CHRONICLES FROM THE DIARr OF A WAR PRISONER IN ANDERSONVILLE AND OTHER MILITARY PRISONS OF THE SOUTH IN 1864 Kx|Hrn(c PhyHioian uiitl onifor Holativo to Prinon Coiitlitiun ami >fnnn^'m(>'^* ^'''^ ^"^^* herein chronltUHl will Inmruct. Intere.l and ln»plre p»trlotliim and love for man- kind. thlH book In dMlciit.-l t" the Sont and Daughter, of Union Vet- •ran* "f 1^01 to 1 >•".:. HY THK ArTH<»K. rim-O P..-MI.T ^o. N -..liaT .WICHIT.. •«•••. PRELUDE. T»'arii' M«*n had no tlm<» for team When l>«ttl«> WRveii mllcfl fierce iinw In Krl«*f when waned the battle's heat. Comrade* vlain were •cuttered on the way. On flelda. In wikmIm where waa met the foe That cnme to kill where we had come to alay. Met aa wave meeta tide In ocean storms that blow ; Hut men who war must not se<>k tlm* to weep, MuNt so whiTe duly calls, IhouRh doalh shall reap. Sitd visions from distajit and the yore Rlne In the heart and In Mid mcmorion, And oft some sweeter thoufcht they stand before, IJke shadows frlm beestow Be bullded on. r than we know! —J. W. NORTHROP. I" PREFACE. .,., »..i» ...» f,. M ifnr.. \ .■ . • « T \«. ■ ^ II . n«».itn.-,» f.i writ® ■A !nio ihc nriny 1 pniciiceil ihJs ^ clr- :. T'Ot fr.r \i.!v Mtv! •• .1. I •r I I I. • t. > I •«. my • > my .f y Ij; a r :ik of rl !e ■ their PREFACE. B phynlral rff'ctn. Th- t ■'.»»< f*'-\t fnllftw^ \n n f!f!\ry of prison 1lf«* nn<1 <»vf»ntfi at A» ' ". antl other i' 'nga f I , ftlncoN. atiil >ni- llon l'-» llic Lr.l'U In.-, a : unusual Incldontfl anuN AH .: '.)\K IZl ■< an. : lyrdom. If ! motive or ->• I In-Ill MiU iuiw bt-«-ii . If they tr i^-h tfv hf'ft^'r. If th. , literary qti iHoly dotnilinir important t'loctlon f which • \*- wriltfn Into life. B«i ■ *' ' • '■• •-••'it would b«- ThouRh b. 'f tnith. t. of proffresN. The past links the future to that still thnt mn-rt rvnlve out of tho pnni element«- j>.»Kr"-'i iiif !•• •« I iiiiiiiK '•( the Chron- iicJes. co\*erlnff less Ihsn a year, but they are history written coa- C PRKFACK. t» II : remain Inert? The value nn«l vltul- t'\ late; lt« virtues arc ever new. M«»n they do for the true greatness of their country will Men Mhu fouirht on the other Hide, lacked not valor and en- •luninre. W'v «lo not. In any Meniie. hold th^m r«Ij>5*M^ for the horntm Wf NurTrred In prlnon. They are our re « Itix.-im of the I'nitin. The benefits of its pr- rs .!•« t: ' ■ n for It we fought for In i»>\ing • nir "•^ptirt of Dr. J * ' . - 1 ..yg to |>: . th<'in In a \ c, l.v \1. .,.,,. .,f • ,,f t. and hin ' • wan It, 1. I'^f't '1 iK'es In II tie cundUiun ui i>nt>onci» and the wIckednciM of our prison UicJilln. KanHiis, J. W. NORTHROP. June 4. 1904. HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION— PART I. HiSTORICAL INTRODUCTION CAUSE AND EVENTS LEADING TO CIVIL WAR. TV- . UHt' of ih«« t'lvJl \\'.»r w.iM f*i;i\«ry. Afrini the rule of Kuropeun powem, ittf t»-d from ihoKe countries, wim men of tliiil time. It was one "I ' ' ■ !. an the era of Inde- |M»i I it8 lnrorn|>atlbillty wit .... ;.....• approached for ItM em .-re the Torle« of the Revolu- ti. ,;|on. In the formation of the an In the ArtlcleH of Confederutlon. they > be left untouched, that some provision for Urn I be titc«>r|>omte4l In that inMtrument. Contrary to th» M of th«' authors of the dot umeiit the desire was of all It Till all classes was hif(hly iitual ui ■■•K that Its abolition would • II." Slavery was re- '•al or social signifi- ip>\v ami when, was an i it was a cliiss Interest. uont In which e- I'l as slaves uni a way for other «lei -ntation In Con- Hfi ix'"'!!. \\n'..n %%.»?♦ K'runted aa a com- pr- I for full representation. HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION— PART !. Ii . «*lcven stateB |,: »•>• tho tcinp- ot luii to strike out f,. T. N*>rth «':«roHna ai ■' (' f. I.. h U ■- t. : but for which Bhivory would ha i: .\tl.iliTl<- S! i!.-». As It Wn« slnv<>o' w.. I the traffic In i«!av. «« V writ rirr^ulred n* in iJu' t.irl:. ' the It. IIx' for a time. It %« while we were In a pt iM««nlv removed. Tet, V > and r ef. f. r W ' r- ■- *^ • ••♦. ♦- ••*; f ! the utmost of his power, tbe W : ■ This WAS aaid by n ' and llvlnir In a slave Btatc. but who, In later ■ vc to the slave power. HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION— PART I. nni] thirty-nln« Of "It tnumt I by th*» wr or V h ■ !>• !•• Ill- alrMidy tx with a alii over lh« « Thouirh H c«- - T N F; ». From the hour T! r« l< T t- c- »i I • '■ Y tr t-. tr yean after, at Chief Justice, declared to the \\\:\X nil'. .•r\ h'li! i-^irv rlirtif ln thc T«-f ' ' ' "t '< ** lilt no «' He. HIa i . awny, " waa lutiK before wlpetl out of f1l^/'tj^i»!on of poliflea looking to . thua brlng- V of ita frieiula d In 1845. of !f were free. lorrltory hn»l ' •• rxll terrl- ill terrl- • •url had Trrntory. ita adniiaaion to the Union 1 iit thia time, cauaed Rrrnt oxcltement to oilay. Line, ex- In terrl- o Coaat. the C'ompromlae Act very north of fho Cnw would <: « - ^ l>een a^K ••-•-■» •-. of the firat conceaalon. thc conflict became Irre- to alavery for aordid reaaona. v.ry In the North, Moba were a led by men of Influence. ; i-oy antl-alavcry literature. h .md condemn Juatlce. North- and lhrenl<»ned hv Southern In thi* South. i,..t v>.) •*I.«et no AboiltfonUt come within the bonlerp ■ - line: If we catch him • • • we will hnng him." ton In I'nlted Stated Senate. June 4. 1838. "The t>eop|e of the North must Ro to hanclnc the fanatics If e at H and c<>i thoy TSouM not l<»v. :* I»««I»«"i>n It N lucriitlve tru«l«' wit.'. .... . ■■ Ab<*litlonliitii will prevent f Henr>' A. Wine. Iat<'r t»i. Brown In 1R59 for hl»" acrlbed "I>up<»nfii b4'nt ^ for "Abolition fanatlcii." Rev. T. S. WIthfrBiHwn. Alabama Itor of the Kmanrlpjitor: "I>»t your • and I pronilne you that your fate wi Rev. William Plummer. D. D.. 1: other rieriomen. In 18S5: "Let the " they will be cauRht If they come an care to stay away." \ lh«» Kind of tr. • I to N'-.rTh.rr,. r^- FuKitiVe • do It. • • • • their present 'V thousand ' UT.f Tohtl wrf>Te W T. OnrTl!»nn ed< Va.. \" ..f -^ts undr t and they v. iii i.ike " ••>""-— d -. . . :. :n :id tM and HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION-PART II. 11 ,,»f V. ).!.». It V. .- I...1I... .. I »»uTc could be no comiK-tlllon ki«t for the rhief proiluctH of ;'ii.l th«- lioii,,. lU'inaiul for iVf (Iculeni - at South- t)t<-> luulil \tv kl(Inu{>etl. puttllo Me II 1 1 till* Ml ufraliist Hi! '.•. mIuvo IruiltTM bfiiiK «irlven fn'i ! from our itortit. Hut um an iv ( iMilii)U**rMl«iti. Itn chief .1 InterfMtM in tin? Kreat fflally It wIfldiMl II (>ower N«.' a tariff on tm|K>rleort**rM In New York. lore. An U ftequence thoHe centerM III November. IH32. South l^irollnu llify the National Tariff \mw and to ■II tiie Tnlon. The nuivenient wan aban- • • of the firm mand taken by PreHldent '^ i..opulation and capital. ii»f lx» vr»»«»ntl»i»»f>f. mn««t Iw promomted though r,',\ S«>uthern rulers; >rlnK iMiJitical renultii. In lid ••1 l^l.lWI* IM-IIIK inliient to iilave- . It. IHGO 'IIH. tah : y. In effect re- ave iiectlonii eH- Act of 1820. The lit to control the Ex- ini L.-^i*.! 1 1 1 \ .• I.I iiiifM i>f Kovernment than ••w territory for iila\ery. In lSi4 the Kani*u4- urr I. A rr lila\«r\ tonsiun of th ^•>> • ' !• «!• I! thcHe wordii of L>incoln. uttered at the llllnolH S n tn Junn. 1^'.IU-Vf thiM K' If Hliive mill half frf«v 1 Jo ijut Lxjcci ihf li-luii lu Lc Lil>s"l\cil. I «lo not oxtKCt Ih. hotiH** to full, but I do exi>ect It will ccaKe to he divided. It will I.. thlMK. t»r jiU Ihe other. Kllher th. h ••Nt the further Mitread of It and i t' ' M reMt In the » ' ' " t It In li. ... ■ ij or llH advo< I'UbIi It f«»rward till it »*' '.'.fill In nil 1.. . . .' M, old a» well aa iicw. N s.-wnrd .it n..< h. wt. r. X. Y.. dechirod thtit i»" t "an Irr- Netween the N ". ;i ' -.r thf* rt \\]:h th*- S" .• '. II I- tl.jj. iL \\ b. • The V. il War vran slavery: the occasion, aeces- *!•--' • " ■" • '• ^ ■-. ' " .: II ij Ir t- f' ^■ \' . it by l- - was at; by the ruish and fa.iuilkul utUon of the South. lii.«.i..UlCAL INTRoDT-. -• - ,.»m',.i jj EVENTS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING ELECTION OF 1860. Thr i i»jii at ll' 'o nn4 nt •' • «r. !•» n ' 'ic K It V.llll- : .• concl8oly IT. wftn Hectotl PreMltloiit. Novfinber 6. 1860. — ' • ' •^' '• • . 11..;. ^ ^ , South tiutive :•• on Ma I y 1. ls«ii; VtrKintu. Aprii 17. Ih61; ft«» Mny *). iv«?i Norfh Carolina. f r.ov- . public .11 r..r ih- u'loptlon foriiml act of secefl- n !« ' • ■nt Duchannn sent this note to hlfl I P^ntl you n tt-leicnim which I have lhl« mo: Ti.ui I'lt f ♦«j.iirir (Th.- f. ;. ^'i.itii rt-ad afl follows): I tent to traniifer uH In this city to .Ml • • • by !«Tir>.Tn'1*H!. We be s.) At' er A.I J»- of yd HISTORICAL INTRODUCTIOK— PART U. l.rig.. !,.- ... ;. In Ihf F«»«l»Tiil ■trvyliiir It. Four iiuMitha later h ,lf ..f \,! t-l- 1 . r. Hif li In a frw r wnji It :> ' iriir In vlotikt lot, <•! (!ii\ frnnirnt for tht Rohcrt K. I.,c«' .• ! >s I •........•1 uftfr th< nt of t h> I anil J «• of dv i> fu>K>«*iiiiion of one , !• th. ,• !• S r«'i.' th«-r«' frtun otli- Two dayii befcjte purrtMulcniiK hiM luni- ntlmilon to the : lithorlty I><*e wrote thin letter to hl« i»on "I can untli-liniU- j.o greater calamity for the country than the dissolution of the I'nlon. It wmiM lu» i»n nrruinulatl«»n of nil the evils we rtMnplaIn of. I art k' but honor for lt« i»renervatlon. ."- in«Ti* of the CotlMtltUtloti lU'V«-r exri iu>^i .-i ^i> iini«ii i.iix.r. unJ forUearatu-i*. uixl MurromuUMl it with ho niiiny KUiinlM and Hecurl- tt'-^ ' • \\j»» intei)«l«- IX. . m the preamble. ann**nt. by Waiihinifton. Hamilton. Jeffermm. Mudliion and the other patriots of the Revolution." And yet he violated his oath to sustain that government and that I'nion. to »i«»ek Its overthrow by exerting ft power no other man In the South coubl exert, his sole excuse Stat«>. atent "calamity" that could be lountry. Secession was anarchy In h^^ >»..... took U|» thf Hword of anarchy and <• had attempted to break a Tnion i.. Its founders, saying at last that ' rather than to loyalty to the r<> p<]ucHte .-nl of t» clare«l that the eleitlon of Llnc«il .1, and h Itrlgadler the wnr atioth the t . I>ut he hiH State !..'k.h by itlon ! and MionnJ 1 I close of ■0. This 1 H r II •ur govcri of th " 1 1'l jRl^kjM>n. fnv ernry. but Or - ■ ' m\ of Tr holder. sntl pinvrry . Ih. In Juru', HIHTORICAL INTRODUCTION— PART II. 15 On ' ■ ■" 1861. by a factional convention at RusiioU- vllle. h. by onllnnncr. diH-larM out the Tnlon. ajfn" ■• - -■ • "ifta. The Ptiite AdnilnlHtration aa- Nii •< rwutrnllty rouM b<« practical, al- th' '•e Kenturklann In both tho Union an ' •* Th« preponderance of popular nentlment ¥i«i- more than S to 1 and Ita reprefi«»ntallon In CoiitfrvMi viatt itmiiiialne-iilgno<| from the I < iblnet aa Se<"retary of the Tr "ft bankrupting It. ti. prominent In the a^cea- al«. ..'nt. In arr.-pilng th«' ponitlon he de< larecable fact, antuul." • itlon of Lincoln, the Con- f»" of rebellion, had been or- »•' *• ' tgomery. aj»»iumlng to V* N. On K«'l»ru;iry Sth. t!i' .... ..; \Ur |,r..< imi... .i goVfrn- ment. on tho ?th It on Davin Pr- id Alex- ander H. Strphonn •. of the Coi ' . . on the 10th I>nvl» \M\n Itmugumted with Impoalnff ceremonies, and a full Unhlnrt jipI^'fritM I Note. In -• no State had withdrawn from the Union fur t; iil>o»c a SUlc In our Republic, 1*»r»on« :iii1 were r«J Ihr 1 -'-'l the •v! fh«« -'1 nt •n • M .1- III t loi.ii ton I I t,i..t, South IMnk- Ntand •I nnd Jrtck- lh«* IiiiUhJ StulfH alitfiHti ill SiiValtluth, t-ia^ were •iiry 1 !'?<;! K'»rt M'>rjrM!i iit Mobllo. Wit., and Mt. Ver- iiit of urinM aiul ammunition: .1 nt 8t. Auf^UHtlne. iiIho the ' ity 9. the SIaf r Fort Sumter. T muary Jan- l Fori ry 12. and ta •I: .UllUl- -*. I>e- niiu.ii.a ■ s val- • r <»f m- I dis- lU" Ht.i-' or Texnii. • V. John \V. KM is bc\zo<\ • n ■ ■■■■ . ■ H. Kock. Ark^ with many cannon and small full Into tho hand* ' !r Klwanl A. I side. theae . War . after • •:i i"^in, M .i< ii.-.i Is.".'"..., 1 .Mi.U'i f» ^■ IT' tii-ni amount! HISTORICAL INTROOrCTION-PART n. 17 to n cor.feiMilon of trenchrry as h© had a position In the De- IMirtmrnt. It In n«M»n that war hii'! ' ' '"* ■I A b> Hi- lu.irHh- Thin fiirt Hh'uil.l fCOV- l re- KIM .1 1 Bu- •Irlfl Hanctlon- Events Ull or A Jarknnnlan I- |tror- t' 'lea or enUinK the war I' 1. i.ut for the firing on J^' h?> Ihnt uiipnrall«»l«»»l t>cc«iiion. An It wan the w^rk of r«in conflncatlon of nan '-rt le»t to the clone of i . •» coln'H term the Slave (.onfui harder to nubdue than at • It'. ' r>t« •iiiluT f«.M-f.H'«i«»n meant. l.lre. 1 to t.. I..- M..o.iy •4 of drIftlnK. iii'ui ;iii'i .n»lrucllve an- quent by the nlave power or the y prrHVMMleJ without official pro- Uni««. HO at the hoR-iimlnir "f Lln- ^ n'»mlna l and The •« of • • iM»ii< \ Mill lit I per- ifadiiifc to the final he wan I'reHident. Il«* \viii« Like clay he wan in««i '• i t.. by loyal people wh subvert or <1. strrjy i- for c< iiervfMl to kill. l: \ Tnrv!*» ft cl-.r no terntA of t . Cffpted bv thp s t> ji ■ f 1 1 < t i I iier\'eoen fioHMililo It rtnild only •i<»t by an ••onntltu- •I^••. It only !i and certain .. « oncluHlon thnf •d. •Iin.jit Vorth thai them. It ■1.! w.MiM lII8Tt)RICAL INTROnrCTION— PART 11. 19 hi ■.■••■• had rr '">' pr. ' «" ••». \ivr 4, _ . >re- - 1 l! r.\... ..M.. fact." 'I*'" Mon for fav- urlnv '■ \ . ^»" 1 1 htnttirir paK«* than that ^•••' '• I'nlon In onb-r to per|>etu- **' •• which. If HiicceiMful. "»' ' v\ N«» p*»r»pl*» fu\ mitt- u»t- ^tly ui la I a* ' th N. nivn and i- than drift . Htatra. If why that, he was treated aa a traitor Nunnl . ,j^,l told that necesiilon waa revolution ly a„j cxlenalvely estubllsh ■:o inM«.iu« .M. i.> ION— PAUT II. humnn »t!nvf»rr. n fry^f^-m «• to thMr nwn rl^hti and oi • Ih vor- • of 11, I to fr. "^ of Ih. * HIack 1^. in their J, the N.. ...uM whip I v.»i.i i.ijilojy u. 1. The South "•• th.» nillnir p* »t"-i nnJ nway t lor In V I •• ' oil t iiin b.. • rallied to i IKI'l i- . ( »ur iiri to hold at- larWs h. ! ■ ! of Ih jced b> H In the Vkvnl wrr*" fur dtfii-ri-nl inuii now. Ci- • ott. Comtrrirv!or-ln-C'hl«'f. ronMl. C«f m- It w.. w. th A ,.pl Hu 1 by r«t iHrmlMirly f»vf»1*»nt In Iho N* 'h#» Vlr- if' of nn n*:' a. Alft- *>*' I threat OI. . Irit of 81- «>••• . •• . - .... city M^Mi Bttaclu and to r< t oa impoaln* aa posalble. HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION'— PART 11. 21 y^f r) .. f..« .1 f «..,>.!. I \i iH 111? •","1 men. Thin condition dill nor did nuchnnan'a net r"''"ry of thn Snuth. Ion*. iifiKtofi. ill n^ : It to r- ■ tly i»d •d rit, - .x.'i I II- : n :: 11. ,i. : . . -. alld iiortii to Southern in r uho In a ,..,.,,.., V. . . ' '»•• • ••'•■• 'I '^•"verm ..^ order alone tranafrrrinic Miv 1 Orleans wn« seized by a mil " specie: aiso the U. S. Custom House wit*. Cobb had bankrupted the treasury'. Floyd iiuil ti«UH«r.l ii iit*ralcatlon In the nterJor Department by complicity \*llh a cl*»rk. of ov<»r $1 Ofto OOO, an«! both hnd joined the host of treason. ' - infc the : fter showlnff formal couf sor. LIti. to ■ ' ^ . . . ... Msirlct In the • v.. ...►,., ■■,-. .,..- .,, ..,...,..,,.,. vAi.ectlnif. it It would e'er lonir be lncori>orated In the Slave al and moral status of ' 1 of the Irate slave power. •d" %*e hml bt-f-n l«»ld was their rule, yet nothfnr ■ rotf«»n In nn f'»»i(frt! 5<»n^f». more dishonor- ah!- to the country. Htu • ry of aires, the plotji of tr.i Ming inor.« w i. k.-.Jiy iiAtincd and savagely executed Is CHRON1CKE8 OF A WAR PRISONER. CHRONICLES ^HOM THE-: DIARY OF A WAR PRISONER OPENING CAMPAIGN IN 1864. IN VIRGINIA. I„ . • . , ..,..!..• \ \t., '. :: ! ; -..1 v> . l: >.. i .l.-livlit - ful. I; we hxi fur Nome liin««. Ii haji Uhmi in> I «»f May uiid flue weather, we hud i ainl inUil, we would have been provoked i^ult (tvit' t«i tttx liitttoiM dally. So thiit'M iii»thl!»K. ; hut we nhall iiiaich H«Mm. I'muhI drill fore- noon und •' march an hour undei pepper wit for examination for r. » .\i . •• i»Vlork drew " a •• ttilfi week, for my f-s t) inttre ratlnnx. Had a {.....- . >-.^ ij . ter Im K«'ttlnK i*ver>ihinK ready in !• f« ) . ■ .1 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 > I L- ) 1 1 I : . > I . • . I , ! |. »• . \ ■ 1 o'clock we ma I ' M iV iTh \' HiiUthWPDt di- -I u( Sloiiy Muuiiluiii uiid ran ' I- ' hlnir rolutnn** and movlnif 1» t > \i. I »•; K- I \\ I < I iM'iter dayH. 'i • »■ > tJif rljfht nf .lit Km*. I IIM* out t- rilRONICUKa OF A WAR PRISONER. 23 riRhC UN. Thin will hrinv our Imum of suppIlM Muth to polnta •. rourno !ii t. wv can only caHt a pitying look ail ; JllnK. Friends api>lie\ siKht to :fj» side. a«* "f cattle b> -u^i. There was once m ■ m r.ite fo Th. Sixth <.^ 1. The poal- l>' ■ 'mac. In til romlnjc b.4 in the c« corp la I -1 In ! on . or b.. >. by officeni and men. We feel the '. la on. It la the befflnnlnir of the re to m.. f •^' .t'L.k. or will be flr»t The ilr>- where battles are iikely to • t) of hostilities, he has moved lu ncqualnt them with It LeaJInK enemy U occur. 1 • forces about officers know %*an taxes. N' urn nt a tlm«» try ^'xtural slraleKy ! make a tie**; • to him. n K. or by our ^K h«n^e have many ad- •••mpt to crush wo shall find "f -rs and scouts. are nerved for the crisis. Our fate They forros In th.Mc fo: sleep. A Near Ijif.ii.try wh.K». It aM>v;i.i«, by Ihc disposed to check us today; thluK aM battle. We n • iri < 1 I rrxi !s about 4 ^ . near portlonn «'i fortified here and a half mile back, but ... 1 after a few shots. We lay down behind two hours, taklnic rofrfshnients. rest and Iv i.f tr.'.iiH ;ir<» assembled In this vicinity. >< sounde-. no doubt 40.000 armed men. Generals rrn riT 1 «»tnffs arrived soon after we camped, staffs. General Wads worth has ' his division and parsing a wonl :.s .iH go«K| natured as ever. He wears llsht gray horse, his gray hair cut • • ■ — '■ •• ■ ■ . -he >• Are ■r th« woods, the trees are I M. T, by thousands ^la's sake, now ftoiti Jhc ImO", they nre not likely to slight It Into the ground. Home are running through It : what can be picked up; others are knocking and puUlnff tHMnls from lU sides. U Is rwt a tiranfer to soldiers, they CHllOKlCLES OF A WAR PRISONER, :iS iixl RcbM; Stonrwall himself. Il wan about here the r for a some ••■'■'ht 'S , :. . h ■ n the morning. W« I them. OPENING THE GREAT WILDERNESS BATTLES. l««'fore Uiiy bugles blowe ing It. lines move on the rlvht and left o: mcing '. Into thirk ^\'.'>l.^. The : tllU«ry that moving was " — * " • - to give Court It two : hav- check. • ore rldiDg on the hue. In a few minutes Gen- ' f't:r ^irtiT't'l'*. fnlrrrl thrm romr.nnl*?? of the U ad- i. Ad- 1 Rice : i>Iace Our UK aa • "'-y ...ce our llr >\ but wo \s.M,,!s . cut roads. Y again ;iear' 1 flat, loading luid firlny. We took it — V ^ Wimn on our riKht rt>ll ' • tun ll.MMM. It \\.i.S It uptx-Htiil ihtry httU lurtKrO uur ivli riuiik. which cut u» ull £rui nny MupiMtrt. We f«' • .iiul front In hrnvy t We netit in<*n lo flii'l t thii V V unti I hey never rei . •• wore y the rlicht flunk and file We IhouKl'l uuryclves lucky when we Rot out of thii* t»rrilc.. ment. We had !«• * * . ' .» - -. - .'ment > comiiaiilefi. 1 • we I ' ' i. «anie « .md came 1 . L- ,,ut I ) Into this bo«ly. An I n; t»i« > • t»k!"; their i»le One of tli- iMiyn who waji tak< ' hat or equip men til. Several buUeta came near hittlnff me during the forenoon. At *■ • - ... ... .- » --■ ,- -- - :'i. when a 1 t my eye t .... ;. Uelow and i Others struck a '1 we ran as fast as possible and I- thought It the place where CHRniNrTr'T^Ka OF A WAR PRT80NER. 27 oil' a tic In t? J where we were .1. I .1i 1 I If waH now 3 hunifry ::: to oui .... .. .... .....; the offlrrni i>f what I 1 1 vore C«>iiMii!t 1 tiLT .1 \ ..'1' c 1 aa hi- in Co. I) of our rejclment. H. ^' froni the woodii and iiaid Ih. iry riKiil »»ul ilur." pointlnfr Jn the direction w. • nrniv An ffHr-r !Tn?Mr..nato|y rode to the e«l. iiic ua In and wo trt' 1 not reucho\ ''1 nil., the fk< U-nt that If we could n««' ... It. A few men were •n line. . (a more by-road). Dla- c«' • relurniHl. Ttwy iinnio.lliit«'ly rhaiiKcd their €•• 'n. W. riHivi'd aa ffiat and na rautloualy as |i4. lh«- \*«H»da ■ • :ll of the enemies acouta with W "»hot«i w^r** . I. Turning north we paaaed th' :nc out near u clearing. A portion of tit over. Dead and wound«»«| were a* ■ T - thernera. K" . From Ih- • i oiM i-.-rM over- wi In or r ijc noar the •«U •••' 'f ' I'Mitenant I'r odRe of Ih- K younir W' re or the preaence of any of Lr. uMth tia to ahow the way to CM. .me to where the road fo: • • «♦ n e*»fl!n p^lnt to I" In at" .cer In V .~. . ^.r-.r. i r.otiotrJ t.^o dla- 28 CHRONICLES OP A WAR PRISONER. J to •r. II .. . . ,

Ij.ilf a mil.- J.. f..r, ^\ .• u.-re Irj the mld«t n. The first liMtmation we hxuJ of It wn« the inketii as they cocked them and I saw two of- li. • r!^ .11 :. to the rl}?ht of the road ahead and their lines r-"- •::- • '\ on tv*th ••^!e« of us. Our offl«'*»r^ were too • put out an Kuard viKh we had !. id. It h- y ' I . >■» . JM 1 ., t ' > \\ J . < •■ i . : . i ' > i I tie whit h v iMi-nced to reload as we •;»... J- f.. I),,. »,,,,«(•,. ..( men. . them '•n luid • ». H 76ih N. Y.. ' arm. f our rnininny \\ others i iifl I < Hi'wrul fail In the e was < ■ ..t. most of the men • ftway < hoplf.K to escivpe. Lieuts. II fli'w . «'imn'M hi». MM|<| «.i. u)<> .ir«' «Mir n.«ii. . ili.ii •. ijum!er IIIIlH ct>rpii In 111 • -t • '' • • • » ■■':■'] hpfnre tha kiiif? nil M..; ■' if h,nl ■••t- !.in • TH .iiui i»f witlfi'. i'annon- the nlr nlmoitt over ' and Lee'* left flunk ■ .la gir ly iho oke of ' . .fid • w, 1 • .-.^ot ftiit on the \ by bullets i'»* our party. In wnm given ing by f mus- »*••..' fc' I " Mil .. ^. ,,r shells iKAs terrtflc. As ms .. i to be lo \ so CHRONICLES OK PRISONER. k' up br^iiat . I ho front- s tn.- tt.H,|,H ill the line of ,.. .r fr..,,. th(* • •m u ns easily mm ft few minute* the r..vv,, .lis!, .v.- I ni...n MS .'i.! ..11' » Mll.fM Itilffhl whittle UH. •* hnntenlnR for- • icnne a ro.. >,,. ,i ,. ,. ■ .^s and Li. 1-. .-...*«-. ..i..i lay ■ the nlRhl. It dark, and we were closely ^ md not allowed !■ ., ... lo the iruarda. BEHIND THE ENEMY'S GUNS ! f r anp i ns r,c;T reeT. Friday. May «th. 1R64 Ip at : «iulte \\.ii Th«- "out.! >'{ »•..!''•• A ».» In !n very t frofin hat tie ground. I>ead cav- ', ..ijr mt tsT r.Tir n- r, t.ury them. A» •ti*>of(i>t 1 '.. mov- Ins clone to .. •cl and stall osil al UtttivruJ Lvu m hcaUiiOa-rUrn, a. hui.UrcU >ards distant. CIIRONICLKS OF A WAR PRISONER. 81 Thr fore part of Iniit nlicht >i**vorul Imltorlon were hurried pa«t. nonl. I think, to Leen right. I think thin tarly nichtlnic In to facll- Itnte a nwvrnicnt by our Irft winjf around I^e'n rlRht. Hard to (ri water. Th««y let a few rnen out with cnnteenH under minrd. When Lonjjitreet returned to hia column he wim arcom- |mnl«d by Oeiieral I^h*. A nhort tlm<* thfy iitoov i^ ..,. ..i... .1..- .,. » .i,. . ... ; • ' •" I felt opprewied with thr ftt«t of thflr attHulf toward try. HKhtlnic to .lint (II. f If (.. II. .11.1 .111 .1 .;.im t.r iicht . 'uate nlavory by try an It rumen the to do It. they break thetr tmihw by iirtn v. ••niilj)<-. jUHitfyinK their course by the niniay i»rft«-xt >^f • f thflr ittateH In ne<*e\n.i %N : -Ml <'i t m«' Sentiment t»f I Their caus'* f (leneral Lee and "♦' • -■ '■• ' ' " " •<> the front. He ru: an ln)i>eni- t.itlon an«l fear, the my an*l pemlstent character- twtt tijt liable to act from llloif- ils to prejudice, narrow • of rhM meter when once K . beat ability to ac<> Kin • d an ho'. •». lo..k full • . r ■ -s ' Hut rie 1 UK • << corp ue and ; >Hltion Di.iii ' w ..<>. d vir In his . I. lit not ptiiiid It f'T n IttTir . i> ill (tuul uf htiii. ■ iin out Tb« gruuy iiUl lint » 1 cnnoNicLEs of a war prisoner. ts that l!i»t.n.-.1 w. r. rnnvlrrrrl thai Northern »ynipnfhlK*r« arc of the V rtl that can »<»« *•• - night rtf ^ -< ant! the art of r. and n«>t of * r" Jio furt). to ,,... • " -n !ld ♦We ild he. •that when we set » nM«» • r a. but that If '. tkirty s r<>r . v]r . •*M;.k- <>j-i!,ion« we • r. the problem would have Tin ' n llnea. Hiii wife reHiden there. 1! my years and from the first was ready to follow him either way In this contest: so was S4 ciinnxTci.rf? \n prironer. all northern ^ srrtlon that If Lo<» ». ..I ..• I f... kx th.- rtMt)orlty I. and . that •■ ry in >te ..• .ili-l lIi.H IJU4 «iut>- to to the national vovern- "A II South rti mon art* Htateii rlKhtn." said he. "and vi>,..., It fl.,t f»i.. o^.Mt). VK..nM >..•.'.•. I.- St >ti- :ifti*r to te •I- Ul- lloii. S«>u()i«-iii 1 > lii Ute i>rfVallinC !r»*"».1 mm! nf'.<\ »Mi' No mnn of chur- Mucreim '■*, A Ml iS .•■ •le ■ •*. la i !o, fven In 1 to »»l.i\.rv Tid who did n«' "d aiavr-power, always ..f tho rrlcn • H«* own*' > td thlrty-lhre«. lie lutld:- "Y- . he la a cook In l<«M»*a art "I II • -ran by ■teftllnff and 1 It l« • mor- > hold Slav- •id nd under alave isa aa The fut\ii.- ..r th'- .S..utf> In a ii.llltari rii-i-lff alid lii <. • «i«aTil> a wealthy power.- CHRONIi'I.KS OF A WAR PRISONER. 3S I rndor-- ' »' ' " •» o ...I. ^« ,,|i,| iiucr«'\ • I >% Mi K^^ « 11 do It." • <.... ,, >. . t » >...v .1.11 .1.. If 1 > »: • >ine running It be let It our Is In sympathy I. till the last/' My t ihc Nurth is a unit. So I hnvo, ami »'lll rely in vain r will tlon of in<) t >:t \\iiii' \«»u ;ilid Will 1. » V' '•"♦•llan. he Is your best ma- 11." If he should be elected V "Never; we'd be d d fools lo come Into the Union then. Never : until all States shall have adopted policies favorable to nluvfTv'" P .ry If I u- ud w- • r- it ly. .ir ri*iutiuld not •ur Conf< will not th^ n Inter go ov. Inducenu-ul lu run n-^ '• Ml your fugitive thrm up?" "What will you do If we don't?" rilH- - OF A WAU PRIflONKU. S7 "Wrll flKt.t • ••Whnt J. "It'll n nt . MtAblUh It.** *H'oul«! >ou II >frtr»?" •*l i.r.-«»uft'«« .. up a mu«a In six nioiithii '*T)i ' would hAV« to AMiume the obllffatlona i.f t! .• « y . tm^ wouM i*nHluc«» ()l«cont<*nt; what wouM ■ \\ t II. I ii*|>oiM» wr'd whip h»*r Imrk." TukiiiK him by the buttonhole. I icibl: "Whnro arc your state •yi he InuKh«*endence: without tri l« a fool that o up till we arc , • ■ ' ' . .- > I m I 1 ,1 •-< I'- • Ml I I 1 K I > I ■" , S" .\ . •■ u:' t as w««II havo It out and end the mattor. slavery o on that." . .1.. !f.'* f.!i..uf..l fli- 1...N-. • •f Ia' ^ b«M]>i{u«4rd. Me |*uii4ue tltkf t-it n I hnyonrtn. « nii»<>n. drl\ caiinful « lothinff hnce to irt. Nature wan heavenly, her voice In evi-r. "Man be trut* i«» ihymdf;'* th«» luime In war nnd In peace, to the rich, the |>oor, the hlfch. the low. oh. could we be like her! "Only rnan In vile." An we aftfiroached Ne who had not 11 waN evidoni. by the much c-onfuNlon and ! to thir intln. and ••re l)ox ciirft. NO ■ 'red tenia and •••1 the order :..iown off and Cil' In Neven ' arc l»> .•arrhe«l UN . red our n < i;"ii' 1 1 .— •Id T '» • ,,i.i-K«-l for ir..oo. ti» a KUard. W) (<• th<« h«»UNe to ».. «••• » t> t". -.Li. w ,r.- It would n« • man. having n<' |Mi|H>r. en- V. r ihinKN. Money waa K#»nerully Ill • . My money 1 had lurke \K<,m 1^^y «•••«»» MI | hnd w iiN my ricithn a. I-' .ilfuUt. ■ a few phot OH and a p.irtlv i«h they to-* •• orri« »T r«r;ir« nifiif me to r« • -• "f the field near Nome h. 1 North Tarotlna who Itv Th. .«»„if,,f preNl- d. - They h<: . Mce nnd pride are ■ H have been movr-1 T» fired by the r\i' of roalisinc th. theory about CHRONICLES OF A WAR PRISONER, 39 »Mth«»rT« civilisation and »irh«»m4» of empire with wlnvery oa the ••. Ill evl(l«*ntl\ i lur »U!«» of ' waa now. .•*! to (luubt « ■ • •NM of the <»|.l ..f Souih- • r It . V h of th.- ■■ par(> • I hull f.. -• ■ ■ ..... ; .1.. U\vu ' . . 1 J . >>. H I 1 had th. U> to Ilia ir arinivM . ...ii-a, or li-.-. - . ;hein In :.. : L of the \orth. Th-lr ii...fl.i w .« ••VII f),.. <. .,,tl. , .«..-. »... ,,u... \ up nlon? the 8oul) •-•n. Picturinic the Ir Mllty of thplr b*ln« yieliltMl. mu.»«« ihom UmH. in»t>»T. Thfy hail HUp|H)ii«d the North car<»d nothlnjc for \\\v rnJon worth flfrhtliiK for, aneniocmtlc imrty ih'Vjt opp<(h«m| Hhivi-ry, iihi>ul(l It rim* to power the war would roaji*' aiul all Im wmmii:. ■' «em of la!>or; but that there Wttn no oth»«r iiyi«t««m for • ii and what would the North do without It? They nniiumerthern commerce and Induntry i|f|HMideon nluvery; that the climate Im iiKainHt \\hii«> li.'. white men btdnic unable to endure lalM>r: to which \\.« rt-i'll.-.I by remlndlnir them of the ability of both Southern .ti»d Northern white men to endure the hardships of war In the South. Then** |>eop|o had little know|«M|f(«« of the character of the North, the Value of the I'liloii and llw nature of the ireneral irov- \ it..-.- by I.. < d. . s avitt*>nc^. Klabi ..r w r..i.K K i* the South a buaineas.' which cmme mn hotly aw tt» •ueir«*'»t dnnr»*r. i)ne of th. you exercise more m>erly .r try." which I • "nre^hM! to Ih" trii.- .ir.i i.-k'^',. i hm j.ii.l..ii. They do not see that when th^y forci-d alavcry Into a national 40 CHRONICLES OF A WAR PRISON KR. territory «H*! f1fmnnf!*Mi Ifw Y»ro««»rflon In fitiHh»m communities. It wnji th. r !■ new. ThiTf l« A «»">• of \V • ■■ l>4 the ir ■ »»ttt or »w- Cii ii»v- ft on the iMMt means to i would nut have oc- curred. An old man said he had always lovf^i th** I'nion. but had irlven It up; If the country could tx- < in the Union he would be fflwd. »»ut he m »«•«? it. "neither will you. > the |>rlvllesed youth of I. I ni. i«*as of 1 of tl ry. hi i«'M. Ol \^ ho ha KiKhts 114 ! the new cl'- •»»♦ I he ' \'. ••<>k M!» < Nurprlsetl at our near r»- ■1> Inqulrt*. •"l>o you think th lH> you fX|>ecl to ivaucc us to \h'j \'\> Am to tm no rixht to know anything about INilltics thc> iM- MK«- nil- old ludy iind duuxhtrm whose house I visltrd near CuliK-pper. Vn.: They wantrd tho war to end and "don't cure a |>i ^v." W** !tv nt ' !l day and nlifht between the em- bii !. Here I Rot my flml Htm^h i»u|>er; It irn ' buttleii. stute«l a foi..- \itiiiiM two miles of Fetersbunr and Richmond. Wrote a Irf - • »n pent home whW n a iitix.n n.n.j ti.« would put In tl About a hundred rations of hard breud at^- I ffot none. A train of woiutded C M Ih- \Vt!'lernri»n hnttlefleld l>ound f«' lM«d Into the 0«t . 1 U|. .11, tilM strstcher. • H!:' •N'lrr.Es ««F A UAFi rnis.»NKi: 4t VIRGINIA GIRLS OF SWEET SIXTEEN DID NOT LOVE US. •l \S"': . jr »f. It In I. o I . - . - live k' I • : - ' ' -• . w« ■ • ' '■ ■ ■•• •"! I . , • >' %^« t bark nn fast an ihey lainv. I'rrx uriiig u H«>In*1 Haff Ihey riHtciir it - fui|«>a. Yft I forirlvc' ;n. Vou know •>••' vJv.i v..i| tio. Nor «» thin hour ^ I rn.-' „ ^ht. < Sirls 1 i«rt b«hliia. Y'Mir w« <»rn In hot and k«H«n * - \ . , V rl- I ....... I'm bad Tl.. c And you'll not b« ao mod. 42 « 'Hi:' t.N M l.!-."-* « T A » Aiv ililSoNKR. Yon. when thin wnr \n r.v.r And th«* Tulon In You mny wiml a Yai r Ant! not tr>' to feci tut bond. •«\M]n«'lto with old Rorwh! IridfKMl.. It Hopmn quifp nnd That niu'h coiiM nmko a nuiah (»n RlrlH and hv Iholr fad! Homo brutal nlicicer-drlvcr. Who Riorloii in bin lafih. Homo Hlav«Ty connlvor MlRht favor Huch a manb. Hut your doar Alma Mator In JefferHon'n own »cbooI; llo xvRft n Hiavory hater; wan no fool I »i'.'ii:rit\ Tii.iidH. KOoulatlon of CharlottovHh* 1h r..&00. Tho icroator |N»rtlon of tho rn>wd wore women whii |ooko«I at tin with apimront Intoront. Thoro are noveral bonpltaln horo whlrh ai • belnir filled with wounded. F'our mllon furlhor tho onKini- |o.«*' |M)wor and half our train In loft. I boInK on tho roar lar. He- fore dark Kuardn wore ntationooMlblc lluit nil their lofty expectntlona would be renll»ed." Monday. May 9th. -Alwiut 10 a. m.. the train havlnir cf>me back, wo got on for Lynchburg. I had a flat C4ir next to the OHRONICLI'^ op a war prisoner. 4.1 ftnffine. <»xp«>iif>tl lo the •un. nmoke and clndem. The pamwiKe wnii very (lliuiirr«*fut>le. Th»» on!v 'i •< •• ••«• .. ...... .1 ..n the way In Amhemt <'ourt Houim', Ar 3 p. m.. w«* marrh«> th.- t'^n ■ n k i/- of all clanf, A niotl«*y -ii ut e\ aii«l whiten Indliirrlniliur m** the «l. rally fouiul ill thi* fllthtfMi |H>tiit*itM uf cltk'H. liuU 1 Kt^eit Mi many blark iiiitl x*h;i.« h»*M.|« (••^••(her In N»*w V«»rk «»r New KnKland my tNiriNfi . would )> 1 my abollnh- lon iM*iitlii ■ t million. < white folkfl to the Ifvi-i >>i i(..- i.ik'i'iM. Tlw «..\\ i. IS .iiM\-. dllaplduted; ■treetn fluttrred with huHiiifMH. It hi-lnK a dfpot (nr mllit.iry HUp- plleii .• • ' - ' ■• - 'I on thf riKhl bank of the J iiial and the Virginia and T 13.U00. They marched ua a mile out • in a de<*p hollow by a fine Utrrrun f>n 01 . hill. Here are all prlHon- V r44piui«-«l. fXtvpi uf(ii«-it4, who are looked up In the tcuardM ar»' moHtl> eltiXfOH. boyn and old men. e<|ulpp«*«l t>> itii in.tclveH or with MU< h Kunn iiM the provoMl could pick up. Mom of them are lmprrHf(«*d i' Mion cltl. .tnd pantM. n >^J"" -.■•.. I M- •' ^^ltha w«MM .1... I with a Nhotgtii!. 1 .k in^; hlN Teat. He Mid he would like to tonvftKf but dare n«»t. From the brow of th«* hill Heveral caniton cornn ■ ' • • •• camp. I miw «e%>ml cKisenN Imprinoned In the city . wht> nympa- Ihlsed with the North, one Ruard intiulr* . .ime out from the clly. what we dbl with deMt-rter* frt»m their army. He soJd they were to|.| they were handed by our authorities. He l« a ■•meant, had rontemplateil de«ertlnK; ha«l a brother who de- 0erte' fix. I • ■ • if * i'uuiic freedom ry couldn't mix. The JohnnleN w • And when we n trlcki*. Whine. "Whttl % for.*' We flffht you for iuur cj.use la bad; CHRONICLES OF A WAR PRISONER. Y<»ur l«'jnlorn hoDCMt blcHMl li.ivo nh^*): 111 South h.i\' hull. .Ill iltrhtM forh;iaws; I fly have * ' ' " <» new I clause. 1 . i. .1 down Ir isas muss- Tin y forcfil a nu — Th«n started up i ^„t-r fuss, Atjd we're In It up to siKht. I know not when the fuss '11 end: It has been hart! and hot; Hut «o the finish we'll contend, \nd they'll lose every slave they've jftit. Th" i»ower they nrt lonif did wield, V ' re, upon the field A III I I. .••loin j» r.nise refltor«. I VNMni !?r. T(, HAW II I r r:)fU W FNFMVS FIRE. HIT. md first time since all nt one time. We undviMtaiid lh« bu^uU V.UM UikvU by cUixetis; It was very CHUONICLES OF A WAR PRiSONEn. 45 ><]. A number of cltizonii come to nee us. nppear courteous and "v. There wim Oti. • " - ■ man enthus- ••»r ■A »1 the I* nion i-.i • to liny, even w re Borry thnt }: »n hnd • It up ruined Bnylr.c: hi tti-nt The He til tonr«. n •I • Khoiii h!m t roll of moH' I'out to lenve , lie w.ia .1 1 Ul. a lukt n to the city. thill no (n k to un or we to anyone. •>rn. jTisori. rs arrive from the battlefield ^ ' "• • ■• ^'* ■ '• - - n It .ire .. wi nn report our army race with I^e; out coniinuMUH. They report we have taken In the mnvrment. About 2.000 of our mtMi say ul 9 a. m.. It Is puppoaed. to Danville. y. May 12th — Rtlll ntlnv. Wh«»n T nwoke this morn- y III watrr: ' 'ly I am wet All the wo-. .otM they let -.. I 111 -J IS \.ry [iTt!'-. w <• u^<- \i for Cooking; i.— Cold and wet. Throat and lunRS sore, I.' - .1. lit-; I am nearly nick; got no rest. It frrew lit 10 a. m. I lay down to get a little ease when 111 L-. f ii-i.u til !. \ .• \'t.r I 111! L' T.iii.i.- :< t'r*»at • net hed •inic up the hill i u^er I us was enraged: me .e ttlll. then Jerking the otlaT k iiie acroriM the :s with hl« •word n blow thnt mo. Had It not been death I Sb" impulse. Our e\ *■ " Til"' the ni I . . I ."-.. I . . i ■■ ■ • . •. I, rw be- side Rlch- . I place was he right bank of the fore we rein bed Ilii l>.ii.\ inofil'. H. 'Jhe ruad run« . of Panvllle. then night Is • •{ it. At ih.H i>4»li.i 1 jui«.Lil and hacon This !. • n had n Kr««nt r^Iiiih for It. It wan the third day's ■t( «lra\s n • ■ - ! • ;i- In four •>. .,. ••r !••. •t I'S 1. ■1 k t'» \U>\t I . i;iiini.t«<, j..i\iiiK ti»«-> n»\ -!r liitiT K .. .^ , •■"• . '.. - • ^l\.^K• i;>. '"ii '111 n"i iiii'i I II'- I' if'^n w 11. ilU Ainr' Tl Vr 48 A WAR PRISONER. •< i: ! turned nbout, . ihcy'd ' ;.llt to ?. flout ItiMJU.s in«ii nur.'h mi they holal a R- I -l flag: ; e it In I "8 fac« — .\ t nl.i h! Tu all l). Then Lit "What will my Liolhcis do? You jia the people. I the head, T • le true: t thin traitoroua horde; I ^i > •' Mnd: They'll >\ ith the aword, ill we be bravt, ive ••W«»*ri» romlnsr^ honftPt Abraham,' A '-'Il damn: |i> i MouN.uiiin >\ •• torne fortb. For alavery we much ubhor. riff S OF A WAR PRISOXTTR. 49 W«-' !H I: ••iiKii many ycart. And thouffh - the woea of war. Our honor k f. nr!" Thus ttwokc f. E'en whore 'i -d to rel^n: And thoufch liny mmvc, and threat, and boast. Their •irlvlni: ahull be vain. DANVILLE TO COLU MBI A — WAYSIDE NOTES IN SLAVEDOM y. May 19lh.— Awak«'no*l by th- ' 4 a. m.; at dn- on tho «tro.«t re!i -i l>:-k'. i> !!t>ua Journey aouthward ^ on the merclea of cnfmloii whom we had Juatly « rbnroua In < of the ind are r«- fatoii of How mm > I * — ' :• ' a lu •• of Unionlain %> u mmuiti h. . u.- 1 Northern homea! How many and who of ua will aleep the laat aleep In > larire bulldlnira uaed aa hoapltala which appear fll' ri hour and n h \]f ].. f..r.- \vi» rem h the cara. a lonir train of flat and box. I ' bottom of a flat. At 10 a. m. m'e utart on a nev 1«». Va.. to (Ireen- boro. N. C. 48 mllea. A (ruard iiear uw. a. nuin about 55 yeara old. ventured to any that he bellevi^d 'h** South mlaaed It In irolng to war: It waa not true that they .'d to It. He believed pTMildent Lincoln juat auch a mn y Clay In hia prlncl- plea. n- ■ ' It 10. "T* vlth Abraham Lincoln a« Mially > >i>i>>K M;.tw. . .■»..t'd. He aald: *T ..^ do wa find you with your ^n In the Rebel •er .» I had t«^ ^#» «». 'Ml i where: I enllatee taken." DO CIUIOXICLES OF A WAR PRISONER •CMnKrlnR to Richmond will only continue the war until we comi 1' '• '^ »..«'..'.. If f» . ^>w>rte8t way to end It. unless the whole Sout» ' '* • ^ • North: we think you will got skk of flRhtmif. li<;ip!« c»' i..c.pi«» b<»lleve you to be a hart! race; Ihfy want to K'-l rl«l of you. Thl» Is what we pe«ple are told." "If the South wants to settle as It Is claimed they do. why don't they lay down thoir arms and ask for terms?" "That's It; they no more want i>eace than they did when thry commenced." I. * — 'V of men have t>een put In !•: ■•■ believed, they'd 8en ii I." "We I - the ultimate result of thlf* war. ' :lh or South. The trl- urr.{ »i of the South \x • »t calamity that could l-'i], oiir triumph th> o right." . as a Union man whose election do you prefer this fall?" 1 ihliik Lincoln Is a good man." This was an lnt«*rAtiting conversation; I am really In the Confederacy In c HoKller. After gol: being a I acroHjt tl: with am. began to )..,.■ I ) . 1) with a Union man but a Rebel •4 we were ordered off the train, there ■ -i not completed. We moved off .0 to a roatl. I»ng trains loadetl .i.ik.n i..> ii»e raggedest negr<' ' • r saw. IS we went on the road. It % ng to "^ '-• !'•• .i!-i .•<■.• f.. i»i.- rail: ^h the ' several men illed :T 4 p. m. af)«l waited 1 to James H. Hawks of the ■.vn? tho b'ctvrlng of a new education, his mem- i;h h'j h-i 1 uf ihc peninsular A pile of road. A group of '■ . V ■■. ■■'.•S •M.i. lu- Hul by f . v..ry w' V .i| Up and »«t. i ht wo arrived at Oreen- boro. N. C. a. i*lM^sixiil. i^Ucti, u^i>iu^rUtcly named, I Judge, for CHR^ fh^ h^nuty of thr .(«• trip. Mplfmlirl! KUf SI ttuitiy atiltnat vrti» not on irxl flower f nut hilly • o- ng I rtf a ' 8onff« .„.. to .Is X- rong Union M. We left hiil cord for three nf. Thonip!»on and t three v. our I or iiid d. ;r- . of and better. I .ill ui. At RnlUhury \v«» Nfon nnd wom<»n came out • .,.tj for i te. nii.illy on of- ••< are nth of Jark we drew n dny ii ration of bard bread ond tmcon; had had nothing for 3,. i',.»...i -.. Mv uouM hftVe f to Rlrh- i; . 5th and 6ih," »:iM (Jen. Shuler, *hxive i»ui l^ee on the l
    l^K .\ ^ '. ...A. All el ^ overrun Hy p«.i in rain and sun While freest men are shackled to their grave; And cannot rise where masters stern enslave. Freest souls are but subaltern tools; The truth Is silence*! wh'»rov*»r iijnvery rules. Men's thoughts grow passions turn to hat< As waters In a silent i If ■ • •.!'.•: 'I t rule a Slate. }• • >wn, \'. in clown. A: ives for cash; The pr«as and pulpit help them wield the laah. CHRONICLES OP A ... i mi<. .vrn The rulinc spirit la a (Ifrnoii fmuc) Willi » ■ • Afi.l • y ■ 1 •• i wood; ti mJ. It- T. lIlN Mil .tt- •..■iiH«« t h.( ' .1 man. Th.- \r> ": . ' }■' ' • tfi nrtlon fun. Bo It > •I Of t»^ woiiM i>j»rl — 'I '1 luL l.< it will - huiiiati ;| nplll! ■ c |: 1 .N A . Wh.t. u' thotr nocinl Inwn! \n.| no 1 • ly wo wcml be envlaveU — In miiiir dnmrKwl prlMon penned! AT c. T^. <^ApoLINA CAPITAL AND ONWARD, h -Arrivo ut c'oltiinMa. S. C. at v^iU«.- lull) \viUi uiic arm about hH ■.V . ;• ; t ; . . .• ! • -.l«' htm. K,-l.. : '' to 115 C'otifelemte for II 111 Uh in iiucceM8. At r-omii rvii.^sNilU' Ih a Junction -. the othtT n»uth to Wilmington. i ..*.. ..i i.,. •->- •»'■ S- '•■ fUver. or one of Itti l)ran( he8. Meeniingly two mil. s l..:.Lr i We reuched • dark and HwiKhed lo the we»l. Country Im level. j .Mir cultivation, un much of the i-otton lands irvf^tt ar*- -lead. KinldH look like vant swanipH. L*and In workr»'l \- . wholly by Hiaves with little knowledge how to iin|»! vviih ni'ither facilitl«?8 or enrouraKement to do so. ^u^^\ . lUHtod, it l« b-ft. We could 8ce the Hiilves lolling in "tli.- <..M..ii and lb- Monday. May L'3d. at AugUHta. Ha., at daylight, one ..f tli.- I ' /.. in the South: the home of Alex- in.), i II •br.'itfd -.XH on<* of the abb'!«t Southern iiMii. n.».> ... , .. . i . -'f thiH Mo-colbnl <\»nfe«U'nioy. Hus- iiwHH appi-aii'd dull, 't :i) Savannah biid troops lo reln- Ji.iit. I. II iM\..t, AM. I an hour we run out of town .III : o rations since the 20th. fs.iii I.. liniss buttons, pocket ) .' ;. I .my Vuiikfv triiikft ar«> in gooil demand: bread Is ; fiuirTTiMti*? wht-n wf ftrvl It. They like Yankee 1 ''rcha. but they are too I succ*>edeear to many a lnia?«t. Many a m«>thiiH hi-.iri In donrth. Many a wifi* with woo Im prosM'd: AnH many a kin aiwl inatiy a frlonil Will Ion- to K t falo; Knt niaiiv a ; r«* will oixl Within that I Anuk. U>n»r w<'ary day. Miiny a diHnial niKht. <»ur ho|N' and »»tronicth may wante away Hy hunK<-r. pain and hllKht: And many a vow may bo forKot. Hut we nhall not forRot Th«> KlorUuiM trutliM for which wc fought. Tho tjuiMo that trIuinphH yot. Hut wo hoar thoir vauntlnRN evorywhero; Th«'y novor tan prove true; \,..| y,.f ». ), .f .t. . Hn over daro I ' i: to .1 llltio ronirh ThinKM look a llillo hluo. Ytiu l>et It Ih a little touRh, if di»wn to Hohol jail; I - not no ver>' ploaiiant, though. ThiN lidltiir on a rail! ARRIVE AT ANDFRSONV II I F. Tu«- < . up on the cam: at imldMt the roar, the heat » wantod t«» lie «l«»wTi. fitit or wantod to iitr» 'ftH hia arh: i thom. oh. th'- ihi i\u. whore- In were with the doom cloned, ii f •<• .N.-r i .n«i|. of water to co....!■ x.if If, .. !.iii.»M-.. for one nnoth*T. MorntnK iich thf pine, the biirren iUH»f, and Hiave hula; the tri' phanty of |>* «'f 'tny aci-ount are far apart. At all thene places the negro lit thU-f. NIk dm'H the work, eatii the pmirest victuals. Is an all around man. At every de)>ot. every she ■ black , ....- ;Ju'H«- vv) t, ».i ,rk faci'S. l«»ok like anj...„... nx, you conservators of ai <.il. doomed Institution upon which you seek to rear an • At 6 a. m. the whistle blows at Macon. Gn.. and we stop. The doors open and a few slide to the ground to stnilghten out. to limber up aind to try and get a drink; but few sue* eetle<>ii( .«» niil<*s south. The country is more thickly Inhultited. Is a richer region. Fort Valley Is 30 miles south of Macon. Here were plenty <»f customers for anything we had to sell. Men came out with corn br»-ad to cxrliiinKe for wallets and It illdn't tjtk«> t)t«*m long to "g»-t sliut out". ImKIi M«>xes. all colors, all grades. We were not the first load of "hyeims" that had gone clown, h.i th. \ 'lid not come out to see the show, but wanted to know I'ns all from" and to traffic It began to be hinted that . : 'it going to Americus. where the guard had told us our prisoiiem are; that It !• a splendid camp, gn^n- sward. I>eautilul shade trei^s. nice tents and a right snutrt river, those that had "been thar a he««p o* tlm<>s with you'ns fellers." We had hoppd tbnf ••nrh might be our lot; but now everyone was wonderfully Wb«*n ankefl they would luiy. "can't tell you sar." At r pe I nski(l a citixen how far It was to Americus. "Oh. right smart, I reckon; you'ns not going thnr though.*' "Wb- ■ ■ -ve going?" I asked another. "(lb II thar where all o' you'ns fellers goes." "Ho., ; .. "Itlcbt srniirt bit, I re« kon." "W.-ll )i..v% f.K.nv inil.s-" "<;«. i'uB got any rings'*" CHRONICLKS OF a \\.\it i lux •NKR. -Ancl*r»«.n\i!I.- Ml. •. . »ii It I rfK-kon." -How .1. "Hlirht r lie miffhty fn«l. I har/ A K- ii.tUI. "You bet ihey do." •It ! Il"' "You Will n.-,' all to see before lonr** "HllVf Nhi'ltlT. of B1 I newly Nlru I !•■ Imrrpn. uninvitinir- About halt ii n wllh rnnfi At :t (rlnrrp I ciiUKbt a th* mu '<* put up in H. It waji u ui.iull mlfu^riva. It . then a foul ulc«*r i It \ •leK tUT.- -.: Itantun wnll- wh th.' la no rtMinil it\ n!on» the iuin-i '. Into ft*'m IhMr " t!if i»ut' nniu*' ran* In a puHfiion. piatol In . ,.A oath, puttlufc the piatol you any dot afptln." Steppinc ■ l( ai...tri.-r : T.» th- l.ft a whom I fiMuul tti kicking him »4<\ yelled Thia officer ith an oatti up In ter The ground waa covered with aiiuiU buahea. While wailinc 51 « i pome WorW..' curry In for««»«! I>> puurinjc thruuKh N.-.rth- U \^ thr- kiiii; in bunill<*li to : !.ul uU were • • olumn was .1 ionic breath • >ii," oh. h<»w .j4t. UB we Wf I • Ihroiiirh I auk' kill A I... • I run« nearly WfMl. tii- .Hi way. I hail < »ltl prlnonem ttr iMinifthlnfc .■.a.- - II.... ......K «•'■ -.p.'.-- .' • •• not lo be de- it utile view wan u|i|mlllnK; contact a thousand tiroes • ut a thread of ^: under uld raffa. Willi tryiiiK to ralHe hlnmelf; JolntH Rave way; he pitched i'. uiUitiiK the nxiHi waiiifui cry I ever i.i.«nt Thi* wlniUi" Htrlken n»e thiit they I by a low Instinct. ha|>|>en to be. On I II.' fcrouml for sevenil ' anient. tllaiTh«MMi bfitiK .».!,. ^^, niove. Nee*i t months were At a haJl we . UM on? : •• as anywhere,** nruunti awkuiK (« tack." bcKK«* unit t<^ thr nnxlnu?* irnxers that thronge«l nte Just one hanl- • k and give us a ••i>oslted our lucfface and clalm«' 1 .1 \\f,- ».v ».. If i' ^),..f v;..,,,, .ff.T .urlV- Of •■•■!. I »• wili i»h. froll to nnil. If M the older II dirt hutH i\?>i.!» u.-r.- ■ .1 IP II Hiniiik' under nn old trnt with a ' \peclfd. "Here In a book of port' •■ ' Iff It to me. II, - V. ilif.T.M III I 'y ..M ■■ n. •id e. Althouich u. '•© « frlnf-t f ) (a of .T •< inen rHr • to re- ve ar« ' said J.I- the prljion irt. • info the ■tl Iimt The il. • H. ..f !S 60 CimONICl-E8 OF A WAR PRISONER- In t Th. •I thtriK l-H of POH' xik. Rinks ;> ,luM t.i. ; '*. *>ut not »». flrlont t « on the roi: nldr to \s !ii ! .! a:-:.- (• ffwanip. i«4iriilN*I w llh th«« rniin the nnger knocks It PRISON SCENES. INCIDENTS AND RUMORS. \^- • •■ - ■ • >• ' •> '^ • • '• ••■••ri,.,l by r.iJu «lur tin- for a Imth. Ku> \I,L' I W . tiki- fJl.- J If • CHRONICLES OF A WAU i uiS.iNER. 61 arnonff m*«n of our company I found they hacl not r^allze'l their danirer: Nome had lout hoots, knapsack with contents, blaoketii, pmvlMlona and other thInirK. Ifi norno partn. we hear of pocket picklnjr. anwaulta with rlubii. ateel knuckles and kniven. This happens •vt-ry nlKhl. In f»«>rue places at day. especially after new arrivals. The rumor circulated last nlirht that there was a plot to breakout •■' • -■- .1... i.. -..t.*!! and Is the topic .' 1 flltfn«^«l l>v U.f.rl '. i. .^ -.lur plot Is (1 < all to abandon the design : V ' le. the ramp will be Im- II Ht.-r from the arlllery: that »: -Ma rtelil no thickly covered Wltb : > lh« niiit-teiil >.lRllance Is kept over us day and ii . by the movements of the military posts from the oulalJc. Inquiring In reference to the matter. I learned that a larRe ru ' ' ■ ■ - -nine a section €'f I othor arms w J i.i;.i.i.i .iiM K iii'* wall under- K? from a tunnel from the Interior Y. xy).-u t)i.- ^v .1! is « irnle that t* ! A few wr. • few may b« Ml to teil The sarre<| realm of nature •nd !»^ rfnrln ii)vado«l by the crushing power of lUe cruel hand of false ambition. V f happy bln!« mn«r from lofty pines t» f men in un- r* -d the expir- ing i'T«-iv(. .«: .1.1. A.mmi .11,1 A I :iii»f in wioir prime. Daily they sink as If their feet were planted ou a thinly crusted marsh. €2 CHRONICLES OF A WAR PRISOXKR. an-i '•* t»..v •►i-ik th.- cl: th \S new :> g... tl ^■ In rl. AT I' - doubt. Hi th '•• • c« n t" . nearly around the n l» r; Boon inwl «-!lr-. ' phot Inv n«»nr • uh!no has a It lias eaten line He He had in iihlu.) rv )«» afflicted with »cur\'y In Mack, fclve almost un- uliiirn for our diver- have In their ■' etc., accom- . Mritr.utiMi trom the samo was carried to the hos- ' amonR hundreds all over , : Infc of as noble young men iseholds. under circumstances that have no ■ to the %'lcln- lothlnR of th.> »i In the liiUe and borne away • r man had \ nlirht: the .1 lay down iicut U. wait «*it< In Tn-- >ri. sentinel r? learn. About 126 h Hi \\I1I'!( \\ •• K''l I'M- «4l In h«Tv. i Roirle. a major Ir. tt,. h«*loi)fff«I. |{<» w 1 to th*" H.Min'l hv < •inif Uti'!- hi* M.. II hcitt and M.. .m bin • on<» of the Hi. • m- In*., iira Ih. hlx to. MM tlor liT charK'- •en doltiK I ur» the pri ■ be on MaW - ■■: who V wJ. iM on !I1C. A to It*' the Ku riHt hl» ... ; ...^ , J...,..., , ..i.'i. >•>! the outrace. This South. rji lnj..ii.lfv on tin- <..:..r Mil. sf lor. iH th.-ir nole reason for r , -ar to havr» ni : In th! ; for I in I. ''. vlc- loua a.itU Ij. a« well aa th«- ! in our In lo bu pu ■ ii. a m- dr. anity of 1. virtu« and Ir- ' a man ^ Inter- r-- n- 1:. ked by the ^ .c« €4 CHRONICLES OF A WAR PRISONER. Kol away with th«» caah. Another hub-bub aoon occum. A fellow la cAUffht I jialr of ahoea and after a aquabble, la tied up. No ra y. STORIES OF FOUR DAYS. Prlilay, May 2Tth. — Water In the ntn-ain In vrry foul from H" ^Tlfif^ •; '.L' i!.! \\\>- r.f;is.- thr..\\': Ir. it f'..!-, IS?..-! cook »»<>»»«.•- 11' !••■■• fore iiunn»»». \^ the wiiter foul. Men wltl. putrid aorefl. k> and worma. aqunlld from \ acur\'y and wattlluK tliMtaMM go there to drink, waah clothii.K bathe. Th#»y nr#» r»bnp»out n f' ■■ . , . , . , , and « . rotak« tImeB II. ••> >A.iin|t. then ni.iKin-i ]i war • which he In irlvon seven luahea on that l>;.. ,., . . h1. M«»b law la our only recourae. N ... . or foea outnlde protect ua. He la an Inferior lookinic man. A aearch fi»llowii anionR known thievea for arti.l.H lout. Several things have been found when a doxen «\.\ va came with « lnl.«» A f«w fr.'iRrht them with their ha; ■ badly beaten le to releaae one who had been knocked down. unU ujic i.ii^Kr u.;m captured, who waa administered a courae of punlnhmpHt to I'xart |>romlm'a of hotter conduct. Raidera are on t! artlclea th«»y ateal, or «\ help to kfop them In litr<>!.k' ;•.' I II' > .ir.- , ^ . ^. . . - ,j.^^p^^ othern. ar< wnlng to W; that nn outbreak explore the jrmuti Ing roda %^ ' A« n . \ fri.!!l Hi- part of tl. 1 : .. ), . thin afternoon. I 1 1. 1 to the belief Kvf-ry .: '< of men f»f the h .sllh feel- Thompann and I hav. layii of A'larii The atitu'h evrry micnt In the Boulh CIIRoNIc'I ' II rniBONKl: t\ w f. n ■ i<>n In «\ ' nut of nil- Km i.f utrti n r.-. to ii«.- in I' of iiu ■ k UlrK I M'li Irenii. or .« I n ••• • mnirk. t» th It ail : w . •-K. Till pallK Hir* iittnrhoil In whnt* f^ ' for dmwirifc up dirt iind walrr. t «lortd-llno twrnrd laylrifc on iho ground ■ o«* f««ot from thi* pout blown, I Hupi^iiw. \ In Jind on- f r to pul I I" II IIIK »'■'"■ t H" !• . ht, I ii; Iho I lo thi» > •♦.-• w on tho ^ ii ,r.T fron) i H' t It to our I € < -^ cnm«» In thf •ml nftrr xUr- up for wo«>«l (<• • our mlloni* "f th*» ho?tr»t. htit found It. lo wmrn II ■ knoiK h t Hpnttnlviinlii come In; report rv ' • - ' ' . ..r UH under re- H of cnn- UKO. Am 1 ».- Ml! It llOft NX Into f,. II.. \ out on duty or by Het>«l r II. apples 10c to 40c. dry 4C CHRONICLK8 OF A WAR PRISON KR. |j,,- . ..- i,i ► ...... . I. . ...» t> •.. -I-..,.. .. rnm- nv •••>%•- rr ir In \^ IUtI«> Is no I.N .liK- ^' .-.■l Jr i tK»r fel- !».•. • money, b* your ni- dr l>r li. \* 1'. i vmible ' !« ox- < to n«-ti. as It Is a :cnce of oil' CHRONI't •-AMUit scene*. I. u- ■ I. r i- ^ • »• ft tit t' M c • T It %k »' ti' »• i: I* r- f. €»• t. n r< f- i« ft- ti »• Ik ».- 68 CHRONICLEIS I'i a \% \u iici>. .^rK. which doctors mirht t<»rm chronic Innutrition, whrre th«y eat with nvkllty oJI th<*> xtlll nturve. the food doing no good. Doctors hnv*» h<»<»n ' umlnt***! with muny of these cnses. but will n.' t»ll me ihey have often lliroujch the niotlonii fr«>imrk' .ii iii<- in.Mnn in "'i..- ' ! the iruuni to thr«>w ovvr pleceM of a cow t of a calf thrtM» dayn bcf-- - ' •• > . i,i. . They exhibit some rlnj: been made from the lK)neH "f -' •'■'<^' t»aten at 1 .. ..... a memento. M< y 30lh.— What a iilifhi: In a«ldltlon to scent from the f«-. tnp. we had that of dead men In our rear. At our ft^'t lay one beRfcinR for water frroanlnK with pain. It was conjectured, becauiie of hlii hoarne coujch, that he had mumps, or measles or small pox, by some |M«rs«>nH. Soin** dare venture but little here to aid sufTfrinR stranKerH when It Is all one can do to keep alive. All Ihe aHMlHtance we could offer was to jclve u cup of water. This I Rave at armH lenfcth. He lay close at our fe*t but when we woke In the mornhiK he waH K«»"e. Prisoners fn>m Huller re[M>rt having li«-lped tear up the Pe- tersburfc railroad. The stockade Is to be erilarRed. There has been a cjill for n»en to ro outMide to work on Ihe timber. The old l»en Is so densely j-rowdt'd that we jire willlnK tt» help enlarRe the prison. The Rebels are much hurrle«l. belnR fearful of the re- porte4itrick. It is saiil Hom«* who went out In the squad to work are put on fort ifb at Ions, refuse an Ihe hospital a '' ^' ■ •■.. i . 29 ItHlay if) tb« >iK of t) H — "'••>• ai !>. . ,i. . ;,. til proffNsion; but that r ver- b III liter, b«'inK under >■ ilute or All medical supplies, he siiys, furnlshe*! by the R. I Ifs at Richmond, are sent to tbn TTilIltiry jxtsts and HI tnt ami held by the physl< - -•• of thtit '' ' for lite nmonR their ox-. u \h In' ity well verwi'd li iiiK hati 3<> Mce In Hrltlsh h<> military ser\lt<>r are »< |.r. f 18 THIS PARADISE LOST? ay 3I«!. A K""vementfl. humane I Wlrx. He waii per- ».,., n,,nn,,ti wan more '•r«« wan great •1 an Hill opinion IM that we will fi4M>n b«* «*\ Indulge In hofiea likely to l*e deferred, whu-ii »((rf *»♦ k." A day ration waa ahown him. He thiit there waa no reaaon why ratlona " la provlde«l under the revuhitioiiM: ex- ^ *. -.. * *ih :o luiva died aume daya. the principal diaorder being diarrhoea. In- 70 rimoNlCLKfl OF A WAR PRISONER. tlur«'«l )>\ l»i.- • .!■»•.■ ,,t th.- f 1 It ),.iH 1.,.. ,.!,..■ . > r..!,l. j^.iirvy w) ^ Is III In ni It ttf oMH. Wh«'it iit*'i. l.4ii hoi utih puiii. it Is not iinnntunil ihiit scale of mls«ry. W m.uh uihU. the dayi4 of victims are being n«; I-! ' ' ,'d on the 18th. They were . ttle for the urmy. I niMjke . ....... .- >v.,.^.-w ■• '•'■■■•"■■•« atten- tion. I . (I anJ y«-llo\v. h«* In ro ;t. Ills rloihi! . .»rii out. iMi thf wiiy fi" • \<.<)tiiun If. I t which rt'iicheii :Mat ^^■^ -> as he ntiolln ch. • . th«* cnmp. » miliora cup on his heaJ. and nut unuther rus un his Iterson. Two wells near us are flnlshoJ which we nsslsteMit. ria< hi>n has finished his bucket whit- tled from rations of \v(M>d. and h( i>|»ed with knapMick straps, and It Is use \V. Junt" iHi • forenoon: heavy MhowtTr. ....,..» Wat* r .^ ......... .^ viOip like a flood. Prisoners reporttMl tnlsslnfc. nitlons suspended: Rebels are mak- ing a stir on th«- -.MtHi.i.. Finlnhed "I' ■•si"; called on Hurrlman. He supplied us with Pfitl... V of Time.* We h:id read this, but It Is now more In our vU«w It \s a work of more natural thouicht ail -^ less of ihn unnatui il. Milton haa soul- stlrrlnff |miiH.iKt h. uIIvp with truih. HtKii'flciint expression and l>enutlful ■Impllritv. THmh If Koes deeply Into themes beyond W' ^ Ish to f<»llf>w him. or cannot, have n«' I^»»t." I)l'l he mean the Southern ••|>evllii with ilevllii damned firm concord hold." Did h. ' ■ V...M. ,. iial. , ^ -ice" how t ) Tl<- truth In human experience: I enmity and strife . and levy cruel warn 1, each other lo destroy. CHRONICLES OF A WAR PRISONER- 71 M 111... II .1. - »t I V\ H Of our II 'f our »•• l>' 'liMl Ihrse Ui)r» brller (11 nn rwrthly Umn u htrB\« '... r« .. Tlu u.- • of flrinfr by •entrv. Pr .irmif>ii. M«mi CI" ' ] fl or ■ •! . •■•.KiiiK n u u ii"ui H-' \V»' Hllr It III watfr. I'.' , , ulih rt Htlff Htlck. or !>• mush or dumplings, bakinic or holllnic ax long nn fuel Ti. oworH all ilay lo nwir evening. Thr- K w.itk nr lay In mud without c<< iiiiotiK I havo some fmll shel- !• . iimall i .of the whole. I foel f* .1 ihc fi.iil nheltf-r ut umlhy comnnIeH. It doej« n iff nun and ntorm: hut our hfd In the wind U rX|M»i»«-i ' water f- It. mill It • M from p« "• * - ' ' ' r« II' tl U % : met J "Iry. t* n»M» May Rth oi , : his clothes. Ii I rain continued during the night. ^> could they see this c the wet sand" Tould tr. - - ' » >' •• I C'HRONICLKS <»F A WAR IMtI8<^NKn. • iiirh ran be heard from one nlde to the other. Re|»orl thnt nine meu tunnelem. The tunne* In found and belnic filled. (*ol. Pamons wtiM InNlde: he think* exrhnnffe In iiKreen. but can't be effected for our forc«»ii <*ov«t the point in the cartel. Were that all we nhoiiM nimui iif r<*||<>v«Ml. iff in (|tilt<> fantlllnr u-lih a fi>w of ua and ' ) were It i>< t l-'f hl*« I Ml iru- iH' w.iv I \\ no a prt^ tten. and wait well tn^ateil. Hr K.i>r, .,,.,. >.. ^. ..^ >,.... '^ ^ '-ton made for iih«»lter. and h«' han no ordem • -*h It: that It In not the fault of the local f ire left to auffer. WInt In the Jaillor. a morone. i man. It re<|ulreii but little to jcet him In a i i "the old Dutch Captain". In generally hattni. Men i-auabt in attempting encape are unreaHonably punlHhenflnoment. Prlnonern In today roporl the two armlen on to Rlchmon«l. I^*e with bin right, (irant with bin left; Kllpatrick 25 mllon in the rear of Atlanta tearing tip roada. Siilurday. Juno 4th. Wlrx. Hou. John H. Winder, commix 5 • • • ' ' • • ''•iiiHTH. Ho\v»«ll t'obb and nevenil minor r>ef ■ • on bornebiH k and rof|«« partly through lli \\ Jn.liT if* .Mil. I to I (•TH. IImwi-11 «*<.M. ury under Ku'banan. Junt prltir tt» the nfrennlun •• and wan the provlnlonal prenldent of the ao>called C«> ^. be- fore I>avln. Motjday. June 6th.— The hnpreiwIoM i« growing that th» altUM tlon In more and more unfavor iv day. Ilo^; overflowing with nick and no r ttance. lh«»iik KH help ■ , mjti>\ • men. and «ot r.ictlon. that th.y A tnw '( I>bi. fell Into my biixN wh!eh T r< fig Veal." by the author «if ") n uf .1 te.ui.t:> I j\t\ "Nat Turner, the HI.iv^. Ii Mint of ISSl." w). 1 all Virginia to defend ■la\<-r> 1 noticed today a man witii the whole lower part of hia CHRoNlt i.r,> t»i .\ \\ .Mt I'lur^' '.N r.ic. body ht|^^^-^ In Hix nt n I II xii«-> \N .Tf luKM of V M«*m unaiiiut)ii with ft rlui> k of hiN h«*a(l. fmclur- Inv hiB Mkull. I h«> quarrel urump uvpr which iihould have the finit rlsht lo the fir* (or cooklnir. The mnn is Insenalble. A crowd Kttthered around the asjiallant aixl ifuvc him u coume of buck «n«1 irnif ihf •Mim#» riul* l»».»mr iii««*(| for ihf iruic. Thirty of Ull . to Ko out uiidt>r icuurd to «• r..r lh.f ulrk liiylng on fV We were re- f Wlrx. The ... ...... .„y „, f the nutny of li r>ut lit a W..I..! !■ hv it ?.i . H of 1 \ tiKI kt <;• hoaj(lc«l t hln 1 kill aM I' > ait Joe .i id In I. -'u'rman. i lu- ht»l headed U-h. It-rHliip of the S rll with which they p!Mf»e»*«f iMto war. the ui»hu:j ► ^>u:^ lum,- fi-'i whU -h It In waice< 1. fun - for Much belief. The ineanii In junllfled by the end ' the i*nd MS • ' ' ' -s ..f or f- • i>^ I there In In our f I- The foulnrfr* wi l» jcl by which It In •• the i f uiily I.- 1 • \^ and inferniil human ' h' 'f rifht may be! \V. U',^\ ii»«it kun : ••! to the v«*ry duwt and (tUit with wurm*. uii .»e of JUNtlce! our hearts are void of timllce. FACTS AND RUMORS JOURNALIZED.— A REBEL SUTLER SHOP. Hunday. June : I have Immmi III. Amonfc new iicii M«hm1\ flui : » ,t.«vall. thl« In my tr<>uble. I am AT nrta me. FYom taut dale It haa ruined 74 rHRONU'l.RP OP A WAR PRIS«»N*RR. P\... V .i.v w .. hn\> n«»\vn ft. .1.1 t,,^ !.L'ii..-,.r vimiini Ciw |H I III a thill ►; —ut. Col. r. i «\iiit. J. I. In fom- iTi t of trulnit lowani AmerlciiH ih 011 arctiuiit <»f \v. ■ •* »»«»liiic taken to Amerlrun from IwittleflfMn tilHJUt Alluiitn. Ail doctom abHent: no nick call fur a week. Th<* ilead Are dally drawn out by waKon londn. On the Sth a I'athollc prlem mild to um h<> ^ badly treateil. but there are an kind hearted \h-< anywhere: that • U their own way; ni->\ik'Mi om k.>\ - emment unwilli ■ . but If better provlnlonii couhl not be made for i. -..k -Mi^'ht to be ilone. prlentH. thoufch fre- Muently In. • to nay. They are nald to be uwlnic their doc- trinal Influ* p. I men to «\^. • . u. t* . i . .. t.. 1 1,. « •.,! r. •....% I dt> not arcfpt thin an true, t vlHlted, who Maid to me that yenterday went out with the pr.tst and ha» not returned. I am out of conceit with many reportH which originate In camp. I have no faith In Innocent llarH who tell no much newi*. For Inntance: Lincoln Ih Kolntc to jflve two for one to ir*»t um out: "In KOlng to throw the nlfCKer ov«Tl>oard to pN '• that Secretary Stanton ban mild that "none but d. - ! coffee bollern are taken prlMonern. and the army In b«tt'i "ir with- out them." Likely Honie Rebel Htiirted thin Htory. but It had welKhl amoiiK mmie. IiuIIk' " * " ' - • » r an>\\ many on whone ey. tb X and laylnic the blame of our abune on the Kebel hi; where It belomrn. A jimall ration of rice today. Munday. June 14th. — Northeast iitorm badly affectB w.ik men ! know of twenty who nlnoe yentenlay have tiunk fo u". h« < othern have dU»d within a few hourn. The! Ill- ••d with Wet wind an«l nonked with water. wh'f \\ • lay In wet JiN douKh. «>ur that w«« are continually hunicry. Mot totally unfJT • • -^ • ■ ' ' 'In ai- ^^'^^,^•■ , ...i.. i.ii» icr«'a«y iiiu! u leNN care than If It f»-«'d. I bei ' 1^ 1» 1- in.f.K .-. fe«»i| UN IMI. 11,.- Rllii..rM .,f ■ f !•'' a nide line, it 1 lie or a Yankee bluixi't fi. ! nhnnt If It It Mnn nf th'- Kr.'mont wihk In but the Cii f«ir |H?r- CHRONICLKB OF A WAR PRISONKR. ' \nr 14th • r>' iiHMi it. Th«- «« for Lt .f»rtr«l nix Lcunr. Tu; nrr f* -: rilNxl. Rlc«« ami N\ ic ITith. Ijimi I . atteinpt«Hl to |»mrit by ihrir vile pnirtlcen. ithls name in irlvon onr nf th- rhtpfii) whintlon bli«\v ,. • mimuicIimI to by tho MUb- )• •■louii-l(x>klii|c rhiipH iiio\i*' thmufch purtn of tho I tly the rry of "thief," "ruldorn." and HUppremicrl voics a .IX •- h- arU. like n»en In a ntrufCRh*. Airnin crlen of "catrh hlin." "inurtler" "Oh. CJod. they've killed me!" Now and then Then a r I li the »t « ■• - plat* .> ... ...t. For a tinje li. ...;..; .. .: l)aHf«- U. ;.! tin nil III. '"el Mife to lie down unleHN t" our t. »r of two watcheM and other th < lout, have iieen imme men who jfot hit. Some MasitarhuitettM Imivh rrtr u« had their bhinket nelxed. Luckily one awoke aM t* f ner wan dniwn from him. He HpranK up and no closely { •• ihlef thJ4t h«' droppe«l It. Thin morr)lnK a fellow had I .-d for NteallnK rations. Toward n«Min excitement •ilon to thi» north sitle. Oolni? thither we found a ) 'h the vU'W that 1 ■ r \ i.-.v f..t ii.-h.u r 'Up •»( UK rfiHil\«Mi he Kiioulil not k<* uniioni .-'I. .«- M who nre wMlinir **> »<*n their birthrlRht for a i st the cause for which I 'wer of brothers In the f \ out affalnst us. For u .<^ r our own men to do It. first In ' has the sun ap|>ear^ today, but tated at Uo. A hermit wrt>'. tlttiAtlon In solitude 76 CHRONICLES OF A WAR PRISON KR, place"; "Bettor dwoli In the midst of ftlarmA." Bui we have no choice: we both — "Dwe.l In the midiit of And "relKn In thli* horr It wan not |>oetlcal to call Nalure'm ihmiuih- n>rrjhi«-: n.>thinK ih i«» horrible an Bubvertei 1.1 t.tken the oath >>f iII.-lt! . t . .• t.. the "C. 8. A." He wl- name8--had .irmy nhoeii. Hlf« |Mi| M and he w.t- not to anitlnt the RebelH any murp. The affair wnm reii* bed »."apt. WIrx who sent it guard to encort the ex-rnlonlst outMide and to arrest his assail- ants. He also ordered that no nitlons be Issued until the man who shaved his head was apprehended. All honor to the bnive imtn who shaved the Ju f i " tted Mt the fCHte. was taken out by the gua- ^inic to divulge another name. After a thorowKM ^'-.m^u i<>i um- oitiers. rations were Issued. FYlday. June 17th.— The night of the llth a w" < .v-! In: two men asleep slid In; one was killed. Soon after < wp learned that one of the deailers. or "nilders" l>ore • of Cary. He was at Relle Isle and Is charge«l with being the cause of several deaths. Toect him. and tonight semis word by Mooney. who knew him In (^ana«bi. that If we do ruit ex|M)se hhn. I'onipjiny F shall never be disturl>ed by ntlders. Monday. June 20ih. — Yestenlay a sentry flr«»4l on a man who was attemi""'"^- •■• Wtll a snake near «»^" .i. ..i . •• ».••» missed ••ffect c»n four oil -in the b<»th lylriK' (ii.l. • ! gras«>rs fill Rebels with bombast and UK li' u». lie triumfihs seem to raise their wind; •o find, wtt birxl. .< V .If. Ill, in'ii . ...Mi> iuiii aside, him. the slf fa*e ..I,.- ii. iw (}en In . In, for fiKiiUiiK ■ comnuind are not miRoNICLKS OF A WAR PRI80NKR. 77 Aiiiioyf'd th That It nh •TI- ». .f . V I- A- •w pridf. -ut. lo. ••I'll tiill. It piilf; ned. Then I Whiii- ftirtlnjc In VirKUHa are but nticmptn to rluc Wh' n !V S r'nmt mlln I>m» uikui bin thlichii. • .Ue and b<»l«l. Two m«'fi have lately been r hurt ntid robbed. We uulch nlKbtly, •ted huMK for attempting: to ■». The ol.l Kuard leave this .1 new net on. K' I wiw ii crowd Htand- . ....... ■■.,. -fourth white. A white in bin band a Ht!fk. to one end of I ii.t \otii whirh h" ».ritsh...| the bin dyli He feeble !■ -jiped bandit on bin breant. Afoiln there breast, the eyes brightened and t him. then rolled back, and he breatheil no why I forKot every thinif for the time— Interent look In him. ahnont. each day. I nee the dead race, far loftier bn^ws I formn. pann by. •"•• fju'e turned tow •• '- •» ^i i. . Mtft. thrllMnK. Im ml nhoulder. for iii and wondered what they the tnnn bent atiil iay hit* tMuiy wan n fnln» hr-tvinic of the irtjinced W' more. I i A Wf Of All were ho not a neifro." >>rtnl. he had a soul. I A hi.. to th< \\. haN not m monilnir. i to about huU Hcldvn. til. T. !at.— At ind« tnniirht: "They any Davis t rue! ter man WiiM iihot. He to Ko t ' • ii root Ih it it i«iitdUtutin. a«'t Up u Mulk*r ahop :« CHRONICM.KS OF A WAR PRI80NKR. on m.. .«» north Hide, with a view of ahitorblnic Y«n- |co<' »i t .!\.i t.. H!.,i,.i Th.- f,i. t thii Home of fhe Ht JUHtlfU'H HUH- |.: mtlonH. H*» ii' turn mat- prtiMincm In t) . of lh»« ' Irn f^*»vf»r!v. of Ui«- l*i»iU» 4 Who. .\«-'.*Tth«*U'HH V* «- .»J«- lt»l«i l>> K thill h** h"H^ M ronmi«««f«»«»n from R|<'hmon»l He h.. * ■ >..ll- r \sJill«» li I ' by Seldon: t) uiilik«*ly 1>1 1 It fllHt Af i« •■:' v» iiiM ••> In i»ro- h' law. It Ih o| ; Ix-Ih. aixi c> VI. ■ _ i l«. tppc'tltfH of ihouiutndH; and thone who have money c.t Ht th»' temptation to let It ico. ThouKh lhl« la poor Rtuff. 11 it* better th:in the Rcunt ratlonH Irregularly iMiued. We have to pMV from ?r>e to $1 for nn onion. 10c to 40c for miserable m \ ho(f |»eiui. 4rtc for H pi With the advent of t) "tv. It IH HI- • ••nbarkH. V •-> .....*. «>..... .K-...> i-ilt Up. It Ih view to benefit uh. If Huch were the o) t MUi'h prlt-eM. why itre rations cut down. w> It of on« day In five by not fetilns -THE PRISON CLEANED OF RAIDERS.— CANDIDATES FOR HEMP. T».irM'i\ .Tim." : It I \N' i • h f'. t •«<«»! tr .Tuii- "tMrrnH. hot u . He has !'■ 'f Hiurvy l» Mmly renlstlnir t» -» 1 \v«>rk on • • He «• ther. «• .f < 'h'.. K'M-* This Is t' fn of home. Sleep Is M •>.< u I try to break by pencil- 1 1 ralslnff my thoughts to better th..^ ,. A numl»«»r itf hniinl flifhiM lo.luv nnvonir th h atmnfr. •our. • jr:th '■ lot h of till tl I ' li iiulliliiK ••! » ..V t Mf It r.- |. . K It M- forrnl to Mtt. II by II inwldp Miifl ruiiil mitNict** thf* «l<>!i• iiikI put In the utiM-kt V ••*» to u injin. wail |MIU<*<1 T iitlnually hot Hi It u . «" V- It ^ ■«rou« to I'Ut ilif • Cii(»ii ftf n '< hurt 11'.- r n with t h II »^'"- I • ibcy ran Sullivan hma .i..'.iM i't...T,w ..f .iiKtf.MM ii.! \iit» . >...... ^|,(j a I thttt %v. .;.i){e- n • th«' rtili- !►• «ll noth- Inir. irave oui certain ihreatn. and three of them vmiied the tent of an elderly man whom they knew to have money, and prenent- Inff knlven. demanded It without one word, or they would kill him on the M|Mii. The man handed out a {Mtrllon. leiiji than the amount. (nlMUit 140); but they were not |»ermlttei to prolong their visit. Alaiut I ft. m. an order came from <*apl WInt that If we wlBhe-lng rffe an f iiul. liutnide the ipite ! who f. ,..|n and thry returned ,-.41 1 «if the (mmp. the nilfl- them. Toward night the CIIRONICM..- ..Alt PRI80NKR, 81 iMulor* b*«an to rvaiat. but und»r the duba of our police they (lualletl. N K- nmn. \^ taken, but He U> pPT •. •■ ' ^ .. .. a n' -^ -• 1,1 ly hurt. Il ... : an he t u; . - . I.. •( pllletl hlfu. HUH we re- jo me of hia troup would be tit- At dark the wurfc cvuii*mJ; nearly Rixty had hofii ti»» I few t:ii d«»ubt led iiatniy. aent In. Th** boyn mi II." for the men who Utak the Inltlu- t. With lh«» work of mlrhlnfr rulderH b. two m dd). A' I to tl ( .•!•- IH*. '.." .. •■. '.." .■• '.. ».'• ■•. •" ••It- • «• of havlns been benten And atranicleorted r..iin.l own tiH r<>Rulatori(. that led 'it I*«'roy L. Key. of tin lUI- ti« 11 ic«»«hI, I niv»'. iiatute nmn. very choice II; "• Th'' firirMTifr.atlon wiin mfi'le iii> of *». Md (Jhio; ft ! to have of l.ur with !'.. \ !y uutU then*' CM . •• I. i\ .' New York' ! f« .>*t on the i>4irt <»f >•■•' • f.. W Il ► . '-a of ihia i: 1- l>erfe »u«.» «.t-tltMl. HorK<*nnt K«'>» had an « m<*n and. thoufh a a**if rooNtltutf>d I« e lj€»fn choaen for the terrible and U' I a not a tank ordinar>' men have un !»' II !•■ •.•Ill »« •-! •• I •-■! Ill I •■>! *»•■:<<• \n<- aillllT.I- t« In the prlaon. la accorded Ser^tMint Key a fe««llnir nmr»' ierr T!l'«f1 Mf r^«i't»nno*» of v**«t*r. ji" till* hfunnK nh.iU |m ., \ I.w of tt^^ '"K 1 ^ ; . liavtnK ■. d.. .11 of my ■ — out liKniiiKl Huliiviiti. The ^ .f I uf thoHi* l.kktfit uul are re- tur»er* • TTT*««" «• of K %|or Mn«1 on the i»I#n that th«'y havo l>e^n Sonii- 1 Jf I ! ■ 1. -* hiKl mi (••luf afraiiii>t bu •• \vh*T«» the N ..!. Ju»t ' th. iriic. wim « >\ • • 11 ih.-ii. 1 .ink' re- tum^l. A f#' \\ ! and rhaJn. Th«« ^t (TUpI. two ! '. t ..f f »..• 1.1 '...'.: one. • . lUII- iih n mil. knocking hiiu down, nnd he died from thv of thl»« and ofh«'r M«»\vm. MOVE TO PRISON ANNEX — HOW WE CELEBRATE. l-*rl.!;iv Jul\ iMt Th»- .1.1 ht'.iii ti» th«« Ht- (.: •! ate ord d> l> In tlit»'«» houri*. Th** \vfatli«*r H \. in«*n tnovlnt: wlttiout onlor ovn !(, t)...s.- who «r«» lo !• iii.iiii iM htirrlblv f. K»»l «>«» "I "T •»" r >,,. \. . thr wallf» li a hole 111 11 fenr«v t.. 'hrm wtde wllh ii baiiK of .i;i( oii 11, • Tk mor«- (^rfi«>«'lv f"r « f»r»;-' n>««i»| !<• a; < t . i;u' -Miff II that wi« t'. n I. h<*l|>eU. i>>airni«nls of trees lay ul>out over which men atrove to nhlAin fu**! nnA iihcH< !• Mitlmnl*^ at 70. Hundny. July 3r by our orml«»ii. V*"- hotin* In i»i»n f.«r' .KH OF A WAR li Tl.. .\.rKj.- nuj' iitlm p*r ilay report fnvnrrth!r» pmrr«^f» days. I I nAk..( r..r n* H tOfirtJ. a>vttiK ooilnv frnm hi Olhrr |»HiM>nrr lay nM»r ihf ' him %» by a 11 ht- a! All of do I r T> n * to tho il VlfW i.lfiOO ft Ik. fMiihv ttmdfr • •Mrlner MIm<1. An- ■11 Wl'- NI Tl K . Ill evinclnir nil !h<* ..,1 V.f .1(1.. woul'1 rcm trrnim<«ni to he r.r.r bn wivp ! In thin rthnonrr. r,f m«y]l- to cure im h'»rV A in.!. U' I a»* ll> ai at;.-- .-. -pooh" na •<»a«..u ..f ; of of rant f.ilth .i:..! . that we frit It 111 • 111' tt» K'-f I IM- III \\ < «1 today. W.. lit \ fh* (itai) I'lwio «r iiKrmiiK K4 IHRCINICLES OF A WAIl PRISON KR. ...... J„,y ^^y ....... ...» _. .... . .. _.. . ,.„r fi« to the rth II I "^Mlh ;. . - |i» tul the pUTKUlt «' It) ■ l)-,.-H.- St .!.-^ If..- p. un ihv»e frreai truiha III- posterity ir. In nv.urnliiK for ihv luiM of Muit». Ill |*ttliiful fXi'ei'latlons. ti iiul fear, their eyes are turne » rt»«-. nj..- of my vision, are n* ^reat sin that has rursod i»ur i»eo|.ii . . ... . • ? n •••v ■..( |»«* d«'- stroytMl but H.ived fret* from ' that has stained our fair emblem — the ' . . ihil the Tnlon of the States shall not be broken by the hands of Treason, the foul assassin of Liberty! O. that the day .,f jf!..rlous triumph may soon come and with It the rlKht. and horrid evil of war! Let the m L<»n|ffvilo\v, which Thoinp- sun recited: • • • Sail on. <> Ship of State! Sail on. <^. Union. stronR and great! Humanity with ail Its fears. W'llh all the hopex of future years, Ik hiinRiuK broatliieHN on thy fate! We know what MuHter lai«l thy kind. What Workman wroiiKht thy ribs of steel. Who made each miist. 4ind sail, ami rope. What anvils ranic. what hammers b<-at. In whiit a forRe and what a heat Were shaped the anchors <»f thy ho|ie! Fear not each sudden sound and shock, 'TIs of the wave jind not th* ro<-k; 'TIS but the And not a i In spite of t III spite of f ,., Siill ..r, I... I ' ....... ... . -. are all with thee, our pravriM nn- t.Mrfi « »ur faith tri '»'er our f Arc all with all wltli CHRONICLRa OP A WAR PRIBONRR. R5 Have hnil but 1" '«»r two niffhtn. owlnff to the itorm •nd •^verity of my <*. No nitlons ■Ince the 2nd. TWO hour* of trriibl« thui. It t aturm. At the Sutler'ii "Shetxans" I purch«M>'*. U< Uic •*m» of b- (aftor Tu. UP n. 1*« : to thr north Kutt* . th aUty houra. I ki...A nlffht uftcr tti«* off t!rrt..-r< ,.f • It » . he « '-• ma ml eitouich !• ri I CtMMl. Thr £th Ijoliiln. thr "" hia flunk. tniubled. r>t- ker. pr i playmate, i** goona: la fr«*m 8trutM*n coutuy. .Nrw York. Thtin»<1nv Jt»»v Tth i'onl niKhtM. h«»t «laya a*' lUh. nu M a 8. i\, from \ day. u R..I..' Ill It.. M k to the old aide, five of ved by the r««movnl of ao the well we duK. for we it the priaoii waa ocrui»le»e'a cornbreud line » . ome down. Billy • r. "iMnoh'a" oM :he lat U. 8. dra- My romplnlnt not From three to hIx ahota fired iirtl In bo of tM>t<' ' H Inland. I aquad ■ n. I iH- iiitiiio of the I rloud In tho Bky. A • ♦ tnd I/ee In a Davla at hla SCENES AMONG SICK.— RAIDERS CONVICTED. H«mna ittrwc m«n had tM>vn t' ■ iK-rfbrmwI. tHrong on marrhea and in tMttlca' aiH(k>; S« ClIHONICLKS UF A \\ A U PRISONER, lid tK-lching ran* A. T«,, ,, -: 'dnriitK line* That brought ihr h«i >i Vi»|on «.f S.>Mh BAtuMAV. July 9lh.— More than a week -ick call. Tho I ». .... ., jj. jjji J in.»ii> Kick ICO for- ^ • walk rjkI arc laid ovor n Ijuk. -I '■ ' ' '' "'».• wt'ftk. I Ko. hoplnic to Bet H I ■>. for '■' which neriteant* of "i.ii . n.s t !h.- .N I>o<'ior comoB in and If.. .: nmong them iM>me. touchlriR a few nx Two houm would be required, at least, to Ret nIoiiK with the "najiiy Job." the doctom think, and only wink at them nt that. I could not endure the hot sun. the awful iitench. the sight of thoiie nlokenlnic objectn. I noon lout faith. If I had any. that I nhould be healed by a plight hem touch. I came to doubt. ui>on viewing the condition of no many othera. whether I neeflod anything. More curloua than charitable — charity Is a cripple here, begins and ends at home. I looked them over, and wus not curious. "Here pity <1 v herself alive When she to. Tl '- robunt constltuU«»n.-* th.m mine. .thuonn' timn If they were dea<■ the bone and sln»"* "' •»"' 1 than ghastly exi \N • . Ixh. unnianly rrl' v for the doc'tor to "t'ome quick, for Christ's sake, quick!*' con- stantly begfT' fr.r w-iT.r* Ai^hnst. I stepped hurriedly, sham- bllngly. bii* wasted. <'orrupted bodies. onr«' iM-MMtlfMl • Hi and hastened here and sit d. the \ii>\ •• of the blanket, my heart SI It not ►loom? I shudder while I W Mf' " ■ Ilk" t h-lT "4 "y .Vorth?" they asked. " ^ ' ' ^ . "l! iiunl In shucks." "Perhaps it would: at any rate, get all you can out of th^ ('iirifeilerary *' "That "Then k "-V " "That iiuikts J! - rII niffht In th- cold to frccxc an \.. n in the bull-pei; rilR« .Nhl.KS ^t!!! nt fh^ imt<»: no attention womt case* k bv frl*Tl*hlrh In not r«" II, , ,. .... ., ,,. d. a km .> !M nfv! «»^tii 1 John H ••ctcd with •curvy, drops/, urinary disordera that nix raidem have been con- tli and Ttrf^ to Im hTrir«^1 tfrnrirrnw •r noon U N. Y. : la; Chorl*-* Jumpern, ffnin^ out for the money •y could »et. and were captured outnlde of the line of duty. A'« know 8oUlvan dM«rt«d our regiment while It was forming for expected buttle, on the nlaht of (ictober 10th. 18<;3. and waa |-u: !:■ ■ ^ h Vliir. Va. To t-.irr> out ttiia sriiii project StrrKcaiii Keys and Immediate nimiStaittft l.i.. k- .t tlu- uv ,,f titnlM-rM aiu\ IooIh and curtd a f«w carp* 88 rHRMNin.KS (*V A WAR PHlSoNKR HANGING THE CHIEF RAIDERS.— SCENES AT THE EXE CUTION. :il..t,!.v luiv tith 1S64. Huillliij; the ncnffoM for execuiink' the pt m at 9 a. m. a few yards within the den The south side If iKiHsihle was move densely packed. '1 • from every extreme |K>rtlon of the stockade until they no further. Kvldently every man thiil could be was on lus i t].s. A multitude of probably 30.000, all astir itn so small an area Is seldom If ever seen. The regulator miuads. armed, with clubs, formetl a scjuare around the scaffold to keep back the cr«>wd. It Wiis feared by leaders that an attempt would be n> ..t. >.^ HAsoclates of the doome I. to destroy the «• un- fold and I ..-m. Sometime was employed In atlji- halters to i and adJustInK not>ses. then all was i. Shortly after, the Kate opened and Capt. Wlrx. dressed In a whtt< duck suit. up*>n his Kray horse, accom|>anled by a Catholic pr!*'?'' followed by the Kuard with the doubly doomed war pris They were six dressed only in undershirts and drawers and ! uncovered. Capt. Wlrz addressed us In broken Swiss nearly a> follows: "Prisoners. I deliver '' ■ n to you In a> dltlon as I found them. I have i •\k to do in • . them of crime of which they an- .i. . w.-..-.!. except to l.ui u.y nHHitHnuc'^ for their and your protection: nor do I charK** them or belle\ • them Kullty. at>>) v,), .ii have nothing to do with tif execution of your You have tried them; I have per mltted it. You ha\ ■ '.-d and sentent ed them: If they ar« hunir. you. not I. will be resiMjnslble for It. I deliver them to you. do with them as you please. an»l may Ood be with them and you Guards about face; forward march." All but ih«» pHoi.t moved out and the »n»te closed. This ad d: ! In his hand said to have been I ; • officer of the |»o«l. » ' \ ■ ■ ■ ] i; - Up to 1- io their hearts. Their ex.-- cu If »»... 1.. ,ui «|f.|ay pressed «'t^ch '. man. shouted • n « •' 1 nrvrr gu up there! .\ ,1,,^ away. IoohImk his arms and .lashed madly throufh OHRONIOLE8 OF A WAR PRISON FT I ^9 It •• weak rrow.l to th*» »' s tn hin hlt'K. but was r« ...... II; ^.'- -■• nnothtr down. Thrlr frlKht RrJ . N flv to thfir irunii. 11 !•• iiiic hurnlr^ilii of tho i^eaJccr t: iii-k' fi ;« In th* ruiih. which had hm th" fuicKUr MitM brouirht l»nrk tmnbllnir and coww .ill were puiihed up the ■Irpii to thr trap by the executlot iC and wallInK unintol- Hirlblv while the priest beirKed f- ' T th«'m to be spared, A their f... KM, and the baKS. used for r 1 over their fares, with whit awful V i.»d for life. The priest, at their ro- il ' only those In oharj;** but tho vjist rr '■• 'I • ' "'^- ' " '> •' tho final dls- !• of no avail. T ' as their con- demners s' >• iheni an«l their clamor tor the execution to proce^ o\ I the frantic effort of the priest. They be- lieved them iiuiU> of fllrect murder, the means of sufferinfp ajii death of m-tvy bv deprlvlnff them of s4-anty clothlnif and fare: by theft .r rruelly beaten them. Th.« »rullly rlamore . I w I : 1 . 1 i v < i u 11 1 ^ h . j'C, an«l fallfn to the ground. He was re- st • '^^ •••' «»...n,.>. he plead thai as •-"' >^ ■ 1 n., !. Hul he was ff>' tl. whilo the other f Ir 1 Muutig off. partially kr It was Intleed a hard sight, six • ii tieiii from lUt- fur crimes against fellow prisoners. think I am hardened because I looked upon them with 'Sure that I did. This Is the breaking up of A gang oi"K th#» Rlrhtnnnd prisons. Rut there w-r- le the prison, the Idlers standinK li ready; the artll- 1' • - . • ........ r< All.) ,N ...1 -I. ■•! ■■■•. M -• A- who In their nnxl«»ty t" tb«-"' i>> <""•"» of the t> >nlc as they supposed they were lo fire upoi. tl It Is told of Mulr tlv aequlttel of a crime In Dublin Ireland, though h«» hn 1 cuMt to his pr'**"! P«t --r^ mn- vlrtlon h«»r«» he to! ' Irish f after arquittnl the \ •» d*'ath be hiN doom; that ih- 1 Alu.«y.< though he souffht to a to their ' o'- u !..!,« To him n.- .o:,:. < I proved Against raiders. np.EAOFUL DAYS DRAG ON— NIGGER IN THE EXCHANGE FENCE. Tuenday. July i:ih.- A m«n j»hoi through the body and killed while *1lrHnr ^--^f^r rr*>rr* fh^ ^frt^m n^r^n\} f«^l lnsld« the dead line, i w. 0d here, la to me 1* ? t he I> In b! K -i t li 1 1 1 1 1 1 k- i"'- ^ ^ '•: rtttter Il ■IC ' who want •omethlnv to fill UJ ' 1 : 1 off with acurvy. It hi .Ii ..f III. It- llmba h .111 wan . of h. '.r. with • y*Nl t«> *?v 4=r b- •Tful aiitl quickly re- • 1 im ftf h< w. f» find n word of It r.i <)• hi ., ... ,..., .. An lis cv\ \n It en- fmf\,\,-\ ).\ 'i>- unl- V. be- f..' : hia vtmiiKv ilr^nni wh'. h«» behf't! Immr^f!!.- :r>- • of IJ d. In' H :i I" ter- f" ' * \l ¥, \ ,. .. ... ., V .... ... f,.- tc. ..f J • ih 1m( r J!|..Mf .,..' .M.. it.f n.-Mi.x - .!« i.oH? . P- 1) II nt of »«.urv>. TJ.. belnv h »M In \ who II '• T) a north- w . • ■ 1 . _..!.. .,1 W fi........ .. . ., t • - • p» -. . ^ .. UehnMnta have been called by Capt Wlr« and notified that he haa If olteini.t. 1 )\- vv m kill cunnon »r to ft.o H' '■ t a u w 41 •- h. H who I: fi.\i:.i, \..ll«-yH of >M>Ul «•! A WAR PRISONER. • very nwin In c«mp. Reports of two s thl* afternoon. an«! we turned out ■- Into line double quick. It was soon They formed on the hill, deployed I a vigorous fire, lntern)>enied wtih from a brigade, showing how th<- or If prisoners break out. .l>le state of I t «: but ever> • i \\ . 111%.- a few doltlnKr* ", iii;-, kihI. is fronj Baltimore, and to tounteract speculating in rations, makes lots of I he comes in of late. One of our fellows got thick \ 'o|«l him where to find a tunnel, for a piUK of to- )»:ir(*o. 8oon after he came with a squad of negroes armed with feellrig rods and s^mdes. found and filled it. It had baffled their scrutiny for three days. The man who revealed the secret be- trayed himself and that evening Wiis hunted out. given a clean shave of his head and on his forehead was tattooed the word "Tniitor." Next day rations were ordered withheld till those who did the Job rej>orted at the gale. I don't knorted but rations came the day after leaving us a vacuum of one day. Petitions have been circulating praying our government for relief. I did Intended to prt»duce polltital effect and to leave the i lu ih. N.ith !hit !>,.• 11 ix.ii.f M condemn government . ..^ .u » •• serve a purt>ose of Its enemies r lie. suppressing facts. iie|MitiM v( iiMiveiiieiiih tii north Virginia are true. Sherman Is up to Atlanta: Johnston relieved by Hood. They think Johnston fights on the principle that "He who fights and runs away will live In Hirhi another day." Federal cavaVry at Montgomery and T ' i at Macon. CJa.. only 60 miles away. whUh rjent here. The Rebels are fortifying. I>rov.-H ■ ' ■ from plantations and put to w«»rk. '! < and sixes. fl<>*' M ahot by n Kuurd. H Somr II . ^ I.-- t . V ■ ■ w ■ n* -k tht« thf ccntry tXrmi. the Bhoi whiz/n >: l> * 't*« I Nt<- "vliir In (he bank and MputterlnK niui I' ■ four or uit. Lots of shootlni; han been done by r tt wiM.k nnd aev^ral men have boon killed and >^ t Jllh.-Hefore day ih.- .l-.i: horn an.• v.h.- Ii • heard. Men on ; ut ih«* a' Two tnilna of •• from Ht»- paaiM^ b«T«*. Kfb.-li* rr|K>rl a victory, ihrn udinit a loan. Kr.j- erfok nf my ('ointmny. ling thia mornlnfc near the blir I' of the pen. pr-arhinK by t*' i.' II -MM... Some of ihono artlve in < are Upv. T. J. Sheppanl. U. N. Wa.Mle. ^' < .\ iirv and Robert H. KoIIokk. of 16th «' r.l. r. 8. Infantry. aJao Boston <*•• "rdlnary talent aa ainirera. are J. *>. Turner. Imvld Athrrton. €iith N. Y.. John \V. Kerr. I^ H. CttmmfnjT" Massachusetts; G. W. Pomeroy and others. There la or- >rus of nearly a hundred voices, some evenings, of fi Ho la a<» affected -lla him that they I"' ir ►... ...,. ar... T' . have better It. 1 U,ll V. . T.. Wrwl« iiM fiwiit ZaUieavlllv. uUW. Ih^l h« U1«U in ociwber, itt«4). 94 OHRONIOLES *m .-^ V, aR PRISONER. Mnr»!nv July 27lh. - Prosirated wUh •evrre pain*, chill* and fi-ver ted inoMt of the niffht. Getting a •niaJl ple<-e of be*f i. . lieu of meal we have a fine dlBh. Griffith htn* n«. . iven un In Virginia by Wesley Nor- V 1 .>.AM frt-" * " vta connicting; pai>-r- ■o far th«' ri'pii: 1. then clulm a vJ» v Ij<»-»- .. ; choke \. . cdllorM. Hood f- .^ f. nd not leave the town. Sherman Intends U> gi. : i'ing Johnston has all summer be**n runnlitf away from, if he makes the stand. My complaints are unabated; are attended with weakening pains which at times prostrate me. Rations Irregular; often missing a day or two. Wtnlnesday. July 29th. — Had Job greater patience? Here ar«* men of true mettle or we mlKht see ihtrm knocking at the gatf to swexir fidelity to foes. To lie down is to submit to be eaten by licf and rot. When streitgth falln. surh in ihi' lot of all. ".Vll that a man hath will he give for his life.*' Hut what > •' • •• to give? A Kri'at dfal of money will get a little flour fn such Is thfir lov. ..r i. ... , v i-ut lack of love for : y feeds us hu.nks We are In prison ami they visit us with t' s; we are athirst an«l they give us to drink of water tainted with filth and excrement; sick and affllctey give us no roof; lacking raiment and they lake much that we have. A man shot dead, the ball passing directly throuKh his bead back of tl; " ' ' ■ • .utiy looking at ^ I bouKi>> '" • »-►. ' ' - '•■■ -• ' " i.ii* for sup(M>r with procei'ds from t Thursday. July 30th.— Hr- of a small biscuit and an onion. Prisoners arrive; a crowd gathered when a cannon was fir*»d u\iT tho ramp Friday, July 31st.— S during the night, one from a cannon, the shot .1. Yt-sterday and to- day's arrival of prisoners in >. White flags are put In the rnnlfr of thn |>riMon to ground on which crowds v\ . Ill be fired upon. Accord- It , ' - * • - A fiw i»« ». — • ^ >» Sundays falling treei and making the night air ring. Last night my mind (•»ni< tM* I.KS A WAU r waa filled with thouKhtn of thr nilii«>r>- of T •leepw One poor l>oy near crleri nil nUht suffer no Innirer: h*» I" nn nwfiil ohj#M't; I. a rm» of a nhirt; h fmtnc. his h.ilr from his hi'nd: hl^ I f«*«?t nrc lui hii waim. I I thouirht tti .ul.l 95 not an! O! I II I iin Hi. II II \ 1. L- ),.. }x ,\ belivw a filtl. Thru Uv it the blesMcd ajx dealt otif h*»!!ffr** 'r: t>ft: •< wr nrrrptrrt r? r cries. .ts. U iM li^i- both ti : rin Ohio 100- . i since thi- uunili.ullun. He thinks the l-'rL-mui.i titkcL will withdrawn. are ind be It Tf w.. T. en to w) th. rn of Unci As It bla u> of ca; *»r« for .itliifr. Is throuRh their niiiitary prisons and ■* of wmth on "Lincoln hirelings." as they \y In their power. But the ever present fear .•r mnn m*»n wouH !># sl»ln hv huiulreda. of war. iPir the ■ or- ..le ip- - If •Ice to ' If fr^ their *• IHA- of an ar*" sur>i ct • war I \N • ar . ** <"ruol ni i' ! the 8uuth inio n ioe of everybody tintnuoniBtic to their customs and lnw0 Shall Lincoln rorall hln omant-lpatJon proclamation for thf* reanon whli h am iiurely exIiitH a« we are at war? It maken It «h«- deadllent war of any century. Nor ithould tho [>ollcy of all<)\\ ; ^• niwrroeii to flRht for liberty be rccallfd. Shall free men r. • ai <-oncede the i of th's* holl-born ulave powrr • It That 1h tt loaMly |}«hup— to b«« foujchl to «!r«i.i ii'^x well do I r«-ii . ■ . • . ihe word i»a»j«*r| alonic th*» linen at Mine Run and other placn lant fall anHVl!< notified IiIh <'onKre»H that he i»roiK»j«e1 to turn con i of- ncern thereafter over to State authoritlen In Stateit v. •!».>.» to be punMhed under State lawn provhlhiR for rrJnili:a: i In incltlnir civil Inwurrerllon. That in hlH dlsp^nitlon. c. , the f.t. ■ ■ ' iuif»i> he rf\ ... 1.^- for fo ^'nltlon. er\ « the Intel:. ^ ... . '■-' ;....< .4. • our forcen In (iny of the St.itcH embrnreii of to be llnff to the Ittwn ClUC •Nl* I.I > ''I A WAK i"' ""R. 97 law wn^ nrvrr r^'i-rnJr-!. nn thnt ns n ]> . -rlor lo ft , .•• •• I: t ; \ jclve . turn : niiirojids or work In I BUERILLA SHOWS PLUCK— GEORGIA PATRIOTISM. ti of »»UI - of plly ^ 1 1 < « • < I vi t . i i c K mf» fo fh«» ftowth pril«» In h^r- t 1 K • T. ••'«!» t'» I •• r<-tini.«'l )i. til.' iiKM !i.g. < »h, {' " hrm of whose ffiirment they might touch 1— At (luyllKht n mnn uhol nnd limtAntly .' ' •..-.• 'f .• I.' .. .• ) . I I ,.. ., ., f 1 .Itv nn ^• who w«»re Ciitlinic him T!''' m-i w:\jt rnTlcd out. out. 8o \ R#»e»i- br««4 p««: il tprcAd through the co 98 CHHONKI.KS « T A w.\K i'ms''M:fi. throuirh th<'lr Importunity that thin movoment In made. They appear frl|fhtenp ' not live lonjf on the rations |flv»'n n»«; that well men be nick. They have some new tents up; some are \ let! thither in army wnRonH. The Holn'l setter man. but had had more experience. I knew both personally an«! now believe Lincoln the best man for the place. If I can get Into OojI's country in time he will get my vote." I referred to the report: he said: "I asked the old Dutch If that thing was true myself. The old bummer looke«l mad. but answered more than I exp»'Cted: •Py Cot ve vllls to no such ting! Py Cot. v.- " -' rf every son of a pitch' Now. I tells you. you vllls all ve vllls parole ye — an fn-fore exchange, py Cot. your C'o ••►o tevll- ment. Ve cot you foul!' Turning his horse around to go away, he said- 'Py Cot. you as veil pe schoot as stay here, and ve no trust damn Yanke«'s.' ' Friday. August Tth. The n*rk carried early to the gates but not received; ordered to i ' >.i I ■■< I . .\i.iii.> iii«' iitkeii out. It gives hope that they arc going to try to help us. Men t>erslst rHRr»virLE8 OF A WAR PRISONER. 99 In flAtler: thai we are •Oon lo be ri'llovetl. I |fuare nht!. i t!on la def«'rr»Ml. The wolf at (hr tUmr will not ifo nwny \ -y until drlvm. They brouKht ua to C!«orirln nccorcllnir ' »"n ^f powcm thAt be. that no ahelter ahould be furnitthrl \'. ♦■•nerii. Thev will not releniie un fur our luike, hiivo 1 our Their y They f h They »M'»c;in the war nice. If they believe In for m^'rcy"* Hna the ifovemment one rlicht the North dalmn for Itaelf? wr not con ; our nenHe of Juiitlce to npiieuae un- •■.U^r: wmth. they not plftce m -i-^i fall. A PRISONER'S SONG. Strident, yet more ntrldent, Sound t» ■ • ■•■- ••'' \v:ir. In our 'nl IJehold Patient, yet more patient. We'll be «n.>>.- u •...,,.!« ao alow! 100 « HH' 'M' i.i:s < »J A \N \i: i'i;i>!» >NKR. w.- :;-r ?;Tnrvlnir! <• . U K'hl (r T -aiK^d to bllghU Th. An.l I walk In th. A M. tmible ci.. . If oif iiuin hli; cvit. ihe liiuMl ItilMviubit: llUin !■ ! with the benefits of life. Wi' ! an Iceberic and a fiery fur re at the mime time. To bt- Hi iHi<, 1.1 citi* sense. Is a mysterious art. y« . ,>>■: 1- I I • • ..... •'• . .-•, .. 'OS our endfl 1. HouKh h « \\ \V.. Uf ..vv . ,,vv ). ■ .» u V. h.i in ;. livlii « Statue. n« • .1 about by we are encased In steei. He 1 H one. at Ic.'in;, , w h Lies us. He has not only K«>t r*'.^ : ■r- Try of nv.r !■ ".(» J ' . he has the heart, and the ) il llK' jK'ntlment. H<>o«>ntly «n but it was not devoid of .ble !«'• A CJ. rlt hit nhn a : I»Ot m.' .•nt N«-- nt. Ir. .p- tur K* a sick iiMtii •'>. .i I, an. tlon wnm TT' >>o jf«»t y. of h\*> I.ulf to h. ird was Ofi of ai> . .1- th of es' , . ^ . :Avr- vlew WAS abrupctjr ended, the woman ordered away, the man CHRONICLES - i x >. x.i PRIflOKER. 101 driven Into pHfw>n. Th^ v*'Xt »1ny »h# onm«» nKft'n brlnirtnif cloth- Injr Wire l>n>: in. and •*1 l>f »rr\ « Itf. IN. > a trutii «.oii^«>> liiK (iuiit ti i fell. Ho prutMibly vlaltcd : v an • rv . . , . t« bleetl! Kon'nwrjir «»ur > on? Nol Ki»r It* oaUM*' l^ 1* Join Oip hom« of Fr. •? Fur hrtlrr iilarvr; In i Wr flffht for M4>ctlon, Soulhion? No; W> flKht (hnt liberty may Hproad o>r all the lan«! that fn-omon know. VVher^. to<^ lon». the nlavf had tri'Md. \V. ' rid \v -n i«uppn»ii»^d; It .1 to Mtnind, At •• rcdrewied. r.i' *, -iiK H- in your aoction built? To M rvll to prulonc DofM but enhance the maater'a Kullt. Pntr!»>H*m Kvow<» ro !lf»»» T» ' iln: Tl T> h be fro«; A. y cr. ill i.o Ht Ml Y. Yuu k' diajivtil. Tla m. i.t? Th« "8lara «ixtU Hum i*uH Uuwn. |>ull down; 102 CHRONICLES OF A WAR PRISONER. Th^y lend you wron^. In Slavery*! ways. More hntcful than King George's wM Our fathers spurned In other dayn. RAIN KNOCKS THE STOCKADE — A NATURE STUDY. Saturday. AukumI Mh. No «ltk call, the pour fellow a arc dis- appointed. Well drtrsiicd officers ride out the street and back. Passing near \i» they Inquire of a fellow who Is whittling u t>one: "What State you from, young man?" •^ laetts." ither live here than In Massachusetts?" "Well, you'll be apt to live out your days here, for there'll be no exchange till the war . !.->. s :ind that won't be in ten years If Lincoln Is your next I' "There'll not be a s guard left of this crowd before that time. Colonel." rfnmrketter than niggers. They say: "You fight with niggers; you think It's all right to fight us with nlgfrers." We retort by saying that It Is no worse for a nigger to fight with UH that) to work for them, and that they would put u gun In h; f they dared. It Is not so bad for thfm to be hunted by I It Is fc»r ui» to be hunted ht-lpU'Ss and hjtlf starved, by bi"" . ji'MjiiflS. A little after noon a man shot and killed. I hastened and 1.. .r.. J n.f ),. VI .« Diiplng water th.. lirook. T>"- ^.-.ti..,.! be closely The 1 1 teiiring out ' •«. The * -s Ml by the officer of the day as they nil are sure fire. It Is a story never denie^l that for i a furlough Is granted. In a few minutes a with blood and brains bore another Yankee lu Vav J-a 1 h'-U-H-, fhrourh 'i fh. . . .• ;. 1 Mrantiri Ilv i«» 103 tie •trcam to Ur eiijit Hide on the we»t .SiM^:* .kM it occurred over lh«» ramp »uc- i on ua. f their [Up wits IN our- •4-: ! ri...»- It . a ' were uul«iiir. Al Ihvi**- piiicm lh»- K. : in line of battle for more th^n >»•? ho^r nr.-\ •.vh»-n fh»* -I. they hiul only lime to t«- . night; so fires wrre built ^ht. W. • lild. Injc th< ut- inic ••! emcy than tl 'pe«irii to UH yourr t- eno^lk•^ !<• ••ttf\'- ■>• y- .il-IMMiH for II- by your •!•:■ n. yt»u are !.i ^ »re b«r- b«n.«n». ' l';«>i.ty uf other taunts urv liiUulgtHl iiu uieit get sick of II Tv The mofit ^ ^ to what It r^ • than sixty p,.- t«« r It can h* o a key to l«ik**ly lh*^*«> livM M.*1U iirtf to ol>jilrucl the dlfvlnc of ' M In ti A ho br : an e« ne- f • . aJI « ink we will, if w« ».* , «is. tftemard Brown, wlio Is an i^cllsliman and not a soldier, on \ CUROSlClsKS or A WAR PRIS*- >..... roI«».* thf bril.f Th it It was fortunate for prlsonera It F' - It wan the Intention of r \» v on the prinon had any N Hie within seven V III writing, on 'le onler. It wna found on flie amonir the rec- .. . ., . . . ,. . . . , ^^.^^ -•••\v- . ,,...».! .X.. .> ....- .-.. - ...-• . ...^ ..^ >... .......*. Ileal ler: Headquarters Mllitnr>' Prison, Andersonvllle, Ga.. July 27. 1864. on duty and In charRe of ry of Florida :i!i>..- win ui'on t.T.-ivinjC : t Hv ••nemy ' this post. »•; the f»ce to the sit ^ ond •se lines uf defense. Jt»HN H. WI.NUKU. HrlRiidler General! ronnnandlnic.1 Five men sunstrmk and r»'ported dead: most of us are ir. •?'.••! i.v heat. F«'r m.'t.- n.iii ;» t>i-Mi!!i II his b.-t'n almost The ««a. ouRh us • f fiTv - h'»l and s. tth. IUhI 1 iiUKlil (• vl thf tth.i'le of the >r whose green trees loi>k pityingly over would be by an hour of repose on Mt. Th- rate •*They i well Mr huspUai. Il ts * riK^i hard place. li)« doctors • In are ...i . .1. » .11 __.,,|j,jp ,j man's swamp. No .» . . •> . licar the rate C (or somethtnc but In vain. Ws lay down to- nil los nirht huncry. ^ ng all night, ftll day and aJl nlgtit again, with no certainty of anything to- nwrruw. ODE TO WIRZ. Cheating th»'fn who truly tru»t la a cowar* uf ntilniittlon degrees A FEW DAYS DOINGS— TENNESSEEANS Tfuirw lay Au|ru«t itK In cami. arf tlml>era laid .11 r.inii th- nlde north of the 4 runoNici.Es of a war i' k ». .■ , f.i .. r,.u thm will hflp enrape tl luumlnic frtim •> and brldxe hnii been nuide which Im- • h; h1»o a T" il from thf» north to ine iMirl. We I "f f'Mxl bul wH- corn hv. kind of bean. if poor beet ha« nd in lieu u little • H \N V U.i\'- luiit t..ik«- ■ ' ' md clay. f U8 have niw meal, we c) ■ bake it. ' • ' " ' • • ... i..- . It *MO.;- !• to bv fatfii • ,,.... „ . :. Kruanlnic day -i;--l iKht. It In r«-markjible with what tenacity life cllngji to emaci- led. rorrupt«Ml frnmeii. Wllllnmn of the lUth N. Y.. of Lyona. N. Y.. a boy of eJ ; on, talent and refinement, a nephew of Hon. AU'X. Willi - Iflited un. He la. declining nipldly and enfCUKeit our aympathy H rt V»y ff» oheer auch a aweel aplrlt. H** ahoweJ uh the llke- iful girl, remarking that he never expeclel to ii«>e bitterly. We all i»arted with him reKrflfully. II,. her). X jck today by one of the dally duties of men. to tiouth ihr •> "P I sec them atrlpt- 1 .»r lice. Imn t«T roll ciill they ) • ivih" or a ■ , „ fT' an they expri -^ . •• the "gniy backn" a cbMinlng out. I «y once a day in Utvv timea makea a man of th e la MOon over run. pitied. I«)atb' • ■ 1 H. loUM>. br««Mii. yell«'is»Ml • .-a! And we do iMimh Itut I am the onh r ', we be wit/ted to 1 t.r ight t.o ot.*- wiiiM ne obllffed to aulMiin t<> my I'oor. Indeed! rHRf>NirLf:> WAR PRISONER. 107 •< I have b<*<»n pre- vrr ^^>4\ I cnr#» to recall: If < tx Rcn- rr.i \y, that I «! • iMiiK. They «r« thill I note. ..... ;.. the othem on ^Inco I nr«l wiw him. He hud o«' III** 'h.- (■•ttnmon com- pl.' Is', wan from f' t'iiilor within ' iinluiiilitiK the removal of <•i'(>>ti- iiM- •i( othortt are so ufTccted ufl to be Moiit of thoin \v#»r»» -tronip heavy men. but we ha-. W rail. <: •< one of the friffhtful Ph \V. M. T. f the 111th N. Y. re- ' rge MIC in of .•»d lo ifn In • d with ». . . ntag- 1 Kut . iiurlon and t r"» tt VoM ynnks •r.-d nt n.-;. .ii.k'-t l.» i"\'r hltii. colli J ij.. no m«' ' - ' " •• ' • ' fM»n cot -iid n\n ...\ay co^ . I In It. Ifu- -.mI and >8 CHItc^NICL^» OF A WAR I'llISn.NKn. ♦" t». .., -I ^.,^ ui»on the cxAct »pol where Ihey were lo : ^iw lo.lav HiM.k.' of M il'T riirrlll. Commls- : . hnvlng ref- ill nnd other ..1 in ii|>cou!:itlnn« • •m the N-w Y"rk :u Ihefr \ . on -T) s thn " . :t<> his II . ■ iH «|o not ' t wh'ch they » ,:! their owi. 1 : trait. To me ' success from leir Ilk* prr have tibrond. lurh .1. so \\:r- lltlcal bloker- jRs. In the ' Mule of triumph ml ». »»opf» oil on. They believe l!i the past, would do • er to Io«ik down op a ' C. SOphlH" ' - " ^ are n : . « t t « r , ■ '■•r I . _ . ■ \.>rth •• In this crisis! Rebels would despair of success before ' y 'I • > ten men for one. Men ifo ! mon from Iheir friends to K it. Fi»ur men nre permitted i,'. Then mime will tmde half of !f A few will A few so far • :- "■■ '-I > fX' a. f. ;.ite! 1 I cnme • toi.i tr •«; of : for hf( they ; who • Inw CHIC 'M< MS 'M A N% AK IIU>«'M:li. 109 WAV thmutrh nn nrrr-.rl mnh r)-»!mf>.! tn hnvo hrrn n^vA hy Oovrrtvir I .. . , t.*.-. . ... .... . . this « th.-ir k''iMT;iI hl« for ti»ujilr> oup. \'. s power hud iiwayed; Km'h.\\v*l iljf lfii«l«»rii of the South. of lt>w urnl hiKh nd«Temes nwny, I V. Th rmed array, r.r . T^^-^v ?»f»Mm*>d th# nil# fh«f would disrupt rid corrupt. ! behind. Tti t and mind, CHRONICLES OF A WAR PRISONER. They • h and life. If » A . Strife •rn men li. .. ........ .,., ...^ ... , pen Hruvc men of Tennessee. and di« ' walls! Thf earlh thrir br.l. Ihe roof the sky. Where woes their hearts apiml! And yet ull offers they resent That promise them to free; Hy loyalty Invite torment — True men of Tennessee. O. hail the men who know the right y,,.! for i' >" ' 'I • ' '> f -ll \s ' . .M might '1I,..'ik!. • all; And h«Te In priJion pine Jind rot. Thoiiich today they could be fre«! No truer men have ever fought. Thf»!i ni<'n of Tennessee. Spartan band II ' ■ Hut ' 's land, I nt" y day 'h\ No \ .ith has sway. Til HOSPITALS. THEIR HISTORY. Votlnr tho ift.iuiMiNiiiiiii f>r liiitlillttv of .loriors to clear th«> hit «ls. It »n- p»l M do ! In fli- or >\ ; ton CU\ r A WAR II i: 111 purti.illN r.iA. '. I will) .1 . : .ind la»t««l»HN. I' y water and ■ »i . . some well* .. • i tkitU MrtMheti lit Oio »«iiu** miiull Nlnnim. al\^a>M r- • •• «n«| mor»» nlrhf nn«! dny, h#»!nic poisoned by «> f«'verl»h. un- l- •• offiil Inicr- t' '■'•.: IJ • •■ .-.i.K ........i. it' III MtioiiKt-Nt in«*tr.' 1 find tlit'iK* i - iMd renultii. No Confvderule doc» i hoffpltaln here to date and they I ^ Ki^'M H. . !»«.•. Whi'ii the prison was built most of !■ -rn \v#Tf fr«>ni prlNons fiirther north. Dunvlllv and I hey won* under n>ofs. Conilnir here In V reudllv chilled through. Sonu* refuse of t hum w;i ! I rt- hoi V. I Itut ol H broke down 4» M^i !. . . .1 brush. This ^'^ The poles or lo^s men were put In imc as o«liuus and n« more commodious than '-n. A portion had a lose floor, no betls. no i The storm and wind beat th route h II ind r»»nd«»rfd p.'itlenls that retaln.Ml *■ " live. y. A few prisoners I or ren. •« L*. S. brand, but ' " • I I*. S. rnK or not. I the only hospital kv riMim. We arriveti here I jTi'»t v.vM days after this was coviT«-«J th* \'t*ry »'«rth i pen. Ttie bospiuis now simply consist of old canvas appropriated n: < A WAR PIUSoNKR. from other . h. 1 .-j . n :ii th«' hMcii. without rioors. be w^rn «1»irln(r th«Or Iriiprlponment ui.d in active srv ii«it much of that, i : to retain them jr >^'" of H«lualor. »U-. wl)lb' . ry exlutenren. i.. .. ..,. ixxhlcKii «k. • i . .-. .>, ... ,. ..ver Ihem. on 8onu' bones have broken or worn t le skin. Llin) s <.f wh.s- fl.^Hh ha* not vanished. . Irn with «lr. , red. yellow and brown. In many cases ulr. wounds that never heal, and icanirrene Is hnvloK un unthecked »f not undisputed reiffn. Myriads of lice and flies swarm over helftless men: maRRots infest pinKrenous sores that may have orlRinateil from a scratch, a sunburn or from ulcerous eruption causeil by corrupted blood. These matters, seemingly. h;i " ible staire. There Is scarrliy of m«> . r>s. Nu: ~ ' : ' ■ ' ' If thoy \\.'.\'- A.,\ s.T)?..- .11 iM.- : do little to comfort and it seems that th«>(<- .......... ....• .. ..4ptatlon for the work. Kxcept now and then one. would lln-y be retained and for Just that reason, in a hos- i.ii.ii u.-ii oi '.-t..! fi.r \\..rk. From Ar vt t.. last there is nothing 1. nothli . I but death, and the tors ha«! skill, and nurses had any idea of luinltalion. s«»me polln- ii-Kulai Jons would be visible. If this were so and the Richmond Kovernmeiit h^d nvnnt to do anythlnir but mur«Ier. better facilities would be ; met a doctor or two afiparentiv of nkill jfood s. Intent; but they - rirofess'on or to re. Ampu- i.,' or ex- • •• there was a 1 1 nicer i the • r«i .11.1 nnt ju?;T!fv :\- In tio rnn'" as I can heat. It '^n. HIiirht womtm!^ nr*» not h- of these f. Ity mther 1 Hi nrekn<»wii ■«' uu thhoti'I i h-- j.riH'>Ti i)\H i>»'u 1I1^<1 •• "'i *'> mili- tary and civil officials of high rank. Reports of surgeons. Drt. t'MIC* »M A U Al: IIJ Re^VMi. r. U.t nnt In pr ^ tfxprfmly ■UI«m1 ! .. mm thul w»r* It- Miinkw. t>4?Ui or • .ur nil ' lOt •or If are told me by a doctor. WOMEN PRISONERS.— PROVIDENCE SPRING. '.Ht.— ltulny- A man wUh gruy hair has juft dl«- of mm; nrtoihor l»» -lylnir wifhin !w*»nfy; ittff nk m k- •el '.null ..f 270 l.vit l:!t ar.- ;iM.' to.lny to appear In line. Any nui lay'i ration ut once. Man i- . qj^^ C'od. *t ua: on th« • i.-*i for i»ir»-?iK»h' f "tnw hy n r uil Unrvry Lh-yo Mvrritt < In the aand outatde the to the crowd. All knew rii: He often ent .-* voice. wuN a K""» "■'■'k'-i. II |i' i.".«:ii >"iii K i> .1.. .1 i.ii.iiiiji n-M'jier. I have composed the following line* In hia honor: DEYO. n«vi.! Ti.- !.iy ui'.ii T»i. I. ! hand. 1 I .hi; I "1. d! t. ht. ly. na. iiolled In ditchvs by thm aco 114 CHRONICLES < •» a uak IKISmNKR. Ay. lh«»uwincl« — paroled forevermore! No more his voice In song is heari iMi, III camp at niKht ilon flrellKht; < - nlRht and day. And with him in embattled fray; On plck<-l when the camp did sleep; In wcKjd, and field, and trenches deep; When a« skirmishers we cre^p. And here where foes thflr vljfUs keep! But now he sleeps in Dixie's soil, ore. no more with us to toll; ^ In the lantl he helped to free 1 i..i,, the bane of Slavery; — No more to languish with us here; — Dead, without coffin, Hhrou, i^ood boy. farewell, farewell I Who your wretched fate will tell? S I lly you were heard to speak ■ M'>th««r, mother." faint and w«».ik. Tntll your starved and fetid breath Was silent in this squalid death. Thank (Jod. your face she could not see; Your soul from this damned pit Is free! No mor«« your lips will songs repeat Wp ht-iird HO ft)M«lly and so sweet. . . :.'. . .« iHMly. lot It rest. this place opprest! •J who was Its fruest; We who stay are still unblest. LylnK dfad In UeorRla's sand Iff olM-ys the last command. I>«'v«v r»-Mt. your service is done; your knapMkck and your gun. 'I. ic(*nlal soul, arise; >■.■'!• .•>:.. Ml. I. \\ ll«»l««* « ■■mill. IIP! .Pi..»t7.i iiKiii Freed from this place of pest and bliffht. rHRONU-LKS OF A WAR PRISONKR. 115 th uf huiuf I:. :!ai-:. •-•-•. It c-.r. . hi to hefKl iinnr i^ Is nothlnir pt'^nwir? but h. "■;•.-. f:^' .ind Nature l> iio less •we#t I T will not cea«- lh»ufih' . Ao OMQ die .\ioii< NKR, the Shf^nandoah with n heavy force, but whlppM him to pieces. yitig of truce »>ont off Charleston. The boys tnlk this news over with SAtlsfnctlon. Once In awhile there Is one who says. "I don'l carr how they do If I can get home." We draw rations of rice and moIa»s«s only, tonight. It Is a change and "change of pasture makes fat colves." Cnpt. Wlr* has not appeared for two weeks. It turns out he la sick; the boys hop** » •" <||e. Lieut. Davis corv -• •- 'he prison: we ascribe Im; « to him. We could ■ .ut for how "Old Dutch" h.. . ..•• i*o entert>rlsing. It Is : in to ride about like a p«»miM»u9 thief; to devise ways to punish offenders, as he calls men who attempt escai>e; watch them groan- ing In the stocks where he has kept them all day and alt night with hands and feet outstretched to their utmost, and grinned as he saw them hanging by the thumbs. While suffering this pun- ishment, two have dler. always by themselves. There was nothing In their •• to discredit the story except male attire; nothing to to me. under the circumstances, that they wer ; ijc story that they were women. feminine of stature and of featur.-^. v «^. i n-- story could not be trace rxerta \M i ^ I'T l.tH.'l .tT, I HIT II ; \H or^ ittusod. The iiuin wit i- v^tMxI. % who >•: out of .i silt see rr. Durlnic a l^rrlflr «»form « i«|»rlM» hnr*t •»«ii on th* north of Ihc wntnp cU»mf li» i* the n v. In pur«', Nir • 11 n> o tk* ■ 'II au ml' ri • n ^ J. ill th«* f find I Id •f in ttji lurKP na my arm. while I I. i o( uur cv(n(*an> ui ii men haw Ui«0. wr wunUvr that •• ♦» not . ornc^ri In ih« im CHRONICLES OP A WAR PRIHONER. prison. Todny elirhfo<»n w^r^ taken out to be •«'' • >. I know of two who hnv# not irone: Colby, of ■ ro ■ •■'■ Aiiof fuT «i.iy \n here. .\ N : ; „ „ :. .N - thai iihoot on vile pretexti*. N «»f imln .iri'l 1. i\ V InnffiKtr That preUM and b\cV My bmiy. thin my M • my brain With rIoudH of iiqualtti Ki«'"iii. like mianmatic mists That haunt befevered valen: Or like this stench that thick- .ir Niirht and en. Nor nil these certain deaths that seise Stroni- »i •■!■ •!•! ti.\ ..?.• L-.iiic, Shall llHlurb The <• txl all h<*re beheld-- Kv»*n In these vrry w»ei« — «ire blesslnKS Which In time shall Rtorlously unfold And sometime hl»-H.H »>ur i>eople. bless tlv world. Ay. bless the fo««s fr«»m wh«»m offenses come! There never w;i Inflicted On men for sins of lh»»lr f>wn. r * ' ' ■ \\\,. way iMT i.i< ■'-iiiKM new. S we must, unto thr» «'nd. As III .*-Jm ili . and t>loom and l)enr ten thousandfold. honor martyrs slain In hlich rvnown. Kui ni.irtyrs hi«re who by thousands fall. >;f» fnrf^Mff* nf <'|of|Uencf' n>;iy praise; 1- Mo dl<> In duty's strenuous path. li \ lous Its unwelcome course. Cnn ne'er Or fo««s In ...M.-. .x.M. K'""i iMiKK 111 INTERESTING RECORDS AND COMMENTS. Thurs'luy. A\iK'»if»i J'.th Ilfi.ry lir-»,i/|.r of .ujr contpai v. dlei. i.i..~ " PRIfiONER. 119 (nv «»>•! ffttMl n v»« • fy !n PoM»h*Tn 1'nM#Hl Ueuben Rllln to honpltm -- - ' ' • ' • ry •%. •»i 'I c tvKuUlufit, lu ^krrti- u btili uliU chaiti hrfv utiil lu oviT thf flMiil nn«» InNt nifrht: wnn iir riu'ti but rrfuMtHl. Th«* fcuurij ahot our fuc ilt.xii h. ihv aun. pulveitju?. lUen burn it iuy. Aususl ^iih. Al 11 ucJwvk ;u uu 1 i;vuta«U du U«*«l 120 CHRON*iri,K« OF A WAR PRT5it. 36 hai! alreu'ly gt«nc out. maklnrr The bodies were exposed t) the • mcthlnir In rff«r«-fire r;t to !h" RM\..M!i;ih •im- ti.l . tn.l ! f!..!!! If 11. .t. worn out: I buy a cap f<»r •mtlc convention at C'ht u for Prenldent It woul! "Lltllo Mac" will be th for him: he :■ next to "ItoM.y r luuulo Wood will i'l«'.lice thrlr '. thin Pandoni'n tH>x \n III ojMn. i>* iiiirik It the rnont lmi>ortiinl evml - ♦ "V f.reath- •:. . Th< .s rlK<'t>, •waltlnK." I Btoiip Ui> Kt-*|>uljliiuli. U Kl4>*.. The tXihal.K*- v, ill mntel In fhU \v\\" Man for mnn. offlrer to i obj Kt . th. SoUiii.-iw II..,,,.-, „... .•. .WW...--. .- Hold." Monday. Aufrunt 21m}. Mv ] 15 cents, probably a caigo today. An Rel. be "Hcctlonal" r.ot to put him honored man. RobUfhed over the fi • knot hanging fire near th«-ir feet. I luiw the prostrate man wan dying, an hiii friend helM prlnoner. and five wi'ekn aK«» the dying brother came. The HUiM.-n change and Ireatin^nt throw him Into a fever. atten«le«| wiih diarrhoea. The m*'*^ ' h. In bin hard forturj.-. gladdrin- bin heart a iihort midly endi*. ThiH morning th broib.r • thn M«|i mark • fior WU ' hcitrd t»( fui home. Oh! ! can the Hllkcti •.« TuejMlay, A' Patrick was . (ill 'I Wail Hi the fur ••! r' How many tlm.- «i»on not deHpair* June, that KM- > iniiiK It Stninge he i|o«'r not come, almost curse the seeming Inattention. iN-rhaps h< rilHONICLKH MF A WAK PRIHONKR. 121 I . ht cnrne hrri*. but h« would be urmblc to hold the place, or ■ r I,.. . ....t I t ....I.I . ..I t .. ...t.t.i I...I T.. t..,.i.. ii^ f.. <»i|f •rt Hh '. Incur lu lit- I <>ui Itiii'M ut AUuitlu. Moulmn>'>n w«»n«M». \W hMV»« only to ' nm he us, he n.ig •.\.r UK. .itKi w •• will h. In- : I .ir bolter -• ^'-' -• - - • -ic! An If wo M|C to un. LmU' „.<■ I ih .ti.lrU- llV«». Wt p. !.. a dr- 'll UJI. • hi* tw«» we • other •ud of to^jur V t«» a at the rn! • or more irreat <• of truth, nnd ffr n common fk. ittwl. •'•>• dl<* by '•• who I- mv hnndn in nnd ^ N the We be- '■ •»!«» k A p' ,( n t, fAlnt and WMik: am obliged »i»- .1 ;' .irkr 1 f^n r- :> r.un.' up when sittlnir. Men walk 122 CIIRONICLK8 OF A WAR I»RI80NKR aru (■••I.ti )U .llv r<«- l. 1 ioitK Tor •i 1 i: . to At fir-l H Ml) It .•> .-r my ncr of wHiklnic. hell '; othrr r>rK>r vW I •tnuiKr lo i*e*? IM» inic l!i« ;• rwurrfKl to mc w ■ u««*«l i«> to hlin; but they arc r . .-.iful •tuff of llfo. My volc»» nl ti: B«»f 'V lone 111. '• •■• • • Ihs WHH II I that It ! mow. w " " to i .. • •• \ '>"i ent It. > flmwn. wormy. Miroiiicly • . u n ho|f wouM noi iou by Ihe It.t . l,.. '-d me. Hope lo make my exit yet. N Inic «:• f '" 'iinnpiHilnls me. If I hear a Rood rr ne\ • It till all the facts address theniHclvrs to ni- ns . . •« ^ « 'ol till I »oe It In i»- .. . ^ . •■ •> », Inir." I; Id tell us we won 1 shoul '. th. iMicf of . pains to tell us we at we ' that the C. H. A. Is t .lul and i "m «o'n* to be." talk i«.il prt-ny as lu how mucit !.« u.i o(r would b*» r*%\f of fhia *'bli»n>fwn U to ua. The event il. 1( irue we ahall noon Kft onlera. >und. Gnint huida hia KruunU. preaaea 1^ . ;^ik iluii ML^*l«llun und Pendleton wi*re numlnuted at < y < ttiiit iiucii inelhuiia of iMt. Illuatrutea rimkI and al. The work la not a«n»;ittonHl. i.ut 1% •TK'lnl tfuchtT. Victor HuKtt ^>>r UlH'Ta\ iirlmlplt'a I'lfy, of Ohio., owna M rxMiKM w or II !'• I .iKM. NIGHT OF JUBILEE.— STRANGE SCENES. Tii- •<...% .<• 1 t. I * . r '• I. ml iilK^it "ii' of ih«' M««tilrlea ctIihI ta Wfll; litKxl la lUked unit K"ne nrwa. Yunka: Atlar trj \h taken; for you." S' X aaka. • hell, no; .*- afltT l*rlaonera were senemUy soon aatlr. Ch««r after cheer waa thouaanda. Chorda and dlacord expreaaed Joy and thanka. 124 niP.' '••■•••>• OK A N\.\K iui.-^««NER Early in th«» • ff'^' i'Tii«nr**r« mm«- !n conffrmlnir th« news. tH^arlnfc a ; ■ .t( Auiniiit ?'» nio . .-.. . -^' •tcrnent; Iou«! rheerinR. It wt Im' h from HoMton, to note the u :.i for I/fnII««'H arlljit to iik«-t« h i-l«ll»*«! (croupH l**atiinK *»'» caneii n \ to full ill for Ihf KrMvi*. our linen, • whprr* f>)itr. I ftr^l likr tiikinK It quietly. In lniitanc<>^H %%'lth t**- the ?«M'!'!«»Ti thrill of Joy wan like the nhock of ^r»rr«»w In *'ff Mn* ' One man who ha«l pined to aln on ! •• newM Ii*a|)etl to hiM f»«<«t. Hhoutfd. . and f' 11 M. il. Ai • friendn: "You an- iii k""'K '■■' I runnol (fo. I \N ' b«'for«-: I had no hop** or \vlj«l live: but now If i .-j.m mv u little longer I miffht g«*t h« Won't they take me? Ask the doctor. Ifii t l>a«l''* H<« » back on the »mnd. hl^ . v . -^ ^'Mretl. hin llpii fmled. for a nion wan flilfiit: th«*n wa- ind and said In delirious dellK •*Th.-v - .\ T !i, IV k'o- I. tnt>er ith. — Ten detachments went out the I this morninR for want <»f tnini«|Mirtat This ufirtiuMMi nioif lars arrive and they go. It was burly Ir nil nlKht. There are two parties: one full In the belief »»f fhanire: on** that we are to be shiftiMl to be lmprisel ; T- beiauH*- There are M..<- ■ '■• ' •" '-• • th. In ! ' - : prl I for preservation. Ani them are |KH*mi«. * Uuineil HotneMteud. ' mostly written In Virifl last wlnT.r "Prisoner's Dream." "War and Peace." "Pn pS' ' oth«-rs. Incident of a father and son* Th* s^n nbonf nl teen, l.i 1 l-M-n f. ' father's care. T* hoi I "■' ' " to ' be separuled. The otlier mornlnv the l»oy died, the father kn rUROKICLEfl OF A WAR PRIBOXlSn i;5 ■ . . ^^^ for re- t eel. not ••i>» i)t«* ft«iit**i iMtiiKhl lo %U«vUl*; tilM boy's ,. wffh w»v»i nnttint! fortlttHf* nn'l r*«ilirna- •X a I rn - ' men Jamea r. Kifgle- iit> '04) county. Mlchiipin. u' He left home In ■lit of Unit Htiite. He was a Rood 1?th '^4, In the bloody charice of li 1 taken priaoner. He waj ■t .•\K worn by hard ii«TVlce. hiM time was that I don't K- • r. T.-n her a ' dreamlnK of Im;. * '-^ H an that of n itlrl 1 but the ■tiTi;. \ Iju'sa he d' t nmoke with him: said Hawks n« ■ to buy ft>o♦* bim cruwt coffee for supper he w. I soon after sank In death. Thus perlnhfJ a The number of meri now llvlnir here Is put at : :i total of about 45,000 who have been Beptember 11th. — Btr«ets have been thronired three • •» •- »• " • • • "••» •'•»'•• '■ •' •»-» the ^ In just b«. ..Inj t.. : left \l tUfs etiAblrd lu gCt a II? (36th) expects out. Wc have 12f CHRONICLES OF A WAR PRISONER bouKht meiil nnU ar« iMikinc ponea to tnke alonK. We are won derfully lucky; plim i. full of sood < hi-< r n.. : hanks t<> Jonnlcs. If there !■ a w- than t: prison we are ready to Jump li - r<>. The ) ng at>out many food thinira that wtil cvme to them whtrn thry get to Parole Camp. A t>ath this afternoon; r!o«<> nttfutlon to toilet In view of a lonir. tedious journey, be It v * r. and a lust look at this place of untold sufferlnfc, hen- 1 forever famous for Its Infamy. GEORGIA GIRLS WITH TRUE SOUTHERN HEARTS. S««inK loo uuch Mitlnr«i hu cuni;ralrd your blood And inclonchol) ia the ourM.- of frvncy. Frame yourtnind (o mirth and racrrirarnt. Which h«ri ■ IhouMind harm* and IvnKthcds life. AufTUStu. fJa.. Tuesday. September 13lh.— I sit In a cattle car wrltlnK my Journal. At dark lust night a loijic train came puffins up from AnjerUus. and stoppe. ......... -M.ibby lookhiR men. . .... ,^. j j»." sat They asked: "What State you*ns all from?" We • 'iiiiv :.i,,i i.i,.-.t I!..- .m.-..ti..ii they reply. "We'ns lo flKht wens for?** . .St the best govern- ment on eitrih." If they could not understand the Issue In the war by this time, probably they «lld not comprehend our words. We go right aboard. •0 In a box cmt. rr«»wlM#| nnd uncomfortable, but what of thaL death at, station. the Once more a' enthlv from ■ • • sn off. JoicKlnR along tol- ' getting aboard a few huge ut» lo b« on a I .. Th« tnii rft are clo«e*' ■ in A uifck. Aa to I A train from the Houth Is ihr.'!ik'- 1 wUh ii v \\K!i tnuakcta. recently -•crIpltHl." In aiiswrr to the n "W th«»y were ronacrlpted they auld: -We'na wu« ordere1. save hlii opi wh«n the war cloaed the Union would he re»«' • chI. Ho anid he mther It would not be ao. ''d. Thuii naylnir. he iillpped awny aa If he hi 1 A k M. hlR hnlr nprlnkled with irmy. attired rt: . : • rty I in all the Htaien. Then ihe t*nion would have Rone M It w »- T.ur the North l« In polltica aa In everything elae. dtwhonrtit. r rional. Infidel, covetous, and the South must peek h#T onr \v \ . rth haa irrown rich nnd stronv. while the Kouth • •«*•." Hr te. <• "iji"-! im « 1,1 >.!» , the ^'•ferrlnic to Mr. Lln- I a: nnd as to h'n ' Seces- sl«> ith had foil •• to hia pe(»pi<*- *h' ' ii'f«Tlorlty of racra. tl>. The boys cried "Hardtack, glw ua a« to cat," ai;J Ihc man turned i:S C!HRONiriJ^8 OF A WAR PRISONER. ■ullcnly a •pint ah« : drmsed. He i. It It IB that auch rh<-- "1 nfnrtnr m .1 to lui. Thin UlKlt IM « a rt»w > 'me dwelling' . ihf or.. ■ ' ' ;i yard v m of fr. , , , If;.- rir .• ..f ! ■ ■ On the I» • Juilt bfforf claj K wc tuiw tU'wrnl \" " -Mr behalf. Tl. , , . . of the men In my car that they would come . . (Ced to open the door. JuHt after dark; twn .-f ai»t»cared each with n basket of bread In ainall loa handed Into the car. when thoy Immediately vani not ween aRaln. I »>elleve In my soul that these KiiiM inoit- truly manifest the Southern heart than has been expressetl through the yreat leaders of the South, either in i»eace or war. for thirty year- Warm was the love of each maiden's heart Who fed a hui ; Who by word or •• sweet hope did Impart. Ar ' * - ' '!y pin. : "wi woe. We inK diriy. poor atid hard. Hut dear m.i " from a dainty yard. And brouR! nets of bread. They watched In the RioamliiR and when niffht fell round. ' They came with quick, soft tread. For they feared the iruards. who watchod the ground: Oh. blesHlMKS on r-txrh fair head? HOMESEEKER'S EXCURSION IN DIXIE. inifsvllU*. S. 1*.. \VfMlii.«.|ay. .S.-pt. Mili. Aflrr dark Alligator ■wr^mr* » and are ^> vilU. a f )onc nckeiy mo.-, n •t ' • t\ • 1 ii l>arr«Mi t'l I t ' A !' f- V t ' •1 %» ■ fvrry neirro: prohl< I I I ! An o' iMitf^h lir Ntiittdti. 'ihf i'l wht» fh«» r<»r"^ wfM do ;i« ••. not :i flellle- >ut a iixea on I lie «»ili*T iiln use ' til.- night at thout the cy Is the V alnnir DIImI with tT*»m. mn^brnken. 130 CllltoNlCLK8 OF A WAR PRI80NKR. it.> U> III ihey don't own no <»t»o dorat. ii tivv.tki'iiH Ut*-i«iitk of Mttrton Hud hta men. their swevt potato home they iiHKin ,-•••- I...- .IU-. ...- 1 l» but one wuy to ilWcrty ar Hll.i . . I f.r . V...I ihat Ih- > t- In the • %* : »ve; thiit luted by the teet of nlavcs iii of the rnr madr ft brnn/y; 1 a* o O. for just one later, u '!« of . I-. .►,■.> .-..> ... i.i'.ri Uiere that tH to flKht It out. In Ill!L-ht \\. iff t),it ltl.-MUIi't> I' h. ptu<«A. tni- rol 1 1 nir. and ellKtwn In r heelii In im. (fru.i.i.ii.,^' I f midnlicht. , twelve mnrths hnvtHK can n n: li of It lose t . ■ufTer ; . . n |>alr The motion with a chill 1? Ill ,i. • hiure I courted sleep. I he lontK and dlnromfort of my ■,vn where iht-i.,- la scant room to sit up: II) old iKKit In my breast, or other tender ' ■ . tired of re- i Ifj my face. t to ■ • .1 Ket a punch all amund Nearly twelve hi; -rs from three to ;r>I>rlved of j > to tldlnens. not to wash (.***'« «.! h.ti.UM ituue our journey l>e- . rntlen: mlx«>d up with nil •«»rff» of m«»fi. offers ;«»<'k has to think }'" A WAR PRIBONKU. ISl )»4kwf n mn- M% Wlv<»« think nf vmir huabanda > of I I I"' •■' \<«>ir ;i\sti \\1TM .1 i.iiTK.i iroMi i th- n>r.n«- i irii for A nlirht'ii rrpon«». EX NORTHERN MAN WANTS UNION DEDICATED TO SLAVERY. Fully »war<> thr f ilti h i! *^ ji •• 1. rh.- .niir'r.. .lotnrhM. ntlfT nil ovt*r I grti nn th' b - ;4 jillu- ntump. Att L- 1 ht? «\ h**ri» for hunln^iui. pr«' 'Ity: r. ""' f . ..: ■;.• t» ul ♦•vrr » I) ..' ....^ I . !o II ! t.. r- k: or |m; . t f».M. f^ ( «%itM to NfW Y«*rk. He 1*44^1. • I f fh«» Vrtrfh> hu«(n«»"«« wh^th^T »h«» Roiith hnfl four mllliot; '^f .ii-ivr^ or ' ti«n mi»r- k«*t of Iho North n I'-h of Mm I . >!1 I IK ■ .., : S H: tc» try to fMhlr-ntf* ntKK^TK: li. • V to nftcTr^T'* tt Thr»V run** ' Ha V 4- iimu» It . n w IK II . Tnlon on •< I'nion. On y . - ouffbi on iii<- «*c« tierin* on • •lave I tt»ln. N whut they they aro. 'i talked that. Ti or Ko to Cnnii'l can't be run \\ father tnlkej ■ country < an i h* inONICLES OF A I 1! \v..u:i hrivr. ^^ A It iKi>' •> lit. r- tn T.r on the plan of p'^T^t"?*! Hut black < ,. In iw>w«»r. (< Luiiiu back on ■> after awhile. It irrow weak. All The North U iipiit •s'll want to come ii ii be in the majority. Ponfh nto factions; stuti.-a bur- in. In a few years the Then the South will rule J#»rf r>nvij». and all the smart m«»n know •' the smartest men • and alers will; my far .' . lit' • V and'll be su th«« ntKk 'un off. Th- «Ty. N ' ..... I was a . . < rui^ " It my 1«' «ir run ; c i f. •' .s Ithout n s raised them from wild be«sta ..lis. The Bible says It. The workfil uiiboui them, and he won't work unless he's a slave, AholHh or'd have to b*- won't l«»t you? ery. V be ml br- io fa:. stopped, 'i iilffiT'Tri .»r. •Ir^v.-ry and niir«r*»r!«'d mu»-«1*»r *v*»rvNv|y: S«» you i ilffht in ' T k. ir I ri'N . all t Tn and brltiK 'em »s<- 1 1 • . I well 'en- - ■— ■ • tfoi noni. I've * y in it. - . -u«ht to h.. •r Kouthern products is vrowln': more rllmale. Uuii ( . pIsntstfAnn wit: ov t hiiVf It . war CO f« t< mans «»f while men to work at wajres?" •in It. ain't built that way r^n't stand the iinK about it; nor lb- work on Ilk'* nljTK PntsTh h.iv.- Tn |rnjVi » » f r II I II .1 >• t. Thoy •* rtvifiy on l!u 1... th.- 1 Jttrk » »f(f Ht til II . to m H' ;. to !»' the H. .|o. »»»• inm n^rdii of n sn»nt m > ih«» Aclully N «•! fellows, make the best Nlg- fur driv.r- o . • «.r..u. r. f>,.. bent nigger brcakerM In ihr - H .• t.ow.-r In Ifviuirurat- li. • I tJ ' HO- C« Th- n-.. Mt.. Hon .. ery fr lor ■ ;'.!:•! th«* er a.H over C\: • •■' '♦^•t ki tr,. way«» * int Industry" If tolornled. Ir -r of oxrhr«rr- h- '^tM. "If It means tmding nlg- ff«*r« for \sliU«« mm| Horn ■ it vlll be a «1eve|lHh lonu tlp^A romlnr." We ho||. •• saflU w*» believe fbnt tb* P- • ■ ■ " " ■' '■ It It O'. !» • . .. • ■ I- ive to bear the hard- pi. : When J>oy» by t- li- Ing what !' i«l. I craw i- 1 bark on th>' lai i«'.t\;i.K him t*ii ih«> ^uir. that he Ik a cblT» f»*oni iiri n|.| h|r>i>k iihnr>orl lo fit blw I tro* In tb.- fl. b. u , . . .. honest. b»:' hMt..-^r if a ' \\ • a< \\ S" I) n > t r».. ;. ... , . ^ •nllsbleninent have brought buck methods T I If. .VI. • I I' 1 1- 1 Vl* i ff I'IMC . V I*l> V blltU PRISONERS ARRIVE AT FLORENCE. Thrrf ttifn uit hor»« by ami Inspected lu. Severml 136 CHnr>Nlri.rS or A WAR PRISONER. ladles on horH' ..•n cnmc a wonmn In a carl and pi% .1,...- ^t,. . i,J...I ••!.. ..«.». . 1,1... r..i . t li,tr •• t ■ 1 . an 1 to !■• noon all \s • ;r tr:t1n sion road. iMvkt^l .» ;.«««1 out a road Ihroiu .1 we wer« to ICO. Many \valk. A dciall \N as iiuidc to carry them. Matiy ,i wen* unable to umilitt. There waa iiot one III th<- I well clay lit tl. I I ■ ilted. We thought an officer of the Kuard kind, for when ffunrds cried: "Stop you'uH. wir." brliiKliiK iiniMk^r?* 'Imwh und stJirtlnK for ua. he mild: "Oh. let Vin work; V- - nrr>* a biR heap." and liMik'Ml at UH finilliiKrIv ThiH In un a i;rateful. but of un n« one would of u • Inuii half their wool; but I f r He II f .iplnic. d. IniiiK \\ Vlll.. •nerH on the ground who left Anderson . W. M I « ' K water, i -f luu men ko out for earh l.uou. once ii day. n mile to a stream. rnri?<."pj«*T^tIv onr «»rrrt!! i^;il!!« '\n mt contain enoujch for more than Our hope of using grass. • d. Not only did strength I .^u it. . I..U ti..- II' .-i ,,f fii,- caused our stock of material \ PRISONERS OVERRi'N r.RFF\ r.i arqS. Monday. Hept. ::Ol)i. It have nrrive«l :it II .(.•.•••. fnun Andei'*..i le. Men luive ly, I liave 1 write miice the l&th. My ).. . the effirrt to if have prevented. The l&th and Ibth droves of plaiilnltoii ii«'Ki^>«*s p4isse f:< » • Y T) .Ml Yttnl(««« "rich fnnutn to buy nttnctrn tt they hn \* \\ »'*»r Wr'nii poor; n»» la inena hud tu • T HP our'im liltorty or K*t kilt off." I • ,...., €»f their men woulcl be klllcl. Ihnt ir id kIvi* them liberty und a better chniu-n dr. PI yelUnl T» fl. It y«»" - ■ . .. ^ . . ^ . were they. It ».•. Mim till- M'im«s..l "f |.i l«i.ii.-t >. Ii.i.l ii<>! 1mim» .4nti.lj..if •• ! I.. ha out d<- here \. br •r. |V. iif «' in»* d. > All Knt It *■ i «n hour I. .ill- vin- tn *tl..l. I . : uu.«i«-, nho! ' ruMh ft<' t iwtrt of the us ....... .V .... . o . ... ^ ^^ ^,^ , on^m w«»r' .•r**'^ nw! »r br*»uirhl In M li u; II €•• .11 i lii I ...... ,...!.. r.;. , I. il.-.i ..f I.'. ttiiiiT 1 ;.lt. 1 .^ < money. 1 deal nt At: and myself. We b\r nte Ihem niw. It from catlnir. t> •:;> i;u:uii, l:irU».cU uilJj ■curvy, and boi ■><*(*. tr I*«'IMI'-I. i.'iii ii' i:':'- -iv.i' i lo iimniih a "V." Tlw- IMh I flick fh:.f h . ! , ... V. . I Ifave • and tr KOt liiO "I'onfo.J to hoot. > • W»fkH V.|?»1MTlt «? I fr'toM- did h' have t ainto'l ••( tf pint of m- -T' < ;• have Af' 'f V r 1 f t . f III j.i)' IriL- l>i.- ITlh mid Htill rainn with i the knolln In ; r«'niion that th«« fiiii imM 1h iiioMtly Inchen dc<'i» IM or-JfT to ff#«t *»fi th'» K' wr nit an.l 1 upon, I irn- 140 CHRONIfLKP OF A \>Mi iiw.-'M.ik K<»nfmtefi n «r-frlr nf m«*rrMf^i« Vfnsr**nnr*» !hMf mnut vnnlsh ilowly III* war c! ThiP will In* \\hf(h<-r V .ll<»" by cart**! or by 4leiilh. A man evlil^ntly hlich In Mxl^ty. not an. I •! th<> rorc<» - f . . • 1 : "You '••r ihan we but you ntrver can whip uj* w* never "Hut.' if you • ••» wotiM f!rn%vt: htn:?«r!f. Xnt !.•! ti. M U* . 1 Mitind Ihnl V u.-ni ■ .u W'v will pull you V I the MISERY. I'v.' !»w»k»»'1 f>fi M'-.-fs tirvlinmayed. 1 I Inyed • ad ^ 1. Ktnrk and deiul 1^.. ^ , .- . .. rv« —n him creeping, mean, ensconce. NlCLKS OP A WAR PRI8UNKR. 141 .1 .... -.. . . I . t I onc«. a man can. ry. \N I! ri -.. . ,1 H} • irii rr«y«. Am.1 iu> 1 '11. Two REMARKABl E SPEECHES. I .^\i. loyai lu uthrr ttivti « cuiiciualutia, rvvtaoiiUic Tiillil. but ' ' V. A fill I I im of \ iiAXtX CUW^LXUlcc of 1 run f lU bi: 142 .III!. .M.I.I'S ..I* A WMt I'klsoNKit style of del >nd bodily contor- II.. -• - • h. : n . •kiKi tu h- »r rtur r cU. • ■•• r.-l'.-f . ble. « i a lew .-iitiiiiiK line. 1 • T'vt r. • lo miy - wna at haj.:. i .i fine loukuifc soldier, jua: in fiuiu uur lines. bt'KiiM HI)' !» nn upluriuMl root of a tree who, after- ward wan ciillr.i .1 ji«>iihel fronj Kgypl" who. he told me later, was from that part of Illinois known as K^ypt. He said, sub- St ' " M men have proveU t r>r» r I \' your Ihtii I) t ' » I y of -n rf iU< I ho '! IniU* 1. ! I of I in Vkivr •ntlin.-Mf. ••. Mtfil f.-ro. ttv. t JUMt i Away 144 CUl: S (JF A WAK riU.s« ».N JtC h<»tirt« of mun* \<*r>'. w«r. Inr-quallty. hrutallty will van- ish from V Men will b. rn universal. When Ood ■ d that man "1 not mean he should hv ju»Ui ilke a ulcer, or ihai he • be de- icraded. Per miitra ho nhciuld he oncthled. from Its rrudeness t> ■* ;1 to man. an h- a ho wrre to d\\«'ii i ti«i .•«>!.. lll^ i.>\«-, itii» kkmj.. Hla |K»w«»r. HIn Infinity. Thus w the divinity of man. t^O .l,...Mv ,.< I .».,.r' i:-.,l r, , l« U.. .I..).!.*.. I " II Is are deK illy so because of slavery and because the slave Is black, or one or more of his |>nrents %vere. Is that the moanlnjf of the revolution? Did WashlnKton and his heroes flght for the rlRht of one man to annihilate fh" rtph!!^ of others? I>ook at our vnsl country. What but lal" 'ie>.'»it. Fret- l«*r the relfcn of nuitle the country what 1 1 Is. th<' . • can l>ii:ik.' \i^ to liiLTJuT devel- opment in I Hocial arts, i • «. more education, i; t. It takes ii tual ac- quirements. The iitreU u( this Rrows with iidvunctrinifiit. You can- not jcrow flffs on thistles; nor can you progress In clvlllxInR arts by means of slavor>\ Intellixence In all men should be fostered, not denied. That Is (Ivillxution. To oppress one in a deirree. m« ill. To enslave one race Is to hri. better Instincts of all races. »"• " ■ 'of CJod «^<» i Is the hiKi 81av- fry cm ; educa- ^•"'^ I iic. that '■**i Is mor- «"• 11 man- kind. If >ou *♦•. k I.. I'Kilude fi«*nt N urn thw dews of heavon mwl th« sun «f dny. V'>u pMf •< to trouble and sh. ,ves «^ i.,.n- en«-.-:;< <• ..I r.. i%.ii | ;.<■•«. ulio UoUM h?,|.11 th- -'nu the flory. ethical and material growth of liberty ar s. invll© K A WAK I'! Hi I wh#rrby It mr. si..\.! rtMiulrri* !!.«» !|{i>i>r.itu «• <«f 111 Hi hi' of h) bi 0| rC cl. I» «fr at th. t th,.t hi -IP f th4» rutins cinua tn ' ail <* In which men llv« ( or •1 proiipcrlty. provrdrtl Uify arr ucllw and rop«»rty no! men; > f..- unnnturnl nutoemry i'HRmNK'I.KS of a war IM In tho whtrh • In ft life of ; of -. il lluy come down • f Hinver rules public opinion iMcl In where It exists. An IM HlllVi Is to kffp f.»«l III ' lonRS to tho class • r rank wUh ih«« . . ^ .. , . ^^ >v» control the :i with : labor other ; ..r 1:? ly. Yet It Is iity that slavery exists. Is r of the church ancl of an Wtr h«:ar t»f aiicmpts lo make II the back- l>one of the state, the chief corner stone of an ainblllous Confed- eracy. The arbllniry jwiwer that owne>» to bar It. ; station as an i: people. their error: tauj;! H people I: that the r iro^l by t. but h- M te.nch- ■I't "f V. ;irH. as a ■ al and ojiMontiiil • <• and pr«»icrfss on ■Ci-U lit hc.4Vt>n. Urothers whose pol- of the blKOtlHl. m.ui-h.ttiiiK egoist. I A WAit ri u: ai»- Ul II l» of Wait civil, utfl • diffmilon. he IK novelty irt lint*"!! tu lh«> Bouth thnt th< ('. -'l some ell- WHY REBELS WANT AN ARMISTICE, •y ilay I i-r.. rnuncle. It •1 . r Tuttle. I knew In N e».. ...»->- ' . .■■ . r^v , • , ;.... V . If n malt Ik to ; I ..t " In. r.-.i !• ir * ■ fr Y. k' to KrtffI* It t!« n m:. of a...liira thai 11 wuuii i.-l Lt • RO lu lai: wlth canlii on them. If killed. It of iiln unr* V^ ■ - . . .. * ' fii. . •• - •' .'.w '..'. .'■ .- — K... ... .-•... •• and play all day and aft^r tattoo for atakea, often ; U% CHRONin.KB op A v.M. ..v.. -..>.. It fifXt pAy. Thnt U n wny they have of keeping ft clean i^cord t gu \*ftorr the (Ircttt JuUso. Kvl.ii; : I' Haul a loiif; nnttt or a "namy. mi f.> ^-.-r than « who ' Citaiit l>**i«pnlr whcme navafce pn»peniiltle» rttj*- brutiii than thofte of our keeporM. ami \v«*. ton. are far f and "In evil cane." The man who has immediate charice of prlMnem has be«i di 'lire for thro<» dayo. He neemM a a il<-. HIM name Ih Harrelt. H. V .,...,. I..., I Head." ' < tall. H U.: ... ^....:-i at v.. the Mumni' x there cj««n. J. H. W qualltlen. * al>owf Ii.ilf <>( the prM- plate are here, he has Am for Jailor. The fimt ; he did wan to nhow hlh v tem|>er. He Ik said to I" mean as WIrz. If he ki.oMH nture, hln talent will be used t* eXiiN|>erate hiii meanness. These traitM ar** r<»fnm*n'lnbl»» In th- cotieeptN <»f \Vin «•■ ^ ■■ *,- „ « - mm to th* l«mble situation Into which thousands of good and bmvi* mfT: h.i'. s Irk—l pr-r*.-- *n It I It: til ill ti NtaiitlurtJ of I, hr.- t.. . ..I.. !• r \ !»• ■h4>ul«l t.« ■■■> N.iUiit. tit 111 or InwM o' <'o fttr l)ii> imiuI'm fr 11 U w Ih. ^ ... ■'. folloHrm. 1 }....• If, Vuk-u-t I in-.T. of n Chtirloiilon num. which hji« an if The v^ritiT n»kn lb** |M>o|»le, and K V Th'V nhnuJ.j not >if tn favor of an 1 fuv»ir • I- H- It. llf MtN K •" '"•• r< li to »u V --- ■' ( |m •nU Influeiu-** th«» rt-wp^t "' li ■ Ihv t..iUltc ui all u! I«aw." ■hou-lnir It »' r. tt T u( . - . .. to (IM world. Th«r«ror« tli« •lection of McClellun would b« balled 150 rHR<^»NI«*lJ.:S op A WAK • ....--NKR. with J«v hv ^v#»rv S*>'Hh*»rn rmn mh'I <»VArv fH«»n«1 nf fh* Rniifh I" •• • •• '•: ' > hitherto n*i pr- thf Nt»' ■?;•• jiol. T»-- i-.r that. aiiU as l«*itK <*.** there iS ii Uroi. lih^, or a UolUtr to he i»iK»ni. It HhMll !«*» n-nf(e men of the North, and ' new li.ttiKUf in «i hand, and the dawn of Mil !•« nt vniir door • i-red. rii .V- int^- nm W im- atr s. . up. Dn to meet 1. 1 u iJeh- 'ed. j.ul "Ut >m« be. ith to all. nij.i. fiij th.- littn .m- miHI U«-i>t lenrniMl to nhont. HerlotiH tlmeM indef*.|. Rl m« on» . ^... , ... . . .. ,..,^ ... ;..,.„- Ing out. They swear they will die by the bullet before they will 151 fli.-v 1..-- X y ii I • 11 It .!■ ..,. . -. .. ..^. 1 «. ^ what our fate will be. We are bHnir murdered by frultlrna ivc luiiiurrow. O. If there I ho monnent. iiiil. then this \v-m«»n could ']••,. V !..,,k n !nnk nn thf*'»r» th'^r^ r»tTriK*fvfi» n?« wf» had It 111 •:»b|o t. t." HtliiK<-r. (oi'i itild iimul IV Tf) 15: rH<»RNU'LE« OF A WAR PRISONKR. It will wlthalMnd uiid happily endunv I fr. • • • ':i« T! Mo breath. If I ,..,...... .... ^,..... «, ih.ii ruin And lirtM my beliix o'er the law of death. For I mil yoiitiK. I have not rt'n iCe \Vh»*n mortal vlKf»r haii the III* \N hen* the human Hplrlt muUk the mortal ntuce And haH the leHiton of lt» earth life Rained. And yet 1 know. If mortal threadH do break. My noiil. myiM*lf. will muir in IlKht away. .\h at early morn we from painful uleep awake To Mee the glory of another day. And Jill true J<»y which to my nature rllf?" Shiill clothe my Hplrlt on the better - An«l all llfe'M Korrow n xhidl Im* vanished 11u:.k.- That I Hhall feel, that I ithall know no mnrr. For all the kIooiiim thiit o««r my spirit float And fa«le like rloudn. that darken oft the »ky. When HUn Krown brlicht and Mendn bin rayii r- And I know 'twill unrin fne an it K«»e»» M»ore ' UNCLE ABES ENEMY AT HOME. pl« »i other ratlonn are nrant fin.l i""M I i ;■ > ...i..«% ,. ■ ..... I .■■ il of «nir money. Men who have mont money have pr»'feren« c amoni; tradern. If he buyii a l.iiH>i.i ..t tvv.i he retal'"* th.-m if w'f.-.t! to iiiitne who ha So it In life: •'bu: ' !•• ones." Mien to a Mtnndiitlli. Jeff I>rtv1s f« rr^ortrrl n« "^nvlnc rerent!v Thnt hlw iirmy Is tuidly »• ■ • - It may beroMn ind hl« rhilmw f"i iC f«! i»otnrihlnic to cat. I ' < Kloveii (.rlfflth ban. If 'i.ive to work nly. cb I on. no we have nlii-i'- . ..,. ... -■• .• ,»...., ^ k- ..-..,». .. t^itunlny. October Int.— Lntv In the afternoon we dmw mtioni, CHRON F* A WAR PRISONER. lU and »e<» whiit t' nnvtiinfv to \ %^ > «■ A' J. I» ' If .^ t" k are to ll . If IH . ^ .._ nlchi. It mm stAnd or walk with f..t.l.--t h •• nn un- k*. About 1 • .4. Hi., ttr.lem cumv to U' 11- ll« ■» .1 mil' II! it of n - »• If t" b** Into f Jtut . the en- MO I tiiti )i> iiltitthiiiK II ti< <-or<1 irh th<" fff-n** not n«'' cnll t' youiijt ih-ir!" till *r* drop It, drop It?" »«• %» .i morr. It i» of Ir.-.H K- I.' ti i>i' t Mllh t>iUklt*> vUtfM. A biook. In nin« thrnuRh It. whirh H to H'. cl< tr 1C4 rilRoNlfLKS OP A WAR PRISONER. IcMid without Hittlnir down: have eaten nothing aince one half of flour. Ill- each. cooke«l t- ' *t, we d- IfiK oi il and • M 5r.!— r. R • r il.irk. I. I hi-anl \%ii\ I .... .J ._. j_ . Kmve. M.r. Tli I "• ' T* ui .. : - . . rrolmbly it was a neRru burial ground, a* n- into I I. K I'l.'.y places In the w»K>d« to bury th- K an instance wht-re he atteniitnl un« uf Ihvir fu ( In this State. anionK the slaves of Col. J. Sfiit<>*'ti .4r<- busily packing dirt aRainst the wall. Their curious sonics are heard at IniorvaU. nlirht and day, ThiTf Is something too peculiar in i they are. not to excite curi- S> cult. We r». .-. pliiln. w ii.< II i.M. i,ut is noi .-• ... .. .- i, the Spiritual thmuKh the rough sonKH. simple, rude, so tittle In f> •tran»;«*ly. darkly romantic. hI ditions of a race, whose his; llnK the spirit of the fiir fatherland and of with thr!r rxNtf'T-rf rn-.v. and the vajfue. spirit dum ir d at in thelt Nhai^ -if ih«> rnr«», l II. have th Il -I'.. ... ...■ • ountry. l..^ ...... ......i .... «..*,»- If trusting In Providence, fully bellovlns In Us rightful di II g:. whuiti V.V lituughl 4(tk:v!i. wr utiu furguKou ulicTt* Im Mi4« und 1 11- \ l> I RI80NRR who h Ntnmps." rrplird the i I M !•>! Younjc man. I tSo i.... ., ., H I l«Arn you all not to call th« South I; Ut Hi! ' •'\v >'<»l^ wf wMI hftvi" yoti to Mn a icrn- tl« [ nuffiT Much •I I a ' II n 1 1 ■ > \\ i 1 1 1 1 1 .:i»l»ii. or Con- I.rit.- «^..\. MI.,. I.I N'o. I f. r» inea n: xot. lUe v'oltx.*'! Uwa t llk«* tti »h«»uirh h" m««y fh* net U< II na t» im- ci». 11 7th N. 1 < : t > 1 1 . r . tl« n>. n -iS* or r la i:. ai l«j f. ui»«l«r uur BUthontira than th«- • ivvea. bam^ ir.« ruRoNiri KB or A war prisonkr. burn«»rii. nninirrfTw. »o po »! Hh«»rfv nn«l fol^mfc th«m In poclety Rut I iim nnxK I thnt true, full mjin horxl. love of li 't «»xlm on the ik>II o' ulnvery. It It Iw fh« nununum » -forp \n\y nr ' IM f. Il f. :««ail oui harbariHm an«i nt ■* rul«»d. Still they cot u»»lf tn llif liiiilr- . . nf the lamb he wlnhe^l to .l«'Voui . Still they iroak of ), <• ho»>or of the South"! A m«-nch In the nice of proicrenn* A i.»ti- - In the way of rivllluitlon' A nnnke In !h.« irraMM* A i: 'id the tree of liberty! A trne of honor! Their re on thin c|ueiitlon of '*\.i\.'i\. I fi.- J i-i.- M.- >.-Mi-«f! Ml ^^l..ti they call putrlotlwni. pniud of Iheir vanity; haughty to ih«» verge of deKperatlon: etno- tJ ' »-•' ' ... .«..ti; der«>ltful an«! tr »i.»..ii« ohlval"<<>« i>t ?., (|. -vhat they term >r of th. V ■>( the chevalier tr.^ ••.•tn fen -tahle folk of ih«« South t her thiin to anci fcenenil proKreHn. !• InfntUAtlon! m In deciding thifi fcretit tinttu tit to rest In the t. nnd to dif by Itii iitlnir. IH nald to be f||le. ..f th- b. Th- filrk .. In the A -■ - •••• I' within two doyn. nenr the north pnn of the «tocluide. where we »ei water. I n«kd A Kunrd yeAterday If It Ia neceAAAry to stint ua on mtionn H^ Mnww«Tf»«|: "I don't know: 1 n^kr*n 'tin: we'nA don't itet n ■ • wAnt: we buy of th It'n mlirhty touffh h: mi It In on we'nii: \ to do dufv." A AAy mi' out At iMii p. -I II iii'» Mi.inf nll<•\^Il III \tm im T ••!{ w i n i«M> thut IB to control the fUArd In hli connection with ua. A WAIl ri 1S7 •1- f til .li'Iv vr 1 ur llui: thpv have. ■ rii k« In- ry itiiiK llirrrlii At •^ It In a tn. ;tal ' this evil. m;u1 oI JM.^.4Urr• ri'i <<>ii fo^n rine fr<»m the nwampii und in mav \h> from .- .- i-t •>.! 3d. It X' of iif1fi o pour r •■ i ■.- ••. . i; ;. : » h«» Old iread on us i« aoaktd. The ground In nr.n ?r.i V«'T n flrr- rrin ho kfpX thntiirh «»nmr» have wood J : ' nou«ly. . f«M«t Into Ihf r.uth ur half • «. Intend to cover ' 'i ami ni i from the wwnmp. \' illn. hT[nc It up on h y 'It work ^'» ' • ■- ,,, i,,.. :,i,,.,i,, i; i,i,,.i,,i;, ,.iM- »»f beavcm TTi. It In by KTOJitont effort we tlo thin; we iir«« \ . .. . -v Awful Inginior In more and more henvlly ur»*^»n un. I>n- V autumn In upon un: rhllli* of approarh- In(f winter ar. We are further north than we were throufrh the summer we must work while our little ntrenRth lantii. with hojH*. well nlich forlorn, to preserve our f«»eblo Ilv«*j». l>:illy •"^•n die an»und us. whose lives w«»re as dear, whose hopes were ■* stroiiR as onr« After consultation I write home for provision •u\ articles «»f the letter has (tone out. For all we are •Id It win » d we think the chance of recelvlnic It '•t received a word from friends; I think I. " ' ' 'h wind, chills my thin blcMvl. Kverythlnif Is faulty alwiut : <-lo}«oly plrk««d up; stumps for wood: we will try to p:itrh It up. Last ly a pint of flour e.-ich — nothing else. It made • an«I breakfast In a lone time. We made It f The Colonel is permiltlnR wells to he dur: •nd old axes. Time never wore s«> henvlly. s colder; air damp and chilly. Shirtless. whom many a Northern lass woulrlnR with V ' A four hour's sun. loro iroinK o I .- to the slave mother, because she yields ^o Jttir- TTiMV;' mItt -i Trati-r! How swe«»t th««lr rest upon Mud five hundred Anderaonvlll • « out n* !) camp ! r • • ..']u* soon • e»cap«». < . arc her«, tl rilRON!.! F's ..] A WvR PRISONRR. 1G9 ■lArvvd nntt fltckly ) ir phyalral abilities belnc ..f III.. I .«■.-•• Icr n> ' ■!•< •Ul*>>ilill.K 1 lo l>> portion irw !• nth*r Ihl R. «i ; .. ■ *v. .. .,,.,.. ... .X .. gr- ira to me they who go nre "rouKh ••cuffs." ■ it: ! N'enrly o- h.ilf pi I "V.. n Suiulny. « »t C»»l»rl 16lh. — til aliiiX. ^' -hJ fn^in wftimp HMtts. I am unublr to u ^ No mt; , hunicry nlltht. Mttrulay. October 17th.— No rations: badly reiluced by hunger i»ml Hi*' Tti- m thin marnlnir for br^nkftiMt: ent > -' • '• ' - • ' ' of Is U wo «r. .-of. thr^^ •• h%. W. ilnff cTlwr^ rhnt lobbyists whose pr' Hi*» {is I! us the •> o|'; n In nr . Hp»»« I h«" tu- ba • t ho pi, o\ . fir !»«• rrr .,.n bn- Je- Ptt .V- ••r^ iiry ^'" ' "1 tuiUuiial crcUll ralhcr lliau uu Ihc jjrtlcUAvs of inuiiey KnnK<*rii. lh«'y for »r •r war price of t ilent lo f T'- ' - I their f;»c • llol ■.f •n lonilii. For I $3.uuu of cur- rency, they bi with IT n .lli- rount on RoVf ■•( i\v«i-ihtrili» of it i- Iry heiirH th*- -^t of wmt m!wo ti • n lin|K)fi.iUy of n ' cretin tih.iikH li; .i time of nutlonjil utrefii* They are i «if n biirveiii of unholy plotii. FIrHt t) to the nhnlt have t . <» •V turn At th< a thin NWrll of (utceJ liifiuUun ul cu; n, M of pubMf' cr«»'1!t !h«»v nr* m'-nf^ly • so ^d ' , :« will drop f to prvm- fti • t I I T >% I ; ■ bai.k: nt- ' J. do » f de- N 1 I I V. f ! t ' : .: - !♦ ' • I! I N I Fortunr k binnk. I In llru «»f 1 Kolwl h. l.lrUt I'.T ■ ;r»' of p' - rm, »•• our \ ^^ n I I. r- I I \< t ' !• ma-i ga! Jcr, fl'-'urlahli.g awurj a:; J ^latul. Tlic ac:iiun cuwjiiUI 1€2 CHRONICLES OF A WAR PRISONER. Hf» It r m \Vlr». but can't carry U out bo logically with a lyrai lx»n"l know am much— low. ■humclena. drunk wllh 11 l:uk brief authority. Wlm did not care ao much to look on the> ruin hr wrought, the ml»rry he caused, but km-w hlii plana. ••Rcl-head" llkea to Invite tip "h thfin and lo*>k down from the wall an«l and glgKl^*. ordering uw ' -• ■ ntyl-. to *«. n ....^.^ i thing. At acme furtl\' 1 ke "Where did you gfl your hat." he will iro Into . ra^e — cold water on a griddle! Preaenl- Ing h\h ^f 1. With aaaumed dignity will aay: "Wi I dare thj aon of a b— h. the d— d Yankee, to aay that aga n: We auaprc t this la buncoir.bc. for the high-bred, gay ladles he haa thf h<»nor to addreaa. They aomellmea Immotleally laugh at hia undignified behav.or. Some aeem to think It cunning, and t»^ hee, titter to i lejae. I have notU ed some w ho looked aaton- Inhfd at him. half w ahlng. 1 believe, he would fall over the wall. lit. ■■ embody Soutlwrri chivalry? Fit aubaJtern to<' \erul of the k- KKer devlla, to attend to the ' • iii.-» ..I 11. ^-. I t"""^'«l I'atu!eM'«»Mlu!n' ON BARRETT. Itjirrell: He btarM a ruuno uM If a man! .'^ - >nge If auch a thing a man could be! I- >xi: I know no beaat aa mean as he! K- ; ille: No viler aerpenta ever ran! \ il .t: None fouler befoul yon sea! I'.M.i N..I;.- ««» big a fotil aa he! r.tii'it. k< • t'*♦' atarved. near naked men |:. r..r. \N..iiMti Ir^.vlteil aa hia gueata. :. their ranka. TiMulta and |>eata. -.. r^ ^ r. h M apish pranka. Ai; ft.r torment, luiught to pleaae; AUk Inaulta to their miaeries. ni-al love for woman much protests ' auch a brute should on them fawn. • to such presence they be drawn To iM'c men cringe to vile beheata. To hear him awear and act the knave I demon laugh and rave I It did theae gueata amuae Imp ua Yanka abuae. I. the aoul of womanhood .^ ua cauae can never crush! Her virtue * wmr k" !. Her •com r«*vr*i«^l. by fr tiluah. Rut Ilarrrtt 1' 'ts. nnd stole the nnme to nerve the opposite. » with the Inatlnctn of i\ p'rutc H«* In »»f tho « muff 1* fi ovrr from airra of deii|>otlii!n. (lur era !• - *».! wlih murh of that rubhUh It U ih* f«t«l of thl- 1 II. WIf r (n It inor- •« • •< \S iTi<|er*li rorif ii.i ■ : H I ri< \ .1 1 .• root. lln»l Davln w.. man. \VIhiI«t ...... been In It. »"- '" •► — ■-' >• who know him, < i-" Ity. He loven \\\n vn. Imvis' mrnnnefui In hla chief chnrniMfrmtlr. It If* \ ;»ntii thin frllow to help him cnrry It. He in doinc It notion. Richmond had Ita fill of Winder aa provont irenc-ml. It howled. I>i»vln aaw thia plnr«» nnd handed It out. Richmond y«ll«d: - Thnnk Ood. we are rid of old WImler. but (k>«l have pity on Tankn who come und#*r hia nwnv!" odioun rvi-n to ni>aen of ■• • ' ■ HO of lh<- - - I 1 wind. I . la. h» la thr lit tf»nvln. to A work of murdfr. Had It been an hon^'at Job. hi" never be k«»pt. H«» la k<»«»plnir hin pledge. Dnvia n«w n«» hum..;.' tmlta In Winder toward Yiinkee prinoner* pnvln wn« fur'h'r •♦einir In • llnirulnhrfi to murder meana to »< waa for At. .. . .. .;..,..... .... .......... v. .^... „ ;,,.-,,,. they plMa«<] his fvroclty. Two meaner pieces of flendlshness In 1«4 riinONiri.K.-n ... ^ ^^ Mi t'RIHuNKR. humjin n»»5«h mnrmt h*^ foMfvl fxr**!*! iVtvl^ nn«! Winder. They ai ■ like tv 'ulprlm. They ),H%'«> to 1h* bnitnl. I- . « wiih 1 cute. r kllllriK iiM*r«- litfii rtl Die iviti tliikit (oi l> h. 'I'U.kl MUUfl Witvler. I>Hvli« approveii. If nol he wou! h thi*m. Like I>avJii. all WlmltT wantn '"I* lo Ix* let iilui-t. IhivlH letJi him alftii**. What d<*vute- I •.MtlM i.t rill .-. «i of Jt.... „ !. •I four ple<'«»ji ti» the hunUrlt. ♦»nllre nultH. F. h :-• tht-y have bi-« :i i:i iiiui >'l!Ul!t.--l llimuKh ' ' ■< t . irflii. a?nonie niKced vicllmit. who h**holU. I ,«, .... , . . . . , . i.-s to • •• nnci ) .•• too ^ : thlM ; ' ! f h«» I- ;r ) out >> tUtn ' ll iill i le «»f l>. ri- N M l> ^i - — --. ........ •hlv«rinc bodlM from tho storma of autumn, foffs and btaata of 1« Cf?HONI<'IJ.> ••! A \N Aic iiuS« »NKR. rh^erlciui nlirhts. RAtinnM ar^ lrr«irulAr. and dof»le«I un with taunts: thfoy trifle with thousands of hungry men with promises never fuifm'«d. T -'.li will t. T- 1 It to n«»vk a "i)v\v haw."' rn »>■■'•• : K 1 •• -■••:•■ ^^.•'.• . -.l In the mutter «■' n I : than Llnroln. "Y rhnrlty f«»r all." t'uipriti* WIrz. Winder nnd Harrett if brought to court for romi»ounf1 rrurdr»r of war i>rlsoneri«. may Bwiufc. The whole Richmond u 'Ion li» acceHnory to their crimes. No one will object to ? f they run quick enouirh. The charge of iMa.s.u; ih<»ro Is no doubt of provlnR. Public sentiment will not call for extensive use of hemp. Hundreds de- serve It; few are worth the rope. The army Is not f: ' '.r surh ends. Tho restoration of the I'nion for fr«M«flom. I North. Is thp aim. Th -"I h.nve. The H»'l>« ' " Uio I>rfsidential pl#» Is an I <•«•. If wise they I the strife now. Th#»y nev« : ur-v.^ nw.r.- t.i • t», if Just, they would parole ovei It would be ira'f ii«»f ^>s^ !.. f> under the cirrut sist In most horrible murder. Their assumed • Me. HISTORY STUDIES UNDER Dl FFICL LTl t b. PRISON DAYS. (Mir strontcth Is irono. our hearts an* almost broken And but tho irboHts of » ■• • •■• ••" • ••!: •tL^o) .».\|JI Ht|M|R .^|q 1)1 puy Fri»m man to man. of . .. .. , n. prison driNM .l.irk |irlm>n .l:r\ •• of sorrow. Hrlnir to i. and irrlcf. Itrins no |. .>rrow. of any siKit. Ixii d«'alh. foi uur relb-f I> wasted. In ••iM\ prui.t- iiT'H K'Ai-.T ^Ti..fK' n««i"' '•* I'Insted, And thoy arc mustereNKn. i«t T\ or II. bu. lo, ti: Ju lA' n II; wllh u«. 1 gr bi ov; %\ n • b\ n ai %» r I" bt «1. ; 1 iovk v.- It '^th H'^fflmcnt. mmrn to lodge •h. blooU ily H.. ii. It la not o-« ai n tl l« di In SVluri) It uf).l ;i J'-i t >U1 flag" Uy of the !>.• m.m in i>iuf uno .ii'«»oj»n» ly 16S rTTROVTCLKS OF A WAR PRTf'AVT^n. flrtciitji ih. iij»c I hrtvo not m^-n. N \ild more cm- munTr M .: . h. II t. .1 >3 J.. H . ilh a n< llwM. I kfcj' Ihem very chulti.-. fcu-l Ihal In Ihtii^ -ihly ho|K'. o' l» f. F- :. . -■ I ! ht' won* on I. fti • whom he bo»j. cuK- "ii'-iC >l;ul ■ i>f b ; to irlve me four (|uartt( of rl • rutted to t'. by Kebel offlrern. The tinner m J>. : <•!.! til, in. I I .ii.t..! ii!.!,.-.1 fniiii ..I ■ to V '' nt i by faminhinic jnvn. > fti -.v!!! to ffar :i Yntikf^f lerlal. would bouirbx T' exrhiinire «' "I on Uf >-• ■ ■ rk * I • .1 I -<■ • 7«.l l< 1 »\ • .1 1 •■ H I I i-III) I \ (- III .1 niU IPT IrltmhiWH llUfi.rv f...l,v ! f> ! fht* |»ailimir« I fv.- oretlng. .iUil tt'iAviAnhiun UU uxlukkkttiv^ cuffern." In lbi« !« m, Iv WAR IV 169 Ai- A A t»«.-trt!v Thr- nlchT n!r 1^ Ilk** n 'II will iM-.ij iiii I i»n . ui. r>'i •'> mc the mofll bcuutiful of II rn. 1 th*" roiul t>e«toweil i:0 CHRONICLK8 OF A WAR PRISONER, nut «io • ' :■ '" My H. rth .\ • no mirlh. I J ■■■ And y«-t I Th- 'iiL-h! ! -. ihpy ihink of m*. Th- • Nvn. but nnuRht of me; I am utihfjini of. far awny! O. can I ever, ever »ee. The love«I at home who for me pray? I tnmt It all to ne«>tlnir dnvM. T 1 live: Ah :oun ways. Y < ■ t i \N 1 1 1 • " I « . . I ^ • ■ ; • > > i ! I -^ • • . I trUMl It all; my «f)Uiitry"» fate May neo.I thl« painful wicrlflce; I trujit It all. « »h. fJofl! and wait Kor that which In the future lien. And i«houM I ceane to linger here. T.. I rnr.k T^1«J Ttt rrti.r pain and blight. :i fear ual llRht! r..i It jnu.-^^l lit .ia ht rn nhown }\v woiiiiroun vIhIoii. holy llifht! ' he left m' ■ ■ h Into nit • "I H.M- '*» rowllcne<1; uplrlt free From iilii where I have Ionic repined. VOTE FOR PRESIDENT. „A FROSTY WAVE FrIilay. .N*n\ omjI>«t 4th. • iKht hniir« r-f.M r:ilM fnrlv hotirx r wall »•• Wriv \" ..f N,.w W Men th ttrlnir h..'.T..., rv •1 we cniwlo*! out or ' the f ... ,j f' uu. Thm IP '•; The* nun prrr- 171 It f.lor Ih.- I... Ilk ..f tw W»: •r tl. bul ha It A ' rii III or nil %». .-. •|<> .•ur iM. r.r- «ir a few \ happy. W thoumnd. \V hrn di^ lUcd VNCh man'B ■hnrt< t» but n •muli icrwu wttrk Saw a i^oy who U • iW lU- fl. ■1< In Ihi ^ covrmil fn- uch of fr..«t • 1 Utr d. iiml r'» Jut. corps, ; to *• to CO to I... of (In me; nu e» . till . .- . .. Irr to atay - I knir« of atarvatlon held in the riK <*. blrth- p\ - ?tken; U>. •» of f,. nll- n>- n- Nortn If !•> t.i'ii.j.i aii'i IhrettU, ait ink and file; but IT;! ♦nil* 'NhLKS • •}• \ \v\i: r on«» cnptain In trMlr«v, Tr.!.l -i srmiir r.f uw r t tt \rn» ^•n^n lO hopr for If f. h I .'.I Ml.- NoiIFi v^.MllI .Jf« I.J.' n I. "UN I.. ,.,A. T wMI fln«l it out bo; but he would ntit ex. .wn Wo haro Wftt<-h«»... i-t...t iv.^11.. I., t.. ).•• .!. . 1,1.. « li.'xi.t I i.w Id it I h.- tr h. f\ of our army to win the icreit* - 1 VI- M. It Is not with our arinlen thai k." irrt^i tlatiKtr ii-j.1**. il Ih with the people at home. 1 have not ii«»<*n a man. though ho ho for "Mac." that hollovoi* th«»t th** olec- ll«»n of IJncoln wouM he a detriment to our c«i Tuemlav. Novoniher 8th. — It In election day. wi** nr «if r« Tho HohelH at w .; ., ro to know )i" A for th- tho war will with f- "ck the top *>'. wnn nwarmod with noidlerx and citixenK. and a few ladiea. lii-.^' •< for ballot}* wore placed Innide the dead line, two empt/ «>■ » •< hunK on th" wall t«» recolve thf hallotji. Mon who wlwh^l to \ were ninrchd In by miuadn. The Democracy leadom (Irinh poll. . i wero loud In thoir cry for "Mac", the H«>}>elii looking on with rurioun InteroHt. \Vh«'n wh»»l»» hundrodx wont In for "Abe" tlwv \% . • ■ . w ' II I.' t) b. \ i" o. The .•n»>or in ramp in H. < 'TT to ^ .: IT w:xt> f^tiUmi ii T.. chnnK* admit Li • ;■ umbln. A tho i:Oth N. V • .1 j'Ttjr«-«i <.fi H iiniHH fin.- i m.njifocl if they ever imiw men who hu from AndorBonvllle. One ITS '.k.-,J out •II n T< >uiBif1ti hv a m#mb#r of hi< t him •- In n ih«»»r . nnd wHI fimt. fr^m • ir-.i at tn«« T r <«T r i- iirn «>i r thAl hud no Ju«t cauiM> • nrra r«maln^ 174 OHnoNlCLK« OK A w w. . ivIrfuNKIt (hrc« daya. were fed niul treated kindly by all. and told they wer« welcome to remain na lonjc an they plea»eeef and floii .1 we would have a fine iiup|»er, so aold our tK>ef and ttouKht |H>tatoes. and traded nioul fur flour. We Think A quantity of fhiur hua more nutriment tha.n coarae. muaty !. There are two reaaona why: KIrat. with our limited ant of wood we can cook It better; meal la often raw. after rucl la gone. Second, difreatlon la ao deranged hy Improper diet that the ill the form of chyle, or aa eaten, thua Ita ! (iaily Impjirted. f vermin la a contlnui>ua acourge. W«" M**. A great part of the day we • '• . ... = ^ ;; :. .^ lice. N»*xl morning thfv appear ••ni and luaty. Kvery rag at timea la lnveMt«'4l. It lm> UH with an appalling aenno of degrodatlon. Iminiverlah- ment. phyaical wretchedneaa! No langUiige can Interpret It. We have fought It In fear and deathly dread. Now the keener air of autumn makea the tank a dread auch an w«> never felt, to atrip off tattered garm^nta and feel the chill atrike our emaciated i«*a. atiff and heavy with languor, while we aearch out with k and wiitery oyea. and cruah with trembling fingera the mis MifTlng. bliKMl-aucklng war ' - 'a day! Sitting at ' '■ thia afternoon. I heard il hilarity; an I. >n i-i. atreet where a aquad frei*l. ii-n, .^hermiin had Juat 4MikinK that way I aiiw ThompHon approa«'hing. nnd . lu' •■\]\:h.h Icada the Van." and elapplng hia handa In glee. lie • (ell me newa. I have rich newa; Lincoln carried every State but three, i he i 'opi^H*rheada are beat out of alght. old Seymour of Nfw York, la driven down without ahar|»enlng. Kenton la nor of New York by fr<)m 30.000 I© $0,000. HuUy. Vorfh* I told you wed beat." • opie might deapond. that Copper- hen 'X out of the great aacrlflce of the . leieil, and by fuaion and I hey might deceive the •■'" • " f "•■i i. ..>....»••. So I replied enthU8> laatlcaily; rtlRONIfl.KS OF A WAR PRIfiONRR. It I* lh# gX' r mixv. ! lur. Thtirw'lrxv Vnv*»mh*'r 17th.— Fine weather. ffnnltnrv jtatkIii rjf (lliitr4l to parr)!- •%• ••xcepl that whl«'h !• » «• Th',- fn<»"t !;•••• ly In camp n-. ••• are to do Rebel work let th- «« to the woodM for ,1 r> the ctt)und of • . . .;. h.c entir utr of ahelter. r s: th.. pr!«nri wna nolay over the return to priaon of (thoae who went out on oath Jir>'! ^f> th*»v Mr<» hoof«^'f nnd nhn<»«»«J. c four tttnra fill the huta he hnM let ua i)Uilecauae Ihey . ir«»t n "miiunrr* fT»*i»l ** Hla t An- 1 •t#»r. h*or a while durinK th** r». He foea outside to chf»p. C» 176 iik'h' . K..I.I.. ti anything ly It of the n -8llck- 1 split - In th^ '»r fv way Is u V inong them Is a ■ ■ ' ■ h-\n without alloy. th< the true riDK -^ i! '" i:; ' te in the diviner realm of KituiutJo. They - " I watt up tu ' liilll •'). notlclnif some of «. . f «»,. r«) • .1. y - ..f . 1 bAHflti ( b bi A HVAMUN UHUtK. We'lnemlaj. N«»veml»rr ;;3«l. The li«th ll heffaii r but '>C 1 A WAK I'll 177 (ak<-!i .MM N'.. r .■ t....M. Iii«ii».! sir •I- w*. ott •*i ' n Iv. tU! Ill ■ iq.l :..r iH" : la c«»i k'hi lo • IVC of II la r .Hi. -I*.. >.1- lo Wi'. ' .ur t|u on |Mv ver br . ! or ur* i». .\ K»«-n I'-iii i>i I ii<- «.i:iiji ii.k.i ipu nil .i:i.> ttlini^ . 1. ..I ...... 11. ■', I.. I > I M kt..* v Kilt ..< n,..,,M . ,..\u lly «dh«*fn •■ when mrf» r^fnpr. .f utrir- v«i tMr Mat .h1. "•r« -Ir •TO I he M-iit in vr hi* water, brains 178 CHRONICLES OF A WAR PRISONER r-'- "•- ••"" ' '" tftcrnoon. the first since KrWlny. the 18t» 1 ' .•i\s of fnmlne. tK.- i-su.n of wood hav« y we h:i Me to keep up Mrh we h" • -il over till we lire i • pitch Bmoke. A 1-rmiin had taken Mncon with 6.000 prisoners and Wiiit puiih. vannnh. Is all we have had from without to cheer us. In our hundred was found frozen thJs morrilnB, Thrt-.,- ..i!i..r men wore frozen to death last nJcht that I know of. To add to our misery, all the wells In the camp are ordered fl!' " k' u» to go to the swamp brook for water. Every mn- l In line and kopt standlnK. many bar* - f-^ • ' ' ^ • * .. » .1,, It ^;j„ itetnfc done. On t . of the third thousand). L.= .- '^"h Jaunty hats, ap- peared to . . the work, makii k some hrok- v. of authority. !!• had come out with his sanitary hat on, the brim looped up blun terlHKly. set back on his red pate. In his usual swearlnur mood ff: one of his delectable show-offs, we his subjects: the lallf^s h.- audience. At flr«t wo were prompted to retire from th«» pr«'senr. of ladles, our f ! attire belnf? Imperfect: but his old re- volver and thr .ill In line, whether cold or modest, and f- mljfht be someihlnR different a:: t. rude nature tauKht us*, so we n i > liut his delicate e.i'- ' -' ^ ••. now thore. uttering »rroans. t \<>M L'.f f?.it )iif' T».T»iiri« • I.' ■ ■ ■ f. , . ,. .^ . , . k w to vent his wrath. He would point It cocked dl- r- rd us and say. "Who said that? O—d d — n you. who SiiM ;i? I dare the son of a b— to say It acain — I dare — what what"— say It aidn — I dare you to say It — O — d — n you— I'll put S' '1 under the irround!'* Hotween these «*xcl.imatlons h' ^ e for a sound. Not lonir after breuklnir ranks. th< !'• ..... 'red. Ri«» rly a pint each of II of pnlt. '-'■' \ ' I II . :i the air. but plr-ns- ft' : to rut down rations. T).'- I < •..•<.. f •,,;. t ■>. M .. ^,. : be well off. !• „». •« under his fr,mf ,.,^ 1^ open«»d. T' md othor poinu, Tl. I (hem to 17» an «»ff««»*»r «» »• '*''r*»« r*^- pen. .• It opt • n! Hr. Wi« •Tl.., - ... .» »... n ...w-.. u.. .. «....* •bruarl." Hut unlay. Noveml>«r 2«ih. — N«iiv« cornea of a sudden that hospitAl alck ar« b«lns paroled. It Is said that 350 are to leave on Mor.!iv s ■ of the four mn: P'lt !n the ffxmr«l hwu». ti». .w. I;. M«. Llrut Itiirr.-tl h .-, nr*!i»r« «?• bro . .Md th. •he rUf Me •*e- ue- : In frr: ■ fuard ln% t. The mr to Ur ftliul. I .li «wore In fin i:hf- finiwff' n with vile rl*! ■ i\B. •w St (o !ld pr ot •' • o- "H. ir vn - a iiurr •n. Th ■ of .e very K;nd. It TK'.-y knew n who waa •n. their motive •ring of others. he first thousand Is marched out. anil - a are selected for parole, no doubt. tbooch all aona or stories are afloat. It seems like a dream. Shall k: I M.i. the first we have to a< lines, la playing. ' - Bonnie It I III - «I . Ctn.. who r. 1." T> tmp in nstfr acalr. tnUy. rr Ill tn the east: then u t! t*ii> ox:trt Ttnmh<»r. t a! Thi. coluiiitt \x mtk mil I wh<>n 1. ! (h.- ^• It ' rroRs. t : In. 1 ' daubo ' It »• r I' . h h. s btllJpt n. tho (llrl Injuri: K t>«»i \iv ; • A of. PrMnv rw.. -no to Hick call with Con, Corbett. jet a •r>' bark The steward dealt It out to 1*^ cup. or bottle, until It was ffone . not a h ' •. ♦ • , .... ! 1 «■.• tf . , . . . . . .. ... tt. it. . ^. >fn>' ttMi.- :\k'«' tri i..i««j«IfHf !?!«• 1 with H. -rtnK»'r. ■ r of It To K^ ■jnd. Vk In To '-..11 - ll« a Innffunffe. k: down » to woU for T ni> ••rti> UK ••f III«V ] 1 no T»i.ij.»rlty ■ hope. No floom. no •traw. though It eould b«» i- is: I'llR" •M'M.lS «»I A NN Ml f'KlSONER. ON TO CHARLEOTON HOMEWARD BOUND. w. he«l InniUi* • in- dr. •nl rn! ^tii. |l«»ii.iii>; ' ;>•• 111'"'*! :•■• .^ .. ,.,. , . ...tik the name way till i il of UN without not'-" ;' "- •• ■'* I i.t.rnr . .1 to ph lid. In . k." "What 1 iim ntck. "What in It? \Vh KlvInK him l)rleny en use* and r*'Hulii4. uniuiiK ih«-iu Utui>h>. •'You can utand II till the war !■ over. I reckon, eh? Time out. eh?" "I'an't pfo it l«>nK. doctor, iiure," The truth wa8 prima facia, for I was l>ow<»d. and one Hide of my fare wan »»lnated. one eve cloned, and mouth Inclined to one side. WMh a ^vlth his hand. "f»n out." "l<>* in in 1 the K .»>le like my*- , '•>« ♦' ; I'lnic In front of th.' !..« I wiw J. I? H .\s r . T" he only ma 'y. We nnt • future fatf. fur Hiill V. ■ nt. de- termined fh-t 'f ^e us or kill us f prob- able |M> *> awak- ened c.i Ihe tryinc red us ' me st». i«- por r hat not 1 an e|H •of events, and I '<»re a doTnll r.r I'd not sllffht dlsnpi "ir.T ti,.ni .»^!iii I r. u .»j<»«\jr<-.i ih.ii m.- k'""""'" ■» *> was not far away, that the blissful change was nigh, ond my heart 1 m*nt \ 1 • ■ 1. iiy |)rrii«iit |ihu»c of llfv. that i h«tl but m .'. It ..f n- (he mllrou'l t<» awnit th« rrturn of th« train from 1 -I lo look I r Thin lime H •«« of the dAjr hAfI quite exhnu- li caused my f«»^bl« H»ii»>ii !•» n\v\\ ntMl i - .11 firwi that •«• ilted all nut know but It st orders to «c. You won*i run away. now. 8? a ir. ' ri-' •" ' • •••^ > ■ 111 !}■! r.. i th«*y were on Ur • on Ih* 'fr I'i "^••■■"•.••••IM'-lll.-'llll lti;> ! guvo up for u tJiiic Our llTt t iJ. . V f \i%iiU*. iM4ii«l«^*A llioU aiiU »wlit4ititg th 1S6 CUnoNICLES OF A WAR PRISONER. with brencJ in Home > :i dozen of them. V, !" ••*" • ■• Inrce bulldlnffii ^^ ..ilkii turn up wit! • \\v walk, niul Iti t?- J . . of tnll. nink. ilfar aii ' • ..)n. St'. . ..Auk an : ! uln», of cli:- . - -- no one can Imajcine or conc-five the awful wreck. No : A rite, no |>encil paint, no tonKue toll. Evt-ry Hhade was i the air dreamy, ancient. Could ruin be more complete" An iniv of down- fall has i>erched on th!"» vrf*\\'\ rity. It Is not Pompeii nor Thebes: but It is our own a •••. built by our own fathers, even ourselves. In our ow • Kenerutlon, and In our new world, in ruins as - they. Hotels Ht. without a host; within was a hollow echo, u , "• •" ' 1..^.. ^„t,. bish. and wild w ■ - »>• C<»f^ • 'MioUN. .^ ^ ..-, ^ ■ . .. .. ....:.L[iiii thr \en doiirs we saw masses of rubbish fallen from roofs an'-: .-. .,-- Few people w^re seen in this vicinity, once the principal busi- ness imrt of the city. Overdone and we;ik. hundre^ls fell behind, and the column was scattered. Assisted by Iliiwks and B. F. Madlso?, of Plainfleld. Otsego County. New York, we had chosen the - allowed lo take our time. We were limplnfc up the rust> • Kaxlng thouKhtfully at '. -. when a miin app«ir.-.i ui the door of a large, brok- nt and accosted us In un insolent way: "Htt, wall; wah isn't what it's cracked up to be. ha, — after all, is if* I suKK<-Hted: "By the cracks, you have got around ber«, I guess It Is." He seemetl exultant over After more than an hour's wlndlngi we » i 1 irt:.' com- modious building that had be« In. but was dirty as a barn. U ■" • •• The guard was placed •■ > t'> front nnd r^nr. "Hlstem ml col. or K«"'l T.<>-, t r;«' tii?«i iiiii'>!.f« iiM«'i\i-j iiiMii ••1.11,1 II. .1 c'liK iiiii'-, rHRr»Vlf«!.K«< of ^ \V \n PR!P'»vfr A Hilll'T ir. «■!.-! . of . 1S7 •.V '". U.Ura went it the le w« iC comfortable. ; since ■ "J wna •h V I'Jlh It not even a car the ptorm .. . . • •-^■- A In Ih ..IS* ■ i» •1 t. ;t • t re It Tort nut ot! thr litt-r nil.'. l»iii^f,( hal U'ft ni.n inarKu In Al'tll. 1S63, i*llll«»N-|■" f» lH- T» nt U; V f|. • rt-nlixo I ho hc>on of i f(\ %v nri» !o bo j»nnn. ^^'. of thoy Ti tif Krtten>UM H" linpaHfl" ; iml. C>. how «1. how d. ■ ui ihv hfixrXH of th<*t"- W' No m. .» iiorll could (Irlxr It n . - '• •'.'.■'•■..: P' T ovpr. n l)Jin«i n- T Thonc*!' t^TT «»■ In \VII|,H Ulxiiii. IV« l> HUil l"-U». (Otil tiival. ••MM<» \ WAR PRIKONKH miduiv or I T ■ 1.1 II t would bave b«en < f.r.i;ni> r- as we I .1... i: , .. '■ • I was ti'I .'. 30 w.iM . } they \ 190 rHROVff-T.FP OF A WAR PRISONER. fort. hungry, feverishly loniclnir with i) fltarv' On U. ■■ of the 13th there was the unceremonious bir solemn si • ' burin! nf ♦.-•ni men at sea. In the forenoon or the 14th »«•*. more v i-ht up wrapped In blankets, and |ow»r'..t'- blankets at nil tlmo^. and stretching at full ! without rofrard to othors" rights or wants, and v ' * It out on that line — a class of men who rejoiced as loui the : mist and t .wed Its way, benrfrc^ ti« , we half un- <*" 'Md: the crew *' run: we felt a a« I kr l>«>h«Id that t«< mtli*B a' dr. th. Ily .. li*r At I M« br ravr n mm an Ihr d^<>)« ' frl«>ni»fh fh« •r»* of Bn din:. Iravinc Ihr tot>arci>. t would r Mld- an 1 nrvrr • wortla. tell my *»...< ;.«• j lh« pa«c. I only ■ r .if.1 trmtltade nd r^ c Hlxty All waa vr..d. id- V V i< .ij nan- L* t*. >rlr<>aa 1 lo md .11 uf heroic .1 vaat fleet. ilial they were 1 In prison, that ^•r lal>or of the ■>i i « I J'-, of Joy ze. •v Mr.1 f >.,.,.» In of rea. n to Aiexnndria. murh ntiffrrlnir •ced mher 16th we came in view of the city - * * Trf. The Marine way for quite a i ov«T t: rrnrv t- un ted A ho •fa and hoya"; In." ■ind Ihc avvtcteat Bui I cannot 1 .1..- ;■;..• w .nn Ki u- ir. I 1.. not wlah lo pollute won* ■ Ar ^n!!rf» n*»w ^nlt an*. . . hlank^ts w vrf ' 'V iM>n hoiipltalii come on separate boat* an nro In tr..- .n,i\.iI ><.H'>ol and St. John's College Honpital. N> arrivals are )>«>lnff s*»nt to Parole Camp Hospital, two miles froi thr rl'- 1 !sre a debt of icnititude to James B. Hawks. Wak ..«> . '.... «'..t:.'\ Mi.hi.. ..V xv)i..«.. nmtherly •••-■• • I me. wli •rt. and "i sjived me from a watery icrave. Also Benjamlr •.vhoiie kindness was like n father's. r darkness, out of din. Liilo realms of peace I rise; Fn>m a den of woe and sin Where squalid misery filled my eyes. A have risen from the ntRbt. From the worst of mortal hells: From Its fumes and fri»m Its bllr* "• 'Gainst which every thought : In thai clutch of rlrcunisUince vCt t ..> (r t. .., ,v 1 I . ...I .1.1 .t I,. I .'.... 1 There Is no spot of wrath or tears. c»r horrors worse than that foul place; Th#» suffering for the sin of years That brought the Nation deep dlsgrarf. Therf Is no crime that men rommll That brings to peoples more distress; Nor fnlRhtler war fires e'er were lit Th«' >vnith of Treason to suppress. rHRoN'lri.F.5* OF A WAR PRIflONfTR. <^r >,« roll: Thr ' For vtn that atAinMl the country's scroll. Its CONCLUDING SKETCHES FROM DIARV Parol** <'an>i> * r 17. 8«- . ka llor<> rot f..r . ■ of r ttilm boon me ', fr..m Tt;.- thotiRh {\\\i*i\ with frvem •^.fi^inii t • ^. I r l.M !•» ul ->•• lh«Tn horn'". .1 i;rt;fct i*aln. Vfrv rar* In brukrn - flmh m -y .T.- t ' ! m'<»re n^ ■ . . Ihf en«luninr«> of ihfiM» nuM; .rvel to our doctorB. owlnc to • <'.\ .xl liift'UKh ili«ir bodies which no koowii tn^atinoni omi rr- Th*» li»«« nf Jununrv I boffin to r«H'ov.»r Mm? wh**!) th« 'f morbM pro** k'th. No* how- ]. .»• the abiKirtnal hunger while It enrr%*at«H! nnd Inflamed the V Mr»i . '.s furiiin) '^ ^••ro fr. fi» Truly did >f r.. ; •■..> m.rr- . ..f.,r..r?. ri ri It |m Laf an ex^r^.•i^,Hl..n of fralltudr tu »ay that • « tho noblont i»ort. Manly |to<»kji wrrr f.; r<*»t 1»««1 ri«»ar to d«»»« .n« Th. • rm fh**!' 1f4 « OF A WAR rniSoNER. bmver>' ami ; ••'.. called ua. She gave me un-l eul- tlnjc up crackem ... ... :.^ lo gnaw on the way. They will l>e roo^I for you." she aald. and ahe came around and crowded them Into my pocketa. While thia leaves the Impression that the lady Is kind nnd philanthropic to unfortunate soldiers, I am constrained to note. also, that she Is a pretty youiiR woman— a beautiful blonde. Mrs. Carey is an older woman, perhaps forty-five, a lady of culture. Kentllity and ripening womanly truces that compel respect and ad- miration. I was off at 9 a. m., but did not leave Raltln. " 'enlnc> The train was crowded with invalid soldiers. .'d by f- ■ '- At HarrlHburK de(>ut ut mldnlKht I fouii.. .i j.iiy and • slttlnK bcMldcM a soldier son. whom they had been to \'. .. — ..Ion after. He hail be^n wounded and a prisoner, having a broken leg which had not healetl. They were Ohio people. While waiting for the train, he expired. It was five oarded by officers and all doors locke l<> .1 ^t» Hi uf rcvenite. (Ill I'nlon prisitncrfi of Mnrrh. 186S, inntall- Thme -'! of !%»• 'ne .« . •. -i.n a Kla and In the nil' ;• Hum- ler a per- so riAr*ne* MllUn Ba^mnnah. •r .rity of « as ^a t tk « I . ' 1 i ••;»•. 1 r .s • • • I r. '' ^ • t K n 1 1 . fi\ f ' 1 J • 1 ' f .1 rad and tb« hlddsa «^ nla of thoM mho ditd In tran«tt. shot li« CHUONICLBS OK A WAH PUISONER. Ijy jv - , . V ^- jqjj, ij^ nitcmpllnjc escape, of wh the: :ill b«« ri'VraltMl. tlVMi. bui prison llf^ w:i» ■ t*r i>«»n. At Lyiuhf utk' ^ < N. I*.. Augusta, c; S. *.'.. atiU olher |n»Hili» lher«- «■ unnjt'»trik!TM»' tuk- ••im. When I uin-ak of ihc bnrl. Ity ' ith 1 nicu!. lUui ruWuK spirit that first concoct«Ml ncf .-me to subvert thf Kovernrnvnt to an Instrumcn: oppr« «?•;.. r,. nnally to overthrow It. Thf funi-ral obMcqutfH for President Lincoln whom most ^ ' vinit father is esteemed, as v " were In progress at Wa.* .; v.tiinun was heard from •> osed: LINCOLN. To Conquer it to Live, Enough. Arise, ye sons, of brave Columbia, rise And |>ay a tribute to a nuirtyred son! Let tear drops full, like soft rain from the skies. HfbwlnR the earth where our own Lincoln lien. As irreut and good as our own Washington. Ye daughters rl»e and let your voices miund, ' ' ' ' : • opIe'H grief; fiir .'irounii. ..., .M«-n ff>und. Though deeply t. ourn our mddr chief. !>'• i: •• « heck thes welling lld«» 'I •rmlne the Nation's ho|»e, I.- i; nt Its bleoe and pride; Iff f!rrw the nword hert>lc'ly to cope. iKht and well; (IvfMi with running gore! 1 >;. fleii fell. So ' to quell; 'I • d o'er the m-ii * • '^■"■'•Ign shore. li er the H«iuthern If llv^ - - - . .» free. l> !•■• !<• iX I i: I'Ji 1'l» \\ V '• oil'- I I' I .V 1. • XT'"! \\ « « ,,..»>;. I ... A wrwilh of flor>* crown* lh> 'tiMt claim, ill- li.llMf. tT wniusht. u- ribuff ■i wavr.! thull fall. ■ 1 •uspl^c. ■ III! M n :lll(l. IDS While li> 11K< • NH VIS prin I.-1 hU\s Init (if \s lery At.tUiiK iM'HUtirV th*" h€T • ■ ! I 1.- \ my On Jut \ \s \\: n:!s« •nku. VISITED CLARA BARTON. ,1 1 >•- 1 -• . rvo ...1.- 1 » ' n made on ■ UuK mlj«j«- iit. one ' : < o!n«-- .iuih4iia> lu K' > Uk-ic lo . . ii«l filrp«1 11 n f •X- prisoner to 11' I h ••y •I In Wii r h..- ' iit\ .< ..; »,.... ^. •' ' • ^, . .... i«* h- •-••<• shf had never known. S» i'U hvii.iii \\ it h l! 11- titl.' ' ( •• re- lic been iip- <1 to her all r. Shf itHiifii If 1 IM.Ul.l ir» I double*! 1 thought mlKht anHint her. my ability owlnfc to priHon allmentit. She unketl me to fco with her to a phynlrlan for examination which I did. He streiiuoUMly jidvlNed aRuhiMt njy return t<» Ander»onvllle. It waH a pleasure to meet (Mam Iljirton. She In noted for humane and heroic nervlce to Kufferlnfc Holdiem and their frlentlK. I JudKe the huly thirty-five y««arH of aice. meillum helKht. •! eyeM and hjilr. nllni. Rriui-ful f«»rm. She Ih not what lUHlely p« • ••Mt« ' ' ....... »„»auty. Her face \h plain but bearing al..wi It t ; than phynlcal l>eauty — a nweel cnnvlnrlniC exj.; -'^ -••l'' i.liiii..' .11.1 t ! iisifiili,.-H«. Hnd whiMl h»«r Interent calmly bril- liant an.I if M due a noul whoHe ! - not narrow boundi*. It In a face of firm Intelll- K»*Mce u 'I other icracen InHpIre annoclateH in the work to which Hb.* Uitti b.M'n hl(;hly f her i ^,>. I hilt \v« al>out \' IIMl«' know and i.. t mi ' ' Yet she In Work to \%hi ■rrvlce* 1m lh«« \\ar FOUND HER BROTHERS GRAVE In 18T8 a ParUh :4llt I ■:■><■ liono of \iiiir i.itfi.tx )>iv.. t •• ■ . I \.>iir A Wnr 1 vklth m. i •f minr |. ill Hi. ,« r«*itutiti» r«*m in tf.- . ♦ • • I" »T^% h«Mi'f f <-t*m<»t»'rv. :int? thn ynar urouffht UN to Mamn. whvrc wa ... . ^^ the rar, f^rllnir ■I ■ i« II I) II »\ i-i •• n \t I UK I UK I I < MM I rn- the tickrt*. thrn at urn, wlwii th< \nliM- ii.i> Ml Ut.- U>X. Uf .tli K<>1 lit i Hciilfi ♦»« »b»» »»f>it».»n ?Mv! w»T«» ilrlv.-fi nwuy i ut> f » : • ' ii i* N<_>u 114^ ) I will b«- you, A I »«v«Tythli iriit> %^ hi* h ih (•> s.ive ,iH a «lrain; for >wu iiiuttl - m««ml»«T ht»\v Ihf laixl will Knl<"h unci unllv h'^ro afttT the hi nilim. A wliUc plrkrt fom #» i'DcIohcii ihv hUIo of which no f>«iiiro orutiK** h«M|ffi>. JuHt In the c II. In the* m j,|,,-,.. II. .11 'I I .» .iii'i rxM-ii I'l I III i>t »-.u.iiii I ho 't- • • !)^«' iiiiiti>ii to • . hv wtut m culc-ululluti u« lo how iiukity mum In liio row. when h«t wuuM j^ : riUSoNKIt : 1 •It til oU \vn riil ■ w- il.ti «.J* :M«I. Wru» \. ter NO .ilH In i. U« niwlviw. nml on inir! Hunir: Hunff!" In •Tipt ro- »n ynur llh tnc \\ o. f ho hr i»K at - lar br. . 13. Tie y. !. or en . h '•If f tlwy I fixed •ro we lit the ThfTP wn the ■ -oie he loll lluil lll-J «»f nil nortii. • but ' Kili.l. . our riot I' t 1 H S 1 . . the noil . by IM> 1 iiiul bniuKht It awiiy, ami 202 CHRuNICLKS OF A NVAIl TRISoNKIl. It In a ifi»urel Ulppor. They now call It "Provldcnllal HprltiK " W** Inokr^l :tlM>ut the (croun colored "linen." • • • ; In Andernonvllle we left I never expoclew. ......i. . ..ii.l '. "I v.t.'. >^ v.,.ni« I... ,,,..,.. .-M.iiirlnic tl that for un. • th«Te in .it Iciint a briKht nide now that In m contrant with the uncertain' anmfort. or aid them. Mils. H. C. DKVKNDOUF. Ih' UecemlH-r 10. U78. awaken remlnlnceiuen of ; AfttT n|>endlnK a day I .. t I V .• t«Ty" \\ him lie but on<- a n>"»' th. anr. Asking alms. )/>rd, at Jhy dogr! A; Unahfllcrv'i li.Lu j-riaoxi tuaL M. ' • ' • r. HI- \Vt; .,. ...... ....irtN. All luve of lun; T«»o horrid for \ c »r h<»arts not \ • hy. ||«m\'i»nly rufhor, Thnu knowrst the sin. Ai: - -- . .^. T> and Thou caniit irlvo: %Vf wi.ii.K I ji.-.- I iiri.r. thai we live! T»' '"^ -••• ' •"- '•'■■•' ♦'•• "'^ 8 iftn: y<- ... . - y. WhAt c«n we better do than pray? Pmy nnd lift our t' In ho|>4>. and fnlth. I love. Have uii from thr wll.ii «>( mu, Purify the man within! And from dlsense our bodies save 1^ ' •' ' -ivc! <» , " " : r>rli\.T fr..lii afni. li..i. H l.iri. T m; I. 'UK. Tr>uvtt iitvii U»« w*ys of |»«i«c« eftt lonff! It h ain. t; ^t. /noifrsonvlllr ^;...i...; t...^.... ,>.., ; ./. <•..:> 19, 1IC4. 20« rimoNirLKS OF A WAU rUISoNKK. No. 2. For ho nhall rUc HIii nnjr^l* charjcc to kc^p thee In all thy wayH. - PivilmH 91 : 11. I^>n!. Thou hf^«t h«»<»n our flwofUntr ! Slur.' Ti .^liH- Nat 1 :.• 1. From iiiUHic rinipi « tf • . . tth Thv jKiwor Is nil supremo. Rway: Wkv the beam ;n«l Thy throne bllHR. ippler xone From their hriRht elyMlan bowem "*' • ' ' ly race, ■we«»l flowem ' not oft ft. It th««yM Hatlnfy our wanti* I >ii. llu III .1 I.:' I . U.1 If 'tuiTc not t ntortnl colla A. ..I I I 1. .1. A In Y«-l liikilnl out Wh.H tfl.Nt W- HI I, hUl, To • CHRONICLEH OF A WAR PRIBONFTR. :p; Thry krrp ua In our better way, T> .'-»->. ^v .v« .r.l ,.<» «^ 1^^ Tr .mt ruy At Thry MNPk to c. ^ In love And heal our • Kht: — Thi're'ii rejolclns tu ih«- %%urlii nbove. When iilnnrrs turn to light. Rut there are tboae whose aln and wo« T* ■ . »s« . , I ... And mo we . . ..• O. raise the veil from thin •lim i«t.lirr«. And let me l«>ok tx :■ And to my rnv. rn ir Their vol O. let Ih^lr My I To )oli> Ood'f lllltary Priaon. Ai No. 3. I've almoat wlahe*) that I iraa d^ad Not :..-nd. Nor who0« roocti Iian4« prepare my bod. |v. ..I, \'. A Fi'i eol: In lh« Uc^lUly r«ul(» la acvk r«lr«at. O. ' A rtd «trtr« Th t iiuir all luij'iliicJLi uf llf*. 204 CHftoNlCLE^ IRIBONKR. AikI from this botulucv m-vk r«*leam* Ami ifo where love and Joy ir>' '• ■ — • And then I've t» "»•• ' i..- Thin world !>• '!•>. ..♦ II in Is A A: •• free; Thought of all bo dear to me. Of many a happy, peaceful day. Of lovlnff friends, far. far away And knew their hearts did yearn for me*. Then hoped that soon I might be free. Then I thought to die would not be sweet. ImprlHoned. exiled, and opproHned; To tile unheard of and unhlcMHed And all my fondest hopes defeat; My life would seem too incomplete. And I've resolved to struggle still. Strive not to faint and not to tire. O'er lowering peaks still looking higher. TruMting In God's m<»8t holy will To make me strong to brook each ill. Is there no happiness below? Should I deplore my birthright here? Who knows the Joy for every tear? O! Who should fear to live and do The work to Ood and men we owe? Swift rush the currents to the sea. And clouds come lowering orr the way. The I trufft. I hope. I almost know It Is the coming of the I^»rd. II In chariots through the centuries heard, leavening the sodden world below; To prepare the way Ills armies go. niRONICLKfl OP A WAR PRISONER. 207 O. I ^ of wrote. *1 1 I ; I i <■• ■ I' Ml I n 1 I *\ n ,111 I I !■ II t>P^y. AiMlrnmiivlllr. (12a.) Military Piioon. Aucutt C. 18-n of utiffrHnfr r^'"'***^ nway, I >• •111 rmveo. N thrown. A I'gfil jijoju.-r.T.iriiy mi"!.**. .» 1 -i.-i^ ! lame. Ulke nils .htt»rd. we look to Thee For our salvation free. Deliver us, good God. we pray. From the hands of bitter foes Who seem delighted by our woes; — O. hasle deliverance day I •TIs hard to linger thuH dlslressed. Though trusting, yet unblessed. Unblessed except in faith in Thee. Knowing Thou rulest o'er all. Most High! K'en though we faint, and rot and die. A bird so worthy of Thy note? The fall of sparrows Thou dost see? From Thee am I remote? Thanks and praise unto Thy name, O, Great and Holy One! We bow contritely at T^^ f)ir..n« Whence all life and I Keep us from famine i lie with us as with those of old. Purge our hearts from sin. good Qod! A fid pe«»! fh«»m wHh Thy seal; 'i lorn in Thy rod < 'It ' y^ixA, Oft I 1 unitary Prison, i i^mvuv-. t-. » , .-• j i* n.Wcr. 1864. CIIRoNirLKK OK A WAIl I'llIHi iNKIl. No. S. I^nd m<*. Pitlhrr. holdinic by Thy hAn«l. I oak not whither: for It muat t>* on." M.i<-l»' ii:h. Ily fi T^ 1. '1 1 nbyffii 1- •I n foc«. <■ •<•. FYom Ollrail Mount < ilt.i To Jrsr<*f i val.-. with f •1. I)iji<«-rul to th. .iii \\ Ihr IX)r hia hand. 'N'Mkth an oak Thrrc oat i nn Mow oft \^ !. Thouirh t- I' V 1 At. I nn, u . It 11 x r- 1 .1... . - » » • ' • > tii.i I .».. Oo«I of hca vrn* MMin may nor. O. rive uii fnlth. br It our ffutdc. •••I T> tri'- xK.' •nil rino. Confederate Miiilary I'ri«un. tlorence. 8. C^ October. IHi. 210 CHR(>Niri.E8 OF A WAR PRIHONER. No. 6. CJixl of our fathers! O. Ood of nil! In Th«e we live forevcrmore. In nil our henrtn iiwcet peace Inntall. And Miuke us welcome at Thy door. KorjrIve each soul that wronKly stept. That It Bhall seek the rlRhtful way. If In the wrong our nplritfl nlept. Awake them by Thy heavenly ray. Thy merclei! send our lot to bleBs: — We feel that e'en this woeful place Thou fillest with Thy rljchteousncHS And lightest with Thy holy grace. For In our hearts doth still abide Thy word of truth, and light, and cheer. And whatsoe'er may us betide We'll trust Thy goodness still, nor fear. Here weak with i^aln and gaunt our frames, -•' ' 'ling In this earthly blight; we chill, thpn feverish flames : .;■ by day. disturb by night. \, ' .very heart In Thee may trust To free our souls from every taint; We know Thou lovest. Thou art Just. That Thou «loHt hold us when we faint. Flon-nce. (8. ('.) Omfedrrate Military Prison, November S. 1864. (These tM>ems, written ns Indicated by dates, are Inserted In • Itfrreiice to the opinions of a frw frl<«nds.] OF FAR AWAY. The dreary winds come murmuring on ,\ t I Im I )<•• ..M t<. .....Ik r.i .r And shadows thicken round the d«K>r Where I h-ivn sat nt noon's bright my. And I ' those now all the moro; Who luippy then and gay. For I uiii iuJ and fur away. .**v wN'irt.RB OK A WAR rriii»«>NRifi. Thi» rVkihlr houa*. Ha wlntlowa low. T ICO T. (>: l»c<*. Thf !>. Thr nt H. that •' face. In muur no dry II Tf i!. 1 t>aro Tt • N. A. . . - . tiA anc*. The cold wi^t win.l hwim-j.* 'cross th« field And o*rr the old The fnmt-bll I**.. ..-nee ylHd l*nto th«* Autunut M kvs.4>: Th*« "rrhfir-lw \mr^ thut bloomed In May. \\ ) v%'S fall. TK An«l I • 'i ^ r>'- T i'^ n. r wall; These • lonclnff thoughts recall Light steps upon the kitchen floor! Th«' < i««f> hfiir W ! Ms .r, A' M' te: A r; M Tl e. Now. sitting by her be«lroom door And h«r brww mt^tnm worti with *'HR«»NirLF:« OF A ,, ... . ,...^. ..ill, Hh*» fif»-»ik« nf th»«H» t\m\r to her heart, < »f AM not where: < ►? hf»rtl to part. AiKi irorii n< r ••v.-m Iimtm i»flen Utarl. N«- * ' ' . ,.,j, „j^h. Tv .Ml. SI. ky Llk<> curtiilnii noftly Thi-y Kiifh' t r.-und t! )>onril — My (tit) \ \\ti» iilwiiyH free: Who w ii Rhnre the riche* stored lly . a hell of men. ;.iry Prlnon. Novrmhrr, 18(4. PILGRIMAGE. •'liHTli 1 haH lt« Koldcn charms. UK throuKh the maxe. ■ )it of it I know dimirms i It.- tuifS of later days. AS i»f verdant morn, t April showers, u iK.- ft '.111 uh mold the icerm forlorn Ami lift the hiipplest flowers. The warm sun comes, the warm brixht sun. \,,.« .11 n... .» .V II -i,in«.s 1 sky run ••9. I>ay light ffone. the twilight come Then c«M»ler, darker shades: A» mill Afi iii'-i.-i !K.«..ip. .y.t I . , ..1..,. !>,•.. L-nili-r I N-;ir. A T V ;,•• I llK»»t PiiNturMi rrren i»r«» rrown mor«» irrern. . «»t iM»r«»ni» in ^ 1 to rent. Hn\%f (ivrt*; \*l»**U Kruvvji nml hlifh. M thr ftlr. , u: louTi Mi>- i.i.Miaunui fair t aicainMt the Willi. Th*n lullii Ihr morm. Ih^ drwiry plorm. *p»... ..if.a)!!!!.. >-ritlti-N .tif.kin .liT.lln In itwl ffruin tiAme from ilivir wiilwry b*tl». ) trnrm^r irn»w. Th** fruit ln»r<- llavv Iwuffbl tliL-ir ki^hI KUiii* 4 rnn<>NU'I.KS OF A W\ it. Th* ftir In rich with »v. liome to the evening sfclps. And • 'o there Is a beam Of and love: Th«' Hiuriiis ihat once did ndveme »eem. Have helped to lift above. The sprlnir of life, the summer come. The hnrvents' Riorious show; I would my life were such a tome For all the wIndM mlsht blow. I would It were?— oh. may it be! Would I be siMired the lore That makes the spirit truly free When Its pilgrimage Is o'er? No; I must toll from door to door, Nor lay aside my staff, Nor think my day's toll Is all o'er While yet unfinished half. The angel, that I seek afar. Throws open wide her -»jj. • li.u>. 1 U.Hc Uaj .if Tv- IHtrt y^^^ riiii In ^ truth, and of !)C1 ill .-•r to thP ! -Ml ' hfrh ha ichl '. iix. l>t. JoiiiN h- It wua 111 Uich- r fhA htirrora nt A lie; ao It la ln- authorlUcji wtit: coffiilxAnt of the fir. ••n ..f 'II th ■• t?i.- HUTK ! II. Htatca Mllttnry r|. ""•f* . HRONiri-FIS (>y A WAU riUSONER. After deacriblnir the constructive features of the prison which •re ! ren of the stockade Ke-tr>' and Ingenuity. th«- .•d for ats and caves, a: ••! t.. sni.-ii them- in and sun and i ;s. • • • In the • • no order ■ ;.. imve t>een followed; ut of th- In so cn>wdeerfe«» In th*» lower port'on of the stream as to Heavy • ssed the stream for thp ; ' lh«» lnrT«»ns*Ml ■ ■■ ■ .1 < '.\ .m-T x I T riir* .•nient exclti .1 ilf- '". • • • Ah,,. ,... ,,,,..,.iH were • want of exercise. lmpro|MT dift, Mcur\ > th.. M ).,,:•. U*- Hi*k ami Instifftrient. From the 1 has been Insufficient proper police and hyylenlc regulations It ff'Wi CHRf)NIOLK8 nP A WAR PRI84>NEIL 217 r.l t l-ll t.. \...l...-^ II.. 1 ...... . I..... ,,f ria to t! 1 N.rioiislv ill r,..!. r.ilM i,, thi 1 ii» mm- chroiilc «l>m»nU'ry. :... lying . iMlllt un«I«>r .it 'ho t>l#ry. «n#1 ifnnrr*»n«» w«t*» pr^vnlllr;? ' '.I ' I'-' I \> I I II .1 I) I Ml I 1 y hnnd. in lUI lU riTRrvvirT.ipp op a war prisoner. xlon. piil«» Kumii. f*»<»bl«». in. nnd fflU\ brcnth. to nky. dirty, i nwollen fwituren. ir^*' »-'" Ilv!1 funiC" -*. Uk^h^ tcr'th Of f!*»Tn ' ' ' with U> . and iH't}. • • • Severe i.,.,,,^ .>., . . Bwelllnicii in varioun pnrtn. et*\ • •M>|>anied with Btlffnens and < "^leii. often prevontlnic the : irtil. • • • I obnerved lu; •*. and nprendlnfc scorbutic ulcers, which hnd super- sllKht injuries. The scorbutic ulcers presented a dark, funicold, elevated surface, with livid swollen edices. and n thin, fetid, sanious fluid, instead of pus. Many ulcers • 1 from the scorbutic condition of the syt«tem be- i». • • • From the crowded, filthy condition. ' ondltlon ' 'heir sys- it the s • II of ih«' .1 M,,... i-ff»M tji of i ... • • '• of :i »r a mosquito bite, in - ♦'"M and Ranicrene. 1.. ^ ;-.... .1.-- •rult are the chief causes of sn. n th«« St under several 1<> !»•••. 1 two f; h were open on '-. or upon surh ranire.! > • 'Idlnic or even straw.. • tb*>iM> i*b«-«Mltr^J I" i# w^lfnr«» of th#«lr ft- t-n t.i.r J vv ■ - • - 1 ! .e..l to b« th« r- rvl«««n«M a: f nui. 220 CHRONIOLK- WAIt riCISONKIl. !h«« WftUt of . uno f»f fiyn- l' .1 . r 1 fn. '• ■• ■' •» • « «• - - ■> ••' •• •'! lo ttMl grroundn. When a patient die*. t In front of his tent, until he Is tullorl to carry off the dead: If a . itll the mornlnir. and I for hourn In thei»o tii.- ...rj.s.M ii.- ujHjn the biire ground. h an«l vermin. ter Five la- I .1 n.- u .-»■.■ ! ' ... ; ,; . : ::. ^ "( - were de(>endent In errcat measure • if the lenti* wii» foul In the extreme. The entlrt» lfr*» ; '•*'! rt Trin«»»r>ii?« f1tt«KUHtlnfic nmell. I entered nearly nil • ! cn»es of InlcreHt. e.ipeclally raiieM of V it Ion <»f my )>atholo(cical Inquiries •t lunlty lo jud^ correctly of I men I. I from !»• > smoke ami ftlih tliui they resembled ne^o< tnon • • • '■" 1st of March to the Slst of n 42. C"- . u'ountiM WiTe retw>rted Vo c! . riinoNICLEh A An PRI 221 .ul Uun'- fiKUf't, Urge as from 1 I (If t dru ' ' nun . UaiiiMk lU>« klnda. and cti« concvnirntion or ti<>xiia and 212 CHRONICLES OF A WAR PRISONER. flhr. B wer« ftlmont ir s,.nt. From the wat f the blooontaneou»Iy without previous contnirlon. and oc- curreora«JlcAny all over the stockade and prison hospital, was proof positive that this disejise will arine whenever th«' conditions nf rrowiIliiR. filth foul nlr and had diet are prpsent. The exhala- ^ fmni t) h.'ir ef- * to a c- ^. The ' ,;••[•• .iiii'iiii; tii'x«- (•! 1 M Tui ?^ .il>i <-.( I "• I ii'.iriy to de- •' jitiite c»f the ifenenil Hyuii-ni induced by diet, and .,... i,>fi.i..,,,-..M. The rapliiity of the appearance and !«-d uiK>n the j>owers and state of the ifon the intensity of poison In the at- mos|>here. or upon the direct application of poisonous matter to rh.. '.v.,iin«!ed surface. This was further illustrated by the fact that or a disease resembling It In all essential respects, at- f- Intestinal canal of |»atientH laborinic under ulceration • .f M. althouRh there were no local manifestations of Icai . M the surface of the body. This mode of termination In I '.an fjulte common in the foul atmosphere of the ^ Military Hospital, in the depressed, de- pravj < •>i,ii; 1.", i.i I (ii- system of Kodi'ral prisoners. *'A scorbutic roMdltli»n of the system ni»peare«l to favor the ..rii-ii, ,,r r,.,ii 111. .., .J uhich fre«iuently took on RanRrene. Hcur>'y ly existed In the mtme indivlduid. In such with veRetable acids, would remove the scorbutic condition without curinR the RnnRrene. • • • As In Th** present case of Andersonville. so also in past times when med- hyRlene was almost entirely noRlecte CHHONICLKS OF A WAR PRIBONm. ■« upon tv nt was 221 ■ 1 xi» IW- IHH 'r t t r t » laiiof) «'r ti..- rvj:. prisoneni.** The lajil I tnrn uf fH> tin- • In i.ii'tiMt) or ;it of an rxruiM* for any irfan* lt» the trralmrnl «»f FD'TORq rOMMFNT<; death." ?■ offlcal r In * month to month of the proportion of r iivinc \B Intprmtlnff. Ftocta taken from the I. lied. > Ihr*"^' dirtl. of thU horror r>fH nnr on* «»v«»r putN the total number I€ rimoNK'LKS OF A WAR I'HISoNKR. EDITOR'S LAST SAY. Whnt b4»tler cnn ho jt!»l.l uf l*I<»rfuce and several other Con- sJcrate milltnr>' prl«onii? The sutldon denth of Winder ns he wan entertnfr n banquet - Iff lent for officers at Anderwonvllle the evening of January 1. 865. doubtleM saved him from the fate that later overtook WIrx. nd If Davis had been tried as an accessory to the fact, what ; been his end? In fact, were not WIrx. Winder, and olh«TM • rles, and was not the principal at Kli hmond. as Mr. Hlatnc t,^ U? ADDENDA. Tho i|untation on pup* 1*20 oMcipfd imM.f r.;idiii;: ;iii«l w;is not r«*m'up«Hl attiMition II pr3 Pri ■■■ ^ r>o St 64 Is 69 /^«' 73 Pr 7Q Pr S2 Home seekers' Excursion in Dixie I ?S ExSorthcrn Man, Ft. tji Arriie at l-lorcr.t' /.?.< Prisoners Ot, s\'ine Days' .S • Ttvo Remarkable Speeches... Why Rebels Want ./r r • Uncle Abe's Enemy r.: Da^is and ll'tndcr History Stud-fs. Etc I'ote for . !—A Erosty Wiue. Barrett's : u Order On to Charleston — Hcmeivard PoUnd . Concluding Sketches from Diary /<>; Poem, Lincoln io6 Visited Clara Hart on Pound Her Brother's Cr^^rr Prison Psalms ....... • » • Of Ear Away Jio Pilf^rimage ^/ ? Confederate Testimony ^/S Editor's Comments j^jt As Seen by Senator Blaine. . . »> M Editor's Last Sav *X) f*«».»lfal./.f.j I' ii'BDQKK£££ER Uf- L/UNvjnt