4811 .S3I 19/0 THE SAINT LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY GENERAL CATALOGUE 1856-1910 GENERAL CATALOGUE TRUSTEES, OFFICERS, AND GRADUATES AND OF STUDENTS NOT GRADUATES THE ST LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY CANTON, NEW YORK 1856-1910 CANTON, NEW YORK Published by the University 1910 PLAINDEALER PRESSES, CANTON, N. Y. CONTENTwS Foundation 5 Members of the Corporation .... 7 Members of the Faculties and Officers ... 13 Corporation, 1910 25 Trustees of the Theological School, 1910 . . 26 General Officers of Law School, 1910 . . 26 Trustees of Clinton Liberal Institute, 1910 . . 27 Faculty of the College of Letters and Science, 1910 28 Faculty of the Theological School, 1910 . . 30 Faculty and Officers of the Law School, 1910 . 30 Faculty and Officers of the School of Agriculture, 1910 32 Alumni of the College of Letters and Science . 33 Doctor of Philosophy, Masters of Arts, Masters of Philosophy and Masters of Science . . 58 Graduates of the Theological School and Bachelors of Divinity 60 Bachelors of Laws 70 Masters of Laws 79 Graduates of the School of Agriculture . . 80 Honorary Graduates 81 . Summary 86 Index of Names 87 The names of ordained clergymen are printed in Italics. A star (*) prefixed to a name denotes that the person is de- ceased. In every case in which the year of the decease is known, except in the case of officers and members of the faculty, it is in- dicated at the right. All persons, who can furnish information appropriate to the fut- ure editions of this Catalogue or of the Obituary Record, are 4 The St. Lawrence University urgently requested to communicate with Professor George R. Hardie, the editor. It is desired especially to keep a full record of the pub- lic services, published writings, and literary and scientific work of both graduates and non-graduates; also of their present addresses, and of the dates of death and ages of the deceased. A record has been opened by the editor for the reception of notices of the Alumni. All biographical sketches, newspaper and magazine notices, and obituaries of Alumni, and notices and re- views of their works and services are desired for this record. An annual catalogue is issued by the University and may be had on application to the Secretary. The last edition of the quinquennial catalogue of the University was issued in 1900. FOUNDATION The St. Lawrence University was chartered by the Legis- lature of New York, by Chapter 91 of the laws of 1856, passed April 3, 1856, for the purpose "of establishing, maintaining and conduct- ing a college in the town of Canton, St. Lawrence county, for the promotion of general education, and to cultivate and advance literature, science, and the arts; and to maintain a theological school at Canton aforesaid." The University now includes: The College of Letters and Science, The Theological School, The Law School, The School of Agriculture. Each department is independent of the others in its faculty and funds, and in the instruction and government of its students. The by-laws of the corporation, adopted in 1856, provide "that the Col- lege of Letters and Science is and shall remain an unsectarian foundation" * * * and that "the Theological School is and shall remain an institution especially intended and organized for the preparation and training of persons for the ministry of the Universalist church." Under the original charter the corporation was a self-perpetuat- ing body. Chapter 123 of the laws of 1868 amended the charter by providing for the election of the trustees by the New York State Con- vention of Universalists. Thus the law remained until March 16, 1910, when, by chapter 39 of the laws of 1910, chapter 123 of the laws of 1868 was repealed, and the power of the corporation to fill vacancies in its membership was restored. Chapter 40 of the laws of 1910 provided for a separate board of nine trustees for the Theological School, to be chosen by the New York State Convention of Universalists. Chapter 288 of the laws of 1869, passed April 22, 1869, author- ized the establishment of a Law School. A Law School was main- 6 The St. Lawrencb University tained in Canton from 1869 until 1872 and two classes graduated. In 1903 the Brooklyn Law School, which had been incorporated by the Regents of the University of the State of New York, was placed under the academic control of the St. Lawrence University. The School of Agriculture was established pursuant to chapter 682 of the laws of 1906, passed May 31, 1906, and is maintained by the State of New York. The Clinton Liberal Institute was founded in 1832. It was removed from Clinton to Fort Plain in 1879 and in 1901 was re- moved from Fort Plain to Canton. Its income is now devoted to the support of the University. MEMBERS OF THE CORPORATION PRESIDENTS Elected 1856 '^THOMAS JEFFERSON SA WYER, D.D 1867 ^MARTIN THATCHER 1868 RICHMOND FISK, D.D. . 1871 *JONAS SHELDON CONKEY, M.D. . 1883 ARTHUR GUINNESS ROGERS, D.D. 1887 EDWIN ATKINS MERRITT. LL.D. LL D. Retired 1867 1868 1871 1883 1887 SECRETARIES 1856 *Levi Bidwell Storrs 1884 1884 ^George Robinson 1886 1886 Nelson Lemuel Robinson, M.A 1893 1893 Frank Nash Cleaveland, M.A TREASURERS 1856 ^Barzillai Hodskin 1863 1863 *Levi Bidwell Storrs 1882 1882 ^George Robinson 1899 1899 George Sheldon Conkey, B.A TRUSTEES 1856 *Jacob Harsen, M.A., M.D 1856 1856 *Preston King, M.A. . . ; 1863 1856 *John Leslie Russell, M.A 1862 1856 ^Sidney Lawrence 1857 1856 ^George Corlis Sherman 1863 1856 ^Francis Seger 1857 1856 *Martin Thatcher 1869 1856 *Barzillai Hodskin 1878 1856 *Levi Bidwell Storrs : . 1884 8 The St. Lawrence University 1856 ^Theodore Caldwell 1878 1856 *James Sterling . 1863 1856 ^Fredericji Christian Havemeyer 1859 1856 *Caleb Barstow . 1867 1856 *Thomas Wallace 1859 1856 *Josiah Barber 1867 1856 *Norman Van Nostrand 1867 1856 *George Ellis Baker, M.A . 1863 1856 *Peter H Bitley . . 1888 1856 *H. W. Barton . . . . . . . . 1859 1856 ■^Augustus Caesar Moore 1867 1856 * Thomas Jefferson Sawyer, D.D.LL.D. . . . 1867 1856 ^ William Stevens Balch . ... . . . 1869 1S56 *Jo/in Mather Austin . . . . . . . 1880 1S56 * Lewis Oedasa Browne, D.B 1873 1856 '^George Washington Montgomery, D.D. . . . 1896 1856 "^Pitt Morse 1860 1856 ^Socrates Norton Sherman, M. A., M.D. . . . 1872 1857 *David Canfield Judson 1863 1857 *EliBallou 1869 1859 ^Amaziah Bailey James ....... 1871 1859 ^Martin Lawrence Parlin 1867 1859 *Nathan Crary . . . . . . . . 1867 ISQQ "^Ebenezer Fisher, B.T>. . . . . . . . 1879 1863 ^Abel Azro Simmons 1882 1863 *Hartwell Jennison . 1869 1863 *William Chase Shaw . 1872 1863 ^Lauriston Amsden . . . . . . . 1869 1863 *Lafayette Jotham Bigelow . . . . . . 1869 1863 *Silas Clark Herring . . . . . . . 1872 l^QI * John Stebbins Lee, D.J:>.,1A..Y) 1902 1867 *JamesBraley 1879 1867 *Jonas Sheldon Conkey, M.D 1883 1867 Edwin Atkins Merritt, LL.D 1868 Richmond Fisk,Vf.D 1872 Trustees 9 1868 '^ James Minton Pullman, D.D. 1868 *Horatio Robinson, M.D. 1869 ^Benjamin Franklin Romaine 1869 '^John Glass Bartholomew, D.D. 1869 *Henry Rodee 1869 ^Joseph Washington Clowes, D.D 1870 ^Washington Wheelock 1871 * James Henry Chapin, Ph.D. 1872 "^ Jonas Hazard Hartzell, D.D. 1872 *Martin Thatcher . 1872 ^George Robinson . 1873 '^Luther Jacob Fletcher, D.D. 1874 Allen Eugene Kilby, M.A., LL.B 1874 Alpheus Baker Hervey, Ph.D 1874 *Wheeler Truesdall 1876 * Absalom Graves Gaines, D.D., LL.D 1877 ^David William Baldwin 1878 *William Augustine Poste, M.A. 1878 Almon Gunnison, D.D., LL.D. 1879 Isaac Morgan Atwood, D . D . , LL.D, 1879 Charles Hazen Russell, B.A. 1879 Frank Howard Ransom 1881 '^Asa Saxe, D.D. 1881 Arthur Guinness Roger s,Ti.V>. 1881 *Lyman Bickford . 1881 *Amos Hamilton Prescott 1882 *Jacob Warren Hoysradt 1882 Vasco Pickett Abbott, M.A., LL.B 1883 Charles Rufus Skinner, LL.D. 1883 '^Orlando Adelbert Rounds 1883 ^Foster L Backus, M.A., LL.B. 1884 Ledyard Park Hale, M.S., LL.B. 1885 John Card Graves, M.A. 1886 William Henry McGlauflin, D.D 1887 Alonzo Barton Hepburn, LL.D., D.C.L 1885 1889 1869 1872 1889 1879 1876 1872 1873 1881 1899 1881 1879 1881 1888 1900 1889 1895 1902 1883 1897 1888 1897 1885 1883 1896 1887 1907 1887 1894 10 The St. Lawrence University 1888 Richmond Fisk, D.D. . 1888 ^Halbert Stevens Greenleaf . 1888 Alpheus Baker Hervey, Ph. D. 1880 ^Daniel Magone 1889 ^Lintis Spalding Freeman 1889 *Da?iiel Ballou 1891 Frank Nash Cleaveland, M.A. 1893 Richard Eddy Sykes , M . S . , D . D . 1894 ^Albertus Alonzo Smith, M.A. 1894 ^Charles N Hemiup, M.A. 1895 "^Ora McFarland Hilton 1895 George Sheldon Conkey, B.A. 1895 Frederick Bassett Devendorf 1896 Robert Emmet Waterman, B.A. 1896 Walter Balfour Gunnison, Ph.D. 1896 John Clarence Z^^ , Ph . D . , S . T . D 1897 Emily Eaton Hepburn, B.S. 1897 Jean Brooks Greenleaf . 1897 Anson Bartie Curtis, Ph.D. 1898 Delos McCurdy, M.S. . 1899 Nelson Lemuel Robinson, M.A. 1899 Frederick William Belts, D.D. 1900 Almon Gunnison, D.D., LL.D. 1900 James Milford Pay son, T>X>. 1901 Addison Irving Bacheller, M.S., M.A 1902 Moses Henry Harris , M . A . , D.D. 1902 Lucia Elizabeth Heaton, M.S., M.D. 1902 Charles Snow Brewer, B.A. . 1902 ^William Reese Remington 1903 Edmund Millen 1904 Herbert Philbrook Morrell . 1907 Frank Oliver Hall, B.D. 1907 James Franklin McKinney, Ph.B., LL. 1907 Wriley Nathaniel Beard 1910 Charles William Appleton, B.S., LL.B Lift 1893 1897 1894 1896 1902 1895 1898 1902 1903 1903 1903 1900 1901 1910 D. 19C7 OFFICERS OF THE LAW SCHOOL PRESIDENTS Elected Retired 1903 Norman Peter Heffley, LL.B 1904 1904 ^Foster L Backus, M. A., LL.B 1907 1907 Charles Hazen Russell, B.A. VICE-PRESIDENTS 1903 William Payson Richardson, LL.D. 1904 Charles Hazen Russell, B.A. 1907 Nelson Lemuel Robinson, M.A. . 1904 1907 1903 1904 SECRETARIES AND TREASURERS Charles Hermann Walter Balfour Gunnison, Ph.D. 1904 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 1904 Addison Irving Bacheller, M.S., M.A., Litt.D. 1904 ^Foster L Backus, M.A., LL.B. 1904 Walter Balfour Gunnison, Ph.D. 1904 Nelson Lemuel Robinson, M.A. . 1904 Charles Hazen Russell, B.A. 1907 James Franklin McKinney, Ph.B., LL.B. ADVISORY BOARD 1903 Samuel C. T. Dodd .... 1903 Almet Francis Jenks, LL.D. 1903 Wilmot Moses Smith, B.S. . 1903 Frederic Augustin Ward 1907 1904 1905 1904 12 The St. Lawrence University 1903 George Frederic Elliott 1903 Norman Peter Heffley, LL.B. 1904 Addison Irving Bacheller, M.S., M.A. 1904 *Foster L Backus, M.A., LL.B. 1904 Edgar Montgomery Cullen, LL.D. 1904 Almon Gunnison, D.D., LL.D. 1904 Walter Balfour Gunnison, Ph.D. 1904 William Beers Hurd, LL.D. 1904 Alvan Ransom Johnson 1904 William Payson Richardson, LL.D. 1904 Nelson Lemuel Robinson, M.A. 1904 Charles Hazen Russell, B.A. 1904 Wilmot Moses Smith, B.S. . 1906 Edward Beers Thomas, B.A., LL.B. 1908 James Franklin McKinney, Ph.B., LL.B. Litt D. 1904 1907 1906 MEMBERS OF THE FACULTIES PRESIDENT Elected Retired 1899 ALMON GUNNISON, Vi.Tt.,\A..Vt. PRESIDENTS OF THE COLLEGE OF LETTERS AND SCIENCE 1859 '^JOHN STEBBINS LEE, D.D., LL.D.. Acting . 1868 1868 RICHMOND FISK, D.D. 1872 1872 * ABSALOM GRAVES GAINES, D.D., LL.D., Acting 1873 1873 * ABSALOM GRAVES GAINES, D.D., LL.D. . 1888 1889 ALPHEUS BAKER HERVEY,V^.B. . . . 1894 1896 JOHN CLARENCE LEE, Ph.D., S.T.D. . . 1899 PRESIDENTS OF THE THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL 1S57 *EBENEZER FISHER, D.D. , 1879 1879 ISAAC MORGAN ATfVOOn, D.D. ,Lh.D. . . 1899 VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE COLLEGE OF LETTERS AND SCIENCE 1883 Walter Balfour Gunnison, Ph.D. . . . . 1885 DEAN OF THE COLLEGE OF LETTERS AND SCIENCE 1889 Henry Priest, Ph.D DEAN OF THE THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL 1899 Henry Prentiss Forbes, D.D. 14 The St. Lawrence University DEANS OF THE LAW SCHOOL 1869 ^Leslie Wead Russell, LL.D 1872 1903 William Payson Richardson, LL.D. . . . DEANS OF THE SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE 1907 Kary Cadmus Davis, Ph.D. 1908 1908 Herbert Ellis Cook PROFESSORS DockstadeVy Theology and Ethics 1857 *Ebenezer Fisher, D.D 1879 Isaac Morgan A twoody D.D., LL.D. . 1899 Almon Gunnison, D.D., LL.D. . 1879 1899 Latin and Greek La^iguages 1859 '^John Stebbins Lee, D.D., LL.D . \m^ '^ Moses Mar stony'PYi.D 1873 John Stocker Miller, M.A., LL.B. 1874 ^ Silas Bundy Rawson, M.A. . 1868 1873 1874 1875 Mathematics 1860 John White Clapp, M.A. 1865 Nehemiah White, Ph.D., D.D. 1871 John Stocker Miller, M.A., LL.B. 1872 Allen Eugene Kilby, M.A., LL.B. 1872 Almeron Zenas Squires, M.A., LL.B 1880 Albert Elias Maltby, C.E., Acting 1882 *Frank Harrison Peck, B.S., Acting 1883 Henry Priest, Ph.D 1896 Robert Dale Ford, M.S., Cummin^s Professor 1865 1871 1872 1872 1880 1882 1883 1887 Biblical Languages and Literature 1861 *Massena Goodrich, M.A. . , , . 1863 Professors 15 Craigy Biblical Languages and Literature 1865 *Orello Cone, D.D . 1880 1881 Henry Prentiss Forbes, D.D Modern Languages 1865 Nehemiah White, Ph.D. D.D. . . 1872 Lucy Greenwood French, L.S. 1875 *Bernhard Jacques Pink, M.A., LL.B. 1882 Henri Hermann Liotard, M.A. 1901 Henri Hermann Liotard, M. A., Emeritus 1871 1875 1882 1901 Moore, Ecclesiastical History and ArchcEology 1868 * John Stebbins Lee, D.D.,Lh.D 1903 Chapin, Intellectual and Moral Philosophy 1868 Richmond Fisk, D.D 1872 Practice, Pleadings, and Evidence 1869 *William Christopher Cooke 1870 Property, and Commercial and Criminal Law 1869 ^Leslie Wead Russell, LL.D 1871 Domestic Relations, Personal Rights, Contracts, and Wills 1869 *Stillman Foote, M.A . 1871 Geology and Mineralogy 1871 * James Henry Chapin, Ph.D. 1892 Craig, Psychology and Ethics, and Political Economy 1872 * Absalom Graves Gaines, D.D., LL.D. . . . 1903 Greek Language and Literature 1874 *William Augustine Poste, M. A., Acting . . . 1875 1876 Charles Kelsey Gaines, Ph.D., Acting . . . 1877 1877 Charles Kelsey Gaines, Ph.D 1896 1896 Frederic Coffyn Foster, M.A 1900 1900 Charles Kelsey Gaines, Ph.D. . . . . 16 The St. Lawrence University Latin Language and Literature 1875 Walter Balfour Gunnison, Ph.D., Acting 1877 Walter Balfour Gunnison, Ph.D . 1883 *Henry Ellison Seaver, M.A., Asst. 1890 ^element Morelle Baker, M.A. 1892 George Robert Hardie, M.A., Acting 1893 George Robert Hardie, M.A. 1877 1885 1884 1892 1893 History 1881 Aaron Aldrich Thayer, M.A 1882 1896 Frederic Coffyn Foster, M.A Haywardy Chemistry and Physics 1883 Henry Priest, Ph.D CummingSy Natural History \^S^ Alpheus Baker Hervey,Fh.D. . . . . . 1894 Ryder, Homiletics and Pastoral Care 1891 Lewis Seals Fisher, iy.T>.,lA^.T>. .... 1905 1905 George Ezra Huntley English Literature 1882 Charles Kelsey Gaines, Ph.D 1896 1896 John Clarence Lee, Vh.D., S.T.D 1900 1900 Charles Kelsey Gaines, Ph. D. Richardson, Biblical Theology 1899 *Orello Cone, D.D. 190S 1905 John Murray Atwood, D.D. . . . . . 1906 Richardson, Sociology and Ethics 1906 John Murray Atwood, D.D. Lewis, French and German 1902 Mary Estelle Young, Ph.B. 1904 1904 Mary L Freeman, M.A Professors 17 Chapin, Geology and Mineralogy 1904 Frank Smith Mills, B.A 1907 1907 George Halcott Chadwick, M.S., Acting . . . 1908 1908 George Halcott Chadwick, M.S. Chemistry 1905 Edwin Lee Hulett, M.A. . . . . Law of Contracts 1903 William Payson Richardson, LL.D Law of Evidence 1903 Henry Escher, Jr., LL.B 1907 Law of Real Property 1903 Henry Murray Dater, M.A., LL.B 1904 1904 John Howard Easterday, LL.B. ..... Equity Jurisprudence 1903 Daniel Burke, M. A., LL.B. . . . . Code of Civil Procedure and Constitutional Law 1903 Francis Xavier Carmody, M. A., LL.B. Law of Corporations 1904 Henry Myers Bellinger, Jr., Ph. B., LL.B. . . 1906 Conflict of Laws and Law of Trusts 1904 George Ingalls Woolley, Ph. B., LL.B. International Law 1908 Edward Samuel Corwin, B. A.. Ph. D 18 The St. Lawrence University INSTRUCTORS 1871 * William Alexander Rich , LL . B . , D . D . , Greek and Latin 1875 Annette Jane Shaw, M. A., ^l.D., Greek 1876 *CIara Weaver Robinson, M.A., Latin and Botany 1881 Nelson Lemuel Robinson, M.A., Civil Government 1882 Ledyard Park Hale, M.S., LL.B., i^/^^/«^., T>.T>., Microscopy and Zoology 1874 1878 Alpheus Baker Hervey,^\i.T>., Natural Theology . 1882 1879 *William Augustine Poste, M.A., Ecclesiastical Law . 1883 l^^Q "^ Aaron Aldrich Thayer, U.A., History . . . 1881 1^2,3 * Oscar Fitzalan Safford,T>.T>., Preaching . . . 1885 1885 *Adoniram Judson Patterson, D.D., Preaching . . 1886 18S6 *lVilliam Henry Pyder, D.D., Preaching . . . 1888 1888 George Landor Perin, D.D., Preaching . . . 1889 1890 *Alonzo Ames Miner, D.D., LL.D., Preaching . . 1891 1891 John Coleman Adams, D.D., Preaching . . . 1892 1892 Charles fVes ley Biddle, D.D., Preaching . . . 1893 1893 John Coleman Adams, D.D., Preaching . . , 1894 1893 Edwin Cortland Bolles, Ph.D., D.D, Preaching . 1894 1894 * Charles Henry Eaton, D.D., Preaching . . . 1895 1896 Henry Irving Cushman, D.D., Preaching . . . 1897 1897 Willard Chamberlain Selleck, D.D. Preaching . . 1898 1898 Frederick William Belts, T>.T>., Preaching . . 1900 1900 Isaac Morgan Atwood, D.D., LL.D., Pastoral Re- 1900 lations Alpheus Baker Hervey, Ph.D., Preaching Lecturers 21 1901 '''Julius Frederick Simmons, M.S., Pastoral Work 1902 Jabez Thomas Sunderland .Comparative Religion 1902 Harry Keiser Munroe, M.A., English 1902 Glenn Andrews Kratzer, B.A., Sunday Schools 1903 Moses Henry Harris, D.D., Church Ordinances 1903 Charles Auguste Conklin, M.A., Pastoral Relations 1903 Edgar Montgomery Cullen, LL.D., Law 1903 William Jay Gaynor, LL.D., Law 1903 William Beers Hurd, LL.D., Law 1903 John Woodward, LL.B., Law 1905 Anthony Bilkovsky , Church Administration 1905 Frederick Evan Crane, LL.B., Law 1905 Gerard Banker VanWart, Law 1906 Vincent Eaton Tomlinson, S.T.D., Pastoral Methods 1907 George Landor Perin, D.D., Pastoral Methods 1907 Edward Morse Shepard, LL.D,, Law 1907 Edward Beers Thomas, LL.D., Law . 1909 Almet Francis Jenks, LL.D., Law 1909 James Harry Holden, M.A., Pastoral Methods 1909 James D Bell, Law 1909 Norman S VanDike, Ph.B., LL.B., Law . 1909 William J Kelly, Law 1909 Luke D Stapleton, LL.D., Zaze/ . 1909 Edward Augustus Richards, LL.B., Law . 1909 Joseph Arthur Burr, A.B., LL.B., Law 1909 Henry Escher, LL.B., Z.aze/ .... 1902 1903 1903 1903 1905 1905 1906 1907 1908 TUTORS 1869 Allen Eugene Kilby, M.A., LL.B. 1869 John Stocker Miller. M.A., LL.B. 1869 Lovina Doty Barnum, B.S. . 1870 *William Augustine Poste, M.A. . 1871 Marcia Almira Simmons Davis, L.S. 1871 *Martha A Hardacker, M.A. 1872 ^Foster L Backus, M.A., LL.B. . 1870 1870 1870 1871 1872 1872 1873 22 The St. Lawrence University 1872 * Hiram Adolphus Merrell, M.S. . 1873 Walter Balfour Gunnison, Ph.D. 1873 *Harleigh William Sheldon, M.S. 1873 Annette Jane Shaw, M.A., M.D. 1875 Charles Kelsey Gaines, Ph.D. 1879 Joseph Vernon Witherbee, M. A. . 1881 *William Llewellyn Fitzgibbons, M.S. 1881 Daniel Lincoln Fisher, B.A. ASSISTANTS 1893 Ernest Rasey Barrows, M.S., Chemistry 1895 Frank John Arnold, M.A., Chemistry 1901 Branton Malcolm Duncan, B.A., Chemistry 1902 Edwin Lee Hulett, M.A., Chemistry . 1903 Charles Henry Wagner, B.S., Chemistry 1904 Edgar William Maloney, B.A., Chemistry 1905 Clarence Everett Barter, B.S., Chemistry 1905 Evelyn Wells, M. A., ^«^/z^A 1906 Ward Curtis Priest, M.A., Chemistry . 1906 Fred Irving Moses, B.S., CA^wz^/rv 1906 William Ernest Sims, B.S., LL.B., Biology 1906 Helen May Craig, B.A., English 1907 Titus Sheard, B.S., Chemistry 1907 Arthur Henry VanBrocklin, B.S., Chemistry 1907 Clara Frances Paul, Library 1907 Mildred Louise Farmer, Library 1907 Mary Minerva Lamphear, B.A., English 1908 Lena Miller Wells, Library . 1908 Leland Johnson Stacy, B.A., Chemistry 1908 Forrest Eugene Barter, B.S., Zoology 1908 Ruth Trench, B.A., English 1908 Annie May Smith, B.A., Latin and English 1908 Frank Dunbar Sturtevant, B.A., French and German 1909 Ernest Leffert Robinson, Physics 1909 Clarence William Hallahan, B.A., Chemistry Assistants 23 1909 George Hsirry Eggleston, B. A. y Chemistry . 1909 Charles Pa.rme\ee Drury, B. A., Chemistry . 1909 Arthur James Laidlaw, Biology .... 1909 Velma Katherine Stevens, B.A., Latin and English 1909 Arthur Head, Assistant Curator in Museum SECRETARIES OF THE COLLEGE FACULTY 1880 Walter Balfour Gunnison, Ph.D. . . . . 1885 1883 *Henry Ellison Seaver, M.A., Acting . . . . 1884 1885 Charles Kelsey Gaines, Ph.D 1886 1886 *Clement Morelle Baker, M. A., 1892 1892 George Robert Hardie, M. A 1894 1894 Charles Kelsey Gaines, Ph.D 1895 1895 Robert Dale Ford, M.S. . , . . . . 1903 1903 Frederic Coffyn Foster^ M.A RECORDERS OF THE COLLEGE FACULTY 1892 George Robert Hardie, M.A 1903 1903 Robert Dale Ford, M.S LIBRARIANS 1871 * Moses Marston, Ph.D 1873 1873 Isaac Phillips Booth, D.D . 1874 1874 Ebenezer Everett Fisher, M.D 1878 1878 Campbellina Pendleton Woods Gaines, M.A. . . 1884 1884 Charles Kelsey Gaines, Ph.D 1893 1893 Henry Prentiss Forbes, V>.Y> 1903 1903 Minnie Hulett 1908 1908 Eleanor Poste ASSOCIATE LIBRARIANS 1886 Henry Prentiss Forbes, T>.Y> 1893 1895 Robert Dale Ford, M.S 1903 24 The St. Lawrence University DIRECTORS OF THE GYMNASIUM 1895 Emberson Edward Proper, M.A. . . . . 1896 1897 George Lincoln Kimball, B.A 1903 1903 Louis Faustino Nutting 1905 1906 P Joseph Kersey 1908 1908 Ernest Victor Toralinson 1909 1909 Willard Harvey Gildersleeve, B.S MEDICAL EXAMINERS 1897 Joseph Clarence Willson, B. A., M.D., /or w^w . 1897 Lucia Elizabeth Heaton, M.S., M.D., for women SECRETARY OF THE LAW SCHOOL 1904 Theresa Augusta Young DIRECTORS OF UNITED STATES WEATHER BUREAU 1906 Merton Leonard Fuller, M.Di., M.A 1909 1909 John K Hooper . 1909 1909 Walter James Bennett, B.S. , ..... STEWARDS 1858 ^Albert Somes . 1858 1858 ^William Herrick 1862 1862 *Ransom Marsh Everest 1869 1869 *Julius Frederick Simmons ...... 1870 1870 Edwin Jones Sykes 1877 1877 Levi Marshall West ....... 1884 1884 ^Washington Wheelock . 1892 1892 Gilbert Alonzo Brown . . . . . . . 1893 1893 *Marvin Richard Wait . . . . . . . 1894 1894 Tracy Palmer Southworth 1903 JANITOR 1903 Frederick Monroe Billings SUPERINTENDENT OF GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS 1906 Robert Wales Barrows CORPORATION OFFICERS Hon. Edwin Atkins Merritt, LL.D., Potsdam, Preside7it. Frank Nash Cleaveland, MA., Canton, Secretary. George Sheldon Conkey, B.A., Canton, Treasurer. TRUSTEES Hon. Edwin Atkins Merritt, LL.D., Potsdam. Hon. Allen Eugene Kilby, M.A., LL.B., Carthage. Hon. Charles Hazen Russell, B.A., New York. Hon. Vasco Pickett Abbott, M.A., LL.B., Gouverneur. Hon. Ledyard Park Hale, M.S., LL.B., Canton. Rev. Alpheus Baker Hervey, Ph.D., Bath, Me. Frank Nash Cleaveland, M.A., Canton. George Sheldon Conkey, B.A., Canton. Frederick Bassett Devendorf, Esq., Watertown. Robert Emmet Waterman, B.A,, Ogdensburg. Walter Balfour Gunnison, Ph.D., Brooklyn. Emily Eaton Hepburn, B.S., New York. Nelson Lemuel Robinson, M.A., New York. Pres. Almon Gunnison, D.D., LL.D., Canton. Rev. James Milford Payson, D.D., Canton. Addison Irving Bacheller, M.S., M.A., Litt.D., New York. Rev. Moses Henry Harris, M. A., D.D., Watertown. Lucia Elizabeth Heaton, M.S., M.D., Canton. Charles Snow Brewer, B.A., Herkimer. Edmund Millen, Esq., Middletown. Rev. Herbert Philbrook Morrell, Buffalo. Rev. Frank Oliver Hall, D.D., New York. James Franklin McKinney, M.A., New York. Wriley Nathaniel Beard, Esq., Canton. Charles William Appleton, B.S., LL.B., New York. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The President of the Corporation, Messrs, Hale, Cleaveland, Conkey, Beard, Payson, and President Gunnison. 26 The St. Lawrence University TRUSTEES OF THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL Charles Augustus Miller, Esq., Brooklyn, President. George Henry Bowers, Esq., Canton, Secretary. Frank Josiah Tanner, Esq. Buffalo. Rev. Arthur Wilder Grose, D.D., Rochester. Alexander Martin, Esq., Lima. Brayton Allen Field, B.A., Watertown. Rev. Almon Gunnison, D.D., LL.D., Canton. Rev. John Murray Atwood, D.D., Canton. Rev. George Delbert Walker, Hudson. GENERAL OFFICERS OF LAW SCHOOL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Charles Hazen Russell, B.A., New York, President. Nelson Lemuel Robinson, M.A., New York, Vice-President. Walter Balfour Gunnison, Ph.D., Brooklyn, Secretary and Treasurer. Addison Irving Bacheller, M.A., Litt.D., New York, James Franklin McKinney, Ph.B., LL.B., New York. ADVISORY BOARD. Addison IrvingBacheller,M.S., M.A., Litt.D., New York. Hon. Edgar Montgomery Cullen, LL.D., Brooklyn. Rev. Almon Gunnison, D.D., LL.D., Canton. Walter Balfour Gunnison, Ph.D., Brooklyn. Norman Peter Heffley, LL.B., Brooklyn. Hon. William Beers Hurd, Jr., LL.D., Brooklyn. Hon. Almet Francis Jenks, M.A., LL.D., Brooklyn. Alvan Ransom Johnson, Brooklyn. James Franklin McKinney, Ph.B., LL.B., New York. William Payson Richardson, LL.D., Brooklyn. Nelson Lemuel Robinson, M.A., New York. Hon. Charles Hazen Russell, B.A., New York. Hon. Edward Beers Thomas, B.A., LL.B., Brooklyn. TrusteEvS 27 TRUSTEES OF CLINTON LIBERAL INSTITUTE Hon. Edwin Atkins Merritt, LL.D., President. Edmund Millen, Esq. Hon. Ledyard Park Hale, M.S., LL.B. George Sheldon Conkey, B.A. Rev. James Milford Payson, D.D. Rev. Almon Gunnison, D.D., LL.D. Frank Nash Cleaveland, M.A., Secretary. Robert Emmet Waterman, B.A. Vasco Pickett Abbott, M.A., LL.B. Wriley Nathaniel Beard, Esq. Lucia Elizabeth Heaton, M.S., M.D. Rev. John Murray Atwood, D.D. Executive Committee President Gunnison, Rev. Dr. Payson, Messrs. Hale, Conkey, and Cleaveland. FACULTY OF THE COLLEGE OF LETTERS AND SCIENCE ALMON GUNNISON, D.D., LL.D., President. HENRY PRIEST, Ph.D., Dean, and Hayward Professor of Physics, and Acting Professor ot Psychology and Ethics. HENRI HERMANN LIOTARD, M.A., Emeritus Professor of the French and German Languages. GEORGE ROBERT HARDIE, M.A., Professor of the Latin Language and Literature , afid Acting Pro- fessor of Fi7ie Arts and Rhetoric. ROBERT DALE FORD, M.S., Recorder, and Cmnmings Professor of Mathematics, and Acting Pro- fessor of Pedagogy. FREDERIC COFFYN FOSTER, M.A., Secretary, and Professor of History , a7id Acting Professor of Political Science. CHARLES KELSEY GAINES, Ph.D., Professor of the Greek Language and Literature and of English Literature. MARY L FREEMAN, M.A., Lewis Professor of French and Germ,an. EDWIN LEE HULETT, M.A., Professor of Chemistry. GEORGE HALCOTT CHADWICK, M.S., Chapin Professor of Geology and Mineralogy. Craig Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy and of Political Science. Officers 29 OTHER OFFICERS ELEANOR POSTE, Librarian. MARGARET BANCROFT, Secretary to the President. MILDRED LOUISE FARMER, First Assistant in Library. LENA MILLER WELLS, Second Assistant in Library. ERNEST LEFFERT ROBINSON, Laboratory Assistant in Physics. CLARENCE WILLIAM HALLAHAN, B.A., Laboratory Assistant in Chemistry, GEORGE HARRY EGGLESTON, B.A., Laboratory Assistant in Chemistry. CHARLES PARMELEE DRURY, B.A. Laboratory Assistant in Chemistry. ARTHUR JAMES LAIDLAW, Assistant in Biology. ANNIE MAY SMITH, B.A., Assistant in Latin and English. VELMA KATHERINE STEVENS, B.A., Assistant in Latin and English. ARTHUR HEAD, Assistant Curator in Museum. WILLARD HARVEY GILDERSLEEVE, B.S., Instructor in Physical Culture and Director of the Gymnasium. JOSEPH CLARENCE WILLSON, B.A., M.D., Medical Examifter for Men. LUCIA ELIZABETH HEATON, M.S., M.D., Medical Examiner for Women. WALTER JAMES BENNETT, B.S., Observer, United States Weather Bureau. ROBERT WALES BARROWS, Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings . FREDERICK MONROE BILLINGS, Janitor. 30 The St. Lawrence University FACULTY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL Rev. ALMON GUNNISON, D.D., LL.D., President, and Dockstader Professor of Theology and Ethics. Rev. henry PRENTISS FORBES, D.D., Dean, and Craig Professor of Biblical Languages and Literature. Rev. JOHN MURRAY ATWOOD, D.D., Richardson Professor of Sociology and Ethics, Rev. GEORGE EZRA HUNTLEY, Ryder Professor of Homiletics and Pastoral Care. REV. ISAAC MORGAN ATWOOD, D.D., LL.D., N on- Resident Lecturer on Denominational Interests. REV. JAMES HARRY HOLDEN, M.A., Non- Resident Lecturer on Pastoral Methods. FACULTY OF THE LAW SCHOOL ALMON GUNNISON, D.D., LL.D., President. WILLIAM PAYSON RICHARDSON, LL.D., Dean, and Professor of the Law of Contracts, Bills and Notes, and Evidence. DANIEL BURKE, M.A., LL.B., Professor of Equity Jurisprudence. JOHN HOWARD EASTERDAY, LL.B., Professor of the Law of Torts, Real Property, Domestic Relations, Corporations, and Wills. FRANCIS XAVIER CARMODY, B.A., LL.B., Professor of Constitutional Law, Pleading and Practice. GEORGE INGALLS WOOLLEY, Ph.B., LL.B., Professor of the Law of Trusts and Conflict of Laws. Faculty 31 EDWARD SAMUEL CORWIN, Ph.D., Professor of International Law. CLARENCE G GALSTON, B.S., M.A., LL.B., Instructor in Patent Law. FREDERICK DOTY CRAWFORD, Phar.D., M.D., LL.B., Instructor in Medical Jurisprudence. JAMES FRANKLIN McKINNEY, Ph.B., LL.B., Instructor in the Law of Municipal Corporations. CHARLES WILLIAM APPLETON, B.S., LL.B., Instructor in Criminal Law. JOHN JOSEPH CURTIN, M.A., LL.B., Instructor in the Law of Bankruptcy. EDWIN WELLING CADY, M.A., LL.B., Instructor in the Law of Insurance and Sales. HENRY EVERITT MATTISON, M.A., Instructor in the Law of Admiralty . LEON GRANT GODLEY, LL.B., Instructor in the Law of Surety and Bailments. JOHN HENRY SCHMID, LL.B., Instructor in the Law of Executors and Administrators , and Sur- rogate's Practice. PERCY GRANNUM BURTON GILKES, LL.B., Instructor in Federal Practice. DAVID STEWART EDGAR, LL.B., Instructor in the Law of Corporations and the Code of Civil Pro- cedure. THERESA AUGUSTA YOUNG, Secretary of the Law School. SPECIAL LECTURERS. HON. EDGAR MONTGOMERY CULLEN, LL.D. HON. WILLIAM JAY GAYNOR, LL.D. HON. WILLIAM BEERS HURD, Jr., LL.D. HON. JOHN WOODWARD, LL.B. HON. FREDERICK EVAN CRANE, LL.B. 32 The St. Lawrence University HON. ALMET FRANCIS JENKS, M.A., LL.D. HON. EDWARD BEERS THOMAS, B.A., LL.B. HON. EDWARD MORSE SHEPARD, LL.D. HON. GERARD BANKER VAN WART. HON. JAMES D. BELL. FACULTY OF THE NEW YORK STATE SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE ALMON GUNNISON, D.D., LL.D., President of the University . HERBERT ELLIS COOK, Dean, and Instructor in A^iimal Husbandry . JAMES MILFORD PAYSON, D.D., Secretary, and Instructor in Academic Subjects. FREDERICK WILLIAM STORRS, M.S., Instructor in Chemistry and Physics. LENA PAIGE BRAY, Instructor in Domestic Economy. FRANCIS S COLLIER, Instructor in Farm Engineering and Manual Training. CLAYTON ISAAC SWAYZE, Instructor in Dairying and Horticulture. ARTHUR GEORGE HALL, D.V.S., Instructor in Veterinary Science. HORACE REES, Demonstrator i?i Cheese-making. THOMAS RUTHERFORD, Demonstrator in Butter-making . NINA ESTHER MORROW, B.S. Assistant in Academic Subjects. HOMER EMMEL PALMER, Assistant in Chemistry, CORNELIA PALMER, Assistant in Domestic Science. CATALOGUE OF ALUMNI Note.— Those not otherwise designated received the degree of Bachelor of Arts. The names of matriculants who left college before receiving their degrees are separated by a dash from the other members of their class. Students in the Preparatory School, which was discontinued in 1866, do not appear in this cat- alosrue. 1863 Pardon Clarence Williams, 1886; M.A. 1886; Dist. At- ty. Jefferson Co.; Justice Sup. Ct. State of N. Y. Bachelor of Science ^Leffert Lefferts Buck, 1885; M.S. 1885; Priv. 1st Lieut. Capt. and Bvt. Maj. 60th N. Y. Vols.; C. E. Rens. Pol. Ins. 1868; M.Am.Soc. C. E.; Intercont. Railway Com. for Peru and Ecua- dor; M. Inst. C. E. ^1909 2-*l ^Martha Elraida Simmons ^i^^'' 1865 Bachelors of Science Delos McCurdy, M.S., Dist Atty. St. Law. Co.; Memb N. Y. Const. Conv.; Trus- tee *Hiram Henry Ryel, M.S.: Dist. Atty. Lewis Co. *1906 2-^1 1866 Laureates of Science *Mary Cordelia Herrick (Mrs. Charles Edward Hawkins) *i907 Sarah Elmina Sprague, M.S.; Ph.D. 1884 2-*l 1867 Vasco Pickett Abbott, M.A.; LL.B. Union 1868; Trus- tee; Surrogate St. Law- rence Co.; Memb. N. Y. Const. Conv. Laureates of Scie?tce Marcia Almira Simmons (Mrs. Samuel Sylvester Davis) Tutor *Alma Grace Watson, M.S.; Instr. Swarthmore Coll. *i893 Zelia Ellis Willson (Mrs. Moses Henry Harris) 4-*l Alexander Oswald Brodie, Graduate U. S. Mil. Acad. West Point 1870; 2d Lieut, and 1st Lieut. 1st Cav. U. S. A.; Maj. and Lieut. Col. 1st U. S. V. Cav. War with Spain; Governor of Arizona 1868 Almeron Zenas Squires, . M.A.; LL.B. 1870; Prof. Math.; Special Surr. St. Law. Co. 34 The St. Lawrence UNi\rERSiTY Laureate of Science Charlotte Marion Ware (Mrs. Hendrick Barnum) 2 1869 Allen Eugene Kilby, M.A.; LL.B. 1870; Prof. Math.; Trustee; Memb. N. Y. Assembly John Stocker Miller, M.A.; LL.B. 1870; LL.D. (Hon.) 1906; Prof. Math.; Prof. Latin and Greek Charles Hazen Russell, 1890; Memb. N. Y. Assembly; State SenatorN.Y.; Presi- dential Elector 1900; Trus- tee Bachelors of Science Lovina Doty (Mrs. James Harvey Barnum) Tutor, Prin. * Julius Frederick Simmons, M.S.; Theol. Sch. 1872; Lecturer Theol. Sch. *i902 5-*l 1870 1871 *William Augustine Poste, M.A.; Acting Prof. Greek Lang, and Lit.; Trustee; Dep. Atty. Gen. State of N. Y.; Civil Service Com- missioner State of N. Y. *i89« ^Albert Duane Shaw, 1886; M. A. 1886; Priv. 35th N. Y. Vols.; Col. 36th N. G. S. N. Y.; Memb. N. Y. Assembly; U. S. Consul Toronto; U. S. Consul Manchester, Eng.; Com- mander G. A. R. for N. Y. and for U. S.; M. C. ^i^oi Luther Dan Witherbee Bachelors of Science Elizabeth Alzina Barber (Mrs. William Ross Hos- tetter) Student Mus. Fran- ces Skinner Sch.; Trustee Frances Skinner Sch. Grosvenor Swan Farmer, M.S.; M.D. N. Y. Hom. Med. Coll. 1874 Martha Lovina Haskell Sylvester Nott Judd, LL.B. Union 1872 *Sarah Rosamond Puffer (Mrs. Albert Jasper Mur- dock) *i9io Fannie Matilda Wolcott (Mrs. Sylvester Nott Judd) ^Stephen Mahlon Wolcott, M.D. Bellev. Hosp. Med. Coll. 1874 *i886 10-*4 Jane Eloise Ingalls (Mrs. William A Cooper) George Alexander Miller, LL.B. 1871 *Emma Moxley (Mrs. Al- meron Zenas Squires) ^'^^^^ James O'Neill, B.A. Cornell 1871; LL.B. Union 1873; Memb. Wis. Assemb.; Dist. Atty. Clark Co. , Wis. ; Circuit Ct. Judge Wis. Frank Lee Puffer, M.D. Col- umbial877; StudentMichi- gan Univ.; Memb. Am. Med. Assoc; Memb. Minn. State Med. Assoc. ^Emma Malvina Sykes *^^''^ Arthur John JVaugh, B.A. Hamilton 1872; M.A. Ham- ilton 1885; Student Auburn Theol. Sem. Medora Williams 8-*2 Alumni 35 1872 George James Clarke, M.A. ^Leslie Alexander Lee, M.A.; Ph.D. (Zool. and Geol.) 1885; Student Harvard Univ.; Prof. Geol. and Biol.Bowdoin Coll. ;Merab. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Am. Soc. Nat,, Societe Ento- mologique Beige, Port- land Soc. Nat. *i908 ^James Stowell, M.A. ^i^^a ^Rollin Eugene Sumner *i903 Robert Emmet Waterman, 1887, Trustee Bachelors of Science ^Daniel Bulkeley ^^^o^ *Martha A Hardacker, M.A. 1882; Tutor *i8«4 Mary Louise Traffarn (Mrs. Herbert EllersonWhitnev) 8-^5 Emma Chrigstrom (Mrs. Franklin Gates Hadley) ^Arthur Warren Fisk, LL.B. 1871 ^1883 Corrie Estelle Packard (Mrs. Rigney DeForest Marvin) William Morton Pick slay, B.A. St. Stephens 1874; Gen. Theol. Sem. N. Y. 1877 Robert Scruton 5-*l 1873 *Foster L Backus, M.A.; LL.B. Hamilton 1874; Tu- tor; Trustee; Dist. Atty. Kings Co. ^ Annette Jane Shaw, M.A.; Theol. Sch. 1876; Tutor; Instr, Greek; M.D. Ben- net Med. Coll. 1884 Bachelors of Science *Eva Dolly Heaton Bernard Jacques (Mrs. Pink) M.S. ^1883 '^Hiram Adolphus Merrell, M.S.; Theol. Sch. 1876; Tutor *i88* *Harleigh William Sheldon M.S.; Tutor *i879 Charles Leslie Simmons Fremont Wayne Spicer Lois lola Witherbee 8-*4 Laura Baker (Mrs. Frederick Gay) John Cook Doty ^William Henry Faulkner *i88i ^Emily Hesselgrave (Mrs. Andrew Short) *i902 George Eadie Morris Hattie Elizabeth Wood (Mrs. Henry Prentiss Forbes) 6-*2 1874 Bachelors of Science Charles Franklin Ainsworth LL.B. Univ. Wis. 1876; Dist. Atty. Jackson Co., Wis.; Atty. Gen. Ariz. Viola Austin (Mrs. John Griffin) 2 Angeline Bullis George Harper *Nellie Jennison ^Henry Judson More ^Cicero Eugenio Pierce *Pitt Clifton Rich Charles Cornelius VauWat- ers, M.D. Univ. City of N. Y. 1879 7-*4 *1907 *1883 *1872 *1903 36 Thk St. Lawrence Unr^ersity 1875 Walter Balfour Gunnison, M.A.; Ph.D. 1891; Prof. Lat. Lang, and Lit.; Vice- Pres. Coll. Let. and Sci.; Pres. N. Y. State Teach- ers' Assoc; Head Master Erasmus Hall High Sch.; Trustee *Frank Davy McClusky *i9oo Bachelors of Science John Ebenezer Cheetham, M.S., Prin. Lelon Ansil Doolittle, LL.B. Univ. Wis. 1879; Co. Judge Clark Co., Wis. Marshall Erwin Doolittle, M.S.; M.D. Univ. Mo. 1880 Mary Elizabeth Mohan (Mrs. Michael McGinnis) *Albertus Alonzo Smith, M.A. 1881; Trustee *i898 Abbie Squires (Mrs. Elisha Martin) 8-*2 1876 *Eddy Howard Bugbee, M.A. Prof. Math. Penn. State Normal Sch. Ship- pensburg. Pa. Charles Kelsey Gaines , M . A . ; Ph.D. Lombard Univ. 1892; Prof. Greek Lang, and Lit.; Instr. Eng. Lit.; Librarian; Prof. Eng. John Clarence Lee , and Har- vard 1878; M.A.; Ph.D. 1895; S.T.D. Tufts 1896; Theol. Sch. 1880; Prof. Eng. Lit. and Rhet. and Prof. Homiletics and Bibli- cal Interp. and Vice-Pres. Lombard University; Pres. Coll. Let. and Sci. and Prof. Eng. Lit.; Trustee *Clara Weaver (Mrs. Nelson Lemuel Robinson) M.A.; Instr. in Lat. and Bot. ; Stu- dent Radcliffe Coll. *i9os Bachelors of Science John B Hagarty, LL.B. Univ. Wis. 1883 Ledyard Park Hale, M.S.; LL.B. Univ. Wis. 1878; Instr. Rhet.; Trustee; Dist. Atty. St. Law. Co.; Com. N. Y. State Board Char.; County Judge St. Law. Co.; Counsel for N. Y. Pub. Serv. Com. 2d Dist. Inez Ardie Jones *Seymour James Merrell ^^^os Emma Powell (Mrs. Robert Shermanj M.D. Hahn. Med. Coll. Chi. 1894 Bessie Adams Weeks (Mrs. Lelon Ansil Doolittle) James Stewart White ll-*3 *Vincent Azariah Crandall, B.S. Syracuse Univ. 1876; M.D. Syracuse 1884 *i899 Morgan Percy Marion Aurilla Southworth (Mrs. Charles Franklin Ains worth) Mary Jane Southworth (Mrs. Edwin Warren Pierce) 4-1* 1877 Frank Nash Cleaveland, M.A., Trustee; Secretary Martha Augusta Hill (Mrs. E Vose) M.A. Clifton Adelbert Northrop, M.A.; M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Baltimore 1882 Nelson Lemuel Robinson, and Harvard 1881; M.A.; Instr. Civ. Govt.; Secre- tary; Trustee Alumni 37 Bachelors of Science *Frank Harrison Peck, 1886; Graduate U. S. Mil. Acad. West Point 1880; Prof. Math.; Dist. Atty. Jeffer- son Co.; Private Co. F. and Sergeant Maj. 9th N. Y. Infry. U. S. Vols. War with Spain; 2d Lieut. N. Y. Infry.; Capt. 26th Infry. *i902 Martha Emeline Sheldon (Mrs. David C Martin) 6-*l *Laura Flack (Mrs. Miles Reynolds Martin) *i89'' Mary Flack (Mrs. William Wood); Student Brooklyn Conserv. Mus. Miles Reynolds Martin George Leslie Puffer Lewis Philip Sharp 5-*l 1878 *John Nelson Bassett, M.A.; M.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1882 *i906 Frederic Schiller Lee, M.A.; Scholar Johns Hopk. Univ.; Fellow Johns Hopk.; Ph.D. (Biol.) Johns Hopk. 1885; Student Leip- sic Univ.; Instr. Biol.; Instr. and Assoc. Biol, and Histol. Bryn Mawr Coll.; Demonstrator of Physiol. Columbia Univ. ; Adj . Prof. Columbia; Prof. Physiol. Columbia; Fellow Am. Soc. Adv.Sci.; Fellow Am. Ethnol. Soc; Fellow N. Y. Acad. Sci.; Assoc. Fellow N. Y.Acad. Med.; Memb. Am. Soc. Naturalists; Merab. Am. Phys. Soc; Memb. Soc for Exp. Biol. and Med.; Memb. Harvey Soc; Memb. Nature Study Soc; Memb. N. Y. Zool. Soc Welton Claude Percy, M.A., Memb. N. Y. Assembly Joseph Clarence Willson, M.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1880; Memb. N. Y. State Med. Soc; Med. Ex. for men Campbellina Pendleton Woods (Mrs. Charles Kel- sey Gaines) M.A.; Libra- rian; Instr. Eng. Bachelors of Science Estelle May Brees (Mrs. El- bridge Omar Hurlbut) Arthur Levi Chapman *Mary Loretto Grace * Thomas Llewellyn Botsford, M.D. N. Y. Hom. Med. Coll. 1878 RollinEdsonDoolittle.LL.B. Union 1879 Anna Ellsworth (Mrs. Wil- liam Augustine Poste) Winifred Hemenway (Mrs. Frederick W. Haven) Willie Eugene Lawrence Erastus Peter Matteson, Cadet U. S. Mil. Acad. West Point. Christopher Carson Peck George Clark Sawyer George William Smith Fred Arthur Sykes 8-*2 10 1879 Percy Isaac Bugbee, M.A.; D.Sc 1898; Prof. Math. and Prin . State Norm . Sch . Oneonta ^William Herbert Nickelson, M.A.; M.D. Hahn. Med. Coll. Chicago 1881; Memb. Am. Inst. Hom.; Vice Pres. N. Y. State Hom. Med. Soc; Pres. Medico. Chir. Soc of Cent. N. Y. *i9io 38 The St. Lawrence University Bachelors of Science Ida Maria Farns (Mrs. Percy Isaac Bugbee) M.S. Henry Parker Gale Lucia Elizabeth Heaton, M.S.; M.D. Worn. Med. Coll. N. Y. 1892; Med. Ex. for women; Memb. N. Y. State Med. Soc; Memb. Women's Med. Soc. of N. Y. State; Trustee ^Charles Joseph Lovell ^i^se 6-*2 Georgietta Bacheller (Mrs. Ledyard Park Hale) *Adella Jerusha Church ^^^^^ Brayton Richardson Clark Almeda Betsey Coon (Mrs. Connable) Ralph Emerson Crane Luman Hyde William Herbert Kendall Wilson See ley Lewis, A.B. Cornell Coll. 1888; A.M. id. 1892; D.D. (Hon.) Up- per Iowa Univ. 1896; Pres. Morningside Coll.; Bishop M. E. church Lovina Merrell Fred Loren Santway, M.D. Hahn. Med. Coll. 1879 *Vina Sherman (Mrs. Fred- erick Hosley) ^^^s; *Henry Bloomfield South- worth ^1903 12-^3 1880 Herbert Foster Gunnison M.A. JohnLangdon Heaton, M.A. (History) 1891 Byron Traver *Benjamin Franklin Willson, M.A.; Dist. Atty. Wadena Co.. Minn. *i903 Joseph Vernon Witherbee, and Harvard 1881; M.A.; Tutor; Prin. Bachelors of Science Joseph LEdsall, M.D. Univ. Minn. 1892 George Davis Judson Alice Gilman Mason Lillian Almeda White Carrie Submit Sails (Mrs. Frank Davy McClusky) 10-*1 ^Marshall Hastings Arnold ^^^ge *William Emerson Barrett, B.A. Dartmouth 1880; Speaker Mass. Legis.; M.C. *i«oe Helen Eugenia Cleaveland Michael John Doyle Robert James Drake ^William Henry Drury *i9oi Clara Fowler (Mrs, Howard W Cooper) Minnie Louisa Gillett Alice Hanson (Mrs. Joseph Vernon Witherbee) Eliza Osborne Putnam (Mrs. John Langdon Heaton) B.A. Boston Univ. 1880 *Holton Luther Robinson *i89o Daniel McRostie Taylor, M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. Phila. 1884 Matthew Samuel Wallace 13-*4 1881 Lawrence Clark Sawyer *William Bernard Woods Bachelors of Science *188S James Edward Coloton *Elihu Everett Gifford *i90« 4-*2 Alumni *Sarah Emily Bailey *i892 *Hattie Champlin (Mrs. Ab- ner Aldrich) *i909 Michael Endersbee Herbert Greeley Farmer Herbert Merton Farmer Carlos W Gulley George Ronald Malby, M.S. (Hon.) 1902; SpeakerN. Y. Assembly; State Sen.; M. C. Leslie James Robinson George Abram Russell, M.D. Hahn. Med. Coll. Chicago 1882 Ira Otis Tracy, M.D. Colum- bia 1882; LL.B. 1906; Memb. N. Y. State Med. Soc; Memb. N. Y. Acad. Med.; Memb. N. Y. Neurol. Soc; Memb. N. Y. Soc. Med. Juris. 10-*2 1882 Florence Josephine Lee (Mrs. Edmund Allen Whitman) M.A.; Student Leipsic, Germany; Student Lon- don, Eng.; Student Rad- cliffe Coll.; Instr. Knox Coll. Irene Louese Lewis (Mrs. Alanson Smith Bedell) Student Cooper Union Art Sch. Lawson Carter Rich, M.A.; Gen. Theol. Sem. 1889 Bachelors of Science Addison Irving Bacheller, M.S. (Eng. Lit.) 1891; M.A. (Hon.) 1901;Litt.D. (Hon.) Middlebury 1910; Trustee Isabel Amelia Church, M.D. Univ. Buffalo 1893 Charlotte Elizabeth Dezell (Mrs. Henry Ellison Sea- ver) and Clarkson Mem. Sch. Tech. 1905 Harriet Anna Dezell (Mrs. Albert Elias Maltby) *William Llewellyn Fitzgib- bons, M.S.; Tutor; Prin. *i896 Nellie Elmina Folsom (Mrs. Edgar Albert Burnett) Stu- dent Univ. Chicago; Stu- dent British Museum; Prof. Eng. S. Dakota Agric. Coll. Carrie Demira Jackson (Mrs. George Clark Sawyer) Joseph Boardman Noble, M.S.; M.D. Rush Med. Coll. Chicago 1896; Stud. N. Y. Polyclinic *Anna Hepsibah Stockton (Mrs. Herbert D. Pettit) M.A. (Botany) Barnard Coll. 1894; Ph.D (Botany) Columbia Univ. 1895 ^is^^ Certificate in Engineering Alvin Flavel Nims, C.E. 1884 13-^2 Hessie Delevan (Mrs. Her- bert Ashman Smith) Grad. Pacific Coll. Osteop. 1909 Jennie Avillah Pierce (Mrs. Fred Henry Church) Benjamin Paige Sherman 3 1883 *Hobart Barber Chandler *i904 George Sheldon Conkey, Trustee; Treasurer Daniel Lincoln Fisher , Stud. Theol. Sch. Alice Grace Frank Truman Post, M.A.; Student Harvard Law School; Lecturer on Cont. Spokane Univ. 40 The St. Lawrence University Bachelors of Science William Leonard Caten *James Edward Church *i909 Fred Alfred Sweet, M.S.; M.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1887 Richard Eddy Sykes, M.S.; D.D. (Hon.) 1906; Theol. School 1885; Trustee; Lec- turer Tufts Div. Sch. 9-*2 Isabel Maxwell (Mrs. David Bell Rutherford) Azariah Proctor Sherwin, M.D. N. Y. Horn. Med. Coll. 1885 Jennie Venila Smith (Mrs. Edgar Ellsworth Castor) 3 1884 Bachelors of Science Noble Henry Adsit, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Bal- timore 1886 Hattie Clementina Bugbee Ellen Theresa Lynch (Mrs. James McDonald) 3 Edwin Melvin Cole, M.D. Hahn. Med. Coll. Chicago 1885 *George Frederick Humph- rey, Student Trinity Coll. (Conn.) 2-n 1885 ^Clement Morelle Baker, M.A. (Latin) 1888; Instr. in Lat.; Prof. Latin Lang, and Lit. ^ Lulu Gertrude Lottie Lee (Mrs. James Edward Church) Student Paris, France, Student Sch. Appl. Des. for Wom. Ida Jessie Phelps, Prin. Boys School, Perkins Inst, for Blind, South Boston, Mass. Lewis Leroy Roripaugh Bachelors of Science Luna Winona Finnimore (Mrs. William Morrill Pitt) Arthur Elbridge Forbes Robert Dale Ford, M.S. (Math.) 1888; Instr. Math.; Student Johns Hopk. Univ.; Prof. Math.; Memb. Am. Math. Assoc. Edward Mclntyre Haley, M.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1888 George Bernhard Helmle Marie Camille Liotard Chauncey White Martyn, LL.B. Union Coll. Law Chicago 1890 *Mahlon Hartwell Martyn ^^^^s William Lincoln Noble, M.D. Rush Med. Coll. 1888; Prof. Clin. Opthal. Med. Dept. Univ. of 111,; Prof. Ophthal. 111. Post- Grad. Med. Sch.; Supt. Cook Co. (111.) Insane Asy- lum Emma Russell Emma Maria West 15-^2 *Hugh Connely Braddock Hill Dunham May Sumner Eaton (Mrs. John Gurley Quinby) Carrie Melinda Finnimore (Mrs. George Ernest Sims) Gilbert Albertus Foote,M.D. Univ. City of N. Y. 1887; Memb. N. Y. State Med. Soc. *Patrick James Heffernan ^ Alumni 41 Annette May Homer (Mrs. George Sheldon Conkey) Charles Frank Johns, B.L. Cornell Univ. 1892 Fred Samuel Lovell, M.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1886 Edson Angus McMillan, Ph.D. Arkansas Normal Coll. 1902 James Millar *Fremont Pearsons Peck, Grad. U. S. Mil. Acad. West Point 1887; Addition- al 2d Lieut. 4th Arty. U. S. A.; 2nd Lieut. 1st Arty.; 1st Lieut. Ordnance ^i^^s William Washington Wheel- ock, LL.B. Northwestern Univ. 1889; Memb. Illinois Assemb. Fred William Willson 14-*3 1886 Anne Atwood (Mrs. Augus- tus Byington Church) Augustus Byington Church, Theol. School 1888; M.A. Buchtel Coll. 1900; D.D. (Hon.) 1902; LL.D. (Hon). Tufts 1905; Prof. Ment. and Moral Phil, and Presi- dent Buchtel Coll. Bachelors of Scietice ^Rodney Percy Barnes ^^^^^ Mary Amanda Butterworth (Mrs. John Ebenezer Cheetham) Mary Louise Chandler (Mrs. Frank Edward Everett) *Mary Ann Daily (Mrs. Daniel O'Malley) *i895 Fred Justin Eastman Emily Lovisa Eaton (Mrs. Alonzo Barton Hepburn) Student Barnard Coll.; Trustee Clarence Shepard Giffin Henrietta Lake Wilburn Daniel Potter, Theol. School 1890 Holton Duncan Robinson, Assoc. M. Am. Soc. C. E. *William Henry Seward Rutherford ^isss Emma Eugenia Wall (Mrs. Samuel Jackson Hodgkin- son) 14-^3 Carrie Colburn John Brewer Garvin, Student Univ. 111. Marilla Griffin (Mrs. Charles Cunningham) ^Frederic Aime Liotard ^^^^s Mary Townsend Rich ^Florence Tozer *1884 6-*2 1887 Katherine Dell Burnette, M.D.N. Y. Coll. Hosp.for Women 1892; StudentMed. Fac. Univ. Paris, France Charles Averell Rich, and Harvard 1889; Asst. Physics Harvard Univ. John Montgomery Rich, Gen. Theol. Sem. N. Y. 1891; M.A. (Polit. Sci.) 1891; Student Oxford Univ. Eng. Bachelors of Science Bertha Mary Brown (Mrs. Charles Henry Brown) Michael James Casey John A Cranston, Prin. William Thomas Crisler Thomas Edgar Dalton, Prin. William Gaines Alice Josephine Harvey (Mrs. Mahlon Harvey) William Basil McGerry Warner Bonney Mattesou 42 The St. Lawrence University Edgar Sanford Keen Merrell, County Judge Lewis Co.; Justice Supreme Court State of N. Y. John W Rafferty, Prin. Minnie Louise Sawyer 15 Rector Bartle Fish Mary Catherine Garvin (Mrs. James Herbert McNish) Hiram Horton Royce Henry Marshall Smith Addie Estelle Spear 5 1888 Frank Yale Adams, M.A. (Hist.) 1897; Prin.; Prof, and Pres. Univ. Ariz. Charles William Dunn, Prin. Bachelors of Science Francis Joseph Duffy, Dist. Atty. Santa Cruz Co. Ariz. Clarence Seymour Ferris, Dist. Atty. St. Law. Co.; County Judge St. Law. Co. Michael Henry Kinsley, Prin.; Supt. Schools Hud- son Co., N. J.; Memb. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Williston Manley John O'Leary, Prin. Ralph Pringle, B.A. Harv- ard 1892; M.S. (Eng. Lit.) 1892; Prin. Eva Minerva Smith (Mrs. Benjamin Allen Hathway) M.S. (Eng. Lit.) 1890 Jacob I Tallman *William John Woods, LL.B. N. Y. Law Sch. 1892*i904 11-^1 *Cammie Gillett (Mrs. Wil- liam M. Jamieson) '^iso^ Frances Cordelia Robinson (Mrs. Linwood Payson Ames) Memb. Soc. Minia- ture Painters; Memb. So- ciete desArtistes Francaises Frank Lincoln Rowland, Student Union Univ. Law Sch. 3-*l 1889 John Murray Atwood, Theol. Sch. 1892; D.D. (Hon.) Lombard Coll. 1906; Instr. Ethics and Logic; Richard- son Prof . Sociol. and Ethics Everett Caldwell Mary Netta Walker Annie Laurie Woods (Mrs. Charles Ward) Bachelors of Science Charles Henry Brown, Mc- Cormick Theol. Sem. 1895 William Henry Carr Jessie Howe (Mrs. J Fred Hammond) ^Willard Thomas McElroy *i896 Jessie Fremont Merritt Cora Morrison Halcyone Jane Morrison Matthew David Quinn, Prin. George Goldie Royce, Sch. Com. St. Law. Co. 13-*1 Henry Allen Abbott, Stu- dent Theol. Sch. Mary Louise Atwood (Mrs. Williston Manley) Charles Milton Clark Elmer Ellsworth Dean Ernest Baker Freeman Charles Yale Fullington Carrie Amanda Taylor (Mrs. Roy Herbert Wilson) *Nellie Eliza Williams *i888 8-*l Alumni 43 1890 George Robert Hardie, M.A. (Greek and Latin) 1892; Student Harvard Univ.; Prof. Latin Lang, and Lit. ; Memb . Am . Philol . Assoc . ; Memb. Archaeol. Inst. Am. George Leo Murray, V.F., Student Grand Seminary- Montreal; Student Collegio Urbano, Rome, Italy; Dean in Diocese of Ogdensburg Bachelors of Philosophy Jessie Verena Stiles (Mrs. Elmer Ellsworth McBride) Alice Anna Walker Bachelors of Science Henry Clay Berry Richard James Donovan, LL.B. N. Y. Law Sch. 1896 Ernest Daniel Fleetham Richard Edward Heffernan Leon Hoage Schuyler Colfax Hodge Rose May Libby Mark Manley, M.D. Long Is. Coll. Hosp. 1895 *James Henry Martin, Re- corder City of Ogdensburg^i*^^ Emmet Jeremiah Murphy, LL.B. N.Y. Law Sch. 1892 William Bernard Rafferty, M.A. Columbia Univ. 1902; Prin. John William Rutherford Charles Oliver Sumner, M.D., N. Y. Hom. Med. Coll. 1894 Edwin James Taylor, Prin.; County Supt. Schs. Grand Fks. Co. N. Dak.; Dept. Supt. Pub. Inst, N, Dak, Maud Amelia Wrigglesworth 19-*1 Drusilla Irene St. Clair (Mrs. Jack) 1891 Charles Snow Brewer, Trus- tee Charles Fred Cook, Prin. Thomas Alfred Davies Benjamin Ames Sawyer Thomas Woods Bachelor of Philosophy George Allison Logan, Stu- dent N. Y. Law Sch. Bachelors of Science Walter Edwin Andrews, School Com. St. Law. Co. William Joseph Bower Frank Lavern Bryant Abbie Elizabeth Casey (Mrs. John Clement Hurley) *Ellis Freeman Dodge *i895 John Henry Dullea, Prin. Mortimer Livingston Hinch- man, LL.B., N. Y. Univ. Law Sch. 1893 ^Robert Samuel Roulston, Prin. *i905 Edwin Wade Sanford Everett Austin Thornton Evelyn Wight (Mrs. Mans- field Allan) B.A. Leland Stanford Jr. 1896; Dean of Women, Stanford 17-*2 *Ludlow Ogden Clemson *i888 George Clinton Shutts, (Ph.B. Milton Coll. 1893), Prof. Math. State Norm. Sch. Potsdam; Institute Conductor Whitewater Norm. Sch. (Wis.) 44 The St. Lawrence University Leslie Charles Sutton 3-*l 1892 Ceylon Samuel Kingston; M.A. Univ. of Mich. 1894; Instructor Math.; Prin. Bachelor of Philosophy Silas Alpha Lottridge, Ph.M. (Chem.) 1896 Bachelors of Science Anna Merrifield Brown, Stu- dent Boston Univ.; Stu- dent Radcliffe Coll. Eugene Merrill Crandall, Student Boston Univ. Theol. Sch. Mary Isham Ford (Mrs. Har- rison Lonsbury Wilkins) Charlotte Kimball (Mrs. Walter Kruesi) Pepper Fel- low in Sociology Univ. of Penn. 1900; M.A., Univ. Penn. 1901 Edward Burcham Lent, Sec- retary Civ. Serv. Commis- sion Brooklyn Barney Stephen O'Neil Lyman Ward, Prin. South. Indust. Inst. (Ala.) Anna Louisa West (Mrs. Herbert Edwin Sweet) Roy Herbert Wilson 11 Inez Buxton Louie Agnes Clarke Cassius Adolphus Hamilton, Stud. Union Univ. Law Sch. Evelyn Sarah Lease James Phillips ^Florence Norah Scannell *i888 *Silas Wayne Wright *i898 1-n 1893 Arthur Raymond Gledhill, Prin. Vernon Edmund Taylor, M.D. L. I. Coll. Hosp. 1896; Memb. N. Y. State Med. Soc. Bachelors of Philosophy Ella May Adams (Mrs. Sew- ard Walrath) James Franklin McKinney, LL.B. Mar^'-land Univ. 1895; Instr. in Mun. Law; Trustee Bachelors of Science James Henry Christie, M.S. Seton Hall Coll. 1899; Stu- N. V. Univ.; Instr. Sci. Seton Hall; Prin.; Memb. New Jersey Assemb. John Augustine Finnigan Florence Mabel Jackson (Mrs. Burchard Greene) Helen Fisher Jackson (Mrs. Mortimer Livingston Hinchman) Grace Pauline Lynde Bridget Mahoney (Mrs. John Haley Cunningham) Gertrude Ella Pierce (Mrs. Leon Hoage) *Nettie Idella Robertson (Mrs. Edward Gilman Ma- son) *1894 Margaret Haworth Traver (Mrs. Barney Stephen O'Neill) Edith May Wait (Mrs. Austin David Colson) 14-*1 Nellie Leona Baker William Harvey Griffin Alumni 45 1894 Bachelors of Philosophy Reuben EhleButrick, LL.B. 1905 *Ernest Gerald Chilton, Ph.M. (Eng. Lit.) 1897 ^i9(« Carolyn Dean Foster (Mrs. Edwin Chapin Wallace) Student Columbia Univ. Amy MacVey (Mrs. Ralph Peverley) Frances Clara Nearing (Mrs. Warren Wales Read) Henry Clifford Spurr Frederick Birney VanOrnum George Ingalls Woolley, LL.B. N. Y. Law Sch. 1896; Prof. Law of Trusts and Conflict of Laws Owen D Young, LL.B. Bos- ton Univ. 1896; Instr. Com- mon Law Pleading Bos- ton Univ.; Lect. on Mass. Pract. Boston Evening Law Sch. Bachelors of Science Ernest Rasey Barrows, Stu- dent Johns Hopk. Univ.; M.S. (Chem. and Physics) 1897; Asst. Chem. William John Deans, M.A. Central Univ. 1897; Prin. William Adams Elliot Jessie Carrie Farmer (Mrs. Carlos S Blood) ^Ernest Jabez Flagg, Stu- dent Med. Univ. Vt. ^^897 Mary Green (Mrs. John Gor- don Logan) Wilford Jacob Litchfield, Grad. Stud. Harv. Univ.; M.S. (German and Eng.) 1898 Nina May Vinson ^William Samuel Wade ^i^io 18-*3 Laura Estelle Burrows (Mrs. Hoyt) Forrest Spencer Chilton *Mabel Marie Gilmore *i89i Jessie May Hanna (Mrs. James Franklin McKin- ney) '^'Artemas Lee Partridge, Theol. Sch. 1896 ^i^"' S-*2 1895 Mamie Linda Baker (Mrs. Ralph Coddington) Glenn Andrews Kratzer, Theol. Sch. 1895; Lecturer Theol. Sch. Margaret Jane Murray (Mrs. William Bernard Rafferty) Student State Norm. Sch. Potsdam Bachelors of Philosophy Edward Anthony Adler, LL.B. Harvard 1898 Lorenzo Dow Case, Theol. Sch. 1896; D.D. (Hon.) Lombard 1907 Nathan Ford Giffin, LL.B. N. Y. Law Sch. 1897 May Irwin (Mrs. Harrison P. Montague) Bachelors of Science Edward Leroy Barnett, M.D. Columbia 1899 Richard Collins Ellsworth Marian Estella Howard Charles Gregory Hubbell D.D.S. N. Y. Coll. Dent. 1899 John Gordon Logan, Stu- dent N. Y. Law. Sch. 46 The St. Lawrence University Mary Genevieve Lynch (Mrs. Russell Lawrence Elliot) 1903; Pd.B. Albany Nor- mal Coll. 1900 Charlotte Louise McCall Gertrude Emma Smith (Mrs. Edward McLeer, Jr.) Frank Benton Spaulding M.S. (Physics) 1901; Pres. N. Y. Physics Club Francis Edwin VanDeveer 1901; M.D. Albany Med. Coll. 1899 Elinor Miriam White (Mrs. Robert Lee Frost) 18 *Eva Starr Bates (Mrs. Fred- erick H. Sanford) ^i^o" Charles Heald Bennett Meriam Harriet Caldwell (Mrs. Arthur Raymond Gledhill) ^Mary Asenath Chapin (Mrs. Walter Montgomery Jack- son) *190^ Marie Lawrence Cooke (Mrs. Charles Ehricke) Josephine Sheldon Edmonds (Mrs. Owen D Young) B.A. RadcHffe 1896 Clark Vernon Fairbanks, M.D. Univ. Buffalo 1896 Sadie Jay Fleetham (Mrs. James Luther Newton) Henry Bartlett Hawley Rhoda Hervey (Mrs. Benja- min Rogers) Eva Augusta Hitchcock (Mrs. Ralph Edwin Home) Norris Abram Houghton Elizabeth Kimball Henry Butterfield Taylor, Grad. Meadville Div. Sch.; Student Tufts Div. Sch.; Student Harvard Univ. Gertrude Mahala Walker Herbert Reuben Wells 16-*2 1896 Frank John Arnold, M.A. (Pol. Sci. and Latin) 1900 Asst. Chem.; Prin. Antoinette Josephine Foster; M.A. (Eng. and Latin) 1900; Prof. Eng. Oahu Coll. (Hawaii) ^Charles Bernard McCor- mick *i908 Lelia Helen Merriman (Mrs. Harry Albertis Duncan) Katharine Elizabeth Moog William Hector Murray Theol. Sch. 1897 Bachelors of Philosophy James Charles Dolan *Will Clark Hepburn *i898 Charles Matt Karch, LL.B. Georgetown Coll. 1901 Warren Wales Read, B.A. Harvard 1897; M.A. (Eng.) 1899 *Rhoda Emmeline Richard- son *1898 William Arthur Storm Bachelors of Science James Harrigan William John Heckles Arthur Oscar Howard Leslie Abner Johnson, Prin. George Homer Partridge, Memb. New Eng. Hist. and Geneal. Soc. Emma Crasto Robinson, Student Cornell; Memb. Nat. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Florence May Storrs (Mrs. John Lynch) Katherine May Tallman (Mrs. Harold Townsend) Mary Traver (Mrs. Alexan- der Leon Ladd) 21-^3 Alumni 47 Elmer Ellsworth Allmeroth, Private Company H 8th Ohio Infantry U. S. Vols. War with Spain Mary Eudocia Bowman (Mrs. George Ingalls Woolley) Jessie May Bush Bertha Eliza Clark (Mrs. Harry Percival Oldham) Ralph Wallace Grossman, B.A. Bowdoin 1896 ^Benjamin Franklin Davis *i897 Alvah Judson Foster Margaret Cullom Freeman Julia Lansing Hull Frederick Clarence Milligan Student Univ. of Roches- ter; Priv. 7th U. S. Cav. War with Spain Charles Maurice Richard- son 11-*1 1897 Sibyl Eliza Bailey (Mrs. Frank John Arnold) Gertrude Emily Perkins, Student Barnard Coll. Jessie Dell Stearns (Mrs. George Robert Hardie) M.A. (Latin and Germ.) 1900 George Fay Wilder, M.A. Columbia Univ. 1910 Bachelors of Philosophy George Eliot Coo ley, Theol. Sch. 1897 Margaret Helen Currier (Mrs. Hendrick Ware Barnum) Arthur Floyd Griffiths, B.A. Harvard 1899; M.A. (His- tory) 1899; Pres. Oahu Coll. (Hawaii) Minnie Charlotte Jackson (Mrs. Samuel Gilbert Ay res) Ernest Robinson, Prin. Zoa Magdalene Rowland Bachelors of Science Charles William Appleton, LL.B. N. Y. Law Sch. 1899; Asst. Dist. Atty. N. Y. Co.; N. Y. City Magis- trate; Instr. inCrim. Law; Trustee Clarence Justin Austin, M.D. Queens Coll. Annie Louise Eaton Archibald William Fortune Daisy Mabel Jones Harriet Elizabeth Robertson (Mrs. Ernest Robinson) 16 Florence Ledyard Cross, A.B.Wells Coll. 1897; Stu- dent Tufts Coll. ^Louisa Fitts, B.S. Cornell Univ. 1899 *i907 Samuel Johnson Charles Winfred Judson Victor Harry Libby, Student Meadville Div. Sch.; Pri- vate 16th Pa. Vols. War with Spain Jessie Lovett Marian Isabel Maine James Louis Rathbun, M.D. L. I. Coll. Hosp. 1899; Memb. Am. Med. Assoc; Memb. N. Y. State Med. Soc; Memb. Am. Roent- gen Soc. Mary Bradley Sherman Arthur Charles Wat kins, B.A. Johns Hopk. Univ. 1895; B.D. Union Theol. Sem. 1900; Fogg Scholar Yale Div. Sch.; Grad. Merit Scholar Union Theol . Sem, Arthur Edward Whitney 11-^1 48 The St. Lawrence University 1898 Helen Alsy Clemence (Mrs. Arthur Floyd Griffiths) Charles Edward Fisher, Stu- dent Clark Univ. Harry Wood Forbes, and Harvard 1899; M.A. (Latin and Greek) 1900; Instr. N. Y. Law Sch. John Rouse Gillett, M.D. Union Univ. 1908 Arthur Brown Joy Richard Seaton Terry Bachelors of Philosophy John Leslie Cummings , Prin . Henry McCormick Bachelors of Science Roger Herbert Dennett, M.D. Harvard 1902 Charles Fuller Heckles Marguerite Pauline Liotard Milton Henry Stevenson, LL.B. Univ. Md. Law School 1900 Caroline Louise Sumner 13 Chellis Asahel Austin, Stu- dent Columbia Coll. *John Dillon Dunphy Henry DeLeon Fethers Julia May Fleetham (Mrs. Rowland Jacobus) Norman Woodmancy Foster M.D. elsewhere Walter Everett Foster, B.S. Worcester Polytechnic Inst. 1899 James Henry Gannon, Jr.. B.A. Cornell 1898 Annabel Amanda Hulburd, Student Oberlin Coll. ; Stu- dent Cornell Univ. ■X-1897 Sumner Clinton Hurlbut, Private Co. D 9th U. S. Inf.; Served in the Philip- pine Is. War with Spain Bertha Clarene Jackson (Mrs. John Oscar Bennett) ^Willard Elmer Kelly *"9S ^Jessie Wenonah Kinney (Mrs. Ernest Rasey Bar- rows) *i8«* Winifred Josephine Lasell (Mrs. Frederick Glover) Edward Henry Neary, Jr. *Jessie Russell (Mrs. Clifford Wayne Hartridge) *"»« *William Thomas Sayer *i8«5 Thomas Musie Thayer, M.D. N. Y. Hom. Med. Coll. and Hosp. 1900 Frank Lawrence Woods 18-*5 1899 Hendrick Ware Barnum, and Harvard 1900; M.A. (Hist, and Pol. Sci.) 1900; LL.B. Harvard 1903 Clyde McBride Burklew Harry Marks Conkey Murray Arnold Hines, and Harvard 1901; M.A. (Chemistry) 1901; M.A. Harvard 1903; Ph.D. Har- vard 1906; Asst. Prof. Chem. Northwestern Univ. Amy Lulu Lyon (Mrs. Wal- ter Daniel Pheteplace) Stu- dent Teachers Coll. Col- umbia Univ. Jessie Thacher Robertson, Pe.B. Albany Normal Coll. 1900; M.L. Univ. Cal. 1906 Bachelors of Philosophy Alice Cary Atwood, Student Drexel Inst. Lib. Sch. William Reuben Lasher Alumni 49 ^Harriet Elinor Shaw (Mrs. Frederick William Storrs) ; Student Rochester Univ. *^^^'^ Catherine Susan Stallman (Mrs. Henry Culver Couse) Bachelors of Science Grace Yale Atwater (Mrs. Alfred Yale Soule) Amin Gerrgous Beder Howard Lemoine Burklew William Hall Burklew Stanley Eaton Gunnison Bing Sykes Stevens William Morgan Stout John Allen Wells Isabel Williams Royden Williamson 20-*l Jay Wesley Benton Isabel Ellis (Mrs. George Fay Wilder) Walter Scott Herrick, Stu- dent Norm. Coll. Albany; Prin. Inez Chapman Ladd (Mrs. Lorenzo Dow Case) Kathleen McCormick (Mrs. Stephen Crowell Burgess) Grad. Potsdam Norm. Sch.; Student Pratt Inst. Robert Russell, B.A. Yale 1900 Virginia Langfitt Voorhees 7 1900 *Worth Pickett Abbott ^^^o^ Charles Eugene Brown Leland Judson Farmer, Prin. Grace Frances Finnigan Clarence Hurd Gaines, M.A. (Eng. Lit.) 1902 Nelson Lyman Lobdell, B.D. Tufts 1909 Edson Russell Miles, Stu- dent Theol. Sch. Kate Florence Perkins Leon Roy Smith Bachelors of Philosophy Margaret Rebecca Austin Pe.B. Teachers' Coll. Columbia Univ. 1902 Alice Amanda Mills Bachelors of Science Wight Vasco Abbott Albert James Fields, School Com. Third Dist., St. Law. Co. Clarence Emery Hemenway Leslie William Merriman Corliss Pierre Stiles Frederick William Storrs, M.S. (Chemistry) 1901; Instr. Chemistry Sch. of Agri.; Student Johns Hop- kins Univ.; Student Cor- nell Univ.; Asst. Cornell; Memb. Am. Chem. Soc; Memb. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 17-*1 Frank Ainsworth Georgia May Bacheller (Mrs. Henry Benjamin Chase) George Fackerell Chambers *Ledyard Cuyler Cross *i909 Charles Henry Herrick, Ph.B. Colgate 1900; Stu- dent Union Univ. Law Sch.; Prin. Berton Wendall Storrs, M.D. Univ. of Md. 1902; Memb. Am. Med. Soc; Memb. R. I. State Med, Soc. Frank Celian Prescott Henry Merkley Sackrider, Student Pratt Inst. Grace Greenwood Sails so The St. Lawrence UNi\rERSiTY Lucius Sherman, Jr., D.D.S. Ohio Med. Univ. 1901 Eliza Loraine Thomas (Mrs. Leroy Wilson Coons) Waldo Trafifarn Whitney Helen Woods 13-*1 1901 Andrew Gilbert Akin Mary Blanche Barlow Mabel Harlan Benner Herbert Phalon Cole, M.D. Johns Hopkins Univ. 1906; Lecturer Univ. Ala. Mar>^ Vilura Conkey Harry Albertis Duncan, M.D. Med. Chirur. Coll. Philadelphia 1904; Instr. Temple Univ. Phila- delphia; Memb.Am.Med. Assoc; Memb.Penn. State Med. Soc. Harriet Delance Jackson *John Edward Mahoney ^"os Mabel Alice Perkins Ellsworth Poste Helen Mavarette Probst (Mrs. Worth Pickett Ab- bott) Edward Quinn Gertrude Mary Robinson, Student Columbia Univ.; Asst. Hist. of Educ. Teachers' Coll. Columbia Earl William Scripter Robert Sherman Waterman, Recorder City of Ogdens- burg Ivan Roy Wellington, B.S. Clarkson Mem. Sch. Tech. 1907 Bachelors of Science Almon Gage Gunnison Guy Leslie Harrington Julien Petit Heath John Bell Laidlaw. Prin. Almon Wheeler Lytle Robert Matthew McCor- mick Edward James MulhoUand John Frederick Shepard, Ph.D. Univ. of Mich. 1906; Student Univ. of Chicago; Asst. in Psychol. Univ. of Mich. ; Instr. in Psychology Univ. of Mich.; Memb. Am. Assn. Adv. Sci.; Memb . Am . Psychol . Assn . John Dyer Stark, Prin. Kate Louise Sudds (Mrs. Al- mon Wheeler Lytle) 26-*l *Robert Laurie Black *i898 Benjamin Franklin Butler Mina Louise Freeman (Mrs. Herbert Eugene Eggles- ton) Belle Stuart Hinds (Mrs. Andrew J Aiken, Jr.) Harry Mason Knox, B.S. A. Cornell 1901 Edgar Augustus Sheldon, B.S. Trinity Coll. (Conn.) 1902 Grace Willey Sherwood, M.D., Wom. Med. Coll. of Pa. 1904; Student Univ. of Edinburgh 7-*l 19C2 Eva Eliza Conant, M.A. Columbia 1909 Branton Malcolm Duncan, Asst. Chem.; Student Ohio State Univ. Law Sch. Cornelia Margaret Hallahan (Mrs. John Joseph Powers) Jesse Benson Hawley Deforest Hazen Burton Davidson McCor- mick, Prin. Minnie Rowland Root Alumni 51 Bachelors of Science Roscoe Lyman Barber, D.D.S. Univ. Buffalo 1905 Robert Alexander Barr *David Stanley Briggs *i9°* Bernard Dale Butler Ambrose Herbert Cushman Mabel Carrie Fields (Mrs. Lawrence Sandin Martin- dale) Lena Olga Idler Arthur Klock Henry Lauchlin McGillis Eleanor Courtney Mulry (Mrs. Jessie Benson Haw- ley) Veva Etheline Potter (Mrs. Berton Wendall Storrs) 18-*1 Samuel Henry Cook, Ph.B. Syracuse Univ. 1902 Frederic Hugh Emerson Inez Bell Farmer (Mrs. Fauver) Wilson Townsend Moog, Graduate and Post-grad. Student N. E. Conserv. Mus.; Instr. Music West- minster Coll.; Instr. Or- gan and Harmony Smith Coll. Chloe Emma Stearns, Stu- dent N. E. Conserv. Mus. Frederick White Symonds 6 1903 Hugh Abbott, and Harvard 1904; M.A. (Eng. Lit.) 1904; Grad. Student Har- vard George Albert Card Guy Hebard Eaton, Prin. George Ralph Hastings Olive Edna Heckles Edwin Lee Hulett, M.A. (Chem.) 1904; Instr. in Chemistry; Prof. Chem- istry James Franklin Morgan, M.A. Chem. 1906; Asst. Chemist. R. I. Agric. Exp. Station; Memb. Am. Chem. Soc. Melva Perin Grace Elizabeth Perkins (Mrs. Samuel A. Newman) Alice Poste (Mrs. Almon Gage Gunnison) Charles Sheard, M.A. Dart- mouth 1907; Asst. Chem. Dartmouth Coll.; Asst. Prof. Physics Ohio State Univ. Esther Spencer Bachelors of Science Hugh Foley Burke Elizabeth Louisa Dies (Mrs. Melzar P. Haggard) Irma Hale (Mrs. Carl Fred- erick Pfund) and Clarkson Mem. Sch. Tech. 1906; M.S. (Science) 1906; Stu- dent Univ. of Wisconsin Clinton Henry Hoard *Dan Sylvester Judd Anna Henrietta Kenne (Mrs. Clinton Henry Hoard) David Frederick Lane Delia Ida Nutting (Mrs. Wil- liam Gregory) Charles Franklin Sheldon Bertha Ellen Wood 22-*l Claude John Biche Eunice Alice Dennett (Mrs. Clarence Walton Eaton) Lena Mildred Gardner *Charles Frederic Moog 4-*l *1908 52 The St. Lawrence University 1904 Clara Louise Ayres (Mrs. Clarence Russell Skinner) Chester Arthur Baltz Earl Cummings Luke Herbert Cummings Elizabeth Etta Darling Mary Josephine Delaney Herbert Hopkins Dewey Hazelton May Eastman Kel- ley CMrs. Louis Heaton Pink) Margaret Ober (Mrs. Wil- liam F. Dowling) Ethel Leonard Perkins (Mrs. Herbert Hopkins Dewey) Louis Heaton Pink, LL.B. N. Y. Law Sch. 1906 Joseph Henry Rushton Edward Butler Saunders, B.D. 1902; Instructor in Oratory Godfrey Charles vSchaible Clarence Russell Skinner , M.A. (History) 1910 Ruth Caroline Snow Anna Elizabeth Stanton Mabel Rose Stratton Jessie Elizabeth Wells (Mrs. Herbert Phalon Cole) , Stu- dent Univ. Berlin Bachelors of Science Charles Herbert Alexander James Edgar Crossman, M.D. Syracuse Univ. 1910 George Chester Dona Bridget Anna Dowling Edward DeCIifford Duryea Channing Albert Farmer Harlow Grosvenor Farmer, M.D. N. Y. Horn. Med. Coll. 1908 Myra Adelaide Grant Amy Kelly Mary Sylvia Martyn (Mrs. Merchant Phelps) George James McDonald Frederick Wilber Roblin Lawrence Byron Stevenson Charles Henry Wagner, Asst. Chem. 33 *John Wesley Alverson, Stu- dent Syracuse Univ. Walter Estus Deuel, Jr., M.D. N. Y. Horn. Med. Coll. and Flower Hosp. 1908 Nathaniel Barzillai Hodskin Wilhelmina Rebecca Moog Florence Belle Earle Payne (Mrs. Frank Edwin El- wood) A.B. Cornell 1905 Francis Long Perkins, B.S. Clarkson Mem. Sch. Tech, *Pierce Briggs Sails ^i^^^ John Henry Smith Susa Thayer Max Bell Webb 10-*2 1905 Elizabeth Ruth Albers Cleland Ruthven Austin Mabel Hawthorne Black (Mrs. Cleland Ruthven Austin) Student Adelphi Coll. Emma Louise Corey James Belknap Gillett Lou Livingston Heaton Harriet Augusta Holcke Mary Parker Ives Frederick Grinnell Kirkbride Edgar William Maloney, Asst. Chem.; Student (En- gineering) Cornell Univ. Mabel Mary Newby Jessie Elvira Olin Alumni 53 Agnes Lavinia Powell Julia Wells Preston (Mrs. Walter Leander Hubbel) Ethel Robinson, B.S. Teach- ers Coll. Columbia Univ. 1910 Lawrence Jackson Sawyer Clarence Adams Sumnons , B.D. 1908 Evelyn Wells (Mrs. Edwin Wilson Finch) M.A. (His- tory) 1906; Asst. English; Student Northwestern Univ. Bachelors of Science Herbert Bradford Bailey Roy Elijah Briggs Albion Merchant Clark William Coats, Jr. Frederick Christopher Dev- endorf, Student Med. Col- umbia Univ. Leslie Remie Dona *Thomas Patrick Dunphy, Student N. Y. Law School ^"lo Blaine Gilday John William Hannon Millard Henry Jencks *MaryBonaventuraKiernan '^i^o^ Adeline Katharine Koster (Mrs. Robert Thomas Ker- lin) Student Yale Univ. Luther Moses, M.S. (His- tory) 1910 Nina Ida Mowitt Charles Samuel Moyer, Stu- dent Yale Univ. Ellen Martha Maria Quinn Sarah Isabel Estelle Robin- son (Mrs. Everett Ham- mond Hess) Lena May Wallace (Mrs. Lawrence Byron Steven- son) 36-*2 Roscoe Silas Armstrong Helen Mathews Clarke *Howard Field Corwin *i903 Roy Edward Cutting Frank John Ellwood Verna Frances Farmer Herbert John Hallahan Roy Boynton Harrington *Harry Wolcott Judd ^i^os Martha Josephine Lewis George Slingerland Van Schaick, LL.B. Yale Univ. 1907 *Florence Melissa Whitney ^i^os 12-*3 1906 Edith Louisa Adams George Carl Alverson, Prin. Fanny Louise Atwater Linn Rudolph Blanchard Frank Henry Cooke Freeman Ralph Crane, Prin. Fletcher Donaghue Dodge Nellie Mae Farmer Etta Evelyn Frazer Jean Elizabeth Glassford Bessie Cummings Greene Bessie Alexander Hart (Mrs. Roy Elijah Briggs) Fred Harold Heaton Marion Culver Hodskin (Mrs. Ezra Duncanson Ford) Agnes Melvina Hosley Sarah Emma Hulett Inez Marie Northrop Ethol Eva Peck Obed Edwin Risley Anne Gertrude Sneller Grace Frances Storrs Stephen Clayton Sumner, Prin. 54 The St. Lawrence University ^Arthur Townsend Walker *^^^^ Clark Jay Willson Bachelors of Science Robert Lee Allen Jeremiah Leland Ames, and Clarkson Mem. Sch. Tech. 1909 Clarence Everett Barter, Asst, Chem. William Henry Hayden Elbridge Omar Hurlbut, Jr. DeWitt Thornton Kilian Delbert Robert Lewis Earl Babcock Scott Sarah Farnsworth Stebbins (Mrs. Arthur Wilson Den- nen) *Leland James Whittaker *i9io Leo Frank Willson 35-*2 William Roswell Baker Everett Hammond Hess Jennie Mary Stearns Ara Henry Waite 4 1907 Emma Wilhelmina Acker- man Helen May Craig, Asst. Eng- lish; Grad. Pratt Inst. Lib. Sch. 1909 Ora Belle Craig Katherine Dunphy Claudia Merrick Fields Martha King Gebhardt Hazel Eva Gibbs Eben Griffiths Martha Minnie Hehr, Stu- dent Leland Stanford, Jr. Univ. Helen Virginia Iffla (Mrs. Allen S Brewer) Helen Georgina Kelley Elsa Kimball Ruth Vesta McMonagle Mary Helen Mannix (Mrs. Thomas Patrick Dunphy) Mary Rispa PerLee (Mrs. Dan Sylvester Judd) Ward Curtis Priest, Asst. Chem.; Instr. Phys.; M.A. Harvard Univ. 1910; Instr. Phys. Tufts Coll. Anna Ayres Root Helen Amy Sawyer Ellen Elizabeth Wiley Bachelors of Science Roy George Baker, and Clarkson Mem. Sch. Tech. 1909 Bessie Sylvia Farmer lone Alena Jillson Bessie McBain Floyd Ira Main Ford Moran Fred Irving Moses, Asst. Chem. Ella Cahoon Paddock (Mrs. Frank Judson Crary) Maria Pushaw, Theol. Sch. 1904 Everett Allen Quackenbush Alfred Einar Sherndal William Ernest Sims, LL.B. Harvard 1910; Asst. Biol. George Champlain Terry, Jr., LL.B. Union Univ. Law Sch. 1910 George Edgar VanDelinder 33 Guy King Andrews Helen Jean Briggs, Ph.B. Syracuse Univ. 1907 Marian Burke Cummings Clarence Luke East Ezra Duncanson Ford Clarence James Hayden Alumni 55 Gladys Virginia Millen, Stu- dent Sch. of Agric. Elizabeth May Morhous, Student Syracuse Univ. Agnes Eugenia Phillips Blanche Rushton Edith Downing Terhune (Mrs. Charles Frazier Stephenson, Jr.) Genevieve Katherine Walter 12 1908 Charlotte King Chandler Barrett Stephen Chapman Ogden Fethers Conkey, Stu- dent in Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Columbia Univ.; Res. Student Hosp. for Rupt. and Crip. N. Y. Barbara Elizabeth Cramer Anna Teresa Cunningham Minna Helene Dick Isabel Dunphy Carroll Healy Fenton, Stu- dent in Gen. Theol. Sem. Lois Ellen Finnigan Leila Gay Forbes Hoyt Lincoln Jamieson Ruth Kimball (Mrs. Millard Henry Jencks) Blair Dillenbeck Lamphear Mary Minerva Lamphear (Mrs. William Julius Metz) Asst. Eng. Elizabeth Pearl LaPoint Fred Charles Leining, B.D. 1909 Grace Gertrude McCormick Mary Celia Mahoney Royal Sheldon Milligan Adelaide Poste Gertrude Helene Raftery Marjory Robinson, Student in Teachers Coll. Colum- bia Univ. Lilian Katherine Skelley (Mrs. Robert J Warren) Nettie Spear Caroline Gertrude Stewart Susan Townsend Nathalie Bodge Upton Jessie Catherine Valnia Margaret Frances White Sterling Avery Zimmerman, Prin. Bachelors of Science Carlyle Helmle Black Melford Losee Brown, Stu- dent in Gen. Theol. Sem. Cyril Backus Clark Frank Judson Crary Lavinia Cunningham Grace Louise Dean (Mrs. Walter Snowden Speir) Floyd Gillis Hitchcock Mark E Horton Max Arthur Jameson Winnie Corinne Kaylor Walter Gardner Kimball Helen Priscilla McCormick Norman McDonald Blanche Olive Middleton James Albert O'Brien George Washington Overton Herbert Alton Owen Clara Frances Paul, Asst. in Library John Edward Rice, Student Boston Univ. Law Sch. Titus Sheard, Asst. Chem. Everett Beech Spraker, Stu- dent (Geol.) Univ. of Chicago 51 Julia Lucretia Barnes Claude William Butler Robert Nichols Risley Chaf- fee, Student Renss. Pol. Inst. 56 The St. Lawrence University Gertrude Chaney Catherine Sloan Darling, Associate Title, Univ. of Chicago, 1908 John Andrews Harrington Mark Timothy Hayes John Charles Heckles, Stu- dent Clarkson Mem. School Tech. Frederick Chase Hitch *Helen Ernestine Jackson ^^^^g Raymond Morse Litchfield James Cook Martin, Ph.B. Brown Univ. 1908 *Anita White Palmer *i9os Otto Aloysius Quinn Florence Ray Samuels, B.A. Cornell Univ. 1908 Charlotte Norton Sherman (Mrs. George Hollis Clark) Grad. Potsdam Norm. Sch. Maude Catherine Smith, B.A. Barnard Coll. 1909 Jennie Wilson Tibbetts 18-*2 1909 Ethel Idell Bliss Gertrude Mabel Foley Horace Charles Hale, Stu- dent in Harvard Law School Bernice Vera Hammond Russell Fort Lund Agnes Frances McDonald Margaret Alice McGinnis Jessie Louise Shepard Sibyl Edith Sherwood Mary Elizabeth Slevin Floyd Wright Smith Leland Johnson Stacy, Asst. Chem, Frank Dunbar Sturtevant, Asst. French and German; Prof. Eng. Lit. Lombard Coll. Ruth Trench, Asst. in Eng- lish Mary Margaret Turnbull Madeline Gardinier Wright Bachelors of Science Kirke Locke Alexander Forrest Eugene Barter, Asst. Zool.; Prin. Arthur Edward Brainerd, Prin. Jerome James Brainerd, Prin. Alexander Calder Mary Helen Dailey Frank Arthur Dyer Adelaide Fancher Gunnison Raymond May Gunnison Marion Earle Harlan Harry Ross Joyce Alida Alice Martin Nina Esther Morrow, Stu- dent and Asst. Sch. Agric. Michael Charles O'Brien Charles Wright Radway, Prin. Isabel Lee Smith Maude Eugenia Welch (Mrs. Eugene Albert Barlow) 33 Edna Mae Cassebeer, A.B. Barnard, 1909 Grace Darling, Student Chi- cago Univ. Nellie Ruth Hunter (Mrs. George Eli Robinson) Florence Loveland Lilian Ruth Matlaw Hortense Dean Murch, A.B, Barnard Coll. 1909 Alumni 57 Louise Langley O'Keeffe, Student Adelphi Coll.; Stu- dent Teachers' Coll. Columbia Univ. Florence Louise O'Neil Rensselaer Goldsmith Terry Henry Lansing Vincent, Stu- dent Univ. Buffalo Henry Richard Von Bargen, Ph.B. Brown Univ. 1909 1910 Jule Lee Coddington Charles Parmelee Drury, Asst. Chem. Rhoda Naomi Dunn George Harry Eggleston, Asst. Chem. Clarence William Hallahan, Asst. Chem. Hettie May Hallahan Margaret Helen Hosley Blanche Emma Howard Bonnibel Lilian lefts James Frank McCormick Donald Le Verne MacNeal Gretchen Irene Sahlin Annie May Smith, Asst. Latin and English Katherine Luella Spencer Velma Katherine Stevens, Asst. English and Latin Mary Irene Stewart, Asst. French and Germ. William Flack Wood William Bernard Woods Helen Wright 11 Bachelors of Science Paul William Allen Roscoe Judson Backus Charles William Bird Robert George Calder Edson Everett Clark Ralph Wallace Clements Neva Anna Dana Rhea Brown Seymour Arthur Henry VanBrocklin, Asst. Chem. 28 Lloyd Burlingham, Student Theol. Sch. May Maria Chamberlain *Edna Claire DeShaw ^i^"' Mabel Belle EUwood ^Barbara Hathway *i908 Nellie Myrtle Herns (Mrs. Richard Arnot Lenz) Mabel Jane Irwin, A.B. Lombard, 1910 Walter Krumbeck, Student Harvard Coll. Jean Gilchrist MacTaggart, B.A. Boston Univ. 1910 Herbert Morgan Helen Charlotte Noel (Mrs. Charles Rullier) Floyd Adelbert Northrop Harry Pierce Maude Ellen Pike (Mrs. John Alexander Currie) Hazel Emma Smith Frank Abner Snow Paul Wentworth Willson 17-*2 DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY, MASTERS OF ARTS, MASTERS OF PHILOSOPHY, AND MASTERS OF SCIENCE WHO RECEIVED THEIR DEGREES AFTER EXAMINATION 1885 Ph.D. *Leslie Alexander Lee, Geol. and Zool.; B.A. 1872 *i908 1888 M.A. ^element Morelle Baker, Latin; B.A. 1885 *i892 M.S. Robert Dale Ford, Math.; B.S. 1885 1890 M.S. Eva Minerva Smith, Eng. Lit.; B.S. 1888 1891 M.A. John Langdon Heaton, Hist.; B.A. 1880 John Montgomery Rich, Pol. Sci; B.A. 1887 2 M.S. Addison Irving Bacheller, Eng. Lit.; B.S. 1882 1892 M.A. George Robert Hardie , Greek and Lat.; B.A. 1890 M.S. Ralph W Pringle,Eng. Lit.; B.S. 1888 1896 Ph.M. Silas Alpha Lottridge, Chem. Ph.B. 1892 M.S. Robert Samuel Roulston, Polit. Sci.; B.S. 1891 1897 M.A. Frank Yale Adams, History; B.A. 1888 Ph.M. ^Ernest Gerald Chilton, Eng. Lit.; Ph.B. 1894 *i909 M.S. Ernest Rasey Barrows, Chem. and Physics; B.S, 1894 Masters of Arts, etc. 59 1898 Wilford Jacob Litchfield, Germ, and Eng. Lit,; B.S, 1894 1899 M.A. Arthur Floyd Griffiths, Polit. Sci. and Hist.; Ph. B. 1897 Warren Wales Read, Eng. Lit.; Ph.B. 1896 1900 M.A. Frank John Arnold, Lat. and Pol. Sci.; B.A. 1896 Hendrick Ware Barnum, Hist, and Pol. Sci.; B.A. 1899 Harry Wood Forbes, Lat. and Greek; B.A. 1898 Antoinette Josephine Foster, Lat. and Eng.; B.A. 1896 Jessie Dell Stearns, Lat. and Germ.; B.A. 1897 1901 M.A. Murray Arnold Hines, Chera.; B.A. 1899 M.S. Frank Benton Spaulding, Physics; B.S. 1895 Frederick William Storrs, Chem.; B.S. 1900 1902 M.A. Clarence Hurd Gaines, Eng. Lit.; B.A. 1900 1904 M.A. Hugh Abbott, Eng. Lit.; B.A. 1903 Edwin Lee Hulett, Chem.; B.A. 1903 1906 M.A. James Franklin Morgan, Chem.; B.A. 1903 Evelyn Wells, Mod. Europ- ean Hist.; B.A., 1905 Irma Hale, 1903 M.S. Science; B.S. 1910 M.A. Clarence Russell Skhiner, English; B.A. 1904 M.S. Luther Moses, History; B.S. 1905 GRADUATES OF THE THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL Separated from the g-raduates by dashes, are the names of the members of each class who were connected with the School for a year or more, but did not complete the full course of stvidy. The classes of 1860 and 1867 did not eraduate. 1860 Benjamin Warren Atwell, B.D. 1902 *And7'ew Jackson Canfield, D.D. (Hon.)'1884 *i908 Frank E. Healey *De Forest Porter, served in Union Army; Memb. Ne- braska Leg. tice Arizona; zona Leg, Edward Smiley Henry Tedford Ed2vin White Assoc. Jus- Memb. Ari- 1-n 1861 "^ Daniel Ballou, Trustee *i902 A ipheus Baker Hervey , M . A . 1878 and Tufts 1881; Ph.D. 1885; Trustee; Lecturer Nat. Theol. and Relat. Relig. and Science; Pres. Coll. Let. and Sci.; Cum- mings Prof. Nat. Hist.; Fellow Am. Soc. Adv. Sci. Mahlon Rich Leofiard, Memb. Mass. Leg. * William Mitchell Pattee *i862 '^ James Minton Pullma?t, D.D. (Hon.) 1879; Trustee ^i903 5-*3 ^William Taylor 1862 Benaiah Loomis Benriett '''Lewis Llewellyn Briggs *'^^^'i '''Charles Fluhrer, D.D. (Hon.) Lombard 1887 *i»oi '''William Leverett Oilman , Private 33d Mass. Vol.; died for his country at Gettysburg *i863 Robert Caynpbell Lansifig '''Oscar Fitzalan Safford, D.D. (Hon.) Tufts 1885; Lect. on Preaching ^^^^^ Augustus Tibbetts, M.D. elsewhere 7-*4 William Nelsoji Van de Mark 1863 Olympia Brown {Mrs. John Henry Willis) B.A. An- tioch Coll. Everett Lorefitus Conger, B.A. Lombard Univ. 1861; M.A. Lombard; Prof. Pas- toral Theol. Lombard Univ.; D.D. (Hon.) Buch- tel 1890 Rowland Cofinor, Memb. Mich. Leg. He7iry Clay Delong * Alfred B as sett Ellis * Clarence Fowler Graduates in Theology 61 '^'Sylvester Cobb Hayford ^i^oe Augustus Azor Leightofi Frank Magwire Edward Morris 10-*2 Charles Dwinnell Haynes ^Walter Scott Ralph 1864 *Herman Bisbee *Selden Gilbert '^ Joseph Willard Keyes James Henry Ballou * Oliver Kitmnel Crosby *1907 2-*l •5<-1879 *1905 ^1883 *3 *1903 2-n 1865 ^Frederick Stanley Bacon *i872 '^ Alexander Kent, Red Cross Field Agent War with Spain *i908 Everett Levi Rex ford, D.D. (Hon.) Buchtel 1874; Prof. Ment, and Moral Philoso- ophy and Pres. Buchtel College 3-*2 1866 */ra Adams *Henry Lewis Bingham 1867 •H-1869 •X-1866 Ruth Augusta Damon {Mrs. Jam.es Birney Tabor) *Dwight Munso?i Hodg^e, D.D. (Hon.) 1898 and Tufts 1905; M.D. else- where *19"6 Costello Weston 3*-l 1868 Joseph Hay Amies Willis Harrison Grigs by, served in the Union Army Almon Gunnison, D.D. (Hon.) 1883; LL.D. (Hon.) Union 1901, Tufts 1905; Trustee; President George William Perry, State Geol. Vermont; Curator Vermont State Cabinet William Frank Potter Jaynes Birney Tabor *John Buell Baldwin *i883 George Waters Bicknell, D.D. (Hon.) 1892; 5th Maine Vols. War of the Rebellion Allen Perez Folsom ^John Francis Gates *i892 Washingtofi Irving Hallock George Philetus Hibbard '^ Henry Benjamin Howell *i^*'o Enoch Mordecai Lester Edm-und Ring Sanborn Edzvin Chapin Sweetser, B.A. Tufts 1866; D.D. (Hon.) Tufts 1882 Fletcher Willson ll-*3 1869 * Thaddeu s Clay Dru ley . Student Miami Univ.; Pri- vate Co. A 16th Ohio Vols. , Co. I 106th Indiana Min- ute Men, Commisary Serg. Co. C 9th Indiana Cav., War of the Rebellion ^ '^Jabez Newton Eryiery James Henry Little, 33 d Mass. Vols. War of the Rebellion ^tl909 62 The St. Lawrence University *1907 ^1890 John Patterson McLean, B.A. Nat. Norm. Univ. (Ohio) 1867; M.A., Ph.D. elsewhere *Jotham Melzar Paine *i88° Augustus Luther Rice Jonathan Greene Truman Charles Lewis Waite ''Henry Kirk White ^i^o^ 9-*4 Morris Lee Patterson Charles Edwin Tucker 2 1870 *Samuel Lewis Beal * William Jacob Crosley *Joh7i Stephen Fall William Henry Harrington , Scout, Hutchinson Guards, Minn.; Adjutant 11th Minn. Inf. Civil War Moses Henry Harris, M.A. 1888; D.D. (Hon.) 1890; Trustee; Lecturer Luther Franklin Mc Kinney , Sergt. Co. D 1st Ohio Cav. Civil War; M.C.; U. S. Min. Plenipot. to Colombia Ephraim Albee Read *Charles Edgar Sawyer ^^s^i '*'Quillen Hamilton Shinn, D.D. (Hon.) 1895; Priv. 12th Va. U. S. Vols. Civil War; Student Mt. Union Coll. *1907 ^Marianne Thompson {Mrs. Allen Perez Folsom) *i909 Orson Fowler Van Cise David Crystal White 12-*6 John Arthur Dobson Charles Floriefi Elliott Theophilus Nichols Glover Eugene Melnotte Grant Henry Clay Munson 5 1871 ""Stacy Hines Matlack *i878 Ernest Leo Sen ft *Sanford Preston Smith *i89i James Vincent, B.A. Miami Univ. 1870; M.A. Miami 1887; D.D. Miami 1899 4-*2 Levi Purviance Blackford Thom^as Sanders Guthrie, D.D. (Hon.) Lombard 1897 ""Daniel LeRoy Libby *i8«8 *Elvira Jane Powers *^^''^ 4-*2 1872 *Edwin John Chaffee *^^^^ Samuel Sylvester Davis Alfred Day Ransom Alphonso Greene, D.D. (Hon.) 1905 Edgar Watson Preble, Pri- vate 3d Me. Vols. Civil War '^ Julius Frederick Simmons, B.S. 1869, Lecturer *i902 Anson Titus, Memb. Am. Hist. Assoc. Herbert Ellerson Whitney 8-*2 James Cornelius Church John Watson Hinds *Selwyn Thatcher Nye Josiah Augustus Seitz 4-*l 1873 William Per civ al Burnell *Edwin Sawyer Corbin *i*'8 * George Edwin Forbes ^i*^' Graduates in Theology 63 Henry Prentiss Forbes y M.A. Buchtell881; D.D. (Hon.) Buchtel 1890; Craig Pro- fessor Bibl. Lang, and Lit. ; Assoc. Lib.; Lib.; Dean Theol. Sch. * Orlando Adelbert Rounds, Trustee *i887 *John Julius Weeks *i903 Rees Williams, 1st Lieut. Ohio Vols. Civil War 7-*4 * Albert Ulysses Hutchins *i909 1874 Isaac Phillips Booth, D.D. (Hon.) Norwich Univ. 1891; Librarian Lucan Seneca Crosley *John Hilton, B.D. 1875 *i896 * Washington Wells Hooper, B.D. 1875 *i9os James Mi I ford Pay son, D.D. (Hon.) 1900; Trustee; Instr. Acad. Subjects Sch. Agric. S-*2 *Lorenza Haynes 1875 ^ti899 Caroline Eliza Angel I * William Madison Kimmell ^i^o^ Florence Ellen Kollock {Mrs. Joseph Henry Crooker) M.A. Univ. of Mich. 1886 *Charles Albert Lander *i9oe Edwin Warren Pierce Bachelors of Divinity '^John Hilton, 1874 *i896 * Washington Wells JJooper, 1874 7-*4 William, Looker Gibbs , served in Union Army 1876 '^Eugene Becklard Cooper *i877 * William Edward Copeland, Sergt. 41st N.Y. Vols. *i883 Leroy Frederick Fortney Joseph Sm,ith Gledhill "^Jonathan Marsh Johns, Lieut. 43d Ind. Vols. ^i89i ^Hiram Adolphus Merrell, B.S. 1873 *i884 Nathan Rice Quackenbush, Private 22d Conn. Vols. Annette Jane Shaw, B.A. 1873 *Rolla Gilmore Spafford *^^^^ "^ Thomas Thompson *'^^^'' 10-*6 Charles Auguste Conklin, M.A. Lombard 1888; D.D. (Hon.) 1904; Lecturer on Preaching; Lecturer Tufts Div. Sch. Samuel Hough 2 1877 Ella Elizabeth Bartlett Donald Eraser George Granville Hamilton, D.D. (Hon.) 1908; Lect- urer Tufts Div. Sch. Augustus Philip Rein , Chap- lain N. H. Leg. Frank Skinner Rice Bachelor of Divinity George Franklin Babbitt 6 Abbie Ellsworth Dan forth 1878 Thomas Bragg Gregory George Williafn Rent * James Patterson *i^"* 64 The St. Lawrence University George Landor Perin, D.D. (Hon.) 1890; Lecturer on Preaching; Missionary to Japan Bachelor of Divinity Frederick William Bailey 5-*l Henry Noble Cotiden, D.D. (Hon.) 1899; Serg. 6th Ohio Vols.; 1st Miss. Marine Brigade; Chaplain U. S. House of Rep. Hiram Bliss Morgan 2 1879 Isaac Philip Coddington, B.D. 1880; D.D. (Hon.) 1902 Abram Co7iklin ^Everett Green *^^^^ Lovifizo Leroy Greene Gideon Isaac Keirn, B.A. Tufts 1891; Missionary to Japan; D.D. (Hon.) Buch- tel 1904 '^'Oliver Perry Kirnmell *i88o Ure Mitchell, B.D. 1880 7-^2 William Moses Barber William Austin Pratt 2 1880 Alfred John Aubrey ^Gilbert Foster Barries *i89i Carrie White Brainard , B.A. Lombard 1875; M.A.Lom- bard Edward Anthony Horto7i De Witt Lamphear John Clarence Lee, B.A. 1876 George Morse Arthur Alanson Rice, B.D. Tufts 1881 A^mette Gould Waltze Bachelors of Divinity Isaac Philip Coddington, 1879 Ure Mitchell, 1879 11-*1 1881 Lewis Beats Fisher, D.D. (Hon.) 1901; LL.D. (Hon.) Buchtel 1907; Ryder Prof. Past. Theol.; Pres. and Prof. System- atic Theol. Lombard Coll. '^John Charles Mclnerney *i9oo Stephen Herbert Roblin, D.D. (Hon.) 1897 Willard Chamberlain Sel- leck, D.D. (Hon.) 1903; Lecturer on Preaching 4-*l Edward Kimball Milliken 1882 William Henry McGlauf tin, M.A. Am. Univ., (Tenn.) 1897; D.D. Am. Univ. 1897; D.D. (Hon.) 1907; Lect. Univ. Ga.; Lect. Lombard Coll. Frederick Denison Pierce John Fra7ikli7i Schindler Granville Levi Fortney Richard Fletcher Gardner 1883 Franklin Keeler Beem Francis Alonzo Gray, Stu- dent Tufts Div. Sch. Joh7i Kimball Joseph Robert Roblin Francis Lyman Stone Ada Mariner, B.S. Lombard Graduates in Theology 65 1884 Otis Fries Alvord Alonzo Chase Frank John Chase * Ferdinand Temple Lathe *^ Winfield Scott Williams 5- *Francis Lewis Thayer *i89o 1885 Jesse Charles Fremont Grum- ^z«(?, B.A.Woodward Coll. 1883 *Ora McFarland Hilton, Trustee *i903 John Ezra June Ira Wilson McLaughlin, Student Urbana Univ.; Student Buchtel Coll. Charles Palmatier George Washington Rae- burn, B.A. St. Stephens Coll. 1875; Student Har- vard Div. Sch. Richard Eddy Sykes, B.S. 1883; D.D. (Hon.) 1906; Trustee 7-*l Daniel Lincoln Fisher, B.A. 1883 1886 James Dim-ond Corby, Stu- dent Union Theol. Sem.; Trustee; Trustee Clinton Lib. Inst. John Franklin Leland Clarence Fillm,ore Mclntyre Washington Irving Towsley 1887 Harry Elmer Gilchrist Edward Everett Johnson Student Harv. Div. School Noel Spicer 3 Frederick William Belts, D.D. (Hon.) 1903; Trustee 1888 Augustus Byington Church, B.A. 1886 Frank Lincoln Masseck, B.D. 1894 Clark Leroy Paddock Thomas Stratton Robert Duke Towne Bachelor of Divinity *Ira Edgar Rider, Secretary Bor. of Manh. City of N. Y.; M. C. *i906 6-^1 1889 Frank Charles Andrews James Parsons Curtiss * William Thomas Downer *i892 George Adolph Sahlin Francis Ellsworth Webster 5-*l 1890 William Ezra Leavitt Wilburn Daniel Potter, B.S. 1886 Harry Lewis Thornton 3 Henry Allen Abbott Frank Eugene Barton Frank Turiier Crane Franklin Minturn Devoe, B.S. Coll. City of N. Y. 1886 ^ Willard Ezra Jackson ^^^o* 5-^1 The St. Lawrence University 1891 Emile Ulysses Brun Herbert Wrightington Carr Martin Luther Estey Bert Bissell Fairchild Caleb Eugene Fisher *George Henry Harris f^\%^2 Charles Legal Ulysses Sumner Milburn Herbert Philbrook Morrell Thotnas Edward Potierton, D.D. (Hon.) 1905 Henry Kiefer Riegel 11-^1 1892 John Murray Atwood, B.A. 1889; B.D. 1893 Nina Bedell Edward Gihnan Mason, D.D. (Hon.) Buchtel 1909 Alven Martyn Smith Charles Henry Vail, B.D. 1893 Alfred Ellsworth Wright 6 Manley Bacon Townsend 1893 Charles Ritter East, B.D. 1894 Burte Broadbent Gibbs Herbert Henry Graves William Miner Lawrence Fred Granville Leonard Harry Eben Townsend, B.D. 1894 Blafiche Alpen Wright, B.A. Bates 1892; B.D. 1894 Bachelors of Divinity John Murray Atwood, 1892 Charles Henry Vail, 1892 9 ^William Waite Pierce *i89i Alice Kinney Tripp (Mrs. Charles H Graves) Owen Redington Washburtie Daniel Wright Marion Yager 5-*l 1894 Howard Burt Bard Frederick Lucius Carrier, Chaplain 1st N. H. Vols. War with Spain; Student Harvard Univ. Lucien Mills Clefuent William Ruddy Holloway George Ezra Hu fit ley , Ryder Prof. Horn, and Pastoral Care Edward Horatio Keens Arthur Roberts Will Farnham Small Eliza Flagg Turner (Mrs. Sidney Hosking) Fred Everett Wheeler Wallace Williams, LL.B. Univ. Mich. 1900; M.A. (Hon.) 1902 Bachelors of Divinity Charles Ritter East, 1893 Frank Lincoln Masseck, 1888 Harry Eben Townsend, 1893 Blanche Alpen Wright, 1893 15 *Carolyn Maud Andrews (Mrs. Lawrence) ^^^^^ Franke Mary Cooke (Mrs. Charles Ritter East) George Nichol Falconer Thomas Richard Hawks William Brown Washburne 5-*l 1895 John Oscar Bennett Graduates in Thkology 67 Leroy Wilson Coons B.A. Bowdoin Coll. 1907; M.A. Bowdoin 1908 Edward Calvin Downey Ralph Edwin Home, B.D. 1899 Glenn Andrews Kratzer, B.A. 1895; Lecturer Frederic Theodore Nelson , B.A. Tufts 1890 6 1896 *^ If red Frederick Boolh,B.S. Norwich Univ. 1892; M.S. Norwich *i898 Leonard Ward Brigham, B.S.Lombard; M.S.Lom- bard 1888; M.D. Bennett Med. Coll. 1888; D.D. (Hon.) 1909 Lorenzo Dow Case, Ph.B. 1895 Austin David Colson * Andrew W Cross ^i^o* Edwin Morris Jarvis Frank Wagner Miller ^Artemas Lee Partridge *i^'"' George Washington Sias 9-*3 1897 Anna Belle Aldridge, (Mrs. Robert DeEsteen Van Tas- sel) Student Am. Univ., Tenn.; B.D., 1899 John Wesley Carter, Ph.D. Univ. of Col. 1910 James Herrick George Eliot Coo ley, Ph.B. 1897 Galusha A King ^Charles Edward Lund 'f^x^^^ Thomas Fremington May, B.D. Yale 1904 William Hector Murray, B.A. 1896 Hattie May Sias (Mrs. Hutchins 9-*l Ezekiel V Stevens *Harry Lawrence Veazey *i899 2-*l 1898 Franklin Elihu Adams, A.B. Fenton (Mich.) Norm. Sch. 1900; B.D. 1899; Ph.D. North 111. Coll. 1903 Samuel Gilbert Ayres Clara Elizabeth Morgan Harvey Edward Newton '^'Robert Bennie Wetmore *^^^^ s-n Victor Harry Libby 1899 George Cross Baner Flora Bronis, B.D. 1900 Harry Westbrook Reed, B.D. 1900 Bachelors of Divinity Anna Belle Aldridge, 1897 Franklin Elihu Adams, 1898 Ralph Edwin Home, 1895 6 1900 Ina May Bridgeman Benjamin Franklin Butler Ida Estelle Estes Lewis Henry Robinson Edward Butler Saunders, B.A. 1904; B.D. 1902 Bachelors of Divinity Flora Bronis, 1899 Harry Westbrook Reed, 1899 7 68 The St. Lawrence University *Edwin A Holmes *i898 Edson Russell Miles, B.A. 1900 2-^1 1901 Orin Edsoft Crooker, B.S. Univ. of Wisconsin 1901; Student Mass. Inst. Tech. Rufus Hopkins Dix Don Marshall Elower John S^nith Lowe Herbert Lester Richard 5 Evaristo Hurtado, D.D. elsewhere; Instr, in Span- ish, Harvard Univ. 1902 Thomas Jefferson Farmer, Jr. Bachelors of Divinity Benjamin Warren Atwell John Smith Lowe Edward Butler Saujiders, B.A. 1904 4 Norris Cupper Dickey 1903 James Howard Flower Bernard Clifiton Ruggles, B.A. elsewhere Wines Harris Skeels, Stu- dent Tufts Coll. 3 Bachelors of Divinity Adelbert Edward Allison Leslie Willis Sprague, Stu- dent Meadville Theol. Sem.; Student Stanford Univ.; Student Chicago Univ.; Student Columbia Univ.; Memb. Am. Acad. Polit. and Soc. Sci. 2 Lena Lola Dunlap (Mrs. Wines Harris Skeels) Robert DeEsteen Van Tassel 2 1904 Will Arvin Kelley Verdi Maria Mack Maria Pushaw, B.S. 1907 George Delbert Walker Bachelor of Divinity Walter John Coats 5 ^Irving Paul Fuller *i906 Chester Cleland Harris Lilian Saxe Holmes DeWitt Clinton Reilly 4-*l 1905 Loom-is Otis Black Lawrence Alden Copeland Bachelors of Divinity Milo Garfield Folsom, Stu- dent Tufts College Fred Amos Line Frederic A lien Mooney , M . A . Tufts Coll. 1908 Leslie Charles Nichols George Wilson Scudder 7 Lily a Rogers Schafer 1906 Bachelors of Divinity Roy Edward Griffith Noble Earle McLaughlin 2 Hazen Conklin Albert Rantoul Fiske Leslie Clare Manchester 3 Graduates in Theology 69 1907 Bachelors of Divinily Frank John Angell Isaac Vedder Lobdell Clinton A Moulton Harry Millard Daniels 1908 Bachelor of Divinity Clarence Adams Simmons, B.A. 1905 Charles Bates Black William Garfield Cortright Myrtle Myra Cortright 1909 Loyall Chapin McLaughlin, B.D. 1910 William Julius Metz, B.D. 1910 Thom.as Henry Saunders, B.D. 1910 Archie Dorr Wilcox, B.D. 1910 Bachelor of Divinity Fred Charles Leining, B.A. 1908 Lloyd Burlingham Richard Arnot Lenz Herbert Morgan William Tutton 1910 Bachelors of Divinity Loyall Chapin McLaughlin William Julius Metz Clifford Lore Miller Thomas Henry Saunders Archie Dorr Wilcox BACHELORS OF LAWS 1870 *William Gipson Brown ^^^^s Worth Chamberlain, and Univ. Mich. 1872; Mem- ber of N. Y. Assembly; Clerk Court of Claims State of N. Y. Allen Eugene Kilby, B.A. 1869 John Stocker Miller, B.A. 1869 *Lamartine Zetto Reming- ton *1884 Almeron Zenas Squires, B.A. 1867 6-*2 1871 ^Arthur Warren Fisk ^is" Oilman Lewis Johnson, First Lieut. 16th N. Y. Vols.; Capt. and Bvt. Maj. 142d N. Y.Vols.; A.D.C.Staff of Maj. -Gen. Curtis; Memb. Iowa Assemb.; State Senator Iowa George Alexander Miller *Duncan MacGregor Robert- son; Capt. 60thN.Y. Vols. *i903 *Levi Major Soper, Private 14th N. Y. Heavy Art. *^^^* Lindon King Soper Theodore Hiram Swift Capt. 9th N. G. S. N. Y. Co. Judge St. Law. Co. Judge Ct. of Claims State of N. Y. *Charles Wentworth Thomp- son *Edwin Burt White 9-^5 *1895 ■X-1888 1872 The following: were members of the Class of 1872 in the Law School, but did not graduate owing- to the discontinu- ance of the school: Gaines M. Allen *John Clarence Keeler,M. A. (Hon.) Williams 1883; Deputy Atty. Gen. State of N. Y.; Memb. N. Y. Assembly *i899 Charles H. Kimball *Henry Judson More *i883 ■^Frank William Pullman, Asst. U. S. Dist. Atty. N. Y. C. *1879 George Henry Pullman 6-*3 1903 Frank Fred Adel Charles Simon Aronstam John William Bockes, B.A. Williams 1896 Brian Brown Robert W Burroughs, B.A. Colgate 1900; M.Pat. Law George Washington Univ. 1905; Legal Reviewer U. S. Pension Bureau, Wash- ington Francis Xavier Carmody, B.A. Notre Dame 1898; Instructor in Constitu- tional Law Charles Joseph Druhan Harrison Charles Glore, Memb. N. Y. Assemb. Edward Rockwood William Karutz John N E Kraeger Bachelors of Laws 71 William Francis Marshall, M.A. Queens Univ. 1898 Frederic Henry Martin Manasseh Miller Alfred Edwin Overton George Arthur Petersen Andrew Vincent Rochester Abraham Hertz Solotaroff Henry Weismann 1904 Julius Bernard Baer, Stu- dent Cornell Univ. John DeWitt Barben Augustin Barranco, LL.M. 1905 Bernard Giffin Barton, B.A. Wesley an Univ. 1898; J.D. 1905 Charles George Behre Frederic Augustus Behrens, LL.M. 1905 Alvah Waterman Burlin- game, Jr., LL.M. 1905; State Senator N. Y. George Cohn George William Collins, M.D. BellevueHosp. Med. Coll. 1885 Leon Dashew Charles Oliver Dewey, B.A. Syracuse Univ. 1885; Ph.D. N. Y. Univ. 1890; Prin. Thomas William Dobbie, B.S. Coll. City of N. Y. 1878 Harvey Oulton Dobson George Washington Ignatius Dwinell James Lee Enright, LL.M. 1905 Michael Bernard Feeney, M.D. N. Y. Univ. 1880 Victor Ernst Gartz, LL.M. 1905 18 Percy Grannum Burton Gilkes, Student Harrison Coll., (Barbados, W. I.;) Instr. in Practice in Fed- eral Courts Isidor Francis Greene Edwin Griffith Franklin Moore Harned Reginald Jackson David Kornblueh Jacob John Lazaroe Louis Leslie Levine William Rose Lockwood, LL.M. 1905 Charles Timothy McCarthy Charles Highland McCarty Harry William McChesney, LL.M. 1905 Lewis Daniel Mooney James Joseph Munro Toivo Herman Nekton Charles Anders Ogren, City Judge, Jamestown, N. Y. William James Pape Howard Ostrom Patterson Charles Selig Rosenberg, Student N. Y. Univ. Law Sch. James Edward Smyth Max Steindler Sarah Stephenson, LL.M. 1905 Edward Barlow Thompson Durbin Van Vleck Samuel Widder Oscar Erwin Arthur Wiess- ner, Jr. Peter Inglis Wright 1905 Harry Howard Altman Bernard Joseph Becker Arram Oscar Bernstien John Augustus Bowen James Patrick Boyle 44 72 The St. Lawrence University Reuben Ehle Butrick, Ph.B. 1894 Charles Wesley Carpenter, LL.M. 1906 Edward Reynolds Clark Reuben Wolf Colman Thomas Octavius Conti, B.S. St. Francis Coll. 1897 Frederick Doty Crawford, Phar.D. Brooklyn Coll. of Pharmacy 1897; M.D. Long Island Coll. Hosp. 1898; Instructor in Med- ical Jurisprudence David James Daly, LL.M. 1906 Katherine Bruce Daniel James Carmine Danzilo Walter William Delsarte Vincent Paul Donihee John Meaney Drennan David Stewart Edgar, Instr. Charles Libassi Fasullo, LL.M. 1907 Samuel Hyman Golding Joseph William Gottlieb Charles Graeser Wilmot Young Hallock William Thomas Helms, B.A. Ohio Wesleyan 1893 Thomas Alfred Hill Denis William Hyland, LL.M. 1906 Eldred Evan Jacobsen, C.E. Ohio Normal Univ. 1898 John Adolph Johnson Edgar Matthew Keator Abraham Henry Kesselman Isidor Klatzkie Emil Peter Korkus Leebert Lloyd Lamborn, B.S. Mt. Union Coll. 1895, Mass. Inst, of Tech. 1896; Memb. Am. Chem. Soc; Memb. Soc. Chem. Ind. Robert Richard Lawson Joseph Louis Lefkowitz Alvin Levien John Joseph Leyendecker, B.A. St. John's Coll. 1887; M.A. St. John's 1890 Harriet Beatrice Lowenstein Hyman Lurio, LL.M. 1907 William Charles McGann John McSweeney Francis Langford Maher George August Marshall, LL.M. 1906; Priv., Corp., Serg., and First CI. Serg. 38th U. S. Vol. Signal Corps, War with Spain Maurice Francis Miller Arthur Monroe Milligan Fred George Milligan George Smith Newcombe, B.A. Brown 1903 John Lawrence O'Hara William Hamilton Pendry, D.V.S. N. Y. Univ. 1883; Prof. Vet. Juris. Am. Vet. Coll.; Pres. N. Y. State Med. Assoc. Myles Purvin, M.D. Col- umbia, 1895 Joseph Peter Reilly, LL.M. 1906 John W Richards, LL.M. 1906 Samuel Barker Roachford Isidore Scherer, LL.M. 1906 Simon Seley William Shafer Walter Alwood Sommers Abraham Henry Spigelgass Mark Sugarman Hyman Leo Wedman Joseph Van Winkle Louis Charles Wills, LL.M. 1906 Ida Lavantia Woolworth 63 Bachelors of Laws 73 1906 Floyd Jones Adams Jacob Aronson William Henry Barradell, LL.M. 1907 Louis Ross Bick Manfred Egon Bolte, LL.M, 1907 Max Brownstein Edwin Welling Cady, M.A. American Univ. 1894; In- structor Law of Insurance and Sales Francis Edward Carberry, LL.M. 1907 Isaac Emanuel Chadowitz, B.A. Cornell 1905 James Dominick Clifford, LL.M. 1907 Theodore Ernest Conterno Edward Thomas Curran, M.D. Long Island Coll. Hosp. 1905; LL.M. 1907 John Joseph Curtin, B.A. Manhattan Coll. 1900; M.A. Manhattan 1902; In- str. Law of Bankruptcy. William Dunlap Davis, M.D. Long Island Coll. Hosp. 1895 William Harold Dey, LL.M. 1907 James Edward Doherty, LL.M. 1907 Bernard Joseph Donovan Daniel Leo Donovan James Joseph Duggan Walter Lysaght Durack, LL.M. 1907 Harry Francis Dyruff Irving Elson Robert Jerome Farrington Joseph Vincent Flynn, B.A. Coll. City of N. Y. 1904 Jacob Shea Gross Walter John Hadley Michael Joseph Hickey, LL.M. 1907 Thomas Francis Hickey Louis Arthur Hicks Thomas LeRoy Holland, LL.M. 1907 Alfred Huettlinger Charles August Humann, B.S. Cooper Inst. 1890; M.D. Long Island Coll. Hosp. 1904 Lawson Rose Jones Rena May Jones James Joseph Kane, B.A. Manhattan Coll. 1901; M.A. Manhattan 1904 Thomas Joseph Kearney Abraham Samuel Keilson Frederick William Kiendl Vincent Joseph Kowalski Ferdinand Alexander Kraus Samuel Lascher Abraham Lehman, Jr., LL.M. 1907 Henry Davis Levy Samuel Levy, LL.M. 1907 Thomas Jefferson McEvoy, B.A. Amherst Coll. 1897; M.A. Amherst 1901; Stu- dent Cath. Univ. Amer.; Founder and Prin. McEvoy School of Pedagogy (Brooklyn) John Lawrence McGailey, LL.M. 1907 Arthur Joseph Mackey Hugh Arthur Mahony, LL.M. 1907 Florence Gertrude Mann, B.A. Mt. Holyoke Coll. 1903 John Joseph Meagher, B.A. St. Francis Coll. 1892; M.A. St. Francis 1905; Instr. Latin and Greek St. Francis Coll. 74 The St. Lawrence University Charles Louis Meckenberg, LL.M. 1907 George Isaac Miller, M.D. Med. Coll. of N. Y. 1896; Instr. in Surgery Post- Grad. Med. Sch. N.Y. Thomas Joseph Moore Frank O'Connor Samuel Orlinger Winfield Scott Palmer Samuel Augustus Pease Bryer Hamilton Pendry, D.V.S. New York Univ. 1905; LL.M. 1907 Joseph Puglisi Henry Stanley Renaud, B.S. Univ. of Vermont 1901; Memb. Am. Chem. Soc; Memb. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng. Hector Robichon, Grad. U. S. Mil. Acad.; 2nd Lieut. 13th U. S. Inf., 1st Lieut. 27th U. S. Inf. War with Spain Charles Henry Schwartzman Clarence Howard Seigle, LL.M. 1907 James Vincent Short, Jr., LL.M. 1907 William Small Thomas James Snee, LL.M. 1907 Nathan Milton Solomon Christian Ritchie Stevenson John Fritz Strieker Alphonse Henry Thomas, LL.M. 1907 Thomas Jefferson Towers, Ph.B. DickinsonColl. 1904; M.A.Dickinson 1907; J.D. 1907 Ira Otis Tracy, M.D. Col- umbia Univ. 1882 Anthony Francis Tuozzo Harry Horton Vail Harry Joseph Walsh Marinus Willett 1907 Frederick Michael Ahern Clarence Grover Bachrach, B.A. Harvard 1905 James Guy Bagg, B.A. Wes- leyan 1903 Abraham Bakerman Gustave William Bantel Francis Xavier Barrett Meyer Boskev, B.A. Coll. City of N. Y. 1902 James Francis Brady John Hastings Brennan William Joseph Brock Edwin Cornelius Broome, Ph.B. Brown Univ. 1897; M.A. Brown, 1898; Ph.D. Columbia 1902 Franklin N Bruner, M.A. Beloit Coll. 1880 William Patrick Burke Emil J Cohen Percival Samuel Davis Edward Matthew Deegan, B.A. St. John's Coll. 1899; M.A. St. John's 1901 Floyd Kingsley Diefendorf, Ph.B. Syracuse Univ. 1905 Harry Dimin Jeremiah Francis Donovan Herman Druck James LeRoy Gibson Benjamin Glickman Philip Samuel Glickman David Philip Goldstein Rose Gottlieb Thomas Joseph Gowen Erwin Frederick Gross Richard Henry Gunagan, M.E. Stevens Inst. Tech. 1895; LL.M. 1908 76 Bachelors of Laws 75 Francis Joseph Hayward George Richard Holahan, LL.M. 1908 Charles Thomas Hopkins, B.A. Amherst 1905 James Alfred Howard Minnie Rose Kallman Isidore Kayfetz, LL.M. 1908 Joseph Augustine Kenney Louis Krauss Benjamin Kronenberg Max Leff William Richard Leggatt *Alphonse Lewis *i908 Joseph Moses Lifschitz Harry Salvatore Lucia Charles Francis McEvoy, B.A. St. BonaventureColl. 1909; Instr. Math. St. Bona- venture Coll. William Lawrence McGuire James McMullan Abraham Miles Louis John Moss, B.A. Coll. City of N. Y. 1903 Richard Edward Nebel, LL.M. 1908 Emil Nothiger, LL.M. 1908 Francis Joseph Nugent Charles Gaspar Ognibene Andrew Edmond O'Shea Emmett D Page, M.D. Long Island Coll. Hosp. 1882; Student Mich . Univ. ; Tutor Micros. Mich. Univ. Med. Sch. Charles Henry Paradis Maurice Rose Abraham Rubinstein, LL.M. 1908 Rippy T Sadler, Ph.B. Dick- inson 1906 Clara Rebecca Salem Louis Maurice vSchimelman John Henry Schnackenberg William Louis Schneider Julius Schwartz Nathan Daniel Shapiro, LL.M. 1908 William Thomas Smith, B.A. St. Francis Xavier 1899; M.A. St. Francis Xavier 1900; Student Columbia Smith Howard Stebbins, C.E. Cornell 1895 Henry Peter Vielbig Wilcox Dale Williams Morris Wolfman Maurice Zuckert 69-*l 1908 Ralph Irving Bartholomew John Monroe Battell, B.A. Coll. City of N.Y. 1904 Jacob Blumenstock, B.A. Brooklyn Polytech. Inst. 1907; J.D. 1909 William James Bolton, Jr. George Renwick Brennan, LL.M. 1909 Fannie Ciner Brothers, Stu- dent Normal Coll. City of N. Y.; Student Paris, France William Edwin Butler, M.D. Long Island Coll. Hosp. 1890; LL.M. 1909 William Brown Carswell, LL.M. 1909 Thomas Cook Curtis Frank Jay Duffey, B.A. Yale 1893; M.D. Long Island Coll. Hosp. 1896; F.R.C.S. Edinburgh 1900 William Malcolm Duncan, B.A. Lafayette 1904 John Ebbers Albert Daniel Ecke, LL.M. 1910 Paul Wagenseller Emrick, B.A. Dickinson 1906 76 The St. Lawrence University Bertrand Ettinger, LL.M. 1909 Benjamin Frankenstein, LL.M. 1909 Jacob Ascher Freedman Leon Grant Godley, Instr. in Suretyship and Bailments Jeanette Goodman James Richard Gormly Willis Howard Grant, B.S. Mt. Union Coll. 1893; B.A. Mt. Union 1895; B.A. Har- vard 1899 William Vincent Hallinan Morrison Ten Broeck Han- kins, LL.M. 1909 George W Holman, 3d Louis Horwitz Arnold Jacobowitz, B.A. Coll. City of N.Y. 1903 Frederick Albert Keck, B.A. Boston Univ. 1894; M.A. Boston Univ. 1905 Albert Van Houten Kershaw Florence Medora Kilburn, B.A. Boston Univ. 1894; M.A. Boston Univ. 1905 Leo Rudolph Lawlor, LL.M. 1909 Oscar Morris Lazarowitz Harvey Malcolm Lindsay, LL.M. 1909 Samuel Adolphus Living- ston, Jr. Walter Aloysius McGuire Nathan Marks Samuel Marks, LL.M. 1909 Alfred Wesley Meldon Leon Marcel Mirabeau Leah Neuer James Aloysius Nolan Robert Franklin Norton, B.A. WesleyanUniv. 1885; M.A. Wesleyan 1887 Eugene Arthur Perkins Benjamin Charles Ribman Abraham Rickman, B.A. Coll. City of N. Y. 1905 Max Rockmore Henry Joseph Rode, LL.M. 1910 Samuel Rosenfeld, B.A. Coll. City of N. Y. 1904 Isidor Sachs Joseph Sanders Henry Scheibel Otto Scheilke George Babbage Schley, LL.M. 1909 Joseph Winfred Schwartz Edgar William Shaw, LL.M. 1909 Henry Siegel Charles Elmer Spedick, Ph.B. Hamilton 1906 George Stein Abner Curtis Surpless, B.A. New York Univ. 1906 Denis Francis Tarpey, B.A. New York Univ. 1905 Frank Ralph Tuck Maud Lacey Waterman Maurice Elias Weintraub William Weiss, LL.M. N. Y. Law Sch. 1909 Frank Makepeace Whitehall, B.A. Adelphi Coll. 1901; J.D. 1909; Student London Univ.; Instr. in the Law of Agency and Partnership Amy Wren 64 Certificates of the completion of courses of study John Edmond Featherston Fagan James Erastus Foulks, Jr. Nelson Howard Fowler Frank Krevoruck William Patrick O'Connor Arthur Joseph Olmstead 6 Bachelors of Laws 77 1909 Michael Valentine Ahern Henry Ward Beer Louis Otto Bergh, B.A. Yale 1906; Instr. in English U. S. Naval Acad.; Instr. in Public Speaking N. Y. Univ. William Berlin Bernhard Maximilian Biber Sister Rose de Lima Briody William Henry Brunjes Joseph Sebastian Byrne Julian Vernon Carabba Edward Remsen Carman Augustus Henry Marinus Carpenter Charles Daniel Cords Michael Carmine D'Agrosa Thomas Philip Dalton Jennie May Derick, LL.M. 1910; Student Architecture Cooper Union Harold Joseph Dowden James Brown Dryden M Michael Edelstein Abraham Eugene Ellen- bogen.StudentN.Y.Univ. Law Sch. William Hereward Fales, LL.M. 1910 Henry Oscar Falk James Joseph Fannon, B.A. St. Francis Coll. 1904 Joseph Michael Feeney James Gregory Finn, B.A. Bowdoin 1905 Alva Benjamin Firth Thomas Francis Flynn, LL.M. 1910 Nelson Howard Fowler Howard Coleman Franklin, Grad. Baltimore City Coll. John William Frost, B.A. Bowdoin, 1904 Cornelius Furgueson, E.E. Brooklyn Polytech. Inst, 1905 James Henry Gilvarry Aaron Grayzel Nahum Greenberg Lillian Greenhouse Samuel Grisman David Harrison Nellie Mildred Herzberg Max Herzlich John Hofmann, LL.M. 1910 Samuel Israel William Henry Kehoe, Stu- dent St. Peter's Coll. (New Jersey) Adolph Cornelius Kiendl, B.A. Cornell 1907 Russel Harry Kittel, LL.M. 1910 Clemens Charlemagne Kreu- der Meyer George Leikin Benjamin Herman Lieber- man Hilda Lena Lifschitz Max Lipkin John Barton Loughborough, B.A. Williams 1907 John Patrick McCarthy John Raymond McDonald Olaf Magnus Magnusson Philip Vigneau Manning James Leo Medler, LL.M. 1910 Benjamin Metz, LL.M. 1910 James Meyer Isidor Neuwirth, B.S. Coll. City of N. Y. 1906 Daniel O'Connor Robert Gardner Patrie, Stu- dent N. Y. State Norm. Coll. Thomas Pollock Peters B.A. Columbia 1893 78 The St. Lawrence University Warren Kelly Plainer, Ph.B. Syracuse 1905 Fannie Teressa Rabinowitz Harry Aloysius Redmond, B.A. Coll. City of N. V. 1904 John Joseph Robinson, Jr. George Adams Rose Clement Francis Rozanski, LL.M. 1910 David Lazarus Rubinstein Morris Samuel Sadowitz Benjamin Samilow Philip Schwartz, B.S. New York Univ. 1907 Charles Edward Schweitzer Robert William Seaton Irving Silverman Elbert Cook Smith, Student Allegheny Coll. Hunter Joseph Smith Burwell Chandler Snead, B.A. Richmond Coll. 1906 Philip Robert Strisik Jacob Stutsky William Burcham Thompson Charles Oscar Tittle, Stu- dent Otterbein Univ. Philip Epstein Uhr Minna Force Voorhees John Bracken White Paul William Henry Windels, B.A. Columbia 1908; J.D. 1910 Benjamin Winograd William Henry Yancey, B.A. Richmond Coll. 1906 Joseph Judah Zeiger 87 Certificates of the completion of courses of study Albert Barrett Jacob Milton Bergen Benjamin Nathaniel Good- Alexander Edwin Kohn William Joseph Lewis Henry Godfrey Schoeck Sigismund James Trapani 1910 Byron Andrew Benton Andrew Biagini Louis Burgess Edward Celestine Burke Richmond Bailey Clapperton James Harold Doyle Charles Hyman Eisenberg Samuel Geduld, C.E. Brook- lyn Poly. Ins. 1908 Henry Kasriel Golenbock Charles Stockdell Gray, B.A. Coll. City of N. Y. 1904 Victor Gerald Haas Edgar Francis Hazleton Robert Borgus Jordan Walter Joseph Keating Joseph James Kerby Emil Klein William Henry Knemeyer Ivan Emil Albert Konigsberg Jacob Mortimer Kornfeld Harry Wellington Laidler, B.A. Wesleyan 1907 Barker Duncomb Leich Isaac Levine Timothy Joseph Mahoney Augustus Aloysius Maier Morris Herman Mandel William George Mirow Edward Samuel Morse Edmund Francis Mulholland Nelson Luther North William Stephen O'Connell Louis Pariser, B.A. Coll. City of N. Y. 1905 Ida Podelefsky Bachelors of Laws 79 John Joseph Prendergast Samuel Rabinowitz Benjamin Harrison Ruben- stein Harry Rubin Abraham Loeb Salkin Theodore Isadore Schwartz- man Arthur Rose Smiley, B.A, Cornell 1906 James Virdone Frederick Wilcock, S.B. Harvard 1900 Leon Mortimer Woodworth Harrison Benjamin Wright Milton Wright 44 Certificates of the completion of courses of study Adolph Benchin Jacob Milton Bergen Eduard Carl Christensen Maurice Pierce Coffin Frank Edwin Davis George Helfgott Joseph Archibald Jones-King Max Rubin Abraham Saffir Henry Seiden Alexander Romanoff Tendler 11 MASTERS OF LAWS 1905 Albin Nicholas Johnson, LL.B. New York Univ. 1898 1906 Edson Burdette Sammis, LL.B. New York Univ. 1905, Asst. Corp, Counsel City of N. Y. GRADUATES OF THE NEW YORK STATE SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE Persons whose names are printed below the line in each class attended the school, but did not graduate. 1909 Clement James Flanagan Carl Olvison Hastings Arthur Head Wilfrid Head Carl Milton Mayhew Homer Emmel Palmer, As- sistant in Chemistry Orma James Smithers Aubrey William Todd Calvin Alanson Whitaker Elon Wesley Cook George Andrew Cuthbert William George Jones Frank Moore 1910 Floyd Edward Andrews Charles Hibbard Benjamin LaMont Artemas Earle Howard Benny Hodder Asa George Moulton, Cura- tor of Poultry Minard H Power Ernest Adam Rutherford Robert M Thompson Roy William Edwin Alden Howard Barrows Leslie Boyden Cramer Harold Arthur Lincoln In Domestic Science Normal Course Mary Adele Chaney Isabella Jessie Fraser Mayfred Amanda Hepburn Kathryn Concillii Lantry Clara Amelia Lincoln Bernice lone McBath Lillie Louise Stockwell Marguerite Isabel Stupple- been Mildred Caroline Thomas Cora Dell Wagner Susie Sophronia Willis Patty Louise Witters Gladys Virginia Millen Laura Allis Patrick Housekeepers' Course Ethel Mae Chappel Hazel Spencer Ruth Ella Tupper 12 HONORARY GRADUATES *1890 1868 *Day Kellogg Lee, D.D.; M.A. Tufts 1864 *i869 1869 Isaac Morgan Atwood, M.A.; D.D. Tufts 1879; LL.D. Buchtel 1905; Dockstader Prof. Theol. and Ethics and Lecturer; Pres. Theol. School; Trustee '^^ George Homer Etnerson, M.A.; D.D. 1871 *i898 ^Jonas Hazard Harlzell, D.D.; M.A. Lombard Univ. 1865; Trustee ^Asa Saxe, D.D.; M.A. Tufts 1867; Trustee *James William White, M.A.; D.D.S. (Hon.) Penn. Coll. Dent. Surg. 1872; M.D. Univ. Penn. 1873 ^1891 5-*4 1870 Fdwin Cortland Bo lies, Ph.D.; B.A. Trinity 1857; M.A. Trinity; Lecturer on Microscopy; Lecturer in Tufts Divinity School and Trustee Tufts Coll.; D.D. Tufts 1881; Prof. Am. andEng. Hist. Tufts; LL.D. Trinity 1905 *1908 1871 ^John Glass Bartholomew, D.D.; Trustee ^i874 '''George Washington Mont- gomery, D.D. Trustee *i898 n 1874 Sulliva7i Holman McColles- ter, D.D.; B.A. Norwich Univ. 1852; M.A.Norwich 1856; Pres. Buchtel College 1875 Francis Beveridge Ains- worth, M.A. 1876 Nehemiah Wh ite, Ph.D.; B.A. Middlebury 1857; M.A. Middlebury; Prof. Math, and Nat. Sci.; Prof. Ancient Lang. Buchtel Coll.; Pres. Lombard Univ.: D.D. Tufts 1889 ''Luther Jacob D.D.; Trustee Fletcher, 2-H 1877 ^Bernhard Jacques Pink, M.A.; Univ. of Paris; Prof. Mod. Lang.; LL.B. Hamilton 1878 ^ 82 The Sr. Lawrence Unta-ersity 1879 *J/ost's .Viusfofi, Ph.D.: B.A. Middlebun- 1S56; M.A. Middlebur>-; Prof. Anc. Lang.; Prof. Eng. Lit. Univ. Minn. *^*" *£/m^r Hruitt Capen , D . D . ; B.A. Tufts 1860; M.A. Tufts; LL.D. BuchtellS99; Trustee and Pres. Tufts Coll. *^^°5 1880 Charles Hall Leonard. D.D.; M.A. Tufts 1869; Trustee and Prof. Homiletics and Past. Theol. Tufts College; Dean Crane Theol. Sch. Tufts Coll.; LL.D. Tufts 1905 Charles Victor Parsell, M.A. 2 ISSl *Ger/ianius Laris^don Dcviar- est, D.D. ^ *-?'^5 Maria Parsons. M.A.; Prof. Eng. Lit. Buchtel College 2-^1 1882 * William jRollin Shiprnan, D.D.; B.A. Middlebun- 1859; M.A. Middlebur>-; Prof. Rhet., Logic, and Eng. Lit. Tufts Coll.: LL.D. (Hon.) Tufts 1903 *^?03 *Leslie WeadR-ssell. LL.D.; Professor Prop., and Com. and Crim. Law; District Att>*. and Co. Judge St. Law. Co.: Member N. Y. State Cons. Conv. 1867; Regent L'niv. State of N. Y.: Atty. General State of X. Y.: Memb. Judiciars* Constitutional Com. 1890': M. C; Just. Sup. Ct. *-? - *2 1884 William Searles .D.D. 1886 ♦George Ellis Baker. M.A. *i"' * Stephen Crane, V>.Ti. *i9«^ * /f 'illia ut A I ex a nder Rich , D.D.: Magdalen Hall Ox- ford; LL.B. Har\-ard 1849; Gen. Theol. Seminar>-, N. Y. 1857: Instr. Greek and Laiin *^»" *3 1887 *C\rus Hvde Fay\ D.D.; j LL.D. Norwich Univ. 1892 *^^^ ' Edwin Atkins Merritt, LL.D.; Quartermaster Gen. State ol X. Y.; Bvt. Brig. Gen. N. Y. Vols.; i Naval OflBcer Port of N. I Y.; Sun-eyor Port of N. Y.; Memb. N. Y. Assem- bly; Memb. N. Y. Const. Conv. 1867: Collector Port of N. Y.; U. S. Consul Gen. London; Trustee; President Corporation 2-*l 1888 William Henrv Maxwell, Ph.D.: M.A. Queen's (Ire- land i; Supt. Pub. Instruc- tion City of N. Y. ^Joseph Crocker Snozv, D.D.; B.A. Tufts 1858 ♦ 1901 2-*l I 1889 *Ezekiel Hanson Cook, Ph.D.. also Colgate 1889: B.A. Bowdoin 1866; M.A. Bowdoin: Prin. State Nor- mal School. Potsdam: Prin. Rutgers Coll. Gram- i mar School ^ Honorary Graduates 83 1891 Marion Daniel Shutter, D.D.; B.A. Wooster 1876; M.A. Wooster; B.D. Union Theol. Sem. Chic. 1881 1892 Abner Charles Thomas, LL.D.; B.C.E. Polytech. Coll. Phil. 1863; Dean Metropolis Law School; Surrogate N. Y. Co. 1893 *Roswell Pettibone Flower, LL.D.; M.C.; Governor of New York *i899 John Van Ness Standish, LL.D.; B.A. Norwich Univ. 1847; M.A. Norwich 1855; Ph.D. Knox Coll. 1883; Prof. Math, and Astron., and Pres. Lom- bard Univ.; Pres. Illinois State Teachers' Assoc. 2-*l 1894 Joseph Kimball Mason , D . D . ; B.D. Tufts 1873 ^ Myron Adams, DD. 1896 Ogden Hoffman Fethers, LL.D.; M.A. Coll. Chris- tian Brothers (Mo.) 1873; Prof. Eng. Lit. and Orat. Coll. Christian Brothers; Prof. St. Louis Univ.; Vice Pres. U. S. Com. Paris Expos. 1897 St. Clair McKelway, D.C.L.; M.A. Colgate 1883; LL.D. Syracuse 1887; L.H.D. Union 1895; Regent Univ. State of N. Y. ^1895 2-*l *Henry Ellison Seaver, M. A. ; B.A. Harvard 1881; Instr. Eng. and Latin *i898 1898 * Lewis Crebasa Browne, D.D.; Trustee *i898 Chester Scott Lord, LL.D.; B.A. Hamilton 1873; M.A. Hamilton 1891; Regent Univ. State of N.Y. 2-*l 1899 *WilliamLamb, LL.D. ; B.A. William and Mary 1855; M.A. William and Mary; Act. Rect. Univ. Va. *i909 1900 Joseph Henry Crooker, D.D.; also Univ. of Nash- ville 1901 Frederick William Rich, D.Sc; B.S. Cornell 1881; Prof. Lombard Univ. 2 1901 Frank Oliver Hall, D.D., B.D. Tufts 1884; D.D. (Hon.) Tufts 1905; Trustee 1902 Henry Nehemiah Dodge, M.A.; M.D. elsewhere Charles Abraham Shaver, M.A. 2 1903 Ernest Robert Von Nardroff , Sc.D.; M.A. Columbia 1886; Prin.; Memb. Am. Phys. Soc; Memb. Soci^te Francaise de Physique William Payson Richardson, LLD.; LL.B. Univ. of Maryland 1894; Dean of Law School 2 84 The St. Lawrence Unite r sit y 1904 Sanmel Mc Chord Crothers, Litt.D.; B.A. Princeton 1874; Union Theol. Sem.; D.D. (Hon.) Harvard 1899 1905 George Knight Hawkins, Sc.D.; M.A. Union Univ. 1894 Walter Scott Perr>^ M.A.; M.A. (Hon.) Pratt Inst. 1899; Director Sch. Fine and Applied Arts, Pratt I Inst. Charles Francis Wheelock, LL.D.; B.S. Cornell Univ. 1873; Prin.; School Com. Herk. Co.; Head Inspect. Regents of Univ. of State of N. Y.; Chief Exam. Div. N. Y. State Educ. Dept.; 2d Asst. Com. Educ. State of N. Y. 3 1906 *Newton Martin Curtis, LL.D.; Capt. 16 N. Y. Vols.; Lieut. Col. and Col. 142 N. Y. Vols.; Bvt. Brig. Gen.; Brig. Gen.; Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. Vols.; Cong. Medal of Honor; Commander Dist. S.W. Va.; Coll. Customs Dist. Oswegatchie; Memb. N. Y. Assemb.; M.C.;Pres.N. Y. Agric. Soc; Commander N. Y. G. A. R.;Pres.Soc. Army of Potomac ^^^lo Frederick William Hamil- ton, LL.D.; B.A. Tufts 1880; M.A. Tufts 1886; S.T.D. Tufts 1899; Pres. Tufts Coll. Charles Adalbert Hay den, D.D. Alonzo Barton Hepburn, D.C.L.; B.A. Middleburj^ 1871; LL.D. (Hon.) Mid- dlebur>'1900; Memb.N.Y. Assemb.; Supt. of Bank- ing Dept. State of N, Y.; U. S. Comptroller of Cur- rency; Trustee William Beers Hurd, Jr., LL.D.; A.B. New York Univ. 1872; Student Col- gate Univ.; County Judge Kings Co. N. Y. Willis Luther Moore, LL.D.; and Norwich Univ. 1896; Prof. Meteorol. and Chief U. S. Weather Bureau; Pres. Nat. Geog. Soc; Vice Pres. Wash. Acad. Sci.; Hon. Memb. Royal Meteorol. Soc. of Gt. Brit.; Hon. Memb. Austrian Meteorol. Soc. Don Carlos Seitz, M.A. Edward Lawrence Stevens, L.H.D.; B.A. Hamilton 1890; A.M. Hamilton 1893; Assoc. Supt. Schools City of New York; Lecturer on Education Columbia Univ. and Cornell Univ. 8-*l 1907 Merton Leonard Fuller, M.A.; Instructor in Me- teorology and Climatolog}"; Director of L^. S. Weather Bureau 1908 Alexander Black, M.A. Grant Charles Madill, LL.D.; M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1886 2 1909 Stanard Dow Butler, M.A. Henry Harrison, M.A. Honorary Graduates 85 Thomas Blanchard Stowell, LL.D.; B.A. Genesee Coll. 1865; M.A. Genesee Coll. 1868; Ph.D. Syracuse Univ. 1881; Prin. State Norm. Sch., Potsdam; Prof, in Univ. So. Calif.; Fellow Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci.; Charter Memb . Am . Assoc . Anat.; Memb. Am. Micros. Soc; Memb. Am. Hist. Assoc. Merle St. Croix Wright, D.D.; B.A. Harvard 1881; M.A. Harvard 1884; S.T.B. Harvard 1887 1910 Frederick Dent Grant, LL.D.; Grad. U. S. Mil. Acad. 1871; 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Cav.; 1st Lieut., Lt. Col.U. S. A.; U. S. Min- ister to Austria; Police Com. N.Y.City; Col. 14th N. Y. v., Brig. Gen. U. S. V. War with Spain; Brig. Gen. U. S. A.; Maj. Gen. U. S. A. Edwin Fremont McDonald, M.A. ; Grad . Potsdam State Norm. Sch. 1884; Priu.; Sch. Com. St. Law. Co.; Inspector and Lecturer N. Y. State Educ. Dept. John Van Schaick, D.D.; B.A. Union 1894; Instr. Eng. and Hist. Emporia Coll. (Kan.) ; Memb. Board Managers Assoc. Char, 3 SUMMARY Dead Living Whole number of Alumni, 1949 235 1706 Graduates of College of Letters and Science, 689 60 629 Non-Graduates of College of Letters and Science, 321 43 278 Bachelors of Arts, ^S 19 264 Bachelors of Science, 347 32 315 Bachelors of Philosophy, 39 4 35 Bachelors of Divinity-, 37 3 34 Bachelors of Laws, 480 8 472 Laureates of Science, 6 2 4 Civil Engineer, 1 1 Masters of Arts, 19 19 Masters of Philosophy, 2 1 1 Masters of Science, 11 11 Masters of Laws, 2 2 Doctor of Philosophy, 1 1 Graduates in Theolog}-, 256 58 198 Ordained Clergy-men, 347 72 275 Non-Graduates in Theology-, 90 20 70 Honoran,- Graduates, 71 46 25 Graduates in Agriculture, 17 17 Graduates in Domestic Science, 15 15 Non-Graduates in Agriculture, 8 8 Non-Graduates in Domestic Science 2 2 INDEX OF NAMES O indicates Officers and Trustees; / Members of the College Faculty; // Members of the Theological Faculty; //Members of the Law Faculty; a/ Mem- bers of the Agricultural Faculty; lo Officers of the Law School; ao Officers of the School of Agriculture; h Honorary Graduates; t Graduates of the Theological School, except those who have their places in the catalogue as graduates in Arts or Science; / Graduates in Law; w/Masters of Laws; a Graduates in Agriculture; ds Graduates in Domestic Science Abbott Vasco Pickett Henry Allen Wight Vasco Worth Pickett Hugh Ackermann Emma Wilhelmina Adams Ira Frank Yale John Coleman Ella May Myron Franklin EHhu Edith Louisa Floyd Jones Adel Frank Fred Adler Edward Anthony Adsit Noble Henry Ahern Frederick Michael Michael Valentine Ainsworth Charles Franklin Francis Beveridge Frank Akin Andrew Gilbert Albers Elizabeth Ruth Aldridge Anna Belle Alden Roy William Edwin Alexander Charles Herbert Klrke Locke 1867 1889 t 1891 1900 1900 1903 1907 t 1866 1888 /1891 1893 h 1894 t 1898 1906 / 1906 / 1903 1895 1884 / 1907 / 1909 1874 h 1875 1900 1901 1905 / 1897 a 1910 1904 1909 Gaines M Robert Lee Paul William /1872 1906 1910 Allison Adelbert Edwin 1903 Allmeroth Elmer Ellsworth 1896 Altman Harry Howard /1905 Alverson John Wesley George Carl 1904 1906 Alvord Otis Fries t 1884 Ames Jeremiah Leland 1906 Amies Joseph Hay / 1868 Amsden Lauriston o 1863 Andrews Frank Charles Walter Edwin Carolyn Maud Guy King Floyd Edward t 1889 1891 t 1894 1907 a 1910 Angell Carolyn Eliza Frank John Appleton Charles William t 1875 t 1907 1897 Armstrong Roscoe Silas 1905 Arnold Marshall Hastings Frank John 1880 1896 Aronson Jacob / 1906 The St. Lawrence University Aronstam Bakerman Charles Simon / 1903 Abraham / 1907 Atwater Balch Grace Yale 1899 William Stevens 1856 Fannie Louise 1906 Baldwin Atwell John Buell / 1868 Benjamin Warren t 1860 David William o 1877 Atwood Ballou Isaac Morgan h 1969 EH o 1857 /1879 Daniel t 1861 1879 James Henry / 1864 Anne 1886 Baltz Chester Arthur John Murraj-^ Mary Louise 1889 1889 1904 Alice Gary 1899 Baner Aubrey George Cross / 1899 Alfred John t 1880 Bantel Austin Gustave William / 1907 John Mather 1856 Barben Viola 1874 John DeWitt / 1904 Clarence Justin 1897 Chellis Asahel 1898 Barber Margfaret Rebecca 1900 Josiah o 1856 Cleland Ruthven 1905 Elizabeth Alzina 1871 Ayres Samuel Gilbert William Moses t 1879 t 1898 Roscoe Lyman 1902 Clara Louise 1904 Bard Howard Burt / 1894 Babbitt Barlow George Franklin t 1877 Mary Blanche 1901 Bacheller Barnes Georgfietta 1879 Gilbert Foster /1880 Addison Irvingf 1882 Rodney Percy 1886 Georgia May 1900 Julia Lucretia 1908 Bachrach Barnett Clarence Grover / 1907 Edward Leroy 1895 Backus Barr Foster L 1873 Robert Alexander 1902 Roscoe Judson 1910 Barradell Bacon William Henry / 1906 Frederick Stanley t 1865 Barranco Baer Augustin / 1904 Julius Bernard / 1904 Barnum Bagg Hendrick Ware 1899 James Guy / 1907 Barrett Bailey William Emerson 1880 Frederick William t 1878 Frances Xavier / 1907 Sarah Emily 1881 Albert /1909 Sibyl Eliza 1897 Herbert Bradford 1905 Barrows Baker Ernest Rasey 1894 Robert Wales o 1909 George Ellis 1856 h 1886 Howard a 1910 Laura 1873 Barstow Clement Morelle 1885 Caleb 1856 Nellie Leona 1893 Mamie Linda 1895 Barter William Roswell 1906 Clarence Everett 1906 Roy George 1907 Forrest Eugene 1909 Index of Naems Bartholomew Bergh John Glass o 1869 Louis Otto / 1909 Ralph Irving: h 1871 / 1908 Berlin Bartlett Ella Elizabeth t 1877 William Bernard / 1909 Barton H W o 1856 Joseph Becker Bernstein /1905 Frank Eugene t 1890 Arram Oscar /1905 Bernard GifiBn / 1904 Berry Bassett Henry Clay 1890 John Nelson 1878 Betts Bates Frederick William t 1887 Eva Starr 1895 Biagini Battell Andrew 7 1910 John Monroe / 1908 Biber Beal Bernhard Maximilian / 1909 Samuel Lewis t 1870 Biche Beard Claude John 1903 Wriley Nathaniel 1907 Bick Becker Louis Ross / 1906 Bernard Joseph / 1905 Bickford Bedell Lyman o 1881 Nina t 1892 Bicknell Beder George Waters / 1868 Amin Gerrgfous 1899 Biddle Beem Charles Wesley /1892 Franklin Keeler / 1883 Bigelow Beer Lafayette Jotham 1863 Henry Ward / 1909 Billings Behre Frederick Monroe o 1903 Charles Georgre / 1904 Bilkovsky Behrens Anthony /1905 Frederic Augfustus / 1904 Bingham Bell Henry Lewis / 1866 James D //1909 Bird Bellinger Charles William 1910 Henry Myers //1904 Bisbee Benchin Herman / 1864 Adolph /1910 Bitley Peter H Benjamin o 1856 Charles Hibbard a 1910 Black Benner Robert Laurie 1901 Mabel Harlan 1901 Loomis Otis / 1905 Bennett Mabel Hawthorne 1905 Alexander // 1908 Benaiah Loomis / 1862 Carlyle Helmle 1908 Charles Heald 1895 Charles Bates / 1908 John Oscar t 1895 William James /1909 Blackford Benton Levi Purviance / 1871 Jay Wesley 1899 Blanchard Byron Andrew / 1910 Linn Rudolph 1906 Bergen Bliss Jacob Milton / 1909 Ethel Idell 1909 90 The St. Lawrence University Blumenstock Brigham Jacob / 1908 Leonard Ward / 1896 Bockes Briody John William /1903 Sister Rose de Lima / 1909 Bolles Brock Edwin Cortland h 1870 William Joseph / 1907 Bolte /1870 Brodie Alexander Oswald 1867 Manfred Egon Bolton William James Booth / 1906 /1908 Bronis Flora Broome Edwin Cornelius t 1899 / 1907 Isaac Phillips t 1874 Brothers Alfred Frederick t 1896 Boskey Meyer / 1907 Fannie Ciner Brown / 1908 Botsford Olympia William Gipson t 1863 / 1870 Thomas Llewellyn 1878 Bertha Mary 1887 Bowen Gilbert Alonzo 1892 John Augnstus /1905 Charles Henry Anna Merrifield 1889 1892 Bower Charles Eugene 1900 William Joseph 1891 Bryan /1903 Bowman Melford Losee 1908 Mary Eudocia 1896 Browne Boyce Lewis Crebasa 1856 h 1898 George Henry / 1907 Brownstein Boyle Max / 1906 James Patrick /1905 Brun Brady Emile Ulysses t 1891 James Francis / 1907 Bmnjes Brainard William Henry / 1909 Carrie White t 1880 Brunner Brainerd Franklin N / 1907 Arthur Edward 1909 Bryant Jerome Ja nes 1909 Frank Lavern 1891 Braley Buck James 1867 Leffert Lefferts 1863 Bray Bugbee Lena Paige O/1908 Eddy Howard 1876 Percy Isaac 1879 Brees Hattie Clementina 1884 Estelle May 1878 Bulkeley Brennan Daniel 1872 John Hastings / 1907 "Rnllard George Renwick / 1908 X-> \X\.X.C*,i. \Ji- Warren Gardner /1893 Brewer Bullis Charles Snow 1891 Angeline 1874 Bridgeman Burgess Ina May M900 Louis / 1910 Briggs Burke Lewis Llewellyn ^1862 Daniel // 1903 David Stanley 1902 Hugh Foley 1903 Roy Elijah 1905 William Patrick / 1907 Helen Jean 1907 Edward Celestine / 1910 Index of Names 91 Burklew Carman Clyde McBride 1899 Edward Remsen / 1909 Howard Lemolne William Hall 1899 1899 Carmody Francis Xavier / 1903 Burlingame Alvah Waterman / 1904 Carpenter Charles Wesley / 1905 Burlingham Augustus Henry Marinus / 1909 Lloyd 1910 Carr Burnell William Henry 1889 William Percival t 1873 Herbert Wrightington t 1891 Burnette Carrier Katherine Dell 1887 Frederick Lucius t 1894 Burr Carswell Joseph Arthur //1909 William Brown / 1908 Burroughs Carter Robert W / 1903 John Wesley t 1897 Burrows Case Laura Estelle 1894 Lorenzo Dow 1895 Bush Casey Jessie May 1896 Michael James 1887 Butler Abbie Elizabeth 1891 Benjamin Franklin 1901 Cassebeer Bernard Dale 1902 Edna Mae 1909 Claude William 1908 Caten Stanard Dow h 1908 William Edwin /1908 William Leonard 1883 Butrick Chadowitz Reuben Ehle 1894 Isaac Emanuel / 1906 Butterworth Chadwick Mary Amanda 1886 George Halcott / 1907 Buxton Chaffee Inez 1892 Edwin John t 1872 Byrne Joseph Sebastian Robert Nichols Risley 1908 / 1909 Chamberlain Worth /1870 Mary Maria / 1910 Cady Edwin Welling Chambers /1906 George Fackerell 1900 Calder Champlin Hattie 1881 Alexander 1909 Robert Georgre 1910 Chandler Caldwell Hobart Barber Mary Louise 1883 1886 Theodore Everett 1856 1889 Charlotte King 1908 Meriam Harriet 1895 Chaney Canfield Andrew Jackson M860 Gertrude Mary Adele 1908 ds 1910 Capen Chapin James Henry 1871 Elmer Hewitt h 1879 /1871 Carabba Mary Asenath 1895 Julian Vernon / 1909 Chapman Arthur Levi Carberry 1878 Francis Edward / 1906 Barrett Stephen 1908 Card Chappel Qeorge Albert 1903 Ethel Mae ds 1910 92 The St. Lawrence Unr'ersity Chase Coats Alonzo t 1884 William 1905 Frank John t 1884 Coddington Cheetham Isaac Philip t 1879 John Ebenezer 1875 Jule Lee 1910 Chilton Coffin Ernest Gerald 1894 Maurice Pierce / 1910 Forrest Spencer 1894 Cohen Chrigstrom EmilJ /1907 Emma 1872 Cohn Christensen George /1904 Eduard Karl /1910 Colburn Christie James Henry 1893 Carrie Cole 1886 Edwin Melvin 1884 Church Herbert Phalon 1901 James Cornelius t 1872 Collier Francis S Adella Jerusha Isabel Amelia 1879 1882 a/ 1909 James Edward 1883 Collins Augfustus Byington 1886 George W^illiam /1904 Clapp Colman John White /1860 Reuben Wolf / 1905 Clapperton Coloton Richmond Bailey /1910 James Edward 1881 Clark Colson Brayton Richardson 1879 Austin David t 1896 Albion Merchant 1905 Conant Edward Reynolds Cyril Backus / 1905 1908 Eva Eliza 1902 Edson Everett 1910 Cone Clarke Orello /1865 George James 1872 Conger Charles Milton 1889 Everett Lorentus t 1863 Louie Agmes Bertha Eliza 1892 1896 Conkey Helen Mathews 1905 Jonas Sheldon o 1867 Cleaveland George Sheldon Harr^- Marks 1883 1899 Frank Nash 1877 Mary Vilura 1901 Helen Eugenia 1880 Ogden Fethers 1908 Clemence Conklin Helen Alsy 1898 Charles Auguste t 1876 Clement Abram t 1879 Lucien Mills / 1894 Hazen t 1906 Clements Ralph W^allace Clemson 1910 Connely Hugh Connor Rowland 1885 t 1863 Ludlow Ogden 1891 Conterno Clifford Theodore Ernest / 1906 James Dominick Z1906 Conti Clowe Thomas Octavius / 1905 Charles Waldron 7/1904 Cook Clowes Ezekiel Hanson h 1889 Joseph Washington Coates o 1869 Charles Fred Samuel Henry 1891 1902 Herbert Eliis fl/1908 Walter John t 1904 Elon Wesley a 1909 Index of Names 93 Cooke William Christopher /1869 Franke Mary t 1894 Marie Lawrence 1895 Frank Henry 1906 Cooley George Eliot 1897 Coon Almeda Betsey 1879 Coons Leroy Wilson t 1895 Cooper Eugene Becklard t 1876 Copeland William Edward t 1879 Lawrence Alden t 1905 Corbin Edwin Sawyer t 1873 Corby James Dimond t 1886 Cords Charles Daniel / 1909 Corey Emma Louise 1905 Cortright William Garfield t 1908 Myrtie Myra t 1908 Corwin Howard Field 1905 Edward Samuel // 1908 Couden Henry Noble t 1878 Craig Helen May 1907 Ora Belle 1907 Cramer Barbara Elizabeth 1908 Leslie Boyden a 1910 Crandall Vincent Azariah 1876 Eugrene Merritt 1892 Crane Ralph Emerson 1879 Stephen // J886 Frank Turner I 1890 Frederick Evan // 1905 Freeman Ralph 1906 Cranston John A 1887 Crary Nathan o 1859 Frank Judson 1908 Crawford Frederick Doty / 1905 Crisler William Thomas 1887 Joseph Henry h 1900 Orin Edson t 1901 Crosby Oliver Kimmel t 1864 Crosley William Jacob t 1870 Lucan Seneca / 1874 Cross Andrew W t 1896 Florence Ledyard 1897 Ledyard Cuyler 1900 Crossman Ralph Wallace 1896 James Edgar 1904 Crothers Samuel McChord h 1904 Cullen Edgar Montgomery // 1903 Cummings John Leslie 1898 Earl 1904 Luke Herbert 1904 Marian Burke 1907 Cunningham Anna Teresa 1908 Lavinia 1908 Cvirran Edward Thomas / 1906 Currier Margaret Helen 1897 Curtin John Joseph / 1906 Curtis Anson Bartie 1897 Newton Martin h 1906 Thomas Cook / 1908 Curtiss James Parsons t 1889 Cushman Henry Irving /1896 Ambrose Herbert 1902 Cuthbert George Andrew a 1909 Cutting Roy Edward 1905 Dailey Mary Helen 1909 D'Agrosa Michael Carmine / 1909 Daily Mary Ann 1886 Dalton Thomas Edgar 1887 Thomas Philip / 1909 94 The St, Lawrence University Daly David James Damon Ruth Augrusta Dana Neva Anna Danforth Abbie Ellsworth Daniel Katherine Bruce Daniels Harry Millard Danzilo James Carmine Darling Elizabeth Etta Catherine Sloan Grace Dashew Leon Dater Henry Murray David James Daly Davies Thomas Alfred Davis Samuel Sylvester Benjamin Franklin William Dunlap Kary Cadmus Percival Samuel Frank Edwin Day Alfred Dean Elmer Ellsworth Grace Louise Deans William John Deegan Edward Matthew Delaney Mary Josephine Delong Henry Clay Delsarte Walter William Demarest Gerhardus Langdon Dennett Roger Herbert Eunice Alice Derick Jennie May / 1905 t 1867 1910 t 1877 / 1905 i 1907 /1905 1904 1908 1909 I 1904 // 1903 / 1905 1891 t 1872 1896 / 1906 af 1907 / 1907 / 1910 t 1872 1889 1908 1894 /1907 1904 t 1863 /1905 h 1881 1898 1903 /1909 Debhaw Edna Claire 1910 Deuel Walter Estus 1904 Devendorf Frederick Bassett o 1895 Frederick Christopher 1905 Devoe Franklin Minturn t 1890 Dewey Charles Oliver / 1904 Herbert Hopkins 1904 Dey William Harold /1906 Dezell Charlotte Elizabeth 1882 Harriet Anna 1882 Dick Minna Helene 1908 Dickey Norris Cupper t 1902 Diefendorf Floyd Kingsley /1907 Dies Elizabeth Louisa 1903 Dimin Harry /1907 Dix Rufus Hopkins jf 1901 Dobbie Thomas William /1904 Dobson John Arthur t 1870 Harvey Oulton /1904 Dodd Samuel S C /ol903 Dodge Ellis Freeman 1891 Henry Nehemiah h 1902 Fletcher Donagfhue 1906 Doherty James Edward /1906 Dolan James Charles 1896 Dona Georgre Chester 1904 Leslie Remie 1905 Donihee Vincent Paul T~v /1905 Donovan Bernard Joseph /1906 Daniel Leo /1906 Jeremiah Francis /1907 Index of Names 95 Doolittle Dunphy Lelon Ansil 1875 John Dillon 1898 Marshall Envin 1875 Thomas Patrick 1905 RoUin Edson 1878 Catherine 1907 Doty Lovina 1869 Isabel Durack 1908 John Ccok Dowden 1873 Walter Lysaght Duryea / 1906 Harold Joseph / 1909 Edward DeClifford Dwinnell George Washington Ignatiu 1904 Dowling Bridget Anna 1904 5 / 1904 Downer Dyer Frank Arthur 1909 William Thomas i 1889 Dyruff Downey Harry Francis /1906 Edward Calvin t 1895 Doyle Michael John 1880 James Harold / 1910 Earle Drake LaMont Artemas a 1910 Robert James 1880 East T~~\ t*£a^ t^ O 1-1 Charles Ritter t 1893 urennan Clarence Luke 1907 John Meaney / 1905 Easterday Druhan John Howard //1904 Charles Joseph / 1903 Eastman Druck Fred Justin 1886 Herman / 1907 Eaton Druley May Sumner 1885 Thaddeus Clay / 1869 Emily Lovisa Charles Henry 1886 / 1894 Drury Annie Louise 1897 William Herbert 1880 Guy Hebard 1903 Charles Parmelee 1910 Ebbers Dryden John / 1908 James Brown / 1909 Ecke Duffey Albert Daniel / 1908 Frank Jay /1908 Edelstein Duflfv M Michael / 1909 Francis Joseph 1888 Edgar T^ii rfnro ti David Stewart / 1905 ■'-'uggan James Joseph / 1906 Edmonds Dullea John Henry 1891 Josephine Sheldon Edsall Joseph L 1895 1880 Duncan Harry Albertis Branton Malcolm 1901 1902 Eggleston George Harry 1910 William Malcolm / 1908 Eisenberg Dunham Charles Hyman / 1910 Braddock Hill 1885 Ellenbogen Dunlap Abraham Eugene / 1909 Lena Lola I 1903 Elliot Dunn William Adams 1894 Charles William 1888 Elliott Rhoda Naomi 1910 Charles Florien / 1870 96 The St. Lawrence University Ellis Alfred Bassett t 1863 Isabel 1899 Ellsworth Anna 1878 Richard Collins 1895 Ellwood Frank John 1905 Elson Irving / 1906 Emerson George Homer h 1869 Frederick Hugh 1902 Emery Jabez Newton i 1869 Emrick Paul Wagenseller / 1908 Endersbee Michael 1881 Enright James Lee / 1904 Escher Henry // 1903 Estes Ida Estelle t 1900 Estey Martin Luther t 1891 Ettinger Bertrand / 1908 Everest Ransom Marsh o 1862 Pagan John Edmond Featherston / 1908 Fairbanks Clark Vernon 1895 Fairchild Bert Bissell t 1891 Falconer George Nichol t 1894 Fales William Hereward / 1909 Falk Henry Oscar / 1909 Fall John Stephen t 1870 Fannon James Joseph / 1909 Farmer Grosvenor Swan 1871 Herbert Greeley 1881 Herbert Merton 1881 Jessie Carrie 1894 Leland Judson 1900 Inez Bell 1902 Thomas Jefferson ^1902 Channing Albert 1904 Harlow Grosvenor 1904 Verna Frances 1905 Nellie Mae 1906 Bessie Sylvia 1907 Mildred Louise ol907 Earns Ida Maria 1879 Farrington Robert Jerome /1906 Fasullo Charles Libassi /1905 Faulkner William Henry 1873 Fay Cyrus Hyde h 1887 Feeney Michael Bernard /1904 Joseph Michael /1909 Fenton Carroll Healy 1908 Ferris Clarence Seymour 1888 Fethers Ogden Hoffman h 1896 Henry De Leon 1898 Fields Albert James 1900 Mabel Carrie 1902 Claudia Merrick 1907 Finn James Gregory /1909 Finnigan John Augustine 1893 Grace Frances 1900 Lois Ellen 1908 Finnimore Carrie Melinda 1885 Luna Winona 1885 Firth Alva Benjamin /1909 Fish Rector Bartle 1887 Fisher Ebenezer /1856 0I86O Ebenezer Everett ol874 Lewis Beals tmi Daniel Lincoln 1883 Caleb Eugene ^1891 Charles Edward 1898 Fisk Richmond 0I868 /1868 (7 1888 Arthur Warren 1872 Index of Names 97 Fiske Frederic Coffyn /1896 Albert Rantoul t 1906 Norman Woodmancy 1898 Walter Everett 1898 Fitts Louisa 1897 Foulks James Erastus, Jr. / 1908 Fitzgibbons Fowler Clarence William Llewellyn 1882 t 1863 Flack Clara 1880 Laura 1877 Nelson Howard / 1909 Mary 1877 France Flagg Melville Jefferson //1907 Ernest Jabez 1894 Frankenstein Flanagan Benjamin / 1908 Clement James a 1909 Franklin Fleetham Howard Coleman / 1909 Ernest Daniel 1890 Fraser Sadie Jay 1895 Julia May 1898 Donald Etta Evelyn t 1877 1906 Fletcher Isabella Jessie ds 1910 LutherJacob o 1873 h 1876 Freedman Jacob Ascher /1908 Flower Roswell Pettibone h 1893 Freeman Don Marshall t 1901 Linus Spalding o 1889 James Howard t 1903 Ernest Baker 1889 Fluhrer Margaret CuUom 1896 Mina Louise 1901 Charles t 1862 Mary L /1904 Flynn French Joseph Vincent / 1906 Lucy Greenwood /1872 Thomas Francis I 1909 Frost Foley John William /iqo9 Gertrude Mabel 1909 Fuller Folsom Irving Paul t 1904 Allen Perez t 1868 Merton Leonard /1906 Nellie Elmina 1882 h 1907 Milo Garfield i 1905 Fullington Foote Charles Yale 1889 Stillman Gilbert Albertus /1869 1885 Furgueson Forbes Cornelius / 1909 Georgre Edwin t 1873 Henry Prentiss t 1873 Arthur Elbridgre 1885 Harry Wood 1898 Gaines Leila Gay 1908 Absalom Graves /1872 Ford Robert Dale 1885 Charles Kelsey William ol876 1876 1887 Mary Isham Ezra Duncanson 1892 1907 Clarence Hurd 1900 Fortney Leroy Frederick t 1876 Gale Henry Parker 1879 Granville Levi t 1882 Galston Fortune Clarence G //1905 Archibald William 1897 Gannon Foster James Henry, Jr. 1896 Carolyn Dean 1894 Gardner Alvah Judson 1896 Richard Fletcher / 1882 Antoinette Josephine 1896 Lena Mildred 1903 98 The St. Lawrence U>rn-ERSiTY Gartz Glover Victor Ern5t Z1904 Theophilus Nichols t 1870 Garvnn Godley John Brewer 1886 Leon Grant / 1908 Mary Catherine Gates 1887 Gelding Samuel Hyman /1905 John Francis t 1868 Goldstein Ga^-nor David PhUip /1907 William Jay //1903 Golenbock Gebhardt Henry Kasriel 7 1910 Martha King Geduld 1907 Goodglass Benjamin Nathaniel /1909 Samuel / 1910 Gibbs Willliam Looker t 1875 Goodman Jeanette /1906 Burte Broadbent t 1893 Goodrich Hazel Eva 1907 Massena /1861 Gibson Gorman James LeRoy /1907 James Maurice //1905 Giffin Gormly Clarence Shepard 1886 James Richard /1908 Nathan Ford 1895 Gottlieb Gifford Joseph wmiam /1905 Elihu Everett 1881 Rose 7 1907 Gilbert Gowen Selden t 1864 Thomas Joseph 71907 Gilchrist Grace Harry Elmer t 1887 Mary Loretto 1878 Gilday Alice 18d3 Blaine 1905 Graeser Gildersleeve Charles 7 1905 Willard Harvey /1906 Grant Gilkes Percy Gr annum Burton Eugene Melnotte 7 1870 1904 Myra Adelaide Willis Howard 1904 7 1908 Gillett Frederick Dent h 1910 Minnie Louisa 1880 Graves Cammie John Rouse James Belknap 1888 1898 1905 John Card Herbert Henry ol885 71893 Gilman Gray William Leverett t 1862 Francis Alonzo 7 1883 Charles StockdeU 7 1910 Gilmore Mabel Marie 1894 Grayzel Aaron 7 1909 Gilvarn- James Henry / 1909 Green Everett 7 1879 Glassford Mary 1894 Jean Elizabeth Gledhill 1906 Greenberg Nahum 71909 Joseph Smith 2f 1876 Greene Arthur Raymond 1893 Glickman Ransom Alphonso 7 1872 Lovinzo Leroy 7 1879 Benjamin /1907 Isidor Francis 71904 Philip Samuel / 1907 Bessie Cummlngs 1906 Glore Greenhouse Harrison Charles / 1903 Lillian 71909 Index of Names 99 Greenleaf Hallahan Halbert Stevens o 1888 Cornelia Margaret 1902 Jean Brooks ol897 Herbert John 1905 Gregory Thomas Bragg Griffin MadUa / 1878 1886 Clarence William Hettie May Hallinan William Vincent 1910 1910 / 1908 WnUam Harvey 1893 Hallock Griffith Edwin Washington Irving t 1868 / 1904 Wilmot Young /1905 Roy Edward t 1906 Hamilton Griffiths George Granville ^1877 \_J ± IIXX LXJ.O Arthur Floyd Eben 1897 1907 Cassius Adolphus Frederick William 1892 h 1906 Grigsby Willis Harrison t 1868 Hammond George Daniel Bernice Vera /1894 1909 Grisman Hankins Samuel /1909 Morrison Ten Broeck / 1908 Gross Hanna Jacob Shea /1906 Jessie May 1894 Edwin Frederick / 1907 Grumbine Jesse Charles Fremont t 1885 Hannon John William 1905 Gulley Hanson Alice 1880 Carlos W 1881 Gunagan Hardacker Martha A 1872 Richard Henry / 1907 Hardie Gunnison Almon / 1868 George Robert 1890 Walter Balfour 1875 Harlan Herbert Foster 1880 Marion Earle 1909 Stanley Eaton 1899 Harned Franklin Moore Almon Gage Adelaide Fancher 1901 1909 /1904 Raymond May 1909 Harper Guthrie George 1874 Thomas Sanders / 1871 Harrigan James 1896 Harrington William Henry M870 Guy Leslie 1901 Haas Roy Boynton 1905 Victor Gerald /1910 John Andrews 1908 Hadley Harris Walter John / 1906 Moses Henry /1870 Hagarty George Henry Chester Cleland / 1891 / 1894 John B 1876 Hale Harrison David / 1909 Ledyard Park Irma 1876 1903 Henry A 1909 Horace Charles 1909 Harsen Haley Jacob o 1856 Edward Mclntyre 1885 Hart Hall Bessie Alexander 1906 Frank Oliver A 1901 Hartzell o 1907 Jonas Hazard A 1869 Arthur George a/ 1909 o 1872 100 The St. Lawrence University Han^ey Heffley Alice Josephine 1887 Xorman Peter lo 1903 Haskell Hehr Martha Lovina 1871 Martha Minnie 1907 Hastings Helfgott George Ralph 1903 George /1910 Carl Olvison a 1909 Helmle Hathwa}- George Bernhard 1885 Barbara 1910 Helms Haveme^-er William Thomas /1905 Frederick Christian 1856 Hemenwav Hawkins Winifred 1878 Georgfe Knigfht h 1905 Clarence Emen' 1900 Hawks Hemiup Thomas Richard t 1894 Charles N o 1894 Hawley Hepburn Henr^' Bartlett 1895 Alonzo Barton 1887 Jesse Benson 1902 h 1906 Hayden Charles Adelbert h 1906 Will Clark Mayfred Amanda 1896 ds 1910 William Henry 1906 Hermann Clarence James 1907 Charles lo 1903 Hayes Herns Mark Timothy 1908 NeUie Myrtle 1910 Hayford Herrick Sylvester Cobb t 1863 W^illiam 1858 Hay ward Mary Cordelia James 1866 t 1897 Francis Joseph I 1907 Walter Scott 1899 Haynes Charles Henry 1900 Charles Dwinnell t 1863 Herring Lorenza t 1874 Silas Clark ol863 Hazen Hervey Deforest 1902 Alpheus Baker / 1865 Hazelton Rhoda 1895 Edgar Francis / 1910 Herzberg Head Nellie Mildred / 1909 Arthur a 1909 Herzlich Wilfrid a 1909 Max /1909 Healey Hess Frank E t 1860 Everett Hammond 1906 Heath Hesselgrave Julien Petit 1901 Emily 1873 Heaton Hibbard Eva Dolly 1873 George Philetus t 1868 Lucia Elizabeth 1879 Hickey Michael Joseph John Lang-don 1880 / 1906 Lou Livingston Fred Harold 1905 1906 Thomas Francis / 1906 Heckles William John 1896 Hicks Louis Arthur / 1906 Charles Fuller 1898 Hill Olive Edna 1903 Martha Augusta 1877 John Charles 1908 Thomas Alfred /1905 Heffernan Hilton Patrick James 1885 John t 1874 Richard Edward 1890 Ora McFarland ^1885 Index of Names 101 Hinchman Horwitz Mortimer Livingston 1891 Louis / 1908 Hinds Hosley John Watson t 1872 Agnes Melvina 1906 Belle Stuart 1901 Margaret Helen 1910 Hines Hough Murray Arnold 1899 Samuel / 1876 Hitch Houghton Frederick Chase 1908 Norris Abram 1895 Hitchcock Eva Augusta 1895 Howard Marian Estella Arthur Oscar 1895 1896 Floyd Gillis 1908 James Alfred / 1907 Hoage Blanche Emma 1910 Leon 1890 Howe Hoard Jessie 1889 Clinton Henry 1903 William John ao 1910 Hodder Howell Howard Benny a 1910 Henry Benjamin / 1868 Hodge Dwight Munson Hoysradt t 1867 Jacob Warren o 1882 Schuyler Colfax 1890 Hubbell Hodskin Charles Gregory 1895 Barzillai 1856 Huettlinger Nathaniel Barzillai 1904 Alfred / 1906 Marion Culver 1906 Hulburd Hofmann Annabel Amanda 1898 John /1909 Hulett Holahan Edwin Lee 1903 George Richard /1907 Minnie o 1903 Holcke Sarah Emma 1906 Harriet Augusta 1905 Hull Holden Julia Lansing 1896 James Henry /1909 Humann Holland Charles August / 1906 Thomas LeRoy / 1906 Humphrey HoUoway George Frederick 1884 William Ruddy t 1894 Hunter Holman Nellie Ruth 1909 George W 3d / 1908 Huntley Holmes George Ezra t 1894 Edwin A t 1900 Hurd Lilian Saxe / 1904 William Beers //1903 Homer h 1906 Annette May 1885 Hurlbut Hooper Washington Wells Sumner Clinton 1898 / 1874 Elbrldge Omar 1906 JohnK o 1909 Hurtado Hopkins Evaristo t 1901 Charles Thomas / 1907 Hutchins Home Albert Ulysses / 1873 Ralph Edwin / 1895 Hyde Horton Luman 1879 Edward Anthony / 1880 Hyland MarkE 1908 Denis William / 1905 102 The St. Lawrence University Idler Alvan Ransom /ol903 Lena Olga 1902 Albin Nicholas ml 1905 Iffla Helen Virgrinia 1907 John Adolph Jones Inez Ardie /1905 1876 Ingalls Daisy Mabel 1897 Jane Eloise 1871 1 Lawson Rose / 1906 Irwin May Ren a May / 1906 1895 William George a 1909 Mabel Jane 1910 Jones-King Israel Joseph Archibald / 1910 Samuel / 1909 i Jordan Ives Robert Borgfus /1910 Marj' Parker 1905 Joy Arthur Brown 189S Joyce Jackson Harry Ross 1909 Carrie Demira 1882 Judd Willard Ezra Florence Mabel Helen Fisher Minnie Charlotte t 1890 1893 1893 1897 Sylvester Nott Dan Sylvester Harry Wolcott 1871 1903 1905 Bertha Clarene 1898 Judson Harriet Delance 1901 David Canfield o 1857 Regfinald / 1904 George Davis 1880 Helen Ernestine 1908 Charles Winfred 1897 Jacobowitz June Arnold / 1908 John Ezra / 1885 Jacobsen Eldred Evan / 1905 James Amaziah Bailey 1859 Kallman Minnie Rose / 1907 Jameson Max Arthur 1908 Kane James Joseph / 1906 Jamieson Hoyt Lincoln 1908 Karch Charles Matt 1896 Jarvis Edwin Morris t 1896 Karutz Edward Rockw^ood William / 1903 Jefts Kayfetz Bonnibel Lilian 1910 Isidore / 1907 Jencks Kaylor Millard Henry 1905 Winnie Corinne 1908 Jenks Kearney Almet Francis //1903 Thomas Joseph / 1906 Jennison Keating Hartwell 1863 Walter Joseph / 1910 Nellie 1874 Keator Jillson Edgfar Matthew / 1905 lone Alena 1907 Keck Johns Frederick Albert / 1908 Jonathan Marsh t 1876 Keeler Charles Frank 1885 John Clarence / 1872 Johnson Keens Gilman Lewis / 1871 Edward Horatio t 1894 Edward Everett 1-1887 Leslie Abner 1896 Kehoe Samuel 1897 William Henn' / 1909 Index of Names 103 Keilson King Abraham Samuel /1906 Preston o 1856 Keirn Galusha A t 1897 Gideon Isaac t 1879 Kingston Kelley Hazelton May Eastman Ceylon Samuel 1892 1904 Kinney Will Arvin t 1904 Jessie Wenonah 1898 Helen Georgina 1907 Kinsley Kelly Michael Henry 1888 Willard Elmer 1898 Kirkbride Amy 1904 Frederick Grinnell 1905 William J //1909 Kittel Kendall Russel Harry / 1909 William Herbert 1879 Klatzkie Kenne Isidor / 1905 Anna Henrietta 1903 Klein Kenney Emil / 1910 Joseph Augfustine / 1907 Klock Kent Arthur 1902 Alexander t 1865 Knemeyer George William t 1878 William Henry / 1910 Kerby Knox Joseph James /1910 Harry Mason 1901 Kersey Kohn P Joseph /1906 Alexander Edwin / 1909 Kershaw Kollock Albert Van Houten / 1908 Florence Ellen / 1875 Kesselman Konigsberg Abraham Henry /1903 Ivan Emil Albert Korkus / 1910 Keyes Emil Peter / 1905 Joseph Willard / 1864 Kornblueh Kiendl David / 1904 Frederick William / 1906 Kornfeld Adolph Cornelius / 1909 Jacob Mortimer / 1910 Kiernan Mary Bonaventura 1905 Koster Adeline Katharine 1905 Kilburn Kowalski Florence Medora / 1908 Vincent Joseph / 1906 Kilby Kraeger Allen Eugene 1869 John N E / 1903 Kilian Kratzer DeWitt Thornton 1906 Glenn Andrews 1895 Kimball Kraus Charles H / 1872 Ferdinand Alexander / 1906 John / 1883 Charlotte 1892 Krauss Elizabeth 1895 Louis / 1907 George Lincoln /1897 Kreuder Elsa Ruth 1907 1908 Clemens Charlemagne / 1909 Walter Gardner 1908 Krevoruck Kimmell Frank / 1908 William Madison / 1875 Kronenberg Oliver Perry / 1879 Benjamin I 1907 104 The St. Lawrence University Krumbeck Walter Ladd Inez Chapman Laidlaw John Bell Arthur James Laidler Harry Wellingfton Lake Henrietta Lamb William Lamborn Leebert Llo3'-d Lamphear DeWitt Blair Dillenbeck Mary Minerva Lander Charles Albert Lane David Frederick Lansing Robert Campbell Lantry Kathryn Concillii LaPoint Elizabeth Pearl Lascher Samuel Lasell Winifred Josephine Lasher William Reuben Lathe Ferdinand Temple Lawlor Leo Rudolph Lawrence Sidney Willie Eugrene William Miner Lawson Robert Richard Lazaroe John Jacob Lazarowitz Oscar Morris Lease Evelyn Sarah Leavitt William Ezra 1910 1901 /1909 / 1910 h 1899 / 1905 t 1880 1908 1908 t 1875 1903 t 1862 ds 1910 1908 / 1906 1898 1899 t 1884 / 1908 o 1856 1878 / 1893 / 1905 / 1904 / 1908 1892 t 1890 John Stebbins /1859 o 1867 Day Kellogfgf h 1868 Leslie Alexander 1872 John Clarence 1876 Frederic Schiller 1878 Florence Josephine 1882 Lulu Gertrude Lottie T ofF 1885 L/en Max / 1907 Lefkowitz Joseph Louis T ^^v.^ 1 / 1905 Legal Charles t 1891 Leggatt William Richard / 1907 Lehman Abraham / 1906 L/eicn Barker Duncomb / 1910 Leighton Augnstus Azor t 1863 L^eiKin Meyer George / 1909 Leining Fred Charles 1908 Leland John Franklin / 1886 Lent Edward Burcham 1892 Lenz Richard Arnot t 1909 Leonard Mahlon Rich / 1861 Charles Hall h 1880 Fred Granville t 1893 Lester Enoch Mordecai t 1869 Levien Alvin / 1905 Levine Louis Leslie / 1904 Isaac / 1910 Levy Henry Davis / 1906 Samuel / 1906 Lewis Wilson Seeley 1879 Irene Louese 1882 Martha Josephine 1905 Delbert Robert 1906 Alphonse /1907 William Joseph / 1909 Leyendecker John Joseph /1905 Index of Names 105 Libby Lucia Daniel Leroy t 1871 Harry Salvatore / 1907 Rose May 1890 Lund Charles Edward Victor Harry 1897 t 1897 Lieberman Russell Fort 1909 Benjamin Herman / 1909 Lurio Lifschitz Hyman / 1905 Joseph Moses / 1907 Lynch Hilda Lena / 1909 Ellen Theresa 1884 Lincoln Mary Genevieve 1895 Clara Amelia ds 1910 Lynde Harold Arthur a 1910 Grace Pauline 1893 Lindsay Harvey Malcolm / 1908 Lyon Line Fred Amos / 1905 Amy Lulu Lytle 1899 Liotard Almon Wheeler 1901 Henri Hermann /1882 Marie Camille 1885 McBain Bessie Frederic Aime 1886 1907 Marguerite Pauline 1898 Lipkin Max /1906 McBath Bernice lone ds 1910 Litchfield McCall Wilford Jacob 1894 Charlotte Louise 1895 Raymond Morse 1908 McCarthy Little Charles Timothy / 1904 James Henry t 1869 John Patrick / 1908 Livingston Samuel Adolphus McCarty /1908 Charles Highland / 1904 Lobdell McChesney Nelson Lyman 1900 Harry William / 1904 Isaac Vedder t 1907 McClusky Lockwood Frank Davy 1875 William Rose / 1904 McCollester Logan Sullivan Holm an h 1874 Georgre Allison 1891 McCormick John Gordon 1895 Charles Bernard 1896 William Newton /1900 Henry 1898 Lord Kathleen 1899 Chester Scott h 1898 Robert Matthew 1901 Lottridge Burton Davidson 1902 Grace Gertrude 1908 Silas Alpha 1892 Helen Priscilla 1908 Loughborough James Frank 1910 John Barton /1909 McCurdy Loveland Delos 1865 Florence 1909 McDonald Lovell George James 1904 Charles Joseph Fred Samuel 1879 1885 Norman Agnes Frances John Raymond 1908 1909 / 1909 Lovett Edwin Fremont h 1910 Jessie 1897 McElroy Lowe Willard Thomas 1889 John Smith / 1901 McEvoy Thomas Jefferson Lowenstein /1906 Harriet Beatrice / 1905 Charles Francis /1907 106 The St. Lawrence Un—'e rsity McGaO^ M^cwire John Ldiwreoce . iHlt Prink / McGann ^■1:.'- z- William Charles . 1 H. - ?:- ... _.-^:.ri / McGerry '-..... IrV Wimam Basfl _:: " z :.lri: McGi:::s ise ..:^z Eiward H:2^h Arth:ir Mary Cel:a / McGinnis Timothy josepii I Ifaisarec Alice JStB Maier McGla^^in Angusms Aloyslns 1 Willi- Hr-rr tmi Main McGuire Floyd Ira "WCIiam Lawrence ; 1^?" Maine Walter AJoysi"? ; ::4:t Marian Isabel Mcl-e-ev Ma^by jZ'z' Zii.::ii .' :s«i G^crig-e Ronald Mclz: rr Maloaey Clirrz:- r ll~cre ; liJt Edgar William Mack Maltby Verd: Maria ; 1^;'4 Albert Blias i McKelw-y Manchester ^: 1. ;..r '. l:r' Leslie Clare i M.\. -;r-- ::andel .-.^::^ : J rsf-z . lr*.»: Mcrrls Her-: an I 2'J:K.::::r- Mi-:ev McL. McL. Mc:: Phihp \"igT>ears /laM iiam Donaid LaVeroe Mc Sweeney John MacTag^ait Jes-G-Zciirist Madiil M^r M. 1910 WiniflTW Francis GeotseAu^st /19S5 Marston Moses 18M Martm Miles ResflMlds James He«T Frederick Hemr James Cook AUda Alice iiam Maityn 018B9 MahkmHartweO MarrS^^^ 1877 Index of Names 107 Mason Millen Alice Gilman 1880 Edmund o 1903 Edward Gilman i 1892 Gladys 1907 Joseph Kimball h 1894 Miller Masseck John Stocker 1869 Frank Lincoln t 1888 Georgre Alexander 1871 Matlack Stacy Hlnes t 1871 Frank Wagner Manasseh Maurice Francis t 1896 / 1903 / 1905 Matlaw George Isaac / 1906 Lilian Ruth 1909 Clifford Lore t 1910 Matteson Milligan Erastus Peter 1878 Frederick Clarence 1896 Warner Bonney 1887 Arthur Monroe Fred George / 1905 / 1905 Mattison Royal Sheldon 1908 Henry Everitt //1909 Edna Pearl ao 1909 Maxwell Milliken Isabel 1883 Edward Kimball t 1881 William Henry May h 1888 Mills Alice Amanda 1900 Thomas Fremington t 1897 Frank Smith /1903 Mayhew Miner Carl Milton a 1909 Alonzo Ames / 1890 Meagher Mirabeau John Joseph / 1906 Leon Marcel / 1908 Meckenberg Mirow Charles Louis / 1906 William George / 1910 Medler Mitchell James Leo / 1909 Ure t 1879 Meldon Mohan Alfred Wesley /1908 Mary Elizabeth 1875 Merrell Hiram Adolphus Seymour James 1873 1876 Montgomery George Washington ol856 h 1871 Lovina 1879 Edgar Sanford Keen 1887 Moog Merriman Katherine Elizabeth 1896 Lelia Helen Leslie William 1896 1900 Wilson Townsend Charles Frederic Rebecca Wilhelmina 1902 1903 1904 Merritt Edwin Atkins o 1867 h 1887 Mooney Lewis Daniel /1904 Jessie Fremont 1889 Frederic Allen t 1905 Metz Moore Benjamin / 1909 Augustus Caesar o 1856 William Julius t 1909 Albert Robert //1903 Meyer Thomas Joseph / 1906 Willis Luther h 1906 James /1909 Frank a 1909 Middleton Moran Blanche Olive 1908 Ford 1907 Milburn More Ulysses Sumner t 1891 Henry Judson / 1872 Miles Edson Russell Abraham 1900 / 1907 Morgan Hiram Bliss Clara Elizabeth t 1878 t 1898 Millar James Franklin 1903 James 1885 Herbert 1910 108 The St. Lawrence University Morhous Elizabeth May Morrell Herbert Philbrook Morris Edward George Eadle Morrison Cora Halcyone Jane Morrow Nina Esther Morse Pitt George Edward Samuel Moses Luther Fred Irving Moss Louis John Moulton Clinton A Asa George Mowitt Nina Ida Moxley Emma Moyer Charles Samuel Mulholland Edward James Edmund Francis Mulry Eleanor Courtney Munro James Joseph Munroe Henry Keiser Munson Henry Clay Murch Hortense Dean Murphy Emmet Jermiah Murray George Leo Margaret Jane William Hector Nearing Frances Clara Neary Edward Henry, Jr. 1907 t 1891 i 1863 1873 1889 1889 1909 o 1856 i 1880 / 1910 1905 1907 / 1907 t 1907 a 1910 1905 1871 1905 1901 /1910 1902 / 1904 /1902 t 1870 1909 1890 1890 1895 1896 1894 1898 Nebel Richard Edward /1907 Nekton Toivo Herman / 1904 Nelson Frederic Theodore t 1895 Neuer Leah /1908 Neuwirth Isidor / 1909 Newby Mabel Mary 1905 Newcombe George Smith / 1905 Newton Harvey Edward t 1898 Nichols Leslie Charles i 1905 Nickelson William Herbert 1879 Nims Alvin Flavel 1882 Noble Joseph Boardman 1882 William Lincoln 1885 Noel Helen Charlotte 1910 Nolan James Aloysius /1908 North Nelson Luther / 1910 Northrop Clifton Adelbert 1877 Inez Marie 1906 Floyd Adelbert 1910 Norton Robert Franklin /1908 Notiger Emil / 1907 Nugent Francis Joseph /1907 Nutting Delia Ida 1903 Louis Faustino Nye Selwyn Thatcher /1903 t 1872 Ober Margaret 1904 O'Brien James Albert 1908 Michael Charles 1909 O'Connell William Stephen /1910 Index of Names 109 O'Connor Pariser Frank / 1906 Louis / 1910 WllHam Patrick Daniel / 1908 / 1909 Parlin Martin Lawrence o 1859 Ognibene Parsell Charles Gaspar / 1907 Charles Victor h 1880 Ogren Charles Anders / 1904 Parsons Maria h 1881 O'Hara John Lawrence I 1905 Partridge O'Kieffe Artemas Lee 1894 George Homer 1896 Louise Langley 1909 Patrick O'Leary Laura AUis ds 1910 John 1888 Patrie Olin Robert Gardner / 1909 Jessie Elvira 1905 Pattee Olmstead William Mitchell t 1861 Arthur Joseph /1908 Patterson O'Neil Morris Lee t 1869 Barney Stephen 1892 James t 1878 James Francis / 1907 Adoniram Judson /1885 Florence Louise 1909 Howard Ostrom / 1904 O'Neill Paul James 1871 Clara Prances 1908 Orlinger Payne Samuel /1906 Florence Belle Earle 1904 O'Shea Pay son Andrew Edmond / 1907 James Milford t 1874 Overton Pease Alfred Edwin / 1903 Samuel Augustus /1906 George Washington 1908 Peck Owen Frank Harrison 1877 Herbert Alton 1908 Christopher Carson 1878 Fremont Pearsons 1885 Ethol Eva 1906 Packard Pendry Corrie Estelle 1872 William Hamilton Bryer Hamilton / 1905 / 1906 Paddock Clark Leroy Ella Cahoon t 1888 1907 Percy Morgan Welton Claude 1876 1878 Page Perin Emmett D / 1907 George Landor t 1878 Paine Melva 1903 Jotham Melzar t 1869 Perkins Palraatier Gertrude Emily 1897 Charles t 1885 Kate Florence 1900 Mabel Alice 1901 Palmer Grace Elizabeth 1903 Winfield Scott / 1906 Ethel Leonard 1904 Anita White 1908 Francis Long 1904 Cornelia ao 1909 Eugene Arthur / 1908 Homer Emmel a 1909 Per Lee Pape Mary Rispa 1907 William James / 1904 Perry Paradis George William t 1868 Charles Henry / 1907 Walter Scott h 1905 110 The St. Lawrence University Peters Thomas Pollock Petersen George Arthur Phelps Ida Jessie Phillips James Agnes Eugenia Pickett William Passmore Pickop Edwin Martin Pickslay William Morton Pierce Cicero Eugenic Edwin Warren Frederick Denison Jennie Avillah Gertrude Ella William Waite Helen Margaret Harry Pike Maude Ellen Pink Bernhard Jacques Louis Heaton Platner Warren Kelly Podelefsky Ida Porter DeForest Post Frank Truman Poste William Augustine Ellsworth Alice Adelaide Potter William Frank Wilburn Daniel Veva Etheline Potterton Thomas Edward Powell Emma Agnes Lavinia Power Minard H Powers Elvira Jane / 1909 / 1903 1885 1892 1907 // 1904 / 1895 1872 1874 t 1875 t 1882 1882 1893 t 1893 1903 1910 1910 /1875 h 1877 1904 / 1909 / 1910 i 1860 1883 1871 1901 1903 1908 i 1868 1886 1902 t 1891 1876 1905 a 1910 M871 Pratt William Austin ^1879 Preble Edgar Watson t 1872 Prendergast John Joseph /1910 Prescott Amos Hamilton o 1881 Frank Celian 1900 Preston Julia Wells 1905 Priest Henry /1883 Ward Curtis 1907 Pringle Ralph W 1888 Probst Helen Mavarette 1901 Proper Emberson Edward /1895 Puffer Sarah Rosamond 1871 Frank Lee 1871 George Leslie 1877 Puglisi Joseph / 1906 Pugsley Everett Alberton / 1893 Pullman James Minton t 1861 Frank William /1872 George Henry /1872 Purvin Myles /1905 Pushaw Maria 1907 Putnam Eliza Osborne 1880 Quackenbush Nathan Rice t 1876 Everett Allen 1907 Quinn Matthew David 1889 Edward 1901 Ellen Martha Maria 1905 Otto Aloysius 1908 Rabinowitz Fanny Teressa / 1909 Samuel /1910 Radway Charles Wright 1909 Raeburn George Washington t 1885 Index of Names 111 Rafferty John w William Bernard Raftery Gertrude Helena Ralph Walter Scott Ransom Frank Howard Rathbun James Louis Rawson Silas Bundy Rayson Ennes Charles Read Ephraim Albee Warren Wales Redmond Harry Aloysius Reed Harry Westbrook Rees Horace Reilly DeWitt Clinton Joseph Peter Rein Augustus Philip Remington Lamartine Zetto William Reese Renaud Henry Stanley Rexford Everett Levi Ribman Benjamin Charles Rice Augustus Luther Frank Skinner Arthur Alanson John Edward Rich William Alexander Pitt Clifton Lawson Carter Mary Townsend Charles Averell John Montgomery Frederick William Richards John W Edward Augustus 1887 1890 1908 t 1863 o 1879 1897 /1874 t 1909 t 1870 1896 / 1909 t 1899 ai 1909 t 1904 I 1905 i 1877 / 1870 1902 / 1906 t 1865 / 1908 t 1869 i 1877 I 1880 1908 / 1871 h 1886 1874 1882 1886 1887 1887 h 1900 / 1905 //1909 Richardson Charles Maurice Rhoda Emmeline 1896 William Payson h 1903 //1903 Rickard Herbert Lester Y 1901 Rickman Abraham /1908 Rider Ira Edgar t 1888 Riegel Henry Kiefer t 1891 Risley Obed Edwin 1906 Roachford Samuel Barker I 1905 Roberts Arthur t 1894 Robertson Duncan McGregor / 1871 Nettie Idella 1893 Harriet Elizabeth 1897 Jessie Thacher 1899 Robichon Hector /1906 Robinson Horatio o 1868 George 1872 Nelson Lemuel 1877 Holton Luther 1880 Leslie James 1881 Holton Duncan 1886 Frances Cordelia 1888 Emma Crasto 1896 Ernest 1897 Lewis Henry t 1900 Gertrude Mary 1901 Ethel 1905 Sarah Isabel Estelle 1905 Marjory 1908 Ernest Leffert /1909 John Joseph I 1909 Roblin Stephen Herbert t 1881 Joseph Robert i 1883 Frederick Wilber 1904 Rochester Andrew Vincent / 1903 Rockmore Max / 1908 Rode Henry Joseph / 1908 Rodee Henry o 1869 Rogers Arthur Guinness 1881 112 The St. Lawrence University Romaine Ryder Benjamin Franklin 1869 WiUiam Henry /1886 Root Ryel Minnie Rowland 1902 Hiram Henry 1865 Anna Ayres 1907 Roripaugh Lewis Leroy 1885 Sackrider Henry Merkley 1900 Roscoe Sachs Anson Alpha t 1907 Isidor /1908 Rose Sadler Maurice /1907 Rippy T / 1907 George Adams /1909 Sadowitz Rosenberg Morris Samuel /1909 Charles Selig: / 1904 Safford Rosenfeld Oscar Fitzalan t 1862 Samuel /1908 Saffir Roulston Abraham /1910 Robert Samuel 1891 Sahlin Rounds George Adolph t 1889 Orlando Adelbert i 1873 Gretchen Irene 1910 Rowland St. Clair Frank Lincoln 1888 Drusilla Irene 1890 Zoa Magdalene 1897 Salem Royce Clara Rebecca / 1907 Hiram Horton 1887 Salkin George Goldie 1889 Abraham Leo / 1910 Rozanski Sails Clement Francis /1909 Carrie Submit 1880 Rozell Grace Greenwood 1900 Walter Henry /1907 Pierce Briggs 1904 Rubenstein Sammis Benjamin Harrison / 1910 Edson Burdette ml 1906 Rubin Samilow Harry /1910 Benjamin / 1909 Max /1910 Samuels Rubinstein Florence Ray 1908 Abraham David Lazarus /1907 / 1909 Sanborn Edmund Ring t 1868 Ruggles Bernard Clinton Rushton Joseph Henry Blanche t 1903 1904 1907 Sanders Joseph Sanford Edwin Wade / 1908 1891 Russell Santway John Leslie 1856 Fred Loren 1879 Leslie Wead /1869 Saunders h 1882 Edward Butler 1904 Charles Hazen 1869 Thomas Henry t 1909 George Abram Emma 1881 1885 Sawyer Jessie Robert 1898 1899 Thomas Jefferson o 1856 Charles Edgar t 1870 Rutherford George Clark Lawrence Clark 1878 1881 William Henry Seward 1886 Minnie Louise 1887 John Wiiliam 1890 Benjamin Ames 1891 Thomas a/ 1909 Lawrence Jackson 1905 Ernest Adam a 1910 Helen Amy 1907 Index of Names 113 Saxe Seaver Asa h 1869 Henry Ellison /1883 o 1881 h 1897 Sayer Seger wmiam Thomas 1898 Francis o 1856 Scannell Seiden Florence Norah 1892 Henry / 1910 Schafer Seigle Lilya Rogrers t 1905 Clarence Howard / 1906 Schaible Seitz Godfrey Charles 1904 Josiah Augfustus t 1872 Scheibel Don Carlos h 1906 Henry / 1908 Seley Scheilke Simon / 1905 Otto /1908 Selleck Scherer Willard Chamberlain t 1881 Isidore / 1905 Senft Schimelman Ernest Leo t 1871 Louis Maurice / 1907 Seymour Schindler Rhea Brown 1910 John Franklin / 1882 Shafer Schley George Babbag-e / 1908 William Shapiro / 1905 Nathan Daniel / 1907 Schmid John Henry //1909 Sharp Lewis Philip 1877 Schnackenberg Shaver John Henry /1907 Charles Abraham h 1902 Schoeck Shaw Henry Godfrey /1909 William Chase o 1863 Schneider Albert Duane 1871 William Louis /1907 Annette Jane Harriet Elinor 1873 1899 Schwartz Edgar William /1908 Julius / 1907 Sheahan Joseph Winfred Philip / 1908 I 1909 John J ao 1909 Schwartzman Sheard Charles Henry / 1906 Charles Titus 1903 1908 Theodore Isadore / 1910 Schweitzer Sheldon Charles Edward / 1909 Harleigh William Martha Emeline 1873 1877 Scott Edgar Augustus 1901 Earl Babcock 1906 Charles Franklin 1903 Scripter Shepard Earl William 1901 John Frederick 1901 Scruton Edward Morse // 1907 Jessie Louise 1909 Robert Scudder 1872 Sherman George Corlis o 1856 George Wilson / 1905 Socrates Norton o 1856 Searles Vina 1879 William h 1884 Benjamin Paige Mary Bradley 1882 1897 Seaton Lucius 1900 Robert William / 1909 Charlotte Norton 1908 114 The St. Lawrence University Sherndal Alfred Einar 1907 Sherwin Azariah Proctor 1883 Sherwood Grace Willey 1901 Sybil Edith 1909 Shinn Quillen Hamilton / 1870 Shipman William Rollin // 1882 Shoeck Henry Godfrey / 1909 Short James Vincent / 1906 Shutter Marion Daniel h 1891 Shutts Georgfe Clinton 1891 Sias George Washington t 1896 Hattie May t 1897 Walter Edwin t 1909 Siegel Henry / 1908 Silverman Irving / 1909 Simmons Abel Azro o 1863 Martha Elraida 1863 Marcia Almira 1867 Julius Frederick o 1869 Julius Frederick 1869 Charles Lesiie ^873 Clarence Adams 1905 Sims William Ernest 1907 Skeels Wines Harris t 1903 Skelley Lilian Katherine 1908 Skinner Charles Rufus 1883 Clarence Russell 1904 Slevin Mary Elizabeth 1909 Small Will Farnham t 1894 William / 1906 Smiley Edward t 1860 Arthur Rose / 1910 Smith Sanford Preston / 1871 Albertus Alonzo 1875 George William 1878 Jennie Venila 1883 Henry Marshall 1887 Eva Minerva 1888 Alven Martyn t 1892 Gertrude Emma 1895 Leon Roy 1900 Wilmot Moses lo 1903 John Henry 1904 William Ihomas / 1907 Maude Catherine 1908 Elbert Cook / 1909 Floyd Wright 1909 Hunter Joseph / 1909 Isabel Lee 1909 Annie May 1910 Hazel Emma 1910 Smithers Orma James a 1909 Smyth James Edward / 1904 Snead Burwell Chandler /1909 Snee Thomas James /1906 Sneller Anne Gertrude 1906 Snow Joseph Crocker h 1888 Ruth Caroline 1904 Frank Abner 1910 Solomon Nathan Milton / 1906 Solotaroff Abraham Hertz /1903 Somes Albert o 1858 Sommers Walter Alwood / 1905 Soper Levi Major / 1871 Lindon King / 1871 Southworth Marion Aurilla 1876 Mary Jane 1876 Henry Bloomfield 1879 Tracy Palmer 1894 Spafford RoUa Gilmore t 1876 Spaulding Frank Benton 1895 Spear Addie Estelle 1887 Nettie 1908 Spedick Charles Elmer / 1908 Spencer Esther 1903 Katherine Luella 1910 Hazel ds 1910 Index of Names 115 Spicer Fremont Wayne 1873 Noel t 1887 Spigelglass Abraham Harry / 1905 Sprague Sarah Elmina 1866 Leslie Willis / 1903 Spraker Everett Beech 1908 Spurr Henry Clifford 1894 Squires Almeron Zenas 1868 Abbie 1875 Stacy Leland Johnson 1909 Stallman Catherine Susan 1899 Standish John Van Ness /^1893 Stanton Anna Elizabeth 1904 Stapleton Luke D //1909 Stark John Dyer 1901 Stearns Jessie Dell 1897 Chloe Emma 1902 Jennie Mary 1906 Stebbins Sarah Farnsworth 1906 Smith Howard /1907 Stein Georgfe /1908 Steindler Max /1904 Stephenson Sarah /1904 Sterling James ol856 Stevens Ezekiel V /1897 Bing Sykes 1899 Edward Lawrence h 1906 Velma Katherine 1910 Stevenson Milton Henry 1898 Lawrence Byron 1906 Christian Ritchie / 1904 Stewart Caroline Gertrude 1908 Percy Reed af 1908 Mary Irene 1910 Stiles Jessie Verena 1890 Corliss Pierre 1900 Stockton Anna Hepsibah 1882 Stockwell Lillie Louise ds 1910 Stone Francis Lyman t 1883 Storm William Arthur 1896 Storrs Levi Bidwell ol856 Florence May 1896 Frederick William 1900 Berton Wendall 1900 Grace Frances 1906 Stout William Morgan 1899 Stowell James 1872 Thomas Blanchard A 1909 Stratton Thomas n888 Mabel Rose 1904 Strieker John Fritz /1906 Strisik Philip Robert / 1909 Stupplebeen Marguerite Isabel ds 1910 Sturtevant Frank Dunbar 1909 Stutsky Jacob /1909 Sudds Kate Louise 1901 Sugarman Mark /1905 Sumner Rollin Eugene 1872 Charles Oliver 1890 Caroline Louise 1898 Stephen Clayton 1906 Sunderland Jabez Thomas /1902 Surpless Abner Curtis /1908 Sutton Leslie Charles 1891 Swayze (Dayton Isaac a/ 1909 Sweet Fred Alfred 1883 116 The St. Lawrence University Sweetser Thornton Edwin Chapin /1868 Harry Lewis /1890 Swift Everett Austin 1891 Theodore Hiram /1871 Tibbetts Sykes Edwin Jones Augustus n862 ol870 Jennie Wilson 1908 Emma Malvina 1871 Tittle Fred Arthur 1878 Charles Oscar /1909 Richard Eddy 1883 Syraraers James Keith //1904 Titus Anson /1872 Syraonds Todd Frederick White 1902 Aubrey William Tomlinson a 1909 Tabor Vincent Eaton /1906 James Birney n868 Ernest Victor /1908 Tallman Towers Jacob I 1888 Thomas Jeffersou /a906 Katherine May Tarpey 1896 Towne Robert Duke /1888 Denis Francis /1908 Taylor William Daniel McRostie Carrie Amanda /1861 1880 1889 Townsend Manley Bacon Harry E ben Susan /1892 /1893 1908 Edwin James 1890 Towsley Washington Irving Vernon Edmund Henry Butterfield 1893 1895 / 1886 Tedford Tozer Henry / 1860 Florence 1886 Tendler Tracy Alexander Romanoff / 1910 Ira Otis 1881 Terhune Traffarn Edith Downing 1907 Mary Louise 1872 Terry Trap an i Richard Seaton 1898 Sigismund James /1909 George Champlain 1907 Traver Rensselaer Goldsmith 1909 Byron 1880 Thatcher Margaret Haworth 1893 Martin 1856 Mary 1896 1872 Trench Thayer Ruth 1909 Aaron Aldrich /1881 Tripp Alice Kinney Francis Lewis Thomas Musie /1884 1898 t 1893 Susa 1904 Truesdell Thomas Wheeler o 1874 Abner Charles h 1892 Truman Eliza Loraine 1900 Jonathan Greene n869 Alphonse Henry / 1906 Tuck Edward Beers //1907 Mildred Caroline Thompson ds 1910 Frank Ralph Tucker /1908 Marianne t 1870 Charles Edwin ^869 Charles Wentworth / 1871 Tuozzo Thomas Edward Barlow / 1876 / 1904 Anthony Francis n906 William Burcham /1909 Tupper Robert M a 1910 Ruth Ella dsVdlQ Index of Names 117 Turnbull Vinson Mary Margaret 1909 Nina May 1894 Turner Virdone Eliza Flagg ildM James / 1910 Tutton Von Barg^en WUHam n909 Henry Richard Von Nardrofie 1909 Uhr Ernest Robert A 1903 Philip Epstein /1909 Voorhees Upton Nathalie Bodge Virginia Langfitt 1899 1908 Minna Force /1909 Vail Wade Charles Henry t 1892 William Samuel 1894 Harry Horton /1906 Wagner Valnia Charles Henry 1904 Jessie Catherine 1908 Cora Dell ds 1910 Van Brocklin Wait Arthur Henry Van Cise Orson Fowler 1910 t 1870 Marvin Richard Edith May Waite Charles Lewis o 1893 1893 i 1869 Van Delinder Ara Henry 1906 George Edgar 1907 Walker Van de Mark Mary Netta 1889 William Nelson I 1862 Alice Anna 1890 Van Deveer Francis Edwin 1895 Gertrude Mahala George Delbert Arthur Townsend 1895 i 1904 1906 Van Dike Wall Norman S //1909 Emma Eugenia 1886 Van Nostrand Wallace Norman 1856 Thomas 1856 Van Ornum Matthew Samuel 1880 Frederick Birney 1894 Lena May 190.S Van Schaick Walsh George Slingerland John 1905 ^1910 Harry Joseph Joseph Aloysius /1906 /1907 Van Tassel Walter Robert De Esteen M903 Genevieve Katherine 1907 Van Vleck Waltze Durbin /1904 Annette Gould n880 Van Wart Ward Gerard Banker //1905 Lyman 1892 Van Waters Frederic Augustin Ware lo 1903 Charles Cornelius 1874 Charlotte Marion 1868 Van Winkle Joseph / 1905 Washburne Owen Redington i 1893 Veazey William Brown i 1894 Harry Lawrence i 1897 Waterman Vielbig Robert Emmet 1872 Henry Peter / 1907 Robert Sherman 1901 Vincent Maud Lacey /1908 James I 1871 Watkins Henry Lansing 1909 Arthur Charles 1897 118 The St, Lawrence University Watson Alma Grace 1867 Waugh Arthur John 1871 Weaver Clara 1876 Webb Max Bell 1904 Webster Francis Ellsworth t 1889 Weeks John Julius i 1873 Bessie Adams 1876 Weintraub Maurice Elias / 1908 Weismann Henry / 1903 Weiss William / 1908 Welch Maude Eugenia 1909 Wellington Ivan Roy 1901 Wells Herbert Reuben 1895 John Allen 1899 Jessie Elizabeth 1904 Evelyn 1905 Lena Miller o 1908 West Levi Marshall o 1877 Emma Maria 1885 Anna Louisa 1892 Weston Costello / 1867 Wetraore Robert Bennie 1 1898 Wheeler Fred Everett t 1894 Wheelock Washington o 1870 o 1884 William Washington 1885 Charles Francis h 1905 Whitaker Calvin Alanson a 1909 White Edwin t 1860 Nehemiah / 1865 h 1876 James William h 1869 Henry Kirke t 1869 David Crystal t 1870 Edwin Burt / 1871 James Stewart 1876 Lilian Almeda 1880 Elinor Miriam 1895 Margaret Frances 1908 John Bracken /1909 Whitehall Frank Makepeace /1908 Whitney Herbert EUerson ^872 Arthur Edward 1897 Waldo TrafTarn 1900 Florence Melissa 1905 Whittaker Leland James 1906 Widder Samuel /1904 Widman Hyman Leo /1905 Wiessner Oscar Erwin Arthur /1904 Wight Evelyn 1891 Wilcock Frederick / 1910 Wilcox Archie Dorr M909 Wilder George Fay 1897 Wiley Ellen Elizabeth 1907 Willett Manruis /1906 Williams Pardon Clarence 1863 Medora 1871 Rees t 1873 Winfield Scott t 1884 Nellie Eliza 1889 Wallace t 1894 Isabel 1899 Wilcox Dale / 1907 Williamson Royden 1899 Willis Susie Sophronia ds 1910 Wills Louis Charles / 1905 Willson Zelia Ellis 1867 Fletcher t 1868 Joseph Clarence 1878 Benjamin Franklin 1880 Fred William 1885 Clark Jay 1906 Leo Frank 1906 Paul Wentworth 1910 Wilson Roy Herbert 1892 Windels Paul William Henry /1909 Index of Names 119 Winograd Wren Benjamin /1909 Amy /1908 Witherbee Wrigglesworth Luther Dan 1871 Maud Amelia 1890 Lois lola Joseph Vernon 1873 1880 Wright Alfred Ellsworth /1892 Witters Silas Wayne 1892 Patty Louise ds 1910 Blanche Alpen ^893 Daniel n893 Wolcott Peter Ingflis /1904 Fannie Matilda 1871 Madeline Gardinier 1909 Stephen Mahlon 1871 Merle St. Croix A 1909 Wolfman Helen Harrison Benjamin 1910 n910 Morris / 1907 Milton /1910 Wood Hattie Elizabeth 1873 Bertha Ellen 1903 Yager William Flack 1910 Marion i 1893 Woods Yancey Campbellina Pendleton 1878 William Henry / 1909 William Bernard 1881 Young William John 1888 Annie Laurie 1889 Owen D 1894 Thomas 1891 Mary Es telle /1902 Frank Lawrence 1898 Theresa Augusta lo 1903 Helen 1900 William Bernard 1910 Woodward Zahm John //1903 George //1908 Woodworth Zeiger Leon Mortimer /1910 Joseph Judah /1909 Woolley Zimmerman George Ingralls 1894 Sterling Avery 1908 Woolworth Zuckert Ida Lavantia n905 Maurice /1907 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ^ 028 321 555 6 i.