SJ3 m r Hollinger Corp. pH8.5 SB 193 N5 Copy 1 UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING. Agricultural College Department. WYOMING EXPERIMENT STATION, LARAMIE, WYOMING. BUri_^I_ETIN NO. 63. AUGUST, 1904. Native and Introduced Saltbushes Three Seasons' Trials. By ELIAS NELSON. Bulletins will be sent free upon request. Address: Director Experiment Station, Laramie, Wyo. & ^ WYOMING Agricultural Experiment Station. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Hon. OTTO GRAMM, President, Laramie 1909 Hon. HENRY L. STEVENS, M. D, Laramie 1909 Hon. HARRIET KNIGHT, A. B., Cheyenne 1909 Hon. JOHN C. DAVIS, Rawlins . .1907 Hon. TIMOTHY F. BURKE, LL. B., Vice President, Cheyenne. .. 1907 Hon. ARTHUR C. JONES, Treasurer, Laramie. . , 1905 Hon. ELIZABETH ARNOLD STONE, A. B., Evanston 1905 Hon. A. J. MOKLER, Casper 1905 Hon. GEORGE ABER, Sheridan 1905 State Superintendent of Public Instruction T. T. TYNAN. .. .Ex-officio President FREDERICK M. TISDEL, Ph. D Ex-officio GRACE RAYMOND HEBARD, Ph. D Secretary Agricultural Committee of the Board of Trustees. H. L. STEVENS, Chairman Laramie OTTO GRAMM Laramie A. C. JONES Laramie STATION COUNCIL. F. M. TISDEL, Ph. D President B. C. BUFFUM, M. S Director, Agriculturist and Horticulturist A. NELSON, M. S., A. M Botanist C. B. RIDGAWAY, A. M Physicist and Meteorologist H. G. KNIGHT, A. B Chemist G. R. HEBARD, A. M., Ph. D Secretary B. P. FLEMING, B. S Irrigation Engineer E. E. NELSON, A. M Assistant in Horticulture and Agrostology H. C. McLALLEN, M. S. A Assistant Agriculturist E. L. CASE Stenographer ^ILJAiAl^F^Y. 1. This bulletin is a report on various experiments with saltbushes at the Experiment Farm, three years' tests of Aus- tralian and native species and observations made in the field. 2. These investigations have been carried on in co-oper- ation with the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Professor Scribner, the former Chief of the Division of Agrostologv, and Professor Spillman, the present Chief, have extended financial aid and furnished seed for the prosecution of this work. 3. The investigations have included field tests of native and introduced saltbushes on cultivated land, seeding on the range, and experiments designed to determine the best time and best method of seeding the saltbushes. 4. The Australian Saltbush is a valuable forage plant in its native home and in parts of California and the South- west. It makes a rank growth, is used for pasturage or cut and stacked for hay, and is an acceptable and nutritious feed for stock. 5. In Wyoming the Australian Saltbush winterkills and does not grow sufficiently rank during our short season to be of value for this region. 6. Stockmen and farmers should not be misled by the glowing accounts in seed catalogues of the marvelous growth of the Australian Saltbush. 7. The saltbushes are grayish, scurfy, annual or per- ennial, herbaceous or shrubby plants of a dense and usually bushy habit of growth. Native and Introduced Saltbnshes. 8. Seven indigenous or native species are of importance in our State. Two of these are shrubby ; three are herba- ceous perennials, and three are annuals. 9. Our native saltbnshes, especially Nuttall's and Nel- son's, occur in great abundance in many localities and in the Red Desert are of vast importance as winter forage for sheep. 10. The shrubby species are unsuitable for cultivation. 11. Nuttall's and Nelson's Saltbush may be grown for pasturage. They make a good stand under favorable condi- tions, but grow slowly and require several seasons to attain full size. 12. The annual species are easy to start, make rapid growth and produce a large amount of forage on moist alkali land. They grow sufficiently rank to be cut for hay. 13. A moist soil and a certain amount of weathering of the seed is necessary for good germination. 14. The best stand was obtained where the seeds were covered half an inch deep, but nearly as good results were secured where they were left on the surface of the soil. 15. The best time to sow the saltbushes is in the fall or very early in spring. 16. Profitable crops are produced only where the soil is loose and friable and tolerably moist. 17. The saltbushes are recommended for cultivation on moist alkali land unsuitable for other crops. 18. Alkali lands used for pasturage may be materially improved by simply scattering seed over them, but some cul- tural treatment of the land is recommended wherever prac- ticable. 19. Sheep soon become accustomed to them, eat them readily and remain in good condition when subsisting on salt- bush forage. Native and Introduced Saltbushes THREE SEASONS' TRIALS. BY KLIAS NELSON. INTRODUCTION. The forage value of saltbushes was early recognized by sheepmen both in the Western United States and in Aus- tralia. As soon as their tolerance of alkali and general adapt- ability to arid conditions became well known, far-seeing men interested themselves in their domestication. The cultivation of our native species has not been seriously considered until very recently. An Australian saltbush has been very suc- cessfully and profitably grown in California for more than ten years. Its extraordinary rankness of growth in that State has reached the ears of stockmen and farmers in Wyoming. Seedmen have given glowing descriptions of its wonderful productiveness, and many of our stockmen have speculated on realizing large gains by cultivating this plant, and not a few have lost money and experienced failures in attempts to grow it. The possibilities of our native species under culti- vation have in the minds of many been unduly magnified, and some have even talked of seeding down whole sections of range land to the Russian Thistle. It is time for this station to publish some facts in regard to saltbushes, and to disabuse the public mind of erroneous ideas concerning the value of the Australian Saltbush for our State. It is our purpose in this bulletin to report the results of tests made on the Experiment Farm and observations made in the field, and to indicate the probable value of saltbushes for cultivation in this State. Native and Introduced Saltbushcs. CHARACTERISTICS. The saltbushes or Atriplexes are succulent alkali plants, usually scurfy and grayish in color and with herbaceous or somewhat shrubby stems. They are nearly all diffuse in growth, and the seed of some species resembles that of spin- ach. Some are annuals ; others perennial. Those with her- baceous stems are the most valuable ones for cultivation. They belong to the Goosefoot Family, as does also the culti- vated beet, the lambs-quarter and the garden spinach. The common Greasewood and Winter Fat are also classified in this family. SEEDS OF PERENNIAL SALTBUSHES. J . Nuttall's. 2 and 3. Nelson's 4. Shadscale. Native and Introduced Saltbushes. OCCURRENCE. In dry, interior regions, where there is little rainfall and more or less alkali in the soil, the more valuable forage plants, or the true grasses, are very largely replaced by other herb- age. Saltbushes and their allies occur in such regions and are often the predominant class of vegetation. They often furnish more than half of the pasturage. Many large and rank growing species, both annual and perennial, occur in Australia, and sheep have for many years been pastured very extensively on the natural growths of salt- bushes in the deserts of that continent. More than thirty dif- ferent saltbushes are indigenous to the Western United States, and most of those possess some forage value. THE AUSTRALIAN SALTBUSH. Australian saltbushes were introduced into California as early as 1881, but it was not until in 1888 that the most val- uable one, Atriplex semibaccata, now known throughout this country as the "Australian Saltbush," was tried in that State. Its rankness of growth, great drought-resisting qualities and tolerance of alkali soon became known and its cultivation has as a result increased until today it is grown quite extensively in California and parts of Arizona and New Mexico. In the warm, arid districts of California it is a very prolific grower, forming dense mats a foot or more in depth, and individual plants are often a few to even six feet in diameter. Not only will all classes of stock in the majority of cases eat it readily, either green or cured, but are said to thrive on it. In Cali- fornia it is cut for hay, as well as used for pasturage. It may be mowed as many as three times in a season, and a yield of twenty tons of green feed or five tons of hay per acre is not at all unusual. Seed of this saltbush has been widely dis- tributed by the California Experiment Station and by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. It has been tested in all the Native and Introduced Saltbushes. Western States and other parts of the United States. The seed is now offered for sale by all leading seedsmen in the East, as well as in the West, at a price of from one dollar to one dollar and fifty cents per pound. What seedsmen claim for this', forage plant applies only to its cultivation . in the warm districts of California and similar regions in the South- west. Our experiments have shown that it is entirely un- suited to our conditions. CULTIVATION OF AMERICAN SALTBUSHES. The success of Australian species in California naturally led to an inquiry into the practicability of cultivating certain ones of our native species. The National Department has done much along this line, and through its field agents has secured seed of most of our Western species. This seed has been sent to the Experiment Stations in the West, where many of our natives have been tested. The Wyoming Station has co-operated with the U. S. Department of Agriculture in these investigations, and has for three years carried on ex- periments with saltbushes on the farm. THE SALTBUSHES OF WYOMING. In our State it is chiefly in Sweetwater, Carbon and Natrona Counties that the saltbushes are sufficiently abundant to figure very largely as a forage for stock. Wherever the saltbushes occur they are browsed upon and when accustomed to them stock eat them readily. We have observed that fully developed plants occur as a rule only inside enclosures, or where stock has not had free range. Being salty to the taste, grazing animals eat of them along with other herbage, and where they occur in pastures and on the range there is no need of providing salt for the stock. In parts of Sweetwater and Carbon Counties the saltbushes are the predominant herbage and often constitute from one-half to nearly all of the forage. On these ranges there is usually no water during - summer Native and In'roduced Saltbushes. Native and Introduced Saltbushes. and what may be found in springs or sluggish creeks is gen- erally too strongly impregnated with salt for use. These lands cannot for that reason be pastured in summer, but in winter when snowdrifts are found along bluffs and in gulleys sheep are driven in and the saltbushes and other plants which have grown undisturbed during the summer and cured in the fall furnish winter feed for these flocks. Sheep not only are able to subsist on this kind of forage, but thrive on it and re- main in good condition. These winter ranges do not deteriorate, as the plants are allowed to mature and reseed themselves during the grow- ing season. The pasturage actually improves, for the plants become more matted as a result of the cropping and the drop- pings of the sheep add to the fertility of the soil. Three of the seven more common species occurring in Wyoming are annuals, and two of the perennial ones are shrubby. The Spiny Saltbush (Artiplex confertifolia) is a much branched, somewhat spiny, grayish shrub, one to several feet high. It has broad leaves and fiattish seeds. The leaf-like bracts which enclose the seed proper are thick and scurfy, and have broad, rounded, free terminal portions. It is not uncommon on clayey alkaline flats. In autumn the leaves and seeds fall to the ground and are swept by the wind into small depressions in the ground. These accumulations are gathered up by sheep in the winter. Shadscale (Artiplex caiiescens) is a grayish, scurfy shrub, one to several feet high, with narrow leaves and large, succu- lent, four-winged seeds. It occurs on clayey hillsides and bluffs in many localities in Wyoming, being rather conspicuous toward the close of the season when heavily loaded with seeds. Its succulent young shoots and large seeds, which are pro- duced in great abundance, furnish considerable browsing for stock. Native and Introduced Saltbushes. 9 Nuttall's Saltbush (Atriplex Nuttallii) is the most im- portant of the native saltbushes of this State. It is a deep- rooted perennial of a spreading and bushy growth, the leafy stems usually a foot or less in length. The plant is generally grayish in color and has thickish, succulent leaves, which are narrowly oblong and entire. By September the fertile plants have become heavily loaded with seeds, which are somewhat flattened, toothed at the summit and more or less covered on the sides with tubercle-like points. This saltbush occurs on dry, gravelly plains and gumbo flats, in soil which is not too strongly alkaline. It is readily eaten by stock and endures close grazing. Where it is cropped continuously it becomes matted and sends up numerous leafy NUTTALL'S SALTBUSH [Atriplex Nuttallii) 10 Native and Introduced Saltbushcs. Nuttall's Saltbjsh spreading on hard, gravelly ground in a dooryard. The large plant to the left is the parent of the smaller plants about it. shoots. It is very common in many parts of Wyoming and in the Red Desert furnishes at least half of the winter forage. It readily re'seeds and maintains itself where once established. ( >ccasionally it spreads into fallow fields and here makes a thrifty growth. It often takes possession of dooryards, com- pletely covering the ground. Nelson's Saltbush (Atriplex pabularis). This saltbush was discovered in the Red Desert in 1897 by Professor Aven Nelson. It is very similar to Nuttall's Saltbush, but is whiter in color and of a more upright habit of growth. It is abundant only in the Red Desert, where it flourishes in the strongest alkali soils. Native and Introduced Saltbushes. ii The Utah Saltbush (Atriplex truncata) is an annual spe- cies, somewhat pyramidal in form and with much-branched stems, greenish leaves and small seeds. It is common in waste places near towns, in dooryards and in loose soil generally, especially where there is some alkali. About Laramie we have observed that it is kept well browsed down by the town cows. It spreads rapidly on railroad embankments, and, though often appearing in cultivated fields, it is not a troublesome weed. In good soil it often grows to be two feet high and several feet in diameter. UTAH SALTBUSH (Atriplex truncata) 12 Native and Introduced Saltbushes. SILVERY OR TUMBLING SALTBUSH {Atriplex argentfa) Silvery Saltbush (Atriplex argentea). An animal saltbush of a rounded form, grayish white color and with seeds which are more or less tubercled and winged. Its growth is very dense, and under favorable conditions it attains a great size, often being a foot and a half high and several feet in diameter. It occurs on alkali flats and attains its greatest size where the soil is loose and contains considerable alkali. In the fall the tap roots. usually break off and the plants, driven about by the winds, often pile up against wire fences and other obstructions in their way. Native and Introduced Saltbushes. 13 Spreading Saltbush (Atriplex philonitra). This is an- other annual species growing naturally where the soil is quite strongly alkaline. It is quite white in color, dense and spread- ing as to its habit of growth and has slender stems and small, broad leaves. Jt is not as large nor as coarse as the other annuals. It conies fery readily from seed and is easy of cul- tivation. 9 W^WWW { 1 E^ bL SPREADING SA.LTBUSH (Atriplex philonitra ) 14 Native and Introduced Saltbushes. THE CULTIVATION OF SALTBUSHES ON THE EX- PERIMENT FARM. The Australian Saltbush was tested at this station as early as in 1897. It was again sown in 1901. Though a thin stand was secured, it made very little growth. Being a perennial, it should live from year to year, but with us it has winterkilled. It is too tender for this region and does n