•f% -v^ f '^>i^Mf LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Shelf.vW.5:tB3 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The Beautiful Suburb -OF- est Amnifolis, ADJACENT TO THE- City of Annapolis. Pure air — Pure water — Climate liealtJiful — Adjacent to railroad station and wharf — Fifteen minutes walk to Annapolis city, or about two minutes ride by rail — Unsurpassed scen- ery and loater views — Finest fisMng, boating and bathing — Lots large enough for vegetable and flower gardens, many of them bordering on salt water abounding in fish, oysters, etc — All the advantages of Annapolis markets, stores, schools, churches and elegant society. §hoic^ Eot§M^ld on gas^ MonthJu g^amiintB, GEORGE T. MELVIN, 45 Duke of Gloucester St., Annapolis, Md. The Beautiful Suburb -OF ADJACENT TO THE- City of Annapolis. Pure air — Pure water — Climate liealtltful — Adjacent to railroad station and. wharf — Fifteen mimdes vmlJc to Annapolis city, or dboid tioo mimdes ride by rail — TJnsni passed, scen- ery and, vmter mews — Finest flsliincfy Ifoating and. bathing — Lots large enough for degetahle and floioer gardens, many of them bordering on saliioater abounding in fish, oysters, etc. — All the adviantages of Annapolis markets, stores, schools, churches an^. elegant society. j/t^i'- V ^hokf*. ^of^ ^^/r/ an ^a*w Jllonihh ^iwnwnts. GEORGE T. MELVIN, 45 Duke of Gloucester St , Annapolis, Md. ENTERED ACC0'="~'1MG TO ACT OF CONGRESS, IN THE YEAR 1890, BY GEORGE T. MELV|N, IN Tt-E OFFICE OF THE LIBRARIAN QF CONGRESS AT WASHINGTON, "West Annapolis. Why it was so named The name of West Annapolis was adopted by the charter of incorporation because of the contiguity of the location to the western boun- dary of the city of Annapolis. Nothing inter- venes between this suburb and the city except the beautiful grounds of the U. S. Naval Acad- emy and College creek. King George street, one of the principal thoroughfares of Annap- olis, extends to College creek bridge, and the U. S. Government has continued a well-made and permanent boulevard thence to West An- napolis, a distance of only a few hundred yards. Railroad Facilities. Skirting along one side and bi-secting a por- tion of West Annapolis is the Annapolis and Baltimore Short Line K-ailroad, one of the prin- cipal railways between the cities of Baltimore and Annapolis. West Annapolis is the first 4 I)escrli)Uoii of West Annapolis. station out from tlie latter city, only about one minute's run from Annapolis depot. In addi- tion to the trains of the Short Line, all of the trains of the Baltimore and Eastern Shore Rail- road pass through West Annapolis. Less than one mile south are the tracks of Annapolis, Washington and Baltimore Railroad, with their terminal depot at Annapolis. These roads pro- vide eighteen regular trains daily. Drives and Approaches. Beautiful drives through the contiguous and romantic grounds of the Naval Academy make this a charming point for suburban residences ; while a direct boulevard, the continuation of King George street of Annapolis, before referred to, constructed at considerable cost by the U. S. Government, brings this delightful suburb within less than a mile of the heart of the city. Water Fronts. About two miles of bold and beautiful water front along the picturesque Severn and West Annapolis rivers gives this location unparalleled advantages, so environing the place that no por- tion is more than half a mile from its centre. This admits of water fronts for business, and Descrijytion of West A^majwlis. 5 valuable wharfage privileges, tlie adjacent water being deep and affording fine harbor. Salt Water Luxuries. The water is salt, abounding in fish in great numbers and variety ; also, oysters, crabs, etc., with choice locations for oyster planting and farming, which the State encourages by con- ferring the right upon residents and owners of lands adjacent to salt water to survey, stake off and appropriate for that purpose, without charge, a section of the same, not exceeding five acres. Bathing and Boating. The hard beach offers magnificent bathing facilities, and the long stretch of bold stream affords to those fond of boating abundant re- creation in one of its most delightful forms. Business men who have n't the time to go to the mountains or sea shore will find here at their doors opportunities for healthful recrea- tion. With fine salt water bathing and splendid yachting waters up the river three miles, or down the river about the 'same distance to Chesapeake bay, nothing is lacking to com- plete rural comfort and enjoyment. 6 Description of West Annapolis. Fine Views and Home Sites. Along the well wooded cliffs that overhang the Severn river will be found some of the finest whaler views in Maryland — views that challenge comparison with the Hudson river and the Rhine. Here can be selected building sites that offer tempting opportunities to busi- ness men and capitalists for the erection of Summer homes. The bracing breezes that come up the Severn from the Chesapeake bay, which is in full view of West Annapolis, add a health and charm and vigor to life that is sought for in vain in city homes or at points further inland. The greater portion of West Annapolis commands charming views up and down the Severn river and out Chesapeake bay. The air is pure and invigorating, and most de- sirable locations are here offered for cottages, boarding houses and hotels. These are con- venient and accessible, yet highly romantic and attractive. Being located upon both salt water and tidewater, the situation is remarkably healthful and the air extremely invigorating. Vegetable and Flower Gardens. The building lots of West Annapolis are laid off so large in area that persons locating here Description of West Annapolis. 7 have the benefit of a good vegetable and flower garden. The soil is rich and very productive, and an ordinary garden will not only yield abundant supply of fruits and vegetables for home use, but will give a surplus, which can be readily sold in the city market or to private families at the good prices uniformly prevail- ing, Annapolis being w^ithout exception the best vegetable market in the State. The loca- tion in Annapolis city of the United States Naval Academy and St. John's College, in addi- tion to the ordinary city demand, affords to market gardeners excellent facilities for dis- posing of their crops. Churches. The constant ringing of church bells in the city reminds one spending Sundays at West Annapolis of the many privileges in this re- gard, so important to the young, to the home- life of a thoughtful, intelligent and religious community. At convenient walking distances will be found churches of the various denomi- nations, including Protestant Episcopal, Presby- terian, Methodist, Catholic, Lutheran and Bap- tist. Some of these are large and wealthy and all are growing and prosperous, attractive and 8 Description of West Annapolis, capacious cliurch edifices, attended weekly by crowds of worsliipers. This is a cliurcli- going community. Educational /advantages. The advantages of schools and collegiate edu- cation of high order can be enjoyed here. The public schools are excellent and well sustained, while the young ladies' institutes and music schools, also private schools for girls and boys, offer fine opportunities to families having young people seeking education. St. John's College, too, has both a preparatory and collegiate de- partment, and is in many respects a model institution. The Climate. West Annapolis is undoubtedly one of the most healthful locations in Maryland or the United States. The climate is tempered by contiguity to the salt water in Winter, and the bracing breezes of the Chesapeake bay make Summer life here most healthful and delight- ful. The Summer temperature seldom stands long above 80 degrees, usually not so high ; while in Winter the thermometer does not often register far below freezing, ordinarily Description of West Annapolis. 9 above that point. Out-door life can be enjoy- ed through a large portion of most Winters. Social Advantages. The social life of Annapolis has long been among the first and most desirable in the State. An intelligent, polished and delightful social element pervades the community which is ex- celled nowhere. Culture and elegance are found here, the result of the long continued presence of formative influences, educational, religious and social, that conspire to produce the best condition of social life — a true and healthy development and growth. This will be recog- nized and felt by the casual visitor, but especi- ally by those who become residents and per- manently identified with society here. Social privileges are universally acknowledged unsur- passed. Contributing to this is a large circle of naval officers with their families, whose fond- ness for society and genuine sociability keeps up a continued current of delightful social events. Nowhere can more real social enjoy- ment be found than in the city of Annapolis and its environs. 10 Description of West AoioiapoUs. Terms and Conditions of Sale. For tlie present these large West Annapolis lots (size 50x150 feet) will be sold at $50 and upwards, cash, or on the instalment plan, $5 to $10 cash, and the balance in $5 to $10 monthly payments. On corner lots 25 percent, will be added to these prices. Special inducements will be offered purchasers who will build im- mediately, but the present scale of prices will only hold good until 250 lots are sold. 1 he Charter of Incorporation. The Act of Incorporation of West Annapolis, passed by the Legislature of 1890, provides for the annual election of three Town Commis- sioners, who are invested with full authority to open and close streets, grade and pave the same, remove nuisances and obstructions there- from, restrain all disorders and disturbances, prevent all congregations of disorderly persons in public places, and impose fines, penalties and forfeitures for the violation of the ordi- nances, and may commit all offenders to the county jail until such fines and costs are paid ; as well as to pass all such other ordinances not inconsistent with law, as they may deem bene- ficial to the town. This insures to residents of Description ot Went Annapolis. 11 West Annapolis the amplest protection which the laws of Maryland can give, and will pro- vide for the safety of person and property. By the charter, all taxes paid for the repair of roads by property within the borough limits are re- quired to be paid back by the county to the Commissioners of AYest Annapolis, to be ex- pended in their discretion in improving the streets. Don't Delay Buying. Do not delay. Select your home site at once and invest. You will never miss the small weekly or monthly payments required, besides it will be a satisfaction to feel that you have begun to lay aside something for a home. You cannot invest your surplus earnings or savings in any way that will bring you more genuine happiness. You will build moderately, per- haps, at first — but year after year will add to your home conveniences and comforts. You will plant your trees, your shrubbery, your flowers and fruits. These will cost little, but with slight care and attention will add to the permanent value of your investment and will make home look home-like. This all takes 12 Description of West Annapolis. time, and the sooner you begin the sooner you will reap the enjoyment that is in store for those who are fortunate enough to become the owner of a home at West Aknapolis. Those who buT now have the advantage of securing choice lots — can buy, if desired, several lots adjacent. These improved will be worth much more than the amount of the investment. While you are making your payments the prop- erty will be increasing in value. There can be no possible loss — but every opportunity to gain by the increased value of your lots. Your payments will be made so gradually that by the time they are completed you find yourself the owner of a much more valuable property than you started with. Particularly this will be the case with those who plant trees, fruits, shrubbery, &c. What the Annapolis city papers think of West Annapolis. Go West! To West Annapolis. From the Maryland Gazette, P. E. Porter, Esq , Editor. "Go West !"' has for some time been a familiar expression of tlie best thing for those to do who want to better their condition or improve their fortune. Now, we say to this, our old City of AnnapoliSj as the very best advice we can give it, "Go West !'' move out in a westerly di- rection, enlarge your area, be no longer "cabined, cribbed, confined" by the beautiful water ways that were created — not as perpetual boundary limits, but to add to the beauty of the city, destined to extend far beyond them. Go West ! fellow citizens, at least as far as West Annapolis. You can't get east without floating off upon the broad and beautiful Severn. Follow, then, the fine boulevard — the extension of King George street — through the Naval Academy grounds, and enter the beautiful plat — the new extension 14 of the city ; the addition which our friend, Mr. George T. Melvin, has laid off into streets and avenues and handsome lots for those who want to enjoy the comforts and conveniences of the "Ancient City'^ in its charming society, its churches, schools, markets, and a thousand otlier things that can be found liere without hunting — and yet enjoy more elbow room, large yards and gardens for vegetables, fruits, flowers and the children, pure water and liealthful and deliglitfnl surroundings. Go to West Anna- polis ! Buy lots and build homes there. Build homes for others with your spare capital — snug and cozy little cottages. You can rent them for good prices and the investment will more than repay you. West Annapolis Building Lots. From the Anne Arundel Abvertisfr, 8, R. Brewer, Esq., Editor. The need of "more room'' for building lots, now keenly felt in this city, is becoming a seri- ous consideration, with scarcely any vacant lots, and these held at rates that put them beyond the reach of the ordinary purchaser. Those who must build, or want to build, are obliged to go outside tlie city limits. To all such the desirable suburb of West Annapolis offers es-' 15 pecial attractions. It is beyond the reach of high city taxation — at the same time it is in- corporated and subject to enlightened and pro- gressive rules for sanitation, protection of property, preservation of the peace and good order, &g. It is so near the city that it may be said to be part and parcel of it, so far as par- taking of all its advantages and enjoying all its comforts and privileges are concerned. It is admirably located, Avith attractive surround- ings, fine views, high and healthful sites for buildings. The lots are large and are sold at such low figures that parties may become the owners of two or more of them, thus affording fine ornamental grounds, gardens, fruit lots, poultry yards, &c., which, so near the city, will rapidly and greatly increase in value and also be productive sources of immediate income. Pure water is to be found there at slight ex- pense for driven wells; in short, everything needed for a delightful suburban home. The "^ West Annapolis" Home Sites. "From iho Evening C.apitat., Wm. M. Abbott, Esq., Editor. The opening of an addition to this city in the convenient and beautiful suburb of West An- napolis fills a demand which has long been felt 16 here for more room for building purposes. Ow- ing to its almost insular location, surrounded as it is on three sides with water, the city proper is rapidly being packed with residences. These command high rents, and the more de- sirable ones are rapidly taken. Such lots as are still vacant are either undesirable or are held at such high figures as to put them beyond the reach of many, while they do not offer in- ducements to those seeking profitable invest- ments for their capital. The lots at West An- napolis are carefully laid ofi^ with broad streets and avenues ; are very accessible and hand- somely located. They are destined to increase rapidly in value, and those purchasing may look forward to a rapid appreciation of their investments. The figures at which these lots are sold are so low that those who buy now will have a fine margin for profit. To those who want to secure cheap and very desirable build- ing lots on the instalment plan — the announce- ments which Mr. George T. Melvin is making through the columns of the Eve^^ing Capital have great attractions. 17 The Future of West Annapolis. From the Daily But.letin, and Weekly Kecord, E, S. Kiley, Esq,. Editor. It is a pleasant sight to behold somebody that has faith in the business future of Annapolis — somebody that is willing to put out money in the hope and belief that it will return again to the investor with interest. In such faith, Mr. George T. Melvin has planned, laid out, had in- corporated and has improved the site of West Annapolis. Our '^Ancient Capital" must liave room to enlarge. The Naval Academy has de- manded and received one-third of our area ; the State House and St. John's College hold on to their ancient estates ; St. Mary's keeps jealously its fine possessions; nor will thriving Eastport and young Germantown satisfy the increasing demands of our citizens for lots. There ought to be beautiful sites for cultivated homes where largeness and salubrity give delight to the home place, where all the advantages of our beautiful surroundings of scenery and water are atforded the public; where the man, too, of small means, with desires for a beautiful home and ample garden, may be gratified. West Annapolis, with its handsome location, bounded on one side by beautiful Weems creek, and on the other by 18 the broad and lovely Severn; Its elevation ; its rolling surface; its well drained sites; its pictur- esque situation, afford suitable grounds for the ample mansion, and choice lots for the modest cottage and dwelling house. The A.& B. Short Line R. R. promises to aid the enterprise by giving a new and more convenient station, &c. When once the town makes a start and requires quicker communication with its parent city (Annapolis) no doubt then the enterprising father of West Annapolis will see that the jingle of the horse car or the tingle of the elec- tric carriage makes "two hearts beat as one.'^ When that good day arrives, and may it speedly come, the Annapolis Electric Light Co. and the Gas plant will be on hand to give light and illumination to its fair prospects and well filled streets. In the meantime the lots of the new settlement are sold at reasonable prices. Ad- dress George T. Melvin, Annapolis, Md. The success of the enterprise is the success of An- napolis, and by that much we are all interested in the future of West Annapolis. 19 Rare Opportunity for Investments. From the Maryland Eepubltcan, W. S. Ridgelj-, Fsq., Editor. No locality in the United States is more es- pecially adapted to fill tlie demand for desira- ble building locations than the vicinity of An- napo is. Severn river, picturesque in the ex- treme, with the Chesapeake bay in the distance, always tempers adjacent elevations with balmy zephyrs that relieve the heal of summer time, making Annapolis and its suburbs always de- lightful. Railroad and steamer facilities give it conveniences of travel and freight that con- tribute greatly to its prosperity and promise great things for its future. West Annapolis is located immediately upon one of the finest bluffs of the Severn river, where a fine view is obtained out over the Chesapeake in one direc- tion and up the Round Bay in the other. Trains of cars from Baltimore to the Eastern Shore, to Bay Ridge, and to the City of Annapolis and re- turn to Baltimore, pass directly through AVest Annapolis and afford convenient communication by rail to and from that point. Large and handsome building lots have been laid off in this attractive suburb, and the terms of pur- chase have been made so very liberal, that none 20 desiring a comfortable home need b(^ withuot one. Inducements offered for locating here are numerous. So near to Annapolis city as to prac- tically form part and parcel of it — all the ad- vantages of residence in the city substantially exist here without the discomforts of crowded building sites and high taxes. The social privi- leges, churches, schools, stores, markets, &c., are all as puvailable at West Annapolis as further in the city. And the ample yards and gardens laid off there afford additional conveniences and comforts. We know of nothing to prevent this delightful suburb from becoming one of the most popular and attractive locations in the State. Building lots purchased there, upon the reasonable terms offered by Mr. George T. Mel- vin, will certainly be good investments. They fill a demand that prevails at present for more room in the city ior building purposes, and as owners locate and improve their lots prices will rapidly rise. No better time than now to buy and build at West Annapolis. 014 310 248 8 # ^.my. m>s^ M ^« .ii m-.f •^V^^: :^i^