¥ -i ^R 30 ISO*" i Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/frommarshruntoseOObeal ^ paper rcab before Pbiladetpbia Penna tocbnesbag illarcl) B 1SS9 BV JKmeS BeKD€ late Pricate 12tb ]Vlass Uol Jnfy -\ = ^-^ ■5 k w 5i^om (lUftrsp (gm io ^eminarg (Rtbge (^«b f^e t^it'i) ©itjtBion pxompt?^ ffeb Before ©ofes' BgirmifigerB; (Seneraf goiwatb sogB f 3tB bttjiBton <»ciB fge firEf fo gtoe f»ag anb feb f^e refreaf. C^tB tjj^ofesafe aSanbonmetif fef( f^e SirBf iSot^s in perifouB pfie^f ; io abb fo f^etr ^eryferifg i^c (gPeuenf? £:or^Q 6«ffcr« tee oit Cemeferg 15-^^ ""'*' openeb on f ^em. J^owarb'B i^at\&fu?neBS i^ai " forfunafefg ^ \- '^ SS£OEd3 nn^ reyorfs tn gtfPet) anb wounbcb 316. Sour coforsficorerB were fitffeb. ^6erc were feto tf nng rcgtmenfe in fSe StrBf ^r>}B fgcif coitfb iiof b^ow a foEB of fif^g |)er cenf. ©ouBfebag BogB fge cor:j)3 foo§ m S200 nnb Srous^f ouf ^e Bfafemenf of foBses tn i?jt (Sfetj* m mii^ reports from ofger Bourceo. §ucd, for tnefance, aa fgc oBBcrtion of (Bcneraf goncocft's cgtef jof *Bfoff f^af "1500 fugts ftt>eB were cofPecfeb Bj fge ^ot>oBf*0uorb of fge ^qjefffg g:orys, Bome mifes in rear 3n 3tfi offictaf reyo rf (generaf ^ am cocS. sa^e, "atfgree y.m. 3 arrttjeb of (BcffgBfiurs anb aeeumeb f^e commanb. (gf ms iimt fge giref anb 6fet?enfg gorys were reftrmg fgrougg fge foftin, cfoeefg preBBeb Bg fgs cnemg." 3ii g ts f estimong, (y, arcg, I864, ^e re?aff!i:mB f^is, abbm g, " (Beneraf §o<»arb wao on 4::emcferg §iff, anb f^ere ^ab eDis / fig i^c SuBf C^orpe jaue fo fge ncifton f^e fjtcforg af cBeffe^Gurg, for if 5«t>e io f^ (^rmg of f^e ^ofomac f ^e yoBtfton agotnef i»9tc0 &ee uamfg sfrofje for fwo bajB. 3f was f^e "^uperB" Bofbier f»^o gaf^ereb uy f^e Brofien Bfranbs on i^i af s fernoon of ^ufg 1, onb t^uB renbercb buBs Bequenf fjtcforg ^JOEBifife. ^istm io ^is oian gPowing eenfenceB, Sift^