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McKeehan, Steelton, 135 Rev. George S. Duncan, Westminister, .... . . 140 Rev. I. Potter Hayes, Covenant, 143 Rev. George S. Chambers, D. D., Pine Street, .... 150 Rev. Reuben H. Armstrong, Elder Street, ...... 155 Rev. John H. Groflf, Middletown, 162 Rev. Francis M. Baker, Dauphin, 166 Rev. George B. Stewart, Market Square, 171 Address of Mr. Joshua Williams, 181 "Characteristics of Early Presbyterians" — Address of Rev. Dr. Nathan Grier Parke, 189 "Importance of the Country Church" — Address of Governor James A. Beaver, 201 Address of Colonel Francis Jordan, 214 Address of Rev. James Elder, p. D., 216 Letter of Rev. Dr. Thomas H. Robinson, 221 An Interesting Reminiscence, 224 Rev. John Elder's Ordination Sermon, 229 2 Table of Contents. Deed to Paxtang Glebe, 237 Master Allen's School, 257 Marriages by Rev. Joha Elder, 1744-1791, 260 Marriages by Rev. John Roan, 1754-1775, 268 Marriages by Rev. Jam ^s R. Sharon, 1807-1839, 277 Baptisms by Rev. James R. Sharon, 281 Communions iu Paxtang, 1807-1839 286 Dismissions from Paxtang, 1807-1839, 290 Deaths in Paxtang Congregation, 1807-1839. 292 Tombstone inscriptions in the Graveyard, . . . ... 294 Biographical Notes, 329 Present Organization and Membership, 344 PREFATORY. PREFACE. There were three important outposts of education, patriotism, and religion estabhshed in what is now Dauphin county and along the Indian frontier in the early years of the Eighteenth Century, by the Scotch- Irish Presbyterians — Derry, Paxtang, and Hanover. Derry Church was thus described by Dr. William H. Egle in his " History of Pennsylvania," in 1876 : "On the line of the Lebanon Valley railroad, at Derry station, stands a weather-beaten log edifice, erected as early as 1729, the congregation having been organized previous to 1725. It is located on what was then termed, in the old Penn patents, the ' Barrens of Derry.' The building is constructed of oak logs, about two feet thick, which are covered over with hemlock boards on the outside. The inside is in tolerable pres- ervation, the material used in the construction of the pews and floors being yellow pine, cherry, and oak. The iron-work is of the most primitive and antique description, and the heavy hand-wrought nails by which the hinges are secured to the pews and entrance doors are extremely tenacious and difficult to loosen. The window-glass was originally imported from Eng- land, but few panes, however, remain. In the interior, pegs are placed in the wall, and were used by the 6 Preface. sturdy pioneers to hang their rifles upon, as attacks by the Indians in the Provincial days were of frequent occurrence, and there is still to be seen many a hostile bullet imbedded in the solid oak walls. The pulpit is quite low and narrow, crescent shaped, and is entered by narrow steps from the east side. Above it, on the south side, is a large window, which contains thirty- eight panes of glass of different sizes. The sash is made of pewter, and was brought from England. The communion service, which is still preserved, consists of four mugs and platters of pewter, manufactured in London, and presented to the church by some dissent- ing English friends one hundred and fifty years ago. At the main entrance lies a large stone as a stoop, which is greatly worn by the tread of the thousands who have passed over it. About thirtj^ paces northwest stands the session-house and pastor's study during the days of public worship. The burial-ground is a few yards north of the study, and is enclosed with a stone wall, capped and neatly built. There is only one entrance, which is at the center of the west side. The Rev. Robert Evans, church missionary, ministered to the congregation during its early years, having founded the church. He died in Virginia, in 1727. Rev. Wil- liam Bertram was the first regular minister. His re- mains lie in the grave-yard, near the southwest corner. He died May 2, 1746. His successor. Rev. John Roan, is buried near by, dying in October, 1775. Many min- Preface. 7 isters of note have preached at Derry, among whom were the Rev. David Brainard, Rev. Charles Beatty, and that galaxy of early missionaries, Anderson, Evans, McMillan, Duffield, Gray, the Tennents, Carmichael, etc." Since the time Dr. Egle wrote, 1876, there has been erected upon the site of the old building a beauti- ful modern structure of stone. Of Hanover, he said: "Nearly eleven miles from Harrisburg, on the Man- ada, a tributary of the Swatara, are the remains of an ancient stone structure, which, with the walled grave- yard, are the only monuments of old Hanover church, once prominent in the early history of our State. A few years since it was deemed expedient to dispose of the church edifice, (the building being in a tumble- down condition,) the brick school-house, and other property belonging thereto, the congregation having long since passed away, for the purpose of creating a permanent fund to keep the grave-yard in repair. It was a plain, substantial, stone structure, corresponding somewhat to the building at Paxtang. The original name of the old Hanover church was Monnoday, (Man- ada.) The first record we have is of the date 1735, al- though its organization must have been some years earlier. In that year Donegal Presbytery sent Rev. Thomas Craighead to preach at Monnoday, and this appears to be the first time the congregation was known to that body. The year following, the Rev. Richard 8 Preface. Sanckey was sent there, who for thirty years ministered to that flock. Subsequently to the celebrated Paxtang affair at Conestoga and Lancaster, the Rev. Richard Sanckey, with thirty or forty families of his congrega- tion, emigrated to the Virginia Valley, and Captain Lazarus Stewart, with an equal number, removed to Wyoming, taking sides with the Connecticut intruders. These immigrations cost the church most of its mem- bers, and the county some of its most industrious and intelligent citizens. In 1783, the Rev. James Snod- grass, whose remains lie in the grave-yard, came to be the pastor. For fifty-eight years he served the congre- gation, and was its last minister." The story of Paxtang, of its early struggles, the tre- mendous power it wielded for freedom and religion be- fore and during the revolution until the establishment of the government of the United States, and the bene- ficent influence it has continued to exert to the present day, the reader will be told in the following pages. M. w. M. Harrisburg, Pa., Oct., 1890. PASTORS OF PAXTANG. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 11 PASTORS OF PAXTANG. 1726-1732. Rev. James Anderson. 1732-1736. Rev. AVilliam Bertram. 1738-1792. Rev. John Elder. 1793-1796. Rev. Nathaniel R. Snowden. 1799-1801. Rev. Joshua Williams. 1807-1843. Rev. James R. Sharon. 1845-1847. Rev. John M. Boggs. 1850-1874. Rev. Andrew D. Mitchell. 1875-1878. Rev. William W. Downey. 1878-1887. Rev. William A. West. (Supply.) 1887- Rev. Albert B. Williamson, (the present pastor.) PRELIMINAR"Y T Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 15 THE SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. Paxtang Church, three miles east of Harrisburg, the Capital of Pennsylvania, on the ridge which forms the northern boundary of Paxtang valley, has been a his- torical landmark since the first years of the eighteenth century. Paxtang Church was the border house of worship for nearly half a century, and for seventy-five years congregations in it were not secure from the visits of the savages of the forest. It was organized by the Scotch-Irish Presbyterians, who brought with their poverty, intelligence, and thrift, a stalwart patriotism and a stalwart Christianity that has distinguished Pax- tang's parishoners through the greater portion of two centuries. And the worshipers in Paxtang to-day are the descendants of those whose godly zeal laid its foundations and established its bounds more than a century and a half ago. They have not all migrated. They stand where God in his providence planted them. They fled from persecution to the border of civilization, carrying their catechism and their Calvanism with them, and here they have abided faithful to their con- victions and just as stout Presbyterians as when the Reverend John Elder preached his ordination sermon in 1738. 16 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. Tradition has it that the first house of worship was a log building; the second, and present building is of stone, whose foundation corner was laid in 1740 — one hundred and fifty years ago. An event that not only deserved, but imperatively demanded, some recog- nition at the hands of those upon whose heads the blessings of a godly ancestry have descended in such large measure. Early in the present year representative men of the church agitated the subject of a celebration, and on the first day of March a letter appeared in the Harrisburg Telegraph, from the pen of Mr. W. Franklin Ruther- ford, discussing the age of the present house of worship, and urging the propriety of celebrating the sesqui-cen- tennial of the laying of the cornerstone. This was fol- lowed by other newspaper articles concerning the proposition, with the result that on the 18th day of June a meeting of the Paxtang congregation was held at the house of Mr. John B. Rutherford to consider the subject. Rev. Albert B. Williamson, the present pas- tor, presided, and Mr. Herbert Elder, acted as sec- retary, nearly all the members of the congregation being present. After those present had decided to properly recognize the event, the sentiment being en- thusiastic and unanimous, a resolution was adopted as follows : Resolved, That the one hundred and fiftieth anni- Paxtang Tresbyterian Church. 17 versary of the laying of the cornerstone of the present Paxtang church be celebrated, the time and character of the celebration to be determined after conference with the churches of Harrisburg and vicinity, all of which are children of Paxtang, and who may wish to join in the celebration." After the adoption of this resolution, W. Franklin Rutherford, James Boyd, and Herbert Elder were ap- pointed a committee of conference to bring the propo- sition to the attention of the other churches. On the 9th of July the committee called a meeting of Paxtang congregation, at the house of Mr. Abner Rutherford. It reported that upon consultation with representative men in the Presbyterian churches of the county, they found them all heartily in favor of the celebration ; that the matter would be laid before the congregations, and that committees would doubtless be appointed to aid in a general way in making the celebration worthy the occasion. During the progress of the meeting a letter was received and read from Rev. George B. Stewart, pastor of the Market Square Presbyterian Church, of Harrisburg, in which he announced that his Church had appointed as a committee, Mr. Gilbert M. McCauley, Mr. Charles L. Bailey, and Mr. David Fleming. ^ On motion of Mr. Abner Rutherford, (since deceased,) all the ladies of Paxtang congregation were made a re- ception committee, to which were added, under the 2 18 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. resolution, two ladies from each of the other congrega- tions. There was also appointed at the same meeting a Committee on Decoration, consisting of Miss Elizabeth M. Rutherford, Mrs. Louisa Yeomans Bo3'd, Mrs. Ada B. Barber, Mrs. Albert B. Williamson, Miss Mary B. Rutherford, and Mrs. Fannie Rutherford Elder. Within the next few days the following joint com- mittee was constituted, representing all the Presbyterian churches in the count3^ Paxtang — W. Franklin Rutherford, Francis W. Ruth- erford, J. Addison Rutherford, Herbert Elder, and Rev. Albert B. Williamson. Derry — William K. Alricks, Henry L. Orth, M. D... and B. Dawson Coleman. Market Square — Gilbert M. McCauley, Charles L. Bailey, David Fleming, and Rev. George B. Stewart. Pine Street — James McCormick, A. Boyd Hamilton, J. Montgomery Forster, and Rev. George S. Chambers. Covenant — John J. Craig, John M. Stewart, Samuel H. Garland, and Rev. I. Potter Hayes. Westminster — John E. Patterson, David R. Elder, J. Nelson Clark, M. D., and Rev. George S. Duncan. Elder Street — Cassius M. Brown, Thomas J. Miller, and Rev. Reuben H. Armstrong. SteeUon — Rev. J. L. McKeehan and Professor L. E. McGinnes. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 19 Middletown — Mrs. J. W. Rewalt, Mrs. Charles Hen- derson, and Rev. John H. GrofF. Dauphin — Jefferson Clark, J. Lewis Heck, and Rev. Francis M. Baker. On the 18th of July these committees met in joint session and resolved themselves into a general commit- tee of arrangements by the election of Mr. W. Franklin Ruthecford, Chairman, and Rev. George S. Chambers, D. D., Secretary. The following resolutions were then adopted : Resolved, That in the judgment of this meeting, the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone of the present Paxtang church edifice should be celebrated on September 18th, 1890, by suit- able exercises in the morning and afternoon. Resolved, That an invitation be given to the Presby- terian churches in the vicinity of Paxtang to participate in this celebration. The following committees were then appointed : On Programme — Rev. Albert B. Williamson, Rev. George B. Stewart, Rev. I. Potter Hayes, and Rev. George S. Chambers, D. D. On Invitations — Messrs. W. Franklin Rutherford, James McCormick, and George B. Stewart. On Finance — Messrs. Francis W. Rutherford, David Fleming, and J. Edmund Rutherford. On motion, Mr. James Addison Rutherford was ap- 20 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. pointed chairman of a committee on local arrange- ments, with power to choose his associates. On the 23d of July the Joint Committee increased the Committee on Finance by the addition of one from each of the churches not then represented on the committee, as follows : Lemuel E. McGinnes, John W. Rewalt, John E. Patterson, John Curwen,M. D., William K. Alricks, J. Lewis Heck, and Cassius M. Brown. This committee subsequently organized b}^ electing Francis W. Rutherford, President; J. Edmund Rutherford, Treasurer ; and David Fleming, Secretary. On the 10th of September the Joint Committee chose the Rev. George B. Stewart, of the Market Square Church, to serve as moderator during the celebration. The Committee on Programme reported the follow- ing, which was adopted : 1740-1890. Sesqui-Centennial Celebration OF THE Laying of the Corner-Stone OF THE Present House of Worship Paxtang Church, Near Harrisburg, Pa. Sq)tember IS, 1890. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 21 Order of Exercises. 10 o'clock. Invocation, Rev. Ebenezer Erskine, D. D. Hymn 4-4-1- God of Bethel ! by whose hand Thy people still are fed, Who, through this weary pilgrimage, Hast all our fathers led. Our vows, our prayers, we now present Before thy throne of grace ; God of our fathers ! be the God Of their succeeding race. Such blessings, from thy gracious hand, Our humble prayers implore ; And thou shalt be our chosen God, Our portion evermore. Reading of Scripture, . . Rev. William A. McCarrell Address of Welcome, . . Rev. Albert B. Williamson Pastor of Paxtang Church. History of Paxtang Church, . William H. Egle, M. D. Hymn 575. 1 love thy kingdom. Lord ! The house of thine abode. The church our blest Redeemer saved With his own precious blood. I love thy church, God ! Her walls before thee stand. Dear as the apple of thine eye, And graven on thy hand. 22 Paxtang Presbytekian Church. If e'er to bless thy sons My voice or hands deny, These hands let useful skill forsake, This voice in silence die. Presbyterianism in this Region, . Rev. William A. West Churches descended from Paxtang : Harrisburg, Olivet, .... Rev. Robert Cochrane Steelton, First, .... Rev. John L. McKeehan Harrisburg, Westminster, . Rev. George S. Duncan Harrisburg, Covenant, , . . Rev. I. Potter Hayes Harrisburg, Pine Street, Rev. Geo. S. Chambers, D. D. Dozology. Intermission — 12.30 to 2.30 o'clock. 2.30 o'clock. Hymn 591. Rise, my soul ! pursue the path By ancient worthies trod ; Aspiring, view those holy men Who lived and walked with God. Though dead, they speak in reason's ear And in example live; Their faith and hope and mighty deeds Still fresh instruction give. Lord ! may I ever keep in view The patterns thou hast given, And ne'er forsake the blessed path Which led them safe to heaven. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 23 Churches descended from Paxtang: Harrisburg, Elder Street, Rev. Reuben H. Armstrong Middletown, First, Rev. John H. Groff Dauphin, First, Rev. Francis M. Baker Harrisburg, Market Square, Rev. George B. Stewart Characteristics of Early Presbyterian Preachers, Rev. Nathaniel G. Parke, D. D Importance of the Country Church, Governor James A. Beaver Other brief addresses will be made b}'- prominent Pres- byterians. Hymn S2. All hail the power of Jesus' name! Let angels prostrate fall ; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown him — Lord of all. Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, Ye ransomed from the fall ! Hail him, who saves you by his grace, And crown him — Lord of all. Oh, that with yonder sacred throng, We at his feet may fall ; We'll join the everlasting song. And crown him — Lord of all. Benediction. \ 24 Pax TANG Presbyterian Church. There will be a restaurant on the grounds which will furnish refreshments at reasonable prices. Carriages will be in waiting at the Paxtang station to carry passengers to the grounds. Trains will leave Harrisburg at the Reading station at 7.55 and 9.35, a. m.; 12, m.; 1.25 and 3.45, p. m. Returning leave Paxtang for Harrisburg at 1.42, 3.05, 5.50, and 8.15, p. m. Rev. George B. Stewart, Moderator. W. Franklin Rutherford, Chairman of Committee of General Arrangements. Rev. George S. Chambers, D. D., Secretary. Francis W. Rutherford, Chairman of Finance Committee. Rev. Albert B. Williamson, Chairman of Programme. James McCormick, Chairman of Committee on Invitations. J. Addison Rutherford, Chairman of Local Arrangements. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 25 The committee on invitations sent the following to distinguished and representative Presbyterians through- out the country : Paxtang Church, Harrisburg, Pa., September 11, 1890. Your presence is requested at the Sesqui-Centennial of the laying of the corner-stone of Paxtang Presbyte- rian church, to be held on Tuesday, September 18, 1890. Exercises will begin at 10, a. m., and will continue throughout the day, with an intermission at noon. Trains will leave Harrisburg, on the Reading rail- road, at 7.55 and 9.35, a. m., 12, m., 1.25, 3.05, and 3.45, p. M. James McCormick, W. F. Rutherford, Gilbert M. McCauley, Rev. George B. Stewart, Cojumittee. Quite a number of those invited responded by their presence, from others letters of regret were received, among these were letters from President Benjamin Harrison, Secretary Blaine, Postmaster General Wan- amaker, Ex-Secretar}^ of Internal Affairs J. Simpson Africa, whose grandfather and grandmother were mar- ried in 1776, by Parson Elder, Rev. Dr. Talmage, Na- than Ellmaker, of Lancaster, Rev. William H. McMeen, who is a grandson of Pastor Sharon, and others. THE CELEBRATION. THE CELEBRATION. The morning of the celebration opened bright and beautiful; the clouds that had darkened the sky for many days were no longer to be seen, the heavens were blue, and the sun shown warm over the prosperous and peaceful valley spread out below the hill on which Pax- tang church was established as the vanguard of civiliza- tion and religion nearly two centuries before. It seemed as if providence recognized the day and smiled upon the efforts of those who were about to honor themselves by doing honor to those who through much tribula- tion had built this house of God. The day was perfect. The people accepted its beauty as a benediction. One writer in describing the scene was led to say : "It the ghosts of the old Paxtang Boys could have re- visited the old church where they once worshiped, they would have opened their eyes in astonishment at the singular proceedings taking place. Nay, more, they would have wondered at the strange metamorphosis of the interior of the church wherein they were want to join in worship, and would have failed to recognize it as the place where they had listened to their old Calvanistic fathers expound good, hard Presbyterian doctrine, as solid as the stones that form the walls of 30 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. the ancient edifice. And had they lingered in the grove near the church during the day, they could have joined in the singing and the praises and the rejoicings among the people therein gathered, because a hundred and fifty years ago the cornerstone of this venerated church was laid, and in these latter days it was accounted meet to appropriately celebrate the event." There were about one thousand people in the grove before the exercises began, and these found pleasure and interest in examining the plain but substantial structure wherein the -ancestors of many had worshiped, and wherein, when attacked by the red man of the forest, they had also found protection, in going about through the old graveyard, where so early as 1716 the frontiers- men found a last resting place, and in reading the epi- taphs upon the old tombstones, among which is one erected to the memory of that patriotic and eccentric first Senator from Pennsylvania, the Honorable William Maclay. The chief interest, however, centered about the church building. It is an unpretending stone structure thirty-six by sixty-six feet, without ornament of any kind, and has stood without change in its outward ap- pearance for more than one hundred and fifty years. The stones used in the construction of the walls are rough limestone, and so irregular in size and shape that a modern mason would pronounce them utterly Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 31 unfit for building purposes, and yet no firmer or better walls can be found anywhere, and with the exception of some slight changes, they remain as they were built one hundred and fifty years ago. Their strength seems to lie in the mortar used, which is now as hard as the stone itself, and the storms of time have so little efffect upon them that the marks of the mason's trowel are as distinct to-day as when he finished the work. The interior of the church had been made beautiful with flowers and evergreens. On the wall back of the altar in evergreen numerals were the suggestive figures, 1740 — 1890, telling simply a sublime story of devotion, endrirance, and loyalty. The young people, who, with curious faces and eager glances, looked around the little house of worship with its seating capacity of not more than three hundred, could imagine little of the soul- stirring scenes which had been enacted within those same walls when it was not at all improbable that they who v/ent there for the Sunday morning service might not live to return again to their homes. The pulpit, from wall to wall, was banked with tropical plants, ropes of evergreen, and fragrant clusters of summer flowers. The altar was one mass of white dahlias and smilax ; the baptismal font and deep window ledges were entirely covered with geraniums and primroses. Near the church was erected a large platform and seating accommodations. The platform, with seats for the speakers and choir, was most tastefully arranged. 32 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. The organ was banked with huge ckisters of glowing dahlias and smilax, arranged by some skillful hand, and the several pillars were twined with evergreen and golden-rod artistically combined. There were seating accommodations for seven hun- dred, but as the services were to be conducted in the open air, many seated themselves upon the ground or in the beautiful grove surrounding the church on all sides. Among those who were upon the ground during the day, were the following: Rev. George Swain, D. D., Monmouth Presbytery, New Jersey ; Rev. F. J. Newton, Ferozeore, North India, missionary ; Elder George W. Reed, Chambersburg; W. D. Means, Middle Springs church; Captain W. H. Mackey, Central church, Cham- bersburg ; and John A. Rutherford, of Paxtang ; James McCormick, of Harrisburg; Ralston Dickey and wife, Oxford church ; R. C. McNeill, Steelton ; Alexander G. Rutherford, Philadelphia; A. Boyd Hamilton, Esq., Harrisburg; A. J. Forster, Philadelphia; Hon. J. M. Forster, Harrisburg; Dr. Hiram Rutherford, Oakland, Illinois; Rev. James Elder, Elder's Ridge, Indiana county, Pa.; John J. Nissley, Hummelstown; James McClure and wife, Chester county ; Judge A. 0. Hiester, Susquehanna, Pa.; James Boyd, Harrisburg; Rev. Robert F. McClean, New Bloomfield; Rev. George W. Snyder, Harrisburg ; Rev. Albert Bowman, Harrisburg ; Rev. Charles Asay, Brickerville, Lancaster county, Pa.; Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 33 Rev. John H. Moyer, Hummelstown ; Mr. Robert Bucher and Mr. James Ralston, elders in Mechanicsburg church ; Rev. Thomas J. Ferguson, pastor of the old Silver Spring church near Hogestown ; Mr. W. F. Willis, elder in the church of New Bloomfield, Perry county ; Prof. Jacob F. Seller, Major William C. Armor, E. W. S. Parthemore, Mrs. Sarah Doll, a grand-daughter of Rev. John Elder, Harrisburg; Judge David W. Patterson, Lancaster; Auditor General Thomas McCamant, Colonel Frank Mantor, Meadville ; Captain John B. Rutherford, Pax- tang; Rev. Willliam M. McMeen, a Professor in the Charlotte University, North Carolina, and Thomas Ellmaker. The Opening Services. At ten o'clock, a. m., the services were opened by the singing of the hymn : Stand up, and bless the Lord, Ye people of his choice ; Stand up, and bless the Lord your God With heart, and soul, and voice. Though high above all praise, Above all blessings high, Who would not fear his holy name, And laud and magnify ? 34 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. Oh, for the living flame From his own altar brought, To touch our lips, our souls inspire, And wing to heaven our thought. God is our strength and song. And his salvation ours ; Then be his love in Christ proclaimed With all our ransomed powers. Stand up, and bless the Lord ; The Lord your God adore ; Stand up, and bless his glorious name, Henceforth, forevermore! INVOCATION. INVOCATIOK. Rev. Ebenezer Erskine, D. D., of Newville, offered an invocation as follows: Almighty and Eternal God, our Heavenly Father : We would recognize Thee this day as our God and the God of our fathers. We would bless thy name for all thy past goodness to us as a people. Thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting. Thou art God. We thank Thee for thy immediate providence which has been over us, and that thou hast brought us together here this day on this historic ground to com- memorate thy goodness to the church, and to our fath- ers in this land. We humbly invoke thy divine presence with us this day, and thy blessing upon us. We beseech Thee that thou wilt grant unto us the presence and the in- fluence of the Holy Spirit. May thy blessed spirit il- lume all our minds and sanctify our hearts, and fill us with love to Thee our covenant God and Saviour. And we beseech Thee that thou wilt preside over all the deliberations of this day and of this service. 38 Paxtaxg Presbyterian Church. Grant that all may be for the glory of thy name, and for the instruction and edification, and comfort of thy people here assembled. And grant, Almighty God, to bless us as we are here before Thee this day, and as we call to mind thy good- ness in the generations that are past ; thy faithfulness to thy promises and to thy covenants, that thou wilt keep us as a people ; and help us to renew our covenant with Thee, and our consecration unto Thee. Lord, bless this thy church, and these thy people, and thy servant, their pastor, and all that is connected with them. And grant thy blessing on all the people assembled here at this time ; and grant that Thy name may be honored, and all may be profited. And unto the Father, and the Son, and thy blessed Spirit, we would ascribe all the praise forever. Amen. The congregation then united in singing hymn No. 441. " God of Bethel ! by whose hand Thy people still are fed, Who, through this weary pilgrimage, Hast all our fathers led. Our vows, our prayers, we now present Before thy throne of grace ; God of our fathers ! be the God Of their succeeding race. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 39 Such blessings, from thy gracious hand, Our humble praj^ers implore ; And thou shalt be our chosen God, Our portion evermore." The Scripture Lesson. Rev. Eugene L. Mapes, of the First Presbyterian Church, Carlisle, then read parts of the 90th, 91st, and 93d Psalms, concluding with the verses " The Lord reigneth, he is clothed with majesty; the Lord is clothed with strength, wherewith he hath girded him- self: The world also is established, that it cannot be moved. " 2. Thy throne is established of old : thou art from everlasting. "3. The floods have lifted up, Lord, the floods have lifted up their voice; the floods lift up their waves- "4. The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea. "5. Thy testimonies are very sure: holiness becom- eth thine house, O Lord, forever." May the Lord give us his blessing, brethren, with this the reading of his Holy Word ; and to his name be all the glory. Amen. 40 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. The Moderator, Rev. George B. Stewart, then said: " If we are not descendants of Paxtang, we are trying to make it out so here to-day ; and if we cannot all say that we are natives of this place, we are trying, per- haps, to claim that we are natives of the neighborhood. And it is a great deal more popular than it was in 1740 to be a native of this place. As I gather in read- ing the histor}'^, the pastor and members of this church were not in the habit of giving the natives such a cor- dial reception as their successors are likely to give us to-day. The pastor then was in the habit of taking his gun into the pulpit, and the members of the church kept their rifles conveniently nigh in order to warmly receive those who claimed the soil as their native heath. "But to-day the pastor of this church will give us a cordial reception, much more gratifjdng and interest- ing to us, I am sure, if not more hearty than that which the pastor one hundred and fifty years ago would have given to others. It is, therefore, with pleasure that I introduce to you — though he needs no introduction — the Rev. Albert B. Williamson, who will^ in the name of this congregation, welcome this audi- ence." Rev. Albert B. AVilliamson, the pastor of Paxtang church, then addressed the assemoly. ADDRESS OF MR. WILLIAMSON. ADDRESS OF Mr. WILLIAMSON. Mr. Chairman, Ladies, Gentlemen, and Fellow- Citizens : I am happy to have the privilege of meet- ing, of greeting, and welcoming you back to old Paxtang on this auspicious occasion. It is well for us to be here to-day to rejoice in the memories that cluster around the illustrious heroes that have gone forth from this dear old church and com- munity to bless the State and country at large. It is to commemorate the deeds of a glorious ancestry that we are met here to-day, not because they were our ancestors, but because by this commemoration we may possibly instill into the minds of young men, upon whom the responsibilities of the Government and of defending religious liberty are soon to rest, ideas which will nerve them to come up to those responsibilities with more of patriotic fervor and more of religious zeal than was possessed by them before they came back here on this commemorative day. Dear friends, we are glad to welcome you back to the dear old home, where your forefathers lived, wrought, worshiped God, fought, bled, and died. You who have gone forth from our midst, and have made new homes for yourselves in all sections of this broad land of 44 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. ours, are permitted to-day to behold the house that your fathers built to the honor and glory of God one hundred and fifty years ago. There she stands, as dear to us as our own right hand, and her walls as solid and firm as the day they were laid. These venerable old oaks have grow^n gray in their service of standing here like sentries to protect her from the stormy blasts of winter through these long, long years ; and if they could only speak to-day they would have an attentive audience, because they could tell of solemn, stirring, pathetic and sorrowful things, as well as joyful scenes. They have seen the day when this church could not contain its members who came to partake of the Lord's Supper, and when a goodly por- tion of them had to seek shelter from the noon-day sun under their wide branching arms, while the elders served them with the elements. They have also seen the Indians skulking behind neighboring trees, watch- ing for a favorable opportunity to shoot down the worshipers of God. We welcome 3'ou back to-day not to look at the trophies of war taken by our fathers in their conflicts with the Indians, such as tomahawks, scalping knives, and bows and arrows; but to look at the venerable old church — for she has grown more beautiful in her old age than she ever was in her youth, — and to behold not a dense forest here, as there was when her walls Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 45 were laid, but a land well cultivated, and flowing with milk and honey. If you look around to-day you will see not only what has been done, but also what we are doing now. You will see that this old historic spot is being laid out in wide avenues, and large lots of one acre each, so that there will be room for fine drives and beautiful man- sions ; that we are perpetuating the old name by call- ing it Paxtang, and are keeping fresh in memory the names of our illustrious dead by naming the avenues after them. As you all can see, the first avenue to the south is called Sharon, in honor of the pastor who served here from 1807-1842; and next Brisbin avenue, after the man who was captain in the Revolutionary war. These are only two of man}' other names. But, dear friends, I would not have you ignorant con- cerning one thing. Do not suppose that because there was no Harrisburg, with her forty thousand, and Steelton with her ten thousand, and many other large towns around, as there are here now, that this place was a howling wilderness when our fathers worshiped here. I know you will be surprised when I tell you that in the years 1752-3 the Presbyt^ian population of Dauphin county was nearly what it is to-day, and every one of them a Scotch-Irishman, too. But some of them rested here only for a while. The cry of "Westward, ho!" was raised, and they pressed on to- 46 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. wards the setting sun to found for themselves new homes in the American forests beyond. From this congregation, as a mother hive, her child- ren have swarmed from time to time. Those swarms lingered not around the old mother hive, but went off and formed new colonies. At first the human stream flowed southward through the Cumberland and Kit- tatinny Valleys to the Carolinas of the South. Then the stream turned toward the West, and there they be- came founders of new and prosperous communities and States in the growing westward empire, and their in- fluence and that of their descendants is felt to-da}'' throughout all the West, even to the Golden Gates of the Pacific. Of those that went South North Carolina retained the most, and there they dominated during our late war. They were the men who were largely instru- mental in delaying hasty action. But when the issue was joined ; when " wild war's loud alarm was sounded ; " when the gods of war had loosed their fiercest dogs, they united with their brethren in the great struggle; they doubted the policy and the result, for the}' believed it an unequal struggle; but when it came for men to suffer, and bleed and die, they answered every roll call. But I will not keep you longer from the rich feast that will come from the minds of those on this plat- form — from men more eloquent than I can possible be. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 47 Again, I give you all a hearty welcome back to old Paxtang Church. [Hearty applause.] Moderator Stewart. And we are glad to be here. There can be no question in our minds but what in the selection of a historian for this occasion, their ought to be chosen one who by his gifts, his tastes, and his acquirements, is qualified best for treating the subject, which is the most important one of the day ; and, therefore, the committee have selected one who stands pre-eminent in all these regards relative to our local history. It gives me pleasure to introduce to this audience one so well known to you all as a fellow- citizen and as a historian. Dr. William H, Egle, who will to-day give us a resume of the history of "Paxton" church. [Applause.] ADDRESS OF WILLIAM H. EGLE, M. D. GLIMPSES OF THE HISTORY OF OLD PAXTANG CHURCH. Before I proceed to deliver these glimpses of the history of this ancient congregation, permit me to en- ter my protest against the orthography of the name on the printed invitation and programme. The corrup- tion of the name Paxtang should not be continued. It is a clerical mistake in more senses than one. If others have committed the error, why shall we perpetuate it. Give us the good old Indian name, Paxtang, and not the English surname, Paxton — however much we may admire some who bear that patronymic. Friends of Paxtang: It is well "to remember the days of old" — to call to mind the history of a people such as we have been summoned to do this bright au- tumnal noon, within the shadows of an edifice made memorable by age, and by the sacred associations which cluster around it. We do not come to celebrate misty traditions which have floated down to us on the stream of time, but the real achievements of pioneers in American religious and civil history. For one hundred and fifty years has prayer been made and praise been offered in this old stone meeting-house, and as thought goes out to the saintly men who ministered to the 52 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. generations here, it seems as if some portion of the subtle essence of all the soul-longings for heavenly help and guidance which here has been breathed forth by righteous men and pious women during these many decades, has entered into the very fabric of this ancient church and thus sanctified it. Happy are that people who, having a noble history, treasure it; and with this inspiration for mind and heart, we come to do rever- ence here. The first settlers in all this neighborhood, with but one excex)tion, came from the north of Ireland — the province of Ulster. They have been termed the Scotch- Irish — Scotch planters on Irish soil. "They call us Scotch-Irish and other ill-mannered names," wrote good old Parson Elder, but that epithet of reproach has become the synonym of a people characteristic of all that is noble and grand in our American history. Recently published works, the authors of which are not worthy being named in this connection, have de- nounced the Scotch-Irish as a race, without reference to authority or facts. The reproach and opprobium thus cast upon the ancestors of the people who did so much for the improvement and prosperity of the Prov- ince of Pennsylvania, and for the defense of civil and religious liberty, as well as for the free institutions and the independence of the Republic, are at variance with all that is generally received as matter of historical truth. The accusations and reproaches, if unfounded. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 53 ought to be refuted, and the character of the men who deserved well of society and their country should be vindicated. But so much has been said of the Scotch-Irish race, that at this time we will only incidently refer to that people. The " Planting of Ulster " with the Scotch settlers is an important epoch, in not only the history of Ireland, but in the establishment of Presbyterianism. Their life in that country was rendered as brief as it was memorable by the rapacity and greed of landlords, by the " test act," which deprived them from holding any public office, and by the petty annoyances of prelacy. Wonder we then, that, in the early part of the eighteenth century, many of the counties of the north of Ireland were emptied of their Scotch inhabitants. Wearied out with exactions, ecclesiastical courts, and the deprivation of their civil rights, they came to America for a wider breathing space — that America which was opening wide its doors, and especially the Province of Pennsylvania, where there was less of the spirit of intolerance than in any of the colonies. Here they found a home — here all men were equal under the law. Is it surprising, therefore, that the Scotch-Irish should have prospered on this soil ? Our grand old Commonwealth owes much of what she is to-day by and through the settlement of that sturdy race — and I am not ashamed to say it — albeit I claim another ancestry and another faith ; and like my friend, the 64 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. Governor of the Commonwealth, am only Scotch- Irish through my children. But the historic facts are apparent to all who read. In the struggle for popu- lar rights, the Scotch-Irish are ever to be found on the side of the people ; and as we go on, we find that here, as elsewhere, in the period of great events, they rise up as leaders — characterized by boldness, energy, integrity, morality, and religious fervor, although at times with a bigoted and belligerent spirit. Can I say more ? Yes ! But we must proceed. The first Presbyterian ministers who preached here, were Gillespie, Evans, Boyd, and Anderson. The first named was born at Glasgow in 1683, and educated at the University there. He was licensed by the Presby- tery in 1712, came to America, and was ordained May 28, 1713, having received a call from the people of White Clay Creek. Red Clay, Lower Brandywine, and White Clay seem to have formed his charge for several years. He organized the congregation at the head of Christiana, which he served until his death in 1760. The Rev. Francis Alison, who knew him, called him " that pious saint of God." As early as 1715, Mr. Gil- lespie missionated as far as Paxtang. The country was sparsely settled — possibly not more than five or six families north of the Swatara — but these, with the ex- ception of John Harris, an Indian trader, were Scotch - Irish Presbyterians. The Rev. David Evans, of Welsh birth, was ordained Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 55 November 3, 1714, and became pastor of the Welsh tract, in New Castle county, Delaware. In 1719 he went into the Great Valley, Chester county, and in 1720 regularl}'- supplied the people of Tredyffrin, and was sent by the Presbytery to the Octorara,* forks of Brandy wine, and Conestoga, extending his ministra- tions ''^0 Donegal and beyond" to what subsequently be- came the bounds of Paxtang and Derry churches. Upon the appointment of Rev. Adam Boydf to the pastorate of Octorara — the far western bounds, "Done- gal and beyond," were confided to him. This was in 1724, when a small log meeting-house had been pre- viously built not many feet south of the present stone building. Then the devout Anderson, of Donegal, fol- lowed and labored, as the tide of Presbyterianism rolled westward — and from this time onward, until the thunders of the Revolution reverberated along these valleys, the tramp and tread of the Scotch-Irish army continued. Prior to 1722, the following, with their families, were members of what was shortly after Paxtang con- * Samuel Evans, of Lancaster, says : "This was commonly called Mid- dle Octoraro, it is in Bart township, Lancaster county, it was organized in 1726, and in October, 1727, the Rev. Adam Boyd was ordained pastor, and he gave the congregation one sixth of his time." fRev. Adam Boyd was born in 1692 at Ballymoney, Ireland, and emigrated to New England in 1723 as a probationer. In July, 1724, he was received under the care of New Castle Presbytery and sent to Octorara. He died November 23, 1768. 56 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. gregation; Thomas Gardner, Samuel Means, David McClure, Thomas Kyle, James Roddy, Alexander Hutchinson, William May bane, Robert Brown, Samuel Smith, Joseph Kelso, Sen., and Thomas Simpson, Flee- ing from civil oppression, in their new homes it is not suprising that these people hastened to manifest their thankfulness to God, and their sincerity and regard for their privileges under a government of free institu- tions, by erecting a " meeting-house," dedicated to His holy service. Around this log structure were the graves of the early pioneers, but these remained un- marked. Seventy years ago, it is stated on the best of authority, there was a rudely chiseled head-stone, with the date of departure, 1716 ; which simply proves that this revered spot was chosen for the worship of God at that early period. In gathering up the fragments of the history of Paxtang Church, it is to be regretted that the minutes of the Presbytery of Philadelphia from 1717 to 1733 are declared lost ; while the minutes of New Castle Presbytery from its organization in 1716 to the constituting of Donegal are not to be found, al- though we have the assurance that they were in exist- ence in 1876. It is well to guard the early records of the Church, but why refuse examination of them to those making historic researches ? The truthful histo- rian knows full well what to use and what to omit, and if my Presbyterian friends will not allow those outside the pale of their ministry to go over the early records Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 57 of the Presbyteries of Philadelphia, New Castle, and Donegal, they should place them in the hands of some faithful co-laborer who knows what to edit and what to let alone. In the history of institutions, as well as of individuals, there may be blots which ought to re- main so forever. By direction of New Castle Presbytery, the Rev. James Anderson,* in 1726, gave one fifth of his time to Paxtang, and in 1729, commenced to supply Derry regularly, one fifth being there allowed — leaving Don- egal but three fifths. On the 11th of October, 1732, the Presbytery of Don- egal was constituted out of a portion of the Presbytery of New Castle. The meeting was held at Donegal church. The ministers present were, Messrs. Anderson, Thomson, Boyd, Orr, and Bertram. Mr. Thomson was elected moderator, and Mr. Bertram clerk. The first item of business brought before the new Presbytery of Donegal was in relation to Paxtang and Derry. These churches having united in a call to the Rev. William Bertram, which had been placed in his hands at the last meeting of the then " old " New Castle Presbytery. George Renick and others of Paxtang and Derry ap- peared and required an answer thereto. Mr. Bertram accepted, and was installed November 15, 1732, at * For a full sketch of the Rev. James Anderson, and a record of his descendants, see " Pennsylvania Genealogies," ^under "Anderson of Donegal." 58 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. Swatara, the original name of Derry Church. Thomas Forster, George Renick, William Cunningham, and Thomas Mayes were appointed for the Paxtang side, and Rowland Chambers, Hugh Black, Robert Camp- bell, John Wilson, William Wilson, James Quigley, William McCord, and John Sloan for the Derry side, to assist Mr. Bertram in congregational affairs until the erection of a formal session. At the meeting of Presbytery at Upper Octorara, September 6, 1733, " Mr. Bertram presented a list of men nominated by the congregations of Paxtang and Derry to be set apart for ruling elders. Presbytery ordered that they be again published, and intimation given that if any objection be made against any of them, said objection be given in due time." The amount of subscription to Mr. Bertram's salary does not appear, but the congregation, in addition thereto, made over to him and his heirs their " right and title to the plantation commonly called ' The In- dian Town,' purchased from the Indians." Hitherto, and until 1736, Paxtang and Derry were considered simply as two branches of the same congre- gation ; this arrangement was unwieldly, and gave rise to various disputes and misunderstandings about finan- cial matters. They had fallen into arrears with Mr. Anderson, and were ordered no less than five times, at as many diflJerent meetings of Presbytery, " to pay up ;" difficulty was experienced in getting all parts of the Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 59 congregation to contribute their just dues towards the repairs of Mr. Bertram's house, and to defray the ex- penses of a law-suit about certain sawed plank or boards. These and other troubles of a like nature were a source of annoyance to both congregations, as well as to Mr. Bertram ; so much so that at Nottingham, October 9, 1735, Mr. Bertram and his elders united in asking Presbytery to appoint a committee " to go into and reason with the people of said congregations and inquire into their circumstances, as to their ability to be sepa- rated into two distinct bodies and support themselves, in order that Mr. Bertram, being eased of part of his burden, may be able to go on with more comfort in the discharge of his duty to whichever part of said people he shall be determined to continue with." A committee was appointed and reported to Presby- tery November 20, 1735. Accompanying their report they presented a supplication from the session asking for a division, and that their bounds might be fixed. At the same time, Lazarus Stewart prosecuted a suppli- cation from Manada Creek (Hanover) for a new erection. The subject of a separation between Paxtang and Derry was postponed from one Presbytery to another, until finally on the 2d of September, 1736, it was agreed to. So popular was Mr. Bertram with his people that both parties were anxious to secure his services, Paxtang engaging to pay for his yearly support sixty pounds, "one-half in money, the other half in hay, flax, linen 60 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. yarn, or linen cloth, at market price." Derry prom- ised fifty-five pounds, to be paid in like manner. Mr. Bertram :was perplexed, and asked for time to consider. Presbytery gave him to the next meeting of Synod, which took place on the 16th of September. Owing probably either to the location of his farm, or the ex- tent of the church glebe, he chose Derry, and Paxtang was declared vacant. From this date, until December 22, 1738, the congregation was supplied by Messrs. Sankey, Alexander, Craven, and Elder. In 1729, the Synod passed "the adopting act," by which assent to the Westminster Confession of Faith was required by all members of the Synod, and of all candidates for admission to the Presbyteries. This confirmation of a principle had its opponents, and it is in connection with this, that we find, in the year 1736, mention of this congregation in the confirmatory act or declaration which seems at least for the time to have produced general satisfaction. In the minutes for that year it is recorded, that, " An overture of the com- mittee, upon the supplication of the people of Paxtang and Derry, was brought in, and is as foUoweth: That the S3^nod do declare that inasmuch as we understand that many persons of our persuasion, both more lately and formally, have been offended with some expres- sions or distinctions in the first or preliminar}'' act of our Synod for adopting the Westminster Confession and Catechism, etc.; that in order to remove said of- Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 61 fense and all jealousies that have arisen or may arise in any other people's minds on occasion of said dis- tinctions and expressions, the Synod doth declare, that the Synod have adopted and still do adhere to the Westminster Confession, Catechisms, and Directory, without the least variation or alteration, and without any regard to said distinctions. And we do farther declare this was our meaning and true intent in our first adopting the said Confession, as may particularly appear by our adopting act, which is as follows : ' All the ministers of the Synod now present [which were eighteen in number,] except one who declared himself not prepared, after proposing all the scruples that any of them had to make against any articles and expres- sions in the Confession of Faith and larger and shorter Catechisms of the assembly of divines at Westminster, have unanimously agreed in the solution of those scruples, and in declaring the said Confession and Cat- echisms, to be the Confession of their Faith, except only some clauses in the twentieth and twenty-third chapters, concerning which clauses, the Synod do unanimously declare, that they do not receive those articles in any such sense as to suppose the civil magis- trate hath controlling power over Synods with respect to the exercise of their ministerial authority, or power to persecute any for their religion, or in any sense con- trary to the Protestant succession to the throne of Great Britain.' And we do hope and desire, that this, our 62 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. synodical declaration and explanation may satisfy all our people as to our firm attaohment to our good old received doctrines contained in the said Confession, without the least variation or alteration, and that they will lay aside their jealousies, that have been entertained through occasion of the above hinted expressions and declarations as groundless. This overture approved nemine contradicente." On the 22d of December, 1738, the Rev. John Elder was ordained and installed the pastor of Paxtang congregation, (having served over a year as a supply,) at a salary of sixty pounds, and so for a period of fifty- five years went in and out before the people minister- ing to their spiritual wants. For that duration of time, (over half a century,) the history of this church and of its pastor is a part of the history of the Province of Pennsylvania, and in order to be brief, permit me simply to summarize the leading events. Some of these are of great moment, but not at this time and place will more than a passing glance or review be made. Within the church in common there transpired much also of interest. Although from the period referred to, (1738,) the growth was truly phenomenal — not only of Paxtang, but of Presbyterianism in general, yet the harmony of the governing bodies began to be inter- fered with, owing to the fact that " its ministers were from different countries, where to some extent different Paxtang Pkesbyterian Church. 63 modes of thinking on the same subjects prevailed. The points on which the difference of opinion chiefly developed itself, were the examination of candidates for the ministry on experimental religion, the strict ad- herence to Presbyterial order, and the amount of learn- ing to be required by those who sought ministerial of- fice. These subjects were discussed with great, and fre- quently with intemperate, zeal in the different Presby- teries." Two distinct parties were now formed. Those who were more zealous for orthodoxy — for the rigid observance of Presbyterial rule, and for a thoroughly educated ministry, were called the " Old Side," while those who were more tolerant of departures from ec- clesiastical order and less particular in respect to other qualifications for the ministry, provided they gave evidence of vital piety, were called the "New Side" or "I^ew Lights." As might be expected, there was a growing necessity for the education of the ministry, and the result was the establishment of the College of New Jersey by the Synod of New York — first at Elizabethtown, in 1746 ; removed the following year to Newark ; and thence to Princeton, in 1757. The "Old Side" patronized the academies of New London and of Newark, in Delaware, under the Rev. Francis Alison and Rev. Alexander McDowell, and also the academy and college of Phila- delphia. The rivalry between these literary institutions 64 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. served to render more intense the mutual hostility of the two parties. In 1739 the celebrated Whitefield paid his second visit to America. In connection with his labors, a great revival ensued, the friends of which in the Presbyterian church were chiefly with the "New Side," while the "Old Side," or strict Presbyterian, perceiving some really censurable irregularities in the active friends and promoters of the revival, pronounced the whole a delusion. This brought on the crisis. The controversy waxed more and more violent until 1741, when the church was rent into two parts, the "Old Side" consti- tuting the Synod of New York. Soon after Mr. Elder began his labors in Paxtang, it was found that the old log structure was insufficient, and steps were taken toward the erection of the present building. It stands about twenty feet back from the site of the original meeting-house, and was begun in the year 1740. It was several years before completion, and was occupied for a long time as a house of worship with neither floor nor pews; seats made of logs hewn on one side were used by all the people excepting the family of the pastor, who occupied a settee. The origi- nal meeting-house for many years was used as a retir- ing and session house by Mr. Elder, and late in life so deferential were the congregation to their revered min- ister, that on his passage from this building to the Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 65 stone church, and upon retiring, all heads were un- covered and bowed. Although we stated on a former occasion that the Rev. Mr. Bertram remained pastor of Derry congrega- tion until his death, in 1746, we find, that owing to ill- health, he relinquished the care of that people, and in the latter part of 1745 the Rev. John Roan came to be its minister. It was not, however, until the year 1754 that the dissensions between Old and New Sideism re- sulted in the division of the congregations at Paxtang and Derry ; although both Roan and Elder had pre- viously drawn the lines. The Rev. Mr. Elder and a large majority of his people adopting the " Old Side" views, remained in possession of the property. The " New Side" people of Derry, being in a majority at Derry, with their pastor, the Rev. John Roan, " held the fort" at that place. The " New Side" portion of Paxtang took sides with Roan, while the " Old Side" members of Derry clung to Elder. This full}^ explains the following call to the Rev. Mr. Elder, of the date of 26th September, 1754, and signed by one hundred and twenty-eight communicants of Derry and Paxtang : " To the Reverend Mr. John Elder : "Sir — We, the inhabitants in the Township & Con- gregation of Paxtang & Derry, Being now Destitute of a settled Gospel minister amongst us ; Being also Deeply Sensible of the great loss & Disadvantage we & ours may sustain, In regard of our souls & spiritual Con- 66 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. cerns by our living in such a Condition in this Wilder- ness ; & having had Sufficient Proof of, & being well pleased & satisfied with the ministerial abilities & qualifications of y'u, the Revd. Jno. Elder, Do unani- mously Invite and Call y'u to take the Pastoral Care & oversight of us, Promising all due subjection, sub- mission & obedience to the Doctrine, Discipline & Government & Ordinances Exercised & administered By y'u as our Pastor in the Lord. And that y'u may be the Better Enabled to attend upon y'r Pastoral & ministerial work amongst us, without Anxious and Distracting Cares about y'r worldly Concerns, We Do hereby Cheerfully Promise & Engage to take Care of y'r Support and maintenance for an Honourable & Creditable manner Suitable to & befitting y'r Honour- able Function & office as a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ amongst us ; Knowing that the Lord hath ordained that they who Preach the Gospel should live by the Gospel."* In testimony of all w'h we have hereunto Subscribed our Names This 26th of September, 1754. Thos. ff"orster. David Walker. Wm. Armstrong. Robert Chambers. John Harris. Moses Dickey. Thos. Mc Arthur. William Stoe. James Wallace. Thomas Simpson. *This Call is in the possession of the Dauphin County Historical Society. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 67 James Collier. Thomas Dougan. Henry McKinney. Andrew Stephen. John Bell. John Morrow. Henry Renick. John Johnson. Oliver Wyllie. Samuel Simpson. Thomas Renick. Patrick Montgomery. Richard Cavit. William Bell. Thomas King. Edward King. Robert Montgomery. John Wiggins, jr. James Gilchrist. James Mitcheltree. John Neal. William Hannah. John Carson. James Drummond. Samuel Hunter. Alex. Johnson. George Gillespy. Patrick Gillespy. David Patton. James Potts. Joseph Wilson. John McCormick. John Cavit. James Galbraith. Robert Wallace. John Harris. James Foster. James Freeland. Robert Armstrong. Hugh Wilson. James Wilson. Robert Chambers, jr. Arthur Chambers. William Reney. Robert McCallen. John Hutchison. Charles McClure. Hugh Black. Robert Snodgrass. Thomas Black. Jean Black. Wm. Laird. Matthew Laird. Elizabeth Park. William Harris. Robert Gilchrist. 68 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. John Gilchrist. William McAlevy. John Foster. David McClanochan. David Reany. John Craig. John Wyllie. Thomas Mays. Hugh Hays. Andrew Moore. David Foster. John Hays. Henry Walker. John Walker. John Walker. James Walker. Hugh Carothers. James Carothers. James Williamson. Samuel Galbraith. Hugh McKillip. Matthew Cowden. James Houston. James Tom. John Starling. Andrew Hannah. Peter Corbit. Wm. Kerr. Joseph Kerr. John Gray. William Wilson. Michael Whitley. Thomas Alexander. A^alentine Stern. Andrew Houston. Alex. Johnston. Samuel Stephenson. Thomas Rutherford. Mathias Taylor. Stephen Gamble. Alex'r Mahon. Chas. Clarke. Mary Mcllvain. James Harris. Samuel Shaw. Thomas Aikens. Th. Strean. Thomas McClalen. William Prison. John McClintock. James Davis. James Rodgers. Hugh Rodgers. Joe McNut. Widow Rodgers. Seth Rodgers. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 69 Joe Siioddy. David Jamison. Robert Harris. Robert Walker. Wm. Galbraitb. The " New Side" people of Paxtang secured two acres of land about two miles east of this, and immediately- erected thereon a rival church, at which, and that at Derry, Mr. Roan continued his labors until his death, in 1775. At the same time a new impetus was given to immigration southward and westward. When this stone building was erected in 1740, and for ten or fifteen years following, the church was crowded with devout worshiper^. This locality was full of young people, active, intelligent, and enterprising. The re- ports, however, of unsettled lands, lying far distant, painted the south and west as being more beautiful in their solitariness than Paxtang had been, and the chil- dren of the Scotch-Irish settlers, like their ancestors, sought a new home in the lovely valleys beyond the Susquehanna, and among the rich lands of Virginia and the Carolinas. As a matter of course, coupled with the dissensions previously mentioned, the congrega- tions of Paxtang and Derry were seriously crippled. The minutes of Donegal Presbytery from September 28, 1745, to June, 1747, and from October 9, 1750, to June 5, 1759, having been lost, while Mr. Elder's private papers, being also lost or inaccessible, it is somewhat difficult to trace the history of Paxtang during this period, probably the most trying one in its existence. 70 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. Then followed the French and Indian war, when pastor and people were called upon to defend their homes against the blood-thirsty savage. Then it was that this house became not only a place of worship to Almighty God, but a retreat from the inroads of the marauding red man and a dwelling-place of mercy and a refuge from storm. " Many a family mourned for some of their number shot by the secret foe or car- ried away captive. Their rifles were carried with them to their work in the field and to the sanctuary. Mr. Elder placed his trusty piece beside him in the pulpit. Death often overtook his flock as they returned to their scattered plantations. In 1756 the meeting-house was surrounded whilst he was preaching, but their spies having counted the rifles, the Indians retired from their ambuscade without making an attack." On another oc- casion, in the same year, they came for the purpose of attacking the worshipers in church, but by mistake they arrived on Monday instead of Sunday, and after waiting several days, finding they were discovered, left the settlement by way of Indiantown Gap, murdering a number of persons on the Swatara and carrying off" several prisoners. In the winter of 1763-64, transpired the " Paxtang Boys " affair — the wiping out of a nest of murder-ma- rauding Indians at Conestoga and Lancaster — and which created such a " hub-bub " in Quakerdom, that more pamphlets and broadsides were (sailed forth, than Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 71 any one episode in Pennsylvania history. In this con- troversy, the pastor and people of Paxtang became in- volved. The story is a long but interesting one, and there is a " rod in pickle " for some recent historians who cannot distinguish between an arrant falsehood and the plain truth. On June 22, 1764, at a meeting of Presbytery held at Derry, Mr. Elder and four other ministers declared their intention to cease from active membership in the judicatory. This decision was not acted upon by Synod until May 19, 1768, when they were joined to the Presbytery of Philadelphia, so that for about a pe- riod of four years Paxtang was not represented in any of the church courts. The trouble arose out of the old party feeling of the " Old " and " New Sides," which, notwithstanding the union, was still rampant in the Presbyteries. Shortly after came on the war of the Revolution, and the men of Paxtang, who had taken an early Resolve for Independence, went into the conflict with heart and soul — and from Boston and Quebec, down to the close of the struggle at Yorktown — they fought, bled, and died for Liberty. In all the wars which have rent the land, Paxtang was a nursery for heroes, and God grant that the generations coming on may ever emulate the patriotic spirit of their gallant ancestors. Upon the formation of Carlisle Presbytery, in 1786, Paxtang was joined thereto, and has remained in that 72 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. connection ever since. After the death of Mr. Roan, October 2, 1775, Paxtang and Derry were again united solely under the charge of Mr. Elder. The congrega- tion at Harrisburg, formed April 12, 1787, was added to Mr. Elder's charge, as was also the New Side branch of Paxtang.* * The following papers are very important in this connection : On Thursday, April 12th, 1787, during the sessions of the Presbytery at Carlisle, a representation and petition of a number of the inhabitants of Harrisburg and others in the township of Paxtang was laid before Presbytery and read. The said representation sets forth that these peo- ple desire to be considered as a Presbyterian Congregation, and to have supplies appointed them by the Presbytery ; and that in order to pro- mote peace and harmony between them and the Paxtang congregation, some proposals had been made to, and considered, though not accepted by that congregation, a copy of which was also laid before the Presby- tery. Mr. Elder also gave a representation of the state of the case as concerning these people and Paxtang congregation. The Presbytery, upon considering the case, agreed to propose the following articles to the consideration and acceptance of those people, which may have a tendency to preserve peace and union in that part of the Church : 1. That Harrisburg shall be considered as the seat of a Presbyterian Church, and part of the charge of the Rev. John Elder, in which he is to preach one third of his time. 2. That Mr. Elder's salary, promised by the congregation of Paxtang, shall be continued and paid by the congregation in common, who shall adhere to these two places of worship, viz : Paxtang and Harrisburg. 3. That the congregation thus united may apply for, and obtain sup- plies as assistant to the labors of Mr. Elder, to be paid by the congre- gation in common. 4. That when the congregation may judge it proper, they shall have Paxtang FresbyteriAjST Church. 75 On the 17th of July, 1792, the Rev. John Elder laid by the armor of this earthly life, and entered upon his eternal rest. Born in the city of Edinburgh, January 26, 1706, he was educated at the University there, a right to choose and call a minister as a colleague with Mr. Elder, tO' officiate in rotation with him. " Dr. Davidson and Mr. Waugh are appointed to attend at the church in Lower Paxtang, on tie last Tuesday in May next, to moderate and assist in the above matter." On the 19th of June, 1787, Dr. Davidson and Mr. Waugh reported to Presbytery at Big Spring, that their appointment at Paxtang had been fulfilled, and that the following articles had been agreed to by Mr. Elder and his congregation, at Harrisburg : 1. That the congregation shall have two stated places of public wor- ship, the one where the Rev. Mr. Elder now officiates, the other in Harrisburg. 2. That the Rev. John Elder shall continue to have and receive dur- ing his life or incumbency, all the salary or stipends that he now enjoys, to be paid by his present subscribers, as he and they may agree, and continue his labors in Derry as usual. 3. That for the present the congregation may apply to the Presbytery for supplies, which, when obtained, the expenses shall be defrayed by those who do not now belong to Mr. Elder's congregation, and such as may think proper to join with them ; and should such supplies be ap- pointed when Mr. Elder is to be in Paxtang, then he and the supply shall preach in rotation, the one in the country, and the other in town. But should Mr. Elder be in Derry, then the supplies shall officiate in town. 4. That the congregation when able, or they think proper, may in- vite and settle any regular Presbyterian minister they or a majority of them may choose and can obtain, as a co-pastor with Mr. Elder, who shall officiate as to preaching in the manner specified in the third pro- 74 Paxtang Pkesbyterian Church. studied divinit}^, and in the year 1732 was licensed to preach the Gospel, although he did not come into the Presbytery of Donegal until October 5, 1737, and then as a licentiate from the Presbytery of New Castle. However that may be, he came to America following his father's family, in the year mentioned, and yet his only pastorate was that of Paxtang. He was a man whose whole life reads like a romance. I regard him as the most prominent figure in our early provincial history. He towered far above all men in the era in which he lived, and his name and fame will long en- dure. The heroes of New England are but pigmies compared with this giant. Whether we view him as a minister of the Gospel, as a brave soldier, or in civil life — or yet as a thinker and a man of intellectual powers — his personality was extraordinary. There was something in his life which called forth an enthusiastic and passionate devotion — in a few words, he was a grand old man, an honor to the Church of Christ and to the race of men ! If this era does not take care of him, futurity will — for if any man was born a leader, it was the Rev. John Elder, of Paxtang. His descend- ants of four generations are with us to-day, to do reverence to the church of their fathers. Upon the death of Mr. Elder, Paxtang congregation, after hearing various candidates, finally united with the Derry and Harrisburg churches in a call to the Rev. Nathaniel R. Snowden, of Philadelphia, each agreeing Paxtang Presbyterian Church, 75 to pay him fifty pounds per annum.* He was installed pastor, October 2, 1793, but finding, in 1796, the labor of attending to three congregations too great for his bodily strength, he relinquished Paxtang and Derry, re- taining Harrisburg, which he served ' satisfactorily for *The following is a copy of the original subscription list — but it com- prises only the names of those present at the congregational meeting held on the 7th of March, 1793 : We the under subscribers do each of us promise to pay annually the sums annexed to our names, to the trustees of Paxtang congregation, or the collectors appointed by them, as a salary due to the Rev. Mr. Snowden, for the one-third part of his labors amongst us, and while he continues a regular preaching pastor in said congregation and we mem- bers of it. Given under our hands this seventh day of March, A. D. 1793. £. s. d. £. s. d. James Caldwell, . . 1 2 6 Jacob Awl, . . . . 2 5 John Means, . . . . 15 John Rutherford, . . 1 15 John Willson, . . . 1 5 William Smith, . . . 1 15 William Calhoun, . 15 James Cowden, . 1 10 Richard Carson, . . 15 Josiah Espy, ■. . . . 1 10 Joshua Elder, . . .2 Thomas McArthur, . 1 2 John Elder, Jr., . . 1 2 6 Barbara Walker, . .0 7 6 John Gilchrist, . . . 1 Mary Peacock, . . - 7 6 Alexander McCay, . 8 4 James Cochran, . . 1 Thomas Forster, . . 1 17 6 John Wilson, Jr., . 1 10 William McRoberts, .0 15 Andrew Stephen, . . 17 6 Richard Fulton, . . 1 5 James Johnston, . .0 16 8 Thomas Brown, . . 18 9 William Boyd, . . . 8 4 William Wanless, . . 10 Adam Barbe, . . . 10 Daniel Brunson, . . 17 6 Alexander Maharguc S -0 15 Alexander Willson, . 1 5 William Kerr, . . . 1 15 76 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. many years.* Mr. Snowden was a profound theologian, a faithful minister of the Gospel, and greatly beloved by his people. We are honored to-day by the presence of * Letter Sent to Presbytery in 1795. Paxtang, Odr. 5, 1795. ' ' To the Revd. Presbytery of Carlisle about to convene at Marsh Creek in the County of York : " Whereas, Mr. Snowden has signified to his congregation in Derry Township that he is no longer able to officiate in his Ministerial capacity to them on acct. of Inability of body, & that he purposes to apply to Presbytery for a Discharge from said congregation which we conceive, if he might be indulged in his Request, wou'd leave the congregation of Paxtang in a very distressing & Perilous Situation ; that the two con- gregations have lived for many years past in perfect peace, friendship and unanimity, and that we do not wish for a schism between us now ; that if the union is once broke there will be no probability of us being united again ; that if Mr. Snowden is rendered incapable of undergoing the fatigue of the three congregations in less than three years in the prime of life, by all probability he will not be able in a short time to attend to two congregations, and of consequence we shall be lef; with- out a pastor and the means of giving a call to another. We, therefore, pray to be considered as united with Derry, and that if Mr. Snowden should insist on being disunited from them, that Presbytery will appoint a committee of their body to enquire into the matter before anything decisive may take place ; and that the majority of this congregation' how much soever they may be attached to Mr. Snowden, wou'd rather he should leave us as he found u«, than submit to a dissolution of the union subsisting between us. " By order of a meeting of Paxtang congregation. "John Rutherford, "Joshua Elder." Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 77 his distinguished grand-son, Major-General George R. Snowden, of Philadelphia. One of Paxtang's children, resident in the west, pres- SuppLiCATioN Sent to Pkesbytert, 1796. " Paxtang, Jan'y, 1796. " To the Moderator of Carlisle Presbytery about to meet at Big Spring : "By order of the Committee of Presbytery which sat at Paxtang the 3d of Nov'r last, the Congregation of Paxtang was notifyed the last Sunday but one which we had meeting that the sense ot the Congrega- tion wou'd be taken on the next Sabbath whether we wou'd adhere to Harrisburg & break the Union with Derry, or whether we wou'd con- tinue the Union with Derry & break off with Harrisburg. Accordingly after sermon last Sunday the heads of families were desired to attend, and after the business was explained to them, we proceeded to take the votes of the People, & it appeared that a Majority of the Congregation was for continuing the Union with Derry and relinquishing Harris- burg ; they likewise chose the bearer Capt'n John Rutherford as their Commissioner to wait on Presbytery with this Remonstrance, praying that Presbytery wou'd grant us Supplies & dissolve the Congregation of Paxtang from their Obligations to Mr. Snowden & that he might discon- tiiiue his labors to them unless ordered to supply them as any other Gentleman. Supplication Sent to the Presbytery of Carlisle, 1796. " Paxtang, Sept. 3, 1796. " The Reverend Presbytery of Carlisle : " Gentlemen, — Whereas we are now destitute of the Gospel Ordi- nances being regularly administered to us, and what few supplies were alloted for us at the last Presbytery we fell short even of these on ac- count of the age and inability of one of the members appointed to sup- ply us ; We, the subscribers, in behalf of this Congregation who met for that purpose do most earnestly beg and entreat that Presbytery would 78 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. ent here to-day, says of Mr. Snowden : " Those of Pax- tang congregation whose memories run back sixty years, will remember as an occasional visitor, this very be pleased to grant as many Supplies as they can with convenience ; we likewise wish that if there be any young or unsettled members be- longing to Presbytery these might be sent to us that we might have an opportunity of the Gospel once more regularly established and admin- istered in all the forms thereto belonging ; and your Supplicants as in duty bound shall ever pray." Appeal of the Paxtang Congregation to the Moderator. " Paxtang, Oct. 1, 1797. " To the Moderator of the Reverend Presbytery of Carlisle : " Sir, — We again acknowledge our dependence and renew our request in praying Presbytery to give us such and as many supplies during the winter season as they can with convenience. The bearer, Mr. James Rutherford, is appointed our Commissioner to present this remonstrance to Presbytery and to answer such interrogatories as may be required of him. " Signed in behalf of Paxtang congregation by "Joshua Elder." Letter to the Moderator of Carlisle Presbytery, 1798. "Paxtang, Sept. 26, 1798. " To the Moderator of Carlisle Presbytery : " Sir, — The bearer, Edward Crouch, is our commissioner, appointed by the congregation of Paxtang to wait on the Reverend Presbytery of Carlisle with a call for the Reverend Joshua Williams for the one-third of his labors in union with Derry, whom we expect will apply for the remaining two-thirds ; likewise to solicit the Presbytery to grant us Supplies in the meantime. Signed in behalf and with the approbation of the congregation by Joshua Elder." Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 79 worthy gentleman. In his sixties he looked hale and vigorous, grey eyes, iron grey hair, a full face, and weight one hundred and sixty pounds. The writer remembers his voice as strong and sonorous, and that he delivered his words with measured deliberation. He neverfailed to state to his auditors two facts. First. That Philadelphia was the place of his birth ; and secondly, that he had heard Independence bell ring .on the morning of July 4, 1776." A call was then given to the Rev. Joshua Williams, who accepted the same, and he was ordained and in- stalled October 2, 1799, Derry to receive two thirds of his time and pay one hundred and twenty pounds, and Paxtang one third and pay sixty pounds. This pas- torate only lasted one year and eight months, ending on the 30th of June, 1801. Mr. Williams seemed to have had trouble collecting his stipends, for we find him complaining to Presbytery, in 1803, about his salary arrears. The moderator was directed to write to these churches and say, " that if these arrearages are not dis- charged before the next meeting of Presbytery, that body would be under the disagreeable necessity of with- holding from them that attention and regard which they pay to churches under their care." This did not have much effect, for we find them still unpaid in Sep- tember, 1805. A grand-son of his. Col. Joshua Williams, of the city of Minneapolis, has come to do reverence here to-day. 80 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. On May 29, 1807, Mr. James R. Sharon was installed, both congregations agreeing to pay the same salary as that promised to Mr. Williams. In 1808, the "meeting-house" and "retiring-house" were put in thorough repair.* The latter, built about *As a matter of interest to their descendants, now widely scattered, we give the names of those contributing thereto : £ s. d. £ s. d. Hobert Elder, . . . . 3 15 Sarah Wilson, . . . 1 2 6 James Cowden, . . . 3 15 John Forster, . . . 1 10 Edward Crouch, . . . 3 15 Charles Chamberlain ,.0 15 Elizabeth Gray, . . . 1 2 6 John Ross, . . . . 9 4J Johu Gray, .... . 1 5 Michael Simpson, . . 1 10 John Wiggins, . . . . 1 17 6 Jean Carson, . . . . . 7 6 .Tfimp'5 r?,nt nPTrnTn . 2 5 Joseph Burdj . 2 5 Samuel Sherer, . . ■ . 1 17 6 Robert Gray, . . . 1 10 John Gilchrist, . . . . 1 10 Thomas Walker, . . 17 6 Samuel Rutherford, . . 1 10 William Caldhoon, . 1 William Rutherford, . 1 10 John Rutherford, . . 15 Robert McClare, . . . 1 10 Michael Simpson, . 6 John Richey, . . . . 1 17 6 James Awl, . . . . .0 7 6 Thomas Smith, . . . 2 5 Joseph Burd, . . 2 5 •Susanna Rutherford, . 11 3 David Patton, . . . 1 2 6 Thomas Elder, . . . . 1 10 Robert Gray, . . . 1 10 John Carson, . . . . 10 Thomas Walker, . . . 17 6 Josiah Espy, .... . 1 10 John Walker, . . . 17 6 James Awl, .... . 1 2 6 Jacob Richards, . . 1 10 John Allison, . . . . 17 6 Jean Wilson, . . . 1 5 James Cochran, . . .0 15 Frederick Hatton, . 11 3 Ann Stephen, . . . . 15 William Calhoon, . . 1 John McCammon, . . 15 John Finney, . . . . 10 Mary Fulton, . . . . 1 17 6 Joseph Wilson, . . . 1 2 6 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 81 the period of Mr. Elder's decease, was a small log build- ing near the church, used for meetings of session, and as a study by the pastor during the interval between the morning and afternoon service, and on week-days as a school-house. The " repairs " at this time consisted partly in the running up two board partitions, thereby creating a vestibule at each end, with the audience- room in the center. The partitions were of yellow pine, as was also the ceiling, which was placed in position at this time. The pews were left standing in the western vestibule, and were remaining within the memory of some of the present congregation. There was little uniformity in the Paxtang pews of that day, as each had been built by the family occupying it, and by their own architect. Two huge ten-plate stoves were placed in the long aisle, the smoke from which ascended through pipes to the loft, and made its escape as best it could through a small hole in the comb of the roof. Mr. Sharon was a man of eminent piety, and was greatly beloved by this people. His pastorate covered a period of almost thirty-six years, and ended only with his life, April 18, 1843. During these years the gospel Mary Rutherford, . . .0 7 6 William Whitely, . . 12 6 William Lamed, . . . 1 David Stewart, . . . 15 James Stewart, . . . . 15 Thomas MeCord, . . 15 Joshua Elder, . . . . 3 Elizabeth Wills, . . 1 10 Thomas Buffington, . . 15 Hugh Stephen, . . . 15 John Elder, . . . . 6 . 1 10 John Rutherford, . . 15 82 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. of peace reigned, and little is left for the historian but to record the fact.* My venerable friend, Dr. Hiram Rutherford, to whom I am much indebted for information relating to the "long ago," gives me these recollections of this devoted minister : " The tall, lank figure of Mr. Sharon was one of the fixtures and features of Paxtang, sixty years ago. His soft, white, delicate skin, blue eyes, dark hair, narrow chest — his soft, weak but clear voice, hack- ing cough, etc., marked him as one short for this world. Yet he was punctual in his duties, preached good, sen- sible sermons, attended all christenings, marriages, and funerals. With all odds against him, he lived his three score and ten, and at last was gathered to his fathers, ripe for the harvest, with eternal 'sunshine on his head.' His residence was in Derry, and he usually came up to Paxtang of a Saturday evening. In winter he wore a dark colored overcoat, with a moveable cape. His lower limbs were cased in velveteen (dark) overalls, or as then called, cherre-valles. Mounted on his chestnut sorrel horse, with riding whip in hand, and that hand and arm at an angle of forty-five, he moved over the road at a steady jog trot, mile after mile, a slender, gaunt figure, so unique, that he was recognizable as far *Mr. Sharon preserved a full record of his ministerial acts — marriages, baptisms, admissions, and dismissions — which is printed in the Ap- pendix to this volume. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 83 away as he could be seen. At recess he staid in the log study house, generally alone, and in his passage thence to the church, he always carried his spectacles in his hand, greeting but few as he passed, with eyes bent on the ground before him. Then the loud call of Mr. Jordan would be heard, * Mr. Sharon has gone in.' I have heard my father speak of Mr. Elder's passage under similar circumstances from the study house to the church. Mr. Elder was an austere man. As he emerged from the log building he carried in his hand a book, with his fingers among the leaves, and his eyes fixed ten feet ahead of him. With measured, deliberate steps, he looked neither to the right or left, and greeted no one on the way." On October 1st, 1844, the Presbytery of Carlisle met at Paxtang. A call was placed in the hands of Rev. John M. Boggs, a licentiate of the Presbytery of Done- gal. Mr. Boggs accepted, but asked that his ordination be j)Ostponed until the spring meeting, in order that he might attend the Theological Seminary at Princeton during the winter. His request was granted, and he was ordained April 9, 1845, and installed soon after as pastor of Paxtang and Derry. His pastorate was un- eventful, and was dissolved on October 6, 1847. The field was now vacant for a period of more than two years, during which time extensive alterations and repairs were made. The whole inside of the building was removed, the western door and the small window 84 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. back of the pulpit walled up, new shingles placed upon the roof, and a floor laid throughout the entire building, the halls and ceiling plastered, the pulpit taken down from its perch on the north wall, and a new one placed at a much lower elevation against the western wall^ New pews of modern style and uniform character were built, and the old pulpit, pews, and furniture, which had been in use since Mr. Elder's time, were sold at public auction. On September 28th, 1849, a call from Paxtang and Derry was placed in the hands of Rev. Andrew D. Mitchell, Paxtang promising three hundred dollars and Derry two hundred per annum. Mr. Mitchell accepted, and was ordained and installed April 10, 1850. Mr. Mitchell was a single man when he accepted these charges, but married a few years afterwards. Hitherto Paxtang had never needed a parsonage. Mr. Bertram lived near Derry on his farm ; while Mr. Elder and Mr- Sharon, who had occupied the field for a centurj^ were both practical agriculturalists and lived on their farms • and Mr. Boggs was unmarried. It now, however, be- came necessary to provide a house for Mr. Mitchell, and the present parsonage was erected, and was occupied by him during the remainder of his pastorate, which ended February 12, 1874. Near the close of Mr. Mitchell's pastorate the inside of the church was partly remodeled and arranged pretty much as it now stands. In November of the same year (1874) a call was made Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 85 out for the Rev. William W. Downey by Paxtang, Derry having died out. Mr. Downey accepted, and was installed April 29, 1875. In 1878 this pastorate was dissolved, and the congregation for several years was acceptably supplied by the Rev. William A. West of Harrisburg. On the 16th of June, 1887, having previously accept- ed a call, the Rev. Albert B. Williamson, a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary, was ordained, and continues in the pastorate. Intimately connected with Paxtang Church was the school which flourished from the earliest times down to the establishment of free schools in Dauphin county. It was never under the control of the church as an ecclesiastical body, but the same men who composed the congregation were the patrons of the school, and the building itself was the property of the congregation. It may therefore fairly be considered as an appendage of the church, and the old masters stood next in rank and dignity to the clergyman. Here flourished such men as Francis Kerr, Joseph Allen, Benjamin White, James Couples, Francis D. Cummings, and others celebrated in their day and generation as educators, and from whose instructions went forth many young men after- wards distinguished in every walk of life. Originally the congregation owned a tract of twenty acres in the shape of a paralellogram, whose length was about three times its width. Nearly forty years ago a 86 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. portion of this tract was sold, leaving a square of six or eight acres, covered largely with forest-trees, among which are several giant oaks that were doubtless trees when Columbus landed on the shores of America. Near the center of the tract stands the church, the par- sonage occupies the southeast corner, and between the two lies the graveyard. In early times no distinct limits were set to the burying-ground, and the people buried their dead anywhere, according to their fancy, in the clearing to the south and southeast of the church. Graves were seldom marked, and a few years obliterated all trace of them. As families became permanent and the number of these graves increased, more care was taken, tombstones began to be erected and lots fenced in. The want of uniformity, however, in these fences, and of regularity in the selection of lots, rendered the grounds very unsightl}^, as well as very difficult to keep clear of weeds and briers. This state of affairs existed until 1791-92, when the ground was inclosed by a stone wall, the greater portion of which is still standing. This wall does not by any means include all the graves of Paxtang. It did, however, surround all that were marked by tombstones or protected by fences. In 1819 a new roof was placed upon the wall ; the contractor was Matthew Humes. The ground en- closed had very nearly all been buried over once, and some of it twice before the wall was erected. In course of time, therefore, it became impossible to dig a grave Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 87 without disturbing the remains of several of the un- known and forgotten dead. The old south wall was (then) taken down, and during the summer of 1852 the grounds were extended ninety feet, and the whole covered with wood, and so it stood until the summer of 1882, when the wall was again repaired, and a new roof of wood placed thereon. This church building is the oldest house of Presby- terian worship in the entire State of Pennsylvania. It has seen the revolution of years carrying away the generations of men, their habitations and their churches. Although the benches and the desk speak of modern origin, yet the doors hang upon the solid posts in unison with the stone walls, and while as now the storms of a century and a half have left their marks, give no signs of speedy decay. And now, my friends, after this summary of events transpiring in old Paxtang for one hundred and seventy years, let us go into yonder God's Acre, far older than the church itself. With our greatest American poet — Longfellow : ' ' I like that ancient Saxon phrase, which calls The burial ground God's Acre 1 It is just ; It consecrates each grave within its walls, And breathes a benison o'er the sleeping dust." In my boyhood days there was over the entrance, on a semi-circular board these lines : "Persons entering this consecrated ground are en- 88 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. treated not to walk or stand upon the graves or grave- stones — such to the living are sacred," Bearing this injunction in mind, we will simply look over the wall, for there is not a foot of ground where the dead lie not. To the left of the entrance and to- wards the north side are several generations of Elder ; to the east rest the remains of Parson Elder of blessed memory, — in the northwest corner his sons Colonels Joshua and Robert Elder, both men of mark in the Revolutionary era. East from this, not far from the center, rest the remains of John Harris, the founder of Harrisburg; and near by those of his son-in-law, Wil- liam Maclay, Senator from Pennsylvania in the First Congress of the United States. Close by and around the latter are those of his sons-in-law. Dr. John Hall and William Wallace. A little to the south of Elder's grave rest the Montgomerys, one of the oldest families in Paxtang; and on a line with them and to the south are the remains of Andrew Stewart and his wife Mary Dinwiddle, sister of Governor Dinwiddle, of Virginia. They were the ancestors of the Reverend John Stew- art, who, notwithstanding his early teachings by his Covenanter father, accepted ordination at the hands of the Established Church, returned to America under the auspices of the Society for the Propagation of the Gos- pel in Foreign Parts, missionated among the Mohawks in the Valley of the Hudson, became a loyalist during the Revolution, and from him have descended several Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 89 of the most prominent personages in Canadian history. East of this line of graves is that of Thomas Ruther- ford, the ancestor of all the clan, many of whose de- scendants remain steadfast to the principles and wor- ship of old Paxtang Church — and one of whom, [Abner Rutherford, who died September 2, 1890, aged 76] the sturdiest oak of all, has recently fallen in the battle- storm of life; while farther east are the remains of William Brown, to whom the United Presbyterians are indebted for bringing to this country those staid old Covenanters Dobbins and Lind. Between these are the remains of Captain Crouch, Captain Cowden, and a little to the south those of Robert Gray, Captain Bris- ban, General Michael Simpson, and other heroes of the Revolution who fought and bled in defense of liberty. Eight generations lie in that myrtle-covered grave- yard, and yet they represent only a fraction of those who once worshiped in this place. The thousands who sought homes in the wide expanse of our glorious heritage, took deep inspiration here, and the influences for godliness which from this church have gone forth, will not be known until the Resurrection morn. This congregation may wander away, and this building pass into decay, but the teachings of the saintly men who have here gone in and out, will live on, forever, and forever! 90 Paxtang Pkesbyterian Church. While Dr. Egle was speaking, the wooden supports of the benches gave evidence of weakness, and an omi- nous cracking sound caused the people to arise very quickly. A witty western elder present notified the moderator that ''It is evident that modern planks are not those of which Presbyterianism is made of." Later on, when the seats again broke. Moderator Stewart said : '' We are bound to be descendants to-day." Moderator Stewart. If you will leave those seats about five minutes, the carpenter will have them re- paired, and everything made firm. There are some advantages in having planed boards ; but I think our ancestors, who sat on slabs, sat on firmer seats. [Re- newed laughter and applause.] The audience sung a hymn. No. 575. I love thy kingdom. Lord ! The house of thine abode, The church our blessed Redeemer saved With his own precious blood. I love thy church, God ! Her walls before thee stand, Dear as the apple of thine eye, And graven on thy hand. If e're to bless thy sons My voice or hands deny, These hands let useful skill forsake, This voice in silence die. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 91 For her my tears shall fall ; For her my prayers ascend ; To her my cares and toils be given Till toils and cares shall end. Beyond my highest joy I prize her heavenly ways, Her sweet communion, solemn vows, Her hymns of love and praise. Sure as thy truth shall last, To Zion shall be given The brightest glories earth can yield. The brighter bliss of heaven. Moderator Stewart. This is Paxtang's day, of course. We all understand that there were Presby- terians here, and they were noble people ; but they had neighbors, and those neighbors were most excellent peo- ple. It is well for us on this occasion to remember these neighbors, with whom they lived in peace, and whom they highly regarded. It was therefore deemed appro- priate by the committee that something should be said of the Presbyterianism of this region outside of Paxtang ; and they have asked Rev. William A. West, the stated clerk of this Presbytery, than whom no more fitting person could have been selected to speak on this topic. Therefore, we will ask Rev. Mr. West to now address us on the subject of "Presbyterianism in this Region." ADDRESS OF REV. WILLIAM A. WEST. PRESBYTERIANISM IN THIS REGION. The character of a church, of a conimunity, of a peo- ple must necessarily be conditioned largely by the original make-up of that church, community, people ; the character of their early leaders and the influences thrown around them during the plastic and formative period of their history. It were to be expected that among a people with such antecedents as theirs, and having had a leader- ship such as that enjoyed by the early Presbyterians of this region, there would be found those excellencies and virtues which afford at once beauty and strength of character. Theirs was a Presbyterianism of a type quite distinctive — not liable to be neutralized and lost, but possessing power to perpetuate itself. They were men and women of clear views, which they held in- telligently. They had strong convictions which made them ready to speak and to act, when occasion de- manded, with decision and promptness. With them every principle and every measure had to be weighed in the balances of right and wrong, as held by them. This was the standard by which was fixed the seal of approval or disapproval. In the strength and manli- ness of their characters they would have scorned to recognize the easy-going doctrine of expediency, which 96 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. helps so many men over the rough places to-day in business, in politics, in religion. This regard for the principle of right constituted the groundwork of what is so often laid to their charge as characteristic obstinacy. They were obstinate. There is no denying this. But theirs was no mere willful obstinacy — obstinacy for the sake of obstinacy. It was the obstinacy of conviction ; and as such, it is a trait to be held in honor rather than reproach. The man who will contend for and is willing to sufifer for what he deems right is the man who is worthy of admiration and confidence. It was not without cause that these men with their families left their old homes. They had been subjected to wrongs and oppression which they hated and would not endure. It was with high aspirations and noble purposes they crossed the deep and endured hardships and privations and perils. There were homes to be made. There were priceless privileges, religious and civil, to be secured and enjoyed. There were rights to be sought and maintained. In the pursuit and pros- pect of objects such as these, they could " hope all things, bear all things, endure all things." A people possessing such traits of character were well fitted to be pioneers in the settlement of a new country and to lay securely the foundations of civil and religious in- stitutions that should prove blessings to them and their descendants. On this occasion we would glance hurriedly at several Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 97 prominent characteristics, which marked the early Presbyterianism of this region, and which have left their trace behind them — their regard for Education, for the Services of the Sanctuary and for the Word of God and the Standards of the Church, their Public and Patriotic Spirit, and their Conservatism. 1. From the first it showed itself the earnest and steadfast friend, the zealous promoter and liberal patron of Education. Its ministers were educated men. To this we know of no exception. The people were intelli- gent, and were not content that their children should be without the opportunities and advantages of educa- tion. The newness of the country and their hardships and privations must not prevent this. As a rule the school-house was found hard by the sanctuary. Here the rudimental branches of education and the Cate- chism were faithfully taught. Text-books were few, and far from perfect. But careful preparation and thorough mastery of whatever was undertaken were demanded. Thus was education in the true sense — that of drawing out and unfolding the mental and moral powers — secured. It was quite different from superficial skimming over a wide surface, and cram- ming to surfeit with the heterogeneous gatherings. Nor were they satisfied that the advantages of the parish school alone should be enjoyed. Higher insti- tutions of learning — academies — were established at 7 98 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. , various points more than one hundred years ago.* On territory then, but no longer belonging to us, were *Iii this connection the following may be interesting : William Graham, son of William Graham, was born in Paxtang township, then Lancaster county, Province of Pennsylvania, on the 19th of' December, 1745. His father, of Scotch parentage, came from the North of Ireland, as did his mother, whose maiden name was Sus- annah Miller. His early years were spent on the farm, but by dint of hard labor and perseverance, so characteristic of the Scotch-Irish youth of that day, he prepared himself for admission to the college of New Jersey, (now Princeton,) where he graduated in 1773. He taught in the grammar school connected with that institution, while studying theology under the tuition of the Rev. John Roan. Among the papers of Rev. John Roan we have the following account : " Wm. Graham enter'd lObr, 23, 1767. 1768. Jan. 23-31, absent. Ap. 2-25, absent. May 1, abs't some days. June 18, returned 8br. 2d. Dec'r. 24, some days absent. Went away Feb. 4, 1769. In all here 9 months. I told his father, June 10, 1769, that it should be charged at about £8 pr. annum, viz 6 : 00 : Rec'd. Dec'r 21, 1769, of ye above 4:10:0 Again, May, 1771 0:07:0 Jan. 18, 1773 1:10:0 Lent to Wm. Graham Nov. 15, 1773 0:10:0 Jan. 19, 1774 1:05:0 From the foregoing it would seem that as late as 1774, he was a stu- dent of Mr. Roan's. Mr. Graham, on the 26th of October, 1775, was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of Hanover, Virginia, to which locality his family had previously removed. When the Presbytery determined to establish Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 99 academies at Pequea,* Fagg's Manor, and New London, (afterwards Delaware College;) and on territory now belonging to us, at Harrisburg, Gettysburg, (Dobbin's Academy,) Carlisle, and Shippensburg — also at Hagers- town, Md., until recently belonging to us. But little less than one hundred years ago academies were estab- lished at Chambersburg, Newburg, (Hopewell Academ}^,) Bedford, and Cumberland, Md. For the last twenty years the latter two have not belonged to this Pres- bytery. A little over a hundred years ago was founded by Presbyterians and located at Carlisle, Dickinson College — an institution which in point of character and influ- a school for the rearing of young men for the ministry, they applied to the Rev. Stanhope Smith, then itinerating in Virginia, to recommend a suitable person to take charge of their school, upon which he at once suggested Mr. Graham. Prior to this a classical school had been taught at a place called Mt. Pleasant, and there Mr. G. commenced his labors as a teacher, and there we find the germ whence sprung Washington College, and the now celebrated Washington and Lee University of Virginia. Mr. Graham died at Richmond, Va., June 8th, 1799. He married Mary Kerr, of Carlisle, Pa., and by her had two sons and three daughters. His eldest son entered the ministry, but died young ; the other studied medicine, settled in Georgia, and died about 1840. — Notes and Queries. *The second oldest Presbyterian settlement in Lancaster county. Pa., was along the headwaters of Pequea creek, in Salisbury township. The congregation was organized in 1722, and was supplied by New Castle Presbytery. On October IS, 1724, Rev. Adam Boyd was the first ordained pastor. — Samuel Evans. LofC. 100 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. ence was well nigh, if not quite, the equal of Nassau Hall in the earlier days of these two schools of learning. Moreover, the character of the people, the promi- nence of their leaders, the weight and influence of the church in this region, and the fitness of location, led the General Assembly, more than three fourths of a century ago, to turn their thoughts to one of the towns of the beautiful Cumberland Valley as a suitable place to locate its first Theological Seminary, Princeton, however, was too infiuential a competitor. It was the only competitor. But if Princeton carried off" the palm and can boast that oldest and honored school of the Prophets, Chambersburg, her vanquished rival of that day, has now an institution for the education of the daughters of the church of which we may justly be proud.* 2. The Presbyterianism of this region has always been characterized by the great importance which it attaches to the services of the sanctuary. By our ances- tors the preaching of the word was held in the highest regard. Hence, one of the first things they did when settled in sufficient numbers in anj'- locality, was to "supplicate" Presbytery to send ministers to preach to them, to administer the sacraments, and, not unfre- quently, to catechise their children. As soon as possi- ble the settlement of a pastor was secured, and, with the permission of Presbytery as to location, a liouse of *Wilson Female College. Paxtang Presbyterian CnuRcn. 101 worship was speedily erected. This was generally a log building, rudely furnished. But here the message of God was delivered in earnest and impressive words, and was eagerly received into good and honest hearts. More commodious and substantial buildings took the place of these log structures as occasion required and the pecuniary circumstances of the people improved. Many of these early Presbyterians had to go six or eight miles to church. But the Sabbath found them regularly in their places. They came to listen not to a single discourse but to two, with an intermission of thirty minutes intervening. This intermission was quite an important feature. During it the people were assembled in groups about the spring, (for if possible a spring was selected as the place for locating a house of worship,) the simple lunch was partaken of, and con- versation was freely entered into — sometimes devout, sometimes otherwise. But even when unwittingly the weather and the crops and family affairs and the affairs of other people's families became the absorbing topics of conversation, there was something very delightful in these comminglings and communings. The people were brought very near to each other. They were made to realize their oneness in relation to God, to his church, and to each other as a community. Thus there sprang up among them a strong bond of union, such as in many places is unknown in church life to-day. At that early day preaching was almost the only 102 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. service enjoyed in the sanctuary. Tlie weekly prayer - meeting and lecture had not yet come into existence, and Sabbath-schools were unknown. To this we know of but a single exception, that of a school established by Ludwick Haeker, just one hundred and fifty years ago, at Ephrata, Lancaster county. This school was kept open until the building in which it was held was taken for a hospital during the revolutionary war. The modern Sabbath-school had not as yet sprung into existence.) It was not until 1781 that Robert Raikes gathered together the ragged urchins of Gloucester, England, into a school upon the Lord's day, and paid a shilling a day to the female teachers employed to instruct them. There was no child's play connected with that school, and the shilling was well earned. The children were taught from 10, a. m., to 12, m. Then there was an hour's recess, after which they read a les- son and were taken to church. After church they re- peated the catechism until 5, and were then dismissed with the solemn charge to "go home at once and quietly." The introduction of the Sabbath-school into the United States dates back about eighty or eighty-one years. In the territory covered by the Presbytery of Carlisle one hundred years ago, and in which there was no Sabbath-school of any denomination, there are now between thirty and thirty-five thousand children collected in the Presbyterian Sabbath-schools alone. How Paxtang Presbyterian Church, 103 many there would be at the end of a year, if the schools were conducted after the manner of Robert Raikes' school, " deponent saith not." But, although the Sabbath-school was then an insti- tution unknown, the careful instruction and training of the children of the households and churches were by no means unknown. Faithful home instruction in the Shorter Catechism was the rule. Each Sabbath evening the high priest of the family assembled his household and heard it recited. And annually did the pastor» by his examinations, ascertain how well the home work had been done. This system of instruction caused the children and youth of the church to be well indoc- trinated in the principles of our religion. Moreover, it made sirong men and women, possessed of intelli- gence and imbued with sound principles, prepared to act well their part in church and society. A large pro- portion of the men thus reared in this region have shown themselves strong men — strong men in the bus- iness affairs of life, in the learned professions, upon the bench, and in public and political affairs, alike of the State and of the Nation. Were there none but the chil- dren of Christian families to be looked after and cared for, we should to-day, with all the light which observation and experience have thrown upon the subject, say that the old was better than is the new. But viewed in the light of the otherwise uncared-for multitudes, we regard the Sabbath -school as one of the greatest blessings, and 104 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. one of the most potent agencies for good known in con- nection with the Christian church. We rejoice in the work which is being accomplished by it. 8. Let us view our subject in a doctrinal point of view. The Presbyterianism of this region has always honored the word of God as of supreme authority in all matters of religious faith and practice. It has, at the same time, steadfastly held and firmly maintained the doc- trines set forth in the standards of our church. This holds true not only in regard to periods of harmony and quiet in the church, but likewise in regard to the unhappy periods of discord and strife — and sometimes of division, too — which lie along the pathway of our history. If we go back to the years called afresh to mind by this wonderful concourse of the sons and daughters of old Paxton* and Derry and Hanover, and the "English *We write and we speak the name, Paxton. In all minutes and records, whether written or printed, of Presbytery, of Synod, or of General Assembly, from 1732 down to date we do not know of a single instance in which the name is not spelled Paxton.f fGovernor Evans, in his Diary of July, 1707, spells the word Peix- tan ; and in a road order of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Lancaster county in 1739 the word is spelled Paxtang, and likewise in an affidavit made before a justice in Lancaster in 1744. And in the petition to Rev. John Elder, dated September 26, 1754, the petitioners describe them- selves as "inhabitants in the Township and Congregation of Paxtang." And in the deed of the church from Foster's heirs, the word is spelled Paxtang. At the same time authority is divided, some contending, with Mr. West, that the proper way to spell the word is Paxton. Those who Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 105 Presbyterian church of Harrisburg,"* and the descend- ants of the sturdy Presbyterians of this general region, we find the church, one hundred and fifty years ago,, tossed upon the angry billows of a troubled sea — dis- cordant, contentious, rent. We refer to the Old and New Side controversy. Then was the plow-shear of division most ruthlessly driven through the Old Done- gal Presbytery and through her churches. Few indeed were the congregations in which it was not felt. Divis- ion prevailed in Upper Pennsborough (Carlisle) churchy culminating in the settling of two pastors — the elder George Duffield and John Steel — men alike distin- guished as lovers and defenders of the truth and lovers and defenders of their country. The same was true of Upper West Conococheague church, resulting in the organization of Lower West Conococheague church. East Conococheague church was rent, nor were her divisions healed until the beginning of the present cen- tury. In Adams county the divided state of sentiment led to the organization of Lower Marsh Creek and Round Hill churches on a distinctly New Side basis, by the Pev. Andrew Bay, a member of the Presbytery of New Castle. For a time three of the pioneer churches of Cumberland Valley — ever valiant in defense of the delivered addresses spelled it both ways. Under these circumstances and believing the weight of authority to be in favor of Paxtang, we have followed it, except where the writers have insisted upon Paxton. — Ed. *The corporate name of Market Square church. 106 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. faith of the Fathers — got, as it were, clear outside the Presbytery ; and from 1742 to 1755 were served by the distinguished John Blair, of the Presbytery of New Castle. I refer to Big Spring, Middle Spring, and Rocky Spring churches. And how was it on this his- toric ground ? For thirty years, commencing in 1745, Paxton church had her two places of worship — one on this spot, of hallowed associations and sacred memories, where we meet to-day ; the other two miles northeast of this, long known as the "John Roan church." No trace of any thing connected with it now remains except the resting place of the departed. The one was served by that noble man, John Elder, the other by that scarce less noble man, John Roan — both then in the vigor of early manhood. In like manner Old Derry church was divided — one portion clinging to Mr. Elder, the other to Mr. Roan. They, too, had their separate places of worship. But throughout this great schism in the church, which mainly grew out of differences of views and practises in regard to measures and methods con- nected with the services of the sanctuary and the wor- ship of God, there was no division among ministers or churches upon doctrinal points. Both parties adhered to the standards of the church. Both parties were equally ready to subscribe the same declaration of their faith and to maintain and defend the doctrines of the church.* *Thus the "Adopting Act" of 1729 (Records of Pres. Ch., p. 94) Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 107 In like manner the names of ministers of both parties are found appended to *' The Formula wherein to sub- scribe and adopt the Westminister Confession of Faith and Catechisms,"* which prefaced the first volume of the was received and accepted by the men of both parties, as was also the "Declaration" of 1736, in which adherence is declared to the West- minister Confession of Faith and Catechisms and Directory for Wor- ship, without the least variation or alteration, and without any regard to the distinctions made in the "Adopting Act" between essential and non-essential articles. And it is an interesting fact in history, to which special attention may properly be directed to-day, that this "Declaration," promulgated by the Synod of Philadelphia, in 1736, was the result of a "Supplication of the people of Paxton and Derry," calling attention to what they re- garded a loop-hole in the Adopting Act of 1729, which admitted of a distinction between essential and necessary articles of the Confession, and those which are non-essential and unnecessary, (Records of Pres. Church, pp. 126, 127.) *A formula wherein to subscribe and adopt the Westminister Confes- sion of Faith and Catechisms. I having seriously read and perused the Westminister Confession and Catechisms, doe declare, in the sight of God and all here present, that I doe believe, and am persuaded, that so far as I can discern and under- stand said Confession and Catechisms, they are in all things agreeable to the Word of God, taken in the plain and obvious sense and mean- of the Word, and accordingly, I doe acknowledge them as the confes- sion of my faith, and doe promise, through divine assistance, forever to adhere thereunto. I also believe the Directory for the exercise of worship. Discipline, and Government, commonly annexed to the Confession, to be agree- able to the Word of God, and doe promise to conform thereunto in my practice as far as in emergent circumstances I can attain unto." 108 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. Records of the Presbytery of Donegal. A facsimile of which will be found in the History of the' Presbytery of Carlisle. If we come down one hundred years from the time of the great schism of the last century in the Presbyterian church, to the unhappy division, which in 1838 rent the church into the Old and New School bodies, we find the same thing holding good in regard to the loy- alty of the Presbyterianism of this region to the stand- ards of the church. Both parties were distinct and em- phatic in their utterances concerning and firm in their adherence to these standards. No one questioned the attitude of the Old School party. And the Old School men put on record the following words concerning the New School brethren who went out from the Presby- tery of Carlisle : "We are not disposed to call in ques- tion their orthodoxy."* And the New School Presby- tery of Harrisburg, at its second meeting, held May 19, 1840, declared that its " members received and adopted the Westminister Confession of Faith and Cate- chisms, Larger and Shorter, as containing the system of doctrine taught in the Holy Scriptures." Moreover it emphasized this declaration by adding, "that no one can honestly subscribe these standards, or remain in the church after subscribing them, who is conscious of holding any opinions at variance with the system of truth therein exhibited." Had some of the present ^Records Pres. Carlisle, July 31, 1838. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 109 members of the Presbytery of New York belonged to this body, they might have understood this action as a notice served on them to vacate. And when, in the good providence of God the time came for considering and voting upon the basis of re- union between the two branches of the church, we find the Presbyteries of Carlisle and Harrisburg occupying substantially the same platform. In their desire for, and action looking to re-union, they were in advance of the general church. The Presbytery of Carlisle put the following words on record, (October meeting, 1867 :) " We say from the depths of our hearts we desire re- union with the other branch; and we rejoice to know that we are coming closer and closer together on those great and glorious distinctive features of doctrine and polity which are embodied in the Confession of Faith. No other re-union than this is worthy the name of union. It would be but a union in form, and not in spirit. Alienations and divisions and jealousies would be the fruit of it." And the Presbytery of Harrisburg, at its October meeting put on record, the following as its action : " We distinctly protest against any formal basis for such an arrangement, other than an honest subscription to the Confession of Faith, such as was given by all officers of our church at the time of their ordination ; and that we regard no subscription to our standards as fair and honest, which implies the accept- ance of its articles merely for substance of doctrine, or 110 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. in any sense contrary to their appropriate historical significance, as opposed to Antinomianism and Fatal- ism on the one hand, and to Armenianism and Pelagi- anism on the other." Nothing stronger or more ex- plicit than this could be desired. And what I have said in regard to the loyalty of the Presbyterianism of the past in this region to the standards of the church, I may, with equal propriety, say of the Presbyterianism of the present. It is true that on that important question, " Do you desire a re- vision of the Confession of Faith?" which occupies tlie mind of the Presbyterian church to-day, there exists diversity of sentiment amongst the members of our Presbytery. There are those of us who would be well content that our standards should remain as they are. And there are others who would be glad to see changes made in the mode of stating important doctrines of our church, so as to obviate obscurity and remove the possibility of misunderstanding and misrepresentation. But whilst there exists this diversity of opinion upon the question of revising the Confession of Faith, hon- estly held and manfully expressed, there is no diversity of sentiment in regard to the Confession of Faith itself, as containing the system of doctrine which we receive and hold and teach. 4. Those who composed the Presbyterian church of an early day were distinguished for their imhlic and patriotic and fearless spirit. The Presbyterianism of Paxtang Presbyterian Church. Ill this region, to a very large extent, furnished the men who stood for tiie defense of the colonists against the cruel attacks of the denizens of the forest. It may- have been because of the undaunted courage of the early settlers, almost all of whom were Presbyterians, that they were located where they were by the author- ities. Positive evidence of this may not be at hand ; but the facts in the case furnish very strong presump- tive evidence. The peace and quiet enjoyed by the non-combative Quaker and the phlegmatic German, whose homes had been allotted them further east, was at the expense of the hardy and brave Scotch-Irish Presbyterian frontiersmen. They stood as sentinels and guardsmen against the sudden and furious incur- sions of the treacherous and wily savages, incited and sustained, as they often were, by the unscrupulous Frenchman, whose hatred for the English knew no bounds. I apprehend that the noble characters and heroic deeds of these men are but illy understood and poorly appreciated by very many at the present day. The grievous and shameful wrongs which the red man has since been made to endure have rendered men oblivious to the wrongs and cruelties then perpetrated by him. I honor the men who heroically defended their homes and their wives and their little ones. I honor the memory of the gallant Rev. Col. John Elder, for more than half a century pastor of this church and old 112 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. Derry. I honor the memory of his brave Paxton Boys. IV^hilst I deprecate the cruel scene of the Conestoga massacre, I am not, and cannot be, unmindful of the -deceit and perfidy of its victims, and the cold-blooded murder of women and children committed by the ^' Stranger Indians," whom they harbored. I honor the memory of the intrepid Rev. Capt. John JSteel and the men of the Conococheague settlement who were enrolled under him for the defense of the <3ommunity, and whose trusted rifles were found by their side when, on the Sabbath day, they frequented the sanctuary and listened to the messages of peace .and salvation from the lips of their leader. On the other hand, I confess I have but little patience with the man who, regardless of the facts of history or prompted by a spirit of hostility to Presbyterianism, .speaks contemptuously or disparagingly of the men who acted so prominent and so noble a part amid the perilous scenes of that day. Fresh and fragrant may their memories live with us and with those who come .after us. When the time came, in the history of the colonies for resisting the wrong and oppression of the mother (Country, for proclaiming them free and independent ■States, and for maintaining their rights and securing their liberties, these same Presbyterians were found in the forefront ; and throughout the conflict they played no unimportant part. For a full century before being Paxtang Presbytekian Church. 113 transplanted to the virgin soil of America, the Presby- terianism which found its way to this region had been trained in the hard school of experience to hate wrong and oppression. The church polity under which its people had been reared made them the natural foes of usurpation and the friends and advocates of human rights. Its system of government taught the right of representation in the church ; and, by parity of reason- ing, in civil government, as well. There is an interesting fact in connection with the history of our Presbytery and of our country which it seems fitting here to state. One hundred and twenty- one years ago this Fall the Presbytery of Donegal or- dained and installed one of its licentiates, born and reared within its bounds, as pastor of Rock River and Poplar Tent churches, North Carolina. This man was one of the first to raise his voice in the interests of the wronged colonists ; and he was one of a committee of those who framed the famous Mecklenburg Declara- tion, which preceded the Declaration of Independence by one year, and embodied its principles. I refer to Dr. Hezekiah James Balch.* (The committee was *Mr. Balch was licensed, ordained, and installed by the Presbytery of Donegal, though we are told in Sprague's Annals, upon the authority of Rev. Wm. H. Poote, D. D., that he was licensed by the Presbytery of New Castle and ordained by the Presbytery of Hanover. The writ- ten records of the Presbytery of Donegal show Drs. Poote and Sprague to be in error. 114 Paxtang Presbyterian Church, composed of Dr. Ephraim Brevard, Rev. Hezekiah James Balch, and William Kennon, a lawyer of Salis- bury.) 5. The Presbyterianism of this region was distin- guished for possessing in a large measure what might be termed progressive stability — sound conservatism. There were no more steadfast and, at the same time, ener- getic and resolute people any where to be found. They have left a lasting impress in the way of sound whole- some conservatism. Their descendants maybe regard- ed as occupying an important position, and holding an important trust as regards alike our church and nation, whether viewed in the light of the presenter the future. They are sometimes charged with being slow to accept what are termed advanced ideas and adopt new and untried measures. There have even been loud whisperings of such im- pectation upon the floor of our highest church judic- atory. But honoring, as I do, the memory of the de- parted, and admiring the sterling virtues of their de- scendants, I repel the imputation as uncharitable and unjust. Recklessly cutting loose from the tried and known, and boldly launching out into the untried and unknown, do not necessarily mean progress. It may bode no good, and there is a possibility of retrogression. " Festine lente." As I look over this land of ours to-day, with all its Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 115 possibilities — as I ponder its strength and its weakness, its promises and its perils — as I mark the tendencies of the times in sociology, in politics, (or government,) and in religion — as I scan the gathering and churning, and concentrating of the contending elements, I am per- suaded of a great need of true conservatism ; and I do not hesitate to express the firm conviction that among the most influential and powerful conservators of our free institutions, civil and religious, and standing in the foremost rank, are the men whose characters bear the impress of the early Presbyterianism of this region. Our forefathers who settled here did not all remain. Many of them pushed westward just as rapidly as treaty stipula- tions with the aborigines permitted. The children of old mother Presbytery of Donegal, with their worldly all on pack horses, followed the Indian trail or traders' path across the mountains, and in the name of the Lord took possession of Western Pennsylvania, and their descend- ants hold it to-day. Thence onward they pushed, join- ing the ever-flowing stream from the parent source, until they are everywhere to be found throughout the great central west and south-west. In like manner the tide of emigration flowed southward. Why, the old Presby- tery of Donegal collected into congregations her sons and daughters, and settled pastors over them in Mary- land and Virginia, and even extended her motherly care to those who had found homes in North Carolina. 116 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. Tennessee and Kentucky in like manner, received their quota of this leavening element,* In all these sections of country, occupied largely by the descendants of those who are our ancestors as well as theirs, the type of our early Presbyterianism has been preserved. Its features, alike as to doctrine and polity, remain unchanged. Wherever Presbyterianism of the Scotch-Irish type is found it stands for law .and liberty. It combines in one the ideas of true conservatism and genuine radicalism. It stands as a mighty bulwark against a false radical- ism which will not brook curb and restraint ; and at the same time is the uncompromising enemy and the steadfast opposer of everything that partakes of the character of usurpation of power, or infringement upon the rights of the people, whether in matters of church or State. May we not then truthfully say that from this great center has gone out over a large portion of our land a conservative influence, which, under God, may, at least, prove a potent element in saving us alike from the whirlpool and the rock ? *About one hundred and ten years ago those in Tennessee were joined by the godly and patriotic Dr. Hezekiah J. Balch. After leaving North Carolina he spent four years as pastor of Tom's Creek (Emmittsburg) church. This church belonged to our Presbytery until the re-union in 1870. From Tom's Creek Dr. Balch went to Tennessee, where he engaged actively in pastoral and educational work. He was the founder of Greenville College, Tenn. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 117 Moderator Stewart, We have here persons who trace their Scotch-Irish ancestry through their children ; and there are some, perhaps, whose Scotch ancestry was largely Dutch. But we have some genuine specimens here to-day. It is exceedingly gratifying to me to know, and I have no doubt it will be to you also, when I tell 3''0U that the granddaughter of Rev. John Elder, the second installed pastor of this church, is present to-day. For reasons, which she does not even care to explain, she will not appear upon this platform, much as we would like to have her — Mrs. Sarah Doll, whom many of us know, and know to love and honor.* It is also interesting for me to say that the grandson of Nathaniel K. Snowden, the third pastor of this church, who was ordained and installed pastor in 1793, is present with us; and General Snowden has very kindly consented to speak to us for a few mo- ments. It therefore gives me great pleasure to intro- duce Major-General George Randolph Snowden, of Philadelphia. [Applause.] *Mis. Doll is the oldest member of the Market Square church, having united with that church in 1827. ADDRESS OF GEORGE R. SNOWDEN. THE FAMILY OF NATHANIEL R. SNOWDEN. Mr. Moderator, Ladies, and Gentlemen: I thank you sincerely for the opportunity, alike a privilege and a pleasure, of being with you on this delightful day to celebrate this most interesting occasion. I am here for the first time, a stranger among you, and I am almost inclined to think, in view of my invitation and of the fascinating incidents connected with this spot, narrated by your distinguished historian. Dr. Egle, and others, that no one not personally known to you, is of much importance at this celebration unless he had a grand- father! [Laughter and applause.] Having had a grandfather, for sometime connected with Paxtang, I am happy to say, in its early days, and through my con- nection with him being invited to join you in com- memoration of the past, I suppose that I can in no other way interest you so much as by briefly referring to him and his family. Born in Philadelphia, on the 17th January, 1770, Nathaniel Randolph Snowden was a very young man when he came to this congregation in 1792, and minis- tered to the spiritual wants of your hardy and pious ancestors. He was one of the five sons of Isaac Snow- den 2, all of whom graduated — Nathaniel R. in 1787 — 122 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. at the college of New Jersey, at Princeton, and four of whom became ministers of the Presbyterian church, one of them, Gilbert Tennant, who settled at Cranbury, N. J., being most distinguished as a pulpit orator. They were all fine scholars ; and of Nathaniel it is said, that he was as familiar with his Greek as with his English Testament, using it constantly in his private reading. As was usual in those early days, when capable teachers were few, education always being a matter of peculiar importance with Presbyterians, he taught the classics and other polite learning at Carlisle, Lancaster, and, later in his days, at Franklin. He was a man of fer- vent piety and great faith. His diary for a period of some years, now extant, shows boundless trust in his Creator, and warm and constant appeals to the Throne of Mercy. Spending his life in the service of his God, he passed away at Freeport, Armstrong county, the home of his son, Dr. Charles Gustine Snowden, in 1850. He was married on the 24th May, 1792, to Sarah, daughter of Dr. Lemuel Gustine, who served as assist- ant surgeon in the war of the Revolution, and at the surrender of Forty Fort acted as aide to Colonel Den- nison, and as such signed the treaty. Escaping with his family from the massacre of Wyoming, Dr. Gustine fled down the Susquehanna on a flat boat, landing at Harris' Ferry. His daughter Sarah was, it is believed, at the time of her death, in 1852, the last survivor of that dreadful event. Of their five sons, the oldest. Dr. Paxtang Peesbyteeian Chitech. 123". Isaac Wayne, became elder of the church at Silver Springs; and the youngest, James Ross, member of the- first session of Alexander church, Philadelphia. Isaac Snowden 2, his father, was an original elder of the Second Presbyterian church of Philadelphia, well known as one of the substantial fruits of the great Whitefield's labors. With that congregation, since the- formation of it in 1733, his family and descendants by name have, without a break, kept up their connection,, only one other, the well-known Hodges, having done the same. With the famous Witherspoon and others, he was a member of the committee which reported the draft of the Constitution or Form of Government of the Presbyterian Church in the United States. Treas- urer of the city and county of Philadelphia, he fled on the approach of Lord Howe, after the defeat of our forces at Brandywine, and my cousin. Col. A. Loudon Snowden, now Minister to Greece, has the venerable clock in which he hid the public funds to escape the scrutiny of the enemy. Among other stations which he filled, he was a commissioner to sign and issue Con- tinental currency. His remains were buried at Old Middletown church, Delaware county, where Nathaniel P. for some time was settled, and on his tombstone, in the old-fashioned way, are inscribed enough civic and religious virtues most amply to endow, had they been wisely distributed, his descendants to the present day. Isaac Snowden was president of the board of trustees 124 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. of Princeton, with which his family was long honorably and prominently connected. His wife was daughter of the Rev. Samuel Finley, S. T. D. Glasg., graduate of the celebrated Log College, and from 1761 to '66, the time of his death, president of Princeton. Four of President Finley's sons were gallant officers in the Revolution, and two of them original members of the Society of the Cincinnati of Pennsylvania. Isaac, the second, was the son of Isaac, the first. The latter was an elder in the First Presbyterian church of Philadelphia, and his father, John, born there in 1684, was the first elder ordained in Pennsylvania, perhaps in the United States. The wife of Isaac, first, was a daughter of Nathaniel Fitz Randolph, from whom my grandfather took his name, who started the subscription paper to erect the college at Princeton, and gave the ground upon which was built Nassau Hall. Thus I have briefly told you something of the family of your former pastor, and I think you will admit that it bears a very cerulean hue. In its devotion to Pres- byterianism it is fit to rank with the congregations which, one after another, have worshiped at Paxtang. You may well be proud of the history of this old church, and of the valiant men and pious women who have made it celebrated. Many went forth from this place, as we have been so entertainingly told, to other States and territories, there to build up and spread the Pres- byterian faith, many to obey the call of their countr}'. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 125 and offer up their young and vigorous lives for the freedom of themselves and their children. The old grave-yard hard by is eloquent with the names and deeds of your sturdy ancestors, who, true to their race and the teachings of their religion, had rather die free- men than live slaves to a power which they and their forefathers in Scotland and the north of Ireland, even in England itself, had long had reason to dread and to oppose. We have just heard with the greatest interest how conspicuous in other parts were members of this very congregation in first proclaiming to the world the right of self rule, and the need to throw off the iron hand of the oppressor. In fact, we have the authority of Washington himself, than whom none knew better, to assert that without the Presbyterians the Revolution would have been a failure. It is not too much to say that the principles of Presbyterianism are identical with our liberties, and that the Constitution of our country has drawn largely from the form and theory of government of the Presbyterian Church. As the part taken by Presbyterians was so essential in se- curing independence, so it may be predicted that the voice of the true Presbyterian will be heard, and the arm of the staunch Presbyterian will be felt in all con- tests hereafter for civil, political, and religious liberty. May you have many happy re-unions of this kind in ages to come, and may your posterity have reason to believe you worthy to have held the great trusts 126 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. -which have been put in your hands, and that you have Tiot been degenerate successors of the noble men and women who have gone before. [Loud applause.] Moderator Stewart. We have some more of them — I mean descendants of Paxtang ancestors ; but we will give them to you this afternoon. We will not give all the good things at once. It has been the custom (so I am told) for fathers, ivhen the boys grew up and needed a farm for them- selves, to move out west. I am told that that was the habit of many of our Scotch ancestors, because their farms were too small to admit of their large famlies .settling down around them. While that might have been the case in reference xo them, from an agricultural point of view, from an ecclesiastical point of view it is not their case. They had all their children settled .around them ; and we are going to hear from some of the representatives of these children to-day. It so hap- pened that the territory was large enough which was ■originally given to the Paxtang church, a territory some- thing like twenty miles long by eight miles wide, reach- ing from the Conewago hills, below Middletown, up above Dauphin, and from the Susquehanna to the Derry church ; it so happened that the territory was large enough to accommodate a very large number of -churches. It has been possessed by the Presbyterians and other sister denominations, and we have to-day ■twelve of the churches occupying the territory which Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 127 was formerly occupied by the Paxtang church; and we are going to hear from the decendants of the Paxtang church in the order of their organization, taking the youngest first, and then proceeding by proper grada- tion to the eldest. We will therefore hear from the pastor elect of Olivet Presbyterian church, of Harris- burg, one of the most recently organized of the Presby- terian family. Rev. Mr. Cochrane. [Applause.] FROM THE CHURCHES. ADDRESS OF REV. ROBERT COCHRANE. Mr. Moderator, Brethren, and Fellow- Workers FOR THE Truth : This is an occasion not \only notable, but one of peculiar interest. It is a family gathering. We to-day, as it were, gather around the board of the old homestead ; here to think and to talk about things interesting, and things which we cherish in our hearts. We look back for the things retrospective, and look forward for the things prospective. We take a glance at history made, and think of history yet to be made. The mother church has come with a long line of bright deeds; and the children come here to-day to cheer the mother-heart with progress made, with battles fought, and with victories won. We are here to-day then as a famil}^, and it has been accorded to the baby to make the first report. [Laughter.] And I stand to-day with appreciation of the honor of representing the baby. [A laugh.] The history of Presbyterian ism dates back many years in the east end of Harrisburg. As early as 1874-5 an effort was made to organize a Presbyterian church. A Sabbath-school was carried on with a membership of one hundred and twenty-five ; a weekly prayer-meeting was held, and there was regular preaching by a former 132 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. pastor of the Paxtang church, Rev. Mr. Downey. The work prospered so that commissioners were elected to make application to Presbytery for the organization of a church ; but on account of the lack of a suitable building the effort failed. For a number of years Pres- byterianism was dormant on the hill ; but I think about ten or eleven years afterward a cottage prayer-meeting was started in the east end of Harrisburg by Rev. Dr. Chambers, of Pine Street church. This continued for a time, but after a few months was abandoned. Shortly afterward a prayer-meeting was started under the au- spices of what was called the East Harrisburg Cottage Prayer-Meeting Association. The prayer-meeting pros- pered, and soon a wider field was necessary for the work, and a Sabbath-school was started. The Sabbath-school grew from the first, and it was not long until there was a demand for still larger work. Regular preaching was again secured, and the work continued with unabated interest until it was thought wise by man}^ to apply to Presbytery for a church organization. Such applica- tion was made, and on October 15th, 1889, the Olivet Presbyterian church of Harrisburg was organized by the committee. Rev. George S. Chambers, D. D., Rev. George B. Stewart, Hon. Francis Jordan, Mr. Gilbert M. McCauley, and Dr. J. A. Miller. Thirty-one members were received, twenty-six on certificate and five on confession of their faith. The following were elected elders: Governor James A. Beaver, Mr. Jacob K. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 133 Walker, Mr. William S. Shaffer, Mr. Charles S. Steele. Some time afterward, at a congregational meeting pre- sided over by Rev. Dr. George S. Chambers, the follow- ing were elected deacons: Mr. A. LeFevre Groff, Mr. William H. Shaffer, and Mr. Frank H. Erisman. At the same meeting the following were elected trustees : Mr. John Sharman, Mr. John S. Frazer, Mr. Isaac D. Culmerry, Mr. William J. George, Mr. William Palmer, Mr. Henry J. Sampselle, Mr. Charles S. Lingle. The nucleus of the organization came from many different churches, — Paxtang, Market Square, Pine Street, Westminster, Covenant, and many others. My attention was called to the fact that the thirty-one members that constituted the church at its organiza- tion came from seventeen different churches. It is too soon to give you much of history, because it is yet to be made. The progress of the church has not been all that was anticipated, but growth has been made. I need not go into detail. You are familiar with the church's history from the beginning. You have looked with a kindly interest upon our work. We pray that in the years to come it may have a strong and healthy growth, and that it may live on long after we have passed away. May Olivet always have a place in your hearts and your prayers, and be a sturdy and faithful promoter of the cause of Christ and Presbyterianism in this part of the kingdom. [Applause.] 134 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. Moderator Stewart. I knew that I would have plenty of opportunities to-day to correct any mistakes I might have happened to make in the early part of the programme. Instead of twelve churches, Paxtang and her nine daughters occupy the field. We will now listen to the Rev. John L. McKeehan, who is the pastor elect of the First Presbyterian church at Steelton. Paxtang Peesbyteeian Church. • 135 ADDRESS OF REV. JOHN L. McKEEHAN. Mr. Moderator : It is not often that I am satisfied to limit myself to five minutes ; but I am to-day, and I can say, I think, in less time, all that is to be said about the new station at Steelton. What I have to say is al- ready printed, and the credit is due to Bro. McGinnes ; and I simply give you a few points, learned mainly from his article. On June 25, 1882, Rev. William A. West, pastor of the Westminister church of Harrisburg, preached to a small congregation in Reehling's Hall. It was then and there discovered that the few Presbyterian families of the town of Steelton were desirous of having ser- vices regularly, if such an arrangement could be brought about. Mr. West consulted with the pastors of the Pine Street and Market Square churches. They decided to have preaching regularly every Sabbath afternoon. Rev. George S. Chambers preaching on the 2d of July, and Rev. Dr. Thomas H. Robinson on the Sabbath following. Whenever an opportunity was afforded, ministers visiting the city and the pastors of the churches in some of the towns in the vicinity were called upon to preach. 136 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. These, with the services of the city pastors, enabled the congregation to be supplied every Sabbath. On the evening of September 27th, 1882, a meeting of the congregation was held at the residence of John W. Davis, for the purpose of electing officers for the Sabbath-school. The result of the election was as follows : Superin- tendent, L. E. McGinnes; Assistant Superintendent, Charles P. Baker ; Secretary, James F. Newlin ; Libra- rians, Frank T. McElroy, J. W. Davis; Treasurer, William Neely ; Teacher of Infant Class, Mrs. L. E. McGinnes. The first session of the school was held on Sabbath afternoon, October 1, with fifty pupils. About the time of the organization of the Sabbath- school, cottage prayer-meetings were instituted. These meetings were held regularly each week until the oc- cupancy of the new church. In the early part of April, 1883, arrangements were made whereby the Rev. W. G. McDannold, pastor of the church at Middletown, devoted part of his time to the work at Steelton. He began his labors on Sabbath afternoon, April 15. In April, 1884, he severed his connection with the Middletown church and the Steelton congregation, to assume the pastorate of a church in Kentucky. Rev. John H. Groff, who was then supplying the pulpit of the Seventh Street church, Harrisburg, was Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 137' asked to divide his time between this church and Steelton. He entered upon the work soon after the- departure of Rev. McDannold. Up to October 13, 1884, the congregation worshiped in Reehling's Hall. This hall is not situated near the center of the town, therefore it was important that a more desirable location be obtained. Accordingly the hall of the G. A. R. was secured, and services were first held there on the above date. The congregation and Sabbath-school gradually grew in numbers, and with their growth the desire for and necessity of a church building became stronger. The liberal promises of assistance on the part of kind friends in Harrisburg and elsewhere made the way clear for the erection of a building, free of debt. On the evening of June 11, 1885, it was decided ta proceed at once to break ground for the new church. Lots had been secured in the meantime from Henry Kelker. The contract for the erection of the building was awarded to J. Coder, who began the work on Tues- day, June 23, 1885. Smith & Warner, of Harrisburg, submitted the design which was adopted. The corner-stone was laid with appropriate ceremo- nies on the evening of July 16. Rev. George S. Chambers, presided. Rev. J. A. Crawford, D. D., of Chambers- burg, and Rev. George Wolfe, pastor of the M. E. church,. Steelton, delivered short addresses. 138 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. Immediately after the laying of the corner-stone, the organization of the church was effected in Central Hall, where the congregation worshiped a few months prior to occupying the church. Rev. George B. Stewart, pre- sided. Rev. Dr. Thomas H. Robinson, of Allegheny City, preached the sermon. Twenty-four persons joined by letter and three on confession of faith. The follow- ing officers were elected : Elders, Charles P. Baker, Lemuel E. McGinnes, Frank T. McElroy, and John W. Davis; Deacons, W. A. Miller, and Samuel G. Spangler ; Trustees, W. A. Miller, Charles P. Baker, Dr. J. D. Becker, Lemuel E. McGinnes, John A. Murphy. The new church edifice was solemnly dedicated to the worship of God on the evening of October 5, 1885. The following ministers took part in the services : Rev. George B. Stewart, Rev. George S. Chambers, Rev. T. J. Ferguson, Rev. W. A. West, Rev. W. A. McCarrell, Rev. J. J. Pomeroy. Rev. George S. Chambers presided, and Rev. George B. Stewart, preached the sermon. Since this time the congregation and Sunday-school have steadily grown in size and regularity of attendance. On the 5th of July Rev. John H. Groff was released from his pastoral work, to devote his entire time to the w^ork at Middletown, where he has since been laboring. This, in brief, is the histor}' of the first Presbyterian church at Steelton, so far as the facts have been ob- tained by me. [Applause.] Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 139 Moderator Stewart. That history ought to be com- pleted by saying that the Rev. Mr. McKeehan has been called, and accepted the call, and will probably be installed within a few weeks. The Harrisburg Westminster church will be repre- sented by the Rev. George S. Duncan, who will now address us. 140 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. ADDRESS OF REV. GEORGE S. DUNCAN. Mr. Moderator and Fellow Workers for the Master: This great gathering brings to our minds vividly the words of our Saviour about the mustard plant — from a tiny little seed a great tree comes forth. As we look back to-day over a century and a half, how wonderfully have our Saviour's words been fulfilled ; for, during these long years, good men and women planted the seed in the souls of men in this beauti- ful valley, until the increase, after one hundred and fifty years, has attained such magnificent proportions. And true, indeed, the church has been bearing seed which has been scattered far and wide in counties and in States the nation o'er. What a grand illustration this gives to us all, how the small things can become, and do, the the mighty and the great things ; how seed planted in the name of the Master, may afterwards flourish and bring forth much fruit long after we have been gathered to our fathers. AVhat a grand inspira- tion it gives us to go forth and do what we can, no matter how small the amount of work to be accom- plished, or whether we survive until the gleaning time. We are only to plant the seed, and it will become in due time a great tree. I am to speak a brief word for a seed planted by Paxtang, viz : the Westminister seed in Harrisburg. In Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 141 the year 1866 a little Sabbath-school was started in the northwestern part of that city, manned and governed chiefly by the Young Men's Association, The little Sabbath-school gathered impetus and strength year by year, until 1872, when it was thought desirable to put it under the care of Pine Street and Market Square. Those two churches felt also that some preaching should be provided for the people living in that sec- tion. So my beloved predecessor at Westminister, who is present to-day, the Rev. William A. West, was se- cured, and he labored there from 1872 until April of the present year. The little Sabbath-school organiza- tion was followed by a church organization in 1873 ; and steadily from that period, under his heroic and noble, and self-sacrificing work, the seed has grown there until to-day there are about one hundred and thirty-two members, a Sabbath-school of about four hundred, two Christian Endeavor associations, a wo- man's organization, and other associations doing work for the Master. So Westminister may be called a granddaughter of Paxtang, this relation being held through the Market Square and Pine Street churches, and I am sure that I represent the granddaughter, Westminister, to-day, when I bid good cheer to the grandmother Paxtang. May she see many happy, joyous birthdays, and, as in the past, so in the fu- ture, may she often have reason to take pride in her children, her grandchildren, and her great grand- 142 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. children, and so on through countless generations. [Applause.] Moderator Stewart. The Harrisburg Covenant church is represented in the person of its pastor, Rev. I. Potter Hayes, who will now address us. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 143 ADDRESS OF REV. I. POTTER HAYES. Mr. Moderator, Ladies, and Gentlemen: It af- fords me pleasure to come before you this afternoon. What I shall have to say will be purely historical, and I have gathered most of it from the records of the church which I represent. At a meeting of the Presbytery of Carlisle, held in the Big Spring church, Newville, Pa., April 11, 1866, a committee was appointed to visit Harrisburg, and if the way be clear, organize a Second Presbyterian Church in this city. That committee consisted of Rev. James Harper, D. D., Rev. J. C. Bliss, Rev. S. S. Mitchel, Rev. A. D. Mitchel, and Ruling Elders, H. M. Graydon and James Elder. All the members of this committee, ex- cept Rev. J. C. Bliss and James Elder, met for this purpose on Saturday, September 8, 1866, at 4, p. m., just twenty-four years ago on the 8th instant. The com- mittee organized for the discharge of their duties by appointing Rev. James Harper, D. D., as chairman, and Rev. A. D. Mitchel as secretary. After prayer for Divine direction and blessing, cer- tificates of dismission and recommendations were pre- sented to the committee by several persons, with a view to their being formed into a new organization. Dr. John Curwen, Mrs. Martha P. Curwen, Annie Stuart, Mary Stuart, Mary McCollum, and Eliza M. Todd, 144 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. presented letters from the Presbyterian Church of Har- risburg, Dr. Gray don B. Hotchkin and Mrs. Sara I. Hotchkin presented letters from the Presbyterian "Church, of Middletown, Delaware county, Pa., and Miss Margaret Carriday from the Presbyterian Church of Letterkenny, Ireland. These certificates being found in order, it was resolved by the committee that the nine persons named be and are hereby constituted into a church, to be known by the name of the Seventh .Street Presbyterian Church of the City of Harrisburg, to be connected with and under the government of the Presbytery of Carlisle, Synod of Baltimore, and General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United 'States of America. The little church being thus organized at this same meeting, unanimously elected Dr. John Curwen to the office of ruling elder, and on the following day, Sun- day, September 9, he was ordained and installed in con- formity with the Presbyterian form of government. Through the preservation and guidance of an all- wise Providence, Dr. Curwen, the first ruling elder of the church, is not only still with us, but has been dur- ing all these twenty-four years an active officer and gen- erous supporter of the church. ,A church edifice was erected for the new congrega- tion when the church was organized. A Sunday-school was also opened soon after the ^ church was organized. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 145 After its organization in I860, the church was served successfully until 1868 by Rev. Stephen W. Pomeroy, Rev. A. C. Smith, of Galena, 111., and Rev. W. A. Mac- atee, now of Madison, Wisconsin. In the spring of 1868, Rev. Charles A. Wyeth, re- moved from Huntingdon to Harrisburg, Pa., and be- gan his ministry in this church as stated supply. This continued for about two years. When a meeting of the congregation worshiping in Seventh Street church was called to meet March 5, 1870, for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of calling a Pastor, and if the way be clear, to enter into such an election. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. A. D. Mitchell, who acted as moderator. Dr. John Cur- wen serving as clerk. At this meeting the congrega- tion unanimously agreed to call Rev. Charles A. Wyeth to be their first regular Pastor, (at an annual salary of $300, payable in January, April, July, and October.) Dr. John Curwen was also appointed as commis- sioner to carry up the action of the congregation to the next meeting of Presbytery. Rev. Wyeth, who had been licensed by the Presbj'tery of Carlisle in October, 1840, served the Master as a licenciate all these years. That the call might be properly put in his hands by the Presbytery, and be accepted b}- him, it was necessary that he be ordained. He was therefore ordained by the Presbytery of Carlisle June 15, 1870, and duly in- stalled as pastor of this church on the twenty-sixth of 146 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. the same month. This relation continued until June 12, 1883, when it was dissolved by Presbytery. Imme- diately after this Rev. J. H. Groff, then a member of the Market Square Presbyterian church, now pastor of the Presbyterian church of Middletown, took charge of the Seventh Street church as a stated supply, serv- ing it very acceptably until the spring of 1886. After Mr. Groff left, Rev. Matthew Rutherford, a student from Allegheny Seminary, came and ministered to the congregation during the summer of 1886. From that time until the present pastor took charge of the work, the church was served by various supplies. In September, 1881, in view of the fact that the pas- tor and Dr. John Curwen constituted the session of the church, and that Dr. Curwen was about to remove to Warren, Pa., having been elected superintendent of State Lunatic Hospital at that place, it was judged expedient that a meeting of the congregation be called for the purpose of electing two additional elders. Such a meeting was called, and met September 25, 1881, and elected to that office Messrs. John S. Olsen and John M. Stewart. On the following Sabbath, Mr. Stewart was solemnly ordained and installed, Mr. Olsen declining to accept the office. The session continued in this way with Dr. Curwen at Warren, and Mr. Stewart in Har- risburg, till the autumn of 1887, when a congregational meeting was called, and met October 19, 1887, at which Mr. W. M. Wolfe, was unanimously elected to the office Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 147 of ruling elder. Mr. Wolfe was solemnly ordained and installed on Saturday evening, November 5, 1887. The little church which was organized with nine members, has during these twenty four years, received into church fellowship, eighty-seven on profession of faith in Christ and eighty-nine by certificate of dis- mission and recommendation, making a total of one hundred and seventy-six, fifty -two of these have been received since my association with the church. Since the organization of the church nineteen persons have died while being communicant members, seventy-seven have been dismissed, expelled, and withdrawn, thus leaving the present membership eighty. In giving a historical sketch of this church it is im- possible for me to speak as minutely concerning what was done before my connection with it as I can con- cerning what has been done since. And possibly the history of the near past will also be of more interest to you. When I first saw the church the ceiling and and walls were stained and cracked, with here and there pieces of plastering broken out. The painting was soiled and defaced and the blinds tattered and torn. No carpet was on the floor except a well-worn strip in the aisles and around the pulpit. The gas fixtures were two small to properly illuminate the little room, and the organ was not only too small, but nearly worn out. All these defects were remedied very largely through the efforts of Mr. John Loban before the close 148 Paxtang Pesbyrterian Church. of 1888, The unsightly walls were reatly papered and painted, the floor covered with a beautiful carpet, the old blinds and gas fixtures replaced by new ones, and instead of the old organ the new one which we now have was purchased. Sometime about the close of 1888, Dr. John Curwen, who owned the church on Seventh street, and the ground upon which it stood, transferred his right and title to the Presbytery of Carlisle. Not long after this transfer was made the Presbytery appointed a committee consisting of Dr. John Curwen, Messrs. James McCor- mick, and Gilbert M. McCauley to select a new site for the church, and if the way be clear, dispose of the old property and purchase a new one. In accordance with the action of the Presbytery, Dr. Curwen, acting for the committee, purchased our present lot, which for size, beauty, and location is second to none in Harrisburg. This lot, costing |7,500, very largel}'' through the gene- rosity of Dr. Curwen, is practically paid for. Our chapel has been removed to this new site and refitted for the second time during three years. On September 8th, 1889, the church was re-dedicated, it being also the twenty-third anniversary of the church. Rev. W. C. Cattell, D. D.,a former pastor of Pine Street church, and Rev. Thomas H. Robinson, D. D., a former pastor of Market Square church, were both present on this occasion and took a very important part in the services. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 149 On August 11th, 1889, a congregational meeting was held, in which it was decided to change the name of the church from " The Seventh Street Presbyterian Church of Harrisburg, Pa.," to "The Covenant Presby- terian Church of Harrisburg, Pa." At this meeting the congregation also unanimously elected Messrs. John James Craig and Samuel H, Garland to the office of ruling elder. Both of these men were ordained and installed on the evening of September 8th, 1889, Drs. Pobinson and Cattell assisting the pastor in this service. During this summer a neat fence has been placed around the lot, which adds very greatly to its ap- pearance. I may add further that the outlook of the Covenant Presbyterian church is certainly bright. The western end of Harrisburg is growing rapidly, and we look forward to the time when she shall be staunch in her Presbyterian belief, and vigorous in her Presbyte- rian strength ; and she sends to you, her blood relation, if I may so call it, and to all her relations the heartiest greetings. [Applause.] Moderator Stewart. Now we will hear from the Pine Street Presbyterian church, of Harrisburg, in the person of Rev. George S. Chambers, D. D., the pastor. 150 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. ADDRESS OF REV. GEORGE S. CHAMBERS, D. D. Mr. Moderator, Ladies, and Gentlemen : I have been asked to say a few words as a representative of one of the "descendants" of Paxton church. The church which I have the honor to represent may be considered as a "grandchild," and speaking on its be- half, I may be pardoned if I place the emphasis on the first part of that designation. For it is a grand child, indeed ; a fact which it is too modest to assert for itself, but which it is not out of place for me to declare, inas- much as ni}'" relations to it cover only one third of its history. I enjoy a two-fold privilege on this occasion : that of paying the tribute of admiration and reverence to the sturdy men and women of a century and a half ago, who built this old Paxton church, and worshiped within these walls; and that of representing one of their ecclesiastical "descendants," possessing a resolute- ness and fervor which indicate a noble ancestry, and which is popularly and affectionately known as the Pine Street Presbyterian church of Harrisburg. A brief statement of the facts in the history of our church is all that the time allotted to me will permit. It was organized in May, 1858, by the Presbytery of Carlisle. On the day of organization, fifty persons pre- sented letters of dismission. At the end of the year, Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 151 on the 1st of April, 1859, the membership of the church was eighty -three. In the thirty -two years of its history, the church has had five pastors, viz: Rev. William C. Cattell, D. D., Rev. S. S. Mitchell, D. D., Rev. A. K. Strong, D. D., Rev. John R. Paxton, D. D., and the present pastor, who was installed in November, 1879. All the ex-pastors of the church are living, and three of them are still engaged in pastoral work in other parts of the Presby- terian church. The first pastor is now the efficient Secretary' of the Board of Ministerial Relief, in which capacity he is doing most valuable work for the church, her disabled ministers, and her Lord. The elders who were elected on the day of organiza- tion are still in service: Messrs. Francis Wyeth, H. M. Graydon, and James McCormick. The present elder- ship numbers six; Mr. Jacob F. Seller, who was elected in July, 1863, and Messrs. Francis Jordan, and Daniel W. Cox. who were elected in the fall of 1887, having been added to the original three. The original mem- bership of the church on April 1st, 1859, was eighty- three. The membership on the 1st of April, 1890, was six hundred and thirty-seven. The Sunday-school membership, April 1st, 1859, was one hundred and forty. On the 1st of April, 1890, it was one thousand seven hundred and twenty-five. The contributions of the church to all causes during the first year of its history amounted to $12,990.75, of 152 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. which $12,773.44 were for congregational purposes. The contributions that year to benevolent work outside the church were $267.31. The contributions of the church to all causes during the year ending April 1st, 1890, were $31,096.70. Of this amount $23,697.27 went to benevolent work outside the church. During the thirty-two years of its history the contri- butions of the church to all causes have amounted to $499,421.61, or an average per year of $15,606.93. Of this amount, $293,062.40 have been given to benevo" lent work outside the church. The additions to the church during these years have been seven hundred and fifty-six on confession of faith, and five hundred and sixty-eight by certificate, or a total of one thousand three hundred and twenty -four ' an average per year of forty-one. The difference between this number and our present membership is six hundred and eighty-seven, which represents the losses occasioned by death, removals to other parts of the country, and other causes. These losses have averaged twenty-one per year; so that the net gain of membership has been about twenty per year. During these thirty-two years four hundred infants and two hundred and fourteen adults have been bap- tized. These figures represent only the external facts in the church's history. The spirit of consecration that Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 153 preceded and pervaded them, the spiritual growth of a whole generation of Christians, the delightful in- timacies of these years in Christian work and worship, the hallowed memories of those who died in faith, the prayers that have been made and answered for the church's welfare — all these are facts which are of un- speakable value; but the record of them is on high. *' Oh, that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men." [Applause.] Moderator Stewart. I am very sure that some who have left these seats will be sorry for more than one reason for having left before this part of the programme had been reached. Paxtang has always been noted for its hospitality, and it gives me pleasure to say that Paxtang will furnish dinner to us to-day, and a seat can be had at the table by securing a ticket here at the platform, free of charge, just as we get everything else here — free of charge. [Applause.] I hope every one, therefore, will avail himself, after the doxology has been sung, of the opportunity to secure tickets; and then proceed to the tent where we will receive our re- freshments — not but that we have been refreshed all through the morning. The doxology — '^ Praise God from whom all blessings flow," etc. — was then sung, and at one o'clock, p. m., a recess was taken. 154 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. On re-assembling, at 2.45 o'clock, p. m., Rev. George B. Stewart presiding, the audience sung hymn 591, as follows : Rise, my soul! pursue the path By ancient worthies trod ; Aspiring, view those holy men Who lived and walked with God. Though dead, they speak in reason's ear, And in example live ; Their faith and hope and mighty deeds Still fresh instruction give. Lord ! may I ever keep in view The patterns thou hast given, And ne'er forsake the blessed path Which led them safe to heaven. Moderator Stewart. There were so many descend- ants of Paxtang church that we could not get through this morning. So we will continue this afternoon with this same topic; and the first speaker will be Rev. Reuben H. Armstrong, who is the pastor of the Elder Street church in Harrisburg. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 155 ADDRESS OF REV. REUBEN H. ARMSTRONG. The Rev. Arthur T. Pierson, D. D., has well said, in a small book entitled " The Crisis of Missions, or the Voice Out of the Cloud," that the very watchword of the Christian life is obedience, and our great Captain has left us his marching orders, " Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." To all climes and to all peoples is the glad tidings of great joy to be preached. All need it, it is adapted to all,, none are what they might be without its quickening uplifting, beautifying power. It is to the soul, to the nations of the earth that have arisen to great eminence and have the elements of perpetuity as fundamental principles, what the warmth of the sun and the gentle showers are to the fruitful fields and forests. The soul is developed, adorned by the gospel, nations become the great centers of Christian education, and others not so highly favored, catch their spirit of activity and en- thusiasm and imitate them. This missionary spirit then, this obedience to our captain, cannot be empha- sized too much, not only to-day, as the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary since the corner-stone of Pax- tang Presbyterian church was laid, but at all times as the great principle of aggressive Christian work, as the proof of Christian doctrine, duty, and high privilegCr and that we hear the voice of God calling us to lift up 156 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. the fallen, to cheer the sorrowing, to help those who are dispitefully used and persecuted, to practice as well as preach the precepts of the Word of God, always, every- where, as the whole duty of man. Paxtang church has had, and we are sure still retains a missionary spirit. All of the many churches whose brief histories we have and shall listen to make this statement the more force- ful, and tell us what she is doing through her chil- dren, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. And al- though, she has passed through one hundred and fifty summers and winters; although there have been seasons in her history when she was quite sick, breathed feebly, looked pale, and many have said, " She is ready to die, the days of her usefulness are past, the home mission doctor need not come to see her any more; " yet she lives not alone in her offspring, but in her present active helpful ministrations, and the indications are as we dis- cover a city reaching out her arms to her, even the city in which she has several children or grandchildren, yea, we are happy to be able to declare that the indica- tions are that her best days have not yet been witnessed, but are in the future, the morn of which has already dawned. Many of us may not see the day and enjoy y:hat it brings forth, but we rejoice to-day, we come with grateful heart, we come from the fields of battle, not upon our shields, but with them in our hand, the Presbyterian shields having defended us in many bat- tles, not less, because they are and were of this blue Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 157 stocking stripe, but more because they were biblical shields. And if we can be thankful to God for all that our rich biblical scholarship has given and is still giv- ing us, if we can trust the Holy Spirit, believing that he will guide us and all who shall have to do with the future of the church dearer to us than the children of our bosom, because it is of God, for his glory and our good, the half has not been told of what Paxtang may be and do, through the gospel for the children, as yet unknown to man. But it is my du.y to indicate by a few sentences what she has already been to what was first known as the Second Presbyterian Church, and afterward the Elder Street Presbyterian church of Harrisburg. In obedience to the great command of Christ to teach all nations, what was once known as the First Presbyterian church of Harrisburg, and now known as Market Square, having within her communion those who believed in the fatherhood of God and the brother- hood of man, a direct offspring of her to whom we bring praises to-day, in the year 1855 organized a Sab- bath-school to teach those who had been deprived of religious training as well as mental culture, the truths of the Bible. This was then the only school for the colored people. For years it did the work of teaching, finding ready learners and earnest seekers after the truth. To say that great good was done, is far from expressing the fact in the case, as many of you know, 158 Paxtang Presbyterian Church, :and as scores would testify of the different denomina- tions in the city of Harrisburg, where they now are local preachers and teachers in the Sabbath-schools or foremost in the work of Christ, as their hands find it to e Calvary Presbyterian church. Auburn, N. Y., on October 6, 1884, and was installed the fifth pastor on the 2d of January, 1885. It is worthy of note that the first four pastors of the church came to it in their youth and were ordained to the ministry at the time they were installed over it. This First Presbyterian church of Harrisburg was ineoporated as the English Presbyterian church, to dis- tinguish it from the Reformed church, which at that "time was commonly known as the German Presbyterian church. But in recent years we only see the corporate name in official documents, as the common name is Market Square church. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 175 Our first house of worship was erected in 1806 on the corner of Second street and Cherry alley, being built, as were many other buildings in those days, from the proceeds of a lottery, sanctioned by law and the best public sentiment. In 1841 this building was torn down to make place for a more commodious structure, which was destroyed by fire on March 30, 1858. The present edifice, on the southwest corner of the Market Square, was dedicated on March 18, 1860, and in 1882 received a large addi- tion in the rear to accommodate the rapidly growing Sunday-school. , There was a time when we were the only Presbyterian church in Harrisburg, but now we share that privilege and honor with five others of the same faith. At one time there were but a few Presbyterians in the place, but the little one has become a thousand, and there are over sixteen hundred communicants connected with these six churches. The last church to be organ- ized is the nearest of all to this venerable Paxtang church. During the history of the Market Square church there have been several notable revivals, such as those of 1843 and 1875-6, while at all times the church has preserved a high standard of activity, and enjoyed a large degree of usefulness in the community. The early records are exasperatingly defective. In fact there are no records prior to the year 1818, and for 176 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. many years after that they are meager. Though no roll of the church exists prior to 1818 yet we have the names of over two thousand persons who have been communicants; about one half of whom have been added to the church during the last two decades. We now number six hundred and sixty members. We sustain a flourishing mission in a beautiful stone chapel. Our Sunday-school and other agencies are, complete and prosperous. Paxtang's oldest daughter salutes her. To this con- secrated spot she gathers with the other children to honor the venerable and vigorous mother of us all. Here where she has worshiped for one hundred and fift}^ years, we bring the fruit of the field, which a hundred years ago she gave us to cultivate for the Master. May mother and daughters be granted many years of active and honored service, and bring forth much fruit as evidence of faith and faithfulness. [Ap- plause.] Moderator Stewart. I told you that we had some other descendants. We showed you some of them this morning, and you listened to them with profit- This afternoon we want to introduce you to another direct and very near descendant of a former pastor of this church. The Rev. Dr. Joshua Williams, was, I believe, the fourth installed pastor of the church. I speak from memory, not from documentary evidence. If Dr. Egle were now here, I presume he would correct Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 177 me if I am mistaken. Mr. Joshua Williams, bearing the same name, a grandson of the Rev. Dr. Joshua Williams, and now an elder of a Presbyterian church in the west — the first church of Minneapolis — is with us. If we had St. Paul here, it might make some dif- erence. For we understand that between Minneapolis and St. Paul there is a great gulf fixed, and the mere mentioning of one in the presence of the other might be serious. [Sensation and numerous smiles.] 12 ADDRESS OF ME. JOSHUA WILLIAMS. ADDRESS OF MR. JOSHUA WILLIAMS. Mr. Moderator, Fathers, and Brethren : The text which suggests itself as a proper one for the remarks I may have to indulge in on this occasion, is this, " If a man bloweth not his own horn — verily it shall not be blowcd ! " But introduced as a Minne- apolis man in connection with St. Paul, I may say first of all that the only regret I have to-day is that there are no St. Paul men here ! We have a high regard for St. Paul. We would not be worthy to be counted among the '' descendants " to-day if we had not. But while St. Paul is distinguished enough, in descendants, or numerically, — he got badly left I [Laughter.] Mr. Moderator, I begin to believe " there is some- thing in a name." As j^ou have announced, I am a grandson of the Rev. Joshua Williams, D. D., whose name is on your roll of honor to-day. He had a grandfather Avhose name was Joshua. That Joshua had a son whose name was Louis. This Louis was the father of the Joshua we honor to-day ! [General laughter.] That Joshua had a son Louis, who was my father, [increased laughter,] and a Judge of the Supreme Court of Minnesota said of this Louis : " He was the finest specimen of a Presbyterian elder I have ever seen." His son is here, and his name is Joshua. 182 Paxtang Pesbyrterian Church. [Laughter and applause.] I have a son at home whose name is Louisl I have another one whose name is Charles Rittenhouse, but he is of no account in this connection ! [Merriment and suppressed laughter.] But there is ground, you see, to hope ; that like they did in the beginning of the Gospel by Matthew, the Joshua's and Louis's are going on to beget one another to the end of the chaf>ter! [General laughter.] Did I say that my Charles Rittenhouse was of no ac- count here? (Remember my text!) I beg his pardon. My wife, Martha Rittenhouse, had a "grandfather," too. And although his name lias not been mentioned yet from this platform, it has been in private, and it is perfectly legitimate to mention on this occasion. His sleeping dust awaits the resurrection morn in 3^onder cemetery a little farther down the valley — at old Derry. And in that sacred edifice rehabilitated and beautified, I understand, as Paxtang has been by the generous and tender ministries of those whom I have the honor to address, is to be found a memorial window, dedicated to my grandfather, and another one to my wife's grandfather, Dr. AVilliam Simonton. His daughter Jane, well known to you. Aunt Elizabeth Espy, and to you. Miss Clark, and sister of Judge Simonton, married the Rev. John Hughes Rittenhouse. These were the parents of my Charles Rittenhouse's mother, the woman whom I delight to call my wife. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 183 Do you wonder that I acknowledged intense interest in the events of this day? "Are you Israelites? So am I." Now, my friends, you have heard from nine churches, all descendants from yonder old Paxtang mother, and perhaps it was supposed when this programme was made out, that these organizations were all the descend- ants there were of these grand old people, but it is not so. The descendants of the Rev. Joshua Williams, D. D., founded a church in Minneapolis, one year be- fore the church represented here to-day by Dr. Cham- bers was organized, viz: in 1857. There were not eighty-three members at this organization — I believe that was the number at the first organization of Pine Street church — there were eight members. Two of these eight were your children, viz: Louis and Joseph Williams, sons of Rev. Joshua Williams. You will re- member how Paul, in the Bible, undertakes to show how that Levi paid tithes in Abraham when Melchise- dek met him? "Much more," by the same token I prove to you, that while the Pine Street church was so neatly characterized by Dr. Chambers as your grand daughter, the Westminster church of Minneapolis is legitimately'-, with emphasis on the adjectives, your ^'rea^^rrand-daughter. The eight members at her or- ganization were the two sons of Joshua Williams I have mentioned, with their wives, two daughters of Louis, making six, and two others, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Oliver, by the way, Pennsylvanians, .too. 184 Paxtang PeesbytePvIAn Church. Westminster has grown to over one thousand mem- bers ; " the small one has become a strong nation." The Genera] Assembly has been comfortably entertained hj lier. Out of her have come several church organiza- tions, while existing churches have received valuable additions, notably the First Church, to which I now belong, the oldest organization in Minnesota, has been greatly strengthened in this way; that Judge (Vander- burgh,) I referred to awhile ago, whom my respected friend Dr. Erskine here met at the last General Assem- bly, is of the First Church, with other good men and true. So you see your influence is extending far and wdde. I have thought it worthy of the occasion to re- hearse these facts, which show how much better God's people " builded than they knew," and to suggest how^ sublime is everything connected with the interests of the kingdom of God and of Christ. We have all heard of that humble woman who gave ''two mites" once upon a time. I do not believe it is possible for any of us to have anything to do in promoting the cause of Jesus Christ without being honored. It is the sure way to achieve a glorious immortality. But I must not detain you with an impromptu and desultory speech. My sympatliies are with this audience. T regard it an honor to be here — did not know how much of a providence there was in my coming to Pennsylvania "at such a time as this." Have been up the Cumberland A\alley witli my cousin- Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 185 in-law, Dr. Erskine, and I guess he or Uncle Josiah Espy and the Rutherfords are to blame for putting me into a position so trying to the well-known modesty of we westerners ! Now, seriousl}^, I wish you all God- speed, and let us all be true to our glorious Presbyte- rian heritage, for situated as we are in Minnesota, amid a large foreign population, I believe no church is so well adapted, both in doctrine and polity, to make of these heterogeneous foreigners patriotic and true American citizens. Our beloved country needs the Presbyterian church. I thank you. [Applause.] Moderator Stewart. One thing is very certain, that if names are scarce, there is plenty of blood, and both blood and names are good. It is with very great pleas- ure that I introduce now to you the Rev. Dr. Nathan Grier Parke, who will speak to us upon the "Charac- teristics of Early Presbyterian Preachers " — none of recent date. ADDRESS OF REV. NATHAN GRIER PARKE. CHARACTERISTICS OF EARLY PRESBY- TERIAN PREACHERS. I would very much prefer to speak to you this afternoon looking into your faces, but I am afraid. Daniel Doughterty tells us that on one occasion, when making his maiden speech in the city of Phil- adelphia, he lost himself, or lost his subject, and fainted and was carried off — the best thing he could do. Now I do not want to faint, and I therefore, have, as a security for not making an entire failure, some manuscript in my hand. In the arrangement of subjects to be presented on this occasion, it has fallen to my lot to speak of "the characteristics of the early preacher," of whom it is assumed I must know something, having " come down from a former generation." But as a matter of fact, Mr. Elder, the second pastor of the Paxtang church, and his ministerial associates were in advance of me about a hundred years. I know something of them and of their times as do all who know anything of the history of Pennsylvania. They made their mark on the times in which they lived, and some of them had no little to do with making the times. Still I am not sure but the "committee on the programme" made a mistake in asking me to speak of these worthies who 190 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. are not here to-day to speak for themselves. My dis- position is to glorify the present rather than the past. Solomon, whom we still give credit for some wisdom, tells us that they make a mistake who say '^ the former times were better than these," and on this subject I am heartilj'- in accord with Solomon. We believe the age in which we live is socially, politically, educationally, and religiously the best age in the history of the world. And we believe further, that in our estimate of the times that are past, and the men that figured in them, we must make allowance for the " enchantment that distance lends." We do not suppose that the Scotch- Irish preachers who were the Presbyterian pastors in this part of Pennsylvania a hundred and fifty years ago were superior to the Presbyterian pastors of 1890. Neither do we suppose that the elders associated with the ancient worthies were superior to the Presbyterian elders of 1890, including the President of the United States and the Governor of the Keystone State. These optimistic views of the age in which we live will not prevent us, we trust, from doing justice to the early preachers. 1. It is conceded by all who knew them that they did love to have their own way, which they honestly believed was the right way. If they were not auto- cratic they leaned that way. And, belonging, as they did, to the church " militant," they did not hesitate to contend earnestly for the faith tliat was according to Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 191 the Westminster Confession. As they did not all think alike on some subjects, they not unfrequently had "lively times" in their ecclesiastic meetings. One of them is represented as praying in Presbytery that " the Lord would keep them right, for he knew they were very determined " and difficult to change when once they set their heads. With them orthodoxy was their doxie and hetrodoxy was your doxie. If alive to-day, they would be op- posed to revision. As the result possibly of the law of heredity, their successors in office in this part of Penn- sylvania are like them in this regard. They are not clammering for revision. The degenerate sons of noble sires in New York and the northern part of Pennsyl- vania are the men who vote for revision. 2. They did not believe in the doctrine of falling from grace, but some of them, we are sorry to say, practiced it. And under the circumstances in which they were placed, we are not surprised at this. God does not promise to keep those who go in the way of temptation. But in every house where the}^ entered, the bottle, not a "little brown jug," but elegant decanters, were set out, and they were invited and expected to drink. A.t weddings and funerals and at all social gatherings, preachers and elders, and deacons were expected to take a sup of good brandy. And it was good, no doubt, as compared with what is now sold for "good brandy." A minister on the Eastern Shore of Mary- 192 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. land, a hundred j'ears ago, was tried and condemned hy his Presbytery, not for making brandy, but for making brandy that was so poor it would freeze. In my father's cellar, when I was a boy, there were several barrels of brandy, and he took his brandy ..as regularly as he took his coffee, and he was a preacher. The wonder to me is not that occasionally a preacher fell from grace, but that there were any .sober men among them. 3. These early preachers did not preach "twenty minute sermons." Sermons two hours long were not uncommon among them. The people went early to -church, taking their children and their dinners with them, and the}' reached home in time to milk the cows, and eat a bowl of bread and milk before it was dark, 'except on sacramental occasions. 4. These early preachers were frugal men ; from prin- 'ciple or from necessit}'', possibly from both. Yet they probably lived as well as most of their people — preach- ers generally do. They rode on horse-back, and that ' exercise gave them appetites for plain food. Their salaries did not tempt them to luxurious living. In my own father's family I know a good deal of time was lost in the morning picking the bones out of smoked herring, but it was in a measure made up at supper — there were no bones in the mush and milk. Living in this frugal niannor, these early preachers •escaped broncliitis, Hved to a good old age, taught their Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 193 children economy, and were able to send their boys to college. And thus they furnished the country with its lawyers and judges and politicians and statesmen. 5. Apparently these men never tired in their work. We do not read that they ever asked for vacations in which to rest. Their congregations usually supplied them with a few acres of land on which they recreated in plowing and sowing and reaping and cutting briars and picking stones. They were not afraid of working with their hands. This kind of recreation was very much less expensive than summering in the mountains or by the seaside, and possibly as helpful. 6. These preachers had very much less help in their work than the preachers of to-day. Sunday-schools, societies of Christian Endeavor, W. C. T. U.'s, and Y. M. C. A.'s they knew nothing of They visited their congregations personally. They trained the parents and the children in the catechism. They preached the truth intelligently, simply, earnestly, and fearlessly. And many of them, in addition to their pastoral work, superintended the secular education of the young men of their congregations. There may have been Aarons and Hurs who held up their hands by their prayers but they did not do it by active church work. 7. These early preachers were thoroughly educated men. And as educators made their power felt on the side of civil and religious liberty. Most of them had their diplomas from representative universities in Great 194 Paxtvvng Prp:sbyterian Church. Britain, and their families became training schools for young men who were preparing for college. They established academies that grew into flourishing col- leges. The Old Log college of Bucks county, as is well known, was the seed from which the university of Princeton grew. The Puritan, and the Dutch, and the Scotch-Irish preachers of a hundred and fifty years ago, were the founders of man}^ of our great universities. They grew out of a demand for an educated ministry. They so preached as to inspire our people with a love of education , and with a love of libert^^ All that Macauley and Choate have said of these men who came to these shores " to find a church without a bishop, and a State without a king" was truthfully said. Washington ac- knowledged their help in the Revolutionary war. The ])atriotism of the pastor of this church is a matter of history, and he was only one of many. There were no doubt tories among the preachers when the colonies were struggling for liberty against the mother country. There is a black sheep in every flock, but the}' were not found among the Presbyterian preachers who resolved to liang together or hang separately. 8. There was not much that was emotional in their religion. Their preaching was not sensational and their theology was not eff'ete. In their view, reli- gion was largely a matter of training, and they re- garded their work as largely in this line. They aimed to promote family religion, and in this they were sue- Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 195 cessful. They secured family worship in the home, reverence for parents, the observance of the Sabbath and knowledge of our formulas of Christian faith. While they preached the truth intelligently and per- suasively, they did not hesitate to declare the whole counsel of God, although it invoved the duty of telling men of the wrath and curse of God pronounced against sin. In the pulpit they only feared God. Under their preaching and teaching, God's people were built up in their most holy faith, and sinners were converted to God. They did not preach much science, but they did preach the glorious Gospel of the blessed God, and under their preaching men and women grew up, who, under God, were able to lay the foundations of the civil and religious institutions that are the glory of our land. If we may judge trees by their fruit, the religion of these early preachers, was a good kind. There is no discounting religion that develops such Christians. 9. We believe these preachers, while called to endure " hardness as good soldiers," had a good time. They were happy in their work, fully as much so as the preachers of this age, possibly more so. They were not installed on wheels, with notice to be ready at any time to move. They took their vows at their installa- tion as our young people take their wives — until separ- ated by death. They did not have luxurious homes and fat salaries and elegant churches, but they had that which glorified the home — the presence of God — 196 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. intelligent Christian homes. They were sustained in their work. Their people respected them and loved them, and made them welcome to their homes, and looked up to them as Job's friends in the days of his prosperity looked up to him. When sent as delegates to the General Assembly, they were not provided for at the hotels. They were hospitably entertained in private homes, where nothing was esteemed too good for them. And the testimony that comes from these homes is that, in entertaining these preachers, they not unfrequently entertained angels unawares. I have not felt called on in presenting this subject to speak of the wives of the early preachers, for whom I have a profound respect. Allow me, in conclusion, briefly to refer to them. They showed faith and courage and good judgment when they consented to take the position of preacher's wives, without much coaxing or persuasion, and when they engaged to love, honor, and obey their husbands, they lived up to their engagements. They were for the most part keep- ers at home, and in the absence of their husbands they looked after the children, and the chickens, and the cow, and other things. They seldom penned poems, but they often "penned pigs." They rarely made music on pianos, but they often made music on spinning wheels. Their hands were not remarka- ble for softness, and whiteness, and smallness, but they had brain, and muscle, and loving hearts, and good Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 197 common sense, and these they bequeathed by the law of heredity to their children. They did not often appear on the public platform as speakers or as presidents of benevolent societies, but they were careful that their husbands should " appear well in the gates." It is related of one of the early preachers, who was a little absent-minded, that on one occasion he left home to attend Presbytery, with the charge from his wife, to put on a clean shirt every day until he returned ; and so he did, but he did not remember to take any off — the result was, his coat was a little tight when he came home. Men who serve the public as preachers and Congressmen have not much time for their children, and if their children amount to anything, it is because they have faithful mothers. We honor our fathers to-day, and very many of us certainly some of us, have special reason to honor our mothers, whose loving Christian care has been to us a perpetual benediction. May God's richest blessings rest on the mothers of the land, whose quiet influence, next to that of the church, has made it what it is. We can construct scales that will weigh a single hair — you cannot construct scales that weigh a flood of light. [Loud applause.] Moderator Stewart. You have had the pleasure of looking into the faces of some of those who have descended from the early Paxtang preachers. I now give you the pleasure of looking at a sermon which 198 Paxtang Presbyterian Church was preached by the Rev. John Elder in Paxtang, December 31, 1738. It was his ordination sermon. I am not disposed to question the accuracy of the statement of Dr. Parke, that those old preachers preached two hours. They were able to do it. But this sermon was no doubt preached within half an hour. These pages you see (holding them up) are small, and there are onh^ twelve of them, — and I read by the watch one of them in three minutes; and the handwriting was not familiar to me either; so it must have been preached in less than half an hour. I do not understand why. Perhaps the Presbytery was" present, and thought they would not care to have a long sermon. The pastors were present and did not care for too much preaching.* We are present to-day to hear — and it will be a pleasure — about the country church, as well as the early ministers, who were to a very large extent missionary pastors. It is therefore with great pleas- ure that I give place to the Governor of this Com- monwealth, — and, what is more to the point to-day, an elder in the Presbyterian church ; and, what is perhaps more to the audience to-day, a trustee of the Paxtang congregation. Governor, elder, and trustee, James A. Beaver, will now address us upon the " Importance of the Country Church." [The Governor was greeted with hearty applause.] *This sermon is printed in the Appendix. ADDRESS OF GOV. JAMES A. BEAVER. IMPORTANCE OF THE COUNTRY CHURCH. Ladies and Gentlemen : I supposed that it was to be my pleasure in coming here to-day, and in saying a word about the countr}'' church, to visit the familiar surroundings of this historic spot. I have been here before. It is a great pleasure in driving in this direction to look at this beautiful and quiet old landmark. I have occasionally come here to worship, and so have been familiar with its approaches and surroundings; but when I came to-day and found that we drove by a road altogether different from the one which is usually traveled, and saw as we ap- proached the church flags flying and guide-boards announcing Sharon, Paxtang, and Rutherford avenues, eighty feet wide, I said to myself, is it possible that the profane hand of progress has been laid upon the country church ! When I ascertained later that it was proposed to clip a little here and there from the edges of these beautiful grounds in order to make these avenues regular and the plot symmetrical, it seemed to me it was only another evidence of what the country church has done in contributing to the suc- cess of the community and in stimulating its progress and thrift. But it is not the country church of to-day of which we are to speak, and it is not of the importance of 202 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. the country church of to-day of which you expect me to say anything. If you were to ask me, is the country church important? I would answer it very briefly. Is a mother an important factor in a well regulated family ? The statement of such a proposi- tion answers it. Without her there is no family ; there can be no family life ; no social life ; no home. And so if you were to put the question, is the country church, or has it been, an important factor in this Commonwealth and in the country ? You answer the question by asking it. A fuller answer has been given by the filial messages to which we have listened, from the loyal daughters of this ancient church who bring their greetings of affection and gratitude to this Sesqui-Centennial home-coming. But the committee of arrangements has not asked a question. They affirm a fact and ask me to tell, briefly and pointedly as I may, in what way the country church has shown its importance. Any one who has been in the habit of coming here, or who has made but a casual visit ; any one who has fre- quented the historic churches of this valley and of the neighboring valley across the river, and the ancient churches of man}'- other fertile valleys through- out the Commonwealth, will realize and recognize the importance of the country church historically. This building and its surroundings ; yonder churchyard with its 'quiet inmates; Donegal, Upper Pennsborough, Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 205- Lower Pennsborough, and other well-known churches^ of eastern Pennsylvania, are, to a large extent, the- source and the center of the history of Pennsylvania, and without them, and the influences which radiate from them, our history would be largely a blank. It was through the country church that the history of the region has been written. This is quite as true of the Lutheran and other denominations as of the Presbyterian ; for in some of the German churches the records of baptisms, marriages, and deaths were much more faithfully kept, and have been more carefully preserved, than among the churches of the Scotch- Irish and their descendants. The people who first inhabited Pennsylvania, coming as they did from Scot- land, from Ireland, from Switzerland, from France,, and from Germany, with a view of securing the freedom of worship which they failed to enjoy at home, naturally and almost necessarily founded and organized a church as soon as they had secured a new home. They were largely an agricultural people. They settled upon thoir little farms, were busied with the effort to secure a livelihood, led isolated lives, and endeavored to rear their families in the fear of God. They little heeded the history they were making and were not concerned about recording it. Whatever has come to us of their living and of their doing has come- largely through the history of these churches which they founded. There is no phase of the country 204 Paxtang Presbyterian Church, church, outside the distinctively spiritual work which belonged to it, which is of more importance to us as a people than the history which has been preserved through its influence and which makes for our Com- monwealth the goodly past upon which we look with so much of pride and gratitude to-day. I recognize the fact that this has been an all-day service and that the shadows are lengthening, and that I cannot, therefore, dwell upon this or any other particular phase of this subject at any considerable length. I shall therefore touch only upon two or three points in which, it seems to me, the country church has shown its importance, and from them we may judge as to its importance in the present and for the future. It has been of vast importance ecclesiastically. If this thought had not been impressed upon our minds heretofore, it certainly would have been so impressed by the services of this day. When this little church, the corner-stone of whose present building was laid one hundred and fifty years ago, and which was founded years before that, called the roll of her children to-day, and they responded to the number of eight or ten, strong, vigorous, and healthy organizations — some of them the leading churches of our State and country, acknowledging her as their mother, we see the import- ance of the country church viewed from this stand- point; but perhaps its importance is not felt so largely Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 205 in the number of her descendants as in the influence which she has exerted upon the educational history of the country, and upon the supplies which the pulpit has drawn from the country church. Dr. Parke in his admirable address referred to the Log College in Bucks county, the one hundred and twen- tieth anniversary of whose founding was lately cele- brated. What was that college? It was the outgrowth of Tennant's country church, and of the necessity for educating the young men of his immediate vicinity who were anxious to enter the ministry, and whose pa- rents were unable to send them to New England or to the old country, to secure the training necessary for this purpose. That other Log College, its legitimate successor from which Dr. Parke himself graduated, what was it ? It was the outgrowth of John MacMil- lan's country church. If we were to take a census of the clergymen who are assembled here to-day, v^e would probably find that a full score of them are graduates of the one or the other of the legitimate suc- cessors of these two log colleges. I see in this audience a college friend of mine, a year older than I from the college stand-point, who received his preliminary education in the academy whose prin- cipal. Dr. Alexander Donaldson, has lately died, and who sent year after year, sometimes six and sometimes more young men, from his academy to Jefferson College, many of whom entered the ministry. That academy, '200 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. which began in the loft of the spring-house attached to the manse, which became so well known in Pennsyl- vania, and which, by the way, bore the honored name of the long-time pastor of the Paxtang church — Elder's Ridge Academy — what was it? It was the outgrowth -of the country church, and it was largely the product ^of the energy of a country pastor who, whilst he was educating the boys of his congregation and of the neighboring congregations, was ministering steadily -and regularly to his country church. These are only instances which might be multiplied ten or twenty fold, •of the influence exerted by our country churches in founding our educational institutions which are under '•ecclesiastical control. But the country church did more than that. It not -only sent out its colonies and founded our educational institutions, but it raised up the young men who were to be educated in the latter, young men of vigorous .'bodies and of self-reliant spirit, who not only in the Presbyterian church, but in man}' other churches in our Commonwealth, were to be the pioneers in estab- lishing upon broad and sure foundations throughout the length and breadth of our own and in heathen lands, churches for the upbuilding of the cause of Christ, and for carrying the blessings of Christianity to -all the peoples of the earth. But this, as you see, opens 41 wide field before us into which we cannot enter. We i.merely state the fact, full of suggestion and of interest. Paxtang Prp:sbytekiax Church. 207 There is another stand-point from which, it seems to me, the country church was important, and that is the social one. I speak first of society in its organized ca- pacity. We have in this church-j'^ard just at my right, as notable an example of what I mean as can be found anywhere in the records of the history of our State. John Elder is buried there. Who was John Elder? He was for more than fifty years pastor of the Paxtang churcl) ; but he was more than that, he was the cap- tain of the Paxtang Boys. And what does that mean? It means that he was at the head of the social influ- ences which molded his community. It means that lie was largely instrumental in molding the thought and the eff"ort of the community. It means that whilst he was ready to lead the people of his congregation in the way of life by his ministrations upon the Sabbath and throughout the week, he was ready also to lead them in the discharge of the duties which they owed to their country. I think it is true, as has been already intimated here to-day, that the church of the olden time was more than the church of to-day, and the preacher was expected to cover a wider field than the preacher of to-day. It is possible that the church of to-day and tliat the minister of to-day confine them- selves to the more legitimate work of the church, and that the spiritual power of the church is thereby in- creased. The conditions which surround us have changed to such an extent that this is possible. The 208 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. country church was the center of the intellectual ac- tivit_y of its neighborhood, and the preacher was ex- pected to furnish their intellectual pabulum to his con- gregation and to instruct them, to a greater or less degree, in what we call the political duties of citizen- ship. The farmer who a hundred years ago followed his plow from morning till night, sowed his seed broadcast and reaped the harvest with the sickle, was not given to the perusal of a daily paper, even if the daily paper had had an existence, and he came to the church on the Sabbath day, not only to hear the gospel, but in an incidental way to hear what had been going on in the world and what relation he bore to the events which were happening around him and what his duty was in reference to them. Almost necessarily, whether the pastor of the church desired to occupy such a po- sition or not, he became the recognized social head of the community. He led in all social reforms. In many instances, as we know, he led his congregation to battle. He addressed himself to the mind and the conscience and the heart of his people, not only as he preached the gospel to them, but as he taught them their duties as citizens, as well the duty which they owed to their country as those which they owed to each other and to God. Then in the narrower sphere which we usually call the social, the country church was important. I have been led to recall and enjoy that side of its life Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 209 to-day. Brought up in the country church for several years, I know the dear associations which cluster around its social life. A few days ago I heard a lady say that she had been at a funeral in the neighboring churchyard and that she was surprised to find the people, after the immediate friends had retired from the grave, dividing into little knots and discussing the social affairs of the day. This does not seem singular to us who are familiar with the social life of the country church. We take that as a matter of course — we regard it as one of its chief enjoyments. The country church of the olden time was the social center of the community. There was first, the service in the morning ; there were long hymns, and the long prayer, followed by a long sermon and then came the intermission. The congregation went down to the spring; families gathered in groups; perhaps a cloth was laid upon the grass and lunch brought out. Sometimes the lunch was enjoyed by the family alone ; possibly some young man thought he could find a better lunch within some other family circle. Here home news was discussed ; the social chat of the neighborhood was had, and the country people were no worse for that. During the busy season of the year it was, perhaps, as much of an inducement to attendance after a week of hard toil upon the farm as the regular church service of the day. 210 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. How vividly these scenes are recalled as we come together to-day in the beautiful surrounding of this old church. I have enjoyed this phase of the country church to-day, and instead of coming upon the plat- form to sit with these reverend gentlemen during the afternoon, I have been slipping around the edges of the crowd and enjoying its social features. I will not say that that was the best part of the service; it was not, of course, but perhaps it was enjoyed as much as any other. Much of this phase of the social life of the community was due to the pastor of the country church, and because his influence was felt in it the social life was pure, its tone was elevating, and it was none the less enjoyed because its spirit was influenced by the precepts taught in the church. These are just a few of what I think were the imme- diate factors of the life which centered in the country church. She has made to a large extent, and has preserved the history of this Commonwealth. She has peopled our city churches ; she has sent life and spirit into them. She has furnished in large degree the ministry for the State, for the country, and for the missions of the church throughout the world. She has molded much of the social life of the communitj', and if these things are so, we will agree, I think, that her importance has been very great and that it is difficult to magnify it beyond its deserts. I have spoken, as you have observed, almost exclu- Paxtang Presbyterian Church, 211 sively of the collateral and not of the direct work of the country church. Its main function, as that of the church of to-day, is to preach the gospel and to point out clearly the way of salvation. I do not under- value, nor can I estimate, the importance of this part of the church's work. What it has done in this direction will be revealed only in eternity. It is getting towards the time when, as Dr. Parke intimated, they were accustomed to adjourn for milking. The fact is this would have occurred to me some time ago but for the fact that I recognized in the audience a great many persons who are not in the habit of doing their own milking. Late as it is, so far as I know, we have not heard a word of the Shorter Catechism. Just think of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversar}'- of the laying of the corner-stone of a country church and no Shorter Catechism. I can ask the questions without a book, and if I do so I hope the audience will join in the answers. But if we are to have any catechetical exercises, perhaps it would be well for me to begin with the reverend gentlemen who are on the platform. [Turning.] Are you ready? [A voice. Yes.] The only man who has intimated he is ready for the catechism was an Elder. Joking aside, let me say that the sound teaching of the country church is largely due to the faithfulness with which the young people were trained in this same 212 Paxtang Pkesbyterian Church. Shorter Catechism, which gives tone and nerve to Pres- bj^terianism everywhere, and whenever the love of it goes out to a large extent the distinctive life of the Presbyterian church goes out with it. We hear much said now-a-days about revision. I am glad to say, however, that so far as I know this does not extend to the Shorter Catechism. I am not greatly concerned about the confession. If they leave us the Shorter Catechism intact, I will be content. But wdien I look back and see Dr. Erskine, who is on the committee of revision, I am not much afraid of the result. Ladies and gentlemen, this has been a great day for this community. It has been a great day for these various churches which have come together to cele- brate this important event in this social w^ay. We do well when we emphasize such occasions as this, and when we give honor and credit to the men and the women who have done so much for the church, for the community, and for posterity, by founding and sus- taining the country church. It has been a great pleasure to me to join in these services and to render my mite and tribute to the memory of the men who builded better than they knew because they were guided by the Unseen hand. Moderator Stewart. One of the characteristics of this region is the fact that every body is related, and you cannot speak about your neighbors without tread- ing on somebody's toes. I never have been able to Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 213 keep track of all the connections; but I know there are connections of some character. Colonel Francis Jordan, an elder of the Pine Street Presbyterian church, is in some way or other related to the Pax- tang church ; I don't know just how it comes about, but perhaps he will tell us. At any rate, there are some of us on the platform who would like to hear from him. He will please come forward and address us on this occasion. [Applause.] 214 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. ADDRESS OF COLONEL FRANCIS JORDAN. Mr. Moderator, Ladies, and Gentlemen: It was my misfortune not to be born of any descendants of the Paxtang church, so far as I have ever been able to find out. Of course, starting out in life under such disadvantages, a mistake of that kind would soon de- velope itself; and when the occasion arrived when I had to look squarely at that condition, the next ques- tion was, what are you going to do about it ? Now, that was a very grave question ; and the only way I could get out of it was to see if I could not marry somebody who did belong to, or was a descendant of some one belonging to the Paxtang church. [Laughter.] I was very successful in this enterprise ; and in that way I became identified with the ancestors of Paxtang church, and with their forefathers, I may say, whose remains lie interred in this cemetery for generations past. Then I had the fortune, or misfortune, to belong to the legal profession ; and one of its principles is, or of the law which is represented by it, that a man and wife are one person. So that by the union, you observe' I was identified literally, and am a member actually, with the people of Paxtang. [Laughter and applause.] I have no doubt that this was the reason I was called Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 215 upon here to-day. Anyhow I appreciate it in that light, and am very grateful for it. But when I am told, however, that a man has to limit himself to a five minutes' speech, there comes up another question, What is he going to talk about in five minutes? I may not say what I ought. Speak- ing here without any knowledge of what has been said by former speakers, of course I am a little in the dark ; and all I can do is to give to you, as the repre- sentatives of Paxtang, men, women, and children, now and in all time to come, my benediction ; and wish you all sorts of prosperity, happiness, success, and blessings, both in this life, and that which is to come; or, in other words, both on this side, and on the other side of Jordan. [Continuous laughter and applause.] Governor Beaver. The Moderator, at my request, has just gone after Rev. Dr. James Elder, of Clarion, whom I wish to have come to the stand; and, for fear Mr. Stewart should not succeed, I insist upon his com- ing to the platform. He was one year my senior, and I want to call hiTn up once. Moderator Stewart, (having returned to the stand.) I made a mistake in Colonel Jordan. I see I ought to have had the other member of the family. But in this I have not made a mistake — Dr. Elder, one of the direct descendants, who will now address us. I am sorry to call on him in such haste; but an Elder — we have them all around us — was never at a loss for something to say. 216 Paxtang Pesbyrterian Church. ADDRESS, OF REV. JAMES ELDER, D. D. Mr. Moderator: It is not possible for a man to come here in this presence without he has some ances- tors; and in that line I will trot out my grandfather ; [laughter ;] and I think in that way I will secure your attention just for a moment. It is a grand thing, after being such a distance from our people, and being in such a common place as I have, to dwell in a commu- nity like this. My father's father removed from this place, and went out in the wilderness ; and my grand- father, or great-grandfather, organized a church there. That church grew, and six or eight churches sprung from that one, and an academy, and otherwise the good work spread over the community. Thus one sin- gle descendant who passed out from this church ac- complished a vast amount of good in one locality. Thus all over this whole country, here and there, are descendants of people of Paxtang church, who have planted seeds of good that have grown into trees of usefulness, and the influences have been felt far and near over this land. Now, then, the work that has been done here in the past has been well done. The history of it is secure; but that will not answer our purpose fully. It will answer for the honor of the fathers. It is to their glory that the work was well done. But you Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 217 and I, and all of us, have an influence to exert. We have a work to do, and, if we are actuated by proper motives, we are striving to make history ; and the history that we make, if w^e desire, and are also actuated by proper motives, shall be for good ; and shall tell on others to come as the history of our fathers is telling to-day in this land. So we are not to be satisfied, — the people of Paxtang are not to be satis- fied. Those who have gone out and have been in- strumental in accomplishing some good elsewhere,, are not to be satisfied with the glorious history that is already made ; but we ourselves are to make history,, and to make it glorious, and we will, if we are actuated by the right motives, and are found doing the work for the church, for the country, and for our God. I am very glad to meet with so many, though I know scarcely one of you, coming as I do from Clarion ; and, if it had not been for this grand Governor of ours, I suppose I w^ould not have been compelled to appear before you and make an address. But Governor Beaver, when he was a boy at college, would always have a way of having his own way, just like some of the fathers here at Paxtang, that would have their own way. And now he comes here, and would have his own way, or did have it, I sup- pose. We have to remember his position, and what he is, and what he was at the start. He was little Jim Beaver then ! That is the way we knew him. He "218 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. had his own way then, and he has had it since ; and I suppose will have it on and on. [Laughter.] So much for the Governor. We are glad to welcome him with the people of Paxtang, and as an interested guest; ^nd although not connected with the old church, or its descendants, he is certainly connected with some of the other old churches that are scattered through the valleys of our States; and he has been doing work ; and, while welcoming him, we most gladly see the great work he has done amongst the churches, and the various associations of the churches, — in the General Assembly, for example. And so we enjoy ourselves to-day, to separate after a most delightful gathering together. And so I bid you all good-by. [Applause.] Moderator Stewart. Rev. Dr. Robinson, for so long an honored member of this immediate neighborhood, and so greatly beloved by myself and all who knew him, was invited by the committee to make the ad- dress on this occasion. Dr. Robinson writes me as follows : Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 219 LETTER OF REV. THOMAS H. ROBINSON, D. D. Western Theological Seminary, Ridge Avenue, Allegheny, Sept. I4., 1890. Dear Bro. Stewart : Last week my doctor thought I might be able to go over to the great gathering in Paxtang next Thursday, if I did not try to make an address; to-day he says I should not go at all. I have been on my back most of the time since I came home from Harrisburg, and especially during the last week. I shall not be able to take up my seminary duties at the opening this week. I wish I felt well enough to send a formal letter to the committee and to the Pax- tang people, but necessity knows but one law. Please say to the committee that it was with great regret that I declined to promise to deliver an address when it was so earnestly offered, and it is a still greater re- gret that I cannot be numbered among the friends of Paxtang as they say " this man and that man was there." Greetings to all the gathered assembly. Paxtang does not live alone in that narrow and beauti- ful valley. Much of her best life is scattered through the States and Territories of the Union, and, thank God, a great deal of it is employed in the service of holy immortality. With the warmest of Christian love to yourself and the rest of the committee, I am, yours most sincerely, T. H. Robinson. 220 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. [Applause.] Moderator Stewart. The programme says that there are to be "other brief addresses delivered by prominent Presbyterians." There are so many of them here that I do not know whom to select; for I am very sure that were I to omit any, I would make some invidious discriminations, for all of you are equally prominent. But there is one prominent Presbyterian, and he is a modest man, so modest that he refuses to let his orange colors be seen on this ground; but to whom we are all very greatly indebted for much that has transpired here to-day. I have tried to have him place his orange badge just where it belongs; but he has refused. Now I am going to get even with my brother, W. Franklin Rutherford, the chairman of the Committee of General Arrangements, and who has had this whole matter in charge. It is the last speech, and I promise it will be the best one. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 221 ADDRESS OF W. F. PvUTHERFORD. Mr, Moderator: I do not feel under very many obligations to you for the manner in which you have introduced me, but still, as chairman of the local com- mittee representing Paxtang church, I cannot permit these exercises to close without making some acknowl- edgement to the churches associated with us on this occasion, for the noble manner in which they have responded to the sentiment which has brought us to- gether to-day. One hundred and fifty years ago Pax- tang church stood as the outmost post of Presbyterian - ism and of civilization on the continent — a conspicu- ous place, and her environment was such as to consti- tute her people heroes. To-day the garrison in the old fortress is weak — not so much from the decrepitude of age, as from the heavy drafts made upon us for other fields. Under these circumstances the spirit moved us to celebrate the sesqui-centennial of the laying of our cornerstone, which is virtually the corner-stone of Pres- byterianism in this region. No sooner had we an- nounced our intention, than our descendants, one and all, came forward and said, " We will help you." For this act of filial piety, I return the thanks of the mother church, and declare that old Paxtang is proud of her descendants. 222 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. We also feel ourselves deeply indebted to the gentle- men, who, from pure zeal in the good old cause of Scotch-Irish Presbyterianism in America, and loyalty to the Paxtang fathers, have so well entertained and instructed us to-day. Nor is our debt to them in the slightest degree lessened by the fact that in coming here to-day they have unconsciously immortalized themselves. [Laughter and applause.] To the strangers who have honored us to-day by their presence, and have thereby added so much to the interest of the occasion, I would extend the hearty thanks of the people of Paxtang, and express the hope that Mtj years hence, when our people shall celebrate our bi-centennial, in this very grove, in the midst of a populous city, our relations to each other may be as happy as they are to-day. [Applause.] Moderator Stewart. All good things must have an end ; but Paxtang church will not have an end I trust for many centuries yet. There is one part of it I sup- pose will have an end. I have been looking here to- day at that part of the stone-work which fills up the old door-way ; and it is very evident that the old stone- masons knew how to lay stone better than their suc- cessors. This mortar around it is old work ; and you cannot dig around it with your pen-knife, and the mor- tar there does not crack off, as the mortar of later days. The old wall has stood well, because of the work put upon it. The newer work would have fallen, if there Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 223- had not been something to hold it up. Possibly it may be the same with the work on which we enter. Our work has been much more than y/e thought, because others have built around it ; and by their more sub- stantial work have held up the results of our under- takings. To-day we have had a delightful time ; to-day we= have met to commemorate the noble work of those who have preceded us — and great indeed will be the praise of those who come after us, if they can point to the re- sult of our labors, and say that we also built well ; and glory in their ancestors, because we had transmitted tO' those who followed us in the rich and the priceless her- itage which we have received. [Applause.] The audience then sung hymn No. 32 : " All hail the power of Jesus' name ! Let angels prostrate fall ; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all," &c. Rev. Dr. Parke then dismissed the audience with a benediction : " May grace, mercy and peace from God the Father^, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, rest and abide with each one of you evermore. Amen." 224 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. AN INTERESTING REMINISENCE. Before referring to his church, the Rev. Dr. Chambers read by request, the following interesting paper, relating reminisences of the ancestors of a number of those in the audience : It is no departure from good taste, upon an occasion like this, to recall some visits to this church made more than one hundred and twenty years ago, by a lady who was a member of the church in 1786. The reminis- ence is delightful ; the narrative is from the very vivid recollection of a bright and observant woman and it is hoped will add to the interest of the event we com- memorate. About the close of the Indian war of 1763, Colonel Hugh Alexander was driven from the home he had made in Shearman's valley ; fleeing with his young family to Nottingham, in Chester county. Upon his return he lodged over Sabbath near the Swatara ridge on its western slope, attending public service at Pax- ton church with his daughter. She was then too youthful to make substantial observations, but used to tell her grandchildren that she remembered the preacher as a large man, with a rosy face, full voice, and forci- ble delivery. He had a rifle in the pulpit with him, and almost all the men were armed — those who rode with holster and pistol — those afoot with rifles. The Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 225 congregation was large — man}' could not obtain seats within the stone church. Just before the Revolution her father made another visit east, a delegate to a gathering of those who were opposed to provincial government and foreign oppres- sion. She accompanied him. Upon their return they were detained near Harris ferry over Sabbath. In the morning they rode to Paxton church, arriving while the congregation was assembling. She was then a young lady, and observed how very little grown timber there was between the Susquehanna and the church. It had been destroyed some twenty years before, in the Indian war of 1755. This second visit was in the fall of 1772. Apparently all the men of the congregation were pres- ent ; the church grove was filled with fine horses ; vehicles of any sort were rare. The women were neatly, generally prettily clad, the men substantially, mostly in dark broad-cloth, with buff waistcoat and short clothes. As this manufacture was English, it was free of import, therefore, cheap and used by all classes ex- cept those who were forced to wear homespun, wliich all had to do a few years afterwards. The crowd took their places in the decorous way of their Presbyterian fathers. Soon the service was opened by a large, broad shouldered, very tall, well-clad clergyman, who wore a Geneva band, his hair showing marks of advancing age. His manner was grave and impressive, adding to this remark, as much so as that of any man I have 226 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. heard since. When she spoke of this she was seven- ty-five years of age. His style of delivery plain, very clear, and commanded the reverent attention of all. The music was led by a precentor. At the close of the service. Col. A. and his daughter were introduced to Rev. Mr. Elder. She was much struck by the re- fined address, dignit}^, and ease of the clergyman. Two years after, as Mrs. John Hamilton, she was at Paxton a third time, just when the whole country was aflame about the conduct of the English government. It was after harvest, and the sturdy farmers loudly as- serted that they would no longer peaceably endure the wrongs of the mother country ; they were as full of fight as of patriotism ; none more positive than the preacher, who was the same Mr. Elder. He had become more and more decided that the only way to end the dispute be- tween the mother country and the colonies was armed resistance, and so said in the sermon he preached from Psalm 2, verse 3. He was onl}^ half a year in advance of the Congress which created an army, placing at its head the great Washington. That Mr. Elder's congre- gation and his family partook of his principles, it is only necessary to add that a regiment was raised in its bounds, and that four of his grown sons were officers in the war that so soon followed my grandmother's visits to Paxton church, where she sat in the same church building we do to-day. APPENDIX. ORDINATION SERMON 0/ Rev. John Elder, preached cd Paxtang, Dec. 31, 1738. Text.— Psalm 119, v. 165 : " Great peace have they which love thj- law : and nothing shall offend them." God hath been mercifully pleased to implant in us a natural desire of happiness, vhich is so inseparable to human nature that 'tis impossible for us to forbear desiring what is good for ms, or at least what appears good, for though through our own ignorance and inconsideration we many times mistake evil for good, and misery for happiness, yet such is ye frame of our nature that we cannot desire evil as evil, or mi-ery as misery, but whenever we embrace a real evil, 'tis either under the notion of a less evil, or of a real and substantial good. And since we have depraved our natures and debased our reason to such a degree as that we cannot now in many respects perfectly know what is our perfect good, or distinguish our happiness from our misery, He hath been farther pleased, in His holy word, to show us wherein our true happiness and felicity as to this life doth consist, namely in inward peace and tranquility of mind, resultint; from a due sense of the divine favour, and the sincere love and goodwill of mankind. This the loyal Psalmist, as instructed by ye s-pirit of God, in the words of my text, was fully assurred of, and, therefore, he boldly declares those truly blessed and happy that are in such a condition, that from their reflection on their sincere love to the laws of God and a life spent in conformity to religion and true piety, enjoy such a sweet calmness and composure of mind as nothing can disturb. "Great peace have they," &c. All or most writers are agreed that David was the penman of this psalm, and indeed it breathes so much of that sincerely pious and de- vout frame of heart that ever shone so conspicuous in him that it puts it beyond all doubt. That he was taught by the spirit of God, was the compiler of it, his main scope and design in it is manifestly to com mand the serious and diligent study, as well as the constant practice ot God's word, as incomparably the best counsellor and comforter in the world, 'and as the only way to true blessedness, and this he confirms by his own example, proposed to mankind for their imitation, declaring the frequent experience he had of its admirable sweetness and un- speakable benefit in every condition and especially in the time of his distress. 230 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. Its observable in this psalm that the word of God is diversely termed by the name of law, statutes, precepts, or commandments, &c., by which variety he designed to express the nature, ye great perfection and manifold uses of God's word, and there are very few of all these verses contained in this psalm in which one or other of these titles are not mentioned. There is little or no connection observed in it, or dependence of one verse upon another. 1 shall not, therefore, spend time in considering the context, but shall come immediately to the words. "Great peace have they," &c. Where, by law, as I observed before, we are to un- derstand the word of God contained in the Scriptures, and therefore the Psalmist declares that all who sincerely love God's word and dem- onstrate their love to it by conducting themselves agreeably to its stat- utes, all such as spend their time in the consciencious observance of our religious duties, shall enjoy either outward prosperity and happi- ness, (which God in his law hath expressly promised to good men.) or at least inward peace, satisfaction and tranquility of mind, arising from the apprehension of God's love to them and watchful care over them in all the concerns of this life and that which is to come ; this shall be their sure lot and portion if they perform what is required on their part, and though they may meet with some disturbance and dissatisfac- tion yet their end shall be peace, as it is expressed Psalm 37 : 37, "And nothing shall offend them," though they may meet with losses and crosses and may be sometimes liable to the rude insults of 'he wicked and ungodly, yet none of tht-se shall offend or scandalize them to such a degree as to throw them into mischief or utter ruin. Now from the words thus briefly explained we may observe this doctrinal proposition, viz: That True peace and felicity results only from a religious life or a life spent in conformity to ye laws of God. I. To consider the advantages of a religious life. II. To remove some objections that may be made against the propo- sition. And then conclude with some inferences from what may be said. I. Then I am to consider ye advantages of a religious life that con- stitute that peace or happiness mentioned in the text. Now these ad- vantages are many, but what we may account the first and the chief in- gredient in all the rest, is piece with God reconciled to us by the satis faction in which Christ our glorious redeemer, and this peace or recon- ciliation upon the account of Christ's atonement, he hath promised to Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 231 all such as sincerely love and endeavor to live agreeably to his laws. And this is indeed aa unspeakable privilege and advantage, to live in perfect peace and harmony with such a kind and patient friend, to whom we carefully open all our want'^, express our griefs, and impart our cares, with assurance of relief and support, can betake ourselves to him in our greatest extremities with boldness and confidence, as children to a fath^T, who is perfectly able, as well as ready, to supply our wants, and vindicate our cause which was still the main support of the godly in all ages of ye world, and bore up their sinking spirits under the heaviest pressures and difficulties. It was this that comforted David in his declining years, when he had arrived at the highest pitch of experience, and was fully convinced of the instability of sublunary things, and of the little comfort and satis- faction they can afford us, as it is expressed, II Sam., 23 : 5, "Although my house be not so with God ; yet he hath made me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things sure, for this is all my salvation and all my desire," &c., he was fully satisfied that he had made religion his principle study, that he had still respect to ye divine law, he was fully persuaded he devoted himself to the service of God, that he had entered into covenant with him who was faithful to fulfil all his prom- ises, and would never make void his covenant ; all of which afforded him the most peaceful and satisfying reflections, and therefore declares concerning himself. Psalm 46 : 1, 2, 3, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble ; therefore I will not fear though the earth be removed, and though ye mountains be carried into ye midst of ye sea ; though ye waters thereof roar and be troubled, though ye mountains shake with ye swelling thereof." And likewise the 27 Psalm ye 1 and 3 verses, "The Lord is my light and my salvation ; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life ; of whom shall I be afraid. Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear ; though war should rise against me, m this will I be confident." What glorious pitch of happiness and felicity was good David now advanced to, when ye sense of the Divine favour, peace and reconcil- iation was so strong in him, that nothing could bafHe his hopes, or shake ye firm repose of his mind ; when he could exult im ye midst of sorrows, and triumph over all his enemies, how numerous and power- ful soever, when he could bear the heaviest strokes of an adverse Providence, and face the greatest danger, with courage and resolution, with no other support, or stay, but purely his sense of the Divine favor and a life spent in conformity to His laws? Could we but once then, in 232 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. imitation of this singular pattern of true piety and devotion, make religion our chief and principle study, and the laws of God our only delight, then might we assure ourselves of the divine favour, than which there can be no greater blessing, for it is the height of our perfection and the sum of our desires, and is productive of all the peace and pros- perity, the comfort and satisfaction we can enjoy, both in time and to eternity. This is the first and main advantage of a religious life and all the rest are consequent lapon it, such as inward and outward peace, plenty, and prosperity, and, 1st. Inward peace and tranquility of mind, that svi'eet repose and calmness of spirit that are the sure concomitants of a religious and virtuous life, for as the mind of a wicked and ungodly person, is disturbed and distracted, his conscience galled, his affections divided into opposite factious, and his whole soul in a most diseased and rest- less posture, so on the other hand a truly pious and religious person who sincerely loves the word of God, and lives agreeably to its precepts, his mind is free from those disorders and distractions, his conscience calm and easy in all occurrences, his passions pure, regular and har- monious, and his soul enjoys a perfect ease and rest. For by a co.;Sciousness of our sincere piety and devotion, we shall be discharged of all those restl. ss cares and anxieties, that distress and prick us like a crown of thoi'ns ; by our hearty submission, to his will contained in his laws we shall ease our conscience of all that hor- ror, rage, and ani^uish, that proceed from the things of our sin and guilt ; by our loving admiring and adoring him our affections will be eased of all that inconsistence and inordiuacy that render them so tumultuous and disquieting ; and these things being once accomplished, the sick and restless soul will universally find itself in perfect health and ease ; for now all her jarring faculties, being tuned to the sweet and harmonious laws of religion, there will be a perfect concord in her nature, and she shall have no disquieting principle within her ; nothing but calm and gentle thoughts, soft and sweet reflections, tame and manageable affections, nothing but what abun-lantly contributes to her repose and satisfaction. Now she is no more tossed and agitated in a stormy sea of restless thoughts and guilty reflections, no more scorched with impatience, or drowned with grief, or shook with fear, or bloated with pride and ambition, but all her affections are resigned to the blessed empire of a spiritual mind, and clothed in the gay but decent livery of religion. And tho' there may be sometimes a strong conflict between the law Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 233 In our members and the law in our minds, yet it shall end still in a glo- rious victory and happy peace ; and those divided streams, our wills and |:on sciences, our passion and our reason, shall be united in one channel, and flow towards one and the same ocean, and being thus joined and knit together by the ties and ligaments of virtue and true piety, our souls shall be perfectly well and easy, and enjoy a sweet calmness and se- renity within themselves. This is one advantage of a relisLjious life, and cannot be obtained by anything else, for were it attainable by riches, by favor or worldly interest, what a happy state would the rich, ye great and honorable be in ; how would they glut themselves in worldly ease and luxury, and enjoy a delightful paradise even on earth itself; how should their inward peace and tranquility concur with their outward plenty and prosperity, in making them unspeakably happy. But do we not generally find it qaite otherwise ? How often may we see those who are advanced to the highest pitch of outward happiness and felicity, most deprived of inward peace and satisfaction ? With what significance and lively expressions do they sometimes discover their dread and horror when their conscience begins to gnaw, to twit and accuse them for their transgression of the equitable laws of God ; how often may we see them racked and tortured by their jarring pa«sions, and rent and torn by the envenomed things of their own guiltj' consciences, while the poor and indigent that have scarcely bread to support their natural lives, and clothes to defend them from the injuries of the weather, enjoy inward comfort and contentment, sowing in hope and reaping with gladness, and pursuing their several callings with all desirable cheerfulness and gayety ? This is of a religious and righteous deportment, of a sincere love to God's word, and a life spent in obedience to His laws. But again, secondly, such as live agreeably to God's word, and do sincerely love His laws, shall enjoy not only inward peace and satis- faction, but this God hath himself promised to all his true saints and servants as it is expressed in 29 Psalm, the llth ver. : "The Lord will bless his people with peace." Though they may hear of rumors of war on every hand, yet this shall not vex or disturb them, for God shall make their vrry enemies to be at peace with them, as the wise man hath told us. Prov., 16: 7. "When a man's ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him ;" he disappointeth them of all their malicious designs, and either removeth their enmity by changing it into a real and sincere regard or causeth them to smother it so that it shall never hurt the truly virtuous. Thus now ihe religious person enjoys a perpetual peace from every- 234 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. tiling about him, for his enemies as well as his friends, and from the noxious and hurtful as well as from ye innocent creatures, for God maketh peace in all his borders ; He is his guardian and protector, his defense, his shield and buckler ; He maketh him to be in league with the stones of the field, and ye beasts of ye field to be at peace with him, nothing from within or without can perplex or trouble him, but he may lie down in peace and rise without fear, and nothing to break his rest, or shake ye firm repose of his mind, and may solace himself in every condition with the same devout confidence and trust in God, that en- abled good David to say: Psal , 4:8: " I will lay me down in peace and sleep, for thou Lord only makest me to dwell in safety." And as he is thus blessed with inward and outward peace, so he has also the prospect of plenty and prosperity. For, as the Apostle Paul said, "Godliness is profitable unto all things having the promise of this life, as well as that to come," 1 Tim., 4:8; which is indeed most rea- sonable and equitable. Since it is God that is the supreme Lord and proprietor of the universe, is it not fit that we should destribute the good things of this life to such of His subjects as are most deserving, and live most conformable to His laws, at least such a portion of them as He knows necessary for their support, and convenient to their happi- ness, and therefore saith the Psalmist in that 84th Psalm, 11 verse, " The Lord sha'l give grace and glory, and no good thing will he with- hold from them that walk uprightly." These now are the advantages of a religious life that constitute that true peace and felicity mentioned in the text, namely, peace with God^ inward peace and tranquility of mind, peace with all around us, and plenty and prosperity ; 'Tis true indeed the religious and sincerely pious are not always blessed by God with the greatest affluence of temporal good things ; but the discussing this point belongs more prop- erly to my II Head of discourse, wherein I proposed to remove what objections might be made against the doctrinal proposition I laid down. And contrary to this, may be advanced that complaint that hath been usual in all time and ages ot the world, namely, that it fares best with the world and worst with the best of men. This hath indeed been a common complaint, and through the commonness of it 'tis now grown into a maxim. But to remove this we must consider that we are apt to pity the miserable and to envy the prosperous ; and that those pas- sions do naturally bribe our judgment to think worse of the one and better of the other than either deserve ; for those whom we pity we are Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 235 inclined to love, and those whom we love we are inclined to think well of; so on the contrary, those whom we envy we are inclined to hate, we are inclined to think ill off; and then because God doth not reward or punish men according to the sentence that our blind pity or envy passes on them, we are ready to quarrel with His providence, and to pronounce them vicious or virtuous according to the biased or preju- diced notions we form of them. And besides there are many base hypocrites in the world, that make a mighty show and ostentation of piety, do secretly indulge themselves in many ruinous and wasteful vices which frequently reduce them to poverty and misery ; and these we commonly rank among the good, it fares ill with, as on the contrary there are many good men that in the course of a reserved, modest, and unaffected piety, which makes very little show in ye world, are blessed and prosperd, and these we all commonly rank among the bad ihat fare well. Since therefore we are such incomp ^tent judges of good or bad men, we should be very careful how we object aga nst the providence of God, such maxims as are only founded on our fallacious observa- tions, and should not by our mistaken notions rashly pr(^nounce those bad who may be good, or good who may be nevertheless bad, from the circumstances of life we see them enjoy. And could we but once strip ourselves of pity and envy and penetrate into the insides of men, I doubt not but we should soon be satisfy'd that good and religious men have much ye advantage of profane and wicked men as to ye happiness and prosperity of this world. For a good man in any condition on this side pinching want, is ordi- narily, even in this life, far more happy than ye most easy and prosperous sinner whose outward glory and greatness, is usually nothing but ye gaudy cover of a fragile inside, of a mind that is tortured with pride and envy, with boundless hopes, insatiable desires and foul reflections that dash and embitter all his enjoyments ; while ye good religious man, under his mean and simple outside, carries a great and happy soul, a contented mind, a cheerful heart and a calm conscience which mightily sweeten all his enjoyments, and make his homely morsel outrelish the most studied luxuries. Thus now we may see how vastly ye happiness of the righteous is preferable to that of the wicked, either in his out- ward life or in his inward peace and tranquility of mind. But some may further object here, how is it possible for such a one to enjoy inward peace and satisfaction, since his conscience is so scrupulous and tender that it will immediately twist and gall him upon the smallest transgression of Divine laws. 236 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. It's true ind'^ed that the best men in this corrupt and imperfect state are frequently sinning, their best services are attended with many im- perfections and their fairest graces have their several blots and blem- ishes, and their conscience will immediately accuse them of their smallest, miscarriages and remind them of their duty. But this is so far from being their misery, that it is their greatest happiness ; for by this means they are kept from continuing in a course of sin, and whenever they have strayed from the path of virtue, they return vigorously to their duty rejoicing with joy unspeakable that they are so happily escaped from the paths of sin and death and destruction ; while the wicked continue in their immoral practices lulling their consciences to a profound sleep and making their hands stronger and stronger, till they awaken in despair and horror, and become unspeakably miserable with the dismal prospect of their approaching unavoidable damnation. So that all circumstances considered, as ye wise man saith, Eccles. 8:12, 13: "It shall farewell with the virtuous and religious but ill with the wicked forever." And therefore my doctrinal proposition will hold good notwithstanding all objections that maybe made against it, namely : that true peace and feliciiy result only from a religious life. From this then we may observe the wisdom and goodness of God in making our duty and our happiness both in time and to eternity so sweetly to comport the one with the other. So that they go hand in hand promoting that great and gracious design of our sovereign Lord and lawgiver. What remains then but that we should apply ourselves to the study of piety and pure religion, and to the sincere love of God"s laws, as the unerring guide of our lives and tbe just measure of all our actions. When shall we taste ye ravishing sweetness of a religious life, and shall be obliged to own that all her wa3's are ways of pleasantness and all her paths are peace. Then shall we enjoy peace with G d, inward peace and tranquility of mind, peace with all around us, and plenty, and prosperity. Then shall our lives be easy and comfortable to us, and we shall be all perfectly happy as we possibly can be, till once we arrive at those blissful regions above, whence everything that offends and they that commit iniquity are removed and nothing is found but undisturbed peace ; perpetual love and harmony dwell and reign forevermore. Paxtang Peesbyteeian Chuech. 237 DEED TO PAXTANG GLEBE. THIS INDENTURE made the Eighth day June in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and fifty-four, Between Henry Foster of the Township of Paxtang, in the county of Lancaster, in the province of Pennsylvania, Yeoman, Eldest son of John Foster, late of the said county. Yeoman, Deceased, and Ann his Wife, of the one part, and the Congregation that now belongs to the Reverend John Elder of the Township in the said county and province. Jointly, of the other part ; Whereas, the said John Foster was in his life time, by virtue of a certain patent bearing date the fifteenth day of October, Oue Thousand Seven Hundred and forty four, seized in his Demesn as of Fee, of and in a certain Tract of Land containing three Hundred and twenty one acres and allowance, and Dyed so thereof Seized, Intestate, Where- upon, according to Law of this Province, the same descended and came to and amongst all his children in Equal proportions, the said Henry as Eldest Son taking a double share to the rest of the Children ; And Whereas, the said Henry Foster, by his petition to the Orphens Court Held at Lancaster for the county Aforesaid, the fifth day of December One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty two, setting forth that his said Father so dyed seized of the said Tract of Lacd as Aforesaid, and that it wo'd be inconvenient to divide the same, and that he was willing and desirous to hold the same and pay the younger Children their Respec- tive shares thereof, according to a valuation to be made by indifferent persons, pursuant to the Direction of Act of Assembly in that case made and provided, and praying that proper persons might be appoint- ed to make valuation accordingly, obtained an order of the same Court, That James Galbraith, Esquire, Thomas Forster, Esquire, Thomas Simpson and James Reed should value the said Tract of Land and make a Return of such Valuation to the same Court ; Whereupon they, the said James Galbraith, Thomas Forster, Thomas Simpson and James Reed, returned to the said Court that they had by virtue of the iibove mentioned O'der valued and appraised the said Tract of Land at the sum of Three Hundred and Eight pounds ; And thereupon it was ordered by the court that the said Henry Foster do hold the said Tract of Land on giving security for the payment of the respective shares of the other Children of the said John Foster, Deceased, which amounted to forty seven j>ounds ten shillings each, as by the records 238 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. and proceedings of the same Court, Relation being thereunto had -will more fally and at large appear ; And Whereas, He the said Henry Foster, hath now satisfied and paid or given security for the payment of the Respective Shares of the Other Children, and therefore is now by virtue of the Act Assembly in that case made and provided, become seized and possessed of the said Tract of Land to hold to him, his Heirs and Assigns, for Ever ; Now, This Indenture Witnesseth, that the said Henry Foster and Ann his Wife, for and In consideration of the sum of Ten pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania to them or one of them in hand well and truly paid by the said congregation, at or before the Execution hereof, the Receipt and payment whereof are hereby acknowledged, Have and each of them Hath Granted, Bargain- ed, Sold, Released and Confirmed, and by these Presents Do and each of them Doth Grant, Bargain. Sell, Release, Confirm unto the said Congregation, Jointly, their Heirs and Assigns, All that tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Township of Paxtang aforesaid, in the county of Lancaster, Beginning at a Black Oak, thence South Eleven Degrees West Ninty Three perches to a Black Oak, thence North Eighty Degrees West Thirty Six perches to a post, thence South Eleven Degrees East Ninty Three perches to a Black Oak, thence South Eighty Degrees East Thirty Six perches to the place of beginning. Containing Twenty Acres, without allowance for Roads, for the use of the Said Congregation of Paxtang, on which the Stone Meeting House is Built, It being part and parcel of the Above mentioned Tract of Land Containing Three Hundred and Twenty-one Acres and Allowance, Together with all and Singular the Buildings, Gardens, Orchards, Meadows, Pastures, Feedings, Woods, Underwoods, Ways, Waters, Watercourses, Hedges, Ditches, Trees, Fences, Profits, Privileges, Advantages, Hereditaments, Improvements, Rights, Mem- bers, and Appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and the Reversion and Reversions, Remainder and Remainders thereof, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Use, Trust, Prope ty. Possession, Claim, and Demand, whatsoever, both at Law and in Equity, of them the said Henry Foster and Ann his wife, of in and to the same. To have and to hold the said Tract or parcel of Land, Hereditaments and Premises, hereby Granted and Released, with the Appurtenances, unto the said Congregation, their Heirs and Assigns, To the only use and behoof of the said Congregation, tlieir Heirs and Assigns, forever, at and under the proportionable part of the yearly Quit Rent now due, and hereafter to become due for the same, Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 239 to the chief Lord or Lords of the Fee thereof; and the said Henry Foster doth hereby grant for himself and his Heirs, that he and they, the said Tract of Land, Hereditaments and premises hereby granted, with the Appurtt-nances, Unto the said Congregation, their Heirs and Assigns, against him the said Henry Foster and the said Ann his wife. Heirs, and against all and every other person and Persons, Whomsoever lawfnlly claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof, by, from, or under him, her, or them, shall and will warrant, and forever defend, by these presents. In Wit7iess, whereof, the said parties to these presents their hands and seals have hereunto interchangeably set, the day and year above written. Henry Foster, [l. s.]| Ann Foster, [l. sJ Sealed and delivered in the presence of us by the within named Henry Foster. Henry Foster. Thos. Fforster, Thos. Simpson. Sealed and delivered by the within named Ann Foster in the pres- ence of us. Ann Foster. Thos. Fforster, Thos. Sii*pson. Received the day and year first within written of and from the within named congregation the sum of ten pounds, being the full considera- tion money within mentioned to be paid to me. Henry Foster. Witness : Thos. Fforster, Thos. Simpson. The 8th day of June, 1754, before me the subscribers, one of hia Majesty's Justices of the Peace of the county of Lancaster came the within named Henry Foster and Ann, his wife, and acknowledged the within written indenture to be their act and deed and desired that the same shall be recorded as such, the said Ann voluntarily consenting thereto, she being of full age and secretly and apart examined the with- in, consent being first made known to her. Witness my hand and seal the same day and year above written. Thos. Fforster, [l. s.] 240 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. Entered in the office for Recording of Deeds in and for the county oi Lancaster in Book C, page 237, on the Eleventh day of June Anno Dom., 1770. Witness my hand and seal of my office aforesaid. Edward Shippen, [office seal.] Recorder. Dauphin County, .ss ; Recorded in the office for Recording Deeds, &c., in and for Dauphin county, in Deed Book B, Vol. 8, page 22, &c. Witness my hand and seal, A. D., 1890. July 28, 1890. Philip C. Swab, Recorder. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 241 THE REPAIRS IN 1884. A few days since, learning that repairs of this last remaining landmark of the Scotch-Irish settlement were contemplated, we paid a visit to the old church. We clambered up into the loft, and ex- amined the rafters and also beams, which were just as sound as the day they were placed there. The timbers were made of oak, and originally an arched ceiling was contemplated. This was never done, and when the little window back of the pulpit and the north were closed up, perchance seventy or eighty years ago, the ceiling was made square, supported by cross-timbers held to the rafters by iron rods. The shingles on the south side of the roof are much decayed, while those on the opposite side are in good condition. It has been decided to put on a slate roof with the eaves projecting beyond the the wall, so as to protect that old and substantial masonry. Be- sides the roof, they propose to ' ' underprie ' ' certain portions of the wall, so that a firmer foundation may be made." — Dr. W. H. Egle, in Notes and Queries, 1884- 242 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. PEV. WILLIAM GRAHAM. William Graham, son of William Graham, was boru in Paxtang township, then Lancaster county. Province of Pennsylvania, on the 19th of December, 1745. His father, of Scotch parentage, came from the North of Ireland, as did his mother, whose maiden name was Susannah Millt-r. His early years were spent on the farm, but by dint of hard labor and perseverance, so characteristic of the Scotch-Irish youth ot that day, he prepared himself for admission to the college of New Jer- sey, (now Princeton,) where he graduated in 1773. He taught in the grammar school connected with that institution, while studying the- ology under the tuition of the Rev. John Roan. Among the paper-i of Rev. John Roan we have the following ac- count : " Wm. Graham enter'd lObr. 23, 1767. 1768. Jan. 23-31, absent. Ap. 2-25, absent. May 1, abs't some days. June 13, returned 8br. 2d. Dec'r 24, some days absent. Went away Feb. 4, 1769. In all here 9 months. I told his father June 10, 1769, that it should be charged at about £8 per annum, viz : 6 : 00 : Rec'd Dec'r 21, 1769, of ye above 4:10:0 Again, May, 1771, 0:07:0 Jan. 18, 1773, 1 : 10 : Lent to Wm. Graham, Nov. 15, 1773, : 10 : Jan. 19, 1774, 1:05:0 From the foregoing it would seem that as late as 1774, he was a stu- dent of Mr. Roan'-". Mr. Graham, on the 2Gth of October, 1775, was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of Hanover, Virginia, to which locality his family had previously removed. When tlie Presbytery determined to estab- lish a school for the rearing of young men for the ministry, they ap- plied to the Rev. Stanhope Smith, then itinerating in Virginia, to re- commend a suitable person to take charge of their school, upon which he at once suggested Mr. Graham. Prior to this a classical school had been taught at a place called Mt. Pleasant, and there Mr. G. commenced Paxtang Pkesbyterian Church. 243 his labors as a teacher, and there we find the germ whence sprung Washington College, and the now celebrated Washington and Lee Uni- versity of Virginia. Mr. Graham died at Richmond, Va., June 8th, 1799. He married Mary Kerr, of Carlisle, Pa., and by her had two sons and three daughters. His eldest son entered the ministry, but died young ; the other studied medicine, settled in Georgia, and died about 1840. 244 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. THE AGE OF THE CHURCH BUILDING. The age of the present stone church building at Paxtang, has often been alluded to by Historians of the Presbyterian Church in America. The date usually given for the erection of the walls is 1752. If there are any reasons for this date they have never been clearly stated. The first recorded statement in reference to the building, so far as we are aware, is to be found in the deed for the glebe given to the congregation on the 8th day of June, 1754, by Henry Forster and wife, in which the present ''^ stone meeting house'''' is mentioned. It is, therefore, necessary to go back of this date to find the beginning ; but why go back only two years rather than ten, fifteen, or twenty? It is well known to every one acquainted with the history of Paxtang, that before the stone building was erected the site was occupied by a substantial log structure, which was removed because it was too small to accommodate the growing congregation. The Rev. John Elder be- gan preaching in the log church in 1738, and soon found himself cramped for room and the congregation in a prosperous condition. In 1741 the controversy between the Old and New Lights reached Pax- tang, and soon waxed so bitter that by the 16th of August, 1745, the New Light people, comprising almost half the congregation, had not only seceded, but had completed a church building of their own, and installed Rev. John Roan as their pastor. Soon after this event, and long before Mr. Elder's congregation had time to recuperate, the Indians, incited by the French, became troublesome, and for the next ten years the people of Paxtang were fully occupied in the defense of their homes. It was during this period that Mr. Elder and his flock worshiped with their rifles in their hands. All work upon the building seems to have been suspended, the walls had been erected and roofed in, and it is more than probable that it remained in this con- dition, with neither floor nor pews, until after the revolution. In view of these facts, it is not reasonable to suppose that the congregation would, in 1752 tear down their old building and incur the unnecessary expense of a new erection, and it is, therefore, logical to conclude that the stone house was erected prior to 1741, when the numerical and financial condition of the congregation was favorable to such a project. Aside from this reasoning, we have the positive statement of the late Thomas Elder, Esq., of Harrisburg, son of Rev. John Elder, under Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 245 whose auspices the church was built. On the 20th of June, 1852, Mr. Elder paid what was doubtless his last visit to Paxtaug church. The occasion was the funeral of Mrs. Sarah Rutherford, widow of William Rutherford, who had been his life-long friend. After the services were over, Mr. Elder spent a short time looking about the old grave-yard, in which, as he said, most of the friends of his youth and early man- hood lay sleeping, reminiscences of the past crowded upon him, and as he moved slowly along he spoke of the old church as it was in his father's time, and of the leading men connected therewith ; and in reply to a question by Capt. Rutherford, he said that whilst he was not sure that there was any record of the erection of the present building, he had often heard his father say that the walls were built in 1740. This, in the absence of well authenticated documentary evidence, ought to be conclusive. The descendants of the sturdy men and women who worshiped there in 1740 are scattered everywhere, many of them prominent in church and State, and in the business enterprises of the land. A little band still holds the fort. All these should unite and see to it that the year of grace, 1890, shall witness such a celebration of the one hun- dred and fiftieth anniversary of the laying of her corner-stone, as shall do honor to this motheT" of churches and oldest monument of Presby- terianism now standing in Central Pennsylvania. — W. F. R., in Notes and Quer'ies, in 1890. 246 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. THE NEW-SIDE CHURCH. About two miles east of old Paxtang Church and one and a half miles north of Rutherford Station in Lower Paxtang township, is an old Scotch-Irish burying-ground containing about one fourth of an acre of land and surrounded at present by a substantial post and rail fence. Formerly a log meeting-house stood close by, on the opposite side ot the road. This building was also known as Paxtang meeting-house, and the people who worshiped here were the New Side Presbyterians, with Rev. John Roan as their pastor. In 1787 the house was torn down and the materials sold for the sum of ten pounds eighteen shillings and three pence ; this included eleven and a quarter yards of diaper, four yards table cloth, one yard napkin, and one table and chair. This sum — together with twelve pounds two shillings and three pence raised by assessment upon the congregation — was expended in the building of a new paling fence around the grave- yard. The fence, in the course of time, decayed, and was rebuilt by Conrad Peck, at the expense of Samuel Sherer, 'Squire McClure- and Robert Stewart. This fence also went the way of all fences, and Rob- ert Stewart, shortly before his death, caused the present post and rail fence to be erected. The meeting-house occupied the same field with old Paxtang church, and was u>sed during the greater part of Rev. John Elder's pastorate- The little cemetery adjoining contains comparatively few graves, and is evidently of much later origin than that of old Paxtang, the oldest marked grave in it being that of James Welsh, Jan. 28, 1754, and there are no traditions which carry us beyond that date. This does not prove anything, but would seem to indicate that the establishment of the church was about 1750. After 1787 most of the members of this church connected themselves with old Paxtang, and in 1793 we find some of their names on a sub- scription list for Rev. Mr. Suowden's salary. Who purchased the table and chair does not appear, but they brought nine shillings and eight pence ; and were sold for the congregation by John Wilson and Robert Montgomery. — W. F. R., in Notes and Queries, 1883. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 247 THE SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL-MASTERS. No records of the schools of the valley have been preserved earlier than those relating to the free schools of the present day. All that we know concerning them is gathered from a few entries in old memoran- dum books, receipts for tuition, "the memory of men still living," and tradition. The first settlers were principally Scotch-Irish Presbyterians, and the present site of Paxtang Church was early fixed upon as a suita- ble place for a church and school-house. In 1732, the church was or- ganized under the pastorate of Rev. William Bertram, but a building had been erected, and religious services conducted at stated times by Rev. Mr. Anderson and others, long before. And there is every reason to believe that the school was coeval with the church. Three different buildings were used at different times as school-houses — the first and oldest was a log cabin which stood a short distance north of the church on Thomas McArthur's land — the second a log house on Thomas Ruth- erford's land, west of the church — the third was known as the "study house" — a building belonging to the congregation, erected for the con- venience of the minister, into which he could retire for meditation be- tween sermons. These buildings have all long since disappeared and with them the old type of school-masters. The pedagogue is now spoken of as '^ the teacher.''' In those days he was called ''TAe 3faster,'^ terms which sufficiently indicated the difference between the past and present position of that important personage. The names of the masters who taught here before the Revolution are all forgotten save that of Francis Kerr, who immortalized himself by organizing a clandestine lodge of Masons, whose temple was the old Log Cabin. During the quarter century immediately following the Revolution, the celebrated "Master Allen," surveyor and school-mas- ter, fills the most prominent place. His reputation as an educator was great and his services in demand. In connection with the common branches, he taught Latin and surveying, and was looked upon by his cotemporaries as one who had almost reached the summit of the hill of knowledge. In the course of his long career he conducted schools in Paxtang, Derry, and Hanover ; and almost all the surveyors, squires, and scri^'eners in these townships who were in active service forty or fifty years ago, had in their youths sat at the feet of Master Allen. It is not known precisely how long he kept school at the Meeting House ; it 248 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. is however certain that he was teaching there on the 29th of April, 1783 ; also, that he opened school on the 9th of May, 1785, at 7 shillings and 11 pence per scholar per quarter — and that he was teaching there on the 12th of January, 1789. After this date we have been unable to find any record, but have frequently heard it stated that the first school at- tended by Capt. John P. Rutherford was Master Allen's, at the Meeting House. Capt. Rutherford was born in 1802. This would indicate that Allen closed his career as master of the school about 1808 or 1810. He afterwards taught at Gilchrist's, near Linglestown. It is a curious fact, that the Christian name of one so famous and ■who filled so large a space in this community for so many years — should be forgotten. His character as "Jlfas^er" seems to have overshadowed hia very name. And he is known to fame only as Master Allen. Among the many traditions concerning him, is one which represents him as a firm believer in the efficacy of the rod as a promoter of good morals and a quickener of the intellectual faculties. All were soundly drubbed daily and thosj unfortunate youngsters whose indulgent parents spared the rod, received at his hands a double portion, in order that they might have as fair a start in life as their more favored friends who were properly whipped at home. His stern and forbidding aspect, as he stalked about the school-room, rod in hand, struck terror into the hearts of all meditators of rebellion, and left such a lasting impression upon the mind, that old men of thi'ee score and ten have been known to shudder as they recalled it. In the cemetery near Harrisburg, among those brought there from the old burrying-ground in the city, is a grave marked by a marble slab resting upon four pillars of sandstone. The inscription is as follows : In Memory of Joseph Allen who departed this life Feb. ISth 1S19 Aged about SO years. There are many reasons for believing this to be the last resting place of the old autocrat of the school-room. Joseph Allen, by his will, dated July 4, 1812, bequeathed his books and MSS. to his nephew, David Allen, of the New Purchase. These documents may still be in existence somewhere, and doubtless contain much that would be interesting to us to-day, and it is to be regretted Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 249 that he left them to one living so far from the scenes of his life-work and where his name and fame were unknown. From Master Allen's school went out many young men who after- wards became prominent in their respective walks of life. Among those may be mentioned Thomas Elder, member of the Dauphin county bar, and eleventh Attorney General of Pennsylvania. John Forster. — A di tinguished citizen of Harrisburg, and Brigadier General in the war of 1812. Jonathan Kearsley. — An officer in the Second Regiment United States Artillery — served throughout the war of 1812, and lost a leg in the defense of Fort Erie — was afterwards Collector of Internal Revenue for the Tenth district of Pennsylvania. And in 1820 was appointed by Mr. Monroe, a receiver for the La .d Office at Detroit, a position which he held until 1847 ; was elected mayor of Detroit in 1829, and was four times elected regent of the State University of Michigan, and received from that mstitution the honorary degree of Master of Arts. Joseph Wallace— merchant — Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth in 1838, and an eminently useful citizen of Harrisburg. John Rutherford, surveyor and farmer, represented Dauphin county in the 28th Legislature of Pennsylvania. William McClure, a leading member of the Dauphin county bar. William Rutherford, farmer, colonel of Pennsylvania militia, and represented Dauphin county in the Thirtieth, Thirty-first, Fortieth, and Forty-first Legislatures of Pennsylvania. Joseph Gray, surveyor and farmer, filled with credit, the office ot surveyor of Dauphin county. James S. Espy, Esq., for many years a leading merchant of Harris- burg. These are a few from Paxtang. Had we the roll of Allen's scholars from first to last, many distinguished names from Hanover and Derry would undoubtedly be found upon it. Cotemporary with Allen at the Meeting House was Mr. Thompson, who began a quarter on the 29th of May, 1786, at five shillings per quarter, and Mr. Armstrong, who opened school on the 31st of Octo- ber, 1786, at five shillings. Of this school we find recorded in Rev. John Elder's memorandum book, (which through the kindness of Dr. W. H. Egle, we have been permitted to examine,) the following : ''Dec. 11, 1786. This day he discontinued ye school on acc't of ye severity of ye weather. ' ' Allen, as has been noted, closed his career as teacher at the Meeting 250 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. House, about 1810. He was followed by several men whose names we have been unable to ascertain. In 1814 and 1815, Francis Donley, an Irishman, conducted the school. In 1816, Mr. McClintock. In 1817, Benjamin White, of Vermont, noted for the severity of his rule. He, in common with all bachelor school-masters of that day, boarded around. In 1818 and in 1819, John Jones lived in the house and taught the school. In 1820, Thomas Hutchison, of Union county. Pa. Mr. Hutchison is still living in Stephenson county, Illinois, a hale old man of more than four score. The rule for boardmg which governed the master in his peregrinations around the neighborhood, may be gathered from some instructions given to Mr. Hutchison, when he opened school, by an Irish lady, who was one of his patrons ; she had but one scholar, and he was a bound boy. " Now Tammy, where ye hae but the one scholar, ye stay but the one night." In 1821, James Cupples, an Irish weaver, and a man of some attain- ments, particularly in mathematicSj kept school in the winter, and worked at his trade in the summer. His loom, for want of room in the house, was kept in the west end of the church, which at that time was separated from the audience room by a board partition. As a school-master, Mr. Cupples cannot take rank as a great man. yet he was in some respects far in advance of his age. He ruled with little or no assistance from the rod, a system of government which his patrons who had been brought up under the stern and vigorous rule of Allen, could not fully apppeciate. He stands out as a solitary example among his compeers as one whom no little boy ever attempted to thrash as soon as he should be able, arid from him dates the decline of the reign ot terror in the school-room. For these things he deserves to be gratefully remembered. After teaching several terms at the Meeting House, he removed to Churchville, and iu 1826, to Cumberland county, where he probably spent the remainder of his days. In 1824, Mr. McCashau was master of the school. In 1825, Mr. Samuel S. Rutherford. Mr. Rutherford was a native of the valley, and for many years one of its leading citizens. He died on his farm near the church in 1872. From 1825 to 1839, when the school finally closed, we have a long list of teachers, none of whom seems to Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 251 have taught more than a single quarter. Amoug them are the names of Mr. Lnckhart, Francis D. Cummings, (a man of varied attainments,) Cornelius Kuhn, Rev. John Macbeth, Mr. Martin, David Calhoun Thomas Mifflin Kennedy, Robert Cooper, John Ebersole, and William Gold. In the fall of 1839, the free school system went into operation in Swa- tara, and the light from the old school at the Meeting House, which had cast its rays upon the valley for more than a hundred years was extin- guished. From the earliest times down to 1812, this was the only lamp by which the feet of the children of the valley were guided along the pathway to learning. In 1812, the over-crowded condition of the school compelled the erection of another building. The site chosen was the north-east cor- ner of Jacob Walter's farm, in the woods, near a spring of water. The logs were contributed and hauled to the spot by the farmers around,, and John McClure, of Hanover, afterwards of Ohio, was the architect. The house was about sixteen feet by eighteen feet, with a ceiling so low that a tolerably active young man could stand on the floor and kick the I'oists. This building is still standing, and has been used for more than thirty years as pig-pen, a use to which it is much better adapted than it ever was for a school-house. David Calhoun, of Paxtang, a lame man, and a distant relative of the great South Carolina nuUifier, was the first master. He afterwards taught in Paxtang township and at the Meeting House, and finally went to the west, where he died. He was followed by Thomas Wallace, who wielded a rod of such prodigious length, that he was able to reach any scholar in the room without leaving his chair. Joseph Gray, of Paxtang valley, came next in 1815. Mr. Gray after- wards became distinguished as a surveyor ; died on his his farm in the valley in 1861, and was buried in Paxtang grave-yard. From Mr. Gray'a time down to the close of the school, many different men were employed as masters, among whom may be named Til) er Neal, a New England man and an excellent teacher ; John Karr, an Irishman ; Benjamin White, of Vermont ; Mr. Burrett, a Yankee ; Curtis McNeal, a Scotchman j William Walker, of Hanover ; Mun-ay Manville, P. K. Burke, Mr. Runyan, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Norwood, an Irishman, and a great lover of strong water, who once declared that when his bottle was empty he felt like the man described in the first lines of the " Beggar's Petition," "Pity the sorrows of a poor old man," «&c., but when it was full, "No king upon his throne was happier." Following Norwood, was a man 252 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. of pompous carriage and courtly manners, known as " Old Quality." What his name really was, no one now seems to know. And lastly, Mr. Anderson. Most of these men, and others not remembered, taught but a single quarter, and disappeared. The new board of school directors divided Swatara township into seven districts, and erected a school-house in each. Two of these, Nos- 1 and 5, were located in the valley, and supplied the places of the two old houses. The new buildings were light frame structures, and stood for twenty-five years, when they were replaced by the present substantial brick houses. We shall not go into the history of the free schools of Swatara, but cannot close the subject without mentioning two distinguished teachers of Nos. 1 and 5, Edwin L. Moore and George Gunn. These two men were relatives, and came to the valley in 1840, young men from Massa- chusetts, and were examined as to their qualifications by Rev. James R. Sharon, and received from him first-class certificates. Mr. Moore taught several terms at No. 1, then opened a school in Harrisburg, and was for many years principal of the Mount Joy academy. In 1861, he entered the army as paymaster, and served until sometime after the close of the war, when he settled in Nebraska, where he died about 1870. Mr. Gunn took charge of No. 5, or Hockerton, as it was called, because of its location on lands of George Hocker, in November, 1841, and taught the school with two or three intervals, until 1856, when he married, and engaged in farming on Mentor Plains, Ohio, where he died in September, 1862. Mr. Gunn was a gentleman of many social virtues, and when he left the valley for his new home in the west, he bore with him the good wishes of all classes, and left no enemy behind him. One old gentleman with whom he boarded for a time, charged him nothing, "for," said he, "I consider his company worth his board." As a teacher he was second to no man of his day. His capacity for work in the school-room was enormous. His ability to impart knowledge, and his skill in the government of schools unsurpassed. The majority ot his pupils are still living and in the prime of life, and all look back with pleasure and satisfaction to the time spent under his instruction. — W. F. Rutherford in Notes and Queries, 1882, Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 253- THE CALL OF REV. JOSHUA WILLIAMS. The following papers throw some light on the troubles through which the congregation passed a few years subsequent to the death of the Rev. John Elder, who for fifty six years had ministered to it ; Letter Sent to Presbytery in 1795. Paxtang, Odr. 5th, 1795. To the Bevd. Presbytery of Carlisle about to convene at Marsh Creek in the County of York ; Whereas, Mr. Snowden has signified to his congregation in Derry Township that he is no longer able to officiate in his Ministerial capacity to them on acct. of Inability of body, and that he purposes to apply ta Presbytery for a Discharge from said congregation which we conceive, if he might be indulged in his Request, would leave the congregation of Paxtang in a very distressing & Perilous Situation ; that the two congregations have lived for many years past in perfect peace, friend- ship, and unanimity, and that we do not wish for a schism between us now ; that of the union is once broke there will be no probability of us- being united again ; that of Mr. Snowden is rendered incapable of un- dergoing the fatigue of the three congregations in less than three years in the prime of life, by all probability he will not be able in a short time to attend to two congregations, and of consequence we shall be- left without a pastor and the means of giving a call to another. We,, therefore, pray to be considered as united with Derry, and that if Mr. Snowden should insist on being disunited from them, that Presbytery will appoint a committee of their body to enquire into the matter be- fore anything decisive may take place ; and that the majority of this, congregation, how much soever they may be attached to Mr. Snowden,. would rather he should leave us as he found us, than submit to a disso- lution of the union subsisting between us. By order of a meeting of Paxtang congregation. John Rutherford, Joshua Elder. •254 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. Supplication Sent to Presbytery, 1796. Paxtang, Jan'y, 1796. To the Moderator of Carlisle Presbytery about to meet at Big Spring : By order of the Committee of Presbytery which sat at Paxtang the 3d of Nov'r last, the Congregation of Paxtang was notifyed the last Sunday but one which we had meeting that the sense of the Congrega. tion wou'd be taken on the next Sabbath whether we wou'd adhere to Harrisburg & break the Union with Derry, or whether we wou'd con- tinoue the Union with Derry & break off with Harrisburg. Accord- ingly after sermon last Sunday the heads of families were desired to attend, and after the business was explained to them, we proceeded to take the votes of the People, & it appeared that a Majority of the Con- gregation was for continnuing the Union with Derry and relinquishing Harrisburg, they likewise chose the bearer Capt'n John Rutherford as their Commissioner to wait on Presbytery with this Remonstrance, praying that Presbytery wou'd grant us Supplies & dissolve the Congre- gation of Paxtang from their Obligations to Mr. Snowden & that he might discontinue his labors to them unless ordered to supply them as any other Gentleman. Supplication Sent to the Presbytery of Carlisle, 1796. Paxtang, Sept. 3d, 1796. The Eev'd Presbytery of Carlisle : Gentlemen : Whereas we are now destitute of the Gospel Ordinances being regularly administered to us, and what few supplies were allotted for us at the last Presbytery we fell short even of these on account of the age and Inability of one of the members appointed to supply us ; We, the Subscribers, in behalf of this Congregation who met for that purpose Do most earnestly beg and entreat that Presbytery would be pleased to grant as many Supplies as they can with convenience ; we likewise wish that if there be any young or unsettled Members belong- ing to Presbytery these might be sent to us that we might have an Op- portunity of the Gospel once more regularly established and adminis- tered in all the forms thereto belonging ; and your Supplicants as in ■duty bound shall ever pray. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 255 Appeal of the Paxtang Congregation to the Moderator. Paxtang, Oct 1, 1797. To the Moderator of the Bev'd Presbytery of Carlisle : Sir : We again acknowledge our dependence and renew our request in praying Presbytery to give us such and as many supplies during the winter season as they can with convenience. The bearer, Mr. James Rutherford, is appointed our Commissioner to present this remonstrance to Presbytery and to answer such interrogatories as may be required of him. Signed in behalf of Paxtang congregation by Joshua Elder. Letter to the Moderator op Carlisle Presbytery, 1798. Paxtang, Sept. 25th, 1798. To the Moderator of Carlisle Presbytery : Sir: The bearer, Edward Crouch, is our commissioaer, appointed by the congregation of Paxtang to wait on the Revd Presbytery of Car- lisle with a call for the Revd Joshua Williams for the one third of his labors in union with Derry, whom we expect will apply for the remain- ing two thirds ; likewise to solicit the Presbytery to grant us Supplies in the meantime. Signed in behalf & with the approbation of the congregation by Joshua Elder. Rev. Joshua Williams. Joshua Williams, the third pastor of Paxtang, and to whom refer- ence is made in the address of Mr. Joshua Williams, of Minneapolis, was the son of Louis Williams, and was born in Great Valley, Chester county, Pennsylvania, August 8, 1768. When he was about two years of age his father removed to York county. He received an early pre- paratory education, sent to Dickinson College, Carlisle — then under the presidency of the celebrated Rev. Dr. Charles Nisbet — where he was graduated in 1795, in the same class with Roger B. Taney, for more than a quarter of a century Chief Justice of the United States, and who ever retained a kindly rememberance of him. His theological studies were pursued chiefly under the direction of Rev. Dr. Robert Cooper. In 1798 was liceuaed to preach by the Presbytery of Carlisle, 256 Paxtang Pesbyrterian Church. and in the following year was called to the pastorate of Paxtang and Derry churches, and was ordained minister thereof on the 2d of Octo- ber, 1799. In 1801, at his own request, he was relieved from the charge, "owing to some matter of uneasiness which had arisen in one of his congregations." In 1802 he was installed pastor of the Big Spring church, which he served until 1829, when, on account of physical infirmities, he resigned. He died August 21, 1838. His wife, who was a daughter of Patrick Campbell and Eleanor Hayes, of Derry, died at Big Spring, and is interred with her husband there. Mr. Wil- liam's talents and attainments commanded the highest respect from all who knew him. His intellectual powers were naturally strong and vigorous, and his judgment sound and discriminating. He was familiar with the science of mental philosophy, and had a remarkable taste for metaphysical discussions. He was learned and able in his profession, and highly instructive in his discourses, and Jefferson College honored him with the title of Doctor of Divinity. — Notes and Queries, 1872. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 257 MASTER ALLEN'S SCHOOL. The foUowiag documents have recently come into our possession. One is the agreement with Mr. Allen and the other the list of scholars for the year 1781-2. No doubt our correspondent " W. F. R," as ethers of our readers, will be delighted at the perusal : " We, and each of us whose names are hereunto subscribed, Being willing to Employ Joseph Allen, to teach our children to Read, Write, and Arithmetic (as far as to the End of Reduction in Dilworth's As- sistant) in English according to the best of his capacity. For the term of one year, from the time he shall begin. At the Expiration of each Quarter thereof. We do hereby promise to pay or cause to be paid unto said Joseph Allen the sum of Five shillings hard money (or Wheat to the Value thereof,) and also to find him in Meat, Drink, Washing and Lodging at one certain house convenient to the Schoolhouse ; To- gether with a Schoolhouse, Fire-wood and Stove, and for the further Encouragement of s'd Master, we do hereby engage to find Lodging at our house for such Youths as may apply to be Taught above Reading and writing in English, which if we do not perform we declare s'd Master clear at the End of each Quarter he may Think convenient. In Testimony of the True performance of the above Articles and agreements noted, the s'd Joseph Allen, We do herewith subscribe our Names and Number of our Scholars, the 16th day of November, 1781. John Elder, 3 sch's. John Rutherford, 2^ sch's. Thos. Murray, IJ " Joshua Elder, 1 " John Clark, 1 " Gustavus Graham, 1 " Jacob Awl, 1 " Hugh Cunningham, 2 " Hugh Stewart, 1 " Peter Pancake, 1 " Alex. McCauley, I '' Robert Elder, ] " Thos. McArthur , 1 " 258 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 'M list of the Scholars' Names and Time they were at School with Joseph Allen, and also their parents' Names, who Dr. for them— 31st Aug., 1782: Rev. Mr. John Elder for David Elder, 6 Mos. 9 " Samuel do. , q " Michael do., . . . . ^ 6- ' Rebecca do., -' ,, 3 James do., ^^ Joshua Elder, Esq., for Polly Hayes, 9 Peter Pancake, for Frederick Pancake, 9 William Watt, ^^ [[ Alexander McCauley, for George do., 6j Barbara do., ^^ Hugh Cunningham, for James do., ^ Hugh do., J [[ James Crouch, for Edward do., ^ ^^ Colonel James Burd, for James, jun'r, do., 9 ^^ Joseph Burd, 9 ^^ Wm. Kerr, for William, do., jun'r, ^^ William Kelso, John do., ^^ Rebecca do., " Thomas do., - Jane do., ^^ Joseph do., li Richard Carson, for Richard do , jun'r 8 Sally do., ''' \[ Robert Elder, for James do., 3 David, do., John Dimsey, for Thomas do., 8 Arthur Brisbaud, for Robert do., ^ James do., 4 Jane do., Col. Thos. Murray, for James do. , 9 Polly do., ■ • 2 'J Ann do., ^^ ^^ Mr. Jacob Awl, for Jacob, junr, do., ^2 Samuel do., ^^ '] Jane do., ^ ^ Cant. John Rutherford, for Samuel do., 9 John do., ^ Paxtang Presbyteeian Church. 259 Polly do, • • • 8 Mos. "Wm. do., 4 " Peggy Gray, 4 " Mrs. Mary Stewart, for Michael SiLopson, 3| " Joseph do., 3J " Rebecca do., 82'' Widow Wilson, for Jane do. , 3} " Esther do., 3J " Joseph Hutchison, for John do., 3 J " Tilley Larkey, 3J " Thos. Kyle, for himself, 3 " Jeremiah Sturgeon, do., 3 *• Joseph Green, do., 3 " James Wiggins, do 3 >' Hugh Stewart, for Robert, do., 7 J " Hugh, jr., do., 7J " Sa-nuel do., ' 4 " John Gray, sen., for Ann Hays, 8 " Sam'l Rutherford, for Nelly Gray, 9 " Col. Maxwell Chambers, for Arthur (In 9 " John Clark, for Stephen do., 5 <« Polly do., 5 " James Rutherford, for Patt. McCann, 7 '< Gustavus Grahams, for Wm. do., 8 " John Clendinon, for Peggy do., 3 '« James Russel, for himself, 1 J " Peggy Renick, for Alex. Smith, 2 " David Murtrie, for himself, ... 3 ** Thos. McArthur, 9 '< Anny Renick, 3 " — W. H. Egle, M. D., in Notes and Queries. 260 PaXTANG rilESBYTERIAN ChURCH. MARRIAGES BY REV. JOHN ELDER, 1744-1791. 1757, Feb. 11. Allen, Samuel, and Rebecca Smith. 1772, March — . Anderson, James, and Margaret Chambers. 1788, April 22. Anderson, James, and Esther Thome. 1737, Nov. 20. Augeer, Mary, and John Culbertson. 1783, Fab. 25. Auld, Sarah, and Joseph Green. 1773, Nov. 1. Ayers, Margaret, and William Forster. 1741, Aug. 13. Baker, Mary, and Rev. John Elder. 1786, Dec. 19. Beatty, Mary Brereton, and Patrick Murray. 1790, Feb. 5. Beatty, Nancy, and Samuel Hill. 1773, Oct. 14. Bell, John, and Martha G-ilchrist. 1774, June 24. Bell, Samuel, and Ann Berryhill. 1774, June 24. Berryhill, Ann, and Samuel Bell. 1784, March 2. Boal, Robert, and Mary Wilson. 1781, March 1. Bo}'ce, , and James Robinson. 1766, . Boyd, Joseph, and Elizabeth Vv'allace. 1777, April 8. Boyd, Margaret, and Joseph Wilson, of Derry. 1783, March 11. Boyd, Margaret, and Joseph Wilson. 1785, March 15. Boyd, Mary, and Robert Templeton. 1779, Sept. 14. Boyd, Jennett, and William Moore. 2. Brisban, Margaret, and James Rutherford. 6. Brown, James, and Eleanor Mordah. — . Brown, Sarah, and John Graham. 19. Brown, William, and Sarah Semple. 7. Brunson, Barefoot, and Agnes White. 24. Buck, Elijah, and . 3. Buck, William, and Margaret Elliott. 27. Caldwell, Matthew, and Mary Pinkerton. 11. Calhoun, David, and Eleanor King. — . Calhoun, Mary, and Alexander McCuUom. 1. Campbell, Ann, and Hugh Hamilton. 23. Carothers, Eleanor, and James Kyle. 28. Carson, Elizabeth, and Alexander Wilson. 16. Carson, James, and ]\Iary Espy. 13. Cathcart, Sarah, and Joseph Hulchiusou. 27. Cavet, James, and . 1772, Jan. 1746, Nov. 1773, 1769, Oct. 1774, Oct. 1771, Sept. 1785, Jan. 1783, Feb. 1780, April 1773, 1772, April 1777, Dec. 1785, April 1748, June 1786, June 1769, April 1771, Dec. 5. Chambers, Maxwell, and Elizabeth Paxtang Piip:shyterian Chuiich. 261 1780, Jan. 13. Chesney, John, and 1769, Dec. 14. Christy William, and 1790, Oct. 14. Clark. Charles, and Elizabeth Robinson. 1783, Aug. 7. Clark, John, and Marj Smith. 1775, April 13. Clark, William, and . 1788, June 7. Cochran, Ann, and Sankey Dixon. 1769, Sept. 12. Cochran, Martha, and James Robinson. 1776, March 14. Collier, Susan, and Samuel Rutherford. 1780, . Cook, William, and Sarah Simpson. 1784, Oct. 21. Cowden, Elizabeth, and Robert Keys. 1777, March 20. Cowden, James, and Mary Crouch. 1777, Jan. 28. Cowden, Mary, and David Wray. 1778, Jan. 22. Crain, George, and Martha Richey. 1781, Nor. 13. Crouch, Elizabeth, and Matthew Gilchrist. 1777, March 20. Crouch, Mary, and James Cowden. 1787, Nov. 20. Culbertson, John, and Mary Augeer. 1774, April 14. Curry, Agnes, and William Carry. 1775, March 7. Curry, Daniel, and . 1774, April 14. Curry, William, and Agnes Curry. 1780, July 13. Dickey, James, and . 1778, Jan- 13. Dickey, John, and . 1772, Dec. 1. Dickey, William, and . 1777, Dec. 4. Dixon, George, and 1774, March 15. Dixon, Isabella, and James McCormick. 1788, June 7. Dixon, Sankey, and Anna Cochran. 1779, Dec. 14. Donaldson, James, and . 1774, Jan. 9. Dugal, Mr., and Sarah Wilson. 1779, Oct. 6. Duncan, Andrew, and . 1779, Sept. 23. Elder, Ann, and Andrew Stephen. 1766, Dec. — . Elder, Eleanor, and John Hays. 1741, Aug. 13. Elder, Rev. John, and Mary Baker. 1751, Nov. 5. Elder, Rev. John, and Mary Sini[ison. 1788, Jan. 18. Elder, John, jr., and Sarah Kennedy. 1773, Sept. 16. Elder, Joshua, and Mary Mcxillister. 1788, May 27. Elder, Joshua, and Sarah McAllister. 1784, May 18. Elder, Mary, and James Wilson. 1769, Feb. 7. Elder, Robert, and Mary J. Thompson. 1787, June 19. Elder, Sarah, and James Vv'aUace. 1785, Jan, 3. Elliott, Margaret, and William Buck. 1748, June 16. Espy, Mary, and James Carson. 262 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 1744, Sept. 16. Findlay, John, and Elizabeth Harris. 1781, March 6. Fleming, John, and Nancy Neill. 1773, Nov. 1. Forster, William, and Margaret Ayres. 1784, Dec. 14. Foster, Robert, and Esther Renick. 1777, Nov. 4. Foster, Thomas, and Jane Young. 1784, June 7. Fulk, Mary, and Christopher Irwin . 1785, March 7. FuUion, Jean, and James Smith Polk. 1770, — . Fulton, Jean, and Moses "Wallace. " 1771, Nov. 5. Fulton, Benjamin, and . 1774, June 16. Fulton, Grizel, and Alexander Wilson. 1772, April 30. Fulton, Isabella, and Hugh Wilson. 1780, Jan. 25. Fulton, Joseph, and Elizabeth . 1744, June 14. Fulton, Richard, and Isabella McChesney. 1771, Dec. 12. Galbraith, Benjamin, and . 1781, Feb. 27. Gilchrist, Eleanor, and Richard McGuire. 1771, Aug. 22. Gilchrist, John, and . 1773, Oct. 14. Gilchrist, Martha, and John Bell. 1781, Nov. 13. Gilchrist, Matthew, and Elizabeth Crouch. 1784, Nov. 9. Gillmor, Moses, and Isabella Wallace. 1781, June 21. Glen, Elizabeth, and William Trousdale. 1774, Aug. 13. Gowdie, Jane, and John Ryan. 1774, June 15. Gowdie, John, and Abigail Ryan. 1776, Nov. 28. Goorly, John, and . 1773, — . Graham, John, and Sarah Brown. 1787, March 13. Graham, Martha, and David Ramsey. 1779, Nov. 11. Gray, Joseph, and Mary Robinson. 1783, Feb. 25. Green, Joseph, and Sarah Auld. 1772, April 1. Hamilton, Hugh, and Ann Campbell. 1788, Sept. 27. Hamilton, Thomas, and Mary Kyle. 1744, Sept. 16. Harris, Elizabeth, and John Findlay. 1749, June 3. Harris, Esther, and Wil iam Plunket. 1752, June 1. Harris, Esther, (Say, ) and William McChesney. 1768, June 2. Harris, James, and Mary Laird. 1779, May 27. Harris, James, and . 1749, May 3. Harris, John, jr., and Elizabeth McClure. 1774, Sept. 15. Harris, Mary, and William Mac]a)\ 1752, Oct. 4. Harris, William Augusta, and Margaret Simpson. 1766, Dec. — . Hays, John, and Eleanor Elder. 1778, April 9. Hays, , and Archibald McAllister. 1787, Nov. 20. Henderson, James, and Margaret Wiggins. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 263 1771, Jan. 24. Hetherington, Alexander, and . 1790, Feb. 5. Hill, Samuel, and Nancy Beatty. 1776, Dec. 10. Hodge, Isaac, and Margaret Wilson. 1781, April 12. Houston, Mary, and John Maxwell. 1786, June 13. Hutchinson, Joseph, and Sarah Cathcart. 1775, April 18. Hutchinson, Margaret, and Robert Moody. 1780, June 29. Hutchinson, Samuel, and Jane Rutherford. 1784, June 7. Irwin, Christopher, and Mary Fulk. - 1783, May 12. Jackson, Edward, and Margaret Lewis. 1776, July 3. Jenkins, Walter, and . 1774, March 31. Johnson, Alexander, . 1771, Aug. 15. Johnson, James, and . 1781, April 3. Johnson, Jane, and John Patterson. 1774, . Kearsley, Samuel, and Sarah 1796, Feb. 4. Kelso, John, and Sally Morton. 1757, May 23. Kelso, William, and Simpson. 177-5, Jan. 17. Kennedy, David, and . 1788, Jan. 18. Kennedy, Sarah, and John Elder, jr. 1784, Oct. 21. Keys, Robert, and Elizabeth Cowden. 1786, April 11. King, Eleanor, and David Calhoun. 1778, Dec. 10. King, Mary, and James McKinzie. 1782, Dec. 31. King, Richard, and Mary Wylie. 1777, Dec. 23. Kyle, James, and Eleanor Carothers. 1788, Sept. 27. Kyle, Mary, and Thomas Hamilton. 1778, Sept. 10. Laird, James, and . 1788, Feb. 12. Laird, James, and Mary McFarland. 1791, April 4. Laird, John, and Rachel . 1768, June 2. Laird, Mary, and James Harris. 1774, Sept. 29. Lerkin, John, and . 1782, May 6. Lewis, John, and 1783, May 12. Lewis, Margaret, and Edward Jackson. 1780, July 20. Lytle, John, and . 1773, Nov. 10. Maclay, Samuel, and Elizabeth Plunket. 1774, Sept. 15 Maclay, William, and Mary Harris. 1778, April 9. McAllister, Archibald, and Hays. 1773, Sept. 16. McAllister, Mary, and Joshua Elder. 1783, May 27. McAllister, Sarah, and Joshua Elder. 1776, Jan. 25. McArthur, Barbara, and James Walker. 1744, June 14 McChcsney, Isabella, and Richard Fulton. 1752, June 1. McChesney, William, and Esther (Say) Harris. 264 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 1783, Jan. 23. McCleaster, James, and Sarah Roan. 1775, Jan. 31. McClure, Andrew, and 1749, May 3. McClure, Elizabeth, and John Harris, jr. 1782, Aug. 8. McClure, Francis, and . 1779, Aug. 3. McClure, Joseph, and . 1777, March 23. McClure, Richard, and . 1781, Dec. 11. McCord, Samuel, and Martha McCormick. 1774, March 15. McCormick, James, and Isabella Dixon. 1781, Dec. 11. McCormick, Martha, and Samuel McCord. 1784, March 29. McCormick, William, and Grizel Porter. 1773, . McCullom, Alexaader, and Mary Calhoun. 1784, June 3. McDonald, John, and Lydia Sturgeon. 1787, May 1. McElhenny, William, and Elizabeth McNeal. 1772. May 7. McFadden, James, and . 1788, March 11. McFarland, Elizabeth, and Joseph Sawyer. 1788, Feb. 12. McFarland, Mary, and James Laird. 1781, Feb. 27. McGuire, Richard, and Eleanor Gilchrist. 1778, June 4. McHadden, William, and . 1782, April 8. McHargue, Margaret, and Hugh Ramsey. 1778, Dec. 10. McKinzie, James, and Mary King. 1771, May 9. McNair, Thomas, and Ann Maria Wallace. 1776, May 7. McNamara, James, and . 1787, May 1. McNeal, Elizabeth, and William McElhenny. 1779, April 12. McQuown, (McEwen,) John, and -/1779, Sept. 23. McTeer, Samuel, and Quigley. 1781, April 12. Maxwell, John, and Mary Houston. 1770, . Maxwell, Margaret, and James Monteith. 1779, April 15. Means, Adam, and . 1784, April 15. Meloy, Ana, and George Williams. 1776, April 25. Miller, Thomas, aud 1787, April 3. Mitchel, David, and Susanna Wilson. 1770, . Monteith, James, and Margaret Maxwell. 1771, May 30. Montgomery, James, and . 1775, April 18. Moody, Robert, aud Margaret Hutchinson. 1746, Nov. 6. Mordah, Eleanor, and James Brown. 1779, Sept. 14. Moore, William, and Boyd. 1776, May 7. Murray, Margaret, and John Simpson. 1786, Dec. 19. Murray, Patrick, and Mary Brereton Beatty. 1781, March 6. Neill, Nancy, and John Fleming. 1762, . Park, Margaret, and John Rutherford. 1781 1776 1777 1783 1773 1749 1785 1784 1779 1774 1787 1782 1782 1769 1771 1784, 1775 1771 1783 1775 1790; 1769 1781 1779 1772 1782, 1772 1780, 1762 1776 1774 1774 1778, 1781 1781 1766 1772 1781 1757 1776 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 265 April 3. Patterson, John, and Jane Johnston. Oct. 15. Patton Samuel, and . April 22. Pinkerfon, David, and . Feb. 27. Piiikerton, Mary, and Matthew Caldwell. Nov. 10. Plunket, Elizabeth, and Samuel Maclay. June, 3. Plunket, William, and Esther Harris. March 7. Polk, James Smith, and Jean FuUion. March 29. Porter, Grizel, and William MeCormick. - Sept. 23. Quigley, , and Samuel McTeer. April 21. Ramsey, David, and . March 13. Ramsey, David, and Martha Graham. April 8. Ramsey, Hugh, and Margaret McHargue. March 31. Reid, James, and . Feb. 16. Reid, John, and . July 15. Reid, Thomas, and Maiy West. Dec. 14 Renick, Esther, and Robert Foster. Dec. 19. Renick, Martha, and William Swan. June 27. Rhea, Robert, afid . Jan. 23. Roau, Sarah, and James McCleaster. Nov. 16. Robinson, Andrew, and Oct. 14. Robinson, Elizabeth, and Charles Clark. Sept. 12. Robinson, James, and Martha Cochran. March 1. Robinson, James, and Boyce. . Robinson, Mary, and John Gray. Feb. 6. Rogers, William, and 14 Russel, Samuel, and - Jan. 2. Rutherford, James, and Margaret Brisban. June 29. Rutherford, Jane, and Samuel Hutchinson. . Rutherford John, and Margaret Park. March 14. Rutherford, Samuel, and Susan Collier. June 15. Ryan, Abigail, and John Gowdie. Aug. 13. Ryan, John and Jane Gowdie. March 11. Sawyer, Joseph, and Elizabeth McFarland. Dec. 18. Sawyer, Mary, and William Sawyer. Dec. 18. Sawyer, William and Mary Sawyer. Oct. 19. Semple, Sarah, and William Brown. May 11. Shaw, James, and . March 8. Shearl, John, and Margaret Thome. May 23. Simpson, , and William Kelso. May 7. Simpson, John, and Margaret Murray., 266 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 1752, Oct. 4. Simpson, Margaret, and Wm. Augustus Harris. 1751, Nov. 5. Simpson, Mary, and Rev. John Elder. 1780, . Simpson, Mary, and Robert Taggart. 1774, Feb. 10. Simpson, Matthias, and . 1780, . Simpson, Sarah, and William Cook. 1771, Jan. 31. Simpson, Thomas, and 1784, Nov. 9. Sinclair, Duncan, and Hannah Templeton. 1789, March 3. Sloan, Samuel, and Prudence Walker. . 1783, Aug. 7. Smith, Mary, and John Clark. 1757, Feb. 11. Smith, Rebecca, and Samuel Allen. 1769, May 15. Smith, William, and . 1782, Jan. 31. Smiley, Thomas, and Ann Tucker. 1776, Jan. 12. Snodgrass, John, and ■ 1782, May 9. Spence, James, and . 1788, Jan. 18. Spence, Jean, and Thomas White. 1779, Sept. 23. Stephen, Andrews, and Ann Elder. 1745, April 3. Sterret, Martha, and James Wilson. 1779, Dec. 23. Sterrett, William, jr., and . 1784, June 3. Sturgeon, Lydia, and John McDonald. 1782, April 1. Swan, Hugh, and . 1775, Dec. 19. Swan, William, and Martha Renick. 1780, . Taggart, Robert, and Mary Simpson. 1784, Nov. 9. Templeton, Hannah, and Duncan Sinclair. 1776, June 25. Templeton, John, and . 1785, March 15. Templeton, Robert, and Mary Boyd. 1788, April 22. Thome, Esther, and James Anderson. 1781, March 8. Thome, Margaret, and John Shearl. 1769, Feb. 7. Thompson, Mary J., and Robert Elder. 1772, May 18. Thompson, James, and . 1777, June 19. Thompson, John, and • 1776, April 9. Thompson, Samuel, and 1778, April 30. Todd, James, and Mary Wilson. 1774, Aug. 25. Trousdale, John, and 1781, June 21. Trousdale, William, and Elizalieth Glen. 1782, Jan. 31. Tucker, Ann and Thomas Smiley. 1782, Aug. 19. Vandyke, Lambert, and • 1776, Jan. 25. Walker, James, and Barbara MiArthur. 1789, March 3. Walker, Prudence, and Samuel Sloan. 1771, May 9. Wallace, Ann Maria, and Thomas McNair. 1784, Nov. 9. Wallace, Isabella, and Moses Gilmor. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 267 1776 1766 1787, 1770, 1775 1779 1778, 1771 1774 1788 1786 1787, 1784 1774 1785 1772, 1745 1776 1784 1777, 1783 1776 1781 1778, 1784 1774 1787 1773 1777 1776 1786 1782, 1777 1772 1777 1781 . Wallace, Mary, and Hugh Graham. . Wallace, Elizabeth, and Joseph Boyd. June 19. Wallace, James, and Sarah Elder. . Wallace Moses, and Jean Fulton. Sept. 19. Wallace, William, and . Nov. 15. Watson, David, and . June 22. Weir, Samuel, and . July 15. West, Mary, and Thomas Reid. Oct. 7 White, Agnes, and Barefoot Brunson. Jan. 13. White, Thomas, and Jean Spence. Dec. 19. Whitley, Sarah, and John Wylie. Nov. 20. Wiggins, Margaret, and James Henderson. April 15. Williams, George, and Ann Meloy. June 16. Wilson, Alexander, and Grizel Fulton. April 28. Wilson, Alexander, and Elizabeth Carson. April 30. Wilson, Hugh, and Isabella Fulton, April 3. Wilson, James, and Martha Sterrett. Feb. 13. Wilson, James, and . May 18. WilsoJ, James, and Mary Elder. April 8, Wilson, Joseph, and Margaret Boyd. March 11. Wilson, Joseph, and Margaret Boyd. Dec. 10. Wilson, Margaret, and Isaac Hodge. May 10. Wilson, Margaret, and William Young. April 30. Wilson, Mary, and James Todd. March 2. Wilson, Mary, and Robert Boal. Jan. 9. Wilson, Sarah, and Mr. Dugal. April 3. Wilson, Susanna, and David Mitchel. . Wilson, William, and Elizabeth Robinson. Jan. 23. Wray, David, and Mary Cowden. April 14. Wylie, James, and '. Dec. 19. Wiley, John, and Sarah Whitley. Dec. 31. Wylie, Mary, and Richard King. July 31. Wylie, Thomas, and . June 16. Young, Andrew, and Nov. 4. Young, Jane, and Thomas Foster. May 10. Young, William, and Martha Wilson. 268 Paxtang Presbytekian Church. MARRIAGES BY REV. JOHN ROAN, 1754-1775. 1772, May 5. Aiken, Benj.'n, and Mary Sherer, 1772, Oct. — . Aiken, , and Margaret Clark. 1762, Dec. 9. Alexander, Wm., and Eliz. King. 1757, Oct. 27. Allen, Jean, and John Sawyers. 1764, Sept. 4. Allen, Samuel, and Rebecca Smith. 1768, July 4. Allison, David, and Agnes Dick. 1761, 3Iar. 3. Andrews, James, and Jean Strain. 1760, Sept. 25. Armstrong, Agnes, and James Graham. 1755, Jan. 16. Armstrong, Kate, and Alex. Morrow. 1760, Oct. 30. Atkins, Robert, and Anne Cooper. 1762, Dec. 7. Baird, George, and Margaret Kerr. 1763, Feb. 1. Baird, John,, and Margaret Mann. 1773, Dec. 21. Bankhead, Hugh, and Jean Trousdale. 1768, Nov. 24. Barr, James, and Martha Cunningham. 1365, Dec. 31. l^arnett, Eliz and Wm. Moorhead. 1755, May 27. Barnett, James, a.id Margaret Roan. 1771, Aug. 13. Barnett, John, and Mary Boyd. 1774, Aug. . 8. Barnett, Samuel, and Margaret Grahan, 1769, Not. 8. Bell, Dorcas, and James Richardson. 1755, Aug. 4. Bell, John, and Sarah Bell. 1761, April 23. Bell, John, and Mary Bell. 1755, Aug. 4. Bell, Sarah, and John Bell. 1761, April 23. Bell, Mary, and John Bell. 1760, April 23. Blackburn, Eliz., and Samuel Vernor. 1755, Oct. 18. Blackburn, Hannah, and James Russell. 1773, May 6. Boggs, Gable, and John Craig. 1764, March 27. Bowman, John, and Mary Sterrat. 1761, Dec. 31. Boyd, Benj., and Janet Elliot. 1769, May 31. Boyd, Kathrine, and James Brown. 1771, Aug. 13. Boyd, Mary, and John Barnett. 1768, Feb, 4. Boyle, Mary, and Thomas McCalleu. 1774, April 24. Boyle, Robert, and Rodgers. 1760, Sept. 4. Brice, Margaret, and Peter Smith. 1761, Nov. 3. Brice, Sarah, and John Murdock. 1769, May 31. Rrown, James, and Katharine Boyd. 1769, July — . Brown, Marttia, and James Walker. 1761 1765 1761 1755 1760, 1771 1755, 1762 1755 1759 1755 1760, 1760 1766 1773 1772, 1773, 1767, 1770 1759 1768 1756 1771 1774 1770 1760 1766 1764 1769 1775 1773 1766 1768 1755 1768 1754 1773 1760 (1768 1765 Paxtang Phesbyterian Church. 269 March 26. Brown, Mary, and Michael Vanlear. Oct. 24. Buchanan, James, and Sarah Gray. April 9. Burney, James, and Jean McClure. April 15. Byers, John, and Agnes Ross. April 24. Byers, Mary, and Hervey Deyarnund. Oct. 1. Caldwell, Andrew, and Martha Cochran. April 24. Campbell, Annie, and James Tate. Aug. 25. Campbell, Joseph, and Jean McCall. Feb. 6. Campbell, Patrick, and Eleanor Hays. Mar. 22. Carson, Mary, and John Lusk. Oct. 31. Carson, Robert, and Margaret Woods. May 1. Carson, Wm., and Margaret McCord. Dec. 25. Carson, Richard, and Christine Graham. Nov. 10. Chambers, Sarah, and Wm. Ii win. Aug. 30. Clark, Andrew, and Mary Clark. Oct. — . Clark, Margaret, and Aiken. Aug. 30. Clark, Mary and Aiidrew Clark. Dec. 21. Clark, Wm., and Sarah Woods. Nov. 29. Cochran, James, and Mary Montgomery. April 24. Cochran, James, and Robert Whitly. May 31. Cochran, Janet, anfl James Cunningham. Aug. 17. Cochran, Margaret, and Thomas Wiley. Oct. 1. Cochran, Martha, and Andrew Caldwell. March 1. Cochran, Mary, and Robert Whitehill. Dec. 11. Cochran, Samuel, and Mary Sberer. Oct. 30. Cooper, Anne, and Robert Atkins. April 10. Cooper, Eliz., and John Steel. Mar. 8. Cooper, Isabel, and Wm. McClenaghan, Feb. 21. Cooper, Margaret, and Alex. Mitchel. April 19. Cotler, Aaron, and Hannah Duncan. May 6. Craig, John, and Sable Boggs. Feb. 27. Craig, Mary, and Arch. Sloan. May 31. Cunningham, James, and Janet Cochran. April 18. Cunningham, Sarah, and John Porterfield. Nov. 24. Cunningham, Martha, and James Barr. Oct. 3. Cusiok, William, and Isabel Mebane. Nov. 29. Dawson, James, an'l Katharine Murray. April 24. Deyarmond, Henry, and Mary Bj'ers. July 4. Dick, Agnes, and David Allison. Feb. 28. Donaldson, William, and Anne Lusk. 270 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 1773 1773 1775, 1758 1774 1761 1760 1762 1769 1760 1759 1768 1756 1774 1768 1765 1774 1756^ 1768 1768: 1773 1760. 1760 1761 1774 1765 '1766 1774 1763 1761 1778 1755 1765 1770 1758; 1762, 1768 1767 1774 1757 April 19. Douglass, James, and Eliz. Duffield. April 19. Duffield, Eliz., and James Douglass. April 19. Duncan, Hannah, and Aaron Cotler. Jan. 26. Duncan, James, and Mary Kelly. Aug. — . Duncan, John, and Mary Montgomery. Dec. 31. Elliot, Janet, and Benjamin Boyd. July — . Espy, , and John Patton. Dec. 14, Espy, James, and Martha McKnight. Aug. — . Espy, Josiah, and Anne Kirkpatrick. Dec. 23. Espy, Mary, and James McClure. May 10. Fallen, Connor, and Janet Hunter. June 28. Ferguson, David, and Jean "Woods. March 2. Fitzpatrick, James, and Margaret Wilson, Oct. 25. Fleming, Eleanor, and James Patton. Jan. 20. Fleming, Mary, and George Murray. Feb. 12. Forster, James, and Janet Johnston. Dec. 1. Fulton, Alex., and Sarah McDonald. Aug. 24. Gaston, Robert, and Margaret Logan. Dec. 1. Gay, James, and Margaret Mitchel. Oct. 9. Gaylor, James, and Mary McClosky. Aug. 3. Glen, Anne, and David Hays. Dec. 25. Graham, Christine, and Richard Casson. Sept. 25. Graham, James, and Agnes Armstrong. March 5. Graham, Mary, and Edward Sharp. Aug. 8. Graham, Margaret, and Samuel Barnett. Oct. 24. Gray, Sarah, and James Buchanan. March 4. Gregg, James, and Agnes Smith ^ Sept. 27. Guilford, Janet, and John Wilson. Feb. 17. Hanna, Samuel, and Agnes Sterrat. May 14. Harvey, Mary, and Thomas McClure. Aug. 3. Hays, David, and Anne Glen. Feb. 6. Hays, Eleanor, and Patrick Campbell. Oct. 31. Hays, Jean, and William Scott. April 26. Hays, Jean, and Thomas Robinson. Dec. 19. Hays, Mary, and William Sharp. March 25. Hays, Robert, and Margaret Wray. Nov. 10. Hays, Sarah, and Jonathan McClure. Oct. 6. Hays, \N illiam, and Jean Taylor. Aug. 23. Herron, Martha, and John Wilson. May 11. Hogin, Patrick, and Katharine McManus- 1764 1764 1759 1762 1768 1762 1762 1771 1766^ 1772 1755 1772 1765 1767 1765 1769 1769 1774, 1759 1758 1769 1773 1762 1762, 1769 1762 1774, 1765 1759 1755 1756 1764 1765 1772 1768, 1757 1759 1769 1761 1765 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 271 Dec. 27. Hunter, Eliz., and James Hunter. Dec. 27. Hunter, James, and Eliz. Hunter. May 10. Hunter, Janet, and Connor Fallen. June 15. Hutchinson, James, and Margaret Hutchinson. Feb. 25. Hutchinson, Jean, and James Welsh. June 15. Hutchinson, Margaret, and James Hutchinson. May 6. Innis, Rachel, and David Sterrat. Sept. 17. Irwin, John, and Anne Welsh. Nov. 10. Irwin, William, and Sarah Chambers. Dec. 17. Jamison, James, and Mary Logan. Dec. 23. Johnston, Isabel, and John Ross. April 13. Johnston, James, and Jane McGrady. Feb. 12. Johnston, Janet, and James For ter. March 10. Johnston, Janet, and Hugh Montgomery. Sept. 29. Johnston, John, and Isabel Todd. May 1. Johnston, John, and Ruth Templeton. Sept. 14. Johnston, Sarah, and John Robinson. April — . Kearsley, Samuel, and Sarah Kirkpatrick. Sept. 23. Kelly, George, and Robinson. Jan. 26. Kelly, Mary, and James Duncan. Dec. 5. Kennedy, Thomas, and Janet Wilson. Oct. 19. Kerr, Andrew, and Katharine Wilson. Dec. 7. Kerr, Margaret, and George Baird. Dec. 9. King, Elizabeth, and Wm. Alexander. Aug. — . Kirkpatrick, Anne, and Josiah Espy. Dec. 7. Kirkpatrick, Jean, and John Shields. April — . Kirkpatrick, Sarah, and Samuel Kearsley. June 20. Lecky, Margaret, and David McClure. Mar. 22. Lusk, John, and Mary Carson. April 17. Levy, Samuel, and Mary Sharp. Aug. 24. Logan, Margaret, and Robert Gaston. Aug. 23. Loughry, Daniel, and Lettice McConaughy.. Feb. 28. Lusk, Anne, and Wm. Donaldson. Dec. 17. Logan, Mary, and James Jamison. Nov. 10. McCune, Jonathan, and Sarah Hays. Sept. 7. McClure, Margaret, and John Steele. Feb. 6. McClure, Mary, and Joseph Sherer. April 18. McClure, Susan, and Hamilton Shaw. May 14. McClure, Thomas, and Mary Harvey. April 9. McConaughy, Jean, and John Morrison. 1764 1760, 1761 1760, 1762, 1761 1769 1758 1773 1774 1762 1766 1762 1768 1762, 1756 1756, 1764 1760 1754 1768 1765 1760 1761 1766 1769 1771 1772 1760 1757 1762 1766 1757 1757 1760 1763 1755 1763 1754 1766 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. Aug. 23. McConaughy, Letdce, and Daniel Loughrey. May 1. McCord, Margaret, and William Carson. April 16. McCord, Margaret, and Wm. Wright. Oct. 7. McCormick, Dennis, and Janet Townslie. Dec. 23. McCrachen, Margaret, and James McClean. Dec. 17. McCrachen, Mary, and Robert Rnsk. July 6. McCreight, James, and Janet Strain. Feb. — . McCullom, Alex, and Agnes Walker. Mar. 16 McDonald, Jean, and John Wishart. Dec. 1. McDonald, Sarah, and Alex. McDonald. Aug. 25. McCall, Jean, and Joseph Campbell. May 26. McCallen, John, and Jean Stewart. March 30. McCallen, Margaret, and Thomas Sawyer. Feb. 4. McCallen, Thomas, and Mary Boyle. Dec. 23. McClean, James, and Margaret McCrachen. July 22. McClenaghan, Elcy, and Charles Nedy. June 23. McClenaghan, Martha, and Joseph Ross. March 8. McClenaghan, Wm., and Isabel Cooper. Oct. 9. McClintock, Wm., and Jean Sharp. Oct. 15. McClosky, James, and Agnes White. Oct. 9. McClosky, Mary, and James Gaylor. June 20. McClure, David, and Margaret Lecky. Dec. 23. McClure, James, and Mary Espy. April 9. McClure, Jean, and James Buruey. Sept. 22. McClure, Jean, and Joshua Russell. July 4. McClure, Jean, and Wm. Waugh. Nov. 19. McClure, John, and Sarah Wilson. April 13. McGradie, Jean, and James Johnson. June 9. McHargue, Alex., and Jean Tolland. Feb. — . McKennet, Alex., and Mary Wiley. Dec. 14. McKnight, Martha, and James Espy. Nov. 18. McKnight, Mary Ann, and Joseph Wilson. May 11. McManus, Katharine, and Patrick Hogin. May 9. McMuUen, James, and Eleanor Wright. Oct. 14. McNutt, Margaret, and John Wilkie. Feb. 1. Mann, Margaret, and John Baird. Jan. 2. Marrs, Katharine, and David Wray. July 14, Maxwell, Alice, and Samuel Ramsey. Oct. 3. Mebane, Isabel, and William Cusick. May 11. Millar, Mary, and Joseph Young. 1769, 1768, 1767 1770, 1756 1762, 1769 1770, 1774 1761 1765 1765 1755 1761 1763 1773 1772 1756 1765 1774 1760 1763 1772 1755 1763 1763 1769 1755 1759 1768 1773 1769 1761 1769 1770 1774 1767 1755, 1755 1756 Paxtang Pkesbyteeian Church. 273 Feb. 21. Mitchel, Alex., and Margaret Cooper. Dec. 1. Mitchel, Margaret, and James Gay. Nov. 10. Montgomery, Hugh, and Janet Johnson. Sept. II. Montgomery, James, and Anne Woods. June 3. Montgomery, John, and Susan Tilson. March 4. Montgomery, John, and Jean Waugh. Aug. — . Montgomery, Lettice, and Samuel Robinson. Nov. 29. Montgomery, Mary and James Cochran. Aug. — . Montgomery, Mary, and John Duncan. June 1. Moor, Wm., and Margaret Wright. Dec. 31. Moorhead, Wm., and Eliz. Barnett. April 9. Morrison, John, and Jean McConaughy. Jan. 16. Morrow, [Murray,] Alex., and Kate Armstrong. Nov. 3. Murdock, John, and Sarah Brice. Jan. 20. Murray George, and Mary Fleming. Nov. 29. Murray, Katharine, and James Dawsen. Dec. 8. Murray, Mary, and John Polly. July 12. Neely, Charles, and Elcy McClenaghan. Jan. 29. Park, Esther, and Robert Wilson. Oct. 25. Patton, James, and Eleanor Fleming. . Patton, John, and Espy. Dec. 3. Patterson, Samuel, and Martha Ramsey. Dec. 8. Polly, John, and Mary Murray. April 18. Porterfield, John, and Sarah Cunningham. Dec. 3. Ramsey, Martha, and Samuel Patterson. July 14. Ramsey, Samuel, and Alice Maxwell. Nov. 8. Richardson, James, and Dorcas Bell. May 27. Roan, Margaret, and James Barnett. Sept. 23. Robinson, , and George Kelly. March 25. Robinson, Jean, and Robert Sturgeon. Jan. 28. Robinson, John, and Jean Thompson. Sept. 14. Robinson, John, and Sarah Johnston. Nov. 5. Robinson, Samuel, and Jean Snodgrass. Aug. — . Robinson, Samuel, and Lettice Montgomery. April 26. Robinson, Thomas and Jean Hays. April 24. Rogers, , and Robert Boyle. Oct. 22. Rogers, Margaret, and Samuel Sturgeon. April 15. Ross, Agnes, and John Byers. Dec. 23. Ross, John, and Isabel Johnston. June 23. Ross, Joseph, and Martha McClaneghan. 274 Paxtaxg Presbyterian Church. 1761 , Dec. 17. 1755 , Oct. 18. 1766 , Sept. 22. 1757 , Oct. 27. 1762 , Marcli 30. 1767 , Oct. 1. 1765 , Oct. 31. 1761 March 5. 1760 , Oct. 9. 1755 April 17. 1758 , Dec. 19. 1769 , April 18. 1761 May- — . 1762 Dec 6. 1759 Feb. 6. 1770 Dec. 11. 1772 May- 5. 1759 Jan. 4. 1766 Feb. 27. 1759 Jan. 4. 1774 April 5. 1772 Jan. 7. 1766 Mar. 4. 1764 Sept. 4. 1760 Sept. 4. 1761, Nov. 5. 1757, Sept. 7. 1766, April 10. 1763, Feb. 17. 1762, May 6. 1761, May — . 1764, Marcli 27. 1756. Aug. 3. 1766, May 26. 1768, Nov. 15. 1768, Nov. 15. 1769, July 6. 1761, March 3. 1768, March 25. 1767, Oct. 22. Rusk, Robert, and Mary McCrachen. Russell, James, and Hannah Blackburn, Russell, Joshua, and Jean McClure. Sawyers, John, and Jean Allen. Sawyers, Thomas, and Margaret McCallen. Sawyers, William, and Jean Wilson. Scott, William, and Jean Hays. Sharp, Edward, and Mary Graham, Sharp, Jean, and William McCliutock. Sharp, Mary, and Samuel Levy. Sharp, William, and Mary Hays. Shaw, Hamilton, and Susan McClure. Shaw, Moses, and Margaret Sterrat. Shields, John, and Jean Kirkpatrick. Sherer, Joseph, and Mary McClure. Sherer, Mary, and Samuel Cochran. Sherer, Mary, and Benj.'n Aiken. Sloan, Archibald, and Margaret Sloan. - Sloan, Arch., and Mary Craig. Sloan, Margaret, and Archibald Sloan. Sloan, Wm., and Ma y Luffran. Smiley. James, and Eliz. Luffran. Smith, Agnes, and James Gregg. -J Smith, Rebecca, and Samnel Allen, Smith, Peter, and Margaret Brice. Suodgra.ss, Jean, and Samuel Robinson. Steele, John, and Margaret McClure. Steel, John, and Eliz Cooper Sterret, Agnes, and Samuel Hanna. Sterrat, David, and Rachel Tunis. Sterrat, Margaret, and Moses Shaw. Sterrat, Mary, and John Bowman. Stevenson, Jean, and John Wilson. Stewart, Jean, and John McCallen. Stewart. John, and Margaret Stewart. Stewart, Margaret, and John Stewart. Strain, Janet, and .James McCreight, Strain, Jean, and James Andrews- Sturgeon, Robert, and Jf^an Robinson. Sturgeon, Samuel, and Margaret Rodgers, Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 275 , Jan. 7. , April 5. , April 24. , Oct. 6. , May 1. , June 3, , April 23. , Jan. 28. , April 23. , Sept. 29. , June 9. , Oct. 7. , April 22. , Dec. 21. , March 26. , April 23. , Feb. — . , July — . , March 4. ) July 4. , Sept. 17. , March 21. , Feb. 25. , March 21. , Aug. 25. , May 22. , Oct. 15. , Nov. 1. , April 24. , Feb. — . , Aug. 1. , Oct. 14. , March 16. , Oct. 27. , Dec. 5. , Oct. 1. , Sept. 27. , Aug. 23. , Aug. 3. , Nov. 18. SufiFran, Eliz., and James Smiley. SuflFran, Mary, and Wm. Sloan. Tate, James, and Anne Campbell. Taylor, Jean, and Wm. hays. Templeton, Ruth, and John Johnston. Tilson, Susan, and John Montgomery. Thompson, Jean, and Thomas Tompson. Thompson, Jean, and John Robinson. Thompson, Thomas, and Jean Thompson. Todd, Isabel, and John Johnson. Tolland, Jean, and Alex. McHargue. Townslie, Janet, and Dennis McCormick. Trindle, William, and White. Trousdale, Jean, and Hugh Bankhead. Vanlear, Michael and Mary Brown. Vernor, Samuel and Elizabeth Blackburn. Walker, Agnes, and Alex. McCuUom. Walker, James and Martha Brown. Waugh, Janet, and John Montgomery. Waugh, Wm. and Jean McClure. Welsh, Anne, and John Dorwin. Welsh, David, and Margaret Welsh. Welsh, James, and Jean Hutchinson. Welsh, Margaret, and David Welsh. Wharton, James, and Anne Wright. White, , and Wm. Trindle. White, Agnes, and James McClosky. Whitehill, Robert, and Mary Chchran. Whitly, Robert, and Janet Cochran. Wiley, Mary, and Alex. McKennet. Wiley, Thomas, and Margaret Cochraa. Wilkie, John, and Margaret McNutt. Wishart, John, and Jean McDonald. Wilson, Hugh, and Mary Wilson. Wilson, Janet, and Thomas Kennedy. Wilson, Jane, and Wm. Sawyers. Wilson, John, and Janet Guilford. Wilson, John, and Martha Herron. Wilson, John, and Jean Stevenson. Wilson, Joseph, and Mary Ann McKnight. 276 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 1773, Oct. 19. 1756, March 2. 1774, Oct. 27. 1765, June 29. 1771, Nov. 19. 1770, Sept. 11. 1763, June ~ 28. 1755, Oct. 31. 1767, Dee. 21, 1755, Jan. 2. 1762 March 25. 1767, Aug. 25. 1857, May 9. 1751, June 1. 1761, April 16. 1768, May 11. Wilson, Katharine, and Andrew Kerr. Wilson Margaret, and James Fitzpatrick. Wilson, Mary, and Hugh Wilson. Wilson, Robert, and Esther Park. Wilson, Sarah, and John McClure. Woods, Anne, and James Montgomery. Woods, Jean, and David Ferguson. Woods, Margaret, and Robert Carson. Woods, Sarah, and William Clark. Wray, David, and Catharine Marrs. Wray, Margaret, and Robert Hays. Wright, Anne, and James Wharton. Wright, Eleanor, and James McMuUen. Wright, Margaret, and William Moore. Wright, William, and Magaret McCord. Young, Joseph, and Mary Miller. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 277 MARRIAGES BY REV. JAMES R. SHARON. 1807-1839. 1816 1828 1837 1818 1807 1834 1838 1828 1833 1825, 1807 1819 1830 1812, 1819 1807 1821 1811 1816 1811 1810 1821 1823 1816 1825 1820 1826 1829 1829 1839 1820 1824 1810 1839 1816 Dec. 14. Allen, Rebecca, and David Espy. May — . Baily, Harriet, and Joseph Burd. Sept. 16. Bates, Eliz., and Geo. W. Simmers. Dec. 29. Boone, Wm., and Margaret McHargue. June 4. Boyd, Wm., and Martha Cowden. May 27. Brown, Matthew, and Rebecca McClure. May 29. Brooks, Catharine, and Jacob Light. May — . Burd, Joseph, and Harriet Bailey. — . Campbell, , and Wm. Paxson. June 14. Campbell, , and George Kunkel. Oct. 81. Carson, Dinah, and John Rodgers. Nov. 16. Cochran, John, and Hannah Cowden. Jan. 2. Collier, John, and Margaret Rutherford. Mar. 24. Cowden, Eliz., and Wm. Gillmor. Nov. 16. Cowden, Hannah, and John Cochran. June 4. Cowden, Martha, and Wm. Burd. May 30. Cowden, Mary, and Joseph Jordan. Oct. 29. Crouch, Mary, and Benjamin Jordan, May 28. Cummins, Sarah E., and Joseph Wallace. Feb. 22. Dickey, Dorcas, and Wm. Larned. Nov. 22. Dickey, Esther, and Daniel Elliot. June 13. Drisbaugh, Elias, and Rebecca Grove. March 6. Duncan, John, and Mary McKinser. April 25. Elder, Ann, and Alex. Piper. Dec. 8. Elder, David, and Julia Sherer. March 2. Elder, John, and Jane Ritchey. Oct. 10. Elder, John, and Mary Thompson. March 12. Elder, Joshua, and Eleanor Sherer. March 17. Elder, Joshua, and Eliza Murray. Jan. 1. Elder, Joshua, and Mary Gillmor. March 2. Elder, Robert, and Eliz. Sherer. June 8. Elder, Robert, and Sarah Sherer. Nov. 22. Elliot, Daniel, and Esther Dickey. Feb. 28. Espy, Ann, and Abner Rutherford. Dec. 14. Espy, David, and Rebecca Allen. 278 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 1807, June 2. Espy, William, and Susannah Gray. 1827, Aug. 2. Ewing, Eleanor, and John Nevia. 1833, Feb. 21. Fallen, George, and Eliza Hatton. 1827, March 6. Fisher, Eliz., and John McFarland. 1839, Jan. 1. Gillmor, Mary, and Joshua Elder. 1812, March 24. Gillmor, Wm., and Eliz. Cowden. 1820, May 10. Gordon, Mary, and John Hart. 1821, June 13. Graham, John, and Martha Sherer. 1837, June 19. Gray, Eliz., and Robert Wilson. 1838, Sept. 11. Gray, Esther, and James McGaughy. 1830, June 1. Gray, Jane, and Joseph Gray. 1830, June 1. Gray, Joseph, and Jane Gray. 1807, June 2. Gray, Susannah, and Wm. Espy. 1821, June 13. Grove, Rebecca, and Elias Drisbaugh. 1838, April 19. Hamacher, John, and Mary Ann Sherer. 1821, Nov. 8. Hanna, Alex., and Ann Wilson. 1817, May 20. Harrison, Williamson, and Jane McKinney. 1820, May 10. Hart, John, and Mary Gordon. 1833, Feb. 21. Hatton, Eliz., and Geo. Fallen. 1816, Oct. 15. Henderson, , and Shaw. 1811, Oct. 29. Jordan, Benj.'n, and Mary Crouch. 1821. May 30. Jordan, Joseph, and Mary Cowden. 1836, March 10. Kendig, Daniel, and Sarah Rutherford. 1832, Jan. 5. Kendig, Martin, and Sarah Seebaugh. 1825, June 14. Kunkel, George, and Campbell. 1811, Feb. 22. Larned, VVm., and Dorcas Dickey. 1809, March 30. Latta, John, and Letitia Stephen. 1838, May 29. Light, Jacob, and Cath. Brooks. 1833, June 20. Lingle, John, and Ruth McHargue. 1828, June 29. Lyon, John, and Jane Maclay. 1829, March 3. McCammon, Catharine Ann, and Dr. Stough. 1835, Oct. 1. McCammon, Rachel, and David McKibben. 1808, June 29. Maclay, Jane, and John Lyon. 1834, May 27. McClure, Rebecca, and Matthew Brown. 1827, March 6. McFarland, John, and Eliz. Fisher. 1838, Sept. II. McGaughy, James, and Esther Gray. 1818, Dec. 29 McHargue, Margaret, and Wm. Boone. 1833, June 20. McHargue, Ruth, and John Lingle. 1835, Oct. 1. McKibben, David, and Rachel McCammon. 1817, May 20. McKinney, Jane, and Williamson Harrison. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 279 1823, March 6. McKinser, Mary, and John Duncan. 1816, June 26. McNitt, Wm., and Maria Musgrave. 1808, April 4. Moorhead, Wm., and Jane Wilson. 1829, March 17. Murray, Eliza, and Joshua Elder. 1816, June 26. Musgrave, Maria, and Wm. McNitt. 1827, Aug. 2. Nevin, John, and Eleanor Ewing. 1833, . Paxson, William, and Campbell. 1816, April 25. Piper, Alex., and Ann Elder. 1813, March 4. Reid, Thomas, and Agnes Ross. 1820, March 2. Ritchey, Jane, and John Elder. 1807, Oct. 31. Rodgers, John, and Dinah Carson. 1813, March 4. Ross, Agnes, and Thomas Reid. 1839, Feb. 28. Rutherford, Abner, and Ann Espy. 1824, Oct. — . Rutherford, Eliza, and John P. Rutherford. 1824, Oct. — . Rutherford, John P., and Eliza Rutherford. 1830, Jan. 2. Rutherford, Margaret, and John Collier. 1834, April 15. Rutherford, Martha, and Hugh Wilson. 1836, March 17. Rutherford, Mary, and Samuel S. Rutherford. 1836, March 17. Rutherford, Samuel S., and Mary Rutherford. 1836, March 10. Rutherford, Sarah, and Daniel Kendig. 1816, Oct. 15. Shaw, , and Henderson. 1832, Jan. 5. Seebaugh, Sarah, and Marth Kendig. 1829, March 12. Sherer, Eleanor, and Joshua E der. 1820, March 2. Sherer, Eliz., and Robert Elder. 1813, Dec. — . Sherer, Joseph, and Mary Snodgrass. 1825, Dec. 8. Sherer, Julia, and David Elder. 1821, June 13. Sherer, Martha, and John Graham. 1838, April 19. Sherer, Mary Ann, and John Hamaker. 1824, June 8. Sherer, Sarah, and Robert Elder. 1837, Sept. 16. Simmons, George W., and Eliz. Bates. 1812, March 24. Simmons, Robert, and Sarah Ward. 1836, March 10. Simonton, Jane, and Michael Whitley. 1813, Dec. — . Snodgrass, Mary, and Joseph Sherer. 1816, Feb. 29. Snoddy, Matthew, and Jane Wilson. 1809, March 30. Stephen, Letitia, and John Latta 1829, March 3. Stough, Dr. , and Catharine Ann McCammon. 1826, Oct. 10. Thompson, Mary, and John Elder. 1816, May 28. Wallace, Joseph, and Sarah E. Cummins. 1812, March 24. Ward, Sarah, and Robert Simmons. 1836, March 10. Whitley, Michael, and Jane Simonton. 280 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 1821, Nov. 8. Wilson, Ann, and Alex. Hanna. 1834, April 15. Wilson, Hugh, and Martha Rutherford. 1816, Feb. 29. Wilson, Jane, and Matthew Snoddy. 1808, April 4. Wilson, Jane, and Wm. Moorhead. 1837, June 19. Wilson, Robert, and Eliz. Gray. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 281 BAPTISMS OF INFANTS IN PAXTANG CHURCH. 1807, June 28. Samuel Gray. Sept. — . James Anderson. David T. Caldwell. 1808, April 6. Catharine Ann McCammon. Polly Bowman. April 24. James Rutherford. Thomas Bell Allison. July 24. Elizabeth Gray Espy. Aug. 21. Jane Chamberlaine. Sept. 15. John Wiggins Smith. Thomas Michael Whitley. Oct. 21. Wallace Calhoun. Dec. 4. Margaret Rutherford. John Wyeth Larned. 1809, April 9. Ann McClure. George Ross. Catharine Carson. 1810, June 24. Josiah Espy. Joseph Ross. Aug. 5. Mary Rutherford. Aug. 11. Mary Gray. 1811, April 7. Margaret Mary Hayes. May 5. John Carson. Aug. 25. Samuel Rutherford. Joseph D. Jones. Oct. 31. Priscilla Jane McClure. 1812, Aug. 15. Ross. Lydia C. Allison. Sarah Rutherford. Ann Espy. 1813, April 19. George Carson. May 9. Robert Walker Taylor. July 11. Isabella Campbell. 1814, June 13. Eleanor Gray. Abner Rutherford. Andrew Wilson. 282 Paxtang Presbyterian Church, 1815, Jan. — . George Wm. Simmons, Aug. 20. James Cowden, Sophia Carson, Oct. 30. William Stewart Culbertson. 1816, June 20. Hiram Rutherford, Robert Culbertson. Isamiah Hayes, July 11. Cyrus Findley. 1817, April 14. Joseph Cambell, May- 21. Margaret Clifton Jones, Sept. 19. Esther Gray, John Simmons. Mary Rutherford, Dec. 8. John Wallace Cowden. Josiah Espy. 1818, May 10. Ira Harris Jones, Mary Ann Sher^r. June 28. William Carson. Jacob Carson. Mary Ann Hayes. July 19. Amelia Brady. Dec. 7. Harrison, Dec. 29. Sarah Wilson Foster. 1819, June 20. Maria Harris Jones. April — . Edward Crouch Jordan. Oct. 16. Cyrus Green Rutherford. Dec. 31. William Espy. Levi Boon. Margaret Cowden. James Cowden Gilmore. Mary Ann Harrison. 1820, Jan, 9. Jane Whitely Simmons. Feb. 2. James Sharon Mahargue. Sept. 3. Martha McClure Foster, Dec. 3. Harriet Harrison, 1821, May 6. John Richey Elder. Sept, 6. Harriet Carson. 1822, Jan. 3. Sarah Montgomery Peffer. Ira Jones, Eliza Jones, Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 283 May 11. Elizabeth Sherer. Nancy Ainsworth Mahargue. Harrison. May 14. Thomas Jefferson Jordan. Thomas Grier Hood. June — . Ann Maria Espy. Aug. 14. John Gorden Hart. Sept. 20. William Kerr Cowden. Alexander Boon. 1822, Oct. 19. Sarah Stanley Thomson. 1823, Feb. 1. Samuel Elder. Feb. 22. Robert Gilchrist Simmons. 1824, April 11. Harriet Newel Cupples. 1825, Feb. 2. William Allen. March 27. Hart. 1826, May 1. Mary Ann Barret. May 22. Thomas Wilson BufiBngton. Elizabeth Playmaker Buffington. Isabella Fulton Buffington. May 19. David Espy Mo'>re. June 9. James Cowden Jordan. July 30. Sarah Elder Cowden. Oct. 28. William Gilmore. Dec. 22. Samuel Sherer Elder. James Elder. 1827, Jan. 10. David Espy. Nov. 10. Keziah Hart. 1828, March 1. Samuel Silas Brisbin Rutherford. William Swan Rutherford. Aug. 22. Edward Crouch Cowden. 18^0, July 18. Josiah Reed Elder. 1831, March 20. Mary Kerr Wilson. Henry Stewart Wilson. Daniel Kendig. March 27. John Alexander Espy. Walter Kendig. Rebecca Ann McFarland. Mary Elizabeth McFarland. June 6. Miriam Hart. June 12. John Alexander Rutherford. ■284 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 1832, March 25. Joha Newton Gray. March 29. Rachel Crouch Jordon. June 2. William Wilson. Oct. 13. Martha Elder. 1833. Aug. 11. Susannah Margaret Espy. 1834, Louisa Gray. Feb. 22. Elizabeth Martha Rutherford. May 17. Eleanor Jane Wilson. Aug. 5. James Kendig. 1835, May 12. Benjamin LaFayette Jordan. 183(1, March 5. Sarah Margaret Rutherford. Mary Lucinda Rutherford. 183G, July 16. Sarah Elder. Aug. 5. Rebecca Kendig. Dec. 19. George Fisher. Lucinda Margaret McFarland. Dec. 28. Margaret Mary Wilson. 1837, Jan. 29. Ellen Jane Gray. 1838, Nov. 27. Eliza Jaue Rutherford. Mary Lucretia Rutherford. 1839, March 27. Ann Elizabeth Kendig. Benjamin Franklin Kendig. Louisa Jane Kendig. Clara Kendig. May 11. Edmund Robert Davis. June 22. Mary Jane Rutherford. John N. Wilson. Aug. 7. Jaue Davis. John Davis. Mary Jane Whitley. Ann Elizabeth Whitley. John Stearns Latta. Sept. 14. John Edmund Rutherford. Sept. 16. Adaline Margaret Rutherford. 1840, Feb. 25. Mary Elizabeth Hamaker. July 1. Elizabeth Kendig. Sarah Rutherford Kendig. 1841, March 20. William Franklin Rutherford. Oct. 30. Eleanor Gilchrist Rutherford. Martha Matilda Whitley. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 28S Nov. 16. Eleanor Amelia Clark. 1842, May 28. Elizabeth Martha Elder. Samuel Parke Rutherford. John Marshall Rutherford. Jane Eliza Rutherford. Hugh Latta. BAPTISMS OF ADULTS. 1838, June 9. Isabella McNeice. 1840, May 16. John Hamaker. 286 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. COMMUNIONS IN PAXTANG. Admitted on Examinations. 1807, Oct. 18. James Cochran. Robt. McClure. Mrs. Robt. McClure. Nancy Awl. Thomas Walker. William Calhoun, sen., Added 6, Total 36. 1808, Oct. 23. Rachel Crouch. Arabella Bowman. Frederick Hatton. 1809, Oct — . Mrs. Calhoun. Peggy Sherer. Sidney Gilchrist. Mary Mitchell. Robt. Gray. Mrs. Robt. Gray. Margaret Collier. Susannah Collier. 1810, Aug. 2. Margaret Cowden. Esther Dickey. 1811, Sept. 1. William Espy. Susannah Espy, (wife of William Espy. Sally Dickey. 1812, Aug, 23. Patrick Hayes. Mrs. Patrick Hayes. Elizabeth Gilmore. John Allison. 1813, Oct. — . Betsy Hannah. Eliza Hannah. John McClure. 1814, No Communion on account of my poor health. IHI.5. Oct. 29. Joseph Sherer. Mary Sherer, wife of Joseph Sherer. Mary Hannah. Jane Wilson. Paxtang Pkesbyterian Church. 287 Sarah "Wilson. 1816, Oct. 18. Mary Cowden. Elizabeth Sherer. Martha Sherer. 1818, Sept. 28, Robert Gilchrist. John Foster. Mrs. John Foster. Jane Whitley. Robert Simmons. 1818, Sept. 28. Mrs. Sarah Simmons, wife of Robert. Margaret Gray. Margaret Rutherfard. Ann Garden. 1819, May 16. David Espy. Mrs. David Espy. Mary Whitley. Wilson. Wm. Ainsworth. Mrs. Wm. Ainsworth. William Calhoun. Mary Fulton. 1820, June 4. John Cochran. Williamson Harrison. Mrs. Williamson Harrison, Oct. 1. Martha Cowden. John Elder. Jane Elder, wife of John Elder. Jane Rutherford. Martha Gray. 1821, Spring Communion — record lost. Oct. 7. None by Examination. 11. Jane Mahargue. No Additions. 25, Alex. Mahargue. Mrs. Alex. Mahargue. — . No Additions. — . No Additions. 16. Elizabeth Gray. 19. Agnes Burges. Margaret Calhoun. 1822, May 1823, 1824, May Oct. 1825. June Oct. 1826, May Oct. 27. 1827, May 25. Oct. — . 1828, May 26. Oct. 19. 1829, June, 7. 1829, Oct. 19. 1830, Oct. 10. 1831. May — . Oct. — . 1832, May 3. 288 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. Jane Peffer. Eleanor Sharer. Catharine Ann Mc Gammon. Mary Rutherford. Pricella Barrett. Harriet Bailey. Margaret McClure. Rebecca McClure. No Additions. No Additions. Martha Rutherford. No Additions. 19. John McFarland. Elizabeth McFarland, wife of John. 10. Robert "Wilson. No additions. No additions, Martin Kendi», from Middletown. Rachel McCammon, from Middletown. Ann Blattenberger, Irom Middletown. Catharine McGlerm, from Middletown. Oct. 14. Jane Simonton. Ann McClure. 1833, Oct. 10. Elizabeth Espy. Mary Gray. 1834, May 18. No additions. Oct. — . Jane McClure. 1835, June — . No additions. Sept. 27. No additions. 1836, No Spring Communion, because absent at General Assembly. Oct. 9. No additions. 1837, June 4. Mary Ann Sherer. Oct. 15. Ann Espy. Mary Gilmore. 1838, June 9. Isabella McNeice. Oct. 13. No additions. 1839, May 12. No additions. Sept. 15. Davis. 1840, May 17. John Hamaker. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 289 Ann Elder. Sept. 27. No additions. 1841, May 16. No additions. Oct. 31. No additions. 1842, May 29. No additions. Admitted on Certifica 1812, Aug. 23. James Taylor. Jane Taylor. Joseph Cambell. Mrs. Josepli Cambell. 1815, Oct. 29. Mrs. Finley. 1819, May 16. Mrs. Sedgwick, Middle Spring. 1822, May 11. John E. Thomson. 1826, May 19. John Buffington. Joshua Elder. 1832, May 3. Mary Millerort, Harrisburg. Mary Wilson, Harrisburg. 1837, Oct. 15. Mrs. Eliza Latta. 1840, May 17. Mrs. R. R. Elder, Harrisburg. 290 Paxtaxg Phesbyterian Church. DISMISSIONS IN PAXTANG. 1807, — . Martha Cowden, (alias Boyd.) Jane Wilson. 1812, April 4. John Ross. Elizabeth Ross. 1814, March 5. James Taylor. Jane Taylor, his wife. Aug. 3. John McClure. Aug. 6. William Whitley. Mrs. Wm. Whitley. 1816, April 29. Mrs. Snoddy, (alias Jane Wilson.) 1817, Sept. 29. James Hannah. Mrs. James Hannah. Elizabeth Margaret Hannah. 1820, May 1. Dinah Carson. Dec 30. Mrs. Mary Jordan, (alias Cowden.) Nov. — . Alexander Hannah. Mrs. Ann Hannah, (wife of Alex.' r.) 1821, April — . Joseph Wilson. Mrs. Ann Wilson, wife of Joseph. Sarah Wilson, daughter of Joseph. Mary Wilson, daughter of Joseph. 1824, March 27. William Boon. Margaret Boon. 1825, Dec. 20. Julia Sherer. 1827, June — ■ Samuel Kearsley. 27. Samuel Hood. Rebecca Hood. 1828, May 5. Catharine Nevin. 1830, Oct. — . Margaret Collier. Dec. 9. John Buffington. 1833, Oct. 18. Margaret Calhoun. 1834, April 16. Mrs. Hugh Wilson, (alias Martha Rutherford.) Sept. 20. Mrs. Rebecca Brown, (alias Rebecca McClure.) 183C, March 10. Mrs. Catharine Stough, (Cath. McCammon.) Mary Millerort. Rachel ^IcCammon. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 291 June 25. James Simonton. Mrs. Ann Simonton, wife of James. Ann Kerr, daughter of Robert McClure. Mrs. Mary Sherer. John Hamaker. Mrs. Mary Ann Hamaker, (alias Sherer. ) Miss Isabella McNeice. 1840, Oct. 5. 1841, May 16. 1842, April 16. 292 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. DEATHS IN PAXTANG CONGREGATION. 1809, March 8. James Rutherford. June — . Mrs. Awl. 1810, Jan. — . Isabella Larned. Feb. — . Margaret Rutherford, communicant. Oct. — . James Cowden, communicant. 1811, . Susanna Rutherford, communicant. 1813, July 25. Josiah Espy, communicant. Aug. 18. Mary Elder, communicant. 1814, Aug. 12. Ann Stephens, communicant. 1815, Nov. 25. Mary Fulton, communcant. 1816, March — . John Allison, communicant. April 18, Widow, Elizabeth Gray, communicant. Sept. 23. Elizabeth Sherer, communicant. 1818, Aug. 19. Margaret Cowden, communicant. Sept. 29. Robert Elder, an elder. Sept. 29. Mrs. McClure, communicant. 1819, May 30. John Gray, communicant. 1821, . Margaret Allison, communicant. William Calhoun, commu.iicant. 1822, July 15. James Cochran, communicant. July 16. Jane Gray, communicant. Peggy Sherer, communicHut. 1823, Jan. 4. Mary Foster, communicant. March 11. Sarah Wilson, communicant. April 9. Jane Harrison, communicant. 1824, March 4. Joseph Sherer, communicant. April 17. Williamson Harrison, communicant. Aug. 10. John C. Thomson, communicant. Margaret Rutherford, communicant. 1826, Jan. 20, Widow Croucli, communicant. Fel). — . Isabella Buffingtou, communicant. Feb. 25. Sarah Kearsley, communicant. 1825, May 24. James Cowden, communicant. May 28. Elizabeth Wiggins, communicant. 1837, Jan. 2. Edward Crouch, an elder. March 3. William Calhoun, coiimunicant. Paxtang Pbesbytekian Church. 293 Oct. 19. Robert Elder. 1829, May 28. David Ritchey, communicant. 1831, . John Ritchey, an elder. 1833, Sept. 7. Hannah Calhoun. Nov, 26. Samuel Rutherford, an elder. 1834, Feb. 20. Ann Gordon, communicant. Frederick Hatton, communicant. 1835, Oct. 15. John Gilchrist, sen., communicant. Oct. 15. Elizabeth Wilson, communicant. 1836. . Sarah Elder, (wife of Robert,) communicant. 1837, April 2. Eleanor Elder, (wife of Joshua,) communicant. 1839, July — . John McCammon, an elder. 1836, July 21. Robert McClure, an elder. 1840, April — . David Espy, communicant. July 7. Mary Hatton, communicant. 1841, Nov. — . Elizabeth Wilson, (wife of Henry,) communicant. 1841, . Sarah Kendig, communicant. 1841, . Ann Espy, communicant. 294 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. THE GRAVE- YARD. Originally Paxtang congregation owned a tract of twenty acres in the shape of a parallelogram, whose length was about three times its width. About 1850 a portion of the tract was sold leaving a square of six or eight acres, covered largely with forest trees, among which are several giant oaks. Near the center of this tract stands the church, the parsonage occupies the south-east corner, and between the two lies the grave-yard. In early times no distinct limits were set to the burying ground, and the people buried their dead anywhere, according to their fancy, in the clearing to the south and south-east of the church. Graves were seldom marked, and a few have obliterated all trace of them. As families became permanent and the number of these graves increased, more care was taken, tombstones began to be erected and lots fenced in. The want of uniformity, however, in these fences and of regularity in the selection of lots rendered the ground very unsightly. This state of affairs existed until 1790-1792, when the ground was enclosed by a stone wall, the greater portion of which is still standing. This wall does not by any means include all the graves of Paxtang. It did, however, surround all that were marked by tombstones or protected by fences. An effort has been made in the pages immediately following to give a correct copy of these tombstones, and brief notes of many of those who lie beneath the sacred soil of venerable Paxtang. In memory of MARGARET A- LEXANDER and her two babes. She was the regretted con- sort of Andrew Alexander. She died August 22ud 1790 aged 33 years. Sacred to the Memory of JACOB AWL > Who departed this life Sept. 26th, 1793, Aged 66 years, 1 month and 20 days. This stone is placed over his re- mains by his relict and children as a testimony of their Regard for his many virtues. Is lie perhaps your Guardian aneel still, O, widow, ehildreu, live as would obey his will, So shall you join him on that happy sliore Where grief or death will visit you no more. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 295 Sacred to the memory of JOHN ALLISON, who departed this life March 17th, 1816. Aged 46 years. ELIZA BARNETT, Departed this life Sept. 7, 1862, Aged 66 years, 10 months and 28 days. In memory WILLIAM BROWN, Esq'r., Who depar- ted this Life Oct'r, 10th, 1787, aged 67 years. In memory of THOMAS BROWN ^ Who died Feb. 17, 1851, In the 79th year of his Age. In memory of MARGARET Consort of Thomas Brown who died Feb. 14, 1854 In the 77th year of her In memory of WILLIAM Son of Thomas and Margaret BROWN who died July the 4th 1822 aged 21 years and 10 months, Also SAMUEL BROWN who died April the 29th 1835 aged 27 years also MARGARET and THOMAS BROWN who died in their infancy. In memory of MATILDA BROWN, Who died Sept. 10, 1821, In the 53rd year of her age. HARRIET B. widow of Joseph BURD Born May 22, 1791, Died October 9, 1860. In memory of CAPT. JOHN BRISBAN a Soldier of the Revolution who departed this life March 13, 1822, aged 91 years. In Memory of JAMES BIGGER^ Died Jan 4, 1850 296 Paxtang Phesbyterian Church. Aged 43 years 9 months & 18 Days Yes thou art gone, thy lo^s we mourn, And long affliction's tear must flow Around thy silent sacred urn 'Tis all fond memory can bestow. Also Two infant children of James & Margaret Bigger. In memory of MARGARET wife of JAMES BIGGER born July 13, 1806 died Oct. 29, 1878 Aged 72 years, S^months and 16 days. Safe in the arms of Jesus Safe in his gentle breast, There by his love o'ershaded Sweetly my soul shall rest. In Memory of ANN ISABELLA Daughter of James & Margaret BIGGER, Died May 9, 1846 Aged 3 Years 9 Mos & 7 Days MARY E Daughter of Wm. J & Julia A BIGGER, Died Sept 16, 1854 Aged 5 months & 11 davs In Memory of SARAH BIGGER Wife of John Bigger who departed this life July the 9th A D 1842 In the 32nd year ot her age Also three of their children In Memory of JAMES COWDEN, ESQ.,« who departed this life October 10th, 1810, in the 74 year of his age. In Memory of MARY wife of James Cowden, Sr., who departed this life Oct. 14, 1848, in the 91st year of her age. MARGARET COWDEN departed this life Aug't 19th, A. D. 1818. aged 3G years. MATTHEW B. COWDEN Departed this life Jan. 1-5, 1862, Aged 75 years, 6 months and 21 days. MARY W. wife of Matthew B. COWDEN. departed this life May 16. 1844 Aged 56 years. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 297 Also MARGARET, the daughter of Matthew B. & Mary Cowden July 7th, A. D. 1822 aged 3 years. Here Lies the body ot SARAH CAVET, who died in the 22d Year of her Age upon the 15th day of June, 1770. In memory of SUSANNA COLLIER who departed this Life the 9th Sept. 1781 Aged 74 years. In memory of JAMES COLLIER" who departed this Life the 31st of March 1788 Aged 85 years. MARGARET CROUCH departed this life Feb'ry 2d a d 1826 aged 71 years. In memory of JAMES CROUCH 9 who departed this life May 24th 1794 aged 66 years. In memory of HANNAH CROUCH wife of James Crouch who departed this life May:24th 1787 aged 60 years Sacred In memory of EDWARD CROUCH i» who departed this life on the 2d day of January 1827 in the 63d year of his age. ' Bless' d thought, not lost but gone before.'' In memory of MARGARET CROUCH wife of EDWARD CROUCH who departed this life February 7th 1797 aged 22 jears RACHEL BAILEY CROUCH Born April 16, 1783, Died March 2, 1857, wife of the Hon. Edward Crouch, Dec'd. 298 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. JAMES COCHRAN" MARY died July 16 1822 DICKEY aged about 80 years Departed & this Life MARY COCHRAN April the August 6 1803 6th 1764 Aged about 58 years. In memory of JOHN COCHRAN 12 Died November 16 1845 Aged about 72 years. ROBERT DUNCAN who departed this life Feb'y ye 26th 1766 In Aged 82 years memory of HANNAH In Memory of wife of JOHN DUNCAN 1' JOHN COCHRAN SEN'R who departed Died May 31, 1850 this life June the in the 72d year 30th 1788 of her age Aged 81 years. In memory of DAVID CALHOUN born December 1 1741 died April 1770 In Memory of JOHN DUNCAN JUNIOR who departed this life Aug't the 24th 1773 DINAH Aged 17 years Died April 1, 1878 In In the 90th year of Memory of her age ANN DUNCAN who '' Well done good and faith- departed this life ful servant ' ' April the 11th 1792 Aged 82 years In & Memory ROBERT RITCHEY HENRY B. DORRANCE, M. D. Departed this life who departed this life in March 1780 Oct 1st 1828 Aged 8 months. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 299 ELEANOR DAVIDSON Born Jan 16, 1733 Died December 1799 JOHN D. DURKEES" Died Aug 14, 1885, Aged 41 years, 9 mos & 18 days. The Body of the late REV'D JOHN ELDER ^^ lies interred under this slab he departed this life July 17 1792 Aged 86. Sixty years he filled the sacred Char- acter of a Minister of the Gospel fifty six of which he officiated in Paxtou The practice of piety seconded the precepts Which he taught and a most ex- emplary life was the best comment OQ the Christian Religion. The Remains of his Daughter GRIZZEL who died 18th Sept 1769 Aged 20 years rest with him in the same grave Also The Body of his first wife MARY who departed this life June 12, 1749 Aged 33 years. Also The Body of his second wife MARY who departed this life October 3d 1786 Aged 54 years. JOHN ELDER i« Born Aug. 13, 1757 Died Apr. 27, 1811. Also his son JOSIAH ELDER who departed this life Oct 30 1844 in the 42nd year of his age ' Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." This stone designates the Grave of ROBERT ELDER" who died Sept. 29th 1818 in his 77th year During an active and well spent life he sustained the character of an Honest Man In memory of MARY J. ELDER Late consort of Robert Elder Born October 19th 17oO' Died August 18, 1813. 300 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. The Body of JOSHUA ELDER son of Robert Elder of Indiana Lies under this slab He died Nov. 11th 1825 aged 28 The equanimity of his mind "the sincerity of his heart, and the correctness of his conduct gained for him much respect and general etteem. The Body of the late JOSHUA ELDER ESQ^^ lies interred under this slab He departed this life December 5th 1820 Aged 76. In the course of a long and useful Life he fiU'd many important public Stations, the duties of which he Discharged with uprightness and fidelity And His private conduct was marked by a Temperance and Regularity only equalled by his inflexible Integrity. Also The Body of his first wife MARY ■who departed this life November 21st 1782 Aged 29 years. Also The Body of his second wife SARAH who departed this life December 6th 1807 Aged 45 years. In memory of ROBERT ELDER, Who died Oct. 19, 1827, Aged 36 years. Also his wife ELIZABETH, Daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth Sherer Died Feb. 26, 1860 Aged 65 years. "There remainelh therefore a rest to the people of God." Heb. 4 : 9. Sacred to the Memory of SAMUEL S. ELDER ^^ Major 2nd Artillery U. S. Army departed this life Apr. 6, 1885, at Fort Monroe, Va., aged 58 years. "I am the ressurection and the life." BESSIE G. ELDER, wife of Samuel S. Elder. Died Nov. 19th, 1890. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 501 In memory of DAVID ELDER who died May 22d 1809 aged 40 years. In memory of JxVNE his wife who died January 13th 1842 In the 70th year of her age. Them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 1st Thess. 4th— c : 16v. In memory of ROBERT T. ELDER Born September 1st 1800 Died August 13th 1854. In memory of ANN S. ELDER Died Jan. 7, 1878 In the 81st year of her age. MARGARET ELDER Died Sept. 14, 1851 in 80th year of her age. In peace may our Mother rest. Sacred to the memory of SAMUEL ELDER 20 who departed this life Sept. 26th, 1815. in the 44th year of his age. Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM ESPY '^^ who was born June 2, 1786 and died July 28, 1850 aged 74 years, 1 month & 26 days. Sacred To the memory of" SUSANNA, wife of VVm. ESPY, who was born June 18, 1782 Died July 10, 1854, aged 72 years & 22 days. In Memory of ROBERT R. ELDER, Died April 5th, 1858, Aged 60 years. In Memory of SARAH ELDER, who died November 25th, 1836, In the 40th year of her Age. ELIZABETH G. ELDER,. Second wife of Robert R. Elder Born March 17, 1806, Died Feb. 16, 1862. 302 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. ROBERT ELDER son of Robert R. & Sarah Elder Born May 2, 1830, Died March 8, 1861. JOSHUA ELDER 23 Born January 18 1802 Died August 25, 1883. In memory of ELEANOR ELDER who died April 2nd 1887 in the 35th year of her age. In memory of MARY C. ELDER who departed this life February 26, 1844 in the 27th year of her NANCY BROWN wife of Joshua Elder Born May 17, 1816 Died Oct. 4, 1885. MARY ADA Daughter of Joshua & Nancy ELDER Died April 7, 1858. Aged 10 months & 14 Days JOHN PARKE son of John & Mary J ELDER Born Jan 1, 1872 Went home to heaven July 22, 1872 ELIZA RUTHERFORD Daughter of John & Mary J. ELDER Born February 5, 1874 Went home to Heaven September 30, 1874 JAMES G. ESPY died September 22 1852 3 years & 10 WILLIAM ESPY Died Sept. 10, 1852 7 years 5 mo & 21 d. To the memory of SAMUEL McKEEHAN son of Josiah and Mary Espy Born April 14, 1847 Died Dec. 19, 1849. In memory of " JOSIAH ESPY JUN who died April 13th 1811 aged 37 years. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 3 03 In Memory of JOSIAH ESPY •who died July 26th 1813 Aged 71 years. Also his wife ANN^* who died May 31st 1842 in the 92nd year of her In memory of DOCTOR JOHN E. ESPY^^ who died April 26 1831 Aged 50 years In memory of DAVID ESPY ^* who died April 21st 1840 Aged 48 years. In memory of HUGH WILSON FULTON who departed this Life August the 12th A. D. 1793, aged 16 yrs & 16 days. [Remainder un- intelligible.] In Memory of MARY Consort of Richard FULTON dec'd who departed this life Nov'r 23, 1815, in the 45th year of her age. In memory of RICHARD FULTON, SEN'R" who departed this life in Nov'r 1774 age 68 years. In Memory of ISABEL FULTON who departed this life the 1st of April 1779 aged 65 years. In memory of JOSEPH FULTON who departed this life January 25, 1787, age 28 years. In Memory of JOHN W. Son of Richard FULTON, dec'd, who departed this life Feb'y 12th, 1825, in the 28th year of his age. In Memory of MARY A. wife of Richard FULTON Died August 18, 1849, Aged 36 years. In Memory of RICHARD FULTON Born Aug. 4, 1797, Died Feb. 23, 1851, Aged 53 years 6 months and 19 days. 304 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. Here Lyeth the Bo dy of GEORGE FLE MING was bor n in the year of our Lord 1728 and died June the 21, 1766. Here lieth the Body of THOMAS FORSTER, ESQ.,^" Late of Paxton In the County of Lancaster Who departed this life the 25th of July 1772 Aged 76 years. JOHN GILCHRIST died December 18 1843 in the 52 year of his age ELEANOR GILCHRIST Died June 28ud, 1860 In the 71st year of her age In memory of THOMAS GILCHRIST Born Jan. 21, 1799 Died Jan. 29, 1873 aged 74 years and 8 days. In memory of ELIZABETH GILCHRIST who departed this life December 16th 1805 aged 40 years. JANE wife of ROBERT GILCHRIST Born June 1. 1789 Died Sept. 10, 1865 Aged 76 years 3 mos and 9 days ROBERT GILCHRIST Born Feb. 18, 1788 Died March 27, 1857. JOHN GILCHRIST ''^ Died October 14th 1835 In the 74th year of his In memory of SIDNEY GILCHRIST who died March 16 1843 aged 57 years and 24 days In memory of ELIZA GILCHRIST Born June 30, 1794 Died Feby 6, 1848 53 years 7 months & 6 Days. Sacred To the memory of JAMES GILCHRIST Died April 15, 1854 aged 58 years. 1 month & 23 days. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 305 MARY GILCHRIST Died May 1874 aged 72 years. In memory of MOSES GILLMOR »» who died On the 10th of June 1825 In the 76th year of his age In memory of ISABELLA GILLMOR who died On the 16th of September 1826 in the 73d year of her age In memory of MARGARET GILLMOR who died Feby 10th 1839. Also of THOMAS son of Moses & Isabella GILLMOR who died Sept 25th 1793 in the 17th year of hia age In memory of MARY daughter of Moses & Isabella GILLMOR, who departed this life July 80th 1793 in the 8th year of his age In memory of ROBERT GILLMOR" who died Nov. 13, 1867 In the 77th year of his age In memory of WALLACE MOSES GILLMOR who departed this life On the 28th of December 1840 in the 24th year of his age In memory of ISABELLA M. GILLMOR who departed this life March 10, 1853 In the 33rd year of her age. In memory of ELIZABETH wife of William GILLMOR who died Oct 17 1857 Aged 73 years 6 mos & 20 Days. In memory of JAMES COWDEN GILLMOR who departed this life April 4th 1837 in the 18th year of his age 306 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. In In memory of memory of his consort WILLIAM GILLMOR JR ELIZABETH GRAY who departed this life who departed this life Jan 29 1855 April 18th, A. D. 1816, Aged 29 years & 27 Aged 72 years. days In Memory of In JOHN GRAY memory of Who departed this life WILLIAM GILLMOR May 30th, A. D. 1819, who died the 28th day of Aug 1856 in the 66th year of his age Aged 68 years. Also his mother In Memory of JOHN GRAY, SEN'R, »» HANNAH GRAY who departed this life in November A. D. 1781. Aged 70 years. Died February 1785 Aged about 78 years. In Also his son Memory of GEORGE MARY Died February 25th 1796, second wife of Aged about 67 years. John GRAY dec, who died July 17th 1822 And Aged 62 years. In memory of In his mother Memory of SUSANNA GRAY,"' JOSEPH GRAY who departed this life Died In October A. D. 1750 September 13, 1861, Aged 50 years. Aged 69 years. In In memory of Memory of JANE H. GRAY JOSEPH GRAY Died who departed this life Dec. 6, 1870 October 13, A. D. 1794, aged in the 60th year of his age. 74 years. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 307 In Memory of ROBERT GRAY" Died April 27, 1848, In the 91st year of hia Age. In Memory of MARY wife of Robert GRAY Died Aug. 16, 1863 Aged 91 years 11 mos and 3 days. In memory of ELEANOR Daughter of Robert & Mary GRAY Died June 28, 1832 In the 19th year of her In Memory of THOMAS M. GRAY Born March 17, 1798 Died Jan. 28, 1857 Aged 58 years 10 mos & 11 ds. MARGARET P. GRAY Born July 22, 1792 Died Feb. 11, 1873 Aged 80 years, 6 mos and 19 days. In memory of ELIZA. G. [Gray] wife of Robert Wilson who departed this life Nov. 10, 1841 Aged 37 years & 6 days. SAMUEL GRAY Died Oct. 21, 1881 In the 76th year of his age. Designed as a solemn tribute of gratitude, lore, and respect to the memory of MARTHA M. GRAHAM the affectionate consort of John Graham who departed this life January 30th A. D. 1824 aged 54 years, 2 months & 27 days Her flesh shall slumber in the ground Till the last trumpet's joyful sound, Then burst the chains with sweet sur- prise, And in her Saviour's image rise. In Memory of SU- SANNA GRAHAM died Novb'r 25th 1772 JOHN GOLAUGHER ^^ Departed this Life June the 7th 1779 aged 49 years 308 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. Sacred to the memory of JAMES HARRIS, wlio departed this life may 17, 1806, in the 24th year of his age. On him were fortune's blessing shed, And hope sweet prospects gave, Too soon the pleasing vision sped And vanished in the grave. In early youth he fell a prey In manhood's opening bloom, And left the cheerful light of day, For death's untimely gloom. Almighty God whose gracious love Bestows each blessing given, Receive his soul, with thee to prove The sacred joys of Heaven. In memory of JOHN HARRIS, Jr., ^^ Who died on the 30th Day of July, 1791, In the 65th year of his age and gave name To the Town of Harrisburgh. The Remains of ELIZABETH '" his first and MARY his second wife Lie interred with him Under this Stone. In memory of ELIZABETH HILTON Spouse to John Hilton who departed this life Jany. the 8th, 1795 aged 61 years. In memory of JOHN HILTON who departed this life Feby. the 21st, 1784, aged 50 years. In memory of Mary G. Consort of James Hayes who departed this life June 17, 1881, 70y 11m 7d. JAMES C. JORDAN Born October 28, 1825 Died September 18, 1859 HANNAH Second Wife of Benjamin JORDAN Born October 23, 1798 Died October 21, 1859 [Marble obelisk] North Side. MARY CROUCH wife of Benjamin Jordan Born Oct. 23d 1791 Died Oct. 27th 1846 South Side. BENJAMIN JORDAN ="8 Born July 19th 1779 ' Died May 24th 1861 West Side. Our Father and Mother Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 309 SARAH HASLETT wife of E. C. JORDAN Born May 26, 1820 Died Jan. 2, 1854 In memory of RACHEL JORDAN ■wJbo departed this life March 19th 1846 in the 15th Year of her age Also In memory of 2 Infant Sisters and one Brother In memory of BENJAMIN LAFAYETTE JORDAN Died Feb. 19, 1850 in the 16th year of his In Memory of JEAN KELSO who Departed this Life Feb. 20, 1777 Aged 42 years. In memory of Major JAMES INGRAM ^^ who departed this life August 12th 1811 aged 41 years. Sacred To the memory of JOHN KEAN ^ who departed this life Dec. 9, 1818 Aged 56 years 2 mos and 6 dys. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His Saints." Ps. CXVI. 15. JOHN HAMILTON KEAN Born Jan. 21, 1795 Died July 14, 1795 MARY KEAN Born Feb. 21, 1797 Died April 21, 1803 In Memory of JEAN KEAN Relict of John Kean who departed this Life March 20, 1847 Aged 72 years 9 months & 20 Days Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Ps. 116 : 15. In Memory of MARGARET HAMILTON KEAN Born Feb. 17, 1806, Died Oct. 11, 1855. aged 49 years 7 months & 24 days. "The Lord is my Shepherd." 310 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. In Memory of JOHNKEANSr" Born July 5, 1728 Died May 28, 1801, aged 73 years An Irishman by birth an American at heart - he boldly fought for the Liberty of our Country. MARY DUNLAP His wife, born ia Ireland 1723, Died July 9, 1819 Aged 98 years. Saints Indeed. In memory of SARAH KEARSLEY who died on the 25th of Feb'y, 1826, aged 72 years wanting 30 days, 52 of which time she was the faithful wife of Samuel Kearsley an affectionate mother & pious Christian she lived holily & and died the death of the righteous. Reader, imitate her Example, Her smiling clay lies here in death, Till God who first did give it breath Shall call it far above the sky To join her happy soul on high. Hallelujah I In memory of DOCTOR JOSEPH KELSO who died August 10th 1817 in the 44th year of his age. In memory of ELIZABETH KELSO late consort of Doctor Joseph Kelso deceased who died on the 8th of April 1818 in the 34th year of her age- In memory of WILLIAM KELSO « who departed this Life Nov. 26, 1788, Aged 51 years. A tribute of respect to the memory of Dr. Joseph & Elizabeth Kelso's three infant children. Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM KELSO who departed this Life May 22d a. d. 1807 aged 49 years. Our WILLIE son of Conrad & Sarah KIRSCHNER Died Nov. 30, 1862 aged 2 jears 1 month and 17 days Not lost but gone before. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 311 Our IDA Daughter of Conrad & Sarah KIRSCHNER Died June 13, 1876 aged 1 year 6 mos and 11 days. Not lost but gone before. Our Father JACOB KUHN" Died March 19, 1866, In the 78 year of his age. Our Mother SUSANNA wife of Jacob Kuhn Died March 27, 1866 In the 77th year of her age. GEORGE KUHN" Died March 5, 1886 iged 63 yrs and 29 days. In memory of MARGARET KIRKPATRICK Relict of Wm. Kirkpatrick who departed this life on the 3d of Nov'r 1802 in the 77th year of her age. In Memory of EPHRAIM LATTA who was born April 11, 1814 and departed this life March 10, 1843 Aged 28 years 10 months and 29 days. JANE M. LYON Daughter of Hon. Wm. Maclay Died 30th April 1809. Hallelujah. in memory of REBEKAH daughter of Maj. Jonathan KEARSLEY who died March 6th, 1825, aged 7 years 2 months & 25 days Children Remember your Creator in the days of your youth as Rebekah truly did. In memory of LUCY LORRETT who departed this life on the 19th day of February 1847 aged 100 years. GEORGE LORRETT « Died August 27, 1862 aged 88 years, 11 mos & 12 days MARY McARTHUR departed this life October 24th A. D. 1742, Reverence for the memory of the deceased Prompted the erection of this Stone A. D. 1845 By her descendant James Peacock. 312 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. MARGARET McARTHUR Departed this life July the 14th 1753 In memory of ^ JANE MATEER wife of William Mateer who departed this life Auj 1809. In 1810 he was elected burgess of Harrisburg, Judge Elder was twice married --first to Mary McAllister, and secondly to Sarah McAllister. Paxtang Pkesbyterian Church. 333 ^^ Samuel Sheber Elder entered U. S. Army in 1853 as a private; appointed second lieutenant First Artillery March 23, 1861 ; promoted first lieutenant May 14, 1861 ; brevet captain Sept. 17, 1862 ; captain August 1, 1863 ; brevet major Feb. 20, 1864, and brevet lieutenant- colonel May 15, 1864. He married Elizabeth Garland, of Henderson, Kentucky. '^^ Samuel Elder, son of Rev. John Elder and Mary Simpson, was born Feb. 27, 1772, in Paxtang; was educated in Paxtang school; a soldier in the whiskey insurrection ; sheriff of the county, 1800-1803. The newspapers of the day speak in the warmest terms of his faithful- ness as a public officer and his worth as a private citizen. He married, March 7, 1793, Margaret Espy. ^^ William Espy married, June 2, 1807, Susanna Gray, daughter of Joseph Gray and Elizabeth Forster. ^^ Robert R. Elder was a ruling elder in Paxtang church. He was twice married — first, Sarah Sherer ; second, Elizabeth Galbraith Elder. *^ Joshua Elder was a ruling elder in Paxtang church. ^^ Ann Kirkpatrick, daughter of William and Margaret Kirkpatrick. '^ Doctor Espy was a physician of ability — studied with Dr. White- side. Subsequently entering into the practice of his profession with him in Harrisburg. He died unmarried. '■^^ David Espy was a precentor in Paxtang church for many years. ^"Richard Fulton, was born in Londonderry, Ireland, in 1706; came to America in 1722, with relatives, and was among the earliest settlers at Paxtang. His farm was situated at the Susquehanna river just below Harrisburg, a portion of it being now included within the city limits. His will was probated at Lancaster in 1774, of which his son in-law Moses Wallace, and Hugh Wilson, were the executors ; his plantation was valued at £1,540, and his farming implements, &c., at £340, 6 s. 6 d. He married in December, 1744, Isabel McChesney. ^^ Thomas Forster, 1st., was a native of county Antrim, Ireland, ot Scotch parentage, born in 1696. He emigrated to America at an early period, and was among the first to take up land in Paxtang ; he was a man of means, had received a good education, and was for many years one of the Provincial magistrates. He was ousted because of his refusal to oust some squatters from Proprietary lands. Was much interested in the establishment of Paxtang church. During the Indian troubles 334 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. he was active in the defense of the borders. He was never married. His estate went to his brother John and nephew Thomas. ^^JoHN Gilchrist, although but fifteen years of age, served in the company of Col. Burd's battalion of Associators, in which his father, John Gilchris-t, was first lieutenant, and was among those captured at Fort Washington on its surrender in November, 1776. After the Revo- lution he took great interest in military matters and rose to the position of Major. ^° Moses Gillmob was born in Ulster, Ireland, 1749 ; in 1766 he canie to Hanover, but returned to Ireland before the Revolutionary war, where he remained until 1783, when he returned, and in 1784 married Isabella, third daughter of Robert and Mary Wallace, of Hanover. Upon the laying out of Harrisburg he located on Market square as a merchant. He was prominent in local political aSairs, and in the church of which he was one of the founders, the Market Square Presbyterian, he was a ruling elder from 1794 to 1825. ^^ Robert Gillmor was the son of Moses Gillmor and the last of his family in the male line. He learned the trade of a watchmaker, but his father leaving him a competency, he never went into business. He was unmarried and died on his farm one mile north of Progress. ^^JoHN Gray, was born in County Antrim, Ireland, in 1698, emigrated to America about 1730, locating first at Chester, and sub- sequently at Paxtang. He was one of the pioneers during the French and Indian war, (1755-1764,) was captain of a rifle company in Col. Elder's batallion, subsequently, Col. Asher Clayton's. Captain Gray was twice married, first, in 1730, to Susan Armstrong, and second, in 1753, to Hannah Stevenson Semple, widow of George Semple. The original farm owned by John Gray, was, upon his death, divided into four tracts, and remains in that shape to the present. These tracts were severally inherited by Joseph, George, Robert, and John. George dying unmarried, his farm passed out of the family, Joseph's is owned by his grandson, Josiah Espy, John's by his grandson, Newton Gray, and Robert's by his granddaughter, Mrs. Mary Jane Bigham. ^^ On grave-stone of her son Joseph. ^* Robert Gray, son of John Gray, was born in Paxtang in 1757. He served in the war of the Revolution, and was in the half-starved and illy-clad army of Washington during the cantonment at Valley Forge. His stories of the hardships endured during the struggle for independence were very interesting. He lived a long and honorable Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 335 life, and was the last of that gallant band of heroes of "seventy six," in this locality. He married Mary Rutherford, daughter of Captain John Rutherford and Margaret Parke, and had thirteen children. ^^JoHN GoLATJGHER, son of John, was born in Ireland; came to America with his parents early in life ; and married a daughter of Robert Montgomery. His sons settled on Pine creek, Northumber- land, now Lycoming county, Pennsylvania. ^® John Harris, the Founder, was the son of an Englishman of the same name, who made the first known white settlement at the place afterwards known as Harris' Perry, in 1707, and who, in December, 1733, obtained from the proprietaries of Pennsylvania a grant of three hundred acres of land near his residence. He carried on a considera- ble trade with the Indians of the vicinity. In 1753, the Penn's granted to his son John Harris, the Founder, the right to establish a ferry. In 1784 the town was laid out, and it became the seat of justice of the new ceunty, called Dauphin, after the French crown prince. As John Harris had laid out the town, and oflFered lots therein for county pur- poses, he was accorded the privilege of naming it. ^'' Elizabeth Harris, the daughter of Richard McClure, of Paxtang, was born in 1729, and died in 1764, and was a woman of undoubted energy and courage. Two incidents told of her illustrate this : The house was surrounded with a stockade, and one night the gate being left open an Indian entered and thrust his rifle through one of the port holes, pointing it at an English officer present. The night being damp the gun flashed. Instantly Mrs. Harris blew out the candle to prevent the Indian shooting a second time and he retreated. On another occa- sion a servant going up stairs on an errand with a piece of candle without a candle stick and coming down without it, Mrs. Harris asked what she had done with it, the reply was she had stuck it in the barrel of flaxseed. This, however, happened to be a barrel of powder. Mrs. Harris instantly arose and without saying a word went up stairs and carefully removed the candle. ^^ Benjamin Jordan was born on the ground where Milton now stands ; between 1805 and 1808 he engaged in the book publishing business, in Lancaster, and assisted in editing the Intelligencer. In 1808 he was appointed weighmaster of the port of Philadelphia. In 1816 he resigned and came to Walnut Hill, now owned by Mr. John Motter, in Dauphin county, to reside. Mr. Jordan represented the Dauphin district in the State Senate, 1846-1850. He was for many ■336 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. years precentor of Paxtang church. October 29, 1811, he married Mary, daughter of Edward Crouch and Margaret Potter. ^® James Ingram, son of "William Ingram, a hero of the revolution, was an important personage in the early decades of Harrisburg history, and was a major of one of the militia battalions. One of his daughters became the wife of the late William Dick Boas, the journalist. *" General John Kean was one of the earliest settlers of Harrisburg, one of the first judges of Dauphin county, a county commissioner for eight years, twice Senator from Dauphin iand Berks, register general of Pennsylvania, Presidential elector in 1800, voting for Jefferson, and a justice of the peace at Harrisburg. In 1780 he entered the army, and was with it until the surrender at Yorktown. He was one of the most active and influential of the early citizens of Harrisburg. He was twice married — first, in 1786, Mary Whitehill ; secondly, Jane Hamilton- He left no male descendants. *^ John Kean came to America in 1742, and served as a captain in the revolutionary army. ^"^ William Kelso was the son of Joseph Kelso, one of the first set- tlers west of the Susquehanna, who established the west side of Har- ris Ferry, which went by the name of Kelso's Ferry. The ferry-house •erected prior to 1730 yet remains, although badly damaged by the flood of 1889. It is the oldest building in existence in the Cumberland Valley. The Kelsos of Erie are descended from this family. ''^ Jacob Kuhn was for many years a resident of Harrisburg, where he followed his trade as a cabinet-maker. At one time he was a stew - ard at the almshouse. *^ George Kithn, son of Jacob, was a native of Dauphin county, and in 1853 was elected a teacher in the public schools of Harrisburg, hold- iug the position for twenty-seven years, and in his time imparting the rudiments of an education to many men whe are now promioent in all circles of life. *^ George Lorrett, was born September 15, 1773, on the farm now owned by John Matter, in Lower Swatara township, Dauphin county, and usually called the "Jordan Farm." His mother was a slave, and owned by the Crouches, who were one of the first families to own slaves within the confines of the Capital county, aud were owners of a large number. After the death of Mr. Crouch, the mother of George Lor- rett became the property of Benjamin Jordan, Crouch's son-in-law. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 337 also George her son. George was a favorite of his master's family, and was industrious and frugal, so that at an early day he was one of the first black or African men to own realty in Dauphin county. When he died he was the last slave in the county, as he had never been set free by his master, Benjamin Jordan, although his freedom had been oflFered to him time and again, but always refused. At one time when Mr. J. asked him why he would not accept his freedom, as he was now the pos- sessor of a small plantation, he replied " Massey, dis I'se got to- day — to-morrow it may be gon, den I'se can go back to my massa, but if I'se free, you not take me." He invariably went by the nick-name of "King George," very rarely by that of "Black George." The euphonious title he secured by reason of his owning a small parcel ot land, and not allowing the other people of his race to associate with or visit him, believing them to be inferior to himself. The land which he owned lies about one and a half miles N. E. of Middletown, and now owned by Jacob Ebersole. When Lucy and George Lorrett died, they were buried on his plantation, a short distance to the rear of the house, which was surrounded by a neat wire fence, where their bodies lay un- disturbed until the year 1888, when Mr. Ebersole secured permission from the elders and trustees of the old Paxtang Meeting-House to re- inter their bodies within that ancient enclosure. For be it remembered, that " King George," or George Lorrett, was a communicant of "The Paxtang." All glory to the privilege granted by these devoted " blue- stockings." — E. w. s. p. *® Robert Montgomery was born in the parish of Ballymore, county Armagh, Ireland. He emigrated to Pennsylvania about the year 1737, as the date of his certificate is May of that year. His descendants settled in Northumberland county. " William Maclay, the son of Charles Maclay and Eleanor Query, was born July 20, 1737, in Chester county. He was educated at Rev. John Blair's classical school, was an ensign in the Pennsylvania bat- talion during the Indian war, and promoted lieutenant 1758 ; distin- guished himself in the Forbes' expedition ; in 1763 was in the fight at Bushy Run, and commanded a company on the line of the stockade forts on the route to Fort Pitt. For his services he was given a grant of land. Studied law and was admitted at York in 1760. In 1772 he laid out the town of Sunbury. In the Revolution participated in the battles of Trenton and Princeton, and held the position of commissary of purchases. In 1781 was elected to the Assembly, and from that time held various offices in the State. In January, 1789, he was 338 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. elected to the United States Senate, taking his seat there as the first Senator from Pennsylvania. He differed with Washington, and ob- jected to the presence of the President oa the floor of the Senate during the transaction of business. While in the Senate he preserved notes of debates, and criticised private and public customs of the statesmen of the period, now famous as Maclay's Diary. He erected the stone mansion now occupied as the Harrisburg Academy. He was a strong man in his day ; able, independent, and courageous. He married Mary McClure Harris, daughter of John Harris the founder. *^ William Murray married Isabella Lindley, of Scotland. After settling in Pennsylvania, he followed farming and held no political po- sitions save local ones. He did not live long enough to witness the struggle for Independence, but several of his sons were active partici- pants on the side of his adopted country. Of these, James was captain of a company that was in the service in 1776 and John was commis- sioned, March 7, 1776, captain of a rifle company in Col. Miles' regi- ment and rose successively to major, first major, and lieutenant colonel, and remained in the army until it was disbanded in 1783. *^ Henry McKinney, son of John McKinney, an early settler from the north of Ireland, where the son was born, was an Overseer of the Poor in 1771, and served in the Revolutionary Army. ^^ John Means was a member of Capt. Murray's Company, Pennsyl- vania Rifle Battalion, in the Revolution. ^^ Robert McClure was a ruling elder in Paxtang Church, and county commissioner at the time of his death. In a notice of him made at the time, the writer said of hira ; " He was one of those men who, while indulging in no prerensions, abounded ever in good works — a Christian who exhibited his faith in God by his acts toward men — and one of those steady-minded citizens whose example has a large influence on the patriotism and prosperity of the community in which they live." ^^ Robert McClure was a prominent member, and a ruling elder in Paxtang Church, Although young when the Revolution took place, he was in active service at Brandywine, Gerraantown, and Monmouth. ^^ Alderman Peffer was more generally known to the people of Dauphin county than almost any other within her borders. He was an officer in the War of 1812, and commanded a company on the frontier* and it was said that no braver man was to be fonnd in the service. He was County Commissioner, 1848-1850 ; was a prison inspector, and Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 339 secretary of the board ; a notary public, and at the time of his death, an alderman in the city of Harrisburg. ^* David Patton was the son of David Patton, Sr., an emigrant from north of Ireland. He was a native of Paxtang, and was quite promi- nent in church affairs. The father was an elder in the Old Church. ^^ John Ritchet died in 1831. He was a ruling elder in Paxtang Church ; was a prominent and wealthy member of the community in which he lived ; honored and esteemed by all. Margaret, his wife, a cultured, refined woman of strong Christian character, was devoted through her life to the promotion of the cause of Christ. ^"Thomas Rutherford, was born June 24, 1707, and baptised by the Rev. John McClave, in the parish of Derry-lousan, county of Tyrone. He emigrated to America in 1729, going to Donegal, in Lan- caster county, in pursuit of Jean Murdoch, whose family had preceded him, and with whom he had had an understanding before either left Ire- land. They were married on the 7th of September, 1730, by Rev. James Anderson, and after the death of John Murdoch, father of Jean, in 1744, he removed about 1750 to Paxtang, and was the ancestor of the Rutherfords of Paxtang valley. °^ Jean (Murdoch) Rutherford, came to America in 1728, and be- came the wife of Thomas in September, 1730. ^^ Captain Rutherford commanded the company in the Revolution- ary war that assembled at Middletown on the 12th of August, 1777, and participated in the campaign in the Jerseys and on the Brandywine, and in 1779 marched with a company to Bedford to protect the border, and remained six weeks. ^^ Samuel Rutherford was a Lieutenant in the Revolutionary army. ®" Samuel Rutherford was a ruling elder in Paxtang church. ®^ John Rutherford was a surveyor, and in 1817 a member of the Pennsylvania Assemblj'. ®^ Col. Rutherford was for many years prominent in the military and political affairs of the State, and was a member of the House of Rep- resentatives 1809-1821 and 1829-1831- ®^ Capt. Rutherford held many places of public trust ; was superin- tendent of the Wiconisco canal in 1837, an auditor of the county, a jury commissioner, vice president and treasurer of the State Agricul- tural Society, and during the rebellion a quartermaster in the army. Dr. Egle says of him : ''He was a strong anti-slavery advocate, as were 340 Paxtang Pkesbyterian Church. all his family, and many a weary pilgrim in the days of the fugitive slave act, sore of foot and heart, fouad in Capt. Rutherford hospitable assistance, material aid, and manly encouragement." He married Eliza, daughter of Samuel Rutherford. ^* Samuel RuTHERroRD was the son of "William, who began farming in Ross county, Ohio, in 1839, but upon the death of his father, in 1850, returned to Paxtang and became the owner of the homestead, which has been in the family since 1763. ^'' Abner Rutherford was for many years a prominent citizen of the State ; from 1835 to 1841 he was captain of the Tenth company, 98th regiment, Pennsylvania militia ; he was one of the founders of the State Agricultural Society, of which he was vice-president for many years, and during the last fifteen years of his life president of the First National Bank of Hummelstown. In early life he joined the anti- slavery society of Pennsylvania, and was a consistent member until the work was finished by the war of the rebellion. ®^ In early life Samuel Rutherford was one of the masters in the school connected with Paxtang church ; he was one of the founders of the State Agricultural Society, of which he remained a member during his life. He was an earnest opponent of slavery, and for many years a member of the Anti-slavery Society of Pennsylvania. The farm upon which he spent his whole life was a part of the original tract purchased by Thomas Rutherford in 1755. ^'' Michael Simpson, the son of Thomas, the pioneer, was a farmer of limited educa ion ; when the Indian forays following the de- feat of Braddock spread dismay and desolation along the frontiers, he became an ensign in the provincial service, and served under Forbes and Bouquet, and in the expedition which brought peace to the settle- ment. At the outset of the Revolution he was a lieutenant of Captain Matthew Smith's company, and was attached to the Quebec expedi- tion under Arnold ; was subsequently first lieutenant. First Pennsyl- vania, and was in command of his company at the battle of Long Island. December, 1776, commissioned captain, and as such was in the battles of Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, Germantown, and White Plains. He was not retired until 1781, and served his country and its cause faithfully and well. Subsequently, as brigadier general of the militia, he was known as General Simpson. He was of aristocratic bearing, and yet much loved and respected. ""Jeremiah Sturgeon was the son of Jeremiah Sturgeon, one of the Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 341 earliest settlers in Paxtang. He was a substantial pioneer farmer, and quite prominent in military circles, in the old time "battalion days." ^^ Andrew Stewart and his wife came from Scotland, prior to 1740. He was a Covenanter of the most rigid faith, and the earliest of the Reformed Presbyterians in America. On the organization of the Cove- nanter church at Paxtang, he and his wife became members. Rev. John Cuthbertson frequently tarried at his house while on his mis- sionary tours, and in his diary under date of August, 1751, notes the baptism of Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew Stewart. But little is known of this hardy pioneer, save that in his day and generation he was ever faithful to the Solemn League and Covenant. ™ Samuel Sherer, was the son of Captain Joseph Sherer. The latter came with his father from Londonderry, L-eland, in 1734. and located in Paxtang. '^ William Swan, of an English family, which came over about 1750 and settled in the Hanover's and at Paxtang. ''^ Captain Joseph Sherer, the son of Samuel Sherer, was a native of the North of Ireland, born in 1731. His parents came to America in 1734, locating in Paxtang. He was the recipient of an ordinary English education, and was brought up as a farmer. During the French and Indian war he served as a nun-commisaioned officer. At the commencement of the Revolution he commanded a company in Col. Burd's battalion. Captain Sherer was a member of the Lancaster committee, and a member of the first Constitutional Convention of the State, which met in Philadelphia July 15, 1776. He married February 6, 1759, Mary McClure, had eight children : Mary, married Samuel Cochran ; Samuel, John, Jean, Richard, Joseph, William, and Cath- arine. Captain Sherer was a man of influence on the frontiers prior to the Revolution, brave, energetic, and spirited. ''^ Rev. Dr. Wallace was born in Erie. His childhood and youth were spent in Harrisburg. From 1827 to 1830 he was a cadet at West Point ; he resigned and became a divinity student at Princeton ; he occupied a prominent place in the Presbyterian church, attaching him- self to the New School organization. He had charge of various churches in Pennsylvania and in Kentucky. Was for a time professor in Delaware College, and for fifteen years editor and principal contribu- tor to the Presbyterian Quarterly lievieiv. '* John Wiggins came with his father from the north of Ireland to 342 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. America in 1732. He was one of the early pioneers of Paxtang, and during the Indian forays of 1755-1763 was more or less prominent as an officer in the ranging companies. He was an ancestor of Judge John Wiggins SImonton, of Dauphin county. ''^Doctor Egle in his history of Dauphm county says, "Mrs. Eleanor Maclat Wallace was a woman of fine talents and great force of char- acter. As a young lady she had gone with her father to the Capital, and acted as his private secretary. While she enjoyed society, she was more deeply interested in the political questions which came be- fore the first Congress tor settlement. It was in harmony with those early tastes that after her marriage she read more than one elementary work in her husband's legal library. She was a woman of profound piety, of fine social qualities, and of noble gifts and attainments of mind." ^® William Wallace was the eldest son of Benjamin Wallace and Elizabeth Culbertson, and was born in Hanover, 1768. He was grad- uated at Dickinson, studied law with Galbraith Patterson, and ad- mitted to the bar in 1792. Interested in the Presque Isle Land Company, he removed to Erie. About 1810, he returned to Harrisburg and resumed the practice of the law. He was defeated as the Federalist candidate for Congress in 1813, was the first president of the old Har- risburg bank, and burgess of the town of Harrisburg at the time ot his death. He was distinguished for his social qualities, entertaining strangers hospitably, Chief Justice Gibson being frequently among his guests. " George Whitehill, the son of John, was born in Donegal, Lan- caster county, in 1760. His father purchased land in Paxtang prior to the revolution and removed thither. He began the hardware busi- ness at Harrisburg about 1800 ; was appointed by Governor Snyder one of the associate judges of the county, in 1817, but in July, 1818, with his colleague, Obed Fahnestock, resigned, owing to the commissioning of Judge Franks as president of the court by Governor Findlay. '^Captaia VValker, was the son of James Walker and Barbara Mc- Arthur, and was born in Paxtang. He was a farmer ; learned survey- ing, and was deputy surveyor 1804-1809. In 1810 began "merchan- dising" in Harrisburg, and in 1814 marched to the defense of Balti- more as captain of the "Harrisburg Volunteers." In 1821 was ap- pointed prothonotary by Governor Hiester, and in 1824 was elected sheriff. It was said of him that he was an ardent patriot, a popular officer, and an active, enterprising citizen. Paxtang Presbyterian Church. 343 ™ Robert Wilson was born in the town of Killyleah, county of Down, in the north of Ireland, May 1, 1792. He emigrated to America in 1816, and after residing in various places he settled at Highspire in 1822, where he resided until his death. In 1823 Mr. Wilson erected a distillery which became well known for the superiority of its product. He was one of the oldest Masons in the country, having joined lodge No. 792 in the county of Killyleah, Jan. 14, 1814. He was a commu- nicant of Paxtang, having joined in 1826 ; was a man of strong con- victions and extreme partizanship, public spirited, and benevolent. 344 Paxtang Presbyterian Church. PAXTANG CHURCH ORGANIZATION— 1890. John B. Rutherford, Francis W. Rutherford, Pastor. Rev. Albert B. Williamson. Elders. Spencer F. Barber, Matthew B. Elder. Trustees. John Elder, President, James Boyd, Silas B. Rutherford, Treasurer, James C. Walker, William F. Rutherford, Secretary, James R. Walker, J. Q. A. Rutherford, Herbert Elder, James A. Rutherford, J. Newton Gray, Governor James A. Beaver, William Kunkle. Communicants. John B. Rutherford, Silas B. Rutherford, John A. Rutherford, William F. Rutherford, J. Quincy A. Rutherford, Francis W. Rutherford, Howard A. Rutherford, James Walker, James R. Walker, J. Newton Gray, Spencer F. Barber, Mathew B. Elder, Herbert Elder, Daniel Grouse, James Pearl, William Kunkle, Mrs. Abner Rutherford, Miss K. Virginia Rutherford, Mrs. Annie W. Rutherford, Miss Elizabeth M. Rutherford, Mrs. Adaline M. Rutherford, Mrs. Margaret B. Rutherford, Mrs. Eleanor S. Rutherford, Miss Eleanor G. Rutherford, Miss Martha K. Rutherford, Miss Susan E. Rutherford, Miss Louisa Gray, Mrs. Ada B. Barber, Mrs. Frances R. Elder, Miss Matilda Elder, Mrs. Daniel Grouse, Mrs. James Pearl, Mrs. Leah R. Kunkle, Mrs. Mary J. Elder, Mrs. A. B. Williamson, Mrs. James A. Rutherford, Mrs. John P. Rutherford, Miss Jane D. Rutherford, Miss Adaline M. Rutherford, Miss Martha Gray, Miss Mary McBay, Miss Eliza Reed, Miss Anna E. Rutherford, Miss Mary B. Rutherford. LbMvV/1 W 9*? o'^.i^lr* "O '^^^-^^\^'«'^ %^^**\o^ %^*W-\4^^ %^'^ .^^^•v 'iT ^ ^ * ■V Vc** ■^ ■%. ^\.^' .« Or •! tP^*. •' >^ o > »] itv WERT BOOKBINDING Grantville, Pa JULY ■ AUG 19 S LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 365 015 7 ^ Hlii i'\,i, lil, . mm Ifil liiilii nil ^M wiJ