msTOK.'Z" Towr\ of Gfafdtiei' WORCESTER COUNTY, MASS. FROM THE INCOliPORATION, JUNE 27, 1785, TO THE PRESENT TIME. By Rev. Wm. D. Herrick. "That the generations to come might know them, even the children which should be born, who should arise and declare them to their children." — Psalm Ixxviii : 6. J^o.JMlf A^ GARDNER, MASS. : , Published by the Committee. 1878. F74- Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1878, by WM. D. HERRICK, in the office of the Librarian of Congress at "Washington. GARDNER, MASS.: PRINTED BY A. G. BUSHNELL &. COMPANY, AT THE ^FICE OP THE GARDNER NEWS. INTRODUCTION. In introducing this work, to the public, some explanation, regarding its origin and authorship, is required. It Avill be re- membered that, early in the year 1876, Congress recommended to all the towns, in the Union the celebration of the hundredth auniversar}' of our nation's independence, by appropriate public exercises, among which should be an historical address, a copy of Avhich, should be deposited, in the nation's archives, at Washington. Stirred by the spirit of '76, so greatly revived, at that time, all over our land, the people of Gardner assembled in the Town Hall, on the evening of June 12th, to consider measures for carrying into effect this recommendation of Congress. A general committee of arrangements was chosen, who furnished an appropriate order of exercises for the day, which consisted, in firing a hundred guns, at sunrise, on Bickford Hill, also a pro- cession, which was formed, at South Gardner, and marching through the principal streets, terminated at Crystal Lake Grove, where an historical address was delivered, by the author of this work. This arrangement was successfully carried out, the day being fine, the procession large, and the closing scenes of fireworks, on Bickford Hill, brilliant and beautiful. For this celebration the town appropriated five hundred dollars. In preparing the historical address, which was not wholly delivered on that occasion, for want of time, the author became greatly interested in the records of this town, which, in his judgment, ought to be published, in the form of a town histor3\ Acting under this conviction, he caused an article to be inserted iv INTR OD UOTION. in the town warrant, for the following March meeting: "To see if the town will take any measures, in relation to publish- ing a histor}'' of the town of Gardner, act or transact anything relating thereto." Acting under this article, the town chose a committee of five, consisting of Messrs. Thos. E. Glazier, W. D. Herrick, Francis Richardson, Asaph Wood and John M. Moore, who should report at the AjDril meeting. This committee made the following report, which the town voted to accept and adopt : — Fellow Citizens: Your committee, to whom was assigned the duty of considering and recommending some plan upon which the history of this town shall be written, ask permission to present the following, as their report : — Having consulted those who have had experience, in writing the history of towns and cities, and acting upon the wisdom gained from them, your committee recommend, that the town employ a competent person to write the history of Gard- ner, as soon as practicable ; that this person publish an edition of eight hundred copies, octavo, which can be done at a probable cost of three dollars per volume ; that the town, at its own expense, furnish the author of its history, a map of the town and pictures of such public buildings and objects of general interest, as a committee chosen to superintend the publication of such a history, may think proper to insert. And that the town subscribe for two hundred copies of said history, at a sum not exceeding three dollars per volume, to be kept on sale by the town clerk, for the benefit of the town's treasury ; no copy of said history to be sold, by the clerk, to any citizen of Gard- ner, until the author has made a thorough canvass of the town, in his own behalf. That individuals and societies furnish, at their own expense, such pictures of houses, shops, churches, etc., as they may desire to see in such a work, the admission of which, to be at the discretion of the committee of publication. The town then " Voted, To choose a committee of three, who shall have the charge of procuring a history of Gardner, INTRODUCTION. v by a competent author, and that the town become a subscriber for two hundred copies of said history, at a sum not exceeding three dollars per volume, and that said committee shall be authorized to incur such additional expense, as a map of the town and the pictures of such public buildings and places as they think advisable to insert, may require. Chose Thomas E. Gla- zier, Rev. W. D. Herrick, John M. Moore." This committee began immediately to attend to the duties assigned them by the town. Correspondence was held, with some who had had large experience, in writing town histories, but no definite arrangements were entered into, with any one, till last October, when the author, who had Ijeen laid aside, from his pastoral duties, by sickness, for three months previous to September, 1877, was strongly urged, by some of his friends, to undertake the work. Ill health and distrust of his ability, made him reluctant to assume so great a task, in addition to his regular pastoral labors. At length, " by fair persuasion, mixed with sugared words," he consented, on certain conditions, to yield his own judgment to the wishes of others. Had he thought such an event as the writing of the town's history by him, possible, not unmindful of the experience of Haman, he would most certainly not have been as active as he was, in inducing the town to have its history written. The conditions, above alluded to, were these : That Mr. T. E. Glazier, who was greatly interested in the matter, should aid the author, in procuring necessary statistics and facts, and should be responsible for the entire preparation of the chap- ters entitled, " Memorable Events," " Genealogy of the Early Families of Gardner," and the chapter on " Military Affairs." To this gentleman, always, from early years, greatly inter- ested in the welfare of his native town, and who about twenty years since, aided his venerable father, in preparing a small history of Gardner, we cheerfully and cordially accord the credit and responsibility, attending the authorship of the three chapters, in this work, above named. vi INTRODUCTION. The Muthor is also most happy to accord to his wife — a help- meet indeed — the credit of invaluable assistance, in the prep- aration of this work. To her belongs the credit of writing the subdivision of Chapter II., entitled " Scenic Attractions," as well as that part in Chapter X., entitled " The Murphy Move- ment." The author also takes pleasure in acknowledging the valuable assistance rendered him, in copying and proof reading, by Mr. George F. Peabody, 2d, a young gentleman of this town, who has, for the last three years, been engaged in the study of law, and is about to be admitted to the bar. To all these friends and to all others, to whom the author is indebted for aid in this work, most cordial thanks are publicly extended. When it is remembered, that this work was begun, about the middle of November last, and has been carried forward, by the author, without any remission of his pulpit, or pastoral duties, till its completion, at the present date — less than eight months — an apology for imperfection and marks of haste, will not be re- garded as out of place. In this regard, the advice of Horace to authors, to keep their writings nine years, before publishing them, is most recklessly disregarded. It should be stated, that the committee, early inserted in the Gardner News, an invitation, to all individuals and religious societies, to present such pictures as they might wish to accom- pany this work. Several responded, who are here represented by heliotypes, executed by the Heliotype Printing Company of Boston. It is due to the author to state, that his portrait is in- serted, in this work through the desire and at the expense of his friends, to whom for their other acts of kindness, he cherishes sentiments of genuine gratitude. The maps, accompanying this work, were prepared by Mr. Charles J. Day, of this town, and are models of excellence, in his art. The negatives, for the heliotypes, are by Mr. William A. Cowee, of Gardner; the printing is by A. G. Bushnell & Co., of the Gardner News. INTRODUCTION'. vii In the production of this work, the author has spared uo pains to possess the facts, regarding which, he has written, while at the same time, he has sought to make the work some- thing more than a barren, dry restatement of town records, by connecting with these, events of general history, calculated to throw light upon more recent facts, coming under his notice. His object has been to make this, a book of interest, to the reader, by directing his mind, to events of history not only contemporaneous, with those connected with this town, but antecedent to its existence. The author is aware that there are several mistakes in this work, which he has no intention of pointing out, since the reader will do that without his assistance. If any are represented, in this history as dead, who " still live," we only have to say, that, the announcement need have no eifect, in hastening an event, which is sure to come as soon as they will be ready for it ; if any are said, in this work to be still alive who are dead, we have no fear that the state- ment will have the least impression upon them ; if any are recorded as married, who never have been, we hope that noth- ing here said will prevent them from verifying the record, we have made of them : if any are regarded as having too much, or too little prominence in this work, we have only to say, that it has been our aim to make the facts of history speak for them- selves, whatever their effect upon individuals. Further than this, we have no feeling of personal responsibility. If any have been omitted who should be mentioned we are sorry, for our neglect is wholly undesigned. We began this work, with no adequate idea of the im- mense amount of labor involved in completing it. We come to the end of our editorial work, with a higher appreciation of the fortitude and faithfulness of the founders of this town, and of those who have succeeded them in promoting its growth, in all good directions. We are aware that a complete index, to a work, like this, is a good thing, while one incomplete is only a vexation. Not viii IjSfTE OD UCTION. caring to make a full index, we have thought best to substitute a full table of contents instead, having carefully arranged the work in topical chapters. In conclusion, we are able, with great candor to state, that our ambition, for this kind of authorship, is entirely satisfied. We lay down our pen, upon this, our nation's natal day, with the most intelligent and unalterable conviction, that nothing but grim necessity, can ever again induce us to resume it, for the purpose of writing a town history. We would say, however, to all clergymen, who are laid aside from pastoral labor, through " nervous prostration" that our experience has taught us, that the speediest and surest way to regain health and forget troubles, is to engage in a work like this, preaching at the same time twice, on the Sabbath. They will find its effects more letheau than a draft of Lethe itself, and the greatest of all " nerve tonics," at their command. Debili- tated brethren, by all means, write a town history. We have only to say with Byron, "VV^hat is writ is writ, "Would it were worthier." Wm. D. Herrick. Congregational Parsonage, July 4th, 1878. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. THE TOWN CONSIDEKED AS AN INTEGRANT PART OF THE UNITED STATES. PAGK. Derivafion of the word Town — Remark of De Tocqiieville Concern- ing Political Sovereignty — Of Aristotle — Of Blackstone — De- Tocqueville Concerning Town Meetings — The Otficers of the Town — Selectmen, Their Duties and Powers — Town Clerk, Duties Of — Assessors, Their Duties — Town Treasurer — High- way Surveyors — Constables — Field Drivers — Fence Viewers — School Committee, Their Powers and Duties — First Town Meeting, in Plymouth Colony — Remark of Alexander Ham- ilton 1 CHAPTER II. INCORPORATION AND TOPOGRAPHY OF THE TOWN. The Petition for Incorporation, by Whom and When Presented — Formed from the Four Adjacent Towns — The Name, Whence Derived — Act of Incorporation, When Granted — The First Warrant, to Whom Issued — First Town Meeting, When and Where Held — Topography — Latitude and Longitude of the Town — Causes of Its Irregular Outline — Remonstrance against the Petition of William Whitney and Others — Scenic Attrac- tions — Soil, Climate — Hills, Elevations, Forests, Flora, Fauna, Lakes, Streams — Original Poem 26 CHAPTER III. CHARACTER OF THE INHABITANTS. Number of Original Inhabitants — Their Scattered Condition — Hard- ships and Privations — The Domestic Spinning Wheel and Loom — Itinerant Shoemaker — Ancient Fireplace and Oven — West India Goods, How Received — Going to Church — Sources of Information — Scenes at Tavern — Social Habits^Raisings — May Trainings and Musters — Times of General Excitement — Habits of Industry — Spirit ot Independence — Growth of Pop- 56 CONTENTS. Illation, in Decades — English Descent — Irish and French — Elegant Residences — Neat Irish Homes — Town Hall — Pecu- niary Reverses — Self Developed Wealth — Valuation in 1877. CHAPTER IV. THE TOWN AS CONNECTED WITH NATIONAL AND STATE AFFAIRS shays' REBELLION. Baneful Effects of the Revolutionary War — Depreciated Currency — Letter of John Adams, Concerning Prices Current — Wag- gish Advertisement — Numerous Suits at Law — Numerous Pe- titions for Abatement of Taxes — Popular Estimation of Gov- ernment Responsibility — Spirit of Discontent Everywhere Rife — County Conventions to Consider Grievances — Spirit of Man- hood — Regulators — Captain Shattuck — Convention at Paxton — Instructions to Capt. Samuel Kelton — Petition to Governor Bowdoiu — Shays' Rebellion — History of the Insurrection in Massachusetts, by William L. Smith, P^sq. — Embargo of 1807, Causes Of — Inconvenience to the People of Gardner — Petition to the President of the United States, in Consequence of the Embargo 72 CHAPTER V. roads. Early Mode of Travel — Gibbons' Account of Roman Roads — Ma- caulay's Account of Roads in England, in the 17th Century-^ — Roads in the Early Colonies^ in 1634 and Following — Early Roads of this Town — Petition to lay County Road Through the Centre of the Town — Roads Laid Out in 1786 — Petition of Seth Heywood — Petition of the Town Concerning Road over Kendall Hill — Opening of Different Roads and Streets — Nam- ing of Different Roads and Streets — Turnpike — Condition of Roads in Switzerland 108 CHAPTER VI. railroads. Inconvenience of Travel, at the Beginning of the Present Century, and for Many Years Subsequent — Journey of Elkanah Watson in 1777 — P^zra Lunt's Advertisement — Semi-Weekly Stage be- tween Boston and New York — Imperfect Condition of the Postal System — Letters to the Army, 1778 — Gradual Disap- pearance of Postal Inconveniences — First Railroad in the United States — Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad, When Incor- porated — Hon. Alvah Crocker, His Attempts to Prevent this Road's Running through Gardner — How Thwarted — Repeated Legislation — Final Location — Boston, Barre and Gardner Rail- CONTENTS. xi PAGE. road — Original Charter, When Granted — Repeatedly Located — When Built to Gardner — Opposition to its Extension to Win- chendon — Excited Town Meetings — Final Triumph in the Leo-- islature — When Completed to Winchendon — Running of the First Train to Winchendon 135 CHAPTER VII. INDUSTRIES. Remarks Concerning the Importance of Steady Toil — Proverbs Con- cerning Labor — Remark of Sidney Smith — Agriculture — Prod- ucts Of, in Gardner — Cooperage — Chair Manufacturing — An- cient Furniture among the Egyptians, Assyrians, Greeks and Romans — Furniture used by the Colonists, Imported — Enor- mous Manufacture of Cane Seated Chairs — Commencement of Chair Making in Gardner — Simplicity of Machinery nsed at First — Origin of the Different Chair Firms — Names of Present Chair Firms — Annual Amount of Business, etc. — Mode of Manufacturing Chairs — Different Machines Used — Automatic Channeling Machine Described — Crimping Press — Spline and Embossing Press — Mode of Inserting the Woven Seat — Cane Department of Heywood Bros. & Co. — Cane, How Prepared — Rattan Chairs — Foundry, Where Located — Amount of Busi- ness Done — Tubs and Pails — Manufacture of Lumber — Doll Toy Carriages, Chamber Sets, etc. — Eave Troughs — Furni- ture Dealers — Spring Beds — Tin Ware — Hardware — Brick — Grist Mill — Marblp Works — Wheelwrights — Blacksmiths — Painters — Harness Makers — Carpenters — Masons — Jewellers — Civil Engineers — Surveyors of Land— Photographers — En- gravers of Wood and Metals — Floriculture — Dealers in Coal and Lumber — Dry Goods and Groceries — Meat Markets — Dry Goods — Millinery — Fancy Goods — Clothing Stores — Mer- chant Tailors — Dealers in Boots and Shoes— Drugs and Medi- cines — First National Bank — Savings Bank — Post Offices — Printing — The Gardner News 151) CHAPTER VIII. Governors — Representatives — Town Officers — Justices of the Peace etc 200 CHAPTER IX. CARE OF THE POOR. A Dictate of Humanity — Instances from the Bible — Mendicants Divided into Two Classes, the Settled Poor and the Vagrants — How Treated in the Reign of Henry VIII. and Previously — Act for the Suppression of Vagrancy in 1531 — Severe Punish- ment of "Sturdy Mendicants" — Treatment of the Poor in the xii CONTENTS. PAGE. Early Colonies — Legislation of Plymouth and Massachusetts Colonies, Concerning Vagrancy — Instance of Warning Recent Settlers out of Towd, by the Selectmen of Gardner — Improved Condition of Workingmen in England — Instances of their Mode of Living — Vagrancy Fostered by Indiscriminate Almsgiving — Remarks of Mr. Lambert, Poor Law Inspector, in England — Early Method of Caring for the Poor, in this Town — Vendu- ing Them to the Lowest Bidder, at the Annual Town Meeting — Purchase of AVork House, in 1S49 — Rules and Regulations for the Government of the Work Mouse — Size of the Town Farm — Cost of Supporting the Poor, Aunually, Since 1860 — Names of Masters of the Work House 218 CHAPTER X. VARIOUS LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS. Military — Gardner Light Infantry — Gardner Grays — G. D. Far- ragut Post No. 116, G. A. R.— Hope Lodge — Odd Fellows — Hibernians — Fire Department — -Cataract No. 1 — Constitution and By-Laws — Prizes — Torrent No. 2 — Constitution and By- Laws — Prizes — Special Rules and Regulations of the Fire De- partment — Rules for Fire Alarms — Firemen's Muster, in Gard- ner, September .5th, 1877 — Driving Park — Rifle Club — Steam- boat Company — Sovereigns of Industry — Musical Associations — Bands — Worcester North Musical Association — Constitution — Young Men's Christian Association — Temperance Organiza- tions — Temperance Legislation in the Plymouth and Massachu- setts Colonies — Formation of the First Temperance Organiza- tion, in 1808 — Gardner Temperance Society, When F'ormed, Constitution — Washington Total Abstinence Society, Constitu- tion, By-Laws — Gardner Temperance Society, When Reformed — Seizure of Liquors, Account of, in Boston Times — Sons of Temperance — Philokalia Lodge — Reform Club — Women's Christian Temperance Unions — Temperance League — The Murphy Movement — Repeated Efforts to Expel the Liquor Traffic — Present Licehses 244 CHAPTER XI. CEMETERIES. Derivation of the Word Cemetery — Custom of Burying the Dead Among Ancients — Town Burying Yard — Vote to Purchase Land of Seth Hey wood in 1785 — Additional Purchase in 1806 — Deed for the Same — Hearses — South Gardner Green Bow- er Cemetery — By-Laws — Crystal Lake Cemetery — Rules and Regulations 288 CHAPTER XII. INVENTORS AND INVENTIONS. Pearson Cowee — Levi Hey wood — ^Gardner A. Watkius — Description C0NTENT8. xiii PAGE. of the Splicing Machine — Power Loom, for Weaving Chair Seats, etc. — Samuel L. Fitts — Frank F. Parker — George W. Parker — Quotation from Lord Bacon, Concerning Inventions and Inventors. . . . • 299 CHAPTER XIII. PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Quotation from Prof. Read of Philadelphia — Once a Small Public Library at the Centre — The Absence of a Public Library a Serious Defect — South Gardner Social Library Association — Legacy of Abijah M. Severy — The Severy Will — Contents of this Library — Number of Shares 315 CHAPTER XIV. MEMORABLE EVENTS. Fires and Injuries by Lightning, etc. — Casualties — Small Pox — Suicide — Murders — List of Persons who have Died in this Town Over Eighty Years of Age 320 CHAPTER XV. GENEALOGY OF THE EARLY FAMILIES OF GARDNER. The names of the families, in this chapter, are arranged alphabeti- cally, for the convenience of the reader, so that they need not be repeated, under this heading. 329 CHAPTER XVI. BIOGRAPHIC. Resident Physicians — Physicians Formerly Resident Here — Den- tists- -Attorneys and Counsellors at Law — Graduates — Men of Note — Names of Young Men now Pursuing a Course of Ed- ucation, in Different Colleges and Schools 394 CHAPTER XVII. MILITARY AFFAIRS. Names of Revolutionary Soldiers — Gardner in the War for the Union — Causes of Our Civil War — General Excitement in Gardner, on Receiving news irom Fort Sumpter — Seventy-five Thousand Volunteers Called For — Gardner's First Town Meet- ing, to Provide Volunteers — Subsequent Votes — Number of Enlistments — ^Tables Showing the Name, Age at the Time of Enlistment, etc., of Every Man who Entered the Service — Cost of the War, to the Town in Money — Names of those who were Killed or Died in the Service 416 CHAPTER XVIIL SCHOOLS. Origin of the Common School System — Public Schools in the xiv CONTENTS. PAGE. Plymouth and Massachusetts Colonies — Schools the Outgrowth of the College — Remaik of Pres. J. H. Seelye of Amherst College — First Division of the Town into Districts — Vote to Squadron out the Town — When School Houses were First Built in Town- — How they were Located — Brief Terms of Schooling — Small Pay of School Teachers — Choosing a Com- mittee of Four to Inspect Schools, at the Opening and Close of Each Term, in J807 — Second Districting of the Town, in 1818 — First Money Received from the State, for the Benefit of Schools, in 1808 — Abolislimcnt of the District System and In- auguration of Graded Schools, in 1869 — Appraisal of School Property — High School — P'ailure to Establish One, in 1856 but Established in 1866--Where Located---Voted to Build a New High School House, in 1872 — Report of the Committee Chosen to Procure a Site and to Estimate the Cost — Architect — When the High School Building was Completed — When First Occupied — Description of the Building and Groimds — Names of Teachers — Course of Study — Ts ames of School Com- mittee, and Annual Appropriation, from the Incorporation of the Town, to the Present Date 440 CHAPTER XIX. CHURCHES AND THEIR PASTORS. Events Preceding Flstablisliment of Church and Ministry of this Town — Remarks of D'Aubigne Concerning the Study of Great Things in Small— His Remarks Concerning Calvin as the Father of Ameiican Liberty, Civil and Religious — Martyrs of the Sixteenth Century — Formation of a Church of Separatists at Scrooby — Sailing of the Mayflower from South Hampton — Plantation Religious — Worldly Gain not the End of the Peo- ple of New England, but Religion — Language of Increase Mather Concerning the Pilgrims — Of Hubbard — Judgment of Bancroft — Humanity's Rights Recovered in the Cabin of the Mayflower — Reasons for Union of Church and State in the Colonies — Strong Colonial Government Necessary— The Con- gregational tlie Established Church — Every Man Obliged to • Contribute to Its Support — Subsequently Modified — Voluntary System Adopted in 1833 — Gospel Preaching Required by Law — Character of New England Ministry — Rev. Jonathan May- hew, Author of '• Committee of Correspondence" — First Parish and Church Till 1867 — Early Action of the Town in Building Their First Meeting-house — Voted to Build — Condition of Sale of Timber and Stuff" — Schedule — Digging the Trench and Pro- viding Underpinning — Nails Bought with Butter — The Raising —-The Sale of Pews — Finishing the Inside of the Meeting- house — Color of the Meeting-house — Repairs of the Meeting- CONTENTS. XV PAGE. house in 1845 — Conditions of Repair-— Occupied till May 1st, 1867 — Vote Concerning the Bass Viol in the Old Church — First Congregational Church When Formed — Covenant— Hir- ing of Preaching in 1785 — Call of a Pastor — Proposed Salary — Call to Jonathan Osgood, July 21st, 1781 — Conditions of Settlement and Salary — Installation — Character of Mr. Os- good — Call to Mr. Lincoln — Sketch of Mr. Lincoln — His Dis- mission from the First Cliurch — Mr. Farr — Mr. Cutler — At- tempt at Union in 1846 — Mr. Fish — Mr. Bannister — Call Ex- tended to Mr. Paine in 1817 — When Dismissed — Call to Mr. Herrick — When Dismissed — Evangelical Congregational So- ciety and Church — From 1830 to 1867 — Constitution of the Society — Building of the New Church — Abandonment of the Old Church, and Occupation of the New One Erected in 1856 — Movement for Uniting the Two Societies in 1867 — Terms of Union — United April 18th, 1867 — Evangelical Congregational Church Formed in 1830 — Its Pastors — Votes of the Church Re- garding Slavery — First Congregational Church and Society Since 1867 — Conditions Upon Which the Two Churches Unit- ed — Pastors of the United Church — Erection of a Parsonage — Vote to Build a New Church — Description of the New Church — The Baptist Society and Church — Formation of the Society in 1828 — Building of the Church in 1833 — Repaired in 1872 — Funds of the Society — Baptist Church When Formed --Names of Pastors and Terms of Service — Catholic Church — When Organized — Extent of the Parish — Building of the New Church — Names of the Pastors — Universalist Church — • When Founded — Preamble — Church Organization — Covenant — Building of the New Church — When Dedicated — Sketch of Pastors — Methodist Episcopal Church — Outcome From First Congregational Church — Letter of Mr. Osgood to Mr. Stone — Lorenzo Dow — Society Existed in 1800 — Revival in 1827 — Society Formed in 1869 — Chapel Built on West Street — New Edifice Dedicated August, 1877 — Its Cost, Its Dimensions — Sketch of Its Pasters — Final Remarks 466 ILLUSTRATIONS. W, D. Herrick Frontispiece. MAPS. Map of the Town Following Introductiou. Map of the Villages End of the Work. VIE]YS OF THE VILLAGES. FACING P^GES Gardner Centre and West Village (From Glazier Hill) . . 32 South Gardner Village (From Kendall Hill) 48 VIEWS OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS, ETC. Town Hall 64 Gardner Work House 240 High School House 456 First Congregational Church 504 First National Bank 192 VIEWS OF CIIAIB F AC TOBIES. Chair Factory of Philander Derby 128 Chair Factory of Hey wood Brothers & Co 176 Paint Shop of Heywood Brothers & Co 184 PBIVA TE BESIDENCES. Residence of Levi Heywood 144 Residence of S. K. Pierce 168 Residence of Philander Derby 280 Residence of Seth Heywood 328 FOB TB AITS. Philander Derby 160 Levi Heywood 304 David Parker, M. D 400 Thomas P^. Glazier 416 John M. Moore 440 Sylvester K. Pierce 45(5 History of Gardner. CHAPTER I. THE TOWN CONSIDERED AS AN INTEGRANT PART OF THE UNITED STATES. "God made the coiuitiy and man made the town."' — Cowper's Task. /TV HERE is much wisdom embodied in the saying of Avis- JL totle, "that tlie nature of everytliing is best seen in its smallest portions." This wisdom is applicable to all who are seeking for ti correct understanding of the principles upon which the government of these United States, and the execution of its laws, is based. It is natural for us to inquire into the causes of things, to seek for the source and hidden depths out of which spring those events, which arrest attention and deter- mine the condition of society for succeeding ages. Kane, en- during the rigors of an Arctic winter, in search of an open Polar Sea, Livingston and Stanley, hunting, amid the dangers of African exploration, for the sources of the Nile, are fit illus- trations of a desire in man to make himself familiar with the orioin of thinos. Hence it is, that the student of our United States government, must not content himself in merely viewing it as a central organization, whose power, through its Chief Executive, is felt to the remotest parts of the nation ; he must continue his investigations till he has asce.rtained "the fons et origo from which this power is derived. In so dding he will be ^led directly to the source of all power in the nation, as imma- 2 HISTORY OF GARDNER. iient in the sovereign people. This investigation ^vill ultimately lead him to a consideration of the town as an integrant portion of the nation. In his " History of New England," Mr. Palfrey remai-ks that " Avith something of the same propriety, with which the nation may be said to be a confederacy of republics, called states, each New England state may be described as a confederacy of minor republics, called towns." Tracing our nation to its ele- mentary sources, we reach the town,Avhose origin and functions are thought to be worthy of some special notice in a work like this. The word town is derived from the old English word tun, and this from tynan, meaning to enclose. In early times, in Great Britain, the word was used to denote an assemblage of houses having a market and surrounded by a wall. Some- times it denoted an enclosure, containing the homestead or dwelling of the lord of the manor. According to Blackstone the idea of the town is Saxon in its origin, and is allied to the Saxon word tithing, meaning, in ancient law, " a number or company of ten house-holders, who, dwelling near each other, were sureties or free pledges to the king, for the good behavior of each other." Whatever may have been the origin of the term, we find that in New England, from its first settlement, the town was the primary organization. Its existence, though somewhat peculiar to the New England States, seems to have been a necessity to the colonists, in order that they might more conveniently and securely reach the ends for which they sought a settlement upon these shores. No sooner had they made their selections of land, formed their little settlements and builded their rude dwellings, in convenient proximity to each other, than they organized themselves into an independent mu- nicipality, in which every citizen exercised the sovereign right of suifrage. It is worthy of remark here, that the town as an integral portion of the state and the republic, is an institution in great degree, peculiar to New England. Here the towns existed HISTORY OF GARDNER. 3 previous to the counties and the state. Sul^sequently the towns were formed into counties. But in the southern portion of the country there are parishes instead of towns. The town is an independent municipality, and is a direct result of the principle of pojDular sovereignty. "The doctrine of the sovereignty of the people," says De Tocqueville, " came out of the townships, and took possession of the states. Political life (in New Eng- land) had its origin in the townships ; and it may almost be said, that each of them formed an independent nation. When the kings of England afterwards asserted their supremacy, they were content to assume the central power of the state. They left the townships where they were before ; and although they are now subject to the state, they were not at first, or were hardly so. They did not receive their power from the central authority ; but on the contrary, they gave up a portion of their independence to the state. The townships are subordinate to the state, only in those interests which I shall term social, as they are common to all others. They are independent in all that concerns themselves alone ; and amongst the inhabitants of New England, I believe, that not a man is to be found who would acknowledge that the state has any right to interfere in their town affairs. The people reign in the American political world, as the Deity does in the universe. They are the cause and the aim of all things ; everything comes from them and everything is absorbed in them. " In America the principle of the sovereignty of the people is neither barren nor concealed, as it is with some other nations. It is recognized by the customs and proclaimed by the laws ; it spreads freely and arrives without impediment at its most re- mote consequences. If there be a country in the world where the doctrine of the sovereignty of the people can be fairly ap- preciated, where it can be studied in its application to the affairs of society, and where its dangers and its advantages may be judged, that country is America." From the foundation of the colonies, the social condition of the American people has ever been increasingly democratic. From 4 HISTORY OF GAIW^^E1L the beginning, there has ever been a jealousy of superiority and a steadfast aiming at equality in all political rights. In New England, the germs of aristocracy were never planted. Farther south they obtained ground in the earliest history of the nation. It was this hatred of arrogancy of power, in New England, that made our fathers intolerant of all priestly domination and urged them to expel from their midst the representatives of the estab- lished church of England. In the words of Eev. John Wise of Ipswich, " Democracy is Christ's government in church and in state. The pew and the pulpit had l)een educated to self- government." Said Lord Chatham, in his celebrated letter to the king, "They left their native land in search of freedom, and found it in a desei't. Divided as the}' are into a thousand forms of policy and religion, there is one point in which they all agree; they equally detest the pageantr}' of a king and the supercilious hypocrisy of a bishop." Some idea of this independence of early American democracy may be seen in a print executed in those times, entitled " An attempt to land a bishop in America." The scene is at a wharf, at which is lyino' a vessel into whose rioo:ino; is climbino a bishop, clothed in his vestments, out of whose mouth are pro- ceeding the words, of good old Simeon, " Lord now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace." The colonists are represented as pelting him Avith works entitled, " Locke," "Sydney on Gov- ernment," "Calvin's Works," "Barclay's Apology," Avhile above their heads are floating banners surmounted by the cap of liberty and bearing the exclamations, " Liberty and freedom," " No lords spiritual or temporal in New England," " Shall they be obliged to maintain bishops, who cannot maintain themselves I" Thus with the resolute exertions of the colonists aided by pikes, the vessel is pushed from the wharf, on whose deck is seen the bishop's carriage with the wheels off: the crosier and mitre hanging in the rigging, while " the saint in lawn" seems quite glad to be put on his voyage to a land whose soil and climate are more congenial to the growth of bishops, than that whose shores he leaves behind. The motto of the colonists was, "A HISTORY OF GARDNER. 5 church without a bishop and a state without a king." This scene is introduced here to show the spirit of independence in which American democracy had its birth and early nurture. It was this love of sovereignty, this spirit of independence, and self- government that early manifested itself in the townships of New England, which began their existence as early as 1650. From this time forward, our fathers began most clearly to verify the saying of Aristotle that, "Man is by natui-e a political being." They possessed an independence in some degree, " scornful of experience and jealous of all authority." They began, in their New England towns, to show to the world that, " a democracy more perfect than antiquity had dared to dream of, started in full size and panoply from the midst of an ancient feudal society." It being the fact then, that American democracy had its birth and early development in our New England townships, it will be a matter of interest, to consider the town, in its corporate capacity, as a miniature of this great republic. In doing this, we shall l^ecome better acquainted with the important position which these little municipalities hold, and the mighty influence they exert in controlling the destinies of the nation, "whose government is of the people, by the people and /or the people." If then society governs " itself for itself," centering all power in its own bosom, there must be some well established method by which the sovereign will of the people shall find fitting ex- pression. And, since the freeman's ballot is the most approved method of expressing his Mill, politically, he must have some convenient method by Avhich to do this. He cannot visit, as often as his vote is sought, the capitol of the nation, or the state. This necessity he avoids through the provision he has made, for his convenience, in the laws which he has enacted for the government of the town. It is here, at home, and among his neighbors, that as often as he may be required, he exercises the right of suf}ra2:e. Here it is that he declares who shall fill the chair of the Chief Executive of the nation, for the com'ing four years. Here, also, he determines who shall serve him in 6 HISTORY OF GARDNER. the nation's house of representatives, and inclirectly through his representative in the state legislature, who shall occupy the high and responsible position of United States senator. Here, also, he chooses the governor of the commonwealth and all those officers whose election to positions of " honor and trust" is secured by the votes of the people. Here, also, he chooses the officers of the county in wdiicli his town is located. Tiius, within the limits of his own township, the American citizen wields the sovereign power by which he controls the destinies of the nation and the state, of which he proudly re- gards himself as a constituent portion. But while the Ameri- can citizen thus remotely and indirectly shapes the character of the state and national governments and their administrations, yet, nowhere does he exercise his power so immediately as in the choice he makes of town officers. In matters of state and national concern, he acts through those whom he chooses to represent him, while in the selection of town officers, the exer- cise of his sovereign right, as a freeman, has its immediate effect. As an individual meml)er of that great organic whole, called the nation, " every man," as Blackstone says, " when he enters into society, gives up a part of his natural liberty as the price of so valuable a purchase." This "giving up a part of his natural liberty," the American citizen cheerfully does, that he may aid in constituting a government which shall not only con- trol himself, but guarantee to him the protection of life, liberty and property, which find their security only in a wise and be- nevolent general government. " The end of the state," says Aristotle, " is not merely to live, but to live nobly." "The state," says Hegel, " is the realization of freedom and it is the absolute end of reason that freedom be real." The American citizen understands the value of free republican government, in which is realized the axiom, omnea Jioynines, matura oequales sunt, all men are by nature equal. He willingly subjects himself to the abridgment of his own liberty, that he may enjoy the high- est liberty, which is liberty under law. He believes with Mil- HISTORY OF GARDNER. 7 ton that, " a nation onght to be as but one huge christian person- age, one mighty growth or stature of an honest man, as big and compact in virtue as in body, for look, what the ground and causes are of single happiness to one man, the same ye shall find them to a w4iole state ;" or as Burke says, " The state ought not to be considered as a partnership agreement to be taken up for a little temporary interest and dissolved at the fancy of the parties. It is to be looked on with reverence, be- cause it is not a partnership in things subservient to the gross animal existence of a temporary and perishable nature. It is a partnership in all science ; a partnership in all art ; a partner- ship in every virtue and in all perfection." This wisdom of these sages, the sovereign people of our re- public cheerfully subscribe to, while at the same time, they do not ignore their peculiar rights as citizens of their respective townships. Within these limits they allow no state interference beyond the bounds which they have fixed through their repre- sentative in the state legislature. It is here, within the town- ship that the student of American democracy, must begin his studies of American institutions. It is here, in the American town meeting that he will find democracy not only in its germ, but as having what Lord Bacon calls, "sprinjring and germinant accomplishment" in the Avider ranges of state and national af- fairs. Here every man, the rich and the poor, the native born, and he who is born in other lands, having become naturalized, deposits his ballot without fear of challenge or intimidation, and one man's ballot is as valuable as that of another. To the dem- ocratic citizen of our New England township, the town meeting is an institution of incalculable importance. Here more than any where else he feels the bracing atmosphere of lilierty and equality before the law. Here he discusses and determines great state and national issues, and with fervid and voluminous argumentation, and the practice of those mysterious arts, in wdiich he is so well trained, he wins his political victories or suffers his political defeats. Here he chooses from his fellow citizens, those otficers of the town, in all their gradations, "who 8 HISTORY OF GARDNER. shall act as the agents through Avhoiii the popular Avill shall find expression. Thus the town meeting becomes an educator of American youth and the promoter of American democracy. " Town meetings," says De Tocqueville, " are to liberty, what primary schools are to science ; they bring it within the people's reach, they teach men how to use and how to enjoy it." At the ballot box, all men, with few exceptions and restrictions, patent to all, are placed upon an equality. This privilege educates men in the value of human freedom, so long withheld from the masses under oligarchal, monarchical and feudal forms of government. Along with the ballot, dropped from the free- man's hand, comes to him a higher sense of manhood and per- sonal worth. It is here that the young man takes his first les- son in the dignity of political sovereignty. The privilege of voting in town meeting, has a direct ten- dency to produce in men a deeper interest in all that relates to the welfare of the community, the state and the nation. He feels that upon him, as a voter, rests in some sense the weal or woe of the social fid^ric of which he is part. Says De Tocque- ville again, 'Tn the American townships, power has been dis- seminated with admirable skill, for the purpose of interesting the greatest possii)le number of persons in the common weal. Independently of the voters, who are from time to time called into action, the power is divided among innumerable function- aries and officers, who all in their several spheres, represent the powerful community in whose name they act. The local ad- ministration thus aflbrds an unfailing source of profit and in- terest to a vast number of individuals. In this manner the ac- tivity of the township is continually perceptible ; it is daily manifested in the fulfillment of a duty or the exercise of a right, and a constant though gentle motion is kept up in society, which animates, without disturbing it. The American attaches him- self to his little community for the same reason that the moun- taineer clings to his hills, because the characteristic features of his country are there more distinctly marked ; it has a more striking physiognomy. The native of New England is attached HISTORY OF GARDNER. 9 to his township, because it is independent and free ; his co- operation in its affairs insures his attachment to its interests ; the well-being it affords him, secures his affection ; and its wel- fare is the aim of his ambition, and of his future exertions. He takes a part in every occurrence in the place ; he practices the art of government in the small sphere within his reach ; he ac- customs himself to those forms without which liberty can only advance by revolutions ; he imbibes their spirit ; he acquires a taste for order ; comprehends the balance of power and col- lects clear practical notions on the nature of his duties and the extent of his rights." There is nothing connected with the working of our muni- cipal and state governments, which strikes the foreigner with more surprise and interest, than the absence of all sJioiv of ad- ministrative authority. Pie enters one of our towns and, perhaps lives in it, for many days or months, but fails to discover the source from which proceeds the direction and control of its pub- lic affairs. He sees no pompous or fussy official, clothed in the insignia of his office, and swelling with a consciousness of his brief authority ; no gens d\irmes nor mounted policeman, busy in keeping the peace and executing the laws. He would pos- sibly be at considerable inconvenience, to find the source of au- thority, in town matters, should he so desire. And yet, authority is not wanting. If the municipal machinery moves thus quietly, there is a power that moves it. This moving poAver will be found to reside in a class of men, elected at " the annual town meeting " called town officers, whose duties are clearly defined by state enactment. These officers, in whom resides the ad- ministration of town affairs, deserve mention in the present chapter, and since the selectmen, more than any other town officers, embody and express the popular will, special attention will be paid to their duties and powers, while other town offiicers will have only a brief mention. Selectmen. — Every town at its annual town meeting shall choose from the inhabitants thereof, a board of officers, called selectmen. This board shall consist of three, five, seven or 2 10 HISTORY OF GARDNER. nine men, chosen by ballot. According to Massachusetts Gen- eral Statutes "every person elected selectman, who enters upon the performance of his duties, before taking the oath of office, shall forfeit for such offence, a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. The selectmen shall be assessors of taxes and over- seers of the poor, in towns where other persons are not spec- ially chosen to those oiEces, and when acting as assessors, they shall take the oath required of assessors." " The powers and duties of selectmen are not fully defined by statute. Many of the acts usually performed by them, in be- half of towns and which are recognized as within their appro- priate sphere, have their origin and foundation in long continued usage. The management of the prudential affairs of towns, necessarily requires the exercise of a large discretion, and it would be quite 'impossible, by positive enactment, to place defi- nite limits to the powers and duties of selectmen, to whom the direction and control of such affairs are intrusted. Speaking generally, it may be said, that they are agents to take the gen- eral superintendence of the business of a town ; to supervise the doings of subordinate agents and the disbursement of moneys, appropriated by vote of the town, to take care of its property, and perform other similar duties. But they are not general agents. They are not clothed with the general power of the corporate body, for which they act. They can only exercise such powers and perform such duties as are necessarily and properly incident to the special and limited authority conferred on them by their office. They are special agents, empowered to do only such acts as are required to meet the exigencies of ordinary town business. They are not authorized to institute or defend suits, where the town is a party, without special power given them by the town."* There are, however, certain duties made imperative by statute upon selectmen. The Gen- eral Statute declares that the annual meeting of each town shall be held in February, March or April ; and other meetings at * Herrick's Town Officer, p. 63. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 11 such times as the selectmen may order. According to state au- thority, every town meeting shall be held in pursuance of a warrant, under the hands of the selectmen, directed to the con- stables, or some other persons, appointed by the selectmen for that purpose, who shall forthwith notify such meeting in the manner prescribed by the by-laws, or a vote of the town. The selectmen may, by the same Avarrant, call two or more distinct town meetings, for distinct purposes. The w^arrant shall express the time and place of the meetino- and the subjects to be there acted npon : the selectmen shall in- sert therein, all subjects which may, in Avriting, be requested of them, by any ten or more voters of tiie town, and nothinff acted upon shall have a legal operation, unless the subject matter thereof, is contained in the warrant. They shall, at least ten days before the annual toAvn election and at least ten days before the Tuesday next after the first Monday in Novem- ber, annually, make correct alphabetical lists, of all the persons qualified to vote for the several officers to be elected at those periods ; and shall at least ten days before said election, cause such a list to be posted up in two or more public places in their respective towns. According to an act of the legislature of 1877, the selectmen of each town, shall make and keep a record of all persons entitled to vote therein, at any election for town, coun- ty, state or national officers, which shall be known as a Register of Voters. Said register shall contain the names of such voters, written in full, the street or place in town where each resides at the time of registration, each voters occupation, and such other specifications as ma}' be necessary to fully identify the persons named, and the date of registration. No name shall be added to a voting list in any town, until it has been recorded in said register, and none shall be added to a list of voters in use at any election, after the opening of the polls, except to correct a clerical error or omission, and all names on voting lists shall be written or printed in full. The selectmen shall be in session at some convenient place, for a reasonable time, within forty-eight hours next preceding all meetings for the election of the officers 12 HISTORY OF GARDNER. aforesaid, for the purpose of receiving evidence of the qualifi- cation of persons, claiming a right to vote,*in such elections, and correcting the list of voters. They shall hold this meeting for one hour, at least, before the opening of the meeting, on the day of the election. Notice of time and place of holding the sessions, shall be given on the posted list. The selectmen shall enter on such list, the name of any person known to them to-be qualified to vote, and shall erase therefrom the name of any person known to them not to be qualified ; they shall, before entering upon the lists the name of a naturalized citizen, require him to produce for their in- spection, his papers of naturalization, and be satisfied that he has been legally naturalized ; they shall decide whether national, state, district and county officers shall be voted for on one bal- lot, or at the same time on separate ballots, and shall give notice thereof in the Avarrant calling the meeting. They shall preside at town meetings for the election of national, state, dis- trict and county officers, and shall have all the powers which are vested in moderators ; they shall procure of the secretary of the commonwealth a sufficient number of self-sealin Cotiimittee. Elijah Wilder, ) Gardner, Sept. 25th, 1786. Voted, To accept the report of this committee. To Capt. Samuel Kelton, chose to sit in convention. It is not certain that an}- of the citizens of Gardner, actively participated in the opposition then raised against state govern- ment. It will, however, be seen, by the instructions given to the delegate chosen to sit in convention, at Paxton, that they possessed emphatic ideas, upon the scarcity of money, high salaries, which, while they were willing to have "handsome," they desired to have " taken down," and that the " lawyers and inferior courts should be entirely annihilated." They also had so little regard for what has since been called the Athens of America, as to desire that the General Court should be removed out of it, " to some country town." Since nothing further is recorded, upon the town records, concerning the action of this convention, nor of the town in it, HISTORY OF GARDJ^ER. 79 we may conclude that the inhabitants had ceased to vent their feelings in this direction. They did not, however, cease to manifest a deep interest in state affairs. Leaving inferior things, their minds were brought to bear upon the Governor himself, whose ears they feared not to assault, in the following well expi'iissed petition, which Capt. Elisha Jackson was chosen to bear directly to the hands of Governor Bowdoin. Let the reader picture to himself the personal appearance of this same Capt. Elisha Jackson, as, " intent on high designs," and " true to imagined right," he laid the petition of his town, before the Governor, with the spirit of the " Arvernian aristo- crat," Vercingetorix, as he cast his arms at the feet of Csesar, in his Gallic camp. Though " little among the thousands" of the state, Gardner was intent on being heard by the Governor and his Council. What effect the petition had upon these august personages, or what Avas its influence upon the future destinies of the state, does not appear. To his Excellency , James Boivdoin, Esq., Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and to the Honorable Council of said Commonwealth : The petition of the town of Gardner, humbly showeth, that, whereas, the state disturl)ances, and rising of the people in this state, in stopping the courts, etc., threatens the ruin of this state, if not all the states in the union, if matters are not settled soon, and in peace ; we therefore pray, your Excellenc}^ with the Council, to do everything in your power, for the settlement of the same, even to the liberating of Capt. Shattuck and others, Avho are confined in any of the gaols of this commonwealth, who are of the party that is called Regulators, and are confined on that account, if it could be, without a trial, if not, that they mav have it as quick as may be, and if even found guilty, they may have a pardon, and that no more of that party may be taken, if there is any likelihood of there being any means of settling the matter. And we have been informed, that the body, called Regulators, have petitioned that the Court of the General Ses- 80 HISTORY OF GABBNER. sions of the Peace, etc., should be put l)y, in several of the counties, until a new house should be chosen. We had better suffer a little, than a civil war should take place. Therefore, if the suspension of the courts, a little while, in a few counties, would be a means of accommodating the matter, we could wish for that, and until the people in the out counties, coukl even be informed of what the General Court have already done, con- cerning matters that are called grievances, though we have not a right of representation, by the Constitution, yet we have a right to pray for peace, which must be the strength and happi- ness of a people. Therefore, we pray, that everything you can do, to bring about peace, might l)e done, and that your Excel- lency lay the above before the General Court at their session. And we pray for their acceptance in completing the same, and that the God of Peace, may grant 3'ou all that wisdom, that the times call for ; that peace and happiness be restored again to the people of this state. Voted, That the town clerk date this petition and sign it. Joseph Bacon, Town Clerk. Gardner, January 15th, 1787. Voted, To choose some person to convey this petition to the Governor. Voted, That Elisha Jackson be the person. For the sake of our children, who might otherwise remain in ignorance of the events which threatened the existence and perpetuity of our republican institutions, at this particular period of our history, we cannot resist the temptation to insert here, an account of " The Shays' Eebellion," which occurred at this time. We arc indebted to William L. Smith, Esq., a lawyer in Springfield, for the following comprehensive and reliable account of this rebellion, which he read before the Con- necticut Valley Historical Society, at Springfield, Oct. 1st, 1877. SHAYS' REBELLION. The history of the insurrection in Massachusetts — commonly called the " Shays' Rebellion" — is interesting as the record of HISTORY OF GARDNER, 81 the only serious attempt ever made against the authority of the state government. The insurrection having first taken an organized form in the Connecticut valley and having here met its final overthrow, the preservation of local facts concerning it is expressly within the province of this society. This paper will relate mainly to such incidents of the rebellion as occurred in Springfield and the immediate vicinity. The insurrection wais the result of a condition of things now popularly described as "hard times." It did not originate so much in disaffection toward the state 2:overnment as in an uncontrollable impulse of a distressed people to seek relief in some way, or any way. The long and burdensome war of the Revolution had just been brought to a close. The country was impoverished. The continental paper money had become worthless, and no substitute for it had l)een provided. There was no trade, no demand for labor, no way in which the value of property of any kind could be measured. Under the bar- barous laws then in force, the jails were becoming filled with prisoners whose only offense was their inability to pay their debts. Men who had nothing to do but to talk about their grievances and distresses were easily excited to turbulence, and local disturbances were frequent and serious. The authorities were too often in sympathy with the oflenders against the law, and guilty parties went unpunished. The state constitution, adopted in 1780, was viewed with disfavor by a large minority of the people and was not regarded as securely established. The constitution of the United States had not then been framed, and all existing government was merely experimental. There Avas at that time no law for the equitable distribution of a debtor's property among his creditors. The executions of the creditors were levied in the order in which their attach- ments were made, and each creditor was satisfied in his tui'u until all Avere paid, or the debtor's estate was exhausted. A man whose credit was suspected found his property covered by attachments at once, and in the condition of things then exist- ing a very slight circumstance excited suspicion. Litigation 11 82 HISTORY OF GARDNER. became general. The state was showered with executions, and hirge amounts of property Avere sold for almost nothing to satisfy them. In the unreasoning excitement of the time, the courts, lawyers and sheriffs were denounced in the wildest terms as the promoters of the suffering that men were inflicting upon each other. A cry arose that the courts ought to be abolished. Threats were made that the courts should not be allowed to sit, that no more suits should be entered and no more executions issued. It was such wild clamor as this that led to the first overt act in resistance to the lawful authority. There was no geuci-al insurrection until the summer of 178(3, but as early as 1783 a bold attempt was made at Springfield to break up the session of the court of common pleas. The "Massachusetts Gazette or the General Advertiser' (then printed at Springfield j of May 27, gives this account of it : — On Tuesday last, beiug the day on which the geueral sessions of the peace and the court of common pleas opened in this town, a banditti, collected from the obscure corners of the county, composed of men of the most infamous character, to the amoimt of about sixty in number, met in this town to prevent the sitting of the court. * * * They showed no disposition to attack the courts in the forenoon ; at two o'clock they met at a public house in the town and resolved themselves to be a convention of tlie county, met together for the purpose of re- dressing grievances ; after having passed several important resolves they adjourned their convention to the elm tree near the court-house ; when the bell rang for tlie court, they, in hostile parade, armed with white bludgeons, cut for that pui'pose, marched befoi-e the door of tlie court- house, and when tlie court, headed by the sheriff, came to the door, with insolence opposed their entrance ; the slieriif, in tlie mild terms of per- suasion, addressing them as gentlemen, desired them to make way. His civiUty was repaid with outrage, and an action soon commenced ; happily there was a collection of people friendly to the government pres- ent, and the mob was repulsed with broken heads. A number of them were instantly taken and committed to prison ; after which, by a regular procedure, they were brought before the court of sessions for examina- tion, and were bound to appear before the supreme court. HISTORY OF GARDJ\^ER. 83 The Legislature of 1786 was elected at a time of o-reat ex- citement. Demaofoafism was in its "lorv, and the distresses of the people were used for the accomplishment of personal and political ends. Many of the men who had hitherto been in- trusted with the responsibilities of legislation, and were prom- inent in the service of the state, were superseded by inexpe- rienced and in many cases by utterly unfit persons. Patriots of the revolution, Avhose eloquent appeals had aroused the spirit that carried the country triumphantly through the Avar of independence, were defeated as candidates, merely because they happened to be lawyers. AVhen the Legislature assembled various visionary schemes were brought forward, among them a proposition that the state should go into the business of raan- utacturing paper money. The "greenback" party of the day was active and nois}'. The very men who had lived through a period of great inflation and consequent depreciation wanted to travel over the same wretched road again. We should wonder at this if we had not recently seen history repeating itself in this particidar. After reading the discussions of that time one is brought to the conclusion that the advocates of raof money have not materially strengthened their arguments during the last ninety years. The Legislature proceeded deliberately, influenced, no doubt, by the conservative sentiment of Boston, and finally rejected the proposition ; and the Senate stood firmly in the way of other dangerous schemes. Thereupon there arose a new clamor. It was declared that the senate should be abolished and that the Legislature should not continue to hold its sessions at Boston ; and the agitators proceeded to supple- ment their boisterous declamations by a formal organization. The Legislature adjourned on the 8th of July. On the 28th of August delegates from fifty towns in Hampshire county (Hampden and Franklin counties were part of Hampshire at that time) met in convention at Hatfield and held a session of three days. All the issues of the day were represented in that convention. The paper money part}- was in strong force. The men wdio " had fought for liberty and meant to have it," were 84 HISTORY OF GARDNER. there, and liberty as they understood it Avas defined by one of their leaders in a speech at West Springfield. Liberty, ho said, " is for every man to do as he pleases and to make other folks do as you please to have them." Of course there was a mixture of local politics. There was some in the convention wdio hon- estly thought they could see their w^ay out of their troubles throuo;h mere lesrislation, but with all of them the idea of re- dressing grievances by revolution was familiar and popular. The convention solemnly voted " that this meeting is con- stitutional," and issued a declaration of its purposes. The declaration was a marked specimen of energetic fault-finding, but failed to present practical recommendations for the removal of the evils complained of. They wanted, among various other things, a revisal of the state constitution, the al)olition of the Senate and of the court of common pleas, and more paper money. The convention called upon other counties to organize and took care to go through the form of advising the people to abstain from all mobs and unlawful assemblies. The events of the next few days gave an unexpected con- struction to the convention's declaration against mobs and unlawful assemblies. The last Tuesday of August was the day fixed b^^ law for the term of the court of common pleas at NorthamptoD. Some fifteen hundred men took possession of the court-house, and prevented the sitting of the court. The term Avas not held, and the men who did not intend to pay their debts celebrated a victory over the law. After accomplishing its object the mob dispersed, but the insurrection was then under full headway. It took the clerk of the court but very little time to record the proceedings of that term. Here is the full record : — Early on the morning of this day tliere was collected a considerable number of persons under arms, wlio paraded near the court-liouse, with a proposed design to prev'cut tliis court from sitting ; a committee from whom presented a petition, requesting the court would not proceed to do any business. The court having considered thereof thought proper to open the same at the house of Capt. "Samuel Clark, innliolder, in North- HISTORY OF GARDNEB. 85 amptou ; and having continued all matters now pending in said court to the term of this court next to be holden in Springfield, in and for the county of Hampshire, on the second Tuesday of November next, ad- journed without day. The November term, to which the matters pending were con- tinued, was never held, nor w^as any term of the court held in the county until May of the following year. The docket was kept alive by legislative action. Gov. Bowdoin issued a proclamation calling upon the civil otEcers and the good citizens of the state to sustain the laws, but the officers were powerless and the good citizens were over- awed by the aggressive violence of the insurgents. In some localities the militia were ordered out, but the order was soon countermanded, for it was found that the militia, as then organ- ized, was composed in a very large degree of the insurgents themselves, and could not be trusted. Meantime the rioters were profiting by the enforced inaction of the state authorities. The judges whose duty it was to hold the September term of the court of common pleas at Worcester found the door of the court-house bristling with bayonets, and they were not admitted. Like outrages were committed in INIiddlesex, Bristol and Berk- shire counties. In the other counties there was less open insur- rection, but, with the exception of the towm of Boston and its immediate vicinity, the rebels had substantially the control of the state. The extent of the disaffection at this time was not known to the state authorities, and probably not to the insur- gents themselves, until after the troubles were over, and after the Legislature had made a law disqualifying persons engaged in the rebellion from holding civil office. It was then found that in some towns there were not enough men untainted with rebellion to fill the necessary town offices, and further legisla- tion was necessary to bridge over the difficulty. It is probable that about one-third of the population of the state were more or less actively in sympathy with the insurrection. The governor issued a proclamation calling the Legislature to meet in special session on the 27tli of September. The 86 HI8T0RY OF GARDNER. proclamation was an incentive to still greater activity on the part of the insurgents. On the other hand, the supporters of the government felt the increased necessity' of making a stand against insurrection. The law required the supreme judicial court to sit at Springfield on the fourth Tuesday of September. The insurgents, who had not hitherto interfered with the court, declared that the term should not be held. At that time the grand juries reported to the supreme court, and the insurgent leaders knew that if the grand jury assembled and did its dut}' they would be indicted for treason. The friends of law and order declared that the court should be protected in any event, and at whatever cost. The issue was thus squarely made up, and each party meant what it said. Gen. William Shepard of V\'estiield, who had served with distinction through the war of the Revolution, and had been a member of the continental congress and a trusted ofHcer of Gen. Washington, was appointed to command such forces as could be raised for the protection of the court. Shays, the leader of the insurgents, had held a commission in the conti- nental army, and was conspicuous for his personal bravery at Bunker Plill and Stony Point, and was present at the surrender of Burgoyne. Revolutionary experiences were still fresh, and almost every man in the community was accustomed in some degree to the use of arms and military drill. It was well understood that neither party would give way to the other, and there was hardly ground for hope that a blo(>dy collision would be averted. Gen. Shepard succeeded in collecting about 600 militia and volunteers, and anticipated the plans of the insurgents by taking possession of the court-house. On the appointed day the court was opened. Chief Justice Gushing and Justices Sar- geant, Sewall and Sumner being present, and Shays appeared at the head of a force largely superior in numbers to Gen. Shepard's, but his men were not as well armed as Avere the militia. The insurgent leaders were disconcerted at finding the militia in possession of the court-house ; their followers were HISTORY OF GARDJSTER. 87 enraged, and insisted npon making an iannediate attack. But the leaders were more prudent. They knew that the govern- ment troops were well armed, they had no artillery and they were especially disgusted with the bark of a small cannon, which they styled the "government's puppy." They offered to withdraw if the judges would agree that no other than the ordinary criminal business of the term should be taken up. The judges replied in substance that they had a public duty to discharge, iind would attend to such business as should properly come before them. But by the time this answer was received the insurgent leaders Avere indiflerent as to the action of the court, for they were satisfied the jjrand jury could not be got together and that there would be no trials. They saw their my in purpose would be accomplished Avithout fighting. Shays had his headquarters on or near Ferry lane (now Cypress street,) and a tavern that stood on the southerly corner of the present Main and Sargent streets was a favorite rendezvous of the insurgents. The inhabitants of Springfield were beginning to feel some relief from their anxiety when a new commotion was seen in the camp of the insurgents. It was rumored among them that the militia had determined that they should not be permitted to march past the court-house. It is not likely that any person in authority on the government side threw down the gauntlet in that way. It is more probable that the rumor originated with some of the Shays men who wanted a pretext for a fight and consequent pillage. But the rumor, however it originated, aroused the fighting qualities of the insurgents. Old soldiers were not to be told that they must not march over the highway. They notified Gen. Shepard that they would march past the court-house forthwith, and they did so in military order and with loaded muskets, and they countermarched and again passed under the windows of the court-house. But no one come for- ward to knock the chip from their leader's shoulder. The experiment of the insurgents proved a failure. The militia could not be tempted to accept a mere challenge or invite a 88 HISTORY OF GARDNER. battle. A taunt or a careless word would have occasioned a collision, but the word was not spoken. But some of the militia were so impressed by the numbers and bearing of the insurgents that they deserted their colors and enlisted imder Shays. The court was kept open three days, but the proceedings amounted to a mere ceremony. The grand jury did not assem- ble. Parties to causes, jurors and witnesses were under arms, cither on one side or the other. One defendant, who was out on bail, was defaulted, and that was the only business trans- acted at the term. The adjournment of the court, under such circumstances, was a victory for the insurgents, and their tri- umj)h was made complete when they learned that the judges had determined not to hold the October term at Great Barring- ton. The judges had been informed of the preparations made for their reception at that place, and knew it would be useless to attempt to hold the term. The rebels had accomplished all they intended, and more, but success had crazed them. The rank and file were clamor- ous for a light, and Shays sent a message to General Shepard demanding a surrender of the court-house. Gen. Shepard did not deem the possession of the court-house worth fighting for, the court having adjourned, and moved his forces to the federal arsenal, wdiere there was valuable property that required pro- tection. The insurgents, finding no satisfaction in standing guard over an empty building, and not yet being ready to make war against the federal authority, soon dispersed. Minot's History of the insurrections, etc., published within two years after these occurrences, says, " The condition of the town of Springfield was truly melancholy during this civil con- tention. Neighbors were opposed to each other under arms, the houses were rendered the scenes of female distress, and it was in the power of accident only to have brought an action which might have destroj'cd the lives of thousands, and sub- jected all property to the immediate vengeance of the party that miirht have become victorious. After remaining in this HISTORY OF GARDNER. 89 situation for four clays the inhabitants were relieved by the dis- persing of both parties." The conservative sentiment of Springtield as a town is shown by the record of a town meeting held on the 25th of September. At a previous meeting a committee, consisting of William Pynchon, Capt. Thomas Stebbins, Reuben Bliss and Thomas Williston, had been appointed " to take into consider- ation the present aspect of our public affairs and what meas- ures are prudent to be adopted by the town to extricate us out of our present difficulties." The report of this committee, which was made by Mr. Pynchon, was in the form of a letter of instructions to Samuel Lyman, the representative of the town in the General Court, which was about to meet in special session. I quote from the report : — If a motion sliould be made for a paper medium to be substituted in the place of solid coin, as a tender in discharge of private debts, you will oppose it with all your influence. Such a medium is iniquitous in itself, pregnant of innumerable evils, both political and moral, con- trary to the spirit of our constitution, and inconsistent with the rights of mankind ; whatever order government may see fit to make with respect to future contracts, no government can possibly have a right to alter private contracts, already made under her patronage, and the protection and security of laws then existing. A usurpation in such an instance might soon become a precedent for usurpation still more dangerous, till the liberties of the people were annihilated, not to add that the increase of our paper debt at a time when it is already a burthen, appears a pre- posterous and ridiculous remedy. You are not to favor any motion for a present revisal of our constitu- tion. We are far from thinking it too perfect to be amended, but as witliin a few years it is to be revised of course if then found necessary, we cannot suppose it would be prudent to incur the extraordinary expense and peculiar danger of attempting an alteration in so burthen- some and so critical a time as this. There are matters of greater and moi'e immediate consequence which require your attention and on which present relief more especially depends. The general perturbation of people's spirits at this instant will scarcely admit that calm, dispassion- ate deliberation which is necessary in laying the groundwork in govern- ment in so large and so economical a state, and a state which has so 12 90 HISTORY OF GARDNER. many foreign as well as domestic connections, and probably would pre- vent a tolerable agreement in any amendments that would be proposed. We imagine that part of our discontents may arise from misapprehen- sion, and therefore it is our wish that when the Legislature have done all in their power to relieve our real burthens, they would in a public address state our case to us in its various circumstances with as much perspi- cacity as possible that our mistakes, if we have unhappily fallen into any, may be rectified, and our imaginary as well as real grievances may be removed. * * * * * * * * When tlie Legislature assembled it was found that the Senate was in favor of vigorous measures in support of the govern- ment. In the House there Avas a party in sympathy with the insurgents, and another party opposed to disorder, hut nf)t in favor of coercive measures. There were others who thousfht they saw in the successful defiance of the courts a failure of republican institutions, and who looked to a revolution as a necessary or convenient step toward the establishment of an aristocratic government. Extremes were thus meeting and co- operating. Toward the close of the session, however, acts were reluctantly passed authorizing the governor and council to imprison without bail such persons as they deemed danger- ous to the public safetjs and providing that persons indicted for treason might be tried in iany county. But these wholesome measures were qualified by an ofier of a free pardon to such of the insurgents as should take the oath of allegiance before the 1st of January. An address to the people was voted, as had been suggested by the Springfield town meeting, but the most important thing of all was neglected. They did not provide money to meet the expenses of dealing successfull}^ with the insurrection. The failure of the legislature to adopt energetic measures gave new courage to the insurgents. They derided what they called the weakness and timidity of the government, and laughed at the offer of pardon. The war upon the courts was persistently maintained. In December Shays made another raid upon Springfield, and forcibly prevented the session of the HISTORY OF GARDNER. 91 court of common pletis. A letter from Springfield to the Bos- ton Chronicle, under date of December 27, gives this account of his proceeding : — There is a stagnatiun of ahiiost every kind of business among iis by reason of the tumults which are so prevalent here. Yesterday we had another visit from the mobility ; about 350 men marched in hostile array, with drums beating, and took possession of the court-house, com- manded by Shays, Day and Grover, in order to prevent the sitting of the court of common pleas, which by law was to have been held here at that time. This they elFected, as there was no opposition on the part of the government. It was not possible for the court (as they were sur- rounded by an armed force and a guard placed at the door of the room in which the judges were met) to proceed to do business. They there- fore informed a committee who were chosen by the insurgents to wait on them that they would not attempt to open the court. After which, about dark, the insurgents left the town. It is evident that this was a surprise to the people of S[)ring- field. For some reason or other they had believed that the court would not be interfered with. The indio-nation amonsr the friends of the government was intense, and within a few hours a permanent military force Avas organized for local pur- poses. But the outrage upon the court was productive of good results. It proved to be a material element in arousing the party of order to vigorous and decisive action, and was the last armed attack made upon the courts of Massachusetts. This form of mob rule had its beginning and end in Springfield. News traveled slowly in 1786. Information of this last exploit of Shays was not received by the governor until the first of January. The news was received at Boston with sur- prise and alarm. Springfield had been regarded as the govern- ment stronghold in the western part of the state, and an uncon- tested insurgent success had not been expected at that point. At the same time an attack upon Boston was threatened by the insurgents, and there were indications that a part of the popula- tion of that town were ready for revolt. Disturbances, too, were occurring in other states. In New Hampshire au armed 92 HISTORY OF GARDNER. mob surrouiidcd the Legislature, demanding the enactment of a paper mone}- hiw. There were well-founded apprehensions that general anarchy would be the barren sequence of all the magnificent achievements of the continental armies. The governor and the members of the executive council were capable and resolute men, and were faithful to their great trusts, but they were powerless. They did not have at their command the means of sustaining even a single regiment in tlie field. The emergency was finally met by some of the capitalists and business men of Boston, who realized the danger to which their interests would be exposed by a revolution, and came forward wdth an oiler of a loan to the state, trusting to future legisla- tion for their reimbursement. Their offer was accepted, and there was at once a change in the condition of affairs. There was a new and wholesome activity in the executive departments. Orders were issued for the raising and equipment of forty-five hundred men, a considerable army in that day. Pul)lic senti- ment at once exhibited a more healthy tone. The wavering and doubting began to get off the fence and range themselves on the side that had troops and money, and the lukewarm and more thoui>htful amono- the insuroents be^an to think of their allegiance. Shays and his council had been in deliberation over two distinct plans of operation. The more reckless of the leaders advised an attack upon Boston for the purpose of releasino; two of their number who had been arrested and were held in jail. Others advised that the attack on Boston be de- layed until after the seizure of the continental arsenal at Spring- field, with its store of war material, and this last plan was the one adopted. The Hampshire county quota of twelve hundred men were ordered to assemble at Springfield, and Gen. Sheparcl was placed in command. The eastern militia were to meet at Rox- bury, whence they were to march to Worcester and there be joined with the force raised in Worcester county. The chief command was given to Gen. Benjamin Lincoln, an accomplished oflScer of the Revolutionary war. Gov. Bowcloin's orders to HISTORY OF GABDNER. 93 Gen. Lincoln required him to protect the court of common pleas at the January' term at Worcester, and left his further movements against the insurgents to his own discretion. Gen, Shepard again anticipated the movements of Shajs. Acting under the authority of the secretary of war, he took possession of the arsenal. Gen. Lincoln reached Worcester on the 22d of January after a three days' march from Roxbury through the deep snow of midwinter. The court Avas opened and proceeded with the business of the term. Order was re- stored at Worcester and substantially at all points in the state east of that place. The insurgents were concentrating their strength in the western counties, and it was understood on all hands that the issue was to be tried and determined at Spring- field. The positions of the several armed forces oii the evening of January 24 were as follows : Gen. Shepard was posted at the arsenal with aljout one thousand men. Shays had just reached WMlbraham on his march from Rutland. A part of Lincoln's command Avas less than two days' march in the rear of Shays. Luke Day, an insurgent leader, Avas at West Springfield with about four hundred men and boys, well armed and Avell drilled. There Avas a good ice bridge at the time, so that he Avas Avithin easy reach of the arsenal. Eli Parsons, a Berkshire leader, was in the north parish cf Springfield (noAV Chicopee) with about four hundred men. The total insurgent force was about double that of Gen. Shepard. The inhabitants of Springfield, except such as Avere Avithin the immediate protection of Gen. Shepard, Avere kept in con- stant alarm. Respectable citizens Avere seized in their own houses and taken to Day's camp in A¥est Springfield, where they Avere kept under guard as hostages and for purposes of retaliation. Men were not sure whether their near neighbors were friends or foes, and unprotected homes were exposed^to outrage and plunder. L^pon the receipt of the ucavs that Shays had reached Willmiham, most of the Avomen and children Avho had means of conveyance fled from the town, the greater part of them goiuo- to LongmeadoAv. 94 HISTORY OF GARDNER. On his arrival at Wilbraham Shays sent a message to Day informing him that he intended to attack the arsenal on the 25th. Day replied by letter that lie conld not move on that diiy, bnt would join in the attack on the 26th. Day's messenger was arrested, and his letter, instead of going to Shays, went to General Shepard. On the 25th Shays moved upon Springfield, expecting, of course, the co-operation of Day and Parsons. Even if he had received Day's letter he could not have delayed his attack. His only chance of success was in seizing the arsenal before Gen. Lincoln could come up. At that time none of the buildings now standing on the arsenal grounds had been erected. There were two wooden buildings, built for barracks and for storage on the brow of the hill looking to the north, on or near the site of the present store-house. There was a private dwelling-house on the site of the present middle arsenal (opposite the Olivet church.) It was to this house that the dead and woinided insurgents were carried. East of that point there were no buildings except the powder magazine that stood in a then remote spot in the woods. Magazine street has since been located over its site. The pres- ent main Armory square was the public training field. There were not then anj' gun shops on the arsenal grounds. If there was one in the town at that time it was in Ferry lane, where government gun work was originally done in Springfield. When Shays left Wilbraham on the morning of the 25th, Asaph King, a deputy sheriff, started on horseback to give in- formation to Gen. Shepard. He was obliged to avoid the high- ways and made his way across the fields, through snowdrifts and over fences, and is said to have accomplished the distance jn forty-five minutes. This was the first exact information received by Gen. Shepard of the approach of Shays, and he proceeded to make ready for his fitting reception. His men were stationed near the barracks, and his cannon were planted on the brow of the hill commanding the approach by the Boston road. A part of his force was posted in Main street, at the point now crossed by the Boston and Albany railroad, for the HISTORY OF GARDNER. 95 [)urpose of holding Day in check, in case he shonlcl attempt to come to the aid of Shays. A considerable mob collected at that point, bnt did not attempt an attack upon the militia. It was towards the close of the short winter day that the insurgents were seen from the arsenal making their toilsome march through the snow on the Boston road. They were in the best of spirits. Every attempt they had hitherto made had succeeded, but it was not an unprotected court-house they were now intending to occupy. Some of them were to be dead Avithiu the next few minutes. Shays was entirely confident. Some of his old army comrades went out to meet him, and advised him to keep out of the range of Gen. Shepard's guns, and abandon his treason. He received them pleasantly, told them he was sure of success, and was inclined to be jocose. He did not know his own men. There is a good deal of loose tradition about the affair of the 2.5th of January, which is entirely omitted here, for the reason that it does not seem to be supported by any trustworthy con- temporary evidence. There was not any battle. The only firing was on the government side and there was but little of that. Only one shot seems to have been fired in genuine earnest, and that was followed bv a panic amono^ the insurofents and a flight. The official report of the firm but kind-hearted Gen Shepard to the government gives us reliable history. It is as follows : — Springfield^^ January 26, 1787. Sir : — The unhappy time has come in which we have been obliged to shed blood. Shays, who was at the head of about twelve huadred men, marched yesterday afternoon about four o'clock toward the public buildings, in battle array. He marched his men in an open column by platoons. I sent several times, by one of my aids, and two other gen- tlemen, Capts. Buffington and Woodbridge, to him to know what he was after, or what he wanted. His reply was, he wanted barracks, barracks he would have, and stoi'es. The answer was, he must purchase them dear, if he had them. He still proceeded on his march, until he approached within two hundred and fifty yards of the arsenal. He then made a halt. I immediately sent Maj. Lyman, one of my aids, and 96 HISTORY OF GARDNER. Capt. BufRugtou, to inform liiin not to inarch his troops any nearer the arsenal on his peril, as I was stationed here by order of your excellency and the secretary at war, for the defense of the publick property ; in case he did, I should surely fire on him and his men. A Mr. Wheeler, who appeared to be one of Shays' aids met Mr. Lyman after he had deliv- ered my orders in the most peremptory manner, and made answer, that that was all he wanted. Shays immediately put his troops in motion and marched on rapidly near one hundred yards. I then ordered Maj. Stephens, who commanded the artillery to fire upon them ; he accord- ingly did. The two first shot he endeavored to overshoot them, in hope they would have taken warning, without firing among them, but it had no effect on them. Maj. Stephens then directed his shot through the centre of his column. The fourth or fifth shot put the whole column into the vitmost confusion. Sliays made an attempt to display his col- umn, but in vain. We had one howit. Wliich was loaded with grape shot, which, when fired, g(ive them great uneasiness. Had I been dis- posed to destroy them, I might have charged upon their rear and flanks with my infantry and the two field-pieces, and could have killed the greater part of his whole army within twenty-five minutes. There was not a single musket fired on either side. I found three men dead on the spot, and one wounded, who is since dead. One of our artillerymen, by inattention, was badly wounded. Three muskets were taken up with the dead, which were all deeply loaded. I enclose to your excellency a copy of a paper sent to me last evening. I have received no reinforcements yet, and expect to be at- tacked this day by their whole force combined. I am sir, with great respect, Your Excellency's most obedient, humble servant, William Shepard. His Excellency James Bowdoin, Esq. The following is a copy of the paper enclosed in the above letter : — Headquarters, West Springfield, \ January 25, 1787. ] The body of the people assembled in arms, adhering to the first prin- ciples in nature, self-preservation, do^ in the most peremptory manner, demand 1. That the troops in Springfield lay down their arms. 2. That their arms be deposited in the publick stores, under the care HISTORY OF GARDNER. 97 of the proper officers, to be returned to the owners at the termination of the present contest. 3. That the troops return to their homes upon parole. Luke Day, Captain Commandant of this division. To the commanding officer at Springfield, Jan. 25, 1787. On the back,—" By Col. Eli Parsons." The " captain commandant" Avho made this high-sounding de- maud ran away, two days hiter, without firing a shot. The lives so foolishly thrown away before the arsenal were those of Ezekiel Root and Ariel Webster of Gill, Jabes Spicer of Leyden and John Hunter of Shelburne. In the evening Shays sent a messenger to Gen. Shepard with a flag of truce requesting that the bodies of five of his men killed before the arsenal should be returned to him. Gen. Shepard's rather grim reply was that he could not furnish him at that time with five insurgents, as he had but four, and one of them Avas not quite dead, but that if Shays would attack the arsenal again, Gen. Shepard would furnish him as many rebels as he should desire. The attack anticipated by Gen. Shepard was not made. Shays retreated on the night of the 25th to " Chapin's tavern," five miles east of the town. The next day he joined Parson's force at Chicopee, two hundred of his men deserting by the Ava}'. A bold dash on the morning of the 27th might possibly have helped him, but he lost the only opportunity there was remaining to him. At noon on that day a part of Gen. Lin- coln's army consisting of three regiments of infantry, three companies of artillery and a body of cavalry reached Spring- field. After a rest of one hour the Lincoln infantry and artil- lery crossed the river for the purpose of seizing Day and his party. At the same time Gen. Shepard moved up the river on the east bank, and the cavalry went up the river on the ice to prevent a junction of Day and Shays. There was no inclina- tion to fight among the insurgents, who retired as the militia advanced, their numbers lessening by desertions as they went. The pursuit Avas vigorously maintained uiitil the insurgent 13 98 HI8T0RY OF GAllBNEli. leaders were captured or driven from the state, but several months elapsed before quiet was entirely restored. The peace of Springfield was not again disturbed by the rebellion. The insurrection was practically subdued before Shays ap- peared before the arsenal. Most of the men of influence who had taken part in the earlier proceedings of the insurgents had withdrawn from active participation with them. Some of them were affrighted at the confusion they had aided in creating. Others had become convinced of the power of the state to inforce its laws and punish offenders. There were others who could not be induced to lift their hands against the federal authority or property, and there %vas an evident distrust of the capacity of the insuro'ent leaders to successfully conduct a rebellious enterprise. Shays, though his personal courage is admitted, did not possess the qualities of leadership. He was a soldier of fortune, with a dull idea of personal honor, though at this late day we can, perhaps, aflbrd to adopt the suggestion of a newspaper correspondent of the time, Avho spoke of him as " one Shays a deranged officer of the late wai'." He was not the man to retain the respect of his subordinates and followers. The men who cried " murder" and ran away at the first sight of blood, were not the old soldiers who had challenged the militia to a fight in the main street of Springfield in September. Daniel Shays who gave his name to the rebellion was l)orn at Hopkinton in 1747. He removed to Great Barrington and afterward resided in Pelham. After the suppression of the insurrection he removed to Sparta, N. Y., Avhere he lived in utter poverty, until 1825. Luke Day was born in West Spring- field and died there in poverty, in 1801. John Hancock, Avho Avas the first governor under the state constitution was again elected in 1787. It is no unfavorable criticism of the administration that immediately preceded him to say, that his election was generally received as a promise of the removal of the prevailing discontent. The armed insurrec- tion had been suppressed, but the work of bringing the people of the state to a cordial and unanimous support of the consti- HISTORY OF GARDNER. 99 tiition and laws remained to be performed. The new governor assumed this difficult undertaking and accomplished it. John Hancock did not believe in the religion of hate. Nine of the leading insurgents who were convicted of treason and sentenced to death were pardoned, some of them at the foot of the gal- lows, the only condition being that they should never hold any office, civil or military, within the commonwealth. A large number of persons convicted of seditious offences were par- doned unconditionally. A member of the Legislature who was convicted of treasonable practices was sentenced to stand for an hour on the gallows, with a rope around his neck and to pay a fine of fifty pounds. This seems to have been the only sen- tence carried into execution. It would be a good plan perhaps to revive this mode of dealing with recreant legislators. Con- ciliatory measures were adopted by the Legislature. The sul- len mutterings of the defeated insurgents gradually subsided. Commerce soon settled commercial difficulties in its own way, as it always does if unfettered by meddlesome legislation, and a season of prosperity ensued. The rebellion was ended at last in accordance with the grand precepts of the gospel of for- giveness and of peace. And all history tells us that rebellion is never completely conquered in any other way. As giving a more minute account of the closing scenes of the rebellion, we also insert the following extract from Lincoln's History of Worcester, together with a notice of Shays, by the same author : — " The career of Shays, was fast drawing to its close. Driven from post to post, he suddenly retired from Pelham to Peters- ham, where he expected to concentrate the forces of expiring rebellion and make his final stand. Intelligence of this chanofe of position reached Gen. Lincoln at Hadley, February 3d, and he determined, by prompt and decisive action, to terminate the warfare. When the troops took up the line of march, at eight o'clock, the evening was bright and mild. Before morning the cold became intense ; the dry and light snow, whirled before a 100 HISTORY OF GARDNER. violent north wind, filled the paths and rendered them almost impassable. The severity of the cold prevented any halt for rest or refreshment. At a distance from shelter, withont de- fence against the inclemency of the weather, it became neces- sary to press on withont pausing, to the camp occupied by men possessing all martial advantages, except courage and a good cause. The heavy sufJ'erings of the night Avere terminated, by the arrival of the troops in the very centre of Petersham. The folloAvers of Shays, trusting to the violence of the storm and the obstruction of the highways, rested in careless security. The first warning of danger, Avas from the appearance of the advanced guard of the forces of government, after a journey of thirty miles, in the midst of their cantonment. Had an army dropped from the clouds, upon the hill, the consternation could not have been greater. Panic struck, the insurgents fled, with- out firing a gun, or offering resistance to soldiers exhausted by fatigue, with frozen liml)s and almost sinking under the priva- tions and hardships of the severe service." NOTICE OF DANIEL SHAYS. This individual acquired an unenviable notoriety, Avhich im- parts some degree of interest to the incidents of his life. He Avas born in Hopkinton, in 1747 ; the son of parents not in afHuent circumstances, he worked Avith Mr. Brinley, a respect- able farmer of Framingham. The activity and energy of his 3'outh promised at maturity more desirable elevation than he attained. That his education Avas neglected, is apparent from his official letters, bidding defiance alike to government, gram- mar and good spelling. Just before the rcA'olution, he removed to one of the toAvns beyond Connecticut river, and aftcrAvards resided in Pelham. When the Avar commenced, he entered the army, at the age of tAventy-eight, Avith rank of ensign, in Capt. Dickinson's company, in Col. Benjamin Buggies Woodbridge's regiment. His ambition, activity, and plausible manners cover- ing the Avant of acquirements, joined Avith personal intrepidity, obtained promotion, and in 177(), he Avas appointed Lieutenant HISTOBY OF GABDXER. 101 in Col. Varnum's regiment. At the time when the line pecu- liarly needed reinforcement, he avu-s detached on the recruiting service, Avith the promise of some suitable reward for the en- listment of twenty men. For this purpose he visited his native state, and his unwearied exertions were crowned with ample success. When the complement assigned to him was filled, a plan suggested itself for grasping honor and pay at once. Finding the pulse of patriotism beat high, and the men of Xew England were ready to devote themselves for their countr\", he continued his enlistments. Insinuating address and bold rep- resentations, produced impressions of his ability and influence, easily turned to his own advantage, and by holding out expec- tations of indulgence to those who should sQv\e under his com- mand, a compau}' was raised, on the condition that he should be their captain. With these men he returaed to the camp, where they were mustered. "NA'hen the inspector was about to distribute them to different corps, Shays produced the enlist- ment papers : pointed to the condition which held them to serve under himself alone ; and requested the appointment of Cap- tain. The necessity of the times prevented the sacrifice of so many recruits, and after indignant remonstrances, it was deemed expedient to yield to his demands. The commission was prom- ised, and issued after long delay, in September, 1770, to relate back to Jan. 1st, 1777. Such is the account tradition gives of his military rank. The honors, ill won, were not long worn. He was discharged October 14, 1780, at Newark, in Xew .Jer- sey, from Col. Rufus Putnam's regiment. The deficiency of honorable sentiment in his mental constitu- tion, may be inferred from a characteristic incident. Lafayette had presented in 1780, to each of the American officers under his immediate command, an elegant sword. Such pledge of regard from the patriot chief, a soldier with a spark of gener- ous feeling, would have cherished as his dearest possession, and transmitted to his posterity as an heirloom of inestimable value. Shavs sold the sift of his commander for a few dollars. 102 HISTORY OF GARDNER. After being' disbanded, he retired to Pelhani, and lived in ob- scurity. Bankrupt in fortune and in fame, Shays was ready to embark on the tlood of any desperate adventure. \A'ithout the energetic decision or enlarged conceptions, the strong spirit or the bold daring, which befit a leader, by some accident, he Avas elevated to the command of the insurgents. Of capacity too humi)le to direct the movements of an army in those moments Avhen the force of talent makes itself felt by triumphant results, and turns even obstructions into encouragements, he was weak, vacillating and irresolute. It was providential that the physi- cal power of the arm of rebellion had so feeble a head to direct its blow. With the first shade of adversit}', he made indirect overtures to the agents of government, to abandon his comrades to their fate, on assurance of personal safety ; and when his base propo- sitions were rejected, and promises of indemnity and pardon were oflered to his followers, his persuasions induced them to reject the profl'ered mercy and retain the arms of hopeless con- troversy, to purchase by their sacrifice, security for himself. AVhen the insurrection was crushed, he retired to Vermont. After the lapse of a few years, the General of the rebellion passed through the streets of AVorcester, which he once entered at the head of an army, and received assistance from those Avhose homes he had threatened with desolation. At length he removed to Sparta, in New York. As a pen- sioner of the United States, he derived his chiily bread from the government whose forces he had encountered, in arms. Decla- rations tiled in the department of war, by himself, show that his family consisted of an aged wife, and that he lived in ex- treme poverty. He died September 29th, 1825, aged 78. However much the honor and integrity of Daniel Shays were questioned, his courage was never disputed. He was in the battle of Bunker's Hill, at the capture of Burgoyne, and at the storming of Stou}' Point ; was under Lafayette, and did good service in many bloody encounters. A severe wound, received during the revolution, was honorary testimonial of intrepidity. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 103 For 51 few years, after the events already recited, the country enjoyed a good degree of peace and prosperity. There is noth- ing of a public nature recorded, upon the town records, until we come to the year 1808, when the country became greatly agitated, in consequence of an embargo, laid, December 22, 1807, on recommendation of President Jefferson, upon the shipping in the ports of the United States. For many years, American ships had profited, very much, by a general destruc- tion of commerce, in consequence of the wars then transpiring in Europe. As neutrals, our ships had been allowed to enter all ports, in consequence of which privilege, a brisk and profit- able business was done by our shipping. In 1801), England issued her orders to blockade the ports of France and her allies. This order was soon followed, by Napoleon's Berlin decree, closing the harbors of England. In addition to this, P^ngland claimed the "right of search," under color of which, American vessels were ])oarded, on the high seas, and their seamen, im- pressed into the English service. This outrageous conduct, on the part of England, had been strenuously opposed by our countrymen, but had never been disavowed by England. In 1807, an event occurred, which brought on a crisis with Great Britain. In June of that year, the American frigate Chesapeake, which had just set sail for the Mediterranean, was stopped by the British ship of war Leopard. Her commander refusing to permit a search, she was fired upon and forced to surrender four of her crew. She returned immediately to Hampton Roads. The intelligence of this outrage spread, like a prairie fire, over the whole country, wrapping it in a flame of intensest indignation. But while this outrage was disowned by the English government, and two of the men sent back to America, the order against neutrals entering the ports of France, still remained unrevoked, while a new decree of the French Emperor followed. In order to countervail Napoleon's Berlin and Milan decrees, and the British orders regarding the block- ade of French ports, congress laid its embargo upon American shipping, prohibiting the departure, from the ports of the 104 HISTORY OF GARDNER. United States, of all but foreign armed vessels, with public commissions, or foreign merchants' ships, in ballast, or with such cargo only, as they might have on board, when notified of the act. All American vessels, engaged in the coasting trade, were required to give heav}^ bonds to land their cargoes in the United States. In consequence of such an act of congress, all our commerce was speedily paralyzed, and consequent suffering ensued throughout the country. ■« The people of Gardner shared in the general inconvenience and sufiering. Consequently acting, in the same high toned spirit, which had distinguished them in former years, a spirit which caused them to feel that they were the peers of all Amer- icans, not excepting those highest in authority, they boldly ad- dressed a petition to his excellency, Thoman Jefferson, then on the last year of his second term, as President of the United States, setting forth in l)ecoming phraseology, their difficulties and burdens and calling on him for " a i-edress of grievances." It appears, from the records, that a town meeting was called, September 16, 1808, for the special purpose of seeing if the town would take any action, in regard to the difficulties then pending. The second article in the warrant was as follows : " To hear a letter, from the town of Boston, directed to the selectmen of the town of Gardner, to be laid before the inhabi- tants of said town, and act or transact anything relating thereto." Upon this article the following vote was passed: " Voted, That the town of Gardner draw a petition to send to the Pres- ident of the United States, agi'eeable to the article in the war- rant for that purpose. Voted, That there be a committee, of three men, chosen to draw this petition. Chose Jonathan Os- good, Aaron Wood and Asa Hill for this committee. Voted, That this meeting be adjourned for one hour and then meet at this place. Met according to adjournment. Voted, That a copy, of this petition, be taken and kept. Voted, That the selectmen sign the petition, and that the said committee that drawed it, forward it on, to the President of the United States." HISTORY OF GARDNER. 105 That the reader, looking back upon the events of that period and reviewing them in the light of present experiences, may see the " unsuppressive metal" of which the inhabitants of our town were then possessed, we introduce here, as the closing part of this chapter, the exact petition Avhich they voted, in town meeting, to present to Mr. Jefferson. We have no means of ascertaining the effect which this document had upon that solid democrat, except that which w^e find in the significancy of dates. As will be observed, the petition is dated September IGth, 1808 ; the embargo was repealed' February 27th, 1809, making only five months between the date of the petition and the repeal of the act. The petition was undoubtedly prepared by Mr. Osgood, the first pastor, and ready to be acted upon, when the town should come together. Mr. Osgood was a staunch Federalist. To the President of the United States: The inhabitants of the town of Gardner, in the Common- wealth of Massachusetts, in legal town meeting, called for the express purpose of petitioning your Excellency, respectfully represent : That we feel the importance of submitting to, and supporting the laws of our country, in common with the citizens of the United States, and we think we ever have been, and ever shall be w^illing to make any sacrifice that shall be neces- sary for the true interest and honor of our nation ; but, in time of great distress and trouble, we think it no less our duty, than our privilege, to assemble in a peaceable manner, and petition the government for a redress of grievances. Being impressed with these sentiments, we feel impelled to confess, to your Ex- cellency, that we, in common with our fellow citizens, of New England, sufier great and increasing difficulties from the oper- ation of the laws laying an embargo on the shipping and vessels, in the ports and harbors of the United States of America. Could we perceive an end of our troubles, we would patiently acqui- esce, but, with astonishment, we perceive ^hat the embargo is not a temporary measure, but injoined by perpetual laws. We 14 106 HISTORY OF GARDNER. grant that Congress has power to regulate commerce, but to make laws to abolish it, or to prevent all foreign intercourse, we doubt whether this was ever contemplated being granted to that body, b}^ the framers of the constitution of the United States. Your petitioners, living in a district Avhere agriculture is the principal employment of the inhabitants, and therefore cannot, from their own industry, supply themselves with all the conveniences of life and while an interdiction of commerce re- mains, much of the produce of their farms must remain, as a dead weight, upon their hands, or be disposed of to little or no aclvantaoe. It is very evident from the experience of our ancestors, Avho came into this country with a design, solely to cultivate the soil, that we cannot comfortably live by that, without the aid of for- eign intercourse. And commerce appears to be designed, by God, for the comfort and convenience of mankind, that the diiferent productions of the earth, might be transported from one place to another, for the mutual beneiit of man. Being heretofore accustomed to the advantage of commerce, and from the surplusage of our produce, we were enabled to supply our- selves with the conveniences of life. This now being inter- dicted, our encouragement to industry is small, and the embar- rassments we, with all ranks of society, labor under, are great, and mau}^, who, by industry, had arrived to a degree of inde- pendence, in point of property, find it so fallen in value, that it might be nearly or quite all sacrificed, to the disadvantage of their debts. To extricate themselves from this situation, all their exer- tions avail nothing, and they can only lament the wretched situation into which they are brought, and the prospect of their families being left to depend upon the cold hand of charity for support. Our troubles and distress are rendered more severe by a conviction that the British Provinces, in North America, are, by the embargo laws, acquiring advantage over us, which their natural situation and circumstances, could never have given them. Besides this, the embargo laws, which subject us HISTORY OF GARDNER. 107 to such great sufterings, the prospect or policy of which is, to say the least, very doubtful, and the temptation to violate those laws, from the very nature of mankind, is almost irresistible. These laws, Ave think, will have a great tendency to destroy the morals of society, and to introduce loose principles and a con- tempt for the laws, which are more to be dreaded, than the great waste of property. From these and various other considerations, Avhich might be mentioned, and particularly from the alteration in the affairs of Europe, your petitioners pray your Excellency, wdiolly, or partiall}^ to suspeud the embargo laws, if in your power; if not, to convene congress, as soon as may be, or if in your wisdom, it should be thought not advisable to call them together, uutil the time to which they are adjourned, to lay before them when met, the im[)ortance of a repeal of those laws, which so severely atHict the inhabitants of the United States. A true copy, attest, Reuben Haynes, Town Clerk. Dated at Gardner, Sept. 16th, 1808. There is a pretty well founded conviction, in the minds of our citizens, that Mr. Jefferson made reply to this petition, but, such was its nature and import, that those who received it, never cared to make it public. 108 HISTORY OF GARDNER. CHAPTER V. ROADS. " These high wild hills aurl rough uneven waj's Draw out our miles and make them wearisome." — Bichard II, Act. II, Scene III. SAVING observed, somewhat, the conduct of the early inhabitants, of the town, in their relation to state and national matters, we now return to the more prosaic labor, of considering them, in the ordinary transactions of life. We shall now direct attention to the roads of the town, having first had something to say about roads, as not only a necessity, but also a sign and natural concomitant of human progress. Start- ing from the serpentine trail of the wild man, after which many modern roads seem to have been modeled, and following along through paths denoted by " blazed trees," till we come to the most complete achievements of recent times, we are con- vinced that roads, like other objects in nature, are subject to the scientists' law of evolution and development, with, in many instances, " a survival of the fittest." Gibbon tells us, in his "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire," in speaking of the principal cities of that empire, that "from A. D. 98 to 180, they were connected with each other, and with the capital, by the public highways, which, issuing from the forum of Rome, traversed Italy, pervaded the provinces, and were terminated only by the frontiers of the empire. If we carefully trace the distance from the wall of Antoninus to Rome, and from thence to Jerusalem, it will be HISTORY OF GARDNER. 109 found that the great chain of communication, from the north- west to the southeast point of the empire, was drawn out to the length of four thousand and eighty Roman miles, or three thousand, seven hundred and forty English miles. " The public roads were actually divided by mile-stones, and ran in a direct line, from one city to another, with very little respect for the obstacles either of nature or private property. Mountains were perforated, and l)old arches thrown over the broadest and most rapid streams. The middle part of the road was raised into a terrace, which commanded the adjacent coun- try, and consisted of several strata of sand, gravel and cement, and was paved Avith large stones, or, in some places near the capital, with granite. Such was the solid construction of the Roman highways, whose firmness has not entirely yielded to the effort of fifteen centuries. They united the subjects of the most distant provinces by an easy and familiar intercourse ; but their primary object had been to facilitate the marches of the legions ; nor was any country considered as completely sub- dued, till it had been rendered, in all its parts, pervif)us to the arms and authority of the conqueror. The advantage of re- ceiving the earliest intelligence, and of conveying their orders with celerity, induced the emperors to establish, throughout their extensive dominions, the regular institution of posts. Houses were everywhere erected, at a distance of only five or six miles, each of them was constantly supplied with forty horses, and by the help of these relays, it was easy to travel a hundred miles a day, along the Roman roads."* It will be seen, from this statement, that public roads, among the Romans, were a " military necessity," and that they far excelled, in solid firmness and smoothness, anything of the sort seen in our own country. But, while Rome was thus fiivored with good roads, it is evident that she was an exception to most other countries of importance, both before and since the period of which Gibbon writes. Gibbon's Rome, vol. 1st, p. 63-G4. no HISTORY OF GARDNER. According to writers upon Palestine, there never have been, in that country, anything like roads fitted for the passage of wheeled vehicles. Chariots were sometimes used on the plains, and in the lowlands. Only miserable bridle paths exist for the accommodation of travelers. Even in England, according to Macaulay, as late as sixteen eighty-five, the public highwa3^s were very poor, and, at certain seasons of the year, well nigh impassable. In speaking of the roads at that time, he says, " it was by the highways that both travelers and goods gener- ally passed from place to place. And those highways appear to have been far worse than might have been expected from the degree of wealth and civilization which the nation had even then attained. On the best lines of communication the ruts w^ere deep, the descents precipitous, and the way often such as it was hardly possible to distinguish, in the dusk, from the unclosed heath and fen which lay on both sides. "It was only in fine weather that the whole breadth of the road was available for wheeled vehicles. 01"ten the mud lay deep on the right and left, and only a narrow track of firm ground rose above the quagmire. At such times obstructions and quari'els were frequent, and the path was sometimes blocked up during a long time by carriages, neither of which would break the Avay. It happened almost every day that coaches stuck fast, until a team of cattle could be procured, from some neisfhborino- farm, to tug them out of the slouirh. But in bad seasons the traveler had to encounter inconveniences still more serious. Thoresby, who was in the habit of traveling between Leeds and the capital, has recorded in his diary, such a series of perils and disasters as might suffice for a journey to the Frozen Ocean or to the Desert of Sahara. On one occasion he learned that floods were out between Ware and London, that passengers had to swim for their lives, and that a higgler had perished in an attempt to cross. In consequence of these tid- ings he turned out of the high road, and was conducted across some meadows, wdiere it was necessary for him to ride to the saddle-skirts in water. In the course of another journey he HISTORY OF GARDJSTER. Ill narrowly escaped being swept away by an inundation of the Trent. He was afterwards detained at Stamford four days, on account of the state of the roads, and then ventured to proceed only because fourteen members of the House of Commons, who were going up in a bod}^ to parliament with guides and numer- ous attendants took him into their company. On the roads of Derbyshire travelers were in constant fear for their necks, and were frequently compelled to alight and lead their beasts. "The great route through Wales to Holyhead Avas in such state that, in sixteen eightj'-tive, a viceroy, going to Ireland, was live hours in traveling fourteen miles, from St. Asaph to Con- way. Between Conway and Beaumaris, he was forced to walk a great part of the way ; and his lady was carried in a litter. His coach was, with great difficulty, and by the help of many hands, brought after him entire. In general, carriages were taken to pieces at Conway, and borne, on the shoulders of stout Welsh peasants, to the Menai Straits. In some parts of Kent and Sussex none but the strongest horses could, in winter, get through the bog, in which, at every step, they sank deep. " The markets were often inaccessible during several months. It is said that the fruits of the earth were sometimes suffered to rot in one place, while in another place, distant only a few miles, the supply fell far short of the demand. The wheeled carriages were, in this district, generally pulled by oxen. When Prince George of Denmark visited the stately mansion of Pet- worth, in wet weather, he was six hours in going nine miles; and it was necessary that a body of sturdy hinds should be on each side of the coach, in order to prop it. Of the carriages which conveyed his retinue several were upset or injured. A letter, from one of his gentlemen in waiting, has been preserved in which the unfortunate courtier, complains that, during four- teen hours, he never alighted, except when his coach was over- turned or stuck fast in the mud. People, in the time of Charles the Second, traveled with six horses, because, with a smaller number, there was great dana-er of sticking fast in the mire."* *See Macaulay's History of EnglaDcl, vol. 1st, p. 280-284. 112 HISTORY OF GABBNER. These extracts, from Macimlay, are sufficient to give the reader, not already familiar with the facts, some idea of the condition of roads in England less than two hundred 3'ears ago, and show him how patiently and often with what great risk to comfort and life, even the highest noblemen in the king's realm, made their wearisome journeys over the kingdom. Of course, when the Pilgrim Fathers began the settlement of this country, they had to furnish themselves with whatever roads they needed. It must, however, be borne in mind, that, for several years, they had but little occasion for the nse of what we now call highways. Only Indian trails, through the forest, or blazed trees, guided them from place to place. But, with increasing and more Avidely spreading populations, there soon arose the necessity for public highways. This necessity demanded the attention of the General Court in both the Plymouth and Mas- sachusetts colonies, so that we find in the colonial records, fre- quent legislation upon this subject. A few extracts we will here introduce, to show tiie reader how the peo[)le of the colo- nies began that system of highways, which has since spread itself out like net work, over the entire land. October 1st, 1634, at a court holden before the governor and assistants the following named persons were appointed for lay- ing out the highways : For Duxbury side, Capt. INIiles Stand- ish, Mr. William Collier, Jonathan Brewster, William Palmer, Stephen Tracy — men familiarly associated in the minds of all, with every event of importance in the early colonies, from the landing of the Pilgrims in the Mayflower, to their establish- ment upon a firm basis in town and state. " At a court of Assistants held the second day of May, in the 12th year of his Majesty's reign, of England, etc. May 2d, 1637, Bradford, governor. It was ordered by this court, that a jury should be empaneled to set forth, the highways about Plymouth, Ducksborrow, and the Eele River, which was ac- cordingly summoned, and upon the ninth day of May next after they appeared before the governor, and took their oath to lay forth su(-h highways about the towns of Plymouth, Ducks- HISTORY OF GARDNER. 113 borrow, and the Eele River equally and justly, without respect of persons, and according as they shall be directed b}^ the in- formation of others, and as God should direct them in their discretion, for the general good of the colony, and Avith as little prejudice to any man's particular as may be, and to mark the trees upon the said way, and so it to remain a way forever." We omit the names of jurymen given. "July 7. The ver- dict or order of the aforesaid jury, performed by them the tenth day of May, 1637, and delivered l)y them into the General Court held the 6th of July next after, and by the same con- firmed in these words following, viz : — '"It is agreed, that the highways, both for horse, cart and foot, shall be as followeth : From the town of Plymouth to Joanes River, as it was cleared, provided it be holpen at Mr. AUerton's, by going through the old cow-yard, at the river, the place being commonl}^ called the Old Wading Place, and so through a valley up the hill, and then to turn straight to Abra- ham Pierce's around, and through his "round as it is marked, and so the old path to Massachusetts, leaving Mr. Bradford's upon the west, and from Mr. Bradford's to Stephen Tracy's ground, as the way now lyeth, being already trenched, a foot way from the lower stepping stones to Stephen Tracy's, the highway lying through Stephen Tracy's field now enclosed. Also, we allow a way from Francis Billington's ground through the nook, as it now lyeth, to the ferry, and from the ferry to Stephen Tracy's house, and so through the meadow to the bridge. The highway from Stephen Tracy's ground through the other grounds, as far as the trees were marked, to the bridge at John Rodgers and from John Rodgers along as the way now lyeth to the corner of Jonathan Brewster's cow-yard, and so by a valley down his ground, near to the house of Mr. Prince, and from thence the old way to Christopher Wadsworth, whose palisade is to be removed and a sufficient way allowed to enter into Francis Sprage's ground, and there to fall into a way, that leads from Morton's Hole, to Ducksborrow town, and from thence a Avay to fall to the CaptJiin Standish's and Mr. Brews- 15 114 HISTORY OF GARDNER. ter's, as it is now marked, the ancient foot way to be continued from Mr. Brewster's to Francis Sprage's, and so through Wil- liam Bassett's ground to the highway. The highway leading from Christopher Wadsworth to be continued through Francis Sprage's and William Bassett's, being his garden or orchard to the east side. Also, we allow a highway from the cut between William Bassett's and Francis Sprage's, to go to Ducksborrow toAvn ; the highway to be continued from William Bassett's garden or orchard, through John Washburne's ground, to Wil- liam Palmer's gate, as it now is, and so along through Peter Brown's ground, by the outside of which we allow a way to the marsh, and up to the woods ; the way still to pass by Henry Rowland's house, leaving it on the east side, so keeping the old way through the marsh to Mr. John Alden's house, and from thence through a valley which leadeth to the corner of Phillip Delanoy's field, so to pass to Edward Bumpas' house, and forty foot to be allowed above his house straight to Rowland Ley- horne's house to Green's harbor path. The upper part also to be allowed as marked from Mr. Rowland's. '"* " Whereas, The highways in this jurisdiction, have not been laid out, with such conveniency for travelers as were fit, nor as was intended by this court, but that in some places, they are felt too straight, and in other places travelers are forced to go far about, it is therefore ordered that all highways shall be laid out before the next General Court, so as may be with most ease and safety for travelers ; and for this end every town shall choose two or three men, who shall join with two or three others, of the next town, and these shall have power to lay out the high- ways, in each town where they may be most convenient; and those which are so deputed shall have power to lay out the highways where they may be most convenient, notwithstanding any man's property, or any corn ground, so as it occasion not the pulling down any man's house, or laying open any garden or orchard, and in common grounds or where the soil is wet or ♦From Plymouth Colony Records, vol. 1st, p. 58-59. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 115 , miry they shall lay the ways the wider, as six or eight or ten rods, or more, in common grounds ; provided, that if any man shall suffer any extraordinary damage in his improved grounds, by execution of this order, the town shall make him some reasonable satisfaction, provided also that if any case shall fall out wherein those that are deputed, cannot agree, it shall be referred to the determination of this court ; and if any person shall find himself unjustly grieved with anything which the said persons deputed shall do, he may appeal to this court, or to the Court of Assistants, who shall have power to determine the cause ; but if the party shall be found to have complained with- out just cause, he shall pay all charges, and be fined by the discretion of the court. And all towns are enjoined to have this order performed before the next General Court, upon pjjin of five pounds, for every town making default. And it is not intended that any person shall be charged with repairing the highways in his own land."* We come now to consider the roads of this town, from their earliest history. It Avill be remembered that the first town meeting was held August 15th, 1785. The second meeting was called the following month, September 6th, 1785. The second article in the warrant, for this meeting, was this : "To know their minds relating to a count}'- road, going through said town, and act anything relating thereto, as they shall think proper." At this meeting it was " Voted, That it is the opinion of the town, that the county road ought to go through the centre of said town. Voted, To petition the court, for a committee to lay said road through the centre of the town of Gardner." The following is the petition which gives us the first action of the town regarding public highways : — To the Court of Quarter Sessions, noiv sitting at Woi'cester, in and for the County of Worcester. A request of the Town of Gardner : Whereas, A committee from the Honorable Court have lately laid out a county road from Royalston down through part of *From Massachusetts Colony Records, vol. 1st, p. 280. 116 HISTORY OF GARDNER. this town, and as it is now laid, it will not convene this town, nor the public, so well as if it was laid through the centre of the tow^i ; therefore we pray the Honorable Court would not accept of the road no further down than the line of Jonathan Bancroft's and Ebenezei" Keyes', which is about three-quarters of a mile above our centre ; and it is our request, that a committee may be sent and view and lay out a road from the above men- tioned place, through our centre and come into the county road that leads from Winchendon to Westminster meeting-house ; to come into that road near Josiah Wheeler's, or between there and Westminster meeting-house, where it will best serve the public. This way has been measured since the committee Avere here, and found to be the nearest, and supposed to make the best way. This day the town voted the above request to be sent to court, being assembled together for that purpose. Then the meeting was dissolved. Seth Heywood, Clerk. At the next town meeting, held November 7th, 1785, the following article in the warrant was up for consideration : "To know the minds of the town concerning the roads that are to be laid out, what width they would have them laid out, or what direction they will give concerning the same." Upon this article the town " Voted, To lay out the roads two rods and a half wide." At an adjourned meeting, held November 14th, 1785, the town voted to reconsider the foregoing vote, and " Voted, To lay out the roads two rods wide." In the subsequent year, 1786, at the annual town meeting, the following article concerning roads was inserted in the warrant ; " To see if the town will accept of a number of roads, viz. : A road laid out for William Goss. Beoinnino; on the line of lot number fifteen about four rods from the southwest corner of the same, beginning at a stake and stones, from thence straight to a hemlock about ten rods from the stake standino; about a rod north of the line, between lot number fifteen and thirty-six, from thence to a ledire of rocks about twentv rods in said line, HISTOMY OF GARDJ^ER. Ill from thence to the northeast corner of lot number thirty-six, hiid out upon the south side of said boundaries. " Also a road laid out from Reuben Haynes' house, as the road is now trod, until 3'ou come within two rods of Moses Hill's land, thence to the southwest corner of said Hill's lot, from thence straight, two rods, to the west of the southeast corner of lot number thirty-six, from thence straight to a marked stump in the old town line, about twenty-live rods, south of Gideon Fisher's house, from thence straight to Wil- liam Fisher's land, that he bought of Gideon Fisher, two rods to the west of the old town line. Keeping two rods west of the old town line on William Fisher and Ebenezer Howe's land, until you come to the county road that leads from Winchendon to Westminster ; laid out on the east side of said boundaries and beginning at a heap of stones in Edward Kelton's fence at the above said county road, about twenty-one rods from Ebenezer Howe's land, from thence straight through said Kel- ton's land and through the Dana lot, to a rock with some stones upon it in Peter Goodale's land, near the swamp at the old road, laid out upon the west side of said boundary. "And also a road laid out beginning at the old road, by Capt. Kelton's, that leads to Ashburnham, from thence to a stake and stone in the fence about two rods to the southeast of Capt. Kelton's house, from thence to a rock in said Kelton's land, from thence to a beech in the line between said Kelton's and Josiah Wilder's land, from thence to a stake and stones in said Wilder's land, two rods east of the line between said Wilder and Wheeler, from thence straight to the line between said Wilder and said Wheeler at twenty rods from the stake and stone, from thence to the southeast corner of said Wheeler lot at the other road laid out on the west side of said boundary. "And a road laid out beginning at a hemlock stump a little beyond the Widow Hill's, in the fence on the east side of the old road, from thence to a heap of stones in the old road, to the southeast of the Widow Hill's, from thence to a hemlock in the low land, from thence to a heap of stones at the county 118 HISTORY OF GARDNER. road leading from Winchendon to Westminster, about forty rods east of the above said Hill's land, laid out on the north- westerly side of said boundaries. " And a road laid out beginning at a stake and stones in the line between Jonathan P. Whitcomb and John White, from thence to a stake and stones at said White's orchard, thence to a heap of stones, four rods, to the southwest corner of said White's house, thence through Wallace's land, and David Comee's land to the end of the wall about a rod west of said Comee's house, at the county road, laid out on the west side of said boundaries. " And a road laid out for Levi Fairbanks, beginning at the northwest corner of lot number ninety-five, formerly in West- minster, running southwesterly on the old town line upon the south side of said line until it come to the southeast corner of John Putnam's lot, from thence one rod on each side of the old town line until you come within about twelve rods of David Comee's land, at a hemlock, from thence to a hemlock in Mr. Wallace's laud, thence to a great hemlock marked, near the causeway, continuing the same course until it strikes White's road, on the north side of said hemlock. " And a road laid out from the county road at the line be- tween David Comee's and Joseph Payson, running southwest- erly one rod, on each side of the line until we come to the lot number one hundred and four, and through said lot, by marked trees, to a great rock in the new county road that leads from Lieut. Wheeler's to John Glazier's, laid out on the north side of said boundaries. "And a road laid out from the east corner of Joshua Whit- ney's land, straight to the northwest corner of Elijah Symond's lot, from thence to a stake and stones about three rods to the southeast of Stephen Miles' house, thence east to a pine stump, about eight rods, thence through fourth division, to the south corner of Elisha Jackson's and Joseph Wright's lot, thence to a rock with some stones upon it, a little east of the line between said Jackson and Wright's, thence to a rock about a rod east HISTORY OF GARDNEB. 119 of said line, thence to a white pine, about four rods upon said Wright's hmd, thence to a maple in said Wright's land, thence to a maple in William Biekfoid's land, thence to a stake and stone near the meadow line, thence to a marked stump in said Bickford's land, about ten feet from the meadow line, thence to a pine stump, about two rods to the south of the bank below the mill, thence to the west corner of said Bickford's house and on the back side of said house, out to the county road, laid out on the west side of said boundaries. "And a road laid beo;inning at Simon Gates', lot number twenty-six, at the Westminster road, thence on the line between Gates and the Widow Margaret Miles and Josiah Kendall and Edward, and said Gates, one rod on each side of the line, until it comes to a stake and stone in said Gates' land, thence to a hemlock, thence through fourth division to a stake and stones, two rods to the south of John Matthews' north corner, thence to a beech, thence through the Beaman lot, to a hemlock, out to the county road, leading to Winchendon, laid out upon the north of said boundaries. "And a road laid out through Samuel Sanderson's, Samuel Edgell's, John and Stephen Hoar's, Samuel Miller's and Cut- ting: Hoar's land, beo^inning at the said Sanderson's barns at a heap of stones, thence to a hemlock, thence to a stake and stones at the line of said Sanderson's and said Edgell's, thence to a hemlock, thence to a hemlock, thence to a hemlock, thence to a black birch, thence to a hemlock, thence to a hemlock, thence to a maple, thence to a maple, thence to a beech, thence to a birch, thence to a beech, thence to a hemlock, thence to an oak, thence to a bunch of maples at the new county road, on the south of said boundary. "A road laid out for Elijah Wilder and others, beginning at a hemlock in Jesse Hill's land, at the old road near his last line, thence to a hemlock in Samuel Clark's land, thence southerly to a hemlock on Joseph Clark's land, thence easterly to a white pine on Benjamin Clark's land, thence easterly to a hem- lock on said Clark's land, and comes into the old road by Ben- jamin Clark's house, on the southwest of said boundaries. 120 HISTOItY OF GARDNER. "And a road laid out for Jonathan Eaton, beginning at the southeasterly corner of lot number one hundred and sevent}'- nine and one hundred and eighty, running northerly upon the line of said lots, to the new county road, one rod on each lot. "And a road laid out beginning at Jonathan Bancroft's fence, about four rods, southeast of said Bancroft's house, on the westerly side of the road that is now trod, thence to a maple near the line between said Bancroft and Ebenezer Keyes, thence to a white pine, thence to a poplar standing about two rods from the south corner of the pond, thence to a white ash in said Keyes' land, near the line between said Keyes and Seth Hey- wood, from thence through said Heywood's land, to a heap of stones, which was the corner of Winchendon and Ashburnham, laid out on northeast side of said boundaries. " In all the above said roads, laid out by the selectmen two rods wide, except from the west corner of William Bickford's house, out to the county road, which is but one rod and a half, and it is laid across William Fisher's meadow about twelve rods, but twenty feet wide. "To see if the town will discontinue any of the old roads, or any part of roads or road, as they shall think best, and also to see if the town will alloAv any person that has more of their lands taken for roads, than the allowance for the same that they shall be credited for the same in their other lots, or act anything relating thereunto, as they shall think l)cst." The minuteness of the above description may seem some- what trivial to the reader, but he must remember that this town was then little else than a wilderness, through which these roads were laid, by the selectmen, whose direction, they indicated by blazing the trees along the line of the proposed highway. Upon the above routes, as laid out by the selectmen, the town at an adjourned meeting, March 14th, 1786, voted as follows : — " Accepted of Mr. William Goss's road; accepted the road from Mr. Reuben Haynes to the county road ; accepted the road from the county road to Peter Goodale's land as the said roads HISTORY OF GARDNER. 121 are now Itiid ; accepted the road from Capt. Samuel Kelton to Josiah Wilder's. Voted, To accept the road, heginning at Mr. Jonathan P. Whitcomb's to John Whites. Voted, To accept of a road, beghmiug at Levi Fairbanks, leading to David Comce's. Voted, To accept of the road laid out for David Comee and others, beginning at the county road and ending at the new county road. Voted, Not to make allowance to any for the old roads laid out before. Voted, To accept of the road from Mr. Joshua Whitney's, coming out at Mr. Bickford's. Voted, To accept of the road from Mr. Simon Gates' to Lieut. Josiah Wheeler's. Voted, To accept the road from Mr. San- derson's, by Mr. Edgell's to the county road. Voted, To ac- cept of the road from Jesse Hill's to Benjamin Clark's. Voted, To accept of a road from Mr. eTonathan Bancroft's to Mr. Seth Hey wood's. Voted, To accept of a road for Mr. Jonathan Eaton as laid oat. The above said roads accepted as laid out by the selectmen of Gardner. Voted, To mend the highways by a rate this year. Voted, Sixty pounds to be laid out on the highways, to mend and make them this present year." This is the first appropriation for making and mending of highways in the town of Gardner. It appears from the records that some were not satisfied Avith the action of the town, as above indicated, and began to make their feelings known to such an extent that the town felt obliged to take formal notice of their uneasiness. Among those dissatisfied with the damages awarded them, were Lieut. Seth Hey wood and Capt. William Bickford, the former de- manding sixty dollars and the latter eighteen dollars as damages for roads laid through their lands. Upon the fifth day of June following their first annual March meeting, 1786, the town "Voted, To choose a committee for to agree with those men that are uneasy with their roads that were accepted last March." This committee gave their report at an adjourned meeting, June 12th, which was not accepted by the town. However, " It was put to see if the town would give Lieut. Seth Heywood sixty dollars for the damages of a road laid through his land, that 16 122 HISTORY OF GARDI^jER. being what he requested for the damages." It passed in the negative. Upon the request of Mr. William Bickford for damages of a road laid through his land " It was put to see if the town would give him eighteen dollars." It passed in the negative. At the annual town meeting, March 3d, 1788, the town " Voted, To choose a committee to see if they can settle with Seth Hevwood concernino; a road laid throuoh his land and make report at the adjournment of this meeting." This com- mittee made their report as follows and it was accepted by the town : " We have considered the matter with Mr. Hey wood concerning a road throuo;h his land. He asked three shillinofs a rod for one hundred and thirty-two rods of wall ; we have offered nine pounds ; then he offers to make one quarter of the wall ; we thought we could not offer anything more." In the warrant for the annual town meeting for March 2d, 1789, was the following article: "To hear the petition of Seth Hey wood with the order of court thereon, concerning a road through said Hey wood's land, and take such action thereon and concerning said road, as the town shall think proper when met." Upon this article the town "■ Voted, To choose a com- mittee to try and settle with Seth Heywood and if they cant, to make answer to the court." At an adjourned meeting March 9th, the town "Voted, That the selectmen be a committee to try to settle with Lieut. Seth Heywood, and if they cannot to make answer to his petition at the court concerning his road, which is as follows : — To the HonorahJe the Justices of the Court of General Ses- sions of the Peace to he holden, at Worcester, within and for the County of Worcester, on the first Tuesday of September, A. D. 1789: The petition of Seth Heywood humbly showeth, that the town of Gardner, in March, 1786, laid out, and accepted a road, through a part of your petitioner's land, of between sixty and seventy rods in length, thereby separating about four acres of HISTORY OF GARDNER. 123 mostly improved laud, in a triangular form, from the rest of his farm, and which 'svill oblige him, to build upward of one hundred and thirty rods of stone wall, as there is not timber near the same that he can make use of for that purpose. That as your petitioner can receive no kind of benefit from the afore- said road ; and as there has been a county road, laid out and opened, across his farm, and another extensive town road, with- out any expense to the county or town, he must think that an unequal burden is laid upon him, and cannot therefore consent that the aforesaid road, should be continued, unless he has rea- sonable damages allowed him therefor ; that such damages your petitioner applied for, at the time of laying out and accepting the road ; that the matter has been under discussion, at various town meetings, from that time, down to the commencement of the present year, but no adequate damages have, or probably will be granted him, without the interposition of this Honorable Court. Your petitioner, therefore, prays 3'our Honors to take his case into your wise consideration, and grant him such relief, either by a discontinuance of said road, or causing him to be paid equal damages therefor as you shall think him justly en- titled to ; and as in duty bound shall ever pray. Seth Hey wood. Commomvealth of Massachusetts. Worcester, ss. At a Court of General Sessions of the Peace, begun and held at Worcester, within and for the county of Worcester, on the first Tuesday of September, being the second day of said month. Anno Domini, one thousand seven hundred and eighty- eight, on the foregoing petition, ordered that the petitioner therein named, notify the said inhabitants of the town of Gard- ner, by serving them Avith an attested copy of said peti- tion of the order thereon, thirty days, at the least, before the next Court of General Sessions of the Peace, to be holden at Worcester, within and for said county, on the last Tuesday of 124 HISTORY OF GAllDNEll. March next, that said inhabitants may then and there show cause, if anj- they have, why the prayer of said petitioner should not be o-ranted. Attest, Jos. Allen, Clerk. Copy entered and attested. Jos. Allex, Clerk. No further trace of the controversy, between Lieut. Seth Hey wood and the town, can be found upon the town records. The presumption, however, is that some arrangement was made, satisfactory to the parties concerned, of which no record was preserved. The strusfo-le was Ions;, running through several years, and ended in the continuance of the road, as originally laid through Mr. Hey wood's land. This road is now a part of Central Street, beginning at the junction of Lynde and Central streets " at a heap of stones which was the corner of Winchen- don and Ashburnham" and running down to Crystal Lake. The triangular piece of land, spoken of in the petition, is the piece now bounded by Central and Lynde streets. It Avill be noticed that Winchendon and Ashburnham cornered near the junction of these two streets, under Capt. Gardner's house. The following is a petition which the town voted, March 25th, 1794, to present to the Court of General Sessions of the Peace, concerning proposed alterations in the county road, then run- ning over Kendall Hill and on through South Gardner. It is here introduced, in part, to afford a glimpse of the town's con- dition then financially, as also to show the motives actuating a people, influenced by a tavern keeper, who is in great fear of los- ing a portion of his customers by diverting trade from his own " public house, that has been occupied for that service upwards of twenty years" : — To the llonorahle Court of the General Sessions of the Peace for the County of Worcester, to be holden at Worcester in and for said County, on Tuesday, the tiventy-fifth day of March, A. D., 1794: A petition of the town of Gardner, humbl}^ showeth, whereas, there have been several alterations made, in the county road HIS TOBY OF GARDNER. 125 through this town, one in particular, south of Landlord Jack- son's and across a meadow below Capt. Bickford's mill, to the great damage of the town and individuals in said town, and we cannot see that the traveler can receive any real advantage by the same, and a great number of them seem to choose the old road, rather than the new one, as it is a good road and has been traveled upwards of forty years and goes upon a neck of land between two meadows, where it will be always kept good as it must be kept for a town way, and the new one is a very bad one to make, and if not discontinued it seems, we must have to apply to the Honorable Court for some help, before it can be made passable. It also will be a "reat damage on account of havins: mills be- ing put up at the lower end of the meadow, which we shall stand in great need of, for the mill, at the upper end of the meadow, in some seasons, cannot grind for one-half of the town now it is small, and when we come to have three times our [present] number, and lands cleared up, which will much shorten the water, it will make a wide odds, and we shall have to travel five, six, seven and eight miles for grinding, which will be a very great grievance ; it also takes it from a public house that has been occuiDied for that service, upwards of twenty years, and of late has been at great expense for buildings to serve the public : and as we have three county roads through this little town, and a most all our roads are new and very bad to make, and but a little while since our incorporation, and have had a meeting-house to build and of late a minister to settle, and have school houses to build, before we can reap any great advantage by schooling. We, therefore, pray your honors to take our case into your wise consideration and discontinue the new laid road, about eighty rods west of the Sawyer road, so called, to where it comes out again at the old road, up the hill, east of Capt. Bickford's new barn, and to keep the old road as it is now traveled, which is but two tallies further than the new one, which, had there been a full bench, we cannot think, would have l)een accepted. But, if your Honors should not see meet 126 HISTORY OF GARDNER. to discontinue the said piece of road, we then pray your Honors would appoint a new committee to view from Otter River bridge, so called, in Gardner to Westminster meeting-house, in order, if there must be an alteration, to hit upon the best place for the travel and cost, as we cannot think the last one, the meadow, is the best one, which, if a committee so granted, and should not report in [our] favor, and alteration from what the last committee did, they shall come at the expense of your petition- ers. All [of] which is humbly submitted and your petitioners in duty bound shall ever pray. " Voted, To choose a committee to present this petition to the court. Capt. Elisha Jackson was chosen committee." Without attempting to describe or even mention all the roads Avhich have been laid out in this town, whose name is legion, we will briefly notice those of most importance. It will be re- membered, that those who drew the remonstrance, against the petition of Wilder, Coolidge and the Priests to be restored to Winchendon, therein state that they have " laid out the biggest part of our roads, to convene that spot," that is, the centre of the town, where has since stood the first church ever built in town. These could not have been, what we are accustomed to call roads now-a-days, but, simply bridle paths, over which the early inhabitants rode on horseback to church. The first record we find, respecting the highway from the centre, toward the north part of the town, bears date November 22d, 1803, when the town, " Voted, To accept a road from the northwest corner of the pound near the meeting-house." This road was then laid out, no fiirther, in a northerly direction, than the Green place, now owned by Mr. Charles Heywood. Turning there, it ran towards Joel Matthews'. Beyond the Green phice, in a north- erly direction, there is no town record of the road's having been laid, notwithstanding such must have been the fact. The road, running east and west, through the centre, was the old county road from Royalston to Westminster. What is now called Lyude Street, is a part of the old road from Gardner to Tern- HISTORY OF GARDINER. 127 pletoii, running westerly by Dr. Parker's mill, and coming into the old turnpike, about a mile this side of East Templeton, over which, in part, a new road has recently been laid. The following is the history of Elm Street : Soon after the first minister. Rev. Jonathan Osgood, was settled here, he built for himself, the house now^ owned by Dea. Henry Lawrence. The road from the church, to his house, w\as very crooked ; run- •ning around somewhere near the garden of Mr. Levi Heywood, behind Mr. John Edu'cll's old house, then veering to the rioht, then again to the left, where are still traces of its bed in the pasture of Mr. Edgell, it reached the spot near which Mr. Osgood erected his house, where it terminatecL In the warrant for the annual town meeting for March 5th, 1792, was the following article : " To see if the town will make any alteration in the roads laid through the Rev. Mr. Osgood's land, and part of Mr. Seth Hey wood's land, as fol- lows, viz. : Beginning at a beech tree, in said Heywoocl's land, thence running southerly to a marked stump north of the cause- w^ay, near the old house in said Osgood's land ; also beginning at a stake in the fence south of said causew\ay and running east- erly to a hemlock marked, then keeping the same course till it strikes the road laid out for Ephraim Temple and others, laid two rods wide, northeasterly of said boundaries." At this town meeting it was " Voted, To accept of the alteration as made by the selectmen." Thus Elm Street was opened to the house of Mr. Osgood in March 1792. Beyond this point south, there was no road till March 2d, 1795. In the warrant, for the March meeting for the above named year, was this article : "To see if the town will accept of the alterations in the road between Capt. Wil- liam Bickford's and Rev. Jonathan Osgood's through Benjamin Sawin's land and the Rev. Jonathan Osgood's land, agreeable to the selectmen's minutes." At this meeting the town "Voted, To accept the alteration made in the road between Capt. Wil- liam Bickford's (now the house of Aaron Greenwood in South Gardner,) and the Rev. Jonathan Osgood's through Benjamin 128 HISTORY OF GARDNER. Sawiii's land and the Rev. Jonathan Osgood's land." Thns by two separate efforts of the town, was obtained the road from the Centre to South Gardner. The road from the junction, near the house of H. C. Hill, to the corner in the West Village, has a somewhat interesting history. In October, 1832, the selectmen laid out this road, and brought their action before the town, for their acceptance or rejection. Strange as it may seem to us now, the town "Voted, To dismiss the article;" but, in less than one year after, September 14th, 1833, when the matter was again urged, they " Voted, To choose a committee to oppose or advocate the road," and on June 2d, 1834, the town •' Voted, To choose a committee to let out the road." From the corner in West Village, to the depot, on what is now called North Main Street, the road was laid, at two sepa- rate times. The first part, from Mr. Frank Conant's store to Mr. Philander Derby's chair shop, was laid out March 6th, 1843. From the Fitchburg depot to Mr. Derby's shop the road was laid Feb. 3d, 1849. Spring Street was laid, March 28th, 1851. The road from the Centre, througli Pleasant Street to the old turnpike, was relocated by the county commissioners October 19, 1857 ; also that from the Centre to South Gardner; also the old turnpike from the Westminster to the Templeton line. In 1842 the county commissioners relaid and ordered the immediate rebuilding of the old turnpike from Westminster to Templeton. The reconstruction of this road, cost the town about $7000, a j^art of which, was paid out of the surplusage of the United States revenue. School Street was laid out, to the slaughter-house of C. W. Morse, September 28th, 185(i ; Cross Street from Mr. Thomas E. Glazier's, to slaughter-house, July 27, 1858 ; Cherry Street Avas extended, from the house of Miss Martha Barker to Elm Street, July 27th, 1858 ; the first part of Chestnut Street, from Central to Cross Street, was laid May 17th, 1867 ; second part, from Cross Street, to Atherton house. May 17, 1869 ; the last part, from Atherton house, to Fitch- burg depot, August 29th, 1870 ; Maple Street, October 25th, I,'' : !l I'll"! I'^f^SHIl HI8T0EY OF GARDINER. .129 1869 ; Cross Street was extended to Pine Street, May 12th, 1871 ; Nichols Street was laid May 12th, 1871 ; Walnut Street was also laid May 12th, 1871 ; first part of Pine Street, from Lynde to Cross Street, August 19th, 1867 ; last part of Pine Street, from Cross to North Main Street, May 17th, 1869 ; Ver- non Street, May 26th, 1868 ; Washington Street, June 2d, 1875 ; Mechanics Street, May 15, 1873; extended August 9th, 1877; Lincoln Street, October 28th, 1873; Union Street, No- vember 1st, 1851 ; Summer Street, May 26th, 1868 ; extended May 12th, 1871 ; Mill Street ordered by the county commis- sioners May 24th, 1869; Prospect Street, August 29th, 1870; High Street extended, August 29th 1870; Conant Street was laid out October 28th, 1871. April 4th, 1870, there was an article in the warrant " to see if the town Avill take any measures to designate by name the different roads and streets in said town and act anything in re- lation thereto." Upon this article the town " Voted, To choose a committee of five to report to the town at some future meet- ing, uaraes for the several roads and streets." This committee, consisting of Charles Hey wood, Francis Eichardson, S. W. A. Stevens, John W. Hill and Asaph Wood, made their report September 6th, 1870, which was accepted, — sec. Town Records, vol. 5, p. 523 and following. At the same meeting the town " Voted, That the selectmen cause sign boards to be put up at the termini of each street in town." We have endeavored to give above, a pretty full summary of the roads in this town, while at the same time we are aware, that not all the roads, highways and byways have been men- tioned, a thing impossible and needless to do. As the years have gone by, there has been evident progress made, in the manner of constructing and caring for our highways. In its infancy and poverty, in 1786, the town expended the sum of three hundred dollars ; in the year 1877, the sum of three thou- sand dollars was appropriated for highways. While our roads are necessarily hilly, they are, as a general thing, kept in good repair, much vigilauce being constantly exercised over them by 17 130 HISTORY OF GARDNER. our selectmen and road masters. It is to be hoped that before the hipse of many years, there will be a greater and more gen- eral interest manifested by the town, in the construction of sidewalks and planting of shade and ornamental trees along our streets. Within the last few years individuals have laid con- venient and permanent sidewalks in front of their own dwel- lings, and have erected lamp posts for the benefit of the public ; but much yet remains to be done in this direction, before the town is made to possess the attractiveness it is capable of. Having said thus much concerning the highways and streets of Gardner, from the earliest time to the present, it is thought best to introduce here some account of the Turnpike, which was once a marked feature of this town. By so doing we hope to preserve a record, for the benefit of future generations, of facts and scenes, of which they might otherwise remain forever ignorant. FIFTH MASSACHUSETTS TURNPUvE CORPORATION. This turnpike was incorporated March 1st, 1799. The rea- sons, for establishing it, are given in the preamble to the act of incorporation, in the following Avorcls : — WJiereas, The highway leading from Northfield in the county of Hampshire, through Warwick and Orange to Athol, and also from Greenfield through Montague and unimproved lands up Miller's liiver to Athol aforesaid, thence through Gerry, (now Phillipston,) Templeton, Gardner, Westminster and Fitchburg to Leominster, in the county of Worcester, is rocky and moun- tainous ; and the expense of straightening, making and repair- ing the same, through the said towns, so that the same may be conveniently traveled with horses and carriages, is much greater than reasonably ought to be required of said towns : Be it tJierefore enacted by the Senate and House of Represen- tatives in General Court assembled, etc. This turnpike had its commencement at Capt. Elisha Hunt's in Northfield, passed through Warwick, Orange, Athol, Phillipston, Templeton and Gardner to Westminster meetiuir-house, from thence to Jonas HIST OB Y OF GARDNER. 131 Kendall's tavern in Leominster ; also from Calvin Munn's tavern in Greenfielcl, through Montague to Athol. The road was to be four rods wide, and the path to be traveled not less than eighteen feet wide, in any place. The corporation was authorized to erect five turnpike gates, convenient for collect- ing the toll. One of these gates was near David Mayo's tavern, in Warwick ; another near the tavern of Samuel Sweetser, in Athol ; another near the line between Gardner and West- minster ; another near the tavern of Jonas Kendall, in Leom- inster ; there was another at such convenient place between Greenfield and Athol as the corporation should determine. The following were the rates of toll : — For every coach, pha?ton, chariot, or other four-wheel car- riage drawn by two horses, ticenty-five cents, and if drawn by more than two horses, an additional sum of four cents for each horse ; for every cart or wagon, drawn by two oxen or horses, twelve and an half cents, and if drawn by more than two horses or oxen, an additional sum of three cents for each ox or horse ; for every curricle, sixteen cents ; for every chaise, chair or other carriage, drawn b}' one horse, twelve and an half cents ; for every man and horse, ^re cents ; for every sled or sleigh, drawn by two oxen or horses, nine cents, if drawn by more than two oxen or horses, an additional sum of tJiree cents for each ox or horse ; for each sled or sleigh, drawn by one horse, eight cents ; for all horses, mules, oxen or neat cattle, led or driven, besides those in teams or carriages, one cent each ; for all sheep or swine, at the rate of three cents for one dozen. If the corporation, or their toll-gatherers, or others in their employ, should unreasonably delay or hinder any traveler, at any of the gates, or should receive more toll than was estab- lished by the act of incorporation, the corporation should for- feit a sum not exceeding ten dollars nor less than two dollars, to be recovered before any justice of the peace of the county where the offence should be committed, by any person thus in- jured, delayed oi- defrauded. The corporation was liable for any damage which should arise from defective brido;es, or want 132 HI8T0RY OF GARDNER. of repairs, in said way. They were also indictal)le for not keeping the road in good repair. If any person shonld cut, break down, or otherwise destroy any turnpike gates, or dig up or cany away any earth, or in an}' manner damage the road, or should forcibly pass or attempt to pass the toll-gates, with- out having first paid the legal toll, he should pay a fine not exceeding^^?/ doUars nor less than ten dollars. If any person, with his team, cattle, or horse, should turn out of the road to pass by any of the turnpike gates, and again enter the road, with intent to evade the toll, he should pay three times as much as the legal toll would have been. Persons passiug to or from public worship, also persons passing on military duty, were exempt from toll. The corporation Avere oljliged to erect, and keep constantly exposed to view, at all places where toll was to be collected, a sign or board with rates of toll, of all the toll- able articles, fairly and legibl}' written thereon in large or capital characters. This turnpike ran straight from Templeton through South Gardner, to Westminster, irrespective of hills or swamps. There was a toll-gate near the house of Elijah Foster, in Gard- ner, which was subsequently removed to a position near the store of S. W. A. Stevens, in South Gardner. This turupike formed the most direct route from Brattleborough, Vt., to Bos- ton, and was the old stage road between these points. In the history of these turnpikes, we begin to trace those improve- ments, in public travel, which have since grown into rapid rail- road, and steamship conveyance. Let it not, however, be for- gotten, that turnpikes were matters of great public interest, in those days. There was, among the projectors of these roads, laying them in a direct course, from point to point, as they did, something of that determination to annihilate time and space, of which so much is heard at the present time. Then too, those stages, with their four and six horses, dash- ing along the highways, with their heavy freight of passengers and luggage, were objects fitted to awaken admiration in all the dwellers along the route. With what a sense of self-importance HISTORY OF GARDNER. 133 did the driver sound his horn and crack his whip, as he ap- proached the tavern where men and boys Avere the self-con- stituted committee of reception of the incoming stage. How they gazed upon the passengers and watched their movements, especially if they were from " down below." What jovial times those must have been at the taverns, when it was not thought immoral for everybody to assemble and talk over national affairs and drink the ever present draft of toddy, and crack the jokes that called forth the uproarious laughter. It is true, we are better acconnnodated, by the oft-coming and departing railroad trains, but these, creeping along through valleys and around upon hillsides and through dismal swamps, awaken no such admiration, as the old New England stage did, with its pompous driver and spirited six-in-hand, as they passed along the public highway or brought up, flecked with foam, at one of our old county taverns. But with all our improvements, in consequence of steam, it is a noticeable fact, that roads are coming to be more and more a matter of public attention, and more lavish expenditure. There is a more intelligent convic- tion in the public mind, that good roads have much to do with the economy of living, since it must always cost more to draw a load over a bad road, than over a good one. In England, at the period already referred to, in this chapter, Macaulay tells us that such was the execrable condition of the roads, that the expense of transmitting heavy goods, in wagons was enormous, costing about fifteen pence a ton, for every mile, or fifteen times more than is demanded by railroads. Such, indeed, was the expense of transportation, upon these high- ways that, coal for instance, was never seen in England, except in the districts where it was produced, or in districts where it could be carried by water. On by-roads, goods were carried on long trains of pack horses. But in this respect, England has very greatly improved since the time of which Macaulay writes, having now several thousand miles of the finest roads in the world, being made firm and hard by the gravel and broken stone with which thej' are ballasted. The same is true 134 HISTORY OF GARDNER. of the roads in Switzerland. Tiiese people have already learned, that Avhich we are coming aradually, better to understand, that the best and most substantially built road, at whatever cost, is cheaper and more satisfactory in the long run, than that of poorer construction. Says Hon. Charles G. Davis of Plym- outh, who has traveled extensively in England and on the Con- tinent, " Go to the poorest canton in Switzerland, much poorer than any district in Massachusetts, and you Avill find roads, made always with even grades, never Avith a pitch or hollow to suit the natural surface of the country, but always upon even pitches up and doAvn, sometimes bridging across dry vallej^s, the engineering and m.^sonry of the most excellent character. These roads are constantly watched, as a mother watches her child, as the trackmen upon our railroads, tend the track that the engines pass over, watched day by day, and swept week by week."* It is to be hoped that our roads will be yet made after models of this high character. ♦Agricultural Report 1870-1871. ffljSTOBY OF GARDNER. 135 CHAPTER VI. KAILROADS. " Carriages without horses shall go, And accidents fill the world with woe. Around the world thoughts shall fly- In the twinkling of an eye. Water shall yet more wonders do ; Now strange, yet shall be true. The world upside down shall be. And gold be found at root of tree. Through hills man shall ride, And no horse or ass be at his side. Under water men shall walk ; Shall ride, shall sleep, shall talk. In the air men shall be seen. In white, in black, in green. Iron in the water shall float. As easy as a wooden boat. Gold shall be found, and found In a land that's not now known. Fire and water shall wonders do, England shall at last admit a Jew." — Mother Shipton's Prophecy, A. D. 1488. EFORE entering upon a minute history of the raih'oacls passing through this town, it is thought not inappropriate, to present, in the opening of tliis chapter, a brief sketch of public communications, a hundred years ago, and even at a much Uiter day, that the reader may be able, to put events then, in contrast, with events now. The difficulties and perils of travel in the United States one hundred years ago, are graphi- cally sketched, by Mr. Edward Abbott, in a little work, entitled 136 HISTORY OF GAlWNEli. " Revolutionary Times," from which, we take a portion of the information here presented. He refers us to a brief narrative, of the journey, which a young man, by the name of Elkanah Watson, of Rhode Ishuid, made, in 1777, from Providence to Charleston, South Carolina, on an errand of great pecuniary importance. The young man, then only nineteen years of age, started in September on horseback, and with a " hanger" at his side, and a pair of pistols at his holster, journeyed through eastern Connecticut to Hartford, "a wealthy and respectable place of almost three hundred houses," thence " to New Haven which he found to be somewhat larger." Crossing the Hudson at Peekskill, he came to Morristown, N. J., where he fell in with two other travelers going the same way, and here ex- changed his seat, on the saddle, for one in a " sulky." The British having just taken possession of Philadelphia, the party were obliged to mtdve, a considerable detour, by way of Read- ing, Lancaster :uid York, but were even then detained for a night, under arrest on suspicion of being British spies. They spent two days at Bethlehem, where was " a spacious tavern alfording them welcome comforts;" at Reading they found " a town of four hundred houses ;" and at Reamstown, young Wat- son had his tirst experience of sleeping in a German house, " between two feather beds." At Euphrates he heard the sound of Washington cannonading Germantown. Through Lancaster, he went to York, where Congress, driven out of Philadelphia, were in session, and where pussports, had to be obtained, for the continuation of the journey, which so far, had occupied just a month. Crossing Maryland, JNIr. Watson came to Fredericks- ])urg, Virginia, which he found '' to be a place of a thousand inhabitants." Willianisl)uroj contained more than three hundred dwellings, " built chiefly of wood, on one street nearly a mile in length." Entering North Carolina, the first place of impor- tance was Edenton, with " thirty-five houses, and a brick court house." Thence, his route lay partly by land and partly by wa- ter, to Bath ; this region was uninhabited and desolate ; crossing the Neuse River by night, with considerable danger, he finally HISTORY OF GARDNER. 137 reached Newbern, the capital of the colony. The journey from Newbern to Wilmington, lay through an almost unbroken wilderness ; at one point he lost his way, at another encount- ered a large bear. Be3^ond Wilmington, the route lay along the beach, for sixteen miles ; he here met a party going north, who had with them tidings of Burgoyue's surrender. • On the 18th of November, Mr. Watson entered Charleston, having been seventy days, in traveling one thousand two hundred and forty-three miles. Mr. Watson was the bearer of funds, not in checks and drafts of modern times, but in gold, securely quilted into the lining of his coat. From this narrative, it will be easy to see, what it was to travel an hundred years ago. It was a time, when forests gave protection to many wild beasts, and the highways were infested like Gads Hill, with highway robbers, who have since given their attention to wrecking, and plundering railroad trains, and bank safes. Then, when night came and found the traveler, far from any settlement or habitation, he Avas compelled to bivouac, in the forest with his horse for a companion and the sky alone above his head. Such was the condition of the country, one hundred years ago, that a traveler must provide himself, with permits to pass military lines, if he intended to go any distance from home. Then there were no canals ; the first one, from AValtham to Richmond, Virginia, not bein"- then completed. There was then one trunk road, from Boston, closely following the coast to the mouth of the Kennebec ; another into New Hampshire, and so into Canada ; another to Providence ; one to New York, connecting the towns of Sprino-- field, Hartford and New Haven, and joined at this latter jjlace, by one skirting the Sound, and going east, as far as the Narra- gansett Bay. From New York, there were two roads northward on each side the Hudson River, as far as Albany, one goino- on thence to Lake George, the other diverging to the Mohawk Valley. Southward a road crossed New Jersey to the Delaware River, then down to Philadelphia, and the region beyond. These were of course, all stage roads. Between New York and 18 138 HISTORY OF GARDNER. Philadelphia there run the fast stage, " The Flying Machine," making the journey in two clays ; from Philadelphia to Balti- more the stage took five days to go ; from Boston to Philadel- phia was a wonderful journey. There Avas a weekly stage from Boston to Portsmouth and another also to Newburyport. The following is an advertisement in the "Boston Gazette," May 10th, 1773, which is a sign of the times. •EZRA LUNT Begs Leave to inform the Public, That he has lately pur- chased an Interest, in the Newbury -Port Stage, which has been lately fixed on a new Construction, in which he intends to im- prove four horses, which he will drive himself. Therefore he flatters himself that those Gentlemen and Ladies, that will oblige him with their Custom, will find more Ease and Pleasure, in their Passages to and from Boston, than they did heretofore. As said Lunt intends to observe Punctuality in his Business, therefore he l)egs that those Gentlemen and Ladies that intend to be his Customers, would take Notice, that he will wait on them, for their Commands at his House in Newbury-Port, oppo- site the Rev. Mr. Parsons' Meeting-house ; from whence he will set out, on Monday every Week, at 7 o'clock, and puts up at Mrs. Bean's, at the Sign of the Ship, in Kings Street, Boston, where all Baggage, Bundles, etc., will l)e received, and deliv- ered, as directed, and Passages engaged. All Favors will be gratefully acknowledged. After the Revolution, a semi-weekly stage, was established between New York and Boston, which made the trip in six days. Sometimes travelers would go by their own conveyance, occa- sionally advertising for a companion. Sometimes they would go by water. Mr. Josiah Quinc}', Jr., went from Boston to Charleston, S. C, in 1773, by water, a voyage which took him twenty days to make. There was communication every ten days, by packet, between Massachusetts and Maine. " The Publick's Humble Servant, William Holland, proprietor, adver- tising that the master of the packet, in order to prevent the HISTORY OF GARDNER. 139 usual Trouble of Gentlemen and Ladies, procuring their Stores, will furnish good Liquors of all Sorts, and proper attendance at the common prices in Taverns." Occasionally there was a packet between Boston, and various parts of the South, and between Boston and the settlements on the St. Lawrence. There were regular packets between Bos- ton and New York, and English ports, six wrecks being the common length of the voyage across the Atlantic. At that time the transportation of troops for the war, was exceedingly laborious and difficult, entirely unlike wdiat our eyes have wit- nessed in recent years. The postal system was in a very imperfect condition. In certain parts of the country, there were no mails whatever, and to a large extent letters w^ere sent by private hands, making correspondence exceedingly uncertain and dilatory. During the lievolntionary War, it was entirely interrupted. The Lon- don papers of September 28th, 1776, contained this notice from the general post office : "A mail Avill be dispatched from hence on Wednesday next, for New York, and also one for Charles- town ; after which there will be no regular Conveyance for Letters from the Office to North America ; but Avhcnever a Packet may be dispatched to any part of that continent, proper notice will be given." As a further evidence of the infrequency of postal facilities, we give the foUowiuir : — GENERAL POST OFFICE. PJdladelphia, Feb. 14th, 1775. It having been found very inconvenient, to persons concerned in trade, that the mail from Philadelphia to New England sets out, but once in a fortnight, during the winter season, this is to give notice that the New England mail will go henceforth, once a week the year round ; when a correspondence may be carried on, and answers obtained to letters, between Philadelphia and Boston in three weeks, which used, in the winter, to require six weeks. By the command of the postmaster-general, William Franklin, Comptroller. 140 HISTORY OF GARDNER. The arrangements for the conveyance of the mails, as often practiced, will be shown by the following advertisement from the "Continental Journal" of December 25th, 1777. WILLIAM SHURTLIFF, POST RIDER. Letters directed to the army, now at the southward, lodged at the public houses or places, hereafter named, on Thursday, the 8th day of January, 1778, viz. at Col. Sprout's, Middle- borough ; Capt. Nathaniel Little's, Kingston ; Mr. Thomas Witherel's, Plymouth ; Mr. Jonathan Parker's, Plympton ; Messrs. Porter's & White's, Taunton ; Mr. Samuel Lane's, Nor- ton ; Gill's Printing Office and Lamb Tavern, Boston ; Mr. Partridge's, Roxbury ; Mr. Daniel Vose's and Mrs. Bent's, Mil- ton ; Mrs. May's, Stoughton ; Mr. Randell's, Stoughtonham ; Mr. Man's, Wrentham, and at his house in Mansfield, will be carefully conveyed, and a speedy return made, by the Publick's most humble Servant. William Shurtliff. P. S. It will be expected that the postages be left with the letters ; and am very sorry to acquaint my customers, and others, that I cannot afford to carry under three shillings per single letter; and if it be duly considered, that the season of the Year is bad, the journey long, and the expenses on the road so amazing great, I flatter myself I shall not be thought unrea- sonable. Gradually these great inconveniences of travel, and the trans- mission of intelligence, were in some degree overcome, within the first fifty years subsequent to the close of the Revolutionary War, by the straightening of roads and building of turn- pikes, together with the attendant increase of postal facilities, so that fifty years ago one could come from Boston to this place, in a little less than a day. It is difficult for us, Avith our man}' and rapid railroad trains, our frequent mails, and telegraphic conveniences, to appreciate the privations and discomforts of two generation ago ; and yet all these facilities of travel and communication are of recent date. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 141 The first railroad in the United States, the Quincy, was built in 1826. Gridley Bryant, the inventor of the eight-wheeled car, the tnrn-tal)le and the switch, was according to good au- thority, the projector, builder and engineer, of this new rail- road, which was only four miles, in length, and made, for the pur- pose of transporting granite for the Bunker Plill Monument. It was not till the period embraced, between 1828 and 1833, that our great system of railroads may be said to have begun. In 1830 there were but twenty-three miles of railroads in the United States. In 1845, there were four thousand, six hundred and thirty-three miles of railroads. This In-ings us to a consideration of the Vermont and Mas- sachusetts Railroad Company, in its relations to the growth and prosperity of this town. The original act of incorporation, bears date March 15th, 1844. According to section first, of this act, the road was located "through the north part of the town of Gardner, to Otter Eiver, thence down Otter River to the village of Baldwinsville, in the north part of Templeton." At this point, it may be well to consider the character of a struggle, which raged for two years, in this community and which involved in its decisions the destiny of this town. It was a war, in Avhich Greek met Greek, and bitter was the conflict, sometimes, and at this distant day, we would like to make our townsmen familiar with the facts, that they may know, from what they have been delivered, and to whose exertions they are indebted for the facilities of trade and travel they now enjoy. About 1842, Hon. iVlvah Crocker, the projector and first pres- ident, of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad, one of Fitch- burg's honored citizens, and subsequently our representative in congress, came to this and other towns, upon the proposed route, Icctui'ing upon the feasibility of the road, and awakening an in- terest in the minds of the people. Stock was subscribed in this town and in Templeton, and the leading men of the day, saw the desirability of the road ; but when the subject came to the con- sideration of the legislature, in the winter of '43 and '44, it had a new and very different face from that which had been pre- 142 HISTORY OF GARDINER. sentecl to the citizens of these towns at the outset. Evidently Garcluer, to the prophetic vision of some of the projectors, was seen to be a near and accessible point, from which to extend an arm to the Boston and Alban}^ Railroad at Worcester, and so divertin<>' trade and travel from the cast, and from the Fitch- burg Railroad ; hence to their minds, came the necessity of locating the route, to the north, and over the summit, making all converge toward Boston, by the way of Fitchburg solely ; so that iu the original bill, as it appeared before the house, Bald- winsville did not appear, but was inserted, through the agency of Col. Artemas Lee, Messrs. Boynton, Day and Davis of Temple- ton, and Mr. Levi Heywood of Gardner. Previous to the pas- sage of this act of incorporation, Mr. Crocker had proceeded to locate and build the eleventh section, which ran from Ashburn- ham toward Winchendon Village, not having been authorized by law, but trusting to the coming legislature, to legalize and sive permission for such a course ; in this he was disappointed by the action of the above-named gentlemen, who, by their timely exertions, had secured the insertion of the name of Bald- winsville, in the proposed route, before the bill had passed the house. Mr. Crocker petitioned to leave Baldwinsville out, and appealed to the county commissioners to change the direction of the road. To oppose this petition, Gardner called a town meeting, July 22d, 1845, and Messrs. Levi Heywood, Thomas E. Glazier and S. S. Howe, were chosen to meet the county commissioners, at Templeton, July 23d, 1845, and also were authorized to employ counsel to assist them in opposing the alteration of said charter. The Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad claimed, at this meeting, that it would be impracticable to construct the road, through the north part of this town, upon the chartered line, because there was, as they expressed it, " so much rock, the worst kind of rock, viz., trap rock.'' Mr. Ed- wards, the engineer of the road, was present and standing at the desk with the profile before him, Avas requested to point out the stations where such rock would be found. Now this gen- tleman had no personal knowledge of this section, his subor- HISTORY OF GARDINER. 143 clinate, Johnson, huving made the survey, but trusting to his judgment, he immediately complied with the request, and des- ignated the stations where this formation would be found. Mr. Hey wood then secured, through Judge Allen, his counsel, an adjournment of the case, for one week ; meanwhile parties w-ent upon the line, and were enabled to sink shafts to grade line, but found no rock as indicated by Mr. Edwards. This foct be- ing presented at the adjourned meeting of the commissioners, virtually killed the case, and they refused to grant the prayer of petitioners. The Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad, thwarted in this attempt to secure a change in its route, brought its case before the legislature, petitioning for the proposed alteration in its chartered line. The chief reasons alleged, by Mr. Crocker and others, were peculiar, and the subterfuges resorted to, were certainly very curious, as will be seen, in the light of subse- quent events. It was claimed by the petitioners that the dam, at the reservoir in Ashburnham, was too high to admit of the construction of the road by the side of it. But it was ascer- tained, that this dam had been raised two feet, with this object, of defeating the chartered line, in view. Again it w^as claimed that the grade of the Fitchburg road was too low to admit of a connection of the line through Gard- ner with it. But the fact, was afterwards disclosed, that the petitioners had lowered the grade of the Fitchburg road through Ashburnham, fifteen feet, so that the chartered line should not be able to connect. To meet this newly made objection, the friends of the proposed route, through the north part of this town, lowered the grade of this road fifteen feet from its original plan. These devices, however, did not avail, and new measures were resorted to, to secure the object of the petitioners. When all hope of defeating the road as originally chartered, was lost, other and more indirect means were used to secure the location of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad through Winchen- don. On the 28th day of February, 1845, the Vermont and 144 HI8T0RY OF GARDINER. Massachusetts Railroad secured the passage of a bill extending the time for building their road to three years, provided any section of it between Fitchburg and Athol should be con- structed within that time. Within thirteen days, after the pas- sage of this bill, viz., on the 13th day of March, following, an act passed the legislature chartering the Winchendon Railroad. This road was to begin at the " southern boundary of the state of New Hampshire, in the town of Fitzwilliam or the town of Rindge, and passing thence to some convenient point at or near Winchendon Village, or Waterville Village, in said town of Win- chendon, or in either of the towns of Royalston, or Templeton, or Gardner, upon the railroad, which may be constructed by the Vermont and JMassachusetts Railroad." We find in the charter of the Winchendon Railroad this proviso, in which appears the influence of Mr. Crocker, with his face steadfastly set like a flint toward Winchendon, viz.: "That if said Vermont and Mas- sachusetts Railroad shall not, within two years from April 1st next, locate and construct their railroad through Winchendon Village, to their chartered line in Royalston, then said Win- chendon corporation are hereby authorized and empowered, to locate, construct and extend their road through said Winchen- don to some convenient point upon the said Vermont and Mas- sachusetts Railroad, in the town of Ashburnham." After long and excited discussions before the committee, the leading and prevailing question of equity was presented by Mr. Hey wood and others, viz. : " That stock had been largely sub- scribed in Gardner, while in Winchendon not one dollar had been subscribed." The petitioners, not feeling quite at ease with this question of equity before the committee, desired to separate Gardner from Templeton. After the hearing had been closed before the committee, and before they had made their report, the question was asked, if Gardner would not be satis- fied with a branch, allowing the main line to go through Win- chendon, which question w\as pertinently answered by their own assertion, " that there was no practicable line to Gardner," to which the reply came, " not one for a main line, but one for HISTOEY OF GARDNER. 145 a branch." Then came the proposition to our ap^ent to accom- pany the engineer, Mr. Edwards, over some line that he, Mr. Heywood, miglit select from Ashburnham tTunction to Gardner. Starting from the Junction fliey followed a route, now used as the road bed between this town and the Junction, until they connected it with a line that had already been surveyed by Mr. Hiijginson for a road runnino" from Fitchburir through West- minster to Gardner. Mr. Edwards, having surveyed this route, brought his chart to ]Mr. Heywood at Boston and requested him to take that before the committee and say that Gardner would be satisfied with a branch as indicated on the chart. "But it would be exparte," Mr. Heywood replied, " as the case has been virtually closed." The survey which Mv. Edwards had made was taken and united to the one which Mr. Higginson had made, and Col. Day of Templeton, being acquainted with one member of the committee of the house, laid the case with the charts before him, and convinced him that there did exist a good route from Fitch- burg through Gardner, by their own actual survey. As the result of all this conflict the legislature relocated the line from Ashburnham to Baldwinsville, April IGth, 1846, in the following words : " Said company, in locating and con- structing that portion of their railroad, which shall be between the point of junction aforesaid, and South Royalston, are hereby empowered to adopt a route, diverging from their present chartered line, in manner following, viz. : Commencing at some convenient point in Westminster, westward of Whitman's Vil- lage, or in Gardner, or in Ashburnham, and thence through the town of Gardner, to the valley of Otter River ; and thence by such a line as shall be found most feasible, through Templeton to a point in their chartered line between Gibson's mill and the village of South Royalston." Thus the struggle, lasting for more than two years, ended at last, through the adroitness, skill and persistent determination, and unfaltering efforts of these agents, in a victory for this town ; a victory without which, Gardner must have been to-da}-, but 19 146 HISTORY OF GAlWNEll. little in adviuicc of what it was, thirty years ago. Such an nnwearied pursuit, of a good object, is worthy of the lasting gratitude, of all who are profited by the great advantages thereby secured to the town, and illustrates the truth of the Virgilian saying, " Possunt quia jiosse videntur ;''' they are able because they seem to be able. Yet the determination to carry the Vermont and Massachu- setts Railroad north of this town, did not even then, become extinct in the minds of those who petitioned for an alteration in the original charter. Hence, instead of coming to Gardner, as the road now does, on a curve at Ashburnham Junction, there was constructed, that bewildering anomaly, in railroad traveling, to the confusion of all passengers, the turning of the engine and the seats of the cars, in order to run upon the new line. This was a declaration daily made, for thirty years, that the road to this [dace should yet be only a branch, of the main line. But if the road has been of great advantage to Gardner, it may with equal truth be said, that Gardner has been of great yearly advantage to it. During the year ending January 1st, 1878, the amount of income derived from the sale of tickets at the office in Gardner was, $10,521. Adding to this sum an equal amount sold at other stations to those returning hither, we have the sum of $21,042. For freight 23,817.85 ; making total income to the road from Gardner, for the year 1877, $44,- 859.85, exclusive of the freight shipped from this to other places, and of express business done upon the road. There are ten regu- lar passenger trains leaving the depot of the Fitchburg Railroad daily, five each way. There are also ten freight trains daily, consisting of a hundred cars each way. The Boston, Barre and Gardner Railroad next claims our at- tention. The original charter for this railroad, was granted, by the legislature, April 26th, 1847. The company were "em- powered to locate, construct, and maintain a railroad with one, or more tracks, from some convenient point, on the Nashua and Worcester Railroad, in the town of Worcester, through the HISTORY OF GARDNER. 147 towns of Holden, Rutland, Princeton, Hubl)ai'd.ston, and Oak- ham, to some convenient point, near the centre of Bane ; and also from some convenient point, on said route, in the town of Princeton, through the town of Hubbardston, to some conven- ient point, on the Vermont and ^Massachusetts Railroad in the town of Gardner." By an act of the legislature, extending the time, for the con- struction of this road, passed March 24th, 1849, permission was granted, to change the name from that of "The Barre and Worcester Railroad Corporation," to " The Boston, Barre and Gardner Railroad Corporation." An additional act was passed, April 24th, 1851, extending the time for building the road, and at the same time, releasing the corporation " from all obliga- tion to construct that part of their said railroad as described in their charter, from a point at the junction of the two branches of said railroad, in the town of Princeton, through the towns of Rutland, Hubbardston, and Oakham, to some convenient point near the centre of Barre ; and they may construct, or omit to construct any part thereof, as they may elect ; and they may also construct, and maintain, the other, parts of the said railroad, from some convenient point, on the Worcester and Nashua Railroad, in the city of Worcester, through the towns of Holden, Rutland, Princeton and Hubbardston, to some con- venient point on the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad, in the town of Gardner." Permission was also jriven, in this act, grantins: a relocation of the road, to open a new subscription for the capital stock of this corporation, releasing also, from all assessments, all per- sons holding stock before subscribed, and from all expenses afterwards incurred by said corporation." On March 12th, 1853, another act passed the legislature, extending the time for con- structing this road, to July 1st, 1856, and authorizing the com- pany, to build their road by sections. The first section was to begin, in Worcester, at some convenient point on the Worces- ter and Nashua Railroad, and extend through the toAvns of West Boylston and Holden, to some convenient point in the 148 HISTORY OF GARDNER. town of Princeton. The second section, was to extend from the northerly end of the first section, in Princeton, through Hubbardston to Gardner. Tiie third section, was to extend from some convenient point on the first section, through the towns of Rutland, Hubbardston and Oakham, to some conven- ient point in Barre. The last act of the legislature renewing the charter, was passed February 21st, 1868, extending the time of construction to the 1st day of July, 1871. An act approved July 8th, 1869, authorized the city of Worcester to subscribe to the capital stock of the Boston, Barre and Gardner Railroad Company, one per centum of its valuation for 1868. The towns of Holden, Princeton, Rutland, Barre, Hubbardston and Gardner, were also, by the same act, authorized " to subscribe, to the said capital stock, an amount not exceeding in all, five per centum of their valuation, as given by their assessors for 1868, and to pay for the same, out of the treasury of the town that shall so subscribe, and to hold the same, as town property ; and said stock, when so subscribed and paid for, shall be subject to the disposal of the said city, and each of the said towns, that shall become subscribers, to the said stock, under this act, for public purposes, in the same manner, as any other property it may possess ; provided, that if the citizens aforesaid, shall become subscribers to the stock of any other railroad company, under authority, that has been heretofore conferred upon them, or may hereafter be conferred upon them, b}^ any act of the legislature, the whole amount of their subscriptions to all railroad companies, shall not exceed five per centum, of the aforesaid valuation." The total amount subscribed must be determined, at city or town meetings legally warned and called. This mone}^ the city of Worcester, and the towns above named were empowered to raise, by the issuing of bonds, or by loan or tax. They were authorized " to appoint a committee, to subscribe, in behalf of the city or town for such number of such shares, in the capital stock of this corporation, as should be voted by city or toAvn ; and this committee were authorized, to cast the vote of said city or HISTORY OF GARDINER. 149 towns, ill the choice of directors of said raih'oad, at the first meeting of the stockholders thereof, after said city or town should subscribe, called for that purpose : and thereafter the vote of said city or towns, in the choice of directors of said railroad, shall be cast, by the person or persons, whom said city or towns may appoint." The final act of relocation of this road, was approved March 11th, 1870. It pertained to the relocation of the first, second, and third sections. This act permitted the corporation to extend its line, " from some convenient point in the city of Worcester, thence through Holden, and through, or near the centre village thereof; and thence through Princeton and Hub- bardston, and the southerly part of Gardner, to some conven- ient point, on the road of the Vermont and Massachusetts Raili'oad Company in said Gardner." The corporation was also authorized, to locate the third section of its road, so that it might extend from some convenient point, in the first or second section of its road, to some convenient point in the town of Barre. With the final location of this road, and the act of the legislature authorizing the cit}^ of Worcester, and the towuis along the line to subscribe to the capital stock, there began to be manifested an increased interest, in its immediate construction. In Gardner, a town meeting was called August 18th, 1869, to consider the subject of subscribing to the stock, of the Bos- ton, Barre and Gardner Eailroad. This meeting was largely attended, and much interest manifested, in the project. Upon motion of Mr. Levi HeyAvood, it was "Voted, That the town subscribe for stock in the Boston, Barre and Gardner Railroad Corporation, to the amount of three per centum of the valuation of the town in 1868." This subscription amounted to $38,500, and was increased to $100,000 by private subscription. INIuch public interest was evinced in the speedy accomplish- ment of this enterprise, which had lain dormant for twenty-two years. The towns along the line of this new road, were quite enthusiastic, in their determination to build it. Hubbardston went to the utmost limit granted by the legislature, and sub- 150 HISTOBY OF GARDNER. scribed five per cent, of its valuation for 1868, making the amount of its. subscription $37,600, which was subsequently increased to |50,000 ; Princeton subscribed $6,000 and Holden $30,000, Avhich was largely increased by private subscription ; while the city of Worcester, by a large majority, subscribed one per cent, of its valuation for 1868, amounting to about $280,000. At a meeting of the directors, held at Worcester, September 15th, 1869, a vote was passed to put that portion of the road between Worcester and Gardner under contract immediately. This contract was made with Messrs. Cook &. Co. of Canada, in November, 1869. The company organized at Worcester September 28th, 1869, with the following officers : President, Col. Ivers Phillips, Worcester; Secretary and Treasurer, Wil- liam E. Starr, Worcester ; Directors, Ivers Phillips, Stephen Salisl)ury, W. W. Rice, Calvin Foster, D. Waldo Lincoln, Horatio N. Tower, Lewis Ballard of Worcester, Joab S. Holt, David Parmenter of Holden, John Brooks of Princeton, Henry Prentiss of Hubbardston and Levi Heywood of Gardner. From the time of the contract, the construction of the road, was rapidly and faithfully pursued, till the 26th day of April, 1871, when Col. Phillips drove the first spike, in Gardner, promi'sing at the same time to have the rails laid to Worcester by the 4th of July following. True to his word, the road was so far advanced towards completion, that upon the 4th of July, 1871, an excursion train passed over it, from Worcester to this town, although it was not formally opened, to the public till later. Such is the history of the Boston, Barre and Gardner Railroad. At this point we must go back a little, and take up the con- temporaneous history relating to the extension of this road to Winchendon, as it now exists. It will be remembered that the Boston, Barre and Gardner Railroad, was chartered in 1847, but no action was taken, looking to Its construction till twenty-two years after. During these years, especially the latter part of them, the chair manufacturers of this town, w^ere HISTORY OF GARDNER. 151 gi-eatly enlarging their business, and making constantly in- creasnig demands for lumber, for its successful prosecution. Much of this lumber came from Vermont and New Hamp- shire. But such were the railroad inconveniences, that they were obliged to have their stock, or lumber, come over the Cheshire Railroad, and be drawn by teams from Ashburnhara Junction, or be brought, upon the Vermont and Massachusetts, from the Junction to Gardner, at great cost, the two railroads charging high tariffs. Tliis inconvenience affected not only the chair manufacturers, but our grain merchants, and other lousi- ness men, as well. Hence there began to be a conviction in the minds of our citizens, that there ought to be a railroad, from Gardner to Winchendon, to connect with the Cheshire and Monadnock. If this road could be built, it would open up direct and less costly communication, Avith the lumber regions of Vermont and New Hampshire, and be a matter of great con- venience and profit to Gardner. Prompted b}^ these motives, a petition was presented, l)y our representative, in the General Court, for 1869, Mr. Calvin S. Greenwood, signed by Mr. Charles Hey wood and others, for a road from here to Winchen- don, to be called the Gardner and Winchendon Railroad. This petition was presented February 4th, 1869, and was referred to the Committee on Railroads. February 24th there was a peti- tion presented by B. D. Whitney and others, in aid of the peti- tion of Charles Hey wood and others. This also was referred to the above committee. In the senate, May 2nth, 1869, there was a report upon the petition of Charles Heywood and others, which was considered, and on motion of Mr. Buttrick, a bill to incorporate the Gardner and Winchendon Railroad Company, was substituted therefor ; whereupon, the whole subject was referred to the next General Court. Thus the Gardner and Winchendon enterprise was, for this year prevented, Avhich, to one looking at events, in an honest and unselfish light, seems strange, inasmuch as the enterprising citizens of Gardner and Winchendon proposed to build the road with money from their own pockets and did not propose to ask the state for a dollar, in aid of their much desired project. 152 III8T0RY OF GARDNER. This agitation, coucerning a road from here to Winehendon, in the legislature of 18G9, was not, however, without its favor- able results, as will now be seen. The petition of Mr. Charles Hey wood and others, had the beneficial effect to arouse a new interest in the minds of enterprising men, in Worcester, in the desirability of building the long chartered line from Worcester to Gardner, and of extending the same, to Winehendon, thus obviating any necessity for the incorporation of the Gardner and Winehendon Railroad, as prayed for by the petitioners. In the legislature of 1870, in which Mr. John M. Moore was rep- resentative of the district of which Gardner forms a part, according to the journal of the house, for January 18th, 1870, " a bill to incorporate the Gai-dner and Winehendon Railway Company, referred by the senate, in 1869, to this General Court, came down, having been taken from the files of the Senate, and referred to the Committee on Railways, and the house con- curred in the reference." "January 14th, 1870, a petition of the Boston, Barre and Gardner Railroad Company, for a change of location and exten- sion of road, was referred, in concurrence, to the Committee on Railways. January 17th, 1870, Mr. Moore of Gardner, presented the petition of Mr. Thomas E. Glazier and others, of Gardner, that the Boston, Barre and Gardner Railroad may be extended to Winehendon. February 28th, 1870, Mr. Earle of Worcester, from a Committee on Railways, to whom was re- ferred the petition of the Boston, Barre and Gardner Railroad Company, reported on the part of said petition, a bill author- izing the company to relocate its road. This was read and ordered to a second reading, March 1st, 1870." "The bill was ordered to a third reading March 2d, 1870. Mr. Marble of Worcester, moved a reconsideration of the vote by which the report, on the petition of the Boston, Barre and Gardner Railroad Company w^•ls accepted, and the motion was placed on the orders of the day following. March 3d, 1870, motion was withdrawn. March 10th, 1870, bill was engrossed. March 1st, 1870, Mr. Parker of Lancaster, from Committee on HISTORY OF GARDNER. 153 Railways, to Avhom was referred the petition, of the Boston, Barre and Gardner Raih'oad Company, for extension of its road, reported reference to the next General Court. March 2d, 1870, Mr. Marble of Worcester, moved a reconsideration of the above, and the motion Avas placed on the orders of the day following. March 3d, 1870, a motion was made to reconsider the vote, by which the report, on the petition of the Boston, Barre and Gardner Railroad Company, was yesterday accepted, was agreed to, and Mr. Earle of Worcester moved to amend the report, by substituting a bill, to authorize the said road to extend to Winchendon, and for other purposes, pending, the consideration of which, the subject was postponed till the next clay." March 4th, 1870, a report, on the petition of the Boston, Barre and Gardner Railroad Company, was accepted, Mr. Earle withdrawing his motion to amend the same. This action of Mr. Earle was taken because of an agreement entered into be- tween the friends of the extension and their opponents, that, if referred to the next legislature, they would not oppose it. The managers of the Boston, Barre and Gardner Railroad, were induced to make this agreement, in order to insure the passage of the bill then pending, for the relocation of their road, which was of vital importance to them at that time, and which would have been seriously endangered, had they pressed the extension. In 1871, the matter came again before the legislature, Mr. Levi Heywood being the representative, for that year, in the General Court. In all fairness of agreement, between the parties interested for and against the extension, it was hoped and expected that no more opposition would be made to the extension to Win- chendon. But, in this hope, the friends of the road were des- tined to disappointment. Petitions, were presented to this legislature from the city council of Worcester, Charles Hey- wood and five hundred and seven other citizens of Gardner, Nelson D. White and others, William B. Goodnow and others, Ethan Davis and others, Monadnock Railroad Company, N. P. 20 154 HISTORY OF GABTfNER. Parkhui'st and others, in favor of the extension to Winchendon, while Mr. George C. Winchester and others of Ashburnham, presented petitions against the extension. From this time onward, through the whole session, the oppo- sition, to the petitioners for an extension, was exceedingly intense. Contrary to an agreement made at the last session, the old opponents were again in the field, or rather the lobby, ready to do all, within their power, to have the petition denied. Supreme selfishness was the inspiring force, in all their conduct. The Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company was there, with its agents, though they had, as they claimed, been sum- moned. The Nashua and Worcester, the Boston, Clinton and Fitchburg and the Providence and Worcester railroad com- panies, were all represented in force, to defeat the enterprise, and in addition to these, Mr. Geo. C. Winchester of Ashburn- ham, was also no indifferent spectator, if not an abettor, of the opposition. But, in the face of all this opposition, Senator Bird reported a bill in favor of the extension, while some of the members, as Towne of Fitchburg, dissented. Meanwhile, the friends of the proposed extension, at home, were not dormant. Convinced that they had a righteous cause, and one that must and ought to prevail, the citizens of the city of Worcester and of all the towns along the line, to Win- chendon, assembled " for the purpose of considering the pro- posed extension of the Boston, Barre and Gardner Railroad Company, to Winchendon, and the dark and disgraceful means, which have been used by the opponents of the project, in and out of the legislature, for its defeat." In Gardner, an enthusi- astic meeting was held, April 29th, 1871, at which, Mr. Thom- as E. Glazier presided, who reviewed the history of the Boston, Barre and Gardner Railroad, and the efforts made to secure a charter to Winchendon, at the same time, referring to the faith- lessness of the opponents, who agreed not again to resist the petitioners. Mr. Charles Hey wood also spoke of the nature of the opposition and the foolishness of those who desired the Boston, Barre and Gardner Railroad to form a connection, east HI8T0RY OF GARDNER. 155 of the village, and so go to Wincheudoii by way of Ashburn- ham, for the benefit of the opponents of the extension. After a thorough discussion of the motives actuating the opposition, a committee, on resolutions, consisting of Messrs. Charles Hey- wood, E. J. Sawyer and John M. Moore was chosen, who re- ported the following resolutions : — Whereas, An attempt of the most unscrupulous character, is being made, to defeat the proposed extension of the Boston, Barre and Gardner Railroad, from Gardner to Winchendon, and, whereas such extension is of vital importance to our com- munity, therefore ; Resolved, That as a matter of justice to towns and individ- uals, who have taken the stock of the Boston, Barre and Gard- ner Railroad, it should be extended to Winchendon, in order that they may have a direct communication with the north, by their own line, rather than by a circuitous route over two hostile and competing railroads. Resolved, That we most earnestly protest against the pro- posed diversion of the road from its present location in this town, towards Ashburnham, thereby depriving us, in a great measure, of the advantages to which we are entitled, and in- flicting incalculable injury upon our business community, as an act of gross injustice to us, who, as a town and as individuals, have invested so largely of our means, in the road, while it would only benefit a few, who have never given either pecuniary or moral support to the enterprise. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to our senator and representative in the state legislature, and that they be requested to use every honorable means to accomplish the prayer of the petitioners. Upon the same day meetings were held in Hubbardston and Winchendon, at which, resolutions of similar import were passed. Two of the resolutions passed by the people of Hub- bardston, were to this efiect : — Resolved, That inasmuch as the stockholders and the towns along the line propose to construct the extension, with their 156 HI8T0BY OF GARDNER. own funds, with Avhich neither individuals nor towns, aside from the line of the road, have any equitable or moral right to inter- fere, and in the present opposition to the project, in the state legislature, we recognize only the unwarranted and unjustitiable interference of parties, who have no interest in its success, by any financial or local connections with it, and in the peculiar and unusual tactics adopted, by the opposition, we recognize only the factious, unscrupulous and reprehensible efforts of men, who will lose nothing by the extension, and only fear that others may be prospered more than they are themselves. Resolved, That we denounce these efforts as unjust and inde- iensible, and we appeal to the legislature to grant us the privi- lege of building our own route, with our own means, and at our own risk, without the selfish and outrageous interference of those who seek only to embarrass and injure the prospects and prosperity of the road. These resolutions, when presented to the legislature, were declared, by the opponents of the extension, to be " disrespect- ful," while they continued, unremittingly, their efforts to defeat the project, till success crowned their unworthy endeavors. The senate of 1871, decided l:)y a vote of twenty to fifteen, against granting the prayer of the petitioners. This action of the legislature seems exceedingly strange and unfair, in view of the fact that no money Avas sought from the state to aid in build- ing the road, and that the convenience to this community, from the extension, would be so great. But the citizens of these towns, were not discouraged. Such was the justice of their cause, that they felt confident, that the next legislature would grant their prayer. In this confidence they were not disap- pointed. The bill for the extension to Winchendon passed the senate, February 14th, and the house February 17th, 1872, and was subsequently approved by the governor, thus securing to Gardner the railroad connection with the north, it had labored so long and so persistently to obtain. However, the location of the road wtis not immediately determined. By some, it was suggested, that the route to Winchendon be upon the Vermont HIST OR Y OF GARDNER. 1 5 7 and Massachusetts Railroad to Baldwinsville ; thence over the Ware River Railroad. Pending the location of this road to Winchendon, a special town meeting was called June 3d, 1872, to see if the town would take more stock in the Boston, Barre and Gardner Rail- road Company. After a short discussion, it was " Voted, That Levi Hey wood, Sylvester K. Pierce and Henry C. Hill, be a committee to subscribe in behalf of the town, for two hundred and fifty shares of the Boston, Barre and Gardner Railroad Company, whenever in the opinion of said committee, or a majority of them, sufhcient stock shall be subscribed, to insure the building of the extension of said company's road, from Gardner to Winchendon, and the treasurer of the town is hereby authorized to borrow such sums of money as may be needed to pay for such stock." In due time, the contract for building the extension from Garcbier to Winchendon, was given to i\Ir. B. N. Farren, of Greenfield, who began work upon it in December, 1872. The last rail connecting the road with the Cheshire, was laid at Winchendon Thanksgiving day, Nov. 27, 1873, the same day on which the final blast, opening the Hoosac Tunnel, was ex- ploded. In the afternoon of the same day a train, conveying the Mayor of Worcester, Superintendent Ross and many prom- inent citizens, passed over the road to Winchendon, where a Thanksgiving dinner was eaten at the American house, with hearty rejoicings and congratulations, that an enterprise of such importance, to the growth and general welfare, of this section of country, had at length, with great toil, and in the face of most unfiir and unscrupulous oppositicm, been successfully consummated. Regular trains began running from Worcester to Winchen- don, and Peterboro', New Hampshire, Feb. 2, 1874. Since the time of construction of the Boston, Barre and Gardner Railroad, its business has been such as not. to disappoint those most in- terested in its prosperity. It is certainly a great and much needed auxiliary, to the railroad facilities, of the whole region, 158 HISTORY OF GAEDNFR. and when the line is extended, as it soon will be to Concord, New Hampshire, it will aflbrd a most direct route from the capital of New Hampshire to New York. We have been thus minute and circumstantial, in our recital of the history of the two railroads passing through this town, that those interested, in studying the causes of our municipal growth, now and hereafter, may be furnished, with a clear idea of their cost, in time, money, labor, inextinguishable patience, and uncompromising determination, on the part of our most enterprising business men, and citizens, among whom, without justly exposing ourselves to the charge of invidiousness, we may place, as most prominent, the name of Mr. Levi Hey wood, as in an eminent sense, the father of our present railroad facilities. With no such natural advantages as most other towns enjoy, but on the contrary, with man}' natural disadvantages, Gardner has, through its railroad accommodations, come into possession of great and substantial elements of future growth and pros- perity, which under judicious management, must inevitably, tend to make the town one of the largest and most important in the commonwealth. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 159 CHAPTER VII. INDUSTRIES. "Productive industry is the only capital which enriches a people, aud spreads national prosperity and well-being." — Samuel Laing. " God provides the good things of the world, to serve the needs of nature, by the labors of the plowman, and the skill aud pains of the artisan, and the dangers aud traffic of the mei'chant." — Jeremy Taylor. " Self-reliance aud self-denial, Avill teach a man to driuk out of his own cistern, and eat his own sweet bread, and to learn aud labor trulj'^ to get his own living aud carefully to save, aud expend the good things committed to his trust." — Lord Bacon. " Cai'e preserves what industry gains. He who attends to his business diligently, but not carefully, throws away with one hand, what he gathers with the other." — Golton. "The roughest road, often leads to the smoothest fortune." — Franklin. "The parent, who does not teach his child a trade, teaches him to be a thief." — Brahminical Scriptures. " Seest thou a man diligent, in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men." — Prov. 22 : 29. IT is a fact clearly apprehended, by the student of political economy, that the great distinctions, existing among men, in regard to wealth and poverty, competence and want, are due, not so much, to a disparity in mental endowments, as to the determination, persistency, and unflinching courage, with which, they apply themselves, to some wisely selected vocation in life. Experience teaches, that the really industrious man, the man who is daily employed, in some honest labor of muscle or brain, is the one wdio achieves permanent success, in life, while the man who is unsteady of habit, to-day doing one thing and to-morrow another, never really setting himself to any particular task, with an invincible determination to adhere to it 160 HISTORY OF GARDNER. till he has made it a success, will come, at length, to verify the proverb, " a rolling stone gathers no moss." The lives of too many persons, illustrate the distinction in meaning, between avocation and vocation ; they have too many of the former, while they are destitute of the latter. It is also an obvious truth, that habits of industry, or the want of them, have a very powerful influence, in shaping the character, of an individual, or a community. An idle man, if he has the ability to labor, and will not use it, is a pest in society. Robert Burton, in his wonderful work, "Anatomy of Mel- ancholy," says that " idleness is the bane of body and mind, the nurse of naughtiness, stepmother of discipline, the chief au- thor of all mischief, one of the seven deadly sins, a sole cause of this, i. e., melancholy, and many other maladies, the devil's cushion and chief reposal. As ferns grow in untilled grounds, and all manner of weeds, so do gross humors in an idle body. A horse in a stable that never travels, a hawk in a mew that seldom flies, are both subject to diseases. An idle dog will be mangy, and how shall an idle person expect to escape? Idle- ness of mind is worse than idleness of body. Wit without employment, is a disease, the rust of the soul. When you shall hear, and see so many discontented persons, in all places where 3^ou come, so many several grievances, unnecessary complaints, fear, suspicions, the best way to redress it is, to set them awork, so to busy their minds ; for the truth is, they are idle. Well may they build castles in the air, for a time, and soothe up themselves with fantastical and pleasant humors, but in the end, they will prove as bitter as gall, they shall be still, I say discontented, suspicious, fearful, jealous, sad, fretting and vex- ing of themselves ; so long as they be idle, it is impossible to please them. An idle person knows not, when he is well what he would have, or whither he would go. He is tired out with everything, displeased with all, weary of his life."* But we need not be told, by such high authority, that laziness and idleness, have a detrimental influence, upon the lazy and ♦Burton's Anatomy, vol. 1, p. 321-325. HISTORY OF GARDJ^ER. 161 idle themselves ; our own observation confirms us, in tlie opin- ion, that not only does the idle man suffer, but he has a corrupt- ing influence upon others, by putting a slight upon hard, indus- trious, honest labor, in which it is all men's duty to engage. Hence the wisdom of the world has concentrated itself, into those proverbs which have been spoken in favor of industry. No paius, no gains. No sweat, no sweet. No mill, no meal. Says the Scotch proverb, " He that wad eat the kernel, maun crack the nut." " He that gapes till he be fed, will gape till he be dead." " An idle brain's the devil's smiddy." The Latin proverb is, "By doing nothing, we learn to do mis- chief." " Idle dogs worry the sheep." Say the Chinese, " The dog in the kennel barks at his fleas ; the dog that hunts does not feel them." Work has been called, by one of our living writers, "a man's life preserver," a truth which no one observant of its bene- ficial effects will care to dispute. Sidney Smith embodies, re- ligion, philosophy, and good common sense in the following sentence : " Let every man be occupied, in the highest employ- ment of which his nature is capable, and die with the con- sciousness that he has done his best." It is also true, that habits of industry, in the founders of a town or community, have very much to do in producing industrious habits, in those who succeed them. Men of industry, integrity, of high prin- ciple, of real honesty of purpose, who toil hard for a series of years, at any one employment, and who are willing to live frugally, in the presence of their children, whom by example and precept they teach to be rightly and profitably employed, cannot fail to make a lasting impression for good, which will reveal itself, in the character of the community, of which these children form a part. Let it never be forgotten, that the man who possesses industry, frugal itj^ and integrity, lives in his in- fluence upon those who succeed him, and his memory will not 21 102 HI8T0RY OF GARD^^ER. f;iil of being honored. But the man who has no other ambition, than to be, as Pope says, " Fixed like a plant, on his peculiar spot, To draw nutrition, propagate and rot," will have little to comfort himself or others, while he lives, and dying will not be regretted. Gardner is very fortunate, in the industrious habits of its earliest inhabitants. Whether from necessity or choice, they were a busy people, whose children were taught the value of industry and economy, and who, not content to follow the sim- ple routine, of the fathers, have, in the progress of years, built up industries, and inaugurated enterprises, which have made the town famous, not only in our own, but in foreign lands. The design of this chapter, is to trace the development and growth of the business of the town, from its very small begin- ning, to the present time, taking each industrial department in ^^^^^^* AGRICULTURE. " He that by the plow would thrive. Must either hold himself or drive." During the first twenty years, subsequent to the incorporation of the town, the principal occupation of the inhabitants was farming. Difficult of cultivation, as the soil of the town has ever been, it furnished for these years, almost the entire means of subsistence which the people then enjoyed, few in numbers, and scattered over the surface of the township, as they were. At the present time even, although the town is characterized by its chair manufacturing, it should not be understood, that there is no successful farming done among us. According to the State Census for 1875, there were one hundred and seven farms in town, consisting of ten thousand two hundred and fifty and one-half acres, of which one thousand seven hundred and thirty- four acres are under cultivation, with a total value of farm property of four hundred and fifty-four thousand, six hundred and fifty-four dollars. The hay crop was fourteen hundred and twenty-nine tons ; there were four hundred and twenty-nine bush els of corn raised : seven thousand and one hundred and HIS TOBY OF GARDNER. 163 fifty-four bushels of potatoes ; two thousand six hundred and five hushels of apples; eighteen thousand pounds of beef; twenty-three thousand five hundred and sixty-seven pounds of pork ; twelve thousand four hundred and five pounds of butter ; four thousand one hundred and twenty-one gallons of milk ; eight hundred and sixty-six pounds of cheese ; besides many other agricultural products, not worthy of mention, in detail, making the total valuation of fiirm products for 1875, $72,066, while that of Barre, which is a distinctively agricultural town, was $266,167. From these figures it will be seen that Gardner, is not devoid of farming interests, which employ the muscle and brain, of a considerable portion of its population, who are able to supply their own wants, with the labor of their hands, while they car- ry something to the column of accumulation, from year to year. Quite a number of these farms have for the last few years been subjects of great improvements, in the laying of stone fences, and in a high degree of fertilization, and cultivation. Such, however, is the number of the populatioji, not engaged in agri- cultural pursuits, that the products of the farms of Gardner, are by no means suiEcient to supply the demand for them. Hence, the town furnishes a good market for other towns, to which, it is easy of access. COOPERAGE. While farming was the chief employment of the people, for the first twenty years, there were a few persons who gave some attention, to the making of tubs and barrels, which they did without the aid of anything, like modern machinery, using only the axe and shave. This, however, never assumed the dignity of a distinct business, but served to fill out the time not needed upon small farms, and furnished employment through the winter season. CHAIR MANUFACTURING. Missionaries, among the Zulus, inform us that the first evi- dence of the humanizing and elevating influence of relio-ion and 16t HISTORY OF GARDNER. civilization, upon the natives, is seen in their demand for a cotton shirt. In like manner, it may be said that the demand, which a progressive, civil and religions culture, makes for the use of chairs, is indicative of the fact that men have risen from a lower to a hig-her condition of intelligence as well as of men- tal and moral growth. In the opinion of the savants and lovers of antiquarian knowledge, the first man sat, or lay, on the ground, whenever he rested. He was of the earth, earthy. But as time advanced, there came gradually to be invented seats of different sorts, as the supply of a natural want, so that house- hold furniture of a rude description dates its origin to remote antiquity, when men first began to build houses to dwell in. It is evident from the monuments of ancient Egypt and Assyria, that the art of constructing elaborate furniture, for dwellings, was carried to a very high degree. The throne of the king, was noted for its costliness and beauty of ornamenta- tion ; while the chair of the subject was not wanting in con- venience and strength. It is said that the chairs in the houses of these ancient kings, were made of most rare and costly woods, beautifully carved, and inlaid with gold and ivory. The backs and seats, of these chairs and settees, were covered with elaborately Avrought tapestries. The " camp chair," of modern days, was used in these ancient times, covered with the skins of animals. Instead of our cane seat chairs, now so common and so convenient, the ancients had a chair of similar construe^ tion, made from leather, cut into strips and woven into net work, which made a seat strong, easy and durable. From the Assyrians, the Asiatic lonians and the Greeks de- rived the art of furniture making, with all the convenience, ornamentation and elegance of their household furniture. From the Athenians, this art was transferred to the Romans, who still further advanced it in beauty of carving and ornamentation. It is said that, " the couches, upon which the old Romans re- posed at table, were often inlaid with silver, gold, ivory, tor- toise-shell and precious woods, with carved ivory and metal feet ; and the furniture of a rich man's house represented, in it- HISTORY OF GARDNER. 165 self, an enoriiTous fortune." This fact is evident from the dis- coveries made at Pompeii. Till the fifteenth century, in Eng- lund the household furniture was by no means elegant, but rather of the roughest type. The chairs and " settles " were very strong and generally fixed to the floor or against the wall. Subsequent to this time, furniture w^as made of much more elegant finish, though not very abundant even in the houses of the most wealthy. These articles of furniture, including chairs, were constructed from the native woods, oak and chestnut, and were devoid of taste. Not until the reign of William III, 1G97-1702, did these woods give place to mahogany, out of which were made those sombi-e, inelegant designs, then so com- mon in England, and which, came to this country with the ear- liest settlers. Soon after this time, instead of the solid mahog- any chairs and other articles of furniture, there came to be used a mahogany veneer, which still prevails in England and America. It is said that, since the establishment of the royal manufactory of furniture, in Paris, by Louis XIV, France stands at the head of all nations, in the costliness, beauty and elegance of its furniture, and that it furnishes models for the rest of the world. For the first few years after the settlement of this country, the furniture used by the colonists was imported. It is hardly possible to ascertain very precisely when the manufacturing of household furniture first began in this country. A writer in a work entitled the " Great Industries of the United States," tells us that " among the first pieces of furniture made in this coun- try, were such economical devices as seats that could be turned into tables, and tables hinged against the wall so that, when not in use, they could be turned down, thus giving more room in the apartment."* After a time there was made the straight, high-backed, uncomfortable, solid mahogany or veneered chairs, some of which remain, as curious relics, unto this day. After this, rare woods, from the West Indies and South America, be- gan to be used and were very popular. *Great Industries of the Uuited States, p. 1099-1103. 166 HISTORY OF GAllDJ^FR. The common kinds of furniture were mncle of oak, pine, maple and chestnut. These woods still continue to be largely used. Within a few years, black walnut has come into use for more costly furniture, and is at the present date, quite popular, not only for chairs, but for chamber sets. There is in this country, at the present time, an enormous manufacture of cane seated chairs, whose frames are made from oak, maple and walnut, whose market is in almost all parts of the globe. The seats and backs of these chairs are made from a palmaceous plant, called Calamus Rotang and Calamus Viminalis. From Borneo to Bengal, this cane is gathered in great quantities, for the Chinese, European and American markets. The process by which it is prepared for the seats and backs of chairs, will come under review farther on in this chapter. Coming, as we do now, to speak of the manufacture of chairs in this town, which is its chief business, and by which it has obtained its fame and wealth, we shall iind, that like the great streams flowing through a country, this great industry is trace- able to a very small beginning. Sometime, about the year 1805, Mr. James M. Comee began the making of Avood and flag seated chairs, in the house, on Pearl Street, now owned by Mr. Webster Gates. These chairs he made entirely by hand, with the aid of a foot lathe. He employed several young men, as apprenti- ces, among whom were Isaac Jaquith, Enoch Brick, Elijah Brick, Elijah Putnam, Luke Fairbank, Joseph Jackson and Artemas Brown. Some of these gentlemen afterwards entered into the chair business for themselves. The chairs manufactured by Mr. Comee were transported to Worcester, Boston and other places, by teams of horses, and sold in small lots as opportunity offered. This proved to be a profitable business for those times, so that Mr. Comee was enabled to accumulate quite a handsome estate from his industry and frugality. The machinery used in mak- ing chairs, at that time, was so simple, and the tools so few, that there was an inducement for others to enter the business for themselves. Consequently one shop after another was es- tablished, until they have reached the number of twelve in the town, of which a detailed account will now be presented. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 167 During the latter part of Mr. Comee's life, Mr. Ezra Baker, then living upon the west side of Crystal Lake, constructed a small dam, near the house of Mr. G. W. Bickford, on Knee- land Brook, for the purpose of securing sufficient water power to carr}'^ a turning lathe. Mr. Baker bought timber of his neighbors, partly prepared, by being sawed into suitable length and rounded somewhat upon the corners, for turning in this lathe driven by water power, it being then thought impossiI)le to turn a perfectly square stick. Subsequently, Mr. Baker, thinking he might as well prepai'e his own lumber, for turn- ing, introduced a small circular saw, which was also driven by water power. The stock thus turned, by Mr. Baker, was sold to Mr. Comee, and in this way greatly facilitated the manufac- ture of the chairs made and sold by him. Sometime, about 1827, Deacon Asa Perley constructed the shop now standing near the house of Deacon Samuel Clark, where he manufactured chair stock upon a scale so much more extensive than did Mr. Baker, as to make it unprofitable for the latter to continue the business as formerly. During these years, Mr. Elijah Brick built, for himself, a shop about three- fourths of a mile north of the common, where, for several years, he employed a number of men in chair making. There was also a shop built and conducted by Mr. Walter Hey wood, now of Fitchbnrg, upon the site where stands the house of Asher W. Shattuck. Mr. Hey wood employed, in his chair business, from fifteen to twenty hands. This shop was burned in 1834, and was never rebuilt. Sometime, previous to the erection of these two shops, first named, Mr. Merrick Wallace began the turning of chair stock, upon a somewhat extensive scale, upon the site now occupied by the shops of Heywood Bros. & Co., having purchased a water privilege of Deacon Nnah Fairbanks, who had already deepened the channel leading from Crystal Lake, for the pur- pose of obtaining a better supply of water, for his grist mill, then standing upon the site now occupied by the chair shop of L. H. Sawin & Co. The shop erected by Mr. Wallace, for this 168 HISTOBY OF GARDNER. purpose, was about forty feet in length by twenty -five feet in width. With the increased facilities, thus obtained, Mr. Wal- lace was able to furnish a partial supply of turned stock, for the several shops then in the business of chair making, in this town. There was also, about the same time, a shop erected by Mr. Elijah Putnam, upon the site now occupied by the house of Mr. Charles Scolla}'. Here Mr. Putnam employed horse power for a while, in preparing stock for his chairs, till subsequently he purchased the water privilege now owned by J. A. & I. J. Dunn, to which place he moved his shop, which now forms a part of the chair shop of the above-named firm. About the year 1830, a company composed of Messrs. Levi Heywood, Benjamin F. Heywood, Walter Heywood and William Hey- wood, under the firm name of B. F. Heywood & Co., bought out Mr. Merrick Wallace and erected a larger shop, where they carried on the manufacture of chairs till 1837, when Mr. Levi Heywood bought out his brothers, and continued the business alone till 1842, when he formed a partnership with Mr. Moses Wood. The two continued the business together till 1847. Mr. Wood then retired and a new company was formed, called Levi Heywood & Co., which continued from 1847 to 1851, when the Heywood Chair Manufacturing Company, was formed, which was a joint stock company, in which, some of those employed in the shop, held shares. This arrangement continued till 1861, when the shops, owned by the company, were burned. In 1862 a new company was formed consisting of Messrs. Levi Heywood, Seth Heywood, Charles Heywood and Henry C. Hill, called Heywood Brothers & Co. This company continued till January 1st, 1868, at which time, Messrs. Charles Heywood and Henry C. Hill retired, and Messrs. Henry Heywood, George Heywood — sons of Seth Hey- wood — and Alvin M. Greenwood — son-in-law of Levi Hey- wood — and subsequently Amos Morrill, entered the firm, con- tinuing the old firm name, which is still known as Heywood Brothers & Co. HISTORY OF GARDNER, 169 In 187{). Mr. Charles Heywoocl, re-entered this firm of which he is now u member. Mr. Jonas Brick, brother of Elijah Brick, began the*manu- facture of chairs upon the site, now occupied by the lumber mill of Mr. Marcus Wright, in South Gardner. The date at which the chair business was commenced, in this place, cannot be definitely recalled. About the same time, Messrs. Stephen Taylor, George Whitney, Ephraim Wright and Gen. Moses Wood, were engaged, individually, in the manufjicture of chairs, at the South Village. The chair shop, now owned and conducted by Mr. Sylvester K. Pierce, stands upon the site formerly occupied by Mr. Stephen Tajdor, Avho purchased an old potash shop, standing upon the premises, which he enlarged and supplied with a wheel. He afterward sold his business to Mr. Pierce, who had been employed, for several years previously, l)y Mr. Taylor, as one of the workmen, in his shop. Mr. Pierce, since purchas- ing the above named premises, has erected new and commodi- ous shops, as his constantly increasing business, has from time to time, demanded, using both water and steam power. The shop where now Messrs. Wright & Read are employed, in the manufacture of chairs, stands upon the site where for- merly stood a wool carding mill, which was used for that pur- pose until sometime, between 18.30 and 1840, Avhen a company was formed for the manufacture of pine furniture, particularly washsfands, known b}^ the firm name of Goodspeed & Baker. This furniture w^as extensively sold in California. Afterwards Messrs. Greenwood & Wright bought out this company, and built a large shop, where they carried on the chair business for several years. Afterwards a new company was formed, called the South Gardner Manufacturing Company, of which Messrs. Greenwood & Wright were members. This company was sub- sequently dissolved, Messrs. Greenwood & Wright purchasing the property. They afterwards dissolved partnership, Mr. Wright retaining the business, having admitted as partners, Messrs. John M. Moore and Charles F. Read. These gentle- 22 170 HISTORY OF GARDNER. men continued the l)usiness under the firm nume of Wright, Moore & Co., till the fall of 1877, when Mr. Moore retired. The firm name was then changed to Wright & Read, by whom the business is now conducted. The shops of Wright, Moore & Co., were burned and rebuilt in May, 1 me more. Corruption wins not more than honesty. — Cardinal Wolsey, Henry VIII., Act III, Scene II. IN this chapter will be found, the names of the difterent candidates for governor of the state for their respective years, the number of votes each man had, and the name of the successful candidate, plainly indicated ; also the names of the representatives of the town or district to the General Court, from the year 1785 to the present date ; also names of town officers, justices of the peace, member of constitutional con- vention and state senator. HISTOllY OF GAIiDNER. 201 VOTES FOR GOVERNOR. The following are the votes for Governor, from the organiza- tion of the town, to the present time. Those marked with an * were the successful candidates : 1786. * James Bowdoiu . . .. 1.0 1787. *Jolin Hancock . . . .. 29 1788. Elbridge Geriy. . . . . . IG 1781). *John Hancock . . . .. 29 1790. *.John Hancock . . . .. 19 1791. *.John Hancock . . . . . 24 1792. *Johu Hancock . . . .. 26 1793. *Jolin Hancock . . . .. 27 1794. *8amuel Adams. . . .. 18 1795. *8amuel Adams. 179G. Increase .Sunnier 1797. James Sullivan. . 1798. *Incrcase Sumner 1799. *Increase Sumner 1800. Elbridge Gerry. . IHOI. *Caleb Stron;r . . 1 802. *Caleb Strong . . 1803. *Caleb Strong . . 1804. *Caleb Strong . . 1805. *Caleb Strong . . 1806. *Caleb Strong . . 1807. Caleb Strong . . . 1808. Christopher Gore 1809. *Christopher Gon 1810. Christopher Gore 1811. Christopher Gore 1812. *Caleb Strong . . 1813. *Caleb Strong . . 26 32 30 19 42 37 30 54 71 50 59 7.5 104 105 99 104 106 99 111 119 .James Bowdoin 1 Benj. Lincoln 1 *John Hancock 11 James Bowdoiu 2 .James Bowdoin 1 Samuel Phillips 14 Elbridge Gerry 7 William Cushing 2 Samuel Phillips 2 Moses Gill 1 *Samuel Adams 5 *Increase Sumner 16 A\'illiam Heath 4 *Caleb Strong 12 Moses Gill 2 Elbridge Gerry 15 Elbridge Gerry 19 lOlbridge Gerry 2 .James Sullivan 10 .James Sullivan 22 .James Sullivan 18 *.James Sullivan 23 *.James Sullivan 22 Levi Lincoln 29 *Elbridge Gerry 34 *Elbridge Gerry 37 I<21bridge Gerry 35 Joseph B. Varnum 28 202 HISTORY OF GARDNER. 1814. *Caleb Strong 119 1815. *Caleb Strong 117 1816. *John Brooks Ill 1817. *Jolm Brooks Ill 1818. *John Brooks 96 1819. *John Brooks 103 1820. -'-'John Brooks 98 1821. *,John Brooks 95 1822. *John Brooks 101 1823. Harrison G. Otis 100 1824. Samuel Lathrop 104 1825. *Levi Lincoln 68 1826. James Llojd 87 1827. *Levi Lincoln 65 1828. *Levi Lincoln 76 1829. Samuel Allen 34 1830. No record. 1831. *Levi Lincoln 70 1832. *Levi Lincoln 55 1833. -^-'Levi Lincoln 98 1834. *John Davis 105 1835. *Jolm Davis 112 1836. *Edward Everett 106 1837. No record. 1838. *Edward Everett 141 1839. -•'Edward Everett 150 1840. Edward Everett 125 1841. *John Davis 191 1842. *John Davis 165 1843. John Davis 124 1844. --George N. Briggs . . 129 1845. *George N. Briggs . . 135 Samuel Dexter 31 Samuel Dexter 29 Samuel Dexter 32 Henry Dearborn 32 Benj. "W. Crowninshield 35 Benj. W. Crowninshield 29 William Eustis 26 William Eustis 22 William Eustis 25 * William Eustis 31 *William Eustis 29 *Levi Lincoln 23 William C Jarvis 5 Thomas L. Wiuthrop 1 ■^'Levi Lincoln 11 Marcus Morton 7 Marcus Morton 12 Marcus Morton 20 Samuel Lathrop 1 Samuel Lathrop 35 Marcus Morton 12 John Q,. Adams 36 Marcus Morton 18 John Bailey 27 Marcus Morton 24 Marcus Morton 56 Marcus Morton 85 Marcus Morton 74 ^Marcus Morton 87 Marcus Morton 68 Marcus Morton 60 ^Marcus Morton 73 Samuel Sewell 28 Marcus Morton 69 Samuel P2. Sewell 15 George Bancroft 70 Samuel E. Sewell 22 HISTOBY OF GABDNEH. 203 1846. *George N. Briggs . .107 1847. *George N. Briggs.. 95 1848. *George N. Briggs.. 110 1849. Stephen C. Phillips. .162 1850. Stephen C. Phillips. . 130 1851. Stephen C. Phillips. .131 1852. John G. Palfrey 118 1853. Horace Mann 172 1854. Henry Wilson 179 1855. *Henry J. Gardner. .242 1856. '-Henry J. Gardner.. 191 1857. *Henry J. Gardner. .229 1858. 1859. 1860. 1861. 1862. 1.^63. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. *Natlianiel P. Banks. 177 *Nathaniel P. Banks. 157 *Nathaniel P. Banks. 198 *John A. Andrew. *John A. Andrew. *John A. Andrew. *John A. Andrew. *John A. Andrew . *Alex. H. Bullock. . . 147 *Alex. H. Bullock... 229 *Alex. H. Bullock *William Claflin . *William Claflin 290 *William Claflin 265 .338 .163 .175 .180 .280 .297 .366 t Isaac Davis 61 Samuel E. Sewell 12 Isaac Davis 35 Samuel E. Sewell 26 Caleb Gushing 31 Samuel E. Sewell 31 *George N. Bi'iggs 83 Caleb Gushing 16 *George N. Briggs 95 George S. Boutwell 44 George N. Briggs 78 ■"George S. Boutwell 29 Robert C. Winthrop 110 *George S. Boutwell 44 *JohnH. Clifford 86 Henry W. Bishop 41 *Emory Washburn 81 Henry W. Bishop 30 Henry Wilson 49 Emory Washburn 28 Henry W. Bishop 23 Julius Rockwell 92 Erasmus D. Beach 56 Erasmus D. Beach 56 Luther Bell 14 Henry J. Gardner 81 Erasmus D. Beach 110 Benj. F. Butler 164 Erasmus D. Beach 146 Isaac Davis 107 Charles Devens, Jr 160 Henry W. Paine 156 Henry W. Paine 157 Darius N. Couch 15 Theodoi'e H. Sweetser 54 John Q, Adams 260 John Q. Adams 141 John Q. Adams 1 70 John Q. Adams 234 204 HISTORY OF GARDNER. 1872. *Wm. B. Washbura . 237 John Q. Adams 109 Eobert C. Pitman 19 1873. *Wm. B. Washburn. 407 F. W. Bird 104 1874. t*Wm. B. Washburn237 William Smith 175 1875. * William Gaston 337 Thomas Talbot 231 1876. William Gaston 230 "'Alexander H. Rice 192 John I. Baker 58 C.F.Adams 6 1877. *Alexander H. Rice .416 Charles F. Adams 306 John I. Baker 52 1878. *Alexander H. Rice .219 William Gaston 160 Robert C. Pitman 76 Wendell Phillips 28 Delegate to the convention in 1853, to revise the constitution of Mas- sachusetts, Levi Heywood. State senator from Gardner in 1861, Thomas E. Glazier. Ill giving the votes for governor, we huve put the name having the highest number first, irrespective of party, or the success of the candidate. Previous to 1797 there was no distinct party organization. Various parties had sprung up, but they were founded on tem- porary questions, which soon passed away. About 1798 the Republican and Federal parties gradually came into being. The main question at issue was the power of the national govern- ment ; the Republican party taking the ground that tlie national government was only a compact, or confederacy of states, and carrying to the furthest extreme the doctrine of state sov- ereignty ; while the Federals contended for what was then termed, a " Strong Government." After the war of 1812 the Federal party gradually faded away, and under the administra- tion of James Munroe there was a political union, from which a new party arose, first called the National Republican, and afterwards Whig. This party, in the state and nation, were f Governor Washburn resigned his office April 29th, in consequence of hav- ing been elected Senator to Congi'ess, and Lieutenant-Governor Talbot offici- ated the remainder of the term. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 205 opposed to the Democratic party. About the year 1826 the question of "American Slavery," began to be discussed in the North, and especially in Massachusetts, and although at first, it was a purely moral question, it finally took a political form, and a third party was formed, called the "Anti-Slavery party," which continued till 1848, when a new party was formed called the " Free-Soil party," which embraced most of the Anti-Slavery party, and the anti-slavery element of the Whig and Democratic parties. In 1857 the Republican party was formed in Massa- chusetts and most of the Northern states. The Whig party, gradually fjiding, finally became extinct in 1857 or 1858, since when the political parties of the state and nation, are the Ee- publican and Democratic. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. The following is a list of Justices of the Peace in this town since its organization : Aaron Wood, Lewis H. Bradford, John M. Moore, Simeon Leland, S. W. A. Stevens, C. W. Carter, Smyrna Glazier, Edward J. Sawyer, Charles Heywood, Asaph Wood, JL. W. Brown, *Ephraim D. Howe, *Francife Richardson, Thorley Collester, Thatcher B. Dunn, John Edgell, Rufus Newton, Leander C. Lynde, fThos. E. Glazier, John D. Edgell. TOWN OFFICERS AND REPRESENTATIVES. 1785. — Moderator, Capt. Elisha Jackson ; Town Clerk, Seth Heywood ; Selectmen, Elisha Jackson, Samuel Stone, Simon Gates, John Glazier, John White ; Assessors, Eh'sha Jackson, Samuel Stone, Simeon Gates, John Glazier, John White ; Treasurer, Seth Hey- wood. 1786. — Moderator, Capt. Elisha Jackson ; Town Clerk, Capt. Joseph Bacon ; Selectmen, Elisha Jackson, Samuel Stone, Simon Gates, John Glazier, Joseph Bacon ; Assessors, Elisha Jackson, Joseph Bacon, Elijah Wilder ; Treasurer, Peter Goodale. ♦Notary Public. fTrial Justice. JDeputy Sheriff. 206 HI8T0RY OF GABBJ^FB. 1787. — Moderator, John White; Town Clerk, Capt. Joseph Bacon; Selectmen, Setli Heywood, Elisha Jackson, David Nichols, David Comee, Nathan Green ; Assessors, Elisha Jackson, Seth Heywood, John White ; Treasurer, Seth Heywood. 1788. — Modei-ator, Capt. Samuel Kelton ; Town Clerk, Capt Joseph Bacon ; Selectmen, Elisha Jackson, Samuel Stone, David Nichols, William Bickford, Peter Goodale ; Assessors, Jgseph Bacon, Seth Heywood, Ebenezer Howe ; Treasurer, Seth Heywood. 1789. — Moderator, Ebenezer Howe ; Town Clerk, Capt. Joseph Bacon ; Selectmen, Elisha Jackson, Samuel Stone, David Nichols, William Bickford, Ebenezer Howe ; Assessors, Elisha Jackson, Joseph Bacon, Ebenezer Howe ; Treasurer, Ebenezer Howe. 1790. — Moderator, Capt. Samuel Kelton ; Town Clerk, Capt. Joseph Bacon ; Selectmen, Elisha Jackson, Ebenezer Howe, Samuel Stone, David Nichols, Simon Gates ; Assessors, Joseph Bacon, Ebenezer Howe, Simon Gates ; Treasurer, Ebenezer Howe. 1791. — Moderator, John White; Town Clerk, Capt. Joseph Bacon; Selectmen, Elisha Jackson, Ebenezer Howe, Samuel Stone, Aaron Greenwood, Josiah Wheeler ; Assessors, Joseph Bacon, Ebenezer Howe, Elisha Jackson ; Treasurer, Ebenezer Howe. 1792. — Moderator, Ebenezer Howe ; Town Clerk, Capt. Joseph Bacon ; Selectmen, Elisha Jackson, Ebenezer Howe, Aaron Greenwood, David Foster, Joseph Payson ; Assessors, Reuben Haynes, Jona- than Wood, Jonathan Greenwood ; Treasurer, Ebenezer Howe. 1793. — Moderator, Capt. Samviel Kelton, Town Clerk, Capt. Joseph Bacon ; Selectmen, Elisha Jackson, Ebenezer Howe, Aaron Green- wood, David Foster, Joseph Payson ; Assessors, Reuben Haynes, Jonathan Wood, Jonathan Greenwood ; Treasurer, Ebenezer Howe. 1794. — Moderator, Ebenezer Howe; Town Clerk, Jonathan Prescott ; Selectmen, Ebenezer Howe, Aaron Greenwood, Reuben Haynes ; Assessors, Ebenezer Howe, Aaron Greenwood, Reuben Haynes ; Treasurer, Ebenezer Howe. 1795. — Moderator, Capt. Elisha Jackson ; Town Clerk, Jonathan Pres- cott ; Selectmen, Elisha Jackson, Ebenezer Howe, Reuben Haynes ; Assessors, Ebenezer Howe, Elisha Jackson, Reuben Haynes ; Treasurer, Ebenezer Howe. HISTORY OF GABBJSrUB. 207 1796. — Moderator, John Wliite ; Town Clerk, Jonatlian Prescott ; Se- lectmen, Renben Haynes, James Coolidge, Aaron Wood, Joshua AYhitney, Joel Wilder ; Assessors, Simeon Leland, Samuel JEdgell, William Whitney ; Treasurer, Ebenezer Howe. 1797. — Moderator, Capt. Samuel Kelton ; Town Clerk, Capt. Reuben Haynes ; Selectmen, Elisha Jackson, James Coolidge, Reuben Haynes, Aaron Wood, Joshua Whitney ; Assessors, Simeon Le- land, Samuel Edgell, Williaiu Whitney ; Treasurer, Ebenezer Howe. 1798. — Moderator, Capt. Samuel Kelton; Town Clerk, Capt. Reuben Haynes ; Selectmen, Elisha Jackson, Reuben Haynes, Aaron Wood, Ebenezer Howe, Josliua Whitney ; Assessors, Jonathan Wood, Reuben Haynes, Ebenezer Howe ; Treasurer, Ebenezer Howe. 1799.— Moderator, Col. Abel Kendall; Town Clerk, Capt. Reuben Haynes; Selectmen, James Coolidge, Simeon Leland, Abel Ken- dall ; Assessors, William Whitney, Samuel Edgell, Lewis Glazier ; Treasurer, Smyrna Glazier, Esq. 1800.— Moderator, Col. Abel Kendall; Town Clerk, Capt. Reuben Haynes ; Selectmen, Jonathan Greenwood, Thomas Baker, Allen Perley ; Assessors, Reuben Haynes, William Whitney, Joseph Edgell ; Treasurer, Aaron Wood, Esq. 1801. -^Moderator, Joseph Edgell ; Town Clerk, Capt. Reuben Haynes ; Selectmen, Jonathan Greenwood, Thomas Baker, Allen Perley ; Assessors, Reuben Haynes, Jonathan Wood, William Whitney ; Treasurer, Aaron Wood, Esq. 1802.— Moderator, Col. Abel Kendall; Town Clerk. Capt. Reuben Haynes ; Selectmen, Samuel Stone, William Whitney, James Coolidge, Aaron Wood, Simeon Leland ; Assessors, Reuben Haynes, William Whitney, Abel Kendall ; Treasurer, Aaron Wood, Esq. 1803.— Moderator, Col. Abel Kendall ; Town Clerk, Capt. Reuben Haynes ; Selectmen, Samuel Stone, James Coolidge, Simeon Le- land, Levi Fairbanks, Aaron Wood ; Assessors, William Whitney, Reuben Haynes, Josiah Conant ; Treasurer, Aaron Wood, Esq. 1804, — Moderator, Lewis Glazier ; Town Clerk, Capt. Reuben Haynes ; Selectmen, Samuel Stone, James Coolidge, Simeon Leland, Aaron Wood, Joshua Whitney ; Assessors, Reuben Haynes, William Whitney, William Bickford, Jr. ; Ti'easurer, Lewis Glazier. 208 HISTORY OF GARDNER. 1805. — Moderator, Lewis Glazier ; Town Clerk, Capt. Reuben Haynes ; Selectmen, Aaron Wood, William Whitney, William Bickford, Jr. ; Assessors, Reuben Haynes, Simeon Leland, Arna Bacon ; Treasurer, Lewis Glazier. 1806. — Moderator, Col. Abel Kendall; Town Clerk, Capt. Reuben Haynes ; Selectmen, Aaron Wood, William Whitney, William Bickford, Jr. ; Assessors, Aaron Wood, William Whitney, Wil- liam Bickford, Jr. ; Treasurer, Lewis Glazier ; Representative, Rev. Jonathan Osgood. 1807. — Moderator, Lewis Glazier ; Town Clerk, Capt. Reuben Haynes ; vSelectmen, William Whitney, William Bickford, Jr., Smyrna Gla- zier ; Assessors, AVilliam Whitney, William Bickford, Smyrna Gla- zier ; Treasurer, Lewis Glazier ; Representative, Rev. Jonathan Osgood. 1808. — Moderator, Lewis Glazier ; Town Clerk, Capt, Reuben Haynes ; Selectmen, William Whitney, Smyrna Glazier, Reuben Haynes ; Assessors, Lewis Glazier, William Bickford, Jr., Reuben Haynes; Treasurer, Lewis Glazier. 1809. — Moderator, Lewis Glazier ; Town Clerk, Capt. Reuben Haynes ; Selectmen, William Whitney, Smyrna Glazier, Reuben Haynes ; Assessors, William Whitney, William Bickford, Jr., Aaron Wood ; Treasurer, Lewis Glazier ; Representative, Aaron AVood, Esq. 1810. — Moderator, Lewis Glazier ; Town Clerk, Capt. Reuben Haynes ; Selectmen, William Whitney, Reubc-n Haynes, William Bickford, Jr. ; Assessors, Aaron Wood, William Whitney, William Bick- ford, Jr. ; Treasurer, Lewis Glazier : Representative, Aaron Wood, Esq. 1811 — Moderator, Col. A. Kendall; Town Clerk, Capt. Reuben Haynes ; Selectmen, William Bickford, Jr., Reuben Haynes, Noah Fairbanks; Assessors, Willicim Whitney, William Bickford, Jr., Simeon Leland ; Treasurer, Smyrna Glazier, Esq. ; Representa- tive, Aaron Wood, Esq. 1812. — Moderator, Asa Hill ; Town Clerk, Capt. Reuben Haynes ; Se- lectmen, William Bickford, Jr., Reuben Haynes, Noah Fairbanks ; Assessors, William Bickford, Jr., Reuben Haynes, Smyrna Ban- croft ; Treasurer, Smyrna Glazier ; Representative, Aaron Wood, Esq. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 209 1813. — Moderator, Lewis Glazier ; Town Clerk, Capt. Reuben Haynes ; Selectmen, William Bickford, Jr., Smyrna Bancroft, James M. Comee ; Assessors, William Bickford, Jr., James Scollay, Smyrna Bancroft ; Treasurer. Smyrna Glazier, Esq. ; Representative, Aaron Wood, Esq. 1814. — Moderator, Lewis Glazier ; Town Clei'k, Capt. Reuben Haynes ; Selectmen, William Bickford, Jr., Smyrna Bancroft, James M. Comee; Assessors, William Bickford, Jr., Smyrna Glazier, Smyr- na Bancroft ; Treasurer, Smyrna Glazier, Esq. ; Representative, William Bickford, Jr. 1815. — Moderator, Lewis Glazier; Town Clerk, Capt. Reuben Haynes ; Selectmen, AVilliam Whitney, Smyrna Glazier, Aaron Wood ; As- sessors, William Whitney, James Scollay, Smyrna Glazier; Treas- urer, Asa Richardson ; Representative, William Bickford, Jr. 1816. — Moderator, Asa Hill; Town Clerk, Capt. Reuben Haynes; Se- lectmen, William Whitney, William Bickford, Jr., James Scollay ; Assessors, William Whitney, William Bickford, Jr., James Scol- lay ; Treasurer, Asa Richardson ; Representative, William Whit- ney, Esq. 1817. — Moderator, Lewis Glazier; Town Clerk, Asa Richardson; Se- lectmen, William Bickford, Jr., Adam Partridge, Levi Priest; As- sessors, William Whitney, James Scollay, William Bickford, Jr. ; Treasurer, Asa Richardson. 1818. — Moderator, William Whitney, Esq. ; Town Clerk, Asa Richard- son ; Selectmen, William Bickford, Jr., William Whitney, James Scollay; Assessors, William Bickford, Jr., William Whitney, James Scollay ; Treasurer, Asa Richardson. 1819. — Moderator, Lewis Glazier; Town Clerk, Smyrna Glazier; Se- lectmen, Smyrna Glazier, Noah Fairbanks, Abel Jackson ; Asses- sors, William Bickford, Jr., Walter Greenwood, Ezra Baker; Treasurer, Asa Richardson ; Representative, William Whitney, Esq. 1820. — Moderator, Lewis Glazier ; Town Clerk, Asa Richardson ; Se- lectmen, William Whitney, William Bickford, Jr., Benjamin Stone ; Assessors, William Whitney, William Bickford, Jr., Benjamin Hey wood; Treasurer, Asa Richardson ; Representative, William AVhitney, Esq. 27 210 HISTORY OF GARDNER. 1821. — Moderator, Lewis Glazier; Town Clerk, Asa Richardson; Se- lectmen, William Bickford, Jr., James M. Comee, Lewis Glazier; Assessors, William Bickford, Jr., William Whitney, Benjamin Hey wood ; Treasurer, Asa Richardson. 1822. — Moderator, Lewis Glazier; Town Clerk, Asa Richardson; Se- lectmen, James M. Comee, James Scollay, Lewis Glazier; Asses- sors, William Wiiitney, Abel Jackson, James Scollay ; Treasurer, Asa Richardson. 1823. — Moderator, Lewis Glazier; Town Clerk, Daniel Spaulding ; Selectmen, Lewis Glazier, James M. Comee, Joel Cowee ; Asses- sors, William Whitney, William Bickford, Jr., James Scollay; Treasurer, Benjamin Heywood. 1824. — Moderator, Lewis Glazier ; Town Clerk, Daniel Spaulding ; Se- lectmen, Lewis Glazier, James M. Comee, Joel Cowee; Assessors, William Whitney, Benjamin Heywood, James Scollay ; Treasurer, Beiijamin Heywood. 1825. — Moderator, Lewis Glazier; Town Clerk, Daniel vSpaulding ; Se- lectmen, Lewis Glazier, James M. Comee, Joel Cowee ; Assessors, James Scollay, Walter Greenwood, Asa Richardson ; Treasurer, Benjamin Heywood ; Representative, William Whitney, Esq. 1826. — Moderator, Lewis Glazier; Town Clerk, Asa Richardson ; Se- lectmen, William Whitney, Smyrna Glazier, Noah Fairbanks; Assessors, Benjamin Heywood, AVilliam Whitney, Martin Dunster ; Treasurer, Benjamin Heywood. 1827. — Moderator, Lewis Glazier ; Town Clerk, Asa Richardson; Se- lectmen, Noah Fairbanks, Smyrna Glazier, Joseph Wright; As- sessors, James Scollay, Nathaniel Wright, George W. Davis ; Treasurer, Benj. Heywood; Representative, Smyrna Glazier, P^sq. 1828. — Moderator, Martin Dunster; Town Clerk, Levi Heywood ; Se- lectmen, Lewis Glazier, Walter Greenwood, Joseph Wright; As- sessors, George W. Davis, Nathaniel Wright, Martin Dunster; Treasurer, Benj. Heywood; Representative, Smyrna Glazier, Esq. 1829. — Moderator, INIartin Dunster; Town Clerk, Levi Heywood; Se- lectmen, Walter Greenwood, Joseph Wright, Joel Cowee ; Asses- sons, William Whitney, James Scollay, Benjamin Heywood ; Treasurer, Benj. Heywood; Representative, Smyrna Glazier, Esq. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 211 1830. — Moderator, Martin Dunster ; Towu Clerk, Levi Heywood ; Selectmen, Walter Greenwood, Joseph Wright, Nathan Green ; Assessors, William Whitney, Nathaniel Wright, James Scollay ; Treasurer, Benj. Heywood. 1831. — JModerator, Martin Dunster; Town. Clerk, Benj. F. Heywood; Selectmen, A¥ alter Greenwood, Nathan Green. Nathaniel Wright ; Assessors, William Whitney, James Scollay, Timothy Heywood ; Treasurer, Benjamin Heywood ; Representative, Timothy Hey- wood. 1832. — Moderator, Martin Dunster; Town Clerk, Benj. F. Heywood; Selectmen, Nathan Green, Aliio Temple, Adam Partridge, George W. Davis, Asaph Wood ; Assessors, James Scollay, Timothy Heywood, Amasa Whitney ; Treasurer, Benj. Heywood. 1833. — Moderator, Martin Dunster; Town Clerk, Benj. F. Heywood ; Selectmen, Nathan Green, Adam Partridge, George W. Davis ; Assessors, Timothy Heywood, Amasa Whitney, Amasa Leland ; Treasurer, Asa Richardson ; Representative, Timothy Heywood. 1834. — Moderator, Martin Dunster; Town Clerk, Benj. F. Heywood; Selectmen, Adam Partridge, George W. Davis, Isaac Jackson ; Assessors, Timothy Heywood, Amasa Leland, Amasa Whitney ; Treasurer, Walter Heywood ; Representative, Timothy Heywood. 1835. — Moderator, Martin Dunster; Town Clerk, Benj. F. Heywood; Selectmen, George W. Davis, Isaac Jackson, Nathan Green; As- sessors, Timothy Heywood, Amasa Leland, Amasa Whitney ; Treasurer, Walter Heywood ; Representative, Timothy Heywood. 1836. — Moderator, Martin Dunster; Town Clerk, Benj. F. Heywood; Selectmen, George W. Davis, Isaac Jackson, Nathan Green ; As- sessors, Amasa Leland, Smyrna W. Bancroft, Asaph Wood ; Treasurer, Walter Heywood ; Representative, James Scollay. 1837. — Moderator, Asaph Wood; Town Clerk, Benj, F. Heywood; Se- lectmen, George W. Davis. Nathan Green, Asaph Wood ; Asses- sors, Amasa Leland, Smyrna W. Bancroft, Benj. F. Heywood ; Treasurer, Walter Heywood. 212 HISTORY OF GARDNER. 1838. — Moderator, Martin Dunster ; Town Clei-k, Benj. F. Hey wood ; Selectmen, George W. Davis, Nathan Green, Nathaniel Wriglit ; Assessors, Benj. F. Heywood, Amasa Leland, Smyrna AY. Ban- croft ; Treasurer, WaUer Heywood ; Representative, Timothy Hey- wood. 1839.— Moderator, Asaph Wood ; Town Clerk, Theophilus P. Wood ; Selectmen, George W. Davis, Nathan Green, Joseph Wright ; As- sessors, Asaph Wood, James Scollay, Smyrna W. Bancroft ; Treas- urer, Walter Heywood. 1840. — Moderator, Martin Dunster ; Town Clerk, Theophilus P. Wood ; Selectmen, George W. Davis, Joseph Wright, Smyrna Bancroft; Assessors, Asaph Wood, Amasa Leland, John Edgell ; Treasurer, Walter Heywood. 1841.— Moderator, Asaph Wood; Town Clerk, Theophilus P.Wood; Selectmen, George W. Davis, Joseph Wright, Smyrna W. Ban- croft ; Assessors, Asaph Wood, Charles W. Bush, Walter Hey- wood ; Treasurer, Walter Heywood ; Representative, Timothy Heywood. 1842.— Moderator, Martin Dunster ; Town Clerk, *Tlieophilus P. Wood, Francis Richardson ; Selectmen, Joseph Wright, Amasa Leland, Mirick Stimpson ; Assessors, Thomas E. Glazier, John Edgell, Amasa Leland; Treasurer, Benj. F. Heywood; Representative, Joseph Wright. 1843. — Moderator, Martin Dunster; Town Clerk, Francis Richardson Selectmen, Thomas E. Glazier, Walter Greenwood, John Edgell Assessors, Thomas E. Glazier, Walter Greenwood, John Edgell Treasurer, Seth Heywood ; Representative, Joseph Wright. 1844 — Moderator, Martin Dunster ; Town Clerk, Francis Richardson ; Selectmen, Thomas E. Glazier, George W. Davis, John Edgell ; Assessors, Thomas E. Glazier, John Edgell, Hubbard Kendall ; Treasurer, Seth Heywood ; Representative, Joseph Wright. 1845. — Moderator, Asaph Wood ; Town Clerk, Francis Richardson ; ^ Selectmen, John Edgell, Smyrna W. Bancroft, Nathaniel Wright ; Assessors, Thomas E. Glazier, Smyrna W. Bancroft, Hubbard Kendall ; Treasurer, Seth Heywood ; Representative, Joseph Wright. *Kesigned. HISTORY OF GARDNER, 213 1846. — Moderator, Asapli Wood ; Town Clerk, Francis Richardson ; Selectmen, Asaph Wood, George W. Davis, John Edgell ; Asses- sors, Thomas E. Glazier, Francis Richardson, Nathaniel Wright ; Treasurer, Seth Heywood ; Representative, S. W. Bancroft. 1847. — Moderator, Asaph Wood ; Town Clerk, Francis Richardson ; Selectmen, Joseph Wright, Thorley Collester, Stephen Taylor ; As- sessors, Thomas E. Glazier, Aaron B. Jackson, C. S. Greenwood; Treasurer, Seth Heywood ; Representative, S. W. Bancroft. 1848. — Moderator, L. H. Bradford : Town Clerk, Francis Richardson ; Selectmen, Thorley Collester, L. H. Bradford, Alonzo Sawtell ; Assessors, Aarou B.Jackson, C. S. Greenwood, John Edgell; Treasurer, Seth Heywood ; Representative, Asaph Wood. 1849. — Moderator, L. H. Bradford ; Town Clerk, Francis Richardson ; Selectmen, Thomas E. Glazier, Alonzo Sawtell, Jonas Pierce; Assessors, Nathaniel Wright, S. W. Bancroft, Aaron B. Jackson ; Treasurer, E. S. Jackson; Representative, Thomas E. Glazier. 1850. — Moderator, Asaph Wood ; Town Clerk, Francis Richardson ; Selectmen, Thomas E. Glazier, Thorley Collester, Elisha S. Jack- son ; Assessors, Austin Whitney, Rufus Newton, J. A. Whitney; Treasurer, E. S. Jacksou ; Representative, John Edgell. 1851. — Moderator, Asaph Wood; Town Clerk, Francis Richardson; Selectmen, Thomas E. Glazier, Thorley Collester, Elisha S. Jack- son ; Assessors, Austin Whitney, Rufus Newton, Alonzo Sawtell ; Treasurer, E. S. Jackson ; Representative, John Edgell. 1852. — Moderator, Asaph Wood; Town Clerk, Abel S, Wood; Select- men, Aaron B. Jackson, Asa Merriam, Rufus Newton ; Assessors, Aaron B. Jackson, Asa Merriam, Rufus Newton ; Treasurer, E. S. Jackson ; Representative, Amasa Whitney. 1853. — Moderator, Thomas E. Glazier ; Town Clerk, P'rancis Richard- son ; Selectmen, Alonzo Sawtell, Thomas E. Glazier, Smyrna W. Bancroft ; Assessors, Alonzo Sawtell, Thomas E. Glazier, Smyr- na W. Bancroft ; Treasurer, E. S. Jackson ; Representative, David Wright. 1854. — Moderator, Thomas E. Glazier ; Town Clerk, Francis Richard- son ; Selectmen, Thomas E. Glazier, Alonzo Sawtell, Smyrna W. Bancroft ; Assessors, Thorley Collester, Hubbard Kendall, S. W. A. Stevens ; Treasurer, E. S. Jackson ; Representative, David Wright. 214 HI8T0RY OF GARDNER. 1855. — Moderator, John M. Moore ; Town Clerk, James H. Greenwood ; Selectmen, Asa Merriam, A. L. Greenwood, M. A. Gates ; Asses- sors, Abel Stevens, Edward Greenwood, Asa F. Smith ; Treasurer, E. S. Jackson ; Representatives, John M. Moore. 1856. — Moderator, Thomas E. Glazier ; Town Clerk, James H. Green- wood ; Selectmen, Thomas E. Glazier, S. W. A. Stevens, Charles Thompson ; Assessors, Simeon K. Leland, Thorley CoUester, Ivers Whitney ; Treasurer, E. S. Jackson ; Representative, Asa Mer- riam. 1857. — Moderator, Thomas E. Glazier ; Town Clerk, James H. Green- wood ; Selectmen, A. L. Greenwood, Asa Merriam, M. A. Gates; Assessors, Asa F. Smith, Rufus Newton, Edward Greenwood; Treasurer, E. S. Jackson. 1858. — Moderator, Asaph Wood ; Town Clerk, James H. Greenwood ; Selectmen, Asa Merriam, M. A. Gates, Amasa Bancroft ; Asses- sors, Rufus Newton, Francis Richardson, Ivers Whitney ; Treas- urer, E. S. Jackson ; Representative, Thomas E. Glazier. 1859. — Moderator, Thomas E. Glazier ; Town Clerk, Francis Richard- son ; Selectmen, Asa Merriam, Amasa Bancroft, M. A. Gates ; Assessors, Francis Richardson, Ivers Whitney, Aaron Gi'eenwood ; Treasurer, E. S. Jackson ; Representative, William Mayo, West- minster. 1860. — Moderator, Thomas E. Glazier ; Town Clerk, Francis Richard- son ; Selectmen, Amasa Bancroft, Thorley CoUester, Aaron Green- wood ; Assessors, Aaron Greenwood, Ivers Whitney, Francis Richardson ; Treasurer, Elisha S. Jackson ; Representative, Seth Heywood. 1861. — Moderator, Thomas E. Glazier; Town Clerk, Francis Rich- ardson ; Selectmen, Aaron Greenwood, Thorley CoUester, Amasa Bancroft; Assessors, Aaron Greenwood, Asa F. Smith, Ivers Whitney ; Treasurer, Elisha S. Jackson ; Representative, Joseph W. P^orbush of Westminster. 1862. — Moderator, Thomas E. Glazier ; Town Clerk, Francis Rich- ardson ; Selectmen, Amasa Bancroft, Thorley CoUester, Jonas Pierce ; Assessors, Ivers Whitney, Thomas E. Glazier, Aaron Greenwood ; Treasurer, Elisha S. Jackson ; Representative, Thor- ley CoUester. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 215 1863. — Moderator, Thomas E. Glazier; Town Clerk, Francis Richard- son ; Selectmen, Smyrna W. Bancroft, Thorley Collester, Marcius A. Gates ; Assessors, Aaron Greenwood, Thomas E. Glazier, Ivers Whitney ; Treasurer, C. Webster Bush ; Representative, Franklin Wyman of Westminster. 1864. — Moderator, Thomas E. Glazier; Town Clerk, Francis Richard- son ; Selectmen, Amasa Bancroft, M. A. Gates, John Edgell ; As- sessors, Marcus Wright, Ivers Whitney, Aaron Greenwood ; Treas- urer, C. Webster Bush ; Representative, Allen Folger. 1865. — Moderator, Thomas E. Glazier; Town Clerk, Francis Richard- son; Selectmen,. Marcius A. Gates, Ezra Osgood, Asa Temple; Assessors, Ivers Whitney, Benj. F. Kendall, Hiram Wood ; Treas- urer, C. Webster Bush ; Representative, Augustine Whitney of AVestminster. 1866. — Moderator, Thomas E. Glazier; Town Clerk, Francis Richard- son; Selectmen, Marcius A. Gates, Ezra Osgood, Asa Temple; Assessors, Ivers Whitney, Aaron Greenwood, Hiram Wood; Treasurer, C Webster Bush ; Representative, A. A. Bent. 1867. — Moderator, A. Allen Bent; Town Clerk, Francis Richardson; Selectmen, Asa Temple, Ezra Osgood, Amos B. Minott ; Asses- sors, Ivers Whitney, Aaron Greenwood, Hiram Wood ; Treasurer, C. Webster Bush ; Representative, George P. Hawkes of Tem- plet on. 1868. — Moderator, Thomas E. Glazier; Town Clerk, Francis Rich- ardson ; Selectmen, Ezra Osgood, Asa Temple, A. B. Minott ; Assessors, Ivers Whitney, Aaron Greenwood, Hiram Wood ; Treasurer, C. Webster Bush ; Representative, Charles Heywood. 1869. — Moderator, A. A. Bent ; Town Clerk, Francis Richardson ; Se- lectmen, Charles Heywood, Allen Folger, S. W. A. Stevens; Assessors, Ivers Whitney, Aaron Greenwood, Francis Richard- sou ; Treasurer, C. Webster Bush ; Representative, Calvin S. Greenwood. 1870. — Moderator, Thomas E. Glazier ; Town Clerk, Francis Richard-- son; Selectmen, Chai-les Heywood, S. W. A. Stevens, Thomas E. Glazier ; Assessors, Aaron Greenwood, Ivers Whitney, Francis Richardson ; Treasurer, C. Webster Bush ; Representative, John M. Moore. 216 HISTOBY OF GAEDNFR. 1871. — Moderator, Thomas E. Glazier; Town Clerk, Francis Richard- son ; Selectmen, Thomas E. Glazier, Henry C. Hill, Marcus Wright ; Assessors, Aaron Greenwood, Ivers Whitney, Thomas E. Glazier; Treasurer, C. Webster Bush ; Representative, Levi Hey- wood. 1872. — Moderator, Thomas E. Glazier ; Town Clerk, Francis Richard- son ; Selectmen, C. Webster Bush, H. C. Hill, Marcus Wright; Assessors, Aaron Greenwood, Ivers Whitney, Asa F. Smith ; Treasurer, C. Webster Bush ; Representative, William Stone of Templeton . 1873. — Moderator, Thomas E. Glazier ; Town Clerk, Fi-ancis Richard- son ; Selectmen, Levi H. Sawin, Augustus Knowlton, Samuel Bent ; Assessors, Aaron Greenwood, Ivers Whitney, Asa F. Smith ; Treasurer, C. Webster Bush ; Representative, William N. Wal- ker of Templeton. 1874. — Moderator, M. R. Hunting; Town Clerk, Francis Richardson; Selectmen, Levi H. Sawin, Augustus Knowlton, Samuel Bent; Assessors, Aaron Greenwood, Ivers Whitney, Asa F. Smith ; Treasurer, C. Webster Bush ; Representative, Levi II. Sawin. 1875. — Moderator, Asa Merriam ; Town Clerk, Francis Richardson ; Selectmen, Ezra Osgood, A. L. Greenwood, A. B. Jackson; As- sessors, Aaron Greenwood, Ivers AVhitney, A. F. Smith ; Treas- urer, C. Webster Bush ; Representative, Edward Sanderson of Templeton. 1876. — Moderator, John M. Moore; Town C'erk, Francis Ricliardson ; Selectmen, Ezra Osgood, A. L. Greenwood, Thomas Greenwood ; Assessors, Ivers Whitney, Aaron Greenwood, Henry lladley ; Treasurer, C. Webster Bush ; Representative, H. C. Knowlton. 1877. — Moderator. Asaph Wood; Town Clerk, Francis Richardson; Selectmen, Ezra Osgood, A. L. Greenwood, Thomas Greenwood ; Assessors, Aaron Greenwood, Ivers Whitney, C. Webster Bush ; Treasurer, C. Webster Bush ; Representatives, Simeon Merritt of Ashburnham, Wilder P. Clark of Winchendon. 1878. — Moderator, John M. JNIoore ; Town Clerk, Francis Richardson ; Selectmen, Ezra Osgood, A. L. Greenwood, Thomas Greenwood ; Assessors, Aaron Greenwood, Ivers Whitney, C. Webster Bush ; Treasurer, C. Webster Bush ; Representatives, C. Webster Bush, Artemas Merriam of Westminster, HISTORY OF GARDNEB. 217 In 1857, the State Constitution was so amended that the House of Representatives should consist of two hundred and forty members and no more, and for this purpose the state was divided into districts of one or more towns ; Westminster and Gard- ner forming one district, and entitled to one Representative each year. In 1867, the state was districted anew, Templeton and Gardner forming a district, and entitled to one Representative yearly. In 1877, the state was again redistricted and Gardner, Winchendon, Ashburnham, Westminster and Princeton were made a double district, and entitled to two Representatives, each year. It seems necessary to make the above statement, in order to show why this town has been represented some years by men not belonging here. 28 218 HISTORY OF GARDNER. CHAPTER IX. CARE OF THE POOR. " For the poor shall never cease out of the land : therefore I comraand thee, saying, Thou shalt open thiue hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land." — Dent. 15 : 11. "For ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will, ye may do them good." — 2Iark 14 : 7. "True is it that we have seen better days, And have with holy bell been knoU'd to church; And sat at good men's feasts ; and wiped our eyes , Of drops that sacred pitj^ hath cngender'd." —As You Like It, Act II., Scene VII. " Oppress'd with tAvo weak evils, age and hunger." —.4s You Like It, Act 11., Scene VII. " Give him a little earth for charity !" —Henry VIIL, Act IV, Scene II. " Children of wealth or want, to each is given One spot of green and all the blue of heaven." — O. W. Holmes. " My equal he will be again, Down in that cold oblivious gloom, Where all the prostrate ranks of men Crowd, without fellowship, the tomb." — J. Montgomory. " Want is the only Avoe God gives you power to heal !" — Mrs. Caroline E. Norton. CARE for the poor and needy is a plain dictate of hnnianity. We learn, from the oldest records extant, that this was regarded as a prominent and commendable practice among nations of the greatest antiquity. For instance, in the book of Job, so much admired by Daniel Webster, for the beauty and sublimity of its language, we have frequent mention of this sort of charity, for the poor, the widow and the orphan, as evidence of a righteousness meriting the approval of all good men, while he, who neglected this duty, w^as denounced as worthy of se- verest reprobation, upon whom, was invoked the punishment HISTORY OF GARDNER. 219 of the Almighty-' and the deserved disapproval of all mankind. The man, destitute of this virtue, whose conduct is actuated by supreme selfishness, is described, as manifesting this selfishness in his treatment of the poor and the oppressed ; " they violently take away flocks and feed thereof. They drive away the ass of the fatherless, they take the widow's ox for a pledge. They turn the needy out of the way; the poor of the earth hide themselves together. They pluck the fatherless from the breast, and take a pledge of the poor. They cause him to go naked without clothing, and they take away the sheaf from the hungry. The murderer, rising with the light, killeth the poor and needy. Because he hath oppressed and hath forsaken the poor ; because he hath violently taken away an house which he builded not; surely he shall not feel quietness in his belly, he shall not save of that which he desired. In the fullness of his sufliciency he shall 1)6 in straits ; every hand of the wicked shall come upon him." While on the other hand. Job appeals to a directly opposite course of conduct in himself, as affording the clearest evidence of his integrity and righteousness, in the sight of God and men. *' When the ear heard me, then it blessed me ; and when the eye saw me, it gave witness to me : because I delivered the poor that cried, and the ftitherless, and him that had none to help him. The blessing of him that was ready to perish came upon me: and I caused the widow's heart to sing for joy. I was eyes to the blind, and feet was I to the lame. I was a father to the poor : and the cause of which I knew not I searched out. I break the jaws of the wicked, and plucked the spoil out of his teeth. Did not I weep for him that was in trouble? was not my soul grieved for the poor? If I have withheld the poor from their desire or have caused the eyes of the widow to fail ; or have eaten my morsel myself alone, and the fatherless hath not eaten thereof; if I have seen any perish for want of cloth- ing, or any poor without covering ; if his loins have not blessed me, and if he were not warmed with the fleece of my sheep ; if I have lifted up my hand against the fatherless, when I saw my 220 HISTORY OF GARDNER. help ill the gate : then let mine arm foil from my shoulder blade and mine arm be broken from the bone. The stranger did not lodge in the street ; but I opened my doors to the traveler." In the Hebrew nation, under the Mosaic law, there were special divine enactments in favor of the poor and needy ; the following are some of these enactments : — "And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shall not wholly reap, the corners of thy field, neither shalt thou gather the gleanings of thy harvest. And thou shalt not glean thy vineyard, neither shalt thou gather every grape of thy vine- yard ; thou shalt leave them for the poor and the stranger."* " When thou cuttest down thine harvest in thy field, and hast forgot a sheaf in the field, thou shalt not go again to fetch it ; it shall be for the stranger, for the fatherless, and for the widow : that the Lord thy God may bless thee in all the work of thine hands. When thou beatest thine olive tree, thou shalt not go over the bows again : it shall be for the stranger, for the fatherless, and for the widow. When thou gatherest the grapes of thy vineyard, thou shalt not glean it afterward : it shall be for the stranger, for the fatherless, and for the widow. And if a man be poor, thou shalt not sleep with his pledge : in any case, thou shalt deliver him the pledge again when the sun goeth down, that he may sleep in his own raiment and bless thee. Thou shalt not oppress a hired servant, that is poor and needy. At his day thou shalt give him his hire, neither shall the sun go down upon it ; for he is poor and setteth his heart upon it ; lest he cry against thee unto the Lord and it be sin unto thee. Thou shalt not pervert the judgment of the stranger ; nor of the fatherless ; nor take the widow's raiment to pledge. ''-f The poor and the stranger were to have their portion, from the produce of the land, in the seventh or sabbatical year. "And six years thou shalt sow thy land, and shalt gather in the fruits thereof; but the seventh year thou shalt let it rest and lie still; that the poor of the people may eat: in like manner thou shalt deal with thy vineyard and thy oliveyard."J *Levt. 19 : 9, 10. tDeut. 24. JEx. 23 : 10, 11. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 221 The lands of the poor, were not allowed to be permanently alienated, but the original owners had the right of re-entry upon these lands, at the expiration of fifty years, or in the year of jubilee, with certain limitations. There was also the prohibition of usury, and of the retention of loans, without interest. "And if thy brother be waxen poor, and fallen in decay with thee ; then thou shalt relieve him : yea, though he be a stranger, or a sojourner ; that he may live with thee. Take thou no usury of him or increase. Thou shalt not give him thy money upon usury, nor lend him thy victuals for increase."* Permanent bondage was foibidden, and the emancipation, of Hebrew bondsmen and bondswomen, was enjoined in the sab- batical and jubilee years, even when bound to a foreigner. "If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thy gates, in thy land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thy heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother ; but thou shalt open thine hand wide unto him, and shalt surely lend him sufficient for his need, in that which he wanteth. Beware that there be not a thought in thy wicked heart, saying. The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand ; and thine eye be evil against thy poor brother, and thou givest him naught ; and he cry unto the Lord against thee and it be a sin unto thee. Thou shall surely give him, and thine heart shall not be grieved, when thou givest unto him : because that for this thing the Lord thy God shall bless thee in all thy works, and in all that thou puttest thine hand unto. For the poor shall never cease out of the land : therefore I command thee saying, Thou shalt open thine hand Avide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land. And if thy brother, an Hebrew man or an Hebrew woman, be sold unto thee, and serve thee six years, then in the seventh year, thou shalt let him go free from thee. And when thou sendest him out free from thee, thou shalt not let him go away empty : thou shalt furnish him *Levt. 25 : 35, 86, 37. 222 HISTORY OF GAIWNFR. liberally out of thy flock, and out of thy floor, aud out of thy winepress : and that wherewith the Lord thy God hath blessed thee."* Under this theocratic government, the severest woes were pronounced upon the oppressors of the poor, in the ordinary transactions of life, or in judicial proceedings unfavorable to them. " Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed ; to turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the right from the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless !"| " For three transgressions of Israel, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof; because they sold the right- eous for silver and the poor for a pair of shoes ; that pant after the dust of the earth, on the head of the poor, and turn aside the way of the meek."| " Execute true judgment, and show mercy and compassions, every man to his brother : and oppress not the widow, nor the fatherless, the stranger, nor the poor; and let none of you imagine evil against his brother in your heart. ''§ Under this government, mendicants were divided into two classes, the settled poor, and the vagrants. In the light of the enactments of the Jewish theocracy, above adduced, and the various instances of assisting the poor referred to, it is made sufliciently clear, that poor and needy humanity has been, from the earliest ages, an object of divine and human sympathy and charity. That this evil, of mendicancy, continued to be prevalent, in the Eastern nations, is evident from the repeated instances re- corded in the New Testament, in the times of Christ and of his apostles, who, out of their common and scanty purse, made frequent provision for the poor. The observance of this duty of caring for the poor, was regarded as an essential qualification in any one who would go forth as a representative of the Chris- *Deiit. 15 : 7-15. fls. 10 : 1, 2. JAinos 2 : G, 7. §Zecli. 7 : 9, 10. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 223 tian religion. " Onl}^ they would that we should remember the poor; the same which I also was forward to do."* Notwithstanding, the care of the poor and necessitous, is a natural outcome of humanity and religion, nevertheless, the best methods to be adopted for the management of this class, es- pecially the vagrant poor, must ever be a question of gravest importance, surpassing, sometimes, the ability of our wisest legislators to solve. Hume, refei-ring to this, as a matter of great importance, in the reign of Henry the VIII., 1509-1547, says, " Some laws were made with regard to beggars and vao-rants ; one of the circumstances in oovernment, which hu- manity would most powerfully recommend to a benevolent leg- islator ; which seems, at first sight, the most easily adjusted, and which is yet the most difficult to settle, in such a manner as to attain the end, without destroying industry. "f For many centuries, previous to the reign of Henry the VIII., the care of the poor was chiefly committed to the monasteries, which, for a long time, continued to fulfil honestly the inten- tions for which they were established ; but, according to Fronde, as early as the reign of Eichard II., 1377-1399, " it was found necessary to provide some other means for the support of the aged and impotent ; the monasteries not only having then begun to neglect their duty, but by the appropriation of bene- fices having actually deprived the parishes, of their local and independent means of charity. Licenses to beg, were, at that time, granted to deserving persons ; and it is noticeable that this measure was, in a few years, followed by the petition to Henry the IV., 1399-1413, for the secularization of ecclesias- tical property. Thus early, in our history, had the regular clergy forgotten the nature of their mission, and the object for which the administration of the nation's charities had been submitted to them. Thus early, while their houses were the nurseries of dishonest mendicancy, they had surrendered to lay compassion, those who ought to have been their especial care. At the open- *Gal. 2 : 10. tHunie's History of Englaud, vol. 3, p. 317. 224 HISTORY OF GARDNER. ing of the sixteenth century, before the suspension of the mon- asteries h.'id suggested itself in a practical form, pauperism was a state question of great difficulty. " For the able bodied vagrant, it is well known that the old English laws had no mercy. When wages are low, and popu- lation has out-grown the work which can be provided for it, idleness may be involuntary and innocent ; at a time when all industrious men could maintain themselves in comfort and prosperity, ' Avhen a fair day's wages for a fair day's work ' was really and truly the law of the land, it was presumed that if strong, capable men preferred to wander about the country, and live upon the labor of others, mendicancy was not the only crime of which they were likely to be guilty : while idleness itself was justly looked upon as a high offense and misdemeanor. The penalty of God's laws against idleness, as expressed in the system of nature, was starvation ; and it was held intolerable that any man should be allowed to escape a divine judgment by begging under false pretences, and robbing others of their honest earnings." The following is an act of parliament, concerning the increase of vagrancy, passed in the year 1531 : — " Whereas, in all places throughout this realm of England, vagabonds and beggars have of long time increased, and daily do increase in great and excessive numbers, by the occasion of idleness, mother and root of all vices ; whereby hath insurged and sprung, and daily insurgeth and springeth, continual thefts, murders, and other heinous ofienses and great enormities, to the high displeasure of God, the inquietation and damage of the King's people, and to the mar^ellous disturbance of the common weal of this realm : and whereas, strait statutes and ordinances have been before this time devised and made, as well by the king our sovereign lord, as also by divers, his most noble progenitors, kings of England, for the most necessary and due reformation of the premises ; yet that notwithstanding, the said number of vagabonds and beggars be not seen in any part to be diminished, but rather daily augmented and increased HISTORY OF GARDNER, 225 into great routs or companies, as evidently and manifestly it doth and may appear : Be it therefore enacted by the king our sovereign lord, and by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, that the justices of the peace of all and singular the shires of England within the limits of their commission, and all other justices of the peace, mayors, sheriffs, bailiffs, and other officers of every city, borough, or franchise, shall from time to time, as often as need shall require, make diligent search and inquiry of all aged, poor, and impotent persons, which live, or of necessity be com- pelled to live by alms of the charity of the people ; and such search made, the said officers, every of them within the limits of their authorities, shall have power, at their discretions, to enable to beg within such limits as they shall appoint, such of the said impotent persons as they shall think convenient ; and to give in commandment to every such impotent beggar (by them enabled) that none of them shall beg without the limits so appointed to them. And further, they shall deliver to every such person so enabled, a letter containing the name of that person, witnessing that he is authorized to beg, and the limits within which he is appointed to beg, the same letter to be sealed with the seal of the hundred, rape, wapentake, city or borough, and subscribed with the name of one of the said justices or officers aforesaid. And if any such impotent persons do beg in any other place than within such limits, than the jus- tices of the peace, and all other the king's officers and ministers, shall by their discretions punish all such persons by imprison- ment in the stocks, by the space of two days and two nights, giving them only bread and water. " If any such impotent person be found begging without a license, at the discretion of the justices of the peace, he shall be stripped naked from the middle upwards, and whipped, within the town in which he be found, or within some other town, as it shall seem good. Or if it be not convenient so to punish him, he shall be set in the stocks by the space of three days and three nights. 29 22[) IIISTOBY OF GAIIDXEL\ ''And be it further enacted, that it* any person or persons, being whole and mighty in body and able to labor, be taken in begging in any part of this realm ; and if any man or woman, being whole and mighty in body, having no land, nor master, nor using any lawful merehandry, eraft or mystery whereby he might get his living, be vagrant, and can give none account how he doth lawfully get his living, then it shall be lawful to the constables and all other king's otlicers, ministers, and sub- jects of every town, parish and hamlet, to arrest the said vaga- bonds and idle persons, and bring them to any justice of the peace of the same shire or liberty, or else to the high constable of the hundred: and the justice of the peace,. high constable, or other otficer, shall cause such idle person so to him brought, to be had to the next market town or other place, and there to be tied to the end of a cart, naked, and be beaten with whips throughout the same town till his body be bloody by reason of such whipping ; and after such punishment or whipping had, the person so punished shall be enjoined upon his oath to return forthwith without delay, in the next and straight way, to the place where he was born, or where he last dwelled before the same punishment, by the ^pace of three yeai's : and then put himself to labor like a true man ought to do ; and after that done, ever}^ such person so punished and ordered, shall have a letter, sealed with the seal of the hundred, rape or wapentake, witnessing that he hath been punished according to this statute, and containing the day and place of his punishment, and the place whereunto he is limited to go, and by what time he is limited to come thither; for that within that time, showing the said letter, he may lawfully beg by the way, and otherwise not: and if he do not accomplish the order to him appointed by the said letter, then to be eftsoons taken and whipped ; and so often as there be fimlt found in him, to be whipped till he has his body put to labor for his living, or otherwise truly get his living so long as he is able to do so. "Be it further enacted, that scholars of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridjxe, that 2:0 about beuiiino-, not bcinu' au- HISTORY OF GAIWJ^EU. 227 tliori/cd iiiul(n- the scnl of the said universities, by the commis- sai-y, c'liMiiccllor, or vice cliancellor of the same ; and tiiat all and .siii.<::idarshi[)inon pretending losses of their shii)sand goods, going ahout llu; coiinlry begging ^vithout sudicicnt authority, shall be punished and ordered in manner and form as is above rehearsed of strong beggars; and that nil proetors and pardon- ers, and all other idle persons going about in eounties or abiding in any town, eity or borough, some of them using divers subtle, crafty and unlawful games and plays, and sonic of them feigning themselves to have; knowledges in physic, physnamye, and palmistry, or other crafty science, whereby they bear the people in hand that they can tell their destinies, dreams and fortunes, and such other like fantastical imagina- tions, to the great deceit of the king's subjects, shall, upon an examination had bi'fore two justices of the peace, if by provable witn(>sses they be found guilty of such deceits, be punished l)y whipping at two days together, after the manner before re- hearsed. And if they eftsoons oifend in tlu^ sam(> or any like offence, to be scourged two days, and the third day to be put upon the [)illory, from nine o'clock till eleven, the forenoon of the same day, and to have the right ear cut oft'; and if they offend the third time, to have like punishment, with whippinir and the [)illory, and to have the other ear cut off'." As if this act was not sufficiently severe to cure the evils of " sturdy mendicancy, "and to rid the hind of " sturdy' and valiant beggars," the provisions of it were expanded, five years later, enhancing the penalties, and, at the same time, providing vag- rants with labor upon public works, as roads, harbors, embank- ments and fortifications. Another important alteration was a restriction upon private eharit}'. According to Fronde, "pri- vate i)ersons wen; forl)idden, under heavy penalties, to give money to beggars, whether deserving or undeserving. The poor, of each parish, might call at houses, within the boundaries for broken meats ; but this was the limit of personal alms giving; and the money, which men might be disposed to offer, was to be collected by the church wardens, on Sundays and 228 HISTORY OF GARDNER. holidays, in the churches. The parish priest was to keep an account of the receipts and expenditure. " The sturdy vagabond, who, by the earlier statute, was con- demned on his second offence to lose the whole or part of his right ear, was condemned, by the amended act, if found a third time offending, with the mark upon him of his mutilation, ' to suffer pains and execution of death as a felon, and as an enemy of the commonwealth.' For an able bodied man to be caught a third time begging, Avas held a crime deserving death, and the sentence was intended, on tit occasions, to be executed. If out of employment, preferring to be idle, he might be demanded for work, by any master of the ' craft' to which he belonged, and compelled to work whether he would or not. If caught begging once, being neither aged nor infirm, he was whipped at the cart's tail. If caught a second time, his ear was slit or bored through with a hot iron. If caught a third time, being; thereby proved to be of no use upon this earth, but to live upon it only to his own hurt and to that of others, he suffered death as a felon. So the kuv of England remained in force for sixty years. It was therefore the expressed conviction of the English nation, that it was better for a man not to live at all, than to live a profitless and worthless life. The vagabond was a sore spot upon the connnon wealth, to be healed by wholesome discipline if the gangrene was not incurable ; but to be cut away with the knife, if the milder treatment of the cart- whip failed to be of profit."* This se^^'erity, in the treatment of vagrants, did not, however, have the effect to rid the land of this deeply rooted evil. It is said to have failed from over severity, so that through " foolish pity of them that should have seen the laws executed," there had been no hanging and very little whipping. This may be said to be the result of all unduly severe legislative acts. After the death of Henry VIII., in 1547, an act was passed, called the vagrancy act, by which an attempt was made to *Frucle's Ilistoiy of Eiiiiiand, vol. 1, p. 78-90. HISTORY OF GABBJ^FB. 229 reduce the vagrant to the coudition of a slave. " A servant determmately idle, leaving his work, or an able bodied vagrant, roaming the country without means of honest self-support and without seeking employment, was to be brought before the two nearest magistrates. On proof of the idle living of the said person, he was to be branded on the breast, where the mark would be concealed by his clothes, with the letter V, and adjudged to some honest neighbor as a slave, ' to have and to hold the said slave for the space of two years then next follow- ing ;' ' and to order the said slave as follows :' that is to sajs ' to take such person adjudged as slave with him, and only giving the said slave bread and Avater, or small drink, and such refuse of meat as he should think meet, to cause the said slave to work.' If mild measures failed, if the slave was still idle or ran away, he was to be marked on the cheek or forehead with an S and to be adjudged as slave for life. This measure failed and, in two years, was withdrawn."* From these instances, now adduced from English history, relating to vagrancy, and the failure of parliamentary enact- ments to suppress it, legislators and town officers of modern times will discover, that they are engaged in no new conflict with this useless and dangerous class, who to-day, throng the streets of our cities, and the highways of our entire land, plun- dering houses and stores, and consuming the hard earnings of our honest and industrious citizens, parasites of society. It appears from the Colonial Records that the early colonists encountered this same evil, which they sought to control by legislation. September 3d, 1639, the following act was passed by the Plymouth Colony, " for the preventing of idleness and other evils, occasioned thereby. It is enacted, by the Court, that the grand jurymen of every town shall have power Avithin their several townships, to take a special view and notice of all manner of persons, married or single, dwelling within their several towns, that have small "means to maintain them, and are *rrude's History of Euglaud, vol. 5, p. 75-76. 230 HIST OB Y OF GAlWNEll. suspected to live idly and loosely, and to require an account of them, how they live, and such as they find delinquent, and can- not give a good account unto them, that they cause the consta- ble to brino- them before the Governor and Assistants, at Plvm- outh, the first Court of Assistants, after such delinquents shall be found out. That such course may be taken with them as in the wisdom of the government, shall be judged just and equal."* "It is enacted, by the court and the authority thereof, that if an}^ person or persons shall come into this government, that according to the law^ of England, may justly be accounted vaga- bond ; the marshal or the constable of the town whereunto they come ; shall apprehend him or them ; and upon examination so appearing, he shall whip them or cause them to be whipped W'ith rods, so as it exceed not fifteen stripes ; and to give him or them a pass to depart the government, and if any such per- son or persons shall be found without their pass, or not acting according thereunto, they shall be punished again as formerly ; and in case any constable of this jurisdiction shall be unwilling, or cannot procure any to inflict the punishment aforesaid, that then they shall bring such persons to Plymouth, to the under marshal and he shaH inflict it."f In the Massachusetts Colony, in 1639, we have the following record : " It is ordered, that the court, or any two magistrates out of court, shall have power to determine all diiferences about a lawful settling and providing for poor persons, and shall have power to dispose of all unsettled persons into such towns as they shall judge to be most fit for the maintenance of such persons and families and the most ease of the country.":]: In 1659, we have the followino- record, which throws lisfht upon the custom formerly adopted, in all our towns, of legally warning all new comers, rich or poor, to depart the limits of the town Avithin a certain specified time, that the town might avoid their support, in case they should afterwards become ♦Plymouth Colony Kecords, vol. 11, p.. 32. tPlymouth Colony Records, vol. 11, p. 206. {Records of Massachusetts, vol. 1, p. 264. HISTOliY OF GARDNER. 231 paupers : " For the Jivoidiiig of all future inconveniences refer- ring to the settling of poor people that may need relief from the place where the}^ dwell, it is ordered by this Court and the authority thereof, that where any person, with his family, or in case he hath no family, shall be resident in any town or pecu- liar of this jurisdiction for more than three months, without notice given to such person or persons, by the constable, or one of the selectmen of the said place, or their orders, that the town is not willing that they should remain as an inhabitant amongst them, and in case after such notice given, such person or per- sons shall, notwithstanding, remain in the said place, if the selectmen of the said place shall not, by way of complaint, petition the next County Court of that shire for relief in the said case, and the same prosecuted to effect, every such person or persons, as the case may require, shall be provided for and re- lieved, in case of necessity, by the inhaliitants of the said place where he or she is so found, "And it is further ordered, that each County Court shall, from time to time, hear and determine all complaints of this nature, and settle all poor persons, according to directions of this law, in any town or peculiar within this colony, and every such per- son or persons shall accordingly be entertained and provided for by the selectmen or constable of the said place, at a town charge ; and in case any town or peculiar shall find themselves aggrieved at such dispose of the County Court, they may appeal to the next Court of Assistants ; and where any person or per- sons cannot according to this law be settled in any town or peculiar, they shall then be placed in any town of that county wherein they are found, according as the County Court shall appoint, and their charges satisfied unto them by the county treasurer/'* In 1682, still farther legislation, upon this subject, seemed to be demanded, as is apparent from the following enactment of the Great and General Court of Massachusetts : — *Recorcls of Massachusetts, vol. 4, Part First, p. 365. 232 HISTORY OF GAIWNFR. "Whereas, there are in sundry of our towns, and especially in Boston, many idle persons in families, as well as other single persons, who are greatly, if not altogether, negligent in their particular callings, and some that do not follow any lawful em- ployment for a livelihood, but misspend their time and that little which they earn, to the impoverishing, if not utter undoing, of themselves and families, for prevention whereof, it is or- dered, by this Court and the authority thereof, that the tything- men in each town shall inspect all such families and persons, and speedily return their names to the selectmen of the town where they dwell, who shall forthwith return to the next mag- istrate, and (if in Boston) to any of the magistrates or com- missioners there, who are hereby empowered to issue out warrants to the constable of the respective towns to require such person or family to work in or about any employment they are capable of, in the town or place wdiere they reside, and if they refuse to be regulated, as aforesaid, then to be sent by said authority to the house of correction, and there receive, ac- cording to the orders of that house, and kept to work ; and that such persons and families may be provided for, it is ordered, that all fheir clear earnings shall (by said selectmen or their order) be laid out in necessaries suitable for them or their families' use and relief, and that their wages shall from time to time, be stated by said selectmen ; and if any person or persons shall think themselves wronged thereby, they may complain to the County Court for relief."* " No idle drone may live amongst us," was the motto upon which they conducted their legislation towards vagrants. In imitation of the ancient custom, of the Massachusetts Colony, in its enactment concerning vagrants, in 1659, we have frequent occurrences recorded upon our town records, of legally warning all recent settlers to leave the town forthwith, of which the following is one of many : — ♦Records of Massachusetts, vol. 5, p. 373. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 233 Worcester, ss. Gardner, June 7ih, 1791. To Elijah Wilder, constable for the town of Gardner in said county : Greeting. You are, in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, directed to warn and give notice unto Isaac Jackson, yeoman, and Jonathan Brown, yeoman, and Beulah his wife and their child, and Samuel Edgell, gentleman, and Sarah his wife, and Betsey and Sarah their children, and Joseph Edgell, yeoman, and Dorcas his wife, and Sarah Laws, spinster, all of West- minster, and Rufus Dresser, yeoman, and Elizabeth his wife, of Lancaster, and William Whitney, Jr., yeoman, and Anna his wife, of Winchendon, and Anna Knights, spinster, of Sterling, all of the county of Worcester ; and Daniel Fisher, yeoman, of Walpole and county of Suffolk, and Lewis Dunn, yeoman, and Hannah his wife, and Lucy their daughter, spinster, all of Marlborough, and county of Middlesex and state of Massachu- setts, and Joseph Simond, yeoman, and Miriam his wife, from Putney, and Grace Palmer, spinster, of Shrewsbury, all of Vermont state, who have lately come into this town, for the purpose of abiding therein, not having obtained the town's con- sent ; therefore, that they depart the limits thereof, within fifteen days. And of this precept, with your doings thereon, you are to make return into the office of the town clerk, within twenty days next coming, that such further proceedings may be had in the premises as the law directs. Elisha Jackson, Ebenezer Howe, Samuel Stone, JosiAH Wheeler, Selectmen. It is not to be inferred, from the above precept, that the citi- zens of this town had any wish or intention to exclude from their limits these recent comers, but that they were only acting in accordance with the law of self-defense. It may be said, that usually these precepts, of warning were, as Macbeth says, like, 30 234 HISTORY OF GARDNER. " A tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifj-ing nothing," unless it was, the performance of a solemn fsirce. That there have been great improvements made in the con- dition of the working man, within the last two centuries, under the ameliorating influences of Christianity, with its consequent advanced civilization, as also a manifest decrease of vagrancy and pauperism, cannot be denied, by the intelligent student of history. Macaulay informs us that, in England, the wages of the laborer, estimated in money, were, in 1685, not more than half of what they were in 1848 ; that, although meat was so cheap, in 1685, it was still so dear, that hundreds of thousands of families, scarcely knew the taste of it ; bread, such as is now given to the inmates of a work-house, was then seldom seen even on the trencher of a yeoman, or a shopkeeper. The great majority of the people lived on rye, barley and oats. Among the commodities, for which the laborer would have had to pay higher, in 1685, than his posterity paid in 1848, "were sugar, salt, coals, candles, soap, shoes, stockings, and generally all articles of clothing and beddinor. In confirmation of these facts, as stated by Macaulay, he introduces a statement from King's Natural and Political Con- clusions, who roughly estimated the common people of Eng- land, in 1685, at 880,000 families, of which 440,000 ate animal food twice a week, the remaining 440,000 ate meat not at all, or at most, not oftener than once a week. Beneath this labor- ing class, were a large portion of the population, who were unable to subsist, without more or less aid from the parish. They constituted about one-tifth of the whole population, making the poor rate, the heaviest tax, then borne by the people. In the reign of Charles II., this tax was computed at near seven hundred thousand pounds a year, a little less than the entire revenue of the crown. In a short time, it rose to between eight and nine hundred thousand pounds. Paupers and beggars, in 1696, were estimated at 1,330,000, out of a population of HI8T0RY OF GARDNER. 235 5,500,000. In 1846, the number of persons who received relief, as appeared from official returns, was 1,332,089, out of a popu- lation of about 17,000,000, showing that, in England, the pau- per rate has been constantly decreasing.* Speaking of the condition of the poor, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth and previous, Hume, refers in a note, to his third volume, to a statement made by Holinshead, author of Chroni- cles of England, Scotland, and Ireland, concerning the condi- tion of the poorer classes, " that there are old men dwelling in the village, where I remain, which have noted three things to be marvellously altered in England, within their sound remem- brance. One is the multitude of chimneys lately erected ; whereas, in their young days, there were not above two or three, if so many, in most upland towns of the realm, the religious houses and manor places of their lords, always excepted, and peradventure some great personage, but each made his fire against a reredosse, in the hall where he dined, and dressed his meat. The second is, the great amendment of lodofinofs ; for, said they, our fathers and we ourselves have lain full oft on straw pallets, covered only with a sheet, under coverlets made of dag-swain and a good round log under their head, instead of a bolster. If it was so that the father, or the good man of the house, had a mattress, or flock-bed, and thereto a sack of chafi", to rest his head upon, he thought himself to be as well lodged as the lord of the town, so well were they contented. Pillows, said they, Avere thought meet only for women in childbed. As for servants, if they had any sheet above them, it was well ; for seldom had they any under their bodies to keep them from the prickling straws, that ran oft through the canvas, and rased their hardened hides. The third thing they tell of, is the ex- change of treen platers, so called, I suppose, from tree or wood, into pewter, and wooden spoons into silver or tin. For so common were all sorts of treen vessels, in old time, that a man should hardly find four pieces of pewter of which, one was peradventure a salt, in a good farmer's house"! Erasmus attrib- *Macaulay's History of England, vol. 1, p. 317-318. fHume's History of England, vol. 3, p. 465. 236 HISTORY OF GARDNER. utes the frequent plagues, in England, to the filthiuess, dirt and slovenly habits of the common people ; at the time above refer- red to, he says, " the floors are commonly of clay, strewed with rushes, under which lies, unmolested, an ancient collection of beer, grease, fragments, bones, spittle, excrements of dogs and cats, and ever}' thing that is nasty." Comparing the condition of the working men and the poorer classes, in the sixteenth century, with their poor fare and un- comfortable dwellings, so poorly furnished, with the condition of the same classes, with their comfortable homes, and im- proved means of subsistence and education, at the present time, we are brought to the inevitable conclusion that great advances have been made. It is true that, since the close of the war, and especially since the decreased demand for labor, the country has been greatly infested with a class of vagrants, popularly called "tramps," yet the number of these will hardly bear comparison with those which existed in the reign of Henry VIII. and his immediate successors. This class of persons is defined, by the Massachusetts Statute in the following ferms : — "Rogues and vagabonds, idle and dissolute persons, who go about begging, persons who use an}' juggling or unlawful games, or plays, common pipers and fiddlers, stubborn children, runaways, common drunkards, common night walkers, pilferers, lewd, wanton, and lascivious persons, in speech or behavior, common railers and brawlers, persons who neglect their calling, or employment, misspend what they earn and do not provide for themselves, or for the support of their families, and all other idle and disorderly persons, including therein those persons who neglect all lawful business and habitually misspend their time by frequenting houses of ill-fame, gaming-houses or tip- pling shops, may, upon conviction, be committed, for a term not exceeding six months, to the house of correction, or the house of industry or work-house within the city or town Avhere the conviction is had, or to the work-house, if any there is, in the city or town in which the offender has a legal settlement, if such town is within the county."* ♦Massachusetts General Statutes, chap. 165, sect. 28. HISTOBY OF GARDNEB. 237 The question of how to abate this evil, is engaging the atten- tion of our Massachusetts legislature at the time of this writing, March 2«3th, 1878. Various opinions exist as to the best methods to be pursued, no new legislation being thought nec- essary, unless it be to provide for a better enforcement of the above statute, under the vigilance of the state detective force. The general opinion is, that vagrancy, in all countries, is fos- tered by indiscriminate almsgiving, which is not charity. In confirmation of such an opinion, Mr. Lambert, late poor-law inspector of England, says, " I cannot too emphatically enforce my conviction, that, as long as the public persists in bestowing alms upon valiant beggars and sturdy vagabonds, every attempt, on the part of those who make or administer the laws for the suppression of vagrancy and mendicancy, will, most assuredly, prove unavailing." That there is a decreasing necessity for the fostering or con- tinuance of this evil, is evident from the statistics of the Labor Bureau, of Massachusetts, for 1877. According to the careful investigation of Col. Wright, of this bureau, with the exception of the building trades and unskilled laborers, no large bodies of men have been found, out of employment. Since 1875, there has been an average deduction in wages of nine per cent., Avhich corresponds, very nearly, to the decline in gold. Wherever the municipal administration did its duty, there was much less spent for pauperism in 1877, than in 1875, showing the expenditure for paupers to be on the decrease. The con- clusion then, is, if men are vagabonds, they are such from preference, and as a general rule, should be treated according to the provisions of the statute relating to vagrancy. It may be thought, by the reader, that a disproportionate space is given, in this chapter, to the discussion of vagrancy. Our only apology is the greatness of the evil, as it now exists, throughout all our towns and states. In directing the attention of the reader to that part of the history of Gardner, which relates to the care of its paupers, we shall be interested in and perhaps somewhat surprised, at the 238 HI8T0RY OF GARDNER. manner in which they were annually disposed of, by vendue or auction, previous to the purchasing of the present town farm. We are not, however, to associate this method of disposing of paupers, with the auction block of the southern slave dealer. It was a method of public charity, which the necessity of the times demanded. That this unfortunate portion of our inhabi- tants have always been well provided for is, unquestionably, true. We give the following as an illustration of the manner in which the town annually made provision for its poor. In the town warant for January 5th, 1789, vol, 1, page 100, Town Eecords, we have the following: — " To see what method the town will come into, to take care and provide for Oliver Upton and his family ; to vendue them out to the lowest bidder, or take some other method, as the town shall think best when met. Voted, To vendue them to the lowest bidder. Voted, To choose a committee to draw the conditions of sale. Joseph Bacon, Committee. "The conditions of the sale of Oliver Upton and wife are such, that the lowest bidder have them until March meeting, with their household stuff, and to proA ide victuals and drink, convenient for them ; and to take care of them. The selectmen to take a minute of his household stuff. Also the children to be let out to the lowest bidder until the selectmen can provide better for them ; and to provide victuals and drink for them. Joseph Bacon, Committee. " Voted to accept of the report of conditions of sale. Chose Ebenezer Eaton vendue master. Oliver Upton and wife bid off by Simon Gates, at ten shillings per week. Oldest child bid off by Simon Gates, at one shilling per week. Second child, bid off by John Hey wood at ten pence per week. Third child, bid off by Andrew Beard, at one shilling, two pence per week. Fourth child, bid off by Ebenezer Bolton, at one shilling, nine pence per week." HISTOBY OF GARDNER. 239 This method, of disposing of the poor, was pursued by the town until the year 1841), when the present town farm was purchased. For a few years, previous to 1849, the care of the poor was left discretionary with the selectmen. In June, 1789, there was an article in the town warrant, to see " if the town will build a work-house, in order for the poor to be set at work, if the town shall think proper, or act anything relating thereunto, as they shall think best when met. Voted, That the selectmen put this article into the next warrant for a town meeting." This article appeared in the warrant for a town meeting Sep- tember 14th, 1789. "Voted, To dismiss it.'' Thus began and ended all action, of the town, respecting a work-house for the poor, until the year 1849, when the following article appeared in a warrant for a town meeting, January 1st, of that year : " To see if the town will choose a committee to ijurchase a farm or house for the more convenient support of their paupers, act or transact anything relating thereto. Voted, To choose a committee of five to purchase a farm for the support of the poor, at their discretion, and report at a future meeting." This committee consisted of Messrs. Francis Richardson, Chas. Green, Asaph Wood, Smyrna W. Bancroft, Joseph Whitney. March 5th, 1849, the town " Voted, To accept of the report of the committee chosen to purchase a pauper farm. Voted, That the treasurer be authorized to give a note to Abraham Stone, for three thousand, five hundred dollars, in consideration of pur- chasing his farm. Voted, That the overseers of the poor, stock and furnish the pauper farm, and that the treasurer be author- ized to borrow one thousand dollars for the same." At a town meeting held April 2d, 1849, the town "Voted, To accept of the following rules and regulations for the gov- ernment of the work-house : — " 240 HI8T0BY OF GARDNER. Rules and Regulations for the government of the Work-house in the town of Gardner, and duty of the Overseers of the Poor, the Master, the Physician and the Inmates of said house. POWER AND DUTY OF THE OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. It shall be the duty of the Overseers of the Poor, to provide for all poor and indigent persons, who are, or may be unable to take care of and support themselves, and at all times when circum- stances will admit, they shall be supported on the farm, which the town has purchased for that purpose, which shall be hereafter known by the name of Gardner Work-house. And to provide suitable stock, farming utensils and household furniture, and to make such additions and repairs as are necessary for said estab- lishment, and to manage the concerns in the best possible manner, and to provide suitable places for all poor children, as soon as they can earn their living ; and see that they are brought up to some trade or calling, and suitably schooled, and they shall constantly keep suitable persons for a master and mistress, and such other help as they shall deem necessary, and they shall employ a physician to attend to the sick, when requested by the overseer or master. Said physician shall keep a record of all his visits, the price and for whom said visits were made, for which he shall receive such compensation as may be agreed upon by him and the overseers, and may be removed at the pleasure of the overseers. It shall be the duty of the overseers to meet at the work-house on the last Saturday in February, May, Au- gust and November, annually, for the purpose of inspecting the concerns of the establishment and giving directions to the mas- ter. It shall be the duty also, of one of the overseers to visit said work-house, as often as once a month, for the purpose of inspecting the management of the concerns, the usage of the inmates, and giving directions to the master, etc. ; and at their meeting in February, they shall take an inventory of all the personal property and the betterments, if any, which shall be recorded in a book, kept by them for that and other purposes, and they shall also keep a record of all persons who are sup- X .. HISTORY OF GARDjSFEE. 241 ported in said work-house, the time when they come and the time when they go away ; and to record all other matters which they shall deem necessary, all of which shall be reported by them at the annual March meetinsf. POWER AND DUTY OF THE MASTER. The master shall have the immediate care and control of the inmates, and all the property belonging to the institution, and shall give an account of the same to the overseers, when called upon by them ; he shall see that the inmates are suitably pro- vided with lodging, clothes, victuals and drink, and shall call on the overseers for such things as are necessary for that pur- pose. It shall also be the duty of the master to see that all who are able to labor are employed in such a manner as shall be most advantageous to the town, and to instruct in regard to the moral character of all persons in his care, and see that the Sabbath is duly observed, and to take care of all the fires, see that the lights are struck, and that the inmates retire to bed in proper season, and that the children in his care are suitabl}^ schooled ; and it shall be his duty to punish any ol" the inmates, who are refractory or disobedient, and perform all other duties which may devolve on him by the direction of the overseers. DUTY OF THE INMATES. All persons, who are maintained in the work-house, shall be under the immediate care and control of the master and mistress of the house, and shall not absent themselves from the premises without their consent, and such as are able to labor shall labor according to the directions of the master. There shall be no ardent spirits used on the premises except by special direction of the physician. The above rules and regulations shall be laid before the town at a regular meeting, and when accepted by them, shall be the Rules and By-laws of the Gardner Work-house, and shall be read at the work-house, in the presence of the master and in- mates, at the commencement of each year, by one of the over- 31 242 HISTORY OF GARDNER. seers. These rules and regulations may be altered or amended at any legal meeting of the town. The town farm consists of two hundred thirty-three and twenty-one thirty-seconds acres, including the road. The house is large, commodious and in good condition of repair. March 7th, 1870, the town voted, that the overseers of the poor, with four other persons, chosen by the town, at that meeting, be a committee to superintend the construction of a new barn on the town farm. The barn is 40 by 72 feet and cost the town about $3,000. We give, below, the cost of supporting the poor, at the town farm, each year since 1860, previous records being inaccessible. Also cost of supporting the poor away from the toAvn farm since 1860, with the exception of those years of which the record is not obtainable. Cost of supporting poor, annually, Cost of supporting poor, annually, at Almshouse since 1860: away from Almshouse since 1860: 18G0 $917 33 18G0 $176 62 1861.,., 1,300 14 1861 232 24 1862 1,073 22 1862 294 55 1863 882 48 1863 299 04 1864 1 ,060 44 1864 1865 1,004 91 1865 42150 1866 692 95 186G 562 25 1867 756 19 1867 46154 1868 708 22 1868 690 22 1869 997 71 1869 41153 1870 1,250 02 1870 372 61 1871 967 87 1871 528 43 1872 1,304 27 1872 738 97 1873 1,258 29 1873 1874 1,459 67 1874 1875 1,756 14 1875 1876 2,544 67 1876 1877 1,223 45 1877 1,194 88 HISTORY OF GARDNER. 243 Names of masters of the Work or Almshouse from its estab- lishment in 1849, to the present time : — Abram Stone 1849-1851 . Isaac B. Hathaway. . . 1869-1870 John V. Platts 1852-1857 Levi P. Wood 1871-1872 Daniel S. Elkins 1858-1861 Albert Sanderson 1873-1876 Washburn Whitney, . . 1862 T. D. Marstin 1877 Artemas S. Hubbard .1863-1868 Albert Sanderson 1878 According to the secretary's report for the Board of State Charities, the returns show that two hundred and twenty-two, of the three hundred and forty-two cities and towns in the state, provided for their paupers during the pauper year ending March 31st, 1877, in almshouses. The whole number of persons sup- ported at these establishments, within the year above named, w%as six thousand one hundred and sixty-six. The number of persons supported out of almshouses, was two thousand five hundred and five. The average cost, per week, for each pauper, in the almshouse, is two dollars and forty-four cents ; the average cost per week, for each pauper outside the almshouse, is three dollars and forty-eight cents. 244 HISTORY OF GARDNER. CHAPTER X. VARIOUS LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS. "A place for everything, and everything in its place." — Benjamin Franklin. " Variety's the source of joy below, From which, still fresh revolving pleasures flow."— G'rai/. " Variety's the very spice of life, That gives it all its flator." — Cowper. IN this chapter, we shall speak of the various organizations that have been in existence, in this town, shice its incorpor- ation, some of which still exist, and some, having had their day and done their work, have ceased to be. MILITARY. " Sound all the lofty instruments of war. And by that nnisic, let us all embrace." —First Part King Henry IV., Act. F., Scene- 11. The year 171)4, is distinguished in American history, for the celebrated defeat, by General Wayne, of the Indians of the Northwest, as well as for the famous Whiskey Insurrection in Pennsyhania, when, as General Washington expressed it, " the contest' was " whether a small proportion of the United States shall dictate to the whole Union." It was a year of feverish excitement, througfhout the nation, requiring unusual vigilance, on the part of those in authority, lest the liberty, secured by the war of the Revolution, should be sacrificed by the spirit of anarchy, so rife in many quarters. Acting upon the principle, that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, the au- thority of the commonwealth, issued its order to all towns for HISTORY OF GARDNEU. 245 their quotas of men, Avho should be ready at a minute's warning for any military service that might be required of them. Accordingly a town meeting was called, August 4th, 1794, " To see what method the town will come into, to raise the men that are now sent for, to stand at a minute's warning, agreeable to order now sent to town, or act anything relating thereto, as they shall think best when met." Upon this article, the town " Voted, To make some consideration to the soldiers' pay, more than what the continent has made, in case they are called for." " Voted, To make up the wages to the soldiers, in case they are called and have to march, forty shillings per month, with what the continent and state shall give, as wages, and twenty shillings bounty, per man, the bounty to be paid when the men march. It is to be understood always, the soldiers that are raised, in this town, should march and the continent or the state should give them forty shillings per month, and twenty shillings boun- ty, then the town is not to give them any bounty or wages." Who these men were, or how many, is not given in the record. October Dth, 171)7, the town " Voted, To make up to those men, that turn out to stand at a minute's warning, if they march, ten doliars a month, including what the continent and state give them." According to the laws of the commonwealth, a military com- pany was formed, with William Bickford, captain.* This company continued to perform military duty, as required by law, till the time when the statute under which it was created, was repealed. The following are the names of the different commanders : William Bickford, Reuben Haynes, Samuel Edgell, Aaron Greenwood, Abel Kendall, Benjamin Edgell, David Nichols, Arna Bacon, Ezra Moore, William Bickford, Jr., Ahio Temple, Levi Priest, Ezekiel Howe, Abel Jackson, Bart- lett Stoddai-d, Henry Whitney, William Learned, George W. Co wee and Ephraim Wright. August 10th, 1812, there was an article in the town warrant to this effect : "To see if the town will choose a deleofate to meet ^Revised Statutes, 1836, chap. 12, sec. 5-12. 246 HISTORY OF GARDNER. ill county convention at Worcester, on Wednesday, the 12th day of August, instant ; to consult upon the alarming situation of our country, on the declaration of war, between the United States and Great Britain and her Dependencies, and to petition the president of the United States, if they see fit, to bring about a speedy and honorable peace with Great Britain." " Chose Eev. Jonathan Osgood, delegate." GARDNER LIGHT INFANTRY. Acting in accordance with the spirit indicated in the above vote, in 1813, a volunteer company was formed, called the Gardner Light Infantry. It was ordered, soon after its organi- zation, to South Boston, where it remained, on duty, until the close of the war. The following are the names of the commis- sioned and non-commissioned officers, belonging to this com- pany, at the time they were ordered into service : Ephraim Williams, Captain ; Samuel Sawin, Lieut. ; Joel Cowee, Ensign ; Ebenczer Bolton, 1st Serg. ; Charles Hoar, 2d Serg. ; Benj. Stone, 3rd Serg. : Reuben Wheeler, 4th Serg. Privates : Luke Whitney, Josiah Eaton, Joel Wheeler, James Coolidge, Jr., Josiah Wilder, Isaac Wilder, David Wilder, Phineas Moore, Aaron Conant, Abram F. Glazier, George W. Davis, Seth Whitney, Joseph Whitney, 2d, Joseph P. Whitney, Thomas Bennett, Jr., Hubbard Kendall, Joseph L. Newell, Pliny Bil- lings, David Perley, David Reed, Jr., Isaac Jackson, John Woodbury, Nathaniel Wright, Jonas Brick, Amasa Leland, Farwell Conant and Benjamin Edgell. William Fenno, drum- mer ; Levi Divol, bass drummer; Edward Loud, fifer. The following were the officers of this company : Ej)hraim Williams, Joel Cowee, Reuben Wheeler, Benjamin Stone, Thomas Bennett, Jr., Isaac Jackson, Martin Dunster, Luther Alden and Isaac P. Kendall. This company continued its existence for about twenty years, under the command of the above named officers, and enjoyed the reputation of being spirited and well disciplined. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 247 GARDNER GREYS. lu 1844, a military company was formed, called the Gardner Greys. The following is a list of the officers and privates in this company : — James Coolidge, 2d, Capt. ; David Kendall, Joseph Wood and Hiram Wood, Lieuts. ; Charles Leland, Quarter-master; John W. Hill, Henry C. Hill, Aaron B. Jackson, Edwin A. Stevens and Alonzo B. Clark, Sergs. ; Josiah A. Jackson, Hosea Adams, John H. Peabody and James W. Woodbury, Corporals ; Aaron B. Jackson, Treasurer. Privates : Edwin Hill, Asher W. Shattuck, James B. Lord, Ebenezer Ballou, Alonzo Davis, Addison A. Walker, Joseph L. Wheeler, William B. Hill, George A. Glazier, Nathan A. Gates, John M. Seaver, Edwin Howe, Charles E. Bickford, Abijah Hinds, Jr., Merrick Adams, William H. Learned, Still- man D, Colburn, Harrison R. Rawson, Lysander B. Jaquith, William T. Peabody, Chas. Noyes, Hiram Williams, Elijah W. Foster, John H. Walker, Albert Bickford, J. H. Sperling, Geo. T. Lowell, Ai Stone, J. P. Lynde, Ransom Bolton, Belarmin Bolton, Luke Whitney, R. G. Reed, Daniel Adams, Ephraim S. Bowker, Luther B. Walker, Samuel Hodgman, B. G. Coch- ran, Asa F. Smith and Benjamin H. Rugg. D. G. FARRAGUT POST NO. 116, G. A. R. This Post was organized January 6th, 1870. There were, at the commencement, seventeen charter members, with the fol- lowing officers : G. W. Wilson, P. C. ; D. R. Symonds, S- V. C. ; G. H. Pond, J. V. C. : E. P. Brown, Adjt. ; N. W. Cramm Q. M. : C. F. Tenney, Surg. ; E. F. Wiley, O. D. ; C. H. Newton, O. G. ; R. B. Baker,''S. M. ; H. G. Pollard, Q. M. S. The Post has now fifty-one members. Since its organ- ization, it has expended, for charities, $629.90, besides the amount which comrades have bestowed from their private purses, which is probably an equal amount. Assisted by an annual appropriation of the town, this Post, upon Decoration 248 HISTORY OF GARDNER. Day, strews the graves of their fallen comrades, in the various cemeteries of the town, with flowers furnished by the friends of the soldiers, after which, assembling in the Town Hall, they listen to an oration, pronounced by some gentleman of their own selection. The present oflScers are ; O. F. Smith, P. C. ; C. Beckwith. S. V. C. ; J. B. Thompson, J. V. C. ; H. Clark, Adjt. ; E. J. Gushing, Q. M. ; J. W. Clapp, Surg. ; J. W. Walcott, O. D. ; D. O. Remingt(m, O. G. ; M. V. Coburn, S. M. ; J. F. Ashley, Chap. HOPE LODGE OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS. " The world is in pain, Our secrets to gain ; But still let them wonder and gaze on, For they ne'er can divine The word nor the sign Of a Free and Accepted Mason." The first regular communication, of Hope Lodge, was held in Free Mason Hall, Gardner, Tuesday evening, March 22d, 1864. Charles Heywood, M. ; Henry C. Hill, S. W. ; Edward J. Saw- yer, J. W. ; Alonzo B Clark, Treas. ; George Heywood, Sec. ; George E. Woodman, S. D. ; George Nichols, J. D. ; L. S. Stowe, S. S. ; Andrew J. Moore, J. S. Charter members: Levi Heywood, Horace Whitney, Charles Heywood, Henry C. Hill, Edward J. Sawyer, Alonzo B. Clark, George Heywood, George E. Woodman, George Nichols, Alvin M. Greenwood, Nathaniel Holmes, James H. Greenwood, F. C. Whitcomb. The hall now occupied by Hope Lodge, is in the attic story of the Town Hall, which, in accordance Avith a vote of the town, February 18th, 1865, was leased for a term of years. This room was prepared and elegantly furnished, for the use of the Lodge, in the spring of 1865, and was dedicated, by members of the Grand Lodge, in April of the same year, since which time it has continued in a flourishing condition, care being taken, to preserve the high tone of its membership, in which it was instituted. The regular meetings of this lodge are held monthly, on or before the full moon. The ofiicers of HISTORY OF GARDNER. 249 the present year are : Marcus H. Howe, W. M. ; Frank W. Ciimmings, S. W. ; Charles F. Read, J. W. ; John W. Hill, Treas. ; John C. Stone, Sec. ; Rev. E. A. Read, Chap. ; Chas. N. Edgell, M. ; Henry H. Adams, S. D. ; Albert Lovejoy, J. D. ; Andrew C. Upham, S. S. ; Arthur W. Brown, J. S. ; George W. Lusk, I. S. ; Lucian N. Hadley, Organist; John Dustin, Tyler. Past Masters : Charles Hey wood, Henry C. Hill, Edward J. Sawyer, John D. Edgell, Frank W. Cummings, Charles F. Read, William Stone. Committee on Charity : Henry C. Hill, Ezra Osgood, Chas. F. Read. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. " Frieudship, Love and Truth." The William Ellison Lodge, No. 185, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, was instituted March 19, 1878, with a membership of thirty-two. The professed objects of American Odd Fellowship are "to visit the sick, relieve the distressed, bury the dead and educate the orphan, to improve and elevate the character of man, imbue him with proper conceptions of his capabilities for good, enlighten his mind, enlarge the sphere of his affections, and lead him to the cultivation of the true fraternal relation, designed by the great Author of his being." The hall of this lodge is located near the depots, over Messrs. Howe Brothers' grain store. The following is a list of officers chosen at the institution of the lodge : J. Warren Spring, N. G. ; H. O. Tubbs, V. G. ; W. H. Cowee, Sec. ; J. J. Dunn, Treas. ; A. W. Wilson, W. ; C. O. Plantier, C. ; J. S. Garner, O. G. ; A. M. Richards, I. G. ; E. N. Goddard, R. S. N. G. ; F. A. Laws, L. S. N. G. ; E. L. Gates, R. S. V. G. ; W. B. Heathtield, L. S. V. G. ; C. F. Woodbury, R. S. S. ; H. D. Lusk, L. S. S. ; C. H. Spring, Organist ; W. W. Tandy, Chaplain. 32 250 HISTORY OF GARDNER. ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS. " Eriu, iny country! though sad and forsaken, In dreams I revisit thy sea-beaten shore ; But, alas ! in a for foreign land I awaken, And sigh for the friends who can meet me no more !"' — Thomas Campbell. The Ancient Order of Hibernians was organized February ocl, 1873, with the following officers: Thomas F. Carney, President; Daniel Reagan, Vice President; Daniel McKeough, Recording and Financial Secretary ; John F. Barnes, Treasurer. The motto of this order is " Friendship, Unity and True Chris- tian Charity." The present officers are as follows : Henry F. Carney, President; Timothy Mclnerney, Recording Secretary; John J. Maloney, Financial Secretary ; John F. Barnes, Treas- urer. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Hear the loud alarum bells — Brazen bells ! What a tale of terror, now, their turbulency tells ! In the startled ear of night How they scream out their affright ! Too much horrified to speak. They cau only shriek, shriek, Out of tune. In the clamorous appealing to the mercy of the fire, In a mad expostulation with the deaf and frantic fire Leaping higher, higher, higher, With a desperate desire. And a resolute endeavor, Now — now to sit or never, By the side of the pale-faced moon. Oh, the bells, bells, bells. What a tale their terror tells Of despair! How they clang, and clash, and roar ! What a horror they outpour On the bosom of the palpitating air!" — l^oe. It Avas not until the year 1833, that the town took any action looking to protection from fire, by furnishing itself with fire engines. In the warrant for the annual town meetinsr of that HISTORY OF GABDNER, 251 year, there was an article to see " if the town will raise two hundred dollars, to be appropriated towards two engines, for the purpose of guarding against loss by fire, act or transact anything relating thereto." " Voted, To raise two hundred dollars, to be laid out to purchase tw^o engines. Voted, To chpose a committee of three at the Centre of the town and three, at the South Village, to see to the purchasing of two engines. Chose Moses Wood, Smyrna Glazier, Walter Heysvood, com- mittee for the Centre of the town. Chose Abijah M. Severy, Walter Greenwood, Adams Partridge, committee for the South Village. Voted, That one engine be located in the Centre of the town, and the other at the South Village. Voted,' To have the committee draw on the town treasurer for the money, as soon as they procure the engines and get their engine houses ready." These engines cost two hundred dollars each ; individ- uals subscribing what the town did not appropriate. The engine house, at the Centre, was located where now stands the National Bank Building: that at the South Village, near the corner of what are now called Broadway and Prospect Streets, opposite the store of Messrs. S. W. A. Stevens & Son. The engine at the South Village was familiarly known by the name of the " Pine Tub," and is now owned by Messrs. A. Bancroft & Co. These engines, of course, were small and incapable of very great service. Feeling the n^ed of greater facilities for protection against fire, the town voted, March 13, 1852, " to choose a committee of five, to procure two fire engines, one situated at South Gard- ner, so called, and the other situated near the Centre Village, in Gt^i'dner, and the expense not to exceed one thousand dollars each. Chose Levi Hey wood, Calvin S. Greenwood, Thorley Collester, Levi H. Sawin, Amasa Bancroft, that committee." It appears from the records, that there was an attempt made to reduce the amount appropriated at the annual meeting, for fire engines. At the April meeting, 1852, there was an article in the town warrant, " to see if the town will so annul the vote passed at a meeting of said town, on the 13th day of March, 252 HISTORY OF GARDNER. 1852, choosing a committee to purchase two fire engines at a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars each, so as to make it read, not exceeding five hundred dollars each, instead of one thousand dollars, act or transact anything relating to said vote." "Voted, To pass over this article." September 6th, 1852, the town voted, "that the committee locate the engine house on either side of Messrs. Levi Heywood & Go's counting house, as the said committee, chosen for that purpose, may deem it best." The engine house at the Centre is located on Central Street, near the shop of Messrs. Heywood Bros. & Co. That at South Gardner, is located on Broadway, near the chair shop of Messrs. Wrio-ht & Read. Both of these buildings are two stories in height. The upper story, in each of these buildings, contains a hall, for the accommodation of the engine companies, whose walls are decorated with pictures, appropriate for such places. The names of the two fire companies are, at the South Village, " Cataract No. 1," and at the Centre, " Torrent No. 2." CATARACT NO. 1. This company was organized, November I5th, 1852, taking the name of " Cataract Engine Company No. 1.'' The follow- ing is the Constitution and B3''-Laws of this company : — PREAMBLE. We, the subscribers, hereby associate ourselves together as members of a company to be attached to Cataract Engine No. I, in South Gardner Village, and do hereby pledge ourselves to perform the duties of enginemen in said company, and to conform to the by-laws which may be established by a majority of the members, of the said company, agreeable to the laws of the commonwealth ; and do adopt the following constitution for our government : — CONSTITUTION. Art. 1. This company shall be dc.'^ignated and known as Cataract Engine Company No. 1. Art. 2. The officers of this company shall be a Foreman, a First and Second Assistant Foreman, Clerk, Treasurer and two HISTORY OF GARDNER. 253 Stewards, to be choseu annually, on the first Saturday in May. Art. 3. Stated meetings of this company shall be held at the engine house on the first Saturday of e^ery month, at a quarter to seven o'clock, p. m., unless otherwise ordered by vote of the company. Art. 4. Ten members, exclusive of the presiding officer and clerk, shall form a quorum ; and in all cases, not otherwise ordered, a majority of those present shall govern. Art. 5. The officers of this company may be removed from office, by a vote of three-fourths of the company. Art. 6. For all expenditures, except the ordinary current expenses of the company, the money shall be appropriated by a vote of three-fourths of the members present at a regular meet- ing of the company. Art. 7. This constitution shall not be altered or amended, except by a vote of three-fourths of the members present, at a regular meeting. Art. 8. All propositions, to alter or amend this constitution, must be made in writing, and laid before the company, at least, one month before being acted upon. BY-LAWS. Art. 1. The foreman shall have command of the com- pany, when on duty, and shall be respected and obeyed. He shall have power to call special meetings, of the company, shall preside at all meetings of the company and have the general supervision of engine apparatus and engine house, shall annually, before the first day of May, transmit, to the assessors, a list of all persons who have done duty, in the company, during the year preceding, and with the tAvo assistants, shall constitute a standing committee Art. 2. In the absence of the Foreman, at any meeting of the company, the officer next in rank, who maybe present, shall have command, and in the absence of all the officers, the oldest member of the company present, shall preside until one of the officers arrive, or a foreman ^:>ro tern, be chosen. 254 HISTORY OF GARDNER. AiiT. 3. The First Assistant shall be Foreman of the suc- tion hose and shall select four members, who, under his direction, shall have charo-e of the same. The Second Assistant shall be Foreman of the leading hose and shall select eight members, who, under his direction, shall have charge of the same. The hosemen, when not engaged on the hose, shall assist on the engine. Art, 4. The clerk shall have charge of all the books and papers of the company, keep a record of all the proceedings and shall hand a list of all delinquents, at each meeting, to the Treasurer, one week after such meeting ; shall keep constantly posted up, at the engine house, a list of names of all the mem- bers of the company, and shall post a notice of each stated meeting of the company, at some place, at least four days pre- vious to holding such meeting, and shall receive such compen- sation for his services, as the aompany may direct. Art. 5. The Treasurer shall have charge of all the funds of the company. He shall collect all fines ; receive from town treasurer all sums that may be allowed by the town, to the com- pany, or that may be received from any other source. He shall pay such orders as the standing committee may draw upon him, and shall render an account of all mone}^ received and paid out by him, at the annual meeting, and at such other times as the company may direct. Art. 6. The duty of the Stewards shall be to keep the en- gine and all the appurtenances thereof, in good and effective order, and ready for use, at any moment, and report any repairs that are needed, to the Foreman. They shall provide all nec- essary refreshments for the company, when on duty, under the direction of the standing committee, and for their services, shall receive such compensation as the company may direct. APtT. 7. All vacancies in the government of the company, shall be promptly filled, and the commander shall have power to appoint a Clerk ^ro tern.., in the absence of the Clerk. Art. 8. To all special meetings, called by the Foreman, the company shall be warned by the Clerk, or such other member. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 255 of the compjiny, as the foreman may appoint, indivicliially or by having a written notice left at the usual place of bnsiness or abode of such member, at least twelve hours before the time of holding such meeting. Art. 9. On an alarm of fire, in town, each member shall repair forthwith to the engine, assist in forwarding it to the place of action, do all reasonable service that may be required of him, and shall not depart without leave of the commander. Art. 10. The distinguishing badge of this company shall be a belt or band, with Cataract No. 1, printed upon the same, and shall be worn at such times as the Foreman may direct. Art. 11. The following fines shall be imposed upon and collected of the respective members, for violation of the follow- ing rules : For absence at any stated or regular meeting, at first roll call, twelve and one-half cents ; for absence at last roll call, twelve and one-half cents ; for absence at an alarm of fire, one dollar ; for leaving any stated or special meeting, before the company is dismissed, without leave of the commander, fifty cents; for leaving at a fire, without permission, two dollars; for disobedience of orders, one dollar. Art. 12. The standing committee shall have power to remit fines, in the folloAving cases : For non-attendance, in the case of sickness, of the member himself; for non-attendance at special meetings, when not warned of the same ; for absence at an alarm of fire Avhen the alarm was not known. All excuses must be tendered at or before the next meetins:. Art. 13. Any person who shall receive a two-thirds vote of the members present, at a regular meeting, may become a mem- ber of this company, by signing the constitution, and any member may be dischai-ged therefrom by vote of the company. Art. 14. All money in the hands of, or due the Treasurer, at the annual meeting, shall remain in the treasury unless other- wise ordered by vote of the company, but no member shall be entitled to a dividend unless he shall have attended, at least, four regular meetings, unless by special vote of the company. 256 HISTORY OF GARDNER. The following is a list of the first officers of this company : Samuel Bent, Foreman; O. C. Jillson, First Assistant; Porter Monroe, Second Assistant; J. M. Moore, Clerk; A. Sawtelle, Treasurer; William Greenwood, A. C. Bennett, Stewards. The Cataract is a well drilled and efficient compan}^ ; it has, several times, successfully competed for prizes offered at firemen's musters. The following is its record : October 28th, 1868, at Orange, 158 feet, prize, $25, which sum was one-half of the third prize; September 20th, 1873, at Brattleboro', Vt., 182 feet, 6 inches, second prize, $200 ; October 6th, 1876, at Win- chendon, 174 feet, 4 1-2 inches, third prize, $50 ; September 14th, 1877, at Athol, 200 feet, 1 1-2 inches, second prize, $75 ; also a prize for running, $25. The following are the present officers of this company : C. O. Bent, Foreman; Amos Coleman, First Assistant; R. L. Bent, Second Assistant; W. F. Learned, Clerk and Treasurer; G. R. Pratt and Edwin Rice, Stewards. TORRENT ENGINE COMPANY. This company belongs to the Centre of the town. It was organized October oOth, 1852. We give the following, as the constitution and by-laws of this company, at the present time : — CONSTITUTION. Art. 1. This company shall be designated and known as Torrent Engine Company, No. 2. Art. 2. The officers of this company shall be a Foreman, First and Second Assistant Foreman, Clerk, Treasurer and two Stewards, to be chosen annually, by ballot, on the first Monday in May. Art. 3. Stated meetings shall be held on the first Saturday in every month. Art. 4. Ten members, exclusive of the presiding officer and clerk, shall form a quorum ; and in all cases not otherwise directed, a majority of those present shall govern. Art. 5. The officers of the company shall be liable to be removed from office by a vote of three-fourths of the members of the company. HISTOKY OF GARDNER. 'ibl Art. 6. For call expenditures, except the ordinary current expenses of the company, the money shall be appropriated by a vote of three-fourths of the members present at a regular meeting of the company. Art. 7. Every active member who shall perform engine duty for one 3^ear, shall receive , minus his fines ; and every active member who shall perform engine duty for less than a year shall receive a month, minus his fines. Art. 8. All by-laws or resolves shall be equally binding with the constitution, provided always that no by-laws or re- solves shall be passed by the company repugnant with the tenor of this instrument. Art. 9. All propositions to alter or amend this constitution must be made in writing, and handed to the clerk, whose duty it shall be to lay it before the company at least one mouth be- fore it is acted upon. Art. 10. This constitution shall not be altered or amended except by a vote of three-fourths of the members present at a regular meeting. Art. 11. This company may keep a roll of honorary mem- bers, whose duty shall be to keep a general lookout for the in- terests of the company ; and who shall annually, in the month of May, pay into the treasury the sum of three dollars and twenty-five cents. Honorary members may take part in the fes- tivities and entertainments of the company the same as other members. Honorary members shall be admitted and discharged in same manner as other members. Art. 12. These articles of the constitution we, the under- signed, do hereby bind ourselves to support. BY-LAWS. Art. 1. The Foreman shall have command of the company when on duty, and shall be respected and obeyed accordingly. He shall preside at all stated and special meetings, and shall have a general supervision of the engine apparatus and engine house. 33 258 HISTORY OF GARDNER. Art. 2. The Assistants shall aid the Foreman in the perform- ance of his duties ; and in case of the absence of the Foreman, or vacancy of the office, the First Assistant shall have command ; and in case of his absence the Second Assistant shall have com- mand ; and in case of the absence of the Foreman and both Assistants, the Clerk shall preside and have command of the company. Art. 3. The Clerk shall have charge of all books and papers of the company, keep a record of all proceedings, and shall annually, in the month of April, transmit to the selectmen a list of members, for their approbation. He shall post or publish notices of regular meetings, as the company may direct, on or before the morning of the day of the meeting: and, upon ap- plication in writing of five members of the company, special meetings may be called by the Clerk, leaving individually, or causing to be left, at the usual residence of each member, a notice of such meeting, or by publishing the same in the Gard- ner News. Art. 4. The First Assistant shall be Foreman of the suction hose, and shall select four members, who under his direction shall have charge of the same. The Second Assistant shall be Foreman of the leading hose. He shall select eight members, who under his direction shall have charge of the same. The hosemen, when not engaged on the hose, shall assist on the euijine. Art. 5. The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds of the company, collect all fines, and receive from the toAvn treasurer all sums that may be allowed by the town to the company and which may be received from any other source. He shall pay such orders as the Foreman may draw on him, and render an account of all money received and paid by him at the annual meeting of the company. Art. 6. The duty of the Stewards shall be to keep the engine house and all the appurtenances thereto in good and effective order and ready for use, report any repairs that are wanted, to the Foreman, and keep a general lookout for the in- HISTORY OF GARDJ^ER. 259 terests of the company. They shall provide all necessary re- freshments for the company when on clnty, under the direction of the commanding officer ; and for such service shall receive a reasonable compensation. Art. 7. All vacancies in the government of the company shall be promptly filled, and the Foreman shall have power to appoint a Clerk ^;ro tern, in case of absence of the Clerk. Art. 8. The stated meetings of the company shall be held at the engine house, at 7 o'clock, p. m., unless otherwise ordered by a vote of the company at any regular meeting. Art. 9. On an alarm of fire in town, each member shall repair forthwith to the engine, assist in forwarding it to the place of action, do all reasonable service which may be required of him, and not depart without leave from the commanding oflScer. Art. 10. The following fines shall be imposed and collected of the respective members for violation of the following rules : — For being absent at the first roll call, and present at the last, twelve and one-half cents. For being present at the first roll call, and absent at the last, twelve and one-half cents. For absence at an alarm of fire in town, fifty cents. For leaving any regular or special meeting before the com- pany is dismissed without leave from the Foreman, twenty-five cents. For leaving at a fire without permission, $1. For disobedience of orders, $2. Art. 11. The roll shall be called at the opening of the meeting, and again at the adjournment. Art. 12. All excuses for non-attendance at meetings of the company, and at fires, shall be made to the Foreman ; and when he shall not see fit to determine on the sufiiciency of the ex- cuse, he may submit the subject to the company. All excuses must be made at or before the next meeting. Art. 13, No person shall be admitted a member of this company except by a vote of two-thirds of the members pres- 260 HISTORY OF GARDNER. entand voting by ballot, " Yes " or " No," at a regular meeting. Art. 14. There may be an addition or amendment to these by-laws, by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at any regular meeting, — provided this proposed amendment be handed to the clerk, in writing, and it be laid before the company at least one month previous to its being acted upon Art. 15. Any active member who does not attend four regu- lar meetings during the year, shall receive no pay for services as fireman, and his name may be dropped from the roll by a vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting at a regular meetins;. The following are the names of the first officers of this com- pany : Joel Cowee, Foreman ; George L. Peckham, First Assistant; Merrick Adams, Second Assistant; C. Thompson, Jr., Clerk and Treasurer ; John Burdick, First Stew^ard ; G. F. Conant, Second Steward. This is also a well trained and efiicient company, possessing much of the esprit de corps, which ought to characterize such organizations, to whom is intrusted, to so large a degree, the preservation of so much property. The following is the record of this company, in its successful competition for prizes, at firemen's musters : October 20th, 1870, at Greenfield, 192 feet, third prize, $100; October 6th, 1876, at Winchendon, 174 feet, 4 1-2 inches, first prize, $175; July 4, 1877, at Peterboro', N. H., 200 feet, 2 inches, first prize, $25. There was a local contest in September, 1870, between Cataract No. 1 and Torrent No. 2. There were two prizes offered, one of $50 for the best horizontal playing, and one of $25 for the quickest time in running ten rods, setting machine and playing through three hundred feet of hose, a dis- tance of fifty feet. The first prize was won by Torrent No. 2, the second by Cataract No. 1 . The following is a list of the present oflScers of this com- pany : C. N. Edgell, Foreman ; Harvey Clark, First Assistant ; H. C. Wood, Second Assistant; S. W.Howe, Clerk and Treas- urer; F. P. Cowan, J. W. Thompson, Stewards. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 261 The following are the engineers of the Fire Department for the year 1877 : Ezra Osgood, Chief Engineer ; S. W. A. Stevens, First Assistant ; Walter Bancroft, Second Assistant and Tub Engineer ; L. L. Sawin, Third Assistant and Clerk ; F. P. Learned, Fourth Assistant; J. M. Moore, Fifth Assistant and Tub Engineer; Edmund Coleman, Sixth Assistant. The following are the expenses of the Fire Department for the year above mentioned : Cataract Engine Company No. 1, ser- vices of sixty men, for one year, at $7.50 per man, $450; expenses of company, $5G. 27. Torrent Engine Company No. 2, services of sixty men for one year, at $7.50 per man, $450 ; expenses of company, $113.76: Services of engineers, $52.50. Total, $1122.53. SPECIAL RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE FIRE DE- PARTMENT. Art. 6. If any member of either of the several companies belonging to the Fire Department shall wilfully neglect or refuse to perform his duty, or shall be guilty of disorderly conduct, disobedience to the officers or to any engineer, he may for such oflence be discharged from the Fire Department, and shall be liable to a fine of not less than two nor more than ten dollars. Art. 8. All members of the Fire Department, while on duty or drill, shall wear such badges as are provided for them ; and any member refusing or neglecting to wear the same, until the several companies shall be dismissed at roll call, shall forfeit all pay for his services for three months previous to such refusal or neglect, unless he can furnish an excuse that shall be satis- factory to a majority of engineers. Art. 11. It shall be the duty of the Foreman of the com- pany to make, or cause to be made, on the last Monday of April, annually, to the Chief Engineer, a statement of the con- dition of the engine or other apparatus, with an inventory of all the other property intrusted to his care and belonging to the town, too:ether with a correct list of the names of the members. It shall be his duty to see that said property is properly taken 262 HISTORY OF GARDNER. care of, uucl to report any deficiency, defect or Avant of repair therein as soon as known to him, to the Chief Engineer if practicable, if not, to any Assistant Engineer. He shall also see that the engine, house and other apparatus are kept ueat, clean and read}^ for immediate use, and the passage to said house clear of snow or other obstructions. He shall have (subject to the board of engineers, or any member thereof) the entire com- mand of the company at all times. Art. 12. It shall be the duty of the Foreman to make, or cause to be made, a monthly re[)ort to the board of engineers of all officers chosen and all resignations, discharge of members and all cases of neglect of duty or disobedience of orders. It shall also be his duty to cause the engine to be taken out and worked once at least in each of the following months, viz. : May, June, Jul}^ August, September, October and November. Art. 13. Any member of the company expecting to be absent from town thirty da3's or more shall be required to pro- cure a substitute to be approved by the Foreman, whose name he shall hand to the Clerk of the company. But no member shall be allowed a substitute except in sickness or absence from town, and in no instance for a longer period than two months, except in case of sickness. Art. 15. Every member of the Fire Department shall be held responsible for an}' property of the department entrusted to his care ; and in case of loss or damage, through neglect, its value shall be deducted from his compensation. The town has provided large reservoirs in difl'erent localities, within its limits, for the convenience of the Fire Department, whose ability and readiness afford our citizens a sense of security against the destruction of property by fire. RULES FOR ALARMS OF FIRE. After an alarm of fire has been sounded in either village, if assistance is needed from the other, a second alarm must be sounded. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 263 It, after a second alarm has been sounded, it is found tliat no assistance is required, a third alarm signal of four short whistles to be followed by four more in about half a minute, should be given. September 5th, 1877, there was a Firemen's Muster, in this town, at which were assembled nineteen machines, from various parts of this state and Ncav Hampshire. The companies, in their march about town, made a fine appearance. Mr. Ezra Osgood acted as chief marshal Avith Messrs. S. W. A. Stevens and L. L. Sawinasaids. The playing took place on Pine Street. Four hundred and twenty-five dollars were offered as prizes. The following is a list of the successful companies, with the sum of money taken by each, as a prize : First prize, $200, Volunteer No. 4 of Peabody ; second, $100, Excelsior No. 1 of Wilton, N. H. ; third, $75, Phoenix No 6, of Brattleboro', Vt. ; fourth, $50, Bay State No. 1 of East Templeton. GARDNER DRIVING PARK ASSOCIATION. " There's something in a flying horse, There's something in a huge balloon." '• A horse ! a horse ! my kingdom for a horse !" "I wish your horses swift, and sure of foot." This Park is situated in the northern part of the town, about two miles from the Centre, and is enclosed on all sides by a high fence. It is said, by experts, to be the best half-mile track in all the region. This association was organized June 2d, 1875, with a paid up capital of $1,250; authorized capital, $3,000. The first otficers of this association were as follows : R. F. Andrews, M. D., President; Charles Heywood, Vice President ; John D. Edgell, Secretary and Treasurer ; W. P. Allen, li. F. Andrews, M. D., L. L. Sawin, Charles Heywood, John D. Edgell, Directors. The best time ever made, in any race, on this track was one mile, in two minutes and forty-three seconds. Present officers : Charles Heywood, President ; E. F. Andrews, M. D., Vice President; V. W. Howe, Secretary and Treasm-er. 264 HISTORY OF GARDNER. GARDNER RIFLP: CLUB. "A straight line is the shortest distance between two points." This club was organized September 1st, 1875. The object of it is expressed in the following terms: "We, the un- dersigned, agree to form a Rifle Club, for the purpose of practicing ofl-hand shooting and for our mutual benefit and pleasure." The range of the club, is upon the farm of Mr. Seneca Partridge, in the southeast part of the town, where the members of this club practice, every Saturday, during the summer. The membership is limited to twenty-five. Fee for admission, two dollars. Annual tax, one dollar. The following are the present officers : H. C. Kuowlton, Presi- dent ; C. O. Bent, Vice President; Frank E. Nichols, Secre- tary and Treasurer. CRYSTAL LAKE STEAMBOAT COMPANY. " Multum in parvo." This company was organized, in the summer of 1875, with the following officers: G. W. Garland, M. D., President; J. • J. Dunn, Secretary and Treasurer; G. W. Garland, M. D., H. C. Knowlton, J. W. Hill, Directors. July 1st, 1875, this company purchased a small screw steamer, called the " Little Favorite," capable of seating thirty persons and costing $650. This steamer is in great demand, by the numerous excursion parties, which gather at Crystal Lake Grove, during the sum- mer months, as well as by private parties, on Saturday after- noons and pleasant evenings of the week, the trip around the lake costing only ten cents. SOVEREIGNS OF INDUSTRY. " Providence has so contrived that our daily food is not to be procured without much pains and labor. — Addison." The Gardner Council, No. 33, of the order of Sovereigns of Industry, was organized by Deputy J. H. Sampson, of the National Council, at the Grand Army Hall, on Thursday even- HISTORY OF GARDNER. 265 ing, Feb. 26th, 1874, with twenty-two charter members, viz. : A. L. Greenwood, A. B. Minott, Franlv E. Nichols, L. C. Lyncle, H. P. Coleman, J. N. Adams, E. P. Noyes, J. W. Clapp, G. C. Cor- nish, C. H. Eaton, A. C. Kendall, H. S. Coleman, G. R. Pratt, Edmund Coleman, Joel Nichols, Jonas Joslin, A. H. Howard, B. Barrett, George S. Talcott, Asa P. Whitney, D. O. Eem- ington and O. C. Jillsou. The organization was completed by the choice of the following officers : A. B. Minott, H. M. ; E. P. Noyes, Secretary; O. C. Jillson, Overseer; J. W. Spring, Treasurer; J. W. Clapp, Lecturer; G. R. Pratt, Steward; Asa P. Whitney, Inside Guard ; L. C. Lynde, Outside Guard ; Aaron L. Greenwood, George S, Talcott and J. W. Spring, Investigating Committee. This council has had a membership of four hundred, since its organization, and is, at the present time, in a prosperous condition. The store belonging to this council, is situated near the depots. Its meetings are held at the G. A. E,. Hall every Saturday evening. The following are its officers for 1878 : J. H. Minott, Presi- dent ; B. T. Joslin, Vice President; A. K. Learned, Secre- tary ; L. A. Wheeler, Assistant Secretary ; J. W. Clapp, Treasurer; G. R. Pratt, Ellen Holt, Stewards; M. C. Gould, Inside Guard. MUSICAL ASSOCIATIONS. " The mau that hath no music in himself, Nor is not mov'cl with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils ; The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus ; Let no such man be trusted." — Merchant of Venice, Act V., Scene I. There is in souls a sympathy with sounds : And as the mind is pitch'd the ear is pleased With melting airs, or martial, brisk, or grave ; Some chord in unison with what we hear Is touch'd within us, and the heart replies." — Coioper. Almost from the . date of incorporation, to the present time, the people of Gardner have ever shown a commendable 34 266 HI8T0RY OF GARDNER. degree of interest in musical cnlture. At the annual town meeting, March 7th, 1791, the town " Voted, To grant some money to hire a singing master." "Voted, To raise twelve dollars." "Voted, That Samuel Edgell and Jonathan Green- wood be a committee to provide a singing master and lay out this money." Again in 1792, at the annual town meeting, it was " Voted, To raise three pounds, twelve shillings, to hire a singing master, for the present year." "Voted, To choose a committee to lay out this money, to the best advantage for the schools." BANDS. In 1855, there were two bands formed in this town ; the one in the Centre was called the Gardner Cornet Band, and was composed of eighteen members. The other, was at South Gardner, and was called the Mechanics' Cornet Band, consisting of nineteen members. After a time, the Mechanics' Cornet Band ceased to exist. At the breaking out of the Rebellion, several members, of the Gardner Cornet Band, went into the arm}- as musicians, and were with General Sherman in his march to the sea. After the war, this band was reorganized, September 29th, 1865, with seventeen members. The following are their names : O. C. Jillson, Charles Bancroft, A. T. Greenwood, William Putnam, C. A. Mauley, Alvin M. Greenwood, Webster Cowee, Alexan- der Priest, J. S. Garner, L. W. Brown, Wilder Merriam, T. P. Connery, E. L. Wright, L. L. Sawin, F. P. Learned, J. W. Spring and F. M. Stanley. O. C. Jillson, Leader and Director. The present members are, Webster Cowee, Alexander Priest, L. W. Brown, J. W. Spring, J. S. Garner, G. A. Stone, H. C. Boyles, E. A. TwicheU, E. H. Spring, H. C. Priest, John Felch, William H. Hey wood and O. F. Smith. Since 1874, this band, while it still continues its organization, has had onl}' a nominal existence. The leaders were : Messrs. Laws, Merriam, Grovner, Rich, Goodale, Richardson, and Russell. This band consisted of eighteen members, and in the days of its greatest efficiency, was regarded as a very HISTORY OF GARDNER. 267 superior organizjition, and was in frequent demand upon im- portant public occasions. With numerous other bands, it played, in June, 1867, at the great Masonic celebration, in Boston, at which time Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, was present. This band, with a few others, elicited special mention in the Boston papers, for the superior manner in which it discoursed music, on that occasion. A few of the members, organized January 1st, 1874, under the name of " The Gardner Serenade Band," with William H. Heywood, Conductor; C. A. Clark, William Putnam, R. A. Twichell, Augustus Warren, Charles J. Day, Wilder Merriam, members. These gentlemen furnish music on various festive occasions, and are highly appreciated for their ability. WORCESTER COUNTY NORTH MUSICAL ASSOCIATION. This association was formed September 5th, 1851. The fol- lowing is its preamble and constitution : — PREAMBLE. Whereas, It is obvious that the singing of church music, as now practiced, has not i-isen to that degree of excellence which it ought to obtain in this community, and whereas, it is evident from the experience of the past, that without combination, in- dividual effort can never succeed, in elevating the present stand- ard, and in giving to the execution of this science, the beauty and perfection which its claims demand : Therefore, for the purpose of meeting this exigency, and of acquiring a more ele- vated style, as well as improving ourselves in an abstract knowl- edge of the science, we hereby subscribe to the following consti- tution : — CONSTITUTION. Art. 1. This society shall be called the Worcester County North Association for Improvement in Sacred Music. Art. 2. The officers of said association shall consist of a President, two Vice Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Executive Committee of seven. 268 HISTORY OF GARDNER. Art. 3. The President shall preside over all the business sessions of the association. Art. 4. The Vice President may sustain the President, and in his absence shall preside over the meeting. Art. 5. The Secretary shall record all the acts of the Asso- ciation. Art. (j. The Treasurer shall hold the funds, and disburse them at the order of the Executive Committee. Art. 7. The Executive Committee shall determine the time of holding meetings, make all necessary notices, be the super- visors of the pecuniary concerns of the association, give orders to the Treasurer for disbursements and have a general supervi- sion of the interests of the association. Art. 8. The annual meeting shall be holden during the month of September, at Gardner. Art. 9. The officers shall be chosen annually, by ballot, on the evening preceding the last day's session of the convention, unless otherwise ordered. Art. 10. Individuals may become members of the associa- tion by subscribing to this constitution. Art. 11. This constitution may be altered or amended, at any session of the annual meeting, designated for the purpose, by a vote of a majority of the members present. These conventions were gathered from year to 3^ear, in differ- ent towns, in the county, receiving the hospitality of, and form- ing pleasant associations w^ith the people of each town. In 1865, it was, however, voted that the constitution be so aUered that Gardner should be the place at which the convention should assemble. In 1871, a further change was made, so that the convention should be held alternately at Athol and Gard- ner. The success of this association has been such as to war- rant its continuance. The meetings have been pleasant occa- sions to all lovers of good music, and, as the years go by, we find the places of those made vacant by death, filled with others "who enjoy the ministry of song. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 269 YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. " I have written unto you young men, because ye are strong and the woi'd of God abideth in you."— 1 John, 2 : 14. The Young Men's Christian Association, at the Centre, was formed May 27th, 1868. For several years its membership continually increased, and much efficient service was done, not only in the village, but in the out districts of the town. About 1874, the association began to decline in interest and numbers, the members ceasing to evince anything like an earnest desire and determination to continue their accustomed meetings, till, at the present time, they have altogether ceased to be held, excepting the annual meeting, which occurs upon the first Wednesday in May. Mr. Charles W. Bush, who died in 1872, left to this association a legacy of two thousand dollars, which constitutes its sole fund. This association had a small library and formerly held their meetings in the Bank Building. There was also a South Gardner Young Men's Christian As- sociation, which continued, for a time, to be flourishing and useful, but for the last few years has been entirely inoperative. TEMPERANCE ORGANIZATIONS. " Drunk? and speak parrot? and squabble? swagger? swear? and discourse fustiau witli one's own shadow? — O thou invisible spirit of wine, if thou hast no name to be known by, let us call thee — devil." — Othello, Act II., Scene III. It is a matter of universal acknowledgment, that the control of the sale of intoxicating drinks, is one of the most difficult questions which is constantly demanding the most candid and vigilant attention of our legislators and reformers. Nor is this a new question, in this country ; it is as old as the Plymouth and Massachusetts Colonies, some of whose legislation upon this subject, we here introduce, to show how the evils, connected with the sale of intoxicating liquors, troubled the Pilgrim Fath- ers and demanded their highest legislative wisdom to provide 270 HISTORY OF GARDNER. against. As early as 1629, nine years after tlie landing of the Pilgrims npon Plymouth Rock, in the " second general letter, of the Governor and Deputy of the New England Company, for a Plantation in Massachusetts Bay, to the Governor and Council for London's Plantation, in the Massachusetts Bay, in New England," we have the following petition : — " We pray you would endeavor, though there be much strong waters sent for sale, yet so to order it, as that the savages may not for our lucre sake, be induced to the excessive use, or rather abuse of it and at any hand take care our people give no ill example ; and if any shall exceed in that inordinate kind of drinking as to become drunk, we hope you will take care his punishment be made exemplary for all others. Let the laws be first published to forbid these disorders, and all others you fear may grow up, whereby they may not pretend ignorance of the one nor privilege to offend, and then fear not to put good laws, made upon good ground and warrant, in due execution. And so recommending you and all your affairs to the protection of the Almighty, we conclude and rest."* That the founders of these colonies, had a vigorous faith in the practical utility of sumptuary laws, is clearly evinced by their legislation, of which, the following are specimens. At a General Court, holden at Newtown, "it is ordered, that no person that keeps an ordinary, shall take above five pence a meal for a person, and not above one penny for an ale quart of beer, out of meal time, under the penalty of ten shillings per every oflence, either of diet or beer. Likewise, that victualers, or keepers of an ordinary, shall not suffer any tobacco to be taken in their houses, under the penalty of five shillings for every ofi'ence, to be paid oy the victualer and eleven pence by the party that takes it. " Further, it is ordered, that no person shall take tobacco publicly under the penalty of two shillings six pence, nor pri- vately, in his own house, or in the house of another, before ♦Records of Massachusetts, vol. 1, p. 406. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 271 strangers, and that two or more shall not take it together any- where, under the aforesaid penalty for every offence."* If severity of legislative enactment is all that is required, to secure the prevention of the evil of intemperance, the Pilgrim Fathers certainly gave such legislation a fair test. It did not, however, secure the end they so devoutly sought. Further legislation seemed to be required. In 1645, we have the fol- lowing : — "It is ordered, that no man shall be allowed to keep a public house of entertainment, for strangers or travelers, nor shall any one be a common victualer, innkeeper, or keeper of a cook- shop, vintner, taverner, or public seller of wines, ale, beer, strong water, without allowance in some Quarter Court, in the shire where such do dwell, upon pain of forfeiture of twenty shillings per week, while they continue without the said license ; nor shall any such persons as have public houses of entertain- ment, and have licenses, sell beer for above two shillings an ale quart ; neither shall any such person or persons formerly named suffer any to be drunk, or drink excessively, or continue tip- pling above the space of half an hour, in any of their said houses, under penalty of five shillings for every such offence suffered ; and every person found drunk in the said houses or elsewhere, shall forfeit ten shillings, and for every excessive drinking, he shall forfeit three shillings four pence ; for sitting idle, and continuing drinking above half an hour, two shillings six pence ; and it is declared to be excessive drinking of wine, when above half a pint of wine is allowed at one time, to one person to drink ; provided that it shall be lawful for any stran- gers, or lodgers, or any person or persons, in an orderly way, to continue in such houses of common entertainment during meal times, or upon lawful business, what time their occasions shall require. And if any person offend in drunkenness, excessive or long drinking, the second time, they shall lay double fines, and if ♦Records of Massachusetts, vol. 1, p. 126. 272 HISTORY OF GARDNER. they fall into the same offence the third time, they shall pay treble fines ; and if the parties be not able to pay the fines, then he that is found drunk shall be punished with ten stripes, and he that offends in excessive or long driidving, he shall be put in the stocks for three hours, when the weather is seasonable, and if they offend the fourth time, they shall be put into prison, and there remain till they put in two sufficient sureties for their good behavior."* Although frequent legislation, of this sort occurs, in the Eecords of the Massachusetts Colony, it does not seem to have availed for the extinguishment of the evil. In 1670, with a tone approaching that of despair, the Great and General Court, held at Boston, passed the following additional act, for prevent- ing drunkenness : — Whereas, This Court hath made several laws and orders for the prevention of the sin of drunkenness and misspending prec- ious time and estate, and yet, notwithstanding, great complaint is made of several persons spending their time and estate by drinking and tippling in taverns and ale houses, to the great dishonor of God and prejudice of their families, for the preven- tion whereof, it is ordered, by this Court and the authority thereof, that the selectmen of each town shall be and are hereby required and empowered to take special care and notice of all and every person and persons transgressing as above said, and thereupon to require of him or them to forbear the frequenting of such houses or taverns ; and if any pei'son shall, after such warning given him, be found in any such house of entertain- ment, and be legally convicted thereof, before any one magis- trate or commissioner, he shall forfeit five shillings, to be paid to the treasurer of that town, for every such offence, or sit in the stocks, as the judges shall see meet ; and it is further ordered that the selectmen shall give notice to the keepers of such houses that they sutler no such noted person in any of their houses, upon the penalty of twenty shillings for every such defect to be paid to the treasurer, as aforesaid.''! ♦Records of Massachusetts, vol. 2, p. 100. fKecords of Massachusetts, vol. 4, p. 4G3. HISTORY OF GABJDjSrUR. 273 It is evident, to the attentive student of our colonial and state enactments, that a profuse amount of legislation, concerning the liquor traffic, has not been wanting for the last two hundred years, the general aim of which has been either to control, or entirely to suppress the general sale of intoxicating drinks. But has it e^er been effective, in accomplishing the desired end? And if not, why not? We have seen that, in the earlier days of the colonies of Plymouth and Massachusetts, there were frequent enactments of what was called a stringent license law, with its various modi- fications, as experience, from year to 3'ear, might suggest. We are also ftmiiliar with the fact, that for nearly thirty years, pre- vious to the year 1875, there was upon our statute books, an enactment concerning the sale of intoxicating drinks, with its various phases, known as the Prohibitory Law. Since April 5th, 1875, an act to regulate the sale of intoxicating liquors, more familiarly known as the License Law, has been in opera- tion. Whether license, or prohibition, has been of greater utility, in promoting the cause of temperance, is still a question upon which the sentiment of real, honest lovers of sobriety, industry, good order and temperance, is yet divided. The legislation of either sort, that of license or prohibition, has seemed to be restrained, heretofore, tiirough a want of hearty co-operation and moral support of those of opposing views ; so that, it is evident, that neither law can accomplish the end for which it was enacted, until the lovers of temperance, irrespective of party lines, or political ends, shall combine for the execution of the law in accordance with the spirit in which it was framed. That there must be legal enactment, as well as moral suasion, in reaching the highest and best results, in all effective temperance work, is abundantly evident from the expe- rience of the past. When these two forces shall be happily wedded, in our state, we may expect those fruits for which all lovers of temperance are now working. Towards the close of the last century, when intoxicating drinks, as a beverage, had become hardl}' less than universal, 35 ^ 274 HISTORY OF GARDNER. and drunkenness was everywhere common, there began to be awakened in the minds of some who saw, in this evil, a fruitful cause of moral and pecuniary ruin, a desire to inaugurate some movement looking to its supj^ression. Among these philan- thropists was the celebrated Dr. Rush, of Philadelphia, who wrote forcibly, against the free use of intoxicating beverages. There seems, however, to have been no temperance organization established in the countr}', until the year 1808, when Dr. J. B. Clark of Milton, New York, instituted "The Temperance Society of Milton and Northumberland." The constitution of this society stipulated that " no member shall drink rum, gin, whiskey, wine, or any distilled spirits, or compositions of the same, or any of them, except by the advice of a physician, or in case of actual disease, (also excepting wine at public dinners,) under penalty of twenty-tive cents. Provided, that this article shall not infringe on any religious ordinance. No member shall be intoxicated under penalty of fifty cents. No member shall offer any of said liquors to any other member, or urge any other person to drink thereof, under penalty of twenty-five cents." In 1813, was formed, the "Massachusetts Society for the suppression of intemperance." This movement did not attain any considerable momentum, until 1824. In 1826, this reform movement had become so potent in its influence, throughout New England, as to warrant the formation of an " American Temperance Union," which was instituted by Pev. Justin Ed- wards, D. D., who was the author of the " Temperance Manual," of which, nearly two hundred thousand copies were printed. Although total abstinence from distilled spirits, except when prescribed as a medicine, was the general requirement, the use of wines, cider, or malt liquors was not interdicted. GARDNER TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. About the year 1829, the first temperance organization, of which we have any record, was formed in this tow^n, evidently originated by Rev. Sumner Lincoln, who was ordained over the First Congregational Church, in 1824. This organization was HISTORY OF GARDNER. 21b called the " Gardner Temperance Society." We give below, its constitution and the names of its first signers : — CONSTITUTION. We, the subscribers, under a deep sense of the great evil and vice of intemperance, as it exibts in our country, and for the purpose of contributing our influence, to its removal, as friends of humanity, virtue and religion, mutually agree to the follow- ing articles : — Akt. 1. This society shall lie called the Gardner Temperance Society, auxiliary to the American Temperance Society. Art. 2. Any person, subscribing this constitution, shall be a member of this society. Art. 3. AVith a sacred regard to truth and honor, we pledge ourselves to give, at the annual meeting of this society, a strict and impartial account of what quantity of ardent spirits and wine we ourselves have personally drank, the preceding year, and what it cost. Likewise, to give a true account of what we use in our families and what we give those in our employ, and our families, and the cost of the same. Art. 4. We obligate ourselves to use as small a quantity of ardent spirits and wine, as we seriously believe to be necessary to health ; and also to use all consistent means to discourage the free use of it, in all those within the sphere of our influence. Art. 5. The oflScers of this society shall be a President, Secretary and Treasurer, to be chosen at each annual meeting of the society ; and who shall perform the duties customarily as- signed to such ofiicers. Art. 6. The society shall meet annually, on the 4th day of July, and at such other times as shall be judged necessary, by the officers of the society. Art. 7. This constitution may be altered at any regular meeting, by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. Names of the first signers : Sumner Lincoln, Lewis Glazier, Asa Richardson, Ezra Baker, George Scott, Avery Turner, Joel Cowee, Elijah Travers, Joseph Wright, Samuel H. Clark, 27(; HISTORY OF GARDNER. Charles Childs, Luke Whitney, Farwell Conant, Joseph Whit- ney, 2d, Lyman Conant, John Merriam, Jonathan Bancroft. It was not till 1833, at a meeting held in Philadelphia, that the i^riuciple of " Total Abstinence from all that may intoxi- cate," was first propounded in this country, in a national gath- ering of the friends of temperance. The proposition was rejected by the convention. However, at its annual meeting, held at Saratoga Springs, in August, 1836, the principle of total abstinence was adopted by the union, and has ever since been the war cry of the champions of temperance. Prominent among the pioneer workers in the temperance cause at this time, were Dr. Lyman Beecher, author of " Six Sermons on Temper- ance," which had a great influence in arousing a public sentiment in behalf of temperance, throughout the country, and Dr. Eliphalet Nott, President of Union College, who was early and honorably known as a sturdy friend of temperance. As one of the results of this increasing sentiment, concerning the evils of intemperance, we have the Washingtonian move- ment, which was originated in Baltimore, Md., by six hard drinking men, who occasionally met at a tavern, in that city, where, in 1840, they resolved, then and there, to drink no more. These men formed a society for the propagation of total abstinence among those who, like themselves, had been addicted to the use of intoxicatiiTg liquors. All but one of these men stood firm to this principle, till their death. The influence of this movement soon reached Gardner and resulted in the for- mation of a society, for the promotion of temperance, called the WASHINGTON TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY OF GARD- NER. This society was organized February 8th, 1842, with the choice of Dr. David Parker as Chairman and Mr. Thomas E. Glazier as Secretary. The following is the constitution of this society : — Art. I. This society shall be called the Washington Total Abstinence Society of Gardner. HISTORY OF GABDNER. "Ill Art. 2. The members of Ihis society agree that they will never again drink any intoxicating liquors, except when pre- scribed by a medi(;al attendant, and that they will not provide them for their friends, or persons in their employ, and that they wnll, in all suitable ways, discountenance the use of them in the community ; and above all, that they will use their utmost endeavors to reclaim and restore to temperance, those who are unfortunately addicted to drunkenness. Art. 3 The officers of this society shall be a President, four Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer, to be chosen annually. Art. 4. The annual meeting of this society shall be holden in the last week in May ; officers then to be elected and any business transacted that may come before the meeting. Art. 5. The officers of this society, shall deliver to their successors in office, within one week after they cease to be officers, all property belonging to the society. Art. 6. Any person may become a member of this society by signing the constitution. Art. 7. This constitution may be altered or amended by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at any meeting, such alterations or amendments being proposed in writing at least two weeks previous to action thereupon. BY-LAWS. Art. 1. It shall be the duty of each member to bring for- ward and reclaim all inebriates, wherever they may be found, and in no case to abandon a drunkard as irreclaimable. Art. 2. It shall be the duty of any member of this society, to make known any case of habitual drunkenness that may come within the limits of this society, in order that the subject may be conversed with, and persuaded to abandon the deathly drink, and sign the total abstinence pledge. Art. 3. If it should so happen that in an unguarded moment, any one who has signed the pledge, should partake of any alcoholic drink as a beverage, or in any other way violate the 278 HISTORY OF GABDNER. constitution, such committee shall be chosen as is thought proper to wait upon the delinquent, and remonstrate with him in a kind, affectionate manner, and in no case shall we consider any per- sons beyond reform, who, though they have broken their pledge, are willing to acknowledge the wrong and show a fixed deter- mination to try again. Art. 4. Each member shall hold himself or herself ready to relieve the wants of any who may need, that none from dis- couragement, may be tempted to go back to partake of the intoxicating cup. Apt. 6. No speaker, whether a member of this society, or a stranger, shall introduce in any of his remarks, either politics or sectarianism, or personal allusions of any kind, in debate, but shall confine himself to the abolition of drunkenness and the building up of total abstinent principles. A violation of this article will subject the speaker to be called to order by the chair. The total number of signers, to this constitution, was three hundred and ninety-six, at the outset. Isaac Jaquith was the first President ; Henry Whitney, James M. Comee, John Kemp, Jr., John Comee, Vice Presidents; Thomas E. Glazier, Secre- tary ; Theophilus P. Wood, Treasurer. As an evidence of the earnestness, with which this society began its work, January 25th, 1843, it" Voted, To choose two in each school district, to obtain members to the abstinence pledge and to serve as a committee to reclaim those who have broken it." August 14th, 1843, the society voted to have a picnic, as soon as the necessary arrangements could be made. This was the day of cold water armies, when the principle of total abstinence was inculcated among the children. With this end in view, celebrations and picnics were in order, for the benefit of the young, as well as those older. Upon the occasion now under consideration, the society voted to choose a marshal of the day and his assistants. They made choice of Mr. Levi Heywood for Chief Marshal. It was also voted that the "ladies write letters to the gentlemen, anonymous, if they please, on any HISTORY OF GARDNER. 279 subject they wish. The gentlemen to pay ten cents postage on all letters, to the number of five or less. The proceeds of the postage, to be appropriated towards the expenses of the picnic." The society voted, June 24th, 1844, to unite with the various sabbath schools, in the town, in the celebration of the coming Fourth of July. It appears, from the records of this society, that the interest in the temperance movement had so far abated, that September 9th, 1846, a suggestion was made, " upon the necessity of having lectures before the society, in order to arouse the slumbering energies of the total abstinence men," showing how quickly the enthusiasm, at first manifested, in this movement, had abated. In 1846, the old Washingtonian con- stitution and by-laws were annulled. The same year, a new society was formed, with a new, yet similar constitution, called the GARDNER TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. Mr. Thorley Collester was its first president. In 1848, Dr. David Parker was choseit president. December 21st, 1851, a new constitution was adopted. January 11th, 1852, the follow- ing board of officers was chosen : Rev. John C. Paine, Pres- ident ; Messrs. Thomas E. Glazier, Thorley Collester, Ephraim Wright, Amasa Bancroft, Vice Presidents; Alonzo Gould, Sec- retary ; Seth Heywood, Treasurer. At this meeting, the society " Voted, To choose a committee of two, in each school district, to obtain signatures of the legal voters, to petition to the legislature for a law similar to the ' Maine Liquor Law,' so called." Under this new constitution, the society evidently flourished for a number of years, enjoying, from time to time, lectures from various individuals, by which the interest in the temperance cause was kept revived. At a meeting of this society, held in August, 1852, the following individuals were chosen a prosecuting committee, "for the purpose of taking some action in relation to enforcing the new liquor law, so called : Messrs. Henry Lawrence, Benjamin H. Rugg, Joseph Whitney, Hubbard Kendall, Ivers Whitney, John Sawin, Nel- son P. Wood, Amasa Bancroft, C. W. Bush, Thorley Collester, 280 HI8T0RY OF GARDNER. C. S. Greenwood, Farwell Edgell." That this committee per- formed the duty assio^ned it, with discretion, boldness and entire thoroughness, is evident from the records of the secretary of this organization, who evinces a facetiousness worthy of notice. The following is, in part, his record of January 3d, 1853 : "In the Boston Times of to-day, appears the following paragraph : — " ' There were five seizures of liquor in Gardner, last Thurs- day ; three of which were decided adverse to the defendants, and the trial of the others was postponed for one week. In the evening a bonfire was made, amidst great rejoicing of the people.' " Says the secretary, "the circumstances in relation to the above paragraph appear to be something like the following : Our faithful, patient and persevering committee, that was chosen last August, to prosecute all known violations of the new anti- liquor law, it seems, have not been asleep nor idle. They were chosen to annihilate the traffic and pursue the seller to judgment, and the above paragraph shows how faithfull}' they have per- formed the duties of their oflSce. They have held secret meet- ings occasionally, at which the}' have reported what information they have been able to obtain, in regard to certain shanties, stables, sand-banks and other localities, which had a good deal of suspicious manoeuvring about them, and have laid and per- fected their plans for their destruction, with so much prudence and secrecy, and so simultaneous was the grab made by the officers, that nobody, but the officers and the committee, had the least idea of what was in the wind, till they saw the ' old king himself,' on his way to judgment. Some of those con- victed, were fined twenty dollars and costs, while others con- cluded they would go to Worcester. In the evening, while the liquor was being emptied out, some of the boys tried to set it afire, and when they found it was such contemptible, poor stuflf, it would not burn alone, they got some drj^ straw and poured some of the liquor on that and set fire to it, and in that way, made out to get up considerable of a bonfire. The scene was witnessed by quite a crowd of spectators, some of whom were mad and some were glad." HISTORY OF GARDNER, 281 This seems to have been the first real temperance blaze, if not the last, which the town has enjoyed. Gradually the Gard- ner Temperance Society continued to decrease, in interest and numbers, till January 5th, 1870, when its last recorded action, by its last secretary, Mr. Charles P. Wood, was made. The pres- idents of these societies, besides those already mentioned, were Messrs. Benjamin H. Rugg, C. K. Wood, Charles P. W^ood, Rev. Samuel J. Austin, Allen Folger, JohuM. Moore and Dea. Henry Lawrence. That this society was founded upon the right basis and was so conducted as to result in great benefit to the town, in promoting the interests of temperance, no one, familiar with the facts, will care to dispute. SONS OF TEMPERANCE. There was an organization, called the Sons of Temperance, in this town. The precise date of its rise and disappearance we are not able to state, the records of the society not being within our reach. PHILOKALIA LODGE NO. 82, I. 0. OF G. T. A lodge, of the "Independent Order of Good Templars," was formed in this town, in January, 1866, and was called Philokalia Lodge, which name signifies "love of moral and personal beauty." This was a secret organization. It con- tinued to thrive for several years, its sessions being held every week. Its exercises were of a literary nature, embracing plays, original essays and declamations, all in the interests of temper- ance. In 1873, this lodge became extinct, by the smTender of its charter. REFORM CLUB. This movement was inauguiated by Dr. H. A. Reynolds, in March, 1876. Dr. Reynolds had the reputation of being a very successful apostle of temperance, in Maine and the eastern part of this state, previous to his coming to Gardner. Thousands 36 282 HISTORY OF GARDNER. had been induced to take the pledge, through his instrumentality. Having experienced the degradation and sorrow that befalls the man who surrenders himself to the power of strong drink, and having himself been mercifully lifted up, he was enabled, out of his own experience, to make simple, strong, earnest and pathetic appeals to drinking men, " to be good to themselves," by taking and keeping the pledge. His motto was " With malice toward none, with charity for all." During the few days he remained in town, he made an apparently strong impression upon the class of men he sought to reach. Many were induced to take the pledge and become members of the " Reform Club of Gardner,' which was immediately organized, with constitu- tion and by-laws. The first president of this club, was Joseph Whipple, who was afterwards succeeded by Messrs. George W. Mason, Levi W. Wood, J. L. Alger, Jr., and M. A. Powers. The club held frequent meetings, in the Town Hall, and else- where, and great enthusiasm was awakened throughout the town, in behalf of the movement, which seemed to give promise of highest success. The old friends of temperance, waiving all private preferences in regard to means and methods, united cordially in support of the movement. All, without denominational distinction, united in holding a fair in the Town Hall, the object of which was to procure funds for the benefit of the Reform Club. As a result of this fair, together with a temperance ball, which succeeded it, about five hundred dollars were secured. Messrs. Philander Derby and John A. Dunn, generously offered the club a lot, on Vernon Street, upon which was to be erected a suitable house for the accommodation of the club, providing two hundred names should be secured to the pledge. Stimulated by this offer, frequent meetings were held and urgent efforts made to obtain the requisite number. At length the efforts of the club were crowned with success, in procuring the required number of signers. Still the fond antici- pations, of the more earnest and steadfast members of the club, were destined not to be realized. As the summer advanced, many, who had taken the pledge, began to violate it, and having HISTORY OF GARDNER. 283 been several times restored, at length abandoned the organiza- tion and returned to their old habits. Gradually the club diminished in numbers, until in the spring of 1877, a division occurred between the members resid ins; in the Centre and South part of the town, and a separate club was formed, in each village, with an amicable division of the funds, remaining in the hands of the treasurer. For the accommodation of the club, while it remained undivided, as well as afterwards for the club at the Centre, Mr. Philander Derby furnished a room, free of rent, while members of the " Woman's Christian Temperance Union " provided the same with suitable furnishings. Still, in spite of all the efforts made, on the part of its friends, to sus- tain it, the Reform Club, at the Centre, continued to diminish in numbers and interest, till the day it committed vifelo de se. A better destiny however, was in store for the Reform Club of South Gardner, which was organized as a separate institution April 2d, 1877, with Mr. J. R. Foster, as its first President. At its organization, this club numbered about twenty-five members, and rapidly increased to a membership of seventy-five, which has since decreased, till it has about thirty at the present time. This club holds its meetings in a building owned by Mr. S. K. Pierce, by whom the rent is gratuitously afforded. The room is supplied with daily and weekly papers and periodicals, and pictures adorn the walls, furnished by the friends of the club. The following gentlemen have acted as presidents of this club : Messrs J. R. Foster, M. A. Powers and W. O. Sawin. The badge, of the Reform Clubs, formed by Dr. Reynolds, is the red ribbon . WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNIONS. These Unions, one at the Centre, and one at the South Vil- lage, are organizations designed to be auxiliary to the Reform Clul)s, and have proved themselves efficient aids in the promo- tion of temperance work. Mrs. W. D. Herrick has been presi- dent of the union at the Centre, since its organization. The following ladies have officiated as presidents of the South Gard- 284 HISTORY OF GARDNER. ner Union: Mrs. Abel Jackson, Mrs. S. T. Frost and Mrs. Allen Newton. TEMPERANCE LEAGUE. This organization was formed No^ ember 16th, 1877, through the instrumentality of Mrs. L. C. Partington, of Providence, R. I. This organization is now in operation, holding its meet- ings weekly, its exercises being chiefly literary. '* THE MURPHY MOVEMENT. This peculiar kind of temperance work has been begun and is in progress, at this time, April 20th, 1878, in this town. The originator and inspirer of the movement, Mr. Francis Murphy, was born in Wexford County, Ireland, in 1834. He came to this country, when he was but seventeen years of age, led a varied life, till the breaking out of the Kebellion, when he enlisted and went through the war as a soldier, and at its close, went to Portland, Maine, as a hotel keeper, where, with the many temptations, incident to such a life, as he had led, he found himself addicted to the use of strong drink. With troubles and sorrows, he plunged deeper into intoxication, and, at last, was placed, by friendly hands, in the jail in Portland, where, with time for reflection and an escape from temptation, it was hoped he might be led to reform. In the midst of his disgrace and discouragement, Capt. Silas Sturdevant visited the jail, and by his kindly christian influence, inspired him with a desire for reform, and encouraged him to begin a better life. In time he was liberated, and as he went forth a free man, he went so in a new sense, for he was free from the old habits which had been the cause of all his woe. He went out address- ing temperance meetings and laboring for intemperate men, and quietly grew in favor until he was invited West ; hitherto he had simply a local name, and had met w^ith but little more than ordinary success. However, in January, 1877, he was invited by some tem- perance men to go to Pittsburg, Pa., where his labors were HISTORY OF GARDN^ER. 285 crowned with great success, over forty thousand signers being pledged to the work of temperance. This was the beginning of a series of meetings, held all over the country, which have resulted in good to millions of men. The work is denominated "The Gospel Temperance Work," having for a motto, "with malice toward none and charity for all," and the prayer for God's help upon the pledge. Mr. Murphy has a corps of workers, who, filled with the spirit of their leader, go out all over the country with the Bible in one hand and the pledge in the other. Dr. H. B. Kankin, a descendant of one of the early families in Gardner, (Kendall), and Col. E. I. Moore of Ithaca, both reformed men, came to Gardner as lieutenants of Mr. Murphy and labored for three weeks, holding meetings every evening, and by affectionate and earnest endeavor, won many men addicted to intemperance, to the pledge, so that at the time ot this writing, the town is thoroughly alive, and a thousand names have been recorded as signers of the pledge and workers in the Murphy movement. The blue ribbon, the Murphy badge, is seen every where, upon the breast. This is regarded as the most efficient and popular temperance movement yet known in this town, a movement which commends itself most heartily to the judgment and candid consideration of a great majority of our citizens, encouraging the lovers of temperance to struggle on, till the final triumph is obtained over that which leads men to say, with Cassio, " O that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains ! that we should, with joy, revel, pleasure and applause transform our- selves into beasts !" It will be seen, by a careful review of the account of the various temperance organizations, now given, that while they promote the interests of temperance, during the periods of their existence, they yet are of brief duration, suggesting to the friends of temperance whether this cause, so dear to their hearts, should not be vitally connected with those organizations, which have in them the elements of perpetuity, namely, the Sabbath 286 HISTORY OF GARDNER, School and the Church, which must keep themselves constantly identified with the work, if its highest and most permanent success is to be secured. Although there have, for years, been many staunch, strong, intrepid and unswerving temperance workers, in this town, who have never failed to identify themselves with the temperance cause, in its various methods of labor, some of whom have suffered in their persons and property, because of their undis- guised adherence to their principles, as temperance men, yet it cannot be conscientiously said, that, acting in its corporate capacity, the town has ever taken anything like advanced ground upon the subject of temperance. In 1834, there was an article in the warrant for the annual town meeting, " to see if the town will instruct the selectmen not to recommend any person to be licensed to retail or mix any spirituous liquors, within the limits of the town, during the year ensuing, or trans- act anything relating thereto." Of this article the town made short work. The record is, "Voted, To dismiss this article." This action may serve to indicate the sentiment of a majority of the voters, regarding the subject of temperance, from that day, to the present. However, in justice to the friends of temperance, it should be stated that the town, September 6th, 1870, upon the question, " shall any person be allowed to sell ale, porter, strong beer, or lager beer, within the limits of the town, previous to the first Tuesday of May, next?" voted in the negative, there being seventy-eight votes in favor, and ninety-six against allowing the sale of the above named articles. Also, April 5th, 1871, upon the question, " shall the sale of ale, porter, strong beer and lager beer, be allowed in this town for one year from this date? — May 2d, 1871 — ," the vote Avas, "yeas, twenty-eight, nays, thirty-nine." These votes, although they do not represent a very large proportion of the voters of the town, yet are indicative of the ability of the citizens to expel the traffic in these beverages, from their midst, when they are so disposed. HI8T0BY OF GABDNER. 287 Under the present license law, our selectmen have not failed, annually, to respond to the wishes of those, by whom they have been elected to office, in furnishing such number of licenses as, in their opinion, the highest need and welfare of the community have seemed to require. It should be recorded, however, that there are many among us, who would be better pleased with less licenses, or even none at all. 288 HISTORY OF GARDNER. CHAPTER XI. CEMETEEIES. " Beneath those rugged elms, that yew tree's shade, Where heaves the turf in many a mouldering heap, Each in his narrow cell forever laid. The rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep." " The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power, And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave, Await alike the inevitable hour ; The paths of glory lead but to the grave." — Gray. "E'er sin could blight or sorrow fade, Death came with friendly care. The opening bud to heaven conveyed And bade it blossom there." — Coleridge. " To live in hearts we leave behind. Is not to die." — Campbell. " Above the gloomy grave our hope ascends, E'en as the moon above the silent mountains. These partings are reunions in the skies. To that great company of holy ones They go ; and we that stay how soon shall follow ! Through all our stubborn fears and craggy doubts Are Christ-worn paths that lead into the future. Well-beaten by the stress of pious feet. Let not our hearts be troubled; Christ has gone Before ; whither we know, the way we know. " " I am the resurrection and the life." — John 11 : 25. ' I \HE word cemetery derived, as it is, trom the Greek word J- koimaomai, meaning to sleep, or to repose, is beautifully expressive of thetinal resting place, of all that is mortal, of our dearly cherished friends. When " Abraham stood up, from before his dead, and spake unto the sons of Heth saying, I am HISTORY OF GARDNER. 289 a straiiofer and a sojourner with you ; give me a possession of a burying place with you, that I may bury my dead out of my sight,"* and when the patriarch Jacob said to his son Joseph, " Bury me not I pray thee in Egypt, but I will lie with my fathers ; and thou shalt carry me out of Egypt, and bury me in their burying place, "f they both expressed the universal senti- ment of mankind, concerning the final disposition of the dead. Says Mr. John Jay Smith, superintendent of Laurel Hill Cemetery, referring to the acts of these patriarchs, "such are the natural expressions of human feeling ; it is a matter of instinct, a spiritual impulse, which supersedes belief and dis- dains question. Even the American Indians have been known to burden themselves with the bones of their ancestors when removing to new reservations. These feelings are common to all ages — to the barbarian and the civilized, to the bond and free, to the heathen, to the christian. They are manifested by the barrows, cairns and mounds of olden times ; and every where spots seem to have been so selected that the magnificence of nature might administer comfort to human sorrow and incite to human sympathy. The aboriginal Germans interred their dead in graves consecrated by their priests. The Egyptians soothed their grief by embalming the dead and interring them in vast catacombs or enclosing them in stupendous pyramids. The Hebrews watched with religious care over their places of burial. They usually selected for this purpose ornamental gardens, deep forests, fertile valleys, or rocky mountains ; and they still designate them, with a sad emphasis, as the ' house of the living.' The ancient Asiatics lined the approaches to their cities with sculptured sarcophagi and mausoleums em- bosomed in shrubbery. The Greeks exhausted the resources of their exquisite art in adorning the habitations of the dead. They discouraged interments within the limits of their cities, and consigned their relics to shaded groves in the neighborhood of streams and fountains, and called them ' places of repose.' *Gen. 23 : 3, 4. fGeu. 47 : 29, 30. 37 290 HI8T0RY OF GAEDNEE. The Romans erected the monuments of the dead in the suburbs of the city, on the sides of their spacious roads, in the midst of trees and ornamental walks. The Appian Way was crowded with columns and obelisks in memory of their heroes, and at every turn the short and touching inscription met the eye — Siste, viator, (pause, traveler), inviting at once to sympathy and thoughtfulness. These suggestions must have given for- merly, as they may do still, to the language of the senseless stone a voice enforced by the benignity of that nature with which it is in unison. The Moslems placed their burial grounds in rural retreats and embellished them as a religious duty." THE TOWN BURYING YARD. In obedience to a time honored custom, the early settlers, of this town, proceeded, immediately after its incorporation, to select an appropriate place, in the Centre of the town, for a meeting-house, common, and burying yard. At a meeting held November 7th, 1785, the town " Voted, To purchase land of Seth Heywoodfor a meeting-house, common, and burying yard, for the sum of thirty-six pounds, bounded as follows, viz. : Be- ffinnina: at a stake and stones at the road between John Glazier and said Heywood, running west twenty rods, to a stake and stone ; thence south, to the county road ; thence east on said county road to the first mentioned road; thence on said road, to where it first began. Voted, To appropriate one acre and a half for a burying yard, at the north end of said land. Voted, That the selectmen be a committee to take a deed." November 14th, 1785, " Voted, That the selectmen take a deed of the four acres of land of Mr. Seth Heywood, that Mr. Samuel Cook surveyed oif last spring, with the encumbrance of a road on the same, and give him, the said Heywood, security for the same, in behalf of the town. Thirty pounds is the price, and the said Heywood to improve the same one year, he relinquish- ing the interest, so long as he improves the same, excepting so much of [the] burying yard, as the town shall have an occasion HISTORY OF GARDj^EE. 291 for to bury their dead in."* April 7th, 180(3, there was an article in the town warrant " to see if the town will purchase a piece of hind, of Lieut. Seth Hey wood on the west side of the common and burying ground, to enlarge said common and burying ground." Upon this article, the town "Voted, To choose a committee of three, to talk with Lieut. Hey wood, and see how they can buy a piece of land of him, and make report at May meeting next." '• Chose Aaron Wood, Esq., Mr. Smyrna Glazier and Mr. Simeon Leland for this committee." At the May meeting the town " Voted, To purchase a piece of land of Lieut. Seth Hey wood. Voted, To give said Hey wood one hundred and thirty-four dollars, for one acre of land west of the meeting-house, and for him to move the wall. Voted, The selectmen take the deed of said land."! The following is a true copy of the deed : — Know all Men by these Presents, That I, Seth Heywood of Gardner in the county of Worcester and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, gentleman, in consideration of one hundred and thirty-four dollars, paid me by the inhabitants of the town of Gardner, in the county and Commonwealth aforesaid, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, do hereby give, grant, sell and convey unto the said inhabitants of Gardner, their succes- sors, a certain tract of land lying and being on the west side of the common, near the meeting-house in Gardner, aforesaid, containing one acre, and is bounded as follows, viz. : Beginning at a stake and stones on the northerly line of the county road, about three rods northerly of the northeasterly corner of said Seth Hey wood's barn, at a stake and stones ; thence running north, thirty-eight rods, to the southwesterly corner of the burying ground ; thence west, four rods and five links to a stake and stones; thence south, thirty-eight rods, to a stake and stones at said county road ; thence easterly, to the first men- tioned bound, four rods and five links. Said Seth Heywood agrees to build all the division fence, between said acre of land *Town Records, vol. 1, p. 6. fTown Records, vol. 1, p. 446. 292 HISTORY OF GARDNER. and his land, upon his own expense, and the inhabitants ot Gardner, on their part, agree never to erect any building south of a line drawn parallel with the south side of the meeting- house on said land. To Have and to Hold the same, to the said inhabitants of Gardner, their successors, to their use and behoof forever. And 1 do covenant with the said inhabitants of Gardner, their suc- sessors, that I am lawfully seized* in fee of the premises, that they are free from all incumbrances, and that I will warrant, defend the same to the said inhabitants of Gardner, their suc- cessors, forever, against the lawful claims and demands of all persons. In witness whereof I, the said Seth Hey wood, have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty-first day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six. Seth Heywood. [seal.] Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of us, Aaron Wood, William Whitney. Worcester, ss. July 11th, 1807. Then Seth Heywood above named, acknowledged this instrument to be his free act and deed ; before me, Abel Wood, Justice of the Peace. This burying yard is situated directly in the rear of the First Congregational Church, and, at the present time, is noticeable for the antique forms of its grave stones. Here is to be found the grave of Rev. Jonathan Osgood, the first minister of the town. By means of recent appropriations, this yard is made very commendable in appearance, showing no disposition on the part of the living to neglect the final resting place of the dead. In connection with this burying yard, is the town's tomb ; also a hearse house. The first hearse owned by the town, was pur- chased in 1821 and was without a seat for the driver, the horse being led. The hearses, now used, were purchased in 1870. Recently a heavy, substantial wall, capped with large flat stones, has been erected upon the easterly side of these grounds. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 293 SOUTH GARDNER GREEN BOWER CEMETERY. The company, owning and controlling the grounds of this cemetery, was organized as a corporation, under the statutes of 1841, November 26th, 1841). The following are the by-laws : — Art. 1. This company shall be called the South Gardner Green Bower Cemetery Company. Art. 2. The annual meeting of the proprietors, shall be holden on the last Mondaj^ of November, at six o'clock, p. m. Art. 3. There shall be chosen, by ballot, at each annual meeting, five or more of the proprietors, who shall constitute a Board of Trustees ; one of whom shall be chosen, by the trustees. President of the company ; and also by the Board of Trustees, a Clerk, who shall also be Clerk of the company and of the board ; also a Treasurer; all of whom, shall hold their office, one year, and until others are chosen and qualified in their stead. Art. 4. The President shall preside at all meetings of the proprietors, and of the Trustees, and shall perform such other duties as shall be devolved upon him by the company, or by the board. He shall call special meetings of the company, at any time, on the application, in writing, of five or more of the proprietors, and special meetings of the board, on the written application of any one of its members. Art. 5. The Trustees shall be authorized to purchase a site or plot of ground tor a burying ground, said ground or lot to be called the South Gardner Green Bower Cemetery. Said site or plot to be purchased of John Sawin, by a deed running to the Trustees of the company. The Trustees shall manage the affairs of the company and for this purpose may erect and repair such suitable fences as they may judge necessary to enclose the South Gardner Green Bower Cemetery, may lay out the said cemetery into plots, suitable for burying spots, may divide the said cemetery into paths and make all other improve- ments, for utility or ornament. Art. 6. The Clerk shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of his duty and shall keep, in separate books, a true record of 294 HISTORY OF GARDNER. the doings of the proprietors and Trustees ; be shall notify all meetings as hereinafter provided, and perform such other duties as may be devolved upon him by the company or board. Art. 7. The Treasurer shall give bonds in the sum of five hundred dollars, with two sureties to the acceptance of the Trustees. He shall collect all assessments, issue certificates of burying lots, and execute all instruments for the purchase, sale, or transfer of lots, or other property, under the directions of the board ; and shall perform such other duties as the propri- etors or Trustees may prescribe. Art. 8. The President and Trustees shall receive no com- pensation for their ordinary services, but when performing any special service as agent, or performing labor for the company shall be reimbursed their expenses and shall receive such further sums as the Trustees may think reasonable. The Clerk and Treasurer of the company shall receive a reasonable com- pensation for their services, to be agreed upon by the Trustees. Art. 9. Ten of the proprietors shall constitute a quorum for doing business, and all votes passed and all business trans- acted, at any legal meeting of the proprietors, shall be as truly and absolutely binding as though they were present. Absent proprietors may vote by proxy authorized in writing, but no proxy shall extend beyond one meeting including adjournments of the same. Art. 10. All meetings of the proprietors shall be notified by the Clerk, by posting up notices in two or more public places in said Gardner, at least five days before the time of holding such meeting. The Clerk shall also notify the meet- ings of the Trustees, in such manner as they may designate. Art. 11. In the absence of the President or Clerk, at any meeting of the company or the board, they shall respectively have the power of filling the vacancy, for the time being. Any permanent vacancy in the offices of Clerk or Treasurer may be filled by the company at any meeting duly notified for that purpose, but any permanent vacancy in the Board of Trustees, or President, may be filled by the other members of the board ; HISTORY OF GARDNEB. 295 but all such officers shall hold their office only till the next annual meeting, or till others are chosen or qualified in their stead . Art. 12. The by-laws may be altered or amended at any meeting of the company, such alterations having been presented in writing at a previous meeting. Art. 13. All persons, becoming proprietors, shall be required to sign and be bound by the by-laws of the compau}'. This cemetery originally contained one acre and eighty-three rods of land. It is pleasantly situated, upon the southwest side of the South Village, about a quarter of a mile from Broadway. The main portion of the land, comprising this cemetery, is sufficiently elevated in position, to afford a pleasant outlook, in all directions. Its avenues are pleasantly laid out, making the lots easy of access, many of which are arranged very tastefully and are bordered with costly curbing. There are, in this cem- etery, several beautiful and expensive monuments. There is also, within the enclosure, a tomb. In 1864, this cemetery was enlarged by the addition of one and nine-tenths acres upon the north side, making, in all, about four acres. These grounds, bordered as they are, upon one side, by a grove of pines, afford an appropriate and pleasant resting place for the dead. CRYSTAL LAKE CEMETERY. Previous to the laying out of the South Gardner Green Bower Cemetery, in 1849, all interments, for the whole town, were made in the old burying yard at the Centre. This yard, con- sequently, became very fully occupied, creating a necessity on the part of the town, for providing a suitable place for the burial of the dead. August 7th, 1858, there was an article in the town warrant " to see if the town will take measures to procure a piece of land for a cemetery, for the use of the town, or act anything relating to the same." Acting upon this article the town voted to choose a committee of three " to see on what terms land could be purchased for a cemetery, and report to 296 HISTORY OF GARDNER. an adjourned meeting." This committee reported the expedi- ency of procuring a tract of land, upon the west side of Cr3^stal Lake, comprising in all, about ten acres, which the town au- thorized them to purchase " for a cemetery, for the use of the town." This cemetery is remarkable for the beauty of its location, occupying as it does, an elevated tract of land, which gradually slopes down to Crystal Lake, whose clear waters form a delightful foreground to this resting place of the dead. This cemetery, with its background of pines, viewed in connection with Crystal Lake, reposing so peacefully at its foot, furnishes a scene of natural beauty and picturesqueness, whose tranquil- izing eflfect, serves to deprive the grave of its terror, and to take away from the minds of the living, all desire for " couch more magnificent," while " Sustained and soothed By an unfaltering trust," they feel assured that here they may approach their graves, " Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams." These grounds are divided into suitable burying lots, several of which are enclosed, by costly and substantial curbing, and are interspersed with avenues, walks and ornamental plots, beauti- fied with cultivated flowers and green sward, which present a scene of beauty and attractiveness, under the careful and tasteful management of the present committee, Messrs. Lyman F. Wood, Ambrose P. Chase and Thomas B. Warren, the latter of whom, is an Englishman, by birth, and though aged more than three score years and ten, yet continues to combine unusual vigor, with excellent taste in the care and attention which he bestows upon these grounds. There are, in this cemetery, several monuments of superior costliness and beauty. The town makes an annual appropriation for the benefit of these grounds, varying in amount, from year to year, as the neces- sities of the case may require, which, together with the pro- ceeds from the sale of burying lots affords a fund which is sufficient to give to this " sleeping chamber" of the dead, the HI8T0BY OF GARDNER. 297 cure and labor needful for its continued attractive appearance and beauty. The following are the rules and regulations of Crystal Lake Cemetery : — Any person who shall become the owner of a lot in said Cemetery shall hold the same subject to the following condi- tions and limitations, as set forth in the deed, executed by the Treasurer, by order of the Cemetery Committee : — Art. 1. Upon the selection of a lot, the committee shall issue to the person proposing to purchase, a certificate stating the amount agreed upon ; and said person shall present it to the Treasurer, and pay to him said amount within thirty days from date thereof. If not presented within the time aforesaid, all rioht to the selected lot shall cease. Art. 2. Said lot shall not be used for any other purpose than as a place of burial for the dead, otherwise than to erect thereon some funeral monument or structure, and cultivate trees, shrubs or plants. Art. 3. When a burial lot has been sold, it shall be graded within one year from the date of the deed, under the direction of the Cemetery Committee ; or the committee may at any time thereafter cause the same to be done at the expense of the proprietor. Art. 4. If any tree, shrub or bush in any lot shall, by means of its roots, branches or otherwise, become, in the opinion of the committee, detrimental to the adjoining lots or avenues or dangerous or inconvenient to passengers, the com- mittee shall enter said lot and remove the same or any part thereof. Art. 5. If any structure or inscription be placed in or around said lot which a majority of the committee shall decide to be oifensive or improper, said committee may enter upon said lot and remove the same. Art. 6. Proprietors of neglected lots shall be notified by the committee of their condition ; and in case of continued neglect, so as, in the opinion of the committee, to impair the 38 298 HISTOBY OF GARDNER. general appearance of the cemetery, such lot may be put in order by said committee at the expense of the proprietor. Art. 7. No tomb shall be constructed within said cemetery except by the written consent of the Cemetery Committee. Art. 8. The deed of the lot shall be executed by the Treas- urer, iu behalf of the town, by order of the Cemetery Com- mittee. Art. 9. All burials in the public burial ground shall be made in the location directed by the Cemetery Committee. Art. 10. The receiving tomb shall be used as a temporary place of interment ; and no body placed therein between the first day of May and the first day of November shall be kept therein more than ten days. No body shall be placed in or removed from the tomb or any lot in the cemetery, except by the Sexton or by his direction, he keeping a true record of the same and reporting the same to the town each year at the annual town meeting in March. Art. 11. No unseemly noise, discharge of fire-arms or dis- orderly conduct will be permitted within the cemetery. Art. 12. No horse shall be driven faster than a walk within the cemetery or left unfiistened without a keeper, nor fastened except at such places provided for that purpose. Art. 13. No person on horseback or in a carriage shall cross any lot or ride or drive on any walk or path ; but all riding or driving shall be confined exclusively to the avenues. Art. 14. No dog shall be allowed to run at large in the cemetery. Art. 15. All persons are strictly forbidden bathing in Crys- tal Lake from or near the banks of the cemetery. Art. 16. All persons are forbidden to write upon or other- wise deface or injure any fence or other structure in the ceme- tery ; or to gather any flowers, either wild or cultivated, except on their own lot ; or break any tree, shrub or plant therein ; under the penalty in such case made and provided. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 299 CHAPTER XII. INVENTORS AND INVENTIONS. " Deduct all that meu of the humbler classes have clone for England in the way of inventions only, and see where she would have been but for them." — Arthur Helps. " Neither the naked hand, nor the understanding, left to itself, can do much ; the work is accomplished by instruments and helps." — Lord Bacon. " Patience is the tinest and worthiest part of fortitude, and the rarest too. Patience lies at the root of all pleasures, as well as of all powers." — John Buskin. "The sire of gods and men, with hard decrees, Forbids our plenty to be bought with ease ; Himself invented tlrst the shining share, And whetted human industry by cure."— Dryden. " For sure by wit is chiefly meant Applying well what we invent." — Swift. " See, I have called by name Bezaleel, and I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, to devise cunning works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in carving of timber, to work in all manner of work- manship." — Ex. 31 : 2-5 "And King Solomon sent, and fetched Hiram out of Tyre: he was filled with wisdom and understanding and cunning to work all works in brass. And he came to King Solomon and wrought all his work." — 1 Kings, 7 : 13, 14. /TXhE truthfulness of the proverb, " Necessity is the mother -L of invention," finds frequent verification, in connection with the chair manufacturing enterprises of this town. Atten- tion has ah-eady been directed, in chapter VII., page 166, of this work, to the simplicity of the tools, originally employed in the construction of chairs. With a growing market, for this product of industry, there has ever been a growing demand for increased facilities for this sort of manufacture. Stimulated by this demand, the inventive brain and cunning hand of some 300 HISTORY OF GARDNER. of the more thoughtful and studious of our citizens, have not been inactive, nor slow to respond. As a result, of this demand, Gardner claims the honor of having, within its limits, several individuals whose inventive genius, and whose invaluable in- ventions have given them a cosmopolitan reputation, among all manufacturers of chairs. The names of some of these inven- tors, together with their inventions, we shall now proceed to mention. PEARSON COWEE. This gentleman was born in Gardner, in 1797, where he died in July, 1876. Being engaged, early in life, in the manufac- ture of chair stock, he conceived the idea of constructing a dish saw, which could be used in sawing chair backs into the con- cave shape required, in chairs, instead of being obliged to work them out by hand. He accordingly employed the mechanical skill of a neighboring blacksmith to forge, for him, a disk of iron, of a dishing form, and having eight points, upon which were adjusted saw teeth. This done, Mr. Cowee, fastening his invention to a revolving shaft, found that it did the required work admirably, which had before been doue so laboriously, by hand, and in much less time. Mr. Cowee, however, never secured a patent upon this, his invention, though he must, in justice be the acknowledged inventor. LEVI HEYWOOD. Prominent among the business men and inventors, of this, his native town, stands the name of Mr. Levi Hey wood, a sketch of whose ancestors, life and inventive genius, we here give, by courteous permission of the authors, as extracts from a large and valuable work, now in press and soon to be issued by Messrs. Van Slyck & Co., No. 7 Pemberton Square, Boston, entitled " The Manufacturers of New England." " In connection with each of the varied industries which have made New England the work-shop of the country, there is, in almost every case, some single name, that of a pioneer or especially successful manufacturer, which is at once suggested HISTORY OF GARDNER. 301 when the industry is named. In this relation, to the chair manufacture, -stands the name of Heywood. The various families of this name, widel}^ disseminated through Middlesex and Worcester Counties in Massachusetts, are, all of them it is believed, descended from John Heywood, who, prior to 1650, came from England and settled in Concord, Mass. His son, well and widely known as Dea. John Heywood, was a man of large influence both in civil and in ecclesiastical affiiirs. One of his sons, Phineas, born in Concord in 1707, removed, in 1739, to Shrewsbury, Mass. He was a selectman, a representative in the Provincial Congress, a member of the Committee of Cor- respondence, in 1774-1775, and a man of large influence in public afiiiirs and an ardent patriot. His son, Benjamin, born in 1746, was commissioned in 1776, a captain and paymaster in the Army, and served through the war. He was present at the surrender of Gen. Burgoyne. From 1802 to 1811, he was one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, and for many years was one of the most eminent citizens of Worcester County. "His older brother, Seth, born in Concord in 1738, was carried with his father's family to Shrewsbury and in 1762 was married to Martha Temple of that town. He soon after re- moved to Sterling and served as lieutenant in the army of the Revolution. Purchasing a farm within the limits of what is now the town of Gardner, he was li^ ing there at the time of the incorporation of that town in 1785, and, in connection with John Glazier, was one of the petitioners and chief promoters of that act, and was the first Town Clerk. He was a black- smith and carried on the large farm which he owned in the centre of the town, his house being on the site of the present Town Hall, and the farm embracing within its limits, the com- mon, the burial ground, and the lauds occupied h\ the church, the hotel and most of the residences in the vicinity of the Town Hall. He died in 1827, aged 81) years. His son Benjamin, born in Gardner in 1773, was married to Mar}' Whitney, sister of Phineas and Amasa Whitney, prominent citizens of Winchen- don, Mass. He inherited his father's farm. He Avas, for many 302 HISTORY OF GARDNER. years, the Town Treasurer and was highly respected and influ- ential in town afiairs. "His children were Levi, Benjamin F., Walter, William, Seth and Charles. He died in 1849, in his 77th year. Of his children, Charles died at the age of six years ; Benjamin F. died, in 1844, having been engaged successfully since his ma- jority as a trader, and a part of the time, as a manufacturer of chairs ; William died, in 1873, in Boston, where he had resided since 1830, and had been engaged in business there and in Charlestown, with success, till 1855, in which year he retired from business ; Levi, Walter, and Seth survive and are each of them engaged successfully in the manuf^icture of chairs. " Levi Ileyicood was born in Gardner, December 10th, 1800. His early advantages, for education, w'ere only those usually enjoyed by the children and youth, at that time, in rural towns, with the addition of two terms at the academy in New Salem, Mass. The diligent improvement of these opportunities fitted him for the vocation of a school teacher, in which he was en- gaged, in his native town and in the adjoining town of Win- chendon during the Avinters 1820-21 and 22. Li the spring of the latter year he went to Rochester, N. Y., and was employed there about a year in stone-work by contract. Returning in 1823 to Gardner, he entered into partnership with his brother Benjamin, in the very miscellaneous business of a country store. This relation he continued till the year 1829. "In 1826, he commenced, in Gardner, the manufacture of wood-seated chairs. In 1831, he went to Boston and opened a store for the sale of chairs, in which business he continued till 1836. He also, in connection with W^illiam R. Carnes and his brother William, under the firm style of Hey wood & Carnes, started a mill for sawing veneers from mahogany, etc., in Charlestown. This mill was burned in 1835. He then returned to Gardner and entered into partnership with his brother Wal- ter, who, with others, had been for some years engaged in the manufacture of chairs, on part of the premises now occupied by Hey wood Bros. & Co. The veneer mill in Charlestown was HISTORY OF GARDNER. 303 rebuilt aud Mr. Levi Heywood retained his interest in it, until 1849. "The business, of the new firm in Gardner, was conducted with success, the manufacture being mainly by hand, the only machinery being the ordinary turning lathe, and circular saws, which were operated by water power, obtained from the pond now known as Crystal Lake. In L841, it occurred to Levi Heywood, that machinery specially adapted to the various processes of manufacture, might be introduced to advantage. His brother, of a more conservative disposition, hesitated to leave the well-worn paths in which they were achieving reason- able success. This difference of opinion led to a dissolution of the partnership, Levi purchasing his brother's interest. He at once gave his thoughts and labor, to the devising and construct- ing of special machinerj^ as well as to the introduction of dif- ferent kinds of wood-working machinery, which were already in use for other purposes, and were also adapted to his purpose. In the successful carrying out of this idea, he inaugurated a new era in the chair manufacture, and herein manifested much enter- prise, together with the fertility of resource, mechanical skill and inventiveness, and the purpose to introduce constantly new and valuable features, both in methods of manufacture and in style of product, Avhich have always characterized him, and have been large elements of his success. " As an instance of his originality, in the matter of mechani- cal devices, it may be said that as early as 1835, he conceived the idea of the band saw, now universally adopted as one of the most valuable tools in wood-work. The idea was original with him, though not really novel, for as early as 1808, "VVm. New- berry of London, Eng., had conceived the same idea and made a crude model of a band sawing machine, but did nothing more with it. So thoroughly were its advantages anticipated by Mr. Heywood, that he consulted with B. D. Whitney of Winchen- don and with Charles Griffiths, of Welch & Griffiths of Boston, as to the feasibility of constructing a machine of the kind. Both of these gentlemen, experts in such matters, agreed that Avith 304 HISTORY OF GAEDNEli. the quality of saw-blades then made, or any known methods of uniting them so as to make an endless band, the idea could not be successfully carried out. As is well known, M. Perin of Paris, France, has, since that time, accomplished what Mr. Hey wood, so many years before, conceived to be both desirable and feasible. " In 1844, on the first day of July, he received into partner- ship Gen. Moses Wood, then of Providence and afterwards President of the Rollstone Bank of Fitchburg, and his brother Seth, the style of the firm being Hey wood & Wood. This partnership continued till July 1st, 1849. At that date Gen. Wood retired from the firm, and Messrs. Calvin Hey wood and Henry C. Hill were admitted, the style of the firm being changed to L. Hey wood & Co. "Mr. Heywood, in addition to his business relations, as the head of the firm of Hey wood Bros. & Co., has since 1847, been a partner with Hon. W. B. Washburn of Greenfield, Mass., in the manufacture of chairs and wooden ware, at Erving, Mass., the style of the firm being Washburn & Heywood. They are also largely engaged in the manufacture and sale of lumber, owning about 3,000 acres of woodland in Erving, Northfield and New Salem. " At this point, it is proper to refer to the inventions of Mr. Heywood, Avhich have been mostly to meet the demands of his own business, and have largely contributed to its success. Among them may be named one for a wood chair-seat, one for tilting-chair, three for machines for splitting, shaving and otherwise manipulating rattan, and four for machinery for bending wood. He has also invented a very valuable jirocess (not immediately connected with his own business l)ut of value to it, as utilizing in a new direction, the pith of the rattan after stripping the enamel from it,) for injecting rattan with india- rubber or other suitable material, thus making an excellent sub- stitute for whalebone. " Of the merits of his wood-bending process, it may be proper to introduce the testimony of M. Fr. Thouet of Vienna, Austria, HISTORY OF GABBjSrUB. 305 the heticl of the largest chair manufacturing firm in the world, employing some live thousand operatives. After visiting the factories of the Messrs. Heywood, he wrote, ' I must tell you candidly that you have got the best machinery for bending wood that I ever saw, and I will say that I have seen and experi- mented a great deal in the bending of wood.' The Heywood patents have been combined with those of John C. Morris of Cincinnati, on which the patents of Blanchard have, after pro- tracted litigation, been decided to be infringements. The com- bined patents, owned by the Morris & Heywood Wood-bending Co., it is believed, cover the really effective methods for bend- ing wood. "Mr. Heywood, in addition to his large personal business, he having retained to the present time — though now in his seventy-eighth 3'ear, — the supervision in all its details, of the mechanical department of the business, including the adapta- tion and construction of new machinery and devices for greater economy and perfection of manufacture, has been very active in public enterprises. He represented the town in the Convention for revising the Constitution of the State in the year 1853, and in the lower branch of the Legislature in 1871. He has been a Director in the Gardner National Bank and a Trustee of the Gardner Savings Bank from the organization of those institu- tions. " Mr. Heywood is not personally identified, by membership, with any church. A regular attendant, however, of the Con- ofreo'ational Church in Gardner, he is a liberal contributor to its current expenses, and responds cheerfully and liberally to the calls of benevolence. He is also largely interested in educa- tional matters, and personally in the schools and has made liberal donations of land and otherwise, to the town in this direction. Respected in the highest degree for personal in- tegrity and excellence of his character in all the relations of life, his example is for good to the large number of his em- ployes and to the community by which he has been long looked up to as its wealthiest and most influential citizen." 39 306 HISTORY OF GARDNER. GARDNER A. W ATKINS. This gentleman was l)oi-n in Peru, Berkshire County, Mas- sachusetts, September 13th, 1833. Being, from childhood, of a mechanical turn of mind, when not engaged in school, or at work on the fiirm, he was occupied as a carpenter, and in kin- dred employment, until he was eighteen years of age, when he went to Lakeville, Conn., where he was engaged, for five years, in the ofiice and factory of the celebrated surgeon. Dr. Benja- min Welsh, manufacturer of surgical instruments. At the ex- piration of this time, he removed to Springfield, Vt., where he was engaged in the same business, until the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion, in the spring of 1861, when he turned his attention to the construction of complex machinery, for the manufacture of shoe lasts, hooks and eyes, etc. In the year 1863, he went to Proctorsville, Vt., where he became interested in the manufacture of clothes pins, mop-handles, flour-sifters and chair stock. In 1866, he began the manufacture of wood seat chairs and also made an attempt at splint and cane bottom chairs. The followino: are some of the reasons, restins: in Mr. Wat- kins' mind, for making a new departure from the old Chinese pattern, used for more than four centuries, in the construction of cane chairs : The demand for a smooth, better and more durable chair seat for common use ; some method by which to avoid waste of cane, time and trouble, in distributing the frames of chairs over the country, to be seated, as well as the annoy- ance of teaching a new generation, the art of caning chairs; some way by which this work could be done, systematically, in the factory, under the supervision of the manufiicturer, with the use of suitable machinery, and, lastly, a better chair, for less money. After thorough and patient experimenting, he found that cane could not be superseded by any other then known sub- stance, for seats and backs, for common chairs, the grain of HISTORY OF GARDNER. 307 swamp ash ])eing the nearest to cane, but so scarce and expen- sive, as to limit its use. Obstacles, which at times, seemed in- surmountable, were finally overcome. After months of patient and incessant toil, in inventing tools and machinery for this special purpose, Mr. Watkins succeeded in weaving an all wood or cane fabric, of various figures and patterns, of any desired width and length. This was acknowledged, at the United States Patent Office, to be the first production of this sort and an entirely new article of manufacture. The question then arose as to the most practical method of securing this fabric to the frames of chair seats and backs, of all forms. This problem, at first, seemed to be one easy of solution, but, after various attempts which proved either to be worthless or too expensive, Mr. Watkins became almost satisfied that the Chinese was the only possible method, namely, that of making holes through the frame of a seat or back, as near together as possi- ble, then drawing in the cane, from side to side, to the greatest possible amount. This would produce just that figure of net work, so common in the old Chinese pattern. However, per- severance, with a commendable degree of Yankee ingenuity, was destined to be more than a match for the " heathen Chinee." In the spring of 1867-8-9, Mr. Watkins succeeded in reaching satisfactory results, which were recognized, from time to time, at the United States Patent Office, in various grants, some of which bear the following dates : Patent chair seat, May 14th, 1867 ; patent chair seat, April 6th, 1868 ; patent chair seat, April 7th, 1868 ; shuttle for weaving chair seats, March 10th, 1868 ; improved shuttle for weaving chair seats, reissue, Novem- ber 2d, 1869 ; seating machine, July 13th, 1869 ; scroll saw- table, August 2, 1869 ; channeling or grooving machine, Sep- tember 6th, 1870 ; embossing chair seats, September 6th, 1870 ; spliced bottom, September 6th, 1870; continuous spline, Au- gust 15, 1871 ; improved rattan for chair seats, September 19th, 1871 ; process for splicing cane, December 12th, 1871. 308 HISTORY OF GARDNER. SPLICING CANE. This process is worthy of special mention. In the specifica- tion, forming part of Letters Patent, the inventor uses the fol- lowing language : " The object of this invention is to prepare strands of rattan, for weaving; and the invention consists in removing the enamel surftice, from the ends of the strands, by ' scarfing' them down preparatory to splicing, and connecting the ends together in the manner hereinafter referred to. As is well known, the outer surfiice of rattan is covered by a silicious enamel, which is extremely hard, and, to a great extent, im- pervious to moisture, so that any attempt to join one or more strands together by means of cement, is sure to prove in- efiectual ; hence, the great value to be derived from splicing such strands together, for the purpose of weaving them in a cloth of any desired length and width, has, to some extent, been lost. My invention fully obviates this difficulty. * * * * * * Since the length of these strands is limited, to a great extent, it is essential, in order to successfully weave them, in a loom, that the strands be spliced one to the other, to any desired length. In order to accomplish this, I scarf the ends ofi". This scarfing * * * * jg for the double pur- pose of removing the enamel from the surface of the strand, so that cement will adhere thereon, and also to enable one scarfed end to be cemented to another, without increasing the thickness of the strand at the splice. The scarfing may be done in many ways, not necessary here to mention, since I do not limit my- self to any particular means of accomplishing this object. The ends of the strands being scarfed, as above described, are next charged with cement, and when a sufficient quantity of strands is so prepared, the cemented ends are exposed to a jet of dry steam, or other artificial heat, until the cement liquifies, and then pressing the scarfed and cemented ends together, they will at once adhere, and the strands thus prepared or spliced may be reeled up, in any desired length, ready for weaving." HISTORY OF GABDMEIL 309 The machinery, by which this scarfing process is accom- plished, is Avorthy of mention, as a product also of Mr. Wat- kins' inventive genius. The instrument, by which the ends of the cane are shaved down to the thinnest edge, is a small cylin- der, about two inches in diameter, upon whose surface are formed numerous horizontal knives or cutters. This cylinder is fixed upon a revolving shaft, upon which it is capable of per- forming six thousand revolutions in a minute. Directly in front of this cylinder, is a brass plate, whose surface is so contrived, that, when the end of the strand is placed upon it, and, by means of a treadle, is moved back under this revolving cylinder, it so adjusts itself to the revolving knives, as to produce, in the most exact manner, the required " scarf." This process, is almost instantaneous. The pressure, being removed from the treadle, the beveled brass table, by means of a weight, is immediately thrown back, ready for the rencAval of the process. Near by the person doing this work, is stationed a pot containing hot cement, into which is plunged a small brush, so connected with this machinery for scarfing the ends of the cane, that while the end of the strand is passing under the re- volving cylinder, the brush is dipped in the cement, from which it immediately arises, on the removal of the pressure from the treadle. The strand, thus scarfed, is drawn under this brush, by which it is immediately cemented. It requires from two to three hours to harden this cement, on the scarfed ends of the strand. These strands are then taken, by another operative, whose duty it is to join them together and wind them upon bobbins. Near this person is a jet of dry steam, which is made to pass through wood, in order to secure freedom from moisture. Into this steam jet are passed two cemented ends of the strands, the cement, upon which, is instantly liquified, after which, the two ends joined together are passed between two heated iron wheels whose surfaces are pressed together by means of a treadle. This process firmly unites the scarfed and cemented ends of the strands. By means of another treadle motion, the united strands are wound upon a bobbin capable of containing 310 HISTORY OF GAIWJVUB. three thousand five hundred feet. This bobbin is so arranged, that it revolves at the option of the operator. By the motion of a spiral shaft, upon which is cut a right and left hand groove, the strand, while being wound, is carried automatically, from side to side, of the inner surfaces of the bobbin, thus produc- ing uniformity in filling it. POWER LOOM FOR WEAVING CHAIR SEATS. This loom involves the general principle of all looms. One distinguishing characteristic, however, in the loom now to be described, is the shuttle, b}'^ which, strands of cane are drawn through the warp, formed of the spliced strands, from the bobbins already mentioned. It is well known, that, in the weaving of cloth, the shuttle is driven through the warp strands, delivering the woof thread, as it passes. Considering the in- flexibility and bulkiness of the cane strands, to be used as filling, even should it be possible to wind them upon spools, it will be readily seen, that the ordinary process of weaving, could not prevail in the construction of rattan fabric. To obviate this difficulty, Mr. Watkins invented the shuttle now used in his loom. This shuttle is a flat bar of steel, about twenty-two inches in length, consisting of two equal plates, which are so united, that the difierent parts form two jaws, at the end which enters the warp. This end, of the shuttle, is shaped like a pair of pliers, thus making it susceptible of passing, without inter- ference, through the warp strands. Within the jaws, of this shuttle, are little spurs or nippers, for holding the end of the woof strand, which it is to draw through the warp. Between the two halves of the shuttle, there is a wedge shaped device, called the tongue, which is attached to a rod, also within the shuttle, and which is so contrived, that, when the mouth of the shuttle has reached the woof strand, which it is to carry back, this tongue, passing over a swell, within the jaws of the shuttle, causes its mouth to open, when it drops instantly into a con- cavity, by which operation, the jaws are allowed to close im- mediately upon the end of the strand, thus holding it firmly in HISTORY OF GARDNER. 311 their teeth. The shuttle is then drawn back, through the warp, holding the strand in its mouth, till it reaches the edge of the web, when the tongue passing forward, over the swell, again opens the mouth of the shuttle, leaving the end of the strand in the precise position required. The shuttle is then ready to re- turn, repeating the operation at the rate of seventy-five " picks" per minute. Upon the feed side of the reed, of this loom, by which the woof is beaten firmly together, is fixed a knife, which is so adjusted, in its relation to another knife edge, that, the instant the shuttle reaches the opposite side of the web, it cuts oflT the strand, at the exact length required. This shuttle is fixed upon a carriage, which is made to pass back and forth, upon its ways, by crank motion. Attached to the rod within the shuttle, to which is fastened the tongue, which opens and closes its jaws, is a projecting horizontal bar, the end of which, striking adjustible hunters, upon one side of the ways, throws the tongue, by which the jaws of the shuttle are opened and shut, backwards and forwards as convenience requires. As a matter of course, it would be impossible to describe accurately this ingenious device, for weaving cane web, without the assistance of the necessary diagrams. Although this shut- tle is capable of making seventy-five "picks" a minute, Mr. Watkins, whose motto is "excelsior," is confident that he can construct a loom, whose shuttle shall be capable of one hundred and twenty-five " picks" a minute, and even more. Another feature of this loom, is the saving of time, by so arranging the reed, that it returns to its position, after having beaten up the web, before the shuttle has receded from the warp, by passing under it, while the shuttle is still in motion. Another charac- teristic, of this loom, is the ino:enious device for feedinsf : ten strands being used in such a manner as to cause a desirable variety, in the texture of the web. Still another feature of the loom is the simplicit}^ of the method, by which tension is applied directly to the outer rim of the bobbins, this being secured by the friction of steel springs pressing against the wood. This loom is capable of weaving fifty-four thousand 312 HISTORY OF GARDNER. feet of cane, per day, which is equal to three hundred and thirty Grecian seats. That Mr. Watkins has achieved a wonderful success, in this invention, is universally confessed. By it, he has revolution- ized the manufacture of chairs, and created a new era in this important branch of our industries. To Mr. Watkins is also due the honor of having first applied power to the process of bending wood for chair frames and backs. Previous to this time the rails and backs of chairs were bent by levers worked l)y men, making the labor very ex- hausting to those engaged in it. With the application of power, to this particular branch of the chair business, only half as many men are now required to do the same amount of labor, as were required previous to this invention. Mr. Watkins is also the inventor of machines for making spi- ral springs, used in tilting chairs, and for cutting the thread upon the ends of these springs. Mr. Watkins is a gentleman who has spared no pains in nourishing his genius, as an inventor. Whatever of scientific works, or expensive tools, have been regarded, by him, as essential to the attainment of the one great aim of his life, he has not hesitated to procure. He has, since 1870, been employed by Hey wood Bros. & Co., upon a salary. The Automatic Channeling Machine, the Crimping Press, the Spline and Embossing Press, also inventions of Mr. Watkins, have already passed under review, in chapter VH., of this work. This gentleman has perfected several improvements in machinery, for the manufacture of chairs, for which he has not yet secured Letters Patent. At the present time, he is engaged in the construction of a Double Press for inserting woven seats in frames, weighing five thousand five hundred pounds, eight feet long, four feet wide and ten feet high. The following, among others, are the inventions and improvements of Mr. Watkins previous to his engaging in the chair business, for which he has received Letters Patent, namely : Hook Fasten- lugs for army tents. Improved Physician's Pocket Prescription HISTORY OF GARDNER. 313 Scale and Measure, Improved Letter Weight and Eraser, Arti- ficial Arm and Hand, Invalids' Drink Tube, Swinging Splint, for fracture of the leg, scapula, patella and elbow joint. Sur- geons' Bullet Extractor, Spring and Tooth Holding Stethescope, Ball and Socket Truss, etc. SAMUEL L. FITTS. This gentleman was born in Mason Village, N. H., in 1830. His father was a mill-wright, in which business he himself was engaged, till the age of twenty, w^hen he went to Fitchburg, where he was employed by the Putnam Machine Company. He went to Ashburnham in 1858, where he was employed by the Winchester Brothers until 1877, when he came to Gardner in the employ of Heywood Brothers & Co. The following are his inventions : An Automatic Boring Machine, for boring frames to chair seats, patented June, 1861 ; a Machine for Dressing Chair Backs, patented in 1864. These patents are now owned by Mr. George Winchester, of Ashburnham. Also a Power Loom for weaving chair seats. The novelty of this invention consists in the construction of the shuttle and fillino; holder, which holds a number of pieces, at the same time making the changes automatically, and is regarded as a very efiicient machine, for the purpose for which it is designed. FRANK F. PARKER. This gentleman was born in Keene, N. H., in 1851. The following are his patents for Folding Chairs : One patent issued August 15th, 1876, and another issued October 3d, 1876. These patents are both owned by Mr. Philander Derby. GEORGE W. PARKER. This gentleman was born August 14th, 1824, in Concord, N. H., and came to Gardner in November, 1870. Letters Patent, of the United States, were issued to him March 18th, 1856, for an improved Machine for Making Clothes Pins ; May 6th, 1873, patent for Improvement in Speed Regulators; April 6th, 1875, 40 314 HISTORY OF GARDNER. patent for an Improvement in Machines for Tenoning Chair Rounds ; July 18th, 1876, patent for Improvement in Folding Chairs; June 26th, 1877, patent for Improvement in Machines for Making Pail Bottoms and Barrel Heads. The above list does not embrace all our mventors or inven- tions. There are others of which we have not been able to obtain sufficiently accurate information, to enable us to make a true record in this work. Those now given are enough to in- dicate the ability of the town, in this direction. As a fitting close to this chapter we give the following from Lord Bacon : — " The introduction of noble inventions, seems to hold, by far, the most excellent place among all human actions. And this was the judgment of antiquity, which attributed divine honors to inventors, but conferred only heroical honors upon those who deserved well in civil affairs, such as the founders of empires, legislators, and deliverers of their country. And whoever rightly considers it, will find this a judicious custom in former ages, since the benefits of inventors may extend to all mankind, but civil benetits only to particular countries or seats of men ; and these civil benefits seldom descend to more than a few ages, whereas inventions are perpetvuited through the course of time. Besides, a state is seldom amended in its civil aftairs, without force and perturbation, whilst inventions spread their advantage, without doing injury or causing disturbance." HISTORY OF GARDNEll. 315 CHAPTER XIII. PUBLIC LIBRAKIES. "Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, aud some few to be chewed and digested."' "Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man." " Histories make men wise ; poets witty; the mathematics subtile ; natural philosophy deep; moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend." — Lord Bacon. " And books we know Are a substantial world, both pure and good." — Wordsworth. " The past but lives in words ; a thousand ages Were blank, if books had not evok'd their ghosts, And kept the pale, unbodied shades to warn us, From fleshless lips."— iiwZwer. " Turn back the tide of ages to its head, And hoard the wisdom of the honor'd AQAA.''—Sprague. " Books should to one of these four ends conduce For wisdom, piety, delight, or use."— Denham. IN his work, entitled " Lectures on English Literature," Prof. Henry Reed, of Philadelphia, introduces, in his chapter on Literature of Wit and Humor, the following, as an instance of unconscious wit: "It is," says he, "in Horrebou's History of Iceland, an old folio volume, which is divided into chapters according to various subjects. One of these is headed ' Con- cerning Owls.' I can quote the whole chapter without fatiguing you, for it is in these words : ' There are, in Iceland, no owls of any kind whatever.' Yet the historian seems to have con- sidered himself under some obligation to that species of birds, so far, as to devote a chapter to their absence." Althouo-h we have headed this chapter Public Libraries, we are, nevertheless, under a painful and serious obligation, like 316 HISTORY OF GARDNER. the author above named, of stating, that there are, in Gardner at the present time, no public libraries whatever. A portion of this chapter, is devoted, therefore, to the absence of this desideratum in our midst. Several years ago, there was a small public library kept in the Centre of the town, containing many valuable works. This library w\as allowed, gradually, to fall into decay, till at length, it entirely disappeared. At the present time, there is a feeling, widely spread through- out the town, that with all its enterprise in other praiseworthy directions, Gardner should not longer continue without a public library. It is therefore hoped, and confidently expected, that some measures will soon be taken for the establishment, upon a firm and permanent basis, of a public library, as a fountain of light, in this communit}^ There is certainly no better way, in which some of our Avealthy and prominent citizens can render their names immortal, than in the establishment of such an in- stitution, whose lasting benefits will continually give occasion to those who shonld hereafter enjoy them, to cherish with ven- eration and oratitude, the memories of their benefactors. Although there is, at the present time, no public library in this town, yet we are not entirely wanting in the possession of collections of books, w^hose ownership and circulation are of a somewhat private and limited nature. As an instance of this kind, we have the library connected with the South Gardner Social Library Association, to whose support, Mr. Abijah M. Severy bequeathed the income of five hundred dollars, which is to enure annually to its benefit. We here introduce the wall of Mr. Severy, in order to make intelligent the object of his legacy : — Be it Eemembered, That I, Abijah M. Severy, of Gardner, in the county of Worcester and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Esq. do, on this eighth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, make and publish this my last will and testament, in manner following, viz : — HISTORY OF GARDJSTER. 317 In the first place, 1 give and bequeath to my sister, Mary S. Howe, wife of Eli Howe, and Lucy Ann Cowee, wife of Buel G. Cowee, two hundred dollars each, payable in one year from my decease. Then, I give, bequeath and devise to my wife, Polly Severy, all my household furniture, and five hundred dollars, to beat her disposal, and then, the use, rents and profits of all my real estate, and the interest of the residue and remainder of all my personal estate, for and during her natural life. Provided, however, if at any time, during the life of my wife, the said Polly Severy, m^^ mother, Sally Merriam, wife of John Merriam, should become poor and in needy circumstances, the said Polly is hereby authorized to expend so much of the principal of my personal estate, as in her judgment is necessary for the purpose of assisting my said mother, to a comfortable support. The personal estate, which is to be kept on interest, for the benefit of my wife, the said Polly, shall, at all times, as far as may be, [be] kept safely secured, by mortgage on real estate, and in case my Executor or Executrix (as the case may be,) shall decline being trustee, for the safe keeping and payment of the same, the Judge of Probate may appoint some other per- son or persons, to that trust. And then at the decease of my wife, the said Polly Severy, it is my will that the Judge of Probate, shall appoint one or more trustees, to take charge of my estate, both real and personal, and the said trustee or trustees shall be authorized to sell at public vendue, all my real estate, and to the purchaser or purchasers thereof, to give good and sufficient title or titles to the same, and then the pro- ceeds arising from such sale, together with whatever may re- main of my personal estate, held in trust as aforesaid, shall be paid over, or dealt with as follows, to wit : One hundred dollars to be paid over to the South Gardner Social Library Association, and by said Association to be expended in the purchase of books for their library, and then the income arising from the interest of five hundred dollars, shall be annually paid over to said Association, and by said Association be ex- 318 HISTORY OF GARDNER. pended for the same purpose, as the above mentioned one hundred dolhirs. Then the proceeds arising from the interest of one thousand dolhirs shall be annually paid over to an}' person or persons authorized to receive it, for the purpose of being expended for the support of a school, for the benefit of the inhabitants of South Gardner Village ; said school shall be taught, the first season, by a male teacher, and the second season, by a female teacher, and shall continue to change teachers alternately, in the same order. Then the proceeds arising from the interest of one thousand dollars more, to l)e paid annually, if called for, to any person or persons authorized to receive the same, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of a school or schools, for teaching sacred music, for the benefit of the choir of singers, to the Baptist Church, in said Gardner. Then the proceeds, arising from the interest of three thou- sand dollars more, shall be paid over annually, to any person or persons authorized, by the above mentioned Baptist Church, to receive the same, for the purpose of being expended in paying the salary of such minister or ministers as the members of such church shall, from time to time employ. All of the above mentioned sums of money which, after the decease of her, the said Polly, are to be kept in the hands of a trustee or trustees, for the purpose of the interest, arising from said sums, being paid over and appropriated to the purpose as aforesaid, shall, at all times, as far as may be, [be] kept safely secured by mortgage or mortgages on real estate, and should there be a surplus over and above five thousand and five hundred dollars, which is the sum total of all the funds to be held in trust,' after the decease of her the said Polly, said overplus shall be paid over to my heirs at law, or their legal representatives, and also if the proceeds arising from the interest on any of the sums included in said afore mentioned five thousand and five hundred dollars, which is to be held in trust, for the purposes as specified aforesaid, shall cease to be HISTORY OF GARDNER. 319 applied to the pnqDoses, for which they were respectively be- queathed, for the term of three successive years, then the principal and interest, remaining in the hands of the trustee or trustees, of e^ery such sum or sums, non applied, to the pur- poses as aforesaid, shall revert to my heirs at law, or their legal representatives. Lastly, I hereby appoint Polly Severy, my wife, to be Ex- ecutrix of this my last will and testament ; hereby revoking all other and former wills, by me made, and declaring this and this only, to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof, I hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. His Abu AH M. X Severy. [seal.] Mark. Signed, published, pronounced and declared, by the said Abijah M. Severy, to be his last will and testament, in pres- ence of the subscribers, who, in his presence and at his request, and in his presence and in presence of each other, hereunto set our hand as witnesses. Asaph Wood, James H. Clark, Samuel Gates. At the time this will was executed, Mr. Severy was very sick, and not being able to write his name, made his mark. According to article third, of the constitution of this associa- tion, "for the first establishment of said library, two dollars shall be the sum to be paid by all members on every share they respectively own, to be applied exclusively to the purchase of books ; all other expenses accruing for the establishment of the same, to be paid by equal assessment on the shares of said library. This association received the $100, bequeathed it, by Mr. Severy in 1852. It began, in 1853, to receive the income from the $500, named in the will, since which time, the annual income has been about $25. This library contains, at the present time, twelve hundred and fifty volumes ; number of shares, one hundred. 320 HI8T0RY OF GARDNER. CHAPTER XIV. MEMORABLE EVENTS. " Whereiu I spoke of most disastrous chances, Of moving accidents, by flood and tield ; Of hairbreadtli 'scapes i' the imminent deadly breach." —Othello, Act I.. Scene III. " For murder, though it have no tongue, Will speak with most miraculous organ," — Hamlet, Act 11. , Scene II. " Of no distemper, of no blast he died. But fell like autumn fruit that mellowed long. Even wondered at because he dropt no sooner; Eate seemed to wind him up for four score years. Yet freshly ran he on, ten winters more. Till like a clock worn out with eating time, The wheels of weary life at last stood still." — Dryden. WE present, in this chapter, ii brief record of some of the more noteworthy events that have transpired in this town since its incorporation. FIRES AND INJURIES BY LIGHTNING, ETC. 1798. — August 10th, a barn of Mr. Seth Hey wood, Avas set on fire by lightning and consumed, with its crops of hay and grain. August 24th, a barn of Mr. Samuel Stone was struck by lightning and burnt ; this was also filled with hay and grain. 1808. — In May, a dwelling house of Mr. Joseph Wright, with all the furniture it contained, was consumed. The fire Avas occasioned by a defect in the oven. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 321 1809. — In November, a house of Mr. Allen Perley was burned, with the furniture. He was having it repaired at the time, and the work- men had left shavings so near the fireplace, that on opening the door to go out, the wind took them to the fire, thus communicating the flames to the building with such rapidity that there was no chance to save it. 1810. — In the spring of this year, a house of Capt. Ezekiel Howe, was struck by lightning. The house was not burned, but so shattered, that he built a new one. A loaded gun, standing in the house, was discharged by electricity. 1813. — The card shop of Josiah Wilder, Jr., was destroyed by fire. Also, the same year, a dwelling-house of Mr. Aaron Pratt. 1820. — A house owned by Mr. Nathan Green was struck by lightning. 1827. — In February, a chair shop of Mr. James M. Comee was burned. 1829. — A grist-mill, belonging to Capt. William Bickford, was burned. 1834. — In June, the dwelling-house of Mr. Seth Whitney, took fire upon the roof, and was destroyed. In October of the same year, a chair shop of Mr. Walter Heywood, was burned, on the site where Mr. Asher W. Shattuck's house now stands. Capt. Henry Whitney had a saw-mill burned, and built another on the same site, which he sold to Daniel J. Goodspeed, which was afterwards burnt. Capt. Martin Dunster had a box shop destroyed by fire, on the site where Philander Derby's chair factory now stands. 1839. — In March, a chair shop of Elijah Putnam, was burned, on the site where now stands the chair factory of L. H. Sawin & Co. 1841. — August 20th, the blacksmith's shop of Capt. William Learned, was destroyed by fire. 1846. — A mill, belonging to Ai Stone, in the north part of the town, was burned. A small house of Heman Ray was burned the same year. Also a shop of Daniel J. Goodspeed, was consumed by fire, where Wright &. Read's chair factory now stands. 1850. — June 20, a severe hail storm passed over the north part of the town, breaking the glass on the west and northwest sides of build- ings, where it went. The hail came with such force that it broke down the growing vegetables, in its course. 41 322 HISTORY OF GABDNER. 1852. — In November, Daniel J. Goodspeed had a shop burned, on the site where now stands the grist-mill of Howe Brothers. 1855. — In March, the house that had been occupied by Miss Kneeland and Mrs. Phinney, was burned. 1857. — In September, a large paint shop of the South Gardner Chair Manufacturing Company, near the depots, was burned. 1862. — January 5th, the chair factories of Heywood Brothers & Co., were burned. 1866 — May 16th, the chair factory of Wright & Moore was destroyed by fire. 1867. — The school-house at theCentre has been struck by lightning three times since 1867, the last time (1876) setting it on fire, which was extinguished before great damage was done. CASUALTIES. 1802. — Seth Heywood was found dead by the roadside, between Leom- inster and Westminster. He had been to assist a man in driving cattle, in returning home he stepped out of the road and died. He was a young man dearly beloved and greatly lamented. His age was 25. 1818. — David Wilder was killed by a tub of gravel falling on him while he was at work in a well. His age was 30. 1820. — Joseph Clark, Jr.. died in a fit. His age was thirty 33. 1822. — William Fenno died in consequence of falling from his wagon. The accident was caused by a lynchpin getting out and letting a wheel off". 1826. — July 4th, Jonathan Martin was found dead in a house, being left alone for a short time. The same year Jonathan Bancroft was found dead in a field. He was on a visit to his son, and as he was going from the field to the house, he died, (as was supposed) in a fit. His age was 76. 1831. — Asahel Brick died in a fit. His age was 47. Same year Har- riet, daughter of Abijah Hinds, was drowned in a clay pit. She was 7 years of age. 1834. — Capt. Aliio Temple died suddenly in his bed. His age was 70. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 323 1835. — Benjamia Howe fell from a ladder in his barn, injuring him so badly that he died the third day after. His age Avas 52. 1837. — Daniel Gates was so injured by the upsetting of his wagon, (near the house of Amos Ray) that he lived but a few days. 1842. — Winslow Davis was wouaded by falling from his wagon, caus- ing his death in a few days. Amasa Leland was killed by a rafter falling upon his head while taking down his barn. He was 49 years of age. Silas, son of George W. Davis, while sliding from a haymow, came forcibly upon a pitchfork, which entered his body causing his death. He was 10 years of age. 1844, — Mrs. Joel Cowee died suddenly in her bed. Her age was 54. 1846. — Horace P., son of David P. Bickford, was drowned. He was 5 years old. 1851. — Andrew Beard was found dead in his bed. His age was 79. 1852. — A child of George Howe died in a fit. He was 2 years of age. 1855. — Levi Richardson was found in a freezing condition in Mr. Bal- lou's mill ; he lived but a short time after being discovered. His age was 53. Hubbard Kendall was killed by the falling of a tree. His age was 65. Mrs. Merriam was found dead in her bed. Her age was 69. 1856. — Mrs. Lorenzo Cheney died in consequence of being burned. A fluid lamp was broken, setting fire to her clothing and burning her so badly that she lived but a few hours. Her age was 48. 1857. — Hammond Hardy, aged 21, was frozen so that he died. George W. Davis, aged 68, was drowned, 1859. — A son of Lyman Fenno, four years of age, was drowned in a shiner box. A son of Mr. Flynn, two years of age, was drowned in a well ; also a son of John M. Hyde, four years of age was drowned. 1862. — Marcus F. Oxford, aged two years, died from accidental pois- oning. 1863. — In August, Ellen Reagan, aged 13 years, was drowned. The same month Cornelius Bresnehan was killed on the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad. 324 HI8T0RY OF GARDNER. 1865. — In May, Frederick A. Wheeler son of Augustus A. Wheeler, was killed by being caught in an elevator. His age was 9 years. 1866. — In June, Cornelius Sullivan was drowned in Conant Brothers' mill pond. 1868. — In March, Noah Richards was killed by the falling of an eleva- tor. In November, Dennis Murphy was killed by the caving in of a gravel bank. A child of William Morrisey was scalded to death. 1870. — In July, George Franklin was found dead in his bed. 1873. — In July, Mede Millet was drowned in Crystal Lake. December 6th, Alvin Noyes, son of Charles Noyes, and Joseph Chagnon, son of Theodore Chagnon, were drowned in Crystal Lake, while skating. 1874. — In April, Paul Harrigan Avas drowned in L. H. Sawin & Co's pond. In July, John Dodwell was found dead in a well. In Sep- tember, Alfred Murray, a boy nine years old was killed on the rail- road, near Dr. Parker's saAv mill. In October, Ellen Reagan was killed by a fragment of a stone thrown from a ledge, by a blast. IS 75. — Thomas Lynch died in consequence of being thrown from a wagon. 1876. — In May, Daniel O'Connell and Frank Donahue were killed on the railroad a short distance west of Dr. Parker's mill. October 5th, Samuel G. Gates was struck by cars and killed, at Gates' crossing, on the Boston, Barre and Gardner Railroad. In October, James Allen was killed by falling from a tree. 1877. — March 25th, Patrick O'Connor was killed by a tree falling on him. Small Pox. — There were four deaths from small pox in 1854, two in 1855, one in 1870 and two in 1871. Suicide. — There have been nine deaths by suicide since the organization of the town. Murders. — It is not known that there have ever been more than two murders committed in Gardner. On the night of the 7th of March, 1855, a shocking murder was committed in this town. The house of Miss Miriam Kneeland and Mrs. Sarah K. HISTORY OF GABDNEB. 325 Phinney, was entered, by breaking in a window, while the oc- cupants were in their beds, and the murderer, with malice pre- pense, and without any provocation, maliciously murdered these two persons by striking them on their heads with a cudgel. The instrument used was a chair post. The murder was not disclosed until the next day evening. This affair so agitated the town, that there was but little business accom- plished for a week. There was great exertion made to ascer- tain the perpetrator of the horrible deed. The selectmen oflfered a reward of $500 to any one who would detect and bring to justice the assassin. A young man by the name of George Stacy was arrested and examined before a Justice Court in this town. The evidence was so strong against him, that he was held to appear before the justices of the Superior Court, next to be holden at Worcester. The Grand Jury found a bill against him, and the case went to the Trial Jury, but their verdict was — not guilty. The funeral of these ladies was attended at the meeting- house the next Sabbath, by a large congregation. Rev. A. Stowell preached a sermon from these words: "They were lovely and pleasant in their lives, and in their deaths they were not divided," 2 Samuel, 1 : 23. The congregation was so large that a part of them repaired to the Town Hall, where Rev. J. C. Paine preached from the text found in Proverbs, 4:27, " Turn not to the right hand or to the left, remove thy foot from evil." The victims of this murder were daughters of Timothy Knee- land, whose name is mentioned among the early settlers of Gardner. Miss Kneeland was 85 years of age, and Mrs. Phin- |f ney, 75. For a number of years they were the only occupants of the house. They were humble and exemplary christians. Longevity. — Only one resident in town has been known to arrive at the age of one hundred years. A man by the name of Chapel, of English birth, died in this town in 1820, supposed to be about 103 years old. 326 HISTORY OF GARDNER. As near as can be ascertained there have been one hundred and forty-three deaths in this town of persons eighty years old and upwards, within the last sixty years, twenty-three of whom were ninety and upwards, viz. : Mrs. Rebecca Clark 81 Mrs. Betsey Dickenson 81 Mrs. Daniels 82 Mrs. Margaret Delay 85 John Eaton 81 Mrs. John Eaton, Jr 82 Levi Fairbank . 90 Mrs. Levi Fairbank 92 Levi Fairbank, Jr 83 Mrs. Levi Fairbank 81 Noah Fairbank 80 Mrs. Noah Fairbank 82 Jacob Fisher 88 Mrs. Jacob Fisher 88 Mrs. Peres French 81 Mrs. Martha Freeman 91 Mrs. Jonathan Greenwood.. . .82 John Glazier 86 Mrs. Sarah Glazier 86 Lewis Glazier 86 Mrs. Lewis Glazier 94 Smyrna Glazier 94 Mrs. Symrna Glazier 81 Mrs. Simeon Gates 88 Mrs. Nathan Gates 84 Mrs. Simeon Gates, Jr 84 Mrs. Elizabeth Goodnow 91 Mrs. Charles Greenwood 82 Mrs. Susanna Gates 88 Seth Hey wood.- 89 Mrs. Abigail Hill 93 Reuben Haynes 86 Mrs. Ebenezer Howe 86 Mrs. Asa Hill 90 Loami Hartshorn 82 Daniel Adams 85 Mrs. Lucy Allen 88 Mr. Axdaile 82 William Bickford 89 Mrs. William Bickford 87 Andrew Beard SQ Mrs. Andrew Beard 90 Ebenezer Bolton 87 Mrs. Ebenezer Bolton 87 Thomas Baker 81 Joel Brooks 84 William Bickford, Jr 89 Aaron Bolton 83 John Baker 87 Mr, Brooks 84 Ebenezer Bickford 82 Miss Hepzibah Beaixl 84 Mrs. Betsey Barber 89 Mrs. Edmoud Bickford 90 Mrs. Elijah Brick 84 Mrs. Sarah Bancroft 86 Mrs. Hannah Brown 80 Artemas Bush 85 James Coolidge 94 Mrs. James Coolidge 80 Mrs. Mary H. Cutler 83 John Crosby 83 David Comee 82 Mrs. David Comee, Jr 90 Mrs. James Comee 84 Joseph Clark 80 Mrs. Benjamin Clark 82 Uriah Clapp 83 Joel Cowee .80 Mrs. Coleman 89 HISTORY OF GARDNER. 327 Abijah Hinds.... 80 Mrs. Mary A. Houghton 85 Mrs. Ellen Haley 80 Mrs. Elizabeth Henshaw 82 Joseph Hill 80 Ebenezer Jackson 83 Josiah Jackson 83 Mrs. Elisha Jackson 80 Benjamin Kendall 96 Mrs. Polly Kendall 90 Jonathan Kendall 87 Mrs. Jonathan Kendall 90 Timothy Kneeland 81 Mrs. Timothy Kneeland 87 John Kemp 82 Mrs. John Kemp 87 Miss Lydia Kneeland 87 Miss Miriam Kneeland 86 Mrs. Enos Kelton 80 Samuel KeUon 92 Stephen Knowlton 91 Mrs. Mary Lynde 80 James Lynch 80 John Matthews 82 Abel Mosman 87 Mrs. Abel Mosman 90 Mrs. Sarah Martin 85 John McNamara 81 Miss Polly Moore 84 Mrs. Lucy Metcalf 83 Mrs. Hasadiah Mead 82 Mrs. Nabby Merriam 85 John Miles 89 Mrs. John Miles 81 Henry Newton 83 Mrs. David Nichols 84 Joseph Payson 89 Mrs. Joseph Payson (Betsey) . .82 Mrs. Joseph Payson (Sarah) . .82 Mrs. Adam Partridge 87 Mrs. Jabez Partridge 83 Mrs. Anna Putnam 84 Mrs. Allen Perley 89 Moses Porter 84 Mrs. Robert Powers 88 Ephraim Pratt 84 Ebenezer Reed 83 Abel Richardson 82 Asa Richardson >^Q Mrs. Mary Rugg 93 Miss Mary Rugg 82 Dr. Shumway 88 Samuel Stone 80 Mrs. Samuel Stone 90 Jude Sawyer 93 Mrs. Jude Sawyer 85 Mrs. Joseph Simonds 84 Moses Sanders 88 Mrs. Sally Stevens 88 Mr. Tucker 84 Mrs. Elijah Traverse 82 Mrs. Dorcas Wheeler 80 Miss Hasadiah Wilder 85 Mrs. Joanna Wilder 91 Wm. Whitney 81 Joseph Whitney 83 Joseph Whitney, 2d 82 Joel Whitney 92 Mrs. Jonas White 86 Mrs. Sarah Waite 88 Mrs. Polly Wood 85 Jonathan Wood 83 Isaiah Warren 83 328 HI8T0RY OF GARDNER. The following is the ratio of deaths to population in this town during the four decades between 1830 and 1870 : — The average ratio of deaths from 1830 to 1840, was one in 64.4 of the population or 15.5 per 1000; from 1840 to 1850 it was one in 50.2, or 19.9 per 1000; from 1850 to 1860 it was one in 59.6, or 16.6 per 1000 ; from 1860 to 1870 it was one in 65.3, or 15.1 per 1000; average for the forty years, one in 59.8, or 16.7 per 1000. From 1870 to 1875, one in 61.9 or 16.1 per 1000; average for 45 years, one in 60.3, or 16.5 per 1000. The ratio of deaths to population in the state in 1875 was one in 52.8, or 19.2 per 1000. The oldest person now living in town is Mrs. Joseph Cool- idge, whose age is 96. She is a daughter of Dea. Moses Hale of Wiuchendon. She has a brother now living' whose age is 94, the Hon. Artemas Hale of Bridgewater, Mass. -^^^t/^^;^ <3rc '/AJL^ /^ HISTORY OF GARDNER. 329 CHAPTER XV. GENEALOGY OF THE EARLY FAMILIES OF GARDNER. " My derivation was from ancestors Who stood equivalent with mighty Ijings." — Pericles. Act V., Scene I. % " My boast is not that I deduce my birth From loins enthroned, and rulers of the earth ; But higher far my proud pretensions rise — The son of parents pass'd into the skies." — Cowper. "Look where we may, the wide earth o'er. Those lighted faces smile no more. We tread the paths their feet have worn. We sit beneath their orchard trees, We hear, like them, the hum of bees And rustle of the bladed corn ; We turn the pages that they read. Their written words we linger o'er, But in the sun they cast no shade. No voice is heard, no sign is made, No step is on the conscious floor!" — Whittier's Snoio Bound. IT was our i)Lirpose, originally, to bring the genealogies, presented in this chapter, down to the present time. We however, soon discovered this design to be impracticable, for want of space. Consequently Ave have selected the year 1840 as the date at which we would pause, excepting, only those families whose commencement was previous to that time, in which children have been born subsequent to that period. In such cases we have not felt at liberty to stop in the midst of a family. 42 330 HISTORY OF GARDNER. We are not siiiBcieiitly vain to suppose that we have made a perfect record of the families here named. Every one, who has had experience in this sort of hibor, very well understands that errors, in such instances, are unavoidable. It is not too much to suppose, that it would be impossible to tind a toAvn, in which the family records have been kept with perfect accuracy and completeness. Previous to 1840, or about that time, the laws of this state, were not so strict, in the matter of recording- births, deaths and marriages, as they are at the present time ; and the negligence of the most careful parents, in having the proper records made, in connection with other causes, renders it impossible to give an accurate genealogy of families, from the town records. WehaAe, however, sought with considerable labor and pains, to present the following records as completely and accurately as the means within our reach would permit, and as a last resort, must now cast ourselves upon the charitable judgment of those most interested, in the study of that which is here recorded. Abbreviations. — B. denotes born; cl., died; ni., married; s., sou; dan., daughter; ch., child or children. Towns referred to, are understood as located in Massachusetts, unless otherwise designated. Adams, Daniel, m. Dinah Metcalf; their ch. were: 1. Ezekiel, b. Mar. 2, 1813. 2. Hosea, b. Apr. 4, 1814. 3. Sarah, b. Nov. 1, 1815, m. Job Clark. 4. Louisa, b. Feb. 27, 1817, m. Charles Hartwell. 5. Sophia, b. Oct. 16, 1818, m. George KeUon. 6. Ehoda, b. Aug. 9, 1820, m. Ivers Whitney. 7. Merrick, b. June 14, 1823, m. Martha Brown. 8. Daniel, b. Sept. 6, 1826, m. Miss Rolfe. His second wife was Mary (Baker) Nichols. Adams, Ezekiel, s. of Daniel, m. Rhoda Bolton ; their ch. were: 1. Nelson, b. Oct. 24, 1841. 2. Horatio, b. July 26, 1845. 3. Eveline E., b. Oct. 13, 1847. 4. Eugene, b. Aug. 13, 1852. Adams, Hosea, s. of Daniel, m. Rebecca Conant ; their ch. were: 1. Flavila R., b. May 10, 1841. 2. Ellen M., b. Nov. 24, 1845. Bacon, Joseph, one of the first settlers, came from Sherborne about 1772, and located on the place now owned by David W. Miller, at HISTORY OF GABDNEIL 331 the upper or north side of Crystal Lake. He buik the house now occupied by Mr. Miller. He was a carpenter and farmer. Until the organization of the town, he was an inhabitant of Winchendon, and, according to the records of that town, a somewhat prominent man. After its organization he was its Town Clerk eight consecu- tive years, besides filling other important town offices. He m. Abigail Cole; their ch. were: 1. Cliarlotte, b. Jan. 25, 1769. 2. Arna, b. Jan. 1(3, 1771. 3. Joseph, b. June 19, 1774, d. Aug. 31, 1775. 4. Abigail, b. May 12, 1776. 5. Atarah, b. June 3, 1778, ra. Mr. Burbank. 6. Eliel, b. Sept. 7, 1780. 7. Arathusa, b. Sept. 26,- 1784. 8. Joseph, b. Mar. 2, 1787. 9. Francis, b. Mar. 15, 1794. Mr. Bacon died Nov. 27, 1808, aged 62. His wife died in Dec, 1806. Bacon, Ahna, s. of Joseph, m. Betsey Sawin of Westminster ; their eh. were: 1. Betsey, b. Aug. 22, 1793. She is now living, and is eighty- four years of age. 2. Sophronia M., b. Sept. 4, 1809, m. John Lewis of Westminster. Mr. Bacon moved to Westmins- ter about 1815. Bacon, ICliel, s. of Josej)h, m. Christiana, dau. of David and Hannah (Mailman) Comee ; their ch. were: 1. Calvin C, b. Sept. 15, 1804. 2. Eliza C. 3. Francis. 4. Nancy. 5. Cynthia M. 6. James. 7. Matthias C. He left town in 1805 for the West. Bacon, Joseph, son of Joseph, m. Lucy, dau. of Aaron and Lucy (Jackson) Wood ; their ch. were : Sereno, Almira and Francis. Mr. Bacon moved to Pennsylvania soon after he married. Bacon, Francis, s. of Joseph 1st, m. Malinda, dau. of Abel Kendall ; their ch. were: Mary, Charles, Maria and Asa. He also left town for the West soon after marrying. Banister, Daniel, from Boylston, m. Anna ; their ch. were : 1. Sally, b. Dec. 27, 1800. 2. Angelina, b. May 11, 1805. He moved back to Boylston in 1812. Bancroft, Jonathan, from Ward, (now Auburn) came here about 1772, and settled where his grandson, Dea. S. W. Bancroft, now lives. He was a farmer and shoemaker. He very narrowly es- caped being drowned while attempting to cross the pond, one even- ing, on the ice. Coming to an open place he fell in, but recovered himself. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and was at 332 HISTORY OF GABDNER. the taking of Burgoyne aud liit; nriny in 1777. He m. Sarah Case ; their children were: 1. Jonathan, b. Feb. 7, 1775. 2. Smyrna, b. May 15, 1776. 3. Sally, b. Jan. 21, 177.S. 4. Mary, b. Oct. 13, 1779. 5. Betsey, b. Jan. 7, 1782. G. Lucy, b. Sept. 11, 1787. 7. Koxy, b. May 31, 178i). Mr. Bancroft's tirst wife, (mother of tlje above named children) died Feb. 17, 181(5. Tie afterward m. Elizabeth , who died Dec 2, 1822. He died Sept. 25, 1826, aged 76. Bancroft, Jonathan, s. of Jonathan, m. Betsey Parker, from West- ford ; their ch. were : 1. Sophia, b. Jan. 19,1800. 2. Mary, b. Oct. 23, 1801, d. Sept. 17, 1805. 3. Laura F., b. Aug. 24, 1803, d. Sept. 3, 1805. 4. Jonathan O., b. Sept. 12, 1806. 5. Mary Amanda, b. Nov. 17, 1808. 6. Laura E.,b. Dec. 12, 1812. 7. Jesse P., b. April 15, 1815. 8. Lucius L.,b. Oct. 25, 1818. 9. Smyrna 0., b. Jan. 9, 1822. Mr. Bancrof\ died in 1840, aged 65. Bancroft, Smyrna, s. of Jonathan 1st, m. Sarah Whitney of Win- chendon ; their ch. were : 1. Harvey M., b. May 1, 1803, in 1828 he m. Betsey C, dau. of Lewis and Lucy (Keyes) Glazier, when they moved to Ashburnham where they are noAv living. 2. Smyr- na W., b. Dec. 13, 1804. 3. Mary E., b. Nov. 5, 1807. 4. Sally W., b. April 13, 1810. 5. Amasa, b. Mar. 16, 1812. 6. Viola, b. Aug. 26, 1815. Mr. Bancroft d. May 5, 1818, aged 4 2. Bancroft, Smyrna W., s. of Smyrna, m. Lucy, dau. of Elisha and Relief (Beard) Jackson; their ch. were: 1. Sally W., b. Feb. 2. 1828, d. Mar. 30, 1832. 2. Walter, b. Mar. 7, 1830. 3. Mary, b. Feb. 21, 1832. 4. Charles, b. May 5, 1836. 5. Elmira, b. June 13, 1843. 6* Amasa, b. Aug. 21, 1846. 7. Eugene, b. June 16, 1849. Bancroft, Amasa, s. of Smyrna, m. Caroline A., dau. of Nehemiah and Matilda (Bolton) Shumway ; their ch. were: 1. Caroline JNL, b. June 2, 1837. 2. Mary A., b. Aug. 1, 1844, d. Sept. 12, 1862. His second wife was Mrs. Jane AVyman. Baker, Jonas, from INlarlboro', was a farmer in the south part of the town. He m. Miss Adams. His second wife was Susan Simonds, whose ch. were: 1. Joseph S., b. Nov. o, 1790. 2. Betsey, b. Oct. 21, 1793. 3. Jonas. Mr. Baker left town about 1794. Baker, John, from JNIarlboro', was also a farmer living in the south part of the town and brother of Jonas. He m. Elizabeth Marshall ; HISTORY OF GARDNER. 333 their cli. were : 1. INIilley, in. Nathan Eaton of Westminster. 2. Esther. 3. Lydia. He was a three years man in the Revohition- ary War. He died in 1835, aged 87. Bakek, George, also from Marlboro', and brother of the two preced- ing. They all located in the same vicinity and were of like occu- pation. He married Dinah Parmenter ; their ch. were: 1. Ar- temas, b. Aug. 6, 1777, m. Sarah Nichols. 2. Persis, b. June 3, 1783. 3. George A., b. Oct. 5, \lxl , m. Olive Holden. 4, Nancy, b. July 7, 178*), d. Aug. 12, 171)1. 5. Dinah, b. Apr. 11, 171)1, m. Ebei Underwood. 6. Amos. Baker, Thomas, from Westminster, settled on a farm now owned by Daniel Adams. He m. Mary Lewis ; their ch. were: 1. Ezra, b. Apr. 19, 1789. 2. Richard, b. Mar. 1, 1791. 3. Mary, b. May 26, 1793, m. David Nichols. 4. Joseph, b. July 15, 1795. 5. Roena, b. Sept. 28, 1803, m. Charles Childs. Mr. Baker died Mar. 24, 1842, aged 81. Baker, Ezra, s. of Thomas, m. Lucy, dau. of Joseph and Patience (Styles) Priest; their children were: 1. Fanny, b. Feb. 2, 1813, m. Merrick Wallace. 2. Joel, b. April 5, 1815. 3. Levi, b. June 21, 1817, d. August 21, 1819. 4. Betsey, b. Sep. 27, 1819. 5. Joseph, b. July 15, 182G. 6. Charles, b. Dec. 14, 1828. Baker, Richard, s. of Thomas, m. Althina, dau. of William and Ann (Heywood) Whitney; their children were: 1. William, b. Jan. 22, 1817. 2. Lucy, b. Mar. 3, 1818, d. Dec. 26, 1834. 3. Mary, b. Apr. 22, 1819. 4. Walter, b. Nov. 5, 1821, d. Oct. 14, 1843. 5. Betsey, b. Oct. 14, 1823. 6. Francis L., b. Jan. 30, 1827. 7. Richard B., b. July 25, 1830 " 8. Calvin H., b. Apr. 10, 1832. 9. Lucy Ann, b. Nov. 12, 1834. 10. Angeline, b. Nov. 22, 1838. Baker, Joseph, s. of Thomas, m. Esther Holt; they had one child named Alexander, b. Mar. 10, 1819. He soon after left town. Baker, George A., s. of George, m. Olive Holden; their ch. w^ere : 1. George H., b. Feb. 20, 1817. 2. Willard, b. July 15, 1819. 3. Roxa, b. Oct. 9, 1821. 4. Sumner, b. Oct. 21, 1826. Baker, George H., s. of George A., m. Roena, dau. of David and Mary Nichols; their ch. were: 1. Mary Jane, b. July 1, 1838. Plis other children were born after he left town. 334 HISTORY OF GARDNER. Baker, Luthkr, m. Harriet Partridge; their cli. were: 1. Jude Saw- yer, b. Mar. 12, 1821, d. Apr. 22, 1821. 2. Jouas, b. Feb. 9, 1822. 3. Mary Aun, b. Nov. 16, 1823. 4. Calvin, b. Apr. 12, 1827. 5. Lucas, b. Jan. 28. 1829. Barker, Joseph, m. 3Iartha, dau. of Ahio and Betsey (Heywood) Tem- ple ; their ch. were : 1. Martha, b. Mar. 9, 1810. 2. Mary, b. Aug. 31, 1811. 3. Joseph, b. Jan. 25, 1813. He died July 19, 1813. Barker, Joseph, s. of Joseph, m. Lucy, dau. of Noah and Hannah (Whitcomb) Fairbank ; their ch. Avere : 1. Mary E., b. June 4, 1839. 2. Eliza A., b. Oct. 27, 1841. 3. Martha M., b. April 26, 1845. Ballou, Oziel, m. Emily ; their ch. were: 1. Henry E., b. May 24, 1841. 2. Emily J., b. Feb. 13, 1843; moved to Rich- mond, N. H. Ballou, Ebexezer, m. Betsey, dau. of Ezekiel and Susanna (Payson) Howe; their ch. were: 1. Mary, b. Aug. 8, 1844. 2. Olive, b. May 2. 1848. 3. Joseph P., b. Oct. 24, 1851, d. July 16, 1856. 4. Fanny, b. June 25, 1P58. 5. Martha P., b. May 17, 1861. Baldwin, Josiah, one of the first inhabitants, lived in town a few years, and was a soldier in the Revolutionary War three years. He m. Susanna, dau. of Israel Green ; they had one child whose name was Susanna, she m. James Cowee ; their ch. were : Persis, Joel, Rebecca, Susan, Betsey, Mehitable, Sarah, Lucinda, Pearson, George AV., Aaron, James, William, John and Reuel G. Beard, Andrew, from Reading, settled in the south part of the town about 1772, andAvas, by trade, a carpenter. He m. Miss Burnap ; their ch. Avere : 1. Lizzie. 2. Tabitha, m. Abel Woodard. 3. AndreAv, m. Lucy Dunn. 4. Artemas, m. Lydia Baker. 5. Aaron, m. Anna Dunster. 6. Mary. 7. Abel. 8. Bethia, m. Aaron Wood. 9. Dorcas, m. Mr. Jewett. 10. Hephzibah. 11. Lucinda. Mr. Beard died in 1831. Beard, Andreav, s. of AndreAv, m. Lucy ; their children Avere ; 1. Andrew, b. Dec. 19, 1795. 2. Vinal C, b. Jan. 31, 1807, d. June 21, 1817. Mr. Beard died in 1851, aged 79. Bennett, Thomas, m. Mary ; their ch. Avere : 1. Thomas, b. Jan. 14, 1798,m. Emma Foster. 2. Hannah, m. Nahum Wallace. 3. Mary, m. Samuel H. Clark. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 835 Bennett, Thomas, s. of Thomas, m. Emma Foster of Ashburnham ; they had oue child named Mary Ami H., b. Oct. 24, 1823, and soon after they moved to Ashburuliam, where they liad other chil- di-en. He was a sohlier in the war of 1812, and is still living and about 80 years of age. BiGELOAV, Marsiiaee, m. Elizabeth Clark ; they had one child named Sylvia, b. Mar. 13, 1801. BiCKFOUD, William, came from Readiag about 1771. He located in what is now the South Village. He built a saw and grist-mill, the first in the town, where the chair shop of Horace F. Parker now is. He served a period in the French War at Nova Scotia and was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. He m. Tabitha Pai'ker ; their ch. were* 1. Tabitha, m. Nathan Howard. 2. William, m. Betsey White. .'5. P^benezer, m. Sarah Hill. 4. Nathan, d. 5. David, d. G. Edinond, m. Nancy Emory. 7. David, d. Mr. Bickford died in 1832, aged 89. BiCKFORD, William, s. of William, m. Betsey White ; their children were: 1. Cassandana, b. May lo, 1812, m. Abram Temple. 2. Amanda M. b. Dec. 9, 1814, d. Dec. 12, 1814. 3. Betsey, b. Dec. 4, 1817, d. Dec. 4, 1817. Mr. Bickford died in 1847, aged 7i), his wife in 1841, aged G3. Bickford, Ebenezer, s. of William 1st, m. Sarah Hill; their ch. were: 1. Roena, b. July 8, 1801. 2. George W., b. June 25, 1803. 3. Francis A., b. Feb. 7, 180G. 4. Asa D., b. Mar. 17, 1808. T). Sally, b. Nov. 5, 1810. 6. Mary, b. Aug. 17, 1813. 7. Martha, b. Feb. 17, 1816. 8. David. 9. William: He died Nov. 10, 1855, aged, 82. She died June 19, 1857, aged 76. Bickford, Edmond, s. of William 1st, m. Nancy Emory ; their ch. were: 1. Albert, b. Feb. 16, 1807. 2. Lucinda, b. July 10, 1808. 3. Tabitha, b. Dec. 16, 1811. 4. Oliver E., b. Mar. 12, 1812. 5. Nancy, b. Dec. 20, 181o. 6. Betsey, b. Apr. 1, 1820, d. Apr. 20, 1820. 7. Charles, b. May 23, 1824. 8. Otis, b. Dec. 12, 1825, d. April 13, 1826. He died in 1826 and she died in 1876, aged 91. Bickford, George W., s. of ICbenezer, m. Amanda Cole; their ch. were: 1. Walter B., b .May 15, 1829. 2. Harriet B., b. Sept. 6, 1830. 3. Ann Maria, b. Mar. 30, 1832. 4. Otis H., b. Feb. 8, 1836. 336 HISTORY OF GAIWNEB. BiCKFORD, Asa D., s. of Ebenezer, m. Sarah AUeu ; their ch. were ; 1. Eliza, b June 10, 1837. 2. Amelia, b. Jan. 4, 1840. 3. Chas., b. Feb. 23, 1842. 4. Ellen L., b. Nov. 15, 1'843. 5. Lucy A., b. ()ct. 4, 1850. BiCKFORD, David P., s. of Ebenezer, m. Lydia, dau. of Elijah and Betsey (Martin) Travers ; their ch. were : 1. Horace P., b. May 23, 1840, d. 2. Clara J., b. Apr. 6, 1845. 3. Horace C, b. Jan. 5, 1848. 4. David, b. July 22, 1850. 5. Imogene, b. Sept. 15, 1851. Blodgett, Fletcher, m. Elmira ; their ch. were : 1. Eugene, b. July 12, 1840, d. 2. Poena F., b. Aug. 15, 1842. 3. Mary L., b. Mar. 7, 1846, d. Feb. 17, 1847. 4. Eugene, b. Dec. 7, 1847. 5. Charles, b. Nov. 26, 1850. 6. Mary H., b. May 23, 1853. Boyden, Joseph, came into town about 1780, m. Mary, dau. of Seth and Mary (Temple) Heywood ; their ch. were : 1. Mary, b. Oct. 17, 1792. 2. Wyat C, b. Dec. 5, 1794. 3. Lucy. 4. Ebenezer, 5. Frederick. 6. Joseph. Mr. Boyden was a physician, and after practicing here a few years, he went to Tamworth, N. H., where he became eminent, but was suddenly cut olf in the midst of life, by a fall from his horse. Bolton, Ebenezer, one of the first settlers, from Reading, located in the south part of the town as a farmer. He was in the battle of Bunker Hill, and was afterwards a pensioner. He m. Elizabeth Holt; their ch. were: 1. Betsey, m. Nathan Taft. 2. Jerusha, m. Silas Holt. 3. Esther, d. 4 and 5. Abram and Asa, (^twins) d. 6. Ebenezer, m. Lenday Leland. Mr. Bolton died in 1835, aged 87. Bolton, Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer, m. Lindey, dau. of Simeon and Rhoda (Hill) Leland; their ch. were: 1. Hollis, b. Dec. 1, 1799. 2. Horatio N., b. May 25, 1806. 3. Emily, b. Feb. 26, 1814. 4. Ransom, b. May, 2, 1817. 5. Rhoda, b. Dec. 24, 1821. 6. Be- larmin, b. Oct. 10, 1824. « Bolton, Horatio N., m. Mary Waite ; their ch. were : 1. Harriet, b. Oct. 6, 1831. 2. Melinda, b. Dec. 22, 1832. 3. Christopher, b. Nov. 4, 1834. 4. Sidney, b. July 13, 1838. Mr. Bolton died Nov. 15, 1838. Brick, Jonas, one of the first settlers, came from Sherburne, and located in the south part of the town, near Westminster line. He HISTORY OF GARDNER. 337 m. Hannah Ricliardson ; their first four children, viz. : Silas, Asahel, Charlotte and Sally were born in Sherburne. 5. Enoch, b. June 24, 1790. 6. Elijah, b. Apr. 26, 1792. 7. Jonas, b. July 31, 1794, d. Apr. 19, 1795. 8. Judith, b. July 31, 1794. 9. Jonas, b. Oct. 10, 179G. Mr. Brick died in 1822, aged 64. Brick, Asahel, s. of Jonas, m. Betsey Snow; their ch. were: 1. Asahel Augustus, b. July 14, 1812. 2. Ephraim Sumner, b. June 25, 1814. 3. Susan Sawyer, b. May 8, 1816, d. Oct. 1, 1826. 4. Jonas R., b. July 4, 1818, d. Aug. 11, 1821. 5. Jerome Snow, b. Nov. 3, 1820. His second wife was Betsey Carpenter; they had: Betsey Jane, b. Mar. 10, 1822, m. Dr. Allen. Asahel A. and Ephraim S. went to Augusta, Me., where they have since died. Brick, Jerome, s. of Asahel, m. Lucy Ann Oliver ; their ch. were : 1. Sarah E.,b. May 23, 1843, m. George W. Marshall. 2. Geo. S., b. Feb. 25, 1846, d. Feb. 26, 1846. 3. Mary R.,b. Apr. 15, 1849, m. Daniel M. Rice. 4. Hattie M., b. Mar. 4, 1854, d. Oct. 12, 1854. 5. Frank M.,b. Apr. 23, 1856, d. May 25, 1856. Brick, Elijah, s. of Jonas, m. Sally, dau. of David and Christiana (Maltman) Comee ; their ch. were: 1. Alfred 11., b. Jan. 26, 1815. 2. David C, b. Mar. 8, 1817. 3 and 4. Mary and Maria, (twins) b. May 18, 1821. Mary d. 5. Eliza, b. Feb. 25, 1823, d. Aug. 2, 1824. 6. Sarah, b. July 24, 1826. 7. Mary, b. June 26, 1829. 8. Walter, b. Jan. 17, 1834. Brick, Jonas, s. of Jonas, m. Esther Whitney ; their ch. were : Mary Ann and Esther. He left town many years since. Brick, Alfred H., s. of Elijah, m. Lucy, dau. of James and Dolly (Corey) Scollay. For some reason he has no record on the town book; their ch. were: 1. Francis. 2. Eliza, d. 3. Harriets. His second wife was Martha C. Mahoney ; their ch. were : George A., Henry H., Charles E. and Helen M. His first wife died Nov. 19, 1846. Brick, David C, s. of Elijah, m. Sarah Priest ; their ch. were: 1. Charles Augustus, b. Jan. 19. 1839. 2. Squire Wesley, b. Mar. 30, 1842, d. same year. Mrs. Brick died June 6, 1842, and Mr. Brick moved to Fitchburg soon afterwards. 43 338 HISTORY OF GAEDNFE. Brigham, Seth, m. Eunice ; their ch. were: 1. Emerald, b. May 1, 1790. 2. Tameson, b. Sept. 10, 1792. 3. p:mcthist. b. Aug. T), 1796. Mr. Brigham was in town but a few years and it is uncertain where he went. Brinkman, John, m. Nancy (Temple) Fairbauk ; they had one child, John, b. Nov. 3, 1838. Brooks, Joel, one of the first settlers, came irom Stow. He located in the west part of the town, on what is known as the Brooks Hill, and was one of the best farmers in town. He m. Tameson, dau. of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Deland) Howe; their ch. were: 1. Lydia, b. Mar. 7, 1792, m. David Nichols. She died Nov. 30, 1812. 2. Lucy, b. Feb. 18, 1794, m. George Scott. 3. Betsey, b. June 22, 1796, m. Isaac Jackson. 4. Joel, b. Apr. 5, 1798. 5. Silas, b. July 8, 1800. 6. Luke, b. July 20, 1803, d. May 25, 1806. 7. Anna, b. Dec. 21, 1805. Mrs. Brooks died Jan. 13, 1806, aged 36. He married for his second wife, Azubah Pierce, who died Mar. 19, 1841. He died Feb. 4, 1841, aged 84. Brooks, Joel, s. of Joel, m. Cynthia, dau. of Isaac and Betsey (Whit- ney) Taylor; their ch. were: 1. Betsey, b. Apr. 15, 1825, m. Luman H. Heudrick. 2. Lucy Ann, b. May 23, 1829, m. Charles Roper. Mr. Brooks died Feb. 13, 1877, aged 78. Brooks, Silas, s. of Joel 1st, m. Emily, dau. of Josiah and Annis (Derby) Conant ; their ch. were: 1. Luke, b. May 14, 1825. 2. Sylvanus, b. Feb 18, 1828. 3. Emily E., b. Feb. 28, 1830. 4. George, b. May 4, 1835. 5. Joel, b. June 4, 1837. 6. Web- ster, b. Dec. 8, 1841. He died in 1846, aged 46. » Brown, Jonathan, from Westminster, m. Beulah, dau. of Elisha and Beulah (Taylor) Jackson; their ch. were: 1. Jonathan, b. Jan. 21, 1791. 2. John, b. Mar. 12, 1793. 3. Charles, b. Oct. 23, 1795, d. 4. Elisha, b. Apr. 25, 1798. 5. Charles, b. Mar. 12, 1800. 6. Sally, b. July 22, 1803, d. 7. Sally, b. Sept. 16, 1805. 8. Benjamin Babbitt, b. Oct. 24, 1807. 9. Lucy, b. June 7, 1810. 10 Nancy, b. Mar. 12, 1813. Mr.- Brown lived in the east part of the town where his grandson Charles Brown now lives. He died Jan. 24, 1840, aged 74. His wife died Nov. 24, 1839, aged 67. Brown, Jonathan, s. of Jonathan, m. Abigail, dau. of Josiah and Annie (Derby) Conant; their ch. were: 1. Abigail. 2 and 3. U18T0BY OF GARDNER. 339 Maria and Myraudu (twins). 4. Emily. 5. Jonathan L. 6. Eli- sha J. 7. Martha. 8. Charles. 'J Lucy, b. Apr. 30, 1833. 10. Mary, b. Mar. 15, 1836. 11. Edward R., b Mar. 9, 1838. The first eight of his children were born in Wendell, Mass., the other three in Gardner. His second wife was Miss Marriet Thompson. Childs, Daniel, one of the first settlers, located in the north part of the town, where the late Ai Stone lived. He m. Phebe ; their ch. were : 1. William, b. Nov. 22, 1778. 2. Daniel, b. Sept. 22, 1780. 3. Jonas, b. Dec. 23, 1782, d. Jan. 10, 1790. 4. Polly, b. Apr. 12, 1785. 5. Timothy, b. Nov. 7, 1787. 6. Nathaniel, b. Jan. 31, 1789. 7. Cynthia, b. Nov. 3, 1790, 8, Jonas, b. Aug. 17, 1792, m. Amelia L. F. Osgood. 9. Betsey, b. Oct. 16, 1794, m. Abel Kendall. 10. Harriet, b. Dec. 10, 1796. 11. Lucy, b. Nov. 15, 1798. 12. Charles, b. June 2, 1801, m. Poena Baker. 13. Abijah, b Apr. 11, 1805. 14. Francis, b. Sept. 29, 1807. Mr. Childs moved to N. Y., in 1815. Childs, Daniel, s. of Daniel, m. Sally ; they had one child named Mary, b. Feb. 17, 1809. Childs, Jonas, s. of Daniel 1st, m. Amelia L. F., dau. of Rev. Jona- than Osgood; their ch. were: 1. Lucius, b. June 12, 1815. 2. Amelia A. 3. Amanda. Cheney, Lorenzo, m Lorena Lane ; their ch. were: 1. Lorenzo L., b. Aug. 10, 1839. 2. Charles A., b. May 17, 1847. Clapp, Stephen, m. Hannah ; their ch. were: 1. Betsey, b. Oct. 27, 1798. 2. Rachel, b. Apr. 3, 1801. Clapp, Uriah, m. Azubah Wilder ; their ch. were : 1. Asahel, b. Sept. 15, 1809. 2. Daniel, b. Feb. 12, 1811. 3. Mary, b. Jan. 6, 1813, d. Jan. 27, 1813. 4. Bellona, b. June 22, 1815. 5. Lovell, b. June 17, 1818. Clapp, Asahel, s. of Uriah, m. Hannah Harris; their ch. were: 1. Waldo E., b. Feb. 9, 1838. 2. Florance F., b. Sept. 9, 1849. Clapp, Daniel, s. of Uriah, m. Catherine E. Grout; their ch. were: 1. Susan G., b. Oct. 12, 1837, m. Artemas Coolidge. 2. Joseph W., b. Dec. 14, 1839, m. Agnes Hobby. 3. Samuel, b. June 9, 1841, d. at Alexandria, Va., Dec. 14, 1861. 4. Sarah M., b. Nov. 15, 1843, m. Charles Eaton. 5. Daniel E., b. June 26, 1848. 6. Edward, b. Oct. 7, 1853. His second wife was Mrs. Izanaa Wood. 340 HISTORY OF GARDNER. Clark, Joseph, came to tliis place from Sherborne and located in the west part of the town, and was one of the first settlers. He was a sol- dier in the Revolutionary War seven years. He m. ]Mary Maltmau ; they had one child named Joseph, b. Mar. 3, 1787, who m. Sarah Sawyer; their ch. were: 1. Leonora, b. July 28, 1812. 2 Sylves- ter, b. Jan. 30, 1814. 3. Mary, b. June 4, 1816. 4. Joseph M., b. July 10, 1818, Joseph, Sen., died in 1837, aged 80, and Joseph, Jr., July 4, 1820, aged 33. Clark, Benjamin, brother of Joseph Sen., also came from Sherborne and was a farmer in the west part of the town, where his son Dea. Samuel H. Clark now lives. He m. Martha Minott ; their ch. were : 1. Esther M., b. Feb. 8, 1789. 2. Benjamin, b. Dec. 28, 1790. 3. Polly, b. July 23, 1793. 4. Betsey, b. May 17, 1795, m. Low- ell Leland. 5. Sally, b. June 16, 1797. 6. Joanna M., b. Dec. 23, 1799. 7. Samuel H., b. Mar. 17, 1805. Mr. Clark died in 1827, aged 65. Clark, Samuel H., s. of Benjamin, m. Mary, dau. of Thomas and Hannah Bennett; their ch. were: 1. George, b. Aug. 31, 1846, 2. William R., b. Aug, 31, 1848. Clark, Hiram, m. Louisa, dau. of Joseph and Rebecca (Nichols) AVright ; their ch, were: 1. Harrison O., b. July 24, 1822. 2. Joseph W., b. June 23, 1825. 3. George D., b. May 22, 1827. 4. Cyrus P., b. Aug. 29, 1828. 5. Eliza M., b. Dec. 4, 1830. 6. Louisa A., b Jan. 8, 1833. 7. James F., b. Mar. 28, 1835. They had Martha, Frederic and Charles after leaving town. Clark, Joel C, m. JNIary Ann, dau. of Joel and Bridget (Glazier) Cowee ; they had one child named Sumner Lincoln, b. Aug. 30, 1836. She died Nov. 16, 1843. Mr. Clark married a second time and moved to Worcester, where he is now living. Clark, George W., m Mary ; they had one child named Mary Ann P., b. Oct. 28, 1841. Comee, David, one of the first settlers, came from Lexington about 1774, and located in the east part of the town. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. He m. Christiana Maltmau ; their ch. were: 1. David, b. Mar. 2, 1775. 2, James M., b. Apr. 18, 1777. 3. Benjamin, b. May 28, 1779, d. Jan. 26, 1785. 4. Christiana, b. Oct. 30, 1781. 5. Polly, b. Sept. 4, 1784. 6. Benj., HISTORY OF GARDJ^EU. 341 b. Dec. 13, 1786, d. Apr. 4, 17!)0. 7. John, b. Jan. 24, 178;), d. Mar. 25, 1802. His second wife was Hannah Maltman ; their ch. were: 1. Hannah, b. Apr. 6, 1790, d. Mar. 10, 1810. 2. Sarah, b. Feb. 12, 1793. 3. Patty, b. Oct. 2, 1795, d. Mar. 19, 1808. 4. Ruhama, b. Feb 20, 1798. 5. Benjamin, b. Sept. 16, 1800. 6. Joseph, b. Jan. 14, 1803. 7. Martha. 8. George W., b. Aug. 22, 1809. Mr. Comee died Mar. 14, 1826, aged 82. CoMEE, David, s. of David, m. P^sther Baker; their ch. were: 1. David, b, June 4, 1801, d. Apr. 17, 1803. 2. Betsey, b. Dec. 9, 1802, m. Jesse Lovewell. 3. John, b. Dec. 21, 1804. 4. Louisa, b. Oct. 4, 1808 ra. Leonard Lovewell. Comee, James M., s. of David 1st, m. Sarah Putnam ; their ch. were : 1. Maria, b. Sept. 2, 1802. 2. Christiana, b. Apr. 1, 1805. 3. Sally, b. May 14, 1807. 4. James, M., b. May 31, 1809. 5. Mary, b. May 23, 1811. 6. William W., b. Aug. 19, 1813. 7. Abigail, b. Apr. 24, 1816. 8. John P., b. Sept. 3, 1818, d. Mar. 8, 1819. 9. Leauder P., b. Dec. 26, 1819. 10. Eliza, b. Apr. 28, 1822, d. Mar. 10, 1836. 11. Daniel W., b. Aug. 21, 1825. Mr. Comee was the first and only chair manufacturer in town for a number of years, though in a small way, to be sure, but from that beginning the business has developed to such a degree that, at the present time, the annual production in value, will reach the sura of neai'ly one and a half million dollars. He died Aug. 27, 1832. Comee, Benjamin, s. of David 1st, m. Lovina Mead; their ch. were: 1. Charlotte E., b. Aug. 31, 1824. 2. Caroline A., b. June 26, 1826. They moved to New York many years since, where they had Martha Ann, James M. and Sarah M. His second wife was Mrs. E. A. Seager ; their ch. were : Rosette, William, Esquire and Helen. Comee, Joseph, s. of David 1st, m. Miriam, dau. of Samuel Stone ; they had one child named Christopher Columbus, b. Jan. 28, 1827. They afterward moved to New York, where they had Samuel, Martha S. and George. Comee, George W., s. of David 1st, m. Fanny Vining. His second wife was Betsey Howard ; their ch. were : George M., b. May 1, 1842, Francis, Fanny and Frank. 342 HISTORY OF GARDNER. CoMEE, James M., s. of James M., m. Emily Nichols; they had one child in this town named James, b. July 2, 1836. He afterwards moved to Fitchburg. Comee, William W., s. of James M., m. Mai-ia Wiuship ; their ch. were: 1. William, b. July 17, 1837. 2. Charles H., b. Aug. 17, 1840. He afterwards moved to Fitchburg. CoNANT, JosiAH, from Westminster, one of the first seftlers, located on a place in the east part of the town, now known as the Shute place. He m. Annis Derby; their ch. were: 1. Aaron, b. Mar. 15, 1785. 2. Lucy, b. Feb. 19, 1787, m. Isaac Miller. 3. Nancy, b. Fel . 6, 17811, m. Alpheus Symonds. 4. Betsey, b. Apr. 8, 17!)1. 5. Farwell, b. Apr. 12, 1793. 6. Abigail, b June 11, 1795. 7. Mary, b. Aug. 30, 1797, m. Asahel Corey. 8. Josiah, b, July 30, 1799. 9. Emily, b. Aug. 19, 1801. 10. Susanna, b. July 18, 1803. 11. Lyman, b. Aug. 12, 1805, m. Emma Wells. 12. Maria, b. June 16, 1807. 13. Lanson, b. May 2, 1809, d. May 15, 1809. 14. Sylvester T., b. June 20, 1810. Mr. Conant died in 1835, aged 77. CoNANT, Aaron, s. of Josiah, m. Lucy, dau. of Jonathan and Sarah (Case) Bancroft; their ch. were: 1. Catherine, b. 1807. 2. Rosvvell B., b. May 15, 1813, d. Dec. 7, 1813. 3. Roswell, b. Mar. 24, 1815, d. Apr. 14, 1815. 4. Smyrna B., b. Jan. 18, 1818. 5. Emily, b. Dec. 13, 1819, d. Jan. 2, 1820. 6. George F., b. May 28, 1821. 7. Aaron W.,b. Mar. 15, 1823. 8. Mary B., b. June 11, 1825. 9. Sarah C, b. Dec. 1, 1829. Conant, Farwell, s. of Josiah, m. Lucy, dau. of Joseph and Rebecca (Nichols) Wright ; their ch. were : 1. Rebecca, b. Dec. 11, 1820. 2. Mary Ann, b. Jan. 13, 1823. 3. Calvin, b. Apr. 3, 1825. 4. John R., b. Oct. 25, 1829. 5. Charles, b. Sept. 16, 1833. 6. Lucy M., b. May 3, 1837. Conant, Josiah, s. of Josiah, m. Harriet Graves ; their ch. were : 1. Harriet A., b. Apr. 9, 1825. 2. William, b. Mar. 6, 1827, d. Jan. 18, 1829. 3. Walter, b. May 16, 1829. 4. Joseph L., b. Oct. 18, 1831, d. Jan. 19, 1833. 5. Francis, b. Oct. 18, 1835. 6. Ellen M., b. Aug. 18, 1838, d. May 25, 1840. 7. George A., b. Dec. 18, 1841, d. 1861. 8. Eliza Jane, b. Sept. 25, 1843. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 343 CooLiDGE, James, one of the first settlers, came from Sherbm'ne about the year 1770, and was a farmer, located in the north part of the town (then Winchendon^. While he was a resident of Winchen- don, as appears from the records of that town, he was a somewhat prominent man, serving on the board of selectmen, parish com- mittee, and in 1778, was on the committee of correspondence relat- ing to war matters. It seems by the record that he was much attached to his old town, for we find that he was opposed to being- taken from Winchendon, and petitioned the legislature to set him back to that town, but was refused the favor. After a few years he became reconciled, and took hold in earnest to assist others in building up the town. He m. Sarah Gould ; their ch. were : Sarah, Joseph, Betsey and James. Mr. Coolidge died in 1847, aged 94. Coolidge, Joseph, s. of James, m. Achsah, dau. of Moses Hale ; their ch. were: 1. Catherine, b. Apr. 24, 1811. 2. Lucy, b. Nov. 4, 1814. 3, Joseph H., b. Feb. 28, 1818. 4. Sally, b. May 9, 1820. 5. Artemas, b. Nov. 2, 1823. 6. Charles M., b. Dec. 6, 1826. Coolidge, James, s. of James, m. Annis Sawin ; their ch. were: 1. Warren, b. Aug. 1, 1805. 2. Betsey, b. Feb. 2, 1807, m. Mr. Damon. 3. Charles, b. Aug. 23, 1809. 4. Samuel S., b. Aug. 24, 1813, m. Miss Townsend. 5. Sally, b. Sept. 26, 1815, d. Mar. 26, 1816. 6. Martha, b. Aug. 24, 1817. 7. James, b Nov. 20, 1819. 8. Abigail, b. Sept. 13, 1824. He died in 1841. Coolidge, Joseph H., s. of Joseph, m. Betsey Davis ; their ch. were : Henry, Nettie L., George H. and Lucy A. Crosby, John, m. Lucetta ; their ch. were: 1. Webster, b. June 10, 1839, d. Apr. 18, 1840. 2. Lucia T., b. Sept. 25, 1841. CoBURN, Henry F., m. Maria M. ; they had one child named Charles Edwin, b. July 7, 1842. Currier, Jonathan, from Methnen, he m. Betsey, dau. of Jonas and Mary (Bailey) Richardson; their ch. were: 1. Mary, b. Dec. 14, 1799. 2. Hannah, b. Nov. 21, 1801. 3. Betsey, b. Oct. 14, 1803. .They moved to Methnen where they had Nathan and Almira. 344 HISTORY OF GARDNER. CuRKiER, Nathaniel, m. Mary ; their ch. were : 1, Nathaniel, b. Apr. 22, 1800. 2. Amos, b. Dee. l8, 1801, d. Feb. 14, 1802. Corey, Stephen, m. Anna ; their ch. were: 1. Stephen, b. Nov. 27, 1795. 2. Nancy, b. Jan. 3, 171)1). 3. Ehnira, b. Feb. 27, 1801. He afterwards moved to Ashbiirnliam. CowEE, James, from Westminster, m. Susanna, dan. of Josiali and Susanna (Green) BaldAvin ; their ch. were: 1. Persis. 2. Joel, 3. Rebecca. 4. Susanna. 5. Betsey. G. Mehitable. 7. Sally, b. Apr. 15, 1794. 8. Lucinda, b. Dec. 14, 1795. 9. Pearson, b. Oct. 6, 1797. 10. George W.,b. Sept. 30, 1799. 11. Aaron, b. Aug. 4, 1801. 12. James, b. Dec. 28, 1802. 13. William, b. Feb. 12, 1805. 14. John, b. June 9, 1807. 15. Eeuel G. The six first of Mr. Cowee's children were born in Westminster and the last one in Ashby. Mr. Cowee owned the place on which Hez- ekiah Corey afterwards lived and who petitioned the legislature to have it set back to Ashburnham, which was done in 1814. Cowee, Joel, s. of James, m. Bridget, dau. of Smyrna and Bridget (Foster) Glazier; their ch. were: 1. Mary Ann, b. Mar. 18. 1813. 2. Adeline, b. Dec. 18, 1815. 3. Lewis L., b. Apr. 30, 1820, d. Aug. IG, 1824 4. Jonathan O., b. Sept. 10, 1822, d. Aug. 28, 1824. 5. Joel, b. Nov. 20, 1825. 6. Porter, b. Mar. 29, 1828. 7. Webster, b. June 23, 1832. Cowee, George W., s. of James, m. Leonora, dau. of Jonathan and Sybil (Holbrook) Greenwood; their ch. Avere : 1. Sybil C, b. Nov. 3, 1824. 2. George L., b. June 7, 1827. 3. Alvin G., b. Apr. 28, 1829. 4. Aaron, b. Aug. 17, 1831. 5. Mary M , b. Aug. 4, 1833. 6. Adaline, b. Nov. 4, 1835. Mrs. Cowee died May 14. 1838, His second wife was Sarah Wilcox; their ch, were : 1 and 2. Frank and Fred, (twins) b. Feb. 4, 1852, Frank d. 3. Frank, b, Feb. 3, 1853. 4. Harriet, b. Jan. 11, 1855. 5. Ellen E. Cowee, Reuel G., s, of James, m. Lucy Ann Severy ; their ch. were : 1. Aaron, b. June 10, 1835. 2. Mary, t). Nov. 18, 1839. Coleman, Lafayette, m. Eunice Kendall ; their ch. were : 1. Orison, b. Feb. 25, 1834. 2, Melvin, b, Apr. 17, 1839. Mr. Coleman had other cliildren previous to moving into this town. HISTORY OF GARDJ^ER. 345 Cutler, Curtis, m. Clarissa ; their ch. were: 1. Sarah M., b. Aug. 23, 1836, d. Aug. 30, 183G. 2. Sarah M., b. April 14, 1838. Derby, Joel, m. Susanna ; their ch. were: 1. Joel, b. Mar. 14, 1805. 2. Loenza, b. July 9, 1809. Davis, Gkorge W., m. Anna Perley ; their ch. were: 1. Walter, b. Nov. 18, 1813. 2. George, b. Nov. 17, 181.5. 3. Alonzo, b. Nov. 15, 1817. 4. Betsey, b. Oct. 18, 1821. Mrs. Davis died Dec, 10, 1821. His second wife was Betsey Conant ; their ch. were: 1. Lyman, b. Nov. 23, 1824. 2. Leander, b. June 29, 1826. 3. Anna, b. Sept. 25, 1827. 4. Maria, b. Mar. 30, 1829. 5. Lucy Ann, b. June 5, 1830. 6. Silas, b. Jan. 1, 1832, d. Apr. 19, 1842. 7. Charles, b. July 13, 1834. Davis, Winslow, m. Lydia Learned ; their ch. were : 1. Mary L., b. May 21, 1824. 2. Martha L., b. June 29, 1827. 3. Silas, b. Sept. 10, 1829. 4. Porter, b. Jan. 2, 1832. 5. Charles, b. Sept. 27, 1834. 6. Sarah, b. Mar. 27, 1837. Dalrymple, Wm. H., m. Elizabeth ; they had one child in this town named Mary Elizabeth, b. Jan. 24, 1842. Dyer, John, m. ; their ch. were: 1. Ezra. b. Nov. 4, 1828. 2. Lucy Ann, b. Dec. 12, 1830. 3. John A., b. Oct. 5. 1832. 4. Ai O., b. Oct. 27, 1834. 5. Thomas L., b. Jan. 27, 1837. 6. Ellen S., b. Nov. 12, 1840. DuNSTER, Hubbard, from Westminster, m. Rebecca, dau. of Benjamin and Keziah (Twichell) Kendall; their ch. were: 1. Martin, b. Jan. 3, 1798. 2. Pruda, b. Jan. 23, 1800, m. Isaac Fitts. 3. Rebecca, b. Feb. 11, 1802, m. Oilman Robbins. 4. Louisa, b. Feb. 18, 1805. 5. Asaph, b. July 6, 1807. 6. Mary Jane, b. Nov. 12, 1809, m. Stephen Tyler. 7. Lydia, b. Jan. 24, 1816. 8. Daphena, b. July 18, 1818. Eaton, Jonathan, one of the first settlers, came from Needham, and was a farmer in the west part of the town. He married Beulah Ward; their ch. were: 1. Beulah, b. Dec. 29, 1791, d. Dec, 14, 1801. 2. Jonathan, b. Sept. 13, 1794, d. Apr. 15, 1795. 3. Joseph, b, Jan, 7, 1796, d. Jan. 25, 1796, 4. Benjamin, b. Jan. 7, 1796, d. Jan 28, 1796. 5. Jonathan, b. June 3, 1798. 6. Rebecca, b, Oct. 1, 1801. Mr. Eaton died in August, 1819. 44 346 HISTORY OF GARDNER. Eaton, John, came from Needham. He was one of the early settlers and located in the north part of the town. He was a soldier at the taking of Burgoyne's army. He m. Mary Larkin ; their ch. were ; 1. Lucy, b. May 31, 1783, m. Mr. Boyden. 2. Josiah, b. Jan. 13, 1787. 3. Mary, b. Jan. 1, 1790, m. Isaac Williams. 4. John, b. Aug. 3, 1792. 5. Nancy, b. July 6, 1795. 6. Peter, b. Dec. 27, 1799. Mr. Eaton died Nov. 24, 1827, aged 81. His wife died Sept. 22, 1817. Eaton, Ebenezek, (brother of the two preceding) was also from Need- ham and an early settler. He located in the south part of the town. He m. Joanna Hutchinson ; their ch. were : 1. Betsey H., b. May 26, 1786, d. April 4, 1795. 2. George, b. Feb. 14, 1788. 3. Clarissa, b. July 6, 1790, d. Apr. 5, 1795. His second wife was Mrs. Richardson ; their ch. were : Betsey, George and Clarissa. Eaton, Josiah, s. of John, m. Mary Weston; their ch. were: 1, Merrick, b. Oct. 2, 1811. 2. Mary Ann, b. Dec. 4, 1812. 3. Josiah, b. May 5, 1814. Afterwards they moved to Ashburnham where they had Otis, Danford, George, Nancy and Charles, Eaton, John, s. of John, m. Betsey Esty ; their ch. Avere : 1. George, b. Jan. 21, 1822. 2. Warren, b. Feb. 15, 1823, d. Oct. 8, 1838. 3. Franklin, b. Jan. 13, 1825. 4. Eliza, b. May 31, 1826. 5. John, b. Nov. 13, 1827. 6. Amasa, b. Apr. 9, 1829. 7. Mary, b. Oct. 8, 1830. 8. Maria, b. Feb. 8, 1833. 9. Oliver, b. Aug. 19, 1834. Eaton, Peter, s. of John 1st, m. Catherine Coolidge ; their ch. were : 1. Mary Ann, (bora in Winchendon) m. Henry C. KnoAvlton. 2. Charles, b. Aug. 15, 1839, m. Sarah Clapp. Eaton, John, 2d, m. Emma, dau. of John and Sarah (Shattuck) Kemp; their ch. were: 1. Thomas S., b. Aug. 29, 1823. 2. Franklin, b. Jan. 13, 1825. 3. Eliza, b. May 31, 1826. They afterwards moved to Westminster, where they had Milley, Sarah, Nathaniel, James, Wendall, Simeon, Jefferson, Francis and Chas. Edgell, Samuel, from Westminster, one of the first settlers, located in the east part of the town. He m. Sarah, dau. of Seth and Mary (Temple) Hey wood ; their ch. were: 1. Betsey, b. Mar. 7, 1786. 2. Sarah, b. Aug. 5, 1791. 3. Polly, b. July 5, 1793. 4. William, b. June 20, 1795. 5. Mary. 6. Lucinda. 7. Samuel. HISTORY OF GAlWNEIi. 347 Edgell. Joseph, from Westminster, m. Dorcas ; their ch. were: 1. Charles, b. Dec. 14, 1791. 2. Nancy, b. May 8, 1793. 3. Joseph, b. Feb. 6, 1795, d. June 21, 1795. 4. Rebecca, b. Feb. 21, 1797. 5. Joseph, b. Aug. 21, 1801. C. Kendall F.,b. Oct. 30, 1804. He moved back to Westminster in 1805, where they had their seventh child, whose name was Mary. Edgell, Benjamin, (brother of the two preceding) was one of the first settlers, and located in the south part of the town. He m. Priscilla Graves; their ch. were: 1. Susanna, b. May 26, 1794. 2. Benjamin, b. Oct. 16, 1795, m. Mary Ann Dollonson. 3, Catherine, b. Sept. 3. 179/. 4. Priscilla, b. Sept. 18, 1799, m. Newell Brown. 5. Mary, b. April 1, 1802, m. Luther Alden. 6. Farwell, b. Feb. 28, 1805. 7. Louisa, b. Apr., 1807. 8. Lucy, b. June 16, 1808. 9. Abigail, b. Nov. 16, 1810, m. Ed- ward Turner. 10. Martha, m. Jonas Pierce. Edgell, John, m. Elvira, dau. of David and Rachel (Howard) Nich- ols ; their ch. were : 1. Elvira E., b. July 19, 1831, d. Nov. 19, 1839. 2. P:mily, b. Aug. 8, 1834, m. Christopher C. Temple. 3. John D., b. Sept. 16, 1836. m. Sarah Greenwood. 4. Charles H., b. Aug. 27, 1840, d. Sept. 3, 1840. 5. Charles N., b. Jan. 29, 1843, m. Helen Bryant. 6. Theodore F., b. June 15, 1845, d. July 1845. 7. Walter E., b. Sept. 9, 1850, d. Mar. 8, 1861. Edgell, Fakwell, s. of Benjamin, m. Mary Ann Sawin ; their ch. were : 1. Emily, b. May 27, 1837, d. May 27, 1840. 2. Elvira C, b. Nov. 29, 1840. 3. Emily J., b. Sept. 25, 1842, d. Nov. 3, 1843. His second wife was Mary Ann Minott. She had one child whose name was George B., b. Oct. 21, 1845. Fairbank, Levi, from Harvard, was one of the first settlers and located in the east part of the town. He m. Eunice Randall ; their ch. were: 1. Levi, b. July 2, 1781. 2. Jabez, b. May 19, 1784. 3. Ephraim, b. April 29, 1786. 4. Joseph, b. June 4, 1788. 5. Eunice, b. June 16, 1792, m. Stephen Weston. 6. Lydia, b. Mar. 31, 1796, m. Arba Brooks. 7. Stephen, b. Jan. 29, 1800, d. May 11, 1800. 8. Luke, b. Feb. 12, 1803. Mr. Fairbank died in 1845, aged 90. His wife died in 1851, aged 92. Fairbank, Levi, s. of Levi, m. Miss Anderson; their ch. were: 1. Phebe, b. Dec. 1, 1809, m. Mr. Wilker. 2. Walter, b. Jan. 2, 348 HISTORY OF GARDNER. 1811. 3. Mary A., b. Oct. 9, 1812, d. Apr. 14, 1837. 4. Stephen, b. Nov. 1, 1814. Fairbank, Jabez, s. of Levi 1st, m. Abigail Seaver ; their ch. were: 1. Abigail, b. Dec. 31, 1812, m. Simeon Howe. 2. Louisa, b. May 7, 1816, in. Aaron Seaver. His second wife was Nancy Temple. She had one child named Sardis, b. Nov. 3, 1820. Faikbank, Joseph, s. of Levi 1st, m. Ruth Jaquith ; their ch. were : 1. Harriet N., b. July 13, 1817. 2. Ruth J., b. Oct. 12, 1819. 3. Joseph, b. June 17, 1823. 4. Alonzo, b. June 22, 1828. Fairbank, Walter, s. of Levi 2d, m. Lucy Wallace ; their ch. were : 1. George W., b. July 20, 1841, d. Sept. 6. 1841. 2. Mary A., b. Aug. 10, 1849, m. L. L. Atherton. Fairbank, Noah, from Harvard, m. Hannah Whitcomb, their ch. were : 1. Emory, m. Eunice Heywocd. 2. Noah, d. Dec. 14, 1825. 3. Sewell, b. Mar. 3, 1804, m. Susan Hey wood. 4. Asaph, b Jan. 7, 1806, m. Hannah Whitcomb. 5. Sophrona, b. Feb. 12, 1808, m. Lewis H. Graham. 6. Hannah, b. Apr. 9, 1810, d. Oct. 29, 1828. 7. Lucy, b. Apr. 24, 1812, m. Joseph Baker. 8. Joel, b. July 14, 1814, m. Esther Lelaud. Mr. Fairbanks died in 1852, aged 80. Fisher, Gideon, was one of the first settlers and located in the north part of the town. He was a great help to the place in clearing it from wild animals, for he was a "■ mighty hunter." He m. Mrs. Rebecca Hutchins ; they had one child whose name was William. Mr. Fisher sold after a few years and left town. Fenno, William, from Boston, m. Rachael Ray • they had one child whose name was Mary, who m. Abel Wood. His second wife was Lydia Ray; their ch. were: 1. William, m. Mary Corey. 2. Asa, m. Gratia Wheeler. 3. Joel, m, Sarah Corey, 4. Elmira, m, Joseph Carter. 5. Lucinda, m. Washington Nichols. 6. Ly- man, m. Mary Miller, wdiose ch. were: Jane M., Ellen I., Geo. H. and Hattie I. Mr. Fenno died in 1S22. Foster, Sajviuel, fi-om Reading, one of the first settlers, and located in the w^est part of the town. He m. Elizabeth Boydea ; their ch. were: 1. Jesse, b. Sept. 16, 1781. 2. Asenath, b. Jan. 15, 1783. 3. Samuel, m. Mary Payson. 4. Jonah, b. Sept 12, 1786. 5. Rufus, b. Oct. 6. 1789. 6. Dolly, m. Mr. French. 7. Peter.. 8. Elizabeth. HISTORY OF GARDINER. ' 349 Foster, David, brother of Samuel, was also from Reading and an early- settler of the town. He located on the north side of Crystal Lake on what is now known as the Stevens' place. He was in the Revolutionary War nine months, and was one of the last men who fled from the enemy at the battle of Banker Hill, and assisted in carrying Gen. Joseph Warren from the battle field on that day. He m. Betsey Minott ; their ch. were : 1. Betsey, b. Mar. 2, 1781, d. Dec, 1783. 2. Susanna, b. Jan. 11, 1783. 3. David, b. Feb. 17, 1787, d. Apr. 2, 1787. 4. David, b. Feb. 26, 1789. 5. Betsey, b. Nov. 17, 1791. Mr. Foster died in 1815, aged 70. Foster, Samuel, s. of Samuel, m. Mary Payson ; they had one child named Joseph Payson, b. Sept. 22, 1800. His second wife was Mary Pearsons. Foster, Elijah W., m. Tryphena ; their ch. were : 1. Abigail, b. June 17, 1835, d. Dec. 12, 1840. 2. Alvara, b. Feb. 15, 1838. 3. Addison, b. Feb. 22, 1840. 4. Willard, b. Oct. 1, 1842. 5. Henry, b. Aug. 7, 1845. 6. Mary L., b. Apr. 15, 1848. Ford, Oryille, m. Sally Jackson, dau. of Sullivan and Sally (Ban- croft) Jackson; their ch. were: 1. Sarah M., b. Apr. 14, 1839, d. Sept. 19, 1839. 2. John S., b. Oct. 10, 1840. Gates, Simon, from Westminster, owned a good farm on what is com- monly called Beech Hill, where his grandson, Horace Gates, now lives. He m. Susan Reed; their ch. were: 1. Nathan, m. Abi- gail Knowlton. 2. Simon, ra. Sarah Taylor. 3. Daniel, m. Phebe Mosmau. 4. Reuben, b. Apr. 21, 1786, m. Mos- man. 5. Ezekiel, b. Oct. 31, 1789, d. Aug. 2, 1809. 6. Eliza- beth, d. Jan. 21, 1791. 7. Elizabeth. Gates, Nathan, s. of Simon, m. Abigail Knowlton ; their ch. were : 1. Nathan, b. Apr. 13, 1791. 2. Jeremiah, b. Mar. 21, 1792. 3. Abel, b. July 10, 1793. 4. Asaph, b. Dec. 7, 1794. 5. Luke, b. Feb. 14, 1796, d. May 21, 1796. 6. Abigail, b. Feb. 24, 1797. 7. Luther, b. Apr. 6, 1798. 8. Amos, b. Nov. 6, 1799. 9. Su- sanna, b. Feb. 17, 1801. 10. A girl,b. Feb. 8, 1803, d. Feb. 12, 1803. 11. Lucinda, b. Mar. 9, 1805. 12. Clarissa, b. May 25, 1806. 13. Jeremiah K., b. Sept. 28, 1808. 14. James E., b. June 11, 1810. 15. Benjamin A., b. Feb. 26, 1813. 350 HISTORY OF GARDNER. Gates, Daniel, s. of Simon, m. Phebe Mosman ; their ch. were: 1. Daniel M. b. Apr. 22, 1806. 2. Soplirona, b. Apr. 18, 1808. 3. Leonard M., b. July 28, 1810. 4. Lucy, b. Feb. 8, 1813. 5. Phebe, b. Aug. 26, 1815. 6. Charlotte, b. Aug. 11, 1818. 7. Solomon K., b. May 16, 1821. Gates, Reuben, s. of Simon, m. Mosman ; their ch. were : 1. Samantha K , b. July 23, 1806, d. Nov. 23, 1820. 2. Anna M., b. Oct. 16, 1807. 3. Ezekiel, b. Sept. 21, 1800. 4. Darwin. 5. Bial. 6. Pliny. Gates, Simon, s. of Simon, m. Sarah Taylor; their ch. were: 1. Louisa, b. May, 9, 1806. 2. Simon H., b. Nov. 4, 1807, m. Elvira Bancroft. 3. Horace, b. Oct. 27, 1809. 4. Dennis, b. . Feb. 20, 1812. 5. Mary, b. Sept. 14, 1815, m. Samuel Hale. 6. Dolly, b, June 28, 1818, m. Amos P. Spaulding. Gates, Amos, s. of Nathan, m. Betsey Kemp; their ch. were: 1. Walter, b. Feb. 17, 1824. 2. George, b. June 8, 1826. 3. Mary, b. Nov. 19, 1828, d. July 3, 1833. 4. Maria, b. Nov. 3, 1831, d. July 3, 1833. 5. Webster, b. Dec. 18, 1834, m. Mary Jaquith. 6. Adeline, b. Oct. 13, 1840, m. Walter Perley. Gates, Benjamin A., s. of Nathan, m Nancy Kemp; their ch. were: 1. Viola, b. Nov. 3, 1833. 2, Francis, b. Dec. 28, 1834. 3. Lucy, b. Sept. 26, 1836. 4. Mary, b. Oct. 30, 1837. 5. Isaac, b. Apr. 24, 1839. 6. Newell, b. Aug. 14, 1840 7. Hiram, b. June 3, 1842. 8. Edwin, Gates, Ezekiel, s. of Reuben, m. Abigail ; their ch. were: 1. Calvin, b Feb. 25, 183S. 2. Samantha, b. July 25, 1839. 3. Sawyer, b. Sept. 4, 1841. Gage, Moses, m. Nancy Beard; their ch. were: 1. Moses M. 2. Louisa. 3. Sophia, b. Sept. 10, 1811. 4. Orrison, b. Sept. 3, 1814. 5. Maria, b. Apr. 3, 1816. 6. Betsey, b. Oct. 15, 1818. 7. Daniel J., b. May 9, 1823. Moses M. and Louisa were born in Hubbardston. Gage. Orrison, m. Elvira ; they had one child named Nelson M., b. Jan. 22, 1839. Gay, Ira, m. Mary ; their ch. were: 1. Jane, b. Jan. 1, 1833. 2. Elizabeth, b. July 14, 1834. 3. Lyman, b. Sept. 23, 1835. 4. Lucy, b. June 16, 1838. 5. Martha, b. May 11, 1840. 6. Ada- line, b. Oct. 11, 1841. HISTORY OF GABDNER, 351 Glazier, John, one of the first settlers, came from Shrewsbury in 1773, and located in what is now the Centre. He built the house now owned and occupied by William Austin, and kept a public house for several years. He m. Sarah, dau. of Isaac and Mary Temple of Shrewsbury; their ch. were. 1. Smyrna, b. Mar. 5, 1767. 2. Lewis, b. June 16, 1771. 3. Ruth, b. July 4, 1776. 4. Eliza- beth, b. Oct. 30, 1780. 5. Sarah, b. Apr. 30, 1785, d. Oct. 7, 1786. This was the first death in town after its organization. Mr. Glazier died in December, 1826, aged 86 years and 6 months. Mrs. Glazier died in Feb., 1835, aged 86 years and 7 months. Glazier, Smyrna, s. of John, m. Bridget Foster of Reading; their ch. were: 1. Bridget, b. May 15, 1790, m. Joel Cowee 2. Abram F., b. May 8, 1796. He died in 1861, aged 94. He was one of the leading men in town for nearly half a century. Glazier, Lewis, s. of John, m. Betsey, dau. of James and Sarah (Gould) Coolidge ; their ch. were: 1. John C, b. Sept. 7, 1798. 2. Sarah T., b. Sept. 2, 1801, m. Pearson Cowee. His second wife was Lucy, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Temple) Keyes ; their ch. were: 1. Betsey C, b. Nov. 17, 1805, m. Harvey Bancroft. 2. Thomas E., b. Mar. 5, 1807. 3. Mary Ann, b. May 1, 1812, d. Jan. 8, 1813. 4 and 5. Smyrna S. and Lewis L., (twins) b. Dec. 2, 1814, d. Dec. 19, 1814. 6. Lucy Ann, b. Oct. 18, 1816, d. Feb. 15, 1838. 7. Mary K., b. June 3, 1818, d. Jan. 14, 1871. He was a deacon in the Congregational Church from 1815 to 1839. He died Dec. 15, 1857, aged 86 years and 6 months. His second wife died in 1873, aged 94 years, 5 months and 24 days. Glazier, Abram E\, s. of Smyrna, m. Lucinda Cowee ; their ch. were : 1. Smyrna, b Jan. 8, 1818, 2. George A., b. -June 14, 1820. 3. Lewis L , b. Apr. 20, 1822. 4. Susan, b. in 1825, d. in 1846. 5. Orange, b. 1828, d 1852. 6. Mary J., m. Johnson. 7. Curtis C. Glazier, John C, s. of Lewis, m. Sophia Bancroft ; their ch. were : 1. Jonathan B., b. Nov. 9, 1823, d. Dec. 16, 1823. 2. Betsey, m. Edward S. Flint. 3. Harvey, d. 4. Lucy Ann, m. Alva S. Howe. 5. Lewis. He moved to Ashburnham in 1824, where he died in 1860. Glazier, Thomas E., s. of Lewis, m. Lucy BroAvn ; their ch. were: 1. Thomas K., b. May 10, 1832, d. Aug. 15, 1832. 2. William 352 HISTOEY OF GAEDNEE. ■\V., b. Juue 7, 1(S34, m. Anua Pierce. 3. Mary Ann, b. April 19, 183ti, d. July 2, 1847. 4. Charles E., b. June 6, 1839, m. Lucy M. Scollay. 5. Francis B., b. May 3, 1843, d. Oct. 30, 1865. 6. Lucy E., b. July 23, 184G, m. Charles H. Green. GooDALE, Peter, one of the first settlers, came from Boylston, (now West Boylston) in 1773, and bought the farm now owned by Charles Heywood, one-fourth of a mile north of the Centre of the town. He m. Abigail, dau. of Benjamin Hinds; their ch. were: 1. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 23, 1775. 2. Benjamin, b. Sept. 5, 1778. 3. Jason, b. Sept. 7, 1780. 4. Peter, b. May 4, 1783. 5. Asaph, b. May 13, 1787. 6. Juuia, b. Apr. 17, 1789. He moved back to Boylston in 1791. GooDsPEED, Daniel J., m. Mary Baker; their ch. were : 1. Thomas B., b. Sept. 23, 1840. 2. Warner W., b. Oct. 3, 1845. 3. James F., b Aug. 24, 1848. 4. Mary A., b. Aug. 23, 1854. Gkeen, Nathan, from Lancaster, one of the first settlers, lived in the north part of the town. He m. Margaret, dau. of John De Jersey, from the Island of Journsey ; they had no children. He died in 1822, aged 71. Green, Nathan 2d., nephew and adopted son of Nathan, m. Fanny Bicknell. They had one son whose name was Charles, b. Oct. 9, 1808. Mr. Green died Oct 2, 1840. Green, Charles, s of Nathan 2d, m. Mary Learned ; their ch. were : 1. Fanny, b. Dec. 19, 1831, m. Charles Heywood. 2. Mary, b. July 30, 1836. 3. Nathan, b. Mar. 28, 1838, m. Carrie Barney. 4. Charles H., b, Jan. 11, 1842, m. Lucy E. Glazier. 5. Emma A., b. Jan. 16, 1851, m. Charles H. Vanduzer. Green, Israel, the fourth inhabitant of the town, lived one and a half miles north from its centre. He had four sons who were " mighty hunters," and were noted for killing bears. They all enlisted in the Revolutionary War ; only one of them ever returned. He had one dau. who m. Josiah Baldwin. Mr. Green removed to Westminster before his death Greenwood, Aaron, from Sherburne, one of the first settlers, located in the southwest part of the town, where his grandson, Edward Greenwood now lives. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary AVar HISTORY OF GABDNER. 353 three years. He m. Anua Learned; their ch. were: 1. Charles, b. July 5, 1789. 2. Anna, b. June 7, 1791, m. Allen Perley. Mr. Greenwood died in 1824, aged 68. Greenwood, Charles, s. of Aaron, m. Betsey, dau. of Ahio and Bet- sey (Heywood) Temple; their childi'en were: 1. Aaron L., b. May o, 181S. 2. Francis F., b. Oct. U, 1820, d. Jan. 2, 1840. 3. Betsey, b. Dec. 29, 1823, m. James Raymond. 4. Edward, b. May 20, 1826. 5. AsaT., b. July 29, 1828, m. Sarah Ray. Greenwood, Jonathan, from Sherburne, was a farmer and kept a pub- lic house in the south part of the town, where his grandson, Thomas Greenwood, now lives. He m. Sybil Holbrook ; their ch. were: 1. Alvin, ra. Mary Childs. 2. Sybil, d. 3. Jonathan, m. Phebe Temple. 4. Walter, m. Rebecca Wright. 5. Sybil, m. William Whitney. 6. Leonora, m. George Cowee. Mr. Greenwood died in 1821, aged 66. Greenwood, Alvin, s. of Jonathan, m. Mary Childs ; their ch. were : 1. Sophia, b. Feb. 28, 1805, d. Jan. 9, 1806. 2. Sophia, b. Aug. 31, 1807, m. George Whitney. 3. Maria, b. June 7, 1808, d. May 10, 1830. 4. Calvin S., b. May 18, 1810. 5. Alvin M., b. Oct. 22, 1812, d. Mar. 4, 1840. 6. James H., b. July 26, 1814. 7. Charles, b. June 14, 1816. 8. William, b. June 4, 1818. 9. Mary b. Mar. 13, 1821, m. Frederick Parker. Mr. Greenwood died in 1821. Greenwood, Walter, s. of Jonathan, m. Rebecca Wright ; their ch. Avere: 1. Aaron, b. May 29, 1813. 2. Emily, b. May 19, 1818, m. William Hogan. 3. Martha, b. Mar. 18, 1821, m. Simeon W. A. Stevens. 4. Rebecca, b. May 13, 1823. 5. Edward W. b. Mar. 14, 1828. 6. George, b. May 5, 1830. 7. Judson, b. June 2, 1832. 8. Thomas, b. Apr. 24, 1834, m. Miss Nichols. Greenwood, Calvin S., s. of Alvin, m. Ruth Howe ; their ch. were : 1. Marcus, b. Apr. 24, 1833. 2. Maria E., b. Aug. 31, 1835, m. Rev. John F. Ashley. 3. Harriet S., b. Apr. 30, 1838. 4. Sarah A., b. Mar. 14, 1840, m, John D. Edgell. 5. Charles H., b. Apr. 13, 1845. 6. Frederic M., b. Aug. 9, 1847. Greenwood, James H., s. of Alvin, ra. Adeline Cowee ; their ch. were: 1. Alvin M., b. Dec. 5, 1832, m. Helen Heywood. 2. Otis, b. Nov. 19, 1836. 45 354 HISTORY OF GARDNER. Greenwood, Cpiarles H., s. of Alvin, m. Elizabeth Jackson ; their ch. were: 1, Gilbert H., b. Nov. 25, 1838. 2. Marston D., b. Aug. 13, 1841. Mr. Greenwood died Jan. 16, 1844. Greenwood, Alvin M., s. of Alvin, m. Sally Gay ; they had one son, b. June 15, 1838, named Theodore, d. June 15, 1sllj,d. Sept. 2,3, 1822. ->. Kliza, b. Jan. 27, I82;i. Mr. Hill died Feb. 1.5, 182,3. Hill, Asa, one of the lirht settlers, located in the south part of the town, m. ; their ch. were: 1. Francis. 2. Sarah, m. Kbcnezer liickford. .Mr. Hill died in 1828. Hill, Fuanois, s. of Asa, m. Mary ; their ch. were: 1. Har- rison G. O., b. May 26, 1808. 2. Francis L., b. May 12, 1801J. Hill, H. G. O., s. of F'rancis, m. Anna ; their ch. were: 1. Sarah, b. Mar. 14, 1838. 2. Mary, b. Feb. 16, 1840. 3. Fran- cis L., b. Mar. 26, 1842. Hinds, Damll, from West Boylston, one of the first settlers, located in the south part of the town. He m. Sarah Holbrook ; their ch. were: 1. Sarah, d. Mar. 26, 1819. 2. .James. 3. Benjamin. 4. Daniel, b. Mar. 31, 1790. :>. Milton, b. June 2, 1791. He moved back to West Boylston. Hinds, Akijaii, m. Susanna ; their ch. were: 1. Martha H., b. ,Iune 7, 1817. 2. Charlotte A., b. Aug. 11, 1818. 3. Nancy, b. Apr. 3, 1820. 4. Sophrona, b. Oct. 22, 1822. '). Harriet, b. July 3, 1824, d. June .30, 1831. 6. Eliza I., b. Oct. 6, 1827. 7. Allison, d. June 3, 1844. 8. Abijah, Jr. Holland, Joseph, one of the first settlers, came from Boylston, located on the summit of Glazier Hill, near the centre of the town. He m. Elizabeth Gleason ; their ch. were : Joseph, James, Ruth and Ephraim. He sold his place in 1772 to .John Glazier and went North. Howi:, Ebenezer, whose ancestors lived in Marlboro,' came to this town from Tcmpleton. He located about one mile north of the Centre. The place is now owned by Charles Eaton. He m. Elizabeth De- 358 HISTORY OF GAJRBJSrML land; their ch. were: 1. Tameson, b. Aug. 31, 1770, in. Joel Brooks. 2. Perley, b. Nov. 7, 1772. 3. Ezekiel, b. Mar. 20, 1775. 4. Sarah, b. Dec. 11, 1777, m. Silas AVood. 5. Betsey, b. Apr. 12, 1781, m. Johu Miller. 6. Benjamin, b. Feb. 16, 1783. 7. Amos, b. June 17, 1785. This was the fn-st birth iu town after its incorporation ; he died in 1805, aged 20. Mr. Howe's second wife was Mary Hill. He died in 1N08, aged G2. HoAVE, Perlky, s. of Ebeuezer, m. Jane T. Belcher ; their ch. were : 1. Betsey D., b, June 2, 1709, d. June 5, 1822. 2. Sally, b. Sept. 18, 1801, m. Jonathan Harris. 3. Eli. b. Apr. 2, 1804, m. Mary Severy. 4. Francis J\I., b. Nov. 24, 1806, m. Joel Derby. ■ 5. Ebenezer, b. Apr. 7, 1809. 6. Perley, b. Sept. 17, 1811. 7. Lydia, b. Sept. 22, 1S13, d. July 1, 1835. 8. Jane K., b. Sept. 28, 1816, d..Aug. 1, 1835. 9. Emily, b. Oct. 2, 1819, m. Jona- than Burges. Mr. Howe died Mar. 4, 1839, aged 67. Howe, Ezekiel, s. of Ebenezer, m. Susanna Payson ; their ch. were : 1. Ezekiel, b. Dec. 7, 1802, d. July 16, 1«29. 2. Franklin, b. Oct. 19, 1804, m. Mary Gill. 3. Joseph P., b. Mar. 23, 1807. 4. Samuel S., b. Oct. 11, 1808. 5. Stowel, b. Dec. 27, 1810. 6. Mary P., b. Apr. 12, 1813, d. Nov. 10, 1.S32. 7. Susanna, b. Sept. 5. 1815, d. Jan. 15, 1836. 8. George, b. Nov. 6, 1817. m. Jerusha Howe. 9. David M., b. Mar. 30, 1820, m. Sarah B. Stratton. 10. Betsey, b. Mar. 22. Mr. Howe d. Jan. 13, 1842. HoAVE, Benjamin, s. of Ebenezer, m. Keziah PI ill ; their ch. were: 1. Benjamin, b. July 9, 1804. 2. Amos, b. Sept. 1, 1805, d. in 1836. 3. Sarah, b. JNlay 5, 1808, m. Luke Bowker. 4. Ebenezer D., b. Mar. 14, 1811, d. Feb. 19, 1837. 5. Simeon, b. May 14, 1813. 6. Mary Ann, b. Nov. 2, 1814, d. Jan. 29, l. were : 1. Nancy. 2. Albert A., b. Mar. 3, 1828. He was a surgeon in the 12th INIassachusetts Regiment of Volunteers, and shot at the battle of Antietam, while in discharge of his duty. 3 and 4. Ed- ward A. and Edwin L., (twins) b. Get. 4, 1882. 5. Abigail S., b. Nov. 12, 1834. 6. Rhoda 1\I., b. Deo. 7, 1886. 7. Harriet E., b. Feb. 22, 1839. Kendall, Edmond, s. of Jonathan m. ; they had Chester, b. Sept. 11, 1840, d. Got. 24, 1842. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 363 Kendali., David, s. of Martin, m. Lucy Kemp ; lluir <;h. were: 1. Eliza Ann, b. May 9, 18:^7. 2. George, b. Mar. 1, 1839. 3. Webster A., b. Mar. 5, 1841. 4. Fraucena M., b. Jan. 9, 1848. ;•). Mary J., b. Mar. 14, 18o0. «. Alice I., b. Mar. 18.'»2. Keyes, Ebenezek, one of the early inhabitants, settled in the west part of the town. lie m. Jemima, dau, of Elisha and Beulah (Taylor) Jack.son ; their ch. were: 1. Solomon, b. Mar. 30, 1788, d. Sept. 2',, 1793. 2. Ebenezer, b. Mar. 9, 1790, d. Aug. 27, 1794. 3. Elihha, b. Feb. 18, 1792. 4. Jemima, b. Apr. 19, 1794. .0. Eb- enezer, b. Apr. 25, 179G. 0. Solomon, b. June 2, 1798. 7. Naomi, b. Oct. 12, 1800. 8. Lucy J., b. Oct. 25, 1802. Mr. Keyes moved to the state of Maine about 1812. Kendall, Auel, from Sterling, one of the first settlers, located in the east part of the town. He staid in town but a few years. The name of liis wife is not on record; their ch. were: I. Abel, b. Feb. 7, 1792, m. J3etsey Childs. 2. Betsey, b. Aug. IG, 1793. 3. Polly, b. Dec. 25, 1794. 4. Silas, b. June 11, 1797, d. July 29, 1797. 5. Lucinda, b. Aug. 29, 1798. 6. Silas, b. Jan. 5, 1800. 7. Heman, b. Feb. 6, 1802, d. Feb. 14, 1802. 8. Wilder, b. June 21, 1«03, d. July 8, 1803. 9. Ezra, b Mar. 13, 1805. 10. He- man W,, b. Apr. 1, 1808. 11. Lima S., b. Oct. 17, 1812. Mr. Kendall moved West about 1813. Kemp, John, from Groton, an early settler, was a miller in the south part of the town. He m Sarah Shattuck ; their ch. were: 1. Jonathan, m. Fidelia Johnson. 2. Sarah, m. Amos Ray. 3. Bet- sey, m. Amos Gates. 4. Amy, m. John Eaton. 5. John, m. Sylvia Sawin. 6. Olive, m. Almond Ray. 7. Lucinda, b. June 22, 1812. 8. Nancy, b. Aug. 20, 1814, m. Benjamin A. Gates. 9. Lucy, b. Jan. 26, 1810, m. David Kendall. 10. Abijah, b. Oct. 13, 1817, d. Dec. 17, 1817. Mr. Kemp died in 18.53, aged 82. Knapi*, Houace, m. Martha ; their ch, were: 1. Rebecca, b. Apr. 22, 1842. 2 and 3. Clement and Clara, (twins) b. July 4, 1844. 4. Eliza Jane, b. June 20, 1846. Knowlton, Emery, m. Polly Fisher; their ch. were: 1. Leander, b. Nov. 21, 1828, m. Nancy Kelton. 2. Augustus, b. Oct. 14, 1831, m. Martha Putnam. 3. Henry C, b. Dec. 24, 1833, m. Mary Ann Eaton. 4. Mary, b. May 19, 1836, ra. Charles Whitney. 5. Maria, b. June 23, 1838, ra. Edwin F. Baker. 6. Lyman, b. Apr. 26, 1842. 364 HISTORY OF GARDNER. Kneeland, Timothy, from Harvard, was the third inhabitant of the town. He came here in 1771, (Samuel Cook was the second, and lived where Edward Greenwood now lives ; nothing more can be ascertained concerning him, as he left the place before the organiza- tion of the town) and located one and a half miles west of the Centre, (which was then Winchendon). He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War three years and three months. Although he had a large family of children there are none of his descendants living in town at the present time. The exact spot where he located was near the junction of the Wilder and Kneeland brooks, at the upper end of what is now Dr. Parker's mill pond ; the old cellar may be seen at the present day. At the time of his settle- ment it was an unbroken wilderness for miles about him, with the exception of the meadow, (now flowed by Dr. Parker's pond) which it is supposed was cleared by beavers, and was at that time produc- ing large crops of grass. It is probable that this was the principal inducement which led him to settle in that place. He was a carpenter as well as farmer, and was of great service to those who afterwards settled around him. He had ten children, all of whom, with one exception, lived to be old, and most oi them had large families. Inasmuch as there are some things somewhat remarkable concerning the family, it may be interesting to the reader to have a more detailed account of it, then we have generally adopted in this record of families. He m. Maria Stone ; their ch. were : 1. Maria, m. Joseph Nichols, whose ch. were : Andrew, Sarah, David, Levi, Sabria and Fanny. 2. Oliver, m. Betsey Baldwin, whose ch. were: Lucy, Israel, Silas, Esther, Betsey, Levi, Abner and Ed- ward. 3. John, m. Mary Johnson, whose ch. were : Mary Cynthia, Electa, Lucy, Bial, Arza, Eliza and John W. 4. Miriam, b. in 1769. These four children of Mr. Kneeland were born before he came to this town, probably in Harvard, the remaining six were born in Gardner, as follows : 5. Asa, m, Hannah Cheney, whose ch. were: John, Philand, Hannah G., Dulcena, Asa, Maria, Abner, Leonard, Sarah, Gardner and Averill. 6. Abner, m. Waity Ormsby, whose ch. were : Waitstill, Sophronia and .John S. His second wife was Lucinda Mason ; their ch. were: Lucin- da and Abner O. His third wife was Mrs. Osburn. His fourth wife Avas a lady from Boston. Abner Kneeland, whose fame reached almost every country, was brought up in the good old-i'ashioned HISTORY OF GARDJ^ER. 365 ways of our ancestors. Being naturally of a strong mind, he, with but little assistance, gained a fair education, and was employed as a school teacher for some time. In 1802 he published a spelling book of 200 pages, entitled the " American Definition Spelling Book." In 1805 he was ordained as a Baptist minister in Langdon, N. H,, and for several years was a member of that denomination. Afterward he was a preacher of universal salvation for several years. Subsequently he became a deist, and was for many years editor of the Boston Investigator. He died in 1844, aged 70. 7. Lucy, m. Paid Stearns, whose ch. were: Timothy K., Lucy, Thomas, John M., (who is a counsellor and attorney at law in Williamsburg, N. Y.) Sarah, Benjamin Franklin, (a merchant in Felchville, Vt.) and George Washington, (twins) (a physician in New Bedford, Mass.) Paul W. and Honestus. 8. Sarah, m. Mr. Phinney 9. Edward, d. 10. Silas, m. Martha Laws, whose ch. were : Lucy, Maria, Martha, Ira, Joel, Nancy, Abel L. M., George W. S. and Mary. Thus it will be seen that Mr. Kneeland had ten children and fifty-five grandchildren. Mr. Kneeland died in March, 1818, aged 81. Mrs. Kneeland died Aug. 6, 1831, aged 87. Leland, Simeon, s. of Simeon and grandson of William Leland from Sherborne. He bought a farm of Peter Goodale, about the year 1794 ; (it is the one now owned by Charles Hey wood) their ch. were: 1. Lynda. 2. HoUis, m. Betsey Graves. 3. Belar- mine, m. Hattie Hill. 4. Simon, m. in the western country. 5. Amasa. 6. Elbridge, m. Betsey Priest. 7. Rhoda, m. Silas Seaver. Leland, Amasa, s. of Simeon, m. Martha Seaver; their ch. were: 1. Martha J., b. Mar. 21, 1818. 2. Elbridge G., b. Aug. 8, 1820. 3. Simeon A. K., b. Jan. 12, 1824. 4. Amasa IL, b. June 9, 1826, d. Nov. 30, 1842. 5. Rosella S., b. Mar. 30, 1828. 6. HoUis J., b. Aug. 22, 1830. 7. Leonard L., b. Feb. 18, 1833. 8. Mary S., b. May 28, 1835. His second wife had Walter AV., b. May 1, 1840, and Lucy C, b. Aug. 8, 1841. Learned, Samuel, from Cambridge, a farmer and blacksmith in the east part of the town. He m. Lydia Knapp ; their ch. were : 1. William, b. Aug. 19, 1794. 2. Samuel, b. July 2, 1796. 3. Lydia, b. Sept. 11, 1798, m. Winslow Davis. 4. Anna, b. Oct. 31, 1802. 5. John, b. Dec. 20, 1806. 6 and 7. Mary and Mar- 366 HISTORY OF GARDNER. tlia, (twins) b. Apr. 12, 1810. Mary m. Charles Green. Martha m. George M. Travers. 8. Ebenezer T., b. July 19, 1812, m. Mary White. Learnek, William, s. of Samuel, ni. Kebecca Nichols ; their ch. were : 1. WilliamH.,b. May 30, 1820,111. Marietta Whitney. 2. LyiliaK., b. July 2, 1822, m. Asher W. Shattuck. 3. Walter N., b. Mar. 17, 1825. 4. Rebecca L., b. June 17, 1827, m, Charles Gates. 5. Francis, b. Mar, 11, 1830, ni. Sarah Newton. 6. Emily A., b. May 27, 1833, d. 7. Emily A., b. Sept. 5, 1835, m. Webster Cowee. 8. Lucy P., b. June 17, 183S, m. Albert Lovejoy. His second wife was Lois W. Davis, who had one child named Myron, b. Feb. 18, 1847. Learned, Samuel, s. of Samuel, m. Abigail Jaquith ; whose ch. were: Samuel and John. His second wife was Jerusha Hayues ; their ch. were : Turel and Jerusha. His third wife was Sarah Joslin ; their ch. were : William and Frank. His fourth Avife was Mrs. Eaton. Lord, James B., m. Abigail Jackson ; they had one child named Charles Henry, b. May 22, 1841. They afterwards left town. Lovewell, Isaac, m. Eliza ; came to this town about 1839; they had one child b. Oct 17, 1841, named Lyman F. They had other children born in Hubbardston of which we have no record. Lovewell, Leonard, m. Louisa Comee ; their ch. were: 1. John H., b. Aug. 7, 1831. 2. Charles L., b. May 2, 1834, m. Lucy Stone. 3. Mary J., b. July 5, 183G. 4. Martha M., b. Oct. 3, 1838. Lynde, William, from Maiden, became a resident of Gardner about 1795, and bought the valuable farm recently OAvned by his son, Wm. S. Lynde,' and now by George F. Peabody. He m. JNIary Waite of Maiden ; they had one child whose name was William S., b. Aug. 1, 1800. Lynde, William, S., s. of William, m. Christiana Comee; their ch. were: 1. Mary M., b. Mar. 12, 182C, m. John Peabody. 2. James P., b. Mar., 1828. 3. Charles, b. May 20, 1830. 4. Celia, b. Jan. 13, lH32,ni. David Lovewell. 5. Sarah P., b. Oct. 5, 1834, m. Ephriam H. Wetlierbee. (!. Leander C, b. Aug. 27, 1839, m. Elizabeth E. Reed. His second wife was Addie A. Lin- HISTORY OF GARDNER. 367 nell. 7. An, b. May 1, 1842, d. May 3, 1842. His second wife was Mrs. Mary Bolton ; their ch. were : 1, Octavia, b. Sept. 24, 1840, m. George F. Peabody. 2. Harriet M., b. Sept. 24, 184J), d. July 30, 1850. Matthews, John, from Holden, located as a farmer, where his grand- son, Joel Matthews, now resides. He was a soldier in the Revoln- tiooary War six months. He m. Patience Graves ; their ch. were : 1. John, m. Mary Turner. 2. Abel, m. Lucretia Wilder. 3. Patience. 4. Joel, m. Sarah Coolidge. 5. Priscilla, m. Luke Baker. 6. Lydia, m. Joel Fisher. 7. Phebe. 8. Hezekiah. Mr. Matthews died in 1817, aged 82. Matthews, Joel, s. of John, m. Sally, dau. of James and vSally (Gould) Coolidge; their ch. were: 1. Phebe, b July 25, 1805, m. Mr. Flint. 2. Joel, b. Feb. 5, 1807. 3. James C, b. Feb. 6, 1809. 4. Betsey G., b. May 16, 1811, m. Joseph Guild. 5. Sarah, b June 28, 1813, m. William Pratt. 6. Lydia, b. Dec. 27, 1814, m. Mr. Flint. 7. Lewis G , b. May 13, 1817. 8. Heze- kiah, b. Oct. 24, 1818, m. Sally Gates. 9. Lucy, b. Feb. 27, 1821. Mr. Matthews died July 7, 1863, aged 87. Matthews, John, s. of John, m. Mary Turner ; their ch. were: 1. Abel, b. Jan. 13, 1806, d. Mar. 8, 1815. 2. Edward T., b. Sept. 2, 1807. 3. Betsey T., b. Mar. 21, 1809. 4. Lucy, b. July 4, 1811, d. May 26, 1813. Matthews, James C, s. of Joel, b. Feb. 6, 1809. m. Elvira Bush ; their ch. were : 1. Ephraim, b. July 28, 1837, m. Nellie A. Fiske. 2. Eliza M., b. Nov. 1, 1838, m. Charles Averell. 3. James, b. Sept. 12, 1840, d. Oct. 11, 1840 4. Lucina, b. Oct. 20, 1841. 5. Alvin, b. Sept. 1, 1843, m. Eliza A. Jackson. 6. James L., b. Dec. 24, 1844. 7. Sarah E., b. Dec. 11, 1846, m, Jacob Holden. Martin, Jonathan, from Lunenburg, was a farmer in the west part of the town, where Horatio Stoddard now lives. He m. Susanna Taylor; their ch. were: 1. John. 2. David. 3. George, m. Fanny Brikley. 4. Jonathan, m. Lydia Dukley. 5. James, m. Lucy Travers, who had eleven children. His second wife was Mary Wads worth who had three children. His third wife was Mary Upton, who had three children — seventeen in all. 6. Su- 368 HI8T0BY OF GABDNER. sauna, in, Austin Parker. 7. Betsey, d. 8. Betsov, ni. Elijah Tnivers. 9. Lucy, b. Sept. 30, 1702. Mr. RIartiu died ,luly 1, 182G. Merkitt, Noah, m. Eunice ; their eli. were: 1. Noadiah, b. Dec 2, 1782. 2. Aehsaii. b. Mar. oU, 17S1. 3. Abigail, b. Sept. 23, 1785. Merkiam, Jonathan, troni Westminster, was a huMuer in the north part of the town, where Asa W. Kayuunul now lives. He m. Betsey Harris; their eh. were: 1. Jacob 11., b. Jan. 22, 179!). 2. Nathan, b. Aug. 7, 1800, d. Sept. 19, 1805. 8. Betsey AV., b. Aug. 7, 1802, d. Sept. 10, 1805. 4. Sally, b. in Oct , 1804. 5. Samuel H., b. :May 16, 1808. G. ]Milton, b. June 20, 1810. 7. Betsey, b. Nov. 17, 1813. Mr. ]Merrian\, Samuel and INIilton died in Dec, 1820, of typhoid fever. Merkiam, John, m. Sally Severy ; their eh. were: 1. Caleb S., b. July 18, 1817. 2. Anna C, b. Nov. 22, 1819, m. ^h-. Flagg. 3. Jonas, b. Mar. 19. 1823. 4. Oliver M., b. Sept. 2, 1825. 5. Sally R., b. July 2, 1828. Merriam, Nathan, ni. Abigail, dau. of Abner and Elizabeth (Derby) Holden ; their ch. Avere : 1. Joel, b. Feb. 3, 1780, m. Polly Farns- worth. 2. Nathan, b. Nov. 27, 1787, m. Ruth Keyes. 3. Reu- ben, b. May 15. 1790. 4. Asaph, b. Mar. 20, 1792, m. Miss Gibson. 0. Abigail, b. Jan. 29, 1795, m. Farwell Cowee. Maynard, Joseph, m. jNIary Crosby ; their cli. were : 1. Mary A., b. Mar. 14, 1 ^ /^X^ HI8T0BY OF GARDNER. 417 GARDNER IN THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. NAMES OF SOLDIERS. ^Bickford, William Eaton, John Kneeland, Timothy Bolton, Ebenezer Foster, David Kelton, Samuel Baldwin, Josiah Greenwood, Aaron Matthews, John Bancroft, Jonathan Heywood, Seth Symonds, Joseph Comee, David Haynes, Reuben *Wheeler, Josiah Clark, Joseph Whitney, Joshua GARDNER IN THE WAR FOR THE UNION. CAUSES OF OUR CIVIL WAR. Previous to the Revolutionary War, slavery existed, to some extent, in all the British Colonies, in North America. After the Declaration of Independence, on the 4th of July, 1776, and before the adoption of the federal constitution in 1788, Massa- chusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey and Connecticut had either abolished slavery or taken measures to effect the emancipation of all their slaves. Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia still retained the system, in their respective states. The question of slavery was generally understood to be settled in the states by the Constitution. But as the territory after- wards acquired was admitted into the union as states, the ques- tion of slavery was a troublesome one, until what was called the Missouri Compromise, was made by congress, in 1820, to the effect that slavery, or involuntary servitude, shall forever be prohibited, in all the territory north of latitude 36° 30'. Although the territory south of the line above named, was as well adapted to slave labor as any in the world, yet it seemed to be a fact, that in order to have the system self-supporting, its area must be constantly extending. Consequently, after all the territory south of the line above named, including Texas, was formed into slave-holding states, and admitted into the union, the slave-holders were not satisfied, and persistent efforts *Also served during the old French War. 53 418 HI ST OB Y OF GAIW^EB. were imule to extend the system north of oG^ 30'. The terri- tories of Kansas and Nebraska were opened for settlement, and desperate etibrts were made for the introdnetion of slavery therein. Notwithstanding it would be a direet violation of the compromise of 1820, there were northern men, in Congress, who, for the sake of peace, were willing to submit to the demands ot the South ; while others were in favor of leaving the question of slavery or no slavery to the people of the territories, after having been admitted, as states into the union : while others still were for forever prohibiting slavery north of the line men- tioned, in the compromise of 1820. Hence in the presidential campaign of 1860, we tind three distinct political parties with their respective candidates, in the field, having deliberately planted themselves, respectively, on the following positions : — FIKST, THAT OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN : Slavery can only exist, by virtue of municipal law ; and there is no law for it in the tei'ritories and no power to enact one. Congress can establish or legalize slavery nowhere, but is bound to prohibit it in, or exclude it from, any and every Federal Territor}', whenever and wherever there shall be necessity for such exclusion or prohibition. SECOND, THAT OF STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS: Slaver}^ or no slavery, in any territory, is entirely the affair of the white inhabitants of such territory. If they choose to have it, it is their right ; if they choose not to have it, they have a right to exclude or prohibit it. Neither congress nor the people of the union, or of an}' part of it, outside of said territory, have any right to meddle with or trouble themselves about the matter. THIRD, THAT OF JOHN C. BRECKENRIDGE : The citizen of any state has a right to migrate to any terri- tory, taking with him anything Avhich is property, by the law of his owni state, and hold, enjoy, and be protected in, the use HISTORY OF GAUDNEIL 419 of such property, in said territory. And Congress is bound to render such protection, whenever necessary, whether with or without tlie co-operation of the tei'ritorial legislature. The election of 1860, resulted in the choice of Abraham Lin- coln as president, and this fact seemed to be a decision, by the people, that the compromise of 1820, should be strictly adhered to. The South, finding they were defeated, immediately seceded and formed a Confederate government, for the permanent estab- lishment and independence of which, they inaugurated the war of the Rebellion, by firing upon Fort Sumpter, April 12th, 1861. This event caused great excitement all over the country, and resulted in an immediate proclamation, by Mr. Lincoln, declaring the South in rebellion, and calling for seventy-five thousand volunteers, for ninety days, to engage in the suppres- sion of the insurgents. Gardner, like all other towns, shared in this excitement, and began at once to take measures to respond to the call of the president. Accordingly the first town meeting, held after the war of the Ilebellion broke out, was on the 30th day of April, 1861. It was called for the special purpose of taking measures for raising volunteers and for providing relief for their families. The following votes were passed, at the meeting : — " Voted, unanimously. That the selectmen be and are hereby authorized to purchase, at the expense of the town, clothing or uniforms, (suitable for wear in actual service), sufficient for the members of a volunteer militia company, which may be raised, by enlistment of the citizens or inhabitants of the town, and be organized, agreeable to the laws of the commonwealth, as a volunteer company of militia, on or before the first day of June next. Provided, that said company shall pledge themselves to enter the service of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, or of the government of the L^nited States, to defend and sustain said government against the traitors and rebels which now, or may threaten its destruction, if called for, by the proper author- 420 HISTORY OF GARDNER. ity, or authorities for that purpose, at any time within one year from the date of the organization of said company. Also pro- vided, that if an entire company cannot be raised in the town of Gardner, the selectmen are hereby authorized to furnish uni- forms or clothing as aforesaid, to such citizens or inhabitants of said town, as shall enter the service of their country, for the purpose aforesaid." " Voted, That the selectmen pay, to the order of the several members of a militia company, which may be raised from the citizens of the town, or to the order of their fomilies, in their absence, the sum of one dollar per day, payable monthly, for three months, from the commencement of actual service.'' At a meeting of the town held on the 29th day of June, 1861, it was " Voted, That the town appropriate the sum of one dol- lar per week, for each of the members of the families of per- sons, (inhabitants of the town), who are, or may be, mustered into the service of the United States, in accordance with the statutes of this commonwealth." These were the only legal meetings held, in the town dur- ing the year 1861, for the purpose of raising volunteers; yet, meetings of the citizens were often held, for consultation, and to aid in the efforts being put forth by the town. But all these efforts proved unavailing, so far as raising a compan}^ was concerned ; nevertheless, fifty-seven young men volunteered and went into different regiments, then being raised in the state, in 1861. At a town meeting, April 16th, 1862, it was "Voted, That aid be paid to the families of soldiers the same as last year." At a meeting of the town on the 23d day of July, 1862, it was "Voted, That the selectmen be and are hereby authorized to offer a bounty of one hundred dollars, (in addition to the bounty now offered by government) , for each and every volun- teer, who may enlist into the service of the United States, on or before the 15th day of August next, as a part of the quota of forty men to be furnished, by the town of Gardner, under the late requisition of the governor of Massachusetts, HISTORY OF GARDI^EB. 421 and that the sum of $4,200 be and hereby is appropriated by said town, for the purpose of carrying the same into effect. Also that the selectmen be, and are hereby authorized to draw their order on the treasurer of said town, in the sum of $100, for each and every volunteer, (not exceeding the number of forty), when they shall produce to them satisfactory evidence that they are mustered into United States service, as a part of said quota of volunteers, to be furnished by said town ; and that said selectmen constitute a committee to procure necessary enlist- ment papers, and immediately open a recruiting office under their own superintendence." At a meeting of the town on the 23d of August, 1862, it was "Voted, That the town pay one hundred dollars to each and every volunteer, who has enlisted or may enlist under the last call of the president of the United States, to fill our quota of nine months men, before the third day of September next, the bounty to be paid when mustered into service." " Voted, That John F. Ashley, S. K. Pierce, John M. Moore, L. W. Brown and James H. Greenwood, be a committee to raise the volunteers for nine months service, to fill the quota of this town under the last call of the president of the United States." " Voted, To appropriate $6000 for the purpose of carrying into effect the votes passed under this article." " Voted, That the selectmen be authorized and instructed to draw their orders on the treasurer of the town, to pay the vol- unteers, in accordance with the votes passed at this meeting." " Voted, To instruct the selectmen to call a town meeting, as soon as may be, and insert an article in the warrant, to see if the town will borrow money to defray the appropriations made at this meeting." At a meeting held September 1st, 1862, it was " Voted, That the treasurer be authorized to borrow such sums of money, under the direction of the selectmen, as shall be necessary to defray town expenses, not exceeding $8,000." 422 HISTORY OF GAllDNER. Oil the 11th day of October, 1862, at a legal meeting of the town, it was " Voted, That the town pay to each of the volun- teers, who have enlisted, or who may enlist, into the service of the United States, from this town, for nine months, over and above the town quota, not exceeding twent3'-three, $100, to be paid when mustered into service." It seems that, after the vote passed, on the 23d of August, giving a sufficient number of volunteers to fill the quota of the town, $100 each, there was a surplus of twenty-three ; hence the necessity of the above vote. There were, from this town, fifty volunteers, in the year 1862, who, with about the same number from Templeton, formed Company G., 53d Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers. These were enlisted for nine months. Aside from these, there were forty-five men, who volunteered for the service, thirty-five of whom, were in the 36th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers ; three in the naval service, the remainder being in difterent regi- ments, making ninety-five men, who voluntarily entered the United States service in 1862. At a meeting of the town, June 27th, 1863, it was " Voted, That the selectmen of the town are hereby authorized to draw, from time to time, upon the treasurer, at their discretion, in ac- cordance with the laws of the commonwealth, for the purpose of rendering the necessary aid, to the families of those, who have been or may be engaged in the military service of the United States." After the year 1862, business having revived to such an ex- tent, that young men were unwilling to enlist, in suflScient num- bers to fill the quotas, which were required of the town, it be- came necessary to hire recruits, wherever they might be obtained ; consequently, recruiting was mostly done through brokers, in Boston and elsewhere, the expense of which was paid, by the town. The sum of $2,375 was raised by individual subscrip- tion, which was afterwards refunded by the town. On the 4th day of April, 1864, it was, " Voted, That the sum of $125 be paid to each recruit, for the purpose of filling the HISTORY OF GARDNER. 423 quota of this town, under the Inst call of the president of the United States, in accordance with the act of the legislature, in relation thereto. Provided, that no money be paid to any re- cruit until he shall have been credited to the town, as a part of its quota." April 20th, 18(54, it was "Voted, That the town refund to the subscribers the amount of $125, for each recruit furnished, under the call of the president of October 17th, 1863." It was voted at the same meeting " That the town appropri- ate the sum of one dollar per week, for each of the members of the families of persons who are, or who may be mustered into the service of the United States, as a part of the quota of this town, to be applied under the direction of the selectmen, in ac- cordance with the statutes of this commonwealth." It was also "Voted, That the sum of $2,375 be raised and applied, under the direction of the selectmen, for the purpose of refunding the money paid by individuals, in procuring men to fill the quota of this town, under the call of the president, of October 17th, 1863. On the 1st day of June, 1864, it w\as "Voted, That the selectmen be and are hereby authorized, to pay $125 for each and every recruit who has enlisted, since May 1st, 1864, and been duly mustered into the United States service, to the credit of the town of Gardner, and for whom no town bounty has been paid." It was also voted at the same time "That the selectmen be authorized to pay $125 for each and every recruit who may enlist under their sanction, or under the sanction of any responsible committee of the citizens of Gardner, and be duly mustered into the service of the United States, to the credit of the town of Gardner, under any or all calls or orders of the president of the United States, issued between March 1st, 1864 and March 1st, 1865." It was also " Voted, That the town treasurer be authorized to borrow such sum or sums of money, from time to time, as may be necessary to meet the orders of the selectmen, in accordance with previous votes passed at this meeting." 424 HISTORY OF GABDNER. During the years 1863-4, there were twenty-seven enlist- ments, from this town. The following tables show the name, age at the time of en- listment, date of mustering in, regiment and company, date and reason of discharge, of every man who entered an}" depart- ment of the United States service, during the war. Those marked with a * were non-residents ; all others were from Gardner. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 425 iz; o < 54 > fl) "1 11 ;_ a> -^ a, 'r^ 5 'r^ > *r^ o fi3 r^ « « OJ <» t« w >o o o o _r O X) o ?r >r ^ i; >< cc; W w ii o .^ a..= .= -a.= X r%: ^ :: X X • - X o o H O u Ph ;z M 1* o ^ iz; <: g CO o cc c 00 00 bCoO '^^ CO <^ i^o ^ CO X ►^ X -^ 5^ '"' C tP CO Ol CO to CO CO CO CC GC' GO GO GO (>a o c^ (M ,-1 l-H ■ i' = iJ ^. 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CO CO «o "^ •55 ^ CO -* ^ lOCMXi— ICOCOCOCOCOCO lO lO f- H (M (M ^ (M 10 lO 10 lO 'O ~ CM be C*^ C^ 1-H 1— t T— " 1—1 T— * T-H 1— ( r-H £3* t'J. >:'^ ^ ^ j: ^ J. • • • & cz Cw CJ O G tj "S ^ < X <1 -^ [i| f^ i^ -«^ OO^ ►^^o^oooooocoo ^ O fM >0 t^ CD O t^ CO ^ CM oi a-. '^ 1— ( CO -^ t^ X' X X Ci CM (M CO ■* -* !M <^1 (TJ £2 C. t, jrcc' o ^ ^ cu S a ci oj o .-^ CO ^h. > (B > 5 > « 0) fl3 -^ 3^ J- o s to CO O) CO OS ^^,^ CO ■^^ c*- «4-i tz;' ■^l-l ^r ^c-TS ,w ^-1 o O c . o m ro . O o a o 5^ a . o *- 00 ;^ CD O >< >< ->« C^ X CiH W WW -s^^Wr Q H k3 ^ •^ 6 'I "i O lO "^i i-O i-O Q CO ^ CO CO ;^ CO CO iX 3C 00 OC -^l^ QC GO O -^ '— I ^^ •— i-H CO c^i rt CO CO Q CO CO « CO t^ 'X (B nQ •^ CO (M fM a CO CO CO 5 CO 00 00 , C) PQ CO CO CO I- t^ ^-^ K. >~^ -r '^ ^ O "O "^ '^ rH -M ^ CO CO 'O 'O 'O ^■^ ^ 1^ CO CO CO CO X X CO CO X X ■M 'N ^ -Tt< -f 'O CO CO CO CO CO CO X X X X X X -t^-H'M — ^'*^-*^'*'-7t<05— ^'MOlr-HO-li— 1>— iCO cococococococococococococococDcococococo X X X. X X X X X X X c» X X X X X X X X X 'Oo-— '^crsc^o^OoOcociOiio— ^CiC5 — c:io:)Oc^^ U ■zp J. '-^ i:' _; ^f' ^ ^ ^ 1^ ^ 3 c- = :i ^ « 5P -■ -^ ^ ■"■ -^ H. S. »o 'N -TJ _ -+ . CO ^ X X CO X Cfl Oi _^ X Ci CO 1 ^ 1—1 c; _ CO X CO o X -^ CO G^_2 — - la, s *-j p t, I. fe GO W ^".2 428 HISTOBY OF GABDNEB. Si S O »— < P3 O o iz; o CO < s o s >-. ,_ ^ ^ o P-i s 33 s c o r;^ M cr: X t_ O u. -l . "t • !^ ct »"^ < 2 ~ c ^ . 5 - ^ .^^ - ^^s S^ =^ ;. L^ ;_ L. ^ '^^ .2 - .i£ o — c — « •- 4j -^ a X X X t- »~\ '■^1 r^l r^■^ /^\ — -^3 S :; CO 'j; a> 5 H H S o Q H a X o CO "* ot a o CO cr: V? X' X X w s- ■ -^ CO 00 CO (>5 lO to CD «r O "iD 00 X X X 00 CM (N >1 t- X X ri 3 — 3 aOoT^^ leH^ "^ ■i> -^ >o ■>* t^ O to CO OJ X X X Q x'c ss = rt 1-5 I— , h. O o f4 C5 ^oS (>1 UO CO CO iM "O CO n CO G^ K^iO>C>OC5COCOeOX CDCO-CD^iCCO«3iO>0 '^(M(M5^ lOOOS^I COCOCO iO(M(Mo^ o 00 rT ^ X t^ i^ f-T X X r~- i^ *-0 ^ L-^ r-^ — ^ X '^'^ < O 6 6 O A ^ < < < 'JO A O O >^ -xi -<*. «. « 5 fcc^ ^ P= Ji ,, ^ 2 .2 .- O) t- rS ,/" - — ^6^5h|^^ -=S ,^ ,^ Pm &1< &H fi. .^ fe fiH tn fe ;> * C5 * 0000 HISTORY OF GARDNER. 429 ^ce d oj > -t> Q , >^ > > l?ii S S G ^ . ^^ S-t ^ i~i ?-i ^ czj t3 -c -5 ^ Q .« '^ c; >c! CO CO a; a; p OC C) O I— 1 ^ a' • 5 S "o O "o "o "o c o £^£^ 3 O V-M r^ CO CO .2^2 r ■- •- o •-5 CJ 1^ Q 5 2 bo t; o .2 o 'O '^ o « '^ ■■5 '-5 ;^ '^^ f/3 ri ^ -^ "' 'S.'S^T '-§ .H. 13 rj 2; 2-| 2 ll fcfj'S. •3^ •|^ .'^ .h -2 "2 2 'l.''^ '^ ;::> >^ ^ ;:^ • ^ ^' ..M ,^ ,^ • ^ >■ '" • ^ a;' ii g; y. /< PT jr jiJ'.i .2 o l-H ^ ^ 1^ r\ ^ —1 ^ j-( r-^'^T^ «C! ;:^a W i3 iq&qGQH ^ »^ 'J) 1-3 '■■'J Ti r c^f CT T^r ^' -T i^ CO '£ -^ . o '-' ^ ^ CO -H n ^, ■^ 3 3 '='^3 ^ ■^ a- ^ "' ^"^ 3* -^ r-1 ^ 3 !U .^ 5 s t^ ►^ ^^ -< ►^ 1^ KKffiKffiKO dd ^ooooioM /-^ P^^^ > d ^kq_ ^^< ^ 05 »o ■* '^ eo C5 X CO CO CO CO CO CO > Wco « K. 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J be J *-: -r-. « tH (-1 QJ ty ■TS 1^ T ^^ 2 - - s s s bog "- S B -- B B .S % _S J ^ 6 W o 5 H H H E^H P^HHH H --' H H P^ Q H H ss -M CO •-!0 ^ fM (M ^ CO CO o h- 1 o «o ^ CO cc cc ^ 00 OC i^ OC' GC' 00 CO CO CO CO CO lI; CO CO CO CO CO O w ^ 00' 00 X X g X OC X X' X 1 ■>— 1 1— 1 rjj T-H I— 1 1— 1 >— 1 T— 1 1— < r-l 1— ( ^^ T— ' 1-H ,— ( 1-H 1 fe 2 .- ^ a; ...-.- ^ ^ .- ^ .- .2 c^irTo «N~(N o '-' S^ V^ lO OO (N lO ■^ 00 o o CO '-' 1— 1 5 S; « S u =J <5 CO Q 1-5 C/20 1-5 1-5 e. Gh ^'^ "S- o, 0) O = OJ D 02 CO "<5 CO c» o c O OOQffiOPQ --H CO CO CO CO tr- CC 1-H CO t^ r t^ ,f^ ^ t> ^ oT (T^" .-T _- 1— 1 ^ lO CO c^ o '>^ J^ l"^ ^" I-" l^' > "^ tM ^ ^ ■ be b(. bb >% bb >^' ^ ^- ^ >^J.^J. C3 ^oo^t •—' I— 1 CO rH 4 iM (MfM^COCO'^CO-— ICO tf <'1 o !^ "Sd £^ 03 llo ^' . < P r r r ,4 f^ '^ '^ fP ^ ^ t^ « v: ^ '^ c ^ ^ 1 2-53.2^ d ^ ^ _o ^ /,r a; ;=: bo g O S cAi P P ^ a, ^ (S*-5'-5CcSP Or- =So-£i;P?22Q .- .- a 4-1 c/3 _ o s? ?:: § o -^ >, s 5 5 ^"^ ? O og « (Jh Jh i-U •"!•-? i-; i-I. 7^ 7^ ^■y* ^ cS P CC S q; c t: o « oj a oj '■^ *"^ ><^ '■^ HISTORY OF GARDNER, 431 > > ■* -* »ra C C3 d a CD CD CO S-i t^ o GO 00 00 k— 1 5 c* P5 o, 1— 1 1— 1 1—1 1^ qq > -M CO CO ^ tn o l—l >^ >. >- • . ^ o o CO ^ a 3 - -ti o o o :;: S s ? ? a; t^ bD bo 3 bC 0) OJ IB a a 0) a; 0 ■^ CO dJ >o '* >o lO CO CO iQ ^ -* a CD ^a CD CD CO Q CD CD CD CD CD CD CD '^ ^ t-: T, '30 00 GO X) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1—) 1-H '— 1 .— ( T— 1 I— I .-H <— f ^H 1— 1 — H 1— 1 'H T5 , ^ ^ »- •■. ^ ^ «. ^ ^ *• ^ r^ v^ :ii x-~ t- CO 1—1 T-H c» CO 00 1— t fM (>l .O 00 iM r^ '—1 r-l ^ '— ' CO ^ >. "L^ r» ^ b.b>.'0i0'^''''*''0 CD'^CO*>-*-«* ^11-1 ro lO ~ (TJ r>ci (M (M lo oa T-l^rHCO'^— I'M-*-*'-^-^'— l'-'CO'NCO^'^-H^H(7I^'— I— 1 CDCDCDCD^CDCDCDCDCDCOCDCDCDCDCDCDCD^CDCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCD 00 00 00 00 '^ 'Xi 'Xi '00 Xi '00 X) 00 GO '00 X' X> ■X) 00 'X) 00 OO X 'X 'X X 'X 'X X 'X X '^CDX — 00tD0 0^3^i-*'*'^SOXC5CDCi'^XC^l^X'XOt^-*'0>0 '~'5i ^-t'— 1>— I — 'M'>l^H.— i^H(M "N 1—1 -Ml— (1—1 -MfM ■g^^ ^ be bJD J be bl) >> >. >^ ^ _J S ^j£ A ^ ^D -g^ bio ^ ^ bD o >. ^- g >. >-. '^ CO on , O (^ as >o 30 TTI >o 'M ■m o^ _^ -M t^ TO -^ Oi 1—1 O ^ CO ^ x> l^ >o CO 00 CO CM a '^^ i>i SO ; S a ^.2 i^ ? 2 g C ;: I ^ g -a oT § ^-^ a- a ^' S ^- i J g ^ ^^^ ..' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ,Z^ f^^^ r^ ^ \^ ^ J^^ ^ ^ -fT ^ f:.'' P 432 HISTORY OF GAEDITFR. I o Pi O K H p:3 p o :?; o (» O ci CO r; r-< OS ^P :=: k> CO r- ,.;. >-,' > &.^Q -r- 5 '^ P . PHPOHHO^ '-C CO CZ) '"^ X _ Pi J > ^' J:' 5 F ? S -s ^ ^ ^ _ . W . X ^ ^ « c en CD P- fciu Si) Sc.Si P -^ ^ • F S a; a> oj O/'.rt -i- "!=^ .S .3 Pi Pi Pi Pi H oTP oTHH o CO ira lo CO CO CO CO X X' X 00 CO CD X^ X (>a • ^ ^ p« :: _ - K ^^ ^ CO 5 -^^ CD '^ CO CD CO kS "^ ' CO CD X X P=^ x- W QC 00 ■^ ^^r-s^-^ l^ X -- p bo. ^ kH cu :: i^ 3 -< X> H-3 Uhj o > W pq a Pi ci pi -^ Pi pi Pi w Pi CO CO CO CO CO ►>h>COCOCO'— i^r>)^ i^ ""^ ict lO -M 'N C^ -^ -^(MC0^'>l-^C5'N^'rt<-+=0-M-rti^(M'Mrt,-H,-iCcococo'^cotocococococococo x> X) X' X X X 00 X' X X X a; x x ^o x x x x x xj x x x O <^ ^ lO O0000X)t^>0»a'M < fee OJ c^ P^ a ;::2 .2 '^ oi J2 ii ;=; — ^ .2 r' OS -a ^ ■«'~ ^' c i: n Pi * P-( ,/ ^ ►^ ffi fe- o "" - pc5^ dj O P^ o ::^ ^ o 2-2=5^^ § s '^ ^ ffi P^ i: ^"^'"^ „rr) Pj a 5 -S . « T^ 2 r'" 5 fe a) cu a^ ij .22 ^ rii! -^ *; .Si t- 1- •« cS S OJ 0) c/5 Ph - -= '- C ^^ O -^ O ,„- C P 1-^ ' £ a o ^ ^ P^Ph ««<»'-„== ph 0^ ph pii S o" ^^ «^" Ph Ph Ph P-( Ph * * * - - -^ i '^ .3 -^ " fee*- Si Ti ."^ ~ fee fee fee G ^ , n , Or* o) ai 3 o) o Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi HISTORY OF GARDNER. 433 Time out. 20, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Disability. Oct. 2, 1864, Beverly, N. J. Time out. Time out. 6, 1864, Wilderness, Va. Time out. Disability. 05 a H CD X CO (D « s G • - Timeout. Time out. 1, 1863, New Orleans, La. Disability. Disability. Time out. Rejected, Deserted Aug. 23, 1863. 8, 1864, Spottsylvania, Va. Time out. of wounds, Aug. 30, 1864. Time out. Disability. Time out. June 30, 1865 signed. Killed July Feb. 5, 1863 Died Nov. 26, 1864 June 8, 1865 Killed May June 8, 1865 Apr. 26, 1863 P3 "^ ^x " a/ 5 '-^ Sept. 2, 1863 Sept. 2, 1863 Died June Mar. 27, 1863 Jan. 30, 1863 Oct. 20, 1865 Jan. 14, 1864 Killed May Sept. 2, 1863 Died Oct. 20, 1865 Apr. 4, 1865 June 8, 1865 o %<<^. >• ffi n: s a ^' (M.— in(>i cocoeoco'"^'^ Oj x> r/j rrj cococo-— 'lOio — r-icoxs;ci'~''~'cD lOiOiOfMCMiM -H^HLOOICS CO S =1 X X X X X X X X X X X CD X CD CD X X "^(NfM^H^^T— i-^COCO'>lCO'^CO'OiO-t>-i--i>-a5 '•- '^ 'il-^j£- H. 'ip 'il^ rP il- ^ b- u ^ .uJ *J ^ ^ ■^' -^ ^c bfj ^ bio bb bVjr; ^ be ^ QO < ZTj (TJ '^ < < < ^ <^^::l, ^ — — X X — TJH CO 'Tin —1 CO X I-' T— 1 01 'C X X X rt' — 1 ^ ^ cr CO -H C75 CO!>5'^(MfMCOCOCO'M^C05^'T^ICO^'* *Rand, Nahum A., Corp. *Rock, Charles Ray, Dewit C. Ray, Edson N. Reagan, Michael Read, Chas. F., Sergt. Reed, George W. Reed, Luther P. Remington, Diah 0. Rugg, Wm. B *Robinson, James A. *Roberts, Lewis Ross, Charles H. Symonds, John Stoddard, Royal B. vSweet, George W. Stone, Ai B. Stock well. Nelson Southwick, Elmer G. Stock well, James A. Sargent, Aaron, Jr. *Smith, John *Smith, William Sawin, Levi C, Corp. *Smith, William *'Smitli, James ^''Smith, William Shehan, James Smeady, John Saunders, Frank B. 55 434 HI8T0EY OF GARDNER. o I— I p H P5 O P^ H I— I 'A Q a 5* o K Tt^ id CO -^ Q CO X cc u (» ->« cc S G • ■ • (M ^ >^ -^ -^ "^^ '^ ^• :;3 r5 S S S cs o '-i TJ . . - 3 . p S S «!j ^ ^ -=. "^ '^. '^, QJ y p X o "p <» 15 a^ H P^ J J i^l" I'^^^a a? be '-' s be s a s q P p^pi tfp^HP^ Qp^M fNiEHP^HHH , CO iC lO CO CS ■* C^ (TO (M CO IX) CO «o M CO CO CO CO 1^ X 00 OC X Q H GO GO QC 00 I— 1 -H I-H 1— 1 -73 ^ ^ ^ _^ fa ^ *- «- „ o CO <^> 1— 1 - O (N ^ CN 4> p Qj 0) aj ■< 3 a> S QJ Q H^ fiH l-S rx> ) 3vJ (M 1—1 (M ^ fcb >-. >-^ ^ >^ t>^ ^ a "J^i" -J P >^A >-> bb be ^ >> > ^ H^ ^ k; fe h, 0 X X l^ '-I CO X C5 <»1 SO '^l SO CO ?>) CO CO CO -.CZ3 X r- co « * * * * * * ^ * * M -p-p ^ g ■jj ~^ '^ a "-s ^ J= ^ * * * * d s t-^ s s .s 5 - a .2 -§ J- =* i^ * * t>P»* ^ ^ i^ HISTORY OF GARDNER, 435 _j CO 2 ^ c -^ g a . 03 X' A> •— ' t. t. list. y- rgeant,Ma y- list. t. t. r. 2, 1864. n of service to 39th Ii mary. t. War Dep ?5 5^ . ^ . Is ^ ^^ 3 5 ^ c^l •:! § aa'rX'^3>_ac:Q;-;:;'~'C^a"y a § s a ^ a .^ .PH "- • "^ .r-. .-^ ij &H , 3 .— — t^ 'J-' .^ .rH .H H H H Q G? Q H H H s ,^^ .^ c/:. H O ^ W '-M H EhOHHQ h qh CO lO Oi ■^O'^iiO CMCOiO'OGcoC-^CO'M lO ^ >o 10 CO (M CO COCOCD^O co'^'-^^^-xSo^w^ CO CO CO CO CO CO CO QOX'OOQO 00000000^;;^'— I'-JXOOOO X X X 00 X X X 1— 1 '"' T-1 1—1 1— ( 1—1 1—1 0" co" .4 x" 1 x'<>'' (M^^ ^CO^r^ ;ifN ^ "3 i^ H. ^ ^"^ ►^ > 2 2 *^ -5 CO X CO P^:i.COpQ;i-&.^G^OO<|0 = > > Kffi a dc5 ^dMO W ci OS D5D3 >'d a CO CO I k> ^> '^-' t> to CO >0 >0 10 »C l^ fM C<1 -M — r-i r- -rj ^ CO 'X' X (M CO CO (>1(M(M7 14 (M CO CO — i^T--'*^^'— icoeocoeocO'^'Mi— 1 CO lO ,_, 'M t =0 lo »o r--^ G^ ^ '^^ r^ CN^ i-^ «-" ^H 01 Ci t- C5 ~ lO '>' Oi ~ t^ "-^ (M ri r^^ -— ^ -: = "£. c H- !^ ^ ^ i'^ ^i^' ^13 ^ c -: - fci ^ ^ fcc be bio r^ >> bt ii ^ ^ *J 0k^.:c^x^^G^<^^400^ C^l-^COXXCOCOiO'M'M^eO^OCSCO -+ '^ ^^ >0 CO t^t^'NOlXO-^T^I (7M(MrN:>^r-ICOC^(N5vl(>4(M ipple, Alf ipple, Alf son, Jami Ich, Jame son. Char oodward, llace, Joh bur, Lepr itney, Sui a a. ^ od, Alden hite, Johi alton. Lei eiss, Reul ight. Hen right, Wi od. Franc mg, Rufui a 5 £ ^^i^^^Sf ^'^^gf ^g^ * * la's c^;?»>"t,> jf 436 HISTORY OF GARDNER. COST OF THE WAR TO THE TOWN IN MONEY. The whole number of men furnished by the town, for the war was two hundred and ninety-eight, which was a surplus of nine- teen, over and above all demands. Six were commissioned officers. The total amount of money raised and expended, by the town for Avar purposes, exclusive of state aid, was $23,062.- 27. In addition to this, $13,343.70 were raised by voluntary subscription. The amount of money paid, during the war, by the town for state aid to soldiers' families, and repaid by the commonwealth, was as follows: In 1861, $1,053.54 ; in 1862, $4,068.10 ; in 1863, $6,050.25; in 1864, $3,791.23 ; in 1865, $2,400.00. To- tal amount, $17,363.12. As this last named sum was refunded by the state, it might be supposed by some, that it did not really come out of the town, but as the state was taxed to pay it, and this town being about on an average with other towns, it is fair to infer that the tax paid by this town, is about equivalent to the sum received. In 1862, there was a " Soldiers' Aid Society" formed by the the ladies of the town, who met once a week, at first, and after- wards once in two weeks, to work for the soldiers. These meet- ings were well attended, sometimes as many as one hundred being present at one time. They received contributions of any- thing that could be converted into articles suitable for hospital use, or for clothing for soldiers in the field. It is not known exactly what the value in money, of what was sent by them, would be, as the articles were not all inventoried, but it appears from their record that at one time they sent a box valued at $190, and at another time a box and barrel of articles valued at $60. It would be safe to put the amount expended by the ladies in their organized capacity, and of private individuals, who sent articles of clothing and other necessaries, to their friends, at $1000, making the cost in mone}' to the town during the war as follows : — HISTORY OF GARDNER. 437 Raised and expended by the town $23,062.27 Raised by voluntary subscriptions 13,343.70 Paid state aid to soldiers or their families 17,363.12 Sent by the Soldiers Aid Society, to the soldiers, through the Christian and Sanitary Commission and by individuals, direct to the soldiers 1,000.00 Making a total of $54,769 09 Nor is this all. State aid is still paid to disabled soldiers and their families, and since the close of the war the town has paid as follows: For the year 1866, $2,312.36; 1867, $1,567.44; 1868, $1,458.00; 1869, $1,225.00; 1870, $1,430.00; 1871, $1,662.00; 1872, $1,098.66; 1873, $1052.00, making, since the close of the war, $11,905.46, which added to the above, makes a total of $67,674.55. There is another item of cost, which is of no small importance, and which ought to be included in the aggregate of war expenses. In 1863, the government having need of more troops, and volun- teers coming in slowly, resort was had to conscription. The number drafted from this town was about seventy. Of this number, twenty-five were accepted. No one of them entered the service personally, but all procured sulistitutes at an expense of $300 each, making for the whole $7,500, which added to the foregoing, makes a total of $75,174.55. The preceding statements relate only to the pecuniary costs of the war, which are as nothing, in comparison with the suffer- ings and death of our soldiers, in the camp and on the field, and the sadness and grief of their friends at home. Silver and gold are worthless, Avhen compared with the lives and happiness of those we love. Seven of our citizens were killed, in battle, three died of wounds, and seventeen died of various diseases, incident to camp life, and the hardships of long marches, and several came home, only to die of diseases contracted in the service of their country. The following are the names of those who were killed, or died of disease while in service : — 438 HI8T0RY OF GARDJSfER, Walter Bickford, killed at Cedar Mount, Va., Aug. 9, 1862. Joel J. Brooks, died at Libby Prison, Va., Samuel B. Clapp, died at Alexandria, Va., Dec. 14, 1861. George Clark, died at Baton Rouge, La., Apr. 13, 1863. George F. Conant, died at Washington, N. C, Sept. 7, 1863. Asahel Clapp, died at Clinton, Miss., July 20, 18(i3. Augustus Coval, died of wounds at Annapolis, Md., September 7, 1864. Ai O. Dyer, died of wounds at Knoxville, Tenn., Dec. 26, 1863. Addison Foster, died at P'almoulh, Va., Dec. 25, 1862. Charles Gilbert, died July 10, 1864. Hiram Gates, killed at Petersburg, Va., May 9, 1864. Gilbert H. Greenwood, died of wounds at Wasli., D. C, May 10, 1863. William B. Hill, killed at Chantilly, Va., Sept. 21, 1862. James B. Hogau, died at Brashear City, La., May 20, 1863. James B. Lathrop, died at Baton Rouge, Aug. 14, 1863. Martin Manning, died at sea, Aug. 14, 1863. Michael Murray, killed at Gaines Mills, Va.. Jiuie 27, 1862. Patrick McNamara, died at Hampton, Va.. May ], 1864. Alonzo Perley, died at Mound City, 111., Aug. 19, 1863. William H. Pratt, died at Crab Orchard, Ky., Oct. 6, 1863. Daniel B. Rugg, died at Baton Rouge, La., Mar. 29, 1863. George F. Robbius, killed at Chantilly, Va., Sept. 1, 1862. Dewitt C. Ray, died near Petersburg, Va., July 20, 1864. Michael Reagan, died in Beverly, N. J., Oct. 2, 1864. Luther P. Reed, killed at Wilderness, Va., May 6, 1864. Ai B. Stone, died at New Orleans, June 1, 1863. Edward Van Benthusen, died at Brashear City, La., May 20, 1863. Besides those of our citizens who enlisted to fill the quota of Gardner, there were several who volunteered and were accred- ited to other towns. Of the whole number of soldiers credited to this town, 9.61 per cent, were killed, or died before reaching home. The whole number of men called into the national service, during the war, was 2,088,523. Ten per cent, of the whites and about 15 per cent, of the blacks were killed or died while in service. The war of the Kebellion was virtually ended by the surren- der of Lee and his army on the 9th of April, 1865, and in less HISTORY OF GARDNER. 439 than four months, six hundred and forty thousand, eight hundred and six soldiers of the Union army were mustered out of service and returned to their homes, most of them entering immediately into their former industrial pursuits.* We close this chapter with a quotation from the very able report, (House Doc. No. 7), made by Mr. Wentworth to the legislature in 1867 : "No better evidence of the determination of the people of the Commonwealth to support the General Government in the war, can perhaps be found than the individ- ual contributions given in aid of its prosecution, which, in many of the towns, were astonishingly large. In Bradford, Water- town, Gardner, Mendon and Templeton, they exceeded five dollars to each inhabitant ; in Somerville, seven ; in West Cam- bridge, eight; in Leyden, nine; in Longmeadow, ten, and in Belmont ten." *Greeley's Great Conflict, vol. 2, p. 759. 440 HISTORY OF GARDNEIL CHAPTER XVIII. SCHOOLS. " The room displays Long rows of desk and bench ; the former stain'd And streak'd with blots and trickles of dried ink, Lumber'd with maps and slates, and well-thumb"d books, And carv'd with rude initials." — Street's Poems. " Yet, on her rocks, and on her sands. And wintry hills, the school house stands. And what her rugged soil denies, The harvest of the mind supplies." — Whittier. "And then, the whining school boy, with his satchel, And shining morning face, creeping like a suail, Unwillingly to school." — As You Like It, Act II., Scene VII. "There, in his noisy mansion skilled to rule, The village master taught his little school. A man severe he was, and stern to view ; I knew him well, and every truant knew. Yet he was kind, or if severe in aught. The love he bore to learning was in fault. The village all declar'd how much he knew ; . 'Twas certain he could write, and cipher too. Land he could measure, terms and tides presage, And even the story ran that he could ginige."— ^Goldsmith. ^rl)EFORE passing, immediately, to a review of the schools JLJ of this town, since their inception, it may be profitable to glance briefly, at the origin, of our common school system. As is well known, to every student of history, children of such parents as were able to provide them with the rudiments of learning, either placed them in parochial schools, or furnished them with private teachers. This was the custom in England HI8T0RY OF GARDNEB. 441 previous to the settlement of the colonies. Indeed, the Plym- outh and Massachusetts Colonies had been in existence for nearly twenty years, before any organized effort had been made, for the general education of the young. Whatever instruction the youth received, they obtained in private families. As early as 1623, three years after the landing of the Pil- grims at Plymouth, these colonists were informed that it was asserted in London, as something derogatory to them, that their " children were not catechised, nor taught to read." To which the reply was made, " this is not true, in neither part thereof; for divers take pains with their own, as they can. Indeed, we have no common schools for want of a tit person, or, hitherto, means to maintain one, though we desire to begin." In 1635, Benjamin Eaton, " was, by the Governor and Assistants, with his mother's consent, put to Bridget Fuller, widow, for fourteen years, she being to keep him to school two years."* It was not, however, until 1670, that the government of Plymouth Colony took any action regarding the establishment of public schools, at which time, the General Court, " upon divers serious considerations, them thereunto moving, did freely give and grant all such profits as might or should annually accrue, or grow due to this colony, from time to time, for fish- ing with nets or seines, at Cape Cod, for mackerel, bass or her- rings, as l)y the said grant doth fully appear, to be employed and improved for and towards a free school, in some town of this jurisdiction, for the training up of youth, in literature, for the good and benefit of posterity."! I^ will be seen, b}^ the above, that the early colonists were not ignorant of the intimate relation existing between fish, and intellectual vigor. In 1641, the first step, taken by the central government of Massachusetts, in respect to education, was a request " that the elders would make a catechism for the instruction of youth in the grounds of religion." Shortly after, in consideration of " the *Plymouth Colony Records, vol. 1, p. 37. fPlymouth Colony Records vol. 5, p. 107. 56 442 HISTORY OF GARDNER. great neglect of many parents and masters, in training np their children in learning and labor and other employments which might be profitable to the commonwealth," power was given to the selectmen of towns, to "take acconnt, fron) time to time, of all parents and masters, and of their children, concerning their calling and employment of their children, especialh^ of their ability to read and understand the principles of religion and the capital laws of the country." Selectmen were also au- thorized with " consent of an}^ court or the magistrate, to put forth apprentices, the children of such as they should find not to be able and fit to employ and bring them up,"* and were indicted by the grand jurors, if they neglected their duty. Ac- cording to Palfrey, "Boston had a school, with some sort of public encouragement, in its fifth year," the inhabitants voting " that our brother, Philemon Pormont be entreated to become school-master for the teaching and nurturing the youth among us."t In 1641, the income from Deer Island, in Boston Harbor, was appropriated for the support of a school. In New Haven, Conn., as early as 1642, it was "ordered that a free school should be set up," and that Mr. Davenport and the magistrates should " consider what yearly allowance was meet to be given to it, out of the common stock of the town, and also what rules and orders were meet to be observed in and about the same." The first school-master of New Haven, was the renowned Ezekiel Cheever, afterwards of Boston, to whom, with Corlet, of Cam- bridge, Cotton Mather accords the praise of saving New Eng- land from barbarism. He thus commemorates Cheever's long life and labors : — ''He lived, and to vast age no illness knew; Till Time's scythe waiting for him rusty grew. He lived and wrought ; his labors were immense, But ne'er declined to preterperfect tense." It was not, however, until 1647, that Massachusetts, during the administration of Governor Winthrop, of whom "to love ♦Massachusetts Eecords, vol. 2, p. 6-7. fSnow's History of Boston, p. 348. HISTORY OF GARDNER, 443 and be beloved was his soul's paradise," took action upon the question of public schools, in these remarkable words : — "It being one chief project of that old clelucler, Satan, to keep men from the knowledge of the Scriptures, as in former times by keeping them in an unknown tongue, so, in these latter times, by persuading from the use of tongues, that so at least the true sense and meaning of the original might be clouded hy false glosses of saint-seeming deceivers, — that learn- ing may not be buried in the grave of our fathers, in the church and commonwealth, tlie Lord assisting our endeavors ; — "It is therefore ordered, that every township in this juris- diction, after the Lord hath increased them to the number of fifty householders, shall then forthwith appoint one within their town to teach all such children as shall resort to him, to write and read, whose wages shall be paid either by the parents or masters of such children, or by the inhabitants in general, by way of supply, as the major part of those that order the pru- dentials of the town shall appoint; provided, those that send their children be not oppressed b}' paying much more than they can have them taught for in other towns. And it is further ordered, that when any town shall increase to the number of one hundred families or householders, they shall set up a gram- mar school, the master thereof being able to instruct youth so far as they ma}^ be fitted, for the University; provided, that if any town neglect the performance hereof above one year, that every such town shall pay five pounds to the next school, till they shall perform this order."* It will now be seen, from what has been stated, that the subject of public instruction, out of which has come the com- mon school system of our land, the pride and glory of the nation, was early taken into consideration, by our Pilgrim Fathers and their immediate descendants. It will also be seen, that the great object which these worthy men had in view, pri- marily, was the religious instruction of their children. As *Massachusetts Eecords, vol. 2, p. 203. 444 HISTORY OF GAllDNER. Palfrey says, " learning, after religion and social order, was the object nearest to the hearts of the New England Fathers. Rather, it should be said, they were persuaded that social order and a religious character could not subsist in the al)sence of mental culture." Hence it was, that they founded public schools, and provided for their maintenance, by enforced taxa- tion, and compulsory attendance. Nor should it be forgotten that we are to-day indebted, for our common school sj^stem, to men of liberal education, who had passed through the curric- ulum of Oxford and Cambridge, men of broad and fine culture, who like Harvard, Brewster, Hooker, Davenport and Stone, having, some of them, founded the college, proceeded after- ward to estal)lish the high, the grammar and the common school. For as President J. H. Seelye, of Amherst College says, "the historical fact has always been, that the higher has first descended upon and breathed its inspiration into the lower, before the latter has shown any impulse to improvement. In our processes of education, the higher schools have not grown out of the lower and do not rest upon them, but the higher school is historically first, and the lower one is not its precursor, ])ut its product ; there is no law of evolution by which the common school grows up into the college, for as an historical fact, the college is actually first, and gives birth to the common school. It is not by the lower education of the many, that we come to have the higher education of the few, but the exact converse of this, is the universal rule." What Carlyle says of Protestantism in Europe, is true of the outcome of it, in America: "Protestantism is the grand root from which our Avhole subsequent European history branches out." Permeated and inspired by this conviction of the para- mount value and necessity of the universal diffusion of general knowledge, so early developed in the colonies of New England, the fathers, of this town, as we shall now see, began at once to make provision, according to their ability, for the instruction of their children. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 445 FIRST DIVISION OF THE TOWN INTO DISTRICTS. In the warnint for the first annual town meeting, for March 7th, 178G, there was the following article : — " To see if the town will grant money for schooling, and act anything relating to schools, as they shall think best when met." Upon this article, the town "Voted, To choose a committee of three to divide the town into four squadrons and make report at the adjournment of the meeting." At the adjourned meet- ing, March 14th, the town " Voted, To accept of the report of the school committee, which was to divide the town into four squadrons or districts, namely, South, West, North and East, giving the names of the families residing within the limits named by the committee." At a town meeting held April 3d, 1786, there was a vote '• to divide one-half of the school money into four equal divisions ; and the rest of the money to be divided into the said divisions according to the number of scholars from twenty-one years of age, down to four years old. Each squadron to provide their own school-master, or mistress, and have liberty for to say how much shall be kept in a woman's school, they not exceeding more than one-half of the money, in a woman's school. Voted, To choose four persons, one in each squadron, to provide a school and to take the number of children in the several squadrons, namely : William Bickford, David Foster, Ebenezer Howe, Josiah Wheeler." At the annual meeting in the following year, 1787, the town " Voted, To lay the school money out in the same form and manner that it was laid out last year. Voted, To choose four committee-men to notify their squadrons and see how they will lay out the school money and provide masters and mistresses for the same." That this committee attended to their duty is evident, from the following record, of 1788, when the town, at its annual meet- ing, "Voted, To allow David Tainter's account, for keeping school two months, of six pounds. Voted, To allow Joshua Frost, for keeping school six weeks and throe days, three pounds, eleven shillings and nine pence." 44G HISTORY OF GARDNER. Ill 1789, the town "Voted, To alloAV Betsey Heywood's ac- count, for keeping school and for board." Th6 record does not state the amount. Also, " Voted, To allow Elijah Wilder's account, for boarding the school-darae two weeks, six shillings. Voted, To allow Joel Wheeler's account, for boarding the school-master four weeks, sixteen shillings." Several fticts ap- pear from these records, viz : That, in these early days, both male and female teachers were employed in the public schools ; that the school terms were very brief; the wages of teachers, compared with those of the present, were very low; and that, board was correspondingly cheap. In 1790, there w^as an article in the Avarrant, " To see if the town will have a school kept in the middle of the town." " Voted, To dismiss this article." In 1791, the town " Voted, To choose a committee-man in each squadron, to say how the money should be laid out." Up to this date, according to the Town Records, vol. 1st, page 252, there was but one school- house within the limits of the town, and this " so old and shat- tered, that it is not fit to keep school in, and schools kept in private houses, and very small too, are not convenient for the scholars." Hence it appears, that in the absence of school- houses, the schools were kept in private dwellings, as conven- ience offered. In 1794, March 3d, there was an article in the warrant, " To see if the town would make any alterations in the school squad- rons and build school-houses as they see fit." " Voted, To make alterations, in the school squadrons. Voted, To have seven squadrons. Voted, To choose a committee to squadron the town out. Voted, To have seven men in the committee. Voted, That the committee appoint the places where the school- houses shall stand, and report at the adjournment of this meet- ing." This action indicates that there were no school-houses in town, up to this date. At the adjourned meeting the town voted thirty-six to twenty-three, to reconsider all this action. It appears, from the above record, that the attempt made to redistrict the town, making seven school districts or squadrons, HISTORY OF GARDNER. 447 instead of four, and to furnish the town with school-houses, proved a failure, up to 1794. In the following year, there was an article in the warrant, for the annual meeting, " To see if the town will make any alteration in the school squadrons, and build school-houses." Upon this article, the town " Voted, To build four school-houses. Voted, To have a committee to say where the school-houses shall stand. Voted, To have twelve men in the committee. Voted, That the committee be chosen by written votes. Voted, That the committee be divided into four parts, that is, three of the committee in each squadron." This committee made their report at the April meeting, upon which the town " Voted, Not to accept of the report of the committee, for placing school-houses, which is as follows, viz : — " The committee chosen to pitch upon the spots to build school-houses, report as follows : That one be built at the crotch of the road, by Joel Wheeler's ; and one at the crotch of the road by Daniel Parline's ; and one, five and twenty rods from the corner, by Capt. Bickford's barn, towards Capt. Jackson's ; and one near to Joseph Payson's. Motion was made and sec- onded, to have five school-houses. Then voted to have five school-houses, and voted to set the fifth school-house at the crotch of the road by Jonathan Eager's." At an adjourned meeting, May 6th, 1705, the town " Voted, To set one school-house at the crotch of the road, near Daniel Parline's. Voted, To set one school-house half way between Joseph Wright's lane, and Andrew Beard's house. Voted, To set one school-house at the corner of the road that comes from John Eaton's to the road from Daniel Child's to the Meeting- house. Voted, To set one school-house at the corner of the road between David Comee's and Joseph Payson's. Voted, To choose a committee to say how big the school-houses shall be, and make immediate report. Voted, To have three men in the committee." Having adjourned this meeting, for half an hour, the town again met, and " Voted, To divide the town into four equal parts, and place a school-house in the centre of each quarter. Voted, To reconsider the vote for the fifth school-house, that is. 448 HISTORY OF GAIWN^ER. that school-house placed by Jonathan Eager's. Voted, To choose a committee to divide the town into four equal parts. Voted, To have a- committee of five, to divide the town into four equal parts. Voted, To reconsider all former votes, re- specting school-houses, all up to the last vote, to divide the town into four equal parts, and for placing the school-houses in the centre of each quarter. Voted, That the committee for divid- ing the town into four equal parts, shall say where the centre of each quarter is, and say how big the school-houses shall be." The town meeting was then adjourned, until four o'clock in the afternoon. Having then met, it was " Voted, To accept of the report of the committee for dividing the town into four parts and placing and saying how big the school-houses shall be." The committee reported its follows : — " The committee chosen to squadron out the town, into four squadrons, beg leave to report as follows : The West school- house, to stand at the crotch of the road, by Daniel Parline's ; the North school-house, to stand in the centre, between Capt. Haynes' and Lieut. Edgell's, on the road ; the East school-house to stand in the centre, between Jonathan \Miitcomb's and David Eeed's and David Cohee's, on the county road, where it will best convene; the South school-house, to stand in the centre, be- tween Westminster line and Templeton line, on the county road ; the said school-houses to be built twenty-eight b}- twenty- two, and ten feet post." " Voted, To choose a committee t^j build school-houses and measure from the extreme parts, as reported by the committee chosen to divide the town into four squadrons. Voted, To have three committee-men in each squadron. Voted, That the com- mittee in each squadron shall notify the inhabitants in each squadron, after they have found the spots where the school- houses shall stand, to meet, in order for letting out all the ma- terials, by lots, for building the houses, to the lowest bidder; also that all the committee shall notify all the inhabitants of the town, to meet at the Meeting-house, to vendue said stufi, they giving ten days' notice, at least, and said materials shall all be HISTORY OF GARDNEIl. 449 cleli\erecl, at the several spots, where the school-houses are to be built, by the first day of April next." This legislation, however, did not prove entirely satisfoctory, for, on November 30th, the same year, the town " Voted, To make alterations in the school-houses. Voted, To set the South school-house at the corner of the wall, at Capt. Bickford's old barn, the west side of the road, as near the corner as is conven- ient. Voted, To move the North school-house to the north, over the causeway." That this question of school-houses was not yet settled, is evident, for, in the warrant for a town meet- ing to be held February 2d, 1796, there Avere the following articles : — " To see if the town will make any alterations in any of the school-houses, to stand ditferent from where they are now placed. To see if the town will build a school-house, on the common, near the Meeting-house." " Voted, To move the South school- house to the east end of the county road, at the crotch of the road, by Capt. Bickford's. Voted, To reconsider the last vote. Voted, To take in Ephraim Pratt's, from him to the Meeting- house, thence from the Meeting-house j to Simon Stone's, and take him into the south squadron, and place the school-house in the centre of the body of land, or the nearest convenient place to the centre. Voted, To reconsider the last vote. Voted, to set the South school-house at the east end of the county road." At an adjourned meeting, March 9th, the town " Voted, To set the South school-house in the centre, between the Widow Wood's house and Jonas Brick's, on the county road. Voted, To set the South school -house where the new county road crosses the road from Elijah Simonds' to the Meeting-house." April 4th, 1796, "Voted, To raise two hundred and fifty pounds, to build school-houses.'' March 6th, 1797, the town " Voted, To provide a chair and table, for each school-house, in said town." Although there is no record made regarding the execution of the town's vote for building school-houses, yet it may be inferred, from the last vote, relating to furnishing these 57 450 HISTOMY OF GARDINER. school-houses, that they were built, in the places, and according to the plan above desiofnated. Subsequently, eflbrts were made to change these school- houses, but without success. That these school-houses were plain structures, and entirely innocent of paint, is evident from an article in the warrant for the March meeting of 1802 : — " To see if the town will choose a committee, to see what repairs, if any, the school-houses need, and paint them with Spanish brown and lye." Whatever the school-houses needed, the town "Voted, To pass over this article." In 1807, there was an article in the town warrant " To see if the town will build a school-house in the middle of the town, or otherwise give the petitioners and others the privilege of building, on the common." The town " Voted, To dismiss the article." As showing an increased interest, in the prosperity of their schools, the town, in 1809, "Voted, To choose a committee of four men to inspect the schools in said town, at the opening and close of said schools, for the year ensuing." Here was the be- ginning of that system of school visiting, which has been prac- ticed ever since. Although the town repeatedly refused to erect a school-house at the Centre, yet it may be inferred, from the records, that one was built by private funds, upon the com- mon, somewhere about the year 1814. SECOND DISTRICTING OF THE TOWN. In 1818, the* town, at its April meeting, " Voted, To choose a committee to divide the town into school districts." The re- port of this committee was, " That the town be divided into six school districts, viz. : — " That the East district include Joel Matthews, Samuel Fos- ter, John Miles, Jabez Fairbank,aud all eastwardly of said line, including thirty families. One South district, including Reuben Gates, David Reed, Moses Saunders, Widow Thiah Wood, Amasa Leland, David Perley, Thomas Baker, and all south and east of said line, including twenty-seven fomilies. The South- erly district, to include Joseph Whitney, 2d, Asa Hill, William HISTORY OF GARDNER. 451 Bickford, John Kemp, Sullivan Jackson, and on the Turnpike Road, to Templeton line, and all south and west of said line, including twenty-seven families. That the Northwesterly dis- trict include Simon Stone, Jonathan Eaton, Ezra Penniman, Allen Perley, Ezra Baker, Jacob Priest, James Coolidge, and all northerly and westwardly of said line, including twenty- three families. That the North district include Samuel Stone, James Coolidge, Jr., William Whitney, Benjamin Howe, Eli- jah Travis, Nathan Green, Jonathan Merriam, and all north- wardly and eastwardly of said line, including twenty-three families. All within said bounds, to make a middle district, including twenty-three families." It will be seen by this report, that Gardner, in 1818, con- tained one hundred and Hfty-three families. At the same meet- ing, the town "Voted, That each district shall build and sup- port their own school-houses. Voted, That each district shall have the privilege of placing their own school-houses, if they can agree, otherwise, the town shall place them." At the March meeting, in 1820, the town " Voted, That the school money be divided according to the number of families that shall be in each district, on the first Monday of May next. Voted, that the school committee divide the school mone}^ if they can agree, if not, the selectmen shall divide it." This method of dividing the school money, was pursued till 1837, when the town " Voted, That six hundred dollars be laid out for school- ing ; that one-third of the money be divided according to the number of scholars in their respective districts, the scholars to be counted between the ages of four and twenty-one, the re- mainder to be divided into six equal parts ; that the school agents ascertain the number of scholars in their respective dis- tricts." The first mention we have, in the records, of money received from the state, for the benefit of schools, was in 1838, when the town " Voted, That the money, we received from the state, be divided according to the number of scholars." In March, 1839, the town first " Voted, That the school agents be author- 452 HISTORY OF GARDNER. izecl to hire teachers for their respective districts." In 1840, the town "Voted, To divide two-thirds of the money ($700) raised for schooling, equally among the several school districts. The remaining one-third, to be divided among the districts, according to the number of scholars Avhich they contain, from four to sixteen years of age." In 1844, the town " Voted, To divide one-half of the school money ($700) equally among the districts, and the other half according to the number of scholars, reckoning them as the state does." In 1850, the town " Voted, To raise nine hundred dollars for the support of schools, the ensuing year, and that one-fourth of the sum be divided equally among the districts, and the remaining three-fourths in proportion to the number of scholars." March 23d, 1850, the question was before the town "To see if the town will assist the West school district, in repairing their school-house." Upon this question, the town " Voted, That if the tax in the West school district for repair- ing their school-house, at their estimate, of four hundred and seventy-five dollars, exceed the average of the Centre, South- west and Southeast school district tax, for building their school- houses, that the town pay the balance above that average, provided it does not exceed the sum of one hundred dollars." In May, 1851, the town "Voted, That George and Sumner Baker have the privilege of drawing their share of the school money, per scholar, jjro rata^ from the Southeast school district in this town, and paying the same in Westminster." March 6th, 1854, the town " Voted, That the school committee procure six hundred copies of their school report, to be distributed among the families of the town, at the expense of the town." This is the first instance on record, of printed school reports. At the same meeting, the town "Voted, To raise twelve hundred dollars for the support of schools, the ensuing year, and to divide the same, one-third equally among the districts in town and the remainder in proportion to the number of scholars. Voted, To raise one hundred dollars in addition to the above, to be put in the hands of the school committee, to be divided as they think proper, among the districts." HISTORY OF GARDNER. 4o3 In 1857, a committee, of one from each district, was chosen, " To establish the lines between the several school districts, according to the records, and report at an adjourned meeting." This committee attended to their duty, and their report ma}^ be found recorded in Town Records, vol. 5, page 70-79, which is too extended for insertion in this chapter. At the March meeting, 1861, the town " Voted, To raise eighteen hundred dollars for the support of schools, the ensuing year, to be placed in the hands of the school committee, to be divided at their discretion." However, at the April meeeting, the town reconsidered the above vote, and " Voted, To raise nine hundred dollars, for the same purpose, instead of eighteen hun- dred dollars." In explanation of this great reduction in the school appropriation, it should be stated, that this was a year of great financial prostration in this town, occasioned by the burning of the Hey woods' Chair Factories, which occurred January 5th, of this year. ABOLISHMENT OF THE DISTRICT SYSTEM AND THE IN- AUGURATION OF GRADED SCHOOLS. Acting in accordance with the provisions of the General Statutes of 1869 there was an article in the town warrant for this year, "To see what measures the town will take for the appraisal of the school-houses, and other property belonging to the several School Districts, in the town, act or transact any- thing relating thereto." "Voted, That the selectmen be instructed to appoint three appraisers, from some other town, to appraise the property belonging to the several School Districts, and re- port said appraisals to an adjourned March meeting." The following is the report of the committee to appraise the School District property : — The undersigned, a committee chosen to appraise the several school-houses, in the town of Gardner, would respect- fully submit the following as their appraisal of said land, furni- ture, etc., exclusive of wood: — 454 HISTORY OF GARDNER. In District No. 1, the sum of $10,666 In District No, 2, the sum of 2,550 In District No. 3, the sum of 5,150 In District No. 4, the sum of . . . , 500 In District No. 5, the sum of 475 In District No. G, the sum of 417 Making a total of $19,758 Sidney Fairbanks, ^ Committee Bethuel Ellis, > of George B. Eaymond, ) Appraisal. Gardner, April 20th, 1869. The sum of this appraisal, the town voted to raise, in addi- tion to the regular appropriation, for this year. Thus the graded system, now in successful operation, in this town, was inaugurated. HIGH SCHOOL. In the town warrant for February 9th, 185(3, there was an article "To see what action the toAvn will take, in relation to supporting a High School, as required by the 5th section, 23d chapter, of the Revised Statutes." This article was referred to a committee, who reported " that in the opinion of the majority of your committee, it is inexpedient that the town take meas- m-es to support a High School. Asaph Wood, Levi Hey wood, John Edgell, S. W. A. Stevens, S. H. Clark, Alonzo Sawtell, Jonathan Brown." April 2d, 1866, "Voted, On motion of Allen Folger, that a High School be established in town, ac- cording to law, and that the selectmen and superintending school committee, be a committee to carry into eflect this vote, and provide a suitable place for holding said school." Accordingly, in the fall of 1866, a High School was opened, in the old school-house, formerly occupied by the Centre dis- trict, as the best accommodations, at that time, to be procured. Here the High School continued to be taught, until its removal to the new High School-house, which it now occupies. This building has since been removed to a site near the depots, and is occupied by the Messrs. Howe Brothers, as a grain store, with a hall for the Odd Fellows, in the second story. HISTORY OF GARDJ^ER. 455 April 1st, 1872, the town "Voted, To choose a committee of three, to secure a location for a High School-house, and pro- cure a plan and estimates for a building, and report at the next annual March meeting. S. K. Pierce, Henry C. Kuowlton, Francis Richardson, committee." There was an article in the warrant for March 4th, 1872, " To see if the town will take any measures for the further accom- modation ot the High School." Upon this article, the town " Voted, To choose a committee of three to investigate the subject of additional accommodations for the High School, and report the best plan in their judgment, at the adjournment of this meeting. Chose S. K. Pierce, Henry C. Knowlton, Cyrus K. Wood, committee." This committee made the following report, which the town voted to accept : — " Your committee are of the unanimous opinion, after exam- ining the building now occupied, by our High School, that the accommodations and conveniences, which it affords, are not what the best interests of such a school demand. Its location is also unsatisfactory to a large proportion now sending schol- ars to the school, and to others who would send if its location was more central. " Your committee are therefore of the opinion, that tiie grow- ing interests and demands of the town, require a new building, furnishing better accommodations, in a more central part of the town. Taking this view of the subject, we have endeavored to ascertain where the most available location, accommodating the whole town, could be found, and we are of the opinion that the most desirable place, is on the high ground, below the so called ' Atherton House' in the Hey wood pasture, on Chestnut Street. After the committee had decided on the location, they consulted Mr. Levi Heywood in regard to the lot, and he gen- erously proposed to donate a good and liberal spot to the town, foi- that purpose, in that locality, if they should deem it best to accept it. Your committee would therefore reccommend that the town accept the liberal offer made by Mr. Heywood, and that a committee of three be chosen to locate a spot, at once, 456 HISTORY OF GARDNER. and report at the next town meeting ; also that the same com- mittee procnre plans and estimates for a bnilding, and report at the next annual town meeting, to be held in March, 1873." At the same meeting, the town " Voted, To choose a com- mittee of three, to secure a location for a High School-house, and procure a plan and estimates for a building, and report at the next annual March meeting. S. K. Pierce, H. C. Knowl- ton, Francis Richardson, committee." At the March meeting, 1873, this committee made a report, part of which, is here given. " We have taken a deed of a lot of land donated, by Mr. Levi Hey wood, lying on the west side of Chestnut Street, containing one and one-fourth acres, which we think is the most eligible site to accommodate all parts of the town. The land is given on condition that it shall be used for a High School, and other school purposes; and that there shall be erected a building, on said land for a High School- house, in three years. We have also procured a plan and esti- mated costs of a High School-building, made by Earle and Ful- ler, architects of Worcester, which we think suitable for the purpose. We consulted the school committee in getting the plan, and it is approved by them. We believe the estimated cost of the building, above the foundation, not including the furniture, is thirteen thousand three hundred dollars, Avhich the architects are confident can be built within that estimate." This report was accepted and the town " Voted, That the same committee be authorized and instructed, to cause a build- ing to be built, after the plan presented, and grade the land within the three years limited in the deed of the land." The High School-building was erected under the immediate superintendence of Mr. Francis Richardson, and was ready for occupancy December 21st, 1874, and is, in all respects, a very substantial structure. The main building is forty-six by seventy feet, with a front projection and porch, seventeen by twenty- two feet. It is two stories high, having a tower ninety feet in height. It is constructed of brick, and has brown sand-stone trimmings, the under-pinning being of Fitchburg granite. It / / SITI^ ■i^S " ■;.' '" -^: ■^Ci HISTORY OF GABDNER. 457 has three front entrances, all of which have open porches and large halls. At the right, of the main entrance, is a cloak- room for the gentlemen. Directly opposite the entrance, npon the lower floor, is a room occupied by the Higher Grammar School, which is thirty by forty feet. This room is twelve feet in height, and is nearly surrounded, by a wall black])oard. It is furnished with ash seats and desks, with a black walnut desk for the teacher. There is a stairway leading from the main entrance to the second floor, where the High School-rooms are located. The High School-room, is forty b}' forty -three feet, and fifteen and a half feet in height, and is furnished like the room below. At the rear of the teachers' desk, is a recitation- room ; also a library aud apparatus-room. These rooms are light and pleasant, the windows being provided with inside shutters. The basement is divided into four rooms, all of which have cemented floors, with partition walls of brick. The buikling is heated by furnaces and is supplied with earth closets. Its cost with furnishiugs, was twenty-two thousand dollars. The grounds about this building, are ample and well graded, being adorned also, upon their borders, with elm trees, which, in their maturity, in the years to come, will serve to make them delightful and attractive, not unlike the classic shades of ancient times. There is also, upon three sides of these grounds, a close board fence, Avith stone posts. The town is certainly to be congratulated, upon the posses- sion of its High School-building. Since its establishment, in the fall of 1866, the High School has been, in the main, fortu- nate in its teachers, whose influence for good, has been felt throughout the town. The following are the names of these teachers : Messrs. Asa A. Spear, Horace Goodhue, Jr., William J. Morton, George A. Bacon, Joseph Jackson, Jr., Rev. John F. Ashley, Charles E; Quimby, J. B. Davis and Frank M. CoUester, who is the present teacher. Assistants, since the fall of 1875, Misses Ella O. Dike aud Lucy J. Warner. The following is the course of study adopted in the High School : — 58 458 HI8T0RY OF GARDNER. Q H CO O w CO P5 O Q I O o o P D O o m s Keview of elemen- tary studies with s p e c ial reference a 03 o> O -fl 22 ^ ^ ^ (JH "iS c^i y c3 P5 P3 u a Pi a ,a a a a a a a 0! a 0> a c3 P^ 03 'a P^ 2' 6 s 6 6 > '5) > 1 O M H-i CO 13 o 03 e g s a a o3 5 a .2 K a --a m a .2 a a =a '(/) "3 c a .2 a =a ■5 .2 2 S cc a a a s ,a a Q a M u a H bJD O o O >1 'H. So o o ■35 e3 sc 'cc !>. ,a Ph 'm P-i ii ;>> -a P^ Ph 'E 6 a a 2 a 03 s pq a u -w < a a p ■3 01 o H '■4J i=l s > 01 OJ C5 >> 01 0) 2 OJ 01 a a _bj} 'C H •snisji -^ iM eo ^ (M 05 ^ (N CO -^ (M CO >— I sq CO •Hm ?2:>.«» cfo^j- •.w aZ ?. ?^.w •^?99 ZPW 03a5< \lVi LI P «v^ .(»6>, IV' fWO^ HISTORY OF GARDNER. 459 SCHOOL COMMITTEES AND APPROPRIATIONS. We present here a list of the school committee for each year, together with the annual appropriation for schools, since the incorporation of the town : — 1786. — Samuel Kelton, David Nichols, Ebenezer Howe. Appropria- tion, thirty pounds. 1787. — John White, Ebenezer Howe, Timothy Kneeland, David Nich- ols. Appropriation, twenty pounds. 1788. — No record of committee. Appropriation, forty-five pounds. 1789. — Capt. William Bickford, Capt. Samuel Kelton, Lieut. Jonathan Wheeler, Jonathan Bancroft. Appropriation, thirty pounds. 1790. — Elisha Jackson, Jesse Hill, Jonas Richardson, Joel Wheeler. Appropriation, thirty pounds. 1791. — David Nichols, Samuel Edgell, Ebenezer Howe, Peter Good- ale. Appropriation, twenty pounds. 1792. — Aaron Greenwood, John White, Moses Hill, David Foster. Appropi'iation, thirty pounds. 1793. — Jude Sawyer, Jonathan Bancroft, Ebenezer Howe, David Comee. Appropriation, thirty pounds. 1794. — Timothy Kneeland, Reuben Haynes, Reuben Partridge, Lieut. Josiah Wheeler. Appropriation, thirty pounds. 1795. — Levi Fairbanks, Seth Brigham, Smyrna Glazier, Reuben Par- tridge. Appropriation, thirty pounds. 1796. — Josiah Conant, Joseph Priest, Ebenezer Howe, Aaron Wood. Appropriation, forty-five pounds. 1797. — Joshua Whitney, Joseph Payson, Joel Wheeler, Joseph Clark, Appropriation, forty-five pounds. 1798. — Samuel Edgell, William Whitney, Joseph Edgell, John Pierce. Appropriation, fifty pounds. 1799. — Ahio Whitney, Abel Kendall, Joseph Wright, Allen Perley. Appropriation, fifty pounds. 1800. — Ebenezer Howe, Ethan Seaver, Jonathan Wood, Joel Brooks. Appropriation, two hundred dollars. 460 HISTORY OF GARDNER. 1801. — Samuel Stone, Beujamin Edgell, David Nicliols, Ezra Moore. Appropriation, two hundred dollars. 1802. — Joel Wheeler, William Fenno, Elisha Jackson, Benjamin Clark. Appropriation, two hundred dollars. 1803. — Samuel Kelton, Abel Kendall, Josepli AVright, Smyrna Bancroft. Appropriation, two hundred dollars. 1804. — James Coolidge, Jonathan Brown, Thomas Baker, William Whitney. Appropriation, two hundred dollars. 1805. — Reuben Ilaynes, Nathan Gates, Timothy Kneeland, Smyrna Glazier. Appropriation, two hundred and forty dollars. 1806. — Lewis Glazier, William Fenno, David Foster, William Bickford, Jr Appropriation, three hundred dollars. 1807. — Ahio Temple, John Putnam, Ezra Moore, Sullivan Jackson. Appropriation, three hundred dollars. 1808. — John Eaton, Samuel Learned, Allen Perley, Adam Noyes. Appropriation, three hundred dollars. 1809. — Adam Noyes, Abel Kendall, Daniel Banister, Smyrna Bancroft. Appropriation, three hundred dollars. 1810. — Rev. Jonathan Osgood, Adam Noyes, Abel Kendall, Lewis Gla- zier, Smyrna Bancroft. Appropriation, three hundred dollars, 1811. — Rev. Jonathan Osgood, Adam Noyes, Smyrna Glazier, Lewis Glazier, Asa Hill. Appropriation, three hundred dollars. 1812. — Rev. Jonathan Osgood, Asa Hill, Lewis Glazier, Enos Kelton, Asa Richardson. Appropriation, three hundred dollars. 1813. — Asa Hill, James Scollay, Enos Kelton, Levi Priest. Appropri- ation, three huudred dollars. 1814. — Lewis Glazier, James Scollay, Smyrna Bancroft, Asa Hill. Appropriation, three hundred dollars. 1815. — Rev. Jonathan Osgood, Perley Howe, Smyrna Glazier, Noah Fair- banks, Benjamin Heywood. Appropriation, three hundred dollars. 1816. — James Coolidge, James M. Comee, Ezra Baker, Adam Par- tridge. Appropriation, three hundred dollars. 1817. — Rev. Jonathan Osgood, Ezekiel Howe, Ethan Seaver, Allen Per- ley, Jr., AsaNichols. Appropriation, three huudred and thirty dollars. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 461 1818. — Aliio Temple, Joel Matthews, George W. Davis, Walter Green- wood. Appropriation, four hundred dollars. 1819. — Joel Cowee, Joseph Clark, Jr., Jonas Brick, Joseph Whitney, Enos Kelton, Simon Gates. Appropriation, four hundred dollars. 1820. — Benjamin Heywood, Levi Fairbanks, Jr., George Scott, John Merriam, Seth Whitney, Nathan Green, 2d. Appropriation, four hundred dollars. 1821. — Asa Richardson, Josiah Conant, Joseph Baker, Charles Green- wood, Richard Baker, Benjamin Stone. Appropriation, four hun- dred dollars. 1822. — James M. Comee, Jonathan Bancroft, Jr., Simeon Leland, Eli- sha Jackson, I-Czra Baker, Perley Howe. Appropriation, four hun- dred dollars. 1823. — Josiah Jackson, Samuel Learned, Edward W. Kendall, Sulli- van Jackson, Avery Turner, Ezekiel Howe. Appropriation, four hundred dollars. 1824. — Noah Fairbanks, John Miles, Capt. Abel Jackson, Amasa Le- land, George W. Davis, Benjamin Howe. Appropriation, four hundred dollars. 1825. — Rev. Sumner Lincoln, Daniel Spaulding, Asa Richardson. Ap- propriation, four hundred dollars. 1826. — Rev. Sumner Lincoln, Levi Heywood, Martin Dunster. Ap- propriation, four hundred dollars. 1827. — Rev. Sumner Lincoln, Asa Smith, John Merriam, Charles Child, Joseph Coolidge, John Eaton, Jr., Capt. Ahio Temple. Appro- priation, four hundred dollars. 1828. — Rev. Sumner Lincoln, Levi Heywood, Clemant Jewett, Esq. Appropriation, four hundred dollars. 1829. — Rev. Sumner Lincoln, Asa Richardson, Levi Heywood. Ap- propriation, four hundred dollars. 1830. — Rev. Sumner Lincoln, Levi Heywood, Capt. Martin Dunster. Appropriation, four hundred dollars. 1831. — Rev. Jonathan Farr, Rev. Sumner Lincoln, Dr. David Parker. Appropriation, four hundred dollars. 462 HISTORY OF GARDNER. 1832. — Rev. Jonathan Farr, Rev. Sumner Lincoln. Appropriation not given, probably four hundied and fifty dollars. 1833. — Rev. Sumner Lincoln, Joseph Wright, Jonathan Brown, Jr., Rev. Jonathan Farr. Appropriation, six hundred dollars. 1834. — Rev. Curtis Cutler, Rev. Sumner Lincoln, Amasa Leland. Ap- propriation, five hundred dollars. 1835. — Rev. Curtis Cutler, Amasa Leland, Rev. Sumner Lincoln. Ap- propriation, five hundred dollars. 1836. — Rev. Curtis Cutler, Rev. Sumner Lincoln, Amasa Leland. Ap- propriation, six hundred dollars. 1837. — Rev. Curtis Cutler, Rev. Sumner Lincoln, Timothy Heywood. Appropriation, six hundred dollars. 1838. — Rev. Curtis Cutler, Rev. Sumner Lincoln, Timothy Heywood, Appropriation, six hundred dollars. 1839 — Martin Uunster, Theophilus P. Wood, Jonathan Brown, Jr. Appropriation, six hundred dollars. 1840. — Martin Dunster, Theophilus P. Wood, Jonathan Brown, Jr. Appropriation, seven hundred dollars. 1841. — Rev. Sumner Lincoln, Jonathan Brown, Thomas E. Glazier, Samuel H. Clark, Joshua A. Whitney, Joseph AV right. Appropri- ation, six hundred dollars. 1842. — Thomas E. Glazier, Rev. William B. Stone, John Edgell. Ap- propriation, six hvxndred dollars. 1843. — Thomas E. Glazier, Rev. William B. Stone, Stephen Holman. Appi'opriation, eight hundred dollars. 1844. — Rev. William B. Stone, Thomas E. Glazier, Dr. A. S. Carpen- ter. Appropriation, seven hundred dollars. 1845.— Rev. William B. Stone, Rev. Josiah H. Tilton, Dr. A. S. Car- penter. Appropriation, seven hundred dollars. 1846.— Rev. William B. Stone, Rev. Josiah H. Tilton, Dr. A. S. Car- penter. Appropriation, seven hundred dollars. 1847.— Rev. William B. Stone, Rev. Josiah H. Tilton, Thomas E. Gla- zier. Appropriation, eight hundred dollars. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 463 1848.— Rev. William B. Stone, Rev. John C. Paine, Dr. H. C. Harri- man. Appropriation, eight hundred dollars. 1849.— Rev. William B. Stone, Rev. John C. Paine, Dr. H. C. Harri- man. Appropriation, nine hundred dollars. 1850.— Rev. William B. Stone, Rev. John C. Paine, Dr. H. C. Harri- mau. Appropriation, nine hundred dollars. 1851. — Rev. John C. Paine, Dr. H. C. Harriman, Henry Lawrence. Appropriation, nine hundred and fifty dollars. 1852. — Rev. John C. Paine, Dr. H. C. Harriman, Henry Lawrence. Appropriation, one thousand dollars. 1853. — Rev. John C. Paine, Rev. Abijah Stowell, Amasa Brown. Ap- propriation, one thousand dollars. 1854. — Rev. John C. Paine, Rev. Abijah Stowell, Dr. George Jewett. Appropriation, one thousand three hundred dollars. 1855. — Thomas Wood, John M. Moore, Avery B. Whitney. Appro- priation, one thousand three hundred dollars. 1856. — Rev. John C. Paine, Rev. Abijah Stowell, John M. Moore. Appropriation, one thousand three hundred dollars. 1857. — Rev. John C. Paine, Rev. Abijah Stowell, John M. Moore. Appropriation, one thousand five hundred dollars. 1858.— John M. Moore, C. K. Wood, Dr. W. H. H. Hinds. Appro- priation, one thousand seven hundred dollars. 1859.— John M. Moore, C. K. Wood, C. Webster Bush, in place of Dr. W. H. H. Hinds resigned. Appropriation, two thousand dollars. 1860. — John M. Moore, C. K. Wood, C. Webster Bush. Appropri- ation, two thousand dollars. 1861. — John M. Moore, C. K. Wood, C. Webster Bush. Appropria- tion, nine hundred dollars. 1862. — C. K. Wood, C. Webster Bush, John M. Moore. Appropria- tion, one thousand two hundred dollars. 1863. — C. Webster Bush, John M. Moore, Rev. Samuel J. Austin. Appropriation, one thousand five hundred dollars 1864. — John M. Moore, Rev. Samuel J. Austin. John D. Edgell. Ap- propriation, one thousand seven hundred dollars. 464 HISTOIiY OF GARDJ^ER. 1865.— John D, Edgell, John M. Moore, C. K. Wood to fill vacancy caused by resi^natiou of Rev. Samuel J. Austin. Appropriation, two thousand dollars. 1866.— John D. Edgell, John M. Moore, Rev. W. D. Herrick. Ap- propriation, two thousand dollars. 1867. — John D. Edgell, John M. Moore, David Keltou. Appropriation, three thousand five hundred , dollars. 1868. — David Kelton, Murray Closson, John M. Moore. Mr. Moore resigned. Appropriation, three thousand five hundred dollars. 1869.— David Kelton, John M. Moore, Charles Heywood, C. K. Wood, Joseph Burnett, Allen Folger. Appropriation, three thousand eight hundred dollars. 1870.— John M. Moore, C. K. Wood, C. Webster Bush, Charles Hey- wood, Joseph Burnett. Appropriation, three thousand eight hun- dred dollars. 1871. — John M. Moore, C. K. Wood, Charles Heywood, Dr. James Emerson, C. AVebster Bush. Appropriation, four thousand five hundred dollars. 1872. — John M. Moore, Dr. James Emerson, Rev. John E. Wheeler. Appropriation, four thousand eight hundred dollars. 1873. — Rev. John E. Wheeler, John M. Moore, Dr. James Emerson. Appropriation, five thousand dollars. 1874. — Dr. James Emerson, John M. Moore. Appropriation, five thou- sand five hundred dollars. 1875. — John M. Moore, Dr. James Emerson, Edward H. Sawin. Ap^ propriation, six thousand five hundred dollars. 1876. — Dr. James Emerson, Edward H. Sawin, Dr. W. H. H. Hinds. Appropriation, six thousand five hundred dollars. 1877.— Edward P. Noyes, Dr. W. H. H. Hinds, Thatcher B. Dunn. Appropriation, six thousand five hundred dollars. 1878. — Thatcher B. Dunn, E. P. Noyes, John M. Moore. Appropri- ation, seven thousand dollars. HISTORY OF GARDINER. 465 It will be seen, by consulting page 447, of this work, that the first school-houses were erected in this town, in 1794. Since that time, but more especially since the abolishment of the dis- trict and adoption of the graded system, this town has always furnished itself with ample and convenient school accommoda- tions. In 1858, School District No. 1, erected a large and con- venient house, with four departments, at a cost of ten thousand dollars. In the same year. District No. 3, built a school-house with four departments, costing five thousand dollars. In 1876, the Southeast school-house, was remodeled, at an expense of three thousand five hundred seventy-four dollars and eighty- nine cents. At the present date, a new school-house is be- ing erected in the West Village, containing two departments, at an estimated cost of five thousand dollars. At present, all the school-houses in the town, are in an excellent con- dition, and most of them well furnished with the means of successful instruction. In carefully reviewing the present chapter, the reader will be convinced that Gardner has never been backward, in responding to the demands which the education of her youth have made upon her, and is, at the present time, occupying advanced ground, in matters of general culture. The words of Bancroft will form a fitting conclusion to this chapter: "In the laws establishing common schools, lies the secret of the success and character of New England. Every child, as it is born into the world, was lifted from the earth, by the genius of the country,' and, in the statutes of the land, received, as its birthright, a pledge of the public care for its morals and its mind." 59 466 HISTORY OF GARDNEll. CHAPTER XIX. CHURCHES AND THEIR PASTORS. " On other shores, above their moulcl'ring towns, In sullen pomp, the tall cathedral frowns, Pride in its aisle, and paupers at the door. Which feeds the beggars whom it fleeced of yore. Simple and frail, our lowly Temples throw, Their slender shadows on the paths below ; Scarce steal the winds, that sweep his woodland tracks. The larch's perfume from the settlers axe. Ere like a vision of the morning air. His slight fi-amed steeple marks the house of prayer!" —0. W. Holmes. " Wide was his pai'ish — houses far asunder — But he neglected naught for rain or thunder, In sickness and in grief to visit all. The furthest in his parish, great and small, Always on foot and in his hand a stave. This noble example to his flock he gave : That first he wi'ought and afterward he taught ; Out of the gospel, he that lesson caught, And this new figure added he thereto. That if gold rust then what should iron do?" — Chaucer. IN attempting to unfold, as faithfully as circumstances will permit, that portion of this history, which has special ref- erence to ecclesiastical aflairs, we regard it as fitting and proper, to direct the attention of the reader, to some of the more prom- inent events, which preceded the establishment of the church and the ministry, in this town. This we do, for the purpose of forming, in the reader's mind, an intelligent basis for a clearer understanding of the conduct, of our fathers, in devoting themselves so assiduously to the task, HISTORY OF GARDNER. 467 which they immediately assumed, of providing religious instruc- tion for themselves and their families. Says D'Aubigne, "to study great things in small, is one of the most useful exercises. The foundations upon which a building stands are certainly not the most interesting part, but they are, perhaps, the most nec- essary." Should we undertake to trace the streams of civil and religious liberty, which flow, in such innumerable and irrigating channels, over the entire surface of our great republic, causing spiritual verdure and delightful fruitage, on every hand, we should find them having their origin, far back in the sixteenth century, or, indeed, previous to that time. Says D'Aubigne again, " Calvin was the founder of the greatest of republics. The Pilgrims, who left their country in the reign of James 1st, and, landing on the barren shores of New England, founded populous and mighty colonies, are his sons, his direct and legitimate sons ; and that American nation, which we have seen growing so rapidly, boasts as its father the humble reformer, on the shores of the Leman." The principle of religious liberty, now so deeply seated in our country, had its incarnation and fearless utterance, in the person of John Calvin. Englishmen, who took refuge in Geneva, from the bloody persecution of Marj', learned of this man, the love of spiritual liberty and the hate of spiritual tyranny. Returning to England, with their minds aflame with these lofty sentiments, they inspired a spirit of discontent, with nationalism, in the hearts of many, against that tyranny which, by Acts of Unifor- mity, High Commission and the Star Chamber, sought to coerce men to worship God, contrary to the dictates of their enlight- ened conscience, which, says Dr. Bacon, " in conscientious men, when it has been aroused to declare itself, is an obstinate thing." Permeated by this love of religious liberty and freedom of conscience, caught from the lips and life of this great Genevan reformer, whose virtues and mighty deeds, in behalf of freedom from ecclesiastical bondage, seem now to have been forgotten, by too many, who are boasting of a liberty, for the existence of which, he prepared the way, there were, in the latter part of 468 HISTORY OF GABDJ^UB. the sixteenth century, such noble martyrs as Henry Barrowe, John Greenwood and John Peury, who were willing to testify to their love of religious liberty, by the sacrifice of their own lives. Hence arose, in England, that religious sect, called Puritans, whose aim was, at first, not separation from the Es- tablished Church, but a reformation of what they regarded as its abuses. Gradually, however, they became convinced that what they sought in connection with this church, they were not likely to obtain. Hence came that separation, which, subsequently, resulted in the formation, at Scrooby, in the house of William Brewster, of a church of Separatists, from which place, in 1607, " by a joint consent, they resolved to go into the Low Countries, not as individuals, but as a church, for which their native country had no place of rest." After a sojourn, of eleven years, at Amster- dam and Leyden, w^efind these Puritans seeking, for themselves and their children, some place beyond the sea, where they might enjoy that religious freedom, in behalf of which, they had suffered so much, and for the establishment of which, upon other shores, they were willing to impei'il their lives. Their lan- guage was, "all great and honorable actions are accompanied with difficulties, which must be met and conquered with corresponding courage. What though the dangers be great, they are not des- perate. What though the difficulties be many, they are not invin- cible. Some of the things, so greatly feared, may never befall us; others, by foresight, care, and good use of means, may, in a great measure, be prevented ; and all of them, by fortitude, patience, and God's help, can be borne and overcome. Such attempts, it is true, are not to be made without good ground and reason ; but have we not good ground and honorable rea- son? Have we not in the providence of God, a lawful and urgent call to the proposed undertaking? May we not, there- fore, look for God's blessing upon it? Yea, though we should lose our lives in this action, yet may we have comfort in the same, and our endeavors will be honorable." HISTORY OF GARDNER. 469 The meaning of this language is, that such was their love of religious liberty and the rights of conscience, they were willing to sacrifice their li\ es, for the supremacy of these, among men. Having received abundant instruction and counsel, from their excellent pastor, John Robinson, August lath, 1620, a hundred and twenty souls embarked, upon the Mayflower, at South Hampton, for their voyage across the Atlantic, "to begin the great work of plantation, in New England." They had bidden farewell to Leyden, " that goodly and pleasant city, which had been their resting place for nearly twelve years. But they knew that they were Pilgrims, and looked not much on those things, but lifted up their eyes to the heavens, their dearest country, and quieted their spirits." After a voyage of sixty-three days, during which one of their number had died, they discovered land, and soon were safely moored in the harbor of Cape Cod, November 9th, 1620. The testimony, which the Dutch magistrates, of the city of their almost twelve years sojourn, concerning this people, was, " Never, never did we have any suit or accusation against them." There was no desire, on their part, that these exiles, from their native land, for conscience's sake, should withdraw from their midst ; but inspired with " a hope and inward zeal of advancing the gospel of the kingdom of Christ, in the remote parts of the New World ; yea, though they should be but stepping-stones unto others, for performing so great a work," the Pilgrims sought and found these western shores. Should any one inquire for the motive, moving these men, with their wives and children, to seek a habitation in " the wilderness," the answer will be found, upon the lips of the eminent men of those and subse- quent times. Said the venerable Higginsou, of Salem, in his election ser- mon, 1663, " It concerneth New England always, to remember that these are originally a plantation religious, not a plantation of trade. The profession of the purity of doctrine and dis- cipline is written upon her forehead. Let merchants and such as are increasing cent per cent., remember this: that worldly 470 HISTOliY OF GARDJ^^ER. gain was not the end, nor the design of the people of New Enghind, but religion. And if any among us make religion as twelve and the world as thirteen, such an one has not the spirit of a true New England man." To the same effect, is the language of Dr. Increase Mather, when, in speaking of the Pilgrims, he sa3's, " They did not, in coming hither, propound any great matters to themselves, re- specting this world ; only that they should have liberty to serve God, and to walk with him, in all the ways of his worship." Says Rev. AVilliam Plubbard, of the fathers, " they came not hither for the world, or for land, or for traffic ; but for religion, and for liberty of conscience, in the worship of God, which was their only design." With this sole end, of religious liberty in view, the Pilgrims, landed upon Plymouth Rock, bringing with them these social, civil and religious, institutions, out of which, has come so much of good, to this nation. Thev had lived lonsf enouo;h, in Ens:- land, as lovers of liberty of conscience, to make their influence felt to such an extent, as to compel the sceptical Hume to ad- mit, that the English nation is indebted to the Puritans, for all the liberty of its constitution. In the judgment of Bancroft, our philosophical historian, the Calvinian theory, which these founders of our republic brought to these shores, instead of being narrow, illiberal, or irrational, " combines and perfects the symbolic wisdom of the Orient, and the reflective genius of Greece ; conforming to rea- son, yet enkindling enthusiasm, guaranteeing absolute freedom, yet invoking the inexorable restraints of duty ; awakening the inner man, to a consciousness of his destiny, and yet adapted with exact harmony, to the outer Avorld." Referring to the compact, which the Pilgrims signed, in the cabin of the Mayflower, this same historian says, " This was the birth of popular constitutional liberty. In the cabin of the Mayflower, humanity recorded its rights, and instituted govern- ment on the basis of ' equal laws,' for the general good. As the Pilgrims landed, their institutions were already perfected. Dem- HISTORY OF GARDNER. 471 ocratic liberty and independent Christian worship, at once ex- isted in America. Enduring every hardship themselves, they were the servants of posterity, the benefactors of succeeding generations, who scattered the seminal principles of republican freedom and national independence." With these ends in view, we can easil}^ see how the original government, of the colonies, should be of the nature of a theocra- cy, in which, the great head of all power and authority was Christ, to whom, above all earthly sovereigns, they paid most devout homage and reverent obedience. Hence, there existed, at tirst, and for a long time, a union of state and ecclesiastical affairs, in the same body, called the Court of Assistants. To this Court, all matters of the church and state, were referred. So close was the union of church and state, that, in 1631, " to the end, the Ijody of the commons may be preserved of honest and good men, it was likewise ordered and agreed, that for time to come, no man shall be admitted to the freedom of this body politic, but such as are members of some of the churches, within the limits of the same." In 163G, it was ordered, "that no person, being a member of any church, which shall hereafter be gathered, without the approbation of the magistrates and the greater part of the said churches, shall be admitted to the freedom of this commonwealth." It was also ordered, " that none but freemen, shall have any vote, in any town, in any action of authority, or necessity, or that which belongs to them by virtue of their freedom, as receiving inhabitants and laying out of lots, etc." These freemen were obliged to take an oath, of great scope and sanctity, that they would defend the interests of the colony, to the extent of their ability, and as would best conduce and tend to the public weal of the body, without respect of persons, or favor of any man." In these acts of legislation, by the Great and General Court, we discover, not only the close alliance of religious and secular interests, but also the motive which led to this union, which was, that the religious liberties, here planted by the Pilgrim Fathers, might be carefully guarded and preserved, by the 472 HISTORY OF GARDNER. highest authority then existing. Looking at the basis on which the Pl3'mouth and Massachusetts colonies were founded, we cannot reo-ard this result as unnatural. These men came to these shores as Congregational ists, or as members of a church whose government was in the hands of its male membership. Naturally, would the}^ seek to foster this religious order and mode of worship, even though it should require, what to us now seems so unwise, the strong arm of the Great and General Court, for its support. Had not the church and state been thus identical, for several years, succeeding the landing of the Pilgrims, we can hardly see how the principles of civil and religious liberty, could have become so strongly rooted in this American soil, as to warrant their continuance, to the present time. This policy made the Congregational, the established church, to which, all members of the colonies must give their support, or sutfer the penalty imposed, by the secular power. Every man was obliged, for a time, to worship God, in accordance with the rules of the estab- lished church. For its support, he must be taxed. The rigor of this law, after a time, began to abate and men were allowed to worship, in accordance with their own preferences. They were exempt from punishment, for not worshiping with the established church, but not from taxation, for its support. Thus, the dissenter was obliged to bear a double burden, if he should worship, in accordance with his preference. By successive acts of legislation, this law was so modified, as to allow any one to connect himself with the religious assem- bly, of his own choice, providing he should bring a certificate from the proper authorities of that religious body, to the oiSi- cers of the Congregational parish, established within the limits of his town, that he was a regular attendant upon divine service, in connection with that body, and contributed to the support of the same. Subsequently, the law was so changed, as to annul all con- nection between town and parish, and all persons were allowed to identify themselves with any religious body they should pre- HISTORY OF GARDNER. 473 fer, or with none at all. So that, at the present time, there is no compulsory, but only a voluntary support, of religious in- stitutions. This liberty was granted in 1833. The inhabitants of this and every town were compelled, by law, to support preaching, while the town and parish were identical. This explains the votes of the town, acting in its capacity of town and parish, interchangably, which will be in- troduced hereafter, from the Town Records, wherein w^e find the secular and the sacred, strangely mixed on the same page. As for instance, on page 199, vol. 1, we have such votes as these : " Voted, The Rev. Jonathan Osgood eighty pounds, for one-half of his settlement and seventy-five pounds, for his two years salary." " Voted, That the lowest bidder take the meet- ing-house, to sweep it four times a 3'ear, well, and open the doors, at all public meetings, and see that the doors and win- dows are kept shut, after the meeting is over, and bring water for christening." " Voted, To let swine run at large, under the regulations of the law." In these records the minister, meeting-house, schools, christenings and swine, have, to us of the present day, an almost ludicrous intermingling ; but to the men of those days, these were matters of grave importance. But, not only did the Great and General Court provide for the enforced maintenance of gospel preaching, they also pro- vided for the gospel ministry. Says Johnson, in his Wonder- working Providence, A. D. 1654, " it being as unnatural for a right New England man to live without an able ministry, as for a smith to work his iron without a fire," therefore, the peoiDle delayed "seating themselves" in a town's estate, until they " came to hopes of a competent number of people, as might be able to maintain a minister." The Court required " all towns to be supplied with a minister, a meeting-house and a parson- age," and all inhabitants to be taxed, for their support. In case of any defect, in any congregation, or town, to provide " for the settlement and encouraging maintenance of ministers," the County Court ordered what the maintenance should be, and issued warrants to the selectmen, to assess the inhabitants. 60 474 HISTORY OF GABBNEB. The General Court, as early as 1654, held it to be their *' great duty, to provide that all places and people, within their gates, should be supplied with an able and foithful minister of God's holy word." Presidents of County Courts and Grand Juries, were to present all abuses. As late as the year 1800, we have the exact penalties which towns should pay, for neg- lecting to supply the people with good preaching. If the neglect continued, three months out of six, the penalty was from thirty to sixty dollars; if repeated, the penalty was from sixty to one hundred dollars. This law, of the Great and Gen- eral Court, explains the fact, that the first public act. in all these towns, after getting their municipal machinery in motion, was to select a spot, in the geographical centre of the town, and proceed, at once, to the erection of a meeting-house, and to provide themselves, immediately with " a learned gospel minister." This was not a matter of option with the founders of a new town. It was the mandate of the highest civil au- thority, which could not be set aside. This explains, to us, the action of the first settlers of this town, who were so prompt and earnest, and self-denying, in erecting their first church edifice and supplying themselves so early, with a gospel preacher. Nor should our readers forget the character, of the ministry of the early days of our colonies, and of these New England States. History supports us in saying, that these early ministers were men of no common powers, nor learning. Says Stoughton, in his Election Sermon, 1668 : "God sifted a whole nation that he might send choice grain, into this wilderness. They were men of great renown, in the nation from which the Laudian persecution exiled them ; their learn- ing, their holiness, their gravity, struck all men who knew them, with admiration. They were Timothies in their houses, Chrys- ostoms, in their pulpits, Augustines, in their disputations." They were the men, who founded the College at Cambridge, and wrote upon its forehead, Christo et Ecdesice. So great was the learning, wisdom, probity and piety, of many of the cler- gymen, of our early history, that their counsel was often sought HISTORY OF GARDNER, 475 b}' statesmen, and the advice given from their pnlpits, espec- ially, in their election sermons, was incorporated into legisla- tive enactments. Of Dr. Jonathan Mayhew, it was said, by Robert Treat Paine, that he was " The father of Civil and Re- ligious Liberty, in Massachusetts and America." President Adams called him "a Whig of the first magnitude, a clergy- man equaled by very few of any denomination, in piety, virtue, genius or learning ; whose works will maintain his character as long as New England shall be free, integrity esteemed, or wit, spirit, humor, reason and knowledge admired." It was this distinguished man who in 1766, suggested to James Otis, the idea of a " Committee of Correspondence," which had such a powerful efiect in pi'oducing concert of action, between the colonies. " You have heard," said he, " of the communion of churches. While I was thinking of this in my bed, the great use and importance of a communion of colonies, appeared to me in a strong light."* This was the kind of clergymen, who came, originally, to aid, in founding the colonies, to prepare and shape the events, which preceded the Revolution, and to fire the hearts of their coun- trymen, with that courage, zeal, fortitude and patience, which caused them, guided by Providence, to win the liberties which are ours to-day. When we consider who these men, and their associates in all public affairs, both civil and religious, were, and what they did really accomplish, in working out the problem of civil and religious liberty, for themselves and their posterity, we can afford to look, with charity, upon some things in their conduct, that to us of more liberal ideas, seem severe and even unchristian, if not positively inhumane. With these preliminary statements, regarding ecclesiastical matters, in the days preceding the incorporation of this town, we may now direct attention to the action of the early settlers of the town, in regard to matters of religious importance. *Thoniton's Pulpit of the Kevolution, p. 44-45. 476 HI8T0RY OF GABDNEll. FIRST PARISH AND CHURCH TILL 1867. It will be remembered, that the town was incorporated June 27th, 1785, and that the first town meeting was held Angnst 15th, of the same year. The second town meeting was held the 6tb of the following month, the object of which, was to see about a county road, going through the Centre of the town. But, upon November 7th, 1785, a little more than four months from the date of incorporation, the town was assembled to act upon the following articles, with some others of a difierent nature : "To know their minds concerning giving security for the meetinjj-house o;rounds, and take a deed of the same." " To know their minds concerning building a meeting-house and to act anything relating thereunto, as they shall think proper when met." " To know their minds concerning hiring of preaching." At this town meeting, the citizens of Gardner, passed the following votes, relating to the erection of a meeting-house, and furnishing themselves with preaching: " Chose Joseph Bacon, John White, Capt. Kelton, Moses Hill and David Fos- ter, a committee to draw a plan of the meeting-house and to see what stuff it will take." " Chose Simon Gates, Elisha Jack- son and Capt. Kelton, a committee to hire preaching." " Voted, To hire four days preaching." It will be observed, that the town did not call a meeting, to see if they would build a church and provide a preacher, as is done now ; that matter w'as already settled for them, by the General Court. They were obliged to do this, by the law of that court, and their duty was, to pro- ceed at once. At an adjournment of this meeting, Nov. 14th, the town " Voted, To take a deed of the land already surveyed, for a site for a meeting-house common and burying yard." The town then heard the report of the meeting-house committee and " Voted, To Iniild a meeting-house, forty feet wide and sixty-five feet long, with three porches. Then chose Joseph Bacon, John White, Andrew Beard, William Bickford, Capt. Kelton, a committee to lot out the timber and stuif, in small lots." HISTORY OF GARDNER. 477 This meeting was then adjourned, to January 2d, 1786, at which, the town, acting as a parish, " Voted, To reconsider that part of the third article respecting the bigness of the meet- ing-house, and voted to build the house forty-five by sixty, and two porches. Voted, To vendue the timber and stuif, for build- ing, in small lots. Chose Joseph Bacon vendue master. Chose Capt Kelton, Samuel Stone, Peter Goodale, a committee to draw conditions of sale. Then adjourned one-half hour ; then met and accepted the conditions of sale. Voted, That the hewing timber be cut by the last of June next." Then chose " a com- mittee to accept of the timber and stufi"." The following are the conditions of sale, of " the timber and stuff," which, together Avith the schedule of the articles used, in the construction of the first meeting-house, as presented by the committee chosen "to draw a plan of the meeting-house and to see what stutf it will take," with the price, at which each piece was bidden ofi", and the name of each person, agree- ing to furnish the same, we here introduce, in full, partly as a matter of curiosity, and partly to show the intelligence and skill of Mr. Joseph Bacon, a master workman of those days. "Be it known, to all whom these come before, that those whom any part or parts of the materials for building the meet- ing-house be vendued to, or any other way, do undertake to provide and delive-r, on the spot, that the town shall appoint, do engage to fulfill and deliver on said spot, and further, do engage that the materials be good, and to the town's acceptance, or to the acceptance of a committee that may be appointed for the accepting of the same. And do further engage, that in failure of any of the above mentioned articles, and that for each article not delivered on said spot, do engage to pay the town nine pounds, to be paid on demand ; and do further en- gage, that all the hewing timber be cut by the last of June, 1786, and that all the materials be delivered by the first day of April, 1787." 478 HISTORY OF GARDJSFEB. SCHEDULE. £ s. d. Reuben Haynes, 1 pitch pine sill, 60 ft. long, 12 by 12, at. ... 0150 Jucle Sawyer, 1 pitch pine sill, 60 ft. long, 12 by 12, at 14 6 AVilliam Bickford, 2 pitch pine sills, 45 ft. long, 12 by 12, at. . 1 10 Joseph Clark, 2 white pine sills, 45 ft. long, 12 by 12, at 1 4 Ezra Moore, 2 white pine sills, 45 ft. long, 12 by 12, at 1 2 Moses Hill, 2 oak posts, 27 ft. long, 12 by 12, at 15 Ephraim Pratt, 2 oak posts, 27 ft. long, 12 by 12, at 18 Moses Hill, 2 oak posts, 27 ft. long, 12 by 12, at 15 Joseph Holland, 2 oak posts, 27 ft. long, 12 by 12, at 16 Ephraim Pratt, 2 oak posts, 27 ft, long, 12 by 12, at 16 Moses Hill, 2 oak posts, 27 ft. long, 12 by 12, at 15 Gideon Fisher, 2 oak posts, 27 ft. long, 12 by 12, at 15 Ephraim Pratt, 2 oak posts, 27 ft. long, 12 by 12, at 15 Samuel Stone, 2 white pine plates, 63 ft. long, 9 by 10, at. ... 1 6 Benj. Kendall, 5 white pine plates, 13 ft. long, 10 by 10, at. . . 10 Benj. Kendall, 5 white pine plates, 13 ft. long, 10 by 10, at. . . 10 Samuel Stone, 4 white pine beams, 48 ft. long, 12 by 14, at . . 3 9 Joseph Wright, 2 beams, the six beams to spring 18 inches in the midst of each one, at 1 14 Reuben Haynes, 2 white pine gallery sills, 45 ft. long, 12 by 14, 1 5 Jesse Hill, 1 white pine gallery sill, 40 ft. long, 12 by 14, at 11 Reuben Haynes, 4 oak girts, 17 ft. long, 10 by 12, at 15 Seth Heywood, 7 oak girts, 13 ft. long, 8 by 10, at 10 Gideon Fisher, 8 oak girts, 13 ft. long, 10 by 12, at 16 Seth Heywood, 2 oak girts, 22 ft. long, 10 by 12, at 7 Joshua Whitney, 6 pitch pine sills, 14 ft. long, 8 by 12, at. ... 15 Jabez Partridge, 6 white pine plates, 19 ft. long, 8 by 8, at. . . 10 Seth Heywood, 4 oak posts, 15 ft. long, 8 by 8, at 6 Seth Heywood, 4 oak king posts, 16 ft. long, 12 by 12, at. ... 130 Reuben Haynes, four oak girts, 14 ft. long, 8 by 9, at 8 Peter Goodale, 3 oak girts, 12 ft. long, 8 by 9, at 4 Peter Goodale, 6 oak girts, 13 feet long, 8 by 9, at 7 Moses Hill, 4 oak rafters, 29 ft. long, 9 by 10, at 8 Ephraim Pratt, 4 oak rafters, 29 ft. long, 9 by 10, at 9 Moses Hill, 4 oak rafters, 29 ft. long, 9 by 10, at 8 Ephraim Pratt, 4 hackmatack span braces, 25 ft. long, 9 by 10, to spring one foot, at 6 HISTORY OF GARDNER. 479 £ s. d. Moses Hill, 4 hackmatack span braces, 25 ft. long, 9 by 10, to spring 1 foot, at 6 Elisha Jackson, a oak braces, 25 ft. long, 8 by 8, at . . , 16 Seth Heywood, 5 oak braces, 25 ft. long, 8 by 8, at 15 Moses Hill, 5 oak ridge poles, 14 ft. long, 7 by 7, at 7 Jabez Partridge, 24 pieces of oak or beech slitwork, 11 ft. long, 4 by 5, at 5 Ephraim Pratt, 24 pieces of oak or beech slitwork, 13 ft. long, 4 by 5, at 8 Reuben Haynes, 24 pieces of oak or beech slitwork, 13 ft. long, 4 by 5, at * 8 Jabez Partridge, 24 pieces, 11 ft. long, 4 by 5, at 7 Benj. Kendall, 24 pieces, 11 ft long. 4 by 5, at 7 William Bickford, 24 pieces, 11 ft. long, 3 by 4, at 4 6 William Bickford, 24 pieces, 13 ft. long, 3 by 4, at 4 6 Seth Heywood, 24 pieces, 13 ft. long, 3 by 4, at 6 Israel Keyes, 24 pieces, 11 ft. long, 3 by 4, at 7 Benj. Kendall, 24 pieces of slitwork, 16 ft. long, 5 by 6, at. . . 14 Ephraim Pratt, 24 pieces of slitwork, 16 ft. long, 5 by 6, at. . . 14 Elisha Jackson, 23 pieces of slitwork, 16 ft. long, 5 by 6, at. . 13 Benj. Kendall, 24 pieces of oak slitwork, 14 ft. long, 4 by 5, at 14 Benj. Kendall, 48 pieces of oak slitwork, 14 ft. long, 4 by 5, at 15 William Bickford, 24 oak, 13 ft. long. 4 by 5, at 12 Benj. Kendall, 24 oak, 13 ft. long, 4 by 5, at 11 Elijah Wilder, 24 oak, 10 ft. long, 4 by 5, at 11 Elijah Wilder, 24 oak, 10 ft. long, 3 by 4, at 6 Joseph Wright, 24 oak, 8 ft. long, 3 by 4, at 6 Joseph Wright, 20 pieces oak, 16 ft. long, 4 by 5, at 9 Elijah Wilder, 20 oak or beech rafters, 10 ft. long, 4 by 5, at. 6 Elijah Wilder, 26 pieces oak or beech, 14 ft. long, 5 by 6, at. . 14 Elijah Wilder, 26 pieces oak or beech, 14 ft. long, 5 by 6, at. . 14 Elijah Wilder, 26 pieces oak or beech, 14 ft. long, 5 by 6, at. . 14 Samuel Stone, 35 oak, beech or birch braces, 8 ft. long, 5 by 6, 10 Ephraim Pratt, 35 oak, beech or birch braces, 8 ft. long, 5 by 6, 9 Benj. Kendall, 35 oak, beech or birch braces, 8 ft. long, 5 by 6, 9 Elijah Wilder, 16 oak or beech braces, 10 It. long, 5 by 6, at. . 7 Elijah Wilder, 35 oak braces, 7 ft. long, 3 by 5, at 8 Elijah Wilder, 35 oak braces, 7 ft. long, 3 by 5, at 8 Elijah^ Wilder, 2 thousand of inclosing boards, inch, at 2 480 HISTORY OF GARDNER. £ s. d. David Nichols, 2 thousand of inclosing boards, inch, at 2 Joseph Clark, 2 thousand of inclosing boards, inch, at 2 Jesse Hill, 2 thousand of inclosing boards, inch, at 2 Elijah Wilder, 2 thousand of inclosing boards, inch, at 2 David jSichols, 2 thousand of inclosing boards, inch, at 2 Elijah Wilder, 2 thousand of inclosing boards, inch, at 2 Joseph Clark, 2 thousand of inclosing boards, inch, at 2 Jabez Partridge, 2 thousand of inclosing boards, inch, at 2 Caleb Jackson, 2 thousand of inclosing boards, inch, at 2 Josiah Wilder, 1000 clapboards, ^ inch thick, 5i inches wide, 4 ft. .^ ft. long,-at '. 3 3 Gideon Fisher, 1000 clapboards, 5 inch thick, .')i inches wide, 4 ft. j ft. long, at 3 9 Josiah AVilder, 1000 clapboards, ^ inch thick, ok inches wide, 4 ft. ?j ft. long, at 3 9 Samuel Foster, 1000 clapboards, ^ inch thick, 5 J- inches wide, 1 ft. J- ft. long, at 3 10 Josiah Wilder, 500 clapboards, i inch thick, 5^ inches wide, 4 ft. J- ft. long, at 1 15 Ephraim Pratt, 4 thousand good white pine shingles, at 1 10 Jonathan Eaton, 4 thousand good white pine shingles, at 1 10 Benjamin Clark, 4 thousand good white pine shingles, at I 10 David Foster, 4 thousand good white pine shingles, at 1 10 Joseph Clark, 4 thousand good white pine shingles, at 1 10 pjlijah Simonds, 4 thousand good white pine shingles, at 1 10 Ezra Moore, 4 thousand good white pine shingles, at I 10 Jonathan Greenwood, 4 thousand good white pine shingles, at. . 1 10 Elisha Jackson, 500 white pine 2-inch plank, 14 ft. long, at. . . 1 8 Elisha Jackson, 500 white pine 2-inch plank, 14 ft. long, at. . . 1 9 Jonathan Bancroft, 500 white pine 2-inch plank, 14 ft. long, at 1 9 Elijah Wilder, 500 white pine 2-inch plank, 14 ft. long, at. ... 1 9 Joseph Clark, 500 of sash stuff, 1^: inches thick, at 1 5 Ebenezer Elaton, 500 of sash stuff, 1^ inches thick, at 1 7 Jonathan Bancroft, 500 of sash stuff, 1| inches thick, at 1 GO Andrew Beard, 500 of sash stuff, 1^ inches thick, at I 7 Elijah Simonds, 500 of sash stuff, 1^ inches thick, at 1 7 Joshua Whitney, 500 of sash stuff, 1^ inches thick, at 1 7 Peter Goodale, 1000 of boards, '^ of an inch thick, clear stuff, at 1 IG HISTORY OF GARDNER. 481 £. s. d. Elijah Simonds, 500 of boards, f of an inch thick, clear stuff, at 18 Ezra Moore, 500 of boards, | of an inch thick, clear stuff, at 17 Ebenezer Eaton, 25 pieces of pine slitwork, 4 by 5, at 14 Elijah Simonds, 25 pieces of pine slitwork, 4 by 5, at 13 6 Elisha Jackson, 25 pieces of pine slitwork, 4 by 5, at 13 Elisha Jackson, 25 pieces of pine slitwork, 4 by 5, at 12 6 Elisha Jackson, 500 of pine slitwork, 5 by 5, at 1 Elijah Wilder, 11 pieces of cant stuff, 11 feet long, at 10 March 7th, 1786, the town " Voted, To choose a committee of three, to see how much it will cost to frame and finish the out- side of the meeting-house." At an adjourned meeting, March 14th, " Voted, To raise £400, for the framing and finish- ing the outside of the meeting-house, and laying the floor, and to pay for the timber and other articles, for the meeting-house." September 25th, 1786, " Voted, To choose a committee to pitch on a spot, to set the meeting-house on." " Voted, To choose a committee, to lot out the underpinning of the meeting-house, in small lots, and draw conditions of sale." In 178(5 the town " Voted, To accept the spot which the committee staked out, for the meeting-house to stand on." " Voted, To see if the town is willino; that all the free-holders should vote concerninor the buildino- of the meetin2:-house. Passed in the afiirmative." The following is the report of the committee, concerning un- derpinning the meeting-house. " Voted, To accejjt the report of the committee and conditions of sale, which is as follows : — "Be it known, to all whom these come before; That we, who shall, or may undertake to dig, or underpin the hole, or any part or parts, to set the meeting-house upon, do engage to dig it, two feet and a half wide, and two feet and a half deep, and fill the trench up, with small stones, and to provide good square stones, and to lay the same square, in line, eighteen inches from the ground, the highest corner of the ground, and so to have it a true level on the top of the underpinning ; and to do the same, to the acceptance of the town, or a committee that the town shall appoint for the same. The lots are as fol- 61 482 HISTORY OF GARDNER. lows, the digging and filling up, fit to lay the underpinning : — "First lot, beginning at the southeast corner, and from thence to the southwest, sixty feet; Ezra Moore, 17s. Second lot, beginning at the southwest corner, and thence round the porch, to the northwest corner, seventy-three feet; Seth Heywood, 19s. ^d. Third lot, beginning at- the northwest corner, so to the northeast corner, sixty feet; David Foster, 16s. Fourth lot, beginning at the northeast corner, so round the porch, to the southeast corner, seventy-three feet ; Jonathan Bancroft, 15s. — to provide stones and the lime. Fifth lot, beginning at the middle of the front door, and from thence to the west porch, forty-six and a half feet; Samuel Kelton, £4 10s. Sixth lot, round the west porch, forty-two feet; William Bickford, £3 10s. Seventh lot, beginning at the west porch, and so to the middle of the north side, forty-six and a half feet ; Jonathan Bancroft, £4. Eighth lot, beginning at the middle of the north side, so to the east porch, forty-six and a half feet; Ebenezer Keyes, £4 12s. Ninth lot, round the east porch, forty-two feet ; Benjamin Clark, £4 12s. Tenth lot, beginning at the east porch, and so to the middle of the front door, forty-six and a half feet; Ebenezer Howe, £4 18s." " Voted, To complete the underpinning, of the meeting- house, by the 20th of June, 1787." " Voted, To vendue the underpinning." " Voted, To choose a committee of five to get the window frames' and sashes made, and provide articles nec- essary for building the outside of the meeting-house, which are not already provided." " Voted, To build the meeting-house in June, 1787." "Voted, To choose a committee of three to view the trench, before it is filled up, and see if it will answer the end ; and to view it after it is filled up, and see if it is fit for to lay the square stone on, and to accept of the underpin- ning, if done workmanlike ; and to strike out the porches, twelve feet by fourteen feet long." At a meeting held December 25th, 1786, " Voted, To let out the framing and finishing of the outside of the meeting-house." " Voted, That a receipt from the committee that is to accept of HISTORY OF GARDNER. 483 the timber and stuff, for building the meeting house, shall be a sufficient order on the town treasurer." " Voted, Not to drop the porches to the meeting-house." " Voted, To choose a com- mittee to see how they can get the meeting-house framed and the outside finished, and lay it before the town, at the adjourn- ment of this meeting." At an adjourned meeting, January 15th, 1787, " Voted, To give Joseph Bacon, for framing and finish- ing the outside of the meeting-house, setting the glass, and painting the house and laying the lower floor, and making the in- side doors, the town finding all the materials, £172 10s. he assist- ing with his hands, in raising." " Voted, To choose a committee of three for to take bonds, of Joseph Bacon, for the fulfilment of the bargain, and give bonds for the town's fulfilment on their part." June 6th, 1787, the town being legally assembled, "Voted, To choose a committee to provide a number of hands for to raise the meeting-house, and entertain them, with provisions and drink, and all other articles necessary for the raising of said house." " Voted, That this committee consist of nine men." " Voted, That Joseph Bacon appoint some man, to see that the common be kept clear of spectators, on said day, that the meet- ing-house is to be raised, as to being in the way of raising said house." "Voted, That the collector take butter, of the per- sons that are in his rates, provided, that they bring the butter by the first of July, next, at Id. per pound ; and the collector to provide firkins to put said butter in, and to deliver the butter to the committee that are to provide the nails for the meeting- house, when called for. It is expected, that the collector put the butter into firkins, well salted, and the butter to be good butter." June 26th, 1787, the town met agreeable to adjourn- ment. "Voted, For the committee to give the spectators one drink." This was the only vote passed at this meeting. Although there is no record of the date of the raising of the meeting-house, there is a strong probability, that the raising oc- curred June 27th, 1787, just two years from the date of incor- poration. Tradition informs us, that the committee chosen to 484 HI8T0RY OF GARDNER. supervise the raising of the meeting-house, made application to Captain Samuel Savvin, of Westminster, Esquire Smith, of Ash- burnham, Deacon Moses Hale, of Wiuchenclon, and Mr. Joseph Wright, of Templeton, to be present, with a number of good hands, to assist in the raising of the house. In accorclance with this invitation, these parties all appeared, on the common, early in the morning of June 27th, 1787, each with a company of chosen men, for the eminent services of the day. It is said, that the raising commenced early, and went on rapidly, till near noon, when an accident occurred. While several men were standing on the ground, within the frame, drinking water, a joist fell from the upper loft, striking two of them on their heads and w^oundiug them severely. One of these was a Mr. Day, of Wiuchenclon, the other was a Mr. Gregory, of Tem- pleton. The raising was completed before sunset. It was thought that the frame was put together so strong, that if turned down upon one side, and rolled across the common, it would not wreck the body of it. Although the meeting-house was finished, upon the outside, immediately, it is evident, from the records, that the interior was not completed for some years subsequently. This was a matter of progressive development, the town acting, in this par- ticular, according to its ability. June 9th, 1788, the town " Voted, To sell the pew^s at vendue, also to choose a committee to draw a plan of the pews and the finishing the inside of the meeting-house, and to draw the conditions of sale. June 23d, " Voted, To accept the plan of pews and seats." "Voted, To reserve Pew No. 1, by the pulpit stairs, as the town's prop- erty." The following is a report of the committee to sell the pews at vendue : — " The committee, chosen by the town of Gardner, to draw the conditions of sale, of the pews and for finishing the inside of the meeting-house report as follows : That is, for the inside of the meeting-house to be finished according to the Ionic order of work, and the bigness of the pews and seats, to be HISTORY OF GARDNER. 485 according to the plan that the town has accepted. The condi- tions of sale to be such that the highest pew be set up at £8 18.S'. and so down, by diminutions, 2s. upon each pew, till the whole be disposed of; and the highest bidder to have his first choice, in the pews, and a bid is to be not less than Is. ; and that 2s. and 6tZ. on the pound, be paid by the first of September, next, and that the money be laid out for the glazing of the meeting-house, and one-half of the remaining part, to be paid in fourteen months from the first payment, and the remaining part, to be paid within one year from the second payment. And that the town choose a committee to receive the money, or the security, that the purchaser of the pew or pews, shall give, to the acceptance of the above said committee ; and if the first payment be not made, by the time prefixed, then he forfeits the security that he gives, and the pew, or pews remain the prop- erty of the town ; and if the purchaser of the pew or pews, shall not make the remaining payments, according to the con- ditions above prefixed, then he forfeits what he has paid, and the pew or pews, remain the property of the town. And if the pews be not finished by the time prefixed, for the last payment, the purchaser, of the pew or pews, shall receive interest from the payments, till the pews be finished. And that the money be disposed of, for finishing the meeting-house, and no other way, till the meeting-house be finished." " Voted, That the above said committee lay out so much of the money, of the first payment, as to get the materials to glaze the meeting-house." June 24th, 1788, the town " Voted, To vendue the pews, according to the conditions previously adopted." "Voted, That any person that bids ofl' any pew, shall give security, for the first payment, to the acceptance of the committee, immedi- ately, and he, on the refusing to give such security, it shall be- come no bid, and such person shall not be a bidder on the pews afterwards." According to a transcript of the sale of pews, found on page 85, vol. 1, of the Town Records, there were, in the first meeting-house, forty-seven pews on the ground 486 HISTORY OF GARDNER. floor, and tweuty-four in the gallery, making a total of seventy- one, all of which, were sold for £473 bs. The reader may imagine what the shape of this church was, by reflecting that the main part was sixty feet in length, b}^ forty-five in width, having two porches, each twelve by fourteen feet, attached, one on the east side and the other on the west, with the whole facing the south, where the main entrance was located. Such was the external appearance of the new meeting-house. It must, however, be remembered, that the inside was in a wholly unfinished condition, the sale of the pews already re- ferred to, having been made upon a plan, of what the meeting- house was yet to be, instead of what it really was ; for, on the following November, it was " Voted, To see if the town will finish the inside of the meeting-house, next year, so far as to case the timber and windows, and build the stairs and the ceil- ing, fit for plastering ; anci the lathing and plastering, by the first of November, 1789 ; and to la}' the gallery floor, and the frame for the breast-work of the gallery, by the same time." On the 8th day of the following month, the town voted, to vendue " the stuff required for finishing the inside of the house upon the following conditions, viz. : — " The conditions of this vendue are such, that the lowest bidder upon each of the following lots or articles, to which his name is subscribed, doth promise and engage to get and deliver the same at the meeting-house in Gardner, to the acceptance of the town, or the committee at the time prefixed, in each lot or article, and in failure hereof a penalty of 245. for each lot or article, to be paid by the respective subscribers. And each lot or article to be accepted by the town or their committee. The respective subscriber shall not be entitled to receive the re- spective sum annexed to his name, until the first day of Feb- ruary, 1791, except he be a purchaser of a pew or pews; in such case, it shall answer for the payments for his respective pew or pews. All the boards to be white pine." Here follows a long list, of the difierent articles, to be used in finishing the interior of the house, with the names of the individuals who HISTORY OF GARDNER. 487 agreed to furnish them, and the prices they were to receive, too vokiminous to be inserted in this work. . December 18th, 1788, the town "Voted, To choose a com- mittee of three persons, to see how they can get the work done, for finishing the inside of the meeting-house, and make report to the town." This committee reported, January 5th, 1789, that five individuals had offered to do the work, the highest price being £220, the lowest,' Lieut. David Foster's, £199 10s. The town voted, to give the Avork to the lowest bidder, and " that the committee that was chosen, to see how they could get the inside of the meeting-house done, to be a committee to take and give bonds, in behalf of the town, for finishing the inside of the meeting-house. Voted, To accept Lieut. Foster's offer, which is as follows : — " I will finish the inside of the meeting-house, as Westmins- ter meeting-house is finished, the town finding all the materials, by the time or times, they let out, by the vendue, to be pro- vided : and if there is anything more wanting, to be provided, in fourteen days, after I notify the committee of it for the sura of £199 10.S. I having liberty to take my pay, of men that have bought pew or pews, if they and I can agree, if not, the town to pay me £100, by the 15th day of November, 1789, and the other £99 lO*-. when the work is done, and all the work to be done by the 1st day of November, 1790." May 9th, 1791, the town " Voted, To choose a committee to view the meeting-house and make report to the town." This committee reported as follows, concerning the work: "All accepted, except the painting not being uniform, and the pews not being marked, with their respective numbers, on each door, and some few standards being loose, one seat, in the southeast- erly corner of the body pews, being shaky, and part of the casing of some of the pews, not being bradded ; and also four squares of glass broken." The town, however, voted to accept the work, Mr. White " promising to finish it agreeable to the report of the committee." 488 HISTORY OF GARDNER. Previously, the town had "Voted, That the color, for the meetiug-house, the groundwork, be a stone color, the window frames and sashes, and weather-boards and girt, be white, the doors green." The meeting-house having been finished, accord- ing to contract, in 1791, four years after the erection of its frame, at an expense of about $2,800, some of the persons who had bidden off pews, fiiiling to comply with the conditions upon which these pews w^ere sold, a new sale was necessitated, which occurred September 5th, of the same year. Thus, the meeting- house, after these years of patient toil, on the part of the early inhabitants of Gardner, was completed and made fully ready for their occupancy, both for divine worship and the transaction of town business, which, in those days, always occurred, in this edifice. In this particular, our fathers have left an example of patient continuance, worthy of imitation, by their descendants. This custom of holding town meetings, in the meeting-house, prevailed till 1845, when it greatly needing repair, both inside and out, the First Parish made the town the following proposi- tion, viz. : "To convey to the town of Gardner, the lower part of the meeting-house, belonging to the First Parish, in said town, being all of that part, which is between the ground and a level, with lower timbers of the gallery ; also, the two porches and the materials of which the galleries are made, on condition that the said town, in consideration thereof, shall agree to make a good substantial floor, over said lower part, on a level with the lower timbers of the galleries, and finish the apartment above said floor, erect pews, pulpit and singers' galleries, suita- ble for a place of religious worship, and make a porch, or pro- jection, at the east end of said house, with convenient stairs and entrance into said apartment, for religious worship ; and also paint the outside of said house, and shall agree to make one-half of all future repairs, and agree further, to keep said house insured, and in case of loss by fire, to pay over to said parish, one-half the amount received from said insurance, pro- vided that said town will comply with the following conditions, to wit : Said town shall reimburse to said parish, the appraised HI8T0RY OF GARDJ^EB. 489 value of the risjhts of the pew holders, in said house, together with the expense of appraisal, etc. The fitting up of said upper part of the house, not above specified, shall be done, in such a manner, as a committee of said parish, chosen for that purpose, may agree with said town ; and the said parish shall pay over to said town, the full sum of money that they receive for the sale of pews, in said upper part of the house.'' Subsequently, Levi Heywood and others, offered to make the repairs, which were required by the parish, to finish the town hall, armory and selectmen's room, pay the proprietors of the old pews, and receive the proceeds of the new, for the sum of $1,500, on condition that a subscription of $1,000 should be made. Accordingly, the town voted, March 8th, 1845, "To accept the proposition of Levi Heywood and others, provided that a committee of the town, chosen for the purpose, agree with them about the details of finishing the town hall, armory and selectmen's room." Previously, Feb. 15th, 1845, the town had " Voted, To accept the proposition of the First Parish, in Gardner, in relation to repairing their meeting-house, for a town house and an armory." And " To give David Parker and others, the privilege of turning the meeting-house one quarter round, and building a belfry and providing a bell for said house." A committee of three were chosen, Avho were in- structed to have the house completed by the first day of No- vember, following. It appears, from this recoi'd, that the meet- ing-house, of the First Parish, had neither belfry nor bell, till 1845. The church, connected with the First Parish, continued to worship in this house, till May 1st, 1867, Avhen, having united with the Evangelical Church, the edifice was sold to the Univer- salist Society, who occupied it, till the erection of their new church, the town having. May 15th, 1867, A-^oted, on certain conditions, to relinquish all its rights, in the church edifice, the lower part of which it had used for a town hall, till 1859. The Universalist Societ}', after the erection of their new church, sold the "bell meeting-house" to Mr. Charles Heywood, who 62 490 HISTORY OF GARDJSfER. has since removed the original part, to its present site on Chest- nut street. The porches, to this house, at the time of its remodeling, were removed, to the place now owned by Mr. William H. Lam- son, where, having been united, they form the shop now stand- ing upon his premises. The pews, in this meeting-house, were originally square, with their seats arranged with hinges so as to be lifted, while the congregation was standing. The clattering which was made all over the house, when these seats were let down, is still fresh in the minds of some now living. The pul- pit was on the north side of the church, opposite the main en- trance, and was one of those lofty structures, so common in those days, which was reached by long flights of stairs. Sus- pended above the preacher, was the sounding-board, which, to youthful eyes, seemed ever read}* to fall upon his head. On either side of the pulpit were seats for the deacons, selectmen and other ofiicials, while directly in front, were long pews, for the accommodation of the aged men, for in those days, old age received that consideration and respect, to which it is ever entitled. The position of the singers was, evidently, for several years, in the pews, upon the lower floor, as is seen by the following article, in a town warrant for September, 1789 : " To see if the town Avill build a pew for the singers to sit in, in the front gallery, in the meeting-house, in room of the seats or any part of the seats." The town voted to dismiss the article, leaving the singers still without special accommodations. The pre- sumption is, that for several years, the singing was conducted without very much assistance from musical instruments. In the warrant, for March meeting, 1797, there Avas an article " To see if the town will let a bass-viol be carried into the meeting-house, and played upon, in the time of singing, in the time of public worship." Upon which, the town "Voted, To let a bass-viol come into the meeting-house on Sunday's." It is possible that some, in the congregation, may have had serious objections to the presence of this instrument, in the house of HISTORY OF GARDNER. 491 God, for, in March, 1799, there was au article in the warrant, " To see if the town will clo anything further about the bass- viol, act or transact anything thereto." Upon which, the town " Voted, That the singers act as they think best about bringing the bass-viol into the meeting-house, or not bringing it in." It should be observed here, that the old meeting-house was, for many years, entirely destitute of any means of heating, foot- stoves supplying the place of modern conveniences for making the worshiper comfortable. During the intermission, the con- gregation availed themselves of the glowing fire, upon neigh- boring hearth-stones, at which, having warmed themselves, and refilled, with glowing coals, their foot-stoves, they were ready for the service of the afternoon. Nor should we overlook the existence of the tithing men, whose presence, in the congrega- tion, was recognized, by every boy, whose good behavior, in time of worship, this important functionary was empowered to secure. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. The first church of Christ formed, in this town, was the Congregational. It was constituted, by an ecclesiastical council convened for that purpose, February 1st, 1786. This council was composed of the neighboring churches of Westminster, Templeton, Winchendon and Ashburnham. This church, which has ever since been connected with the First Parish, was com- posed, originally, of members of the churches of the neighbor- ing towns, who brought from these churches, letters of dismis- sion and recommendation, to the council forming them into a church. At the same time, there were a few who united with this church by profession, making the total membership, at the organization of the church, thirty-three. The following is the covenant adopted by this church, in the presence of the coun- cil, at this time, there being no articles of faith : — 492 HISTORY OF GAEDNFE. COVENANT. " We whose names are hereunto subscribed, apprehending ourselves called of God into the church state of the gospel, do iirst of all confess ourselves unworthy to be so highly favored of the Lord, and admire that free, rich grace of his, which tri- umphs over so great unworthiness. And thus with an humble reliance on the aids of grace therein promised for them that, in a sense of their inability to do any good thing, do humbly wait on him for all, thankfully laying hold on his covenant, and would choose the things that please him. " We declare our serious belief of the Christian religion, as contained in the sacred Scriptures, and with such a view thereof, as the confession of faith, in our churches, for the substance, has exhibited. Heartily resolving to conform our lives unto the rules of that holy religion, as long as we live in the world, we give up ourselves unto the blessed Jesus, who is the Lord Je- hovah, and adhere to him, as the head of his people, in the covenant of his grace, and rely on him as our Priest, and our Prophet and King, to bring us unto eternal blessedness. We acknowledge our e^'erlasting and indispensable obligations to glorify our God, in all the duties of a godly, sober and righteous life ; and very particularly, in the duties of a church state, and a body of people appointed for an obedience to him, in all the ordinances of the gospel. " And we thereupon depend upon his gracious assistance for our faithful discharge of the duties thus incumbent upon us. We desire and intend and, with dependence on his promised and powerful grace, we engage to walk together, as a Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the faith and order of the gospel, so far as we shall have the same revealed unto us, conscien- tiously attending the public worship of God, the sacraments of the New Testament, the discipline of his kingdom, and all liis holy institutions, in communion with one another; and watch- fully avoiding sinful stumbling blocks and contentions, as be- come a people whom the Lord has bound np together in a bundle of life. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 493 " At the same time, we do also present our offspring with us, unto the Lord, professing, with his help, to maintain the daily worship of God in our houses, and to do our part in all the other methods of a religious education, that our children may be the Lord's. " And all this we do, flying to the blood of the everlasting cov- enant, for the pardon of our many errors, and praying that the glorious Lord, who is the Great Shepherd, would prepare and strengthen us for every good work, to do his will, working in us that which is well pleasing in his sight, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen." Then follows the names of the subscril)ers to this covenant. Previous to this time, however, the town had not been remiss in its duty, in providing for itself, gospel preaching. In its third town meeting, held November 7th, 1785, the citizens were called upon " To know their minds concerning of hiring of preaching." A vote was passed, choosing "a committee to hire preaching. Voted, To hire four days' preaching." March 14th, 1786, the town " Voted, To hire preaching one-fourth of this year. Chose a committee of two, to hire preaching this year. Voted, To leave it to the committee, who to hire for to preach. Voted, That the committee hire four Sabbaths in the spring and four in the summer, and the rest in the fall." Although there Avas an article, in the warrant for the annual town meeting, for 1787, " to know the minds of the town, con- cerning hiring preaching the ensuing year, and grant money for the same," yet the town voted, to pass over this article. The inference is, that, being so busy in the erection of the new church, there was a disposition to economize, in matters of parochial expenses. In 1788, the town "Voted, To hire preaching the present year." Voted, £20 for this object, and that " the committee hire a man to begin to preach by the middle of May next, as near as thej^ can." 494 HISTORY OF GARDNER, The town, at its annual meeting in 1789, voted to raise £20 for preaching and chose a committee of three to carry their vote into effect. They then " Voted, That the committee that was chosen to hire preaching this year, hire Mr. Parker three Sab- baths following, then to lay out the rest of the money, as they shall think best for the town." May the 11th, of the same year, the town, evidently having heard with satisfaction, Mr. Parker, called a meeting " To see if the town would join with the church in giving Mr. Frederick Parker a call, to settle in the work of the gospel ministry, in this place." At this meeting they "Voted, That all freeholders shall have liberty to express their minds by vote, or verbally." "Voted, That they liked Mr. Frederick Parker well enough to have him for their gospel minister." "Voted, To join with the church, in giving Mr. Frederick Parker a call to settle in the work of the gospel ministrj' in this place." A committee was then chosen to draw conditions of settlement, which w^ere, that Mr. Parker was to receive " for the settlement, £150, to be paid in neat stock, at the then mar- ket price." " For salary £60 per year, for five years, and £()6 per year afterwards. One-half of the above salary, to be paid in produce of the farm, viz. : Beef, pork, grain, butter, cheese, at the market price ; also tw^euty cords of hard wood yearly, cord wood length, delivered at his dwelling house." It is evident, that Mr. Parker was, for some time, in doubt as to his duty, in declining or accepting this call, of the church and parish, since, on the twentieth day of the following October, the town was called together, to see if they were willing " that Mr. Frederick Parker would have until next spring, to make answer to the call that we have given, if it is agreeable to him." At this meeting, the town " Voted, That Mr. Frederick Parker may refuse giving his answer to the call given him, by the church and congregation, to the settlement in the gospel min- istry in this place, if it should be most agreeable to him, until next spring." They also voted, at the same time, to hire Mr. Frederick Parker six Sabbaths, beginning the second Sabbath HISTORY OF GARDNER. 495 in November, and preaching four Sabbaths then, and the other two next sprhig. At the March meeting, 1790, the town voted, to raise £30 for preaching and "that the committee hire Mr. Frederick Parker four Sabbaths, if he can be had." It is evi- dent, from the record, that Mr. Parker, after due deliberation, declined the call, for, in »Tune 1790, a town meeting was called "to see if the town will concur with the church, in renewing of the call of Mr. Frederick Parker, in the work of gospel min- istry in this place." The call was renewed, twenty-six voting in the affirmative and six in the ne^^ative. Although their hearts were evidently set upon Mr. Parker, as their first pastor, he, nevertheless, declined their second urgent call. In 1791, the town voted to expend £30 for preaching. They also " Voted, That the committee hire some person of a good character for four Sabbaths." At length, "the person of good character" appeared, who was destined to serve the town and church, as their pastor, for the succeeding thirty-one years. July 21st, 1791, the town was assembled to act, among others, upon the following article : "To see if the town will join with the church in giving Mr. Jonathan Osgood a call, to settle in the work of the gospel ministry, in this place." At this meeting, all the freeholders were desired, in the warrant, to attend and show their approba- tion, or disapproval, as they saw fit, as to giving Mr. Osgood a call. At this meeting, the town voted to unite with the church in giving Mr. Osgood a call, sixty freeholders voting in the affirm- ative, and three against it. " Tried by the voters, thirty-two for it, and two against it." A committee was also chosen, to draw conditions of settlement and salary. This committee, after an adjournment of about one hour, reported as follows : "First, for his settlement, £178, one-half of it to be paid in one year, from the time of his settlement with us in the gospel ministry, and thq other half in two years, from his settlement ; and £75 for his salary, yearly, as long as he continues in the gospel ministry with us." This report, of the committee, was 496 HI8T0EY OF GARDNER. not agreeable to the town, thirty-four freeholders voting for, and thirty against the report, while nineteen voters were in favor, and fifteen against it. The vote was reconsidered. The town then voted for the settlement of Mr. Osgood, £160, and for his salary, £75. Snbsequentl}', the town voted to give Mr. Osgood, twenty cords of hard wood, yearly, to be delivered at his dwelling house, to begin in three years after he should be settled. On the conditions above described, Mr Osgood accepted the call, in a letter, a copy of which may be found on page 170, vol. 1, Town Records. In this letter, to the church and congregation, bearing date, September 21st, 1791, he says, " I trust that you will endeavor to strengthen my hands by your Christian con- duct, and that you will be desirous that harmony should be kept up with the neighboring churches, and that I should frequently exchange with my brethren, the clergy. The proposals you have made me for m}^ support, are according to the infancy of the town. If at any future period, as you increase in wealth, I should stand in need, 1 trust you will be ready to alFord me relief. I shall depend that j^ou punctually fulfill the proposals you have made." Previously to this date, July 6th, 1791, the church taking the lead, as it always should in such matters, had passed a vote inviting Mr. Osgood to become their pastor, also, " To choose a committee to apply to the selectmen for to call a town meet- ing, to see if the toAvn will join with the church, in giving Mr. Jonathan Osgood a call, to settle as a gospel minister in this place." September 21st, 1791, the church " Voted, To send to the five adjacent churches and to two churches in Andover, the second church in Boxford, the church in Littleton and the church in Bolton, for a council to assist in the ordination of Mr. Jonathan Osgood as a gospel minister in this place." This council was convened October 18th and 19th, and after the ex- amination of Mr. Osgood, and the proceedings of the church and town, in giving him a call, the church " Voted, That it was their desire that the council proceed to ordination." It appears HISTORY OF GARDNER. 497 from the above records, that Mr. Osgood was installed as the first pastor of this town, October 19th, 1791. Rev. Jonathan Osgood was born in Andover, Mass., Septem- ber 21st, 1761. In early life, he was engaged in the business of a tanner, which he was obliged to relinquish, on account of ill health. He then fitted for college, graduating at Yale, in 1789. It is not known, with whom he studied theology. As is elsewhere indicated, in this work, Mr. Osgood was a very active and useful pastor, among the people of those earlier days, who were prompt, in fulfilling their pecuniary obligations to him. Sometimes, in case of depreciation of the currency, they made him a present of £25, and annually voted him twenty cords of " good hard wood," to be delivered at his door, at a specified time. This wood was always vendued ofi" at the an- nual town meeting, in lots of four cords each. Aside from performing the duties of a pastor and physician, he was the counsellor of those, in the town, who needed advice on subjects not immediately connected with his two professions. He never allowed his medical business, however, to interfere with his duties, as a minister, on the Sabbath. It was always understood, that if a physician was needed, at a time which would interfere with his clerical duties, on the Sabbath, another than himself must be sent for. From this course, he was never known to deviate. Some are now living, who have a ^ivid re- membrance of the appearance of Mr. Osgood, as he rode hur- riedly to the steps of the meeting-house, upon his foaming horse, at the hour of morning service, having just come from visiting his patients, in some distant part of the town, some kind parishioner taking charge of the beast, while its owner reverently ascended the pulpit stairs, as a physician of the souls of those, for whom he was set to watch. Mr. Osgood was actively interested in all municipal and state afiairs, serving the town as a member of the school board, drafting petitions to the General Court, and the President of the United States, and representing the town, in the legislature. He built, for himself, the house now owned by Deacon Henry Lawrence, where he 63 498 HISTORY OF GARDNER. died, May 21st, 3 822, greatly lamented by his parishioners and friends, whom he had served, as a minister of the gospel and l)hysician, for nearly thirty-one years, and was buried at the expense of his parish, which then embraced the whole town. He married Miss Orange Wadsworth, of Farmington, Ct., by whom he had five children. Mr. Osgood was a man of fine personal appearance, very portly in his mien, possessing a loud, clear-toned voice, which he used with impressive effect, in offering prayer, while seated upon his horse, on the muster field. " A mau he was to all the country dear, And passing rich with forty pounds a year. Remote from towns, he ran his godly race, Nor e'er had chang'd nor wish'd to change bis place." The church, under the ministrations of Mr. Osgood, enjoyed a goodly degree of prosperity. It was not, however, without some instances of heart burnings, derelictions from duty, on the part of some of its members, and cases of discipline, which were faithfully attended to, by the pastor and the church. Some of its members absented themselves from divine service, be- cause, as they informed the committee, they had not money to buy decent clothes and to pay for the elements used at the Lord's Su[)per. Some also, like Mr. Sullivan Jackson, gave the church trouble and anxiety, because of their rejection of the rite of infant baptism. Others, not satisfied Avith the " standing order," desired to withdraw to other churches. Some were offended with their brethren and ceased to attend communion. All these disturbing elements were kindly and patiently dealt with, by the pastor and the people, in order to reclaim them, but, in some cases, without avail. It should be remembered, that these were times when the various reliiiious denominations, which had sprung up, and were disseminating their new views, were making their influence felt, in every town throughout the commonwealth, and were greatly disturbing the serenity to the " standing order," who looked with no com- placency upon the departure of any of its members, to other folds. HISTORY OF GABBJSrUB. 499 Subsequently, to the death of Mr. Osgood, the pulpit was supplied, by various individuals, some of whom came very near being called, as pastor, till 1824, when a town meeting was called. May 3d, to see if they would give a call to Mr. Sumner Lincoln, to settle as a stated gospel minister. The town " Voted, To give Mr. Sumner Lincoln a call to settle with us, in the work of the ministry," one hundred and twelve voting in the affirmative and none in the negative. Mr. Lincoln was to receive five hundred dollars as his salary, with the addition of a pew, called the minister's pew, in the meeting-house, for his use, " so long as he should supply the desk, as a gospel min- ister." Mr. Lincoln accepted the ofier, making, at the same time, a request, which the town voted to grant, to have the privilege of being absent two or three Sabbaths, annually, if he should wish to visit his friends. Previously, upon the same day, without a dissenting voice, the church voted to invite Mr. Lincoln to become their pastor. The town, acting in its capacity as parish, chose a committee, at the same time, to confer with Mr. Lincoln, in regard to a council, for his ordina- tion and installation. This committee reported that the follow- ing churches be invited with their pastors and delegates : "The Congregational Church in Athol, Barre, Templeton, Hubbards- tou, Westminster, Petersham, Ashburnham and Ashby." At the same meeting, the town " Voted, That a committee of five be chosen to let out, to the lowest bidder, the provision for the council ; to appoint marshals for the day, and secure the meet- ing-house against damage." They also " Voted, That the fore- going committee, be a committee to send the letters missive, to the council." It will be seen, that this w^as a departure from the true method, which should always be observed by the church, in taking the lead in extending a call to a candidate, and inviting the parish to concur. This unusual proceeding is explained, by the fact, that the church had previouly voted, February 12th, 1823, unanimously, " To yield the privilege and to dispense with the custom of preceding the town, on occasions of this 500 HISTORY OF GAllDITEE. kind, aud to act with the town, in convention, in all measures relating to a settlement of the gospel ministry among them." The council, which ordained and installed Mr. Lincoln, over the First Church, in Gardner, as its second pastor, convened, for that purpose, June 16th, 1824. Mr. Lincoln was born, at AVarren, June 20th, 1799. He grad- uated at Yale College, in 1822, and studied theology at New Haven, Conn., and, as stated above, was ordained and installed over the First Churcii and Parish, in Gardner, June IGth, 1824, from which he was dismissed, by an ecclesiastical council, August 11th, 1830, that he might become the first pastor of the Evan- gelical Congregational Church and Society, of Gardner, over which, he was installed, as pastor, upon the same day of his dismission, from the First Church and Parish, which he had served, as pastor, for a little more than six years. Mr. Lincoln was twice married. His first wife was Miss Gratia E. Smith, daughter of Dr. Nathan Smith, of New Haven, by whom he had ten children. His second wife was Mrs. Abbie Comee Harwood, daughter of Mr. James M. Comee, of Gardner, by whom he had two children. Mr. Lincoln is now pastor of the First Con- gregational Unitarian Society, of Wilton, N. H. In 1857, the name Increase was legally prefixed to his name, which was given him in infancy, but which was never recorded. He was named for Increase Sumner, Governor of Massachusetts, who died the year he was born. As a minister of the gospel and pastor of the First Congregational Church, and afterwards of the Evan- gelical Congregational Church, in this place, he was alwa3's actively interested in everything that pertained to the highest welfare of the town, and to the spiritual interests of the people whom he served. He was, for several years, a member of the school committee, and did very much to improve the educational advantages of the town. At the time of his settlement, in Gard- ner, the two great national questions, of slavery and temperance, were coming prominently before the public, in which Mr. Lin- coln became greatly interested, both as a strong anti-slavery and temperance man. Into the discussion of these questions, both HIS TOBY OF G ARBITER. 501 in private and in public, Mr. Lincoln entered, with great zeal and persistent energy, which have never abated, even to this seventy-ninth year of his age, and fifty-fourth of his ministry. It should be stated, in this connection, that the last vote of the town, acting in its double capacity of town and parish, was passed April 2d, 1827, during Mr. Lincoln's pastorate of the First Church, and was as follows : " Voted, To grant five hun- dred dollars for the Eev. Sumner Lincoln's salary." From this date, the town and parish virtually ceased to be one. At this particular period, in the history of the First Church and Parish, namely, 1830, there sprung up a diversity of religious sentiment, respecting what is termed Unitarianism and Ortho- doxy, which resulted in a division of the church, and the dismis- sion of Mr. Lincoln, the strictly evangelical portion withdrawing and formiug a new church and society, of Gardner, hereafter to be noticed. Previous to this separation, an amicable arrange- ment was entered into, whereby the tankards, cups, plates, table- cloth, and chest containing these articles, should be owned and used in common, by the remaining and the newly formed church ; also, that the money in hajid, and otherwise due, should be equally divided between them. At the same time, namely, July 28th, 1830, Mr. Lincoln made the following proposition to the First Parish : "I hereby agree to have the civil contract, between me and the First Parish and Church, in Gardner, dissolved, and to take a dismission from the same, provided the parish will pay me one hundred and twenty-five dollars, and pay their proportional part of what is coming to me for preaching since my ministerial year commenced, till the contract is dissolved ; and provided they will agree to call a council, of three ministers and delegates, that I shall choose, to carry the same into efiect, and provided they will grant me the use of the meeting-house, and to preach in it, till the first cf September, next." Whereupon, the parish "Voted, To accept the agreement which Rev. Mr. Lincoln made with the committee, provided the parish be at no expense for the council.'' Also, "Voted, To 502 HISTOBY OF GARDINER. grant one hundred and sevent}' dollars for the purposes specified in the warrant." Haviuo^ now virtually become a Unitarian Church and Society, measures were at once adopted by the par- ish, to provide itself a pastor, in sympathy with their religious views. November 1st, 1830, a meeting of the parish was called, to see if a call should be extended to Mr. Jonathan Farr, to settle with them as their minister. A call was extended to Mr. Farr, November 15th. The salary offered was four hundred dollars a year, to be paid semi-annually. He was to remain their pastor so long as the majority of the parish were satisfied with him ; whenever they were dissatisfied with him, they were to sfive him three months' notice. In case he should become dissatisfied with them, he was to give the same notice. His dis- missal, whenever it occurred, was to take place without expense to the parish. Mr. Farr was ordained, as pastor of the First Church, by a council composed of Unitarian ministers, Decem- ber 9th, 1830, and was dismissed in July, 1833. Rev. Jonathan Farr w\as born at Harvard, September 20th, 1790. Studied theology at Harvard College. After his dis- mission from Gardner, he never was again settled as a minister. He died June 3d, 1844. September 21st, 1833, the parish voted to give Mr. Curtis Cutler a call, to become their pastor, at a salary of five hundred dollars a 3'ear, to be paid annually. The conditions, of his settlement, were the same as those of Mr. Farr, He was ordained and installed October 30th, 1833. His connection with the parish ceased in 1839. Rev. Curtis Cutler was born in Lexington, January 1st, 1806. He was a graduate of Harvard College, where he studied the- ology. He died in Cambridge, in September, 1874. As a pastor, Mr. Cutler was well received by his parishioners. He was dismissed from Gardner, at his own request. His depart- ure was greatly regretted by those to whom he ministered. Dur- ing his ministry, the parish " Voted, To give leave to take the sounding board down, and whatever it fetches, to go towards trimming the pulpit." After the dismission olf Mr. Cutler, Rev. HISTORY OF GABBuSrUB. 503 George W. Stacy supplied the pulpit of this society for one year or more. Commencing in 1843, Rev. W. H. Fish supplied the pulpit, for a short time. Here ended, virtually,* the existence of this church, as a distinctively Unitarian body. April 27th, 1846, there was an effort made to unite this society, with the Evangelical Congregational Society. Messrs. Smyrna W. Bancroft, David Parker and Amasa Whitney were a com- mittee, on the part of the First Parish, to effect this union. The}' proposed, "That it be referred to the ministers of the Worcester North Association, to recommend candidates, for the supply of the pulpit, till such times as the two societies, united, shall find one, in whom the}' can unite in settling over them, as pastor." The Evangelical Congregational Society voted to accept this proposition, " provided the First Parish will add to it, the fol- lowing amendment, viz. : That the societies, when united, shall employ Rev. William B. Stone to preach for one year, and after that, if we can't agree in the minister, to refer it to the association, according to the proposal of the committee of the First Parish." At an adjourned meeting, December 21st, 1846, the Evangelical Society, "Voted, That under the present cir- cumstances of the two societies, it is inexpedient to unite the two societies. We therefore choose to postpone the matter for the present." Following Mr. Fish, was Rev. Mr. Banister, who was a strong Calviuist, and in connection with whose ministry, the church began to turn its sympathies towards orthodoxy, as it is gener- ally termed. Precisely how long Mr. Banister occupied, or sup- plied the pulpit, is not stated, in the church or parish records. October 18th, 1847, the church extended a unanimous call to Rev. John C. Paine, to become their pastor. In this action of the church, the parish concurred, oflfering him a salary of six hundred dollars per annum, and two Sabbaths vacation. Hav- ing accepted this invitation of the church and parish, Mr. Paine was installed, January 12th, 1848, and dismissed in May, 1864. 504 HISTORY OF GAEDNEE. Rev. John C. Paine was bom in Ashfielcl, Mass., January 29th, 1806. He graduated at Amherst College, in 1834. He studied theology at the Theological Institute at Hartford, Conn., and at Princeton Theological Seminary, N. J. He was ordained to the gospel ministry in 1838. He married Miss Eliza Folger of Nantucket, in 1839. He is now residing at Groveland, Mass. During his pastorate of this church, Mr. Paine proved himself to be a gentleman of thorough culture, ot affable man- ners, a studious and devoted pastor, thoroughly interested in the welfare of the people, whom he ever sought to inspire with courage and hopefulness, in times of great misfortune and dis- couragement. As a preacher, Mr. Paine was thoroughly' evan- gelical, in the doctrines which he promulgated, possessing a pleasing and attractive address in the pulpit, and drew to him- self and the society, a steadily increasing congregation, so that, for a time, there was no spare pew to be rented in the church. Under his ministry, the church voted, February, 1857, to change their creed and to adopt another, more evangelical. August 9th, 1864, the parish "Voted, To unite with the church in giving Rev. William D. Herrick, a call to settle over them as their minister, on a salary of one thousand dollars per year, to be paid quarterly," which was afterwards increased to fifteen hundred. Rev. William D. Herrick was born in Methuen, Mass., March 26th, 1831. He prepared for college at Atkinson Acad- emy, N. H., and graduated at Amherst College, in 1857. He studied theology at Andover Theological Seminary, and was ordained at Redding, Conn., January 18th, 1860, where he re- mained till September 1st, 1864. He was installed pastor of the First Congregational Church and Parish, in Gardner, October 19th, 1864, President J. H. Seelye, of Amherst College, preach- ing the installation sermon. Upon the union of the two churches of Gardner, he was dismissed, May 27th, 1867, and was installed, as pastor of the Congregational Church, in North Amherst, Mass., September 19th, 1867, where he remained till June 11th, 1874, when he was installed pastor of the First ,4^^- dlM ' I'll ^^iB 1 u HISTORY OF GARDNEIL 505 Congregational Church, in Gardner, Prof. R. H. Mather of Amherst College, preaching the sermon of installation. Dur- ing Mr. Herrick's ministry, as the last pastor, of the First Church and Parish, previous to their union with the Evangelical Church and Society, the church and parish were thoroughly united, harmonious and prosperous. EVANGELICAL CONGREGATIONAL SOCIETY AND CHURCH From 1830 to 1867. Having traced the principal events connected with the First Parish and Church, from the time of their organization, in 1785 and 178(), to the time of their union with the Evangelical Church and Society, in 1867, we will now go back and take up the history of the Evangelical Congregational Society and Church, from the date of their organization to the time of the union of the two churches. The Evangelical Congregational Society was legally organ- ized June 25th, 1830, by the adoption of the following consti- tution : — We, the subscribers, members of the religious society, in the town of Gardner, called the Evangelical Congregational Society, considering it our privilege, as well as our duty to assist each other in the support of the gospel ministry, do hereby form into a society, by the name of the Evangelical Congregational Society of Gardner, for the above purposes, and promise, cove- nant and agree to and with each other, that w^e will conform to and be governed by the following articles, viz. ; — Art. 1. There shall be chosen, annually, a President, to preside at all meetings of the society. Art. 2. A Clerk shall be annually chosen, whose duty it shall be to record the proceedings, and transact all the business of the society, agreeable to the statute of the commonwealth. Art. 3. A Prudential Committee shall be chosen annually, whose duty it shall be to solicit subscriptions, for the support of the gospel ministry in this society, and collect all moneys 64 506 HISTORY OF GARDNER. subscribed therefor, and manage all the prudential concerns of the society. Art. 4. A Treasurer shall be chosen annually, whose duty it shall be to receive in and pay out, all moneys of the society, subject to the order of the prudential committee of said society. Art. 5. All the officers of the society shall be chosen by ballot. Art. 6. Any person voluntarily becoming a member of this society, shall be holden to pay all moneys by him or her sub- scribed ; and may withdraw, at any time, by paying whatever may be due from such person, to the society. Art. 7. There shall be an annual meeting of the society, holden on the second Monday in April, for the purpose of choosing officers and transacting any other business of the society. Art. 8. A meeting of the society shall be called, at any time, by the request of ten or more of the members of the society ; and the prudential committee shall give, at least eight days notice, in such manner as the society shall direct. Art. 9. Immediately after the adoption of this constitution, there shall be chosen a committee of three or more to receive all voluntary subscriptions, by individuals, in money, material, or labor to be applied to the building a meeting-house, for public and religious worship of said society, in the following manner : That when said meeting-house shall have been finished, the pews — except so many as shall be thought necessary, by the society, to be reserved, for the accommodation of those who are unable or unwilling to hire pews — shall be rented to the members of the society — subject in manner to their direc- tion — and the money arising from the rent, shall be applied to the support of the gospel ministry, in this society ; that is, to pay as far as it goes, or is neccessary, the stated salary of our present minister; and after him, to pay the salary of any one, whom the church and society shall call to preach to them, or to be their settled gospel minister. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 507 Art. 10. All persons, who contribute of their propert}' for the building of said house, shall have no exclusive public or private interest in the same, above any member of said society, so long as it shall be applied to the use, and in the manner above said ; but when, if ever, said house ceases to be so ap- plied, it shall revert to those individuals, in this place, (Gard- ner) or their heirs, who contributed of their wealth, to the amount of five dollars, and said house may be disposed of ac- cording to their directions; provided, nevertheless, that the original contributors, or their heirs, in this place, shall appro- priate to their own private use, only the principal, originally given : the remaining value of the house, shall be appropriated, in money, to missionary purposes ; to aid that class of Chris- tians in their missionary efforts, domestic or foreign, in this state, (Massachusetts) commonly distinguished, at this date, (1830), by the name of Orthodox. Art. 11. This constitution and form of government may be revised or altered — excepting the tenth article, which shall never be altered — at a meeting of the society, called for that purpose, by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. Art. 12. Any person wishing to become a member of said society, shall produce a certificate of recommendation, from the prudential committee. Such was the basis upon which the Evangelical Society was originally formed. Forty-one male members immediately signed the above constitution, by which they were formed into a society for the transaction of business. The necessary officers were chosen upon the day of incorporation. A committee was immediately chosen, to solicit subscriptions for building a meeting-house, and to " examine a piece of ground to set the meeting-house upon, and receive proposals." At an adjourned meeting, on the same day, a vote was passed "to have the society buy a piece of land of Esquire Glazier, near the pound, to set the meeting-house upon." Mr. John Merriam was chosen to procure a plan of Rev. Mr. Gay's meeting-house, in Hubbards- 508 HISTORY OF GAllBKEll. ton. The prudential committee were authorized to take a deed of Mr. GUizier, of as much land as they should think necessary. A committee of three was chosen to let out the materials for building the meeting-house. July 2d, 1830, the society " Voted, That the timber and materials, for a frame, for a meeting-house, shall be brought near the spot where the house is to stand, where the prudential committee shall direct, by the 10th day of September, next." All the necessary materials having been provided, the meeting-house was raised, October 2d, 1830, the society voting " to have no ardent spirits drank, at the raising." The interior was finished the winter following. This meeting-house was dedicated June 16th, 1831, the society having " Voted, That the Rev. Sumner Lincoln have his choice of all the pews in the meeting-house, for his use." "Voted, That the pews Nos. 1 and 2 be reserved for elderly people." November 19th, 1846, the meeting-house greatl}^ needing repair, the society voted to take out all the pews, and bring the floor to a level, to build new pews, place the pulpit at the north end, build a gallery, for the singers, at the south end, and make such other repairs as should be necessary. February 14th, 1855, a meeting of the society was called to consider the project of building a new meeting-house. A committee of three was chosen, to ascertain whether the original proprietors, of the society's first meeting-house, Avould relinquish their claims to it, if they had any. Also a com- mittee of six was chosen, to ascertain if sufficient funds could be raised, to build a new meeting-house, and to see if a place could be found, on which to locate it. The society continued to worship in this meeting-house, until sometime in the year 1855, when it was abandoned as a house of worship, and be- came a part of the chair shop of Mr. Calvin S. Greenwood, at South Gardner. August 9th, 1855, the new church, of this society, was raised, prayer being olTered, at the raising, by Rev. Abijah Stowell, pastor. This church was built, by recommendation of a build- ing committee, after the model of the Barre church. It was HISTORY OF GARDNER. 509 dedicated May 8th, 1856. Its cost was about nine thousand dollars. This society continued to worship in this house, until the union, in the spring of 1867. In February, of this year, a movement, looking to the union of the two churches and socie- ties, began to be made, which, after frequent meetings and much discussion, on the part of both societies, resulted in the adoption of the following resolutions, as the basis of union : — The report, of the two committees, chosen to elfect an union, between the two Congregational Societies, in Gardner, embody- ing the conditions, etc., is as follows : — At a meeting of the committee of the First Parish, of Gard- ner, and the committee of the Evangelical Congregational So- ciety of Gardner, chosen to confer together and agree upon conditions for an union of the two societies, Thomas E. Gla- zier was chosen chairman, C. K. Wood and J. M. Moore were chosen secretaries, the following resolution and conditions were agreed upon and adopted : — Resolved, That the two societies be united, upon the follow- ing conditions, viz : — First, the Evangelical Congregational Society dissolve their organization, and the members join the First Parish. Second, the pew holders in the Evangelical Congregational Society, permit their pews to be resold at auction, to the highest bidder, above the original appraisal, upon condition that they shall receive a sum equal to the original appraisal for the same. If any pew shall not be sold, then it shall remain the property of the person previously owning it, unless such per- son has purchased some other pew, in the house of said society, in which case, such person shall be allowed the original appraisal and the pew shall become the property of the First Parish. If any of the pews now belonging to the Evangelical Congrega- tional Society shall remain unsold, then the First Parish shall take all such as are not sold, at the original appraisal. Third, the present members of the First Parish shall pay to the Evangelical Congregational Society, the sum of eight hun- dred and forty-three dollars for one-half of their organ, and the 510 HISTORY OF GARDNEli. Evangelical Congregational Society shall allow the present members of the First Parish, the sum of two hundred dollars, for one-half of their right in the bell, upon the house of the First Parish. Then the above-named orsan and rieht in the bell are to become the property of the united societies. Fourth, it is furthermore agreed, that the present members, of the First Parish, shall retain their meeting-house and satisfy the claims of the pew holders in the same. Provided, the said members shall remove the meeting-house from the common, after having six months notice from the First Parish. And it is also agreed that the E> angelical Congregational Society shall transfer and convey to the First Parish, all their real estate. Thos. E. Glazier, C. S. Greek WOOD, George Kelton, S. K. Pierce, J. M. Moore, Levi Heywood, S. W. Bancroft, C. W. Bush, Amasa Bancroft, C. K. Wood, Gardner, April 18th, 1867. At a subsequent meeting, of this union committee, held May 7th, 1867, it was " Voted, That the pew holders, in the Evan- gelical Society, give possession of the pews in their house, on the 30th of May, 1867." In accordance with the above agree- ment, the two societies began worshiping together, as one, upon the first Sabbath in June, 1867. THE EVANGELICAL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. From the most accurate information which we are able to obtain, from the church and parish records, the Evangelical Con- gregational Church was formed, August 11th, 1830. The mem- bers, composing it, were those who had withdrawn from the church connected with the First Parish, because of the latter's unsoundness. This secession seems to have been a step seri- Commiitee of the Two Parishes. HISTORY OF GARDNEH. 511 ously contemplated, for a long time, previous to final action. How large the number of those seceding was, we have no means of stating. It would appear, from the records, that the church, which became connected with the new society, regarded itself, as in fact, the church while associated with the First Parish, and that, by its own act, was transferring itself to the Evangelical Society. Previous to their separation from the First Parish, and their union with this society, they " Voted, That this church agree to be connected with the Evangelical Congregational Society, of Gardner, for the support and enjoyment of religious worship and ordinances, immediately after the Rev. S. Lincoln is dis- missed, as contemplated." The record then goes on to state that, " Whereas, This church having consented to the dismis- sion of our pastor, the Rev. S. Lincoln, from us, in connec- tion with the First Parish, Avith the full purpose of retaining his pastoral services to us, in connection with the Evangelical Congregational Society of Gardner : — Resolved, That we will unite with the E. C. Society, of Gardner, in requesting him to become our minister, and to have his pastoral relation renewed to us, in connection with the said society, on the same day that it will be dissolved, according to a contemplated arningement." A committee was chosen, at this time, to inform Mr. Lincoln of the action of the church, and to receive his answer, which was in the affirmative ; also to unite, with a committee of the Evangelical Society, in calling a council, to install Mr. Lincoln, upon the same day that his connection with the First Parish should be dissolved. The council, which dismissed Mr. Lin- coln from the First Parish, and installed him over the Evan- gelical Church and Society, convened August 11th, 1830. The society, which concurred in the action of the church, oflered a salary of four hundred dollars. Mr. Lincoln continued the pastor of this church, until February 23d, 1842, when his pas- toral relation was dissolved, by a mutual council. 512 HISTORY OF GARDNER. The church and parish, having previously, extended a call to Mr. William B. Stone, to become their pastor, at a salary of five hundred dollars a year, " beginning on the day of his ordi- nation and ,to be paid in quarterly payments," with a vacation of two Sabbaths, he was ordained and installed upon the same day and by the same council, which dismissed Mr. Lincoln. Mr. Stone continued the pastor of this church, till August, 1850, when his pastoral relation was dissolved on account " of bodily infirmity." Rev. William B. Stone was born in North Brookfield, Janu- ary 24th, 1811. He graduated at Amherst College, in 1839. He entered Audover Theological Seminary, the same year, but finding the rules, of the institution, in regard to discussing the subject of slavery, too rigid to suit his views, he left, atter a few months, and continued his theological studies wnth the cele- brated anti-tobacco apostle. Rev. George Trnsk, then of War- ren. Mr. Stone, having served this church eight 3'ears and a half, retired from the ministry and went to live with his parents, at the old homestead in West Brookfield, where he still resides, making farming his principal business. He was a member of the legislature, in 1873. Subsequent to the dismission of Mr. Stone, Rev. D. C. Frost, for a time, supplied the pulpit, at a salary of five hundred dol- lars per year. March 25th, 1852, the society invited Rev. Abijah Stowell to become their stated minister, at a salary of four hundred and seventy-five dollars per year, to be paid in semi-annual payments. Rev. Abijah Stowell was born in Lyndon, Vt., August 20th, 1815. Without receiving a collegiate education, he studied theology at Andover, where he graduated in 1844. He com- menced his labors in Gardner, in May, 1852, and was acting pastor, of this church, about five years. October 13th, 1857, a call, was extended to Rev. J. W. Healy, to become pastor of this church and society, at a salary of seven hundred dollars, per annum, to be paid quarterly. Mr. Healy was installed December 3d, 1857, and was dismissed at HISTORY OF GABBJSrUB. 513 his own request, July 11th, 1859. Since his dismission, from Gardner, Mr. Healy has received the degree of D. D.,and was, for a time, President of Strait University, La., and is now pastor of a church in Ottumwa, Iowa. October 29th, 1859, the church and society extended a call to Rev. Samuel J. Austin, at a salary of eight hundred dollars per annum, he to have three Sabbaths, annually, for himself, and to leave at any time, by giving three months notice. Hav- ing accepted this call, Mr. Austin was installed over this church December 8th, 1859, and was dismissed at his own request, in May, 1864. Rev. Samuel J. Austin was born in Becket, Mass., Novem- ber 22d, 1826. He graduated at Union College, in 1847. He studied theology at East Windsor, Conn., and at Andover. After Mr. Austin's dismission, the church had various candi- dates, to some of whom, they unavailingly extended an invita- tion to become their pastor. Among these, were Revs. John W. Dodge, Temple Cutler, A. K. Wilcox and L. S. Watts. April 5th, 1866, the church and society extended a call to Mr. George F. Stanton, offering him a salary of one thousand dol- lars per annum, and giving him three Sabbaths vacation. The committee chosen to confer with Mr. Stanton, assured him, " that an unusual degree of cordiality and unanimity, in regard to your settlement with us, prevails throughout the parish." Having accepted this call, Mr. Stanton was ordained and in- stalled over this church, June 6th, 1866, Rev. Eden B. Foster, D. D., of Lowell, preaching the sermon, and Rev. W. D. Her- rick of the First Church, extending the right hand of fellow- ship. As the last pastor of the Evangelical Church and So- ciety, Mr. Stanton was dismissed, May 27th, 1867, in order that the union between the two churches might be consummated. Rev. George F. Stanton was born in Lowell, December 16th, 1835. Having prepared for college at Dummer Academy, he graduated at Amherst, in 1863. He studied theology at Ban- gor Theological Seminary, where he graduated in 1866. Since October 27th, 1870, he has been the pastor of the Congrega- 65 514 HI8T0BY OF GARDNER. tional Church of South Weymouth, Mass. While pastor of this church, Mr. Stanton engaged in his pastoral duties, with great ardor and efficiency, and, though his connection with the church was brief, he did very much in promoting its spiritual welfare. From the time of the formation of this church and society, down to the date of its union with the First Church and Parish, the Evangelical Church ever exhibited an aggressive and pro- gressive spirit. Some of the votes, which it has placed on record, are worthy of notice. May loth, 1835, "the church unanimously passed a resolution, to refuse to acknowledge slave- holders, as christians, by communing with them at the Lord's table, and also to refuse to acknowledge a slave-holding minister, to be a christian minister, by sitting under his preaching, knowing them to be guilty of the sin of slave-owning." June 6th, 1839, the church voted, " That it is the dut}^ of the pastor to preach prejxiratory lectures, and the duty of each member of the church to attend." The following preamble and resolution was presented by Mr. Asa Eichardson, July 1st, 1842, and passed by the church, at a regular church meeting : — " Whereas, the ministers and members of the churches of our land, are, many of them, partakers of the guilt of slavery, either by holding slaves, or by apologizing for the wicked sys- tem, and whereas, the gospel requires us to have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness : — "5e it therefore resolved, That it is the duty of this church, in giving invitation to members of evangelical churches, to com- mune with us, to except all such as are guilty of the sin of slavery, as specified in the above preamble." It will be seen, from the above resolution, that this church early occupied advanced ground, in regard to our great national sin, and very early put its foot, with emphasis, upon it. It may also be said, that it has always been favored with pas- tors who have led it courageously, not only against this great evil, but also against that of intemperance. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 515 THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH AND PARISH. Since 1867. In the above sketch, of the two Congregational Societies and Churches connected with them, we have sought to give, as ac- curately and completely as the records and our space would permit, a true history of the more important events connected with these organizations. We are aware, that by some of our readers, the recital will be regarded as too long, too tedious, and withal, disproportionate to the space allotted to the other religious societies of the town. It should, however, be remem- bered, that the existence of one of the societies, whose history has now been given, reaches back to the date of the town's in- corporation, while the other covers a period of forty-eight years. Having now traced these two churches, the one from its be- ginning, in 1786, the other, from its divergence in 1830, to their confluence in 1867, we have now to record the history of the united parishes and churches, to the present time. The history of the union of the two parishes having been already given, on page 509 need not here be restated. At a meeting of the two churches, May 14th, 1867, the fol- lowing resolution was presented and adopted, viz. : — That the First Congregational Church and the Evangelical Congregational Church, in Gardner, unite and become consoli- dated, in one church, adopting the Articles of Faith and the Covenant of the Evangelical Congregational Church and the name of the First Congregational Church, in Gardner, and be connected with the First Parish, in said Gardner. Also, resolved, that this union be consummated by a mutual meeting of both churches, to be called at such time as the union committee may deem proper. AMASA BANCROFT, S. W. BANCROFT, C. K. WOOD, ALLEN FOLGER, C. WEBSTER BUSH, J C. S. GREENWOOD, 1 WHEATON WILSON, | Committee of the MARO COLLESTER, } Evangelical THOS. E. GLAZIER, Congregation'l Church. HENRY LAWRENCE, J Committee > of the First Church. 516 HISTORY OF GAliDNER. The first meeting, of the united parishes, was held May 30th, 1867, at which, all necessary officers were chosen. As has already been stated, the first union service, of these churches, was held upon the first Sabbath in June, 1867. Various can- didates supplied the pulpit, for several months. November 6th, 1867, the parish voted to concur with the church, in extending a call to Eev. Temple Cutler, ofiiering him fifteen hundred dol- lars a year, as salary. Mr. Cutler declined the call. Decem- ber 23d, same year, the parish united with the church in extend- ing a call to Rev. William Belden, offering him a salarj' of fifteen hundred dollars per year, to be paid quarterly, and two Sabbaths vacation. This call Mr. Belden accepted, in a letter bearing date January 4th, 1868, and was installed the 22d day of the same month. Rev. C. Blodgett, D. D.,of Pawtucket, R. I., preaching the sermon. Mr. Belden was dismissed March 22d, 1869. June 23d, 18,69, the parish voted to concur Avith the church in extending a call to Rev. John E. Wheeler, to become their pastor, offering him a salary of two thousand dollars a year, payable quarterly, and granting him two Sabbaths vacation. Rev. John E. Wheeler was born in Amherst, N. H., Septem- ber 9th, 1833. He graduated at Amherst College, in 1857, and studied theolog}^ at the Connecticut Theological Institute. He was installed pastor of this church, August 25th, 1869, and closed his labors on the first Sabbath in July, in 1872. November 19th, 1873, the parish voted to concur with the church, in extending a call to Rev. F. A. Warfield, to become their pastor, offering him a salary of two thousand dollars, and the use of a parsonage, with a vacation of four Sabbaths. Mr. Warfield declined the call, which was renewed January 13th, 1873, and was again declined. September 24th, same year, the parish concurred with the church in extending a call to Rev. W. D. Herrick, to become their pastor, with a salary of two thousand dollars annually, payable quarterly, and four Sabbaths vacation, with the use of a parsonage. This call was declined, in accordance with the HISTORY OF GARDNER. 517 advice of a council called at North Amherst, Mass., to advise the church and pastor, in regard to dissolving the pastoral re- lation, then existing between Mr. Herrick and the church, in that place. On May 15th, 1874, at a meeting of the parish called to concur with the church, in renewing the call to Rev. W. D. Herrick, "It was voted, yeas, seventy-six, nay, one, that we renew the call to Rev. Wm. D. Herrick, to become our pastor, with an annual salary of two thousand dollars, payable monthly, and the use of a parsonage, and that he have a vaca- tion of four Sabbaths." This call was accepted, by Mr. Her- rick, and he was installed, June 11th, 1874, since which time, he has remained pastor of the church and parish. It is due to the facts of history, to state, that at the com- mencement ot the union of the two churches and societies, the feeling existing between the hitherto separate peoples, was not as unanimous and cordial, as could be desired. Gradually, however, old lines of separation have become less distinct, while the era of brotherly kindness has come to be more and more prominent, till, at the present time, as great harmony, cordiality, unanimity and spirit of co-operation, exists, as can be found in any of our churches. It is true, indeed, that the church, since the union, has not been exempt from some degree of internal commotion and sharp contention, among its mem- bers, resulting, it may be feared, in the permanent disaffection of some, arising from cases of discipline, concerning which, there seems to have been a conscientious difference of opinion ; yet time, the great healer, is kindly doing its work, in effacing these unpleasant memories and bringing the membership, grad- ually, into " the unity of the Spirit, in the bond of peace." In 1875, the parish erected a parsonage, which is both com- modious and convenient, for which they voted the sum of six thousand dollars. This parsonage is located on Cherry Street, and is, at present, occupied by the author of this work. February 15th, 1878, on motion of Mr. Henry Heywood, it was " Voted, That the parish build anew church, on or near the site where the bell church now stands." The parish " Voted, 518 HISTORY OF GARDNER. That Charles Hey wood, Philander Derby, Charles W. Conant, Augustus Knowlton, Henry Hey wood, Gardner A. Watkins, Alvin M. Greenwood, be a building committee ; that they be empowered to decide upon the location and a suitable place for the proi^osed new church edifice, and to cause the same to be constructed as soon as, in their judgment, it may be properly done." Justice requires us to state that for nearly three months, pre- vious to the date of this parish meeting, Mrs. Alvin M. Green- wood, daughter of Mr. Levi Hey wood, and Mrs. Henry Hey- wood, voluntarily, took upon themselves, the task of raising, by subscription, a sufiicient sum of money, with which to erect the new church edifice, without incurring a debt upon the society. They entered zealously upon their work, till by energy, courage and perseverance, they at length had the satis- saction of seeing their labors rewarded, by the pledge, from responsible parties, of nearly thirty-two thousand dollars. Such ladies are worthy of special mention, in thus taking their places among "the honorable women, not a few." Many daughters have done virtuously, but they have excelled them all. The committee chosen to erect the new church edifice, have promptly and diligently tiiken up their work, and after having examined various plans, have adopted the one presented by Mr. James E. Fuller, architect, of Worcester. Ground was broken, for the church, upon parish land, at the head of the common, June 17th, 1878. The work will be completed and the church ready for dedication, sometime in June of the next year. The following is a description of the edifice : — The First Congregational Church Edifice is built in Gothic style, with steep slated roof, southern front of sixty-four feet by one hundred eighteen feet in length, having square tower at southeast corner, one hundred twenty-five feet high, containing clock with four dials. The material is brick, underpinning and steps of Roclqjort granite, with trimmings of Longmeadow and Ohio sandstone. It is lighted by stained glass set in lead sashes, a large Rose window adorning the front gable. It has HISTORY OF GARDNER. 519 four eutrances, two in front, and one on each side leading to auditorium and chapel. The main audience room is sixty-two by eighty-four feet, forty feet high, with open timber roof, decorated walls and ceiling, and wood finish of ash and black walnut. It has six hundred sittings facing the north end which is oc- cupied by the preacher's platform in the centre, choir and organ at his right, and pastor's room at his left. On both sides of this platform are passages to the chapel, which is thirty-three by sixty-four feet, containing lecture room, twenty-eight by thirty-two feet; infant class room, twenty by twenty-two feet; library, eight by ten feet; parlor, sixteen by twenty-four feet. In the upper story, are dining room, kitchen, lavatory, and all modern appurtenances, for social gatherings. The building is heated, by four furnaces, and piped throughout for gas. The entire cost of the church edifice, furniture and organ, will be thirty thousand dollars. When this work is completed this society, wath its parsonage and beautiful church, will be placed upon a permanent, prosperous and debtless foundation, with a grand opportunity for usefulness before it, in the years to come, as the parent church and society of the town. THE BAPTIST SOCIETY AND CHURCH. It is evident, from an examination of the records of the First Church, as kept by its pastor. Rev. Jonathan Osgood, that sentiments peculiar to close communion Baptists, began to man- ifest themselves, among some of his members, to his great an- noyance and grief, as early as 1813. Among those who were dissatisfied, with the tenet of infant baptism, so strongly held by the First Church and its pastor, were Mr. Sullivan Jackson and his wife, Sally. So great was the anxiety of the church and pastor, that these members should be convinced of the error of their ways, the church was stayed, after divine service, on May 7th, 1815, and a committee was chosen to converse with these uneasy individuals, and if possible, to induce them to return to the fold. At a subsequent meeting, this committee 520 HISTORY OF GAllDNEB, reported verbally, " that they could not convince our brother and sister, Sullivan Jackson and Sally his wife, of their error." Whereupon the church requested the pastor to prepare a letter to be sent to said Jackson and his wife, which letter was pre- pared and laid before the church, and a copy ordered to be sent. This letter, as it lies spread upon the original church records, is filled with argumentation upon the question of infant baptism, aflfectionate entreaties to return, earnest avowals of a readi- ness to forgive past errors, and an assurance of continued love and fellowship. Still, as if already convinced that his words would be unavailing, Mr. Osgood says, "but if you persist in your error, we cannot but esteem it our duty, to withdraw our watch and communion from you ; not that we reject you, but still hope, that by the aid of divine grace, you will see the error of your waj^s, return to your duty, and renew your solemn vows to the God who m;ide you. If 3'ou do this we shall be read}^ and w^illing to receive and embrace you, as our brother and sister." Notwithstanding this entreaty, so tender and pathetic, Mr. Jackson and his wife Sally, as well as some others, sympathiz- ing with them, in their peculiar views, evidently refused to be reclaimed from " the error of their ways." Ceasing longer to worship with the First Church, they, with others, withdrew and for several years, attended the Baptist Church in Templetou, till, in the year 1827, active measures were taken by Mr. Sul- livan Jackson and nine others, to form a religious society, to be called "The Baptist Society in Gardner." The following record, declares the object w^hich these individuals had in view, which we here give as showing the basis and first action of this society : — We, the subscribers, impressed with the importance, of a preached gospel, and believing that it would be for our benefit and for the benefit of families and neighbors, to establish a Baptist Society, in the town of Gardner, of which we are in- habitants, do agree that we unite in a society, to be called the Baptist Society in Gardner, and it is our intention to organize HISTORY OF GARDNER. 521 this society, with the approbation and under the patronage of the Baptist Church and Society in Templeton, and to consult and co-operate with them, so far as circumstances will permit. Sullivan Jackson, Daniel H. Grant, George Scott, Joel Derby, Jr, Ezra Baker, Robert Poavers, Moses M. Gage, Asaph Foskett, Caleb Priest, Liberty Partridge. Gardner, May 25th, 1827. The parochial society, now connected with the Baptist Church, in this place, Avas legally organized, January 30th, 1828. Dea- con Sullivan Jackson was chosen moderator and Mr. George Scott, clerk, at whose house the parish meetings were held, for some length of time. The society set itself, at once, to the task of procuring preaching, and the necessary funds to sustain it. March 10th, 1830, they voted that " the money received, be laid out in preaching, on the Lord's day, at the house of Deacon Sullivan Jackson, for the year to come." March 9th, 1831, they voted to raise money by subscription, and " that the money raised, be laid out in preaching, on the Lord's day, at the Southwest school-house, in Gardner." March 6th, 1833, the society chose Ezra Baker and Sullivan Jackson, a committee to hire preaching, and that this com- mittee procure a place of worship. This committee proceeded, at once, to the discharge of the duty assigned them, of erecting a house of w^orship, for the society, Avhich was completed in 1833, at a cost of three thousand dollars, towards which, Sul- livan Jackson, George Scott and Walter Greenwood, were very generous contributors. This meeting-house is located in South Gardner, at the junction of Broadway and High Street. The society continued to occupy this meeting-house, till the year 18'( 2, when, feeling that the place was " too straight " for them, they determined to enlarge and repair it, adding fifteen feet to its length, frescoing the audience room, furnishing new pews, cushions, pulpit and carpet. A commodious vestry, with ante- rooms, in the basement, was also supplied. A new spire was 522 HISTORY OF GARDNER. erected, in which was placed an excellent clock, thus making a neat and convenient honse of worship, at an expense of about seven thousand, five hundred dollars. This church was redodi- cated November 6th, 1872. In May, 1851, at the decease of Mrs. Mary W. S. Bradford, the society began to receive the benefit of a legacy of four thousand dollars, left by her former husband, Mr. Abijah M. Severy, the income accruing from three thousand, to be ex- pended in support of preaching, and the income of one thou- sand, for the support of sacred music in connection with the church and society. In addition to this, in 1870, Mrs. Susanna Stone, dying, left, in her will, a legacy of one thousand dollars, the income of which is to be expended in the support of preaching. At the time the meeting-house was repaired, in 1872, a commodious dwelling house was built, near the church, by Deacon Marcius A. Gates, which has since been occupied as a parsonage. At the present time, the society is in a very flourishing condition. BAPTIST CHURCH. The first movement looking to the formation of a Baptist Church, in Gardner, was in the year 1830, when twenty-three members of the Baptist Church, in Templeton, then residing in Gardner, represented, by letter, to the church in Templeton, "that they thought their number and circumstances such, it would be for their advantage and the general interest of the cause of Christ, to be organized into a distinct church." On the 15th of November, same year, an ecclesiastical council was convened at the house of Sullivan Jackson, in South Gardner, for the purpose of organizing and recognizing them as a Bap- tist Church. The council was composed of the Baptist Churches in Templeton, Westminster, Princeton and West Boylston. After duly considering the question, " Shall a church be con- stituted at South Gardner," the council voted to recognize them, as a Baptist Church, by public services, conducted in the South- east school-house. Rev. Abial Fisher preached the sermon, Eev. Appleton Morse, of Princeton, gave the right hand of HISTOEY OF GARDNER. 523 fellowship, and Rev. Elisha Andrews gave the charge to the people. At the same time, Mr. Sullivan Jackson was ordained, as deacon of the church. The following is a list of the pastors of this church, from its organization, till the present date : — From May 1831, to March 1834, Rev. Samuel Glover: from March 1834, to April 1837, Revs. Winthrop Morse, Joshua Millett, John Holbrook, and Ransom O. Dwyer, a licentiate ; from April 1837, to June 1838, Rev. John Clapp ; from Au- gust 1838, to May 1840, Rev. Andrew Pollard; from June 1840, to October 1842, Rev. William H. Dalrymple ; from Oc- tober 1842, to October 1843, Revs. Erastus Andrews and N. B. Jones; from April 1844, to November 1847, Rev. Josiali H. Tilton; from June 1848, to May 1849, Rev. B. H. Clift; from November 1849, to January 1853, Rev. Amasa Brown; from April 1853, to December 1860, Rev. R. K. Ashley; from February 1861, to May 18(54, Rev. Wm. H. Walker; from No- vember 1864, to April 1867, Rev. George W, Ryan; from October 1867, to April 1868, Rev. C. L. Thompson ; from Sep- tember 1868, to October 1870, Rev. Joseph Burnett; from October 1870, to July 1875, Rev. William Read; from Sep- tember 1875, to November 1877, Rev. S. T. Frost; from December 1877, to the present date. Rev. F. B. Sleeper. It will be seen, by the above list, that this church has never been long without a stated minister. The faithfulness of these pastors, is attested, by accessions to the church, yearly, both by profession of faith and by letters from other churches. Be- ginning, in 1830, with only twenty-three members, the church has gradually increased, till, at the present time, it numbers one hundred and fifty-nine members. CATHOLIC CHURCH. According to the best information, which we have been able to obtain, the Catholics, of Gardner, were first temporarily organized in 1863, by the Rev. Thomas Bannon, then resident pastor of Templeton, and other missions. Previous to this time, as far back as 1856, the Catholics, of this town, attended ser- 524 HISTORY OF GAEDNFE. vices at Otter River, with an occasional visit from the pastor of the mission, Rev. Edward Turpin, then resident of Fitchburg. In the summer of 1856, Father Turpin celebrated the first mass in Gardner, at the residence of Mr. Patrick Carney. In 1863, so greatly had the number of Catholics increased wdthin the mission, that it was found necessary to divide it into two divi- sions. Rev. Thomas Bannon was appointed pastor of the North division, and was located at Otter River, where a small church had been erected. Havins; ascertained that the number of Catholics, in this town, were about three hundred, he deemed it advisable to organize them into a congregation, to whom he ministered, by public services, in the Town Hall, at least once a month. Here he formed a Sunday school, and laid the founda- tions for the present, permanent and prosperous organization. Having served his people for two years and a half, he was obliged, by ill health, to resign his position, and was succeeded by Rev. William Orr, who himself, shortly after, was obliged to retire Irom the mission, on account of the severe labors in- cident thereto. In 1871, so great was the work required, it became uecessar}' again to divide the mission. The Rev. Dennis C. Moran is now pastor of the parish com- prising Winchendon, Gardner and Ashburnham. He is a man of great energ3% zeal and perseverance, as is evident from his efforts in organizing the present Catholic Society, and in erectins their new church edifice. Under his care, a church debt society was formed for the purpose of accumulating a fund which should, at some future day, be so increased as to warrant the erection of a church edifice. The people became imbued with the same spirit which animated their pastor, and almost every Catholic contributed his ofiering to this desired object. Some time previous to the erection of the church, a great fair was held, in aid of this project, contributions of money and articles of value being freely given, by all classes, the Protes- tants, themselves, contributing liberally. The receipts amounted to thirteen hundred dollars, which, added to the amount already accumulated, placed the society on a permanent financial basis. HISTORY OF GARDJSTEE. 525 In the fall of 1873, a site for the new church edifice was pur- chased on Cross Street, upon which, work was immediately begun. The church was completed and ready for occupation, December, 1874, at a total cost of twenty-six thousand dollars. It has a seating capacity of seven hundred. Mass was first celebrated in this church, on Christmas day, 1874. It is proper to state, in this connection, that the Catholics have a cemetery located in the westerly part of the town, on the road to Otter River, which has been consecrated to the burial of their dead. THE UNIVERSALIST CHURCH. In 1864, Rev. Jacob Baker, while acting as Universalist State Missionary, began preaching the distinctive doctrines of Uni- versalism in Gardner. On the 4th of June, of the same year, a society was formed and the following preamble was adopted, together with a brief constitution : — PREAMBLE. Desirous of discharging all proper obligations, and being im- pressed that the true, Christian element is designed to draw the members of the human family into friendship in society, and that God asks the devotion of the heart, and the homage of the world : Therefore, the better to co-operate with the spirit of our Lord, we organize a religious society, and pledge our united efibrts as far as possible to support and further its prin- ciples. At a meeting held March 7th, 1865, the parish committee were instructed to secure the ser\'ices of Mr. Baker one-half the time for the ensuing year. He continued his labors with the society, and did much toward sowing the seeds of the " Larger Hope" broadcast. He was a strong advocate and able defender of Universalist principles. On the 19th of March, 1866, the society extended a call to Rev. Harrison Closson, to become their pastor. He preached one-half the time, till January, 1867, when the society secured his undivided services. 526 HISTORY OF GAlWJSrFB. CHURCH ORGANIZATION. A church wtis organized on the evenmg of April 23cl, 1868, and publicly recognized with appropriate exercises, on the first Sunday in June following. At the first meeting, which was held at the home of the pastor, the covenant formerly held by the First Congregational Church, was adopted M'ith the addition of scripture quotations from the first chapter of Ephesians, making it more distinctly Universalist in sentiment. The or- ganization was to be known as The Church of the Unity and Restoration. The following covenant was afterwards adopted, expressed assent to which should be essential to membership in the church : — COVENANT. "VVe believe that the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament contain a revelation of the character of God, and of the duty, interest and final destination of mankind. We believe in the existence of an all-perfect God, who has done, is doing, and will still continue to do all that infinite love can prompt, all that infinite wisdom can devise, and all that in- finite power can execute, to save every soul from sin, and train all to holiness, without doing violence to human freedom. That being perfect in wisdom, knowledge and love, and having already converted, regenerated and saved some of the most ignorant and hardened unbelievers, and the most wicked sin- ners of earth, he will continue his work of redemption until all souls are converted, regenerated and saved. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son, and sent of God, the mediator between God and man, and the delegated Saviour of the world. We accept his precepts as the rule of our life, and his doctrine as our hope and comfort. We believe in the Holy Spirit, as the spirit of truth and love, which is sent forth into all the world to guide men into all moral and religious truth. We believe in the necessity of faith and repentance; that we must break ofi" our sins by righteousness and our iniquities by turnino; to God. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 527 We believe that holiness and true happiness are inseparably connected, and that believers ought to maintain order and prac- tice good works, for these things are good and profitable unto men. Rev. H. Closson was installed as pastor of the church on the 23d of June, 186'J, Rev. A. A. Minor, D. D., of Boston preach- ing the sermon. Under the ministry of Mr. Closson, the church and society grew and prospered. Continual additions were made to their numbers, until a large and influential parish was built up. Toward the close of his labors, in the spring of 1871, an effort was made to further improve the place of wor- ship, services being held, at this time, in the " bell meeting- house." A portion of the society wished to remove the build- ing and to tit it up thoroughly. Others desired to build a new church. But .ditficulties arose, mistakes were made, and no definite plan of action was agreed upon. The result was, the organization became for a time impaired. During the next three years, there was no stated preaching. But many of the society, remembering their rapid growth and prosperity, in the past, still cherished hopes for the future. Under the inspiration of these hopes, they went forward to carry into eflect the idea of building a church. Land was given for the purpose by Mr. William S. Lynde, an aged gentleman and devoted friend of the society. A building committee, con- sisting of Ezra Osgood, Benjamin M. Carruth and Amos W. Goodnow, was chosen. The new edifice was completed, in the spring of 1874, and dedicated on the 26th of May, of the same year. Rev. T. E. St. John of Worcester, preaching the sermon. Dedicatory prayer was olEFered by Rev. J. V, Wilson of Brigh- ton, and Rev. E. Maguire of Fitchburg gave the address to the church and parish. Rev. R. T. Sawyer was called, as pastor, shortly after the dedication of the church, and remiiined with the society for three years. Several members were added to the church while under his charge. Rev. E. A. Read, the present pastor, commenced his labors with the church, the first of July, 1877. 528 HISTOEY OF GARDJ^ER. The society is at present united and prosperous. The names of one hundred families are upon the roll. Many of these are active, earnest workers. Since the formation of the church lifty-eight persons have been received into membership. The society has always recognized the value and influence of woman in its work, and justly so, for she has been its best ally. At an early date after the society's organization, the ladies, anxious to share the burden with their brothers and hubbands, organized a social circle, through which they have always worked with untiring zeal. The Sabbath School was instituted shortly after the organiza- tion of the society, in 1864. From a small beginning it has grown to take its proper place, and do its share of religious work, for the children of the community. It has a library of over five hundred volumes. The present valuation of church property, including a hall owned by the society, is about twelve thousand dollars. In 1877, a house costino; nearly two thousand dollars, was erected for a parsonage, upon land belonging to the society and in close proximity to the church. This is owned by two members of the parish, Avho will hold it until the society is able to purchase it, at cost. The following is a sketch of those who have served this church as pastors : — Rev. Jacob Baker, who started and organized the society in 1864, was the acting pastor for two years. Rev. Harrison Closson was the first settled pastor. He com- menced his labors in March, 1866, and continued with the peo- ple until the spring of 1871. He was born in Northampton, July 23d, 1828, was a member of the Edward's Church, from the age of fifteen years, until his conversion to Universalism. He was educated in the High School, in his native town, where he prepared for college. He afterwards took an independent course, in the classics, and gave three years to the stud}' of Theology, with a clergyman. He was ordained over the Uni- versalist Church, in Oxford, in 1855. He is at present settled HISTORY OF GARDNER. ^ 529 over the Universalist Church in Marblehead, where he has been jDastor for seven years. Rev. Royal Tyler Sawyer was called, as pastor, in the spring of 1874, and served the society for three years. He was born atMt. Holly, Vt., April 25th, 1848. He received his early education at the common and High School, and commenced teaching at the age of sixteen. The following season, while act- ing as clerk in Worcester, Mass., and attending the Methodist Church, he became interested in reliijion. On returninir to Vermont, he joined the Baptist Church of his native town. In the winter of '69-70, by a careful study of the scriptures, he embraced the principles of Universalism and joined the Univer- salist Church in Chester, where he was ordained April 25th, 1871. His first settlement was in Cavendish, Vt., where he remained one year. He then went to Tufts Divinity School and graduated in 1873. The following winter he supplied the pulpit in Marlboro', N. H., and the next spring accepted the call from Gardner. He is settled at present in South New- market, N. H. Rev. Ephraim A. Read, the present pastor, commenced his labors with the church, the first of July, 1877. He was born in Summerside, Prince Edward Island, in 1846. Received a common and grammar school education at home, and studied the languages in the High School of his native town. He came to the United States in 1868, and entered Dean Academy, Franklin, Mass., where he remained about six months; after- w^ards he entered St. Lawrence University, taking a full course in the Divinity School, from which he graduated in 1870. His first settlement was in Alstead, N. H., where he was ordained March 2d, 1871. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. In revicAving the history of the Baptist Church, of this town, Ave have found it to be, in some sense, an outcome, in the per- son of Sullivan Jackson and others, of the First Congregational Church, then under the care of Rev. Jonathan Osgood. We 67 530 ^HISTORY OF GARDNER. slmll tilso find the same to be true of Methodism, "which seems to have had its beginning in Mr. Samuel Stone, who early exhibited a preference for that form of worship. As has been stated, in the former part of this chapter, the law re- lating to religious societies, in the latter part of the last cen- tury, gave to every man the privilege of worshiping, with what- ever Christian denomination he preferred. It only required him to bring a certificate from the minister, or officers of the society where he worshiped, to the Town Clerk, who was then clerk of the First Parish, that he regularly attended the church of his preference, and freely contributed to its support. In accordance with this law, we find this certificate, upon the Town Records, vol. 1, page 290 : — This may certify that Samuel Stone of Gardner, attends public worship with the Methodists, in Ashburnham, and freely contributes to the support of their ministry. Signed in behalf of the society, Phillip Wagkr, Elder. Gardner, February loth, 1797. Attest, Reuben Haynes, Toion Clerk. We also find upon the same page, the following : — Gardner, in Massachusetts, March 20th, 1798. To all ioho7n it may concern: This is to certify that Simon Stone, of this town, attends the public worship of God, amoiig the people called Methodists ; and contributes to the support of their ministry. Signed in behalf of the society. Smith Weeks, Minister. Attest, Reuben Haynes, Toivn Clerk. Whatever may have been the motives, leading Mr. Samuel Stone to withdraw from the First Congregational Church, we are not sufBciently well informed to state with certainty. It has been said, by those still living, who derived their informa- tion from those noAV dead, who were acquainted with the facts, HISTORY OF GARDJ^EE. 531 that Mr. Stoue withdrew from the church and parish through soDie personal disaffection toward the pastor. It appears, from the records of the First Church, that previous to April 14th, 1797, Mr. Stoue and his wife Martha had requested a dismission, from the First Church, upon which, the church took action, which is recorded in the following words, bearing the above date : — "After much conversation, and many observations being made, the church voted not to dismiss Samuel Stone and Martha Stone." May 4th, 1797, the church " Voted, That a letter be prepared and laid before the church, for its approba- tion, to send to Mr. Samuel Stone and his wife." May 19th, the church met, according to adjournment, to hear the letter prepared b}- the pastor, to be sent to Mr. Samuel Stone and wife. We quote this letter, of Mr. Osgood to Mr. Stone, in behalf of the church, as indicating the sorrow they experienced and the solicitude and earnest entreaty which they manifested on the departure, of any of their numbers, to other churches of Christ : — To Mr. Samuel Stone and Mrs. Martha Stone: We the church of Christ, in Gardner, feel ourselves grieved that you, members of our body by the most solemn covenant obligations, have broken off from us, without any sufficient grounds, and by so doing, our Divine Master is wounded in the house of his friends. We earnestly solicit you, as in the fear of God, duly to consider the motives, on which you act and whether they are such as will justify you, before that God, who searches the heart, or whether your conduct is not such as the apostle speaks of as causing divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned. We are fully willing that all persons should enjoy the liberty of conscience, and are quite free, to hold communion with all regular churches of other denominations, differing from us, only in the non-essentials of Christianity, but, as you have broken off from us, in an irregular manner, we esteem it our duty to withdraw our watch and communion from you, but have 532 . HISTORY OF GARDNFli. still hope that you will perceive your error, and return to your duty. If you do this, we shall be fully willing and ready to receive and embrace you, as our brother and sister. In the name and behalf of the church. Jonathan Osgood, Pastor. It is probable that about this time, the influence of the eccentric Lorenzo Dow, began to make itself felt, in this region, since we find the following entry in his journal of Oc- tober 22d, 1796 : " I spoke in Hardwick, to about four hundred people, thence to Petersham and Winchendon, to Fitchburg, and likewise to Notown, where God gave me one spiritual child. Thence to Ashburnham, where we had some powerful times." On his way from Winchendon to Ashburnham, he would naturally pass near the residence of Mr. Samuel Stone, who then lived upon what is now the town farm, and at whose house he may possibly have preached. That a Methodist society ex- isted, as early as the year 1800, in this town, is evident from the following record : — * We, the subscribers, Henry Eames, public teacher of a society of the religious sect or denomination called Methodists, in the town of Gardner, and Ebenezer Richardson and Samuel Stone, committee of said society, do hereby certify that Simon Stone doth belong to the said society, and that he, as the case may be, frequently and usually, when able attends with us, in our stated meetings for religious worship, and doth contribute to the said preacher. Done at Winchendon, September 5th, 1800. Henry Eames, ^ Samuel Stone, > Committee. EiJENEZER Richardson, } Attest, Reuben Haynes, Toivn Cleric. In 1826, Gardner was included in the Ashburnham circuit, then embracing Ashburnham, Winchendon, Northfield, Orange, *Town Kecords, vol. 1, p. 332. HISTORY OF GARDNER. 533 Montague, Wendell, Rojalston, Warwick, Athol, Templeton and Gardner. The preacher, then upon this circuit, was Rev. John E. Risley and the Presiding Elder, Rev. John Lind- say. In 1827, quite an extensive revival occurred, in this town, originating in the southeast district, which, had its good effects, upon all parts of the town. The Baptist Societ}', which was formed this year, with Mr. Sullivan Jackson at its head, was greatly quickened, while it is said that the impulse of this re- ligious interest was perceptible, in the preaching of the pastor of the First Church and, in those to whom he ministered, causing the Hues between Unitarianism and Orthodoxy, to be more closely drawn, and resulting probably, in the secession of the more Evangelical portion of that church in 1830. The meetings, from which this interest spread, were held at the house of Mr. George Scott, whose name appears as one of the founders of the Baptist Society. It is said, a young Methodist girl, who had come from a neighboring town, to sojourn for a while, attracted considerable attention, by her singing of Methodist hymns, in these meetings, which served to draw the curious, to listen to her, who were thus interested in Spiritual matters. Although the few Methodist people residing in Gardner, held services infrequentl}', and occasionally enjoyed preaching by ministers of their own denomination, they took no measures looking to the formation of a church, till the year 1869. In February and March, 1869, Rev. William P. Blackmer, then pastor of the Methodist Church, in East Templeton, preached a few sermons, in the Lower Town Hall. A committee was ap- pointed, and a paper circulated, upon which, money enough was soon subscribed, to make it reasonably certain, that preach- ing could be sustained, and a pastor was asked for. March 24th, 1869, the New England Conference appointed Mr. Black- mer to Gardner, which thus became again an appointment, in the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Blackmer was born at Norwich, Conn., January 29th, 1830, and was licensed to 534 HISTOliY OF GARDINER. preach at North Brookfield, Mass., December 8th, 1854. He was Captain of the 13th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers. The church was formall}^ organized July 3d, 1869, by Rev. Loranus Crowell, the Presiding Elder of Worcester District, with a membership of eighteen and a Sunday School ot fifty. In April, 1870, Rev. W. M. Hubbard was appointed to this church, to which he ministered successfully for three years. Mr. Hubbai'd was born in Unadilla, N. Y., in 1816. He was licensed to preach at Hatfield, Mass., in 1849. Up to the date of Mr. Hubbard's pastorate, the church was without a place of worship of their own. Such was their growth, however, that a church edifice was demanded, for the procuring of which, the members of the church and their friends, devoted their utmost energies. Mr. Lewis H. Graham donated a site, for a church, on West Street. In the early summer, of the same year, there was erected, upon this spot, a Chapel, which was eighty by fifty feet, which was dedicated September 14th. In April, 1873, Rev. Daniel Atkins became the pastor of this church, where he continued for three years. Mr. Atkins was born at Truro, Mass., August 16th, 1824, and was licensed to preach at Gloucester, Mass., January 18th, 1851. In April, 1875, Rev. Seth C. Carey received the appointment to this church, to which he ministered for three years. Mr. Carey was born in Hebron, N. Y., June 1st, 1838; and was licensed to preach at Hebron, N. Y., in 1865. He graduated at the School of Theology of Boston University, in 1869. He was, for three years, in the union army, from 1862 to 1865, with the rank of 2d Lieutenant, 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant. He was in ten battles, besides skirmishes. During the ministry of Mr. Carey the need of enlarged accommodations, began to force itself upon the attention of the people, and the building of a new church, became a question of duty. In the summer of ]876, a member of the church presented the society one of the most eligible lots on Chestnut Street. This was accepted, and September 20th, ground was broken for a new church edifice fifty by eighty feet, with a spire one hundred and thirty HISTORY OF GARDNER. 535 feet in height. The church has