.B. 41: 45 Fenyck, Richard, and Mary Romer M.B. 1: 6 fferguson, Batthia, and Josiah Hunt, Jun. G.B.R. 3:192 Ferguson, Mary, and Thomas Lawrence G.B.R. 4: 32 Ferris, Joshua, and Hannah Bound M.B. 41:126 ffaifars, Jean, and Margurita L.W. 96 ffield, Sarah, and Jonathan Whitehead G.B.R. 3: 94 fflintsbTirgh, John, and Margarett Rodoffsen L.W. 92 ffloyd, Jannettie, and Gilbert Marriner G.B.R. 3: 91 Field, Dorothy, and Ebenezer Dunton M.B. 41: 48 Field, Elizabeth, and David Walcraf G.B.R. 2: 27 PMelding, Nicholas, and Deborah Gooley G.B.R. 3: 92 Fielding, William, and Frances Edwards M.B. 41:220 Finch, John, and Hester Davis G.B.R. 2:142 Fine, Frederick, and Joan Vinront G.B.R. 2: 26 Fine, Susanna, and Tho. Wycl .a:;gham G.B.R. 3:194 Finieonie, William, and Patrene Betterworth G.B.R. 3: 92 Finley, Robert, and Sarah Montanie M.B. 41:171 Finlison, John, and Mary Ixwkingglasse G.B.R. 4: 32 Finn, Altie, and Thomas Strateham G.B.R. 2: 26 Finney, William, and Jane Cramshire M.B. 41:125 Fisher, John, and Barbary Morton G.B.R. 3: 92 Fisher, William, and Ann Barsley G.B.R. 3: 93 Fltzcharles, Wyntie, and Lucas Schermerhorn M.B. 41:150 Flant, Mercy, and Paul Gettes G.B.R. 2: 27 Fleet, John, and Elizabeth Chamberline G.B.R. 2: 28 Fleet, Sarah, and John Freebody G.B.R. 2: 27 Flimnjing, James, and AUinar Baylie . G.B.R. 2: 28 Folleman, Neltie, and Stephen Teneve G.B.R. 2: 26 Fonda, Alida, and Isaac Deforeest M.B. 41: 39 Ford, WilMam, and Margaret Hiatt G.B.R. 2: 28 Forlisson, John, and Anne Mool G.B.R. S:193 Fort, Abraham, and Eva Benneway M.B. 41:158 SUPPLEMENT TO MARRIAGE LICENSES 21 1704 •Tuly 20 IT." 2 -56 IToS Aug. .18 1T5G Jan. 7 1(;84 Aug. 2 1T,"G May 14 1702 Ap. 25 1G93 Ap. 28 1705 May 23 1705 Aug. 20 1704 June ; 8 1694 Oct. 21 1695 Nov. 27 1702 July 29 1092 Sep. 12 1756 May 20 1699 July 1781 Dee. 18 1756 May 10 1692 Nov. 19 1703 Ap. 17 1753 Jan. 2 1773 Aug. 26 1 705 Sep. 3 1753 Mar. -Q 1703 Nov. f> 1704 Ap. 10 1752- 56 1752- 56 1703 Oct. 18 1695 June2S 1758 Aug. 12 1756 Mac>' 6 1693 Oct. 18 1701 Oct. 12 1693 June 20 1705 May 1 • ■ H Jan. 7 i6 Ap. 13 ;9 Nov. 30 'S May 4 >. Oct. 27 ■■■'3 July 6 Foster, John, and Altic Oornelise G.B.R. 2: 26 Founten, Antiuy, and hannah Garrison CM. 82: 62 Founten, Sarah, and Daniel McSwain M.B. 41:217 Foy, John, and Mary Van Pelt M.B. 41: 71 Francis, William, and .Tanacay Arens CM. 34: 28 Frederick, Elsie, and Boudawyn Le Coute I'^.B. 41:127 Fredricks, Isaac, %ind Hester Van Fleck t ( .B.R. 3:195 Fredricksen, Kathrine, and John Wicken G.B.R. 2:142 Freebiody, John, and Sarah Fleet G.B.R. 2: 27 Freeman, Bemardus. and Margrieta V. Schayck G.B.R. 2: 28 French, John, and Katheriue Benson G.B.R. 2: 26 French, John, and Mary White G.B.R. 3: 92 Fromanteel, Ann, and Francis Chappell G.B.R. 3: 93 Frost, Hannah, and John Cooper ' G.B.R. 3:195 Frost, Mary, and John Hendiickson G.B.R. 4: 32 FuUard, Thomas, and Margaret Douglass M.B. 41:130 Funeile, Benjn, and Anna Du Boy G.B.R. 2:142 Furman, Polly, and Robert Parsell M.B. 34: 93 Gale, John Juur, and Ann Jones M.B. 41:123 G^Uais, Mary, and Stephen Vallou G.B.R. 2:141 Gallutton. Anne, and Thomas Allison G.B.R. 1: 13 Gano, John, and Mary McBride M.B. 41: 37 Gant, Peter, and Mary Pontine M.B. 21: 86 Gardener, John, and Elizabeth Gast name illegible) G.B.R. 2: 28 Gardiner, Raehael. and Jacob Van Woort M.B. 41: 13 Garreau. Jean, and Marie Audere G.B.R. 2: 25 Garretsou. Ryert. and Gerthryt Lemsen G.B.R. 2: 26 Gan'ison, Cristifer, and Phebe Vanderbilt C.M. 82: 62 Garrison, Hannah, and Antiny Founten CM. 82: 62 Gandiueau, Hellena. and .Tames Desbrosscs G.B.R. 2: 25 Gaultier, Joanna, and John Blanchard G.B.R. 3: 92 Geraud, Mary, and John Martin M.B. 41:211 Gereau, Mary, and Robert Cobham M.B. 41:122 Geritse. Elizth, and John Anthony G.B.R. 2:142 Gerreto. Nieltje, and Barent Staats G.B.R. 2:142 Gerritse, Hannah, and John Peterson G.B.R. 2:142 Gettes, Paul, and Mercy Flam G.B.R* 2: 27 Gettike, Conradus, and-Anna Van Aps G.B.R. 2: 26 Gibb, .Vndrew, and Mrs Hannah Smith G.B.R. 3: 93 GIffing, William, and Mary Hutton M.B. 28:1.53 Gilbert, George, and Jane Campell G.B.R. 3:193 Gilbert, John, and Cornelia Allison G.B.R. 2: 25 Giles, Thomas, and Engeltie Davies G.B.R. 3: 93 22 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Gillam, Phebe, and William Peek M.B. 41:176 Gindett, John, and Mary Vincent G.B.R. 3:194 Gi.zebert, Elizabetli, and Adam Carille (or Laville) G leave, Richard, and Han Philip Glen, Anne, and Eichd. Hunt Glenn, Margaret, and Richard Burt Glenrosse, William, and Eliza Clarke Gleve, Hester, and John Charleton Glover, Maryland Jeremiah King Godfrey, Elizabeth, and James Bolen Godfi-ey, Sarah, and Thomas Daniel Goes, Isaac, and Catherina Van Duersen Goes, Lfouris, and Catharine HofEman Goff, Eleanor, and William Davison Gore, Dorothy, and Richard Yaresly Gorne, John, and Mary Harris Goscott, Zachariah, and Mai-grett Bend Gouverneur, Isaac, and Sarah Staats Governeur, Abraham, and Mary Milborne Graham, Augustine, and Jane Chiswell Graham, Isabella, and Lewis MoiTis Graham, James, and Elizabeth Windebank Graham, Mary, and John Oorbett Graham, Mrs Sarah, and Robert Hooper Grant, William, and Rachell Hardenbrook Grasset, Hesther, and Louis Dubois Graves, Deliverance, and Walter Taylor Green, Elizabeth, and Peter Kiiij; Green, Richard, and Catherine Bradt Greenfeild, Richard, and Mai-y Williams Greenham, Michael, and Mary Davis Greg, Robert, and Leena Mourits Grehams, John, and Esther Young Grice, John, and Deborah Hadlock GriflSn, Rebecca, and Edward Stevenson Groenendyke, Johannes, and Delia Childers Groesbeek, David, Junr., and Catharin Vader Groves, Andrew, and Jane Boyle Grudine, Peter, and Ebel Smith Gunter, Mary, and Thomas Ralph Gunthorpe, Jane, and Thomas Hughes 1761 Jan. 24 Habbot, John, and Mary McDougall 1705 JuneSO Hading, Johanne. and Bemardns Smi+h 17ri3 Jan. :'.l Hadley, Martha, and Samuel Merryman 1758 July 8 1700 Ap. 27 1700 Ap. 27 ^ 1699 Aug. 15 1705 Sep. 1 1697 Oct. 18 1703 June 23 1705 Jan. 8 1698 Dec. 12 1699 Mar. 14 1705 Feb. 27 1753 Mar. 27 1764 Nov. 22 1699 Feb. 25 1694 Oct. 23 1701 Ap. 1 1703 Nov. 18 1704 June 22 1699 May 16 1703 Ap. 8 1691 Nov. 3 1684 July 18 1703 Dec. 14 1701 Aug. 16 1704 Nov. 1 1696 Aug. 28 1697 Sep. 24 1697 Oct. 29 1758 Aug. 21 1704 Nov. 13 1693 Ap. 14 1694 Dec. 13 1759 Sep. 25 1702 Nov. 20 1756 Ap. 23 1694 Sep. 18 1752 Dec. 1 1698 Feb. 8 1752-56 1703 Oct. 10 1704 Jan, 20 G.B.R. 3:194 G.B.R. 2:142 G.B.R. 2: 28 G.B.R. 3:192 G.B.R. 2: 25 G.B.R. 2: 27' G.B.R. 3:193 G.B.R. 3:193 G.B.R. 2: 27 M.B. 41: 14 M.B. 8:418 G.B.R. 3:193 G.B.R. 3: 92 G.B.R. 3:194 G.B.R. 2: 25 G.B.R. 2: 26 G.B.R. 3:193 C .B.R. 1: 13 G.B.R. 4: 31 CM. 34: 28 G.B.R. 2: 26 G.B.R. 2:142 G.B.R. 2: 27 G.B.R. 3: 93 G.B.R. 3:192 G.B.R. 3:192 M.B. 41:221 G.B.R. 2: 27 G.B.R. 2:142 G.B.R. 3: 92 M.B. 2:430 G.B.R. 1: 3 M.1B. 41:113 G.B.R. 3: 92 M.B. 41: 6 G.B.R. ^' CM. 81- • . G.B.R. 2. ^o G.B.R. 2: 26 M.B. 4: 28 G.B.R. 2: 27 M.B. 41: 55 SUPPLEMENT TO MARRIAGE LICENSES 23 1702 Nov. 20 Hadlock, Deborah, and John Grice G.B.R. 1770 Oct. 18 Ilagermau, Thomas, and Massey lloiuan SI.B. 17C5 Oct. 31 Hages, Mary, and William Costelow M.B. 1753 Feb. 5 Hagins, Mary, and Arthur Cosby M.B. 1753 Mar. 20 Haight, Mary, and John Wilson M.B. 1756 Ap. 7 Halt, Benjamin, and Ann Smith M.B. 1752 Dec. Hall, Joseph, and Hannah Beadle M.B. 1703 May 4 Hall, Richard, and Anne Evet^s G.B.R. 1756 June 4 Hall, Robert, and Catharine Vredenburgh M.B. 1758 June 13 Hall, Sarah, and Wm. Wallace M.B. 1704 Oct. 14 Hallett, Hannah, and John Washburne G.B.R. 1703 Feb. 24 Hamill, John, and Christine Rosevelt G.B.R. 1758 Aug. 29 Hamilton, Charles, and Catherine Stillwell M.B. 1756 Jan. 26 Hamilton, Mary, and James McGrath M.B. 1692 Ap. 20 Haucocic, Anna, and Thomas Shaw G.B.R. 1G98 Dec. 8 Hancock, John, and Jane Wells G.B.R. 1758 Aug. 9 Hancock, William, and Hannah Sise M.B. 1697 Ap. 5 Hanmer, Sarah, and Gabriel I.udlow G.B.R. 1703 Sep. 6 Hansant, Ekay, and Charles Beekman G.B.R. 1702 Jan. 30 Hanse, Johanes, and Sarah Deforest G.B.R. 1700 Oct. 20 Harbert, Richard, and Cornelia Hart M.B. 1096 July 10 Hardenbergh, Johannes, and Helenah Meyer G.B.R. 1609 Sep. 12 Hardenbergh, Johannus, and Cathrine Ruthse G.B.R. 1694 June 4 Hardenbergh, Mary, and W'illiam Pead G.B.R. 1705 Aug. 20 Hardenbroeck, Catherina, and Josiah Ogden G.B.R. 1704 Oct. 27 Hardenbrook, Cornelia, and John Waldron G.B.R. 1692 May 7 Hardenbrook, Mary, and David Jamison G.B.R. 1704 Nov. 1 Hardenbrook, Rachell, and William Grant G.B.R. 1701 Feb. 21 Hardenburgh, Nulie, and Jacob Tenyck G.B.R. 1701 June 21 Hardenbrugh, Peter, and Katherine Vauderpolle G.B.R. 1786 Nov. 17 Harford, Richai'd, and Dorothy Cox 1703 Oct. 30 Harley, Hannah, and Caleb Beck 1700 Feb. 14 Harmensen, Hans, and Mary V.an Dyke 169i Mac. 2^> Harmon, Elizabeth, and John Donaldson 1762 Juue28 Harps, Ileniy, and Hannah Pegrem 1705 Dec. 8 Harrington, Thomas, and Heila Johnson 1775 July 19 Harriot, Israel, and Catherine Wool 1701 Ap. 1 Harris. Mary, and John Gorne 1702 Dec. 12 Harris, Richard, and Mary Baker .1698 Oot. 30 HaiTod, Richard, and Mary Jones 1757 Nov. 28 Harsin, Garret, and Sarah Kip 1 Hart, Catharine, and Christopher Johnson .19 Harwood, George, antl Willemke ..24 Hawhurst, William, and Mary Chapman Hay, Michael, and Anne Cox L.W. G.B.R. G.B.R. G.B.R. M.B. G.B.R. M.B. G.B.R. G.B.R. G.B.R. M.B. M.B. G.B.R. M.B. M.B. 1: 3 16:221 9:343 41: 56 41: 11 41:106 41: 10 1: 13 41:138 41:155 2: 27 1: 13 41:231 41: 79 4: 32 3:193 41 :'208 3: 93 2: 25 3:1^ 3:374 3: 93 3:193 3: 92 2: 28 2: 27 4: 32 2: 27 3:194 3:194 72 2: 25 3:194 4: 31 6:211 2: 28 23:100 3:194 1: 3 3:193 1:715 41:240 3: 92 41:228 41:237 24 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1705 May 15 Hays, Sa-rah, and Francis Warne G.B.R. 17G1 Nov. 30 Ilayt, Moses, and Charity Soper M.B. 1705 Dec. 8 Hazareth, Elizabeth, and John CJornelison G.B.R. 1756 May 15 Heady, Sarah, and Joseph Cornwell (or Gornnell) M.B. 1753 Mar. 15 Heaviland, Phoebe, and John Williams M.B. 1702 Nov. 27 Pleerman, John, and Sarah Shrieve G.B.R. 1761 May 26 Heermans, Hcniy, and Ann Stoutenbergh M.B. 1606 Jan. 19 Hendricke, Perkie, and Peter Billian G.B.R. 1703 Feb. 27 Hendricks, xingell, and Lubert Jansen Blerkome G.B.R. 1695 June 4 Hendricksen, Volckert, and Elizabeth Paulus G.B.R. 1692 Sep. 12 Hendriekson, John, and Mary Frost G.B.R. 1782 Feb. 2 Henly, John, and Elizabeth Allen M.B. 1684 Jan. 1 Henry, Ann, and Joseph Wright G.B.R. 1696 Feb. 17 Henry, Elizth, and David Yyland G.B.R. 1686-S7 Jan.21 Henry, Samuell, and Ann Cobbitt L.W. 1756 May 1 Herriman, Stephen, and Martha Denton M.B. 170S July 21 Heus, Thomas, and Sarah Ix)yd G.B.R. 1695 Sep. 16 Hewett, James, and Mary Dykeman G.B.R. 1760 Jan. 22 Heyer, Mathias, and Maria Shefer M.B. 1704 Ap. 19 Heymer, John, and Dorothy Leigh G.B.R. 1705 Nov. 16 Hiatt, Margaret, and William Ford G.B.R. 1703 Feb. 3 Hickman, Robert, and Susannah De Haeese G.B.R. 1758 Aug. 18 Higbie, Mary, and Michael Murphy M.B. 1758 July 22 Higby, Jonas, and Sarah Davis M.B. 1780 Dec. 9 Hillery, Regnal, and Mai-y Boice M.B. 1696 July 2 Hiuchman, Sarah, and James Clement G.B.R. 1695 Aug. 24 Hinchman, Sarah, and Thomas Willet G.B.R. 1761 July 30 Hinton, Phebe, and Thomas Seaman M.B. 1704 Ap. 26 Hoar, Anthony, and John [Joan] Huyco G.B.R. 1758 July 10 Hoese, Jannetje, and Harman Pruyn M.B. 1702 Nov. 17 Hollo way, William, and Elizabeth Holyday G.B.R. 1758 June29 Holmes, Ann, and Edward Prine M.B. 1704 Oct. 16 Holmes, Anne, and Peter Peixjyne G.B.R. 16'J6 Aug. 28 Holmes, Katherine, and George Revedly G.B.R. 1694 Ap. 20 Hoist, Hannah, and Richard Pateslial G.B.R. 1705 Nov. 5 Holsworth, Mary, and Thomas Huttall G.B.R. 1705 May 25 . Holt, Elizabeth, and Pien-e Dant G.B.R. 1702 Nov. 17 Htolyda.y, Elizabeth, and William Holloway G.B.R. 1694 Oct. 6 Ilonau, Daniel, and Sarah Jones G.B.R. 1688 Feb. 7 Honey, Ann, and Samuel Lipis G.B.R. 1696 June 2 Hood, Jaspar, and Kathrine Anderson G.B.R. 1706 Jan. 16 I loogland, Johannes, and Jan nit ie Tier G.B.R. 1696 Feb. 15 Ilooglandt, Christopher, and Sarah DeWitt G.B.R. 1753 Mar. 29 Ilooiwey, Peter Junr., and Mary Youu^^ M.B. 1756 Ap. 20 Hooper, Abraham, and Rebecca Duyclanan M.B. 2: 27 5:257 2: 28 41:128 41: 66 1: 3 4:207 3: 93 1: 13 3: 92 4: 32 35: 42 3: 91 3: 93 86 41:118 2: 25 3: 92 3: 2 2: 26 2: 28 1: 13 41:219 41:193 30:146 3: 93 3: C2 5: 17 2: 26 41:180 1: 3 41:170 2: 27 3: 93 3: 91 2: 28 2: 27 1: 3 3: 92 3:193 3: 93 41: 41:' SUPPLEMENT TO MARRIAGE LICENSES 25 1701 Aug. 16 Hooper, Robert, and Mrs Sarah Graham 1696 Nov. 10 Uoorne, Ann', and William Pruden 1693 June 7 Hope, John, and Isabel Allin 1698 July 5 Hopper, John, and Margaret Tiudell 1758 Aug. 4 Hopper, John, and Sophia Read 175S Aug. 26 Horrenbrook, Mary, and David Morrishor 1758 June 10 Howien, Oliver, and Elenor Welch 1695 Dec. 24 Hues^tis, Abigail, and Josiah Hunt, Jr., 1762 June 28 HufiF, Wyntje, and Abraham Crouk 1703 Dec. 13 Huggeu, William, and Raechall Burroughs 1704 Jan. 20 Hughes, Thomas,. and Jane Gunthorpe 1709 May 2 Hulgrave, Eve, and John Sunsarke 1696 June 30 Hulgrow, George, and Eva Burger 1696 June 12 Ilulin, ft'raueis, and Susanna Nicholas 1696 July Hull, Hannah, and William Barton 1703 Oct. 20 Himderbeek, Abnaliam, and Martha Woodett 1703 Nov. 22 Hunirk, Aleda, and Charles Smith 1698 July 27 Hunt, Eleanor, and Henry Coleman 1695 Dec. 24 Hunt, Josiah, Jr., and Abigail Huestis 1697 Dec. 20 Hunt, Josiah, Jun., and Batthia fEerguson 1683 Nov. 22 Hunt, Marj-, and Matthew I'ugsley 1705 Sep. 1 Hunt, Richd, and Anne Glen 1703 Nov. 3 Huntrick, Matthew Leana, and Abraham Lanseing 1755 Juue30 Hutchinson, Judah, and James Alexander 1697 Oct. 29 Hutson, Hannah, and Israel Ward 1705 Nov. 5 Huttall, Thomas, and Mary Holsworth 1703 Dec. 9 Huttkins, John, and Elizabeth Buckley 1695 Oct. 28 Hutton, John, and Katrine Straugnish 1703 Aug. 26 Huybliugh, Ooeuradt, and Deborah Beeck 1704 Ap. 26 Huyco, John [Joan], and Anthony Hoar 1758 Aug. 12 Hyatt, Mary, and Joseph Tomkins 1703 Ap. 12 Hyndes, Christine, and John Allison 1758 July 20 Innes, Elizabeth, and John Wingfield 1750 "^an. 3 Inslaer, Lodowick, and Lenah Bogharl 1756 I<'cb. 2 Jackson, John, and Charity Ti-edwell 1695 Nov. 6 Jacobs, Anna, and Thomas Lynch 1695 July 24 Jacobs, Jannetie, and Caspar Springsten 1705 Ap. 10 Jacobs, Neil lie. and Evert Van Hook 1756 Feb. 27 Jacocks, Francis, and Mary Willsey 1696 Aug. 31 Jaman, Henry, and Jane Barber 1758 Jiuii»14 James, Elizabeth, and Charles Moore 1692 May 7 Jamison, David, and Marj- Hardonbrook 1705 Mar. 20 Jamison, James, and Beetie Upton 1703 Jan. 16 Jamisson. i>iv,,i Mn.i r.ihfM.M. Nteech G.B.R. 2:142 G.B.R. 3: 93 G.B.R. 2:142 G.B.R. 3:193 M.B. 41:201 M.B. 41:230 M.B 41:151 G.B.R. 3: 93 M.B. 6:207 G.B.R. 2: 26 G.B.R. 2: 26 G.B.R. 1: 13 G.B.R. 3: 93 G.B.R. 3: 93 G.B.R. 3: 93 G.B.R. 2: 25 G.B.R. 2: 25 G.B.R. 3:193 G.B.R. 3: 93 G.B.R. 3:102 G.R. 6: 73 G.B.R. 2: 28 iseing G.B.R. 2: 25 M.B. 41:173 G.B.R. 3:192 G.B.R. 2: 28 G.B.R. 2: 26 G.B.R. 3: 92 G.B.R. 2: 25 G.B.R. 2: 26 M.B. 41:210 G.B.R. 1: 13 M.B. 41:190 M.B. 41: 69 M.B. 41: 84 G.B.R. 3: 92 G.B.R. 3: 92 G.B.R. 2: 27 M.B. 41: 90 G.B.R. 3: 93 M.B. 41:l.-.6 G.B.R. 4: 32 G.B.R. 2: 27 G n K 1- ? 26 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1780 Oct. 30 17fi4 Spp. 16 1104 July 29 1705 June 20 1097 Oct. 27 1696 Aug, .11 1688 Ap. 17 1769 Dee. , 13 1752 Dec. 14 1758 Sep. 1 1098 July 4 1705 Dec. 8 1704 Jan. 11 1703 Sep. 3 1758 June 13 1756 May 10 1778 July 20 1758 July 28 1705 Sep. 29 1698 Oct. 30 1094 Oct. 6 1752-56 1752-56 1G91 Oct. 20 1703 Jan. 8 1703 Oct. 10 1758 July 19 1758 July 15 1703 July 12 1693 Ap. 10 1092 Ap. 17 1758 June 21 1704 Jan. 18 1771 Oct. 30 1092 Dec. 16 1700 Ap. 8 1703 •Nov. 4 1091 May 16 1093 Sep. 27 1703 Junell 1703 Sep. 2 1098 Dec. 12 1756 May 22 1C97 Oct. 29 Janes, Mary, and Henry Hallock M.B Jansen, Ck)rnelise, and Margerett Van Noostrandt Jansen, Hendrick, and Mary Brown Jarrett, Allaue, and Hannah Moore Jay, Augustus, and Ann Mary Bayard Jeno way, William, and Mrs Agnetie De Meyer G.B.K Jewell, George, and Susanna Pangburne Johnsline. John, and Ann Gibson Johnson, Archibald, and Jane Withers Johnson, Christopher, and Gatharine Hart Johnson, Cornelia, and Thomas Allison Johnson, Heila, and Thomas Harrington Johnson. Johannes, and Hanna Clottworthy Johnson, John, and Hannafan Swancnburgh Johnson, Maria, and Isaac Slover Jones, Ann, and John Gale Jones, Ann Springall, and Henry Davies Jones, Daniel, and Ann Robinson Jones, Elizabeth, and Robert Colsen Jones, Mary, and Richard Harrod Jones, Sarah, and Daniel Honan Jonge, Eve, and Thomas Merril Jonge, Mary, and John Vanpelt Jordanie, Henry, and Elizabeth Woodrofe Journey, John, and Elizabeth DeYou Jusell, John, and ffrancis Champion Kaho, Edward, and Margaret Dalton Kelly, Edward, and Annatje Emotts Kelly, John, and Margaret flfrench Boron Kemble, Henry, and Catharine Baker Kennedy, Elizabeth, and James Collins Kerbyle, Mary C, and Stephen Grosfield Kerfbyl, John, and Margaret Provoste Keteltas, Garret, and Charity Nicoll Ketteltas, Abraham, and Antie Boelen Kettletas, Margaret, and Paul aiourice Kidd, Sarah, and Christopher Konsly Kidd, Capt. William, and Sarah Oort Kierstead, Ariaentie, and Dirck Adolph KJersteade, Jacobus, and Eliza Lawrene Kiersted, Cornelius, and Sarah Elsworth King, Jeremiah, and Mary Glover King, Mary, and John Sulevane King, Peter, and Elizabeth Green 30: 85 G.B.R. 2: 26 G.B.R. 2: ^0 G.B.R. 2: 27 G.B.R. 3:192 G.B.K. 3: 93 L.W. 10.-. M.B. 15:122 M.B. 41: 26 M.B. 41:240 G.B.R. 3:193 G.B.R. 2: 28 G.B.R. 2: 26 G.B.R. 2: 25 MB. 41:154 MB. 41:123 M.B. 25:135 M.B. 41:194 G.B.R. 2: 28 G.B.R. 3:193 G.B.R. 3: 92 CM. 82: 62 CM. 82: 62 G.B.R. 4: 31 G.B.R. 1: 3 G.B.R. 2: 25 M.B. 41:189 M.B. 41:187 G.B.R. 2: 25 G.B.R. 2:142 G.B.R. 4: 32 M.B. 41:104 G.B.R. 2: 26 M.B. 17:2,':;3 G.B.R. 2:141 G.B.R. 2: 2S G.B.R. 2: 25 G.B.R. 4: 31 G.B.R. 2:142 G.B.R. 2: 25 G.B.R. 2: 25 G.B.R. 3:193 M.B. 41:133 G.B.R. 3:19:: SUPPLEMENT TO MARRIAGE LICENSES 27 1756 June 3 1703 Nov. 8 1701 May 9 1697 Jan. 26 1690 June 8 1704 Dec. 4 1705 Oct. 3 1702 Ap. 22 1705 Oct. 3 1695 Sep. 30 1700 Ap. 26 168G Oct. 27 1691 Aug. 11 1703 Nov. 4 1758 July 13 1703 Sep. 10 1752-66 1703 Ap. 17 1703 July 6 1752-56 1693 Jan. 18 1753 Ap. 5 1696 Nov. 11 1695 June 19 1756 May 20 1699 Dec. 29 1758 Aug. 31 1706 Feb. 27 1702 Ap. 25 1703 Nov. 3 1704 Sep^ 7 1703 May 20 1C04 Nov. 2 1691 Aug. 22 1608 Feb. 7 1752-56 1700 Ap. 27 1095 A p. 10 1690 May 1 1703 June 11 1753 Jan. 20 3:194 3: 93 3: 94 2\ 27 2: 28 3:194 Kingsland, David, and Ann Corsen M.B. 41:137 Kingsland, Edmund, and Mary Pinnhorne G.B.R. 2: 25 Kingston, John, and Dorothy Sandige G.B.R. Kip, Abraham, and Kathalina Van Vlecq G.B.R. Kip, Henricu.s, and Magdalen van Vlecque G.B.R. Kip, Jacobus, and Catalina D'Hart G.B.R. Kip, Margrieta, and Samuel Kip G.B.R. Kip, Petrus, and Emeltie Van Deyclce G.B.R. Kip, Samuel, and Margrieta Kip G.B.R. 2: 28 Kipp, Jesse, and Mary Stevens G.B.R. 3: 92 Kipp, Magdelena, and Alexander Baird G.B.R. 3:194 Kittle, Jeremy, and Katherine Clare, both of Ulster Co. L.W. 63 Konning, Elizabeth, and Huybert Arentse G.B.R. 4: 31 Konsly, Christopher, and Sarah Kidd G.B.R. 2: 25 Kortright, Helena, and Abraham Brasher M.B. 41:184 Kyarse, Helena, and John Oky G.B.R. 2: 25 Lack, Mary, and Need Bate CM. 82; Laconte, William, and Margaret Maho<> G.B.R. 1: Lafon, John, and Mary Dubois G.B.R. 2: Laforge, Adrayon, and Elizerbeth Moor CM. 82; Lafort, Marcus, and Hester Richards G.B.R. 2; Lagrandie, Geesie, and Johannes Luke M.B. 41; liambert, Edward, and Jane Dow^ning G.B.R. 3; Damberts, Martinus, and Catrina van Newenhuyseu G.B.R. 3 Lainbertson, Elenor, and Thomas Maddox M.B. 41; Lance, Eliz., and John Mayson G.B.R. 3: Land, Anne, and David Aug. Roche M.B. 41: Lane, Adrien, and Jannitie Van Seckler G.B.R. 2; T-angs'taffe, Moses, and Mary Sidman G.B.R. 3; Lauseing, Abraham, and MattheAv Leana Huntrick G.B.R. 2: Lansen, John, and Loana Saunders CJ.B.R. 2: Lansing, Isaac, and Jaueke Beekeman C.E.R. Larkin, Katharine, and Lancaster Simms G.B.R. Larkon, James, and Katherine DeHart G.B.R. Latham, Joseph, and Jane Singleton G.B.R. Latorat, Peter, and CM. 82 T/aville (or Carille), Adam, and Elizabeth Gizebert G.B.R. 3 Law, Andrew, and Cornelia Dischington G.B.R. 3 Lawrence, Eleanor, and Lawrence Barnes Deeds 8 Lawrence, Eliza, and Jacobus Kiersteade G.B.R. 2: Lawrence, Hannah, and Jacob Bound M.B. 41: 62 13 25 62 141 20 : 93 : 92 :132 :193 :235 : 28 :195 ; 25 : 26 : 13 ; 92 ; 31 193 : 62 :194 92 244 25 44 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY ir.9G Ap. 6 17;jo Jan. 3 1G99 Sep. 24 1705 Jan. 12 1753 Jan. 22 lt)02 Nov. 9 106 4-5 .Mar.4 1G99 Dec. 1(592 June 27 175G May 14 175G Jan. 9 1705 Nov. 10 1G94 May 10 1702 Jan. 26 1758 June 19 1753 Mar. 17 1758 Aug. 11 1704 Ap. 19 1687 June 24 1094 Nov. 26 1699 Dec. IG 1704 Ap. 10 1702 Oct. 27 1703 July 12 1704 Nov. 9 1703 Ap. 12 1G96 Feb. 15 1695 Sep. 16 1758 Aug. 17 1G94 June 22 1758 June 28 1()94 Nov. 26 169i Jan. 6 1697 Dec. 8 1698 Feb. 7 1705 Feb. 1 1705 Nov. 2 1758 June 6 1758 June 6 1696 July 26 1697 Dec. 30 1703 Aufr. 9 1692 Ap. 22 1691 Nov. 22 1694 Ap. 16 Lawrence, John, and Janetie Stevenson G.B.R. 3: 93 Ivawrence, Mary, and Talnian Waters M.B. 41: 25 Lawrence, Richard, and Charity Gierke G.B.R. 2:142 Lawrence, Sarah, and James Tillett G.B.R. 2: 27 Lawrence, Silas, and Margret Burns M.B. 41: 46 Lawrence, Thomas, and Mary Ferguson G.B.R. 4: 32 Lawrence, William, and Elizabeth Smith G.E. 1: 98 Lawrier, Christian, and Mary Bunt G.B.R. 3:193 Le Chavelier, Jean, and Marie De La Plaine G.B.R. 4: 32 Le Conte, Bouwdawyn, and Elsie Frederick M.B. 41:127 Le Conte, John Junr., and Catharine Van Home M.B. 41: 72 Lee, Mattee, and Thomas Roger G.B.R. 2: 28 Leeson, Mary, and John Clatworthy G.B.R. 3: 92 Lefeurt, Bartholomew, and Magdalen Peirott G.B.R. 3: 19 Lefferts, Cath., and Peter Luister M.B. 41:159 Leffertse, Catrintia, and Nicholas Wyckoff M.B. 41: 21 I.eggett, Abraham, and Gertruy Child M.B. 41:209 Leigh, Dorothy, and John Heymer G.B.R. 2: 26 Leislaer, Sussanuah, and Michaell Vaughton L.W. 99 Leisler, Francis, and Thomas T^ewis G.B.R.^ 3: 92 Lelonor, Isaali, and Judith Waldron G.B.R, 3:193 Lemsen, Gerthryt, and Ryert Garretson G.B.R. 2: 26 Leponar, Magarett. and Thomas Davenport G.B.R. 1: 3 Lesley, John, and Ellen Bissett G.B.R. 2: 25 Lessitt, Elizabeth, and Samuel Sands G.B.R. 2: 27 Lessonby, Alkey, and John Reemer G.B.R. 1: 13 Letson, Daniel, and Helena Boedann G.B.R. 3: 93 Leuwis, Moses, and Mary Bayer G.B.R. 3: 92 Lewis, James, and Haijnah Mullenix M.B. 41:216 Lewis, Johanna, and John Van Stiydt G.B.R. 3: 92 Lewis, Joseph, and Phytie Losier M.B. 41:169 Lewis, Thomas, and Francis Leisler G.B.R. 3: 92 Lightfoott, Mrs Anna, and John Tasher G.B.R. 4: 31 Lipet, Moses, and Sarah Throgmartin. G.B.R. 3:192 Lipis, Samuel, and Ann Honey G.B.R. 3:193 Lisponar, Abigail, and Adry Beekman G.B.R. 2': 27 I>i.sponard, Anthonj^ and Elizabeth De Klyen G.B.R. 2: 28 Livingston, Margaret, and Peter R. Livingston M.B. 41:147 Livingston, Peter R., and Margaret Livingston M.B. 41:147 IJviugstone, Robt. Junr., and Margaret Schuyler G.B.R." 3: 94 Lloyd, Kathrine, and George Williams G.B.R. 3:193 Longfield, Mary, and Octave Ooenraats G.B.R. 2: 25 Lookingglasse, Mary, and John Finlison G.B.R. 4: 32 Lord, Mary, .and Thomas Carhart G.B.R. 4. 31 Lorir3 Jan. 31 Merryman, Samuel, and Martha Hadloy M.B. 41: i>5 1752 Dec. 20 Mersereau, Joshua, and Abigail Brown M.B. 41:32 1756 Mar. 17 Mersereau, Paul, and PYances Marshall M.B. 41: 95 1758 Aug. 4 Merven, Hannah, and Epenetus Piatt M.B. 41:200 1778 Jan. 28 Mery, Pierre, and Catherine Ledner M.B. 25: 13 1758 July 15 Mesereau, Mary, and Simon Van Name M.B. 41:186 17»XJ Jan. :m Messelaer, Abraham, and Agenietie Staats G.B.R. 2: 28 1693 Mar. 20 Meybi, Caithrina, and John Van Hoorn G.B.R. 2:142 SUPPLEMENT TO MARRIAGE LICENSES 31 1702 July 29 ir.!)G July 10 1704 Dec. 15 1701 May 23 17(>4 Sop. 20 1G96 Aug. 8 1698 Oct. 25 1700 Ap. 27 1700 Ap. 18 1097 Sep. 23 1753 Jan. 27 1702 Ap. SO 1758 June 15 1099 May 16 1704 May 4 1750 Jan. 6 1704 Feb. 1 1695 Jan. 31 1704 Oct. 18 1756 Jan. 6 1690 May 6 1705 Oct. 6 1756 June ; 2 1756 Jan. 27 1702 Dec. 28 1703 Nov. 1 1703 Oct. 19 1704 Dec. 8 1698 May 26 1705 Feb. 28 1752- 56 1758 June 30 1753 Feb. 9 1756 M^. 25 1702 Dec. 22 1099 July 5 1752- 56 1758 .Tune 14 1696 Oct. 15 1705 June20 1756 Ap. 17 1696 Sep. 8 1694 Jan. 11 1758 June 27 1752- -56 Meyer, Ann, and James Cebra G.B.R. 3:195 Meyer, Ilelenah, and Johaune.s Hardenbergb G.B.K. 3: 93 Meyer, Ide, and Anna Bavcustein G.B.R. 2: 27 Meyer, Jenitle, and Abraham Provoost G.B.R. 3:194 Meyer, John, and Darah De Foreest G.B.R. 2: 27 Meyer, Katherine, and Zachariah Weeks G.B.R. 3: 93 Meyers. Elsey, and Barnardus Smith G.B.R. 3:193 Meyers, Katbarine, and John Yeet G.B.R. 3:194 Meyers, Marytie, and Hendrickes Vander Ileule G.B.R. 3:194 Meynderts, Neeltie, and Hendryek Dow G.B.R. 3:192 Michaels, Cornelius, and Catharine Robinson M.B. 41: 52 Michell, Elizabeth, and John Eaton G.B.R. 3:195 Michelsen, Hendriek, and Margaret Wilse M.B. 41:157 Milborne, Mary, and Abraham Govemeur G.B.R. 3:193 Milldrum, John, and Femmetie Van Bourseu G.B.R. 2: 26 Miller, Dorothy, and Jonathan Mills M.B. 41: 70 Miller, Jerusia, and John Wickham G.B.R. 2: 26 Miller, Paul, and Antie van der Heyden G.B.R. 3: 92 Miller, William, and Geertrey Springsteen G.B.R. 2: 27 Mills, Jonathan, and Dorothy Miller M.B. 41: 70 Milton, Christian, and John Corbitt G.B.R. 3:193 Ming, Thomas, and Mary Vorekinson G.B.R. 2: 28 Minthorne, Frances, and Paulus Banta M.B. 41:130 Minthorne, Hilah, and Abraham Cock M.B. 41: 80 Minviel, John James, and Susanne Papin G.B.R. 1: 3 Mole, Jacobus, and Lydia Winne G.B.R. 2: 25 Mole, Mary, and James Nicholas G.B.R. 2: 25 Moll, Angletie, and Mydar Stone G.B.R. 2: 27 Moll, Ariaentie, and Lewin Dewind G.B.R. 3:193 Mompesson, Roger, and Martha Sinhorn G.B.R. 2: 28 Mongal, Fiankea, and Jacob MosharoAv CM. 82: 62 Montanic, Sarah, and Robert Fiuley M.B. 41:171 Montanye, Martha, and Abraham Alner M.B. 41: 64 Montfort, Ann, and Daniel Brinekerhoff M.B. 41:100 Monvielle, Susanna, and William Smith G.B.R. 1: 3 Mool, Anne, and John Eforlisson G.B.R. 3:193 Moor, Elizerbeth, and Adrayou Laforge CM. 82: 62 Moore, Charles, and Elizabeth James M.B. 41:156 Moore, Frances, and Philip Dodridg G.B.R. 3: 93 Moore, Hannah, a nd-Allane Jarrett G.B.R. 2:27 Moore, Heury, and Neeltie Ploughman M.B. 41:109 Moore, John, and Elizabeth Cheek G.B.R. 3: 93 More, Richard, and Rebecca Baily G.B.R. 3: 91 Morey. John, and Mary Williams M.B. 41:168 Morgan, John, and Elisebeth Priue CM. 82: 62 Nl-nv YOliK l~V>'.i Mar. 22 1G91 Nov. 3 1695 June 1 1752-56 1752-5G 1()98 Jan. 13 1753 Feb. 20 1701 Oct. 27 1750 Feb. 21 1706 Mar. 5 169G Oct. 1-1 1706 A IX 8 1094 Dec. 13 1G92 Sep. 6 1758 Aug. 17 17(h-) May 21 1 758 Aug. 18 1 758 Aug. 26 1704 Ap. 20 1704 Jan. 25 1758 Aug. 22 1756 Ap. 2 1764 Ap. .17 1753 Feb. 19 1750 1702 1758 1753 1700 1758 1703 1096 1702 1705 1(;96 1756 1704 1758 Kills 1758 1702 1758 Mar. 4 Dec. 28 June 8 Mar. 29 Feb. 14 Aug. 29 Oct. 19 June 12 Dec. 24 Dec. 28 Nov. 21 Ap. 5 Ap. 14 Aug. 21 Feb. 20 Aug. 18 May 14 Aug, 5 1756 Jan. 24 1705 Sep. 15 1758 Mar. 28 Morris, Isaac, and Mary Puntine Morris, Lewis, and Isabella Ciraham Morton, Barbarj', and John Fisher Mosharow, Jacob, and Fiankea Mongal Mosharow, Josharaw, and Mosston, Judith, and Robert Edwards Mott, Elizabeth, and Samuel Smith Mott, Grace, and Joseph Bettts Mott, Hannah, and Nathaniel Ogden Mott, Mary, and Solomon Simmons Mott, Rigebell, and Elizabeth Thome Mourlce, Paul, and Margaret Kettletas Mourits, Leena, and Robert Greg Moyon, William, and Mary Pordrian Mullenix, Hannah, and James Lewis Murdock, Peter, and Jane Marring ton Murphy, Michael, and Mary Higbie Murrishor, David, and Mary Hon-enbmok Myer, Cornelia, and Cornelius Timber Myer, Elsie, and Evert Duyckink Myer, John, and Amey Roe Myer, Susannah, and Isaac Vermilya Myers, Harmanus, and Rachel Hardenbergh Myers, Susannah, and Peter Bussing Nag-le [Nagel], Hendrick, and Anna Ruffee Nedrj', John, and Jane Allen Needham, John, and Catharine Cole Neitherway,*Ann, and Jonathan Wieks Nesbett, Robert, and Susanna Stevens Nevin, James, and Susannah Wilsey Nicholas, James, and :\Iary Mole Nicholas, Susanna, and ffrancis Hulin Nicholas, Susanne, and Robt. Daniell Nichols, Mary, and Rol)ert Watts Nieolls, Margarett, and Josiah Robinson Noble, Thomas, and Catharine Borright Noell, Hannah, and Charles Wooley Northup, Joseph, and Elenor McDugal Norwood, Benjamin, and Cornelia Van Clyff Norwood, Richard, and Deborah Shadwick Notingham, Wm., and Margaret Rutsen Nutt, Ann, and Edward Price Oakes, Sarah, and Samuel Lowdon Oakley, Thomas, and Mary Burroughs Odell, Charity, and Daniel Dean 12 31 92 62 02 M.B. 41 G.B.R. 4 G.B.R. 3 CM. 82 CM. 82 G.B.R. 3:193 M.B. 41: 62 G.B.R. 3:194 M.B. 41: 88 G.B.K. 2: 28 G.B.R. G.B.R. G.B.R. G.B.R. M.B. 41:216 G.B.R. 2: 27 M.B. 41:219 M.B. 41:230 G.B.R. 2: 26 G.B.R. 2: 26 M.B. 41:225 M.B. 41:102 M.B. 8:158 M.B. 41: 58 3: 93 2: 28 3: 92 4: 32 M.B. G.B.R. MB. M.B. G.B.R. M.B. G.B.R. G.B.R. G.B.R. G.B.R. G.B.R. M.B. G.B.R. M.B. G.B.R. M.B G.B.R, M.B. 41: 93 1: 3 41:1^8 41: 17 3:194 41 :232 2: 25 . 3: 93 . 1: 3 . 2: 28 . 3: 93 41:104 2: 26 41:223 2:142 41:218 3:195 41:203 M.B. G.B.R. M.B. 41: 78 2: 28 41:145 SUPPLEMENT TO MARRIAGE LICENSES 33 lOSO Oct. 7 Odcll, Sarah, and John Archrr of Westcher L.W. 67 lTUr> Aug. 20 Ogden, Josiah, and Cathe^na Ilardenbroock G.B.R. 2: 28 1750 Feb. 21 Ogden, Nathaniel, and Hannah Mott M.B. 41: 88 1704 Oct. 9 Ogleby, John, and Hannah ElLson G.B.R. 2: 27 1703 bep. 10 Oky, John, and Helena Kyarse G.B.R. 2: 25 1704 Nov. 7 Oliver, Charles, and Margarott Schnyler G.B.R. 2: 27 1705 Nov. 28 Oliver, John, and Katherine Peterson G.B.R. 2: 28 1097 Sep. 17 Olpherts, Suert, and Hilleke Pieters G.B.R. r.:192 1701 Nov. 10 Olpherts, Suert, and Janeko Snedeker G.B.R. 3:194 1771 Nov. 22 Onderdonck, Adreyoan, and Nelly Snedeker M.B. 17:202 1756 Mar, 2 O'Neil, Mary, and Thomas Salter M.B. 41: 92 1091 May 16 Oort, Sarah, and Capt. William Kidd G.B.R. 4: 31 1702 Dec. 17 Osborn, Samuel, and Katherine Pullion G.B.R. 1: 3 1098 Dee. 12 Osborn, WiUiam, and Elizabeth Way G.B.R. 3:193 1092 Oct. 3 Osburne, Elizabeth, and Jacob Ware G.B.R. 4: 32 1752 Dec. 4 Ostrander, Abra,ham, and Elizabeth Ostrander M.B. 41: 9 1752 Dec. 4 Ostrander, :^lizabeth, and Abraham Ostrander M.B. 41: 9 1756 Mar. 29 Outhout, Jonas, and Eliz. Van Haugle M.B. 41:101 1705 June 26 Oyan, Margariet, and William Warren G.B.R. 2: 27 1759 May 10 1752 Dec. 11 1753 Mar. 10 1778 Mar. 28 16S8 Ap. 17 1098 1704 1702 ir.97 1 753 1694 1703 1095 1(;94 1702 1753 1701 1758 1702 1753 1702 1752 1094 1700 1705 Ap. 16 .Ian. 26 Dec. 28 Aug. 14 Jan. 10 Ap. 20 June 18 June 4 June 4 Mar. 23 Jan. 18 Ap. 7 July 8 Jan. 20 Feb. 19 Jan. 20 Dec. 11 Nov. 23 Sep. 17 Oct. iT Palding-, James, and Rachel Bassing Palmer, Basheba, and Thomas Pell Junr. Palmer, Bathseba, and John Thomas Juiir. Pane, John, and Wilhelmina Dunkle Pangbume, Susanna, and George Jewell of New Pantry, John, and Elizabe1:h Plinco G Pape, Thomas, and Mary Pratt G, Papin, Susanne, and John James Minviel G Parmiter, Thomas, and Margaret Smith . G Parsons, .John, and Alida Cavalier Pateshal, Richard, and Hannah Hoist Patting, Hannah, and Thomas Adams Pa ulus, Elizabeth, and Yolckeit Hendricksen Pead, William, and Marj' Hardenborgh Peaj'sall, Catherine, and Thomas Studd Peckwell, Henry, and Mary Denmark Pedley, Roger, and Sarah Thorne "Peek, William, and Phebe Gillam Peirott, Magdnlen, and Bartholomew Lefeurt G Pell, Hannah, and Daniel Stevenson Pell, Thomas, and Aeltie Beeke Pell, Thomas .Tunr. and Basheba 1 juncr Pell, William, and Eliz'th Van Teuyl Penestone, Thomas, and Elizabeth T.yster Pennistone, Thomas, and AUice Woodtn-op (5. M.B. 2 M.B. 41 M.B. 41 M.B. 25 York D.W. .B.R. .B.R. .B.R. .B.R. M.B. 41 ,B.R. 3 B.R. 2 B.R. 3 .B.R. 3 ,B.R. 3 M.B. 41 .B.R. 3 M.B. 41 •B.R. 3 M.B. 41 B.R. 3 M.B. 41 .B.R. 3 B.R. 3 .r>.R. 2 : 23 : 22 ; 55 105 ;193 : 26 : 3 :192 : 41 ; 91 ; 25 : 92 ; 92 :194 ; 43 ;194 176 194 ; 59 194 ; 23 : 92 194 2S 34 \i:\v v()i;k state librauy 1758 1704 1697 1093 1096 1699 1093 1705 1700 1098 1092 11593 1092 1091 1093 1097 1753 1097 1703 1092 1758 170i 1758 1703 lOiiS Jiine29 Oct. 10 Dec. 9 Mar. 22 Juue 3 jVIay 10 Juue 20 Nov. 28 Nov. 25 Nov. 26 Sep. 27 AU£ Dec. May Oct. Sep. Jan. Sep. Nov. May 14 Aug. 8 ISIar. 14 Aug. 4 May 6 Juno 80 15 1 7 10 17 5 17 8 1098 Ap. 10 1756 Ap. 17 1756 Ap. 23 1758 Aug. 22 1702 Feb. 1 1756 May 19 1758 Aug. 2 1692 Sep. 6 1758 July 10 1705 Nov. 12 1703 May 16 1093 Sep. 18 175S Juue 21 1704 Jan. 26 1097 Oct. 15 1758 Aug. 5 1752-56 1703 Dec. 6 1705 June 11 1752 Dec. 16 Ferine, j.awird, and Ann Holmes M.B. 41:170 Peroyne, Peter, and Anne Holmes G.B.E. 2: 27 Perrey, John, and Sarah Mallyear G.B.R. 3:192 Persions, Jane, and John Macky G.B.R. 2:142 Peters, Anna, and Johannes Ellsworth G.B.R. 3: 93 Peters, Margaret, and John Breads toad G.B.R. 3:193 Peterson, John, and Hannah Gerritse G.B.R. 2:142 Peterson, Katherine, and John Oliver G.B.R. 2: 28 Peterson, Susannah, and Robert Croaker G.B.R. 3:194 Petit, Thomas, and Cathrine Branch G.B.R. 3:193 Pey, Elianor, and Garvas Marshall G.B.R. 4: 32 Philip, Han, and Richard Gleave G.B.R. 2:142 Philips, Frederick, and Katharina Darvall G.B 1697 Sep. 24 1752 Dec. 4' 1706 Jan. 19 1699 Aug. 4 1701 Nov. 3 1696 June 9 175C June 10 Stilwell, Sarah, and Richard Crego G.B.R. 3: 93 Stimes, Jasper, and Susannah Brower M.B. 1:156 Stollard, Giles, and Elizabeth Tuder G.B.R. 3: 92 Stone, Mydar, and Angletie Moll G.B.R. 2: 27 Storm, Peter, and Catalintie Van Dyke M.B. 41:182 Stout, Abigail, and John Agnew M.B. 41:161 Stoutenburg, Annatie, and Jacobus Van Vlecli M.B. 41:142 Stoutenburgh, Catherine, and Nicholas Vanderspeigel G.B.R. 2: 26 Strangnish, Katrine, and John Hutton G.B.R. 3: 92 Stiateham, Thomas, and Altie Finn G.B.R. 2: 26 Stratton, Martha, and John Adams G.B.R. 2: 28 Streard, Alexander, and Cornelia Dishington G.B.R. 3:193 Streit, G^dfreyd, and Hannah Bown M.B. 41:198 Strickland, Mary, and Isaac Bogert M.B. 41: 94 Striker, Proebe, and John Cargill M.B. 41: 27 Sti'iugham, Mary, and J^^remiah Burrows M.B. 41: 49 Struddle, Elizabeth, and Abram Van Laer G.B.R. 1: 3 Strycker, Peter, and Margareta Schenk G.B.R. Stuart, Alexander, and Catharine Rivilie G.B.R. Studd, Thomas, and Catherine Pearsall G.B.R. Stuyvesant, Anne, and Tho. Pritchard G.B.R. 2: 27 1: 13 3:194 2: 27 3:193 1: 13 Stuyvesant, Elizabeth, and George Sydenham G.B.R. Suert, Ogrhert, and Hellegond Luyckas G.B.R. Sulvane, John, and Mary King M.B. 41:133 Suns)orke, John, and Eve Hulgrave G.B.R. 1: 13 Swanenburgh, Hannal'an, and John Johnson G.B.R. 2: 2 bwaun, Helena, and Daniel Dunscomb G.B.R. 3: 93 SAvart, Dirick, and Annatie Vandesee M.B. 41:172 Sweeny, Lawrence, and Martha McDowal M.B. 41: o2 Swei-oer, Andrew, and Elizabeth DeVore G.B.R. 2: 27 Sydenham, George, and Elizabeth Stuyvesant G.B.R. 3:193 Symonse, Henryck, and Ariaeutie Samuell G.B.R. 2:142 Tappen, Grittic, and Derrick Schepmodt G.B.R. 2: 25 Tashor, .John, and Mrs. Anna Lightfoott G.B.R. 4: 31 Taylor, Mary, and Thomas Burroughs G.B.R. 3: 93 Tayler, Walter, and Deliverance Graves G.B.R. 3:192 Taylor, William, and Wyenefried Mapack M.B. 41: 8 Teller, William, and Maria Van Pricht G.B.R. 2: 28 Ten Broeck, Effey, and Lodwyck Vander Burgh G.B.R. 2:142 Ten Broek, Christina, and Johanes Van Allen G.B.R. 3:194 Ten Broeke, Cornelia, and Johannus Wynkoop G.B.R. 3: 93 Ten Brook, Jei-emiah, and Maritie Van Alen M.B. 41:141 SUPPLEMENT TO MARRIAGE LICENSES 41 1701 July 3 17W June23 1704 Mar. 3 1701 Feb. 21 1758 July 6 1702 Ap. 25 1700 May 1705 July 19 1703 Juue IS 1694 July 9 1753 Mar. 10 1701 Juue 24 ItiOG Aug. 1 1704 Oct. 16 1705 Ap. 11 1(596 Oct. 14 1699 Aug. 29 1701 Ap. 7 1694 Jau. 1705 Juue 9 1697 Dec. 8 1691 Oct. 30 1703 Ap. 9 1703 July 6 1752 Dec. 22 1702 Oct. 26 1706 Jan. 16 1700 Feb. 14 1694 Oct. 11 1705 Jan. 12 1704 Ap. 20 1701 Aug. 7 1698 July 5 1753 Mar. 5 1699 Dec. 20 1758 Aug. 12 1706 Feb. 1 1705 Mar. 8 1756 Feb. 2 1696 Aug. 12 1704 Nov. 14 1704 Nov. 15 1758 Aug. 8 1695 July 8 1705 July 19 1696 No\ . 27 Tou Brooke, Andrew, and Lyntie Splinter Teneve, Stephen, and Neltie Folleman Tennike, Hendrlka, and Johannes Van Orde Tonyck, Jacob, and Nulie Hardenburgh Tei'iy, Catharine, and Niel Wilkinson Teunisse, Deyna, and Mereyes Rollitse Thavet, Peter, and Susannah Vergereau Theobalds, John, and Eluson Tuder TJiibowe, William, and Mary Du Tay Thomas, Edmond, and Mary Souward Thomas, John Junr. and Bathseba Palmer Thompson, John, and Hanah Smith Thompson, Sarah, and John Selsby Thong, Walter, and Sarah Van Dam Thorn, Samuel, Junr. and Hannah Doughty Thorne, Elizabeth, and Rigebell Mott Thorne, Richaxd, and Phebe Denton Thorne, Sarah, and Roger Pedley Thomson, Sarali, and Edward Coats Thoxter, Mary, and Thomas Dawson. Throgmartin, Sarah, and Moses Lipet Throgmorton, Alse, and Robert Skelton Tlirogmorton, Ellis, and Thomas Stillwell Throgmorton, Patience, and Hugh Corvard Thurman, Francis, and Susannah Mathews Thurman, Ralph, and Mary Clouder Tier, Jannitie, and Johannes Hoogland Tiller, Andrew, and Ann Veii)lanck Tiller, Helena, and Philip Wilkiswn Tillett, James, and Sarah Lawrence Timber, Cornelius, and Cornelia Myer Timmer, Jane, and Thomas Evans Tindell, Margaret, and John Hopper Titus, Abial, and Rene Satterly Titus, Theunis, and Mary Barre Touikius, Joseph, and Mary Hyatt Townsend, John, and Rose Oole Toy, Daniel, and Frances Wessels Tredwell, Charity, and John Jackson Trcgenuy, Humphrey, and Brookesbanck Trevitt, John, and Elizabeth Sparks Troup, John, and Elizabeth Tunnwell Tucker, Daniel, and Elizabeth Piatt Tuder, Elizabeth, and Giles Stollard Tudor, Eusou, and John Theobalds Tudor, Frances, and John Righton G.B.R. 3:194 G.B.R. 2: 26 G.B.R. 2: 26 G.B.R. 3:194 M.B. 41:174 G.B.R. 3:195 G.B.R. 3:194 G.B.R. 2: 27 G.B.R. 2: 25 G.B.R. 3: 92 M.B. 41: 22 G.B.R. 3:194 G.B.R. 3: 93 G.B.R. 2: 27 G.B.R. 2: 27 G.B.R. 3: 93 G.B.R. 2:142 G.B.R. 3:194 G.B.R. 3: 91 G.B.R. 2: 27 G.B.R. 3:192 G.B.R. 4: 31 G.B.R. 1: 13 G.B.R. 2: 25 M.B. 41: 34 G.B.R. 1: 3 G.B.R. 2: 28 G.B.R. 3:194 G.B.R. 3: 92 G.B.R. 2: 27 G.B.R. 2: 26 G.B.R. 3:194 G.B.R. 3:193 M.B. 41: 63 G.B.R. 3:193 M.B. 41:210 G.B.R. 2: 28 G.B.R. 2: 27 M.B. 41: 84 G.B.R. 3: 94 G.B.R. 2: 27 G.B.R. 2: 27 M.B. 41:207 G.B.R. 3: 92 G.B.R. 2: 27 G.B.R. 3: 93 42 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1G95 Ap. 20 Tuder, Johfa, and Affie Van Hoorn G.B.R. 3: 92 l(iU7 Sep. 9 Tuder, Capt. John, and Mary Brett G.B.R. 3:192 1704 Nov. 15 Tunnwell, Elizabeth, and John Troup G.B.R. 2: 27 1752 Nov. 30 Turner, Ann, and Silvanus Dillingham M.B. 41: 2 1758 Aug. 14 Turner, Elizabeth, and George Davis M.B. 41:212 1701 May 24 Turner, Elizabeith, and Robert Dale G.B.R. 3:194 1758 June 19 Turner, "William, and Margaret Weeton M.B. 41:100 1095 Oct. 11 Underliill, Sarah, and Joseph Budd G.B.R. 3: 92 1758 Aug. 14 Underwood, Joanna, and William Cline M.B. 41:213 1705 Mar. 20 Upton, Beetle, and James Jamison G.B.R. 2: 27 1097 Oct. 9 Uthuse, Margaret Symonse, and Jan Dehance G.B.R. 3:192 1752 Dec. 1 Vader, Catharin, and David Groesbeeli. Juur. M.B. 1753 Jan. 31 Valentine, Charity, and Daniel Cornell M.B. 1092 Nov. 19 Vallou, Stephen, and Mary Gallais G.B.R. 1756 June 10 Van Alen, Maritie, and Jeremiah Ten Brooli M.B. 1701 Nov. 3 Van Allen, Johanes, and Christina Ten Broek G.B.R. 17(t4 Jan. 7 Van Aps, Anna, and Conradus Gettike G.B.R. 1750 Feb. 5 Van Arman, Johannes, and Alida Vanderheyden M.B. 1701 Nov. 19 Vanausdalla, Lambertie, and Cornelius Amermau M.B. 1097 Dec. 13 Van Baal, Margaret, and Capt. Nicholas Evorste G.B.R. 1704 May 4 A'an Boursen, Femmetie, and John Milldrum G.B.R. 1706 Jan. 15 Van Braekeling, Stephen, and Dina Bley G.B.R. 1696 July 6 van Bi-ugen, Johannes, and Margaret Provoost G.B.R. 1096 July 20 van Brughen, Mary, and Stephen Richard G.B.R. 1758 Sep. 1 Van Bummill, Elizabeth, and Richard Snedeker M.B. 1758 Aug. 30 Van Bunschooten, Gerritje, and Johannes Sleght M.B. 1695 July 1 van Bursum, Margt, and Cornelius Low G-B.R. 1695 Nov. 8 van Bursum, Mary Anne, and Lewis Bougeaud G.B.R. 109;; Feb. 20 ^'au Clyff, Cornelia, and Benjamin Norwood G.B.R. lO'JO Aug. 1 Van Clyff, Elizabeth, and John Bentie G.B.R. 1094 Ap. 16 Van Clyff, Kath'e, and John I.^ring G.B.R. 1704 Oct. 4 Van Clyff, Margarett, and Peter Burtell G.B.R. 1701 Oct. 8 Van Oortlandt, Maria, and Kiliaen Van Renselaer G.B.R. 1091 May 7 Van Courtlaud, Jacobus, and Evah Phillips G.B.R. 1702 Aug. 27 Van Dalsen, Margarett, and Martinus Cregier G.B.R. 175() Ap. 12 Van Dalssen, Dennis, aniT Rachel Cuyper M.B. 1704 Oct. 16 Van Dam. Sarah, and Wriitor Tboug G.B.R. J. ('73 June 8 Van Dar Vort, Jacob, and Margaret Bennet M.B. 41: 6 41: 53 2:141 41:141 3:194 2: 26 41: 86 5:233 3:192 2: 20 2: 28 3: 93 3: 93 41:239 41:233 3: 92 3: 93 2:142 3: 93 3: 91 2:142 4: 31 3:195 41:108 2: 27 20:141 SUPPLEMENT TO MARRIAGE LICENSES 43 1758 Sep. 1 Vandenbergh, Altie, and Wines Manney M.B. 41:238 1758 July 12 Vandenbergh, Antje, and Abraham Wimple M.B. 41:183 1705 Ap. 11 Vandenbergh, Else, and Thomas Rainford G.B.K. 2: 27 1C94 Oct. 11 A'andenbergh, Hend'k Jansen, and Marj- Ann Burton G.B.R. 3: 92 1758 Aug. 30 \ audenbergh, Maretje, and Wynant V. Vandenbergh M.B. 41:234 1758 Aug. 30 Vandenbergh, Wynamt V. and Marelje Vandenbergh M.B. 41:234 1756 Feb. 5 Vandenheyden, Alida, and Johannes Van Arman M.B.41: 86 1702 Get. 20 Vanderbeeck, Conradus, and Catherine Cock G.B.R. 1: 3 1752-56 Vanderbilt, Phebe, and Cristifer Garrison CM. 82: 62 1699 Sep. 29 Vander Burgh, Cornelia, and John White G.B.R. 2:142 1699 Aug. 4 Vander Burgh, Dodwyck, and Effey Ten Broeck G.B.R. 2:142 1700 Ap. 18 Vander Heule, Ilendrickes, and Marytie Meyers G.B.R. 3:194 1695 Jan. 31 van der Heyden, Antie, and Paul Miller G.B.R. 3: 92 1758 Aug. 5 Vanderheyden, Johannes, and Mary Butler M.B. 41:205 1697 Jan. 9 Vanderheyden, Johannes, and Mary Wooden G.B.R. 3:192 1758 July 10 Vanderheyder, Derick, and Sarah Wendell M.B. 41:177 1699 Nov. 9 Vanderhuel, Johannus, and Janitje Rosevcst G.B.R. 3:193 1697 Oct. 20 Vanderhule, ffemmle, and Benjamin Wyncoop G.B.R. 3:192 1701 June 21 VanderpoUe, Katherine, and Peter Hardenbrugh G.B.R. 3:194 1697 Feb. 11 Vanderpool, Gerrijt, and Deborah Warm G.B.R. 3: 93 1703 Jan. 28 Van derrore [Vjin Dervere], Dominius, and Maria Margaretta Van Orteck G.B.R. 1: 13 1704 Aug. 7 Vanderspeigel, Nicholas, and Catherine Stoutenburgh G.B.R. 2: 26 1691 Sep. 20 Vanderspiegel, James, and Ann Sanders G.B.R. 4: 32 1758 JuneSO Vandersee, Annaitie, and Dirick Swart M.B. 41:172 17.56 Mar. 22 Van der Voort, Sarah, and Jan Lodewick Dunkel M.B.41: 98 1701 July 23 Vande Spegel, Agenitie, and John Cauley G.B.R. 3:194 1756 Mar. 19 Vandewater, Abigail, and Gilbert Smith M.B.41: 97 1698 IH'c. 23 Vandewater, llendrycke, and Anthony Rutherse G.B.R. 3:193 1702 .\p. 22 Van Deycke, Emeltie, and Petnis Kip G.B.R. 3:194 1752.56 Vandick, Kias, and Ann Andrewnat CM. 82: 62 1753 Mar. 27 Van Duer.sen. Catherina, and Isaac Goes M.B.41: 14 1752 Dec. 16 Vanduerson, Heyla, and John Wright M.B.41: 30 1752 Dec. 22 Van Duyn, Mocletia, and William Brower M.B.41: 35 1703 Sep. 14 Van Dycke, Eunnetie, and Albert de Vrees G.B.R. 2: 25 1758 July 11 Van Dyke, Catalintje, and Peter Storm M.B. 41:182 44 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1703 July 19 1701 Aug 25 1700 Feb. 14 1750 June 7 170i Mar. 4 1702 Ap. 25 1772 May 30 1750 Mar. 29 1098 Aug. 22 1090 May 7 1705 Ap. 10 1095 Ap. 20 1705 Jan. 11 1093 June 14 1093 Alar. 20 1750 Jan. 9 1(J87 Mar. 20 1701 June 20 1758 June 10 1702 Nov. 19 1753 Jan. 22 1758 July 15 1701 Oct. 27 1704 Sep. 16 1750 Ap. 5 1095 June 19 1704 Alar. 3 1703 Jan. 28 1752- 56 1750 Jan. 7 1700 Jan. 10 1091 Oct. 1 1701 Oct. S 1095 June 20 1752 Dec. 1 1700 Feb. 27 1087 Mar 20 Van Dyke, Catherine, and Luoas Stephance G.B.R. 2: 25 Van Dyke, Francis, and Fyche Direcks G.B.R. 2:142 Van Dyke, Mary, and Hans Harmensen G.B.R. 3:194 Van Evera, Myndert, and Mary Dawson M.B. 41:139 Vanfford, Elizabeth, and Arnold Vrille G.B.R. 2: 26 Van Fleckt, Hester, and Isaac Fredricks G.B.R. 3:105 Vangwaggeuen, Sarah, and Philip Harmance M.B. 18:127 Van Haugle, Eliz. and Jonas Outhout M.B. 41:101 van Heyninge, Janitye, and Matthis Low G.B.R. 3:193 van Hoist, Anna, and Stephen Buckenhoven G.B.R. 3: 94 Van Hook, Evert, and Neiltie Jacobs G.B.R. 2: 27 Van Hoorn, Affie, and John Tuder G.B.R. 3: 92 Van Hoorn, Aphia, and Enoch Mackelson G.B.R. 2: 27 Van Hoorn, Gerryt, and AMie Provoost G.B.R. 4: 32 Van Hoorn, John, and Cathrina Meybi G.B.R. 2:142 Van Home, Catharine, and John Le Conte, Junr M.B, 41: 72 Van Home, Janike, and Reyneir Van Sickland L.W. 88 A'anhoven, Mary, and Peter Bant G.B.R. 3:194 Van Kleef, Famytje, and Jacob Cussouw M.B. 41:149 Van Laer, Abram, and Elizabeth Struddle G.B.R. 1: 3 Van Law, Sai'ah, and Thomas Doran M.B. 41: 47 Van Name, Simon, and Mary Mesereau M.B. 41:186 Van Neweohuysen, William, and Elizabeth De Haert G.B.R. 2:142 Van Noostrandt, Margerett, and Oornelise Jansen G.B.R. 2: 26 Van Northstrand, William, and Catharine De Vou M.B. 41:105 van Nuwenhuysen, Catrina, and Martinus Lamberts G.B.R. 3: 92 Van Orde, Johannes, and Hendrika Tennike G.B.R. 2: 26 A'an Orteek, Maria Margaretta, and Dominius Van derrere G.B.R. 1: 13 Vanpelt, John and >Iary Jonge CM. 82: 62 Van Pelt, Mary, and John Foy M.B. 41: 71 Van Pricht, Maria, and William Teller G.B.R. 2: 28 Van Ranselaer, Maria, and Maj. Peter Schuyler G.B.R. 4: 31 Van Renselaer, Kiliaen, and Maria Van Cortlandt G.B.R. 2:142 van Schaick, Anna Mary, and John Cortlandt G.B.R. 3: 92 Van Schaik, Stephen, and Jane Bratt M.B. 41: 5 Van Seckler, Jannitie, and Adrien Lane G.B.R. 2: 28 Van Sickland, Reyneir, and Janike Van Home L.W. 5: 88 SUPPLEMENT TO MARRIAGE LICENSES 45 lOiM June 22 Van Strydt, John, and Johanna Lewis G.B.R. 3: 92 1G94 Nov. 23 Van Teuyl, Eliz'th, and William Pell G.B.R. 3: 92 1703 July 26 Van Tright, Elizabeth, and Michael Saatton G.B.R. 2: 25 1760 Nov. 26 Van Vallieuburgh, Catherine, and David Van Schaick M.B. 3:446 1753 Jan. 31 Van Vecten, Annatye, and Peter de Wandeler M.B. 41: 54 1758 July 29 Van Vey, Mary, and Aron Devoe M.B. 41:195 1756 June 11 Van Vleck, Jacobus, and Annatie Stoutenburgh M.B. 41:142 1697 Jan. 26 Van Vlecq, Kathalina, and Abraham Kip G.B.R. 3: 93 1696 June 8 van Vlecque, Magdalen, and Henricus Kip G.B.R. 3: 94 1703 Nov. 27 Van Weeselew, Cornelia, and Martin Schenck G.B.R. 2: 25 1704 June 23 Van Wiukel, Albert, and Meritie Deerby 1753 Mar. 26^ Van Woort, Jacob, and Rachael Gardiner 1753 Mar. 12 Van Wyck, Thomas, and Rachel Eldert 1752 Dec. 30 Van Zaudt, Tobias, and Mary Dike 1701 May 10 Varick, Johanna, and Albert Willet 1687 June 24 Vaughton, Michaell, and Susannah Leislaer 1704 Mar. 7 Vaughton, Susannah, and Leonard lluygen De Kleyn 1782 May 17 Verber, William, and Catharine Hieth 1700 Ap. 27 Veet, John, and Katharine Meyers 1700 May Vergereau, Susannah, and Peter Thavet 1756 Ap. 2 A'ermilya, Isaac, and Susannah Myer 1700 Feb. 14 Verplanck, Ann, and Andrew Tiller 1701 Oct. 27 Verplank, Margaret, and John Collins 1702 Mar. 23 Verwyde, Elizabeth, and Joseph Prosser 1698 Mar. 1 Vesey, William, and Mary Reade 1693 Ap. 10 Vielle, Cornelius, and Catharine Bogardus 1700 Feb. 14 Vincent, Francis, and Ann Lynch 1704 May 10 Vincent, Joan, and Frederick Fine 1700 Ap. 27 Vincent, Mary, and John Gindett 1705 Oct. 6 Vorckinson, Mary, and Thomas Ming 1756 June 4 Vredenburgh, Catharine, and Robert Hall 1701 June 6 ^'reland, Johanos, and Mareja Cregers 1703 May 12 Vrikers, Johanna, and Edward Blagge 1704 Mar. 4 Vrille, Arnold, and Elizabeth Vanfford 1696 Feb. 17 Vyland, David, and Elizth Henry 1705 July 19 Walcraf, David, and Elizabeth Field 1704 Oct. 27 Waldron, John, and Cornelia Hardenbi'ook G.B.R. 2: 27 1699 Dec. 16 Waldron, Judith, and Isaah Lelonor G.B.R. 3:193 1706 Ap. 12 Walker, Thomas, and Elizabeth Redott G.B.R. 2: 28 1693 Sep. 4 "\Aalkington, Mary, and Roger Baker G.B.R. 2:142 1758 July 17 Wall, Sauniel, and Abigail Somerindike M.B. 41:188 G.B.R. 2: 26 M.B. 41: 13 M.B. 41: 65 M.B. 41: 36 G.B.R. 3:194 L.W. 99 i Kleyn G.B.R. 2: 26 M.B. 36: 5 G.B.R. 3:194 G.B.R. 3:194 M.B. 41:102 G.B.R. 3:194 G.B.R. 3:194 G.B.R. 3:194 G.B.R. 3:193 G.B.R. 2:142 G.B.R. 3:194 G.B.R. 2: 26 G.B.R. 3:194 G.B.R. 2: 28 M.B. 41:138 G.B.R. 3:194 G.B.R. 1: 13 G.B.R. 2: 26 G.B.R. 3: 93 G.B.R. 2: 27 46 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1758 June 13 Wallace, William, and Sarah Hall M.B. 41:155 1757 Dec. 30 Walsh, Peter, and Mary Bennet M.B. 1:761 1098 Dec. 23 Walton, Thomas, and Mary Stillwell G.B.R. 3:193 1G98 Aug. 30 Walton, William, and Mary Sandford G.B.R. 3:193 1702 May 14 Wandall, Abram, and Catherine De Key G.B.R. 3:195 1704 Sep. 7 Wander, Mary, and Barent Saunders G.B.R. 2: 2G 1753 Jan. 31 Wanderler, I'eter do, and Annatje Van Vecten M.B. 41: 54 1097 Oct. 29 Ward, Israel, and Hannah Hutsou G.B.R. 3:192 1092 Oct. 3 Ware, Jacob, and Elizabeth Osburne G.B.R. 4: 32 1097 Feb. 11 Wai'm, Deborah, and Gerrijt Vanderpool G.B.R. 3: 93 1705 May 15 Warne, Francis, and Sa,rah Hays G.B.R. 2: 27 1755 Dec. 31 Warner, Mary, and James Pudney M.B. 41: 67 1705 Dec. 19 Warner, William, and Anne De Gray G.B.R. 2: 28 1705 June 20 WaiTen, William, and Margariet Oyan G.B.R. 2: 27 1091 Oct. 30 Washbourne, Sarah, and Isaac Arnold G.B.R. 4: 31 17U4 Oct. 14 Washurne, John, and Hannah Hallett G.B.R. 2: 27 1753 Jan. 3 Waters, Talman, and Mary Lawrence M.B. 41: 25 1703 Aug. 28 Watkay, Alexander, and Mary Bresty G.B.R. 2:25 1099 Ap. 17 Watson, Ann, and Thomas Drincall G.B.R. 3:193 1750 Mar. IS Watson, Mary, and William McKim M.B. 41: 90 1750 May 19 Watson, Samuel, and Christian Pollort M.B. 41:129 1705 Dec. 28 Watts, Robert, and Mary Nichols G.B.R. 2: 28 1098 Dec. 12 Way, Elizabeth, and William Osborn G.B.R. 3:193 1756 Jan. 2 Webber, Cornelius, and Jane Willson M.B. 41:68 1090 Aug. S Weelis, Zachariah, and Katherine Meyer G.B.R. 3: 93 1758 June 19 Weeton, Margt. and William Turner M.B. 41:100 1758 June 10 Welch, Elenor, and Oliver Ilowlen M.B. 41:151 1758 July 11 Welch, John, and Elizabeth Dean M.B. 41:181 1704 Feb. 21 Wells, Jane, and James Richey M.B. 8: 07 1098 Dec. 8 Wells, Jane, and John Hancock G.B.R. 3:193 1758 July 10 Wendell, Sarah, and Derick Vanderheyder M.B. 41 :177 1705 Mar. 8 Wessels, Frances, and Daniel Toy G.B.R. 2: 27 1094 Jan. 25 West, Mrs Ann, and Robert Wharton G.B.R. 3: 91 1097 Nov. 17 West, William, and Mary Bingham G.B.R. 3:192 1700 Sep. 29 Wetbeck, Peter, and MaiT Van Alen M.B. 10:110 1094 Jan. 25 Wharton, Robert, and Mrs Ann West G.B.R. 3: 91 1758 Aug. 1 Wheeler, Isaac, and Eliz. Bears M.B. 41:197 1096 Jan. 13 Wheeler, James, and Elizabeth Meek G.B.R. 3: 93 1756 Ap. 5 Whiley, Margery, and Henry Smith M.B. 41:103 17."S July 22 White, Caleb, and Mary Lynch M.B. 41:192 1700 Feb. 13 White, Jane, and Santfordt G.B.R. 3:194 1099 Sep. 29 White, John, and Cornelia Vander Burgh G.B.R. 2:142 1094 Oct. 21 White, Mary, and John French G.B.R. 3: 92 1096 July 23 Whitehead, Jonathan, and Sarah fHeld G.B.R. 3: 94 1703 Dec. 24 Whitehead, Thomas, and Jane Creed G.B.R. 2: 26 1704 Ap. 5 Whitman, Nathan, and Anne Britten G.B.R. 2: 26 SUPPLEMENT TO MARRIAGE LICENSES 47 1G93 Ap. 28 Witken, John, and Kathrino Frcdricksea 17G2 Ap. 30 Wickos, Tliomas, and Sarah Brush 1704 Teb. 1 Wickhani, John, and .Terusia Miller 17G0 Oct. 22 Wickoff, Nelly, and Peter Luyster 1707 May 14 Wiekoff, Nickles, and Ann Rapelyea 1753 Mar. 29 Wieks, Jonathan, and Ann Neitherway 1699 July 5 Wilde, Edey, and John Yeates 1G94 Ap. 7 Wilkins, Helena, and Benj. Cooper 1G97 Sep. IG Wilkinsen, Philip, and Mary Brazier 1758 July 6 Wilkinson, Niel, and Catharine Terry 1694 Oct. 11 Wilkison, Philip, and Helena Tiller 1761 Jan. 27 Will, Elizabeth, and Isaac Stoutenburgh 1692 Ap. 28 Willake, Edw'd, and Margery Cergoe 1G95 Aug. 19 Willemke, , and George Harwood 1701 May 10 Willet, Albert, and Johanna Varick 1694 May 9 Willet, Sarah, and Jacobus Dekey 1695 Aug. 24 Willet, Thomas, and Sarah Hinchman 1697 Dee. 22 Willett, Mary, and Richard Willett 1703 Mar; 30 Willett, Richard, and Francis Deraval 1697 Dec. 22 Willett, Richard, and Mary Willett 1705 Jan. 13 Willett, Tho. axid Charity Stevenson 1686-87 Jan. 20 Williams, Eleanor, and Nicolas de Morris 1097 Dec. 30 Williams, George, and Kathrine Lloyd 1753 Mar. 15 Williams, John, and Phoebe Heaviland 1758 June 27 WilliaiW!, Mary, and John Morey 1704 Nov. 13 Wii"' '■ Mary, and Richard Greenfeild 1705 Ma J' 2 Vviuiams, Robt. and Jonimah Bert 1701 Feb. 24 Williamson, Charles, and Mary Woolsey 1702 Aug. 17 Williamson, Margarett, and Abram Emmons 1701 Aug. 29 Willis, Arthur, and Joanna Carr 1704 Mar. 29 Willis, Arthur, and Sarah Drakes 1697 Nov. 15 Willkission, William, and Else Smith 1756 Feb. 27 Willsey, Mary, and Fra-nci" TObocks 175G Jan. 20 Willson, Abraham, ?ap Ann Mann 1687 Sep. 17 Willsorv, Ebene/er and Marjarj' Dudley 1701 Oct. 8 Willson, Isab-'H'i, »nd George Maynard 1756 Jan. 2 Wills'^-^'. ^^aoe, ai^^ Cornelius 'Wpbber 1756 May ^ VVilLson, John, ana Cntharirie Bjgardus ";W.2 ^•" ir. 20 Willson, Jojbn, an^i -y Haight ,,17j^8 June 15 Wilse, Margaret, li eudrick Miohelsen l'^2 Dec. 16 Wilse, Ruth, ^nd Toiin Cooper Itrs Aug. 29 Wilsey, Susannah, utii James Ncvin I'ls^ Ap. • i, Rivhanl, iflif Kithriue Pugsley 175'J Nov.o- >. VI -..n. Robvi. and Eliz,,beth Richard 175-S July 12 Wimple, Ai>ra'iani, wid Autje Vandeubergh 1758 Jan. 3 Winaiit, Daiiiel, jid UfiL^hel Andrewuet G.B.R. 2: 14 MB. 6:137 G.B.R. 2: 26 M.B. 3:379 M.B. 11: 87 MB. 41: 17 G.B.R. 3:193 G.B.R. 3: 91 G.B.R. 3:192 M.B. 41:174 G.B.R. 3: 92 M.B. 4: 32 G.B.R. 4: 32 G.B.R. 3: 92 G.B.R. 3:194 G.B.R. 3: 92 G.B.R. 3: 92 G.B.R. 3:192 G.B.R. 1: 13 G.B.R. 3:192 G.B.R. 2: 27 L.W. 86 G.B.R. 3:193 M.B. 41: 66 M.B. 41:168 G.B.R. 2: 27 G.B.R. 2: 27 G.B.R. 3:194 G.B.R. 3:195 G.B.R. 2:142 G.B.R. 2: 26 G.B.R. 3:192 M.B. 41: 90 M.B. 41: 76 L.W. 101 G.B.R. 2:142 M.B. 41: 68 M.B. 41:135 M.B. 41: 11 MB. 41:157 M.B. 41: 31 M.B. 41:232 G.B.R. 3:193 M.B. 41: 1 M.B. 41:183 M.B. 1:766 48 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1752-56 Winant, Rachel, and John Butteler CM. 82: 62 1775 Ap. 10 Winants, Jacob, and Mary Mersereau M.B. 23: 5 1084 July 18 Windebank, Elizabeth, and James Graham CM. 34: 28 1758 July 20 Wingfield. John, and Elizabeth Innes M.B. 41:190 1703 Nov. 1 Winne, Lydia, and Jacobus Mole G.B.R. 2:25 1G94 Dec. 26 Wislake, Margery, and Peter Slade G.B.R. 3: 92 1752 Dec. 14 Withers, Jane, and Archibald Johnson M.B. 41: 26 1691 Ap. 9 Woertman, Dirck Janse, and Annetie Aukes G.B.R. 4: 42 17.52-56 Wolcan, Martha, and Richer Crips CM. 82:62 1752-56 Wood, Jeams, and Eve Decer [Decker] M.B. 82: 62 1758 June24 Wood, Stephen, and Jemima Smith M.B. 41:167 1697 Jan. 9 Wooden, Mary, and Johannes Vanderheyden G.B.R. 3:192 1705 Oct. 13 Wooderop, Allice, and Thomas Pennistone G.B.R. 2: 28 1703 Oct. 20 Woodett, Martha, and Abraham Hunderbeek G.B.R. 2: 25 1691 Oct. 20 Woodrofe, Elizabeth, and Henry Jordanie G.B.R. 4: 31 1704 Ap. 14 Wooley, Charles, and Hannah Noell G.B.R. 2: 26 1701 Feb. 24 Woolsey, Mary, and Charles Williamson G.B.R. 3:194 1705 Ap. 27 Woortman, Anne, and Isaac DeRiemer G.B.R. 2: 27 1756 Feb. 2 Wortman, Dennis, and Jane Aymar M.B. 41:83 1758 Aug. 31 Wright, Elizabeth, and Jasper Allen M.B. 41:236 1752 Dec. 16 Wright, John, and Heyla Vanduersion M.B. 41: 30 1694 Jan. 1 Wright, Joseph, and Ann Henry G.B.R. 3:91 1696 Aug. 28 Wright, Thomas, and Lydia Cobbitt G.B.R. 3: 93 1700 July 20 Wychangham, Tho. and Susanna Fine G.B.R. 3:194 1756 May 10 Wyckoff, Cornelia, and Cornelius R- ,,'-e M.B. 41:124 1753 Mar. 17 Wyclcoff, Nicholas, and Catrintia ' M.B. 41: 21 1697 Oct. 20 Wyncoop, Benjamin, and ffemmie Van,. • G.B.R. 3:102 1696 June 9 Wynkoop.Johannus, and Cornelia Ten Broeke G.B.R. 3:93 1694 Oct. 23 Yaresly, Richard, and Dorothy Gore G.B.R. 3: 92 1699 July 5 Yeates, John, and Edey Wilde G.B.R. 3:193 1752 Nov. 30 Yelverton, Andrew, and Sarah Marston M.B. 41 : 4 1756 Feb. 22 Yeomans, Ruth, and Samuel Mabbet M.B. 41: 89 1753 Mar. 29 Young, Mar>, aad Peter Hooiwey, Junr. M.B. 41: 16 1695 May 10 Young, Simon, and Ann Elum G.B.R. 3: 92 New York State Library PUBLICATIONS Library reports. New York state library. Annual report, 1819 — date. O. Albany 1819 — date. Price for all in 2^ri7it to 1892, 15 cents a volumey jpa^^er ; 1893 — date, 75 cents^ cloth. Library bulletins. University of the State of New York. State library bulletin. O. Albany 1891 — date. Price to advcmce subscribers, 50 cents a year. Additions no. 1. General library, Oct. 1890. 204:p. July 1891. Price 25 cents. List of additions (except law books, which the library will include in its annual law bibliography) closely classed by subject, followed by author and minute alphabetic subject indexes. While printed specially for use iu New York state, it is also valuable to the many other libraries using the Decimal claaaifi- cation as an authoritative guide in assigning books to their exact place among the many thousand subject heads of this classification. Additions no. 2. Subject index of law additions, 1 Jan. 1883-31 Dec. 1893. 304p. Nov. 1894. Price 35 cents. Covers 12000 volumes and 600 pamphlets, including references to leading articles in 477 volumes of law periodicals. Important trials are entered under the subjects which they specially illustrate. Additions no. 3. General library. 853p. Sep. 1894. Price 75 cents, boards. See note to Additions no. 1. Additions no. 4. Medical library 1895. 132p. Sep. 1896. Price 15 cents s Legislation. Comparative summary and index of legislation by states, 1890 — date. A minutely classified annual summary of new laws passed by all the states, fol- lowed by a full alphabetic index of specific topics. Though printed 8peci"'iy to enable New York legislators to utilize with a minimum of labor the experi- ence of other states, it is of course equally useful to all legislators and students of comparative legislation elsewhere. To enable the consulter to determine which laws he needs to look up, each is briefly summarized under its specific nead, and cited exactly, usually by state, chapter, number, and date of approval. No. 1, 84p. and ho. 8, 142p. 25 cents each. No. 8, G3p. ; no. 4, 158p. and no. .5, 93p. 20 cents each. No. 6, 312p. .35 cents. No. Y, n4p. 15 cents. No. 9, 254p. 25 cents. Legislation no. 8 (Special). State finance statistics, 1890 and 1895. 57p. March 1897. Price 10 cents. A classification of receipts according to source rather than by the funds to which they are assigned ; also statistics relating to endowment funds and suite debts. Library school no. 1, Handbook 1891-92. 70p. Aug. 1891. Out of print. no. 2. Library school register, 1887-96. 40p. Jan. 1898. Price 5 cents. Public libraries no. 1. Statistics of New York libraries. 28p. Au^. 1893. Oat of print. The puolic libraries division needs copies of this bulletin for completing sets, and will on request send the latest statistics in exchange for copies of the first bulletin of statistics. Public libraries no. 2. Statistics of New York libraries for 1893. 80p. June 1894. Price 10 cents. no. 3, Statistics of Kew York libraries for 1894. lOOp. June 1895. Price 10 cents. no. 4 (Extension bulletin 16). Report of public libraries for 1895 and Statistics of New York libraries. 164p. Oct. 1896. Price 15 ceiits. no. 5. (Extension bulletin 18) Library of 500 books and 35 periodicals selected . . . for tke State commission in lunacy for use in the New York state hospitals. 28p. March 1897. Price 5 cents. no. 6. (Extension bulletin 20) Report of public libraries for J.896 and Statistics of New York libraries. 171p. June 1897. Price 15 cents. Bibliography no. 1. Guide to the study of J. A. M. Whistler, 12p. May 1895. Price 5 cents. no. 2-4. Reading lists : Colonial New England ; Travel in North America ; History of the 17th century. 77p. July 1897. Price 10 cents. no. 5. List of reference books for use of cataloguers in New York state library. 22p. Jan. 1898. Price 5 cents. — no. 6-8. Reading lists : Japan ; Venice ; Out-of-door books. 64p. Feb. 1898. Price 10 cents. no. 9-11. Reading lists : The Netherlands ; History of the latter half of the 15tli century ; Renaissance art. Ingress. no. 12. Index to subject bibliographies in library bulletins. History no. 1. Supplementary list of marriage licenses. 48p. April 1898. Price 5 cent. no. 2. Colonial records: General entries, 1664-65, vol. 1. Zn press. Library catalogues. General library ; authors, with subject index. 10+2+987p.Q. Albany 1856. Price $1 ; half morocco. General library; authors, with subject index; supplement. 10+24- 1084p.Q. Albany 1861. Price $1; half morocco. General library; subject index. 17+651p.Q. Albany 1872. Price $1.50; half morocco. General library ; subject supplement. 7-+-414p.Q. Albany 1882. Price $1; half morocco. General library; maps, manuscripts, engravings, coins, etc. 12+274p. Q. Albany 1857. Price $1; half morocco. General library; bibliography, typography and engraving. 143p. Q. Albany 1858. Price %\\ ha^' morocco. Law library; authors. 10+402p.Q. Albany 1856. Price $1; half rnorocco. Law library; author's supplement. 180p.Q. Albany 1865. Price 75 cents; half morocco. Law library; subject index. 84-251p.Q. Albany 1883, Price $3 ; half morocco. Medical library. See Library bulletins. Additions no. 4. .^^ "V'>^ ^:yiir^. ^^ ^0 c ■/- -" v>^ ^.^' _^<: ^.. %..^^- ^^ , '^ oV ,^"^. «'^" .^■ '^>\- cV^^' ^^^ - .-# %, = '^1 ^^ -^^ V^^ ^^,^ ^ ■^0 0^= 'N<^' 'i'^ " ^-^ ,x^^" X' s <> " ^ ,, "> \ . ^^ ' . A' ,,0- -x^ •>^/ "^^' .^^% <^, P' V ^^ ' « < "V ,-i>^^ A -y. ,0 o^ V, ''J- .^^^^ %■ -^0^ x^^ ^^.. - , '^'^' ^,. .^^' % .>■ ' a (, s "■ -0- % .^^ .^'^^ '^'ymfmk'-^^^ ^ ,-0 •>'^,^^ \ / ,.^^"-^ o ^' c>0 .^^ "^^ v>\' t/- v^ P. . ^