GB I2ZT Ma- DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH, Directok Water-supply Paper 367 PROFILE SURVEYS OF MISSOURI RIVER FROM GREAT FALLS TO THREE FORKS, MONTANA PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OP R. B. MARSHALIj. Chief Geogeapher -lioaof^zpb WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1914 Glass iy: ^ ^ , Z ^ ^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress fT ^ df:partmknt of tiik interior UNITED STATES GKOLOGICAL SURVEY (}KORQE OTIS SMITH, Director "Water- Supply Paper ;J«>7 PROFILE SURVEYS OP 393 MISSOURI RIVER FROM GREAT FALLS TO THREE FORKS, MONTANA PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF R, B. MARSHALL, Chief Geographer WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1914 MN 30 1315 CONTENTS. Page. General features of Missouri River basin 5 (laging stations 7 Publications 7 ILLUSTRATIONS. Plate I. A-J/, Plan and prolile of Missouri River from Great Falls to Three Forlis. .Mont At end of volume, 3 PROFILE SURVEYS OF MISSOURI RIVER FROM GREAT FALLS TO THREE FORKS, MONTANA. Prepared under the direction of 11. B. Marshall, Chief Geographer. GENERAL FEATURES OF MISSOURI RIVER BASIN. Missouri River and its innumerable tributaries drain an immense area in the northern and western parts of the United States. The northern boundary of this area is approximately the fiftieth parallel ; the southern, the thirty-ninth; on the west it is limited by the Rocky Mountains; on the east the divide between it and the upper Missis- sippi Basin crosses eastern North and South Dakota, western Iowa, and northeastern Missouri. Its extent east and west is about 900 miles; north and south, 600 miles; and it comprises a total of 492,000 square miles. The basin shows all gi-adations of topogi-aphy from the mountains of Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado to the rolling prairies of the Dakotas, Nebraska, and Kansas. The upper tributaries drain a forested region, but the main stream flows through a country almost wholh^ devoid of forests. The precipitation in the mountainous por- tion of the basin is mainly in the form of snow, but a great part of the area lies within the arid and semiarid regions, and the annual average precipitation throughout the entire basin is probably less than 20 inches. Missouri River proper is formed in southwestern Montana by the union of three streams, which were discovered by Lewis and Clark m 1806 and named by them Jefferson, Madison, and Gallatin rivers. Jefferson and Madison forks come together first, and within 2 miles they are joined by the Gallatin. The head of the Missouri thus formed lies about in latitude 45° 56' north and longitude 111° 32' west. Each of the three headwater rivers is about 90 feet wide, flows with great velocitj^, and discharges large quantities of water. The Gallatin is the most rapid of the three, but the Jefferson drains the largest area and is here treated as the continuation of the main river. The Jefferson itself is formed by the union of two forks — Bighole and Beaverhead rivers, the Beaverhead draining the larger area and having as its master headwater stream Red Rock River. 6 PROFILE SURVEYS IN MISSOURI RIVER BASIN. The source of the Red Rock River — the Red Rock Lakes, lying in the Rocky Mountains 6,700 feet above sea level — may therefore be regarded as the ultimate source of the great Missouri. Below the junction of the Jefferson, Madison, and Gallatin the course of the Missouri lies through mountain valleys and deep can- yons, from which it finally emerges through a gorge in a range of rocks called by Lewis and Clark the " gates of the Rocky Mountains." Thirty-five miles above Fort Benton the river pours over Great Falls, and from that point onward it is navigable. For miles below the falls the river flows in a deep canyon, its banks ranging in height from 100 to 160 feet. Below the mouth of Marias River, which enters it from the north, its banks are less abrupt and rise with gentle slopes to the bluffs. The high-water width of the river, which in the vicinity of Fort Benton is 500 to 1,000 feet, increases to 1,500 feet at the mouth of Milk River and to 2,000 feet near the mouth of the Yellowstone. Below the Yellowstone the width gradually in- creases from 2,000 to 3,000 feet, which remains approximately the average width for 600 miles of its course. From the mouth of the Yellowstone the Missouri follows a winding but on the whole southeasterly course until it is joined by the Kansas; thence it flows more nearly eastward, across the State of Missouri, and empties into the Mississippi 16 miles above St. Louis, 189 miles above the mouth of the Ohio, and 2,340 miles below the junction of its three upper forks. For the first 350 miles below the union of the three forks the Mis- souri is comparatively clear, but about midway between the forks and the mouth of the Yellowstone its character begins to change, and it gradually becomes turbid. Although a large amount of the sedi- ment carried by the Missouri is undoubtedly brought in by the drain - age of its tributaries,. the greater part is derived from the caving of its banks. Except in the mountain canyons the Missouri flows through fertile alluvial bottom land, ranging in width from 1^ miles near the mouth to 17 miles in the vicinity of Sioux City. The tributaries are chiefly in the upper course of the river and come from the western side of the basin. The most important of these are Musselshell, Sun, Marias, Milk, Yellowstone, Cheyenne, Platte, and Kansas rivers. Owing to the high altitude and the northern climate ice prevails in the upper parts of this basin from November to April. The Missouri itself freezes over entirely, but many of its tributaries remain partly open on account of the extremely rapid flow of the water. The amount of snow falling on the prairies is usually small, but among the mountains the snows begin early, continue late, and accumulate to great depths. PROFILE SURVEYS IN MISSOURI RIVER BASIN. 7 The voluiiK- of ]Mis.s()iiri Iviver varies greatly, the ordinary high- water discharge at the mouth being about 28 times the h)w-water discharge. Tlie freshets are caused by melting snows and heavy summer rains. The regular floods occur in May, June, and July, the June discharge being (he givatest. Thereafter tlie river steadily de- creases in volume, the minimum being reached during the winter. Irrigation is ])racticed to a great extent on the numerous tributaries of the ]\Iissouri and agriculture has been extensively developed in many of the valley's. The Madison and Gallatin and many other of the mountain tributaries afford unsurpassed storage facilities, the waters of the Beaverhead, Bighole, Madison, Jefferson, and Gallatin rivers furnish great supplies for irrigation, and the basins of Milk, Sun, Yellowstone, and Musselshell rivers, already extensively util- ized, still offer oj^portunities for broader irrigation, storage, and water-power development. The Missouri itself has not been used for irrigation, for its banks are high, and it is, consequently, difficult of diversion. About 150,000 acres of land are now under irrigation in Beaverhead Valley, and by storing the waters of the upper Beaverhead or Red Rock River in Red Rock Lakes fully 125,000 acres more can be irrigated. GAGING STATIONS. The Survey has maintained in the basin of the Missouri a large number of gaging stations to obtain data for studies of the flow of the river and its tributaries. The stations listed below are in the stretch of the main stream covered by this report : Missouri River near Townsend, Mont., 1891-1904. Missouri River at Canyon Ferry, Mont., 1SS9. Missouri River near Craig, Mont, 1890-1902. Missouri River at Toston, Mont.. 1890; 1910- Missouri River at Cascade, Mont., 1902- Missouri River at Great Falls, Mont., 1897-1905. A dash following a date indicates that the station was being main- tained June 30, 1913. A period after a date indicates discontinuance. PUBLICATIONS. The results of stream-flow measurements made by the Survey at gaging stations maintained on the Missouri and its tributaries have been published in the following reports : Annual reports: 11th, pt. 2; 12tli, pt. 2; IStli, pt. 3; 14th, pt. 2; 16th, pt. 2; 18th, pt. 4 ; 19th, pt. 4 ; 20th, pt. 4 ; 21st, pt. 4 ; 22d, pt. 4. Bulletins: 131, 140. Water-supply Papers : 11, 15, 27, 36, 37, 49, 50, 66, 75, 84, 99, 130, 131, 172, 208, 246, 266, 286, 306, 326, and 356. 8 PKOFILE SURVEYS IN MISSOURI RIVER BASIN. Water-supply papers and other publications of the United States Geological Survey containing data in regard to the water resources of the United States may be obtained or consulted as indicated below : 1. Copies may be obtained free of charge by applying to the Director of the Geological Survey, Washington, D. C, but the edi- tion printed for free distribution is small and is soon exhausted. 2. Copies may be purchased at nominal cost from the Superin- tendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., Avho Avill, on application, furnish lists giving prices. 3. Sets of the reports may be consulted in the libraries of the principal cities in the United States. 4. Complete sets are available for consultation in the local offices of the water-resources branch of the Geological Survey, as follows : Albany, N. T., Room 18, Federal Building. Atlanta, Ga., Post Office Building. St. Paul, Minn., Old Capitol Building. Helena, Mont., Montana National Bank Building. Denver, Colo., 302 Cliamber of Commerce Building. Salt Lake City, Utah, Federal Building. Boise, Idaho, 615 Idaho Building. Portland, Oreg., 416 Couch Building. Tacoma, Wash., Federal Building. San Francisco, Cal., 328 'Customhouse. Los Angeles, Cal., Federal Building. Santa Fe, N. Mex., Capitol Building. Honolulu, Hawaii, Kapiolani Building. A list of the Geological Survey's publications will be sent on appli- cation to the Director of the United States Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. o U S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH, DIRECTOR PLAN AND PROFILE OF MISSOURI RIVER GREAT FALLS TO THREEFORKg, MONTANA WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 367 PLATE I ^- B. Ma-shall, CKiel Geoe-apher T'MPaphy by R. H. Reineck surveyed in 19J3 Contour interval on land 26 feet intnnr mterva' "" «..^- p- *"=^. DfUum '1 i_ U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH. DIRECTOR PLAN AND PROFILE OF MISSOURI RIVER GREAT FALLS TO THREEFORKS. MONTANA WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 367 PLATE R. B. Marshall, Chiei Geographer Sletiare Tatum. Geographer in charge Topography by R, H. Reineck Surveyed in 1913 O PLAN. AND PROFILE OF MISSOURI RIVER GREAT FALLS TO THREEFORKS, MONTANA WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 367 PLATE I C R- B. Marehall, Chief Geographei Sledge Tatum, Geoeraptier in chargi Topogruphy by R, H. Remeck Surveyed in 1913 L r 1 :Ju PLAN AND PROFILE oF MISSOURI RIVER GREAT FALLS TO THREEFORKS, MONTANA WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 367 PLATE I R. B Marshall. Chief Geoe'aptier Sledee Tatum, Geographer in charge Topography by R. H. Reineck Surveyed m 1913 Contour interval on land 26 feel Contour interval on river surface 5 feet Datum ia tiuan tea lewt 1914 5 U S, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH. DIRECTOR PLAN AND PROFILE OF MISSOURI RIVER GREAT FALLS TO THREEFORKS, MONTANA WATER-SUPPLY R B Marshall. Chief Geographet Sledge Taluiti. Geographer in charge Topography by R. H. Reinectt Surveyed in 1913 i > ii Mi iii| U S GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH, DIRECTOR PLAN AND PROFILE OF MISSOURI RIVER GREAT FALLS TO THREEFORKS, MONTANA WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 367 PLATE I F ^- B. Maishall, Chief Geoeiapher Sledge Tatum, Geogfaphet in charge lopography by R, H. Remecl Surveyed in 1913 ' I 7 I U, S, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH. DIRECTOR PLAN AND PROFILE OF MISSOURI RIVER GREAT FALLS TO THREEFORKs, MONTANA WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 367 PLATE I G 375^ v.. "v-n -+- iV/SEMUi.L.Efi .-^"- 38^" -«?1» i,TOlVNSEND 8 Sc f> v:^.,. »; [A ^- "■'i 1' % '// ^- °jk 1 / ^\ i-v-r-- V. '"5i.i ^ T^ MaitV ^'?^ Y " \ l_. 'isnses'' yps -— ~! 'LANSneE TS ^- B Marshall, Chief Geofifaphet Sledge latum. Geogfapher in chatge Topography by R H. Remeck Sutveyed in 1913 Scale 8^0 4.000 2.000 Contour interval on land 25 feet Contour interval on river surface 5 feet Dulttm it m*an tra Imcl 1914 (^^ 8 U S GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH, DIRECTOR PLAN AND PROFILE OF MISSOURI RIVER GREAT FALLS TO THREEFORKS, MONTANA WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 367 PLATE I H "■ B, Maishall, Chiel Geoeraptiet Sledge Tatufn, Geographer in charge Topogtaphy by R. H Remeck Surveyed .r, 1913 9 U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH, DIRECTOR PLAN AND PROFILE OF MISSOURI RIVER GREAT FALLS TO THREEFORKS, MONTANA WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 367 PLATE I J J B. Marshall. Chief Geoetapher Sledjc Talum, Geographer in charge I^opoeraphy by R. H. Reineck Surveyed in 1913 Scale jfTT^ 204. Subject to adjusir Dolum u mean aaa itvel 10 U. S GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH, DIRECTOR PLAN AND PROFILE OF MISSOURI RIVER GREAT FALLS TO THREEFORKS. MONTANA WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 367 PLATE I K ««,^^ 1 10 1 1 1 -] 3330 332S R B Marshall, Chtel Geogfaphet Sledge Tatum, Geogfaphe* m charge Topography by R H. Rerneck Scale si^ss 4,1X10 2,()00 8,000 Keet 2 Kilometers 1 inch = 20. feet I I i J^EBS 11 PLAN AND PROFILE OF MISSOURI RIVER GREAT FALLS TO THREEFORKS, MONTANA WATER-SUPPLr PAPER 367 PLATE 3355 3350 33'tS 33'rO ili c ^ / .,0 3^55 31 32 53 •b 1 ' 1 o R. B, Marshall. Chiet Geog-apher Sledge Tatum. Geographer in charge Topography by R. H. Reineck Vertical scale 1 inch = 20 feet 1914 i 12 i. U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH. DIRECTOR PLAN AND PROFILE OF MISSOURI RIVER GREAT FALLS TO THREEFORKS. MONTANA WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 367 PLATE I M H. B. Marshall. Chief Geoetaphi Sled(pc Taluni. GoOE'apKe' in c Topoa'aphy by R H. Reineck Vertical scale 1 inch - : 1914 18 PLAN AND PROFILE OF MISSOURI RIVER GREAT FALLS TO THREEFQRKS. MONTANA WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 367 PLATE I N R B Maishalt. Chief Geogiapher Sledge Tatum. Geographer in chargt Topography by R, H. Reineck Surveyed in 1913 Vertical scale 1 inch = 20 feet 1914 % LBiYiy'15 UUiriy IV LIBRARY OF CONGRESS