TN295 IC-8867 V .LVL'. c> \/ / V^^'/ \'^'\<^^' V'^"^'*/ oV.-j^-.-^o, ,/.^:,X //;^;7^'> y,.^v.%, /,;;"- ^-^ P :'?^'*' .^J G ^ *> ••.«' .^ 0» ."''^s^^l^'. ^oV :. -^^0^ i -n^-o^ »** o > .orehole shear tester head 4 3. Pulling assembly including hollow jack, half-nut, clamp, and dial gage 5 4. Closeup view of the console 6 5. Schematic of BST in the hole 7 6. BST assembly, step 1 9 7. BST assembly, step 2 9 8. BST assembly, steps 3 and 4 10 9. BST assembly, steps 5 and 6 10 10. BST assembly, step 7 11 11. BST assembly, step 8a 11 12. BST assembly, step 8b 12 13. BST assembly, step 8c-1 12 14. BST assembly, step 8c-2 13 15. BST assembly, step 8c-3 13 16. BST assembly, step 8c-4 14 17. BST assembly, step 9 14 18. Normal stress calibration curve 17 19. Shear stress calibration curve '. 17 20. Example of BST plot 18 A-1. Angle of plate inclination 19 TABLES 1. Types of shear plates available for various rock types 2 2. Sample BST data sheet 15 3. Completed BST data sheet 16 4. Weights of BST components 18 BOREHOLE SHEAR TESTER: EQUIPMENT AND TECHNIQUE By Khamis Y. Haramy^ ABSTRACT This Bureau of Mines paper describes the use of the borehole shear tester (BST) in mines. Assembly and procedure sections explain how the equipment is assembled and used properly. Schematics of the BST, limitations, test hole specifications, data record- ing, and calculations are all explained briefly, and an example of the data collecting and calculations is given to assist understanding. INTRODUCTION The borehole shear tester (BST) was developed by Dr. Richard L. Handy of Iowa State University in 1976 under Bureau of Mines Contract G0144021. The purpose of the work was to obtain a device for rapid, in situ measurement of rock shearing strength as a function of the normal stress acting on the plane of failure. The device is light in weight, mechanically simple, and easily transported. It is sufficiently durable to with- stand repeated use in adverse environmental conditions and can be used in the rib, roof, or floor of the mine. It requires an NX-size borehole. The data obtained from BST tests support well-known theories such as Mohr's theory of failure. This theory is based on a relationship between shearing stresses and normal stress at every point within the specimen body. The Coloumb theory, which is considered to be a special case of Mohr's theory, and the 1921 Griffith theory, which deals with material failure on a microscopic basis, are also supported by the BST results. Owing to the difficulty in obtaining large samples of coal and rock for laboratory testing and the bias that is introduced in large samples, the borehole shear tester promises to be of significant value to the mining engineer and researcher in determin- ing physical properties of in situ rock formations. 'Mining engineer, Denver Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Denver, Colo. USING THE BOREHOLE SHEAR TESTER The BST is a device for making in situ tests to determine the shear strength of coal and rock using a 76-mm- diameter borehole (NX-size) up to 12 m long determines the shear strength as a function of the normal stress act- ing on a plane of failure. LIMITATIONS 1. Do not use the BST in unsupported roof rock or within 1 foot of the borehole collar because it may cause spalling and buckling. 2. Do not exceed a shearing stress of 6,500 psig. 3. Do not fully extend the shear plates unless the BST body is in place inside the borehole. 4. Use the right type of shear plates depending on the type of rock tested, as described in table 1. TABLE 1.— Types of shear plates available for various rock types Type desig- nation Configur- ation Tooth spacing, inch Number of teeth Tooth depth, inch Shear area per plate, sq in Remarks steel . . . Carbide insert. Flat full wedge. . . do . . 0.4 .8 3 2 0.040 .040 0.8 .7 Used for softer rocks only. Used for coal and all other rocks.' 'The upper limit of rock strength has not been decided. However, the device has been used in hard rock such as granite. TEST HOLE SPECIFICATIONS 1. Diameter of test hole should be 76 mm (NX-size). 2. Length of test hole should not be less than 1 meter. 3. Hole should be dry to prevent rock dust penetrating behind the shear plates and thus preventing their free rota- tion. If water exists, the shear head swivel should be cov- ered with a heavy grease. 4. Hole must be freshly drilled and clear of dust and cuttings, especially in rapidly deteriorating material such as coal and shale. 5. Drilling may be done by diamond bit, pneumatic per- cussion drill, or others, provided the borehole is smooth, straight, and free of ridges. BST COMPONENTS The unassembled BST components are shown in figure 1. Shear Head (fig. 2) 1 . Two shear plates, each with two or three teeth which penetrate into ttie rock when normal pressure is applied, are mounted at the end of a double-acting hydraulic cylin- der. The plates are fixed in place and linked to individual push plates, which apply the normal force. Two types of shear plates are available for use with different ranges of rock strength (table 1). The steel plates are adequate for coal and softer rocks. If the teeth chip or wear, the carbide insert shoes should be used. 2. The two push plates are connected to a locking mechanism and stay parallel during initial shear head expansion. 3. Two short hydraulic hoses of different lengths are provided, which connect onto the BST body. One is used for shear plates expansion, the other for retraction. Pulling Assembly (fig. 3) 1. A 12-ton center hole, hydraulic jack fits over thd threaded pull rod for pulling. 2. An adjustable tripod is used to assure axial aiine* ment of jack and threaded rod. 3. Jack base plate. 4. A lock grip half-nut clamp provides a quick-acting stop nut on the threaded rod. 5. A dial gage reads displacement of BST in the hole, if required. Console (fig. 4) 1. Hand pump. 2. Lever-type pump valve for "open-close" operating modes. 3. Normal pressure valve and gage to read the applied pressure for normal forces against the shear plates. 4. Shear pressure valve and gage to read the applied pressure for shearing forces between the shear plates and the rock. 5. Manifold valve (expand-neutral-retract) used for the expansion and retraction of the shear plates. 6. Three hydraulic ports (shear, retract, and normal)- onto which the hydraulic hoses connect. 7. Two unmarked terminals for possible addition of shear and normal pressure transducers. (Otherwise these are left capped.) 8. An aluminum case to protect the console. Miscellaneous Other BST assembly components include hydraulic ex- tension lines, threaded rods, RW adapters, and RW-size rods in 5-foot sections. Figure 5 shows a schematic of the BST and the way it should appear when placed in the hole. ■m A. Console B. Hydraulic hoses C. Shear head (BST body) D. RW rod connector E. Half-nut clamp F. RW rod adapters G. Adjustable tripod H. RW rod I. Threaded rod J. Jack base plate K. Dial gage L. Hollow jack FIGURE 1.— Borehole shear tester components. FIGURE 2.— Cioseup view of the borehole shear tester head. Adjustable tripod"' , Jack base plate'' FIGURE 3.— Pulling assembly including hollow jack, half-nut, clamp and dial gage. FIGURE 4.— Closeup view of the console. Threaded rod — ~. Half-nut clamp Hollow jack ^-Olal gage -Tripod ^Jack baie plate Shear plates- « • ' •••■.-.•/ hqsj connector NX hole ^>--BST body FIGURE 5.— Schematic of the BST in the hole. BST ASSEMBLY In assembling the borehole shear tester, refer to the se- quence of photographs 6 through 17 to help understand each step In the process. At least a 12-Inch pipe wrench, several screwdrivers, an 8-inch crescent wrench, shear plates, and hydraulic fluid are tools needed for the BST setup. 1. Screw the RW rod adapter into the end of the BST body. This adapter adapts the thread in the BST body to the RW rod thread (fig. 6). 2. Couple the hydraulic extension hoses to the hoses attached to the BST body (fig. 7). 3. Mark the extension hose that is connected to the shorter hose from the BST body (fig. 8). (The BST has a long hose section and a short hose section attached to it.) 4. Attach the RW rods in 5-foot sections to the rod adapter (fig. 8). 5. Place the BST body in the hole with the shear plates at a known orientation, such as N-S or E-W, and a known depth (fig. 9). Record both orientation and depth on the data sheet. 6. When the BST body is at the required depth, attach another RW adapter, to the RW rod (fig. 9). The reason RW rods are used is that they are much stiffer than threaded rods, which eliminates bending or stretching while the BST Is under shearing load. 7. Screw in a 3-foot threaded bar to the RW adapter at- tached to the end of the RW drill rod (fig. 10). 8. Mount the pulling assembly at the hole collar as follows: a. Place the jack base plate over the threaded bar and the hoses at the collar of the hole. Allow the hoses and the threaded bar to pass through the slot in the plate (fig. 11). b. Place the tripod with the adjustable screws against the jack base plate (fig. 12). These screws are used to aline the jack along the centerline of the hole. c. Slide the hollow jack over the threaded bar and against the tripod (fig. 13). Hold it in place, and after pushing everything tight together, secure the visegrip-type, half-nut clamp on the threaded bar tight behind the jack (fig. 14). The pulling assembly should look like figure 15 before testing begins. The dial gage, shown in figures 13- 16, is included in the assembly only if axial displacements of the BST are to be measured, see "Procedure" section. Caution:— \i the testing is in a vertical hole, the BST pulling rods and tripod assembly should be held in the center of the hole at the collar at all times until the normal seating pressure is applied. It is recommended that, for safety purposes, a safety chain and rod hook be used to hold the assembly in the vertical hole (fig. 16). 9. Connect the hydraulic hoses to connectors, which are in the upper right-hand corner of the console (fig. 17), as follows: a. The marked hose (from step 3 of this section) to the port on console marked Normal. b. The other hose from the BST body to the port on console marked Retract. c. The hose from the jack to the port on console marked Shear. PROCEDURE The following procedure is for the BST in a vertical up- ward hole. In a downward vertical hole, the procedure is similar, except that when placing the BST body in the bore- hole, one should restrain it or it may be lost in the hole. Remember to record the orientation and depth of the shear plates before every test. 1. Assemble the BST body, snap hoses on, connect rods, and place it in the hole as mentioned in the previous section, steps 1 through 7 and steps 9a and 9b. 2. Place the pump valve and the valve labeled "shear" on CLOSE. 3. Open the normal valve, and place the manifold valve on NORMAL EXPAND. 4. Pump up normal gage pressure to a certain level which depends on rock type as follows: 400 psig. . . Soft rock. 1,600 psig. . . Medium rock. 3,200 psig. . . Hard rock. Enough seating pressure must be exerted to achieve full penetration of the teeth into the rock or coal prior to the test, to insure that the teeth will shear off a coupon of rock or coal and not simply scrape the surface. Excessive dis- placement during the test or low apparent shear strength may indicate the need to apply a higher seating pressure. The seating pressures given above are typical and may be used as a guide. The appendix gives more details on seat- ing pressure calculations. 5. CLOSE normal valve. 6. Wait 5 minutes for the teeth on the shear head to penetrate into the rock. Remember to keep holding the BST in the hole until normal pressure is applied. 7. Mount pulling assembly at the borehole collar as ex- plained in steps 8a through 8c in the previous section. 8. Snap on the jack hose according to step 9c. 9. Adjust the dial gage for a zero reading and record it on the data sheet if BST axial displacements are to be made. 10. OPEN normal valve. 11. Readjust normal pressure to the chosen setting pressure (if any change in pressure has occurred) by either pumping (to increase pressure) or opening pump valve slowly (to reduce pressure). 12. CLOSE normal valve. 13. OPEN shear valve. 14. Pump at a slow rate until shear gage reads 100 psig, then record the following data on the data sheet (see ex- ample in appendix): Normal pressure Shear pressure . Displacement . . From normal gage on console. From shear gage on console. From dial gage if desired. 15. Pump the shear pressure in steps to 200 psig, 400 psig, 600 psig, and so on until the peak shear has been de- termined. Record shear pressure and displacement for each pressure. If the pulling rod bends as the shear pressure is increased, the load should be released and the tripod adjusted so that the pulling action is parallel to the axis of the hole; otherwise the displacement measure- ments will be meaningless and the pulling rods may be damaged. 16. Continue to pump until shearing pressure changes are relatively slow or a predetermined maximum displace- ment is reached. 17. Upon each completion of each test, OPEN pump valve, CLOSE shear valve, OPEN normal valve, and switch manifold valve to retract. 1 8. Before removing BST from hole, CLOSE pump valve, CLOSE shear valve, keep normal valve OPEN, and pump until the shear plates retract and the BST head apparatus pulls loose from the hole. 19. For the next sequential test, reinsert the device in the hole either rotated 45° at the same depth, or at a differ- ent depth. Repeat all above procedures. A/ofe.— When the BST is used in harder rocks, the shear plate teeth may wear enough during a series of tests to begin to affect the results. The effect of this wear should be distributed over the length of a test hole by randomizing the depths and orientations of the shear tests. CLEANING THE BST After every test, clean off shear plates and make sure they swivel freely. After the completion of all testing, clean the BST body very well and lubricate it by using a WD-40 lubricant spray (or equivalent) to prevent rusting. CM Q. O (A n E o (0 (A CO CD O a. o E o M W CO 00 flC 3 O FmHUlHUVViJ 10 (O c CO in UJ oc g "O c a n & a> E o (A (0 (0 l;j CO 00 oc o 11 00 Q. 0) JQ E a> » E o (A <0 (0 (O CO I t— lU cc 15 DATA AND CALCULATION A blank data sheet for the borehole shear tester data ap- pears as table 2; each sheet should be filled in completely as shown in table 3, including the name and location of the mine, the type of rock tested, the hole specifications, the date of testing, and the name of the person(s) doing the testing. Every BST has two calibration curves, similar to the ones shown in figures 18 and 19. One is a normal stress calibration curve; the other is a shear stress calibration cun/e. The normal gage pressure Pn and the shear gage pressure Ps (in psig) are read from the normal and shear gages respectively on the console. The normal stress on and the shear stress Ts (in psi) are calculated from for- mulas such as the following: Normal stress (on) = 2.604 Pn- 85.135 (1) Shear stress (Ts) = 1 .744 Pn - 81 .035 (2) Formulas 1 and 2 were obtained from the calibration curves. Both curves have a small negative intercept. (One may also use the curves in figures 18 and 19 to obtain on and Ts). The calculated normal stress on is plotted on the X-axis versus the calculated shear stress Ts on the Y-axis on linear-linear graph paper. The best-fitting straight line is drawn through the plotted points. The cohesion (in psi) for a particular rock is indicated by the intercept of this fitted line with the Y-axis. Provided that the scales are the same, the angle of internal friction is the angle between the X-axis and the plotted line as shown in figure 20. The angle of internal friction can also be calculated as the arc tan- gent of the slope of the plotted line. <|> = arc tan p< where ^ = the slope of the line (coefficient of friction). The calculation of the BST tests made in a Utah coal mine given in table 3 should help clarify the calculations. A Bureau of Mines computer program can be used to analyze the BST data; a copy may be obtained from the author of this paper at the Bureau of Mines, Denver, Colo. In calculating the shear stress, the weight of the BST assembly (see table 4) should be taken into consideration as follows: 1. In an uphole, the shear stress caused by the weight of the BST body and the hoses used in the hole. The weights of the RW-size drill rods, threaded rods, plates and tripod, and hollow jack should all be added to the maxi- mum shearing force required. If a dial gage is used, its weight should be added. 2. In a downhole, the shear stress caused by the weight of the BST body, hoses used in the hole, and RW rods should be subtracted from the maximum shearing force required. 3. In a horizontal hole, the shear stress caused by the weight of the BST assembly has a very small effect. There- fore it does not have to be included in the shearing force calculations, and no adjustments are required. Mine Type of rock Hole No Roof .Hole location. TABLE 2.— Sample BST data sheet DATA SHEET FOR BOREHOLE SHEAR TESTER Date Tested by Floor Hole depth Test Normal Shear Orientation of teeth Depth into hole Displacement Po On Ps Ts 'n = Normal gage pressure (psig) On = Normal stress (psi) (calculated). Pn = Maximum shearing gage pressure. Ts = Shearing stress (psi) (calculated). 16 TABLE 3.— Completed BST data sheet DATA SHEET FOR BOREHOLE SHEAR TESTER Date OCTOBER 1, 1980 Mine Type of rock Hole No. W-25 COAL MINE "X", UTAH COAL SANDSTONE Hole location Roof HOLE IN ROOF, CROSSCUT #25, 3d Rt. Tested by Floor Hole depth HARAMY AND DeWAELE 30'(NX-HOLE) Test Normal Shear Orientation of teeth Depth* into hole Displacement Pn On Ps Ts 1 1000 2392 1350 1841 NS 12'5" + H** — — 2 1250 2990 1700 2318 NS 107.5" + H — — 250 ZERO READING ON DIAL GAGE = 6.0 5.95 0.05 500 5.61 0.39 750 5.25 0.75 1000 4.85 1.15 1250 4.20 1.80 1500 3.56 2.44 1700 PEAK 2.43 3.57 3 1500 3588 1760 2400 NS 8'4.5' + H — — 250 5.00 0.00 500 4.90 0.10 750 ZERO DISPL. = 5.0 4.79 0.21 1000 4.44 0.56 1250 2.77 2.23 1500 .16 4.84 1760 PEAK - - 4 1750 4186 2200 3000 EW 8'11" + H — — 250 5.80 0.20 500 ZERO DISP = 6.0 5.27 0.73 750 5.09 0.91 1000 4.84 1.16 1250 4.60 1.40 1500 4.21 1.79 1750 3.68 2.32 2000 2.88 3.12 2200 PEAK 1.30 4.70 5 2000 4784 2350 3205 EW 11'0" + H — — 500 6.55 0.45 750 ZERO DISPL. = 7.0 6.14 0.86 1000 5.72 1.23 1250 5.40 1.60 1500 5.09 1.91 1750 4.70 2.30 5 2000 3.50 3.50 2250 2.00 5.00 2350 1.92 4.08 6 2250 5380 3010 4106 12'6" + H - - 500 7.09 0.91 1000 6.05 1.95 1500 5.49 2.51 2000 4.90 3.10 2500 3.92 4.08 3000 2.15 3010 - - 'Distance from collar ot borenoie to the center of loading plates •H = Length of BST head 1.5' Pn = Normal gage pressure (psig) On = Normal stress (psi) (calculated) Ps = Maximum shearing gage pressure Ts = Shearing stress (psi) (calculated) 17 14,000 12,000 - 1 0,000 - b" e^ooo m CO LiJ CC t- a: < UJ 4,000 CO 2,000 Ts= 1.744 P5-8I.O35 r =0.9998(coeff. of correlation) n= 18 (number of tesfs) BST serial number 1104 -L 1,000 2P00 3^P00 SHEAR GAGE READING (Pjj.pslg FIGURE 19.— Shear stress calibration curve. 4p00 5.000 18 4.000 3,000 I 1 r Mine; Utah cool mine Type of rock : Sondstone Dote of test : Oct. 1, 1980 - Tested by Haramy and DeWoele to w ^ 2,000 ►- V) a: < UJ X CO 1,000 .NOV* yKO »xv< :s ^>-Ts = 800 + o-n ton 2 6.56* Slope = 0.5 i> (angle of internal friction) = 26.56° SO ooo o 1,000 J. X 2,000 3,000 4,000 NORMAL STRESS {a-n),psi FIGURE 20.— Example of BST plot. X 5,000 6,000 TABLE 4.— Weights of BST components Component RW rod BST body and 2 attached short hoses . Hydraulic hoses and fluid Tripod and base plate Dial gage Threaded rods Hollow jack Half-nut clamp Weight 1.8 'bf/ft 9.5 lt>, 0.1 lb/ft 7.0 1b 1.0 1b 1.5 lb/ft 11.01b .81b 'Stress : weight 2 (cross-sectional area of plates) Stress' 0.45 psi/ft 2.375 psi 0.025 psi/ft 1.750 psi 0.250 psi 0.375 psi/ft 2.750 psi/ft 0.200 psi NOTE.— This table also allows the operator to decide whether a winch is needed to hold the BST assembly as opposed to the operator handling the weight. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Handy, R. L, J. M. Pitt, L. E. Engle, and D. E. Klockow. Rock Borehole Shear Test. Proc. 17th U.S. Symp. on Rock Mech., Snowbird, Utah, Aug. 25-27, 1976, pp. 4B6-1-4B6-11. 2. Panek, L A. Criterion of Failure for Design of Rock Mass Structures as Determined by Borehole Shear Tests. Proc. 4th Cong., Internat. Soc. for Rock Mechanics, Montreux, Switzerland, Sept. 2-8, 1979, v. 2, pp. 509-515. 19 APPENDIX— SEATING PRESSURE CALCULATIONS FOR COAL The coefficient of sliding friction can be calculated as follows: /i = tan/? where ^ = coefficient of friction and p = angle of friction between the shear plates and the material being tested. In laboratory testing by the Bureau, the coefficient of friction between coal and steel was found to be 0.3 ± 0.04. From equation 1 p = arc tan (0.3) = 16.7°. The minimum normal stress to cause material failure can be calculated using the following formula: ^o < tan(0 + /3)-tan > 400 psi. 2.5 The normal stress will vary depending on Cg and ^ of coal. This method of estimating o„ is a good approxima- tion and may be used for any type of rock. *U.S. Government Printing Office : 1982 -364-576/7289 ^ t lb 82. i«i asrawasoBoyHW! v.^^" j'^^V ' ""X'^^v'^ "v^^'/' \/^^V^ "v^^'/' \/'^^\/' 'bV" ♦ V ^ "» vJsJ^* 4r r;* • SMS • «? ^. « vj&?^» av "\ ■••^P-" . **% '-W.- .*' >. 4* -^ - . ' * „-^^\'--^'- ^- r..' .0 4^ "^^ ^^u^